HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-13 - Orange Coast PilotI· \ . Ylll lllllllll llllY PIPll I I ! I I/\ '1 ,\I 11 t ( ' ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS HOSING HE R HORSE -Heather Ross. 1 :!, knows what "Brandy" likes best on a hot summer afternoon. She provided Dally Piiot P'hoto by Rld\lltd Koehler the shower at stables in Laguna Canyon and probably didn't mind any splashes that came her way. ------- - Seal Beach threat expressed About 50 Seal Beach residents have claimed their lives and well-being are being threatened by t h e U .S . Naval Weapons Station in the city. The residents asserted Thursday they "know" nuclear weapons are being unloaded from Navy warships and are stored in underground bunkc·rs at the weapons station Some say they live in constant fear ''We 've all suffered psychologically," one woman said "I wake up at night and ask myself if I am alive or dead It hurts to live here " The residents, members of the Seal Beach Nucle ar Action Group, poured out their concerns to Michael P Dino. an auditor with the US General Acr'Ounting Office Dino is o n e o f four GAO officials co nducting an investigation of the safety of th(' station at the request of Sen AJan Craru;ton, D-Califom1a. The Seal Beach School District had urged Cranston to set'k the inquiry. Dino attended a meeting at the Seal Beach Senior Citizen Center to receive conce rns to help determine which safety aspe<:ts the in vestigating team will explore. T h e investigation also is a followup to a 1975 GAO report on base sa fety lt alsn will evaluate a 1978 Navy study on ordinance facilities, Dino said. The report will be forwarded to Cranston when completed Residents raised a number llf concerns: Fonda remembered Actor, dead at 77, an 'unpretentious h ero' LOS ANGELES (AP) Henry Fonda, dead at the age of 77. was rem e mbered from Hollywood to New England, the 'letUng of hts Oscar-winning role in "On Golden Pond," as the unpretentious hero he portrayed so well in more than 100 stage and screen performances. With his wife. Shirlee, at his bedside. thP veteran aC'lor died {>f'acefully Thursday at Cedars Sinai M edical Center of respiratory faJlure brought on by his long fight wtth heart disease Fonda, who appeared m more than 80 hlms and dozens of plays during a career that spanned a half -century , had worn a pacemaker since 1974 and had been in and out of the hospital since his m ost recent h eart surger y in May 1981. He was hospitalized on Sunday for the last time "He was eomfort.able and was in no pain," Mrs. Fonda, flanked by the actor's children. Jane. Peter and adopted daughter Amv. told reporters gathered Valley to close police criine lab By PHIL SNEIDE RMAN 01 th• Dally Piiot Stan Fountain Valley's pohcC' crime lab 1s dosing. a v1cllm of city belt t1gh ternng Du r i n g I 9 8 2 8 :{ b u d g e t deliberations, the Fountain Valley City Council de<:tded 1t <."Ould no longer Justify the $50,- 000 annual l'OSt of <Jperatmg a local crime lab. wht'n such service is offered to e1t1es by the Orange County Sheriff's Department at no charge. Fountain Valley Police Captain Bill DeNisi said dislT'antling of the city's police lab should be completed by the end of August. He said evidence from Fountain Vallev cases 1s already being sent to the sheriff's lab A c1v11ian criminalist who has be<-n operating the lab will be out of work when the local facility is closed. DeNis1 said. "It was basically a question of DeN1s1 noted that nearly all Orange County c1t1es use the sheriff's lab for sc1enllhc work. (The exceptions are the police departments o f Huntingto n Beach and Santa Ana. which have full labs.) He said the major drawback m using the sheriff's lab will be that Fountain Valley will have to wait m tine with requests from other cities He said the average turnaround time in obt.ammg lab reports from the sheriff's facility (located in Santa Ana) is about two weeks. The Fountain Valley captain said a second result will be the loss of close consuJtauon between local investigators and the lab worker. outside the family's Bel-Air home. "He had a good night. He talked with all of us and he was conscious at all limes. He woke up this morning, he sat up and just stopped breathing." Among those who paid their respects in person during the day were James Stewart, Eva Marie Saint.~.lames Garner. Robert Wagne and Stefanie Powers In a rdance with his wishes, Fonda'i6 eyes were donated to the Manhattan Eye Institute and his (See FONDA. Page AZ) Fuel cost up, but food price dips sharply WASHINGTON (AP) - Wholesale prices, fueled by the biggest gasoline price hikes m eight years but restrained by the sharpest food cost declines since 1976, rose at an annual rate of 7. l pert.'ent in July. the government said today. Gasoline costs, picking up momentum after falling earlier in the year, rose 7 8 f)t'n..-ent last month, almost twice the mcreast• posted in June anJ the largest jump since March I Y74 . thl· Labor Department said But food prices tumblt>d I !'> percent, the biggest drop s1r1ee February 1976. Falling prit•es for bet>f and veal accounted for mut·h of the decline. July's overall increase seemed modera t e, however , 1n comparison to the 13.3 percent rise posted the month before. Even with the sizable increaSE>s m June and July, inflation ot the wholesale level was runnmg at a modest annual rate of 3.1 percent for the first seven months of this year -welJ under the 7 percent of 1981 and I I.fl percent of 1980 At the Whitt: House, deputy presidential press seeretary Larry Speakes said th e administration was pleased by today's report. "This seems to confirm that we are making progress against inflation," he told reporters. '"This is an indicator that does show we are making progress in our economic programH M eanwhile. the Fed e ral Reserve Board reported the nation's industrial production declined in J uly for the 11th time in 12 months. The drop. though. was onJy 0.1 percent, the smallest of all the declines. Economists are stiU predicting that wholesale-price inflation for all o f 1982 will be about 5 percent. Buttressing that argument, the department's Bureau of Labor Statistics revised its estimate of (See PRICES, Page AZ ) April wholesale price activity to record a 0. I percent drop. The revised April figure, following declines of 0 .2 percent in February and 0. I percen t in March, means that wholesale prices fell for three straight Landfill brouhaha • cont1nues By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0 1 the Dally Pilot Sten Upcoming negotiations will detf'rmine whether a majority of Orange County cities sue the l·ounty government over upcoming imposition of dumping fet'S at county-owned landfills. At a meeting Thursday night 1n Anaheim, representatives of 19 o f the county's 26 cities t"ndorsed legal action agalJlSt the county should negotiations break down. Last month, over unanimous protest from the cities. county supervisors voted to implement a $7 per ton dumping fee to be assessed against commercial haulers and individuals using rnunty landfills. Under threat of legal action from the cities, supervisors this week voted to reduce the fee to $4.90 per ton, however Differences between t he county and the cities focus on a separate $10.60 per ton fee that would be assessed at so-called transfer stations where rubbish is taken for later dep osi t a t landfills Transfer strttions are used by haulers in c1t1es that are not close to the county's four landfills. Landfills are located near San tSee LANDFILL. Page AZ> u...._... -M onitoring of water and soil samples for radioactiv ity (They said the city water supply romes from the base.) -Safety of the weapons (See SEAL. Page AZ) dollars and cents." he said 'When a city has shrinking revenues, decisions have to bf' made about where to cut" Fingerprint work . photography processing and microscope use will still be done by Fountain VaUey officers. but all "wet chemistry" analyses will be handled by the Sheriff's lab. In ail but the most complicated and serious cases, evidence ISee VALLEY. Page AZ ) BIG SPLASH -Mike Craven, 9. of Alhambra finds just the right recipe for cooling off from the 85-plus temperatures in Southern California. T he youngster hot-footed it to a nearby park where he put his body and sole in to the spri.nkling system. WORLD Lebanese Parliament sets vote BEIRUT . Lebano n (AP) -As I sraeli divebombers plastered west Beirut, the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament scheduled a preside ntial election for Aug. 19. But most Moslem politicians are opposed to voting under the guns of Israel's invasion army. NATION CLEVELAND (AP) -A 7-year-old boy with "a mean expression on his face" tried to rob a fried ch icken franchise at knifepoint while his 5-year-old brother stood guard outside, police said. Designer food could be next fad Designer jeans, d esigne r furniture. designer shoes, designer dresaes. How about designer food? See Art Hoppe, Page A7. . , COUNTY Mesa eyes housing for seniors Costa Mesa is considering changing the planned use of a vacant parcel from low-income housing to senior-citizen housing. Page Bl. Music highlights art festival With numerous a rt works still the star of the show, th e Laguna Beach Festival of Art will spotlight music for the next week. Weekender. TELEVISION KOCE looks behind 'Superman' KOCE Channel 50 in Huntlngton Beach will explore behind the scenes of "The Making of S upennan: The Movie" during SummerFest '82, the station 's fund-raising effort. TV Log . INDEX A4 83-5 A7 01 -6 C6 C6 C7 A6 At Your Service Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Gardening Week«!nder C5 Nl Art Hoppe SPORTS Horoscope Ann Landers Movies· Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Dr. Steincrohn Television Theaters Weather World News A7 A7 Weekender B4 A3 B3-4,C5,C7 Cl-4 A7 TV Log Weekender A2 A3 Angels, Dodgers sta ,. on top The Angels and Dodgers post victories to stay atop their respective divisions. Page C 1. ~ ....... -. • Or1ng9 Ooelt DAILY fltL01'""1dey, ~ 1S, 1111 VALLEY LADORA TORY. • • collection will continue to be done 10lely by Fount&ln Valley crime 8Cene inveati.raton. DeNlai noted that a.lthouah the crime lab waa ellmlnaiecl, the City CounclJ did not cut the nwnber oJ swom offlcen (69) In t.he Fountain Valley deputment. A dty police atadon llated for conatruction hu ban ~ to aocommodate • crime lab lf the city'• flnandal picture lmprovee In future yean. Plana. ho~, call for no lnltial oonatruction of a crime lab in the station. . LANDFILL PROBLEMS. • • Juan Capistrano, lrvine, Orange and Brea. Meanwhile, It was learned ·T h u r a d a y t h a t c o u n t y auperviaors discussed the transfer station fee during a cloeed session .Wedneeday. One 90urce cloee to .supervisors said the tranafer fee issue could come before supervisors as a non -agenda it.em next week. The county expected to reap about $14 m illion annually through imposition of the $7 per ton landfill gate fee. About $11 million wil I be received by lowering the fee to $4 90. The fees are echeduled to take effect Oct. 11. County offida.la aaid that feee are necessary to oft.et lncreaaina costs asaod.ated with the dJapoeal of 10lid wa11e. Reducinc the fee they said, will f otee the ooun ty ~ defer many itema, including litter control and landacaphla around exiating landfilll and creation of a "sinking fund" for pure.hue of landfill sites. Until this year, Orange has been the only co unty In California in which some type of landfill use fee has not been assessed. PRICES INCREASE. • • months for the first time since early 1967. Overall, the Producer Price Index for finished goods, the official name for the wholesale price measure, rose a teasonally adjusted 0.6 percent in July. If prices rose for 12 straight months at July's rate, the yearly gain would be 7.1 percent after seasonal adjustment. The annual rate reported by the Labor De~ent is based on a more precise calculation of monthly changes than the figure the department makes public. Today's report &aid that for the 12 months ending in July, prices at the wholesale level rose 3.6 oercent. The 7.8 percent gain posted by gasoline prices last mon th outpaced the :'>.7 percent overall jump recorded for energy prices. Both gasoline and the overall measure of energy costs had risen 4.1 percent in June. oc Alie n nabbed • in arraigned in murder A Mexican alien arrested by the California Highway Patrol in Mission V iejo in early August was arraigned in Los Angeles Wednesday on a murder charge. Jesus Duran Villapando, 18, was arrested by CHP officer Rich Soto Aug. 2, when Soto stopped to offer assistance to a stranded motorist on the S an Diego Freeway south of Oso Parkway, a CHP spokesman said. Villapando was booked Into Orange County Jal1 on suspicion of being an alien carrying a concealed, loaded weapon after Soto searched the man before offering him a ride. Following Villapando's a.rrest, Los Angeles police alleged he waa linked to the July slaying of H ec tor Pad illa. 19 . near Universal Studios. Villapando is accused o f shooting his longtime friend Padilla following an argument. Both men are natives of Guadalajara, Mexico. police said. 25 flee blaze at UCLA fratern ity LOS AN GELES (AP) - About 25 people fled a fraternity h o u se adjacent t o UCLA '1; Westwood campus when a blaz.e broke out on the top floor today, city fire officials said. Loe Angeles Fire Department spokesman Steve Ventura said no injuries w ere reported. He said the fire at the Zeta Pai houae was reported at about 4:15 a.m. and was extinguished about 20 minutes later. From Page A1 FONDA • • • body WM c:nrmted houri afc.t be died, lamlly ~Pat Ktn1aley ..Sd. 81'• aid lhere would be no funeral and the ta.mlly had not decided what to do wfth the remal.nl . A tall. lean man with an h onHl face, Fonda playe d pcwadentl and •naton. lawyen and aoldlera, farmen and lnd1pnta with equal lldll. But dmplte hJa ptOn\lnence. ~ kept ·bl, open manner and wu remembered aa much tor hll peraonal qualltlea aa hl1 protemional adUevementa . "I don't think you'll ever flnd anybody who'll have anything but good to aay about Hank," aatd Glenn Ford, ronda'1 co-atar in "Midway'' and ''The Rounders," "We've lott one of a kind . . . he wu a rea.1 auper, super, auper actor," aald Lucille Ball, who worked with Fonda in '"nle Big Street" and ''Yours, Mine and C>u.ra.'' In the New Hampshire community of Holderness. whoee Squam Lake was the aetling for Fonda 's Oscar -winn i ng performance in "On Golden Pond," w ord of his death hit hard. ''W e feel we've lost an old- llm e r from this area, even though I think It was h1s first . time here," said Malcom Taylor, president of the Squam Lakes Aa8od.alion. "He much preferred to eat lunch with members of the c rew -the roustabouts ,/ cameramen , sound people. He just sat right down among them and was right at home." In his h ometown of Omaha, Neb., Fonda was the boy who made good but never forgot his roots. From Page A1 SEAL BEACH station in case of an earthquake or a.irplane crash. -Monnoring of storage of hazardous wastes from nuclear powered vessels. -Dangers from explosion of weapons at loading docks at Anaheim Bay. -Disaster pre paredness dealing with accidents relating to "nuclear" storage. -Evacuation plan. -Evaluation of psychological damage to residents. -Monitoring of the health of wildlife at the preserve on the base. -Possibility of terrorist· attacks. The GAO investigation follows the dismissal in May of a lawsuit filed by six residenta. = The six attempted to f the Navy to make environ ental studies on the impact to the clty of con ven tional and nuclea r weapons. But a federal judge ruled that the p r esen ce or absence o f nuclear weapons was a military secret and that the Navy didn't have to address the issue. Delly ............. GRAND·OPENING -A crowd forms for the first ~y of busin~ at Marahalls department. store m Costa Mesa s Harbor Shopping Center. More than 100 cuatomen greeted the new busineta, which features clothing, footwear, domestics, glftware and fashion accessories. \ Talks on PLO resume H abib could m ·eet with B egin to air plan By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 U.S . and Lebanese officials resumed talks today on getting the PLO out of west Beirut, and th e r e wa s speculation presidential e nvoy Philio C Habib would travel to Israel aoon to try to resolve differences. A n e w cease-fire held meanwhile, and m otorcycle- borne guerrillas blared orders through loudspeakers for a ll fighters who left their positions to report to their superiors within 48 hours or face court martial. Israeli Defense Miruster Ariel Sharon, who ord e red massive bombing raids on west Beirut Thursday apparently in defiance of his governme nt, said he hoped the guerrilla evacuation could begin late next week. On Thursday, Lebanon said it was suspending the talks to protest Israel's fiercest yet air attacks, which police said left at least 156 dead and 417 wounded before an outraged President Reagan arranged a truce. H abib refused to tal k t o reporters after meetin g with Lebanese President Elias Sarkis and Prime Ministe r Shafik Wazzan. Meanwhile, after muffling cr iticism of Israel for week s President Reagan publicly expressed outrage Thursday over its attacks on west Beirut because he .felt "enough is enough," a seruor Whjte House official said. A stern -faced Reagan talked with Israeli Prim e Minis ter Menachem Begin by telephone fo r 10 minutes. saying the bombing and shelling of west EDITORIAL COMMENT Page A6 fiercest yet in the rune-week war -was excessive and out of proportion, according to the White House official who requested anonymity. "Today was pretty direct," he said of Reagan's tone. Until now, Reagan has been restrained in his public comments about Begin and Israel, fearing that critlciam might make the volatile prime minister more defiant, and perhaps jeopardize the efforts of special envoy Philip Habib for the evaciation of Palestinian guerrill.aa from west Beirut. And in Jerusalem , Begin reine d in Sharo n after the Cabinet a ngrily criticited the war-h~ro mi~ter fo~ ordering Israe l s bombing without its authorization. TV classes backed by CCC trus tees ~oas~ Commun ity College D1str1ct trust ees h ave unanimously adopted a strongly w.orde:d s,tatement defending the district s use of te levision in struction a nd asserting thev will not tolerate "destructiver· campaigns attacking this form of education. A r e presentative of the American F e deration of Teache rs, which includes the district's full -time instructors, objected to some of the wording in the statement at Wednesday night's board meeting. district spokesman Richard Simon said. The trustees, however. decided to adopt the sta t ern e n·t a s prepared. he said. some instructors at Orange Coast and Golden West questioned whether the television courses are equal in quality to classroom instruction. Their co~rns were included in a letter circulated to educators throughout California_ S imon said the state m ent ado pted W e d n esd ay w as designed to put the trustees on record as continuing to support television courses. The portion that drew some faculty objection was one that acknowledged that n ot all educators agree on the use of television courses. Warrne·r Saturday • Beirut imperiled the peace talks at a crucial stage and caused "n eedless destruc t io n a nd bloodshed." The district, which includes Orange Coast, Golden West and Coastline colleges, is considered on e of the n a tion's la rgest producers and users of television courses, which a re offered through Coastline. But it added that the board of trustees "does not and will not condone the action of those in this district wh_ set out on a des.ii:uctive campaign to destroy legittmate learning opportunities cr~a ted b y innovative people without giving thought to t he damage being done to earnest and serious learners." Coa...ta l Small cr•fl advteory Ovef outer co••tel we1er1 from Poln1 Conoec>tlon 10 San Nlcolu ISlend for northwest winds 12 to 25 knot• with 4 lo 8 1001 •••• decreulng EIMWt>ere Winds _, lo aoulhweal 8 to 15 knot• •ltemoon Sou111wn1 awell 2 to 3 1"1 Low cloud• through nigh! exc:epl partial c:IMrlng ettemoon u. • Sll1'llll<lry ThunderalOfml during !he night deluged the KanlM Clty arae ..... more t"8n a loot ol rain. IOf'ClnV ;cso--. of people 10 evacuate thelf ~end drowning •I IMSt two :oeoc>le u wetar poured ecrOH • atreet1 up to 10 teel d••P In .~· TM Kan ... Clly reln1 -• pen ot a continuing pettern of lhOWefl 'end lhundara1orm1 1ce11ered ,througl\OUI the netlOn • Rein wu lalll"O at lhe rife ol 2 'to 3 lnch411 en hour eerly today In part• or nor1hwM I Ml1~r1 and ·nu1i flood wranlng1 were poaled In ~ countlet In Net>real<• In l~MCMl. e community jull -1 of Klnl&I City, ·al teut two hOUMI -r• t wapt ott !half toun<latlone by nood we1er1 from Rodi Creek. and at>oul 40 lemlllee ware evacuated from 1 mobile home perk when the Liiii• Blue Ri... let! Ill benk1. M•l SMrlnon C<e..-i aald The -ther eervtce .. Id 12 8 ' Inch•• ol rein WH reported In Raylown, • euburb eMI of K""- C'o II c • 11ld • w om1n wee drowned _., her CIT 11.-d 18 .,,. trlfd 10 drtYe lhrOUQh ""''" up to e 1w1 dMCI under , bridge °" the ~ tide ol Kenau C4ty. Polloe Mid waler -up 10 to ,... d••P on roed1 under 1om• brldO&&· ltldepel!Oell08 police lound the bodY Of • women 1n her car, wNdl ll•d bean awept 1n10 1 gully. Crewn Mid the _,., hed l>eM'I .. "MP ........ Very h .. vy rein• 1011&ad the lower Mlt1lt1lppl v11tay I nd t out hwa1t . Thund•ratorme oontlftued ,,.,., the ~ MIMOurl Veile)'. and widely 101tt•r•• et1~• d •maoed ., .. , of tll• Au.ntlC OOMtel ...... _. ...,, l(ftlllllnd. The ..,., w .. 111e< &eriloe ..,.... ,.... ~tf(ed .._.. end thundtntonne IO< .:.>dav from IM ~ Ml••IHlppl rive• •nd MIMCMHi rtWf vllle)'9, and O\lef ,.,,. of ~ end Floflde lkl .. were upeot•d to t>• IMllr~ ....... •· T efatur•• l:lelor• dawn ftOf'll 4S et Sault 81• Mtoll .. to H 11 Del Piiio. ... T e niperatures ~ATIOff HI Lo ~ 75 47 93 87 83 ... 87 88 77 58 97 78 79 8 1 .24 88 70 83 82 oe · 82 49 TO 85 70 49 .01 14 58 Albany Albuque Anch<>raoe Atlante Allanlc Cly Austin 8ettlm0re Blmilnghm Blsmarcic Boise Boston S..ttalo Burt1ng1on Charls1n SC Cnertatn WV Chatllte NC Cheyenne Ch1C8QO c1ncinne11 CleYeland Clmble SC Columbu• Del-Ft Wth 04!Ylon OefMtf 92 78 34 .... _ WHINI' SeNoce t Dee M<>lfMtll Detroit Duluth El Peto Felrt>enk• Fargo Flegltatt Greet F11114 Har110fd Helene HonoCVlu Hou11on 1ndnapU1 Jack an JllC;kanvM Kane City Kno•vtlle L&I Vegu llltle Roct< Loul•vtlle Memphis Mleml Mllweuk .. ~~ "-w 0r1-'m New Yont Nor1olti Okla City Om8h8 ONndo Plllled~ l"TloerV• ~c. Piiand. Or9 Pr~ 75 67 NOAA US Oeol ol Con-eoo 85 89 82 Fronts. Co6d .. Warm ww 85 69 Stat.onary •• 74 47 76 64 73 48 86 71 .18 15 49 99 75 75 51 86 61 ,28 74 S8 75 48 70 43 93 71 89 42 73 59 02 87 54 .58 71 51 03 78 81 02 17 48 07 88 77 92 80 78 52 88 72 95 73 74 83 2.35 83 71 91 77 80 66 n 58 85 71 88 79 01 10 51 78 52 aa ee 99 72 .Ot 79 82 73 71 .62 115 73 70 59 25 91 73 78 59 35 9 1 11 .ae 73 58 71 52 75 58 13 83 .oe Rle:hmonG 8811 Lelle Sen AntonlO Seattle 8111'..-.port Sioux F• 81 Loulll 81 P-Tempa 8potc-~~ TQPelce T~ ru1 .. Wutilngtn Wlellltl I 77 85 .23 ee oe oe 1141 n Newpor1 8eecll Onlllllo Pelm Spring• Piuedena Rlverllde 72 85 95 83 83 89 85 85 78 16 79 811 58 93 73 .07 71 58 Sen Bemerdlno San Gal>ftel 77 58 89 73 71 55 • 60 11 San JoM Sant• Ana Sant• Cna 76 88 .08 S7 71 07 91 72 T &hoe 11 elley 03 Celgary Edmonton MonlrMI Ottawa CANADA 72 68 71 87 78 88 82 89 80 83 100 88 117 88 88 88 92 78 94 72 15 81 15 80 11 85 75 88 88 19 94 17 111 lie ., • Regina 74 Toronto V811COUYer 65 Winnipeg 88 87 ~------------------- 15 ..., ~mog The Air Ouellty M1negemenl 51 Olllrlct predlcll varyfng etr 15 qu..ilty today In the South Coal it.Ir BMln. 55 Unh••lthlul air quelltr, !or 58 eenetttve people t1 fOfec:at n the 52 Rlver•lct.-Sen e..nerdlno arM 88 end the San Gabriel. Pomon1. 6e S8'1 Fernando end Senta Clertta 57 v1lley1. ell with • Pollutant 53 Standard Index ot 188. Where 10 c:all (toll lrff) tor 1a1 ... arnog lnfonnetton: 78. Otanoe County. (8001 445-3828 46 Loa AngalH County: (100) 51 242~22 ea Rl¥w'lld8 and San e.m.,c:11no 83 c;ountlee: (80013e7~710 87 43 Reno 94 77 811 71 82 AOMO Epleode Center· (800) ~.-::-~~~~~~------~-------------------242-48M .~~~~~~~~~ .q. SUlf llPllT m Oj n ... ... ... .... .... .... ._.. .... -,... ... ... .,., Zuma 2 I ti 1 2 aw Senta Monloe 2 • 11 , 2 SW Newpoft~ 2 4 14 a , aw Sen '*90 County 2 4 14 2 , aw Ovt100ll tor ..,,.. Uttle c:Mfl9I. Tides TODAY 8eoorld IOW 10:07 e.m. 2.4 9-ld hlgtl 4:ff p,m. 6.5 IATUllDAV l'lr9t low 12:,_ a.m. 0.4 f'lfel hlgtl 7:07 a.m. S.6 s.oond" low 11:27 1 m, 2.6 8eoond llllf! t:oa p,m, e.o lvn ..U today II 7:42 p.m,. , .... ~atl:tlla.m. Moon ,... tod.., It 12:40 "'""· .... ltl:Hpm. • Reagan told the prime minister that Israel's latest attack -the Earlier t his year, however . • ~~ .... ··~"111111 ..... ·:nw FIRST ~TIME EVER! ta ROGERS INTERNATIONAUY RENOWNED HANGING COLOR BASKETS I COLOR POTS " Ii ~"°° AMDICAS MOST UAUTrFVL GARDEN CBNTU °"" ....................................... .-...._,.....~ ......... ..... NURSER'V • ~ P\.ANTS • Fl.ORtST • l.ANOSCAPING • PATIO FU~TURE • ANTIQU£S ( • , BELATED CEREMONY -Soldiers from Fort Jackson, S.C., carry the casket of Pfc. Joseph Hartley of Charleston. whose remains were officially identified last month. Hartley's AP Wlrephoto remains were found on a farm n ear Hartungshof, West Germany, 37 vears after he was reported as missing in action during World War II. Candidates woo Jewish vote Hop e! uls seek U.S. Sen a t e seat I rom Conn ecticut WASHINGTON (AP) Toby Moffett and Lowell We1cker are fighting for the U.S. Senate seat from Connecticut, and as the ir campaign unfolds, both men have reached for the state's substantial J e wish vote by proclaiming their strong support for Israel. This year, 1n the wake of Israel's invasion of Lebanon, however, such a strategy poses new risks for politic ians in Connecticut and across the nation. Many American Jews are now demanding more from politicians in return for campaign support. But giving further commitments could backfire. with othe r m embers of the J e wis h NIWS ANAlYBIS community and many other Americans, who are upset by events in the Middle F.ast. Particularly in an election year, the issue is extremely sensitive, and few of those involved will speak on or off the record. American Jews play a critical role in supporting liberal candidates, with volunteers, contributions and votes. But the usually simple appeal to the American Jewish community is infinitely more sensitive now, for the community is publicly split on Lebanon. Controller s urged 'use safe t y rule' WASHINGTON (AP) -Air traffic controllers should not deviate from rules on how closely airplanes may fly to each other, the board investigating January's Air Florida crash says. The National Transportation Safety Board sctid controUers at National Airport "jeopardized safety and created a hazardous situation" when they cleared an incoming jetliner for landing tn such a way that it came withm almost a mile of the outgoing Air Florida plane. The safety board said the separation issue could not be considered a "causal factor" in the crash that killed 78 people Jan. 13. But one board member, Patrick Bursley, suggested there could have been a collis1on between Flight 90 and the incoming jet if the Air Florida pilot had elected to abort his takeoff. Among 11 recommendations issued Wednesday by the safety board, was that the Federal Aviation Administration "not permit deviation" from the two- m i le aircraft separation requirement in the agency's air traffic control handbook. FAA spokesman Fred Farrar sctid the agency would have no comment on the NTSB recommendations until they are reviewed. During the safety board's hearings last March into the Air F1orida crash, the controller who was directing traffic at the time of the accident sctid it is "normal practice" to allow planes to move closer than two miles of each other if one of the planes already has been given departur e clearance. Under those conditions , controller Stanley Gromelski sctid, separation would widen as the aircraft takes off and the incoming plane descends to the runway. "I've been using it (that practice) for 20 years and it's never failed," he added. Other FAA off icials acknowledged that the practice la routine and not considered a violation of procedures. But the NTSB in its report was highly critical of the practice. "The local controller erred ln judgment ... violated procedures ... jeopardized safety and created a hazardous situation," the board concluded. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cla111fled advertising 714fe42·5678 All other depa11ment1 642-4321 Kay Schullz vic.P.-t -Olree10< OI _,..,_,,""'9 Tom Murphlne fdttor Mike Harvey Olrec10< OI Marl.eling (ClraMt!Ofll Ken Goddard Olrec1or OI Opet otlor" Ray Macl .. n Contr- T om McCenn M~fCMtor MAIN OfflCE J30 Wot 8•Y SI • CMI• Mew, CA. "'1\oll 06d<HS 80• 1560. CMla Mew. CA .,._ c .... v•loM '"' Or~ eo.st Pwbltlllllnv c~ No""" •Wlff. lltldlrallaftl, adltOtlal m-w -v••llw...-.. ,..," may w r<tPAdYCed ~ -••• """'•tlonofcopyrlgM_,., Second clat pool-INlld .. Cotta Mey eai-...a !UPS 1'4-GI. Suelkrlptlon l>Y ca,,i.r ... 7S "'°"'"'' l>Y mall M !O "-'"'' • VOL. 75, NO. 225 Meanwhile, polls say many Americans disapprove of Israel's moves m Lebanon, and some are trying to turn that disapproval into votes against those supporting Israel. "These politicians respond only to constituent pressure," says Jaoes J . Zogby, co-director of the American -Arab Anti · discr imination Com mittee. "People are mad (at Israel). The politicians are going to find out that it won't pay to take that position in support of Israel much longer." Politicians are sometimes asked direct questions in public forums. The responses of Weicker, the liberal Republican incumbent fighting for re-election, and Moffett, a liberal Democratic congressman aiming to move up, illustrate the dilemma. "larael suffered great hardship because of t h e situa.tion in Lebanon. The PLO has set up a state w1thm a state," said Moffett m a July 14 debate with Weicker at Wesleyan University. "But we do not condone civilian casualties. The question is 'Where do we go from here'?" Weicker <.'Ountered by saying, "I'm for going in there and kic king the hell out of the Palestine Liberation Organization . . . The PLO are a bunch of cheap little terrorists and ought to get their tails kicked wherever they go." To capitalize on his position, W e icker has been putting thousands of letters in the mail to J ewish Americans, with actor Judd Hirsch asking them to back the Republican lncu.mbent. Weicker is a tested friend of Israel but Moffett is working to remove any doubts that exist becawie of h.ls Lebanese ancestry. Also, on a trip to the Middle F.ast in 1980 w ith a congressional delegation, Moffett met with PLO leader Yasser Arafat. In appealing to J ewish voters, Moffett aent out letten signed by Democratic Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and 14 other cong:reiwnen. ''Moffett fully understands Israel's need for secure and defensible borders and is committed to adequate economic and military aid to guarantee Iarael's survival. You may have been told otherwise," the letter said in a polnted reference to the doubts. The Dodd letter said Moffett dlscuased the Arafat meeting wtth Connecticut Jewish leaders before and after the trip and that he criticized the PLO leader strongly during the meeting. Moffett said this week that he met recently wtth Jewish leaden in Connecticut and that he no longer haa any problems raising money and getting support from Jewlah voters. "There la a natural alliance, I believe, between Lebanese· Americans and Jews ooncemed about Iarael," he said. ....., .... o.11.~ ........ ~ We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Piiot" What don't you like'> Call the number below and your me111age will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answerina service may be used to record let· leis lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what'll on your mind. 642•6086 Orange Colet DAILY PILOT/Friday, AUQUI' 13. 1812 • -Draft plan draws fire Critics protest 'improper use' of tax data WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Peter Peyaer ii predicting I.hat the Internal Revenue Service'• decision to help enforce draft reai1tration laws will ralse a storm of criticism about proper uae of tax data. The New York Democrat said IRS cooperation wlth the Selective Service 1y1tem could make the American public skeptical about bellevlni "in the confidentiality of their tax returns.'' Pey.er made his comments at a Hou.e Government Operations subcommittee hearing where IRS Commiaioner Roecoe Egger and Selective Service Director Thomas Turnage defended the joint agency plan aa necessary. The proposal calla for the IRS to send letters to thousand.a of teen-age men, warning them to register for the draft. -. lead to an erolion of confidence" that lawa will be enforced. The Selective Service law requires men to regiater for the draft within 80 day. of-their 18th birthday. There ii no draft, but admln.latration official.a aay a pool of regiltrants could cut aix weelu off the time it would take to moblllz.e ln a national emergency. In trying to track down violators, Turnage explained, draft officia'ls turned to the Social Security Administration to compare regiltranta wtth Social Security l.iata. The namea of men who didn't register were eent to the IRS to get their add.resees.' Egger said he refused draft offidals' requests for addresaes of the men because "l was concerned about whether or not they could or s h o uld be permitted access to such taxpayer data." A compromtee w .. wotk.ed ~ under which the IRS, lNtelld of Selective , will mall the letteni, r said. He alJo d \hat "in recent yean, l}le haa been involwcl In several ma ut pro1ra m1 similar to the t Select1ve Service one." Sped cally, he mentioned efforta to locate individuals involved in claA action suits and beck-P!Y ~· Meanwhile, Ru.-ell ~·.Ford. a college student, wu jailed ln Hartford, Conn .• after he refwed to sign a bond followln1 hi• arraignment on charges of refusing to regiat.er. He ls the first person jailed for faillna to register since former Pre9iclent Carter reinstituted the registration ln July 1980. Four other men have been charged acrosa the nation. Peyser predicted, "We'll hear a lot of criticism aft.er these letters go out this week" from people worried about the use of the IRS for non-tax matters. "It was only a few short years ago the Nixon administration attempted to use tax returns to advance its own political and policy interests," Peyser said. "The Congress would not stand Nuke arms freeze backed by panel for that kind of activity then and SACRAMENTO (AP) -A it won't stand for it now." bilateral nuclear arms freeze by The American Civil Liberties the United States and the Soviet Union opposed the use of the IRS Union has gained support from a data, calling it "a significant state Senate committee, although invasion of privacy." Republicans abstained on the "You're opening the door here issue. to IRS in a non-tax, non-financial The Rules Committee also way," said David Landau of the approved three other non- ACLU. "There are lots of people binding resolutions in a "peace who would like t.o get int.o lRS p ack age " s po n so red b y files." Assemblyman John Vasconcellos. But Turnage said, "In our law D-San Jose. and order society, my failure" to But a fifth measure, calling for do everything possible to make creation of a massive "Soldiers sure younl( men register "would for Peace" exchange program ~~-=-~=-~~-!::.-~~~~~~~~~~- ,., .......... 0 SHARING G RIEF -Actress Jane Fonda comforts grandchildren of actor Henry Fonda at his house in Bel Air section of Los Angeles. Academy award winner Fonda died Thursday in a Los Angeles hospital at the age of 77, following a series of heart ailments. between the two superpowers was rejected on a 2-2 vote. The resolutions are all advisory. expressing only the sentiment of the Legislature with no binding authority. The freere resolution, ACR149, was sent to the Senate floor Wednesday on a 3-0 vote. It calls for the U.S . and USSR to freeze their nuclear stockpiles at current levels as a first step- toward nuclear disarmament. The committee's three Democrats, Sens. David Roberti of Los Angeles, Barty Keene of Mendocino and Nicholas Petris of Oakland, voted for the measure. Republicans William Craven of Oceanside and Ray Johnson of Chico abstained. President Reagan has opposed a freeze, claiming that it would give the USSR an advantage. A measure on the November ballot in California also calls for a freeze. The committee also approved resolutions urging: -The University of California Regen ts to establish an lnst.ltute on Global Conflict and Cooperation in the UC system to promote world peace. It was sent to the Finance Committee on a 3-1 vote. -Congress to establish a National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution to train people to resolve international disputes. It was sent to the'. Senate floor on a 5-0 vole. -Congress to designate thil( Thanksgiving Day as Children's Peace Day, a time for children interested in promoting peace to visit their elected officials. But the panel rejected a measure calling for the U.S . and the Soviets to set up a "Soldier-. for Peace" program in which 100,000 volunteers from eacn country would live in the other nation for two years in a work4 study program. Vasconcellos said the program would promote understandini{ between ci tizens in the two nations and discourage one country from attacking another. ESCAPE FROM THE HEAT ·AND COME SEE OUR ICE CREAM COLORS ALL MADE WITH PREMIUM NYLON YARNS THAT ARE STATIC CONTROL AND HELP HIDE SOIL. WE'VE GOT: LAVENDER-THE SOFTEST PURPLE YOU'LL EVER SEEi MELLO-MAUVE-A DUSTY ROSE! DIVA BLUE-AN ELECTRIC BLUE (BRING YOUR SUNGLASSES! SUNNY DELIGHT-A BEAUTIFULLY BRIGHT YELLOW I FRENCH BLUE-A WON.DERFUL BLUE-GRAY! $ - ALL' 15.95 IQ.YD.INIYALUDOVHNZJIMOO ALL U•ml flAntnll lnstal/«J Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad ·DEN'S .....•........... \ ·installation· custom d1ap1ri1s: . , ....... ~- Orange Cout DAILY PILOTlfrtda~, Auo~ 11, 1 .. 2 J'aler •••rd• 4 • count1ans given medals Four Orange County remdentl who naked their live. a\tempUni to 1ave those of othen have become the flrat reciptentl of O~~~e County government M of Valor. Receiving the bronze medala during presentation• in Santa Ana thi1 week we..e Stephen DeSalvo, 23, of Irvine; Peter Forbel, 21, of Million Vlejo, and Annondo Lazario, 26, of El Toro. A Mparate certificate of merit AMC recalJs some Redaults DETROIT (AP) -American Motors Corp. has recalled about 5,000 1982 Re nault Fuegoa, because of an alternator belt in the factory air conditioning that could loosen or break under a heavy load, the automaker said. went to Sonia Gerlltz, 21, of lrvine. DeSalvo and Gerlltz, both UC lrv1ne 1tudenta, were credJted by Supervl10r Thomu Riley with 1pottlna an early momlna fire at the Irvine condomin ium of Patricia Mar1hall. While M1. Gerlltz awakened nel&hbor1, DeSalvo braved smoke and fire to pull M1. Marlhall to tafety. M1. Man ball, who received burns over 60 percent of her b ody, wa1 pre1ent for t he awards' ceremony. Said. Riley, "Steve wu about to give up his attempts to enter the flaming structure when he heard a ecream. Without regard for his own safety and with his life in danger, Steve re-entered the building and rescued M1. Marshall." Supervilon' Chairman Bruce Nestande credited Lazario and Forbes with attempting to save Muriel Garthwaite from an early morning fire a t an El Toro apartment complex. AT THE COVE -A lone surf fisherman wets a line at sunset from a rock along the sandy shoreline of Crystal Cove. Efforts by residents of the area to maintain their shanties on the Delft Hot Photo by Lee f'ape property that is to be absorbed into a state park complex have been kept alive in Orange County Superior Court. The voluntary action was not related to safety and "was being made to assure c u stom e r aatlafactlon," said AMC spokesman Ben Dunn. The cars we re purchased at AMC or Renault dealers in the United States, he said. "Together Lazario and Forbes proceeded to crawl into the Inferno and pull the burned body outside to safety. So intense was the heat and smoke that Lazario was overcome and was taken to the hospital," Nestande said. ~·\f\.\ ~,~, ~~ Bumper rule loosened By PAT HOROWITZ Of the Dally Pt6ot Staff DEAR READERS : The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has modified its passenger car bumper standard to require bumpers to protect a car in low impact crashes up to 2.5 miles per hour (mph), front and rear. The previous standard required protection up to 5 mph, front and rear. Insurance industry, public in terest observers and individuals favored retaining the 5 mph standard. According to NHTSA's final regulatory impact analysis, the new standard will give an additional $28 in net benefits to consumers over the life of the car. The $28 is based on vehicl~ price and fuel savings of $93, offset by an increase of $65 m higher repair, insurance and other costs. In a related action, NHTSA issued a notice of intent to pursue two additional bumper programs. The first involves agency testing to determine whtch auto models have bumper systems that provtde protection levels higher than required by the standard. The testing program would not substitute for either the manufacturer's responsibility to certify compliance or NHTSA's responsibility to conduct appropriate testing compliance. Consumers would be given independent confirmation o f manufacturer's bumper performance claims to assure that purchasing decisions are based on the most accurate information available. The program is designed to assist consumers in purchasing bumpers most suitable to their needs and to help NHTSA evaluate the costs and benefits of bumpers performing at different levels. Under the second program, NHTSA said that different standards for different vehicle classes may be another suitable means of providing maximum benefits. NHTSA said, therefore, that it would consider a program of future rulemaking by which 1t could allow manufacturers to design bumpers for different vehicle classes that might provide appropriate protections at levels below the 2.5 mph requirement. Bike carrier recalled DEAR READERS: Second notice of a voluntary recall of the Dorcy Deluxe Detachable Child Carner has been issued by the distributor, Dorcy International of Columbus, Ohio, to seek the return of any of "RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ............. -ct S..• lt22 ~IOl ILVD. COSTA MfU -"541·11 56- Antique Show Huntington c.nter mal today thru Sun. For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot Al)..VIS(I 642-5671 the potentially hazardous units which still may be in the hands of consumers. The Model BPK-18 bicycle child carrier is designed with a special quick-lock, quick- release lever to make it easy to attach and detach the seat. However, on some units the lever may release inadvertently, cause the seat to slide off the bike, and possibly result in physical injury, although no serious injuries have been reported. The recalled model went on the market in February 1982, and was sold to various retailers who sell bicycle-related products. Retail prices ranged from $19.95 to $29.95. Consume r s who have purchased this recalled carrier should call Dorcy at (800) 848-9090 for Instructions on returning the unit. Customers will receive a full refund, including sh ipping charges, or a safe replacement model Dorcy c h ild carrier. Consumers uncertain if they have the recalled model also may call Dorcy on the toll-free line for information. Firm gives 'probl ems' DEAR PAT: I ordered a lap desk from Brentano'• of A1bary Park, N.J ., in early February. I received tbree letters 1tatlog that shipment would be delayed, and my June 16 reqae1t for a refund ba1 been ignored. wm you plea1e help me get a $9.18 refund? E.B., Corona del Mar Since Brentano's has ignored your request for a refund and the firm has no listed phone number, A YS suggests cont.actlng the Better Business Bu reau of Central New Jersey, Route 130 and South River Road, Cranbury, N.J . 08512. The BBB spokeswoman said there have been "problems" with Brentano'• but it has had success resolving complaints. U the BBB can't help you, you will be referred to the proper consumer agency in New Jeney. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat" Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, )tl getting the answers and action you • need to solve inequities i n government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, CA9ta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's f ull name, address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. • f Animals wouldnl:bum your home ·ooocbum theirs. Call 642-5678. Put a few words lo work for you. Each vehicle bro ught to dealerships will receive a new alternator belt and pulley free of charge. Mrs. Garthwaite, 69, died despite the efforts to save h er life. Robinsons THIS FALL DRESS UP DOWN TO YOUR TOES IN OUR STUART WEIRMAN SLING. Because elegance 1s reaching new heights. the sleekest heel you·ve seen in many seasons 1s here Delicate with a slender strap to hug your heel Slimmer at the toe All foothghted in the finest kidskin leather To wear with your best clothes because one designer deserves another Stuart Weitzman for Martinique m black. gray or taupe. $110. Robinson 's Designer Shoes. 158 To order. call toll· free 1·800·345·8501 Orange COMt DAILY PILOTllffk19y, Auguet 18, 1882 Prince William gets invitation to attend The €itadel U Prlaot C'•rlu and PrlHHI DllH hav• troubl• d.cS~ Whffe CO Mnd their ton to coll•1e, a tradlUon-1\eeped Southern mtlltary 1chool ln Charl .. ton, S.C., ll wlllJn1 co ~p. Maj. Gea. Jam" A. Ortmaltf Jr., prwident of The Cltadel. bu illued Prtae. Wllllam of Wal" a provtatonal appointment to enter the collep u a cadet 1n the fall of 2000, when he will be 18 yean old. In 1rantlng 01e provisional appointment, 'the Citadel la committed to reeerve a place for Prince WUllam -that la, lf Hia Royal Highneu meet• lta academic and physical requ.lrementa. PrlDce Cbarlea, heir to the British throne, visited The Qtadel'a campus in October 1977 to deliver an address and accept an honorary degree. He also was honored at a review of the Corpe of Cadeta. *** Frallk J. Coppola donated his eyes to an eye bank after being told they were the only organs that could be used after he was executed, a friend of the convicted murderer says. The eye bank could use the cornea to restore someone's sight or use the eye for research into the ca uses and cures for blindness. Joe Ingle, director of the Southern Coalition on Jail and Prisons, Richmond, Va., said Coppola made the donation because "Frank cared for people." *** Burglars took furs and silverware from the home of singer Marie Osmond and her husband, according to Police Chief Swen Nielsen in Provo, Utah. The couple had been away for I 111111 flCEI aeveral ct.yt and dl8covered the 1011 when they returned 'l\teed.ay, Nlellen aald today. He uld the lcm wu reJ)Ol'ted by Mi11 Olrnond'1 huaband. former Brt1ham Youns Univeraity baaketball player Stepllea Crala. The couple 1ot married June 26. *** Da1lu lawyer Morrl1 Barrell became president of the American Bar Auocla\lon thll week, beginning a one-year tenure ae head of the 280,000-lawyer group. ln his first newa conference, Harrell aaid one of hia priorities would be "to brlng an end to endless litigation." "I think the lawyers cauee the court delay or the excesaive costs. It's the system that we're directlntr our attention to and hope to unprove," he said. *** A $2 milllon lawsuit haa been filed against Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Bradley, charging him with con spiring to defraud a n<l mLslead a oouple whose laad he purchased. The suit, filed this week in San Mateo Superior Court, Redwood City, said Bradley and his wife, Ethel Bradley, conspired to defraud and mislead the late John and Velma Bland. The suit, filed by Rutb Barrett, the administrator of the Bland est.ate, asks for $20,000 in general damages and $2 million in punitive damages, attorney John Morey Allen said. Bradley is running against Republican state Attorney General George Deukmejlan and sever al other candidates for 1ov.mor, but Allen denied the 1ult wu poUdcally motivated. *** Convicted murderer and ManlOn family member Patrtola KreawlUel wae turned down for ..,.1y releue W. week by a parole board that Nied the WU 1tW danleroua and would poee ••an unreuonable rllk" co eodety. "The prhoner lt found wuultable for tutu.re pn>jtctlon of a releue ct.te,'' aid l\Mert Roo•...t. chalnnan of the ~1 ot the ~unity Releue Board. "The panel bellev• she would conaUtute an unreuonable riak to the public lf a ct.te were aet." The three-member panel used adjectives auch at "ahocking and bizarre," "dlatorted and demented" to de9Crlbe the aeven Tate-LaBi.anca murdert 13 years ago thla week. Mila Krenwinkel, who did not attend the hearln1, cannot 11eek parole again unW 1985. *** Lt. Gen. Ro1coe Robln1on Jr., a decorated veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars, will become the Anny's first black four-star general. The Pentagon announced that .President Kea1u haa nominated Robinson, a West Point grad,uate NOW EAR THIS -Actress Kirstie Alley of from St. Louis and one-time "Star Trek II" movie, places Vulcan ears on paratroop commander, to become George Ortiz, 6 months old, during her visit to U.S. representative to the North ~ Atlantic Treaty Organization mother of six, said her second "It's not drugs ... it's just that Sbellla Dena al Faaal, has been ' Military Committee and for daughter Jackie Paule, 20, is she is a very rebellious child. She barred by a Dade County Circuit promotion to the rank of full pregnant and "I'm really excited alwavs has beenk" Miss Wynette judge from taking the couple'• general. and happy about it." told host David artman. four children out of Florida. Robinson• 5 3 • now is She also talked for the first J1 ~-Joaepb Nalder ordered commanding general of .U.S . time about her problems with * * * the free-spending Saudi to Army troops in Japan. her third daughter, Tina. 17, who Billionaire Sheik Mohammed appear at a hearing to detenninel * * * was placed by a juvenile court in al Faaal, involved in a custody when the sheika can visit the Country-western singer a home for runaway children. battle with estranged wife children Tammy Wyoette is expecting her· i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii first grandchild in March, she ( said in an appearance on ABC's , "Good Morning America" this J week. Miss Wynette, a 40-year-old $60,000 Edison fine upheld NRC ref uses to dismiss utility's On of re penalty The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has refused to dismiss a $60,000 fine impo&ed on Southern California Edison Co. for security violations at the San Onofre nuclear power plant, the utility said. Edison spokesman David Barron said Thursday the company was informed Wednesday of the NRC decision rejecting Edison's appeal of the fine, which was recommended in mid-June for violations uncovered by investigators during routine, unannounced checks at the plant's sole operating unit in January and February. Edison must either pay the fine or request a hearing within 30 days, "and y.-e'll probably take the full 30 days to decide," Barron said. History classes announced. More than 40 history classes will be offered at Orange c.oast College in Costa Mesa. History classes on the fall agenda include "Survey of American History ," "The Calitomia Experience," "Ethnic Groups of the United States," "The American W est," "History of the United St.ates to 1876," "History of the United States Since 1876," "History of the United States since 1945," "History of Western Civilization," "Women in History," "20th Century Europe," and ''The World at War." For Information, phone 556-5772. Geology course offered at OCC Four geology courses are being offered by Orange Coast College's Physical Science Division. For information, phone 5M-5772. Celllng Pana so~_OFF lf ..... U1D , ............. ... ... 1111 .,.. ., ..,. (llot YU PHOflllE MID IUSIESS to a .... .., MUTIW BUY Tll RENT l.09 MlD•UIT TO • ~"4t-"'4 e.. 2117 ••• --.u. we M2·1712/l11D NRC officials declined to give details on the violations, saying to do so would compromise plant security. But Barron said they involved training and supervision of the plant's security force as well as methods used to keep track of people entering the plant. "The violations were strictly procedural matters," Barron said. "They did not result in anyone unauthorized getting in." ln appealing the fine in a July 16 letter, Larry Papay, Edison vice president for quality assurance, did not dispute the NRC findings but said the fine should be dismissed because the company had taken "unusually prompt and extensive" steps to eliminate the security problems even before receiving notification of the violations from the NRC. NRC officials said Edison had improved security procedures. The fine is the second imposed for San Onofre operation. Last year, Edison paid $650,000 after several plant workers were exposed to radiation in excess of federal standards. Unit l, which is where the violations were found, first began operating in 1968 but has been shut down since February for repairs and earthquake safety improvements. Low-power testing is currently in progress at the more recently built Unit 2, which two weeks ago was licensed for full power operations. Barron said the full- p owe r operations would probably begin this fall. OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR IS NOW ONI ALL '82 CADILLACS ARE CLEARANCE SALE PRICED. AND FOR A LIMI TED T IME ENJOY EVEN LARGER SAVINGS ON ONE OF OUR 29 EXECUTIVE DEMONSTRATORS. Robinsons POLO BY RALPH LAUREN lntroducmg the most 1mpress1ve collection of status casuals you'll ever have the pleasure of walking tn Low heeled. sporty all hand·sewn Th e styles? Saddle shOes. ghilltes. penny loafers and k11ties Newly important 1n the richest leathers and a magnificent signature color called Polo tan From the collection Polo tan and white saddle shoe. $130. Penny loa fer. $85. Robmson's Collections Shoes. 103 To order. call toll-free 1·800·345·8501 Henry Fonda leaves great · screen legacy The picture that comes to m1nd today la Henry Fonda in the comfortably crealled old fi1hlng bat that went wtth the role of the . retired profe90r In his last movie. And, 10mehow, you wllh that the real man lnalde that ti.red old prof~ la today dipping • line in a new fiahing bole he'll enjoy for 'temity on aome celestial OOlden Pond. You're maybe tempi.ed to wish Hank good luck. Except for one thing. Almaet no one, except hi.I cloee cronies and professional peen ever would . have called Henry Fonda by the diminutive Hank. He was an institution in his profession, a master craftsman who brought a no-nonsense believability to every role he ever decided to breathe into life. And it was that same dignity -that s trength that showed from the clear-eyed, level look he save to the world -that made the real man what he was. He waa, at the obttuarlea aroWld the world sa1d yeite.rday, "the plain-tpealdna Midweltemer whoee pntle manner and 11enae of fair play epitomized for 60 yean what Americana want Jn their heroes." He wanted no funeral. You have the feeling -and the hope -that any oeremonles to be conducted will be kept low-key and maybe will be performed on the banks of that celestial pond. Maybe another strong, clear- eyed American hero who arrived at the pond ahead of him will be there to greet him. John Wayne gained strength and credibility, too, from his Midwestern heritage. Wonder if the Duke will fish in Hank's Golden Pond? Is the end in sight? Throughout the past two months of savage fighting in t,.ebanon, the light at the end of the tunnel has flickered, faded and brightened again as tough negotiations to end the conflict dragged on. ~ While the diplomats talked, the generals and guerrillas fough t. Israel has relentlessly pursued guerrillas of the Palestine Liberation Organization into their West Beirut enclave, smashing whatever cities and civilians happened to stand in its way. At the same time, the RLO has stalled, wavered, waffled and bled a city that doesn't want them, seeking a political phoenix out of its military debacle. While the Americans wrung their hands, while the Arab nations stood idly by and while the Soviets carefully kept their backs turned. thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians died and a land that has known little peace since the 1970s was ground into rubble. It appears at last that an agreement to evacuate the PLO guerrillas from Beirut and move them to other Arab countries has been reached. The 6,000 to 9,000 guerrillas, "terrorists" as the Israelis call them, are to be moved to countries such as Syria, Egypt a,nd Iraq. The evacuation will ivean the end of the state-within- a-state the PLO has maintained in Lebanon for more than a decade. Quite understandabl y. many Lebanese will shed no tears over their departure. ;· Afterward, there will be more OUks on getting both Israeli and 1 , I Syrian troops out of Lebanon. The Syrians muscled their way into Lebanon to stop the Lebanese civil war of 1975-76. But there are still sticking points. Israel is complaining about the composition of a multinational force -Americans to be included -that would enter Beirut to supervise the PLO evacuation. In the meantime, the Israelis a re continuing to bomb Beilut. Who is right and who is wrong in this tragedy? The Middle East problem is too complex to be addressed that way. But basically, the Israelis and the Palestinians claim the same land aa their own, and neither acknowledge the legitimacy of the other's claim. To Israel, the PLO is a band of murderous terrorists, to the Palestinians the Israelis are usurpers, brutal occupiers of their land. PLO evacuation from Lebanon is no solution to the problem. It may be a start toward resolving the Palestinian problem, which has vexed diplomats for decades. More likely, it could mean a new round of terrorism from a more radical, reeonstituted PLO and the inevitable Israeli reprisals: Only when both sides admit that each has legitimate rights in that troubled region will a step toward long-lasting peace have been taken. As for the hapl~ Lebanese, ridding their country of unwanted foreign troops and gunmen will be the first step toward rebuilding what used to be a land of beauty. ~e're crackers for suing ' t American s are the most wsuit-happy people in the orld, and an incident this week tlvolving a box of candied popcorn jnd peanuts is a graphic demonstration of this fact. ~ It seems that a 9-year-old indiana girl named W e ndy totasnik was grievously of fended hen upo n finishing a box of acker Jack she discovered an act f negligence on the part of rden, Inc., parent company of e firm which markets the nfection. Despite Borden's promise at every box of Cracker Jack h all contain a toy, Wendy's '8"1cular box was lacking. Moat kids probably would have writt en off the disappointment as common human error and bit mom or dad up .for money to buy another box. Not Miss Potasni.k. She filed suit in the small claims division of Hamilton County, Ind., Court asking Borden to cough up a toy and $19 in court costs. It seems written inquiries to Borden on this matter had gone unanswered, and the girl's father encouraged her to haul the company into court. Understandably, Borden was upset by all the bad publicity so company officials promised the tyke another box of Cracker Jack for free and apologized for their oversight . • One good thing to come out of this incident was that a child learned a little bit about the American justice system. But it is a little upsetting that a kid was imitating a disturbing habit many gl'ownups have, that of rushing into court and demanding retribution at the most trlfl1na of offenses. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views e•- p,.uad on this page are thos. of their authors and artists. RHder comment Is lnvlt· ::z.~~·ss The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Q>sta Mesa, CA 92616. Phone <714) ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley P&1bllsher Thomas A. MUrplttne Editor BarlNra K,..lblch Editorial P•ge Editor Letters to the editor Helicopter pilot on those coyotes To the F.ditor: I would like to respond to the letter by Ms. Hanson (Daily Pilot, Aug. 10) regarding the shooting of coyotes by the Costa Mesa Police Department. I would like. to take her; letter point by point. First, she states that it is improper use of city funds to hunt coyotes from a helicopter. Would it be cheaper to hire somebody else, or use the existing equipment and manpower that is available at no added cost? Isn't It the duty of the police department to protect citizens from danger? Secondly, she states it is dangerous to nearby residents for "a policeman to fly the helicopter at a very low altitude, set it down, jump out, shoot at coyotes, jump in, fly over the area again, and repeat the action over and over." FIRST OF ALL, the only coyote that was shot was shot from approximately 20 feet altitude and no one was jumping in and out of the helicopter. To counterpoint this statement I would like ~say that police heJ.icopter pilots are not inexperienced and reckless. I am a police helicopter pilot and have been flying for 12 years with approximately 10,000 accident-free hours to my credit and have used the area in question for flying practice since 1970. I find Ms. Hanson"s inference that a "policeman" may not be a safe helicopter pilot somewhat offensive. She states that there are always walkers, joggers, and children in the area; th.at the area is heavily wooded and people could be in the area when shota were fired. WE DID WARN PEOPLE in the area prior to shooting. We checked the area and we have a much better view from 20 feet than a hunt.er on the ground. We are shooting down on the coyotes rather than horizontally into areas where we can't see. We don't fly or shoot into the wooded areas for obvious safety reasons. The fourth point brought up was that she was told by the police and her "neighbor" was told by animal control that the coyotes may be rabid. She states "they are not." Did Ms. Hanaon check all their rabies vaccination tags? Wild animals quite often carry rabies. ONLY ONE COYOTE has been shot from the helicopter and that one is the only coyote that was picked up by the helicopter on Thursday, Aug. 5, and taken to the animal-<:e>ntrol van. It wu In the afternoon, which may account for the aP-parent contusion between her and her • neighbors" sightings of whether it waa day or night. Next, she states that she has "peraonal knowledge" that the coyotes have been there for 35 years. I have been flying over the area for 12 years and I never saw a coyote there until about three years ago. They have since multiplied to where I can see five or six at a time and I can 11ee at least 20 coyote dens ln the field area. Then why are the coyotes so dangerous? These coyotes are wild animals. In packs, they will attack anyone. Quotes .. It looks like somebody'• finally setting some aenae." -Prosecutor Slmot1 Lei• Jr. of ctacluatt, on the U.S. Supreme c.ourt decilion allowing stew to <>uU.w al.molt all child pornC>lfaphy. "It ta diUlcuJt to aee how thll d.on wtll do any men than split the NATO alliance and ~~ the Soviet UnJon an opening to further divide ua. As unacctpt.able aa the Soviet domlnation of Pol.Ind II to t.w, the aoluuon. does not lie ln .1urther dM dtna and weakenlna the alliance. We mutt not allow the crllla of tht r..t to triarer a Cl1lta tn the Welt." -Sea. Chrln H. Percy R·lll., chairman of t he Senate Forel1n Relation• CommJttee, commentln1 Friday OD PNlldent fteePn't ~ to expend aanctiona aplnlt the Nie ot oO and Pl equlpmeat to the Soviet Union. MAILBOX She then mentions the squirrel population in the area and the chance of a pet or child eating poison which might have to be set out. How about the fact that the coyotes apparently prefer ea~ cats and dogs which are easier prey than the squirrels which is evidenced by the remains of pets we have found around their dens. The coyotes have indeed become a problem. Ma. Hanson's complaint is that among other things the Jf6l1te ·ate endangering pedestrians and causing disturbances. I feel the coyotes are more of a danger to pedestrians than the police and I would like to invite Ms. Hanson to ask the 6-year-old girl in Burbank, recently attacked in her ff08t -yard by a coyote, would she rather hear a few gunshots or be the victim of a coyote? WHILE SHE JS AT IT she can al9o ask the little girl about the pain of the =· bite and the rabies shots she is The foregoing i.s my own opinion as a citizen of Costa Mesa and does not necessarily represent the feelings of the city or the police department. M.NUTT Lemon aid To the F.ditor: Now that the battle of the Lemon Bill has been fought and won, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your coverage and support of the bill. Although I r eceived publicity throughout the state, your editorial support was very gratifying. The passage of this legislation was a victory for California consumen as well aa the auto industry and I ag,ain thank you for your support. SALLY TANNER Assemblywoman, 60th District Jobless woes To the F.di tor: One factor which probably never enters into erudite discussions of distinguished economists is the effect of unemployment on the economic picture. A s o ne who witnessed the phenomenon first hand during the 1931-1933 period I feel qualified to comment on the eroding effects of unemployment. Let ua aay that in a given community a plant like General g}ectrlc decides to cl~ a plant which ls losing money. Almolt immediately the income of the workers ls drastically reduced. Thia ls shortly felt by the supermarket which suffers a reduction ln sales of food. The auto agency loeeti llOllle sales to people who wW not be able to take the new car which they had contemplated. With less money in their pockets many people will reduce their driving and that wW be a blow to the gu station man. With a general reduction in sales, the merchants will receive lees money and the city and state will receive less tax money. All of thl.a started with one plant closing! EACH OF TBE attected groups In the community wlll review their employment situation and if thinp get bid enouah mme will lay oU people. Ellch of the new crop ol. unemployed will .tfect the dty In the -.me way u did the Q.J:. people. nMt condition feeds upon l-11 and a downward apl.ral sets wMier way. The wane thJ.np pt. the futer La the drop. l:xpand the atuation nationwide and you have qUit. a problem. IN THE AFFAIR of the 1930.. the unemployment rate at the time of Rocmvelt's lnauauradon wu about 26 percenL (Today, J'rida)' Aua. 6, 1982. It •• t .11 .. ' ttMI , .... ,. tre .. "-· Tlw rltM • t-let.o Ifft \t Ill .... er t MINMl9 ti-.. ll ·--\.91W• tf - -" ..... , "'" .. ·-Pftf9ftM• Alt --~ _. .... ''"" ..,.._ .... mtllk!I ---.... -_, .. •11"'-lf"' •-• If wtttcl9"1 •-"....,_ ll'wtrY •llt.-t ...... I..._. ~tltetll'MfMI....,_._....._ ... _.,,., ..... _...., ...... ,.,,,.., ... """' ....... ft( wtf OIUUM """""'"' is 9.8 percent, having gone up 0.3 percent since July). What must be done to reverse the downward spiral? The business community in '33 had but one weapon, namely, to cloee down plants or di8charge people. This was the accepted means of cutting loues. It was hardly the remedy by 1933. FDR set up programs of massive public works, price stabilization and other schemes which marked him as a wild-eyed radical. The day of "alphabet soup" dawned ... remember PWA, WPA, CCC, NRA etd By getting some cash into people's hands he arrested the spiral and changed the attitude of the discouraged people without jobs. EVEN SO, the recovery was long and tortuous. . . I can remember that our shop in Philadelphia was on a four-day week as late as 1937. At least the trend was UP. FDR was ultimately taken "off the hook" by the start of World War Il. Pondering the present course of the unemployment spiral there is a kind of "deja vu" effect present (I've been here before). Whilst the experts debate the fa te of supply-side economics, Reaganomlcs and other e90t.eric subjects, John Q. Public is losing his means of earning a living (llO is Jane Y. Publk). Their problems are r eal and immedlate . . . and they are steadily worsening. THE BIG CRUNCH will come when their unemployment insurance runs out. We've got a real emergency on our hands. We only hope that those in power will begin to realli.e it. Until such time as the administration's proposed remaking of the economic program begins to bear fruit these 12 million people out of jobs need help. GENE PEARSON Teacher dollars To the F.ditor: Members of the California Teachers Association who do not plan to vote for Jerry Brown. Tom Br-adley, and a host of other Democratic candidates in the November election could be paying for their campaigns anyway. Thanka to a loophole in the Federal Election Campaign Act that permits unions to make "in kind" contributions, thousands of teachers' dues dollars could be used to pay for flyers, ~e. media advertising, staff salaries, telephone banks -in short, any expense that is not a direct cash tnnsfer to the candidate himself. Teacher union official• possibly mislead their own members by te1lina them that CTA support of political candidates com es from voluntary contributions out of the "ABC" fund. ABC donations appear to be a fraction of the union treasury used for political campaigns with the rest "ln kind." In addition to bankrolling the campaigns of pet politicians, CTA allegedly uses members' dues to lobby for a variety of political movements -· legalimtlon of marijuana usage, abortion, strikes for government em1_>loyeea, boycotts of induatrial and agricultural products, aun control, ERA. mandatory student buaing, and one-third federal fundlna of all public education. Do teachers ever wonder why support of the:le movements is necemary ~ to belong to a local teachers' orp.nlqtlon? PHYLLIS S'rRATrON What a Pwadox to .. tM ~of. Htro.hima and Naauak.1. leveled by, American n~ bombe, -' ther\ hear th• anauJahed cri• ap1mt .11ne1 tor I tbtlr bomlimC Of PLO~ and *""' cecbel. FAIR l8. l'AIB ..... , .. .....,...,. ....... .,,..... _....,,llllld _...,,. .. _ _ . ..::-... ·= ............................ . . • 0Nnee COlilt DAILY P.l_LOT /l'rtdll)', ~ 18, 1912 •ANN L.ANDl!A8 •ART HOPPE •HOROSCOPE ' Furniture move more rewarding than sex DEAR ANN LANDERS: 'the beat part of yow- column ii that you wtll print letters from people who dill8ree with you. Well, here'• another one. ... ..... ;dit d ..l-;..-{""'\.'\./ ~--.. - b·ll c.•m• .. -•-... --- "Golly, it's great to be back and see something other than fun filled vacation faces." / HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Satarday, Aapat 14 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Fon:es tend to be aca~red; be aelective, choose quality and steer clear of money disputes involving relatives. Spotlight on short trip, contest entries and submission of ideas, formats, concepts. Keep eye on Pisces. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on money, eamin8J potential. You'll have more responsibility and chance for greater reward. Relationship is stronger than originally anticipated. Like it or not, you're involved. Capricorn plays important role. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Popularity increases, you have wider audience and you finally can let go of situation which has been an emotional and financial detriment. You'll make right dec:Won at crucial mo11>ent -judgment and intuition prove accurate. CANCER (June 2l·July 22): Light is shed on area previously obscured. You gain knowledge which aids in eliminating fears, doubts, suspicions. Visit to hospital helps elevate morale of one who aided you in past. Leo native figures prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Emotions dominate logic; wish is fulfilled in unorthodox manner. Focus on intuition, teaching ability and relationship with one who does have your best interests at heart. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons play significant roles. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Messages, orders from top are subject to change -know it, keep options open! have alternatives at hand. Focus now on versa ty, hwnor, ability to move quickly at crudaJ mo t. Verify travel itinerary. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focus on spiritual values, abstract principles, possible publishing projects and long-range plans that could include travel. Correct safety hazards, be aware of fine print and realize that review of project is necessary. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Check figures, obtain professional accounting and review appraisal. Accent on communication, written material and special relationship which could involve Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarian. Gain indicated through written word. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Major dome9tic adjustment highlights scenario. Be a keen. shrewd obeerver. It is necessary to become familiar with legal rights, permissions. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio penons figure prominently. You win if diplomatic. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Temptation is to neglect essentials -paslc chorea require immediate attention. Accent on medical-dental appointments, employment, re90lutiona concerning diet, nutrition. Places, Virgo natives play key roles. , AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Individual who helped you during time of c r iaia makes rea~ and once again boosta morale. Accent on change, travel, variety, self-expreuion and lntenalfied romantic altuation. Cancer, Capricorn penom play paramount roles. PISCES (Feb. 19-Maich 20): Project can be IUCCellfully concluded. I\ la better to fln1ah rather than to lnldat.e p&'Oll'8IJ1. FOCUI on home, property, 88CW'lty and const:rucUve l1nka with past. Aries, Leo, Ubra naUvea play aignlficant roles. POT SHOD BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT YOU CAN BC SURE THAT ANY PAOM IS!: I MAKE" WIL.L &E KEPT, OR PARTIALLY K~PT, OR B~N. Remember the wife who MSd lt wMn't worth tti.. effort to,.. her 7~}'Ml'-old buaband'• mocor aoinl becau.. he couldn't k•p. lt runninl Ions enouah to do any aood? She edded, rather Mdly, that It made more 1e111e for .her to ~ the fumlture and wuh down the walla. Your partLnc ahot sua-tect that lbe didn't know what• lovtnc relationahip WU. You are wron&· My husband and I haw had 86 years of a lovin1 relat1onahlp with no Mxual satlafactlon on my aide. Only hia. From the be.ldnnlJur it WU "Wham, bun. thanlt you, Ma'm" ana he WU eound uleep, moQna up. ttonn. before 1 could eay, "You're welcome." I can tell you, Mm Landen, it la a lot more rewardin& to rearranae furniture. Granted, all 70-year-old men are not alike, but when the fire IS out in the furnace, why don't they admit It instead of making their wtvea feel inadequate and guilty becawie they can't resurrect 90methJ.na that baa been dead for yeara? -ANOTHEll WALL- W ASHER IN MISSISSIPPI DEAR, WALL-WASHER: Yoar polat ii well taken -ud It WAS taka by aeveral laudred women wbo eclloed you 1eattmnt1. I defer to all of yoa wbo obvloaaly bow a lot more aboat Wt aabject tUn I do. To~. DEAR ANN: Losing your be9t friend ie bad enough, but 10llng her to a jerk la a real tragedy. She has moved in with a guy eight years her junior. (She's 28.) He's obnoxious, crude and embarr818eS her in public. Worst of all, he beats her up about once a week. I've begged her to leave him, but ahe says she can't. This hu been going on for about six months, and rm at the end of my rope. It hurt.a me to see her treated this way. She doesn't deeerve lt. What can 1 do to help her? -SAD IN VANCOUVER audwtdtelL. 1u1l aeave '1m oa Iler owa -ud •t utll. MYOD. ,_rte. DEAR ANN LANDmRS: When 1 wu 12 years old, I ahoplllted an article that eold for $315. I don't know why I did lt, and the humWatlon when I wu cauaht wu the wont experience of my Ute. I never lhoPllfied apln after that. My quelt.ion: How ii that fooliah m1.iake ao'n8 to affect my lite! Wll1 It prevent me from ptting into a pd collep? WW the lntonnation appear on my job fonm? Do I have a record? I know it wasn't a felony. I realize thl1 ii an inal1nlflcant problem compared to molt, but I very much need an answer. -WORRIED IN n.oRIDA DEAR WORRIED: Twelve years of aae? Flrat u4 oaly offease. Evea lf yoa were taken to tile Punch Allll l.AllDllS ' police uatton ••cl taraed over to J•ve•lle Hdlorlttea, 1t ft blPJJ allkely tbt )'M bve a pabllc "record." Not to worry. ~~ ~ Can dru.ga be • lrlend in time of atl'fmr U yob keep your bMd fOtletMr can they be of Mlpt Amt Landers' all-new booklet ''The Lowdown on Dope,,. sepa.raift the fact from the /Jct/on. Get It today. For elllCh booklet ordered, send 12, plua a Jong, aell-' addreraed, 1tamped envelope (37 cent. pc»tll/le) to Ann L:mders. P.O. Box 11995, Ch.bgo, DJ. tJlJtJJJ., 0 DEAR VAN: Cool it antil yoa aet u S.O.S. 1t•a difficult to rescue a penon wbo doetn't want to be reac11ed. Wben yoar friend 1eta Iler flll of buckle ••1P11111111,__L.._ "Hana on, didn't four of us carry him here?" I Are you ready for designer foods?: Good news! Geneticists probing the secrets of life are o n the verge of a revolu tiona r y breakthrough in the all-important field of designer foods. Heaven knows, this area of human endeavor has seen its dismal failures. Witness, for example, the recent ativent of Bill Blass Designer Chocolates. While perhaps attractive and tasty, they were still capable of melting all over your fingers and necktie and thus represented no advance whatsoever over old-fashioned, undesigned chocolates. Despite 1uch setbacks, the induatry has continued to forge ahead. One giant ltlide forward was unveiled the other evening by Bill Moyers on PBS: the cylindrical tomato. When cut transversely, Mr. Moyers reported, the cylindrical tomato produces far rno!'e a1ices of equal size to meet the demands for uniformity from MacDonald• and Burger King than the old, inefficient, round tomato designed by an old, inefficient designer. TO DISCOVER WBA T OTHER Improvements in our feeding habits we might expect in· the near future, I called at the Research Institute for Convenient Eating, where I spoke to Dr. Homer T. Pettibone. who is in Fruits & Vegetables. "The major problem we face in our division is packaging," said Dr. Pettibone. "The fact is there exists today acarcely a single fruit or vegetable designed to meet the needs of modem, fast-paced, convenient eating. "While we are q uite proud here of the cylindrical tomato, we feel it is but one small at.ep for mankind. Even now, we are working on a rectangular tomato of the same length which will produce square slices to fit square hamburgers which , in turn, will better nestle into those little square plastic boxes your Big Mac comes in." Certain produce, Dr. Pettibone said, is notorious for being "difficult" -posing problems for the farmer, picicer, shipper, supermarket owner and whoever gets stuck with making the salad. Even cylindrical tomatoes will leak, apurt and splatter, he aid, while strawberries stain, lettuce goes limp and fil1a with sand, leeks hide dirt in every layer and artichokes are simply ridiculous. "l hesitate to mention the grapefruit," he said. "But no sane hwnan being should be forced to face a hostile, uncut grapefruit before 9 a.m. We are currently working on a grapefruit with pre- perforated segments, but progress 1a discouragingly slow." THE INSTITUTE IS having better luck splicing cabbage genes to thoee of lettuce in order to produce a aolid head for that vast ma;ority of homemakers who would prefer getting 8CW'V)' to washing each lettuce leaf by hand. Progress is aha being made toward creating a self-sealing leek, in which Washington has expresaed interest, a skinless, blind potato with no eyes to be gouged out and a three-foot-long pea pod able to produce an entire tureen of peas at a single shelling. In addition to these exciting developments in Fruits & Vegetables, other departments of the ' AIT,HOPPf THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER Institute are hard at work on more advances in desiper foods for modem living. Among th em are boneless salm on, a fllet mignon cow with no sweetbreads, pairs of segregated eggs with the yolka in one and the whites in the other, and backless, wingless, four- legged, double-breasted chickens. BUT WHEN ASKED what single project held, the most promise. Dr. Pettibone said simply, '' .Barl.ana.s. '' ''.Barl.ana.s ?'' "Yes," he said, rubbing his hands. "we are splicing the genes of the banana to every other-- known food. For the banana is a miracle of modem fast-food packaging -a tough, protective skin tha1 · zips open far more easily than a bag of potato chilJI' .. and contents that may be slioQd, squashed or eaten. on the run." "Thank God," 1 said. "We foresee the day," he said, "when the aisle5' of your supermarket will contain nothing but rowr a nd rows of bananas, each stamped with its 1 contents.'' "Even chocolate?" I asked. "Bill Blass," he said, "will eat his heart out." .. .... ------------------------------------------------------~---·--I ~.I GOREN ON BRIDGE ~~~-':, ---------...... --------------------------------------~ -11.A-.&;li ......... ~ ..... BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF - Both vulnerable. South deal1. NORTH •IOU 'V QU4 Se.till Weet I 'V l • 4 'V Pua p.,. , ... p ... p.,. Nortli E&11t 3 'V p.,. lo let them play the hand. Obviously. there 11 a danger that East can pt a 1p&de ru(f. When he follow1 to the fint spade. take the ace and lead the king or trumps-you mutt hope that EHt hH either a 1ln1Jeton trump or the ace. You have croued the fint obstacle when Eut wint the ace and 1hi!t1 t4 a club. What now? another diamond. Now rurr a club to reach this position: my and. when East plays the queen. discard a spade Crom your handl Eut la foreed to return a club. Stuff your last spade and ruff in dumm1, and your two trumps t.ake the lasttricb. You have Iott only the ace of heart.a and a di.a· mond trick! 0 Alt 70 •s WEST •KQJ85 t> J s 0 Jt + K.IOU EAST +7 'V A O QlOtU •QJtUt SOUTH •AUZ 'V il lOUU OS +Al The bidding: P ... S • S 'V P ... Opening lead: King of •. Thi• hand is from lhe Italian Junior Championship. Would you rathu play or de· fend a contract of five heart1? Congratulation• If you chose to declare. becauM the contract. cannot be defeated. Note Welt'• deci1ion not t4 bid on de1pite hit fine fit. for hi.I partner'• 1uit. If you can force the opponent.a to com pete to the five-level la a major suit., it i1 u1uall1 wlM Win the ace of clubt,.caah the ace of diamond• and ruff a diamond. Enter dummy with the queen of trumpe, drawing the out1tandln1 trump In the proceu. caab the king of diamondt for a 1pade dl1card and ruff NORTH •toe 'V t 0 7 ·-WEST EAST •QJ • -~ -<:ll- 0 -OQ • klO +QJt SOUTH .,. ';) 108 0 -·-You are ready for a beautiful endipg. Lead the 1even of diamonds from dum Bow de J•• c ...... UM beet ...... IM4I? c....... Corea lllu UM aa1wor. Fer a eopy of "W ...... o,.m. Loath," tHd 11 .15 to "Oorea·LM4lt." can el tMe ... .,...... P.O. hx Ut, NonreM, N.J. t'7"8. Mele dtedta ..-,.W. te No-,.,.... .. a Acute pain can he lif e-savei-b J l DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: DeD't yoa •sree &Mt 19ddea, ante pe1a caa oftell be a We-saver * .. " It wuu of Hrioel u .... 11 lD fact. It cu be called a frlead. -MRS. K. T fOUI HIAlTH OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN hia good reputation even though be hu never ~. • 0 · Juat u a aood doctor needn't 1uffer every, d1lellM be t.reeta to be effective, 80 lt la true tha\; havina or not havtnc one'• own babl• II tmrnaterlaL 1n tM pnctSoe of pediatrb. DEAR MRS. K.: True. Without pain we would overlook heen atw.ck, llCUt.e appendldtil and acone of other llbw9el. But when lt beco•• a chron,ic burden It la tar from beina a frk.nd. Almost 63 mlllian ~ 11.lffet tome kind of proion,.d pain. Ten million of them are crippled by it. Of thOle Mlffertnc chroNc pain. 70 percent becoc111e divwoed and 20 percent comrnlt auJdde. that docton are continually tr)'tn8 to find new waya to offer reUef1 DEAR DR. STEINCRORN: Wltat I fe ... m•t w• my~~ ewer wa• dlle,... ~ ................ . ....... ~ ..................................... When peraiatent paiQ la llfe-cilanaptlJal. of coww, it dlften ~Some c:all lt 1hrobbtna. excrudatina and • • It all bt8iD11 ln perlpMral nerv. \Mt eend Mana1a up the lpml cord to the bfa1n wtMre they product tlM emodonaJ ,...... i. tt eny ¥londlr DBAll D~ S'l'EINcaoBN: MJ ..... ._. Mi ..... .... .. ,.. ...... ,. .. ..,.. . ., .... .. __ ,..... ....................... .. 11 lllat lie f1 11•11•. Nt•er lla•l•I Ila• Ill• ~ .. .,. ",.... ...................... .. ...... ,....lrtllillT-lllll.L DMft MRS. L.: RelU. HAt ~ d ti lrwl .flll.h&Me-.....T-~T . DUJt ams. T .: Thi 11111iir of pe&n ln ~ II UidWll'lliL °"'"*..,. t.n -that oneoofoUl1b of tMlr ~"9n'8 baw no pb~ pun; only oae- fouith ..... lftW'9 ....._ rn Mlf the pa'*'"' p11n 11 .... , ClCllltNlled. " RMAN -Van Romans, ctor of Oran1e Coatt 1e'1 de1lgn and vt1ual promotion department, ha1 ~een named chairman of ~etail Dealgn Education xn.tltute. Supervisor investigated Compl•inl on Clark campaip llnancin1 •ludled A deputy dJIU1et anomey -.ya he 1Ull ii evaluaU,,, a complaint that Onnfe County SupeMlor Ralph Clark violated a cunptJIJl finandnl 1tatute. ProleCUtor Maurice Evana aid tt likely wUl be next week before he makee a dete.nnlnatlon on the oomplalnt filed apl.rwt Clark by Shirley Grindle, Of Qranae. Ma. Grindle la contendlna that Clark violated the law by vottna on an t11ue affecting a develoj>ment finn after recelv_tna conttibut.tona in exce11 of that plnntu.d under the county'• .,.. , c&119d T1IM 11 Now , Clean Up -PoUtb, or TIN CUP, onUnancl. Clark conceded that • t260 contribution In October from Sa,nal Landmark Co. brouaht the total ~lved from Slsnal above the $1,331 llmit. But he aay1 the excu1 $119 WH refunded H 1oon aa lt waa dilcovered. Clark voted on an illue deaUna with Stanal'• attempt to develop land at Bolla Chica near HunUnatc>n BMch. When the ._.. came up ...an thil week, Clark abltained from vottnc. He Mid • lepl opinion PNPINd by the county c:iowwel'• OftiCe concluded that 1 IJ'8Y area exflted on whether tupervi8on luulna refunda could vote on illuet affectina the contributor in quetUon. An earlier oplnton prepared by Evan1 h eld that refundln1 contributions after they are received and proceeeed by a bank violates proviaiona of the state PoUtJcal Refonn Act. Video 6aaJM aid padenlB PltOVU>MC&, u (AP) - Video ...-ha¥. bllil dlll • • helplnt '° Nduce alurtety In teen·•1•d cancer patient• under1oln1 chemotheupy, accordlna to a , ... archer at Rhode~ Hotpttal. Jorae L . Rick:ard-Fi,ueroa. a po1t-doctoral fellow ln P')'Chlatrr and behavioral medicine, Nld queatlonnalrea revealed three cancer patient.I who played the gamea had about • 60 percent drop ln vomtUna, nau.ea and general dtlcomfort from anxiety about chemotherapy. LAGUNA DRESSING . A"'D MY FAVORITE THINGS HELP TO SOLVE THE MODERN BRIDES' NEEDS Laguna Dressing Custom Fashions In The Classic Manner Solly Artne l..ooM Loguno 0..sslng ~2 fOfeSI Ave-~re 26 lo<)uno Oeoch. CA 92651 71'/'97..o:J93 Bridal registry has become a new and exciting concept at MY FAVORITE THINGS. Modern brides have discovered that while tradition has Its place. contemporary needs can also be observed. MY FAVORITE THINGS located on the upper level of the Forest Ave. Mall. specializes In gourmet accessories and unique gifts for the home and f eatur es many items not available In department stores. The shop is unique rn concept and decor. Hanging from. the roof beams are oak. brass and copper pot racks with large medieval-looking hooks. Good-sized wicker animals share space with hand-carved animal bowls from Mexico. Beautiful crocks. woks and cookie cutters galore line the shelves. while aprons that say Me" and "Cut the Crepe" add a lot of humor. A complete fine of teakwood furnishings can be found with Items such as hurricane lamps to salad bowls and trays complimenting each other. Sandcast wall sculptures of whales. seagulls and dolphins all caught In their natural movement are purely decorative and beautiful. Picnic baskets to pasta makers may also be discovered. From the simplest refrigerator magnet to an elab orate e xpresso/ cappuccino machine. MY FAVORITE THINGS can be yours. You are cordially Invited to browse. but take your time to see everything. MY FAVORITE THINGS Is opened 1 days a week from 10:00-5 :30 and Is located at 332 Forest Avenue. Suite 25. Laguna Beach . Telephone 497-1944 Your wedding otters a unique opportunity to be memorably creative, an I maginati v e cerebration of an event which will always be remembered. yet each member can be •llli•••••••••••••••-an Individual. Instead of the bridesmaids being stamped out of the same mold in different sizes. each will be unique yet intrinsically p-.rt of the central theme. The final problem always seems to be what to do with that frilly and unmistakably "bridesmaid" dress that hangs In the closet forever reminding its owner that it cost a lot and could only be worn once. LAGUNA DRESSING, as a total de.sign studio. can work ind ividually with each client to arrive at designs that particularly suit each person. Before making your IT'S WORTH THE WALK UPSTAIRS Gourmet A ccessories and Unique Gilts for the Home Bridal Registry Welcomed wedding plans. let M F •t Th• ~:i~~~UAt~~~~~,~h~ y avor1 e 1ngs entire exciting event. 497. 1944 LAGUNA DRESSING Is open 10-5 Tuesday 332 Forest Ave. #25 through Saturday or call Laguna Beach ... ________________ _."Quiche and Fondue Today's bride Is given a wide range of kitchen gadgets, tools and Implements all Intended to make entertaining or meal time easier and more fun . Hors d'oeuvres makers. grapefruit spoons. pineapple peelers and vertical roasters can all be found In abundance. And. of course cookbooks may also be pursued on subjects from appetizers to entrees to desserts ... and even on popcorn. LAGUNA DRESSING can be your guide through an original and creative p roduction . From mother of the bride to the littlest f lower girl, each member of the wedding party ls arrayed as part of an overall theme to be chosen by the bride. for an appointment ... •••••llllliillll••••••••• .. 497-6393 ·-------------------------· -TIE BREAKER TENNIS &II Lel4l•1 lrM4t tf Ol1tllt11, 111111, l914aeh, leH1Hri11 1114 E~1t,.1at. ............. IH1•.llf1tl. . EXAMPLE: Prince Pro $106.00 91rung Prince Graphite $275.00 strung Graphite Edge S 160.00 strung Most Racquets Include Free Nylon String Reg. Low Shoe Prices Example: K-Swtu $37.50 Tretorn $27.50 Check Us Out, You'll Be Surprised At Our Prices Full Stringing Sefvk• TIE llUIR n1111 4M-1141 HI Ftrnt lte., lall, #C, L.1. r/ow S.l'tlltt9 Co"""a J.I ma, {\•~--Sti1<9-$ •011 Exo•ll•nl o,, Ol••ni111 FN• l.a•n'11 ••• I Lo•• 112 FiN 'iok-•p I l•lir111 l••d Fini1h S••• l•1 S•n/01 Ben Vereen In Concert September 18, 1982 1:00 P.M. lrtlne Bowl, L10UM leect\ e.nem fOt Laguna leectl MuMum Of Art Ticket• Avalt. at Mu.eum or CaN 494-M31 ' __... --·-· ·- THE SHADEY LADIES FOREST AVE MALL Specializing in decorative shades, accessories and a variety of window coverings to tickle your fancy. FEATURED HERE IS A HANO. 494-7771 332 Fornt Ave. Mall #12 Laguna Be8Ch PAINTED GARDEN IOttDER IY MARILYN, TO MATCH CUSTOMERS• FAM.IC OR WAUPAP'ER. THE SHAOEY LADIES Invite you to visit their sho wroom/workroom where they are busy creat i ng custom designed window treatments . They specialize In window shades which can be simply tailored or outrageously gorgeous and at the same time are great insulators from the damaging summer sun. For instance you could bring your fabric or wallpaper In and they could laminate (fabric bonded to shade cloth) or handpaint a beautiful design to match or perhaps an flegant lace shade 1v1at orlan or Country Garden) would tit the needs of your home. Consultation is available for everything from lush designer draperies & bedspreads to pillow shams & accessories. Currently THE SHADEY LADIES are having a Summer Sale I 5% -40% off on mini blinds. woven woods. louver drapes. and the new softllght shades. You w lll find them 7 days a week in the Forest Avenue Mall, 332 Forest Avenue. # 1 2 Laguna Beach, CA. 9265 I @ 494-7771. CUSTOM FRAMES rl;. = E • ----------------------------------.... ·,• ~AYM~~p PAGE = One-Man Exhibition 4' Saturday, August 28, 1982 In Honor of the Gallery's 1 Otb Summer in Laguna Beach, the artist is giving one · of his paintings to a guest present. Call for Invitation 372 N. Coaat Highway, Laguna Beach (714) 494-2875 Open Daily 10-5 UIG WMMIM 1W HMY1Y IDWAN!e ~LL POSTERS ~ OFF WITH ANY FRAME PURCHASED FROM OUR SELECTION Lasun,• Ari & Frame 497-5552 3$0 N. CoMt Hwy., ~ Be•di u --North ol n. ~ l'NDAV,AUG 11, 1MI Su,.niaor Riley preuing FAA for noise cutback at airport. Page B3. STOCKS level controversy JUNIOR ACIDEVEMENT DEPT. -Just the other day we got a message here at the newspaper office on our answering machine that suggested we're ignorant. Now you might accept this on general terms. But the specific in this case was off base. The caller alleged this: "On Friday'~ editorial page, your middle editorial headline says, •Difficult J.C. Times' in reference to two-year colleges. We are not J .C. . but C.C. Don't look now, r..\ but your ignorance is T_O_M_M_U_R_Pff_l_N_I ~/;. showing. We're. n?t junior -~ to anybody. This is a very ------------proud community college . tru to calling " ms c r you ... Well, fella, you may be proud but you are pi:obably also pretty young. That wasn't our ignorance showing so much in the editorial headline as it was our age. BACK A FEW YEARS AGO, almost all of our two- year institutions of higher learning were called junior colleges. Some older heads around Orange County attended Santa Ana Junior College which, somewhere along the TbJs is &Jward Teach Jr .. alias "Blackbeard the Pirate." Nobody called him "Junior." line, figured the "junior" in the name wasn't quite high- toned enough. So they dropped it in favor of being just plain Santa Ana College. Also somewhere along the line, some intellectuals at the district level apparently didn't like the "Santa Ana" part any more, either. So it became the Santiago Community College District. THE OLDER ALUMNI may have trouble figuring out where it was they went way back when. I don't believe Orange Coast College, another of our esteemed two-year schools, ever was a junior college. Orange Coast came into the game late, about 1947 I think, and by that time the "junior" appendage was already passe. Lately, however, the district itself has become known as the Coast G:ornmunity College District, which headline writers insist upon shortening to "CCC." This again confuses and confounds the aged ones among us who remember the Civilian Conservation Corps. Now the "J.C." designation may cause the aforementioned instructor to go into a deep purple funk, but when you say it, at least most folks seem to know what you're talking about. Just because you stick J .C. into the name, or don't stick it in, doesn't change the quality of education you're going to get at the place or affect the won-loss record of the football team. LOTS OF PEOPLE have a "junior" tacked on the ends of their names and most consider it an honor, since it probably means the kid was named after his dad. Then we have pugilists; the boxers who fight for a living. Some new divisions have been added in boxing that include a "junior" title. Like the Junior Welterweight Champion of the World. IF YOU WALK UP to that gentleman and say, "Hi, Junior," you better be smiling nicely when you do it. Anyway, back at the two-year college circumstance, I suppose you could get very technical and call them Lower Division Colleges. Ugh. ~ rd rather be a junior, myself. C:ity Hall • survives • • moving experience lbere's been a lot of shuffling around recently at Huntington a.ch City Hall. The personnel department, w1*:h recently wu made a part of the administrative servkes department, WU moved from the fourth fioor to the first fioor of the civic cen ter building, 2000 MamSt. To make room, the public lntonnatlon oftice wu moved to t.M MCOnd floor where lt wu con1olldated with graphics, photo1raphy and publication ~Uon. l ,:-.Tbb move resulted ln the Housing and Community Development office being moved from tbe second floor to the fourth Ooor. In addition, Chy Council memberl took over offices on the fourth floor which has been vacated by displaced pe1'80nnel. City Administrator Charles Thompeon aaJd the moves will lncreate efficiency. He said movin8 the pet"IOMlel department from the fourth t.o the f1m noor also will provide better acce11 to people teeklna Information about jobl. HOUSING ON BOLD -Parcel at 765 W. 20th St. was cleared for apartments for low-income families. That project fell D8lfy ..... ,.,.... "' ....... O'Dll• •• through, and the Costa Mesa City Council will consider Monday changing the use of the 2. 79-acre site. Housing project trade ey~d Costa Mesa officials shifting support from stymied plan to seni'ors By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Deir ...... ..,, Costa Mesa City Council members will exchanlle onP housing dream for another - they never dreamed about three years ago -Monday w hen city officials will consider a housing program, for senior citiz.ens. In 1979 Costa Mesa, using Federal Community Development Block Grant funds, began snapping up $1.6 million worth of land on the west side of town to build 50 apartments to help poor families. Rundown houses on the 11 parcels at 1930 Wallace Ave., 2015 Pomona Ave. and 765 W. 20th St. were cleared to make way for the construction that was expected to be finished in December. But in January the project Artwork • top ·prize stunning By PRU. SNEIDERMAN 0( the 0.-, "°' ..... Kurt Aspland of Fountain Valley can trace his interest in painting back to a day when he was forced to stay home at age 6 because he was ill. His mother was dabbling in water colors at the time, and she asked him if he wanted to try it. / His interest grew and five years ago he began taking art lessons. The w eekly practice has apparently paid off. Two of Kurt's works, a pas\el and an oil painting, recently won first prize for his age group in a national art contest sponsored by Boys Clubs. The 15-year-old artist, who will be a sophomore at Fountain Valley High School this fall. will receive a mectallion foT hts- achie.vement. His winning art works will travel around the nation during the next year as part of a Boys Club exhibit. Friends from the Boys Club of Fountain Valley encouraged him to enter the art contest, he said. At the Orange County level. in which entries from the county's 15 Boys Clubs competed, Kurt took first prize in the pastel, oil and pencil categories. At a regional con test ln Scottsdale, Ariz., his pastel and oil works again took tint prir.e. In the national judglngs in Washington, D.C., they agaln won the top honors. "When I won in Scottsdale, I was thrllled," Kurt recalls. "When I won the nationals, I couldn't talk." Bodenhoefer funeral rites held in Mesa Ma. WU said in Cotta Meta this week for former Balboa Ialand resident and boat builder Jacob Bodenhoefer, 811 who died Aug. IS. An Austrian native, Mr. Bodenhoefer moved to Balboa Ia1and in 1921, working with the Payton Boat Work• prior to World War U. An upholsterer by trade, he worked aa a boat bUil.der wttb the Central Boat Works ln Newport Beach durinl the late 1940.. He later reUrecl to Palm Sprin81. He la survived by hll wife, Ethel, and '°"'• William and Ken.,eth. He also l•avea 1lx arandcblldren and four ~t­arandchUd..-. ~ family .......... mmxirW contrlbutlone be made to th• Arnert.;en eanc.-Sodety • .. c ame to a standstill whe n President Reagan announced plans to kill the federal Housing a nd U rban Development program that subsidiz.ed rents for new construction. During a study ses&on earlier this week the city council indicated support for switching the projec t at 20th Street to senior citizens housing since rental subsidies for the elderly still exist. "If there's no funding available for family housing what else can you do?" asked councilman Ed McFarland. In suppor ting the use for a senior housing project, the council turned down proposals to sell the sites, construct homes and attempt to build the original project using city funda. Monday night the council will consider changing the use on the 2.79-acre site. City officials this week also expressed interest in a Central Bible C hurc h project that received $1.5 million in HUD funding last year, but was never built because city planning staff recommended against approval of the project in a residential neighborhood. Reinhold Klein. the developer for the proposed project, said the 38 units must be under way by September 1983, in order to use the HUD funding. An earlier attempt by city officials to switch funding from a defunct HUD-funded project in South Orange County to the city's family h o using development failed. John Crawford, a community planning and development representative for HUD, said that it would be ~ible to transfer funds between projects in the same city. Crawford said that HUD approval for the transfer would depend on the project and whether the city had met its proposed goals for family and senior housing. H e said that it w ould be poeslble to build a senior housing project on the site since the city is still short of its three year goal adopted in 1979 to build 229 low-income units for the elderly. Records show that 54 have been developed. City officials in 1979 hoped to build or fund 703 existing units for families by 1982. Eleven have been built. WINNING ARTIST -Kurt Aspland poses with one of his paintings currently on exhibit at a savings and loan branch office in Fountain 0.-, ............ "' a.,~ Valley. He wears the medallion awarded for TACKING AT TWILIGHT -Wai dinner waltina while two y_outha .ailed 9Cr'OM North his national win in the Boys Club contest. \ ~ ' \ ( ' ,• . .. .• .. :: . . ·= . I .. Hepn'1r-Tlce Holly Jean Tb. daqhter of Mt. and Ml'i. :Alton Tice of Corona ael Mar. and Olenn mt11nw. IOn of the Arnold KepDll"I of 8aldwbl irJ»ark. re~~~ their w.cldlna vow1 ln the Het(ntl Friendl Olureh 1n IA Minda. ;,. • 11w newlyweda, w~uat.d 'frGiD c.al ro&y, Pomona, are now ln Co¥lnl al*'. a 'honeymoon on the laland of ual. Miyata-Howe St. Jame. Epl1eopal Church ln Newport Beach waa the aettlng for the weddina of Jlwnboldt State Unlvenlty snwJuat. Jenrilter Haven Howe and Keith Leland Mlyaia. She la the daughter of Suaan and Georae Howe Jr. of ea.ta t.l-. and Yuriko and Nobou Miyata of Garden Grove are parent.a of the bricfesroom. After a wedding trip to Lu Vegu, the newlyweds are making their flrat home in McKinleyville. Colver-Barnhart Annette F. Barnhart and Michael N. Colv~. who exchanged wedding vows in Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna H illa, are making their first home in Irvine. Capt. (Ret.) and Ml"8. Robert C. Barnhart of El Toro and Mrs. Joyce Colver of Kansas Qty, Mo., are parents of the couple, who took a wedding trip to Hawaii. Miller-Meredith Geraldine Valarie Hutton Meredith and Bruce Gregory Miller recited thei.r wedding vows in St. George's Episcopal Church in Laguna Hills. The newlyweds, who graduated from UC Irvin e, will reside in Irvine. They are the daughter and son of Robert Hutton of Riverside and the late Mrs. Hutton and the late Gerald and Adeline Miller. JOINS BOARD -David Carroll, center, an Irvine attorney and Balboa r esident, is welcomed to the board of directors of Child Guidance Centers, Inc., by Drs. Charles Day and Harland DeBoer. The non-profit agency provides counseling and child abuse treatment to families throughout Orange County. Whale-watching docents trained A course designed to train volunteer docents for whale-wa1Ching boat tours will be offered at Orange Coast College in Cost.a Mesa. Fall semester classes will start Sept. 7. Listed as F.cology 151 in the class schedule, two sections of the nine-week courae will meet Wedneeday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30. The first begins Sept. 8, and the second Nov. 10. Following completion of the course, the students will work with groups in schools and on whale-watching boats. Registration for fall classes runs Aug. 12 - Sept. 10 in the OCC Admissions Office. For information, phone 556-5772. Cook-off due Chill aficionadm are invited to participate in the Mens' 20/30 club's fint chill cook-off Sept. 26 at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Tbe Costa Mesa district cook-off is approved by the International Chili Society. All prooeeda from the young businessmen's club event will go to children•a charities. Registration ia •25 for International Chili Society memben and $35 for non-members. For registration infonnation call 951-8525. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miyata Holyoake-Lenney Robert Holyoake and his bride, the fonner Laurie Lenney, departed for a European honeymoon after their intimate garden wedding accented by harp music in the courtyard of The Newporter. Nancy Lenney of Newport Beach and George Lenney of Laguna Beach are parents of the bride who graduated from UC Santa Barbara and studied at the University of Padua, Italy. Her husband, who 1a the aon of Mrs. Carl Last of Balboa laland and De Forest Holyoake of Stanton, received his degree in architecture from Cal Poly, San Lub Obiapo. Youth Festival Fun festival at Huntington Center features Youth Art Expo '82 exhibit plus teen fashion show and youth talent show at 2 pm. Rondy the Mime entertains the littles ones at 3 & 4 pm. ·ANNOUNCING •••• NEW S,UMMER HOURS AT THE VILLAGE! FRIDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'tll 9 P.M. SATURDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'tll 9 P.M. SUNDAYS ••• 11 A.M. 'tll 6 P.M. Come ertjoy a summer afternoon or evening waterfront experience at Lido Marina VIiiage In Newport 8eachl Here you'll find relaxing pleasure with the fine shops, the outstanding restaurants, the quaint brick streets, the weathered wooden shop exteriors nestled 'neath scores and scores .of sheltering trees ••• all on the water's edgef Also, ertjoy a vast pan- orama of sky and sail ••• of clouds and soaring birds •.• of water and boats heading for the open sea. Al I yours ••• at Lf dp Marina VI 11 age on a summer afternoon or evenlngf Come· ••. browse, shop, sip 'n sup on the waterfront In NeWJ>Ort Beach at your lelsurel · . ---------· PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY a FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China, Crystal, Porcelains, Bronzes,,European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE flGHT Fri., 13th, Sat., 14th Soo., 15th, 1:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P .M. -5:00 P.M. & 7 • 8 P.M. Sale Nichts Property of several prominent Leisure World residents, together with Inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry In financial trouble. Also, out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. a Tustin) Newport Beach CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'TIL 5 P.M. Curtain! Let the drama begin Dramatize any entry or doorway with one of the beaded curtains from Pier l's sel&tlon. Smoothly carved palm core beads are Inviting to the touch as well as sight. Brightly colored beads against the naturally golden background create Ingenious patterns that undulate with the movement of the curtain. Full 36" wide & 72" long. Peacock design shown ............... 2 4 99 Others as low as $9.99 I .. --iley pressing AA for airport noise c Riley'• letters were sparked by Jan. l!i dedslon by the federal rJlllltene'!Y that delivered a striking to county aovernment's lllfforta to quiet the airport-area The FAA aatd It would not ~anae a atandard requiring f9Joca to bring jet.llnera to 1,000 ~1'et tn altitude before instituting GDUe-limiting power cutbacks. A BIT QUIETER -Thia Super 80 jetliner now operates out of John Wayne Airport and ls quieter than many of the planes taking off over the Newport Beach area. Supervtaor Thomas Riley ha.a been leading a fight to change takeoff procedures that could reduce even more the noise level for .,.., .......... ..,, .., ....... · those living under or near the departure routee. Riley's efforts are a result of a Federal Aviation Administration ruling last January. 