HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-18 - Orange Coast PilotDRANlif CDIBT GETTING SHIP-SHAPE -Part of the challen~e of a pirate role is keeping on the mustache, Amber Poland and Eric Anderson will have that mastered and Erik Leidal, Noriko Watanabe and Laura Kempke. will have the ir songs ready by • • t I•• • • ,_ \YOUR HOMITDWN OlllY PAPER . Of.<ANGE COUN' v C ALlrOnNIA 25 CENTS OllllJ PAot Photo bJ L .. PeJM Sept. 2 and 3 w hen the Irvine Children's Chorus will stage Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of P enzance" at Irvine High School . Stock prices continue Climb; . ' ··record trading: JlEW YORK (AP) -S tock prices surged upward again today in the heaviest trading ever, adding to record gains posted Tue~ay in response to falling interes~ The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, which shot up 38.81 points Tuesday for its largest si ngle-d ay rise in history, climbed another 15.03 points to 846.27 in the first two hours this morning. Gainers held a 15-1 lead over losers in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Many stocks w ere delayed in o~ning because of the stonn of buy orders. But trading volume in the first hour on the Big Board still reached 37 .02 million shares, shattering the previous record of 24.12 million set in March, as traders scrambled to get in on the market's sudden revival. As recently ~ last Thursday. the popular averages stood at their lowest levels in more t han lwo years. Analysts said the spark that set off the &xplosive rally was the (See STOCK, Page AZ) .... CATALYST? -Economist He nry K aufman may have triggered the stock market rise with his prediction of lower interest rates. Vote 'yes~ for 'no' on Newport referendum By DAVID KUTZMANN ()("the OellJ Piiot St•H In Newport Beach, a judge says, yes will still mean n o. And come November, when vote r s co n sider a ballot referendum on the controversial Banning Ranch develo pment plan, that's exactly the way it will be. Orange County Superior Cour t Jud ge Thomas C r osby J r . rejected a request by city council candidate Allan Beek Tuesday that the wording of the ballot measure be changed. The ci ty-wide proposition asks voters wheth e r a council· app ro ved general plan amendment for Banning Ranch, which permits development on the 75-aore parcel, should be repealed. As the measure is curr ently Ex-Marine acquitted of rape conviction Ex -M ari n e Donald L ee Shirley, granted a retrial on his 1979 rape conviotion when the ,._ California Supr eme Court prohibited the use of testimony b y witnesses who had been hypnotized, has been acquitted of the charge in a second trial. An Orange County Superior Court jury on Tuesday found Shirley innocent of rape and burglary charges following a day of deliberations. Before his conviction on the same charges had been overturned by the st a te high court last Marc h the former Camp Pendleton Marine served 31h years at San Quentin State Prison. He was accused of l"!ifing a San Clemente barmaid in 1979 at her apartment. At Shirley's first trial , the victim testified about details of the rape she was able to reqillect through hypnosis. Before being hypnotized, s he could only remember sketchy details of the incident. The state Supr eme Court, ruling on the basis of the Shirley case, stated the use of hypnosis w as no t a reliable means of NATION refreshing the memory of a witness. The woman's hypnosis- induced testim ony should not have been allowed at the first trial. the court said. The victim was called to testify al Shirley's second trial, which • began earlier this month, but she was not allowed to testify about the rape itself. Prosecutor Nina Brice said afterward it was hard for a jury to convict a defendant when the victim could not describe t h e crime. P olice 'capture' rob o t i n street BEVERLY HILLS (AP) Unamused by a 4-foot roeot clanking through Beverly Hills during rush hour, police decided to take the mechanical creature into custody. So they called a tow truck. The round white plastic robot. comµlete with flash ing lights. was "captured'' Tuesday evening. T he officer determined that the device was being operated by remote rontrol. A half buck for $10.50 Has Uiicle Sam got a deal for you . How about commem9rative 50-cent pieces honoring the 250th anniversary of George Washington's birth for only $10.50, or $8.50 for real bargain hunters? Page A7. -R ock f es! push es tick ets The gigantic US Festival, which promoters hope will attract 250,000 rock fans over Labor Day weekend. is offering one-day along with three-day tickets, possibly t.o boost sales. Page A7 .. Bikers end long p edal SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Two down bicyclists pedaling 3,800 miles through water, wild~ and moequitoes crossed the Golden Gate Brid on the final leg of a trek to ralae over $100,000 ln p edges for mental health 8880Ciat1ons. . worded, Beek's attorney argued Tuesday. a "yes" vote would m~an a. voter is actually opposed to the development. A "no" vote would mean he or she supports it. . To understand the ballot measure, attorney Jeri McKeand said, would require·the voters to go through "mental gymnastics." But Robert Burnham, assistant city attorney, strongly disagreed, claiming a change in ballot language at this point would only "wreak havoc." Judge Crosby took a sanguine posture on voter understanding of the referendum, w hich ~he council voted to pu t on the ballot in J uly after oppone nts o f Banning Ranch development circulated petitions demanding a re peal of the ge neral pla n amendment. APWINphoto ON ·TH E BALL -A city office worker in Lucerne Swi.tzerland, balances on a ball wp.ile balancing the boo~ durmg a~ expe~imental progran:1 ~ing conducted l?Y the city. For a bnef penod each day, office workers switch t.o the ball in an attempt to relax 'from office tensions and strengthen back muscles. COUNTY H yp eractive kids aided Huntington ln tercommunity Hospital has a program th at helps slow hyperactive children, resulting in less family tension a nd better school performance. Page Bl. Nestande appointment eyed A state panel is to consider the nominat1on of Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestande· to the California Transportation Commission today. Page AS. Throw out d1e anchor? New York fans of a local new anchor team Tom S nyder la to replace are ~ about ~e job shift. and plan to let WABC know. Page Cl3. ... "I'm persuaded that the voters of Newport Beach know what the word repeal means,·· Crosby said, acknowledging that it would probably have been better if the ballot measure was worded so a "yes" vote meant approval of the project and a "no" vote registered disapproval. "It would have been better to phrase it in a positive format," he said. That's all McKeand said she wanted in the first place. She said the City Council could have called a special meeting before its already scheduled Aug. 2~ session to approve a change· in wording. Burnham said the timing ell. Beek's challenge was sim~ly ~ late. Besides, the assistant ci~ attorney said, the phrasing oft~ ballot measure was consistet (See BALLOT, Page AZ) ' AG says S&L chief. can't ban take~verJ SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Savings and Loan Commissioner Linda Yang has no au thority to prohibit buyers of homes from taking over l ow -interest mortgages issued by state- chartered savings a nd loans, Attorney General Geor'ge Deukmejian said in a formal opinion: The o pinio n h a d been requested by Ms. Yang after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federally chartered savings and loans co uld exercise "due-on-sale" clauses in their mortgages, thus banning ·Joan assumptions. Attorney general's opinions have no force of law b.ut are co mmonly f ol l owed by governme nt agencies until a court rules on the issue. (See LOAN, Page AZ) Res taurant column back At the urging of s t ate- chartered savings and loans. Ms. Yang has been consid ering issuing regulations that w ould have the effect of ·applying the I court ruling to state-chartered . institutions a s well until the Legislature acted on the subject. Norm Stanley is not only "Out 'n ' About," as his column heading says. but he's back in. The p op ula r restaurant columnist, starting • today, becomes a midweek ~ feature of the Daily Pilot. !! His news of resta urants,;. restaurateurs, entertainment ~ at the Orange Coast's well- know n dining spots and all the rest of what excites the out-and-about crowd will be presented every Wednesday in the Dai ly Pilot. The Weekender restaurant review will continue to appear in Friday's editio ns . Norm Stanley's oo Page.BJ today. Deukmejian's opini9n, written by Deputy Attorney General Rodney Weiskopf, said state law did no t authorize the commissioner to issue the tegulations. · INDEX At Your Service A4 Business Al0-11 Herb Caen Al 3 Cavalcade Al3 Comics Cl 2 Crossword Cl2 Death Notices BlO F.dltorial A12 Entertainment B4-5 Food ; Cl-11 Horoecope Al3 SPORTS Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Ng,Uces Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World News Angels whack Red Sox- A13 84-5 AlO A3 B4,B9-10 B6-9 All C13 B4-5 A2 A3 The Angels exploded with five home runs in a 10-2 rout of the Red Sox at Anaheim Stadium. Page 86. ... I . I ' - 8 Ora.ngtt CoClll DAILY PILOT /W dneaday, Augu1t 18, 1982 PLO to agree to Israelis' final de:rllands By Tbe Auoclated Pre11 T he Palestine L iber a tio n Organization bowed , to Israel's demand for the unconditional return of a captive Israeli pilot and the remains of five lsraeh soldiers killed In L eb a non, removtng the last obstacle to the with drawal of the Palestinian gue r rillas f r om Be irut. a L eba n ese gover nm e n t spokesman announced tnday. w o u ld d e ll ver h 1m to U .S . pre1lde nt1a l e n voy P h ilip C. Habib. Sen'ior site on church • land OK'd WHAT A MESS -T~ash spilled aero~ Sou th Bristol Street near Costa Mesa a bout 1 p .m . Tuesday w he n a re fuse truck overturned as it was a ttempti ng to switch lanes, the California Highway Patrol re p o rted. T he truck's d r iver, M a r cos O•lfy Plot "'°'o b1 CllaltM ltan Saucedo~ :l9, of Santa Ana, sustained orily ffiinor injuries, but tra ffic was s narled for close to an h our w h ile th e truck w as bt.•ang movl·d off the roadway and the mess w as being cleaned u p The s po k e sman said h i s governme nt was making the formal request to the United States. Fran ce and l ta I y to p rovi d e th e 2 ,0 00 -m a n multinational peacekeeping force th/it will oversee the evacuation of PLO fighte rs and Syrian troops from the besieMed Moslem sector of the Lebanese capital. Israel Army Radio said P rime Minister Menache m Begin and his Cabinet were studying the final draft of the evacuation plan and were expected to approve it Thursday. T h e Ci t y Co u n c i l h as reaffirme d its s uppor t for a senior citizen housing project in e as t Costa Me sa during an emotionally charged meeting attended by ad vocates and critics of the developme n t on ch urch owned property. The council voted 3 to l, wit h Eric Johnson voling no, to allow its July 19 decision regarding the cons truction of 36 units at St. J ohn the Divine Episcop a l Church at Bay Street and Orange Avenue to stand. Norma Hertzog was absent. ~\ UCI official fights The T e l A\.i v mi lita ry command. meanwhile, ;>aid two Israeli soldiers were killed and four wounded Tuesda y i n a guerrilla ambush near A.abadiye, abou t 15 miles east of Beirut. It said two guerrillas were killed and three wounded today trying to pe ne trate Isr aeli lines near Aamiq in eastern 1.;ebanon, and that another guerrilla was kiUed a nd t h r ee w e r e ca pture d northeast of Sidon, In southern Lebanon. • \\_fl Continued stories hospital 1n Irvine Robert Yoder, who appealed the council's decision, contended that the project would be closer to entertainment and shopping ar eas 1f it were moved to the west side of town where the city owns three site; set aside for low income housing LOAN ASSUMPTIONS • • • Ms. Yang could not be reached immediately for comme nt. The opinion would continue a disparity created by the court ruling, allowing buyers of homes financ ed by s ta te -c h a rtered savings and loans to assume a mortgage well be low marke t rates if the seller is willing and the buyer can pay off the seller'i;; equity. T he court s aid federall y charter ed institutions cou ld "call" their loans at sale and issue new mortgages a t pr evailing rates. Since 1978, virtually all sales of homes with existing mortgages in California have been covered by a s tate S upre m e Cou r t de c ision th at b a nn ed e nforcement of "due-on-~le" clauses as an infringement on an owner's right to sell properly. Lending institutions have tried uns u ccessfull y to ge t the Legislature to overturn the state court ruling, with the powerful rea l estate lobby C1g htinsz to preserve the r uling. Ms. Ya ng's request for a n attorney gene ral's opinion was based on a state law allowing the commissioner to issue short-term r e gula t i o n s giv ing S'la t e - chartered ins titutions "parity" w ith any powers exercised bv federally char tered savings and loans. But Deukmejian's opinion said th e law all ow ed t h e commissioner to at:l on her own, without legislative a pproval, onJy when the barrier to "pari.ty" was part of the savings and loan law. BALLOT MEASURE • • • with the w o rding o n the referendum petitions circulated earlier this year. _ The undeveloped Ba nning Hanch property is located in west Newport. Ho mes, offices a nd light industriaJ uses are pla nned for the property. STOCK MARKET • • • rapid fall of interest rates. Some short-term rates have tumbled as much as 5 percentage points since late June. This week , two Wall Street BISITlatCk Boise Botton Bulfak> economists -Albert Wo;nilower of First Boston Cor p. and Henry Kaufman of Salomon Brothers -s ti rre d t h e fi n a n c ial community with forecasts of lower rates to come. Slightly C l But11ngton oasla chan11n sc ' Cll11tlatn WV Light varl•ble wind• through Charltle NC 63 57 69 68 69 79 63 71 59 62 65 81 67 64 77 65 62 56 67 51 tonight elt()CIC)t wes1 to aouthwest ' C 8 to 18 1tnots •flernoon and c=:' _,1ng, South-I •well 1 to 2 Clnclnnall feet. Moetly ~Ing •11emoon. Cleveland Clmbta SC U S Columbus •. summary . 0a1-F1w1ri High wlnda blew Ille roof• oll _ .. homM lltld l>ual~ In Dayton Oen_. Des Mo1ne<s De1roO By JOEL C. DON 01 the O•llY Piiot St•tf A hig h-ra nking UC lrvim· officia l has beg un lo bby ing Sacramento lawmakl'rs and <Jff1c1als in the off1n · of Gov Edm und G . Brown Jr , to delay approval of s pec·1al lt>g1Slation for a group wishing to bu 1 Id a hospital m lrvme. Claiming the sta lt-h as not ' thoroug h ly cons1dl·r ed the full 1m pal'l uf the legislation, Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UCI Collegl' of M e d1 c1nc , s aid T uesday he wants t he governor to veto the authorization biU so additional public hearings can be held on the matter Without the hearings. Van de n Nocirt cla imed, tht: ll·gislation appears to give tac·1t a pproval to a hospital plan proposl•d by the lrylne M ed ica l Cen ter (IMC ) group. · L ast week the sta tt:> Senate passed legislation permitting the Saddlcback Community College District to lease I 0 acres of land to a non-profit orgaruzation that wants to esuiblish a hospital in Irvine. Althuugh the bill does no t s pecify a n y pa rticular gro u p, Sad dleback trustees ha ve indicated a strong pre ference for the lMC proposal. The st.ate Assembly passed a s1m1lar version of the bill in June and the legisla tion now awaits the governor's signature The btll permits the dIStrict to w-ariner 18 Rain ~ SnowQ Showersl'llillII Flurnesl!!J Orange, Conn • Tue1d1y afternoon •• 1 llne or severe thundersto rms end a 1m111 IOl'nado ....,, through the area, H id A•al11ant Fire Chlel John Cepeceletro. Oululh El Paso Fairbanks Fargo A11gs1all Greal Falls Hllftl0<d Helen• Honolulu Houston lndnapll1 Jlcilln Jackanvtle K11nt1 City KnoxvllMI 94 90 87 76 82 87 89 83 63 86 87 78 86 87 95 87 86 86 80 77 100 7 1 Ne-We•I....,. SeMce 'thunder9torm• were scattered T ueaday through out the NortMUt and $j)t.llheUI, white alm llar condlll on• w•r e ~ 0¥8t Iha Soul'-1 Thunderttorm• •••o wero -"ered OWt Ille Gvtt Coeft, the Roetl'" •nd wettern Pl1ln1 It -moetly 11.1nny lltewnere. The 'fC>fKUt Mid .,,_. •nd lhunder11or m1 w ou ld be IC8ttered tod.y over the eouthem pen of IM lntennounleln region Into tn. Aocide9, over the upper Mluladppl Vt/14y end Mong Ille OYlf CoMt Into the aouthem half of the AtWltlc Cotet It tt10Uld be moe1ly eunny ee-Mre. California NIQht 9lld morning IOW cloude Mel too ,_, the coeat 111roug11 ~. Uttle wanner daye. o range County can e xpect lllaN ,_ 70 at lhe l>MChte. mid ea. llMnd. LOW9 se to 84 lnlend Yllllep wit heY9 lllgtw In 80a end to.. L.owt In 00.. Mountalnl C9ll pPee1 higtw In the IOe. Iowa 45 to Ml. leote1ed efternoon and e.,ly e vening tt11.11ld9IW-•. Chance of• '9w • brief lleeVY ~ • Northern d-rt high• 110 to 100. Iowa 05 to 77. Southern "'9rt lllaN 100 to 110. IOwl 78 '° ... ..,...., llWI~• In 1011thern •••tern de••r ta. Cllenc• of • rew brief heavy lflOMt9 wlttl °"9IY wlnda.. Felr •nd w.,mer Inland In NOfttlem Centrel Clollfomla. Fog end 10W cloude l!Weeatno •IOnO • • -t 11\d IPfeecllnO tntllnd on central oo••t. l1ol•ted tllunder1hower1 In eoulhern ...,.,.. Temperature• I .. 12 117 82 77 104 t1 .., Le 68 47 97 .. 78 117 - LU Vagu Ullle Rock Loulsvllle Memphll Mt•m4 Miiwaukee Mpl.-St P NUllvllle New Orieana N-York No<folk Olll• City Om.ti• Orllltldo Pl>Klldphl• Pl\oetll• Plttlt>ur gh Ptlend. Me Ptlend. Ore Rllpld City Reno RIOtlmond a.it L.ak• San Antonio s-11 .. Shr9¥9P()ri S1ou11 lleltt St Loult SIP-Temp• Spolc-Syrecuw Topella Tuc:eon TulN 54 87 79 88 88 91 88 96 89 74 89 85 86 102 85 87 89 87 74 89 86 90 69 88 91 84 90 90 105 II.a 88 84 87 91 89 92 102 75 95 87 85 87 87 n 85 100 93 48 ~NO~AA::;....~U~S~Oeo::::::~l~ol~C~omm:;.;.;;.:~•~c~•~;::,_-:---:--:-~~~":::".'"-:--~__, ~ Fronts:C~ ..-. Warm .. 52 64 56 73 81 83 45 J4 67 74 79 73 70 78 77 66 66 7' 72 71 69 73 86 72 70 87 60 82 53 83 48 89 70 73 58 74 87 ee 75 57 ee 85 71 74 w .. 111ng1n Wlchlle CALIFORNIA Apple Valley Bakersfield Bar11ow Beoumon1 Big S.ar Bishop Bl)'1~ Catalina Culver Clly Fr.sno Lake Arrowhead Lanca•le< L0"9 BeaGll Los Anget.s Monrovia Monl•t>ello Monle<ey Ml. Wll90n Need._ Newport BellCll O•kl•nd Ontllllo P•lm Springs Puaden• Puo Roblee Rivet tide Red Blul! Redwood City .'.lecr11men10 l\alln•• S11n Be<n11tdlno S11n Gabrle4 I Sen ()Iago San Francltco San JqM Sant• An• 5111111 O.rt>&rll Sanl• CnR San•• M•rl• 91 88 HI 9'4 98 97 9'4 78 94 99 12 78 97 80 97 88 84 97 88 6 .. 83 107 72 76 93 105 92 100 90 118 80 93 68 94 98 70 07 80 84 10 12 75 68 s11n1a Monica 72 Stoelclon 88 117 84 100 76 60 60 '42 78 58 80 T alloe Valley Triermal Lo T0trancie 97 58 Yum• 71 76 60 o4f 54 85 62 80 62 55 57 60 63 56 58 54 61 86 80 59 60 80 5• 55 58 ea 57 57 51 83 68 88 55 55 60 58 52 52 Sn1og The Air Ouatlty Managemenl Dlstrlcl predle1s unheallhlul air quality loday In much of Irie South Coa11 Atr Basin. l>ut OOod air 1n.,Prange County. 11\e coastal regions, high deserla and Btg Bear L•ke unhe.lthtul •Ir quellly tor eve<yone 11 torecaSt In Iha Sen Gabrlel end PomonR valleya and the Rlv11r1ld •·S•n Bern.,dlno area with 11 PSI ot 220. Unhe•lthful •Ir ~allty for sens111.,. '*'°"' 11 predlcled IOt lhe San Fernando and S•nta Ct.rite v•lleya wllh • PSI or 188 Matropollt•n Loa Angeles. B•nnlng •nd the Hemet-Elainore •ev•on wtll ti.Ye • PSI ol 150 I nd,. a PSI of 138 It !orKall for I tow a-ts Good •Ir qu1llty la predicted fOt tnl•l>d Orenoe County wnh • PSI of 92. coaa111 are .. wllh a PSI or 87 end lhe hlQh d4aMf11 and Big Bear L•k• wllfi ll '181 or 42. Wh.,e 10 c•ll (1on free) for •• , .. , amoo lnf0tm1tton Orange County (800) 446-3820 Lo• Angelea Cour'lly (000) 242-4022 Rlwf~ and &en a.."4Wdlrl0 counlie9: (800) 301·4710 AOMO Epl1ode C911let· (800) 242-4Me Tides SURf RIPIRT TOOAY 5econd low 3 Ill p m 18 .... ,. .. 2 2 2 2 .... .... 3 3 a 3 . .... Olf SW 8W 8W w S.Cond lllQh 9 211 p m 1 0 ~tOAY n,.t iow 4 21 • m 1. t l"lrst high 10 •2 • m. 4.t a-id low 4·05 p m t 4 a.cond high 10:10 p.m. o 7 Sun Mii tod•y •I 7:37 p.m .. rl ... Thured•y •t 8: 17 e,m. Moon 11 ... toelay 11 5:37 p.m.1 .... rhurldey •t 7 45 a.m ll•asc the land. located al Jeffrey Hoad a nd Barranca Parkway, for 90 years at fair market value . T h c:. s i l c i s a d j a c c n l t o Saddleback's north campus. IMC CJ ff1<:ials ho pe to purchase an addit ional 22 acr es for their proposed $95 8 million medical l"<•n lc.or, includ ing .a 222-b ed hospital, outpatie nt d 1n1c and a building to serve Saddleback's n u rsing and allied ht>alth care programs "M y co n cern is t ha t the leg1s lat1on wen t th roug h the Assembl y a nd th <.' Sen a t e wi th o ut d iscuss io n be fore appropriate comm1ltt>es ," v an den Noort said. "It 1s an opinion or mine that this legis la tion should have had more hearings on 1ti. potentia1 implications and 1L., l'ffC'Ct on the university." Van den Noort acknowledged that he had not seen a copy of the bill, which w as introduced by A-.se mbl y w o man M a rian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. He s a i d h e first h e ard o f the I g1slat1on from a new spaper s tory "last week, which s pecified the land would be leased to lMC. l!:ven though the bill does not cite a specific group, van den Noort e xp,.ssed con cer n t hat the leg1slat1on, in effect, suggested state endorsement of the IMC proposal Bergeson rude Juhe F'roeberg noted. however. pubhc hearings w ere he ld by the Assembly Education Corrumttec. And st.ate Sen. John Seymour, R-Anaheirn, e mphasized t h at a S e n a te , committee held severa l public hearings on the issue The command also reported guerrillas fired light arms near the port of Beirut today, but that the Israelis did not re turn fire. The Lebanese spokesman said the PLO agreed Tuesday night t.o hand over Israeli pilot Aharon Ah1az, who was shot down on the hrst day of Israel's invasion J une 6. to Lebanese Prime Min iste r S h a f1k Wazzan , and Wazzan R.H Klein, developer for the p rOJect, said that "lime was running o ut" and that $1.2 m1lhon in funding from the U.S. Departme nt o f H o using an d Urba n Development wou ld be lost if construction did not begin by September. Residents who said they were fearful that the change in zoning from sipgle fa mily to planned development residential would decrease the vaJue of their homes spoke agains t the project Senior citizens turned out to support the pro,ect. Mouse housed Irvine girl, 14, bitten A little w hite mouse has been a rrested for assaul ting a n lrvine girl. More correctly, the m ouse has been p u t u nder 14-d ay qua rantin e at the Irvine Anim al S h e lter on Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna &ach w hile a nimal control o fficers check tt for rabies. The m ouse w as ta k e n into custod y Mo nday a fter Edward McRoy re ported h is daughte r, Kristen . 14, was bitten when s he found the rodE:n t in the family's back yard at 5 Monitor , Irvine. C hances are, the mouse, whic h was a stray pet, isn 't ra bid, said Irvine Anuna l Services S upervisor Carl Pagano · w ho noted. "Roden ts are very low r isk when it comes to rabies." The quarantine. he said. "is jus t to make s ure ." T h e incide nt re port, listed as a "mouse bite" on the [rvine Police Department log~ said Kristen 's right index finger was punctured w hen the mouse b it h er. ~BIE SPORTS LTD. announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 ~ Doors Open 10:00 A.M. ~ LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Marona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... -'. L'A, ~BIESPORTS lrvlne 4 708 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA • 512-S252 MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS & TRUNKS 200/o -50°/o OFF Including: Stubies, Quicksilver, Surfllne, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40%-50% OFF lncludlng: OP , Offshore, Quicksilver WET SUITS 10%-30% OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill D BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Ott Sales Prices Limited To Stock On Hand ·-----------------~-·· 1 This Coupon Good For 1 I I .:7L'. I $ OIE DOLUR • I .,_om£ SPORTs I I Corona def Mer I I 2831 Cout Hwy. I On Purchase of $10.00 During Sale 1 Corona def Mar, CA I um11 0ne P.f euttomw I n.r100 ---------------------l - AP Wlrephoto ENTERTAINER HONORE D -Veteran e ntertainer Red Skelton, left, receives the VFW Americanism Award from Arthur Fe llwock, commander-in-chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United Stall's, during a dinner at the Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles. Animal ' ' . Orange Cooat DAILY PILOT /Wttdnusdoy, Auguitl 16 198i' c, ...... ' , pay raise hills stallefil ~ B o th 111ujt1r JJ1·01JtJsa l s e111a n g le d in inte rho u . ..;1.· <list'"'', SACH AM t-:NT<I (i\l'1 Proposals to 11n 1hil111 1••1111111.., from suppl)lllj..'. 1111111.d, t1tt med1i;ul 11·s1•,1n Ii .11111 t" 1 ;,,,., salartl'' 11f h·g1 ... l.t1111., ,111.t •:it• off1ciul.., IH·< arrw , 111.1111•1, d 111 , I\\ 11 I Ii lllM I tgh I ClVt•r dOU 'llS t>f 1 1111 1.111·d A..,st·mbly btlb ktllt>d 1 ... .I S1·11;1ll• Ulllllllltll'l' 1111· .1111111,11 btll. <iuthw <'<I by I Ii• :-· .... 11.111·.., lt·..idl·r. wus first '' l•"lt'd hv tlw A."'-<>ernhly llN1lth Commllll'<'. But an h11ur L1t•·1. ;,(wr bOML' obvurus rw~11tt:,111" "· lhl' l"Ommlltt't' dt'C:ld<'li to g1vt tlw bill anolhl'r t:h<irtl'l' Tht• pay ri.llM ' bill. ,11J1h1111•tl ,,, thl• l'ha1rmiJn of t lw S1·11.il•• Did TV distort Mideast war? JACKSON, M1 11\1'1 Re ttn•d Lt Ct•n S1dr11 \' f\,.11 \ says a rt·t·t·nt t11u1 "' J°,, ""''"'' showt·d him th:1t 111· li,111 111, 11 m 1sI1· d b v U s 1 • I•· v 1 • , 11 covl'rag1• 111io 1l1111k111g II . .t h1 ,,, I was wn·<1ktng · 111d1.,11111111.111 havol'" ag<1 111 -t I• Ii 1111·s • civ1han.s &•rry said h1• .111d 11\t' 1111•1 US gt•nt·ral , """ 11 •11, ,1 Lcb<inon Aug I I .l ,, ,, 111 ev1dl·tH'l' uf 111d1 • 11111 111.1 ' wholt•salt• d l'sli 111 t I"'' ·'it 111 .. 11 regard for hunia11 1111· Ht• 1·111 ·d a s• ,,11111-I··· "' m1slc•ad111g l'11v1·1 "f' ..,, '11.. •>! wounded 1·1v1li.111-. .111 I 1.1111-. hrmg into <• gulh ti l1111lcl111>: 111 the an•as of Wt"sl Hc·u 111 111 lti 11\ thl' Pal1·s t1111 l.111 1,,.,, 11 Organt7.<Hlon . "Thul im<1g1· with out undt•r::.t.111d1ng ·~ ~'I \I\ J ii o I' I Ii ....... 1 II< I ''I \ I 1 11111 ,. tau~ht M1dl'ast history iJt 1 Ii•· lJ n 1 t 1 • d S t a t t• s M ti 1 l iJ r y 1\0 .id1·1ny u n d latt·r w<is 11111111iand,1t1l of thl· al'adt•my a nd , 111111nand1 ·r ol tht-5th Corps in I 111 opt· fl, o1dd1 •d tli:it ht· s.1w no ,.,,,.,,,gt· .. 1 1h1• military goals 111\11lv1·d 1ri tlw f1ghttng. B1•r1 y s;.11d lw was nut singling "' I ;111\ s 1wt·1f1l' nl'twurk o r t I 1 t ,1 .., l Ii U l b <I .., (' d h IS 111 p11· ... :-.1011::. on thl' l'urnulat1vt· 1111piJ1t <1 1 US t1·lt·v 1s1on lll\I l.1g1• J r11 · 111111 was sponson•d by the· 1\11u L>t•f.1111.1t111n Ll'aguP of B'na1 Br 1th, wl11d1 Ik·rry ~ml :.ought 1 .. 1uun111.1< 1 advl•rM· publ1t· 11 "llllll i,, -.t'nding 11nparual 1 'I'' rt.., 111to tlw w<ir 10111· &·rr y -..;1d Ill' 111.11J1• ,, rt•porl o f his vts1t 1 .. 1111' US g11v1•r111nl•nt, but not '" 1r11.11 H nth 1~·11 \ ""ho l1;1::. lx.'l·n tht st.ill''.., 1:omm1!.s1on<.'r o f µuhltt· :..JI• 1 \ s1 nt'<.' he rct1n'<I frvn1 th<· md1t.11 'r tn HIHO, said al a m•ws co11f1.,-1•111..:1· thut bcforc ht• wt·nt to 1li1 M1 d1.•ast, he had bt•l•n I< d 111 beh evl• that tht• bnu:h n111t1.11' had brough t "111d1sl'rirn111.it1 hav1x· on the t·1vd1an popul,11 • · But, he said, ht• found th.tt bu tidings whtt·h had b1, 11 dPs troyed h <1d IH'r•n ust"l 11., m1h1.<.1ry forces. He said his grnu11 h.111 tt ,JI• 1 I lht· invasion through th1· t11;1st.d t'lllt'S o f Tyrl' and Sidon ;1 11d northward to &•1rut H<•rrv s.11rl the .group did nut go tci" wt· t &•1rut. where tht·n · 1s ;1 111 oi\ com·cntral1on of PLO fort"<·-. .mtl whf're f ighting h ,1s hc·111 h(•av1est. 1011i1111tt 1·1· th;1t k 1ll1·d 1·. A•'·' 1111.i.., 111Jls ""' 1 1111 V..l'I k d , t;tll• d "' 1111 \ . .,..,.,1.1v Hult·s ( 0 1 1111111111 I •\\ It• II I lo j'ISl,1lOC ~Ill lo 1 1 ·~·Iii l1tll • • 1 u ·' d t11 vote"'bn 111• I .ir . 1.111 "''" 11111bh·rns;111 1111 \ , 111hl\ 111111 m1ttlf·s '"' .... , ll11 s .. 11 .llt• 1''1n:il1lt' t '11 111 11 11 1 • • 11• I 11\/1•1 l h 1· \\• • k··11tl 11 I tl l• I 11111 ... whOM· ,, 111i .. 1 \·.• ,, ,, • 1·· •• 111 S•·vl'ral A,-,,.1111.I, 111• 111lo1·1 • Ii.id .... ud lh(•y 1 ,,11ld11 t J,,. H11" o1nd .oskt•d 1..tii· '11rnri 1 ii•• '" J,,,i.t .1nothfr lilt I llllj' !1 11 \• t k ; 'I It • 1 • l 111 • 1 h•· 1\ ... s 1·1n iSy II• .dll1 < , r r 11 , • 111 I \'ott·t.l :l-4 1' , 11.111 l'n·!.1d~fll !'1•1 ·1, 'l 11 !<1 l11 •rt1. D-tius \llj I j, I 4 llllil) f \('I' );ttt•I ,,.,,!I :! Ill W"•' l'I'''' t1·d b v tol tl ,111 11Ref 1 • J.!. fl ( J 4• \' • t. o111d p~t •1l l.1w lht· U!:ll' .1111111.ds for ' " lo\ h t~.h •I .t~<IUtl .1nd I 0 I li •d !iv th!• • I ii • 11· 111.i. s:bd I I Cl t Q C' 1 ~11• r pr 1&·s 1 • "' •Ii .111im.js, 11 11(1.,11 l0Xtr,1 Reagan tax hill 'political risk' "l will nevt'r s;1y I SUfJP4•rl 111 opp<>~<· what Lht•y an• doing." h1 -.;.11d "Thcr(' 1s right and v.. ro11g on both s 1dt•!. I dun't h;,v1 lo rl•at:h a judgmt·nt 1 hold no brtt'I for (•llhe r party in thl• war " ,• WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan keeps raising the political stakes in his crusade for the $98 billion, three-year tax bill, and as a result, a pal.t'hwork revenue measure· has become a VQte oC confidence 1n h is leadership. It is a risk h e has taken on other meas ures, and won. This time, he goes in without the kind of solid Republic.an backing that was the foundati o n o f hi s economic victor y s tring in Congress. But he also goes in without the bristling Democratic ~p position that w as arrayed 'f~t him in the first ro und. Republican s are s k e ptical, conservatives downright h ostile to the bill Reagan said represents NIWS ANAlVSIS historic reform, not the biggest tax increase in h istory. The president and his allil's have declared the m easure essential to econom ic recovery. The White House has called it a 'leadership question important to the president, the Re publican party, and the outcome o f the Nov 2 congressional e lecu ons . "To me. this is a t est of leadership," said Sen . Bob Dole, R-Kan .. chief draftsman or the tax biU. Reagan has been lobbying 1l intensively for two weeks He postponed his vacation to push the bill. The administration comm1 :-. .... 1on1 d <J polit11.tl adv1:rt1s1ng l'Jlllfi...ui 11 '" 1 •t "" "'' it. And the pres1d1 11L ;1p~K·a 11 ·d on national t1·lt·v1~1· n M1111tl.1\' night tn a ... k frn puh11, "'PP"' t In lhl' pro .. !'..,... tu 1 ntl1 "•cl 1 h1 tax m('asun• Wtlh virtue·~ lw·\1111d any its o riginal -.por1so1 . c .. uld have da1mc•d Tht• hill 1. th1· product of :.i ,·on1(1 1•-.•1 1111 al tradl·off. produC'rcl dt1 1 J<, 1g 111 .., orig1niJI budgt•t flt "'""''" \\ ,., spurnt-d 1n Congrt ",.., I • • , , • · 11 its prOJ<X'lt'<I dd11 II 11\ •rd· I I• get <i hudgc·t with 111·\~ I" 11d1111• l'Urbs, tht• ;1dm1111-.t 1.1t 11 •Ii I .• d 111 agree to tnl'rt'·"' 1 • ,., 11• •-.. somehow Thl· rl'\'l'nu<· r;11..,1111 1 1 of th(• wx hill ,an• 11111 l.o ''"'" .j to ml'Cl 1x1ht·v g11;ll-. 'I h• \ ,, • ·1 • • p111 togPthE't to rcac:h thl• rC'venut' 11 11u1n·mt nL., of lhl• l'Omprom1se bucl~l'l H1.,1gan loul'hL•d on that in his T\ ..1ddr1•ss "Makl.· no mistake .1l1111H 1t. thl'> 1s a L'Omprom1se." he .11d · 1 h,1d tu swallow hard to .1~n <' 111 dny rC'Vl'nUl' increase. "Rut thl-n' <in• two s ides to a 1· om pr• 1m1 s e . Those wh o ... u pport•·d th<· tr')C'reased rt·Vl'nUt>S ''' tllt1wl'd hurd to al't.'ept $280 l11ll1•m 111 outlay cuts." H1·.ig,111 ... atd he got morC' in "I" nd111g curbs tha n hL· had to g1\'t' by agn•t•tng to the rc•venue rrit n•ao;;es. ";ind remembt•r, our • ·n~tndl wx n'Cluct1on remains in 111 •l't "'hit h ml'ans your taxes " II still b<· 1 ut $335 billion in 1h1· ... 1· rH'Xl thrc-e years" ,,. ... Chinese ar1ny called o utdated \ , .. HOSPITALIZE D -Re p. Cecil Heftel. D-Hawaii. has been ho sp italize d in Washington, D.C . a fter he was robbed of $100 at an aU- nigh t drugstore. Police said he hurled an object a t the t h ug but hit a woman customer instead . The woman's irate husband then punched He ft.el in the face. Monoey.Fr10ay 11 vou dO not "'•""' )IQ.If oec:Mtr by S 30 p rn C•ll twtou I o"' l1'0 Y'OU' cooy Wilt be dPhWt•~ &.!Uf'd .... Ind !W"OIY I I you de not :=.:: to:':n C~:: ~' ~O~y':.11': _.., WAS HINGTON (AP) -The Chinese army. while by far the world's largest. has such primitive equipment and tacttcs that 1t ts actually Jess able to win a war than 1t was 20 years· ago. according to a new study. "China's ability to counter a Soviet attack is not impressive," said the analysis released by The Asia Society, a private, non- profit orgaruz.allon . The Chinese are making some attempts to improve thei r m ilitary, it no te<Y.'but, "It is entirely like ly that the gap between Chinese military capabilities and those o f the Soviet Union w1U widen rather than narrow by the end of the d~de." The m ost like ly Chi n ese enemy is th e Sovie t U nio n . B ecause the Soviets h ave s1gn1ficantly upgraded their military in the past 20 years, the Chinese are worse off than they were in the 1960s, the study said. The Chinese army, with its 4.5 milhon soldiers, 1s the world's biggest , compared to the 1.8 million persons serving m the Soviet army or the 786,000 m the U.S . Army. But tht• Pt·oplt ':-. I ii .. 1,111011 Army I!> so balk\.\,11d ti ,, 1 11d1 of the Ch1m•se JI ttlh 1 \ 11111 •--•di be hauled bv h•n ,, , ,, ti 1\1 11 Other \H·apon ..... 111 '"' 1 • 'I"' d fro m uld S1>\'11·l n11• l• b ,1 nd "muC'h 1s still ~II '" ' • '. ,11 '< be hind tht• -;tali 11111 .. ,,,,,· ,, said Th(' rc•porl 11111• .J 11 .1 1 1111· Ch1nl'SI' do h 1 1111t I • ,11 weapons. hut th1' ·"' 1 ·"""lh d e f e n ... I \' l ol II d 11 f t t "o soph1sttt·at<:d a::. 1h11~• .J, I 1 .. , 1·d by the Umtcd Stat•, .111ol :t11 · Soviet Union. L a s t y c .. r H • 1 " 11 admint!.trat;on ul fo '"' II I 1 I ' \ would con..s1dt•r "•·If·''' .i ' , 111 China on a C'as.. b' • 1sc 1o. 1· 111 1980, the Cartt·r Jd11111110,l1 .t 11111 permiltC'd the salr of '"'TIO ' non lethal military pqu1pn11 nt T he Chinese m·1•d •· 11np1 •1\, not on ly their hard" . ' 1.111 .. h,,. thl'!1r tactics, the• ~tuch .11d For many yl·.1r.. 11 ''"'' d 1111' Ch1nc•st• dt·ft·n -.i· .11•.1111 .1 .i 11 invasion was to 11111 · ,,,, • 111111\ c!,fep mto 1hC' na1111n h•'.tr tl.11111 and overwhelm him \\It h superior numbers But t hi' <;tud v "';11d '<Pn11· Chinese offin;ii ... "" ~ • 1111\' We're Listening ••• Whal do you hke about the Daily Pilot" What don t ''Ill ''"' Call th_e number below and your message will be rt'1'1ll'tlnf transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The sam e 24 hour answering service m ay be used to rl•rord h•t ll'rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributorc; mu"l 1nrl11d1· their name and telephone number for venftcal1on :'l:n r1rc ul.t11111\ calls. please Tell us whal's on your mind ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomos P. Hai.y PubJ,1het ond Chief E•KUI"• Olt.c.,. Jane Amorl f•tcu•••• Edl!OI l. Koy Schultz. Vlce rre1tdenl Olld Owector ol ~'"1119 Mkh.el,,HotWy Olreclor ol MoAtiln; ICorc~IOl\I Thoma1 A. Murphln• Ed1IO< loymond Mod.eon Conlfoht Kenn•th N. Goddard Jr. OwectOt ol ()p.etcw10ni CIH•lfled ad1r•rcl1lng 714/642-5678 All oth•r departm•nta 642 .. 321 MAIN OFFlCE »o Wot ll•y SI '°' .. Mne (A 11U11 e11c1reu &o• '"'°· <.••• "'• ... c A .,,,,, C°"yrl9hl I~ 0r""9' Cot1ll Publl\hl!19 l,,,,_ny No,, • ..,, llOrltl, tth"lr•llOll•. •d•torlal m.ttl•• o• •~ ver-ll1tm..,h IWrt ln may lM •tl>tOduod wllhool -1•1 pe""'lolonof<Opyr19n1 o .. ,.., TIW Or-. Coatl Delly Pilot, Wllll wlll<ll l\ <on> blMCI IM ...._.,,,.,. .. I\ Pllbllt""O by !two Orano- CMtl PIA>lllllllllO Comp,ony 141M••l• eo1110•" ••• Pllblllllect MIOnday lllrOIJOI' Friday tor f"'IA -....... rt 8-11, Ho.11tlfl910tl 8 .. tl\ I -l•ln ""•ll~y. lrvl .... ~ ha(.11 Soulll CCI<!" A \11>9 .. ,_(llONI "'"'.., ~ ,..,._ ~etwrdev• eno ~""*" f"' 11"1"< ICMOI pubilJ"'"9 plenl I\ et )JO Wol l•J \1,....1 • 0 lloa 1'60 (0<te M~w Calllor111e tl6'Ht VOL. 75, NO. 228 I 11'!·11g:n171 ·d '>U<:h lcll'tit:s ignore the l11'1·J1h11od that a key Soviet 111\ ;is111n t:.iq~c·t would "be 11•11 lh1•.1slt•rn China. an exposed .... t!H nt "'h11 h t·ontums many l,11gl' l'Jl11• .... the· natio n 's best lt•\·1 lop<"d rciad and railway grid" 111d rnuch ~wavy industry. '\\'htlr .i forward dcft.'nSl' 1s I'" 11 rabh to 'luring dl'C'p' 1n that 1 t clurs not en tail t h e 1l1.111clonm1•n1 of large parts of rli" 111du-.trial ht•artland, thcrC' 1s 1 -..•nuu~ risk that thC' forward- h;l'•t·d ::.oldwr'> will be outflank<'d 11111 C'Ul off." ll c;aid. lht· s tudy was prepared b y Dr. .J urlt' Teufel Dreyer, director of E.io.;t Asian Programs at th'? I trnn·rs1ty of MiamJ. ... ... r "" Wlreph COYOTES COLLECT Two nw·n d1.111~1 1 ·.~ dollars forl M ex1c:an pesos for the black m<.1 rket < "\l h.i 111-(1' 1 .. 11 . 11 l\h•x1{l(i: City's lntemallonal Afrport The J\1c.•'\1c.m ~"''' nmwnt has! stopped sel ling d ollars in tht• cou1111 \ • ... Ii.ink" l.1us1'4f Mex icans with plans to trnvc·l abru;1d to gt t th1 11 clollar:;: wherever they can. The exchangers, l';ill<'d · 1·m·otl's" b~: locals, a re gettin g h ighly inflated ratc·s f11r dulhir : ----------~ Gem Talk /h ./ (' Hl'Ml'llRJf:s (', r/1{11'd (inrwlull•·''· At;S AN EMERALD "HEAVEN" 111 <•urtl1f.t' !iculp turr The world's largest emerald • '.Irving 1s an 86,000-carat, 38-pound n •·auon which depicts the heaven of the Chinese Tao religion. The s!'ulpture, valued at $1.2 million, wa'I displayed recently at the .h•wclel'!! of America show In New York The work began as a I I0,000-cnrat, 62-pound emerald l'rystal d19C'Ovcred in 1974 in Braul's Bahia p rovin ce An American Je~elcr bought the crystal for several hundred thousand dollars. but couldn't rind a buyer to take it off h~ hanch H e took the huge rock to Hong Kong, where he contncted with a stone carving flnn to do the l'laborate sculpture Four carvers 111ud1ed thf• hulk for throe month.a, then went to work. The carving Includes 17 human hgures. animals, buUdlng9 and shubbery, and took more than a year to complete The 8Cu.lpture is now for l&le, and the owneni hope1 a BrazUlan muteum will buy It. lt alao a candidate for entry in the OulnC!lll Book of World R~ords aa the largest Gematone srulpture . 'the cur.-nt Guineas tlUeholder I.I only 11.000 caraw. ' , 1148500 ' J. C.JJ.wnp~rie~ J 11wefsrd MEMBER AMERICAN Q~ SOCICTY ®' 1809 NEWPORT BLVD , COSTA MESA SINCE 1~ B1nkAm111c1rd-Maater ~n1rg1 PHONE 548 3401 •• .. .. .. .. r •I <: tit •• .ti •1 ,, •ti JI • J "' •' tl ft ..... ll~lll41111--------0r •nge Co It DAIL V PILOT /Wednetday, Augu1t 18, 1982 ycling urged By PAT HOROWITZ o<n. DeltJ "°' &taff DEAR READ.l!:HS A !jtUlly uC rnore than 900 m o torcycle accitfonts 1n Southern California has shown that mus t accidents happen right in front of the ridt•r In fact, onJy 7 percent occur from the rear. One of ,.the biggest problems for motorcydists is other drivers who just aren't looking out for riders. The best. tip for motorcyclists is aJways t.o be on the alert for potential problems. But. there are ways riders t·an makl' themselves more v\Sible t.o other drivers, al'-.'Qrdtng to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. -Ride with the cycle's headlight on at all limes. Most new <'yclt•s come from the fact.ory with a head hght that shines when the ignition is tumcq on -Wear brightly rnlun•d clothing -: especially on the upper part of your body - when you ride. Army green and denim blue may be the fashion but it's hard for drivers t.o see you in surrounding tral Ill '. -At night put refh.'C'llve material on your he lmet, jacket and cydc. A cycle's smaller silhouette is t>Vl'n more difficult for drivers t.o see at night. Check of papers key DEAR PAT: How do I preserve old papers, letters and documents? Some of mine date back to the Civil War. B.R., Huntington Beach Don't try an ything until you have an antique paper expert c:hC<'k the condition of --the materials. A YS suggt>sts contacting Evalene Pulati. owner o f Americana -Peso decrease cuts traveling MEXICO CITY (AP) -The latest devaluation of the peso has cut Mexican tourism out.side the country by 85 percent but has not yet resulted in a surge in foreign tourists to Mexico, the president of the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies says. Jose Mayora said the sharp cutback in travel by Mexicans is creating senous problems for the country's t.ravel agents. Mayora said "almost all" M('x1can tourist.s with airline reservations for foreign travel canceled them aft.er the devaluation. ' · The central bank set an c:•xc:hange rate of 69.5 p~s to the dollar Friday after floating the Me'Xican currency a week before, the second de'Ylluation of the year. The peso was pegged at 49 to the dollar before the latest. devaluation. Th.e devaluation was expected t.o draw more t.oQrist.s t.o Mexico to take advantage of cheaper goods and services while making 1t more expensive for Mexicans to travel out.side the country. Condo boosts town EM ER YVI L LE (AP) -Emeryville's population will jump 26 percent if a 30-story condominium complex is fully occupied after its completion in the fall of 1983. Pacific Park Plaza alongside Interst.ate 80 can accommodate about 1,000 residents in its 538 unit.s. Full occupancy wouid boost Emeryville's population to 5,000. The $100 million pro ject is the first development in a 140-acre tract on the eastern side of the freeway due to be transformed from industrial and trucking. uses to residential and business uses under the city's redevelopment plan. (-St:>iR Ha-Ma'alot m HaRboR ReJ:oRrn T ernple Invites you to get to know us better Adult Ed . . . Rehg1ous School Social Action . Fun Act1v1ties . . Youth Group Havurah Library SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 -7:00 PM TEMPLE SANCTUARY Corner of Eastbluff & Jamboree ' Newport Beact. Please Join Us For Information for Coffee & Dessert Call 644-7203 Collt!<:t.ort Shop 111 E. Cubon, Sanu. Ana. Although A VS haa published clipping preservatJon methods, the age of your papen may not allow t.)'pical paper preservation methods. Let. A VS know what. Mrs. Pulati suggests. English doctors many DEAR PAT: My bu1bud 11 almost ready to retire and we plan to do a lot of trave11A1. One thlaa baa botberff me about t'J1. Wbat would we do If we were In a forelp coutry and one of ua aeeded a d~tor? How collld we be aar~ we'd be able to locate a doctor wlao speaks Ea1U1b? H.W., Hutlnatoa Beach Contact the lntemational Asaoclation for Medical Assist.a.nee to Travelers (!AMAT), 350 Fifth Ave., Suite 5620, New York. N.Y. 10001. IAMAT provides competent medical treatment in more than 100 countries with English-speaking doct.ors on call 24 hours a day. • ''Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, )t 1 getting the answers and 111Ction you need to solve inequities in r1 • .government and business. Mail . your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Casts Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's lull name, address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. 1 Something beautiful is going on at WallpapersTo Go. We're remodelling. L ____ _ From August 19th through Labor Day. you can save from 20% to 50% on our exciting new look. or to get a new look of your own you'll leave with a ~tJncotn Ava (Al Euclld) QqJ.48?0 ~f1Qr1c 400 South Baldwtn Nie (Semo Anita f'mhlon ~ Low.rl~l ­JC ~tnd) 445·~21 Al'~to NEW' GUIDE TO THE TUBE -Television viewers who subscribe to a cable service offering programs not available on the regular networks will by next year be able to read a new magazine, TV-Cable. The national magazine is being published by Time Inc. This is the cover of a prototype. The magazine will begin r egular publication in March 198~. Cops get big pot hauls YREKA (AP) h 's just about harvest t.lmt• fo r No rthern California's marijuana crpp, and Siskiyou and Shasta counties say they've seized more than $4 million worth In two weeka. Siskiyou County sheriff's deputies said they destroyed _ more than 950 plants worth an estimated $1.9 mlUaon They had been growing on U.S . Forest Service land near Happy Camp, about 100 m iles north of Redding. Another 100 or more plants valued at $180,000 were t.aken from federal lands in nearby Quartz Valley, they said. Some plant.s were more than 14 feet tall. But no arrests were made, and none were expected, they said. • Authorities often st.ake out a · marijuana plant.ation for a couple of days to catch anyone who might come along to water it. But if no one comes, they generally don't wait any longer. More raids are anticipated during the next few weeks. Call 642-5678. Put a lew words lo work for ou. And we need lots of working space- plus room tor the new papers we'll be stocking to make our changes complete -so we're having a RemodeWngSale! hundreds of our top quality wall- papers. All backed by our famous J L__ ____ ----------- smile on your face and money in your pocket. Some things ill!Yfil change. --.... Guarantee of Satisfaction. ot course. So whether you come for a preview of I ~terMaU (UW.r 191191- Mcry Company end) 894 QM? ~ ~~~BIYcS ) Open 7 dCP,'I o week-Monday lhN Fl1daV 10·9. Scrturday 10·6. Sunday I ~-6. - -- , • • OranQe Collt OAlLY PILOT/Wednetday, Augu1t 19, 1982 u Rubik finds cube tough Solving game no easy task for inventor A lot of people can untansle Rubik's Cube an a matter of aeconda, but E rno Rubik, the Hungarian architect who invented the brain-teaser, says h still t.akee him a few mlnutea. Rubik. 38, was at the World 's Fair In Knoxville, Tenn. on Monday to mark the exposition's Hungarian national week and, to the accompanying whirr of TV cameras, he timed a dozen people aa they fuMously twisted and turned their multi--colored cubes. The leader was 75-year-old L.C. Hafer of Knoxville, who solved the puzzle In 38 seconds in a preliminary heat. The finals are Saturday, and the victor wins a dinner with. Rubik. The inventor said he himself takes about 3 minutes to solve the puu.le. A Superior Court jury has found a 32-year-olQ man guilty of trying to extort $5,000 to $6,000 from rock musician Carlos Santana and his wife, Urmtla. But the Marin County jurors, who started deliberating Wednesday In San Rafael, acquitted Rtcbard Nathan on a charge of sending threatening letters to the couple for the purpose of extortion. "The only evidence of the extortion were the letters," said deputy pul1llc d efender Doug Homgrad. Prosecutors said that Nathan wrote that for "five or six thousand dollars," the Santarul.s could get rid of him. Rival promoters of two space museums to open with the 1984 Olympics have joined forces to avert ~ a funding battle: deciding to ._ locate the project at the Museum of Science and Industry in Exposition Park in Los Angeles. Science fiction author Ray Bradbury , backer of a $24 million museum he proposed at Griffith Park said "it makes sense" to build only one museum. Bradburv and film editor BftADBUAY Lovel Ellis began fund-raising for the proiect in May. The Exposition Park facility will be named the "Aerospace Pavilion." Jan Harold BrllDvand, a folklorist, says rumors recently circulated that Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, is in cahoots with Satan, should not be "taken seriously." Brunvand, author of The Vanishing Hitchhiker, a book that debunks theories that ghosts exists. said, "it's easy for me to tell a company to . drop lawsuits. I'm not the one losing profits. But I've never heard of a big company going out of business because of rumors." The company has filed libel swts against seven alleged rumormongers for circulating false and malicious statements in the South and Southwest. Rep. Morris K. Udall has finally closed the books on his 1976 presidential campaign by repaying $42,470 to the Federal Election Commission. The payment, presented Monday in Washington, D.C .. reflected returns of govenunent money the commission helq was spent improperly, including $9, 693 spent in excess of the limit in the New Hampshire primary. Commission records show the Arizona congressman spent UDALL $5.2 million for his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. More than $2 million of that was federal money. A Whittier, Calif., bank executive was promoted and assumed duties as the commander of the Civil Air Patrol, the official civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. CAP Col. Howard L. Brookfield, 41, a long- time CAP member who has served as national vice commander for the past three years, will be promoted to CAP brigadier general at a formal ceremony highlighting the annual convention here of the 60,000-member CAP. He succeeds CAP Brig. Gen. Johnnie Boyd. Former world champion Boris V. Spassky of the Soviet Union drew w ith Cuba's Amador ~rllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~m .!.'.- 1/.,,,, \~" .. "• ( -·~ J,/ 111 ... {\~~-St1lCS?-$ •••' Exo1//Ht a,, Cl1Hi•1 ,, .. ,_.,,,,,,, ••• 3 , .. ,, 112 Ftw• '1ok-11, I 01/i~•'1 #••' Fi11i1ll ·-l•tn• ••1 S1nio1 1•9•-•o••I AN OPPORTUNITY TO DEVELOP A BETTER YOU 111111 f ACES Rodrl111es In the fifth round of the International Chea Qualifying Tournament in Toluca, Mexico. The draw came after seven hours and 57 movea when Rodriguez' queen failed to overcome Spassky's two bishops in a resumed mat.ch Sunday night. Tbomaa H. Kean, governor of New Jersey, has been hospitalized for treatment of a back ailment that has bothered him for more than a week. News secretary Carl Golden said Kean, who was placed in traction upon his admittance to St. Barnabas Hospital In Livingston on Monday, w1ll handle paperwork and meet with his staff and cabinet in the hospital when necessary. It wasn 't known how long Kean will be hospitalized, but all public appearances w ere canceled for at least one week, Golden sai<:f. Former stockbroker Gary Lewellyn won't be able to use compulsive gambling as the basis for any potential insanity defense against charges he bilked two Iowa banks of $15 million, U.S. District Judge Wiiiiam C. Stuart has ruled in Des Moines. Defense lawyers said the issue would go to higher courts but "procedural problems" may block an appeal before September's trial. Lewellyn faces 15 fraud and embezzlement charges in connection with the $13.4 million theft from the First National Bank of Humboldt and a $2 million loss from the University Trust and Savings Bank of Ames. from ou r bJy.s chpt. our lrz.&. .'31z.Lhng w1ndbnz.aka.r, Uw inorl~n by {l MalNC TMIL hord 1w.onn9 docron eind cot.Lon f..Qplm!Y1czlt WLth kr11t-l.tl.<l col I.or "nd. cu!Th and rnmiaLuni plaid lm1ll9 pi.rRz.ct !br cool mom1~ midcz.w,1111~ :::NO\lcili\Q.. \Tl Wn,navy,nid, royo1 dnd-\uz.l t; grq,q.n 44 roshion Island. NeWf)Ort Bcoch • 714 644 ·5070 J(HJI W<'stwood Blvd.· ~<·stwood Village· 2131208-3273 At Marshalls you'll find men's f~mous maker values like these ... every day collar knits regular price _elsewhere $19 mars~~~9.99 First quality. short sleeve polyester/ cotton knits wt th fashion knit coUar. placket front. Assorted solid colors. Sizes s._M-L-XL. sport shirts regular price elsewhere $18 marshalls8 ') 99 price e Classic. long sleeve. button down collar casuafs In comfortable, easy- care polyester/cotton. first quality. Gingham. checks. Sizes S-M-L-XL. belted corduroy slacks comparable in quality at $28 marshalls 16 99 prtce e First quality. polyester/cotton cord- uroys with two front and back pockets. hemmed bottoms. and con - trasting belt. Young men's styling. In assortt>d solids. S izes 30 to 38. . J\V11111F5l~lllllls ==================blra.nd N<Ah'll!S for L~s/:==:=:=:=:=:=:=:::: COSTA MESA: Harbor Shop. Ctr., at the intersection of Harbor Blyd. and Wiison St. · LA MIRADA: Green Hills Sh0pp1ng Cir . Eas11mper111 H"'9'Y , corner of Santa Gertrubes Ave HUNTINGTON IEACH: corner of Beach Blvd and Terry Or LAGUNA Hll&.a: 01kbr00k V11l1ge on Avenlda do la Carlota. take El Toro Rd ex11 ofl San Diego Frwy (Rte 5), ad1 to Laguna Hills Malt . •. Orange COHI DAIL y PILOT /Wedn••d•y. AUQUll 18, 1982 Video no sport Football player targste '~xpert ' KENTWOOD, Mich. (AP) Phil Maller, mnstcr or a video game considered one of the toughest by arcudc af1clonad06, says he does not consider St.ar~ate to bt> a sport "I can't get a scholarship doing this," the 16iyear-old hi~h school football player said after rack.Jn~ up 10, 136,000 points on the popular arcade machine. IC a Stargate scholarship were available, Miller said: "I'd quit football in a second." His prowess on the video game has impressed the people at Twin Galaxies International Scoreboard, an O ttumwa, Iowa, organization that records high scores for video game makers and arcades in the United States, Canada and Mexico. ORDEAL -Brig. Gen. James Dozier says a toy store book h elped the R ed Brigades who kidnapped him to identify him as a NATO officer. "He (Miller) definitely has a record," said Walter Day, Twin Galaxies director. Miller said he has spent about $100 honing his skills on the game, which requires that players master seven separate controls to blast enemy spacecraft above and below the surface of a video planet. I Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DA.VS 8 til 6 RAINDRIP DUCT TAPE Nd. R-5000 Complete Drip Irrigation Starter Kit For Gardens Up To 12'x16' or 60' of Shrubs or Trees ' 2" x 60 yds .. waterproof cloth tape, tor around doors. etc. SALE s 1595 11G. $24.99 SALE s399 REG. $6.19 • Offers Good Thru Aug. 25, 1982 CALL 497 -4403 ·240 BROADWAY, LAGUNA BEACH COMPUTE PlUMBING-B.ECTRICAl·GLASS DEPTS. Market-Rate Checking combines 1he high earning power of money markel funds with unparalleled checking convenience. ~ Open Market-Rate .Checkirtg with $2,000 or more. Immediately. every dollar over $2,000 begins to earn a high money-market rate of interest. All funds up to $2,000 earn the highest rate allowed by law on a checking account-51.4%. The $2,000 is in sured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Funds above $2.000 are not a savings account or deposit and are not insured by the FSLIC. They are backed by United States Government securities. With Market-Rate C hecking you may write checks just like with any other checking account. or arrange for the exclusive! TELE-PAY" system to pay bills by phone. You can also withdraw cash al any of our seventy-two 24-HOUR TELLER locations. Get all the details on exciting Market-Rate Checking ~y calling The Financial Line-dir~-! collect- (714) 231-4023. or visit the nearest Association office. ANNUAL llATI • AHttUAl. Y'llUI • 14.45% •s1111tttt to chan1t dally. Allnu1t tlt1c11Yt yield assumes rtinYeslmtfll of p11nupal and lllttfttl at m1tvnty 1t same 11te 1llhou1h lhls e111'I be CVMtnlttd " • Great American Federal SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASIOCIATl()N 2 di~ Mnina ~ C°""ty through 18 oftt«~ Lagma Federal Peoples Federal ...,.. -. . m• s.1111 "" '""""' "°" ...... fl00£ala.-..llW ................ -"'--..... ,.,. 0....., ........ ll ... •t>AI01" .... , .... ...,.IOlllsi..11-.. I• I I I I J J J • . 0 Protect Your Family Year Round With This AO PRIClS PREVAIL Wed Au2ust 18th lhru Sun August 22nd VITAMIN C 500 ms. VITAMIN E 1,000 l.U. VITAMIN C Timed RelHM 500 m1. 100:~:2.99 SAVE 96• 3 99 250 TABLETS • SAVE 11.30 4 99 60 CAPSULES • SAVE '1.66 100 CAPSULES 4.29 MULTI-VITAMINS r::: ~= 3 29 Dilly R1tlon 250 TABLETS • HIGH POTENCY 8-COMPLEX with FOUC ACID-IRON SAVE 11.40 and 8-12 250 TABLETS 4.79 suPER e with c SAVE ·1.10 3 29 100 CAPSULES • Y.~~J.N C 1:;:::~: 3.99 ORANGE FLAVORED/CHEWABLE !Jl!~IN C ,:::.~: 3.49 SAVE 98• 1 39 100 TABLETS • VITAMIN 8-6 VITAMIN 8-12 SAVE '1.20 2 :49 500 mes. 100 TABLETS • VITAMIN E SAVE 94c 1.99 200 l.U. 100 CAPSULES VITAMIN A 1.99 25,000 1.U. SAVE 90c Solubllized 100 CAPSULES IRON CAPSU S .FERROUS SULFATE Timed Rele1M 150 ms. SAVE 11.04 2 49 100 CAPSULES • BBST of Nl\TURE ' . LECITHIN CAPSULES 19 Gr1ht1 Eidt From Soya Beans in Soya Bean Ott ~ITAMIN C wittl ROSE HIPS 500 m1. VITAMIN E 400 1.U. SAVE96• 2 49 100 CAPSULES • SAVE'l.30 2 29 100 TABLETS • SAVE '1.10 4 .99 100 CAPSULES VITAMIN 8-COMPLEX ~: 2 99 witll VITAMIN C 100 TABLETS • ~J!t§,. SUPPLEME~! s:::J: 3 .29 VITAMIN C & E 4.49 500 ms. (C) SAVE 11.21 400 l.U. (E) 50 CAPSULES DOLOMITE 1.59 SAVE 76• Calcl•• (130 ms.) M1pul• (IO m1.) 250 TABLETS BREWERS YEAST • 3.29 All of tht B·Complex Vitamins SAVE 1.10 Natural to Yeast 500TAIUTS VITAMIN C 3~29 SAVE 11.70 wttll ROSI NIPS 250 ••• 2IOTAIUTI BONE MEAL 4.49 SAVE 'l.30 ,._VIT ... D IOOTAIUTS GARUC AND PARSLEY 1.89 CAHUL.11 ... 70' NATUU&. MWIULD SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK! M 0 N <;AT '1 · 0 0 A M T 0 ~ . 3 0 PM SUN . ~' 0 0 AM T 0 7 . 0 0 P ~ , , I ... •. J . > , .. ... ·: .. ' WINNER -Ernie Coleman, Orange Coast College photo journalism student, is the grand prize winner in the 1982 CaJifornia Angels Camera Day competition. Seminar • assists sellers R ave Seminars will present another three- h our f orec lo su r e seminar, Aug. 26 in Anaheim. The program has been approved b y the Department of Real Estate of the State of California for three 'hours o f continuing education credits. Robert Von F.sch Jr., a real estate attorney, wiU be the speake r at the Q·ual ity Inn , 616 Convention Way at 1 p.m. For information, contact Konald Amaro, 995-2100. Course looks at disabled A physical education course, designed to assist non-disabled persons in understanding the disabled. will be offered for the first time at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. The 2 ~ unit course, listed as PE 268 in the OCC schedul e , meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon. For information, phone 556-5772. Fireman honored Alfred K. Whitehead of Huntington Beach has been elected aecretary- t re as u r e r of the International, ABSOCiation of Firefighters. Whitehead, a captain in the Los Angeles County Fire Department, ~ is president o f IAFF L oga l 1 0 1 4 • w h i c h repre.enta firefighters ln 52 cities in Orange ~d Loe Angeles counties. Balloting for the secretary-treasurer position waa conducted in Chicago. ~ Course 'first' A physical education class that examines careers in ''hum an movement .. will be· oUered for the first time at Orange Coast College ln Costa Mesa. The course, listed as PE 267 in the OCC schedule, meets Tue9days and Thundaya mor:nings from 9 to 10 a .. m. For Information, phone 556-5772. • ' I Orange CoHl DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, Augu11 18, 1082 One-day tickets available for three-day rock • mus ic fes tival •. SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -In with •37.50 three-day pt.IM9. a departure trom orlalnal US • "The three-day ticket sales were FeeUval plans, one-day tkl<eta have better than wt: had expected at thiIJ 1one on sale for each of the $12.5 point, but the demand for one-day mlllLon rock festival-computer tick ets was so great that we fair'• three day1. decided to aJt down lfld re-evaluate 11lncl' tlwy were offered thrt•t> week.I ago WaB th1tl mu111cul "' Ol(ri.11nm1t11( for the three nighlb wa11 foll1t1t( mtu d1Btancl catt-gorit"!. On Su nduy, 1wft rock and at : c•ountry a<.'IM wlU appear, including ' Flt't'lwotxJ M1.1t· and Jimmy Buffett. However, festival organiz.ers said the 1Jtuatlon," said John Moohr, that the decision to offer $17 .50 executive v1ce-precldent of Unuac>n one-day tickets d id not reflect any Corp., producen of the festival. concern that the event. would not He refused to say how many be able to sell out lta 250,000 spots three-day tickets had been sold However, aa oC late lut .week, festival llOurcet had said about 80,. 000 three-day pa..e. had been sold to the Sept. 3-5 festival at Glen Helen Regional Park north of S&ll Bernardino. Festival spokeswoman Dr Pri8cilla Llslclch said part of the reaaon for selling one-day tickets fo'rlday night's 11how will bt.' primarily nt!w wuvt! band• Including the Police and Talking Heads. Saturday night's bill will be mainstream r oc k . with performances by Tom Petty, Pat Benatar and The Kinks. M i. L1111c1ch added that the fcsuval had received numerous phont-l'alls Crom families that wantt•d to bring children to the l'Ompuwr fair and ooncert, but did not wu~h to camp out al the park or to pay $37 .50 apiece for one- day's entertainment. SAVE&ae PYREX 1 Y, QT. -- Dl·GEL PROTEIN 21 HAii SPUY For a natural long lasting Mid ·~ 1.39 •l'?i'·· ...... SPEED STICK SUHR DllY ANTl-PERSPtltANT DEODORANT Assorted Formulas 2~u.1.69~ •14i9f.H• STORE 'N' POUR ~RAGE SERVH Easy-grip 11bbed neck stores 1n 1etngera1or door .. , ... 2 99 1.5 LT. • •i§*i• DI .GEL ANT~AS . • Dl ·GEL• •IO TAIUTS er • 12 411. LIQUIO UGUID .. ·1.89 •1!1*1·• ElTIA STltHGTM EFFERDENT DENTUlt£ CWNUI IOT~ 1.79 NOXZEMA SUICIUM ................... ................... BUY2aSAVE34c -2,-1 ~ 4. 75 oz. BAR '2.00 REBATE (v1r>/\L S/\SSOONJ •, AD PRICES PREVAIL : WED .. AUGUST 18th THRU SAT . AUGUST 21st PROfESSIONAL /j° 1200 WATT Mid-Size ' Kamchatka ~. Inglenook VODKA WINI! IO PROO' •FWINCtl COlOMU" • Clll• lllMC 1.75 ~ • .7. 99 ISLT. 2.79 .. l ~ Martinskeller Olympia aEER , LIEBFRAUMILCH 12 oz. CANS 1.c..· .. 1.~r-' -~ ' STYLER/DRYER OVS.JIO 10 99 tAY·ON 40 ,.,_ICI • 'llHATI DllllCT "11Dtll •2 00 VIDAl IAH O°" • A~~~.~:: 8 99 llAllDDll , •HATI • • J 00 COUf'OHI At AU IAY·Ofrrf Oh UC STOllllES ,.Oflt VOUllll .. , •• ,, ouu:cr •• MAIL , .. 0 .. VIDAL SASSOOftif llAltU,ACfUlllll lllllfl Ol'Hll TO ONC Cll llUA Tl ON U CH ~llOOUCT l'f II CUSTOllf• O• HOUSlHOlD '1.00 REBATE PRE.CONDfTIONED 1~ ~ ~r.! 12 PAK ~2-.49 !l ·oL~~r11., .• 3.e5 BRECK SHAMPOO·U• HAIR COLOR 'RllATI DIRlCT '"°"' IRlCK 1.69 lJn ~.~~~BOYS' WRANGLER JEANS '*"A;'·*·• -UNITE CH FM STEREO RECEIVER • l!D Sltt'lo Indicator • Two Headphone Jadis •L/R Volume VOUR COI T 6 9 c .. ,Tl .. IRICK """" •• , 00 cou•ONIAT AU. IAY·OHO"UG STOA(! 'o " •OUR llHATf OtlllCT I V lllAIL 'ROlllRlCK .. .,._,,ACT\Hltf'• t.tMttlOf''I" TOGNI tl) 11tfe4-Tl -.--''llil1l 'f '2.00 REBA TE s•o•uzSUPER POLY • (16 oz.) LIQUID or o( 14 oi.) PASTE IAW·DM AD Piii« 5 .99 ....... ,.. Dttll CT l'llDtll • '>2 nn lllllOHtl ~ '2 eo COIW°"I AT ALL IA'l·ON DRUO ITO•ll ,011 YOUR •HAU DIRICT 8¥ lllAIL '11011 lt110 Hl1 RAIN TREE HAND &-IODY LOTION F1gh1s toughness d1yness chapping all over works hard Works beautifully ~---1 ~ d® -[ .. ] I (. ] J Control .... 23.88 10~ 1.69 . ATTENTION ELIGIBLE MEMaEAI OF UNION H!AL TH AND WELF.AAE FUNDS AMOCial.O wtll'I ~rtpllon Mtlllh St~ (~SI llOINNINQ AUQUIT 1, 191> IAV·ON CAN NOW FILL YOUR PfU!ICRIPTIONI AT NO CHARGE TO YOU. ,.,.. uev TO HAVI vou ....... IClWT'IONI PILLID AT MY.()N. PHA"MAClll OPIN ........ ,..~-MT. ,... ...... ,..~, I M4 "°"*"* DCIPT c.....w PHARMACY WHY WAIT HOUflll 0" OAYI IOMlWHl"l ILll 'O" YOU" ftf"IC"lftTIOHI Have your prescription lilted quickly and courteously at your convenient Sav-on pharmacy. • PhannlClts open from l:CJO AM TO 9:30 PM MondlJ 1tf1I Sltuntly •()ptft 10AMTO1:00 PM every Sunday and .......,, ••• awts1mas •WI nMf deM .... ftt llllld\ 1*r At SIY·OI Wt'rt Hert W1'ln You Nied Us SAVE•1.30 12 oz. CANS DU POffT NYLON ltllNrOllClD 50 n. GARDEN HOSE WITH. %" BORE S1urdy solld brass rouphngs Tough aO!! rugg~d (ff' jfi•I•) AEROSOL RAID FLU KILLER An ,11111\ol 1n\fClil 1dr Iha I ~ill\ liP.tS llP,ld lM Olll.i1 I •-ttiii1·• DEXATRIM APPETITE CONTROL CAPSULES lOSC Wl'.ICHT FAST ~­ • ,.,,,. . '. ::~. 2 .99 .... Cjf'ji• DRY ROASTED PLANTERS PEANUTS Aequld• 01 Un~dlled YOUR CHOICE! loz. JAR 2LB.2§s1 BAG Ci flit• DOVE BUY2aSAVE29e .. "' Or•ngeCoell DAILY PILOT/Wedne101v. Augu1t 18, 1982 Nestande spot debated S ta t e rules unit fa ces duality question The 1tatt' Senate Rules Committee wu to meet today In I Sacramento to consider.,. Gov. Edmund G . Brow n Jr .'1 : nomination of Orange County Board of Superviaor1 Chairman I Bruce Neetande to the California 1Tranaportation Commission. 1 When it mee ts, the Rules Committee will face an oplnlon by the legialatlve counsel's offke holding tnat a coun1y supervisor I may not serve on the powerful tranaportation panel while s till seated on a board of supervisors. Nestande won the nomination to the commission largely through the lobbying efforts of Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana. Though Nestande and Robinson are on different sides of the political fence, they .have a long friendship spawned during Nestande'i years as an assemblyman. According to ah official close t.o the Rules Committee, Nestande has not been asked t.o appear for t¥ afternoon n o m i n ation hearing. It will be up to the Rules Committee to r eco mme n d whether the full Senate approve the appointment. The legislative counsel 's opinion on the proprie ty of Nestande's serving as a county Delly Piiot lleff l'ftolo NEW P OST DUE? -The n om inati o n of Bruce Nestande to the California Transportation Commission w~ set for discussion today. supervisor and a sta t e transportation commissioner was sought by Rules Committee chairman David Roberti, a Los Angeles Democrat. The opinion suggested that a county supervisor serving as a state transportation commi.18ioner could experience conflict• of Interest over ttre allocatfoh of state dollars for transportation Improvement project. The state corrun.lsalon has the f ina l say o n how state transportation tunda are spent. Its decision• ultimately affect how spending occ~s In local jurisdictions, such as Orange County. • The govern or 's office has dismissed the legislative counsel's o pinion. Its research ahows no conflicts would exist, according t.o a spokeswoman. Another issue swirling around the Nestande nominatio n is whether a representative of northern or southern California s h ould f i ll the commission vacancy. Nestande would replace Dean Meyer , of Hayfork, a rural Trinity County community. a source close to the Rules Committee said the Nestande a ppointment would n ot be blocked over regional issues if the governor would agree to appoint a Northern Califomian to another impending vacancy on the commission. The source said state Sen. Ray Johnson, R-Redding, has made that case t.o the governor. Restaurant shooting probed Santa Ana police investigators said that they still have few leads t.o work with in their probe of a Vietnamese restaurant shooting that left three men - one from Costa M esa - wounded. • "We ~l _clon 't have any motive. Tnat's going to take a long time (t.o find out)," a police investigator said Tuesday. Wounded in the gunttre were Vietnamese extortion gangs Pham Quant, 25. of Costa Mesa; which demand money from Tarn Nguyen, 28, of Santa Ana V 1etnamese businesses for and Trunx Txanx La. 27, of protection. Anaheim. No suspects have been taken All three were reported in mto custody. Police are seeking satisfacto1'.l'_ condition Tues-two Oriental males, one of whom day . Q uam was taken to was described by witnesses as Fountain Valley Community being in his early 20s. Hospital. The shooting incident is similar A police s pokesman said the to another which occurred in shooting had the "earmarks of Garden Grove last October. A other orgiµlized crime events" in woman was killed and seven the Vietnamese community. people we re wounded whe n He said investigators were gunme n o p e n ed fire with \ NATURALIZER Consolidation Shoe Sale • Final Reductions just originall y $32 to s53 We've transfe rred hundreds of additiona l Natura lize n; from our other stores to give you more styles, more sizes, more . avings ! Shop ei rl y for best elec tion. NATURALIZER dk1 west r.J/p1 South Coast Plaza The three men were wounded when unidentified assailants entered the Thanh Ha restaurant at 4421 W. First St Sunday night and opened fire on a group of people attending a birthday party. trying to d etermine if the s h o tguns in a Vietnamese shootings we~r~e_:_l~i n:.:..:.:k~e~d:..._:l~o:___.:..:res::.:.::ta~ur::::a~n~t.:.._~~~~~~~~.1~==~~==========================================================================~ Upkeep expense bans trail idea SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The offer of a free beachfront recreational trail sounded good at first, but a panel of San Francisco supervisors has decided not to accept it after learning how much it would cost to maintain. The trail IS an 18-foot-wide path for horseback riders, joggers and strollers adjacent to Ocean Beach. The state Coastal Conservancy was pre{>Cll'ed t.o pay $376,000 for construction of the trail and then give it to the city to maintain. But the members o f the s upervisors' Finance Committee rejected the offer when they learned it would cost $750,000 for an irrigation system for shrubbery t.o control erosion and an additional $25,000 a year to remove sand that continually blows off the beach. Witch doctor held · PEKING (AP) -A peasant witch doct.or tried t.o cure her son's injured hand with "magic water" and incantations until it swelled up with gangrene, a Shanghai newspaper reported. Then she had it chopped off with a kitchen knlfe so a new hand coµld grow. The mother was arrested in Sichuan Province, said an issue of the Wen Hui Bao newspaper that reached here. Gifts of Cotton Elegance comforter and laahlon en- Mmble. Now for a limited time we have lmP<>t1ed Eure>pean 100% c<>tton lhfftcue enHmbl91 ON SAµ. Give a gift made tor memorie1. IJINIM To 11#11 Oii - Mt'o11r IA<'•I DOYIN E:•prrr." MSC 66 14.97 Padded •un COM Leather g roin vinyl. acrylic pile lining. Truotceun lack Adtusts to flt reor or side truclc window . ___ .. K mort- Sale Pr1ce 20-Ga. Less Factory .Rebate 3.97 -1.00 Your Net Cost 2 9 7 Atter Factory Rebate • .Colemone •13 Oecar 12·~k COOier Fully Insulated. Light weight easy to carry. ' Shotgun Cleanlnt "" lubricating oll, 3-pc ,od, pcJtcfWs. more --. ...... I 249.97 ~mi,.gto1i 309.97 249.97 ' Remington• 1100 Vent·rtb Shotgun Semiautomatic with positive cross- bolt safety Available in 12 or 20 gouge. right hand only. 23.1." shells Remington 70 Pump Shotgun Pump-action. vent·rlb shotgun cha~ bared for 2¥•" shells Right hand only. Available in 12 or 20 gouge. Kmo~ Sale Price 12-Go. Less Factory Rebate 4.47 -1.00 Your Net Cost 7 After Factory 3 4 Rebate • 5.97 o.&uxe Hunttng Veit Cotton duck. 22 shell hOops. 16>e22" game bag. Remington® Small Game · Load Shotah•ll•® Color-c~ shells for small game In 12 and 20 ge, 7Y2 o r 8·shot. 251'0und bo>e of dove quan load. 3Y• powder dram. 2W'. Save now at K mo~. • A9bole llmlled lo rrl!r '1 ll1pulollon d s& per ~ , 4.97 Camouflage T·•hlrt Polyester I cotton. crew neck. In oss't. sizes. ~ 6. 7 Camouflage ltoot Non-reflective material. alum. frame. carry strap. 2.97 Handy hi-up Hat M~ for yeor·round use. camouflage print. ~ Delly "''°' Pholo br Ch«IM ••• ,, AND ON THE GREEN -Members of ordon Greys Pipe Band perform before estival of Arts visitors in Laguna Beach. The group, w hose instruments include bagpipes, ~rums a nd brass instruments, will perform gain Friday at 5:30 p.m . on f~stival grounds, 50 Laguna ~nyon Road. Laguna's three art estivals are open daily through Aug. 29. I Student signups Jo start Monday l Registration will begin Monday for students tnteri.ng schools this September in the Newport- f.iesa Unified School District. Ch ildren entering k indergarten must have f>roof of age and required ·immunizations before i hoolbegins. . • Par ents may call the school to make an !ppointment for registration and to find out about tus schedules. Back Bay High School's registration ~gins Aug. 30. ; For information call 760-3284. !Jurors protected · · LONDON (AP) -Security measures have been imposed in London's Old Bailey Central Criminal Court to prevent "jury nobbling" - intimidation of jurors to influence their verdicts. Jurors have been moved from their normal spot at the front of the court to the back, out of sight of the public gallery. J urors have complaJned of being stared at from the gallery, that fists have been brandished in their direction and that they have been accosted outside ;court after delivering their verdicts. August Sale 15 to 25o/o Off Sp«lalizlng In the coordination of the dttoratlve hardware for your proj ed . Finished hardware for: DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND BA TH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 CloMd Mondays 1514 N~wport Blvd. Ce»ta Mesa, CaUI. 92617 NOTICE DISSOLUTIOI OF PIRTllERSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION Ordered by the Attorney for Globe International Hendmad• Perelan end Orlentel Ruge · we have been commissioned to llquldate the entlre Inventory plus others for Immediate cuh. Ae per lnetructlon1 ALL BIDS WILL OPEN AT .21• on the doll•r, •nd lot• wlll be Mid from the next bid on. · RUGS FROM: China, Perlle, Afghanistan, lndla, :rurkey, Pakl1tan, Romania, Egypt, and Iran. Size• range from 2 'x3 ' to 18'x12'. ., AUCTION WILL TAKI! PLACE ON Wedn••d•r. August 11, •• I P.M. HUNTINGTON BEACH INN . 21112 PACIPIC COAST HIGHWAY HUNTINGTON BEACH ftrwtew 1 ttour prior to auctlon-PleaM attend ~ • Microwave Oven With Stand Purchase Sharp Microwave Oven Model RQ520 and receive a t no extra cost microwave oven stand model 8065 The Sharp Carousel· microwave oven turns the food so you don't hove 101 Auto· Touch fingertip function controls. variable cooking with 5·set11ngs Program· mable uo to 3-cooking seq~es Auto-start Colof 'acll Annuals on COIOt 6 Plonu oo• ooc~ 5 lb. • feffllllef Your chOtoe Crtrvs ono Avocooo Fooo Got den Fertlltze• Rose , ' "' . . ... Orang• CoHI DAILY PILOT /WadnHdey, Augu1t 1e. 1982 "' ~99$ Chopped Ham Sandwich•• J Cu. ft. Compoat Sole t0t o wide range or OIOnt VO"Ol•OS FREE '100 DIAMOND with the purch11e f 18'J mountin1 Hundred s o f m o untings to choose from starting a s low as '99°0 3 DAY SALE Aug. 19, 20, 21 Hours .for Sale 10-7 Whirlpool ® Family • ~ Size Washer ~ Au•Qf"o1tc c~ es regJ•o• noovv per"'lo ren1 p•ess "·Is Qf'l'\lle SOtl• o•e ... asn fl"er U'r sov,r g wote.r l{.4n oero'.J'l• 'Se·ectOf W•lh 4 ""'Ost , na.e J,....01no11on\ '} No-.ri ono spn SJ:;OO\J\ '' )' r,rope• IUO'~.,.. r-ore J l e..-el wotet '°•'no 100J we se1ecto1 Cool oo ... n co1e 101 permonen• pr1>ss Eow f'l('Qr 1 r-1 lolle• •S eosv •o '9"'•uve Entertainment System For Home A'\~••f\.WM ~•ereo rece•ve• ... ,1h 8 11ock ono cO~\ette recOfd•r g ~· ~r' uuorescef'r d sp1ov r"IQC • ,,...,er l'u'I . te B$'1 •eca<O ChO"QG• "'''h 010,.,.,. ,. a ;t ... 1,J' c~·'l"" .. COft•,aoe c ve l<J..J\e e"'er or J 11tu•r ~~ tJ'O,.. ... ..,'(~ .P nee• o., a<of.te oose ... 1tn OJSI co.a< Cus •om <14»•oneo Aud•o lice• N•lh •occ.10 ono IOoe s•a<aoe nciuces "-""°'e" Mooe· !.&0113 4·Speaker Stereo Cassette JumbO oelu,;e rMtA~ speaker siereo cos settE> p1ov1recoro 4CIOC Stereo me101 tdP<' p1ov1rec0to cossene ooc• • Me101 •Ot"O C'10 1opo & normal b•os tooe capo t11htv H'O" oower lvnor/omo sechon lwo wo~ 10001<er sv~1em 29.88• 16'xl ' 'otlo Cover 119.88 Aluminum cons1ruc11on Mon •enonce r1ee 001ce0 o,., wh••e Mercury Vapor light enamel llno$h Home Ouard II Screen Door Turns on ot ousk on 01 oown 12.0'xlO' ,ollo J 'Tnree heo~v outv tomper-re· outomotlcolfY. comes w•lh Cover •'"ee s111on1 hinges t<eep stronoe<s hanging btocket . .. .. -....... -............ & . oul let rresfl air •n ------------~-----------+----------- 4''Xl 'xl/I " .-antc:le loord Un<M•IOyrnenf r°' new llOO<s booltcoses cubes ond elc 4'lll 'x'la" CDX '9ywood ply· ------------L------ -2 com. Ptne Unftnllhed lhelvtng The tne•oentlve wov to get the WMvlno vou NHid 1"x6"ll6' .............. -.• --.. 1.7' 1"116"118' _____ ...... 1.11 t"xl"x6' __ .. __ .. _ ....... ..J.t• 1"1Cl"Xl ':i-.. --.. -.. --1A7 l"lll2"•6 -.. -·-·-4'.17 "11Ul"1t8'-.. -....... ..S.JI , .......... IMWM I 2.67 2·· ....... ltd .• "'· 60-lb.' Dty .-..c ........ J\111 oda WOl8f, ml• and Opply R9ody IOI lmOll Jobs O• round the heme ·-- J ~-- 10 Orango C.noal DAIL y PILOT /Wedn••d y, AUQUll 18, 1&82 Chamh r po t filled Lueh~ H/Jpui11letl lo N,•u·porl lllu·bo1· /Jo . ..,I Tho N c w p n r t 11 u r bur A 1 '"' Chamber of Commcrrt" rum·t111nl111< without 11 director 1ln~t' April. "''" named t\lchard R Luehrl tu th1• pcl'>I Lul·hrll. ,i!>, '' tti..t•l'1Jt1v1· v11·t• Ill ('"""'Ill und 111.111uu1 I ur tlll' Nor th lol 1 vwood l'hu111lwr of < 'omnwll'l' I le• will ussu11w 111-. d11t1t.,.. in Nc·wport Bl'dl'h Cll\ Si·pt l!l Crocker name new chairman Tlw Nl'wp1111 l'l1:1111bt•1, w l11d1 h.1.'I u lr11tt·<.i uw111hM·sh1p'ol l ,!>00 pt.-oplc• und hus111ess1•!1, 1ic tilt' l.11 t(t''it 111 Orungl' County Luehrs. a nutivc• of Malwuukt>C, hall lx•<.·n· a r·esldl•nt uf tht• San Fernando Vall1•y stnn• HJH5. Ill• utwndl'(I Los Angdt•s l'l ly Collq(<' mul graduall"J from Cul Stull· Northrnlgc• I le St'rVl'd in tlw Navy Crorn HIU~ to 197 1. LOS ANGELES (AP) Dtrt.•(·ton1 of C rocker National Corp ha v1· elected John BM. Place as cha1 nwm of the boar d and ch ief executive officer. Place, 56, joined C r ockt•r ai. president in 1978 aft.er seven year.. as c hairman, president a nd l'hH.'f executive officer o f the Anaconda Co He will replac.-e Thomas R. W1ll'Cli.. who retires on Sept I 1'1·111r tu wur k wi th th1· North llollywoo<I ,·homb(•r. 1.,.u1'hrs was u hnnk Joan offi«c•r I k 1:-. marrw<I 1111tl pl.uu. lo move to Newport NAMED -Richard Lue hrs h as been appointe d executive <l1r ct lor of t h e Newpo rt H a r bor C h a mber of Commen.·e. Tht• d1rt'C:lllr's po.-.t bt'l.·ar)W VLtt·ur\t in l\pr1I wh1•n J.)011 Po1 ll•1 n·i-1.J.(nt'<I Schock joins Ullmer sail firm Sails by Schock . a Newport Beach sail loft with 25 years m the business. has JOllled thl' growing network of Ullmer sail lofts. Th e new loft, locat<•d at 501 Wth Strl·c•t. Newport Beach, is heing managed hv (;rant Wooden and SNh Murrell. sharl'holcll'rs in 1111' 11t·w .company. Grant, who will at·t as loft 1Tu.111.1gl·r. has 15 years of international and long distance raci11g WANTED! CLIENTS Who Are Looking For A Tlf FllEE way To Make Their M one y Grow . - Current Intere s t Aale 12.&% IOO't Guaranlted :;~tety Qf Prme1pat -No Marltl Ros~ No Currtnl lntome la• WI.en Passed lo Bene1tt.a1y Nor An Annu1ly -Nor A Bond FOR MORf INFO C ALL OR WRITE Tyler &. Metcalfe. l~c Celling fans 50% OFF AT MARIOR LITES 110& ••w,ort II., C.M. 145·lJ01 ., •• 1 Daya It vou don I smoke I can offer 1mporlanl savings on auto msur a nee Claim your reward from I RABBITT INSURANCE -441 Old Newport Blvd. \_!,,, ,, Newport Beach, Ca. 631-n40 experience. He f'Cl'('IVl'Cl a degree in math sciences from San Fnmc1Sl'O Swtc• and has been with Sails by Schock thrc~ y<•ars Morrt·ll. wrth mllt•giatt• sailing experient-e and Ol'ca n racmg l'X j.X'rll'IK'(• spanning 12 years. will ~<·rv~ as lht• loft's salt•s manager. His sales c>XJX'ncnt·l· mdud1:s two yt'ars as customer service represenwt1ve for Ent'SOn Yachts. Being a ffiliated with Ullmer gives the loft the b£.nd1ts of natio nal adv1•rt1sing and an international pool 'of information. The l'entral Ullmer office in ConnC'C·ticut is involved in a program of cloth testing and 'design tedmology which it shares via computer link with IL'> 13 loft<;. The Sails by &:hock canvas department will ~~mt1n1w under thc-clm-ction or Grant McConnick who has OC'i;'n with the loft 10 years. It will operate uut of thl· same lcx:allon on 29th Street and be knnwn JS Nt•wport Canvas Tht· fac·1hty spct·1ahws in production of custom' cushions. l'OVers, inll'nor liners. zippered locker <.•ovt•rs. <:anva.'> bags and accessories. The new num~r for thls div1s1on is 675-788 1. f>I •• L ~ • Yo%otess1onal ~ · Flonst FLORIST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Costa Me5a Stone Miii Business Park 641-0810 ROY ROGERS & DALE fiVANS. INTRODUCE ... ' ~ ROUND-up·~ CHECKING =======~= ~ ' FAR WEST SAVINGS and Loan Association ROUND-UP EXTRA CASH 0.POl•I eny amount I" Round-Up' '"f"C• 1ng B" I,.," ' '' 11 your balence 11 under S:l,000 wnen ~our oolAl'c• A•C:P••H S2 OOOlh• Big Maney W11nglflr, at Far W1t•I S•v1n9• will Lu tr<il 11111 t~CeH CU ii ind herd 1t 1nto ft h1gn mlf""'" I •' 'I lf·~l Jiil;\ our hlQl1 tepurchoe plan rntflt You'll 11rn t110M r1tta on hery "''""' '""' •~ 000 """' vu• nMd your mon"y • Cloy " w""k • Y"•r nr '""""r' AruJ Y''"' money 11 insured t>y ~n ~ornc y c.11n, f tdtor.1r r.0•1ornml'nl 1111 10 $2.000 EXTRA SECURITY TOOi Your t>•l3nCI' over S2 00011 not insured Oy the FSLIC becau11 11 '' not a Hvonga •~Count or dtPO~ ln9ttld 11 •S secured Oy 001og11ton1 HCuted by 111e US Government or a US Government Ager'lcy Th" •erurthO• 11re held 1n a HPl•t1le thtrd PMly lrual•• accounl al one 011ne largest commerc11t oan~s 1n the Un•led St1IH •nd pledqad 10 Far West Round U11 C•Jstomets <;o roul'd uo you• •o•dv r."'" •nd •11oly ror 'llound·Up" r.1111ck1no tO<Jay• r~.--•OPEN YOUR "ROUND-UP" ACCOUNT AT ONE OF THESE LOCATIONs---11111111 DANA POINT 24501 Del Prado Dana Point, CA 92629 (7 14) 661·3356 HUNTING TON BEACH 19114 Magnolia Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (71 4) 963-2900 NEWPORT IEACH 4001 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (71 4)~8383 LlC AU&TI OVlft 11 llLLON • S.FI llNCI 1MI -.. ~­·--.. ...- " Weiper Mlc r01y1tem1 o r Co1la Mesa hes inlroduced • 1poolcr l'1&rd for WK' with IBM-PC l'Omputcr. ll 11 dt"11lti1ruat1-d tht> WIU&rd Spooler Paul R ~y nold1 o C Coron a del Mar , a c:omou!relal and mdu11tr1al really 1peclali1t, jolned the lndualrlul und l'ommcrclul r Ill c1lule Clrm of Crookall, Sblrley & Co. In the company'a Santa Ana oW!'e. He nad been with C ushman & Wakefield's Newport Beach office. Richard Clark of La I labra joined thP Santa Ana firm of Greg Smith & Associates, Inc., an ad vertising and publil· relations firm that specialii.ei; In AIVNOLDI hardware, industrial and advanced technology at'Cou nts. He w as with J2 Marketing Services in Brea. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Compa ny of Newport Beach named Larry J . Card assistant vice president, marketable bonds, S<.'(:uralies Joseph E. Dory was promoted to assistant vke president, group pension underwr1tmg. Roger M. Kelley becomes assistant to vice president, realty management. Ch a rles Selln was n amed assistant vie~ presjdent, individual admimstration sel"Vlces. Theodore Thurston was promoted to assistant vit'e president, individual employee benefit plans. The Elliott Corporation, a famil y-owned and oi:Jerated general ronlractmg and development finn in Irvine, named Robert W. Beck of Newpor\ Beach director of business development. He was the OO· deve loper with The S toner1dge Deve lopment Corporation of a $10 mlllron community in Sun Valley. Idaho. CH2M HILL appoin ted Sergei Zelenkov senior staff mining ~m~incer for the Southwest district offices in Redding. Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego A regional office is located in Newport Beach. Zelcnkov was with Thysson Mining Construction Colorado. Cl E Systems of lrvinc selected The Cox and Burch Advertising Company of Newport Beach as its advertising agency. The account was previously held by Lenac, Warford, Stone. CIE 1s a subsidiary of C. ltoh Electronics and is financially backed by C. OVER THE COUNT ER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK IAPI (OIOCi•\ I JI •» ,,.,9,pn U~' • ti P•naf-n1 NA~OAQ QUOt•ll()n'l)o C.omC.IH •I ., . 1n1m~o 71-,. 71 Pf'nt." \ \nGWlnQ nt~\t C>td\ C.m•Sh• 10•. " lntmtC.\ lO', 10'• Pf'OPE 11g •AO IOW'f"\1 ottrr' by Cmwhl Ill I t) .... ln8W\I\ l"o ,,_ P~1Jltf' mar-kf'l ,,,..~"" I \ of C.o,,PM> H• I• lw•SoUt 74 2~·. P•11t~ Tues Prices oo not Coro" H )).t. Jlm\bV " ti'. Pn1laN•t Inc luc:Wf~1••1 "'''"UP Cr O\ltf' I)'• U Jerico I/ \11. Ptf'r<f''SS "'•' kdOWfli °' lOtnt"'I Cuttrfd ' '. , ... VfJtll\' I l7 11 J1 Ptn.,nn 1u1on tor luf'\d•Y ~T!~~ J ' J't11 JO\lyn \ 28•· 19'' P1onH1 ' Stoo 610 A~' tt~ n•, K•l\St pt 1'' I 1,1 PIA\ltr.r AEl 1"41 11•, '.\. 0 •v1M \ 1) .... "'· K•tv411 I\ 1• 1 Po\,\1\ AFAProl 711, ,,. ' OB~r • l )1 •'. K•m41n 1/1" 111 J Prt'\(,M AVMCp • ... g:~~y 1)~ I]* I Kf'lySw \ 10 " . P"SIPVn Ac•OI"' ,.~ 111• 11 11·'"-a K,1mb..tl! l/ I Hi Proqro Acc11r•y ' ••• Orw•y(t l J•. k •nQttH I 1 •. PoSvN( Ad01'1>W .1. 10• ... Oltt(ty\ 13'. 1]•. KIOOlv '''• 1•'• Purt BtM Adv Ro-. • •'. 01an<..1v lo JO ten•peV iJ•• 1~' I Pu10{.W Allb\h I• t4 ~. Oo<.ul,,., 10 IO'• l(f~l()<o ) .. • OuAkrth Ahcolnc )'411 I J\ Oollr(,n I I • I/'• t<.ul1c 11.t 10 10• .. R•oenCp Amar•_. ... .. . Doy IOU I~ ·~ ' L•ntf" ' n n · . Raymno A furn ) .. )'• Or1pt(n If.I.,,,. L•n<1R,., ) .. )'o At-•v•._ AGrtel 1) ))'. OunkO , ... , ..... ldnt"(.O ))~ • .)ol . Ro~dS• AlnGp )I~. )9 Ovr1ron ~·· ''• l flnv\ 7)'• 1•'. Robl>My AN•lfn\ t)• • I)_.,. E.•tnvnc. '' '· ,,, L1n8r<1 1i 11 11 Rouw-AQu .. t 6 •.. EconL•P n·, ,, ... ~ocwrn I) 1)' .. Sa<1 her ARo MQ , .. 1 (clPe\EI 11 ,,, • J'I • J'I" Safl'<O AW•ld 1/1 11 11 I Elders. ) \•• MCI wt 19 .. 70 StHelGO Anad ,t• ) ... )« EleNuct ••• • MC.F 011 '" •' . StP•ul At19SA 10•.11>-. E!Mod ' ll'• tl1 I M•OsGE '"'· n $(ripH "> A119AGO .01• 61 Enr{)ftrtv ~ 11 M•q<olPI J•. 1•• ~~1:;~ Appl~ , •• u En1Mt-t 1 ~ t \ t•1Ma1RI )'> J-,. APIOMI •• ,, . t,nJhv ) • l"-M•non j ) .... Sivcm'i.t Ar(lf",..C.O J J. Ent ..... 1\tl ., •l I MtlVil p ,.. JI SnMf!O AllC.\U u.o E oulSl Jo. 4 M•• Pt , .. \•' Snw"~ut AH4nR \ ,, .. lJ ~1i'~t I•· • M•yt'Qtl J ... • S1•t•Jh Avnto 11'-•1•· DI I )1 MtCOfm , ..... 10 Stllcona 8•1fd<.p )I, ) . ~•1nt{,p )I )I ., M<f.•rt I 1. sc.1w1r 8•11yPP ) .. )'• F 10l<01 '1 • II ., McOu•v 10 101. SwEI~• 8..tnoHE 10'· .... FtB•S•• ~~: u 1:~<1~~ 1). •1 .. Sl•nOyn 8•\1tA Q .... 'tJ 16 '•8cntn " II' .. SIOMicrn 8•\.\lf-t H•· 1& FIE mp~ ,, :I ,, MOIG<.•P I I o StoJ>~ B•vt\M> q • 10'. FIWnf 1n J•o J'• M•dl~p\ Sl•nruT'f" Bttl1"" I • , .. Fl•9lh\ 1) • )J\. '1 •• 1J ,. s1 .. 1s1 8rntPI n I I• : :~(~'~ft tQ'• '' • M1a1a .. ' Iii Iii . Stt•wCt e.tll ' , .... )I • 1) • 1J M 1ll1pt Iii. Iii ... a .. MQ1 •••• 11 f turotO I • ' . Mt\\VI(, ,, ... 18 • B•Ol>Co I)' .. ~:~~~. ,.,. , ..... MOI•• "f,r°'J~I a1r0Son )'> 1<. F-'•"i.:lo 1•· J • Mont Cot 811tcf"lr ) ) .. 10 I 11 =~~~G 1 ... 1••·1 81viwoor ' .... F r•nlLEt I) 1J .... 1• ' 11 8onan1 '" 1 '• f 1e•SG n. H *' MOt\nln " .... 11 I 8r•Tom 8 • . .. ~rpmnl 6'. ". Mor"n 10\.• 10"· lloh, Ltd., headquartered ln Tokyo The Newport Beach office of Fox & Compaay, -.. a nation a l Certified Public Accounting Orm. I announoitd the addition of two staff ac:x:ountants, Peggy M. Shannon of Tustin, and Ruth J. Moeer ot , Westminster. I Computer Automation, Inc., w11h headqu.artens in Boulder, Colo., e lected Cha rles L. Smith general manage r of its Naked Mini. A corporate vice president, Smith was named genera l manager in July, and 1s respons1bll' for daily operations of the division, located in Irvine James K. Leishman, of San Clemente has. jomed Signal Landmark P rope rties lac. of Irvine as· sales manager at H untington Landmark , a Huntmgton Beach timdomimum dev~lopment. He . has been with Warmington Development. _ Connie Gunn of Long Beach joined Signal Landmark Properties Inc as sales representative at ' Landmark Allsos. a development east o r Lake Forest. Linda Buffington will r~pn-sent the Orange Co u n t y c h 3'P t e r o f t h e B u 11 d i n g 1 n d u a t r y Association of Southern California m a speech at the North Orange County YMCA on Aug. 26. Buffington, president of Linda Buffington Interiors will present. "How Would You Likc Roommates; or Are You Iriterc-sted ma Co-Invest.or?" Chris Johnson, a 2~~-year-old AirCal customer st:rvicc rC'presentattvl', has bt'cn crowned "Miss A1rCal 500" for I !182. and will reign over festivities surrounding th<.· Aug. 27-29 A1rCal 500 weekend at Riverside International H.at·<.•way She 1s based at AirCal's McCarran lnwmational Airport facility. in Las Vegas Mike Wabrenhrock, of Huntington Beach has joined the N~wport Beach f1nn of Dennis Klarin, Accountants, Inc. as a tax scmor He was with the Ernst & Whinney CPA flnn ~~:: :~::I ~~~;E, " ]) '" 8 UPS AND DOWNS 12'. 17 • s.,-. .. , u•. u ~: ~ ~J· 1 i~~~~ .. )~·· le. N Ew VOR• IAPI I t\f" to11ow1"9 ttsl J) )S'o l •ndt>m to • 164lll \hOW\ ttw-01i1Pr 1n• (ount~r ., .... 1]\., 1 .. (UlflP ~1 n \I0<.11.\ dnd Wtt•fttf\h lhot ht11Vt.' QOfW up H ~I 1f't(ntA ll 71 • l~n.,n1 , • Inti> "10\t Ano tl(lwr1 tn.o mo._1 O.Wd on .. I• l 1P'd'Y '~, • 1:._· Pt"Hflnt of tl'\onQ!'• f"Qd'Olt"'\\ ot YcMume 1U IU.. 'om1()1I 1,1: 1~: •o~o ~~.~~,.., ''d01t1Q ~low '1 •re met )fl .. • 1••• I 1 ovot• ' b • •1"• udt'CI Nf'1 dnO p.-tcf""tc1Qt' cndnOf'\ •"*the H•-. )•'• f 'W\1[• 1~ )~ " dlfft-,.,.nc., twlw,.,,.n th• '-"""'OU\ < IO~•nca 1•• 1', 1 tri<OPO ., ... .,._ l ywnf a l\ , 16 bid p11ce and Tues s 1as1 b10 oroce IJ',. l•I • UnMrC:.11 I~ •• 1) 12" U~ Enr ,., I UP) o 1 ~· , 1 us Sur X)• .. 11 & • c.~-. US trek 1a... '°"'I I,. lb•• 1 UV~li\h JJ'-JA•. N;urlt' .. ~~' (.llQ Pct ~ !g 'l ~~p~~ 1 • ) U1111nQ\ J'• I Up l>J I 11 IJ F-tll"l(_rn 1•· . Up ?I.I •·, 10., VddlR ~j,.,. \J'. Po1vo, ' ... I Up 26 I ""°' 1&'• VdlNetl ll • IJl.1 M(,I Ool ... 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Uo 14) OOWHS "'•""' I'"' (hQ Pct Artl\ln J • "· 0 11 lJ J IMM \ 1 .. ()fr 11 J . Buc'bfit' 'ti ",,,., fullrH8 111, ,,~ -f(lub ''• 1 .. NASO AO SUMMARY RObtPUt 1 •• "' 0 11 10. Buflf!I\ 18' r ,. •• C..nAvtm J•· l • Mujlotlfr 10 II ' • (Jvf'rmy ' 0 11 I• ) BurnupS 10.t.• II (,nOf'v(\ I I • N.1rr9( >u ,,. ' I Nor PM I 0 11 I) s NOat• C NL Fin I" J C.nRIE\I Ut'• 1~ 'l'· '4 NEW YORK lllPt MO\t ., l1v~ 01/f' • fvrtPc1r I• ·~ OU 110 CPT "" 11·. ~vEFn " U•. Nttw•S 18'' '8\• '"r \OUf\ft•t ''Ot k~ \uppl1f'd by NASO I W~txt ' I•• I 0 11 II ' C•IWISv ll ~·· C.ral>f>!tot 101 -10'• NYAirl '" 1 '-"'"'""' Volumt' B•O A,)lltd Cr.Q • M4'1rl I I '• Ort It I C•nr.MIH ) ' j•. C.r~vAov II •• "'•<'OG ... .., M( IC 813.oOO J~·' >'1'-. , 9 Ornn1E> '1 .. 0 11 ti I C"pEn • ' • tb Gtllnf\t 8'' 4• I Nlf'IJn A 46' • ..... ln,.I )11.llOO 211 ~ • .,.. . ,., 10 .. ,...,,n, ) . .. Olf 10 s C.•P~W \ 10 ti c,,oovn •.. l\o N•rl\t'I B 0 1 11 •S'' ,_."~"' 4'11 ttOO , •.. 164'. '"" If C1bC'll• 1 • .. Of! 10 0 Cai»A•r . '• ~ .... d\Orl )'• • N1ll.f tt )Jt I )]\'t Farm(.,(> .>o<. )()0 JI )tt .. -... " l r...HnPr 1 •. 011 's C•r•CP 10 )I H•mlPt 101• 101 / NC..,C,\ I••~ u.i.,. AtrHd l~l,700 I" llJ It • 1 If> IJ 2:.0~Tt~n I " Oft • I Cttu\ , .. . .. H•rdwk ,. '" NwtNC,\ , .... , .... (,r •ph')( lS8,lOO 10~ • 101.ti • 1;. ,. ) '• 0 11 • I Char Riv 111 t 7''. HroRow 8'• '"" Nw\IPS tS'• I&'. ·~( 1!>4,100 ,,., ...... . .. I) fo\tlfl'f I Orr • I ChrmS q•, 91, H•rp(,11 11• n Nc>•"ll l.e~ .. )) EIP•\EI 131,)00 11 ., .. . '• ,. lrn\Nl\ , o rr 91 (1'1ftr'H ua• / 18"-H4'tHNt X>' • n • • VJNu<.rp '•I~ 1& MGf 011 1i. 000 ... • . .. ti NRO Q 1 J 16 Ofr •• CnmLu ' I 11 ~:~~~i JO•. '°" Oct"~" ,.,. lt:t.. Appl PC l!J 100 ... u ' .. .. L•h•\u' I I 0 11 ') Cnp1Ull 1)1 , 11 ,. ,.! I 0QlfvyM J1 n · • ,. VPtl(OfTl I•· 0 11 I J Cnubb )O• I lO'-.a HOIObtn 1 • ,., 011•0{~ ". ),]•, AO"i•ncf'd •11 10 s .. 1on 1•· '• 0 11 'J C1rftco ... 6'• HOO'Wfr .... •.. Ohf-•rro .... ) D•<l1nrt0 lt.J 11 ~UdlPI , .. 0 11 • l C•llSoGa , .. , ... HOr .. t:h )4, • • OtrerTP 11~ lo UncllA"91'd /I .. n Al\11. )) Otr 80 CtllUIA i.•. 36""· IMS Int '~"• t\'• PCA tnl I '" rotal ·~'\.Uf''lo ) lS• 1J 01QPro • . 0 11 11 C UU18 J1 It JJ • l'>C II 1~··1~:~~~ ,, •• 18 Ntw n1on~ JI l• (.,nProo ) ()<! 17 C.l•r•Jl ?JA.• 1• jnlr•I"° ' 111 J 18 N t''llil l<rw"> .. 11 l>ynR\. ' • • I 0 11 11 (low(p )'-\ ... I lnt•I ISO, /<I ~:~!:Jt •\. ) lOt•I Ylf"\ JO llJ 'iOO ,, Noll·lt-)'o . Oil , , C.otrtl~ u / u '°' lntrc Enr J • J • • . .. MUTU AL FUND NEW YORK IAPI C•oTNT IOQJ NL ''""" 1•01 NLl lvy Fa ••• Nl ""'"' 1018 NI tnl [q II . uu Stoo .... NI.. lht' •o1sow-inq ouo-C.e"•enn.•1 Go J-1n•nc1a1 Proo ..1P G,.rn l1 •' 11 fJol c.rw1h 'l& •I• 9'",!:9 t1 '' 1) •l1 StnSo1 ~ 01 NL .... -. ~M!CI bY G•lh •II I" OyNt • -Nl JP rnco , ••• 21 ln<om I °' • ,. u -·" 9 HJ 10 toO Sl,,T• 6.. Nl the N•llONll A•-• Eouot s., •" Fn<tl • 1J" Nl J•nus 8 IS Nl I• Fr• 9 11 • •s Hulln •• l• IS S.I Str•tln• s,. 6 17 e tlon of Se<urtOU C ... n<ellO< G'°"9 lnO\l\I ) .. Nl Joh~ H•ncoo MllOv•I It )1 Nl Ho YIO 14 .. I) SJ Slr•I viii ..,.....,, Oulu .. Inc • .re HIYIO • 11 • II lncom • 11 NL Bono IJ Oii .. 22 Mui SM lit 01 Nl In< om • 6' ... SvnC.'1n '°' • 'IO IN> o<l<tt •1 wht(ll H1Mun "1111 n F\1 lnW'\10" GrWfll 8 '3 9 16 NH.-T )7 11 NI ln•ttl I ., • S4t To NoqJ ...... 2• lheW' -Urtti.. NO.C 1113 12 •• enci "" ., .. I)., us Gvt • 3S. Oii N•I ..... 110 NL Optn ti 11 11 1\1 TmpGlb 11 '3 tOVld rwve """ T .. M 16 14 1ltS OIM:O l lol •11 ToE• 1)0 •1• Nat Ind ll JA NL lut•lllOl•DO TmplGt SI• •JO \Old INel HWI Cnl ~ •)I NL C,rwtn 6 11 6 .. O.•ulmn II NL N•I !i<><u1tlt4'\ Vo\!• 11 9' 14 19 Tmpl W IS 49 16 '3 v•l~I 0t l>OvOfll Chari '"O 16 l3 11 IS ltlCom u""'v•ll K•m!M'r F~ Balen 9 ... tO 61 VovotQ 10 ~q II SI Trn\ (.op 9 se ')) (••'... p1..,, ...... Cf\p OH 11 11 NL N•IRH • /1 s 1• lncom 1 s. I°' Bono J 10 J,.. Qu•'°r I• II NL r rn1N•w I II NI.. t llor91't Tuno.ty Cl'le•lnul JO J'I Nl Oot" s" • JI Gr-I •s '" C.r¥tth 6,. 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'• IJ 4 j't-9 l• • I' "' \• " • I • . . .. . . ... • ' . t• ' I .. ~\\\ ,,,,,\; Treasury hil.ls hit low leve l WASHINGTON (AP) Yu Id'> 1111 '>hort 11 rm Tr<.'asury lll'C'Urlllf:S, II mr liSllrf nl the cost or ,l(l)Vt rnrnt nl borrowing froni tht pul1l1< lo 1vt fotlc 11 lo 1h1 1r lowt st lt:Vf Is tn two yt ;:.r~ About $5 ti b1ll101l 111 six 111u11tlt T bdh. w1 re· 1ud1um-<l Monday .1t <111 1v11 1w c11 .... 11u111 1 .. 1 ... r ~ 11iJ pu<.u1t down f1om 1h1 10 111 111ru111 lhr r111 v11111s W t 'l k l 111 ,l(uvt 1111l1t 11t .1lso '"'Id ,,l,,1111 ~ 1 • l1lllw11 Ill lhltt Otonth htll•al .111 U\111 1gc I 1l1• "' II I lf1 Jl4 It! nt uH frllm th1 1.11< v1ou:. 10 O:l'> jJ< 11 u1t ()tlu·r buye,. ~ought NEW YOHK IAP) ( tlH' S a l\111 I 1 '"V" II will • v1goruul>ly purSll\ 11ff1 '' 1111111nt lo•1 • 11111 1Janll'S 1n1A.:1t:stul in J buyoul now th 11 tl lt.1-. lltr111d down a $!II btlllun offer from On 11lt 11t.il 1'1 lrol wn <or p 'Iii< d1rtcl11rs of C..'1tu -. S11\111 t1111t111g Ill ctn , 11H•rgt n1 y st l>s1011 ht ri M 11 nd ,,. u 11 111 11111n1,ly rqc-<:tt.'<.l tht' Ot.'tld<nldl Ptl111l1:11111 p111pu.,..i ~·v•n~ 11 (1 II ~hort of ( llll'S Servin '> t1 Ut v 1!111 Hut th1 chr<'<:ton. said C1111 ... S1 r \ 111 ni 1111gt11H nt t uulJ rh~US.'> I ft'VISI d lml '"'"' ( .k 11dt rit.11 Ill •• IH w bid from utl11 I lOl!lp.1nt1 ... Hilt l 1 ... ltd I I t 1k1rig llVI' C1t1es Se:rvll'1. "' buying"' g11u 11ts 11! '" l111-.m1' Utility d eclares di i 1dt·1ul The board or dt1 t:< tori. ol S<111 I J11 g11 l,cis & F.lc.octnc has dcd.Jred u quartrrly cl1vul1 11d 111 I i 5 LlnLS p<r shan •Jn tht: c'Ompany'> um11n1111 ~1111.k ll11 sarm amount pa1d th<' pn v1ous 4u,1rtc 1 The d1v1dend 1s p;Jvahl1 <.11 I I 1 111 ,1i 111 h• Id< r\ of rt <t ord on St. pl :lO lluspital tPlls l~ar11111~ ... Grl'alWC'st llc.sp1tuls lnl rl'portC'd re Vl llUI ~ Int: re i\(. ti lll quart<: r l nd<.'CI Jum m 111 S 1111 1 A11u ha~ :i, I.! fill I (J(JI I l 11r lhC' Nll mc:orTW for lhl pu 111d t11t 11• d $I I'; lltlll or H llnl~ p<:r share ln thl p11vr \t 11 th11d 4u.11lu re venues totaled $19 ti47 U()O 1ml 111 l 111t um1 Wdl> $98 I 000 or 30 0ents p< r sh.in STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK Sales lues IHltt' ,., <I nt-<' ti-' q-Of trv> ' ,,,..,_n mQ\ •t f Y~ N w '(f_Jlt. fOt • l • hd~ \\U \ lf~tt n(, t\dt O tll¥ •t t Of .. OM \,1 (.,tt ct t /~\(IU '\ • /<tn HO\Pll I 1~ 000 JJ Nutt\O~ t ~\Cll ''• v~n Motor ~ •Ao 000 ·~·· • l tiM t •8t ~ 60 • •) T tf"tOt' t ')ft 400 1\ "' 1 •• ~<hlm1><0 ti• •IXI n M '11).ll'Olll I (JU) 0..(1 1't • .... .-<m fll•CJOO 1t. I' t <i t ~~1 800 I/ • I '-11 t/VAnrCotTI ljo/~ -'<J '/• A flrt 11. 1 "'61 4'QCI )!t )t., c ... ,~. JM• 400 J/ • .. ""' (. f.,H'\t '9 "tn "t 1"11100 f'I ~ " \k{)lt>C> ,.., 100 XJ ·~ AMERICAN LEADERS NE.W YORK (AP) Sates Tues price ~~d. ~·;, ~"t'Uf ~· tt~ .:~~,:'\' }~:~ .'1#9, 1 .. 1 ,,, "' .... 1,ijAJ~OO w~s !! I .. l>t. I I•• WAii ONAll \ 111 'IOO • -:.::'Y ~. " I~~ ~~ •• lMmp 11< "!I 700 ~ • ... ... 1 .. Mt< n1E nq ti/ 700 ~ • NHdn'P lih 9U bOO 1• • Sund ,.nt..t./ ' tOO ) • H•••r.oc..,"'-IJ Iii((; u • lrr'll h..1rn 1'1 '1M 1~ I• LJ!~ ~!\Q ,QPIWN,~ 1n110 .. nQ 1 " '"'""11 ltw N .. w VO'i.. ~tcxll. E&<t\•,. \toe ~' .-.no w trtctnt\ 1n.-1 n4'vf" 9~ up ••~ 'O'I df'ld orwn tht u O\t U•~ on ,,.. 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METALS .\! •QJ1 • ' /It I I , AwJ If fut Ill\ . ... t.u . I --100 7 /11 .00 1 HllOOO t j\Q ll()O ,,, .. ., l)<ty ..... 41 I JI• ·~ll (I I i '~"' <l.ly )'I• It• /'/'< ,., • ID NEW Y<JR• IAP1 Sr.ot onlerious metal P• 'e• l '"~<lay Copper F • • 7 t P• ~ " 11ou 111 U S t'JPshnat,o II Leed et:. .. • t.t nl ., " tJnO Zinc J 4!1 Ct' s 1 1>1 'nd di'! vete() Tin tb UI! 17 l\llr1.i1~ wee~ composite Alumln11m ( f7 u IS a POUltd N v M•rcury $3b5 00 pea lldS~ Platinum S, SJ 00 )~60 00 lroy ovn~ NV SIL VER >htndy A Harm 1 Ourtce $f ~~o pea ttoy GOLD QUOTATIONS 'Y n •• Attoc:laltd PtHt SMe<.IP<l wnrta 'lOlrJ 1:11 r.es , UPSday London morn 11 h:. r 11 $337 2S n!I '° 75 London nll1'1nuC\n It• nQ $:!41 15 uo ,3 75 .Parle all<'• OC\ 1 • nQ t1011aay market I Jse<I Franltlurl '" nq $.H8 97 Oii $0 03 Zurich tat• ;t1e1noon S338 50 up 'I 75 b d SJ39 ;><, a:;ked Handy I Human only daily quote P4 1 7-5 up SJ 7<, Engelhard on1, <I 11ly ounte S3• I 7 S IP $3 75 Engelhard nt, ! 1 , 'Ju'>lll l&Drtealed )358 84 up $3 "• SYMBOLS .. • • \; - "'' Orango Conat DAILY PILOT /Wedneadey, Augu1t 18. 1982 Welfare fraud check • 1Der1ts federal help Orange County Supcrv 1~or Roger Stanton hasn't been s<.·c·n much m rec~nt days around th<> county Hall of Admln1strnt1on in Santa Ana F or guod rl'ason. ho~ver. Stanton has b c t•n 1n Washington D.C .. seeking support from an a rray of fc'Clcral 0Cf 1cials for an "early dctt'(:t1on" welfare fraud program tha t, according to estimates, has saved $11.6 million in Orange County an the past 17 months. T o give som e idea of how strong ly Stanton foels about Lhe program, It 1s mterestmg to note the stops h e made They mdude the offices of the House Ways and Means• Oversight Comm.i ttee, H o u se W ays and M c·a n s Subco mmittt•c o n Public Assistance a nd Unemployment Comp e n sa ti on, Se n a t e Governmental Affairs Perma nent Investigatio n Subcommittee and Senate Fina nc<' Social Security and In co m e M a inte nance Subcommittee Stanton sciys Hcpubltl'.ans and Democrats alike are excited about th e cou nt y's W<'lfare fra ud detection program ~ h e says hc- received a n assuranc:c tha t one Senate subl'Omm1ttt'C will ask the Government Actounting O!fal.-e to evaluatc-tht· Orangl' Coun ty program. The objeN1vc of the program 1s to t•at~h would -b e w e lfare c h ea t s be fore they r etea v c benefits. During the 17-month period that ended July :ll, 2,352 c ases 1nvolv1ng s u s p ect e d fraudule nt we lfare applications were investigated Fraud was found in 52 percent. Stanton 1s hoping the federal governme nt. which ultimate ly pays for m ost welfare assis tance through county -run programs, will come forward with money to t·over the cost of th e ea rl y d etection program. Specifically. the Department of Heal th a nd Human Services is being asked for $126.00l). It seems only logical that the federal government would provide some fin an cial assistance to the county. The prcsiden t talks a lo t about reducing fraud and w aste in government. His agencies s h ould come through with the assistance to do just that. State less generous Since passage of Preside nt Reagan's &onomic Recovery Act of 1981. hundreds of thousands of · Americans have been pers uaded to set aside part of Lhe1r income in individua l retirement accounts (IRAs) and s1mjlar programs. This enables them to she lter up to $2,000 a year ($4.000 for a c o. u p I e ) a n d d e d u c t s u c h contributions from gross income reported for federal U!.X purposes. Additiona lly, inter est earned on the accounts is not taxable until after r etirement. In an e ffort to correct this discrepancy, the s tate Assembly i n June pa ssed a bill b y Assemblyman Byron Sher, D-Palo Alto, that would bring the state into conformity with the federa l La w by permitting the sam e tax shelter on r etireme nt programs. But 1t is estimated conformity would cost the state up to $50 million in 1982-83 -a large loss from an already precarious ly balanced budget. If • I I .; .., ) . ----4-...... ("\ ·-,. -~· -., -...c ':t. . • ~ .J• ) ~~ )._.:>-~~~ ·~-~ ~ . '- , ..,.,. -·l~ ..... -·r ~~ l .. ... \,, ., ~ -~ -~_. ~ 6 ..,. c-~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ --;-:::>~ ~ {] )} fl11tr /.; ~ ~. "·---.. Are cluster bombs justified?1 I BEIRUT -A smoldering question mark hangs over the ruins ol Beirut: Who is to blame for tht: 1nd1S<:r1manatt- killing of civilians? Yassir Arafat, the grizzled PLO chieftain, has pronounced Israel guilty. In the midst of defeat, he has lofted by c.-ommunique, interview and leak a satvC.i of inflammatory accusations OUTSIDE HIS battered press uff1c:e next to a barricade of sandbags. for example, he went through a show -and· tell act. Leaning against the wall wfre half a dozen cluster-bomb canisters, t>ach six feet high. The markings rcvC':iled that they had been purchased from tht• U.S . Navy. Canisters like these, dropped by lsral'11 planes, had opened over Beirut, each had scauered hundreds of golfball s 1u • bomblets over a neighborhood, he S<Jtd Then each tiny ball had Pxploded hke a grenade, raining down lethal shrapnel on the populace below The wily Arafat. with his fl air for dramatics appeared as the t>mbattll·d leader of an heroic, last-ditch stand. Any leader can be a hero in victory, only Arafat could project himself as the hero of a catastrophe. I confronted Ariel Sharon, the big. bluff Israeli· defense minister, about the cluster bombs. Who ordered their ~? "l dad." he said bluntly. Sharon believes in the sw c>ep1ng strategies required for tot.al vktory Ht• d oesn't pretend to believe tha t tht• concept of lunited war 1s other than a contradiction in terms, a perversion of m1l1tary logic and a betrayal or tht> troops in the field. tie regretted the necessity, he said, of usan~ duster bombs. They were designed to knu<•k put tanks and artillery. and thut's what he had used them for, he claimed (The canisters that Arafat showt-d me, sure enough, were marked "AntHank BQ,nb Cluster ") Sh..iron poihted out that he had ndt 1..hosc· Beirut as a battlefield; the choice G. -JA-CK-A-ND-IR-SO-N -~ had been made by the PLO, which had t.lcploycd its forces behind a c1v1laan t.'UVC'r l I 1s cudes showed me reconnaissance photographs of Beirut I could pick out PLO tanks and artillery strategically located near emba ssies. h ospita ls , apartment buildings and other sensitive s1w~ l saw a PLO ammunition dump that had been situated between a church and an ad.)3t'ent graveyard. I saw evidence that the Israelis had tr1l'd to cont.-entrate thetr fire on military targPts . But I also saw evidence of 1nd1::.(.'rimina te shelling by both · Israeli and PLO artillery. Mv associate Dale Van Atta, who an:or11pamed me to ~irut, c:hecked with Antt!rlCan sources on Israel's use of duster bombs. Under the agreement by which tht• United States provided the dt'adlv bombs, Israel was to use them only ·cor deCens1ve purposes. against fon1f1ed military targets and only 1f Israel were attacked by two or more "Arab states." ! Yet the Israelis have reportedly been J usmg the cluster bombs since their 1978 anu-PLO action in Lebanon. Civilians.! unfortified c1t1es and even an Armenian i hospital have been hit on a number of j occasions. One reliable source said the I bombs have been used so often in the , past four years m Lebanon that in some areas fragments are "as common as pine · cones in a pine forest." ' ONE PARTICULAR horror of the cluster bomb 1s that the mini-bombs sometimes land on a soft surface, or otherwise Cail to detonate as they're supposed to; then they become tempting, lethal toys for cunous children who find them lying around on the ground. Even sold iers find the bomblets attractive souvenirs. The results can be fatal. Lt. Gen. Rafael Eitan. Israeli's chief of staff. warned his troops not to pick up the cluster bomblets "because your life may de pend on it." Eitan's confidential directions revealed that eight Israeli soldiers had been wounded in such souvenir hunts. In the past, the Israeli government denied using cluster bombs. But in the 1978 incursion, an Israeli journalist not only saw some dropped near civilians; he hi mself was badly injured by one. He wrote a long story about the incident from his hospital bed. Instead of p~ting 1t, his paper published a government press release that played down the use of the weapon SaJes of cluster bombs have always- been wrapped in tight sece.irity; the documents are cl~1f1ed "Secret" at a minimum This is a v.ery a ttractive way to reduce c urrent tax liability while providing for retirem ent and savings institutions have been doing a land office business setting up the accounts . Som e o f the rather overblown adverus m g has gone so far as to s uggest t~at maximum u se o f a n IRA tax shelter could enable participants to retire as mi111ona1 res. What the ads don't pomt out is that the tax break applies Lo f e deral 1 n comc tax on I y . A s matters now stand, contributions ~ to the retire ment funds still must be reported on state tax returns as part o f gross income and interest earned is subject to state tax. The Sher bill ha s b ee n a mend ed 1n the Senate Commi ttee on R evenue and Taxation to offset the revenue loss by e liminating the d eduction of gasoline taxes now allowed in California tax returns. Sher also h as proposed phasing in the program so that only part of the a nnual contributio n could be deducted from gross incom e for s tate tax purposes. This wo uld reduce the revenue loss to about $25 m1ll1on. It appears likely some degree o f stat e conformity wll I b e forthcoming. but o n a l ess generous scale than the fede ra l law permits. ·Republicans go after Hispanic vote Since pa rticipants in the retirement plans cannot withdraw their contributions or inte rest until they reach the age of 59 1/2, this means they will be pay ing state tax o n fund s that actually a r e frozen. often for many years. In any case. participants in th e individual reti r e m e nt programs who are tempted to count their chickens before they hatch sh ould be aware that the state most likely wilJ be e xpecting to collect at least some tax on th e funds so safe ly s heltered from federal tax. Secrets of s ecurity The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm ission slapped Southern California Edison Company with a $60,000 tine the other day for alleged security v iolations at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating plant. Apparently we will never know why. Edison spokesmen said that the violations assertedly involved how people get ch ecked in and out of the plant and something to do w i t h t r a i n i n g o f s e c,u r i t y personnel. As for the Nuclear Regulatory Commiss ion , h owever, its spokesman said nothing could be d ivulged about the v iolations. It was explained that to discuss specifics of the breach in security would in 1 tse lf be a breach in security. This does make it a bat difficult for the citizenry to find out what is going on at Sap Onofre Edison, m e anwhile, h ad 30 days in which to appeal the Cine and request a hearing. It could be presumed that hearing would be h e ld in secret. L.M. Boyd/ S ober Irish Criminal courts of Northern Ireland handle approximately 40.000 cases a year. Of these. only about 300 deal with charges of drunkenness. Those Irish either don't get drunk or they don't get thrown in jail for 1t You guess. Italian art hlato r1ans say Michelangelo never bathed during the four years h e painted the Sistine Chapel fre9cocs. The United Kingdom's largest car maker, British !--eYland, has a test ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat l'vtllltwd ,.,.,, ""' el '"" , .. , •• JJO Wnl ll•t ti , Co\t• Mow Addr~• cor10..--• lo 11<1• tW CO\la Mo•• C• '101' track spotted with potholes especially shaped from plaster casts of the potholes in New York q1y'1 streets. The company wanted to test lta ca.rs under American driving conditions. If this day is typical. about 4,000 people nationwide will retire today. Q . Who's the famous actor who's al.so an arch I \eel? A. Don't know It Jimmy Stewart claims t.o be an architect, but the record shows he baa a bachelor'• degree In that specialty, Thomm P. Holey Publll~ Thomo1 A. Murphln• fdllQf Jon• Amari [ • KYll¥0 fdllOt lcwboro Krelblch ld•IOrd 'oeie fd•tc>r Thomot Mc<:onn Molloo"'O Ecl<ror Look for fireworks the weekend of Aug. 20 to 22 when the Mexican American Political Association holds its convention in Los Angeles to t>ndorse candidates for statewide office. With only occasional lapses, for the last 20 or so years MAPA has been r egarded as a sure supportC'r o f Democratic Party candidates. If two new MAPA chapters haw any say, that will no longer be the t·a.w BOTH CHAPTERS, on e an Los Angeles, the other in Sacramento, are named for the late Hilary SandovaJ. who for a time headed the Small Business Administration during the Nixon years. both are openly Republlcan. MAPA President Julio Calderon says 500 to 600 members from across the sta·tt.> have cipplied for credentials to attend the Los Angeles meet; that's about double the number that actually showed up for MAPA's primary e lection endorsing con vention in Fresno las t April At that meeting. MAPA's Democratic endorseme nt for governor went, as Pxpccted. to Hispanic stalwart Mario IARL WATfRS Obledo. for ~ven years secretary of the H ealth and Welfare Agency in the Brown t•a banet. B llT IN A SURPRISE, MAPA also C'ndorsed a Republican contende r . Attorney General George Deukmejian. This endorsement was largely -not entire!\• -the work of the Sandoval chapte'r members present in Fresno, more trad1t1onal. 1.e. Democratic. MAPA members openly spe<:uJated Deukmejlan C'am paign money was going into the Literary trans £ ormations Let's try a quiz on "transformations" today -on plays that started ltfe as books, or musicals that began as dramas, and were adapted by someone else. in a different form and with another title. The times offer ed herein range IYDllY HARRIS from the simple to the fairly esoteric, and a score of one-third right is not disreputable. 1. What was the soUf"Ce of the popular Oecar Straus operetta, "The Chocolate SoldJer"? 2. Which novel by Henry James WtlS turned lnto the play, "The Heiress"? 3. What musical comedy was derived from Molnar's bittersweet dramo. "Lillom"? 4. What drama, by whom. was adapted from Paul de Kwif'a best-selling book. "Microbe Hunten"? ~. What smash mualcal was made from Lynn Rhrn'a early novel, "Green Grow th L~? 6. Some.net Maugham'• short 1tory. "MUii Thompeon," wu turned Into what long-runnina play? 7. What Mu.tr Prlre--wtnnlna play waa drawn from Roark Bradlord'1 coUec:tton of 1hort atorlea. "01' Man Adam an' His Chillun"? 8. What three popular transformations were made out of the German farce by Nestroy. "Life ls a Joke to Him"? (Take double crecht for answering this fully.) 9. The plot of which Shakespearean comedy was lifted bodily from the ancient Roman farce by Plautus. "The Menaechmi"? 10. Whal two transformations were undergone on the stage by Christopher Isherwood's collec tion, "The Berlin Stories"? 11 What popular musical, by whom, was adapted from John Gay's early 18th century play, "The Beggars' Opera"? 12. Brandon Thomas' 1892 Brfuah farce. "Charley's.Aunt." was turned by George Abboti Lnto what hit Broadway musical of 19f>O? .\NSWERS: 1. Bernard Shaw's play, ''Anna and the Man." 2. "Washinat.on Square.'' 3. "Carouse.I." 4 ''Yellow "l.ck" by Sidney Kinpley. 6. "Oklahoma!" 6. "Rain," adapted br, John Colton. 7. "The Green Pastures,' l:>.Y M~ Connolly 8. Two pl"YS by Thornton Wilder: "The Merchant of Yonkert." arid ''The Matchma.br," and then the hit rtumcal, "Hello, Dolly." 9. ''TM Comedy of Errcn." 10. The s trttiht play, "I Am a Camera," ud th n the mu1ic1l ... Cabaret.'' 11. "Threer.nny O~ra•• by Brecht and Weill. 1 . ''Where 1 Chatley?~' ' orgaruzation of the Sandoval chapters. a ' possibility denied by members of those chapters. Earlier this year, the aifable Calderon p o ked a h o rnet's nest when he ~peculated MAPA's e ndorsement for governor might go to Deukmejian rather than Democratic nominee Tom Bradley; mayor of Los Ange les. Some MAP~ members interpreted \}llS as a move inl support of the Rep'\tbl1can, which irritated Calderon. "I'M STRICTLY neutral," the MAPA chief told us. "I've told the Bradley people. 'You don't have a lock on the endorsement -you are going to have to work f o r it.' and I 'v e told the Deukmejlan people. 'You have a chance for the endorsement -if you work for it.' "l'U express my own \flews," Calderon laughed. "when the convention decides." He didn't add, "For me " r The r e were not enough Hilary Sandoval MAP A members at Fresno t.Q_ force the Deukmejian endorsement 01\ · the G .O.P. side: that was also the worl{~ of MAPA Democrats who feel thei~ party has, perhaps too long, taken California's Hispanic vote for granted. 1 l SOME OPENLY SAID the two-part:y1 e ndorsements for governor werel intended as u warning to the Democrats that they are not wedded to the party beyond all possibility of separation , or even, eventually, divorce. ' One close observer of the upcoming MAPA affair, though not a participant? 1s sure to be Dr. <lfirso del Junco. an Hispanic Immigrant from Cuba ani chairman of the California Republi~ Party.'He has been pressing his fellow. Republicans to go aCter the state's Hispanic -largely Mexican-American -vote. U MAPA'a endol"8el1lent does p to Deuk.mejia.n, which sUll seem.. a littlaf Jess than likely, the party may make a, major play for Hispanic voters in th general election. lllllYHI With poput.tJon giowUl ftgu.rea by the yev 2000 expected to be ~eet1t (Alrica) 4~ pettent (LeUn ) and 39 percent (Am) wl1l &.h.efe tdD be room for u.7 SQU!C•:zm ....... ,~---~~~......,-----.n!Yl.-.Cl ... , .... ::.' ,., ........... _. .............. ....., ....... ' ----------- I . -.... ~ .. . ... . . . .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Auguat 18, 1982 ~•a •ANN LANDERS •BOB GREENE •HERB CAEN Hostess finds table manners hard to swallow DEAR ANN LANDERS: l have a friend whom I love dearly. She hu done me a million favor1, but the woman haa the worat i.ble manners for a Fwn-up that I have e ver seen. She stuffs food mto her face until her jaws bulge, then wies bread to mop up her plate. The way she jams her fork into her mouth, I worry that she might stab herself. The worst is when she talka with h er mouth full and spits chunka of food on everyone around her. lam planning an elegant party for out-of-town friends and am aerioualy considering not inviting her. 1 know her feeling, will be hurt if she isn't included, but I don't know what else to do. I have dropped hint.a from time to time. but she acts as if I am talking about aomeone else. My letter in your column might help. She is an avid fan. Please, Ann, do us both a favor - FLORENCE, S .C. - DEAR FLO: Here's tbe letter, but don't expect It to prodace a miracle. Tbe clods oever think yoo mean tbem. Invite your frteod and seat her far enough away from tbe gueet of honor 10 she doesn't .,,.,, Sv PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach It. ,;. ... t· , 1 '. : I • r~~I ·'Two questions. Who sent the spaghettM3olognese back. and who was your waiter?'· HOIOSCOl'f BY SIDNEY OMARA Tbunday, Acgust 19 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Perceive potential, gain insight into picture as a whole. Leave details for another day -you'll gain proper perspective by sensing pulse of public. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Restrictions are removed, you'll have opportunity to express self in unique, dynamic, original manner. You'll also be on '1l<>re solid footing. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): ~ ready for excitement of change, travel. variety.~pen lines of communication with family member. Delve beneath surface, reject superficial explanations. . CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Highlight flexibility, versatility and humor. Give full play to iQtellectual curiosity. Take notes, be sure you have ,.. proof or record of verbal agreements. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Define tem\S, count your change, avoid financial irresponsibility. Accent on income potential. special collection, personal pbsses.tjons and ability to locate needed material. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Lunar and numerical cycles point to a power-play day. You could be a big winner, you'll be on target and circumstances swing in your favor. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Finish rather than iaitiate project. Look behind scenes for answers. Reach beyond curre nt expectations. Clandestine meeting could be part of fascinating scenario. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on romance, sentiment. powers of persuasion and wishes that come true. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius · J>Frsons figure prominently. , SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Follow through on hunch -first impressions prove correct. Learn by teaching. Lunar emphasis on prestige, standing ln commurv,Jt and career or business. (/ ' CAPRICOR N (Dec. 22-J a n. 19):' Focus on movement, travel, arti5tic expression and long- distance communication. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius penons figure prominently. You'll be relieved of burden and financial news could be brl"nt. 1 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Funding may be available If your blueprints are up-to-date and 8ccurate. Be ready for revisions, rebuUdlna process ~d policy which pointa to future rather tfuln past. PISCF3 (Feb. 19-March 20): Do IOOle ~nonal detective work. What appears on surf.ace may not be act~ situation. Delve deep, gain oooperation of one wtio shares your oonoema.. POT SHOn BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ·- ' 1t-4E UNIVERSE' WAIT'C'O SO LONG SEF'OR£ PROPUC.ING ME: l'T" MUST HAVE KNOWN WHAT IT W/ttS DOING aet spat oo. Tb).J'Vomao's atrocious manners are a reflection oo ber and will not dlmlnltb you In the least. To exclude ber would be wroQg, and you would 1ure ly re1ret It. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last night 1 was listening to ~he radio and decided to turn Lo one of those late, late dlac-jockey stations. He plnyed the top 10 popular records, and I have never heard such boring, unimaginative junk in all my life. Who buys that stuff anyway? -Mt'COMB. MISS., READER DEAR McCOMB: Tbe big buyers an lrom 15 to %5 years of age. And atop complalnlog. Be thankful be didn't play tbe bottom 10. DEAR ANN LANDERS. This is for "Had It," who COf!lp!Juned about shoddy workmanship My husband 1s an auto upholsterer with 25 y~ars' e xperience. His reputation is the best in town. He puts in 10 to 14 hours a day and does perfect work, down to the last stitch. He can redo any car's interior back to the factory original or make il any way the customer wanta It. He works alone becau.ae he can't find helpers who meet his standards. It takes him six days to do a complete Interior. This mearu1 seat.a. headreata, doors. panela, ceutng, armre•ts and carpe l . The price Is $9~0. For a 14 -hour day that's about $11 an hour -not much for such a skilled 1..'l'aftsma.n. If he charged more, the customers would tell him I.hey can get It done for 40 percent less down the street. I can't count the times my husband has given an estimate and the customer has said, "So-and-so can do 1t cheaper and faster -why cal)'t you?" When he tries to explain the differ ence in workmanship, he geta blank stares. If workers don't care about quality anymore, it's because the public doesn't appreciate It or isn't willing to pay for It. Sign me -A CRAFTSMAN'S WIFE IN LAS VF.GAS WHOSE IDENTITY WILL PROBABLY BE GUESSED DEAR WIFE: Thankt for an excellent letter. ~ Allll LANDERS Tell your husband to charge mort' -he's worth h . ID every clly there are dlscrlmlnallog people who appreciate quality and are willing to pay for It. And please urge your perfec tlool1t c raftsman co train some apprentices. Hl1 1kll11 must oot die wttb him. How young 1s too young for a c:h1ld lo learn abour sex-Thar's just one thing you'll find in Ann Landers' new booklet, "How. What, and When to Tell Your.Child Abou.,t Sex." Fur your copy send 50 cents along with a long. stamped, M!lf-address«l envelope to Ann Landers, P 0. Box J 1995, Chicago. m. 60611 George's half-dollar makes cents A mother of two young children called me to say that she had a problem. and $10.50." "So they're not real money?" l said . "They're just commemorative coins. but they're not legal tender?" "l read ,somewhere that the gove rnment is minting a brand-new 50-cent piece.'' she said. "I wanted to gel two of lhe coins to give my kids." "So what's the problem?" 1 said. "Well, the government said they would ht glad to sell me the 50-cent pieces," she said. ''Of course they're legal tender," Norman said. "Well, if you spend the coin in a store, how much merchandise can you buy with it?" I said. "Great," I said. "Fifty cents' worth." Norman said. "But they said that the 50-cent pieces cost $8.50 each." "YOU CAN BUY 50 CENTS' worth of merchandise with ll?" I said. THAT SOUNDED IMPOSSIBLE to me lnflation has be<.-ome ridiculous m recent years, but th is was the firs t t ime l had he ard of the government charging $8.50 for a 50-cent piece. l called the Bureau of the Mint's offices in San Francisco, where the new t.'Om is supposed to be manufactured. "Right," Nonnan said. ''But it costs $8 50 or $10.50," I said. ''Right," Norman said "Thank you," I said. I didn't want to let Lh1s go. So I called the Mint's offices in Washington. There is an employee there named Eleanor Hayden who is reputed to be the Mint's unofficial historian. I wanted to ask her about this. ''That's right," said Att>ert Norman. an official at I.he Mint. "The new com is to honor the 250th anniversary of the birth of George Washington. It's a commemor ative coin. The last commemorative 50-cent piece we had was in 1954." "This is going to sound really stupid.'' I said. "but somebody told me that the 50-cent piece is going to cost $8.50.'' "Starting in the 1800s and up through 1954, we had a constant s tring of commemorative coin series," she said . "Daniel Boone, the Oregon Trail, the Louisiana Purchase -commemorative coins came out all the time." "And the government charged big prices for them?" I said. "Well," Norman said, "it's $8.50 if you buy the uncirculated coin. But if you buy the proof com, it's $10.50." "No, the government didn't sell them," s he said. "They were struck at the Mint, but then they were turned over to private organizations, who sold them. This new George Washington coin is the first time t h e g overnm e nt itself has sold a "Then the person l talked to was right?" I said. "Yes, sir.'' Norman said. "The coins are $8.50 GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF ~ North l'-nu1h vulnt>r:i l'>lt· "Jorl h drals NORTH +Q9 ~ A6 52 O AQ J 32 +Q6 WE T EAST + K 853 + 7~42 ~K7 "ld983 0 875 1)9 4 +J 872 •!093 OUTH +A Jrl> ,....QJ4 I) K 106 +A KS4 The bidding- Nnrth Eut outh West I ~ Pa11 2 + Pass 2 ~· Pan 6 NT Pass Pa11 Pas1 Opening lead· Eight nf o Renowned bridgl.' club~. such as Ne w York's CavC'n dish Club, earn t-heir repu~a Lion because of the fam ous players who are. or have been. members. 011L playing with the stars can havt• benefidnl effects on Lhe ski ll of the membership as well Watch a former prrsidrnl of the club, Lee Kopprl, at work during a rubber brldg{· game Sorlh Soulh were using It five card major system, so 'forlh's b1d or [WO hearts was nol necessarily a lrue reverse. Koppel's bid or six no trump is typical or the dash that earned him the rank or major in the Israeli army before he settled in Nt>w York. Declarer won the diamond lead in dummy and led a heart to his queen and West's king. West continued with a diamond . won in the closed hand. If hearts broke evenly declarer would ha ve twelve tricks. so he cashed the jack ace in the sU'il. When that suit followed the percen tages. Koppel had Lo look elsewhere for the fulfilling trick. Ht> Lhoughl of the spade finesse, and led the queen from Lhe table. Wh en East followed perhaps a trine too qmoothly with a low s pade. declarer decided that that finMse was not going ~o work. So he elected to fall back on a squeeze. He rost> wiLh Lhe a<:e of spades and ran hi s diamonds. On the long diamonds dedarer discarded the ten and 1ark of spadc-s. West. who had sluffed a spade on I hl' Lhird heart. had no lrou blr parting with a spade on thr fourth diamond . Out the last diamond was the final turn of Lhe screw. Si nce Wesl had to keep lhr king of spades to guard against the nine in dummy, he was forced lo slurr a club. Now declarer was able to reel orr four club tricks Lo score hi s slam. There are those who might think that t he squeeze technique is the best part of this hand.But for ou r money we like t he fact that declarer won the first diamond in dummy and 1mmed1ately l,&d a heart to his hand. tr £8l ... - had the king. or 1f Lhe suil had divided 3·3, declarer would have had twelve tricks without having to resort lo a finesse. much less a squeeze! How do you ehoff the be1t openln1 lead? Charlee Goren ha1 Ute aanrer. For a eopy of "Wlnnln1 Openin1 Lea.di," 1end 11.85 to "Goren·Lead1," eare of thl1 ne•upaper, P.O. Bu 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make c'1oek1 payabl11 to News.-perbooke. 808 GREENE commemorative rom directly to tht· puhlJ(' ·· "And who gcu. to keep the· mon(•v that the coin brings m?" I said. "The government," shl' said Now this was starling w makt.• sense to me The government was selling 50·l'Cnl pie~~ for $8.50 and $10.50. Throughout history. <.'Om <·ollectors have sold rare coins to eaeh other for herty prices But now. for the first time. the govemmt'nl was getting into the rare-coin business. IL was going to mak<.> some money itself from the pubhc's luve of hard- to-get coins. "This wouldn't have anything to do wuh the government's economic troubll'S, wuuld 1L?" I said. "WeU , the money Lhf' government brings in on this is going to be applied to the nauonal debL," sht' said. "I see," l said. "What can you teU me about the new coin'!" "It will be the first 90 percent s1lv<'r eom smc.•e I.he 1964 Kennedy half-doUar.'' she said "And 1 s uppose you're only going t u manufacture a few of the coins. to Jusufy thf' price?" I said. "Yes. there is a limit on how many of these coins we can min~· she said • "How many can you mint?" I said "Ten million," she said "Wait a minute," 1 said "Yuu 1...:m mmt 10 million coins? That doesn't sound ltk(• such a rar(' coin to me." "We have thl' a uthority Lo n11n1 10 million coins," she said. "Do you realize that If you S(>Jl clll of them . you're going to make something like $1 00 million?" I said. "MAYBE YOU SHOULD TALK to M1ch<1el Burke, over in the Mint branch tn charge of this coin," she said. So I talked to Michael Burke. "Yes. i t's basicall y a fund -raiser for the government," Burke said "Who's going to spend $8.50 or $10.50 for a 50-cent piece?" I said. "You'd be surprised.'' Burke said "W e have a mailing List of .people who Like to buy these kinds of things. The number is quite 1mpress1ve " "But who would want to pay $8.50 ur $10.50 for something that can only buy 50 centJ>' worth C?f stuff?" I said. "This isn't an old com. and ll 1Sn t even a rare coin You're going to make 10 milhnn or them." "WeU.'' Burke said, "every year we sell tht- public proof and unc1rculat~ sets of that year's coins. You get a 50-cent ptect'. a quarter. a dime. a nickel and a penny " "That's 91 cents.'' I said. "Correct," Burke said. "And how much do you sell them (or " l said. "Eleven dollars." Burke said "Eleven dollars for 91 cents," I said . "How many of th05e sets do you sell each year?" "Seven million." Burke said I called back the young mothe r who had contacted me in the first place "You were right," I said. "The government will sell you the rom. But. you have to pay $8.50 or $10.50 for it. "I still want to buy the coins for rny eh1ldrcn." she said. "But I only want to spend 50 N!nts.'' "No problem," I said. "For that. I'm sure they'll sell you a penny " Bargain prices real treasure WHO SAYS THERE ARE no more bargains? At The Home Plate in Oakland, you can get three plays on a jukebox for a dune. Ice cream cones a.re 15 cent.a for a single. 30 for a double. and 40 for a triple at Thrifty Drugs in Felton (they haven't heard about Inflatio n In the Santa Cruz Mouncaina?). And the Rolling Pin doughnut shops on the Peninsula aUll obeerves the "bilker's dot.en" -buy 12 alnkers and they throw in the 13th. Free road maps, free "church key" beer a m openers and free aoup bones may be gone forever, but one nicety remaln.s. THE TALKTAIL LOUNGE: Look who has moved from Swlngtn• Nonh Beach to the Ancient Manna: Stan Oetz, king of the tenor sa.xmen. The only other big name living In that squarea la Natasha Makarova, queen of prima ballerinas . . . I don't know If this ta just what we need, but a talkng Coke machlne hu been installed at the Marina Safeway. It doesn't have much to say -"Than.ka for ahopplng at Safeway,'' ''Thank you," "Add five cents, pleaa'' -but at least It d0l'.8Jl'\ wish you a nice day. · E .T. CETERAS: Barbara Perry Frederick found thl1 chalked on a blackboard ln the PhoneCenter on Bush: "E.T. -Call home!" .. It may be news, by the way, that Ma BeU ls dickering with Steve Spielberg for a TV commercial In which E.T. says in th.at odd voice, "Phone . . . home" . . . Catherine Sang \hinka E.T. looka like a French- fried Muppet . . . And Johnny Canon cracked up Lenore Cautrelle with this: "When E.T. called home. Jerry Brown answered!" MARIN COUNTY COOL: Michael Kle!eman, a med(cal psychologist, parked his •nappy Mat.da RX7 on a hill l.n Greenbrae the other l\iiht, eet the brake (h~ght) and started walking down the hill. Sudden he heard a chilling noiae, ran back and -yep, th wu b1a CM, rolllna over and over, down the hlllllde. It came to nwt ln '"Mary_~zabeth Davia' hot tub, which mlracu.lou.aly for Marql, waa unoccupied. Car totaled, tub cracked. deck bedly damaged. Although Kleeme'\ and Mary Ellsabe1h had never met. 1he had a line ready u he came puffing up to her howie. "Look.'' ahe aaid, "lf you want to u.ae the tub. you could have juat knocked, y'know." MEANWHILEi Talk about no respect. Our Item lut week about Mother Te.rat.. the aalntly nun, making an unheralded villt to S.F. a few. wb. ~ HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO I ago prompta Randy Alfred to wh isper. "Actually she slipped into town to pick up her check from Bechtel" ... By the way. a ll you n etwork newscasters, It's pronounced "Becht}," not "Bech-TELL.'' And C. Pembroke Davies knows how to Identify local announcers ne w to Sa" Francisco. They pronounce Clement St , ''CLEM-ent" . . . 1 Jerry Mattera, Presa Clubbcr and hotelm11n, is now runnlf\8 the Key Largo Bar In San J tl8e, Colt.a Rica, and what doee he mi8I mott about S .F.? "The 11 a .m . crowd at the House o f Shields" . . . Hand-lettered atan in the btck window of a car movtna llowly up Franklin St.: "Have Patience. l'm a Tourlat and Thia Is a Rented Car." '/ 7 " J l . j .... 4::;: • • .. ..., .. -. . . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Auguat 18, 1982 ? IN CONCERT ., ., ·September 18·, 1982 8:00· p.m. Irvine Bowl + Laguna Beach benefit fot Laguna BeaCh Museum· ·ofArt ~ . .f: • • f .Tickets available ,at the Museum 9aily except Sµnd.ay l: 1:30-4:30 . " , . . 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, CA $25.00 -$17.50 -$15.00 - .. t • ! I I I I ' I Pattdns who contribute $100 or more will have reserved loge seatingt reserved parking, and be invited to a private cocktatl party hosted by tne Museum j prior to the 8 p. '!\· curtain j ............... ________________________ __.._.... The Museum wishes to thank its concert underwriters to date: .J Mission Viejo Company -Mr. & Mrs. Michael McFadden/Orange County Home & Garden Magazine -Orange Coast Magazine -Stein·B~p 7 Cartwrig t dation -Tom M -Or. & Mrs. Norman Nixon Mr. & Mrs. Henry Eggers Mr. & Mrs. Ke nn eth Bird Mr. & Mrs. William J ordan Dr. & Mrs. Gene Levin Mr. & Mrs. Mario Tartaglia Mr. & Mrs. Nick Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ohanesian ..------------------- TICKET ORDER FORM Detach and mail with check or money ord~r to Lagun a Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive. Laguna Beach, CA 92651-9990. Also please encl ose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Name Address------------------City ______ Zip ___ _ Number of tickets requested: $100 $25.00 __ $17.50 __ $1 5.00 _ _.$10.0Q __ .,. Underwrite rs (check appropriate box) 0•$5000 0 $2500 0 $1000 0 $500 Total enclosed $ ________ _ We are unable to attend. Enclosed Is our donation of $ ______ _ Tickets are sold on a first come. first served basis Museum box office open dally except Sunday 11 :30 · 4 :30. -------~-, Familiar to most as ·a star of Broadway, film and television, cabaret song-and-dance man Ben Vereen first achieved rec- ognition as. the Leading Player In the musical hit, ."Pippin", continued his ascending career with a portrayal of Satchmo in the TV docudrama,"Louis Armstrong· Chicago Style", and received hearty acclaim as the unforgettable "Chicken George" in ABC's immortal presentation bf "Roots". Earlier this year, he embarked upon a three-week bicycle to ur through China with a cast and crew of 50 to perform and film a bl-national television special expected to air this fall. ".'.t :;. lllllJ Piiat WEON!SOAV, AUG 18, 1982 SPORTS DTHICDUm Distance linJit benched WILD BLUE YONDERS, DEPT. -When you make a visit out to Orange County's John Wayne Airport, you probably figure that a ll those takeoffs, landings a nd buzzings about of jets are controlled from t h at little b•ilding with glass windows around the top, call@d the tower. Wrong again. The people up in the airport tower only LOOK like they're running things at our airport. r;, ,,.....\ MURPHINI -~~ A c tually i n truth , John Wayne Airport is run by a man who wears long black robes, sits behind a high judicial benc h , and carries a gavel in on e hand. He is called a judge . , It' isn't always the sam e judge. He might be state • superior, state appellate, federal district or federaJ appeals. ' The cast c hanges but the uniform remains pretty much the same. ! SPEAKING FROM T1'E bench, Judge Whoever I d ecides such things as which airlines can fly out of Orange County's aerodrome, how often, how many, when, and - in the hitest judicial foray -how far. Now, before you get sore at all the judges for taking over and running our airport, you should bear in mind that none of them really asked for the job. It was foisted o{f on them . .. This is because locally, we don't seem to be able to run the place, nobody agrees on how it sh ould be run, and all of the airlines are battling each other to get more flights and . fly to greater dis~ces. ''Give 'er a couple of more twists on the rubberbalid, Ezra, and we'll make it to Denver ..... When it gets to the point that nobody can agree on anything at the airport, h ere comes t h e judge. THE LATEST AERIAL foray into jurispr.udence, (or. is it the other way around?) came only this week when Frontier Airlines challenged a ruling b y the Orange County Board of Supervisors that decreed airlines may fly only 588 miles out of here and then the jetliner must make a landing. Frontier officials want to fly from Orange County straight through to Denver. Because of the 588 rule, they are forced to land at Las Vegas, which Frontier claims costs them $2.1 million a year extra. Apparently this cannot be blamed on the crews hitting the gaming tables. i Anyway, because Orange County and Frontier couldn't agree on the 588-mile rule, the whole business .w ent before Federal Judge Terry Hatter Jr. of the U.S. I District Court in Los Angeles. . I I TO MAKE A LONG story shorter, Orange County lost. t Judge Hatter ruled that the 588 rule couldn't be imposed by Orange County. government because the federal 'government has jurisdiction. ! So the distance limitation at John Wayne is down the l tube for present. County officials have tried to say it won't• •matter much because fuel load and noise regulations will t limit Frontier Airlines anyway. But still, it's one more local I limitation that has fallen under the judicial gavel. 1 Meanwhile, Judge Hatter denied a request for Orange : County flights by Continental and rejected a test period for ~that airline. I THE JUDGE ALSO turned down AirCaJ pleas for a I restraining order. Clearly, the judge has been very busy. 1 We probably all ought to get to know him better. 1 After all, he is our chief air controller. 86 Arrests of aliens • increase By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of the Delly Pilot lleff The numbe r of Mexican s crossing the border illegally in search of work has increased · s harply an Texas and New Mexico since the recent peso devalu ation but has increased o nly s lightly in California, according to U.S. Border Patrol agents. Officials in Texas and New Mexico report the number of illegaJ aliens arrested since mid- July has increased by 30 percent and border agents speculate that the recent devaluation o( the peso has sparked the increased flow of job seekers. However, agents of the Chula Vista sector, which covers most of Southern California, report only a 5 percent arrest increase in the month of August, compared to Last year. This includes the San Diego Freeway checkpoint south of San Clemente where agents report an arrest increase of less than 1 percent thts month, compared to the same period last year. 'Because there was a 14 percent dropoff in a lie n arrests i n Southern California during May and June, the California arrest totals overall are still less than last year. At the checkpoint near San Clem ente, border agen ts said they average about 100 alien arrests a day during s ummer months. Local border officials have no explanation why there hasn't also been increased arrests in Ca lifornia since the peso devaluation, but they speculate that the tight job mark'et here and recent federaJ raids on plants employing illegal aliens may be helping to stem the tide across the borders. But agents in New Mexico and Texas tell a different st.or~. "Yesterday we apprehended 201 aliens," said J ohn Green, deputy chief Border Patrol agent in Del Rio. "It has been climbing like that since the devaluation. I wouldn't be surprised that if in September w e had a record month, at least partially because of the peso devaluation," he said. Prior to the peso's problems, agents in the two border stat.es said they were averaging between 90 and 100 arrests a day. but that in August it has jumped to about 140 arrests a day. Because it's harvest time for many crops picked by illegal a liens, border offic ials a re hesistant to blame the increases totally on the peso devaJualion But El Paso sector chief agent Alan Eliason said the devaJuation "certainly 1s a factor. "They earl come over here and get a job that just pays minimum wage and that's a lot of pesos over there," Green said. The peso dropped from about 45 to the dollar to as low as 90 to the dollar last week following the government's Aug. 5 announcement that it could no longer support the peso in intemationaJ trading. Recently, 50 extra officers were sent to Laredo in an experimental crackdown. "If it really gets bad here, I think we could see a task force come out," said Larry Richardson, chief of the Border Patrol office in McAllen. f • UCl 's K evin Maget~ sig 11 ed u contract today, but 1101 IQ • play in the NBA. Page B6 0 ~ 0 • NEEDS F ACELIFT Costa Mesa's library building 1s 28 years old and there are those who say she is really showing her age. The big Delly Not S'8ff Photo question is who pays for the facelift for the old gi rl who "lives" at 1855 Park Ave. Mesa library 'ugly duckling' City, county discuss who's going to turn it into a swan By JODI CADENHEAD 01 Ille Dally Pllol Sl•H Like the only girl in town her popularity grew from lack of competition -the Costa Mesa Librar y has watched 1t:. weathered image diminish a:. n ewer, mon• stately buildings moved in aU around. She never was a great beauty. In fact, the 28-year-old squar(• brick building painted a dull yellow was never intended to bc- a hbrary It looks more hk~· tht• grocery store the building was to house in the begrnning. Tame has not been kind Everyone agrees that the drab building does n ot match the spi ffy n ew image of the neighborhood Community Center, the fare station or the Historical Society building in Lions Park. But city and county offacaals have not been able to agree on who should pay for the facelift needed to transform the aging building at 1855 Park Ave., into a modem structure Two years ago the city set aside $1 1 m1l11on an federal revenue-sharing funds for the construction o( a new library But then city off1c1als decided that they'd like to see the county pay for some of the operation. "Our concern 1s whether or not 1t as the city's obligation t o finance the cons truction of a library," said assistant city manager Allan Roeder. Roeder added that although the building is "not the most aesthetically pleasing." a new library has not been a number one priority for the city For the past several months city and county officials have been meeting to try to work Ollt an agreement over how much each might pay toward the construction. Elizabeth S mith , county librarian, said the county probably will have to pay for all the furnishing costs, estimated at $200,000, and as much as 30 percent of the roost.ruction costs, estimated at $1 million for a 10,000·square-foot building. Ms Smith agreed that even though a fjicelift would be nwc. it is not crut'ial to thL• survival of the libra r y with a healthy c1rculat1on of 185.000. up 30 pert'cnt from last year "Even though that building 1s not aesthet1cally pleasing, the square foomge and thL· number of books mC'Ct the standards." she said Gladys Lorenzo , branch librarian for tht-Costa Mesa Branch of the Orange County hbrary, said she was promised a new building wl)en she took over the P ark Avenue library last year aft('r 14 years a t the Los Alamitos library "I want tu put in some· foreign periodicals." she said •·But I'll have Lo steal some shelf spa('e from the children's area LO put ll in. Everything 1s full. I can't put in any more books" Ms. Lorenzo pointed to dark l'Orners an the book·crammed library to illustrate the lack of l1ght1ng There is n o'a 1r l'Ondatiomng in the old building either. . To add insult to injury many pt'Ople thought the library closed two years ago wh e n the construction of the adjacent communny center parking lot forL'ed patrons to use a back door, said Ms. Lor€.'nzo. And others thought that the slap of pale yellow pamt covering the old building was actually a new structure. she added. · Smee the construction of the community center and th e expansion of Lions Park. the library has become a more popular place for senior l'iuzens and young children, said Ms . Lorenzo. "The county said we'd get a new building and now I sat waiting," said Ms. Lorenzo. "This community deserves a new hbrary." Supervisors lower transfer duntp fees By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 01 lhe Dally Pllol Sl•H ln yet another movt· to please Orange County's 26 t·1tics. the• Orange Co unty Board of Supervisors has lowered fees to be charged at three transfer stations that aecept rubbish for later d<.'pos1t at coun ty landfalls The foes -sched_ulcd to be implemented Oct. 11 as part of a major overhaul of the <.'Ounty's sohd waste maJ1agement system -will drop from $10.60 to $6.50 per ton. Last week, bowing to a threat of leg a I action from the cities, supervisors reduced tht• dumping fee to be !'harged at the landfills from $7 to $4.90 per ton of rubbish. County officials say a higher fee must be assessed a t transfer c;t.allons due to costs of removmg rubbish from the stations to the landfills via county-operated trucks. • Transfer stations are located an Huntington Beach, Stanton and Anaheim. Nineteen of the county's 26 c.:1t1es agreed last Thursday to support legal acuon against the L'OUnty over dumping fees unless thi: transfer s tation fee was reduced T he $2.10-per ton decrease in the transfer station fee is estimated to cost the county about $750.000 during the current fiscal year ending June 10. fluntington clinic soothes hyper kids Supervisor Thomas Riley cast the sole dissenting vote against the fee reduction . He said supervisors would be forced to dip into the cou nty's generaL fund to make up the revenue loss. Supervisor Roger Stanton was absent. As matters now stand. both the landfill and transfer station f ees set to take effect in October will automatically increase next July -to $7 per ton at landfills at $10.60 per ton at transfer stations. ...., ............... ml'CIALIST -Dr. James w helpe U.t hyperactive .. ldren tn Huntingto n BMch. . By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Ofttie o.-, Not awn The 9-year-old was making regular appearances at his school principal'a office. His teacher said the third grader had trouble sitting still and could not concentrate on his studies. He was caught flghting with classmates and was aCcuaea of stealing money. The youngster viewed himself aa "dumb and stupid," and his ~ta could no longer oontrol Whe n counseling during a n office vial\ failed t o h elp, tbe b oy waa placed in the Pediatric Behavioral Medicine Unit a t Hunt i ngt o n Intercommunlty Hos pital in Hun\lngton Beach, where younasten with a variety of behavior probJema receive full- time care when other forms of treatment have proved IJlllUOC.'e9Sf ul. Accordlna to Dr. Jame• H. White, • child J)tychlatri.n who serves H the unit's m edical dlrect«, the dlfflcult 9-year-old WM found to be lnt.elllgent but I I hyperactive. With medication. family counsel ing and behavior modification treatment, the youngster soon became less disruptive and was capable of keeping up academically with his classmates. Dr. White, who also maintains a J>rlvate practice in Newport Beach, believes that treating behavioral disorders early can reetore family harmony and help youngsters act in more socially acceptable ways as they grow older. He also aaaerts that many teen-llgera who get lnto trouble with the law or drop out of school may be auff erlns from behavioral disorders that were never treated at an earlier age. The Huntington B each hospital's Pediatric Behavioral Medicine Unit wu known,..mti.l recently u the Children'• Mental Health Unit. WhJte aald the name change wu done ln part to ellmlnate the 1tlgma attaiched to the "mental health" label. Alto, he noted, disorderly behavior can be • symptom of different problems -emotional, ne urological or developmental The c hildren receivi ng treatment at the special hospital un1t Include those with learning dlsabillties. schizophrenia. autism and depl'eSl!ion. Their ages range from 3 to 13 and they generally live at the facility no longer than eight weeks. More than half of the unit's youngsters are suHering from hyperactivity, the popular name for a dlaorder characterized by short attention apan and poor Impulse control. ln most Cl.SH, White ..Ud, no specific caute can be determined, although the dllorder seems to be hereditary and occurs more often in boya. Hyperactivity can be trea~. however. First, medication la Wied to help lncreaae the child's attention span and to reduoe his destructive behavior. At the same time. ataff members conduct regular COW\lellng 11e1SJona with the child and the family. Parents are encouraged not to !eel guilty conce rning their chlld'a misconduct, White said . Behavior modification at the hospital is accomplished through a reward system, as opposed to discipline through punishment. When children behave properly or complete required chores, they receive points, which may be exchanged for rewards such as television privileges. "What this teaches the child is that there is a link between actions and consequences," White explained. The psychiatrist aatd some current research Is focusing on environmental factors that may trigger hyperactive behavior. White eays a key la early treatment RecenUy, h e. en- countered a 16-year-old youth who had been causing his pa.rents grief by skipping 1ehool, using arug1 and Ignoring their rest.rictton.s. An examination' ond ch(lek of hia medical hiatory tndlcated he had suffered from c hUdhood hyperactM!}' that had been lett untreated J:.vcn ln his late tetna. however, tho youth reaponded to mecll.c.t.ion and treeb"llent. ' However, a yet to be appointed Sol id Waste Management Steering Committee may make recommendations on different fee levels. ln other action Tuesday, supervisors: -Adopted an ordinance tha• will prohibit the sale, giveaway1 acceptance o r bartering ol animals at the Orange Count)i Aninill Shelter In Orange. • -Adopted an ordinance lhaC will pennit lifeguards at count)l beaches to determine when boa.nl surfers may enter the water. Alt existing ordinance prohlbltecl board surfing between 11 a.m; and 5 p.m . regardless of beacl't conditions. : 1 -Gave the Or1nge Cou nt:t Employees Retirement S)'ttem. authority to lnveet up to 10 percent of Ila caeh assets hi mortgages and deeds of trust: Riley, a member of tho coun~ retirement ~l II.Id Je19 t.t\llt SlO million wowo be lnYelUICL : • . --~-. \ I \ • sow •••& i ,4 0 ••••• -·=··· • . .. , • Jl2 Oronge Coaet DAILY PILOT /Wectne1day, Aygu11 18, 1882 0 § MORp>N § § _ Morrison Showroom Sales § 0 o-\ 0 B N { .. OPEN "S tocky" § 0 0 0 0 O '8ret Tim• DO It Youn•.,.. o O • Deooretor O 0 lxpert AdVlce At Your DlepoNI· ·. O 0 0 D • American Standard White Tollet ..........•.•......... $57.88 D DO 0 • Solld Pia a tic White Seat .................... ~ ..•..•.....•......•. 7 .88 d l#Wl~lo D • American Standard Kitchen Faucet ..•............... 25.88 D 0 0 o • Price Pfister Kitchen Faucet ................................ 15.88 0 TRICKLING DOWN -Sign on southeast si tuation. Owner Carl Sandstrom says switch Portland. Ore .. tavern reflects c urrent politica l from "Happy Hour" has increased business. g • Delta Kitchen Faucet ......................................•...... 19.88 8 o • OAP Quick Seal Tub Caulk ········¥·····..................... 1.49 0 D • 15x15 S.S. Bar Sink ............................................... ~~.88 D B WE FEATURE: 8 Final Clearance 3 Days Only! o Garbage Disposals • Water Heaters o 1-----------1 8 Sprinkler Systems • Pipe Valves & Fittings B THI o Bathroom & ,Kitchen Fixtures 0 . . . '20 Va l ucs to S85 \II S;dt•..., F111:1 I "\n 1·11 ·d1i-. "" E\1·h;111 L.v, Visa • Mastercard • Am. Ex. • Diners " STORE llOl'RS : '1i1n .. Thttr' .. Fri. IO·!I Tttt'' .. \\1•11.. Sat. Ill Ii Sun. l :!·:i NEWPORT BEACH 9 Fashion Island • r----------------------, I I I EVERYTHING YOU'VE I I ALWAYS WANTED TO I I KNOW ABOUT PAT -I I TERN FITTING AND 1 I WERE AFRAID I I TO ASK . I I CHICAGO, i DETROIT, NEW YORK , BOSTON, ATLAN TA. MIAMI Thousands Paid 17.00 To Attend This Clinte 1n 79 & BO. This V111 ... In Coopera tion With The 'I President's Re quest To Fight I lnfl1tion -We Will Not R111e I Our Tuition· As I In The Past. Cut Out The Ad. •. Bring It Wit h I You ind P1v Only $5.00 I ' \ I PATTERNI FITTING i .. ~·" ... CLINIC I (<J MR.OLEV AR1977 I A TTENO ONE 3 HOUR CLINIC I FOR ONLY $5.00 PROFESSIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANT I Learn ho w to make perfectly fitting slacks and pants every time -How to buy your correct size pattern · How to sew sleeves and collars eesily - How to end pinning and basting · Sew zippers quickly -Sew straight seams and many more sho rtcuts to skill and fun in sewing. Leam amazing pattern making method that allows you to create unlimited designs, contoure d to your own body requirements . I I I I I I I I NO RESERVATION NECESSARY . Bl EARLY FOR BEST SEAU. I i Clip Clftd receive basic dress , slack pottt m and suit ~ 11 I , R dress pottem you can draft to fit your measurements. 1 I E Also a pottern fitting manual . I E Morning Class Begin at 10:00 A.M. -Evening Cius et 7:00 P.M. : I I I Tell your frftrHl1 •bout thl1 Ad. Cla1111 Identical. I I I BRING PRESSURE FOOT ©, 1977 I Monday, Aue. 23 Wednesday, Sept. 1 Ttusd1y, Sept. 2 I IARL 1 I D Sen Juen _7 0 l'W-IO.HUYlNO O CrHk Exit Sen Diego Fwy. O All COMO!l~ ~~~ 8 CemlnoCepletreno 661-6451 -ll0-6044 B Se<v1ee Time Stllrla el Your Door 0 0 ;;:::s':8'M 1:1 289 o J A:r~·;~~~to 26031 Avenida Aeropuerto o 152' New.-llv4. O (S_ MIS~2V~~~~01 0 ~ San Juan Capistrano 0 1-1-~-~--~-·--A-~-~~-·1-1Rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooB T HE PRICE OF THE TURTLE IS DOWN. There's something dzfferent going on at the Velvl'I Turtle. Both on your plate. And in your pocket. We've got a new menu. New dishes. New decor. But best of all, new low prices. NIGHTLY SPEC IALS ON BOARD. Every night our chef will be serving a changing variety of black- board specials. Six delicious dinners starting as low as $7.95. Everything from fresh fis h to delicate duck. All waiting on board al th e Velvet Turtle. A NEW SET OF LOWER PRICED DISHES. We've added so me brand new specialties to your old favor- ites. A third cul of juicy Prime Rib. A Pelill' or large l obster Tail: Plus lender succulenj chicken prepared m a variety of tantalizing ways. And they're priced as low as $7.95 . So when it comes to dinner, we've got your number. THE BEST DRESSED TURTL E IN TOWN. l'Ou won't recognize us from our shell. We're taking on a brand new look. We're lighter. Brighter. And more relaud. The perfect setting for din ner. All at prices you're sure to find very fas hionable. WE LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. Some things never change. Like our splendid service. Wann atmosphere. Fresh cut flowers. And superb food. So why not relax, and enjoy yoitr night. Buause the price of Turtle was never better. · I HOWARD JOKICSON'S QUALITT INN . APOLLO ... I I 721 S. Inclan 19 Blvd. 7555 Beach Blvd. 1741 South "West I I a.emont Buena Pltk Street I West Los An1telcs (213) 177-4255 Lo~ Anaelu (213> 489·2&55 Woodland Hilla (213) 7()3.6160 Pnaden1 (213) 792·3101 Thrnnfr <213) 5..14 1701 Fu1Jer1nn (714) 871-9340 Newport BC'llCh (714) 644·5313 ' Thousand 0Akl (805) <197 · 7818 Redondo lk• h (213) 378·83?7 Lona aeach (213) 426-0391 South Gate (213) 928-3331 l'ul'ntl! Hiiis (213) 912·5358 £11\11'0 (714) 859-7885 Covin:i (213) 966-3606 • l nusc1a1, Sept. 9 Monday, s.pt. 13 Amhtin I AMBASSAl8 INN HOU>AY flt 2277 Hltbor Blvd. 25205 la Pu Rd. I Costa Mm hl'l'I .. • I ..,_..-..----~-------~-----· ' ' ,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednnd1y, Augu1t 18, 1982 .. Boning up on 3 R's: Ritz, Rex, reservations It gt1ta a blt t'Onluall\I but plea.le hana on. The new Rei, you '"· la where the old Rita u9ed to be: 'whJch l.I \o aay when the old Nu rettaw-ant moved toJta new location ln Newport Center. the new Rex.restaurant wu able to take up where the old Ritz left ott by the Newport pier. · I think once you pt thlt all eorted out ru can look forward to two o t he area'• m oat Intrigui ng new dining adventures. On my part, at least, vialta to both reatauranta in the aTANlSY aame week provided varying degrees of enlightenment, letdown, aavorlness, pleasure, overawe and forbearance. OUT'N' ABOUT With Norm Stanley The apectacular ambience aside, I was frankly dlaappointed in lunch at the new Ritz. In all honesty, thoush, I wonder if it's even fair to say that when a place la hard pressed to keep up with an unprecedented onalaught of diners who want to be among the fint through the doors. Weekly reservation requests, I've been told by a reliable aource, are running about 110 percent ol capacity. We ll, in a crush like that who couldn't m iu some perilously over-ripe tomato wedges pmiahing the cold poached salmon, not to mention a heavy overdoae of unnecessary spices (and no hint -of the major one, saffron) in the bouillabaisse. ** •. , Hans Prager (one of Orange County's most 'J)l'Ofident and successful restaurateurs, ~fter all) 'will no doubt aoon have his house in order, at 880 Newport Center Drive. U you can get a reservation (720-1800) in lees than two days, lunch is served M onday through Friday, dinner and late night aupper Monday through Saturday. Lunch can be instructive but dinner, in my belief, ia the more Important meal by which to gain aome initial impreaaions about a restaurant and its lorw-ranae pl"Ollpecta So I'll hold off on Mny further judptmt until we can mount auch ""outing to the lUu, truatlng In thti meantime that It will prove as much a harbinger of sutte111 as our evenln& viaJl to Rex'• preuged. By the aa.rne token, one can't make an appraiaal of Rex's right now based on both meals. Thl' restaurant ls only open for dinner presently, with lunch service not 11eheduled to start untlJ Monday, Sept. 13 (when the summer hordes have depark>d, In other words). * * * . It's from the owner that the restaW-ant derives its name. No stranger to these parts, he ls Rex Chandler, an engaging young man whose unpressive credits and accompllahments herald the likelihood of a swift jump into the ranks of Orange County's foremost restaurateurs. A native Californian (Torrance), Rex decided early on to make the restaurant business his life's work. Stints as everything from dishwasher to busboy finally led to his first key job at the very spot he's just taken over. That was in 1968 when the location initially became a restaurant, the Alley West, operated by Jerry Overland and Rick Lawrence. They hired Rex as a cook and, In keeping with his learning plan, he launched a two-year apprenticeship under the tutelage of their chef Harold. The early years of the 1970s (ound Rex completing his formal service training as he alternated assignments between Hawaii and the mainland -Nick's Flab Market and Matteo's in Honolulu and Matteo's in Corona del Mar. Finally, on March 15, 1974, he lifted off in solo flight, so to speak, and opened his own place -Rex's restaurant in Honolulu. The decisive year of 1979 found him acquiring the Honolulu place that once employed him, Nick's Fish Market, followed shortly thereafter by the sale of Rex's restaurant. In March 1981 he took over the Beverly Hills restaurant now known as Rex's Fish Market, an establishment he'll continue to operate through a management team as he devotes full time to his Newport spot. When Hans Prager made his decision to move the Ritz to Newport Center, he offered Rex the first chance to take over the old location, an opportunity --Enroll Now .~ F:TlfAfsE:~~r:~ ~ Enrollment Now Being Taken Reasonable Tuition ~ .. ,,_,_,...,,a.. s..tc•,,,,.,. hallll -lft't ""'1lntk stlltdllrd In Fountain Valley -TncNrt 11tt 'I'• n_.,, (fllth IJ/t«*sJ ""'*W. llrllttNtk, t11dfnns. 16835 Brookhurst A Private School of Distinction Founded In 1942 ( 714) 962-3312 Overweight? Just a little out of shape? Or both? Dontglv~ up. "Live-It" up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 5 locations, and many more to come. ltS all here. The fun. The fitness. The results. All the rf ght Ingre- dients for your success formula. Join on a I -year membership and get 2 years of fun and fitness free. ThatS 3 years for the price of 1. Get started now. Richard Simmon~ "five-fr' concept wlll work for you. lt5 an exciting com bf na - tlon of exercise, proper nutrition and a positive IET mental attitude that can last for the rest of your life. Call or come in to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today You can do It. Join now URRY! FINAL DAYS FOR PR~-CON5TRUCTION CHARTt:R M~MB~R5HIP5. Charter memberships now available. Join today and get a free 1'khard Simmons Anatomy A.9yf um T-shirt. woooc.NfO HIU!J•23210 ~ntura Blvd •884·2202 GUn0N.t • 200 N &and 1'/vd. • '00·042 3 lrWftlY HILU• 9.506 LIWe 5anta Monlea Blvd.• !)~0·88 79 l"OClf'fNlf "'1.LtY• 18030 Brookhurst 964-8880 MlfO~Ctrf•8432 VanNuy' Blvd •891·8791 WAn:H l't)lf OUll IWVIUT LOCATION COMING SOON TO <JARDEN GROVEi - that .Y"H lmmedl&Jely acled upon. Thanlu to a P'!rtld"'naJ frtend.lhlp dauna b.ck to 1968, an wiuaual arreemenl Willi drawn up whereby K&.n1 vacated the premlaett on Monday, July 5, and ~x opened for buainesa on Tue.day, July 6. *** Specialty of the hou.e at Rex'• Is go4rmet 1ieafood which accounta for about a dot.en entrees on the dinner menu. Nearly 18 hot and cold appetizer selections fall ln the same category, with a platter of assorted chilled Items -shrimp, crab, oy1ters, clams beautifuUy presented in an ice boat -a choice that pleased us on two counts, absolutely top quality seafood and a very reasonable"tab of $5 per person. Ind1v1dual cold appetizers, in a price range from $4.50 to $5.95, include aashimi Hawaiian style and smoked imported Scotch salmon. On the hot side, at a cost of $3.50 to $5.25, you'll encounter items like calamari fritto and soft shell crabs. If you opt for an a la carte sa~ad, my recommendation falls full force behind Rex's sensational sliced tomato and Maui onion, $3.75. The onion's uniquely sweet flavor provides a taste treat that's worth many miles of travel to obtain, especially in view of the fact that you generally have to go about 2,000 miles to the Islands to come by it. *** The first of our three entrees came from the shellfish selectiorui, abalone, $20.50. Granted, this delight has gone through the price ceiling, but if you're going to splurge on it do so at Rex's. Tender and delicate to the zenith, the light batter coating contained an ingredient attesting to creative genius in the kitchen, -crushed Waverly wafers. The other two choices, fresh opakapaka a la Rex, $14.50, and one with dill sauce, $14.50, proved no less exciting for their tasty preparation than for VITAMINS THOMPSON . B-12 .1t11 Folic Acid 50 Tablets Reg. 5.95 SCHIFF SELEllE-E .... LECITHlll 60 Caps Reg. 6.00 2.45 3.50 ~·'' \ .... t $3.00 NATURADE N.R.G . ~,.,..OJf .... ( WEIGHT REDUCTIOll ~8~~.~~~90 5.90 THOMPSON YITAMlll E 400 90 Caps Reg. 10.45 6.50 SCHI FF CHILDREN'S VITIMlllS wnh MlllERILS 3 5 0 90 Tabs Reg. 5.50 I ALPHA -L.P.C. STARCH BLOCKER 500 M.G. 50 TABS REG. 9.95 5.45 , ........... ...,. RICHLIFE t\• .. ( HI POTEllCY YEAST ......... '4' 2 5 ij-b. Reg. 5.95 I i\l'' .,~ THOMPSON lLL-MlllS MUL Tl MINERAL 90 Tablets Reg. 9.95 RICH LIFE MEii OllE MEGA POTENCY VITAMINS _,.~~'''( 3.95 'AND AMINO ACID CHELATED M INERALS • TIME RELEASED 6 45 60 Tablets Reg. 10.95 1 speoi•I Of Th• We•k lutri Pop Bulk Productc-.. WILlltrS 1111 FUIEI 2.10 .. .21 .. the rarity of thelr exl.atence on menwa hettabouu. Both of these mid-Pacific flah deUcaclet offer 1ubatanU&J ovldence of R4tx'1 Hawaiian heritage and hi.a wUUngneea to be bold and innovative with ht.I bill of fan. Other fresh and lhellllah sx-tbllillet Include scampi Roma, $15.95; boulUabaiue a la Mahon, $17.95, llnguinl clams Portofino, $14.95; freah ,_;..-. swordfl.ah sauce HollandaI.e, $12.50; fresh aalmon Duglere, $12.50; fresh mahJ mahi farci en Papillote. $14.50. All er}trees are served with fresh vegetables and the house vermicelli Marinara. Four non- seafood entreea, priced from $14.95 to $16.50, a roast rack of lamb, New York steak sauce beamaite, veal 09car and veal picatta. Rex says he has no pl.ans to change the lntenor other than to add a few brass rails and to undertake a few improvetnents and some po.ti.sh in the wine cellar. Having, he declared, always felt the restaurant's San Francisco Barbary Coast decor makes it one of the most attractive places to be found anywhere, he has no reason to tamper with a classic. *** Along with the atmosphere, Rex has alao happily acquired bar manager Jim Ashton, who has been at the l<>qition since it was Alley West. And, tO add another familiar face to the lineup, he's going tO have the part time services of one of the area's ~t known restaurant figures as maitre'd, Bernard Rigolet. Certainly one of the most convenient features that's bef>n added to the restaurant is valet parking. Al present the bar opens daily at 4 p.m. and dinner service starts at 6. The address, if you find it necessary to go by the numbers, is 2106 W. Ocean Front, on the peninsula and hard by the pier, Newport Beach. Reservations: 675-2566. SOUTH COAST PLAZA' COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL GROCERIES MOTHER EARTH TORTILU CHIPS .74 TAMA YI OR UNSALTED 4 oz. Reg .. 99 PURE AND SIMPLE Clllll.tALSA •MILD GREEN 1.19 •HOT PICANTE 12 oz. Reg. 1.59 BRAN-A-CRISP WHEAT BRiii WAFER 1.04 31.ti oz. package Reg. 1.39 .,I".,, \•TI •• JACKS 011l1'\C;. , ,.( WILD HOllEY -r,..r r •CALIFORNIA DESSERT 4.40 5 Lbs. Reg. 5.15 KNUDSENS PAPAYA llECTIR 1.45 32 Fl. oz. Reg . 2.15 HAIN SAUD DRESSllHi •ITALIAN 1.19 •THOUSAND ISLAND 12 oz. Reg. 1.59 HEAL TH VALLEY WHEAT CRACKERS .79 NO SALT OR SUGAR 61h oz. Reg. 1.09 HEALTH VALLEY llATURIL CERUL 1.39 WITH ALMONDS & OATES 12 oz. Reg. 1.91 LUNCH COUNTER • Weekly Speoi•I • ' DELUXE SlllDWICHES •CtlCKEN SAUD• s2.50 • TlltKEY SALAD• Served with Cottage Cheese or Fruit Cup Health & 8£.·outy AIDS VIVA VERA ALOE VERA UP MEIDER 5 Orme. Reg. 1.15 OLD MISSION ALIE VEii llR 2·9 oz. Bara Reg. 1.39 QUEEN HELENE NATURAL MINT JULEP .83 DEIMUIT STiii 'ii OI.. Reg. 1.75 1.01 ,• \ \ ULI Plllll lfflllM Tiil lllllT 11, 1112 . ·" •• Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /WednHdly, Augu1t 19, 1982 . ·: :· 'Thorn Birds' , danger-told ' ws AN<a:u·;s (API In till' WJkl· of '"l'tw Twilight Zom ·" ut.0<.1 d <'nl. ~l'Vt·rul iH tors .ind stuntml'n havt• f tlt-d <'or11pl11111l" with ttw ~·11-.