'tile ruling came from the top -FAA administrator J . Lynn relma. ' Riley has sent his written '.requests to Walter Luffsey, an 'FAA associate administrator for ?ad.min.lstrative standards. Many have suggested a 500-foot cutback level, although. aa a practical matter, the altitude would change depending on gro1111 takeoff weight of the aircraft and weather oonditiona. An altitude range between 400 and 700 feet is considered more desirable, according to airline operations officials. Ironically, such a range waa The superv_isor wants a variance 'to permit power than 1,000 leet. I To date, Riley has received no response. Luffaey declined to return a reporter's telephone call. Fred Farrar, an FAA spokesman in Washington, D.C., ,Said he couldn't force Luffsey to 'reSpond to anyone. "That's his decision." Riley. according to his letters and interviews with others, wants the FAA to consider a variance, or rule waiver, that would permit power cutbacks at altitudes lower than 1,000 feet. PUil.JC NOTICE cutbacks at · lower suggested by another FAA associate administrator, Donald Segner, in November shortly after the agency completed power cutback tests at John Wayne Airport. For purposes of comparison, a cutback at an altitude of 1,000 feet places the aircraft above the inland edge of Upper Newport Bay, near the end of Anniversary Lane. A cu tback at 500 feet places jetliners like those used at John Wayne Airport roughly over Pllll.IC NOTICE Pllll.IC NOTICE Bristol Street, according to airlines' operational penonnel. Segner'a comm ents in November were greeted enthualaatically by county and airline offlclala, who said a lowered cutback level was necessary for meaningful noise reductions. Leas significant reductions have been achieved through the introduction by airlines of the new McDonnell Douglas DC-9 Super 80, a 160-passenger aircraft with quieter and more fuel efficient engines. Airport and airlines' officials say the combination of the Super 80 with a 500-foot cutback procedure would substantially reduce takeoff noise heard by persons living closest to the airport. Segner'a comments went by the boards as a result of Helms' later ruling. Yet airport and airline officials raise questions about how the subject was decided and why the FAA apparently has different standards at different airports. For example, operating specifications for Fron1.ier Airlines, located in the FAA's Rocky Mountain region, permit pilots to perform power cutbacks '1CnTIOUI ....... ITATlllll!NT CW AaAND0NMENT PU9lJC NOTIC• NAm ITATl•NT CW UM CW Not1oe of .... TM lollowlng penone are dolog '1CTITIOUI ....... NA1111! U..-t1te Pfou ..... ,. of ~ u : The following per1on1 have leotloM: I071 end I072 of tfle LUIGI'S PIZZA. 1862 Pl_,11• abandoned the -of the flctltlou. CMI Code of "'9 Jtrwt, eo.ta tHM. CA 92827. bu"'--R l W O..aloPment ...._ of C..._. LUIGI CARPENTIERI, 204 at 188 Ea.t 17th StlMt, Suite 2-A, In eccordance with 1M pr°"'91one Wake ForHt. Cott• Moll, CA Coeta ...... CA 92e27. of MCtlonl 3071 end 3072 of the '282e. The tlctltloue bu1lnH1 name CM Code ol the State of Callfomla, GUISEPPINA CARPENTIERI, referred to above WH fllod In the followlnQ htod ll9hlcloo w111 bo to4 WM• For..t. eo.ta ~ CA County on AuQI* 12, 11175. told at Publlc Auction at 10:00 a.m. 12eae. J1) J. RAY CONSTRUOTION Augull 29. 1912 818 E. Walnut Thia~ .. conducted by an co PANY, 188 Ealt 17th Stteet, Street. Senta Ana, Colltornla.. "1dMdUel. Cocta M-. CA 112e27. 19n ~ Cpo Do VIiie. ID GulMpplna CW'pontlorl (2) WEU.CO, INC., 1ae EM1 No. 9D4767Q103H3, California Thia ... ._t -11*1 wtth the 17th Street. Cocta ~CA 92927. l6oer\M SID RTP. County c.ti o1 Orange County on Thia ~ -conducted by 1 BEN WAANEAS GARAGE J1it 21, 1992. genw1ll pvtnenhlp. INC. f~ Mlc:heel D. Rey for S18 E. Watnul StrO.C. Publllhed Or1n90 Co11t Dally J. Rey ConltnlctJon Co. Santa An•, Calllornla liiot . .Jut'f 23, 30, Aug. 9, t3, 1982. T1111111tM*ll -111ec1 w1111 the 92101 3302-82 County Clol1t ol OrtlnQO County on Uontloldef July 19, 1992. Publlehod Orange Co11t Dally at 400 feet when departing from Denver's Stapleton Airport. According to one senior airline operations oftidal who asked not to be identified, the FAA only mandates the 1,000-foot cutback at John Wayne and Monterey airports. Both are considered to have "cl<>11e in" noiae problems. That same offidal pointed out that carriers aervlnf Orange County, prior to a 979 rule c hange, were permitted to perform cutbacks at an altitude of 500 feet. "There was.never a problem," he said. . IIDported oil need after 2000 seen SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The United States likely will depend on imported oil into the 21st century and remain vulnerable to unpredictable disruptions in global oil traffic, economists. for Standard 011 Company of California said. A forecast titled "World Energy Outlook: 1982-2000" also warned that if demand approaches the physical limits of the Earth's oil supply, unpredictable events such as political and military actiona, or economic and natural upheavals will become more frequent and severe, having "a disproportionate impact." The 20-page report predicted that global oil prices and supplies will remain relatively stable until the mid to late 1990s if efforts at more efficient energy use continue. But in the long run, increases in price will outpace the inflation rate, economists T .G. Burns and D.A. Gunness said. The forecast alao predicted: -Total free-world energy consumption will grow 2.2 percent a year through the year 2000. Irvine f irrn gets subsea pipeline job A unit of Fluor Corp. haa been awarded a contract by Chevron U.S.A. Inc. for aervlcea a.ociated with an offshore platform complex and submarine pipeline system near Point Arguello. Value of the award was not discloeed. The ocean services dlviaion of Fluor Engineers Inc. will provide engin«'l'ing design and materiala management for an offshore drilling and production platfonn and subeea pipelines to deliver oil and gas to onshore processing and distribution facilities. The platform will be located in 600 feet of water in the Santa Barbara Channel. appro$nate17 nine miles south of Point Arguello. Detailed engineering ia scheduled to be completed by the middle of next year. Overall project completion ia set for the fall of 1985. Nil.IC NOTIC£ '1CnTIOUllM.I ..... 3591-82 .. ~ Piiot, August 13. 1982 Publlehod Or1ng1 Co11t Dally Piiot. July 23. 30, Aug. 9, 13, 1992. ---811---.,.-NO-TICE ___ _ The only residential marina south of Newport Beach NA• ITATEMDIT Th• followlng pereon 11 doing ~ .. : OMEOA TRANSCRIBING SERVICE, 1S221'1 N-porl Blvd., Slit. 279, Colla MMe, CA 92927. Diane LH Fl1hburn, 20432 Ana Ave.. 1122. Sanll Ana, 707. .,_;:·;-. bullneN 11 conducted by an lrJGMCJull. Olano L. Fllllt>urn Thi• ltatemont wu llled with the Qounly Cl«k of Orange County on ~· 3, 1912. . ,,....., •J>ubll1hed Orang• COHt Deity PllOt. Aug. 9, 13, 20, 27, 1982 3.472-82 rtalC NOTICE FICTIT'IOUIM.l ... H ~ITATRMDfT Tllo following pereon 11 doing ~ a;~RHAM LEASING CO . 901 Chrl1tlno Oflve. Huntington llmdl. CA 92Me. Ronald Ail Parham. 9701 (llftetlne Ori...., Huntington BMctl. ~9284&. Tllll ~ 11 oonducted by en ~-Aon Parflwn Thia ltat-• ... flied wltl'I tho OOunty Clerk of Orange Coutlty on .My 30, 1982. '1MU7 Publlehod Oreng• CoHt Delly P'l6ot, Aug. 8, 13, 20, 27, 1982 3&43-82 NllJC NOTICE LaQALNOTICtl NIWPORT--IA UNWWO ICHOOL DttTNCT ...... ~ ..... ........... COntrllot No. -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that i Boerd of Education of 1110 port-Me11 Unified School trlct of Orange Counl)' will ,..,_ ..-..S bld9 up to 2:00 P.M. °'·the 23rd doy of Mlgulf, 11182. It ... offtoo of llkf School Olltflct. ~ at 1857 Pl-" .. Stroot, w... C•111Mnla, at which t o aald bldl wlll bo publlcly Ind road for: WHEELCHAIR 3321-82 l"UUU\I ----------K..fUH NOTICE OF DEATH OF Pllll.JC NOTICE c..,._~ WILLIAM DALE DOR-n.u":~~ ~Aai RELL, aka W. D. DOR· u . No. 11.0 RELL AND OF PETITION YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A TO ADMINISTER ESTATE DEED OF TRUST. DATED MARCH NO. A-114537 . 17. 1910. UNLESS YOU TAKE To all hein beneficiaries ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR ' ' PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A creditors and contingent PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN creditors of WILLIAM EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE DALE DORRELL1 aka W. OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST 0 DORRELL ana perllON ~~;~u SHOULD CONTACT A w"bo may be otherwise On Friday, August 20, 1982 at interested in the will and/or 9: 15 a.m Clllgcago Title in.uranoe estate: Company, 11 duly appoi nted A gjtition bu been filed TrullH under and pureuant to b J HNNIE MAE DOR Deed of T !'Ult Elloc:utod by Aobot1 DY "\.. - Vanador• 11 Truetor recorded RELL in the Superior Court Mardi 19. 1990, u lnl1. No. 21839, of Orange County requelting 1n book t35-40. page 924, of Offtclal that JOllNNIE MAE DO~ ~M 1n tho office of the County RELL be • ted 81 ,_r Recorder of Orange County, appom r-:~· California WILL SELL AT PUBllC llOna1 repre11entative to .... AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER m.ini9ter the estate of WIL- FOA CASH (PIY9ble at tJmo of lllo LIAM DALE DORRELL, In lawful money of th• Unllod Costa M-• CA (Wlder the Sta••I at the front entrance to the .,._, • old Orange C011nly CourthoulO, Independent Admlninratioo located on S1n11 An• B lvd., of &tats Act). The pedtion b•••••n Sycamore St. and ls aet for hearing ln Dept. Broadway, Sant• Ana, Calif., 111 No 3 at 700 Civic Center rtgnt. 1111e and Int-• convoyed to n...1.' W Santa ... -· CA and now llOld by It under Mid Deed 1.1£1\'e est, ,,,. .. , of Tn4t In tho Pfopel1y llW.ted In 92701 oo Sept.em~ 8, 1982 Mid County and Stat• ~bod u : at 9:30 a.m. Lot 2 of Tract No. 3065 u per IF YOU OBJECT to the map recorded In Book 95, Pago 10 ot Mltc*laneoua Mapa In the oflloe granting of the petition, you of th• County Recorder In H id should either appear at the County. hearing and atate your ob- Th• 1trHt 1ddrH1 and otll'tr Eona or file written ob- common dollgnatlon, " any, of the with •'--··-be r.., Pfopel1y dooctlbod above II ODI um COw.o • • purported to bo: 2242 W•ll•c ore the hearing. Your ap- Avanue, Colla Me11, Callfornl1 pearance may be ln penon 92927. b .. ~ Tho undor9lgnod dltclllml an or DY your a,...,.,.,ey. 111t1111ty for any ~of IF YOU ARE A CREDI· 1treot addf-end °"*common 'IOR or a contingent ettd.ltor doelgnltlon. If any, lflOwtl heroin. of the deceaeed. you muat Said HI• wlll b• made. but file your claim with the :;::t ;o=~ ~;~a:;:,: court or present it to the po11111too, or encumbren089. to penonal repreeehtative ap- P'Y the remaining pMc1cNll """ Poloted by the court within the note ..:ur.cf by Mid Deed of lour month. from the date of Truet, with lntereet thOfoon, first laauance of letters u pro>Adod In Nld note, ~. llf't, under tho tonne ot the o..o l>"'\1ded ln Section 700 of Truat ..... dlOtgoo end..,.,_ the Probate Code of Oall.for· ot the True100 end of the tNltl nla. The time for fllln1 croetecl by Mid Deed of Truet, t c1aima will not expire prior ~~·000•00 (plul 1n1.,... end to fOW' months from the date °'~bol~~°= ot~~~M~i: :::.=,r•~ u;_d~::;.oc1.,i: the file kept by the court. If Demand for a., Ind a written you are intenlted in the • Notloe of Oef9lllt end lleotlon to iate, you may file a request .... Tho uodontgned G.-cl aald with the court to receive =~ C:. ='Ood an:. ~ special notke of the lnven· .... tho,... propttty .. eoc.ted. tor)' of .tale ...... and of Name. 8 traet Addrou end the petltlon11 lllCCOW\ta and TollpMM l'Mnt>or Of T,._ « repori. ct.::ribed in 8ecUon ~"~=!',,~ 1200.0 of the California Wlltnlr• "'~·1 ~~-"no ..... CA ~ ~· ..... 90010 (21~~· .._ ... "-OM«I 21, 1tea. Au.rMJ •I Law c..._. I aar•e11 JMl MacA.rC119r llW htt. Cllllfl_,i • ,.,_... ltt ., ~=.:.J Or•noo Coa1t Dairy N....-rt a--. CA tlMt Piiot, Nit/ IO, Aug. a. 13, 1M2 (7H) 711 .... l ________ UM-a_ Publlahed Orana• eo..t H9Y9 --you went O.Oy Pilot. Aua, l!, 14, 20, '° ... ? a...m.o -do 1982. It ..... 142-NTI, ' MOl-82 Four miles south of Hotel del Coronado. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, 1lt£ CORONADO CAYS MARINA AND FUEL DOCK IS OPEN TO ntE PUBUC. Now, disc.over a luxurious lifestyle, absolutely unjque in all of Southern California, a rare investment in waterfront living. And, because prime California waterfront property is scarce, a'1d is getti,tg eve'1 scarcer, you'd be wise to investigate this invest- ment opportunity as soon as possiblt!. You'll discover a land by the sea, a group of individual islands and cays whett each com- munity is designed with a character and personality all its own. Because of their superb location within the overall master- planned development, these beautifully designed waterfront cus- tom homes, and condominiums offer some of the most spectaC\llar ~iews ... ocean, bay, city lights. mountains ... ever offered at tlle cays. Coronado Cays ttflects the warmth and color of the Carib- bean. But more. lt reflects what is the very best living In all of Western America. Excellent Financing Plans avaJlable. Details rtgarding financing and ANOC. fff 1v1i11blr 11 the Sales Center. Prices effective datt of P\lbllcatlon and aubj«t to chenp All unltt l\lbftct to prior ..... Montego Bay Villas BlueAnch~Ca.v Resort condominiums with their own clubhouse, An exc1u1lve nei8}\borhood of cu1tom watirfrOnt hOn*, swimming and tennis f acilltles. Ltatablt boatalJpt with room for your own private boet slip. available. (114) 42J.3921 (71•t •18·8'11 From S2.l9 ,500. From S..S.000 RENTALS AND RESALES • Offering a wide rantt of on wattr and oil water home, toWnhom., Ind~ • (714) 42.)..100& FOR BROCHURE WRITE: Coronodo Cay Company. 601 OrHd Caribe C.unay, Ccnu•••:cA nu• G) Coron.do Cayt la a dml~t of CoronadO LandrNrlt Irie., OM of the Slpal ~ Orange OOMt DAILY PILOT{l'ndey, Augult 1~. 1112 ~ NO'fa MUC ll>TICl ww... "SM 11 '1 ... Tll• toll..,lnt 1Htrton I• Coint Tiit tollowWlf ~ o.o ~ C'IHUTIMAN WAY, tm ~r,tYITIMI 1001 W Ao 11 Wtllttlw A-., co.ta MeM. -.0. IMS , .,.._ ,faOt, ~ Cellfornle tta7 IMdl. Oeltfomle ,..., OA~TI"' ION, t~I A·12 Howard Oaolltlafet tot ITAWW, •a n•rr .... Nmnoua • 1111e ..._ T~fooow1 n1 per1111 flevt tbenclol-.d "" "" °' .. tlcMllOWI 1>111111•1• nan1t "&W mumulUcaUonl and L8mlnala di~ ~ facillt.a. ln Salt ~ Oty. '!be lloll Compuy, pnerl.l con1nirt0r bliliii In Newport Btach, COI'Qp]atad an tll.3 mil1io6 ~ oU&ce and trtJ.Nna fad.Uty tn lrwlndUe fer Rome S.Ylap of America. · Wllllllar Avtnu•, Oollt MtH, MartYtrlt•, Ooro11t dtt' Mir. ~ 12'21 CtllfOtnlA tttll OIVl.L°""INT NO. II at , .. IMC ,.,"' llfl9(. co.ta ....... OallOmla 12127. abovt Tiit flotlflou1 cl.lradot of teehnk:a1 IUpporl for ~"~'::t:•~.t~:;r flltd • Dit00vl1lon A•oclat41!r. jolndy Po.jtloned on a 10-aae alte, the twCHtory, 24•,000·tquare-foot bulldlna featurn tilt-up concrete wa1JJ and a penelhed wood roof ~ Mlcll .. 1 l11gene l1~ry, IH l'fMllle ~ tot ~ =:::-•• ~· MeM, Celltof'llla CorOM clel Mtr, ~ 0.21 ' LueMI lwry 322 Aoatlttw Albtrt J . Mu"•· 1101 W, J. "'Y CoNWct1ot1 ~. owned by IBM and MUA. , .. (Ml tntl • .,.. eo.ta .... Construction wtll ~sin on a 17 ,2SO..:iuare foot. two-etory concrete Ult-up bulld!Jll for Hee.Ith Care Development of Santa Ana planned and ~ by Arclltectval Team Tbree of Santa Ana. · Cotta MtH, Oalltornl1 tHl1 • ~·~~ Newport l•aoll, Thia bualnell le oondllClttld by a Thie ~ II oonduottd by I ~ t2t27 Conttructfon ht.a botun ln '"!1•11~~·11';oM•~~· ~Mo!~l~ Irvin• at 6 Holltnd on a 12tn • ' 4.18-acre 1Ste for Copaolidat.ed .,_,., penlltl'ttllp. genwll '*''*"""· MlchMI I!. 8ettY FtMlllt Dr• Thie NIM!ent _... !lied wltll Thie ..._.etMlll WM ftlect with lt)e ThllbueintMW1uondlio..o11ya Fretahtwaya of Delaware, oenert1 S:::::.·~ '°' planned and d.s,ned by David The buildlrur la to be located at Morpn an4 Chr)'ller 1n the Gvine lndUltrial Complex Eut. f COllnlY Olertl of Oran~ oounty on Countr Ottni ot Otanoe COlif\ty on Jvt, H. 1H2. Jlity 21, 1tl2. '1Mll1 ...... J, "'10onttruo11on eo. T. Takamoto & /IM()C. ot Loi PYbll•h•d orano• co!~ Ala and Arc'11ectural Team ....oN MUC NOTICE ~ °" P11bll1hed Orano• Coot 01Uy ,Ubllllltd Or1no• OOH I Diiiy couwre CM' LQe MOllUll ~~~~ July 30 and ~ug. I. I~, 20, ~=-JV!y SO and Aug, I, 1~. ~. In re ltttte et ll'OC .. ILLI 3416-82 '31M2 Piiot. Jufy 23, ao, Aug ••• 1i. 1M2 11tree of Santa Ana. Co uzo..12 The building, by Allee Con.1tructlon mpany Deborab Foaialne wtU repretent the ~ County chaf ter of the Ba lid las lad11trr A11oclatloa o Soathern California 1n a speech " th La Habra Liona at Buffum.a ln Fuhion Sq~ on Aug. 31. She Ls president of the newly-formed Fontaine & Auoclatea and will present, "Manufactured Housins: la It T he Affordablo Answer?" UM't( ... -....,.., 9'0Ctm.LI 1---------~ U1Joi\t.0~1:·:~t1MTION To P\IUC NOTICE HLL HAL '"onfln AT i-01177 ":.~~y OIVIN tllet, NOTICE OF DEATH OF 111bJect to co11t1rm111011 by 1111 VINCENT C. MORCK AND abcWa entllltd ~ c-t. on 0 P P E T I T I 0 N T 0 Sept. 15. tH2. 11 10 1.m . or ADMINlSTER ESTATE NO. :thtrtllfttr wttll4n lht 11m .. 11owec1 by A-llUH. .11w. th• u11der1lg n ed. •• ... all h •-be f•..:-...1 •Adml1111trator o f th• Wiii of •O e .. ., ne ....,.es. :AOCHEUE LUMPKIN. d-..c:t. credit ors and contingent w1t1M11tprtyateM1etothe111gn.t credltor1 of V incen t C . ·end beat net bidder on tllt terma M k and ho '•11d co11dlllo111 here l111fter ore peraons w may mentioned 111 right. 1111•. ind be oth erwise interested in , lnl-t of ROCHELLE LUMPKIN, the will and/or estate: ~.••the lime of htt' deeth A petition has been tiled end Ill right. mse and llltertlt INt by Diane Mor ck In the the _.. .. 11u 8Cqlked In addition S I Co f o to ttlet of dectdtnt 11 the time o1 uper or urt o range her dH th. 111 th• real property County requesting that located 111 th• County of LOS Dl.ane Morck be appointed as ANGELES. St••• of CALIFORNIA personal representative to dtacrlbtd II tollowl: d I I h f The Sout"-ltrlY 22 *'of the a m n ster t e estate o NotthwMtertv 22.2 fMI of Lot 18 111 Vincent C. Morck, Costa Block "F''ofTractNo.3388,lntht Me sa. C A (under the City of Avalon. 11 per m1P rtcOl'dtd Independent Administration In &oo« 37 Pegee 3 to 7 lnclulllve of of Est&tes Act) The petition MIPI. In the otnc. of the County ·. . Recorder of Nld County. 11 set for hearing m Dept. Seid property 11 1lao •hown 11 No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Lot 29 In 8loolc t9 of Iha Offlel•l Drive West, Sant& Ana, CA M1p of Avalon. fll•d In Book 1 92701 on Sept.ember }, 1982 P19" 31 to 48 1ncto.ive ol Offlc;lal l 9.30 AM Mepe ot Mid County. a . . . Th• properly 11 commonly lF YOU OBJECT to the referre d to •• 315 Dt1c1n10 granting o f the petition, you 4venue. Aveton. Cal1lln• 1111nd. should eith er appear at the ~':':ie 11 aubJect to curr1111 hearing and state your IUH. coven1nt1. condition•. objections or file written rNlrlcilona. reHrv1t10111. right•. objections with the court right• of way. a11d t1Mment1 of before the hearing. Y our record. and dtllnqutnt ta1t11 to be be · ,.llstltd out ol the 1>U<c:h11t p0oe appearance may m person The Pf<Jptrty 11 to be IOld on 1n or by your attorney. "11 11" beM, exceot u to tltlt I F Y 0 U A R E A Sidi or olltn -Invited lor thll CREDITOR or a contingent property and mull be In WYlllng and _ _., f th d __ ..,., •Ill be received It the office ol Cn:ui~r O e ~"""":"· you WILLIAM M. WILCOXEN, lllomt)' must file your claim with the lor Nld ll<lmlnlltrltor It 3&4 Fo<e9t court or present it to the A--. Sult• 2••. Laguna 8tech. personal representative Calllornl• 9285l. or may be llled appointed by the court With the c:ltrll ol Hid Supttlor Court or d e llvered 10 WILLIAM M within four months from the WILCOXEN ptt1onllly, It 1ny um. date o f first issuance of •ft• flf'at publtcallon or thll notice letters as p rovided in Section ~;~':lira:':= on the 700 _of the Probate .Code of totiowtng tem11: Cllh or part Cllh California. The time for Ille! part credit. the terme of tue11 filing cla.lms will not expire credit to be eccept1ble to th• prio r to four months from under11lgned end to th• Su~rlor the date of the hearing Court, ten percent (10%1 ol the . _ _. bo amount bid to ICCOITIPlnY the olftt nolk-.:u a ve. by Otrtltlad check. and the balanc. YOU MAY EXAMINE to be paid on conflrmltlon of "" the file kept by th e court. If Ind twm1 of 1a1t by the Supttlor you are int erested in the Court. TUM, rtnll. opt<l llng and fil m11ntenance 1xp•n•••· 1 nd estate, you may ea request 1><emk.lm1 on 111euranc. ecceptable with the court to r~ive to the purch-lhall be P<Oflttd s p e c 1 a I n o t i c e o f t h e H of the d•I• ol recordl11g ol Inventory of estate assets conveyance. Examination ol Utte. . . recording of convey811Ce 1r1niltt and of the pennons, aC(.'()Wlts tu-. Ind 1ny t111t lntur.00. potlcy and report• descr ibed In th1ll be 11th• expenH or the Section 1200.5 o f t h e e>urctlaM or purcna-., California Probate Code. The underatgned reMrvH the STEPHEN J B U RESH right 10 r9jecl ..., end ... bid• l)(lor • • lo entry ot an order conflmllng Ille Attoniey at Law, nos Soatb .-. CoHt DTtve, Salte 101, P .O . ~~ Box U H , Co1ta Mesa, CA • AdlfttNetntor of the IZIH (714 ) 551-1710 .. of the Ibo" named Published Orange Coast o-deflt. Daily Pilot. Aug. 6, 7. 13. WILUAM M. WILCOUN 1982 3535-82 Attomey It "-... ,_t A-•MA flta.IC NOTICE LaotlM llMctl CA 12111 (714) 4M-7118 MOTICE M ntUIT'Ef'S IAL.£ Publlahtd Orange CoHI Dilly T4722-t!Q Piiot, Aug. 12, t3, 19, 1982 On Frldty, s.i>tembtr 3, 11182 al 3&04-82 9 :15 t.m .. HOME FEDERAL SA· ---.,.-m,-tC_NO_TIC_E ___ VINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ""~ lor,,,.rly known 11 Home Ftdwal S1111ng1 1nd loan Aatoela11on ol . San Diego. 1 Corporation. u NOTICE OF DEATH OF TruatM undet thll Deed of Trull MARIE FOGLE AND OF d1ttc1 Apru 8. t981, executed by p E T I T I 0 N T 0 DENNIS R. CHASE end JANE ANN ADMJNISTER ESTATE No CHASE and recorded Aprll 14, • 198 1, H lnllrumenl No. 14922 A·114iH Book 14018 Page 528 of Offlclal To all heir'I, beneficiaries. Record• of Or.nge County, State of d · d t I t Calftoml1 wlff Mii 1t public llUCtton ere .1 tora an con gen 10 the hlghMt bidder !Of calh 111 creditors of Marie Foete and lawful mOMy of the United s ...... p e r s o n 1 w h o m a y b e 11 the front antranc. 10 the old Or· otherwiae interested in the ange County Courthou1e. located will and/or e1tate· on Sant• Ana 81Yd., ~ Syca.. . · . more St. & BrOMhrty In the City of A petibon has been filed 9111111 Ana, County ot Orange. State b y Mar~t Adam8on In the of ca111om1a. 111 right. 1ft1t and in. Superior Court o f Orange •-t conwyed to and 110W held by County requesting that It under laid Ottd of Trust. 111 that M t A d am I 0 b property altu1ted In Mid Cou111y argare n e Ind StN. dleatbtd u: appointed u penonal l.ol 198ofTrec:tNo.&235.County repre9er1tative to admi.niller of Of.nge, State oC Callfoml-. aa the estate of Marie Foale lhowll on• map tt1ereo1recorded 111 (un der the Independent =.~.:,~~P~o ~ec~ Admlniltratlon of Eltalel Mid Orange County. iogethtr with Act). The petition is ael for ~••for tuppc>rt. Ind Mttt. ~in De~. No, 3 at 700 ,,,.,,, where aald lot edJol111 any ,.... •-ve w-ln otlltt tot 1n Mid trtct, togethtt' with ...,. ...,r • ...,., ~II tOt ...,,.. or Oll«hlngl the City o f Santa Ana , -.Mr• IUCh .. _ "' oonetructed California on Sept.ember 8, In llOOOtdanot with applleable MU· 1982 at 9:30 a.m . ~ l'~AULT UNDER A IF YOU OBJECT to the DEED OF TRUST DATED A~L 8. granting of the petition, you 1981. UNLESS YOU TAKE .ACTION lhould either appear at the TO PROTECT YOUR PROPEATY IT h I d l t MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. ear na an I a e your IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION objectlona o r file written OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO- objectlooa with the court CEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU befor e the hearing. Your SHOULD CONTACT .AN ATTOR· ap~ may be in penon NEY. or your attorney The 1trMt IKklr-or other com- 1 YOU A .RE A ~=t!,~~~r~°!j CREDITOR or a contlge n t 10 be: 18125 LMtllttwood, IMM. creditor of the deceued you ~~ wlll be m.O.. without muat file youT claim with covenant Of warranty. h,pr-or the court or pre9eftt 1 t to the Implied, regerdlng ntJe. p er 1 11 I ari peuonal repre1entatlve or enc:umbrlnOtl. 10 ~the unp.ald appointed by the court ~~ eum of '52.583.17. p1u1 within four monthl from the lnwllt thtreOn •pr~ In the Noia MOUrtd by Mid Dtad of Truet. date of flnt tuuance of pru1 u of the d1t• o1 tM 111111a1 1etten .. provided in SecUon pubbtlon of Intl NotlOt Ill lddlo 700 of the Probate Code o f t1ona1 ••llmat9d 1mou11t of 14 •• California. The tim e for eoo.oo tor .ov-, " lllY)', undtf nu .... -•-•-will t Y>I.... tM ltrmt ol Mid Ottd of Tru•t. ...... ,. ....... ,... no ex,...~ teat, oMt'9M 111c1 ..,,.,_ of the prior to four mootha from T"*'9. • the date o f the hearlna Tiie ~ undw Mid o.ct notlatd tbo119. ol T"* hM htrttofor. •ecuttd YOU MAY EXAMINE ::..:11c::=:.i::~·~ the fOe kept by the court. u obllQatlont MCUrtd by Mid o.ct ol you are ln\ereated ln th e '"*· Ind • written Notloa ol 0.. e1tate you may file a f1111t and lltotlon to 8t11, whloll ' b NotlOI Mid Tl'WM Ilea OIUMd to requHt with t e . court to be ,_dtd on Mlrdl 3, 1n2 11 teQ!liw 1pedal oodc! o~ ~ lnttl'IHT*lt No. 12473228 of °"" Inventory of eatat• .... ia * Aaa0fd9 of Mid County. and of the petltklm. ~1w c!::m-:'4' ~notMt ~~ and reporu de1erlbH In companr w110 .. adctrtH ana Section 1200.6 of the ~""'"*'le 102' ~I.Me c.utornla Pt*w Codt. ,,,.,,,,.., MM 201 ,~ CA Palrtda a.....,_ Attenlef tn~~1a> .. ,~ at Law, UH "E. CH1t ~OMt~lA~~VIHGt 8Whr8J, C."9& 4el Mar, AHO LOAN AMOCIATIOH. C•lllenla euu. ( '1l O • 0orpcwat1oti ~ •TNMI Prttrtld Oranc• eoui ~~;::;.,. Mi .... Auto l:l, lit 19, '"t>lllMd °'''* Coett Dally .. I Piiot, ~ 1S. ~. ft, 1112. 8603-82 ~ ___ NltC ___ NO_TICE___ of Loe Anaelee, II to be completed ln Novem~r and will <."Ollt $600,000. PUBltC NOTICt ,tCTITIOU9 .,... •• KAMI aTATlmNT Th• followlng p1raon 11 doing bullntM .. GOLDEN WES T SION COMPANY, 1101 W. St41Vtna, Apl 11, S1nt1 Alli. Cell! 12107 llhltl Ftllx Sa lH. t 101 W. Sttvtn1. Apt It, Santa Ana. Callt 82707 Thia bull,_ la CIOl'IOUC1td by Ill Individual ltf'lltl F SelM Thi• at.atement w11 flltd with 111t County Cltrtl ol O.ange County on July 28, 1982 f'19Q31 Publl•h•d 011ng1 CoHt Delly Piiot. Aug e. 13. 20. 27, 1982 3522-82 PlllllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI MlllHIH NA• ITAT•MtNT The IOllowlng pt(IOOI .,. d0111g bu1lneaa 11: ECONO MAINTENANCE, 18783 Bt1ch Blvd., Huntington 8e1Ch, Callfoml• 92647 J-Eldridge, 10122 Crtlltl Drive. Huntington BtlCh, C1lllOfnl1 926215 Julnlll Eldrldge, 10122 Crlllltt °"""· Huntington beech. Callfornl1 82648 Thia bull,_. 11 conducted by a llmlted Plrtntrlhlp. Juan1t1 Eldridge Thia flltlmtnt Wll fifed with the County Cl«k ol Orange County on July 26, t982 F1M230 PubHlhtd Or1noe Cout Diiiy Piiot. July 30 end Aug. e, 13, 20, 1982 3357-82 PllltlC NOTICE FlCTITIOUI au ... 11 NAME STATDIEfT The following peraon 11 doing butl.-11: JERRY'S AUTOMOTIVE & MOBILE MED14 NIX, 245 Flachtr Street, Coala Meu. C1lllor1111 92826 AOV1noect Motor StrvloM. 245 Flecher Street, Coate Meu. CallfOfnla 92826 J1rry Wllll1m Lemp1r, 24972 Southp()rt, Laguna Hiiia, C1llf0fnt1 92853 Thie bull,_. la conducted by 1 genereJ partn«ehlp. J8fry l.tmptt Thia atatemenl w11 llltd with the County Clerk of O<lllQt County on July 21. 1982 ,.1..,. Publlahed 01111g• COHI Diiiy Pilot. July 23. 30. Aug. 8. t3. 1982 3217-82 P1C~MllMll NAm ITATIMDIT Th• followlno penon It dolno bual-u: ABIOTT , CLA RK a ASSOCIATES. 23522 El Toro Road, Suitt 203, El T«o. CA 82630. Edward Ord, 15849 ""-tttr Lane. Hunllngron Htrbour, CA t284t. Thie bull-11 oonducted by 1n llldlYldual. Edw11d Ord Thia 1t1t-I wu flied with Ult County Clttil of Or9"Qt County on Aug. 4, 1882. ,, .... Publl•h•d 011ng• COHI Delly Piiot, Aug e. 13, 20. 27. 11112 3544-§2 Nil.IC NOTICE NOT1CI Of' SAL.I TOHIGHllT~ Notlot I• hereby gJve11 that bide wlll be rece ived lor 111• to lh1 hlghMI bldder(a) ol eurplu• m11Ghlne 10011. loctuin. drafting ta~ 111d atudy camll• excaN to the n.tc11 of the Hu11tlngton Bffch UnlOn High School Dltlrlct. Bid Form N o . 504 with apeclllcatlont Ind llldlcatlng t Xlct k>Clatlona or 1tem1 may be obt11nec1 from the Dl1lrlc1 PurC1hatlng· 01p1rtme111, 10251 Yorktown AVtllUt, Hu11t111glon BHOh, CA 92648. Any Item may be lnlPt01ed at tf'lt alt• •here It la located Mond1y through Friday, 8;00 e.m. to 3'00 p.m prior lo Augull 30, 1982 Bid• 11'1111 be ct•tr:f marked .. Obtoltlt Equipment-Bl No 504," addren•d to Allyn E. Rowley. PurchHlng M1n1gtt. Huntington 8MCtt Union High SchOot Olatrlc1, 10251 Yorklow11 Avenue. Huntington e.ach. CA 92646. end received 11 or ti.lore 2.00 p.m . Mondty, Augull 30. 1182 It Wtikll't time and place bide wlll be publldy apened 111d read. All 1.o:pen••• ol c1r11ge and removal art th• respon.iblllty of the ~I bldder(a). Saltl 1111 will be &dded lo ell qUOllllonl unlHI vtlld retell ""' tu permit number 11 eubml1ttd with bid fOfm. P1ym1nt tn lull 111111 be made wlthl11 aeven deya or the 1wardlng of the aate, end lht m11ena1 shall be removed trom DlstrlClt property 11 the time of full peyment. The D111rlc:1 makes no guarantee, wrltttA or Implied. 11 10 the condlllon of 1ny Item. Item• may be wllf'ldrewn from 1111 II 11qulred prior to bid 1cceptanoe. Stglled: 4LL YN E. ROWLEY Purchulng M1nager D•ltd: .Auguat 4, 1982 Publl1h1d Or1nge CoHt Delly Piiot, Augull 8, 13, 1982 3502-82 PVIUC MOllE CONIOLIOATED REPORT 01' CONDITION Consolidated Report of Condition of "LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK of Huntington Beach, Orange County, and Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of business on June 30, 1982. C"-"er Number 17308 Nation.a Bank R-aton Number -FourtMnth Dollar Amount• In T'houMnda A88ET8 Cash and due from depository Institutions ............ 4,919 Obligations of other U.S. Gov't. agencies and corporations ...... ......... ....... ... ............ 700 All other securities ..................................................... 150 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to reaell ................................................................ 4,950 a. Loans, Total (excluding unearned Income) .......................... 4,391 b. Lesa: Allowance for possible loan loaaea .......... .......... ....... ... 6 c. Loans, net ....................................................... 4,385 Bank premises. F.F.& E .. etc .................................. 1,002 All other assets .......................................................... 165 TOTAL ASSETS .................................................... 16,271 LIABILITIES Demand depoalt8 of Individuals, partnerships, and corporations .......................... 2,752 Time and aaVlngs deposits of lndlvlduata. partnerahlpa. and corpor1tlona , ......................... 8, 143 Deposits of United State1 Government ...................... 17 Certified and offleera' checks .................................... 402 Total Deposit• ..... ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ...... .... . .. . . . . . .. . .. . 11,314 Total demand depoalta .................... 3, 171 • Total time&. aavtngs deposits ........... 8, 143 Federal fund• purchased and eecurttlea sold under agreement• to repurchase ............... .... ............. .. ... 243 All other llabllltlel . ..... .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .... . .. . . . . .. . ... ....... ..... ... 71 TOT AL LIABILITIES (e11oludlng tubo<dlnetad not• and debentures) ...................... ................. .......... 1 1,628 IHARIHOLDER8 EQUITY Prefetred stock a. No. ahares outstanding -None Common Stock a. No. 8harea authorized 800,000 b. No. shares outstanding 500,000 .................. ., 2,500 Surplus ................. , .... , ..... , ........................................ 2,'493 Undivided profit• and reaerve for contingencies and other capital reeerves ........................................... (350) TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ....................................... 4,643 TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO EQUITY CAPITAL .............................................. 16,271 MIMORANOA (amoun .. outetandlna • of report date) Time C*'tlflctte1 of depoalt In denomination• of 1100,000 Of more ................................................ 5,2&4 Other ti~ <Mpotltt In amounts of t 100,000 or more ............................................... 438 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date: • Totel dep<>alta •.•.•.•.•••••••••.•...••••.•••.•......••.•.••...•..... 7,750 We, the underalgMd director• atteet the oorrlOtMa of thlt ttatement of rMOUrcee and llablllt .... We dec:lare thet It hM been examlMd by us, and to the beat of our knowtecl~ and ~let 11 true and COtfec:t. /t/J. Oonlld Hartfelder /I/Robert w. Smlloy /t/Phlllp 8 . lnglM Otrectort I, Jamea D. Ott, Chief Financial Officer of the abov.named bank do hereby deotare that thtt Report of Condition 11 tru. ~ oorreot to the bt9t of my knowledge and belief. /llJ81Mit o. Ott Publlehed Of.,.,J'&J1~~10t. Aug. 13, 1082. 5e07-12 II f Ray BadJJ joined the a\aff of C61 Bu1ldet1, a design/build general contracting firm located in Santa Ana, as a 1enior project manager. The Electronic Devices Division of Rockwell lntena&lonal Corporation in Newport Beach n amed Thresum Asaoc lates, Inc., as sales representatives for Rockwell'• microcomputer, microproceaor and modem products in Northern California. The division manufacturers 4-, 8-and 16-blt microprocessor families , singl e-chip microcomputers, AIM 65 and AIM 65/40 board level microcompute r s, the RM 65 family of microcomputer modules and a series of high-apeed integral modems. Sperry Univac announced that its mini- computer operations, baled at lrvine and various field locations, will be integrated into the marketing and product division organlz.ations. MCO product development and marketing support activities at Irvine will be consolidated into Sperry Univac organl7.ations in Blue Bell, Pa; Salt Lake City and various locations of the company's Americas Division marketing organization. The consolidation ls expected to result in a personnel reduction by early 1983. In November MCO data processing sales specialists were transferred to Americas Division branches. Additionally, in December, the minicomputer manufacturing operations in Irvine began a phased relocation to the company's OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK CAP) toloGM l·l1 ._l1 trllel NASDAQ Q~IOon• ComCIH ., ., .... lnlrcln• \llOwlnQ hi~I blell CmlSllt 11 IS 1n19rp1> anCI 1..-.st olfer1 Dy Cmwlel ll'n 1l>J ln1rned w:;:_•\,='Joa~ ~::::~ m: w· :~~~~ 1nc1wc1ere1i111marll1111 Cro1lr• 1• 14''• 1waSout marl!CIO-or comm-CutlrFd • 1 '" I \lo Jamlby •Ulon for Thurlday Cycllron l >''• JerlGo Stock Bid A1lo. Ola0.1 IO>'o IO'o •IJllly AEL Ind 12~ ll OaylM • 13"1 14\to Jollyn • AFAProt 1211> 2411> 08"r • 1·32 4 J.32 Kal1SI pl AVM Co n ...... CHkt~ 11'9 ltlo<i Kalvar Ac.tdlM 1' ,.,,. O.IC.tn1 11 11"'-Kaman Accuray 1~ Ho O.weyEI l JV. KetySv , AOClhnW "• 101,. 01.tCry\ 13 ll'n K Im NII AdvAou • • ..., Ol•nCru ,,,,, .JO Kll>Qlnt AllBltl t•I<. IS Oocut•I 20 20'" KIOOIG Allcolnc 1'' • 31 OollrGn 11'• 11~. KnapeV Amare• 4\< S OoYIOB ISl•1 14 KralO\ AFurn ~ S'o OrletCn Il l• IPo Kullcke AGrttt 11' ' 11'9 Ounlo.O ,. I~ La11u 1 AlnGr. H.\o s.1. °"'''°" ~ ·~· Lar>CIAH AN•t M 11"" IJ Ea1nVnc '"· "''' LaneCo AOuHr ~ ,.._ EconUlD 20• • 201'> Lllnv• ~:.:~ ,~:: ,~:;; ~:::,•~ 1~1• 1~~ LlnBra • Anadll• s•. S'·• EleNU(I ,~ • ~r.~rn A119SA t 1·1' t v, EIMod I 1l 12'• MCI wl AngAGcl It'• -EnrDo I ... 11 MGF Oii Aool.C: 1J'~ 1J''• t'nrMet MaOIOE AJ>lc!Mt 1'""' IS 1 J. 1• 1 S ,. Ma IPI Er-.Gc> J• o )t,. t'nA1v l )\oo Ma)'l;I AtlGlL1 u-. 1"-Enlwl"I 1) IJ~ Marloft AllMIA 1 21' > n laulSL .... >~ Ma ILP Av111e.. 11'"" IJ Eq10tl Po '"" Ma~PI aafrCICo S'9 S"-•1FSC ~ l·l2 Ma ..Otl BallyPI' Pol • FarrnbQI> JO .JO'. MtE 8""9HE ·~ 10"-F•dlcor ,, ., ..... MtF°'r':' ~nkA Q '"°' 1 U-1 FlllkSV' 17° > llllo. Mt~y BaulFr »"-,.,., Fl~ln :16..., JI MtA..0 Bavi.--10 Ftlmo5 11•. II Mld~W BMllN S S' 1 F1WftFln l l' • M410C.C. BffllPI 11 FlaQS-l U ' • lSh Midi AH 1 11·1• 1 1J.16 FUc\Qr It'• It~> MIC111111 I BellL s ,. ,.,~ FlaNFI• U..., 2••,. MllllO< 8evMQ1 ..... t•'• FlurocD S1 • S0 • Mln\llG ::~ '~h ·i~ ~::~. ';~ 'r' Mota• Blrlcf'lr J'• JO, Frar\ll(p 10"> 11 =~ Bonam ,... H• Fran~EI 1) I) ... -.P Brwlorn I t• • FrffSC. 14'• ,..,.. Mortnln 6vlleh 1•' > ,. ... Frtrnnl • •~ Mor1r'I Burnull6 ''• 10 fvllrHB 1••,. 1•'' MotClub Cl'IL ~in l '• J GnAulm Po >•, Mueller CPl 11 .... 11 ... GnO.vCI l't l NerrQC 'elWISv J.4''1 » GnAIE" l6'• II NO•I• CfnradH l Po IGo•EFn 11 (1\lo Ntl...,.S CAtoEn \11 .,,. Grapf'IS< ...... NY Al•I caoSw \ 10 II Gr•v""" SI .. NIOOG CepAI• .,,.. S Glflnhl t t\l Nlellll A c ar•'o 20 ~ Gvroefyn •'• I '> Nltlsn B Cetus l~o I Hao-. µ. • Nik• 8 CllarAlv ,, ,,.,, HamlP1 10'. 11 NCarG• Ch<mS -10 H.,dw\ 1•1, l'o NwlNGs Cl\er1H 170,., 1711o. HrpRow ~ t'IOt Nw1IPS Chml.H t\r 10111 HaroGj> ,..., n1r. Na.ell ClleSUll IS\'1 11 Her11NI 10\<. ,, • JNuc:ro Chu~ ~ 29'~ HKllllQ It!,. 1tltl O<•-Clrfko ~ ~ Henrol' 7• Uli> OollvyM CllL~ ""' 11'1 HOloOm )'"" 1°1> OliloCM CiUUtA l~ »"-Hoover ''' •"-OllFerro CIUUIB ll~r n~. Ho,.tAl >"-... Oll•rTP t1ark.JL ~ A"' IMS '"' IS\. ,. PCA Inf C-C$1 S'-'> ~,ISC 10't 11 Pol0\18 COlrl le 14'"" 1411. lftfratno I-I. t PcGaA MUTUAL FUND ~:::rt Pena Ent Pentar • P-Exp Pelrlte P•lllDon Ph11•Ne1 Pl•rc•SS Plnllrtn PlonHI S Plastlne Possls PrelGM PrsSllYtl Pr09rp PbSvNC Pur1Be<I PutOC.., QuakrCl'I AagenCp Anmnd AHYft AO.OSv RoDDMv Rouw S.Oller s.reco StP...i S<rlpH l Seao)at• Sen-• Sv~~r Svcm•I SlllMd Shwmul Slu•A• Slllconx SCaJwtr SwEIS• Slanoyn SldMl<ro 51CIA-Slantvne Jaaaen A11oclate. lac. of Irvine appointed Holly Bllllng1 of Brea pubUc relations eccou.nt executive. She comes to Jansen from Century Data Systems Inc. Public relations executive Gloria Zlgner, owner and president of Newport Beach - b as e d Gloria Zlgner & Associates, Inc., is featured In the Sept.ember issue of WOMAN Magazine. In an article profiling "How Six Women Succeeded in -.U.OI Starting Their Own Business," Ma. Zigner tells how she organized her agency, now in lta 14th year, and grossing more than $1 million annually. : • Century Z1 Real Eatate Corporation of Irvine acquired Century 21 Real ~tat.e Two Corporatioftt the corporate region in the Los Angeles/South Ba~ area. The international real estate sales organization purchased the region from owners Ollie Speraw and Dr. William Kroake, director of the region, Kroske will continue as regional director. In addition, Cen tur y 2 1 Real Estate Corporation announ ced the acquisition of the outstanding partial interest In Century 21 Real F.state of North Texas/Oklahoma/ Arkansas, Inc. .... •"'-Sl•rlSI )\ 1 H o :i~ :it ~~: ~ ~;~ UPS AND DOWNS ~ w• fy~ OC 11 :;; 11~ NEW YOAk !APl -n. fol_.,. 1ttt 1•"° IS hmpex lS lS ... .,,..... ... OWr • IN • C- Jllo> Ul> Tandem """ 1•~ stoc.h ...., waranb -• ,.. .. -""' ,, .... 12'ft TecumP M SS IN ~ and -Ow ,,_, NMC1 °" M S7 hie""' ll'·• 11 perunt Of CNl\99 r~rdlffl ol YOiume ~ 11 lenen1 IJ\, to tor Thur11dey .,. 114 Tlorary ... •'" 10 I~ TomlOll 2•1l l .. 2 • .,, l•l,'o Toyo1a s •~• 6\1< 22 .. 23 TWSIEX 5 \'" , .... ,.,, 1l rlcoPd 21'" 23...., 12 121/o (T_~IOftFcl ·~ ,. 13y, I• unMtGll 15 16 11,,, IJ US Enr 7'-1 I ,..,. IS"1 US S..r ll'n 19 4~ s us Tro 10'~ 10'" 1 16'.I• 11 ~va:Sh ~ lj,,,, ~ JS\• U \11 u~~..,"g ,,,,, 17~. 4 ~ :.,. v ... 1111 ..,,, !O s ,~ '!''" ~=~~ :~:~ :~ ! """ 30'1 • VICl•aSI S•• • t •Ii> -~ VldeoCo I..... 1-" 10 m ... ,. VaNB-" ,,.,, """ ,, ,~. ,!~ Wa rnEI 11-'o I) ,, Y> ~ Wll\Enr ,,,,. ""' u 14\io 1•tli WelOlrn S S~, If v ... 211o wo..o n•., tt~ 1 s 21 ... 1111o. WHOICI lPo ~ 1• ll"' 14 WmorC 1• , • ...., 11 ll'n 1• W.llrau 11' o 11'-11 1JL. 13'°" WlsarO • W • IS" 1t 11 '4 1 "" WolvAlu S-loo • JO >S'• ,µ. W-1 10'• 10'1 11 ~ 2•"' W-l.OI JS-loo 1'' • n .... I,_ WrlQlltW 10'o 11 ..... U 41 4l ZlonlJI • 2JI., U ,_ 24 11 3' II a -appll(-JS 76 ,, u" Ulll CllQ Pct. 10 • J Up 42.t S + , .. Up 37 t 12 t J Up J:U Uj4 • l \i. Up 31.7 1 ~,. • 1... uo n.l IS"'-+ 1"1 Up 11.t J"°' • Ii> Up IS.A J"'-• \.. Up 11.J l... • ... Up 11.S UY> • 11"1 Up 11.S Iii> + ,_ Up II. S'lo + II> Up IU 14... • 21.. Up IOJ S.,, • II> Up 1t.O ~ • Yr UP •A •II. • ... Up t.1 1•14 • l\io Up tA • • ..., Up t.1 l + II. Up t.I ..... • Yi Up U ~...., • "1 Up l.l -• "-Up l.J >•• + lo Up l.J "-• "-Up LJ l'I'> + \. UP 11 JV. • Ito Uo 11 lY> • II. Up 11 DOWNS ..... ,, JI. , .... ) ... 2~. l'• ) l\ro .... • .... ,.,.. l \t , ... l"• lY> .... 10\/) l lh I 11~. J''I P<I. Off Jl.t Off IU Off '"' Off 111 Off 17.6 Off 11.2 Off 1'.7 Off 16.S Off IS.I Off IS.A Off IS.O Off u.o Off IU Ott IU Off 12.S Off ,, s Off 1U Off 12.1 Off 12.S Off 11.S Off 11.J A T c 011 11 Ol EXNfllttt .. 0 11 , , , Y> Off II 1 -'• °" "t NEW Y01tl( l-"PI C~el!O< G.-Fn<IT1t 13 00 NL Grwlfl I.CD I 7l Nat lftd II OI NL O!Kn 10 SI 11 4' Slnh •SI NL -The •ot-"9 HIYld • " t SJ ·-J.n NL us Gvt 110 .... N•I *""'... T •• e. 11 27 lt.1l tratlnv s Jt SM ::c::i::r::.:.. =\:<"' :: : :rn F~t"f~~JI NL K:;"m,,f.ll a.; •Ht~ = ; ~ 1tll Vitt• 11 fl U 06 lrat Gtll 1'.• NL atlon "' S.Curtllff T aaM IS ,. .. '° !Incl ~ 12 ,, ll " K•m-,._, Grwlh • IO • tO V~aa ~ ':t ION~ T :::, I~ ,;1~ Oeai.rs, Inc .• ..,. Cnl Sfll tOS NL OIKO Ul 9.01 lncom 7.lf l.ll r:_'!!, Ss.,." ~ !! Aal-2'4 ML T~pGlb ?1.0. .•• 111e ork.,. a1 ~" en.rt id is .. 11 • Gr-us •,. ~r~14 : ~ ; ~! s'iO<..:· 1 .a ; n ~:;:~~ t~ 9N1~ T:::pP: ~ ,}.SJ ,•,.~ ~':.: l\e!:"ur= ~:::' ,.~1 NL ~"!,~ ~.~1 :.:; 1n11Fc1 10.01 10... Taa Ea 7 1• I •1 S'.!Ko S.Cur lrn• c:..p I.JD •At told (Nt1 8'"'1 Funa • SJ 10., Optft s '7 •. ,. Muft a •. .s • .. TotA• • 4' 4.. EQUH 1 11 NL Trnl-7.6$ HL valuel or Douahl GrWlll • M I U Taa Ea I.Ill 1 ti Oplft 10 ff 11.21 Falt11d S .. • 1' o.-11 U NL lrav Eq 1.Zl ltl <•al.-Plllt WIM HI Yid • It • 71 M WIEQ S S2 •.Cl3 S..mm H.S7 U.t\! NEl.lte Fund lnco I" NL T""r Ftl IUD NL c11aro.i1 TllurMlay lncom • 10 • ,. ... Wall '.. NL TKll .... '., EQUll 11.J:J II .. St Paul ln .. .i TwnC GI I.JS NL SMI ...,, O!Kn , .. I .. Foo19r •.12 4 • Tot Al 10 U 11 lO Gr-U J2 IS ... Cal'll t Of t M TwnC s.t IL~ NL • Abt• 11.tS NL Tax M9 ,, .. 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I ll-.:-1 :: 1.I: 1f ~~ t t..n 1!.'!~ Wt 111 ° a ttJ k : _, ;;i:--"'ti = =~'i. r\11 .. -.. .,,.,.. 1 .. ~ ti 1l~ ~ ., t Ii . PNN.. f-,. m;;: • jj N• ~ ~ • "~ .. ,._ ~ ·• 1 'u " "'Ifft" .JI ' I 1 M "-.» I IN• .,. • lf ~· ~ 1.-S °" ··· \I~ ~~:; ri ~·= & ;~.· u:~·~ ="~;, ,. 1~·~ --.1i .. 1 .... ~.. ; 1 ~· ~;~ • z·1 = :e; ! fl·· i'=n=~·~ ~ 1111 ==.::: j =: li ::.~ ~;!..a·~·~~ -1 :~ : ··" .. ~,; n -"· · ti ·~~ .. G.... ii~~~ ... ,~c;...c1·;-'=.···; .. A .~. '~·~•: 111 ~.~= f., · :: t!;,1 ,~r~ .. !lijl -c1,\\ :... ~·:a ·Es .. IJW. ....... 1;i;r .1 11 ,. "• i. lk 1•1t 1 • • " 1 • " 111 -Ill •• • "' Gas regulation I J>ill opposed SACRAMENTO (AP -Amid 1 tm....S wto by the aov~ and oppcllf tion ftan -.w air poUuUon offfda)j. 1 controverliAI a->llne reculaUan bill whkh dt.oount eervtce stadoe'w 11y wW fon:e U.O to c:lailtt hu run into roedblockt. The bill, by Aaemb~ Walter lnpllil, D- R1venlde, would lmpoee a ter llmlt on the lllDOUftt of lead whlcb can be ad eel to partially Nflned gasoline which Wickland OU Co. and other independent marketen Import from the People'• Republic of China and other foreign 90UJ'C*. The Senate Governmental Oraanh:atlon c.ommtttee, which does not have direct authority ovw the mea1ure, voted 8·0 Wednesday to tend "no recommendation" to the full Senate . MSI d eclares dividend The board of directon of MSI Data Corp. of Q.ta Mesa declared a regular quarterly cub dividmd of 10 centa per share on the common stock payable Sept. 22 to stockholders of record Sept. 1. Carl's enjoys record week Carl Karcher Enterpritel, owner and opua1or of Carl's Jr. Restauranta, reported record aalel of $5,· 035,000 for the week ended Aug. 6, reachl.ni ltl first $5 million week since the company wu founded 41 ye.nago. The company operaie. 321 Carl'• Jr. and two Sunshine Boller restaurants in California, La Veg., and Yuma, Ariz. R en tal seminar set A seminar on investing ln rental homes will be offered next week at two Orange County locations by The Ramol/Jensen Company. The first, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, will be at the Capistrano Inn, 27174 Ortega H11hway, San Juan Capistrano. The other, at 7 p.m . Thursday, ia scheduled at the Newport Marriott Hotel. Newport Beach. For information, call 744~710. Housing star ts rise Bank of America reports that housing starts in Califomla ln June were at a seaaonally adjusted annual rate of 73,000 unita. Thia la up 32.7 percent from May, but down 27 percent from June 1981 and represents the 11th consecutive month in which housing atarta have been below 100,000 annualized unlta. BofA economists la.id that althoup starts through the remainder of 1982 are expected to incrn8e, ltarta for the year should be below 198l'a 94,708 units, making 1982 one of the worst housing construction years since World War ll. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES MEW YORK (AP) -S.... Tilur9dey price -,., ,...,. ot the '"'"" "10$1 echft New Yor11 Sloe-EK<IWlllOt 1-., Nl:W YOltlt(A"l FIMI ~ _... lor """'*". ...... 12. ::!:.':: ~'-lly ., ~ "-1~ + ~ Eaxon tlt,400 2S -w. ClllMSVU •1.200 Jl'h •I NL T Cerp ..S,400 -• .. SmllhBeo ... .IOO SfYI -""" llM SSS,100 .,,,. -"° Gent nsl s SSl,400 27l'o -JV. Tetoro ~ SIO,JeO ""--\Ill llelstnPur •,aoo tJY> -"" Gell Molor• 411,fOO ~ -"" Chaw Matll\ a ,.oo 32\lo -1-. INCO L.ld CJ.700 a Ta""" 1",000 u.... -.. It men 313, 100 ISh -" Hewlett"" s m .400 -• "' AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS eroou • Ind ~1' ~SM;. ~-ft JO Tm mMt;i,j, an 2'2.11-1M IS Utl 101L11 *·ti •> ..... + 0.S1 U Slk 2" ... 302." ,et 2".-a.12 I nclv• .. .. .. .. .. • .. . . 4,AG. 1tO i~r.; :.:::::::::.::.•· ::m:: H Siii .......... ........... •.m.- WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y0111( I API Aug ll Adv-Oe<llned UrlCllenQH Total 1-New highs .... """ WH>t AME•OO Tlu'I. .u '" C2S 1117 • llol NEW YOlllC IA"I Aug 12 METALS Thurs. :IOI JIO 2Jj , .. J St -~ m .,. lat • 172 -· l n. !OM I ,, NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonfwr- rnetal pnc. Tllur.o.v. C~ .... 71 -·•a pound, U.S. deetN!loM. LAM 24-29 oenw a pound . ZIM 37-40 centa a pound, dalNwed. Tin M.1291 ....... w .. ~ lb, • ........_ 79-77 0111ta a PoUft4I. H.Y ...,_, 13'6.00 P« tlalll. ,....._.1284.004Ht.OO WO,~ NY SILVER Thund9y Hinely & Harman, M .2to pet lrOy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (448217). Front wheel drive for you mountain dr1vers. Economy, reliability & quality -you get It all AND at super savings! OUR LOWEST PRICED NEW CAR! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (260692). All the performance, economy & reliability Toyota Is famous tori Don't miss this onel WORLD'S BEST SELLING SERIES! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA SUPRA 5 speed trans. Fully factory equipped plus AM/FM stereo, custom painted pinstripes, carpeted floor mats & wheel well moldings. (036863). Won't last long at this super sale prlcel 5 12,982 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed 'It ton model with 4 speed transmission & a 2.4 litre engine. (053974). You'll J-U-M-P for joy at this fantastic , bu~lng opportunity! Fully factory equipped & ready to rolll 55682 IMPORT CAR OF THE YEAR! ONE TOUGH TRUCK! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP-___,.....~ Standard bed deluxe. 4 speed transmission, AM/FM stereo, window package and fully factory equipped. (047663). Go 4 wheelln' for only 57782 TOYOTA 4x4 FUN FOR YOU! 1966 Ha1'bor BIV~. COStaMesa - Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise, qual- ify all prospects. take trade-ins. have available financing & do all paper work! When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to list your car today! 714-646-9303 714-540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUY S IN ORANGE COUNTY lll 1978 CHALLElllER SPORT COUPE Auto. trans .. air cond .. S1ereo tape, power steering. brakes & windows, toll wheel. alloy wheels, new Tu-Tone paint & low miles. (1BJK72'4) Don't miss this great buy lor only $4699 1171 PEUIEOT "104" llESEL '4 Speed trans.. AM-FM cassette. power steering, power brakes. power windows. sunroof & morel Very clean! (0'49TZU). A real steal at below wholesale bluebo<* at s4599 1171 TOYOTA CELICl LIFTIACll Popular 5 speed, air cond .• AM-FM stereo, rear window shade, custom 2 tone paint & morel (667WPL). A great car and a great buy at just s5799 1118 OPEL DELUXE COUPE" Great transportation with an automatic transmission, stereo tape and morel Orlglnal and clean Inside & out (772AOH) $2299 1171 TOYOTA COIOLU 2 1001 Economlcal 4 speed with 1lr cond., 1tereo cassette, exterior trim package & morel Very clean & completely orlglnall (347YBK). s3999 I 1111 TOYOTA CELICA um1c11 Auto. trans., air cond .• stereo. power stH<lng & brakes, sunroof, cruise control, tllt wheel & morel ( 1CGP878). Exceptlonal In every respect for only s7999 1111 TOYOTA SUPRA "SUllOOF" The ultlmate Toyota with full power, air cood., stereo, cruise control, tllt wheel. custom wheels & morel Don't miss this low mlleage beautyl (571XJX) $6999 1110 FOlll 414 110100 uxL T" Auto. trans .. alr cond., pwr. 1tee<lng & brakes. cruise, atereo cass .. custom wheels & Ur•. triller pkg .• prop1ne power & llke newl (1AAY786). s9599 1177 llli&"'91 ... ,, W1'llll Economlctll 5 epeed wtth .,, eond .• 1tereo c1aaette, exterior trim package & more. (728ZLF). An outstanding buy at only s2999 1110 MEIOllY OAPlll LIFTUOI Economical "' cyt. engine. 4 speed trans .. air oond., stereo cus .• pwr. ateerlng & brakes, reer window shade & exceptlonalty clean Inside & outl ('43493F). s5999 Tiant still has it MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Veteran pitcher Luis Tiant, who wu playing in Mexico juat a couple of weeks ago, always believed be would st.age a blg-~e comeback. •I never lost the faith in myaill or God that I could come back to the major leagues and win when I went to Mexico this spring," said Tiant, who hurled the Angela to a 3-1 victory over the Minnesota Twins Thuraday. The 41-year-old Tiant allowed six hits, struck out four and walked one in seven innings. It waa his second st.art since the Angels purchased him from Tabasoo of the Mexican League on Aug. 2. "You can't set up these young Twins the way you can an experienced hitter," said Tiant, 1-1. "So I mixed a lot of slow On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 stuff, then buted the fast ball once in a while when I really needed it." Reggie Jackson, pinch-hitting with the bases loaded in the eighth, doubled for two runs to break a 1-1 tie and enable Tiant to provide his wife, Maria, with the present he wanted. "We've been married 21 years today," sai<i Tiant as he puffed contentedly on a cigar. "I wanted to win as a present to her." Tiant, who was 6-7 with a 2.01 ERA in Mexico this season, lost to the Twins last week in his first appearance with California, but upped his career record to 228-172 with the win Thuradav. "I feel good. My arm la good," said the veteran of 19 big-league seasons. "I made some good pitches today. I want to go on as fer as I can, but I don't know how many years." Tiant, whoee last win came on Sept. 15, 1981, when he t;»eat the Chlcago CUbs while pitching for the Pittsburgh Pirates, outdueled rookie Frank Viola. Viola, 3-4, went 7 ~ innings, yielded five hits. struck out ten a.pd walked none. Viola's perlonnance, however. won the respec t of Angels Manager Gene Mauch. ''Best young left-hander I've seen ," said Mauch. "but Tiant still knows how to pitch, too, and you can't beat the experience in a pennant race." The Angels' Luis Sanchez atruck out Gary Gaetti with rimners on second and third to end the game and record his second save. _With one out in the eighth, Bobby Grich doubled and Tim Foll sin~ed him to third to chase Viola. Pete Redfern walked Brian Downing to load the bases and Jeff Little came on to face J~. pinch-hitting for Juan Beniquez. I Dailey facing damage suit SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Basketball star Quintin Dailey'a recent claims that he feels no guilt over an 8&1ault he admitted might lead to a $300,000 damage suit against him, his former attorney says. A lawver for the former Univeraity of San Francisco student who accuse<i Dalley of sexually assaulting her has sent a letter aeeklng $50.000 ln general damages and $250,000 in punitive damages from Daile~. attorney George Walker said Thursday. '"ThU ls a letter that indicates that anticipated wit," Walker said of the rnesuge from lawyer Joeeph O'Sullivan. the woman's attorney. Dailey, a University of San Francilco guard Who WU the top draft choice of the Chicago Bulla in the National Basketball Auociation, pleaded guilty to acsravated aauult under a plea bergain that kept him out of jail. An additional charae of ... ult with intent to oommlt rape waa dropped. But Dallev told the L:hfca&o Tribune •. ln a atory publlahed Sunday. that he pleaded guilty •in order to keep my career ~·· "I didn't do nothing," he told dte newapaper. "I didn't feel IWDOIWful and I atUl don't feel awuoneful . . . The only~ way I aw out, to be able to be drafted, W.. to •Y I w• ,wtty, to a-t the .._ ,_,. probation. ana \hen ,,, bun U...." I SMU could have the horses GARDENING COMICS cs ce this sea80n. C3. Sax is ·playing • • a · w1nn1ng tune Dodger rookie sparks 6-2 victory SUMMER WAVES -Brad Gerlach negotiates his board through Huntington Beach waters. Gerlach is ranked as the No. 1 conj:>etitor in the junior dlv.ision DelY Not Pllot4t.., ca.,~ (16-and-under) competition at Huntington Beach this weekend. For h is story, see Page C2. By HOWARD L. HANDY or .. ~,...swr LOS ANGELFS -Steve Sax ia well on hia way to becoming National League rookie of the year and the young Dodger second baseman has the adrenaline flowing freely these daya. Sax ignited a four-run rally that took the Dodgers to a 6-2 victory over the San Francisco Giants before 47,725 fans at Dodger Stadium Thursday afternoon with a record-tying steal of second base. U the remaining games of the four-game set are anything like the first, fireworks could break out at any time as they almost did on several occasion.s Thursday. But if you're a fan and have an urge to be there in person, forget it. All three games are 110ld out. The rivalry between the two National League West teams has flared anew with' the tightness of the race. The Dodgers, taking a chokehold on the top position, increased their margin to l ~ games over the hapless Atlanta Braves who have now lost 10 in a row. San Diego is third, 3 ~ games behind and the Giants dropped to five games off the pace. Sax's steal of second after singling to lead off the eighth, gave him 40 for the season and A tie with Rudy Law for the Dodger rookie record. "After the umpire told Reggie (Smith) that he was taking too much of the bag at first base when they tried to pick ¥.1e off, the adrenaline really got going," Don't look for Vince at home Rams figure on showcasing Ferragamo only at Cleveland Oh, what a tangled web the Rama sometimes weave. When we last lOC'ked in on the blue and gold unit of Anab(im. it was reported by yours truly that VL"lee Ferragamo would probably NCYr play 'his Saturday against Denver on the Rams' home turf. The reason was pretty obvious in that if you're going to trade somebody, especially somebody as popular as Ferragamo, you're not about to display that individual in front of a partisan borne crowd where he would be treated as some sort of God. Let it be understood, too, that the decision NOT to play Ferragamo Saturday was made long before the quarterback complained of a slight groin pull in his lower abdomen earlier this week. For the record. Ferragamo insists that he's fine now if the Rams want to play him. The Rams, however , capitalizing on a golden opportunity, have told Vince thanks, but no thanks. INSTEAD, FERRAGAMO will make his debut -as planned -against the Browns in Cleveland. Now that you're up to date, let's carry the Ferragamo scenario a bit further. U things go acoording to plan, Ferragamo will have an outstanding game again.st the Browns and the Rams will promptly unload their popular QB a few days later, thus denying Ram fans any chance of seeing their hero. There are a few sticky th~ that still need to be worked out, though. Fi.rat, will be the matter of compensation. The Rams want at least a No. 1 pick in exchange for Vince. Few teams, at the moment, are willing to go that high. The Rams' other problem, and maybe the more serious of the two, Is which team to trade Ferragamo to. On this count, two things are known: a) the club will not, under any circumstances, trade Vince to a fellow team in the NFC; and b) the club wants to avoid, at all coets, VI.nee winding up with the Raiders. RAMS JOHN SEVANO THE SOLUTION to the second problem would appear to be simple. . .but it isn't. Obviously, the Rams don't have to deal with the Raiden and that would be the end of it. Right? Wrong. It seems tradeoffs are bec:oming pre~ commonplace ln the NFL and it wouldn t be out of the realm of possibility for another team to. acquire Ferragamo's services and then immediately trade them over to the Raiders. A good case in point is the Rama' H enry Childs. New Orleans, which originally owned Childs' rights. refuaed to deal with the Rams, a team in its own division, for fear the \ight end might come back and haunt the Saints at a later date. The Rams. however, worked out a deal with Washington whei;:r the Redskins would trade for Childs then send him west. That's exactly what happened, too, much to the chagrin of the Saints. Having learned from that experience, the Rams aren't about (o lel the same thing happen with Ferragamo. With that in mind, the Rams aren't going to trade Vince tq just anybody, they're going to make sure that wherever he goes, that team la going to keep him. AS OF NOW. there are two likely spots for Ferragamo to end up -Houston or New England. Both teams are desperate for a q"4rlerback, but both are holding back, for the time being, to see if Vince la worth the asking price. Anyway, the next 10 dayl! should prove to be exciting. On the one hand, the Rams would like to unload Ferragamo before their third pre.season game against Seattle, which will be played at Anaheim Stadium Aug. 28. On the other, they're not about to let thoee parties who show interest ooeree them into making a quick deal in which the Rams might be short-cl\anged. *** And just how is Ferragamo himself holding up under all this? Not too good. really. When he first came to camp, Vince was full of optimism. He really thought the. Rams wanted him and he, in tum, wanted to be with the Rams. Now, with the rumors of trade flying about, Vince has pretty much resigned himself to the fact th.at his future with the club doesn't look too good. "I read a quote in a paper today from Georgia where she said the team was trying to trade me," said Ferragamo as he sat in his boarding room at Cal State Fullerton. "I guess that pretty much indicates what they're trying to do." Ferragamo has quickly became a realist. He wants to play for the Rams, but it doesn't look like Rams management wants Fern.gamo to play for them. "What it all boils down to," said Ferragamo, "is that I want to be a definite asset to eomebody. U that's in LA (meaning with the Rams), being a second-string Quarterback, I could live with th.at." In the aame breath. though, Ferragamo points out he's a better player than a bench-sitter. "I'm a proven quarterback in this league. l'm not a second-string quarterback." And, as far as Saturday, Ferragarno is not happy he'll be on the sidelines. "l was hoping I was going to play here,'' he commented. "It seemed like the fan.a were certainly excited about it. I guess they'll ju.It have to watch me on TV in Cleveland instead." . THE RAMS \:VlJLED their 1981 highlight film at training camp Thunday ... such as it la. (See FERRAGAMO. Page Cl) Sax said. He had singled to get on bale with the scored tied, 2-2. "I knew I was going to at.eal second the second atep I took. You can feel it. Sure it waa nicer to steal at that time after they had tried to pick me off several times. It made me really get up for the steal. "THIS TEAM is doing well right now and all w& have to do ia keep doing our thing out there. Everybody is contributing and The team is doing well right now and all we have to do is k eep doing our thing out there. -atneau everybody is stealing." Giant second baseman Joe Morgan was involved in a controversial play at the plate in the sixth inning when the Giants threatened to blow the game open. Jeff Leonard drove a ball to right field and Pedro Guerrero fired to catcher Mike Scioecia as Morgan came slid.l!tg in. "I don't think he touched the plate before I tagged him," Scioscia said. "I don't know what he was arguing about. I caught the ball and I felt Joe hit me but he bounced off. If he didn't get the plate the first time, he didn't get back in." "I touched home plate," Morgan said. "l reached back and touched the plate and I don't know what he (umpire Eric Gregg) was watching. It was just a bad call. "That had to change the whole complexion of the game. If the Dodgers were behind in the eighth. Sax wouldn't have been stealing. "When a play needs to be called, it should be called right and he made a bad call. That play cost us at least one run and changed the entire complexion of the game." If such eruptions continue and the Giants lose another game or two. the air will be filled with more than polite objections by the Giants. Manager Frank Robinson of the Giants doesn't feel his team is out of the picture by any means despite the loss. "HOW DID the Dodgers get where they iu-e? What brought them togetner, you ask ," Robin.son replied to one question. "If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be sitting here. "Sure they hav~ a talented (See DObGERS, Page CO Bowie in cast for six weeks LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) - Sam Bowie's left leg will be in a cast for at least six weeks, but the University of Kentucky basketball player said Wednesday it was "just a little setback." "Looking at these X-rays compared to last year'• X-rays, I feel m ore confident about recovering from this injury," said 7-1 Bowle, whoee shinbone stress fracture was discovered a year ago. . "I'm not starting all over again," h e aald at a news conference. "This ls just a little selback." High winds wreak havoc at Honob~lu yacht race Heavy damage reported in the 87-boat international fleet battling hurricane conditions Special to tile Dally Piiot HONOLULU -One of the moat brutal yacht races since the diaastroua 1979 Fastnet race has ravaged the 87-boat international fleet aailing In the Pam Am Clipper Serles. Virtually every boat in the fleet suffered severe damage u 40-~-knot wlnds atruck aoon after the atart Wedne9day of the Molokai Channel race from Oahu. In a rePort from Honolulu. Skip Allan of San Francisco, ulllnamaater on Scarlett O'Hara, owned by Munroe Wlnpte, •u d.lamuted u they beat atone the ahc:n of Molokai and al.most ~ Into the cllfft on the ialand. Allan llSd the yacht Hi1h Noon with an all-woman crew aboard w• almost • sunk aa half the crew spent hours balling while the other half battled ui.b ln an effort to retum to Oahu. Jlin Kilroy'• new 80-foot sloop Kialoa bad a man overbOard and suffered 1eVere damage when ahe spun out and broached tn a auat. The overboard crewman wu reecued but ~ had a broken boom UMi w.t about $80,000 in MvtaaUon par from the tol> of the ma1t. Allan aakS it wu the wont weether condlttona he ~experienced lince the 1978 Futnet off EnaJand where 17 llwe Went lost and 23 bc:latl laftk. Allan Mid there were no Uwe liolt In the Molokai race even thouah the yachta were' baultna wtnd• up to 60~knot1 and 20-foot ... on ~ 75-!lill• beet trom Oahu to the la1and of MOlokal . ... ' The ..vere conditkml were blamed on a humcane that went throuab 10Uth of the lalanda a couple of daya before, and th1a WU the frlnce. • The so·called Molokai Channel la noted for lta ltrOni wtnda and heavy aeaa under .normal coodi\iona. Allan Mid he wu unaware of how many bmta were dllmalted, but moat of the fleet had blown out ..US. The Pan Am Cllppt! Sers. inYOlvea Intemadonal OfflhOl'e awe Y9Ctl• tram 40 to 80 fee\.. many of which are "8te of the art productlona. The 1erlu i1 ~able to the Admiralty Cup ln .. far • competition .-. .... nilU'l)' • ac-i ytiCbta from Southern Callfomia ln the ll:l1ei. BW Palmer'• Shenandoah from New~t Harbor Yacht Club, and John A.rem' l IJCPOI .. IP Phllel oue °' ""' e ... b•ll tod•v It' t ...... er. ·rte ......... hmM .... ~ ~~~"lu ._ s no swea OU., Cut1r ,,_ __. Dllit With beat out an lnaekl up wlmt a.tear two au• ta *9 bcictlm of thit illndl dtchs Dinn.ii Lamp for tu. -,,OOOt.b Cll'9S' h f • lnnlnl .. llftld .... u...a ~ hlL 11\e au. Ollebra~ by ct.f•tinc thit w1· t sur ing to an ""l-1 ¥kitaiy OYWI' Phldr~ lilll a llWWP Cubl a.2. • of their twJ-~1'ht clouble·h...., ThW'IClaaA On th1t date ln 19e8: na.bt. The .... took the ....... M.. I Balt.lmon'• Jlm Palmer, whoee caNel' T.uo -day meet b e·a-ins OilUcU. ecatt.end nine hltl befOC'e pttil'\C had been thnateMd by ann mlMty the " e• wt.out relief h•lp from Jeff ft••rd••, who ~ before, huri.d a no-hlt1« to beet the notched hla 18th MW • • • Olkland A'a. 8-0. By BOWARD L. BANDY -;./.._ ElHwhert ln th• NaUonal On th1t date ln 1948: or .. .....,,... .... ... i...,u., St. Louil mowd lnto c.v.1and Inds.n "rookie'' Satchel hip, It took l&O stitchet and plaldc SW'fM'Y to r.peJ.r flrat place in th• &aatern btllewd to be ,2 yean old, hurled h1a tint hla nc. after a IW'f1na eocident at the aae of 10 but Dlvtllon. • IAM&l llD.I" had -·'-' Jeepe com=~· a tlve-hlt, &-0 · for Brad Gerlach of liunttnit4>n Beach, the eerly th.-anci-and drove ln two ~ •'-· White Sox Injury hu only made hlm more determined to runt In th• Cardinal•' 8-2 11nutout ovw ww • become the belt ln the 1.......+ before hell 1Jvoulh. Today'1 arthdaYI .r-~ • victory over Pltt1b urah o.k1and A'• ln11elder Fred Stanley 11 a&. "After I aot hlt by the board and 1pllt my nme. From AP dJ1paldlel 11 1 • • T • r r f & • • • e d J Cleveland Indiana .iuaer Andre 'lbOmtcn I quit 1urfln& tor 1 ~ yeart," Gerlach, a MWCOmft' l4INNEAPOLIS -Po1ltlve whacked a two-run homer to Huntfnlton Beech, UYI· "But I have no fear of th1nJc:lni lm't ~ thele days and Cllrl1 Wel11l added a 1133· IW'f1na and l want to learn to ride the really bee ~~a1:::t':' !': ... 14 :,= ::::.. M ... --o:; ~= ~J.!':8'.'2. USC lands female phenom wa~~· atlended TorreL., Pineo Hill> laat '/Nr defeata tel a major-te.,ue record few CONeCUtlve handlnl_ die Bravft their 10th 1tra11ht lou LOS ANGELES -Cheryl m but will IO to Huntington h HJah ln the fall. ~at the ltart ot a career. Chk:qO IClONd elaht 1'W11 ln the teVenth Miller, probably the meet recruited And h1I main ga.1 at the .,..._nt tlme Isn't to turn Felton, 24, lmt h1I 11th ltraiaht game thll to ·0~ertak• New Yorli:, 13-6 . . . In the female basketball player ln hiltory, profelllonal. lealOl'1 to the Anceit. 6-3, at the Metrodome ln Americen Leacue, Toay Benauanl drove in the ilaned a letter of intent tor the "I flay on going to tchool and maybe to collep Minneapolil Wednmday n.liht. That, plUI three wlnnlna run in the ninth lnn1na with • aacrWce University of Southern CallfomJa. coach Linda before turn pro," he 1&YI. "I want to travel a lot "--ln 1980, give him the Oy u "Chlcaao nipped New 'York, 2-1 . . . Sharp~ today. before I make that 1wltcb. But my goal l• to 0-14 record, eruin8 the mark Major-leque leader Gorman nomu anaahed 'nte Rlvendde Poly graduate averued 37.1 eventually turn pro and 1ee how good I can do. of Cleveland'• Guy Morton h1I 30th homer of the NUOn and hll MCOnd of polnta. 16.0 reboundl, 7.0 a1eala, and 6.0 1111ista let ~'N190lt4h. inf. to be &lad the ntaht u Milwaukee completed a double-per pme ln her eenlor year. Ju a junior, ahe 1et "IF I MAKE IT BIG, then I can go into he9der tweep of Toronto, 7-1 and 4-3. Pitcher a CIF record 37.5 po!nta per game and recorded endonementa and make IOme money." about, but 'm glad the Belt MeCl•re f.cmed a five-hitter ln the first 16.5 rebounds and 4.0 uaiata per contest. Poly In the fall he will be a junior c1amnan but hi.I negative part ia out of the game and Cbflle Moore tallied the go-ahead posted a record of 132-4 in Miller'• four yean sporting activities will be oon.flned to IW'flng. way and I've sot it (the nan on an error 1n the nightcap u the Brewen and captured tour straight CIF ltate titles. "I used to play all sport.I. -football, bueball, record) alone," Felton said ln extended their lead to 5 ~ 1ames in the East. IOCIC'er and golf -but I gave them all up for eomewhat po.ttlve terms after Norris fires personal best round 1urfing. I played goalie on a triple-A eoccer team Wedneeday night'• game. Oiiers eke out 22-20 exhibition win Tlm Norrtr fired an 8-under·"""" '!I but all the games were held on the same day aa the PD.TON There was even some _. IW'flng oontesta and I had to make a dect.lon on humor left in Felton, who noted that he recently Quarterback Gifford Nlel1ea Ell 63, the lQwesi ICOl'9 ln hll PGA Tour , -w,hich one I preferred. hunted for a picture of Morton. "Just to aee what threw two touchdown pauea, ••• career, to gain the flrat-round lead "1 like surfing better because I don't sweat. he looked like because we had something in lncludhig a 20·yard 1trike to tight end Thursday in the Greater Hartford And I feel lt offen more of a challenge. You are alao common. Never found lt," Felton said. Morton Dave C81per with 2:29 left, to rally Open golf tournament. Norris, who has finished on your own pretty much. just like a goalie in eoocer died in 1934. the HOUiton Olien to a 22-20 National Football only four eventl on the tour thia season, recorded and I've always been pretty much of an nl · f F lton · that it hlbiU victo th N Orleans et t birdies to poet a one-stroke advantage over The o y aaVll\g grace or e as League ex on ry over e ew B 1 Britton and Mark Calcaveccbla . . . independent type," he adds. took him three seuons (no dectaions Iaat year Sairitl Thurlday night ln the Astrodome. Oiler with the Twins) to aocompllah the task. Morton linebacker Greg Bbapam set up the winning Malone seeking multi-year pact WHILE MUCH of the competition in California did it within one season, from June 24 through touchdown by returning a f~ble four~ to ia on waves that are considered small. Gerlach .ia Sept. 20, 1914. the Saintl' 33 . . . The Rama have ro'if!t An attorney for center Mo1e1 • ~ning some practice on larger waves an • And even though Felton loet Wednesday fonner ~ers Lawrence McC1atclleoa and D Malone met with representatives of mber. ; night, he didn'tgive up the game-breaking grand Jettie into the fold, but this time as pro new Houston Rocke ta owners "I went to Hawall for four days but I didn't get • slam home run to the Angela' Don Baylor. That college acoutl, 'the team announced Thuraday Thursday to dilcuas Malone's request a chance to surf all the breaken," he aay1. "But I'm f ~ off right-hander Ron Davia. But Felton. . . . Linebecker Jerf Siemon has retired from for a multi-mi.Won dollar contract. Malone, one going again in Decembe.r and my friend Bill Evans pitching in relief, put the lead•run on base before professional football three months after being of five unsigned R ockets free agent1, is going to help me. He's quite experienced and he's t he left. so he drew the defeat. traded to San Diego by the Minneeota VildngB, reportedly is teek:ing a multi-year contract that the one I hope will help me with the big waves. t "It's just mistaite. that I'm making," Felton the Chargen Mid Thuraday. Coach Doa Coryell will pay him almo8t $2 million annually. "My goal right now is to surf the Pipeline in ! said. "I don't think I've gotten away with a single said Siemon, an ll·year veteran of the NFL, told Television, radio Hawaii and eventually to win a big pro contest. But • mistake all "!.ear." him Wedne9day of bla decision · · · Veteran I don't plan on turning pro for aeveral yean. l: "I don t worry about lt," he said of the quarterback Gres Laaclry has become the aecond' Followinsc are the top 1porto eventl on TV "rm not ICared of the big waves even though streak, "but lt just keeps happening." name player to nan with the World Football tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v they are breaking from 15 to 20 feet high with a i Felton alao denied a request by ABC-TV's League, joining lJCLA All-American Tim worth watching; vv fair; v forget lt. four-foot shallow. "Good Morning America" to appear on the show Wrtptmu on the roster of the Chicago Blitz. JI( "A LOT OF CALIFORNIA surfers don't know : and talk about his run of bad luck. U 7:30 p.m., Channel 5 V V V V bow to surf big waves like they have in Hawaii. A I Ex-Marlna aide Moon to USC Jot of it is in your mind as tar as being llC8red ia ' Quote Of the day football coach with Marina High AJlDoancen: Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. Gerlach is competing ln the NSSA meet in i Darren Moon, a tonner assistant Ell BASEBALL: Angels at Oakland. -oOncemed. i School who left to coach at Portland Clinging to a hall-game advantage in the Huntington Beach this weekend and then perhaps J Dodger Manager Tommy La1orda in State for the upcoming season, haa American League West. the Angels try Mike will go to the U.S. amateur championships in Cape I talking about yoUng eecond baseman Steve been hired by John Robinson as a Trojan Witt (7-3) against Oak.land'• Mike Norris (6-6). Hatteras, N.C. Sept. 7-15. ! Sax: "He's a breath of fresh air. He makes 8Slistant. replacing Mark Watson, who left for The Angels took two out of three ln Anaheim At i}le moment he ia regarded as the No. 1 ~ baseball fun and he loves to get his uniform duties at Long Beach State. against Oakland last week. competil>r in the junior division (16-and-under) • dirty. He plays bueball like my wife shops Moon ls already in the Trojans' camp RADIO and was out to win that tiUe at Huntington Beach j -all day long." coaching the eeoond.ary after being tabbed by Baseball -Angels at Oak.land, 7:30 p.m., today in thia two-day meet. • Robln1on in a virtual on-the-spot decision KMPC (710); San Francisco at Dodgers, 7:30 Last weekend he was fifth in the Hang 10 ~ Thursday. p.m., KABC (790). summer grand prlx overall and first in the amateur !~~;;;;~~~~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~=;=~~~~~====================~====================~di~visiY.!!!~On!!...!at~M~anha!!:!!:~ttan~~Be~ac~h~.~~~~~~~ : . lllTMJMJt/111 Tiii : -~~~-~I.I llLLI I 11 --FlllBI . -~-:_ ~-SPICllL IFFDIT ~ FUTUllTT S!l't1BD1Y NIGHtlt1Gtl'ST l~. SAIL ON BUNNY blcletor · ··- Lo• Alemltoe Tripi• Crown Sweep In · Callfornl•'• Rlcheet Hor•• Race and to · become the richest 2-year·old In horH racing history with more than $1, 100,000. POST TIME 7:45 FINALMQHT OF RACING TUESDAY, AUGUST 17 ·-=-.:: e ............... frfaun~ .. ..,. peopa. ......... "'"' ...... 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·---=;._.,_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • =•· • ... ~):Fan Belts Fram Oil Filters • #PHM,4J ....................... 2 4-8 : "Alwa~s ea~ a spare ll•ltf" ; #1J60,7441,1410,7460 •7• . #PH 11, IJ, ~I, JO, J387A, '419 ..... : . · · · '111 -. • 3 88 #7 ... , 74 .. , 7541, ~ . . . • .. Sut·~ that eni:ine! Chance Filter Nou·!! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Start.I-• ·Solenoid: • =~ . ... ... ~ ....... • Car Car• Produets • S111lteh : Cotter Pins ., • 4!P ~· • fttsallGM Prof.ct • cen, .,...., It. true ... ~our ear'• • 1917·1974 eoolln1 • • Th•pa..ttelH»•holds • 150 popular •lu phu for man~--·· • : ii II .... _ _...._ • ~~ • -::~~r:._ = T-· ;; L . ~-~~-. L . ~ ~~ .. ~" :-::--• • • • • : • ~h",!e: • • • • • • : Gal:>riel Valvoline Automatic .Transmission Fluid HowOnl~ ........... 94! Di r1•cf Mail factor\' Rt,fund S 1.1>0 o n I Z qh. u ht•n you jill out n>upon cn•ailobl1• uf 1fon••. • SHOO<S & STRITS • • Heav~·Dut~ :aoad Star • • Shoe• Allsorllers • • ~~ • • .~ ,., ... 7!8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••• Import U U.S. Auto Parts Sp•C!hlll•t• / 'cosr A MESA • South (',oast MU -llY ltEWPOlt'IEACH • Uilited Auto hrts- 688 W. 8Her At Bristol•· 2112 W. COast liPWIY • 55&-2500 646-9363 • '"UCH H I I UOOllTID "UCll AND llA' VAii' AT ~A .. T1CtPA11NCI UTAllU I \ ,, Mustangs tabbed in wild Southwest Fairgrounds feature top cycles tonight . Weekend .TV Ansel1, Raiden, Rams set .,.,..,.,, SMU has 14 returning starters in folil The final nlaht of qua11tytna for the U .S . natlona1 champlonthlpt will be held tonl1ht at the Oran1• C.Ounty Falr1round1 ·for 1peedway motorcycle rtden with action pt.tin& undtJ' way at 8 o'clock. TltLEVWON 9:30 a.m. (11)-TRACK A.ND FIELD -Soya and pt..,_ 10·16 compete In the national fin&la of th. J ... Owena a.,,.., taped at UCLA. DALLAS (AP) -In 1981, the Southw•t C.Onterence produced the nation'• Noa. 2 and 6 tu.ma, and sent four teama to bowl games. In 1982, It could be even better ancl wilder. Southern Methodist ,earned . the title laat year (but the only lou . waa 9-7 to Texas) but couldn't reap the reward of a Cot.ton Bowl visit becawie of probation. The Mustangs finished 10-1 and took the fifth alot in the final Aawx:iated pre91 poll. Texu came on at.rong, once Robert Brewer waa inserted into the lineup at quarterback, and defeated Alabama in the Cotton Bowl. The Longhorns were voted the No. 2 team in the final AP balloting. ARKANSAS LOST to North Carolina in the Gator Bowl, Te.us A&M downed Oklahoma State in the Independence Bowl, and Houston lost to Oklahoma in the Sun Bowl. SMU lost a coach -Ron Meyer went to the New England Patriots of the National Football League -and eight starters. • But the Mustangs gained Bobby Collin s of Southern Mississippi as coach and retained 14 st arters, including an All- SWC backfield that has two 1,000-yard gainers. SMU has again drawn the favorite's tag. "SMU should be excellent, and Texas A&M s houldn't be far behind," said Arkansas Coach Lou Holtz. A&M headed by JKkle Sherrill, who Jett P itttbur1h for an attractive money JMICMp. THE AGGIES return nine offensive and elaht defen1ive atartera from tne team that trounced Oklahoma State. Sherrill haa the run. J\frt in Earnest Jackaon, Johnny Hector PREVIEW and Thomas Sander• and the passer in Gary Hubiak to field a dangerous team. Arkansas has an experienced team, but the fate of the Raz.orbacks hinges on how well defensive lineman Billy Ray Smith recovered from hepatiw over the summer. Baylor loees wondrous Walter Abercrombie from the baddield, but the Bears could aurprille with 16 returning starters. T exas C hristian, Rice and Texas T~h are longshots at best. From Page C1 Some 32 rlden are compettna for 13 placea on the finals· pl'OIJ'am to be 1tqed at the Coeta Meu track Oct. 9. A four~vent quallfyln1 aeries 1tarted In Auburn wt weekend and moved to Ventura and San Bernardino before returning to Coeta Meea tonl8ht. Three rtden, Bruce Penhall, D.:nnt. Slgaloe and ~&,r!jran, have automatically q for the finals and will not compete. The field d<>et include auch regulars aa Mike Bast, Mike Faria, Alan Chrl1tlan, Gene Woods and Mike CUroeo. A total of 30 event.a will be run tonight. Individual point.a are kept during the four races with the top riders gaining the fi.nala. Interest is al.lo mounting for the upcoming World Speedway championship to be staged at the Coliaeum on Saturday, Aug. 28 with the top riders from around the world competing. ll:J5 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Baltimore a Bolton. Noon (2) -NPL FOOTBALL -Two teama hHdecl ln oppotlte dJnction., the Raiden and the 49en, meet 1n an exhibluon aame ln San FrancUlco. 13:30 p.m. (9) -AUTO RAClfG -Coverage of the NASCAR Pocono Summer 600, taped at Pocono, Pa . 1 p .m . (6) -BASEBALL -Angela at Oakland. 2 p.m. (4) -GOLF -'Thi.rd round play ln the Sammy Devil Jr. Greater Hartford Open. 4 p .m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Highlight.a of earlier bout.a featuring boxen from Loutaiana, Kentucky, St. Louia, ROcky Mountains. 6 p.m. (7J -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Trevor Berblck (21-2-1), the only man to go lhe dJatance against Larry Holmes in a heavyweight title bout, va. Renaldo Snipes (22-2-1) In a acheduled 10-round bout, taped at Cleveland. Also: Coverage of the Salvador Sanchez-Azumah Nelson featherweight title bout. 10:30 p.m. (11) -NFL FOOTBALL -Ta~ coverage of the Rams-Denver game played earlier in the evening at Anaheim Stadium. RADIO Football -Raiders at San Franciaco, 11:40 a.m., KNX (1070); Denver at Rams, 7 p.m., KMPC (710). Baseball -Angels at Oakland, 1 p.m., KMPC (710); San FranclBCo at Dodgers, 7 p.m. KABC (790). • Sunday FERRAGAMO ra~m~ . • • • 11 a.m. (4) -GOLF -Final round play in the First, let's just say that it's "Bull ..•• " during one part to Sammy Davis Jr. Greater Hartford Open from tough to find 25 minutes of express his feelings. The second Wethersfield, Conn. highlights in a dismal 6-10 part of the word is bleeped out, 12:30 p.m. (7) -GREATEST SPORTS season, although the Rama did but it's blatantly obvious what LEGENDS. fill the space. he's saying, which ought to set 1 p.m. (5) -BASEBALL -The Angels at What they've put on tape, well with achools that annually Oakland. (11) -NFL FOOTBALL -Denver at the though, isn't something you'd show the film to its student body. Rama. Taped Saturday night. brag about. 1:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY - "I LIKE SMU," sai·d Texas The opening scene is of owner R -A segment highlighting the James "Quick" Tillis (22-1) vs. Tim Witherspoon ams' offensive line, which (15 0) · heduled 10 d h h Christian Coach FA Dry Georgia Frontiere holding a probably had 1.ts worst season in -tn a sc -roun eavyweig t bout 1 · · · Super Bowl trophy and saying, from Cleveland. Also: Coverage of the Falmouth 1 Rice Coach Ray Alborn put "Do kn h hard . . a decade. • Road Race, a 7 .1-mile event alo'T8i the what is expected to be another you ow ow it as to -A segment praising the wild r"'"""' lll. to perspecu·ve. get one of these?" R , d Massachusetts coast. (4) -WES ERN '"""' a m s e fen s e for t he i r OUTDOORSMAN Th 98 "On paper, the top four teams The only thing wrong with the .. . .. 1 -e l 2 world championship ... h • COflSJ.Stency. gues.c:; that's why chan"ot d tte in Elk N appear to be Arkansas, SMU, segment is ti•e trophy s e s an cu r races o, ev. they fired the team's defensive 3 30 (4) OUTDOOR LIFE Se A&M and Houston, but don't bet holding is not the one the Rama coordinator during the off-: p.m. --gments money on it," said Alborn, who almost won in Super Bowl XIV, include sailfi.shing in Costa Rica and a lesson in trap has t th f ti h but it's the one her late husband, season. shooting. upse e orecas ng c arts 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD. each year with his Owls. Carroll Rosenbloom, was -And finally, a segment on Eric Dickerson was on The AP presented when the Baltimore Frank Corral missing a 45-yard RADIO second-team All-America list and Colts, a team he once owned, field goal against San Francisco Baseball -Angels at Oakland, 1 p.m., KM.PC was SWC Offensive Player of won Super Bowl V against in the first meeting between the (710); San Francisco at Dodgers, 1 p.m ., KABC th e Year. C raig James, who Dallas. two teams last year. The field (790). shared tailback duties with him, Other highlights, if you want goal, If made, would have tied Midget yachts get underway also gained ov-:r 1,000 yards and to call them that, were: the score in the closing seconds. was All-SWC. -A segment on Merlin Olsen, Unfortunately, the film clip on MARINA DEL REY _ Sixty-two Midget Lance Mcllhenny, the all-who joined the Hall of Fame this the screen shows Corral kicking a Ocean Racing Class (MORC) are in hot competition league quarterback, returns for past season. Olsen, also known as 32-yard field goal he missed out of California Yacht Club in the MORC his junior season. "Father Murphy" on an NBC earlier in the game. International championship _ the first time it has There's a ne w regime at Texas television series, uses the word Sounds pretty good, huh? been held on the West Coast. Merlin does it • again When Skip Allan brought the 67-foot Merlin across the finish line in the recent San Francisco to Kauai race it marked the third elapsed time record for the ultra-light displacement boat since s he was launched five years ago. In five races to Hawaii Merlin finished first in all but one of the trans- Pacific races. Just prior to the Kauai race Merlin had her 75,000-rnile checkup, by designer-builder-owner J3ill Lee of Soquel and the hull was found to be in "like new" condition. Th e boat has withstood tremendous punishment since she was launched in 1977, sometimes surfing for extended periods down giant &eas, at speeds in excea of 29 knots. Merlin holds the 1'lapaed time record in ihe Los Angeles-to '.Honolulu race, the :Victoria to Maul race and ·the San Francisco to Kauai race. : She has also been first 1o finish in &everal races 1o Mexico, several times J.ander different skippers. · When Merlin was 1aunched just prior to the 1977 Loa Angeles to :.Honolulu Tranapac, ~·experts" allowed aa }\ow ahe waa too liJlhtly J>uilt to withstand-the ~ften gale-force trade wlnda in the Pacific l:ro.inp. She waa tint 1o finlah in that year'• Tranapac, knocking 22 )\oun off the old elapeed lime record. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! In thet eagerness to be perceived as Vlable velopment. the practice of prasrig the BMW substitutes for BMW. an ncreaSl'lg runber of 3201 is a famiar past me Particulatly among auto manufacturers appear to be letting thetr those who have nothing to gari by dol'\g so. rnagnatoos get the better of them For example. Car and Or111er mapzr1e said. These verbatim QUOtes from some of the• "It's one of those cars that wil gobble serpen- ads attest to that fact trie asphalt al day without b<eat~ hard " "It matches BMW 3201 on the track " Road and Track called the 320i "a damn ··11 corners better than a BMW " fne sports sedan We happen to •ke them be- " Just ooe look and r,ou'I see its exceptt0nal cause we kke drfV118 and the 32011s very much value versus BMW 3201. • a dnver's car" While these uootenhonal expressions of And. '" the w()fds of another automottve admrahon for BMW are a relat111ely recent de· JOUrna~st. "the 3201 stands as eloquent reb\Jtlal 0 1982 BMWol No<th Amt<<.1 Inc The BMW lt~ tnd l.Jtl>.W. tt'1'ff'ft0 tr~•ol ~..che Motor..Wlllie AC to al those who'd have us be~ that smal economical an must be dul-and that aotomo- tNe perfonnance is best eche-oed wrth decals " If yoi.J're interested in owrq ari aut~ that manages 10 etlc1t such praise from the peo pie who bu~ cars, the people who en&' c1ze caf'S, and the people who smp1y enioy dl'IVlng cars. we suggest Vo'J contact yoi.x nearest BMW dealer to arranae a thorough test drive ' MIDIUll .... I Mill K IMW, MIJNtC~. OtRt.Wt1 Lrt )'Q.JR LOCAL BMW OCAL,RS AR8ANG( A TtQQ.J<jH TEST PBIYE ALHAMBRA ...,.,.um 1811 WestM~ Street (213) 5?0-8444 AZUSA .... -. .. 7<11 £list Arrow Hifhw1"t (2 3)9675331 BfVERLY HILLS _,. 9022WISIWt 8ou1Mrd (213) 273-3980 CAM AR II.LO ----411 Oal4y Drr.t (805) 482-8878 (213) 889-2312 CANOGA PAR!< ..... _ 7050T~e can~ Boullvaro (213) 346·3144 Gll:NOAL£ ...... 818 South ar.nc.t Boulev•d {213) 246-6543 ~~~ ~~R MISSIONV1f£., 2901 Ptct!lc Coe91 4!>201 No!th ~· H.ihwlV Sterra Htih~~~ 28402"~"8\Jtflte (2T3l 376-093!> (805) 948 0004 Petkw"8Y HUNTINGTON PARk LONG BEACH (714)8312040 ... ... _ 1r~l61fH 1ftt OM:! (213 3 1901 ~~ =h0..Ch (213>691-6701 (714) 522-5333 ~li7£I~.$4~~ 1s4~ .. Rd (1J4) 636·~790 (114) MO 64'44 ~~~ =iiiHOUiiiil"iic. 3·Ul We\t 43rci St 42701.rienlwn c2131299.Jno BoulMrd (213) 761'6133 SANTA A~A-: · --~ .. 208 W.St fnt St!Mt (714) 83!>·3171 ==.fiA ~20 Santa MOntca feylfd J)829J535 VANMJYS _..,. _ 5230 '1#1 t«JY1 Bou .... d (213) 188 1791 HIF -------~- I HAPPENINGS THE DAILY PILO'r AUfO MARKET .•. SUBARU DONATES CAR TO ST. JUDE -Shown above, left to right are Mr. J ohn Kelleher, director of St. Jude Children's Research Hoepltal; the happy winner, Mr. Leo Karp of Lona Beach, CAt Mr. Jlm Welsh, Vice President and General Manager of Subaru of Southern California, Inc .• and Mr. Nick Shammaa, President of Down~ L .A., Subaru. LOS ANGELES . . . The Danny Thomas St.' Jude Children's Research Foundation Annual'. Raffle was recently held for the Los Angeles area; The grand prize, a brand new 1982 Su~ automobile was donated by Mr. Nick Shammaa of: Downtown L.A., Subaru and by Mr. James c .. Welsh, Vice President and General Manager o( Subaru of Southern California, Inc. : Danny Thomas Is extr e mely active in~ pursuing his dream of conquering cancer and: other diseases that destroy our children. His" dream, with the suppart of all of us, Is getting ever closer tQ reality. · "** 198211.l NISSAN SENTRA HATCHBACK COUPE ORANGE COUNTY . . . In the two months since its introduction, the new front-wheel-drive Nissan Sentra has become the number one selling import car model in the United States. More than 35,000 Nissan Sentras were sold in May and June to surpass any other import model in the country, according to figures compiled by Nissan U.S.A., distributors of Nissan and Datsun cars and trucks. The new 5-passenger Nissan Sentra is; available locally at Dot Datsun In Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa Datsun, Quality Datsun in Orange, Target Datsun in Garden Grove, Zee Datsun in Brea, Barwick Datsun in San Juan Capistrano, Anaheim Datsun in Anaheim, Santa o\na Datsun in Santa Ana. Dick Barbour Datsun in Cypress and Newport Datsun in Newport Beach. • *** LOS ANGELES ... For the first time since the 1960s, Californians shopping for new 1983 autos this coming Fall will have virtually the same new car model selection to choose from as have consumers in the other 49 states . This news was conveyed to Southland new ' car dealers during a series or recent field meetings : presented by the Motor Car Dealers Association of , Southern California, and held in San Diego, Costa• Mesa, Riverside, Pasadena, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Maria and Bakersfield. ' Association President Jim Willingham, a Long Beach Buick /British Car/Saab/Lincoln-Mercury dealer, who conducied : these meetings a long with Executive Vice President Jay Gonnan, was quite pleased with the • responsiveness or the defler attendees. "These dealers were hungry for information about the new emissions averaging policy formulated by the Association and California's Air Resources Boa.rd, which will allow this greater model selection In California without exceeding the state's tough emissions standards," stated WiJ.l.iarm. Gorman added that another legislative topic of great interest to the dealers was California's '. new Lemon Law, which takes effect January l, : 1983. • "The new Lemon Law benefits everyone,": explained Gorman, "since 3rd party arbitration • boards, such as the A.saociation'• AUTOCAP, will review consumer complaint.a before they reach court, and I feel confident that valid complaint.a will be resolved fairly and quickly by these . arbitration boards. making it unnecessary to go to · court.'' The attendlng dealers also learned of the Aseociation's legislative efforta aimed at increuing the mechanic's lien dollar maximum, and at, subjecting the sales activities of rental car~ companies to the same Department of Moto~ Vehicle advertising regulations that California dealen muat comply with. Willingham announced that the relationahip between the dealer community and the DMV excellent, and he praised the OMV top bnm for ..their wtlllngness to consider the Aalod.atJon•a 1 input on proposed OMV policies affecting California'• dealera and car buying public.." Announcement waa also made of a new Amoc:iat:lon project. a Daler Manqernent Gulde, whJch will lead dealers, step by atep, through the ] mue of regulations enveloplng today'• C.alltorm.] dealerahlp, The new Dealer Guide replaces the Alaoclation'a annual Yearbook/Dlrectory and • expected '° be ready for dJ.strtbutlon to A.oa members 1n November. Garman reported that the numbel' of clmalen who attended theae field meeUnfa waa up aublW\tlally from tho number who aftiended lalt year'1 meetinaa. which were the first Mich field me.Uno ln the Amoclation'• 80 ~ a.i.wy. "Tbe1e mHtlnta 1reatly aven,tb .. O'!!'; Amodation and we ln-.md to ~ 1Mm • 1f#v OClCWTenee," ta1d Gorman. SEE 'WllA T YOVR LOCAL I At.rro DEALERS HAVE TO OFFER YOU IN T.ODAr.S PAPER. 'Y' . . ,, ' " MAJOR LIACIUI ITANDING8 ==-~ • W LIJiDt.Oll :ia.~ Ctty :: :: :m .,.. ~o 11 51 646 3Y. --51 57 ..... OelllMO 60 86 4S6 11 T.... 44 11 ·"' 20 ~ 39 76 .342 ff'A SAaTUIM DM9IOM MllwMM 17 41 &112 eo.ton 11 61 a.44 6'it IMll!more 61 62 632 7 OelroH 67 65 509 IY. New York 66 61 .491 11 Clwelend 64 61 .41 1 11 Y. Totonto 65 eo 480 13 TlwnOIJ'•a-.. .,,.... 3, Min-le 1 Mlt'#eul!M 7-4, T0tonlo 1·3 ChleeQO 2, New Yonc 1 Onlyo-~ TonW!t'eO.-.,,.... (Win 74) •I OekJenc:I (Nome M) a.ltlmote (~ 1-1) et 8oelon (Tudot 7-1) Kan ... City (Froet Ml 81 Detroit (WllCO• 1-1) Toronlo (L••I 8-1 ) et Mllweull•• (VUCl<ovtch 12-4) New Y0tll (John 7 -1) et Chtc.go (Trout 1-7) S..ttle (f>«ry 7·1) et Ml~• (CUllllO 5-1) Ctewtend (1Mclll1• 1-4) at Texu (Tenena 6-11») ... tlonel L•eaue WHTOIH DIVltk>tl ~ Atlante Sen 0teoo Sen Frencleco Houl1on ~.n W L ftct. 08 15 51 seo 62 51 541 1'h 61 54 S30 3'A eo se 51a 5 51 S2 . ..St 121\ 41 73 390 23 aAaTUIN DfVl8ION 64 " .see 64 50 612 ... eo 53 530 4 51 54 524 5 48 64 421 15'-' 41 87 .422 , • .,.. TllundaJ'• 8cofM =. Sen Franclac:o 2 8, Atlante 2 on 6-1. Philedelphl• 3-7 Chk:ego 13, New Yon. I SI. loula 3, Pittsburgh 2 Only g-tch9duled T ..... llt'aO.- Sen Frenc:IKO !G ... S-10) at Dodg«a (Welch 13-7) SI Lou•• (Forach 11·81 •I Plltaburgn (Aobl,,_., 12~) Phll~I• (Krukow 11-61 at MontrNI (P...,_M) HOU11on (Nlellro 11-6) at C.1'1QOne11 (Soto Ml ChlCegO (Bird 7 • 10) ., New v or1c (Zachry 6-41 Atlent• (Camp 8-5) at San DI.ego (0.llV9cily2·11 AMERICAN LEAOUE Anaele 3. Twine 1 CALWOllfiA MINNESOTA llbrllbl Mt rllbl Downing If 3 0 0 0 MltChell cf 4 0 1 0 ~rt 3010 Wuhlngtn• 4 000 "-Jec:Uon pll 1 0 1 2 Brunanally rt 4 0 1 0 CIWll rt 0000 Hrbalt lb 3000 OeClnoM 3b 3 1 1 1 Werd II 4 I 2 0 Beytot di\ 4 O 1 O GMnl 3b 4 0 11 L)'M cf 4 0 0 0 Hetcn. di\ 3 0 1 0 RoJac:ll-lb 4 0 1 0 CutlnO 2b 2 0 0 0 F~ c 3000 Bulere c 20 I 0 Grtc:h 2b 4 1 1 0 8'nh pl\ 0 0 0 0 foll .. 4 1 2 0 Vega pl\ I 0 0 0 u.uoi-c 0000 Totall 33383 T011118 3117 1 9cotebJIMlftet Callf0<nta 000 000 120-3 Min-la 000 010 000-1 OP -Callfornla 2 LOB -C.itfotnla I. Mln,,.aol• 5 28 -Ward 2, Grich, Re Jeckaon HR -DeClncH (241 S -Fergueon c .......... Tlent (W, 1-1) H....., S~(S.2) ......... • H 111E11•ao 7 8 t 1 1 4 1'1\ 1 0 0 1 2 •;, 0 0 0 0 I Vlole (l.3-4) 7''1 5 3 3 0 10 Redfern o 00010 Unle 1~ 3 0 0 1 1 ~ pltehed to 1 bal18< In tn. 8th T -2 37 A -1 l,ON l'IMTGAMIE .,...,. 7, ... Jey9 1 Totonto 000 100 000-1 5 t: MllweukM 020 040 01•-7 8 0 Goll, Schrom (51. Gervin (I) end B M8'tlnez. McClure end Slmmo"• W-McClure, 1-4. L -Gott, 3·6 HR- Mllw8'JllM, G Thomes (21). NCONDQAME .,...,.., ..... Mire, T0<onto 002 001 000-3 10 2 M...._M 012 001 OOx-4 7 3 a.tMI. D Murrey (SI end Whttt. Le<ch, Ledd (7). ~ (8) end Yoe1. W-Lercll, 1-7 l -D MU<rey. 7-4. S-Ang«t (27) HR-Mttweukee. G Thom•• (30) A-28,305 5 72202 3 2 0 0 1 1 1 ......... .._. Atlante 010 010 000-2 8 1 Sen Olego 002 015 OOlc-8 II 0 Walk, C. Olu (8) end POC01obll, a.nedlet: Hewltlna, Weith (5) end T. Kenn.dy w- Welal\. 6-6. l-Walk, 1Q-8. HR-San Olego. T Kennedy (14). A-32,540. flflST QA;C ..,_, ...... , Pl\lledelphi• OOt 000 002-3 I 0 Montr• 002 200 20•-8 12 0 cnrlttenton. McGr•• (7) end B Olar; Gulllcllton. RNtdon (I) and Cetter W-Gu"IC~. ~I L-Chrletenton. 7-7 S-Aewdon (18) KCOMD GAlll IEJqtOal,~7 Pl\lledelphle 020 000 032-7 12 1 MontrNI 100 010 321-8 13 0 Fanner. J. AMCI (5), Monge (7), R. Reed (7). Lyle (61 and Vlrgll, B Dlu , Burris. RHrdon (8), Fryman (I) end Bl1ckw1ll. Cerl1r. W-Frymen, 7·2 L-lyl•. 3·3 HR-Phlladelphla. Sohmldt (25) A-65,097 Cllbe 13. Mete I Chicago 200 00 I 820-13 14 2 New YO<ll 001 004 100-8 7 1 NolM. PrOly (6). Tldrow (7) and J. O.vle, M Sc:ott. Oroeco (7). LNdl (7). F.ic-(7), Ra Jon. (I) end Stewna W-PrOly, 2-t. L-Orotco. 1-7 S -Tldrow (4) HR•- Chlcego, Ourhem ( 16). Henderao" (I) A-11.IM2 LITTLE U!AOUE 11-12-,..,-otde Dlvta40MA1. TC>UMCAllaNT (at llollll1wood U.) ~.--.. South Bey (Chui• Vlate) 8, Alh•mbr• Am«ICan 1 Note: aoutll ••r win• dlvlalon•I cnemplon1hlp end edvenc.a to We1t1rn Region ... beginning Seturdey night et Sen 8ern11dlno Utt• League comple.JI). 1S-y..,-okta MGIOfeAl. TC>UllNAmNT , .. ._. """" La ,._, .. , ~--­fl9~ 11. CltNe VWltrJ I T........-10.... Cltrua Vel~zedlM V"'-f, 5 pm •0.-Roblnwood vt. Cltru• Velley-ParedlN V8119y w!Mer, 10 L m. (Nole e eKOrid game will IOllOw II RoblnwoocS lo.-11\e first) Loe AJMtltoe TMUWSOAN M.ul.Ta (llltl of 12-nWlt ..,.._.. .......... ) F1ll8T llACL 870 ywdt Jel>'• .Ill (Het1) 4 llO 3 20 2.llO Mertln Boy (Gerda) 5 llO 4 40 Hoolled Deep (Tonk•) 4.20 AllO ·~: Aocbdoo, 8right Pollc:v, My Euy Swoon, Good AMeon, 8'edyS Po., Time: 41.35. a DACTA (7·11 peld $41.80. NCOM> IUCL 350 ywda Mr Streight Arrow (Hert) 111 00 l.'60 4 llO K.lda Credit (L8Ckeyl 4 00 3.00 Bold Johny (Berd) 4.'60 Al•o r•c•d: SuH Flr•I Rebl l, Eddy• Fethlr, Bacobo, Old Stonew•ll. S!*ll•I Deb, Mldwey Rambler. Timr 18.45 Tl9ID llACL 400 ywoa 8Wiop Brat {Oelomba) 31 20 II 00 3 20 Lady Selene (C.dOUI) 3 80 2 llO Gr_, S..Uty (Hert) 2 40 .................. ~o.tf-. I ~"itt."""9 ~ ..:=~---t40 , : ... -.1.. • •.• ...,...,.< •oo Alt• , ... I MN~, Arllle ~.,....... ... ....... .. ,:: .• ?,.r:--· .. lltOI\. • ~·l,0·11 .... '° ..,.. . ~ =~ no,,::,: T•Htfll ... I I IAO AIH r11te1 et H flHk1t, Olndyt ~.N ..::: §!:r*i~ uo uo Joe .,, Oeol I UO 1.00 ~I ( .w> 10-IO A)IO feoffj l•IOlllon. 111001. Mltllly t::..""'-Oloe, MOftlleur LI ~ A T1ml! lf,11. • UAOTA (1-1) peld tlM.IO. lftlNTM MCI. 400 ytrdl. 8olllltv ~) tt.10 1UO '/AO ~ v (T-.,.) 4.IO UIC> Arri*\ Jon ( ., 00 Aleo rec.di ClllGedo "•"· llr Ronny, 1ooner Kii~. Oftt11 lllOl\I. amooth ~-. ,,.., 0 Luc*. ...., Obo1e. nn.: ao.oo. • UACTA (1-4) Oeld 110 IO ....,... iuca. uo yvdil Mn .Ill T1 (Adllf) 1 IO 3.10 2.40 ~ ~ cr-1 1.20 1.20 Wer4, 8tllpplr (Hirt) 2.'60 Aleo rec.d: &ey Doullll nv ... ~ Az\n, e.-On Down, Sound OI 8Urfttner. Time: 17 .et. .. IXACTA (8-3) pllld '31.00. .. ~I( alX (6-10.7·6-1..0I PeiCI '6.1111.llO wttll -Winning tldcelt (l!Ye '--» 12 PICK SIX contoletlon peld teo.20 wtth 221 wtnnlng tlelcel• (lour l\or-). ~ ll.AC9. 350 ywda My aw Aclmlrel (Meir) • eo s 40 3.00 Some Kinde VolUIQe (PMICln9) t 1 IO 7 80 Uno 8edlllno (8.rd) 3.40 A110 ..cec1· SplWI A Rodlll, Cetdi Luck, The Journeymen, Roclly Oecll 881 Hu• M-. Gott• Go Te, Woody Run Time: 17.117 a IXACTA (4-1) peld Sl7.00. Attendencl: 7,886. DelMer THUllSDAY'a MaULTa , .... ol 4$-deJ "*-lllbrecl -ttnel ~T llACI. 8 f\lrlonge. J.D . .Mwlle< (Ola ) 44,IO 20.20 7.'60 Shedee of G'-(Mae) 5 40 3.00 Oet1' Ace (Plncay) 2.llO AllO r~: Prtncely Pego, Rlyll, Cornlal\ W1rrlor, High Merkel, My O.er Felcon. l.udledOr. Rlb't "-"'d· Radng RMI._, ~1~· NCOND llAC8. 6 llHlonoe T• of Trlumpll (&trd) 14 20 8 IO 6.20 ~(MID) 1.20 5.20 Jac:ll The 8-(C.,blljal) 7 .eo AleO r~: Bomon, Sl\edo Men, Calfomta Ag, Twtce The Cll8tge, Olymp41d Proml•, Cllncy, Two H0tn1. Rooney, Prince Film«. Time: 1:10 215. a DAILY DOU9LE (2. 1) peld 1545.'60. TIMI> llACE. 1 1/18 mllee. Welt 1 M<>rnM1 (Plncey) 6 00 2.60 2.80 Gruey (Blacl<) 3.IO 3.20 P11U91M F. (Oelahou ... )'I) 4.00 Alee r~· Run'a Rell McCoy, F•tlvll Knight, OuchMa Petron.. Wey Out E.ul, CYrlil In Nlllrll, Flod Out, Royll Dert>y'a Girt, Abbey'• Viking, Staggered Stltcl\ nm.: 1:45 2.15 SI UACTA (3-121paid $4750. FOUtmt 11.ACL 8 1ur1on09 aen1111man 8lede <DIMiy> e '° 3 eo 3.oo s,,_ Hie (V-) 1.eo 5.oo Emmet Key (Fw nandlz) 4.eo Al•o rice d· Neme Your Polaon. No Trumpa, Lonely S.., Top~. Gevlo41, Cllerdnnelgh, Heed 0.Cke•, f!'lylng Wer, Wine Trlcll. TltM: 1: 11 3/5. mM 11.ACL 8 f\lrlonge. Amlge la G. (Olhuy) I 80 4.'60 2 IO Wind of Frence (Sl\oemet<w) 4.eo 3 20 Wlntw Spirit (Valenzulle) 4 20 A1eO reoed: Buy My Act, Bold end Wiiiing, Rell Torque Tim« l:OI 415 • DACTA (S-3) peld SN 50 9IXTM llACL 1 1116 m1111 Telfa T,_.. (Vtnzl•I 12 40 s eo 5.'60 La Pott (~) 67 00 11.40 GerteMen (~) 4.AO Al•o reced FHt Scullle, R•>• l 1dy, Aatorlen. o.i.ctable, Won't Giiie "" Inch. Mornklg Mldneea. S.lght Dewn, One lor Giiiy. T1me: 1:44 MVUfTI4 II.ACE. l~ ml._ on luf1. ••llOCln\P8t8nt fDlhNYl 6.40 4.eo 2.eo •Wild Oete (Toro) 5.'60 4.IO 2.80 Aomp1n· Rude (V8lenz'Ulle> a:eo • -coupled. Alao reced. Tower 8•ldg1, Beech Grove.Bold DtapleM, Fabuloua ReHon S!JnOlngly. , • Tlme: 2: 11 3/6 II UACTA (1-4) peid SSl.60 a Plea 9IX (1-3-2-6-7-1) pe1c1 M.142.00 with nine winning tlclllll (lix 11«18S~ S2 Pk* Sbc coneo1111on pe1c1 *·'° wnt1 219 .,innlnQ lldl ... (llW llorles) ltGHTH llACL 1 1/t8 mllee. AegMn 0.-(Slblllel 46.40 17.00 1 .00 Sunny Ridge (llllckl 11.00 6.00 Voodoo 0-(Hewl9y) 5.20 Aleo reced. lndlenoie, MOd .. ty 81alM, Fae. North, Oulel Fllglll, N1llve Gii, Fer Song, Unclullered, Nency'a 8aOy Time: 1 ·43 215 ~ llACL I f\lrlonge. OulCll RlepoflM (Pince)') 8.40 3 IO 3.'60 Kai'• Boy(~) 4 60 4 40 Ololly (L.lpfiem) 10.40 Al10 riced. Rr. N•1'• Penny. Mr . Enthlnlum, Femlllet Tune, Slll#az Tudor, Robinwood one win from World Series. victory Saturday morning at 10. LA PUENTE -The Robinwood 13-year-<>Jd Senior Minor Little League All-star team is one victory away from advancing to the World Series following Thursday's easy 11-1 victory over Citrus Valley at Bassett High. The Huntington Beach-based league has now won back-to-back games by the identical 11-1 score and will play the winner of the Citrus Valley- ParadiBe Valley game to be played this evening at 5. Robinwood can wrap up the regional title with a Matt Hattabaugh picked up the victory on the mound for Robinwood, which hopes to advance to the 13-year-old World Series in Taylor, Mich., next week. Robinwood has gone through diatrict, mection division and now regional play in an undefeated manner. The team is based in Huntington Beach nar Marina High. __ ...... IMCWDI.. a N1utllu1 Exlll'CIH Equipment I Blood Preuure T .. tlng • Professtona.1 lnatrUC1k>n •Body Fat An•lylll • Cornputer11ed Lllec:~,.. •Streu l .. ting •Sauna & Jacuu1 • Nutt1llOnal CounMling ~, ........... Aerobic E • ercise Classes by Cindy Collins A11rob10 , L rd. fl(( Clllll CAI( I.."::..~.:.~~· UCllETIAU l.::~':"' ... l ' OPEN 1 DAYS FOR MEN & WOMEN ··' ' • t\ ' I ' I• )1Jf. t I 11 •' ,,.. • f I ,... I • I CllT&IE& ...... ·f~-=-.... , ........... (1U)M7·•1 -11•• nan cau.• a'I. ol4)9'f .• A •• R 0 B I c ,,. °"" .............. a..,,.,,,""" , .... ""* f " ,,. M llAIYA'(l•41 .... 61• 00 11tll ..._..,_ "·"' 3S-32-67 3S 33-el 34-35-89 34-35-61 36-34-ee 34-38-70 33-37-70 34-38-70 34-37-71 35--31-71 37-34-71 3~31-71 31-35-71 31-35-71 33-311-72 37-»-72 36-31-72 3&-3&-72 37-35-72 3~-73 3&-37-73 3~-73 36-37-73 37-36-73 3&-37-73 37-36-73 37-36-73 3&-37-73 3&-37-73 35-38-73 36-37-73 311-34-73 37,31-73 311--35-73 3&-37-73 3S-31-73 ... CounlfJ Cleulc: (etal ...... CC) .. .,,_.. . ....., ... low Groee 1 B O'Connor ll(ld R. Rel<.,. tRMw• CC), 65. ~ I\ Olwl encl Ft ~ (Sen Clemente CC). ee. I.OW Neil. 1 w Oonallue encl E. OoNll\UI (Cendlilwood CC). 5411N, 2 0. McCredll (B NlOuefl ll(ld R. Mlllw (The Sonnoe CC), 61. A1ao with 58. T Gr_, end 'I'. Lindolpfl (El NlOuef); 8 u-Ind s. Kruger (El Niguel) AllT'a ~ -:=i .• , -93 ~ 1411 bonito, 211 mac:ltarll, 8 rod! cod. 111 111nc:1 .,_, 1 Wflll• -.,_, 8 eculln. 1 •l'lffP•"81d, 117 kelp baH , 1 c:Mlelon DAY8Y'9 LOC1(U (....,_, ...... , - 213 engierL 5 ban~ ~1' bonito, 159 c:a11co .,_,I hllltb<rt. 421 ~-. 18 roc:ll ""'· 214 Miid b ... , 2 Whit• -bua. 2 yallowt ... DAMA WAM' -3$4 engler9. M2 b-. 328 bonito, 4 111111>u1. °'°' medleret. eo roe1t flah. MAL MACH -175 _..... 4 bOtltto. 27 Cllco .,_, 1 halibut. 45"1 mec11.-11, 370 rod! 118'1, 117 Miid baN. 4()1 ec:u'91n, 2 ~ (..,._.) -H engl«1. 800 ........... 2 ...0 &.ill. I eeutpln, 4 ~ croelter, 176 ~ WI. •AN 01aoo (MUI L•11-•11a) -137 englera. 273 -~-- c ..... c...... , .. ~ ~ ......... John • .,,, (V •·> dlf. JoM Hll)lllrH (9"1n). , ..... t. ,..,..... .............. ... n.J"' ..... , JoM Mel.nf" (~~·: MlahlOll• (Carwde). W~ .7-:f•. ~ 0-. (U I .) ... ..,.,. -( ., ... 6-0, l¥wt !.*'°' l~MIA} def Tim OuMdlton (U.I.), M . 7.aj ll-OtnlOll fU,I .) 611. Mtli• Calllll (U.8.). M , W ; Henri~ (,,_)def. Maritn W~ (e.n.di). ....... I-!; 8l\IOnlo OlloklMlll <•Ml) def Mah Wlllndlr (lwadln), .. 7, 1 .. , t-4; Vlt• 01rul•lti• (U.S.) Clef. ltelan llmonHon 11::*'" 6'2, 6-1: UOyd ~na (U.8,) Oaf, Morlllon (l'renoe), W , 6-4. ................ ~ Mdnr_....., Flemlne 1u.s.I OM. ~ Oendollo-Aon Hight-(IJ.8 . , f-3. M . OentOll (U 8.>•Mlili Olnton (Au9trlifa) OM OwM .... w_.,.,. ~U.Se\!!;/""· L..-.dl (Cmollollovlkle 8tc .If =~ dlf Wojtak Abele (J'olMd)-Jotvl (Awlrllll), ..... 7-4, f-3 WeetemCa..lo (MC.......w) ....... "8IMll ...... Si ndy Meyer (U.S .) del Frencl100 CJonH IH (Pereguay), 8-3. 8-4: Andy KoNberg (U.S.) def. V1nCI Van Pettan (U.8 .). M. 1-3, M ; tlm Wllkllon (U,8.) def. Otew CJllNn (U.8.1. 1-1, 8-1; 0.Yld Siegler (U.S.) def. Nduk• Oelbtor (Ntgert•l. 5-7, 6-3. 6-4; Hanle Pfllter (U.S.) cl«. Mike Myt>urg (South Africa). 1-1, M,· Viator Ameye (U.S.) dell. Jonlthan Smith Englencl~ 1-t, 1..e . Doubtal Meyer-Terry Moor (U.S.) del. Bred Or-I (Auatrelle)-OltHn (U.S.), 6·7. 1-3, 7 -6; Melt Mltchlll-Grelg Wlttue (U S ) def Jttl Or-I (~Wlllc*>n (US.), 6-4,M Atlllnte CIMelc , ......... , ....... .._... ...... Mery Lou Pletek (U.S.) def. S•lly NeQllaan (U.S.). 7-5, 1-:t. Oetll OHber'I (U.S ) def" Ann KJyomun (U.S.). 1-1. 6-4, ~ MIMIClfln (U.S.) def. MICNlll Totr• (U.8 ), 7 ·6. ""· YYO<\M VermNk (South Africa) Clel Lau••' Nreye (U.S.), 1-3. 1-2. Flret flollnd DoubMe Chtla Evert Uoyd·Blllle JMn King (U.8.j def Iv• Bud1rov1-M11cele Slcuher•k• (CHChOllOvlllle), 6-3, 1-3. NFl EXHnllTION Olien 22, lafnta 20 ._. bJ ou.mn New OrlMnl 10 3 0 7 -20 Houaton o 10 5 7-22 NO-G. Aogera 1 run (Ricardo klek) NO-FG RleetdO 4• NO-FG Rlc8rdo 39 Hou-T wnaon 12 p•H from Nlet1en (Kempf kick) Hou-FG Kempl 37 Hou-FG Kempl 37 Hou-S.tety (Scott tackled In end ;ionel NO-Gejen 14 run (Rieerdo kldl) Hou-C11per 20 pan lrom Nl•l••n (Kempl klcl<I A-44.5111 ~•tetletlce RUSHING -New Orleena. J Rogera t0-31. G Rog•11 1-25, w Wllaon 3-23. Gejan 2-15 HOUSlon. c.tnpbtlll 7-26. Al..., 2·8. AnnatronQ 3-6. PASSING -New OrlH n1, Menning 1-13-0-1011, Scott 5-15-0-37. D Wllaon 0-1..0-0. Houeton. Nlellen 11·21·1-llO, LUOk 4-104-37 RECEIVING -New Orleans. Mer1<en1 3-63. W Wll1on 2-16, J Rogers 2· 1. Houtlon, e.11ey 4-65. Edwerdt 4-,1. Cuper 2-35. Armetrong 2-10. Bryant 2.g FIELD CJOALS MISSED -N9w Ortaant. Andereon 51 Houtton. none. ToNtflreO- Clncinnlllet K-.a City St LOU19 11 SM111e Thurecltly'a trenucttona •AHaAU MILWAUl(~:::r-_ Oplloned Maril BrOllllard. OUlfttllder. to v_,,_ of the Plldflc ~ lMtrW CINCINNA Tl REDS -Announced thel George Scflerger. manager of lndllnepolla of the Amettc:an AllOclatlon. ..... join Aacla c:oechlng 1tell ettectlve lh• end or th• Atner1Can Allodatlon ~. SAN DIEGO PAOAES -AN\ounca<I they MW gi....,., Jac:lc McKeon genetel maneger • th•-)'Mr con1rlCI extlMIOn fOOT8All NeUoNI , ....... Laegue BALTIMORE COLTS -Signed Cllll Odom. llnebec4ter: Tony Vitale, ottentlve guerd. PITTSBURGH STEELERS -RetHted Ken McCulCodl, ~Id<• ~ ...... , ..... Laatrw Ct!ICAOO BUTZ -Signed Oleg ~. quwtertiadc. PHILADELPHIA STAR -Nemed 8111 Kuhltldi ......,.., to the generel mll('8glr Meyer ey.es OCIRIDark Saturday Billy Meyer will drive a new car in an attempt to break the Ora.nae County International Raceway time and 1peed records for funny cau durfn1 the Muecular Dyatrophy Summer Showdown Saturday nJabt. Meyer, ·a 28-year-old Texan who ls presently the hottett property ln all· of rrofeulonaJ drag ractna, wll debut an untested Ford EXP. Hts old car bolda the world record of 5.82 9C!OOnda and 2~.69 mllet per hour for the NHRA and the speed record of 2~.23 mph for the IlIRA. While Meyer 11 making a switch, he doem't figure It as a major switch. "It's not as big a change as everyone seems to Imagine," Meyer says. "It'll be the aarne e ngine, t.ranamiaalon, clutch, driver and crew. U anything, the fact that we're getting a fresh chassis at this point in the season should help us down the stretch. "The two cars are Identical but every liew one has it. own little pecul.iarities. Hopefully, we'll be able to see just exactly what kind of race car we've got Saturday." F!Om Page C1 DODGERS. • • team and the more they win and do what they have been doing, the m or e confide nt they become." Ken Landreaux made a brilliant cat.ch of a home run bid by Giant catcher Bob Brenly in the fifth inning, reaching over the outfield fence and above it by 1 'h feet to spear a drive. "I had it all the way ," Landreaux said. "I saw it and I knew it was going to be over the wall. It was just a case o f whether I could reach it or not." Ron Cey contributed a home run in the fourth, his 17th of the season and drove in two more runs in the eighth with a timely single. · "It's all so easy to get up for the tough games," Cey said. "And all of them are tough right now. Sure, we're going to get tirro and a lot of tough games in a row will tire you out. "The fact we are there is the big thing right now. We've been through it before and we have to guard against a mental lapse. "We had a tough game today and I'm certain the other three are going to be just as tough. The Giants are just as much in the race as we are right now." * OOOGEJI NOTES -For M>tM It may bit trw Ulat once • Dodger • .iways • Dodger la trw. Jim Llfebttra, thl Dodger rookie of the )'Mr in 1965, II now I cOICh with the Glanta. "It'• • comblnetlon of • lot of thlngl lM way our club IS going now." hi uya. "They_,, OU1 and trllded •W8l' • etll11ng "'*'O for • 111rtlng rotellon. Adding ..._.. C•twitt., ano1hlr ex-Oodger) Ind '--.... along with the rookla WI llaY9 hu helped a great dMI" . . . 