·n At·lorw Guild chaq(Ull( that cJut1Kl't'tllL'> t•otuh l11111:. l'XIStcd d u r ing Cil m1n1o1 uf h flf l' M"t•11t• f111 Jll Upl'Oming l c l<Nis1on mr>vtt'. tht· unum w1d Nobody wus inJurNJ d'-'nnl.( f tlming of tll<' ABC-TV movw, "Tht• T horn Birds.'' Tlw mnvic· 1:1 bf'l ng m adL• b :ri Wa rnt•r B1os. Inc , th1• s:i 111t• production t·om pun y t hat wus mak1_n_l.( Stt·v1·n Spielberg's "Twilight Zom•" w him m·J,OfViC'-.Morrow and lwo t·hildrcn W l'l'l' k tllt·d 1n a l 11•l1l'OW"' at'c1dt•nl on lhc movlt•'s M.·t nt.·ar C:.c.l<.111· .July'.!:! The S<.'COt', w 111t:h was shot un lcx.1ll•111 111 S1111l Valley on Aug 5 and 6. 1nvolvt-d a two i.l111 y 11·µl1t...1 ut a c:olorual-styl<' hoUS(• tha t wi:nt 11p 1r1 f1;11111·' Jurmg the fma l por ti on of tht• movtf' Nissen said f tlm ... of tht• M"t•nt• :.l111w1"CI. d('ttfr~ standing w1thm three tn (iv<.• fr•N of tl11· fl;.mR; w hen they shouldn't have bl"l•n dc.>SC·r th~m I~ f(•P t Mi rono ~port The Ac tive Look for School A~~ FURRY F RIEND Bette Mid ler has a lucky t harm that most fol ks would consider bad luck 1 h rh 1t•I•· v• 111111\,., 1n U1~m • ri "" 1~M111h11r~· 1 IU~ LOtton 1n greaf colors :· :· 8~§ 008~8@]~ 1>t ) I J\SHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644 7030 ___ PU8_l_IC_NO_T_IC_E __ I Plm.IC NOTICE T-13145 T-13053 NOTICE OF NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S. No. 021 .. T.8. No. H l719t·C On August 25, 1992, at 10.00 a.m. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A $HEARSON/ AMERICAN EXPRESS DEED OF TRUST DATED 1-:ICMO ESCROW COMPANY. formerly UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO known as Soulhern Cotoes Escrow PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT Company as Trustee. or Successor MAY B E SOLD AT A PUBLIC Trustee or Substituted Trus1ee. of S A L E . f F Y 0 U N EE 0 AN that certain Deed of TruSI e•ecuta<l EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE 'by PAAPHAI AMORNSRISAKUL. a OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Single Woman. and recorded July YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A 23. 1981 as mSlrumenl No. 32111 LAWYER. on boo1c 14 152. page 320, of Ottlcial On Thursday, August 26, 1982 al Records o l Orange Cou n ty, 9 00 A M . Tiiie Insurance and Trust Calllornla. and pursuant lo thal Company, as <luly appolnta<l car1a1n Nol lce o l Default and Truslee un<ler and pursuant to Etecllon to Sell thereunder recorded Deed ol Trust recoroao AuguSI 28. Apr II 7. 1982 as Instrument no 1980. as 1n~1 No 36386 1n book 82· 120029 . 1n book -. -. o r 13721. page 239, u l Oll1c1el Olltclal Records OI said County. wlll Records in the ofhc;e 01 the Counly undar and pyrsuant to said Dead ol Recorder of Orange County Trusl s.11 at public auction lor cash. California Will SELL AT PUBLIC lew1ul money of the United States of AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER America. at the front entrance to FOR CASH OR CASHIEA'S CHECK. the county courthouse. 700 Civic (payable at llfne of s11le 1n lawful Center Drove West, Santa Ana. money ol thO United States> I'll the Colllornoe, all that right. title and front entrance lo thu Old Orange onle•esl conveyed 10 end now held Counly Courlh0<.1¥ locate<I In lhe lly II under said Oea<l ol Trust In the 200 Block ot West'Snnta Ana Blvd . property slluate<l In said County (IOfll"lerty Wesl 6th St ) Sonia Ana, and State described 8$: CaMtorn1a. all 119ht 11110 ond interest PARCEL I: conveyed to ono n.:>w tiel<l by II Unit 163 as shown and defined on undor said Oaod ot lru'1 m the tat certain con<lom1nlum plan property situated ill said Counlt cor<led April 21, 1978 In Book and State dE>scrobed .is 2644 Page 915 ol olllc1el records PARCEL 1: Lot 97 of Tract No OI Orahge County, Calllornla 3433 1n the City ol Costa Mesa PARCEL 2: County ol Orangt• State ol Anun<llv1<led 11601nterest ln and Caltlornoa as per m.ip recorded 1n to Lot 2 ol Tract No 10137. as book t78 pages 48 10 50 1nclu11,,.. shown on a map recorded In boOlc 01 M1soei1aneou, Maps 1n Iha ot11oe 4 2 6 p a g a s 4 8 t o 5 O o I ot the counly recoroer of said rn1scellanaous maps. records ol county 01ange County, CaJofornoa. together PARCEL :z: A non a•ctusovto with all improvements thereon eatemanl lor ingress and egress e•c&pttng me/efrom condominium trom said Parcel 1 through Lots 165 units 97 tnrough 156 lnchJslva and 166 of Tract No 3433 1n the localed thereon Clly of Co~to Mesa County o f E•captmg therefrom all oil, 011 Orange. Slate ol Cahlornio as per roghts, mmerals, mineral rights, map racor<lect on bOOk 178 P&Q89 48 nalurat gas r ights and other to SO onclusove ot M1sc4111anaous hydrocarbOn substances below a Maps. in the office 01 tho counly depth ot 500 laet under Iha parcel r~der of said county ol lano herelnabove daacrtba<l P.A R c E L 3: A n ex c I us Iv" Without the nghl OI &urlace enl as aaftmenl to placA and ma1nt111n reserved on the dee<l from Ou II u1H1ty hnes acro~s Lou t65 and 166 Run -N orthw ood , a lim11a or Tract No 3433, on me C11y ol partnersh111 recorded March 30 C.os1a Mesa, County 01 Orange 1979 In Boolt 13087, Page 1006 of S tate of Cailtorn1a, as per map offlcool records recorded on book 178 pages 48 10 PARCEL 3: 50 )<lcluslve of M 1scat111neous An alCc luslve e asem ent lor Maps '" th" oll1ce ol Iha counly parking and relaled purposes ovar rec01der 01 said counly, 10 provide thet porllon ot Lot 2 of said Tract wa(er. etectrtclly Q!IS, telephone No 10137, as shown on Exhibit "A" and qewArllQO servlCft tor single· to the dectarallon ot restrictions tor ldm11y res1oen11111 ube 10 sa10 Parcel the springs conoomtnlum. recorded 1. sa•Cl easemt1111 10 be along lhe April 21. t978 In Book 12644. Paga snorlest and most convenient route 820 ot oll1clal records end re- bctwaan the said Parcel 1 sn<l the recorded May 3, 1978 In Book nearest puhllc ut1ilty easement 12660, Page 578 of ottoctal recor<ls shown on lhP map of said tract o t Orange County, Calolornla , PARCEL 4~ A non exclusive 1hera1naf 1er releriad to a s easement over Lot 98 ot Tract 3433 "Dec1ara.11on· as carport Space In tl)e City of Co'1a Mesa County ol 153 Satd easement ls further Orange, Stole of Ca111orn10 as par defined ano deacribad 1n Anlcles II rnap recorded in book 178 p~as 48 and Ill of the dacJaratlon 10 50 incluStve ol Moscallanoous PARCEL~ Maps, 1n lhe othce or tho county A non-exciuSlva aa_,,ent tor use recorder ot s111d county tor the and en1oyment ol the oommon area maintenance ot party wnlls on or desionated in the daclaratl()n. said along the bounoar1es betwee.-. said easement being further dehn9<1 ano Lois 98 and said Parc1>1 1 deKribed In Artocles II and Ill or the PARCEL 5: An und1111ded 62 Oecloratoon Tt1e street address ot percent 1n1er"" as tenant 1n aa1d property. t53 Streamwood, common 1n and 10 Lots 165 and 166 Irvine CA 92714 of Tract No 3433. on tr1e Clly ol Name and address o f the Cot ta Mesa County ol Orange. benaflelary at whose raQuaSI the State ol Cahlornla as per map sale Is being conduct ed· reco<<led In book 178 pages 48 to SHEARSONI AMERICAN EXPRESS 50 Inclusive ot Miscellaneous MORTAGAGE CORPORATION ~aps. 1n ihe othca ot the county attorney·ln-fe<:t lor RHODE ISLAND recorder of s8Jd county HO SPIT AL TRUST NATIONAL No Street aoorees o r o ther BANK, t201 E Highland Ava .. San com.mon daslgnollon has bean Bernardino. CA 92404. Olrac1oons to furnilhed to 1he Trustee. you may Iha above p roper ty may be <lbtlln <lirec11ons to the property by obtained by requaettng same In subd\llllng a written raqueet wllhin wrltlnQ from Iha beneficiary within 10 ~ys trotTI the first publication ot 10 days from Iha first P<Jbllcallon ol lhla flottGe 10 Allred J McE11llly and •his notice Garald C Van Der Klomp, P 0 . Box Said sale will be made without 32. Fullerton. Celllornon 92632 ovenant or warranty, express or Trustor or record owner DADE implied, es to tltle, possession or ENTERPRISES, INC ~ncumbrancas to setlsty Iha unpaid TI) e u n <l er SI g n e <l T r u at a e t-alar ;e due on the note or notes d1sc:Jalms any lloblllty for any secur.od by said Deed of Trull, lo lnC°-"eclness ot the street aooress 1w11 $28,900.00, plus the following and~ther common des1gn11llon. It ntlmatad co\t1, expanses and any;,.n-n herein advanoq at Iha time of the lnltlat Said aafe will be made .,u1 publicallon of this Nollca of Sate- w 1thou t covenant o r warranty estimated trullaa'a f-and coat1 ll)lp<esa or lmptle<l, regarding Ulla, or $992 00, plu• lntar111t on the poesesslon, or encumbranoes, 10 unpaid prtnclpal balance at the rate pay the unpaid batanctt o l the ot 17 5 percent par annum. from note(•> secured by aa1d Dead of I· t-82 to dale ot n ta. plus Trust. lo-w!I $58,522 00, lnctu<llng aelvanc:aa that Iha banefldary may a s prov ided In ntd nota(•I. make prior to Mia. plua lata ctlergaa advtinoaa. If Illy, under Ille tllfml 01 Sl51.74 of~ O.od of Trutt. f-. Chargaa YOU ARE IH DEFAULT UNDER A and •llS>en-Of lM Trvttea and ol DEED OF TRUST DATED JULY 13, Iha {t\411 crealad by MIO DMd of 198 1. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION Tru9) TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Tha t>enef!Ctary und8' M l<l Dead MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE- of Trust heretofore axaouted end IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION dallvarad lo the unda,.lgnad a 0 F TH E NATU RE 0 F THE written Oeclarallon of Default and PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU Demand tor S•la, and a wrlttaf' SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Notlo. ot Oareun and Election to IMMa«1/Amaftcan 11("'"8 Salt. The underflgned cauMd aal<I l!acr-C01ftP81'1, ~ Notiae of 09fault end Election IO ... , ""°"" .. .......,.. c ..... to bf l"8COl'dad In \he coun1y wna.e I!--c-.....,, .. ,,.... ... IM feaJ prapany Is tocllad Mltzta A."'-"' Tiiie lneuronca and ,A..,.taftt Yloa llfM. : Trut l Company 11201 I . ~ Aw,. ae M id Truatff. 8eft ..,_c9'no, CA....,. Blft>er11 0 1vt1 .(''14) *'141t ollt. ... a 97 TNllM ~114) Mf.nlt l rualaa or plflY 1 Publlehod Or1nge c out i;>ally ooodUC11ng Nl16 IPllol, Aug. 4, 11, 18', 1982 TITLE INSURANCE ANO 3448-82 TRUST COMPANY 3640 W1111'11te BIVd , Lo. AnOOlal. CA 90010 All Hllela Wltlcln (21 N4<8000 Eat 2719 Jlit 2t. 1982 • ~ bUen.d Or1n9a Cout Delly , AUOUtl 4, I I, 18, 1982 34.a 82 H LL Idle lterne With I Delly Plot Cla11 lfled Ad. Every Sunday PUBLIC NOTICE T-13315 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following parson os doing business as AlfAHllM It +ltt •· >t 'II • 'f ,..,II I AIA ,... .. , .. ill< I' . ' I' l'I NOW PLAYING COIU MIU CA~Ollf ~"OWi WfSIMilfSllll ,, ... ''" ' I '" ' Ill "' l ' II 10~0 OAAllCI .,, .. • . . ..... NOTICE OF THUSTEE'S SALE On September 8. 1982 111 10 00 am Shearson/-American Express Escrow Company formerly known es Sou1hern C111es Escrow Company as Trustee, or SucceSSOf Trustee or SubSUJuted Trustee. of lhat certain Deed ol Trust executed by BERNI J ZAWA<?KI • •Ingle man, and recorded June 15, 1981 as onstrument No 21827 In book t 4 100 page 12311 of Olltclal Records ol Orange County, Catotornla, and pursuant 10 that certain Notice 01 Oetautt and EIKClon to Sell the<eun<Je< recorded April 30 1982 as 1nstrumen1 No. 82· 148149 on Olhc1a1 Records ol s&<d County woll under and pursuant 10 said Dee<! Of T rusl seu E & S SALES, 1022 1 Slater !.'.::=========...: Avenue, Suite 103, FO\lntaln Valley. R 12:45 3 10 S:J 5 1.10 10 JS CA 92708 EARLE H HUMMER 10702 Morningside Drove Garden Grove. CA 92643 This business is conducled lly en lndovlduel Eerie H Hummer Tlua aletemenl was hied wllh Ille CO\lnty Clerk of Orange County on July 23. 1982 F183957 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot July 28. Aug 4, 11. 18, 1982. 3293-82 at pyllllc auction 101 cash. lawful flta.IC NOTICE money ol the United States of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS America. at the No1th front NAME STATEMENT SCOTI .• WILIJE BAIO anu AAMES //JI• I I llllnfl ll111t 11•f111 °I ,,,, 1"111 ,,,,,,.,,, f A!r TIMrJ AT AIDCCMOHT HICH 12.10 2:'00 J:SO 5:4$ 7:401· entrance 10 me county courthouse. The following persons are doing !~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 700 C1v1c Center Drove West, Santa business as Ana. Cahtorn1a. all that right, lltle W E S T C L I F F E A R L Y and on1eres1 conveyed 10 and now CHILDHOOD CENTER. 2025 held by 11 unde1 sa1cl Deed ol Trust Garden Lana, Costa M esa. CA 1n lhe properly s11uetad In said 92627 _....... Ml·WAY3t ~ DRIVllfll ........ , County ano Stale doscrlt>ed as Steven P. Smtih. 3 146 Sharon The land referred to In this Reort Ln , Cosla Maaa, CA 92626 I._,,======== 1s S1tuateo 1n the Stato of Ca11torn1a. Joyce A Smith, 31 46 Sharon ... 691 1693 A 1ouT11 coasr County ol Otange, ano 1s <lescrobed Ln . Colla Mesa. CA 92626 as follows Th b b PARCEL I Lot 36 ol Tract lndlv:~ua~siness Is conducted Y an 10346, on the C11y of Irvine. as per Joyce A Smith map hle<l 1n oook 472, pages 48 to Steven p Smith 50 1ncluS1ve ol M11ca1teneous Thll stataman1 was llled with the ~ AllAllllM ~ OIUYllll ............ ,,,,,, .. , ........ ~·lrt.-MSO a S&DDlllACA W PLAZA ORANGE MALL i fA!r r1,,,r1 AT AIDClMDHT MICH @ .... .:1111111 '<-•· ,,....,._ ... ~ , .... •tw• ''"ltn South ot ' 1ncoln c .. , ....... S40 o~·· Qr,,,;, • 637 0340 Plu1I 1941 (PG) M8J)s, records ol Orange County, County Clerk ol Orange County on Cauforrua Aug 6. 1982 lt to•o"• ,, •icw•• f'k!i EXCEPT THERE FROM all ott. F1Ma59 i~~t;;;•~• .. ~·~·;;;~;;;·~·=~=aao=~ EI /Ill l.\TU \ PC • • Ti IOU .., , H/ \I gas. rn 1 n er o Is 8 n d o t h a r Published Orange Coast Daily hydrocarbons. below a oepth of 500 Potot, Aug 11 18, 25 Sept t 11182 feel. without the r1ghl ot surlece 3518-82 entry, as reserved lnSlrumants ol -------------record EXCEPT TH and R.obsurlace a depth ol 500 I 01 surface enl as <led1ce1e<1 or reserved 1n on rumants of record PAACE Eas!'ments as set lhe Secttons antttla<l aon Easements lor Owners . S pport Settlement and En oachml'nt and Common 1vaway Easement 01 1he ArticM! antlllad E asomenu ol 1he Oecla1a11on ol Covenants, Cond111ons end Restrlcr na described on SUBJECT TO " ow (the "Oeclera11on"> PARCEL 3 Easemen1s ea such aasemants are par11cu1ar1y eel torth In the Article rintnlad "Eesemants" ot lhe Oaclerellon ol Covenan11. Conditions ano Restrictions <lescrlbed In SUBJECT TO .. below (the "Master Oeclarellon") under the Section headings 1n such Article antKled as follows 'OwMrs Right• and Outlu Uttl111aa and Cable Talavlslon," Sldeyard Easement•\ "Support and Se111emen1, • Encroachment, · and Common Fac11111es Easements The s1raat ad.pran or other common des1(1'foat1on 01 said property 9 Melody1ane Irvona Cf< 927t4 Name and address ot the benehc1ary at whose request the sate IS being conductt'd C11y Federal Savings ano Loan A ssocoauon CIO Shearsson/ American E•press Mortgage Corpora1ton t:>O 1 E Highland Avenue San 8ernaro1no, Cahfornia 92404 Olrecttons to the abOva property may Ile obtained by requesting same 1n wrilong trom the benallclary within to days trom the first pybhcatlon of this notlc;e Said sale will bl' made without covenant or warranty, axpraSI or lmplled, as to 1111e. possasslon or encumbrances 10 saH1ty the unpaid balance clue on the note or no1e11 secured by said Deed of Trull, to wit $23.200 00. plus Iha following astlrnated costs, expen111a end advances at lhe time ot the Initial pullllctlon ol this Notice ot Sala· osllmated lrustee's feet end oosta of S 1 ,033 80, plua Interest on Iha unpaid principal balance 11 Iha rate ot 17 75% per annum from 12·1·81 to date ol 11111. plus advancaa of S 10,860 50, plul any o t har advances that the t>aneflclery m1y make prior to aa1a. plut 11111 charges of $215 90 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TAUST DATED JUNE 9, 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPEl'ITY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAU! IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NA TURE O F TH E PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Otltad Augutl iJ. 1982 92404 SM9rl0f'I/ Amtrltln Expraa1 EICIOW Company lormatly known H Souther11 CttlM Eacrow Com()Afly, H lrullM Ml1Zl8 A Brown AMl•lant Vice Pf'MicMnt 120 I E Highland Ave. Se n Bernerd>110. Callf. (714) 886-7951 or ee&-'781 I Elcl. 2H . 287 Publl•l'l•d orano• Coaat Dilly Piiot, Aug 18, 25. Sepl I, 1082 355e..e2 ' I P\ELIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S.No.11~ SMI CORPORATION 85 outy oppoonted Trusiaa under the 1011ow1ng descr1bed deed of trust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time ot sale 1n law1ul money ol ttie United States) all right, lltle and lntereat conveyed 10 and now held by 11 un<ler sal<I Deed ot Trust 1n the property hareinattar described TRUSTOR R.C. LEAVENWORTH, 11n unmarried man ' BENEFICIARY IRVING GEIER and CHARLOTTE L GEIER, husba"d ano wife as 101n1 tenants Racor<led July 6, 1978 es instr No. 3875 I" book 12747 page 24 ol Olllclal Records In the olfoce of the Record et or Orange County, Hid d eed o t trust deacr11>as the IOllowlng property· The Norlhaastarly 132.02 feel ot Lot 28 Newport Heights In the Clly o t Newport Beach, County ot Orange. State of Calltornra. as per map racor<led 1n BOOk 4, Page 83, Mtecellaneous Maps, In the otfioe ot the County Recoroer o1 sal<l County Excepting theralrorn the Northwesterly 270 tael Also e .c cept1ng the• e t rom the Southaast8f'ty 300 feet YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UHDEJ! A DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 5, 1m. UNU8S YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PftOPERTY, IT MAY 8E SOLD AT A PU8LIC SA L E . IF YOU N EED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCHD ... Q AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYUI. 2300 Margaret D1lve, Newport B ea ch , C a t llo r nla 92660 ("II a alreet address or common daalgnatlon Is shown above, no warranty Is given as t o tis comptetaneas or corractnen ") T ha l>enaflctary under sal<l Daa<I or Tru11. by reason ol a breach or dataull In the obllgatlons secured thereby. tlaratotore. aitecutad and dallY8fad to the unsigned a written Dacter111on of Default and Demand tor Sala, and written notice ot breach and of alacllon to cause the underllgnad to 1811 said propeny to 1111111y uld obllgattons, and lheroeltar the undaralgned caused 111ld notice o f bree ch and o l ateclfon to be Recorded September 15, 1981 as ln1tr No. 18471tnbook 14220 page 317, of M id Olllciet Rac0<ds Said u le will be made. but wllhOllt covenant or w arrenty, axpr-or tmpllad. regarding lllte, po1Mulon, a< ancumbrancff. to pay Iha remaining prlnclJ* aum 01 1119 note(•) MC:Urad by Mid Dead O' 1 rutt, •••nn fnlaras1 N in Mid not~ provided. 8<1vanca1. II any, unda1 Iha llfmt Of Mid Dead of Trull f-. chargea and BllpanMS ol ~ TNllM and of Iha INtll CIMlad !>) Mid Oaed Of Trull Said 11818 wlll be h9ld on Friday SOc>lltllbar to. 1982 at 2:00 pm • at tha Chapman AYOnUa antranoe. to '"-CIVlc Cent« Bulkllng. 300 E .. 1 Chipman AVO!lua, In Iha Clly ol Orange. Al Illa llmt of Iha l n lt l a l publlcellon Of thl• notic., Iha Iota! amount of tri. ul)90ld btlenoe of 1ha obll91tlo11 MCured by IM lbOVI CIHorlbtd .dHCI Of. Hutt I nd eaUmated coat•, axp.nt... and adVll!lCOI II t I 1.227.51 To detarmf111 lhe opening bid. you may Ull 1714) 937.offe. Data: Auglltl , I:.. 1112. 8MI CORP'OAATfON aa Mid TNllM, 8y T .D. SERVICE COt.IPANY. l90"1 ey Clrldy Schoollo¥er. AMll111'11 9.ctalaty Ot\9 City 81Yd., Waat, Orange CA O*f (714)i'3M2M ftubllahad Orange Coaat Dally "'°'·AUO 11,a&. ltclt. I , Illa 3ee:M2 a fOUIUIUAlln W ClllMA i1.lr. IDWAIDI \9' llUHlllGTOI ClllMI ._ .. ,_. •• .... ..... ........ le4 ......... . Drive-ins Open 7:30 Nightly t l11Jt1t~11 llrllll•t 11 f Rf ( Uult'\\ N ooe<i ___ , __ .. _._ .. _._ .. _•-\00======-·---""'...;...'-_ .... :.....;_•_·l_ .. _o_JM_L...J.._~~~~~~- "The most exciting down-to-the-wire action since SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funniest bunch of rascals since THE BAD NEWS BEARS." -8111 Tueh, WTBS, The All•nl• Super1tatlon KENNY ROGERS is Brewster Rafter. TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX Presents A LION SHARE Production A DANIEL PETRIE Film r KENNY ROGERS "SIX PACK" DIANE LANE· ERIN GRAY Music by CHARLES FOX Executive Producers EDWARD S. FELDMAN and TED WITZE8 Produced by MICHAEL TRIKILIS !_Gl;;;;:~~;_; and ALEX MAtTER Directed :.~~:'.~~.~.~:'.~.rat STAATS FRIDAY, AUGUST 20th . . . . . . . 'I. • • , Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedne1day, August t8, t982 85 'Frid~y' profits CBS finds itself 'Filthy, Rich' • 1n the ratings LOS ANGELES (AP) '1Flhhy videotaped will requiring hi.I nubblfh thl' polk~ to go underground to ttOlv{' 11 he1ra to perform humiliating llltkB -crtmt.• Rid\," u L'BS limited st•r"·" about u family of nobba11h hl·tni r1aiht1ng over lln tnhl'ntanl'\', JUmpt'<i into first place In th(• tl'l1·v111lon ru Ul\!(M for the Wt!ek 1•11dint( Aul( l ~ llkt.· ~kine In puor relauoru and making Prevlou1ly uni •en epllOde• of two scary them feel at home. C~ 1how1, ''WKRP In Cincinnati" and The ser ies also stars Delll1 Burke. "Cagney and Lacey," 400 made the Top HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Last wL't'kend'a movie arosses provide thv les son : n ever underesl!ma~ the appeal of a scar e movie, no matter how bad. Dixie Canc.-r. and Charles Frank. 10 In all, CBS had 1lx 1how1 In the Tdp "The Renegades," a two-hour moVle 10 and ABC had four. NBC's hight!llt-Tht• four-episode series a lso helpc.'<i k...ep CBS m first pla<.'e in the raungs t:omp1loo uy the A.C. Nielsen Co. from ABC which was a failed pilot, placed ranked ahow w aa ''Quincy, M.E .. " In sixth In the ratinga. It was ~bout six 12th place. "Filt hy Rich" stars Slim Pickens as "lil~ Guy" &-ck, a wealthy Tennessee ln nd baron who died and l e ft a young men and a woman, all from CBS wu first in the ratings with 13.3, different ethnic baekgrounda and all In ABC waa second with 12.8 and NBC was trouble with the law, who are asked by third with 11.2. The two networks say ''Friday the 13th Part 3," which wa s tfioroughly panned by the critics, reaped even greater returns than the first two fi lms of the series. Paramount P ic tu res rep orted happil y. The t hree-day Lola I from 1,079 theaters, $9 ,406 ,522, for an impressive average of $8,7 18 per screen That compares to $5,0511 average for the openint( w eekend of the fi rst film, $4 ,840 for the• second. The difference is that the new film has been relea8ed in JD. though not in drive-ins. The L os Ange les Times wrote that Part 3 is ''so terrible" that the two earlier versions "don't seem so bad " Dail y Va r iety commented that the new film was filmed in 30 "with no corresponding need for intel ligence, taste or common sense." • • I • • • • • • • • "ZAPPED" (R) "DIVA" (R) "The Young Doctors In Love" If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. Call 642-5678 AJIAllEIM 8'00khllf'St • •·l·h'J•i:~1 112 6446 ... .. '"'1 ,. "I\ • lllU BUlNA PARK MIM 81e~ P'•an Pdr1t(. ., .. ,, 529 5339 A~ I ~0 II COSTA Mlll OIUNGl ORANCf OllAltGl Eltwiids H&rbot I.," AMC 0•411Qf '-' 1• UA (;.1, t """' I J• I~ ·''"•"[Ii •• " 631 3501 631 0340 634 HI I ~" '07 QAllOEN GllOH r:-=:-:--- fOWMCIS WtStblOOO. 530 U QI ~ ""'51'•1' •• -:a;: ........ '• t .. lO I NO 'l.SSU ACCl"ID •Oii THll l NOAOl"l"I With Burt&Dolly thl• much fun jiut couldn't ~/~gall A l•NIYHSAL-UO rcrnru o ..,~o"''~• '4 TRACK MAQ ITERIO • TH€ ORIGINAL IS DACK. '"AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" -AH Reed AN O.FFICE.R ANDA GENTLEMAN --NOW PLAYING ---- ANAHllM NIW,OllT BUCH ORANGE WUTMINSTEll Pdc11ic·s AnaneilTI Edwards Ne'WOO<I Cmedoo1e Edwards Crnema Wes1 011ve In 879 9850 Cinema 6H 0760 634 25~3 891 3935 MISSION VIEJO ..., .,...., acco •to Edwaids Vteto Tw111 830 6990 '°" tHIHIKl•a•••t The comedy sleeper of the year. MtGHTSRtFT [R ] -A LADD COM~NY QElEASE ~.~MO\o IUCll AT 1111111 a nus IUITllGlOll Kil 141-03" lfrrt h•f Cfr, '°IHHt I,. A lf(j,( " l)t t/11 Good for ' • Classified advertising Is ydttf best choice for help in setting the Items you no longer need. It's quick and inexpensive, and the Pilot reaches potential buyens who live In this area. cat1 today. l1ilyPilal Classified adt phone M2·~78 -------------------------- •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Ptrlormances before S:OO PM (Eleepl Specl1I Engagements 1nd Hohdays) lA MlllAOA MAii o Muooo or Ro•ecron• LA MIRADA WALK-IN 994·2400 "NI~:: ~rr ,., "Zlll'NDI" 1•1 >•.r.te.u:tt "CHEECH & CHONG THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 1•11 tUl.tM,-..01 .............. "FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3" 1•1 ,~, .................. ... , "ROCKY Ill'' 1'°1 ..... l:.11. .............. .... "THE PIRATE MOVIE" c'°t "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" c•t . .,.., ..... -. ...... I 1:00, 3:20. S:AO, •:OO. 10-.20 LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN "THE BEST LITTLE I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" ·--·-· ... -1•1 "STAR WARS"1,.c11 IH DOt.8Y STEllEO 0: ............. , ......... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN Foc:ull\I Al Del Amo 213/63~·9211 "NIGHT SHIFT" 1•1 ''"°!-..... -. .. ~ , JO foculry 01 Cono11wo0d 2t3/531·9510 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE"1•1 THE PIRATE MOVIE 1'°1 ·-, ... ·--. , ........ "flllOAY THE 13TH PA .. T J" C•I IH 30 , .. 1-. ... 1'A. 1'!91, ,,. IMPOATANr NOflCl' CHllOAIH UNDER 12 fAU! llalkMClll"""'Mon T""'fri IOO •S11,S....M ''°"" CNf ft SO\l•O ••OU• ... C.All MOO 1S IOIJ4i S"-"11~ • .0 •M Ull 11.\00 ""1to OllTIOll ACCUSOU llOYllOOI -1-UllOll'!AIU 1•~ ~OIWl41S OIONAJll- ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN 8UINA PADI BUENA PARK DRIVE IN UN:04~ Av• Wet.I Of l f\Oft 121•4070 eu1 "" PAWi LINCOLN DRIVl·IN l •l'\C Olft ~ •• ··" of af'\QO 121·4070 Nl\T"'41N')llL' HI WAY 39 DRIVI IN ''l'OtlCIO YSMQINCI" 1•1 -'ICA.1190 TO 0.ATH'° 1•1 E,T , ntE EllfT"A·TEllllEeTlllAI. ,..,. {H ) OEAO MUI OOtl'T WEA" PlAIO ••..-1110AY Tl* 1JTH ,AllT J" 1•1 -"YIHOM"c•1 .. O<" Ii.a So a< OJtOtn Gton f-t••wov 89t·3693 "ITAi! WMl" cNJ -"MIOAl'OllCI" '"I c111t " SOOIOO ~1111 1' souroo -------------+-------------- ZAl't'IDI 101 "-lie THI llDUCTION I'll Ctltt IC S0UN0 I /l>. UAlflli.1.f. LA HABRA [JlllVI IN -·-•tote• .............. ln•IN2 --~ - ....... 4 ·' 0'1ANGE 0111111 IN ~ . . . ' WAQNfQ ltlllVt IN CH«IC:H I CHOffO THIHOS AM T~ ALt. Oftll c•1 "-111 '"""-'I'll Cctol 11 SOUtoD thui ml'Ur\# In wn·aver~g~ prlmt!-t im l" minute l:t.3 p en·cnt of th~ nat10n'a1 homt'tl with TV wen· tunt.'<i tO CBS. Here &re the Top IO 11how.K. FlllhV Hien: • ••llng or 2 4 2 or 18 7 mtlllon nouM1lold1. C8S. ' M·A·S-H.' 2' 8 °' 18 7 m!Ulon. CBS. ThrM 'I Cornp•ny." 18 8 O< 16 4 mllllon, ABC .• WKRP In Clncllnn•U.'' 18 7 DI 16 2 milllOft, C88, "Too CIOM ID< Com10l1 " 18 2 DI 14 8 mlltlon. CBS, "Tl'MI Rmneglldft.'' 17.8"' 14 8 mllllon, ABC. "CllQ"-Y lllld Yeey," 17.6 °' 14.3 mllllon, CBS; "fO MnulH," 17 1 0< IS 8 mlNlon, CBS, "Harl lo H.,1.' 18 7 o< 13 8 mllllon, ABC "Thm Jell•raon• 18 4 or 13 4 million CBS \ -.-----....-....-------.. -----------· --------.... -··----.. OranQ9 Cout OAJLY PIL.OT/Wednaday, Augu1t 18, 1982 I Dodgers, Cubs gaIDe suspended • C l llCAGO (AP) -The game }\nge_ls flex-b~twecn th e L os Angel es Dodg~ni and Chicago Cube was suspe nded after~? Inning Tueeday with the r~ tied 1- because of darknC?M t Wrtgle Fi~d. the only major 1 ague par without Ughts. . their muscles The game was resu ed toda preced in g th e r e gul a rl scheduled contest betw een th two teams. • . And Tiant does the rest Tht1 Cubs had a chance t br~ak the uc in the bottom of th eighth. Larry Sowa singled an one out later L eon Dur ha doubled off the right field w but Bowa was nailed trying score on a relay fro m Pedr Guerrero to tnfielder Steve I •v CURT SEEDEN af"tt1e D.., Not It.ff Maybe It was just the agony of Striking out three times at the hands of a 41 -year-old pitcher. qut Boston Red Sox right-fielder !)wight Evans couldnl help but ~onder, "what if?" . "Yeah, I w ish he was on our 9ide," noted Evans afte r the ~geless Luis '1'1ant pitched the Ail.gels to a 10-2 victory over the Red S ox b e fore 38,05 1 at Anaheim Stadium Tuesday night. : I ENJOYt!;U the seven years l Rl&Yed with him. But tonight, I 'f&S out there trying to get a hit td he was out there trying to t me," Evans analyzed after e contest. Needless to say. Tianl got what he wanted. ·The 17-year veteran of the major leagues. purehased by the Angels on Aug. 2 from Tabasco. Veracruz in the Mexican Lea1n1e. came within three outs of getting a shutout, but the R ed Sox picked up a pair of harmless runs to chase the veteran from Cuba. Tiant, making his third start as an Angel, allowed just eight hits through his eight plus innings of Wbrk, and the Ange ls ']'lade things easy for him by boOming. five home runs to start off a short homestand on the right foot. Just when the Red Sox, who swept the Angels the last time they were here, thought it was s afe to go into Anahei m Stadium, they ran into the Ange ls' pow er and Tiant 's finesse. THE ANGELS gave Tiant an early 2-0 lead in the first inning as Don Baylor blasted his 19th home run of the sea.son with Rod Carew aboard. They got the only other runs they needed m the third compl im e nts of Brian Downing's 19th homer and an RBI ground out by Fred Lynn. B~ol\e the night w as over , Lynn had added a three-run homer in the fifth and Bobby Grich and J oe Ferguson connected for back-to-back solo blasts on e inning earlier. "I don't have nothing against Boston," noted Tiant in his usual broken English. "It doesn't make any difierence who we beat. I just want to go out there and do the job.'' 'Odd 1 y e nough , Ti a n t's pbilosophy about the game was tne same. as Evans' -almost word for word. "They're going to try to beat me and I'm going to try to beat them," he explained in the Angel clubhouse. Tiant spent ·more years in Boston than with any other club during his 17-year major league career before jc;>ining the Angels. And the sight' of his ex-mates stirs him. "I was happy in Boston and the people there were great not only to me but to my family. You don't forget that," Tiant said. Tiant, in fact, still lives near Boston in the suburb of Milton. He allowed a game-opening si ngle t o Jerry Re nn but managed to strike out both Evans and Jim Rice before getting Carl Yastrzemski to ground out. In the second, h e a llowed a single to Dave Stapleton and a walk to Rick Miller but escaped the jam. And in the third, he survived an inning-ope ning double by Remy and a walk to Yastrzemski two outs la ter before getting Carney Lansford to fly out. It was reasonably smooth (See ANGELS, Page 89) OUT, BUT NOT COMPLETELY --Chicago C ubs baserunner Leon Durham is prone on his bac k after being tagged out attempting to steal second by Dod~ers s h ortstop Bill Russell. APWlt~IO Action e nded the third inning for the Cubs, but the two teams went on to ba ttle to a 1-1 tie. s uspended after 17 innings due to darkness. ll was continued today. ·~~~~~~~~~ to catcher Mike Sciascia, wh blocked the plate perfectly. ~wa and Cub manager Elia argued vehemently over th play. and Eha finally was ejec from the game by home plate umpire Eric Gregg. The Cubs jumped out to 1-0 lead In the fi rst inning when Rhyne Sandberg singled, stole st>cond, went to third on Bowa's sacrifice bunt and scored as Bill Buckner grounded out. The Dodgers tied it in the top or the second when Bill Russell doubled with two out and scored cm a s1ngll' by Scioscia. Cubs starter Dickie Noles was struck in the right knee by a line. drive off the bat of Sax in the fifth. Noles finished the inning but departed for a pinch-hitter in the bottom of the fifth. Italy -is not what Magee had • ln mind But that's where the UCI All-American is headed after no guarantees ' Like all professional· sports, making il in the NBA is as simple, or complex, as throwing a pair of dice. Sometimes you roll a 7 or 11 . Sometimes you gel on a roll where the numbers never st.op coming. And sometimes you crap out. Kevin Magee, UC Irvin e's All- Everyth ing and a two-time All · American, took his fiJ:st roll at the NBA crau table recently .. , and apparently, Magee has tossed a pair of snake eyes. IF EVERYTHING goes acrording to plan today, Magee will have signed a basketball contract. The pact will not, however. be with the Phoenix Suns. the team that drafted the 6-8 forward/center in the second round of June's NBA draft of collegiate talent. • Instead, Magee's services will belong to Veresa, a team playing in the Italian League in Europe. Shocked? Surprised? Stunned? Considering Magee's credentials and what he's accomplished his last four years in Orange County the answer would undoubtedly be yes. But if you take into conside1 ation that this is the NBA, where trying to make a career in t his field is like trying to become the first worn~ President of the United States, the jolt might not be as great. IN MAGEE'S CASE, there were two principal factors in why he opted for Italy instead of the NBA: a) a guaranteed SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN ' SEVANO contract vs. no guarantees: and b) his cha.nc:es: realistically, of making a team limited in the number of roster positions 1t had open. "Kevin understands the reality of numbers," explains Dennis Harwood of Newport Beach, who has represented Magee in contract negotiations with the Suns. "He doesn't see this as a step down. More and more NBA players, in fact, are using this as a steppingstone. "This is an opt.ion that has to be used and an option. l believe. is in Kevin's best interest." Unlike previous seasons in which 12 players comprised an NBA roster. owners this year are looking to cut that to 10 . W ith 10, or maybe o nly 11 vacancie:s a distinct possibility (assuming there m1ght be a compromise), Phoenix w~th its number of guaranteed contrac~ (eight at the mome nt), obviously has few openings available. And, with Dave Cowens' presence almost a certainty, too, already crowded cond itions just keep getting tighter and tigh ter. "HE WOULD HA VE to beat out four veterans who were on the roster last year," rationalizes Harwood. "There will pro?ably be on.ly one, maybe two spots available, and 1t would be difficult for Kevin to guarantee he'd make that spot. "H e's going to the top league rn Europe and he 'll make substantially more over there ttlan 11e wo"u1d here ... Har w ood w ouldn't elaborate u.n "substantially more" except to say that ~hoenix was offering Magee a two- f1gure. non-guaranteed contract·. whilt- the Italia n team is giving the All American a three-figu're. guaranteed pac~ Naturally. Magee's selection in the draft -midway through the se...·ond round -had much to do with Phoenix's posture durrnJo? neJo?ot1auons. THE SUNS, who drafted Bradley forward David Th1rdkJll in round ont> (15th overaJI), guaranteed the fLrSt year of Th1rdkill's multi-year pact. Thus. Th1rdk11l JOined Dennis Johnson. Maurice Lucas, Kyle Macy, WaJter Davis, Joel Kramer. Alvin Adams and Larry Nance as players with such assurances, lc~ving Magee to battle Craig Dykema, Alvin Scott. Johnny High and Jeff Cook tor the final one or two openings Remember, too, that Cowens expects to sign with the team soon. Magee attempted to upgrade his status by playing in the NBA Summer Pro L eague, where he led in rebounding (11.6 per game) while averaging 175 points. But even though the Suns wen• Impressed and their interest grew, their offer didn't Other teams -the Milwaukee Bucks being one of them -also explored the possibility of obtaining Magee through a trade. But the Suns balked, not wanting t<:> get burned, so to s peak, without giving Magee the benefit o[ the doubt. AS A STANDARD NBA procedure, the Suns plan to offer Magee a contract, wh1c.h H a rwood will r eject. t hus allowing Phoenix to retain his rights. l'n the meantime, Magee will try to enhance h is bargaining power -and career in Italy. "I want to make this clear," says Harwood. "Phoenix 1s high on Kevin and wants him in camp. They feel he has an excellent chance to make the team. But there are no guarantees, and even if h e did mak e the c lub, with the conversion to power-forward and all I believe he's better off playing full ~e somewhe re else than sitting on the bench •· Does Phoenix object to Magee going to Italy? I "They're not necessarily opposed," says Harwood, "but they would prefer he> try to make the team.'' 1 MagC'l' 1s scheduled to leave for Italy Thursday morning. His team has already begun practice as the regular season ( begins St1pt. l a nd lasts until March or 1 April, depending on playoff situations. "Phoenix has been very fair and very candid." adds Harwood I Kuhn plot thickens with surprise move Freeway Series just a thought , f aiders are proving to be the best needle around LOS ANGELES -Nobody came m on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but -SAN DIEGO (AP) -It was a matter of politics, the stuff of which novels are made. 1t was a power play, and it caine straight out of a Capitol mn melodrama. :In a s urprise move, t h e Ainerican League successCully delayed the culmination Tuesday o( a debate that will determine tt1 e f ate o f bas e ball ~mmissloner Bowie Kuhn, high lofd of the game for lhe past IA Y~· ~"Mystery has been p1etty good· fc:C-bueball over the years," said Jdhn McHale, president of the Montreal Expos and one of the nen working behind the scenes td thwart the la test "Dump ~wie'' campaign. !American L eague o wners tlir'ew a filibuster lnto bueball's •Ummer mee tings Tuesday by tiecldrul Kuhn and buying 10me Wluabie time. They were trying \d head off a National Lea~e t.11reat to Kuhn's bid for a third t~m aa commiaaioner of the nft'on'a putµne. ••'There'• atill aome opposition. ~ere'• 1t1ll a lot of different ~YI th1np could go," said Bill Gile• i pre 1 l dell t of t be P~e phia~Phillles. :on Tuesday, the National ~e'• 12 owners convened a special -ion at a eeuide re90rt h9tel In S•n Diego, called by tlp'ee clubl In an ellort to drum ~ppott for the ouater of ·'lllelt meeUna aune to a halt alter almott two bowl, howevet, 1ome U minute1 after the American Leaaue sent three . representatives over to seek a recess. The three AL representatives -league Pr esi d e nt L ee MacPhail, Oakland A's President Roy Eisenhardt and Baltimore Orioles chainnan Edward Benett There's still a lot of different ways things could go. -am oai .. Williams -requested a brief caucus with Los Angeles Dodgers' owner .Peter U'MalJey, a longtime Kuhn supporter. After a two-minute diacuaalon o.n . a veranda overlooking a picturesque manna m San Diego Bay, O'Malley returned to the National League meefing room. Soon . the gathering e nded, apparently without giving Kuhn antagonists time to gain necemary momentum. "MacPhail came in and said the Amerian ~e wu gotnf{ to aupport the commiuloner, • said M cHale. He termed the develo~nt "a pretty dramatic result' but 11eknowledaed that "the National i..e.,ue pOaatJon It sun open.'' ~ National L!tfue Prealdent Chub Feeney debate on the luue woulii resume thh morning in a joint ~on of .U 26 najol' lea,ue clubs. l!Vlna AL proponenis a chance to brtnt to bear the tull welfht of tflelr pro-Kuhn influence. Aa Ule meetinp bepn, thm-e were three NL ownen aeekJ.na a fourth In their bld to dump Kuhn. • • Dodger Manager Tom Lasorda says a freeway World Series would be the greatest thmg that ever happened, but he wiU take just any run of the mill World Series. • The Los Angeles Rams l 982 media guide was held up pending approval of the president of the. clu.b on a picture of the president of the club. w~1ch ts the reason the media is furnished with the guides by every team in the National Football League. • 1:-os Angeles Lakers publicity man Bruce Jolesch IS leaving a fter two years which is a record OPTIMISTIC -Tommy Lasorda has Series fever. for time spent on the job. • When the story appeared abou t the San Francisco judge ordering the or~anizers of the Gay The Goose NEW YORK (AP) -Rich ''Goose" Gossage, the New York Yankees' hard-throwing relleC pitcher, saved his real beat for the writ.en and fans. and hit boss. Monday night, after posting his 24th and 2~th saves of the aeason In the YA.nk.eea' 2-0, 4-3 doubleheader sweep over Kansas City, ao.s.ge let !oose wtth a stream of profanity filled mvcctivea, trl,.aered by what he perceived to be • shabby treatment" of the team. A1ked who he ~u angry with. Oouaae •napped: "IWerybody . . . and all of you (obecenldes) with the (oblcenlty) padl and the (obecenity) \ape recorders can (ot.cenlty) turn It. on .nd take ft U.Pltain -to the fat man.'' a reference to Yankees' owner Oeorp StetnbreMer. "I'm lddt of this (obacenit.ies). The negaUve (obtcenlty). You sot tt7 • upset • IS Everything yoµ (obscenity) guys write, theee (obecenities) read. these dumb (obecenit.iea) in the seats. They read everything you (obscenity) write. We hear the same (ob9cenity) lies . (Obscenity) negative (obecenitJes)." Before he erupted, Gossage took issue with the fans, whom he called "fickle and fair weather ... These people llke to boo. It'• just up1ettJng. They pay their way into the park, ao they can do what. they want ... We're out there, busting our buua. The n!tultl haven't been gre3t. They were In tho past "They muet thU\k that becauae of all the money we make that we don't have pride to .ac> out there and bust our but.ta." Gollilaae conUnuod. "They're full of (obecenlty). They can alt there and boo and we can take the brunt of It and that'• OK. We can take tL" SPORTS COl.UMNIST BUD TUCKER Olympics to take "Olympics" out of the title the topic of cocktail party conversations becam~ the description of the 9Cheduled events. • Well, why not a freeway World Series ... ? • CBS is unsure whethe r to calJ the Raiders Los Angeles, Oakland or just plain Raiders but the network will come up w ith the proper decision in Its great wisdom . . . This is the same network that gave us Brent, Irv, Phyllis and Jimmy the Greek. . • True to form, the Chicago franchise of ihe Uruted States Football League, with George Allen in the saddle, is first out of the gate spending money. • If the Rams trade quarterback Vince Ferragamo, the price will be the same to all clubl . except the Raiders. particularly the Loa Angeles Raiders. • Rams quarterbacks Bert Jones and Vince Ferragarno are on the cover of the lat.est Sporting News with this caption "Quarterbacks in the Cuckoo's Nest" . . . Now what do you suppose ii meant by that? • Vin Scully signed D new Dodger contract, ta waltzing with the television networks and, besides, he still has the first dime the Dodger-. ever paid him. • The sad -make that ridlculout -~ about the NFL -Raiders terribl expensive struggle wu that the NFL could have avoided entire Issue a couple of years ago aimply by awardina an expansion fr~iae to Loe Angels. •The Raiden' Al Davia minimbee the ability of Ferr_,amo when aaked tf he would be lrttttelted l.n a trade, but Devil would nev r have done eo under oath ln judge Harry Preaenon'• court. • lt la time for lhe ~ual montlm o! footb.n'• three molt popular ch.anti . • . Go Bia Red . Hook'em Homa . . • and Shut up Howard. I t a a e. a d ••• e e ... -~-... .-..-,.._ ............... • .. •• , t •• . { ~ ~ •• Neyer wins I-meter; Louganis has lead From AP dlapatc bes PITTSBURGH -Mcgun Nt•yer a of Mission Viejo won the wumt•n's I-meter springboard finals with 468.27 points Tuesday in tht· U.S . Outdoor National Diving Championships. .Neyer, 20, a s\,t.Jdent at the University of Flonda, recently won the 3-meter championship at H~e World Diving Champ1onsh1p an Ecuador She IS a member of the Mission ViC>jo Nadadorc>S. ~reg L?ugarus, meanwhile, was the leading qualifier going mlo today's finals in the men·~ 3-meter event. Louganis, 22, of Mi~ion Viejo. compiled 669.63 points in Tuesday's semifinals al Settler's Cabin Park in Pittsburgh Louganis, who attends UC lrvine, owns 17 national championships and swept the men's springboard and platform t.'VCnts at the World Diving Championship in Ecuador a few weeks ago. Lisa Trombley of the Razorback D1vmg Club was third with 441.09 points, while Tristan Baker, 21 , of Mission Vie;o was fourth with 422.52 points. · Robinwood loses, 5-2 TAYLOR , Mic h . - Robinw oo d Little League of Huntington Beach, 14 -0 in post - season play entering the Senior Min or 13-year-old World Series here .. hjt i t s f i r st stumbling, block when it lost to Vega Baja of Puerto Rico, 5-2 Tuesday in the opening game for both "teams i n t h e double-e 1 im in a t ion tournament. Right-hander Chris Ulmer, who pitched five innings surren dering fo ur run s, thr ee unearned, picked up the defeat. Robinwood, which played its worst post- season game of the year according lo Coach Paul · Matlock , stranded 13 runners and also missed o ut o n a golden opportunity to tie the -score in the final inning. Trailin g 5 -0, c- Royals stay close to Angels Paul Spllttorff h<!ld Nt•w York U> la thrt-t· hit.as uv~r 11x 1nnln1C• two u ( tlll'm honw r11n1 by 0;1v1· W111tldd Cui his tinit vl\·tory Hllll''-' Jum· W und the t :>Oth of h1i1 l'tirt·.ir ilS KunSWI Clly <lt•lt'U4'<.1 the Yiinkt.'t.'ll, u . .a. to highlight Americ1ul League HL'lion Tueilduy The win kept the Royals one gume behind thl' Angels in the AL Wt'St Elsewhere, rook1c Dave Hoatetler drove u thrct .. run homer 400 feet uver the center fwld wall with one out in the bottom of the 11 th inning to give Texas a 4 · 3 decision over the C hicag o Whi tc Sox .. , Eddie Murray, Rlcb Dauer, Gary Roenlc ke and Cal Rlpken Jr. hll home runs, boosting Baltimore to an 8-4 belting o f Minnesota . 1Purro11,, Chet Lemon's se<·ond home run of the game, a solo shot in the bottom of the st•vcnth, gave Detroit a 3-2 victory over Seattle for a split of their double-header. The Mariners rode Dave Reverlng's three-run homer to.a 5-4 first-game victory ... Sal Bando slammed a three-run homer and Rick Sutcliffe pitched a six-hitter through eight innings to lead Cleveland to a IJ-5 victory over Toronto and a sweep of their double-h eader. ln ttie opener, Andre Thornton snapped a 5-5 tie with a solo homer leading off the eight!{ inning to pace the lndians lo a 6-5 victory . Quote of the day Two-lime world champion Niki Lauda, concerned over the growing number of errors made by drivers on the Grand Prix circuit: "I plan to Call the drivers to order ... I'm going to tell the m . 'lt can't continue like this. Correct your attitude or we'll all kill one another.' " Soccer Shoes by •. Or1nge Coact DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y, Augu1t 18, 1982 BT Warren Cromartie'• RBI fllngle la In the 10th Inning off Aililnta relief l.ll'f' Gene Garber govc Montrnul u 3 2 victory over the 1lt•lU-'t•rirtH Bruvt•11 ond u sw~p of th1• double heuder to hljhl.Jghl Natlon1tl Leaguf' &('Lion Monday . Andre 01w1on Llruve in three runs with a homer and u a.Ingle as the--Expos .pounded the Braves in the opener, 13-7, taking advan~e of Cive Atlanta errors to CllOMAllTll 11core eight Unl·arned runs. With the sweep, Atlanta has now lost 14 of 15 gameft and I 8 of 20, falling 2 •ti games behind the Dod ge rs . Elsewhere. Keith Hernandez singled with the bases loaded and on e out in the ninth Inning to give St. Louis a 3-2 decision over San D1cgo Vern Ruble fin·d a r1vc-h1t shutout as Houston edged Ph1ladelph1a, 2-0 . Marlo Soto threw a four- hitter, struck out 15 and doubled horn(' a run, as Cincinnati pounded the New York Mets, 9-2 . . Jason Thompson belted a two-run homer and Rick Rhoden held San FranciS<.'O to ;ust two hits to lead Pittsburgh to a 4-1 triumph. . Saints Interested In Stabler? VERO BEACH, fla. -The New [i] Orleans Saints h ave asked the c. • National Foo tball L eague fo r permission to talk to former Oakland a nd Houston quarterback Kenny S tabler, a Mississippi newspaper reported Tuesday. The Sun of B1loxi-GuJfport said NFL public rt"lauons director Jim Heffe rnan confirmed Monday that Saints officials asked and got permission to talk to Stabler. Rumors that the Saints are loolllt\g for an experienced quarterback have abounded since second-year pro Dave Wilson was lost to the team fur the year after knee surgery. Strem In llne for USFL Job PARACJlSE VALLEY, Arb. Hank S trom, 11 former Nat ional [il Football LA•11gul' couch, lb "high cm tht.> C t Ii ll l " of f l v 1-l' and 1diit1• 11 b c 1 n g ('orwu.lt•rt'd for poe1tion.a with thll new AJ1um.o franchise In the UnllA'd Swlell Footbull l.A:!ague, the t.eam'11 ma)Orlty owner said. Jim Jnst-ph also u1d he would select the: squud'11 gt.'neral monag~r . head coach and director of operat1om1 w11h1n a month or two after nnrrowmg the held from "more than I:>" to hve earlier this wttk NFL players cou10 strike early Ed Garvey suid Tuesday that St'lec:ted s trikes at this wc•ckc nd's exh1b1t1on gamei. might be called unlc'SS the National Football League n:vt-ri.cs its decu.1on to fine: players for pregame handllohakcs Thc: tough. body-punching Walter Santamore won a unanimous decision over heavyweight Earnle Shavers in a 10-round bout in Louisiana The National Hockey Leaguc> and its players reached agreement in pr1nC'1ple on a four-year collecuvc bargaining contract which prov1dt!l> for a new fret> agent l'ompensau on system A JUry in Detroit awarded former Dl'lroll Red Win~ Dennis Polonlcb $850,000 in damages in his lawsuit c:harging forward Wilf Paiement with using t'xcess1ve force in a 1978 :;c·ufflc during an NHL game Television, radio TV: No events scheduled RADIO: Baseball Boston at Angels, 7.25 p.m, KMPC 1710) THURSDAY'S RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Chicago, 11:30 a.m., KABC (790). "OUR SELECTION IS ENDLESS" HURRY!! Roblnwood shortstop " Matt Hattabaugh opened l the last of the seventh • with a home run. Pinch-! hitter Matt Wazewsk i a followed with a walk ~ and stopped al second • when S cott Harper 1c ripped a single to• right- -----i~ PATRICK " center. Pinch-hitte r Todd Eversgerd field lo deep center for the first out "' and then Mark Jenkins , doubled down the le ft ~ field line sco r ing Wazewski. With runners at i;t second and third, Todd ! Sanders followed with a ~ ground ball to s hort .1 before the rally fi zzled. " :J ... ,, .. ··~ " ...... ·~ IDAHO WHITE WATER FLOAT TRIPS On The flmous Salmon River For Information Cal or Write: Salmon River Moootain Soorts ,.o ..... ~5 . S..,.W.13467 (20I) 751.3215 Comin1 Up This Fal: •ltttlltad Flltttc •Ctl*• .... Send '100' P.P.D. For Our F•mou1 WhtN W8ter T ...Shirt . -- ~'t •• ,~---A-d-id-a-s!_P_u_m_a_1_N-ik-e!_B_r-oo_k_s-1L-o-tt-o-,----,f~e Backpack!;: Etonic! Sports Jets! Munich! Pro Specs: With Purchase • New Balance! Mizuno! Sauconyl Reebok! of $50 or more K-Swiss! Mitre! Patrick! Converse! Pony! 50% Our Selection Is Endless! Assorted Styles Sli&htly ll1mitll1d Off Women's Tennis Dreu11 ind Skim At Very Low Prices! ~ Shoes for All Sports! Backpacks! ·Sport Bags! Wann-Ups! ••• ... Leather Soccer Shae1 50% Oft • EI . DD AlNLETIC SHOES· •I 9694 HAMILTOll•HUllTllllTOll IUCH (IETWEEll. llOll•ll't UI 111011) " SALE HOURI THU"I., ftRt. 1M IAT., MON.1_!Ull.. WID.10-7 IUNUAY 1M ' 4 00$2 .¢.0.S .t ; as q '' .. • .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday. Augu1t 18, 1982 Edison's trip to Hawaii cutting things close . ' Taking a \.earn on the road la never a coach's option , home oookina la alwaya euler to dtgest. And If you 1howd decide you need a change of scenery, l'l\Olt 1ugge11t you travel light. F.diaon HJ,gh'a football team, however, never seema to do anything just half way. The Chargers get a head start on the 1982 football season. leaving for Honolulu Sept. 1 for their season opener against Punahou High. · - It was origlnally sc~uled for Aloha Stadium, ala Marina High's 1981 venture, but those plans fell through and the game wiU be played at Kaiser High, near Koko Head. In addition to the varsity game, a sophomore game will precede it at 5 p.m. "It creates a lot of headaches," admits Edison Coach Bill Workman. "Just the sheer logistics, the whens, wheres and baggage."" The Chargers leave Los Angeles Intemtional at l p.m. and when you're moving 450 people, the baggage has to be there the prior evening. But that doesn't allow the Chargers any practice time that day. so instead', they'll work out at 7:30 a.m. for two hours, then strip and send their gear off on a gassed-up truck. Thus, there will apparently be just one practice on Thursday prior to their game with PunaHou. T he Chargers have manufactured a cotJege style press guide, listing all of the goodies for this year and of past accomplishments, and among the press list is the Honolulu Advertiser. PAEP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON best-loved eubjectB, the game received minimum buildup and drew accordingly. The idea of going to Hawaii came a few years ago when t he Ch argere tried to schedule Kamehameha High, but s&edule~conflicts wouldn't allow it. And the Chargers were trying to get out of town with their a ct against Moeller High of Cincinnati. "l talked to (Gerry) Faust about Moeller," says Workman, "whlch would have been this year. But the next thing we knew Moeller had scheduled Servite and that was that." The obvious d istractions notwithstanding, there are also the problems of readying oneself for the next game (El Dorado). while maintaining vacation-style living through Tuesday. There is no film processing available, thus the Ch~gers have ~ get their game film back to the mainland, have 1t processed, then get it back in order to start wor king out the wrinkles. "We have to see the film and we have to run and li~t at the university (Monday and Tuesday, follow mg the Punahou game)," says Workman. Edhon High AthletJc Dtn..-cwr Lyman Clower saya Ediaon la tryinlJ to Une up Mt. Whitney H.igh for a non-league football game In 1983. Mt. WhJtney la a regular in aome of the better paselng league tournaments In the Southland during the summers. always showing well. • • • The new lights a t Newport Harbor Hlgh's Davidson Field registered 65 toot candles between the hash marks from goal llne to goaJ line and 55 foot candles overall when they were tested after installation. The only d rawback, according to Newport Harbor Athletic Direct.or Bill Piu:lca, is that punt returners may have a hard time picking the ball up out of the lights because of the fact the'lights are low and close to the playing surface. Orange Coast College. as a measuring Stick has lighting around the eqwvalent of 55 foot candies. • • • Newport Harbor has come up with a twist in baseball -hiring Dan Blood and Wayne Heck to co-coach the Sailors in 1983 as replacements for Rolf Schwalbe. The two applied for the job in that manner as walk-on coaches. Blood, a product of Cal Poly Pomona and the Minnesota Twins organization, is a 35-year-old Newport Beach resident and the fundamentalist. · Heck, out of San Diello State and with expt!rien<.-e at Sa11tee'1 Santana Hlah. la the PR ~n -which as the toui<her job (keepln6J Newport boosters In a state of serenity) Heck, 34, U1 a Corona del Mar res1dent. • • • University High has lost a pair of coaches - Bob Messina and Don Christ.en.sen have given up their responslb11itl.es as track and crosa country coaches. Replacing them are Dave Furland, Brian Hunsaker and Janice Rolfing. • • • Marina High volleyball roach Tim Reid has changed has mind and will stay with the Vikes. He says the assistant's job at George Mason University wasn't all that peachy. Maybe he just found out his worth at Marina aft.er saying goodbye. • • • CHECKI NG AROUND -The University of Kansas is checking out another Edison athlete for scholarship possibilities -tennis star Brad Parker . . Huntington Beach basketball coach Roy Mlller says a recent Los Angeles T1mes article claiming 6-7 sophomore Jamel Garner is headed for Inglewood High-is false. The Oilers were 2 1-2 during the summer (without Gamer) ... Edison linebacker J .T. Thomas IS the son of former use. Minnesota Vikings and San Diego Chargers standout John Thomas, who IS said to still be in playing shape. "Maybe people will wake up -we're in the boonies at Kaiser. you know," says Workman.- thinking out lo ud that his Chargers could conceivably draw a crowd in Hawaii. Maybe, maybe not. Marina certainly did not. The Vikings went over there a year ago and played to less than 1,000 in spacious Aloha Stadium. Although high school football is one of Oahu's "And at the same time, there's all of the other stuff -snorkeling, the cultural center, P earl Harbor . . . El Dorado is just going to love every minute . of it. We're just asking to get our fannies kicked real good." SUPER FITNESS WOMEN PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE OLD DAYS Now Mi n-Eds mob1h> ovens speed dehc1ous p1p1ng not pizzas to your lloor rn minutes For promnt service pl'10ne 646-7136 tNPwPort Beat.h Costa Mesa-t7th ancJTuslln) or 847-1214 (Huntington Beach-Beach and Heil). Get the Pizza with Pizzaz SALE SKI ITEMS SRIS THE Sl(I -The moat unique free:style ski on the matket ROSSIGNOL 626 -Quick turning compact ski for UGULU ... $335.00 lntumcdlate altlen ............ . BIRD IR GS •SALOMON 7~7E .. .. , ... SALOMON 727 SALOMON 626 'TYltOUA 360D 'GEZE SE . LOOI< 77R (GRAND PRIX) POLES BOOTS RAJCHLE ROCl(ET -Comfortable de11an with lood cdlfe control .......................................... . • RAJCHLE OMEGA -Flt, comfort and atyle (or active women 1klcrs ................................................ . NORDICA COSMOS -The ultimate In nt, comfort, atylc and prtcc .................................................. .. •ta o....,. alJ hU.rtoe ,.o,.. o.Sy 170.00 175.00 145.00 145.00 ,l/2 PRICE •ALL 1982 MODBL BOOTS ·ALL 1982 MODBL s1as , {l.latW Sos.ct ... ) ·1.0....,. ............... ..., PUtLDTO• 2520 E Chapnwn J bloclu w of 57 Fwy 17M171 CBUITOS Los Ctnilot C.n1tr bttwttn Nords1romt a Stert Zl311Z .. llZI SALE ........... SIH.U 78.H tt.U 18.U H .U ..... ..... 74.U 24.N .. ... .. ... ..... 20%-50% OFF ALL FASHION SWIMWEAR SELECTED SPORTSWEAR SELECTED TENNISWEAR 1/2 PRICE ALL WARM-UPS OCEAN PACIFIC OFFSHORE ULTRASPORT LAGUNA RAISIN BARE NOTHINGS WINNING WA VS COURT CASUALS JOBBERS STUBBIES ADIDAS SPEE DO HEAD BOAST RIHA SKI SPECIALS aoss1G•Ot STS ......, ........ $419.95 SALB $319.11 Toa left ...... 9100.07 K2 410 ......, ........ un.15 SAii $274.11 ToaS,,.. .. _ . .,, MS.07 aossJG•Ot 53 ............. U M .IS s••BS2M.•• Y•"'" •.•••. llJG.07 • Pr'ICll lndude cuaeo.n btndln1 lnatallatlon Subject to atock on hand OIAllGB 1902 E l<Altclle I block w o( SS Fwy 131-lllO MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES : t MOOE RN EXERCISE EQUIPMENT FOR WOMEN t SAUNA & JACUZZI t SUNAOOM t NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING FREE CHILD CARE! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR WOMEN HOURS: 6 AM·10 PM MON.·FRI .. 9 AaH PM SAT. & SUN. AEROBIC EXERCISE CLASSES Bv Crndy Collm s Ae ·oh1cs ltd N1.11 lllP111h•r r it•· ">1l 1hl•· S l '>U 1·•·r '' •\ SUPER FITNESS FOR WOMEN MISSION VIEJO 24194 ALICIA PARKWAY AT MUIRLANOS EJ . 770-3200 ~ PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED [_.=J UGUST 22 BACRPACRING . I --",~-, :r '>---~--~ """'....._ ...... _.iflJff. .. ~~tttiu.. 40% Off All TU11"1SE GOOS! DOWJJ suu1•c JAGS n.. Orwa1 bat In the world Suaca•~ ntall S334.00 to S448 00 SALE S 1 H .00 to S2U.OO COUIUJI REG SALE PEAX I STOVE S40 00 $28.U KIUO VAGABOND COOKSEY 16.95 12.U Cu•tom 11rvnt1 w/Hud Graphllc tlrlnQ. Pll•Cll CLASSIC II 95 00 C\dlom •trunc w/U<>lna alrlnt. T&tlAJUL YFG45 . . . . 126.00 Mld.atn Ober~ .. and traphlt.. Cuttom •tnlnl w/Gnpllltc •111,,,.. WATER SPORTS llOUT BOOGIZ ~A.IDS AUSSl'E II NORTH SHORE '1>0at ~T" by Voll "4lvclOr1'* FlrslOuaU!y REG . $39.95 55.95 29 95 H .88 ..... SALE $2t.U l t .N 18.H lflD OCEAlflA ... . llEC. SALB . S24.95 ... lt.M Mme. IAdla & IUda Our mo.I popular •h~ LADY ALL COURT (I Stj>dl) CKll.DllNS CUlTCAHVAS 24.95 17.M .. 19.95 U .N DWPORTIUCB Ful\loh lti.nd bttwttn Butfumt l B~dw•y M4-2Ul 4 4 q • 0 0 a s $ 4 4 0 0 * ¥ a ; e t • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, Auguet 18. 1982 -... llCIHT" llAC:I J'IO y.,CU / I ~'' ~t\\~ ._ ~~~h:' •• 9-: Te•M 001 000 000 0)-4 1 O KOC).,,..an. t1110)111 (9). Lemp (111 AM Hu , Scnmldt, Mlt'al>Olia ( 11). 011W1n (II) ana ISunel-11 W U•tW111 I.II II) L U tnp (8·111 ~ • t I" MAJOR LIAQUll ITANOINQI AIMfloen LMOue ftlftllNOMIJON A .... Kanaaa Clly ClllCllQO S..111¢ 061tlancl , .... MlflnOaOla W l ~I. QI 118 50 578 117 51 ~ ' &4 53 611 'l'h 59 eo 4116 a• .. $3 87 442 tfl •7 89 405 20 40 78 339 28 I AITUl.N DIVlllOH MllWtu-• BoalOl'I Biii""°'• Detron New YOik c..,,..ena lOIOttlO 68 •9 S81 &4 S3 547 I G1 55 528 8'" 80 $e 508 8'" 58 59 49e 10 57 59 491 10.,, 58 &3 479 t2 ,.__., •• korH A,... 10. Botton 2 Cleveland 8-9. T0tonto 5.5 Seente 5-2, Oelron 4.3 KllnNI City 8. New YOtl\ 4 Bal\llTIO(¢ fl, Mlnn¢9011 4 THU 4. CllleeOO 3 (1' 1nn1ng1t Olklll\d 10, Mllw ... kH 8 Toda1'•0-B0t\on tludOt 8·91 at AftV'lle (Wiii 1·3>. n Cleveland (8a•kt1 I 1·81 " Toronto (Slleb 13·11), n SNltle (Ptlry 7-10) el 0.1100 (P••'Y 12·7), ,, Kan••• City (Froat &-4111 Naw Votk (John 9·8)," l!lalllmot• (Palm111 9~) •• MlnnHota (VIOia 3 ... ). n Chicago (l1ou1 11·71 at Te.a• (hn•t1a 5-13). n Miiwaukee (McClure 9·4) el OOtaflO tNotrta. S.11. n Net~L ... ue WHTUIN DMfiON .,....... AllMI• San Otego Stn Ftanct9Clo HouttOtt Clnctnnall w l ~l Ge 68 53 SS• 83 SS 534 2'" 83 56 5211 3 fl2 !'>8 517 • ., .. ~ ~ 458 11'-> .. 75 370 22 IAl"ffN>I 04V1SION SI LOUIS Pllllellelphla MonlrMI Plllabu<Oll N-York Ctlleego 118 so 576 68 52 559 2 63 55 534 5 6• 57 517 7 so 17 427 17'h 51 89 •25 18 TUHC1e1'• S.-De .. .,a •, Ct1lca110 I ( 17 Innings, suapended. d111llnea) MonlrNI 13-3, Allenta 7-2 (2nd game 10 Inning•) Cincinnati II, New Yori< 2 Pltltl>vfgll •. 8111 Fr anclllCO I St. Loui1 3, 51111 01¢0o 2 Houa•on 2. Pttlladelplt.la o Toder'•O..... 0.--(AtuH tO·t) al C~lc.go (Bird 1· tO), ~ ( 111 game t:0mplellon ol au.pended gllm4ll San Francia()() (M1rH11 5-11) •I Plltaburgh (D. Aoblneon 13.e), n Sen Ol~o (Hawkins 1·21 al SI Louie (Foncn 11.71. n Monl•ut (Oulllctcton 9·91 11 Atl•n•• tCamp 7·fll. n Haw York (Z1chry 6·•) •I C1nc1nn1t1 tP1110<e 8-9), n Pllllad4!4pn11 (Krutcow I I· 7) •• Hout1on (J Nlel1tO 11·9),,, ArMriceft LMQue A'e 10, .. ...,..e Mllwtuk.. 002 000 0 13-6 14 0 Oallland 203 400 t011-10 IS 2 Hau Augu1!1ne (•). Btrnard (4) 1no S1mmon1. Langford J Jon"' (9), T UllCWwoO<l (11) anCI M Heeth W-LanglOtd (9·13) L-Hau (9·8) HRt-Oel!l•na Arma ( 19) M ............ 0-(24~ Yount 2 (22~ A-12,692 HR Taoa. Ho.1eu .. t2)1 A •.~17 """QA.Ma .... .._. .. fleet.I'. a .. 111• 001 oo. ooo & e 1 0.11011 000 003 00 l'lill • 0 I B Clark. S1an1on (01. Caudlll (II) eno 9,...1, Wile;O•, Jemea (fl). Ruc:ll .. 171 and L P1trllh w B Clari. (3·01 L-Wll(,0• ,,.,, S-Caudlll 122). HRa-SNU•. Aev1111t1g (GI 0.11011. WochnluH (4), Turllef (81 llCOHO QolM41 Tlt.,aJ,MatlMn a Sa11111 020 000 000 :1 fl 0 Dell041 020 000 10. !I 5 0 StO<ld•rd ana Bulllno. Palhnk:k. Toolk t8) •no Fanr; W Paahfltck 13·41 L S!o<ltt~rr1 O-•I s fobl~ (7) HRt-8Nlll¢, 0 Or•y (II, T Crur (I 11 D•holl l emon 2 ( 121 A 17,697 FllllT QAME 11\dlena e, et-Jayo I Ci.•elend 020 001 111 fl 1:) t TOIOfllO 002 020 100 5 9 2 Wt111aon. Glynn t71 Spt1lt1a• (II) end Heney l•al O Murray 161. J MclllUQl'lln 181 ano Wl\111 W-Sp11ln•1 t9·7) l J McLaUIJlll•n (8·5~ HRs-Cle•elano Mannino (71. T11orn1on (27} T0ton10, Upsttaw 2 C lllJ NCO..OOAME ll>dlatl• I, .._ Jara s Ltevetano 032 210 001-9 10 o T 0<on10 000 020 10? 5 8 3 S1.11e11tte. Spillne< 191 ano Banoo, o ..... Scnrom 131 Garvin 171 at1d wn111 W Su1clllle 110·A) l -Oelael I 1. 11 HAa Cleveland. Banao 121 TOIOfllO, Pow1111 (31 Roylla I, YIMlkHt 4 KanaM City 21 I 000 O•O 8 6 3 New Yori( 000 102 001 4 t5 I Splll!Oftl, Hood (71 •t;id Wetllen. MO•o•n. Ff&tlef 13), leRoche (8') at1d C.rona w So1111or1 t8·61 L Mo•van (6-8). S Hood ( 11 HRs-N ... V0tll, W1nllelcl 21221 K•llSlll Clly. A11let1a (7). A-24,S32 OriO!e• I. Twin• • Belllmore 00 I 133 000 8 8 O MlnMSOta 002 010 001-1 tO • Flan11gan. S1oodarcl (9) and Oompsayk O'Conn0t. Llllle {5). Boris 181 Incl l auoner W-Ftat1egen (9· 10). l -O'Connot (6·4J HRS BaJllm0<e, R1Qlle<1 (17). E Murrey t 181, Dav .. (fl). Roeoi<:ae t20> Mlnneaota. Oae111 (19) A-8,407 Natloftal LMglM FllllTQAM£ h-IS ... eve.7 Montreat 143 002 300 13 II 1 Allenta 010 100 500 7 9 5 Lea, Scnatnoer (7) B Sm11n t 7) eno Ce•••• Wal~. c DIH (4). Hra()Oelly 171 Moore (8) and S1netro W-lea t t0-61 L Walk (10.91 HRs-Montreal Oa .. 1on (15) Allanla Cnambllss PSI H COM>OAME EapoaS. ...... 2 MonttH l 000 010 001 I J 12 2 Allat1la 100 100 000 0 2 7 0 Burris Reardon (81. Fryman ( •O> a nd Catter; Manie<. Garbe! t 10) encl 8et1ed1CI W-Reaodon (5·21 L-M1n1er (8·91 S Fryman (91 HR-Mon11eal Speier t•l A-23,T84 PlfatH 4, Olarolt I San Frenclsco 000 001 000 I 2 2 P1111our9n 001 120 00• -4 10 2 Hamaker, f1oll1111d (611 •• Brelnlnp (fll and May; Rhoden ano Pone n RllOdon (7. ' ', L-Hama•er (8·71 HR Pl\hburgll. J ThOmPSOn (231 A-I 1.345 A.elroe 2, PlllHIM 0 P111ladelph11 000 000 000-0 !> O HouatOtt 0 II 000 OOa -2 9 I Chttslensen. McGraw (II). Farm"' (81 and B Ot1.1. Ruhl• ond l<nleeiy W-Ruhle t7·11> L-C1it111enaen.t7·81 A-19.725 C.,dlnelaJ,Ped<" 2 Sen Diego 000 000 200 2 9 I SI Louis 000 001 101-3 8 I ShOW. Luc;.as (7), DeLeon (9) and Sw•tnet. Anou1er. Suiter (9) a nd 0 Porter w Sv11 ... 8·5 L-lucu. o-g A-27 179 ~·.-·2 New y °"' 000 200 000-2 • 0 ClnCtnnlll 031 101 30a 9 I I 0 Ownbey. HMlll!lan (fll Ra Jones (81 and HodlJU Solo and Trevtno W-Solo 10·11 l-Ownbey (0.1) HR--YOik Staub (3) C1ne1nnali. Cor\G8C)dOn (3~ A-12 03 t Ml.IC NOTICE PtBUC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE e Ol fOM tw<Y1y /b h •n• rt Hl;.IMJla rt Rll:a II &ue•" Y11tn•• on 1 antl1>1d lb l llj)llll lb n l.l111a1 ct Hoffman .. ValdN u AlltlltOfl G l•'·~ r. ... 11111 io10 lOOO 1000 3000 1000 JOOO •OOO 4 I I 0 :J I J I •ooo 20 I I ,000 2000 CALWOMllA. =vb" l\e.KIUllt <f n C1111t '' Baylul OI• l ynn '' S..11Qu•• ~I R J<:ltlll JO GrlGll 1o Wtll()n9 ~O ~ .. guto<• ~ Foll .. ... ,,."' •It 1 H)O I Ip 0 tOOO • I I 2 3 I 1. 10 I 0 •01t 4 I I I 000(1 3 I 1 I •ooo loiat.• J8 2 I ' I Ottlt 34 tO I I 10 ~ .... , lflnl"I• Oot1011 000 000 002 2 Callfomla 20:1 2!l0 IOa 10 E Wllt011g LOB 80110<\ 9. Collf0tnl1 ~ 2B 11t111y. Caraw. R Miller, Valcle1 HFI Oayl01 119), Downing t 19t. Grtch t t31. I ynn t 1 Tl. I ••ov•oo (2) 89 Remy 1~ loeton ti' H II Ill •• 10 019()1 (U 0) '.l'" 6 6 G 2 J APol11e 21• 1 3 l I ) llVlll 2 l I I I I Celll0tnla "•"' 1w.2 11 " a 1 a Hauler I O O O O O Tian! DllCll.O 10 3 ll•ll•n Ill Iha 9th T ~ ~4 A ln,o~ 1 Anoet Her119H eATTINQ Al II H Hll 1181 Peil Au JaCl<aun !Ob 12 34 2 t8 32• c., ... 354 58 106 I 30 :Hl9 Oo!C111C•• ... 87 123 24 1• 297 L~nn 38i ,. "' 17 69 291 Oowrunu 448 83 129 Ill t 5 t 288 eaniq ... , 102 15 211 ' 9 215 Re Ja<;kton 3fl2 6• 10• 27 89 2n B•ytot •S7 57 123 19 73 269 C..ICh 381 so 10t 13 53 265 "°" 375 40 98 2 •5 2fl t Boone 343 29 89 • 43 259 Clatll. , , 9 16 2 s ns " .. Pcu'°" 67 1 IS 2 1 22• Wllong 136 t7 25 I 9 •8• Burki.on •5 4 1 0 2 156 K .. let1er 35 s 2 0 0 057 fOl811 4024 587 1098 134 552 273 PIT CHINO IP " II 10 W·L £AA 11aul1t1 61 •3 34 32 2·1 '92 Ti•nt 18'~ 19 5 18 2.t 2 95 Staner 3 3 • 3 0-0 300 Will 1211n 114 •O 63 7.3 3 03 Aose 52 45 23 40 3.3 3 46 For11en 179"'· 169 •8 63 10·8 3 76 Renko 139'" t•O •• 69 10·• 3.81 ZaM 166'• 16S 53 61 •3·5 3 83 111aon 91.,, 8• 33 SS 6·4 3 93 Sancne1 59'1) 61 25 39 4·2 3 94 00112 61.,., 62 25 JS 6-4 A 82 ro1e1s 1016''> 1020 392 542 llll·!>O 3 74 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodger• 2. Cube 2 LOI ANQElfl CHICllOO ab," bl Su ?b 8 0 2 0 Sndb111 lb lonoru cf 8 O 2 O Sowa u Bake< 11 7 0 I 0 Bucllnr lb Gutmt1 rl 8 o 1 0 Ourhat1 ct Cay 3b 6 0 2 0 John11n 11 G••••y lb 7 0 I 0 Jfl Motl• cl Ruuell H 5 1 I 0 S lhpsn rl S<:>oac1a c • O 2 • J 01•15 c Betanor D< o o o o Hend"" 11 Yfl"IJtr c 3 0 1 0 J f\encJy 2b Hooton o 2 O O O Noles p Ortaph tOOO w111spn N1.0ttflh P 0000 l1clrowp Mondy ph I 0 0 0 MOltnnr ph S Howe D 0 0 0 0 Le Sm•lh p Roenc:k ph I 0 I 0 Woods ph Stf!wafl p 0 0 0 0 Proly p Marahl pn I 0 0 0 C1tmpbel p Forst9f p O O 0 O Morino ph Bec~w•h p 1 o o o Wrlgnt D 0000 ab r 11 IM 8 I I 0 i 040 10J1 6020 2000 3010 1000 6000 6020 7020 tOOO 1000 0000 1000 0000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ro1a1t 6:1 1 11 • Totals 60 1 t6 1 Scot• by Inning• Los Angeles 010 000 000 000000 00 t Ch1ceoo 100 000 000 000 000 00-1 Game suspenaea because 01 darkness Oller I 7 1nn1119s E Bucllt1e< 2 Ruasetl OP-Los At1qeles I, Chicago I LUli-LOS Angel•• 15. Cnte.0110 14 28 Ourl'lem 2 Russell. Cev se Lat1dreeuM (25), Sendl>tltg 1261 Baker r 131 S Sowa. J Oa•tt l.,. t."9¢1" IP H R Ell II SO Hooton 6 • • 1 • 2 N~enlu"' 2 3 O 0 0 2 S Howe 2 2 O o 1 3 S1twat1 1 I 0 0 0 I < n•llflt I 0 0 0 I I Becll ... lh 3' I s 0 0 I 2 Wrlghl •, 0 0 0 0 0 Clllcaeo NOIH Tt<lrow la Smith Proty Campl>ell WP L1 Sm•lll 5 • I 1 ' I 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 5 0 0 5 I 0 0 A-26,576 l'talC NOTICE I 3 I 0 0 2 ' 0 I 3 )M NOTICI Of' 8TOCK UU TCM)TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th•I .Oil. AllOtJSI 19, 1982 al 3:00 p,m e $1\dWlt AuC11on Of •II IHUed •nd ~•no _,. .. o1 c.p11a1 11oc1t olWJcO. LITTLE ENTERPRISES, a t~Mldml• Corporation wllt be held 11111oe 1 Teller Avenue, Suite 120A, ......,.,.. 8eectt, Clllfornl•. ld""'bil•ll•d Oronge COHI O•lly 4>UtnJ'lllug. 14, t5, 111, 17, 18, 1982 NOTICE OF DRATH OF ALFRED DUPONT AND OF P ETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-11Ut3. FteTmoua ttUa .. aa NAIK 8TATU•NT FICTTTIOUI llU ..... H NAME ITATIMIENT 384•·82 To all h eirs. beneficiaries, c redi t o r s, contingent creditors, and persons who may be otherwise in terestecl In the w i ll or estate o f : ----------ALFRED DUPONT. Ml.IC NOTICE A petition has been filed -,. ACTIT10U8 ..,..... b y Elizabeth C. Dupont in .. ,... ITATDmNT the Superior Court of &nTh1 lollo•t11g pz19on la doing O r a nge County requesting The loltowlng peraon 11 oorng bualneu u . t<AM LAWN SERVICE. 821 Maple S1r .. 1, La Hebra. CA 9063 t KEITH ALAN MALLEY. 621 Maple, LI Habra, CA 9063 t Thia bualllfta Is conducled by an lndlvlduel. Kellh A Melley This 1>us1ness is conducted by an l11dtvldval Keith A Malley Thia statement was ltled with lhe County Cieri( or Orange Coun!y on AugvSI 2. 1982 F1M4t7 Publlslled Orange Co111 Deity Piiot, Aug 18, 25, Sept 1, 8, t982 The lollowlng person Is doing bu .. _ .. SAV·MOR DEVELOPMENT. 3001 Red Hill, Bldg 5. Solle 108. Cotla M .... , CA 92628 • Biiiy Ray Meecham, 117'"' 42nd SI , lffwporl, CA 92883 Thia bualneaa le conducted by an Individual Biiiy R Meacham Thia at•lement was ftled wiln the Counly Clerlt uf Orange County on Aug 6. 1982 F194153 Published Orange Coast Oally Piiot. Aug 11. 18, 2S, Sept I, 1982 3S2T·82 3681-82 ---Pl&.--IC_NO_T_ICE __ _ ~~. 2005 w. 881t>oe Blvd . that ~beth C . Dupont be ~ eeacn. CA 926e3 appointed as personal 11. Jim Converae J• . 2005 w representative to adminisler P\lll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI euaeNEas UTT\.I LIAOUC ,,., ........ iaftlot Mtnot WOltd ~ 1alhftM,...,I V ... ._,. (l'Wf'le '""I'° -...nw9M I Vega a.1a 100 n o 1 • • ~ noblowo<KI 000 000 2 2 9 2 SartlOt and I_, Uln>« l...o.<t tel end Hate>e< w !>a11100 L ui.n.r 211 Jenlllu• IRI 1~R1 ltallaliaugh 1111 l'lnlOI tV•I Ot"'4f .... l.lbe<lyvtlle (ltlln<>la) 9 ll•al0<Cl IP-1•,.•r•I 1 hcle1'•k ...... .1 'II '" I amp.t Oay (FI01IO•I •• Vega B•J• (Pu41flU R"°l O JO pm Saa1010 ID•l•w•t•I n fluOihwOO<l '""•adaf• ao-.. !I a rf'I L11>er1yv111e (lllinOlt l •• h ropa Bav V90a Baja ""llfler s 30 p m.. Aol>ln,.OOCl·d•••oro wlnntr '° t•mP• B•y·V9QI 8111 IOMI r1101r • IJ0"4CllHO J pm Io-t blacket (on• 9am•I .. IUINJ'• 9Gf1Hule :1 p m Cn11mptont11111 gam41 (•tt1:ont:l game 10 lullow 11 S II wlnn•1 • O•ac••1 flllalial IOHt lirtl ljllm¢) 11·12·r•er-old• (al ae11 a.tN11dlno) T~J'ako<H c•tnole lllmlna!IOll) LIDby (MOf!flllll fl. Cody (Wyom1no1 0 K•m•ohe Cllawall) 9 Lit V911aa C<inh al 0 T on'9111'• 0-.. ~ 30 p m Ulan VI KO<lla~ (AIUllll 8 p m Cnuit v1111 vt K1t1n• tMO<ld Rivet 0teoon1 Cofl Leegue WOftd lleflH (al uleJ•lle. Ind.) Pue<to Roc:o 2. Bar Cny tMoc:n1gan1 o GrMntl>OtO (NC fl, R1ven1de (Ca"' > 0 (RIVttftid• tli1millal¥0) Tocur'• o- B•v Clly •• GrHnabO<o Loe Alemllo• l UUDAY'I RHUlTI (flnal nlqlll ot t2-dal• qu.,l•rllotH mHlln9) FIRST llACI. 440 y1rd6 B1snop Cal (Heit) 4 80 3 10 3 00 Autocrauc (Paul1ne1 • B 80 ~ 00 fra11n (C11roo1a) 6 40 Also racoo Jimmy You110, PurrHy, 8foo In The Purple. lo Ploy Me Nol. Stutlto Ot1ve, Ory Palen lJream """"'' Time 22 2!> $2 U ACTA (7·51 paid SS8 20 SECOND RACE. 350 yards Jiiter Buv Bena ll:rg•I 24 80 1 I 60 5 10 Golla 841 Proper wau•tne) ~ 40 3 60 H.,a Cule (Harl) 3 80 Also •e<:e<I Ousltn Gold Mttl•• Etty 10 Bree1y Bully Country 11a111e1 R1charo Ferguson B19 l im e Copy Mou DouDI• Rebel Tome 18 01 THIRD llACl. 400 t••d1 Request Charg~ (Paul1ne1 1 20 ~rales (A~ue<>) J•m,111 (Harl) Also raced Country Pa .. sn My Fllglll Pian E11n1 Luc:k rime 20 IS FOUR04 llACf. 400 y•tot 3 20 2 20 3 20 2 •O 2 •o OtovervtHft N11v9f Sllorl (Creaget) 16 80 6 20 3 60 Oue l~t tArmsHOOg) 5 60 3 00 Rockllbo tCardozal i 60 Also 1 a<:ed Mo .. ng ~lt1d• Mat1 Pnde 01 Devil. Tip You• Hal R11c1ium Back Jee• Have Bame Time 2007 S2 UACTA (I 71 patd $81 60 Yo~~~:c'!A8,lM~1U:~:i 6 00 3 40 2 60 3 40 2 •O 2 60 S••P•• Square St lgnaous tCrHi)el) Sound Ventur11 tlack11yl Also raced Tiny r ro1n. PubllC Alt81t Time 19 90 SIXTH llolCE. J!>O y81ds Te•as Truck (818YIMll B 40 • 80 3 •O Champion Al Play tBa•dl b 80 5 20 Jet Set Reb (Ada111 6 20 Also •KOO LOOIUtl ~°' llY• My Llllkl Son Easy Lam A lu•e Hope Roanau<t Sr tidy Moon S1r Tome lfl 09 S2 EXACTA (8·71 p1ld '42 ~ SIEVfNTil llACIE. 870 yatcls FIHI Mtel<ey ltien1 • 00 Maeno Miio (Pauhnal Pat Oue tCntveil Also raced Bound Pasaem FINI (Aipld, "-8t Roc11e1 Tome 45 fl9 ta EXACTA I 1-31 petcl S 1 I 80 Pl&.IC NOTICE 260 260 300 '60 3 eo lees M110 l••lun flect.e,I 1 to J 00 l tO AutlnlnQ Ol91 ICtMO«J ) 40 3 60 llaybo f'_,H,,.1 I IO Al•O 1eoeo Rcx;1>.e11 Oo 01u1 .. lllU•• t aty Ma!_Y.. C.VM Im I all t ne l!Oll "Ultlr a U olC:YA 1• OI 1> .. o 11:1 oo U l't(:I( llX 18 I 2 I I 4) PtlO N .6it 00 •1111 6 •"n11111g llCllel1 Illa 1101 .. ll U Con.olell<N'I Pd SIA paKI I 1'0 20 ""Ill U l wlNIWIO lkok9't (llve ~-) NINf" 11.\C:U 170 ~tr<I• • fh•H Wiid C:11.-J3 8 14 .10 I 60 Mt !\an• (A<lal• I ~ 00 J 80 Ann• HI (H .. tl 2 40 Alto ••<:•<I Travelln Snow 8avan11ah O•mblt1. Town Ancl Bach rtme •~ e1 tt UACTA ( 1 1) paid 'lft I ft() 1•Nflf llACI . l60 ya101 Sllvet ll••y ~o. (A1"1tlQ) 11 :lU 4 dO 3 80 II 20 4 &0 ~ 80 Ralho•ll W•'"' (Hll!ll :i llO 3 00 Julllllla Don (fonkll fl 60 AltO 1aeea. S1lve• Stloell CIOlcl Bro<;hlllO Motel Qraclor Rel>elt St•fll. Cloud 811 .. ~01 TIMe 17 78 ti euc:u t?·41 pa10 '36 40 A1t .. o<la11Ge tO fl46 ATP chemplonchlpe (al lolteon, Otllo) ,,,.t "°"'"' alntlff Jo/In McEntoa IU S I dat Jell Boto..,ak (U S I 4-6 fl·I 6·0. VICIOt Amaya tU S ) def Cntp HOOOtt (Us I 1·6, 1·G. Hen" leConte (Fran~ det Senoy Mayer IU SI. 6·3, 7-4> Guy ForQel (F1enca) del RoSGoa Tinner (U S I 7 ·8, 7 -4 Mika OePalrne< IU S ) del Matk EomonlOO (A111lrallal &-3. 6·3. Vn•t GarulatU1 (US j Oal Jolln Fllrgerald (Auttrlll•I. fl.I 6·1. Bftan Golllll&O tU S I \ del Rock F~el (U.S I. &-I 6·0; Raul Ram1te1 (Mt•ICol Oel Mike E•llP (U S ). 6 3 <S-0 Honlt Plltter (US> aet r111•rry l ulasne (Ft1t1C:A). '2·6 6· 1. 11·3. Jimmy COMOtl (Us I del Mall Doyle (US I. 6-7. 61, 6-0. l•en t 6"dl (CttlCllOstoval(la} daf 010 SIOCklOfl (US). 6·3. 6-4. Sieve O..nlot1 IU S) del Jirl Or&"•' (Czecl'loelova~t•>. 6·2. 2·6. 6·2 Plar•r• Challenge tournament (el Monlrellll a-d Round lfngl .. Ev• Petit (Wast Gtrm•t1y) det Carling BHHll (Canoda). 3·6. 6·2 6-G Bot1nle Gaclusel\ IU S I det Jo Durie (Gtaal Br111lnl 6·0 fl.3. Barbare Htllqulll (U S I de! lvanne Madru9a·Osses (Argen11ne). 6-1 3-6. 6-2. Cainerone Ttnvler !France) <lei Sytvta Han1k1 (Germany1 ~. 7-6. Helena Su•ova 1Czec110Slova1>.1aJ def Bar Dare Poller tU S ). 6 3, 6·1, Martina Nevra111ova IU S ) oel Dianne Fromttonz (Aullrelte). £r2 6 2. Lena S1r1d1n (Sweden) det Tracy ..,ulllt1 (US). oataull Iv• 8u<larova (C1.11Chollova1<1a) Oel 61l1te Jeen l<tno IU S ). oetaun N•llonal Amateur tournament (al Kl .......... Leh. N.Y.) "eeond ~ 11ne1H MEN David L1vtngs1o n 1u S ) det Davia Orem opt (US J. 6·2. 6-2. Stevent0n Clar lie (US ) det N0<man Scltelienget IU S ). 6-3 8 3 Yeye Ooumb11 ISenega11 del Ruben Cruz IU SI 5.7, 7.5 7-6 Rober! Foyoll• (U S ldef MICha• ElnSldler tU S ) 6-3 b·• o..a ... fishing AllT'I lANOfNQ (Newport IHcll) 102 anglers 113 bass, a56 bon110, 804 m•Lkerel. • roe~ lt&h 6 aculpln 5 aneapneao, 2 llall moon DolYEY'I LOCKER (Newpon a..c:tt) - 164 an91ers 503 l>Onlto, 18 callco bass, 1 3•0 m.clterel. '7 und bass. 7 SCulD•n 2 ~a<I DANA. WHAlll' -26 t aog1en 26 I bHS ~b2 DOn•IO. I 'laht>ul, 940 mitekerel 25 •Oci< ''"' llAL eEACH 105 anglera 141 ba111Wda. t 15 :.onuo. t25 <:ahco Dass 110 mlc~eret, 20 rock fish 13 H nd bUt 8 sc:u1p1n • wh<ta "Sii (latrl 87 enote<s II bonito, 6 nat•t>v•. JSO macketel • I ~ o.aa. 275 queen llSll <IOO white t1oak .. I AN DIEOO CHIM Lending) -Ufl eno•• 6S7 aJDecot• Pta.IC NOTICE Pl&.IC NOTICE From Page 86 ANGELS. • • ulllng after that, u T\ant ertiled for t'lght strikeout.a durlnf h.l.1 eight plu. lnnlnp of work ("MY t'ROISLti;M In the late lnMtlJI• waa that I aat I n the dugout too Jo ng. When I w ent b u C'k o u t the r e my 1houlder stlrfent'<I up and it took a little while to w o rk It o ut,'' Tlant exp lained o f h la aeoond v\ctory agains t one def eat "Overall though , l'm n ot tired. 1 fee l prH ty good." "T h ere's not much you can uy about t hat game.'' con ceded Bost on M anag er Ralph H o uk, who almost lool<ed pleued to .ee T1ant playing and winning ln the majors once again. "I thought he threw the ball well. Hi5 stuff wu pre tty good." "l know h e was p itching well in t he M exican Leagve," added Evans, who after striking out all three tunes was replaced by Reid Nic h o ls . "I kno w his reco rd didn't s h o w it, but h e had a good ERA. Tonight, he got everybody o ut with h is hard stuH." Speaking o f hard stuff, the Angels put som e wood into their five homers, with both F e rguson a nd Downing d e liver ing the lo ngest ho mers o f the evening. LYNN, MEANWHILE said he was trying to be more aggressive a t the plate, and it's paying o ff: "I made a f ew adjus tments a couple o f months ago. I'm n ot really h ittin g for average right now. I'm just trying getting the runs in. As long as that style of hitting 1s productive, I'll keep it up .. The Angels pounded out 11 h its, chasing Boston start.er Bob Ojeda (4-6 ) in t h e fourth and then gett.in g three more runs o ff reliever LuLS Aponte. * ANQEl NOTE8: G•me two ot the thtM game setres tonl{jhl pll1 eo.1on·a Joflfl Tuder 1a.g1 •o•ln11 Miil• Wlt1 (7·31 wit11 • 7:35 11ert o r their •4 remaining&-· 1he,Angel• must face ruggfld Eae1wn vt81on opponenta 26 !Imes. In conttHI, l(llt\IU Clly hU jull lour gamea 1em•lnlng •g•m•t the EH• lncludlng one 1onlgt11 ag•lnal 1119 Yank- They h•v• three more 8Qalnt l N9w Yonc •• llOtM In early Seplembef Chtt;-oo, which 81ao remains In Ille pennanl plclure, •lao h•• but •'-games remelnlng with 1119 Eul . . After hillln9 his flf1h tead-oH homer of Ille ~ Sunday, Brien Oownlftt ta one ally o·r the Ame1lc11n League rocoref ao-lleld by ,..._ Jooat (Phlledelphta, f 1948). Eddi• Yoal 10e1ro1t. 1959). Tomm~ ...,.,., (Mllweuk ... 1970) end hf1 CampeMfle (Olltland, t970). The m1Jor le11gue r-d I• 11 Ml by _..., 8ond• (S•n Fr•nclaco, 1973) . t<anMa Clly'a Oen Ou1Mnb4NTy, the H-Coe1• M9M HIQh and Orange Cout ColleQ9 Slit. hie now tellen l)ehlnd MllwaukM'a ..,... f"'9en In uves F1ngere hu 27, ~o.rry 2t. Wttll Ills lwo u vH Mond•:oiiglll In • Cfoubi.· llHder sweep 01 1119 .... 111¢ YllM-· a-ao..._. now has 5. 11 you·,. ClUf1ot.la the A11ge11· cvffent le.CSeta (n01 counting Doug C«belt who la In SPOii-) are 0- A-and ANfot HNeAw with lour flC>leoe . "'otme< Or•(!ll9 Cou t ColteQ9 and Anzona St el• 1111 KeYln "°'"'"9, playing for Botton'• Wlnt•r H•ven ferm club. went 3-for-4 Monday NOTICE~ A~ATl<>f' N 0 T I C I 0 F N 0 N • FICTITIOUI IU8tNEH NAME ITAHMElfT flCTITIOUI llU8tNEl8 TO HU llllUOM--..rt The following peraons ere oc>111g bualneas aa· J & L ENGINE ROOM. It 115 Cond0< Avene, Fountain Velley. CA 92708 JEAN L MA SON . 8400 Edinger, R-107. Hunlington Beech, CA 92647 LARRY MASON. JR , 8400 Edinger. R· 107. Hvnt111gton Belch, CA 926-47 This buelness 1s conduottld by a general partnerslllp Jean L Mason This s111ement was llled wttn the Cou11ty Cieri< ol Orange County on Avgu11 16, 1982 F11M71 Pvbllshed Orange Cout D•llY Pllo•. Auo 18 25. Sttp1 •. e . 1982 :1670-82 MAMIE 8TATElllllNT ALC~IC HVUlolQEI Noltce la tlereby glv411 lhe1 Ille Tiie louowlng peraon is doing 1·17~ under81Qned wll1 '101 be reaponelble bullnesl u . To Whom II May Concern for eny deb II or ll1bllltle1 C 0 A S l JA N IT 0 RI A L STANFORD HOUSE INC 11 contrlcied by enyone other than SERVICES. 19 t26 Magnolla St applying to the Depar1men1 ot mY"!I. on or•"" 11111 d111. Sulfe 203B. Hunttnglon S(!a<:tt. CA Atconollc Beverage Conlrol tot "4 7" Del.a lhta 2nd d•p ol A119vtt, 92646 On Sale G11nt1<al (Pub Ell. Pl.) lo tQfl2 Bryan I S a Id Iv a r. 2 2 815 8 llell alaollollc beveragea al 181128 Suzanne More!M>u• Flamingo St Grona Terrace. CA MagnOllo, Fountain Valley 92708. 211• Monrovia All9nUO. 92324. Published Orange Cou1 Dally Cos1e Mou . C alifornia Thia bu1lnHa 11 condllcifl<1 by an Piiot, Aug. t8, 1ge2 3613·82 g2g~7bllilled Or•nge Coa1t D•ll• lndlvldual ' eryin1 Saldlver PtJBl.IC NOTICE Piiot. Augual 11, 12, 18, 1982 Tiiis ai11emen1 wH flltld with the ------------3687-t2 County Clett. of Orange County on FICTm:U~'~etMte Auo 6, 1se2 F1Ma57 NAM€ aTATIEMINT Put>llslled Orand• Coast Dally Tiie fol10w1ng l>fl<90<IS ire dOlng Piiot, Aug 11, 18, 25, Seol 1, 1982 bual:;s~A~~E MAZDA. 1425 Baker Pl&.JC NOTICC 3552'82 Street. Cost• Men. C11llfornl1 92626. L.EQA&. NOnc. "'Of'OND 11a.a llUOQET '°" The Coa11 Community Colleg9 ,..._ Bhld .. ~ BNc:h. CA the estate of the deoedent. NA• 8 TATIM£HT -Th I · FICTITIOUa llU ... 88 The following person I• doing ...,..._.,,,.,8 .... ....,., a.ifThis· bu8lneta 11 c;cH>duc:1ed by •n e. pet tlo n r~quests ~ aTATWMIEHT oualneu as. .. ....... ""' -- MIRACLE MOTORS, INC a Ca111orn11 corporallon 136'"' North Larct1mot1t Blvd . Sune "A" Loa A11oetes. CA 9000• Dl atrltil p1op0 Hd budge t for t982-a3 wlll be •valleble for publlc tn8P¢Ctlon at Dlttrk:t Admlnll1tallon Ott~. 1370 Adame A--. Coe!• M .... CA trorn AUQ\191 23td 1twOUQf1 Augull 281h, 1912 betwffn 1"- nout• of 1:00 a.m """ •:.30 p.rn TM pu\Mlc: ,_111g on the PtOOOe«1 ~ lor 1N2:63 wlll be held 91 t370 Adam• Avenue, Coeta Mete. CA on $ep14'"ber 1. t"2 el 1:00 p.m ~uel. aulhon ty to adrruruster the The lol>owlng per1on ta doing COMPUTECH RESOURCES. Pl&.IC NOTICE NAME ITATWlftNT Jim eon-Jr es t a t e u n d e r t h e ~ u 173 Broadw•y. Co•re Men . CA TIMI loltowlng 114'~• are 00tno •• .. RS W 5 O 7 S OllANQE COUNTY HAlltlOfl OUllneat H ••rfThl• lllt-t WU nled with Ille Independent Administration "'"' HA . 4 th I • 92627 JUOtCIAl 048TllltCT EGADD ENTERPRISES. 17796 'c:i..ully Clef1t of Orange County on of Estates Act. A hearing on H11n11ngton BMch. CA 92&44 . T I mo I h y SI m a r d . 1 7 3 MUNIC•AL COURT Olk SHeel Founlaln Valley CA This business II ~ondUC1ed by • corporetlon Mltacle Motora. Inc Ale• N C1mpbell, PrM. IA'4t1A. tt82. ,,.._ the petition will be held o.n S HM"tfa °'~--~h'c"'.: t502!.81th Broadway. Coal• Mase. CA 92827 ..a1 J"'"°'" 8hd. 927011 -'. un ngton .,_,.,,, ,.. .,.. Tllta bulllnesa la conducted by an EMERSON D OAVIS, 17796 ·r1.f'Ubll1ll9d Ot•nge CoHt Dally September 8, 1982 a t 9:30 This bus!,_ It conduct«! by an 111dlVldual P ""'r" -..Ch, CA t2'IO Oek Street. Fountain Valley, CA Tiii• stalemen• ..... II*! with 1119 Col.Inly Ctetll of Otange Cou111y on 1P6a1;1Aug. 11, 18, 25, Sept t, 1982 •.m . In De"""'rtinont 3 located lfldlvldval Timothy p Slm••d LAIN IFF Ray Aedeboe Uncolfl "2708 3 ..... •2 .--·-• .__ ... O Shaw Thi t 1 n'-" ~11 .. _ Mercury. Inc. a C e lllotnl• • ........... at 700 C1·vi·c Center Dr1've ...,., .. ,. 1 ala emen was ........... t 1o.., CAROL A DAVIS. 17798 01k AuguSI 13, 1982 Publlthad Orengo CoHI Dally PllOI. Aug. 18. 1982. rta.IC NOTICE IC-4tm 0 14 NOTICI Oii D•HOUITION ,1,,<Cbmiw-1 ProdUC11, a ~81 •Petl'"lfetllp conal•llng or Mlc:llMI ·"'414Hlled Bennelt, and WaJ and . .....,Sn4o, Whlc:ll h .. cerr1ed on -U• ltClllnHI et 17932 Sky P•rk C»1IMl Sulla B. lrvtne, Callfornl1 9Q7l'IAl WU dlNOIYed eflecllve Aug MD .. Ul82. Al'tw th•t d•t•. no pereon 1*"9111lty Ma the euthorlty to Incur ~Iona on behalf 01 Oompw1111• ·.-....it:t• ooepl for w .. Sn10. wno ,.._tllllthOrtty only to ~nd up the ..,..,..,..,!> •fl•lrL ·•lllDllec:I. Auguel 11, 1982 MlchMI Elennet1 MelllM Bennett •Olillell9d AUIJUll 10, 11182 w~ ezeeo LMlle Salo IO Jl\Jblllh9d Orenge COH I Dilly "Ptlot.•lt.ug. 11,.1912 355s-12 Thia sl•l-'1 wu n1ec1 with t~ '"-·nty ,.,~ of Or.,.,.. County on corpor•Uon, dOlng l>ut11nea1 at RI\' C 9 ,,Mm Publlslled Orange Cou1 D•lly Ptlol, Aug 18, 25, Sepl I, 8, 19112 West, Citbof Santa Ana. ... """ ....... ~ -·.-Flllde Lncol M Strwt Founlaln Val,..,. A :1108 0 O BJECT th County Clerk of Orange County on ~llO 8, 11182 boll 1 n erc;ury. r1111 bullnNI 11 eOl1duc:lfl<1 b" lF y to e Aug. 8. tga2 F,._ DEFENDANT; Pat Hope and OoM indMduall (Hulbl!lnCI & Wiie) ' granting of the petition, you F1M151 Pubtlah•d Otenge Coa11 Dally 1 lhtOUQll 20· lncJullV9 £mereon D Davta "'8.IC NOTICE should either appear at the Publl•h•d Orange Coa11 0111y Piiot, Aug t t, 18. 25, Sep1 1, t982 CA~8n,1 Tllia llllemtn• .., .. hied wllll tne P\lll.IC NOTICE °"-4Noe COUWTY ~ 361().82 d Piiot. Aug. 1 t, t8, 25, Sept. t, 1982 35411·82 County c•-11 01 n. • ...,,. Coun•y on hearing an state your 35t7·82 NOTICl l Yov 11 ... bMft alt9d. 3 ..... VI-·.-NOTICE INVITING..,. JUOtCIAL DISTNCT o bjection s or file written TM c;outt m.1 dKkl8 .... , rou July 2 · 1g82 8IO ITUI N0.117 MUNICtPAL COURT bj I I h h Plll.JC NOTICE WllhcM.tt JOUI Mint llMril _.... F~ .......... , tot ~ .., .............. o ect o n s w t t e cyourt Pta.IC NOTICE ------------rou i.ePGfld wltMn ao daya. Reed Puolllhed O.ange Coaat Dally Pilot, ;;;.,-~ ~lty of ,..._., ....._ CA - be fore t he hearing. our ":;~~~~~"::• ttw 1ntt1nn.tloft below. July 28, Aug 4, t I, t8. l98t1g..82 Coot• ....... AfWMMI flepof1 PlAIN'rlFf .. !Wy Fladeboe Uneolr ap~ance may be in penion ~TITlOU8 aU8*1H8 Tne fotlowl11g P8fton• ere doing II you with to tMk 1110 eavlee 01 Notice Is 11e1iby g iven 11111 Merc ury. Inc .. a Calffornl• or b)' your attorney. NA• 8TATllMDIT bu&ln .. a H : •n 8110rney In Ihle Miiier. yov proposals tor furnlalllng a brochure eotporallon. doing ~ M Ra) I F yo u A R E A The lolk>wlng peraons ere dal'lQ (Al CIRCULATION NOW; (Bl &hould do so ptompUy ao lhtt your P\lllf NOTICE entllled the "Annual Report or 1111 Fl•cleboe Llnooln Merourt CREDITOR ''"... bu•lneu u ; MARRIAGES MADE IN HEAVEN, wrlUen tHpon1e, if any. may b• mmioue ..,...... City ol Coat• M ..... will bl r.c;etved 0 E F E N D A N T : 8 a n d r • or a con-'6ent PANACHE PAINTING 4 WALL llNl<f on lime. by , .. _ "'ty of Co•1• ...... Olefl.nbaclh llf'ld 0098 1 lllrougfl 20 c:redJ f th deoeued 21111 Vlall Enlr1d1. Newporl NAMI ITATll•NT ,,. ..,. ,.. tor 0 e . )'OU COVERINGS, 114 Tvrquolu BMch, CA g2118(). AV 11 0 t u' •• d II. , , d 0 f"11 IOllOWlng perdt ... d"""' The Mayor tnd City Counoll of the lnclullve. ltWOMI must flle your claim with the Avenue, Balbo• taland, CA g21162. GEORGE t<RUG, 21111 VIII• d•m•ndado. Ill lrlb11nel p11•d• t>ual,,... aa -.. v city o t Coat• Meu publl•h a c... Ne. - court or present 1t to the Turq~~:> A~~~~.M8:.g~!'4~iii~~~ Entrld1. New~t Beach, C1.921180. = ;:''~~~~~,! GOODS PORTS, 901 oovt brOCllure 1nn11ally to 1119 c:lllz-of NOTtCll Yeu heft a-. MM. persona l re presentative CA g2ge2, ELIZABE H KRUG. 2101 v111a de JO-... LN le lnfOrmeolon 41114 s11 .. 1. Newporl llMcll. CA 02eeo C~~~ ~ ....... oon ... 11 01• ~~ ...::91...!t'..!"e.J•.:: I d b h t EntrMla, Newport BMch, CA 921180. ~ J 0 H N C PET RY . 20 15 ,,. • ..,...... """ ., _,,._. ,~ _... _.. appo1nte y t e cour CORNELIUS CARTER. 18333 Thia bu••-I• CondUCl9d by • K•amee °'""· CorOlle a.I Mar, Twenly (20) p lcturH (II olly .... ,........, ....... .,.. ...... wUhln four months from the Eu1 Woexkroh, AzvM. CA 8 1702 llv•l>Md end Wife. I U•l•d dHH •ortctt•r et CA 921125 llltnl"*I. 1• vendof f\lrnllhed). r... ..,.,..._._ -..... date o f first l11uence o f Thi• bull,_. 11 COll<lvcled by 1 Ellubelh Krug con14fo d• un ab~ado an Hll w CHARLES 8RANOE. 1402 Financial R4IPOrt I« Allcal Y-If you with 10 _. ltle llCMOll OI Jett.en UP _ _,_._. in~•-genet8I Plll1~f'1~:.tml Thl8 •l•ltrnlfll wH He.d wilh 11"' •tun to, deb e r 1 h•C:erlo gC~SH-. Newpor1 ONcll. Col 198t·l982 H futnlahed by lh¢ an 11\0rne y In lhlt maller, you IVVIUCU '""'uu" V•YOV"" lmmedlalamenll, a. .. t. manet•. An-......... _t 700 of the California Probeie .... ,, 1111-1 wea n'--' ..... th ,... County Q«lt 01 Ormg. COlltlty on --__,...,,,_, · Nlould dO ao Pfomplty llO !Ml ~ '" ~·~· ,_, ... '"' Jul\I 23, 1982 eu fMPO"ta HCttl•, II hey 8lguna. Tiiie ~la con0\IC:1ed by a M~·· L•ller. wrlll.,, rMPOflM. If enr. may IN Code. The time for fllln1 County Clerk of Oranoe CountY °" ,, .... pved¢ -reotair«t• • Ciempo genetal Plf1Mrllllp Tll• report I• 10 contain flied on tl!M. claimll will not expire prior Augull 13 T942 Pvbll•ll•d o ,,ng• Coe11 Dally t TO TH( DEFENDANT· A t;MI JoM c Pelry 9duciallonal or IM"1U .. ll'lform•llon Av I. 0 I u.' •• ._a •••• •'""UNrfll) ITAftl IM8TNCT to four montha from the dai.e Publltlled Otenf!oCo•~~~-Pllol, Jvly 211. Aug •. ''· 19. 11182 =~M'=nt 11·~ ~nlff~ ~·~~ Tlllt l l•T-t WM hied wltll the abOUI Ill• Cl1y of COii• Mou. ••m--~ II trlliMl1t1•I ,... CCMlll'T cen'ML of the he~notlced above ..... ~. •·-18 ... ~. 1 1• 8 t1182• 3329-82 ,_ ,_ Col/Illy Clertl of Orange Coun1y on ~t«t In an ll'l1er•t1110 m--... .....,. uc...,. 1 • • • ri 1<1 DtlTIICT Oil~~ ,....,., ......., ~" ::L detend th 1 lewkllt, ~ mUl1. within Juty 28, 1981 by lhl \ltndoo. -~ UC. ,..._. ..,... ,,.~At•T.,,; IMIAR•o•i YOU MA EXAMINE ;JOIS•-e' Ml.IC NOTICE ao d•Y• •'••r 111 • 1umr11on1 1, ,,..1, The doc\11n41'1t wiu cont1at or , .,....., a...._ ........,1 .. :l CM ...... ..C. the file kept by the court. U ------------i8"ved on you, fllt with lhl1 ~ a Publltlllld Or•noe Co•ll Da lly minimum ol 6 1\111 tlleete 11" 11. t1" ...... 7t ;:~ .. , ... DAMT81 .. ONALD •• you are • pereon In~ PlaJC ftOTIC( PICTITIOUa....... wr'ltt.n ,~ to , .... ciotnplelnt ~. Juty 21. Auo 4, 11, 11, T"2 foio.d 10 ·~ ll 11" ein. Pf'lnl«I °" ~· U•l•d dHH HllCltar •I ..... TA.IN 91114 OINIYllVI In the 8tate, ,,., .. may file. ..,... 8TA~ Unlaee you dO '°· "°"' defeult Wiii 3384-12 bOlh l ldll Including the t;Ov•r. CIOflH fO d• un ebogado 911 •••• T'll z tu ~--FICTTT10Ua8UIMU Tiie fottowrng ~eon 11 doing b4I .,,,.,..,on •P!>llGllllon of Ille ullnonomore thel12tlleclwoflnll. e1 un10 , deb•1fa 11a11 e1t o ,:> CA8E.,. •,.. AAH r equeat with the court lO NAiii ITATl•llfT bu~ .. : plalntltf, end fhlt court mey ""'" • P1alC NOJJC£ A ~tity of• minimum of a.ooo lmmedi.t-ie. dt ... "**" • CYjM!lt receive 1pedal notice o f the The followlng peraon la doing CLASS N' GLASS, 20711 jvdgMtnl ~tt 10U for Ille,..._. will be req~«I. eu ~_....,ti her""""" _ lllilOeet flllnl of the Inventory o f ~ ..-C hauce r. Huntington 8uoh ~~ Ille COl'nf)IWlt, wtllctl ncnnoue eueMn The "9lldOt _...be reeponaibl8 tor pved¢ -~,.-a~ r 0110 THC ABOVl·NAMEO e1tate •••et• and o f the PACIFIC COAST P OOL I OeltfOmle~ • could tH ult In 91rnllllmen1 01 ...-ITA~ C:0"1POllng end llllhorlng Ill• 1. TO THflDEF'91DANT:" c:MI 1~ANT9: I I d PATIO FUW.ITURE, 1777 ~ S teven A. H1111ey, 20711 weote-.ttltlnaofmoney0fll'0'*1y Tiie tOllOwlng p¢f'IOM.,. dOlng mater..,,allertworll,andlabor,end complelnt h .. bM1111Mc1by1111 • UC*lu .,. '**'Y eummond MCI pet t o na, a c counta an Blvd:.i. Coeta Mela, CA 12127. Clleuoe r. Huntington e .. cll. o• other re Oef 11qu111ed In 1M bl*neet -. f\lmtall s bid pnce llOf the totel plelntlft ...._.,.,.., ~ .wi '° ,..._... to ..,w upon ROMAT H. f't'POf1I <*:ribed In IE'Cdon 11 T A N L E Y ( 8 O N N Y I Callfomle ~ oomplalnt. I<, 0 . WA A EH 0 V 81N0 & · dttend thit ~. ~ '"'*-wtlf*I M&.OOM. Of l<Hf AL, YOUNG l 1200.~ of the Callfornla PAWCHUl(l 17303 107 Avenue. l(aoll J. HllM!y, 20711 Cheuoer. oAtE.D June 211• 11182 MAINT!NAHC!, OOH St~. endOf II lo provide'"'" (I) .. d•'f• .,,., thf• "''"'"°"' II "0 00 AH. A , , 0 ' .... 0 n.' Probate Code Edmon1on, l\lberta, Cini.de T&J2: 1, Huntington 8411()11, Cllllfoml• 112'4f ~,::anon. W•tmlnlter, CA t2te3. potoClble "lllemee". Ti-to be WVtCI on ~ .... ..-""'-.t • • ,._,911on -llWfttlfl'• .etomer. JOAN ... HONE. vl"IW,..... Thia bu..,_. le C~VC1ed by en Thie bullMM II conduet«t by .,, V l Dt l<•tlll MlollHI Beoa . 11082 ueed Wll be llk*lld by the Otty. *rtlten reeponee co IM CIOftllf*ilnt. , .... eddlr..-le; ,.., F • a.rtll a 1"v1 1 lndlvldull. ' lndfvldl.l81. · · meo, 8ton•rldge, WHtmln1ter. CA The City 11M budgeted • tot81 of uni.. you clo eo. 1011f ...,. 111111 .. ~..o. ... •7IO, l.ont ...,.,, At .. ,..) fer Petlt:IONr' 8oMy Ptwen\111 51..,.,.. Ill. HllMIY B:e:'Jb Dtmllruti t2MI. 110;000.00 tor lhll prOfeOI eo )'Ol.lt be en1«.0 on~'°" of Ille ~....,,nl• eoao1-1no: T~ UH O.Ve Streetl. Sallie tM Thll 11e1etnen1 -flied w1111111e Tiiie 1t•f~t ... filed wtltl the (7t4l 709.1144 C arey Muk Baca, goa2 oropoHI •llOilld not ••ce.ct Ihle plaintiff, an0 ltlll oowt ml)'.,,.. u 11{1181)4»-I061 11'1 .,.... to IN Newpert aw•. ~A Hut COunty Clerll 01 Orange Coun!y on COunty C*1I Of Or411g9 Oounty on One Oorpor•I• f'tllU llonerldge, WH1mln•t•r, CA art\CMlt, judgmanl ~)QI"" .... ,..... ..a• 41 I ti ~ 11 ,__... ......... Publl h.d Or Co Augutt ti, 1gea. Jvfy 12. 1982. ~ 8Mctl CA HMO 12M3. IMctlOn of venclOr llllll be "*9 clemended WI CM _,..,..,, 11ifft10t1 , 9"11 you wtthln 20 dl)'t 1f1e1 • ante Ut '111411 ,,..., p bll 11 0 0 • c 0 11 Thie IMltlMM le OOlldueted by • o n I II• •••I• of o t Io In •I ooutef r11111t lft gernlslltMnt of ............... ~ -._,. llPOf' ~. Dally Pilot, Aua. 18, 19, 26, Publl•ll•d o range coell D•ll" Publl•ll•d Orenge CoH I Dell) u • e 1 2'!"0• 1 oH9t .. • Y generll ~~ PteHnltllon, renderlno•. 1nel ~ tllltlna OI rllGNY w ~ .. :-;a; Gitt.~ of ewvtOa. tt 1M2. fltlot. Aug II, 26, 841C>t. 1, I 19121 Piiot, Aug. 11, 11, 21, 8;eol. 1, 1118~ PllOt, Auo. 1 ' 0 ' sec>t. 1• )~2.:a ~ lace llOtl lmpec1 of Ille '"eterial, or otlllf' rellef recrwetlM In the ·~-~ill to cto eo, Judtfllenl 1111 347g.a2 :Ml62·H 3M0-82 Thie .. ..,.,, .,.. Med wtm tilt arid 111eme. A oopr ot our 1t11 como611nt. ~-~~~~~~------~~~~--------~----------------------~~~~~~ly~~~~~~~~ ~~~-~ ltlMlr•ll•f ••"'end•• In th• Aug ... tML . J. ~ ClU .,, t It. F l ,,.... Vovr ~ muet be llbnltted Qc1ti *9¢ 111,,.,. ,.1.1.-.,a~ or comp ete ad copy and art services r-u11111111ed 0r.,,.. c ouc oa11y . ...., "*" ...,..,.""' 2, 1..a. 111 ... v. L. OWNo. .....,. "' ...,,....,_,. ~.Alie· n, 11. 21. a.pi, 1, '* a:oo PM. tf.atlst ~ .. Dlil ... ~ __ " oi:..,.·.,.., advertisers all along the Orange Coast wwa ~...!.., .... ,..,«,~o:\~ -frT..,...-~ 111·1, PUat Tiie f._ ctrew 1n the ....._CANtltAlfn:Tom lldlr ...:;::.: • .::~ td="=-•-"'t ~ ~ rely on Well, .. a D~ Piiot ~~~:r. ':!., Nt~ Of-.. C ~ , t ' IMT.. •• ~.Ad Today l'ICM. A119. 1~, I . 1171.. Hie, Auto 1t. ...... '• :.= • I I l i • I • . - ••• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT IWedn .. day. Augu1t 18, 1982 Ml.IC NOTICC rtatC NOTIC( rn [[jjr.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a rn YOU AM .. OIUUU UNOSlll A ! ~ 0 I I 0 0 , T" u I T 0 AT I 0 tt01101T0/1 ... !!!:"'.!!!'' tALI I OIOllHIR 14, 1'11. UNUll ,_ - YOU TAXI ACTION TO ,,._OftOT YOU AMr Ol,AULT UNOIR A = A~":~·1·~:~yy~ ~1 .. ~:M: ... fl:. ul:.~. t~z.~~ Penn St., Pitt the 7 dwarfs 'n .. 10 AN lll'UNATION M fMI YOU TAXI ACTION TO "'°TICT MATURI OP THI 'lllOCllDINO YOUR ,RO,IRTY," MAY ··~~~~~~~~·.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· AOAtNaT YOU, YOU IHOULO IOU> AT A f'Ue4JC tALI . If' YOU ,- CONTACT A LAWYIA. .. ID AN Ul'UNATIOM M THI F NOTICI M TRUaTH'I &ALI NATUfll O' THI '"OCllDINQ rom AP dl1patclae1 .. 1 .1. No...... AoAtNn You, You 1HouLu With •'-e d'"'motlo f Col H 1 c d NOTICE 18 Hl!AEBY GIVEN lhlt CONTACT A LAwYlfl WI "' n 0 gate, 0 y ross an on Wldneldl)I, Augutl 25, 1082. 11 NOTICE IS Hl!Al!BY b•VEN, lhll the elght I v y League achoola to Dlvialon lAA, lhe 11ooo'clock1 m of ... d dey, 111 tile on Wldneld1y, s.c»tem1* 1. 11112 East I.a left With only nine "major" major~'Ollegt! room 11,1 11ld• for conducting 11 11.00 o'alock • m. or aald d1y, In football te Tru11 .. ·1 a•lff, wllhln 11141 ollloee ol 11141 room Mt ••Ide '°' conduotlng &ml. REAL EST ATE SECURITIES TrUllN'a 811et, within 1111 offlc:et Of Alphabetically, they are Army, Boston College. SERVICE. IOClted II 2020 North REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Nav y , PelUl St.ate, PIH, Rutgers, Syr acuse, Temple Bro1dw1y, Su•t• 208, In th• c11y or SERVICE, 10011ed 11 2020 North 0 and W-t V•-.m ... 1a. • Senti An1, County or Or1ng1, Sl1te Bro1dw1y, Suite 20CI, In 11141 City or -u ... u of C111fornl1, WASHING TON TRUST Santi Ana, Co.inly OI Ori~. Stitt If they were I formal conference. they DEED SERVICE CORPORATION. I ot C1lllornl1, REAL ESTA TE undoubtedly would be known as Penn State. Pitt C1illorn11 corporetlon. 11 duly SECURITtes SERVICE, • c111rorn11 and .... e o-ven Dw-Js. Penn St.a•A has finished ,,,. appointed T•u•I•• under 1nd ooroorallon. 11 duly appointed 8 WI ~ ~" ..., .,, purauenl 10 lht power of tlll TrUllH undet and our1u111t to lhe the Top Ten 11 times In the last 14 years, while Pitt conterrad In lhtl eert11n Deed ot power 01 HI• conferred In lh•t • ....... made i• five times i'n si'x yea-. including a Trull ... cu11d by BRIAN K cer111n o..o 01 Trull ••eculed by n-• •,. C RAWFORD 1 n d ANN IE EILEEN L TURIN, 1n unm11rl1d national championship ln 1976. • CRAWFORD. huaband and wile, wom1n 11 to an undlvldtd on•· BUT THERE ARE SIGNS of improvement in the rest of the pack, foremost at W est Virginia, EAST PREVIEW which pounded Florida in lhe Peach Bowl last December to complete a 9-3 campaign. CLASSIFIED INDEX lt Pl.let Y111 A•. Ctll '642-5678 HIOttS ., . .,,,.,,. ...... , ,.,.,., ....w -doellr ••4 r•,•rt .,.,..,. .... ....., T10o DAii l rt10T .. -11...-ty ·-.... ""' -..... ...,, .... r11 .. ...., HOUSIS FO• SALE IOOJ • 1100 OTHBI HAL ESU TE IJOO .JtOO llttTALS 1100 ·USO R11l .Eatat1 the Complete Orange Coaat Market Page I 111/ Em11 I ..................... . G:r EOUAI HOUSIN(, OPPOR I UNITY Pullllshtr's •otloei Hoa111 /01 S1/1 Hou111 111 l1J1 ··•·····•·······•·•••• ·····•····•···••••·• Otn11'1 100j Q,.,,,J I , ...............•.•••• ··········•········· PEllllUU MDIII Pr 1£l' WMtt &y baytront. SUPI tor i .A. lt'ITlUdl•lt-<J ;1 hdrm, J bath $1,200,000 -:ii' 01·1 .. 111 & ,,..u y v11•ws Manne• r~ hdr 111. :1 ha1h, :1100 sq rt St.385,000 (.)!·• .1111 rnnt l LIDO ISLE MOllH J>nmf· Lu.Jo Nord bi.iyfront fl l.x.lmi. 5 'h baJh Lg1· LI<. i boat slips $1,500,UOO '> .. Ht.'!lmdl'lt-d :1 bdrm, 2 bath 1 large rec. T1 bc'am l'\•tltn~s. fum1:.hed. pat108. $420,000 .• LINDA ISLE HYFllDIT ! At the end o f the 1981 season. many quarters rated Penn St.ate the best team in the country, than.ks to a 48-14 rout of Pitt in the regular-season finale and a 26-10 thumping of Southern CaJ in the Fiest.a Bowl for a 10-2 record and a N o. 3 national ranking. Ind MURIEL GLASS. 10 unml ffled I querier lntereat MIKE TURIN, 111 women, recorded J1nu1ry I, 111711, 1 unmerrled min u to an undivided In BOOll 12991 of OlllClll RtcOtd• Of one-querier 1n1 .... 1 llld PAMELA t1ld County, 11 p1g1 15711, L GORDON. Ill Uf'lmarrled woman Reco<det'1 lnttrumeot No 7337, by M to 1n undivided on.hill lntero11 rHaon ol 1 brHch or dtllull In u Tt11>1nt1 In Common .. recorded p1yment or perlorm1nc1 ol lht Septemt>et 17, 1981. In 800ll 1•222 obllgatlona secured 1hertby ol Omc111 Rec0td1 or Slid Co~mty, Including thll bruch or dtl1u11: •I P•O• 1305. Recordtr'1 Notice ol whleh wu rec0tded Aprll lntlrumenl No 21272. by reuon of JO, 1982. H Rtc0tde1'1 lnatrument 1 bfuch or default In payment or No 12-150038, WILL SELL AT perlorm1nce or th• obllg11lona PUB L LC A u CT 1 ON To THE u cured thereby, 1nclud1ng 1h11 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. bfHCh or del1ult, Notlee of Whleh lawful money 01 11141 united Statot w11 recorded M1y 7, 1982, u or• c1shler t check drawn 011 i Recorder '• ln11rumen1 No state or n1t1on11 bank, a atite 0t 82·1611477, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC federal credit union, or 1 etete 0t AllC:TION TO THE HIGHEST ledlrel aevlnga 1nd 101111 lllOCllllon BIDDER FOR C1'SH. l1wful money domk:Ueo ht lhla state. all pey1blo 11 of the United Stalet, or a casn1e• a the ttm1 of sale all right, title 1nd check drewn on a a111e or nellonal 1n1erest held by It. u TrualH, In b1nk, I 11a11 or federal credll that real properly situate en said union, or a state or federal savings Counly and State. described u and loan association domlCUed In 1011owa: 1n11 atalo. ell p1y11ble •I tne ume of cars•bfkes• *skateboards· trucks*baby carriages•tea carts*trikes rol lerskates • walker!. .oys •wagons•••• IU SIHlSS, IHYES TMlH r ~ ftMAHCE All r1: .. 1 llSlate advernsed on tfH'I n.iw spapd• 1s sullJec1 to the Feoerel F;ur Hou:s111g Act ol 19&8 which ma~es 11 tllegol to .idver11se any prefe•en ce 11m11a11on or d1scrim1 natton baseo on r oce. co lor reliy1on ~"A or net•onal origin or an1 1n1en11on 10 m.ike llny 'uch pretprence l1m11a lion 01 d1sc;r1m1na11on fhls 11ewsµape1 Nill 1101 knnwingly accepl any .;dve• 11s1ng for 1eal e~­ Htle wh•ch 1s in v101a11on ol 1tw law Lag1•111 v1t-w Jrom 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rrn. dl•n Boat shp Now Sl.000,000, HYSIDE PUOE 4 S µt'('Wl·ul..u-hayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up. 2 br, :.! h,1 d n :.! IJOOI 11hps Rc..odu~.od Sl,500,00!M The Nittany Lions h ope the momentum carries into 1982, althoug}.l Coacl:i Joe Paterno d escr ibes his o utlook as "cautious." Penn State returns 11 starters, but must put together a n e w offensive line. Lot Seven (7), Block "O", of Tract sale. all right, title and Interest held No 518, 11 per map recorded en by It. u Truslee. In that real Book 17, p1ges 33 10 36 Inclusive 01 properly altuat• In said County end Mlecell1neou1 Ma~ In 1h11 offk:a 01 Stale, deecrlbed 11 IOllowa the County Recorder 01 aald Lot 15 ot Tr1ct No. 2992 as Coontv. shown on a map recorded In Book scooters*hot rods*coupes• t railers*hard tops•convert- ibles*motor homes*lawn mowers* limos •corporate headquarters soo•. sou AMMOUMCIEMEHTS SIOO LOST l.fOUMD SlCO 'HlSONALS UIO SHYICE DIHCTOU 6000 SCHOOUI. IMSTIUCTIOH 7005 JOIS WAMTIED 707' H8'WAHTED "The k ey offen sivel y is lo keep o ur young linemen h ealthy so they can continue to improve," says Paterno. "W e need to keep the big-play guys h ealthy, but I don't think we can be n early as consisten t on offense. W e can't be overpowering on oUen.se w ithout a big fullbac k and a powerful o ffensive line. so we will have to be big-play oriented. Tho streoe addren or o ther 9 6. P • o a• 4 5 and • 6 o I common deelgn1tlon ol th• rul MltceH1neou1 M•P•. In the office or prope<ty harolnabove d1scrlbed I• the County Recorder ol s•ld purported 10 b• 2 124 Mlramu Coonty Drive. Newpon B .. ch, c a111ornl1 Thi tereet address or other The u n d • r tlg n 1d here by common deelgn111on of lhe real d11clatms ell llablllty l o• eny property herefnabove deterlbed Is Incorrectness In Slld atreet 1ddr"s ouroorted 10 bl. 2048 Peloma 7100 MYCHAMDISE eoos . eou FUITO YOU 0t otr-common deslgnatlorl Drive, Cotta Mesa, Calllornl1 Seid sale wlll be m1d1 without The undersigned hereby 1045 IOATS & MAllME (9UIPMIHT t010 . •o•o TIAHSf'OttTATIOH "l'M COMFORTABLE with the style we've been p l aying in recent years, wearing down opponents in the second and third quarters and seeing teams get tired and k.nowiJig you could go at them in the founh quarter to rnake that long drive to win the game. Now, we're going to have to score w ith big plays. We have those kind of athletes. but I'm not e ntirely comfort.able with that kind o f game." w1rr1n1y, e•pren or 1mplled, dlecl11ms all ll1blllty for any regerdlng 11110, potHUlon. or lncorreclfleu In said street address encumbllf'lcea. 10 satiety the or Olher obmmon detlgnlllon. prlnclp11 bellnce or Iha Note or Seid tale will be m1de w1V1ou1 other ob1tg111on atcured by H id w1rr1111y, eapreu or Implied, Deed 01 Truat, with lnterut and regerdlng tltle, p~saeaalon, or other sums et provided therein, encumbrances. 10 satisfy lhe plus ldvencea. II lily, under the pr1nclp11 balance or lhe Nole or tetms thefeof ind interest on IUCh other obhoellon secured by said advances. Ind plus 1ee1. cherget Oeed or Trutl, with lntorosl end and e•i>enses ol the Trustee and ol other suma 11 provided therein; Iha trusts created by said Deed ol plua advances, if 1ny, under lhe Trust The 10111 amount of aild te<ms lhereol 111d lnte<eal on such obllg1t1on. Including r111onably idvences. and plus lees. charges ea1 1m1tad lees, ch1rges ind and ••Pl"MS ol the Trustee end ol upensea or the Trustee, a1 lhe time th• trusts created by said Deed of of lnltlal publk:allon 01 Ihle notice. It Trust The lotal amour•! of Hid If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot c lassified ti 10 . f400 AUTOMOSIUS HIO · 074 The Lions have some of the finest skill people around in quarterback Todd Blackledge, running backs Curt W arner and Jon Williams, ught end Mike M cCl osk ey and wide receivers Kenny Jackson, K evin Baugh and Gregg Garrity. The defense has good speed, but Paterno is worried be.cause it isn't an o.verpowering. physically intimidating unit. The secondary cou l d be exceptional with safety M a rk R obinson and cornerbac k Roger Jackson. The kicking gam e returns outstanding punter Ralph Giaromarro, but it's uncertain if Nick Gancitano can become as good a placek:icker as the departed Brian Franco. S 151,2411.38. obllgallon, including roaeonably Dated August 2, 11182. estimated lees. charges and ad. Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels into cash. DEATH lllTICIS MCCAULEY BERYLE. MC CAULEY. a reiident of c.o.ta Mesa, Ca. Born.August l . 1912 i n Nebralka. PUied away Aus. 16, 1982 after a lengthy illness. She ia eurvived Ly her brother Al Brueningllen of HuUnp, Nebraaka, and 1ever al nephe ws and OOUlina. Funeral eervicea will !!la, h eld Thunday, August 19, 3:00 'PM at Pacific Vlew Mortuary Chapel. Interment Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport Beach, Ca. PaClfic View M ortuary. directors. ROTJ'MAYER WA8HINOTON TRUil OEED expenses ol the Trustee. al the time IEflVICE CORPOflATION, of lnlllal publlcauon of this Notice, la 1 Clllfofnla e«poH llon, S 12.546 42 .. TruttN, Dated. August 13, 1982. By: REAL ESTATE SECURITIEI REAL ESTATE SERVICE, a C1llf0<nla corpofillon, SECURITIES SERVICE, II• Aeeftl a Celllornla eo<por•llon, D.J. fllofger, PfNldent as Truatee, 2020 N. 9roedwaJ, •208 !SEAL) 0 J M0tger, NOTICE OF TRU8TH'8 I ALE Sanla Ana, CA 12701 lls President T.8. No. 2AS3 (714) ~10 2020 North Broadway, YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDEIJI A Pubhshed Orenga Coast Dally Suite 206. DEED OF TflUIT DATED AUQU8 PllOI. Aug. 4, 11, 18, 1982 Sanla Ana, CA 92706 12 (NOT IHOWN) UNLEll YOU P\111.JC NOTIC£ Ml.IC NOTICE 3470-82 Tel. (7141953-6810 TAKE A CTION TO PflOTECT HGOIM -----------Published Orange Co111 Deity YOUR HOME, IT MAY II IOLD A NOTICI OF nuanra aAL.e P\a.IC NOTICE Piiot. Aug 18. 25. Sept 1. 1982 A l'Ull.IC SALE. IF YOU NEED ANl T.I. No. T·1004in'7 3553-12 EXl'lANATION OF TI4E NATURE IMPORTANT NOTICE TO W-41907 OF THE PflOCEEOINO AGAINST ,,._ONRTY OWNEfl: NOTICE OF TRUITH'I tAU f'tB.IC N()TIC{ YOV YOU IHOULD CONTACT A YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A YOU AflE IN Df'AUl..T UHOEfl A UwYER OEEO OF TRUST, OA TEO 10-27-81, DIE 0 0 F T fl U a T DAT ID NOTICE o~":R=E·a SALE STAN-SHAW CORPORATION 1~ UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO IEPTEMlafl 2l, IN1. UNL1!88 duty appointed Trustee under th PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT T.S. No. F~01 lollowlng described dead of ltuil MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE-YOUR PflOPEflTY, IT MAY 81! YOU ME ... ~~A'ut_T UNOO. A WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION IOU> AT A l"U8UC IAU. IF YOU THIRO DEED OF TRUil, DATED TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FO OF THE NATURE OF THI! NEl!O AN IX~ATIOH OF THE ll!lt'TE-Rt,l•.~SaYOU CASH or u set forth 1n Soctton PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU NATUflE OF THI! PflOCEEDtNQ TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT 2924h-01 the CIYll Coda all r19n1, SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER AQAINIT YOU, YOU I HOULD YOUR ,RO,EflTY, IT MAY IE tllle and 1111eres1 conveyed to anc:tl On Sep1ember 1, 1982. 11 10 00 CONTACT A LAWYl!fl. IOLD AT A PU8lJC IA.LL If YOU now neoo oy 11 unoet talO ueeo o• A .M . CENTURY ESCROL. • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thll ,_.DAN UP\.ANATIOff Of' THE Trust 111 the property hereinafter Cellfornl1 corporation, II duly under and by virtue or th• NATUfll OF THE PflOCEEDINO described 1ppoln1td Trustee under and proYlslorls of that 08<1eln Deed or AOAINIT YO YOU a D TRUST 0 R N 0 RM AN L '""rtu1n1 to Deed of Trust recorded Trutt dated Sept 23, 1981. and U, HOUL NELSON. 1n unm1rrled min "v CONTACT A LAWYER. November2.1981.aslnst No 792, recorded In the office of the On September 3, 1982, 11 9.15 BENEFICI ARY HARBO R In book 14277, page 1109, ol Recorder 01 the COYnly ol Orangt. M E h Tl h PACIFIC MORTGAGE INVESTORS Otflciel Record• In Iha office ol 11141 St1te ot Calltornl•. on Ocl. 7, 1981. A. " •c enge lie alders Inc;., u No. 80B, A Limited Pannershlp C R duly appointed TNllM under and ounty ecorcter or Orange In Volume 142C7, p1ge 1357, ol Purtuint 10 Deed 01 Trull rtcorded Recorded September I, 1981 •• County, State ol Calllornla, Olllolal Records. executed by Jinuiry 29• 1981• 11 Inst. No lnSlr No. 2130 In book 1•2oc, page oucuted by M OUNIR· DAOUD· ROBERT LEINART ANO LINO ... 32588, In book 139211, page 1327• 1840 ol Ottlelal Records In !he olllce MAROINI WILL SELL AT PUBLIC LEINART, hUsb1nd and wlle H 01 Olflclel Recorda In Iha olflce ot ol the Rec0tder ol Or1nge County, AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER Truster, to SUNl<IST SERVICE the County Recorder of Orange said deed of trual describes lhe FOR CASH (peylble at time of sale COMPANY, a corporation, 11 County, Stat• 01 Calllornla. followlng properly· In l1wlut monty ol the Unlled TruSIM, and STATE SAVINGS ANO El!ecuted by Thomu Lozano. PARCEL 1 St1tM) at Iha NO<th front t11>tr111ce LOAN ASSOCIATION, I C1lll0tnt1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Unit 32 u snown and dehned to 11141 county cour1h0use. 700 CMc corparatlon. H S-lklery, TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH on 11'181 certain condominium plan Center Drive West. S1nt1 Ana. Ano pursuant 10 me r1qua11 of recorded July 15, 1978 111 book C11ffomla •II right, tllle Ind Interest the ow ner ind holder ol the (P•Y•ble 11 llme 01 sale 111 llwlul 12759, P"""' 358 01 omc1e1 Records money of Iha United St•I• II the -..-conveyed to end now held by It promlnory no11 Hcurad bfl lh• rront entrance 10 the old Orengo ot OrlllQ• Co.inly. Catllorn1a under n ld Deed ot Tru11· In lhe Deed 01 Trust et>ove relerred to. County Courthouu, lociled on PARCEL 2 properly 11tu111d In H id Counly And, by reaaon ol th• Ollault In S 1 n 11 A 0 1 B 1 yd ., b 81 we• n An undivided 1133 1n1erest In llld S1111 dNCrlbed u . the p1yman1 or Hid promiuory Sycamor1 St & Broidwiy, Sent• and to lot 5 01 trac1 no 8835. n Lot 113 Trtc1 No 7638, In Iha note 1nd lh• brtlCh of the A c 111 _,1 ""h 1,_ nd 1 Jhown on 1 map rec;or~ In booll Qty ot Newport 8elcll, County ol ondlllone In n ld Dffd or Tru11 ni. 1 .. r..., '· 1t ... 1 nler"t 3 5 2 . pa g • s J 1 1 o 3 5 o I c convt)'ed 10 1nd now held by It Orlt>Qll, S111e ot Cllltorn11, u per P(OYlded. 1 Notice or O.teult 111d undir aald Deed 01 Trull In the mlac1lleneou1 m1pa, record• 01 mep rec0tded In bOOll 306, pege 1 Election to Seti Under Deed ol Trutt property altuated In Hid County Orenge County, C1llloml9. 1oge1her to 9 lnelualva. mlsoeltaneous map•, havlno betn dulv recorded •• end 51118 ci.eortbed u with ell Improvements thereon In Iha office ol the County Recorder provided lor by 11w In ••Id Pete.I 1 Thlt l>O<llon 01 Lot 1 ••C>ePhllQ therelrom condominium of said County. Recorder'• Olfl<:e on M1y 4, 1912, 01 Trac1 No. 10491. u lhOwn on 1 unns t throogh 33 1nctualve, 1oce1ed Eltceptlng lherelorm all Oii. g11 Intl No. 82-152221, mep recorded In bOOk •86 peges 40 thereon tnd other hydrocerbon tubstences SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY, I end 41 01 Mltc:ellineoua Mipa, E•ctptlng ther efrom en btlow 1 depth of 500 feet lrom tile corporallon, •• Iha prtatnl record• ol Mid County. lhOwn Ind undivided ·~ 1111eres1 1n ell Otl, gu Ot eurl-of 111d land. but wtlh<>Yt the authorized ind acting Trutt•• d • 11 n • d 11 u n 11 5 0 11 1 other hyd•OCl<bon subatenc.a tying right of entry thereon. u provided undtr laid Deed of Trull, alOl'Mlld, Condominium Piiio recorded June In, on, Ot uncle< Iha ll>Ovt dNCrlbed In en ln11ruman1 rtcord•d on on Wednesday Sept ti, 11111<1, 11 tne 3, 1g80 In booll 13624 pege 1207. property IS eat lorlh 111 th• llnll Augu11 30, 1973 In book 10877, hour of 10·00 o'ctoc:lc AM of uld Otllclll Records 01 aald County :>rdef or condominium In f1¥0r of Iha PICl9 JU. Offlc;lat Recotda. -1-d~t I~ !'.olor1h lrOtlt entranoe lo Pare.I 2! An undMded 11151h oety or Newport BNch, 1 rnun1e1p11 Pere el 2 . NOf'l·UClullv• the Orenge Courity Coufffiov~.100 1111., .. 1 n lln4To ~o..!!_ 01 th• 81h clH•. a eppunt11>1n1 •-I lot lngrMI Civic Center Drive Wftt In tile City 1 of TrlCt No 1o49";' j;lhe ~~t)' ctrlllled copy of wnlcn -..a Ind egr ... OYlf prlvlle llrMll u of Santa Alli, Counly ol Oreng1, 01 Orenge, s·tlle 01' Calllomll, u rtcorded J1nu1ry 27, 1953 In bOOll -------------1111 lorlh I n I hose c1r111n S11te ol C1lllornl1, WILL SELL, ll\Own on 1 mll) recorded In book 2"43, PIQ• 80 ol OttlGlll Recorda decleratlona ol coven•nts, purau1n1 10th• power or 1111 ,88 pagaa 40 ind 4 1 of M•v bt also known ••· 211 S AM UEL I. ROTt- MA Y ER. a r esiden t of Laguna Beach, Ca. Paaaed away at a local hoepital on Auguat 12, 1982. Coming to La1una fro m Chicago, D..l.lnoi.a In 1972, he had been e mployed u an engineer with Samuel R. Lewis and aaaociates in Chicago for many years, and since h is arrlyal in Laguna bas been llCtiVe In the L.wn Bow~ ~e. He it survived by h11 dau1hter Deborah Ann Rottmayer Bower of Los Ange1H, Ca. 'No .ervices a.re planned and Interment will b~ prlvtt~._Ra_y Family Laguna Beach M ortuery handlina ~nta. · rAC..C Yll'W MIMOllAlPAal Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3600 Pacific view Oflve NewPOrt Beach 644-2700 "I condition• 1nd rettrlcllona conllffed In said OMd of Truat llld, M l•c•ll•neoua Mlpa, records of Stll111h Couf'I, Newpo<l Beach, CA recordtd April 8, 1971 In book without cov1n11nt or w1r11111y Nld County, ahOwll end defined .. 92.~ 9596. PIG• 902, Oll1e111 Record• reo1rdlno 11111. poauulon or •. C 0 m m 0 n ,_ r • 1 • • 0 n 8 (II • a1r .. 1 1ddrts1 or common Ind recorded November 15, 1g12111 encumbrenoea, 11 public 1ucllon, Condominium Ptin rec0tded June dealgn1llon 11 ahown 1bovt, no book 10C27. p1ge 80. 01t1c111 10 Iha 111gnn1 caan b•Ooer, 111 l1w1U1 3, l9IO In book t3824 PIQI 1207. we· 0amrpr'!t"•111y ... l •~gclovrerec" 1!! .. ',?. 111 McC~ MOITUAlllS LeQuna Beach •94·9415 L9Q1.tna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 •• ~ LAwMi-MT. O\IYI MortuatV • Cemt 1erv Cre1'1'1tlOry 1625 G11ler Ave Co.ta M eta ~55~ PmCIMOTHHS 1&&.•0ADWAY MOa'TVMY 110 Broadw•v Cotui Mesa 9*9150 IA&.TZ-.. 0.. SNl'nt • TVTHIU. Wl1J1=l"r1~Mlt"'- Record• end emendmenl• there1o. money 01 th• Uf'llltd S11111 or Olllcial Rtcorda of Nld county. "' ~ ·~ Th• atrHI •ddren and other America. tll 11111 c:erteln r••• Thi llrHt lddreH ind other The ~ellclafY under uld Oted cornmo4' deelgnllton. If eny, of the proper1y st1u11e In th1 County ot common dealgnetlon 11 "'Y of the of Trutt. by rteeon of • bretch 0t rHI oroperty deacrll>td 1bove la 011nge, Stele ot C111torn11, rail property dHcribed ibovt le detautt In 11141 ob1'91110oa aecured purPQf1tcl to be: 18 B<lrnlng TrN detorlbtd .. lollowa· purportt d lo bt. 2243 Piclflc thtrtby. heretolore uecuted 1nd Ro1d. Newport Buch. C1illorn11 PARCEL 1 Avtnui .f A· 106 Cotti Mtu dtllvered to !ht undersigned • 92860 An undlYkled 1/!llh lnterHt In Cllllotnla • • wrllltn OeclatttlOtl 01 Oef1ult ind Th• under elgned Tr u Ila• 1nd 10 Lot 1 ol Tritt No. 11141, In Th• u·ndtr tlgnea Tr ulltt 09mend lot Sile. •nd Wl'lllln notice dltcl1lm1 any ll1blll1y lor 1ny 11141 City ol Co111 MMe, County of ~ 1 bl 1 f of brMGh 1nd ot election to cev .. lncorrtctnMA of thl etrNI eddt ... 0r1r1g9. s1111 or Calll0tnl1, •• '*' di• •-•ny 1 1 11>' or iny Iha undersigned to nll "Id end o•her common dellgnallon. II mac> r~ 111 8ooll 479, p~ tncorTtct-of lhl Z:: ~ proP«fy to 11t11ly said obllg1t1on1. any, thown hertln 18 1110 17, In th• office ol thl llld other common nation, 1nd therHlttr th• underelgned S1ld 1111 wtu b• mad•. but Count)' Recorde< of said Coonly ''l1fc:°::1~· be mid• l>ul ~laid notice or brMCh ind ol without coven1nt or wlrrenty. Exctptlng therefrom Unltt I WllhOUI oovtntnt or warranty, tltcllon to bt Rtcordtd Ml)' 4. ••pr-Ot lmptlt<I. regerdlng tltle. through 5 H ahown upon the ex..,_ or 1__.._, r_,.,01.,... 11118 1082 11 Instr No 12-152430 In po11111lon. or t ncumbrencta, Condominium P11n recorded In .,.,.._ .. ,..._, .._ ... · ' Offk:l•I Atcordt 1nctudtng '•••· chergea i nd ~ 14011. 11 p..-IS3. Offlclal OO-llOn. or anoumbr.,_, 10 Said ult wltl bl m1d1 bul T ...,.,., vwv pey the rernllnlng pr1noiplll IUm of • t xpen-ol the ruat .. Ind of lht Aewrd1 ot uld County the noll(t) NCUl'td by Mid 0.0 ot without covan1n1 or werr1n1y, trulle crHl•d by uld 0..0 or PARCEL 2 Truet .,1111 lnltr8lf tlltrt o11. 11 •lCP' ... or lfllpllt<I, regerdlng lltle, TNll. to pey the r.mllnlng l)flnelpal Unit 2 11 eh own upon lh• o'<lld.o Hid ,., INN • l)OIMNlon, or ancvmbr1ncH. 10 euma of the note(•) _,,ed by Mid Condominium Plln referred 10 In ~ 111 not.,e>. anote. p1y the rtmllnlng p<lnclpel tum of .. Deed of Truet 10 wit. 1376,000.00 P1rot1 1 it>cMt. rJ· under tllt ltnnt of lllld 0..0 the notl(a) MCUf'9d by Mid Deed ot with lnter.t thtfeon from FtOrvaly And more commonly known u 01 rvtt. 1•••· Cllt rou and Trvtt wtth lnterwt u In Mid nOlt 1 1"12 22"' ~of the TrutlM end Of tllt . ' _,. • " II ,. per annum 11 2112-B P101flc Avenue, Co111 lruet• crtfltd by H id Offd of PfOYldad. ldvenott, If any, u • .., .. prcMdtd In Mid notl(a) Plul Cotta Mtu. C1. If thtrt la no ttr"I Trwt. lllt tetm• of Mid Deed Of Tru11, Ind -.ny tdvlnQM .. 1im.1ea to t>e •ddr1u, dtreotlona m •r b • The otal f .~ 1 .... OflafQIB end uoer-of the 111,911.158 •nd Fortctotvre Coll• oolllMd by wrnttn ttqVttt 10 81111 ~ of ::°:t~t.!' ~ TNtll .. Ind of the !rum arealeCI by • '9tlm•ted 10 1>e "4.oeo.:H 81 of tllle savtno• end L06n AllOClatlon ~" b)' Ill• property 10 Ille told ind N ld 0..0 of Trutl. Said .... wttl 1>e dllL Monti E.t Oofldo a1rtet. l toctnon. reuon•l>I• uttm•l•d coil• held on 8tp1tmber 10, 1182 11 Thi~ under Nt<I Deed OA 911202: Alltntton: Loan ler'llOI ••oenM8 and ad'tl-II Ille ttrM 11:00 A.M., 11 ll'oe front enlrlllOe of of Trvet lltftlOfore 1xte111ed •nd Oeptrtment. not l•l•r thin 01 tht lnltlal publloatlon of the 81tn·8h1w Corporation. 23111 I!. d1llvt rtd fo tht 11ndarelgn1d 1 ~tmotr 1, 1vn tor 111t l>Ur1>0M Notlot Of Slit " UI 229 ff 11111 81 .. 811111 An1, CA 92711 wthltn Decltr111on of dlflUlt and oi p= obllgtllon• tecurtd 1>y The ~ und. I.Id~· Tl'oe IOltl IMOUnt of tllt unp1ld Otm1nO for Salt , 1nd I wrltttn Mid r Trull. Of Tt\ltl htttlofOft llltGUI b8ilenOt of ll'oe Ot>liOlllOrl ~ NOiiet of o.t1ull and Eltellon to The lot• 1mOUnt of the llflt>9ld dtlhttttd 10 tlle llndertlt n •d 1 by Uld proptrl y 10 bt eold, a.ti. TM un<*1llQlllCI C4lllMd Mid I>*-of 11111 ot>llOttlon It 8111,· wrllltn 0.0.ltlOI\ ot o.t• ancl together wllh lnltreet lltt ChatO-. l'IOllCt of Default 1nd t!laolton to t73.42. 1n1-t 111,6411.5' Ind the Oemand for ltlt, tnd 1 11rtl1ttn end M«lmaltd ~•. ~. IW!CI Seti to 1>e ,_ded In tllt oouniy ottmattd 1mount of 00111. Notlo. Of 0.UUh Ind IJeollOfl 10 lldVanoee, 11 of Ille dm IMlrtof. le wtlert 11\t tMI oropeny le toclttcl. ·~ anc1 lldVlllOll ~ wlM W Tiit ~ Qel.-d Mid t 211. 187.48 OINTV,_"t llCM>WL Ot 1ncutl'ecl by tllt dl11 of Ille It Notio. of oeteulf and ~IOI! 10 Da1e: Augult I , IH2 a Clllfotnll QOrPOfalton 11.1..ee1.oo. a.. to .,. '900fded 111 ltlt ~ 8ten·8hew Corpor111on. • Mid lt\lllel, ~ttd: A~ 6, IN 2 .,.._. . ..,. ,.... propatty 11 too.1«1 11 Mid Trutl•. p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 1 ~I • 5. 6 7 ERRORS: Adverlt· sers should check their ads daily and report errors 1m- m e d I ate 1 y. The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes liability tor the first Incorrect insertion only Ho111t1 fo1 £], C1n11I J 002 ••••••··········•·•·•· LAST CHANCE FAMILY EXPANDING • This •S Ille home for the qrov.•1•g t11m1ly S1A . yes 6 I 019 b1Jrms. 3 balhs big lov1nq 1ocim v.1lh fife· 1 .. 11acP Family room with 2nd fireplace Formal d1- nong 1arn1ly k•lchen w•th upgraOed range. g11ll & m1,.row11ve Ankle oeep c a1pel•ng $h1mmer1ng poo• and spa Gorgeous 1nsode and out A dehghl 10 preview Call tor pre· view 546-2313 * WATHFROIT * IOAT SLIPS PRIVATE COMMUNITY, 3A4 t>drm homes ow SELLERS wtll FINANCE - or DISCOUNT for cash' Beller hurry on 111ese1 Starling at $499.000' WILL TRADE-FOR BAL BOA ISLAND lllboe 111 Pro,. RHltors •111-lOIO* A REAL STEAL! Lowest pnced 4 Bdrm 2 bath nome in the area ... 1th pool' r ake ove r e•1:;;11ng 8nd seller w111l carry r rv 10% down• Only S 135 000 Can now• 646-7171 Laguna has a $9Cl81 · old Top of World Pvt st sale lor tots, homes v1ry $ t 000 000 dow n t o 209K This secret 1s only l $ 198.000 Wood/glass 3 Br 2 fan1ast1c balhs, spa. views etc Low te r m s .-gr rnr. 497-5•87 REAL ESTATE OFC IHOll LOCATIH Weil established New- pon Beech location tor sale All repflas conll· denllal. P 0 Box 821 Balboa, Ca., 9266 I ~ Walker & lee CORONADO OIYS , Cornn;.uJo Island (·ust. bayfront lot 85' bo,t duf:k Pl<1ru> 1w&1I Now $370,000 w/t.erms.'I ILUFFS ODNID ~ S ingle swry l'nd unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest gr•:enbelt. S250,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1de Dr•ve N B 67~ 616 1 EASTSllE COSTA MESA Cul de sac •ocallof'l1 No- th• ng this low on lhlS •a•ge or a 101 3 Bdrms owner will carry $134 YOO• I ... l(.t I l 't ~I§ HfSIUt NI IAI Rr Al rs lAIE SERVICES SPY&USS HH,000 Fron. row & c<.'nter' Spectacular v1C'w1 ,l\~.1\.111 1ed Cape Hom. n o w 3 spal·wu ... tx>tlrooms Large fonnal c.J1n1ng room Gorgeous pool & spa wnh M• 11.1<.:0Jn paver patio Owner will lJrrv l st TD IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 9 ,_~','': .... .. f) ,, "'tu 1\110 •l•\lt \I) ... t. .. .. ,,, -'WI~·" R GAZER'-~. ., ' 1•nt ''----.----4 ~ :u~~~:;·~~ ~;'•:•: ~~~.• Ji. r .,, '4 ' • ""'"-',....do, I • ltl1t..-,i"W,;I"~'\ I\" ! .l AJ·~ HO ... Y'' . ,. • ---.. . ... . . . ... ftl))lO)J )I~· 6' (U.-.1Nt .. ... _.. ~ ..... .. ..... . . ' . ... .. 11'~. . "' .,,, .. ·-1 ··-···-. , ... +• ....... .. ..... .. . • •• .. ·-.,.... ... . ... , ........ .. ......... f .. :ti.ii ...... ; r•• ....... • ..... ' ,. '.#•t «•·· -· l ... ~ ,. .. ....... SIEIC & ,INl1 B A W E T A E A T 0 U A V S L L H B F A T E L l A B A H P 0 U A V P 0 T V 0 {tlfC LSIC Lt'.lt ~U IHl.\0 l l U B E U 5 U C R I C 0 5 H U R 0 T E E T A T M G E H A U 0 E l 0 S B T B C I C U 5 N M 0 T I ~ R N E T I H £ A I W I 0 I 0 R 0 R E A P V E N B U l L R N P C N C 0 U r C H I P P 0 A S E L 0 A N C I M G A I I l P E E U N I V G A A 0 B A A E N N l U N L R A D K I A D N I T ~ H ~ 0 E P A M E 0 W V L S H C L T s( N MN I AT RE TN E)I E P I 0 ~ H C R L l A B T £ K S A B 0 T 0 N M U S I C X P N 0 S H I V C l H T C S I T H E A 5 E R 0 R C H E S T R A B•lltt Bend C1rtut Oantlf!O Ho11t RKtntl Motion fllcturt Music Optrt Orthlllrt ~0011Mll G11111 '::~~.~, sec~~~ -u, £ .... 4 ... tut . ~----- FORECLOSllE! ·~-:...:::--~ :- Family COSTA MESA '*OhbOfllOOd with very 11rge back. y11d. Greet ror 1111111 t1mlly 0t !>VII· der who W11nte to npertd Ii>.. 10 IOfM I-.._ .. --- M 0 P R I T I I' I tl'llt 3 Bdrm. 2 bl Oflvt .------- by 2048 Palom1 and 0111 1 1 B L 0 M I ror detlllJ. , ..... _J._' _J._' _.._I _!.__. \\\II HI Hll'\I .. -------. Jtll'll.., Inf . , I H A C 0 P R~~1~~0~ :·=:1·=:1 :1::1:: Cotla Mfta &<4&-9371 rmca.anm1 IMIMl'MOft'UMY 127~5' ~n11nQCon •ecfl UH Cimino Otl Alo 8Vf'JKl8T ll~ICIE CO.. · Uat.• Auguet a. l"2 • By: STAH-6HAW CORP. 11out11 11n oi.oo. CA 021ot • ~11on • EJ«Nenciit TlttlflolcMrl 1na. as 111 eaat s-1-1h (714) 21f>·l100 Ir Oe¥ld ~. aa N lcf'rNltee SI,_ •1 A nn• M. f91111 dt Alllttanl VIOi PlWldent IN11 ltoOkl\urlll 8tl'Mt ...... Ant. Clllfoml• MGM!)O 222 Nor1t1 IJ Ootedo ln.t , H111 • ~.ITl\IOll 01!1oer 8tootnon, Oellf. H202 7o::"~~-:Z· CA t27ot (714) a.24111 ""."*' ......,_, "--.._. (209) 141-111' ~y ~OH•Merte Slnll· 8y: Lynn lnlnner, 8 lODI , , HA FE I Fot our ntw reguter 1 I I I :: ~::i.:::.<lwt:?:~....,, WMlll)' r.aturt .,... 1011 s11ow -•m7,·.=~·ur r r 14 r r r ,.._. ~bload -'tit 1111 Orente Tnittet MonWer Alllliant leorwtwy C4*11 ~ l'lloC. Alla. 11. II, ff, l'ul>lllMCI Otano-Ooett Dtlly PublltMcl OrMQe Coett Oatt; ltubtla"-d Otano• CoHI Dilly 1811. ..~ .... ,2 Piiot. Aug II, H, 8-t. I. 1N2 Piiot. .a..-t I 11. ft. 1111 l'llot, A119, 11, H , ltelt. I , 1Mt -· ... , .. 2 .._ • • • 3tlO.e2 5311531 ...... ;~~ .... · ....... , ................. ~ CASE • ro.it!#\\ UITltJI I I I I I lvery 8 11urdey tn the o.11y 1tNo1 01 ... 1necs1 •••un.....,.11•111M1 .. 11---• .. ' .. - \ Or~e Coa1t OAJLV PILOT/WednMdey, Augu11 18, 1982 Real Estate ... !!!.~'.' .. ~.'.' ...... : ~~~!!!.~'.~~'.' ....... !'.'.!!!!.~'.1.!.'.1! ....... ~~!!!!.~'.1.l~1! ....... !~~~.fp/Pff.!.':\~ .. ~.~~ .... !~'!'!!.¥~~ .. ~!!!!!!.V~r.~.~'!. .. c .. J.i:::f:t-' ,.11 ''r.;::g." •1111 1001 Cffl• 11.,, lllf lnl•1 IN4 •~1 .. ,_. IMI 1u J 1tu.. "1ul 1111 &.•• 11-. 1114 11"111 1144 ···••••••••••••••••••• ········•••••••······· • • ••• •' •• • • • • • • ••• • • • • ••• ··~·· ••••• • •••• • ••• • • ••••• • •••• ••••• • • ••• ··-·•••• ••••••• ••• •• ••• N8 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• Tr.I•••••••••••••••••• •• • •••• ••••••• • • ••••• • OranoetrM condo, $500 C..t• ~ UM ·-----------------Brand New Horn•• 6 llY1•1 C....f!itt... Jm C:l•i n J l:>t , 2 be. ftplc, 4 Hr 2 8a. 1119t1 Anlloch 1 Bf 4 IOll. t~nlt, J>OOI, •••••••••••••••••••••• 3Dr, 281, dbl ea1 011:· Conooa, no moo.y down " .. •••• •••••••••••••••• P• 110 • g 1 r · WI n 19 r 3 8' 2 .,. g~. tiolC. 1975/rno atrHm NO pall Avell Fl replace . pool. dl•h· UINI VI llUI MW'I -111111 HOO mo. peyrn•nt lot seoo1mo. 97&-3183 yaro No paf1 848 w n11 .... .,1141 w··'"-. P"" patio ... ,,,. ."1 , ... 1 2 petloa. tlllgatona t , whit• they 111t (714) ,... 2Bf,28e eol\do 9'-''14.VA !8th 111 plue ••c Ag~t 641·5032 • <N.,.. --., ,. "'" --ownar-cvttom bll home 546-0U2 Agt PIDI ""' loan. aaklng 994.500 C...... al llM JIU 17851rno 499•1017 ---=-------1---------1 OatOan i &t I HO Quiet. perk-Ilk• Mttlng 1127.000 Owner will ---------Lat ill anowyou thll ax· Ml~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Woodbridge condo 3Br Aattl•••" let•ldH 667 2841. ~I" ror peddle 1.nnl• ano carry tet 10.n We.Arl41t eel opportunity neer Lovely 3 bdrm, 2 b1th, 2 BA, nr SC Pt1 Adult 2"'b•,£,~ cer .......... , .............. ---------- J I Or.at lor 0tch11d. ltJ ltOIHUt, •ttr •. 2 BA, 2 b•. 1~ dn 1n<1 N-.pon Bay • l9t1turlng '••"-, ... peek view. llfO• 2 cat condo•. Pool, Jaci, full Ott. al a11110 . •II ,,, ... hl••I 3111 ffleld d• UC 11. 3 bdrm•. lltlU!T'\8 IO&nl Open hM 2900 aq fl, 4 &dtrn, ~ ................... ~~J g•t1ge. All •h•k• ' 180, 01rport, Lull unit fed le . . Av•ll ...................... Wi:al rm 1379.600. 141·lllt Sat 31 SllklHI beth, formal dining, de-I...... •hlnola, &ring your Or .. t Loe. NoPata.$560 0112. &aG-898~. Winter $ou1h Bay1ronl. 4 y ·--' 144-4111 067-2046 corated In Hrthton... 2 ad r rn, 2 y, b•. 1 ow too1hbru1h l move Int p I u • S 3 5 u ti II t y North Ir vine Racquet bdrm fumlahed 11200 fUlll • •• PIYlll IHnn HAVE GOOD INCOME??? SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT'?'?? PAVING TAXES??? 2 HOUSES on 1 LOT' 1 llOUHI SPA... E'alde C.M Cute Spa- ·• .• Just step out lhe Mllr nlsh 2 Bdrm, Iba. plus fidr door. Charming 3 gues1 unit Seperate en· BOr home features r•· trances. $149,500 Own/ model kitchen wllrarHI Agt 645-a832 ,;ei~~3~;~ce S 129,000 $ 2 5 0 0 D 0 W II OILY! I Sharp 3 Br 2-sty condo wlfrplc. ')I\ beauty. Near S.C. Plaza, Forced aale, ll(I POOL HOME only$, 12,500, appraised at S 120,000. Avall. lor l lrg 3 Bdrm 2 Ba lmmed. move-In Call has been remode-F r e d T e n o r e • a o 1 end lnclu<les e lrg 63 t-1266 Prln. only Bdrm. den and gf.,......--------lc pool Auume MESA WOODS • Vour ,000 In 1oan1. As· choice of two Elegant g s 2 3 5 . o o o . trHevel or spectacular 1' ranch style. From $174, 500. Bkr 848-0709 ·'RADITIO\J\l. REALTY IT OWlll-WTSlll Divorce force•, quick sale! 3 bdrm, 1 bl . lrplc, 2'h gar .. lge lot wllota of Sltu1tad on 1 corner lot down, 1ov.'I\ flnan avail. 11100 rno. 073·8494. 558-1820, t16-2680 Club. lrg 3 Br 3 Be on 075-6829 BHufllul gard•n 1pt1 W•U• ..... IHI thl1 la prof .. alonally C1ll Aloh Owrrar/Agt / t din P1tlol/dd1 H .. t peld ••'••••••••••••••••••• malntaln•d 128,900 '964-0171 · ~ •• lfMi 31fl lltM1. 111&11 ... corner. 1 c, am rm, l•l)H No pa11. 2 children wel-IWIU IUPfllnl down o we bal1nce FuK -::r.-::::............... Dec:Ol'alor parfacl. ape· r~4·-f:p;c '895/mo ,,., ... ,. 3101 corna Fan11•11C ocn v--... 2'"·. A.A.--J-•1 lll'•lf Spee view home, S.pt. clou• 2 bdrm, 2'nba. new 5 9 3 ...................... 2 Br 2 Ba S5e6 ~ -..... prlo• $289,000. A9en1 .,..... ~ • thru ......... ...,... mo Non ...._ etytl 2Ba. splll·level, 2 blkt l·598-18t1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'·· • ...,., . C~ Cod Poot lac; IK WoodbrldglH>fl the lake fleCllln-.t • •I 398 W WllllOfl 631·5543 trom !>Ch. S 195.000 ----------1 11~11 • ..., emlcre, no pet .. Prat reep arH , pvt P.t10.' batCony, E•acullve 3 bd, 2 'It bl 1 •1t blk• to beach. 2 Make Oller. 494·4748, UfflllT ,., Wt ll cpl Aal•. •0•·9848 wine 04llllr & lge ger1ge Many E11t111t $1400/mo bdrma, 2 08. •Plrll 678-2122 Lovely 2 bdrm, 2 bl •••••••••••••••••••••• Emar11d Bay, pvt beech. Decor et or wall P•Plr. I• e • • 5 5 2 -9 6 4 9 . 1tatrs Skyllghfl and 2 BR 2~ bl d11plex. 1900 1Q.tt. ot luxury. Every •tra, dbl gaf, fncd yd. $606 8 4 2 -9080 , 673-8338 Loweat priced 3 Bdrm mobll• home. furn. llWPllT llAll pool•, tennis court•, draperies 1nd more. 661-2193 or 987-8&57 llreplace Patio. apt. enc Ith 1 1 L IO% $126,000.213-11118·8856 Bal Aire Home, t1gh1 oc.envlftt 3 8drm,3ba I 1050/mo Call 1 BR Orangetree condo. garage Sl200permo ~ow~ e~. ;'..~u~~tlon. NEWPORT BEACl:4 tnterlort. 2 bdrm. 1 bath, & g u • 1 I h o u 1 • . 548·2239, 10:30 10 6:30 by lhe lake, pool, tennla, 673·9384 afler 6 846-0719 2 IN FORECLOSURE rront kitchen, expend911 11800/mo winter rentll pm. adtt1 only, Avl 9/7 $460. Nwpt, blk bay, beach. 1 Large 2 Br I Ba. with OPEN HOUSE ThlJrt/Frl. 8-t9, 8-20, 1-41 30PM 245 Aster SI • 18, LI· guna Beach 1 Br 1 Ba. ocean view. $125.000 CASH. Probate Sale. For addltlonal lnlo c:all Paul Kiel. 111. Interstate Bank, (714) 558-5431 • Vacentlotforduplex, 'A nv, dining arH. Young or 1 2200/mo yrly. Derllng Spenlah 2Br lb• 675-9229 BR. new furn, ulll pd, rrege, dlw. laundry rm· blk 10 ocean. ttepe to adults & petl•.,,..eotne. 714176t-QO.t7 with 1 car garage ., __ 3rm. w/pool •ne $450 mo 213·941-3065 495 B ... ••"" $24.500. ~5t37 .__., ..... Jiii so25/mo 046_8832 4 ""'~ ...... Also lrg 2 r 1 .,.. ..,..,. ~·Ji.!~~~~ :ny~~ du· Double wide 201150', 2 Br •••• ('tt;.............. 873-1182 lg kllch, nr trwy $470 D••• roi•• 31ZI Avail 9-1 64s-&e25 WI 2 .. ,. 1 b WIO QC .. RENTALS 750 .. 3314 •• r. •••••• •••••••••••• 3 ptex, '-' blk to ocean, 1 '-'bl, Newly p11nted nter. ""• e, • 1 & 2 Br apecloua apt.. Super neat lbr, am older Dorft wait only 1 large 1oan1 ot S300K axtr Adull park. 125. Avelt Attar Lbr Dey pool, cirpeti, drapaa, TURTLEROC~ EXEC . 2 vllla, courlyrd. private, er avall wtlh 2 Ba .• 0--llT Sftln ooo. p11 MZ-428.4 073-3039 MCluded. bue/prol peo-mstrl, den 21'1 ba, more, 1400/mo 673•3313 110, tn quiet lfH, large UY lffll BEACH LOVERS . LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm, fem pie. 1340-1460/mo 11350/mo. 851·9350 pool 1676 845-3381 or Call Agt, 840-7814 Dana Point Flxlll'. Double rm, 4 B.•· SHOO mo. 642·7312, 731-6829 £•••U .. ". 3Z41 HHll•flt• _6_7_5·_5_94_9_· ____ _ .wide. 2 bd. 2 be. Thou· ••'••••••••••••••••••• ••cl 3140 Large Eaatald• 1 Br I B1. £11.••• 1111,HI IOS.Z 3 Br 2 Ba. lam rm, frpl, sanda under marllet. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, UllLHll/IUl.Ttll EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 ••••••••••••••• .. •• .. • New carpel•. brlghl & •• ••••••• ••••••••••• levetora. mfrrored war· FleAFtnanctng.PetaO.K. t Ba $700 mo. 8111 Faat. free tenant provl· Ba lrpfc,brtckpatlowtthOulet Jun~ors & 1 Br cheery 1425 851·9522 IHT llY II drobes. heated PoOt Sy C 11 N (AAB l0"2) Grundy, Rltr. 87~181. d•rt. Call the BEST •pa S 1 50 O 2 1 31 From S375 POOi, rec H . 1.0. o w n 8 r s 1 7 8 , o o o a ow • 539-8190 876-2255. rm . sauna. enclsd ga-PINE BLUFF APTS 3 Br 2'n Ba on '/rec PoOI. spa, deck, Fr drs, nu crpllllle/palnt S 165.000 4 owe lrg 2nd. Call Ted, 495·5651 By Owner. former mdl, 4 Br. spectacular vu over goll course, alarm system. lived In 5 mos. Price reduced. $385,000. Must sell lmmed. Asaum loan. 714/495-4223 ZILLE IE CElllSE BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES by Howard Mark Co from $159,000 495-3244 760-0297 548-8M5 Agent, 522-4080 Olean !Br, den, gar, ulll raoe 17301 Keelson oft 1 Sr with loll, & 2 Br. 2 l2x60 Champion, carpor1, pd. Winter S500 mo. On E-alda 2 br. 1 be, trplc, 3 Br 2 Ba, ocean vu. Stater. 842-7848 Ba Child ok. on 1ne Ull ISUH HLIU HIE Lovely bright 5 BR, for- mal dining rm, lam rm. wet bar, sunny patio I Tutalully deco11ted. Asaumable 111 T.D. Prl· ced rlghl It $455,000. Berlt Mltchlll. 844-8200. ~ Macnab -Irvine l llll ITU.LI patio, iwnlng & utll lhad. 5-ahO<• 631-7764 slOva & ralrlg. Patio. No $825/mo, Arch Beach Blults. patio, vie'#, lrplc. 2 br, 1 ba. llv rm, kltc:Mn. OCEANFRONT duplex, g11age, Grdnr & uUl Incl. Hg I 1. Av a 11 9 I 1 ESTATE LIVl•I encl gar . gas ttove. dlt- partly turn. Adul1 park. $850 up. 1760 down. 2 Mature couple pref. No 633-Q212 all 3PM. Beaut1tul park-llke eur-hwaaher, spa, lndry rm. Senlore pref. No pate. B r 2 Ba , frpl , ger. pet1. $050. 846-4102 OCEAN AND WHITE roundings Terraced $695/mo Xlnl locatlon. See at 840•4 111 E.elde. 2 br, 1 ba houae, WATER VIEW 3 sun-pool Sunken gas bbq. SPMC 631·8107 2119 Tuatln Ave, Cost• w i d e n , very nice decka.3b<lrm.2'1t ba.2 spark ling l ountains Ne-r2Br 2Ba Nopell. Men In beck. BEACH COTTAGE $550/mo. 1250 dep lrpc's $1125 Mo plus Spacious rooms Sepa· Avail approa: Sept. 1at. 2Br 1ba. blk to beac:tl. 821.900e sec.Avall.now. raledlnlng area Walk-In 1 4 50 760_1410 or By Owner, e11t r1 wide, Cabane/Mol>Me hol'l'le In Udo Park on Newport Bay. Pvt encltd pltlo/ garden & pvt bHCh & clbhae. Welk to Lido VM- lage. Ample prkng. '39. 750, w/ae1um1ble S26, ooo loan e t 11%. 675-5:;52 avalt sept 1. $&50 wlnllll', 498-0554. 531•1188 closets. home like kltch· 548_8675 1750 yrly Utld Amazing olfllf 3 Br. 2 Ba. en & cabinets Walk 10 --------- ••••••••••••••••• ••••· crpt1, blllna, lndry nk-HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Huntington Center Large 1 Br ·1 Ba. dllhwr. ...,.,., Jiii ups. $475, low move In. Nu 3200' tux hm on bluff 1 Bdrm-turn, S505 lndry rm, carpor1 WI •••••••••••••••••••••• Detall• BEST lee 18-0 deg. vu of harbor, 2 Bdrm-lura trom 1605 stde. $390 Avall 8-11. llEITALI 539-6190 surf. mtns. 3br. 3ba. 2 Bdrm-Townhouse turn. 645-6625 security, sauna. spa trom $675 ---------VHrly-WaalOy-Wlnter. 2. Student budget. quiet 1 11995/mo. 496•7009 No pets. Ulillties •reel 2 bdrm, 1~ ba. Fireplace. 3,4 8drm1. er. garden apot, fncd LA OUINTA HERMOSA Dishwasher. prlv petlo. JAllll IUL n petlO. S300. Easily yours. Ocean view 2 Br 2 Ba. 16211 Parkside Ln. I blk Gar No pets. 1520 mo. PIOP Call BEST tee 6311-8190 1800 1.1 .. steps to beach. w 01 Beach, 3 blks s 543-5478 posa1b11111es. S99.soo -111 .,.,..,, lffd I HI ollers. conalderad ••·•"••••••••••••••••• 81yc111t femlly en1ar- taln rnent home 3Br. pool/spa. Ju11 reduced to $289.000 feel 2007 Holl<lay Rd Vacan1, lock box. do direct . or call Bkr 955-2841, 760-7292 ~!.C.t~~.f!!'X •• J.t. Rent this quallty 2 Br ~.1 ioo75tm9 °1·22°1•rrell. Re/ or Edinger .. 847 ·5441 ----9TI--••_R_Yl_W __ l_E_ Duplex on, ...... Mn<I. 30th MWIEMRIT MCUrely tned. kids can ....:"":.:•:.::x~::.·:..:.::.:::...:_ ___ J·;;---:--~-.--:;;;;;;1 • .,.,..,.... ,,. 9' Mt-II J.•d 3111 I & 2 Br apts evell .. c .... ,,, • ., I OZ2 842-4565 evs & wllnd• TEllllFIC HOME ·~··••••••••••••••••• Ti • fill 1034 Prof. decorated, warm ..... ft YHr lfftr .!~!~."! .•.•• ~...... remodeled 3 Br. LR .. Mome+Guest+lncome I llY II D R F R bl kit h OWC 1st -Flex Terms . " · ·•• g c " 509 Acacia CdM nr bch 4 Bdrm, Vac;anl and high beam celllngs. frplc. lpotlees vacant Duplex ready Lge assumable plus a lrg manicured yard Huge 5br/3ba+3br/31>8 Io an. Sub m It Bk r wl a 3 car gar A real va- 440K own/bkr 845-7048 848-4557. ~!n8\~7~~~ ~nl~r~~ lllUH YIEW Buti•I,.,, -Tenore 63t-1266 • S sellto Lusk nome on ••c• UHO f . land. 3 Br. 2 Ba. llv & • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • di rm, lg lam rm. all CLOSE TO OCUI a Illes. lg tree lot. By No money down. no 0 ner. $313 .000 quallfylng ·own your 7007. home on our unique 20,000 DOWI ~~a~~?n;~p~e~i~t~ovne '~ + COTt ~!1\1.IT So. or Hwy duplex homes In Hunt. Beach. 3 3 yrs old Darrell. BR 2'~ba. H500 10 2100 nr/Agt. Re/Max sq fl Payments run 1221 $1200 lo $1600 per mo Call Geo Brook• at C• #tu IOZ4 7141891-5556 ..................... 1---------- l.71"X. fltH•a•le ltH tat TD of $60,000 lully adumable Owner will c•CrY 2nd TD also. 3 Bdjm family home. good lo~lon. OWNER AN· XI S. Asking$ 124.900. c 540-1151 .... ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS [(ASSllllLE 1 " YA LI. ~ 8'h% on this 4 ~· on east side of ctQltl Mt!IS8 Wllh pool. ffi and many other enltles. S 110,000 In a eumable loans. On a c l·de-aec 1001 owe ~ucad to $159,900 ""' 979-5370 .\'>IL/ 111!·1 HHti•1t•• g.,._., llHI •••.••••••............ OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1-5 pm 164 12 Grimaud Lane, near PCH & Admiralty Dr. Lg 4 b<lrm, 4'1'1 ba, 120· boat dock. pool. and spa. (213) 439-0271 Realty World-So w Props llYi•t 1044 ..•................... ..... DOWI PAYIHT take ove< exlS11ng loans on this beautiful slngle family home 1n Wood- bridge Creekside 3 bdrm. 2 be Poplar Modal Near park-pool- lake-achools. S 169,900. Price for quick sale ltTS-UTS If you went to bulld your own castle, this opportunity of a lifetime Wiii never come again. 3 lots on Harbor Ridge: side-by-aide. with plans tor a 10,000 aquare foot home w l1h TEN N IS COURT and pool 1or only 12.500,000. The Owner will Joln1 venture, l rade or you can lake over the whole project. s1 .•oo.ooo of assumable fl• nancing. WOW! RMI Celt, 11.<ohr 7H/760-l!IOO Brand New Homes & Condos. no money d:iwn whlle they last. (714) 5-48-9522 Agl BAVFRONT LIDO ISLE HOME WITH DOCK Choice loc Xln1 fin. Prln only. Own 073· 7946. H~ hlew l•rtttl Urgen1 sale Condo. 2 bdrma, 2'/r ba Xlnl IOc. $110,000 $12.000 On. Payments $947 50. Call owner. 714-661-4818 5 Br. llgh1, brlte, secluded 2 level Eetate size lot, shopp~g, school a •II near by. Owner muel Mii & wlll lln•nce What 1 deall Agenl 648-1044 Asking $264.500 lease· hold llW UM llU Fabulcfu1 new home on large street to street IOI . 4 Bdrm wl1h elegant master 1u"'9 wJth fire- place end balcbny No ellpenM WH IPlred 10 8S.S4Jme quell1y and gre- nd manor to thl1 unuaual and beautllul propeny. Call for more details. 142-1200 A PETE BARRE TI .. ~EALTY UM ISLE l&fflllT "40' lol, 5 bdrm1, 5 baths. Watch the 11unHt from gigantic maalM 114.rlte. 4 car garege. Entoy t>eau- 1 llul b•ach In tron1 of your home. $1,750,000. st NB. Newly remodeled IJl-1111 ~~:atyo !c~::1, J~~OT ~~1!.1~~.!.'1.~!L.!.~t ···•~••••••••••••••••• pool, spa, lndry rm, no In and out. 3 br., 2 bl. · pets Im-..,. occup•"'"" 1 I 2 b 1 b Rentals. 639--8190 Niguel Shores pvt comm. THE · """' ~·-• ups a 11. r., •· 2 Br, lrg yard, beaY1. arH, 4 br & family, 2 ba. 1 Br $440-$450 downs011lrc•· Min. 10% Orenge, $400. Rellable, Go Flrt1 Cl11a. ultra mo-atrium. 3 cu gar Pvt 2 Br $525. down W balance et eml chrg, 973--0791 darn 3 + 2, stone trplc b h & t ''GOO Call for appt. l3.9'/e lor 5 vr•. Greet for enhances 1paclou1 d•· eac rec can er D TSL Mgmt. 846-8122 t I 1735 $1250/mo. 759-1465 OsuOmO m•r rlen I 1.R , HELPI R---alble cple, cor, gourmet kitchen. E' de 2 8 1 bal h pool · Arm tage Hlty. 13 .,,. _,,._..,.,,boy.· cat & d""' deep pl:e crpts, formal Lrg 5 Br home w/ocean. si r · · 714 544 2••• ,. ""' ""' LIFE'' c;ov'd parking, laundry, • • ........ naa<I house In "Old din area, pool, Jecuu l. gollcourse & min vu, no pets. 1450/mo T01al OldM Ouplell near <15th It. Huntington" 1rea, H.B. well trimmed grounda, huge pool & spe For move in $750, 833_7890, NB. 3 br, 2 be. up1talra. (Wut of Adema, S<>ulh klda/petl. $695 Av111 e•ecullve or proleaslonel YEAR·AOUND FUN: 646•1947 2 br. 1•.; ba. down1talra. ot Beech Blvd). Approll. Sept BEST lee 81 w/lamlly N o peU Social Ac tivities Wiii 14111 •• 11 for $700. l6001mo., rent or lelM/ 539·8190 $2300 495·4223 D I r e c 1 0 r • F r e e BAY TIMBERS 000 or Wiii bull<I to twit option Rate 636-9832 E/Slde 2 BR 1 Ba, yds. 3 Br. Townhome for lease, S u n d a y Spacious 1 Br. frplc. pool for 1675.000 & up. (p11n• . . . g11, pet OK. $630 mo. $800/mo pool. Steven Brunch•BBO's• & more. 648•9883 & approvila obtained) Tll ILIFPI 642-526 1, 6410-9200 586-5779 or 681-3101 Partles•Plus Nice 28drm 2 ba Adult• A r m I I I g a R e • I I Y X240 dys much more pre I Mos I u t II pd 714-544-2~. •Loll&ly, apecloua, • br. ---------• llJ11i .. Vi~i• 3111 GRE A T $525/mo. 645-81150 all 3 ba, beamed oelllng Loaded 3rm w/troplcal ••••••••• ••'••• ••••••• "E c RE AT 1 o N : 6pm wknds C.•tllfT W" townhome, Recen1 r~ patio. cozy kltctlen S.325 HOME FOR RENT T a n n 1 s , F r e e c,.,.,, '"' GOfetlon. Neat & cleen. OC-RENTALS 7S0-33141 3 Bdrm & •Bdrm $695 Lessons (pro & pro 1 Br, sml, urn incl , S350. ••··-"'""'••••••••••••••• $ t250 mo 10 $800. Fenced y11ds & sh 0 p )o 2 He a Ith prefer single 6 graves In Pacific View •Juat lltled big tamlly 2 br lux. U~I w/pool. gereges Kids & pela Clubs•Sauna• 962-7940 Memorl1.I Patti Sold out home. 4 br, 3 be, lovely $425/rno Reillable. small welcome. 54 5-2000. Hydrornassage• MG11on of Vl11• <181 Mar. dtcor. Pool1tda patio. charge, 973-0791 Agent, no lee Swlmmlfl$1•Goll $550 eech, Mil 2. 4 or 0. $1300 mo. Spec. 3Br. 2Ba lownhou-91 •-&. 3z.~I Driving Range 968-1005 after 8pm. llYlll UU M , frple, micro, 2 car gar :!.'!r.!!.~~!~ ...... '!. a E A u T t F u L 673-0519 belOte epm, * Rencho San JoaQuln w/opnr 1780/mo. Av all OC-BENTALS A P A ATM E NT 8 : Co•'oaJlli .. I/ der11ng 2 br & den. right Sept 1 548-3278 1-5br·a $200 to $2000 SI n g I es , t & 2 , .... ,.,.. 1111 on golf course. Super •-... --.-,.-.-1.-1---1-Z-Zf-750.3314 open 7-days Bedrooms•Furn1shad •••••••••••••••••••••• neiet •• S900 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• E6 STBLUFF· 3Br, 2ba & Unfurnlshed•No OCEAN FRONT, •Woodbridge,_ at-2Br. 2'h8a Condo, $690 ;,,all Now 11000/mo Pets•Modets Open Decorator turn .• 2 + trtctlve 2 br. 1·~ bl 1 mo Gerega, spa, lrplc, l S.0-9019 dally 9 to 6. bdrms, 3 be. 3 car par-•tory end unit. Ave». 9/t mi to beach. 497-6455 Oakwood king. S500 K Enclnltu, 811700 mo. •----------lease or ieee option lar- Owner (714) 648-t068 Agent, 640-5~ •••lhlf,.,, ge 4 Br canal fronl. lar4tl Liii .. , •;1_.... .. ,. 3140 yearly, avall 9-1, commty &,artmHts D.'1t•n/ .....s •n• ••• •••• ••••••••••••••• pools & tennis. walli\ to le II/I NEW BREED APTS BACH $365 Frplc. rec room. pool. jacuzzi, gu & waler peld. No pet1. 393 Hamlllon, C .M , 645-4411 We5tside SPARl<LING CLEAN & SPACIOUS 1 & 2 Br Newly radac, apt1, j:lrPS. dshwr, ranoe & 111- l rt g e. view & ocean breezes. no pell. $385-$475. 642-0884 & 552·9723 lldt It .t...i. '"' Fant1111<: loc 28r trplc, Frff r•n1 tor 1 Br. apt. beacn. s13ooi mo lamlly lt"'8r1 IC •· .... ~ .. ~.!!.::::...... remod. kltch, formal di· Work/E11change tor rent 645-3370 all 5 wkdys 880 Irvine LUXURY COllOS 15000 dwn. 4 unit• In nlng. Bright & airy $1100. 539-3190 (at 16th) WI• .. S.. Ott Ptau Anahei m $500/mo .... /11.,..llT Beech Peach cory 1 Br Park Lido Condo, 3 Br 2 (714) 64"-1104 F F tr• 8 f pl d~ ... ~.. 1 ,. >' rplc. elegant rench naga11v1 approx. P.P. Avell turn or unl urn w /g1rage. patio. plex 8 r c, "''-"''· nvry •• .,.,. le1elil/S., windows, AC, In home 673-5804 Fantutlc loc w/vlewa Low $365. rm, 3 carporta. pello 1700 16th S t secur11y. 28r 288. 18r l "-1111 28r, .. c . bldg, pool 539-8l90 S795 851-9522 IBa & studios .-!!!!! •••• 'r.!!f...... Pt51mo. 1.475 3 Br 2 Ba. aplll le-N~ Shores 3 Br 2'h <17°1°;)e6r4 9 2 1 5 16 1 1 1h3) 1Br & studio tncl Wahr/ E-lld• C.M Trl-plelt. aep. .../11111 IL vel. lrplC, rec rm. kids, Ba. 1"blocks to beach, . • dryr also lncludea pvt metered. $18,000 grou. lncradlble oceen views, pell. BEST fee close to school & 1ennls. c:lub wllennl1 court•. S 1 O 8 , O O O old time elegance. 3br, 53g_6190 962-6683. gym. pools. jacunls. 1·30J-887-2887. I g a I• m 11 'I ho ma wesicllff 3 Br. den. office. OCEANFRONT • sharp saunas, beaulllully dec:o- lncoma p ope 1 No 1 1095/mo. OC-RENTALS 2'/r Ba. 2 car gar, garde· 2BR, winter, no pet~. gar r at ed Clbhae & much r r Y · .................. lat 1 5br'11200 to $2000 $650 675 3033 more From S450 mo. down or vary "'"" _,.. 7s0 3314 7-d ner. no pets S 1050 mo. • In els moat utll 100. Shawn, agt at 648-2158 Pool 2 Br w/wlfe sever 2 BR. remc>deted htte w/ 2Ba $750 mo Acron 1 b t w n sun 11 ow er & dow n Ple11e call , 111·1• · open aya 1-637·1458 2er. 19a, $550 mo 4Br.l 549.:µ21 3641 Bear SI •-t 6 __ •-• .-.,. ..,,.,. Illa.I 3111 kitchen. patio, carport. gar, 1'h blks oll sand trom b ch Sepl-June McArthur) lllfFS l&IUll •••••••••••••••••••••• Yrty 1725. Cula 2 bf. gar.. s 539--8190 750 yrly Ask tor-Siii, _(_2_1_)_8_4_8_-2_2_3_2 ___ __,-,-bd-r_m_,_u_p_per_,_$4_60--lncl-f l••l •" & i"JVESTMfNTS - .,_ f IW ~f .... •••••••••••••••••••••• kid $525 S 3 Vou own the land. 2,000 UllN... pr kg . Neer water. $600 4 Bdrm with multl-_83_1_-_12_6_6 ______ OCEANFRONT Dix 2-4 Br ultl. lrpl very cozy 3 r! 2,;, ba. condo 2 yrs. sq ft. 38r, lam rm. 2.,... Approx 'Ao acre. Wiii 1811 675-3083, 879-0687. beth. comp kitchen, 38r, lolt. 3ba, 3 yrs old . 1 By week or month 631-0921 efler 4:30 0 d,, $129.500. 10•1. Ba,wldeGreenbell,near Lido ea ty or Joint venture. Velu• "1)H 1ownhome. patio, yard, blk from Cll ll Dr. _6_7_3_·_78_7_3 _____ _,, bdrm $380. utll pd. d liWn, flex financing pool. Far below market SS00.000. Celt &40-7865 l1•l•1fll• 3Zf1 kids 646·6769 or 648-6710 Carpor1, good loc. No R,ltl. BKR 631 -6741 $245,000. Wiii , .... op-67J.73QQ FINEST VIEW •••••••••••••••••••••• 539-8l90 • Hlrbor Ridge, mountain & A,atl•t•ll pe t s 383 W B a y tlon. Bkr. ~-0388 IN RANCHO CALIF. Beyfront minus 30'. 180 Many more avallable. ocean view, 3 Br 3 Ba U•l•t•iliH 548-9516 I 5 acre est11 .. • A9edy to <Mg. vu, gotH'ITl9t kltch , Fee BEST be a u 1 11u11 y d on a , ••••• • • •••• • • •• • • • • •• • ---------you CAii N-4 BR. Bacilbay .,..._ Bluffs w/land. 4 br. 3 bl, bulld • On P•Y&d toed 2 1 Of 2 Br & 2 B1, turn/ 10246 Westmlnller 12400/mo ~veil now ,,, ... lal••' 31H Easts1de, Lrg bright 2 bf 3,200 sq 11. pM. comm , temlly & bon\19 rm 2800 mlln from canter. From u n furn , v r I e e 1 • 3 bdrm. 2'.+ b• H1tbour By Owner 760-1977 v•••••1•7•7•5•••0•••••••2•••• 1'~ ba P•llO. avell 911 $367 500 Wiii t d I E $80,000. 20% down -I 135O1 mo W 1 n t e r rly eluxe br. $550 640-0997 I . ra e or aq. 11. nd unit. New owe 1'"'-7"'2 2550 • 0 29 Ar•• S 8 O 0 mo veraallles 2 bdrm, 2 ba gar • prkg. Neer water ._ COUllT properly, TD'• Wiii thruout 1 315,000. •t ,.,... " • .950/mo pn Aug 2 13-• 3 1-1 1 1 • or 675•3063. 679•9667 Available now! 1 er ca.r-r tease-option or low Ownr/Agt. 844-0368. .,. ,_,_ ..___ 073-0433 or 556-1810 714-983•0767 penthouse, ocean view. port, pool & laundry. No down. Reaely to deall ,. ••• ,.,., ..-n, Cl'llf' 101h/81y. patio. $BOO. 762•5317 Small 2 BR 1 Ba. yrly, In-pets $425/mo. 931 w . II 011 0 w n e+./" r o k er . LUI, IPT COIDO Jt..,t 1411 IDT lnlll 1•g11E 01111 d ry lactl, deck, $600 19th. St, 548-0492 I 544-06 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR 2V. b•, lge gar, 1 IH .. "" ' 875-0349 714· 1 In an exctuelve commu-IElll~... block lo beach, llb11ry, I a 3 bdrm. 2'1t be. Plan•· i----------12 Br. 2 Ba. Townhouae SSIFIE . Baytront view condo, 2 BR nlty Walk 10 bch. Every 2 8r 2 be. Unlquel Pain! m11ka1, bu• In qul•t Spilt level, pool, Jacuzzi, tor lease/option 1 yr No Bey front ba<:h unit, $450 w If r pie . waaUlda . LA • 288.sec.bldg BoetSllp amenity. Deaert 1132.500 Ph: area. C•n be l\Jrn. Catt k l d1/pat1. BEST tee "rnonay dn. $2300 per lnclds utlls Daya $49-51mo....Deb5A0-0702 avall $500,000 By ••u1M1u1•ntRMIHIJ·ty~~.1.~;.,, 1.~711 073-5389 S39-0190 moS700permoappllea 960·2471,eves675·9302 S 2 8r 18 ownr/bkr. 875-8837 "' 04U ~~-to purchase price of peclous a. on Alie'°' Lori •-.. _ ,, C.... '-1 llM 111.1 2 Br w/gu. $495/mo $369,000. 851-0130 J./)N Eaatslde, near tctloot1 . To help you sell Items you don'I need To help you find Items you'd llke to buy To tt.lp you publlelre an event or make an ----•nnouneement To help you aav• money-and gHI lt•ffs/listrtss Bonita plan. 3 Br 2 B1. end unit. Pvt p11lo, greenbelt. O wner 760-1097 or 752·8871. SELL Ill TUIE 1&1••-Prlme relldentl .. IOt A._ king SS00.000. 040-7et5 El egent 3 Bt • d•n. country atyla home. French door•. b•Y win-dows, hrdwooct noors. 3 lrp1c·a. ~ 1ge tot owe totel. 5% ciwn. >tint IOca- tlon. S 179.900. F" llnd. By Owf'8r 831·213"4 ........ , ,.,.., •••••••••••••••••••••• erpt1, fncd yd. ••tet pd. Own r J I 3101 no rw.ts S-450 631'"'8155 BAVFRONT CONDO ..... n• Spllt ....... 2 Bf-den, bel· 2710 ··e .. Oelew11e. M/Ageot. t• •HI .. v • • • W/PAIVATE BEACH ,.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.• med calllng, 1795/mo. .,,.,. • 120 1 5PM 81 tt 3 2' •••••••••••••••• •••••• $300 1 Br. p1tlo. fncd In the cove overloolllng 1• 101'A ACIOla. 8.4()--8189 .,,..,... • · "' 1 area. br, "' bl, 2 b<lrm, 2 ba ne-r dplx yard S350 U1ll1 paid 1 Belboa !eland. with 2 Br, 11111111 L•r'"""'. 8d H~. 2 br, 1 bl, frplc, dbl gar, ~~~~~· :4~~~~~ w~=; yrly Mat,ure non-amkrs, Br all appllanC>eS 01,_. den. petlo• •nd trplc. -•-" -·~ yard & patio. S600 mo. no pels. 750 X 3 tool BEST tee 53M190 $825,000. OA<l-7020 _, Coron• dal Mar 111, lut a depo11t. Rell 780-6398 eves. Mr Begg 2131799-4195, 257-9792 • -lUL EITITI Prima grapefruit and 700-8708, 875-2144 req'd. 675-2520. Decorator 3 BR 3 Be Big "460, 2 Br. utll. "" 4 10 $300 I BR PATIO, FNCD .._ Ollng& grove .... loo. c ~.. I .. ., YARD led In SoutMut ...,.._, 2 8f28e,den,frJ)lc:.ttepe Nr 8ch 2br 2b• w/doYble kl111yonoif"'"'o· o--r°fi" Harding. 81lbo1 No S350 UTILS PAID, 1 BR hcellant production. to be1ch. 11070/rno. ger. petlo. bit-In• $480 no g courM 111 pets 547-ll55 ALL APPLIANCES Popul11 Hnlor OlllHn 0 I t r a I I , R 8 I M all OC-AENTAlS 75()-.331 4 911182 S46-0832 OTHERS fOOI BEST I• area. SubdM~ pcMn• 769-1221 C T 2 BR OK Nr Bc'1 3rm w/bubbllng he• frettf 539-3190 11al S2 llOO 000 VA AN ' kl<I• • 'P•. cozy kltch 1400 2 bdrm, 2 be, winter only ---------.EW E •• u.D . ' ' . C#tl #IM JJl4 •rn•ll yard. 1500 mo. OC-RENTALS 750-3314 1725 mo 559-1892 Small ep1, quiet.,...,• t714t 67M4f0. •••••••••••••••••••••• Chooaa fr 3, 902-4471, bl I ~ DESI.. StUMlno 2t>r w/per1y bk 3 e 2 e t t C.ta11t11H .. ,.Jiii 18 e or P8f'80", 121JI ua.1111 pi tlO, blf·lnt, kl<I• $425 r. r. a .• ectou • rM •• r.~••••••••••••••••• alove & ratrlQ, 290 mo. Thi• elegent ouatom M •weOR QC-RENTALS 750-3314 Lrg o4 Bdr ~. 2'/r B1. 3 from bHch, 111111 now. Duplex large 2 Br 2 Ba utll pd. 8334125 ..,._..... ....... ... c ar gtr. nr b••ch & mol yrly, S85 otrno. llundry g11ega y1rd E .... _ 2'"• 1 ... country .. ,,.,..., .. ioca.-.........,_._ ...... 1 •· ........ 780 1977 · • · Lovely 11t..,... ... ..... In 111 exclutlva Sen Ju111 .... ..,.....,.... • --,,_ tChOOle l<ld• & pe1 OK. • lmmed. occupancy. 2912 Pappe<trH Lane. C1plttrano n•lghbor· PltlO, enclad g1r1ge, 11150/mo. M4-50M ~... 770-290• No pate 1498/mo, 1u1 ... ••• C:t~!'!.'.~! •••• !.'i".! hood, rnlnut ea from =..0.:i;,:::·11;~~,:· bftM IJH U.nnla" 341J C.... Ill • ., JIJJ _5_5_9--4_7_18 ____ _ 111 ~---YI downtown. bleCf1 & trwy. P"'9 "°"'"Y ..... ·1442. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••..-••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• E'tlde CM 38' 2be con-Thlt magnificent home '770-~. 1111110 I BR, So. 011 Plua, pool. STEPS TO OCEAN large 2 do Lg y~ 1rplc 2 cs Le .. / /Tr .... t-tnc:till'Oll• 1 llCfe wooded~========~ ... ..._ ~:__. tannl•. no pa11. 1475. Br. 2 81 ttplc, meny ga;, pooll ltic. 1725/mo. HAVE: 4 rma lncludlnQ •qua•trlan 1on1 with OUTSTANDING 1br w/ "1n...,.~t~ ~ 842·2029 amen I Ilea. 1925/mo. 831•1905 2 m .. 1111' tultM. 3'-"bl. hllltllda end can)'On"'"' ~ ex-· •-· -.v-1-New 2 BR , D1y1 842-5757, E11M 4 ---------lga tamlly rm, 2 lrplc•, tr om ...-ery room. F••· Dtilio. utll--pd I* Celt. b I• Imm• d I ate I Y · I 'lt(jbl, pello, Wlfnd• 831-e&30 I Br. 1 Be ttiplu 1"' mlle ru111c wood beam t*l9. Jut1a I nc lude ••nd • Dally Piiot ~RENTALS 780-3314 leOOtmoon 1 yeet ...... ~11• 1650 & 11 H>O d•P· bHch tnc d 'l•td g1r all In a walk to 1~ prlY9t• blMted brick. e11tent1va I a-.. Five othett to chooH 0 P e 1 1 · C ' 1 1 0 • C..ta .,., 1114 r.novetad. 1525/mO. 7eO beech loatlon. The S*· omlC "'°*'"II· '<t Bdfm. 4 • ClalS f,...I 2:,·d~El•l~.~t•drf>/'1-0'. ll'om. W.'re the Of* to 546-1370, 00. •••••••••••••••••••••• Scott Pl. 673-el21 llC1 tarnlty tvwne In the bathe. 3 nrep1-. Ind • WOf't for t7 ..... IHI. "' cell '°' ....... ,. LUii t •• 2 II, J ll. ~~~No·~;~~~od. o:!r '::.'~r=•~e:; e you. C:.11 a. ~AL.s l"'*'rtdtt umun ~:;1~.~~cdo;,h~~~::.: ~!' ~'r~. WANT: Income Pfoc>ertY eonald•r buying Clown • '42·5671 1...,,..~aaoo to '2000 lcilllt 3 br. 2 .,.. bt. condo t>bg. Adi.tit•, no pelt. &4e.ttso 0 r , • • 1 den e • w / -1 ioen • fent•tle for-.&-'-,.,. .... 1 -1---1 1000 mo. 111 & IHI 842·&013. .. ..... _ 1 ......... ........ tublt1ntlel equity ORJM rer-;;;.· Cell for more In-..--" .,.,.._ ..,....... --,· 551·3MO month, H C d•P HOO. 4 I SSO,Mo. :\...;"; i,d;;;.'; op1 w/only 6'14. option tor,.,;auon and •PPI 10 • casll ...... MU Pllwy,ln.... cla1nln9 d•P •uo. . l>..t $390 mo. Cell 1ft8' money. , -· on.reo •I t7&0.000. t1200 mo. pert turn. I -ml'ILI Adult• only, no .,..., oall -.e81i&.AU I 11:30 PM, 218.4' c: ... tte 144-11 U l&U ...... ,., ~-: :c:r •• ~d~ I 1 to IS bdrmt, .. .;..Jno t i ~ ~ c2 k. ~,.~ 01•11 •• ~ =~· 1 IPAIT111i11· _9_~7_~_27_40 ____ _ : ,,. ~ IH·i30t, IS1·1310, 1 N601011200. l &ee.ot29. IHutlfully 11nd1cep.O l&u Miii .M:lil I \ fer Ad Actiln .. , . .,m jLOW1Y w 3Br PwithoU-: oerderl 'Pt" Pool a spa. ................. r.-;r; I 1 1 118* t et. 1 ee. new ... 2 cei Ott· MC 0918 ' Cov•r•d oarklng No OOMI\ .,..., io.... dPDt. 2 Cll I ,.,,.._, ..... 1 atory, L•I• World, '544-5251'. II C _.11 gr 12 ~·· ~eoll& 3H~11 .. I ·1at r . Wllet • WoncterlUI WOf1d1' Daly Pllt ., ~~· .. ~.!'u'"°· 1' a.4-2'11 , ". *470 • ~ ~ ~· • r. 0 /:~: lily Pl j * '1em. ,.., ,....., 2 Br. 1148e. 1631 2 1 3 I e t t • e t t e , • , of Shopping, tlOlll et 1 Ir, 1 be°" "_. w/3 ti~ ...... ~ ,OI c1...tllad Ad 1 2250 V1nQU9rd I l -IH·HH. ( U · flt. I r:fi,"1P.ro'l"'c::l1.:C:! Al).VIS(I .. = c ·:= = = !'lm«IUO Ag:.io: ~2t or &u-490& , ...... 1315 (ti) [ Cell 1 ....,....rief I ::.•·e!~-';r J:" i:'1: oo NOT Olt'T\IAI Tl!·! ~ Piiot 1TreC11 yCMAr Old •Ml for l0°""*9 ....._ pau ~ DI ' M~71L __ ...... ___ ... ____ ~j~~~=lflecl~~ACl-~Vlaor=~hel-=p1i ==~====-=~~~~~~·~!!!1.!:.!A!:~!T!!~!· ... ·_,_•_o_o_m_o __ . ,!:'525;;. ;;°';J;·~··~Jl:~~;;_~~.:.1..----~-o-v .;~: ! c:.:..i:oo:J.•:.:~~ •• ~=~:-::1..i=·=·=.~=·=·=·=-=':L· .. ~ • ~ • ..-~....,,........,.._.._ ....................... ""' ................... ,. ...................... , ................................................................... "'l!lf' ... 0111110 ............... ~ ...... _.. ... 4 ... _.0U~UU-OQ""OQ .......... ~ .... S ... C.-oS ... ~f~W_...,.V~ir""!l""-l,_.,WW'""~.,-,.,,-,-.. u~.~7"!ie:Ckl~~~ 101. ao d•., .. u Ill Ille llJLY PILOT HllVIOI lllllOTOllY DO IT NOW' 11• ftr la1uh • Your D11lly Pllol Service C1rec1n1v RepraH1llt1tl11t1 IU-1171, tat. 322 ~, ... ~'.'!~!. f !l!!";.f ~ ... "PPlled, re-•p1Jlled (IU " lnaured , llc'd 4 148111 730-1900 Ir~ t<,t1111c11t1•• ~,.~~!~ ............. . Driveways, P&1 k11111 L <>t Repairs Sea1co1111nu S&S "•plllt 63 I ·4 1•191 1~ ()Ally PILOl IW•dnHd•y, Augu1t 18, 1982 ~!.'.'!'!.~' .. ~'.'.r.'!!.'. • • • • f~!f!.'.!!!!!~ .. • • • •• • •11 NI liAI lllJ'olNI .• !-> f .XI f l CAflP(T CAAf I 111111,t ::t J .. c~ Bulllnoton th •11 flu '°''11 tll hU••tttt•, ti 1 h '"' 1 t tl nw 1v Uac. l,.,, .... , .. , llllJ ., ... "' ttf tiu111111 .. !l!I L 11111r•Unu ... ,,, '· .,., f!.~':n.~~ !!~~i!'I. ..... . I lilHl lr'I it I'. l ttflJHUft \o' Ill ~II tub ~ lh•11 .• 11 • I • ti u ( I 111 I l ft~ ··~· 100·1 f~!P.'.".~'f. •........... (h)111 h i1r 1tHO fHltidtlfil Ow11e11opetetO< 1 aq111t upnnr •IH rug I '"'"""" Wutk ou•r f10<1 r., 64!> 1111 ~!.11.'.11.~t~!.'!!!!r .. ,. 1 111>1 IUPM t.L£ANING r > .. uo1um111u ~.1.ot<.1tgard 011111 J , ...... U.!ll ll:Jll !1543 f !!'!!~!(.~~~!!!!! .•... c .. "'""' M11somy-B1ock W11lh <.;u91 Wl)rk Llc • 11110'>1 Rob 547·2683 , •• 1111 ,,, r ,,.,,111111 "" p Wll1t1q t •tiHtlltt Httflj I tJ11vw1 pllllOA, wolks fttte Jiooi ,.11 4~ 11 L ,1 Nn 1011 too ,mnll y ' 'i~b 2607 FREf fSTI MATESI 1< .. ,,,,.onohlt' pr1c+4'J '"""'' ', ftl ,•.1,1111 •• .,.,( '" H h f1 oN till tt1t 1 t'Jn '(JU IUtl 1tl'1 IU p, tun hu1• t. I tiu .... , .. ., '' r ,,, •t''" dt1I \ , Ill lrnJ l.1U\H'fllt\ • '"''"" to11tre1e brick 111111 k "'""" Vfll108 llninuu t1 on~ Lie d t, th SOI t L 111:re1e-:.mall or lge l"l>' Aemo~e replace or ll!IJdlr b45-85 t2 f!~'!!!.~,. "'1f!~ •• 11 . .1. l1fta•1 I It• lie 3~88 Aemod411. "dd'n1, Cabinet• 040·86H1&46_.~ .. f~.~'~.!~~~~~f. Kii Aemoo . ~r•mlc 111•. htd1.J ..•.......••.••••..• ,. Rf:SIOI COMM'LllNO ~ Y" Oo my Q'Nn wo11t. ~IC 27804 1 "' ~8·8 ~ ••NORTH SlAR** Elec:l#lcal Con1raot01 llc New ••rvlce 220 circuit• 24 hr 646-4 174 cabinet• Call now • lrM l•tall•tl le'l•l•A .. _11m_•_te_8_4_2_-o_e_8_1 ___ , ••••••••••••• ~ •••••••• Decorator etyt• Int, ber1, Cu1tom Rellnlelllng·Furn mantela. llbr1rlt1, high & lnttrlora·"" R1p1lre 11yle ralaed panel w1111 & C1ll for ••I 8"4·6204 celling, Lie 536-2300 ¥!!!!.".!·~ ........... . ,,..,,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• TRIES •K"TRIN"'S LIVE·ll'I loppedlremo11ed. Clean hskpra, dally mild aerv, up, lawn reno11. 751-3476 olllce 01e1n1ng. crpt cleaning 6315·2 t 18 MOWING • CLEAN UPS ----------; Hauling Landscaping ~!!_t.!!~~,!~1. ••• •, • •• FrM HI 1)42·9907 Doors replaced. doorway• added, Frencll, entry, custom & tnterlor 631· t5&8 1ny1tme Jessie's Gardening Clean-upl, tree trim & m11n1 serv S40-8035 •''' 1 I hin1tJ 1tant-I \Jllh'fl ' • I I '.,, 't lft J, rt l ltl It hn '>I I tll Ii ht •• Oual weeding, remember 0---11------·1 tlle 3 A's, reu rallable, Cont11cton c,.,,.1 .!T!'!t............... RICI!, 497-3070 ••••••••"·'·•••••••"I OAYW"LLIACOUSTIC Complete Lawn care, Can Hallberg Groouu1 ('114) 9'11 ·3260 & Paving Co Re!> corr I c. -' 11 >M w• <1 1,.,1,. , , •~E~OOEltACO-ONS Repairs. new & old 11 clean-ups, lrff service. ~ c • .rper11ry Uc d 25 yrs exp Bud 552·9582 s pr 1 n k 1 a r s M 1 k e ,,, ••P lrv.10 548·2719 Wall textures-"cou,llc _6_3_1_._15_7_0 _____ _ Lie 397804 8"l t 7 l it "' ,., 1,.," " •tonu•• li) ldd'n5·Duii1t·RH•... H1ng-Te*S1ee111uds I Ill L • I r '"6 .. st Reas prices Lie 389944 t-532-5549 ' ti •• 111' 11 ~!!!!~!1! •.•.•.••..... Personall.zed low ros.1 ltt gal services •nd li41t1111 busl lnltlol con\ull llttm ''" 553-0290 ~!.·~~~'!!~'··········· Loving mother will Li.•hv"' lull time. Nr Fa1r111i.w ~ Beker, CM 546 8&!iJ ~!!!!~.~;!'~.~!!~!~! ... J"YS "SPEAKEA$Y' Prof. Bartenllrng Si;rv Any occasion Poi talllt• bar. 669-14 14 521 8 14 1 f4 •ll•h t 1 \ Jt) .. ~!!P.~'. !!!.v/!! •.....•• UuJI work Lie 337 l69 Tree !rim, gen. clnups, -----------1 cement worll Free eat. Ir 11'(1 l•·.1n 645.40 10 DAYW~Ll T "PING Call 549_ 1604 anytime. "" Textures & "coustlc ~ 11u I• ~· '""''' wt.t ff I, In 11111 l•lt ,ad It tll I; I I II 111' .$ I > IYl,J ' , II '! \I I ~•\It : I hr I •V·•' ·~lw'1 Ctt•1 t·~hll J lf•l 1tt,1••t1 I~ yt~ t •U lJ1 "'° f t-n1~~~1f fto+ 11.11 tl<tl tlEW COMSTRUCTIOll n11111ol1e1 ResodtComml ! :JllMAT(S Lie 310229 Ml!ll<llltr ane11n l.onsvucuon Inc. ~·1•1 1'118 dSll lor Joe l. 11 1 o "' 1 "r11 ode Is 11h~111un~. l•ee es1 Qua· 111 ?r•11 10 none Bendel c..011q l IC. 418570 <,4f:j 4271 t~o '" " N ·~t,0H1i1un ~.1.1111 'tpot.1 111'1 f u~11 lll v I h•• ..... j, •• 1•• I '18;' -.--- ' 111 v. It tt y/t1, w.1111 111 l,la<.sohed Ads. your one- CW•l1 1•11• 1 1 11~·.1(1.,o· slop shopµ111g center ~ree est Kevin 675·9088 All SEAlllCES, Incl ma1n1enonce. sprklrs, f!!!!~~t~l ......... •••• haullng. ctean~ups, ex~ pen l&ndscaplng, etc Sat 1s11cllon guar Lo. ra1es. tree est 240-2148 ELECTAICl"N Priced 11g111, free estimate on large or small Jobs Lie 396621 673-0359 UWI DIRE LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Res/comm. NBICdM Qual. work • Aus ra1as Rellable, Quality Work Free est 631·5072 Tom Barry 645-7412 ELECTRICIAN Mowing, edging, trim· Sml jobalAepalrs. Lie. ming, clean up. Aeaso· 233108-C-10 548-5203 nable rates. 540-1482. /L.JNl•!f l/t8IHlH•l•1 #IH•rr 1"611/8. ~!~•••••• • ••••••• r.::;;i·~iiii.ili.ti·· 1··;,~·;;;o;·~~s·;~~~;·· 0,~~~::::.:·.-;.~~~·::·1fi~ ····:iu·;a;mii····· Hu~~~~ Liwn-ir ... etirut> ln•t•ll Ou•llly alHnlng ll•IP I• robe 100 • roc11 r• • by Alch11d Sinor Lie Lie •411902 Mt-9134 11ere1 Rel• 960·'1452 1 Since 1i69. 6'45·815 t2 280e44 t3 yra o1 ~ TrM tr1mlreinov!M ---.. _, loclll cvatom.re• ,., ... , Lawn c•r•IAOIOlllllng O•n•r•I HOUHClaanlng "''"•f Thi nk you 831-4410 ..................... . ~, .. Hllm•I• 641·~85 l'\41111ble. rel• 10 yra UP •••••• •• •• •• • • .... • • • . M08U.i 8!AVICE go2 0510 •h 4 "oc M OlllNG ,,, .. I••• Aelareenl/New ac;r-" fla,rmH _ -·---Oulck CarelVI Service •• ,.-.~·A•••••••• ... ••• NOtCM 942•ffl2 •••••';;•••••••••••••• Expu Hou•• Cleonmg Fr" 11111m1te1 ~62-04 tO Fllllhlng lnttflOf Dellon Cerpen try. Cabln•ll. Aejlabl• R1t1 HANG1NOl8TAIPPINO IH Jt. lr.,,.,,1 Plumb . Drain Cleaning, 1563-HITb •A·1 MIYlll* lllH MC seou 045.9325 ••• ~!.;,t, •• ••••••••••-" Ele ct . T111 . Re11 -TopQuilllty Spec1a1care1----------"111m Co (l.IC'd).8ee:urttY 1160-01411 Gen'I cleaning. wlndC)wl, 1n hendllng 25 yra up "SR PAPERHANGING syellma lor home & etc Sellalactlon gunr Competitive R1te1 1 yra local u p. Ouar bueln•"· Sec. ~~_a I Cupenlry Muonry Reliable. 10 rites Euro-No over11me. 730-13153 worll Price• al ert •I M llmate Ir ... 646-~ Roofing • Plumt>lng pean 240·2148 1 7• 1 1027 Drywall ·Jllucco • flle STARVING COLLEGE $II/roll. Alec " • Remodel J,B. 6"8·g990 HOUSECLEANING. nd STUDENTS MOlllNG Expert w•llcoverlng In· I some help? Cell t>1wn co Ltc n24.4311 st•ll•llon A111 prlcH Call Handyman Jim 4 7-9PM, 642-9687, CMI I Insured 841•8427 Conau1t1nt Anlgnmtnt eves I CdM area I WATCH US GROWi 581-8590 Ben's M1lnttnance SBlv Housework, own trans· J Plumt>-elec-carpenlry portarlon Eno spealm1u Pal11tia1. r!r..~~~f!.!~ ....... . Palnllng Call 984-5231 1 Call Eloisa Sole ul ••••PA~NTER·;;EEDS.... ••BRYANT'S*• HIRED H"NO, WILL I 548-4839 WORK! 30 yrs e111>. 1rlll Wallcoverlng Aemo1111 TA"VELI Many dl11erM I "PT g HSECLE"NINO ExltH Acou~llc callings ""Type• 642· 13"3 c11oree Wlllla 842-3491 Reliable, 811p rels No Devis Painting 8"1·!>186 II ,11 I HHli• I lob too smell 957-334t Custom work lnl & e•I ••• ~!!!!t.~.'e..~••••••• •••••• !.(. •••• • •• •••••• H /Iii 11c·d 20 yrs In area. refs ED'S PLASTERING DUMP JOBS •• ~~!~!. •• ff.:........ Herb 1714) 521-8012 alt Ne&I p11c11 ... lntlext & Small Moving Jobs TA"llELING? 5 30PM Aestuccos 645-8258 Call MIKE 646·1391 SELLING HOUSE? L_B_A_T_E_S_P_"_l_N_T_l_N_G_ H"ULINO-GRAOINO Mesa couple a1101lable SPECIAL' Ext sgl $400. demollllon, clean-up mid-September to mo· 2 s1y $550 645-9383 PLASTER PATCHING Reatucco1 Int/ext 30 yrs Neat Paul 545-2977 Concre1e & tree removal nage your home in New· QulCk serv 642-7638 port Laguna. Huntington CANYON PAINTING · 14 1 1/.a)Ja1. or Me1a Eaper Rete-yrs in 0 C Satlstacllon •••••••• ••••••••••••• rences Can arrange tor i guar 494-,.541 ATl"S PLUM BING & PROF SERVICE viewing 11 llouse for sale HEATING Specl1Uzlng Hauling • yrd clea.n up Don·i worry eboul emply QUALITY PAINTING 1n Repair• a Replace· Quick 4 clean Free eat Ext/Im, reas rates I ment (714) 645· Hl88 673-05•8 h 0 use w 1111 8 8 w a Y I Lie 8348276 536-2366 -~ I . .• I 545-4240 J1a-t 1a•l,..1u I H"ULING & CLEAN-UP EXTERIOR PAINTING ••••••••••'/~ •• r•••••• Ydstgaroges Prop mgt Juit01i1l Custom work Free est U•'H·IHl&•·ll••••· 631-09531631·0865 LOW .. AA.TES •• oit~~~~~ Reas + fine int & sraj. F1ee alt Reaa. prices bldgs vaceocios. strip & nlng Steve 547·4281 Qual work Lie 337169 ~~~!!!!