8ob Weld! (13-7) DOM for hie fifth etrelght win and a car-high !4th victory lo' e 1e1eon against thl Giant•' lllch 0... (5-10) tonight. ...• ltH• Garft' la )utt two 1\111 etty of tying CM l'Uffh for fifth pi- on the all-dme Dodger hH Mat et U 10 .•. Thi Glenta' Smith collected hit ninth game· winning 1111, e 121h Inning "'°"*' Wad~IY . ~ a-.,.,. l\ad lhl 1u1 ttw.a game wlnnlnQ 1111• tor the Dodglr'I are W agllnll 1111 Gtante Ihle -encl h-'WOfl 22 of ll'illr 1ut 28 mMtlng1 against San Ftancllco at Dodger Stadium. GET A GRIP Whether your sport is football or soccer, traction's the name of the game. Nike helps you get a grip with the Turf King, the Shark Nylon , and many other styles, all built for the support and long wear you need. Come in and see our full line of athletic shoes for every kind of sport, and get a grip . ,__ CIUITOS PUU.UTO• 2520El.~ 3 blocks w. ol57 f'wy 11Ml11 Loi Ccrrteoe <Antit.r bttween Nordltrorn • San 1111114-IUI OUllGI 1802 I! Katclla 1 bl~ w °'" hly, U.lllO Fuhlon laland between 8uf'ruml a ero.ctWwy Mt-IUI \ For 50 years All-America seeds garner top awards :I -~...!RONSON A half century ago -early ln 1932 -W. Ray Hastings planted among fellow aeedsmen an idea for bringing home gardeners more and better flower and vegetable varieties. From the efforta of Hutinl(I, Continue • growing 1 vegetables I P\llUC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE FlCTmOUI llUSlNEll l'l(;Tl'TIOUa llUSINEH flCTmOUa llU ..... HAIR 8TATIMENT HAME ITATl•NT NAll'll STATE•NT The lollowlng l*'90N are doing Tile IOllOwlng 11«aon• are dOing The lotlowtng ~raon ta doing ~-buslnNIU ~-l 8. AIRPORT SHUTTLE & PAVRON ENTERPRISES. 6750 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS LIMO SERVICE. 1600 E. Flral Caballero Boulevard. ~a Partl. POOLS ANO SPAS, 13321 Oatoen S1reet. Sanle Aoa. Clllfomla 92701 Calllornla 90e20 OrOYe 8IVd •N. Oaro.n OrOYe, CA Lauro P. Bunoen. 8316 Emerado Paul A \lolpp. 2613 Geneva. 92643 Circle. Wellmlnater. Calllornla Fullerton Calllornla 92633 Nell Tlllm1n Sp11n. 5144 92e83 Ron1ld M Gercl1, 7843 E. Conant. long 8eech, CA 90l!US Roelll1 C Bunoan. 8316 Emerldo S1ndberg Lane. 0.1nge. California This bullneas la c:Otlducted by en Circle, WHlmlnater. Calllornl1 112669 indlvidull. 92683 Thia bulln-Is conducted by 1 Neil Spain Thi• bullneaa Is C'.onducted by an gen«IJ partnership. This atatemenl waa llled with the Individual. RONALD M. GARCIA, a Counly Clerk ol Orange County on Roeaalle C 8unoan general partner Aug. 3. 1982 Thia 1111emen1 wH flied with the Thia 11'temen1 was llled with the 1'1Mno County Clerk ol Orange County on County Clerk or Orange County on Published Orange Co111 Oally July 21, 1982. July 26, 11182 Piiot, Aug. 8, 13, 20, 27. 11182 F1"'3'7 F11M015 35'&.82 Publl1hed Orange Coaat Dally law omc.e ol Piiot, July 23, 30, Aug. 6. 13, 1982 OANll!l J. COOPER 3288-82 lull• 400 l!ldofedo Benk 8ulldlng P\8.IC NOTICE ___________ ,2"012 Celle 0. La ...... FtCTmou• IUllHHI Laguna Hiiia, Callfornla 12953 NAME STAnMaNT Publlahed Or1nge Coast Detty Th• following per1on 11 Clolng PllOI, July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20. 1982 bu1tness u : P\&.IC NOTICE K-o1115 ITATIMENT OF A8AHOOttMENT 01' UBE Of' f'ICTITIOUI 8USIHEl9 NAME 3'122-82 FRAME IT. 14<122 Ehlerl, Tualln, Pl&.IC NOTICE The following peraon(t) hive K-o1271 abandoned the UM ol the llctltlou1 NOTICI! Of otaaOUITIOH bu1lne11 n1me SUNSET HILLS Of PARTNERaHIP OEVELOPMENT COMPANY. 21150 Public notloe 11 hereby glYen that Red Hiii, COlll MHa. Celllornl1 Huffoo Celllornla. Inc .. .ncfs.m.c:a 92628 Calllornle Company. lid., The ltct111ou1 buelneu name her«tofore doing~ under the relerred to above was flled In flclltlou• nrm name end atyle of ~County on May 16, 1980 Independent Valley Energy MARK Ill PROPERTIES. 21150 Comp1ny, al 695 Town Center, CA 92680. Estelle Tally. 14422 Elllen, Tustin. CA 92680 Thia buslneu 11 conducted by an lndlvldull. Ellelll Tally This a111emant -flied with the County Clerk Of Orange County on Aug. 3. 11182 1'1MM1 Publlahed Orange Coaat Oally PilOt. Aug. 6. t3. 20. 27, t962 3'162·82 Red Hiii. Coste MMe. CA 92$26 Suite 220, City ol Coall MHe. UN t -CA l FIN AN Ct AL county or Orange. State of P\8.lC NOTICE CORPORATION. 523 WHI Sixth Celllornla. 112626, did on the 13111 --------- Slreel. Suite 302. Loa AngelH . day ol July. t982. by mutual F".CnTIOUS eu .... aa Cllllomla 90014 consent. dlnolve the said NAiii! STAft•NT Thia bullneu wu conducted by• partne,.hlp and terminal• their The lollowlng pe,.on la doing genwal part..-atilp relatlona u part,,.,. ther"eln. t>u.ir-s ae: UNl·CAL FINANCIAL Seid butlneaa In the Mura wlll be A & H FAMILY RESTAURANT, CORPORATION condue1ed by Huffoo Cellfomla, Inc. 145 E 19th St., C<>11te Meaa, CA JllCk Sutlet. d/b/1 Independent Valley Energy g2627 Exec Vk:e Pru Company at 695 Town Center Ot., Etten Mery K1nadl1, 878 N Thie atetement -llled with the Sulla 620. Coate Mau, CA M1"ord. Orange, CA 92687. County Cletk ol Orange County on 112828. wno wot pay end dlacnerg9 Thia bull-I• conducted by en Auguat 2, 1982. all ll1blllllM 1.nd debt• of Iha firm lndMduet. 1'1MOA end ~ all monlM payable to E. Kanadle Published Orenge Co111 Diii) the llrm. Thi• atetement waa filed with the Piiot. Aug. 6. 13, 20, 27, 1982 Further nolloe 11 hereby given County Clerk of Or1nge County on 35-48-82 that the under1lg~ wlll not be Aug. 3. 11182. -----------reaponalble, from Ihle day on, for 1'1Mln P\8.IC NOTICE any obllgetlon Incurred by the Publl•h•d Orange Cout Oelly K-o1IOO other(•I In (hla) (har) (their) own Piiot, Aug. 6, 13. 20, 27. 1982 NOTIC• TO Cfll!DfTO..a name(al °' In the name ol the lltm. 354~82 OA1'EO AT Colle Me••. Of' 8ULK TRANSffR Calllornla. thll 29th d1y ol July, P1llJC NOTICE (.__ 1101 .. 101 U.C.C.) 1982. -----------Notice la hereby given lo the Cart c~ l'10nTIOUS llUIMSS credltora ol NEPCO INC • David J. ano. ~ ..... STAnMQIT Tr-fwor. whoM bull,_ eddr... Attorney The fOllowlng doing la 370 E. 17th Str .... City Of Coe1a Voegalln £ 8at1on bull.-.. : P«'90ll8 -....__ ,. • ..,..27 Countw _. ,.._ 808 S. Ollw St .. 18th floor ..._ "" • .,.., • ., "'volnQ9. Lo. Angeiea, CA 9001<1 BIRTCHER PACIFIC, a gensel Stet• of California, that • bulk Huff Callfomla. Inc. pen..-afllp, 27811 LI Pu Rd .. trwiefW la lbout to be macMt to Ylt Paul J 8.._.... Laguna Nlgull, ca. 92N7. Lal end Suk Y• Lau. Traneler.... vice pr..,.,..t,. Ronald E. 81r1ctw, M Tr\.~ .. wtlOM bullnaae ac:tdr"' It 1340 Publlthed Orange CoHt Oally of The Ronald E. 81r1Cher Femlly 0eoca 8trwt. City of Long 8eech, PllOI Aug 13 1982 Trull. •tllblllhed under Aar-.nt County of Len AngelM, Stat• of • ' 3e02-e2 daled June 21. 1NO, 271f1 La Pu Callfomla. Roac:I, Laguna Niguel, CA 92177 The property to be tr-1etred II Miu B. 81ftafMlt, M Trutt• deKlrlbad In c;iensal..: All ltodc In Pl8.JC NOTICE ol The Arthur B. Birtcher and tr1lda. ftrtufw, equipment Ind OOod Shirley R. Birtcher Property .. of ttwt Gift lflOP bu*-known K~ Sett*'-11 end SYpport TNlt cltteo .. Kiko'• lnternatlonll Olf1• and ITA'T'lmWf CM' AeANOOf..,,, Augutt 21. 1812, 27111 La Pu looeted et 170 E.. 17tll 8u.t, City of Of' Ute CW Aoed. Laguna Nioull, CA 92177 ' CO... Meu. CA 12e27, Counl)' of l'ICnnout ........ NAiii Thie ~ fa ~ by 1 OfttnQe. 811ta of C4111fonlll Th• following p•raona have ganarel ~. Tll• bulk 1ren1fer will be lberldOnad tfle uea of ma ftctltloua Mhuf' 8. Blrtcner. ooneuminated on 0t ett.r the 31M bulilMlla name SUNSHINE LIOUOA Truel• of TM df1)' °' Auguat, 1ee2 a1 10:00 am at 1t 7U w. 1tt11 8tre.t. Colt• MeM, Arthur 8. 81ftth« OfO¥W ~ 00roorl1Jotl. WllOM C4llltomli 9*7 anC1 SNrtey A. llrtaher 1dclr .. • 11 11002 Irvine Blvd.. The flotltloua bu1lnH1 n•m• Property 8e11JWnent MCI Tuettn, Clllfornlt. r•lerr1d lo lbOVI Wll llled In Support TNll 0.tad L11t cl•t• for flllno cl11ma I• Oountv on"'-17, 1182. AUQUl!t 21, 1N1 a.ao42. H\'UN CHOO CHIN, 1017 $. Thll 1tatamant W11 fllad with the lo fir H le known to Ille W_..lt,_., Anltlelrn, ~ County Cllf'C qt Otenoa COunty on Trll'•I«-. 811 bueln1H namee *lf06 July 2', 1912, and eddraHH uHd by th• Kyu110 loon c11111, fOH I . , ..... T,.,...,.,, for tfle .,..a tllrel )'Mn W41W11di et,_, ~. c.tfOmll HUH'Tfi. I VOU are: .,,,.. tnoe Anomaya II Lew OATfO ~ f , 1N2. Tilll buelMee 11M OOnductld by 1te00 ,..,Cl'lllcl Or!w, YM C.U tndMdl*I ~ Ind wife). Ma 100 M Y .. LAI ~ OflOo CHn Po.t Offloe 1011 11t77 Ti•---,_ 1N1na CA "713 ftvblllMd OflflOI 00..1 Diiiy ftvblllMd Oranp Co1tt Diiiy PU~ Orllfl09 c:0..1 o.11y fllot. Auo. 1J, 1W. llOM2 Plot, Mt 23, 30, Auo· 1.11~2 Pllol, My 30. Auo. t. 1,, IOM~ PtBUC NOTIC£ f'tennouaau..-11 NAME ITATEM€NT TM fOllowlng penon It doing bull-M . UNIPAK USA TRAVEL SERVICE. 280 Newpor1 Center Ot., Suite 350, Newport BMch. CL 92e«l Mllhho ~a. 3650 E. lat St No 1, Long Geicti. CL 90803 Thia bualMH IS conducted by en lndlYldual • MIZUHO ROGERS Thia tt•t-1 waa llled with the County Clerk or Orange Counly on July 28. 11182 1'114227 Publlahed Orange Coast Delly Piiot. July 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 1982. 3376-82 P\8.IC NOTICE Expert warns of. endangered plant species that mankind hH arown dependent on: "~ of the major contraceptlv ea comea from plantl,'' he aa~a. "l>tgltalla co.mes from the foxglove." He cite. the fa irly recent di.lcovery of a new species of com ln JaU.Co, Mexioo. What ma.ka thla particular apeclea 10 unusual, he says, la that it ii a perennial: It can grow year after year T ry cannas for exotic blooming U you want a tropical or exotic garden motif try cannas. Their large leaves resemble the banana plant and the flowen bloom on lop of 3-lo 6-foot stalks in white, coral, pink, apricot, salmon, yeUow or red. They like full sun and need well-draining soil. Another selection for this theme is dwarf citrus that thrives in the Southern California coastal climate. They are evergreen and offer a vanety of fruit. Other plants that are attractive as well as fruit-producing are the strawberry guava (Psidium littorale) and the pineapple guava (Feijoa sellowiana). The strawberr y variety produces fruit that is edible fresh from the bush or can be used in jams and jellies. It grows to a height of four to five feet and has glcmy, bronze-tipped foliage and a white flower that resembles common myrtle. The pineapple guava is an attractive sub-tropical shrub that bears small, pear-shaped green fruit that is excelle nt for canning. It has gray leaves and interesting red and gray flowers. Also good in an exotic setting is the banana (Musa) plant. It is strictl y ornamental but impressive in size. And, for rich fragrance, try the ginger lily (Hedychium) that blooms on dense spikes in white. yellow or cream color. Nursery Special m -ROSE BUSHES AND CLIMBERS IGAL.MO.tM UllDlllRS CHIClllST TREE ROSES IQALMO.M.11 ,,,,. •Keep mowing lawns high lo keep roots cooler in the August heat. •Give yell owing azaleas, citrus, rhododendrons or camellias an iron supplement as well as normal fertilizer. I • Florist Special Talce ltome d-en•f Freshly.cut .: •Make clean cuts with a sharp set of clippers I or knife when you're cutting flowers for the house. : These cuts will heal faster than ragged tears. : CARNATIONS Many colors. Since 1946 •For the best blooms from Japanese iris, remember to water well before and during the flowering season. • •Don't be lax on your battle with snails and slugs. Keep baiting for effective control UN: \ 't I Distinctive Fashion ~~------ Every Sunday ';;;;I LLOY'D•!i uorden sho ,ony ,ob IMPATIBG KBl.OOG'S GROM ULCH Outdoor Plan~ Mix Ready 10 "" for t,.... lhrubl, roeee.1. .t~. ExoeMent for a.r.. "°°' Roeee "SUPER BUDE'.--' _ __._ 41 1•. 1111. S 13.11 IOW $1098 VlllCI ·11.n.1 R11a 3 .. 1ow1 98 Au."-aut.lmT TO ftOCK OM HAHO °""" Oiied 1'wv fl 11111 OPIN MON. THMI &AT. 7..6 -SUN. N LLOYD'S NURSERY ANO LANDSCAPE CO .. INC. 2021 Newport .... , .. -IC) 00... ........ CA t H17 I en•• ... , .. , • • I I I J Or1n11 COMt DAILY PfLOT,,'*t, ~ 11, 1112 . TRI FAMILl' c1aca;1 by Bit Keane "It'd be easier if they had escalators." Mi\RMADt:kE by Brad Anderson O> ' ~- "OK Pal , you're not fooling anyone. The bed Is ~till warm!" .lt:DGE PARKER Gi\KFlt:LD I CAN'T eELIEVE \IOU WERE THE iMING IN THE &TUMP THAT 'S 8EEN SCARING ME ALL WEEK MOON Mt:LLINS I t>otJlT KNOW HOW iO HANDl.~ KAYO ... 11VE RE,bD ,Au. iHE CMIU> PSYCHOL~Y BOOkS,AND ... 1 Mob 2 SWengeiu 3 Gold cloth 4V~ THUMOAY'I PUm.llOLYID 5Youngat• 47Slelp e DodOM 41"--• 7 Cowpotl1 29 8c:M1net Hot Tlr! e Flah 30 Blok• Roor· t Flnlll 31 Stopwatch 50 Dtcrttl 10 PMlftQIWIYI 32 Rub out 51 Plunder 11 Joi 33 Spit• 52 Allen COin 12 AlowlnOI 35 Umb 53 C.00 ~ ~,TJIAT1S IT! 13 ""* 3t Contalntt 58 Wind ....... Mo ................ 1t llrd 40 Al -'°' 21 llglnfltf 42 Mort Olft.in M ~ bird 25 Atpot1erl 44 °'.,.. f7 Cllmtt. •o. H HumONd t11 St YON '--..._..._...._ 11 -.... 4t 8t11bo1t eo ACMP C06or by Vlrgll P1r1ch (VIP) "I'm lnnoctntl" by Harold Le Ooux 5HE SAID TO TEU.. YOU THAT NEXT TIME YOU'RE DfWIN0 f>Y SPENCER F=AAM6. CAU.. ~FOf\E YOu OP£>P IN I PUNIJTI ,_ - Ni\NCl' IN FACT, I IFEELVERY FEELREAL GROUCHY TODAY MEAN FIJNkl' •INkERBt:.4N BRABBLE 'tOO'~ A ~ll'I NKE. 60-i, fA1'~1CK ! M051 -'10!> 'fR-4 'fo ~1 •AO\J\.1'" ~o &E- by Ferd & Tom Johnson c~ ~s. M ~'bl! 11' ~~ ~11(£ 'IOUNC:. PEof\,E. AuJA-4~ "1l{'4 'fO AC.:f ~Kl, AN\> OLO~~ f'EoPL£. ~"~ 'f(l'( 1'0 ~c.1 ~tl{,Eft t , '/ 1 1 ' •·SMOCK --~--~~~~~~~~or-~~-, WHA"f''ve YA 601" ;J: CAN PU1" ON MYSeL.F 1"0 MAKe Me MORE! A1'",.RAC1"1ve 1"0 MeN? by Ernie Bushm1ller HEY.'YOU 1RE GOING THE WRONG WAY ON A ONE-WAY STREET • •• :" -~ ••• • • :!',. by Gus Arriola· -.~--i_,, vP./'<l!.°oJJ. by Tom Bat1uk ' I l : ,~ by Kev1 n Fagan by George Lemont eveRY eoc:>Y's A COMIC / \ . • i ' I I Orlnll OoMt DAILY PILOT/Pftiday, A~ 13, 1812 er 1 MlE MnlCl Pm.IC... ~ Mill=-· ~.,, .• s ~~-I ' ..... 0' "Y ..... efA,_., llle ~ ,...oM .,.. dOll!O TM ,......,_. ,.,..., le ~ cere...... ,..,. ~::-... -~ .... , ...... ,, .. ~r....... . .... • I ITH oi:.:T OLAIMI W. llltH llvd. •A. Newport Ademl. C.. ...... CA htil , ,_ o.i. 11Mt1. CA Ntl1. NllL O. OINllON, 110~ S t 12 ..... 110, Colte ...... CA Jitlltrl Yi-.m HerdlftO, 1121 W. Adema, No. If.I, Coeta H1ea. CA ep llllDOe ....,_, IA, .....,.. Beeoh, t21H. • Am e r I o I n M e 411 o 1 I ct HM1. Thia~ le~ by lft lfltN'l•llonet. lflO.c:J:•••,. Llflct• Olan• llff•, 11H w. lndMdual. OOl'POfllliofl, 414 N. OtM, lalbol lllld. IA. .....,.. lwlll. Hal DaMorl Chabad of Irvine ~.._CAtoa'O. CAtaMI. T111aata1111•1&wt1e11.-w. Jew t 1 b Commun tty ™' ~ II oondUOMll by • ™' ~ " OONMted by • Countr Clert! ot °'--Couney °" ,.._ will _,_..__._ •'--ocwportllOfl. Oll*'tf ~ Auguat 10, 1112 "'4111W ~·-uw ""*1oWI Medlcll JfMr'I w .. Herdlflel ,_, op•nlnl of ltl n•W ~. tno. Thia MtMleM WM ftleiO wlttl the 'ubtlahed Orange Cout OallY factUty with a a•l• ~~ ~0~2.otOftillt'Count)'Oft '*"·Allf.11,20,27,8-.~~ earade at a dedlcatton 1 Tilll ~ ... 111ec1 wtttt the ,,_.. Sunday, S•pt. 12. at CcMm 011rk of Or-. Countr on Publtahed Or•nit• Coaet O•lfy PlBJC ll)Ttc( 11 30 1.ue. f , 1112. Piiot, A419. •s. 20, 21.1ep1,..1J_!~ : a.m. ,_ -"~ ''The day hu come: Pubfl•hecl Or•n1• QoMt oauy tTA'TllmllT Of' Aaaaa1awmc-<1:111•-•..nrr the City of IrvlM now Pilot. Aueo 13' 20• 27• e.ot.~.~= MUC NOTICE fltC~ =.: .. ...-~al ltl own Jew Ith NTtTIOUI..,..... The followlng peraon1 heve tflCillty, and lt II Indeed a P\aJC M)11C( W. ITATWT ~,,.:: -of the flGtltlolle __. "" -...i-"or The tlllloWlne l*90IW -dolno --.._. ,,.,youa ~n I. "'°""°"' .,..... buMw -w A " N I! R A v I N u e the Jewtah Commwllty," MAllll ITA~ E ... E POWl!A awH,.NO. AHOCIATI~ 188 I!. 17th St .. aald Rabbi M•ndtl +~" l*tOtlt.,. doll'O ~;~.W.8"'IOP81 .. a.ntaAna.OA ~.:=t1t1ou!29.,!~neea .._, Duch man, Director. HA.DOW HIGH Mfl.ecTIOHI HEE TU KIM, 1011L w. llahop, r•l•rr•d to ebov• wH llled In u Alter much planning, 1740714 8Hahore Or .. Hewpor 8entll Ana, CA 82703. ()Jangt County °" o.oa.nbet 12, enslneerlnl and ie-:.·.~·':';nw•ll.1. 7~0714 ~~·~McA~~c:i~ w. 1 "°jAMU w. RAY. 1N e. 17th oonitrucdon. the Jewilh lealtlOf9 Or., Naiwpott .-i, CA Thlt b\lel:::.,t, COftduoted by It., ec.ta ...... CA m21. Center will open lt1 t2M3. lndMdue6a. end wtte. MICHAEL o. RAY, 1N E. 17th doors to the entire v10111 GrHn•Y1.. 74.07\.t HeaTl.ll<Jfll, at .. ~~<i."LS~·E. 11th ....,_.. Or., Naiwpott .-i, CA Chul't J. l<Jfll It ,._._ .....__ ,. .. ..,....,1 Jewish community In t29IS. Thia at-.ment ... ftled w1tt1 Iha .. ..._.. -._ n-· Irvine, and will offer Tilll ~ "oondUcMd by. eounrc Cid°' Or.nge County on St., =-~b~H~~.E. t1th many educational, 80dal, llfnlted ~ Aug. 0• ,Mt. ,._ PHILIP M. FURLONG. 27082 cultural, aa well a1 Thla~-llledwttflthe Publlahed <>reno• Coa•t Dally L.oatF~~:~;.,~.~·2 spiritual programa." County Cler1t °' Otenoe County on Ptlot, A41g. 13, 20, 27. 819t._; 1982 PMIO Dal Valle, Laguna NIQI*. CA j Aug. fO, 11182 ,.,_.1 M1W2 92871. l Publlafled Oranoe co .. t Dally P\ll..IC NOT1CC Thia~ -oonduc:ted by. Pllol, A41g. 13, 20. 2l, leclt.1. 1082 llmlTh~ ~· ....... with ...... , '9C'"10U9 ....... 35e2-82 ,ICTITIOUI eu ... as ,. at •• -t waa ,,,_ ·-um ITATDmNf N_.. ITATil•NT County Cid of Orenge COUnty on The lollWlng peraon la doing eta.IC MOT1CC 'rile followlng peraott It dolnll AUQUll 3· 1982· P1'~ : Facility HELLO DOLLY -Actor Rock Hudson and actress Elizabeth Taylor are all smiles as they visit Carol Channing in her ~ing ,,..,""'*' room at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles where Ma. Channing is starring in "Hello Dolly." / bualneM at; ' bualnea• •: Publlthed Oran~• CoHt Oat"'l A ANETT OE SIGN ANO PM:.Tm04!!~ G. FREESE ANO ASSOCIATES, •1 200 t tilAm .,, .. 1135 La Mirada Lagune 8eadl ca. Plloi, Aug. 13, 20, 2 • Sept. 3. 1982 ORAnlNQ, 2 Park N-por • The follol#lng l*90ft8 .,. doing 02851 • . 3817-821 :f:eo 220, Newport 8Mch, Cellfomle t>uair-Ml G_,oa 1.ae Fr-. 1135 La Jey HowWd Arnett 2200 Patti NEWPORT HEAL TH CENTER. Mirada. Laguna BMch, Ca. 92851 FUlJC NOTICE Newport Naiwpott e;.;ch Cellfomle 355 P'-ltla, Ste. 303, Newport This bllelneaa It conducild by en 929Ck) ' ' a.ctt, CA 021163. ln<ltvldual. PtCTmOUI IU ... U t Thia~ la conclueled by an Steven Jallerey Smith M.O.. GWENDA LEE FREESE MAm ITATil•NT 1 lndMdual 550 Em«lkf Bay, LagUn• Beeoh, This atatemant wu fllld wtth the Th• followlno peraon 11 doing jey H Arnett CA 02861. County Clerk of Orange County on ~ ea: Thia ata...Mnt waa flled wtlh ttie Larry BauamN!nd Ptl.O., 22792 Juty 28. 1982. AllTORITE, 1280 F Cabf111o Pit. County Cler1I of Ofenge County on Alluraa Dr .. Mlaalon Viejo, CA ,1MZJI Dr., Benta Ana, Callf<><nl• 92701 ...... 21 1082 92881. Published Orano• CoHI Dally Joaac>h Peter C-e. 1280 F More y o ung men m ates seen .,.,., ' · ,._.. Thia bu*-i. ~by en Piiot. July 30, Aug. 8. 13, 20. 1082 Cabrlllo Pk. Or .. Sa111a Ana.1 Publlati.d Orange coaat Dally unln~poreted aaaocletlOll othet 341M2 c.Mtomle 92701 ) • 3 1...... 1'*'1 • pertneraNp. ·-~~ .. conducied by.,,, Piiot. .My 23, 30• Aug. v, 1 • ._ S. J. Smith M.O. ....__ r Older women-younger men marriages gaining favor GAINF.8VILLE, Fla. (AP) - Aa women's 80Cial status grows, ao will the number of marriages between o lder women a nd younger men, two marriage reeearchers at the University of Florida say. mentioned older woman-yOWtger man marriages to his atudenta, there was "a very strong reaction of diagust . . . It aeemed mostly based on the woma'n being seen as lecherous." But the two 'n'Ote that there are benefits to such marriages. single wome n co uld be slgnlflcantly re~uced if they were able to aearch for a mate among men younger than themeelvea." • Their reeearch covered a wide· range of questions on age differences In marriage, including m.l.lconoeptiona on the more common May-December marriages between men much older than their mates. 3200-82 1..any eauem'81nd Ptl.o. P\BJC NOTICE .JoMph P«er c-a , ---.. ---.,.-..,,.-nee----Thia atatemant wee Ned wttt1 tt1e K-t1• ""' atet_, ... nlld w11h 1t1e'l -~===,.~==-=""===~-County Oerll of Orenge County on f1CT1TIOUI .,._.s County a.1c of Orange County on ACTmOUI .,_.. Aug. fO, 1982. ..,.,._ ITATI!mWT .My 21, 1082. NAiii ITAT'llmNT ,,_ Th• loHowlng peraon Is dolno '1 ... The fo4lowlng peraone -doing Publlafled OrenG• Coul Dally ~ ea: Publlthed Ora119e Coaat Dally· ~ M' Piiot, A41g. 13, 20, 27, Sept. 3, 1082 EX p ANO ING I MAGE I Piiot. July 23, 30, Aug. 8, 13, 1082 , BAL TAAVEL end BUSINESS se11-e2 WORKSHOP. 2005 Beje. Newport 333G-.a2 ANO LEISURE TRAVEL. 130 EMt "8JC NOTICE &eech. Calltofnla 02eeo "8JC NOTlCE ' 11th Street, Coata Meaa. Cdtornle Annabelle Kolaon, 2005 Be)a, -----------In a report to be published this year in "Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality," one of the reeearchers, Heman Vera, said such unions will h ave to overcome a great deal of hostility. "The greater longevity of women produce an unbalanced sex ratio in old age. After age 65, there are 100 female9 for every 75 males," they said. "This condemns a growing number of these women to long years of isolation. Among people 65 and older, 62 percent of the women are unmarried, compared to only 29 percent of men," they wrote. "People get that impression because celebrities and politicians in age-diacrepant marriages get a lot of publicity," said Bernardo, who alao is editor of the Journal o f Marriage and the Family. ''The truth is that NCh marriages are more common among people without lota of money)' 92627. PtCm10U8 Ml-IS Newport Beech, Cellfomla 02te0 tJICTITIOUS eu..-H Wllllenl H. Strelll. 007 Lomberd NAm ITATUmMT Thia but1neea la condUc11d by en NAm ITATOIENT Court, Coat• MeH, Callfornl• The following pwaon 11 doing lndllllduel. The lollowlng per.an Is dOlng 02828. ~ .. : Annabelle l(olaOft b\JllMN -I Alta M. Streln, 007 Lombard FACADE, 2000 Bery-I Lane, This atat-1t wu tiled with the p Ow EA WASH INTER. Court, Coate MeH, Calllornla Newport Beeoh. CA 02te0. County~ of Orenoe County on NATIONAL, 15051 Plumwood St. 9~. ~la c:onduc1ed..., en DanlM Lutgen-Tate, 2000 Beryl July 20, 1082. ,1._. w .. tmlnaler, Ca. 02883 , u1 Lane, Newport Beech. CA 92880. Erneal H. Miiier, 15951 1 lndlvldual. Thia 11w1,_ la conducted by .,. Publl1hed Oranoe Cout Dally PlumWOOd. wntmln11er, ca. 92883 Rita M. Strain lndMdual. Pilot. July 23. 30, Aug. 8, 13, 1992 Thia bvliMU Is conducild by an ' "li status is one o f the reasons younger partners m arry older ones, as women gain status, young men wlll marry them more often," said ~ colleague, Felix Bernardo. "Perhaps in the future, this large and growing group of older Thia ttatement wu lllld with the Oelll• Lutgen-Tat• 3322·82 Individual. 1 Coullty Clerti of Orange County on Thia •l•temenl -flied with the ERNEST H. MILLER "'419. 9, 1982. ,,_,. Coun~ Clerk ol Orange County °" Pt8.IC NOTICE This 1tattment wN ftled with the Publlahed Oran~e Coatt Dall~ Aug. 1· 1982· FICTITIOUS •USINRIS County Cleft< of Orange County on 3 20 .,___. 3 08 '116,_1 H,.,._ ITATIMRNT July 28. 1982 , Piiot, A41g. 1 • · 2 · ..._.. • 1 Publlahed Orange C1>att Dally d I ,1M217 ' 34113--82 PllOt, Aug. 13. 20. 27, Sept. 3, 1982 ~':.'.°:wing petaon 1' 0 ng Published Orang• Coaat Dally ' 1----111111---.,.-..,,.-ncc----35~2 CHUCK'S VW PARTS AND Pllo1, July 30, Aug. II, 13, 20, 1982 I .--.no "" UPHOLSTERY. 812 Popc>y A~. 337M21 Vera noted that when he Corone c1e1 Mar, Ca1H0<nla 02825 .,._.,. NO""'t DllTH NDTICIS ..CTITIOUt ..... 18 NAmlTATDmNT The foOowlng ~raon Is doing ~aa: LOVING SPAS, 2•28 Newport Blvd .. Coate MeN. CA 02t27. '9Cm10US llUSINESS Ctlel1ea John Coll, 812 PC>WY .-~ '""' 1 ...._ STATI!mNT Avenue. Corone del Mat, Cellt0<n.. NOTICE Of' TINlftl'S sAli' The lollowlno perao11 11 doing 02825 T ... No. 11115-1 bU"'-u : Thia ~ la c:onduc1ed tr; en G AT EWA Y M 0 RT 0 AG E. M 0 BILE MI! CH AN IX , 2 4 5 lndMdual Cherlea John CoM CORPORATION u clYly eppoin\ed • BEAN 9:00PM at Pierce Brothers DEATHS · ELSEWHERE Writing classes offered Marla Mer<ledea Meeany, 9112 M.na1o Dr .. Huntlng1on Beech. CA 02644. "•her SI., B-1, Coa1a M .... CA Thia ltatement -filed with the Truatee under the followlng ' 92828 O Coun ~bed deed of trust Will SELL ! Btya11 Raymond Britton, 13252 County C1et1I of renge ty on AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE 1· WILL I AM GRANT Bell Bro1dway Mortuary. Thia bUll..-la conduc1ed by .,, lndMduel. Jupet.c>n Way, w .. 1mlnt1er, CA .My 21• 1082. ,,... HIGHEST BIODER FOR CASH BEAN. a 40-year resident of Servlcea will be held on Coate Mesa, Ce., passed Monday, August 16, 1982 at away August 12, 1982. He la 2:00PM at t he Newport survived by his 1ovi.n& wife Beach 2nd Ward, Church of H . Belle Bean, daughter Jesus Chriat of Latter·Dey Betty Jaamlne and Sainte, 801 Dover Dr., gJ'aDCkteughter Liu Ha.le all Newport Beach. Interment resldi.ng in C:C.ta Mesa, Ca. Will follow at Pacific View and daughter-ln·llW Memorial Park. Pierce Dar 1 en e Be an a n d Brothers Bell Broadway iuandchildren Athena Bean, Mortuary directors. TORRANCE (AP) -T•m Dralle, 64, an actor who played the "boy next door" in many movies of the 1940I, died Wedneaday. WASHINGTON (AP) - GordoD Rale, 75, who fouaht admirah, member• o f Congre11 and 1ometime1 even White Howte ~ on behalf of e fficiency in Navy weapont purchaaing, died 'l'Uesday. Mwle Meroedea MoCerty Thia ... ._, -flled wtttl the County ewtt of Ol"enge County on 02983 p bllahed orang• Coa1t Dally (peyable at time of ule In lawful · Thia buei-la conducted by a11 Pr.a~ July 23 30 Aug. s. 13. 1082 money of th• U111ted Statn) all ! lnOMduel • ' ' 332M2 rtght, tHte end lntereat ~ to 8')'911 Reymond Britton and now held by It under ae6d Deed I The Orange County ,._ Thia 11.-...nt -Ried with the P\BJC NOT1CC °' Trult 1n the P'°'*1Y herelnefter Chapter, Construction Publl•hed orange coatt oa11y County Olel1I °' Or-noe County on -----------deacflbact: • A419. 10, 1oe2. Specifications Institute Ptlot 14.ug. 13. 20. 21, s.pi. 3, 1"2 14.uO 3, 1N2. ,~ YOU AM .. M,AUl.T UNDO• TR us T o R : s A AR I will present Spee I, ~ 3588-82 Publl1hed Orang• coast Dally ~~: .. .,<> f1, ~:J ~s~ \~ ~:".~.!ATION, • Callfornl• 1 ten -week course MUCNOT1C£ Pllot,Aug.8,13,20.27,l"2 TAKE ACTION TO '"OTICT BENEFICIARY : DANNY ,. e ncompa •• ing .pee-3.453-112 YOU" .... O,El'TY, IT MAY ., TROIANO, an u11merrled man. ACTTTIOUS ..... -----------SOUi AT A "'91.JC IAUL If' YOU D 0 U 0 LAS McMILLAN. an ification writing. NAlm ITAT!mNT P'tllt.IC N0T1C[ NEED AN EX"-ANATIOH Of' THE unmarried man, and JAMES J. The instruct 0 r is Th• tollowlng peraon I• dolno ______ .;;.._...;_ ___ NATUl'I 0, THI ""OCHDINO SKAWINSKI, • m8ffled men. u hi• I April Bean, Lynette Bean, Grant Bean, Richard Bean and Kendall Bean of Hi.story Tremonton, Utah, his lilt.era Lila Walch, of Bountiful, ~ -~m!OUSTs .. ~• AOAINIT YOU, YOU SHOULD tole 81\d aaperat• P'°'*1Y I Harold R . Baker, a COAST AUCTION co .. 1138 -... -~. COHTACTALA.WYEl Recorded March 14, 1080 ... certified construction "-itla AV91'1Ue. No. 201, eoeta The fottowtno l>9'IOf\ 1a dotng HOTICI Of' ntUITH'I uu lnatr. No. 18709 In book 13535 page Bak ,_ head Meaa. CA 02t27. bUalneM u : Ta No. 3Q15 1158 of Offlclal Racorda In the omct specifier. er "' JIM FLAREAU. 1838 Pt-11• GREENEVERS. 8731 S'allport NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN. that on of the Recorder ot Orange County; of the s pecification A~. No. 201. Coe1AI ~.CA Drive, Hu11tlngton BMctl. Ca1Jlorn11 Friday, Auou•t 21. t982. at 9:00 aald deed of trust deacrlt>ea the Utah, Erma Chadwick of La f Grande, Oregon , Mae COUrSe Se TOKYO (AP) - Famllttllo Koao, 85, the Mitsubilh.I executive whoee de8igna broke ground In Japaneae long-dlltance aircraft and fighter planes, died Wednetday. d t men t at The 92627. 92&48 o'ctoek a.m. of aald day. 111 the room lollowl"G 1><oC*1Y: epar Thia atat-t wH ftlld with the Charin D. Koeller, 8731 .. , Nlde for conducting Tru1tH'a The Southealterty 1211.00 lell of Hinman of Oregon City, Oregon. Mr. Bean was a retired Lt. Col in the U.S . Air Force, he served in World War II and Korea and wae a recipient of the Bronze Star and was one of the original officers at the Old Bania Ana Army Air .Bele. He ii a former Bia.hop for the Church of Jeau1 Christ of Latter:O.y Sainta In La Grande, Oregon. Friends mey call for vllitatian on Friday. August 13, 1982 from 4:00PM to 9:00PM and both Saturday and Sunday from 9:00AM to .... CIMOntaS SMITHS' MOITUAaY 627 Main St Huntington Beech 5~ rACIACv•w MIMOllA&.rAaK c.tretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific view Drive Newport Beach 64-4·2700 McCOIMICI MOITUAl•S Lagun1 Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hilla 76&-0933 ~ Juan C.pl1trano 49S-1n& - , Auatin Company, where County Clerk 01 Orenge County on Sallport Drive, Huntington S.ICh. Stlea within the olllc•• ol REAL Lot 173 ol Newport Height•, City of the cl.asaes will be held. Auguat 10, 1082. Callfomt. 02&48 ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. Co1ta Men, County ol Orange, B eginning Sept .. 9 '~ Thia bualMU 11 conductld by an toc:atld at 2020 Nor1h Broadw1y State of Callf<><nt.. u ahown °" • Publlahed Orange Coaat Dally lndlvldualCHARLES D KOELLER Suite 208, In the City ol Santa Ane: map racotded In Boal! 4 page S3 of fr om 7 to 10 p. m ., Piiot, A41g. 13, 20, 27, s.pt. 3, 1082 · County ol Orange, State ol mltctllaneoua map1, record• ol sessions will be at 18800 357~ Thlt •111-1 WU llled with ,,... c 1111 0 r n I•. RE AL Es TATE Orange County, Callfomle. A nine-week course that examines the history and development of English vocabulary will be offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. The course, listed as English 103 in the OCC class schedule, meets Mondays, W edn esdays and Fridays at 1 p.m. SAN DIEGO (AP/ - Jsmea Lewis Watawr 111tt, 75, an aircraft eftlineer who designed military and ,commercial pl1net for Convair Division of o.nera1 Dynamk:s, died Monday. Von Karman Avenue in 1-----------County aant ol Orange County on SECURITIES SERVICE. a Clllt0<nla Eitceptlno therefrom the rtaJC NOTICE July a. 1992 corporation. H duly appointed NorthHllerly 1115.00 IHI. Alto Irvine.. '1MOl7 TrultH wnder and pwrtuant to the • • c • P ting I h • r • Ir om Iha C e r t i f i c a t e s o f ACTTnOUI .,..... Publlarled Orange Cout Deir, power ol aal• conferred In that Southeaa1erty 55.00 Met. lllAm STATPmlfT Piiot. July 30. Aug. 8, 13, 20. 1082 car1aln DMd of Truit eucutld by YOU AM ... DOAULT ....,_..A completion will be The lollowlng perMN -doing 3355-82 PENINSULA ENTERPRISES .• DUD M TINIT DATU llAllCH awarded. ~P 1 Zaa;Z.. PLUS , 0 1181 general partnerahlp. recorded 12, 1llO UNLllt YOU TAKI l For information, call weatmtnate"'r •venue, Gerden Ml.JC NOTICE January 19. 1082, In theomc.ot tN ACTION TO ""OTICT YOUI' " County Recorder of uld County. u HOOHiC1 Y, IT MAY• ICM..D AT A 540-5842. Grow. CA 02664. ACTTnOU• 8U-U Racordtr'a ln1trument No flU9lJC SALL• YOU NnD AN The Nhu Pham. t 2511 NAm ITATDIENT 82--0211192 by rNIOll o1 a brMdl ~TION Of' TI9 MA~ I Mornln09ide A¥9111te U , Gatct.11 The followlng perton la dolnO o , d e I a~ 11 I n p a y men t o r M THI ~ AGAINST Qro119, Cellfomle t:ze43. ~ M parrormance 01 111e obll9atlon1 YOU, YOU SHOUU> CONTACT A Toan Ouc Pham, 12511 THE GREEN JEANIE, 2912 secured thereby, Including that LA.W'ln'. MomlngtlOe Avenwe 13. Oatden Cerob StrMt. Nawpon Beeefl. bt...:ih °' deltult. Notloa ot Which 2•2 E. 10th Street, Coata ~. Grove, ~omle 12Ma. Cellfomla 92MO WU recorded Aprll 13, 1H2. .. CA 92827 Thie..,..,_ la ~ed by en JMn Cethettne eurtey, 2912 Recorder's 1n11rument No. "(II• atreet addreea or common 1 lndlvldwal, Cerob StrMt, Newport Beech, 82·121157. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC detlgnatlon 11 1hown above, no She wants to buy bar }'ha Nhu Ptlem Celffomla 928e0 AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST warranty la glvan e a to Ila Thia ttal!Wllent -ftlad with the Thia bullMM .. conductld by en BIOOER FOR CASH. lewfVI money compleleneM Of oomct-). .. County Clark of Orenge County on 11\dMduel. of the United Stat ... °' a CMhler'• The beneftc:teiy under Mid Deed t Required: Check its finances, promotion By JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyce: I bave worked a1 a waltre11 and wlneteader two yean and am trying to acrape togetber money to boy a tavern -1omettma, small bat wltb r.•e11tlal for growdl. bave wbat I fee are ortglul 1deaa for attracUag cutomera. I woald •pprecfate any advice yoo cu offer. -C.L., alca10, m. What wW induce people to leave the comfort of their condoa and the ,drlnlcs they could have imbibed more cheaply at home to patronize your b&l1 Good l.iQuor? Amb&ance? P.c Man? Sound• simple. But consider the competition you'll face from other taverna and cock1aO Jounaea, .Before mak1na the finandal leap fnt.o buytnc a bar, try 1etting a job maNCina eomeone el.ae'1. In addition to dealtn1 with custome.rw -wttb your ~. you already know the value of'a arnlJe and a.,_ of humor -you'll al8o learn about orderina inventory and hand1lna a myriad of bwllnem detalll. U )'OW' dutiel lncJude betteodlnc, IO much the belt.er. • U you'N in-.ied fn purcNelna a 1olng bar. vllft and obaerv• lt1 operation 11 a cu1tomer befor• 1pproech1nc the owner with an ofter. Try 10 tJM out the real ..._.. the owner 11 aellin1 and beware of a pncdct called ''the aklm,'' which .. caah pulled out of • bualnetl that Aug. fO, 1982. ~ JaM Catherine CUl1ey checll drawn on • ital• or nettonel of Trutt, 1J¥ r.-.on Oii a brMC:h or P bl' h_ ... 0 a c-•!t1~ ,.!.. hi·-~ '!.~~l10rwu ftledCounwlth the bank, a 11a11 or lederal credit delaun In the obllgeUone ~ u • .., r no• ..... """"'' .,_,. o anga IY °" union or a mt• or lederet Mlllna• thereby, heretofore ~ llNI Piiot, A41g. 13, 20. 2l, Sap«. 3, 1N2 July 28, 1992. and .Oan uaoolatlon domiciled ln dellvered to the undertlgned • 3815-12 '1Mm thll a1ata, 111 peyable at the time ol written Oecleretlon of Default and -------ftl't-----1 Publlthed Orange Cout Dally Nie. an right, tltle and 1n1er .. t held Oamlftd I<>< Sele, and wrttten notlOe never ap~an on the books or tax "8.JC NOi.w; Piiot, July 30 •nd Aug, &, 13. 20. by 11, u Tru11ee. In that rHI ol bfeech and of elac:tton to CeuN re+.•-a. fore commit~ .... y 0 .,..., .. lf P1CTITIOUI ...... 1882 pr~ lltuate In Mid County and th• underalgned to Hll Hid ..... ... -"6 .... .... um ITA,....,.,. 337~ State, deacrlbed u loltowa: property to aatlafy Mid ~tlona, to the buy, have an accountant check Tha followlne per.one .,. doing -----------Lot 8 ol Block 23 of Newport and thereafter the underalgned the bar'a financial statement& and tax ~ .. : PUil.iC NOTIC( 8Mch Tract, 111 the City of Newport ~Mid notloa of 1>r-=t1 and Oii 8 u N G I' o W T H x 1 · BHch. •• ~r map recorded In election to be returns to help you avoid unpleasant SUNQAOWTH XII, , 120 Paclno "°"'10U8 _.. Book 3. Page 2t Oii Mltcall.,_ Recotded APl'll 8, 1982 .. lnatr. ! surprlees auch as liabilities you may eo.t ~. Huntlngt011 laedl, NAllm tTA'TW....., Mapa. r-daOll Mid Coutity. No 82·11Hll4 In aald Ort1c111 ··-'---with the _.ftb"-'---t CA 9214f. -Tiit followWIO par.on la doing Th• atre•t addren or otll•r AeOonta. ' p\UAI~._, , madQJ-"-WllUIC'.dneal. be . Gte11ii L. Geerhart, 7212 bllalnell ee: common d .. lgnetlon ol the '"' Seid aal• wlll be made bu' t.er you Ve e your , 8HWOrlhy . Orlva, HunUneton AMII' AIJTO 8fRVICE. 2802 Pl'°'*1)' herelnet>ow deacnbtCI la without oovenant or warranty, ready to accept working long hours, a.di, CA tM'I· Heritor llvd •• Coate M .. e . ~to be: 2314 end 2'14"' ..,,_ °' ""'*°• regatdlng title, dotna ~;u~ chores_,~ handling H.,~:;-~~0~1~01:,0~~·~1•11119~:! ~ :=. 120t2 Adrtan St .. ~Front. Newpor1 llMCtl. =:=:===: l booklree-·· Expect ..__. to ownee l9elOll, CA..... ~ 8-t01, Oarden Grove, The Ulldel .... led .... dlldeliM ""It.....,, UJ I employee• and keep control over ~ Mflllll..J! oon•_. by • TNI ~ i. oonduc1ed .... 111 :.~.!';' :7ci:::'::''::!; ~. ::=..-" "'..:.'° = ~ end inventory. -~o. ldller ~ .,., COftlll'IOf\ daalg!IMIOll. IM WIN o4 ... Died Oii TM'. Succemful bar ownera constantly oe.in L.. ~ AIM ..,_. 8•~ H I• wlll .,. "'-ede w1t11ou1 .... cNr9el and ...,._ Of IN tune in to ~em IUCh M the Thia.....,,.,. WM lllld wfltl IN Thia ~ ,,.. flled wtttl tfle w1rr1n1y, e11preaa or lmplled, T"""-and o4tM1NltS ~by .-.t ...... to ....i..-wa•---~ Counlr 0 o.ti 1 _ Oii Or.,.. Count, on CountY C*tl °'Of.,. County on ,...,dlno tltle, poeNttlon. ot Mid Daad of Trwt. ........ .,.....__, --. m111.1 Aull. 10 -. .My It. 1ta. t11cumbt1noea. •• aatlely tlle Seid .... wa IMt ll9ld on MOl'ldll)<. w'-•• .. -..a. ""'"' .. ,_ .-..11..---~ ,._ ,_ ~ bllMOe Of tM Hole Ot Ai9* IS, 1111 at t:OO P·"'~ et the ™-.....--...... •-•Of ~ ml'IU p C:0. Oe1 Putlllallad Ofencll COM1 o.lly otllef ~tlOf'I ..... .-by Mlcf CNpflwl ,...,.,._ eMftlftOI to lflf t.equiJa. They may lnataD the lat.est ln -..!'~1<>.!.-noe ._•I •= fllklt. ~ .... '°• A419.'t, u. 20. 1N1 Deed °' 'f't1.1•t, 'lllttl "''.,.., Met Clvto Ceftter lllMcllflQ. aoo r..t video &amea or drlnk-dl1pen1fn& ... ...., ._ '""'• 27' -·~t+ta _, 3Sse-e2 ottler -"' .. t'~ tll«eln: CNpflwl A---. Ir\ tN City Oii l'DllChiMI. ptua ~. eny, Ufld9r the ~t t t CA• ''"'• of t .. • tnlltaC In the mlddlit ot the week or durina MOC M011Cl PWUC MOTICE ~ r.:=: :.,-:.; ~ of tN1 ,...;, t11e toW alump1, tmart promotera build lnd=-Otelllelt .. ..,.T:,-~:: :::;::':.:::":-=-~ bu1lne11 with 1peclal prlcea or ruat Tiie 101a1 ~flt or Mid dHorlbed dHd of tru•t and entertalnme:nt. NOTICI obllpllon, lncludlnt re1•on1bly """'"ed ooete, ••P9f' ...... "Blirl and Cocktail Lounaea" ta a' Of NON DllCllll'9IATOIY '""'•t•d ••••· olla~ .. 1no ~ 1a 11uoe.n 11611; beer-to--nutl manual for runntnc a POI.ICY AS TO l1'UD9fTS •0_.t11~11eetpw°'.:!,~hla.:'.!~ ~o,:=r;"'i~'t1:=' : bar. The=s....._...,_. ---~'-M3,007.111. 0..-= ~.uun-"'•"'I . ~ w•-• .....a _..._. Auauat • 111" T AY .....,..,_..,.. • to••• ,...._,..howto --: MALUTATa ~fl()N ' .Jectan."*9tthat'1rflbtfor ~~r--.~~~--:2:~ .. t~ 8U:UAmlltlflMCL .... TO~ vno1 and .. t .. ""• ~•1-..-.. -· ...,. ----,,. aMCetllornllT ........... OOfW)O(lt!Otl, IW T.ll:..~.-o1--'."""• o.uo..-.-. ta, pr~. ==•18 end• een«•~ .__, oow ..... .....-on. equipment, aappltifiw and 9CIOOroad or,,-.....,.._ to..,.. .e the~ 1y: o.J. MOrow, ~':':'..,..,., The publication '8 avillable for $2 do. "°' dleofllnlftete on IM ._.. of ,.,., ootor, 1ta ~ ow.~ 111111 •• WtM.·:i. lt•pald from: Small Bua!nHt natton., Ind .. ,... 0tlClfft In edft'l{fttatrelk>fl of ttt 1010 ~."" •ro.d••Y. ~~·:::: , D--'-f .A.;.;.. ft... tdUOatloftat ~' MINrMAOft pollc!ee Mcf ot"* ._ ._ ,_ Mpotter, -..-1a 0 _..,erioa, ~pt.. IClttooMdli• ...... Pn>UI-. ..... ._CA~ ,..,......, Of*'fe QM9l ~ 3401, P.O. Box S?OOO, 8iil ~ . Ttl: (714).... o.tt; ....... MIO, Mlt-.. ,,, ,.. .. CA. 94137. ·----------------.. "'blleilled Orlftle ~..... ...... ""'°'· A411 ... 11, ... ,.. _, ·a11111 I ~ .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/f'rktay, Auguet 13, 1HI ew mentl FROMEX One Ho~r Photo SystemSM Novv in Huntington Center • • Huntington Center 7777 Edinger (Located at Main Entrance) (714) 891-8556 II We develop 110, 126 &. 35mm color print film In One Hour. • Custom Quality at no extra cost. • All photofinishing services available. l \ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 I St SAVE SI $1 I : : S•ve $1 .00 on 110, 126 or 35mm "color : • print fllm developing •nd printing with • • this (.oupon. Coupon good at any • : Fromex One Hour Photo Systems. : • One coupon per purch•se. • • Not v•lld with credit c•rd purch•ses. • • • . ~ . • • EX • . ~ . • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ a:> ~ '° -,,, !::!. " ~ 0 .~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ClASSIFllD Looking for a career in sales? See today' 8 Help Wanted ads, classification 7100. ~.!tf !f •• ...... ••• '-t.!!!! .{ .. ~ ~'!....... ~'-!!!! .{'..'. !!l!.. •. . . . !'.t.!!P. .{'.'. !.-.1! ...... ·I ~ .. !!!! .{'!. !! . .'!....... ~ .. !!!! .{•!. !.~'!....... ~ .. !!ft{'.~!.~'! ••••• ,. !'.t.!!!t(t.r. !.•l!....... !t.!!!! .{'.'. 1 .. .1.... .. . . . !'.'.!!!! .{ .. ,_ ~~ ....... . = 9!!!~~{ ..••...•. !.'!I~ 9!!~~'.{ .•.••••••• 1!!~ ~!!~~~{ .••.•.... !.~~ 9!!~~'.! ......•.• !.l.f. 9!!~~'.~ ••••••••• 1.1!1~ ~.'.!l.!IH •• llM ~!~.l!!!! ...... !!M ~! ••••••••••• !.~f !'.'!mf.fm! •• !.~t .....,. , .. ...., 1 1111 ITU&. woooeRtooe 2bmt>a . PllllllLA IMI UTIAll 1111lUI •WltlUUIT* ~~~nr.:':. At1eeutyonoo110ou,.., 318=:=· °'7$~~45 Prir.e Weet ~yfront. suro for 2 boatt, Extra 1'\lce' Bdrm 3 ba, hu extra •pedal M&T IUPI 509 Ac90t• Cd!IA l'lr botl t124,800. ~ Fr9d T• 2 bdrm condo. get Und« ' remodeled 3 , 3 bath •1. 00,000. family rm w/wetbar, akyliahta. 2 patioe, ::~v~~~mc~~!4.~~~; ~, .... Vacant Duplex _nor. __ 83_1_-1____ Miu. t ae.aoo. 14818 Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 many, many upgr1lde1. Super family 8ELLE'.R8wt11FINANCE· ~&br/3b-+Obf'/3be *OWNER WILL FIN OoldenOlen.4'97·1037 EQUAL HOU8'NG OPPORTUNITY bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,386,000. home in extra convenient area. $147,600. or. DISCOUNT for out11 «<> owl'lfbltr M&.7049 12'4% liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil . Oceanfront. Belter hurry on theNI 111,000 HWI 2 New Dix Cuatom #'fl LIQ ... ml-UTI ....... ,. ........ All ,..i •tate tdvertlted 11'1 thlt new1papar la aubjecl to the Federal Fair Houlfng Act of 1968 wfllch mak• It Illegal to edvertlM "any pref«en-oa, llmltatlon 0< dltctlml· natlol'I baaed on race. color. rellglon. eu or national origin, or any lnlentlol'I t o make any 1uch preference, llmlt•· tlOll or dlacrlmlnatlon." Thia newepaper wtll not knowlngly accept any advertl1lng for real e•· l•t• wtllch le In vlolatlOll of the law. Liii iSLE Hiii Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R., 2 boot allpt $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceillnga, furnished, patios. $420,000. LlllA ISLE IAYFllOIT ' Lagoon view Crom 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, darlt rm, den. Boat alip. Now $1,000,000. IAYSllE PUCE Spectacular baytront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips. Re uced-$1.500.000. coaoiuo CAYS Coronado lsland cu.st. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/tenns. Lo ... II .E'•ILTt Starting at tot,0001 p 1 d ..._. 8 1 Hornet APume flnal'IOI-. em_,1 a 1 J WILL TAAOE FOR BAL· rem um u,.... .. , o. o 2 BR, On. 3Ba. DR, FP, ·"' lh And must sell now! Light & airy 3· Bdrm BOA ISLAND. bayalde. Darrell PHh. Many ammenltlM. Buy 1 l::'ie:r'i ~~~~ horne. Enjoy the ocean breezes. Bike to ...... 11J Prtf• eg1 :~.:~1;;;21 ft:~~--:~a1~~.K~i with o~ ~•med c•I· be h fro this M · Hi t..1--~-b llllten -813-<>36t Unga, large kitchen, di· ac m anna gu.uuauo ome. SauMlllo Lutk horM Oil --------l'llng .,. .... flrepl9Cel. air Pri~ at $120,000. Call Delpha Oewald. 1~~·~11~1-~7-~!!·~~ tee land. 3 Br. 2 Ba. 11v 6 IT'S ALL HERE... cond. and nice deck. THE REAL ESTATERS 546-2313 1: din rm. lg ram rm, all Oorgeoua 4 bdrm trt i. Enjoy all th• amen111e1 -* BA YO REST ·NB * · amenltlet, lg tree lot. By val beauty So. Coatt "T11a LakM" haa lo off«. ~=:::::::::::::: BELIEVE IT OR NOT. Owner. 1313,000 . Plua . Tiie roof, many CIOH to Northwood Ii Only l28t,OOO t ... Lge 640-7007. =rad ... Atklng 1229. lhopplng. lt9.000. vacant lamlly or enter· -,.-_1-1-,-.. -._-.---1-1,-e,_., __ ._B_kr_e.4_8.0_709___ 1•2-llOO REWARD! $50,000 reward if you purchase 1901 Yacht Marla, Newport Beach. That's right; just purchase this beautiful 3 Bdrm 2 bath home and you automatically put $50,000 equity right in your pocket! It is located in the pvt. comm. of Sea View on a large lot with a talnmant home. Priced -,..._ .,, for quick Mle. at '61,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• .... Pia It. below IUI yaat'I IPt)ral• 11'i~ $20,000 dwl'I fOt a 25% tal. 2007 Holldty Rd. Go UlllUIU YAJ Int••! In Pfopel'ty w/tp d Ire ct or ca II bk r . on thlt " Bdr Collage &helter t>enefltt. Owner 965-2841 or 780-7292 Park home and owner occupied or lnva1tor'1 11, .. 11 -will help with addltJonal poeltlon avall. Cati Rich l~~~~~~~~I YI_,.,::;: flnal'lclng. Full price 11 own«/agt, 964'-e171 1: •• -only 1132.500. OOl'l't watt lntr Plllfff WIHMW.t Beautiful d ecorator ·call 979'-6370 NOWI " bdrm, 2 be, fenced 2 BR. 2 ba.-10% dn and j PETE . ' BARRETI ·· REALTY If you want to build your own caaua, thl• opportunity of • lttallme wtll ri..ver coma again. 3 IO~ on Har"bor Ridge, ald•·bY·•lde, with plane for a 10,000 square foot home with TENNIS COURT and pool for Ol'lly S2,500,000. The Owner wtll joint venture, trade or you can take OVf!f the whole project. S 1,400 ,000 of aaaumabte fl• nanclng. WOWI coordinated executive c 0 r n • r 101 . La r g e uaume loal'la. Open hae retreat with WOl'lderful garaga/wk-ehop. Under Sat 31 Sllkleaf. view of Bay, boat• & nit• llOO,OOO. , ____ 857_-20_4_5 ___ , llghtl. Sold completely 648-8388, 642-4'172 r ·r.u• •--•" IHI HltH1 Advert!-ILIFFS OOllO part. ocean & city ligh ts view . This sers should check prestigious comm. has a h uge pool & spa their ads dally and SingJe story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on & 2 championship tennis crta. For a report errors Im-largest greenbelt. *250•000· reduced price of $339,000; xlnt financing, m ed I at e I y . The low down, and motivated sellers makes DAIL y PILOT as-t\<iis the best buy in Newport. For sumes llablllty for further info call David Cooper. the first Incorrect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I 711-1711 141·1171 Insertion only. TIE UAL UTITEll ..... ,., hlt .................••... Intra/ 100! .•••.••....•...•••...• LIDO ISLAND 10% DOWI .llSTIElltlll Excellent Newport 4 BR pool home. Existing large lst TD. assumable at good fixed rate. For sale or lease option, $260,000. lurnl1hed thlt 2 bdrm --·• home with den and di· -.;;;;;;;;;;~~~.-.-.1 llST IOVE IOW ··, ... ··········;i:;·u··m···· --.-E-ST-CL-l-FF--n1ng It pitrlect for th• _.. dlacrlmll'lallng. Thia Open houae Sunday 1·5 Fantutlc oen view, 2Br. 3 Bdr, 1V. Ba, lrg llv. WATERFRONT commu-Ill Biii i Drive lo 2018 Ana~m 2Ba. apllt-level, 2 bike room, country kltchel'I nlty oflers boat allp llUT LMATift I St. No. off 19th. Thia 3 from bch, $195,000. with fireplace. Own« wtll avallable and pool. Bdrm RV ecceee comer Make offer. 4t4-4'74'8, fll'lance below market $487,500. FIVE bedroom• el'ld ~~/~~~~~o.k~c~~ 1_61_a._2_1_2_2 _____ 1 IDntere1t.LOrlve by 1218 - THREE bathe In thl• two PHONE. Century 21 Gold Loweet priced 3 Bdrm evon n . Priced at Wl\11 1<11<1 )NI atory houae near SA and Coqt Realtore 548-1168 with view In Laguna. 10% $23t,600 or leaee option. llOMl" l..c.1 N-port Fwy1. Colorful down or lease option. H . Frederick, agt. REAL ESlAlE front patio and shaded 2 HOUSES on 1 LOT. 6"6--0719 _ss_1_.1_2_ee ____ _ 6.11 140ll amall beck yard. E'eld• C.M. Cute Spa---------1 Bral'ld New Homee & nlah 2 Bdrm, 1ba. plue lllUE I PllY&R Condot, no money down TUY LIYE m Comer unit, ocean view, towl'lhome, Newport Beach decor, only $144', Two ol the bedroom• guest unit. Separate en-A perfect d~rlptlon of whlle they laat. (714) with one of the b11th1 and tranoea. 1149,500 Own/ thla lovely 4 bdrm home. 546-9522 Agt. aeparala entrance make Agt. 64~8832 Enjoy gorgeoua aunaeta iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii up practlcal. aeperate iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii & mountain view• from •• •m!FI •••1&11 m o I h e r • I n • I a w MESA VERDE your hllltop retreat. I»«· _.,. -(teenager?) quartera. Open SaVSun 1·6. feet for a famlly & cloae You own th• land. 2,000 LAST CHANCE Beautiful open & airy Lido home. Comprised of approx. 2500 sq ft, running street to strata, this 4 Br 3 Ba completely remodeled home ( 1979) boasts 4 sundecks, lrg indoor jacuzzi in Mstr Bdrm surrounded by greenhou se windows, circulating fishpond, spiral staircase, 3' skylite running the entire lenght of the 2nd story, hardwood floors, & extensive tiling thruout. Another two bedroom• 2709 GANNET DR. to tennle court&. Priced 1q tt, 3Br, lam rm, 2tn 811d • bath are upetalrw. Owner wttl carry 181 TD, to NII t S265,000. Ba. wide GrMnbelt. ne111 low rate, IC.Int t«ma. 4Br, ~...... poof. Far below market WEI Tiii WEEIEll 900. to buy thla beautlfulean- ' hllla & golf courae vtewa al a tremendous eavlng1 direct trom the owner before being lleted with brolcere. Act NOWlll Call ~ llt (714) 6"2--0138. FIVE ....... TllEE llTll Try small down and seller will carry back AITD at 9%. Very flexible temis. Owner will trade. NOT lease land. Contact Mary or Ken. $675,000. IM-14'0 •• ,. 171-4171 E•M In thla two story houae ::::::::~=======: near SA and Newport • Fwya. and SC Plaza. Two of the bedroom• wllh UAI-DRAMATIC one ol the bathe and llAOI ..... aeparate entrance make tnl UT II• 1-1 up practical, eeparate Exeouttve 4 Bdrm eatatel COUNTRY mother ·ln ·law (teenager?) quartere. 1 block to blue Paclftcl 3 Another two bedrooms yre newl Lge viewing ESTATE and 8 bath are upstairs. belconyl lmpre11lve staJrway to muter tulle Flreplace In LR, alldlng wlwhlrlpool bath! Com· 8000 elf on 1 acre. doore from LR and FR plete with Intercom maaalve electric gatN, elllt to covered rear pa-ay1teml Lots of brlckl cobbl81torie motor cour· tlo. Sliding door In MBA A11ume s141,ooo loan at tyard, apec:tecular entry. open• onto the VERY 12¥•%, $329,000. Call 6 bdrm. 8 bathe. 5 lrpl pleeeant front patio. Irene. 963-6787 huge frplca. Room for tennis. No. Tuetln • Asking $14'7,900 with Orange Hiiie with view, 185,000 auumable 12-15 min. to al.I frwy1, (11.4%) and -wlll co-airport, So Coast Plaza. operate In financing. For i--------•I $1,400,000. eale by owner. Ill COYOl'S RICK ALDERETTE 979-2748 Very lttt luy ltllttr/h,...,_r (Pleue can 9-5) •Outatandlng 711-4444/711 ... 111 BroadmOOf 4 II 2 IA 1131,000 Great home In good looallon. Owner refurbi- shing home. big room• throughout. Kltct\en hU ,_ Jenn Aire cook top, big yard, very attrllcilve financing with Miier u- alltlng. Many extrael 5"8-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS 10~ IOWI 011 llPLEI 3 tncomee • elltremely good oond. ve<-r·ry low price. Call Tim Rhone, eot 631-128e R&"M~ FAMILY UPOllll Thia I• the home for the growing family. She, yea 8 big bdrm•. 3 baths, big llvlng room with llre· place. Famlly room with 2nd fireplace. Fonnal di- ning, !amity kitchen with upgraded range, grlll a microwave. Ankle deep carpeting. Shimmering pool and ape. Gorgeou• inelde and out. A delight to p1wtew. Call for pr. vlft. $48-2313 THE :REAL ESTATE:RS 1 .... " llLL llWI Motivated H iier wlll OOMldar Ill on.. on thll Cotta M•H S Bdrm ~ Owner m.y owry fOr quallfted bUyei1 .. prtoed .. 1 106,too, .. 1a1 •4 Bdrm• & Fam Rm •Beaut. Pool & Spa •Electronic Seo. System •N-Cpte & Drapea •N-Marble Entry Aoor OILY 1111,000 144-4110 IEU mlE ontt• Tutefully deco<ated. Im· macvlate t.rl-level home. Elltr• lrg pool, epa. RV acce11. 3 car garage. Walk to coul'ltry club. Excell. uaumeble nnan- clng avallable. Full pnoe $395,000. 751-3191 Siii( & ,,Nlf PUBLIC OOSEHENTS P N G H I C R G S T 0 R Y 0 0 R C S I K P A R A 0 E R H P A R 0 D E S E R G R 0 MC AR AG H 1,L LE TY R 0 TS A P U 8 l I C G 0 C T H R A C 8 S G E P S S 8 U l I G l V I H A C I N N M S T R E 8 F L N N Y E A l P N 0 I Y R T N A M V A I l I M X A L D I A N E A R E T E C 0 C H F P V A l T 0 C T M C 0 M A N C l L F A I R 0 I L 0 A N S I P E E T I Y X Y N C G S Y P E L U I N S S H R M E R M S 0 H X H 0 C 0 D C R U T S £ D A R A P X E T S R I A F A C M G M I C A R X Y l 0 R I A F D C A R A P A G A 0 E D 0 R A C I H G 0 Y L 0 C S l E C N A D T E E R T S G R E H T ..... up, ii-. « .........,, ,::,::::,. and ... It 1n.! Bullflthtl.. Expaehl-Reel,. j Clmi\111 Fein Rodto iJ Street Dance Olympla ltCHV Telllllt • Cln:ui flw'ldtl Thlltlr Aml-*lt Pwk Sporu Plc11lc T omarrow: Femout Outltwt I LIKHY ,?1 ... ,-1-...1--.r ...... l.--t our new neighbor 111v• 10 . • _ _ _ drunk Ill lhe lime. Ht c111•1 .__...__,__...__.__, evtn ,.114 1 bumper tliC"-r I L 0 D 8 U y I without a -. ~-r-1-1-~ .... 1-1.--f • ~:.: ~...:~~~ ·= .._....._-L.....A.~--'~ ............ ,,_ -No l ........ 2221 Ft'IHhot IJ,_,l()IJlf fi()MlfS Realiora. 876-eOC>b ....... .,,..,..., act. lll·IOOOt .... 04IJ ~~~~~~ Flreplace In LR. elldlng 1V.Ba, 2 aty. formal din "~...J_,. $246,000. Wiii leue op- doora from LR and FR rm, p1rk Ilka rear yd. ' ,...;:.,.....-'-.. tlon. Bkr. M4--0134 lllHE ltlES, UALT•S ************ TllOISAllS IELDW COIPAllULE Move up to an elegant, spacious 4 Bdrm and bonus rm. Just a little TLC to live in the dream home you thought you couldn't afford . Assumable and owner will carr y. Priced $209,900. Cathy or Lou. ITU UAL EIT&R . 112· 10ll/Hl-ll07 ************ --------Loa Atamltoa condo: Nlat To place your menage before the reading publlc, phone Dally Piiot Classilled. 642-5678 4br, 2ba. 2 etory condo. Pool & 1pa. Refrlg, wuher & dryer Included. $ 15,000 down or wlll trade for clulc automo- bile, motor home or ? Owner I agent. --------1 768--45'J9 RFSlOf-N llAI RFAI fSIAlf SFRVICES ILIFFI 1210,IM FEE Original model with fireplace in LV RM & master BR. Bluffs largest single story on greenbelt with fee land. Large private entry & back patios. 3 BR & Fam Rm. Bluffs best buy. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 * 111,IM .... UMmtl * lfTEU1t VIEW Highly upgraded end unit featuring 2 Br + den, fplc, wet bar + panoramic view. Reduced to $175,500 with assumable financing. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 769-1501 or 752-7373. ... 1.,., ....... ·* la all you pay when you takeover ext.ting loan on thia bright and airy townhome! Featuring 2 atories, 3 Bt, muter suite w/balcony &, 2 car garage. Priced to sell at $129,500. 2670 · San Miguel Qr., Newport Beach. 769-1601 or 762-7373, Wlltm• 2 Br 2 Ba townhome. Pvt and aeciuded. Full eec:ur. 'iii monthly payment er• dlled to purc:ttaee price. $103.000. Agt. Jay 759-9100 ITUL&Mllt tn lrvlne·1 Woodbridge area. 3 yra young. 10.76% fll'lar.clng. On cul-d•aeo. Fenced yard. Owner extremely an· llloua. Only $135.000. Call Suaan TrMeon GEORGE ELKINS CO 75 .. 9100 .1111' US1D IHtU Ill IUlt Well bullt 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on R·2 lot with room to add 2nd unit. South of the Hwy. juat a few block• from the exit to covered rear pa-very clean, tovety neigh· tlo. Slldll'lg door In MBR bofhood. $182.000. Agt. open1 onto the VERY 979-5099 pleuant lrOllt patio. llilllllll•----- Aeklng $147,900 with $86.000 auumable (11.4%) and -wtll co-operate In nnanc:tng. FOf' eale by OWnel' • 979-2748 (Pleue call 9·5) FIXER $98,000 e .. telde Co1ta Meea, $27,000 Ul'ldtr appraJsaJ. Owner detperate. Hurry! 645-0303 1714J 494-1177 ~1~~.~!l!.!L.!.~!~ IEIT Ill II st. 1.0. 3 Br 2'iii Ba on 'ii.lie. pool, apa. deck. Fr. drt. nu crptftlle/palnt. $185,000 & OWC lrg 2nd. Call Ted, 495-5651 lllftEllU SEAVIEW • Elegant & charming Hampt on model, labuloua vi-•. decor. 1pa, pvt comm w/pool & tennla ftcilltlee $485,000. Open Houff Sat/Sun 12·5. 1903 Yacht Colina 6"4'-1017 New 4 BR. Bacilbay area. 3,200 aq. 11. prvt. comm .. $367.500. Wiii trade for property. TD'a. Wiii lease-option or low 1.71~ By Owner, former mdl, 4 down. Ready to deall COLDWeu. BANl(C!RO .._ .... UH Br, epeciacular vu over 0 w n e r I B r o k e r . 111 TD of $60,000 fully golf couree, alarm _7_1_4-_5"_4'-06 __ 14_· __ _ H1um1ble. Owner wlll eyelem. llved tn 5 moe. Baytront v1ew condo, 2 BR carry 2nd TD al10. 3 fOI01lOUOK.-IOllS Price reduced, $365,000. 2 Ba, .ea. bldg. Bo•t tflp Bdrm famlly home, good Must NII lmmed. Altum evall. $500,000. By locetlol'I. OWNER AN· loan. 714'1495-4223 ownrlbkr. 675-8837 x1ous. Aekl'1f 112000. I 2 I 0 0 I 0 W I Wt lirnl JOSS Cell Mo-115 OIL YI •••••••••••••••••••••• ~HERITAGE ••• REAi.TORS -Sharp 3 Br 2-•ty condo hrsMn WH4e4 ~/lrplo. A beauty. Near llriH Lfflflff S.C. Plaza. Forced Ille, S ... 000 Ollly $112,500. appralaed ecludvu epa, over 1, As •• 11•1LE at $120,000. Avail. tor sq. ft . of decking, 2 ..,. lmmed. move-In. Call custom llreplaces, atrium VA LI, Fred T • n 0 re ag 1 off lamlly room, d811gner at 81+% on this 4 bdrm 631-1266 Prln. onfy. draperlee, central air. Ranch atyle 4' bedroom. home on Hit llde of f•••l.J• V'1J.., Jl34 2 bath. Excellent USU• Coate Meta with pool, ••••••••••••••"'••••••• mable loan. $115.000 1pa and many other ·INVESTORS equity wlll conolder amenltlea. s 110.000 In $5000 dWl'I & $200 pr mo trade ror North Orana- a11umable loane. On • negative CUh flow tor 1 3 County prope11y. Mission CUl·de·HC tool OWC. Br 1 Ba egl family dett• Viejo Realty. Owner/ Reduced to $159.900. ched home. Call Rich, agent. Aek fOf' Carol. Call 979-5370 ownr/egt 964-8171 711-4111 a .. 11111,,. 111-1000 J.Hi 1040 ...................... , _________ , . \. f : ·I l I 111~ • 11 r.it Al T • ,.,. .. , • .. '4Jlf N •• SELL 011 TUIE UllHllNE Prime residential lot. Air king $500,000. 640-7685 10~ ..... 10~1m1m P11ce1e1tar executive home located In W81tclllf Grove ptlced In Ille mid $400.00011. Ready for Immediate <><:cupancy. Ouelllylng avallebl• through bulld«. Call agt Ill 646-5092 beach. Out ol ltlle OW· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ner hu p~ to Mii at 1240,000 and wlll finance at 12% lnter811 with 25% *.llST IEllCEI* ~!.'!r.!!.~!~ ••• !.~! TERRIFIC HllE down. A Division of Harbor Investment Co. 38r. 2Ba, dbl car garage, 2 patloa, nagetone 1rp1c, ~-cu1tom bit home. $127,000. Owner wlll carry lat loan. ltJ ... ., ... , Hr, ea-nn *IY IWIEI* Great term• on thll 2 bedroom tingle lamlly H.B. home with acid on famlly room. Fireplace. Only $5,000 total down pymt. Owl'ler wlll carry tow lnterHt 2nd T .D. L ... than $1000 •month total pymte . Cell 720..0391 Prol. decorated, warm remodeled 3 Br, L.R .. REALTY D.R., F.R., big kltch .. ;;;;;;;;~ high beam c:elllnga. frplc, plul a lrg manicured rard w/a 3 car gar. A rM va-lue at $375,000 and you own the land. Patrick Tenore 831-1266 11111111 llHE LUCERNE: 2 1tory 3 bdrm, metr bdrm retreat w/trplc, view, a"4Jmable 111. FuH prloe 1695,000 Xlnt terma, 640·8900 I 11 .... 1% IA 4 BDRM. 2 BA. under OOLUIE POI market. 1103,000. 10381 ._,..__ r-•--J 1._ S!~111H0010 -~-•_;._'1A~-8;_5;_u·9-.. 9 -A 5 -B·L_E 1 - 4 -"- 4 -· Have IOmtlthlng to aeo? SELL Idle 11am1 with a _,_ U6-. _.. -... I "' Clanll\ed ade do It -11. Dally Piiot ClaNllled Ad. •••••••••••••••••••••• --------F;INANCING Bkr. ISUID CHARI ""'' 11mn wa1k t:~~~ Ihle Redecorated 38r 28a on HAVE GOOD 2-aty Deane gardel'I prime location. Garage. INCOME??? home with 4 bdrm1, 2 be Mincleck, pallet. Nr. No. al'ld contemporary •'Y· Bay. Owner win COl'llfdar SHORT ON llng. $226,000. ~7020 fl n. n . 67 6 • 5 3 19 • DOWN u•• IE.IL ESTATE 873•5291 PAYMENT??? c-. ,., .,, 1111 ,,.,,.. ''" •••••••••••••••••••••• PAYING TAXES??? •••••••••••••••••••••• , ........ " Ull LDll/lmll ~...,, 4 ldrm, lnolucllng 2 m•ler tultae, 31iiiba, lga = rm. 2 f,._, Nl11C ' • ~oell't •altln a walk to pvt beach location. The perfect , .. mlly home 11'1 the I**' '*Ghbomoo6. f.4t ll,OOO With PaRl".EOT financing. F• ltlnd. e.M-7111 dlalelyt II .... I M .... H• hofM wltfl' pool, ape a peetorel vtaw • Ul'ldlf market Al 1516 OOQ In· olud lng land . Martha MeonM 144-aC)O. It Mar.nah Irvine Brand New Hom•• • With our lnYMtor ttve & Condo•, no mol'le)' down gain appreciation tn whll• they 1 .. t . (714') fentutlc 3 Br. 3 Ba. new 54M522 Agt. condo. next to all tt1op-ll nm ~~m~m d::'h ~~ Pool/ape. 4 bdrm. 2'A for Cloalng coat. PtloM ::m~=~ .~= N: 831-60&&, 642·2000. gotlabl• Call fot llJ>pl. --Wl.L .. , &&1-1075, 844-4492 Lovely 4 8df 2 Ba ~ w/new cupboard• •l'ld kitchen appllal'IOea. A-. kl!'IJ l 1'4t ,IOO. Miike an oftWr. es 1-1370 TH \DI f I< )\.\I k'I \I -1' LOCITlll LOOITlll s bdrm, 2 tML PMn a In the Chancellor Hom•. OM etoty, oowr9d J*IO. Perfect tot th• amall young family. t 147 .ooo. ... ••••••••••••• : REDUCED S2l&,IOO : Ill C&IYll'S IEIT llY • 6,000 sq.ft. of family living, • • entertainment facilities for • • entire family. 5 Bdrm, 7 baths, • plus mald'a q u arters. • Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacuuJs, • e 18' bar, aoda fountain, complete e • sauna room, enormous play • room, gourmet kitchen, 3 aub e zero refrig. and many more • • amenities. $699,950. B y • appointment with Marci Cooper • 644-7844. • e IPll llllAY 1·1 e e Liii "ULn 111·-JHO e ••••••••••••• PRESTIGIOUS Llfl>A ISLE ....... """" ........... ......... 180 de,. Bay view from thil majeeUc ~700 'Cl ft ea1ate. EnclC*d pool and spa, wine cellar, pier and .Up for 8& It. ¥•cht. Aasume .x11tlnt lrt TD of .1.~.000 81 l B . Lender will neeot- favorable term• on ba lance of fiMndna. Brokel' CID-(lp. -·····-•Lm t1~1', ........ -2 •• ' f I l !mt!.~'!.~! •••••.• ,,.vnt.fd. .. l~f Wl..-Vmlt ....... 2 IJ, 1 le. Vwy privete rear patio, lmmacutat•. plan 1. I 190,000 .. oall. P.~m.~~ ....... fftf.fltAlk-. llftll.MtiiMf .. f';!;!'uJ.r}.lf .. ~.~ .... ~ ,.. ~ ~ 'h'i".:: .... 1..-1 .._. J.MI --&..a.a"""-.. .tnt II.ff aaa.·"--' .IMf •• r.n n nrHT.i .• •••••••• •••• -.;:::;r::-•••••••• •. •••••••••••••••••••• •••••• !l ••• i:~ ••••••• .~•m•.r.rzn .. ·"""" ,..,_"' .... Wll ... m nr..w.nn •• Tm'I '1r.9lH'•V.."••••••l'm' Lua. ... Ila+ 1.0. ~ .......... "'~,. •-· ,__,__ ......... & -·· -at I Ot ................ _ y .... -~ --••••• ••••••••• •• 1IO' Oft ..... I tw + ... Vi.I .,. ....... --.Ill ... , ---UM -~ ....,, -.,_. ,_ ... .---·· _.. • --._ oo-MNTA&.t ·lrpto •'• pv' tlook j ,_, .,....., -· "-'••m 1111 •••••••••••••••••rr.•; • •••••••••••••••• • •••• aaycret• falftlly enlM• NOO.OGO. Cell MO-,.... 1rt1•11r 1.are taOO '9 llOOO A" alt t a p t 1 o: ~ e'r.."1'~ l:'a. 8"w· •• 1 ..................... a tit.,., N.L-.. f9rl09CI Studio condo • ...,... tit. ~1menl Jhotm•~ _f~r1 ... ,,_; ....,., _,faMl!y IW'M 1eo.-14 °"" ,._. l10Mlmo. 714-7800 Of 2 bdnn, 2 be~ front, out.-dt w , quiet. T~~~ •• PoOI. II.Int lo 12'f::oooutt 'r::; ._. -wllll 4 1111. I le. plua 1 91ka to~ ~ 1 ....,..... IM-4274. 1 M. lo. 0e1,..,... PoOI. Yl'fY. Metute .,." mo (7141ff4-1M1 loo. 4~ :olld11 Ad. v.:,., IOC* .. :.m .......... :i= :=!~1~ ':~=:b:, ar. '•mlly Rm & Den, ..,..,_ tw. .IMI t~~~o peta. 1471. ~f,;'*'...!~: x2:1.91n ...,.., WOOdllttdte condo, 2 tw. box. do dlreot. or ca ll eoet. .._. T....., ,.,., pvt yerd outtom trM 1160 Mo. Pluth orpte, ~ .... -.r. •••• T.... ' I BR, 1370, gu pct, <Jar. 2 be. upetalft, MOO mo. Elegtnt 3 Ir & den, Bkr. ea&-1141, Tto-7at2 rf!:.JL~· R-4. t1014 houaa tof. the oNldren. N k Oedat I g!Me., HOMI 'O" NNT New I IR 1~ ba. patio, '480, 2 Bt, utll. pct. 410 den view, w/w orpts, 873-tttO eve/Wknct country style llom•. la , · ,._ oall 1ao-oln eun·deo.!Ct..dbl Hr prv 3 ldnn. & 4 ldrm .... 5 aar, H80 a •100 dep. Hardina. Balboa No drpt, bit-In ttcwe, rtffia, ,_._. --.& -.. • 'renoh d00t1, bey win-.,,,. 0.I II e...'1 ~ NIWt~ My, terl09. NllY t'nllftt. ywd. to MOO. ,..,_, Y9tde a No P • I • . 0 r •I o , peta. 847·1158 · ~ blk bu••• I 1hop1. ::"l'.o;::.r.r.-n ••• ~ e..WtM dOWI, hrdwood floors, 3 C.-'lfrMf Jlfl f}. Ho S*f• lnqulfe 9' 817 t eragH. t<ldl & gett 841-1370, 00. Off-et, pt\9, lndry. Quiet. ~ frplo'I wry lge lot. OWC uu:ir.'uouu u n •••• .... .,, ,... .... l!'fM 111h, 8t, MO-ISS,, welooma. 148•2 00. "---f ....__ t t Small baehelor, YflY 1'9nt• No peU, 146-3513 total 6% dwn xlnt tooe-1900 mo. payment for h .. ~i;f" .... u•••••• ...... ::m ....... r.n "91nt no.. ...._, ront -> Br el. 201 I!. a.lboa Blvd. Moet eleOMlt tpt •. bldO. tlon 't 17990o' Fee lend 28r 28acondo t~'4VA Mountl ln Me rkat, Ian QC.llllNTAl.I WALK TO llAOHI I -' la, tmUlll~ location, 91&-teet, 941319 Wll'fUll ft.Ull ln ~ 8eaoh, ftnee1 By Owner ·131:2134 ' 101~ .. 111no tt4,IOO. lernardlno Mountain 1-lbt't UOO to taooo ldnn, I leth. ter. lrg yd.' ........, a.-lo .Hlf on eov.. Adu complell. T pt• 2 bd tlec O 1 & 2 tr. apts av1ll., tocetlon In town, btWlaffl.-Mt·M 1 Market. Poet ottic., 3 7~14 °'*' 1-dey9 MIO. 137-3D3 AQt ohQ ••• -• ..-n •• ur:l\ •• 1'~ No pet a . t1500/mo :"· d. k rm, · 11• pool, tpt, lndry rm, no teklftg vtewt. • bUIM..-W, Apte, ~ l'U l.ot, Nl!WPOAT HOTS, I Ir, Sandi, 11111 494-0791 .. un • pat, leun, no pet 1 med h 1 a t e d p o o I BIG CANYON OPEi HOUSE 11 IH ••rt• ....... ., 11•• ,. 1,.. 3 BDRM • 2~ BATH BEST BUY IN CANYON 1490,000 Owner/Stir. 21Mll-Hll •WNITlllOTI Ch11mlng 2Br 2bl COi· tege. Huge lot. Fin. 1vlll. l1S5,000. 548-7 145, 842-881a BEST IN BLUFFS LIQUIDATION Own1r uys "Sell my Hornet". He wtll reduce the price by the tmount of your down p1yment". .EW UIU.. on LAik• .net 111111tt ...... Westllde 1 It. 1 le.. fnod LM!r 4 9drm, 2'A1 er"'· den, 11000 mo. to mo. a P • u . Y' ll . I 8 2 s . 1'1 ';, ~r· tut>.·oer•o•. e tev1tor'. ..... or ltecle '°' 11ome patio, enol1d oar•a•. db oar, q"""• •and gardelw. AN Aodgeta. ~-,,__If ._,,.,.,." 97M>H3 87 ·7"8 2 ·Bt 1625 L .... only. *880 a up . • Ell. 0t ooncso '" N.I . 0t e..t n•w c•rpeta, drlpH , ~71~7~= .A!. aot IS1-1Ht ...,-;;-.-;;;;-••• ~:;~.. ..... frtlt Cell f0r ~ 330 Cllff Or. 4~. O.M. Aaklnt 1380 000. pelnt. No •• 1510/mo. "'"T . .... OC-MNTAl.8 "1M llUM ,,,, T8L Mom• 84M122 Thi• elegent ouitom (114) 8,7•1H 1 p 0 '*" ~. 546-6442, chO 1 lbt' llOO 12000 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm, 2 be. winter only · 1450. 8paclou1 Laguna countty t10ft1e 1a iocei.ci 8ox 3H. 0 ,..,.· v9J~ 'TTO-Mn. 1 Yr old Hr, 3k. 2 oer 1~~.. to 7 w1n1er, 8outh Beytront. 4 •125 mo. 11&t-1et2 2 Br w. B•. no peti.1450 1tudlo, f\111 bath a kfto, In en lllc:IU9N9 8en Juan Laff, CeMoM1e t2'41 2 It. 1 la. wl crptt, drpe, attaclled gareoe. fnod °'*' -d9)'I bdrm furnlthed. 11200 C•~ '-J lfM 1fJI for 2 pert0n1, 755 W. 8ch 2 ~ 4t4-0tt2 C1p11trano neighbor-•-·' ._._ yard, Elllde. l6t6/mo. yd, 5blkarrombch.1780 EASTILUFF: 31r, 2ba. 876'-8829 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ath St. 846-9607 Ill•"-ftaM ~1 hood, minute• from -•Hiii 87s-a>ea. mo. 1-82M2... Aval Now. 11000/mo. Ltg 2 8t 1 Ba. IYllll. t/15. NEW CONDO. 1900. E'llde 2 Bf 1 beth, pool, ••••••••:.-;-r. •••• r.'H. downtown, bMd1 & l!wy, .._.._ fJIM 840-9019 1710 & utll yrly AQl Ocean view. 1 Bdrm, cov'd pl kin II d eeeut. 28A 28A "*'led Thi• m1gnlllceM home •• ;::-;':'::'A~ ••••• ::;;: Sit, l\<YSe Condo, min to WALK TO BEA.CHI 2 N C t Pl _. 173-1474 ' · lrplc, modern kitchen, -'• S..~i u~ot~ celllno. l~y belcony, lncludel 1 acte wooded WAIT IWPf • -bell a •llopplng. Pool, bdrm. I beltl, ~. •wPort ret • an • decJc. gar. 873-3271 or no,..... · mo. pool, gorge®t ~ equ91trlan zon• wUh To U00,000. '1.X« OK. Jee, a a.1na. annuel lee oareoe. P9t OK. UOO. lmmM:ulite cond. fint-~ a31--0502 mOY9 In 1760• 933-7990• Bldg II Unit 202. Adult hlllatde Ind canyon vtews H•¥e City view Home on 1785 mo. 11t & lalt + Che 537-3233 1111' ~ ~ !:"W:f ~ IMlulll l flt a.a. 1947 IMng, no peta. MOO mo. from every room. Fea· Ho1ywooc1 Hiiitop. Trade eec. die>· (714) 75()..11274 SUPER SPECIAL 39" tlder 3 yr ' leate ...................... IM.lllr Allf Nice 2Bdrm 2 b•. Adult1 7~ turu Include und lff.000 Of equity. Pfio1 3 bdrm 2 be 2 Cl# gar 28A fenced yd 0., 84()..S20t ...ni · IJHllh•..... CORONA DEL MAR. 1 pref. Moel utll pd. • •-u&. Wf bluted bf1clc, m.ntM s2111.r,>~"fo 1eroe y11d. •72a. ' Hto. chg. 537'.3233 ~ _ -~-11A blk• to beacJi. 2 ~C:::hwn:ll~u~ P7" ~~ ~5:~.a.5-ae5o •ft '!."!!m!.~ •• ~. =hi.~.;,: ---------i 873--304e AOT. w-•-r _._ bdrms, 2 ba. 1plral kltch 8 mo j '•• · NO FEEi Apt. & Condo many more am1nltl••· 2 br. "°"" ~ IOCe-t1200 mo. pert furn. & Nr beeCtl 2t>r. lluge gw 4 8df171 3'A beth, 2 Y9I' ttalrs. Skyllghtt •nd 1325/mO., ref. 549-0322 1 Br, sml, utll. Incl .• 1360, rentale. VIII• Aen!M. Owner wtll trllde end OI ted In ~ vi.tL Ju.t poolhoule 5 8d 3 Ba B-11-0 petlo pell 1450 old Peoeeecter ..cuttv. flrepltlce. P•tlo, epa. enc Mon-Fri prefer al~le. 87&-4912 ltok•. contlder buying down mllet south of dwntwn pool 1138 Pr~sldl~ OC-AENTALS 780-3314 IW)tM with UbrlfY, lamlly 11#"8;:· lt200 per mo. 2-7940 Yll lllllft m preMnt to.ti • fantaetle =r~· v~to:· = te9-S308, 831-7370, Drive • llttle, .. ..,. a lot. ~g::·.~:r3~~.::~ · 7s-0384 after 8" 2:~il~~~.~:~.~n~=~~~e Ouplell. 2 br, 1 b•, car-NEW gated 20 Town-::r:,~11~ ~:, ':o'fJ:. ': iboul 120 000 equity M1·7922 Unique 3 Bt. Mod kltoh, 12100 mo. or 1eMe op-~t, blk ~ay, ~fh, d1 slngle, refs req. S150 mo. pete, drtpee, gtr, patio, home VILLAOE COM· 0 _.,, •7 000 elCch1n9e 'tor elmllar co.ta Mete beeutlM 2 br. deec> plle Cllpetl, famlly lion . C•ll 1gent 11 •~ik nm•ow 2%n:.~u1 .. ~ .. • 175-34.il clean, no pelt. S525/mo. MUNlTY. 2 & 3 B<. 2!.i .... tter .... •t. · · equity In Ot•---oout 21A be dbl alUIGhed g• 1rea, kid•, pei. nne. A 846-8002 ........ · --.._.,., 5-4a-7234 B•. 1800-1800 eq. ft. of OALL •tl-2112 _.,,.... . r . ins 1-4H-0353. Flet 14115 rent• It todey. If·--· ~ ·' •-•••• 2 br. 1 ba. ALL NEWI P I t I pure luxury. OIFages, --..... ~7o3n:7~9o~r ·7. J lo• age . Call forde1.ill. 53M190 Leue or IMN option l1r-':'!!~.'!!'.!::! •• '!!.'!! carpet, drtpes, p1lnt, ~ va •Pit o adult apt. spas In •very llome • -... '\ otb 3 • 1.i1 BIOk 81yl 2 bdrm. ,.,, BEST fee ge 4 Br. canal front, OoHn view, bHullfully stov1, r1lrg. $800. IW crpt, drp~ pelnt. 1 muter suite, dining \ · huge yard, t.i 5 . 2 , H tiou ~.avllll9-1,commty furn. townhouH, frplc, 887-1241· ~{6-3~3:•· ·•Ide . rooms, wood burning l,.''•'I 537-3233 Agt ohg. 3 bdrm, ~ bl at r ,,_.a & lennlt, Wilk to pool a patio. 1895/mo. 1 bd gtrlge •Pl. patio, llrtpl1c11. micro-wive .,, Room 3 Br 2 8a • A r • • . I 8 0 0 m 0 . beech, • 1300/mo famlly. 873-0891. av•ll 9-4, $530. w/gar-NEW BREED APTS oven•. prlvlte p1tloe & 'U~ 1'1/JtCU\W •••••••••••••••••••••• Pet:w11c'ome. t8~;: 213-431-1114 or 845-3370•ft 5wkdya. 1580. Incl utlllll~~ BACH. S385. Frplc, rec y1Fds.gerd1ner provl-1111 Yhta 411 Ire BllHI fruahW 537-3233 A.gt chg 7'4-~787 Pirie Udo Condo 3 Bt 2 Dai lflal '111 975-05711 or 875-4024 room, pool, JacuzzJ, gH ded. Elegent llYlng only 2 Bdrm, 2 yrs new, lee w •••••••••••••••••••••• · 4br, 2~ba. 3 e11 gw. Nr Ba. frplc, dshwih, lndry &~p;·,;t;i,';·~·;,; & wlter P•ld. No peta. 15 mlnut• lrom Fashion l•nd, b1ck b1y view, W... i.lW 31# Lovely 3Br, 2B1, lg f1m t>Mch & llChools. Furn. rm, 3 carports, patio. viii• court'yd prv c.t. .,., Ul4 393 H1mllton, C.M. llland, 7 mlnut• to S.C. prol. decorlted. Aeklng I cr•••;•t,•••;•;••••••• rm, trplo, 2 Cir gar, nr 1vall. 111'50. 914-5098 $795. S51·9522 l400imo 497.7oee ' •••••••••••••••••••••• 845-4411 Pl111 or O.C.Alrport. $305,000. St95,000 IOltl Hn r, •· frplc, College Pk, no pita. · · 1 II. 2 II •II Deluxe 1 BR up Just •••I of Newport •I 15'/•VIR.Ownerwlll p1t10, gar. Winter 1700mo.yr.54141:l4or llYUt J14f 3Yrold211ory,home.3 8upernem1br,smolder •• • per, BIYd.&so.ofSanDlego help nnanoe. ---------$800/mo. 815-3843 842·91711 •••••••• .. •••••••••••• or 4 bdrm•. 3 b1th1. VIII•. courtyrd. prlv•t•. Newly decor. 0•• pd, painted, patio, $375 & Fr w Y. S 9 o o I mo . LUIESU St 190/mo. 8411-87119, l400/mo. 493-7354 encl gtr, dwshr, pool. lut, credit ref. 845-11193 631·5439, 2473 Orange 2211 Yhta hnla Oti1t ._ llll,. W... 3 Br. 2 b• on 'A ecre w/3 3 ..... m ....,......._.. ..__ 931.21n bbg. Adults. no pets. E'slde 2Br, gir, vliw, Aw., co.ti Mee&. ExCll 38drm "E" pltll'I on •••••••••••••••••••••• htlJuU 1Jf1 cw ger. pt\11 g~t hou-...,, .,.,_._, ,..,.._ •-;.:-;r-842-5073. ..._ .. I nd •~•5 N Id .. -11 e 1 •1jU1 ••n •••••••••••••••••••••• ... See 2530 S1nta Ana. In ellcellent .,... Av.Me-N9wport Shor• 3 B<. 2~ •1 ,.. ••• ......... au ry ...... · o w 9 green .,.. . 9 ng •1 2'A Bt 3 Ba. fum 00 NOT DISTURB TE b I e Imm Id I a I e 1 Y. Ba. 2 blodtl to beech. 3141 Spec:lou9 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425 doga. 548-7933 reO«:or1ted, ""ClfPll. l•t W1 1111 f • P ' oceenl • SIOOtmo on 1 -..... cloee to IChool & tennla. ••••••••••••• ••••••••• 3 Br. 1 •At B •. S 4 7 5 S2a5,000, $1 19,000 IOltl •••••••••••••••••••••• ront e1st, enlnsu • NANTS. 11200 mo. Five others t~~hooM 912-1883. Quiet JunlpFI & 1 Br. L1undry r1c: .. pool. Redeoor1ted 2Br, pvt Pl- PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS at 11.5 VIR. wm sell for Ult Piii Winter 11050. f7&-124S. as1-e228 fr w , 1"e onee t From 1375. Pool. rec 548-9558 12_7PM. tlo. encl g11, W/D hook- .. Uttle u 10% down. OOYble wide. Ilk• new, •• ,,..,.,, BEST LOCATION seao c:"r«:.:... 0 Bluffs Condo, b1yfront, rm .. aeun1, encl•d g•-up, s.75 mo. No pets. C·OUNTRY CLUB LM...,. • Clll Aoent for det•ll•. ltrge llYln9 d ining kit INI} '14' gets 3BR 2BA, g1r ., iJ tuper 3 bt, 3 ba. 11200. rage. 17301 Kee4eon off Flreplece, pool, dish· 831·5847. 842-0481 ""' See agent at open hou· tree. Llrge. patio, llgtlt •••••••••••••••••••••• bullt.fne, ,_ C9rpet end ~i "bo4~rl4ft AOlfll, 144-1133. Sliter. 842-7848 ~rf"i C::'.°·s~8Lc? SPARKLJN<MBr, utll pd, Al~:t~~~Tr:~~nt ~73 Vlat• del Oro. Interior. Aaaum•b4e loan 3 BR. 2 be. nr MlllJOOlll & more. chg. 537-3233 Re I Oreet ioc.tlon 3 Bdrm 2 man L."91 557-2S41. quiet, no pe1S, pool. gtr. apartment community on DAILY 1-5 11%1>91:..C,..~· Yorktown. Remod.~r AOT. ~•I Bl gtr, only 17'50 chg. Beautllul park-Ilk• .ur-l415mo.(714)54S-7889 the Upper Bay. Privet• No peU Sl75. 913-1 ROOMS, 2 BR. carpet, 551·3000 537-3233 Agt rounding•. Terr•ced w tfl-ld WHISld• SPARK LINO clubhOUH •nd hHlth Pltetel '70 Fleetwood, 12x40, Lw•• ..... 3Jfl dFlpet, fenced yard. ~IZll1nuu Pkwy.Ir;* aa. 1111.._ pool. Sunken gH bbq,CS m, CLEAN & SPACIOUS 1 & spa, 8 tennis courts, 7 ll0-ll1I Ill-IOU furn .. NEW~ & re-::'I'.':'::............... Much more. ONLY 1190 IDTW .,. _,_ 1p1rkllng founttlns. FUllLY AP11 -2 Br. Newly redec, upt1, pool•, dole to bulloela, frig, Starlight Ill. 71.i/ Ille ..... Llclell chg. 537-3233 AOT. 1 1 5 bd 11.,,_ llt t ... •••• Sptclous room1. Sep•-BHutllul g1Fden •PIS. Orps, dlhwr. rtnge & re-•lrport, Fuhlon lsl111d. 8 1 3 • 4 3 2 8 . 2 1 3 I Condo. 2 bdrm, 1 b•, E.elde 3 Bdr famlly home o S450 "::' 1200~.,, 3 bdnn, 2'A be. besl golf rtte dining.,... Wilk-In Pitloa/clec:h. He1t plld trig•. view & oc1an Convenient •hops on 799-1022 rent, ie.. or op11on 10 S700/mo, tat 1 IHI 1 t course view, security clolets. home Ilk• kltch-No pets. 2 chlldren wel· b re1z:11 . no pets. Ille. Unfvmlehed bec:tle- ,lllCE •zl,100 buy. S 1 000 mo. $350 MC ........ 64S-"a97 gate, tennis, pool ind en & c1bln1ta. W•lk to come. 1385-$475. M2-o884 & lore, 1 & 2 bdrm apts 1110 • WMk. ' · __... • 'I. · Jee. S1'400 mo. 557-7372 Hunllngton Center. 2 Br. 2 8._ 15SS 552-9723 townhou .... Open HouM Sund1y 1·5 Aft9' 3:30 .i94-937S 3 Br. 2 Ba. g11ege, frplc, ~/l_.'-.._ UPPER BACK BAY . 3Br 1 Bdrm-furn, l605 398 W. Wiison 831-5583 DUI ,Ii.I 3111 s.v-!5!°~ and 1 • Drtve to 1845 MonrOY11, or 494-8138 ytrd. No pets. 848 W. Dt.~~/. 2'A8e Exec: home lg..,..; 2 Bdrm-furn from $805 •••••••••••••••••••••• C[J. ~"' Sp 77. Thia 2 Br 1 bl 18th. Ut plus sec . 1 'fj :.f J. . ' ""'' 2 Bdrm-TownhOUN furn. Ocea few I I 2 Bdrm units r .. ture fine -IJ'Q (e1n double wide In adult peril ...... , ... Jlfl $785/mo. 499-1817 1· I')' couree .vtew IOI, clean, from 1875 Br ~ ~ •• ·d=. l~=·1 1 designer furniture 1nd • L 11 low cost hou1lng 11 • ..-• ...-.-.-............... 022 860() MW cpts, S 1000 mo. No No peta. Utllltlel treel ....... ~any c o ICC9UOfles. Move In to-CD Jt~Tr this price. Century 21 Wlnt9'. 2 bd, 1 M , W/D, lllT Tl llYJ Wi.J• f .... Agt 842•38'50 LA QUINTA HERMOSA ~ ~Im 8 ~I~~~· Sf~~ 11~1~1: Oey or r-lor aum--ft-elJ J Go ld Co11t Rltr• Avell Afttr Lbr Dey 1 BR Duplex EHltld• NICE3brwtaunnypool 16211Ptrklldeln,1blk APU1111iTI. 21318 9 9 •119211 , mer months. Sm1r1'y ~~~~~~~~~li5;;:48~·~1~188;id;:~S(Y:-2'B;I S73-3039 M75. bikers kttch, more 1375 W. ol Beech, 3 bike S. ee1utlfully l•ndscaped 1-8611-2236, 114•151, furnished models open ;:: Double wide 20x50', 2 Br LIDO ISLE· 3 bdrm, fam 2 BR 1 BA. WHttlde •573CAMs~lavM-OC-RENTALS 750-3314 of Edlnger ... 847-5441. ~arden ~··Pool & $pt. 1-489-5375 (11) I Ollly. Delu!!~~l"!1condo ~~~.1A:u~~1tifk~1a'::. rm, 4 Ba. S100 dey. mtW•tslde, ~oo 4 Br. 2 Ba. 18971 An~. 2 ~ ~~-;':: ~.'!!P.f!.~!~ ••• 1!.~f ~~ered parking. No Butblfll• i!: j~i::~.:,: Penthouse BISI toe 000, ph 842-4284 oc1 BEAHtF7ROOONT 2 bdrmB11'1 • 19751~. u1~........... ~~·,.~OK. 1775 yrly. BICh. $415 lfftA 3140 Fountain Court Security • mo. 2 BR. nr SC Pila. Adult .,,,.. . .,.. ........,. .,.. ,...., 1 Br. ~$470 •••••••••••••••••••••• 144-1100 g•t•. pool, aps, gym, ~,.'.~.~ •• J!ff Onmcty,Rttr,876-1181. condo•. Pool, J1c, full 2 Bd. 2 Be. condo. llUT IEITlLI THE 28r.1'1•BI. s535 WllFfl.11'111 clubhouM. E1u:ellent fl. Duplex on the send. 30th Qeaf\ 18r, den, ;er. utrt MC, cerport, Lux unit. mletwv., pool, tecz. t735 2 Br. 2 Ba. $580 1 a 2 Br. Discount on LIDO DELUXE 2 Br. lrplc nenclng. Furn. $135,000. 11. NB. Newly remodeled pd. Wln1• NOC> mo. On Orea1 Loe. No Pets. $550 mo. 494-50e3. 4 Br 2 81, bonus rm, 2250 V~•d some models. Pool, SPI. Ir~ brldl Pltlo DR. Adlts. Owner 7'4-983-2520 In and out. 3 br., 2 be. Seul'lore 831-7714 p I u a t 3 5 u I II It y . 2800 e.f., comm. pool, ••aaan 540-9628 °' 2-4905 Gym , S 1un1 . etc . S 050. a 7 5-8359. I 2. b 1 b SM-1828, nS-2580 Super dealt 4. Bdrm. 2'h $1195/mo BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba. 848-0619. 1 Br 1 Ba, yrty llYnllT OllN ~~~·:.~!irs ~j~ 10~ Est•t• home complet~ Avail lmmed 4 br 2 be. Beth, Fm rm. gw. S175· 3 Bf 2 Ba. comm. pool, M ... V•de. 1100 eq.ft. 1350 B1ch. furn Pool, $800/mo. down owe· b11tiic1 •t fumlltled. 4 bt, Jacuzzt. rr-pl(; Mete de! Miir ~ 537-3233 Agt Chg •750tmo, "'s.c . Plaza LIFE'' lptc lndry peUo d.n-•P•. 1092 Flor Id• 673-3355 Specious Lido Perk DrlVI G Cir gartge In gated • . H·-4 Bdrm 2 a. built· Ot try ..... option. Htvt • • • HU. c:onoo with alt-down 13.9% tor 5 yn. rMI few community. Mo 10 mo ywd w/frult 11 .... S ...,... -. F T -· g•. no pet.a._.,.,. 842-2834, S.2-3172 28r, 1'AtB• TwnhH. din view. Security bulldlng. 1umm1r r1nt1ls. S735, rwit.al 14500 780-8099 mo. 111, IHI plus sec. Ins, pets '*· 1700, chg ~298~83~;19'J1 3094 Mace. 548-4018 ARLINOTON APTS. rm, 2 p1tlos. balcony, Boat allps . Owntr wlll 000. Armll1ge Rellty. . . 552-3262 Iv meg. 537-3233 Agt. ~ FUN: 1 & 2 Bdr trlllers. S200 & Quiet. sp1clous town-g1rege, no pets. S850 consider exch1nge for 714-544-2484. • .. ,., lla/mnUW NICE 1 br LOADED 2br w/eic, ooo1 Westcllfl a Bt, den, office, Soc tat Act1vlt11S a 1160 N houM 2 B Bl mo. 1st. l1St + dep. units. $525,000. Older Duplex new 45th et. •••••••••••••••••••••• w/111 Ul'H>d Spe. novel kltctl. S580 2~ Ba. 2 °" ger, gerct.-DI r • c: tor • Fr•• ~ldren or ~~~33 E. b • • c: h . r.S 's"'2 5 i ~":' 642-2949 ives/wknds NB. 3 bf, 2 ba.d upttalra. Canll 1#1 Sharp Kltotll.8More $325 OC-RENTALS 750-3314 ~-~fr-~~·t• t1050. ~-:lo··· 16th St, ap. 42, CM ~ _f_or_app_t_. ----- .... 2 br, 1'11 b1. ownltalte. •••••••••••••••••••••• OC-RENTA 750-3314 4er, Unlver9lty Part!. S000 Pertlet•Plus 2 II 1 H BEACH/YEARLY Wiii Mii u Is for 1700, IEITILS STUNNING 2br m 0 . a 3 5. 3 2 o 8 0 r OCEANFRONT duplex, much • -Detuxe2poolllde xtr1 large DI x 3 er 2 b •. g er . 000 or wlll bulk! to tult Year1y-We1lt1y-Wlnter 2 w/lrg Pillo 752-1194 1850 up, $750 down, 2 Q fll ,T!,•· , $490/mo. 1250 MCUrlty ~~· u!'· bltne. :swtir, $800/mo. 421 E. Balbol d R lty forS875.000&up.(plana 3,4Bdrma. ' ' ~kltch kldll400 Br 2 81, frpl, g1r. RICflllATIOM· lnclucllng utllltlH. No no mpets~OO/~ltQ~ 81.S73-2769,675-9797 L•I Q 00 & 1pprov1l1 obl•lned) •&Qlll IULn ,.,.. NTAL8' 7u.331 ~ Turtle Rock e111C1Jllve, 2 840-4111 • pets. Arm It 1 g e R 11 It y W """"' '741"' .. matters, 2~ be. Qarct. T 9 n n I a • Fr 9 I Call Beth 831·5230 536-8312 Open & Airy, 1 Bdrm, am 673-7300 714-5-44-2484. Pllf L!"·..._.. 20... i......, ell n er Inc I. I 1350 . Bluff• ltrge condo on L.euons (pro & pro S""O. 2 BR. 2 r.rsons, OLD HUNTINGTON! 2 pet & child<*. S3e0. Call C .....,.... .,.,.,,_, •51 ..... 50 g-.._.., .... ,..._,2'" ahop)•2 He11th ... "'37-3233 A,......, ..__..;;;.._....;;......;...""-"-'---' 1 --utlll:. bit-Ins •"25 o ..., ·-·--· ""Uf ,_, " bdrm, 1'h bl, chermer, " · g -.,,. 1•1 1iy ,,.,, 11a•a••-1T • • ... a. 2 /:tioe ptu• deck. C1'.lbl•S1un1• patio, pool. s2 J. 17th --------1t J"-_____ ., OC-R NTALS 750-3314 ••-H...,. Pl. a4S-5137 1'111AM No pets.1475. 537-3233 Beamed oelllnge. aky llte-ttl'ftlf .,_ 11•111• -AYllll. t. 1. 11'400 mo. 7vrom..... Agt.....,. kitchen, 2 trplc'a, 3 OITILIFF .... -.rJ'li............... v-• Fenced 'n prlv1te. Kldl IAll .... Shl)wn by appt. only. Swtmmll]Sl•Oolf Utll pd 18r, 1300 mo., 1-..;...--..;..."'------1 Try SIOK down on $200K sg;;r~ .::~I I:~~~ laytrt ..... ,...... Ok, orptd, 2 Br, sunny T w NHS 0 N 0 0 L F 844-0360. ~~U~ U L quiet, petlo, nr bch, Avall C!Mn =~-::.:·~,,:~.:~ property. Max leverage. bor L1wn Mount Ollve on Lido Park or. 2Br, :: ~~.~': COURSE. Spilt level, 2 UITM.lff LIU ... ,, A,AflTlll NTI: Sept 1· a.w-eosa c::~:~,?dqo':.' ~!~~:i Call for appt 537-3233 Owm/Btl<r 844)..9019· Cemetery. Coets M.... d e n , a e c . b I d g em fee It BEST br, tMl'I, 2'A bl, lie, Jtlnt 4 Br 2~be, 11300. Eatty 8 Ing I ea , 1 & 2 2 BR 2'At ba duplex, 1600 OK. ONLY $400, chg. Agt chg. l lllUT llY $475. Wrltl Verdi• R. S2500/mo. view. 1975/mo. Av111. Sept. DY9 833-47a5, fN/ Bedrooms•Fumlehed sq.fl. or luxury. Every 537-3233 AOT. -;......~-----Thllmont, Route 1, Olk· ........ ,..... ..... Sl10 W/UIAll Sept 1. 754·7900; • ..,. wknd 644--2224 & Unfurnlshed•No xtre. dbl gtr, fncd yd. 3 er 2 Bl. tplc:, petlo. Dbl, AND JUST LISTED. land, Ark. 12ee1. Ot call Prime ioc.tlon 38< "'~ lmmecul•I• 1 Br. pix. 559-427• Pet••Model• Open I 8 6 5 . 8 4 2 . 9 8 8 8 . DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In ~~,,·4\~t"'s~~·.~:5c: Lovely Eastbluff1 3 Br (501) 431-3312 • mint ., ... &EST fee 11 ........ Newpon Cr"t 28r dplx dilly 9 to 8. S73-1338 4-Plu, blt-ln1. crpts, 3b1 home with mature fum, avail month of 899 . 539-1190 ---, -condo, atteoned ger, di-hk-ups, drg•· Obi g1r, 873-3057 fruit tr-. Priced to NII C...1""1 14--lllTW condo, 2 ttory, 2 bdrm, nl~ee, PoOI. tennis, 01kwff• LIFge 2 :;w ~with lrplc, HS . No pelt . -S-ptc-.-3-B_r_2_Ba. __ lptc-.-ger-. 1u1 11 1205,000. 0pen 0 ,,._,,.,, 1111 S3eO 2 BR+ pool 1'A bda. F 1 1re 7 p 0 1e 0 ce, •Ir dU . 11 Wiid Oooee, ............. _ ~ege5 • • rm: S4G-44l4 beedl 2 bike. seoo yYty. thl• weekend. 2S34 •· •••••"'":/•••••••••••• evallable now, s..,t 15 to north • bl1, llrtlatlc frptc, con . mo . SUJ)ef10< to T1corldel'og• --S4S. · No peta. 845-18e2 talpe. Sindy DeYts, Agt 1800 sq. II. storelront June 15. Prlcee range pl•. g1r1ge, p1tlo 4 875-7171 to tntreplO to Wlkl Goo-&,lrtMltt Alic> lrg 2 Br. 1 Ba: $490. 28r, 28&. frptc, enctoeed --'-------- 497-4S« property, H1rbor & trom$800tol1800/mo. bbq's.Klde<*.Nowc.tl Wlllll•• :: 1 ._ 7 1 53 8 7 50 mo . (213) .............. /.. AYlll19-1.145-ee25 garege.petlo.14a5mo. VersallteaConcloStudlo. Ad1m1, Cost1 Mell, WATERFRONT H0m£S the BEST fee. 53M190 -••••••-... S80 Irvine Don't wal1 only 1 llf09 3 ~ security. 1500/mo. --t•I Nelly lrttflc. 840-e764. 831-1400 Pool Seekersl Top no1ctl a ~ 2~ ~S 1\.t UI ... IAY (at 16th) Bt. 1vall w4th 2 Ba., pe. Duplex, 2 bdrm. bit-In, 731-3371, 659-0353 IY IWlll Drllltxn/ i.AM ~ '"' Br. •Piii level home, mo 81s-1111 A,,.,.. 911. Lux. twnhll. (714) 645-110._ tlo, In quiet ar-. large wUher dryer hoolc up. Lge pvt tpenment. Mo- Sharp, oce•n view 3 Ulllll I« W. '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• shedy yd, II.Ida'*· $575. Woodbridge condo 3•· lt60/mo, 1st, lest & NC. ........ ...... /la. pool. te75. S.5-3381 or Obie t::.::95 •V9il now. dem w/blt.lna. 2 BA 2be. bdrm 2'h ba soft earth· •••••••••••••••••••••• r1y 172S. Cute 2 br, gar.. BEST 53M190 lee. ..., 3 br, 2 ba, 3 cer elec. 1700 16th St. 815-5849. Cell 21 wllk "' bit! lo beedl. 2 tone'decor.'spe & •II Huge C .M. Duplex prkg . Near water . N. co.ta M ... 3Br hie, 2'11be.famrm,f/p,2Clr gar .. mulll-levet, lrplc, ("--·at 16th) *Lg38r28anrSCPlaza. Deluxe38R.2'A BA.Nelr :S.~';,~~!°2 other utru. $500,000 & S175K/Ofler. Only l30K 815-3083. 8TS..91417. soon •v•ll e1 •100 mo. =: ~.-:'sJ~~ cathedral oelllng, ~·· uu"" Freeh, tunny, lllry, edit 4 new, frplc, WO hk-up, coupl ... P1t1;"L.und ~r e it ttrme . dwn. Auuml S145K ..,.., Prefer idlte. No pell. 8/2.2,83S-IM4 pallo, Incl. w1ter. New (71~)642-5113 plex, no pets cpl pref pantry,bltna.enc:lgw,lg fecll. a1ool mo Incl utll. ~1•)855-0177. loans at 10.5%. IMW-.M l#f 557.2917 crp1. No j.•t•. Comm. 1525. 979-2418, 8-115-8 P • t Io. • t c . I 5 9 5 . DrM by 6403 River AV9. Agent a.2-9681 ••••••••••••••n•,••••• 3 bt. W• ba. fem. rm. pool, Panorlmlc Viet#, RenctM> PoOI. A.gt 9-7912 PINE BLUFF APTS !M5-3e04. Then call 845-1771 Iv llYERI Z.~••• ,,._,,.. ltJll B1yfron1 mlnut 30. 1ao ""' cpttpnt, kids & pee. San Joequln 21r. +den, 2 BR. remodeled Ille w/ OCEANFRONT • tharp 1 er. with loft, 2 ea. Child tm.1 UH mag or 980-SM-6 .. .. ....... ;;r.;;, ...... deg. w , gourmet kltc:h., o.k. 1895. 982·2411, ~.;~~7~7~";o~ 91r, 1~ blks oft Hnd 2BR,wlnter,nopet.a.gw. <* on the Bluffa pttlo ..................... . .... flll OIUOI llfUTNI 1 or 2 Bt I 2 Ba. tum/ 751-3191. , 1750 yrty. AMI ror Bllt, '850 mo. 875-'3033 Ylft frptc encl gw ~ 3 Br, 1'..t B• townhome. Vertelllet lullury 1 er .. FIBI IPPla 10% down, no QUllllytng u n furn . Yr I•••• _ -•• North lrvtne Racquet 831·1~ 28r, 1ea. S5f50 mo. 48', atov9. dlshwather."'apa, Paoodtlo, AIC, f~lc, W/D, ~g~~t~:!._ =1'::· Let us ltlow you this••-buy1 an xlnt Orenge S 1350/mo. Winter -• --· Club. lrg 3 Br. 3 Ba. on ....,liMfi 2Bt. 1180 mo. Aero•• lndry rm 1895/mo W bridge"""· LakM, eel. opportunity nHr County rent1I property, $950/mo Opn A~ 29. Dec«ltor perfect, tP•· oomer, lie, fM\ rm. dtn •11 from bch. Sept.June. SPMC · 13;-e101 poote, tennis. 1775 mo. M m W&lD ~ Bly • fe1tur1, below m1rket vllue. Al1 ~7~~;!y Ht· 110. -~~rm, 2~ba, n.w rm, ::fr· UH/mo. 2 M --: :" bl (213) 848-2232 Great locauonl 1 Bdrm, ;:~k~:~~~ :::·:~~: Newport ltl. duptu, 3 Bt 280 qlt,4Bdrm, nna~trrtnged,p<o-mr • ape .Pool,Jac,reo. 644-· ae1er 11ttea.d WINT!ARENTAL.4 gu1ge.S300+chg. fNM&wknds. • 2 ea,frpl,wetbet,petto, "9th, form•I dining. de-f ... lon• ly m1naged wtth 81\ 2th ba, lge 1e•r 1 .,..., PY1 pe11o, beloony, 1.-., lfMI ~141 garage. IP'..! Htr... bdrm, 2 be. Avall Sept 537-3233 Agt Chg. gar., boat lllp, no peta or cor1ted In earthtone1. no headach ... Xlnt tax bloctl 10 b9licti 11 r.;...., wine cellar & lge gwege. ::"l'.':": ••••••••••• T.t... 112.0. "84-34vv. 1 •• ..,.,.. 97 .. ,,303 CIUlll\ed Adt 642-58711 kid•. 11200. 875-4421 S.ltulted on• corne< lot write-off & profit POien· ' _,, Decorator wall paper, 0 • .-.. mo. .,..., Very Ir 1 Bdrm. child ott. ti.I. C.11 G.orc.:N •• I market. bus. In quiet d I d EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 ... ~ 0n1u ·g20 537 ............ ···::"" •ut'':t-lh•I 11 proteulona lly arM. Can b9 tum. c.n reper et an more. a.. fl'plo brlak petto w1tt1 1 bdrm, petlo, ~ .i, ., 13 • .....2 .... ...,. •1 •· ,, maintained. 12S.900 760-7187. R.E. Ee-873-53et •1050/mo. Call •P•· iuoO. 211/ •8f.2'h8a.dlluxedu-steps lo t>each, 1350/ chg IH• "4 ..,., "" down. OWC ballt\OI. Full llte 64&-2239, 10:30 to 1:30 179-2255. =-=·~Ts'.~ weetc. 975-4481 E/Slde 2 bf, 1 be, encl. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• price 12119,000. Agent 2 eeptrlt• houNS 1 lot 2 .... be. den dtn 4 ~ pm. 3 Br 2 ea, ooeen vu, 1et. 1 1000/mo, no pets. 2 BR 2 B•. completely ger. PoOI. yll'd. No Pit•· 1-SN-1881 ~-.:)~• 1;1.M1i f31~s •• o1~5 •• rm1.. t1aso.'1rs:t32t"'· ~ngh ~ 28' 1be 112s1mo, Arch Beecll w.-..._..18. furn, llnenl, dlthee. TY, 1485. 11s-o1a1 llUIFIOIT ooo dn. 1 u-te•a : c-.i ,,_ .1m :825/mo~1e41-~&;r& ~-~1a ~.g~ 111. lu 0-.lf 1n1 !:i°c;rtNft1'::.9i:,::. 2~1ry"' B•. No pets. By owner. 3 bdrm/2 bl 558-e998 .............. , ••• r.o... 873-1182 •••••••••••••••••••••• 976-2543 ·~~,mo·. • .. 1_ .... 71 W•t Newport. $&05,000 . 1ev91 2Br-den, bM-tiARBOR OCEAN FRONT &MutlfUI 3 8dr 2 .... B•· I;;:-:-;:=-::-:::-:---;;=~-.! ... :-=::::=;:.._---=..:.::-=:..: 845-7474 .......,. II t .... med a.lllnt. 1791 mo. ... .. Nu HOO' lux llm. on OOlllft & golf OOUfM vu lu a-.1t 111i 2 bdrm twnhM, ,,_. bl. •• _....., 60% 1n1erest 1n 1 yw old IMM1M -bluff. 1tO deg. vu of "°°• EM HomeMlllN. ...................... ~flOa patio No P9t9 _,r.._, condo ne1r so. Co••t ....... e..-.... ............. ti.-t>or, turf, fTltnl. atw, Ooo, II 1 · 1210 or 2 br, 1\4 be. 1 bit! to bch1 715. N tt IP • Lovely 2 bdrm, 2 b• Plue. Take o11•r pay-Cll.rmtng t t>r flOtM tn ;,;t•r• orlei•ir.d' 'i'C;'; Iba, teourlty, a9'1na, 1SMIT3 children/pet OK. l4t0. . r 1 h omona mob li e hom1, furn. ments 918-8283. beaut. 8fl0tecletff. Aftll wt~· & t p e . I 1tta/m 0 . ...2...a371t74-7226 _~ ___ 7 ____ _ 112s.ooo. 211-905-1155 2 Covington._,,_.., top 1 .. r·e 1 .... lt•pt. 1. :.-'7aeimo. tif.:.o 4M-7oot. fnLt!1fMt ••• IA!f a bdnft. t'A bL ~. -...... loo. Nr So. Ctt Plau. ..:~oyd RMilton, .._ -.iat ffM 2 new cuetont hotMe. 3 ·~°""~-=. ~ •.::::... g4.,~~~a~'. Lowest priced Pllermo Ownr financing. ArudOul rr.n.uc; •••••• :::n bt, 2 bL (1) WOOdl COiie .. 14S-14TI mod1I In Harbor View a reedY fOf orterl A.gt. 1--1 19'. 2'Mle Condo MeO t1IOO/mo.(f)P9llOI.,. Of'/ti/,'" 44 ....................... --.-------- HomH. Sp1olou• 4 84MU)0;14t-13M ........ Cmrltl!lf mo.a...:lf:' •.•• 12000/pH>. .,.,, , A)! ,.. ~~ ..... L~~Ufl<Mltl~~I: ~~m,:r. 1:;~~::c."ro IN'° blldl, T ... MW Ki.i.7·i· ....... Yrty I bdnft. 1 be. o.ak. roc!:~oMn.:. ;;'oo, 12H.OOO. Seller HY• II ,_ ~ 1--,,,._, ~ "*" riincy .,... ~"c: ldty. No,_. seao ss1-3tee. 54S-T7io • "8ELL"I •••••••••••••••••rm':' r.-r.o;::.;;r.~ •• nr.T 4lnly 1190 ... lltT 97~9 ----' ----- B. a.t.n, ~t FOR THE INVESTOR LAKI '°""TI I.owly I ,_,.. "*-""'oomm . ..,.... -. -..1eo Yrty 1na. o.tuH 2 bf, 1 BA. quiet, laroe. a-.• 87a-2373 720-0740 ' bdrm, 2 b•1h, custom < b r a ra m Uy. 2 be, gar., P'\o ...., wet« new carpet, Wll't pvt, Wiii Of ou pa t l hrougllou_tJ atrium, 3 oar I "· M f IA hlew 971Mo9S frt.Me7 ' oon•lder Pete. HU. N!WPOAT IEACH dleftw.....,/dllpaaal. ,,.. bHOtl & reo Oel\ter. ...... • .. ..._ • 13742*3 A.OT I IN FORECLOSURE onty 1100. °'If A74W •1t&o/1M. 1111-1.cee •• ;.t:t •• !ff ..... ~ v::,.111 -~ --..;g ......, 2 .,, a ... No pell. t,~-:"o:!:.c:=-t~ :ro=e.:~:.~= :!.,. ,...,._BM ~1~o~r':"::::e:: °==~~:1°.: mo.'11~11.... ::1'0~::.m·1':; ~K In toenl. back prem'-8. Good locallOn wtth ;:r.: •••••• r.-.~.:-m1 flu .. pool t epe. fl0t 1 1.' •,rA t 70 0/mo °'"" 1 br, t ba, trple. .....,.11, pl••· '4 bl~ ~o ":.:.t future redeve~ment planned in Very nloe 4 ., *,.. .uouttworpior.io.w 11 ~n ¥111 111 •too . r afrlt . Yrt y -uwae--,-.,--,-... --deftwr--io.. Of **K. •135 000 ct"•ldrpe, fr1'tO. bltlM, w/fal'ft!'Y· No P•"· WMi 1 ~ WOftd llOOtmo. •71491S lnctry rm: oerport. w} "' -arM. • • fenoed yrct, t w ..... lllOO .... 1111 ot-lttopplnt• rttflt 11 .... atcte. Nto. Avelf .. 11. _, htllH t l'IU tier.· Ate ,.....,. a·~...... 941 -I c.M~.~.,. 111 NI M. MM1ll ::!.';;; -..., ~ a~ ..... .:,-;::,: :7.:i!J! ooul~ ,.)!.wlffflL,,.J • -..,-1-c.--;..--.--..,-.... -...... 1111 llt .......... -' ,... -· • ~.;;.......-: • • ....... ,..., .llU Idle Item• with a WNfT ACmON' to ftnd tfl• ~ome you Oii ::=, ':..: ~ .._. ,.._, . ~ 4*.'-. 0., "'°' 0.-lfted Ad o..llM Ml Ma-1171 ,_, ......,.. ,_ fn.4tl ~., .. ·------.. Kennebunkport ? lsn 't that the boat · that won The America's Cup In '75? ~ro~ .. Or"'91 CoMt OAJLY PILOT"rldtrJ, Augult 13, 1912 • ~!'1. •••••••••••• "1""'11&.""11/.. tm«.............. tfJllttlr •••••••••••• ,..,.,,_.:.......... f!iet111!!1•........ rMJfa ••••••••••••• f'lftA11tml ....... fffffll.tslY-. Door hanging, ren1CMS911 ll!IMOOIVA.OCM>He ~AUJ~TtC .... IM ...... •e;\:·;~ ._., HOUllOLUNINCI, nd .. Ui• •fff'Y.Mf'rl•• ,,,,_,,.Co. lUl'4 =:"Z oab!Mt9, PM911ne, eto. l Ctrpentty. Uct'ct. H --.. iww' old. 11 ..._... ~:feitino P'MM llt0 ~ tOtN "''' Celt ,._., lt~~d atne>r uo w...,.... .... ~ er•t••u •or ... ,... Pelntlna. o.nent ,_.,. rJ'l elq>. .,. ...... .,1. ~..,. lud ....... IWHpln9. ,re• .. u! Pelntlno Cell ...... , , ........ 14J·Hl1, CM/ t . 11 ~ of n.w; Al T~ Ma-114S ............ '::I.' J«tye.IM.411 a~ ... ._ I • w ..... ~ ,..., ......... 1n1. LJ...J,,_. C4Mw looeftMe~ ,,_,.~ ..,,_.....,, .... ..,.Tiit -;,:.:r:;:u•••4 H.,..T_.,., ... ••udt .-r..-..1".1r..-:; ...... JL.w/HI.. Tl\Mk YoU. u1 ..... 10 .mr,,,:-:.·~ ....... ...... ~ .................. ,. IM', ""·••, ,,_,,.. ,,,..... • j;IW.71H. Lio, a...w 1-Nl~t KtD l.Mld~ ....int. lnetall.~ r."O'nll"';fn't'•••••••••• PAINTIR NUDI ID I Pt.ASTaRINO ._.._ ... -• -..... .-:Uo. "-ld/OOIMI. CIMfMlp •• WM-twedltft °'"""*'· TAAVl!llNQ'f wo·Kt.,. '-t) N-* ~llCM-proftttlonel work ... 131·"'41 OAYWAl.1. TAPING U'41 ~. ...._24.. 91noe 1M7. COIM\/r.e, Ill.UNO "OUtlt " ""~ 9119, '" ALL TYPU :::..wc:,-,::~c: .. llllllllNI t:.T:t~~= Qulf. WMdtnO, rwnember M1-11M/1274740 M ... covple evellable =·P='°l4~ 14MUI blnett. kltcMn r.modtl ~ "'96ct/Comml IN a R't. ,.... rtllable, ··H-mlct·'-PttlftW to m•· •IW!op & Ion Ptlntlno PL.AaTu. PATCHING ., .. & flnlltled nr.,.ntry ... UTIMAl'tl Lio S1022t a-...&ul Alokl ... 7-3010 eu"tt':Knnououu• : ~ "°':n~ SO )'re exp. In lteofi Reetucoo1. Int/ext. SO :rn .. ••••u•oou••o =~{J::b~ ~ ~. Ril~iA;;.:•;;1~·;.; Oomptete l.ewn oere, 6 .':J:r..= J<* or '4=:'":xP9f.'ft~"'; .,.... ,.,.. eet. MZ·1111 yr9. NM\.'*' 14wt17 ,.,,T'~NIT~ tt11no from""" to nnlthl Mt.1111 Uk tor Joe right, "" ""m•. ta on .~, 1· npek , •• u., 1 • MNloeM 1 .. •' c .. MIKI ~18t1 ~ P!'!.!!111tor•..,.for CU.tom wonc, Int a ext, 11••""~ Aef9. JoM ~11 o.11 •ad.. o , c1 • ..,oe °' tmell Jobe. es11110 .. ...AULING.oAAOINO ~·'t-:.;;ya'bOut emc>tY ~~ 28,~, :21~12 ....... e .. AT~LuMit,;o··~ CfMIOlc Ff>( Tiie W011c Illy 2nd to none. lenci.t LIC'D l!L~OTAICIAN .. ._ -Conomt & t,.. rernowl. MM240 . . ' In At~alrl & "epleoe· •va, wtcncla t7M100 (114) ll1·HM ~1ti!,':, ~!.'".:t. ~~ Uc. :SMe21. 97M>3&I • ...:..__ ·-~ demolltlon, clHn·up. llouu whll• a way . s.3o"PM 141 " ""' " H!ATIHO • lpeoldzlng ,.,.. ht. Dye t40-6111. C.rMt i.nflt Con1t. Lio 418&'1". Oual. wort!· AMe. retee Tr" trim, 1ttn. c nup1, Quick wv. 842·1t31 JUI I.. BATU PAINTINO ment (114) M ll-1888 f. ..,.,,.. ~~~~~~~~~~1 ·••'•-••••••••••••••••• "" F ••1 ....... T -t ......, "''" Mt ~ SPEC . .,.. No S /No .II M ..... 211 r• tit."" • ...,, .. om ..... ,..,, .. .., • " · IAl.1 !xt. ;!Jl400; ""'~~ .... Item aMPoO ""-" •~"1-· .... .,.._.. PROf. SERVICE ••••• •••••••••••• 2...., •• ..,. •••t •-~• •••••••••••••••••••••• Stein Spec18111t. Fut D. •Ha• I Iii ELECTRICIAN ,,_, ...... ~ -·7'"'... Haullna. yrd cteen up LOW "ATll. OfllcH, ••7 ..,.,., --~~•"•.. • .. • ••• I LOW AATU I ~'!ffl.~ •.. Appled, .... ac>Pllad. gutr .. ln9'1rad, llc'd. 414'8111. 130-ttoo IV meg. ~~!!~ ............. . Drtvewayt, Parking Lot Rf9elr9. SetleollUng. 8&8 Alphlt 631-<l199Uo o.n Hallberg Gnldlng t PrAng Co. Ael/coml. Uc 3117804 842· 1720 ~'!!!!I ••••••••••• Loving mother Wiii bebyalt full time, Nr Fairview &. Beller, CM. 54W653 ~A.~~ ••• JAYS "SPEAKEASY" Prof. Bartendlng S.V. Any occ..IOn. Portable bat. Mll-1414, 521.et41 luJ.111 lnftlft •••.••••...•......••.. GENERAL BUSINESS SERVICES Help lor arnall buelneu • phone call away. flee· ordkteplng. tu prep. Bu1ln111 coun1ellng. 49&-1255 A,ul8nll umr.ui" •••................... !'!tr.!!.~!! .. !.~~~ STEPS TO SANO 2BR, frplc, ONLY S800 Call 537-3233 AGT CHG dty. F,.. .. ,. 838--1882 Uc. 30MM. Aemodtl. 8ml jobe/Atpan. Lio. Gardening, exper. lend· OulOIC 'dten. F,.. tit ~· Vecenolte, •trip & CANYON PAINTIHO • 14 144'• ...... •••••• Tr .. tl'lmmlng I remo'l'lll. Shempoo a ltMm cltM. Add'na, Cablnttt. 2331~10. 84M203 tceplng, trM trimming, 87~ we x . t t c . CH R 18 YJ9 In O.C. Sttltfactlon F,.. •t. AHe.. pnoee. .. ~ l M0Wtno Color brlgllttn•"· wllt 84M6H/M5-4&44 RESIO/ COMM'LllNO. ~. 841-2122 11~M QUtt. 484-4541 Oual. work. Uc. $311et. "4-7ot7 crp11 • 10 min. blttctl. l•llM Wi~ 20 Y\'9. Do my own t#Oftl. ALI. SERVICES, Incl. !~m!!!f ........ .W..w-QUALITY PAINTING e31·2348 '£•'-'- Hell, Nv/dln. rmet11; avg ••••••••••••••••••• • Uc. 218041 Al 94M12t melntenenct, 1prklre, ROBIN'S CLEANING ~f•••••••••••••• l!xt/lnt, , ... rel• ROOM A OOITIONS. .."9:::'Ae•••••••••••• room 17.60; couch 1111; Kit. Remoct .. oeremlo t ... hraltut 11/Wd hauling. Clten·UPI, ••• 8eMot . a thorough~ BAICICWOAK: Small Jobe. Uc 8348218 63&-23ee Honttt,Rtll•ble & "-'• Mott tub:::· l<-14 chr S6. Gulf. ttlm. pet cabinet•. c.11 now • fr.. •••••••••••••••••••••• pert land1oaplng, •to. clean 11ou... ..o-oe 1 Newpot1, Coete M.... EXTERIOR PAINTING renciee. JC&B Conti. Lio. Mo~,. ~~git\ ~~w. odor. Crpt replllf. 15 yre .. um111. 842.0881 Cuetom Aellnltlllng-Furn Sellefectlon ouer. Lo J • Cltenl .,_....._ Irvine. f\et9. 8711-3178 Cuttom work. F~ .. •t. #347877. 914-Jlea. ,.. exp. Oo work my1alf. ~ _.... In ... ~. rat• rr .. "' 240-2148 oan • no..,.. ...... Ret9. 631.0101 .,_.,,ator •• ,... t, .,.,,, & lnterlort·All Rtpelr ' · HOUMto-Apt•Rentell Brlckwork·•mell or lg• RMI. + fine Int. & et.al-i..ll•• mantel1. llbrer1t1. high c.i1 tor tit. 844-5214 UWI 1111 Oftlcet. 540-1287 Jobe. 100·1 local ref1. nlng. St...,. 541-<&281 ••••••'••••••••••••••• C.,..,111.lofh,._ •tylt ralltd pentl walt1 I ~f/flll-Ael/oomm. NB/CdM NHd • maid or • 11... Since 111et. 84M512 Biii'• Painting. lntr/Elltr. Huber Rooftng·all typee. •• ;r.:1.~r.•••••-'•••• <=*llng. Uc. 53e-23M •••••• ..... -'•••••••••••• Rtlla!Mt, Ouall1y Work keeper? Hrly or wkly? #..U.• Aetld/Comml 8 rr• eicpr Ntw'"f'tCOWll'-dtclc.I ~~~e::X:NINGd l>HkU TIRI Bwry 845-7412 FM compl ~ call •••••••••••••••••••••• 8. Cit.,.._ High qual. I Uc. 1411802. 64M134 Q""'-y-vvv ...... !(.............. ToPPect/ tmowd Olten ....... Viejo Service Agy. ·ABC MOVING· rMterlalt. LO'# prlcta. Fr ~1"8I uer. Fr• Mt. e38-543 Decorative wettrproor r ' •••••'"•••••••••••••• 973-9000, bond9d by St. Oulclc, Cenlfut 8ervlot. tltl t raft. 49e-5117 •••••••••••••••••••••• c, tlC.. decking, repalrt & rte· up, lawn renov. 1614478 Carpentry. Cabinet•. of ca II er• I R •fl. Fr" Mtlm•t• 512-0410 • MOBIU: SERVICE .!!!!~.,~ ••• !!!!!..... over 1peclaJl1t. Douglu MOWING · CLEA.N UPS Plumb .. Drain Cltanlng, 900.7452 *l 1 -* ,,._,,.. RetCfetn9/Ntw ICf~I C.rnent-Muonry·810ck Field• Co. 873-5779 Hauling • ~'"Ping EI• c L . T II•' R. fl. • -·-•• ~.-:-,,.............. N8/CM &42·11552 Walla-Cu•t. work. Lio. Fr• eat. &42•9907 968--0149 MAIDS OF ORANGE CO. Top qutllty. SPtclal care Fvthlng lnt•lor Oetlan 381057 R 541 Dnlntl1 Quallty Tttm Cltenlng In llandllng. 2& yrl •JtP. HANGlHO/STRIPPltlG 1 .... ------· # ob . •2883 •••••••••••••••••••••• JeMlt'e Gardening 980-1230 Bonded, ln1. 631-8222 Competitive Retet Vlea·MC Scott MS.9325 • •KATRINA'S: LIVE·IN Cletn-upt, er .. trim & Call !Of tml conetructlon, No ov.rtl 730-1353 • Orivee. petloe, walk•. Fr" hllcprs. dally maid ""'· malnt. Mr'Y. 540-803! repair•. electr , plum· Gtntrel Houttcltenlng me. ASR PAPERHANGING &t. No Job loo tmall. office clt1nlng, crpt bing. 35 yrt exp. Rella!Mt, refs. 10 yre exp. STARVING COLLEGE 1 Y" local exp. Guar. • 538-2801 c:ltanlng. 835-2118 RON'S GARDENIHO M '82.0510 alt. 4 STUDENTS MOVING work. Prlctl etart ti 8 yrs N8/CdM. Ouallty Carpentry -uonry co. Uc. T124-438 '8/roll. Alec 751·1027 • Cu1tom concrete brick· Dttt •u•I•• at,_., rttM. Main!/ Roofing . Plumblng Exper . .,.OUM CIHnlng. lnMKed. 841.a..27 block wall1·pat101-•••••••••'••'••••••••• Landecape. 876-11388 Drywall . Stucco. Tiie Rellablt. Refs. WATCH US GROWi Expert wallcoverlnq In· • round• t Ion 1. LI c · d Ooora rt191~. doorwaye Rtmodt4 J.B. 841-91100 553-1175 1tallatlon. RHt price•. 536-6013 added, French, entry, Verd melnl. & clt1n·up Con1u1tent A11lgnment • cuitom 6 Interior. Jobi. Looal ref. Day & Call .,.andyman Jim. 1t'1 Gtn'I cltanlng. wlndow1, Kteplnty9onpr1ceetht 581-8600 Concrele-amall or lge 831_1528 an"'lmt. tvtS. &42.e795 Neal Ilk• having help from etc. S1f11factlon guar. euy w1y·b• a regular ---------• Jobi. Remove. repltct M -----'-'---your famlly. 539.91157 Rellablt, lo ratet. Euro-cla11lfltd reader. Shop at home. 11'1 •HY repair. &45-8512. Sell Idle lttm1 642-5878 Clwlfed Adi 642·5878 dyl, 53&-3M4 evea. pun. 240-2148 &42·5178 With clutlfltd 642-5878 9 for your camere -. ,,,,._,_. -,7 ' ' 'I , DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 LINES Daily Piiot classifieds wortc for you. can 642-5678 for quick cash sales. !~.~!!!f ..... "LM the 8unehlne In" Cell SuntNne Window CIMnlnQ, Ltd. 841 1163 ~ Monthly Olaoount !~.~!'Jr ..... . Computer word proc.•· eJng. Fut. accurate wv. RMI. rat ... Notary. F,.. pkup & delivery. Len. 75M:J14 CIUllfled Ade &42·5818 OLLA RS • I ·1, ,~; \·~ days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads . Call today for full details. (Non-tefuftcleMe. Extra llnee 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 lLTIU11111 Bookk THE L~~~NSION F:~ y:.'t~ :::; Woman In Corona del eener olf.,. ct91N1tlon• a-· mix. 548-3397, 642-2019 Mer. Newport Beach Litt bookkeesftng ancs ""'-ArN to do alteratlont In omc:. WOf'k. Pan time ~ :tr:.0~:i., "!!'w; Found: cocketoo. Back Yo'J' home ror .,.,,.,, r• as1.n10 Y n , • Bay atM, CM/NB. tall ....._ Call &ob belleve that deeth It 531•1810 _...,,... Cook, experienced f or I 4M,1 II A 4' lala/1Itlhn4'• OllJn l••l•I 4400 l•1I.n1 lnt1l HSC 11mp1y a pt11oftht11r.,_______ ~128 oounM1 rtetaul'.m.. c.n .~1•••••••••••••••• .~!.!.!! ... ~•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• procea1'1 • $10 charter SCRAM-LETS Babyaltter needed 2·3 8 A M -9 AM o r Furn rm, lem. pref, pvt Share beautlful 3 bl' tum. SAVE MONEY. Room In llWPlll tlAOll At1all llor• at 2850 Avon memberehlp fee (In tlm•• per wetk, Coit• 10PM-11PM. 414-8824 home, kltch. prlvlleOM., hou1e. tac, gar. lrvlne. Npt Bch prlv. home, •¥911 1•1110 UTll St .. 1140 eq. It. plut 8 Mgenlzatlon). For Mem· ANSWERS _M_ ... _a_r_ee_._84_6-8_7_8_2_. _, .... --... ology I'-~ -. M v d 549 9847 now $325. MS.9515 Iii car garege. 841·8177. blflhlp Info write: P. 0 . .,._""''tor -f< ,_.._ . ..., 64~~~r e - ' -:-:-:-·~-0-n°-1-m-k-,-,-h-r_4_b_r Spec:. 2 br houM, 11999 to ~:wd=~:'. ~~~1':;~~: Ofllc• and Laboratory ::~ 182. N.B .. Calll Broker _ Topaz Bl~~rnr.14;,}01.,111:/~ ~~:~0;01~~.1~~:a1/r1~ FEM. prvt room 1nd bath. houM In C.M. AVell. I 180 ~pt.•~~~.~~:: ;;~~ rtceptlonlet, an1werlng =~ ;1 'f ~ ~~= It. l=::=::=::=::=::=::=::==I Miiky -Doubly C.M. 648-8023 machine needed. 1Ge1 n· FV. non·smkr. $235 + utlls. 85G-0907 tlle pd 873...e339 eervlce. conference ---------BOOKMARK BABYSITTER NEEDED. trou1 comm, Iran ng BEST BET! $325 ALL 983-e215. u · room, etc. 752-8408. 8-ltltul executive olftoe PIT ZIP Our new neighbor llaye My home. Eatt Coit• _Pf_ovtclec1,tiiiii85ii'a·20e8iil-- utU pd, pvt pncng. Furn. Am .. pool, tenn11. 1';~~~:g a1'f'~=1=~· ~ Ou.., l"fl90"8!1Mt Femalt 400o-900 PLUS 1400 aq. tt. !:!!:1gp1ic:1 :W~.nou:,,: II Ylll pgn :,,~;";:',::, ":'~::= MMe f()( 17 moe old boy. 111111111 537-3233 Chg. AGT • t • p I ' 0 b •• ch • utlla. $300. 544-8018 lo lhtrt my 2 Br. 2 Ba. Pen1hou• Bayfront 84.11-... ti II Ith Mon lhru Fri. Days • full FULL TIME. MS Social _3_bd ____ d ____ 1215/mo 845-5134 Twnhomt nr UCI. $315 te. parking, patio•. on Aadhlll. 17 8 aq. It. RENT a VIDEO GAME per ' c er w out • time. 549-3200, ext 3290 Sclencet or"'~" Pa- rm or en, 2 beth. · Prof fem. We1tclllf at••. plut .,., utllt., w/d I ga-873-1003 875·3882 lrom 10·5: Pacman, Defend«, Ga-BOOKMARK. or 845~23 aft 5pm. thology. exper""';tth''irau,. ~PP'!; d3u800pltx. AY9ll Sept •1t1/1 #11tJ1 41# pool. non tmkr, no pt11. rage. 553-1512 Eyet. 844-9539 etter 8. laga, etc. Wt dell'ltr I FOUND: Gold fem dog, IUftmD matlcallv brain lnlurtd . 538-• •••··'••••••••••••••• S 2 " 0 . 8 S 7 -8 " 4 1 ·, 2nd floor walk-up offtoM pickup Cell 55&-8370 for .. d b k M edutt1/ h'and'-•___. ....... " • Coate M ... Exac:utlve LI-s1so-s2501mo. Carpets: Approx 2,000 aq ft 1tort, • ll11pt own ae , ... _ ...... 3 Br 2 Ba, lrpl, gerega, IUUll MTIL _8_7_3-4060________ vlng In a 3 er. TwnhM, dra..-, paneling. CdM. choice locetlon, AC, dtrtalta. Verde., ... 545-9712 for two 1 yr old•. Non· llrable. Salary commen- buch 2 bike. yrly. Wkly rental• now ev111. M/Flhr3bdrmll1tlblk1 lower bdrm I be. own« 1s2':183o Newport Blvd at Harbor. l.nl If~ 13• Found: M. Slltpllerd/ imoker prer. M ·F iurace. Or. Hendrls 873-2511, 875-9875 1140 & up. Color TV bch H.B. M1at Bdr, prlv In upper bdrm 6 den, (714) 874-1921 •••••••••••••••••••••• Beagle mix, blk/ brn. 7am-4pm, Nwpt Boh. 848-7458 EOE Aero.a from bMc:h, bright ~ ~ .. !.~oCmM. 2274 be, prtv bale, w/d, dlll'lw. lrplc, pool, ctubhM. $300 Scell?ng Down? Starting lf-----4,.1 S • n ta An a /20th . Own trtn1. Start Sept. & ·•12 .... ..-lo. lndry ....... .,..... • ... ..,._ c bl TV $300 plus ·~ ulllt & phone. out Lower overhead .,_""' 'I $.425/mo. 844• 11711 or MISIO llll .. °' ..... 848-7445 a • mo. ·~ ·-1 ~~1s f(Xft)' ADS 648.0012 8-4().()874 rm 715/mo Yrly ----------1 980-5260 548-&Me & 873-3313. maintain Image. office 81 _,,,.,, ,,,, ---------1 _____ • _____ 1 Mon thru Fri. 8uptr 986-8293 Regency Center. Exec •••••••••••••••••••••• r ..... .i, 1311 IUYllma S a n d w I c h • C . M 3 Br 2 Ba. yr1y, '800/mo. 1 blk 10 beach. B E A C H I R E A Fem. rmmt• to ltlr duplts. M/f ll'lr bteut. Back Bay eolt• In Newport nr Air-CANNERY VILLAGE •RE FREE •••••••••••••••••••••• 545-<&U7 ft 1 blk to bHCh $300. condo. Pool. tee. tennle. port. fully equipped & Unique 2 11ory bldg. " * * * Mature lady to babyal1 2 ----· ----- $84/ k 875-<&340 t>tf 5PM. $300. MS-5185 1tart1d for ev1ry bull· 2800 l<I It, 1.,., be. W.t IH11fll P1rltr yr old In my hOmt, Nwpt Counter help, PIT Htrbor Bkr. 875-4912 W bart bav view P111k•~ Bch. Mutt have own Cleanerw, 16475 Harbor lnl'I et-ardtH wlll 1hr f.u /i • f 4311 MN need. lndlv Offlcea rMt 'ent-ry' acceia. ~ cau•, Open 24 hrt a day traneportatlon. Rift Req. Blvd. Fountain Velley, Retrlgll'atM-Malcl-Pool rurn. CCSM apt, ger, w/ ••• !/!! •• !! ............ mo/mo. from 1375. I 7 days aw.-7""63~ a d-lweel!. 83a-2555 N-porl Cre11 2Br dplx condo. attactled gar, di- ning area, pool, tennl1. clubhlt. 17 Wiid Goote, Superior to Tloondtl'oga 10 Intrepid to Wiid Goo- 1 t . 1850 mo. (213) 8111·7537 Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton nonemkr, 9/1. S400. 2 CAR GARAGE ~9978 plu1 Interior Improve· .,.. llll J I S .,. STORAGE ONLY ment1. Sea Propertl... -· acu:a , euna. Locale _ca_11 ___ 2_11_3_. ____ , -o-.-c-kh_•_n_d-.-,-p-o-rt_fl_1_h_•_r CO.le M... 541.9755 075-5148 $90 mo HB 980-5280 SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bey. Ltd. 813-2810 u well u tourl1t1. yechl In Baja, Oct·Jan. Yearly on the betctl. llottl M/F lo stlr home In lnllne. . 500 aq It wllh OOOd hwy BankAmtrlcerd, Mu1er 8ebysltt8', my home, room. kitchen & enower. S290/mo. + •1. utlli. Lerge atorage garage vtelblllty. 491·235t lu•111"l i.•t'14• Loit: M Hlmaleyan cat, Charge, American Ex· M-T-W. 7•3 Dtt melnt. exp. req'd. $320/mo. plu• MC. d• 551-2255 MlchMI nHr 111111 &. Newport. IU-•••••••••••••••••••••• neut I dedawed might pre ... Dlntfl. All wel-84()..5152 •It 5. Fl1hlng exp. dt1lred. po111. 2308 w. OcHn· C.M. 1100. 759·0288, .... ...:,• .... ---•• N.B. 3975 Biren. 3eeO IQ. h• ..... 10. TUftleroCk. Irv. come 714/145·3433. Babysltttl',rMturtwoman Reftabsoluttty~. front, Newport Bt1ch. Slngl• Lady, mull Ilk• 040-8107. ...,1 •rwR _..,.... rt. or 1111. MIA zone. 833-3708 Reward 2112 Harbor Bl. CM to care fM em.it Infant In = ~ ~:·~: 013-4154. Kid• lo •her• home In•---------With ult or reception. Agent 541·5032. . COEDS W Id I t my home. Lit• hou1t· ca "2828 MAT llOI Newport Canal duplex, 3 br, 2 ba, 3 blk1 beech. SllOO . 573·3083 , 875-9305. Co1ta M .... Sept. 111. Storage geragt for rent I 1750 ............... ....... • ou ove o k I S85 k • 1 ... 11 i.•tlll flfO move In. 1325 plui ~ on Balboa Ptnlneula con · room, kltch, phone, up. 2180 rt. lndu-or-•• party with you. Cell Sue Hp ng. wee · ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• utlla. 540_4979 or next to Fun Zona. eecreterlal & word PTO-llrlal • Olflot. 18101 Re-Mile. Iott vlc Th• Ttf· or Kathy anytime. 842·11184. MmA'fm tllTll WlllLY 1mw 548-1074. Btwn 8-9PM. 10'..U20W. 873-2943 CMllng. Mall a meeaage dondo Clrcl• #M & T r. c •. 5511 . 8 3 8 1. 1153-11383 1-B-EA_U_TY_O_P_E_AA_T_O_R ___ tu_l_I, Wanta dtcoratOf for of- Avallablt ....... 815-8110 Mrv. avall. MPW•ttly II Huntington, Beach. :.:· 8~5~5-4~7~53~ • .:_49~1'..:·;111-44~~-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or part·tlme. take ovtf llct manegement. Hunt-"""'~ M/F to lhr Mlulon Vlt!O Slngl• vicinity Ogle & d'*l'9d 842-2834 LOST: Codtatlel betwMn 1 _.. I _1'1 llenttlt 80% + lngton e..c:n. st1.e704 1 Bdrm. refrlg, ltove, gar, no pt11. 1425/mo. utlll- tl• pd. Chris 548-1188 •••• NllT condo, lndry, gar .. pool. W•lmlnlter, Nwpt Hta. Cell: . Judy ----·-----.._ ._. ~ 8 I 8•0 I 0 comm. . -S250 ...... .,"'51 Pvt. $85/mo 840-U85. 7141780-0100 t300 eq. It. $450 4111 end Bal~ Bl PHOTO MODELS • • ' t v t 1 Oellwry $1200 mo, avail. 8/4 10 ~ Front office, large rear Whl911M •lot 875-4498 ESCORTS/DANCERS 841-'904 1&11 P• •Y Ull llJfUIT 1012182. Executive 3 Rmmt• wanted. non-Eut lldt C.M. Slnglt Qt· d0«. 1789 whittler Ave. • ... IAlllTll OVTCALL 24 .,.RS liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 10 people needed 10 dt- bdrm and den, ocean amkr, mature prof., nr raoe7f~!torege. *75/mo Daye 540·9362, Ev11 HMHl IDT PAIT·Tml llwr ltlopplng 'Q,,_ 3 Br. 2 Ba. Nndy beech 873-4318 213/282·7733 view. tennl•. pool, epa. ocean HB 1350 845-,.,.. •WPllT •ITll 84~1. Lo1t: 1121 In Co11a1~~~====~; -11-~In .....,.,,.__t• '-'1. 493-e289 • · · M ... ·Huntlngton e.cti ... , ...... ._, .. ,_ .... 900•1500 OIHn Jqta/ 44# f&IAlll llWI •ntlll Wut" 4111 Area. 1'A year.. Choke Bt 1 tttephone promo-o telling. Mi* be neat hike Ptal1nl1 Fem. n/tmkr 1hr w/Nmt, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Chain. Reward. 831-1748 SUNNY'S Executive tlon clerk for tocel n.w· In eppearance. Mutt Clt1n 2 Br. Adull•, lg kitchen 1450, 2421 E. 18th St. &45-5109. 3300 wk. 1\1\ blk1 to NB 2bd 1ba pool Jtc d/ mllllYI 1111'11 hint Prtftsaltlll ~Tl av, da 184-8295 St,...._Atduotton: 1p1per. Private dHk, hevt economy car Or bttch. 873-11384 wlhr S250. 873-eOea IV IRVINE. Piion• en•••· tfflttt PIUllllT L L ..,.__. Olflce-lvn.outcall cuual attire. Only requl-motorcycle. Apply In 2 81'. Duplu llCfOSI 1trMt lrom baacll. S750/mo. 629-8784 or 838-8183 m..-ge on mectilne. ring. cont. rm, utll pd, F S 1 wllh 1 Ot1 "wtlt ____.,_ cet, e31...&311 remenl i. a good phone pet.all et 32141 AllpG. 1 Br. lletpt 4, llCfON the ectry Hrllt , tic. Al10 r~ u ': q~:C,• • ~tty mOY9d to w/ID ·1gtt Uly. Vic 4tll &j~;;;;;;;;; 11°'°9 and lots of tnttlu-Suitt D. Sen Juen c:..>. itrMt from lht beech. Apt to ahr M or F non· d11k ap1ce. S 150/up. "'rt orancelflctao iub·l••••eqd. C llfoml ........ , allty A v o c a d o • C d M . alum. DEUVERY ...,.,,.ON ~ $205/wk. 875-6088 1mkr S200 mo. No utll 540-9745 • • .,_.,., qu 875-58115 ... ...,.. ·--N • w p 0 r t B • a c h . Stc:retarlal/Reclptlonllt/ ---------...... .....,. .., Hourt ded for buly INtnt tnMI B•yeld• Dr. THE cove. deluxe 1 Br .. den, lrplc:, 1 'A ea. poo1, prv beach. I 1050/ltut. 758--1092. V111IJN lnta/14111 648-3008 1817 WMtclltt, N.B. 258 telephone/ copier/ Furnlahtd home tor rent Found: Young black cat. BecMIOf/8Ktltlolttt• Mon.-Frl. 5:30-t:30PM llMot. Motor blc• ~ ...................... t 4000 It 1 ' " NtVloel 111allablt If * Wht tote. wtl1 nee collar. Partlee The LMtHurran Set 9:30AM·1:30PM ftlTtd. Hl'ly waige + mj.. OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. Room with full hou• prlv. :o.n, 54~5o32 I . ()Of. elred. f,.. parking. Cell Metonal or tong term 548-1108 MV .73&-1638 . . SM.00 to •tart. leege. 957-2811 Mn Avall. now. Wtelcty thru Newport Sch. Avall Im· • Mlae Mar'•· W 1~~~~~~~~~ A"" 111 week, ll'lare lnl-.....;;. ______ _ • , Found: hi M. Cet, y911ow 1~ .... -•/-•-. 111,__,, 111 aummer. 873-7873. med. 8'2-6311 460 IQ. "· .1.00 per aq. lt0-1111 In Lagune Beach, ooller. vie. Atlenta1 LADIES: Let Tom ihow partntr'lhlp proflt1. _.....,,., .,._ -.... •• y ---1-~-1 M/F .,, I t h NB ft .. 400 t Birch., N.B. Newpor1 8Mcl'I Newtand teo-4155 For lntervtew. Mu1t bt 11. full llm•. •••••••••••••••••••••• H..-~ ""' p UI o 1 r. · Agent 541·8032 Coronl dtl MW ' you a grMt tlmtl For I call etter IPM Wtdne1/Tllu,., 11 ·I. Near new 1 Bdrm. apt. Fumllhtd 3 bdrm, 3 ba. 2Br 2ba A1 loc:. Megnllf. llWPtlT 11111 FOUND: Yng SI-cat, dlecl'Mt lntTo I the beat t•2·Hll Frl/Sel 2·11, ~. 10-7, wftll bullt·lne. carpeting Atrium IP• condo ,,.., cent view. 84()..2888 OFFICE SUITE overeoo. Contact (714) 494-3757 Btwn 15th I 18th ., eeoon wrtt• •118. 2005 ... n •1• 495 E. 11ttl St. C.M. & drapea, laundry taclllty, pool tnd putting gr~. 2500 aq It Condo, wtll ac> king Ntwporl Harbor. _ Tu.tin. CM. ~79 to W. 8elboe Blvd .. N.B • & under roof catpOf1a and (SANDPIPER PALM DE· oept 2 adlll. Of 1 edit Identify ca. 92te3 Dental publlc t1nn11 court• a SERT) Want Oceanfront w/1 Child or Ju•1 1 edit. lMl ~ av.ii. ApprOll l•mn1fl•n.I/ •---------Expet1ell0ed R.D.A. - golf COUf'8t right behind Month of Augu1t for Pool, 1g kit. 2 si-tloe, lg 1 • 0 O O 1 Q 1 t · fUUlf Found: 8 kitten•. edor• WANTED f9INllt to ahare IMT IUhltll dtd for Orthodontic property. CloM to tv• month of your c:ttoloa. balcony w/bay view. .!~... 714-845-7100 •••••••••••••••••••••• bit, Cr~~ .... Vly P~p2• = ~=~~02r,:-Experienced • wented pt'tlCtlct In Mi.ton Vlefo z.'_'!ln._G..!_ 1395/month. 875-3182 551·7883 or 640-8339 ~--Sub-let Extc. offlot l•IUnl Laguna ._. 831· 73: 551~20 · lmmtd. erta. '304703 . .... 1a.,,. Auguet 15, one A all A 20-Labor 0 ., °""*' Prime airport locale on 0.-m.J"' "'' Found wllt mele kitten, 1---------Mutt know cabinetry a or ~~ull• only a no ~or'on~d•I Mar. 2 ~;Share BHut. Wt1tclllf. ~~~=-· MacArthur Blvd. Price ... -M:' ..... ;,........ L.agune Beach. AM~ ,.,.... ...... wooctwor'ldng. Apply So. e!f2 ;,. ..,...138 °""* at (714) beaut. furn. 3 bl k 1 2bd 2ba as>' .. W/O, pool, I'"°"",.,,., reduced. Mutt.... Laundry Mal, Harbor & let. No ID. 494-2614 115 873-11388 Co .. I 8oat Yard. 2270 -.., . ocean 1325 •••II w/reap emplayed edult. 833-2111 Adem1. Groll Income Newport Blvd. N .B 1 Br. pvt dtca. Old wor1d &42.o3Tr M e71-1518. . $325 'A utll. 6'2-8492 WEST COSTA MESA UOOO/mo. Full p rice Found: Small~~. ~ 876-2837 cherm, 1pectacular So. 1 .... , "•led arM, """· TWO OFFICES l300 HOOO. FIUtf I Fold In-Vic. lltllBSt. ~C '11L•& ....... IM BOl~R MFG CO. CEO ~-. •11 ••• ... •-.._ ..... ...... c:tudtd 940-e154 ~une eae • a •••••••••••••••••••••• OCMI\ vu ... _ to betch --be & ent.. pool, nr betctl, mo lor bo1h 84&-1021 • · Identi fy content•.llililiiliiiiiilirilillililillilllilillilililill PrOYWI record• uec In 14111. Contact Mgr at as>' sour ... 8AYFRONT. 4 12115 + u t 11 . R. f . *•m ....... * Exec. tul1tt ""'MfV Incl .,.,...... •119-1271 ..... --·· boller bu..,,... ,.qulr9d. C. 332 Encino Ln. :7d~2a 8 I 2 1 • 8 / 2 8 . 4~993. 4119-4122 From 1 room to 3 roome. c 0 n I . rm . 11 e i SE Want e bullneet of '/04X Found: Pr~lon g1....E:;;c;rt :w:=-Wll Mad co. w/unlimlttd i..11 ..... ,,,, No. Lag OcHn lront. 2 From '1· 18 e ~ft. No Brl1tol, btt. Aedhlll I own '°' minimum 009t? .... gold frw. vto. ..... 411~572!5(1* !em-!p!n! potenti.I. Fania.tie ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• L.egune Bch·Rtntal1 •IP• bdrm. 2 be, l>tav furn ...... required. J. Air-Nwpt Blvd. 1157·8451 Comp!. Mt\19 p1·u1 bu9'-mllton near Megnolle.j~~~~-~~-~~~·~I porlunlt~r Ille rig t 1 Br. Apt. CIOM 10 17th. a 8 M50wk. HM tip• 8 + 1425 mo. Fem prof pr• Cportan~Mln.n.; .. ~1~222Du3 pont. -i -•nt1 ""' oon1U1tent1. Quar. H .9 . 8eturdey 811. ~I ptr'IOl\C. EO 8ol'Mllx 1}7r ... 91.,,0: Meln.1328/mo. 1850wk. Aug·Sept . I'd Sharon 840-2t12wlt " ,,,_..... 1_. .._ profit. 860-0219 1182..-&4 8ol1tr~ .. 838-0708 491-300e de · 1200 eq "· 14304 Beech · •• • ••••••••••••••• Juen Caplttrano, Ca. 1 Br f 'II d ..... 1. --d ~•-......, 11111 Blvd. Wtttrnlntter, btwn BtEAI UTfY S~~ON, 4 ... • .. t• MllllnQ, t doga: CNtlue-JMI rrutM ml 9H93 · un urn .. u. • P ..,. It ...,... ,,.,_ Ftmllt wlllrted 2 81'. 2 Ba. ec.cutlvt ottloe In C-2 frwy1 13•. e 1q ft on, or a .. e or · 11ue (M), Fox T.,,.., (F>. •••••••••••••••••••••• --"iiiiiiiii~l-1 '310lmo. •••••••••••••••••••••• upttalre, downetelr9, Eu· nery VIiiage, S480/mo. w 't l~I tn.-aaet « Blllboe P9r\. 1734170 Whit• fur. Hr 20th i Ydoouno ~. rfed men.....!!." 136-9003 .., l11a•at1 clld I McFad. 1225 + 8'<*. tr 175-4112 _r,., •• , ., __ "'-·A --oerwllA handy....,,., rneet~ Of-engt~~ ......,..., ..... •=-, f'nld ... , .. ,..,. 'Wit. .._... CelT 1ve1 & wkendt, ...,..._'"'111 .,.. Ind i.-.. "" Contect lergt1t Gay ut111. Move In ASAP. Alr1)0ft .,. Elttc 8ul-Jal ~737 972-Ha&. ••••••~~•••••••• Melt Female ~ In Wortc 759-7"1. tee. From 225...60 iq ft Cd=M dlutXlllUpdlle,,.A/8808, E.Mlplt •••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND: *" -mlJc LI I II k I .pon ..-a __..IOtd, 18R :r. w/ .tove/retrtg, 3 8o. C&llf. 540-8118 0 s1 .. M-,· • o. ·"' E. c.t U. ••ma _..........:. ...._ ~ . ...._-~ v•-n out• ••P•r ellf motlWttd lndMduel bl b Q Woman with .,.., ct. 1 per aq. "· -.. • r1a. 17MIOO -~ ...... ,_.,, to ........._ -" .,.... ...... , oo • t o ell. ultt w.. .. ,.,,.. CdM. 2 bcl, 1 Call 557-1010 • ~· .... nlel wtlt a bit pu . compen1on ..._ """· .....,. ........... ,.,., ....,., '450. 4ee.525e 8. u.o. INlllTE ba, S310 lnol llttkpr. Exelllent Ottloel • Ust to 2000 ~,, oftloe epeoe tor • m .. IOenlel mix ten a po e It Ion . A• t •a . ~l~k~v:~~: ,._, 4"' Avell II· 10 t11·0571. 4000 ft 1801 Newpor1 ltt. O ·av .. now. 121 \~2nd Wflt ~ *" Auet.1----~11-93-·-----men11, conlt•ot1, oto. ...............•...... FlllUI 875-4024 Blvd, ~M: 84&-2111 NM r .. ~~h8~~.c::: ·~~: Aobt. 8ettltf NH/OM .....,. mla trkldor .,_. I.lo. luropHn nuree/ l!•C•ll•nt opportunity l!A8T81DI! CM. Privett Oldett l *-' eoency. Prof. woman to* Sat. tor Joe NottllNp, R.I. lltotc• 8d Aeettore pl ... llem terrier, blll, ~Ion, home ewe, end ~ oondttlona. r:t'· 'o::;: & ~8 Ut-. All olltnta ......., wttll den Npl a11or .. home, Elite Furn Suitt prime 842·2111 -...oe11 r:.r..!~ male mix ooo ' •to. Live out. Many benefl11. 8•1•rv e7i7M... g.. mo. ~oe & ,.,.,eoot1. comm. pool, tennl1, N.e: loO. Pttone inct oo-8~NNY Newport le.ech WIOON HAS ... tor TO'• /IO ~ 6 ten,_141..ee __ n______ oommeneurate """ •· Wor11'-....__ ... ,.. -£1> ~« Ooei1i09ollltan tltpt to bH oh. 1360 pier evall. SUS/mo a4° °'r't~I~· RE i..o.nt. 10K Up, No :u~HH1 Ne!=,.,_ IJ•W flaa perlenoe. flREDIAICK ~ .. ,_,_ .... ,., ....., Good Morning AIMfloe. lnct. utll.148-te17 eft I . tH-1171, 840·8215 .,.u1.'1!...~. mo. Oradtt Cheek, NO~ 81\tftttt 1H M.. D :-tt"l'e••tt.W.••••• ... ":J 9" 0 W N A 8 I 0 0 ::. =.:-r~ 1~ ::'.4 Th9 TomorY"ow lhow. '•mele non·tmkr, Hr, (eve) .... ~ lftY, DtntlleOn a A.teOo. c.a M.M e '· "'°'' Ir I ue ltll. Lwve ..._. M1·11M He. poor, W5 + 11111. hecullve omce •ult•, 2:!w~s°"'°:·:cr.gl'9et 87'-1111 Foundi lndofW.1tth91tC AIH• llilt Mme':"'~= teM4l'O t82.oecM> comet Of 406 Fwy, Nw 1 Ofo tnct'\: '179 ~~: DllPl .. AT!I Mutt NII ,,_Lib. 1 ~. Aedool-=.:.~~ m. ..... 1111. f~O e11r le• iav1111 NOH--8MKA. 3 bf. condo Herber BM:t. T•• '1'i« eoe" ft. 171.4)874-1921 ~TO~ t1a,soo. 1~ *· 141vlOl2 ......... ....,. __ ::'t: w/t'flf!P, wortllno '200 mo. 'h utlt. t1eo. ...... ttoo IQ.ft. et IOt ttrlllgllt 4 r--"°"' ti -. --· lt*9Noelldrmduplea. twn.unti"'8...,..r00fll9. d•SI . nr OO"C , fl,Celtft1.e1t1 _.,.._ OOOorbeetofflr .,WFoundt.meleTOf1olM follow~ lelboa ~entn.ute. G• overlooklng brook l tl4 "54~1 11 t 1 V 11 om A..,....,. rWl9o ~ etter tPM & .;knd• IMll =.a bet """9 SIMO koowtad .. t!WM. ,.._, ~bwfl ' ~..iew~ = a roonvnae. 10 * w. ::,: noo• .:k .. .g: ...,.,... We wPPfY -... NMl11 ~ 14 ::.:*..:='•= Ny. ICM sUo. 7to-I04I bot ,._,., "°'*• S bf, 1~ e ft, Good Hpoture, .-oe~c:"'· ... You eup. Cht OMIN OMt1 ~ ...._ .... • ..... ~ ti 1 W 111" It. IHI 1et end leet. Pvt be frpto, f9ftOtd potlo. good l*tUnt. T...,.,, & P'Y Pf • • fa mo tor WHITI ....,._.. vto. 0.-~ N8. .._ ..._ U J p *· ....,k••otqwtw.c.M. Find •het rou went In siii1"'°. +utile."°"" lroolelluret . Call PfdeM.c.llM4-au. Wftl\t~ACI ......, Ma 1 IO....,... ua,.,-. liMMI Delly Piiot OIMelfleda. 11MH7 lltf. 6. 751 .. 111 Went Me Ctlll M2.-n a.ii 842-8171 OI ........ Me..,....,. ltOt1MlO. T,...~..,_. ..... , ...... •1111 0 .......... " ' DEVeLOPMENT ENGINEER Oeelgn 6 bulld formula I type .... C8fW for oom- petltlon on WOf1d Orllnd Prix c:kcu!t. Muet be al* to dtelQn r**'o 00fl'IPC>- nent1 lrom tcrttch & Integrate them Into ~unit. Dtrtat' IUptMM °'" of IMOtll t febrlcator1. Ablt to u 11 bttlc mecll 1ttop tOOlt + wetdlng, fle..r. QlaM & fabt'lclflon. es d9gtw In fl--109, I C!e:'=nt:Ao·~ ......,._lie. or-.M. FIT '20,too I* 'f'· Ad pd b)' (mp • ....,. 10 CloMet IOD Ofo In 0C r •oerdlno 1242&2 t/007.ot1.o to. \ Mf.t'MM ... :r1.ff .-. ... m M.11M11 •••• 1At1 ...... "v.11~ ..... , • • ,. um.a !.. ............ l!ff ~oni.,,,.,. ~ ., ........... ~ ......... 11.<f ~ THl OMATMf'V Manleutllt l'WH far 11&11 T.-.. ....... ,.... ~ • ., ..... VOU" I Dot Hou••. It Hell, , ..... ~~\..."'1.:: y~•u••H; -...... . iut!P.~1. ?.,~ ~~~; C:r::';::IMllft -. I-~~"Mei'"°:~ ~ on..-' Ot1el0ft\,.,... *1 ut .. u •• pattern, UIO , ..,,J::. NMr :.fum flllll..,.,. I !J ;'~ O A T O ' A ... IM --~ '""""''t......... :"::it';l; ttme. WW. • ·~ #I • °J not ~191. tinted Win' SM-14H ett. tpm oonct, '211 IJMTP ""1/wl ,_ ._ ... tin. HATIONWIOI OOM· M.:t.:.\:9'~ ,,.,. ... i. •• ,,.,,.110 Area. m.tu0 ,,.;:. ~I II'~-:~ 'ft . :::l::o"'"'·oa.tlonty. IHAQ A9'1A "UQ ALTl~·l.ANll~Q 110& Int .. Of donal~; =V Oandlttatff •Ill .. nlo•I ulpin.nt SIMPie *'"1 "81' fot ,.,. TMClfterl AAM, LC.I , anCI ~4~ ~'.'!" i ~f~l. t , ,. 0 12l1t, W/lrlnoed eno.. powered It.A. 1ci1cr1. ~-~ • ttno ,:.,l':.'°: ::JI>/:. =...-..,.,. .=--1n ~~~ 9: HCl~rl•rioed. 'ull or • ~ .,. ~~ ·"'·6• .. ~--l .. jt ,1..., 1 i • » 81D«lan "ually, AIC , him, '28/obo. f3'-lt32..,. lullbln 100 watt ampll-Mttr. ~ • .......,, •lllle tlOwa. ~ ~ tl'MI ..,..no.,..., "'*' •t Alexia Nlitwlll pan.time. ~WO ~ ., l ., "~ :;;~:aS:'oft. 191.teee, JfWln ~, t>Cl•re wltdh o,roH ov•r•. .r,,_~n;. 109 00f'l\""991ona. W1U.. .......... hafllOne.:::OftlM Av., f1l111•111 herlttft •AIAM IAll ADI NOW 'l i fl .•l ~1 ....... , .......... T:'."., Int con ., oud, cleenl°?~~!;;e;;~~ TfWN .,,.~ to AM ......., ...... LAguna n.ecJad cu11m1D ., CITTI •• 'lo A.KC ...... pup, • Wiie. Mefl'I 1IK ring w/act. of eound, Ideal ICH' alldlto-1~ tolPMenJtletlouf,lat. ....... .....,. :~J:,.'°'~~ lllllLOW • ••• Alllhotl,~Ol\tl'd.Avall diamond•. Apr 111100. rluma a nd/or luge IOAT T"AIL.l,., 10,000 ""8 14, 1800 ~ It. . , UL.a -TAIT •PrH olft oerurloat• t/1 '*· f41-7317 TM!e •2t00 pp es1.9219 !!!"P'· Outeta n dlno ovw Dual u i.1 .urea 1urt• UO, Newport ....,... INtrtl Ilg mo~m~ op. bOOtlleta. No uperlenoe ;,ti(' '100 fof the P* °' brakH, xtnt. e 10D, ..... lllft =.,unl!Y ....... ~ it•i con-,_ .... ,.,. l*Y a c.n ~ ... ~~.~ ....... !~~~.~ .... !m.!!Jt!' ...... ~f 1;:~:.·~·~J~0~s,1 ~:; ee1 =~:= ..,"'~1~ •• -a-.. --ftllJHt hceffent weee and M--"' n per• bonu1 deity. Apply In llU.. ,,_, .. di Ill --'r•• Pit eull pupi, l'.t tnoo. Tak• '3700 pp ,., ---&& ntflt1. &.ooatect In I an tuma1 •nd 001mat101. pel'IOfl at 32141 AllC>G. ....... ; • .......-....... ., ya~!": Wk•. to good"°""' 1131-9278 VIOLIN. lull·•ltt "Otl'I. ..,.,,,. MM PllT Tm NM ~eno. Caff IOt Make net tHO/t1,000 lkltt• D, e.JC. Oar•o• I••• furn. wall - -8574800 Vftd one~· exo.llent ••••••••••• .. ••••::"."':': h • oerrl., 00\ltlMIOr appt. wk~. '°' mo.. Into call unit, kltCh dinette, U74 Fri/ Oet/lun 1:3M:30 ••• 11..... 1n1 for llUcMnt. MAKI! OF· AUOUIT I PIOtAL tor a Ioctl newepaper. 714-831·9640 213-274-03t2 T=:n-~::::; ~~~ Ohannal Ad. Ill/Sun 881 I Mlddlecoll, HD a F Shae> mix dogl, 2 Yfl •••••••••••••••••••••• FER. 846-8548 ~ ort. buff I wax ~ •yy~·=•1;: Mature !*ton 10 dO llta U&.11 ' ~lenced. Wiii train, pan tO.ll OOOd llatlety, 0<gantud ~!m~rr:~~b~1,r~~~ 1~~ac::~:''m~~n~:r:n Eteolrlo gultat and Amp. w/hl&il out I awMk '7&to etattplui houMl(aec>lng I help In Exolllng cweer oppCH't~ I. 1\.111 time,"-"'* h,., ITePI TO IAND 2 br. JUI l&UJ thoti , very frltndlyl trailer. UOO 080. 1100 or b .. t olfar. IM~=.ri=ti.NC. ad~al lhw• Of pert-caring for 2 emell ohll· nlty Wilt! n1Uonal ert I ~ • 1 h Ion I a I a nd , .,,1d, ocetn lllew. yeany, 8at-8un, 3 famlly &10 Contact 781•8793 &38-0848 eve. 759-11113 ltnoe 1g38 .e13-03e0 ~·, ""...-1 , dten, No11-1mkr, raf1 aooaae, co. Flair IOf dee 844·'70&0, call 714-813-9347. 10th St HB (Ill dly) no::-:U.11d:i""ro~2~11""".•L,,.:;: ..... ::;,11>i:1c::-tio;;;L1 I....::::.:::::...:.::::.:..::..::..:..:::::=::_ ............ ,.,.,.., · p1eue. 1111-2118 coratlng nae. ,-1e .. houfl • 4 mo old er9Y kitten. Free Ill 11...,., l•O u "'"'" u • ..,, #ul. •• A ,..., 111 1 n~ 1 Exper. Pf•I. txit will train. Tlu..t Cf,... ''' #11 Ollloe & hHhld Item• to gOOd home. 11t lhot1. ..!!!.•••••••••••••••• tat, H 7ll new. muit Mii 'I, • 1!! ... ~ ..,........un-Mature woman netded to ·--1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 18812 F•~ t ti HB Sat 9&3-8183 evea Antique mlhogany cabl· '300. 831·2134 ._., .... , Ilea. f'or Interview oall ~by91t 2 aml chlldren 3 Interviewing hourly 11 .__,_ Antique•, lurnltura, Ital· -v• • ' · ~t with ~1. ROA radio :••":l':"'JJ-.••••••,.•••• elter 8:00 PM. 842-54178, dyw SI ...., 7•1.52•-H.8. 1800 Dolle, Ste 330, N.I . tied gltM. collectlblff, 9-4. (O.,,._,d & Newland) BLACK KITTEN ,,.. llO HllP fvlNuele molOt .., 312. ~t;"Cicn~ 1~· a11o-Sat Aug. 14 10 am to 2 Wa need good paop1e to 1u11k Fri/Sat 9-4. 700 Fri/Set On Mat & 8011 Wiii f\lfnllh .no11 a'*"" ~J~~diabi:'.A1~~~ ~~A~t~ .e:~";f.: lo tire. t1eoo. ' F 0 S h I I wanoe on 1450 unit pm. .., UP ~rnenti Avooedo. CdM. aprlng, baby girt clothel. taring. &46-1328 11-.0 radio wtth 8 lrectl PV 1pHker c1blnet. 842•704& . . . •• op an ng in (714) ..... '"187 art 8PM Salea trom our 8eactl 0 6-24moe idnt cond Wo-& d .,....,.,4711 00 F d B P I I OllFIO•• Huntington 8eedl otnce 1 ___ .,., _ _.. __ .....,.. __ ._1 Fttwetl lrielltff olf~ 1n the 9Y9nlng IOI' MOVIN • Lut minute vtn wood thadH. old Deoofattng Queen Palm•. reoot ,...,_ . • tn er 111 rec• on II 51 for Automoblle Stiel Medical lull tkna lront of· To dlltrlbute The New Hollday IM'I new tra"94 Hcrlllce1I Pla11ta, hie· pwr ~. 33o4 Creal or In Of OYt. 3 It to 8 It (&0) :~:il~~b2~~ e~I~ ~:r iC:-:x:1i:~; ~0 hp Mato. 0/1, new ~~~~11::. •,:,',~!ct~~ lie• po1l1lon, Ml11lon European euort1a11 ~:~ ~~:u~m~~j :~·~f.'c1~2~ot:ir:!!: call H0-1290 1 or ell 648-5"4 0 cabl.,.i plu1 matching 2 condition. 81 eng. ~ In a/wtr. compenaatron paclt•· Viejo. 495-1oeo ExerclH Machine 133-3740 alter 1 pm rite (Bayview Apt•) Old looted bathtub, IOlld T•1all•n IOI door wall cabinet & 111.0lll 1 .. ,. 11500· 535-21178 XLNT trtnge benaf1ta. Jn· Medlcal Anl1tant, front Comm Wiii train. Terri-wood cof & and tbl1, 2 ...................... "marble type•· wall lhelf, ' Boat trailer up to 28'. ~~~::P. ~~~~:~rl:~~ =. lxr,;~::!. i;:,; ~=.:~2~~~act T=hce.: ~-:Sey by the Si::~~~~,·::~ .~~:i~:! ~~~n i:o~:~· ~.;,~~ * *' BUY** ~~r!:r br."r:,eU~~ .. gg~ Ill YltUI ... :~=~5111?.-= lb cap, vancemant potentlel. or FIT. 5111 -3772 or bHch, S300· $1000/ cablnet.n0-12e3 twn matt Ht, lawnmo· Good u1ed Furnlturt & girt'• riding hat 842-3379 8, Oln"hy. Sebol 'IP•. Soma auto experience 895-27911 ULll week. Call 531-7611. -r. clothaa. much more. AppllanCM-OR I will Hit (amallrt25.00: new car • '"ftd ---.. ·•ty 11---.... _ Growln" corporation C • s•T/SUN " 4 20552 SELL f Y floor mat1 (~) •20 OO· 4 PCl Ludwig Drum Mt, no oare. vary good. 80· ..... -,._, ...,,.. Medical • TOPLESS MODELS •Ill Ill ,... · •· • or or OY '" ·• · ' cymbals. Call alter 4 PM 983-2559 elrable . For appl, call PlllT OFFIOI needa llrong cloeer for 175 DAY . PAID DAILY •••••••••••••••••••••• Qu .. n'• Park Lane, Nr um•• llOTlll new 14 Inch llghl alloy 5"45-0388 !-------....,-'."""."".: Hank 8"'9-8908 pet ahop Mlel. Mu1t 1011• no exp nee:. 82a.2513 ButhardllndtaoapoU1. t••·llN ia•.H•t rlm1 (BMW'1) HI ol IHll lirnr 1141 Nawpt 8otl Pl'JCh GrOYp tnlma11. experience 1 SWAP Mln - • • 4·1200.00; two new con-011/ll 1•tall•ll I ..... i •••• ~··••••••••• PlllllUIS lllLIW 848-3918 ptu1. A1k tor Oary or TYPIST • Need exper IY· Every Sunday, 8am-3pm. B••tl~I•• BuH•t I llY Flllllfllll llnental ltael betted ,.. L l 1 IOIH Clanlc 18 Lap1trake Experienced llbarglH• ............. Pamela 84<>-0091 pl1t, able to work lrom Oran~• Coast College. ··;.~:bou• ;·~.·;:_::•s•:..:.•• L .,117 8133 dial llrH 195/70 HR •• ~~!f!!! •.....•• !~ Century b9'/ boat, 4 cyt, molders lo build Cata· -dlctephone1 & to leern F I & • II t .. "' -.--es • • 14·1100.00: BMW 3201 IBM Per•Anal Computer Gr'""'. 13500 17M181 tmmed. opening Full SALES p a rv aw ,.,r ng on, Set. only 8·12. Camping " ..., _, mar• n Sa I Ibo at 1. bu new Word rocanlng Co1ta M .. a. AdmlNlon gear, tool•. furniture, re-Couch/ lovHeat, Avo-hoodmHk·Sot0.00: mlr· or Apple 2 & 2 Prlntera. 42• H Mlltthewl. twn dtl. 14.25-$5.25 par hour time. Exper Pf•f · t wlU National company .... ayllem. lor N1wport Ir•• to buyer1. Sellar fr 1 g . 1 6 1 9 8 A 1•r1 cado, cut "94vet-car11ed r o r m e d I c I n • Mutt Mii. 873-7422. Brletol. Live aboard. onplua•-~depen .• ...!,1ng1n ,_~_~!_)_~_8.oo_c_•1_11_1._s_•_n_d_Y_·1 tk01~!,•urtre/t1me1~8111110enn1ndef10r Beach firm. Typing In· Reeer111tlona/lnto. (Edlnger/CounlHI). backS200.492·8&41 cabln•l·S20.00. Call Deeki,flleceblneta,ornc. 149,600 PP. (2131 .......,_......, """'' .-~ ""' eludes letters, propoaata, 556-5480 840-8045 Orienta! din. rm M1. new. 842.()138· anutp--t • ....,.... -ulp-6 9 8 • 2 5 8 1 • ( 7 1 4 ) p • r 1 on. ERIC S 0 N IHlll &IHI photographic 11endlng etc S•l•r'I commeneu· ---------..... ......,. ....,., ...., YACHTS, 1931 Deere Ex,_.'d ell lhllti. Excel· maohlnea. Commtulon rate w/expe<. Pteue cell lm•t coat $8500. Hll for .__ 2d... ment R1lrlg .. dbl bed, _1_ao-__ 11_1_8_. ----- Ave. lrvtoe. Cant 92714 lent-beneflll. Con11 HOI· + expen-. ldeat job for for appl. ~-5522 TWO FAMILY GARAGE •••••••••••••••••••••• $4500. 846-1320 8 to 20' long, 38' per It. boolccuel. 1780 Monro-1980 60' HllterH con-retiree with soma prior I SALEI Lots of good GARAGE SALE·lrvlne Matching brown vtnyt eola 775·1491 enytlme. 11ta, Unit C-13, C.M. Delly vertlbla, fully loaded. reel •• ,. .... , ..... n ~':..~~:wport Beech. sales experlertce. WllTll/WllTRI a quality llemal Antique Ranch Hoover llr PO· (hld•·•·bed, queen) & LOYI ••• Lllll 1-6pm. 845-1021 lo hrl. $450,000. Evea S8 per hr. MUST be (714)540-80112 Da)'I. Diiiman'• Reltau· bedroom furniture, cto-llsher, tramff, old tools, chair looka Ilk• leather. -Lg• metal duk. good 675-9877 I 11rong, polite. ha11e good Dr•ar h .. lalff (213)828-3550 rant. 801 E. Balboa Bl. lhel, book•. toy•. lawn-glauwara, mens Ice s395. 8"'4•7701. Send aomeol\fl you love cond, gray llnlah, $50 -19-.-G-lu-tr_on_,_ct_r_c_on---~•-t'rani. Full and par! time. •-I I O .. BBQ ek1tea Aug 14 9 4 a beaulllul bouquet ol 30 ...,,. 873.0853 -•• fHalrt SALES Order detk for wet WUll IPIUTll ~:i:•!ia~~.· Sat • •A·~~: 5116 Cha1eau. 1rv.' • ' Matching brown vinyl eola hellum balloon1. Perfaci firm. 53e.7488 alt. 6pm. fishing boet, 125 John· lla1l11 Ttlqr... IUll mfr. Acc:urata typing , Newport ping eHentlal 14th. 3242 or-on St., (hide-a-bed, queen) & tor all oceulon1. Beall 1ttl IOl2 t0n, tandem trir. Comp! • ., ... her Brighi. cfynamlc phone & gd. phone manner 1 Salary open. Call Marlo-..,, Turllerock, furniture, ac-chair look• Ilka ieath•. the "hecil" out of rONa. •••••••••••••••••••••• eqpd. All In xlnl cond. ltsiafltr/len ... pereonallty, attention to must. Start Ml. at $780. • rlt 844-2442 C.M. 549.0578 ceuorlH. eurct.. S395. 644-7701 873-4419. SALE $4500, 53S..1820 detail a must. PIT: Tuee, Call for lntrvw, 642-1912 mach, enlarger, 11ereo, ---------1---------... Full time )ob, muat have Th S $400 M F I"' A '1H 4 family garage Nie F\lrn, clothing, jewelry. anti· Credenza. Antique White •UUDlllP Scnneu1er1 S99, Pit Butts 28' Chrl1 Crall c abin good driving record. Re-A;:,~· In '.!erton nMm:io • . ..!~~•~•••o••••••••• clolhll'g, toys, etc. In al· ques, 1oy1, blk .. Augu1t & yellow. Drexel $75 RACQUET and SPORTS $235. Kltten1 $10/$15, crulHr. eog & I rans. ferenoea required. Plea-11 AM 215 Rlvertlde Ave Sties P1rnt1 Aall••ll 1005 lay behind 970 Valencia 14, 9·5. 18781 Sao Ru-759--0523 club, Fountain Valley. Military Macaw $975, rebll, recently relur· ae Hnd phol\fl number NB Must be aggreulve and ••••'••••••••••••••••• 9.4 Sat and Sun. llno. lr11lne Beautiful dlnl"" room Ml, $1250. 546-3208 FREE VET EXAMS lncfu.. bllhed. ball tank, radio. and partlcular1 to Box work long hour1 tor top F S S 9 • d 0 d·1·1·lon ,300 dad w/purch ... ol pup-Nwpt allp Incl . >Clnt 1051 Dally Piiot, P.O. PART·TIME. Mature wo-pay Call between 2 PM WESTMINSTER MISC. GARAGE SALE Multl· amlly ale, al -· t>o c n • · CARPET. 10x12 theg. All py or kitten Parker·1 e 11 a p •. S 1 1. 5 0 0 . Box 1680. Costa Mesa man (prel. wh hH had d. 5 PM ABBEY SAT ONLY 8am-8pm Unl11. Park. 31 Whltewo-4-1033 or part $100. Pala 8"'0-0090 875-9585 CA 92626 children) for allw achool an 730-9 ANTIQUE MALL 909 W. 20TH ST. od Way. Clothlng, cycle Robinson's OuHn ilia 644-7701 ---------hlld 1 1 M t _____ 1_1_1___ 11751 Weatmlnste< Ave. helmell. books. to11. 1018 aleeper. White col· ---------CanarlH, male end le· *111 IPLAll G-•I Help, earn up to ~8118 :r,e~~a~o~.UO ~~. Ille• Penta GARDEN GROVE GARAGE SALE, couches, appl., baby crib m8'tr.. ton, xlnt condition. $425. LARGE LAWN VACUUM male All colors. Good Winner ot Character ::~~I~~~~~~~.~! Call Anawer Ad 210. Material handling back· 554-6103 chal~•· t1bleeiepal~llngs. porta-crlb. smoker grlll. Brase gooN neck lamp 54~~~89 alnger1. 846-8652 Boat Parede. 17' Xlnt 642-4300 24 hra. ground. Call: 559-5813, boo 1' comp te OYse-framff, metal bookihell, $50. 497-2621 Parrot yOYng & tame, $40. bay crulaer · $2500 or teur pholograpller1 nee----------• ask tor Tim. 40'1 STEAMER TRUNK hold 1tam1. Sal/Sun "Chaap" 1ova1eat1. & Adult electric trlc:ycle. 20 Call Rick bell offer. 673-7877. dad, P/F time, no expe< PART TIME. ulea lady, 1100 or belt olfe<. 8·1PM. 2948 J1va Rd.. much mlac. Liv rm. Otn rm, Bdrm furn. 1 ml, renge. Cost $650, 548•5440 20, 1988 CHRIS CRAFT orUnlY~~~.rpeq'dBoWxrl112e2t30. speciality lhop, Fuhlon IWSHllll/lml 845-7730 (7-9:30pm) Colla M... Gar•"• Sale. Furniture, Refrlg, TV. Stwao. Pain· sac $285. 559·8948. UlllT • •m• Super Sport. FG. w/ --PO 19181\d. 714-759-91J51 • •01es· SPORTSWEAR y d I b b II & • tinge. 1202 Donegal, ---------Montebello. CA. 9()6.4() ...,., " H •· • Y ems new fabrics . clothea, Coste Mesa 84l·9312 CARPET. 10xl2 shag. All Inboard 210 eng. Ideal PAIT n11 For golf 1hop, private Antique walnut & marble clotllH. kitchen Item•. hou .. hold, kitchen , I or pat1 S100. $t0/0BO 54S..8201 bay boet BAYSIDE MA· G.,_al Otnce club. 30-35 houri WM«· wHhll&nd, 1200/0BO. looll, 2 louver drl. ladlel mllC A•"' 14 8am-2pm. 2 black leather chalr1 "'•'770t PIGEONS·. Rollers ind RINE SALES 673-9570. Type 40 wpm. phone, fl· Eves and/or weekend•. ty. Incl. some weekend• 645-7730 (7-9:30pm) ltlOW booll. much more. Foxhlll. ~ne. $100 tor bolh -- gure1, will train In medl-Respon1 slble adull1•· ov• Hourly wage + comm. "'-·-Prete"' Sal/Sun 8:30-2:30, 908 840-0895 Land1caplng? 24" box Capuchin• •how blrda, 40' Npt Bch mooring cal bllllng. Call Janet 2 t, w th OYllland ng, •1• 496-57e7 __ .. , • Peace Pl . CM 11111' •DYIMI l&LI trees. must sell 50-80% $2 each. 642•46S3 alter w/18' Inboard. Oink & 71,.1556-2384 trac11v• 1>«t0nat111e1 to Frultwood lrlple Armolra SAT 8•4 Bleck lellher couch & off whlaale. Sat Auo 14. 5:30pm oar• Incl. s 10.500. work with youth (agH Sales, PIT. Retell Fabric $3500; dining room HI, A~~~uey 11~~8f:,~~lllE.!: Furnllura. TV 'I. video upholstered loveeeat 8-5PM 2326l Det LAgo, ll••ll I OtfHI •~ 545-8734 IULTI OLll IUUIEI CM, Anh. MV, HB, GG locallona. 48 hour week. Salary Plu1 commlaalon, 10 $25 ,000 (7 14 ) 85~1983 IHTHS/OAllUU experi.nc.cl only, varied 1hlft1 al Ben Browne Raetauranl. 31106 Coas1 Hw'/. South Laguna. Pteaae apply In peraon. HOUSECLEANERS Fin. hra, PT/FT Own tran1. Exp'd. 540-0857 HooMkeeper, Mon-Fri. ~ day to cara lor 2 adlts & 1 teen. general heecl· ntng, NB area. 873-2332 INTERVIEWER over 25 PT Tai. work at home. No Nlllng. 751-5525 Janit or . p /I, eves. Mon-Fri.. 7·30 pm to I 1 :30. Minion Vle)o arM. $4/hour. 541-3311 alt• 8 pm. 10·1"4). Call 2·5PM, Store C.M. French Honey Oak, tab-eec•••· clothe•, books, S100 . Good c ond I Laguna Hiiis. For appt. 642-4321. Ext. 348 EOE (714)6..\1-4040 le. 8 chairs, bullet S5, led mlrrora $12-$25. tools. records, misc 640..0895. call 644_7006 •••••••••••• ••••••••• 23' lnbrd pedeatal ••- ,"E 10.IOL 000. Engtlsh Oak Wind· Lampi S3·S5. Lace & LI· SCHAFER & SON upright ring, lhlp to ehOre. Full • Sates aor Chair. 1840, $800. nena 50¢ lo $5. Jewelry houaehold llema. etc. Chlldrens bdrm eel, twnl Owner Membership In piano. New, e11cel tone. equlpmeot & covera. Teacher for H.B School. RETIREDT 551•1471 50¢·14. Dlehel & Glass-Cash only 17921 Bulle< bed. duk & dreHer, private camPQrOYnd all bench. S895. 847-7017. $7000, 845-1410 Experience prel. over t8. Looking for extra In-ware 25c-16. Oak chr1 St .. Irv. (Unlver1lty Pk.). $85 Xlnt cond. 644-0591 j con v en I enc es.' n r Frencl1 Bacon player pie· 1970 18' Sllve<llne w/trlr, Call 980·8788 come? Try Part-Time Pfft lfflee llJHt1 $8·S20 Fri Only 7-6. MOVING Queen sole alt 4 I Bannlnglldyllwlld, no, mahog .. Ivory keys, 1/0. MercrulHr. Good P.TllE Ill.ES lalel, Tuesday 1hru Fri-8 IOlld oak panels, Incl. 1622 Monrovia, CM. s leeper. wHher/dryer, Compl. Bdrm 191 $3000 $3000/ or trade lor ? 11lnt cond. $1450. for llahtng or ikllng day. 9 AM to 12 Noon. drop window w/grlll, mall 11aamer trunk, tO' ext 11a1ue, $500. 983-8291 645...()792; evs 645-0721 $2l50 548-1327 El\Joy working with kids. Apply PENNYSAVER. alol1 from old San Cle-Stareoi. furn .. aporll ladder. 559-4657 640-8950 t 1to and wish lncraaaed ..,.. 1880 Placenlla Alie, menta Poll Oftice. All for equip . toy1, tackle & •• · MUST SELL Andrew Kohler Plano & Must Liquidate 26' Well· nlnga, utlllze your out· Colla Mesa. Alk for Mre. $300. Ed 546-7827 more. Sat/Sun 10-4 w•.., •~eA Queen Bdrm 1et, ilmoit True 80 gal. tall aqua-Bench, Ilka new, walnut craft Nova w/lrtr Slpa 4 going peraonallty. lelrn White 1---------1052 Tulare (oll So. ••'••••••••••••••••••• new 811 solid hardwood rlum, $75. 838--0125 $900. 642-8748 Xlnl. St2,000 OBO. s... how to become a trained ---------Fraocl1 Bac;on player pll· Coa11 Or) 2 Famtly Sele. anllquH uh.' 2 drn, 4 mlra. ar-POOL TABLE (V." ll•le). Ivers & Pond• Upright rloue buyer• only sales counHtor Call Secretary, 1 girl office no. mahog .. Ivory kay1, Garage Sale: toola, plum-waaner, frlge, mlac turn. moire with tight bridge & cues & balls Walnut fin Plano $385 845-7230 754.Q82 2·5PM. 842-4321, Ext. Must be 1ell 11arlar & xlntcond.$1450. bing hdwa, clothes. clottilng & appllance1 mlr behind bed So 1 ,olld woo d . s495. S86-50481770-9584 348 EOE rell1ble 644-8494 645-0792, eve 645-0721 hHhld, mlic ofl-roed 438 Canyon AcrH Dr beaullful • mull '" 10 780-8074 Sharpe1t Bay Launch In llUl EIT&Tl ULH SECRETARY • General Lrg entlque Oak desk. I 220 Ogl SI c M Sat 8-2 497-3763 aprrec11ta. Naw $5100 5' grind piano. xlnt tone. the Herbor c11111c 18' 3•1t'X5' $200. ~~s"et1Sun 9.: ' · · wll sell $1950 966-1438. Pageant of the Ma1ter1 lrullwood. $3500 P.P. SouthcoHt Lapetrake, ~:'m~::i~.~~~~ g:;k-..:1~~~ m~~~~~= 844--0591 -D-ln-.-t-•• -.-a-t-.-.-,-.-,l\-,-.. ,....,.-1 !'!!r.!!.~~!~........ TWIN WATERBEOS Tickets for sala. $25 754-1507 ~~~:.~~:r:r~.:· = strlal real estate lor euo-car tor aome bu1lnH1 •---------Imperial hood. radios, MUL Tl-FAMILY OK shape, $35 both. 586-50481770-9584· Intl•• #1dla1••HJ cond. S9500. 875·4582 ceulul and grownlng use. Full time. 645-4877 a.ti••• IHw/S.11 CARPORT SALE 494-3752 ev1/mornlngs Elec Frigidaire wuher & ••••• ;11 .......... :-•••• ---------firm. Beal working con-Today thru Aug 15. Free dlellwuher · ataln.leaa Sat only 7:30-2:00. dryer $350. Port. Singer, button-hOlar, 18' S 0 UT H C 0 AST . dllloni In Newport Secretary. lull time, 1m adml11lon. Huntington 48'' kltc:he<l unit. hOYS. Furn, appllancaa, hshld Decorative Black & white 675-6482 carry caae. $50. GREAT s HA p E I Beach. 714/646-5051 ~r~dl.abg, .~:J~ ~j Centw Mall, 406 Fwy & hold. Sat. 9am. 34.6 E. 1tem1. 1700 w .. 1c11t1 Dr writing dHk with gold 842-1496 16000/0BO. 5411-02111 Beech Blvd .. H.B 19th (Alley behind WHlcllll scrolled wrought Iron Wedding dreaa. 11 5-7. •Lt''-1,_1 ab·tt•'.o 2 rPeM2PM, 845-1579 comm w/up. lmmad Bl lld Plaza) trim. •Ingle center dra· good cond. olf whit• w/ •• ,.I. v;,,. Reel Estate opening 549· 1083 O•H•'• ..,.., o•alr cyclff. ch rena toys. -· barrel ahaped mat-lace cape. $80. 682-2029 ..................... ---------.. .,,.1111 ftJ S500 545-3415 crib & mattr ... Sat 9-3 Sliver. Gold. Furniture, S 00 Atomic: Arc Team Bionic 23' Pierce Arrow, flybfld· ,., 1 S41Cratary 392Prlnoeton.C.M AccauorlH ,Chlna. ~~~~94chalr . 1 •UHllllP raclnglkla,207cm.naw, ge,'79,Vol110290hp. for exper1et1Ced, aggr .... PI T Temporary S acre· SAT/SUN 9-2. 2 boat re-Crystal. Antlque1. Mull MAGIC ISLAND Gold $175. 840-130<! evs x1ra fuel, bait tank, sl\le reildenllal reHle tary. Our Oita Commu-A t' Ad t' dara, comm'I fishing sell all Sal/Sun 9-5 118 8' sofa, Spanish leather Membwahlp $850/olfer 1-.,. cu1tom Int. & cvr, trtr. peraon. Call lor detalll nlcatlon Depar1ment hu n 1que ver I· , Via Quito. lido ,... dining chairs, lffk delk, "'97·2058 INlll•t. "-'• Iv~ $14,900. 842-1580 Janitor , p/t , eve1, regarding Ihle unique l\eedforllflaccurata 55 gear. rzr compre1aor, ct\estotdra-s&mlac " .,.••••• ••u•••••••••• Mon-Fri .. 7:30 pm to opportunity. wpm typlal. good com-sing ~~f~·~~~liam~~h.:I~: GIGANTIC YARD SALE All I ab I ea & I 8 mp I Cu11om made CAT CAS· Alp Curt FraeUte -t IUlt,•--,-.,...--,-.-Mtff--- 11:30. Min ion Viejo lehtela Realty munlcatton skllls, with 642.()433 kinds ol grHt 1tulf, Sat/ 840·6184. TLE 6' high 6' wide. Uaed aprlni cut. •mall, new, 24 It saaray sundncr. area. $4/hour. 541-3311 Ht-1111 111-•11• llght secretariat UP•· *l&IW a IW* Sun. 2812 Broad St .. Npt $200. Call 646-7018 $750 0 . 631-4274 lmmec. Ideal lor nltl or altw 8 pm ~~~~~~~~~I le Thi ltlon will ••1•*"•• 1•• flU SIDEWALK SALE All Bch. If IOlt call 842-4028 King 11 bed $100. Dining PING PONG TABLE $ 900 ---------= r nee • pos"3 ---I .. ~ ... , • rm tbl set $200. Earth· 20 roll• Kodak fllm, any crul1e. 1 dn plu1 'UfTlll... s be from August,. rd thru 1111 a Tll TOYS ,_cot ....... .,...ow SAT 9.5 430 Pirate Rd., I 0 n. B 0,. $ 2 0 0 . Iii• & exposure. 50¢/roll. Fotdlng, deluxe. w. cu-$125 Mo. Inc NB Sllp. da • """ Receptlonpl•tl lglaoreNtaryB. November 241h. Working I le111e prices. panta, N.B. (nr lrvlne /Clay). 551 •• 1~9 5,.5-7452. tars. 126. 720--0735 669-0500 or 657-9327 Mature. rea1 oua · · h ours. Mon . Fr t, Sitts, I• etla ••tr tops, 1hlrl1. drease1. ' .. CPA 11 780 8208 Frlge, tabl••. 1ola / ------------------ll ft II Part/time work, nights. M·F Wiii 1r11n hard- working. rellable par-aon1. 557-7480 Lteal S..etuy Newport Center Real Ellate Litigation Firm nMdl exper legal aecre- taty Xlnt typing, dicta- phone and lhOrthand • mu11. S a t1ry open. 840-&960 Light Oallvery. cuh p11d dally, Apply 779 w. 19th. Sult• H .. Costa Meee. LIU tfflOW Aggrenlva Newport Beach firm leeks moll· vetad lndlvldu1I. Terri· 1ory open. Harbor- Paclllc 95S.0073 rm. • 9am·1pm. PIHH con-•a•• ILITI, ILi 1hor11 + m1ny hahld loveMal 2 10 apd'e, 8 Walerbed. klog size, dk Br.un~wlc~ pool tabla, t'V 11'1 ..,., RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST tact Lynn Stan1lleld. Olll ~·· MllC. 630 Joa11n watw •kl•. tool•. garden wood, bookc ... hdbrd, 8 X4 . ~. slate, S500. BJFI /;,,,. IHI Obie hull. 85 HP JOhnton Permaoent 11.111 time, Air· 644-5800. Ext 7549 or tn•aytl ••"'-El . CM. Fri/Sat 9-4. furniture. 450SL Much matt. & heetar. $195 )(Int cond. 644-0591 ...... 'I ............... Mtr. Auto bait tank. 24 port area. Hrl 8-5 Call 7853 ,.. _.,. FURN MISC l30 •M to More. 631·7228 Call Amy, 875-9302 ave.· Fa-lty mem .. -.. lp, NB. BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA git bit-In fuel tank. '112 5 4 0 • 8 2 02 Mon · Fri lYOI FIUIOl&L *AM 11, 14, 11* 4:30 'sa1. only : 752 Sh•· Spectacular OoYer ShO<ea Matehlng 8 11 c:oucn. euy T~~nts ClubSS50. Dr. Color TV Mia. 2 yr wrnty Lie • trlr 4 cover. $l900. 9AM-12PM. IUYIOI Fri&. Sal 1-10 Sun 12.fl llmar, CM garage Hie. 1430 Lin-Ch•~. ear1htone1, $l50. Low. 2131326-4840 $148 Free dellvery. 875-1385 .... ,tllf4er.... 620 ~-~'"c Dr D .. E llEIYWR .FO .. m2 3) Toole, bootll, drlll preu, coin Ln. NB, Sat. 9AM 963-1031 Ev/W1cndl Rm dlYI~. 6)(8, self IUP-TV JOhn'I 846-1788 '80 25' Waltcralt equip to If you are good w11h fl· Newpor1 ........... A AL IN ( 1 men & womeo'• clothM. •YIH IWI ported, off white, 140. Sony 1548R with remote fl•h + trellar · I le.900 gurH, organized. nHt E. 0 E. 431-1177 COltume i-etry. dllhM. llttar .ltwtlJJ 894-8947 anytime and cu1tom stand. Xlnt obo. 840-87ee. and dependable, we Security Guard, PIT N.8 glUH1. lhOM. record• Tu~~uolH. eollectlbdlleaa. Fu~n.I app)ll•:i .. ~all --LO_Y_E-.-.,-,-.... --condlllon $495. Sen1u1 21' IYll UllOI Med you In our front ol-Location, S4/hr. Call Coli.ctor Sales. rare Chll-451 & 78a. 8 !rack, yar· art act1. boat 900 •· ahnold .,lnge1l.de •ICnd ou ... t. _...... 75W Dolby quart-lock V I P 30/270 flee order dellc for busy 875-2575 betWMn 5pm dran1 arit1quea, mint Oak dage, clothtl rack1. ou .. n water bed comp. Serld 10meone yOY love r-iV91'. Akal GXC 7300 So vod •,nia 1 1 1 · ment tolletry .co In Ir· & eam. Mon-Thure. pc1. Quilts. Sat. 8·3, odds & end1. Saturday Hundred• of llam1. 4208 642-o953, 8 AM-noon a beaulll\JI bouquet ol 30 1tereo ca11etta player. · tur Y;...._!!!.:, c !!.! c . vine. Exper raq d. 10 key Sun. 1-5. 848-6809; 9-4 401 E. Bay, C.M. RllllW Ave 875-1355 wkda, Sat-Sun •II day. Milum balloons. Perfect Pioneer quart lock turn· oantw .. .,....,.... •t-.ng. touch. Type 50-80. SI. SECUllln 111111 842·3932 3 Famlly Sala. twn bed, •••t 1-1-• Ou"'I fOf all occas1on1. Beall tabla. Sound reaearch 5387 750 5.;,,80 ,.. • ., .. e701 000 comp package. •---------T•••l•I• V1llt• llQ " the "heck'' OYt of roMe No. 1243 speakers. Ste-• "' ...,.,. 714-540--0737 GRAVEYARD SHIFT; 2 A••l/utn 1010 .............. .,......... lamp1, game lbl, TV. PRICES START AT· 873-4419. reo ll•nd Included. Xlnl '11 , .... , .. position• open. 12:30 am .rr.•••••••••••••••o• 17952 Elm St. g..3, Furn.. much mllC. Sund1y only Sota beds $197, 10fa & cond l900. 4117•2621 _, RECEPTIONIST ·Star II lmmed. evM & W1cnd hra avell Some exper raq. Apply It Newport Harbor to 8:30 am. Pr1far ma· HARBOR AREA dllhH. lamp1, & much 8·5 908 W. Balboa (In love seat S 167, bed•· Welder (Oleo Robert•) top 11.AOIAPT "F1Mla" ture or rellrH1. NEW· APPLIANCE SERVICE mlac (Talber1/Magnoll1) alley). Mattren and foundation crank, xtra long cable litH•I, llrH4 11 Cul1om bUllt. OleMI en- P 0 RT DUNES, 1131 We ... , recond .. guat. ·--L •--~ ,,_.I tr sets. twin• S77. lull $97. $120. 842-3379 Model v 1/8500· 11 gloe. LOii of taelc'wood. Back Bay Dr.NB. Apply awllancea. 548-3077 !~!!{a.f!!~.~':~ •••• ~ .• ~~~.~l~~.~~. queen 1147, king S187 ooo. ee1-'eoe " · a.MlfUI CNIMr ~ 9AM to 3PM. I HY APPWIOll FREE IEER 46.f'~!v~~r!:"~.~= ~~t~e~~°':!~.!';l.;, ~ F=•::.=P~.g~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~?~:~~arty. LYI II II Anlmal Ho1p1tal, 125 For con11 Hospital. Ex-1_M_eea __ 0r_._c_M ____ 1 cellant beneflll and WO<· Restaurant SELL KODAK FILM Lea 957-8133 H SJC F... .. Chair dln•tl• .... $97, Ply. 754-1507 Flaher 1terao Am/Fm1---------No exp< nee. FUii & pl 1---------SAT/SUN 2238 Hunting· omee. · .,.....,un Iv with ecord ·se M............,y Clullc time. Mr. Fuller 964-3457 Retrlgaretor. wa1har, ton Beach St, nr P.C.H . .., 7 bunk beds with metta Self..propelled power lawn rec• er r 20 It c';n~' 491 .... In king condition• Com· petttlve ltllry. 842-8044 NB W 1 REH Q USE d di h h & •ppllance1, lurnltura, nave aomelhlng lo Mll 1177, tampa 118. mower Seera beat Xlnt player Jarrad & 2 -·1 • ..... • n S I M hi 0 ryer, I WH er ,., Cl lflad ad d It atl --n ···-· Cond. i.135. 7..,,. ,.520 231/lnx101n 3 W9'/ lpM-Ford lnboerd. Holman ew ng ec ne pera-tracer. 8"'6-5348 clot"-. 119 s 0 w · .,,_... •"•" • """"' kera, perfect. $400. Moody converalon with REST tor, expertenoad, quality 1111 I .. O t .......... , minded. piece ret... Antq. refrlg, lf•tr, II I Seers beat 28' atumlnum11111530lllil-31i111154•· ----••I lrethwtter cooling, good C>wner·Man-for ote1r Gorgeoua gall & hat1d· Colla Mesa. 842-9851. WeatlnghouH. S85 l/rttlll IOIO C1•ttll I .... extanalon ladder 1100. oond. 15.500 84&-0fl4 Conauttlng-..Bu1lnaH. aome menl Hiring hott/ llfP'l/llO OUll 1-1311·37111. Orange. •••••••••••••••••••••• L9/ nl 1030 111•llOI 64<>-2033 ITUI F• ULI 27 II Chris Crall Cebll'I Start apve time without ho1te11, bu1 paopta. · • . i.u-,-.-d-r-,-,r-1-g-. -,-11-0.--'o-o_o_d Schwinn 10 •peed man'a •• ~:~•••••••••••• 1---------_H_O_T_T_U_B_W_o_o_d_e_n_& With 29 11pea, Including Crul_.. S2600. Trade fof __ .... _ ..... _ ockt 11 It h d Exp nae Colla Maaa Continental bll<t. eiccel· Sola Std, beige a11d whlta E 1 1 .,_ ,..~d • •350 *"""" lnvwtrnant ..... ....,._,p c a wa rHa. .. I . 831.0100 working condition . lent cond. seo. 840-2033 Cannon 514XL iuper 8 tweed 1100. Good cond. qupmen • ""· ""'' . " Donkey Kong • . ,..._..,,car a future with unlimited ho11/ho11e11 & lunch mg co. 494-e8"'8. IOUnd mo\fle camera w/ 523-8 185 11MI et $700. 842-5872 842-8858 881-2521 Income potential. waJ1r .... Pick up app11. Sporting Goode SalH 1 Scl'lwlnn Boramblar Moto 11 acceH new H20 10-4 Ouaw II 211" Color con-OIH1tron 21' 1111 Mere 831-5008 cation & lob deecrlpllon Clerk. metura per9on IOI' Nice, amel ralrlgeretor. )(. w/tufl whtet1 $75, :51·1149 ' · · Beautiful 8' Floral Piiiow Attic Ventilator Turbine aota. S200. Crul .. ,. l/Boerd 01 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Mon.-Frt. 2-4pm. Lineup all aeaona. Exper nee. Work• good . 140. 844-51141 Sola, Ilk• new. 1200. Cooler w/bHe. S10. 5"1·1149 Board. Low...., hr'I, M for 11\tervl-In peraon 1173-0286 846-3850 "·ti 1015 552--4108. " -... F<UI> ADS ARE FREE Cal: Mt·Mll 8am-lOpm Aug 17 1 18 a.Int ... llrk ----------8«-5941 9 .. c 1 P rt bl TV canoe ttlr 1 51110. only. 3460 Via Oporto, StarUn~ HIH/new pro-c1.:~~~1~:':;!'!w~1roet 20' Fair UldY Llk• New Ab;;;ni;;;"Kttt;;,·~ Bunk Bede w/MattrelMI. Phonam1ta telephone 1uka n:w~rl12ls.. • ·,_7_80-83 __ 2_11 _____ _ Lido VIiiage, Newport duct or car1. Not on frM, 1115. 8113-9080 S8ll 080 5"'8-1021 oolor. CFA rag. 8 dr•-0r .... r/Oeek en1wer ma~. see. W/ 1111-3n1 Mus1 liquidate 28' Well- 8eacfl 873-4700 mart\et. Show .. Mii 11tm. 493-0416 s 1 • 0 . ' 1 I • 139 Ctalt NOY• w/trtr Sipe 4 Hive a d..,,. to make WASHER & CAYEA S80 ld~lal IHO 58fS.5048n70-858o4 ~mo :~~9~0 · GRUNOIO (1hort wive) xlnt oond. tat· SHOO 1n11L OLUI money? Mull hav. •. At 19, Wilt .... ...,. ....:.1-1 •••• ... .Aft 3 -.. -~ atr. r•dlo. lttelllta 2100 10 k I p n....-.A b'-...... Prot ......... terrl1.....__ W• ....... ,........ lnrntul --':'_,.•••••••••••••••••• ,....tlque po ...,....., eao-Celll"" Fe.11. AH bf ... w/4 "'•nd, Or~kt;&& ~!11•7' .. 'aont ~~ ..':.~ Pt Y ....,,..~• ..... _ P'rl<lf'I -·-... _. .... .... v~ ....................... ... --M·-·· ..... tlonal couch. MthOg ... ,,.,. ..... .. .......... " naedad t0-5 Mon thru .,. the manutr. Ctll Bob IOW II /n _._ lullp llght1. Coal $230, watrenty . B T1--------Frl. Wiii train. Apply In fOf ap. pt. Mt-1173. l.A•1llu 1111 0 • 81011 up nowt For Into: coffM and end tablea. Mii fOf '99. 5112..o7te OFFER 892-0439 11 n WUUI ton Pier I 2710 H ...................... AedW~ 21<8 decking , Call: 1141-78811 FV 't16/all. Ph 8fS1-39t2 ~ B"·d c••' Ir· STOCK PERSON ~u1on ... _...,,, 1ong· -••• -.............. ,. T bl M--'lt ROBT. WOODS PAIN• Klmbell plMO ~"'ht Fr, E::f: ......... 35 tip, ~~~~~~~~~!~""'~~· .. ~~ ... ~---......... PUBLIC fUR"'fTUAlr ..,....., • -.... '"""" _ ... , ... em• • •• ...... .,,.. .. -7 = ' open, female prflf. OY9f ,. .. fenolng. •II Jim°' Ken Playful I.ab mlic, bl...,, 'I nHn alyle. Aoullette, TINO. (Texaa BluebOn· lrultwood w/ enoh 4 F\I cen11 ... toeded. I •1 p•1 ~ 11 Yf8. lull time tor small *AUCTION* an"'lme. 1111-1481. 25 lb., N to good home ... __ .. g·---, _ ............ '"c net1) 15000/obo. Mu1t mo1 old. S eo. 12500. $3000. 87&-2448 eve al Y I al .... " "'" ·., retell 1tora. PIHH In· Atl~~ tiff, good..._ (213) 115f-42f.4 I (e~flit')''iso~b·~. ...,. 87M733 144-8211 ,,,,, .... : quirt Tu.a-F8'6.10·8:30 hen frWn l.a.11 lion, 19 75·t13.&0 cut AFIUll t7CM311 fRASH COMPACTOR REFERENCE Quadrettex ~ ... : Aak for Jim 7 eallO New 1 UMd Dclrm ••. ~ evall 2585 • --• 1128 ....... "'"""' .,81• -7-,--h-1-F---.. -P--Fr•• 1tandln9, gold, Stafeo System; turntt · •••••••••••••••••••••• llDn AISllTAIT IS W I MM t N Q cltnlng"" I llV rm fUml-oanyon Rd La~a ...,_., ...,.., ' .... c w ~1°" r: .. v WOf1c1, $50. 720-07Sll bla, amtfm ~Doi-40' Viking for CMtW 11111MAL INSTRUCTOR·Equelly ture, ap~ancee. Pl.US 414-478"' • • CHIHUAHUA PUP OOO"S::'a.oc;,b:''~ .... Gold LU'/ eo., Chelf :¥11~.,; !.~~ 't .1.r11~:Y~!':1~r. 'o:':i A 4 week temporary aulgnrnant It Q1nuat•rlulof1,!~111r•.!!,"'armdl1".! l.OSATtYIM SA~YI SAVI 'r•nklln Stovt a nleo. !.tf.,.C~7 3 moa. 1100. &411.1348 • ti& ~ --u-......_ In a ......, ..... .., cr.-.olt --...-''" ...,_..,. ... :. .... .,or ..... 1 ... 11 IHO or b .. t offer. tu-27N. ... :::.-d=-~.""'Dut-, ... ~ g:r11_71n C.M. Cenlfled. llxtur••· 12&0/080. OOL""'N ·ET PUP awcWATEAll!D. Wavel•n --· -~ o404at'714 -... --Ml--.. ---.-: "' - 1 ........ _ -7 -~ ....... _. W• honor BolA, MC. &46-7730 (1·11:30pm) ~ " • "" _ ... .-... ---. ~1 9 -.. room ault• "U•en Include preparaUon of bank dapoe1t1, ,.,. '"" _,.... VISA, Caet\let'• Ctieokl champ lln• xlnt Iii• ,,_,,_, ".,.. ,,_ ... · .. I 0 Window• w /eoraena, • • ' ~ lncil "*"--.._.,, curio c.blneta, .. ,, '.,,,, ~. 71«1~1-MOO, updetlng ot reoetvabl• aging, antwerlng IWll •t• & CMh. N P!AIONAI. &'d', good oondltlon.i ~)'!'_•.· pp. Ht· 12 a, &275. 8464123. tugpge, oouctt, Oll.t ruo. ~I ...........,. cuetomat lnquf,_ and handlfng c:oll4'0Uon lleHl•IJ CH~CK8 PLEAHI rtOOd MT &8-43 aft 0 '200 dr•wat oheet. Lampe, •••• • •••••••••••• •--------- :, :=e~c~l~~m:~c;::c:~ ~~':-==.~ :=:.."8"11 eub~t ::;::;, • -~ o~~~~~~:~i:.0~ r•111'm."* :~~~~rri:-.r.o:::: ~ .......... l!~t .. .._ ..,, ..... : .. elgrlrnent oould IHd to a permanent Cant•. 900d 1yp1ng req. ..,.... _,.. ._,_, ~ home Of bUe. 1e111 '°'""'° 111 COUOhM-. tx>th In 5'0-t412, Sabot DlnQh'I :e'Te7l•Tn"••••••.r.;;i • poelllon. Th• Dally Pllo• 11 an equal Balery open. ·Meiforte 207'Wi NewpM lfW OM r·~~~··••1•:.~·= t1,000, wtll teJt• NllO. good coridltlon. pave °""" 111 H.O. MtlWal.llt•. tao uoo 14 #1113. ._ & : ~·Woman end mlnorttlll 844-2442 m.41128 ..._.... _..... • ,,.,.. Ul 1111 MM122 6A-14N IDT°"""· Good oondlllon to f1._...._ H~nd, 811H. Ha,-• .. • art ~ ror. Oob1on en, 8•o. -• ·~ \'1 Cedlllliee to~ -· • .., '450/olr. OouofM-2154 AM Home Dog Tralnlno..... ...a Hoh, or take •II I lor 1M1 II'~'°"' (114j NIMl4f : ~M __ ~ ~ Fed :rm; Ob•dlenca & problem ••••••••• .. ••o••r.e'n' 1300 .,...... 4"' H.,,....,,, 08 & trw. I' -11• l _, . .. , ~-· Aoll'em Off,,. rMr1IM i;;;:;~.~·1;.;;j~~·v~r· Om•o• o-av et1targer. eoMne. we u. a lo"9 & ~ lhow 8tddle ltr $ •p••d ttolllnt 1 ,, ~ ... ~~.~~.~~~.~.~PL~~~~ .. -~~-=:.~ ~~·~oJ.O~~Jllrlt Xlm~~·. =~·W•o... ..:ft:O:..,.:::~ '~-~~In :~.::.'.~~~~~· .;~· .. o~:L W..fll..... ~...... ... ........ •t,:::B/ .... -·-:M »* ........... --~··· ~. ~ iJa1t~ ... -...,, ,.., MARAM. ••II = -,,.--"""'Ml 1171 ICIMO .,._., -VW MOTOR. 11 _.. ' _,... ..,._ J/9# ~ _, , ... -... .!!!"! "'j -... ,,. -0Af~ ... HO-..... ""'"""™' H l;IJllf "'"'' o -• - ,.,, .t 111. ,....,111•11a;....,, 1•,•001 "Met • & -.--. ...,,r:: HM•:::;,.••••'"'· ,.,....,...-._. •,J.'1000'· 1'',11,', •,11"1t1•1 ~n.w.. ... _ w.:.£:-' ,,~=,.. 141111 -• ;;.,. f::\t1f"'· "·' •· = •i:t.P'= ~,W'.::.i eno .... =:J '· . ··n~""1t?a::~ • 1111U ------114 "'41 . ... 'IO Aii """'° HOON, ~ce., unit --111--'n....... ...... , .... f 1IOOlofr. ha..._ .U. 1tr1 Int I tr1n1. ~~Ht t • t t • " f ~ Boat picture ad1 provide 28' Erlclon Fully equipped crulae. 8 salla, UHF, con\plll, covers. Perfect condition 118,500 123-4587 Set your course for fast sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Dally Piiot wlll offer you ad apace that not only describes your boat, but p ictures It as well. The price Is guaranteed to buoy your spirits -$45 If we take the picture, and only $40 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. M ...... ,-~ ·~ di' ...... -... ltlOMI ~m.nn ........ 11000/0fr. ''· (111) •'11 ,, .. , OJI, ....... ~~~;o~::,..0 a.• 1ttsJllJJCMlft.IJ.ff .,.,......, ,.~ ~r~~ .... 1'11 t.:::1..""=:J,.,.'**-' '7 •• U••=· .. Ille'*'· ... Al.wi. I AOV1"1'1HM ... ,.... (1COVN7) .... n.J.M1 '° •· ee'Nee ..... v.r.nw: ....... The ,,... ot Item• lid· .. 11• ··n...., CJ7, °" roed I . -..... t: H ' motor l'IOl\'le, .,.... ~ ....... 0801~ ...,, IHOW tW. & ........ AM/f'M .. ' -11p1 I,~ loeded. ... In tl'le ~ ._. ... bV....,.. t.,_, LAllU.. IOK ml. •ee 11•,..... No. ut, 1 __. l4-le11 fled 1C1Wr1111nO ooMt1ne · If_,... C18WT4IO) ..... m1tn H iii , lnot trtr. Meroon & btlok, _...., doe1 not lnoll(d• any .,.. 11' •'IOJeepC.lt~,oft t 1300/llM ofr Cell o.we 900d oond. ltlOloti.o. '11 ..... Trw Y• ....,.. e.... **'-• IACfWMll 1 ... ~ roed tltee & an 1. 5't-3eM , ... ..,1 11'. d\,J(.., wtlle, ,.. tren1fer , .... ftn1no. OT Conventbi.. Concf. (IMZat() _..,.. 1~r .. "'"' •:~•1 ~. ~-~w~&:1 potty. ~rn--o::r:rr.:.:; ~1ir.·1'1'ir'~~ ~'~~ ~=,,M°".:.,:,.·r:. 1 • ~'1:/ .. ~!!91 ....... :.... ,,,..,.,..._ ~-· •I oenlfloatloft• or dMlef 111-01t0 ml. ~ · ' Yamlfl1 DT 171. "'"' •• mnv • .-1'.~•l'••• dtooumint•ry prep•r•· '21 ,ord Model A new 11APMtt3) • .,... 1t81 25' MeoG:;: w/ .. "*" oondltton ...... ,. H ' WtldtrNM, Utt• t on ol'llrOH unlHI motor ~e '4eoo OV!AOOllO JD.Pl trlt, 7\t HP. Attl ... MW .... only 110 mlll9. n••J A/C • •wnlng. ~~'?~ lp901fled by 173-2012 . TO CH I f'AOM ooo oeo. 714-llM-2..a c.11 Mn .. 141-aoM. " • e • o o / o b o • .. .. ..,_,.,..,, llAm llllT CAL 20, ~-. Geft. no anewer,.,..... llMP 7WMM41t ,,__., 1 1111 l#tNlllMJ .. ,..,, ..... , o•. 8 l'lp Oii, 11tre1. trytno ... ~ belt. Stl'I wtieet trllllr, 1174 30• :'lr.";'••••••••••• .. •••• ,..,,,.. '"' 21124 H1tbOI' ltYd .. CM Kint. '3800. 142.....0 1171 HuMy 125 MX, In C>Yertlnd, fUlly .... eon. I .... TUii ~tr&;;.;t;;;:~·l:;,:~ ~M023 M&-7no 12' samng7 Dlnohy, 8&1 ::":: ~1:fo'o M~ ~~-11'1~8 ~c:-'4 Drive one, otl'ler tor ~·· exti.uet eywtem. 1~~' ~= ~~ 3460 1 dellon. w dotly, M60. M ..... ' ' II I 7 15 o' 0 ~· Mecl'I perfect nunl oood, nd1 minor • • • IPd e75-1NO °' -..e101 11tt et .,_..203J, " no •Pe• er 1 · · i pelnt a 'upt1ot1t.,Y w o r 11 I 1 e o o / 0 t , tr•n• reblt, du11 wl'll1, IW~ ..... ~111 •-------• an1wer, ptH11 kHP f546.413ta 14~ °'belt offer 949.41533 Plemovabte lumber reek, '2100. 8 rt.8A80T.Oteatlhape. trytno ... ~belt. '79 Golden Falcon 215'. 831·20et/7U-17o8 root. _5_57_-00_51_. ____ t-~~.:.::;.:~.x-_. 1460/c!!:.144-8'41 1977 SUIUkl PUSO, xlnt • e If / con t•~ n • d . Mn 4 n..I .,.., Hll 'M CMYy ~T llMIP tide. cond, lo ml. t6IOO 080. te2 71520. •••••••••••••••••••••• Aunt "10ng, New tlfM. 14' H091E CAT. Moo. 875-1178 20 ft Travel Tr11ter ~-'12 Jeep Aeneoade lt60, pl'I e@..2122 I~=====~ Good cond. '800 firm. '71 IMW toOoo, 10,600 ouetom carpeting,_,.: .-tlpn/ Brend new, mutt 1111. '71 o.ain longbed car-WI llY Ml-43t1 mllel. u ctr .... '3000. tint cond. Mu1t 1111 CfMdn II a10,ooo. or take over ...-ed 11'1141 1t>c>O. USED CAM & TAUCl<8 '79 11· HOble C9t & .,.... ers.mo 11800 •••••••••••••••••••••• p y mt. + • 1 15 0 0 b'" k w • nu COME INOA CAU FOR S20001F1nn. ' · 873-7018 II«. 2 PM ~ .,l"IJ te2-4244 · re H, tlrH, batt. ... ., ......... 831_..17 1911 Ylll'llalla 660 Seca. Shey l'9Plteel: pick~ & '2te0. IHI t3to ~- Mint oond. 2,000 mt. 'll·ll' TAMI ooupH. 4 to cl'loo11 fntdl "" y.., •nl Connler·Oel.llo 11111& U '11 117". 836-8122 Sipe 4. 13700. 551·2819 fromt (0017111 (8tk .... ~·:;·;iii; ..................... r~... ~ New color HU• a new ,79 Yam"'8 vc2so. Xlnt 5041 Dutcl'ler. IMnt A30t3). Pnceutarttno at •• -· et Dodo• camper. A-1 111211 BEACH BLVD. r1Ce Mlle fl.Ill reoe rv-cond ,850 Cell •Y 11,llll EJCtrecteenwttl'IYefYlow cond. VII , auto, nu HUNTINGTON BEACH ged, mait, wlncl'I on 71416'4-1m .ft.._ fr.U.,,, lllH"' 1111 mlla (1508407) brllk-. S1\75. 4f4...445t 141....,, •-••11 t r a I I I r . I 3 I t 6 . ...,..... .;;i•c;;:·~r••••••• 11171 '82 Dodge V.,, AM\ S.. _. 1141es 1-1809 EvH, a=-=~!llc;'~ ••••· N•w pain'l-= e11 Mtxev ToYOt• nae. ru1r pwr & air, 12,000 Top Dolar 805/844-2351 Deyl. 080 IJ3t.()&4I ev9. t Ire•. S 2 2 5 1 be• t , 11202 8MCh 81vd. actual ml, P9l*'"a & cpl ' Lido 14, good cond. With · · 54M438 aft 8. Hntlngtn 8dl te2..oe29 Xlnt cond. ~ 11a,ooo Paid allp. Balboa l1land. 1971 Honda motorcycle Utility Trallet . '71 1 ton CheY P.U. 18, new. Wiii Hll H2SO. For Yow Call 11095. 982-aoel. =co, 1400. Good 4 X8 1260 000 ml. 1 owner MOO<> _~_e.._2_1_24____ Jl•I• I .. -11 · 494-30te ___ 83_7_-83_81__ ., w/ett camper ~5--1718 '74 CheY 1 ton, Mer nu. Ulllll ler:2 '53 ... tudebaker Champion loaded, cuet. Int. Muat ------~:-:a:, 0 n d . I 5 6 0 . '78 Super 8port CB760F .. ·~ • 6 PHI cpe. Nice oar. '71 GMC "El Camino". ..1 ... ~. 8654941 2928 Harbor . Cultom bite, xlnt cond. .,. .wnn, r'lltl 13750. 213/692-1792 Rebultt motor •nd tran•. 71 Ctievy van new paint Co9ta M... 540-5830 WMdl Ml Lo ml, 11598. 842-ot56 I AMn•ln ~ .. __ ..., le • __ ...,_..., Poel rMr end 11300 new tlrw ,,ft Int 12200' •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 y---.. MX di blk •••••••••••••••••••••• -... --845-18154 Of' 842.S107 •••7,,,.; . . Wlndlurfer l new -·-·· r1 •• An Ctievy true!( part•: ~ 1948 Ford Woody W•· I~~~~~~~ _ ....... __ .. _____ _ HI Fly "25. dHtrt tank, lg• tlrH, ton to d l•HI. Rblt. gen, 113,000. 1;: ...... ,, .. ,. llH 97s;..ea50 '3001090. "3-1122 tr•n•mllllon from S186 73 El Cemlno, new tlrw, •••••••••••••••••••••• dedl (778YPC) ·ao CB 750 Cuetom & up. 5&4-1850 1929 Ford Model A Town br•kH, run• good , WE PIY * ·eo 320t; 15 epd., en/rt. .. ,., IJI,. S1t00. Clood condition: 1973 Pinto lne ,.,...,., Sedan, 110,000 nHdl paint. 12000. (~ZOt<I ~., '.,' llNh 1111 1,000 ml. 4N-7et7 Ron It .~ , """""' ---847.S111 TIP NWI ;rr eo 5211; auto .. lt'llrf. •••••••••••••••••••••• oond Ion. 12 . 1983 Studebaker AYantl '73 .... T CMYy ~ Pl s (4tf.ZOJ) For further details about how Sllp• evall•ble, Coron• '73 ~!! 025080GT, mutt ee1-5leO '5500. 876-8181. . P/B, e.r. auto, nu 'tranai Fii nu 1111 ea.an1 dal Mar ...... St pr ft. ..... _.,., . 'e&-'ee Mustange petting • paint dual t k StttO 208 w 11t Sent• Ana Dally Piiot boat picture ads P • g j Y 0 r c • rr I • t7M204 out. 848-8882 'a•k tor ~~ ~ :C:J'ac c?!tri 942..t342 an 1 · IUI 111111 aO..d 'Sunday can work for you and to 9~2 73 wtidya e.s. b11l11t ...._ Tom or Mike. 7 1 4 /9 8 o -1 9 8 3 or '78 o.taun MK ml good ""111/-What • Wonderful Woad hed 1 d 11 WHt Newport Doell, ·eo Honda XL 800. 1'A Ton 714/5&8-4098 cond u·500 or 'offer 2480 Harbor 8'vd. .'!1111 11.11 h111 111\d of Shopptno. rlol'lt 11 SC U e your a , ca monthly St pw ft. Weter Belt offer, muat Mii · Floor Jactt, 145 ,84 ~ 85~77 art 8PM · COSTA MESA \ "·''·' \11.,,, ~t ll.1.1ll your flnaertlpe ~ 642·5678 and ask for Sally Lee. only. 8'3-0171 873-3025 751-3n1 w/du•I qu~ ·::8~ MMlll Hlg"--' __ .... 1----" t.... Delly ffllot ClaHlfl•d . . t980 FOid 'K ton. loaded, ..... ·1••7 ·-· ....... ""' ...... _, Ada. To place YOUf' ed . LIYM~ allpa llYall., up Put your ldYertlllno me.-Aluminum Dune Buggy, 847.S189 xlnt conct. $5600. Mu.t --for your vehicle. Do-call 842-IWTI end ... a to 50 • Npt Bctl. PO Box uge wtlera the rMdlta 1800 engine St50. 333 E. SELL Idle ltema wllh • Seti can deya tt 1-402 t Clalllned Ada your on.-m" tic or Io re I g n · Clautfled Ad·Vllor help -------------1423, El Toro, 92630 ... '42·5878 1811'1 St. C.M. Deity Piiot Clasal1led Ad. ...,.., 847~"2 atop ahot>PlnG center. 551.S285 you. ll1t01~1t111/ I "'''~In/ •i.n,d•/ •lelqfln/ "*""''•! ~In/ .. ,.,.,.,,.1 •mn,.ln/ #•i.tqrln/ .. .;...-,.,-q-rln_r/ __ _ ... '!!!.!'.'.'. ...... !l.~¥ ... '!.~W . .' ....... !{~¥ .. !!!!.~~ ....... !{!! .,_,.,, 1111 ,__,.,, 1111 ,,_,.n II kt.Im 1111 lnmn 1111 in.1m 1111 ,,_,.,, 1.111 •.••...••••••......... ...................... . ....•.......................................•......••.....•..........••••.........•••.•...•.•..••.•.••••.••• OUTSTANDING MOTORCY UES IN ORANGE COUNTY Here Are Just Six Examples- 10~~111 $3099 u;::cs1 $1999 u~::CS. $1999 u~::Ln $1999 "'f'j,.. $999 11•2~ UNl-TRAK > $899 ON/OFF ROAD YAMAHA SUllEI IUW OUT! ........ , ....... ,.... 1982 XJ 650U Twbo ..... '4311 1982 XJ 1100 Maxin .... '3111 1982 XV 920J Vh10 1982 XV 750J Via10 1982 XJ 550RJ Vision ..... '3111 . ..... •2111 .... '2411 ..... •2111 ..... '2411 1982 XJ 750RJ Stea 1982 XJ 650RJ Stea 1912 XJ 550RJ Stea ...... •1211 1982 XJ 400RJ Stea ..... '1111 1982 XT 550J EncMo ·-· '1111 1982 XT 200J Encbo ......... '1111 1982 XT 125J Encbo .... '1111 1982 Yl 490J off road ... '1111 1982 Yl 250J off road ... '1111 1982 Yl 125J off road ... '1311 1982 Yl IOJ off road ...... '111 1982 IT 465J off road ... '1111 1982 IT 250J off road ... '1111 1912 YT 125J 3 ....... • .. 'Ill 1982 YT 17SJ 3 ........ • 1111 cwcle rider . ol§coUNT WAREHOUSE SUPER SALE ... z ...... ......... , .,,,, ..,., '39°0 Reg. Pr. $54.95 :=-:. ... , '129°0 Reg. $195.00 SHOEI Fl-2 Sport Fairin1 Complete with Mounting Hardware & Tinted shield . Reg. 1142'' $88°!..., ........... ltnetlNlq Slza 5 thru 13 IBUI lf.lllLD ................ s5400 R . $79.95 $7900 Reg. $97.00 DUNLOPT•ll SPORT ILITI TOUllNG ILITI 130/90¥17 (510¥17) '11• MT90H16 (510H16) 'II• 120/10¥18 ( 425/85¥18) ·~ MT90H17 (510Hl 7) 'IZ- 130/IOV18 (510¥11) 'Ir · '"91tll ( 425/15H18) 'Ir' 140/IOVll (540¥11) '71• t.lll90tt19 (325H19) 'IZ- 100/90¥19 (325¥19) •17• MNllH19 (350H19) . ••• 110/90¥19 350¥19) 'II" (Price tnce.4e• movntlne) * SUZUKI 1181 112IOT 1181 .... u ~.~~.fm .......... , 'Jl~.rtM ........... ~.lttfffttt ....... ,..._lllltltll. ••••• ,.. ••• ~ ...... lif/r.......... • .... w. ...... ,.,.rm! .......... ~~.,!'!4 ........... ~!'.,,, .. ,m .......... . ~ •••••••••••• ~{, ~,,,,. •••••••••• ~ f'llltfl ••••••••••• ~ ~tlfll.fl!llt •• ~ •••••••••• ~ ~ •...•••••• ~ ~ •••••••••••• ~ ~lff ••••.•••• ~!f ffft~t!!..... • tlrll ••••••.••••• ~ IHVINTOffl ., , MOftl 110 l/W .,. ,,.._., •• .,.,,..., 'I\-.:..,...., 1.000 llllER #1 ,.... ..... 1111 lllllT ... ~" ConetMfltal, '11 ,HltO, ..,, •• ,. .. , •• "'"u uao . Lo,_... ......... .... •. moollfOOf, QIM, ""' .. • OtlHt ...... .. ..... .....,. ... ...... fin• lftffhenloel oond. lftOO ~100 -'MlllM L*• NM GOnd .......... llOI Olvw NIM.~. • ..... ,.. .....,.... ...... ... ~&eMI ------- Ill l1L:&ll• ••• 111-t714 1H1 HONDA OIVIQ =:-'/~ ;~i.':.~m. t3N1 H9rW .._ ·-··=~r of ... O ,,...., 1oW ,,..._ work. 14111010. '71 .. 11n1111out, Hllfm '11 Dettun HOZ. •Int D>C1300 • ..._ lftlll.-e; 0 v 0 t / w II n d 0 QlnWI GtOM UMI ~ C..... In'°""*" lo42·7Ga ~CIMM, NftO ~tJ cond, n.ooo ,.,..., tlo, ,.. "'*'°'· ~. 7Wl71-a.414. ... .... .. J.--:'fowoea OV•MIAI D&UVl..V illlfotMI .... &oday1 &....H. /obo ...... lalMl~L .... ng HO N. 8MG" Blvd LA Htt>ra 1llY•t, '"'''"' 1 trtck. ttw.o. 111oo·oi Mt off, = -• , lt¥d lllDI m:•:n............. •'--16 -w. *'200. 152-l40t deyt Cell loott. 11~ ... MMCIOU 110 • 1"°2...... . IXNftTt llaLIO ,., ........ iUffiP .......... TTttJ I Lim •11 CtY H.I , 4-epc1, '8K 4 :ta.= cond, '4200 114 II-Ill Hnttnotn lcf'I Ma.o12I UIU m " "*" ttlllt. eM cond. '71 ""mouth Ct1okOI ,13 a.oz. •Int oond. ml, HIOO. Xlnt ~ond. 1/l4I llNO 'IO 914 Tllft>O IOOOOCl. 'IO "Tl Ootola IM. tlo, etn/ ..... ~~u~· & lotdedl (10IU421). ltldl """-reg 919- lH·llH Open 8unda'/ DIOM 6H-2tl4 '10 Mlf'CIDll aeoe • tm .... """*· .,.,., ltwpl 1100. .....,.,,, 14ttt. Oell M~~~u XLNT COHO. teOOO tu. Tako over 1 .... , 2SK. IMOO. 1i1-ta0 1 ... Hwtlot. 91v4, 141-1111 llLJ •11,1111 497-2372 Ot 64 WANTED: Honda Trell 70 ~7/146-tHO plu9 ~I~-.12 Coton.. OOod tranl 009TA MUA ~J/fi ........... .. llllUNllTY't ILHIT 1!.8TATl IAU AIASONAlll 141 1 38m"", nbt .,,o, bocty ' I• IMI I• NH '1t llctorlldo llarrllz 11M ... '11 TAAN8 AM T l'OOF 1teo oeteun 200ax. Kint 63&4&96 ·~~M:~~=·P~~o~~~i 11~ t2<t 111nroof. 'Orio csemaQ., 1460. Ana. Ad ·ee vo1.vo 1221, com· 33,ooo ml,.,...... on~ A1o1tomauctr:!!~ air * mlT mi * Q OOl\d. Orig ownr, aooop. J•lll ff# u• 1 u IOO "'m ownor. l!xoo1191'1t ooncr. ~1, 142-4300, 14 l'I,. pl•t•lv rHtor•d. nw low. top oond. Atklng c 0 n d . 1 10 0 d • d 1 tUMMl!,.TIMI 'UNI Ung bide. Wkdtyt plMM ·4"'•••••••••• .. ••r••• ,15-04ee · · 32,000 ml. 17200 •a· 112.000. Cllll Laur•. (1.E..,..1). A ......... ...,. Mldnl.OM !*It met., "°" call. 151-422.t '81 XKE 2+2 811119rlblk, 4t1'·2"3 motor. 2200. '41-2Q<t. 414-t7t2t4a..1oot " ....,, -·•· 1~r buctlet _,8, oon- .78 8210/H .. ohbaok. :~C::o~'g':~o:9:: ·~n~:1.I!~~~: '17" 024: M11oon w/tan ·~~°lo~· .-y Of>"' 1971 Volvo 2411 wagon. -,7-l_S.vl_l.;...i.-, fu.;....lly-9<1-ul-pl)Od--,1 OILY 112,Clll ..... Ollpowettlltr•. tllt Mtny rebl\·nw lt•m•. 770..2230. ,111500 i4J!7eee Int. Xlnt oond. 1unrool, 714-780-1393 Low mllH, Kint cond. lo mt. UOOO. Oya a mofel (11CB2f2) Juei S 2 111 o Io BO , Kan • • air, 311.000 mli.t. '6400. Auto. Ah oPtloM. 17500. 844·7040; 4M t111· 12117 HWUI .......... nHd rolleblt Ptrt'I to 681_,.108. JlllM 1131 MIST UUI 841-41<tl '7t Corolla Dbl, euto, air, 8711·0451 or meHage Oove/Ouall 811, make 1m1ll monll'lly ---------1 ...................... OOD 1910 8 I ""bt1CI. lllnt cond. 211, t7M1131. ·ao Csi-de vii., t•k• OVOf NEWPORT Bl!AOH pmta. No old OOfltftctl ·711 2eoz. 48,000 mla. Qd. '14 •--A~ It~ 3 • nr1 • new '82 829. Plallnum !Mtlllc, 000 ml. 14400/olr. i----------1 lowe1t monthly la11• 8ll•llll to Htume. No btck co d t 181160 ---1lr ... YOfY c!Mn. 19.000 IMther lf'lt. I tpel, 9000 946-3138 Oi'a-J PIY!Mntl IOf '150 & 1 c1U9 Mk I ROM ~~;:~~. "!:',!:,.:;•• n · ~· ru, • $2500 080. 842·1 or bat ofr. M2-t'02 rn I 1 , I 3 4 , 5 o o, 11#1 -.... Good oond pmtl. · or· 54a.\44 . 1 1 4. • 7 •. 1 O 8 1 , '78 Corolla SAii, good ••••• •••••••••••••••• mo. or . ., •7• CORV.,,..,.E 142-4400, Proto UM. '70 2002 Perl. cond N- lnt. N-paint, rune pert $2875 Firm . '76 lnt•rc:.ptor aon'l9rt .. '71 3000 11\11' eKtrt t1nk r v 1 IHI lo ml. load•d w/many v ,., , 82 B210, atereo, ale, w"1 w/Wood dletl StK 't 8 0 0 • 790-....... condition. I 400. ···•••••••••••••••••••• 11, ... 659-0789 Lo9ded, T-t~ orig. aw-1989 Flreblrd, all orig. 113, Reny w1111 3000 ml 1dnt ml '21950 11M017 •ll•rf• 1 • o · H•rb. 840-1441 It• 111,. nor, lo ml, 11lnt cond, 000 Ofla, ml. Xlnt oond. 875-9746 allap9. sa&oo. • • . . . a..t-191 work. llarp '7t t118C, black, -------_,,.... 6 cinr.111 HIO 17900. M6·7107 ~200 flnn. 402-1204. 675-74241875-9585 ~ ... W• 1111 •79 3000 4 door MClan. lo ml, IOldtd. 122,llOO. '81 c.tlea OT. 1-ip, .,r, UIU •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• P•rf90t cond. Low ml· 816-9091, 159-1291 crul ... P/8, tit, AM/FM IEE II FllllTI Cta•U H1J '18 Grenet Pt1x, Or1g 'M-'7t 3201 Brown, buck1kln Ftn•tl 11'3 .74 Karmann Ohta, &ul*'b .__ 1 ""'t ... L_ ... tu cea.. lhatp P.P. 17000. 11'&'111 Wa.1 •••"'••••••••••••••••• ~. Imm cond. low ~ lntr. am/Im ater ca1a, •••••••••••••••••••••• oond new llaadllner --v""'• """'" ........ Pf•,. P•1 62 POI'. 924. R«I. am/Im ~768 ll We Ila.,. • good M19c-'81 Cougar HllO. Auto-~. 5119-6514 sunrf, mag wlll1, air IUllE Oltllf't ruga, 'aheeplkln covera: Day 1148-83116, EvH t1•r CIN, aunroof, ale, 1111 tlon ol NEW & USED matlc, power, 269 ,19 Grand LA Mana 2 elf ~~~··s 3119,500000 ~~ ,~1,:i81 llU arr.·-· bNlll9d alum wtlla, .,... 873-549' Ill ·~to"o·· part cond. T.'!~~.............. Tt OltHSt ,,.. Ch9Yrolttll w/30,000 mll.. FASTI 1111rp lo•d•d. v'•· 20' .......... • ,.,..,.."" U.IW rldlaltlret GaragektlPI '71250 aunrool elr au10 1 14 •• ·call Mona '74 s 1111 eat top Clllll40-3177 mpg~-~. •4 100 alt. 5pm. FEllllllll $4800. 842-1tee •veai orlg1n'a1, xlnt' oond. i 714/558-8001 8:30 to p r•. gr S3 000 All option• .. color• 80 .,. ... -·-- '7t 5281 4 .,.._,., leatN>r, -at......... wllnda. owner. '6400. 769-4850 llpm. ~S:..~ ~·1·2M7 avallabl•. Hurry, whit• l>M•t HJI 0 ..,,...... ....,._ ewtr1 l---------•~=~=:::::...::::::=:.1:::-=-:::7.::--.'."."":-:-:::~:-:----------I ..i.ctlon IMtl. •••"'••••••••••••••••• 770-11112 BBS wheel• Exc•llent ··---------'73 KARMANN GHI• Int MUST SELL 3000 '71 78 t11T, mini body, new 11 H .-11"0 :~·.;.r.= '71 Aasi-n wagon, •P9C· '77 GrA .......... _ ..... ...__ c o n d S 1 3 . 5 O O I ~~ ,,. 11 s 1 11 """' .ng. I 18,000 or uact. tor ,,,,..,,.... 1 , dlt P/ S . P/8 A/C .... ,......,., '"'' --644-8325 559·6-442 cond. N9'# .no. paint, i Ivory unroo • 3•'"""· M oocs.. dll 78C).7371 •••••••••••••••••••••• ' • " · • • t ronlo1 , Jtlnt cond. • Int. Mull Hll 13760. 975-01118 Of' 876--4024 • VW Thing, In grMt cond. •t•eo. $1950. 876-7088 12800/blt otr. 84M14e ·72 2002, new engine. M 'fS 842-7057 '11 !HO 71 924, anrl, A/C, mega, Aun1'#911.12500. AMO/.lllP/llUILT ttO OlfWUH Fiii IHI good stereo. good cond , •t•eo. clean, S7450/bl1 419-12711 2524 Hart>of 81Yd., C.M. .. .................... '83 IA Man• conV9ftlb6e, $3500. 842·1689 . • '71 Karmann Gllla, new Sun<ool, air cond. White olr. 213/592-1792 S<tt-4!023 M5-7770 Auto., air oond .. low '11 1••-T Mly r.atored, new radial 3100 WNtCoaatHwy. p•lnt, reblt motor, tanlnt.CIMn.S.tolf•. '84 B•l• VW wlll'I '72'"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mllea and clean . --tlru, 11900/bat ol r. '78 3201. red. very clean Newport Beacll $2800. 5-48-44411 All 9150-9709 '78 9118C Targa, f19, 1835cc engine. Dual Ill (1R8W47S) Air cond . & 1tereo. 659-8813 Sacrifice $7450/bst olr 6-42-9405 250, alvr/blk, P.P. carb1, 2 new tlrn, rune 11¥1IYU11,000 (23024) --------- 1-776-8067 '72 Karmann Ghia 3-apd. Merc.dM Benz '81 300D. 875-755-4 • well. '2400 obo. Call An• '82 Eaigle SX4, low ml. 1141• 1•111 , • ...,."' H11 Fi•I 11ZS au10, runs good, clean Loaded, 111n1 cond. $22. Ad #663 842-4300, 24 Me-4829 Biii Max-v Toyo\I ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 BMW 3201, 41pd, A/C, •••••••••••••••••••••• $2850. 213/592·1792 000. 841·89117 '77 Por1ell• 924. n-.da n ~~~~~~~~~ 19202 Beach Blvd. Biii MIJl9Y Toyot.9 111e3 Thunderbird, many sunroof, AM/FM caSMt· ·79 Flat Spydllf 2000, xlnt fremo work. 15995/bat -"-·-------1: Huntington Beach 19202 8Hc11 Blvd new lt•m•. tllorougllly te, $9300 S49-1217. cond, lo ml, new top, llHI• 1131 '80450SL,lllvtlf,gr9Ylnt., olr. Conalder trade. · 'l4 lq, Ub ltW la/e) 1110 962-0829 Hntlngtn 8ctl 962-0829 reconditioned. Muat Mil. c a11 1. 15800 Firm •••••••••••••••••••••• 33,000 lrwy mllea, Im· 496-1313 muat sell . $2500 . •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------$3750. 759-1914 1111 3201 lllW 675-0488 m • o . I 3 4. 6 0 0 . 875•13119 IEE US '76 Malibu Cluslc, good '71 FORD Mavtlflek. Good1-------- sunroo' AM/FM Ca•••t· 7141848-0247 '12 POllOHE oond/1 ownr, Mouln~ cond. 3 new Ur", econ. '73 T·Blrd 460/llp, gr--., . ...... '79 FIAT BRAVA. Xlnl . 'll --11nlLI for the larg.at and beat • '850. 494-3211 73,000. te, A /C, Alloy rims. cond New clutch & val· OAllllOLn _.., Hlactlon of new and saleSl475 llrm 956-306 11500. M&-2807 :~~~~a~;~~,W0,~11••· v ... $4 ,500. 080. !f .............. !!.~~ 72 K orlglnel m1!91 To-Super e .. ue, bleck .. w. u1ed Bulcke In Orange '80 MONTECARLO 'llFlllTA ' 646-8260 '71 Mid t N I t II . gold trim, xlnt cond. ..... County 1odayt * MllT ••LL * Low mllei clean end ·74 Tllund9'blrd. Sunroof, "' 1' 1115 '72 650convert,,_11rff, brk1, top 90,d. more. Xlnt Bright Red with Bleck Cu1tom Landau, Only allirp (431VXV). R•du· ' • power, goo (714)529-6202 ge · u cu o • tally Reconditioned. king 19500. 842·1820 ~ -' A/C II d "•'I.I b k 1 & alt In/out. 1700/bo, Top &Trlm.(1361MME) '71 VW. Rebl1 eng. wllll 20,000ml.wltl'IFullClo\ll oedto condition . Sl850. •• ••••••••••••••••••• r a ••. 0°P P n · 631-3771 $ iuar. E11oetlent cond Interior plua many •P· • 12111 _5_5_7_-oeeo __ . ____ _ '74 Capri. V8, sunrt, Rbll $1400/08 . 983-112/ 9111 2500 or best eng, xlnt running cond '71 124 SPYDER Sii UI •14 •lllET 11100 873-1835 Po Int men t I . Biii Muey Toyota '89 T·Blrd, looks & rune • • 0 r Air. good cond, $2100. fO• YOU• • Of bet olr. 875-0872 ' v R •I '" Or-c--. A I c c 0 n s 0 I e. • t c. Hntl""tn 8ctl 982-06211 962-8088. 51900 675 1 14 f1 AM/FM/C1u., Tiit wll., 19202 Bellcil Blvd. xlnt. Muat He. S595. 673-6720 Kendall 548·0303/538-6639 NIXT MAZDA. •U 11~~ 70 W Bua. ed very --r--• (1BH4847) Just ~ re-"• --------,, cieen. '2150/0BO 2"'·25 Har.::--Bk"" '74 M lck 2 .. 3•K I u~· n1·~ '79 Capri loaded w/xtraA • ""' ••w llabla par1" to mak• .. IVtlf -..r, o m . "' , good C'ond $4 000~. *FANTASTIC* ¥111Tn•-n .. & ... •••••••1•1•l•t•·····,••••••• 844-0530 COSTA MESA ' $2150 •• ••••••••••••••••••• amell monthly pmt.9. No · 642•7045 '75 Wagon, nw paint, 548-4748 1,..__. '75 VW pop-top camper, 979-2101 old contract110 assume. look• • rune good. ·73 c 1 4 4 ""' 1 * FIATS * fACIUTTI -15" fully equipped, V9C'Y OOod No beck pmts. due. Aak '73 LTD 4 dr. Xlnt cond. S700/0BO 545--0982. apr ' spd v,.. x nt tllGE SELECT 111SU&llST.CISTlllUUUJ»4 Wire wtleell, new top & b••lll 11SS '3950/0BO 631-2812 Buick '79 Regal, Ilka MW. lor Roae 842-4400, New Urea. $975. s:·~:8J~5c2ondltlon, · ION new paint (829BEX). •••••••••••••••••••••• 074 BUG new p9lnl re· Air, power, crulH, 1111, 558-1008 Proto UM. 439\h Heliotrope C<IM Have you read tod1y'1 PRE-OWJED ., 12111 llW dlala A· 1 xlntl s:it50 llpe. 32M. $5896 or Of· 1111 NmlUT MUST SELL '70 Sta Wgn CIHlllled Ada? It not, Cit1H• 1116 Totlly :,.,.~ ,,,,,,,,, .... 1140 IUCI llPOllTS '12 '"""Le •• , OBo: EV..: 875-9288. ,.,, P/P 759•1257 ona-· ·-··1 4 door •. good cond $650: ~g·r.al•nm• lsalngln towntlhe bM1 .·;3·ci~;;;~·~tM··.;;;; •••••••••••••••••••••• 8-48 oo .... S1r•t •a11te111 .... fl'HI. 1980 vanegon extra ·75 Skyllawk. V8, 38K , ... --751 3771 ..,.. blue. 5 spd One Owner FIAT SPIDERS & CATON US WITH NEWPORT BEACH Ex: &uc:t<et SNtl, Rally ct .. n , 22,000' ml, L· mlles. ale,~· S2750. ~~1:~.at~c ~~a~~o ::~ -.64-F-·el-rt-9119-.-8-cyt-.-1-tlc-k-,1 _A_a_l..;.l_l _U_l_H ____ _ $15,000 645·3194 FIAT X l/9's Diii PRICES 112-otOO Maga, Rack & Pinion model, AC, 1ttlfeo tape.1_54_5-_7_9_83_____ (526XWG). Front-wheel am/Im, clean. good •••••••••••••••••••••• D•t•u 1120 Many lo a-. frOlll DOWll '71 MOB Convet11ble, xlnt St .. rlnt Front Wllael s 9 5 0 0 • 0 r 0 11. r . '73 Regal. m9Cllanlcally drivel cond. $950. 557-9580 •••••••••••••••••••••• Al Widet liaarllltffd mecll, paint, Int, new Drive & orel 648-3580 aound, no dant1, llttle OILY 144111 Over 100 new & used wire whla & rldlala. mlnl. EPA Eat: 30 city, 40 llwy •74 vw Pop Top C.mper regged around edgH. HWOI OlteYrelet '71 Country Squire Wag. NABERS (~ADILLAC DICK MILLER MOTORS 120 W Warner Ave Santa Ana 55 7 2132 Ho•i• 11Z1 .......•.•.••••..•..•. HOlll MllTlll? We can helpl Before you DATSUN buy, check our unbeata· * Zl TWllS * ble aelectlon, 11vlngs A HIS ANO HER MOOELI and service todayl 1-Auto .. 1.5 ~ st1ck. UllYERSITY both have Lux Pkg w/ saus I SHYIOE pow winds air cond . 2850 Harbor Blvd cruise, & have plu1h COSTA MESA In tenors wm sell one or 11: •O·ll •o bOth. (068ZSR) (150721) , ___ .,_,. ___ ,. __ _ Jull need reliable peny to make small monthly pmts No old contracts 10 assume No bac k pmts due Ask tor ROH 842-4400. Proto U M 'll AOOUI With air cond , & lltlfeo. ( 102TXA) Reduced to $3211 Biii Muey Toyota '7 I Datsun 510 2 dr. 4 19202 Beach Blvd. spd. run s good, nd1 Hntlngtn Ben 982-0829 body work S8001ol r Honda Toyota. 01111un. 846-2027 all mak.s, S 199 does II. 1110 D&Tsu. 210 No 111 or last. No depo- sit No lie '" Dellvtlfl 5 1peed transm1111on, any lease. bu}'I any car low mlle1, excellent con-over our co1t. All Savers dltlon. clean, AM/FM Lening 834-0189 radio, 2 n-tires, '63 II· ,77 CIVIC S2000 cenae paid a MUS T SELLI $3995 Ce lli Stick 2750 Harber, CM 675-3017 or 842-0138. . 957·8176/545-3415 '80 M odel 21 0 . 2 d r l'80 Accord, 4 dr, beige. $3350. AM/FM. redlals, 1 supreme cond. Supreme lo mllea. Perteet oond. a 11 c r I I Ice S 8 7 5 0 . 873-17114. 857-8289 '78 ACCORD Sunrf, am/ 1-ieve something to sell? tm cau. $3800 Clau llled ads do II well Call 538-22 16 Mercedes-Benz. Con'Ht In 12500. 833-2324 $4181 EI e c r. Ir I g • Bu,. n. Radlal•. 8Mt olfet 1$660. 0o~1aua11 St1. & consider our •-ar· (Nrlal 0113801 Stove, xlnt cond. $4500, 493-6319. Dana P1. •• ~~~:ts or long term ,r.J •••.•••••..•. !!.~~ WE'VE GOT FUEGOSI H0-5543 '60 Regal Cpe. fully NEW"~~~:.iCH S800 Firm 831-4757 House of Import•. lno. '70 Opel GT, yellow, clean, ll&llE OIUT '79 vw Bug convert .. equipped, cream color, DIAL 213 or 714 run 1 w a II , S 100 0 AMO/JEIP/lllAILT everything new Incl. ~~~ ~1u3818K ml, 18300. '78 Nova, 2 dr, ale, emlfm '81 ESCORT WAGON A/T, A/C, PIS, Uke MW $3995 OBO 882-2357 837-2333 714·1140·2098 2524 Ha.rbor Blvd., C.M. $2200 Ferrari red paint .,..._. 11ereo caaa, gd cond. '70·'71 Maverick. good r, 1 1141 549•8023 IM5-T770 Job. compl. me. Mu11 beliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Must sell. 12900, dys trans. MUST SELL. MERCEDES BEIZ llllE IEUOTlll • .'.'-'!!••••••••••••••• seen • In storage, appt '10 llYIEU 730-7893, ev 640-4410 975-7978 LWI 11912 1975 R17 Gordlnl. new only. 19200 firm . All opt1on1, black w . '60 El Camino. 22K ml. '73 LTD 9 PIH wagon. PIHEIT IOI I bait & muffler, 40,000 ml, 953-2100 Iv mag. black Int., xlnt cond. V6, S5 9 O O, ex eel, Pwr/luggage rk. Gd xlnt . $2500 firm . '73VWSuperS..tle,Sun 18200.P/PMO-e931 873-1842, 840-7814 lg cond . PP . $795 . TllM llllEL 5411-7377 Roof. Maga. New Paint mag 844-5941 $289 ~.l!!.~r.! ...... l.~~f .::8;~;~.~~2;~::i~ , f~.'!!!!. ........ !!.{¥ ·~~crox~~/ J~~t~·,~ -.~-5-0-AA-. s-~-:OO-D-~-.-V9ry--g-ood___, #}DEALER LN U.S.A. looking, ,_ Int., paint, "'!!'!~n· sst1e<99'°5.' M83ag.a3;.3P2/8S./ •• Pv•'B····1---63-1-_7_119_4 __ --l per montll pl\ll tu brakH. clutch. Greet _.._ r -v ll•rttlek IH1 411 montll c101ed end ~ ~ earl '2350. 544-7969 We apeclall:r• In , .... , 549-0623, days •••••••••••••••••••••• leeM on approved er• DrV T C.~ ·75 SUNBUG, xlnl cood In for Ille bvlinMI execu-•77 NOVA '74 MaV9rlck 2dr, 38K ml, dlt. Cap coat-$15.138; ~ l~l\....C::. & out. Gorg.aua. Musi tlve & proleealonal PI S, P/B, Xlnt cond. clean. S2t50. $1850 cull required ·~~~,, .. --~ Hit $3.450/olr. 842-7057 l•I• lelffffel S2500/0BO. 494-2978 IM2·705e Come In and IN ford• ~~·~~ -~ ,.. In 1112 tallll (S..16885). ClOSlD SUNDAY$ '71 SUPER BEETLE .. '82 Blee, 2 dr, reblt 3 apd, llm.,Y H50 $ .UCH 11, .. Ts Yellow, no ru11, 12250 OIMHt 8 cyt '63 lie nu paint ••••••,.\•••••••••••••• 0 •-. 1111 957-1178 545-3415 It ..._-Lt l1l00/obo. 557-2187 . '76 Capri II, V8 eng, Sp.- 8-48 00.... Stree1 !:!. • •• • • •• • •• • ••. ••.. W la •~ c:lal Edition, lmm9C., beet NEWPORT BEACH '711 s99b llOO Turbo, io.-87 VW Bal• Bug. 1835 CC N~R~ '74 Ctievelle Malibu clu-offer. 839-1148 712 1101 dad. 36.000 m lles. en g , ext re 1 , lie. Pl S. P/B. Auto, Air, .. n•I , ----·----.. ,.,,,.., olftlf. 780-90&8. • S1800/tleltlb1e. 4ta.00e7 CA LI ./"'. . 350 V8, clear tltle ,.ufM• ~. DOWN LEASE -~ ---. ~ -$800/080 ~3205 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• '80 Peugeot 506S dal, lmMn f11l 73 VW Bug, am/Im cu-2600 Huba< Blvd . . '82 CONVERTIBLE -.at't rl...Mt. .. frHt 1tlck, brown, 1unr1, air, •••••••••••••••••••••• aette, rune great. $2100. c°''' Mr~ s40•9100 '69 Impala, auto, 250 V8, Cebrto with 9Vefythlng. •• ••11 alee wlndowa & 1ter.a. Sa.....Servtoe-LNllng 1196-4818 or 552-4108 I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I. air, p/1, p/b, run• good. Call collect •tl•r 5PM. ••HJ , ... ,, .. " 1111 Ilk• new. 110,500 PP .a-•-•-I.: '525. C.11 ~21 att 20&-726-1583 ., -w;-a '78 BUG Conv. Am/Im '79 CADlLLAC SEDAN 10AM. , • ., , ... erdlt ,_83_1_-3508_______ 111&11 call, new radial•. lmmec • IT ··u ---------'88 Mu1teng. Air, pony (t.1.0.). Gall,.,..,. 111• mtltT 111-2••• •1• -·· cond. mu1t Mii, $8900, * ' -* ll CHEYllOLn Interior. 121150/bll olr • -• -·-bst olr. 759-1970 S.autlful 4 door model 540 IM5t ••tal1t ... aaa.1aoo. 114 llUIL 1978 Subaru Mdan, front --------• dleptaylng °'"m ••1ertor OHEYmE 1----------1 JIM SLEMONS Sunroof, AM/FM atereo wlll drive. Xlnt cond. ll hi O..tertlltlt wltll aaddle teatll« Int• 4 d 0 I 5 5 K '79 Muat•ng. xlnt r:ond. & low mllM. (916MIO). $2900. 499.1218. Metallic blue, wll1e Int & rlor. with barely 30,000 1 P · n Y p/1, p/b, air. 4 tpel, em/ IMPORTS llLY 11111 ---------1 top. Blauplunkt AM/FM mllea, complet• power, (908AJU) Im can. $"200/0BO. .uol l.,ORTS f"91• 111S CHI., muat ... to ap-llow could you Mttle for 1191 549·7374 or 540-94311 •01•-•••••••••••••••••• prec. $8500. 558--1115 lesl? Juat n9ed rellable '75 Mu1tang II, 11 cyt, 42, Authorized Mercedel Dealer 1301 Quall St. NEWPORT BEACH Classified ad. 642·58711 848 Dove StrMt '10 ftlOIL party to mak• 1m11ll 000 carefully driven NEWPORT BEACH 5 apMd with 1lr cond.. '74 Bug, rblt •ngln9, nu mon\llly pmt1. No old mllee, prig OWMr. BMu· ll2-Gt00 em/fm et..-eo and more. tires, xlnt cond. $2500. contrlcia to anume. No ttlul cond. Radio, AC, (302ETI) Reduced 10 IM2· l889 beck pmts. du. Ask lor 12400. 6-44-0259 1111 NHEIT IMW&IH Air cond., AM/FM Cll· Hite & 1u1tlllary lu•I tank. (208XXL). •Y llHI IUCI llPIRTS 11111 '89 VW Bug, extremely RoH 842·4400, Proto relleble, n-red palnt.1-_Ll_M_.______ OU•dllt HSJ Biii Mu-v Toyo11 • 9 8 3 .. -... 1-H1•5 •••••••••••••••••••••• 19202 e.acn Blvd. 66'1~ 7 • v 4 o 2 ' '81 ELDORADO ':~:r."'::: ............ ":. 1180 11.MlllU HnUngtn Bell 962-0829 Loaded, lo ml, $14,500. ·73 Newport, new Urea, ot1UIS SWIM '74 CORONA. 1 OWll9f gd. ·~.~ug, mint cond, loliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii84iii1iii-ee60iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Sl~~~e.48-~~ epprec. Coup•. Auto. tr1na .. cond. 24 mpg. 11495. $1975. · 63..,054 eoonomlcal di.eel POW9' 720-189e, 544-0805. PP. lmltllfTY C.allat•l.J ff3' & loededl (26-42). Attrec- CLEARANCE SALE! 1912 CADILLAC fLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (1EAL545) $16,995 1980 CADILLAC ELDOtlADO COUPI (602277) $12,995 1 W7 CADILLAC SIVILLI (488259) $8995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DIVILLI (318VBM) $8995 1911 CADILLAC fLllTWOOD UOUGHAM COWi "ASTIOIOOf" (1CRR592) $14,995 1911 CADILLAC SIVILLI "PACTOH 2-TONI" (889179) HONDA 84& 00.... StrMt NEWPORT BEACH ll2-ot00 ............. &45-t71M '71 Camper, needs pain\, knock• ott90 wh9n you •••••••••••••••••••••• tl\19 a.ti runs very well. $2375 no use rMult-g•ltlng Dally ·77 Uncoln Town ca.r. 25, MY S4Hll PT. 213-592-2110. Piiot Ctaullled Ad• to 000 ml Rust metllltc •w••i -nrelet reecl'I Ille Orange Cont $5500 545-1718 - - $16,995 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI (971VNI) HUNTING? Before you buy, compare our savincs, selections & service. KMP an • on prlcee tllf '811 VW Conwrtlble, ,_ market c 00..../0uell Sta RMd IN clanllled ad• tor eaay way-be • regulll top, good lntr. N .. d1 Phon9 6-42•5878 '70 4 door ontlnental, NEWPORT BEACH 1119 best dMll In a,pan-0 t1 u111 e d r • 8 d • r paint. 13300. Steve, very clean In & out $850. 111.0111 ment ren1111 6-42·5878 6-42-5878 754-4419. _________ 1 __ 1_51_·_31_1_1 _____ 1---------i 1----------·eo TOl'onado DMIMI $9895 ~!.!'.'i.~!.'! ••••• .!.~'!'! ~.".!'.'1.!'!! .••••• !!. .. ~!.!'.'1.!'!! •••••• !.~~ ~!.!'.'1.!'.! •••••. !.t. ~.".!'.'1.~!!! •••••• !.~~ ~~o 1~to8..fcr;! ·•· 1i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1'-* * * * * * * * * * • ra, Offer Good Thru ~. ~,,., .. sALi~PR1Ci1 ~ -~~~r~-d~~;~ ~ ' 0 I I • •ILll ttl* 2900 HARBOR 8LVO. In ur Huie nventol'J ~r~ ~~c,;~ :~~·~ coarA MESA .. .. • • .. ,. • .. • • IXAMPLlt ~DATU • • .. • • • • .. ,. .. .. • • • .. ,. • • • • • ......... 111!1* .... : g;:6J10 S5tll/Oller · 540-1860 Want Ada ...,c.,._,...11..,,.e..2.,.,,....·118=1'='a ---.. ----·~---------~--·---- eekender •August 13, 1982 • 'i(ll i\( ()\11 111 11 (,i llll 1111)!,:\'.1.1 (()\'-i i lll\11~~111\.'-i • • • And the bands played on Daltr "°4 ""°409 b7 '.mtcll O'Doftnell Jeanne Shedd gets h eaddress from her parents, Jan and Irv Shedd o f Newport Beach. The Festival continues to celebrate 50 years By STEVE MITCHELL Of the Daily Pilot S tarr If you thought the FestavaJ of Arts in Laguna Beach was just a bunch of artists displaying their works, thank agam. The artists are there, to be sure. Their works are on exhibit through Aug. 29 in booths surrounding a grassy park area in the center of the grounds. But this year, there's a n(•w treat. The festivaJ grounds on Laguna Canyon Road will be alive with music tonight through Aug. 20 as festival officials celebrate the 50th anniversary of the art exhibit. Scheduled most days through next Friday are the Marine Corps Band, from El Toro, the Pacific Chorale; a vocal and instrumen tal group called General Happening; and the Gordon G reys Pipe Band. It was ~O years ago tonight -Aug. 13, 1932 that th e Festival of Arts had its humble beginnings. when a small exhibit of artists' works was displayed during the Depression. Since th en, the festival has grown to a multi-million dollar event, with more than 160 artists displaying their works, along with the world~renowned Pageant of the Masters Jeanne Shedd cast in 'Bal au M oulin R ouge' poster by Jules Cheret. which re-creates works of art with live - immobile -figures. To celebrate the festival's fi rst half-century, visitors will be treated to music each day through next Friday. The musical celebration begins tonight at 5:30 with an hour of music ranging Crom classical to jazz-rock, performed by the Third Ma nne Aircraft Wing Band, which will perform on the grassy grounds of the festival. A special vocal treat wW take place at 5 p.m. Saturday when members of the prestigious Pacific Chorale will present a one,hour program. Under the leadership of John AJexander, in his second decade as director, the group includes vocalists from 35 communities. It has performed with the Pasadena Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the London Symphony Orchestra. Performing Sunday wlll be the See The Festival, Page 5 ..,. . ---------·--------~..---------------------- t N co C1I 'Pirate Movie' like ~breakdown on freeway -;, c( >. «I 'O -.:: u. By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Or tbe Daily Pilot Statr Ci> If "The Pirate Movie" w er e a 1.•ar, its u transmission would need a major overhaul. ~ As 1t stands, this vehicle for teen Idols Kristy j McNichol and Chnstopher Atluns grinds its gears relentlessly, lurching from contemporary times to ~ the Victorian age, from Gilbert and Sullivan to o bubble gum rock, from soppy melodrama to 0:: misfired farce. The energetic young stars and their supporting cast demonstrate they have horse~wer to spare in this parody of "The Pirates of Penzance." But coNtant shifu in mood and direction make this picture about as much fun as a breakdown on the freeway. The problem may be that d irector Ken Annakin and screenwriter Trevor Farrant were con(.-entrating on what would "sell," rather than what would make a good movie. The current Hollywood wisdom says period pictures are a box office risk, so "The Pirate Movie" opens in contemporary times~ Kristy McNich ol, wearing eyeglasses and baggy clothes that immediately shout "nerd," is visiting a pirate tourist attraction w1th some bikini-clad girl friends. Lat.er. while pursuing the pirate attraction's handsome attendant (Christopher Atkins). her s ailboat overturns, and s he is washed up unconscious on a beach. There, she dreams she is back in the 1880s, Uving on a coastal estate that is vulnerable to pirate raids. Atkins turns up again as Frederic, a youth raised by pirates, who announces on his 21st birthday he plans to give up the raiding game and devote his life to "exterminating" pirates. Is it any wonder his shipmates foree him to walk the plank? On shore, he falls instantly in love with McNichol, now missing her eyeglasses and spruced up with bleach~lond hair and a fancy gown that shows off her bare shoulders. The rest of the picture meanders aimlessly through a aeries of acrobatic, slapstick pirate raids and a confusing romance between the two young stars. The musical numbers are either Gilbert and Sullivan songs with updated lyrics or forgettable new pop tunes. (McNichol and Atkins sound as though their voices received plenty of electronic embellishment in the studio.) By making most of the movie a modem teen- ager's dream, the film makers get away with injecting jarring references to Bo Derek and the Beatles into the 19th Century setting. One black pirate even shouts, "Hang five, honky!" But if the ma.ken of "Th e Pirate Movie" were aiming for farce. they forgot to include some "straight" characters. The Marx Brothers, for example, always had to have a rigid social setting in which to work their mi.achief. More recently. the central couple in "Airplane" played it straight while insanity reigned around them. Ironically, McNichol's strong acting skills contribute to the confusion in "'Ille Pirate Movie." One moment, she seems sincerely heartbroken over her rocky romance with Frederic. The next moment, she looks into the camera and says, ''Gee, that was a short love scene." McNichol's attempt to change her image from aging tomboy to young glamour queen isn't wholly successful. (The film makers even include a few jokes about h er somewhat less than statuesque figure.) But she remains a likable performer. The sex symbol honors this round have to go to Atkins. When he stripped down to the same skimpy white swimsuit he wore in "The Blue Lagoon," several teen-age girls in the row behind me a.lmoet swooned. tntimat.ely, it's hard to see how "The Pirate Movie" wiU appeal to anyone other than Atkins- watchers. It's too -silly to attract more sophisticated teens and adults. Yet its vulgar language and countless castration jokes make it unsuitable for the children w ho might have enjoyed some of the slapstick fights. With its cannonball size plot h oles and misguided course. watch for "The Pirate Movie" to sw+ .quick.I){. pµt qi sigh!- At the Movie• Kristy McNichol arms to de fend her island hom e in 'The Pirate Movie.' Christopher Atkins and Kristy McNichol live , put flA.n~sy rOIJW)Ce .. Admission to "The Pirates of Penzan ce" Sept. 2 and 3 at Irvine High School is $3 for adulrs and $2 for children. Tickets can be ordered by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Irvine C hildren's Chorus, 17992 Norton St., Irvine 92715. Sounds like a D.I . ... not dance instructor B y SANDIE JOY 0 1 the Dally Pilot Start With hands finnly planted on h er hips and striding purposefully about, Janet Kempke talked about responsibility. She also talked about paying attention, about proper timing and about enthusiasm. Then, she ordered her young charges through their pa<.-es again and again "Erik," she declared, "you'll have to bring in the whole chorus with hurrah. If there's no hurrah, it's going to be your fault --. "You see how late you are," she added after the next try. "And, you're a bunch of wmbies. J want your faces working. If the expression is sad, I want them sad. I don't want you looking around at your friends." Ms. Kempke is music director of Irvine C hildre n's C horus, which s he is rehearsing to perform Gilbert and SulUvan's "The Pirates of Penzance" to be staged Sept. 2 and 3 at Irvine High • School. The 4 7 cast members, ranging from 6 through 18, were being put through their paces during the second day of script blocking. And. Ms. Kempke, who's taught choral music to children for 15 years, was as professional and as serious as any director you might imagine. She didn't bully or embarrass h er young charges, but, through assertive language and extremely animated movements, she clearly demonstrated what she expected of them. And, they paid attention. Irvine Children's Chorus was founded several years ago as a small. private singing group and, since last March, has been recruiting publicly. The chorus is the brainchild of educator Margaret Koopowitz, a New Zealand native, who has taught at UCLA and has been a lecturer for 10 years at UC Irvine. Ms. Koopowitz, w ho is chorus executive director, said she put her plan into action after meeting Ms. Kempke. "Children sing because it is fun," Ms. Koopowitz explained, "and, they learn ear training, pitch relativity, enunciation and other fundamentals as they apply to vocal music." Chorus members are encouraged to sing solos, she said, "because it develops their self con fidence and increases their self esteem. These attributes are valuable in many other facets of llie." She added, "A love of singing is mor e important than a na"tural ability to sing. Singing is a learned skill: there are very few people born with perfect pitch. Most of WI must learn to listen and to practice before we can sing with confidence." Bill Monroe concerr canceled Bluegrass pioneer Bill Monroe, w ho was to have performed Monday at the Crazy Horse Steak House. Santa Ana, has cuceled his engagement due to illness. According to Patricia Landwehr of the Crazy Honie staff, Mon.roe col.lapeed during a performance In Canada and waa to undergo prostate gland • ' 'f~f'l91")(,, •• , , .. ... Th• lntertol,,.r• \.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 'Gone places I am 't never been, sE.•eing faces [ may ne ver see again ... Yes I'm back again. and I've rea/Jy paid some heavy dues, my friends. ' George Kirby • • • He's back, and on the road again IL"s been rive years since comedian George KJrby was on the pro lOUr But he offers a sobering promise that he won't disappoint his aud1em: o'S ever again Kirby 1s making his comeback. warming up with JX'dormant·l'S at inllmatc night spots in Southern C<iliforn1a Last week he had a four-night gig at Tony Roma's (o f ribs and rings fame) m Newport Beach and by all accounts, ts rL"ady to renew a t•arecr as a cabaret headliner. But he'o;; not on<' t.o forget-the tortuous road r('Ct.'ntly travl'led. l l1s current routine t'Oncludes with a hard-PdgNI rhyme on the evils of drugs It 5t.'<'ms 3' z y"ars 1n prison for selling l'tx·ame and hcr01n to ;m undercover agent 1n J .as Vegas has ldt the rotund Kirby wtth an unquestionable pref Pr<'rwe for the wnrld on the other side of lrickdowns, roll calls and cubide hvmg Le-st anyone forget where hC''s be<-n. Kirby opens his act with a poignant reworking of "On the Ru;id Again"· "Gone places l ain't nt-ver IX'en/SN'1ng faces I may never see again/I'm so glad I'm on the road again/Yes I'm back again/And l'v(' really paid some heavy dues, my friends/I'm bal"k again/And I ain't never doing nothing wrong again/ And that's for sure, my fnC'nds .. ru1d•· rnm1 rd lccuon.5 of a troubled past the r were the lighter moments ·•1 flew m to Chicago m more chains than Isaac Hayes ever wore·• OH the J<Ulhouse humor. KJrby performt'<i a consummate 50-minute set highlighted by his tradema rk 11npress1ons, mcludmg a tribute to Duk1' Ellington's "It Don't Mean a Thing IC It Am"t Got Tha t Swing"' with the vo1t'eS of James Cagney. Howard Cosell, Ronald Reagan and Rons Karloff M elis a Manchester set for Irvine Meadows S inger MC'llssa Manchester will be the next pt>rformer lo v1s1t Or ange County's new Irvine Meadows amphitheater when she arrives for a Saturday night concert Aug 22 Miss Manchester. whose latest album. "Hey Ricky." was released m March. will be making her r1rsl appearance at the amphitheater Tickets a re on sale at the box of£1ce or al Ticketron outlets for $1 5.50 and $13.50 There will be no lawn seating The roncert 111 part of a national tour tha t will stop in San Carlos prior t.o her Irvine appearance and will then move to Harrah's in Reno. The Hollywood Reporter, in a recent review, said M las Manchester has managed to retain the artistic de pth of earlier years while maturing into a more radiant, even elegant, performer. Her current act, w hich lasts about 76 mlnut.N By J OEL C. DON or 1be Dally Pilol S1a rr Fo llowing his late-eve ning performance. Kirby. who sports the best in t•onsp1cuous consumption w ith a snappy sull and diamonds on the pinky, tumed a bit more subdued on the sub..iect of has ro ller-coast.er hfe. He says he'll look back as long as the past can help others from getting mixed up in drug dea ling. "I want LO kt'C'P people from going through the things I went through ." the 57-year-old l'nter tainc•r says "I want people to think before they do anything wrong If you gt't caught doing some thing wrong it's he ll an one of those places (prison) "Som<' people need to go there to apprecia te frt.>t.-dom out here " Ktrby c'Ould probably find h is way to a s tage blaru.Jfolded. so h is first professional job last month at a Los Angeles nightclub was. he says, just like old tames He's already lined up gigs in Tahoe, Atlantic C aty and Las V£>gas a place for which he harbors no ill feelings. But he knows the ,.rackdown on entertainers using or selling drugs m 1977 made ham a prime candidate for a heavy sentence. in his case 20 years. "'fhc•y made an example of me." he acknowledges. "What they were trying to do was scare off other performers o( my caliber from getting involved in anything. "It JUSl so happens that I came along when they decided to stress that particular point." in addition I.Cl an opening act, includes a ' violin- backed medley of Gershwin melodies as well as several of her old faithfuls. such as "Midnigh t Blue." tn other developments at the amphitheater . oWcials have announced t hat Crosby, S tiUs and Nas h have booked a second night of singing on Sept. 6 to follow an illready-scheduled performance the preceding evening. Tickets went on sale last Tuesday. Symphony audition scheduled Audition• for the Orange County Pacific Symphony will be held Saturday. August 28 at the Musicians' Union in Santa Ana. Appolntrnenta for the violin, viola and bass auditiON can be obtained by forwarding a resume to Harriet Payne, Pacific Symphony Personnel MaJ'\aler, 32~-A San Amad~l Laguna HUla 92653. For "'°"' tnlonnaUen. eau elC)..S44'. Kirby turned to drug dealing for one motive: money Yet it cost hun many of the things he loved. some of hts friends and a chunk of time out of a career that reportedly brought m $35,000 a WC'ek . He came out of prison apparently unscathed be<-ause. he says, of his det.ermmat.Jon not t.o let the darker umes block his way Prison wasn't easy 1~t best a malt.er of tolerating a hu.rrulialing e xperience. "I JUSt had to take hold of myself ... he recalls. "l wasn't going to be brainwashed or anything .like that "I was going to stay Geoi;ge Kirby, go in Gewge Kirby and c.'Omc ou t George Kirby -a happy CeUow who loves life, who is a religious man . . w ho made a mistake. One mistake and 11 was one oC the most costly things in the world because not only did l lose the material things I was trymg to save. l lost my freedom. "Now I'm trying to keep other people from doing lhal. I'm trying lO keep young people from getung involved m drugs." lntereslangly, Kirby blames his problems on overindulgence rather than drugs. "Drugs are not necessarily an escape," he says. "What could a person be escaping from if he is suc"CesSful. There was no need. It was enjoyable. But then in some cases the e njoyment turns to necessity and lhal's when it gets raunchy, that's when 1t gets bad." Kirby left prison with no vengeance, no malice. no hatred m his soul. He craves a microphone. a good musical backup and an audJence that'll let him do what he loves best. "I just want t.o be seen, 1 want everyone t.o know I'm back." Comic book fans set fund-raising festival Comic book fans can meet popular comic artists and writers and view repUc.as of the "Star Wars" robots during a fund-rals1ng festival this weekend al The Land of Ooh'• and Ah'1 Comic store, 17179 A Brookhurst S t., Fountain Valley, just aouth of the Gemco store. The management of the store plans to donate 25 percent of the weekend receipts to Muscular DysU'Ophy. ln addJtion guest artiata and writers will help raise money for the charity by sketching visitors and s{gnlng autographs. Activities will take p1ac!e from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. ParticlpaUn.g comic artllta and writers wlll Include Mike Grell, Alfttdo ~.Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas and Jeck Kirby. Vlaltifta with the "Star W81'1" robota wlll be a Muppet of the character "Yoda" from ''The Dn.,U. Strilla s.dt." "Tl ... 0: ID ';< > c co c ~ .... <D Cl) I\) ,• -----. ----·-------- : ~--~--~~~-~~-~~-~~~~ Table to Table ~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~---- GEN KA1.3344E.CoascHighway. Gen Kai eatures tra 1t1 o na lSl ofthebestt.obefound. ai fi d • • / / • perfect.ion and service ranks as some M CororuJ del Mar. 675-0771. Lunch from Dinner selections run the gamut of J 1:30 am IC 2 p.m Tuesday through 1 • J • • s tandard Japanese fare including ~ Fhday Dinner from 5.·30 to 10 p.m 0 t aste-tempting apanese cu1 s1n e chicken and beef teriyaki, tempura, oi Tuesday chrough Thursday, 5:30 to II !.ukiyaki , gr aile d seaf ood a n d ~ p.m F'riday and Saturday, 5:30 to JO sukiyaki-style ent.rees. Since there's a >-p.m . Sunday. Sushi bar 5:30 p .m. LD -------------------------------sushi bar in t.ow (or perhaps the other l'CI midnight Sunday through Saturday , By J OEL C. DON way around), diners may also choose :g Cla;ed Monday. Lunch from $4.95 to or the Dally Pilot Starr from a nice selection of sushi and u.. $5.95 Dtnner from $8 75 IC $13.50 sashtmi (raw fish) dmners. GI This ch.arming little establishment u Gen K a t o ffe rs a n 1nL1matc restaurant's dinner sell.'1·ttons or an restaurant f ea tures a ralher started almost two years ago under a i atmosphere, highlighted by an earthy evening feasting l>n the wondrous traditionaJ if somewhat Spart.an -pa rtn ersh ip headed by Hiroshi .:.c. blend of natural pine and pleasing 1.:omb1natJOn of raw or rooked seafood list of tempting dinner selec·tions Toyosaka, himself a sushi chef before i blue fabncs. The sushi bar is set off and vinegared rice, the much-revered Though the menu has few surpnses. taking the reins over his own place. 3: by a wood-and-fabric partition, delicacy of Japan. everything 1s prepared from the ~ lending pnvacy t.o those choosing the To be sure. Lht• Corona del Mar freshest ingredients to tantalizing See Table to Table, Page 18 ~ Order Today Not Available In Sta<es Please Rush Me Valley T-Sh1rts At '4 70 (Add 30' Sales Ta~ In Calllorn1ar. Plus '1 00 Postaoe And Handllng For El!Gh T ·Shirt Ordered Style () Bllchln' n Geg Me Sex Stre Colots n White rJ Yellow Name AOdress City State Zip Also Send Me Gag Me I Bltchin Bumper Slicker At 1 '3 00 escn Mall To Turbl Promouons. -4000 MacArthur 1 Blvd Suite 3000 Newp0<1 Beach. Ca 92660 "•'""' """"<nv ~-------------------------------------- THIS SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY HIT! "The most satisfying fdm of the year so far.'' u •• ~ <Joa•pti•, UK ""''-rlf-' ""'-' "Extremely funny.'' -HIKT•l l~"-t. ''lfll rn111 Tllll U "One of the year's surprises!" -a., ltt4, 'Int tOU DAllt' 'Intl NOW Pl.AY1NG COSTA MESA Fdwards Bristol 540 7444 A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank ot America• Bilbo Baggms •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash 'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades • Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel M1one's • Music Market • P1ecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern Calilorn1a Optical Spa Lady • Swensen's 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (Harbor • Adams) Coate Mesa, CA From Page I instrumentalists and vocalists of the General Happening, with a half·hour show on the festival greens beginning at 5:30 p.m. Musical director of the group is Timm Emmons, and singers and players come from the ranks of the General Telephone Co. Rounding out the week of musical festivities will be the Gordon Greys Pipe Band, complete with uniforms, bagpipes and The Festival continues to celebrate 50 years brass instruments. The players have delighted audiences aboard the Queen Mary, at Knott's Berry Farm's Scottish Festival, and dozens of Highland Games events throughout California and Arizona. The band will perform Monday, and again next Friday at 5:30 p.m. The Festival of Arts, as well as the Sawdust Festival and Art·A·Fair, all on Laguna Canyon Road, run daily through Aug. 29. Admission to the Festival of Arts is 50.cents this year, in honor of the golden anniversary, and gates open from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCOIT dWILLIE BAIO an AAMES ~"!!!:!' t/J11t Wflll •t ft'I !'flit t/,,11·11 -·~~·-..c...rAI ... ,'°"'°. ···"-·-~··· .... D ~-·-aam=CD-.... rw •: :.0.... ............... ~ ----~· • _, ,_,.._,._~U-"'9••1'H '"''"'en .. et,.Htf QftAA,Qf • U4 tltl -------------------------------------------, ~~ Services We Have 'Em. Wholesale to 300 Restaurants. Free Deliver1, too! We have everythin1 and more. Ship Fruit Back East, Send Someone I Fruit Basket, Com,1111 Flower Shop. CALL &•&-0032 \. . - -~ C.-.• -~ - ::=: SAVE $1.38 SAVE $1.98 SA.VE $1_. w- r---·f,1llf;11T11-----1r----~1TIJ----,r----i(•lll;lilal----, I NEW C .. OP 11 L.AROR 11 LAROE I : 8EEDLEH l l ICHf: .. Q II VALENCIA I I RAISINS f I LETTUCE ,, ORANGES I I II It I l 99c n 4F-100 ll 4...___._ 100 : I lb. ff -fl ..._ I t Umlt 2 lbe. f 1 limit I 11 Umtt I Lk t •---------------' 1---------------'L---------------' C)lll'(llf l out• ..... •• ""' M) .... "'wi.. ".00 YHnl ""~ 1601 Newport Blv • ,..°t;;,,"o1 l<rowHO* 1---~· 645-0032 •l°orl\t'rHI ··~"'' """""'" .. ~---·--------------------------------------- "The Dally Pilot has been our most effective source of advertising." Nancy Orchard, Manager Lanz of Callfornla Fashion Island Piiot advertising Is QOOd business for Lanz of <:atlfornla. 5 N Cl) O> .,... t· c? .,... -Cl) ;:) OI ;:) < >. as "O -.: u. .: 4> "O c 4> .x ~ ~ .2 a: If you are a rednecked, card-carrying Klansman, you probably won't like I rvine Community T heater's dramatic production of "Inherit the Wind." It makes you think. And if you have been so out of touch ·.vith things that you don't know what it's all about, you probably won't understand it any way. Nevertheless, "Inherit the Wind" is just as significant today as when it was actually taking place 57 years ago in Dayton, Tenn., an unheard-of small Southern town with that deep-water Baptist mentality. The "monkey trial" ended years ago, but the battle of evolutionist vs. creationist goes on today. "Inherit the Wind" was prompted by that trial, which focused on the h istoric confrontation between Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan. Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species" came under some heavy fire from folks in the Bible belt Oii ., ... 'Inherit the Wind' is still fine drama By J I MMY JOHNSON Ot the Dally Pilot Staff at the time when an innocent, but deep-thinking grammar school teacher read a portion of the book to his class . John Scopes was the teacher. He was arrested, tossed into jail and convicted of violation of the education laws of the state of Tennessee. Scopes 10st the battle, but won the war, so to speak. Tom Titus has· brought together a large, but talented group of actors to st.age this re-creation of the "monkey trial." It's not an easy play to do, especially in such a limited amount of space offered '"AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL." -Rex Reed "A first rate, beautifully acted, ~horoughly involving romance." -Jenet Mastin, NEW YORK TIMES ----NOW PLAYING---- a.aN11• MISSloel VIEJO ..... T IUCll OU"8£ WH TMla TIR Pacific's Anaheim Edwaids Vieto Twin Ed'#afds Newport Ootma ClneOome EdWards Cinema West Dflve In 879 9850 830 6990 644 0760 834 2553 891 31135 NO ,AUii ACCQl'TlO fOfl lH .. INOAOhlDIT • • (_-·.la···---------=------__ .,,,,,.,. ... -· ....... ~ ...... ---""""" at TurtleRock Community Center. However, by utilizing the stage, backstage and even the auditorium, it came off very well. At times Titus even called on the audience to participate in the action. There were many notable performances, but veteran actor Art Winslow was the big show. He played Henry Drummond or Clarence Darrow if you are thinking real life. He had to memorize reams of dialogue and didn't inW a line. He was tough, crusty and crafty. but he was also feeling. He is the kind of character who would battle satan and the Southern Baptist -all at the same time -if it would make them think one tiny original thought. Wayne Powell played the part of Matthew H. Brady (William Jennings Bryan). the scripture- quoting politician who had run for the presidency three times and had lost just as many times. Powell is real in the part. He makes you believe he is a personal envoy of the Lord. The part is very well See On St.age, Page 7 'GF.ORc;f. ROY 1111.1. •~ .. RORIN Wll.LIAMS ··rnf. WORLU ACCORl>INti TO GARI'' \1ARY Rt.ill llURT • GLENN CLOSf. · JOUN LITllGOW 1 "'""" rn•••••·• PATRIC,K KEU.f.Y >(''"'""""'STEVE Tt".4ilCll "''""'"'"' .... 1111JOllS IRVlNG "'""k"'"' GEORCE ROY 1111.1. '"'' RORl\RT I. CRAWt'ORO ,_.,......,.,_GEORGE ROY HILL • w•n~1 ,,, "'~"~'l'lf,.:Af~~= 0 , • From Page 6 played by Powell. E.K. Hornbeck, the angry, cynical · Baltimore newspaperman, is no lion's part, but Tom Klein milks it for what it's worth. Hornbeck is the real villain m this drama. He even turns on his hero, Henry Drummond, in the end when he discovers the attorney does have a belief in God. Stan P ritchard took on one of the toughest roles, that of the Rev. Jeremiah Brown. He played the part very well, but would have been more believable if he had more of a Southern drawl. Still his big moment, when he delivered the message at the prayer meeting, was moving. Others m the cast who gave fine performances included Karol McGill as Rachel Brown , the preacher's daughter and close friend to the accused; Gregor y P ellico as Bertram Cates, the accused; Mary Benton as Mrs. Brady, and Tim Titus, making his dramatic debut as Howard Blair, a student forced to give testimony against the school teacher. "Inherit the Wind" is the largest production ever mounted by the Irvine players, but it is well worth the e f fort. T hat is, unless you a re a rednecked, card-carrying Klansman. The play will run weekends through Aug. 28 with Friday and Saturday performances at 8 p.m . and Sundays at 2 p.m. INHl'.NTTHEWINO A drematlc phly wntten by Jerome Lawrence end Rotlet1 E. L•. dlfecteel by tom Titus; stage mllllllgel'a. Brend• Fuell<et and Margie Schww'U: llghllng, Biii Paroe; propenlee, Al Sltry. cottu,,_, Randy Crawford; llOOM manager, Lenore Stjetne. CA.IT _.,.,... (~::~:·•=I m••······""-~ =·:.:::,.,..~ .... ::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·:: .. ··::·~~ : Meeker ..... ............. .................................... ....... 8111 Mlllkln 0. Bertrem Cet• ................. " ................ -........... Gregcwy P.-co ~ Mra Goodfellow ... ".-......................... Brenda Fuehrer M,. Blair .. ......... ... .. ................... ""'""'' Margie Schwanz :ti Ae-.t. Jeremiah Brown ... ................................ .. .. Stan Prttc::t\81'd 0: George 5111«1 ... ... ............................... ZachllfY Cordero 1111 .i.a.. Dunlap ........ .. ................................................. Al Sllry ':< Melvtn Bannister .. .. . ...... .. ...... .. . .... .. . ........ .... .. .... Richard DI Boucher Vendor ................................................................ ........... BIU Perce > EllJlh ................ ... . ............................................ Donovan GOiden c: E.K. Hornbeck ........... """ .............. ........ .. Tom Klein 'g =Harr~ Br~y. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.:.'.~.'.'.'.'"t.'::t=. !! Mrs. Brady ........................ _ .. . .. Mery Benton Mayot .. :............. . ---....................... ..... .. . Chudl B«tton Tom Oa"9f\por1 ................................. --. .. Randy C<awford Henry 0rummonc:t """ • ....................... ... .. At1 Wlnllow ~ M'.-n·:::: .. ·::::::: .. ::·:::::~:·:.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ........... a'::1 =: ~ <D O> N THE ORIGINAL IS BACK. They're going to have fun, fun, fun on the night shift. 5tJrmg MARK HAMILL HAAPJSON FORD CAARIE FISHER PETER CUSHING crtd ALEC GUINNESS /,\.61( by ~by 'Mtlll!n crtd Dweaed bw JOHN WILLIAMS GAAY KURTZ GEORGE LUCAS ~VISION9 l!-°l'!!'!=.~O#J •Dolby Stereo I II~"' I MA1 I '· ~ And get rich doing it. ~ MtGHTSRtn The comedy sleeper of the rear. A HIAN GRAZER PM)OIJCTION A M>N HOWARD Fil" "NIGHT SHIFr' HENRY WINKLER • "ICHAEL KEATON • SHELLEY LOMG Enotm "*" DOM HANZ£ Wnu111 bJ LOWEU GANZ w IAIALOO ttAMDEl Oriful "'1lt bf BUAT BACHAUCH Onciut lroo .., CAW BAYU SAGH 'rodn t, BRIAN GWH DwKeid bJ AON HOWARD CJ!~~ .. IR l...,1:'l11-!!-&-I ••'=S~~;lr~ t5==-"---I •.A~~~ ··~ . ,, ...... ",, \ l I I I " I I I"" I '4 \ -. !::m ----·--~--" ~~------------------~--------~~--t~-~--"'--• __ c_ra_•_•_l_c• ______ ~~~----~------------~----------~ co ~ A little bit of luck and a long list of credentials c-; have combined to make Yevgeny Belokon's first 14 months in the U.S. modestly successful. -.; The 34-year-old Russian actor, musician and :> ch oreogra her will t ake a nother s te p tow a rd gi esta b lish ing himself h ere S e p t . 4 whe n < "Reflections," a one-act ballet accompanied by the >. music of Rachmaninoff, is presented by the Ballet ~ Pacifica of Laguna Beach. "Reliections" will be one ;t of five dance masterpieces in the 17th Annual ROCKY'S GOT THE . EYE OF THE ·TIE'! ROCKY Ill ·~··· ... II iM-~· ••.t tll'" ••• , 'l.ll 0 .IMllJI IMIA}tll IUlllO#; r.-1ul~I(\ ,, ~"' ~-.I'",~"' .~wn .,., ., ""'" 1in.~!lt lllllfta5C -llt!lltlJlh , ,-., ·•" ..._..~ !"1 "111f:Jf~11~1•1 .., II-" n!~"11trt·.-lt" .ttN\tMH• m--..... PO~--.-·--··-···-·-••• ..... ~ ... ----·---_.,. •• •••• -· , ·-• •r _..,. NOW PLAYING COSTA MIU H TOllO fcl'lll.atd~ fo•nCtn1,.1 '"""""s~-fOUIT ,. .. llllllY • Oll&llCll lO••O~ ,..,..,..,. v_, °""°"""' ''"11~""• 111 •1H1 ~110 f1Ui ll9 1~ f1U1634 U~J C"Rl ll t,.,..,, 11u1818 1660 OAllltl GllOfl V•llev V-1/ 1 c11tc U38 • •••• ~~~TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT ~.a-~--... ••z,._r:" • 11!'"'4' -: ~~ \ \ .:.S--!.~ • : ~ . ·' • -:· U . oso•,.!ltNN~ -e. CHARIOTS OF f IRE --111!!9'3 ~ ... ·-N[W(Sf AUJ::ASEI •NOST Al GIA· CONCEAT'S • Al'UGJOUS SPORT$• CHll011£N&• ADUlT • DOCVMENTAlllES FOllOWIHG mus NOW AVMAllE fOl lfNTAl OI PUICHASl OUTLAND BODY HEAT ·. * • EXCAUIUR • tl ~ · · • PRINCE OF THE CITY • • ~ * SUPERMAN II ~ • •. WOlfEN l oPEN: M -F.10-9-SAT.10-1-suN.12-e I · " * ~ VIDEO GAMES ~ * ·. · 369 E•ll S••P<ttttnth SlfHI e cos1• M•u c11111orrn• 92627 111nco I 1 (114/ 631 STOP"' 631 1161 r1ur;.1 A.CROSS FROM RALPH'S ''Tht Store That Has All Tht Movies" • •••• • •• Dancer is looking f or outlet for craft By STEVE TRIPOLI Ot the Dally Pilot Start *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm1nc11 balor• 5:00 PM lflcept Speclll En91gements and Holid1ys1 IA MIUAOA MA11 Muodo ot lo••c•on1 LA MIRADA WALk·IN 994-240 0 "NIGHT IHln" 1a1 ............ ~ZA~Dl"t•I .,..,,..,,. "CHEECH I CHONG THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 1111 ,,_.._ ___ _ "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 ·--.... --... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK IN "THI M ST UTTLI I WHOREHOUll! IN T£XAS" -----"'' "STAR WMS" tNI .. OOUY aTUllO ·---· ... - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI M IN Triumph "FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3" 1•1 •>..-..._ ................. ... "THE PIRATE MOV1E" !"91 UICI, >.20, 5:40, t:to, fe>.20 loc~1ry 01 Con4'1ewoacs 213/531-9110 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE""'' _""' ___ _ "ROCKY 111"'"' , .............. THE PIRATE MOVIE '"'' ......... , ..... ..,...,.y THI! tl'nt ~MIT 1"1111 1100 .... -.-7 ... -... "A movie of soarln6 11leas ares t••t y oa bo11e will n ever ead. To be see n •6•ln and •6•1n ••. aad trea s ure d ." 6e•e S••llt, NllC·TJ' T -4•y S••w A mVEN SlttUID(i t11.M EI THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A mvEN Sl'IEl.8EllG FILM E. T TttE l!XTM TtllWTlllAL 0£1! WAI.LACE Pf:nll covon HENllY ntOMA.S AS EW01T Ml~C 8Y J(>tt.N 'WIJJ,JAMS ~BY MWSM MA'Tlfl50N ,.oouao 8Y STEVEN Sl'l£1.80G A kA11U.UN ICENNEDY DIU:Cl'U> 8Y STEVEN SPIEUIE.l G A UNMllW. PICnJU: .. Ballet Al.Cresco. "Reflections" is the first piece presented in this country that has been fully choreographed by Belokon. He hopes it is not the last. Belokon said recently he has done well but is still seeking outlets for his favorite dance and drama Ideas in the U.S . Tired of Ure in his native country but fearful that his mother would be harassed if he defected, Belokon, who is Jewish, instead was able to obtain official permission to emigrate to Israel. His real destination always was the United States, however, he says now. "I got as far as Rome then changed my mind about going to Israel" the darkly handsome artist says with a grin. Belokon had been building a reputation in danc.-e, music and drama in Russia since before his 10th birthday. He holds diplomas in dance, piano, violin, drama and choreography from several Russian state arts schools and had built a career in dance and as an actor in Russian movies . His career as a dancer lasted less than two years in the mid-60s, because he developed ph lebitis near his k nees and was advis~d to no longer See The Classic, Page 12 ... .......... , . IMPORTANT NOTICE• CHllOlllN UNOlll 12 fllU' ........ ·-.... ""'ltl 1•. Sal.. ..... M. .... Ollf-"-·-... CM -4 1'0Ull Sl!MP .... 611 CNI -Wllll -CCSSOll¥ Palll'OI __ ,,,, IOtlUIU 1•111.1 Oot-11-...... - A"-AHt1"'9 ANAHEIM ORIVf·IN ,_..,,fl ell•-SI 1n·t110 -----.,...--- ~n~r.1111 MICAMO TO oeAlff" Pl\ Cffll fl IOUllO l'iP ,,,, ... A"• BUENA PARK OlllV( IN llflC°"' An Wet! of l r>oll 121•4070 t' I • "' .. ~ "~ t LINCOLN DRIVE IN U~Otf'I A•• ••W of •MH 121·4070 I lJ~IAJJ'i "ftl!OAY THI! tlTM ~AlllT I" n11 -"VIMOM'' 1•1 "'AITT1MHAT NOOIMONT HtOH~ 1•1 .... FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVf IN ,.,,. ~ llWf ot .. oo•••••fll (lo) "ll4e HOU. YWOOO ICMOHTl" 1•1 962·2411 Cliff "'°""° oA I '._, •~ I lo Hl·WAY 39 ORl\11 IN a. I• .. ~ ~ ... LA HABRA 11w1.i '" ---......... ·-... 17MUI --... Ol?ANGE [JIJIVI IN MISSION''"'"' IN _,,_So OI (;Qr .... "'""' flffWO'r 891-3693 1fM W,\lt9w tNI -"MIGUORCrfN1 :.... .. _ ---CHftCM I C**O TMINOI AM TOU~#" OVIJI 1111 ITWll nn CINI "- lellleMelr<rt ,,,.,.Coll ... 634-9361 "TMI IAT un'La WM0•1owa •,...... . ~--. .a. .... "UMM OOWlto¥" ... ~~~~~~...;_~~~~~~~--~-4(_ ____ A_t __ 11te ___ AA_°" __ i_•_• ___ )~---------------------------------9~ When Ron Howard cast his old "Happy Days" shipmate Henry Winkler in the leading role of his movie comedy "Night Shift," it was clearly more than Hollywood's buddy system at work. For Winkler is far more than a one-character sitcom actor, and he has finally gotten the chance to prove• it. In "Night Shift," wherein Winkler as a morgue attendant becomes the proprietor of the Best Little Whorehouse in New York, the actor known to most of the civifued world as the Fonz gives his high- megaton talent full range. He's your average guy (perhaps a bit below average) beset by an avalanche of life's little irritations and conquering them with much the same endearing quality that made Cary Grant so appealing in thoee forties comedies. Winkler plays a fellow who can't take the heat. so he moves out of the kitchen of Wall Street financial analysis into the presumably calm world of the city morgue. When he's transferred to night duty, he's paired with a hyperactive "idea man" (Michael Keaton) with the improbable name of Blazejowski who soon devises a scheme to make them millionaires -acting as "agents" for the city's pimpless hookers. , This new enterprise ultimately costs Winkler his fiancee (the most unappealing of that breed since Jennie Berlin in ''The Heartbreak Kid"), but compensation surfaces in the fonn of the girl next door -who also happens to ply the Oldest Profession. Tall, leggy and lovely Shelly Long i.s endearing in this role, erasing the attendant cliche trappings from the "heart of gold" label. Through it all. including a scary encounter 'Night Shift' allows 'The Fon z' to p er/ orm By TOM T ITUS Ot the Dally Pilot Staff with two mob hoods who want their piece of the action, Winkler gives a virtuoso performance as his character develops a backbone. Keaton is a little too much to take in the early innings, but his outlandish brashness soon settles into a sort of inspired goofiness. The real find in this flick la Miss Long, who possesses the lost-kitten appeal of a young De~bie Reynolds. "Night Shift" plays, at most Orange Coast theaters, in tandem with "Zapped," a juvenile bit of moviemaking which gives another "Happy Days" actor, Scott Baio, the chance to live out every teen-ager's fantasy. At Ridgemont High Only tlte Rules get Busted! A REFVGfE flt MS f>iocMllOn An Mff l«XERIN3 Rm "FAST TWCS AT RDGEMONT HIGH" S£AN PENN JENNlfl-R JASON LEIGH JUCX3E ~INHOtD PHOf& CATES llRW'I e.ACICER llOl!ERl AQt.MNUS crid PAY WALSTON x-..,. CAMERON CROWl 11-1 ........ -tow CAMEllON CIO/l.'E 1--•-C 0 ERIOCSON -,..., ""MT llNSON...., lll\llNG AZOO o-... .,. MM ~O<Ela.NG I ----., ........ ,,., ...... ....,.. ............... 1 A '-""""IS.At,.~ t4ad ... ~ .. °""' !>CHUSrt•... ...,.._ .... ~ ......... ,__ .. _.,. __ . ___ . __ . ___ ··----·--..·--·---· --·-..-.0. __ ,_, .OCO·~---·-.. ----·--·---- 2 Baio, through an explosion in a chemistry lab, ~ gains the power of telekinesis -the ability to move I objects at will. But since he's a deadly serious young ~ man (much like Winkler in "Night Shift") he only ~ uses his_Bifts when necessary -like helpinJ his o. buddy (Willie Aames; with his love life or giving ~ his winless baseball team an extra push. ,, Mostly, he mopes through the movie as if his 5.'. newfound power were a terminal disease. His ~ mother tries to have him exorcised while his father ). just takes another nip of spiked prune juice and c doz.es through it all. What real comedy there is cg comes mainly from school principal Robert Mandan ~ and oversexed spinster teacher S ue Ane Langdon ..,. who "find each other" through an ad in a singles~ maga.z.i.ne. <O The movie's big moment, predictably, comes at the school prom when Baio allows himself a flight of fancy that resembles a comic version of "Carrie." It's almost worth all the strain of the buildup. Though rated R, "Zapped" is aimed at the post-puberty audience which should find it hilarious. It might have been, had Baio allowed himself to enjoy his mind-over-matter endowment. QI) N ...... u... ..... ~~==~~~ 81ooldlUISI [CIW.Wds WtstblOOIC 11~ 1441 S30 4401 IMA ..._ M.ww1 "-' PIM' AMC 0t""9' lilll 52t SUI 07 0,40 ctSTA MUa tow.OS M1r001lw111131 1501 -UA ~ Onelna 134 3911 l•CJM ... ,,....,ll~IQlll"J w I:) With Burt & Dolly lhl• much lbn ju.J couldn 'r ~ le1aJJ •4 TRACK MAG STEREO •JOHNB~­ • JAMES prARQO - CHUO< NORRIS "FOACEO VENCM!ANCE" MARY L.OUISE WB...L.£A ~ ,_ •1'1111 ----. .. .._ ... _ _., ~ GOU:lST'EIN _.,FRANKLIN THOMP90N _., JOMN It 8eNNl(TT _.,JAMES F""°'° R,~~1 ~ STARTS TODAY ---------------..,.;._------------1fcurrently S1 Movies now showing along Orange Coast A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY: Rated PG, stars Woody Allen, Mary Steenburgen. Tony Roberts, Mia Farrow, Jose Ferrer and Julie Hageny. Not many laughs or new ideas in this tale of changing romances at the tum of the century. AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated R, stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surprises but some beautifully drawn perfonnances in this tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because of language, sex and aduJt situations. ANNlE: Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film is based on the popular musical. Tiie Retunt of the Great Adventure. COSTA lllSA £d•~ds C-~'" 919 "" COSTA MESA ldW110s lo,.n C~te• ,~, ., .. 411\IWA!Vil f\.llJt ..iillllit.. .. _. ... ,,~ ..... _,, ·:. :~.'!'!o~~ ~~WITO. l·JiMMj sa1 seeo s1s ,,., --·- rOUllTAt• waun 1r1nM1111n11 OUllGl f ""~V I,.., UA ~ St;iO>um 011ve In 96? 1248 893 OS46 639 8770 "BEAM YOURSELF ABOARD. rrs A HECK OF A RIDE ... COSTA MESA FOUNTAIN VALLEY Edwards Mesa Theatre 646-5025 Family Twin 962 1248 HO PA&IH ACCEl'TEO FOR THIS ENOAOEMENT lllVllll Edwuds WooOrido• 551 ·0855 llllA UA Mov1t1 990.4022 WHTMtlltflll, CIH1111 Wt1t ll1·3t35 • k.1•• ( •. ) . ...._.... AUTHOR, AUTHOR: Rated PG, stars Al Paci.no, Dyan Cannon, Tuesday Weld, Alan King, Bob Dishy, Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding. Pacino plays a playwright who suddenly finds himself with a family of five children and no wile. It's rated PG because of mature language. BAMBI: Rated G, is the Walt Disney animated classic that first hit the big screen in 1942. This sentiment.al tale of a baby deer should be a treat for youngsters of today, just as It was years ago. BLADE RUNNER: Rated R, stars Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Edward J ames Olmos and Rutger Hauer. Harrison is a police "blade runner" in Los Angeles in 2019. His assignment is to hunt genetically engineered human replicants who bolt Crom slavery and cause problems. It's rated R for bloody violence. E .T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien Crom outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. FIREFOX! Rated PG, stars Clint Eastwood (who is also director and producer), Freddie Jones, David Huffman, Warren Clarke, Ronad Lacey and Kenneth Colley. Eastwood is an American pilot who tries to steal Russia's top secret super jet and fly it to the West. It's rated PG because of some violence. ROCKY W : Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone as the gutsy Rocky, who battles to defend his crown. The PG rating is for violence. POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stars Jobeth Williams and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for suspense. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R, stars Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Close and John Lithgow. This film gets to the heart of author John Irving's sprawling novel. It is deep, meaningful and speaks directly to what really matters to us, in films and in life. It's rated R because of some bad language, sex and violence. STAR TREK II: Rated PG. stars William -----·---~- Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing quest to seek out and explore strange new worlds. The PG rating is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS: Rated R, s tars Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLui.se. There's not much sexy or hvely action in this Cilm, which inClates the characters portrayed by Parton and Reynolds to larger-than-life images. It doesn't hold the audience's attention. It's rated R for language, sex and bawdy situations. YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE: Rated R, stars members of various TV soap operas. This uneven but frequenUy fWUly comedy is set in a hospital. It's rated R because it's too risque for youngsters. NIGHT SHlFT: Rated R, stars Henry Winkler, Michael Keaton, and Shelly Long. Directed by Ron Howard. This film is likeable, inventive, funny and deftly performed. It's rated R because of nudity, adult language and adult situations. THE SECRET POLICEMAN'S OTHER BALL: Rated R, stars Pete Townsend. Eric Clapton and others. A series of short pieces highlighting some of Monty Python's schticks, interspersed with musical moments, this production should at least keep Python fans happy. It's rated R because of salty language. TRON: Rated PG, Jeff Bridges. Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan and Barnard Hughes. This film has no plot, no character development and little interest for those unappreciative of video games. It's rated PG and only the very young may be worried by Warner's portrayal of a menacing villain. ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, stars ftenry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an aging couple DAIL y 1.2:JO, a:oo, ~ a:oo. 10:20 (ll'O) "SUMMER LOVERS" DAILY 4:20, 1:18 (") The Q,...._. Cflllhnte "ROCKY Ill" DAILY a:is, 1:20 •tO - tsmm 4 TRA« 00\.aY ITEIWO ET. TIIS&XTllA• l!ll · • • TUauTllL\L • Vf'IH••···· ""(:f\,lllltf •1tAIODfl OF TM l.OIT ~ltfC" !NI DAILY >:11. 7141 POLTERGEIST_"'! DM.Y4110,l:OO "THI! WORLD ACCORDING DAILY MO, &:11 1:11,lllO, ... TO OARP" .......... (911) CHHCMa CHOlt0'8 "THINQI ARE TOUGH ALL OVI"" ,.. ....... .. . e./1>1141 <W TH~ P &.OITAIUftml DAILY 1M ... ,.. .. PORCID VENGaANCI" ..... , ..... (I') returning to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death; she's interminably cheerful. They bicker politely until the arrival of their DAILY 1:11. l:IO ... 1:21>, 10::al '-'Y~ ,,r, "'"'' Al •iocl:MOWT DAJL Y 12:JO, 2:JO, 4:JO, 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 (PO) llKN ·'::~• 12:il, 4:41, l:IO .. THE WOftU> ACCORDING TO QARP" DM.YMl,elOO "THING8 ARE TOUGH ALL ~~ OVIR" 2:1DO, It"· 10:2I l:al,Ml, 1C>M POLTERGEIST_,!!!! DAIL 'I 4:IO, l:OO T.~Ol~m DAILY a:JO. ~ ":.: :... ..... DINIA s DM Y 1:30, l.'00, 10'.JO 8L~ lfUllllSf DAii. Y 4;00, 1.'CIO .. FORCED VENGEANCE" DAILY 1!11, lt11. •11 (911) POLT.ERGEIST~. DAILY l::IO, ldlO "RAlllEltl OF THE LOST Alfl(" ,,_ DAILY fA!T TIMF! AT •IDCCMONTMIGM l!!I A UM"\•U\ -C.•V'tf DAILY 1:00. 3:00, l!OO. 1:00, l:IO, 10:M "THINGS AAE TOUGH ALL OVER" DA.ll. Y 1111. ftOO, 10ioe8 ~Slltn & u ~ ~ daughter (Jane Fonda), her latest boyfriend, Billy (played brilliantly by Dabney C.Oleman) and his ~ 13-year-old boy. The PG rating is for language. l ~ 0. ~ N ~From Page 8 ,..._ perform. He turned to choreography then, and 1;8ter Dancer is I 00 king <'? became an actor and director. He was artastic-i =~fin thR~ Philharmonic his final fior out I et for era ft ~ Belokon, who sr.aks excellent English despite < arriving in the U .. with no knowledge of the ~ language and no formal training, said his streak of Mme. Lichine's friendship with Lila Zall of Ballet ~ luck here started shortly after he arrived in New Pacifica, which led to his "Reflections'' assignment. ;: York when he was able to obtain a job as a pianist Belokon said he is hoping to combine his u.. for ballet classes at the Carnegie Hall Ballet Arts musical and dance talents in a very free-flowing i School. interoretation of the piece. -g After a brief stint in that position he was asked r.1 can't help being a m usician in m y a> to teach ballet, and became better known in the choreography and a dancer in my music,'' he said. ~ U.S. dance community through that experience, he He said he is hoping to make the ballet's G> said. It was then that Mme. Rabwihinska Lichine, dancers understand his desire to express the ~ head of the Lichine Ballet School in Los Angeles. "Russian soul" of Rachmaninoff in "Reflections." ~ expressed an interest in haviz:ig a R~an-stylf· Belokon said he ultimately hopes to land a a: dance teacher in her Beverly Hills studios. serious dramatic movie role in addition to his dance Belokon's final good fortune came through work. but he knows that can come only after his -----------------1 English improves. Another, more immediately reachable goal, ia 642-5678 to combine his artistic knowledge in a production uniting actors, modem dancers and mim.ists. Put a few words to work for you The Ballet Alfreeco start.a at 8:30 p.m . Sept. 4 in in the I . 1·1y Pilm' the Irvine Bowl. It will be preceded by a separate .fundraising dinner honoring the ballet's 21st year to take place at the 'nvoli Tttraee Restaurant on the 1.-_;.... _______________ _,1 Festival of Arts grou.nda. Belokon ANNE MURRAY FRIDAY ~~AUG 27 I KV1 NE SEASON MAIDWS 8--, /\M>HITHfJ\rR.E ~ KNOB presents "M & M's Week" begin- ning August 16. Listen for your chance to win tickets to see Melissa Manchester on Sunday, August 22 or Anne Murray on Friday, August 27 at the beautiful ON M&M's WEEKBEGMIK»EAY AUGUST16 ON "ZIPPED" (I) "DIVA" (R) "The Young Docton In Love" MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,.,. ...... ol ... l'llrlgl. to - _,,. ·-,,,. t<Mll04fly ol ....... ...._,_,,_,,.. .... -. ® NOONEUHOEll 17 AOMtmo ~,-... ,...., "'-'"'"or-i AlL D Ill NfO II '._Ml MOINE ~ Diversion• )~--- What's happening along Orange Coast "THE GAZEBO," a comedy about murder, is the fare at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the Seacli!f Village shopping center. Curtain is 8.30 Fridays and Saturdays through Aug. 28. Reservations 847-4465. "GEORGE M," the life story of George M. Cohan. plans through the summer at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Curtain times are Tuesdays through Thursdays at 8:15, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:45 and Sundays at 1:30 and 7:45 Reservations 492-9950. "INHERIT THE WIND," a drama based on the Scopes "monkey trial," contrnues at the Irvine Community Theater 1n Turtle Rock Community Park, Sunnyh1LI Road off Turtle Rock Dnv('. Irvine. Curtain times are 8 pm. Friday anti Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday through Oct 28 with tickets available at the door. Reservations 557-7297 "OKLAHOMA ," the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, t'Vntinues al the Curtain Call Dinner Theater, 690 Cam1110 Real, Tustin Curtain times vary nightly ('Xt'Cpt Mondays through Aug. 22. R('S(.'rvations 838-1540 "PIPPIN," a musical set in the days of Charlemagne, is on stage this weekend and next at the Newport Theater Arts C'ent.er, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach Perfor nances are tonight, Saturday and Aug. 19-21 <.tl 8 p.m. Reservations 675-3143. "SUGAR," the musical version of the movie "Some Like It Hot," is playing through Sept. 5 at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana. Curtain times vary nightly except Monday. Reservations 979-5511. "THORNHILL," the world premiere of an original drama, completes 1ts run this weekend at t he Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. Reservations 494-0743. See Diversions, Page 14 * Drive-ins Open 7 :30 Nightly * --·~ - SterUng Optioa.1 now Ofl'ers 1ts huge oolleotton at "l>ackage" prioes ... oo~ With olear u..,.vtaton leneea. • Lal>orat.ortee ror speel\y servtoe at eeob bra.nob • Same ~ eervtoe in m&l\Y OMes • BJ.tOO&ls only t 16 addlt.lonal • Bausch l!I Lomb eoft. oontaot. lenaes only •58 pr • MEDI-CAL a.ooepted 'MHlmlnster 9122 Bolso Ave 692..S491 Hunllnglon lleoch 7070 EOinger Ave (Of Golden West) 642-3133 Rlllenon 500 N Hort>a BIYd (at Chapmon) 870-7441 tMwport 8eoc:h Plaza Newport Shp Ctr 752·5636 AnoMlm 1205 N Euclid Ave 7741-3300 Santa Ano f.1)6 w 17 5412-35 71 -ChJld.110 U1.1cltr_l,tf (lf.f \Jnl~ No lt<! ......... l~ ra 13 :!! ' 0 I -~ I ~ ~ Q. ~ .... .,, :i Q. CD ~ > c IQ c (/) -~ !" ~ <D QI I\) I ~ I ~~---------------------------------r~, _____ o_lv __ •_r•_l_o_n_• _____ ~~----------------------------------~ Cl) ~ From Page 13 C'i "WHEN THE BOUGH BREAKS," the ~ premiere of a locally written musical, is being 7ii presented by the Stop-Gap theater company at the & Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista ::> St., Costa Mesa. Performances are tonight, <( Saturday and Aug. 17-21 at 8 p.m. and Sundays. ~ Aug. l~and 22, at 2:30. Reservations 631-5110. "O ;t -GALLERIES-----.... ~ "PF.X)PLE OF THE SUN" on view through i Aug. 29 at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., .:iic Santa Ana. "Chinese Art" T'ang to· Ching" on ~ display through Sept. 26. Open 10 a.m .-5 p.m. ~ Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m . Sunday. POINT is at Orange County Marine Institute, 35502 Del Obispo, Dana Point. OUTDOOR ART-CRAFT FAIR, sporuiored by San Clemente Arts and Crafts Club, is 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Community Center, 100 N. Seville, San Clemente. Admission free. "WESTERN VIEWS AND EASTERN VISIONS" opens Aug. 23 at University Art Museum, CaJ State Long Beach. Gallery hours noon-4 p.m. a nd 5-8 p .m. Monday-Thursday, noon-4 p.m. Friday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission free. ~ Admission by donation. "RENAISSANCE THROUG.H ROCOCO ORA WINGS," a lecture by art historian Ron Steen, PHOTOGRAPHIC OOLLECTION ON DANA is at Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive, a: South Coast Plant Village welcomes the Seventh Annual Classic Car Parade Saturday, August 14th Af)proxknlltefy 250carsondlsplllyfrom1:00AMto12:00 PM. Plnde beW1gl llt 12:00 PM. Don't mm thla nolltMglc ewntt GRANO MARSHAL IS-PARNELLI JONES CHAMPIOH RACE CAR DRIVER For mont fnfom\lltlon phone 751~ - I South Coast Plaza Village Located at Sunftowefr & Bear Streets Santa Ana, CA 02704 • (714) 751-e595 GARDEN ENTERTAINER -Connie Haines, big band singer, will entertain daily during the 28th Annual Southland Home and Garden Show at the Anaheim Convention Center. The show starts Saturday. Aug. 21 and runs through Aug. 29. This i.s the largest show of its kind in the United St8tes. Laguna Beach at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. Admission $7 for non-members includes breakfast. -DANCE------ AUDITIONS FOR "THE NUTCRACKER" ballet are at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 20 and 22 and 1 p.m. Aug. 21 at Danse Arts Theater, 25272-A Mcintyre St .. Laguna Hills. "The Nut.cracker" is presented by the theater under sponsorship of Saddleback College Community Services. Information 768-9683. "HERITAGE DANCES OF ISRAEL AND THE WORLD," weekly dance classes, begin Aug. 25 at Jewish Community Center of South Orange County, 298 Broadway Place, Laguna Beach. Information 833-1017. BALLET WORKSHOP continues through Aug. 27 at South Coast Cultural Services League, l 7302A Daimler St., Irvine. Registration is open. Information 979-1582. -ETC.------ EVENJNG OF BRIDGE. s_ponsored by J ewish Conununity Center of South Orange County, 298 Broadway Place, Laguna Beach, is at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Call Alex at 499-4385 for re9er'Vations and a partner. NATURE WALK through Hortense Miller Gardens, Laguna Beach, la at 9:30 a.m. Aug 21, sponsored by Jewish Community Center of South Orange County. Information 833-1017. ANTIQUE CLASSIC AND SPECIAL ~T CAR SHOW AND PARADE begins at 8 a.m. Saturday in South Coat Village. At noon, cars parade east on Sunflower to Main Street, along Main north to Fashion Square, Santa Ana, where they will be on display until 3:30 p.m. lnfonnation 834-4145. SOUl'HLA.ND HOME AND GARDEN SHOW la at Anaheim Conve ntion Center Aug. 21-29. Includes 600 ex hibitors with theme of "Mediterranean Od)'IMY." Singer Connie Haine9 enterta.lna. -MIJSIC--------- MAITLAND perfonDI ln a ~ jazz concert at ~ Diven.Iona, Page 19 --~ ~~~~~BALLET PACIFICA ~~~~~ presents 17th annual ~~~~~Ballet Alfresco~~~~~ Saturday, September 4, 1982 at 8:30 p.m. An Evening of Dance Masterpieces Irvi ne Bowl, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, California I ... .._ "\YJ PlllOES M u~1c by Chopin. Choreography by Michael Fokine THE DON QUIXOTE PAS DE DEUX Mu~ic by· Mink us. Choreography by Lila Zali RE H.ECTIO~S (A USA Prernit>re) Musi .. by Rachmaninoff. Choreography by Eugene Belokon I~-P.\. m. QU:\TRE Musit by Pugni. Choreography by Lila Zali BIP.H~I S \\' \LTZES \1 u:-.w hy Brahms. Choreography b) Cha rlt>s Weidman TICl\ETS· $4. $11. !8 and $I 0. M.ul order;,. lo P.O. Rm. 241. Laguna lk-ac·h CA 9~1152. Ti1·keh will l>e ht>ld for pick up al lhf' box oflicr. NO PllOl\JE OIWERS ex4·t>p1 on rharge ordrr'-. 7 14-494-7271. Box offirf' oprn~ l p.rn. on Septrmher 4. ============================Enjoy a fund -rai sing========================== ~~~~~~~~§§Champagne Dinner §§§§~~~~~~~ with entertainment by the "Sunset Strings" at the Tivoli Terrace Restaurant (next to Irvine Bowl) before the performance. You '11 be helping Ballet Pacifica while celebrating in a beautiful setting under the stars. Dinner and Loge Seat s35 No-host bar ($1 5 tax deductiblt) Bar opens 5:30 P.M. -Dinner served at 6:30 P.M. ' • ~· \ 1 • •• 15 :I~ .,, i ~ ' ~ I J .,, •:::i. Q. QI ';< > c cc c ~ -? -co CD N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----( Meodon \Vina ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By JERRY D. MEAD .,... .. o.-, ..... The Wine Spectator, the tabloid wine magazine, recently announced the winners of its "Grand Award" for restaurants, based primarily on the excellence of each establishment's wine list. This is the second year for the publication's Popular wine magazine names restaurants with best lists Wrestling with the problem of giving the same award to the same restaurants over and over again, the publication decided that each award would be good for a three year period, at which time the restaurant would be re-evaluated. "The Spectator" wisely decided against lifetime awards. the city. Alo~th as fine a collect.ion of · ornia wines as is to be found anywhere comes a spectacular view from the 52nd floor of the Bank of America Building. Tbe Chronicle in Pasadena has always been one of my favorite restaurants for wine, not only for the outstanding selection but for a pricing policy more reasonable than moet. awards program. LET CHRISTOPHER REEVE BE YOUR CUIDE •.. The policy would seem to make sense so long as "The Spectator" maintains strict standards for the original presentation. Any restaurant sufficiently dedicated to its win program in the first place is unlikely to fall below standard in such a short time. I should think, however, that the publication would want to reserve the right to recall the award in the event of a radical change in management or philosophy. Los Angeles' Beverly Wilshire Hotel also earned the award for its list whJch is shared by three separate restaurants on the hot.el premises. La Bella Fontana is the class act of the Uio. Tbe Sardine Factory on in a captivating behlnc:t-the-scenes look at a Hollywood blockbuster Monterey's colorful Cannery Row claims a 125,000 bottle inventory and appropriately places emphasis on the ) wines of its Monterey County home. Everyone from management to staff "THE MAKING OF SUPERMAN: Winners from both 1981 and 1982 came primarily from one coast or the other, but restaurants from some 27 states were nominated and make up a list of "America's Top 100 Wine Lists." This year's winners include elegant Ambrosia of Newport Beach, a restaurant I know well, having reviewed the establishment in a previous life as a restaurant critic. Besides a well-balanced wine list featuring selections from California, France and Germany, this restaurant specializes in rare old vintages which often sell for less than might be paid at some of the widely publicized auctions. It's all in a setting of red velvet. crystal, china and real silver. is into wine at this Holiday Award winning restaurant which is mobbed at every year's ''Monterey Wine Festival." The restaurant frequently hosts wine oriented events organized by such groups as Knights of the Vine and Wine Investigation for Novices and Oenophiles (W.l.N.0 .). The only West Coast winner on this year's list that I haven't visited recently is San Diego's Top 0 ' Tile Cove, but several years ago I found both wine collection and the cuisine THE MOVIE" to be outstanding. San Francisco's CaraeUu Room definitely qualities, after all it was only a few weeks ago that I commented the restaurant had the best collection of California wines in Award winners from elsewhere in the U.S. include famous Anthony's Pier 4 of Boston; The Colony at Sarasota, FL.; internationally known Lutece of NYC; and Pierce's 1894 of Elmira Heights, NY. Also Chica,o's Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Rosellini s Other Place, Seattle. 1 A well krtONn bos1C collon or blended tobflc The fabric 11 very~ and IS popJof tot all types ot go-menls llOtn WOii< clolhes IO sportswear and 8\1'8ning wear 2 A coarse blue dJngoree used b WCI\( cloltle$. otlglfdy used for so1lols WOik clothes NOW PLAYIN "DANC/N' IS ENTRANCIN' AND BOB FOSSE HAS SCORED AGA/Nf' Roti.rt I.ape, WABC TV '~\\\\~ ~s?S' ·Da~~!!?~ • • outleta. For Group Sales: 213/464-75}1. CMAltGE IY PMONE D4N"'WJES 213 /462-3104 I llilllll ~ •• • • • • • • Al's Garage; Your Denim Store fof Bock to School ... NOW ~ PLAYING•• A lellt "5C>1: Shl1nk·lo-llt basic denim. B. Geneno. original stone WClh denim )eons C. LEM-b·Men. stletch denim. D CoMn Klein. 14 oz. denim ~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NE'NPORT BEACH • (714) 644-7030 t.hru •• E:PT. JJth! • ./ m\RY llERMAN -----... T1IE MOST Aca.AIMF.D MUSICAL OF ALL 11M£/ MUSJCCTNTER O r>AvltioN Country Western Music Orange County's Nicest Country Western Night Club ·-·-· ---Thur&day: ~dies Night Appearlng August J Bth- Hank Thompson 1to22 .... 1111.nt It • .,. .. AWARD WINNING BY THE SEA Wotl' •I J•zz • 11111 llL.111111 MELLOW JAZZ PIANO ANO VOCALS SUNDAY THAU WEDNESDAY 7-MIONIGHT • a111 •••s •• n1E11s DIXIELAND ANO SWING PLAYED WITH VERVE THURSDAY 7-12 •SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2-8 • I TllCI OF CUSS TRADITIONAL JAZZ SOUNDS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8-t A.M 317 Pacffic Coast Hwy. at the Pier tbttilcton Beach 536-2555 I llOCI • lllLL llllT OLUI TIES. ~ DRAFT emt-.-> COVER WED.~ WEU i.t•S All NIGHT THUR8. HOT TV• FEVER/ ....... ! r .. r ... EST T-SHIRT SHOW IN O.C. FRI • .t SAT. LIVE ~RTAINMEllT 111.L 4 A.M. 18+ AFTER HOURS ONLY ········---·······----------------· Clua ..... AT THE-NEWPORT PIER N•wport'• Olden Bar-Sine. 1912 San Francbco Sty!. Bistro Cafe Lm DTDTAJlllEIT 7 llCBTS A Wiii Fruh Shark Daily From U\e Doryman n..t FAMOUS CIOPPINO .................. $6.95 SEAFOOD MOSTACCIOLI ........ f].98 LINGUINI AL PESTO IN FRESH BASIL SAUCE ............... $8.96 Monday Niqht Special *3.95 Linguini In Clam Sauce WiU\ GarUc Bread • Dally LaMlll l,.mh • 0,.ttr llWm IS• ... ,,, .... 3 .. , 107 Zht Pl. 675-3333 IEWPOIT IEACB ~'llld l~IDIKI D•nc• To Liv• Rocle N Roll 1 Nlghte A WHlc SKYLAR BROTHERS WED.· SAT. • SURnONES SUN.., MON., TUES. FROM t P.M. . ""' ... ". •llllDIM,_WI ·-l&lllTll • -. .., -lllTAIUIT 19\ftB.., .... Ml-leis ......... , ... ,. ··WHERE PEOPLE IN mE KNOW.(,;c:r 3180 AIRWAY COSTA MESA c.. ....... ~ 546-9880 Appearing Wednesday, August 18 at the Swizzel Stik in Huntington Beach is Country Western ~mg er HanK 1 nompson. Show times are at 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. 2111 OCUIFIOIT IEWPllT IUCI 171-1114 F••turlng SOUTH CITY Mon. Ii Tues. flchb STAN cm.ow Wed. tin Sal, 9 pm. 2 Im .-£ Pll:RA Stll>A n FIL I SAT. ua11• (~ Iron Butt.try• Blu. /~) NIQHTL Y DRNC SPECIALS LANDING 179 E. 17th St. f.osta Mesa In v-Sbappinc Ctr. 642-9855 MIGHTY FLYERS ...... I ... 111111 1111 15al H• .. , ..... 711 SAN MIQUEL SPECIAL .. 8CleUJllN °" TIQW.A POU.OWID llY WITH_.. a-. WM'nt'llm_, ·- .._ RlllD AND . LOST AWL.le n ~ 0 - ... co C» N I I , . I I I -~ 18 ~ [f J D1NING & ENTERTAlllMERT GUIDE ~I: I .... ~~~~~~~(_-~_Ti_o_b_l_•_t_o~Ti_o_b_I_•~-)~~~~~- From Page 4 Gen Kai has four full-time sushi pleasure in watching a broad· grin form as he succumbed to the pleasures of raw fish. Between each piece of sushi, we cleansed our palates with a bite of pick.Jed ginger root. He felt the wasabi horseradish was a bit too pungent, but time may soften his taste buds to this flavorful s ushi accomparument. ;; .::> OI .::> <{ ,;.. al "O 1: LL chefs to meet the ever-growing ,...----------------------------, demand from Westerners who come t,o love and respect the art of preparing this centuries-old food. Sushi has obviously caught on as the bar area was buz:z.ing with activity w ell before the dining room was filled. Seafood for the sushi bar is purchased daily from a Los Angeles market. And only enough for a day's use as selected, ensuring that diners receive only the freshest sushi. Sushi selections are chosen according to personal preference and first-timers can ex p eri m ent with the recommendations of the sushi maker. Dinners are served wuh soup, pickled cucumbers, steamed rice and green ·tea. We found the cucumbers none too tart ancfthe aromatic soup a true pleasure. (Sorry no spoon for the soup and my intrepid guest became an expert with chopsticks after I said no fork would grace our table.) C omple t e Dinners from $5.25 to S5.95 5:00 PM -7 :00 P M Daily Sushi bar guests who come to relax, e njoy some chU-ch at and sample various seafoods may spend from $20 to $30 including beverage when the carries a preiniuin-ana siashi cin run from $2.50 to $6 and may vary in price from the menu depending on what's available at the fish market. To sample a little bit of everything from the menu, we selected the Gen Kai Special for two ($26.50), a sumptuous feast of New York teriyak.i steak, shrimp and vegetable tempura, ~~ t=enucini "Neptune·· nw we1gt11 Watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef c ountry rilre -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips For starters, we decided to sample some of the sushi bar cuisine Crom our dining room table with a s ushi appetizer ($5). An order should be plentiful for one, though it can be stretched for two people wishing to save their appetites for the main e ntrees. On our night the sus hi appetizer included shrimp. octopus, tuna, halibut and mackerel. is served in a decorative boat that adds a festive touch to the table. Our teriyaki steak was cooked to order and was tender and juicy. The tempura was much-appreciated for its crisp batter coeting and sparse hint of deep-fryer grease. Omelette du Jour plu~ your ct1oice o f desser1. includin~ t magcn Dazs tee < ream or Apple Strudel and a sclt·clion of b •vcrages from t offe(·. t(·a. iCT CI tea. milk or Sanka. ~leach CAPRICCIO CAFE ell 'i)=0 : TennlsClub '"" 1 '' w1>on C 1·1111·1 l>n\I' 'l'WIJOM lk'ct<"h. CA 11.!ht.ll 17 I°'' lt~ll .. ooo ''°"' fl I .lff My guest sampled this delight for the first time, so there was great It was a satisfying meal and a new venture for my friend. And credit must be giv~n to the chefs, who ~ve swom allegiance to uncomprolTUSlng quality. With the combination dining room and sushi bar, Gen Kai indeed savors two marvelous worlds of Japanese cuisine. In The Classic Harlequin Fashion NOW PLAYING THRUSEPT.S llmbl AdapUJjoa ol "Some LJU lt Bot" thru Sun . & Sun Brunch _,-.olden 9,!~~~~~ ...,. ~~ Sl::iragon ·-- <iENUtNE CHINESE MANOARIN DfSHES Specializing In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes Lunch Dinner Oa11.Y • Food To Take Out 47 15 C..,._ • OIAMGI OJJ H_...-...... 750-7171 • 750-5091 2 cosU'M'is• .. ...... ,...... 642-7142. 611 -ttl 1 e If You're Search111& For The Perfect Seafood Restaurant... Oastmctivc Wllcrfront Dining • Oyncr Bar • c.odttail> • 3333 W. Pmafic C-1 Hrgbwmy, Newport lbdl • Racrvlriom Aairpted • 642•2295 --------~~======~======~:--~~~­DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family < ~+~ ftAlln5 10 tm:lt*TIOM. RUTUMTS 4111 BIRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH Com« of Voo K8rman 642-4321 Direct ur collttt, ::.:.=~~ .. Da,ily Pilat OF NEWPORT Formerly the Ritz location Announces the ~<Jou//1Nt~" .<Jleaf~ Valet Parking On the OCMn ecroa from the Nftlport 8Mch Pi. a1oe Weet Ooeetl irront, Newpoft e..ctl, Cellfomla Reeervallont 675-2588 • ~S=t;Cl!' ·~ f -----------------------------~C _______________ J,_ _____________________________ •9 -Olver•lon• _ :!! From Page 14 perform at Disneyland Monday-Friday. Lionel 7:30 p.m. ·Monday in Woodbridge Village Center, Hampton performs Sunday-Saturday. 2 AUDmONS FOR SADDLEBACI< OONCERT CHORALE are Tuesday and Aug. 24 and 31 at 1 Saddleback College. Infonnation 831-4751. ~ Barranca Parkway, Irvine. THE TONY ANS, a 10-member family group from Minnesota, perform music, dance and comedy at Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, Monday- Thursday. JIMMY DORSEY ORCHESTRA entertains at ... 9 p.m. Saturday in Catalina Casino for a dance. &. Information about boat and dance tickets 527-7111. -SINGLES ~ NEW "UP WITH PEOPLE" show is at 8 p.m. Sept. 5 and 6 at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa. PAUL REVERE AND THE RAIDERS Reserved seats $7. Information 556-5527. A RT OF TAROT CARDS, a lecture and ~ demonstration, is at 8 tonight. Information '<_ID 827-3707. Sponsored by Metaphysical Singles. "··1a1 .: _J ... Cablse FIM Ht her•.,. t•k• hem. STAG CHINESE CASINO Serving the finest wines for your pleasure! I 540-a&11 I 758ST. CLAIRtATIWIDOLPB1 COSTA MESA ONE BLOCK SOVTH OF BAKER Ir'> BLK WF.ST OF BRISTOL H61 .\4-H~ HJ.fl II '""'°'° ---1 I I I of his/ her party Coupon good ~ when b«ing seated. ThtS lhrough September 2. 1982 § coupon 1> good for SI 00 off Coupon of no redeemable the r.igular dinner pnce ol mooet"ry value Mcly no1 be ~ $6 50 al any Big Yellow House used in GOnJUnctk>n with othl.'r I Res1aurant Pnce applies lo t.h!£00nt offeB adult bearer and <ldult members e ~ I I In Cuden Cron In Coot• M.,.. W2 I I I ---------•CUPCOUPON _________ _ All you can eat each day of the week for oDly $5.50 I t's the best dining deal in town! Simply bring the coupon to any Big Yellow House, any day of the week, and every adult member of your party will dine for only $5.50 (kids even less). That's a full dollar off our regular dinner price! And what a dinner it is ... with seconds, thirds ... even fourths and fifths on the house! We always serve two delicious entrees: our famous fried chicken, plus another that varies from day to day: beef ribs with barbecue sauce, roast beef. tri-tip steak , pork chops with stuffing, and so on. There's also a tureen of steaming soup, a crisp garden salad, vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy, and plenty of hot cornbread and honey butter. Save again and again! When you give this coupon to your waitress, she'll give each adult member of your party another dollar-off coupon for the next visit. And since this offer is good only through September 2, you'd better huny on in. The sooner you start, the more times you can save. {ftj Offer good through September 2, 1982 Wil l!~!!!!~~e~!!~use Saturday, 4-10 pm; Sunday, 3.9 pm; Sunday Brunch, 10 am-2 pm. In Costa Mesa at 3010 Ha r bor Blvd. Comer of Harbor It Baker adjacent to Fedco Reservationa accepted (71') 649-0310 In Gardo Grove a t 9 100 T ra•k Ave. Reeervationa Accepted (714) 891-2809 In Cerritos at 11105 E. 183rd St. ReseJVations accepted. (213) 924-8120 In Mission Viejo at 28381 Marguerite Pkwy~ Reservations acx:epted. (714) 495.3340 > c CD K • • ... r .. to N CD I O> .... <"i .... ~ :J a :J < ~ ca .,, "t: u... ..: Q) .,, c Q) .¥ I ~ :§ a: .... . ,,. r ' D1111G I EITERTAINNEIT GUIDE FABULOUS Sunday · Chatnpagne Brunch Newport Beach Marriottts cele- brated Sunday Brunch is a gourmet delight starting with a fabulous display of fresh fruit -carved Roast Beef -Se-afood Specialties -additional bot items -an array of ten salads -cold cuts n' cheese, topped with a great variety of desserts and complimentary champagne. This extravaganza of food is served to the sound of our strolling mariachis, in the King's Wharf, in the Capriccio and on the Capriccio Terrace overlooking Newport Harbor. Additional entertainment is provided by the prestidigitation of a magician. 9:30 AM till 2:30 PM 900 Newport Center Drive • Newport Beach. CA 92660 • Pboac 714-640-4000 Juicy London fare: $7.95 Our new London Broil is a delectable value. Tender London Broil promises to·be a big favorite on our newly expanded dinner menu. It's broiled to your taste, s liced and served au jus, with your c hoice of rice pilaf or baked potato. Served complete with soup or unlimited salad bar plus a basket of fresh bread. Hurry in for a delicious taste of London. Victoria Station The beet Prime Rib. And now a whole lot more. Newport Beacll, MacArthur and Jamboree, 752·0'l40 Lagana Hille, 24231 Avenida de la Carlota, 768-1994 Wutmiaeta, 14041 Beach Blvd., 898-670'l Rn."'111ioflt -konw Non-1Hft0klnt wc11ofte and lfOUP lac:llflft awflable. LONDON BROIL Slices of marinated steak copped wtth burgundy wine sauce. A treat with garden fresh vegecables and potatoc'S. RLET OF SOLE BONNE FElviME. Sole filers poached with mushrooms and scallions in burcer and white wme Served with potatoes and vegetables FETTUCCINE ALFREDO. Delicate ribbons of pasta. tossed with a velvety sauce of butter. cream and Italian cheeses. VEAL MARENGO CREPE. Tender veal. tomato and onion in white wine wrapped in a crepe Surrounded by potatoes and vegetables There's a world of new dishes at the Magic Pan. Including these four European clas.5ics. Each dinner comes with your choice of a mixed green or orange almond salad. You can enjoy any one of them for just $5.95. So visit us soon. There's always something new to come back to. South Cout Ptau (7 14) SS6· I 22S Brea Ma.II (714) 990-4343 Offer good after 5 PM , Fall season ... Richard Harris . • • Rich Dawson ... TV Antenna, Page 3 Inside TV, Page· 28 TV Teasers, Page 26 •Aug. 13 -Aug. 19• --- Christopher Reeve soars in a scene from ''The Making of Superman" on KOCE, Channel 50. K OCE Channel 50 in Huntington Beach will explore the secrets of "Superman: The Movie" and introduce viewers to guest celebrities from television series such as "Fame" and "Father Murphy" during SummerFest '82, the station's fund-raising effort, Saturday, Aug. 14 through Sunday, Aug. 22. The PBS station hopes ro raise $l00,()()(J durtng t.be week of special .•• u. p~ "'"'° • m•~· A highlight will be the premiere at On Sunday, Aug. 15, the station will 8:30 p.m. Saturday of ''The Making of present "Beverly Sills in Cona!-rt" (7:15 'Superman: The Movie.' " The program p.m.), "Disraeli: Portrait of a Romllntic" features interviews with actors (8:80 p.m.) and "Auntie Mame" featuring Christol}her Reeve and Marlon Brando Rcsallnd Russell (9:30 p.m.). and includes numerous film cllps and Two premieres are scheduled out-takes. Monday night. At 7:45 p.m ., the station The station also will rerun lt.s will a1r "Evening at the Pops," featuring behind-the-scenes looks at the movies singer-dancer-actress Bernadette Peters "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (7:15 p.m. and popul&r compo11er-conduct« John Saturday) and "Annie" (9:30 p.m. Wllli.ams. This will be foUowed at 9 p.m. ~turd.t.Y) ~Y!.1 ~~ .eti~ · ·····• • ' ··by "Gila of Stal* <l~'t•lwahirJbl 'Jl-A•S..Jl' (l4W18~~~.• r ... ,•,• . .SO.~~ ~,..,o~ I .. . I ~---·------------~ ------- AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC_-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640..6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540..9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN ~8 Dove Street · Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-82 I I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove· Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOJI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach-673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove....: 636-233·3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855E· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa M esa, Ca . . Mall address: Box 1560, Costa M esa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642-4321 c ___ in_d_ex ___ ) TV Antenna . ....... . .................... Page 3 lnsJde TV ............ ........... .. .. ... •.. ... ... ...... ... Page 28 Doyurne Schedule ........................................... Page 4 Sports Highl.Jghts ............................................. Page 6 Evening Schedule .............................................. Page 7 TV Puzzle ...................................................... Page 25 Recurn with us co ............................................. Page 25 Daytime Drama ................................................ Page 26 ~~':~;:;.-::.-::.·.-.· ::::·.·.-::::·.·:::::·:::::::··:::·:::::::::::::::::. ~== ~~ Word Carne ............................................. Page 27 ( Channels ) f} KNXT 1CBS1 6121 W Sunset Blvd • Lo;. Angt'le:.. Ca S KNBC <N BC1 3000 W Alameda AVl' . Burbank. l'a 0 KTLA <Ind I 5800 W. Sunset Blvd . Lo). Angeles, Ca 0 KABC tABCI ~IS l Prospect Ave , l.o~ Angl'lc~. Ca (81 K f'MD 1CBS1 7677 Engmee r Rd . San l>1('go, C'a f) KllJ TV (Ind 1 5515 Melrose Ave . l.o!i Ani.:eh.•s. Ca (101 KCST (ABC! 11330 Engmttr Rd . San l>wgu l';1 Q) KTTV 1 Ind t • 5746 W Suru.et Bl\d . l.u.., Angt'lc" Ca (I) KCOP TV llnd 1 915 N La Brea Ave . Lo:-. i\ngl•lc\, C'd 1241 CBS Cable ~.f KCET t PBS1 4401 Sunset Blvd .. L..os Angl•le~. CJ ~ KOCE 1PBS1 15744 Golden Wf•!:.I St . llunt1ni;hm !leach 101 On TV 1139 Grand Central Av<'. <:lt•ndalt'. Ca 1Z1 Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave , Santa Monica. Ca ( 11 1 1180 Time Life Bldg , R1x•kl•frller Ct•nter, N Y !"I Y cC1 Cmemax T1 me I.ire Bid~ Rm·kt•fl•llt•r C't•ntcr I'll Y 'II V f)1WUH1 NY .NY 117 11 WfBS1 l\llanta. Ga I 1-;1 ESPN I LI Select 1S1 Shnwtimc IS l Spotl1J(hl 1l'1 t CJbl~ New!> ;\l'll!.ork ,,,.... Fall season puff clutters airwaves By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 0( !tie Oel!J Ptlo4 It.It At 9:30 a.m. last Thursday, NBC, the network that has finished third in the ratings for the past seven years, learned its programs had collected 90 Erruny Award nominations -more than either of its rivals, ABC and CBS. By 11 a.m . that day, the network was already airing the first of four new promotional spots aimed at trumpeting the Emmy nominations and encouraging viewers to sample the network's honored series. Here we are in early August, and ihe annual barrage of fall programming promos is already well under way. With catchy musical slogans and flashy commercials, the networks will try to lure back all those viewers who have been tapering oU their television viewing during the summer rerun period. The networks want to interest you in their new fall series and get you hooked again on returning programs. As usual, the stakes are quite high: even a one-point increase in Nielsen ratings can put millions of more dollars into a network's treasury because ad prices are tied to the ratings. And networks are less patient than they used to be. Some new series have been canceled JUSt four weeks into the new season. A new program must find its audience in a hurry, and colorful promotion spots are designed to help. At ABC, the campaign started all the way back in June. Stars from the network's hit series were featured with "ordinary people" from various occupations and ethnic groups. The theme music urged everyone to "Come on Along with ABC!" Next on the promo schedule were spots highlighting individual new series. For example, ABC is now saturating the airwaves with spots for "The Golden Monkey," a new adventure show that bears a striking resemblance to the hit film "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Soon we'll be seeing the network's "day block" promos, an ABC spokesman said. These will focus on the line-up of shows scheduled for individual nights, such as the network's Tuesday lineup. Finally, the ABC promo campaign calls for "premiere spots" drawing attention to the season debut broadcasts of new and returning series. This approach by ABC is fairly traditional. CBS, which has the fewest n ew series on its schedule. is devotin~ many of its promo spots to "Cheers," which stars Shelley Long as a sheltered teaching assistant who becomes a cocktail waitress to expand horizons, will be part of NBC's all-star Thursday night line up. ' returning s hows. For example, the network is running dual promos for "Magnum" and "Simon and Simon," hoping some of Tom SeUeck's fans will st.art tuning in the second program, which has done less well in the ratings. There is little doubt, however, that the most aggressive promotion is going on at third-place NBC. That quick move to cash in on the Erruny nominations was one example. Others can be found in a new series of promos that take on the competition by name. In one, NBC's new s~percar "Knight Rider" is compared on screen with "General Lee,·• the popular auto from "The Dukes of Hazzard." Another boasts that the ~test new comedy this fall won't be on ABC or ; it will be "Cheers" on NBC. This innovative approach is the work of Steve Sohmer, a published novelist who revamped CBS' promotions department, then jurnped..to NBC this summer. Boasting of the Emmy nominations and tackling the competition head-on are tactics aimed at reversing NBC's image as a perennial loser. "When you take all these things together, l See Fan season, Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE PRIVATE BENJAMIN UNDER THE RAINBOW ARTHUR FIRST FAMILY FRISCO KID • OUTLAND I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent * * * * * * * * IODY HEAT SOME KIND OF HIRO See the Video Experts at · • ~ • * THI 110 aus Video Ca1MH• R ntals * '"110 RD•R ..... 1884-1 HARIOR IL vi. Clll • Mo club to loin, -........... ,_ COSTA.MISA.!...646~!21~,..,.. .......... 1.J.IOl.._.ot -•IMaul11t1a.all · .. • .. .. ·==-------:-------------------------------------------------------~Daytime THE FROOZI ES ROMPER ROOM I MOVIE.WHA., 67 MIN.I iFRI) (") \I< >H :\ I :\( ~ ii ~ ..... ~ 5:00 •SUMMER SEMESTER < IMoVIE (1HR.,36 MIN.) (THU) >. PURUE (2 HRS., 20 MIN.) (THU) ~ MOVIE (2 HRS., 35 MIN.) (MON) ;:: MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (THU) u. 5:05 all MY THREE SONS g> (1) BIZARRE (THU) _, 5:15(8)YESTEAYEAR ... HM7 (1 HR.) (WED) > (%)MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (WED) .,_ 6:30 8 JUNTOS (MON, WED, FRI) -0 PORTRAITS IN PASTEL (TUE, THU) ;;-JIMMY SWAGGART '6. DAYBREAK LA. LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV-6 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON. WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) MAKING IT COUNT TO BE ANNOUNCED (TUE) SHE'S NOBOOY'S BABY (1 HR.) (FRI} A MOVIE ST AR'S OAUGHtER (TU~) LAFF-A-THON (THU) 5: 35 all THAT GIRL (1) PURUE (2 HRS .. 20 MIN.) (WED) 5:46• A.M. WEATHER ~A.M. WEATHER (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. •2 MIN.) (FRI) 5:601NEWS 6:00 LA. MORNING HEAL TH AEl.D HOT FUDGE ({I ABC NEWS THIS MORNING MORNING NEWS COMMUNITYFEEOBACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGKT TALK I JIMMY SWAGGART VILLA ALEGRE HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH ALL IN THE FAMILY (FRI) MARY TYLER MOOR!: (MON) RHOOA (TUE) BOB NEWHART (WED) CHICO ANO THE MAN (THU) • WRITING FOR A REASON (FRI) MOVIE (THU, FRI) FROM THE 56-YARO LINE (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON, WED) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) (TUE) GYMNASTICS (THU) MOVIE (1 HR.,46 M~N. (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 25 MIN. (TUE) PETER ANO THEW (THU) REACHING OVT (TUE) MOVl141 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR .• 40 MIN.) (TUE) 8:051M E 6:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO EARLYTOOAV 80'8 WOMAN (FRI) GALLmY (MON-THU) IT CAN BE OONE (FRI) COMMUNrTV FEEDBACK (MON) YOVTH ANO THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF HAND (WED) FRANKLY F£MALE (THU) GREAT SPACE COASTER FELIX THE CAT CAPTIONEO ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) PRESENTE (MON) INTROOUCINO BIOLOGY (FRI) MOVIE (TUE) SPORTSFORUM (R) (FRI) HORSE RACING WEEKLY (R) (MON) SPOATSCHALLENGE CTUE) NASL WE'B<L Y (R) (WED) Kt06 ON THE BLOCK (FRI) THE GOLD BUG ( 1 HR.) (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,26 MIN.) {tHU) PIECE OF CAKE (FRI) MOVIE i1HR.,36MIN~ ~E, THU) MOVIE 1 HR. 36 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 37 MIN. MON) SHARt LEWIS MAGIC 1 HR.) (TUE) 8:451MOVIE (1 HA., '5 IN.) (THU) 7:00 MORNING~ I TOQAY I • • •• .. -:. '' 1 ,,.. I t1D. ! I • '• • t 90000 l4• .... ·--·-··. CARTOONS WOOOY WOOOPECKER 8U8INESS REPORT PA0JECT UNMRSE (FRI) • VILLA ALEGREjR) Q (MON, TUE) VILLA ALEGRE WED, tHU) IRE'NE MOVES I (WED) SPORTSCENTER MOVIE ~1 HR., 26 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS., 15 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 61 MIN.) (WED) 7:05 CC) THE ALKING WHALE' (MON) 7:3011 THERE IS A WAY SUPERHEROES FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING HOTWHEELS (WED) MOONCHILO (TUE) RACE FOR TH~ PENNANT (WED) THE SOUND OF MURDER (2 HRS.) (MON) MOVIEJ1 HR., 20 MIN~ SUE) MOVIE 1 HR .. 30 MIN. WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 53 MIN. U) 7:46~~5 ~ 7~H~ ~N. IN.r~I) (Z) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (l\JE) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH BATTLE OF THE PLANETS CARTOONS MISTER ROGERS (R) BODY BUDDIES MOVIE MOVIE ~ 1 HR., 40 MIN.} ~MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. WED) MOVIE 1 HR .. 30 MIN. THU) HOLL YWOOO (WED) MOVIE {1 HR.,~ MIM.) (THU) 8:06all MOVIE 8:30e LEAVE ITTO BEAVER BULLSEYE SPIDER-MAN (FRI) SPIOERM~ON-THU) ~~ :lsy ,~r' 9 MISTER ROG£RS (R) (MON-THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MINJ (FRI) ~&Si~ J8~~f6 ~~) (TUE) WHArs UP AMERICA (1 HR.) (WED) MOVIE i2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 6 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (THU) a:ooe (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) OIFFRENT STROKES (R) OZZIE AND HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES I LOVE LUCY ROMPER ROOM SESAME STREET (R) Q DONAHUE VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q TOP RANK BOXING (FRl) ~~m~LA~E)FOOTBALL (R) (MON) PK.A FULL CONT ACT kARATE (R) (WED) HOASESHOW JUMPING (THU) YESTERYEAR. .. UM7 (1 HR.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR, 30 MIN.) (TUE) ANOTH£R l<JNO OF MUSIC (WED) MOVIE (1 HA., 10 MIN.) (W£0) 9: 10 (%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN t ALKS WITH lMON> ... 9:3o8 (I) ALICE (R) WHEEL OF FORtUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MOANING LA. MAKE ROOM FOR OAOOV LITTLEST HOBOJMON-WEO. FRI) SUPERMAN (TH ) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) WHAT ON EARTH (MON) AEROBICISE (MON, WEO, FRI) PURllE (2 HRS .• 20 MIN.) (~) MOVIE i 1HR..30 MIN.I ~THU) MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., '5 MIN. MON. TUE) 10:00. Wx~i PRICE 18 RIGHT mEROE'NCY 0 LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN DAVIDSON TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) RHODA (MON-THU) ~:-: -~r.~· ~ MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN. MON, WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 68 MIN. TUE) THE CH BOYS IN CONCERT (1 HR.) l~vte 11 HR., 40 MIN.I ~o. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .. 30 Mlf'i. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 55 Ml~. TUE) MOVIE 1 HR. 25 MIN. THli) 10:06 all MOVIE 10: 15 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 60 MIN.) (WED) (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 10 MIN.) (THU) 10:130~~;:(MON) REBOP (TUE) IMAGES (WED) 1981 NATIONAL ROLLER-SKATING CHAM- PIONSHIPS (THU) I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR .• 37 MIN.) (MON) THE GOLDEN AGE OF T£LEVl$10N ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) 11:008 (I) THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS THE DOCTORS BONANZA 0 FAMILY FEUD BULLSEYE PITFALL PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES MARCUS WELBY, M.O. ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) RICHARD SIMMONS VEGETABLE SOUP (R) O (FRI) I MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON-THU) TOP RANK BOXING (R) (MON) WCT TENNIS (WED) PK.A FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (R) (THU) MOVIE ~ 1 HR., 67 MIN.I ~HU) MOVIE 1 HR., 31 MIN. U) MOVIE 1 HR.. 30 MIN. FRI) 11:15(%) CHAALES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ..• 11:~. SEARCH FOA TOMORAOW -~AN'SHOPE (I) MATCH GAME .NEWS MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT MISTER ROGERS (R) (FRI) El..ECTRICCOMPAM' (R) (MON-THU) MOVIE (MON, THU) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL (FRI) AUSmAUAN RULES FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 3' MIN,) (MON) SHE'S NOBODY'S BASY (1 HR.) (WED) SHORT PtCKS (MON) MOVIE 11 HR.. ~ MINj {THU) MOVIE 1 HR., "6 MIN. (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS., 35 Ml .) (TUI:) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 20 MIN.) (THU) . \I·· l lJC\< >< >:\ 12:00 IT A TTLET ALES DAYS OF OUR LIVES TWILIGHT ZONE ({I ALL MY CHILDREN NEWS ••MOVIE BONAHZA DICK CAVETT PERSONAL FINANCE (FRI) VILLA AL~RE (R) Q (MON-THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE (1HR .. 40MIN.) (TUE) THE SOUND OF MUR~ (2 HRS.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 34 MIN. ~ON) MOVIE 1 HR., ri1 MIN. E) MOVIE 1 HR,~ MIN. WEO) MOVIE 1 HR., 68 MIN. 0, FRI) MOVIE 1 HA.. 35 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR.. 34 MJN. TUE) 12:05~ E 12:15 MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (WED) 12:30 (I) AB n.e WORLD TUAA8 lWtUGHT ZONE OVER.EASY ELECTRIO COMPANY (R) (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON-~U) AA SHOWCASE (f;R't) MOW:~) SPORTSfORUM (R)d.FR~ N8A BA8KETBALL HU MOVIE ~HR.. 35 Ml .) ED) MOVIE t HR.. 63 MIN.) U) 12: Q1l THE TONES 1~40(%) CHAALEB CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE t:~· e ANOTHER WOALD HOUR MAGAZINE ~.!~ UfE TO LIVE LIM"9 AHNOUNCED ml JOY UNSPEAKABLE (TUE) MYSTERY (WED) NATIONAL GEOORAPHIC SPECIAL (THU) • SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE (TUE. FRI) FROM THE 55-YARD LINE (FRI) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (R) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR. 27 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR, 51 MIN.) (FRI) 1:05 (Ill THE ADDAMS FAMILY 1: 15(%) MOVIE (1 HR .• 30 MIN.) (MON) 1:301J Cl) CAPITOL •NEWS SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) STRUMPET CITY (MON) MOVIE (MON, THU) AUTO RACING (FRI) CFL FOOTBALL (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., '41 MIN.) (MON) SPOTLIGHT ON JERRY LEWIS (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 50 MIN.) (TUE) 1:3510ZZll: ANO HARRIET 1:50 JOB WATCH (WED) 2:00 Cl) GUIDING LIGHT I CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON ®) GENERAL HOSPITAL IRONSIDE MOVIE I OPEN LINE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAG (TUE) QUlZ KIDS (WED) STYLE (THU) I ~rs~~~~ (R) (FRI) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MON-THU) STRONGEST MAN IN FOOTBALL (R) (WEO) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 35 Ml Ni( FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 38 MIN. (TUE) JOHNNY CASH'S AM ICA (1 HR., 15 MIN.) ~VIE (THU, FRI) AEROBtCISE (MON, WED, FRI) WACK:'f WoRLO OF JONAtHAN WINTERS IU~VIE [1HR.,31 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .. 53 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN.~ ~UE) MOVIE 1 HR., 51 MIN. WED) MOVIE 1 HR., '40 MIN. THU) 2:05a7)THE ARTRIOOEFAMLY 2:30 m BEWITCHED I ~~~~~MES THREE (MON) IN SEARCH OF SHAW (TUE) DANCE (WED) ONE IN A THOUSAND (THU) HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH • MATINEE AT THE BIJOU (FRI) • MISTER ROOERS (R) (MON-THU) AUTO RACING (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (THV) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (FRI) li;J~;i~;~;;f;~)MR , 18 MIN ) PIECE OF CAKE (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 38 MIN.) (THU) 2:35@ HAZEL (MON, WED-FRI) 117) BASEBALL (TUE) 3:001J THE ROCKFORD FILES O DONAHUE I RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE OF NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN BEST OF GROUCHO LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY 6D THE WAL TONS Cl) CARTOONS 9 CANDIDA (TUE) PRODUCTION BOSS -Nancy Valenta is the new l roducer of the 4 p .m. edition of News 4 A . She will oversee the show's con te nt and w ill be responsible for organizing and coordinating all material for the hour-long newscast on KNBC (Ch. 4) at 4 p.m. weekdays. IMAGES OF INOIANS (FRI) FREE.HANO SKETCHING (MON-THU) HOUR MAGAZINE VILLA ALEGRE (R)?:JMON-THU) CASTAWAY (MON, FRI THE LITTLE OETEC (TUE) HOTWHEELS (WED) BEST OF NOTAE DAME FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE [ON-WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 15 MIN.! ~UE) MOVIE 1 HR., '43 MIN. THU) MOVIE 1 HR., '40 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., ~MIN. MON 3:05 «lJ MY T REE SONS (MON, W~O.FRI) 3:30 e RtCHARO SIMMONS PEOPLE'S COUAT WHArs HAPPENINGll CHARLIE'S ANGELS A ROD OF IRON (MON) MOVIE (WED) THE RING OF THE FETTUCCINES (THU) IMAGES (FRI) CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (MON, WEO) SLIM CUISINE (TUE. THU) • ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MON-THU) CASTAWAY (FRI) MOVIE (MON) BILLYGOArs BLUFF (WED) THE TALKING WHALE (THU) SPORTSCENTER (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,31 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 35 MIN.) (WED) SHARI LEWIS MAGIC ( 1 HR.) (FRI) SHARI LEWIS MAGIC ~TUE) MOVIE 1 HR .. 40 MIN. TUE) 3:35117) FAT~ER KNOWS B st (MON. WED-FRI) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) '4:00 I BARNEY MILLER I NEWS COUPLES WELCOME BACK, KOTTER MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT THE FLINTSTONES CARTOONS MISTER ROGERS (R) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE SESAME STREET (R) Q CASTAWAY (FRI) MOVIE (TUE) IRENE MOVES IN (WED) CFL FOOTBALL (FRI) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) NASL WEEKLY (TUE) SPORTSFORUM (WED) FROM THE 65-YARO LINE (THU) YESTERYEAR. .. 19-47 ( 1 HR.) (TUE) A MOVIE STAR'S DAUGHTER (MON) PETER ANO THE WOLF (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (MON) JOEL GREY IN CONCERT (1 HR.) (WEO) MOVIE (1 HR., '45 MIN.) (WED) -4:05 al) WINNERS (FRI) ttl) GREEN ACRES (MON, WED, THU) -':308NEWS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ABC NEWS (MON) M"A"S"H YOU ASKED FOR IT (MON, THU, FRI) BASEBALL (TUE, WED) PEOPLE'S COURT GROOVY GOOLIES (MON-WED, FRI) NFL FOOTBALL (THU) 6'GNATURE SESAME STREET (R) Q BILLYGOArs BLUFF (FRI) MOVIE (WED, THU) SPORTSCENTEA (MON-THU) THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT (1 HR.) ~VIE 11 HR., 31 MIN.I i MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 3-4 MIN. ED) MOVIE 1 HR.. 36 MIN. UE. FRI) MOVIE 2 H~ I a-HU '4;36«l) AHOY GRI (MON. THU, FRI) (ll) BASEBAU (WED) -4;40 CZ) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE '4:~d> CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WfTH ... 6:~~~. Cl) lll NEWS ST ARSK:'f ANO HUTCH BASEBALL (FRI) I, CLAUDIUS (MON) MOVIE (THU) THE BRADY 8UNCH (MON-WED, FRI) SANFORD ANO SON MIXED B~G MON, FRI) OWZKIDS UE) STYLE ) BOTANIC MAN (THU) LIVE AT AVE CC) MOVIE (FRI) OVER EASY (MON-THU) THE TALKING WHALE (MON) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (MON) WCT TENNIS (TUE) AUTO RACHl (WED) SPORTSFORUM (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (FRI) KIDS ON THE BLOCK (MON) MOONCHILD (TUE) MOVIE (MON-tHU) MOVIE (MON. THU, FRI) COOKIE GOES TO THE HOSPITAL (TUE) BOXING (WED) MOVIE 11 HR., 36 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 15 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR .. 30 MIN.~jWED) MOVIE 1 HR .. ~ MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 61 MIN. MON) 5:05 al) MOVIE j MON, THU, I) 5: 15(%) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) (Il MOVIE (1 R., '40 MIN.) (tHU) 5:30 8 BASl::BALL (MON) I BASEBALL (TUE· THU) THE BRADY BUNCH (MON-WED, FRI) SANFORD AND SON ANTONIN DVORAK'S SYMPHONY FROM THE NEW WORLD (FRI) ;-----·-········---: i •t9" • 2 r.r 137161 ' ·~........... ! j ;:.::" " I I·--" I "' ........... --"'-• I 1---1 1_ : ! I ~ 0 - "Tl ., a: Ill ':< )> c cc c !e 6 ~ Sports Highlights Friday AUGUST 13. 1982 EVENING 7:00([) HYDROPLANE RACING "Thunder On The Ohio" (A) ( 1 hr.) 7:05@ bASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 7:30'1 BASEBALL California Angels at Oakland A's (2 hrs .• 30 min ) 7:40 ~ KINER'S KORNER 8:00 SPORTSCENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Nashville, Tenn. (R)~2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:30 SPOATSCENTER 12:30 CFL FOOTBALL Toronto Argonauts at Ham- ilton Tlger Cats (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 3:00 (!)THE OLD BALL GAME (A) 4:00 (!) SPOATSCENTER Saturday AUGUST 1•, 1982 MOANING 5:00(!) PROFESSIONAL ROOEO From Mesquite. Tex. (2 hrs.) 6:06~8AS£8ALL BUNCH 7:00 SPORTSCENTER 8:00 WRESTLING , (() RACOUETBALL "International Championships Men's Arst Round" Wendall Talaber vs Don Thom- as (ID 8:30 (() SPORTSCHALLENGE Super Bowl XII Den- ver Broncos vs. '68 UCLA Basketball Bruins (A) 9:00 CJ) NASL SOCCER KJCKS • THIS WEB< IN BASEBALL (I) CFl FOOTBALL Toronto Argonauts at Hamilton Tiger Cats (R) (3 hrs.) 9:30. TRACK AND AELD "Jesse Owens Games" Dick Ven Patten and Gii Stratton take us to the Arco Jesse Owens Games National Champlonshlpa. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30 I NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:00 e BASEBALL Realonal coverage of Bait~ more Orioles at Boston ~ Sox or Philadelphia PhUlles flt Montreal Expos (3 hra.) CJ) OUTDOOR LIFE Bob Steams attempta to land a tOO-tb. P&elfic sallflsh off Costa Rica; Jim Carmichel conducts a lea80n In the art of trap shooting. 11:30(J) BASEBALL "Old Timer's Game" (1 hr., 30 min.) AFTERNOON 12:00. (I) NFL FOOTBALL "Pr&-Season Game" Oakland Raiders at San Francisco •9ers (3 hrs.) (() AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Carlton vs. North Melbourne (2 hrs.) 12:30. AUTO RACING "Pocono Summer 500" 11 hr., 30mtn.) • VIC 8AAOEN'8 TENNIS FOR THE FUTUAE "Singles Strategy I" Vic Braden ahow9 Ylewef'8 that no amount of strategy can overcome a ladt of good fundamentals. (R) & 1:00• BA8EBALl. tlfomla Angels at Oakland A's ~hrs.) CJ) BASEBALL Chicago Cubs at New Yortt Mets (2 hra, 40 min.) 2:00 8 e PGA GOlF "Sammy Devil Jr. Greate< Hartford Open" Live coverage of the third round from the Wethersfield Country Ck.lb, Hartford, Conn. ~-EST MAN IN FOOTBALL COMPETI- 2:361 MOTORWEB< ILLUSTRATED 3:00 BASEBALL BUNCH 3:06 WREBTUNG 3:40 KINER'S KORNER 4:00 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN Ol.OVES "HlghllQhta" (Part 5) ( 1 hr.) ~~TOGA 4:30 I SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY 6:00 SOUTHEASTERN CONfERENCE PREVIEW BIM Flemming k>Oka at the playera and teama to watch for the 1982 SEC aeaon. • WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Cowrage of the 10- round heavywetght bout between Tr9YC>t Betblok (C.na~ I Renaldo Snlpe9 (U.S.) from CleYelanc:I, ()No; h 1Qht1 of the Salvador Sanchez I Azumah Nellof'I IJC world '-the! weight cNmpk>nehlp bout from Madleon Square Garden, N.Y. (1 tw,, 30 ,,~FULL CONTACT KARATE From the Atla~ &.,;~~~~~~;·.~~.~ I A REAL SPORT -Stu Nahan, director of sports for KNBC (Cb. 4), is respol1sible for all sports infonnation and reporting of sports events that air on News 4 LA. He is also active in various network s p orts assignments. ~ennlal powers of the Big 10 conference. (ti WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Coverage of the 10- round heavyweight bout between Trevor Be<blek (Canada) I Renaldo Snipes (U.S.) from Cleveland, Ohio; hlghllghta of the Salvador Sanchez I Azumah Nelson WBC wor1d featherweight championship bout from Madison Square Garden, N.Y. (1 hr., 30 min.) EVENING 7:00• HR. FOOTBALL "Pr•Seeson Football" Denver Broncos w. Loe Angeles Rams (3 hrs.) Cl)8POAT8CENTER 7:06 dl) BA8EBALl Atlanta Braves at San Olego Pedres (3 hrs., 16 min.) 8:00 CJ) PAUL HOGAN Cl) CR FOOTBALL c.lgaty Stampeder$ at Brltfl8h Cofumbla Llonl =) 8:30~ RAQNQ AC>C:>8INB.. T t:OO WAE8TUNQ 11:00 8POAT8CHALLENGE &,IP8f Bowl Xtt Oen-'* Broncx:is vs. '68 UCLA Baaketbell Brukia (R) 11:30(1) 8POAT8CENTER 12:30(1) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From the Atlanta Hilton. Atlanta, Ga. (A) 2:30(() RACOUETBAU "lnt«natlonal Women'a Arat Round Championships" Heather Stupp vs. Karin Waltoo-Trent 8:00(1) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC - '76" (R) (1 hr.) coo (I) 8PORT9CENTER AUGU8T 16. 1882 MOANNl 6:00(1) COLLEGE WOALD 8ERIEB HIGHLIGHTS e:c\:)i THE OLD BALL GAME (R) 7:00 8PORT8CENTER 8:00 BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC - '1T' (A) (1 hr.) 9:00 C1J Cfl FOOTBALL Cetoary S1ampedera et Brlt- llh COl\lmbla Liana (R) (2 hra., 30 min.) 10:00• BASEBAU SutOi GuMt: Ken $Ingleton. CJ) IA8EBAU Chicago Qlbe at New Yortc Meta (2 hra.-.20 min.) 10:30 w OUTDOOA Lff Bob St11rne attempts to land • 100-lb. Pacific .. 1tflah off Coeta Rice; Jim Carmlc:hel conclUOtt • 1eee<¥'1 In the art of trap thOOt- 11:':1 e. P0A QOlF ''Slmmy DaYll Jr. ClrMter HattfOfct Open'' UYe ocwetQ of the flnel round from the Wethetltleld Counlry Club, HattfOl'd, Conn. (2 hrs.) 11:$0 Cll HOR8E8HOW JUMPING ''Clewtand ~ Ptbt" (2 hra., 30 min.) AFTSl«)()N ··--1~ man's recent racing at the Road Atlanta are pre- sented. 12:20(!) BASEBALL Chicago Cubs at New York Mets (3 hrs . 20 min.) 12:300 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS ''Brooks Robinson" Host: George Plimpton. m HYDROPLANE RACING "Thunder In The Park" 1:00'1 BASEBALL California Angels at Oakland A's THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL i hrs) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Denver Broncos vs. Los Angeles Rams (3 hrs.) tJ1) SPORTSWORLO Scheduled· live coverage of the 10-round middleweight bOUI between Bobby Czyz and Ernie Singletary from Las Vegas. Nev ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:05@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres _{3 hrs.) 1:308 (I) SPORTS SUNDAY Scheduled: live cover· age of the 10-round WBA heavyweight bout between James "Quick" TIUls and Tim Wither· spoon; coverage of the Falmouth 10-kilometer road race (from Falmouth, Mass.). (1 hr., 30 min.) D WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN 2:00 (I) WCT TENNIS "Callfornla Classic" live cov- erat of the final round from LaCoste, Calif. (3 hrs. 2:30 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "Highlights" (Part 6) ( 1 hr.) 3:30 8 OUTDOOR Uf£ Bob Stearns attempts to land a 100-tb. Pacific sailfish off Costa Alea: Jim Carmichel cOnducta a lesson In the art of trap shoot- 3:1~·(!) KINER'S KORMER 4:008 SPOATSWORLD Scheduled: coverage of the 10-round mlddlewelaht bout between Bobby Czyz and Ernie Singletary lrom Las Vegas, Nev. ( 1 hr., 30 4:06 WRESTLING mini 4:30 OSPOATSBEAT (U) SUPERSOWL BASKETBALL Members of the Dallas Cowboys rlval members of the San Francisco 49ers In a tournament for the benefit of the U.S. Training Cen.t terer .. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 5: SPORTSCENTER 5: BA8KETBALL "Push For Excellence"' NBA All-Stars vs. Rookie All-Stars (2 hra.) 6:30(1) NBA BASKETBAll Coverage of the All-Star team's lntrasquad game from China. (2 hrs.) EVENING 7:301 HORSE RACING WEB<l. Y 8:00 6PORT8CENTER 9:00 WCT TENNIS "CeUfomla Claaeic" Coverage of the ftnaJ round from L.aCosta. Callf. (A) (2 hrs .• 30mln.) 10:301WEB<ENO8POA'T8 WRAP-UP 10:46 8UNOAY 8PORT8 PAGE 11:30 8POfn'8 ANAL ~~T8WRAP-UP 1~30(1) AU8TAALIAH RUl.E8 FOOTBAU. C.rtton vs. North Melbourne (A) (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00 Cl) HOR8E8HOW' JlAilPINO "Cleveland Grand Prix" (A) (2 hrs.) 4:00 Cl) 6PORT8CENTER .Monday AUGUST 18, 1882 ~ 8:30 (I) PKA FULl COHrACT KARA TE 7:00 di flFl.. PAE-8EA80N FOOTBALL Chicago Beara~f:M'gera (Shfs.) 8:00(1) 9:00(1) NBA 8A8KETBAll Coverage of the AH-Star team't lntr11_aguad game from China. (A) (2 hrs.) 11:00 Cl) MaDE' BASEBALL 11:80(11 HR. PAE-8EA80N FOOTBALL Chicago ·&)~Chargers (3tn.) 1~30(1) PKA FUU CONTACT KARATE CR) 2:00 ~ NBA BASKETBALL Coverage of the All.Star team s In~; from Chlna. (R) (2 hrt.) -4:00(1)8 T~ AUOU8T 17, t882 ------------------------------======---::::::::::-----------, l :.~~rvs Friday \I< >It\ I:\(; \I<)\' I l·:S 5:-45(%) "Old Boyfriends" ( 1979. Orama) Talia Shire, Richard Jordan 6:00(t) "The Way We Were" (1973. Romance) Bar· bra ~treisand, Rober! Redford 6:05tlll "Tea For Two" (1950. Musical) Dons Day. Gordon MacRae 6:300 "Darby O'G1ll And The L11tle People" ( 1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. 7:00 (8) "Never. Never Land" ( 1981 Orama) Pe1ula Clark, Cathleen Nesb11 (I) "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, fantasy) Ronald Col· man. Jane Wyall. 7:"6(%) "The Bhio Lagoon" ( 1980. Romance) Brooke Shleh·io. Christopher Atkins 8:00(t) ""''Enemy Of The People" ( 1977. Drama) Ste..o McOueen, Charles Durning. . 9:<>6@ "Bedtime Story" ( 1964, Comedy) Marlon Brando. David Niven. 8:30(8) "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis, Susan Oliver. D "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fanlasy) Ronald Col- man. Jane Wyatt. 9:30 (%) "Soldier In The Rain" ( 1963, Comedy) Jackie Gleason. Steve McOueen. 10:00(t) "The Spirit 01 St. Louis" ( 1957. Biography) James Stewart. Murray Hamilton. OD "Victory" ( 1961. Adventure) Sylves1er Stallone. Michael Caine (I) "Take The High Ground" (1953, Advenlure) Richard Widmark. Elaine Stewart. 10:06@ "Little Boy Lost" (1953. Orama) Bing Cros· by, Claude Dauphin. 10:300 "Duel Of The Titans" (1963. Adventure) Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott. 11:00 CZ) "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Richard Hatch. . \l··· 11JC\< >< >:\ \I<)\' I l·~S 12:008 "Spaoe Monster" (1960, Science-Fiction) Francine York, Jimmy Bracon. m "One Mlnule To Zero" (1952, Adventure) Ann Blyth, Robert Mitchum. · • "Pete Kelly's Blues" ( 1955, Orama) Jack Webb. Janet Leigh. (8) "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978, Orama) Marilyn Hassett, Timothy Bottoms. ct "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1961, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence OUvief'. 1:00(C) "The Way We Were" (1973, Romance) Bar· bra Streisand. Robert Redford. (%)"Eye Of The Needle" (t981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. 2:00 (!) "One Spy Too Many" (t968, Adventure) David McCallum. Robert Vaughn. CID "Attack Force Z" (1980. Adventure) John Phil· l.!.e.. Law, Mel Gibson. lLJ "Wollen" (1981. Suspense) Albert Anney. Diane Venora. 0 "Hurry Up Or I'll Be 30" ( 1975, Comedy) John Lefkowitz, Linda De Cott. 2:30 Q "Ugetsu" Kenj1 Mlzoguchi. WATCH THE FUR FLY -Ri~ Dawson is the host for "Family Feud," the game show that pit.s one family against another for big prizes weeknight.s st 7:30 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). CJ) ''Tim'' ( 1961, Orama) Piper Laurie. ~ Gibson. 3:00(%) "Lumlere" ( 1976, Orama) Jeanne Moreau, Francine Race11e. 3:30CID "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Susan Oliver. 4:008 "Will Succeaa Spoil Rock Hunter?" ( 1957. ~) Tony Randall. Jayne Mansfield. 4:30(1) "Tarka The OUer' ( 1979) Documentary. Narrated by Peter Ustinov. , 0 "Darby O'Glll And The Little People" (1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. 6:00 • "Captain Kidd" ( 1945, Adventure) Charles La~ton, John Carradine. (C) 'A Global Affair" (1964, Comedy) Bob Hope, Lllo Pulver. (8) "Never, Never Land" (1981, Orama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbit. cm "The Hand" (1981. Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea MarcOVlccl. (%)"The Blue Lagoon" (1980. Romanoe) Brooke ShleldS, Christopher Atkins. 5:06111> "The Life And Times Of Grimy Adams" ( 1974. Adventure) Dan Haggerty. Don Shanks. L\'F~I ~<; e:ooeaeNews I WONOER WOMAN C88NEW8 WILD, WILD WEST Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities ··serving All Faiths" HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY Guest: Janet Gaynor (R) Q NBC NEWS . ~ THE SOUND OF MURDER Michael Mooarty and 1 Joanna Miles star In this suspense drama about a co.o woman and her lover plotting the murder of her sad1Stlc husband (2 hrs ) ~ 6:30 Cl) GD NEWS a: III BARNEY MILLER GI 9 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev-~ en·part drama of Ille 1n Dublin from 1907 to 1914. ~ i a&cik ~~~Jrr Guest· SJ Perelman. (R) ~ SLIM CUISINE - MOVIE "The Spirit Of St. Louts" ( 1957, Blogra· ~ phy) James Stewart. Murray Hamilton In 1927. Charles A. Lindbergh becomes the first man to tty nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris. (2 hrs .. .... <O CX> I\) 15 min.) CID KIDS ON THE BLOCK 0 MOVIE "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982, Fan- tasy) Chris Makepeace, Fred Gwynne. A day· dreaming Missouri boy fancies an encounter with an angel of dubious origin In medieval Austria. ( t hr .. 30mln.) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A visit to the Tower of London, a school where singles are taught how to meet peo- ple. . I THE SAINT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A*S*H JOKER'S WILD • BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS Cl)> HYDAOPLANE RACING "Thunder On Ttie Ohio" (R) (1 hr.) (8) MOV1£ "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( t 978, Orama) Marilyn Ha~t. Timothy Bot· toms. Former champion skier, Jill Kmmont, rendered a quadrlpleglc by a tragic accident. wrestles wlfh self·doubt when a new love enteB her life. (2 hrs.) CD cm MOVIE "Friday The 13th" ( 1980, Horror) Betsy Palmer. Adrienne King. The reopening of a summer camp, closed 20 years earller after three murders, attracts a vindictive killer who knifes u~tl~ teen-agers. 'R' (1hr.,38 min.) (%) MOVIE 'Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Olleen" (1961, Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Richard Hatch. Charlie Chan Is aided by his bum- bling grandson In solVfng a airing of murders. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) 7:06111> BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres (3 hrs., 15 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: all there Is to know aboul superstitions; a day In the life of, an iientloe Jockey at the Santa Anita race track. • FAMILY FEUD BASEBALL California Angels at Oakland A's (2 hrs., 30 min.) 8 EYE ON LA. Featured: a look at how people pamper their pets: a look at souped-op bicycles kids ride. I . TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOA rT M*A*S*H Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Men1orial P-Jrk ·Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery --Shipment -Cremation. Plans Available 1625 Glsler A.v 8 N Friday (continued) ~ c? ... I SIGNATURE Guest: Petet Kriendler MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT WALL STREET WEEK "High On Drugs" Guesl James TulllS of M0<gan Stanley & Co. 7ii 7:<40 Cf) KINER'S KORNER 5, 8:00 8 (I) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Uncle Jesse :::> is conned Into revealing his moonshine recipe to < Boss Hogg. (R) ( 1 hr.) ~ II ONE OF t HE BOYS Adam and Jonathan's older ~ sister fall In love with each other. (A) ;t 8 aJ MOVIE "American Hot Wax" (1978, Musi· cal) Tim Mcintire. Laraine Newman Nineteen-flf1ies disc jockey Alan Freed tries to bring the first live rock 'n' roll show to the stage of Brooklyn's Para- mount Theatre despite many protests. (2 hrs.) (IJ ENCORE NEWS "June 10, 1968" Highllghts Rober1 Kennedy Is burled; James Earl Ray. who g ...J > ...... shot Martin Luther King, 15 caught; the USS Scor- pion Is lost at sea; Icarus the Asteroid is seen. (!)PAUL HOGAN G» P.M. MAGAZJNE A visit 10 the Tower of London, a school where smgles are taught how to meet peo- ple. II) MOVIE "Secret Of The Incas" ( 1954, Adven- ture) Char1ton Heston. Robert Young. An expedi· tion searches tor the priceless Inca Sunburst burled over 500 years ago when the Spaniards conquered Peru. (2 hrs.) @ MIXED BAG "The Business Of Books" Find out about marketing and hyping ot authors and how !motions of publishing Is done. 80 WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW LOOKALNE SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Friday The 13th" ( 1980, Horror) Betsy Palmer. Adrienne King. The reopening of a summer camp, closed 20 years earlier afte< three murders, attracts a vindictive killer who knifes unsuspecting teen-agers. 'A' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) • g MOVIE "Wiiiy Wonka And The Chocolate Facto- ry" (1971, Fantasy) Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson. A world famous confectioner otters a lifetime supply of candy to the five winners ot a treasure hunt. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 8:30 8 • CHICAGO STORY Frank Wajofskl risks his career and his life when his infiltration of a crime i dlcate Is uncovered. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ERIC SEVAREJD'S CHRONICLE IRONSIDE SEVENTEEN GOING ON NOWHERE A father takes drastic measures to get through to his alienat· ed adolescent eon. fa ANTONIN OVORAK'S SYMPHONY FROM THE NEW WORLD Karl Boehm leads the Vienna Philhar- monic In Ovorak's "Symphony No. 9. (1 hf.) • WALL STREET WEE< "High On Drugs" Guest: James Tums of Morgan Stanley & Co. G VOTER'S PIPELINE "Orange County Freeway Frenzy" Jim Cooper discusses Orange County's serious transportation problems with state and local officials. 8:<40 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 9:008 (I) DALLAS The Ewing family celebrates the successful adoption of Bobby and Pam's baby. (R) ~ ~lUL HOGAN · • MERV GRIFRN "Women Of Achievement'' Guests: Julia Thomas. Dr. Elizabeth M0<gan, Pat Taker, Laura Lizef. ( 1 hr.) • CAaSIS TO CRISIS WITH BARBARA JOROAN "What Price Clean Air?" The environmental. publlc health and economic ra~tlons of the proposed re-enactment of the Clean Air Act are explored. ( 1 hr.) • U.S. CHRONICLE "Nuclear Survival: Is Los Angeles Ready?" Federal, state and IOcal govern- ment eme<gency plans for a nuclear blast or attack are e)(amlned. CC) MOVIE "An Enemy Of The People" ( 1977, Dre- ma) Steve McOueen. Charles Durning. Based on Ibsen's play. The citizens of a small town flrat applaud then pereecute a local physlclan for deelar· Ing the IOcal hot springs unsafe due to pollution. ·a· l! hr.,~ min.) Cl) TOP RANK BOXING From Nashville, Tenn. (R) cg hrs .• 30 min.) (II) MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Svtvester Stallone, Michael Caine. During Wor1d War 11, Anled POWs aee their ticket to freedom In a match between their llOOC8r team and the German National Team In Parle. 'PG' (1 hr., 67 min.) (C cm MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part II" (1981, Horror) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly kllllng9 continue at a summet camp that had been clo9ed doWn after a Mflee of btzarre murderl occurred lhafe. 'A' (1 hr., 27 min.) (%)MOVIE "Eye Of Th9 Needle" ( 1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. WhHe on a remote Scottish Island to meet 1 German sobrne-- rtne • .,, Axla 1py finds lhelter trom the storm In the oott~ of a~ ~,QCM)ta. 'R' (1 hr .. 61 U:t\t ~MOQAN ·----. -• .. ... • • --• ___ ., •• SPECIAL APPEARANCE -Lana Turner guest stars as Chase's wealthy mother, who returns for a vis.it again.st Angie's wishes, on "Falcon Crest" Friday at 10 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). Cf) MOVIE "Kiss The Blood Off My Hands" ( 1948, Orama) Burt Lancaster, Joan Fontaine. A klller on the lam from police meets up with a glr1 who loves him enough to end his running. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 9 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev· en-part drama of life in Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Pan 4) ( 1 hr.) • EUAOPEAN JOURNAL 10:008 (I) FALCON CREST Chase's mother (Lana Turner) mysteriously returns to Falcon Crest against Angie's bitter diSapproval. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 e CASSIE & CO. Cassie Is hired by a young woman to IOcate her former boyfriend who mysteri:. ~d=1i~ year eer11er. ( 1 hr.) I !I ABC NEWS Cl08EUP "Sword&. Plowahares And Politics" The roles the United Nations plays In peace-keeping, refugee relief and human rights are e>Ulmlned. ( 1 hr.) I LOS ANGEUB WEEK IN REVIEW CRISIS TO CRISIS WITH BARBARA JORDAN "Whal Price Clean Air?" The environmental, public health and economic ramifications of the ptopoeed re-enactment of the Clean Air Act are explored. ( 1 hr.) CJ) MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981. H0<· ror) Amy Steel, Johf'I Furey. The grisly kllllngs con- tinue al a summer camp that had been cloeed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred thef'e. 'R' l1 hr., 27 min.) O MOV1E "Clash Of The Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Lal.lfence Ollvlef. M)'1hlc hero Perseus Is helped by his father Zeus In a &ef'les of dangerous tasks as he trin to wtn the hand of a Phoenician P'inceSS against the wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 58 min ) 10:20 all NEWS 10:30eNEWS ~SIOHATURe Guest Peter Krlendler MATTEN Of LIFE ANO DEATH aa.FSSMCE 10:60@ MOVIE "The lntems" ( 1962, Drama) Michael Callan, Clltf Robertson. Four young men training at a large city ho8oltal struggle lo cope with the J:.obfems faced bL au fntems. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 11:00SA8·~--NEWS l y~~ ~~UN PENNY Hill MIXED BAO "The BtJSlness Of Boot<s" And out eboUt ma(t(etlng and hyping ot authors and how iomotlOna of publlahlff19 la done. 8U8N388 REPOA' DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Goodbye, Emmenueh" (1977. Dre- ma) S~ Krlatel, Umberto Orsini. A bMutlf\.11 women • ..arch for the ultimate erotic exi>«1ence br~ her to a tt*1tlng r..itzatlon 'R' ( 1 hr .. <40 ;"MOYE "Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981, Hot- ror) Arny StMI. John F~. Th9 I~= con-• ..... ~ .... ..-.•MU*S .._ alter a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'A' Ohr., 27 min ) CD MOVIE "Screamers" ( 1980, Horr0<) Barbara Bach, Joseph Cotten.A group of escaped convicts are beached onto a mysterious Island situated con· venlently close to the lost cMllzatlon of Atlantis (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "Chorus Catt" ( 1979, Musical) 'X' ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) (%) MOVIE "Eraserhead" ( 1976. H0<ror) John Nance, Charlotte Stewar1. Alter giving birth to a monster child. a weird young woman leaves the baby tor the father to raise alone In whatever lash· Ion he chooses ( t hr , 40 min.) 11:308 (I) MOVIE "Crashl" (1977, Horror) Sue Lyon, Joae Ferrer. A woman unwittingly unleashes a terrifying Cl'\61n ot events Involving a murderous automobile ano powerful occult forces. (R) (2 hrs., 5mln.j D t:m TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: Geo_!9e Burns. ( 1 hr.) I rut} ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Will Success Spoil Rc..cl( Hunter?" ( 1957, Comedy) Tony Randall. Jayne Manotleld. A publicity agent gets Into trouble because 01 l'\ls unpredictable ways. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "The Harvey Girls" ( 1946, Musical) Judy Garland, John Hodlak. The standards and men of an 1870s Western town are altered by a group ol young girts. Songs Include "The Atchison, Topeka And The Sanle Fe." (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYlE Q.J ANTONIN DVORAK'$ SYMPHONY FROM THE NEW WORLD Karl Boehm leads the Vienna Phllhar· IC~=~~~=yNo 9 " (thr.) SPORTSCENTER ROMANCE: LAURA, SWEET LAURA (Part 5) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 O FRJOA VS Host: Marilu Hanner Guests: Sister Sledge. (R) (1 hr .. 30 min.) Cf) ~VIE "Kings Go Forth" ( 1958, Orama) Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood In World War II France. a girl of mixed blOOd gets Involved with a pair of Gls. one ot whom Is destined to cause her downfall. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (I) MOVIE "History Of The World -Pan I" ( t981, Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn. Man's Illustri- ous history -from Neanderthal cavemen to the Spanish Inquisition -Is examined. 'R' (1 hr., 33 min.) O MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo beret<. A young woman searches f0< her missing father In the African jungle wnere she encounter10 an unclvlllzed white man and an orangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) 12:308. LATE NtGHT WITH DAVID LETTUlMAN Catherine O'Hara, singer Ricky Lee Jones and Yan- kee Stad+um organist Eddie Lawton join David Letterman for a special salute to summer. ( 1 hr • 30 I~ LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE STAUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole atars In this sev- en-part drama of life In Dublin trom 1907 to 1914. !eart 4) (1 hr.) CE) CFl FOOTBALL Toronto Argonauts at Hamilton Tiger Cats (R) (2 hrs .• 30 min.) (II) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer· ry Lewis. Susan Oliver. After the circus ctoses down. a veteran clown tries his hand at various Jobs, falling miser ably at them all. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) cm MOVIE "The Vlolatlon Of Claudia'' (1977. Ora· ma) A bored wife 18 led down the primrose path by her tennis Instructor. ( 1 hr., 5 min.) 12:..0(C) MOVIE "Nightmare" ( 1981, Horror) Baird Stafford, Sharon Smith. Despite a drug pt"escrlptlon that Is supposed to soothe his homicidal tendencies. a severely disturbed young man continues to oom· mlt il_isly hatchet murders. (1 hr .. 37 min.) 12:"6CZJ MOVIE "Chtlstmas In July" (1940, Comedy) Ok:t( Powell. Ellen Drew. Mistakenly believing he has woo a fortune In prize money, a man places himself M11'1IY In debt. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "Usa And The Devil" (1973, Mys~ tery) Telly Savalaa. Elke Somme< A beeutlful girt Is torn between two masters, one llvfng and the other dead. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "The Mylterlans" ( 1959, Scienoe-Ac- tlon) Ken~ Sahara, Yuml Shirakawa. A group of htahly evolVed aliens of superior lntetllgence try to take over Earth to petpetuate their olvlllzatlon. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CD MCME "Oeedty Gamee" (1981, Myst9')') Sam Groom, Dick Butkut. A woman retuma to hat ~ town t:=rt• hat sister'• mysterious death. 'R' j;, hr .• 95 min. ~:soil~~ • ~ "EqulnOx" (1968, Fantasy) Edwatd Connell. B41rbara Hewitt. FOUi young people unoov- •• terrfble talanlo ~ In the mouf'lllln reglont of Celtornle. (1 hr., 30 mln.) 1=•~ , .• • Cl}. ..aHT" our arAJNG PUOOVI :.~: •• ·CO.: ..... ~hollla-~ ...... Friday (continued) sensallOnal evening of entertainment from Chippen- dale's nightclub In Los Angeles. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 1:45(0) MOVIE "Eyes Of A Stranger" ( t981, Suspense) Lauren Tewes, Jennifer Jason Leigh An inquisitive TV reporter stalks a madman responsible for a series of rape-murders 'A' ( 1 hr , 25 min ) 2:00 D 61) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT (ID MOVIE "Attack Force Z" ( 1980, Adventure) John Phillip Law. Mel Gibson. A top-secret Austra- lian attack unit penetrates enemy Japanese lines to perform a danng rescue mission. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 0 MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Musical) Ani- mated. The history of American pop music, trom vaudeville to rock 'n' roll. Is traced through several generations of a family of musicians. 'A' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980, Romance) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote. South Pacific island and experience the pangs of first love. 'R' {1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:05 II MOVIE "The Chase" ( 1966. Orama) Marlon Brando, Jane Fonda. A sheriff tries to prevent the tragic meeting of an escaped convicl and his adul- terous wife. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) Cl) NEWS 2:20@RAT PATROL 2:25~ MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980, Comedy) Mac Davis. Tovah Feldshuh. In order to meet his alimony payments, a recently divorced prl· vate detective tracks down delinquent husbands for a divorce lawyer. 'A' (1 hr . 32 min.) 2:308NEWS e MOVIE "Carnival Of Crime" ( 1964, Orama) Jean-Pierre Aumont, Tonia Carrero. When a mls&lng woman's corpse Is finally discovered, her husband's business partner, who was also her lover. confesses to the crtme. ( 1 hr .. 30 mln.) 2:36 Cl) MOVIE "Die, Monster. Die" ( 1965, Horror) Boris Karloff, Nick Adams. Based on a story~ H.P. Lovecratt. A young Amertcan visiting his Engllsh fiancee's parents recojls In horror when her fathor turns Into a giant fungus. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 2:50 all WORLD AT LARG~ (I) MOVIE "Challenge The Dragon" (Adventure) A ruthless busllleSa operation's attempt to destroy a family's land and tradition Is met with a valiant fight. 'A' D hr .. 30 min.) 3:008 RAT PATROL • MOVIE "Castle Of The Living Dead" (1961. HorrOf) Christopher Lee, Gaia Germani. A mysterl· ous count possesses the power to turn IMng beings Into stone, but he eventually becomes a vlctfm of his own work. (2 hrs.) eNEWS (!)THE OLD BALL GAME (R) 3:061NEW8 3:30 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA 3:40 MOVIE "Vtetory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylves- ter Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team in Paris. 'PG' (1 hr .. 67 min.) 3:450 MOVIE "Gas" (1981. Comedy) Donald Sutherland, Susan Anspach. A radio OJ and a reporter try to ex.pose an Oil magnate's plot to drive up gas prices by contriving an Oil shortage. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( t981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German subma- rine, an Axis spy flflds shelter from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'A' ( 1 hr., 61 -Mmln.}_ 4:00 Cf) NEWS (!) 8PORTSCENTER -4:05 al) VEGETABLE SOUP ~ MOVIE "Goodbye, Emmanuelle" (1977, Ora- ma) SyMa Kristel, Umberto Orslnl. A beaU11ful woman's search tor the ultimate erotic experience brl~ her to a startling realization. 'A' ( 1 hr., 40 min. 4:20 MOVIE "Tim" ( 1981, Orama) Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a aenaltlve, mlddl&-a woman develop a cloee relationship of Saturday \I< >IC\ J:\(; 5:00 Cl) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP m MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (!)PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex. (2 hrs.) 5:05 all BASEBALL BUNCH 5:30 e VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA Cf) NEWARK AND REALrTY CJ REACHING OUT 5:36 all THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 5:40(%) MOVIE "Soldler In The Rain" ( t963. Come- dy) Jackie Gleason, Steve McOueen ( 1 hr., 30 minj 6:1oop~~rv8EMESTER PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK APPlE POLISHERS FAMILY AFFAIR VOICE OF AGRICUT\JRE MOVIE "Young Joe, The FOfgotten Kennedy" (1977, Drama) Peter Strauss, Barbara Parkins. CID MOVIE "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977, Suspense) Jacqueline Bisset. Christophe< Plummer. U hr., 40 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Tarka The Ottet" (1979) Documenta- 'l'.:.. Narrated by Peter Ustinov. ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 111 MOVIE "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982, Fan- ~.) Chris Makepeace, Fred Gwynne. ( t hr .. 30 6:06 CMLISATK>N 6:20 NEWS 8:30 OUSTYS TREEHOUSE THAT'S CAT PACESETTERS VOICE OF AGRICULTURE SLM CUISINE OAVFf AHO GOLIA TH rrs YOUR BUSfNESS WATCH YOUR MOUTH REBOP CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES 7:001 IODSWOALD THE FLINTSTONES 8'G BLUE MARBLE 9 8UPERFRIENDS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVFf AHO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TE'EHSCENE INFINITY FACTORY YOGA FOR HEAL TH WRfTING FOR A REASON SPORTSCENTER 7:06 all MOVIE "Moby Dick" ( 1956. Adventure) Greg__ory Peck. Alcherd Basehart. 7: 15 CZ) MOVIE "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" (1981. Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Richard Hatch. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:301 MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS SMURFS OR. SNUGGLES 111 RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO OOUATH DOCTOR WHO CALIFORNIA PEOPLE VIUAALEGRE IMO BLUE MAASLE WRl1lNG FOR A REASON VE8'TERVEAR .. 1947 FRACTURED AJCKEA8 MOVIE "Under The Ralnoow•· ( 1981, Comedy) ~ Chaae, Carrie Fisher. ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) a:qo9 Cl) POPEYE e MOVIE "Sierra Sue" (1941, w .. tMn) Gene Aut~. Smiley Bumette. GMAVERICK Cf) WRESTLING DANCE CONTEST -K evin Schaaf , 20, who was born in L ynwood and attends Orange Coast College, and his partner, Sa.renia Marie, 21, are among the dancers competing in Dick Clark's annual "American Bandstand" dance contest" Saturday at 5 pm. on KABC (Ch . 7). I SOC MILLION DOLLAR MAN QUE PASA, U.S.A.? REBOP WRITING FOR A REASON MOYIE "Paplllon" ( 1973. Adventure) Steve McQueen, Dustin Hottman. (!) RACOUETBAU "International Championships Men's Flrst Round" Wendall Talaber vs. Don Thom- as (A) Cl) MOVIE "The Stratton Story" ( 1949, BlOQraphy) Jamee Stewart, June Allyson. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 9:301Cl)TARZAN I LONE RANGER I KIO SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG moM JUMPSTREET GETTING TO KNOW ME WRITING FOR A REASON SPORTSCHAUENGE Super Bowl XII Denver Broncos vs. '68 UCLA Basketball Bruins (A) <JI) MOVIE "Undet' The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) =Chase. came Fisher. (1hr .. 38 min.) 9:1~~:r==ANIMALS NASL SOCCER KJCK8 THIS WEE< IN BASEBAU ERNEST ANGLEY MISTER ROGERS TALKS WITH PARENTS ABOUT SCHOOL Sandy Hiii and educator Elteo Gallnsky jOln Fred Rogers and a studio audience for a dlscutalon about young children's mlsoonceptlons about going to school fOf the first time. (R) ( 1 hr.) •AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (I) CR. FOOTBAU TOfonto Argonauts at Hamilton 1]gef Cats (A) (3 h.-.) (%) MOVIE "Lumlere" ( 1976. Orama) Jeanne MOfeeu, Francine Racette. (1 hr., 40 min.) 9:301~ I AOADRUNNEA l ~EA~ARMAOUKE WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS UFEOfAa.EY ~d(~ Creative Jcwders, me. f/J,~w JI( $<-:14on NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER .. ~Mli'~ ~nAh' £ I,; .. cf'~.!" . .. WILL CREATE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE AND LIFESTYLE! ---. - 10 ~ Saturday (continued) ~ G» TRACK ANO RELO "Jesse Owens Games" Dick Van Patlan end Gil Stratton take us to the Arco Jesse Owens Games National Championships. M ,... OJ 0 -' > f- i hr., 30 min.) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Facto- ry" ( 1971, Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Albertsor. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) ( 1969, Comedy) Paul Newman. Sy Kosc1na 9:35@ MO\llE "The Secret War I Harry Fdgg" 10:008 8i) SPACE STARS U SHA NANA fJ @) THUNDARR I GOLDIE GOL f) MOVIE "Godzilla Vs. The Cosmic Monster" ( 1976. Sclence-Ficlion) Jack Palance, Carol Lyn· ~· (!) MO\llE "Or1tt1n· River" ( 1946. Western) Eddie Dean, Shirley Patterson I BOB JONES THIS OLD HOUSE AMERICAN·GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980, Come- dy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase ( 1 hr , 42 min ) 10:308 AMERICA'S TOP TEN Cl) NASL SOCCER KICKS 9 SQUARE FOOT GARDENING '1l)AMERICAN GO\IERNMENT (ft) MOVIE "Scout's Honor" ( 1980, Comedy) Gary Coleman. Katherine Helmond. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 10:40 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE t 1:008 8i) BASEBALL Regional coverage of Balli· more Orioles at Boston Red Sox Of Philadelphia Phillies at Montreal Expos (3 hrs ) I TA.RZAN al WEEKEND SPECIAL "Zack And The Magic Factory" Two young people combine their talents to ~n up a magic shop. (Par1 2) (R) Q Cf) OUTDOOR LIFE Bob Stearns attempts to land a 100-lb. Pacific sailfish ott Costa Rica, Jim Carmlchel conducts a lesSon In the art of trap shoOtlng. I SOUL TRAIN THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER Sudbroke and Rushdan are on the verge of discovering Tom's true identity; Edward IS jailed for a robbery that he was f0<ced to take par1 in. (Part 5 of 6) I COOKING MEXICAN PERSONAL RNANCE MOV1E "Mahogany" ( 1975, Orama) Diana RCISS, Anthony Perkins. (%) MOVIE "Eraserhead" ( 1976, HOfror) John Nance. Charlotte Stewart. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 11:308 Cl) BLACKSTAR 8 t1I AMERICAN BAN OST ANO Guests LOV9f· boy. (1 hr.) fJ WILD, WILD WEST Cf) BASEBAU "Old Timer's Game" ( t hr., 30 ;n~E PRINCE ANO THE PAUPER As he Is being p<epared 10< the coronatloo. Tom realizes he Is being used as a pawn in a game of power. (Par1 6 of 6) I MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING PERSONAL FINANCE MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (198 1. Comedy) Richard Befljamln, Paula Prentiss. ( t hr .. 15 min.) . \l J LIZ'\( >< >" 12:00. Cl> HR. FOOTBALL "Pr•Season Game" Oakland~ at San Fraoclsco .a.rs (3 hrs.) I L08T .. 8P~ MOYIE "Claudine" (1974, Orama) Diahann C8nol. James Eat1 Jones. I THE AOOtaal AIOl<'S ANIMALS PEABONAL ANANCE AU8TRALIAN RUl.ES FOOTB.ALL Cartton ve North Melbourne (2 hrs ) (Q) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TB.EV1SION "Marty" Rod Steiger and lllancy Marchand star In a 1955 Pfoduetlon of Paddy Chayefsky's teleplay aboot a homely butcher who falls In love with e plain girl. ( 1 hr.) ())MOVIE "Shipwreck" ( 1978, Adventure) Robert L~n. Mikki Jamlsoo-Olson. ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 12:06@ MOVIE "The Molly Maguires" (1970. Ora· ma) Saan Connery, Richard Harris. 12:30• PORTRArT OF A LEGEND G AUTO RACING "Pocono Summer 500" ( 1 hr .. 30~ I VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Slnglel Strategy I'' \lie Braden shows viewers that no amount of S1rategy can overcome • lack ol good fUndlmentels. (~ I ~Clatlh Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fantaey) Har!!. Hamlin Laurence OIMer. ( 1 hr., 68 min.) 1:00• BA6EBM.l. c.lfomle Angell et Oakland A'1 i ~· "°'*" 1'Jf ~ '9p9cf'" •('1958: -8cl6 ~Ion) lM z.. Gabor. Eric FleM4ng SUMMERFEST '8t BEGINS -"The Making of Superman: The Movie" is a captivating behind the scenes look at the creation o f Superman, which srars Chr istopher R eeve, kicking off SummerFesc '82 on KOCE (Cb. 50) Saturday at 8:30 p.m. CD BASEBALL Chicago Cubs at New York Mets (2 hrs., 40 min.) I ENTERT AJNMENT THIS WEEK MOVIE "Robinson Crusoe On Mars" ( 1964, Sci- enc&-Flction) Paul Mantee. Vic Lundin I MONEYMAKERS INTRODUCING BIOLOGY MOVIE "The Fixer" ( 1968, Orama) Dirk £!<>garde, Alan Bates. (D> C.B. HEROES A trucker father and his children set out on a delivery convoy composed of two flashy. IS-wheeler trucks and a suspicious-looking taxi that seems to be loltowlng them. D PURUE Melba MOOfe, Robert GulHaume and Sherman Hemsley are featured In a performance of the hit Broadway muslcal based on Ossie Davis's ~y "Purtle Victorious." (2 hrs., 20 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (1981. Come- dy) Beau Brldgeos. Hume Cronyn. ( 1 hr .. ~5 min.) 1:30• t+<:1t!A "Anding A Voice" Several victims of severe ;peech dlsabilltles relate how they overcame their handicaps. (R) O ( 1 hr.) • HOWARD NEMEAOV: C0U£CTED SENTENC- E'S A profile of America's distinguished poet and noveliS1 feetures lnteNiews with Nemerov, his family. friends and cotteagues. (1 hr.) CD) MOV1E "Manny's Orphans" (1980, Drema) Jim Baker, Malechy McCourt. 2'.008 e PGA 90LF "Sammy Devis Jr. Greatet Hartford Open" Live co...age of the third round floom the Wethersfield Country Club. Harttord. Conn 0 hr.) •MOVIE "Doomsday Machine" (1972. Sctene. Action) Henry Wiicoxon. Mala Powers. 0 MOVIE "The La5t Of The Mohlcans" ( 1977, Adventure) Steve F0<res1. Andrew Ptlne. • MOVIE "The Haf'Y8y Gwt." (11M6, Musical) J4J(jy Gaflend, John Hodiak. QI 8KlNA T\JAE Guest: Peter Ktlendler. (() STRONGEST MAN IN FOOTBAU COMPETI- TION (I) MOV1E "Penelope" (Comedy) Anna Befgmen, Geor, Murcell. ( 1 h<., 25 min.) 2:30 • R9CH MAN, POOR MAN: BOOK I After en un6UCC8S&ful search tor his wife and son. Tom (Nick Nolte) returns 10 the ring end becomes a sparring partner tOt Joey Ouales (George Maharls) . ( t hr .. 30 min.) QI MIXED BAG "The Buslnesa Of Boo6<s" And out eboul marketing and hyping of authors and hOw i OfnOttons of publlahlng Is done. IAELANO: A TELEVISION HISTORY PORTRAfT OF MARCEL MARCEAU The untver- ealty acclaimed pantomfnlst 18 eeen at home In Paris discussing hla th<>UgMa on phllo90phy, art and the evolotlon of hla work In a film review of his career ( 1 ~ MOV1E "The Spiral Stlircase" (1977. Sutpenae) Jacqueline Btaaet, Chrlttopher PkJmmer. 2:~it~ U.U8TRA1"D ····-tt: ~~QN~ERUtsceNE • CJ) BASEBAU BUNCH e MOVIE "Christian The Lion" ( 1976, Adventure) Bill Travers, Virginia McKenna. f8 ANTONIN O\IORAK'S SYMPHONY FROM THE NEW WORLD Karl Boehm leads the Vienna Philhar- monic in Dvorak's "Symphony No. 9." ( 1 hr ) fl) MOVIE "Show Boat" (1951, Musical) Kathryn Grayson. Howard Keel. CD MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Che~ Chase. Ben11 0 CZJ MOVIE "Tommy" ( 1975, Musical) Roger Oaltr~. Ann· Margret. ( 1 hr , 50 min ) 3:05 (IZ) WRESTLING 3:308 MOVIE "Betrayal" (1974. Suspense) Aman- da Blake. Dick Haymes D AGRICULTURE U.S.A. ())MOVIE "Go Ask Allee" ( 1973. Orama) William Shatner. Jamte Smith Jackson fJl) WERE YOU THERE? "Portrait Of Two Artists" The wOfk of master painters Hughie Lee-Smith and Jacob Lawrence ts featured. (R) O al) EVENING AT SYMPHONY SPECIAL The Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Seijl Ozawa presents an evening of musical w0<ks. featuring the complete performance ol Arnold Schoenberg's dramatic "Gurrelieder" (2 hrs.) Ct) MOVIE "lllo Nukes" (1980, Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby, Stills & Nash CD) MOVIE "It's My Turn" ( 1980, Romance) Jill Cla,1rgh, Michael Douglas. 3:40 KINER'S KORNER •:OO MEDICAL CENTER I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "H'ft~hts" (Part 5) ( 1 hr.) I RAC~WFROM SARATOGA THE AOCKFORO ALES MOVIE "Northwest Passage" ( 1940. Adven· ture) Spencer Tracy, Robert Young. QI STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- en-par! drama of llfe in Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Part 4) ( 1 hr.) • QUE PASA. U.S.A.? "Vacation Pena Style" The Penas take Carmen to St Augustine. Florlde to dl&- cover ~itage ~ ~ESTERYEAR ... 1917 Dick Cavet1 hosts a pano- ramic overview of the events and people that shaped one of the most Important years In Amerl· can history. Cl) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and IOU< comic contestants who compete against one another are featured In this uncensored comedy game show. 4:30. GILLIGAN'S ISLAND i AGRONSKV ANO COMPANY ~MADE IN GERMANY MOVIE "Stardus1 Mem<lfles" (1980. Drama) W~ Allen, Charlotte Rampllng. (1 hr., 29 min.} 5:008 SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE PREVIEW Bill Flemming looks at the pla)'«S and teams to watch for the 1982 SEC season. I FREE+ALL KUNGAJ WIDE WOALO Of SPORTS Covefage of the 10- round heavyweight boot between Tr~vOI' BerblcJ< (Canada) I Renaldo Snipes (U.S.) from C~nd. Ohio: hlQNlghts of the Salvadof Sanchez I Az.umah Netson wee world featherweight chamP<>nshlp bou1 from Madlaon Square Garden. N.Y. (1 hr .. 30 min.) I M•A•&•H OflZ2L V ADAMS FM-TV Featured: The Rolling Stones': Nell Young: Dire Strelta: The Who; Oevo: Joe Cocker. (2 hr$..) l nGOl.D PAT CARAOU.. .. ON THE ROAD WITH ~ TRUDE 8'TEIN An Insight to the development of the program "Gertf\lde Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude ~~WELK (I) PKA FUU CONTACT KARATE From the Allan· ta Hiiton, Atlante. Ga. (2 hrs.) (8) MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chaae, Carrie Flaher. ( t hr .. 38 min.) CD MOV1E "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980. Orama) Mel- "!:i...n Douglas, Ula Kedrova. g MOVIE ''Smokey Bites The Dust'' (1981, CoolO- ~ Jlmm:t McNichol. Janet Jullen. ( t hr., 30 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Charlie Chan And Tu. Cutae Of The Dragon Queen" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov, • Richard Hatch. (1 hr., 30 min.) 5'06 al MOVIE "Dark COmmand" ( 1940. Westetn) John Wayne, Waltef Pldge()n. &30 e 8'° 10 PREVIEW em Flemming ~s et the i =powera of the Big 10 conf«ence. wtOe WOfll.D OF SPORTS Coverage of the 10. round hea~ht boot between Trevor Befbld< (C.~ Renaldo Sn4peS (U.S.) ttom ~ ONo: It OI the S.!Vlldot Sanchez I Azumah Neeiotl w<iltd fMtherweight chemplonthlp J jt• ~JrMI ...... --.~ """· (1 ~ 31> min.) • Saturday (continued) &l) ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The Leatherstocklng Tales" Although Hawkeye and Jett Sweetwater are both in love with Molly, Sgt. Dunham admires Hawk· eye and prefers him as a husband for his daughter. i art 4) (A) Q SQUARE FOOT GARDENING MOVIE "Lady Takes A Chance" (1943, Come- ~ John Wayne. Jean Arthur. (Q) MOVIE "The Elephant Man" ( 1980, Orama) Jghn Hurt. Anthony Hopkins --z: ..... ~-~jl ,_ c ~~ !: ~r f- I • ( ( 3565 East Co.sf Highway Corona del M•r. CA 92625 (714) 675·1850 .-.,7., --~-,....... ---- Mens & womens STORE WIDE CLEARANCE ,..ai;;.. ~ r'( -r~·~ ( I. Starts Sunday, Aug. 15th '· . . 'g. 15th ~~u sat. Aug.lath~ Hours: 10:~ a.m. to 6:00 p.m. · -~· ........ _ Closed Saturday Aug. 14th to Prepare MaJOr Credit cants Aocepted. .. A ONE TIME SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFER FOR THE YEAR 1912 FUU Tl~ ~9..SHlP , ... vlorty $1200) DUI TO THI OU1ST ANIJ9iG llSl'ONSI WI All CONTINUING THIS 0"11 I THIU THI MONTH Of AUGUST. The Newport Beech T ennls CIUb 11 the site of such prestigious 91191'111 u the 1977 Devis Cup, the Annuel Peclflo Southwest Senloft Tournement, the Orange County Adoption Guild Tournament end othere. Membe11, howevef. seldom find themeelves welting for 01i. of tl)e 19 courts. The CIUb ao bo1111 • Junior Olymplc·tlze pool, jacuzzi. dining room. end ber. Members lrequently teke edVentege of the attractive lacUitlet for private parties. wedding reQeptlona. etc. Othef eoclel activities Include bridge, beekgemmon, tcrabble. aetobk:a, end our new seminar on "Body SYccesa" lnslNClad by Phil Johnson. For Y<>Uf convenience. try our new "MATCH MATE'' tie• mechlnee. A limited number o r Regular, Corporete, ~ Alloclete, and JUnlor EJ1eeutlve Memberehlpe 1re now evelleble. plus our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP" end "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" (12-18yra.) FOA FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT OUR SALES OIAECTOA FROM 10:0CM:OO TUES.-SUN. CALL 8«-0050 u _. co CID I\) ·~ ~ Saturday (continued) <1> . & Saturday (continued) lsts Invade e fashlonable health spa. ( 1 hr.. 30 mm.) •MOVIE "Decoy For Terror" ( 1970, Horror) Wil· llam Kirvin, Jean Christopher. A lovely young wom- an acts as a police decoy to lrap an artist suspected ol murdering several of his former models. (2 hrs.) Ill) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ~ MOVIE ''No Nukes" ( 1980, MusJcal) Jackson Browne. Crosby, SUiia & Nash. Footage of a lefiel of antt--nuclear power con<*ts held In New Yen Clty cMtng September. 1979, teeturing the Dooble Brothers, Carly Simon, James Taylor and Bruce Springsteen. Is complled in this documentary. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) CO) MOVIE "Woman In The Night" (1978, Fantasy) Ajita Wilson, Lorraine DeSelle. A young man who dreams of an incredible woman finds his fantasy comll'lg true. (l hr., tO min.) 1:451ABC NEWS 2:00 NEWS 2:06 NEWS 2:15 MOVIE "Stardust Memot'ies" (1980, Orama) Woody Allen. Charlotte Rampllng. A successful director faces a personal crisis as he tries to make some major decisions In his life. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 29 min.) 2:3098NEWS Cf) NEW AGE: A FOCUS ON THE OLDER AMEm- CAN Ill) CATHOLIC MASS (!) RACQUETBALL "International Women's First Round Championships" Heather Stupp vs. Karin Walton-Trent Cl MOVIE "Get Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( 1978. Comedy) Gerard Depardleu, Patrick Dewaere. A young and optimistic husband goes to almost unbelleveable lengths to ensure his wife's happi-ness. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 2:45. MOVIE "Godzilla's Revenge" ( 1970. Sci- ence-Fiction) Aklra Hoshl, Toru Hiroyukl. A vast panoply of mons18fS wreaks havoc while contending for ~remacy. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:60CHJ THE UNEXPUAGATEt> BEHNY Hill The wild and wacky British comedian portrays various characters. Including a circus clown and a French exchange student, in numerous sketches. 3:009 MOVIE "Rachel And The Stranger" (19-48, Orama) Loretta Young. Wllllam HOiden. In the 1800s, a S1rano-wanders Into the lives of a pioneer couple and helps tnem reldndle their ftlcf<Elflng romance. ( 1 tv .. 40 Min.) I VO'f AGE TO THE BOTTOM ~ THE SEA STRAIGHT TAU< =Of NOTRE DAME FOOTBAU "USC · '76" (R) ( t hr.) (Q) MOYtE ''Eye Of The Needle'' ( 1961. Su$pen&e) Oon!Md SUtherland. Kate Nelligan. While on a ,.,,..ote Scottlth lsle.-1 to meet a Qennen swbma- rht. en Axis spy llndl "'*"'from ttle stonn Jo the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 tw .. 51 ml".) Cl) ~ "Eraserf\Md" (1976. Horror) John Nance. Charlotte Stewart. Aft91' giving birth to a monster child, a weird young woman leaves the baby for the father to raise alone In Whatewr fash- ion he chooses. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 3:20<1:) MOVIE "Young Joe, The Forootten Kenne- ICUPUICTURE -....-..... AUTHC>ft Of! "AC~ a acllMCa" Form« Chairman, Mmlnar of CNneM Acupunc:utre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COl.LEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2431 Moft.·wed.-Ffl ............... c....... 11111 ........... ........... aANTA ANA Sunday \ l< >It'\ I'\< ; 6:00(f) NJE ON NEW JINEY (CJ MOVIE "Lady Tak" A. Chance" (1943, Come-w JoMiiia , Jean Atthur. . ~ . WtORLQSENES HIGHLIGHT& (Rl 6: J A08l80N 5:16 YEBTERYEAA. .. 19'7 Dick C8velt travels back to the prosperous post·WOfld War II era that saw the growth of the suburbs. televlslon and the passenger car. ( 1 hr.) 5:20 (I) LAFF-A-THON A .comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one anoth· er are featured In this Uncens<J(ed comedy game show. 5:36 CARTOONS 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 5:301 DAY OF DISCOVERY 5:60 BIZAAAE "Richard Dawson'a Marriage" &loo~~~~POKENw~D ORAL ROBERTS BIBLEA~ ROMPER ROOM THE OLD BALL GAME (R) MOVIE "Freud" ( t963, Biography) Montgom- ery Clift, Susannah YOfk. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 8:05 Ill) LOST IN SPACE 8: 15(1) MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" ( 1961. Come- dy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. (1 hr .. 15 min.}_ 8:30 B FOR OUA TIMES Several religious leaders discuss their views on nuclear disarmament SERENOtPfTY ROBERT SCHULLER OAYBAEAK L A. SUMCUIStNE POtNT~VIEW CALIFORNIA PEOPLE AOAICUL TIJRE U.S.A. MOVIE "Plnchclltf Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adven- ture) Animated. CB> MOVIE "Never NeY9f Land" (1961, Orama) PetutaClark, C.thleen Nesbitt. (1 hr., 25 min.) e ~HOUSE OF HOAROR 7:00.TOOAY'8 REI IG!ON fHATSCAT UTTl.E RA8CAL8 fT IS WRfTTEN KENNETH COPEi.AHO • SUNOAY MASS DAY Of Of8COVERY CARJOON8 Y~ FOR HEAlnf ~ 7:051 l.JGHtell SIDE Of THE .. EW8 7:30 FAITHWAYS I WHITNEY NC> THE R080T CAMPU8 MOfll.E: VIEWPONT ON NtlMl- TION i TV-8 LOOt<S AT LEARNNl THA rs THE 8PtAfT mECT1QNB Glore Feldman presents a per- NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Enjoy Tf'riyaki • TempUl'a Shu lai bar pttpattd by our faltlout Japanew Chef • Beer • Wine • Said ® JAPANESE ~gisC1- RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Mon. ttWv frt. 11:30 to 1:30 DlnMt' from SP·"'· a.aft. from 4 p.M. 11~1 3l40 £. COAST HWY. CmolM DR MM A SPECIAL GRANDMA -Maureen Stapleton play.s a very special grandmother in "The Electric Grand.mot.her" Sunday at 7 p.m . on KNBC (Ch . 4). She Is sho wn h ere w ith her three charges -Tom (Robert M acn aug hton , left), Tim o thy (Ch arlie Fields) and Agatha (Tara K ennedy). formance o=lar Jewish folk music. (A) l=THE~ Y8T£R ROOER8 (R) TIE WOALD TOMOAR<>W HOU YW000 Holtywood reporter BIH Hen1a presents up-dOM reports oo the people and events wt\Jc:h.,. making news In lhe production end gtam- ot capltaf of the mcMe industry. •JOEL 8AEY .. CONCSn' TM ~tlle talent8 Of the Tony AWllfo-wtnning entenelnet are fNtured In tNt one-"'91 thaw which lnctude8 a ...,.. to Geor,M. Cohan. (1 hr.) 7:35(1ZJ MOYIE "saeuth" (1973, Mystef)') Laurence OIMet. Mk::haet C.Jne . 1:00 8 SUNDAY MOANING ntlS 18 TI4E LIFE -fQIE'-"""''tlE Ml> fMND8 ""90tW.~. t.a fMEIE. tJQHT Lt.OYO ca.vi& MUSIC WOll.D IBflllf'( F Al.MU CMrOONI B.ECnlC COMPAtl'/ (A) AEXHU.-t.PD MOVIE "Ortve-.ln" ( 1976, Comedy) Glenn Morshowef, Liu Urnc*t. NEWPORT DATSUll W111h Te le Y•r # 1 ...... .. •.• , .• ., ... . Co11tr! S.1 11 Te .. , .. . W1 Art llleri11 '11e.tic 1,.1. •I Saul 1at I . . . .,I '· ·'I ... ~ Sunday (continued) a> ...... (() BEST OF NOmE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '77" (A) ( 1 hr.) CID VIOEO JUKEBOX (I) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Soupy Sales. 8:30 D OOVSSEY Guests: Cardinal Timothy Mann- ing: Rhonda Roland Shearer describes her "oul of b<>dy" experience during CPR, Rabbi Yehuda let>o- vlcs, Dean of Aish Ha Torah lnslltute, North HOiiy- wood; Ron Geraci shows rellglous musical Instru- ments. TOOA Y'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CAL VARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE ELECmlC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BIBLE MOVIE "The Nlghl The Lights Went Out In Georgia" ( 198 t, Orama) Kristy McNtehol. Mark Hamill. ( 1 hr .. SO min.) (I) MOVIE "Tarka The Oller" ( 1979) Documents- ~ Narrated by Paler Usllnov. ( t hr • 3 t min.) U MOVIE "Falling In Love Again" ( t980, Orama) Ellloll Gould, Susannah YOO<. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) {%) MOVIE "Paplllon" (1973, Adventure) Steve McOueen, Dustin Hottman. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) ~loom;~ rT IS WRfTTEN SESAME 8mEET (R) Q CA. FOOTBALL Calgary Slempeders al Brlllsh Columbia Lions (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min) 9:301(1) FACEtHE NATION I MEET THE PRESS OtRECTIONS The plight ot Haitian refugees in the United States Is examined. (A) I DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW CASH ON THE UNE -The "man ln bl.ack'' sings the spirit and soul music of the country in "Johnny Cash's America" Sunday at 8 p.m. on H ome Box Office. H e will be joined by his wife, June Carter a.sh (lower right). l'i) WAU $TRE.ET WEEK "High On Or~s" Guest James Tullls of Morgen Stanley & Co. (R) (() HORSESHOW JUMPING "Cleveland Grand Prill" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) . \I·" 1 lJl~< )( )~ 10:0011 NEWSMAKERS Guest: Gubernatorial Candi- date George "Duke" Deukmejlan D ON CAMPUS Featured: a look al how Scripps 12:008 LOST IN SPACE Press provides Scripps College students with a I SEARCH bridge between humanities and modern technology RJLL THROTILE Highlights of Paul Newman's G MOVIE "The Road To Singapore" ( 1940, Com-recent racing at the Road Allanla ere presented. edy) Bing Crosby. Bob Hope. • PAPER c.fASE "Voices 01 Silence" A volunteet I BASEBALL BUNCH Guest· Ken Singleton. in the school's Prison Assistance Program becomes SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN emotionally Involved with a polhlcal activist who Is HERALD OF TRUTH being held In solitary confinement ( 1 hr.) BASEBALL Chicago Cubs at New York Mets (2 ID PORTRAITS IN PASTELS hfs .. 20 min.) CC) MOVIE "A Little Romance" (t979. Comedy) IREX HUMBARD Laurence Ol111ier, Diane Lane THE LAWMAKERS e,a) ROCK ON NEWSCENTER WEEKLY (I) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981. Drama) Sissy MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING ~acetc. Eric Roberts. { 1 hr .. 35 min.) MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979. Orama) Sieve U MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Oust" ( 198 t, Come- McOueen, Eli Wallach dy) Jimmy McNlchol, Janet Julian. { 1 hr., 30 mlo ) (I) MOVIE "Clash 01 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) 12:20(!) BASEBALL Chicago Cubs at New York Mets Har~ Hamlin, Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr., 58 min.) (3 hrs.., 20 min.) 10:3011 INTERFACE 12:$0. GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Brooks I ARTS OF ASIA Robinson" Host: G80fge Plimpton. (II KIOS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: WHiie Tyler D MOVIE "Gammera. The Invincible" ( t966. Sci- and Lester. quarterback Jim Plunkett. comedian ence-flctlon) Brian Donlevy, Albert Dekker. Pat Hurley, Wil Shriner (R) ( 1 hr ) I NEWBMAK.ERS I ROBGrr SCHULLER HYDROPLANE RACING "Thunder In The Park" JERRY FALWELL SLIM CUISINE OPEN MINO THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The famous OUTDOOR LIFE Bob Slearns attempts to land a g<oup from rock's golden era perform their greatest 100-lb. Pacific sailfish ott Costa Rica; Jim Carmichel hits. lnciodlng "Calltomla Girls," "Sur1ln' U.S.A." coodUC1a a les&on in the art of trap shooting. and "Barbara Ann." ( 1 hr.) fli) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING e,a) MOVIE "Back Roads" ( 1981, Comedy) Sally CID MOVIE "Wiiiy Wonka And The Chocolate Facto-Aeld, Tommr, Lee Jones. ry" (197 1, Fantasy) GBM Wiider. Jack Albertson. CZ> MOVIE 'Deadly Blesslng" (1981, Suspense) {_t hr .. 30 min ) Maren Jensen, Susan Buckner. ( 1 hr., '40 min,) Cl MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" 1:00D TALK ABOUT PICTURES ( 1980, Comedy) Liiy Tomlin, Charles Grodin. (1 •BASEBALL Callfornla Angels at Oakland A'a (3 hr .. 24 min.) hrs.) 10:36all MOVIE "Sex And The Single Girt" (196-4, e MOVIE "Ben Hur" (1959, Adventure) Chartton Comedy) Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood Heston, Jack Hawkins 11:00• MOVIE "The Carpetbaggers" ( 19&4, Ora-I THI& WEEK IN BASEBALL ma) George Peppard, Carroll Baker. PU8UC PULSE 8 • POA GOLF "Sammy Oavts Jr. Greater Hart-NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Geme" 0enV8f ford Open" Live 00\/erage of the final roond from Broncos va Loe Angelet Rams (3 hrs.) the Wethersfield Country Club. Hartford. Conn. (2 I ADAM-12 hrs.) OANGER UX8 ''With Love From Adolf" Brian'• (I) MOVIE "Red Sky At Morning" ( 1971, Orama) lnjutles l\eve left him thattered and he wondera It he Richard Thomas. Ctalre Bloom can retum to nonnal life CK If he has become addict- • MOVIE "Christian The Lion" ( 197&. Adventu1e) ed to the dangerous lite of bomb dlspOMI. (Pert BYI Travera,~McKenna. 13) (R) 0 (1 fir.) • • MASf THEATRE "Ol1taell: Dizzy" • SPORT8WOALO Scheduled; I~ coveragt ot Encoutaged by Ns auoceea In verbal debat• whh the tG-round mlddlewelght ·t>aut between Bobby some of England'• mc»t prominent polltlclens, ~ Czyz and Ernie Slngletery from Lu Veget. N9Y. (1 raell decidee to atand for P~t. (Pert 1) (R) hr.,~~ ~~~TON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) 1:lai 8A8E8A1.L~nta Br• ..... at San Diego ~MOVE ''Soldlet In TM Rain" (1063. Comedy) Pe<he~~ Jeckl9GleMon. 819\'t Mcau.n. (i hr., 30 min.) 1~30· ~ SUNOAY Sc:Mdultd: 1111'100\lef• 11:30•0nteMBCWJTHOAVIC>8RINKLEY -oe lhe Hkound WBA hM~t bou1 fEMY ~~ btitwMn '*'-"OUiok" m11 ancf. nm Wither-. . • • · • M~....-~'I~•_.;•;·;•'•:•. :•.•• .. !,.!-!.?t:a•o••t•t••T C' .IJC .. ftMIJ9t~rOlld _r ... J.v.t .... • • -· race (from Falmouth, Mass.). ( 1 t\r., 30 min.) ··· ., ·1~re.N Ol.ITDOORSMAN SPECTRUM AOAM-12 PROJECT UNIVERSE VIDEO JUKEBOX MOVIE "Duel Of The Titans" ( 1963, Adventure) Steve Reeves. Gordon Scott ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:00 D SUNOA Y Location: Drake Stadium, UCLA tor Super CPR Weekend. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1J MOVIE "King's Row" (1941. Orama) Ronald Reagan. Ann Sheridan. Ill MOVIE "Guilty Or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard Murder Case" ( 1975. Orama) George Peppard. William Windom. m MOVIE "Denver And The Rio Grande" (1952. Western) Edmond O'Brien. Sterling Hayden. 9 PAT CARROLL ... ON THE ROAD WITH GER- mUOE STEIN An insight to the development of the program "Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stern." (1 hr.) • INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Ster11r\g And Run- ning A Smail Business" A restauranteur. a bOUtlque owner and a university professor discuss the trials and tribulations of starting and running your own business. Ci> PROJECT UNIVERSE ct) MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones .• Max Von Sydow (() WCT TENNIS "California Classic" Live coverage of the final round from LaCoste, Calif. (3 hrs.) CID MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" (1981, Orama) Kristy McNlchol, Mark Hamill. ( 1 hr .. SO min.) (I) MOVIE "Shadow On The Well" (1950, Mystery) Ann Sothern, Zachary Scott. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 2:15(%) MOVIE "Eye 01 The Needle" (1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. ( t hr .. 51 min.) 2:30. PRESENT£ S SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "Highlights" (Part 6) ( 1 hr ) G9 PROJECT UNIV£RSE e,a) MOVIE "Figures In A Landscape" ( 1970. Ora· ma) Robert Shaw. Malcolm McDowell . 3:00112WrTH YOU Cl) WONDER WOMAN 9 GERTRUDE STEJN GERTRUDE STEIN GER- TRUDE STEIN An adaption of Gertrude Stein's years In Paris from 1903 to 1935 portrayed by Pat Carroll. (2 hrs.) I CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT AMERICAN DREAM, AMERICAN REAlrrt': THE RERJOEE EXPERIENCE A Hmong family from the mountains of northern Laos are followed through lheir first year io lhe United States. ( t hr.) (0 THE GOLDEN AGE OF TEL.EVISION "A Doll's House" A woman (Julie Harris) asserts her own Identity after confronting her husband's (Christo- pher Plummer) lmmorallty in a teleplay based on the play by Henrik Ibsen. 0 STEVE ALLEN SALUTES THE OE II Phyllls Diiier, Norm Crosby. Jayne Meadows, Impersonator Jim Balley and Barbi Benton join Steve Allen aboard the Queen Elizabeth II. (1 hr.) 3:30 8 MOVIE "The Grass Is Greener" ( 1961, Com· ~) Caty Grant, Jean Simmons. D OUTDOOR LIFE Bob Stearns attempts to land a 100-lb. Pacific sailfish off Costa Rica: Jim Carmichel condUcts a lesson In the art of trap &hooting. I CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "$ (Dollars)" (1971, Suspense) Warren Beally, Goldle Hawn CD MR. ~e A young boy can't afford to buy 1he drums he wanla so badty Cl) PETER ALLEN AND THE ROCKETTES The Rockettes loin alnger Peter Allen on stage at Radio City Music Hell In this muslcal special. (1 hr .. 8 mini 3:40 KINER'S KORNER ~00 SPORT8WORLO Scheduled: coverage of the tO-roond middleweight bOUt between Bobby Czyz and Ernie Singletary l rom Las Vegas. Nev. ( 1 hr .. 30 lmln~llUGNrS ISLANO 8TARTREK MOVIE "Who Slew Aunlie Roo?" (1972. Hor- f'Of) Sheltey Wlntert1. Merk Lester. (fJ em:RT AtNMENT THIS WEEK • MOVIE "NOtthwes1 Peuage" (1 Q..O, Adven- ture) Se>enoer Trecy, Robert Young. e 'MdVIE "Werpath" (1951, Western) Edmond O'Brien. POiiy Bergen. • WALL tTAEE1' WEE< "High On Druge" Gueat: Jamea Tullle ot M<>tgan Stanley 6 CO. (R) • JOUAHEY TO n4E SKY The legend9. fOUt tales and 400-)'Mr Nttoriea of two Texaa lndllln lflbea - the Alabllmu end the CouthettM -ere e~ed. 1.1. hf.} CC) MOVE "M" ( 1930, Sutpenee) Pattr Lorre, a.n Widmann. (8) MOYE "Brtekttwouah" (1979, Orama) Richard &non, Aod Sttlglr. ( 1 lw., 36 min.) I~ "Vlctot)I" ( 1981, Ad\19nt\n} SyM&tet Mlch..t c.11\e. u t'Jf., 67 ~-l . ..., ('IT~.,. ........... •I, ,I I t ~ I t• Sunday· (continued) 4: 16 (%)MOVIE "Christmas In July" ( 1940, Comedy) Dick Powell. Ellen Drew ( 1 hr , 10 min ) 4:30 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND I 0 SPORTSBEA T WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) SUPERBOWL BASKETBAU Members of the Dallas Cowboys nval members of the San Francisco 49ers In a tournament for the benefit ol the U.S. Olypmte Training Center ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 5:00 8 KUNG FU I AU TOGETHER: A SALUTE TO YUGOSLAVIA M0 A0S0 H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS SmUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- en-part drama ol lite in Dublin from 1907 to 1914. i art 4) ( 1 hr.) ARING LINE THIS OLD HOUSE Bob VIia begins renovations on a ranch-style lract house In a Boston suburb. J:.l S~SCENTER ct) MOVIE "Plnchcllfl Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adven· ture) Animated. Cl) WHAT'S UP AMERICA Featured: a humorous look al the meat Industry: a modern-day bounty hunter: three ol Amenca's favorite skinny dipping holes. ( 1 hr.) 5:05 (Ill BASKETBALL "Push For EJccellence" NBA All·Stars vs. Rookie All-Stars (2 hrs.) S:130t~:;;C~ KOTICR MONEYMAKERS NBA BASKETBALL Coverage of the All·Star team's lntrasquad game from China (2 hrs ) (ft) VIDEO JUKEBOX (%)MOVIE "Soldier In The Rain" ( 1963, Comedy) Jackie Gleason, Steve McOueen ( 1 hr., 30 min ) L\' l '.~I:\< ; 6:00888NEWS e MOVIE "Tammy And The Doctor" ( 1963, Com- edy) Sandra Dee. Peter Fonda. A young back· woods girl creates havoc In a hospital when she l becoc885 ~~ed with an Intern. (2 hrs.) WILD, WILD WEST ., IT IS WRfTTEN THE ROCKFORD FILES INCREDIBLE HULK . MOVIE "Man Of The West" ( 1958. Western) Gary Cooper, Julie London. A reformed outlaw is forced back into a life of crime. (2 hrs.) 3 CABARET TIMES THREE Three of New York's cabaret singers join together and sing songs by Sondheim. Gershwin, Rodgers And Hart. Cole Por- ter and others ( 1 hr ) I GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS OF THE WORLD NBC NEWS NOVA "Anding A V0tce" Several victims of severe speech disabilities relate how they overcame their handicaps. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Drive-In" (1976, Comedy) Glenn M0tshower, Lisa Lemole. Several Texas teen-agers meet during a night of romance and excitement at a drive-In theatre featuring an Improbable disaster film (1hr .. 40min.) CB) MOVIE "Wiiiy Wonl<a And The Chocolate Facto- ry" (1971, Fantasy) Gene Wiider. Jack Albertson. A world famous confectioner offers a lifetime supply of candy to the five winners of a treasure hunt. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) cm MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980. Come- dy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A soft-hearted law- yer Is tom between her hopeless ex·husband- turned-bank robber and her uptight present hus· band who Is running for California at10<ney general. 'PG' (1 hr., 42 min.) (I) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. My1hlc hero Per9eUS Is helC>ed by his father Zeus In a series of dangerous --n1VORCE MEDIATION---. A NON-COMBATIVE PROCESS COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COIT FOR FURTHER INFO PREP SCHOOL FOR COPS -Stephen Parr, Michael Andrew, Justice Lord, Ellen Regan and Pepe Serna (from left) star in "The 25th Man," a drama centered around the police academy, Sunday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). tasks as he tries to win the hand ot a Phoenician princess against the wishes ot a vengeful sea god· dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 58 min.) 0 MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1949, Romance) Jean Simmons. Donald Houston. A young girl and boy shipwrecked on a Pacific Island come to love each other as they mature. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 6:30 D FIGHT BACK I THA rs HOLLYWOOD .NEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW MOVIE "The Confessional" ( 1978, Horror) Anthony Sharp, Susan Penhallgon. A frightened young woman suspects a Catholfc priest of being a psychotic murderer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) 7:00 '(() 60 MINUTES D THE ELECTRIC GRANDMOTHER Maureen Stapleton and Edward Hermann star In the story of a harried father who hires an electric grandmother to care fC>f his three children after the death of his wife. (R) ( 1 hr.) e 9 COOE RED Danny neglects to warn a friend about an unapproved electronic game and Ted faces a career crisis (R) ( 1 hr ) I PAUL HOGAN JIMMY SWAGGART ROCK AND ROLL: THE FlRST 26 YEARS "The Theatrics Of Rock And Ron" Alica Cooper hosts this look at rock shoWmanshlp from Elvis Presley and Jefry Lee Lewis to David Bowle, Elton John and The Polloe. ( 1 hf.) ell A ROO Of IRON Two sons bring up unspoken leetlngs with their father after the death ol thelr mother. (1 hr.) e ARTHUR AUBINSTEJN "The Young" I "Carlos Alfldl" At the age of 91, Maestro Arthur Rubinstein talks about llfe, mualc and people while traveling throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. ( 1 hr.) ID PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program• ming rnay be delayed due to pledge breaks. (%)MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (1981, Come- dy) Beau Bridges, Hume Cronyn. A town appears to be doomed to extinction when the Highway Patrol Department tails to build an off ramp on the new freeway that cuts through the state. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 7:06@ NEWS T:l59"'BEVERLY 81LLS rN CONCERT Beverly Siiis :q and the Indianapolis Symphony P,8rform selections _o from "The Barber Of Seville. ' "Mignon" and "Daughter Of Tha Regiment" on opening night of ~ the orchestra's SOth anniversary season laped October 14, 1979. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) ~ 7:3011 FOCUS ON BRrTAIN ~ CE HORSE RACING WEEJ<L Y "1T 8:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Murray :?. decides he wants out of his Investment In the bar, ~ leaving Archie to start a search for a new partner. ':.< ~).CHIPS Jon and Ponch are baffled by a crook I who trains animals 10 commit crimes, and Ponch c learns that a male stripper bears a striking resem-~ blance to him. (R) ( 1 hr.) I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK OJ THE BIG EASY A tough detective In New ~ Orleans is duped by a client Into finding a woman ~ lwho~s~a~~ murder. (1 hr.) N MAUDE ANTHONY NEWLEY AT SEA WORLD Martin Mull, Susan Anton end Paul Wiiiiams join Anthony Newley at the Atlantis Theater In Sea World, Orlan- do, Florida. (1 hr.) e MOVIE "Wiiderness Journey" (1970, Adven- ture) Adventure. A young Alaskan Indian boy risks dang8f In order to locate his father end destroy the demons of ancient legends. (2 hrs.) @STRUMPET CfTY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- en-part drama ol life in Dublin lrom 1907 lo 1914. {Part 4) (1 hr.) • NOVA "The Wizard Who Spat On The Floor" Barnard Hughes narrates a film po<tralf of Thomas Edison featuring unique footage of Edison explain- ing his Inventions and lntervfews with his family, employees and critk:s. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Hunte<" ( 1979, Orama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous life as a modem-day bounty hunter. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) CE SPORTSCENTER (ft) JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music star performs a salute to American history and tradi- tions with guests June Carter Cash, Steve Good- man. John Prine and Rodney Crowell from Kennedy Center In Washington, D.C. (1 hr., 15 min.) cm ON VIEW (I) MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. A young woman searches for her mlsslng father In the African jungle where she encounters an unclvUized white man and an orangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) 0 MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980, Romance) Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote. South PacJflc Island and experience the pangs of first love. 'R' l1hr.,45 min.) 8:06(1l) JERRY FALWELL 8:308 (()ONE DAY AT A TIME Ann and company are persuaded to do another show at the Part( Uto- i sen10r citizens' hotel. (R) THE WOAlO TOMORAOW EVENING AT THE IMPROV MASTERPtECE THEATRE "Olsraeh: Mary Anne" Disfaell, now a member of Parliament, pro- poses to the wealthy widow of his friend and politi- cal ally Wyndham Lewis. (Part 2) (R) Q (1 hr.) cm~ "Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sytvester Stallone, Michael Caine. During World War II, AMled POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the Gefman Netlonal Team In Paris. 'PG' (1 hr., 67 min.) 8:-46(%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... "Donald Sutherland" 9:00 8 Cl) AUCE Jolene comes up with a plan to prevent her former trucking partner from having his rig reposeeqecl. (R) e e THE 25TH M~N The new commander of the Los Angeles Police Academy haa hla henda full when he gets hll first claaa of raw recrulta. ( 1 hr.) I WllO KtNGOOM O MOVIE "FC>fce 10 From Navarone" (1978, Adventure) Robert Shaw, Barbara Bach. Five Allied 90ldlera and a ~n deal with the 11th German James L. Zimmerman CertJfled Pubtlc Accoun1•nt Full range of person•llttd professional services for small businesses & Individuals • ~TAX" 01•11 a .... wno111 • •Ta aw Dll8ICllll a .-TALLA1'°" • 90C*WPWWW A Nll'ICIM. -~ - ... _ 16 ~ Sunday (continued) °' Army and an unknown traltOf as they plot to destroy a strategic dam and bridge. (R) Q (2 hrs.. 30 min.) I OR.CHO MERV GRIFFIN "Medlc81 And Scientific Break- throughs" Guests: Dr. Richard Ellenbogen. Dr. Michael Edwards, Dr. Harold Karpman. Dr. Albert Hibbs, Dick T91'esl. f1 hr.) t8 CABARET TIMES THREE Three of New Y0tk'a cabafet ainget"9 Joi" ~that end slf1o songs by Sondheim, G.-shwtn. Aoidgef'9 And Hert, Cole P0<- ter and others. (1 ht.) • MASTERPtECE THEATRE "Disraeli: Mary Anne" Olsraeti, now a member of Parliament. pro- poses to the wealthy widow of his friend and polit~ cal ally Wyndham Lewis. (Part 2) (R) Q (1 hr.) (!) WCT TENNIS "California Classic" Coverage of the final round from LaCoste, Calif. (R) (2 hrs., 30 min.) CD RtCHARO PAYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every institution Imaginable in this uncensored, no-holds- barred concert per1ormance. p hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Deadly Biassing' ( 1981 . Suspense) Maren Jensen, Susan Buckner. A young woman. marrying into a strict religious sect opposed to mod- ern lifeslyles. is pursued by dangerous. unknown forces. 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 9:05@0PEN UP 9:30 8 CJ) THE JEFFERSONS George IS convinced that he's no longer attractive (R) I WORLD OF"SURVIVAL JACK VAN IMPE MOVtE "Just FOf You" ( 1952. Musical) Bing Crosby, Jane Wyman. A famous theatrical producer struggles to find time for his two teen-age children. (2 hrs.) '1D MOVIE "Auntie Mame" (1958. Comedy) Rosal- ind Russell, Forrest Tucl<e<. After the death of his parents. a young boy becomes the ward of his flam- boyant and eccentric aunt. (3 hrs.) CH) MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went OUt In Georgia" (1981. Orama) Kristy McNichol, Mark HamHt A brother-and-sister eongwrltlng duo have many adYentures while trying to eke out a living on the country-western circuit. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) 10:00 8 Cll TRAPPER JOHH. M.O. A hospitalized old girlfriend of Gonzo's who Is atrald that she will leave her baby an orphan hlta him with a paternity 9Ul1. i)~l~ A suapended cop Is catled upon to deal With an escaped convict who le holdlng two 1~£;T:;~· NEWS IN REVIEW A ACK> a= IAOH Two sons bring up unspoken feelings with their father alter the death of their mother. ( 1 hr.) • THE SPUCE Of UFE Bill Sl<ene looks at hOW n#JW ~ In ,... A8'd of genettc qineel1ng may change our WC>ltd. and Interviews scientists wtio are apptylng gene apllclng teohnlques k> agri- cutture. drug manuf.cturlng and hUmen beings. ( 1 hr.) CCl MOVE "Flash G0<don" ( 1980, Sclence-Flctloo) Sam J. Jones. Max Voo Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mong<> and help Its oppressed Inhabitants In the OYeflhrow of the evil EmperOf Ming 'PG' (1 hr., 50 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 198 t. Drama) Sissy Spacetl, Eric Roberts In 1944, a telephone operatOf in a smau Texas town sacrifices her standing In the community when she ha.s a short affair with a com- bat-bOUnd sailor. 'PG' (1hr.,35 min.) e MOVIE "FaHing In Low Again" (1980, Orama) Elliott Gould. Susannah YC>f1l. A man goea to his high school reunion In the belief that he can rellve the g_OOd times of the past. 'PG' ( t hr., 30 min.) 10:06(1l) MOVIE "Scared Stiff" (1953, Comedy) Dean Martin. Jefry Lewis. A bus boy and a alnger tleelng from a murder rap take shefter oo a ghostly Island where they encounter a wealthy young wom- an with probleml. (2 hrs., 15 min.) 10:soe LONE AAHGEA I WEEKEND 8PORT8 WRAP-UP JIMMYSWAOOART MOVIE "Zomb49 (t hr., 46 min.) MOVIE "Paradise Alley" (1978, Drama) Sylves- ter Stal!one, Armand Assante. Three scheming brothers from the Hell' a Kitchen tectlon of New Yoric City combine their traits of brains and brawn In thelf efforta to cnate better llwa fof ~ 'PG' (1 hr .. 47 min.) t0:45.~Y_,W<M....,."i ... 8 PAQE ti:oo~.nc:- • ~ Q00'8 CM..OREN Mlnlone ot the w0f1d's ~en ~ In a dlleate balanoe betWMt1 Ufe and dNth, ~end~. (t hr.) I JI/Ill('( FALWEU STll I ET aTY Peter O'TOOle .-.1n tNI ..,.._ en-pen dhlrM of ... In OUbl(n from 1807 to 1914. PAPA GONZ01 -Dr. Corm> Gata, aeries star Gregory Harrison, is stunned by a paternity suit in which he is a defendant on "Trapper John, M .D." Sunday at 10 p.m . on KNXT (Cb. 2). (Part 4) (1 hr.) • SN€AK PREVIEWS "I Was A Teen-Age Movie• Hollywood 1981 '' Roger Ebert and Gene Slskel examine the reasons why the teen-age audience Is now determining Hollywood's blggelt hits. (R) (%) MOYIE ''The Blue Lagoon'' ( 1980. Romance) Brooke Shlekis. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway chlldren grow lo adolescence on a rem<*J, South Pacific island and experience the pangs of ht love. 'A' {J hr .. 46 mln.) 11:15.C88NEW8 11:1J'~S:W-I ~ SPORTS WRAP..U, UFEOFNLEY MOYIE "The Autobiography Of Miss Jene Pitt· man" ( 1974, Orama) Clcety T)'90n, Od9tta. A 110-reer-old woman recalla her llte from siav. days in Olrillane to cMI r~ts demonsttatlona 1r't tM 'r..oiletw~+he ~-..,,.ke Of a.w ~ .. ,(1'9n. Cotnedy) Many Feldman, MIGt\a.t Vodt. Twin brotherl becOme lftvolved tn the ,~ Leg'on white attempting to preaerve l\elr actopttid ta~2hrs.) ~ MCME "&eakthrOUQh" ( 1979, Drama) Richard Burton, Rod Stelgef. A Nazi &efagMnt becomes embroiled In a plot to assaaelnate Hltkw. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 36mln.) 11:~• fHE ROCKFORD ALES e MOVIE "The Last Remake Of Beau Geste" ( 1977. Comedy) Marty Feldman. Mlcheel York. Twtn brothers becOme Involved In the F0<elgn L9Qlon wtlile attempting to preeetW their edopted tam1ty•s honor. (A) = (J) WHAT'S uP A Featured: a humorous I<><* at the meat Industry; a modem-day bOUnty hunter; three of America's favorite skinny dipping holea. ( 1 hr.) 12:00.100 CLUB A repe>rt on the latest news aboot ~(1hr .. 30mln.) ~~~lss Of Death" (1947, Mystery) &Ian Oonlevy. Vlc10< Mature. A captured robber refusea to bargain until he ditcovera hll fellow thieves didn't f hit lhare to~;"(· (2 hrs.) MIBSOtlM E TALES Of THE UNEXPECTED CA8ARET TIMES THf\EE Thr.ie of N9w York'• caberet tllngera )oln together tlnd alf'Q aonga by Sondheim. Gerahwln, Aodgitra And Hatt, C0e Pot• (!~~IN OJM061ii TIM weMtlown OOfMdlen ltlOOtl poln*1 bett>e •t ..,.. ~ lnltltutlon Imaginable In tNe uncieneored. no-holdt- t.red concert pertormence. ( t hr., 20 min~ • MCME "Victory" (1981, A~) ter Sl*nt. ~ Caine. During WOtid Wt1 , Ailed POWa -_. tk1ktt to fr..oom ~ e rne1Ctl b9t11•1ltllllrW>...,.'md.~~·tM1AOM1 Teem In Plria. 'PG' (1hr .• 67 min.) 12:1Se MOVIE "Summer Holiday" (1983. Musical) Cliff Richard, Lauri Peters A group of young tra- velers are arrested in Alhens because of the efforts of the mother of one of them. (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel, Jotin Furey. The grlsly klHings con- tinue at a summer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre murdera occurred there 'A' (1 hr .• 27 min.) 12:20111 MOVIE ''The Bachelor Party" (1957. Ora· mafbon Murray. E.G. Marshall. Four accountants ttirow a baehelor party for their friend. (2 hrs.) 12:*>• MOVIE "Pals Of The Saddle" ( 1938, West- ern) John Wayne, Ray Corrigan. A cowboy encounters a pretty female agent on an undercovef mission to Investigate the Illegal transport of a dan- Q!'OUS chemical being camouflaged as salt. ( 1 hr.) C1J AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Carlton vs. North Melbourne (R) ( 1 hr .• 30 min ) (OJ MOVIE "Back Roads" ( 1981. Comedy) Sally Field. Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down-on- his-luck boxer meet and head west ln search of a new life. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) 12:46 8 NAME OF THE GAME Cl) MOVIE "Soldier Of Orange" ( 1979, Drama) Edward Fox. Susan Penhallgon. Six classmates at a Dutch university go their separate ways when war breaks out In Europe. 'PG" (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" (1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Richard Hatch. Charlie Chall 1s aided by his bUm- bllng grandson In solving a string of murders. 'PG' ( t hr., 30 min.) 1:00. TURNABOUT t8 A ROD OF IAON Two sons bring up unspol<en feelings with their father atter the death of their mother. ( t hr.) 1:10Clf) MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981, Hooor) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly killlngs continue at a summer camp that had been closed dOwn aftet a series of bizarre murders occurred thefe. 'R' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) 1:26 CCl MOVIE "M" ( 1930. Suspense) Peter L<Xre, Ellen WidmaM . Police paralyze the underworld as they search Ousseldorl for a psychotic chlld murder- er. l1 hf., 40 min.) t:309ABCNEW8 eNEWS 1:46• AT ONE Guest: Diahann Carroll. { t hf) CD MOYIE "Gas" (1981. Comedy) Donald Suttier- tand. SVUn Anspach. A radio OJ end a rep<>fter try to expoee an oil magnate's plot to drive up gas pric- es ~oontrlVlnQ•~oil lhortagl, 'R' (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00~ HOfWE8HOW JUMfllM "Cloveiend Grand Prbc" (R) (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "fflday The 13th, Part II" (1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel, John Furey. Thi grlsly kUllngs coo- tinue at a ~camp that had been closed down after a serie8 of bizarre murders occurred ltlere 'R' ( 1 hf., 27 min.) 1.llEWS 2: .... WCR.•AT f ~V"SAE~ i MOFlllG-S'JRET~ rrs VOURBU81'88 flllOt'£ "Ffeud" ( 1963. Biography) Montgom- ery Olft. Suaannah Yorit. The young Viennese doo- tor founds the pr8Ctloe of ptydloanatyals white hypnosis with an experimenter. (2 l'n., 20 2: · LAUQHS Four stand-up comediana ere fol- lowed through nightclub perl0<mancee and thelf behlod-tt.-8oenea Nws u the'( pursue laughs and ,_,,..., (1hr.,16mln.) ~46-NEW& CJ) MOYIE "The Fl,.t NudJe Musbl" ( 1975, Come- dy) Clndy Williams. BNoe Kimmet A down-and-out &oedway ~ plans to eparlt Interest In his lat•t project by staging It completely In the nude. 'R' L1 hr., 36 mlin.) 3:00. NEWSMAKEAS i ~FRAHA<.LIN 3:10(C) MOVE "Drive-In" (1976, Comedy) Glenn Morshower, Liu Lernola. several Texas teen-agers meet during a night of romance and e>ecltement at a df!W-ln theatre teaturlng an lmprobeb49 disaster fllm,_( 1 hr •• 40 min.) 3:30 • INTERFACE •HAMMER HOUSE Of HOAROFI 3tsg Cll) VIDEO JUKEBOX • 4.:00 Cl) .MllM'l SWAOOART 4;'1~ «ao (I) fllTIR AU.EN AHO THE AOO<ETTE8 The Aoc:UCw join ~ Pet• Allen on •taoe •I RadlO Oty ""'* Hiii tn tNI mullc* epecle( (1 hr .. 8 mlnl_ 4:29(11) MOYE ''Bt•kthrough" (1979. thma) Alchetd Bufton. Rod Sttlglt. A Nail eer9ge1nt becomes embroiled In a J*>I to ~te Hltler. •pa• (1hr.~ ·e-~·~..,.., ....... !J,81Q. ~-- Shltkla. Qwletopllef Att{lna. Two cattaw•v ·' · .. ·,· .. · . . .. . Monday \l<>ll:\I:\(; \l()\'IES 5:00(%) "Papillon" ( 1973, Adventure) Sieve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman 5:"5Cl) "Tarka The Oller" (1979) Documentary Narrated by Peter Ustinov 6:00(8) "The Hideaways·· ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Ber9!1"an, Johnny Doran. 6:05 (lZ) "While The Cily Sleeps'" ( 1956, Mystery) Dana Andrews, Ida Lupino 6:300 "In God We Trust'" ( 1980. Comedy) Mally Feldman, Andy Kaufman 7:30(%) '"Eraserhead'" (1976. Horror) John Nance, Charlolle Stewart 8:00(C) "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly D" Angelo (8) "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977, Suspense) Jac~ellne Bisset. Christopher Plummer 8:05(1Z) "The Stooge" ( t953. Comedy) Dean Mar- tin, Jerry Lewis 8:300 "Tuck Everlasting" ( t976. Adventure) Fred Keller. Joseph MacGuire. 9:30 (%) "Honky Tonk Freeway" ( t98 t, Comedy) Beau Bndges, Hume Cronyn 10:00 CC) "Lady Takes A Chance·· ( 1943, Comedy) John Wayne. Jean Arthur (8) "Attack Force Z" ( 1980. Adventure) John Ph1l- l.!Q_ Law, Mel Gibson (SJ "The Maltese Bippy" ( 1969. Comedy) Dan Rowan. Dick Martin 10:05 01) "Deadly Game" ( 1976, Orama) David Bir- ney, Allen Garfield. 10:300 "It's My Turn" ( t980. Romance) Jill Clay- bur~. Mlcilael ~las 11:30 (CJ "Shipwreck · ( 1978, Adventure) Rober1 Le>gan, Mikki Jamison-Olson. (Ill "Coast To Coast" ( 1980, Comedy) Dyan Can- non, Rober1 Blake. (%) "Magic" ( 1978, HOfror) Anthony Hopkins. Ann-Margret . \l .. 1 lJl:\< >< ):\ \I<)\· 1 ES 12:000 "Brie1 Encounter" (1947, Romance) t;el1a Johnson. Trevor Howard QI "The D.I." (1957, Drama) Jack Webb. Don C>.Jbbins m» "Flamingo Road" ( 1949. Orama) Joan Craw- fOfd, Zachary Scott CS) "Breaking Glass" ( 1980. Drama) Hazel O'Con- nor, Phil Daniels. 0 "Silence Of The North" (1981. Adventure) Bien Burstyn. Tom Skerrltt 1: 15(%) ''Charlle Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter u s11nov, Richard Hatch. 1:00(C) "A Global Affair" (1964. Comedy) Bob Hope, Lllo Pulver ® "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Bea_!.!y, Julie Chnst1e 2:00(J) "The Day QI The Tnfl1ds" (1963, Sclence- Ficlion) Howard Keel. Nicole Maurey 0 "Hawmps!" ( 1976, Comedy) James Hampton. Christophe< Connelly 3:00([) "Cutter's Way'" ( 198 t, Drama) John Heard. Jeff Bridges (%)"Honky Tonk Freeway" (1981. Comedy) Beau Bndg_es, Hume Cronyn 3:30 CC) "Marco Polo, Jr" ( 1973. Adventure) Anl mated. Voice of Bobby Rydell. (8) "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977, Suspense) Jacq_uellne Bisset. Christopher Plummer 4:00 U "The Girl Hunters" ( 1963. Mystery) Lloyd Nolan. Mickey Spillane 0 "In God We Trust" (1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman. Andy Kaufman. 5:00([) "History Of The World -Part I" (1981. Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn. cm "Birch Interval" ( 1976. Orama) Eddie Albert, Rip Torn. 6l1•1Zll TALENT TO BURN -Bernadette Peters, currently starring in the hit movie, "Annie," is a special guest on KOCE's "Evening at Pops" Monday at 7:45 p.m . on Channel 50 as SummerFest '82 continues. CS) "Up River" ( 1980. Adventure) Morgan Stevens. Jeff Carey (%)"Eye Of The Needle" (1981. Suspense) Donald SUthefland, Kate Nelligan. 5:05@ "Easy Come. Easy Go" ( 1967, Musical) EMs Presley. Dodie Marshall. 5:30Clll "The Hideaways" (1973, Comedy) Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Doran 6:008DNEWS I WONOEA WOMAN CBS NEWS TliESAINT MOVIE "Khartoum" (1966. Drama) Charlton Heston, Laurence Olivier General Charles Gordon defends 19th-century Sudan from the fanatical rellg- lous leader. the Mahdi (2 h~. 30 min) I ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE-0 CANDIDA Blythe Danner and Edward Herrmann star in George Bernard's play that takes a cynical look at IOve. marriage and fidelity ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 9 OVER EASY Guest· Singer Johnny Desmond. i)N~NEWS MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING MOVIE•"Sh1pwreck" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert Logan. Mikki Jamison-Olson. A widower. his two daughters. a reporter and a runaway are stranded on an Isolated Island alter encountering a violent storm at sea 'G' ( 1 hr . 43 min ) 0 MOVIE "Tuck Everlasting" (1976. Advenlure) Fred Keller. Joseph MacGuire. A young girl meets an Immortal family known as the Tucks. (2 hrs .. 6 min.) 8:30(1) GD NEWS I BARNEY MILLER DICK CAVETT FAST FORWARD PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE MOVIE "Viva Las Vegas" ( 1964. Musical) Elvis Presley. Ann-Margret. A Les Vegas swimming Instructor becomes the objeot ol affection for a spoils car nut and his Italian friend. (1 hr .. 25 min.) -&16 ([)THE CRITIC 7:00 8 CBS NEWS n I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ~ P.M. MAGAZINE A look at how old Barbie dolls are becoming valuable collectibles b IJKOJAK CO 11J NFL PRE-SEASON FOOTBALL Chicago Bears .,, vs. San Dleao Chargers (3 hrs.) ::1 I M•A0 SfH g. NAT ALIE Lauren Bacall. Bette Davis, Karl Mal-':< den, Ruth Gordon. Ann Jillian, Sir Laurence Olivier, > Michael Caine, George Segal, Christopher Plummer c5 and others pay a special tribute 10 Natalie Wood. a c friend and co-wOfker ( t hr ) ~ ~~BUSINESS REPORT TliEMUPPETS MOVIE "Tommy" ( 1975, Musical) Roger Dal-<O trey. Ann-Margret. Based on the rock opera by The oo Who. A young boy struck deaf, dumb and blind by N the sighl of his father's murder becomes a modern- day messiah exploited by a greedy uncle and a wor- shipping public 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min) cm MOVIE "10 Rilllngton Place" (1971, Mystery) Richard Attenborough. John Hurt. A young British couple lall V1Chm to a kindly neighbor who offers to help them out of a serious predicament. (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov. Richard Hateh. Charlie Chan Is aided ~y his bum- bling grandson in solving a string of murders 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:06a7)NEWS 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· the burial places of some famous people; a visit to a mansion that once belonged to comedian Harold Lloyd; a profile lot t~ TF'l:~ ~bon "mail lady " TIC TAC DOUGH M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: Zev Bulman. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. (Ill WHAT ON EARTH Orson Bean hos16 this last- ~. fact-fllled science series. 7:46tli) EVENING AT POPS 8:008 (I) PRNATE BENJAMIN Captain Lewis becomes averse to taking orde<S alter taking a sem- inar In sett-assertiveness. (R) D fD LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Mrs. Ole- son's newly adopted daughter sets out to become the star of the school fefltival. (Part 2) (R) ( 1 hr ) 8 MOVIE "Lucy GaHant" (1955. Drama) Jane Wyman. Charlton Heston. The ambitious owner of a highly successful ladies' boutique places a greater value on he< career then on the romantic offer she ~ts from a Texas oilman. (2 hrs.) U BEST Of THE WEST Sam and Daniel square off against a big man and his bully son In defense of the Best family honor. (A) D MOVIE "A Man Called Adam" (1966, Orama) Sammy Davis Jr .. Peter Lawf<><d. A black trumpet player loses himself In a pool of self-pity and remorse Ol/8r the death ol his wife and child. (2 hrs.) · • P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of karate champ and film star Chuck Norris: a visit to the Sea of Galllee • MOVIE "Love With The Proper Stranger" ( 1964. Romance) Natalie Wood. Steve McOueen. A young couple fall In love and are married after the girl becomes pregnant on their first date (2 hrs .. 30 min) al MIXED BAG "New Wave" a look at New Wave's effect on kids, clothes. parents. clubs. radios and records. a EVENING AT POPS John Wlnlams and the Bos-- ton Pops Orchestra are Joined by ~uoso violinist ltzhak Perlman for a performance of Bruch's Violin Concerto No. 1. (A) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Ootagon" (1980. Adllenture) Chuck NO<Tls. Lee Van Cleef. A wealthy young wom- an hires a retired martial arts champion to protect he< from terrorists trained by the mysterious Ninja cult. 'R' (1 hr .. 43 min.) (I) SPOATSCENTER l A I ' ! I I \ II I .. 18 N Monday (continued) 00 ~ (H) MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Richard Hams, Bo Derek A young woman ~ searches lor her missing lather In the Afr1C811 jungle where she encounters an unclvlllzed white man and ~ an orangutan. 'A' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) a CS) MOVIE "This Is Elvls" ( 1981, Biography) Docu-~ mentary. Film footage and dramatic re-creations are .,:. used to tell the story of Elvis Presley's life and as career. ( 1 hr., 42 min) :'.g g MOVIE "Siience Of The North" (1981, Adven- u. lure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrllt. In 1919, a young ti woman's marriage to a trapper leads her to a Ille of o hardship In the wilderness of northern Canada. 'PG' -' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) j:: 8:05 «l) ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:308 Cl) WKRP IN CINCINNATI A slip ol the ~ tongue lands Andy and Venus In big trouble wllh O: Mama Carlson. (R) 8 MOVIE "The Last Picture Show" (1971, O<a· ma) Timothy Bottoms, Jett Bridges. As the only movie theater in a small Texas town of the t950s prepares to close, the lives ol the town's residents become Intertwined. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) i lAONSIOE SINGLES MAGAZINE IN SEARCH OF SHAW A documentary observ· Ing the writings of Geo<ge Bernard Shaw and his blbl~aphy by Michael Holroyd of his earlier days. 8:35 QZJ MOVIE "Tension At Table Rock" ( 1956, Orama) Richard Egan. Dorothy Malone. When a man kllls his partner in self-defense. he changes his name (2 hrs.) 9:008 Cl) M•A•s ·H The unit Is overjoyed by a surprise shipment of fresh eggs. (A) D G) MOVIE "Loving You" (1957, Musical) EMs Presley, Lizabeth Scott. A small town singer meets a hard-boiled press agent who transforms him lnlo an ovefnlght sensallon. (R) (2 hrs.) m MERV GRIFAN Guests: Dennis Miiier-Wiiiiams, Gerry Spence. George Miller, Tlmolhy Daly, Robert "Goodie" Whitfield. ( 1 hr.) tB CANOtDA Blythe Danner and Edward Herrmann star In George Bernard's play that takes a cynical look et tove, marrla~ and fidelity. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Dance In America: Two Duets" Mlkhall Baryshnikov and Natalia Mak8fova perform Jerome Robbins' "Other Danc- es" 10 music by Chopin; and lb Andersen and Heattw Wans perform Peter Mimln's "Calclum ~ Ugh1" to muaic by Ch9liel "'"-(A) ( f hr.) • GALA OIF STAAB 1882 a.-ty Sills hosta an evening of performances by top stars In the wOflds of opera, dance. symphony, chamber music and the theater: James Levine Is music difector for the gala. @hrs.) CE NBA BASKETBALL COV9fage of the All-Star team's lntrasquad game from China. (R) (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Mrs. Elvis" (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "Tanen, The Ape Man" (1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek A young woman searches for her missing father In lhe African Jungle where she encounters an uncMti.ted while man and an orangutan. 'R' ( t hr .. 52 min.) (%) MOVIE "Christmas In July" (1940, Comedy) Dlck Powell, Ellen Drew. Mistakenly believing he has won a fortune in prize money, a man places himself heavily in debt. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 8:30. Cl) AL THY RICH The oreedy Becks try to disprove Wild Bill's klnehlp with a blood test. Cl) MOVIE "One Miiiion B.C." ( 1940, Adl/enlure) Victor Mature, Carole Landis Cavemen and giant beasts roam the Earth and become lnvOlved In prim- itive baltles. ( l hr . 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Woodstock" ('970, Musical) Oocv· mentary. Many of the top musical groups of the late '60s p&rWrm at the famous rock concert held In Bethel, New YOO<, In 1969. (3 hrs., 5 min.) 10:ooe Cl) LOU GRANT Rossi rl$ks his jOb While wor1clng on a story concerning Third World starva-tood'i. ~~ I YOU ASKED FOR IT AN EVENING WITH BILL MONROE ANO FRIENDS The top stars of bluegrass music, Includ- ing Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys, Transat- lantic BIUegrass and the Greengrass Cloggers. per· form In a concert taped at Rochester's Manhattan Sguare Park In 1981. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973. Romance) Barbra Streisand, Robert Redford. A young college oouple In the 1930s discover that their political dlf· ferences are strong enough to Jeopardize their mar· rlage. (2 hrs.) CID MOVIE ''Heaven Can Walt'' ( 1978, Fantaay) warren Beatty. Julie Christle Aller a pro football star'• Hie Is prematurely claimed by an Inept angel, the man Is given the body of a mmfonalre lndustrlal- lst to continue llvlng In. 'PG' (1 hr., 4 t min.) THE COLONEL -Robert Mandan stars as Col. Lawre nce Fielding on "Private Benjamin" Mondays at 8 p .m . on K.NXT (Ch. 2). The show has been renewed for the fall. I NEWS SIGNATURE Guest: Zav Bulman. MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 198 t, Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan While on a remote Scottish Island 10 meet a German subtna· rlne, an Axis spy finds shelter from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr • 51 mlnJ 10:3611l) MOVIE "Action In The NO<lh Atlantic'' (1943. Adventure) Humphrey Bogart, Raymond Mas.y Merchant INtlnes flghl despefatety to keep shipping lann °'*'<bing Wor1d War II. (2 hrs., 40 min.}_ 11:1ooftUA~U NEWS YOU ASl<ED fOR rT JOEFRANKUN M•A.•&•H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "New Wave" a look at New Wave's ertect on kids. clothes, perents, clubs, radios and records. ~ 8U8tNESS REPORT IN8IOE BASE8AU. MOVIE "Fairy Tales" (1978. Comedy) Don Sparks. Sy Richardson. A handsome prince experi- ences many encounten1 as he journeys through fairy land In search of the woman who wlll bear his heir. 'A' ( 1 hf .. 20 min.) cm MOYIE "Carbon Copy" ( t981. Comedy) George Segal, Susan Saint James. A suooesatul White bUslnessman dlacovera that he has a grown aon Who la blade. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) 11 :30 e Cl) QUINCY Quincy la crltlcally wounded While lnveatlgatlng a murder. (A) ( 1 hr .• 10 min.) 8 e TOHIGH'f Guell host: Joan Alvera. Guesta: Dan~ J. Travantl, Diana Mclellan. ( 1 hr.) I A.BC HEWS NIGHTLIHE MOV1E "The Glrl Hunters" ( 1963, Mystery) Lloyd Nolan, Mlci<ey Spillane When a private detec· tlve goes ott In search ol his secretary Who has mys- teriously disappeared, he makes the startling di• covery that she had been a apy. (2 hrs ) (1J NFL PRE-SEASON FOOTBALL Chicago Bears vs. San Olego Chargers (3 hrs.) I THE JEFFeRSoN8 LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE IN SEARCH OF SHAW A documentary observ- ing the writings of George 88fnard Shaw and his ~~=eel Holroyd of his earlier days. 11;"5(8) MOVIE "Coest To Coast'' (1980. Comedy) Dyan Cannon, Robert Blake. A runaway houeewlfe and a ac:rappy trucker I .autlng cattle ooast to coast become the target of • wlld crou-country chate. 'PG' (1 hr., 34 min.) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT • MOVIE "Murder Can Hurt YQJ.J" (1980, Come- dy) Jamie Farr. Gavin Mcleod. Eight super11eutha band together to battle • common foe, the brilllanl but deadly "Man In White." (R) (2 hr... 15 min.) (!)MOVIE "Pony Expr ... " (1953, W•tem) Cheri- Cl) MOVIE "Elvis" (1979, Biography) Kurt RU$8811, Season Hubley. Ell/ls Presley rises from poverty end ob8curtty to a.chleVe fame and fortune ea e aup8(- star ~~Ofmef, (2 hrs., 26 min.) 10:so 0 AINMENt TONtGHT • • _:_ _ _____ ~ _ • ton He.ton, Rhonda Fleming. A pair of cowboy ~ n.ip to entUre that the mall OOft )~, .(2 .}. .·.~, .... # • ..·.. • • • MOVIE "Savage Pampas" ( 1967. Adventure) Robert Taylor. Ron Randell. An Armv. ottlcer tries to keep his mllltary unit Intact alter a bend of rebal Argentinian deserters and lndlans ransacks the countryside. (2 hrs.) .., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE tJ1 CANDIDA Blythe Danner and Edward Herrmann star In George Bernard's play that takes a cynical look at love. marriage and fidelity. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CC) MOVIE "CaboBlanco" (1981, Suspense) Charles Bronson, Jason Robards. An e>elled Nazi who has bought off the local police dominates a small Peruvian coastal town during the 1940s 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 12:308 CID LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LE'ITERMAN I~~~: Richard. author Jay Robert Nash. (R) NEWS PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (R) MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" (1977, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Lanette McKee. A sex-starved fruit picker is caught in a comic crossfire between his union and the Mob. and a hy~ritlcal preacher finds heaven in a ladles' choir 'R ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) cm TOT ALLY Go-GO'S One of the country's hot- test new rock acts sing 19 songs including their hll singles "We Got The Beat" and "Our lips Are Saaled." (1 hr .. 15 min.) (S) MOVIE "Return Of The Dragon" ( 1972, Adven- ture) Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris. A martial arts eJCpert journeys from Hong Kong to Rome to help a Irland who Is In trouble with the mob 'A' (1 hr. 31 min.) g MOVIE "Delta Fox" ( 1978, Adventure) Richard Lynch. Stuart Whitman A prolesslonal smuggler meets his match In a beautiful woman who traps him with a million dollars In hot money. (1hr .. 32 min.) (%) MOVIE "Eraserhead" ( 1976, Horror) John Nance, Charlotte Stewart. Alter giving birth to a monster child, a weird young woman leaves the baby for the lather to raise alone In Whatever fash- ion he chooses. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 12:409 Cl) COLUMBO Columbo goes to England 10 learn something from the detectives at Scotland Yard and winds up helping them solve a murder (R) {2 hrs., 5 min.) 1:00gGENEAVTRY m MOVIE "Lisbon" (1956, Adventure) Ray Mii· IAnd. Claude Rains. A ship's captain Is hired to res- cue a woman's husband from Communist captors. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:16Gl)RAT PAmol. 1:20(11) MOVIE "First Family" (1980, Comedy) Gil- da Redner, Bob Newhart. The sexually represaed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential faml- ty complicates her father's attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'R' (1 hf.,~ min.) 1:308 e N8C NEWS OVERNIGHT 8GENEAVTRY 1:40(C) MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly D' Angelo. A small town In Florida takes matters Into It's own hands when they arei~=y a new highway. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) 1:46 · IMPOSSIBLE 2:00 NBA BASKETBALL. Coverage ol the Al!-Star team's lntraaquad game from China. (R) (2 hrs.) D MOVIE "Friday The 13th" (1980. Horror) Belay Palmer, Adrienne King. The reopening of a summe< camp, cloSed 20 years earlier after three murders. attracts a vindictive killer Who knifes unsuspecting t&elWlgens. 'A' ( 1 hf • 38 min.) 2:06 Cf) NEWS (I) MOVIE "History Of The World -Part , .. ( 1981, Comedy) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn Man's lllustrl- ous history -from Neanderthal cavemen to the Spenlsh lnqulS!tlon -la examined. 'R' ( 1 hr . 33 min.}_ 2:168NEWS CD MOVIE "HlslOfY Of The World -Part I" (1981, Comedy) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn. Man's lttustrl- ous histOf)' -from Neanderthal cavemen to the Spanish lnquleltlon -Is examined. 'R' ( 1 hr . 33 min.) (%) MOVIE "Magic" ( 1978, Horror) Anthony Hop· kins. Ann-Margret. A neorotlc ventriloquist, con- vinced that his stage dummy controls his actions. eludes bordering fame and fortune to llnd a glr1 he loved In his yourh. 'R' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 2:30 Cl) MORNING STRETCH eNEWS 2:46.NEWS a) WORl..D AT LARGE ~OO(f) JOE FRANKLIN ~ =E "Attack Force Z" (1~80, Adventure) John Phllllp Law, Mel Gibson. During World War II, a top-secret Australian att&ci< unit penetrales Jape. neee lines 10 perlorm a daring rescoe mission. ( 1 hf., 35 min.) :t158 MOV1E "The Man Who Could Talk To Kida" (1973, Orama) Peter Boyte, Robert RM<:t. A tor- mented a~t withdraws Into a lonely shell until the oompesalon of one man bfaak• through hit Icy waR'-' 1 hi., 30 min.) :UOCC) MOVIE "Tho Wey Wt W•e" (1973, Roma•> a.tn-"' ... ~.·~·.~.· •.• • ..... .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 ·Tuesday \I< >I{:\ J:\(; \I<)\. I ES 6:00® "Never Never Land" (1981, Orama) Pe1ula Clark, Ca thleen Nesbitt. (%) "Deadly Blessing" ( 198 t Suspense) Maren Jensen, Susan Buckner 6:05@ "I Love A Mystery" ( 1967, Mystery) Ida Lupino, David Hartman 6:30~ "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page (SJ "Darby O'G1ll And The Little People" ( 1959. Fanrasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery 7:300 "Toby And The Koala Bear" (t98l, Fanta- sy) Roll Hams 7:45 CZ> "Charlie Chan And The Curse 01 The Dragon Queen" (1981. Comedy) Peter Ustinov. Richard Hatch 8:00~ "The Girls In The Office" ( t979. Orama) Susan Saint James. Barbara Eden 8:05@ "Under Ten Flags" ( 1960. Adventure) Van Helhn, Charles Laughton 8:30Cll "Saturday The 14th" ( t981, Comedy) Rich· ard Ben1amin. Paula Prentiss 9:00 g "Smokey Bites The Oust" ( 198 t, ComecJy) Jim~ McNlchol, Janet Julian 9:30(2) "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980, Romance) Brooke Shields, Christopher Alkins. 10:00~ "Paplllon" (1973. Adventure) Steve McOueen. Dustin Hoffman ® "Clash 01 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Hariy Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. Cll "Any Number Can Play" ( 1949, Drama) Clark Gable. Ale>Cls Smith. 10:05@ "Salome" ( 1953. Drama) Atta Hayworth. Stewart Granger 11:30(%) "Papillon" (1973. Adventure) Steve McOueen, Dustin Hoffman . \I·" 1 lJC\< >< >:\ \I<)\' I LS 12:008 "The Big Hangover" (1950, Comedy) Van Johnson, Elizabeth Taylor e "The Crimson Pirate" (1952. Adventure) Burt Lancaster, Nick Cravat e "Thunder Road" ( 1958. Adventure) Robert Mitchum, Gene Barry. ® "The Other Side 01 The Mountain -Part II" {_197b. Orama) Marilyn Hassett, Timothy Bottoms Cl) ''Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. D "St Ives" ( 1976, Adventure) Charles Bronson, Jacg__uellne Bisset. 1:00(.C) "Young Joe. The Forgotten Kennedy" ( 1977. Orama) Peter Strauss, Barbara Parkins 1:309 "Tommy" (1975. Musical) Roger Oaltrey, Ann-Margret. 2:00(1) "Beware! The Blob" ( 1972, Horror) God- fr~ Cambridge, Marlene Clark. CBJ "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Asher (%)"Soldier In The Rain" (1963, Comedy) Jacide Glea900. Steve McOueen. 3:00CD "Eyewitness" ( 198 t, Mystery) Sigourney WeaV9f', William Hurt. (I) ''Saturday The 14th" (1981. Comedy) Rlctwd ~min. Pa\Aa Prentiss 3:30(%) "Deadly Blessing" (1981, Suspense) Maren Jensefl. Susan Buci<l'lef. 4:00G "Bataan" ( HM3. Adventure) Robert Taylor. Thomas Mttchell. ~"A Little Romance" ( 1979, Comedy) Laurence Olivier. Diane Lane 4:30(1) "Darby O'Gill And The Little People" ( 1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Conne<y O "Wiiiy Wonks And The COOcotate Factory" ( 1971, Fantasy) Gene Wiider. Jack Albertson. 6:00CD "The Elephant Man" (1980. Orama) John Hurt, Anthony Hopldns. 6: 16(%) "Charlle Chan And The Curse 01 The Dragon John C. Helton, M.O., Inc. announces the new location of his ottlce for General Practice & Preventive Medicine at 400 r«WPORT CENTER DRIVE Wtt 411, Newport Beach 720-0993 Office Hours by Appointment THE SUPEBLINERS -Sall the North Atlantic aboard the many luxury liners that once l(raced the waters on "The Superliners: Twilight of an Era" Tuesday at 8 p.m. on PBS. The birth of a shark will be seen later in the series. Queen" (1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Richard Hatch. 8:00888NEWS I WONDER WOMAN THE SAINT ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAllAVfi> OVER EASY Guest: actor Werner Klemperer. NBC NEWS i )O MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING MOV1E "The Girl$.. In Jtie Office" (1979. Drama) Susan Saint James, Barbara Eden. An ambitious woman stops at nothing to coonlve her w~y Into a position of power in a fashionable department store. L! hr., 40 min.) ® MOVIE "Never Never Lana" (1981, Drama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt A 9-year-old girl escapes her loneliness by fantasizing abollt adven- turee with Peter Pan. 'G' (1 hr .. 25 rriln) cm THE GOLDEN AGE Of TEl...EVISaON "Marty" Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand star In a 1955 =tloo of Paddy Chayefsky's teleplay abollt a botctler who falls In love with a p&aln girt ( 1 tv.) 8:06@) BASEBALL Mootreal Expos a1 Atlat'lta BrlNM (3 hrs .. ) 8:309 ~MIU.ER 8 MCW1E "Clouds Of Glofy: Wiiiiam And Dorothy'' David WarNJf, Fellcity Kendall Wordlwof1tl's paa- tlonat• tetatlonshlp with I* slater. (l ht.) NEWS FAST FORWARD I OtCK CAVETT MOVIE "Murder Among Friends" (Comedy) Sally Kellerman, Leslie Nlelsen. A &ett-centered actor. his Incredibly rich wife and an ambitious agent all become Involved In a whodonlt mystery. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0 THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "A Doll'e House" A woman (Julie Harris) asserts het own Lose W1i1ht FEEL IRUTI (10.29 Lb• •ueranteed) ~i • lOO'li Natural • • Eliminate cellulite • Nurtritionall~ Balanced • Low Cost t • Only $1.00 a day. IERllUFE -=== ,.,., .... identity atter confronting har husband's (ChriSto- pher Plummer) lmmorallt('ln a teleplay based on ~ the ~ay by Henrik Ibsen. 1 hr . 30 min.) 0 .. - 7:00 8 CBS NEWS N~NEWS ~ KUNG FU A~NEWS KOJAK YOU ASKED FOR IT ENTERT Al NM ENT TONIGHT M •A•s •H JOKER'S WILD «!) BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS THE WAY !TWAS )> c IO c MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" (1980. Romance) Brooke Shlelds. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway _. children grow to adolescence on a remote. South !N Pacific island and e•perlence the pangs of first love le 'R' ( 1 hr. 45 min.) 7: IO (L) THE VIOLINIST 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· a visit to a truck rodeo: meet the artist Vargas; a look at skywriting by computer; a visit to a clinic where people learn how to cope with pain I 0) FAMILY FEUD EYE ON L.A. Featured. a tribute to Gloria Monty, producer of "General Hospital"; a report on divorce, Cahfornla style; a look at the world of orts medicine. NINE ON NEW JERSEY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H TIC TAC DOUGH SIGNATURE Guest: Andre Watts. MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT • PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. CB) RACE FOR THE PENN.ANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 Wor1d Series. CD MOVIE "Cloud Dancer" ( 1980, Adventure) David Carradine, Jennifer 0' Neill. A top stunt Iller negtects the people who care aboUt him in the sel- fish pursuit of his dangerous sport. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 48 min) cm BASEBALL Bostoo Red Sox at California An,ls (3 hrs.) 7:45 JOHN CALLAWAY INTERVIEWS 8:00 CJ) UNIVERSE Walter Cronkite examines the risks we take In everyday Ille, with reports on the dangers of obesity and a company that Investigates the causes of major disasters. ( 1 hr.) 8 • F.ATHEA MURPHY John Michael Murphy opens an orphanage-school In an abandoned saloon. bUt tha authorities threaten to close It. (Part 21 (R) (1 hr.) e MOvtE "Ironside" ( 1967. Mystery) Raymond Burr, Geraldine Brooks. A disabled detective becomes a special police agent and Is assigned to find the sniper responsible for his ln)Ury. (2 hrs.) 8 (11 HAPPY OAYS Fonzie takes over Roger's hygiene class. (R) 0 e MOVIE "High Cnme" ( 1973, Suspense) James WhltmoNt, Franco Nero. A cautious chief of detec- tives and his reckless commlsaloner &eek the ldentl- i ol the manlputators of Italy's growing drug traffic. hfe.) PAULHOOAN P.M. MAGAZINE Freecllmbers attempt to scale the 1000-foot high Seneca R()Ct(; people who feel "ta• 19 be9ullful." • MOVE "Sptendor In The Grna" ( 1961, Orama) Natlllle Wood, Warren Beatty. Two young people make the pelnful and beautiful ~ of love In a small Kansas town. (2 tvt.., 30 min.) I OUIZKI06 NATIONAL OEOOAAPHIC SPEOAL ''The SUpettlners; Twilight 01 An &a" A nostalgic voyage of fascinating luxury and remembered glory la taken aboard the last of the great liners atill In trans-Allan. tic service -the Queen Ellz.abeth 2. (R) (1 hr.) ~MOVIE "Hondo" (1954, Western) John Wayne, Geraldine Page. A cavalry dispatch rider encounter• a woman and her son, an Apache chiefs blood brother. (1 hr., 25 min.) (() SPORTSCENTER Scott Brotzmann Piano Technician REGISTERED CRAfTSMAN P.T.Ci. F"OR APPMTS, CALL 875-1827 ~IUO!t I I \ i I ' I I I , ' • J .. ' fl I ii I • tO ~ Tuesday (continued) O'I (8) MOVIE "Massacre At Central High'· ( 1976, Dra- c? ma) Andrew Stevens. Roben Carradine. A crusade .-for revenge begins after a prank thar went too far ;; was pulled on Iha quieter students by a group of :> bored high-school friends. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) g> CS) PURLIE Melba Moore. Roben Guillaume and < Sherman Hemsley are featured in a performance of -the hit Broadway musical based on Ossie Davis's ~ Qlay "Purhe Vicrorlous " (2 hrs.. 20 min ) :g U MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( t937, Fantasy) Ronald LL. Colman. Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped diploma! dlscov- -ers lhe Himalayan kingdom of Shangri-La. a place gi of elernal peace and immortality. (2 hrs.) ~ 8:308 9 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Ca1mlne audl· ~ tions for the leading role of a boxer In a movie. (R) i RACING FROM ROOSEVELT OOOCOUPLE DANCE "Petrushka" Paris Opera Ballers por- trayal of Rudolph Nureyev as Stravinsky's lovesick pup~t. ( 1 hr.) 8:45 a> A TlME TO LIVE WITH LEO BUSCAGLIA Dr. Leo Buscaglia delivers his message of love and appreciation of the good things In life from Sacr&- mento's historical Capitol Park. ( 1 hr.) 9;00 8 (I) NURSE Michael Learned stars a a recent- ly widowed head nurse at a large metrcpolltan hos- pital who tries to rebuild her personal fife through a renewed devotion to her career. (R) (2 hrs.) D • BRET MAVERICK Maverick's plan to catch the leadef of a utopian group that has tleeoed Sweetwater farmers out of their land hits a snag. (Part 2) (R) ( 1 hr.) • 0 tHREFS COMPANY While posing as a doc- tor. Jack unexpectedly encounters a real patient and an eager Intern. (R) Q CJ) MOVIE "TamaOQO" ( 1958, Drama) Curt Jur- gens, Dorothy Dandridge. A ruthless Dutch sea cap- tain tries to ward otf a rebellion by the oppressed slaves aboard his ship. (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFF1N Guests: Stephanie Miiia. Jerry Van Dyice. Jerry Seinfeld. Jim Slegelman. Flo Con- way. (1 hr.) e MVST"eff "Rumpole 01 The Bailey: Rumpole And The Show Folk" Horace Rumpole is called upon to serve as junior counsel in defending an actress accused of the backstage murder of her husband. (Part3) (R) O (1 hr.) CE PKA FULL CONT Act KARA TE (R) CZ) MOVIE "Soldier In The Rain" (1963. Comedy) Jackie Gleason, Steve McOueen. A young soldier Idolizes hie sergeant, who atways gets him out of trouble. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9:06 (Ill NEW8 9:30. 0 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Murtel Is Infuriated by the attention pa1d Henry by a pretty ~ng artist. (R) Qt MOVIE "CloUds Of Glory: William And Dorothy" David warrtef, Fellclty Kendall. Wordsworth's pas- sionate retatlonshlp with his sleter. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Women In Love" ( 1970, Orama) Glen· da Jackson. Alan Bates. Based on the novel by D.H. Lawrence. Two couples experieoce ambivalent ree1- 1ngs of love and hate In their romantic retatlonshlpa with their respective mates. (2 hrs .• 10 min.) (8) MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. C8rrle Fisher. The 150 midgets whO are In town for the fllmlng ol "The Wizard Of OZ.." tum a C811fornla hotel upside-down 'PG' (1 hr .. 38 min) ([) MOVIE "Short Eyes" ( 1978, Drama) &voe Davison, Jose Perez. Convlcis attempt to stay all'Ve In the brutal a1mosphere ol a prlsOo where certain felloW Inmate& break almost every known rule of decency. 'R' ( 1 hr .. «min.) 9:36 (Ill MOVIE "Unholy Wife" ( 1957. Orama) Rod Stelaer. Diana Dora. A young woman marrlee a weafthy vineyard owner and plots to klll him. (2 hrs,) 1>.46 ID ON BBNG HUMAN WITH LEO BUSCAGLIA One man's simple phnoaophy of llfe and love Is pr&- sented In an uncommon. poignant manne<. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) tO:OO D. MCCLAIN'S LAW McClain and two oth· era are held hostage In a hospltal by a mentally dis- turbed Vietnam veteran. (R) ( 1 hr ) 1111:~ WALTERS SUMMER SPECIAL Barbara Walters Interviews Katharine Hepburn. Vic- toria Prlnclpal and Brool<e Shlelds. (R) { 1 hr.) • WITH OSSIE ANO RUBY "Solo On The Drums" P18nlst Biiiy Taylor and drummer Max Roach join Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee to tell the atory of a drummer whose wife leaves him for a piano player who tuma out 10 be his own' partner. (R) c;J • HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR 10:30.NEWS I SiGNATURE Guest: Andre Watt& WERE YOU THERE? "The Black West" CowbOy George Elltton. rodeo atar Frank Greenway and lrootMtf"1women Eunice Norrie share their experlenc- .. of be1nQ btflck·l'l ~ W•t-at •tht•turA -' ctie .... oen1w)':' tfq•l) 11.Y• ( ,1 •'1'1.\;~•'• '·\-' IJ' t,• l <.t V•<.•,')lln \ ''"'' .. f "1 I \ q-' .,., lQO HEART TO HEART -Robert Wasner and StdanJe Powers star as the very much in Jove Jonathan and Jennlfer Hart in the popular mystery series, "Hart to H.a.rt." on KA.BC (Ch. 7) Tuesdays at JO p.m. The series has been l'f!IJewed for the tall. CD) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The wel~ comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every Institution Imaginable In this uncensored, no-hold• barred concert performance. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CJ) GEMINI A Harvard student celebrates his 21st birthday with his wacky famlly. crazy neighbors and wealthy friends In this Broedway comedy starring Scott Balo and Sheree North. (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "Papllloo" (1973, Adventure) Steve McOueen, Dustin Hottman. A pair of Oevll's lstand convicts spend their time planning their esoape. (2 hrs •• 35mlnJ t 1:008 8. (I) 9. NEWS 8A l'URDAV NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•e•H BENNY HILL QUIZKI08 8U81NES8 REPORT NA8l WEEKl. y (R) MOVIE "Back Roads" (1981. Comedy) Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down-on- his-luck boxer meet and head west In search of a new Ille. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) 11:308 (I) ALICE Flo has trouble studying for her high school diploma In night school (R) • e TONtGHT Guest llost: Joan Rlveta. Guests. Charles Nelsot'I Reilly. Dinah Shore. (1 hr.) I 0 ABC NEWS NtGHTLINE . MOVIE "Bataan" ( 1943, Adventure) Rober1 Taylor, Thomas Mltchell. American Gls fight a gal- lant bUt hopelesf battle In the Phlllpplnes. (2 hrs.) I THE J9=ffR80N8 LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DANCE "Petru&hka'' Paris Opera Ballet's por- trayal of Rudolph Nureyev as Stravinsky's lovesick ;'fr~ ~Movie "Eye 01 The Needle" ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German subma- rine, an Axis spy nnds sheller from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 5 t min.) ([)MOVIE "Butterfly" ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 11:!6(1!) BASEBALL Montreal Expos at Atlanta Bravea (3 h1'9.) 11:.S(C) MoVI£ "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" (1977, Orama) Sy!IM KtlS1el, Umberto Or81nl. A beautlM woman'• search for the ultimate erotic exoertenoe brliher to a startling realization. 'R' (i hr., 40 min. 12:00 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT • FANTASY ISLAND A dying young men la glvetl 1n extra 48 hounl to llve, end o widow attempts to remarry desplte the Interference of her late hUsband. (A) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.} CJ) MOVIE "Oel<ota Lii" (1960, Western) Geofge Montgomery. Rod Cameron. A government agent goat undotcOvtt at an outlaw wftfl the .-.ano. of a l<Wt!Y lady forger In order to trap a bend of -ook~ h~~arry Blaok And ~ ... ·~j~ • Adventure) Stewart (.;ranger. Barbara Rush. A famous hunter almosl loses his Ille because of a coward's actions (2 hrs.) ., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CO) MOVIE "Stardust Memories" ( 1980. Orama) Woody Allen, Charlotte Rampllng A successful director laces a personal crisis as he tries to make some major decisions In his hie 'PG' ( 1 hr , 29 m1n:L 12:06 B (I) MCCLOUD The owner of a discotheque who hires young runaway females to promote the sale of hquor takes on a girl who Is being sought by the auth0flt1es. (R) (2 hrs . to min.) 12:300 G) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir of rhe Gratelul Dead. author Jerzy Kosinski. (R) ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES NEWS MOVIE "Clouds Of Glory· William And Dorothy" David Warner. Fellclty Kendall. Wordsworth's pas- slooate relationship with his sister ( 1 hr ) CE WCT TENNIS "California Classic" Coverage ol the final round lrom Lacosta. Calll. (R! (3 hrs.) CS) MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II' (1981. Hor- ror) Amy Sleet, John Furey. The grisly l<illlngs con- tinue at a summer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R' (1 hr .. 27 min,) 1:008 MOVIE "Stella Dallas" (1937, Orama) Bar- bara Stanwyck, John Boles. A woman sacrifices everything'°' the love ol her daughter. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "The Americano" ( 1955. Orama) Glenn F0<d, Frank Love}oy A Texas cowboy finds romance end adventure when he attempts to deliver ~lze Brahma bulls to Brazil. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) C1J • MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle'' (1981. Suspense) Donald Sutheriand, Kate Nelllgan. White on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German sub- mar1ne, en Axis spy finds shelter from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' { 1 hr., 51 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Freud" ( 1963, Biography) Montgom- ery Clift, Susa.nnah Voci<. The young Vlennese doc- '°' founds the practice of psychoanalysis while st~ hypnosis with an experimenter. (2 hrs .. 20 min. 1: 10 MOVIE "Roc:ky" ( 1948. Orama) Roddy McOowall. Edgar Barrie<. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0NEW8 1:309 e NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT CC) MOVIE "The Great Texas Dynamite Chase" (1976, Adventure) Claudia Jennings, Jocelyn Jooe&. Two female bank robbers outwit pollce as they ravage the male populace with blazing shoo- touts. dynamite bleats and outrageous disguises. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 29 min.) • 1:36(8) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 Wortd Serles. 2:00• MOVIE "Home Before Dark" ( 1958, Orama) Jean Simmons. Rhonda Fleming A woman strug- gles to adJuat to aoclety following her confinement for a nervous breakdown. (2 hrs., 45 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Funhouse" ( 1981, Horr«) Elizabeth Berridge, SyMa Miles. Four teen-agers spend a fr1ghtful night In a carnival funh<x.lse Inhabited by a <Semented barker and his monstrous son. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 2:06 Cl) NEWS (8) MOVIE "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976, Dra- ma) And.rew Stevens. Robert Carradine. A crusade for revenge begins after a prank that went too far was pulled on the quieter students by a group of bored high-school friends. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 21 min.) 2:15eNEWS 2:30 CJ) MORNING STRETCH eNEWS 2:351 WORLD AT LARGE 2:40 NEWS 2:46 MOVIE "The Oul-Of-Towners" (1970, COm- edy) Jeck Lemmon, Sandy Dennis. An Ohio couple vllltlng New Voci< experience every known urban disaster. (2 t-ir&.) 3:ooe1aPV ~JOE FRANKLIN NEWS MOVIE "The Elephant Man" (1980. Orama) John Hurt. Anthony Hopkins. A dedleated physician taket under hla wing a horribly deformed man whole Ille until then had been apent In cheap freek exhibition& 'PG' (2 hra .. 3 min.) e MOVIE "Smokey Bltea The Oust" ( 1981. COme- dy) Jimmy MeNlehol. Janet tunan. A high echool delinquent gets the whOte town on his trail when he ma.kn otf with the homecoming queen and heads 9CfOA the atate In a Mfies of atOlen automobiles. 'PO' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 3:06 CC) MOVIE "Young Joe. The Forgotten Kenne- dy'' (1977, Orama) PeterStreuaa. Barbare Perl(lns The eldea1 K~ volunteers for a 0.ngetOUt Wit• time mlselon which. If sucoessfUI. would bring him beck a hero and one step cfoMf to the White House. ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) 3:30(1) TO BE ANNOUNCED ~~~'r'~; .JJ,0} !~"') .• '" .• .: ' "~h' ~.n ':111' ••'••>.••• t Wednesday \I< >ll:\ J:\'<; \I< >\ · 1 ES 6: 15 (%) "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" (1981, Comedy) Peter Us11nov. Richard Hatch. 8:000 "Duel 01 The Titans" ( 1963, Adventure) Steve Reeves. Gordon Scott 6:05@ "The Man I Love" ( 1946, Romance) Ida Lupino, Roben Alda 7:00(%) "Eye Of The Needle" (1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kale Nelligan 7:300 "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne 8:00(C) "The Hunter" (1979. Drama) Steve McQueen, Ell Wallach. CID "Scout's Honor" ( 1980, Drama) Gary Cole- man, Katherine Helmond. 8:05@ "It Started In Naples" (1960. Comedy) Sophia Loren. Clark Gable 9:00(%) "Christmas In July" ( 1940, Comedy) Dick Powell. Ellen Drew 10:00(C) "The Fixer" ( 1968. Drama) Dirk Bogarde, Alan Bates. CID ''The Blacl( Pearl" ( 1978. Adventure) Gilbert c.k>land. Carl Anderson lSJ "The Trouble With Girls" ( 1969. Musical) Elvis Presley, "l\rllyn Mason. • 10:05@ "Nlgtti~e In Chicago" (1967, Suspense) Robert Rklgley, t-1 .. rtes McGraw. 10: 15(%) "Tommy" ( Hn1;, Musical) Roger Daltrey. Ann-Margret. . \F. I lJ{:\( >< ):\ \ ll )\ · 1 LS 12:00 G "Cerry On Cruising" ( 1966, Comedy) ~ ney James. Kenneth Wiiiiams. e "Tall Man Riding" (1955. Western) Randolph Scon, Dorothy Malone. 8) "War And Peace" (Part 1) { 1956, Orama) Audrey HepbUrn, Henry Fonda. ())"Seems Lil<e Old Times" ( 1980, Comedy) Gol- die Hawn. Chevy Chase. 0 "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981. Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. 12: 15 (%) "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" (1981. Comedy) Peter Ustinov. Richard Hatch. 12:30(C) "The Spirit Of St. Louis" ( 1957. Biography) James Stewart, Murray Hamilton. CID "Breal<through" ( 1979, Orama) Richard Bur- ton. Rod Stelgef 2:00(1) "Lemora. The Lady Dracula" ( 1973. Hor· ror) William Wilton. Cheryl $mlth II "Lost HOflzon" (1973. Muslcal) Peter Finch. Liv Ullmann. (%)"Eye Of The Needle" (1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan. 2:30(1) "Stardust MemOfles" ( 1980, Orama) Woo- dy Allen. Charlotle Ramptlng. 3:00([) "The Thlny-Nlne Steps" ( 1978. Suspense) Robert Powell, David Warner :k30@ "Clouds Of Glory· William And Dorothy" David Warner. Fel1C1ty Kendall CH> "Scout's Honor" ( 1980. Orama) Gary Cole- man. Katherine Helmond. 4:0011 "Oh, Susanna" ( 1950. Western) Rod Cam- eron. Forrest Tucker. (%)"Honky Tonk Freeway" I 1981, Comedy) Beau Bridges, Hume Cronyn 4:30(C) "The Axer" ( 1968, Drama) Dirk Bogarde. Alan Bates. Cl) "Treasure Island" (1972. Adventure) Orson Welles. Kim Burfield. 5:00 (JJ "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( t 980, Comedy) Liiy Tomlin. Charles Grodin. II "The Mysterious Stranger" ( t982, Fantasy) Chris Makepeace, Fred Gw.ynne. 5:46(%) "Christmas In July' (1940. Comedy) Dick Powell, Ellen Drew. &"00• 8. NEWS WONDER WOMAN THE SAINT A8CNEW8 aw.AT. HAWAI AVE-o OYER EAl1'f Guest: singer Kay Sterr. (R) Q N8CNE-WS MAOtC OF Oil PAINTING AUTO RAaNG "IMSA Kelty Challenge" Covef· ege of the Memorial Day even~rom Lime Rook. Ct. t! hr .. 30 min.) (I) HOLL VWOOO Holtywood reporter 9111 Han1a preeenta ~ r~ on lhe ~and ~ta wNch are making ntwt In"'* prOdUOtrcih and ~ Of c.pltel Of u. n'IO'M lndUltry' SUPER COMPOSER -John WJJJiams, composer for hit movie themes s uch as "Superman," "Raiders of the Lost Ark," and "Close Encounters," conducts the Pops orchestra as "SummerFest '82" continues on KOCE (Ch. 50). 6:30 tll BARNEY MILLER ca THE RING OF THE FETTUCCINES A play about a klrll.I. •..itch and prince plotting against each other lwlth~A~t. Momrt and Verdi. ( 1 hr.) NEWS FAJfr FORWARD KIDS ON THE BLOCK A unlq~ troupe of pup- pets help children learn an Important ~ about what It means to be handicapped. (JJ MOVIE "Star Trek -The Motion Plcn,..00 ( 1979. Sclence-Flctlon) Wiiiiam Shatner. Leonara Nlmoy. The former commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise reassembles his old crew and sets off on a mission to find the mysterious vessel responsible for the destruction of numerous Federation star- ships. 'G' (2 hrs., 12 min.) Cl) l.AFF-A· THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured In this uncensored comedy game &how. D MOVIE "Duel Of The Titans" ( 1963. Adventure) Steve Reeves. Gordon Soott. Romulua and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. battle each other for control of the ancient city and the love of a beair tlfuf .Q1r1 ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:00 8 C8S NEWS N8CNEWS KUNG FU A8CN£WS KOJAK YOU ASKED FOR rT ENT'ERT AINMENT TONIGHT M•A•S•H JOKER'S WILD • BUStNESS REPORT THE MUPPET'S MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979, Drama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach. Ralph ''Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous life as a modem-day bounty hunter. 'PG' (1hr .. 38mln.) (ft) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry T ompl<lns and Tim Mc:Cerver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. Cl) WHA r s UP AMERtCA Featured: a humorous look at the meat Industry: a modem-day bounty hunter: three of America'• favorite skinny dipping holes. ( 1 hr.) (%)MOVIE "Magic" ( 1978, HOHOI') AnthOny Hop- kins, Ann-Margret. A neurone ventriloquist. con- vinced that hit stage dummy controll hla actions. eludes bordering tame and fortune to find• glr1 he lov9d In hit youth. 'R' (1 hr .. 48 min.) 1:30. 2 OH nE TOWN FeetUfed: a Wiit with a top· Lot Angeles edvertlalng duo: Nathan Lam. Cantor to the start: a chit with Dora Marbtltt. • 800Y WOA<8 ''The Skin" Or. Timothy Johntlon .xamin. the tunct1ons ot the mc1n. • EVE OH LA. FMtured: the latest look In leettw ~Ir*: profllee of Reggie Jec:keon and F-emendo Valenzuela; a ride In the QoodyMt Blimp. i APPLE POU8HER8 ' • .. • • YOU A8ka> F.OA IT ·-. ·' • • M•A .. •H • • \.V - SIONA TURE Guest: Andre Watts. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT FAMILY FEUD I TIC TAC OOUGH PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled program· ~ ming may be delayed due 10 pledge breaks. (!) SPORTSCHALLENGE World Champion New ~ York Yankees of the '30s vs '56 World Champion cp New YOfl< Yankees CID JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music star performs a salute to American history and tradi- tions with guests June Carter Cash. Steve Good· man, John Prine and Rodney Crowell from Koonedy Center In WaShlngton. D.C. ( 1 hr . 15 min.) CO) MOVIE "Airplane!" ( 1980. Comedy) Rober1 Hays. Julie Hageny. Alter an airliner's crew falls to > c C) ~ -food poisoning, a nervous former war pilot Is ... pressed Into service and must contend with on-c..> board hysteria, a secretive control tower and cliche-.... filled memories. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ~ 7:35@NEWS N 7:45 fl) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "The Sharks" Extraordinary underwater film footage of how sharks feed, rest and why they attack provides a new perspective on this fascinating and fearsome fish. Q ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 8:00 II MR. MERLIN A scared Ma.x disappears when he has lo go Into the hospltal with tonsllltls. (R) D fl) REAL PEOPLE Featured: Sarah Purcell takes part In a roller derby; a garbologlst: a crowing contest for roosters: "punk" food (R) ( 1 hr.) G MOVIE "Too Many Suspects" (1975. Mystery) Jim Hutton. David Wayne. Ellery Queen and his lather, Inspector Queen, try to solve the murder of a fashion designer. (2 hrs.) D 0 TH(" GREATEST AMERICAN HERO Ralph discovers that his mother's Ille Is endangered by her fiance who is smuggling top secret materlalS. {R) ~~OSE-UP fi MOVIE "A Quiet Place To Kill" (1973, Mystery) Cerrotl Baker. Jean SOfel. The daughter of a murder victim feels the effects of a tragle love triangle. (2 hrs.) Cf) PAUL HOGAN • P.M. MAGAZINE A WO<ld-famous plastic sur- geon who remodefS his wife; the dangerous profes- sion of a female bod~guard. e MOVIE "Inside Daisy Clover" (1 966, Drama) Natalie Wood. Christopher Plummer. A new Holly- wood starlet has trouble adjusting to the &how bosl-ness society of the '30s. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) CR STYLE Featured: TV commercials; new scul ture; health spas. • VOICES OF OUR PEOPLE. .• IN CB.ESRA T OF BLACK POETRY A salute to the works of i~J~ng the black experience Is present BIZARRE~ Slow Food" MOVIE "Slnb«b <\nd The Eye Of The Tiger" (1977. Adventure) Pat~ Wayne. Jane Seymour 1'he dashing hero battles Ul"ltl....ihlv creatures and a deadly tiger to remove the curse tf,t keeps a young prince from his rightful place on the n~ 'G' ( 1 hr .• 53 min.) · 8:308 Cl) MOVlE "A Piece Of The Action" ( 1lln. Comedy) Sidney Poitier. Blll Cosby Two likeable crOOkt attempt to master the ar1 or the rip-off wfllle being bl&ci<malled Into tackling aeveral community iDf~ (2 hrs .. 30 min.) OOOCOUPLE ONE IN A THOUSAND A docU-drama of a tit. time of challenges of a chlld .uttering from Spina Bltlda and Hydrocephalus. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Stardust Memof'les" ( 1980. Drama) Woo<Jy Allen, Charlotte Rampllng. A aocceaaful director faces a personal crisis aa he tries to make some majof decisions If\ his Ille 'PG' ( 1 hr. 29 min.} 8:36 (I!) AU. IN THE FAMILY 9:00 D e THE FACTS OF LIFE The glrta become suspicious when their French teacher dates Blalr's handicaOped cousin. Jetrl. (R) e di THE FAU GUY Howle meets up with a man who 18 being paroled 1ft8f' wvtng time fOt the theft of a Navy payroll that wu never recovered. (R) ( 1 hr.) • MSW GRIFFIN Guest oo.t· PaUI Wiiiiams Guesta: The Pointer Slater-. l<al Rudman. America. U.. H..-tman. (i hr.) • NQN.ACT10N TELEVISION ''V9m0n, Flol'lda"' Erroll Mortie tak• a humoroua look at the peop'8 and Mlestytes of a amal rural community In Washing- ton Coun~. Florida. ( t hr ) e NATIONAL GEOORAPHIO 8PECIAL ''Polar Beer Alert" The grtat white polar bear and • Ma~ tObe town'• ettom to CCHXl8t wtth them are the IU~ of a document81'f hosted by E.G. Marlhall end rwrated by JMof'I Robardl. o (1 hr.) CC MOYE "Jvry Of OM" (1en , brame) 8ophl9 C«tt\...,.. Gabir\ A~'*-~ con-'. ntetion. to ge_t hat eon 9CqUftted of rape ~ l'fU· . , • · dlr ctwQal. 'R' (, tw .. 37 mtn.) -x::• 44 \ s.-----------~--------~ --=-=-~--------------_....--------------------------------------- - n "' \\ednesday (continued) co . O> .... ([) STRONGEST MAN IN FOOTBALL COMPETI- TION (H) MOVIE .. Allen" (1979, Horror) Tom Skerritt, Yaphet Kotto The crew of a spacegoing scrap car- rier follow a mysterlo~s signal to a supposedly dead planet and. after landing, discover that the message was a warning to stay away. 'R' (2 hrs .. 4 min.) CD MOVIE "The Night Riders" ( 1939, Western) John Wayne, Doreen McKay. A cowhand exposes a crook claiming to be a descendant of a famous don. {2 hrs .. 30 min.) CO) MOVIE "Laura .. ( 1980. Drama) Dawn Dunlop, Maud Adams A woman Ines to prevent a relation- ship between a sculptor with whom she had had an aHair and her teen-age ballerina daughter. 'R' (1 hr., 25 min.) (%) MOVIE "Tommy" (1975, Muslcat) Roger Dal- trey. Ann-Margret. Based on the rock opera by The WtlO. A young boy struck deal. dumb and blind by the Sight of his father's murd8f becomes a modem- day messiah exploited by a greedy uncle and a wor- shlp.£.!ng public. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 9:06 QZJ MOVIE "These Three" ( 1936, Drama) Joel McCrea, Miriam Hopkins. The lives and reputations of a man and two women are nearly destroyed by a child's vicious lie. (2 hrs.) 9:30 0 fl) LOVE. SIDNEY Patti Is rejected by her classmates when her lllegillmacy becomes known to their paren1s. (R) CJ) UOVIE "Blood Of Dracula" ( 1957. Horror) San- dra Harrison. Louise Lewis. A young girl Is put undef a vampire's curse by her chemistry teacher ( t hr .. 30mln.) a THI: RING OF THE FETTUCCINES A play about a king. witch and prince plotting against each other with so~ by Bizet. Mozart and Vel'dl. ( 1 hr.) 10:00 O OD QUINCY Quincy wonts with a retired Nazi hunter to track down the kltlef ol a Holocaust survl- vor . .J.R'8( 1 hr.) 11'1 O~~TY Blake awaits the results of a blood test to see If Fallon Is his daughter. and Jeff catches Claudia steallng Denver Carrlngton's secret oll tile. (R) ( 1 hr ) • THE MAGIC WORLD OF MARCEL MARCEAU The world's greatest IMng practitioner of the ancient art of silence per10fme seven of his most famous pantomimes. ( 1 l'W.) • ~TIONAL GEOORAPHK: SPECAAL ''Gorilla'' E.G. MarshaU hosts a !<><* a1 the efforts of zoo directors. dedicated indMduals and scientists who are woO<lng to assure that the largest of the great &pell does not tell lllctim to extlncilon. (R) ( f hr .. 30mln.) Cl) MOVIE "Search And Destroy" (1981, ,.,..~ lure) Perry King, Don Stroud. A lormer 8'""~ ~t­ namese otticlal seeks revenge a~""' h.., our Americans who abandoned him "" an ambush dur-~ the war. 'PG' ( t hr .• 35 ~1 .. a MOV1E "Clash Of Ttv ntans (198t. Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laur~ Ollvle< Mythic hero Perseus is helped by hlo ~ther Zeus in a series of dangerous ta~s as ..., tries to win the hand of a Phoenician prlnc-~ against the wishes of a vengeful sea god- ,._.,,.'PG' ( 1 hr . 58 min.) 1U:30.NEWS a SIGNATURE Guest: Andre Watts. (m MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German subma· rlne. an Axis spy finds shelter from the st0<m In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr , 51 mln-1 11:008 D 8 Cl) di GI) NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT CHmSTtAN CHILDREN'S RJNO JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s •H BENNY HILL STYLE Featured. TV commercials; new sculp- ture; health spas. • BUSINESS REPORT CC) MOVIE "The Spirit 01 St. Louis" (1957. Biogra- phy) James Stewart, Murray Hamilton. In 1927, Charles A. Lindbergh becomes the first man to fly nonstop across the Atlantlc Ocean to Paris. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) Cl) 8PORTSFORUM CID THE UNEXPUAGA TED BENNY Hill The wild and wacky British comedian poftraya vark>US char- acters. Including a clrcua down and a French exchange student In numeroua lketchee. ( 1 hr.) (%)MOVIE "Honky Tonk FrffWay" (1981, Come- dy) Beau Bridges, Hume Cronyn. A town appM1$ to be doomed to extlnctlOn when the Highway Paffol Department fella to build an off ramp on the !*¥ freeway that cut• through the atate. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 11:05 al) BASE8ALL MonttMI EJl4)0i at Atlanta Btawe (3 hr&) 11:·~~~ THEm GAME FOILED -Bill C-osby (left) and Sidney Pointier are conmen who a.re outsmarted at their own game in "A Piece of the Action " Wednesday at 8:30 p .m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). over the use of recombinant DNA when an arrogant scienlist discovers a laboratory method ot creeling new Ille forms. (R) (2 his .. 15 min.) • 0 0) TONIGHT Guest host: Joan Rlvef$. GUP-'.s. Rock Hudson. Paul Williams. Marcia W~ ( 1 hr.) I III ABC NEWS NIGHTllflllC' YOU ASKED FOR rr THE~S'TYLE ~t' A. THOUSAND A docu-drama of a life- time ,..., c~nengee of a child suff•lng from Spina ~~alus. (1 hr.) {t)~VIE "Chatterbox" (1977. Comedy) Candice Rialson A young woman's unique anatomical defor- mity brings her financial success but ruins her social life. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 13 min.) 11:40 Cl) MOVIE "Seems like Old Times" (1980. Comedy) Goldle Hawn. Chevy Chase. A soft-heart- ed lawyer Is torn between her hopeless ex-husband~ turned-bank robber end her uptight present he.ls.- band who Is runnlOQ f0< California attorney general. 'PG' (1 hr .. 42 min.) 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 tll LOVE BOAT A young man goes In pursuit of an older woman, and Isaac runs Into a beautiful for- mer schoolmate and her macho husband. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10mln.) CJ MOVIE "Oh. Susanna" ( 1950, Western) Rod Cameron. Forrest Tuci<er. Dissension erupts among the ranks of cavalry otttoers. (2 hrs.) CJ) MOVIE "Never Before. Never Again" ( 1975. Adventure) Verlin Kruger. Clint Waddell. ~ atory ol Verlin Kruger's canoe trip across Canada. the first since the days of the old French fur trappers, Is chronlcled. (2 hrs ) m MOVIE "Boom Town" ( t939. Western) Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy A pair of wildcatters find the excitement they're seeking when they strike It rich In the oll fields. (2 hrs.) ., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CID MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1979, Orama) Richard Burton. Rod Steiger. A Nazi serageant becomes embroUed In a plot to assassinate Hitler. 'PG' (1 hr .. 35 min) Cl MOVIE "Janis" ( 1974. Biography) Documenta- ry. Janis Joplln rises from an unhappy and obscure past In a smaH Texas town to head the charta as a top rock and blue& alnQer. ( 1 hr .• 36 min.) 12:308 e LATE NtGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guest.t: Liiy Tomlin, Fathef Andrew Greeley. (R) ( 1 hr.) I COUPLEB ~ AING OF THE FeTTUCCINO A play abOUt a king. wtteh •nd pr~ ptottlna tgalnst aac:h other With 10f9 bv'Blzet. Mozart ancfVerdl. ( 1 hf.) Cl) AUTO RACING "Gel'man Grand Prix" Coverage from Hoc:kenhelm Clroult nMI Htldelberg. (R) ( 1 hf,) (IE MOYE "Honky Tonk F ' 1981 COrne- cty) Beeu~-~ J to be doomed1fl9~ Department talll to way that cuts through the state. 'PG ' ( 1 hr .. 45 mlnJ_ 12:46(Z) MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" (1981 Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kata Netllgan White on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German sub marine, an Axis spy finds shelter from the storm ln the collage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr. 51 min.) 1:008 MOVIE "Ministry 01 Fear" (1944, Suspense) Ray Miiiand. Marjorie Reynolds. Nazi secret agents swarm through the streets of wartime London. ( t hr .. 30 min.) II) MOVIE "O.O.A." ( 1949, Mystery) Edmond O'Brien, Pamela Britton. When a man realizes that he has been given a dose of time-released poison. he sets out to locate his klllef before his life ends ( t hr .. 30 min.) (]J MOVIE "Altered States" ( 1980, Science-Fic- tion) William 1-iurt. Blair Brown. A Harvard sclen· tist's genetic structure Is altered when he conducts mind-expanding experiments with Isolation tanks and _20Wertul hallucinogens. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min ) 1:10. MOVIE "Don't Give Up The Ship" (1959, Comedy) Jerry Lewis, Dina Merrill. A couple's hon- eymoon Is Interrupted when the groom Is called to Washington to account for a destroyer lost during World War II (1 hr . 30 min.) 9NEWS 1:15(C) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well· known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every Institution Imaginable in this uncensored, no- holds·barred concert performance. ( 1 hr .. 20 ml~/ 1:30e. NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT .. ([) AUTO RACING "IMSA Kelty Chal!P"\18 Cover- age of the Memorial Day event frc-Lime Rock. Ct. ill) ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) SI (S) MOVIE "Raggedy µ.11" (1981. Drama) ssy Spacek Elle Robetw· 1n 1944, a telephone operator In a ~U Te~ rown sacrifices her standing In the communl1> oNhen she has a short affair with a com- bat~nd sallof. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) t·'°CHJ MOVIE "Scout's Honor" ( 1980, Drama) Gary Coleman, Katherine Hetmond. A lonely orphan cons an extremely relVctant. happily single execu- tive into becomlng den mother to a pack of Cub Scouts. ( 1 hr .• 35 min ) 1:40• MOVIE "Tarzan, ,1 The Ape Man" (1981, Adventure) Richard Ha,rrls. Bo Derek. A young woman searches for her missing father In the Afri- can jungle where she encounters an uncivilized white men and an 0<angutan. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) t:461NEW8 2:00 MOVIE "Too Much. Too Soon" ( 1959. Biog- raphy) Cofothy Malone. Errol Flynn. John Bar-~·a daughter. Diana. suffers heartbreak 2:oicir'~ wealthy and famous. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) Ill) RAT PA TROl 2:168 MOVIE "Sectet Beyond The Door" (1948. Mystery) Joan Bennett. Michael Redgrave. After a whirlwind courtship, a girl dlscovera ner new hUS· band has a teen-age son and a compulsion to mur- def. _{2 hrs.) 2:30. UOVIE "Those People Next Door" (1953, Comedy) Jack Warner, Gafry Marsh. The story of two families wno struggle to survive after the war In England. ( 1 hr , 30 mfn ) Cf) MORNING STRETCH eNEWS 2:35111) WORLD AT LARGE 2:40GNEW8 CC) MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979, Orama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous life as a modern-day bounty hunter. 'PG' (1hr .. 38 min.) 2:45<0 MOVIE "The Night Riders" ( 1939. Western) John Wayne. Doreen McKay. A cowhand exposes a crook ctalmlng to be e descendant of a famous don. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Tommy" (1975, Musical) Roge< Dal· trey. Ann-Margret. Based on the roc:k opera by The Who. A young boy struck deaf, dumb and blind by the sight of his father's murder becomes a modern- day messiah exploited by a greedy uncle and a w0<- shlpplng publle. 'PG' (1 hr. 50 mfn.) 3:00 CJ) JOE FRANKLIN ~ ~AR06 Luther Lassiter va. Cowboy Jimmy Moore (R) ( 1 hr.) 3:06(1) MOVI~ "SOidier Of Orange" (1979. e>r.ma) Edward Fox, Susan Penhallgon. Six cluamatea at a OU1ch ~ go their 1eP9rate waya when war brNk• out In EUrope. 'PG' (2 hra.) 3:tS(J[) M0vte "Oeedly BleSSlng" (1981, Hotror) Ernest Borgnlne. Lola Nettleton. A young women who rnttrlet Into • atrlct r~ aact dlacC>WrS lhe la l'*PS)td In a IMng nigh. tmare. 'A' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 3:30e MOYE "Ser&el" (1980, Comedy) JMttln Mui. Tueadey Weld. A happffy married Mem Coun- ty~apu«ed by their lrendY MIQhbOtt Into t altemetlw ~ 'R' ( 1 hr., 31 n*\.) ..... ''Thf ~ Of Or. ........ (1939. Horror) Ralph 8demy, ~ O.g11n. A ..,._ • t~~i.-~~-.--~~ ment which pr01199 to be deadly. ( 1 hr • ao min. ... <Y) ./Mn IWAOOART -----~ -~~-------------------------------------....... ~~ ---------.. ·. ~~~----------------~-------------------------------------------------23 Thursday :\I< >ll:\ I:\(; \I<)\. I l·~S 5:0000 "Breakthrough'" ( 1979. Drama) Richard Burton. Rod Steiger (%) "Eraserhead" ( 1976, Horror) John Nance. Charlotte Stewart 8:00(t) "An Enemy Of The People" (1977. Drama) Steve McOueen. Charles Durning 8:05 @ "Escape Me Never" ( 1947. Romance) Ida Lupino, Gig Young. 6:30® "Never Never Land" ( 1981, Drama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt. CS) "Up River" ( 1980, Adventure) Morgan Stevens. Jett Carey 6:~ (%) "Honky Tonk Freeway" ( 1981, Comedy) Beau Bridges. Hume Cronyn 7:30(3 "Slnbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" (1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. 8:00(C) "The Conqueror" ( 1956. Adventure) John Wayne. Susan Hayward ® "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" (!971, Fantasy) Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson CS) "Breaking Glass" (1980, Drama) Hazel O'Con- nor. Phil Daniels. 8:05 <Ill "40 Pounds Of Trouble" ( 1963, Comedy) TOOL.Curtis. Suzanne Pleshette. 8:30lZJ "Lumlere" (1976, Drama) JeaMe Moreau, Francine Racette. 9:300 "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980, Drama) Melvyn Douglas, Liia Kedrova. 10:00(C) "A Global Affair" ( 1964. Comedy) Bob Hope, Lllo Pulver. (])"Viva Las Vegas" ( 1964. Musical) Elvls Presley. Ann-Margret 10:06@ "Tomorrow Is Forever" (1946, Drama) Clau- dette Colbeft. Orson Welles. 10: 15(%) "Christmas In July" ( 1940, Comedy) 0.ck Powell, Ellen Drew. 11:00CH.l "Victory" (1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stal- lone. Michael Caine 0 "Hurry Up Of I'll Be 30" ( 1975. Comedy) John Lefkowitz. Linda De Cott. 11:30 CC) "The Way We Were" ( 1973. Romance) Bar· bra Streisand. Robert Redf<><d. Cl) "Tim" ( 198 1, Drama) Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson. (%) "Freud" (1963. Biography) Montgomery Ctttt, Susannah York. .\I ll.IC\< >< >" \I<)\ I LS 12:00• "Miiiion Dollar Kid" (1944, Comedy) East Side Kids, Noah Beery. • "No Time For Sergeants" ( 1958, Comedy) Arwty Griffith, Nick Adams. • "War And Peace" (Part 2) (1956. Drama) Audrey HepbUm, Henry Fonda. 12:30• "Hawmpsl" ( 1978, Comedy) James Hamp- ton, Christopher Connefty. 1:00CH.l "Something Shor1 Of Paradtae" ( 1979, Romance) Susan Sarandon, David Stelnbefg. t:30 ~ "Mahogany" (1975, Drema) Diana Ross. Anthony P8fklns. 2:00(!) "The Creature From Black Lake" (1976. HorrOf) Jack Elam. Dub Taylor. ([) "The Garden Of The Flnz.l-Contln111" ( 1971, Ora- ma) Uno Capollcchlo, Dominique Sanda. Directed !?t_ Vittorio De Sica. W "lumle<e" ( 1976, Drama) Jeanne MOfeau. Francine Racette. 2:30 CH.l "Winy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" U971, Fantasy) Gene Wlldef, Jack Albertson. • "Under The Ralnt>ow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie AShef. 3:00(1) "Shipwreck" ( 1978, Adventure} Robert L~. Mikki Jamison-Olson 3:35W "Charlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen" (1981, Comedy) Peter Ustinov. Richard Hatch. 4;00e "The Road To Denver'' (1955, Westem) John Payne. Mona Freeman. .c.:30~ "Flash Gordon" (1980. Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. • "The Blue Lagoon" (1949, Romance) Jean Simmons. Donald Hooston. 6:00(!) "Houdini" (1953. Biography) Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh. (I) "Oetby O'Glll And The Liiiie People" (1969. Fantaay) Albert Sharpe, Seen Con'*Y· (D) "The Elephant Man" ( 1980, Drama) John Hurt, Anthony Hopklnt. (I) "Loet Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Col· man Jane Wyatt. &oeii!) "The i:we Breed" ( 1968. W•tern) Jamee Sttwtrt. Maureen O'Hara. &c16(%) "Deadly~" (1981, Sutpente) Maren Jenaen. Suun Buctcner. &aO& •t... ~!J ..-..Lau. Tltntlgn&nt, Ma111M Jobef'\. ••1 "1' t It f ,11 f I I t.Ai ~ •1 'I 1 INDIAN TALE -Will Sampson stars as Painted Bear and Rose Portillo plays his daughter, Star Fire, in "Night Eyes," the first part of the limited series "Born to the Wind" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Thursday at 8 p.m. L\ L"l"C; e:oo•e•NEWS WONDER WOMAN THESAINT ABC NEWS HAWAII FIVE--0 OVER EASY Guest: actor Rudy Vallee. (R) Q NBC NEWS MAGIC~ Oil PAJNTING TOP RANK BOXING Live coverage from Las v~. Nev. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) CH.l MOVIE "Clash Of The Tlta~" (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlln. Laurence Olivier. Mythic hero Per9eU8 Is helped by his father Zeus In a aeries of dangeroUs task& es he triee to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. ·~ .. 58 min.) 8:30 di Mill.ER - I l*:J< CAVETT NEWS FAST FORWARD MOVIE "A Global Affair" (1~. Comedy) Bob Hope, Lllo Pulver. A baby, found by a bachelof In the lobby of the United Nations, la claimed by all the member nation$. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) • MOVE "Tell Me A Riddle" (1980. Orama) ~ vyn Douglas. Liia Kedrova. A withdrawn. eldel1y woman, unaware that she Is dying, embal't(a on a long~rwry to reacquaint heraeff wi1h lief geo- gra and emotionally eeperated famlty. 'PG' ( 1 r., 30 min.) 7:00. C88 N£W8 NBCNEW8 KUNBRJ ABC NEWS KOJAK NEW YOAK REPORT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT JOKER'S WllO Le:=s REPORT HUGHIE Jason Aobarcts and Jack Oodeon atar In Eugene O'Nelll's on.act play about two men from oq><>elta wotlde who tlhare the !Qnellnetl of the big city. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%} ~E "Lumlefe" ( 1976, Drama) Jeanne ijO,eeu, Francine Racette. Four film ectr .... ehare a villa In the wtldS of France. 'R' ( 1 hf., 4'C> min.) 7:06Q)NEW8 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: the new tad of pertOnallzed llag8; a proflle of -*k a.cry; a profMe of Otto Oleeen. l .FAMILYFEUO THEY'RE HERE: LA. fWOEA8 '82 Tad OtwtOn and Jotinne llhlmlne ce>-hoet • report on the Loe Ange1e1 Relder'a lnctudlng lnttMtwl wtth Al Da\ilt., coech Tom FIOf'tl and quartetbedc Jim Ptunk.tt. MEET lMEWAYOM YOU A8tCED FOR rr w·A·a·H t I,!) PLEOOE BREAK Regularly scheduled program- ming may be delayed due lo pledge breaks. 3! cm MOVIE "Improper Channels" (1981, Comedy) 0 Alan Arkin, Marlette Hartley. A series of mlsunder-- standings causes a social worker to suspect the 5-~ year-old daughter of a separated couple is the vic- tim of child abuse. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) b' CS) AEAOBICISE Get In shape, look good. and feel IO great with this physical fitness program. .,, 7:~ a!). THE MARX BROTHERS IN A NUTSHELL 5: Aim clips and interviews are featured in a salute to G> the most celebrated comedy team In the history of ~ motion pictures -Groucho. Harpo, Chico, Zeppo > and Gummo Marx. (2 hrs., 15 min) c 8:00 8 (I) MAGNUM. P.I. Magnum attempts to ~ solve a 35-year-old crime. (R) ( 1 hr.) ~ 0 ID BORN TO THE WINO (Premiere) An Indian _. chief must help decide the late of a snarling wild boy · ~ raised by a pack of wolves. ( 1 hr.) .... a MOVIE "Romance 0 1 A Horse Thief'' (1971. ~ Adventure) Yul Brynner. Ell Wallach. A group of N Polish peasant Jews face llnanclal ruin when the Cossacks confiscate all their horses. (2 hrs.) 8 «I MOVIE "Rooster" (Premiere, Comedy) Paul WIHlams. Pal McCormick. A lire of suspicious 0<1gln brings together an unlikely pair of Investigators to track down the arsonists. (2 hrs.) •MOVIE "Lucky Luciano" (1974, Drama) Glarl- Maria Volonte. Rod Steiger. A top crime figure faces deportation af181 commlssionlng a series of notori- ous crimes. (2 hrs.) Cl) PAUL HOGAN • P.M. MAGAZINE Three laid-off Michigan work· era who started over In new careers; an ln19Mew with a doctor who heals with herb&. • MOVIE "Se.11 And The Single Girl" ( 1964. Com- edy) Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood. A magazine edi- tor's plan to ruin a research psychologist's reputa- tion bacicflres when he !alls In love wi1h her. (2 hrs., 30 min.) QI BOtANIC MAN "Land 01 Opportunity" A look at New Zealands early developments of botany and animal llfe from the earty stages of the continental drift. • U.8. CHRONICLE "Nuclear Survival: Is Los Angeles Ready?" Federal, state and local gOYefn- ment emergency plans for a nuclear blast or attack are examined. ~ MOVIE "Mahogany" (1975. Drama) Diana Ross, Anthony Perkins. A young black woman rl&es from the depths ol the ghetto to International lame as a fashion designer and model. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) CB> P.T. 8AAHUM ANO HIS HUMAN OOOfT1E8 Richard Kiley hosts this doc:Umentary tr~ the car&ef of the "Greatest Showman On Earth. ' ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE ''Eye Of The Needle'' ( 1981, StJ&pe088) Oonatd Sutherland. Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German subma- rine, en Axis apy flnda aheltet from the storm In the cottage Of a young married couple. 'R' (1 hf .. 51 min.) a11r~~~~ a*> MCING ~ R008EVELT I MOVIE~et" Jean-Louis Trlntlgnant. Mar- lene Jobart. A crimlnally Insane eecapee acta u a paranoid klller or an assumed Journalist with Import· ant lntonnetlon only to become dangerous once again as he tries to eecape from his purauera. (2 tn.