~~~!~r ....... . fr!!~t!~!! ••••••..•••. SEAlllCE & AEP"IA • \Ian Oppen1 s.-vic. Co. (714) 838-4ee& '"' . ....••..••.••..•..•. , TILE INSTALLED "" l(lnd• Ouerant.-d Reta John 840-92 H Chuck For Tiie Wort< Free E1t ~ 640-51 ... Ev1, wt!nd1 176-5100 TIH S.nitt •··············•····•• S LOW A"TES I Tree !rimming & rtmOYal, 111 cleanups & mowtno 5~·70 t7 '!.-.~·!}~~ ...........•. Motl 1ubjec11, K· 14 Oayteve $5 & S101hr. Mr Morgan 645-5176 !{'!~!~ .~{~~'!''· .... "I.et the Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning, Lid. 548-8853 20% Monthly OISCOtJn1 ROBIN'S CLEANING Service • 11 thorougllly we• etc CH A IS RALPH'S PAINTING I 645·4010 7 14·900·6396 lnllexl Reas. rates Ao o M AO Or T 1 ON S . Wtr' ltHllll•• l Rel Free es1 536·9898 Honest.Reliable & Rafe· ••••,••0 ••••••"•••••• /tl1toan rences. JC&B Const Llc. Computer word procet· clean house. 540·0857 Joan's Cleaning Servlil:.e Houses·APtS·Aen1ala OHlcts 540· 1287 •••••• ;,•••••••••••••• The las1est draw In the #347677 974•7665 sln(I Faet. accurete aer;v BRICKWORK Small lobs. West e Dally Pllol Reas. rates. Notary. Free Newpor1, Cos1a Mes&, I Classified Ad Call Today SELL Idle Items with a pkup & delivery. Len. ·! Irvine Refs 675-3175 642-5678 Cally Piiot Claullled "d 751-1314 for your car or truck DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash. If it doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 LINES . ~ • days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads . Call today for full details. (Non-retundebte. Extra llne• $1.CIO) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 Real Estate-the pomplete Orange Coast ~arket. PJace Aaaoaae1a11Jt1/ ,,,, ... ,.; Loll I Foaad f!!!.~.!.·.-.. ~~ .•.. !.~~1 '!.'}l..'*r!~~'!. ..•. !J.!! FOUND llttrtilill GLIDER IDENTIFY IOOHlt Clert ' Aaa0Heea1tat1 5100 545·3604 type 65 wpm, SIH pre) A,.11a111t1 u.1.,ai1btd Garden Grove 1ow1111u11s• 2 Br t'n Ba t ~110 1tt pets 750-7272 Hutia1toa l11et 384~ ...•••••.............. WMIFFLURU 1 & 2 Br D15co1,nt n1 some models Poo1 5 1111 Gym , Sauna "'c; 846-0619 Deluxe poolside •lrc1 1,11q .. 2br, 2 ba, bltns. ds"'I r 1•1i miles beacn Adult~ no pe1s SSOO "' 536-8362 2Br. 2Ba lrplt f'loCll)~•·ll garage. patio S48'> '"'" 96•-4633 • Duplex. 2 bdrm t•lt 1 washer drye1 no ·~ "' Obie oar $595 ava!I "'"' Call 536-0921 WOODUU 1 & 2 BA BOIS ll .. dUI lakes & streoms. om1>1 omen1t1es. no PP1$ I'• $480. 846-659, Acreage prlvocy 1 B1 w sunny kitchen. ptJtt bolts paid $375 Orhers 1on1 BEST lee 539·6 t90 Air conditioned cr:imlor! ; Br wlgar&ge. lncd 4 kids pets $450 Other !or;• BEST lee 539 6 190 "vall 9115, ntCP 111t•1t jf1r 2'/ibe 2 car garage I·~ c $650 "lso 2br 2ba $S• I) 1st & last 558·8 •68 JniH 3844 .••................... Woodbridge condo 2 or 2 ba, upstelr~ $600 "' 673-8920 evs/wkrt . ........•.....•....•• ~~--------------~~--------------~--~--------------------------------~! Roo1111 4000 1at1J1 to St111 4300 I11at1J1 It St111 4300 01/iet l1•l1/ 44H l•'••l1i1/ Rtat1J4SOO NEW MANAGEMENT! Hlllgren Liquor Store 250 E 17th St. C M 548·6898 Found F Shih· Tzu 'Nlll & tan w/btk lace, vie lllctorla/Harbor 548-8523 Ap"fmenfs Unfurnished .................. ' ..... I; t I b liV Nli 11 1,r :JfloJ•\ • f•EAt,r; " In • f> f. ,1 • ~Ull t\llh 1\1) 644-1900 1r t u t1 On •• ' t .S(JJ n1,..H A.,~ 11 f,~ • I l' I '°' ~" Eitsrs~;;E··c;;··p;,:;;; ····i·;;·i;;;.;~·~.~··· ;·;;~;;~~·:~;;·~;.·;·~; ;~~~;n·;·~~:·:;·s;;;,;~~ ~·9·3975·0i:ct.··;sso·s~· 1u1n room & bath Utlls Contact largest Gay Promontory point apt, out? Low er 011erhead II or less MIA zone ;g 1~:~119 $3 15 mo j ~~1c:i~m;~~-:~~~1ce In ~a!· lpm~ 7 3 • 8 6 o 1 ~=~~~/~~g:.·.~~11~~:~ s ~~~n~:-4-~--~-~-~-2_11_1_n_d_u_· R-r 0 BA BOA $230 d d suites In Newpor1 nr Air· t t I 0 11 ce 18101 Re J M L 2500 sq II Condo, wlll ac· Mate rmmt nee • · 1 blll port, fully equipped 4 5 r a • ' ., • mo,, :'"w lu1n avlb 9/t cept 2 edits, 0, 1 adll !rem bch, non-smker. no sralled lor every bus•· dondo Circle M & T ' " -' + " o n . s m k ' wt t chlld or Just 1 adl\ II a k e 5 ""a II 8 12 1 ness need lndlv otllces Hun II n g Ion. Be a ch u7.l-'10t., Pool. lg kit. 2 patios. lg 646-9223 mo/mo from $375 842'2834 -----~nar .. noce 3 Bdrm duplex bolcony w lbey view Neat F mid 20's to shr 2 br 833-9976 1300 SQ It $450 i1.1tt 0:..1 Penin'!iula G11· 557-7883 or 640·6339 NB apl wtsame. $225 & Fronr olllce. large rear rc1r,>? s1eps 10 beach & MIF prolesslon&I 22.30 to '• ullls. 552-4409 s500o LAGU,1NA11; Arodch ~ay door 1789 wll11t1er A11e tJ 204 Ad 1-sq w oo wy Days 540·9352 Eves a> ams· shr 2 bd. 1 ba apt In 111slblllty 4117 -2~5 t 6,.6_0681 F .,, n rm rem pref pvt C d M N o n • s m k r A 0 0 MM" TE I am. 1 o --;;S;:-u:;:b-:-;::18:;-1 -;;e..:::ec::-0:1;;:11;:ce:---11..:..:.:...:.::.::...: _____ _ hl'lmf' k tch pr11111eges $300/mo + u111 lstllast sllare 2BOAM •Condo Prime a1rpor1 iocere on lt•l•ll W••IH 4600 1,•wsa Verde 549 984 7 + dep 760-6236 eveal $262 per mo plus ulll •••••••••••••••••••••• 64~ 4546 wknd "dams & Busna1d area. Mac"rthur Blvd Price COINUTt "1•1 " 101 Rent 2 Bdrm Nd Lag Ocean front 2 ns~ Co•tl!ge Pa11. CM bdrm 2 ba. beau !urn •uu 1 riv11..gps $300 C<1ll S•25 mo Fem prol pre- ' 11 \.., e 1 a o : S 2 O . Id Sheron 640-2912 wk b4?-4 00 24 hr dll ~---------t,~M RITl & t•a pr111 Woman will\ Career de· e••• a,,ce !or qu1e1 ma s11es same CdM 2 bd, I 1 " .. 1d•111 $325 u111 s ba S360 Incl hsellpr Del 760·85W Avail 9· 10 975-0578, ------675-4024 B.ic~ Bay NB pvt rm ---------- S 105 mo mc;I utll Yng Fem will share with Fem 1 e m n o n • s m k , 22 plus yrs old large apt, 114f 55)9 2 ba Newport Beach 6 6 reduced Must see• Call 964-7t 7 attar pm. 497.603, PRHIDHT M/F to Sllare 3BDA 2B" house in C M $250 'II ulll 5•5· 1370 LIDO ISLE $500, • • uul . non-smoker Carol 675-9449 Fem to shr furn 3 br condo, S3001mo EISlda C M A vail now 642·2225 Exec suites. lull serv incl conl rm 1182 SE Bristol. bet Redhill & Nwpt Blvd 957·8A51 CdM di• suite, A.IC . ample pkg. utll pd 2855 E Cs1 Hwy 675-6900 2000 sq 11 office space ror lse. C 1 • avail now 625 w 19th St. Coste Mase 645-8830, see Mrs Nortllrup Recently moved 10 Cahlornia desues Quall1y Furnished home for rent ; seasonal or long lerm tn Labuna Beach, Newpor1 Beach, Corona del Mar Con1ac1 (7141 494-3757 Psychic Readings 1Sp1rl1uall Jack (714) 556· 1178 Found 8117. M Siamese cat. nr Mac Arthur & Campus Melissa 752·6 t91 Loll I Foaad 53001Found· F Pit Bull puppy & • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • F Germ Shep • to owner or good llOme 966-1192 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 8'2·H71 FOUND Fem Golden COi· or Shep mix w/blk lace Mesa llerde Call 979-7158 I r!!!~! .. ~' ..•....• !.~~~ COEDS -Would love to party w1111 yov Call Sue or Kathy anytime 953-9363 L o s t O o be, m a n w 1 111 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ldallo tags red collar Il ic Fa1t -& Mesa 548-9154 LIHI I YIOll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS LOST MACAW OUTC"LL 24 HAS _3_·_4_m_o_s_a~g_o_6_4_4_·5_2_8_9 l'iiiiiii':':':·0~2=0~l:i::i:~ Lost. At OC swap meet 2 Iii RINGS Sent1mentel va· lue REWARD 540-6968 SUNNY'S Execullve Suess-Reduction OWce-11m-ou1call Losl Cat. mid-July Lge 63 l-6377 oranoe1w111 neut Long l~~~~~~~~~~I ho;r Eastblulls Aewa1d. 1-::lc>wn1own HS non·smkr $290 646-3377 Fem 1 SI~ rrom Ocean Outet responsible Female $200 /!. , u111 640-6650 10 sllare my 2 Sr 2 Ba Roy Twnhome nr UCI $375 New Penlhouse. Catal10a vu. pvt ent. & ball\, H.B. $300/mo 536-0794 SUNNY Newport Beach -------Patio omce 833 Dover. 2 MIF rmmtes wanted to s u 118 2 s 3 o 8 t mo 2 Responalble. •ellred 1 760-9555, 675-8826 Prof man w11mall Child Adults (M/F) wish 10 rent needs housekeeper-glrl Moblle Home tor 6 mo LOST COCKATIEL lrlday. Organized, hOu· M ust o 11 ow p e 1 Nr Topaz St. Balboa sehold, 11g111 olllca. pos- -----plus •;, utlls .. w/d & ga· Employed male 1aund la· rage. 553-1582 E11es 11 quiet C M area ~ '89 call al! 10am t.4&·0936 MIF shr be&ut Back Bay condo Pool, Jae. tennis S300 645-5165 sllr 3 Br condo, CMINB 631-1094 • area Dependable. em· ployed & refs. $234 & ut1I Larry , alt 5. 964·6110 I ' s t a n d A e w a r d s1b111ty to learn computer 2nd Floor 0111ce, AC. great _67_3_·_4_5_2_9______ word processor So La· 111-. 325 sq ft. 60¢ sq It HELP' Responsible cpte. FOUND Well cored for guna, room/ball\ & small 1 Ole. 2nd 111 . 375 SQ II 13 yr old ooy cat & dog young Shepherd. beige & salary, or 11118ry only 50¢ sq fl (714)67A·l921 need llouse ;n 'Old black with a little wlltte. Flexible hours Barry 642·7109 PVT ENT & BA TH tJPwl\ redec Huntington H,.acn $250 536-0794 G1t1•11 ltt •iat 43'0 IEll SPICE CIM Hunllngton area. H B I 495-3181 or 531-9616. Bernes. 49•·6959 Fem/Balboa Panln 2 ••••'••••••••••••••••• (WeSt ol Adams, Soutll ----------srory 3 Br 2''1ba, vaulted Storage garage for rent Anractlve rustic upslllfS ol Beach Blvd) "pprox Fovnd Female declawed Stable "merk:an llos1 le· ce1llnga, belcony & ger on Balboa Penlnsula aettlng We supply desk. $600/mo renl or lease/ tortoise shell cat approx mlly wanted tor high 31 l • ,,,., to ren1 !pie patio $266/mo Ask lor Jim next Io Fun Zone space, copier You sup· option Reis 536-9832 6 mos Auo 9111 Vic school student All living "'" t i'l'h $250 1st lest H B wknds/eves 675-95 !8 & 10' ••20'1>' 673-2943 pty phone. & $95 pr mo Avocado St, Coste Mesa expenses will be Pd dys r e<1r bcn 536-7 103 896-5189 wkdys EHi side CM. Single ga-pr desk Cell 64•·7211 Alter 5 548·9112 ~l~-S~~;:Sk ·.~:~~71~' Hotf/1 ffloltll 4100 Female lo shire 2 bdrm rage IOI storage S75/mo *f•EE llEllT* Found Small Parrot Dark ...... '··••••••••••••• apt 1n CoSla Meu Sept 645-7234 n l•ll••,,/l•~lll/ head Ill e w 19th. SUURK MOTEL 1st $250 645-1209 Garage for Rent. SSO per Mo-Mo. No leaae req fJaHet , CM.INB Please call and EXOTIC l//k Y rentals now avail Resp non-emkr M/F rm-month 28fS4 LaSalle, Full service, lurnlslled. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1den11ly 642-7221 DllCEllS • t• " •11-~eoo mo ~.· tl)5 & up Color Tll r-ttconl area• • 2 I · ' ' -mate wanted lor 2Br. CM 957-2740 alter 6 ~... • •11•111 Found Lhasa "PSO L•'I."' •••e 3848 I . I , .. ,~,.. "11 \. Pnones In room 227• 2Ba ant n1 s Cit Plaza pm 9m60o _12':911From 116sqtt o ... ,, .. ;,. soos , Brisiol/ Irvine 8113. lachelor/ laoll•-•• •••••••••• ••••••••/ fl,cr r ·• 2 )ti ,.,Pwport Blvd CM .., ~(; ;c:. I •cu•F on / f1r •IJ•lf'> I ro~s Sl•Pet 646-7445 966·0554 eves Ollie•.,.,,, 4400 2000 sq 11. comb ottloes AR0TIST ·,.;:;d ·.x~~~i;~;I _96_6-_l3_2_3______ lortttt ,.,, IS. MoSt elegen apt blel<-1 1 m t t'a 1 $7~0 mo -----Mester Bdrm wl prlvate •••••••••••••••••••••• and llgllt work shop e111t1 to do spcrts action ILOST Grey end cream Th'*ast MMrra.h. In Laguna B ch lor-t 1 J•, p,~ 4 • :1~1, 8&8J B E A C H ARE A ba "vall lmmed Wk-EXECITIYt Simi Storage area w llga figure sketclles at roes lema1e cat (Had yellow ll-ll•I location In 10 br11au days belore 3 & wknds IAlllNE Piion• anew•· ovemead door access. 3 price James 66 l -3386 collar w/legl 1 yr old • I 2 tlR "' r•" f;tHhlu ..,e<.1· 850 9 60 b 5 10 GI n 6 SI Lag !~~~~~~~~~~ taking v ews. ou•U •M $84/ k · 1 ring. con I. rm. utll pd, min from lido lale Ideal 1wn • Pm e n e Yr g • 1_ h e ii t e d p o o I I' fl• "1 'r !JP•ng W 1 1 •1 for comb olllr•/storena Chlldren heartbroken 1 is u l ~~ ~J ""' Newport Beach loll lor sc ry servs. e c. " •0 ~ •· l•li•lll to Reward 497-1377 ra111a.J sub.-garage. el!'vat(Jr 1 1 it. 1"~ 1 Relnge1ator·Ma1d·Poo1 rent Family atmosphere desk •pace. S 150/up. Cell 64!>-4800, aall tor I I SOJO S. ; S310 ;;gs~11~n6>; !:;o8t83uo '.;'! 111 ''' ~ '· evs Nwpt Blvd 4 Wiison Full use 01 house Nr pool 540-11745 Vlcllle or Anna. • ••• !t!!!! ....... , ••• -Lo_s_t_w_h_l_te_F_S_h_u_p_h_e_rd-....... '!o.e.'! ........... . 'RI o...osla Mesp 548·9755 & park Rent Incl utll. 1617 Westcllll, N.B. 258 2000 sq It wl500 IQ It CPI WUTI TO llY Ille "•lanta & Newland, New I Br, ocean view cl 'fl,, 11"'k•nu •nall 1 vearl" on 1he oea1F. hotel S350 o 759 0780 4000 I n t O C "' 1 H B 536 2287 1 I• It... v<.11 1 ......,, m • to sq. I, tat. oor. s or age, · · rpor Local practice, conllden· --·--·------ o" 1o beech & sllopp111q llql f,. 6210 room kltcllen & shower, Roommate l o share 2 "gent 541-5032 a r •a S 2 0 0 0 Imo ce. Reply to PO Bo• Lost 8113 M Sea1po1n1e L rg d eek $ 5 6 5 'm 0 S320/mo plus sec de· bdrm. 2 ba condo, 3 bike 450 sq. It. $1.00 per sq. 651·8928 1332 Newport Beach Hlmalayan. San Joaquin EllLISI lllnEIWI Etc011 tor Women 497.5725 (bet 81m-8pm) White Male will model 494-7079 (..r 11 r }r.. ,.,.,r Marn pos•t 2306 w Ocean-10 boh $225. 960-9805 ,, • 400 1 Birch .• N .B, ' ' I 'fl ~4110 1126'13·0332 His Dr. San Miguel Ad. I " 3869 .,1c1• Ill') hJtrl ·1• omfurn I Cron!, Newport Beach •••Ill I• ,. ~ Re ard 553 1950 1111'Ntl 110 ~F.o 1 •n f,7J f,:1:1f, 673-4154 MIF to 1hr 4 br condo. Agent 541·5032 •••••••••••U• ••••••• # It'. H 5030 w · • ••••"••••••••••••••• •• amenltlee, Eastblufla. Otlloe ind Laborttory •• ~~!1 •.• ~~!.......... LOST SSOO REWAROI 530•32113 NO FElil "Pl & (,ondo [ 1·r. 1'''" I nr1do lBR Summer R1at1J1 4200 NB $240 720-0572 apace. up 10 7500 IQ It $251<, lhort term. well Sa· For 1nform11lon leading , _________ _ Rey renlall. Ville Aenrals '' r nr '""' .~ ""Y v1Pw ....... ••••••••••••••• 645·2111 Ask'°' Jot cured. 35'"' loan • to • to the return of dog Am In a non-merltlme 675·49 12 Broker I '" 1 l!•I "1•1C .. ecu11ty WEEKLY REITllS MIF e11ebl'd prol only, Beaulllul e11.cut111e olllce value 4g3.7674 Male (neutered) Lhasa bu sine'•· but hold , .. IESERYE ITI 11·1" p•,o mo r~ll '1·5 Available "gt 6715-8170 2 5 • 3 3 • s t r • 1 g h I • 11Utte plus warehouse In Apso mix, (Benji type) Maa1er1 lie .. all ooeana, 834 ''>4i non-amoll . clean. to shr ./""" c--prest"'tous d .. "'n cent~ .. • 1 beige w/cream Ears unllmlted ron•g•. US NEW gated 20 Town lallloa PHIHule 2bd, 2'"' bl new condo. c-·~ 'V "' •• ,.'fJ!:/,"' 1111 home VILLAGE COM We<tr11!1 .·1c1 lrq Br $300 wk 1 ·~ blks lo $300 mo CM 01v1. ././-,~-o6n75Aed38h81121. 11776 lqto' ~ I 5035 lwl~lbr7acl~nog~~;:.'~!!:;'. ~.~~c~~nt:o•~:~•·m~':: MUNITY 2 4 3 Br 2' BPI pool pa110 631 •• 391 -• rom -., • • •••• •, •••••••••••••• • Ba t600·l800 SQ fl nl 6~5 815? beach 673·9384 .. ~:..~=-$4.(..9539 aher 6 l,I, IAmfl neck, back, closely trim· avocational trlpa • wkndl pure lu~r¥. ,G.are1>9s.1wES T(..t rFF t "' Cqfdo 1 Br sleeps 4 across lhil Mna.•11~ ::'~t.'J':~:~~=-.t.._.,. ~011 2•000 1q n 1tora. Merta•&• Ot. l1t. ';.~ 11~~~'~i;e~~·c!:.; ~h~~~·~~-,~~\11:;0;.~ •P•• In aftry llome ,, 1 a lull, no pets streei lrom lhe beecll c hoice 1oc1llon. AC, s • 2 ners Stave Freeman m111er 11ll1e t1111tno s' •• 1 n•~ .. ,~_6640 $295/wk 675-5068 1250/mo. !)Ill• SlOO MC. pecl1l1Zlng In 1at o nd I e c e N •me 1 • rooms,. wood burning ., ' •· ., ' _ teo-6030 °' 960-7174 ~Blvd et Harbor. TO'• since 1949 ·c"BOOSE." Vicinity 673·3500 dys, 873-6211 fireplaces. micro wavfl Sia Cltmiatl 31l' Lag~na Bgacll cot~••;· Woodbridge 1111111• nu 2 (714) 074-1921 Robt Settler NH/CM 1011, San Juan C1p1.1_0_1ht_rwt_11 ______ 1 ovena. prll/ate patio• & ...................... bl to lemon t 1 llWPllT 11&11 'Coate Mt11' A E Broker 8d Realt011 strano nrlSen Juan Tt1nl UN yerda gardener p rovi 1 Bi pvl deck old wotld oeac h . avail no• Br 1 Ba. pert. urn MoYe-ln Allow&~ &42-2171 545-0811 Creetc Rd. appro•. 7129. ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ded Elegant llVlng only charm 'P~1.11 cu1 11r s475t wk 49'·0349· 841'1908 EJltCVtlve 0~ In C.n-~•lloroftloe.600-1200 WIOOWHASS$Sl0tTO's Pl•••• cell colle c t LA to Allant1. 111 c1 ... 15 ,;,lnut .. from Fe1h1on lJCMn vu welk to t>e&c 49'·6942 Sttpa to btlCtl. 38f 2ba n•cl 11111'l,'· 450tmo. a I. 497·5132 RE Loena, tOK Up. No 7 1 4 • 5 2 3 -4 8 2 7 • 1lnlne ucket Steo llelue, Island. 7 minutes to SC $4°~ Con1ac1 Mgr e1 BPI Yiellioa lt•fa/t 4ZSI MI F 19·30. $250 325 Br er 87 -4912 Credit Ch.ck. No Pen· 552·3466, 635-5235. will Mil $1500. cash. Vllld Plaza or 0 C "1rpor1 (.. 33l' (ll(;lno Ln ...................... 34th St NB. Ctll AnsW9r Airport area • Exec;. Sul· f i nd whit&~~•=' In Illy Dennleon & AHoc. SELL Idle ll•m• wllh a IC>f 1yeer.557-71'41, Jtft Jull ... , ot Newpon S 1 A Jiili Avail "ug 20-Lebol Day. Ad 721. &42-4300 24 hra. 111. From 22~50 sq. It. Dally Piiot L 073-1311 Deity PllOI Classllled Ad 8111d a IO of San Diego .~!'.! ... '!~••••i••••••• Corona del Mir 2 br Neat r .. p cpl wlll share 11 per sq. It. M1nyxtru . ==~~;=======. Frwy f !OP / m o 1Sr "Pl Cldat1o l7111 & beaut lurn 3 b ike 3Br 3ba condo. Pool, Ctll1557·7010 • ! e3t-5439, 247p Orano• M111n S325 mo oceap $325 week 1p1 tennl• 2 mlntoMlle EJcctllent ~. lJ9 to j ffii~-• --.....~ y b a I Ave.,Cott1.M11ta 6360106 6•2·0377or675·1518. S 'Park: l300/mo . 4000sqlt.180lNewport )~, • ~ • OU Can e 1 A,1rta111l1 ,,,,,,,,." ••• , .. ,, ,, "'" "" 93\_79515i-L 4-1004 Blvd, C.M. 845-2111 Alk c\· .. WINNER I LIDO OELlilXE 2 Br tr pie • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • p 1 1 ' .... 1 I I '°' Joe ' I ' · · OR Adil 01 Va/8111 JIOIJ , .. , g o 1 "· . eve 1 " '! l 41 lrg brick p•llo , .............. ••••••.. ROOlllTE now. female only 1325. h1out111e olllct eulte, • -.o S1050. 015-8369 SEAWllD "" prlvll, 645·9515 corner of 405 Fwy, : -e 2Br, 1'.~Ba Twnhee. din VILU&E FIJIDERS/ 2 BA 2e\.211)', EucUd & ~bor,:J6d· T~k:toOO. Just by sending LI your name and 1 l!!fl!l!'!!!! •.•••••••• lftHl1 I l••ll'lf,,,. Ti •••••••••••••••••••••• Stu~I T,.lnee. Fell tn· rollment. Show horae 11able. Live In. Non- amokera. 244·2211 l*-.'!~'!!. .... !.~!f ~':;.~l·~~0~a~•a'asoen~o • Now 1a2 bdrm ll•xuryl oidell & rargeat •0«1cy. ~~~=~~~SA~~21~l1~~1; 11. ~u 751-e~1 · I address and by watching for your l mo. 111. tut + d•P fll)ll In 14 pl•n• 1 Bdrm I "" cllenta acrHl\tcl Wllh WOtk IFounlaln Valley Olflct name In the classified ad of the 842·2949 11v11/wkncl t lrom 1516. 2 bdrm from p11010• & reference.. 1 IPICt 2500 '""h 11 ~ •1 Pil · tor appi 1570, Townllouae from Crlldll•' Cotqiopollten 'Amrn11e wtnlt<I, ahr IO• 21 • It. 'oood t'itpo•ur•.] Da 1 y ot. . 1' UAO + noola, 1.-nn11. Good Morning "mertca, 1 BA apt In CdM. 1280 mo. I good !*'king, Tllber1 & • Young married man wlllj d~ ~ti htndy WOf'll. 0,lf 111 .. l Wktnd•, 0 •• ..::~~~~A•A.LYg., w11trl•lll pond•I a... Thi TomOfrow Show. ~ 873·18" B, 0 0 k h u "t . c •II ! Win llt'keu to lhl' rlrru~. or11 11mwitment attrllC• I ; I MOO/mo. 421 E Btlt>oa tor dco,oklng s& "•o•llng' •• .,.,. 141· 1111 1 MOii t•mlli.t .,. Otltl(IO I 161-'1'1 I lions or $portln1 evl'nlll Just nu out thl• ~oupon and : 81. 873-276, 176 9791 pei rom •n '•go, --lht can'IPlno.,.:'bug" th!• I·""·""" PLUS 1.,.,. ~I mall It toda.Y to tht' il ~ " Fr wy drlvo North on. )'911. If yau ... ve a cain-I"""".,,., """' · · 1 J ~ Spec. a 8f 2 BL !Pie. 11•'· D"•ch ,,, Mc~eddtn 10 . a.JI with EASEi per lhtt't not getting PtnlhOUN a.yfront O I Pll I t t' bMctl 2 l>lk•, l toO yrtv s •• w I n 11 v 111ag11 It'•. BREEZE UMd NII II now willl 'l le. perking. pet101, Cl•Hlned Departme•t. .r y ot • <lit ~ .,.., No pee .. 64&-tet2 \ (714)8113 51vs • c1a11111e<1 Ad• &42-5878 ciuiitled A d. _ t73-t003 330 w. Ba)' trt' t, Coat• Me a, CA IMH , en :J \ I • ==t 972·9525. . • .. ........ - Pleasant telephone vol· ce, llta bk kpg, ablllty 10 lollow Instructions. Or•· phlc knowledge helplu1. non-smok1tt prel Salaty commenaura1e wle111t• Apply 621 W 19th SI, Model Builder Magazlni 8 to 4pm Ask for M{.!I Nortnrup ( IL TtlllTllH Woman 1n Corona del M ar Newport Beach Area to do altetatlona In your home for small ~· tall SllOP Call Bob ·. &40-.4128 "ppllcallons are being ta· ken for a P/hme cook. 3.0 hrs per wk. please aPtlt1 Mon-Fu. 3·5PM at 3160 ""way Ave , CM HT TUCIEll S1rono background in !li'1 necessary & ablllty ,to work with el•mentety !IChool cllildren. ' CllTIM HSlllrll Fla" IOI designing -~ rlor accessories & line art S11ould have go~ sense ol color & design. Wiii train Call Tues thru Fri bill ween 10 & 2 to make )iii appointment tor Inti}. view (714) "94-6167. ·- "UTOMOTIVE •. llTO SALES ~· Ill LUSllll Neat Chevy store tmat add three uperl•n~ combination ulHpet· son& for EZ atrelghl .. & lease Get se1 for f1!$ '83 Chevy bonani~I Generous pay, denh> plan See Sales Mgr .. :-+ llWHI CltHrea.f Oov41IOuell S11. • ., NEWPORT BEACH J B"BYSITTEA NEECijj CdM P l 11me NOIJ· smoker. Eng speak!~ 760-8398 . Babysitter, my home, , 6~:~-1~2 ~;,3 5 , Babysltlar wanted lof -... monlh otd. Full tlf'ft,, Mon-Fri, star11ng 9· 1'. Your home or mln4 955-2526 ·~ B"BYSITTEA NEEOEi5 ror l'lt yr old, my II rel req. 548-2031 Be 1 telephone P" llon clerk IC>f local sp1p1r. Prlvlll de casual 11t1re. Only req rement It a good ph voice 1nd loll ol ant alum. Hour• Mon-Fri. 5:30-9:30P Sat 9:30AM·1:30P 184.00 to 111r1. Atter 1'1 .-. ~ p1r1ntt9hlp profltL For fntatvlew, cell after 8PM 141-1171 en 111 , Or nge Cout OAJLV PILOT/Wedneaday, Auguat 18, 1982 811 '-~11. .~ ..... ~'!. ..... ~{ff !tJI. .,H.'!I. •••. 1.1.f' I ~.'.'I. .'!M~o!. •••. !.1.!!1 ''-''· .'!M~~ .... !.'.~~'II .. rf !.a.'.~ .... !.1.!!1 1·~~1:~1.i. IOll i !~!!.'!~!.' •••.•••• I.~!! -~y Cl(ANINO I HITlll/O&lllll Pell llm• muketlng I Sf CR(TAAY f XPlOI •••••••••••••••••••••• f renc;ll Pro"' Crtln• Cen 9*k_..,, ~~~· reilll IMIMdlal• 111111 lor rullv ••l'll• .. <i<.ed Only verHKI rn111111emen1 nppottu TOR ror 1m111 '~ B IOW llo/n . Arllq wn1 i gotd J l76 ~~i.w":J· 141•13i :; ••P4Hiene.d flllftt •I Oen Br own• nlly Call 11119·149& ...,.. Drro~ryl OltnCI 'un111e Rtdwood 2x6 deci\lnll c.ell &76 11 (4 ........ D I A••'*"f@/11 3 I l()ft CuHI e 10 ~ ling Orm Muat be org•· 4 20 lor•g •Ito 1.clwOOd ------·~ n 0 ••n•r I Hw ..... So~th L•gu n• '""" ano 0000 IYPlll l•llthlQ C•ll Jim or Ken WhU• COntempoi1ry II~· ... Dl·Allm • hc:411enl H la1y end l'l.:M •Pl)ly tn l*•on PHT /TIMI Ill.II Cell 113•07!() O.t-61 enytlme. 11$· 14111 n1no 2teble, f!ound 48 ~rOftO Compaitv t>en•lll• _ 1200 to 1400 I\•• wMll ' 11 AM p1u1 IM•• ,4 •• No t~ commlMlon Min. awa'h you Hott•H P/l Apply bet 646 S7!11 Hk ror Wiiiie ---n..1 1040 cllra S16D, 11711 1'71 ~i':.11:rrv1:euu1111 la· • OtNI opportunity wltn wnn i·4 P M " 251 p•aT TIMI HORnAllY/UIO -:;-,.; •••••••••••••••••• On a1" bt CI meii7ii011 ... IU ••••n lnl'I r900Qn1aeo O••~''I' Fut Cou1 Hwy N•w • 1u C r O 01 Npt Bell r111 111 ''•4~•0t Olau •Pring•. 1c"int cond --. CIMnlng rlrm po•t Oe~h 0 f l IV f RY HF I-P SvcH I lrm Cll•llng Sign up nowl For Info lrime Sl)O ea6·6686 lll-"40 • E•t1ao1e11n1ry 111pu11 'HOSTESS I 1140 6470 Re1pon po1111on OO<>Q Cell 114' 7436 fV uon p•aT Tiii typing Incl 11at1111c11 Huoe entlque aqutre col· ,eapteln lor !10' motor • S/H 1k1ll1 & 11p1ltude tor "KC UHMI pup . 11 Wkl I•• t1bl• Solid, hind aalior, lmmecllet1. 140-1388 10 n.lp 1how apeet1cu1er Eve• ••1cl/Or wffk••ldl numbert u.por rJtq'd Ali 111011, 1111 chk d Av•ll 1 m•d• 11211 1157-63110 • 7to-197T COIT • Newport Beach £~1cu Reaponalblo edulta. over Ctll 640.b123 9/t S:JOO 546·~377 Bedroom Furniture, ell lor ~· , •• WUI ,..... llYtl rHldenae 10 wealthy 2 '· wltn outttttndlng, ., SECURITY ftUARD Siiky hrrl•r• AKC champ S300 8•e-838e A•k 101 , -IHPllf OLEA•llll prospective buy611 I or 2 tracllvw petsonelitlea to • sired Mslel le male Oev11 .,,,.n,. ... , lllO ,,,, 1111 ,..,, • .,.,., •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ...................... L 'I , ,,.,, Ul.o'.u •1" PCIOCONS Aollert 11!]d ••• ~~~~'!•••••••••• 1pvet1tne anow D rva, Ceth 148 11183 S2 eed'I 141·46&3 1tt., 0 11 paJntlng1, llQneCI. ... II 30pm ---- 2 Boat Red1111 1100 MCI! 842-0433 ' lendtcape, Cott S t000, H C l300 675·77e3 FOOTlOCKEA Appro• 3 x 2' Gd cond S12 140.6e&5 Ho1p11el Bed $360 Xl'lt cond. Elec control• Ftrm me ttren 7141 !151-2903 l&U &hneuxera Ht. SPflnQ· ,..,, 1ow1 "40 e r Spenlt ll I t GS. Ph •••••'••••• •••••• ••••• Bull1123t, Miited llltten• CIHllO 18' l 1patrali1 S IO·S 16. Mllltaty rntcaw Century bty b081, 4 c:vf, $1160 °'" pupplH Incl Grey 13600 &?& fl 181 lrM vet eurn 640-0090 42' H M1tt"9w1. two dal r1~~.o.·.~.'!!t~!'.'.~.l!f 1<11111>111 ptlno uprl9ht Fr ltullwood w/bench "4 rnoa old Sac $2500 844·6211 Brlatol Ll \le aboud S49 .600 PP (213 ) 011e .2 11 81 111 4 1 760·1\78 •111 IPUH J tll yure Or older, IOI -day• Wk Brighi and w ()tk wltl\ youth (•get GRAVEYARD SHIFT, 2 645-6037 privets oomp1ny If\ Ir· 1 Ill L•1•• A•• 0. M. exciting p.r10nallly. •~· t O • '<C I C a II 2 • 5 PM . poaltton• OJ)lln 12·30 am --..---King 111.1 w.ierbeCI, n1tu· Homellglll "· ' Cllaln511w Like oew KlrT'lt>lll Spinet vine Full or part/time. c11ue11t con11er1et1ona1111 642·432 t. (}ct 346 EOE to 8:30 am Prelir m•· Yorkehlre Terrier 11ny 111 1olld oak & oak 11•· Ueed 3 limes. SIOO. piano & bench leH then Wlnntr Of Charecter Boal Pu•d• 11· Xlnt 'boy Cfl~Ur $2500 01 beet Oller e73. 71177 Tim. 7!11·0742. IYllllll nnd 1uper grooming and tur• or rellrllee NEW-m •I e • 4 mo 1 AK C neer. we111leH mattreee, -17141 1182-0907 t yr old Cell •fl•r e pm, ~ASHIER/HOUSEWARES PAITTlll 11ppe11rMcfl ore 8b&Ol1i PROFESSIONAL POAT DUNES, 1131 cllilmplon llnea. etiota heat•r 1550 8711-21113 Full alie irtr11 long Ortho 955-14116 ..sii.s. Exp« pref. Apply Be a cerrler counselor rely euent111 R11111 ea-Beck Bay Dr NB Apply 5<16·8624 C•blnet. atllned hrdwll. 2 me1tre11, bo• 1prlng1 Anllque ptino. Oii'kj;;18y at Crown H•rdware, tor e local new1pepe1 tale llc 111 llelplul. bu1 not TALENT 9AM to 3PM I 511111-Tiu puppies. 2',• mo. • d 1 1 11 e 1 v 8 1 • S 150 714-964·2240 on ourlwood SISOO or 103 4 I rv In e , NB No uperlence nec es· required Send replys to s old See 81 1158 I 1 Ml 36"W1126"H, alldtng FIREWOOD Buch llt•· bHt offer 646-6919 842·tt33 aary Work only 12hours Dally Piiot Ad No 10'41 , NEEDED! ecurlty Colllan , F v D1y1 K I week 175 10 "'"plus p 0 Boa 1560, Colla IATE IUAflD 982-0017, 639·98112 alt Qleu doors CHh S35 place Lg boll St Sm WllLITTIR SPlln Colllo1n11sn 17'h FO OMC 10 Cnevy eng w/traller S 1600 Pvl Party 53 6 -3008 or w or k 847-6668 HARDWARE SALES E•· idd1tlon11 allare of pert· Mesa. CA 92626 ror pr1v11e community. 6 IS'40·8520 bolt 50c S48-70fl2 'd I'd A,,,,.., 1 Join " company 1ne1'1 I Lt wood. $1100 or bell 1970 16' Sllverllne wltrlr. p pre ,..,...., n per. nerthlp'a prollla llOUIEDLU•Ell going AFTER THE BUSI Lagune Beac h area BRASS BED/lleadbrd and Pool table, llate. custom oiler 984·9,.54 1/0 MercrutHr Good • 3eon0;tECrownC Hardwart, A reel tun 1obl I 5 1 N NESSI Serious. amt:>I· S 4 5 o h our Ce 11 ler•H Shepher4s lootbrd SOLID S500, deelgn, S435 OBO Let'• --l or 111111ng or akllng 1 aat 0811 Hwy, M1n11gemen1 oppor1un1 3 days. hrslday n wpl tlous lndlvldualt c;en 494-8571 Mon Fri 101 lmpotted World Ctua Cell 759· 1208 deal 750· 1149 Moving Wurlitzer •Pinet s2150 548-l 327 .CdM lies For lntuvlew coll Bch LI llSewort. Reis earn aubatanti•I dollar• llPPI Champion• Pupp1e1 piano, 4·7•1, wtde, 2·2•1, CLEANING • II you kno'N alter 8 00 PM 642-5678, Own 1ranspo11a11on with many ben.~1115 Fo; $500 to $5,000 Mature BRASS END TABLE. 20" depth. 3' I" high $600 20' IYER UllOll "llow to do llouseclea· eitt 312 575•3575t575•3471 11•1 evc111ng seles poaltlon Servico Slatton auendant, dogs up 10 $ 10 000 Jell cube shipe S 175· 6"2·3589 Volvo Pent• 1301270 " exper rei, rsq·d, 6 dys 11 6 PM 720: 1665 Call 759· 1206 71 COMPLETE • nlng, Join ual Call for XLNT Opportun11y for e•· llOUSEOLUIEll cell Les Ketaln w i. 9 hrs p, o a y a er lkii•t, 1013 S1urdy las1 c1a11lc. det e l la e3t ·62 22 pe1lenced Dental Auls-E•pet Must hev ll 549-4300549-1457 $275/wll NB 644-7l5I F 1 ., llUSIO O UAMET SEAVER BAID ••••• •••••••••••••••• center console StMflng ....... 4pu IH 0 ••• .,.,, TABL E • C utt om 6 Atomic Arc Team Bionic $3750 .,,.,..,. "'· tant with ROA Busy, Supervisor qualltles a. magnon 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cua , •• To pleaunt, Laguna Beach Mature Part lime Excel-ew1ng Machine Opera. 3 11119 puppiea. mhi breed, Outa1C1e or 1n11de use U II I FORIS I racing akla, 207 cm. new. 675-1980 or 833-8701 Office Full Of P11rt·t1me lent pay 966-1300 tor. experleneed quell!>' M & F C M •I e a Steel on roll era $400 S 160 640-1304 eva 27 11 Cllrta Crall C e bin Perl/lime H lee clerk 494-9788 HOlJSECLEANEAS m inded, piec e rates. 545·3796 I 759• 1206 wttt. Hffl lr.,it'-i "---61 1-... Cru11er S2500 Trade tor n •• d .d lo, drlv. •11ru . b Costa Mella 642-9651 8 Solid ~ood desk. •2X32", ,. -v~"T •• E s • A pont1a I CUTE KITTENS about -.. ...... ..... ........ • ••••• ••••• ••••••• •• sports car :photo booth. Mon-Fri xec ec;/,.,dmln sst Flex. hrs PT/FT Own c SU aru s b c It I w $50 .. • '" 10·2. St art $3.35 hr tor l1ndscepe Arcnllec· trans Exp"d 540-0857 u a e er a orker weeks Really neeo a Very gOOd cond Reasonable. Con111c1 661-2521 .. ua• ha-OUl""'ng ..... r. turel Firm In l1v1ne Xlnt t1arbor blvd at Fair Dr PIT, 3 hr min S4 74 pr ' home 548·8214 645-9177 Mrs Flsllllf. 760·3217 QftANGE COUNTY Must 11qu1date 26' Well--• ... w~ ,,v S 1 lal a d anl Legal Secretary rempo· hr Apply Newport/ Mesa ---•• U 1 d aonallty. SalH & CHll ec, re •, r kill n .bollrlgt to. rary 2 weel\s. C1vtt Lill· In Cosll Meaa Unllled Sc:nool Dlstricr. G mo old approx. ·~ Sllep Wicker c hai rs, perfect Newport .... esa n1 18 crafl Nova w/trlr Sipe 4, reglater e1tpe<lenoe ll•IP· zet okna sd s ,., Y gallon. Newport Cen1er, Food Ser111ces, 1857 '• F o x ma i e Do g cond for dining or living School Dl1111c1. Gun & Collector's K1 lank1 a"sonlot 1Pa1vst BP9otoy : ful. Apply at: Cllc Photo. wor un er pressu•e. non smoker. lully e.11pe· P.TillE SALES Placen1111, C M 760-3273 642-4861 rrn S60ea, 645-9177 2 l 88 N ewport Blvd, assume respo nslblllty, rlenced only 760_8866 En1oy working with kids, --7 pc decorator white rat· SHOW 645·72301754-6862 Colla Me ... 642• t270, coowllnale work lo• large ond wish Increased eer-THCMEll AID( Sm l11m BeagleB 3 y1rs1 tan 11,, rm set S 1400 or 12 PC PLACE SETTING 20, DYER UllOI • t -874·7080. office Word processing LIVE 1• nmgs. uttllz:e your out-PART TIME Immediate Spayed, sllors eautl u Light olive green/gold desirable or will 1ra111 Permanent, ;ull time tor going personality, 111ern op1ining 850·0907 Only to good home bost 011~~9 • .c 12.4 I "1 m on w ht $3 00 , Au1ust 21 I 23 Vorvo Pen11 1301270 ... ,..... Call 7t4-979·5120 bOI· minim al care OI semi· how 10 become a !rained 552·867~ Crystal set 12 piece front • to a. Sturdy, last. claaaic, Share home wl elderly ween 8 AM and 3 PM 1 sales counselor Cell Telephone Sales Double maple bed, near center console atoerlng • )lvomen, L1 llskpg & coo-FllEll..,' •ss IOLDE•S :~v~~~rnE~~~ ~I 7'1~~~~ 2·5PM 64:/.4321. Ext bear,, 11Blg$M30o0ney5b1Y00•0tie N1~1 1~~1~? ~?;'~·h~~a0u; new mattress. No bo11 I Cry1 stal se11. g1roen2 .1 4 s1em lllJ -Sell -Tra4e $3750. 'king. Nwpl Bell area. ....,. n tom" No liftlng, no llou· 348 EOE eoc • • ' male dog, neutered, springs. $42 545.7011 0 ass se s. Pace ea. Featuring weapons of all 675-1980 or 833-6701 .. 73•6000. EKperlenced llberglass , week. Call 536-7511 $200. 759·1206 eras· Swords coins, war .., I olders to build Cata sework MI F Aeteren· RHL ESTATE SAUi shots. Q•eat pereona111y, Beaut. leaded glan , 1 11 d Part1tr WHtt4 -mlmH Ellll ~a, 11 n s a i I b 0 a 1 s -ces Ttl••h•H o,ereters loves kids 892-9136 bookcase/desk & presa-1 Mens Athletic & Aoquet· souven rs, an ques 811 .,_ 673•2389 NIMld 2 eKper people In 546•3406 back rocking chair, xlnt ball Club membership thousands ol collectible 25 11 Skip Jack Hunting- To study blueprlntt & $4 25-$5.25 per hour commercial and lndu· 20 people needed to help cond Aeasoneble Beaut lacll.'" Npt Cntr 11ems Orange Co Fair-ton Harbour Sllp lmmac, ,.Ian• lor verlous stNC· plus benellts depending LOA• OFFICERS strlal real ettate lor sue· take orders for shopping Fat•ilatf 1050 859·9679 I S 125, 675-7597 g1ounds. C M, enter glle loaded $2200 dn, S 111 ~ur• & aun..rvlse ectuel on e>tperlence Apply in N cesslul end gr owning spree gift cer tlllcate •••••••••••••••••••••• 3A off Arllnaton St mo 5 5 7 • 9 3 2 7 e v . ..-EA CSON Aggressive ewport b kl 1• N p conatructlon. Need BA Person I B firm Best working con· 00 e ~. 0 e>1 enence **I BUY* * u 0811a.0l' "'--~, 1~5 IEWllt UHllE 669-0500 da Phlll Engineering & no YACHTS, l93 l Deere v:t~h 1~1~'::,,;~:1~9 ~~::~ d 1t i ons In Newport necessary Salary & cash ?; •••• ": •••• ~ ••• ~. SSOO. 631-4059 ROLLER SKATES 21-· _C_ll_r-ls_t_w_n_'_2_8_3.-,-. _b_a_ll ?: i91cparlence. $2500/yeer. Ave, Irvine, Calif 92714 1or1es open Must llllve Beach 714/646·5051 bonus dally Apply In Good used Furnilure & SHAG AREA AUG Ladles' n 7 $45 Sherri tank, hsh hnder, $5,000 "Job site: So. CalUomle IGeneral Help, earn up to A E L•c Restaurant ~~;~~'b.a~J~214 1 Allpaz. Appllences-OR I will sell 12K 15, w/lrlnged ends SCRAM-LETS 759-9200/ 640-4270 o Bo 6 4 2 . O 3 6 8 , Cllp ad & reply by re· $400 wk taking snap Harbor-Pac111e SGT PEPPERONI'$ or SELL for You $25/obo 536·9632 evs 548-2352 sume no later than Aug. Shots In your area Ama· 955-0073 PIZZA STORE TEUPllO•E llASTEllS HOTIH r J 1010 ANSWERS Single 72 Scuba tenk & ---------28 19112 lo· •51 t6 PO "''"' '!. backpack Brand new 30 Hunrer cabin cruise<, • • · • 1eur photographers noe-Now hiring for Full or SOllCITOllS 1.11.1111 a•J-1121 • • •••• •• ••• •• •• •••••• • BoK 865, Sacramento. ded PIF lime no exper LV• Oil II• part·tlme openings at " • Mens 181< ting w/3cts of Import . Limbo U S divers single stage new canvas. bottom _CA 95604 II offered or selling req'd wrne 10 For conv Hospital E•· 1ocat1on near 0 c Air· I IUY Fllll•ITVllf. dlamond5 Apr S7500 Capon. Fasten Aquari us Regulat or Clone 8182, 2 b081 owner, I ~ .• ·~I. must allow I UniverJlll, PO Box 1223. cellenl benehts and wor-port Varying days ond We need gOOd people lo Les 957-6133 Take $2900 PP 631·9276 CAMPFIRE S 125 for all mus I s e 11' S 6 0 0 0 I k lleve legel right to M()(llebeUo. CA. 90640 king condlllons Com· hours. Ideal supplement-sel up appolnt menlS 3 (I ) di People say campslles __ .,;..11_1_4_1_6_6_2·_0_90_7_-i __ t-_9_96-6 __ 6_B8_a_11_6p.,;..m __ I I 642 80•. trom our N-port Beacn 1 I care I oose a · General Otflce pelllive sa ary • .... al income tor home· oUlce In 1110 evening lor Dec~re11v~ Bl:ck 1 &11 w111:~ mond 1 color VS 1 Ap; are losing the reel out· Sears Compact exercise Bo•ll, Ji•t t ..&ounler Help lor dry PIT. 9 am . 2 pm, Mon· NB makers and students Holiday Inn's new travel wr ling 89 w 1 go $9200 Take $3700 PP I door rtevc>f 1 agree The bike, eafuSI •ension, spd, Ci11t11 HSO ~enlng Plant. E>Cper.. Fri Need mature pe"'°n Maintenance/ Gardener Our progresSlve growing club Salary+ commls-sc rolled wrought tron 631_9276 lasl lime 1 was at a mileage 1ndlca1or S60 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~rwllltraln.Mullt>eneat wl o fllce ai1per 10 do preler over 40 yrs lor companyo1tersoppof1u· sion +bonus Call trim. single center dra· ---------campsl1e11heda mlcro-642·1647 40 v11o?g lorCllerter \fn a pp e 1 ran c e bkkg, typ'g 60 wpm & apt. complex, e•perlence n11les tor ad11ancemen1 833•3740 aller 1 pm wer, barrel Shaped mat· Beautllul 1 •1oct GAR·' wave CAMPFIRE Fishing, d iving g en· 499-1965. 30646 Coast phone Could work Into necessary 548-9556, based on you1 1ob per-______ _.,;_ __ Ch ing chair S 100 NETS, only S4 each' ---------fV, ~'io, t e r 1a1nment Call Hwy. South Laguna. lull time call 556•2932. lormance P1ea11an1 wor· Telephone Siles 830-4194 e40-8688 Moving. Wurlitzer spine! BiFi llttH 1091 662·2788 l2·7 kl dltl •• 1 .__ piano, 4·7•.., .. wide. 2·2•1.· •••••• :I••••••••••••••• ---------ask tor Lorna JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ ng con ons nnus ""' F ti & /ti E 'd Waterbed, king size. dk ..,OLI WElllH IAll 3· h S600 ~stodlan Malnt. Man, ··needed f0< N-por1 Pier "•r••· Rell able, Nit motl· «11ated. retired men. 4-6 •pra dally. Salery nego· •. -..table. Bondirble IHEUL OFFICE Looking lor an enthu· slastlc, hardworking In· di11ldue1 with ollice OK· pertence, typing & phone 1f73-9500 Q skllla. Call Performance ~NCERS I Sailcrel1, 642·0846 • tlOO te S 1,000 .... IHEUL OFFIOE _ E>Cperlenced person to Full & par1·0me dencers •::wenled tor Bare Mln- •ltnum Telegrema. Audi· :it1on1 being held 11111 l'Weell from OAM to 3 PM. ApPly at: Bare Minimum, 1807 W. Katella, Ste 2111, Anehelm, 01 call (7 t4) -.)'?M421 ~llPUllAllY 10 people needed to de- llve< IN>pplng IPfBe free • ~111 oertlflclt• booklell • o Mlllng. Mull be neat ' \I appearance Mull ·fltave economy car or !P.01orcycle. Apply In ,._eon et 3214 t Allpaz, 8ulte D. San Juan Cap :;'9""'1/lm lallt. run small office-type quotes, answer phone, process mall. Spend part I time learning Inspection for smell machine snop. I MICRO Precision 27324 Camino Caplltrano, La· guna Niguel 71~99-2408 ~ GOVERNMENT JOB OPENINGS Mlny position• avellable In U S & Overseas For Olre<:tory 312·888-4347 Ext E·91 Ha1dwara Sales PIT. semi retired type, Apply In person. Crown Hard- ware. 1034 Irvine NB •ULTI CUI IAllAIEll 18 and over Apply In u, IP dmtell xpr wood. bookcase hdbrd, • . dFepth. I lllg . BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Cal 3-JO slH'I I Managerpent person 2_5 pm on y or e a 1ng co $200 552-4409 rlgldalre gas dryer, yel-Color TV 11ale 2 yr wrnty Newporl. 714/63 l·3600. Utotem fll1rll1ts 2300 s E Bristol 641·0383 ma11 & heater, $175 low. very clean $150 $1 48 Free delivery 494-4806 Sanre Ano Helghls TOMY ROMA'S Call Amy, 675·9302 evs White gold ring, sapphire 642·3569 TV John's 646·1786 --------- M1111t, Trainees (ne>Ct to McDonald&) " "' MOVl•I SAUi surrounded by 3 die· /II I J GRUNDIG I h t J lo.ti S•il 9060 I • " c A PLACE FOR RIIS monds, $800. 552-4409 •• t• s or wave ·····'················ •&•• 1 Hr er Hr Equal Opponunily Empl. Furn, appliances (smell lallt••••I• IOl3 radio sa1e1111e 2 100 10 16' Hobie Cat, yellow wl Start your new career on RETAIL ASST Miii llOW HIRlllG.• and lergel Misc house· Liv•llt>Ck 1015 •••••••••••••••••••••• band Original packing & teq sunrise sails. Lille our 3rd shill. earning $4. hold inside and oul •••••••••••••••••••••• AL TEC·LANSING 1205 warranty included BEST new S2500 675-6161. Up 10 $4.50 as you be· Full/time E'lperlenced. MHa&er TralHHI 642-0853. 8 AM-noon Wa1t14 llH4 powered P,A. spkrs. OFFER 962-0439 come more exp'd You Lesportsac Opply for We are seeking appll· w~de. Sat·Sun all day W11ter1 le441H Bullt·ln 100 watt ampll-Lido t• & trailer. "1975, ;~~.~~ ~~~::i~~ 1~~ ~~~1~111~!~1~5j~~2~~aln. cants Interested in an lust Raise Caslal SOITIWllTElll ~~,s c:~~ .• ci'oous;,o~~.s~ JC.~e0~!!~1i.~q~~~1,~L ~1f,d6~f-~~3J975 Must 1 c 11 714 537 4840 entry level position For T 3 1792 Camino Capl· 759·9200/640·4270 ve s e : • . RETAIL UllAIEll more lnlorma11on call PRICES START A Strano. San Juan Capl· sound, Ideal 10< audlt0-1----------l 12 Salling Dtnglly, S&S Interviews held every D 11 NB 1 Maggie 7141642•9070 Sola beds St97. sofa & riums and /or large Wall mount cuet..,, TV or design, w/dolly. $650. Wed 7-6pmar 111 Del ress 11 op. or '11 love seat $167. beds· 91rano groups Out standing STEREO CA'lil l'IET 875·l980or833·6701 Mar. Costa Men eno A 11 1 a 1 1 0 11 P' n • c TOPLESS MODELS Mattress and roundatlon 493• 1°23 buy. $700 for the pair or $400, 759· 1206 every Thurs 9em·noon at 544-2470 Merge S75 DAY • PAID DAILY se1s, 1w1na S77. lull $97. /lli•t•ll••H•I IOIO will trade for other musl· • 14' HOBIE CAT 1390 N Cst. Hwy .. Lag SALES/a.at l1rilware no exp nee • 826·2583 quMO $147, king Ste7 •••••••••••••••••••••• cal equipment. 547-tjµ5 ¥!~!!.!f~'J.'!'.!'!!~.~~~ Gooo cond S900 firm Bch. E 0 E. Pan UmelflaKlble Typists Corner groups $177, 3 Antique mahogany cabl· P•<:lllC Micro Wave Ant· 646.-4391 675-3 L pc IMng rm tablas S67, 4 net wllll orig RCA radio MEDICAL/RCPT 32"4 NB EJlper1enced e••trol clltltr dlnetle sets ,97, & record playei-$75 OO, YAMAHA ·Base Amp. ennas 24 hrs Free mo· 79 16' Hobie Cai & 1raller, "' Operators bunk beds wltn malts "JllC teble AM/FM Head with a double 15" 11111s C a ll C la ncy $2000/Ftrm In Newport Beach p 8• 001 S 1 A.L 1 E 11 S llS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY StH lamps s18 Sle<eo radio with 8 track PV speeker cab i net. 631·0906 831-8417 dlalrlc group. Fl time Y•CTOlt llSCllH FIR•ITIH & rec;ord pllyer-$75 00; Fender B•H Preclalon LASEii uu ~~~6. 7 p 0 ret Mrs Ausun unique women's clothing 4341 5B51~cn85s210=213 lHI larhr, Cesta bathroom · marble type·· ~~1!11~ --;::~~It~,:~; ... ,, I 1111;.1 Save big buckat 25 new .,...,... store seeks •nergettc v-sink In 1 door & 2 dra-r ~ • L .... 1 3 d 1 people wHll llalr for I•· Contact Anne or PeQgy Iese c<>ndltlon. ••••t•I asers Ulvv or ays n .o.ELS cabinet plus m11clllng 2 a•t-OIJI l _._ •••• .~•••••••••••••• the O Day single handed shlon &/or modeling ex-for appointment 131-1101 d oor wall c ablneL & • r ...,... C.•ll•I fOlO c hampionships Fully Toni's Scanly Panty now penence helpful Apply in -W-A-ITE_ll_/_W_A-IT_•_E_SS__ •marble type' wall shell, •••••••••••••••••••••• equipped hiring models Pleue person at "leKla Naturtl n Game Table, Med1te1re-all for only S 100 00 • L d ~ D t BOAT TA"ILER 10 000 "'-• C .. With car tor wicker bas· A • .. pc u w rum 118 • no ,. · Tiie Laser SIOfe call 548...,..44, .... Fashions. 260 Foresr Av . ket lunch ser111ce 9 30 to nean style oull11tte. horse blanke1·S20 00, cymbals. •II alte< .c PM GVW Dual aKI•. surge 62• w lBth St. C.M NURSE • AIDE. House· Laguna Beach • 1 30 prn Mon-Fri Eam Backgammon, chess, elc g I r I . s r I d I ng II a I 545-0388 bral<es, 1.lnl S 1450, 642-0846 keeper. clerk cook for ( 6 d 1 1 t I S 5 O O · 0 b 0 <small)·$25 00. new car 545-8734 SALES $150 10 $170 wldy Musi 770-8371 rtoor ,.11115 (4)-$20 00, Takamlni F-3755 gutter. 36' MacGregor Cal with ~~d~I~ J:p~~ey~ ~~:'~ COii, I IOHS be neat, perso0na7ble, en· WATEABED Waveless new 14 inch light alloy Drums; cases. s1and & 36' Rlch5erdso6n Sport prirne mooring, fully erget1c 979· 74 al 10 mattress. frame. decor/ rims (BMW's) sel 01 cymbal. Doug 646-3302 Fisher leep• Asking r ace, well equipped int.I Ch.Ir.Id. •aala· j~9~m$8~2~;3;e°" btwn ~~~p"~~gy ~a~tsa~~;:. _e_m_1o_r_eP_P_1 _____ headboard incl shelves 4.s200.00;1wo.fiew con· O'lll F ii I $16,000 (213)918·8437 S32K 631 ·3566 or " $275. 645-2123 1tnen1a1 51eel belted ra· '' •1• •11 .. • 548-9569 nt, Perl-time. EXPE· HRSES AIDES spoople to handle rapidly WAllllf.SS/WllTEll d ial tires t95170 HA t.ai•• .. f IOIS ... ,,, ,...,,., 1-------- ENCED. ROA prefer· eKpandlng bus1,,ess Lunch shill M ust be 5 It sota love seor. like 14-$100 00. BMW 3201 ••• ~.~··•••••••••••• E•al••••I fOJO 12· Salling Dinghy, S &. S red. Motivated, caring EKper'd all shills E11cel· Alarm experience pre· avellable weekends The new $75• Maroon hoodmask-S2doo. mlr· 3·M DAY PHOTO CO-•••• ,.~ .............. design. w/dolly. $650 011/tlme. $200/$300 wk 64&-5781 for Wiiiie CM. Anh, MV, HB, GG locations. 46 hour week Salery Plus commission, to $25 ,000 (714 ) 659·t983 f I lndlvldull. El Toro Aree. HELP lent benelllS. Conv Hos-!erred. 833·9381 (ask tor Newport Beech Tennis 759_5079 or 552•6667 PIER Good working Boat ttaller up to 25' 675-1980 or 833-6701 830-1130. Pitel Newport Beach Kent) Club For appointment, 1 or med IC In 11 cond .. $49/bsl olr Call Brakes 10,000 lb cap YOURSELF 642-8044 call Adele at 644-0050. 8 Ft Maroon SOFA. good cablnel ·S20 00 Call 673·7311 $1600. 557·9327 CATllAUI san.s . 0en1a1 SALES OOHILTllT cond s150 642-0138. EK~ R.O.A. n... llURSES AIDE Big money.making OP· WANTED ENERGEllC & 759•5079, 552•6667 IBM Personal Computer Easy Loader, handle up IQ (Venture) New main end :-,ed for Orlllodonllc ft A a.Her Daretr in Pediatric group In N B ponunlty for direct con· CREATIVE people lor Row. ht ... or Apple 2 & 2 Printers 30', good tires t yr jib, made !or MacGregor •ptactlee In Mllllon Viejo Join a company that's Full or pl llme Call Mrs sumer sales ol lnt'I per· costumed balloon dell· 8 couch, champagne ve-8 to 20' long. 36c per 11. Must sell 673-7422. S2300t 0BO 644·4069 $410 (714) 540-6030 .,.._ 830-3703. going AFTER THE BUSI· Auslln 645•4670 lumes and cosmellcs very service Must lla\le lour $150. Mexlcen Ille 775-t49 t enyllme. home, 752-0855 work ....,..; .. •••••y;e...aa.. NESS• Serious. ambl· 0 / 1 1 Make net s2501s t ,ooo own transportation. call top colloe tdf 150. 9 D80bl s --t2-0-. -1-w-e_y_L-.-A-. -10-v.-n--MnAL IHI SIG ..,.,_ -""'· tloue Individuals can perators w c 1ento e. wkly. For more info call,_7_60_·8_7_6_B_l_°'_',;..,P,;..,PI_.__ box spring & man. couver, B.C 673•4578. Cash. 646-8183 ·Chalfllde. Xlnt wege & earn substantial dollars NBICM. •Int toe Amla· 213•274•0362 .. Antiques Dresser & mlr· Good .111 914 Gorgeous oHlce dellks & Wne, ROA or eligible. with many benell1s For ble working owners, fair 6.t••I S•ffl ror $425 Small dreuer ---------I I N e w p o r t Be 11 c11 an exciting sales position deals 63 1·4 tit SAUS/lrus Sit., •• • • '••• • ••• • • •••• • • •• $150 BY If et S375 Roe· GOVERNMENT ~;. ~1f~'· all Ike new 6o4()-0121 caJ5t ~9es.3i<00a1a51".9_1•57 PAAT·TIME Mature wo· c M needs expr'd m•· f~!!~.!'!!!~••••••••••• king ell• S175 661 -6369 SURPLUS JEEPS I DESKS FOR s •LE Denial Aaalstanl, lull time, .. ~ .. .. men (pret. wh has had lure saleswoman perm Antique Garage Sale Too Eartlllone couch S 150 Listed for $3196 Sold " lront & bacllt otllc:e •K· cn11dren) for aller school P / t I m e I mm ad many 11ems to 1111 Set of Dr esser $25 Waln ut for $"4 4 For Directory Desks and malchlng ...,lenoe, RDA X·Aay lie a. magnon child supervision Must 645·57 11 4 chairs S10 Beveled table. nu1cn. bullet. 312·888-4347 E.Kt J-19 chairs al S8Cflllce prloe T.:, 111 $550. Aepl1cament ~~ .. Nlaty open, ~ nave car Start Aug 20 SALES Mirror S t2 Dishes & S 150 Gold c hai r wt Am dMder, 6X8. 1111 sup-cosl ,2300. CALL DAWN l}s. Newport Beach area Cati Answer Ad 260 Gro.,.ing corporellon gla.ssware 25<·$4. Jewe-ottoman $50 963-0200 ported, ol! wllltfl, $40. 9•5pm M·F 833-8600 842-e680,...,.. & wlmda 642-4300 24 hrs 1ry 50c·S3 Lace & Unens 694·8947 •Mllme ..613-3403. pont1'ac/sub~ru needs llrOftO ~l?setl for 5 0 ¢. S 6 Fr I on I y 7 couch S30 $Large old 1----------IBM Seletrlc: I, lull corn· - Vt pet shop sates ... ust ove 7am-6pm. 1622 Monro-coffee leble 15 Woo· 10 ' Otwell cv1 ott saw. plelely overheuled, Pret- DISHWASHEASIP/tlme r o place your message an1mela, experience e \Ila Belween l6th end den desk S25 M 11c Factory mounled on llge Ellte 72 Asking Wknda, 1 ahlft 6am to Harb<>< Blvd et Feir Dr be!ore the plus Ask tor Gery or 17111 St c M Items All good cond. trailer $600 OBO s4oo. Call Jan 752-7905 2.30 pm or 1pm to 8pm In Costa Mesa reading public Pemeie 640-009 t 675-4252 wkdaya attar 6 53&-0549 eve. ~oP:,!,Y ~n 1PP•~.0~,:~;; Buying end selling at • o~~Yo;~ot SALES PERSONS ~~~!~~!!~.~-~~t ... Beeutllul 8' eerrlltone $120. 1 wey L A to Ven· S~fe,~~?,., ~o~~'.P:.~e~ t,... Wtber. M ... Verde reaeoneble prlce·tllet's Classified 642_5678 Full & pit dreSI shop FRI/SAT/SUN 9em 20821 couch with 4 walnut couver, BC. 673-45711 14 .. , 11 x t7", double· Gonv. Hoap. 681 Center whet classified Is all NB 544•247o Merge Charwood Atlanta/ Bu-c hai rs Sec S 14 5 GOOd 'tll 9/4 aided. labels, lranspa· St. CM. •bout. 642·5678 ~~~~~~~~~ Sates, PIT, Retail Fabric shard Weights, moior· _57_5_·_7_766 ______ Have something 10 sell? renclea. St 250 (714) -;;;;;:::======;;;;;;=.....=========::.!.======::::::i==~I Store An a ( 7 1 4 l cycle parts, household Classified Ads 642·5678 Classified eds do It well. 1 =6::4=6=·4=0=7=0======:-I ri 772.4.,1 Items. _ Boat picture ads provide 111 ~ Wanted for retell ehop corner 01 8111. H B. ~ ~ ··LEI PEllSll ""AD SALE. Oak llema. r IG'B . 4 -~ -Thur-Sat. 806 Walnut, CO } ~ )1.) '........ on Balboa 11111nd. Apply ---------' ( t ) • 1111::; • 1 ·..: .. 1 -= r ln pereon only, Mon-Fri: HH111!flt• B•tH•r OT Ty •• ---~ p A ~ Q ~ 1, ,:llNTE I ~ 6J'i~1j.,.~] ...... <,, ! .... ;ltc~; ~~~~ -:-:·-:~-'~,-=;-:~-e-,;-' .. H-;-:-~-:,_400-~~-~~-b~-'~,.....t_::~-~--6~-~~-i1_~fl_1~~_:. '~"tj'' l~ l""\J"",i, • t_¢J-"Y -;;~!7 J ... ' -Garden Show . AVQ .•• ,, ... "•• 0 • ~~ " A OSOONYOULLBE ~.ro~~.0:-·~ 21-29 Could WOik Into • • • ••••• ••••• •••• •• ••• '( '-"" SEEING SIGNS AAOUNO -- permenent po11tlon A••li••tfl 1010 -----• .-... ) ) \ ....., ... ""'7 ~ 955.3-004 .rr.HARBOA.AAEA •••· ~ i SA I ES I -, SALES REPRESENT A APPLIANCE SERVICE ,,_ 26' Ericson Fully equipped cruise, l • d / ~ TIVE we Mil recond .. guar llli ____ _ e 6 u111. UHF, compass. covers \ ( ......__....-leek• FIT display aclver-Tl UYI 1 llOllllM llUU UU 123-45e7 _ I ... Local new publloatlon appllancea. 549'-3077 f -Perteet condition $16..500 N ..., l tlalng Hlet represent•· I lff AffUAIOll ewspaper ~,.....(,_~.....,...,.. llvH In Irvine. Cotti Lea 11!17·8133 (orYerd ................ eto.) • --JI ~ ., M•H. & MIHlon Viejo •·Carr·1e·rs for ro....,..utes ~ • s!:~,~~mm•u•on. Afr~r.r~i~::·h·::~ I 1 • fil~:-=::~~S.~ ~~ !~~e"~~hr1~81~u;~~:~0.~,~~~~~: "m.Elt Nice, tmell refrlgaretor. I pay foryouredlnedvenolwe'llrunlt3 ad. I C etur ay. e a 'I h n w ork • 11 o o d s 3 o d•-and only ---you for 21 Piiot wllt offer you I d space I~ ·1·n Hunt1"ngton Beac , Looking for utra In· 146-3850 ,_ ---I d lbe come? Try P•tt· Time --------1 2. Get your FREE Ganoe .s ... a6gna (Ill that not on 'I escr s your ~ Fountain Valley & Newport Beac~ ~:·~·9 T~~~y t~~~ Md~~.gv:.~~.'~~·c!: you hive to do It com. In to the Delly bolt. but pictures It •• well . • , . Apply P6NNYSAVER. $150. 842-315811 Pllo1 & pay fof your ed In edY~ -The price II guaranteed to iJ I tHO Placentl• Ava, 11~1n IOll ........ .. -'"give you two 11 x 17 Signe -buoy your aplrit• -$45 If we I. I• • • If ' • 1, coeta Meae, AMI tor Mra, •• ;,.;................. ......., ~ F'Al!E of ch11tg9). t••ke the picture. a nd only s.o 't • Wllllt Schwinn Varsity, m•n'1 10 IJA~ ""' IHllTUY/LIW. ~~=:96:•nt cond uo. 1 • .. .. 3. Prtoe eech p1eoe° ~ ~~ • If you provide the picture for a Good Eaminqs Super Trips CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Mia-11ze 1rv1ne 11w flrml I ~(( 4. HliVe plenty o• china• on hano 2 column 3" ed. Mella dllio.nt leO•I ectry Motot>ecaM Grand Jut>!· (nl~tlll di--,.., ..... _ .,._ ... _ w/mlnlmum 2 yr• r-t • lee, 12 1pd touring bike, I "" , ............. -, ... , 11•v.., clvll llllo•Uon In Calttor·' hardly uud . EKlr ... I one and nve doll&t b.lllt). For further de1•11• about how , nle. salary neo.0111b1e. j M1u•t ~1 lmmed. 1376 I ' --s. ~. hlW ftln, end oounl Y"4ll ~ Dally Piiot boat picture ads 8KC41. benefit•.' Sand,..' 0 ~2t.... the I l ' ' 'c • ·.· • Great Prizes . Daily Pilat 2081 eu11n111 Cent..-I Cle, Xlnl cond $60, 0 80 - -' tcMdule your ad, can ,, I •um• 10 L•urle StltH, _20_"_0_l_rll_Col_um_b_l1-blcy--' ~It the end ot day. I can work for )'OU end to I 82715 1vn r•old Unlv991 Grin I CLA..._ di I I Or. Ste 200, Ir.line, Ca 963-1031 A ~ DA&T .._. M2·5e18 and Uk tor Sally L~ I aeLL Idle Item• with .1 R•Hy. grHI conCl6 "I .~L 141-1611 I ,.~==·========~===:-:=:;::=====:-=:::::!I 0.lfy .. "°' CltMlfled Ad. j weight, 13215. 750-07 1 ~~J~·==~_;i~~~.Q...~~~~:::::: '~======~!~:::::-----------.... .. -. ::1______ .L I , ______ _,,. ___ , _____ y•,-- 6 42·4321 ·--- ~ . \ -•-•--•------~ ...... ----o_,_•n_G_•_c_o_•_•_•~o-A_1L_v __ P_1L_o_r_1w __ ~_n_ ...... d_•v_._A_u_g_u_•1~1~ __ ,_e~e2~--~~~~----~----~-----~~~~------~--~~~----~~----------------------r .,.,.I •c:-1 1A•: ~'~ Alt~~'jf, II Y!.-.~ •...•••..•.• l.~?f •• '.~.!'!~1.'.'!. ... !.~~ :~.'.~'!1.!'!r.!!.t/. ...... ~!.'!!1.'-'/!!!!I. •.•... ~.'.'!!1.~r.!.'!!. •.•.•• ~ ... '.'.~.~!~ ........••• ... ?.•.t'!f! ....... l.'.ff 1 ................. 1!.ff ·;:to';;¢;'i~~~.-.;;. ~:::~;;~;·~:;1:·:·;·~~. '~ 0oir'iau..;. ~~1~~-;~~~";.1~~1a~~, ~'!.~ .......... !.t. ~~!~1!.~ .. !!.~f '!.~!'. .......... I!.~! fH!J!ff ......... 11.~f projtct1, 'TO 10 '82 Imp 38.000 mllo. Ch•rry. SUMM[RTIMF l'UNI Full m•tt ll; or lor •lo n 'll DATIUll 210 • IEllOIDES '12 Toy Celle .. ...,.,y Ot>-MMLUI llYIUI 6 C>c>fMttlo 11n care. If•• n•w wlrn Sil.HS vlll<>Ur capt eh•lrt m•I '61 8286 !Ion. 18.000 1911 Whlt9 8lld T.,,.. LOOK FOR GREAT tr11e1C1. NHr totel• H Marty oay• 873 1345. clltng eotabtd p ene l. Cl un and tun• grHt WAllTED 714·790 1393 493.2974 or 1.~e-~H eave MOM)' U ·no Junk, eve• 813 1344 CAr~t. air cond auto . A•tfl l••tld 138 INLO) 79 Corolla Olli aul air • ...,."O• • I TO . CYCU 2nd ofllG• 1e1vlG• 1ow mlletl t 1 830581 ••••• 'l ••• r.-........... $1111 •l&•Ht htlan Pll4 ..-.. brkt, •lni eon~· 25·, _.;,.._---~~=---213·944·1452 '73 CaprlC• CIHtlc eon Ju11 !\Md rehal>ltl party Al" 11011 CIUI ~.,Kay 000 1 UUO/ 1 T'f. UIUIT ChrO(Tltfronlbumper & v•rt XLNT CONO tomak111me11mon1111y ••••••• .. •••••••• .. ••• 911.LMAXEYlOYOTA 0ta1 213 714 m or Ill ...... 12485 fiv•• 48• &Ml9 pnll• No 010 con11act• 10 A-41 IOOO Tlrh 111202 Beac;h Blvd .. 7•2.~33 _8_4_8-_3_8_31 _____ -t V' , ... ttone guard for Toyota "" <# __ .. .., ,_ • ._. YALIES 4X4 '50 &.48·11H3 .. """Hl"'-lnl f•f to auume No back 28.000mu ... tullylOtdlld Hnllngtn8ch88208211 I , .. .._I 75 Toyota Pk:k~p. v.ry ol lllte.......-• ...-m-!'.~~ .... f'! ........ ~.. pm•• d..,. Atk 101 Roae 1unroot, Qd cond like ••H • ,., .. , •• clean, well maintained Ot C~flleol 11'1 8oulhw!i PAINT & Ill• boOy WOfle, LAROt;ST JEEP DEALER 842-4400 Proto LIM new $ 13, .. 00 060 1110 DATIUll 210 MllOIHI lllZ BkHI w/Whl IPOk• Whl• Cehfomlaf ... UI todayf up lo 50'1. oft you1 body In lh• Well '76 Ford Var). 80.000 6 4 5 . 8 2 1 I E y . I ' 5 •P••d trtn1mln1on. • ... llUITltl Nr# UPhOf. ,_ rM!lttOt. IUIU •hoc> Ht 8111 &38·8832 dH~~,~~Eieed• mlle1, run• good $2300 HM884 day• ~1~1~'.·~·1::4:.'':1~~~~ SO HWI LUii ~ ~=P •h7~~~ 'm:o~~~~ OlllLUO IN THE FRIDAY EDITION OF THE DAILY PILOT!, ~.''}!.'.!!!.~/!........ Hlgh .. I Dollar Peld Call 862-0945 '78 Audi 5ooo. 49.ooo ml. radio, 2 new tlrH , '83 II· Th•t"• right! No front fltm. Mike dy1 540-7010 2800 Ha.rbot BIV!I IMPORTANT NOTICE Call Gary Gray A•t .. W•atH 1510 air, eunrool. s5400 OBO cen111 paid & MUST money requlrtc:I. Jut! ext 2881. evo 676·8833 COSTA MES.A TO REAOERSANO OUlllOIUT ...................... 952·8138 SELLI $3995 Call your good cr ed1t .72 Toyota Corona 4 , •• 111 ADVERTISERS /.lllP/HllAILT WE PAY lllW 111 676·3017 or 642.0138 (0 AC) Call for more •P"d. reliable tranipor-----·--~:-:-= The price of llem1 ad-.......... , ........... Cu11om 1972 240 z. Im· dt1lllll ... 833·9300. 1atlon. $1200 751-4738. Ci•-rtllll ~# •.11&.-.J1 ._. "78 Yamal'la YZ2&0. Xlnl vertlNCI by vehicle dH · TOP DOLLAR • mnc lhru-out. 6 tpd, ,. JIM ILl•tll ................. ••.,. ~~:: ........ ~! co n d I 8 5 0 . C a I I ltrt In th• vehicle c1a111-FOil USED OARS ' tin" engine, cuatom Int, IMPIRTt OILY S1100 IEE II fllll Wlndturfet & n-7141644-16:)8 alt 5pm. fled adverllifng column• 1110 1ter110, & muc:ti more Authorlould .. _,~ • 2 dot• no1 lnctu<te tny •••••••• •w ••llOI 6•1•7585 '75 Toyoll Corolla Gd We hevt e Oood -......- HI Fty •6 6· Sach . Penton 175 Proto· applluble tax••· llct nM, '71 LIV PIOIUP • ... MercedH Oeeler cond 675·3854 alter !Ion of NEW & useo 875•82!!0 ty~. never sllr1ed. $500 11en1ler 1 .. 1. fl11•nct POITIA0/111&111 ESTATE SALE 1301 Quell Street 5 m C~vroi.111 INfl, IJ/p OBO 536--0649 eves. charg111, IHI tor air pol· Exira clean wllh very low 2480 Harbor Blvd 1980 Oallun 200SX. xlnt NEWPORT BEACH A..Jti H11 .19 Harley Oevldson 1u11on control device miles <15064071 Redu COSTA MESA HLEl·IHYIOE cond Orig ownr. accep· '81 380SEL. under 9.000 .,.., c11rtlllcat1on1 or dular c.d 10 Ul-•300 LUllll ting bid• Wkday1 please m 11 as. Or f 11n1 R 11 d , \ si1~~ .. ;;;,j;bi;:c;;;~; ~f~~ .. ~~~4~7~0;.4~ ~ documentary p,.para· HUI Ul-1Ul 831.20•0 485.4949 _call, 759-4229 I Chrome Rima. Sunroof, d.i Mar area. $9 pt ft Jim. M·F 9.spm tlon charoee unleu Biii Maxey Toyota S•ttLf••o• IMW , 1981 Oafsun 280ZJ<. bfk, perfect cond SU.000 Peggy or Carrie otherwlae specified by 19202Be&Ct\Blvd WE IUY • -"' 1 . •lnl cond Loaded 5 Wkdys 7141557-0711, 966-2473 wlldya 8·5 '78 Super Sport CB750F the advertiser Hntlngtn &h 982..()829 28402 Mtrguerlle Pkwy ipd, T ·lop $ 12,500• eves I wk n d s \. Cu1tom blk. xlnt cond Ir--I 1110 '60 Oe1111n 4x4 Pickup CLEll CARS Minion v11110 OBO 675·3937 7 141675·2464 w •• , Newport Dock , Lo ml. $1595 842..()955 ... u. * m.1111 * Alll TllUCIS (AoveperynESxullnodlal.!:_51 monthly $8 per t1 Water ----------1 ••• •••••• .. •••• •••••• • ,. 78 280Z. 5 1pd. fuel lnJ, •Ill SILU only. 873..()171 WANTED Honda Trell 70 Cllln, 1112 Gel real high wllh this sunroot. 49K. $5800 obo 300D 1980. Snrf, new T!!~!!l~ ••••••.•• !~! . 79 TR 7. conven , 19M ml, xlnt cond . bell olr over $5500 844-5043 77 TR7. AC. lo ml. 5 tpd. AM /F M Ctlt . $2975/olfer 838·6002 dyS, 857·4879 llVI ---------REASONABLE Low mileage" 4 PaH sporty brn metallic 4WO ~ ~--n Oya 979..()500 X658, eve ures. very clean $19.000 "ft, ... ,,., 536-3645 493-2874 OI 1·346--5428 compl11111 w/thell. AM I ~Yll-f' •94·8"6 or bll ofr 962·8392 r.'fr.!!!~f~~••••••!.~~~ Excellent Newport Her· . 7 3 H 0 n d a 5 0 0 • 4 Evenings FM /CB. guag111 u111 for 1980 Venagon ••1ta bor toe Near Put>flc SJOO/ofr Accassorlei & ---------w 0 r k 0 r p I a y Saltts·Se<vlce·Ltulng I* * t 7 3 79 300D 4 door sedan. clean. 22_000· ml, L· Dock. $16,000. 554·2326 xtras. N<I• wk 545.4453 Aatlpn/ , ... BUT DON'T OELAYI '13 3201'• Ate ••r•I 2•oz* I Pertee• cond. Low ml· model, AC. llereo iape. WANTED. NB atea Boat mag C/111/t1 ~'"'' ( IW73388) Jusl need re-1--------------Nice Setectiont • * leage. Light blue. prlv ply $9300/obo 646-3580 llfp for 34• Mllboal, 10y, ----------i ••••••••••••• .... ••••• fla t>le perty 10 make 11111 llYlll * "76 2002: 4 spd sn/rf I 4 SPO ORIG OWNER Day 546-6355. Eves i---------- COHMEll CHIVROLl1 ...... ,.11. t., I ,. T \ \1 ~ S4l>-1 200 -'10 CHYETTE Auto tran• and elf Oen· dlllonlng. low mlfel and clean (1 RSW475) 13••• 811.L MAXEY TOYOtA 19202 Beech Blvd. Hnllngtn Ben 982..0829 1978 El Camino Green 1·346·5428 11 bHm fduf tenant. ·ea Harley 900 Sportster. •HL "A"tl smell mo11thly pmls No Top dollars for Sports (917PVBI $3250 857·0868 673·5494 "74 VW Pop Top Cam~r 1•883•6958 atl 8pm no I rans. nds work, lots Shay repllcH ; plCkupa & old con1rac11 to assumti Cars, Bugs. campers, * ·79 3201. auto . AIC .75 B210. OOOCI cond. orig 1 ·71 250. sunroot. air. aulo, EI e c re r rig. Bu II n 11 ol chrome, gd eng. AS· coupea. 4 to c hoost No 1>ack pmls. due Ask 91 .. ·s. Audi's (5467750) owner, 4 spd, amlfm . orlglnel. 1Clnt cond 1 Stove. ~Int cond $4000. 40" Np! Bch mooring king 1900 Mike lroml (006768) (Stk lorRoae842-4400.Proto Ask tor UIC MGR * '79 3201. 4 apd '· Sl500lobo owner $5400 759-0650 960-5543 '78 Chevelte, xltn cond w/18' Inboard . dlnk & 642·2981 etl 7pm A3083). Price. 1lertlnn at LIM. JIM ••11110 dedl (776YPC) 551 07441759 7966 -.7-1-B-U-G--I -t--l--&-I Must aell $2895 or beet 545-8734 "82 Kew. KXSO llLY H,1111 '11 ONEY i1,, TOii YOLHWAIEI (659ZOK) ·77 280Z, air cond., 4 spd, Ivory Sunroof. $13.900 looking, new Int • Pllnl, -------- oars Incl S 10,500 .. ., ---------• * ·ao 3201: 5 spd. a .. .rf • • I MUST SELL 300D '78 · • n runn no ofter 675_6866 $500 7~ 675 02 bral\ea. Clutch Great C Slip tor rent. Pwr or 1811 Steve. 548_2062 LOMllED PICKUP 18711 Beach Blvd. * ·so 5281. auto .. sn/rl amlfm.;tereo. xlnt cond 975·0578 or -4 4 earl 52175. 544.7969 '76 Monza Twn pe 4 w/lel·down meal. Balboa --,7-8_K_a_w_a_•_•kl_K_Z_90_0_ With au•. tank. 11••15933) HUNTINGTON BEACH (486ZOJ) In/out Call 752·6408t Mercttdes Benz "81 3000. ----------1 spd, stereo, $2000/obo Cov111. 673-6637 -~ "" 8'2·2000 IH-1111 days I Loaded. xlnt c:>nd. $22. 67 VW Bara Bug. l835 CC Call Mike 964-2048 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: ~'i~11x~;.~~1~3o~~"s11!h1~ ' Biii M!!!"''oyota 208 W. 151• Santa An• fm•ti f1ZJ OO-O. 641"8997 ;,~Jloi11exibl: ~~;.~:i 'll Ollntnl N-port Beech: 40'. Cell deell 641-3293 19202 Beach Blvd WANTED! Closed Sunday ···,·,:;1''1'1"0·0·1··.·n··;;" ·ao 450SL. sllver, gr11y ln1.. "76 BUG c A II Au10. ale. am/Im, very 842-4644 from 9·5, Hntlngtn Bcti 962·0829 L111t1 model Toyota:;, CHOICE INVENTORY "" • 33,000 trwy miles, Im-onv m m clean S1900. 495-6283 Mon·Frl 111111 B••••, S.I•/ Volvos, Pickups & vans VOLU&ALES OILY AITIOlllZEI rn a c . S 3 3 , 5 O o cass. new redials. lmmec •••I llt11•1• 1110 ·53 Studebaker Champion "81 Oat sun 4x4. king ceb. Call us todayl FERRARI 7141846-0247 ~~~~1/n1u5s~-~~o $6400. ,..,,, l,.H I ••••• ::t •••••• ••••••••• 5 pass epe. Nice oar. 12·000 ml. fully equip-W.llll Pl ·71 MBZ 30-0 SEL 3.5. all '75 Vega. 4·1pd. good cond , S 1400/0BO 963-5018 lk1 IOIO Rent. 26" motor home, $3750. 2131592·1792 ped $7800. 581·2756 I Ill ax11as. new llrM. beaull· 67 VW Bug. xlnl cond In ...................... sips 8. fully loaded I ·73 FORD 350-1 TON a 0 I .. c L' RE .. , ; I I u I s 6 5 0 0 . 0 8 0 & out, very cleen S2300 •75 Malibu Cfeaafc. Good cond 1 owner Moving sale $1 4 00/flrm . 955-3052 '77 Jet. 18' 480 Ford, bet 645·8616 19941 .... hfft4 Steke bed, V8. rebll 4 fOYOTA-YOLYO luW ~EW~J"YI' 759_0980 673·6996 & blu. prntd. Nu pnt. xlnt 'll ••;• Traal Yea 1946 Ford Woody wa-spd. dual whll, lumber "" H.._ 'h'-"' K .1 cond. $5000 ~8·9033 gon. S13,000. rack $2900 5"'7-0058 c Sales.service-Leasing M '57 MBZ 220S convert. 6 °63 BaJa Bug. 1835 •no · 21". dua rear whls. re-" •••• "'"• 850 N Beach Blvd c:yl brown wlbrown top dual carbs Musi stlll ft..,•tl•li•• trig, 1tov11. porta polly 1929 Ford Model A Town "78 Datsun, 53K ml, good ""Ut-t lOl w S40·'4t1 La Habra & 1~\. all new. 47K mi. 25 S 1000 Call 673-2912 f~.'T.'}!! ••••••••• !.~~! ..... ~• .. •••••••••••• S6900 OBO 673·2265 Sedan. $10.000 cond $3500 or oller WI llY 122-1131 3100 Wesl Coast Hwy mpg Beau1llul cart "68 Bug, mech excellent 73 Newport. new tlrea. c..,.n, S.lt •t•U•n. •r•nl 1110 855·0577 atl 6PM Newpor1 Beach S27 900/0BO 675·6581 s1ereo $1450 1 1 d 1 ec •at llZO :~ •••• ;71,.'~........... 1963 Studebaker Avant!. "76 Oa11un longl>ed. car· USED CARS & TRUCKS Open Sunday 642·9•05 545-<M?90 ~ ~ .. ~~ f>4~~ 8'>91 . •••••••••••• .. •••••••• '61 Alrstream 19" Sell $5500. 675·6181. peted shall w/boot, nu COME IN OR CALL FOR IRUIE COllTI1S I " llCI 1144 1-----......;... ____ ----------••usT SELL lultw .....,ulp tal__,. Gas anntlan fllEE app•••su Boa,1 11;1 ...................... 1970 vw Square back C•at1'a•at·' -JI '"' ' ....., • con '""' ,.,. • Olds 98 Convert 19•9. brak111. fir es. belt na1 ... OLIE•T G c S I ~ "'"' d I> pe $ 3 .. C I "-LU • •••••••••••••••••••••• 71 M 8 onvertlble. •ln1 un roo , auto trans. •••••••••••••••••••••., $400 842•2804 20 II Trave l Tr a lier. Alf GA. 404-352·2222 78 Dat•un. Lno bed. 4 o•EYllLn ' We can helpl BefOfll you wire whls & radials, mini 673·9448 between 5.7 * ••ST SILL * Pll ca -over cem r. ces l800. 830-11 5 orto.. 65,000 ml. $5300 $2650. 848·6390 ormer • ..,.., 10 &" 11011& •lmU1 mech. paint. Int. new runs good S3200 c-11 "82 CONTINENTAL #11f1UH Ilk•• 1140 c119tom carpellng, llKcel· Sam spd, runs good, S2525 18211 BEACH BLVD buy checil our unbella· I $2500. 833-2324 • pm Beautiful new body 11y1t1, .·;;·Pu·c;.:;;Axi~·;;;~;, s'111n5001 cond. Musi sen "62 T-Blrd; lnll11x1 rea1 lk ~3v1s.soo2 dy•. 857·4879 HUNTI NGTON BEACH ble se1ect1on. savings I' I 11411-.,-o-vw--B-u_a._c-111_a_n_&_d_e_· ••mllar to Seville bul de- n-. never used. $450. 673-70t8bef.2PM nu eng-tr11ns-efec-brk1. _9 _________ IU·IOll, Ht-J331 Sales·Service-Leas1ng endservlce1odayl .!!A!! .•••••••••••••. pendable $1500 . signed w/llmosfne com. 640·8601. leave m111· etc. $4500. 63l·9276 '65 Ford •.;T Plck·up. 1001 T D II [Q' (AR'\/ER UlllYERSITI LUSE l 1112 836·7364 or 974-0791 for• Luxury Int & com- sage. '12-20' TAllll '57 T·Blrd. beaut. resto-boxes, rack & shell Op 0 ar ~'U~R..lrt.1 ·1\i\1\\ SALES I 'EllYICE PHIOT IOI S "68 ca1 1ook. N~w angt ~1:e11~8~.P~~~~:11: ~f.!i .79 MOTOBECANE Un· Sips 4. $3100. 551·2519 red. Starmlst blue. 2nd S850 631·2938 Pat'd 7850 Harbor Blvd. TtlllO ll(•RL trana. nu tires C11n111r 5 siem A 1 / der 100 miles. has bes· 5041 Dutcher. Irvine owner 20 yrs. Prof. ap-'55 Restored Classic .... ~;;"' ~ •. ··.~·;' ·'"' COSTA ~ESA -line megs. new palnl o~erdrlve to ugl~e y~u kets. $400. 640·860 1 A•fl $irrlt• l•rll ~;~·~ ~!~~~1~=~~j GMC V.T wllh 1 ion re.4r For Your Carl 79 320, Brown. Ian tnlr 540-9640 $289 $3200101>0. 675·7067 great gas mileage whli. leave message. I A 1 i HOO · · · end. hydraulic 1111 bed, all JDHllOI I SOI I amlfm ster cass. sunrt, 67 Bug, new paint, runs drlYlng 1n style! Just nMd ...... !!!!!!!.!! •••... ·55 Restored Classic new running gear l11oel1·MerourJ mag whls. air cond . 39. '77 ACCORD ' good. many extras S2, reliable party to make 11111~/•1/ All Chevy truck partl'. ~ GMC v. T w/ 1T rll8r $4000/bst Must sell 2626 Herbor Blvd I 000 ml. Xlnl cond. $ t I. With air conditioning and I pttr month plus I~ 000 small monthly pmts No kHt•ll II SO t on to d Iese I R bl 1, end, hydraullC flt.I bed. all 646-3037 Coste Mesa 540·5630 500. 644-1538 ell 5pm slereo ( 1o2TXA) Redu· 48 month closed end 842-0219 old contracts to assume •••• .. •••••• • •••• • • ••• 1ransmlulon from s 185 new run n Ing g 11 er '78 Courier p u Rbfl t800 1 ced 10 I lease on approved cre· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil No back pm is due. Ask Yemaha OT 175. Slreet & up. 554. 1850 $4000/bsl Must 11111 CC eng Roll t>ar. mags. Premium prices ·7B9B5S2a1 h4 spleedE. 1111,1,her,. $3288 d1t Cap cosl·S 15.138; •79 VW Bug convert . for Rose 842-4400, Prolo i-.a1. mini condition, like 646--3037 paid lor any used car w ee s xce en $ l650 cash required LIM ;;;'w with only 350 miles. Aluminum Oune Buggy, 1----------P·A tires Smog Gert 8 to 1fore1gn or domestic) I co n o $ 1 3 . 5 O 0 I C 1 d k f d everything ~'w Incl S E 1.2.a J ffll 6 M o n I h r u S a I 6 83 5 559 6 42 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ome n an 115 or e-$2200 Ferrari ~d palnl Call Mark at 646-2038. II 1600 engine 850. 333 • • In good cond1llon 44-2 , -4 II 1 (S l6685) D 8 S C •• 714/898·4622, days s~ Us First'. 19202 Beach Blv~ lal sE. ACeHr. lllPG. RTS 1ob. compl 11111 MUST no answer. pleaae keep 1 th I. ....... 11••--1 ~ 1111 3201 IMW '''' fHO ........••....••.•..•. I I .. _, -1" '72 C C 0 1!!~llllfl•!!ll!!llll""'~1 Hnllngtn Bch 962.0 29 BE SEEN . In ttoraga, try ng ... even nga """ 1960 VW' MOTOR, 12 volt Orig. pink slip. SHOW hev -1 cuS1om cab I• pick up •;, ion. 8 11 bed Sunroof. AM/FM cas~t· Honda Totota, Oalsun. 848 Dove Street a pp t on I y $9 2 0 0 071 FORD Maverk:k Good cond 3 new tires. econ S850 494.32 11 1876 Husky 125 MX. In Porsche generator. good QUALITY. See by appt. PS te . AtC. Altoy rims . all ma~-. $!99 does It NEWPORT BEACH 953·2100 fe8'Ye mt1-ft-ecl condition! Musi condition . $200 . $12.500 648-8849 ·Auto .. •Ir. excellent A to atlc low mile• "v0 ..,..... ' body. $1800 OBO Call u m ~ No 111 or lasl No depo-752-0100 1~sa~g~e~.~~~~~~~l ·71 Country Squire W90 Mii for ONLY $400. Call 6"5-l28611ve·s '64'h Mustang Coupe atter 4 PM St4.SOO or t;>esl olr sit No lie tee Oeflvers I-• $800 Firm Mark et 645-2038· If no JOHN 'S AUTO OETAf· mtnt, M'lllt 189 engflle: 548·8774 \7 t4)529·6202 any lease buy• any car • 1111111 '81 Rabt>ll convert Ohta 631-4757 answer. pie••• keep LING auto trans. faC1ory alr,1----------67Class1c Sharp'4door . over our cost AllSevers l ~!!!!~! ............. '!'! auto trana. m111 p aint: trylng ... evenlngs belt. Compl 11u10 conditioning ~s. orl~naf o wner A 1 w a" s a s 1 I e 1 n 2000 R , L as1 634 0189 hlte alla am/Im cass ll1ntitk IH1 , Ill\ model uns grea1 e ng · I MEISTER w w · · • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ••• •• •• • SELL 'di. tt.m. With a Ptck·UP & Oellver. . 7 '94~18 II CIUtllllld·r .. o the ads 'M8 11.11h1H <I S260010BO 759·1677 . 5'>0f'I seell, 6600 miles "70 •• I k 3 d d ... 5 831 2"•• 213-.... 2 "'801 .._,_, d "''2 5678 ""I or 531.0900 78 ACCORD Sunrt. am/ $8890 Leese or t>uw ..,,aver c 99 • /c: Oallypllo'c'·--•fledAd ..... ea yr1. ·~ noens ~-... •• _, ey . .,... 1, .. ,,,,,.,,,:..11uu1 , dd~ft"b'-$8 -tm ceu S3800 PORSCHE/Alll 1973 3 5 con · -~a .... · ... , ..... •-~-••wfl A•• Sunn. hltl •I•~•, lull A1t1 lnYlft, l•ttl A•t• S1mti, rut• t975 BMW 530•. lite blue. Call 536-2216 13631 H ._ __ Blvd ~!~'~7~[;44 • 1 4 · 89l..0"'63 n "' ~, r-• I Hll I I super 4 spd. $5100 ---------.,.,.,. · HSZ I Antu.tin HOO -.A.~!~!!.!'.! ••••••• ...... !! ........... ~!!.!.4.00. • •••• ~!!!!!!!!!!'.!.~~ 673·5905 7e91_!,remluodoen. r'o1or.f aCmlellamn. •Ga,rd~:'~ve ·72 BUG. rebll eng, alnl !~~!~'!f ............. . ••••••• •••••••••••. • •• .... • • 9"" • •I ea-.. r•••• cond. ne\llf redlals, am/ 65 Mu1t1ng. body mint. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -~~/~! ~:i~,.c~: ~:;; $5595 4 99·2901 Ltnlq tm stereo casa . asking mega. wide tlrt1, atr $2500Firm 1981 .MONDA CIVIC 714 ,31•2333 $2300 494·9606 shocka. ,_trans. hQ- It ham>ens every year and we can t>xpec-t l982 to be no t>>c.~ption: on lhat nnt bllstenng day of lht> season traffic will pile up behind overheated cars. Th11 situation is aggravated in ru11h·hour driving when other cars begin steaming. Their drivers, po6111bly unaw~ of lhe engine heal generated by the air conditioner runrung. 900n become part of •he problem. The domino theory begins as t'ongeauon begets more overheating which adds to the congestion Proper 9ervicing of the cooling ayatern before such trouble begins is the logical hrst step m Pf't'venting llUCh lnoonvenlence. p u ys ear eare eouno1 0verheaung usually is cau.ed by {allure Bady & alnt Shap. Inc. of .ome component of the cooling syst(>m. 90melh1ng as SllTlple u A k f Go Le a split hc»e or 1ooee clamp allowmg coolant to leak out. a slipping 1 Of ry • fan belt or a weak rad1ttor dogged wllh rust and other (714) 554-6770 675.9746 DX1300 Silver metelllc. .81 vanagon camper. lOK ders. 289 eng. needs red intenor. polyglycoat.1·ao924 Turbo. loaded. ·so ml, AM/FM Blaupunkt work 1st S 1200 lekes or 77 BMW 5301. 4 dr. 1mmac . suntf, llhr am/ Im cass, alloys. p/w. 4 spd $6490 Marly days 973· 1345, eves 673-1344 siereo. s5200 or bll olr 924 Take over teases c ass S 13.000IOBO small car running In Call Scott. 675-0944 plus get $1 .000. 1·828·1846, 1·738-0487 _1r_ad_11_6_7_5_·5_6_9_9 __ _ 78 C1v H B • •·spd, 45K 7141825-1808 '79 diesel RABBIT, 2 dr, 5 '7"' Mustang II Needs ny ml. $3200 Xlnl cond ·re PORSCHE 924 spd. casseite 53400 whl & s1ar1er & some D1ant1 536·2684 Blk/blk , Blaupunkl iape 644·9252 body work. Nol running, Cuti 1715 '1& CIVIC stereo. air, new llres.1---------1 mus I I 0 w s-150 . . . r............ ... . . . . sunrool $7900. v.1.. f112 548·51>28 82 CAPRI Grea1 condo. am1fm 545-04391(:213)396-4619 •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- * 11.0.HI * stereo cass. reb1t eno # 1 YtlH IHltr 01'1•tllil• #SI $2600 642·4750 aft '82 Por 924 Red. am/fm I• lra•lt O.._..I •••••••••••••••••••••• 8pm ster cass, sunroof, ale. ••1 1110 ILISMllLI S1ep on the acce1era1or end unleash 5 O litres of all extras. perf cond OITUSI SIPlm *'11CIYIO•4r $14.900. ce ll Mona ULH, IHYICI Coupe Auto Irena .. PURE POWER! Equlp.1---------- ped with all the opllons to cruise In c:omlon The LIMITED production CB· prt wtlh high output en· g1n11 won"I lastl (630540) Just need rellable party 10 make small monthly pmts No old contracts 10 assume No t>ack Air. xlnt cond Lost lob 7 14/558·800 t 8 30 to All LUSlll economical dle981 PoWet Must sell $6 100 5pm OVERSEAS DELIVERY & loedecH (2&42) Attrac- 559·6086 "77 ''> 924 Sunroof. Orig EXPERTS 11ve earl '11 CiYIC 1 IOO owner Excellenl cond HLY .. Hll 7,000 mr em/Im s1ereo. .5 speed Mu11 sell $4. 32.ooo m1 s1200 WLI llE HWUI Cltftrelet 497 ·2993 YIUI Dove/Quell Sis. 500 631·4721. 646-1030 1978 Porsch 924. Red Air 1~ Harbor Blvd NEWPORT BEACli cond, sunroof. gd cond $7900 673-9•88. COSTA MESA IJS-0111 Hl-1103 HO-Hll contaminants which rttlrK"I I.he flow of coolan1 and reduce lhe 75 914-1 8. Appearance .68 1,...s Sdn. xlnl cond .. radiator's ab1h1y to dislJn""ISh heal So be sure the coolJ.ng 309 H. Harbor Blvd . • Santa Ana, CA 92703 73 Capri good condlllon .,-SI 100 or ...... , 011111 Group. amllm. $4850 good Int I p•lnl I '""· pmls due Ask tor Rote '78 Honda Civic CVCC. 4 842-4400. Proto LIM spd low mile& $3200 Musi sell' 673·70 I 1 or 848·3681 ·79 Cutlass Sup Brghm ••IST SILL* SUPREME DELIGHT I• how you'll Itel •11• drl· vino lhla fully •Quip. mldsl111 w/velour Int a all po-Why settle f« less, tnJoy both ICO· nomy & comtort l (533WEI<) Jus1 nwd ,.._ llabl• parly to make 1mall monthly pmta. No old contrac11 to assume. No bac:k pmts due. Alk tor Roae 842·4400, Prcrto LIM system 11 1n good cond111on H the f1n1 step 1n avoiding ""~ G o o d co n d P P $2000 675-1978 overheallllg 640· 1499 J•'l.HI 1130 552-0853 U you get caught in a tnfftc Jam created by 90rneOne else's ..----=T,,..,H,...,,..,,E~S=""O,,,...,,L-U.,..._..T.,._10-=--N--f-O ....... R-----.; C•lt 111 •• .. j:;~;;xit;;;:···· --.. -,-,-1-1-,.----'78 245 Station Wagon. car ~1ect. you can do a few th•n ... to ~·-your_,,_ ___ of •••••••··,·• .. ••••••••• Roadsler $7600 _.,. automatic, low miles. xlnt ·-.. -..... ~ "'...,"""" SAVINGS & SERVICE otlL •1111 5 ~,_...... "llow ...... __., s cond. all option•. $7500 boiling over Flnt. do not use the alJ' conditioner. It pull a load • • 631·8813 or 759·8944 ...,........ " ' .. ,....,. · -~•I "di __ .. ,,,__ ·74 Coll, xlnl running trim. Good mechantcal 675-0 451, messeoe on your eneme. es,..--y at ' e. •nu u..,.dore l.ncreues the PONTIAC ON S R"" cono . good tires. 73.000 JHIH 113Z Shape. Needs body work. 67.S-6538 amountofheataccumulatedunderthehood. UBA U miles BEST OFFER ••••••••• .. ••••• .. •••• $4.500 631-4721 .1----------S~ up your engtne. aaumlng you're sitting at idle. so • Flreblrdt • Ol Wo9ona Days 857·28t9 ·75 ln1ercep1or convan.. 646-1030 A •• •.t.•.1.,.U. •• 1.H ••••• -•••••• that the fan can move more air thrc)ugh the radJator and the • Otend "I•• • 4114 llrah wilt w/wood duh, 39K - waterpump wlU cin:ulat.e more coolant through lheengine. Sta.y • lennevllle. • Ol Automolk IJ!.'!!a. .......... !.~~¥ mt. S2 t,950 770•e977 ~!~~'!!!. •.....•. !.~~~ #!£ ............ ~! al lfftt I.en feet behind thr car in front of you No need to have • J 6000o Wo9on• LIMITll IFHll ·75 Interceptor convert .. 1975 R 17 Oordlnl. naw l•--------•I lta hot exhaU1t going Into your radiator. •. Jfl~ 1217% wht w/wood dash. 391( ball & muftfer, 40,000 ml, UYI tm SI 000 ""'" ml, S2 t,850. 770-6977 11 Int . S 2 5 o O II rm . -82 Eag•-sx•, low' ml. CAUTION: Do not 11temp1 to remov~ the pn!91Utt cap from 548 7377 ... .. an overht>aUng engine. You oould be tcalded. Instead. shut off a magnon pont1'ac /subaru Fln. avell. 0 .A.C. IH•Ha Iii• 11Jf 8:tt:·-.:=::---:uul•--li64iii6·11i4ii8iii28m--l ·75 Olds Slartlre. el1 cond. :: ~~h:~<;i!l~ a:,i ::vyan:~eo~ =fully remove the I •;R~~:i· ··~~·fn;t;.~·i~~~~~~~;:; ~{!~E~~~·&iiu.f-!~ '!'!! ........... !!.!~ ~~~ri~~:Jo00!~~:i I .~~\ ~ ~ :0 '"TP:: anU-fren.e(A ~Ian~ U9e ~= Harbcw Blvd. at Fair Dr. 641-4300 S2600. 548-4«8 [)(""tV CARVER SEE US fer 851-7788 90 u ..... , 0 e Y ne I yco water. ,..,oo 0 pre-Cotta Melo 'U Ill& OHYERT ~I for the largest and beat ·77 CulfeH Brough&ltl., 4 cool.ant la a worthwhile addition to an emergency kn.) lmmac;utate. L-'W ml. 0(""1 r C ~ Hfeclfon o f new .. nd d1. vinyl lop. LOADED. COSTA MESA DATSUN Aak for Tim, 836-81111 1~-f\L....11'-L uaed Buick• In Orange 12800 pvt pty. ff&..t1'3. 2845 HtrbOr Blvd. 714/540.6410 ·10 Karmann Ohla. 25K ml on rblt eng. am/Im cus, Riviera rlm1, tinted win- dows. $3700/btt ofr. No tradft 556-4360 or atl 7. 848-4173 ••• ,. 1131 •..........••••••.•..• ~-=-~~~ County today! ,,.llH "'' ClOSEO SUNDAYS ~ ••• .. ••••••••• .. •••••• ·79 TRANS AM T-R~ s•r1 1111 * llllT uu * ...................... SUMMERTIME FUNI SaJes.s.rw.LMstng Midnight bfu. mel .. ~ llllUU8I "' hi er..,. c....., !Our buclll1 ... ta. ~ • sole, all pow. •xtf .... m&ll 2925 HarbOt Btvd & mo<ef (18Cl262) ._ ll1·2f4t ....... COSTA MESA n .. d reflable Pltly to 171 2100 make amall monWy !~ta. .......... !!.!? '76 Buldl Lt:. CIMn. Nnl f;1'!a:U0m~~ .:"~:': 'll OEUOI IT mtch well. 112,000 ml. l)fma. due. Alk tor Ao9e Coupe With e1r condl11o-$1900/bel. 8$3-8053 142"'4400, Proto LIM. nlng end 11erto (1EBec>31) ~ ......... 1!.!! Ftnibtrd '71. Formula: tnn ... mrutm e11to. x1n1 ~· t1m1..,. DATSUN ,.1111 ~I 1'?."!,..M2:0~~. ....._.., ~~--~ Wt&. PP, * IN D 1'Wlll * P.O• YOU• ... v I 8IY\I w -· ff-I ... 1$ Hnllngtn 8otl H2..ot20 • --· .... n ... '77 ,,. .... ND P"IX AH AND HER MOOELI -.,....... f-t""-... _.___ •v-... "'"" 1-Auto .. 1·5 • ...-.. 111e1c, "" ... ,,_, _ ti':"-,· .. _-:::::=_,-~ l.oed~. 801<, Ol'lo· o,r- bolh llevt 1.~kg. wl .... If I 'II •SR-• ... ,....,,__,._, n er . $ 2 1 0 0 I ob 0. ~-,:'.n~~·a:!' :r~:h ..... ~ ... -"' ef1~TCM8e8) ~.!":t '78 e .. -=~°:° V8 ,_ lnlerlora. Wiii Nii one 0t _,., t••-....,, ' ' •:.r.~ both. (oe8Z8A)(150721). Unl•fl.tnta•UNl.WI llU ""'' ..... ---· "" wN, euto, etn/tm."' J ...-.. ... , ...,_ -eterw. l!Ot<. t3200IQ90. u11 • ._.. r-•.,.. Plf'Y oa 1-e111 to mek• •mall monthlY1Maid• RX 7, '70, Mini ; 11HI ......... I~ --------pmta. No old cont"°'' 1 eond s IOd. AIC. Am/ I to a11uma. No b•ck1 Fm CMa. Mn/r1, Cua Intl ' I It I 11 t I It• C L , ~la. du.. "9k kif ROM 1 Ix t 11 0 I & ( 7 1 3 ) IU.-n · ~ H6rbor lfvd. , 2-4400, Proto I.JM. 1 '31~~ ! C<Ktt Mtt1 w..1100 IT'l'le fHtHI drew In Ill• ;Bvytng Md llllfng at ,e WHt •. ·• Delly Piiot a.It WI"' WEI ·1 rHaonabi. prto.-tl'lat • ' j * * * * * * * * * * * •. * * * fr a * * * * * * * * * * j = M , Cell Toes'1 I °'.,,;.:;!,_~Merl =.w.~;o 11 all !'== :!.:-~';:I " ..to:=='. ::SC-• --.. 1 D1ily Piiat WEONl!SOAY, AUGUST 18, 1882 SLIM .GOURMET SUPERMARKET SHOPPER MEAD ON WINE C4 C6 C7 { ' ( .& \ . ti' \~)I. ·~ t ... {"' . ~l -. \_' . "J' I " . -, , .. -!'"' A put up job - I rom start to fini~h ... C9 I -··-· ~/' } I / ;~------------------------------------------ New proverb: Go for applaus e · • ... -.l!4r" ........... By CAROL MOORE Of the Delly ...... ''-" Never mind what Confucius says ln the kitchen. More Southern Californians who want to copy the succulence and showmanship of Chinese cooking are following what · Carpenter says. Most of the cooks attending Hugh Carpenter's class at Broek-Moore, A Store for Cooks, in Laguna Niguel . had worn out their stir-fry, won ton and shredded chicken recipes and wanted to expand their repertoire for entertaining. That's Carpenter's philosophy. "Go for the applause," he says. "Whatever you prepare fresh at home will taste even better than restaurant foods. "Chinese tec hniques are so basic and the results so gratifying to the eye and palate. There's much less worry than preparing a holla ndaise sauce or puff pastry. Even beginners or folks who don't want to cook can have success. "Most of all, don't fall in to the banquet syndrome. "Focus, instead , on the gastronomic experience. Incorporate just one Chinese dish into a dinner, such as serving Hot Garlic ~lant at a barbecue. It's t he -Chinese version of ratatouill e and makes ·a wonderful 61sa for steaks. "Most oriental recipes call for half a pound of meat and should not be doubled or else it won't sear and seal properly. Six is a good n umber of guests because of wok capacity and the pleasure of serving each course at its optimum. "But -don't prepare every course yourself. Chinese dishes a r e so distinc tive yet they combine easily into a menu. Let each couple bring their personal favorite. Start a club and meet once a month for dinner."· The spirited community d_ining of fellow students and professors is what hooked Carpenter while he majored in Chinese studies at Dartmouth College a nd did graduate work at the University of Michigan. Later the avocation led to a career and his full-participation culinary classes each summer in Santa Barbara. His latest article on Chinese salads appears in this month's Cuisine magazine. He spends most of the fall lecturing in the Midwest and Canada. And next April he will conduct a tour for gourmets, visiting state guest houses in Peking, Canton and Hqng Kong. (See BEST, Page Cl 1) HOT GARLIC EGGPLANT 1 ~ p ounds e ggplant, preferably the small oriental type ~ pound ground pork (or lamb) mixed with 2 teaspoons heavy soy sauce 1 large yellow onion, cut into ~-inch cubes Seaso11lng1: 10 cloves garlic, finely minced 2 thin slices fresh ginger, finely minced 1 tablespoon chili paste with garlic ' :.. .TtMATI t -s DMty Not ~ bJ Lee "91M: SLICE OF SHOWMANSHIP -Hugh where he chopped, dusted and seasoned Carpenter presents Walnut Chicken at class Crackling Trout, left, and steamed dough. Sauce: l tablespoon heavy soy sauce 3 tablespoons oyster sauce ~ cup dry sherry 1 teaspoon white sugar 2 teaspoons sesame oil 3 tablespoons peanut oil If using oriental eggplant, cut each one in half lengthwise, and then in half again lengthwise. Place strips together and cut across them into ~-inch wide pieces. If using large globe eggplant, ' peel and cut illto ~-inch squares. Prepare seasonings and sauce. Heat a wok to very hot. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons peanut oil into center of wok. Add seasonings. Cook a few seconds being careful they do not brown. Add pork. Stir-fry pork, pressing it against sides of wok until meat loses raw color. Add eggplant and onion. Stir in sauce, adding a little more dry sherry if necessary so sauce covers about half the eggplant. Cover and cook over high heat until eggplant softens and is no· longer raw tasting. This wUl take about 3 minutes for oriental eggplant and S minutes for the large globe type .. Remove top and -continu~ cooking eggplant until most of- the sauce disappears. Taste and. adjust seasonings. Serve at once.·· Serves 4 to 8 people as part ot a Chinese meal. •. Also excellent served cold tQ accompany barbecued steak. I' " ,. I ,_. '. ',. •,. ,. '•' ,. , "' '• l •'l 1:1 '~ . .c ti' ,., ca "' Orango Coaot DAIL V PILOT /Wedn aday, August 18, 1982 Berries and yogurt team up Fruit and yogurt •~ u l.aaty pair. And one of • th e m oa t popu l 11r culinary trends combines lhe two In a delicious refrigerated plo, S h apes alternate on kebab That delectable edible, the mushroom, is a great kebab'r. Here is a versatile vegetable -which rs equally attractive ir\doors or out, raw or cpoked, stuffed, sauteed, . baked or b roiled - Which looks particularly fetching on a ske wer. A'nd, when combined ; with other crunchy · ingredients it makes a ".meaty" tasting feast . iDdeed. Stargazers on a s~mrner e vening can dine sumptuously on a s uppe r of s kewe r ed sHrimp, chicken . mushrooms and green and red peppers. They're 'all marinated for an hour . first in an orienta l fllixture of garlic, ginger, · soy sauce, vinegar and . iiugar. The n Mushroom- : S'hrimp Kebabs are • s(tewered and broiled briefly, while th e marinade is brushed on liberally. · Kebab'd mushrooms niake a great hors ·d'oeuvre, too. Mini- . Mushroom Kebabs are ·made with ca nne d ·button mushrooms and stuffed green olives, . marinated, then placed .on t oothpic k s with interwoven s trips of thinly sliced ham. The following recipe makes 14 elegant and easy appeteasers. MUSHROOM SHRIMP KEBABS 1 medium green pepper, cut in 1-inch cubes (16 pieces) 1 medium r e d pepper, cut in 1-inch cubes (16 pieces) ~cup sugar · Vt cup salad oil 'A cup cider vinegar ~ cup SllY sauce ~cup water l4 teaspoon ground ginger l4 teaspoon garlic powder 8 ounces peeled and deveined large shrimp (8) 8 ounces bone less chicken breast. c ut in 1-inch pieces (8 piecei) 12 o unces f resh mushrooms Coo k p e ppe r s in boiling salted water untiJ crisp-tender, about 2 minutes. Dra in and set aside. I n a small bowl combine s ugar, o il , vine gar. soy sauce, water, ginger and garlic. Add shrimp, chicken and reserved peppers. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour. Rinse mushrooms. pat dry. and c ut in halves. Drain chick en, shrimp and. peppers. r eserving mannade. On four 12-in c h s kewers altern a t ely thread mushrooms, peppers, chic ken a nd shrimp. Place skewers on foil-lined broiler pan. Broil 6-inches from heat s0urce in a preheated hot broiler until m eat and vegetables a re tender, about 8 minutes , brushing with marinade occasionally. YIELD: 4 portions. MINI-MUSHROOM KEBABS 14 small stuffed green olives 1 (4 oz.) can button mushrooms, drained 2 ounces thinly sliced h am c u t into ~-inch mpe W c up bottled Itallan dresaing Rinse olives under water; drain. In a small bowl place olives , mushrooms and ham. Poul' Italian dreHing over all; cover and set aside for 30 minutes. On toothpicka weave strips of barn over and under muahrooma and olives. Serve a1 an hora d'oeuvre. YIELD: 14 kebaba. . .. ' wstlnM dt'llSl•rt Thl11 tuaty filling 111 11pu1nwd lnto a qukk- 1rnd ·l'u11y shtill madt• with a real tim~·saver, u tw klng mix crust rc-clpe that tiliminatt•s tht• step of c utting 11h0Ptn11ng into the ingred1enL'I. Ju11t mix the ingredients and put into the pie plate. That also eliminates the mess o f rolling ol.1t a crust, STRAWBERRY 'N' YOGURT PIE I cup tmk.ing 11\1x 111 t•up murgarlnt• or hutt1•r, ~oftt•n1'(I ~ wlllt•11puo11.-< hrnli11~ wat~r 1 6 l o I B o u n t' t.· 11 s tr awber r y yogur t (about 2 cups) I c u p & I I c l' d strawberries u11d 11wrl(urlm• In s mall howl Add holllnf( wutc:r, stir vigorously ur1til vPr y !'ll1h dough forn'1i. Pr1.•K.-c dough firm l y wi th floured h1111d s 1n pil' plate, U x l ''. l 11('h1·~. bringing doutch onto rim of plate. Flute if dl'8ired. Bake until light brown, lJ to 10 minutes. cool ~'Ompletely. PW°P ULAR TREND -S trawberries and yogurt team up for a r ic h ·tasting combination. Chilled ln the refrigerator, it's topped with cream and fresh berries. Decorate this rich pie with dollops of whipped cream and' some whole fresh berries fo r a refreshing looking and 1 carton (8 ounces) frozen whippe<l topping. thawed Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix baking m ix ,, Fo l d yog urt a n d stra wberri e s into whipped topping. Spoon into pie shell. Cover and refrigerate at least 12 hours. VOrlS DOUBLE COUPONS MEAN SAVlrlGS FOR YOO. WE'U DOUBLE THE DIFFERENCE vo ... OUAJtAllT"Et 01' ooa LOW l'OOO l'IUCH ro tunvtm f' you of Von\ c.omm11rr,ent to k>w food PHCt'' Wf! tt" nrnk1ng thl'lo uffe1 If yiou um tmd lowt-t ov~rdll food prt<e-') thl) Wt-~k dl .tr 'V "'h'-•' )V(.Jlt'r fl1iOr~~t. Von\ w•ll PdY yoo duuhle the 1l1flt-1t-1u.•• J,,,1 '\f10~1 "' VtHt~ fluv m1t Pd< h ol ]!>d1fft+rent nnd , .. ,t11Kt lt•l4'.1 nt•nt' wnnh "20 nr "''w .. Co1np.C1rt' prKt""> on th~ ~dmr t\,;l,ad llt•iw~ dt dny •)lt\1"'1 \Ulit'lff•dft\_.t • II lflru llJt11I '' lcMt't luim1 your f14•n11led ' Vnos '~ •11r1t 1md thf'I n1ht•r tndtk••t ") f()Qtt prtt rt> to Vu1" d"J wr II Pl'Y J11uMt• th(" ~ d1Hc,.•nn• You\ low lood 11nc t''l> you t "" t)c:lit"\~ Ill ·,.:' t.:: ,.7,:~::.:~~.:":::• ~)~1, ~ ... r~ 111::: 1''41. .. ~, ,_..,,. R EG PRICE'---------------------. ~~~~~~~~~~~~. :1 ~~ 7.(JP ·•o, -.. . ·_ -· !1 2.99 1g.)t2-PACK . --_,:;1: SAVE 1.00 '"'" REOULAR OR OIE1 ~ I WITH COUPON •! 00 o ·. . 11 I F .. . , CLIP THIS .. ,~ I """'"" F • • 1111 e , ''"J'"... • e • COUPON ! ~'!i ~·.!.V!Uo~ ~~ ~'!i ~!!~s .!!>!H2".!. Y,2!1!,!!~ ~ ~u-·--•.. -~ BEEF CHOCK 88 ~!~~TENDER BLAD( CU1 . LIMll ~ RfGUL'<R rRICE. I 19 LB '"209 lOOCOUNT ROLL LV'olT l RE.GUI.All ICE 89 .77 7 I 4 OZ PKG MACARONI (, CHEESE UMIT 4 STAR·KISTCHONK 79 ~·~~r cl~~ OR OL . 1.59 PRODUCE \IN l!AJ'o{.f; 19 Luscious Cantaloupe LB • '"'Rtil .\r-tO.,J•~ 15 White Grapefruit , , • (O!!,P C. Cll<l'CH> • W~""' JIY°' 3 Lb 9 9 Red Delicious Apples MG• Ill .39 1t Ii "tt 'L"""" Italian Squash ,,..."Of" 00.\N(}C I A 49 2 5 Luscious Honeydews , " • ~["""" Red Rose Potatoes ,-,,ncHPOT "c;.~rro Colorful Mums ·~ .29 •• 3 99 40U/Al,l(8r~"OQ~lt,~ 69 Aunt Jemima Waffles • !10/ l'Q\ V",..Ot -.-..~ Uff f l~lMft '.f 89 Enchilada Dinner • '"I IYlM "~1'1rr!lv,•t. tf.• 1. 29 Celeste Pl.uas ~!•ll"CI '"' 59 Minute Maid Orange Julee • \01 PA<;J<-.GC '~'IOl!f(OV .. Q; I•\ 4 ;~100 Jlml's Burritos • • •fVll'tC\ C"'9 ltt"O<ll.J\•oe""'~ 39 Vons Lemonade • VONS BAKERY ~,,.,I\<'~'"""~! VJll Dan1sn Nut Roils l'P.,4.(K Hf)Mf l'°"'l'MfA'1(1• Cinnamon Loaf .89 .89 .43 LIQ<JOR ll'•Mollllll•l'!l'"' 4 69 Scoresby scotch • 1>.111r~1onrri • 9 99 Q1lbey's Gin J!~1111•11nrn r "'•-• 7 99 Miiibrook Vodka ,, ... , .. ,. .... ]Q99 Bacardi Rum 11•1"' If,' 'l.IJ\J.ff I~• ,.,, ,til 2a2 Lucky Lager Beer .,., M>1 Olli "Ar•T'LI 2 ~ 5 00 Andre White Champagne • I HIR,81L ~Ct<All<"Q!lj!<JR(;(Jr<l)V 2 99 Inglenook 1111valle Wine DELICATESSEN ~2 Pll<. J!tC. Olt~-9'40'"' f"oster Fanns nankS J(}()U"C( C.AIUON +vf(.HI." rNf \H Vons Potato Salad l~OOMCI l''C'.KAC.l -C..UJIE f'OOO Borden Cheese Slngles ~lfJ~I ( ""Cf\o\(,f" r "R'°'[R .,01f'+ Braunschwelger Chubs fK)(,,._(f P"t. "o\Gt 08l•)°"t(.; Pl\CK#\llf Vons Sliced Cooked Ham ~(ll~( f t;:•I'' Jl"'I ~!'1 \T'Vlf Precious Ricotta Cheese H<Xl'lla PA<11...or •"<'lCll"'UltS] Oii Hebrew National Franks .8 9 }49 209 .55 )59 ]1 9 )98 DAIRY PRODUCTS JlOl {t" lO'f fA.l b Jf'M!"U t 6 5 Juaeyma1<1 \.:ouage Cheese UYJT 4 REOULAR PRICE 91 GROCERIES S'•~·""" r '"'"t! ~'-.IW"ltfT£0\'~0ES 89 Lawry's Classic Dressings • P1;~t'~~ C~m Chips • 8 9 l•·•lil!..,.1. t.· .. ~ .1.j.flf\l+'-\W 69 Hi "C'' Fruit Drinks • 1-..11 .... 45 Hunt's Kidney Be<ins • I •"f \il 99 Lindsay Salad Olives • Squ~~·~ M~st~~d· • 7 5 .J l "t '"II' I I ,..,._C"fl•\ 2 19 Cranberry Cocktall Pink Gr~p~'r;;;lt Juice .8 5 H~;;;,'e'1 Chlll C. Beans • 7 9 L,1)11" .. ([{\.l"t Rfff (\l"til..,f't 3 8 Kai Kan Dog Food • SERVICE SEAFOOD ... l'-Hjjot.C.,.-1( } 89 Red Snapper Fiiiets 11 fJlf~•rA~!fl(: } 79 Butter11sh Flltets 1 n f"f<;H()AH() } 79 Rainbow Trout LI> rHOlt:1'0R~tllQ!i~ 2 49 Alaskan HeJlbut Steaks ui HEALTH &BEAUlY ~~~:o;r. &i; Weahclotha 198 !...l'OU"0~-~1'\11"',i\lll"tl 75 90l'OUNT"'n oold·N.Soft Margarine • Johnson ... , Cotton Swabs ]67 Mi,fG~t9+1IJ2n.t ('HUfO } 59 l~Q!ll'!f{ llO{Tlt._ VJta Pllkt orange Juke Johnson a oeby Lotlo'\.. 319 MEATS r-""U ".....; cr"rucm Beef Chuck Steaks fAf4lf".-.C6LEt l[~OUll.llO Bottom Round Steaks F'-"lf ".-.CNEF BC)til[lC"i'S Sirloin llp Steaks f Af\l[Krt<J&[r ~fl£'-\ Chuck Family Steaks LJi J 37 18 209 18 2 48 18 2 29 10 2 48 SLIM PRICE . lt~IN<f r a,f'I! SI m Price Fruit Mix .75 1r1l1(J"'-("£ H~\ '4..,_..~ Saltine rackers .59 ll~J~sl SI m paghettl .98 1101 JM P\.<\I~~ liti\.E._ ... 1 Sim Price hettl Sauce 112 UOU'°"!Cf J .... \&J-""pm(! Strawberry Preserves .. }39 MEATS f "Blf. KfNG ttf.Jf ll..A..,. } 99 Boneless Chuck Roast LB '~hf"' ...... ,..,,..,. 189 Boneless Stewing Beef , R J!Cll r_, ~!••fr fdM .. ., ~!DL(,Ht..l.l't } 89 Zippe Burritos u. t '-t ..,,, I -.~. llrA()~ Frying Rabbits L8 } 79 lfl I -.t~Rf t -"flllo\.\ yiti("lt(.f (I Polish Style Sausage LB 269 ~ ... ~ lit ti < .. "'''"' 110l Pol(, 169 Slzzlcan Breakfast Strips £A SLIM PRICE H.kf''•<r Jl\R Slim Price Instant Tea J59 11#•"''"''' 1 .\1' Slim Price Peach Halves .6 5 .,jf,,...'' f\t)~ SI m Price Detergent .99 }1)lflfl"4l fii,J\ Slim Price Trash Bags· }58 }'Hf')nl QOl.I \U\\.-Q1(f NumlnumFoll .4 9 ]29 lt Oll<C.CAll!'CIH 8 8 t~t'Ot!T~ }27 Jenaeymald Sour Cteam • Johnson • Baby Comatarch , WISK . UQ<JID PRICfS EFFttTM me.Ml, THIW W'l!O .. l\00, 19 'l'HRU MK), 2.5. 1 '82. CALL (21)) )SQ.MO) FOii LOCA tlOl'I OF 81'()11£ l'lf.AAf.&T YOO. MOT AU.~ MO PlllCd 11'1 n.11 AD U'f'iC'lM AT YOml. 1500W. PICO Bl.W> .. $,71 w. eorn ST .. LOS Al"l<ll!U!S. s.\l'I OIEOO. FR£91'10 Al'IO lAS Vf;Ql\S, 51,Lf& IN RETNL Q(JA/'ITITlt!S Ol'ILY. l"K>tT 8TOtl9 OP!l'I 7 ""'TO 11 PM 7 DAY! A ft!K. A~L LAUNDRY DETERGENT 'COMET POWDER CLEANSER LAUNDRY DETERGENT 12&0Z. (INCUJOES LOOOF'F) 6.69 CRISCO SHORTENING OAu'iES BUROERLCHEESE 000 FOOD . 84-0Z. (INCLS • .35 OFF) J. 04 14-0Z. HUNTINGTON HACH 1122 ldtfttter a Sptlfttldale COSTA•IA 115 I . 11111 ltt'Mt .net o,..._ An . HUNTINGTON •ACM HUNTINGTON HACH 21• hectt 9twd. mi. Altenta 8AN JUAN CAfllteTMNO t2081 Cemtno C9P1tt'9M l Dee ~ .44 llMN9 oao..,,_..M. --~.,..... ..... 3<L8. 2.2.4 noz. • FOUNTAIN VAUl:V ;,... .. ," .... , ..... LAGUNA NU.I MM1 A .. Pwtnr., 6 *"' 3.34 • -• c • I Orange CODI\ DAIL y PILOT/Wedmt:Hhay, Auuust HJ 111U~ "' Versatile limes have cool image I GARDEN-FRESH -Add a Mexican Uair to your summer salads with layers of veggies topped with sour cream dressing. Salad savvy shows in layered choice Quick -t o -mak e, nutritious salads are popular favorites this time of year. And, since m a'n y t r u i t s and veget ables are now 1n season , garden-fresh flavors are at their peak. Wh x n ot add a Mexican flair to your summertime menu with Garden Fresh Layered Salad? In this simple main dish salad, cooked chicken and zesty green chilies are tossed with a new creamy-rich bottled sour cream and bacon dre5sing. This mixture is then layered between crisp, shredded lettuce. juicy tomatoes, smooth avocado and ch eddar cheese, then topped with additional sour c ream l /4 c up chopped grc-en chilies 3 c ups s hredded lctt•we 2 tomatoes, cut into wedges I avocado. sliced I cup s hre dd e d c he ddar o r Mo n terey ;ack cheese (about 4 oz.) In m ed ium bowl, combine Y.i cup sour c r e am and b acon dressing, chicken and chilies; set aside. In 2-quart salad bowl, layer lettuce, tomato, chicken mixture, avocado and c heese. Top with r e maining dressing; cover and dull. Garnish , 1f desired, with sliced pitted ripe olives. Makes about 6 servings. and bacon dressing for a • South of the Bord er • Turn your unusables into usable cash. Call Daily Pilot classified 642-5678. special. GARDEN FRESH : LAYERED SALAD l cup (8 oz.) bottled • sour cream and bacon • dressing • For the rumninlng hot daiys thi1 yuur , tfY cooling desse rts und 1m&cks mudc with turl, green llmes. According to the US. Department u( AgracuJlure, llmes arc in plentiful supply during September. When sh opping for limes, look for glossy skin, Av01d limes with dull, dry skin which is a sign of uging and Joss uf acid flavor. Also, avuiJ those showing evidence o f decay su,·h a s soft spots, mold and skrn punctures There are many ways t o u se l imes F or example, limes add fluvrn 1111d ltil111 111 dt p~ l 11 1 I ,f W .. I I.: l 1 ,tf al I .., l ' I II I k I' I ' I • I I I II I I Dt·~'"·1 b 111 '"' ,., 11 It ,.,,,. ..i1v 1 ,111 • ,11.1 lwlrt ··••ii n1ul I '''\ 111 k• ··111111• "1111 '""' 4U1t l l l11i1JJ.t h1 It ,111 ll'(lpt•-. lh 1t \\ill ,,,, ,,, you u 11d '" •u 1 r , 11 •ii • ", hot eta vs LIMt<; BA\ l\HIA N CHEM!-: :_!I llfl'· ,I 10111111 ,I milk I I ' II \ '. I I I ,, ' UllflJVlll• d I'' l,111J1 111 \lll•I I ll1•t•!I(• 1 ' n ip hu11t•y ' t.1blt·1i111JOJU1 C'n·1111' I• I .t I 1 It I' ( :. I' I' I t • t · I JH' t~ 111" I I 1 ... 1,puun grull'd 111111• 11t t•I JUll t' 11( '2 hmt'S L1mt· shl't.' lo garnish Mix milk, gt•latln and v.ir11ll.1 111 1.toUl't'patl. Sur 11v t•1 lvw ht.•at unttl l'l'l.11111 d1-.sc1lv1•:.. Stir • " " 11 • u I h n t g t' I a t i n lltllo. llJI t tlllll bl·.ilkn l'~g v11lk.. Add Pg)( yolks into • 1111 1·11o1n I ll·at thtl> until 1111,1111" t o.its a m1·tal s11111111 I wl11 t h happens t It ·"f"'"" \ .111ill 1 :! I .. I I. I • ,. I' s (.' p <I ' J l 1• d I I II ' .d 11111s t 1mml'd1ately). acltl1t11111.il ,.,. , • , • I ' ' II I' I \\ I 'l.11 • "'UI t'I"'" 1ntu IJOwl I , 1 ii I••· \\.1trr Stir until '· •Boked ondsn·ok&tiui · • Sp1101 s11ce o 0101..no 1 '1u o , , •Covered w 111 our ~" ,,, ~ •., •Beu at roorTI l'lrnpnr J'u•• r, • c · I' .. r .. 1 , •Just co, order :.ino i • • · WE DO CATER ING• GIFT CERTIFICATES kt 1 f t,1A8l[ ANYTIU( A' A>•• (()l_A fl()I; CORONA on MAR -J • , ANAHf/M-lr.e V1<ogo • """' • • .. k • fl TORO -aenowe•r,.,,,,.,, '""•·' , ,, HlJNnNOTON BfACH-H,ll')UC•I r • M•llOll~1)e (lt4)848 8!>1~ ORANCJf -14ION 1.,,,..,.. .. .... RANCHOMIRAGf -, .: .. A, R/VfRg/0£ -!>]lt)AI. U' .... ·. •,a .... • .. •-• ., • .... .. ., •.. 2 cups cut-up cooked • ~ch~i~ck~e~n'..__~~~~~J_~~~~~~~~L~~~~~~~~~~- --~--- STORE COUP()4 _' SAVE 2~on 1WO ROLLS of NEW, IMPROVED KLEENE~ Brand Towels ' 1•001 l1ou1 1·oolt><l rruxtun· 111t11 u blond(·r and udd rtl'Ollo, honey and'/. tablclip00 0 8 C r~mt· l''ra tt·h~ Blend until smooth Sur m JUl<."t" 0 1· '/. ... mall lames and gratt<d hm\• ~-el Pour m1xlurt' into bowl Rl'fr1gcrate and <.foll until thick tinough to mound in a spoon. about 112 ·hour. In a small bowl, bl·ut 4 egg wh11.t:s until th1:y slightly peak Sttr 1., or c•gg white mixture into custard mixture and carefully fold in remaining egg whtlt'S Turn into a mold lmc-<I with lime slices and 1·h 1ll 111 l1·Jts l I t.1111r s St·rvc·:. •1 •CREME J<'HA .. '111'. 1 l l'UIJ Jll,1111 111~ f,1t ynRUrt •, t 11p l11w f.11 "''"' l'rt•Utrl 1 / l'UJ> ltt'.IVV I I 1'.1111 Mix ull 111..:11 d 11 '", an<.Hwut UJ 8~1 d•·j(n·•·~· F L c t s t a 11 d ,, 1 .1 L1·m1~·ralun· 111 11t•tw1-. ,, () 0 d l' g I l' l's .. II d II j Ut'l:(rt•t's F u111 11 1h11 k st I I g I ' II l I \ .• I: d n ·fr1gt r.i ll' u111tl r1 ... I\ to IJ-.t· CANTALOlP E l<'E '/.<.·ups M'<~lt'(i 1 Ul><·d canlaloupt-(;1 h11u 1 medium ~1zt• 1Yll'lo 111 t.ilil• .. puon .... lam· 1 t .1.1. '""''" hcJri¢.r '· , ,, ... " •, I 11 ,111 '"J''' d11·11lli 'tn I I ' 11 d ' r ,, 11 ti IJ 1 e n d 1t11•1•111~1ld'v }'our ll:M{> It •• II 11" !SH I .. I JH,.,, I • I\. I I· I• l'/C 1111t1l M>Ud l<r ,,.,, .. , I 111111 fr1:ezer B1•.•k .,,,, •lnrnk!> and 1111 11d ·•t•.1111 1m1t1 therf~ • '' '\• ,, 1t1•1t (This can I 11 I , ,, \\ 11 t. •• ri t•lt<clrtc Ill '-''I) l'to\11 1nlq,'f ,.,,1• 11111 r 111v1·r ab.I 111' r All •W 1e e to l11.ol1tly bt'fore Mo1k1.., 4, '·'l c\ip l , ,, r n I l> h , •ff " , , It ... lt<·l'<:i lime ~RdolL ........................ $2 9,~ s59s . ....•.....••••• lb I $20,!. $13! lt8oe8s ...................... ~ l 9~ Chicken 59c 1 FRYER LEGS .......... . l~A~E HENS .............. s 1 ~~ t Fresh USDA Chc11u $ LAMB LEGS ................. ....._ A me~ for maxi & mini pad users: --. Beltless Kotex ®maxi and mini pads are · ' now priced lower (substantially lower) than Stayfree: Good news! Kotex m ~1xi and rni111 p;1. j, .i11 n. •\\ available to you at n new lo\\' l"ril'L< 1'1H•'\ 1n.1-.;:1 and mini pad s are just as bdtlc:-.o.;, ju't .1 'l 'l t1 1 v, and just as absorbent ~h Stavfrcc p;1d -- •rnl t:' ni.1\ 'Jry hy 'tore. Hi6/I qualty ptOtection. Wtlhout the high price. ' , . . '' •I .. ' I L 'l .. _ ... Oranoo Co It DAILY PILOT /W9dnelday, Augutt 18, 1982 w·nning. cooks get Spicy with \ ,• • cinnamon chicken Y. 8 A R 8 A ft A w hltt.• mcut l'hkk~n (or LI i h t l y to 1 1 AND VEGETABLES ground cinnamon aopara te Into le1Ave1. ONS 1urkl•y) lnaredte nt1 toae the r , ORIENTAL£ plnch each; around Remove the top, aeeda ua tlve cook11 who I c·up rrum't"d c.-elory m o und o n bed a of 2 aktnned b o n e d nuimeg, a lnaer , clove and me mbnne1 fro m ._e tJp slim chlchn I c·up hi.lvt-d green lettuc e , tf deatre d . chicken breetl (l pound and allapice be ll pe ppe r ; c ut Into Meanwhllu, combine rema.ln.1na chicken broth. llOY uuce and comata.rch . Remove cover and atir ln cornstarch mixture. Cook and stir until sauce la thic k . Mak es f o u r servings, 160 calories each. wl_,, cinnamon are Lht-K• 1.111t•11 (Do uble or triple the chick en cut.leta) 1 t.eupoon aru.e (or 1-lnch aquares. Slice the !era of this month's J ta b I e e po o n a r~ir. to aerve four or 1 large sweet onion fennel) aeeda zua:hini. G o urmet Reade r unswcetcnc•d apple (or •I x . E ac h serving Spray a large nonstick pe Conteit. JPnny pineapple) JUiee c h ick e n salad, 240 1111 .. 10111, s kille t with cook ing i...e, of Maple Shade, 2 tablespoons plain calories (24~ calories • s pray . Arrange the tiJ• wins with her spicy (or vu n 111 u) low-fa t w i th a 1 t e rn a·tl v e chicken cubes in a aingle r-chicken, translated yugurt ingredients). layer and brown qulckly fwn the S panish. T he 2 tablespoons low-"C I n n am o n I 1 the l red (or green) bell 2 tablespoon s soy over high heat, turning If you're a creative low-calorie cook, you can be a winne r, too. If you've figured out a way t o ''d ecalo rize " a fattening favor ite, or have developed a w ty d.iah that makes the moat twll,y cinnrunon-sc.--ented fol "light" mayonn aise predominant spice In th.is pepper Mluce to brown evenly. Stir In twto sauce is spiked quar ter-teaspoon C h i n ese aklllet dis h 1 •mall zucchini 1 t eas p oo n vegetables and halt-cup W lemon, and tastes ground cinnamon that's extra easy to three -quarters cup cornstarch chicken broth. Add the ~t over rice or !Jghtly salt (or season ed prepare on a summer fat-skimmed ch icke n Cut chicken into bite-spices and an ise aeeda. slMlned vegetables. i.alt) -evening; broth, divided size cubes. P eel onion Cover and ainuner 4 or 5 R-0-A ST CH I C KEN pepper , to taste FIVE-SPICE CHICKEN quarter-teaspo on. a nd cut i nto c hunks; minutes. WITH . SPI C Y SPANISH SAUCE 2 a n d one -halC po und whole fr y ing chicken 2 teaspoons gar lic powder, divided half-teaspoon dried oregano, divided half -t easpoo n paprika, divided q uarter -tt>cls poon g r o und cin n amon, divided 4 cupti tomato JUiee 2 tablespoons grated (or t easpoons d r ied) onion 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley 1 s m a 11 I e rn o n , quartered 1 bay leaf Optlona I: 3 cups unbuttered cooked rice Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Sprtnkle the inside o f the chicken with a little of the garlic, or egano, paprik a a nd cinnamon . P lace t h e chicken breast-side up in a nonstick roasting pan. B a k e t'h e chic k en, uncover e d , 20 to 25 minutes until s kin is crisp and well-rendered of fat. Drain and discard fat. Combin e remaining ingredients, except rice~ po ur ove r chicke"' Low e r h eat t o 350 degrees. Roast ch icken uncove r e d , 3 5 to 45 m i nutes, basting occasionally, until sauce is thick. Cut chicken in serving pieces. Remove lemon and bay leaf from t he sauce; spoon sauce over chick.en and rice, if desired (or plain, cooked vegetables). Makes six servings ch icken and sauce, 190 calories each . Half-cup cooked rice adds 110 calories. Lydia ~u. of East Meadpw, N.Y., takes the prize with her winning soy -cinna mo n -gar! ic baste for chicken breasts. Her r ecipe is equally delicious in two versions, wi th o r with o ut sweetening added. LYDIA'S CINNAMON CHICKEN 3 wh ol e f r ying chicken breasts, split 5 tablespoon s soy sauce 3 c lo v es garlic, finely minced l teaspoon ground cinnamon . Trim fringe fat from ch icke n . Combin e with remaining ingredients in a bowl or plastic bag. Refrig e r ate severa I hours , turning once or twice t o coat ch icken with marinade. Arrange chicken pieces skin-side up on a shallow nonstick roasting p a n . Ba k e uncovered, 1 hour at 350 degrees, basting with any reserved marinade. Makes six servings. 160 calories each. SWEET CINNAMON CHICKEN -After c hic k e n is ba k ed, dissolve 1 to 2 packets s ugar s ubstitute i n quarter-cup unsweet- ened pineapple, orange or apple juice. S tir th is mixture wtth the pan juices and spoon over the baked chicken. Adds 5 calories per '!i!rving. C innamon adds just 1 the right touch of spicy sweetness to this main- coune salad, a great way to recyde leftover roast chicken (or turkey) into a cool summer luncheon di.sh. CINNAMON CHICKEN SALAD VERONIQUE (For 2 1ervings:) 1 cup cooked diced For a refreshing heat- beater, blend an egg, your favorite juice, and a splaah of cit.ab llOda. lt'1 nutritious and sure to cool you off in a hurry! Lookinl for a top-of- • the--ranp meal to serve some mu11Y August dayT J'lx a frlttatal lt'a an Italian veralon of the omtlet. and lt cooka ln mtmt-. Add 10 the ea mUd\ue el.molt any taaty food that ttrtket your fancy 10 n)Ab your own penonallUd creetion. IRVINE RANCM SWEET -SEEDLESS -JUICY WATERMELON 19c,b. ~ NEW SEASON #1 LOOSE RUSSET POTATOES 29~. BAKE 'EM, FRY 'EM OR MASH 'EM WE NOW HA VE SEEDLESS WATERMELONS. ENJOY T H E JUICY SWEET FLAVOR Of THESE WATERMELONS TODAY! SALAD & SANDWICH·FAVORITE, FRESH, CRISPY BEAN SPROUTS ••• 3.bs.sl GREAT MARINATED, SAUTEED OR CHOPPE D FRESH IN SALADS. LOCAL GROWN B UTTON MUSHROOMS ••••••••••• COMPARE OUR ~~ REG CHEESE OF THE WEEKI! PRICES sJCJl[s • SPECIAL IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND ... TUSTIN & NEWPORT ONLY HEALTH VALLEY CHIVE & ONION --~ec. 595.,449 FRUIT BAKES -6 •· } 15 149 99~ FLAVOR COTsWOLD Ctt:ESE 11t APPLE · RAISIN · OR DATE 49 BUON GUSTO 529 4 ______ ,..__..,___., ___ ... ITALIAN DRY SALAMI Rec. lb •• HEALTH VALLEY 12s ggc 69 CORN CHIPS -, oz. ~ Salted a< Unaalted SLICED TO ORDEAi Q 4 9 DOMESTIC SWISS CHEESE Rec. 3~ t> . 11t HEALTH VALLEY CHARLIE'S PRIDE ggc 73C 5 9~ RARE ROAST BEEF IRVINE RANCH ~w_heal_--Rice---0<-eom--+-..+-~----1 FRESH FRUIT SALAD PUFFm CEREALS -6 OL HEAL TH VALLEY COUNTRY CHIPS Salted or Un .. lted -5 OZ. 53' 4s9 Rec. lb lit 1 79 Rec. l 911b •• ~ Rec. 149 1'09 REG. SPECIAL ··· FANCY THIN SLICED ~ 98 VEAL CUTLETS 1•'tJ d ••· .FRESH GROUND Q 4 ft: VEAL -6RWI> FRESH DAl.Yl2''1b #iil1 llt: LEAN. BONELESS 2 98~ PORK ROAST 3''11 lit ~ l'T ALIAN -GERMAN - POLISH SAUSAGE FRESH -FROZEN HALIBUT STEAKS 4''11 FRESH SEA BASS ORY ROASTED PEANUTS UnNlted -Bulk or Peclceged Rea. 159 J29 279 289 IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKET 9 8 TOSTONES ggc 7 9 e SAND DABS <REX sou> 3''1> 2 11t PARTY CHIPS • 1 u. Rec. 3''1>298 FRESH PERCH (SH• ON) II• RAW MIXm NUTS Bulk a< Pectleged Rq. 449 ,, DRIED /FANCY PEARS . H oz. SU SALSA Rec. 1 '' HOT OR MILD SALSA -i2 oi. J 7& . DRlm FRUIT COWOTE -Rt~. 259 16 oz. J49 YOPLAIT YOGURT NEW FLAVOR MILL CREEK JOJOBA SHAMPOO Rte. WITH CONOITIONEA 11 oz. 611 IRVINE aANC• MAllKET 8PBCIAL Homemade lrvtne RMch Matket 1.0!_Uatwa1 1 Gr• 1 ~ , Homemaa lrvtne Ranott Market · Crescent Rois Pko. !" • I?:. . PINA COLADA • oz. Rt1. 53e3.9e OLD MISSION Q /iu9e ALOE VERA BAR liill/ ~ 18 oz. ~. 2/U8 . . . COSTA llUAINllWPORT 2111 Irvine Avenue ·8outh of Meu Drive U1-wo4 IRVINE 14002 Mrford Roed •I Sant• Ana Freewar 131-21S1 I a.111. to 7 p.111. Mon .... t. 1 a.111. to e· p.111. •uncter TUSTIN . 11112 Newport Avenue : •t Irvine Boulev•rd . ·" 131-ll70 ·~ t a.m. to I p.m ....... Oap • NO DEALER SALES • L_IMrT RIGHTS RESERVED • .. / ----------------_______________________________________________ .,.. Orange Coe•t DAILY PILOT/Wednetdey Auguet 18, 1982 Save time, budget tvith • convenience foods . .:·· . ·. i Do you avmd buylns leu expcn11ve per Mlau a aiood valuu, and tht'n•'it UtU<' or n9 w~t.t.· .Special chocolate la U.tR-d the market browse the In nutr1uor1 but low In frozen food. packaBe aervlna th•n 1queezln1 you arc able to make All thC' trimming has In aomc froeting mhtt.-11, frozen food cue. tho dell calories. Left.over tldbltJt mixes, or partially freshjulce The nutrltion exactlythequontltyyou beendoncforyou.Allo, and certain packaged and mt'41t departml•nlJI, ofmeat.chopped on!ona, prepared meah.becauae 11 about the aame, but need. there la no need to buy entrees Include nwde·to-and the produce IW!<:tlon 1md seasonings mixed you think they muat coat the flavor Is different. 0 f co u r a e. au c h the special lngredlenta order chee.et1. Seasoning for new Ideas how to use with frozen huh brown far more than "made Fro ten p ea a are leas U.S.0.A. 1tudJea made no used ht the recipe that and aauce mixes can turn convenience foods for potatoe• can become a from scratch " r e<:lpes? expensive than fresh, attempt i.o 1."0mpare taste are not at.aple Items In left.oven into a dlah fit lime-sa ving shortcutt1 m a r ve lo u s hash for or guest&. Plua, the ~· baked aroma from the kitchen wlll atlmulf .. tNen a· fink.i<y appetite. In these bu1y d1y1, convenien~ fooda ,,_, e very aupermark•t department are a ~ substitute for "maid service." Aa lndlcat.cl, this service may be "free" with 10•• products, but even If ,.,... pay a few pennies .,_.. per serving, It may be worth it to you for ttlle lune you've aaved. Manyhavethiamiat.aken and their c olo r and n o r quality o f the your cupboard fora king! -By combining fre sh, brunch ordinne r. notionabouteomeof the flavor are preferred by convenience foods. That C onaide r also thal With nearly halt of frozen, and even canned With a pa c kage d convenience f o od a many consumers. On!ess decision must be made money can't buy aome of the U.S. w omen n ow ingredients, you can blttcu1t mix, all kinds of o ff ere d i n th e potat.oee are very cheap, according to Individual the ingredlenta l.4sed in employed outside the produce outs landing quick hot breads can be supermarket. the instant varieties, preferences. convenien c e foods home, time at home is dishes. For example, try created. The addition of S ·u r pr Ising 1 y . such as hash browns or W h e,n you 'r e mark"eted today. For precioUB for them. Every mixing frozen cooked n4.lts, dried fruit. o r a c cording to U .S . Frenchfries,costlessper calculat.ingcostsocroods. example , many easy-to-minute saved in cooking shrimp w ith Orie ntal perhaps a surprise dollop D e P a r t m e n l o f serving than the Hme don't forget to include all use flours are blended can be spent doing other vegetables, either frozen of jelly tn the center of a Agriculture studies, produc t m a de fro m th e e xtra s . W I th especially for packaged favorite activities. or fresh , to produce a n freshly ba ked muffin many of the convenience scratch. Inst.ant coffee is c onve n ien c e f oods, cake and biacuit mixes. Next tia;w you're in easy entree that IS high w11J impress your family foods surveyed had a ---------------------------~ ~--.;;._------------ lower "cost per serving" than their home - prepared counterparts! And these figures were derived. without taking into 'account such savin g s as h o me prepar,tion time and energy consumption. Purchase prices for the convenience foods were compared with the costs for the ingredients used in the home-prepared versions. Obviously, the differences would be even greate r if you counted your time as money and measured the total energy costs in from-scratch prep'ar- ation. Most are aware that preparing frozen orange juice is much simpler and Freeze with ease Fortunately, we live in the age of the "deep freeze," when fresh food can be popped out of the freezer on a moment's w him, saving time and effort in cu linary preparation. However, you have to remember that different foods have different life expectancies when frozen. Knowing a food's freezer life reduces the possibility of throwing out a pe rfectly good piece of meat, or worse. using something which may have already spoiled. For food to live up to its freezer life without a I~ of quality it has to be packaged correctly. Plan ahead when defrosting food. Food should be thawed in the refrigerator and not at room temperature, to reduce chances of spoilage. Putting the Item to be defrosted in a plastic bag -if it isn't there a lready -will guard against it leaking in the refrigerator. The freezer setting should be at 0 degrees (F) or lower to max.imiz.e freezer life. Storage time for breads, fish, fowl and dairy products is two months and eight months for meats excluding pork, whic h should not be kept longer than six months. Shellfish have the lowest storage expectancy at one month, while fruit and vegetables can remain frozen for up to 16 months. To make the best use of your freezer, consider these economizing tips: Create instant soups from homemade stock. Simply pour the stock into ice cube trays and wrap them in plastic bags. ~ them with a tight fit to guard against "freezer bum," whkh can be caused when moist air is trapped within the plaat1c bag and freezes on the food. Grate a quantity of hard cheese and store in plastic bags for ready- made toppings for cauerolea, tacos and eoupa. Soft chee.e do not freeze as well as the hard varieties. Freeze whole coffee beans and grind in an electric blender aa you uae them for fresh ground coffee taate ~-S~tbem ln pmlQj bap w01 keep the beans almost u f:reah as the day you tJouabt them for up to fix weeb. Small, thoroughly chilled cana of )IJcel ICt u a ,,__.. .,.ck few baa lunche1 and 1tve a who1-orne boost to the meU. Pladnc ~ In plMdc .... wUJ help prevent condenHtlon from lHlclna Into the lWt ol the lunch .... .. . .. ~ ~ fl(?'tla ~rw~ P1r~n~1~~0~!,, ~~~P~'?nc P"~~,~~~!.., <?..~l!P~~"" Pro'?en~1~~lu!n ~~~P~'?n.~ P•o~n~,~~r~u!n C?,,e~P~'?no Ma11ufjCfu•e1s cents 11ft coupon and gel M,111111,11 1;,1,.1 , , n l "" , ""'""' .u111 0111 Manular turPrs· cents o ll COupcln oJnrl ()Ill M,wula~t11r1·1~ t:.C'fll• •ill c.uupon and QOI double' lhri 5dv1nO'• whf-n vou pu,Chase lhP 1hl1tllt11 II'•' .. t\111\1 ,,,,, ... ,,,11 ,,..,. 11.1-...11 llte double th(.l ~aving~ when you tl\Jrt hast• lhP UoutJh~ lh1 .,JvHtfr'.. wru•n yuu purchase lhe item Nu1 tu 111clutlt' 1l'l,ltlt!1 hcu 01 111••11 N1•I t.• 111 •u,1. •· l.uli 1 lr111 ur 11em N?rr to include 1c1,ulf•r hec ur llt•n• Nol 11 ... "" lurh• rt 1~ul9r tree o r Q'04...<''Y purcnase • uupun' or c'ceud lht• ti'•'•,'' ,,,,, tt 1, ·1111•1u ,., •'\' 111•4J lhe ··grocer~ purchase· coupou~ ll' ')'C.flP.0 ttH' grnc t•ry uurr_ttav· ''>uurms or e•ceed the vJlue ol 1he .iem E ,,lluJe:;, t1ouur lobarco d•UJ \. 1101 • •t ,. • 1, 1 I , i. " hqu u hllhll '-" dlld valve ot the Ut:rTI E•cludc•s hQuor l<>bdt t·<> drld vatu• tJI tht• Hen ( •' lutlf·'; luJ•J0' robaccc and cll"'Y p1otluc:1:. 11.tt•\ •""''' dairy p•oduCl5 Ocil'y 11•0<1uc I:. Limit One Item Per M1nut1cturers' Coupon L1m11 One 1tr111 Pei M:i'nutacturers' Coupon limit One Item Per M1nut11cturers' Coupon Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupons Per Customer. and l1m11 4 Double Coupons Per Customer. and limit 4 Double Coupons Per Customer and l imit 4 Oduble Coupons Per Customer. Coupon Effecllve Aug. 19 thru Aug. 25, 19112 Coupon Ellt>chve Aug t9 thru Aug 25. 19&2 Coupon Eltectlve Aug. 19 thru Aug. 25, 1982 Coupon Eltectlve Aug. 19 thru Aug. 25, 19112 Meat Values Aafpl\l·APl><O•. 2 lb Cl'tub Pak Super Blend F;;;ii'0ile~rioaf F,.,,_ Stlced Beet liver Fror OehO•tld Not to .. cHd n ... f'al l ean Ground Beef Patties Switch to Ralphs Famous Dquble Coupons! Discover Raiphs Double Coupons ... o great new way for you to save. Just pre- sent one of Ralphs Double Coupons along with any one manufacturers' cents-off coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item Ralphs Double Coupons. Another reason to switch & save at Ralphs. USDA Grade A Switch to Ralphs Check-cashing Card and Sav·A·Buck! Turn in your Market Basket. check- cashing card for a Ralphs card at any Ralphs St~re and Ralphs will give y ou a free Sav-a-Buck! It's good for $1 off on your next purchase of $25 worth of groceries. Shopping has never been easier or more convenient. Fresh Lake County Whole Bartlett Fryers Pears per lb per lb per lb. .49 .27 .08 Florida Ass1 Varieties Chilled est em Troplcana Orange Hearth Juice Bread 'h gal C'ln. I lb.loaf J29 FUlet Regular or I Free Pair Pacl11c Sugar f ree Bonus Pack Fresh Red Ralphs L'egf: Snapper Soft Drinks Knee per lb 12oz. can 3 pr pkg J39 J49 Dairy/Dell Values Grocery Values lorden'1·ChffH Stnv••• 5;s1 Skim American 21'o or P~O .99 per lb ~ Kratt Dinner .33 llalpll1 I 000 IU 4.57 Macaroni Ir Cheese ''• ~ Vitamin E bll bo• ot 50 A alpha 1.65 Beef Knockwurst 12 or P'o per 1.29 lb llalplla .63 Mennen 1.89 Tomato Juice 4801 Speed Stick 2 .... 0 1 un pkg siring Cheese 4 01 .69 P'o .89 per lb lawr, • .47 leavtr Ftuld 3.99 Taco Seasoning Mix t'• or 011 of Olay 4 0 1 pkg 1>11 Special Bakery ValuH 1.59 ,,.. lb Herrla 1.39 Minced Crab Meat 6•) 01 Produce/Floral Values r•n Liquid ,, .. ,, "''''"' .59 Sesame Buns 11~,v. 1.17 .17 Dawn Detergent 27 or Cllp-Top Carrots per bll lb -Fisherman's Cove Values - Freah Loul1l1n1 Catfish f fOllft 0.lroetld 0uft91nell Crab Clusters ':' 1.59 ": 2.69 --• Pl.AINWIAP Values --• awm·it;m --s ... 2• Mlner11 W1ter _, . .,." F1clal Tissue !~; 1.89 .83 .50 21 or '"' 200c1 boo -••App4ttlte Shoppe Values••• Cllal1le'1 P•ld•·l'nta" Sllced In l10t• Smoked Pa1tr1mr• .,s:r 2.89 ~ro•ll ""' zuteftd Medium -.neddar Cheese .. Aalpfla Lemon. llHlllMt''Y or Ap.lcot Danish Dreams plig oll 1.49 ii'hi~iie;;;'1Li.8ca1ce llN, 1.19 .... Frozen Food Values OOlcle11 P1emlum Ralphs Ice Cream fiii.c'sticks llldl 11,9 l••• Spln1ch Vl gal, 1 98 "'"· . '!:: 1.79 1001 39 P't I ----Liquor VllUH ___ _ 12o.r Cen·lfff Budweiser light ,.e: 2.07 _: 1.59 PIM Cleaner 2.15 LllO<I Hed Pine Power 2101 Grapefruit 1111 H Cfl w1-c1 .. ner 1.46 fr1111 Glass Plus 2201 Steak Mushrooms Pl• bll ,. New Produce Prices 1~':' 1.99 PUitf\Vup Ught Co,ytitftl 1112 by fllatoht. (.10\.tt•T \.vth.,.,,.,, .. .,. ··~tt• He•., .. d • • Wt re•-'"' •loM 10 """' °' "'""'"'"to con11n1••••' de••••• Of Wllelttete11 AHlltble at R•lph1 Appetite Shoppe1 Only. S..lnt• ••1•1• to P"•IOv• Wff~ • ""'P"• Pot<• °' ••• , ... ,. "''"'to lnllltl l'flc• f~llOll helilllwe ot ed-11 • ., ... ~'- Prices effective August 19 l hru August 25, 1982 prlc .. ~Ottd lltm• 111 11111.td a11 1,.. ••me ptlte or low1111n ell al0t•• l'rltH 01.,11 tll"'M1Yet1'"4 ~may,.,._.,,...,..~ loco! H f!IOttlllon CHI l•elOtl °' O•oO••pllle l~.tllOn ECH I 8MflJJ> • 17• ST. COSTA 1EA 1AO ,.~Jl ... 1 1tW ttOl .... ...._..,.. .... Ql fl. LOMA. ...... -MU IMI, .. -1M-1m-1Uat 1Uf1118TON IUCH r:_o.: ~~~S UM ~;;'1'tt:~~ ••. 4 .. • .. •ii llll I .... FOLf'llUM.Lll I ~ ~---. .33 1.49 •, 1, I ..... ,. -."I ...... / Orenge CoHt OAIL. V PIL.OT /Wedn .. d1y, Augu1t 18, 19!2 Keep smiling wiih an eye on · the register By MARTIN SLOANE D EAR MARTIN - Pleut print t.h1a ln your c o lumn f or a ll the checkout clerka who get annoyed at cultomera who (a) insist that all their purchaaes be on the conveyor belt before the clerk begins to rtnw up p r i ces a nd (b) g e t a nnoyed at customers who watch the register instead of helping to pack their groceries. It la not that I mind helping to pack, or that l'm trying to hold up the cash ier until I g e t ever yt h in g o n t h e conveyor. But, I am tired o f coming home a n d find,iJlg that I have been overtharged because I was1 not attentive when prices were rung up. T h is n o w ha s happened to me for the t h ird time i n thr ee weeks, and I vow that it is not going to happen again. So, to all the cashiers at my local supermarket: Sorry, but I won 't. be helping to pack anymore, and I won't let you start to ring up my purchases U1'til everything is on the belt for me to watch. P lease don't be offended, ei th ~r. w hen I stand there with my calculator a nd point ou t 3-cent errors to you. Why should I bother spendllig time making up a b.udget and a shopping list and then clipping out coupons if I am not going to make sure that I am not shortchanged at the checkout counter? Sign me -I'v e Seen the Light . . DEA R LIGHT - ,Xi>l.lf....oQlessage com es across loud and clear. It is good advice to every shopper. T h e s u permark et executives and cashiers w ho read this column should understand. that you are reacting to a very serious problem. If you find errors on almost every register tape, your su per market has been lax in overseeing the accuracy of its cashiers. Wh e n s t o r e managemen t lets the accuracy of cashiers slip. the customer suffers - and so, in the long run. does the r epu tation 0£ the store. Squeeze, whip up • a winner The first trip to the Orange County Fair was a rewa r din g one for J aneen Campana, 26, of Foun tain Valley, who won the o range cake competition t his year. and took home a silver serving tray for h e r efforts. Selec ted from 21 entries, her bomemade orange cake with orange glaz.e icing, was judged b est , on the basis of app e a ranc e, te xture. consistency and flavor . C a k es for th e competition must have been made entirely by the entran t, with no ready-mixes of any kind. The prize-winning recipe is: ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE 1 ~ cups sugar 1 ~ cups cake flour 6egp 1 tablespoon gra ted orange peel ~ cup orange jul~ ~ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon cream of tartar Combine cake flour and ~ cup sugar. Beat egg yolk.a until thick and lemon colored . A dd orange peel and Jul ee and beat until very thick. Add ~ cup sugar and salt. beating constantly. A dd. f lo ur t o e gg mixture'. Beat u ntil blended. Beat egg whit.es wlth cream of tartar and ~ cup sugar u ntil st iff peaks form. Fold ega whites lnto egg yolk mix tur e . B a k e I n unareued 10-lnch tube pan for 66 minutes at 326 de1reea. Invert untlJ cool; lee w lth orange ..... ORANGE GLUE 2~ cupe pOWdered ~ 3 tablespoona oranp ~ or IDOl'9 to make ldnc the comlsteney for drta11nc on top of cake. Several rcadera have aakt.'<i how they can get the caah ler to wait for them to reload when all of their purchasea w ill not flt onto the counter at one lime. [ suggest that aft.er the caahler has rung up the first load on the count.er, you simply ask him to wait until you h ave placed the second load on the count.er. Wha t if the cash ier objects? I have the n allk Mf tht1 cw.hlcr t.o call th~ manager; he can decide wheth~r he wani. me t o m tt k e m y purch~ at his store, 88 this ls the only way l will do it. It's as simple as that. N ow. this doesn 't mean that 1 am rude or unpl e,sa n t to th e cas h ier . Y o u can accomplish a m azin g things with a smile and a little firmness. Cashiers s uf fer a Jo t of UN lf'Ct'ftllilr y abUK(t, and 1 wouldn't want to add to It. CLIP 'H' ,ILi ll.,UM08 Clip out thl• ni. llfld kMP u with 1lmllar oa•h·oll coupon• - b •var1ge r efund oflera with blver•o• ooupont , for e11ampl• Siert collecllng the ~ed p#OOft ol purch-W1111e lool(lng for th• re quired refund lormt '' lht 111permarkel. In n.wap..,_.• 1nd megulMe. tlld when trading with friend•. 0 1t1r1 may not be 1v11tabl• In 111 are11 o f !ht CO<Jntry. All-10 Wiii<• to '-'"• taeh ralund. Thi following refund offer• •r• worth S t•.70. lhll WMIC'• refund offer• h•ve 1 total value ol $21 89 Thi• offer doean 't require a r•funo form R-i11e • 50-0lfll r•l\lnd and • t In CHI.MIO• LltU• Finger• Pllolo B•by M•QIC COUl>O"•· Sanl) th• Con t•lf. P O B o• a 104 , 1•qulr•cf r•funtl form anu • Mlnl\NPOlla, Minn &6,-480. Reoe!Vlt regl1ter tape with fhl pr~ Of Oeby SUPIRIARllT SHIPPER ' 10 20·oen1 OhH rlo1 coupon• Bend • oolot pl'tologr1ph no l1rg.r th•n 6 lnohM by 7 1nohe1 of • child from your family Th• Child mu1t b<t under 4 y .. r• of ege H of Nov 30. 1082. Thi• wUI aleo •nler your child In Ille Cheerl01 Lllll• Flngere Photo ContHt Print your n1me 1nd addr•11 on the b1ck of Ille photo. Ea.plrea Sept. 30, 1082 Thee• ollers require refund form a: BABY MAOIC R•lund 0 1111 Magic P-d•r clroled. Tho form 11 found on lug•r llZH or 811>y M1glc Pcwd•r, B•lh, Lotion, Oil and Snampoo Expire• o.c 3 1, 1082 C"IUY WHIA Ta •N' "~lllNI Stemp Olfe1. Receive 50 foreign po1t1~e S1emp1 and a "atemp tinder' boo~let. worth a total 01 $3.80. Send the required refund f0tm. two Unlver111 P1oduct Code 1ymbolt from Crlapy Wheat• 'n' Ral1ln1 and 15 01n11 You wlll aleo rec.iv• e ""9ct10tt QI oth9t elempe l("U8TIAl, Conttneotal MUii lh11I you m1y pvrtn•• 01 1•lurn A1c11v1 • bo• of K1ut1••• und411 no obllg.ilOn bptree ~ P1.~-"• Ml• 6end Ille reqllifed 3t, t082 11lund form ind th• top or , JOHNtON a .IOHNION Biby opening tiring from any boa or PrOductt Co Coupon BOOll Otter b•O of KrutlH Z P1noak1 Mhl Roci11v1 • Johnton & John1on . (8ut1ermllk or Whole WhH I 'n' coupon book with 14. 10 In Honey). bplrM Sept. 30, 1082. coupon• Send the required r1funo OUAKI " 11 C11h Refund. SerWS lorm 1no 1nv two un1v1raal th• r1qµlr1d relund form and Product Codo 1ymbo11 from tn• Unlvo111l PrOduot Codi IYfl'lbolt 1>011 om1 o f John1on'1 Bi ily or purohau ua11 from thre• Powde•, B•by Shampoo i nd-or dfff411enl varletlft of the followlng Baby Oil E11ptr11 Nov. 1, 1082. Quaker 01r .. 11. Lil• (Regular Of , OIE NE"AL MILL 8 Ka boom C1nn1mon), any Ouak1r 100 Colorlng Kit R.cetve the K•boom Percent Natural c.teal, Corn 8r•n. col0tlng book and crayone. Send Cap'n Crunch, C1p'n Crunch'• lhe 1equlred 1efun<1 l0tm end throe Peanut Bullet or Cr1,1nch S.rlM Unlvere&J P1oducl Code eymt>ots C~rea11. E•plree Ocl 3 t , 1082. 11om lhe bot1om1 of Ko boom He1e'a • 1efund fonn to wrtt1 lor: packages. There Is no limit on the Tylenol $ t Refund Off11. P 0 . Soll number of kite you may 1equ111 4'80. Monttcetto. Mlrrn 563115. Expires Jan 31. t083 Ttllt otter expires S~! 30. 1082. FEATURING USDA CHOICE BEEF, INTRODUCING SMITH'S DOUBLE COUPONS! DEE. SMlrn pRE.StOE.NT PRIC•• .,,.CTIV• w•oN••DAY, AUOU•T f8r THRU TU•aOAY, AUOU•T ••, 1H••LIMIT RIGHT• AR• 1t•••1tV•O SAVE 2.03 WITH THESE COUPONS! r.-----------------------1 •MITH'• COUHN 111 If I I I .. • I WESSON OIL • 24·0Z .•• c ITL. I ~~ Wlf'H•.OO ~llfOHAll•lltOlUOl,,.Llewll roM~ 'll¥uttn• ,.4u10 •1uc • u•tr , ,.,,,, A#O , cou~ Nllf oue'°'9•" I l'Al.10 AUOUl'r ,, ..... ,,.. ~----------------------· ~-----------------------• •MITH'• COUH# H1 I MORTON SALT !I · • ~~·:: 5e 21-0Z. IOI I +""''* ,,%J.~fi,-.="t~~~~'==-" -.. ~ .......... , .. , ... ~----------------------- ~-----------------------••ITH'• COUl'ON 121 IMPERIAL •a·~·i1~1::1~u··1 IC 1·ll. CTN. ~o .,,,.,,, .. oo ~llfOHAl••••c&.uOI• f.IW f'OllACOO, ~~J),,lUIO MIUOU•tr f tn• A#O f COflH# H" O&.llf'Oltalt .,AUD A&HHl•r , .. .._ ,.., .J I ~----------------------~ ~----------------------~ •MITH'• COUH# M t Y.UBAN COFFEE • AU 811101 1-LI. CAI 1''· Wl'r# f .00 JlllltO#Aff •lltO~ UW. tw~ lfi1'""D"""o •1a.1t•u•1r 1 '"'•••, .,._.. _.,, c ....... .,,..., ....... , ... ------------------------~ lOUR MANUFACTURER'S COUPON IS WORTH DOUBLE THE FACE AMOUNT WITH ONE OF SMITH'S J)OUBU COUPONS. SEE DOUBLE COUPON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE ~:::.J:.~:~+ r-g~~:~f 1=8Gc L _:_o~~~-J L~COUPO'!__J OFF 3100 BALBOA BLVD. AT 31ST .ST .eNEWPORT BEAOH . OPIN 7AM TO MIDNIGHT . • • . , • .. •I •' .. •, ,, - - ---------------------------- Orang, Coatt OAILY PILOT /Wednesday, August 18. 1982 Wine press new come with • • territory By Jf;RRY I>. MEAD · Kt'EPIN ' UP - Readers expect their , favorite wine cotumniat, whoever he or ahe may be, lO know everything about every wine and every winery. Sorry to disappoint you, but it just isn't so. und read everything from co n11umer publication• lo tr~de maguinee. into two thlnp, namely .A mention of a new winery, and M justification of wine joumalilta ln general. #•Pf!S'' if you'll excUIC the phruc) on the .rrounda that people ahould make their own docl1lon1 on wine a nd not rely on 10meone they read ln the newapaper. w o u 1 d n e v e r b c very JcMSt be 110und wuJ discovered. t:onaunwr• p e r h u pa c v c n would rely on tht' old exceptional It as some 1tand·bya. and would be basis for spending hard- ion.cit• w1111· With rrn1rt• t ha n 7 !> w 1 n 1· r 1 t• 8 present, J had nol yt't madt> 11 lo tht• myi.tc·ry w1ncry'll ltiblf•, wht•ll ·• frwnd 1esk1•d my opinion of the want•I y's Cabernet Sauv1gnon I stated, honf•stly. that ( hadn't tasted 1t, and on<.-e agam rcceivt>d that look of qmait·mcnt us 1f I've tasted vt·ry Wlnl· an the world, or ;.it \ ll'ast every one:> of tht• l\\Jndrcdi> of wmt:s prt"M•nt th1:-day MIADON WINI I subscribe to virtually every wine publication available (and borrow copies of t ho se publications I can't afford or don't feel worthy of my money), I tut.e wine virtually every day of my life, attend wine tastings all over the country (and in some other countries, too), yet invariably when a reader approaches me a t some public event, the wine they ask about is one I either haven't tasted or, worse yet, haven't even heard of. The point being that if a profeulonal cannot possibly keep up with everything happening ln the world of wine, then no consumer, no matter how avid a fan or collector, can possibly do so. A great argument, and I'd agree if it w ere prac ti c al f or moat consumers t.o sample as many w ln'8 as I do. hesitant to try wines earned money on a n from a label never before unknown quantity. heard Crom. NEW DISCOVERY I h ave had All ot this is to lead winemakers object to the wlne press (usually ''sour H everyone followed the advice of o ur dissident winemaker, many new wines from small, deserving wineries If. on thf other hand, a While hosting the recent wine writer they have Summer Wine Festival learned over the years to onboard the Queen Mary trust r(:commends a at Long Beach, one of wine, they can feel thoae never-h eard -o f secure that it wiU at the wineries was pounng a T o s 1 I c• n c· t· t h 1 s I I FINEST QUALITY FRESH PRODUCE, NATIONAL BRANDS AND SERVICE! GRADE A FRYERS CROSS RIB ROASTS 0-BONE ROASTS UtDA CHOICI H O . AllW CHUC& BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS UIDA CHOtCI ... , BEEF SHOAT RIBS ~lATR HI' .............. . ...... . FAMILY STEAKS uao.a CMOICI .... ,. IHOUlDlll CHUCK ....... 7-BONE ROASTS TURKEY DRUMSTICKS USDA CHOICE BEEF• CENTER CUT CHUCK HAWAIIAN ~-.v---_-.EAPPLE BELL PEPPERS CRISP• QRl!EN • 8~1 COKE, TAB OR SPRITE 2-UTIR 80TTLI 41~. FRESH LETTUCE CRllP SOLID HEADS ~ ~:3). ---ONIONS OR RADISHES Dllllfl OHIO.NI, HD llADllNU. l ""CN HONEYDEW MELONS I WUT AND JUICY ITALIAN SQUASH •llUH ZUCCHINI • ROASTED PEANUTS IN THI •UL• , ai1 5;•1 l.2sc l •. 39.c ....... l• 99c ·CRISP CELERY FRESH STALKS 31~. 1Mil~§!o•~•Yo~o~o • •·••• rrz~ ai1 ~-:I R HEINZ KETCHUP 111 TOtlATO.-Z. 9n. ................•...• .,, ...................... ~··•···· .. ···•·· .. . CRllCO OIL 231 -"'--····-······· .. ············ .. ·················"""' ................. . ~!!~~o!~~.~ .. ~.! 89- !;!!~~.2.~--.. --·-··················-············ 89• CHEERIOS CEREAL VIENNA SAUSAGE N8RAL lllLLI • 11-0Z. 801, U88Y'I •I-OZ. CAN 1~·· 2ae FOR GALLO WINES M."'.aTL ::..~411 ,.....,.. "*CNMUe FRYER LEGS CHICKEN• WHOLE LEGS llL~- SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS UIDA CMOtCI •11•. •O .. I LIH BONELESS CUBE STEAKS UI DA CHOICI HI, STEWING BEEF •Ot<llltt CUHI LEAN GROUND BEEF ''" f CO .. flNl 0011 NOf HCHD..,... ~ .• 211 ~.2•• l.211 l • 1'' CHUCK STEAKS WHITE ROSE POTATOES ,.11 .. RED GRAPEFRUIT llUHlllO. lSARTLETT PEARS IWI U . JUICY ......................... ~ •• DIEFFENBACHIA CA•IUA, Oil Pllll,llCTA, t.fNCH l lH ~OT FRESH BROCCOLI -\ GARDEN TENDER 41~. Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS AllORTID FLAVORS• 41-0Z. CAN I 59c 81MILAC FORMULA M Oll'-£11, Mc>tl, W.OZ.. CAii,.. .... ..... • .. SUNNY DELIGHT l>LOlllOA CITltU• PUNCH, 14-0Z. tTI. .. TREE TOP APPLE JUICE 1t -GZ-CAll, l'WODW ................................... . WISHBONE DRESSINGS tAl.AO, A.-U •~a. •-.oz. an... .. ............... 121 99c .. 99c .: ............... 131 QUARTERED PORK LOIN SLICED ' FULL OF FLAVOR RIB STEAKS USDA CHOICE BEEF o LARGE END RED RIPE WATERMELON SWEET AND JUICY WHOLE MELONS ·~· BllOWN ONIONS SWEET•Mll D 8~1 DELTA PAPER TOWELS ASSORTED COLORS SINGLE ROLL 2~1 POTATO CHIPS ...--~Y'S • ASIORTED •I-OZ. 8AQ 99c MEAT BOLOGNA OICAft llAYIR • 11-0Z. NQ. ~--=-~--12• 3100 BALBOA BLVD.AT S1ST.ST.eNEWPORT BEACH : OPl!N 7AM TO lllDNIQHT a c· q u o I n t o n t' e • I • •; intcrrupl.('(J my order o! tasting and proceeded to • J the table an question. I'm • glad I dtd • • D o o a t o o l l • 7 t , ·· Cabernet Sauvlpon, Lott " Z (about $8.50). Thla• •' excellent red wine ts• produced by another of th ose 11er1ous and dedicated avocational • winemakers who • prac:lice their skills while making a laving in another f 1 t> Id . The! winery as an the unlikely location of Inglewood,• with the grapes coming from lhc Sa n Miguel a rea along the Central• • Coast. Quantities of alt .·~ ' Donatoni wines will be• •, limited until the day the• ... owner ca n afford lo-•" retire from has regular\ business to become a1• .~ full ·time winemaker. There arc only 1,000 • , cases of this Cabernet, • for example. •. A very Bordeaux-like~ wine, 1t is more delicate1 • than many Calafornia··J · clarets. and d evelops! • much of its character i • f r o m b e 1 n g a g e d · ; txclus1vely in French"• oak, which contributes'·•' that int~restang cedar -,·: like~roma that has c harrfied Bordeaux :1 lovers for centuries. It 1s a supple, (emamne wane. reminiscent more of a St Julien than a · Margaux. While 1t m1gh1. also be compared in 1 : mouth fp el to a• California wine from .· Alexander Valley, I find •.. - 1 ts tl·avors more .·' in t eres ting than a nything I've discovered from that region. Finding the wme wiU be difficult, but you can - '""'.rite t o the winery direct for l<x:al retailer ,• information: Donatoni , Winery. 10620 S . La Cienega Blvd., Unil "D", Inglewood, CA 90304 ANOTHER NEW ONE -l mcntione'd be fore that Richard Carey 1s no longer . connec ted with the Richard Carey Winery. , It's a long s to ry, bul ' basically Richard was a , better winemaker than he was a businessman. In a bankruptey sale. other investors ended up with the winery and rights·to his name on a label Wines made by Dr. Carey are suU being sold · ... under the Richard Qarey label. Meanwhile, Richard J has go ne t o work as ( winemaker for another winery. whic h will •• produce wine under the ' • M onta l1 label. T o l' o m p I 1 c a t c t h i n g s further . M on lali., a rranged to buy some of the wines that Richard made for the Richard Carey Winery from the people who bought tbe Rtchard Carey Winery . So you can also buy wanes made by Richard Carey but labeled , Mon tali. evt•n though · . nary a grape has been , .'.: crushed at Montali yet. . ; Montali's first crush will ' come during this year's';;•, harvest. Montali 1979 "Paso · Robles" Ziofandtl (about -, $6.50). The first release ,,: o { Richard Carey wine under the new Montali t •• label, il may be one of , Richard's best Zinfandels· •: ever. His Amador Zins,, while big and Interesting'' (and medal·winning), have often appealed to me as being too big. This wine while equally big ". by techn ical standards (it's nearly 14 percent'"'1 alcohol), doesn't brag about its bigness. It drinks like table wine, food wine if you will .. , 'u showing loads of fruit with n o n e o f thoser" ... overripe notes that spoil ~; so many Zinfandels. m · They say th a t ' 1•• Zlnfandel sales are down"11: because consumers never'°>' " know what to expect~, .. ~ when they buy one. Everything from light,< 1 , rt fruity Beaujolais-style~• tf wines t o brawny, overripe "late harvest"~,,'} wines are on the market. ti '"' all made from the same .... q grape. and wi\h few cf "" labela giving any hint M 1 in to what might be found,.1111 inside the bottle. ""·~ If what you've beens:'>b I o o k l n g f o r i 1 a"~' substantive Zlnfandets' 8 th«l will accompany' food, thll I.I your chance to aafely purchue ancf~'1~ cellar Zintandel on~ aaaln. .IC>rpec\ at 1...-t l.-..U\ decade of cellarln :ulb potential. p o •¥¥0¥U S $0 0 4 UCO O ##OF40i • • Orange co .. t DAILY PILOT/Wedne1day, Augu1t 18, 1882 Pickled seafood a time-honored tradition t>lckllng with vlneg4'r imd 1plces la an ancient and ~uy way to preterve frtsh eeafood and can be don_, at home. Abo, with the e><ceptJon of pickled herring, 1plced or pickled seafood la seldom available commercially. According to Robert J. Price, University of California seafood technology specialist, pickled seafood must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature n o higher than 40 degrees F. and, for best flavor, should be used within 4 to 6'weeks. To pic kl e fresh seafood, you will need the following ingredients and equipment says the Coofa~fsative Extension spec t: f or 2 to !j d1&y• In rcrr1.ier-.wr oolon: laing. KM!p refrlierawd. Macll erel.i Sbad, and Sa moo 10 pound.a flah flllt!ta Salt 1 cup sliced onion 1"1 cup olive oU 1 tablespoon white pepper 1/a tablespoon black pepper l tablespoon mWltard 94.~'<i 2 bay lt!BVt>tl ~ tablespoon clovetil l quart vinegar l quart water ' Cu t th oro ughl y deaned fish fille ts into 14 -pound /iecea. Wash well ln ool water, draln, and dredge In salt. After 14 ho ur, rinse off salt, cover fish with water, and si mmer f or 10 minutes or until fish is e&11 lly pierced with 11 f6rk Place warm tl•h In • t.rg • container. Saute onlona In olive oll until they are yellow and 90ft. Add remaining Ingredie nt.a and alrnmer 10 minutes longer. Allow aauce to cool and pour over fish, ~g sure aU pieces are covered. Let stand 24 hours in refrigerator before using. Store ln refrll{erator . CLAMS, OYSTERS aod MUSSELS Scrub •hell.I well and steam Ju1t en o uah to open ahella. Save liquor obtained In steaming. Remove m e a ts from shells. Cool meats and liquor aeparately. When me ata are cool, pack them in clean jars w1th a bay leaf or two, a few whole clove., and a thin slice of lemon ln each jar. Strain liquor, and to each quart, add ~ pint vinesar, ~ tableapoon each of clovH, &llaplce, and red peppera, and ~ teupoon cr1&cked whole mace. Simmer 10 mlnutea. W hen cool, pour Into Jara to cover the meata, and cover jars ti g ht l y . Store I n refrige rator. •10 pounds flsti fillets Salt 2 quurta vinegar Additional onion , 3 pint.I water bay leavea, and aplcet 2 c u p 1 c h o p p .-d Sliced lemon onion DI v Ide tho rouah ly 1 c l ove garllc, clean ed and wa1hed chopped fW~t.s mto 2-lnch lengthi l tableapoon black and dredge pieces in ult. pepper Pick up pieces wit h u 4 bay leavee much salt aa will cllng to 1 tablespoon ground the fle1h and pack nutmeg loosely m a crock. Let 1 tablespoon cloves fish stand 2 hours, then I tablespoon allspice 4 tablespoons sugar (1ee PICKLE D Page C-1 1) __ J_}t_·~_CO_u_tt _J\A_eo_t _<cii_l,_at_J\A_o_d_e _CU_s_~_l _om_o_us_l _____ 9_t_·s_()_u_tt __.~_o __ · _a_t J\A_o_d_e _CU_s_<tfi_o_mo_u_sl_it_ •• Fresh, high-quality sea fo o d that i s refrigerated during all ~ stages of the pickling process. Always Helping You Save More ••• Your Neighborhood Blue Ribbon Store! •• Water without a high iron, calcium or magnesium conte nt. Hard water causes off- color and flavors. •• Dis tilled white vinegar containing .at least 4 1h percent acetic acid (45 grains) to inhibit bacterial growth. • • Pure granu lated salt (sack salt), however table salt can be used if it does not contain calcium o r magnesium compounds (they cause off-color and flavors). • • Large crocks or heavy glass, enamel or plastic con tainer may cause d iscoloration so should not be used. .. Clean glass jars to store pickled seafood in the refrigerator. Seafood should be covered with pickling sauce and the JCII'S tightly covered. To P reurve Herrin' Clean herring thoroughly, cut off head, and trim off thin belly- Oesh to the vent. Wash fish thoroughly, drain , an d pack loosely in a large container. For each LO pounds o f cleaned fish, pr epare a brine containing l 'A cups salt. 2 pints vinegar, and 2 pints water. Cover fish with brine and s t o r e i n the refrigerator. Leave . the fish in the brine until the s a l t ha s "st ruck through," but remove th em before the skins start to wrinkle or lose color. The average time is about 5 days, but may vary from 3 to 7 days depend i ng o n t he judgment of the pickier anel the temperature, freshness, and size of the fish. When the herring are judge d s ufficientl y c u red . rinse in cold running water for 1 to 3 hours to remove salt, then proceed to one of the following two methods: · Cut Spiced Herr ing 10 pounds cured he rring 1.lz cup sliced onion 1 cup mixed pickling spices 2 quarts vinegar l quart water 5 tablespoons sugar C ut cured h erring across the body in pieces l to l 'h inches long. Pack in layers in a large container with onion and pickling spices. Cover w ith vinegar diluted with water in which the sugar has been dissolved. Allow to. stand in the refrigerator at least 24 hours before using. The cut spiced h erring then may be repacked in clean glass jars. Add a few fresh spices, a bay leaf or two, and some chopped onion to each jar. Kap in refrigerator. Rollmop1 10 pounds cure d herring 2 quarts vinegar 'h c up chopped onion 5 tablespoons sugar 1A c up mixed pickllng spices 8 quarts dill pickles Si m mer vinegar, onion, and sugar until onion la soft. Add spices and simmer 10 minutes Jonfr. Strain out onion an aplce1, ·and save. Cool aauce. Cut cured herring into two fillet., removing the backbone. Roll each tilet around a dW1 piece of dill pickle and faaten with a wooden toothpick. Scfttter onionl and apices on bottom o f • large container and between layen of rollmoJlL Pack roU. on end 1n the crock. Pour cooled u uce over rollmopt w.til they are covered. Allow to eland ''~;:~::~ ::~::··' caacU1'A#.D-. ~!-_::_::-r: ..?.£:.-~;;;:: •.. .--.-...-.. -. ~. ~-- ,afood Specials! FRESH PERCH FILLETS ..•• WHOLE lOISTER ~~~~-o,. .. 8 VARIETIES '$1.89 . , .. s3_49 .69c aaar a o uNo llON&-IN Rump Roast e coaoa.c:vT ~ "•l ;~,..,. •• l' II filC:I 19c lwrltts ..... ,,..,. 11.09 • .... 12.29 t~rlLI JUU• • IJ•• en 11ts hS,O.. ''°' ~httils h'°""•l;;.d 12 79 CMcUl ltast fllltts uc• • ... u ..... ~ .. ••lt!(f f ' S.....S.ut• BUTTERr,llLK OR HOlllESTYLE ,. •2.59 LI . Hl·C DRINKS STATER BROS. MILLER LITE BEER BISCWTS Mt1 eut.Of CUI Qasmt ... ,M)frl.(\_.(_$1 , ..... $lea lil1 c.....ca eo-tww. f811y sml tu• Celle St.a 1111' lt•9 IO""tlfSI S,..,Stea REOUUR OR DIET DR. PEPPER ··, ~: . ::.,: -...._ ....... s..~f Style ~ Hairspray ~·-----........ - .... ruaa aau H~burger Patties IS-Q(IAaT&a POUlCD PA'nlU Service Deli Specials •-U:•$ rtlatlSai. .. "'' C*Sln ._ 'k!Q:O 100-C>tlMI ... u c ... u c ..• 11.89 DECORATED VIVA TOWELS hist 1111 I ~ PREMIUM 5 VARIETIES SKIPPY DOG FOOD • (1 = ··;--F-ri;ite. t •>Ol • 1. e ciief'• Blend 1 ... •4.59 cOCNP..11.e .. °'•2.1.8 (1 :lllll 51.57) _,_.., -... __________ _ --·-·-______ ,, .... ---·-----;:-: ':: = :-.:.:.--=.-: 51J9 ] d-CON Yo ur Home With These Speci als! Four Gone Fogger Flea Kill Foa1er Twin •ov•._, ''°' s3.07 •tOI S5.&9 •oz S4.39 ·~01 s2.• Stock Up On These Frozen Specials! ...... ·01·1• .,..,•1• ,.., '1.59 • w '2.49 ii;iiip; j~;klUTii,"::··1..06 ~INO Sil( •AUNOll• Oll(•OlNl Ajax l(IHO $4ll LAUHOAIY Oft(R()(Nf Oxydol I nu1 •2.39 ! .. o,•3.43 LMtHOftY UOUt() Era • "OI····· OIStt UOUIO Derma•ase • noz •1..09 °JO'; ' »Ol ••• ..., eon>OUE.--tD •~... e Kleenex e 10001 7 S ,.&NfY IHfElOI Carefree I »-01 •1..91. Kratt Slnlll"~'°'•t..89 Garden·Fre11h Produce I iiiiii'iite .. 211 ~~ ................. 111 ,. .... . ~·--· a11 ......... ,... . ····---211 .......... 12.ll ~Jtr= STATER BIOS. BATH TISSll -·---- fll 1" ... r ~·Id 41111.tl>l\I •• AU 1ra.:a U C&:ll"T l C>tifA \.lfrrfO.A , >1.IC)f' .,. \AStf Hr.I tlo-ft .,_,,, .. L'°"'°" ltCl-.W'ONl" PABST ,A , BEER ~ SCllLJTZ A BEER 1' SPAJIADA DI mot.IA W'N• ., •1u1tm 53.49 ''~l<>l~AN\ 53.49 W.l0$ ... ..,.It(.-.. s419 'I fltN~tliU• .. tt .. "10 """'' H llfOI I I ' I j I ? Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /WednHdaY. Auguat 18, 1982 "·Putting up with BLUEBERRIES IN A JAR -Now you can enjoy the flavor of fresh blueberries today and ·many mont~ from now. Select plump, ripe blueberries and use the short-boil method to cook the jam. Capture the berries • ID • a Jar Go ahead, enjoy Cresh blueberries with cereal, bake them in muffins and think how much you would appreciate that fresh berry flavor months from now. It's all quite pos&ble to capture that elusive berry flavor with easy Blueberry Jam, a ~~pe especially developed for a 1 ~-ounce package of powdered fruit pectin. Don't assume there will be enough natural pectin in the fresh blueberries to give a good "set" to the jam. As fruit ripens, natural pectin decreases, making it ne cessary t o s upplement it with commercial pectin to h elp in the jelling process. Hav e jars and ingredients ready before preparing the fresh fruit. By adding a package of powdered fruit pectin, cooking time is,reduced. Unlike long cooking 1982 US times of years ago, this short-boil fQethod helps to re tain J¥re of the fresh fruit 'llavor and color that might pos.tjbly boil a way . Check the e xce~l e t direc tions inclu e in the recipe leaflet eked inside the package o f powdered fruit pectin. Wh en fre s h sour cherries-arrive, be sure · to have another package of powdered fruit pectin on the cupboard shelf. Bluet:>erry-Cherry Jam is a deli c ious fruit combination certain to make morning breads memorable. Blueberry Jam 4 c ups prepared fruit (about l 'h qt. fully ripe blueberries) 2 tablespoons lemon juice (4 c ups (l :Y. lb .) sugar l box (l :Y. oz.) powdered fruit pectin First prepa re tbe fruit. Stem and thoroughly crush, one layer at a time, about 1 'h quarts blueberries . Measure 4 cups into 6-or 8-quart saucepot. Add lemon juice. Theo make tbe jam. Measure sugar and set aside. Mix fruit pectin into fruit in saucepot. Place over high heat and stir until mixture comes to a full boil . Immediately add all sugar and stir. Bring to a fall rolling boil and boll bard l minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off foam with metal spoon. Ladle quickly into hot jars, filling to within 1.4 inch of top. Cover and process in boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Makes about 5 2l.i cups or about 7 (8 fl. oz.) jars. Blueberry-Cherry Jam 3 ~ cups prepared fruit (about l pt. fully ripe blueberries and 1 ~ lb. fully ripe s our cherries) 4 c ups (1 ¥. lb.) sugar 1 box powdered fruit pectin First pre pare the fruit. Thoroughly crush, one layer at a time, about 1 pint blueberries. Stem and pit about l ~ pounds sour cherries and finely chop. Combine fruits and measure 3 ~ cups into 6- or 8-quart saucepot. Then m,.ke tbe jam. Measure sugar and set aside. Mix fruit pectin into fruit in saucepot. Place over high h.eat and stir until mixture comes to a full boil . Immediately add all sugar and stir. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil bard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off foam with metal spoon. Ladle . quickly into hot jar s, filling to within ~ inch of top. Cover and process in boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Makes about 51h cups or about 7 (8 fl. oz.) jars. Thru Aug. 28, 1982 Shrimp, Fish & Chicken Special s2.99 Three for the money-two tasty shrimp. a fish fillet and a whitemeat Chicken Plank· served with fresh cote slaw. fryes and hushpuppies. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa 1fu~1 \oulh of \.ln O·C"'KO 1 _.., .CtO\\ fr""1 frtl<o 1'4715 Jeffrey Rd .i W•lnut 1u" oh \.inti""" fw., 1 Irvine ingvalues. ----- ----------. . , I UM I AIOUT I UOIT I ~ '-"-• 1~!?~ l~l~1?!:! s slnglt servings ol Colt llaW. mashed I brown Kentucky f ried Chic-en. with I loaoeo With lltteen pieces of fUtCy, ~ 0 PGlltots Incl gravy. ind 1 roll lour rotls. a lirge cote •Jaw. 1 large golOen brown Kentucky Fried Chicken O u muheo potatots and a medium gravy z I llmft IM olltlt Pfl P11rch1H Coupon good I I l•mtl two Oflt<t per purcllne Coupon .good I Giiiy tor COllMlllllllOn whllt /cs.tk Otdtft ltlllll two offers I* pure~ Coupon good only for com1>1Nt1on wMt/Oar~ orcftrs Cut'°""' PIYI .,. •Pllllelblt S&ltt 111 only lo! Coml>INllOft wllltt/0.fk orders Custorn.r pays 111 1ppl1C1l>lt salts tu I I Cutlomtr PiYI Iii lf)Ollcalllt UIH IU Offtr taplres Au1u1t 29, 1982 Off pl A t 29 1 ... 2 I Offer expires Auaust 29, 1982 I Pr ""'Y w.,y 11 Pl"tielpatlng loc4tliolls er •• res u1us , "" C.Vpo11 OOOd only 1n Soutllt!n I Prices may• vary 11 pattlCIPlllng lcqUona 1 Prices may vary at pan1c1pa11no ~oons Ille wlltrt rou ... ,,.,. nwm· COU90ft good only ln Sou111tfn Clltfom" Wl\tft Coupon good Oflly In Soutl\tfn Callfo•nlJ Wl\t(I I Dttlal'llp ... I OI 011 Kentucky ,OU ... tllt l!lll!ll>eraltip Mii ol lht KtntuCky ,OU ... Int mtrn1Mr1hlp .. al ol 1111 l<tftfUCky ,rllcl Cltlektn Auoci.tlOn • frltO Cll4cktn AUOClaflOn • Fritd.Cll.cklll AuocllllOll ---11111111 --COUPON .-• -·----~ntUCky Fried Chi~q ~ . • pectin "Putting up" fresh frult ~is easy, thankE to recipes deve loped especially for HquJd, fruit pectin. With ao muc h guesswork taken out of the process, preparation of a spread aa simple as this no-cook Strawberry Jam can be a rewarding experience. Fruit in this easy-to-make freezer .)llJll Isn't cook ed -just mixed with sugar and one pouch of liquid fruit pectin. By not cooking the fruit, the flavor stays much fresher. Don't be baffled by the term "commercial pectin" because it's your best friend when it comes to jam and jelly making. Remember the natural pectin in fresh fruit which helps jam or jelly to "set", decreases as fruit rip e n s . Consequently , it's necessary to supplement it, with cornmerci~ p~~tin to be sure the J&m or jelly "jells", so to speak One eco nomi ca l feature of freezer jam is the fact that you can reuse small containers, not over a pint in capacity, with tight - fitting lids. Dishwasher- safe plastic containers should be prepared as directed. Two foil pouches of liquid fruit pectin come in one pack~ge, so try Strawberry Butte r , another easy n o -cook spread. Fresh bernes are FRESH 'N FRUITY -Home made strawberry jam is never better than this no-cook style. Liquid pectin assures a good "set" and a six-months supply will store nicely in the freezer. ·enhanced with le mon and nutmeg in a combination that makes morning toast a beautiful way to start the day. Strawberry Jam 1 :Y. cups prepared fruit (about 1 qt. fully ripe strawberries) 4 cups (l ~ lb.) sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice l pouch liquid fruit pectin First pre pa re the fruit. Stem a nd thoroughly crus h , on e layer at a time, about 1 quart strawberries. Measure ·j ~. cups mto large bowl or pan. Tbeo make .the Jam. Thoroughly mix sugar into fruit; let stand 10 m i nu les. Add lemon juice to fruit pectin in small bowl. Stir into fruit. Continue stirring 3 minutes. (A few sugar crystals will remain.) L ad le quickl y into scalded contamers. Cover at once with tight lids. L e t s tand at room temperature 24 hours; the n store in freezer. Small amounts may be cover ed a nd stored in r e frige rator up to 3 weeks. Makes about 4 113 cups or about 5 (8 fl. oz.) container Strawberry Butter 2 c ups pre pared fruit (about 1 q t. fully ripe strawbernes) . 1h teaspoon grated lemon rind 'A teaspoon nutmeg 4 c ups (1 ~ lb .) sugar . 2 tablespoons lemon j\lice 1 pouch Liquid fruit pectin First prepare the fr~it. S tem about l quart ~trawberries and place a few pieces at a time in electric blender container so blade s are just covered. Cover container, and turn control from off to low several times until fruit is chopped. (Do not puree.) .Measure 2 cups into large bowl or pan. Add lemon rind and nutmeg. Theo make the butter. Thoroughly mix sugar into fruit; let stand 10 minutes . Add lemo n JUICe to fruit pectin in a small bowl. S tir into fruit. Continue s tirring 3 m inutes. (A fe w sug~r crystals will re main.) Quickly ladle into scalded containers. Cover at once with tight~. L et stand at room temperature 24 hours; then store in freezer .· Small amounts may be cove red and store d in r e frige rator up to 3 wee ks. Makes about 4 cups or about 5 (8 fl. oz.) containers OscarMa er roasts ~m for lavor. Oscar Mayer roasts each hot dog for real roasted flavor. So when you've got ti n Oscar Mayer00 hot dog, you've got a wiener roast. And now you .. ·' I , . •) ' ca n get great roasted flavor in NEW Oscar Maye~ Cheese hot dogs too, with chunks of real American cheese in every bite. l l r ... --. -.. ~ .• ---./-·-7-...·---·----·---· _l' ______ .,....._ ________ ------ Ot•no· Co11al DAIL v PILOT /Wedneeday, Augu11 18. 1982 ------... ---,._ ............ ---- Botulism poisoning By DODOTllY WENKE Ofeftt• C•11111, K-• AOwl•er, U11lw•r•1tr of c .1110,,11• c.otMtetlwe llfttHlelOft Th 111 t 1111 t• o r y t· 1.1r pto opl e do u lot u( worrying about thl' safety of their home preserved fO<>d!I btoeau.se of the publicity about botulism food poisoning. Not all home preservro f ood s prese nt th1 i; hazard. however. or J&m• doc-11n't milk\• wwm ummf1· lt 1·1111 bt• rt·muvt"fl 111111 tlw pruducl refr1gt'1 utt•d to avoid furthC'r mo.Id ~rowth. Hc>~t>Vl•r, If ltwn":i u lar~e amount of n111ld, dun t t':lt tl1t• .)l•lly or Jam tln·y'h· 11 lttrt•d Som,· pt>tlph· 11t1111• tlll'lr hmm• dru~t food 1r1 tlw fr~1.t•1 ( I fl l I t( h l I y l' l tt'l l' d 1·untu111ers) tu pn·vt·nt mold growth. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED: . Q . I'm Ml'll1ng r t' a d y t <• 1· ii n t h e lomatot.-:s in my ~u1·dt'n. Last year tlw lon11.1 l1)e8 and JUll'I' sep8r8ted in the• jars. H ow can 1 J'l'l1Vl'nt th1s'~ • IS cause for ,,,worry Immediately. Heating vlneg1.r and that la . . A Drying tip IJI dt'litroy• eruvmea. nuturally pr<!tlent in tht-almple If the weather la • • 1 • tomat Whe n you aunny It you live In en Q. I'm on a low cook thl' •toe• to a Inland area, leave the sodium dlt>t. I want to thick pur4:t.: or catsup, figa on t he tree until maku tiome cataup that this pru tec e add they are partly dry. (Figa doesn't havt! saJt added. b e <.' o m e 1 o r e normally drop from the WW the catsup spoil If I concentrated. tr ee whe n two-third s don't add salt? • • • dry). If you live near the A. Salt la not a .. Q. We juat moved coast, pick figs when WltaJ 'ii nmns hr 1111tr ad UJ bt1 ''class1f ied" un rlll'd iaw ,_ .............. ....,... ...... .._. --·· ....... .. ._..._. ............ .w ...... t-...... , ........ .. preJiervative ln catsup -lnt.o a house that hu a ripe. No pretreaunent IB It 's fl\erely used Cor fig tree ln the backyard necessary. Dry figs in the flavor -so your catsuP. ·· that's loaded with fruit. sun four to five days wiU not spoU if you don t What do you have to do until the flesh is pliable blfJ Hiil add sat t . Th e to figs befor e d r ying and slightly ~ticky, but claullled •d• Worr ying u b uut botulism is a good idea if you can low acid foods such as vegetables, fish, poultry , or meat Impro p e r ly h o m t'- canned low acid foods a re the major cause of botulism .food poisoning in this country. Dry foods un· suf,. from botulism h1wter1a too. ThL'I 1s because they don't contain en ough mo1stun· for bal'ter ial growth Somt•t1mes (try f o o d s g t' 1 rn o l d y . howevt•r , 1f thl'Y aren't sufficiently Jry when A. Tomal.Ol~ and tomato JUIC.-e separate as a rt.'SUlt ot-tht' M<'tlt:>n of nuturnl t'ht'mk111H In thto lclmutc~'H 1·111lt'<l eruymt.'8 lt huppen e wh e n t omatol's or juice are prcparro nnd 11llowed to ~land too long before being h eated or processed In Jars. The se paration Js n o t harmful. although It ls unattractive. A good gujdehne as to prepare ont? e nough tomato or tomato ju1l'e for one canner load at a time and hea tin g t h em preservative ln catsup ls them? Can they be dned not wet. s.2.6679 the acid that you add as in the sun? _____________ ...::...__~~~~~~~~~~!' The botulism bacteria, which are present as spores in almost all foods, need for their growth a n e ar -n e ut ra l (n o n -acidic), airless (anerobic) environment, which is exactly what you have when you can veg etables or protean foods. Thus, it's absolutely essential to process these vulnerable foods 1 n a pressure canner the appropriate amount of time and at the proper temperature so that the bacteria, a n.d especially the spores, are killed Use a reliable canning guide for time a nd te mperature for tl}c food you can. Also, be sure your jars are properly sealed before you store them. In addition, before· you eat your home-canned, low acid foods, always take th e additio nal precaution of boiling the food at a full, rolling boil for at least 10 minutes. Boiling destroys the toxin (poison ) that the bo tulis m bacteria may have produced in the food if your canning method wasn't adequate. If you pre fer not to worry about botulism develo ping in ,hom e preserved, lo w -acid foods, don't can them. Freeze them br dry them instead. Or make pickles out of them. In pickles, the large amount of acid (vinegar) keeps botulism bacteria from growing. NC\,!ural aci d i n fruit s and tomatoes protects them from botulism too. B otulism doesn't develop in frozen foods because the temperature is too low for the backr1a to grow. Also, frozen foods are ra·rely packed m a irtight containers. R emember , botulism bacteria grow when air IS n ot present , as in vacuum packed and canned foods. Even when frozen foods defrost and are r e frozen, botulism bacteria are unlikely to grow in the food More likely to grow would be other bacteria that cause the food to spoil or cause non-fatal. less serious types of food poi.Soning. This could happen 1f th e f ood was mishandled, for example. allowed to defrost and warm up to room temperature for several hours and then be re frozen, ln this situation the bacteria could grow while the food was warm, become donna11t, but not d ead, d uring freezing. and then be on hand to spoil the food or make you sick after the food was defrosted. You avoid thi s p r o blt:m by always defrosting frozen f ood in the refrigerator, not at room temperature, o r cook ing it f rom the frozen state, and refreezing food on ly 1f it's still icy cold. Jams and jellies are a nother t y p e o f preserved food that are unl i kel y to cause botulism or other food poisoning: Why? Two reasons. First, they are high in acid and second. they are so high in sugar that there is no wate r available for bacte rial growth. (Bacteria, like people. need water t o grow). High-tugar foods Uke jams and jellies f'Mf be spoiled by the growth of yeaata and m o lds, however. Wh.,._ yeaata 1row, they turn the au1ar to alcohol (like when w ine Is fermented ). This wouldn't make jeWea or janw unaa.fe, but would make them talto It.range. A amall amount of mold frOWlnl on jelliea Top quality produce at lower overall prices!! • On Thursday. August 12. 1982. produce was pnce compared in five ma1or supermarkets in the Los Angeles area • Of th e 25 produce items compared, the other markets were higher than Lucky by as much as 29.56%! • Lucky offers a selection of over 100 produce items year 'round • Isn't 1t time you put Lucky to the test? Compare Lucky for quality and low prices• GARDEN FRESH QUALITY PRODUCE GOLDEN I0 .19 BANANAS ~·Pf' 111'.ilOy I Eat WHOLE .06 WATERMELON PP<! P•Pr rut lO (19• II FRESH ~.19 CANTALOUPE "4 t)'l 'Y it.JVOff'() HONEYDEW 11-.19 MELONS woriorrlul ea11n9 DELICIOUS 3~~.98 APPLES ~ Ja"'v l!ta BONDED MEATS FRESH LO 1 18 CROUND BEEF 'ltK "'"""'' Oofs not t•CH<I 30·. lat FRYING l0 .53 CHICKEN wnott Boov Sourri.•rn C..Ot .. BONELE!S TURKEYS II 1.58 ~?~~~~1~0lJND STEA.~ 1. 9 7 ~~!~0ER JOHN SAUS~f~, 1.37 ~~~!!!~,~'?_~ST " 1. 98 S~~ptv~~~~ .. ~~l.~KET •• 1. 79 ~c:. END RIB ROAST 11 1.98 ~~CUT CHUCK ROAS1 11 .94 SIRLOIN TIP STEAK FRESH BEEF LIVER .. 2.27 ... 69 ~;~ ITAt.IAN SAUSA~ 1.98 .~~!.~ ~~~~!'~ " .64 ~~~!.~ ~!!!~!! .. .... ..1. 79 !!.M!~ C?,tA~ ~!US~~~ 1. 6 9 SEEDLESS lD.49 GRAPES lllOmcxon vs No t LARGE Y~LLOW 49 PEACHES Ju1cv sweer lt>• ITALIAN lD .29 SOU ASH h crntnr Ou~•·t~ TABLE LD .15 CARROTS TOP\'" 1111 am1n A JUMBO lD e29 RED ONIONS Swttt BONDED MEATS WHOLE BEEF lD 1 29 BRISKET rr,as Stvlt 1 'ltK 8ontlf\S Bon<lfO Berl TOP SIRLOIN lD 2 59 STEAK B~ifl\ BoncJtO Bftf lO<n FRESH FISH ITEMS PACIFIC 99 ~!,~"~NAPPER 10 • FILLET OF BUTTERFISH Ffftl'I FRESH IDAHO TROUT 's;' ~~ ~ ~ ~~"(~ ~'\-' ~ ~~ Green Beans lb At At 69 .At 69 At &eon S(>fout1 lb Al 49 49 49 49 A9 Broe coll lb At 69 At .At 59 At 'Green Cabbage lb .11 33 19 .15 25 .15 Red Cabbage lb .... .25 39 2Q 39 39 39 COITOts 1 lb P!(g .1t 25 20 25 .19 25 Coulllklwef lb .ff 79 89 79 89 79 Medium Celely Eoch .~ 49 39 39 39 45 Com Eoch .20 25 29 21 24 24 Cucumben Eoch .15 25 20 19 24 19 lcebefg lettuce Eoch 49 50 49 .23 • .59 49 Green Onlona Bunch .19 25 20 .1t 22 25 Gieen Chill PepePfS Lb 89 .ff 98 98 79 89 Russet BokJng Potafoes lb .ll 39 49 39 A9 .39 Russet Potatoes 10 Lb Cello Bog 1.29 1 79 1 79 1 79 1 99 169 Red ROCSishel Eoch ·" 25 20 .1t 22 .19 Lorge Tomatoe5 lb 49 59 59 49 59 .>• Cheny Tomatoet 12 Oz Bosl<et .)9 79 69 59 40 59 AYOCodot Eoch .69 .69 79 79 79 79 BonQQSJt Lb. .1• 33 33 31 29 29 RedGmoes lb ..59 79 79 .98 69 98 Seedlesa Grope$ lb At 57 89 79 99 98 Lorge NectOl1nel lb .ff 79 79 69 .H 69 Volenclo Oranges lb A9 At 59 .At .59 At Cut Watermelon Lt>. .OI 12 12 12 10 10 TOW.S 110.69 11335 11385 11286 11377 11313 DOllAA OlffERENCE PERCENT HIGHER THAN LUCKY CANNED & PACKAGED r MJB CROUNO 699 ~.~!r!~, 4801 ,~ rWESSON 99 OIL 24 oz s11 • r DUNCAN HINES89 ~~M~~~ ~~~~~or e rHEINZ 129 KETCHUP J201 Btl .. M ••• 89 I.Ta~~ BAGS '"'" t0• 1. 77 !DEL MONTE SPINACH, 101 1 ••• 51 I£~o MONTE TOMAT~~;, •• .59 I ~:;~,gr!~E PINE AP~~, ••• 5 7 I!!~~~.~f.VIOLI "'Ol( .. 1.59 I ~~~r:'"OONT MAIO S~~~~ 1. 6 5 601 t0• 1.19 •12.66 •13 16 •1217 •1308 12 44 •248n •2956, •2030'\ •2881 •228~ CANNED & PACKAGED COLO MEDAL 89 FLOUR lo All PurPOst Sa"9 • !SALAD 55 ~~~AR~~I, B~ • r :~o~~y CALIFORNIA q1Y,~~ . S 5 r.1~.~JANT RICE •oi eo.1.07 !~~~~~PICKLES 159 OI HOCUUO • 01 JU • r~11~~;s CORN non "' .45 LIQUOR & WINE r~~FSCHMIDT V?,~~~" 8.39 !~':1~~l~.~UEUR''°• '" 6.99 I!~!~ SPUMANTE ~I~~ .. 4.29 IOI HG .38 r~~!~~~I MT ~I~~ 2.99 Our .,l(f ~Ot~f'°" ~ • .,.,.,_,,,~ fM\f ptt(f\ fQ Df f'ftf'(fl'tf W~jy AufvH 11 tfW'u 'fvncto A'10uU 11 tt'1 frh<n nof tfff'(ttlif '"' hnu IMotta ..,,a bn lu.\ Obt\OO COUf"tlllti ~1911~~.!~~~Tl~•.o 4.28 ~!~~N'! .. 2.19 ~~~!!-~~ ·'"~ 1.89 The DlscOunt Supennarket~ l -~ -----·------ John and Ruth Klinicke Saved S9.66 John ano Ru th s own weell s shopping 101a1ec:1 S71 98 at Lutlt.y , The same or comparable 11ems at tne supermarkel ot lheor chooce totalec:I S8 l 64 Ttia1 s a savings ot $9 66 al Lucky' r.,, 1a•~~ Auqu"? •98/ DAIRY & FROZEN LOW FAT MILK ladV lef GalB,.1 88 r DOWNYFLAKE 99 ~~FLE~q 01 B~g • ! :,~R,.~.~~~,.SO,f.FEE .~~~~ 1. 99 ,.~.79 WHIPPED TOPPING AC• If r l~PERIAL MARGARIN~ , ., • 5 9 .~~OGENIZED MILK .. ~" 1. 9 3 .~~~~E GRADE AA EGG~"''. 75 •Ollll\.89 DELICATESSEN ITEMS !~~I~~~~ BOLOGNA .. c1 .. 1.09 LONGHORN CHEESE ._.~1UfCOfrrfO eAHOCflll ftfltt' Pll '• • 1• r;~~fM CHEESE .. 2.2i} ·ni·~•3.59' HOUSEHOLD & PET rkALKAN 55 ~~~~.,~. re~. AMI CLEANSER HOl IM.57 rHANOl·WRAP "A\tC'wtiV IOO\I tO• 1.34 r~~,!.~~ I!!!?!! DETERGENT .. oi-2.14 IBRA~ PAPER T~,! .. 65 r~.:~~~~~1.29 £MATCHUGHT~3.27 "l!I!~ PQ.ISH U0f(M 1.91 . r~~~~.~ia-3.29 l~W~T~ .. ••w-.85 1/. • Orungo Ct>011 DAILY PILOT/W dne&doy, Augu1l 18, 198'1 ('I I BE T PAfT OF Cl-IINE E OOKI NG? WAT AH ING FOOD 'llAPPEN' • • • (Prom Pa1e1 Cl) •hu pork, pot 11lwkt•n, • t-'ur 1n1nancl', u(h•r 11 p 1 c y 1 h r 1 m p w t l h u•lng b1 oet'()h rtnw1•rt>Ui Tour partlclpan'8 will peanuta or ht"l.'omc "kol for Wo lnu\ (.'h1ckt~n . aee what Carpenter caLI.i. and sour rwup numloc'8 .. Cur pc.• n t t• r u d v 1 s c •, a renewed intert.>tl in the Or they may lndulJ(t-. "Thoroughly pan· tht· culinary arta as Carpenter did during su:m."I. Cut mw bltc·sl:i.t'll "Wh ile th e co.n · a f r iend's birthday s ltcl'H to stir -fry o r 1plcuous consumption celebralionml1vl11e,and JUIH·nn1· them Into of earlier dynasues and prepart! bar~ued q~ml. mutchslld<s for salads. regimes Is Inappropriate, fish In black bean &aUl't', • ·Th c y ' r c re a 11 y government leaders are fresh duck in oyster dclh:wus und no one can pr o m o t Ing l he sauce prawns m curry guehs what they are enjor,ment o_f food and fresh homemade You can l'tlll thNn an again, he explams. green tea iCl' cream. imported vl•gt•tabll»" "They a r e h osli ng But for stude nts he H e also preaches official dinner s which sticks to lh e basic against lhe six "sins" or prompts com pe ll lion d iagonally cut vegetables excesses of "slophousc:" among ~hefs." and the old Chinese Chi nest' cooker y As palates become proverb, "Never waste monosodium glutamate, educated o n the anything." cornstarch, 011. celery, mainland and on our coast, Carpenter predicts bl·un spruut:c uml hcirnbou "lhuuL"I And t'.ar~nt{'r 1111rn11.K on tht• propt•r t'tlUIPnll'nt A rial holltlll\l'tl wok for t•lt"<·trlt.: .11tt1Vl'b U!llng thl• rounded wok dlrl't'lly on tlw h 1• u t 1 n g u n 1 t o I i< u i. stov~ (Takt' oCC ~tw 8nll ur ring.) Knife or l'll·avt•r that's sharp enough to gl1dc through any mgrcd1c•nl. "The bladl' may look lethal but it's not unless it's dull and you have lo push. The11 th1• food or kn1ft• may shp and you'll tx· hurt .. CRAC'KLING T ROUT IN TANG~fUNF. SAllc.'l~ Two U oum·1· t111u1 4 1.J1hl1'1Cpoull.'I l'C•f flp.,k•I 1 h Ii dr It'd bl.tl k 1111"hrr111111,, '>tt.rkt'(I 111 w11ll·r ~ wlJll.,,JKlllllM pt'llllUI uil ll walt·r dlt''ltlllll". ::.ht 1·d :s gr 1•1•11 orucm,, d1.1go11.illy cut rir sliv1•rt'(I !'lf'ason1ngs: :s lh111 1-1l1n:111 frl•hh ~1111-t"'. I 1111•1,Y m1m•t·<oi I l'lllVC· j.(lll'llC', firll'ly llllllt"l'd 2 lt.•aspoons lrt•)lh toir1g1•1111t · JX>(;I, finely m1nn•d Sautl': ~. eup thll'kt•n 'to< k I t.ebl1.·s poo11 light M>V )l,1w 1· ·1 tJhlt-1t!J•Minll dry 'hi·r ry .! ll-H.,J>tlllll~ M'!..Ullt.' utl • ll'io)lpo1111 wh1ll• !!UgJr • J ll'J'JIOOI\ lwJlt ' l ti "'~I'""" hot 1 hilt 111 I 11r tt1 t.1'>lc' 1;ddo·spu1111 1·11111sl.H t 11 1111x l'cl with 1 l01bh•s1mu11 eold w;ih•r Wlll'n 11111..,hroorno; ">'Jfl1·n. < ut off .inti d1 "·a1 d s lo·rn .., C'ul lflll)lhflHHll)I 111111 wt·d~t· shapt•d p11~·1·s t '11111lJ1 I tt.· :-.1 ·11~ IJllOj,{1> Makt• 'laut•t.• Dust troul w 1th nir11s l11 rd1, shak111j.( 1111 a11y t.•x.ct•:...., ll1·at a hu gt· frying µ11n ov1•1 high lw,lf until Vl'ry hot Add ~ t.ilth '""'11' 1.11-.111111 u1I Wlit.·11 1111 l1111ir11•·' vr•r v li111 , ,JtlrJ trout ('11ok tr o ut .it.out ·' 1111111111"~ vn t'UI h ,ult Wht n 1111n•-. 1 r 11111vl' 1rout Pour 111 1 mm.i rd 111 I Ht•hJr n . I r y 1 n ~ p .1 rr I 11 h 1· .t I Add M'U ... OlllllJ.:S Sault• hr wfly Add 1 i'W'>lllUl.b ttnd 111111111.., A f lt•r 111ok111K u ft·w M1'11fld' 1~•111 111 '>•IW'• Th11·k,.11 w111l 111111i.l11rd1 llllll.lUI I', ..... 111· .. 1fi·d l 111ur llVl·r :-.p111111 111 111 111·1 JUd~:1 a11111Unt lklllrn troul w pan Turn trout omn· or twrn1 unlit .,.1111 t· thu.:ken.s ;11111 lorllL'> J i.tlui'•· Tur 11 '••lit 1111 t11·;J11 ·d pl<.itler S1.·r vt· ;ot 111111· shoppers can get more markets to provide some of t h e more unusual ingredients more readily. "With our abundance oC seafood, quality o f fresh produce and access to kitchen supplies and spices in C h inatown markets, Cantonese or Szechwan meals can flt easily into the Cahfomia lifestyle," he says. B.B. • ... , \ ._) J / "The skill should go beyond the craze phase where a person buys a wok , s tir .fri es ·everythi ng for two w eeks a nd then loses interest when the sesame oil runs out. "Chinese cooking can be so co n ven ient , especially for commuters or working couples if you p repare th e i n gredients in th e morning and let them marinate. "When you co m e h ome , everyth in g asse mbl es wi thi n m i nutes and rook s quickly in just one pan." But he also warns that a person can't start cooking a Chinese dish and go watch the 6' o'clock news. "With their f r o z e n. e n t r e e s , Americans have lost the sensation of watching t h eir food 'h appen' w hic h is essential to oriental cooking. You haxe to be ready to put in the first ingredient at the first whiff of smoke from the wok or cook vegetables to a certain color." Mor e adventurous cooks will discover moo PICKLED (From Page C-8) rinse in fresh cold water.' Simmer vinegar , water and next eight ingr e di e n ts for 10 minutes; add fish and simmer for 10 minutes longer. Rem ove cooked fish and pack in clean jars, adding some additional c h opp ed onion, a whole bay leaf, a few fresh spices, and a . slice of lemon to each jar. Strain s pice·vin egar sauce and bring to a boil. Fill jars immediately. cover tightly, and store in refrigerator. Sbrimp 5 pounds raw shrimp 10 pints water 2 pints vinegar 'h cup salt 1h table s poon allspice 'h tablespoon cloves 1 t a bl espoon crushed red peppers 'h t ablespoon mustard seed 10 bay leaves Lemon slices 1 tablespoon sugar Peel shrimp and wash ·well. Simme r 8 pi n ts water, 1 pint vinegar, salt, allspice, cloves, red peppers, mustard seed , and 6 bay leaves for 10 minutes. Then bring to a boil and add shrimp. Boil s hrimp 5 minutes, remove from liquid, and let cool. Pack shrimp in clean jars w ith a fresh bay leaf, a few fresh spices, and a sice of lemon to each jar. Fill · with a solutio n madefrom 2 pints water, 1 pint vinegar , and 1 tablespoon sugar. C.over jars tighUy and store in refrigera'«. MOVIE RATINGS , FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Ille oQl«'M « lfW """' .. 