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el review IOm8 flltna that neertv everybod)' m'8aed the first time around. lnWdlnQ · ;tAngers,' • ''Gatee Of Heewn" and "The Onion Flefd." (A) ~~ .. (1973, AdWntuf•) Steve McOueen. Dustin Hottman. A pair of Oa\111 • taland oonvtcb eoend their time planning their 91C4J>9. (2 tn., 30mfn.) 1:315Q) MOVIE "The Young Warriors" (1967. Ora- ma) Jemes Drury, StltYe Cetteon. A tough aergaent and one of hts young, bitter reQrults rHct dlfl«entty to the hon'Of of war. (2 iw .. ) 8:46(%) OWi.EB ~ TAU<8 wm4 ... ''Donald SUtherland'' a:oo• Cl) OACU8 OF THE STAAB Twenty·thfee televtslon. ecreen and stage stats perform • variety of dating and humor°'"9 ctn=ua 9Ctl; Lindi Evant. EJlk>tt GOuld. 8ob Newhart and Brook• 8hltldt art =--~:Jn.<~~W...wumee•IUS»' iiOr ettttudt whlla bytng to get Into an atNttlo ctub.. ~~ "Detective Story'' (1961, Ol'tme) ~ 8Mnor Pllker. A Hew York Ctty dat~ •ttaicb hie wort! wttn • manl9cal -untl the eft9cta =~hie pefte)Nll, oft-dUty ... a.nd r•t (2lwa.) • au.ta: Joa6t Cotton. MtMrl Bill 8'9Yt~~1 IY.) ~~/' ~\l~ .. - I ~ I ... ---------- M ~ Thursday (continued) O> joined by a female rookie 1n his pursuit of a group ot California revolutlonarles terrorizing San Francisco 'R' ( 1 hr. 36 min.) cm MOVIE "Just Tell Me You Love Me' (1978, Comedy) Robert Hegyes. Lisa Hartman. A love- struck college drop out comes to Hawaii and links up with two people he mets at the airport ' ( 1 hr .. 30min.) (%) MOVIE "Freud" ( t963. Biography) Montgom- ery Clih, Susannah York. The young Viennese doc- tor founds the practice of psychoanalysis while studying hypnosis wilh an experimenter. (2 hrs. 20 min) 9:30 II G) GIMME A BREAK Julie, upset over not having a date for the prom. returns from a long walk with the news that she has met the man of her dreams. (A) (I) AUTO RACING "German Grand Prix" Coverage from Hockenhelm Circuit near Heidelberg (A) ( 1 hr.) 10:00 II G) HILL STREET BLUES A rookie cop over- reacts 1n a crisis, and nego11a1ions between the r,~lce union and the city are suspended. (R) ( 1 I UCDNEWS 020 120 AMERICAN ODYSSEY Leon HenderS()(I, Todd Gray and Melody Mayer's journey of 5.000 miles across the United States is chronicled. (R) ( 1 hr.) O'i) THE GAEA T RAotO COMEDIANS George Burns. Gracie Allen. Jack Benny and more rem1n· 1sce and re-create the golden era of radio comedy during the '30s and '40s. (2 hrs.) CC) MOVIE "Paplllon" (1973. Adventure) Steve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman. A pair of Devil's Island conlllcts spend their time planning their escape (2 hrs .• 35 mln) (I) BIZARRE "Abscam Camera" g MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Fisher. The 150 midgets who are In town for the Iii ming of "The Wizard Of Oz." turn a California hotel upside-down 'PG' ( 1 hr • 38 mln.J 10:30.NEWS ta SIGNATURE Guest: David Letterman. (I) FROM THE 55-YARO LINE Action highlights from the Canadian Football Lea9Lie. cm MOVIE "Coest To Coest' (1980, Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake. A runaway housewife and a scrappy trucker haullng cattle coast to coast become the target of a wild cross-country chase. 'PG' (1hr .. 34 min.) CS) MOVIE "Tim" (198 1. Drama) Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson A young retarded man and a sensitive. mid- dle-aged woman develop a close relationship of mutual need and understanding that leads to an unorthodox marriage. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 10:36@ MOVIE "Fort Apache" ( 1948, Western) John Wayne, Henry Fonda. A stubborn cavalry olfl· cer ls held responsible for rampant lndlan attaclcs against a mlht!.!}' outpost. (2 hrs .. 40 min ) 11:00 IJ II U CIJ ®)GD NEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNY HILL BOTANIC MAN "Land Of Opportunity" A look at New Zealands early developments of botany and animal life from the early stages of the continental drlh I BUSINESS REPORT ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE (R) THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The lamous group from rock's golden era perlorm their greatest hits, including "California Girls." "Surf1n' U S A " and "Barbara Ann " ( 1 hr ) (I) MOVIE "The S1ntu1 Bed" ( 1977, Fantasy) He1d1 Kramer Ken Ride A young woman's antique bed regales her with stories of the action it's seen during its hundred· year history. 'R' ( 1 hr . ?8 min ) 11·30 IJ Cl) QUINCY Los Angeles is threatened with a potential typhoid epidemic after a torrenhel rain- storm washes diseased corpses out of a hillside cemetery (R) ( t hr, 10 min ) II GD TONIGHT Guest host· JoRn Rivers Quest. Suzanne Somers. ( 1 hr ) 8 ®) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE 0 MOVIE "The Road To Denver" ( 1955, Western) John Payne, Mona Freemari Two brothers battle over the underworld boss of one of them. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Le Secret" Jean-Louis Trlntlgnant, Mat- lene Jobert. A etimlnally lflsane eecapee acta aa a paranoid killer or an aSIMJl"n9d joufnelitt with Import· ant Information onty 10 ~ dengerOUt once again at he tr• to escape tram hll purtlillf&. (2 tn~ ' .1111.-ic BIG MAN -Cocky Willis (Todd Bridges, right) becomes very hard for Arnold (Gary Coleman) to Uve with because of his determination to belong to an athletic club he is certain he'll be invited to join on "Diff'rent Strokes" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Thursday at 9 p.m. ern lifestyles. Is pursued by dangerous. unknown forces. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 «I VEGA$ Dan learns that the woman he has fallen In love with Is Las Vegas' most expensive call @_I. (R) ( 1 hr., 10 mln.) (!) t.IOV1£ "Take One False Step" ( 1949, Mystery) Wiiiiam Powell. Shetley Winters. A p<ofesaor bitten by a rabid dog tries to prove himself Innocent of a murder charge. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Homecoming" ( 1948, Romance) Clark Gable. Lana Turner. During World War II, a battle- front doctor Is distraught to find that he 1s unable to save the Ille of a wounded nurse who means a great deal 10 him. (2 hr&.) m LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CID MOVIE "It's My Turn" ( 1980. Romance) Jill Clayburgh. Michael Douglas. A brilliant Chicago math professor realizes the problems In her live-In relationship when she finds a new love while In New York for her father's remarriage. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 0 MOVIE "Get Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( 1978, Comedy) Gerard Depardleu, Patrick Dewaere. A young and optimistic husband goes ro almost unbelieveable lengths to ensure his wife's happl· ness. 'R' (1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:05()) MOVIE "Friday The 13th" ( 1980, Horror) Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King The reopening ol a summer camp, closed 20 years earlier after three murders. attracts a vindictive killer who knifes unsuspecting teen-agers 'R' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) t2:30D GI) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests. Tommy and Dick Smothers. Presldenl Reagan's barber Miiion Pitts, TV commerical archi- vist James Hall (R) ( 1 hr ) I COUPLES NEWS TOP RANK BOXING (R) MOVIE "Far From The Madding Crowd" ( 1967, Orama) Julie Christie, Terence Stamp A willful young farm girl betters herself. but destroys three men 1n the ptocess (2 hrs .. 45 min ) CO) QUINCY JONES: REFLECTIONS Patti Austin, James Ingram and "Toots" Thlelemen are among the artists performing songs with Jones from his hit album "The Dude " ( t hr . 30 min.) 12:401J Cl) MCMILLAN ANO WIFE The McMlllans era trapped In their ho1ne by a killer who 1s terrorizing San Francisco. (R) ( 1 hr , 40 min ) ©) MOVlE "The Conqueror'' ( 1956, Adventure) John Wayne. Susan Hayward. A mighty Mongot warrior kidnaps the daughter of • powerful Tartar king and eetns control of htt empif.. ( 1 hr .. 50 m1n.1 1:00• MOVI£ "~t• Comanche'' < 1ee1. w .. tem) JQMPti Cqtttri, Wllllem' ShetMI'. A .-ca off~ ....-• ~ qu..,... t>MMen • aet of _,.... ~ ... ~ilUi . ·· ............ ;r--d.t~- ):.4'! ~--~~~ -. ... research near a small Island discovers that the water contains radioactive waste responsible for physical· ly deforming the island's Inhabitants. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 1: 108 MOVIE "Tatty And The Jungle Hunter" ( 1965. Orama) Jacques Bergerac, Shary Marshall. The son of a big game hunter ventures Into the jun-~ with his pet elephant and chimp ( 1 hr . 30 min.) (JJ) NEWS 1:15@ MOVIE "Bullets Or Ballots" ( 1936. Drama) Edward G. Robinson, Joan Blondell In order to get evidence necessary for a conviction. a former detec- tive infiltrates a gang of criminals. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (%) MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" ( 1981, Come- dy) Beau Bridges, Hume Cronyn A town appears to be doomed 10 extinction when the Highway Patrol Department falls 10 build an oH ramp on the new freeway that cuts through the state. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 1:30 D 0) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:35CH) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" (1981, Fanta- sy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier Mylhlc hero Perseus is helped by his father Zeus in a series of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes ol a vengeful sea goddess 'PG' ( 1 hr . 58 min ) 1:45(1) MOVIE "Breaking Glass" ( t980. Orama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil Oaniets. A British punk pop star's lifestyle ultimately leads to tragedy. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 34 min.) 2:00 •MOVIE "Violent Road" ( 1958, Orama) Brian Kelth, Efrem Zimballst Jr Truck drivers encounter many dangerous situatioos while transporting highly e_xplOSllle rocket fuel ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) U MOVIE "Gas" (1981, Comedy) Donald Suther- land, Susan Anspach. A radio OJ and a reporter try to expose an oll magnate's plot to drive up gas pric- es icontriving an oll shortage 'A' ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 2:05 NEWS 2:20 NEWS 2:30 MORNING STRETCH m MOVIE "Mummy's Revenge" ( 1973, Horror) Paul Naschy, Jack Taylor. Supernatural events begins when a mummy searches tor a body to house his wife's soul (1 hr . 30 min.) GD NEWS 2:36(C) MOVIE "The Octagon" (1980, Adventure) Chuck Norris. Lee van Cleel. A wealthy young wom- an hires a retired mar1ial arts champion to protect her trom terrorists trained by the mysterious Nin)& cult. 'R' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 2:408NEWS 2:508 MOVIE "The Tribe" (1974, Adventure) Vic· tor French, Warren Vanders. The direct ancestor of modem man. Cro-Magnon Man. defies extinction at the hands ol the Neanderthals. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 3:0081SPY i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS BILLIARDS Minnesota Fats \IS. U J Puckett (R) U hr.) (%) MOVIE "Lumlete" ( 1976, Orama) Jeanne Moreau, Francine Racette. Four mm actresses share a vllla In the wilds of France. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 3:15(]J MOVIE "Papillon" ( 1973. Adventure) Steve McQueen. Dustin Hottman. A pair of Devil's Island convicts spend their lime planning their escape (2 hrs.. 30 min) 3:20(1) MOVIE "Loose Shoes" ( 1978, Comedy) Bill Murray. Howard Hesseman Nothing is sacred In this satirical look at HollywOod movie-making and genre lilms. 'R' (I hr .. 12 min.) 3:300 MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" (1980, Romance) Brooke Shields, Chnstopher Atkins Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote, Sou1h Pacific island and experience the pa~ of first love. 'R' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 3:40ct:tJ MOVIE "Victory" (1981 , Adventure) Sylves· tef Stallone. Michael Caine During World War II, Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German Na11onal ream In Paris 'PG' ( 1 hr. 57 min.) 3:45m MOVIE "Miracle In The Rain" (1954. Romance) Jane Wyman, Van Johnson A young soldier and a lonely woman lall 1n love only to be separated by war (2 hr& . 15 min.) 4:008 MOVIE "Terror At Midnight" (1955, Drama) Soott Brady. Joan Vohs A policeman's girlfriend becomes the victim of an e>1tortlon pJot ( 1 hi .• 30 min.) Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART ([) SPORTSCENTER 4!06 al) FUNTIME 4;2S(C) MOVIE "A Global Affair" ( 1964, Comedy) Bob Hope, LllO Pulve( A baby, found by a bachelor In the lobby of tht United Natlont, It claimed by all tht member nations. ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) ~30r.~ . .,. I OAEAM OIF JEANNIE Cl) ~'**" Cwtwe" 4:41(%) MCWlr ''Freud"' (19'3.. llqrlll)J\y} -.,, • ~.-~¥-,-...... ,..1tt;~..,,..=m·~~,..., ... ~ i't! , • • • hi . . . t ---------- (-~~-'-V~P_u_z_z_I•~~__.) DOWN 1 Mae or Adam 2 Fantasy- 3 McHale's rank 2 3 4 6 6 8 9 10 11 4 Mr Marvin 12 13 5 Bad things 6 Edgar-Poe 17 7 Plays Archie's cook 8 F1anc1s or Kyser 9 60 Minutes' essay1st:s mots 10 Lucy on Dallas 11 Miss Buckman 13 Pynchon or Munlver 19 Frances Bavler's Aunt- 21 One Day-a Time 22 Mr Gershwin 24 Bette 26 O'Toole or Strauss 28 Talk mod style 29 -Sur 32 Played Lobo 33 -. Landlord! 35 Teachers· org. 36 Played Florida 53 54 55 38 Miss Ekberg's s1gn-oll 39 Cheryl and Alan 66 57 40 No genius he 42 West and Murray 43 Bread or whiskey 44 Food fish ACROSS 46 TV -pa1tern 1.8 Shown, s1ars on The 31 Leave-to Beaver 48 Shriner ol TV Greatest American 32 Marcantel's role on 50 Cannery- Hero Nurse 53 Ham Burger. e.g 12 Parsons or Taylor 34 Barry or Kelly 55 Sun god 13 Role tor Holly Gagnier 37 WKRP ne sman 14 MISS Lyon's sogn·Ofl 38 MISS Ma raw 15 Miss Fitzgerald 41 Legal th1 g SOLUTION 16 Amtrak e g 42 Elaine or illy 17 Miss Remock's 43 Peruses monogram 45 ABA memb 18 Mr Hun1er 47 Symbol tor gold 20 Rusn and Roosevelt 48 Ne1gl'lbor of TN 22 Call--day 49 Name on nigh fashion 23 Romero or Beauy 51 -and She 25 -King Cole 52 Green Acres star 26 He plays tor pay 54 Miss Del Rio 27 -Abby 56 Mr Connery 29 Comedian Orson 57 Played Oestry 30 Neighbor of MO EMERGEICY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to hospital emergency rooms for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate· Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. lo5 FWY. o.c Airport (714) 752·6300 L EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE 4030 Birc h St .. Suite 107 Newport Beach - -5 5 150,, 5 = your first visit = - - -with this coupon - • See what we have to offer • !i·•·11"1i~ii"l;;ii itCidPJJH 111 ilillfi. c ----------·.a " ••turn with u• to ) /J©fi a@@os Distinctive Fashion T"e ctv11MP w/>6 e<JRN IN lfXINSTON, ALA, IN 1914 IF YOU 00 7~ RIGHT THING, JOI:, r'OUt'.L MA CREDIT 10 YOURSELF. THEN, IF YOU'Re A cRt:Ot r TO '/'OURSELF, YOUtL BE A CREDIT 1'0 OT'>ER PEOPI.~ roo ... FAOM CHllOHOOO THIS AO\/ICE OF Hl5 MO~R WAS A CREED Tl1AT ..JOr 1..0UtS Fou.c>wiO ~~~R FfL.L. VICTIM a= A HEART ATTA~ IN APRJL.1 "'61 "'T Aee &6. . ..... _,.,..._. Every Sunday .. <O CD N i I • --,---,-... - ! .•. N ao O> .... ~ ::J Cl ::J 0 < ~ Jenny afraid to be "O ~ seen by Ellen 0 ...J > ..... By LYNDA HIRSCH ~ ALL MY CHILDREN: Steve spots Nicole's 0: negligee in Palmer's hotel and reallies the duo are lovers. Nina aware that Cliff is opposed to her decision to stay on at Cortlandt Computer. Re- turning from her Pocono hideaway, Erica learns of Mark and Ellen's split and promises to speak to Ellen. Pam tells Ellen she chased after Mark. Aware that Sensualle is looking for a new American beauty, Erica goes to Lars, who is very distant. Jesse gets job in garment district while Jenny continues to model lingerie. While Jenny is m the back room. Ellen arrives to see some lingerie and a panicked Jenny is afraid to be seen by Ellen. When Liza's mother runs off with another man. her father goes to bring her back, so Liza moves in with Greg and Enid. As Ray and his cellmate continue to tunnel their way to freedom, they are told come Labor Day they'll be in another cell, so Ray says the digging must be stepped up. ANOTHER WORLD: With Cecille upset because she IS being depicted as a villainess in the movie, Vic agrees to rework the part. Steve and Rachel are rescued. Alice tells Rachel about her love for Steve. Doctors advise amputating Steve's leg due to gangrene. As his closest relative, Jarme must decide about the surgery. Alice believes Jamie should give his consent, but Rachel convinces him to wait. Steve and Blackhawk are on the verge of bankruptcy. Julia almost hurt when a light falls on the set. Cass handling Cecille's divorce. Alice overhears Rachel tell Steve she loves him. Alma calls Blaine with death threat. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Ariel discovers that John is only pretending to buy her expensive house. That, coupled with the fact that her "diamond" ring IS a phony, causes Ariel to vow to get even with John. David tells Annie he has mixed emollons about his divorce from Ellen being final. Annie less than happy when Ellen turns out to be Ben's date at a dinner that Annie and J eff are holding. Annie decides to be married to JeU at the Stewart house In hopes it will bring a reconciliation for Ellen and David. Steve takes Betsy to a rodeo. The two get cozy and he says that his affair with Maggie was nothing since Maggie spent all of her time trying to change him. Strange occurrences al the Stewart house (music; vases falling off the mantel and breaking and then suddenly appearing in one piece again) are causing Barbara to question her sanity. John happy that Margo is safe, but displeased with her obvious affection for Tom. CAPITOL: Lawrence moves in with Shelley, who is now cal ling herself Kelly Harper. Eavesdropping, Mark's emotionally unstable wife Paula hears him tell Sloane he never ran for president due to his wife's illnesses. Clarissa displeased when Tyler suggeats that Mark would be an ideal husband for her. Julie aees Sloane and Tyler kissing. DA VS OF OUR LIVES: As Anna's story of BACK IN LOVE -It doesn't take long for love-wounded Suzi Wyatt (Cindy Gibb) re get over an old romance and fall for handsome, wealthy Warren Carter (Michael Corbett) on NBC's daytime series. "Se.arch for Tomorrow" on KNBC (Ch. 4) weekdays at 11:30 a.m. white slavers keepmg her captive unfolds, Roman wonders if her story is true and what other secrets she is keeping. Aware that she is not providing proper care for Scotty, Trish decides to let him live with David for a while. Melissa warns Oliver that Don is going to be investigating the strange sounds and occurrences at Maggie and Mickey's house. Eugene continues working on the robot Renee tells David that Kayla has no right to be jealous and follows that up with a passionate kiss. DOCl'ORS: With patients dying from a fever ol unidentified origin. Althea is made acting chief of staff when Matt suddenly disappears. Carolee furious when Steve suggests she go on vacation rather than risk contracting the illness. Adrienne's relationship with Dr. Jean Mark Gautier confuses Jeff. Brandishing a gun, Billy warns the man he gave $7500 to that he wants the money back in exchange for the phony necklace. Paul aware that Mona and Billy know who robbed the grave. Mona disinherits Billy, saying he never was her grandson. EDGE OF NIGHT: Thinking Troy is packing a gun, Calvin knocks him out during search. Lat.er, Troy's "weapon" turns out to be merely an earphone radio. Calvin is then forced to take a leave of absence and Loomis is assigned as Damien's partner. Didi furious when Calvin suggests they see each other now that Stan is pregnant with another man's baby. Sky throws a big party and Raven crashes with Derek as her date. Jodie decides she must he-Ip the people of F.den. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Scorpio believes he knows why the lab technfCllll\ was killed, but Luke doesn't believe the story. Luke, unaware that the shale which tested positive ls from Texas, not Holly's dump site, opens trust account for oil lnvestors. The real geolc>gist Van Gelder is corn1ng to Port Charles to give a lecture. When Heather RANCI&- returns to hospital after a week-long disappearance, Steve {ires her. Susan informs Heather she cannot stay at cottage for free and that she must start doing the laundry for l\er keep. DemJey adds Scotty to list of people to be "wasted." Noah runs into Tiffany and an old movie friend, Tom Clark. His obvious jealousy makes Tiffany happy. Monica and Alan realize Susan not pregnant. They agree to marriage counseling to help deflect Susan's lawsuit, but Gail, serving as their counselor, hopes the venture will bring them together. GUIDING LIGHT: Morgan tells Jos 1 h his presence in St. Croix has made her see a gentle side of him she never suspected. Back m Springfield. Hillary urges Kelly to work things out with Morgan. Mrs. Renfield catches Helena on the third floor of the mansion. Mrs. Renfield wants to throw Helena out, but Quint calls Crom London and insits Helena must stay on. Suddenly the call is disconnected. Jennifer confused when Mark insists that his mother not be told of their marriage. The locket which Mark claimed was his mother's when he gave it to Jennifer really belonged to a former girlfriend. Still missing Jackie, Justin comes home. Tony and Vanessa arguing over money spent on Wired for Sound. Silas calls Mrs. Renfield and says he's holding Nola. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Fearing Mary will be destroyed in custody battle, Jenny decides to give Mary to Katrina. Brad furious, especially when Katrina decides to take Mary away for a while. Euphemia tells Drew they will continue with their plot to get even with Asa for his misdeeds of 30 years ago. Rudy Lavasso is signed to star in movie. Cassie wins part after screen Lest. Edwina and Marro pressed for e nding of movie mystery. Pat accepts Tony's prop:>sal when he agrees to stay in Lian view RYAN'S HOPE: Mitch Bronski not certain Joe through with the underworld. Orson offers to lull Joe for China in exchange for exit from country. Kim Jealous of Amanda's closeness with Kirk. At party, Kim gets smashed and falls down flight of stairs. Joh,n thrilled that Siobhan has returned to police academy. The twosome have a truce, but it ends when John starts in on Joe. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Travis finding it hard to believe the man who claims to be his father and his tale of double-agentry. Warren·s business assistant Ringo arrives in town Warren warns Ringo to stay clear of Suzi. Martin and Stephanie start their gambling scam as Lee and ~unny, disguised as maintenance people, assist. Wendy and Keith's picnic spoiled oy Andy's presence. TEXAS: Joel's eyesight restored through surgery. Although he professes his love for Lurlene, he decides to move in with Mark. Lurlene takes this as a sign that Joel no longer wants or needs her. Ashley .,.ams Justin there is no way he will get custody of Gregory Rena and Ashley have a confrontation at the hospital with neither winning. Kate unable to show any sympathy toward Justin. Billy Joe's TV gossip reporter Stella is hitting too close to home with her items, causing fear that Billy Joe may quit the show YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Paul sent out to do shady job for DeSalvo, but rejects Andy's suggestion that he take gun for protection. Robert takes his daughter Angela to see Leslie in concert. On her wedding day, Laurie leaves Victor a goodbye note and plans to take the Prentiss [ndustry stocks to Lance. Tracy continues answering Orulny's fan mail and hopes that thL, wilt bnng them together. -, ---------------------------J----------------------...,~ ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------17 ( ____ L_e_t_t_e_r_s _____ ) l\1odel to lantpoon next vacation tinte ON THE BRINK -Witb so many models tumlnic to actln~, bow come my favorite, Christle Brinkley, hasn t done anything yet? She'd kill Brooke Shields. Ms. Brinkley is at this very moment getting ready to put to use her talent for stuffing a wild bikini in ''National Lampoon's Vacation." T he Warner Bros. release should be in theaters next bikini season. BASIC TRAINING -Whatever happened to Gary Coleman's movie "On the Rigbt Track"? The little guy's big-screen efforts have failed to match the success of "Diff'rent Strokes." "On the Right Track" was derailed aft.er a limited stint in movie theaters and has recently turned up on cable. You can expect to see it on one of the networks next year. THE MAX FACTOR -Please tell me If Maxwell Caulfield or "Grease II" is married. If so, to whom? • After the bad reviews and meager box office results came in for "Grease Il" Caulfield went home to cry on the shoulder of wife Juliet Mills. You may recall her as the star of TV's "Nanny and the Professor." BARBI'S BEAU -I saw Barbi Benton on "Tattletales" a while back and was surprised to see her teamed with an older gentleman other than Hugh Hefner. Isn't she married to Hefner? Bent.on was Hef's favorite pin-up for many years, but when it came time for marriage she chose another multi-millionaire (the girl's not dumb) - the other "older gentleman," George Gradow. HORSING AROUND -I bet my wife that I Use ,,,,_,At/ service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your c onvenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only $5 .00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad ca 11 642-5678. . . . •• I (-~~\¥-o~rd~G~o-"'-•~~-) Fl LL llJ nu: Ml~SING l.Eif€r?S ltJ ,...He \\ rv WORDS" BELOW. I I IGIAINISI IHIEI IOI ISi I IAITIEI I IMI ITIHI ~v ! I 111 R1 I OISI 18101 l",4~ I 1 IOI CIKI F I~ I I J~'fffAfJf4?'' f ~ REAR£NJG€ IHE fllt5 I/ ) :, t..ETI'~S You FILLED It-> .; 110 Sf'f;ll IHE: IJAM.€ ~ A ~ </OUN6 AC'f?)R : ~ saw the movie "Rodeo Girl" some time prior to Hs JllDe %ad airing on TV. I don't remember if I saw It on TV or lD tile tlleater, but hope you can belp. Lots of cabbage ls at state. Your wife has just suffered a serious crop loss. The Katharine Ross film first aired on NBC in 1981; the June telecast was a repeat. Although it was made for theatrical distribution, it was never released, but sold directly to TV. DEJA-VIEW -Wbere have I seen Henry Tbomas, die yoUAg boy lD "E.T."? I'm certaln I saw bim In a film last year, bat can't tklnll what. The 10-year-old played Sissy Spacek's older son in "Raggedy Man" last year. l\cNE PnoeLEMS?? • Do something GOOD for your skin .... • Call for FREE analysis! 675-0727 Babor Kosmetlk Depot •••••••••• Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer ... CALL64MJOO I For eo.,1 ... 1., c. n ...... WISTCUFf C .. IONACTIC OHICI Dr ...... A.~ J04J w .. tclff Dr .. Wt. IN ..~ ... ,_c.M ... 1,. ........ Mott lntural'IOl9~9CI ~ Ol .... What was Dawson's~ -;; ::> name at Stalag 13? ~ By W. WILSON CASEY ~ CcllMer ..._ ..,._ -0 1. Richard Dawson of "Family Feud" fame also ;t acted earlier in the series, "Hogan's Heroes." Bob Crane starred as his commanding officer, Colonel Hogan. What was Dawson's name as a prisoner at Stalag 13 under the command of Colonel Klink? 2. Who s tarre d as Katy on "Farmer's Daughter?" 3. What was Freddie Prinz's race on "Chico and - the Man?" Prinz starred as the enterprising Chico !2 while Jack Albertson starred as a sour garage 0: owner. 4. Name the com edy. Clues ... The Washington Americans baseball team ... Rhino ... Pinky ... Off-the-field antics ... Starred former big-leaguer Jim Bouton ... Ben Davidson . . . Bill McCutcheon. 5. Where did the three waitresses Alice, Flo and Vera work on the comedy series, "Alice?" Vic Tayback played the role o f their boss in this Phoenix setting. 6. What was Yoyo as played by John Schuck on the comedy, "Holmes and Yoyo?" Richard B. Shull also starred as the not-terribly-bright Alexander Holmes. ANSWERS: 1. Newkirk 2. Inger Stevens 3. Chicano 4. Ball Four 5. Mel's Diner 6. Robot compu ter in the shape of a man designed to catch crooks TV Teasers are available in the book , "TV Trivia Quiz," which includes more than 300 questions and is available for $3 lrom Case Co., 101 La.layette St., Spartanburg, SC 29303. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1h Price 01: Al Sundaes Banana Splits All Ice Cream Cones Al Pints I Quarts , .. '·' '• . '· ~- 18 N Cl) Q) ..... c? i; :::J a :::J < ~ CD "O .::: u.. ..: G> "O c G> ~ i ~ ~ a: (-~~'"-•_ld_•_r_v~~-) 'Camelot' is coming to pay television By JERRY BUCK UT~W,._ LOS ANGELF.S -Richard Harris, a battle- hardened .veteran of movies and the stage, was apprehensive when he was asked to bring his role as King Arthur in "Camelot" to pay television. ''The usual way to shoot these things is to bring in five cameras and cover everything," he says. "They didn't do It that way. The play was resiaged and they brought in cameras and cranes and shot it like a movie. Instead of taking four or five days, we took 14. "It came out beautifully." The elaborate m usical production, taped at the Winter Garden Theater in New York, will make its first appearance on Home Box Office on Sept. 26. It is part of a growing list of stage productions that are being adapted for pay and cable television , as well as original productions that are bypassing the theater and going straight tD the home screen. Harris had played the King Arthur role, created on the Broadway stage by Richard Burton, in the 1967 movie, and had taken over the role from Burton in the stage revival 13 months ago. His only previow television experience had been in "The Snow Gooee" for the "Halhnark Hall of Fame." "Camelot'' opened on Broadway in December 1960, shortly after the election of President John F. Kennedy, and it became an unofficial anthem of hi.s administration. It's a huge and emotionlly charged production about love and chivalry and an enchanted kingdom. Harris, who had starred in ''The Wild Geese" with Burton, flew from his home in the Bahamas for Burton's second opening of t he show o n Broadway two years ago. Burton played in it for 10 months, then was forced out by rune.. Harris took over, agreeing to remain only eight weeka. "This show looks great," says Harris over breakfast in his bungalow at the Bel Air Hotel. He was in Loe Angeles to dub the sound. "It's been years since I've been ao excited about anything. I think as you get older the glitter wears off and you don't become excited. The last four or five years I've really been disinterested in work. ™!1gs wer_en't that exciting. It was an emotional rebirth to discover that I could get excited about my work again. . ''Thia was ~y finrt time on the legitimate stage m.nce 1964 and it's opened up a whole thing -a forgotten paradiae. I have very little ambition to do any more movies. I just fini.shed 'A Man Called HOl"9e, Part ill.' I've got four Broadway oilers and Sports Highlights From Page 6 (11) BASEBAU Boston Red Sox at Canfomla Ala (3 hrs.) 8:00 SPORTSCENTER 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (R) 11:00 NASL WEEKLY (R) 11:30 SPORTSCENTER 11:36 BASEBALL Montreal Expos at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 12:30(!) wc:r T£NN18 "C811fomla Classlo" Coverage of the flnal round from LaCo8ta, Calif. (R) (3 hrs.) 1:36(11) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tlm McCarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. 4:00 (I) SPORTSCENTER Richard Harris while in Los Angeles to dub the sound for his role as King Arthur in "Camelot, " two movie offers. I'm more excited about the theater." Harris is a tall, lean man, whoee long yellow hair ia thinning on tDp. He has a thin face, a long jaw and a sprawling noee that looks like It's been broken. His skin ls very white. He wean a red and white sweater, white pants and boots. The actor, who retains his Irish dtiz.enahip despite his residence in the Bahamas, says he had made a detour ii\ his career. "That detour was making movies and I've never gotten back on the highway.'' he says. "I've made myself a promiae that by the time I'm 80 I'll h ave done all the clasaicaJ roles. 'Hamlet,' 'Macbeth.' 'Coriolanus' and 'Oedipus Rex.' "I'm 51 now, a young 51 full of energy. I've got time for all lhoee roles. Then when I hit 60 I want tD do 'King Lear' and Prospero in 'The Tempest.' [ wanl to be remm>bered for lhe big roJes." Harris saya, "You can get carried away and forget your natural talents. This sounds very pompous, but you forget the natural gift you're given." York Yankees of the • 30s vs '56 World Champion New York Yank._ 8;00 (I) 8PORT8C9ITER 8:00 Cl) STRONGEST MAN IN FOOTBALL COMPE- TmON 11:00 Cl) 8PORT8FORUM 11:05Gll BASEBALL Montreal Expos al Atlanta Btaves (3 hrs.) 11:30(1) SPORTSCENTER 12:30(1) AUTO RACING "German Grand Prix" Cov· erage from Hockenhelm Circuit near Heidelberg. (R)_Jt hr.) 1:30(1) AUTO RACfNG "IMSA Kelly Challenge" Cov•age of Iha Memorial Day event from Ume ~Ct. (R) (1hr .. 30 min.) 3:00 ~ 8'LL~RD8 Luther La88iter vs. CowbOy Jim· my Moore (R) ( 1 hr.) 4:00(1) SPOA'tSCENfER . . .Fall season From Page 3 hope they'll give the fee ling that w e have tremendous confidence in our product," Sohrner said in a telephone chat last week. While admitting that Enuny nominations are not as prestigious as the awards themselves, Sohmer said he hopes the new spots will help identify some of NBC'~ more creative programs. The awards garnered last year by "Hill Street Blues" were creclited with helping turn that series intD a ratings powerhouse. The network hopes the same thing will happen this year with "Fame," which is now just holding its own in the ratings. ("Fame" collected 12 Emmy nominations lut week). Sohmer has high hopes for "Cheers," the new Thursday night comedy from the makers of "Taxi," which also moves tD NBC on Thursdays this fall. Although Thursday may turn out to be NBC's stro! .. est night, Sohmer is confident about the en NBC fall line-up, a view that ShoUldn't be surp ing coming from the network promotions chief. "I think this network has had the best development season I've seen in six years in the business," he said. "l think we're going to be stronser and more competitive." ... SummerFest From Pagel classical greats such as Leonard Bernstein1 • PJ.acido Dqmingo, Yehudi Menuhin and Rudolph Nureyev. Another highlight of SummerFest week will be the presentation of three popular National Geographic specials on sharks, polar bears and gorillas on Wednesday, bel(inning at 7:45 p.m. At 7:45 p.m. Thursday, the station will repeat the z.any tribute to the most celebrated comedy team in movie Jtistory: 'The Marx Brothers in a Nutshell." On Saturday, Aug. 21 at 7:15 p.m., Channel 50 will present its first broadcast of "The Alltime American Songbook," hosted by Dinah Shore, with guests Judy Collins, Sergio Franchi and Melba Moore. Several celebrities will be on hand to lead the station's fund-raising efforts: 12:30(1) NBA BA8KETBALL Coverage of the All-Star team's lntruquad game lrom China. (A) (2 hrs.) 2:30(1) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Fitzroy vs. Richmond (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 4:00(E FROM THE 56-YARO LINE Action highlights from the Cenadlan Football Leegue. 4:30 • Nfl FOOTBAU "Prtt-Season Game" Clev&- land Browna vs. Loe Angeles Rams (3 hrs.) CE 8PORT8CENTEA 6:00~PORT8FORUM 5t30 BASEBALL San Diego Padree at St. Louis Card 118 (2 hta., 30 min.) Cl) RACOUETBAU "Men's International Cham-plOnshlps" EVENING 8:00(1) TOP RANK BOXJNG Live coverage from Las v~. Nev. (2 hra .. 30 min.) 7:30• THEY'RE HERE: LA. RAtOEM '82 Ted Oeweon and Joanne llhlmlne co-hoet a report on the L~ Angeln Rald«a lnclUdlng Interviews with Al Dlvtl. coach Tom Flor• and quarterback Jim Plunkett. lt30~~ A006EVELT 8:~(1) MJTO RACING "German Grand Prix" Cov· erage from Hocktnhelm Circuit nur Heldelberg. (R)_Jt ht.) 10:30(1) FROM THE 66--YAAO LINE AetlOn hlghlighl9 from the c.n.dlan Football League. 11:00 AU.-eTAR 8POAT8 CHAU.ENGE (R) 11:30 8POAT8CEHTER 12;30 TOP fWI< 80XJNQ (R) _,,,\Al • l!MCl9 ~ fJ.I~ ..,._ U.J Puc«ett ~Rlli~~~·~~ ~ lllllf CUIT lllTlllTll 1111:1 /flllllll llllD f l{l1 11\1 /'\ll(olJ',·1 1 I 1" ORANGE COUNlV. C ALI F-OH NI A ;·, •.t NI " HOSING H E R HORSE Heather Ross. 12, knows what "Bran d y" likes best on a hot summer afternoon. She provided Dally Pllol Photo by RichMd Koett• the shower at stables in Laguna Canyon and probably c:Lidn't mind any splash es that came her way. Lefties demand rights Southpaws celebrate 'the ir day' today By JOEL C. DON Of lhe Dally P11ol Steff Thts is a day of t·aution, oC evil, o f impending doom Friday united with the numbl'r 13 wreak s havoc with our superstitions and fears o f all lhmgs that go bump in the night While some feel lumps rise an the throat at the sight of ladders, broken mirrors and lurk.mg black cats, another estimated 33 miUion A mericans live daily with a pre ference an manual dexterity that has longtime been associated with bad omens and danger These people are left-handers. southpaws for you sports lovers In past days. 1t was the bane of any schoolchild to develup poor Teens seized in Cypress school fire Two teen-agi.>rs have bN•n arrested 1n c·onnection w11h a $385,000 arson firt! that destroyed eight classrooms at a Cypress elementary school A rrested Thursda y wt•rt· Ruben Barqumc•ro Cebnero, 18, of Buena Park. and a 17-year old male whose name was not released becaus..• of his age. said Cypress police Sgt Larry Bandy Cebriero was booked at Orange County Jail for investigation of arson , and the 1uvenile. a Cyprl'SS resident. was released to his parents pending further proceedings. Bandy said The arrests followed a Joint investigation into the Aug 5 blaze b y poli ce and f1rr departme,nt arson investigators habits Many an adult lefty today can pull a list out uf a left ooc ket o f coursl' of the seeming unrelenting confrontations with r1ght-hand~>d teachers So It comes as no accident that Lefthande rs lnternatlonal, a group supporting the lefts (not rights , heavens') o f all southpaws, has designated today, Friday the 13th. as International Lehhander.. Day I f t h e y h a d t h l' 1 r w a y lawmakers throughout the country would be fighting for an Equal Lefts Amendment to the Constitution, traffic laws that pemut left turns on red and the Left to Life movement, which expresses their angst on the aboruon LSSUe In the meantime. most lefl- handers would settle for a pair of scissors. a s lot mach ine, can opent>r or doorknob that workf'd on their side o f the d1'xterity ISee LEF'T, Page A2) Valley to close police cri01e lab By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 It.. Delly Pllo1 Sleft Fountain Valley's police cnmt• lab ts closing, a v1cum of city belt ughtt>nmg D u r 1 n g l 9 H 2 R :1 b u d g e t delib<'rations. the fountain Valley C1 ly Council dt'C1ded It could no longer JUst1fy the $50,- 000 annual cost of operating a local crime lab, when such 'K'rvll'l' 1~ offered to C'lll<'S by the 0 rang l· Count) Sh f' r 1 ff·::. Department at no l·harge Fount.am Valley Police Capt.am Bill DeN1s1 said dismantli ng of the city's police lab sho uld be completed by the e nd of August. He said eVldence from Fountain Valley cases 1s already being sent to the shenff's lab A c1vthan cnnunahst who has been operatmg the lab w11J be out of work when the local fac1hty 1s closed. DeNts1 said · Orange County c1t1es use the c;henff's lab for scientific work. (The exceptions are the police departments o f Huntington Beach and Santa Ana, which have full labs.) He said thl' maJOr drawback m using the sheriff's lab will be that Fountam VaUey will have to wait in I.me with requests from <See VALLEY, Page A%) huule launc hing e t for Nov. 11 CAPE CA NAVERA L, Fla (AP) -Preparations are on schedule for a Nov 11 launch for the space shuttle Columbia's first operational flight, a National Aeronautics and Space Administration official says. Dogs to get shots in FV Low-cost ant1-rab1es vacc1nauon chnit for dogs will be held from 7 to 8 30 p.m T h ursday at the Fountain Valley R ecreation Cent.er, 16400 Brookhurst St . State and local laws require that all dog 4 months old or o lder must be vaccinat ed against rabies. The cost of vaccinauons at the clinic will be $3 per dog. LK-en.ses also will be available. The clinic wiU be conducted by members of th e South ern California Veterinary Medical Association. Weapons base neighbors 'fear for lives' About 50 Seal Beach residents have claimed t h e ir lives and weU-bemg are being threatened by the U .S . Naval Wea pons Station 1n the city. The residents asse rted Thursday they "know" nuclear w eapons are being unloaded Crom Navy war sh ips and are stored m underground bunkers at the weapons station Some say they live in constant fear "W e've all suffered psychologically," on e woman said "I wake up at night and ask myself 1f I am alive or dead. It hurts to live here." The residents, members o f the Seal Beach Nuc lear Action Group, poured out their concerns to Michael P Omo, an auditor with the U .S . General Accounting Office D ino 1s one of fou r G AO offi ci al s co n duct1 11 g an invest1gat1on of the safety of the station at the request of Sen. Alan Cranston , D-CaJjfom1a The Seal Beach School District had urged Cranston to seek the inquiry Dino attended a me€ting at the Seal Beach Senior Citizen Center to receive concerns to help determine which safety aspects the in vestigating team will explore The investigation also 1s a foUowup to a 1975 GAO report o n base safe ty It also will evaluate a 1978 Navy study on ordinance facilities, Omo said The report will be forwarded to Cranston when completed. Residents raised a number of concerns: -Monitoring of waler and soil samples for rad1oact1v1ty (They said the city water supply comes from the base.) -Safety of the w eapons station 1n case of an earthquakt:- or airplane crash. -Monitoring of storage of hazardous wastes from nuclear powered vessels. -Dangers from explOS1on of w eapons at loading docks at Anaheim Bay • D isaster preparedness dt'ahng with accidents relating to "nuclear" storage. (See SEAL, Page A%) Restoration loans OK'd in Valley The Bank o f America has r(•ncwed its agreement with the city o f Fo untain Valley to provide up to $100,000 in local home revital izati on and resto ration loans. In th is program , federal H ousi ng and Community Development funds allocated to the city are to be used to decrease the interest charges on loans used for n e w roo fs . wiring and plumbing repairs and other home improvements. Karen Polak, financial services officer at the bank's Fountain Valley office, said the bank cu rrently c harges 19 to 22 percent inte r es t on h o me improvement loans. The federal funds allocated to the city, however, are used to subs1d1ze this interest charge. As a result, h o meo wners who qualify for the program pay only B percent interest, Ms. Polak said. The bank also adm inisters dl'ferred repayment loans, in which money from the city's federal grant ts loaned directly to a low -income homeowne r . In these cases. the money is no t repaid until the home is sold at a later date Don Con traman, a Fountain Valley cit y planner, said the program has been operatmg for about t h ree years. bu t the response has been slow. Fewer th a n o n P dozen o f the low interest home improvement loans have been made locally, he said Contraman added, however, that such programs have started slowly 1n o ther cities and generaUy pick up st.earn through (See HOME. Page AZ ) Gas display in Huntington The Southern Califorrua Gas Company's h ome efficiency center is on d isplay through Thursday in Huntington Beach. The center is staffed by a gas company conservation spec1alist. Information 1s available on the rising cost o f natural gas , insulation, weatherization in the home. solar sys t e m s and C.'onservation tips. An enh~bu ilding. which contained e ht classrooms, wac; destroyed in e fire at Vessels l Elementary ool in Cypress. located 22 mlles lloutheast of Los Ange les, Bandy said "lt was basically a question of dollars and cents, ' he said 'When a city has shrinking revenues. decisions have to be made about where to cut ... And. while work is going "a little slow" o n Challenger. NASA's newest orbiter, officials still hope 1t will blast off in January as scheduled. Jim H arrington, head o f NASA orbiter operations. tokl reporters Thursday APWl~o INSPECTING TROOPS -Secretary of Defense Caspar We inberger observes water survival training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego with Drill Sgt. Donald Wilburn. It was Weinberger 's first v isit to lht> military installation since h is appointment. The public 1s invited to visit the cente r at H o me Federal Savmgs and Loan. 15091 Golden- west St., Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m ., Friday, 11 am to 6 p.m . and Saturday, 9 am to 1 p.m. ~ l l DeN1s1 noted that nearly all WORLD Lebanese Parliament sets vote BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -A s I s raeli divebombers plastered west Beirut, the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament scheduled a presidential e lection for Aug 19. But most Moslem politicians are opposed to voting under the guns of Israel's invasion army NATION C LEVELAND (AP) -A 7-year-old boy with "a mean expression on his face" tried to rob a fried ch icken franchise at knifepoint while his ~-year-old brother stood guard outside. police said. Designer food could be next fad Designer jeans, designer furniture, designe r shoes, designer d.reaes. How about designer food? See Art Hoppe, Page A 7. .J COUNTY Mesa eyes housing for seniors Costa Mesa Is considering changing the planned use of a vacant parcel from low-income housing to senior-citizen housing. Page Bl. Music highlights art f estiYal With numerous art works still the star of the show , the Laguna Beach Festival of Art will spotligh t music for the next week. Weekender. TELEVISION KOCE looks behind 'Superman' KOCE Channel 50 in Huntington Beach wUl explore behind the scenes of "The Making of S upennan: The Movie" durlna SummerFest '82. the station'• fund-ralalna effort. TV Log . INDEX A4 83-5 A7 Dl-6 C6 C6 C7 A6 At ../our Service Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Croeaw ord ~th Notices F.dltorial Entertainment Gardening Weekender C5 A7 Art Hoppe SPORTS Horoecope A 7 Ann Landers A7 Movieti Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public Notices B3-4.C5,C7 Sporu Cl-4 Dr. Stelncrohn A7 Televisfori TV Log Theatera Weekender Weather A2 World Ne ws A3 Angels,' Dodgers stay on top The Angela and Dodgers poet victories to stay atop their respective divisions. Page C 1. \ ' I ., ' .u lher dU.. Ho Mid the averap mmu~Kui.UKI tJ~ 1n obWnlna lab pan. from the 1herlff1 ladllty located ln Sant.a Ana) la about WO wteka. The Fountain Valley captain d a aecond resuJ t wW be the Flom of cloee C'Qn.ultatlon between ocal Investigators and the lab orker. . I Flnaerprlnt work , ff>hotography proce11lng and ,, microllcope uae will atlll be done by Fountain Valley officers, but all "wet chemistry" analyaes w1U be handled by the Sherlfrs lab. • • In all but the tnOll COf'QPl.laat.:l and 1eriou1 cuH, evldence collection wlll continue to be done IOlely by Fountain Valley crime 8Cene inves\lpton. DeNlai noted ~t althouah the crime lab waa ellmlnatecl, the City Council did not cut the number of sworn offlcen (~9) ln the Fountain Valley department. A city police station slated for conatruction has been des!~ to aocommodate a crime lab if the city's financial picttire improves In future years. Plans, however, call for no initial construction of a crime lab in the station. HOME IMPROVEMENTS. • • 'word-of-mouth reports. Although much of the city's housing is relatively new, he said the goal is to catch signa of home deterioration early and to help keep neighborhood property values high "You'd be surpriaed to aee the amount of housing here that's in need of rehabilitation," he said. Contraman said the deferred repayment loans are only made to bring homes with plumbing, roof or wiring deficiencies up to Jocal safety codes. These loans ,are made primarily to residents µnable to m a k e monthly payments, such as an elderly SEAL BEACH -Evacuation plan. -Evaluation of psycholog1caJ damage to residents. -Monitoring of the health or wildlife at the preserve on the base. -Possibility of terrorist- attackB. The GAO investigation follows the dismissal in May of a lawsuit filed by six residents. h omeowner with a limited income. He said the guidelines for the subsidized 8 percent home improvement loans are more flexible. These funds can be uaed to build an additional room onto a house to ease overcrowding. Loan applicants are screened by city officials before they are referred to the bank. O:mtraman said the loans are earmarked for low and moderate tnrome homeowners. He said the city has many families with a single head of the household who may qualify for the federal assistance. The six attempted to force the Navy to mak~ environmental studies on the impact to the city of conventional and nuclear weapons. But a federal judge ruJed that the presence or absence o f nuclear weapons was a military secret and that the Navy didn't have to address the issue LEFT HANDED. • • s pectrum. The Topeka-based left-handers group encourages manufacturers to left the wrongs m many of their products. Oh, for the day when a lefty doesn't have to worry about pumping quarters into the wrong washinR machine. Said one southpaw on the occasion of the "lefteous" day: "We get our revenge by walking down buffet lines and leaving the serving spoons on the left side." 25 flee blaze at UCLA fraternity LOS ANGELES (AP) ·- About 25 people fled a fraternity house adJacen t to UCLA 'q Westwood campus when a blaze broke out on the top floor today, city hre offlc1als said. Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Steve Ventura said no injuries were reported. He said the fire at the Zeta Psi house was reported at about 4:15 a.m. and was extinguished about 20 minu t.es later. Robbery, car theft probed Pollce in Cotta Meaa were &• • r ch l n I today for a beapectac:led hltchblker who robbed an Ocana• man at 1\11\po(J\t Thwtdey and stole h1a mr Police u.ld Wiley Lawrence Llabthall, 32c... picked up the hl\chhlktr at tteach Boulevard a.nd KaWla Avenue in Stanton at about 2 p.m. and offered to drive him home. The man police aeek la de9crtbed u 26 to 35, 5 feet 10, 176 pounda. He waa wearing a Pendleton-atyle flannel ahirt, glusee and a red baseball hat and uked to be dropped off al Mesa Verde Villa apartments at 1555 Mesa Verde Drive East, police report. Lighthall told police that he turned to tell the man to have a nice day, when his rider pulled a blue at.eel .22-caliber pistol and ordered Lighthall to empty his pockets and get out of the car. About $29 was taken in the robbery. Lighthall watched. as the gunman drove off in his 1979 maroon Thunderbird, he told police. Seminar set on burglary in Huntington Huntington Beach police and the Neighbor hood W atch Organization will conduct a burglary prevention information program at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Murdy Community Center, 7000 Norma Drive. The program is free and open to the public. The meeting is targeted for the area bounded by Slater Avenue, Goldenwest Street, Heil Avenue and Magnolia Street. According to police, 30 residential burglaries have been reported in this area over the past two months. Police De tective Richard Hooper will discuss crime prevention tec hniques. Free crime prevention literature will be available . Plane collision still unexplained WASHINGTON (AP) -The Air Lane Pilots Association says that newly issued findings by the National Transportation Safety Board still do not fully explain the cause of the mid-air collision of two planes over S"an Diego in 1978. Warrne·r Saturday <..:oa.-.tal Low cl ouds pravall tod•y lllrough early 1llernoon then becoming sunny and warmer High• at ttwl t>eachet 68 to 72 and Inland aru1 715 10 80 Low cloud• ton'Oht with ove<nlghl Iowa of 83 to 67 Low clouoe remain during morning h ours S11ur d 1 y b ecomi ng aunny In e1rly ahemoon High• S111urday at IM beachH 70 to H and lnllnd .,. ... 78 10 8.4 Elaewh•re. l rom P oint Conception to Ille Mearcan bo<der .,,d OYI 80 mllea L'll"I variable llllnde b«omlng -1 to IOUlhWHI 8 10 15 knoll '"'' elletnoon. With toulrlwftl ......,. ol 2 lo 3 l •et Sm111 cr1fl wemlng1 ewer out.,. w11.,.. with non"-1 wtnde 12 10 25 11not1 end 4 to 8 1001 .... Low cloud• tlHough tonight with partlel CIMt1ng S.turday allernoon LJ •. fli. SUlllllUlry Thur>det1torm1 during 019 night deluged Ille KanNI City .,... 'Mlh more 1han a loot or rain, lon:lng dQten• of P9(>Ple to ...,ecuete lhefr homee end drowning at aea.1 two CMtOPI• •• wller poured acrou 1treet1 up 10 10 reel d••P In ,1)18oM. The KantH Clly ralne -• P9f1 ol • continuing panem of .no-. and lhund•r11orm1 acell•r•d ttvoughou1 the nation Rmln wN telling 81 Ille rete of 2 10 3 lncti. an hour ••rly I O<ley In '9.rt• of nor1/lwe11 Mleeoorl end ·fluh flood -an1noa-. po91eo In-' counll• In Net><•• In I~, I c:omrnurtlty "'91 Wit of ~ City, •• leMt two howee -· ewec>I Oii tMlf foundation. by flood wal .... from ,Aodt er... 11\d lboul 40 f.,,,.... we<• ev1euel•d lrom 1 mobile • home pw1c when the Litt le Blue Rt'<'9f left tt1 b1nk1, Maj S/\arwton ·Cr-Mtd : The -lllef Mrvlce Nld 12.11 Inch" of rein •H reported In 'Raytown, I 9Uburb eN1 of K- Cl?'empereture1 before d awn .tenged lrom 43 11 S1u11 Ste. ,Merle, Mich . 10 1111 •I Del flUo, r-t--------~~~~_,,.- 'Ca lifornia ; The N81tonll WMlher 8en1ce :,ee ye 8ou1hern Calllornl•'• 'WMt'* eholJlcl be Ill< Sllurdey I With ~ low cloud• Ind • ~of.,.._. .,wt~ Lthunderellowere In aouthern 1~9'ld~llf-. . ...,.. • ,.,. from 12 In Loe ~ to "1r1 °""' v~. fl'Oftl Te IO 91 In ~ .,_, .. to*ln~---IO ..... ...... ----. ' Tl'niperatur es The For.c.11 For I p.m. EDT f'eln. Saturday, August U NATIOH • T ..... Shower9 HI Lo Pei> Albany 75 47 Alt>vque 93 67 AnchOrage 63 .... Atlanta 67 68 Atlante Cly 77 56 Auelln 97 76 B11Umo<e 79 61 24 Blrmtnghm 68 70 Blemuc;k 83 82 08 · Bolee 82 4g Botton 70 155 Bullllo 70 49 01 Burlfnilton 74 56 Cherll1n SC g2 78 .34 Cherl1tn WV 75 57 Cl\ltlne NC 85 89 62 ~Ml 65 59 ClllCIQO 74 47 Clnelnnau 78 S4 CleYeland 73 4e Clmb11 SC 86 71 18 Columbu• 75 •9 O.i-FI Wlh 99 75 01}'1on 75 51 OenY« 86 81 28 Dee Mol~ 7• 56 Detroit 75 46 Duk.Ith 70 43 El Puo 93 71 Fllrb1nk1 69 42 F1rgo 73 59 .02 Fl1g1t1!1 87 S4 .56 Greel Falls 71 51 .03 Hartlor<l 78 81 02 Helen• 77 48 07 Honolulu 88 77 Hou II on 92 eo lnd,,.plll 78 52 J~an 158 72 JIQ\envt .. g5 73 Kane City 74 83 2 35 Kndllvtlle 113 71 LM Vegae g1 77 Uttle Rocle 80 118 Lou19v1"41 77 56 Memphi9 115 71 Miami II& 79 01 .............. 70 51 M~SIP 78 52 NUhYllle 113 lie PMw°""'1• 119 72 01 N9w Yonc Not104k Olcla City OmMa Or1ando Phlledphl1 Phoenix Plttsbur11h Ptlalld, M• Piiand, Ore Provklenoe Reno Hlohmond Sill Lake 81111 Antonio S..llle Shrevepo<1 Sioux flJl1 SI LOYll St P·Tampa Spoic- Syrec:we Tope111 Tuceon TulM WMlllngtn Wlehlta 0 80 79 112 73 71 95 73 70 5g g1 73 711 59 g1 77 73 56 71 52 75 56 73 63 87 '43 77 85 158 06 ge 77 eg 58 93 73 7' 58 71 56 69 73 711 55 eg 50 75 lltl 117 71 g9 12 80 83 100 ea C ALlf'OttNIA 8ak .... fleld Blylhe Eurelca Freeno lancatl ... 92 87 52 Loe Angelee 711 155 Mlt)'tvllle g4 25 Monterey 72 Oi&lllanct 75 35 Paao Rob ... 81 51 58 Red 81utt 95 II! Redwood City 80 5~ Secr1men10 g1 5t ~1lln11 115 52 06 an ()jego 75 158 S1nta Marla 89 .23 Stockton g4 5~ 06 The<mel 97 Ukleh 91 B11r11ow 96 78 07 Big Bear 81 45 Bltllop 94 51 Long Beech 77 155 11 Monrovt• 89 153 Ml Wllaon 78 112 06 ~ 07 ~mog 03 The Air Ouallty M1n1gem1n1 0111rlcf P••dlcle varying air qul&llty lodey In ltle South Cout Air BalM. Unheallhfut air qu1llty for earteltlv9 1*J91e la tor-.! In Ille Alve<alde-San B«n1rdtno ., .. and Ille San 0 1brlel, Pomon•, Slln Fem.ndo and San .. Clettt1 • • valley1, all wllh • Pollullnt 8tendllfd Index of 1911 ' SURf Rf PORT Where 10 c1ll (loll frM ) for •• , ... amog lnformellon: • Ofenge County: (800) ~211 •,lii.):iiiiimllil...,•n----------24i?:otangelH County: (800) AIYeralde end Sllfl 8ernMdlnO oount1ea: <800> ae 7-4110 L-...... Hvnltngton Btull• Huntlnglon Pief hnta Ane Al\lw .Hiity 40tll St. Newpor1 22nd 81. Hewpott ~w~ Rodlplle, legun• Sleepy Hollow Thalle·llfooh Salt Ct.- :=:.. 1-3 ft t4 ft 1-3" t4ft 1-3 ft 3-'4 ft 14" 1-2 ft 1·2 f1 24 ft 1·2 ft Sen Clemente Pl« Trelllgll( (T ..-.....i) 1-2 '1 poor t7 Cotton'1 Poln1 1-Z ft f~ M Tr...-M II IW1)00r et Sen ~ t-2 " ... -pool' et TOMORROW'S TIDE.S· HIQll 1:02 p.m LOw 1 t:I? 1.m ....... Ootwc:tMln loutl-c . AOMD Epllode Center: (800) 242-4eet Tides TODAY 8«lond low 10:01 •.m. 2.4 8«lond hlClfl 4:ff p.m. 11.6 IATUllDAY l'W1 low 12:H e.m. 0.4 ~ hlQtl 1:01 a.111. 3.5 teooncJ low 11;17 .. m. u 9e001'41 hlOfl 1~2 p.m. 1.0 tun Met today It 7:41 p.m., ,.... ..,,_ • 1:1' a.m. Moon ,... t0d9y It 11:40 a.m.. ...... a:aap.ni. t. Bolsa dispute studiea Agreement urged on marsh development plan By PATIUCK J . KENNEDY Ofho.llr ......... Commltteea ln the two houMt of the 1toi. 1....ff:ialatw. aooroved 1eparate reeofutlon1 Tni&nday ur1tn1 atate coaatal comml11ionere and Oranc• County 1upervl1or• to reach aareement on the county'• dl:.puted development plan for the Bot.a Chica manh. Ret0lutlona are non-blndlna but exptee1 leQialative poaldona on l11ue1. Rowever , the lestaJaUve pol1Uon on the Bolla Chlca controveray 11 blurred, becauae the aeparate reaoludona differ on key pointa. The reeolutiona are 11eheduled to reach the floon of both houaes for declaion next week. Baalcally, t.he Bolaa Ch lea dlepuie la • prnervatlon v1. development 1-ue. The county hM pr'OpCmd to allow houw and a marina ln the lowland 9'C'don of th• manb near Huntfnat.on Beech. But CoMtal CommJllion naff .ctvSaen ~ development ln mosi o1 the 1,300..ecre lowland Hc1lon beceuH lt haa been ldtnttfled by 1tate Ftah and Game oUiclala aa a coutal wetland• habitat for rare waterfowl. A arauroota environmental gro~. oppo1e1 the Senate re10 utlon by Sen . Paul Car nter, D-Cypreu, becauae the group contends it favora development in the Bolla lowlanda. Both rteoludolw are .,&r.-ted by Siana! Landmark ~the = landowner of the Bolla The Sen.ace NIOlutlon dltt.I tran the ~Y l'tDudon, bf A.eemblyman Notari Frlnelle, R-Hundnp:Jn Be.ch. on two bJ polntt. The Senate Natural ReeoW'cei a nd Wildlife commtuee reaolutlon calla for coauaJ commlnlonere to allow lmmedlaie developnent on the meea to the north and aouth of the dlaputed Jowlanda. h alao calla for c:oaual comml .. tonera to reaolve the controVeny in line with • una land title aareement between Signal and the 1tate lands commi.saioner. Talks on PLO resume Habib could meet with Begin to air plan J By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 U .S . and Lebanese officlau resumed talks today on getting the PLO out of west Beirut. and there was spec ulation presidential envoy Phillp C. Habib would travel to Iarael aoon to try to resolve differences. A new cease -fire held meanwhile, and motorcycle- borne guerrillas blared orders through loudspeakers for .all EDITORIAL COMMENT Page A6 fighters who left their positions to report to their superiors within 48 hours or face court martial. Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, who ordered massive bombing raids on west Beirut Thursday apparently ln defiance of his government, said he hoped the guerrilla evacuation could begin late next week. On Thursday, Lebanon said it was suspending the talks to protest Israel's fiercest yet air attacks, which police said left at least 156 dead and 417 wounded before an outraged President Reagan arr80j(ed a truce. Habib refused to talk to reporters after meeting with Lebanese President Elias Sarkis and Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan. Meanwhile. after muffling r riticism of Israel for weeks, President Reagan publicly expressed outrage Thursday over its attacks on west Beirut because he felt "enough is enough," a senior White House official said. A stern-faced Reagan talked with Is raeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin by telephone for 10 minutes , saying the bombing and shelling of west Beirut imperiled the peace talks at a crucial stage and caused "need less d estruction and bloodshed." Reagan told the prime minister • that t.rael'• la~t attack -the fiet'Oelt yet m the rune-week war -waa exce11ive and out of proportion, according to the White House official who requested anonymity. "Today waa pretty direct," he said of Reagan's tone. Until now! Reagan has been restrained in h1a public comments about Begin and Iarael. feariQg that crlticilm mlght make the volatile prime miniater mote defiant, and perhape jeopardiz.e the effor\I of special envoy Philip Habib for the evadation of Paleatinlan guerrillas from we.t Beirut. Registration set for Golden West Registration for the fall semester at Golden West College ln Huntington Beach begins Tuesday and continues through Aug. 31. Classes begin Tuesday, Sept. 7. Appointments, required for registration, may be made by visiting the admissions office in person, between 7:30 a.m. •Applications are due Aug. 16 for a computer maintenance training program offered by Coastline College. College officials say there is a great demand for graduates who are qualified to repair computers. Coastline officials said women in particular are being sought to enter the field. • Huntington Beach Union High School cl.asses of 1951 and 1952 will be celebrating their 30th reunion Sept. 25. .··~·\W a nd 6:30 p .m . Monday through Thursday. Telephone information on registration can be obtained by ca lling 891 -0660 or 893-6581. If class space remains available, a late registration period will be held Sept. 2-13, with no appointments necessary. The full-time program has onJy 30 openings. No tuition is charged, but atudents need to S\Jpply their own tools, at•a cost that should not exceed $30. Classes will be taught at Coastline's Peterson Learning Center, 20661 Fransworth Lane, Huntingwn Beach. For more information, call Susan Berg. 963-0811, ext. 225. Deadline for reservations is Aug. 20. Call 536-6733 for information. FIRST ~TIME EVER! ta ROGERS INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED HANGING COLOR BASKm I COLOR POTS • .. • STATE Brown backs Reagan t._x hike bill 81 TM A.IMda._. Pr .. 1 FRJ:SNO -In a IW'Jlrillna revtna1 of pt.rt)' DOSltiona, Oov. Edmund Brown Jr. ii ~ Prtltdent Reaaan'1 tax lncreae bill, and San Dteao Mayor l'ete Wlllon la opl)Olb\C lt. Brown, the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate .. t of retirina incumbent S.L Hayakawa, and wu.on. the Republlcan nom.lnee. endefl up ln tt.e unUIUal poeltionl ln the coww of tMir' tint face-io-tace debate, a two-hour radio oon.frontatlcn broedcut ltat.e'Wtde from n.no 'n\W'ldly eventna. On other l11uee, Brown and WU.On took directly oppolit.e J)Olltionl on 8odal Secwity and whether the United State• abould poehion neutron bombl for potential u. ln ~· Committee rejects utility rate bills SACRAMENTO -A propoeed Citizen.a' Utility Board to repretent con.awnen ln rate hearings, key element in an Auembly Democratic package prompted by wt winter'• toarlng energy bills, · has been rejected in a Senate committee. Amid an lnter-houae feud that saw each tie Up the other'I ener8)' prOPoAla, the Senate Energy and Public Utlllde1 Committee on Thursday •crapped eeveral Auembly bllla oppoeed by utllttlea, while an A11embly committee delayed a vote on a Senate bill tc reduce the power of the state Energy Cornrru..ion. South El Monte nixes poker parlor idea I SOUTH EL MONTE -The City Council unanimously rejected a proposal to allow a poker parlor in the city after outraged residents lodged vocal opposJtion to the plan. "We don't want it juat killed," said Doris Hennings at the council meeting Thunday. "We .. don't want tc hear it coming to South El Monte again." Ms. Hennings is leader of Concerned Residenta Against Poker Parlors. The council &190 voted unanimoualy not to approve the construction of any other poker palace while they served u council members. Flash floods cause some road closures A wall of water was reported near Las Vegas and flooding caused some road closures in Califorrua during a second day of flash flood warnings because of moist unstable air from Mexico. No injuries or major damage was reported. The warnings Thursday followed the WORLD movement of air into desert mountain areas, with thunderstorms predicted for parts of San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial and Inyo counties in Southern California, and Clark, Lincoln and southeastern Nye counties in Nevada, according to the National Weather Service. Peso bargains may force food shortage TIJUANA -A rush by American shoppers hunting bargains with the peso devalued is posing a danger of food shortages for Mexican people living along the border, merchants warn. A dollar which bought 49 pesos a week ago was buying 72 pesos Thursday. As a result, the price of groceries and other goods has fallen sharply so that financially hardpressed Mexicans will buy them. A gallon of milk fell to 93 cents, sugar tc 8 cents a pound and meat and vegetables to prices half those in San Diego, a few miles away. Thousands of Poles clash with police WARSAW, Poland -Police firing·tear ~ and shouting orqers to disperse clashed with thousands of screaming Solidarity union demonstrators in the Baltic port of Gdansk today, witnesses said. The witnesses, reached by telephone fro~ NATION Warsaw, said the crowd estimated at "severaJ thousand" left a rally outside the V.I. Lenin shipyards where Solidarity was formed two '{tars ago and headed toward local Communist Party headquarters. Securities firm files for bankruptcy NEW YORK -L ombard-Wall Inc., a government-securities firm, has filed for court protection Crom creditors, saying they are unable to operate because Bankers Trust Co. has stepped handling its business transactions. L o mbard -Wall and its subsidiary , Lombard-Wall Money Markets Inc., joined other securities firms that have failed within the past two months following the collapse of Drysdale Government Securities Inc., which defaulied on $160 million in interest payments in May. Lombard-Wall and· Lombard-Wall Money Markets blamed their decision to seek voluntary reorganization under bankruptcy law on the refusal of Bankers Truat to clear government securities transactions for them after the close of business Wednesday. New tax seen for upper-income investors WASHINGTON -Congressional negotiators agreed today to a stiff new tax on upper-income investors as they began piecing together a package of tax increases that may bring the govenunent nearly $100 billion over the next three years. The Senate-House conference committee began serious work on the tax issues only after breaking a three-day deadlock over welfare spending. HOUie n~otiators dropped their push to restore $3~ million that had been cut from welfare last year. Nuclear-arms protesters vow to continue . SEA'ITI....E -While 14 demonstrators face fines and jail terms for their futile attempta tc block the Navy's first Trident nuclear submarine en route to its home base, protest leaders vowed tc continue the fight against nuclear anns. Bangor on Thunday. At arraignment Thursday night ln U.S. District Court here, nine protesters were charged with failure to obey Coast Guard ordent and five were charged with violating a Cout Guard security zone. If convicted, they face up to five years in jail and a ~.000 fine. The USS Ohio arrived safely at its base in ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Key ~hultz Vice,,_ -OhctOt of ~~ Tom Murphlne EdllOt Mike Harvey Dnc10t of M.n..i1n9 lCl<CU1911on) Ken Goddard ~ofO!>er••- Ray M11elean ~ Tom McCenn MaftllOlno (OllOt '· t ......... .,.. . ., .......... CIHIHi.d edve'111l119 7141M2-5t11 All ot.her depertment1 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE DI Wetl l•Y SI , COIUI Mew, CA. M•ll •dctnu . lloa IMO, C•U ,_..,CA ...... CopyrtoM ,.., Or-co .. 1 Pllllfl.,.,. ~. No~ 1 ..... a, lll~r .. lOfta, tc11tMi.1 m..,w• Vef'tlM"-11 llefelft ~ .. f-Mwced ....,.,.. 9"Ci.t ,.,...w..-. Of c-•ltflt-. Senate approves aliens' amnesty WASHINGTON (AP) Puahlna toward paaaage of a 1weeping overhaul of the nation'• immigration law, the Senate has approved amnesty for more than 1ix mllllon illegal allen1 already in the United States. By a vote of 84-16, the Senate adopted on Thuuday a comprorni9e amendment by Sen. Charlee E. Gf891ey, R-lowa, that would grant legal 1tatu1 to anyone who came to the United Stat.ea before 1977 We're Listening ••• What do you like about lhe Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your messa1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same Uhour an1wer1nf Hrvice may be uaed to record ltt· ters to lhe editor on any topic. Mailbox contributor• must Include their name and telephone number for verillcat1on. No clrcul1tlon calla. please. Tell us what's.on your mind. .................. GRAND OPENING -A crowd forms for the first day of buainess at Manh.all.s department store in Costa Mesa's Harbor Shopping Center. More than 100 cwatomen greeted the new business, which features clothing, footwear, domestics, giftware and fashion acce.-orls. Prices up 7.1 percent Gasoline costs soar as food prices fall WASHINGTON (AP) - Wholesale prices, fueled by the biggest gasoline price hikes in eight years but restrained by the sharpest food cost declines since 1976, rose at an annual rate of 7.1 percent in July, the government said today. Gasoline costs, picking up momentum after falling earlier in the year, rose 7.8 percent last month, almost twice the increase posted in June and the largest jump since March 1974, the Labor Department said. But food prices tumbled 1.5 percent, the biggest drop since Febru.ary· 1976. Falling prices for beef and veal accounted for much of the decline. July's overall increase seemed moderate, however , in comparison to the 13.3 percent rise posted the month before. Even with the sizable increases in June and July, inflation at the wholesale level was running at a modest. annual rate of 3.1 percent for the first seven months of this year -well under the 7 percent of 1981 and 11.8 percent of 1980. At the White House, deputy presidential presa 1ecretary Larry Speakes said the administration was pleased by today's report. "This seems to confirm that we are making progress against inflation," he told reporters. "This is an indicatcr that does show we are making progre& in our economic program." Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve Board reported the nation's industrial production declined in July for the 11th time in 12 months. The drop, though, was only 0.1 percent, the smallest of all the declines. Economists are still predicting that wholesale-price inflation for all o f 1982 will be about 5 percent. Bµtt.ressing that argument, the department's Bureau of Labor Statistics revised ita estimate of April wholesale price activity to record a 0.1 percent drop. The revised April figure, following declines of 0 .2 percent in February and 0.1 percent in March, means that wholeaale prices fell for three straight months for the first time 1ince early 1967. ' Overall, the Producer Price Index for finished goods, the official name for the wholesale price measure. roee a teUOnally adjusted 0.6 percent in July. If prices rose for 12 straight months at July's rate, the yearly gain would be 7.1 percent after seasonal adjustment. The annual rate reported by the Labor Department ls based on a more precise calculation of monthly changes than the figure the department makes public. Today's report said th.at for the 12 months ending in July, prices at the wholesale level rote 3.8 percent. The 7.8 percent gain poeted by gasohne pnces last month outpaced the ~.7 percent overall jump recorded for energy prices. Both gasoli11e and the overall measure of energy coets had rilen 4.1 percent in June. County landfill flap continues 19 of 26 cities endorse legal action on dumping fees By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL Of !tie 0.-, ..... lteff Upcoming negotiations will determine whether a majority of Orange County cities sue the count y government over upcoming imposition of dumping fees at county-owned landfills. At a meeting Thursday night in Anaheim. repreaentaUves of 19 of the county's 26 cities endorsed legal action against the county should negotiations break down. Last month, over unanimous protest from the cities, county supervisors voted to implement a $7 per ton dumping fee to be asseaaed against commercial haulers and individuals using county landfills. Under threat of legal action from the citlee, supervilon th.ls week voted to reduce the fee to $4.90 per ton, however. Differences between t he county and the cities focus on a separate $10.60 per ton fee that would be assessed at so-called transfer stations where rubbish is taken for later deposit at landfills. Transfer stations are used by haulen in cities that are not close to the county's four landfills. Landfills are located near San Juan Capistrano, Irvine, Orange and Brea. Meanwhile, it was learned Thursday that county supervisors diacuseed the transfer station fee during a cloeed session Wed.ne9day. One aource cloee to supervilon sa,j.d the transfer fee issue could come before superviBonl as a non-agenda item next week. Th.e county expected to reap about $14 million annually through imposition of the $7 per ton landfill gate fee. About $1, million will be received bf lowering the fee to $4.90. The fees are acheduled to take effect Oct. 11. County officials said that fees are necessary to offset increasing costs associated with the diapoeal of solid waste. Reducing the f~ they said, will force the county 19 defer many items, including lltttt control and landscaplng ~ existing landfills and creation oJ a "sinking fund" for pureh.ue ol landfill sites. UntiJ thls year, Orange ha1 been the o nly county in California in which 90IDe type of landfill use fee has not been assessed. • ESCAPE FROM THE HEAT AND COME SEE OUR IQ CREAM COLORS ALL MADE WITH PREMIUM NYLON YARNS THAT ARE STATIC CONTROL . AND HELP HIDE SOIL. WE'VE GOT: LA VEN DER-THE SOFTEST PURPLE YOU'LL EVER SEEi MELLO-MAUVE-A DUSTY ROSEi DIVA BLUE-AN ELECTRIC BLUE (BRING YOUR SUNGLASSESI SUNNY DELIGHT -A BEAUTIFULLY BRIGHT YELLOW! FRENCH BLUE-A WONDERFUL BLUE-GRAY! ALL·'15. 95 IQ.YD ... IT~OVUNU- AU ,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,,. Install«/ Prl~s Include NZX-3600 spongf!. rub~ pMI •i 4 • count1ans given medals Four Orange County resklenta who risked their Uves attempting to 1ave tho1e of othen have become the fll'11t recipient• of O~~~e County government M of Valor. Receiving the bronze medall during pre1entation1 in Santa Ana this week were Stephen DeSalvo, 23, of Irvine; Peter Forbes, 21, of Mission Viejo, and Annondo Lazario, 26, of E!'l Toro. A teparate certificate of m erit AMC r ecalls some R enaults DFI'ROIT (AP) -American Motors Corp. has recalled about 5,000 1982 Renault Fuegos, because of an alternator belt in the factory air conditioning that could loosen or break under a heavy load, the automaker said. went to Sonia OerUti, 21, of lrvtne. DeSalvo and GerUt.z, both UC lrvtne 1tudenta, were credited by Supervlaor Thomas RUey with 1pottlni an early mom1na fire at. the Irvine condominium of Patricia Marshall. While Ma. Oerlltz awakened neighbors, DeSalvo braved smoke and fire to pull Me. Marshall to aafety. Ma. Marshall, who received, burn• over 60 percent of her boqy, wu present for the awards' ceremony. Said Riley, "Steve wu about to gjve up his attempts to enter the flaming atructure when he heard a scream. Without regard for his own safety and with his life in danger, Steve re-entered the building and rescued Ms. Marshall." Supervisors' Chairman Bruce Nestande credited Lazario and Forbes with attempting to save Muriel Garthwaite from an early morning fire at an El Toro apartment complex. AT THE COVE -A lone surf fisherman wets a line at sunset from a rock along the sandy shoreline of Crystal Cove. Efforts by residents of the area to maintain their shanties on the D.., Net P'tlotO bf LM ftayM property that Is to be absprbed into a state park complex have been kept alive in Orange County Superior Court. The voluntary action was not related to safety and "was being made to assure c ustomer satisfaction," sai d AMC spokesman Ben Dunn. The cars were purchased at AMC or Renault dealers in the United States, he said. "Together Lazario and Forbes proceeded to crawl Into the lnfemo and pull the burned body outside to safety. So intense was the heat and smoke that Lazario was overcome and was taken to the hospi~," Nestande said. ~~t.\ ~'"" ~ Bu~per rule loosened By PAT HOROWITZ Ot the D811y Plto• 8'9ff DEAR READERS: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has modified its passenger car bumper standard to require bumpers to protect a car in low impact crashes up to 2.5 miles per hour (mph), front and rear. The previous standard required protection up to 5 mph, front and rear. Insurance indus try, public interest observers and individuals favored retaining the 5 mph standard. According to NHTSA's final regulatory impact analysis, the new standard will give an additional $28 in net benefits to consumers over the life of the car. The $28 is based on vehicle price and fuel savings of $93, offset by an increase of $65 in higher repair, insurance and other costs. In a re lated action, NHTSA issued a notice of intent to pursue two additional bumper programs. The first involves agency testing to detennme which auto models have bumper systems that provide protection levels higher than required by the standard. The testing program would not substitute for either the manufacturer's responsibility to certify compliance or NHTSA's responsibility to conduct appropriate testing compliance. Consumers would be g ive n indepe ndent confirmation o f m anufac turer's b umper performance claims to assure that purchasing decisions a re based on the most accura te information available. The program is designed t o assist consume rs in purc h asing bumpers most suitable to their needs and to help NHTSA evaluate the costs and benefits of bumpers performing at different levels. Under the second program, NHTSA said that different standards for different vehicle classes may be another suitable means o( providing maximum benefits. NHTSA said, therefore, that it would consider a program of future rulemaking by which it could allow manufacturers to design bumpers for different vehicle classes that might provide appropriate protections at levels be low .the 2.5 mph requirement. Bike carrier recalled D1':AR READERS: Second not.ice of a volunta ry recall of the Dorcy De luxe Detachable Child Carrier h as been issued by the distributor, Dorcy Inte rnational of Columbus, Ohio, to seek the return of any of llUFFELL 'S UPHOLSTERY •• .,1ia11ter-4S... IU2 H,UIOI ILYD. COSTA MISA -'541-1156- Antique Show Huntington Canter rnal today thru Sun. For Ad Action the potentially hazardous units which still may be in the hands of consumers. The Model BPK-18 bicycle child carrier is designed with a special qu ick-lock, quick- release lever to make it easy to attach and detach the seat. However, on some units the lever may release inadvertently, cause the seat to slide off the bike, and possibly result in physical injury, although no serious injuries have been reported. The recalled model went on the market in February 1982, and was sold to various retailers who sell bicycle-related products. Retail prices ranged from $19.95 to $29.95. Consu mers who have purchased this recalled carrier should call Dorcy at (800) 848-9090 for instructions on returning the unit. Customers will receive a full refund, i ncluding shipping charges , or a safe replacement model Dorcy child carrier. Consumers uncenaln if they have the recalled model also may call Dorcy on the toll-free line for infonnation. Firm gives 'problem s' DEAR PAT: I ordered a lap desk from Brentano'• of A1bary Park, N.J., In early February. I received tbree letter• 1tatlng that shipment would be delayed, and my Jane 16 reqoe1t for a refund bH been Ignored. WW yoa please help me get a $9.98 refund? E.B., Corona del Mar Since Brentano's has ignored your request for a refund and the firm has no listed phone number, AYS suggests contacting the Better Business Bureau of Central New Jersey, Route 130 and South River Road, Cranbury, N.J . 08512. The BBB spokeswoman said there have been "problems" with Brentano'• but it has had success resolving complaints. U the BBB can't help you, you will be referred to the proper consumer agency in New Jersey. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, -_ l getting the answers and action you • need to solve inequities Jn government and btniness. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Catta Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answere</, but phone inquiries or letters not includ.lng the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number .cannot be coll!lidered. Cal a Daly Plot M)..VIS(I 642-5671. Only you can prevent forest fireS. e nl A Puhltc ~vkt o(Thl• Ntwspt1ptt & Th~ Advtttt.ins Co\ln<ll ' Call 642-5678. Put • lew word• to work lor you. Eac.h vehicle brought t o deale~hips will receive a new alternator belt and pulley free of charge. Mrs. Garthwaite, 69, died despite the efforts to save her life. Robinsons THIS FALL DRESS UP DOWN TO YOUR TOES IN OUR STUART WElTZMAN SLING. Because elegance 1s reaching new heights. the sleekest heel you've seen in many seasons 'is here Delicate with a slender strap to hug your heel Slimmer at the toe All footlighted in the finest kidskin leather To wear with your best clothes because one designer deserves another Stuart Weitzman for Martinique 1a black. gray or taupe. $110. Robinson's Designer Shoes. 158 To order. call toll· free 1·800·345·8501 , ()tlf9t COMl DAILY PILOT/'-rkflY, AuQU1t 111 1M2 H/F .. . Edison slices • increase bid LOS ANGELES (AP) -South m C&Ufomla Edi.Ion C.O. hat reduced the a1r.e of ,,. eaumacod 19U general rate lncreue for \he tee0nd time thil yev. The announcement Thunday aluhes SIM mWJon from the $816 mJWon ln revenue the company will need to cover Interest payments, operation, maintenance and other expenset bettdet fuel ne-xt year. The increase, original'" expected to hike utility rat.el by more than 27 percent, is projec1ed to blc:ttue theM by about 18 percent. The company aave no break<1own on hOw the lower rate lncttMe wW aUect averaae cooawnen' monthly billa. Lockheed plane wins WASHINGTON (AP) -A committee of House and Senate negotiators haa selected the Lockheed C·5B aa the Air Force's new cargo plane, says a oongreaman who took part in the deliberations. The reported decision was made Thunday nJght by a conference committee meeting In marathon session to draft a compromise authorization bill for the Defense Department. The panel, in recognition of the staunch battle put up by advocates of the rival Boeing 747 jumbo jet, al80 agreed to earmark about $150 million for three of those planes, said another source, who declined to be identified. Rate d ecline beginning? LOS ANGELES (AP) -The much -delayed decline in interest rates is finally under way and will lead the economy into a gradual improvement later this year, First Interstate Bank said In a revised forecast. Dr. James Meigs, the bank's chief economist, predicted 'J'hursctay that short-term Interest rates would drop 1.5 percent by the end of the year and another two points in 1983. He said home mortgage rates should drop to 14.5 perrent in the !irst part of 1983 and to about 13 percent by the end of next year. Alleghen y i nter ven es LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Alleghen y Beverage Corp., believed to be the largest individual shareholder of the financially ailing Wickes Cos., has taken an active interest in the Santa Monica-based flnn's bankruptcy proceedings. Allegheny's interest in the company's reorganization was affirmed during two hearings in bankruptcy court this week. Relations between the companies have been strained since last spring when Wickes rejected the soft drink distributor and food vending firm's offer of a possible $600 million in financing in exchange for majority representation on Wickes' board and stock- purchase warrants. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (API -Salee ThUr.cSay p<lce """ ,.., ~N<>Qe ol tM liflffn molt Khff N~w York StoO E•c~ IUuH, tr•0•"9 net-llY •I more llMn SI Nor t nd PS .. S,llOO 10"" + "" Enon tt1,AOO 1S "' cui.sswe IOl,100 JI"' • t NL T Corp .. S,400 40~• + "" SmllhBl!O wt.IOO st'• lV. IBM US.100 611~ V. Genlnlt • Ul.400 71~ ,.,,. ruoro PIPt 110.JOO "'-.,, R•IJtnPur 509,IOO IJ''°' '" Geft Mot0f'1 •11. soo ,., • ,,... ,,,.w ~"" 40l,llOO ,,... ,,.., INCO LIO .al,700 I hncly J9t.OOO 1l''-'• I( mart JIJ,100 IS'• "' Hewlett"'-• 31',400 •'• • '- AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS NE IN YORI( I Pl T IW tollow1119 11\l -lfltt -Yor-s1oci. E•cl\M>QI JtOCU -w•rr..,h llMI ll•ve 9-uP Ille most -dot#fl ttw most ~-on perc..,I ol <"""'911 r9911rOleU of •Olll-lor ThUrt0.tr,. v:g_ ~~ ;.~::?.:':.::.:~~~ dlll'°'enu t.1-Ille prewk>vl <IOlfnQ p<lce *"' ~~ prlee. I !v.::-Z L.n\ ... '"l UpPc.11s 0 1 EmpOE plB ' ~, UP 1•.J 3 CrllanCp ,,.,, J._,, Up IJ' ' "'-tnl S • 1,, UP II.I S ToteQ 11"> + II• Up II l 6 GTFt 1.llpl ,,,, • 't Up tO 1 1 UNC RH ,,,,, • .. Up 100 I Je<O!ftP lpl 41 + 4 UP t J • lmpCpAm ... 1•• Up I 1 10 C""1NY pf 10 • l "> Up I l 11 Olll.OE pf t"-• '•1 Up I 0 11 S.....sNe ,...., • .. Up 7t ll Tr~n In< J\o • ... UP 1 I ll .8-Pvnl 114-• "" Up t 1 IS SGumrllCO '"° + ~. Up 6 I 16 Fln(pArn • lJ\lo • "'° Up t 0 11 HemiKhf9 ... • .. UP S.t ~--IMI 114 + ~ Up U lt HotlJ SUD '2th • 11Mo Up s.7 10 °"Pw ....... $1 + , Up S.t all Suot~~ J'-+ ~ Up S. U S.lllnt n + Ith Up S.S f! gr.::c:..rr:. ~"' : ,~ ~: n JS M.,-1 IS\lo • "" Up S,t oow .. s ~ ... " '"', l WM( l,5C!Of -11o'i t ,.,,,.... Cp t w ''- l f '-t Int "' "°' • o.ltt~ I,_. 2"' S PMrkllf'tr 4"> '-t Alltelliltlfl fl/I tt Jlt 1 p~ "'-'"" I AMIO~ 12"--t\lo t LlricN fl'• ""°' -~ 10 MAl'CO 2114 -1 ti WIN'"'4!:1 n M h " Solllll"°"' "" , .. IJ ltenlllQI .,._ _ .. •• r..-.k1 • "' u Ow• """"" 11"" -, .. ~· Off ... Off 1•.J Off IU Off IL• Off ll t Off II, l Off 19. Off '·' Off , ... Oft •• Oii ... Off u ()fl '·' Off 1.1 Off ,,,, ,. If••<• '* -~ OOl'P' flt.V. 1' ,._..,,.., n.-. -I Ott 1~ 11 ~ Oii UICI ''°' Of! ).J It a • ,,._ -''°' Off 1 I 20 llG 114 -"' Oft ',·' ti Wllll to '-Off .0 n ewtt' c. .--"' Off • t tJ c:-TftC>eMI ·" "' gs u J• Hllff\'Co "--'-t.~ H lli'll .,._ ~ -14 61 GOLD COINS NIW YOAK IA') -'rtoet late ~ of OOkl t>OIM. ~ _.., WIClllllCler'tprioe. Kl.....,... 1 tr01 oa., W .Ua. up M.00 ......... 1 tro, oa., bM.H, Utt 14.00, ......... ,_, UtroyCIL, .. 1"80. W llOO . ......... 119-. .tl02 1r01 Oii., taM.11 ...... 00 ...... Dlillll· ...... DOW JONES AVERAGES NtW YURl(IAPI Fl..al 0ow:ionH ..... 10< Tr.ur~. A.UO 11 nocu 0.-Mltilo "-C-0. JO Incl t1a. .. ,., IS H J S'I ,,, n -o.~ 10 Trn m .. nt" HO.tt m.n-I.II! IS Ull 10) '1 ICM ti 102.0 ICM 21 + 0.51 U Slk 1" 94 307.'1 1'17 fl m 4'-0.11 1nous •.""2.100 Tu1n 1.• .. ,soo VIiii t . l,Ot•.«111 U 'S'lk U23.li00 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( IAPI AUi) 11 AOV...Clld OKhnlld UncMOQtd Tot•• •ssun New 11'9M New •OW'\ WH~f AM(• DO NEW YORI( IA"I A.dvanct!d O.c11n1111 Un<,,.1'9f'l Tot•I •9"1iUrf\ N•·~ ...... low\ METALS Thu,. Ml 15' f U ,.,, • I)' AUQ 11 Tll\Jra. 101 ]10 us , .. ) ,, NEW YORI( (AP) -SPOI nonlerrou1 m«el priCel todey Copper Hii.·71 Ct nll e pound, U 8 0..111\•llon•. LNd IZ0-29 etnl.I • POUnd ZJllC 37-40 etnla • pound, deltvered, n .. se.1112 M9•• w_.. compoe11011>. AMII"-71-77 conu. pound, NY. ""'-' 13&.00 Pt< llUll. N ~l•tl"u"' S253 00-1290.00 1roy ounc.. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ly TIM A.-leled "'-Selecled WOl'ld gold pfiON today: Lofldon lflOrnlng llXl!19. $337 76, U0 13.00 London attomoon 11111n~r '338 00. 119 S3.25. ,.atl• allornoon fixing, '333 33, up $3 45. ,.ntMturt tllllno: t33t.oo. up $4 oo. %••loll 1111 altetnooo UH 75. up $2.76 bid; 13.'7.60 Mkecl HJlftdr a HMM~ ooty dally quote '338.00, up '3 25 up~ oirtt ese11y quot• 1331.oo. ,......_. onty ooiry quote tal>floeteo $SM.to, UC1 ~.41. , ... "" .... ... . . ift-~~~ ... ti:.c..;i·~~~c ... E1 .. ... t • "' ~~ ... f :1 4 J ,. 141 I---~, . . 1~ •• 1= /' f. t ' '"';·• • 11 141 •• , ...... , ... ,, I~'-•l::r 196 ,,._. '- p ~-· ~~a 1·M•I ,tt '· iw.!~ i . 1 11 5• ~ .. 111 t~ lu 1<t •e1111\w , t .. 1 ·•• • hi ., I ""· ,_. ll ltfl'IM , 14' • .. .. ••llWI UO • I I + n It~ , .. II II 11"' + 141 !HV iif Ut, 17• + ._ =·1~ I tf 4 :ft 't.. I~ +1:1-., t in:: :: !!• I ¥. t I .. fil'i.11 I.» II I S1 • ._ It .,_. 1t11o .. "" ....... u .1t 1 11 """.1 111-.tllfl, I a lt\lt-"" -111 ... n 10 -i.. llteftjll• •• 4141 , Tl\ll'IMll ,IOt 10 H • 1t1 11~ .JOH I~+ 141 J"''"Y e 1 a. 12\<o • "° ==II c ,ri , .. -~ TIS~ ':I ! ,.~ :::-; ~ ••rci.c: .• • n 1u11• Ill ti;;'/" ).It sv. • l't l'ffAlr $t ''°'· , TlfM • I II e1t 0.26 -141 ••.CO . .0 , W11 If" , , flMI flfc;,f JO 1 11... I llH,11~-»11 • ti» + .. TllMAll I• M )I + h •"v 11 .. 1 tt + "" t1m'" t • • ,., .o+lo+ 141 !IV 77e •. tit M .... T ... I 1) f tl't ti + II> t It .. 41 !J,_,.,, T•lvlt J4 6 .. I~+ 141 t 1.-4 ii M .,.,. Toll• t .. 6 111 17\lo • ,_ it• llft 12 • u .,..,.._,,,, r~•: llH.• "; t 21~ • "" It .Ji 4 t 10\4I + lit TOii! lft.tl .. l•w-14 li'tvco .7• It 15 21141 + '4t r.otlllil ·• r • 11 \It ll•v,... . . 114 IV.+ \It Trc"""' UO • ,. n""-141 •tvlen ,_.. 1 111 IA141 + II. JoroGI ., $1 s-. ..... lllt•Mm ... • 1 u".... Tosco ,. • 1m ''~ • 1<o •tanrd 1.ae • 9S • + lit ,_.. • .. • 212 u -1 ll•tftln 2.10 S 11» 41 141 TowleJ: M . 11 ''"" Vt =:~~ .. 11.: ·: ~! ~--.. .'. i~::-: .JO:: "1~ w-·· ~ llltilflT UO 6 I 17-\It Tr•ne 1,Jt 1 11' Uh-~ •loo~ .. 1..0 4 JOI 21 11< fw c;p 306 1,\4 .... l'IOGrr .IO.. 31 14141+ 141 TW .. , .. 100 4.._ ~ llllleA .e 11 '1 J2 + l<o TW MA I S-.... llollto!IW I.AO IO 21 11141+ lit Tw~"' 2 2 u -"" llHtlll tl.tO • .. ~ '-TW fl1f 1.tO . S 1111> .. RMIM .16 I IU lit llt TW f11f 2.... 1 1111>+ \I> l'ocllG 1.1~ s '1 u + "' Tr•ntm t co s 116 1.-.i. 11t lloclltl LDC 1 ,. U6'+ "' Tr9111flC t.1.. " " ..... lloc:-'#1 1.16 I JU 21\lt. · . TAR"y .. :IO 7~ Ill II-2.IO I 107 SOio.-I<. Tr-IM f 2M 2~ + 141 lllot!Tlll S JI •v. ·.... Trnte fl1f 1'J , 107 JI~ \.\ ••llnE.n .. Ja d •141-\lo Tr•fll<I! .GllJ. .. t.S ''" + llt ROlllM t .'8 • 415 10\lt + llt T rGP f11f 1.'4 , dO 70\1> + 11'> ::~~ 14 •t~ 2J : :: TrGfot UO .. J 1'\lt • I<. •oper ·'° . j 1 IOV. ' t:::....., 1,IO . t ~ ~¥t:_:. ~ R-.• 12 107 ~ + " Tr .. lr t U4 S 1M 11~ + 'h :::: pn'°!. J '~ cni:-1 Trl<:eft U?t . 1' II l!CC. IOI i 21 .. •" t~:~: 40S~ ~ 1~~. v. 11..,10 2.17• ' SOI It'-TrlaPc 112 JI IJh •. •1111tm L:IA 11 13 ""' · • Trlcntr Jlr 1 IS •V. • ;,. Ru\ TOO I • 11 12 • . Trlco .. s " "". llt llv.nH' I,., '1 ""'° · Trlnty .io s 1161 9'11 + \It •vMrS I ... I UI ~. · • T1>ttl5P 1.'2 6 I .. 2111t + '" SC~ 20 'a' .. ti!>-llt Tycol t . 70 S io IJ-. + \It sc-· , • u ~. . . n::~ co ,! ..! :~~ ~ Sf'N 1.16 I 1 ~ llt _ U-U - SPSToc n ' 11 11 ..... \It UAL )14 , ...... "' Sabfrw 4017 G ""'' • "-UGI t 01 • 1 Oltft-lit Sf9C1lu lJ II 0 IJllt "-UMC co • • ~ 11t SflldS wt S .... UMET 32-10 9 t" + 11t S.le'#Y ?.CO f ., 12 .. + '-UNCR CO 411t Sff..co .16 I 1' 211/t. .. USl'G" JAO f lllO l2 __:_ io> Stlol..P 1.40 • J3 12 -+' 11t Unllvr 2.n. 5 2 41 _. SP1ul 1.20 .. I '"" ~ UnlNV ._, .. 4 s S41t>-V. StR911P 1.12 6 t6 II~ .. •· UCe'"" J 7 Ill .. + ~ S.14"1t 40 4 • •h • llt UnCIH'tl lA> • "1 ~v. so...,. 1.12 • 314 u""-"" unComr 20 i. 1• 21 ~ s.JUe<ll .... 10 m 11<. UnlonC .2'1 JI ,..., • "" s.JWM\R 14-"'C 21 I ... • • UnElk 1 ... no 12"-= ... ,, 120 ~· .... UnElpt 1SO u o n 1'8 I I 1J141+ llt UnElpt ' HIO ,..,,;;_,, I 1 ... 16\lo • \lo UnEI ptM f 14 2•"-• filWel I to I I ,..... • • UnEI pt 2.U I ... ,._ II) vEIP I,. s n " • v. UEI pfH ... •1000 S4 +I vi!. pt 1.21 .. 12 u t'll. + \lo UOllCal 1 5 IU.. 22\lo-'"' Vlf! • • '2 5-"" UnP.a< 1.e 1 Mt dH.,._ V> fillrPIO t. .. 10 lift JO't.-"" Unlreyl s 121 •"-• II+ lllmb ·" 1 u.16 SMI>-II. Unryl pf ... 1100 o + •i. IAll • 12 II M2 I°"+ 141 Unl10 n 2 11 S Mt .. 11 211 2'"'--'"' Unlrnd .40,. •o .+.-\, S<ot~ 1' 10 J lit UlnlDf I to 1 I'•• \\ S<Otffl I IO 7 SO 27 .... • Y> UCbTV n t• 13 U7 11'u ScottP I S ICO IJ\oo llt UnE"'9 2.l2 l I.. ll';, Y> Scotys • .co 10 u ,.,,. 141 Ulllum 2 '2 , ,. 11 • v. Scovlll 1.$2 9 CO "~ "" Ulllu pf 3''7 I u•,. "' s .. c1p11 .... 21 • "" u111upf , s n,,. S.•CI pf 2.10 3 13141 · · · · UnlllnO lb i1 •7 42•1.:.. \/\ S.eCont .•2 s :n n 'h "' Unlllnn n 1 s ~ S.efsl ! ... )0 '" u...... · UJer&a 1' 12 • 9 12...,.:.. ·"' S.egrm I.ID ' •1 ,.'-• \I• UldMM S? 4te S.-1 9 107 '"' UPI<,,.,, d 11 Uo-"" SHIAlr CO 10 l6 It USFOS S 07 13 1-'"' S.•I""' I .. 1 I JOI/\ .... USAlr 12 s •n ·~· "' S.eri.<; S2 12 ... l2 "' USGYP\ 2 40 9 2t '7"1. + '"' S.eN I J6 9 1"3 I~+ \I, USMom .Jje 12' 12\'t + \. SK~« 2 40 4 100 2111. .. USlnd 7• JO '"'• "" Sed<o ... ' JU ll • llt USl..HS .60 10 s nv. .. "' SvcCp .16 9 II U"'° US"-t.M S J 2fllo-11t ~~!!_let I S 10 ••~ • USSIMI 1 2 06 161'> ~I ie • 12! ~: ~ USTobc 2llO 9 :IO --'.."'" ShelOIO SO 1 m IJ'lo.: Yo ~~~~rll ~·~ 5 >;~ l;:Z: ~ $1WIG pfl.ll . • 1 21 ' Uni Te 1 1• 1 U. I•'·•-w Sllrwln I I 1') U • II) Unitrele U IJ IS4 JS.,,-I<. SM.. pl f 40 • tllO llO • 211) UnlvFd I 01 1 2 11"' SlerP.a< I 46 5 17 11"-Uni.Hf 1.M 1 1 11\e• "' $19nel M • C01 "''' + "' Upi-t 2 a 1 1'2 J9"-"' $1.-2 I• 210 52 • "" USLIFE :_, 4 71 IS""-"'° Sim,,,. .at • :13 uv. .,.. usu• fl1f:I u 2 ttllt-v. SlmpPI .:ttj 14 M 1 • · Uslfef'd 1"0te' t 4 7'9-141 Sln0tr .ICllt 13 1'7 UY.-"" UlePL i.1' I 2t2 11 • \,\ Siner pf l..50 · 10 ?2:\1,-1'> UIPl..pt UO IJ 10"'--II. Sll.yllrw •M 70 UY> "-UIPl..pt JtO .. 211,-. SmllM IJI • 21 t i... UIPl..pf 241' 14 IW. + "" Smllllln 96 J 401 19\lo .:_ Y-Y _ s-• 2.JJ 11 uu se l'I vF c.p , 40 • 11 ~· "' Sm..c:ll.r 1.40 I J7 0 ( • "' Velere J2 • 160 U"--11t ~ M IO •1 JOI~ V•leyln 40 l JO •~• Seine!' I.JO S 140 ll~e• "" V.n°"" I 12 1 l 12~ l,oo s.nrc:p •>-10 •1u 11"-• "" verco 12 J o s"' •. Soo In 2.-5 S 21 •• ·,. V•rl•n 52 11 1• 31"1 • t SourtC 2.CO . 11 21 ... -,, Varo 40" '2 •V·-"" SrcCp pfJ 40 2 ,, ....... Vaeco to 11 • •O • "' SoAtlFn J7 IV. • y-I ·~ "" SCrlEG l.'2 a Ut 1'1• • llt Vests. 1.. • "- SoJerln 2 to • t2 11-.., + V. Vl.a<om JO II 15 1711,. , ... $OuOw s SO • 1 ll ... Vl<m fl1f l 10 2 2t + "' SoelBll. I • Ill 1''-t "-VeE"-1 SO I HO:» IP.+ "' SoetP 1.311 1 46 •O~t-'• VeEP ptlM 1l70 ff +I SCelEG l.14 • WO JI~ t O) Ve El pl I .to LJO COV. + "' So\1111Co 1.70 6 ti.. IJ"-:.. V•EP pf1 tO 1 1~ SolnGE 2.0I 6 S 20'.+ -VtEP p17'0 llW !Ill :..., SNl!hl 4.st • st 42 '.lo Vorned . .. 10 U .... + \lo t':.~":. ~·= S 24~ w-+ ~ Vul<ln< .40:!0 I 7~ l.oo souneo ts• 1 11 ""'-"" vu1<""' 2~ •'-• 1_ '°" • "' SoutlM I 16 1 2ll JI • llt WICOll 2 1' • ,. di~-"'-So'loy OI 21 .. OIS h Wee."°" I 2' • 112 2f Soumn. .059 2 '1 +'-;, W•cklll -9 1 IJV.. Somll IJf I J 7~ + -WalNC 14 1M 0 ,,.._ "' SwAlr S lJ IJ 91 171'> • V> WIMrt l it flt 2f!Joo-\41 Swlktll I to 5 '1 17 -\'\ W•l9rn, 1 10 2ff JI"'• ... Swf'll pl'l. II · · I U\ot llt Wll.HRs 91.22 • 243 U -+ "" $wt,._ . UJ . 21 1v. llt WalCSv ... 10 17 2'"1. .... SW1Gat 1.1, 1 17 ~ ..... WalUm I tr. '4 21~• 11t SwE11t n .n t 21 10 • llt weiu flfl.tO 2 ""'. "' $W1PS 1.50 1 12' ll\ot. • Wet"M!< I.to S IU 27 ... + II-. S..rtn CO 1 1f 11-..-14 WmCm 1 9 117S llYJ • "' kle<IP .., IS. u..... .... •rnfL I 40 IO 2113 10-. + "' S.-rry 1 '2 S 317 11 • • ·~ 1.7' 1 " 1• -11o ~~ :: ; ~ ~~ ~ ,,,_ ,.. • ti """. "" Sclul• I» 11 1" a.~ "' W~~:' 2.~ ,: ~ ~~:. "' Ste•lte .O 1' U 141it · elll.ln 41 14 f )4 Sle~Y-.• ill? •. S U .11*-"" nGflf1:60 '1~:. ... SteM .90 9 '/. 2•"" + "" un\J 051 II J\o . $1/lliot ' .J6 I .. 21"-• "-un pf 1 1' l 1~ • "' StOllCI 2A> S lt.11 """ • lit eoeO t7 •V. • $10lnd 2. • .. afl'e. "" '""'' .1. t IJ ,. StdOOll 2 to 4 114 29~ • _, ellll' I '2 4 .. :IO'.• • $1Pec:Cp 10 t2 l -'" elf'M 2a I 14 11••• .... Ste-ffl> • 16 Ullt • lit •nfn Ja 9 ISi 15 + I<. SUnWll. 1' 1 102 IJ."-• \It WHt • • I SI 1~ ;._ terrett te t 1 '"" • llo WJIF'tP 1 IO 6 U l fl'> + -SC.MS. 1.ia. • • JO t "" wnctl 91.0I • ~ + llt levlCll 1 . .C 4 17' 11\0 .... WnAlrl.. n 4 .•• St"90 • Ill> IS 11 J'-. . WA Irr 13 10...,__ I trlBQI .n 4 JI ~... • WCH 1• 4 400 I .... S1-t10. 1.0l 10 W 21 ... • lllt WPtcl S J2 $2\oo +I SttYftf' UO .. 14 14\lo., WUnklll I 40 1 1'2 1'Yt-"' $twWr t IM 12 9 20• .. • " WUn clpl1 11 1 ........ SlollVC IM • 9 2' • .,,. WUltE 1M S -,.._ • .,,. r:-WICO. 1 1 »Vt " W~ 110 6 •• 17~• Vt ....c. co • ) ,,._ . . w.,.,..,, 1.JO JO ., 2•... .... MIPSllo 1.• • t ?tlft-" W•yr Jf ta. 10 lJ'n + "' SWTec 6 667 "'-+ '-W.yr pr e.;o I '9\<'e • '"' Stoter n 14 2C2 ""• llt ~F 1~ • ,. 11-.+ Vt StrMIRll 1.M I U Ullo+ Ill w...tl' pf•.12 11 ll"'-'I\ Suev$11 JO s u lt't + "-W!MIPll J dtt-"-SUbPrG I.COii S 9 Ulli-141 W!tPrl t 110 MY.• Iii 5vil•lr .Z2 . IJO ·~• \lo Wfllrt IAO t tut 12 • Yr Sutlk_ " I • no IS\11 + 141 Wllll 1.50 10 22 20. ~ A S 40 I~"' Wlllllltt II >I ~• Yr $u<ll!I .It!.. SS "6-141 Wllllt.lk UO ' U IP,,• \lo uo ' Jl2 21-.. • " Wi.blcft ll ' 1"' • '" US I 016\lo II. Wllllefl'I 1.20 t M U -t.. 1,IO j llJ ,..,,. "'° Wllml! n -40 4 J07 t\lo-•,. t:::.~ ii ~ ~. .. ::~~ ~ ~ I~ ~~ '.I\ 1 .16 10 20 11"°-llt WlnltbQ 2S llS 6 -\to 1 .to t '41 22141+ "' WjnterJ .1?1 • JV.-"' o M 1 11 u~ "" w ?J' '·" • 121a .. nw. + 1 . l 2\11 + 'A WIK 2 2A ' 11 21tl + .. 1 10 22 IO'lt • .... WIK 1 12 1 41 20 + "' yWef\ 1.0I 9 It IS + llt Wll<O I: S IH 11 -l<o $ylllHS120101411 » I WOl'(f.., 6 J 11'11+ 141 S...xot u '1 Ullt• w w~ .s,a1e M ~· 141 -T-T -W-PI 41 t !fl 11141 .... f DIC n .20e 11 1t tP1-+ " W-1.• , 7'1 171._ + 'A •co •• 1 ., 11 -141 worw"' uo . . 1 u -Iii l'R I 12 192 dltl'-\lo WrMIAr to 2 ••.. llW JAO t '° 41 -l't Wrloty 1.4411 • 6 M + i.. Keo.I 1 II to\4• II) Wurl~ 10 J141+ 141 itttlrd 1 I 1' --141 Wyl.U .IClt :i •'-• "' ::~ ... I 4~ J~· :" ~z. to 1: I 1T°:';'" _...., 11 !271 ulll • • -lt-'r-&- lldytll 14 t ~-\Ill Xff91! I 4 1711 2t • \lo ~ -. 5 11 t~+ l't XTAA M ; ' lllft "' tlltlr .n J .00 ..,._"' e .11 SI If~+ 141 .. ,"'.. 1 t I~ --. + 't 1't 1" lll Ml'> ..... := ... 9')'11::··1~ ~-. iO "! ,:t.:.:·i4 .... 1 11 ,_ .. "' """'"' ... • .. JI "' Inventory mouau By De AllOC!la'4MI P.fffl M.ore th&.n t&00 mlllloo worth of umold products of Amedcan lnduatry were .cockplled in warebOUIM and factor)' back Iott In June, the ~tlt)"I. The ~t Mid 'lbw.lay the value ot uneold tnventorila r.-0.3 percent in June to a Haaonally ~ 1612.01 bdlicn. ,,. Ir.a .... c:un1 on the Mell of• May decline of 0.9 perant &o tolO.M bWlan. The report al9o lald ownD bulll.nem .i. cl9cl1ned tn Jww by 1.a ~t from May to an adjuated '344.~5 HIF .. Edison slices • increase hid LOS ANGELES (AP) -Southern CaJifornia EdlJon Co. hat reduced the aif.e of ltl •Umated 1983 general tate increue for th• 1eCOnd time th11 yeer. The announcement Thurwday aluhe11 $l~l mWlon from the $a16 million ln revenue the company will need to cover Interest payment•, operation, maintenance and other expen&e9 besides fuel n xt year. The lncreue, origU\aUy expected to hike utility ratee by more than 27 percentt..ia projected to lncreuo them by about 18 percent. ·1·he company gave no breakdown on how the lower rate lncre.ue wlU affect averaae conaumera' monthly bill.a. Lockheed plane wins WASHINGTON (AP) -A committee ol House and Senate negotiators haa selected the Lockheed C-~B aa the Air Force'• new cargo plane, saya a congressman who took part in the deliberations. The reported decision was made Thursday night by a conference committee meeting In marathon session to draft a compromise authorization bill for the Defense Department. The panel, in recognition of the staunch battle put up by advocates of the rival Boeing 747 jumbo jet. allo agreed to earmark about $150 million for three of thoee planes, said another source. who declined to be identified. Rate decline beginning? LOS ANGELES (AP) -The much-delayed decline in interest rates is finally under way and will lead the economy lnto a gradual improvement later this year, First Interstate Bank said in a revised forecast. Dr. James Meigs, the bank's chief economist, predicted Thursday that short-term interest rates would drop 1.5 percent by the end of the year and another two points in 1983. He said home mortgage rates should drop to 14.5 percent in the first part of 1983 and to about 13 percent by the end of next year. Allegheny intervenes LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Allegheny Beverage Corp., believed to be the largest individual shareholder of the Unancially ailing Wickes C.os., has taken an active interest in the Santa Monica-based firm's bankruptcy proceedings. Allegheny's interest in the compan y's reorganization was affirmed during two hearings in bankruptcy court this week. Relations between the companies have been strained since last spring when Wickes rejected the soft drink distributor and food vending firm's offer of a possible $600 million in financing in exchange for majority representation on Wickes' board and stock- purchaae warrants. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES Ht:W YUAICCAPI Fl~I Oow:J~ 8¥9' lor T....._¥. AU9-12 AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -Sala Tmndey ptlCe -,._, <"-'-of lN ten mo.I etll ... A,.,.rl<MI '!.lock Ea<lla"9't 1u ... ~ tr.011111 ,..uonelly el rnore 11\an l' OomePlrl 1,.c2, 100 2 1 16 '"" unlvRevu 171,000 s.. ~. 5"ncMnc.0 173.'°° •h ... Ouf'llHHtC• n 100,SOO 11'• • 1~ Waf\9 B t0.200 2S-. ~ ~~~17 :;:: .~~ '• GulfCMI O 7'.IOO ll>" I • Weatllfrd t1 .000 "'• .. ChlefOv 9 s..100 """ UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YORI( IPI TN follo••"9 11\1 -· IN ,..,.. York Stock Eac...,. '1ockt -w..-rents ~I "-90f19 uP Ille ,,_, -down IM ..-1 ... _ on De'<-of C'*'9t ,_,,,IHS of •olurnt lor T.....-Mle,,. ~:. ~~ ,::::~::ii.:i:.:~:z,.~ dlll...nc;e bet~"" .,,.,., .... , <IMl"G prlOe end T ., pnoe, " 1 h~ L.at~ .'"t ut"u o 2 1:mpOE ptB • • ''> U• 14 J J Crltan<:p 7~ ),,_ \Jp IJ' ' ,.._ lnl 1 "' Up 111 S TOKoQI n'n • It.. Up 11 I • GTFI l.1jpl '''' + ~' Up 10 I 1 U"4C Ro ''"' ~ .. UP 10 0 I JerCe<>P Ip! '1 • ' Up 9 J 9 ln'\llCoAm •"-• "1 UP I 2 10 C""'HY pf :IO • IV. Up I I 11 OllleGE pf ,-.. • "1 Up 10 12 S...wStloe 1"1 • "-Up 1 t u Tr_,. Inc I"' • ·~ Up 1 I 1' .8-A;ne 1Ue ~ UP • 1 IS s.unwt!Cp O• t;. Up • I .. FlnQIAm \ II... + -.. Up •.O II Hamltcllf9 _., • .. Up U ~---114 + "" Ull U If Holly~ t11'> + 1116 UP S7 ~t~ia n,~ •• , i~ 'tf P s,: HS.Ill,_ ,. •IV.Up SS fl g;.::rr.:. ~"-; 1~ ~= ti 2S "•<-1 1'"4 + .. Up 52 DOWNI ........ l..aSI CllO I W~ 1.fClpf .... 711'> t Arf'Nde Cp t\Oo -1 .. J Ti-11\1. 41' -.. 4 Oeltl fldUfl u-.. -2141 J Pelrl<kPll • .,, -"' • All$CN1m ,,. n -l~ 1 PM.,.,,. 1>"--1 .. I /loM4 M90 lfY, -IV. ' 1..lrit!t IJlfA _..., -.-10 MAl'CO 11\lo -2 II Wll!ml«I n 9"" -4'lo IJ Sounllleyl UI' -1-. u 1(-al --.. •• !..~kl • -Vt " ... ,.,..,,., :n .. -, .. t 'h:v ! •,,.,< ~QttF ,, ,._., It ... -' .. Oll*r ""' -, ... "St' ''" 1141 20 NI 1V. -\lo ti .,." 10 --!~~.9.. ~-.... ~ ... _" 24 Hllf!YCP ... -" U tn'1 l4wv N ~ GOLD COINS Pel Off 14.4 Oii 14.I °" 14.0 °" •a• Ofl 1U °" 11,1 Off 10' °" tt Off tAI Off ... °" ... °" .. , 8i! >.• 1J >.A .. IW YOPU< (10') -ftrloee late TIIUrlday • told OOlne. _,...., """' Wldl H~I prr1oe. ICNpijlWf4. 1 tror o.., '362.1'6, llP .... oo ......... 1 trcrt •·· N&Ua, 11P ...00 ....... • ,._. 1.1 lfoY OI.. '41UO, !IP 11.00 . .......... • °'""' ,M02 troy oa.. NM.11. 11P ... oo . .... o.i. ........ SfOCICS JO 1no °f::,. ~s 1m'. ~-~ 10 Trn 1"J .. 2'lo 16 2'0.62 292 12 1 05 IS Ull tCnm 10f911CIJO 10.21• 011 U 51k nt .. l01 '1 297 91 29'.. O 12 1nou• •.M2,IOO Tr•" l,IM,500 Ullls •· 1,0 ... 100 \S Sii< 6,6U.SOO WHAT STOCKS DID tAPI A\19 n Adv•n<.O O.ctl,.., Un<tw'90d To1e1 iuuH Ne"" high• Hew~ W"lil Aa.t( • l>O HEW YORK •dvenuCI 0.Ch""° Un<,,_,.O Tot~t t\SUH ~ .. ,,~ ...... _,, METALS Thurs. Ml 159 4H 11'7 • 1)4 IA>'/ A\19 11 Tllura. 201 310 '" 1 .. J ,. "'.., ct;z1 1fS '" 1116 ' 112 Pr ... ~ M 2:3' , .. 2 n HEW YORI< (APt -Spol nonlerrout mete! ll'lhl 100..,- Copper et.,..·71 c.nll a pound. U 8 OetllnaUone LNd 211-211 CWJte • pourtd. ZlftC 37-<IO ~·.pound, del!vet• Tiii SI 1112 iw.1a1e WMI< ooml)o.ltt lb '"""''"-711-77 CWJla a pound, NY ...,_, '3116.00 per ,. .... Pltll1111"' '253 oo-12eo oo troy ouncie. NY SILVER Hanoy & Hlmlatl, l&.410 -lroy ounca. GOLD QUOTATIONS ar Th9 A..ooleted ,,_ s.i.cted WO(!d gold pnc.. tod•y: lOfldoft morning filling. 1337.75, up 1300. LOftdorl •fttmOOn fllllnO tMt.00. up 1325 • ..,,, alt9fnoon flldng: •333 33, up S3 45 ''•nll'fwt flltlng. 1339.00, up 14.00. Zurich late •ll•rnoo11· 1338.75. up U .16 bid: 1331.50 Mked H•nCllJ a HMllllM: Olll\I delly quote $338.00. up 13 u . ,,........ ant; Oelty quote 133&00, up Sf.25. a~ only Oe11y ~ falWtcatM UM.to, UC1 UA1. HOSING BER HORSE -Heather Ross, 12, knows what "Brandy" likes best on a hot summer afternoon. She provided ~ .. / ... _ , • 1 • /\ N 1 , 1 1 1 ) 11 r~ 1 , 1, , 11 1 11, t' 1 fl. ; 'l cf N l ', Den, fltlot l'hoeo bf IUotwfd Koetllw the shower at stables in Laguna Canyon and probably didn't mind any splashes that came her way. Laguna to lose $1.5 million- on land sale? By STEVE MITCHELL Of tM o.My Pltet Staff Laguna Beach stands to lose about $1.5 million on a land sale deal, primarily due to the poor economic health of the housing market. The land at issue is a 62-acre parcel in Sycamore Hills near Leisure World. At one time , Baywood Development Co., of Newport Beach, agreed to pay the city $5.4 million for the parcel and LB seniors' free rides preserved Senior citizens in Laguna Beach have been riding the blue-and-white municipal bus line for free the past four years. planned to conatruct about 300 townhouaes on the land. The city purchaaed the entire 522-acre Sycamore Hilla property in 1976 for $6.75 million, in order to end years of lawsuJta between Laguna Beach and former owners of the land. The $5.4 million from Baywood for a portion of Sycamore Hills would have gone a long way toward paying off the city's debt to the fonner owners. But the deal fell through earlier this year when Baywood failed to come up with an option payment. That prompted the city to aeek other developers who might be interested in purchasing the 62-acre parcel and, in May, Laguna Beach sent out requesta for bids to more than 100 development firms. The deadline for bids was earlier this month, and Baywood was the only firm to submit a proposal. And, this time around, the company is offering a lot less money for the property. Sunny skies in al ternoon for weekend Ex-foes support Crean Normally the fare is 40 cents, but an agreement with Orange County provided a 15 cent subsidy from the county with the remaining 25 cents picked up by the city. But the county's subsidy ran out June 30, and it appeared Laguna Beach would have to foot the entire 40-cent subsidy in order to keep the Senior Citizen Bus Ride Program rolling. About $1.5 million less, when on e consider s the interest payments the company Is now willing to pay. (See SYCAMORE, Page A%) GOP quartet back congressional candidate Niguel teen dies in fall It will be windshield-wiper weather again Saturday for coastal commuters, but the National Weather Service promises sunny skies for the afternoons this weekend. Motorists in south county areas experienced a heavy mist early this morning. Weather officia1s attributed it to a heavy marine layer settUng on the coast. But low clouds should lift by mid-morning Saturday, said Pat Rowe of the National Weather Service in Los Angeles, making way for sunshine and warm temperatures. A California Highway Patrol spokesman in San Juan Capistrano said roads were slick this morning because of the heavy mist, prompting several minor fender benders. The spokesman said oil accumulates on the r oadways during dry weather . By JEFF ADLER Of IM D.U, Piiot Stefl Republican Johnnie R. Crean's campaign for the 43rd Congressional District seat received a boost Thunday when four of his primary opponents - who had been believed to be supporti.1\g wri\e-in candidate Ron Packard -endoned Crean's candldacy. The announcement that Charles Kenney , Ma·rtin Kinkade, Jim Rady and Jerry Shaw, all candidates who lost in the 18-way GOP primary, were "supporting" Crean was made by Kenney during a morning news conference . Kenney, unaccompanied by the three other candidates, was flanked by Crean, Orange County Republican Party Chairwoman Lois Lundberg and an aide to Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, as he read his brief statement. "Failure to address the need for unity by those who support a write-in candidate in this congressional election will substantially increase the possibility of a victory for the Democratic candidate," Kenney said. He added that he now believes Crean is "highly qualified and capable" of representing the district in Congress. However, both Rady and Shaw indicated that, while they are su pporting the party nominee, their endorsement of Crean is only "lukewarm." Kinkade simply said that he was committed. to supporting the party's nominee. All three said they would not be campaigning on Crean's behalf. Packard, who had claimed that all 18 primary candidates were supporting his write-in bid, said the endorsements "do not dampen our spirits." He added he IS very encouraged at his election prospects and plans to press ahead with his campaign. "We 've not based our ca mpaign o n specific individuals," he said this morning. "We've had 3,000 individuals come in and volunteer and that's far more significant than any polttic:aJ figures.'' Packard said he believes the four were pressured by GOP party leaders Into supporting Crean because they harbor future Political ambitions. "My goodness, we still have a vast majority of the (primary) candidates and I reali:.e I can't (See CREAN, Page A%) That was before the county discovered $2,300 in county funds left over from construction of the Veteran's Memorial Community Center on Legion Street. The county suggested the city use that money to continue the program through Sept. 30. Assistant City Manager Terry Brandt said the city will negotiate a new agreement with the county to continu e the program after Sept. 30. Meanwhile, senior citizens who display cards issued by the city will continue to ride free. Orange County sheriff's investigators are trying to determine whether a 19-year-old Laguna Niguel woman whose body was discovered Wednesday in Dana Point fell or jum ped from a 100-foot-cliff. The body of Lynn Denise Oliver was discovered by sheriff's deputies about 10 a.m. Wednesday, a depa rtment spokesman said. Ms. Oliver'• car was located the night before near the top of the cliff, he said. The body was located on rocks beneath the cliff, just north of Dana Point Harbor, he said. Fonda strong to very end Actor beseeched by press in county visit two years ago By TOM McCANN Of lhe Dlllly Piiot Staff He was a little testy, especially with members of the press who kept trying to get him to "talk like an expert, which I'm not," he said as he strolled around Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. It was early in 1980 and it may have been the last time that Henry Fonda appeared in Orange County. The event was low key and the star attraction of the day was determined to keep It that way. Tall, lanky and wrapping his frail frame in a sweater to keep warm amid the air-conditioned, under-lit interior of the museum where an all-West.em show of p_aintlngs and sculpture was WORLD being put together for a month- long run, he seemed older, somehow, than we thought he should be. The hearing aid cord leading from the frame of his glasses was one giveaway that age had taken some toll. That, and the fact that he'd often answer a press query with, ''Huh?'