10 -,..,_......,,..M•Ollrr OI "" .. _ .. _llfllte••- r.5] ALLAOelAIMrTID ~ ---- MaTNC'TIO ' ,_ ._...., ,,,...,..oe .... •flt• . ~-.. -~ - ,.1Cf5 ffffCll\/f 7 OAYS I .i. fol THUlt5 AOO 19 IHtU WfO AUG 1'. 1982 U S 0 A ChoKe Beel, Cenrer Cul CHUCK ROAST U.S DA Choice Beef, Cenle• Cur CHUCK STEAK l8 1.29 l8 1.49 US D.A Choice 8eel Chuck. luoH.n• lor a I 0 1 99 BONELESS CLOD ROAST . l& • lj s D 4. Cho>e<> B•:PI n ... ,. ,,,, BONELESS FAMILY STEAK l8 1.99 FRESH PORK SPARERIBS SMAll SIZE LB.1.59 64·01 All LIQUID DETERGENT 64 Ol FORMULA 409 2.99 2.39 LA y•5 OR RUFFLES .QT.~ TO CHIPS til .. ~~~:", I • 0 9 I COSMETIC . PUFFI . >•• ·--••• .. ... NATURE'S ORGANIC PLUS I) ...... o..,. TYlENOl 3.19 X STRENGT~ .llRGlll'I LOTION ;:~ MiNUTI MAID ,~\ LIMOllADI BlCKlt & Whitt Gt~tr•< 2·L8. FRENCH FRIES .19 Gt11trlc 4·EAR COB CORN .99 BAllQUIT CHICKlll . COH•OOK YOLUMI MO.I SALE! -SPENCER STEAK BEEF RIB • BONELESS U S 0 A Chooce 8onelan Beel Rb SPENCER ROAST 8or M Voe Pock SLICED BACON Smoked & Pohlo.o HILLSHIRE SAUSAGE Bell Donno ITALIAN SAUSAGE IB 3.39 lB 1.89 lB 2.59 lB 2 .39 Zorpe fom·I~ Pock 7 lb RED & GREEN BURRITOS 12·or LITTLE JUAN TAMA LES l•llle Juon 1 I 4 01 T AQUITOS W SAUCE lou1t ll1ch TURKEY HAM lo~• R-c~ "2.59 EA TURKEY PASTRAMI lOv·> 11 C~ S"·O• •O o 9B:: EA 1 .29 TURKEY BREAST . 3.49 1 .39 I·""' D"o" 9 5 or EA SAUSAGE & BISCUITS ~ 1.89 2 .19 Bo• M Ropt S•ylt ~ 2 .29 lB SMOKED SAUSAGE frort n Otfro>led FISHERMAN'S BAY BEEF SOUTH PACIFIC SWORDFISH STEAKS Frozen Del,01!ed. F1lleo. ORANGE ROUGHY .,, 1.8 l B hesll Astoroo 4.99 SKINLESS REX SOLE Reod0ro •o' 2.49 SN W CRAB COCKTAIL CLAWS 2.89 BACK RIBS IB FROZEN DEFR051f" LB •• 99 ro11 5 .98 B BO LB HUGHES PICNIC BUNS HOT DOG ~LA IN OR -, HAMBURGER 16 01 Seosoned, 1 O·oi Gorlic LAWRY'S SALT .59 1.85 Dovble ~ud9~. P nu! Bun~' Engl.,h T~o MOTHER'S SAND COOKIE S 1. 79 • CAMPBILL'I DRK & BEANS ~ •'°••• 160Z 39 llAWI , CAN ~ ./ . 74 0 1 llol1on Twis• DI CARLO BREAD 18 01 Pio'" Hockory, Htol KRAFT B B.Q SAUCE .99 .95 .99 16 oz Pump CLOROX PREWASH 64 01 H 0 loguod Ind 50 (')11 WISK DETtRGENT 1.49 3 .25 FRENCH 'S MUSTARD 16 oz SOUHZE 80ThE .79 SWEET CORN 3~. lB .39 9()()CS flf" Tt-1£ f;~£ffT IO·or IH OUI Ut\M l'fOOUCI 00 1 .59 KOHALA KIM CHll .SS fo,...,.11,t-·•090 ti,o,...~ NOODLES 2 .99 ~&I Nitd ... Qt M 'd CURRY ROUX J 8 01 .99 2.•1 BROILED SAURIES .61 1..---¢;~'ii!l.1\\!i!t; • 5 9 8 01 Rte~'1 ECLAIRS OR CREAM PUFFS 1.21 11·01. llt 9., h•ro Crtotny COOL WHIP .79 .2.99 ,, E4 1.49 .... .... 10 01 Co· INARIZUSHI NO MOTO 1.79 2.SS .. -• ~ ,. "'O' ' ''or 'tie DRIED SEAWEED o .... o, •o.-ot,.. J 01 ••o NOODLES .. ., .. , 9-01 lo~• To lo~t --~~ 12-PACK 339 ~·tli~' PABIT /.°..~ ~ •••• -.... ~ ..... ' •· IS~...,. Oo•\ ~,. FOLONARI 3 99 PLAIN LABEl 3 79 SOAVE e RUM • .. LOllGHORll CHIDDAR •• I -,. 1.39 I 2·01 Hottnal KOLBASE SAUSAGE 32·01 'W!.ol• or Holl 2 .19 CLAUSSEN KOSHER PICKLES 1.19 •·01 l 6 01 1000 l\lo11d FLORA DANICA BLEU CHEESE 1.09 HUGHES DRESSING l·lb Stick BLUI 80111111 MA•GARllll tlMIT 1 - J ' Cll Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT /Wodnttd1y1 Augu1t 18, 1982 THt: •. \'911.\' ('IR(TS by Bii Keane BIG GEOR<a: ~ 11 . ' by Virgil Partch (VIP) ;-.... . -i/!p "After we see the sunrise, THEN con we oll go bock to bed?" "Sorry. This happens to be a private beach.'' 'ti \R'9.\Dl'Kt: by Brad Anderson ., • r • ' ... w~ '.:€"?0,.... "I forgot to buy doggy snacks when I went shopping!" . ~ ::..ttEl<E ... YOU TAKE MY BEiV<.. 1 ~·T WA/'IT ll1E TOOTt~ F.\IRY TO 'THINK IM STILL A ~BY ~ • Jl.DGE P .\RKER NO LUKE 1 CXJN•i THINK THE JUD0E WOULD .ACCEPl THE EXPLAN.AT10N THAT 01LMOP,E WA'2:> 5HOT ACCIDENTALLY WHILE THE TINO OF YOU VlEP-E Cl.EANIN6 YOUP. SAWED· ~HAT p.f '(lLI TAlhtN' A!XXH • 00 YOJ I HINh IM CPIA ZY7 :)I OFF" SHOT0LIN' '" &1 .-\nt·n:a.o SUPERMARKETS ARE LI KE. A GIAN! UNllE.O NATIONS of' i::ooo YOU ~AVE. COFFE.E f'ROM BRAZIL, C.ME.ESE FR.OM FRANCE. I \ 0£E F i::P.OM AUSTRALIA.J ~~ '--'-...-~.__-.__,; ACROSS 1 Slttches 5 Obscently 9 High 14 Bunker 15 USSR river 16 Lover 17 Rio - 18 10 card ~O Bakery pro " Ginger ale. eg 22 Toi $ IOy 23 Members 25 Coses 27 The Censor 29 Graze JO Con game dupe 34 E•cess1ve 36 Make over 38 Vellrcle '39 Evtrywl\ere 4 words 42 SieHa - 43 Gt0get "Cat tound ' 45 c.tlttr 48 Twotemt 47 Coucti 49 Agtgroup $1 T•h 5-4 Adlleve u 0 0 AND FIVE J MlNt.JTES ~~-- L,ATER-·You1RE ·,A MESS. 58 ObJecl•ve TUES DA Y'S 60 Bole PUZZLE SOLVED 61 Knight's milieu 2 words 6J Sharp point 64 Terra 65 Kind ol gin 66 Chemical sullr• 67 Brace 68 Bore 69 Spruce DOWN 1 Despoil 2 Shrub genus ~~+;-.~+:-fl~~~ 3 Painting 4 Ola Greek Clly 5 Man s nick · 24 $let many name 26 School 1ub1 46 Baller 6 Radio TV 28 Verse 48 Attech etc JO Honey 49 01 seallooda 7 Beyond c1111. Pltarm SO Farm build· c1sm 31 Vltf'y herd 1ngs 8 COlot 32 Contest S2 ltaHan gulf 9 Meloditt 33 Wu aware SJ Filh 10 G1rrtt J4 Mineral 54 Curws 11 Skip over JS Table IP'tld 5S Binge 12 s.t!M 37 Wr1ngle 5& Tuc11· 1n1 13 Hurrltd 34 Kid 57 Slake 19 Weigh! allow· ..a s1no1tton 59 Contact anc:e ~ t Std -, <*· &2 Setpent ANOLASAG~A FROM HEAVEN '--'--~ 0 I.) 0 • _.,.. _______ ------------ I HATE. TO "IEE 'fOU .,VHE~ ALL THE TJMf I KNOW 'l'OV tWLD Nf Vf:R LOV~ ~OMEONt ll._f ME WHO WEAR~ 6LAS!:>b ~O I'll JUST LEAVE 'TOIJ ALONE 1l tn.) - ,,_ ___ _,__ ______ _, .• PLJ1'; W~ Ai.L 'THIS E't..A51t:C7 HAIR, I HAF'fA S"f'AY UP HERE 8-18 SHOt: GORDO c:: -c ;::::::::::=:] l U .:,R,1. TE FUL IVE-~VE1' E ~~V LE1::3oUl<Et. 'Y E...ll("THIVGlCH::>, R.:'<1=1'-.-.,, 1, "'4R' FR'O\I THE ..:1rv1.::-11~001.v..::. L'.e.:'.11 VO.' 10 Kt=E:P COOL! 4 ~O J.07', OU/ZS/ A~ IAIOFFEA.JSt \IE c.e.M\IL AT v11...:..Hr, WITH 6'/.llET 01&A.Jr rv, IV~E:;iT C'I= A Ll'TTLE- vl! -1/llAL OE1-V/ NE.IL., I JIJ51' f«.Al.llEO 'fl4AI 8EJORE. LON(,, ult0LL ~~~E. 1'<l c.~Q\IAI~ l Oll.€.(,f. ~ bO 0\11 ON OUR ow~ IN 1~£ REAL. l&JORLt>H AL.UMIN UM Plt-.L.S ?~? ~·SIGH :- ;! HA1"e 1"RY1 N ' -ro L.AUNCH A New P R ODUC1"'' ( 'fOR BETTER OR t'OR •OR~E ----------------------~-W H RT f\R.t::. IHEY .. ·SOME. KtNO OF WEIRD Re.LIG-1())5 SECT? '----------------------_, _____ _...:. _______________ _ • cr-7 a -a 1 by Ernie Bushmlller by Gus Arriola by Lyn n Johnston 2 del -...---.... ---.... ---~--~---..... ----------------- Orange Cou• OAIL y PILOT /Wednffd•v. Augu•• 18. 198~ Cl3' llaii=·"*•t " • • '"' 'Laura 111101 Oawll Ou11lop, Maud AO•M• A womM ,,... to prevent a relat10111hlp oetween • eo;tp1or with wtlQfn ane had h&O an •"lllr 11110 '* ,.,,, • 11.91 ... ln• OauQM• R' TUBE TOPPERS • • • "tommy" (1t7t) "°090 Oafltey, AM MW gral 1-.d Of'I Iha rQC.t. opera by The WhO A )'OUtlG boy etrYGll ONI. INmb end blind by lhe alQftt ol 111• latller'1 murder ~ • ")Oder" day ~ ·~ed by . greedy uncle and a wor-MIPClfflO publo PO' r~ Wfllta 81~ l'YPf!O- , ale ...... 41\ ..... !Man ... I blO G • * "'MtlliOll Doa4Jr Kid" 1110) IMI 810e IClde, Noah 6-.y I Ila K~ ill~ ................ In . \\ 1-' U' I· SI>:\ 't' -eva..o-aoo1•• NIWI ~WOMAN n.t.ANT l.W.A.T. • HAWAII RW>-0 • OY11'IAIY GUMt: llflget l<ey Slatr (RIQ G MMMCMOIL "AINTING g== ('I) HOUYWOOO HOltywood rec>«'•t Biii H8tria ~II ul)-CIOM reporta on the peOole and -l• whlc:I\ .,. malclng -"'the ptoOucllon and OC-capital ot the mo"'9 lnduatr;. uo I DOC CAWTT A DVENT U RE -KOCE (50) Summerfest presents popular National Geographic Specials tonight, beginning with "The Sharks" at 7:45. duo. Nathan um, uintor to tM Stare: a Chet with Dora Marbtttl D llOOY WOM8 "The Skin" Or TIMOthy Johneon eaamlnaa Iha luncllon• of lhe elcln. 8 EYEOHL.A. affeet• ol • llegle tov• lrl· angle • P.M. MAGAZINE A wotld-l•mou• plullc eurgaon wl\O remodel• nit wife: tha dangeroua pro· !Nelon ol • tamale body-11..,:.0W MOVll • • • "Tommy· ( tl7&1 ~ Oallrey, Ann·M91· 11'•1 Baaed on lhe rQCI< oper• by The Wno A 'f()Ung boy atrU<;k Cleal. dumb and blind by Iha llOht ol nla lather'• murdar l>eGomM a modern day meaailh H piolled by 8 or..Oy unole •nd • WO(• thlwtng publlo. 'PO' • .., a a Low. 110Hrv Patti 11 rejaCJted by her Cll .. Mll .. when he< lllegl- llmacy bacomea known to 'thelrpret1ta (RI 10:00 D IB OUINCY Quincy work• with a retired Ne.ii hunter 10 lttclt CIOwn tna klller of a Holo- cautl aurltlvor (R) 8D8tNEW8 8 9 DYMAITY Blake -alta the reautla of • blood , .. , 10 -11 F111on la hi• daughtar. and Jen catchM Claudie ateaJlng Oanva< Carrington'• MCt•t oll Ille (R) ID THE MAGIC WORLD OF MARCEL MARCEAU The world'• gra•tett IMng practitioner ol the ancient •r1 or allance perlorm• Mvan of hit moat lamou1 penlomlme1. KOCE (50) 7:4~ -"Nauonal Guogruphlc Specla~." Evening of adv~nturc f eotu res "'the Sh rks." See photo, lefl. KN XT (2) 6·30 -"A Piece of the Action ." Sidne y Poitie r , Bill Cosby play· two likable crookJi who try to master the a rt of the rip-oU. KCET (28) 9:00 "Vernon, Florida." l!:rrol Morris takes a look at the people and lifestyles of a smull rural t'Ommunity. Review below. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Quincy." Quincy wor ks with a rl!tired Nazi hunter to track down the killer of a Holocaust survivor. Peul Wlttlame. M~cr· Wei- '-• ({I A80 NtWI NIOHT\.JNE 0 YOO ASKED FOi' IT FNtured: "World'a Worat Bridge Catutrophe" and "JI~ l<nlla Wtutd " • THE JEFffA80N8 George'• ltUOQMtlOn ol • pre-nuptlal agreement cau-trouble t>t•- Llonel and Jenny. Cl) LOV£.. AMPllCAH STYL.E "In Slclcneea And HHllh" Paul hu •cold and hOOM 10 Ill)' •• home and o•t aomawotkdone etorm In the cottage of • young married CO\lple 'R' 1:00e MOVIE • • • ·~ "Mlnlltry Of FNI" ( 1110) Ray Mlllal'ld. Mar- )orle Reynotda. Nazl MCte1 agenla IWaml lhrough the l trM ta of war1111M l ot'ldon • MOW! * * Y, "0 .0.A " (111•0) l!dmond o· Brian, Pamela Britton. When • man real· tua that he haa baerl gt_, • doea of ttme-releuad polaon, he .... out 10 IOcat• hie klller before hla llfeendl. ~ 1:10 • MOYll! ••(I) lllCME ~ * • ~ "Soldler Of Oranoa" 1111111) Edw11..s f'oa, 8ua.tn PennellgOn St• ctaeam•t• •• a Dutch u~ty go ,,,.., aepa. rata waye wflatl .,., l>f••k• OUI In Europe 'PO' I : 11 (8) MOVll * * "0..dly 8IHalr1g" ( 111111) Et neat Borgnlna. Lola N•ttleton A Y0U"9 woman wh<> marr ... Into • Alltel tellQl<>ut N<ll dllCOlt· er1 the It trapped In I llV· I~ ntontn\81a. 'R' l"°IDMOVIE •*'A "8etlal" 111180) Miii• tin Mull, Tueadty Wald A napplly married Marin County couple ••• 19Urrad by thalt trendy nalgllbOr• Into explorlng •ll•nallve llf•!Y*.'R' 4:008 MOVIE *Yo "The Crime 01 Or Hallet" ("1133) Ralph Bell•· my, WtltlMn Gargan "Kl entlat'• uata1an1 lnllsts upc>n being uMd In an eaperlment which provH tobedMdly Thur•day•11 Dnyt hn~ M'u•le• -MORNING- PIOt "''"' • mlttion dot'-11 atei.e • • * • ·~ No l ime f'Ot 8atC14'a111a 11ose1 AM!y Gr1t111n, N!t.k Allam• A QeOfgia fatm boy lndUC1WCI Into the MrVIC4 Nia Iha n11111ary oro II• .., l>y l\la rtluaal to cnntorm 10 •lllfl(lar(lt Cl) • ,, • "·wa1 And p._.. (Pat1 2) 1111~&) Audrey H99t>urn, Henry Fonda Baaed on the novel by Leo Tolstoy The 11\IM Of lhrM ramlll•a are gr11t1y allec1ted by the NapoklOnkl ... ,. 12:80 g • • 'Hawmpal" ( 11170) Jam•• fiDmpton. Chrltto Pllfll Connally Maml>et• OI me United St•tH Cavalry lfy to Ddfuat to riding cam el• 1natead or r>orMI 11'1 th• unU1mad, lawlHl l ••H ol Iha lllOOI '0 1:00 on •• •n "Somem1no ~ $"°'1 Or PertdlM ' ( 19711) Sulllf\ Sarandon David Stelnoaro Two young N- Yorkert leer'\. •Dou.I love and Iha vw;lssltudM ol • one-lo-one relallonslllp PG 1:30 (CJ • • • "Mehogany" <11175) Olene Ro•• Antho- ny P..-k1n1 A young blecl< women rlM• lrom tne depth• or 1n. ghetto to 1n1arnattona1 IMme at a tathion detogner and mod· .. PG' :Z-00 (l) • * "Lum1.,e" ( 1978) Jeanna Moreau. Francine R•cette Four film FAllT FOAWAAO "Ed~tlon" Audemlca, comput., technologl•I• and IMChet'a dlllCUN the growing prominence ol oomputera In modern edu· catlonal ayatema. FM lured: the l•t•t 1ooi< In te.lller bikini•: prolll .. ol ~le Jeckaon and F•· nando llalanLUala; • rid• In the Goodyear Bllmp. • • • "lntlde Delay Clo- .,., .. (1966) Natalia Wood, Chrlatopher Plummer. A new Hollywood atatlet h81 trouble ad)Uatlng to the ahOW bualneaa eoclaly of lhe '301. Qlj) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Gorllll" E G. Merthall hoate a look et the effort• ol 100 director•, dedlceled lndMdu•I• and aclentlll• who are working lo uaure thlt Iha l11gesl ol the great apet doe• not lall victim to •Ktlnctlon. (RI (S)MOlllE 11:40 (]) MOVIE *•'A "Don't Give Up The Ship" ( 1116111 wry lewtl, Din• Merrlll. A couple'• honeymoon la Interrupted when Iha groom la C1Alled 10 Wuhlngton to account tor a deatroyer fa.I during World Wat I~ 1:00 (I} • • "BrNNlng Glue" (11180) He.iel O'Connor, f>llll Daniele A Brltlah punk pop star·• lllHtyle ultl- mal .. y leeda IO tragedy ac trenes th••• a vllla In the wilds of France 'R' ({I BAAHEY MtlUR a ·..wa CID KI08 OH n4E BLOCK A unique troope of pup- pet• help chlldren te.rn en Important leaaon eboul what 11 mM!lt 10 be handl· cepped. Cl)~THOH A comecllell hOtl and loor comic cont•tanll who compel• agalnat one another -fNlured In tnla uncenaoted comedy game .now. a wow * • ,_. .. Duel Of The Tllena" ( 10831 Steve R..,,.., Gordon Scott Romulu• and Remua, the i.g.nd.,y founder• ol Rome. battle MCh other for control of the ancient City and the love of 8 bNU• tltul girt. 1:00 I cu NEWS N9CNEW8 KUNG FU I A.cNEW9 l(OJAI( l<oJak'• godaon gel• lnlo trouble wtlh the law. m w •A•a·H Aller • delay of flw week•. !Ml tack• of mall flnally arrive at the 4017th. I JOQR'8 WILD ........ MJIORT 9 ENTERTAIHMENT TOHIOKT An 1nt.vi.w with Chudl Mangk>ne a Tl4E MUPftET9 Gueet: Roger Miiier CC)~ * • * ''The Hunter" ( 1117111 St-~. Ell Wal- lacll. RalC>h "Pape" Thor· aon IMde 8 dangetOUI I"• aa a moderl'Hley t>ounty hunter. 'PO' CB) RACE FOR THE Pl!NNANT 8ar-ry Tompkin• and Tim Mc:C--all lhe b-1aed1n9 lo Ille 11162 World Sertea. Cl) WHATI UP AMERICA Featured: a humorou• loolc et the mNI lnduatr;: a modenHley bounty hunt- er: thrM ol A,,,...lca'• lavorll• aklnny dipping holee. CZ)WOW: * • ,_. "Magic" (111711) Anthony HOPklna, Ann- Mwgtat. A neurotic wntrt- loqulat, conlllnced that hi• 11age du.mmy controla hll ectlOne. 8'udee bordarlnQ lame and rortune to find • glr1 he IOwd In Illa youth 'R' f:IO 8 2 ON Tl4E TOWN F .. tur.d: a "'811 with a lop Loa Angelel adwt1111ng m w •A•a•H B.J, wnt• home to hll wll• reporting Kllnger'a eecape attempt• and one of Franll'• gool~P•· • TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL I LEHRER AEPORT Ci) PLEDGE BMAK Regularly ICl'leduled pro- gr ammlng may be ci.i.yees due to pledge brNit• al YOU A8l<E> FOR IT FN tured; "Geo<gla Gotd- llelde" and .. Belly Buclc • i .. FAMll. Y FEUO JOHNNY CASH'S AMEAICA The country music lier perlorma • Mlul• to Amer· teen hlatory end traditions with gueet• June Carter Cath, Stew Goodman, John Prine end Rodney Crowell from Kennedy Canter In Waa/11,.gton. o.c. (Q)MOVIE • • • .. Airplane I" ( 11180) Robert Haya. Julle Hager· ty, Attar an alnlner'e cr- lall• to food polao<llng, a nervoua former war pilot It praaMd Into earvtce and muet contend wtlll on- boatd hysteria. • MCretive control ,_., and Cllc'- Rlled mamorlaa. 'PO' 1:46 G!) NATIONAL GEOGMPHIC IP£CIA1. "The Shattce" Extraordi- nary underwater fllm 1001- age Of hOw ahartl• feed. r•t and why they attactc ptoltldell • ,_ ~ ttve on thla fMCIMtlng end ·--flah.Q .. ~. ""'-MSW.JN A ecar'ed Mu dlHPPNtt ""'*' he hat to go Into the hoae>llal wtth tonelNtlt . (RI D 8 AEAL PEOP\..E FMllJf'ed: Sarah Purcell tall• part In • roller derby; a gatbologlet: • crowing conteat for roollera: .~.{R) **'_. "Too Many Suepecta" (111751 Jim Hut- ton. David Wayne. Eller; a-and hit lather. lnapector a-. tr; 10 aotw the murder of • lull· Ion dellgner. 8 9 THE GAEA TUT Aa.tENCAH HEAO Ralph di~ that hie mother'• Hie la and.,,._ O«ad by her ~ wno ta amuggllng top 1acrat matertala.(RI ll WOW: • "A Outet Place To 1<111" ( 11173) Carroll Bakw. JeM Sorel The daughtw ot a murder victim ,.... the -----------------------CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 ICNX T ICBSI 0 On TV II) kNBC (NBCI 2 Z TV 0 l(TLA (Ind I " HBO e j<ABC IABCI C1 (ConemalO O KFMB ICBSI 'fl IWORI NY ,NY G KHJ-TV (Ind.I @ IWTBSl Ii> KCST I ABC> If (ESPNI • KTTV !Ind.) 1$ CShowtlmel 'e KCOP·Tll (Ind I 0 SpolllQhl .• KCET (PBS> • (Cable New~ Nt.'twork) G l<OCE CPBSI • llOICIE8 Of OU .. PEOflLE. .. IN ca..E8RATION Of 8LACI< POETRY A Mlule to IM '#0'1(1 ol bleck poet• rellectlng Iha blac:k ex~ It Pf• Miiied (I) CLOSE-4.IP Cl}INV.ME "Sam't Stow FOOd" 0 MOVIE • ..... "Slnbad And The E~ 01 Tha Tlg•r" ( 11177) Petrlctl Wayne. Jane Sey· mou< The dashing hero battles unearthly ctNlures and a daadty tiger to remove tt>e CUrM thel keepa a young prince from hi• nghllul place on Iha throne 'G' 1:30 8 (I) MOVIE **"" "A Piece Of The AC11on" ( 11117) Sidney Pol· tier, Biii Coaby. Two llka- abla crook• auampl lo muter the art of the rip-off wnlle being blackmelled Into tackllng -•I com- munity problem•. (R) 8t OOOCOUPLI Oacar'• e.c-wlla , .. ,, him lllla la rem81rylng and lnvll .. Fell• and him 10 IM wedding. (l}MOVIE * * o;. "Stardu.t Memo- rlel" ( 1960) Woody Allen, Chwlotte Rampltng A tue- oeuful dwectO. tacea • paraonal crltlle ...... trlM to make -major decl- llonA In hla Illa 'PG' HO a a THE FACTS Of UR The girts become tuac>I· croua when their French leecher dll .. Blal•'• lland· lcapped coualn, Jerri. (RI 8 9 THE FAU. GUY Howle mMts up with a man Wf\O la being Piioted attar eervlng time for the theft of a Navy payroll that wM newr r.coveted. (R) • MERV GM'FIH Gueet holl' Paul Wllllams GUMta; The Pointer Sis- , ..... Kai Rudman. Amer•· ca. U.. Hartman. ~ "Varnon, Florlde" Errol Morrie tel<.. • humorou• look at the people and llla- ety\81 ot • emell rural com- mun 11 y In WHhlngton County, FlorldL D NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Polar BNr Alett" The Cl"M: whit• polar t>Nr and 1 Manitoba town's ettorta to C04Xlll wtth lham era the eub)ec1• ol a doeu· rnentary hOsted by E G M8l"lhall and nenated by Juon Robard• O (C)MOVIE •• "Jufy Of Ona" p g74) Sophia Loren. JMl'I Gabln A mother u-u~ld con"8C11ont to get her 80fl acquitted ol rape el>d mur- der chargea. 'R' CH)MOV!e ***''4 "Allan" (10711) Torn Slterttn, Yaphat KOi· to The er-of • apacego- lnO ecrap eanler follow 1 myatertoua algnal to • aup- poeaclly dead planet and. attar landing, dlacov*t thal Anchor team fans protesting change NEW YORK (AP) - rroteating fans t.q take to the atr eet as national t elevision celebrity mUICle9 aside local news favorites. Film -and con\rOveny -at 11. ' That'• the big televtt.lon atory New York City, where the end• ot l~l news anchors mle Anaatoe and Rose Ann "People can't believe it. they freak out," he said Monday. "They aay, 'Isn't it terrible about Rose Ann? What's going to happen to Ernie?' We juat caJI them Role Ann and Ernie." /Patti waa riding home in Q ueens on the subway train ( when he read of plana to repl8'1e Anutc. and Mrs. Scamardella. * * "S.arch A nd O.atroy" (11181) Perry King, Don Stroud A for- mer Soutn lllatnameae omc1a1 seek• revenge agllnat lhe lour Americana who ebal>doned him In an amt>ulh during IM war 'PG' 0MOlllE *** "CIHh 01 The Tftana" ( 11181) Harry H•m· lln, Laurencie OIMer Myth· IC ha<O Peneua I• helped by his lathe< Zeut In • _ ... 01 dangaroua teak• u he lrlel to win th• nand ol a Phoenician princess 1galn•t the wllhee ot a vengaluf &ell goddess. 'PG' 10:30 Cl) HEWS (O)M<>vte *** "Eye Of The Nee- dle" ( 1981) Donald Suther- land. Kate Nelllgan. White on e remote Scottllh 111and to meet a Ge<man a tubmarlne, an AJtfs •PY !Inda ahalter from the iorm In the collage ol • "__.; ~married cou~ 'R' ,, :00 u • (I) Q]) Q! HEWS D 8ATUROAYNIGHT Hoat· CherlH Grod in Guest Paul Simon U CHRISTIAN CHl~'SFVNO • u •A•&•H • Tha pareonnel ot tne •077th tr; to m•k• • gOOd lmpreaalon on a P•ych••· trill when threatened with r ... algnment CD llEHNY Hill Benny damon111e1111 hOW people co,...,munlcatad ~or• Mr Ball and hla telephone • 8U81HE88 REPORT (C)MOVIE • * *-* "The Spirit o r St. Louie" ( 19571 Jemes s1-- 1r1, Murrey Hamlllon In t1127, Ch11... A. Lind· t>ergh becomes the llral man tc fly nontlop across ..... Atlantlc °'418" IO Par- is CID THE UHEXPU..aA TEO BENNY HILL The wUd and wacky Brltlth comedian portray• various cnarectert, lncludlng • clrcut ctow" llfld • French •Kchenga ttudent, In numeroua a1ce1c'- (%)MOVIE • '" "Honky Tonk Fr- way" (1111111 Beeu Brldgea. Hume C<onyn A town appean 10 be doomed 10 ewtlnctlon when Ille High· wey Patrol oac>artrnent rans to bultd an off ramp on Iha ,_ lr-•y that CIJll th•QUQ" the ., •••. PO' 11:30 II Cll MOVIE • • • "The Henderaon Monaler" ( 1980) Juon Miiiar, Chrlatlne Lahti A unlwraoty town ~ the acene of • hNlad debate over the uM of recombinant ONA when an errOQant M:lantlat dlacov- '" 1 a laboratory method of crNllng ,_ Illa lorma. (R) D a!TONIGHT GUMI hoet: Joan Rlwre. Gueata: Rock Hudson. 15Cam&1t'de!Ja, cU.smayed by plans replace thelr favorites,,.. wl th r "Tomonow" ahow hott om Snyder, say they will march w ASc ttudiol. "Snyder may be fine• a talk "I screamed out loud," he recalled. "I said to the guy next to me, 'They've got t o be k.lddtna!' " But WABC confirmed that Snyder, who al80 has anchottd • evening n&wa ahowa for NBC affiliates in New York Md Lola AnpJes, would replace Anuto9 an<f Mn . Scamarclella on the 11 p.m. news later thla month. CONTROVERSY -Protest marc h es are greeting WABC's plans t o u se "Tomorrow" show host Tom S nyder as news anchor. • host, but .. a newapaM>n? orget about ltl" lnalated Nkk attl, a 33·year·old nuratna aln1nf au.,.rvllor and loyal of Channel Ta "Eyewlc:ne. ewt." the city'• top.ra~ locel Althou1h the station wanta Mn. Scamardella to remain on lt.a 5 o'clock new11, w bu bMn out ' alck l'«'enlly and unavailable for OOl'JU'net)t. Anuloa, m~anwhile, ls vacadon lng In Maauchuaetts while h1a agent \alka about• new contract. * * o;. "Seam• Ulta Old TlmH" ( 11180) Goldl• Hawn, CMvy ChaM. A aolt-llaarted lawyer I• t0<n ~hat hopelela ••• huaband-turnad·bank robber and her uptlgM pr-I hu11>and wtlo la running for Calllornl• attorney general ·po' 12:00 D ENTEAT AINMfHT TONIGHT An 1n1..-vi.w with cnuek M~ona 8 9 LOV£80AT '-young man QOM In pur· aull of an older woman. 11\d IN.c rune Into • l>Mu- lllul torm• achoolmat• and her macl>O hutband (RI U MOVIE • • "Oh. Suaanna" 11950) Rod Cameron. ForrHt TUCltar Ol.-alon eruptt atn0ngtherank101cav111'y olfloara tD MOVIE * • • "Boom Town" ( 111391 Clark Gtbla, Spen· cer Tracy. A pair ol wlld· catten !Ind the excll811'1er11 they're ..... ,no when they atrlke It rich In lhe oll lleld• Cl) LOllE.. AMEAK:AN STYL.E "Nothln' But Tiie Truth" Corle decldae tt••t ahe and Paul muat be totally truth· lul with MCh other (B)MOVIE • • "Breakthrouon" 11111111 Rlch11d Burton, Rod StatQer ~ Nazl --ageant become• ambrolled In 1 plot to ....... nata Hiiier 'PO' U MOVIE • * • "Janis" ( 111741 Ooc;.. umenlary Janis Joplln rl-trom an unhappy and oblcure pu1 In • 11nall Texu towr1 to ~ the cl'l8rt • .. I top rock and blUM alf.ger. 12:30 0 al LATE HIGHT WITH DAVID LETTtAMAH Guell•. l!IY Tomlltl, Falhat Andr-Greeley (R) • COUPlll ., ..wa (Q)MO\ltE • •~ "Honky Tonll Fr ... way" 1111811 B4Mlu BrlcSoea • Hurne Cronyn. A town appear• 10 be doomed lo eKtlnllon When Iha High· way Patrol Oec>artment fall• 10 bulld on a ramp on the ,_ "-•Y tnat CUI• throuoh the atete 'PG' 12:46 CZ) MOVIE *** "E~ Of Tiie N ... die" (11181) Donald Suther· tend, l(et• Neltlgan While on a remote Scotllah i.land to mMt • Garman eut>manne, an "1118 apy find• aheller from the 9 NEWS 1: ti CC) NCHAN> ~Y<>f' IH COHCERT The welt-known comedian ahOOt• pointed t>arba at almoal -v lnatltullon Imaginable In lhl• uncen- eored. no-holda·b•rrad concer1 performance. 1:10 D a H9C NEWI OV!JNOKT Cl)MOVIE • • ~ "R89Qedy Man" (19811 Sleay Spacek. Eric Rot>erta. In tll<t•, • , .... phone operator In • amall Taxu town aacrlllcea her alandlng In Iha community when the hu a ahort allalr with • comb•l·bound N II· or 'PG' I :36 CID MOVIE * * ·~ "Scout' a Honor'' ( 11180) Gary Coleman. l<athartna Helmond. A lonely orphan con• an ••l<emety reluc11n1, happi- ly alngle executive Into becoming den mother 10 • pack of Cub Scoull. 1 :40 D MOVIE * "Tenen. The Ape Man" (111811 Richard Harrta. Bo Derek A young woman -chea tor her mtaalng lather In the Alrlean Jungle wtler• Pie encountera an uncMllDd whll• man and 811 orangutan 'R' 1:Al l HEWS 2:00 MOVIE * ·~ "Too Muell. Too Soon" ( 19511) Dorothy Malone. Eno! Rynn. Jof'ln Barrymore'• daughter. DI-. euffera ~b<Mlc delOft• being WM/thy and lamo<4 2.:1t8 MOVIE * * 'h "Secret Beyond The Door" (1048) Joan Ben- 1'8'1. MlehMI Redgf'ave. ""... • whlrtwlnd oourt-ll'tlp, • girl dlac:over• her ,_ huab•nd hat • ,_,. age 80fl and • computtlon to murder. NO. WO'M> "ThOM People Newt Door" (111531 Jac1c Watnaf, Garry Mareh. The atory of two tamHlee wtlO alnJOOle to llUIVlw alter lhe wer In England. Q!NEWS 2;40!= • • • "The Hunlar" ( 197111 St-~. Ell Wei· lllCt\ Ralph "Papi" Thor- aon teadt a danga<OUI Illa M • modem-day t>ounty t'M'lter 'PG' 2:4a CZ) MOVIE JOHN DARLING 'PG' 8·30 CZ) • • "Lumlera" 11978> Jeanne Moreau, Francine Racette Four r11m actr-there • vtlle In the wlld• 01 France 'R' .._g •••~ "T .. IMeA Rlddla" ( 111801 Melvyn OouQlat, Ule l<edrova A withdrawn, aldatly woman. unaware that the It dying, emoert<t on • long fourney to raacquelnl ha<Mlt with he< 0909raphlcally and amotlo nally aeparated !amity 'PG' 10:00 CC)**'~ "A GIObal Affelt" ( 111641 Bob Hope. Ulo Putver A baby, found by e bllCfMtlor In the lobby ol the United Nellon•. It Clalmed by all the member nation a. (I)* •'h "Viva Laa \legu" ( 11164) EM• Pr••· lay. Ann-Margret A LH llegu twtmmln9 lnetructor beCom68 Iha object or affection for a aporl• car nut end hit tlall1n friend 10:15 CZ)•* +'h "ChrltlmH In July" ( t9•0I ()tel( Powell. Ellen Draw. Mltlekenty bellelllng ha hu won 11 ror· tune In prize money, a men placee hlmMll heavlly In debt. 11:00 CH)** 'A "lllctory" ( 1118 t) Sytveslar Stallone, Mlctlael Caine Outing World Wat II, AMled POWt -their llclle1 10 rreedom In • match between tnalr 90CC*' INM and Illa Ger· man Nllttonal Team In Par- le. 'PG' " ....... "Hurry Up°' I II Ba 30" ( 11175) John LalkowlU, Linda De Coif A Brooklyn printer ~oachlng hit 30th tMrth· de)' teal• that he'• going nowha<•. 1111 he meets a t>eautlfut act•-· 'PG' 11:90(C) ***.,.."TlleWayWa were" ( 111731 Barbra Strelaand. Robert Redford A young college couple In the 111301 dllCO...., 11181 their polftlcal dlller8rlCH are lllrOllQ er>ough lo jeop· ardlie their marriage. Cl)*** "Tim" ( 198 I) Piper Laurie, Mal Glbeon A young reterded man and a -.siu,,., mlddla-eged woman develop • close ra1at1onahlp of mutual need and underatandlng that leeds lo an unorlllc>- dOK merrlage CZ) *+.,_."Fraud" ( t9631 Montgomery Clttl. Suaannah York The young ~ doc1or found• the practa of pa\'d'ICMll'l8- 2:30 • •· "Wiiiy Wonk• And The Chocolate Factory" 1111711 Gone Wiider, Jack AltMlnson A world famous conlec1loner olter1 a Ille· time !IUpply 01 candy to the llve winners of a 1188$ure nunt 0 ••it "Under Tne RaJn- bOw' ( 1118 fl Chevy Chue Cerrle Fosner The 150 m1d9eta who are In town lor the lllm1ng of "The Wlz· ard 01 OT." turn 1 CeJotor- noa hotel upside-down PG 3:00 (SJ •• Shipwreck ( t978j Robert Logen, Mikki Jamlaofl-Olson A widow- er. nie two daughters. a re()Orter and a runeway ere atranded on en osol•t· eel 1a1and alter encounter- 1ng a v10ler'll storm et tea 'G' 3:36 ZJ • 'h "Charlie Chan And The Curte 0 1 Tne Oregon Queen' (1981) Peter Uatl· nov, Rlcnard Hatch Char- lie Chan ts aided by n11 t>umbllng grandson In solving a string 01 mur- de<• 'PG' 4:00 U ••'""The Road To Denver" ( 19551 Jonn Payne. Mona Freeman Two brc>tners t>allla over the und-orld bola of one 01 tnem 4:30 lC) * • * "Flun Gordon' ( t9801 Sam J Jones, Maa Von Sydow A trio or eanhllnga trevel 10 the pl1,,.1 Mongo a'!d help Its oppr....CS 1nhabltt1n1t In the overthrow of the evtl Emperor Ming 'PG' 0 ...... 'The Blue lagoon 11949) Jean Sim - mon• Donald Hou1ton A young g lrl an d boy ShlpWTacked on • Pacttle 11tand coma 10 love each other H they mature 8:00 (01 *••'.It "The Elephant Man" ( 19801 JOhn Hurl, AnlhOn)' Hopkin• A dedl· ceted physician l akes unda< hit wing a horribly deformed men whose Ille until then had been spent In che11p !reek exhibition• 'PG' ( $ • " " "Lott Horizon" ( 1937) Ronald Colman. Jene Wyatt A kidnapped dlplomat discovers tho Hlmaleyan kingdom or Shengrl·l •. a place or eternal peeoe and lmmor· tallty 5:15 * * "Deadly Blessing" ( 1118 1) Maran J ensen , Susan Buckner A young woman, matrylng ll'lto I atrlct rellgloua aec, oppoaec:I to modern UI• aly!N. 11 puraued by d•n- QCl"OUI , un~nown forces by Armstrong & Batiuk 'Vernon': Smalltown portrait By TOM JORY A-lated ,..,_ Wrttat tonlght at 9 on Channel 28 as part of public TV's "Non Fiction Televialon'' series. experience" lO restore peace tn their lives. NEW YORK -"Vernon. Florida," from the man who brought "Gates of Heaven" to the home screen, may be the most eccentric hour of prime- time TV this year. or any year. L ist e n to Henrl Shipes describe U~e job o bunting turkey; to J.W. Martin and h1a wife consider a ¥laaa jar of "growing, crawling' aand, and to ano ther worthy -and unidentified -dtl.r.en dt.coune on "the four-track mind." Or, as one bearded ooclQe.r says, "Reality? You mean th[i ta the real world? I never thou1ht o1 that." "Vernon, Florida" la the work of Errol Morris, who created a atlr ln 1980 with ,.Guea of Heaven," a btJarre documentary on pet cemeterl•. Hll la.tell effort wu shown for the flnt time at the 1981 New York Fiim Festival, and w111 be broedcM\ The hour-long film may appear, at fl.rat .blush, mocking, even cruel explol ta~ion of a backwater town and a few of its l dloayn cratic reside nts . But Morris ls not poking fun. The portraits that emerge aa his ca.mu• moves from one curious character tO another, and beck, aaa um e before long an unmistakable down -home nobWty. Thne'a the olderly genl who collecta wild a.n1malt. "I've been bitten by every thing In this country, exoept a rattlesnake," he aa.yw. and ft'• no ~ just fact. And there'• the prncher who "°'"'ta the word "therefore" 119 tlmH In St. Paul'• biblical wrltln1•. and 1u11eat1 t o partahonera • "th e refore The fil.mrniker'!l sub,JE!Cts lack eve n lh e hint of self ·, consciousness as they talk of' their strange pursuits. They see~ wholly trusting of Morris, and the result is a n h ones t y! unCettered by embarrassment. ; ''It grows. It grows, It crawlsl up the side of this jar.• Mrs .I Martin explains, holding up Lor the came r a a veaael of sand collected while on a vacation tO White Sands, N.M .. where the atomic bomb was tested. "In two more yeao lt wUI fUJ up the jar." "It'• juat In me," Shipes says I another ecene, trytng tO oxpWn hJ.a obeeeeJon wlth wild turkey. The local traffic cop, behind the wheel of hla parked crul.9er • .la less candid: "Since th1a car'• ttJ.n • here much," he says., "people don' know whethc!r we've ~ a ofOiter on duty or not ' a 14 S ll UN S F AM E - Lenny Skutnik, honored as a hero for his reltue efforts in the icy Potomac River J an . 13 , says the resultant fame has f:lisrupted his life. Hero shuns publicity Lenny Skutnik, the man w ho pulled an air crash victim out of the icy Potomac River seven mo n ths ago , is a reluctant nalion81 hero. He has received 30 awards, was singled out by President Reagan for praise, was given a standing ovation by Con gress and has appeared on television. All of this because television cameras filmed the 28-year-old service assistant at the Congressional Budget Office plunging in after a victim of the Air Florida crash last J anuary. His sister, Nancy, a Newport Beach resident and Huntington Beach school teacher, said her ~rother is proud of the awar.ds and has them mounted on the walls of hi s house outside Washington D.C. But, she said, her brother remains a quiet a nd private person. Skutnik, interviewed recently by reporters, said he believes his role in saving the woman has been blown out of proportion. "I separate it into two parts," he said . "The rescue, I'd do again in a minute. But all the stuff that came after -the fame and all that -I could do without." He said he ha s received more than 2,000 pi-eces of mail, some addressed simply to "hero of the Potomac." He said he intends to answer all the mail. Sku tnik, who said he Qften is recognized on the streets, has been red trips and other . One realtor offered his choice of a new car or enough money for two year's rent. He took the rent money. He acknowledged that bis act of heroism has "touched a chord in people." But, he added, the fame has disrupted his life. "I'm really just a fairly normal person and I'd like just to live n:iY life," he said. ' Class ¢xplores b nive r se A natur a l science cio urse that offers an tnterdisc i pli n ary ap p roach toward (i n de r standing the O niverse will be ~resented at Orange oast College in Costa esa. The six-unit course presents a history of ~ature from the "Big Bang" to the appearance of human beings. It is fesigned aa a synthesis q f the m ost recent d iscoveries in · m ajor t_r_~_a!_ ... ~f scientific fLla':~d aa N atural ence 100 in the clASll chedule, the course e e ts Tu esdays and undays from 9 a.m. to T he course ls team- uaht by three occ x p e r ta : Dr . Tom arr lton (ma rlne and ~olofPclal 9clence), Steve ~ttanzio (as tronomy), d George M uo n earth ecience ). For l nfo rma t lon , rhone 5M-6772. I • I I -----. --------·-~--------------------------. ~ Orange Coaat OA14t. V PILOT /Wodnolday, Auguat 18, 1982 LADY'S CHOICE ANTIPERSPIRANT IEG.159 2.44 YOUR CHOI([ Super Dry Formula '2 oz solid Scented, Un scented or Fredi Scenl RIUNITJ. • UMllUSCO • llA•CO • IOSATO OIL OF OLAY LOTION SKIN MOISTUllIEI ,,ktt G•-4 Wt ... t4•y. Allflltl 1 I th lhru TuttMy, A111111t U tt. S.nw Items At lt9uler ,,,, ... 29 BOUNCY CREPOLINE SOLE 4 oz bo11le w1ln free pvmp d1\pen\er 1nduded Sove1 REG.12.99 KERI LOTION FOR DIY SKIN CAIE llG.259 3.b9 YOUR CHOI(( 6 ' 7 0 1 bo11le Regular or Fresh Scent leave' skin leelong \moo1n MEMOREX C-90 90-MIN. TAPE CASSETTES ,.3'699 IF PUICHASID SEPAIATHY 14.67 Ton uppers hon the look of smooth groin leather. Mode for <omfort, good looks and long wear, ALBERTO CURITY V0-5 PUFFS HAii DIESSING GEL COSMnlC PUFFS IEG.169 llG.,9( 2.49 1.29 'YOUR YOU• CHOIC! (HOl(l Keep\ naH 1ne woy you Bog of 100 King Size or wont ti 1 1h ·oz. lube In 260 .Super Pµlh Loh ol Regular. Blue or Fine uses for tt\ese Sovel 2 -TONE FASHION CREW SWEATSHIRT OR SWEATPANTS (~~~~( J99 Acrylic, fleece lining Blue & white top with groy stripe; blue pont w11h groy stripe & elo\ tic leg. Sizes S·M·l·Xl HOODED SWUTSHllll, 9 .99 CLEARASIL FOR ACNE MEDICATED CHAM llG.22t 3.6 9 YOU• CHOKI Regular T1n1 or Vonisn1ng Formula In l ·oz tube Helps cleor up ocne Olil lfH!llllllt rtttCt fl" 11.,.1 IOHt 11""'9 A I.,,..., !of' \lr'lll °"•••• I• 1111 • "''~·A .. ul flW!•)t • 111i..,""111ut .... " Ml Ml ~..,. u., (¥ '"'"""" 11 IY .... ""' •ft1•h\.., ''"" ~ ,., I .,.;!Iii' 11 JW ••· ",>1 I1 IA N• •.ll!oifJ 11111 ,.,1 ul ' f ,,.,.1,.., '""' "'"" .. , .. "'",,, ' Jt.N~¥!1f'ftl"'-11 el1t• ~f11111"'l lr\""" •'~"!W':il~'·,,... ,ht• Mii !\\¥' I (..u lr I ~·~II'"'~ II 'Pl lt!Ji.,.1 l{f 1111 11 ... l'I lir Wl.,"'1111~ '"" •• .......,,.,.,,Li• l••1•,...lld _.1 11 lo '"ff'•ld r "'' •"' I 11 P'<l•I ro-111.t;~, _..., ~flfll•I"' I" ..... 'JI t ....... I l,11 ""'~ ~-11 Vaseli fUlt .. nQU UOI BAUSCH GENUINE & LOMB VASELINE FOi son LENSES PUIOHUM JELLY 3.19 HG.179 2 .SCJ llG.169 8·oz. saline solullon All purp~e need for 11/1-0Z. DAILY ClUNER J.st your med icine cob1ne1 lfNS CAltllY CASE •.......... S.•t 7 1.i, oz 1or ol \Ov111gs \.. WINDSOR AM/FM L.E.D. CLOCK RADIO 2~~~9 19 99 CAMEO CANDIES REG. 89< EACH YOUR 59c CHOICE AfTEll SAU 13.99 MATCHING .VINYL SOFTSIDE LUGGAGE Woke\ you to m1:s1c or olorm. hos \leep control deluxe wood look cob1ne1 P2225P 7-oz 10 13 01 bog we•gnh Sove now' DR.PEPPER REGULAR OR SUGAR-FREE ~~~cj 149 YOUR CHOICE 6 pock 12 0 1 cons MARY KITCHEN COINID IHF HASH l~ lJ(Q~hCI~ HEINZ PICKLES ACRYLIC KNEE-HI'S IEG.149 1.99 Popular socks for bock to school & leisure Great color\ & combtnol1ons SNOW'S CLAMS 16" JOH HG. 12.tt 899 n • WUHNDH tfG IUt 1099 u · l'UllMAN RIG. 24.99 1999 ,:~=~ 1 •99 tfG "" .. l1$htwt1ght, ytt Jturdy. llue or brown. With rt1nfor<td hondlts ond st<urity flops. Sovel VIENNA SAUSAGE WHOLI •OSllll DILLS MINCID 01 CllOPPID FIOM LlllY'S NYLON REINFORCED 50-FT. GARDEN HOSE REG. 599 7.59 1 /2 1ncn diameter vinyl garden hose 1s reinforced for longer life Model llLO· 1250 GRAHAM FRUIT CRACKERS NECTARS FIOM SUNSllllH FIOM UllY'S rA2~' =99c •• ,9c !lie SUP•l9c ~$1 SUPll 109 PllCI PttCI YOU. PllCI fMOICI (MOf(( I 5 ·oz. Whit• stock• loll 46•oz. While stocks lost. 6 ~·0t. Whil• stocks losl. ~·oz. While stoclo lost. 16·0&. Whil• ltock1 lo\t. 12-01 While 1tocks Iott. no'"'· t.ttle. UMIT 6 ,U CUSTOMU UMll 6 ,II CUSTOMll llMIT 6 ,H CUSTOMH LIMIT 12 PEI CUSTOMlll UMfT 6 PH CUSTOMlll LIMIT ' PEI CUSTOMH •ll'f1HT• alACll .... , Mw ..... et ... . .. , ...... .......,.._ .......... •11111 ................. '""'AIM YALUY •1'141 .............. . . ,,. ......... .,, ..... _ ......... ··~-· "''-nml --....... , ... -~ .... . WllT••·-..... I 2 ........... f I I . ----------- ., i :) i. '" '» ... g < ) -· I u .. 2 -Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT and MIRROR/Wednesday, August 18, 1982 Paid Advntisement Effortless Exercise: Paul ,\dvnti~<'111P11I The Story Behind Electronic Exercise As Seen on Local TV Using the muscle stimulator, combined with Bio<HeaHh Center's favorite. diet, Brad Aspin went from a size 38 pant to size 30 in just 21h weeks. His mother Nprma saw similar results (size 12 to size 8) in the same 18 day period. These are JUSt two of the many s uccessful & happy Bio-Health Center cu~tomers. That's why people are flocking lo Bio·llcalth Center on 17th Street in Costa Mesa and becoming regular participants or electronic exercise with amazing results The principle behind this phenomenon is straight-forward tn a so-call ed "voluntary" contraction, that 1s lo say during e 'eryday movement, the brain sends a s ignal along a nerve to the "motor joint" of a muscle. This signal, similar lo a weak electric current. is a message to the muscles to contract. equivalent lo 800 to 1,500 sit-ups and/or leg raises. ' Despite exercisin g your . muscles 800·1,500 times in 45 minutes, persons feel no pain during treatment and most don't even feel that familiar soreness like in normal exercise. The current stimulates circulation which at the same timt? rlds the m uscles of waste products and toxins. Bio-Health Center participants do feel a lightening .and firming of their muscles and very o f ten after the 1s t treatment. Bjo.lfea1th Center is currently treating men and women from the ages of 18 to 87 years old Some come to 81o·Health Center JUSl for the exercise firming up their flabby muscles and improving t heir overall body tone Othl.'rs . who are over· weight, combine this electronic exercise with Bio-H ealth Center's favorite diet program allowing a substantial weight and inch loss. a full set'of body measurements then let you lie atop a padded table for treatment that will t\ake approximately 45 minutes. During this lime the technician will educate you further on what is transpiring. which gives you further unders tanding of the sensations you are feeling. After your fi rst treatment, the technician will r emeasure & calculate the results. First time users have experienced change var ying from 2" lo 9" overall. This change is primarily caused by the toning of the muscle due to the extensive exercise it has just completed. This type of equipment has been widely used in both the medical fi eld and m areas or professional sports. In medicine, e lectronic stimulation has been widely used in hospitals for the r e -education c>f paralyzed muscles. In these cases, where voluntary exe r cise ls impossible, there is obviously no s ub s titute for elect r ical sti mu l ation. Jn cases of mact1ve due to injury can be imagined East Europeans became the foremost exponents of electrical stimulation for muscle power training. Other countries e1re us ing muscle stimulation to train every type of athlete from the endurance needed by long distance runners . to explosive power required by sprinters and high jumpers The fastest girl in the world . Angella Taylor, for example, uses musrle stimulation in trainmg E lcctronic exercise. however. 1s not for everyon e . The stimulation could interfere with pacemakers worn by persons with heart disease, pregnant women and persons who carry metal in their abdomens because of surgery. Long gone are the days when control of calorie intake was believed lo be the only way to keep in shape. Modern lhinking now concludes that exercise 1s an es~ential factor in the quest [or J.otal body health. Bio-Health Center in Costa Mesa , Huntington Beach & Mission Viejo, also speciafues in other European concepts which ' I n e I e c t r o · m u s c u 1 a· r stimulation at Bio-Health Center, electrodes in the form of conductive rubber · pads are placed on the surface or the skin over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups. When a very weak electronic current is applied through the pads. the s ignal rinds its way through the skin to these motor points and causes the muscles to contr act, just as 1f it had received a signal from the brain. At first people say it feels strange and are amazed al how thoroughly it exer cises the muscles. Then they relax and progressively work through their 45 minute treatment. Afterwards persons experience a fi ve minute relaxation cycle that feels like a massage. paraplegia or homiplegia fo llo wing ~ s troke, electro muscu lar sti mulation is invaluable for preventing loss or tone or atrophy in affected muscles. ... include Cellulite Control and U .V .A . Tann i ng Beds and F.quipment & a new power urut for mU9Cle strength. ,, I During the contraction of these muscles, the muscles are actually expending energy and doing the work. Patrons of Bio-Health often comment that the exercise feels thorough and . really works the entire muscle. Most say you have to try it to appreciate it. Doctors say that 45 minutes of stimulation is Doc tors are sending their patients to Bio-Health Center for this outstanding exercise program. In some cases, these persons are unable to do normal exercise due to back inju~. etc., allowing them lo now exercise moscles for the lirat time in years. Bio-Health Center has a nominal cha rge to try this wonder machine. On your flrst visit a trained technician wUl do Kelly Young Is In her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, white her machine Is keeping her In s ape with Its electrical Impulses. I Other areas of medical use include the treatment of bed sores by improving muscle tone and blood circulation. In Sports. hamstring. musc:e strain and other injuries have been treated by doctors wlthoul risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits o( muscle stimulation 1n the treatment o f muscle and ligament injuries. The practical advantages or greatly reducing the time spent by top players H you want to 0e more active, alive and have a great looking body without the drudgery of st r en u ou~ exercise a nd uncomfortable diet programs. get in on the action and try ~ivlne Bio-Health Center a call. 645-7717 . The famlllar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street In Costa mesa conveniently located In the Von's Shopping Center. ""Also new locations In Huntington Beach and Minion Viejo, 645-7717. I - Dlseover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the oAit.v P1ILOT and MIRR'OR/Wednndey, August 18, 1982 -3 FLUORESCENT SHOP LIGHT 2 Ute. 48 Inch work· shop llte. lnclude9 2/40 watt ftuore&- cent bulbs. CASIO CILCUUTOR SALE PRICED '12.88 Reg. $19.99 HL-809 SALE PRICED 5 6.88 DECl-MITE TELESCOPE IUCH Cllllll SALE PRICEl$2 7 .88 GrMO stripe or aolld blUe 1" heavy duty aluminum frame with relnforC4Mf rroot leg braces. Outdoor ftntshed h11dWood arms. Adjustable bfc:k from nat to upflOhl. Corrosion resistant z:lnc plated steel hardware. ILTIASlllC PEST llEPELLEll Effectively Eliminat" lnM<h & Rodents lndud ing Fl.cH. SALE PRICED '49.99 ~~l- SANYO STEREO MINI CASSETTE PLAYER SALE PlllCEI '39.88 COMBINATION PADLOCK FEATURES 3- NUMBER DIAL IN ON THOUSANDS OF AVAILABLE COMBINA• TIONS. STRONG DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION. STAINLESS STEEL. FLU STOP NEW FORMULA FLEASTOP KILLS BOTH PRE-AOUl:T ANO AOUL T FLEAS 6 oz. Cuisinart ALL WITH EXPANDED FEED TUBE 20% OFF CUISINART ACCESSORIES //iii- SALE $3.49 199. $4.99 List Price Our Price PASTA MAKER ......................... $119.99 DLC 10E ....................... $130.00 $ 99.99 DLC SF .......................... $260.00 $149.99 SALE PRICED '2.38 DLC 7E ......................... $260.00 ~ .$199.99.~~ ~r'•V DLC 7PRO .................... $275.00 $219.99 SANYO AM/FM . ELECTRONIC DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO·~~~iiiilliiiii._1.iilliiiliirJ~ • I :> •• -. .-, . I• .• ,_ • •.• '·' .. ~! SALE PlllCEI 5 39.88 e Black & Decker. DUSI MIEK The Convenient Quick and Easy Way To Clean Up RM6100 CROWll HARDWARE ANAHEIM HILLS 5620 Santa Ana Canyon Rd. (at Imperial Hwy.) • 998-5282 ••rs 1:30·7 PA HARBOR VIEW CENTER 1614 San Miguel Or. Newport Beach WESTCLIFF PLAZA 1024 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 642-1133 .....,. M n.n. 111 I CORONA DEL MAR 3107 E. Coast Hwy. ( 1 km. south of MacArthur) ALL STORES OPEN 1 DAYS Sale Pnc. Good Tiw Mon. 1123/82 673-2800 ..,. .. 5:.,... .. .. . -.. ·' • 4 -Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT ® OF .COllTEllTS Everywhere you turn in coastal Orange County you're confronted with the new. Modern architecture, young planned communities and squeaky-clean development bear witness to a region well on Its way to the 21st century The Orange Coast's reputation for being a progressive, growth-oriented community has made it one of the most sought-after living spots in the nation. But there's another side to the Orange Coast. A rustic. rough-edged side that recalls the pioneers who first settlecf here more than a century ago. Despite its surge into the future, the Orange Coast has not lost touch with its colorful history. Historical societies are active in each community, acquainting residents with the history that so unobtrusively surrounds them. "D!scover Your Neighborhood" Is designed to throw open the doors of history to our readers. A quick glance at the section will provide a few surprises, a thorough reading will qualify the reader as a minor historian of the Orange Coast. Enjoy. Antique or Junque ........................................................ page 23 Backyard Garde_ner . ..... .................. .... . .. .... ......... .......... page 17 Calendar ... ...... .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . ..... .. .. ... .. . .. . .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. pages 14-15 Cook of the Month ......................................................... page 8 Corona dQI Mar Sites ....................... ?... ........................ page 20 Costa Mesa Sites .. ................. ..... . ............ ... .... . ..... ....... page 22 Crosswords .. ... ... .... . ... ..... ..... ... . .......... ... ... . .. . .. . .... . ......... page 25 Fountain Valley Sites . ..... .. ........ .... .. .. ... ........... .... . ... .. .... page 11 Home of the Month ............................................... pages 18-19 Huntington Beach Sites ................................... : ........... page 22 Irvine Sites .................................................................... page 11 Laguna Beach Sites . ... .... ........ .... . .. . .. . ... ... .... ... .. ........... page 10 Newport Beach Sites ..................................................... page 24 Orange County Happenings ........ .... .. ........ ....... .............. page 6 Sports Trivia ................................................................. paga 26 Through the Lens .. ........................... ....................... .... . page 21 You and Your Money ................................................... page 16 Part of Laguna's charm Is Its architecture which Is seen In Its many unique cottages and bungalows throughout the community. On the cover Is one such bungalow, located at 484 Jasmine. This distinctive two-story Provlnclal Revival house was owned by the Roy Ropp famlJy_. Ropp ran one of the leading contracting firms In Laguna during the 30s -40s and also put his talents to use as the first director of the Art Pageant. His building skills were utlllzed In staging the first "Last Supper" production at the Pageant. The cover photo was taken by Deborah Wachter of the Dally Piiot Staff. STAFF Current Is a themed monthly magazine produced by the speclal sections staff of the Orange Coast Dally Piiot. Speclal Sections Editor ................................... ....(antne Fiddelke Special Sections Writer .............................................. Jim Pond Photographers ...... ..... ... . .... . .. .. .. ........ ....... .......... ....... Lee Payne Deborah Wachter /Wednesday, August 18, 1982 STORE WIDE CLEARANCE SALE SUITS SPORT COATS SLACKS SHIRTS 1/2 OFF MEN'S & WOMEN'S TRADITIONALS !Pt~ Jamys You 'll appreciate the quality -the clas,sic looks the brands you know to trust. Come see for yourself during our once a year sale. Sale Runs Thru Sat., Aug. 28th Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p .m . Major Credit Cards Accepted Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to !he DAILY PILOT 1 /Wednesday, August 18, 1982 -5 7erde 6enter 2701 Harbor Blvd. ·(Harbor and Adams) Costa Mesa, CA Albertson's Market Bank of America Bilbo Baggins Coco's Dolphln Hair Fashions Edwards Cinema Center Fash 'N Splash Hamburger Hamlet Ice Capa~ Chalet Mamselle Mesa Verde Florist Mesa Verde Travel Mione 's Restaurant Music Market Photography by Jeffrey Piecemakers Reuben 's Restaurant Southern Calif~mia Optical Spa Lady Swensen 's Ice Cream Upper Cuts - j • ' • u . ..,.. 1 , \ 6 -Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT @000 EMIMGS Delly Not 8W "'*o MORE FUN TO COME -This year's character boat parade on August 22 in the Newport Harbor should prove to be just as exciting and colorful as last year•t . Last year's theme was Newport Beach's 75th Anniversary and these two entries her e; Fun Zone and Rendezvous Ballroom, drew many cheers from the crowd. This year's theme is west.em. . Boat parade closing. act of summer activities. Summer is drawing to a close and this•issue's calendar reflects the growing numbe r of activities planned to wind up the summer on the Orange Coast. Both tourists and residents are sure to find something to do or see just by thumbing through the section. Something you surely won't want to miss is this year's 22nd Annual Chai:acter Boat Parade in Newport Harbor. This year 's theme is Country Western w i th the decorating theme being a salute to the country and old west through movie, music and BOng. The parade starts at 2 p .m. with boat formation at 1 p.m. But it i.s best to get there early il you really want to 1ee the action. You can see the parade from any area where the bay ls viaable. Bayside restaurants are tdeal but It's a good idea to get your re9ervations early. AppUcations and information are available by ca1ling the Newport Chamber of Commerce at 644-8211. Thoee of us who love to 1ee great photography WW be anxious to know that the Susan Spirltlll Gallery, Inc. is movin.liC next month. . Its new home at 522 Old Newport • Blvd. is designed expressly for exhibiting fine art pho~phy. The new building waa designed by Brion S . Jeannette and A11ociatea of Newport BMch to meet the apedal pby1ical and aesthetic neeaa of phoio8raphk art. What do Super Bowl XVI, the 1982 Wotld't Fair and o.ta Meu have in common? They all will experience the spirit and enthusiasm of the a11 new "Up With People Show." An international cast of 100 young men and women is coming to the Orange Coast College auditorium Sept. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. The energy of the "Up With People Show" has already been enjoyed in 42 countries around the world. Featured in thia year's show is a musicaJ look at the 1960s, taking the audience back to the sights and sounds of Motown, surf music, the hootenanny and the Beatles. Tickets are $7 in advance and $8 at the door. Tickets are available at the Orange Coast Community College ticket office on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. . This is a unique opportunity to share in tht BOng and dance and also the spirit of a tr,uly wonderful production. Be sure to get your tickets in advance. Call 556-M27. lf you would like your activity or club listed in this colu mn o r th e Current Calendar, please send your dated press release to Janine Fiddelke, s pecial ·sections editor, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 /Wednesday, Augus~ 18, 1982 Davis ~l Brown ltltVISION • APPLIANllS • VIDEO TRADE-INS - W!HTED lJead or lllive llCA 11" IUIHAL IL 100 CILH •Dectronte T1ii1n1n9 • IOOX Sol'4I Stote . .,. HA. H" lllflllAl EUOTllllC THiii OIU $49995 lllffh lndt IE 21" llAlllAL 1um11t YJHI Till IEOllHll =' All Medek ' In Steel,_ .... ......... ~. • Hundr.dt of Titt.. Avail. • Up To Two Houn • Stereo Program• BUY NOW AND GET "ON GOU>IN POND" AND "SUPERMAN" FREI • =., '299 •UY WITH CONFIOENCI ,ROM THE HARBOR AM A'8 OLDIST TV A APPUANCI DeALlft ••• FINANCING AVAlf.AllU I E 11" llllltW. PH FlllUIOE Cllll •0.Ctfon.c. Tun1n9 •Mat.ta ,Kturo Tub. --- SllY IETllU A vt • 1 oo:!!' .!.±., . 150-Rebate ~ llCI NllTllLE YCll • FRONT LOAD • BEAT SCAN .,•599•5 • 3 Woy Power • Rech'arfaW. Batt.,-, • Special lffech Remote R9COFCh Anywhero With Color Camera SAYE '2bb -----~ Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT . 'Wednesday, August 18, 1982 -7 Airporter Inn Hotel Open 24 Hours Breakfast Lun<.:h/Dtnne?r tfttf e d i tellaneari CRoom Superb Continental Cuisine To Su11 Your Every Need 10 to 600 Entertainment Nightly Happy Hour Mon.-Fn SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH m the Mediterranean Room 10 - 2 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine , 92715 (714) 833-2770 (At John Wayne Airport) fitness Cent• Far Min I Women 3215 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach UDO NAUTILUS FEATURES • Nautilus Equipment • Olympic Weights • Life Cycles & Monarch Bikes • Luxury Locker Facilities • Co·Ed Sauna, Steam & Jacuzzi • 9 Aerobic Ctasses Daily • ------------· 2 YUi •ElllEISllP .. _____________ , I ~e.. Coupon &p1r .. I ,-~~\. 1-31-12 I ,tt-...- 11 $99 1 Full Price I I 1 YUi •ElllEISlllP 1-------------· I .J/d. C.u,on bpires I ~&\~\. 1-31.12 I "TV I •75 Fiii Prioe I I Something Special ~ feminine fashions 250 E. 17th St. Costa M~sa 645-5711 Summer Clearance ~ Price (plus •1 00 SALE DOl'T MISS IT SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) . We SpeciaHze in Fashion For The M issy Figure (Size 4 thru 18) 673-4510 '(SALE DOES NOT APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDERS) BIDWELL'S IS NEWPORT BEACH Contempora'ry Fashions , .Sportswear and Dresses Sizes 3/4 • 13/14 Choose l'rom your favorite designers Tattoo, Lady Manhattan, Esprit, Sero. Condor, Cruy Hone, Patty Woodard, Ocean Pacific, LA Seat Covera, For Play, Sportif, Happy Lep, Carnpua Cuuala . .fag Some say we 're hard to find ... Everyone says we 're worth it. 3467 Via Lido, Newport Beach (In the Security Pacific Bank bldg., acroM Crom the ih.tr.) .. I '\ :. "1.5.4. DAlY 9:30-6:30•SAT. 9-6•646-6775 One of Orange County's Finest Over-The-Counter Full- Service Meat Markets! WE FEATURE A FULL LINE OF STEAKS AND ROAST CUT TO YOUR LIKING, NO ORDER TOO SMALL OR LARGE. OUR FULL SERVICE DELI INCLUDES l FULL LllE OF SANDWICHES AID DOMESTIC AID IMPORTED CHEESES. ALSO AVAILABLE IRE OUR TEIPTllG PARTY PLATTERS . 1FOR THAT SPECIAL PARTY OR an· TOGETHER'. Lei U1 Do The Wort! . ' Lou Manginelli acquired a taste impressed by is what the food looks forcookingatage12.Foui1.eenyears like, so eye appeal is v e ry later he's still addicted to the important." culinary art, and in a big way -at In realizing this philosophy, 26, he's one of the youngest head Manginelli takes pains to make sure chefs on the West Coast. the proper garnish is used here, the It's not unusual for Manginelli to entree arranged pleasingly there. It's log 55 to 70 hours a week i.n Ure --r'his attention to d e tail that kitchen of Hemingways restaurant characterizes Manginelli's craft. in Corona del Mar, where he directs He's a perfectionist who remains a preparation of the upscale, French-perpetual student of the art, always influenced menu. scanning magazines for the latest A 1977 graduate of the Culinary developments in cooking .. He even Institute of America in New York, makes a practice of dining out at Manginelli first venture·d to least once a week to see what other California to work as a line cocik fqr cooks are doing, not to copy them Host International Corporation of but to blend all ideas with his own Los Angeles. After an eight-month expertise to produce a unique stint with Ambrosia restaurant in creation. Newport Beach, he settled in to his "As a chef, I'm never going to position at Hemingways, where he--know everything," he says. "I learn has been head chef for the past two something new every day." and one-half years. And what he learns he puts to His long work hours are living creative use. proof of his own admission that Diverging from heavy-handed caree.r cooking is not a nine-to-five French techniques, which are no job. longer in vogue, Maginelli creates As head cook, Manginelli is sauces that are lijtht and delicate and responsible for ordering meats, contain very little flour. Departing produce, apices and condiments. He even further from European directs colleagues in choosing and traditions, he utilizes Japanese deve l oping house specials, cooking methods that stress color, reinventing sauces and maintaining griUed meats and crisp, quickly pro p e r a es the t i cs i n p 1 a t e cooked vegetables. presentation. Also attributable to Japanese "I'm a creative person and I view influence, Manginelli says, is a presentation as an art," Manginelli • says. "T h e first thing people are (See COOK on page !I) I '.I • • I IElllHUll I IDlll SPllllUITI .. I • Beautiful cabinetry • Ceramic Tiie Installation • Corlan Marble Vanity • Kohler & American Standard Fixtures • 100's of Local References 75 ... 370 2960 R , 1h block Int of ltristol at Biker Costa Mesa ~~==:.::. -1 I -. .,_. ___ ?\_._.,..,_,,,........_. ..... ,,.. • "·--·----..1.cr1iw ""'"'"""•~.,.. ....... .,,uu11::, V/~""""°"A'1-'"""9l'~-u•, Home museums proliferate In county O ra nge County has n umerous historical houses that have been restored as m useums and are open to the public. Most have been restored to illustrate a home of a particular era. The city-by-city list includes: Baena Park: Whitaker-Jaynes and Bacon boa1ea, both at 7842 Whitaker St. The Whitaker-J aynes house was built in 1888; the Bacon house sometime earlier, although the specific year is u nknown. Open 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Thursdays; 1-4 p.m. second Sunday of the month. For group tours call 522-2788. Admission is free. Costa Mesa: E s tancia Adobe, 1900 Adams Ave., built in 1823-24 as a way station between the San Juan Capistr ano and San Gabriel missions. Open t -5 p.m. Saturdays: 1-4 p._m. second and fourth Sundays. For g:roup tours call 754-5303. Free. " Fullerton: Heritage House, in the Califor nia State University, Fullerton Arboretum, built in 1894. Open 2-4 p.m. Sundays. For group tours call 773-3579. Free. Garden G rove: Stanley House, with a complex of other historical buildings, 12174 S. Euclid St., buiJt .. ,. in 1891. Open from 1:30-4 p .m . S unday . For group tour s call 530-8871. Free. HanUngton Be llc lt: Wiiliam Taylor Newland House, 19820 Beach Blvd ., built in 18Y8. Upen noon-4 p .m. third SundBy of each month .. Call 962-5777 for group tours. AduJts, $1: children, 50 cents. Irvine: Irvine HJ1toricaJ Museum home built in 1868 by James Irvine. Located at 5 San Joaquin. Open 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Tuesdays !lnd 1-~J>.m. Sundays. For information ball 551-4105. Free. Ora.age: Ain1wortb House, 414 E. Chapman Ave., built in 1910. ()pen from noon -5 p .m. Sundays. For group tours call 532-0338. Free. Placentia: Bradford Hoose, 136 Palm Circle, built 1902. Open 2-4 p.m. Sundays. For group tours call 993-2470. Free. Santa Ana: Howe-Waffle House 120 Civic Center Drive West, butlt 1889: Call 543-3086 for tours by appointment. San Jua n Caplstrono: Albert Pryor Hoase, 31831 Los Rios St., built 1882. Open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m . (See TOURS on page 17 ) OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT ... HEHIR CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC DR. STEPHEN E. HEHIR PALMER GRADUA 'tE Longtime resident of Newport Beach has now opened an office in the area to serve residents of the city and surrounding area. Dr. Hehir has had vast experience In treating patients for 13 years. The doctor maintains a large practice in the Los Angeles area and is now available for consultation and treatment here in Orange County. Dr. Hehir originally practiced in Australla for a number of years. If you have any problems that may be chiropractic-related, call the doctor for a consultation. Gonsteod Full Spine Technique Cs/I for sn appointment. You will be pleaNd you did. 631-7494 1731 Santa Ana Ave., Costa M.-92627 • An Affiliate Of · The Hospital Company +lumana® A Complete "Famlty Hospital" Paramedic Base Station • 24-Hour Emergency Services • OB/Pediatrics/Orthopedics • Medical/Surgical • Children's Behavioral Center • Physician Referral Service • Huntington lntercommunity Hospital -• 17772 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, California 92647 (714) 842-1473 Providing the Orange Coast area with quality heal~h care services since 1967 University of California, Irvine Lohman & Bar klay, Zany KFI comedians October 9 John Houseman -Actor, Director, Producer 0 Perspectives -The Sta te of the Arts" October 19 Carlos Montoya, fl amenco guitarist October 22 Les Ballets Trockadero de. Monte Carlo All ma le satirical ballet company! November 2 1 Interested? Are you' on our ma iling list? For information, call UCI Arts & Lectures, (714) 833-6379, or write to: UC Irvine Arts &. Lectures 148 i\dministration Irvine, Ca 9271 7 . ,.. ------------ .. ~---------- "'*°by Debot8ft Wedller 530 MOUNTAIN -This grandiose house was originally the home of Hollywood film star Polly Moran, who was one of many stars that chose Laguna for her home. . . ..... ................. 500 OAK -~ Tudor influenced home was built and designed by the woodworking artist Carl Able. It is just one of many of the homes on the tour that took advantage of the natural terrain -in this case ~uilding across a gully. Laguna only artists? See the home tour By JANINE FIDDELKE ~ Section• Edtlor When the lights start to dim and the host and hostess stir their guests toward the door. it's a nagging reminder that the party LS indeed, over. It's the same in Laguna Beach. ln two weeks when the festivals greet their last guest and the fina1 curtain falls on the Pageant of the Masters it will seem to some & if the party is over. Summer fun is ove r and Laguna Beach will return to a sleepy art colony. But residents of Laguna know that this is quite the contrary. Without the pulse of the tourists, it's time now to sit back and enjoy the homey qualities of Laguna.j... One of· the unique feKures of Laguna is the distinctive architecture of 90me of its dwellings. Heritage Orange County, Inc .. during a yearlong Laguna Beach Historic Survey, produce d a brochure listing the cottages and bungalows of Laguna Beach. The brochure lists more than 60 houses that tourists and residents can view in the area. · To give you a t.aate of this unique tour we have put together a walking tour of five cottages in South ~~uthem portion of Laguna Beach is most of what waa originally known as Arch Beach. Although it was first subdivided for use as farmland in 1887, it was not until -1915 when Laguna Beach became attractive as an art colony that construction took place. Through the 20.. Arch Beach saw the building of many suml":'ler .cottages, artists' SJUdio homes, and dream houaes, all' of which .et the character for future development in the neighborhood. Because there was no governing body until the incorporation of the city in 1927, construction proceeded unrestricted. Thia produ ced individuality in the neighborhood, wh.ich was reflected ln the design and oonstruct1on of the homes. Meire lmpor1ant almost than the hOU8eS themeelve. is the aetting. The terrain in this area is characteristic of gentle sloping stream beds, hills. canyon walls and gulleys. Homes in this area adapted to their terrain. Some are recewd along a canyon wall; aome sit high on an elevated lot; eome even straddle a gully. Gardena and much yard apace surround most Qf the horna. The rolling ~rrain and accompanying landlcallina la enhanced by ln.fonnal streeta -ana the lack of curbe and l\lttel'a. The five bomM featured here are only a aamplina of t.bo9e that are listed in the brochure. , 1. Hi Le•._,., Lue -Here alone one of 1-cuna'• IDOlt hldden atreeu lie Mveral amall En1U.h tnfluenced co~. Thia one waa .ari11Mll7 owned by !IMC and Bettie ,.,..., f'rUM Wal an a.rt.lat, poet and ctr.matilt IDClllt known for Im play "ltltabi MmlcfD" which a.. wrote md produoMI In 1121 '° ..... mane)' ID bUild the MW art pllm'y. The ...._WM built ID ltfl. %. 500 Oak -This Tudor influenced home is noted for the way in which the house and garage are connected by a covered bridge straddling a gully. The house was designed and 1'uilt by Carl Able, a local woodworker and craftsman. Upon coming to Laguna from Denmark, he engaged in the skiU he knew best', woodworking, in the field that was most lucrative at the rune, house building. This home was built in 1939. 3. 57 l Brooks -This Tudor influenced bungalow is like many of the free styled designs that were built as vacation homes originally. Mr. J .W . Bowman of Victoria, British Columbia owned this as his season home during the 40s. The house embodies the kind of charm which contributes so greatly to the village quality o,t.Laguna. The home was built in 1938. 4. 315 Moantaln -This finely crafted house derives its imaginative appearance from its original owner, Durlin Brayton, artist and potter. Mr. Brayton established the first and leading pottery factory in Laguna during the 20s and his outstanding works were sold internationally. Known as Braytons Laguna Pottery, the factory and showroom were in the building where Dixie Hall's Art store is today. The home was built in 1939. S. 530 Mountain -This grand house was originally the home of Hollywood film star Polly Moran. As an American vaudeville comedienne, Ms. Moran was one of several who came to Laguna during the course of shooting a film and decided to live here . Her notable films are Hollywood Revue (1929), Alice in Wonderland (1933) and Adam's Rib (1949). The Historic Survey waa conducted b~e En¥1ronmental C.O.Ution of County through a pant provtd by the Herti.ae Conaervatlon and Recreation Service, Depu'tmmt of the Interior. Sketch•• and blocrapblcal lnformatlon...wed ~ ol Hert .... Oranae OJuftt)', Inc. J'or ciop.. of the &-ocbure CIOl'l'-d the City of Laauna Beach Plannm1 Dlplrtmmt. - HEIL AYE. ..: ... • ..: • • ~ ~ 1-..: 6 g • Ill SLATER 1 First School 2 Escalante Circus J Blacksmith Shop TAL.8ERT 1 18 4 Post Office 8 3 15 2 12 S Slauahter House 1 ~ 6 Colonia Juarez 10 4 7 Helm Tract ... 8 The Bluff -1 i ELLIS 9 Wardlow Home I 11 13 10 Talbert Home § ~! 11 Hoffman Home 12 Nimocks Home ; i I 13 Tamura Home 14 Ishii Home l S Country Store 16 Section Houses 17 Callens Home 18 Talbert Orainace OlStrict 19 Gisler Home Upcoming tours prove Irvine has a place in O.C. history The city of Irvine has emerged over the put decade and a half as the paragon of modem communities. A rolling landscape speckled with villages, parka, a university and other cultural institutions form one of Southern California'• moat successful planned oommunities. All of th.is ia a result of n\id-19608 development, right? wen. not quite. In truth, Irvine's growth baa lta roots in a "planned ~unity" that sprang from the dusty plains north of the Saddleback Valley at the tum of the century. The center of that early settlement ia off the beaten path at the intersection of Sand Canyon Road and Burt Lane. But a visit to the location ia like a trip into hi.atory, to the times when country stores thrived and the black.smith labored end.leMly in dark quarters. To acquaint residents with a bit of the area's history, the [rvine Historical Society will conduct toun of the district Aug. 22 from 3 to 5 p.m . Tours will begin at Irvine Country Store, 14951 Sand Canyon Ave. Guides will take visitors on a walking tour of the old town center. Society President Judy Liebeck says tour coordinators will be serving "cookies, lemonade and history." A large helping of the latter is in store. Irvine Country Store, which still does business and houses one of the county's oldest post offices, was constructed in 1912. In an adjacent lot, the concrete foundation for Irvine's fint barley warehouae (circa 1909) is atill visible where it fronta the Santa Fe Railroad tracks. which themeelvee were laid in 1887. constructed juat nor th of the warehouse beside a sign labeled "Irvine." The station wu not U8ed after 1947 and was tom down in 1965 despite conditions in ita deed stipulating that it remain standing even if unwied. Visitors today will tee only a sign reading "Valencia" where the station once wu. Behind all this dtt.velopment, of oourae, was a member of the Irvine family. The member responsible for (See IRVINE a Pace H ) City has pre-1900 origins Historical society marks Valley landmarks Fountain Valley is rich in history. Unfortunately, the course of progress has taken its toll on the community's historical sites, most of them having been razed in mid-60s development. A consCientious historical i>OCiety, however, has ,marked many of the s i tes with special plaques that conunemorate early structures that once stood alone in the valley. They follow, as described in the Fountain Valley Historical Society's guide to the·city's hist.on~ sites. (1) First School -Around the turn of the century, a school was star ted with one teache r and a handful of children. In 1913, there were a principal, two teachers and 45 pupi.b. The continued growth called for a new building in 1920 and a new set of classrooms behind it in 1921. A 1922 building was vacated whe n the present school was completed. (2) Escalante Circus - Beginnning in the mid-1920s, "El Circo Eecalante'' began to visit this area. The Spanish-speaking circus troupe was headed by the F.ecalante family and traveled in the United States, Mexico and Europe. A.nn~y, a large tent. visible from quite a distance, was erected about 300 feet east of the intersection of Talbert Avenue and Bushard Street. (3) Bladmnitb Shop -In 1893, Arthur F . S wift b ought t h is ~and built a bladnmith ahop wi the help of Japanae laboren. Beal~ there Wal no local IOW'Ce, lumber had to be hauled in a wagon to conatruct the buUd lna . Mate Smith. a farrier, rented • apace in the rear of the building where he shoed horses. T he front of the bulld ina was u sed aa a general blacUmlthinc area -iron and wood construction and repair of wagons and farm equipmenL (4) Poet Office -Before the days of Rural F ree Deliver y (RFD), distributing mail to small communities and individual farmers wu beset with problems. Bandits roving in the Gospel Swamp tules constantly robbed and murdered those who carried the mail from Santa Ana to outlying communities. Because of trua, the Santa Ana Post Office refused to deliver the mail. However, a frail-looking woman, Mary Swift, applied for the job ,of picking up the mail at the settlement oC Bolsa (now the intersection of B olsa and Brookhurst). Despite the objections of the Santa Ana Postmaster, she got the hazardous task when she declared, "I have the Lord in heaven and a cat-o'nine-tails in my hand." (5) Slaughter House -A native of France, August L . Martel visited this area in 1899 ·and purchased 10 acres of land from Bruce Wardlow. He then returned to Bakersfield, where he worked as a hotel chef and later a restaurant owner. In 1907, he moved to Fountain Valley and started the Talbert Meat Company. Beside his home, he built ba.ma, stock pens and p!.anted a fruit orchard. He built a store where he sold meat and fresh groceries. He employed three men to help him butcher and dress cattle, hogs, sheep, calves and lamb. (6) Colonia Juarez -In 1923, Mrs. Aahby Turner an d Josephine M. 1\uner subdivided a 40-acre parcel l«ated on the IOUt.hwest corner of Warner A venue and Ward Street. T h e T urners, w it h t h e aid of Salomon Gonzales and his wife Eva, dedicated four atreeta with Mexican names and called the settlement Colonia J u ares in honor of the Mexican hero, Benito Juarez. T he Colonia was a complete community with atol'8, recreation facWt1'8 and churches. The Holy Family Miasion atW exists on this alte. Transportation in the early days was by hone ~ buan. bicycle or the "red ca.ra"'t>f the Pacific Electric. (See FOUNTAIN a pa1e U) D u ring World W ar I , the warehou.ee wu destroyed by a fire IO fierce that f1ame9 ICOl'Ched the eouth -facing aide of the coun!rY st.ore more than 100 feet away. Thi warehome w• ..,,... ~ A f lrst-clau train 1tatlon wu OLD 1DIB Pl.A VOil -:-The Irvtne Country St.ore ii the cen~ potnt of the wt Irvine hl9tmteal tour. t I I COSTA MESA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ••• a Dynamic Full Service Acute Health Care Center a .but Small Enough for Personal Concern Patient is Brought to Emergency Room . . . INDIVIDUAL PATIENT CARE Alcohol Recovery Service • 99-BED HOSPITAL WITH COMPLETE ANCILLARY SUPPORT 24-HOUR EMERGENCY FACILITY Paramedic Receiving Station Special Personal Attention to Patients ... i ~-~~~-'--·--·_J 301 Victoria St. Costa Mesa First Hour Emergency Heart Care Award . . . (714) 642-2734 Fully Accredited by the Joint Commission .on AccreditatiOn of Hospitals ---~ .. d~~; f"oonit •• ~tm~A Supplement T~ ottt9 ·~8f ~~FfiW°~,,:cJ~tu~t 1l~~1 ...:_ ~ ' I OLD FOUNTAIN VALLEY Horse· drawn carriages and early automobiles were.,_the norm on Bushard Street in the town o f Talbert (Fountain Valley) shortly after the turn of the century. A barber shop and other stores are on the left in this view north. Fountain Valley rich in history from page 11 (7) Helm T ract During the first two decades of the 20th centurb", Sam Talbert raised celery and sugar beets on thlS land . About 1920, Ed Helm bought 80 acres from Talbert and built a home on Talbert Avenue on the southwest corne r of Third Street. In 1923, with the he lp of his daughter, Blanche. who drove the tractor , h e laid out streets on 60 acres. F irs t, Second, Third a nd Fourth Str eets r an south fro m Talbert Avenue. On e cross street, He lm Avenue , was laid out from Cannery Street (now Magnolia) east for a quarter mile. There were 192 lots averaging 6,500 square feet. (8) The Bluff -Rock Courreges arrived in this area in 1878 to raise sheep because of his Basque heritage and, beca use the bluff area was good s heep country. He stayed in the sheep business for 21 years and later bought 80 acres from the Stearns Company and did some Carmin~. (9) Wardlo w H ome -The Wardlow home was built in 1881 by R. B. Wardlow. It took hundreds of wagon loads of dirt to level a nd stabi lize the une ve n , s wampy ground. While Wardlow carefully constructed the home trom redwOOd, his wife, Martha , gathered and p lante d a large variety of orna m e ntal trees, shrubs and flowers. The h o m e re mained in the WardJow family until 1963 when it was demolished to make way for tract housing. A large number of the ornamental trees were preserved and can be seen around the present homes on or near Bushard Street. (10) T albert Home -Sam and Hattie T albert arrived in this area in 1896 and built a home. The first problem they faced was the 1098 of their cattle becau.e of stagnant water and wild feed. To softe this problem, Sam organized a drainage district and se rved as its first president, manager and gang foreman. Despite wide disbelief that Gospel Swamp could be drained and come under culUvatJon. he accomplished lt. Talbert also organised the Ne wbe rt Pro t ection Distric t , purchased the land for a river bed and built levees to contain the Santa Ana River during the spring runoff. This caused land values to skyrocket from an average of $10 to $500 per acre. (1 1) Hoffman House -Around 1910, Mary HoHman purchased 20 acres on the southwest corner of Slater and Ward Streets and built a home there. Her son, Ed, and his wife, Elsa, later o pened the home as a meeting place for the planning of a new city, Fountain Valley. The newborn city had to fonn, meet and conduct business, so Elsa, the first city clerk, used her home to conduct city business until the first city hall was occupied in 1962. (12) Nimock s Home -Mrs . Martha A . Nimocks, a successful busines swoman and n a tive of Wisconsin, built a large home on the southwest comer of Talbert A venue and Wright Street (now Brookhurst) in 1904. (13) Tamura Home -HiAamatsu and Sue Tamura were married in 1906 and began farming in 1909 near the present intersection of Hamilton and Bushard. Here he raised sugar beets. Less than 10 years later, the Tamura family moved north a nd began raising vegetables. This home was located on the east s ide of Wright Street, midway between Ellis and Garfield Avenues. (14) Ishii Home -Kyutara Ishii first arrived in F o untain Va lley a bout 1905. Afte r returning from Japan in 1913 with his bride, Sara, he established a new home on the west side of Bushard Street, about midway be1ween Wlntersburg Avenue (now Warner) and Slater Avenue. (15) Country Store -In 1897, John Corbett built the first general merchandise store. Until that time most families traveled by horae and wagon to Santa Ana for food and other supplies. (16) Section Houaes -After the completion of the railroad line from Santa Ana Rive r to Huntington Beach, the Pacific Electric built houael for the famillea of the track maintenance worken. (See VALLEY oa pa1e 11) -•. . 1 . I t JI-~. ALLIED LIGHTING We Are Southern California's Most Complete Selection of lighting At Competitive Prices. * Over 50 Major &ands * Complete S.lection of Of Lighting In Stodc Ceiling Fon1 (frH inlfallation) anl outcJ°"! lighting. * Over 20 year• serving Southern California'$ Lighting ne•di. COMI IN AND IROWSll You won't beUovo our M!.ction, you'll love our P'i<••· • 222 Viettda It., Ct1t1 •111 (.cro. from NW"Mryland N unery) 646-3737/641-8194 I·~!~. '". -i : . . I . I I I I - 1• -Wednesday, August 18, 1982 111,~ra d{J"~ Crcariw JcwdL·r-.. Inc. . ··~M/ii~ ~OA'/1" ~. d;;I' $vrrlly /" COMME JfWB.aY SBvte¥ •0£SIGNING•R( ... 0UNflNC•RCPA~N(l -CV.,10"' MANUfACIUl'llNG •04AMQNOS•PlARLSoGEMSIQN£S Have Award Winning Jewelry Designer 'lf,,1.,,., /(j.rJ.,.. create a deSJgn to reflect your taste and lifestyle! ~=- (714) 760-6766 2610 t:.~1 Pu1lir ( o••I ll111h .. a) Corona drl \t.,. (. \ G .. ,, ......... t•I .,. An•.,.,. from .!'-lknrruin f ound•tt•1n <fudf'n~ ~--:A•.( I can capture today for all the tom orrows to come but yesterdays are gone forever. Take advantage of our FREE offer of an environment al sitting worth $50 with each purchase of 1-8x 10 color print. Call JAi PARSOI PHOTOGRAPHY 1666 Old Newport Blvd., Cotta M ffCI 548-9550 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • IODY HEAT • CAT PEOPLE • EXCALIBUR • IUDDY BUDDY • ARTHUR • THE BORDIR '-----··----- UNDAY Irvine Historical Tour East Irvine 3-5 p.m. 833-3697 Character Boat Parade Newport Harbor 2 p .m. Brig Piigrim Tour Dana Point "Gun Show " O .C. fairgrounds 5 Irvine Symphony Chamber Music Newport Harbor Art Museum Up w ith People Concert 8 p.m. Orange Coast Coll~e - ONDAY 23 "Moving Images" through Sept. 7 Newport Harbor Art Museum 6 Up w ith People Concert 8 p .m. Orange Coast College V isit Sherman Library and Gardens Corona del Mar tor hours 673-2261 UESDAY "The Horse" brush and ink drawing by Tyrus W ong is part of the "Southern California Drawings before 1950" exhibition showing at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art until September I 6 "The David Amrco Sonatas" through Sept. 5 Newport Harbor Art Museum "Alan Saret. From Matter to Aether" through Sept. 5 Newport Harbor Art Museum 31 "American Drawing" lecture 8 p .m. Laguna BNch Art Museum 494-6531 EDNE! Only IO days left advantage of surT act1v1t1es in Lagu1 "Animated Films F1sch1nger" 8 p .m Laguna Beach M Art 494-6531 "Nineteenth Cen Drawing" lecture 9 30-I I 30 a.m. Laguna Beach M Art 494-6531 1 susan sptritus g makes move to space 8 Old Home Restoration Wor 7-10 p.m. 835-7287 15 Old Home Resto Workshop 7-10 p.m. 835-7287 "Games Peopl~ Current section DAY to take ertime a Beach y Oskar eum of ry eum of lery. inc. ther hop ttlon ay" Jbllshes HURSDAY "Contemporary California Artists VII" through Sept. 9 Laguna Beach Museum of Art 26 Farmer's M arket 0 .C. fairgrounds 2 Farmer's Market O.C. fairgrounds 9 Farmer's Market C>.C. fairgrounds Brig Pilgrim Tour Dana Point 12-4 p.m. 496-2274 "Southern ~alitornia Drawings before 1950" through Sept. 16 Laguna Beach Museum of Art 3 10 Take the kids to Movleland of the Air Museum Open everyday 10-5 545-11 93 ATURDAY Brig Pilgnm Tour Dana Point 12-4 p.m. 496-2274 West Coast Promotions "Gun Show " Bu1ld1ng 10 O.C. fairgrounds 11 South Coast Repertory Theater Gala Opening "La Dolce Vita" For calendar lfstlng send your press release and photos to Janine Fiddelke. Dally Piiot Speclal Sections Editor, 330 W . Bay Street, Costa Mesa, 92626. I I Wednesday, August 18, 1982 -15- E•• •• a.,... SALE AU.SUMMl•n .. a 50%oFF CM .. All> Sil otll FAU BACK· TO·SCHOOL mww SWAN POOLS ~£Of IH( WOfllOS UlflG£ST P()Ot ~lDCRS fH~•llOl. Of SOUTHfRN C•llfORNI• r•1.111.1r s H•vc f N ovro SWAN POOlS SINCE 19~ WE SPECIALIZE IN THE FOLLOWING: * FREE CUSTOM DESIGNS * SOLAR HEATING & INSTALLATION * THERAPEUTIC SPAS * ROCKSCAPE POOLS * FENCING & PATIO COVERS 100\ Poof FNnmc Aulable OAC ~To 15 Yrs. NO DOWft PAYIEfT -NO l'ttEPAYIEfT POW.TIS 2140 South Ritchey, Santa Ana 24S 12 •kl9er Road, CAU NOW ,Oii RIU lllTWATE 957-8641 El TOfo L.,_ u 21ou 169-8411 OBIE NEWPORT SAILllOMO RENTALS LESSONS SALES RENTALS $7.50 hr. $35 day PRIVATE LESSONS $35 tw. I -lncblnc Board GRW-LESSONS Also AveJlable CaJI For Reservations H08l CATS · 14 -16 -11 On S• Now ~:: = 'tl'· (714 )645-2062 . - )~-------=--::-==~-------------~~~--=~~-=---==--=========-==:;.