. or "What?" and then answer only after the question was repeated -at least once. But weak Fonda definitely was not. One reporter or another kept suggesting that "as a Westerner ... " or "as an art collector ... " or, worst of all, "as an expert ... " he s hould comment on the works of art he Lebanese Parliament sets vote BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -As 1a·raeli divebombers plastered west Beirut, the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament scheduled a presidential election for Aug. 19. But most Moel.em politicians are opposed · to voting under the guns of Israel's invasion army. NATION CLEVELAND (AP) -A 7-year-old boy with "a mean expression on his face" tried to rob a fried chicken franchise at knifepoint while hla !S-year-old brother stood guard outside, police said. Desisner food could be next lad Designer jeans, designer furniture, designer lhoea, deG,ner dreaes. How about d~r food? See Art Hoppe, Paae A 7. •• was walking among. His firm voice would ring in the nearly empty museum's inner spaces as he'd say - repeatedly -during the afternoon: "I am not an artist. I am not a collector. And I damned sure am not an expert. "I'm an actor," he'd aar., "an actor who walks where he s told, stands where he's supposed to. And knows his lines." He did finally admit that he ' liked Western a.rt and owned quite a bit of it. But he was right. He was an actor. One of the best ever -and strong to the very end . MINOR HIGHWAY SURGERY -Caltrans crews performed some minor surgery on Coast Highway in Laguna Beach this week, removing a concrete "bump" that nearby residents said created noises when large trucks O.-,Nat9Wf ....... drove over it. A Caltrans spokesman said the concrete had expanded and lifted, causing the problem. The roadway, near Bluebil'd Canyon Road, was quickly repaired by Caltrans work crews. COUNTY Mesa eyes housing for seniors Costa Mesa is considering changing the planned use of a vacant parcel from low-income housiNr to senior-citizen housing. Page Bl. " Music highlights art festival With numerou. art works still the star of the show, the Laguna Beach Festival of Art will spotlight mu.ate for the next week. Week.ender. TELEVISION KOCE loolcs behind 'Su~rman' KOCE Channel 50 in Huntlnaton Beach will explore behind the acenea of ''The Makins of Superman: The MOY'le" durtna SunvnerFelt '82, the 1taUon·~ fund·ralatnl ~ffon. TV Los . l \1 INDEX Hol'OICOpe A7 Ann Landers A 7 Movies Weekender Mutual Funda B4 National News A3 Public Notices 83-4,0,CT Sports Cl-4 Dr. Stelncrohn A7 Televiaion TV Lot Thea ten Weekender W•ther A2 Wotld NeWI A3 At Your Service A4 Busine!lll 83-5 Cavalcade A7 Cl.ualfled Dl-6 C.ornlc:. C6 Cnmword C6 Death Notices CT Editorial A6 Ent.er1alnment Weekender Gardening C6 Art· Hoppe A7 SPORTS Ansels,· Dodsers stay on top The Ancell and DOdpri poet vlctorle. to atay atop thelr re.pectlve dtV11lona. P..ie Cl. t outhpaws celebrate 'theiri day' today .... .£i.~ '!WI II • day of cautJon, of evil, t iJ•p•ndln• doom. J'rlda1 nhed wtth th• numbn U r••lu havoc wtth our S..!~f-!!'Utlon1 and t•ara of alJ r;:.~_that 80 bwnp In the rusht. ~ While eome feel lumpe rt. In ~ta' the liah\ of ladders, • mlnOn ancfturklna t>t.ck ~.pi.. anQther esttm.ted 33 million -American• live dally wlth a ~preference ln manual dexterity ;i:°that ha.a longtime been aaociated .!.with bad om9!19 and ctanaer .. Thele people are left-handers, uthpaWI for you 1port1 lovers. !•-Jn p9t dayt, It WU the bane of any a:hoolchild to develop poor hMI-. Mal\y .. Mui' liftV ..... , can pull a 'lilt -out ~DI'• i.tt oocke\ ol cour~1 ""'! of Jh• ••••Int unr•hntl~I contNasationl wtth ~harided teecheri. So lt comet u no acdcM!nt that Letth•ndera InternaUonal, a aroup 1upf,IOr1.ina the lefta (Ml r I a }l t 1, be av-e n 1 I) of a 11 IOllthptwt, hu df!llpted today, Friday the 13th, • lntemaUonal Lefthandert Dey. If they had the Ir way, lawmakere throu1hout the a>untry would be fiahtina for an F.qual Lefts Amendment to the ConsUtution, traffic law• that permit left turns on red and the Left to Life movement, which SYCAMORE HILLS . • • In the original deal, Baywood agreed to pay all the lntereat due the former <.wners of Sycamore Hilla for the original purchase. In ~ddition, the city agreed to take a note from Baywood for $3.9 million, payable in four 0';1ears from close of escrow at 10 percent. ' That would h ave enabled Laguna to continue paying .inte!"ell -at 10 percent -to the . ,former owne rs of the entire parcel. But In its new proposal, Baywood is willing only to pick up the tab for only half t he interest owed the former owners. And, Baywood is now only wil.line to accept a note from the 't::ity for $3.4 million -payable over five years at only 5 percent Interest. Frank said today "It would be difficult for the city to accept the offer as it is." He said he will recommend to the City Council next Tuesday that the city negotiate w ith Baywood to get a better deal. U that fails, Frank said , he will suggest the city talk with several developers who expressed interest In purchasing the 62 acre parcel, but dld not submit bids. "With the economy the way it is, there is no market for new homes," Frank said. "The land is worth less now than when we first negotiated with Baywood." Baywood's new proposal calls for 370 homes, plus 50 units for low and moderate income families. 'CREAN BACKED. • • expect to have all the votes or all their support." he added. The former mayor of Carlsbad a nnounced he would mount a ·write-in campaign in the district, which includes portions of both Muthern Orange and northern San Diego counties, after his l06S to Crean by Yi votes an the bitterly contested primary race. Crean and Packard will square-off against Democrat Roy "Pat" Archer in the November election. Medfly said eliminated SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Leaders o f California's $95 million battle to wipe out the Mediterranean fruit fly say they believe they have overcome the pest after finding only two of the tiny, blue-eyed bugs in the past eight months. "~ything th~t's been around since last year snouJd have been found by now," said medfly eradication project director Jerry Scribner. a deputy director in the state Department of Food .md Agnculture. Effective today, about 60 percent of the state's staff of medfly fighters were laid off. tapr•aan lhelr ana•' on •h• lboniOft ........ In th• meantlmt. moe\ left· hinderl would eettle for a p&1l' of 1cl11or1, a 1lot machine, can opener or doorknob that worked on lbetr lid• of the dextet"l Cy tplCJl')UD. The Topeka·bUecl left-handen ll'OUP encourat .. rnanufactunn to left tbt Wr<>NI in naany of \hiir pr'Oductl. Ob, for the da1 when a lefty dQe•n't have lo worry about. pomplna quarwn Into the WJ'C)l\I wuhlnl machltle. Said one 1out.hpaw on the OC'CU!on of tl\e "lefteou." day: "We aei our revenae by walk.lna down buffet Une. and leavlnf the aerving spoons on the left aide." Fans, friends grieve for Henry Fonda LOS ANGELES (AP) - Henry Fonda, dead at. the age of 77, was remembered from Hollywood to New England, the setting of his Oscar-winning role In "On Golden Pond.'' as the unpretentious hero he portrayed so well in more than 100 stl\ge and acreen perfo~ces. With tus wut!, ~nirlee, at his bedside, the veteran actor died peacefully Thursday at Cedars Sinai Medical Center of respiratory failure brought on by his long fight with heart disease. Fonda, who appeared in more than 80 films and dozens of plays during a career that spanned a half-century. had worn a pacemaker since 1974 and ~ad been in and out of the hospital since his most recent heart surgery in May 1981. He was hospitalized on Sunday for the last time. "He was comfortable and was in no pain," Mrs. Fonda, flanked by the actor's children, Jane, Peter and adopted daughter Amy, told reporters gathered outside the family's Bel-Air home. "He had a good night. He talked with all of us and he was conscious at all times. He woke ' up this morning, he sat up and JUSl stopped breathing." Among those who paid their respects in person during the day were James Stewart, Eva Marie Saint, James Garner, Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers. ln accordance with his wishes, Fonda's eyes were donated to the Manhattan Eye Institute and his body was cremated hours after he died, family spokeswoman Pat Kingsley said. She said there would be no funeral and the Camily had not decided what to do with the remains. Warmer Saturday Coastal Low cloud• prevall today through early afternoon then , bec;omlna 1unny end warmer Hlghe at the bNchM &8 to 72 and lnlend .,_ 78 to 80 Low Cloud• tonight with overnight lows Of 83 to 8~. Low Olou<lt remain during morning hours Saturday becoming 1unny In eerly llflemoon. HlghS Saturday at the beachtt 70 to 74 and Inland .,_ 78 to 84. Eltt'where, from Poi nt Conception to the Mexican border and ovt 80 mu .. : Light vll1eble wind• becoming _, 10 IOUlhWHI 8 lo 15 knots Ihle afl«'noon. with IOUlh-1 ewellt of 2 to 3 le•t. Small crell ~ ewer OUler w11er1 with ~t wind• 12 to 26 knoll and 4 to 8 loot eeu Low doudl through tonight with partial ~ Saturday afternoon. U.S. sunintary l'tluncMmorma during the nlgllt deluged the Kanus City area with mor. than 1 loot of rein. forcing donn9 of people to evacuete tllelr "°"* Md drowning II leut two oeopte N wller poured acroN etrHlt up to 10 •••• d••P In .oe--. The Kan ... Cl~ rain• -• pert of • conUnulng p1ttern of .,_, and 11tunder11orm1 1c111ered lhrOughoul the na11on. AMI wet falling at the rate of 2 10 3 lnd'9I an hOur eerty tod11Y In parta of nortllM•t MlllOUrl and flMll lloocl Wl'llnlngs -· po.-t In M\IM count* In Nebr .. L In lndlipel Ide! ice. a community Juat aMI ~ ~ City, et leul two llCMleet were ewec>I Off ttltlf ~ by nood -t-from Rodi er... Md •bOut 40 lamllltl , -• evacuated from 1 mobile home pert! when Ille PUie Blue R"'9r left Ill benk•. Mal Sllannon j Cf._, Mid. a TM _,,_ ~ aeld 12.8 Inc.,_ of rein wa1 r•por1ed In "8ytown. a auburb tut Of Kan ... ~~· m •r•tuttl t>elore dewn ran from 43 at Sau" Ste. M • MICll .. to IS at o.t Alo, -r--. • Temperatures NATION ... Lo ,re. Albany Ui sa Albuque 83 83 18 Amarillo 04 71 Asheville 82 84 Atltnl• 87 84 Atlante Cty 11 55 Au111r1 97 76 Baltlmor• 78 56 Bllllngt 87 111 Blrmlnghm 88 118 Bltmtrck 83 48 08 B<>iH 82 se Boston 10 62 Brown1vtle 96 77 Bulfllo 70 57 01 Burllnglon 74 57 CatPet 94 SS Chtnetn SC 92 75 ChtrlSln WV 75 53 cn1n11e NC 86 68 eo MIMnl 88 78 .02 Cheyenne 115 Sii MllWel.lk.. 10 61 Chl<:IQO 7 4 51 Mplt ·SI P, 71 82 03 ClnClnnttl 72 S4 Nuhvl,.. 83 59 Cleveland 73 47 New Orleans 89 72 .Ot Clmtll• SC 88 72 18 N-YOfk 19 83 Columbus 76 48 Nonollc 73 80 Osl-Ft wth 09 11 No Plett• ee ee Dayton 75 S4 Otcla City es 73 Oen~ 118 82 111 Omah• 70 112 .47 Dea Me>jflM 74 es Orland<> 91 73 .25 Oetre>jl 75 •8 Phlledpl'li. 78 80 Duluth 70 53 30 Phoenix 91 79 .04 El PHO 93 ff .03 Plll1burgh 73 48 Falrb•nk1 71 53 Piiand, Me 71 59 Fargo 83 85 02 P1111ld. Or• 75 8 I F190t1alf 87 55 Pr~ 73 69 .01 GrMt Fallt 71 50 Raleigh 79 83 .05 Hartford 78 80 Rapid City S1 57 Helena 77 4 7 Reno 88 40 IUIN W&Shlngtn Wlcnlta 98 78 80 82 100 78 CALll'°"HIA Blklfllleicl 97 74 88 Blylhe Euralla Fr Mn<> l tncatltr Los Ang .... M11ty9ville Monterey 01kt1od Pa10 Roblff Red llufl llec!WOOd city Sacramento Stllnu 8e SS 86 68 02 87 78 &! 84 72 75 81 51 115 ee so 55 81 St 85 S2 Honolulu 88 77 Salt lat 88 80 Houlton 92 ao San Antonk> H 15 ..., kldt\llplll 11 53 s.at11e : ~ os ~mog Jllcil911 MS 8: :: 30 r~ 71 83 .03 The Air Outllly Management ~~~: :o 88 4:83 81 Lout• 77 68 Ol1trlct predict• verylng air l(noxvMle 13 81 SI P-Tempa 19 78 .01 l u<ollty today In the South Co.SI t: .. v:O: :J ~g ::,,:.::~ltlt ~ :: "u=llhlul air quallty for 85 SyracuM ... ISO ttnlltlYe people II lorec.t In Ille ~ ~ 78 Topetca 75 70 1.811 Rlverlldt ·Stn Bernardino area M-....... as 75 Tuc:aon 11 81 .48 and the San Gabrlel, Pomona, ... ,...._ San F«nando end Santa Clatlta • -valley1, 111 with a Pollutant ' Standard lnde11 of 188. ' .· .. "· ........ s ... u~R __ F_R __ 1_~ __ 1_1_1 __ lat~~.:,.:5:~:: ,_ • Lot AngelH County: (800) ;;:,:....e;._ -242-4022 - - -~~ and Sen Bernardino L......, Huntington 81ufl1 Huntington Pier 8tnta I'll• ~ .i.tty 40th ... Newport 22nd It. Hewport Balt>oeWedfe Rookpllt, Uguna SleeoY Hollow Thall .. 8'00kl 81111 Clfeek San~fller Tr.rlllgat (T4tr.tl) 1-2 ft poof 17 Cotton'• Point 1-2 It talr"900! II Tr•t• 1-2 ft fair.pool' II sen Onofre 1.2 tt fw"900f " TOMOMOW't TIDH; HIQll I 02 p,m. LOW 1 U7 a.m lwell Dtteollon loutttwtlt. ' coumlM: (800) 3417...CTIO AQMD ""9odt Center: (IOO) 242-441M Tide TOOAY 8ec0!\d '°'*' 10:07 •. !ti. 2.4 8eco114 hlQtl <4 H p,rn U UTUM)AY '1fll io.t 1UI • m 0 4 F!(ll hlOll 1·01 1 m 3 I hooncf low 11:21 a.m. U 84IOond hlgl\ t 02 p.m. t .O lvn Ht• today 11 1.42 ,,m • ,.._ latufday at 8• 13 a.m Moon r1IM t<ICNy at 12 40 a.111 , .... " 2:82 l).m, • "' Wlr9phot• INSPECTING TROOPS -Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger observes water survival training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego with Drill Sgt. Donald Wilburn. It was Weinberger's first visit to the military installation since his appointment. U.S., Lebanese resunJe PLO talks By The Associated Press U.S . and Lebanese offlc1als resumed talks today on getting the PLO out of west Beirut, and th e re was sp e culation presidential envoy Philio C . Habib would travel to Israel soon to try to resolve differences. A new c ease-fir e held m eanwhile, and mo torcycle- borne guerrillas blared orders through loudspeakers for all expressed outrage Thuraday over its attacks on west Beirut because he felt "enough is enough," a senior White House official said . State hails Watt slap SAN F RANCISCO (AP) - Call1omla offldala are hall1na a federat appeall court ·declaTon tha t ••Y• lnterlor Secretary Jamee Wan mu1t make 1ure ofhhore drlllln1 plane are conliat.ent wjth ltaS. ~· The ru1lnc capped a five-y..r dtepute between the Interior Department and 35 coutal 1tata, said plalntlffl, who called the decillon "• llignifk:ant victory." ,.Jim W•tt hu been flahtin& ~ every step of the way. Re'• been stiff-annin' 1tates .. yina he's In charge. He 1 been th-wnbini ht. nose at ua, and he'• been caught at it," said Michael Flecher, execu tive director of the California Coastal CommilSLon. The Interior Department l&id earlier the offshore activity - including lots off Newport Beach and Laguna Beach -would have no direct e ffect o n California's soenic coast and that it was therefore unnecessary to rev,ew its consistency with the state plan. While Thursday'• r1.1llng set procedures the Interior Department must follow, more court battlea are e xpected on Watt's plan for the Lease Sale 53, which includes 243 tracts in five coastal basins. · Watt, who is w ithholding comment until after reviewlng the decision, will be the one to decide whether the sale conflicts with state interests. EDITORIAL COMMENT Page A6 fighters who left their positions to report to their superiors within 48 hours or face court martial Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, who ordered massive bombing raids on west Beirut Thursday apparently in defiance of his government, srud he hoped the guerrilla evacua tion could begin late next week. Soil, drainage discussion set On Thursday. Lebanon said it was s us pending the talks to protest Israe l's fiercest yet air attacks, which police said left at least 156 dead and 41 7 wounded before an outraged President Rea~an arran~ed a truce. Habib re fuse d t o ta lk to reporte rs after meeting with Lebanese President Elias Sarkis and Prime Ministe r Shafik Waz.zan. Meanwhile, after muffling rriticism of Israe l for weeks, President Reaga n publicly • "Tips for the Hillside Homeowner on How to Avoid Drainage and Soil Problems" is the title of a speech scheduled Tuesday at th e Leisure World , Clubhouse l in L a guna Beach. Dennis Bannan of the Orange Chapter of the Building Industry Associauon •August activ1t1es at tne S e nior Ci t1zens Club of Laguna Beach include dasses in oil painting, current book revie w , bridge, Spanish , creative writing, dance- exercise, crime prevention for seniors and golf lessons. · In addition, the club offers free legal as sistance , free of Southern California will give landscaping hints in his noontime speeeh before the Laguna Hills Kiwanis club. The Orange County BIA chapter currently is speaking at public forums throughout the county on themes that ''Housing is Everybody's Business." physical exams, an arthritic workshop, counseling, home VlSits and free transportation to doctors and lawyers plus a host of other programs to its members. Membership for one year is $4 and additional information may be obtained by calling 497-2441. Henry Fonda leaves 1 great screen legacy The plcture that comet' to I mtnd today .la Henry Fonda tn the ' comfortably creued old f iahlng bat that went wtth the role of the retfnd .,rofe.:>r ln)Ua last movie. And, aomebow, you wish that the real man inside that tired old profeuor la today dippin1 a line in a new fiahlng h~e'll enjoy for eternity on rome celestial COiden Pond You'r e maybe tempted to Wish Hank good luck. Except for one thing. Almost no one, except his close cr onies and professional peers ever would have called Henry Fonda by the diminutive Hank. He was an institution in his profession, a master craftsman who brought a no-nonsense believability to every role he ever decided to breathe into life. And it was that ~e dignity -that strength that showed from the deer-eyed, level look he gave to the world -that l'TIAlde the real man what he wu. He waa. aa the obitu aries around the world said yeat.erday, ''the plain-apeaklng M!dweatemer whose aentle manner and 1ense of fair play epitomized for 50 yean what Americana want in their heroes." He wanted no funeral. You have the feeling -and the hope -that any ceremonies to be conducted will be kept low-key and maybe will be performed on the banks of that celestial pond. Maybe another strong, clear- eyed American hero who arrived at the pond ahead of him will be there to greet him. John Wayne gained strength and credibility, too, from his Midwestern heritage. Wonder if the Duke will fish in H ank 's Golden Pond? Is the end in sight? Throughout the past two months of savage fighting in Lebanon, the light at the end of the tunnel has flickered, faded and brighte ned again as tough negotiations to end the conflict dragged on. While the diplomats talked, the generals and guerrillas fought. Israel has relentlessly pursued gue rrillas of the Palestine Liberation Organization into their W est Beirut enclave, smashing whatever cities and civilia.ns happened to stand in its way. At the same time, the PLO has stalled, wavered, waffled and bled a city that doesn't want them, seeking a political phoenix out of its military debacle. While the Americans wrung their hands, while the Arab nations stood idly by and while the Soviets carefully kept their backs turned, thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians died and a land that has known little peace since the 1970s was ground into rubble. It appears at last that an agreement to evacuate the PLO guerrillas from Beirut and move them to other Arab countries has been reached. The 6,000 to 9,000 guerrillas, "te rrorists" as the Israelis call them, are to be moved to countries such as Syria, Egypt i&n d Iraq. The evacuation will mean the end of the state-within- a-state the PLO has maintained in Lebanon for m ore than a decade. Quite unders tandably, many Lebanese will shed no tears over their departure. Afterward, there will be more Jalks on getting both Israeli and Syrian troops out of Lebanon. The Syrians muscled their way into Lebanon to stop the Lebanese civil war of 1975-76. But there are still sticking points. Israel is complaining about the composition of a multinational force -Americans to be included -that would enter Beirut to supervise the PLO evacuation. In the meantime, the Israelis are continuing to bomb Beirut. Who is right and who is wrong in this tragedy? The Middle East problem is too com plex to be addressed that way. But basically, the Israelis and the Palestinians claim the same land as their own, and neither acknowledge the legitimacy of the other's claim. To Is rael, the PLO is a band of murderous terrorists, to the Palestinians the Israelis are usurpers, brutal occupiers of their land. PLO evacuation fr om Lebanon is no solution to the problem. It may be a start toward resolving the Palestinian problem, which has vexed diplomats for decades. More likely, it could mean a new round of terrorism from a more radical, reconstituted PLO and the inevitable Israeli reprisals. Only when both sides admit that each has legitimate rights in that troubled region will a step toward long-lasting peace have been taken. As for th~ hapless Lebanese, ridding their country of unwanted foreign troops and gunmen will be the first step toward rebuilding what used to be a land of beauty. ;\V e're crackers for suing Ame rican s are th e most jawsuit-happy people in the world, and an incident this week j.nvolving a box of candied popcorn ~nd peanuts .1s a graphic demonstration of this fact. It seems that a 9-year-old lndiana girl name d W endy Potasnik was grievously offended \vhen upon finis hing a box of Cracker Jack she discovered an act of negligence on the part of Borden, Inc., parent company of the firm whic h markets the conlection. Despite Borden's promise that every box of Cracker Jack shall contain a toy, Wendy's particular box was lacking. Most kids probably would have written off the disappointment as conunon human error and hit mom or dad up for money to buy another box. Not Mi.M Potasnik. She filed • suit in the small claims division of Hamilton County, Ind., Court asking Borden to cough up a toy and $19 in court costs. It seems written inquiries to Borden on this matter had gone unanswered, and the girl's father encouraged her to haul the company into court. Understandably, Borden was upset by all the bad publicity so company officials promised the tyke another box of Cracker Jack for free and apologized for their oversight. One good thing to come out of this incident was that a child learned a little bit about the American justice system. But it is a little upsetting that a kid was imitating a disturbing habit many grownups have, that of rushing into court and demanding retribution at the most trifling of offenses. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Piiot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ~;.~:ess The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 9262'. Phone (71 4)' . ORANGE COAST .. Daily Pilat . Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murpftlne E ditor Barbara Krelblch Edltorlal Page Editor I Letters to the editor Helicopter pilot on those coyotes To the F.ditor: I would like to respond to the Jetter by Ms. Hanson (Daily Pilot, Aug. 10) regarding the shooting of coyotes by the Costa Mesa Police Department. I would like to take her letter point by point. First, .she states that it is improper use of city funds to hunt coyotes from a helicopter. Would it be cheaper to hire somebody else, or use the existing equipment and m$npower that is available at no added cost? Isn't it the duty of the police department to protect citizens from danger? Secondly, she states it i.s dangerous to nearby residents for "a policeman to fly the helicopter at a very low altitude, set it down, jump out, shoot at coyotes, jump in, fly over the area again, and repeat the action over and over." FIRST OF ALL, the onJy coyote that was shot was shot from approximately 20 feet altitude and no one was jumping in and out of the h e licopter. To counterpoint this statement I wou1d like to say that police helicopter pilots are not inexperienced and reckless. I am a police helicopter pilot and have been flying for 12 years w ith approximately 10,000 accident-free hours to my credit and have used the area in question for flying practice since 1970. I find Ms. Han..~n'• inference that a "policeman" may not be a sa fe helicopter pilot somewhat offensive. She st~tes that there are always walkers, .)Oggers, and children in the area; that the area is heavily wooded and people could be in the area when shots were fired. WE DID WARN PEOPLE in the area prior to shooting. We checked the area and we have a much better view from 20 feet than a hunter on the ground. We are shooting down on the coyotes rather than horiz.ontally into areas where we can't see. We don't fly or shoot into the wooded areas for obvious safety reasons. The fourth point brought up was that she was told by the police and her "neighbor" was told by anima1 control that the coyotes may be rabid. She states "they are not." Did Ms. Hanson check all t~ir rabi_es vaccination tags? Wild animals quite often carry rabies. ' ONLY ONE COYOTE has been shot from the helicopter and that one ts the onJy coyote that was picked up by the helicopter on Thursday, Aug. 5, and taken to the animal-control van. It was in the afternoon, which may acx:ount for the apparent confusion between her and her "neighbors" sightings of whether it was day or night. Next, she states that she haa "personal knowledge" that the coyotes have been there for 35 years. I have been flying over the area for 12 years and I never saw a coyote there until about three years ago. They have since multiplied to where I can see five or six at a time and I can see at least 2P ooyote dens in the field area. Then why are the coyotes so dangerous? These coyotes are wild animals. In packs, they will at.tack anyone. Quotes "It looks like somebody's fln•lly getting some sense." -Prosecutor SlmoD Lei• Jr. of Oacla.uct. on the U.S. Supreme Court declalon allowing atata to outlaw atmo.t all child pornography. "It is ditllcult to aee how thia act.Jon wUJ do any more than spilt the NA TO alliance and give the Soviet Union an opentna to further dlvldc u1. A• WllllCCeP.~ble at the Soviet doml~tlon of Poland la to ua. the aolutJon doet not Ue in further dividln1 and weakening the all~. We must not allow the criais ot the l'.ut to triaet a criaU In the Wat." -Sn. ClaarlH R. Perc y, R -111., ch alrm•n of the Senate Fortlan Relations Committee, comm enttna Friday on Prwldent fteaaan's dedston to expand aanctJona aplnat the eale of on and pa equJpment to the Sovtet Union . MAILBOX She then mentions the squirrel population in the area and the chance of a pet or child eating poison which might have to be set out. How about the fact that the coyotes apparently prefer eating cats and dogs which are easier prey than the squirrels which is evidenced by the rem.alns of pets we have found around their dens. The coyotes have indeed become a problem. Ms. Hanson's complaint is that among o ther things the police are endangering pedestrians and causing disturbances. I feel the coyotes are more of a danger to pedestrians than the police and I would like to invite Ms. Hanson to ask the 6-year-old girl in Burbank, recently attacked in her front yard by a coyote, would sh e rather hear a few gunshots or be the victim of a coyote? WHILE SHE IS AT IT she can also ask the little girl about the pain of the coyote bite and the rabies shots she is taking. The foregoing is my own opinion as a citizen of Costa Mesa and does not necessarily represent the feelings of the city or the polJce department. M . NUIT Lemon aid To the F.d1tor: Now that the battle of the Lemon Bill has been fought and won, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your coverage and support of the bill. Alt.hough 1 received publicity throughout the state, your editorial support was very gratifying. The passage of this legislation was a victory for California consumers as well as the auto industry and I again thank you for your support. SALLY TANNER ~mblywoman, 60th District Jobless woes To the Editor: One factor which probably never enters Into erudite discussions of distingul.shed economists is the effect of unemployment on the economic picture. As one who wit~ss e d the phenomenon first han during t he • 1931-1933 period I qualified to ' comment on the e odi effects of unemployment. Let ua say that in given community a plant llke Gene E!lectric decides to close a plan ch is losing money. Almost lnun ately the income of the workers ls tically reduced. This is shortly felt by e supermarket, which a reduction in sales of food. The auto agency 1 sales to people who will not be able to take the new car which they had contemplated. With less money in their pockeu many people wW reduce their driving and that wW be a blow to the gas station man. With a aeneral reduction in sales, the ~rchanta will reoe.ive less money and the city and state Mil receive les1 tax money. All of thi1 started with one plant ~I ' EACH OF THE affected 8?0UllS In the community will review their employment lituatlon and i1 thlnp. get bad enoug.h IOml! will lay off people. FAch of the new crop of unemployed wW affect the dty In the ume way as did the G.E. peop& The cOndidon feedl upon It.elf and a downward •piral pta under way. n.. wane ~ aet. the tutu ia the drop. l!xDUllCI the JltueUCn mUonwide and you Mve quite a problem . IN TR£ APJl'AIR of the 1930s, the untmplolm•nt rat• at the Ume of RooMVe1t 1 lnaucundon was about 25 percent. ~. ~y Aue. 6, 1982, it • ...... ,, l•MI t.-O•t•-1<-. ttw titll\ IO , .... nw let• ••• , .. Ill ..... ., •llll'Wf'lell 11 .. 1 It, .................. .. 9tfll• W .... will • 91..-i ..... ,,_, All ~ "*'' II!· ciw. ,...,.,llf'9 •flf -111"9 ..... WI _. IN1 It ••I_.. "' '"""' If Wfflc•"'I rN -It _.,tflt "°""'Y ••II -It.,....,..., Latter• INY" ,......,.. .. .u.- N•"'• _,.....,. """"'' ot Illa Cllltfl ...... t -· II .. "911 .. , .. ,.,1(.11111 ........ is 9.8 percent, having gone up 0.3 percent since July). Whal must be done to reverse the downward spiral? The business community in '33. had but one weapon, namely, to close down plants or discharge people. This was the accepted means of cutting losses. It was hardly the remedy by 1933. FDR set up programs of massive public works, price stabilization and other schemes which marked him as a wild-eyed radical. The day of "alphabet soup" dawned ... remembe"r PWA, WPA, CCC, NRA etc? By ge tting some cash into people's hands he arrested the spiral and changed the attitude of the discouraged people without .)Obs. EVEN SO, the recovery was long and tortuous. . . I can remember that our shop in Philadelphia was on a four-day week as late as 1937. At least the trend was UP. FDR was ul timately taken "off the hook" by the start of World War 11. Pondering the present course of the unemployment spiral there is a kind of "deja vu" effect present (I've been here before). Whilst the experts debate the fate of s upply-side economics, ReagaRomics and other esoteric subjects. John Q. Public is losing his means of earrung a living (so is Jane Y. Public). Thei r problems are rea l and immediate . . and they are steadily worsening. THE BIG CRUNCH will come when their unemployment insurance runs out. We've got a reaJ emergency on our hands. We only hope that those in power will begm to realize it. Unttl such time as the administration's proposed remaking of the economic program begins to bear fruit these 12 million people out of jobs need help. · GENE PEARSON Teacher dol1ars To the F.d.ltor: Members of the California Teachers Association who do not plan to vote for Jerry Brown, Tom Bradley, and a host of othe r DemocratJc candidates in the November election could be paying for their campaigns anyway. Thanks to a loophole in the Federal Election Campaign Act that permits unions to make "in kmd" oontributions, thousands of teachers' dues dollars cou1d be used to pay for flyers, postage, medta advertising. sta ff salaries, telephone banks -m short. any expense that is not a direct c~h transfer to the candidate himself. Teacher union officials possibly mislead theu own members by telling them that CTA support of political candidates comes from voluntary contributions out of the "A.BC" fund. ABC donations appear to be a fraction of the union treasury used for political campaigns with the ll?Sl "in kind." In addition to bankrolling the campaigns of pet politicians, CTA alleeed.ly u.aes members' dues to lobby for a variety of political movements - legallz.aUon of marijuana usage, abortion. strikes for government employees, boycotts of lndtatrlal a.nd agricultural products, gun control, ERA. mandatory student busing, and one-third federal funding of all public education. Do t.eachen ever wonder why support of theee movements ls necessary just to belong to a local teachers' organization? PHYLUS S71'RATroN lllllY• What • pendox to -. \.he pletUfte of Htroahima •nd N•1aaald, leveled by American nuclear bon\a,,, ind ~ beer th• antullhftl cri• aplMt r~aeJ for th* bombma ol PLO~ and armeC*hll. J' AIR LS. r A.IR ...... , .. __ ...,......, ............ MC............................. I ,._,_ ... _.. .... .._, .... DWy ....... llfUOAV,AUG. 11, 1111 * 95 pervisor Riley preuing FAA for noi e cutback at air~rt. Page B3. 0 D 8TOCK8 level controversy JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT DEPT. -Just the other day we got a message here at the newspaper office on our answering machine that suggested we're ignorant. Now you might acc.-ept this on general tenns. But the speclflc ln this case was off base. The caller alleged this: "On Friday's editorial page, your middle editorial headline says, 'Difficult J .C. Times' in reference to two-year colleges. We are not J .C. but C.C. Don't look now, ,-.....\ but your ignorance is TOM MURPHINI ~/;. showing. We're. n~t junior ,~ to anybody. This 1S a very ------------proud community college instructor calling you . . . " Well, fella, you may be proud but you are probably also pretty young. · That wasn't our ignorance showing so much in the editorial headline as it was our age. BACK A FEW YEARS AGO, almost all of our two- year institutions of higher learning were called junior colleges. Some older heads around Orange County attended Santa Ana Junior College which, somewhere aiong the ThlS is &Jward Teach Jr., alias "Blackbea.rd the Pirate." Nobody called him "Junior." line, figured the "junior" in the name wasn't quite high- toned enough. So they dropped it in favor of being just plain Santa Ana College. Also somewhere along the line, some intellectuals at the district level apparently didn't like the "Santa Ana" part any more, either. So it became the Rancho Santiago Community College District. THE OLDER ALUMNI may have trouble figuring out where it was they went way back when. I don't believe Orange Coast College, another of our esteemed two-year schools, ever was a junior college. Orange Coast came into the game late, about 1947 I think, and by that time the "junior " appendage was already passe. Lately, however, the d istrict itself has become known as the Coast Community College District, which headline writers insist upon shortening to "CCC." This again confuses and confounds the aged ones among us who remember the Civilian Conservation Corps. Now the "J .C ." designation may cause the aforementioned instructor to go into a deep purple funk, but when you say it, at least most folks seem to know what you're talking about. Just because you stick J .C. into the name, or don't stick it in, doesn't change the quality of education you're going to get at the place or affect the won-loss record oi the football team. LOTS OF PEOPLE have a "junior" tacked on the ends of their names and most consider it an honor, since it probably means the kid was named after his dad. The n we have pugilists; the boxers who fight for a living. Some new divisions have been added in boxing that include a "junior" title. Like the Junior Welterweight Champion of the World. IF YOU WALK UP to that gentleman and say, "Hi, Junior," you better be smiling nicely when you do it. Anyway, back at the two-year college circumstance, I suppose you could get very techllical and call them Lower Division Colleges. Ugh. I'd rather be a junior, myself. City Hall • survives • • moving experience There's been a lot of shuffling around recently at Huntington Beach City Hall. The personnel department, which recently waa made a part of the admlni•tratlve services deputment. was moved from the fourth floor to the flnrt floor of the clvlc center bullding, 2000 Main St. T o make room, the public lnfonnation offkle was moved to the RCOnd floor where it was conaolldated with graphics, photography and publication preparation. Thia move reeulted In the Housing and Commun ity Development office belng moved from the second floor to the fourth floor. In addition, Clty Council members took over offices on the fourth floor which haa been vacated by ddplaced peraonnel, City Administrator Charles Thompson said the moves will Increase efficiency. He said moving the pel"ION\el department from the fourth to the fil"lt floor alto will provide better accea to people eeekina lnfonnation about Jobe. ' HOUSING ON HOLD -Parcel at 765 W. 20th St. was cleared for apartments for low-income families. T}lat project fell o.ny Hot Photo 1tr ,etndl o,,_... through, and the Coota Mesa City Council will consider M onday changing the use of the 2. 79-acre site. Housing project trade eyed Costa Mesa officials shifting support from sty1ni ed plan to seniors By JODI CADENHEAD Of the D91tr Piiot ltan Costa Mesa City Council members will exchanlle onP housing dream for another - they never dreamed about three years ago -Monday when city officials will consider a housing program, for senior citlzens. In 1979 Costa Mesa, using Federa l Com mun ity Development Block Grant funds, began snapping up $1.6 million worth of land on the west side of town to build 50 apartments to h elp poor families. Rundown houses on the 11 parcels at 1930 Wallace Ave., 2015 Pomona Ave. and 765 W. 20th St. were cleared to make way for the construction that was expected to be finished in December. • But in January the project Art'\Vork top prize stunning By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the D91tr Piiot •taff Kurt Aspland of Fountain Valley can trace his interest in painting back to a day when he was forced to stay home at age 6 because he was ill. His mother was dabbling in water colors at the time. and she asked him if he wanted to try it. His interest grew and five years ago he began taking art lessons. The weekly practice has apparently paid off. Two of Kurt's works, a pastel and an oil painting, recently won first prize for his age group in a national art contest sponsored by Boys Clubs. The 15-year-old artist, who will be a sophomore at Fountain Valley High School this fall, will receive a medallion for his achievement. His winning art works will travel around the nation during the next year as part of a Boys Club exhibit. Friends from the Boys Club of Fountain Valley encouraged him to enter the art contest, he said. At the Orange County level, ir, which entries from the county's 15 Boys Clubs competed, Kurt took first prize in the pastel oil and pencil categories. At a regional contest in Scottsdale, Ariz., his pastel and oil works again took flrst prize. In the national judgings .in Washington. D.C., they again won the top honors. "When I won in Scottsdale, I was thrllled," Kurt recalls. "When I won the nationals, I couldn't talk." Bodenhoefer funeral rites held in Mesa Mass was said ln Costa Mesa thi1 week for former Balboa Island resident and boat builder Jacob Bodenhoefer, 81, who died Aug. 6. An Austrian native, Mr. Bodenhoefer moved to Balboa Island ln 1921, working wtth the Payton Boat Works pr lor to World War II. An upholsterer by trade, he worked u a boat builder with the Central Boat Work• in Newport Beach durtna the laie 1940.. He later tttired to Palm Sprtnp. He l• survived by hla wife, Ethel, ud IOD•, William and Kenneth. He alao i .. ve1 t lx 1randchlldren and four 1reat- grandchlldren. The family requelt8 memOria1 contrlbutloru be m•d• to the A.merbn Cancer Soc:Mty. came to a standsti ll when President Reagan announced plans to kill the federal Housing and Urban Development program that subsidized rents for new construction. During a study sesmon earlier this week the city council indicated support for switching the project at 20th Street to senior citizens housing since rental subsidies for the elderly still exist. "If there's no funding available for family housing what else can you do?" asked councilman Ed McFarland. In supporting the u se for a senior ho using project, the councU turned down proposals to sell the sites, construct homes and attempt to build the original project using city funds. Monday night the council will consider changing the use on the 2.79-acre site. City officials this week also expressed Interest In a Central Bible Church project that received $1 5 million an HUD funding last year, but was never built because city planning staff recommended against approval of the project in a residential neighborhood. Reinhold Klem, the developer for lh'! proposed project, said the 38 uruts must be under way by September 1983, in order to use the HUD funding. An earlier attempt by city officials to switch funding from a defunct HUD-funded project in South Orange County to the city's family housing development failed. John Crawford, a community planning and development representative for HUD, said tha~ 1t would be possible to transfer funds between projects in the same city Crawford said that HUD approval for the transfer would depend on the project and whether the city had met its proposed goals for family and senior housing. He said t hat it would be pos&ble td build a senior housing project on the site since the city is still short of its three year goal adopted an 1979 to build 229 low-income units for the elderly. Records show that 54 have been developed. City officials in 1979 hoped to build or fund 703 existing units for families by 1982. Eleven have been built. WINNING ARTIST -Kurt Aspland poses with one of his paintings currently on exhibit at a savings and loan branch office in Fountain Dally Piiot Photo bf Galy AIMtOM Valley. He wears the medallion awarded for his na tional win in the Boys Club contest. TACIUNG A TWILIGHT -Wat dinner waltinc while two youtha sailed acl"a. North I & HOSING HER HORSE -Heather Ross, 12, knows what "Brandy" likes best on a hot summer afternoon. She provided ' . " t •111\N<.t <'OIJN I Y r Al 11 OH N ll\ l'J CENTS 0.-, ........... .., RlcfWd I( ...... the shower at stables in Laguna Canyon and probably didn't mind any splashes that came her way. Civil defense push angers Irvine mayor By GLENN SCOTT Of ltlo .,.., "'°' ..... Irvine Mayor Larry Agran, never one to focus only on parochial problems, has rebuked a state official for encouraging the City Council to back civil defen se programs in case of nuclear war. In a recently publicized letter, Agran told James Alexander, regional manager for the state's Emergency Services Office, that no civil defense systems could offer relief in a nuclear attack. He claimed that Irvine most likely would be a high-priority target because of its industrial sector filled with high - technology firms. He did not mention adjacent El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. "No system of bomb shelters, no plan of 'evacuation' could protect against the lethal horrors of a thermonuclear bomb," said Agran. Alexander had mailed a letter dated July 20 to the council suggesting that members be leery of efforts by a group called Physicians for Social Responsibility. If a 20-megaton bomb, whlch Agran said is repor t edl y "commonplace" In the Soviet · arsenal, were dropped on the Irvine Business Center, It would "literally vaporize every one of (See CI VIL, Page AZ) Schools to open Sept. 13 The first day of classes in all but three Irvine schools tentatively has been set for Sept. 13, said Assistant S uperintendent Delaine Richards, who held out hope today that teacher contract negotiations would be completed by then. Lefties demand rights Irvine grass fire quelled The group, he said, has mounted a c ampaign h e described as "highly emotional, full of exaggeration," to convince local leaders not to depend on civil defense programs in nuclear war. Irvine High School, the only one of four high schools in the Irvine Unified School District to run on a quarter system, is to begin classes Sept. 9 and hold teacher orientation Sept. 7. Teacher orientation for other schools is Sept. 9. Two schools, Vl.sta Verde and El Camino Real, already are in session since they operate year- round programs. Southpaws celebrate 'their day' today Firefighters extinguished a three-acre grasa fire Thursday in Irvine before it had a chance to do much_ damage. By JOEL C. DON Of tho D.., Piiot Steff This is a day of caution, of evil, of impending doom. Friday united with the number 13 wreaks havoc with our superstitions and fears of all tb.1ngs that go bump in the night. ' While some ·feel lumps r18e in the throat at the sight of ladders, broken mirrors and lurking black cats, another estimated 33 million Americans live dally with a preference in manual dexterity that has longtime been associated with bad ome!18 and danger. These people are left-handers, southpaws for you sports lovers. In past days, it was the bane of any schoolchild to develop poor habits. Many an adult lefty today ·can pull a list -out of a left pocket of course -of the seeming unrelenting confrontations with right-handed teachers. So it comes as no accident that Lefthanders International, a group supporting the lefts (m>t rights, heavens!) of all southpaws, has designated today, Friday the 13th, as International Lefthanders Day. If they had their way, lawmakers throughout the oountry would be fighting for an Equal Lefts Amendment to the Constitution, traffic laws that pennit left turns on red and the Left to Life movement, which expresses their angst on the abortion issue. In the meantime, most left- handers would settle for a pair of sciasors, a slot machine, can opener or doorknob that worked on their side of the dexterity spectrum. The Topeka-based left-h anders group encouragea manufacturers to left the wrongs in many of their products. Oh, for the day when a lefty doesn't have to worry about pumping quarters into the wrong washinJ{ machine. Said one southpaw on the occasion of the "lefteoua" day: "We get our revenge by walking down buffet lines and leaving the serving spoons on the left side." The blaze of unknown origin at 8001 Irvine Blvd. was reported at 11:49 a.m. and was controlled by Orange County firefighters 12 mlnu tea later, said spokesman Jeff Taylor. "It waa a slow-moving fire," he said. The fire was near the border of El Toro Marine Cor ps Air Station and a stable, he said. • Alexander said the council should instead join lobbying efforts to convince the federal government to fund new "all-effects shelters," anti-missile systems and improved communications and educational programs. Agran disagreed. He wrote: "To suggest, as you do, that we can somehow prepare for nuclear warfare betrays a total ignorance of the catastrophic effects of even a single thermonuclear bomb dropr.rl on a major metropolitan area .r.-- Richards said I rvine schools never have opened without a teacher contract but last year's negotiations went right down to the wire, being completed Labor Day weekend, just a few days before school opening. Irvine Teachers Asaociatlon and the district have been in contract talks since April. The teachers want a 12.~ percen t increase in bue pay (from $14.- 126 to $15,892) and the district opened negotiations with a 3 percent pay raise offer. Sunny skies in al ternoon for week end Fonda reHJeHJbered by friends, fans It will be windshield-wiper weather again Saturday morning for coastal commuters, but the National Weather Service promises sunny skies for the afternoons this weekend. Motorists in south county areas experienced a heavy mist early this morning. Weather officials attributed it to a heavy marine layer settling on the coast. But low clouds should lift by mid-morning Saturday, said Pat Rowe of the National Weather Service in Los Angeles, making way for sunshine and warm temperatures. A California Highway Patrol spokesman in San Juan Capistrano said roads were slick this morning because of the hea~y mist, prompting several minor fender benders. The spokesman said oil accumulates on the roadways during dry weather. WORLD LOS ANGELES (AP) - Henry Fonda, dead at the age of 77, was remembered from Hollywood to New England, the setting of his Oscar-winning role in ''On Golden Pond," as the unpretentious hero he portrayed so well in more than 100 stAge and screen performances. With his wue, 6nirlee, at his bedside, the veteran actor died peacefully Thursday at Cedars Sinai Medical Center of respiratory failure brought on by his long fight with heart disease. Fonda, who appeared in more than 80 films and dozens of plays during a career that spanned a half-century, had worn a pacemaker since 1974 and had been in and out of the hospital since his most recent heart surgery in May 1981. He was hospitalized on Sunday for the last time. Lebanese Parliament sets vote BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -As Israeli divebombel'B plastered west Beirut, the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament scheduled a presidential election for Aug. 19. But most Moslem politicians are opposed to voting under the guns of Israel's invasion army. NATION CLEVELAND (AP) -A 7-year-old boy wtth .. a mean expression on hia face0 tried to rob a fried chicken franch.Ule at knifepolnt while hJa 0-year-old brother 1tood guard outaide, police aaid. · Designer lood could be next I ad De1ianer jeam , dealgner furn iture, deaianer •~1 designer dretles. HoW about destsner foodf See Art 110ppe, Page A 7. "tte was comfortable and was in no pain,'' Mrs. Fonda, flanked by the actor's childr en, Jane, Peter and adopted daughter Amy, told reporters gathered outside the family's Bel-Air home. "He had a good night. He talked with all of us and he was conscious at all times. He woke up this morning, he sat up and just stopped breathing." Among those who paid their respects in person during the day were James Stewart, Eva Marie Saint, James Garner, Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers. ln accordanoe with his wishes, Fonda's eyes were donated to the Manhattan Eye Institute and his body was cremated hours after he died, family apokeswoman Pat Kingsley said. She said there would be no funeral and the family had not decided what to (See FONDA, Page A%) CHRISTENING -Irvine Mayor Larry Agran (right) prepares to snip a bright yellow ribbon dedicating the city's bus shelter proP._am. Nine glazed metal and smoked acrylic shelters were o.lfr ..... "*-.,, o.ry ...._ built by Los Angeles-based Shelter Media Inc. which will maintain them and pay the city at least $64 per month per shelter from advertising revenues. COUNTY Fluor stock on upswing Stock of the Fluor Corp. of Irvine rallied sharply today. At mid-day, the 1tock traded at 13~. up l~ on heavy volume. · Music highlights art festival With numerous art works still the star of the show, the Laguna Beach Festival of Art will spotligh t music for the next week . Weekender. TELEVISION KOCE looks behind 'Superman' KOCE Channel 50 tn Huntlnaton Beach will explore beh ind the 1eene1 of 111'he Maklna of Superman: The Movie" durina SwnmerFat '8Z, the 1tation'1 fund·raillnl effort. TV Lo&.• INDEX Horoecope A 7 Ann Landers A 7 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public Notices B3-4,a,CT Spona Cl-4 Dr.Steincrohn A7 Television TV Loe Theate{S Weekender Weather A2 World New. A3 At Your Service A4 Buslne9ll B3-6 Cavalcade A7 CluaWed Dl-6 Comics C6 0-0.Word C6 Death Notica C7 F.dltorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Gardening a Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS Angels; Dodgers stay on top The Ancell and Dod&en poet victoriee to stay atop their n.pectlw dtvt.lone. Pa,. Cl . ... A tall, lean man wlth •n· oneat fac•. Fonda pleyed nt.I and 1enaton, lawy91W nd eoldtera, (arm.re and dta•n\I with equal 1klll. But pite ht. prominence, he kept la open manner and waa emernbered aa much for hi• eraonal qualitiea aa hit ~rofeuional achievement.I. "I don't think you'll ever find ybody who'll have anythin1 ut 1ood to aay about Hank." said Glenn Ford, Fonda'• co-atar ln "Midway" and ''The Rounders.'' "We've lost one of a kind . . . ~e waa a real super, super, super actor," said Lucille Ball, who worked with Fonda in "The Big Street" and "Yours, Mlne and Ours.'' •' In the New Hampshire 'community of Holderness. whoee Squam Lake was the .etting for Fonda 's O s car-wlnn!ng performance in "On Golden Pond," word of his death hit hard. "We feel we've lost an old- ti m e r from this area, even though I think it was his first time here," said Matcom Taylor, president of the Squam Lakes Association. "He much preferred to eat lunch with members of the c rew -the roustabouts, cameramen, sound people. He 1 Just sat right down among them ·~and was right at home." In his hometown of Omaha, .. Neb., Fonda was the boy who ., • rnac:M pd bUt never fOJ'IO' rua roote. Hl1 f amlly ulled that lmtMd of now.n; ~ be m.d8 to the Omahi Oinmun.tty P\1yhou1•'• Henrv J'onda, Theeter center Msnortal. Bom Henry Jamee J'onda In Grand laland, Neb., on May 18, 190~. Fonda 11"' up In Omaha and 1ot hJ.a atart In act1na at \he Playhouaie wlth·a bit pt.rt ln 1926. The aon of a printer. Fonda quit journallam 1tudin at th• Univenlty of Mlnnelc>ia to study at the Playhou.e under Marlon Brando'• mother, then moved east to work at the Untvenity Players Guild on Cape Cod. There he met Margaret Sullavan. tint of h1a five wives, and Stewart, who later roomed wlth Fonda at New York's Madison Square Hotel while both worked on Broadway. After starring with Imogene Coca ln "New Facet" ln 1934, Fonda won a $1,000-a-week contract with movie producer Walter Wanger and began hla film career with "The Fanner Takes A Wlfe" 1n 1935. i'ive years and 20 films later, he got his fint of three Academy Award nominations for his portrayal of Tom Joad ln ''The Grapes of Wrath." Another wou Id follow ln 1957 for "Twelve Angry Men," ln which he played a juror who singlehandedly persuaded his 11 colleagues to acquit a young murdPr -it"fendant. ·t IVIL DEFENSE. • • lhe 50,000 daytime employees," '"e said. • · The other 70,000 city residents :also would be similarly vaporiz.ed "or burned to death, ht? added, and firestorms would ravage 'remaining property. ' ' He defended the physicians' group as offering "a rational and far-reaching examination of the ·litter insanity of nuclear war." Agran, who sent the letter on personal stationery. drew a sharp distinction between emergency programs for nuclear attack and' 'other kinds or disasters, such as 'e arthquakes. toxic spills and fires "Emergency planning in these 'res pec t s. is a worthy and necessary investment of taxnayer monies,'' he sald .-~.-fBu t 'preparation' for nuclear war is a delusion, an absolute waste of public resources, and an ethical affront to decent people everywhere.'' Annstrong waa not available for comment today, but Alvin Villerl", senior planner in the state office, said it.a efforts are in response to a "national posture" to be prepared ln case of nuclear attack. Of that planning, he said: "We hope it never haa to be implemented. But If it does, we hope to have the best plans we can produce." P ost-nucle a r m ail mulled WASHIN GTON (AP) - S e ve ral congressmen are Hdiculing the Post Office's plan for d e livering mail after a nuclear war, with one saying the proposal is "long on wishful thinking and short on reality." But J erry K Jones, the Postal '•Service's general manager for • prevention and planning, told a House panel Thunday that the plan ls needed, elthou1h he conceded that no one can pn!d.ict conditions after a war. The plan, developed in the 1950s and revised last year, i1 aimed at maintaining u much organization as possible IO that service could be reconatituted later, Jones aaid . INSPECTING TROOPS -Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger observes water survival training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego with Drill Sgt. Donald Wilburn. It was Weinberger's first visit to the military installation since his appointment. 4 former primary foes back Crean By JEFF ADLER Of tM Delly Hot ..... Republican Johnnie R. Crean's campaign for the 43rd Congressional District seat received a boost Thursday when four of his primary opponenta - who had been believed to be supporting write-in candidate Ron Packard -endorsed Crean's candidacy. The announcement that Charles Kenney , Martin Kinkade, Jim Rady and Jerry Shaw, all candidates who lost in the 18-way GOP primary, were "supporting" Crean was made by Kenney dWing a Mission Viejo news conference. Kenney, unaccompanied by the three other candidates, was flanked by Crean , Orange County Republican Party Chairwoman Louis Lundberg and an aide to Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, as he read hfs brief statement. "Failure to address the need for unity by those who support a write -in candidate i n thia congressional election will substantially Increase the possibility of a victory for the Democratic candidate," Kenney said. He added that he now believes Crean is "highly qualified and capable" of representing the district in Congress. However, both Rady and Shaw indicated that, while they are supporting the party nominee, their endorsement of Crean la only "lukewarm." Kinkade simply said that he was committed to supporting the party's nominee. All three said they would not be campaigning on Crean's behalf. Packard, who had claimed that all 18 primary candidates were supporting his write-in bid, said the endorsement& "do not dampen our spirits.'' He added he is very encouraged at h is election prospects and plans to press ahead with his campaign. "We've not based our campaign on spe c ifi c individuals," he said this morning. "We've had 3,000 individuals come in and volunteer and that's far more significant than any political figures." Packard said he believes the four were pressured by GOP party leaders into supporting Crean because they harbor future Political ambitions. "My goodness, we still have a vast majority of the (primary) candtdates and I realize I can't expect to have all the votes or all their support," he added. J U.S., Lebanon resume talks BJ TM Meecia_. p,..., U.S. and Lebaneee otttclale -.amed ta1ka today on p tUna t.bt PLO out of W•t Bein.at, ana there wa1 1p1c1.&latlon presldentlal envoy PhlllD C. Habtb would travel to Iareel aoon to try to rmolve dillerence.. A new ceaH-fire held meanwhile. and motorcycle- bom• au•rrillu blared orden throu1h loucllpeakera tor all EDITORIAL COMMENT Page A6 tighten who left their po91tiona to report to their auperlon within 48 houn or face court ma.rt1al. Israeli Def en.e M.1ni.ater Ariel Sharon, who ordered maulve bombin1 raidl on weet Belrut Thunday apparently 1n defiance of hJ.a government. said he hoped the 1uerrilla evacuation could begin late next week. On Thunday, Lebanon aaid it was auapend lnf th e talka to protest l.arael'a iercest yet air attacka, wbkh police said left at least 156 dead and 417 woUnded before an outraged President Reagan arrUllled a truce. Habib refused to talk to reporters after meeting with Lebanete President Ellaa Sarkis Labor Day, the next big hollday, ian't even on the minds of most folks, yet senior citizens in Irvine are t.hinkin£ Christmas. The Irvine Chapter of the American Association of Retired Persona has asked it& members to get their "nimble fingers working now" making holiday gifts for patients at Chandler Nursing Home, Santa .Ana. • SaAJr Gapta has been named profesaor of medicine and chief of the Division of Clinical Immunology at the UC Irvine College of Medicine. and Prime Mlnlettr ehaflk Waaan. Meanwhile, aher mufflln& rrltlclem of ltrHl for weeke, Preaid•nt Rea1an p ublicly expruud ouu.,. Thunday over ltt attllcU on w.t Beirut becauae he felt "enouah 11 enouch, .. a aen1or White Houae oUJdal aid. A atern-f aced Rea1an talked with IaraeU Prime Minfet•r Menachem Belin by telephone for 10 mlnutea, aayln1 the bombtn1 and ahelling of west Beirut lmperlled the peace ta1b at a crucial 1tage and cauaed "needle11 destruction and bloodahed." Reagan told the prime min.ister that Israel's latest attack -the fiercest yet ln the rune-week war -waa exceaaive and out of proportion, according to the White House official who requeated anonymity. "Today was pretty direct," he e.ald of Reagan'• tone. UDtil now, Reagan hu been rettralned ln his public commenta about Begin and Iarael, fearing that critlclam might make the volatile prime minister more defiant, and perhaps jeopardiz.e the effort• of apecial envoy Philip Habib fOI' the evactaUon of Palestinian guerrillas from west Bein.at. Lap robes, costume ,ewe.Ir) and personal items including other wearing apparel are among thlngs Ceellla DWUI, project chairman, suggested could be made by the seniors to donate to hospital patients. She also suggested AAR.P members check their closets for unused items they can share. Information on the P!'Oject is available from Hedy Mattbew1 at 552-8488. Warmer Saturday ·The former mayor of Carlsbad announced he would mount a write-in campaign in the district, which includes portions of both ROuthem Orange and northern San Diego counties, after his loss to Crean by YZ votes in the bitterly contested primary race. Crean and Packard will square-off against Democrat Roy "Pat" Archer in the November election . Dr. Gupt4 was director of the Laboratory of Cellular Interactions at Sloan- Kettering Institute in New York prior to his appoinnnent at UCI. An Irvine resident, Gupta has specialized in various immune responses -the body's protective mechanism against disease. He also is experimenting with life prolongation by giving of thymic hormone injections to laboratory animals. He e arned his medical degree at King George 's Medical College, Lucknow University, India. Const a I Low clouds prev•ll lodey ., through early 111ternoon then becoming sunny and warmer. High• et the beach• se to 72 ano Inland ereu 76 to 80 l ow cloud• tonlQhl with OVefnight lowl of 83 to 11'1 Low clOVdl remain Outing morning h o urs Setur dey b ecoming sunny In early atte<noon Highs Saturdey et the beachH 70 to 74 end Inland ..... 76 to 8' Eltewhere, f rom Poin t • Conception to the Me•lcen bOrder and out 60 mile9; light vllrleble winds becoming -1 to aoulhwHI 6 10 15 knota thll att .. noon. wilh sout"-t llW8lll ol 2 to 3 feet Smell crell w11rnlng1 ove< out., wet.,• wtlh nonhwest winds 12 to 25 knot• and ' to 6 loot -. l ow Cloud• through tonight with pertlel cleertng Saturdll'f 111e<noon U.S. su1111nary ThuOO.Sl<Yml during the night deluged the Kense1 City arM wtth more than • loot or rain. l«clng dozena ol people to evacuate their hotnea end drowning •I ,..,, two people 81 water poured aero .. atre•I• up to 10 teet deep In ,oteoee Thtl t<1nsu City rain• -• peft ol • continuing pettem ol ~ end thunder atorma acettered throughout the netlon. Rein was lllltlng 1t the rel• of 2 to 3 ln<:hea en hOur •.tty todtry In perla ol n«th-•t Mlstourt and llalh nood wrenlnga -. pomted In Mven countlH In Net:>rUk&. In I~. • comrnunny Jut! ... 1 of Kantat City, el~ two llOu ... -• a-.pt ott their foundetlona by flood wetere f\'om Roell Craek, end et:>out 40 l1mlllee were evecuated from • mobll• home perk when thtl llttle Blue River left Ila b9nka, Maj. ShannOn Craven Mid. The _,,_ Nrvlce Mid 12.1 tnoh•• ol rein wa1 reported In Raytown. • euburb M81 01 KeNM Clty Temperature• before dawn r•nged from 43 et S•ult lie Marla, Mich .. to 85 at Del Alo, Te•• California The ... tlOnel WMlll« S.W. ••Y• Southern Cellfor11l1'1 #MIMI' tllOUld be fair S.t11tclly With ec;att....cl 10W cblde Md I ~ oe ettemoon enct ~ 111undent1ow1re In 1out11ern l'llOUnlllln end deMr1 .... Hlgh8 _.. r.not fl'Olll 12 Ill Loe ~ to H 1n °"""' V..,. "°"' n to a 1n ~ .,..., M to 104 1n l'llll1Nm ...,,. to • '°4 In .... IOw ...,, T eniperatures NATION .. Lo f'T'C. Albany 75 M Alt>uqVe 93 13 11 AmerlHo M 71 Athevllle 92 ee At11nta 87 ee Atl8fllC Cly T7 55 Austin 97 79 BettlmOr• 79 51 8illlng• 97 11 81rmlnghm 18 98 811m8(C!I 83 48 .08 BolM 82 51 Boat on 70 82 Brownavlle "n Buffalo 10 157 .01 8u(tlngton 74 57 Caeper g4 155 Cllerlatn SC 92 75 C'*1eln WV 75 53 18 71 .02 Cherttte NC 95 .. . IO Mi.ml Chey9nne 95 151 Mllwalk• 70 51 Chleego 74 51 Mplt.-81.P 78 12 .03 Clnclnnell 72 64 NMIWllle 13 59 Cleveland 73 47 ..... ()MMe " 72 .Ot Clmbla SC ae n ,. ,._ Yottc 79 13 Cotumt>u• 75 49 NorfOlll 73 60 Del·Ft Wtn "n No. Plett• .. .. Oeylon 75 54 Ollle Clty 95 73 Oenv., se e2 19 Omaha 70 e2 .47 Del Moir-74 es Orlando 91 73 .25 Detro« 75 " =r· 71 eo Duluth 70 53 30 91 79 04 El PNC> g3 et 03 Pltt:i:. 73 48 Felrbenlla 71 53 ptland, 71 59 F81gO 83 95 .02 Ptlend, Ore 75 e1 ~"·" e7 S5 PrOllldencl 73 59 01 GrMI Fellt 71 50 ==rClty 79. 83 05 HeftfOfd 78 eo 91 57 Helen8 11 41 ~ .. 49 Honolulu .. 11 SeltUll• .. 80 Hout ton 92 IO 8en Antonio 91 75 lndneplte 78 63 8-lle 89 58 oe Jecktn MS .. 14 ~-:= 83 73 Jecllll'IYllt 92 72 .30 71 13 03 t<-Clty 70 .. 4.13 St loull n 95 Kno11Ylllt 83 11 St P·TtmPt " 1e .01 LU Vegu g1 70 StSttMerle 70 39 Little Rodi 80 73 Spoil-71 54 l ouleYlflt n 16 Syr_.. " 59 U..bboOk 95 715 Toi*• 76 70 189 Mtrnohl9 85 115 T~ 17 ... 41 ~ SURF REPORT . ~ • lulN 91 78 Wuntngtn 80 e2 Wlenlta 100 78 CAUf'ORNtA Bakertlleld 97 74 Blythe e1 Eurek• ee 55 Freano se 68 l encute< 92 e7 Loa Angtlea 1e 85 'Marya vii le 94 Monte<ey 72 Oalltend 75 PNC> Rot>tel et &1 Red 81utt 95 ei lledwood City 110 5f Sacramento 91 st SellnM es 52 ..... ~mog The Air Quality Manegen1ent 0111rtc1 predict• varying air qvlollty today In Ille SOuth Cout Air Buln. Unheeltlllut air quality tor ...itlYe l*)l)le i. lor-t In the Rh,.,alde-Sen Betnardlno ., .. end the Sen Gebrltl, Pomona. Sen Ftirnendo end Senle Clwlta valley•. ell with • Pollutant Stend•d Index of 18t. Where to cell (toll lrff) for teleet smog W-.tlon! 0renoe COunty: 1aoo> 445-3821 • LOI AngelH County: (100) 242-4022 RJwttlde end a.n l!Mrnerdtno oount•. (800) 317 ... 710 AQMD Epl90de cente<: (800) 2.42..eee Tides TOOAY Seoond low 10;0T • "'· ,, .. a.oor-ict hlQI\ •:ff p.m. U IAT\MDAY ~-12:HLm O.• ~ lllClll 1:01 Lm. s.e hoOftd' low 11!2f Lm. 2.6 ~ 111gt1 l.01 p.m. t .O lvll "" todey at 11•1 p.m., rltM ~ II t !tl Lii\. MOOft rteet I~ al 11•40 Lm., ....... .,,.11\. b ROGERS INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED HANGING COLOR BASKETS 6 COLOR POTS .__ .................................... ,...._~ .............. .... NUASERV • INDOOR Pl.ANTS • F\.OAIST • \.AHOSCAPHG • PA110 FUANT~ • ANTlQUfs-~- f • HOSING HER HORSE -Heather Ross, 12, knows what "Brandy" likes best on a hot swruner afternoon. She provided Deir ..... "'*°..,~ koetllw the shower at stables in Laguna Canyon and probably didn't mind any splashes that came her way. • 'Good guys bad' vs. • ID Mesa fight? By JODI CADENHEAD orttieDe11J"9t•wr The Costa Meaa Oty Council will be asked again Monday night to settle a dispute between a chur ch and some nearby residents over what has emerged as a "good guy" vs. "bad guy" fi~~~ t month the City Council approved the construction of 36 apartment units for low-income seniors at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, 183 E. Bay St., over the objections of some neighbors. Robert Yoder, who haa been an outspoken critic of the project since It was first proposed in 1979 by Rev. Conrad Nordquist, vowed to appeal the decision. He'll be back at City Hall Monday night -with friends, he says. "rm upset because of what's happening to the area as a whole," said Yoder, whose ranch-style house along Buoy Street is about a block away from the proposed development. would bring values down, but not a senior housing project. Rev. Nordquist, who la on vacation, ha.a spent the lut three years trying to convince federal and city officiala to approve the development. The three-story complex given (See CHURCH, Pase A%) Soggy sky seen for Saturday It will be windshield-wiper weather again Saturday morning for coastal commuters, but the National Weather Service promises sunny skies for the afternoons this weekend. Motorists in aouth county areas experienced a heavy mist early this morning. Weather officials attnbuted it to a heavy marine layer settling on the coast. Robbery, car theft probed Lefties demand rights "You're fighting the church," he added. "It's pretty hard to do. People make us out like we're bad guys." Yoder says he's afraid the development will herald a wave of high-density projects on the east side of town that he contends could be squeezed onto remaining lots. But low clouds should lift by mid-morning Saturday, said Pat Rowe of the National Weather Service in Los Angeles, making way for sunshine and warm temperatures. Southpaws celebrate ·'their day' today A California Highway Patrol spokesman in San Juan Capistrano said roads were slick this morning because of the heavy mist, prompting several minor fender benders. Police in Costa Mesa were searching today for a bespectacled hitchhiker who robbed an Orange man at gunpoint Thunday and stole his car. Police said Wiley Lawrence Lighthall, 32, i>icked up the hitchhiker at Beach Boulevard and Katella Avenue in Stanton at about 2 p.m. and offered to drive him home. By JOEL c. DON O(the Delly Not ltaff This is a day of caution, of evil, of impending doom. Friday united with the number 13 wreaks havoc with our superstitions and fears of all thing& that go bump in the night. While some feel lumps rise in the throat at the sight of ladders, broken mirMrs and lurking black cats, another estimated 33 million Americans live daily with a preference in manual dexterity that has longtime been associated with bad om~ and danger. These people are left-handers, southpaws for you sports lovers In past days. it was the bane of any schoolchild to develop poor habits. Many an adult lefty today can pull a list -out of a left pocket of course -of the seeming unrelenting confrontations with right-handed teachers. So it comes aa no accident that Lefthanders International, a group supporting the lefts (not rights, heavens!) of all southpaws, has designated today, Friday the 13th, as International Lefthanders Day. If they had their way, lawmakers throughout the country would be fighting for an F.qual Lefts Amendment to the Constitution, traffic laws that permit left turns on red and the Left to Life movement, which expresses their angst on the abortion issue. In the meantime, most left· handers would settle for a pair of scissors, a slot machine, can opener or doorknob that worked on their side of the dexterity spectrum. The Topeka-baaed left-handers group encourages manufacturers to left the wrongs in many of their products. Oh, for the day when a lefty doesn't have to worry about (See LEFT, Pa1e A!) Church officials say that they're afraid senior citizens are being forced out of Costa Mesa because they can no longer afford to live in the city. Barbara Toohey, a former bishop's warden of the church who has been active in the senior project, said she believes any development in the area would face opposition. "I can understand that people are concerned about property values," said Mrs. Toohey. "l lhink an apartment building The spokeaman said oil accumulates on the roadways during dry weather. and the light rainfall tends to make the pavement slippery. Temperatures along the coast wlll range from a high of 73 Saturday to an overnight low of 64. Inland temperatures should reach 80, with lows of 64 ex~ted. The man police seek is described as 25 to 35, 5 feet 10, 175 pounds. He was wearing a Pendleton-style flannel shirt. glasses and a red baseball hat and asked to be dropped off at Mesa Verde Villa apartments at 1555 Mesa Verde Drive East, police report. Lighthall told police that he turned to tell the man to have a nice day, when his rider pulled a blue steel .22-<:aliber pistol and ordered Lighthall to empty his pockets and get out of the car. Newport candidate eyes consultant HB man held in Newport auto crash A Huntington Beach man, who assertedly lost control of a stolen vehicle he was driving and plowed it Into a landscaped embankment, was arrested in Newport Beach Thursday after running from the scene and leaving hia injured passenger behind, police said. About $29 was taken in the robbery. Lighthall watched as the gurunan drove off in his 1979 maroon Thunderbird. he told police. 25 flee blaze at UCLA fraternity LOS ANGELES (AP) - About 25 people fled ... a fraternity house adjacent to UCLA'<s Westwood campus when a blaze broke out on the top floor today, city fire officials said. Le» Angeles Fire Department spokesman Steve Ventura said no injuries were reported. He said the f~ at the Zeta Psi house was reported at about 4:15 a.m. and was extingutahed about 20 minutes later. WORLD By STEVE MARllLE Of the D81tJ Piiot llllff City Council hopeful ·Allen Beek, a low-key political figure in Newport Beach, is considering hiring Robert Nelson, the high- powered, big-money political consultant. Beek, counting his money this week to see if he can afford Nelson's services, admitted Nelaon normally would not be his cup of tea. "He's licked me before," said Beek, adding, "if you can't beat them, join them. I know Nelson's good and I'd like to have him." Beek, labeled as a slow-growth advocate, said he's been told it takes $30,000 to win a council 11eat in Newport. He said he likely won't be able to even come cloee to that figure. A former planning commissioner, Beek ls challenging incumbent Evelyn Lebanese Parliament sets vote BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -As Israeli dlvebomben plastered west Beirut, the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament scheduled a presidential election for Aug. 19. But most Moslem politicians are opposed · to voting under the guN of Israel's invasion army. NATION SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -California officials are halllng· a federal appeals court decision that says •Interior Secretary James .Watt mu1t make 1ure of fahore drlll1ng plans are c:onalstent wt th 1tate goall. ' Designer food could be neJrt {ad Deal1ner Jeana, dealper furniture, d"lper lhoee, ~ ctn.ee. How about delt&ner fOOdf·Ste Art Hoppt, Pa,e ,A 7. 1 Hart. He worked to get her elected four years ago. Mrs. Hart said she plans to spend o nly $6,000 on her campaign and does not intend to hire a professional consultant. NeUon, who has done work for the Irvine Company -a favorite target of Beek's -also is being consulted by developer Bill Banning. Banning's council-approved 75-acre development project in Weat Newport will be on the Nov. 2 ballot. Nelson said Banning has talked to him about a poaible campaign. David Walter Yanez, 20, was booked on suspicion of felony hit and run and is being held in lieu of $5,000 bail. Police said Yanez reportedly ran from the wreckage at Pacific Coast Highway and the entrance to Cameo Highlands and hid in 90me bushes. Yanez, police asserted, was nabbed after he tried to flag down a ride and diacovered the approaching car was a police vehicle. Beek ls a sharp critic of the Banning project and currently is suing the city to get ballot wording on the Banning development changed. Nelson, who said he's unsure whether he has the time to (See POLITICAL, Page A%) .,...,...0 INSPECTING TROOPS -Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger observes water survival training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego with Drill Sgt. Donald Wilburn. It was Weinberger's first visit to the military installation since his appointment. The injured passenger was identified aa Jeffrey Duncan, 21, of Westminster. Police said Duncan was treated for a broken leg, broken arm and kidney damage by paramedics before being taken to Hoag Memorial · Hoepital. COUNTY Fluor stock on upswing Stock o\ the Fluor Corp. of Irvine rallied sharply today. At mid-day, the stock traded at 13~. up 1 ~ on heavy volume. Music highlights art festival With numerous art worka atill the ltar of the show, the Laguna Beach Festival of Art will spotlight music for the next week. Weekender. TELEVIS ION KOCE loob behind 'Superman' KOCE Channel &O ln Hununaton Beach wlll explore behlnd th• ecene1 of "The Makln1 of Superman; '!be Movie" dwina &.iimrierFelt '82, the atadon'• fund-~ effort. T\' Lot. INDEX Horoecope A 7 Ann Landen A7 Movie. Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National Newt A3 Public Notic:a B3-4,0,C7 Sports Cl-4 Dr.Stelncrohn A7 Television TV Los Theaters Weekender WHt.he,r A2 World Newa A3 At Your Service A4 Bua1nesa 83-5 Cavalcade A7 Clulified Dl-6 c.omics C6 Crcmword C6 Death Notices C7 Editorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Gardening 0 Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS AnselB,· Dotlsers stay on top The Ancell and Dodpn poet victorie9 to si.y atop their nepectlve dJvtslona. p_,. Cl. 1.2 rniWon from the ~t f Ho141lnf and 'Urban pnent, Wal OM of thNit ederally 1ub1ldlsed projectt pproved ln Oranp CoUnty IU1 e.,-, "There'• no such thtn1 H -cott housing," NordQW.t l&ld urlng a public hearlna lHt nth. "But there ta such a thina sub&ldlzed houslng. Thia has een my dream from the ginning to have young people d 1eniors integrated." ... Yoder contend• that the aeniora will be less than happy living alongside the church operated pre-achool claaes. He also says that they will be far from shopping and entertainment attaa. He said he'd like to see the ._project moved out of his ·.oeighborhood to the west aide of . tpwn, where the city owna aome vacant land set aajde for low income housing. Church officials are afraid that any changes could jeopardjz.e the chances for the senior houaing project altogether. The important thing is to find a way to ease the demand for low-income housing, they say. The 74-unit Casa Bella project opened in 1980 with 927 1eniors waiting to get in. "The function of the church is • to take care of people and that 1includes seniors," said Mra. Toohey. ·, nie City Council will conaldet the folloWlng . I/ems during 111 8·30 p.m. m"11ng Mondly 11 • 77 F llr Drive COtolHNT CAUHOAll 1) Autnortzatlon 10 deslroy Cllrtlln r1COtd1 In City Cl1rk'1 departmenl. 2) Authorization 10 deslroy eenlln reoordt In Build ing Safety division 31 Audlng folder ., ... ,. ................ :r;.:-i,y J-. OleJIUllM IO .... fwo {11111111 lftd ,...... ~ .. i110 ... to ~=-~-..... .....,., ..... . WllllMI ,,.. ... 1te .. -·-·-........ -•t0.ltf .. t) Clllftll IOllHIOt wltll M1Clr1w OonltNl1IOfl "' ... ...,. .......... ti. '71 Cll1ft91 Hftt...OI wltll , .. m. toll !lfi'...,lllt 1r1 .. ....,,.. of It.lot. I Cll1111• ••*tHt "'"" MIOfHI Conll~ Ill ""°""' .. '°·,., t.40. h) Awart~•H. II 10 0011,rect wltll fllm'"9 lr9_ .,., Ille. for OOMtnlCtton Of dfelNtl ~ II Ad4IMt A\lllllUI, WIOI WI'( end llell• It,_, tbl A-d 00fttrl01 not to 111C1M t11.eoo to ~ l.llWWllNfltll Or-. to blgll\ WOf1C Ofl Cen)'Oft Plftl, 10) Aulllorlaall111 to '""d 11,000 10 purell1M redlO 9C111lpment lrOft'I MotOfOll Corp. 1 I) Aulhortullon to 11*!4 17,110 fOt I rebuilt lftOIM lrOfl'I .......... Inc. 121 A~ lo IPlfld 115e to lll'ld two ~ Ml~ IO oat. 1•3 oonletenot In S.n JOM on llott• negollellonl. IS) Apptove 90r..-t with PAC Putlllc M~I ~Inc. lo .-cf nol 111«9 than 11•.000 11'11• Y9lt lor mlllntananoe of c:ompult< fY9ltllll. t•) Adopt rMOMlon to leYy tax• upon 11Xlblt property In Ille city IOI' 197• oper1 ll*)e bond ...... 15) Aed1v1lopm1nt Ag1noy promlHory not•. 18) Site lmpf~tt It 8alMtio c.tlttr. m Approve eoencllnCI 110.000 tor tpedll edition Hctlon on Cott• Me11 In the September 111111 of i!JllcutlYI MIQUlne. COUNCILIU ... M 18) l'lrtt rMdlng to edopt IN 1171 Uniform ~ IYom M<:l.lln ~I Co. to gr111t utenelon until M11c:t1 18, ttM, on G0118tt\1Cllon of 24" unit oondoftllnlum Ptotec1 11 F 1in111w Rold Ind Soutl\ Colet Offle. 20) Appul from Aoblrt Yoder ~ding 1pprowcl 3&-unlt .-1lor IP"'"*'' proJlc;t It St. John the OMne ~II Cllurcll, 193 E. 8ay Street. 21 J Olacueelon to c:hlftga one ol thfll city owned Pllcela on the _, lldl Of town IYom multl·l1mlly to MnlOt cltlten houllng blcallM of laclc ol Houelng Ind Orbin Dl\llopment fund•. 22) AIQuMt IYom Oanltl o.n-to lllOW e1nopy 1t 119 E. 18th St. 23) AICIUlll IYom Muriel l-nld to build lence It to 1 Vlc:10rll St. 241 AIQuMt trom Morn. Moltlo, ...a£, 17th St., for encl'o..::htnlllt Into ttorm dr1ln. 251 Alquetl from Oerald Olldwell to build room lddltlon It 1850 Fullerton Ave. 28) AlquMt tor~~ It 1185 Town Center Orl¥I. POLITICAL CONSULT ANT. • represent either man, noted he has no proble m representing conflicting viewpoints. "Beek to ld me he has no problems with the fact that we've represented the 'other side'," said Nelson. "And we d o n't see that as a bar to representing him." "If Banning wants our services . . and Beek plans to malee an mue out of the Banning project, we'd probably have to c:lniw the line," said Nelson. Nelson, who said the only thing he knows about Beek is that his family owns the Balboa Island Ferry, wondered whether the council hopeful can afford his services. Post-nuclear mail mulled WASHINGTON (AP) - S evera l congressmen are ridiculing the Post Office's plan for d e livering mail after a nuclear war, with one saying the proposal is "long on wishful thinking and short on reality." Estancia signups New students may enroll at Estancia High School in Costa "Mesa Aug. 23-27 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. But Jerry K. Jones, the Postal Service's general manager for prevention and planning, told a House panel Thunday that the plan is needed, although he conceded that no one can predict conditions after a war. The plan, developed in the 1950. and revt.ed laat year, is aimed at maintaining as much organization u pcmlble .o that service could be reconatltuted later, Jones uid. . . .. _.. . Residents 'fear lives' From ltaff Dt1patcH1 Nearly 00 rtlldentt who Uv. ftMI' the U.8. Naval WMpona Statton ln 8ee1 a.di dabn theU' If Tlte AalOdatei p,... Uwa and w.Ut.Jnc are W...n.d bj .... Mel' u.a. and wtianeee offlclab . ~ atadon. ........_ tAlkl ~ • ~ NucJMt. we-Pont are bt'!al unJoMed from tht PLQ out Of _. 91U\it, uM1 Navy wanhlpa at Anahelin lle1 and llCiNd in th• r • w a 1 t p •cu 1 at Ion underpound bunlun'I at the ltatlon. dl9 l'tllicllfttl prntdenUal envoy PhlllD C. told a repreHntatlve from th• U.8. Oneral Halilb waWd travel to r.rMl aaon A.ocou.ntln, Office durine a Thunday ~ in to lry to rwo1Ye dltfetenoe.. Seal Buch. GAO 11 conductlnl 1 Hfety A n • w c • u t ·fl re held lnwatt.eadon ol the atatJon. meanwhile, and rnotorcycle- Defense pusll ansers Asnw A atate ofttdal bu bMn rebuQd by Leny Aefan, rnayor of Irvtne, for urllq the City Council to *k a dvtl deferwe J>rocraJn In cue of nuc:Jeer war. bome IU•rrilw blared, ordera Bol J • d through loudapeakert for all sa reso ut1ons a vance AIJ'an, ln a recently-;publlahed letter addrelled to Jamee Alexander, aaJd no d\111 defft\lle t}'Stem cou1d offer relief ln a ..nuclear attack. Alexander la r•1lonal manager for th• state'• Emer1ency Services otfice. EDITORIAL. COMMENT PageA6 filhten who left their poeitlons to report to their auperion within 48 hours or face court mart.la.l. llrvU Defeme Mlniater Ariel Sharon, who ordered massive bombing raids on weat Beirut Thunday apparently in defiance of hit government, said he hoped the guerrilla evacuation could begin late next week. On Thunday, Lebanon said lt waa 1uspending the talks to protnt Israel's fiercest yet air attacks. whlch police said left at leut 156 dead and 417 wounded before an outraged President ReMB,n arranged a truce. Habib refused to talk to reporters after meeting with Lebaneae President Elias Sarki. and Prime Minister ~nafik Wau.an. Meanwhile, after muffling r.ritlcism of Israel for weeks, President Reagan publicly expreaed outrage Thunday over its attac.ks on west Beirut because he felt "enough is enough," a senior White House official said. A stern-faced Reagan talked with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin by telephone for 10 minutes, saying the bombing and shelling of west Beirut imperiled the peace tal.k.s at a crucial stage and caused "needless destruction and bloodshed." Re~an told the prime minister that llirael's latest attack -the fiercest yet in the rune-week war -was excessive and out of proportion, according to the White House official who requested anonymity. "Today was pretty direct," he said of Reagan's tone. From Page A1 LEFT e • e pumping quarters into the wrong washinjl machine. Said one southpaw on the occuion of the "lefteous" day: "We get our revenge by walk.1ng down buffet lines and leaving the serving spoons on the left side." a.olutJorw urgina Coutal C.onu1*lloMn and <>ranee County Supervllon to rwh acreem-nt Oh a d.llput.ed development plan for the &IM Chica manh have been approved ln each hOUle of the state Leplatu.re. The nonbindlng reaolutlons, approved Thunday, differ on key points with the Sen.ate version favoring a county plan for hou.elng and marina development ln the Bola lowland.a. Final action on each ret10lution la expected llOCnetime next week. Crean gains endorsements Jphnnie R. Crean, Republican candidate for \he 43rd Congre11lonal District, haa received a campaign boost after four of hit primary opponenta endorsed his candidacy. Martin Kinkade, Jim Rady, Jerry Shaw and Charles Ke~y, each of whom lolt ln \he primary that had 18 GOP candidates, Kinkade sald at a news briefing Thursday in MJaaion Viejo. Woman dies in fall An investigation was oontinumg today in an effort to determine it a Laguna Niguel woman, 19, Laguna land sale to cost $ l e5 million Teens school fire suspects Two teen-a1ers have been arreat~d ln connection with a $385,000 fire that destroyed eight c:luarooma at Vetaela Elementary School ln CYpre91. Ruben Barquinero Cebriero, 18, Buena Park. wu booked lnto Orange County jail Thunday ntaht for lnvesttgatfon of areon. The other youth, a juvenile from Cypre811 WU releued to his parenta. 'l"he bla.ze occurred Aug. 5. Valley crime lab to close Fountain Valley's police crime lab, operated at an annual cost of $50,000, will cloee its doors at the end of the month. The decialon to shutter the lab came during city budget arguments by the Fountain Valley City Council, according to Bill BeNiai, police captain. The city will use lab facilities provided by the Orange County Sherilf'• Department. By STEVE MITCHELL Of the D.itr Piiot 818ft Laguna Beach stands to loee about $1.5 million on a land sale deal, primarily due to the poor economic health of .the housing market. The land at issue is a 62-acre parcel in SYt:amore Hills. At one time , Baywood Development Co., of Newport Beach, agreed to pay the city $5.4 million for the parcel and planned to construct about 300 townhouses on the land. to get 700 'dial tone' phones The city purchased the entire 522-acre Sycamore Hills property in 1976 for $6. 75 million, in order to end years of lawsuita between La1una Beach and former owners of the land. The $5.4 million from Baywood for a portion of Sycamore HillS would have fone a long way toward paying of the city's debt to the fonner owners. But the deal fell through earlier this year when Baywood failed to come up with an option payment. By the end of August, 700 public phones will be Installed in Corona del Mar that will pennit many calls to be placed without firs t depositing a dime. Pacific Telephone officials report users will be able to reach an operator, directory assistance , the county's •Reservations are being taken for per10ns who wish to lead the annual Character Boat Parade in Newport Harbor by riding aboard the Pavilion Queen. emergency 911 number as well as make credit card or collect calls without using a coin. The phone company is In the process of converting all its pay phones in the county to the so-called "Dial Tone First" system. Phones in El Toro and Irvine were converted earlier this year. The parade ia to be held Aug. 22. The Pavilion Queen leaves ~e Balboa Bay Club guest dock at 1:30 p .m . Tickets are $6. Call 644-8211 for further information. W arIDer Saturday That prompted the city to seek other developen who might be interested in purchasing the 62-acre parcel and. In May, Laguna Beach sent out requests for bids to more than 100 development firms. • The JJowney High School cl.aa of '52 will bold lta 30th reunion on Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Airporter Inn, Newport Beach. of 'SO, '51, '53 and '54 are also invited to form groups and attend. For furthor Information, call Barbara (Rawlln11> Zllrt at 521-2441. Constnl l ow c louds prev•ll today lhrough eerly •lt•rnoon tnen , becoming sunny 1nd wermer. HIQh• II the t>e.chM 68 lo 72 and tnlllnd ., ... 78 to 80 Low clpude tonlQhl wltll overnight lowt 6f 83 to 8" Low cloud• remain during morning 1lour1 S•turd•Y becoming t unny In 1erly • ettemoon High• S11urday 11 the , be•chea 70 to 74 and 1n11nd areu 78 to 11-' Elaewlle re . fr o m P oint Conception to Ille Mexlc1n border t nd out 80 miles llghl v1rlabll wind• becoming _, to aouthwett 8 to t5 11.nott 1ht1 8fternoc>n, with IOUl~t tWllll of 2 to 3 feet. Small craft warning• over ouier watert wttn north-I wind• t2 10 25 knol• Ind ' to 8 toot .... L-douda tllrough 1on1g111 with parlfel Cllarlng S11urd1y alternoon LJ •• SILlll11Utr)' Thl.ondlfttorma during the nlQht dlluged lhl Kanau City 1ree with m«e than e loot of rein. forcing dozen• of people lo ev~1t1 ttlllr h<>ml• •nd drowning II leHt two DIOPll H w•ler poured 1cro" •tr1ett u p to 10 feet deep In .DI~ Thi K1n11t City rain• -e part of e continuing pettern of ano-t and lhunderatormt tcallered tllrougt>OUt the n•tlon. Aaln w11 falling It the r1t1 of 2 ' 1 to 3 lnc1118 •n hOU< 11~ tod1Y In pert• or nortnw.11 MINOUrl Ind llNll llood wr1nlng. -e poetld In MVen countla In Neb<lllll- ln t~. 1 community )u•t eut of K9nau City, 1t llMt two hou--• twept ott their loundllllona by llood Wlllfa from Aoctt Crllll. and •bout 40 lllTllllM were evacu1ted from 1 moblll llOml perk when thl Little lllul Alvw left "' blnlle. Mel. 8hlmOft • Cf-Mid. Thi WMlhlt ~k:I Nici 12.8 lnchea of rain w11 reported In Raytown, I IUburb IUI of KAlftMI ~emperatuJH before d1wn . r•no1d from 43 11 811111 811. M1rl1, Mien .. to U 1t Oii Alo. T- California ·~ - Temperatures NATION HI Lo il'nl. Alblny 75 58 AfbuqUI 93 83 .18 Amllf'lllo 9" 7t ~ 82 .. Atllnte 87 M Atllntc Cty 77 55 Auttln 97 78 81ttlmore 79 M 8llllng9 87 11 lllfrmlnghm .... Blamer<* 13 .. . OI BolM f2 M Botton 70 112 B<OWMVtte " 77 "'1falo 70 57 .01 ~ngton 74 57 CMPlr ... 55 Chartstn SC t2 75 Chlttlln WV 75 SS .. 18 .02 Chlr1tte NC 15 .. • eo Mleml Cheyenne 85 H Mllftl.tMI 70 51 Chlclgo 7• 51 Mpla.-lt.P. 78 82 .03 Cincinnati 72 54 NlllltMlt 83 ff Cllvet8nd 73 •7 New°"-" .. 72 .01 Clml>fa SC 118 72 .11 New Yon n S3 Columbut 75 •9 Norlolll 73 eo o.1-Ft Wlh "n No. Pl8tt• .. 88 Oeyton 75 54 Ollll City H 73 o.w.r 118 82 ti Omlha 70 82 .•7 Dee Mo1n11 1• es ONndo 91 73 .25 0.trotl 75 .. Phlledpfll• 78 eo Duluth 70 53 .30 Pl'IOlnlx 11 79 .04 El Puo 13 • .()3 Plttaburt_ n .. F1ltblnkt 71 53 Ptllnd, 71 59 F•rgo 83 85 .02 Ptllnd, Ori 76 ., Fl11gtt1tt • ., 55 Provldlnol 73 59 .01 Gr•t Fiiia 71 50 ="City 7t 83 .05 Hll'tford 19 eo 81 57 Hlllne 77 ., AlnO .. .. HOnolUlu 88 77 Seit lake .. eo Houston 12 to Ian AntonlO .. 75 lndn.lple 11 sa SlllUI .. 58 .oe Jldl8n MS .. ,.. ~-:= 13 73 JICllanvtte 92 72 .30 71 93 .03 K-Clty 10 .. •.t3 St Louil 77 es Knoxvtlll 83 ., St P-TlmPI .. 78 .01 Ula Vegee 9t 70 St 811 Mn 70 39 ltttle Aoctc IO 78 II><*-"" loultllllll 11 es SyrlCUM l.llbtlodl t6 75 TQP141• n 10 1.ee Mtimc>tllt 15 75 T\ICIOfl 81 68 ... SURF RIPIRT :~ ·-...... .......... .... T_,. Huntington llulfl telr.poor 87 """':t: ""' 14 ft fllf .. ..,.... AIYer Jeitty t4" .. .. 40tfllt.~ ,_,ft ,. • t2ndft.~ 1·'1t ""' 89 lllbOI WICIOt '""" ... .. Aodlplie. UouM 1·2 ft poOf .. =·= 1·2 ft poOf .. 1·1 ft poor .. ..,,Or_ Wft POef .. ten a.m.ntl Pier ,.2 ft '°°' ,., Tr~ (T ) t-2 " ~ •1 Coeton'• Point t•2 ft .. T,...._ t-2 ft """"°' .. IM 0... ,., ft ...... .. TOMOfllAOW'I TIO«I; Hlftl t:OI ' 111. Low 11:1'7 1.111. lftfl Dlrdon~. • IUIM H 78 Wlahlngtn 80 82 Wict11t1 100 78 CA&.60tMA Bllt•tlllld 97 .,. Blythe .. Eurelc1 H 55 Fr-" 68 Laneuter 92 87 lot Ar 78 66 M1rytv le 9" Mont«ey 72 Olkl8nd 75 Puo Aobtll 81 81 Rid Bluff 85 8! 'Redwood City 80 5, Secr1mento 91 5t Slllnu 85 52 ....... ~mog The Air Quallty M1n1gement Olatrtct predlcf1 vuyfng 1lr qu.illty todiy In 1111 South Coel1 ~Ir Buln. Unh111thful 1lt q11•llty tor NnlltlYI people .. fotlCMt In 1111 "IV1ftld .. S1n B«nerdlno ar11 1nd thl Sin 01brlll. Pomon1, S111 Femendo Ind Sln11 Cl8rtt8 vall1y1, 111 with • Pollut•nt St811d1rd lflCIU of 198. Where to 0111 (toll fr") for 181111 amot lnformldlcln: Or1ng1 county: (IOO) 4"5-382t Lot Angel11 County: (100) 2"2"'4022 AMrll6e Md 11111 llmerdlno oountllll: (IOO) H7-"f10 AQMD ~ Center: (800) 2•2-4eM Tides TOOAY Seoond IOw 10:01 a.m U 8loond """' •• P m. I.I IATUllDAY """ '°"" 12:M Lin. 0 4 """llWI 7;0'7 Lm. I .I llOond' IOw 11:1'7 I fn, I. l.oond ftlafl l:OI p.m. I . hn .. tocley,llt 7:"2 '·"'"· ,... .......... 1:11 Liii • Meofl ,_.._al 1UO .. 111 .. ...... 1:1tpA11. Members of the classes • ROGERS INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED HANGING COLOR BASKETS • COLOR POTS o..•··--· ................................ ,...... .... 111 ....... .... NURSERY• N>OOAP\.ANTS • FlOAISf • &.NC>SCNING e PATIOFUANITUAE e ANTIQUES•..,.._- 1 I \ HOSING HER HORSE -Heather Ross, 12, knows what "Brandy" likes best on a hot summer afternoon. She provided '. . ()11/\N(,f I''''"' ( I .'II If (Jl1Nll\ I'> CfNT S DlllfJ Not fltl04o .., RkNnl IJ(..., the shower at stables in Laguna Canyon and probably didn't mind any splashes that came her way. 'Good guys I had' • ID vs. Mesa fight? By JODI CADENHEAD OftM DlllfJ "94 lteft The Cotta Mesa City Council wlll be asked again Monday night to settle a dispute between a church and some nearby residents over what has emerged as a "good guy" vs. "bad guy" fight. Last month the City Council approved the construction of 36 apartment units for low-income seniors at St. John the Divine Epl.acopal Church, 183 E. Bay St .. over the objections of some neighbors. Robert Yoder, who has been an outspoken critic of the project since It was first proposed in 1979 by Rev. Conrad Nordquist, vowed to appeal the decision. He'll be back at City Hall Monday night -with friends, he says. "l'm upset because of what's happening to the area as a whole," said Yoder, whose ranch-style house along Buoy Street is about a block away from the proposed development. would bring valuea down, but not a senior housing project. Rev. Nordquist, who la on vacation, has spent the lut three years trying to convince federal and city ofliclals to approve the development. The three-storY complex given (See CHURCH, Page AZ) Soggy sky seen for · Saturday It will be windshield-wiper weather again Saturday morning for coastal commuters, but the National Weather Service promises sunny skies for the afternoons this weekend. Motorists in south county areas experienct!d a heavy mbt early this morning. Weather officials attributed it to a heavy marine layer settling on the coast. Reagan raps tax Lefties demand rights "You're fighting the church," he added. "It's pretty hard to do. People make us out like we're bad guys." Yoder says he's afraid the development will herald a wave of high-density projects on the east side of town that he contends could be squeezed onto remaining lots. But low clouds should lift by mid-morning Saturday, said Pat Rowe of the National Weather Service in Los Angeles, making way for sunshine and warm temperatures. Southpaws celebrate 'their day' today A California Highway Patrol spoke sman in San Juan Capistrano said roads were slick this morning because of the heavy mist, prompting several minor fender benders. • • cr1t1cs WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan said today that the tax legislation he supports is "80 percent tax reform, not tax infrease," and said it la "plain hogwash" to call the bill the largest tax increase in history. The tax measure, which would raise $98.9 billion over the next three years, is before Congress. Many analysts have characterized the legislation as the largest p e ace -t ime tax increase. Reagan has mounted an intense campaign to see the bill approved. By JOEL C. DON Of Ufe Dally Not Steff This is a day of caution, of evil, of impending doom. Friday united with the number 13 wreaks havoc witn' our superstitions and fears of all things that go bump in the night. While some feel lumps rue tn the throat at the sight of ladders, broken mirrors and lurking black cats, another estimated 33 million Americans live daily with a preference in manual dexterity that has longtime been associated with bad ome:"8 and danger. These people are left-handers. southpaws for you sports lovers. In past days, it was the bane of any schoolchild to develop poor habits. Many an adult lefty today can pull a list -out of a left pocket of course -of the see ming unrelenting confrontations with right·handed teachers. So it comes as no accident that Lefthanders International, a group supporting the lefts (not rights, heavens!) of all southpaws. has designated today, Friday the 13th, as International Lefthanders Day. If they had their way , lawmakers throughout the cvuntry would be fighting for an F,qual Lefts Amendment to the Constitution, traffic laws that permit left turns on red and the Left to Life movement, which expresses their angst on the abortion is,,ue. In the meantime, most left- handers would settle for a pair of scissors, a slot maci ine, can opener or doorknob thit worked on their side of the dexterity spectrum. The Topeka-based left-handers group encourages manufacturers to left the wrongs in many of their producta. Oh, for the day when a lefty doesn't have to worry about (See LEFT, Page AZ) Church officials say that they're afraid senior citir.ens are being forced out of Costa Mesa because they can no -longer afford to live in the city. Barbara Toohey, a former biahop's warden of the church who has been active in the senior project, said she believes any development in the area would face opposition. "l can understand that people are concern ed about property values," said Mrs. Toohey. "I think an apartment building The spokesman said oil accumulates on the roadways during dry weather. and the light rainfall tends to make the pavement slippery. Temperatures along the ooest will range from a high of 73 Saturday to an overnight low of 64. Inland temperatures should reach 80, with lows of 64 expected. "It's important the American people 2et the facts behind the 90und and fury" over the tax bill before Congress. Reagan told reporters in a rare personal appearance at the daily White House press briefing. "This bill is 80 percent tax reform. not tax increase.'' The president contended that only $17 billion in the tax bill represents an actual increase in personal and business taxes. The remaining $82 billion stems from "plugging loopholes " and cracking down on tax cheaters, he said. Newport candidate eyes consultant HB man held in Newport auto crash A Huntington Beach man, who assertedly lost control of a stolen vehicle he was driving and plowed it into a landscaped embankment, was arrested in Newport Beach Thursday after running from the scene and leaving his injured passenger behind, police said. The president insisted the legi&lation is needed to help cut "whopping federal deficits." He said he was trying to arrange to make a televised speech next week to publicir.e his views on the tax increase. Reagan said the tax increase, together with spending reductions he is seeking from Congress, would reduce the budget deficit by $380 billion over three years. A number of conservative Republican& and buai.ness groups have accused Reagan of reversing course from his tax- cuttlna agenda. WORLD By STEVE MARBLE Of the Delly Not Staff City Council hopeful Allen Beek, a low-key political figure in Newport Beach, is considering hiring Robert Nelson, the high- powered, big-money political consultant. Beek, counting his money this week to see if he can afford Ne lson's services. admitted Nelson normally would not be his cup of tea. . "He's licked me before," said Beek, adding, "if you can't beat them, join them. I k'now Nelson's good and I'd like to have him." Beek, labeled as a slow-growth advocate, said he's been told it takes $30,000 to win a cound.l seat in Newport. He said he likely won't be able to even come clOl!le to that figure. A former planning commissioner , Beek is challenging incumbent Evelyn Lebanese Parliament sets vote BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -As Israeli divebombers plastered west Beirut, the speaker of the Lebanese Parliament scheduled a presidential election for Aug. 19. But most Moelem politicians are opposed · to voting under the guns of Israel's invasion army. NATION • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -California offldala are hailing a federal appeab court decision that aays •Interior Secretary James Watt muat m ake sure offshore drilllng plans are conaistent with ttate goals. . NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market rallied today. with the~ JOne1 index up 11 .14 ~int.I to 788.05. Later, the Federal Reterve cut the banJt dilcount rate to 10 ~ percent. :.t Hart. He worked to get her elected foU.. years ago. Mrs. Hart said she plans to spend only $6,000 on her campaign and does not intend to hire a professional consultant. Nelson. who has done work for the Irvine Company -a favorite target of Beek's -alao ls being consulted by developer Bill Banntns. Banning's council-approved 75-acre development project in West Newport will be on the Nov. 2 ballot. Nelson said Banning has talked to him about a possible campaign. David Walter Yanez, 20, was booked on suspicion of felony hit and run and is being held ln lieu of $5,000 bail. Police said Yanez reportedly ran from the wreckage at Pacific Coast Highway and the entrance to Cameo Highlands and hid in some bushes. Yanez, police asserted, was nabbed after he tried to flas down a ride and diecovered the approaching car was a police vehicle. Beek is a sharp critic of the Banning project and currently is suing the city to get ballot wording on the Banning development changed. Nelson, who said he's unaure whether he has the time to (See POLITICAL, Pase A%) A,~o INSPECTING TROOPS -Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger observes water survival training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego with Orill Sgt. Donald Wilburn. It was Weinberger's first visit to the military installation since his appointment. The injured passenger was identified as Jeffrey Duncan, 21, of Westminster. Police said Duncan was treated for a broken leg, broken arm and kidney damage by paramedics before being taken to }{oag Memorial Hospital. COUNTY Fluor stock·on upswing Stock of the F1uor Corp. of Irvine rallied sharply today. At the close, the stock traded at 14, up l 'A on heavy volume. Music highlights art festival With numerous art works still the star of the show, the Laguna Beach Festival of Art will spotlight muaic for the next week. Weekender. TELEVISION KOCE loon behind 'Su~rman' KOCE Channel 50 in Hunilnat.on Beach will explore behind the 1cene1 of "The Maklna of Superman: The Movie" durina SwnmerFeet '82, thi atatlon't fund-~ effort. 'I'\' Los· INDEX Horoecope A 7 Ann Landen A 7 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public Notice1 B3-4,C5,C7 Sporta Cl-4 Dr. Stelncrohn A7 Televtaion TV Los Theatets Weekender Weather A2 World News A3 At Your Service A4 Business B3·~ Cavalcade A7 Clullfied D 1.6 Cornlea C6 ere.word C6 Death Notices C7 J:ditorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Gardentna C6 Art Hoppe A7 SPORTS Ansels,· Dodsers stay on top The Ancela and Dodpn pott victories to ttay atop their f9pective divt.tona. P.,. Cl. --- ar. ... 0011t CMtL V ,.LOT,,,_, ~ 13, 1tU N • www--. Dow Jones Final UP 11.14 CLOllNG 7ll.OI Edison slices • increase hid LOS ANGELES (AP) -Southern CallfornJa F.diJon Co. hu reduced the size of It.a ntimated 1983 pneral rate lncreue for the second time thll year. The announcement Thurtday abashes •un million from the '816 million in revenue the company will need to cover Interest payment•. operation, maintenance and other expenses betides fuel next year. The lnc.reue, originally expected to hike utility rates by more than 27 percent, ls projected to lncreue them by about 18 percen~. The company gave no breakdown on how the lower rate increue wtU affect average consumers' monthly bills Lockheed plane wins WASHINGTON (AP) -A committee of Houae and Senate negotiators has selected the Lockheed C-5B a.e the Air Force's new cargo plane, says a congressman who took part in the deliberations. The reported decision was made Thund.ay night by a conference committee meeting In marathon ae91ion to draft a compromise authoriz.ation bill for the Defense Department. The panel. in recognition of the staunch battle put up by advocates of the rival Boeing 747 jumbo jet, also agreed to earmark about $150 million tor three of those planes. said another source. who declined to be identified. · Rate decline beginning? LOS ANGELES (AP) -The much-delayed decline in interest rates is finally under way and will lead the economy into a gradual improvement lat.er thil year, First Interstate Bank said in a revised forecast. Dr. James Meigs. the bank's chief economist, predicted Thursday that short-term interest rates would drop 1.5 percent by the end of the year and another two points in 1983. He said home mortgage rates should drop to 14.5 percent in the first part of 1983 and to about 13 percent by the end of next year. Allegheny intervenes LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Allegheny Beverage Corp., believed to be the largest individual shareholder of the financially ailing Wickes Cos., has taken an active interest in the Santa Monica-based finn's bankruptcy proceedings. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS NIW vo.-K .,.,, -,.,, ...... . ,....,,..., "' ... --~ -"" ...., •ilel• pnce. ..... , .... 1 "' -.. UU.75,, yp 1400 ........... , .,.., ... t3oN.ll. "' MOO • ........ ,.... 1.1 tror• .... ,. '°· up MOO • ....,...,..,......-ooyoi .. NM.11 ... u.oo. a--o.a ...... I METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonfeHOUI melill P<-loeley Copper H'Ml· 71 cenll • pound. U S c1ett1neoon1 l4'M 29-29 C*lll • pound Z1M 37-<IO -.11 • POUNI. a.i-ec1 ,..., 141 '112 Met ... w-compoeil• lb .._......,. 7&-77 oertll I POWMI, N Y MeRwy $365.00 pet ,._ "•tl11u"' 1263 00·1290 00 troy ounce, NY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie ._..._ ,,_ Selected wor1d gold PfloM IO<hly. lOftdoft mornlflO nxino ~ 75. up '300 ~ ettemoon llllfng· 1338.00. up '3.25 lttrl• 1fternoo11 fixing: l333.33, up '3.•5. ,,.,..Mt tlJCJno: 1339 00, up 14.00. Zvrkll 1111 afternoon. '338 75, up $2.75 tMO; 1337.50 .... ., ....._, a NMftlaA: Of'll)' daily quote $338.00. up 13 2& • • ,....... only d•lly quot• 1334 00. up UH . ....... d: only deity qvc)ll l•~iee·~ S354 to, up S3 .. ,