~~----------~~~~ r . --- - -- -,&--~~~A Supplement '°"~}ft,. '•lit ~l&r~·.,~~lo-Wl0 • ~~~x~~( it:·;~ By J UDITH G. RHOADES. Copier ..... ..,,. Q. I am a single woman in my 30s. I have been attracted to country living after spending several weeks with relatives on a farm. I don't mind rigorous schedules. I am considering pulling up stakes where I am and buying a small farm. I'm not, however, going to do it without some extensive study fist. Do you know of any publications that will answer questions as to whether I'm not going off the deep end in wantir.g to change my lifestyle? A. The government puts out a small pamphlet entitled "Should You Try Farming?" Fact Sheet AFS-1-1-2. It's free. about four pages and discusses personal. financial and management questions regarding farming. To order. write the distribution c e nter. GPA Departme nt o f Agric ulture , Washington. D.C. 20250. Q . What is your advice about buying a house a t the present time? A. The price of houses seems to be constantly on the nse. But with so many financing methods, the loan indus try is making home buying more inviting. What you need to guard against is entering into a financing agreement with payments you cannot afford. For example, one of the financing me thods implements a balloon pa y m e nt -lower monthly payments with a large payment when the loan becomes due. Many people use this type of financing because they are unable to come up with alternative financing. Many times they cannot pay the balloon payment when it's due. This has been the cause of many recent home foreclosures, and also the cause of people having to seek the protection of the federal government in bankruptcy proceedings. So, be careful. Q . I'm one of those who was fortunate enough to obtain a student loa n for graduate school. Unfortunately, the job market has not been kind to me, and with a Valley • • • from page 13 (17) Callel'\8 Home -Gene and Vtrginia Callens, natives of Belgium and France, bought 60 acrea in Fountain Valley and developed it for farming. Gene built a fiome of redwood in 1911, which still at.ands at 9736 E11ia A~. (18) Talbert Drainage District - One of the foremo.t organizers in draining the flood plains of Fountain Valley waa Sam Talbert. In 1903, the Talbert Drainage District WH organW!d and $24,000 in bonda were voted for dra1ning the 15,000 llCftf In the dlat.rict. (19) Gisler Home -Robert and Anna Gialer, a young couple from Swiuerland, arrtved in Fountain Valley ln Oc1ober 1903 and star~ a ==on~ first 80 aaw they family to support, I can't make ends meet or pay back my loan. The assistance and pro tection of the federal· bankruptcy court. You might al.so be interested to know that the government 1s consolidating a nd r e fi na ncing government-backed and subsidized loans. Borrowers will be allowed to stretch out payments and reduce their monthJy outlay. The interest rate will be higher, but borrowers will have as long as 20 years to pay back loans. payments aren't that large. but with everything else, I feel like I'm drowning. Any suggestions? A. Well. I know you're not alone in your dile mma, a lthough that probably isn't the type of comfort you're seeking. If you are having that many financial problems. you may want to seek the advice of an attorney who specializes in debtor -------- problems. Some type of repayment can be devised for you through the * Judith Rhoades Is a freelancer who bas spent l S years lo tbe securities industry. If you have any que s tions regarding finance, securities or the stock market, you may adress tbem to her at 1447 Oak, Napa, CA 94558. Enclose a self- addressed, stamped envelope if you wish personal r eply. By PATRICK DENTON C°"'9Y ..... a.Moe Now that the garden is in full swing, it's a good time to survey your homesrown goodies with a view to seeking potential presents that can be prepared now for later presentation. How many holiday seasons have rolled around to find us without those small jars of canned bemes in honey syrup and small pots of jam for an elderly aunt who lives alone in an apartment? And how many years have we let those fresh herbs slip by uncut in their prime for a packet of home-dried herbal tea for a special holiday or birthday gift? appealing as a present. Keep the stems and tie them together in little bundles with a burnable tie and you have the perfect gift for the fireplace aficionado. These herb bundles, when tossed on a low-burning fire, will scent the room most pleasantly. To make your gift of dried herbs especially meaningful, try to gear it to the tastes of the receiver. For example, if the person is a vegetarian or vegetable lover, dried marjoram would be suitable. since this herb enhances all vegetable dishes. has manv uses, from that of enhancing teas and lamb dishes to throwing on the floor just before vacuuming. Small jars of herb vinegar are easy to prepare and make interesting gifts. The most visually attractive vinegar is made from the purple basil called Dark Opal. Just put a packed cup of the purple leaves into a glass quart .jar and add white vinegar. Put plastic wrap over the mouth of the jar, screw on a lid lightly and keep on the kitchen counter or in a cupboard. When the oolor has gone into the vinegar, in about three weeks, use a strainer and funnel to pour the basil vfuegar into &nail, decorative jars. Herb vinegars can be made in the same way with tar ragon. garlic, shallot, thyme and dill. Sachets for friends and relatives who enjoy scented rooms and closets can be fiUed with rose petals, sweet marjoram leaves. lavender Clowers and clove-scented pinks. Add a clove or two and perhaps a p iece of cinnan1on and tie it into a bag to be sewn into a pillow, or simply to be hung m a room or closet Little jars of dried herbs from the garden make pleasing. homey gifts. Herb leaves can be dried in a number of easy ways -on a cookie sheet in a 200-degree oven with the door kept slightly open; on a wire rack or tied in small bunches and hung upside down in a dry, dim, airy place. The herbs are ready to store when the leaves are crinkly- Rosemary or sage would be ideal for big poultry consumers. but don't combine these two strong h erbs: they tend to fight each other If you're feeling adventurous, combine several herbs like basil, oregano and thyme for your own version of Italian seasoning. Parsley and chive would b e a great combination for egg dishes. For a traditional fine herbs mixture. combine c hervil, chives and marjoram -a blend popular with lovers of omelets and French cooking. Tours of Orange County's historical homes available dry. The leaves are then stripped from the stems and stored in air-tight containers in a dark, dry place. At our place, we hoard little jars of all sorts for gift herbs. With a bright r ibbon around the lid and a decorative label, the little jar is quite Dill is a nice change from parsley on new potatoes an<t makes a wonderful addition to cream sauces for vegetables. And mint, of COUJ'9e, from page 9 Tuesday to Friday. noon to J p.m . weekends. For free group tours. call 493-8444. Westminster: McCoy-Ha re House. 14491 Beach Blvd .. built 1873-74 . Open by appointment by calJing 855-0550. Free. E l Toro: Ser rano Adobe, Heritage Hill Park, 25151 Serrano Road, with three other historical buildings. Abode built in 1856. Open daily 8 LLOl'D•s garden shop a.m. to 5 p.m . Tours can be arranged by calling 855-2028. No charge. Other historical houses in Orange County have been restored for commercial use, and older train depots, r eal estate offices and storefronts have been renovated as~ museums as well. More information on these can be obtained from a local historical society or the Oran g e County Historical Commission at 834-4741. ·Mums 4" LLOYD'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO., INC. Reg. $1.25 2028 Newport Blvd. (at Bay St.) Costa Mesa, CA 92627 I (714) 646-7441 IMPATIENS 1 Gal. Size ldeol for shod• .,_gardens In Bloom •09· $3.! 198 KEUOGG'S GROM ULCH Outdoor Planllng Mix Ready to UM lor trees, shrubs. roses, etc. Excellent for Bare Root Roees 2oLff, $349 .. ,. ...... . OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7--t SUN.M ' Pony Pak1 GERBER IMPATIENS DAISY In Bloom 1 Gal. ~eg. $1.09 69~ $4.50~2 98 Available in three 1ize-s 8.8 lb1., 22 lbs., & 44 lbs . OFFER EXPIRES 8/HI~ .... 111.11 • NUASl!RY •PATIO FURNITUR! •LANDSCAPING • MAINTENANC& •PEST 00..TROL We Oelfv9r Begonia Richmondenaia BISIET '$1298 EJ 1 ! -4 • . Adventure Treasures • In Your Ovt1n · Hon1e Port BOATING • WHARF~ BEACH PICNIC PARKS ~ RESTAURANTS • SPORTFISHING ~ SCENERY LODGING SPECIAL TY SHOPS w1r.,.. Son Diego FrHwoy MHts The S.O FOR FUN PACKET AND MAP, WllTE: HARBOR, Box 546, Dana Point, CA. 92629 CARPET BAU WllDDW I FLDll FISllDIS ' FROM CARPET BARN'S EXOTING WORLD OF DECORATING IDEAS AND DESIGNS GIVE YOUR HOME A NEW LOOK! WITH DRAPERIES ANO CARPETS FROM UPRIGHT STUDIOS . . . The look of i.otury, today'• co4ora and atytea superbly adapted by our dealgnera SA VE 20°/o to 40°/o on custom Window Treatments MINI BLINDS and WOVEN WOODS Chooee your dr•pet"lea In the comfort of your home. Let ua help you Mlect from thouaanda of yarda of exquisite hl-atyted decorator fab(lc., such u luxurloua antique 18tlna, multl-colored bouclel, aoft sheers, lmpor1ed damuka and award winning prlnt1. Delivery In , ·r-·i ~r.ti1.mn 7 Days ,, PoMlble becauM all Ule labrlcl are In atoek and we operate our own cu1tom work1hop giving you faater, more efficient Mrvlce. Rely on Upright for la ah Iona bl e atyll no. ex pert workmanlhlp, the ftneat hardWare end lnstallatlon. 1B12 Newport alvd. Co•ta Mela 142-1411. ,,,_,,,, CARPET $4.99 SQ. YD. and up ...... .., ......... WARM WOOD -The combination living room/dining room in our choice for Home of the Month ia paneled with knotty pine and features hardwood floor, high beam ceilings and built-in bookcases. · ADULT STUDENTS u\gh schooY '(our n . " O\p\oma \S wait\ng for you\ .. l I I • ' ~ • • ~ In keeping with the flavor of Discover Your Neighborhood, this month's Home of the Month has a touch of history. This exclusive bayfront home on Bay Avenue in Newport Beach was one of the first homes built in the housing tract in the early 30s. The home, bwlt for Mr. & Mrs. George Hall, saw a lot of faces and action in those early Newport days. A famous foursome at the home were Hoo k Beardsley, Barney Lehman, Humphrey Bogart and George Hall Jr. Hook was an international Star boat sailor and liogart (.l:k>gie) was, well, that famous movie star. The younger Hall was an avid Star boat sailor also. In the 30s and 40s the only crane to take these boats in and out of the water was at the old "South Coast Company," owned by Walton Hubbard, another Star Boat· sailor. Hall put in his own miniature rail car and tracks so he could haul his boat out of the water without having to go to Sou th Coast. Other international Star boat sailors at the Halls were Bill Baxter, Darby Metcalf, Walton Hubbard and Bill Ficker. This five-bedroom, two -story home features Spanish architecture with white adobe, red tile roof and patios. The home is warm and liveable w ith a clean functional design. A 8U881DIARY OF Positioned on the Balboa Penninsula, across from the tip of Lid_o Island and the main turning basin, the home is an ideal location .for all bay activity !ncluding the character boat and Christmas parade. The hvmg room/dining room has knotty pine paneling, a fireplace, hardwood floors and high-beam ceilings. The kitchen and baths have all beert modernized and updated . But anyone who lives by the bay knows that the real living is done outside. A breakfast nook on the back patio is ideal for outside dining. A full scale paddle tennis court is also located on the property. The features don't stop there, though, its sandy beach -a rarity (See HOME on page ZO) SECLUDED BACKYARD -Because our Home of the Month was built on two lots there is plenty of room to spreadout. The backyard includes a paddle ,...._...,LM,..,_ tennis court, breakfast patio and private dock. The property is lined with eucalyptus trees and features a tile deck that leads to a sandy beach. OUR ORANGE COUNTY NEIGHBORS ARE GETTING PROTECTED AND SAVING •100 Great Western. Alarm is making this offer available to all Orange County Residents. Protect your family and home against BURGLARY -FIRE - MEDICAL EMERGENCIES. • Ask about our new new condo -apartment - small home package. • To find out more about our •100 saving offer TIMES MIRROR 5 Mason Irvine, Ca. 92714 and for a free personalized hom'3 security survey please call 951-0831. Sl!CURl'TY COMMUNICATIONS (714] 951-0831 CONT RAC JOAS llC NO .32:?9~3 ALARM UC NO LA00045 - -- r ~nerman uaraens matures Into vibrant center Stepping inside Sherman Library and Gardena recal.la Alice's journey through the looking glaas -from the hustle and bustle of the Coast Highway visitors walk into what appean to be another world, a quiet, colorful collage of sw eet-smelling flowers and foliage. · Sherman Library and Gardens at 2647 F.ast Coast Highway, C.orona del Mar, began in 1966. SI.nee that time it ha.a indeed matured, now taking up an entire city block. It has grown into an important community cultural and educa~nal center. It is named in honor of Moees H. Sherman, (1853-1932), educator and California pioneer, whose heirs supplied the funds to develop the center. It Is designated as a publicly- supported charity, making use of a "Friends" program. . The library, which grew from a lrvlne has history off beaten path from page 11 the town's early growth, according to Ms. Liebeck, was James Irvine Jr. Irvine apparenUy had a special love for trees of all kinds. The fruit of his special taste is witnessed today in the rows of oak and eucalyptus trees lining major roads in rural Irvine. · Pepper trees provide shade for a California bungalow-style home built acroes the railroad tracks from the warehouse for James Irvine m . But Ms. Liebeck says the }'Oung Irvine's tas tes were a oat too cosmopolitan for life in rural Irvine. The house eventually served as home to warehouse managers. Across Sand Canyon Avenue stand the most formidable of the tour buildings -the grain warehouses. When the oldest structures were built in the late 1800s, they served the tenant fanners on the 110,000-acre Irvine Ranch as prooesaing plants for their crops of beans and barley. Of the three still standing, only the eouthemmost dates to the 1800s. Next to the warehouses sit several early houses and a blacksmith shop with traditional Calse front in the Western fashion. The shop now serves as a mechanic's garage. Behind the Irvine C.ountry Store the visitor will find the Irvine Hotel. Now defunct, the hotel was built in 1912. It's a two-story redwood structure that at one lime housed ranch hands . In 1922 it was converted to apartments. Any questions regarding the tours should be directed to Ms. Liebeck at 833-3697. HOME ... from page It on most bay front homes -la ideal for swimming and sunnln~: private dock ia equipped to l h e mooring of moat 1ea going vemela much u it wu in its Star boeting days. Today the home i• owned by Geor1e Hall Jr. He and hla son Georp Hall m are ICulpton and ebare the home. Katherine Hall, the ctaupter, II a retired attorney who llvea in Pasadena and frequently come1 down to pt away from the 11•mmer hMt. . The home II lilted with Marcia Bente a t Coldwell Ba nker in Na w port Bleich. two-room adobe hut constructed as a residence in 1940, ia a specialized research center devoted to the study of the Pacific Southwest, particularly to the changes of the past one hundred years that have ao thoroughly transformed the r~gion. The garden's botanical collections span the globe in their geographical origins -ranging from desert c.acti to exotic vegetation of tropical climates. Plants are displayed in a setting fHled with fountains, aculptures and an abundance of seasonal flowers. They offer a chance to study or simply admire. The gardens are paradiae on earth for avid gardeners and horticulturists. Highlights of the garden include a cactus and succulent area, large display shade gardeh, an outdoor tea garden. a central garden with large flower beds, a roee garden and a tropical conservatory, which even has a pond teeming with colorful koi. The library is small but comfortable. Its particular field of interest appeala to graduate students · and grade achool students alike. A garden shop ls open during regular hours. Special tours are offered of the gardens, plua special . tours are available for elementary school children. The center is well suited for a day of relaxation, but it also offers numerous educational and cultural activities. The educational programs include cl.asaes and lectures covering a diversity of subjects from practical gardening to local hiatory. Toun of the Library and Gardens are available and regularly given to students and organizations such as garden and book clubs, historical societies, senior-citizen groups and professional organi:zations. For more information, ca ll 673-2261. FIN LAN DIA NOW OPEN IN COST A MESA I fl ff• COME JOIN OUR WINE & CHEESE GRAND OPENING PARTY AT OUR COSTA MESA STORE SUNDAY, AUG . .22. ott WALL UNIT . SALE . . ENDS AUGUST 22 YOU CHOOSE THE COMBINATION OF COMPONENTS THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS. FINLANiJIA FU R N I TURI. INC. COSTA MESA 1827 NEWPORT BLVD. ORANGE 407 N. ANAHEIM BLVD. SANTA MONICA 2903 SANTA MONICA BLVD. HRS llON.-FRL 1M : SUNDAY 12-5 (714) 142-3987 (714) 134 3147 (213) 413-3331 . -J By HOLT CONFER Cot*J .... •~ If you want to take pictures on the beach, grab a few quick shots in your hot tub or create a rumpus by sneaking a photograph or two in the shower, now there's a camera for yov. It's Minolta's Weathermatic-A. It's made of bright yellow plastic, and it's not only waterproof, but floats as well.-There's also a built-in electronic flash th.at works above water or submerged to 15 (eet. One of the most interesting asp ects of the package is the instructions. Many times the "how to's" seem to lose a great deal of clarity in the translation, but this owner 's manual is clear and precise. If you decide to buy this camera and take time to sit down with it and go through the instruction manual step by step, you'll be able to rush to the beach and make very few mistakes. The camera has been waterproofed by using an 0-ring to seal the back cover. Like any camera, water and sand on the inside are a quick way to destruction and the manual warns to be sure to clean the camera. Constant use of the camera will take the life from the 0-ring -It should be replaced after about a year. The controls are large and easy to read. Minolta has marked them with large, easy-to-read symbols. In fact, as an extra touch, the wristband is held together with a yellow plastic clip that explains the focusing symbols on one side and the flash distances on the other side -a nice touch for thoee who have difficulty remembering thoee thingl. Most of the camera is already computed for either 100 or 400 ASA film -the types you'd be most likely to use for printa. There's no dial to set for film speed; that's handled automatically when you drop in the cartridge. --- , A few cautionary notes. First, when you're using the camera, it's very easy to get fingerprints on both the glass covering the viewfinder and on the glass covering the lens o pening. Goo'd pictures are impossible under those conditions, so be careful. Underwater you have a continuous film of liquid over the lens that doesn 't inhibit picture taking. However, drops of water on the lens -as you would get taking pictures in the rain -will show up on the film. Also, processing is critical. With the small negative size, you need to havt! good processing to get good prints. The modern processing and printinft equipment makes all kinds of adJustments for over and underexposures as well as for color balance. Your results should always be good. If they aren't, get a professional opinion on the cause of the problem. COOK • • • from pa1e 8 growing preference for seafood in place_of red meats. "Two years ago people thought th.at if food didn't come from France, it was no good," he says. "Now th.at isn't so." Manginelli orders his fish from Hawaii, pheasant from Northern California, and h e picks his vegetables lrom a garden on the roof of the restaurant. The localizing trend encourages in cooking a fresher taste, Maginelli says. It's a trend that carries over to the craftamen themaelves. France no longer bas a monopoly on great chefs -America baa many. and the Orange Coast has Lou Manginelli. IT FLOATS. -Here'V'a shot of the WeethermaUc-A tn a typical environment. It takee 6 btt. of getting uaed to llnce we've all been conditioned to avoid aeU1na cameras wet.. but follow the dlrectlom and there'• "no problem." ''OUR llEW FUJI LAB IS II.OW OPEii'' We have spared no expense to bring to you the very finest In Film and Print Processing technology. FUJI The second largest manufacturer of photographic products In the world, and the largest in Japan, has created the finest film and print processing on the market today. The seven months that we have waited for delivery since fire de~troyed our lab in Dec. 1981, have been worth the wait. We are proud to have been selected by FUJI as one of the first installations in this country. Their selee'tton was based on our 16 years of quality developing and printing color film, and our being one of the first camera. stores to pioneer on location printing and processing. The continued use of our services assures you of obtaining the very highest results from your camera. Our 22 years of experience enables us to more ·fully service your needs. Other fast service companies are simply not equipped or staffed with experienced personnel that have our expertise. Try us, got a problem, ask us, but do come In and let UI show you our new equipment and other related services. --. U•tFWI FILM ----- •lllijiil:• 1--•c.-.I ' 4 l • 1 - 22 -Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT . 'Wednesday, August 18, 1982 ·Early homes retail'.1 HB's historical flavor Huntington Beach possesses several significant historical sites, many of which you can explore, others are viewable only from a distance -but full o f history nonetheless. Because of the city's size, a tour of its various points of interest might best be accomplished via automobile. Most notable of Huntington Beach historical sites is the Newland House located on the comer of Beach and Adams Avenue. It is preserved as a museum and is open to the public on the third Sunday of the month Crom noon to 4 p.m. Group tours can be schedule d by appointme nt. Call 962-5777. The Ne wland House was the first ranch house constructed in Pacific City, a tum of the century seitlemen1 occup ying abo ut one-eighth of present day Huntington Beach. It was built by William Taylor Newland in 1900. As the Newland family grew - he and his wife, Mary, had 10 children -a smaJler house was constructed behind the main house for the Newland boys to sleep in. During his years on the highway commission, Newland, together with pioneer Phil Stanton, was responsible for paving the way for extensio n of the P acific Coast Highway to Dana Point as well as cons truction of the Santa Ana Freeway. He died in his home May 19, 1933 at age 83. His wife, Mary, died 20 years later at age 93. · (See NEWLAND. OD page 24) NEWLAND HOME -Most notable of Huntington Beach historical sites is the Newland house located on the corner of Beach and Adams Avenue. The Deir .... Staff..,.... house is preserved as a museum and is open to the public Crom noon to 4 p .m . the third S unday of the month. State landmark Mesa's Estancia captures area's history Costa M esans have a living testament to their city's heritage - the Estancia. Although oth er city landmarks have fallen by the wayside as a result of development In the 60s and 70s, t h e Estancia, o r Diego Sepulveda Adobe as it is often referred to, r e mains intac t , preserved as a s tate historical landmark. Sometime after 1800, three adobe structures were built ove rlooking the bluffs a long the Santa Ana River. Most historians speculate they aerved as way stations between the Spanish missions in San Juan ................... RB1LUN1NO PIECE OF HISTORY -One piece of hiMory that iui'viwd Ule development of the 80a and 70. ta the ...... Located on 1900 Adami Street. the boUM la open for tours on weekenda. The Elltanda II the-only adobe to survive to modem Um-. It hM been restored to capture the Oavor of c.utomla'I historical periods. Capistrano and Los Angeles. The Estancia is the only adobe to survive to modern times. It has been restored to capture the flavor of California's h istoric al p eriod s. Mission, Spanish and Victorian periods are reflected in the rooms of the Estancia. 'rhe Southwest room -This is the earliest room of the adobe. It is entered by a low doorway from the m ain room . The floor of packed earth has been left as it was when the flrst bricks were laid. It has been set aside as the M ission room. The East room -Largest of the F.atancia's rooms, it is devoted to the Eatancla's S panish he ritage. The F.atancia was at its functional peak in the occupancy of Do n Diego Sepulveda, a former alcalde of the pueblo of Los Angeles. Adorning the walls ia an 1868 map of the area doeated by Title Insurance and Trust Company. The Northwest room -This room rnarka the transition from Spanish to the V ictor ian period when the F.atancla became part of a ranch house owned by Gabe Allen, a colorful Loi Angeles character '@o fought in the Mexican-American war. The Adam8 family acquired the adobe from the Allens. The .Seaentrorns bouaht it in 1940 and donated it to the city in 1963. Toun are available on weekenda and during the we~k by appointment. It la located at l~ Adami Ave. Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PiLOT 'Wednesday, August 18, 1982 -23 Semi-antique still costly By iAMES G. McCOLLAM Co,My Newa s.tvlce Dear Mr.· McCollam: My parents bought this walnut bookcase at an auction and always referred to it as an antique. Can you tell me lf it really is an antique and, if so, bow much is it worth? -N.E.D., Topeka, Kan. DEAR N.E.Q,: Your bookcase was made in fourth· quarter of the 19th century and just barely qualifies as an antique (100 years). These are extremely popular with C9llectors and would sell in the $800 to $1000 range. Dear Mr. McCollam: This marble-top stand is one of a pair. They have been in the possession of my 90-year-old aont for many years. Can you tell me bow old tbey are and tlaeir estimated value? - M.8.P., Cypress, Calif. Dear M.B.P.: These are relatively modern versions of Louis XV style. They were meant to be used as nightstan~ or end tables. They were factory-made in the early 20th century and would sell for about $150 to $250 for the pair. BOOK REVIEW: "The Living Tradition of Maria Montez:" by Susan Peterson; Kodansba International; 10 E. 53rd St.; New York, N.Y. 10022; $20.95, plus $1.SO postage or at your local bookstore. This is an articulately written, vividly illustrated book about the most famous of all American Indian potters. It is a must for all collectors who have the slightest interest in collecting the only truly American pottery ever made. Although Maria is now dead. her work is carried on by her children and grandchildren. S he has left a heritage that all red and white men can be proud of. Send your questions about antiques with picture(s), a detailed descriplion a stamped, self- addressecf envelope and $1 per item to James G. McCollam, P.O. Box 687, Donedin, F la . 33528 . All questions will be answered but published pictures cannot be returned. MISSION OAK Antique Furniture File Between 1895 and 1920, Mission Oak furniture had its peak popularity.. It was starkly simple, made of oak with a dark finish. There were about a half-dozen manufacturers, of whom Gustav Stickley was the most prominent. His furniture is also the most valuabie today. Many pieces are selling for over $10,000. This desk, if it bore his "Craftsman" label and "Als ik kan" motto, would be in that category. If it were made by any of his imitators, the value would lie in the $500 to $1,000 range. lUlW 1988 ISUZU PUP !~!!~ra. st>~ ride suspension & more! • . I 24 -Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT 1 :Wednesday, August 18, 1982 Pholocourt"J of Flr•I Am.rk:en Tiiie lnawence Co. The McFadden's Santa Ana-Newport Railroad brought scores of people to Newport Beach. The train's track extended up onto the pier. Newport Beach has 8 naulical land marks As befalls any city with a long history, Ne wport Beach is not without its share of historU;;al landmarks -it has eight of them. And as you would expect, all but one of them possesses the nautical flavor of a harbor-blessed city. They are: McFADDEN'S WHARF built in 1873 by the McFadd~n brothers to unload their lumber from San Francisco. This was the beginning of commerce into the "New Port." Tbe Wharf, located in Newport Harbor, soon proved inadequate to accommodate larger sailing vessels and McFadden's Pier was built on the ocean in 1888. Destroyed by a hurricane In 1938, the pier was rebuilt aa Newport Pier and today boasts the historical marker commemorating McFadden's Wharf. THE DORY FISHING FLEET, last on the West Coast. has remained virtu ally unc hanged since its inception in 1890. Fishermen continue to supply the open -air fish market next to Newport Pier with their daily catches. BALBOA PAVILION, perhaps Newland home From page%% Another early house waa the home of Bob Northam, a tanner who purchased a Westminster home and moved it to its present site at Main and Yorktown in 1896. In 1904 the house became the h~adquartera of the Huntington Beach Company and has been Wied to the pn!M!Dt day U the home of the company'• manaaer'll· For those Jntrigued by the glamoroua, Huntington Beach hu another ltrUC'tUN that once wu the home of llCtnlll Jean Harlow. Formerly located on top of a hill on Whitney Terrace ln Hollywood. .lt wu iemoved to make way for a tr.wqllnd ~by L.W. Dye of Hunttncton Beeeb in 1949. He mowcl It tO ha pneent lite at 1817 LM.eSt. ii Newport's most famous landmark, was built in 1905 to serve as 'the hub of the o r i ginal Balboa Land Development and the terminus for the Pacific Electric Railway. The Pavilion is styled in authentic "waterfront Victorian," ind its interior boasts an excellent pictorial history of Newport Beach. THE BALBOA ISLAND FERRY was founded in 1919 as a result of a petition signed b y the entire population of the island -all 26 of them. To this day the fleet of car ferries still transports countless autos and pedestrians across Newport Bay _ loLA ~EWPOR.T -HARBO~' -A~ Pacific Ocean between the Peninsula and Balboa Island. THE NEWPORT CANNERIES employed hundreds of workers in fish canning for shipment to distant markets when fishi.rul was a major industry in Newport Beach. While canneries no longer exist in Newport, a visit to the Cannery Restaurant affords the viewer a glimpse of much of the o riginal equipment used in fish packing. TIIE SOUTH COAST SHIPYARD BUil.DING was an important site of shipbuilding and repair during World War II, a n d it served the ·. private yachting industry, too. A plan was developed in 1973 for upgrading the area, and the result is a complex of uniquely designed and arranged businesses. THE INTERNATIONAL BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE of 1953 was held on the site of what today is Newport Center. More than 50,000 boy scouts from all over the world converged on the h istoric Irvine Ranch for the Jamboree. The dedication plaque is on Jamboree Road -named to commemorate the event -in front of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. 2 N•wpcn C.- J Mr P'oddoe ·, Wharf and OorJ P'lllilllla """' • Sooldl c-t Slupyant awldula S Newpcr1 Harllor Yatlll Ch1b I Balboa P1V11ion 7 Bolboa l1land P'erry I Balboa Island t P' ulliorl Ill and 10 Soult\ C:O.tt Vlll- 11 Sola.II COAat Plau 11 Lido Marino VW_,. " Discover Your Neighborhood/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, August 18, 1982 -25 ACROSS 29. Invite t. Kind 30. Core 4. P revaricator :n. Oklahoma 8. Encourage product 1 :!. Bovine sound 32. Designers I :t Competent 34. Stern's J 4. Metallic opposite deposit 35. Common prefix l!i. Rules 36. Pedagogue's 17. Cut of por!. group 18. Exa!>pcrates :37. Pure J!.1. Pie shell s 40. Word with "grapes" or 21. Dancer "cream" De Mille 41 . Rhythmic 23. Prompted cadence 24. Fewer 42. Of a river 25. Safeguard bank 46. Goad 47. Pitchers' stati'!!tics: abbr. 48. Antique's ''pride" 49. Droplet 50. Dash 51. At once DOWN :'\aug-hty rhild •) ('arc! s,ramt· :i Asian mink I. Paudt1ei: 5. Stotk's kin Ii. Pub <lrinh 7. Sa vcrs 8. Refer 1 tol 9. J eers 10. Prepare for publiration 1 I. "Hamil tons" 16. Angers 20. "Take five" 21. Too bad! 22. Exploit; deed 23. Jalopy: slang 8 9 10 11 •6 •9 25. Badgered :JG . Sail along 26. Ci"1c rlub 3i. J oiner's group member 38. Employ l)- -I. Competes 39. Kelp :!8. Trees 40. Box 30. Suggest 43. A Gershwin 33. Endured 44. Gone by . 34. Calumniate 4fi. .Just out c..,i., Neoww s.r.tee Repnated from POC1tET CROSSWORD PUZZLES .. u. t» ~of Dell Pub!Wwl& Co . loc. Cof>ynpt 0 1'7,. am DeU Publlalwl& Co .. Loe AU npcs ,_,.... Anthony's Shoe Service • Bank of America • Charkl• Barr Jewelers • Crown Hardware • Dr. Lou Elder • The Hair Handlers Salon • Halllday'a Men's Clothing • Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Cl}an1e'e • Market Basket • Mes Amles Teens • Nancy Dunn Antique• • Newport Balboa Savings • Paper Unlimited • Sav-On Drugs • Storekeet>er • <. Vela's lmtlmate Apparel • Westcllll Cleaners • We1tcllll Corners • Westcllll Shoes .. Xavier's Florist • -~---.... ,.... .... .,,..,, I l I i ie -Di~ Your NeighbortloOdlA Supplement to the OAilt PILOT and MIRRO'R'/Wedneeday, Auguat 18, 1G82 By CLINT JOSEPHSON c..-, ......... Oakland A's speedster Rickey Hende"->n may think he's on the way to the record books for his proficiency at stea11nQ hues. After all. he had stolen almost 80 by the All Star break -and the record ia 118 by Lou Brock. But, if he keeps up hia current pace, he's also going down in history as the worst baae stealer. Henderaon has been caught stealing 20 times this season, which makes him a pretty sure bet to break Ty Cobb's 1915 record of 38. Don't listen to baseball stars of the past when they say today's players are too greedy. Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle and many other former stars are now charging upwards of $10,000 for public appearances. And to help pay the stars' price tag, promoters have had to start charging the public for -of all things -autographs. Mantle was recently at a sports collectors show in Rhode Island and was charging $5 a shot for his signature. Now we know why the Minnesota Twins are floundering this year. The executive vice president of the team, Clark Griffith Jr. explains it th.is way: "We took a survey of our fans that showed they liked a lot of home runs. So we built a pitching staff to accommodate them." In ca.e you're wondering how a oolleae like Texas A&M can afford to pay tu footbaJI coach Jackie Sherill $400,000 a year, here's the explanation. Seema in the constitution of the state of Texas it's written that A&M will share re-venues from oil producing lands in the western part of the state. That comes to about $40 million this year. And says A&M President Frank Vandiver, "We can do anything with that money that we like." The ticker tape with results from other games came into the Kansas City press box the other night with an error. The tape mistakenly showed the same starter and reliever for the Minnesota Twins. But the Royals' broadcaste r, Fred White, didn't notice the mistake and announced to the listeners: "Well, I see in the game at Minnesota that Terry Felton has relieved himself on the mound in the second innil\R." Art Modell, the owner of the Cleveland Browns, knows what to do when his team plays the Raiders this season. Says Modell, "We'll send the defense to Los Angeles and the offense to Oakland." BRIGGS CUNNINGHAM AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM " VISIT ONE OF TH( WORLD'S [ n 8 5 F~NEST COLLECTION OF ••• Houn: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Monday ,. and Tuesday 260 E. BAKER ST., corn• REDHILL AVE. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92828 e Phone: (714) 648-7680 e r-··· ·:~~~::·~~~!~~:~~=·::~r~::~~:::~------·~1 I 2&0 E. Beker Street, Cos18 Mml. California i -With thle ooupon1 60 ~ off ,...,.., .... for edul" j l ..... !~.!:~.~4!~-=::=~-:'~':.=~~!·~~---···· 1940 Heisman Trophy winner, Michigan's Tom Harmon, who was his blocking back? Monday Night Football Party Come visit with Rams cheerleaders and sports celebrities • 3 giant screen TVs • Raffles -Concert tickets & other prizes • Lots of food & fun • Specialty drinks ************** * GREG TOPPER SHOW * * following game. * ************** $5.00 Generat Admlllfon na.aa•OVI• a 1•1vOOW 1680 BtookMlow 8Mta Ana·549-15Ut· · • · · • · · · • • • • • ·• ·• '?flCOver Your Neighborhood/A SUA'lement to-the DAILY PILOT , Wedneeday, August 18, 1982 -27 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE COM'MU".ITV SERVICE OFFICE ''We're Part of Your Neij h borhood" .REGISTER NOW FOR FALL 1982 CLASSES Ill Register by mail or In person at OCC COMMUNITY SERVIC~ OFFICE, located In campus Administration Bldg., 2701 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa. 92626 HOURS: 8 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. -12 noon Sat. PHONE: 556-5880. CULTURAL EVENTS Sept. 5 & 6 -UP WITH PEOPLE Sept. 18 -Mar1< Seamons In Concert Sept 25 -Armchair Adventures Don't miss our COLLEGE f OR KIDS & TEENS Sept. 25 -Afro-Assemble -Dance Oct. 1 -Tony Romano in Concert Oct. 2 -All American Boys Chorus Oct. 2 -Folk Music of Ireland Old Fashioned,· Neighborhood •Arts & Crafts •Music •Dance •Drama •Languages •Sports Oct. 8 -Best of Broadway -Showcase Singers AND MUCH. MUCH MOREii! LECTURES & WORKSHOPS •Personal Growth & Relations •Communication Skills •Singles Programs •Famllles •Financial Planning •Current Events •Travel •Planetarium SWAP MEET Fairview & Arlington, Costa Mesa EVERY SUNDAY 9 A.M. -3 P.M. Admission & Parltilc Free to Buyers Seier Spaces sg .. • 556-5880 BUSINESS PROGRAM •BUSINESS MANAGEMENT •CAREER IMPROVEMENT •ENTREPRENEURS: SECOND/PART-TIME CAREERS •EXPORTING •Saturday Disney Movies TOURS •Garment District •Hot Springs •San Diego •Yosemite •Death Valley •Hearst Castle •Arizona •Grand Canyon •Yellowstone •Mexico City •Peru •Baj a Rock Paintings , •Russian Festival ~aahama Cruise •Ski Europe CLASSES & MINI COURSES •Arts, Mustc & Crafts •Gourmet Cooking •Fitness Activities •Health Seminars •Dance •Speed Reading •Martial Arts •Writing •Yoga •ReaJ Estate •Outdoor Studies •Accounting •Scuba Diving •Languages •Marine Activities •Income Tax •Needlecraft/ And Morell ARE YOU ON. OUR MAILING LIST? •HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT •SALES & MARKETING r•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-. •SUCCESSFUL SMALL BUSINESS PRACTICES ORANGE COAST COUEGE Bernard J . Luskin, President COAST COMMUNln COLLIOIS IOAID OF TIUSRH Carol J. Gandy Robert L. Humphreys Wllllam E. Kettler . Richard E. Olson George Rodda, Jr. Or. Norman L. Watton, Ch~lor Omip Cout CoUep ;, one of the Co.It Communttf ~ Please place my name on your malling llst: (Please Print) NAME ---------------------------------- ADDRESS ______________________________ __ CITY --------------------------------- ZIP ------------------------------------ Mall to OCC Community SMVlce Office, 2701 Fairview Road, l .......... ~ .. :~=-~-~!.~~~-------;~---· ' ... -. I• I I • r ' 28 .:_· DIKoW.-Your ·~11. Supplemerit to the' DAtLY 'PILOT Bnd'MIRAOR/Wedtieeday, August 18, 1982 • ..... . . . . . ...... . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . . · ..... . . . . . . ' ..... . ::: :::::::::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ... . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I • • • • • • • • • ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . ...... . . . . .... .. .. . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... LIMITED TIME ONLY! SAVE "\\>::: 56000 . .... . ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .... . ... . . ... . . .... . . ... . . ... . . ... . . ... . MODEL 1425 'i iJ 1 _J ._ =' .......--~~! BONUS 8-piece toot Mt Inducted wtth thla upf1ght. Eureka Upright with 4-way Dial-A-Nap® •Dual Edge Kleener® gets dirt right up to the baseboards . •Power-Oriven 12 inch beater bar brush roll. •Top-filling large capacity disposable dust bag . •Adjustable 3-position handle . ::i~ 56995 MODEL 2061 MODEL 1428AT c --.... "L&Pll" Eureka ) Upright Vacuum •Wide, bright headlight. •4-positlon Dial-A-Nap. SALE PRICE s99•s · Eureka Cou-"'-""'' ... " E.S.P. Upright •50% Extra Suction Power. •Vibra-Oroome~ II ) t>:eater bar brush roll. •Brllllant dirt-finding headlight SALE PRICE s129's OTHER EUREKA VACUUMS ON SALE AT T~~SE FINE DEALERS IEWPllT YAClll CEITEI 18321.h Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (Int~~.) 848•5144 IEIRAIE .. E IDTEI 14210 Culver Drive ., Heritage Plaza, lrvtne 817~1 COIHA IEL Ill VACI• 332 Marguerite Ave. Corona del Mar 875-3883 Flll'I APPUlllU 9073 Adams Ave. Huntington Beach 1 ASK US ABOUT EUREKA'S NEWEST VACUUM, THE MIGHTY MITE OllTA IEU YA•I IEITEI 2454 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 842"!0480 ..... IRllCI ClllT WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18 . 1982 GETTING SHIP-SHAPE -Part of the challenge of a pirate role is keeping on the mustache. Amber Poland and Eric Anderson will have that mastered a nd Erik Leidal. Noriko lllTlllTll 111£1 I flllllll lllll~ OH ANGE COUN Iv C.Allf on NIA 25 CENTS Watanabe and Laura Kempke will have their songs ready by Sept. 2 and 3 when the Irvine Children's C horus will stage Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" a t Irvine High. Stock prices continue climb; • t record tradingj NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices su"rged upward again today in the heaviest trading ever , adding to record gains posted Tuesday in response to falling lnterest rates. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, which shot up 38 81 points Tuesday for its largest single-day rise in history. climbed another 13.98 points to 845.22 in the first three hours this morning. Gainers held a 10-l lead over losers in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Many stocks were delayed in opening because of the stonn of buy orders. But trading volume in the first hour on the Big Board still reached 37.02 million shares, shattering the previous record of 24.12 million set in March, as traders scrambled to get in on the market's sudden revival. As recently as last Thursday. the popular averages stood at their lowest levels in more than two years. Analysts said the spark that set off the explosive rally was the (See STOCK, Page At) I CATALYST? -Economist Henry Kaufman may have triggered the stock market rise with his 'prediction of lower interest rates. HB rejects fire-retardant roof plan By ROBERT BARKER Of the Delly Piiot St.ff Brushing aside warnings of a possible catastrophic fire, the Huntington Beach City Council has rejected a request by the fire department to require fire· retardant roofs on new buildings. The council majority said that Huntington Beach, with its moist ocean breezes, is not as susceptible as other cities to hot and dry conditions conducive to fires. In another deve lopme nt related to fires, the council officials voted to ask the city attorney to draft an ordinance that if approved would ban "safe and sane" firewoiks in the city. In proposing the fireworks ban, Councilwoman Ruth Finley said that misuse and careless use of the safe and sane fireworks can lead to fires and mjuries. "I hate to be a Scrooge and take away fireworks from the kids but a ban would protect the public and taxpayers a great deal from damage and danger," she said. FV hospital helipad -wins council's OK By PHIL SNEIDERMAN o<ttte Delly Piiot St.ff A helicopter landing pad tor transportation of emergency patients to and from Fountain Valley Community Hospital has been approved by the Fountain Valley City Council. Several conditions, previously endorsed by the city's Planning Commission. were also imposed Tuesday night by the council: -The heliport can only be used to transport emergency patients in connection with the hospital's role as a regional trauma center. -Helicopters must follow approach and takeoff patterns over the city's indus trial area. avoiding r esi d e ntial neighborhoods. -The Fountai n Valley Medical Development Co., which owns the hospital , mus t indemnify the city against any claim s for accidents or other occurrences associated with the operation of the heliport NATION Warren Saylor, facilities coordinator for the company, said helicopters have been landing at the hospital, located near Warner Avenue and Euclid Street, two or three times a month in life - threatenmg cases. He said the hospital now is seeking official approval from state and federal agencies for operation of the heliport. With the council's approval in hand, Saylor said state and federal approval is expected within 60 days. He said the landing pad will be a 70-by-70 foot lawn area across from the hospital's newest wing. An 18-inch barrier will prevent autos from entering the pad area. No lighting is planned. and night landing will be done only in extreme emergencies, Saylor said. He said fire extinguishers and a wind sock (to indicate wind direction) will be installed near the pad. A hall buck for $10.50 J Has Uncle Sam got a deal for you. How about commemorative 50-cent pieces honoring the ~50th anniversary of George Washington's birth for only $10.50, or $8.50 for real bargain huQters? Page A7. Rock lest pushes tickets The gigantic US Festival, which promoten hope will attract 250,000 rock fans over Labor Day weekend, is offering one-day along wlth three-day t.lckets, possibly to boost sales. Page A 7. Bikers end long pedal "5AN FRANCISCO (AP) -Two dozen bicyclists pedaling 3,800 miles through water, wilderness and moequitoes crOl&ed the Golden Gate Bridge on the final leg of a trek to rai8e over $100,000 in pledges tor mental h ealth aaaodations. Voting with Mrs. Finley Monday night in calling for the drafting of the ordinance were Ruth Bailey and John Th<>glaS. Mayor Bob Mandie and Don MacAJ.lister voted against the call for action. Ron Pattinson wasn't present at the time of the vote and Jack Kelly was absent. The proposed ban also was supported by Peggy Glenn, Huntington Beach resident, who told council members she has written a book detailing hundreds of "gr otesque" accidents incurred because of unaafe we of fireworks. Her husband Gary is a city fire department engineer. Fire Marshal Frank Kelly told council members that fireworks caused 18 injuries and $465,795 in damages in the city from 1977-82. He said the ban on safe and sane fireworks would improve enforcem ent against illegal fireworks because the two varieties often are min~led. Kelly said Laguna Beach , Newport Beach and Seal Beach have banned the sale of safe and sane fireworks. In voling down a proposed ordinance calHng for fireproof roofs, the city council ignored warnings that the city might be headed for a fire disaster along the proportions of the fire that destroyed more than 500 living units in Anaheim last April. Mandie. MacAllister and Thomas voted against the ordinance. They said moisture in the air eased the threat. They also argued the ordinance would increase the costs of housing. A survey by the city showed the cost to build an untreated wood-shingle roof on a ne home of 2,000 square feet with two-car garage ranges from $ 865 to $3,250. Costs for fire.retardant w shingles range from $4,350 $5,240, according to the survey. The cos t of composi tio shingles ranges from $2,450 ·to $2,380. The survey was based on April costs. Restaurant column back Judge Harrold under probe Backdated deed brings look by district attorney Norm Stanley is not only "Out 'n ' About," as his column heading says, but he's back in . The popular restaurant columnist, starting today. becomes a midweek feature of the Daily Pilot. The Orange County District Attorney's office is investigating West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's admissions in court that she prepared a deed giving her possession of a $2-million house in Newport Beach that was backdated. Assistant District Attorney Michael Capizzi said the two- week probe will look into the "facts and circumstances" of the deed situation to determine if a violation of law occurred. The house on Lido Isle had belonged to Judge Harrold's grandmother, A:rlyne Lansdale of West.minster. Harrold's election victory in June was invalidated two weeks ago when Superior Court Judge Ronald' Owen determined that she was not a legal resident of Orange County when she filed a declaration of candidacy on Feb. 23. Harrold listed the Newport Beach home as her residence on • the candidacy papers although Judge Owen ruled that shE-waa actually a resident of Riverside at the time. Harrold claimed during her resid e n cy trial that thf November 1981 date on the deed for the house reflected the date her grandmother gave her the keys to the residence. She admitted, however, that the deed was actually signed and notarized in early 1982. Harrold (See J UDGE, Page A!) . His news of restaurants, restaurateurs, entertainment at the Orange Coast's well- known dining spots and all the rest of what excites the out-and -about crowd will be presented every Wednesday in the Daily Pilot. The Weekender restaurant review will continue to appear in Friday's editions. Norm Stanley's on Page.BJ today. OC fire service for Seal Bea ell Marriage license fee goes up $5 SACRAMENTO (AP) -The cost of the basic California marriage license will go up $5 to $23 next year, bringing in $1 million a year to expand programs to prevent domestic violence. COUNTY Seal Beach has become the 10th Orange County city to receive fire protection Crom the county fire department. The county Board of Supervisors Tuesday ratified a contract with Seal Beach which states that the city will pay $987.322 during the current fi.scal year for firefighting, re9CUe, fire Hyperactive kids aided Huntington Intercommunity Hospital has a progr am that helps slow hyperactive children, resulting in less family tension and better sch ool performanee. Page Bl. Nestande appointment eyed A state panel is to consider the nomination of Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestande to the Calilornla Transportation Comm.laion today. Page A8. TELEVISION Throw out the anchor f New York fan.a of a local new anchor team Tom Snyder ls to ~ are angry about ~ job shift. and plan to let W know. Page C13. ' prevention and paramedic services. Seal Beach officials estimate the city will save about $100,000 this current fiscal year and about $300.000 in future years as a result of the transfer of fire services to the county. The city began exploring transfer of fire services from the INDEX At Your Service A4 Buainets Al0-11 Herb~n A13 C..valcade Al3 Comics Cl2 Croaword Cl2 Death Notices BlO Editorial Alr Entertainment 84-5 Food C l -11 Horoecope A13 SPORTS city fire department to the county department after estimates showed a $700,000 deficit in the fiscal 1982-83 municipal budget. Under the agreement, the county will purchase $300,000 in fire equipment from the cit y . City fire personnel will be transferred to the county fire department. Ann Landers Al3 Movies 84-5 Mutual Funds AlO NatJonal News A3 Public NoUces B4,B9-10 Sports B6-9 Stock Markets All Televiaion Cl3 TheatenJ 84-~ Weather A2 World News A3 Dodgers win. in 21st, 2-1 CHICAGO (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgel"ll finally defeated the Chi~bl here today, 2-1, ln a game that covered 21 , two days and 6 hours and 10 minutet of playing e. • Hlf Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT /Wedne1d1y, Augu1t 18, t882 <Jtf rlUNRUFFLED POND -A white egret floats gracefully to a soft landing on a pond in l:f\ichmond, R.I., barely disturbing its reflection AP Wlreptiolo below in this photo. taken by Steve S ilk o{ the Providence Journal. .,,~---------=------=-----------------;:a e man pleads not guilty !C'l r;i;rraigned in slaying of fiancee in Huntington Beach . •' ~-:Val Norman Owen, 29, or 1tluntington Beach., has been ~ered to appear at a Sept. 15 ,p r e I i m i n a r y h e a r i n g i n ,r:pnnection with the Aug, 2 ..slaying of his fiancee, Suzette IA.dams. 20, also of Huntington .aeach. Owen plead ed n ot guilty Tuesday during liis arraignment on a murder charge before West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Alan McKone. Owen was returned to Orange County Jail in lieu of $75,000 bail. A welder em ployed in lrvme. Owen was arrested Aug 3, one day after Miss Adan:s' body w~ d1scoverc.-d in Oak View Park in Huntington Beach. Police said she had been strangled. Officers said Owen and Miss Adams had been living together in an apartment near the park. Mi ss Ad ams worked as a ha1rstyhst in Newport Ek-al"h. ·y alley attorney granted • raise '.~~The Fountain Valley City \;ouncil has agreed to a pay raise 1or w ork done by th e city 'a'ttomey outside the scope of his ~nthly retainer contract. '•f The council approved City Attorney Ala n Hurns' request that hourly ser vice fees be mcreased from $65 to $75 for the city attorney a nd partners in his law f1nn, Rourke and Woodruff. For work by associate attorneys, the raLSe ts from $55 to $65 per hour. No increase was requested In the $2.000-monthly retainer fee paid to Burns as Fountain VaUey ci t y attorney, a part-lime position ~r2~~ ... ~~~~~!m:ts ._ :u~rt WoP>ilowe. hort~term rates have tumbled as of First Boston Corp. and Henry much as 5 percentage points since Kaufman of Salomon Brothers ln a m emo to the council, Burns said the hourly rate for additional services is designed t.o help rover the law firm's general operating expenses. He asserted that the firm's fees have been "considerably below the market for comparable professional services.'' 'late June -stir r ed th e financial community with forecasts of This w eek, two Wall Street lower rates to come. Slightly warmer Overnlgnt lo-ere lorecasl In Ille mid 60s rn downtown lo• ---------Angele$. to a coastal tow In the ml<I 60s . lrom 4 8 to 60 I n mount&lns and rrom 65 to 88 1n d-1• Co as Ill I Fog end low clouds greeted the day with clearing back lo the beach•• by early aflernoon OtherwlH faJr today wtth high• r"1Qlng nur 70 et the beachw 10 mid 80e In the Inland ereu LO¥f c:louds return tonight •nd Thursday wflh loc:al log epr99dlng lnlwld about 10 mttea rn lata l'llgh1 nd early morning h oure Overnight IOWI 58 10 65. Hight hureday near 70 11 the beachel mld-808 Inland. Boal«s lrom Point Conoepllon to the Mexican bordef ~n expec;t llghl varleble winds during the night and morning hovra. becoming sou1hwesterty et 10 to tll knots dur1ng Iha ellarnoon wnh • 2-to-3-1001 toutn-t swell Teniperatures NATION HI lo Pre:. 82 50 N•rion"' We~'"'' S."'<e NO A• u S Dept 01 Co""''"'"' Eleewhere. from Point Conception to lhe Mealcan border and out eo mllM: Mo.tly light '*1able winds In lhl night and morning hours becoming -lefty tO to t8 kno1e In the lftemoon• today and Thurtday Wind wavet thlS ev.ntng 2 to 3 feet. Southwest aw.it 2 to 3 !Mt. low cloude and local fog night II/Id morning houre with c:learlng In the attemoona. Albany AlbuQue Amarlllo A~ttte Allante Atlante Ctv Autlln Bllltlmc><e Biiiings Blfmlnghm Bltmarc:i. BolN Boelon Brownsvlle &iltalo Burtlnglon Cupe< Ch•rlt1n SC Chartstn WV Charltte NC ~,,. ~ Clnc:lnnell 09Yeland Clmbla SC o.l-F1 Wlh Dey1on o.n- 94 70 83 61 75 61 04 Fronts Cold ..,.. Warm WY Occluded ~ Stationary•• .S. sun1.n1.ary . Scattefed thund«llorm• etruck the Great Plalnt early today wtth downpoure concentrated In Nebraeka and the Oekot ... H '-"Y rein continued tor the ttllfd day-len- Two people -• known deed .. • reeull of llOOdlng Monday In "*-'' Shll<M. Tenn .• and Ow.a olh•rt. were mlulng In Marlon Counly alter a drenching or 7 1nohe1 In • two-hour period = -tt«ed thundetetormt -the ~r-n halt o4 IM AUantlc COHI. Th••• _,. nulNrOU8 fhundarttorme O\IW the ..-n half of Haw .... Jlloo. The .............. , for the ,... of tM netton. TM Nlllonal w .. thw ~ fora c;aal ec;atta red ltlunCNr9torms today -the Gull Cout and part• Of Ille Allan~ oo••t. Wldely •c•H•r•d thunder•torma were ptafletad trom Arizona and '"919'11 ..._ ,._loO lO Montana and lrllo the mlddla M!Moufl viii~. Tamparaturu aertr today enged from 0 d•!'9H In um.tone. Melnt, and _..,.,...., .,tolO~lll....._ 0.. Molnw Detroit Duluth El Paao Fargo Flagstaff 82 68 32 77 61 .63 102 79 11 1 61 .02 112 85 87 70 98 94 69 90 57 87 66 25 117 ,. 78 50 81 5 1 t5 96 6f 88 75 05 89 59 83 66 25 83 511 "' 80 S3 87 6.2 78 52 86 67 95 78 87 S4 88 65 88 68 80 51 77 67 100 74 87 69 82 60 Great ~alls Hartford Helene Honolulu Hout Ion lndnepll~ Ject<sn MS Jacillnvtle K•nt Coy Knoavllle Lall Veges Little Roel< Lovtsvllle LubbOCk Memphl• Miami Miiwaukee Mpl....St P Nul!Yllle New C)floans N9W York NOffOlk No. Piette Ol<I• City Omah• Orlando Phlledp111e PhOe!\I• Pltltl>uff.h Piiand, • 89 55 86 82 08 91 S6 83 78 04 De 81 89 56 86 72 89 611 J3 83 64 88 68 15 104 78 02 85 69 87 66 87 65 100 89 76 87 73 37 7' 56 119 68 66 68 90 7'i 89 66 04 86 66 62 85 60 91 73 85 68 90 72 01 90 65 07 105 86 01 83 57 43 88 57 ·~1-: ...... -~u~-R_f R_IP_DR_T LMMloft fodeJ'• ...... , .... HvnlltlQIOfl Bluff9 HU1111nQ10fl Piaf tent• Ana """" J«ty "°"" tt Nllwport Hncl St Nllwport lalboe Wedge Rodlplla, Lagun• l!aepy Hollow T11llla-8rootc• San CrMic ~~:Pltr 2~ 11 1·3 It 2-411 2-4" 1·211 2·1111 3..4 11 3-411 )-4 II 3-5 II 3 11 3-• 11 Trllllllgat (T4'1eat) 3-4 II Cotton'• Point 2.a fl T,...,,.. 2-3 11 len Onoftt 2-3 11 TOMORROW'S TIOU: Hlgll 10:42 Lm Olrac:tlon 8ou1h/lou111we9t , ........ ., ... ..... Temp . flllr-11000 ae ,.,, 88 good 88 good 68 fair 88 good 88 gOOd 88 good 88 good 88 ftlr 88 felt 88 good 88 = = good ea I.Ow •:05 p.m. $wtll Pttend, O.e Providence Rete111n Reno Sell L&ke Sen Anlonlo ~·Ill• Shreveport $IOU• Fells St LOVIS St P-Tampa St Ste Marie Spollene Syracuse Topeke lucson lulsa Wuhlng1n Wichita 84 85 86 91 9• 102 75 95 87 85 87 n 87 77 85 100 93 91 88 CALIFORNIA 60 65 04 65 .22 56 68 01 78 55 73 17 10 65 75 48 58 so 63 7• 01 68 84 ae 87 Bakertllefd 98 78 Eurell• 88 55 Fr"no 97 88 Liinc.ller 9 7 84 LOI Angeles 84 63 Maryavllle 97 Monterey 84 0 1kland 76 58 PHO Robles 100 66 Red Bluff 911 87 Redwood City 80 58 mog Where to o•ll (toll free) 101 ,., .. , •mov tnform•tlon: O••noe County. 18001 448·3828 Lo• A.ngelH County• (100) 2•2·4022 P.tverelde and San BarMrdlno c;oun~ (800) 187-4710 AOMO Eplto<N <:.nlef" (800) 242--!_&ee Tides • . TOOA't 6econc:I ~·3·15 p.m. 1.8 8acond l't t ·2& p m t o AY Flrtl low 4:21 Lm.-. 1.1 Flrllt high 10:42 a.m. 4 9 8eoond' low 4.011 p.m. 1.4 hooncl high 10: 10 p,m, e.t Sun Hte today •• '7;37 p.m., r1 ... Tlluttdey II 8: 17 a m. Moon f'fMt todly tt 1:37 p.m., Nit Thunday •t 7:45 1 m •i _..,.._ • " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- DA appeals 12-year sentence of pair for raping deaf-mute Orange.' County Superior Court Judi(' Mark &don'• dectaJon to sen~ncfl t.wo brothers to 12 r.t-11111 c8<'h in at.ate r11'110n for rap nJC o te!cn-age deaf-mute girl i. bufna apptH.tll'd by the D latri cl Attorney's 0"1cc. The two de fendants could have been given 144-year term.. Deputy Dl1tric t Attorney WIJUam Bed1wonh aald today the appeal will be heard by the state's 4th District Court of Appeal A notic~ of appeal wwi filed Tuesday. Soden's sentencing of the two Huntinston Beach brothers - Phlll1p, 21, and Randall Maldon ado, 25 -ign it ed considerable public controversy Clth:ena groups plckt.>lCd \he <..'OurthOute ln Santa Ana on two occa1lon1 alncc the June 1Mmt.encln1, criUclnng Soden 1md dt!mandlng his rt.'CaU bt.>caUk thci prllon ~rms werf' oontldered tar too lenient. Deputy District Attorney Jam CwnmJnp, who proeccuted the brother•. clalm~d th e Maldon ados were only eligible for minimum 63-year prison terms. But Soden, ot the time of se nten ci ng. sai d it was inappropriate "to lock up the defendants and throw· away the key." He said they deserved a second chance. Bedsworth, however, said the •cntcn cea handed d u wn by Soden were IO low "that the law dooan't iillow It." The victim, who waa abduct.cd In Los Alamlto8 In May, 1981. wu raped repeatedly in a flv~. hour ordeal S he WH driven around Santa Ana and offered to other men In aJJ eywaya for money. A third man, Gilbert Aguilera, was also convicted ln the case and sentenced to 44 years in prison by another judge. B e dsw or th s a i d th e Maldonados s hould have been sentenced to consecutive terms based on each rape. Soden, however , sentenced them on the basis of the rapes cons t ituting one o ngoing incident. Last block to peace removed? PLO agrees to Israel's d e mand to return captive pilot By The Associated Pre11 The P a les tine Liberation Organization bowed to Israel's demand for the unconditional return of a captive Israeli pilot and the remains of five Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon, removing the last obstacle to the withdrawal of the Palestinian guerrillas from &eirut, a Leba n ese govern m ent Senior song session set "The Singing Goodtimers," a group of senior citizen singers, wiU perform in a variety show at 9 :30 a .m . Thurs day at the Huntingto n Beach Seni o r s Recreation Center. T h e perfo rma nce will be televised and shown later over public cable television, according to Clancy Yoder , president of the Huntington Beach Council on Agmg. The s1ngers, 30 1n number, range m age from 55 to 86 They appear a t vario us programs throughout the city. From Page A1 JUDGE. • • testified that s h e was only fulfilling the wishes of her grandmother by doing this. Capizzi said his office's probe of the matt.er was begun aft.er a c itize n lodged a complarnt. However, he said he could not reveal th e identity of the 1nd1v1dual bri ng i ng the c:omplaanL Harrold was appointed to the municipal court belJCh in March, 1980. She can remain in office through December of this year when the winner of a November e lection for her seat can take office. Harrold, however. has a ppealed J udge Owen's ruling against her. _. DA VTD KUTZMANN spokesman announced today. The spok esman said h 1s government was making the formal reques t to the United States, France and Italy to provide th e 2 ,000 -man multinational peacekeeping force that will oversee the evacuation nf PLO fight,.rs and Syrian tr oops from the besieged Moslem sector of the Lebanese capital. Israel Army Radto said Prime Minister Menachem Begin and his Cabinet were studying the final draft of the evacuation plan and were expected to approve ii Thursday. Coastline College will offer h abitats. behavior and two fall courses m the study conservation of birds. of coa stal sea birds. Th~ Five separate classes in the ins truction w1 II 1 nvolve course w1U meet evenings and classroom work as well as Saturdays at locations in fie ld s tudy 1n the s late Newport Bea c h and wildlife preserve at Bolsa Huntingto n Beach . More Chica near Huntington Beach infonnation can be found in andmtheNewportBackBay~ the Biology 105 a nd 106 listings in the Coastline fall The course will focus on catalog or by calhng Lhe the physi ~al. structure, college at 963-0824. ------- • A flag football training football league will begin camp for boys and girls, ages playing at the Boys Club, 7 to 12. is under way at the 9840 Talbert Ave., during Boys Club o f Fountain September. League charge is Valley. The training camp 1s $5 for members, $10 for non- free to Boys Club members. members. The fee covers Partici pants will learn football fundamentals and divide into teams A {la~ • The Newcomers Club of Huntington Beach announces its first meeting with its new president, Susan Mhc ak, presiding. The meeting and luncheon will be held Sept. 14 at 10:30 a .m. at the Huntington Beach uniforms and awards. L eague games will be played after school hours at 3:30 pm. Inn. 21 11 2 Pacific Coast Highway. Guest s peak e r wi II be Elaine Craft, president of the womans di v ision o r the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. Call 960-7107 or 968-2583 for reservations and fµrther information. ~Bl E SPORTS LTD. announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 Doors Open 10:00 A.M . LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona, Sienna, Raisins. Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... >.. MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS & TRUNKS ~ 20°10 -50°10 OFF A§a1E SPORTS tmne 4708 Barranca Parkway lrvtne. CA 111-1212 Including: Stubles, Qulcksllver, Surfllne, Offshore & Morel -KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40%-50% OFF lncludtng~·op , Offshore, Quicksilver WET SUITS 10o/o-30o/o OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS -Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL AINBOW SANDALS 20% Off Sales s Limited To Stock On Hand ·-------mt! --------·· I This Co For I i • GIE MLU '* i JtO.[ SPOR~ I I CCM'Onll del Mlir I I 2831 Coatt Hwy. 1 On Purchue of 110.00 During Sale I Corona det Mat, CA I Llmft an. p.; °""'°"* I '75-t100 --------------------- STATE Quake rocks Northe rn Califor n ia Uy Tbe Atauclated Pr_,11 SAN fi'RANCISC:O A moderatt- t"arthquakt-•lruck Northern Cullfornia todi.y r£itlli"g sleeping rHidt>nta owake over a brood " llt'ea a nd awaylng akyacrupt•n> In San Ft&inci.co liut t:ausanfl llttlt-repo rtt-d damage &ind no apparent Injuries, aulhoril1es iwlu T he ttdnblor. whkh mewiured 4 .~ on the Richter acaJc at the Unive,.ralty of 0.IJfornJo ~l1mographlc 11tation 111 Bt•rk1•l1·y. w1l!l fl'lt from San~ Cruz County in th<' !IOU th to M11r111 CountM In the north, authoriUt'S said Thl' ep1~11ter Wll8 locutl-d u1Jou1 HO mtlc'll southel)8t of &rkelt•y und eust uf tlw l'litUIWl l'lty or SanUI Cruz Fired Japanese workers g e t r epara tion 8ACRAMt;N'1'U -liov. llimund Brown Jr., saying he wanted to "remedy an injustice," signed a bill to give $5,000 t.o each Japanese· American state worker who was hred In 1942. "No piece of legislation can undo the p:.alll, the suffering ot those Americans of Japanese descent who loet their jobs and their property Watt proposes land LOS ANGEL ES -lntenor Secretary James G . Watt is considering a land exchange proposal that would bypass Congress on the sale of federal lands to pay for expansion of Redwoods National Park in Northern California, the Los Angeles Times reported today. Under the plan, about 70,000 ~res of California forests now controlled by the federal during World War ((," dw l>c·rn0<.·rot1t• govt'rnur said Tut.'!>day One of th e former stall• workers, Jonet Masuda of Sacramento, said In a ('hokl.'<i vui<-t• at the sigrung ceremonies that she hopt'Cl "whut Wl' went through 40 yean ago w ill never happen to any other people based soMy on thc.-ir 11nt•et1try or t'Olor of their skrn " exchange for park Bureau of L and Manageme nt have been considered for possible salc to thl· Louisiana Pacific Corp. The proce<.>ds of that sale would be used to repay Louisiana Pacific Corp for its redwoods lands. The lands were taken when the nati1>ru1l park was expanded in 1978 Group oppos es Diablo licen se exten si on S AN LUIS OBISPO -Opponents of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant say they will oppose a one-year extension of the plant's still- unused low power testing license. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued an interim license last Sept. 22. The license would allow fuel to be loaded and the nuclear chain reaction to begin for a series of NATION tests at up to 10 percent of capacity. A fufi power operating licsense requires a separate dL-cls1on . But before Pacific Gas & Electm· Co. l'Ould load fuel. design errors were discover£-d at the ocean front plant near San Luis Obispo. Thl' commission suspended the license Nov 22 <ind 1t 1s due to expire Sepl. 22. Immigration hill easily passes Senate WASHINGTON -A bill overhauling the nation's ix;nmigration laws has easily passed in the Senate, and its supporters are predicting congressional approval of the measure this year. The legislation, the first comprehe nsive change in immigration law in 30 years, would set fines and prison terms for employers w ho knowingly hire illegal aliens. It also grants amnesty to millions of immigrants who now liv<' illegally in the United States The bill passed the Senate Tuesday, 81 -18, and was praised by the Reagan admmistrauon even though it has significant differences from a plan proposed by the president last year. $178 billion defense bill sent to House WASHINGTON -A $178 billion defense bill is approaching 1ts finaJ hurdle to enactment after swvivmg a challenge by senators who said it is too big and contains the wrong programs. Disregarding those complaints Tuesday, the Senate passed the compromise measure, 77-21, and sent it to the House, where a vote could come as early as today The legislation then would go to President Reagan for his s1gnatun• It glVes the go-ahead for virtually all of the programs the Pentagon sought for the fiscal year starting Oct. I . However, the appropriations committees that later will vote thC' actual money for those weapons and activ1ucs are not likely to match the authori?.ed dollar amounts First lethal injec tion e xecution blocke d HOUSTON -A federa l appeals court halted the executien oi Charles W. Bass, 26, less than seven hours before his scheduled ~death by lethal injection, and the case has been referred to the U.S . Supreme Court. Bass would have been the nation's first convict to die by letha:J injection The execution WORLD now cannot be carried out for at least 30 days under Texas law. S hortly aft.er 5 p.m. Tul'sday. three judges of the 5th U.S . Circuit Court of Appeals blocked Bass' execution, which was scheduled at 12:01 a.m. today for the 1979 murder of u Houston marshal Price of gold soars while dollar slumps LONOON -Expectations of lower U .S interest rates gave Wall Street its best day ever on Tuesday, but they sent the dollar tumbling on European currency exchanges m early trading today. T he price of gold jumped nearly $14 an ounce. "investors reckon that U.S. interest: rates are going to tumble," said one t:urrency deall•r in London. "Wall Street's euphoria transferred itseU first to the Far East and now here." Declining interest rates Tuesday gave the New York Stock Exchange its biggest single-day gain on record -38.81 pomts on the Dow Jones industrial average, with volume at an all-lime high. Riot police disperse Polis h protest e r s WARSAW, Poland -Demonstrators shouted abuse at Polish martial law authorities and praise for the United States outside Wars11w's Victoria Hotel before they were dispersed by riot police using clubs and water cannon, witnesses said today. The demonstrators. who also chanted expressions of support for the independent union Solidarity and its interned leader, Lech Walesa, gathered during a diplomatic reception Tuesday night given by Indonesian representatives on their national day. ~~ Fr+da~ II vou do ~ ""'"t' 'fOu'" ~f t>y !t JO o m c•1t bit'CV• 1 pm aAO "°"' cooy ..,.11 D4t o .. ,.,..fllil Selu<Gty •nd Sunoa; II "°" OU not :=:;: t~c:':n C::J .~~' :o~v"'~u':!! del•-eo We1re Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? Wh at don·t you like., Call lhe number below and your message will be re<'orded. transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verif1cat1on No ci rculation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 P, Holey Pub111he1 ond Chief hecu11•• Olhctf Jon• Amari E,...;uhv• EdolOr L. Koy ~hulta V.ce ""~ ond OotectOr of Adv11111111g MJchoef P. Harvey Dirtctof of Motletillg ICt~IOl\I :. Thomo1 A. Murphln• fdltOI Raymond Mdk.an Con1r~ Kenneth N. Ooddord Jr. Owec10r ol ()p«oho111 c1 .. 11tled •dV•f1l1lng 7141642-5879 All other dep.,tmonta 642 ... 321 MAIN OFFICE U0 Wetl 8ey $t , Cotte MeM, CA M.tft -reM: 80• IMO, COlte MeM. CA. n.26 C'-YtleM tC 0.el\00 Coe" Publlt111"9 C_; H;i fl-t~lttut1r•ll001'-ectfl .. i.1 m.tttror .. vertlM.._b 1Wret11 mer De repr0f11«9ll wlt'*'I tP9<1•1 llH'l'flltt.l4wl of cooytlOflt owner Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wedn••day, AUgl.111 18, 1~82 H/F , WHAT A MESS -Trash spilled a<oross South B ristol Street near Costa M esa Tuesday when a refuse truck overturned as it was attempting to switch lanes, the California Highway Patrol reported. Th<' truck's driv_:r, Mar<'os Saucedo. Oefly fltlof ""°441 bf Ctwtee :rn . uf Sant<t Ana. s ustained o n ly mi an juru:s, buL traffic: was snarled for close to' hour whllt· the tru<:k was being moved off rocu.Jw:ty <ind tht· mt·ss was l:x•ing cleaned u, Irvine lobbyist busy UCI official seek s h e arings on hos pital By JOEL C. OON Of IM 0•111 Piiot Sten A high ·rank111g UC l rvlfll' official has begun lobbying Sacrame nto lawmakC'rs and 0H1c1als in the o ff1ct• of Gov Edmund G . Brown Jr., to cic•lay approval or spec·1al leg1slat1on for a group w ishing to bui Id a hospital in lrvinc. Claiming the state has not thoroughly considered the full impact or the legislation, Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UCI Co l lege of Medicine. said Tuesday he wants the governor t.o veto the authorization bill so add1uonal public hearings can be held on the matter. Wi thout the hearings, Van den Noort da1med, the legislation appears to give tacit approval to a hospital plan proposed by thr Irvine MC'dical CentN (IMC) group. Last week lh<• state· Sen;:itt• passed leg1slat1on permitting the Saddlebal·k Community College D1str1ct to lease I 0 acres of land to a non-profit orgaruzallon that wants lo cstabhsh a hospital m Irvine. Although the bill does not specify any particular group. Saddleback trustees have indicated a slronf preference for the lMC proposa . The staie Assembly passed a s1m1lar version of the bill in Jun<' and the legislauon now awaits the governor's signature. The bill permits the distract to lease the land. located at Je Urcv Road and Barranca Parkway, for YO years at fair market value The site is adja<•e nt 10 Saddleback's north campus. IMC off1c1als hope to purc:hase an additional 22 acres for their proposed $95.8 million medical center , including a 222-bed hospital, outpatient clinic and a building lo serve Saddleback's nursing and allied health t•are programs. .rMy concern is that the• leg1s lat1on went through the Assembly and the Senate without discussion before appropriate com mittees," van dt'n Noort said. "It is an opinion of mine that t hts legislation Gem Talk IJ~ JC HUMPHRIES Cert1{1rd Gl'molol(W. AGS AN EMERALD "HEAVEN" i11 r1trthly ~ulptull The world's largeSL emerald carving ts an 86,000-<:arat. 38-pound creation which depicts the heaven of the Chinese Tao rehg1on. The sculpture, valu~ at $1.2 million, was displayed recently at the Jewelers of America show in New York. The work began as a 140,000-carat, 62-pound emerald crysl.al discovered in 1974 ln Brml's Bahia province .. An American jeweler bough t the cr ystal for several hundred thousand dollars, but couldn't find a buyer to take ll ore his hands. He took the huge rock to Hong Kong, whue he contracted with a atone e&rV1.n8 flnn to do the elaborate sculpture. Four carvera studied the hulk for thfft monlha, then went to work. The carvlni lnclud• 17 human fJi\U'8. anim&la, · bulldlngJ and ahu~ry. and took more than a year to oomplete. The 8('ulptutt la now for ale, and the owneni hoptS • Bru1.Uan muaeum will buy It. It allo a ~te for ~nt.ry 1n the Gurne. Book of World ltc<:ord1 aa the l.ar&Ht Oematone aculpture, T he currnt Oulne11 t!Ueholdtt la only 11,000 caratt. should have had mort• h1•anngs on its potential imph<:atmns and 1~ efft.'<:t on th\' untvt·r~lly " Van den Noort a<·knowh·dgL'<I that ht.• had not St"en <1 topy of lhe bill. which was 1ntroduc<·d hy A sse mbl y woman Maria n BNgeson. R-Newport 8C'a<:h. lie said ht• f1rsl heard o f the leg1slat1on from a newsp<iper s tory last Wt'<'k. wh1t·h SJX'(.'I f1l'd the land would bE: leasc>d to IM C. Even though the bill dtJt.•s not <.·1te a spec1f1c group, van den Noort expressed t·uncf'rn 1hal the• lcg1slat1on, in effect. sugg1•sted state en<lors!i.•ment o r the· IMC proposal Bergeson aide Juli<' Frod>1·rg noted. however. public hearings wt•re h<.'ld by the Ass<.'mbly Education Cornmittet> And c;t.at~· Sen. John Seymour. R-Anah1·1m. emphas1z('d that a Senate c·ommitlt•c· hl·ld sevC'rul public hearings on tht· ISSUl' Seymour said he Wd S tL•leph.oned by van den Noort and s aid the UCI dean f!.'lt the leg1slat1on essentially t·am1• nut of Lhe blue But all lawmakers and state officials conta<:too stn•sse<:.I that any group wishing to build a hospital in frvine must r.x:c•1ve <ipproval of a l'<?rttf1cate of n (CON) application from the Off1c:c· of Stat ewide Heal)h Planning and Development. "Tht•y (hospital competitort) -.till h;1vc to demonstrate the nec·d for tht· hospital," said Seymour, who sponsored ~e ..,pc<:1al Saddleback legislation .in lht: S<mate. "All this bill perm'its 1s for 10 acrl's of real estate for th(· hospital lo be built." In add1 t1u n to IMC, the Hea lthWes t Foundation of Chatsworth has filed a CON for a hospital to be IOC'ated at the UCI campus UCI. which has Jong bet•n 1nterestcd in building a ma.JOr research hospital adjacertt lo it s m e di cal school , is t·ons1dC'ring several unspecifietl h ospital proposa ls f or the campus IMC president Dave Baker was s haken by van den Noor~~ efforts to gf'l a vetp of the lalid lcgtslat1on. Though the decision to build a hospital depends on the CON process, he noted the IMC l't•rtif1C'ate appl1cat1on will be dl•eml'd incomplete without fl '>pt'<·i f1t• land arra ngement. A veto or the bill could stall IMC pl~ until the.· land issue 1s settled, he said. Mouse housed Irvine g i1--l, 14, bitten A little white mow;<> has been a rrestl'd for assaultin an Irvine girl More t·orrectly. the mouse has bct'n put under 14-day quarantine at the Irvine Animal Sheller on Laguna Canyon Road an Laguna Beach while animal t'O ntrol officers ch~k 1t for rabies. The mouse was taken into cus tody Monday a Cter Edward McRoy rcp<Jrted his daughwr, Kristen, 14. was bitten when she found thf' rodent in the family's back yar~ at 5 M onitor. Irvine. Chances are. the.mouse. which was a s tray pet, isn't: rabid, said Irvine Animal Services Supervisor Carl Pagano who noted. "Rodents art• verv low risk when it comes to rabies." · The uarantine. he said , "is just to make s ure." M!MBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY 1909 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA SINCE 1948 " .:i ., f ., ti " I ... ' It •I Ill " J '~ ---.. _ .... ··--- I Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y. Auguet 18, 1982 H/F All N 'E (~OMPO 'ITE CTION QVOt4 11011\llllClUO& r•AOl\ON TMI lllW 10•11 llllOtUU l'A(l,tl. tllW 10"0 .. 01'1110" •110 Ctie(l•NATI ttOC• t l(MANOI' &NO 11ll'OI fI0 I Y I NI tilA\0 A•O IN'""" ' Tuna company to close plant LOS ANG1'~L£S (Af>) S t.fir K1s1 l"ood11 Inc , the ntilson's larg~l tu11u c:annt-r l6 plut Ing more than 3,000 workers on a lhn.-e-day wt.'(_•k &t sta TN·mmal island plant bcginmng today the m mpuny annouru.'ed ln oddl tJon, the tuna pruc.:t~'C()r plans w di*! the t:annery mderir'lll.t ly Sept 6 Edward A Ryan. St.ar- K1!$t vsc:c prt.'l:l1denl said hl d()('fi not· lurt~-c or ant.end a penntuient dosure of lhe plant Lasl spring Star-K1sl dosed tlli local plant for three Wl>eks Da tapower te lls loss Oatapowc:r lnc of Santa An" reports a nel 106S for the qua1ter endl'<.l Junt• .W of $JJ 000 or 1 cent per share, on rcvenul'l., of $2, l O 1,000, ton trasted to net tnl'Ome of $99 000 or 10 ll.?llL'>, fur tht lrke period o f 1981 Ne wport firm declines American Pac<'Sett.er of NC'wport &·aC'h reported a net Loss of $605 000, 1Jr a loss of 2!:l cents per share, on rt•venues of$ ~4 525 000 fo1 th<' si x momhs ended June .w This contrasts with nut 1nrnrn1· of $I 685 000, or fi9 cents on rev£-nues or $Vi 768 000 fur thl' lake pcm od last year Priine rate lowe re d For the third lime this month Western Federal Savings & Loan has Jowc..•red it.<. prime ho01e mortgage rate on hxed rnte fix<'Cl tffm !0-year trust deeds, with Tuesday's drop from l51fi per<.-ent to l5 percent Western FNJcral's rate at the bt>gmnmg of August was 15l;. percent on fu-st-trust deeds T exas flig hts slated Jet America Airlines Im: Long Beach -based carrier which commenct>d operations with Chicago service an November, announced tod ay 1t will introduce serv11;e between Long 8C'ach and the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport eCCect1ve Au~ 29 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK Sales Tues price •no Mt cna19 Ot lfW ''""'" mo\t an "'~ Nttw VQrfll ~10<~ f_a(f'\·n~ IU\H'\ tt.t<JlnQ n4't ondilly •I morf th.tin )I C.•P•<tf 1 t66, ~ U11t t AmHO\f)fl \ 111' 000 )) • t '• Hortno PS I """' )00 t P . • "• (An MOIOt'\. 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GOLD COINS NEW YORK (AP) -Pnc. late Monday ol gold coin• compered •Ith Frld1y • prle• Kr.,.ettend, ' llOy Ol • 1353 so up 13 50 M1pl• IHI, 1 HOy 01 0 54 00 up S350 Me1lc4lft 50 .,..o 1 2 troy 01 $420 50 up $4 25 A119lrlan 100 er-" 9802 troy or 1335 80 up S3 SO Sovrc:e DN•·P.,....• DOW JONES AVERAGES NlW Y0Rfrt IAP• FtMt Oow JonH•V9' IOf 1 """"°ittV AuQ '1 STOCKS .lO '"° °l':.",. ~~r~. ,~7. ~~.~ 10 Ttrl l00118l"~I JOOO.J .. J7.U O. I) U ll 108., II, .. 108 4) ,.,, •• 44.I ~\ <,1• JOI!,. n• l'I lOI I• n1 '°.,. 14 I MOu\ 'OIO 200 T•a• 17'1600 \lltl\ J S51000 o\ ~t• IS U9,aoo WHAT STOCKS DID NEW TOR .. AO""~"" tO 0t'(I rW'Cf Un<n~ r ot•I t\\u•' Nf • n1Qn~ Nf-. IOW~ ""••' .. ~t r~o NtW YORK AOYtln(f'(J Ohlt.....O unc~.,,.,.., lOl•I ,.-,~\. N~w tHf,/h\. Nt-•1~ METALS tAPI •uo II TUMday ·~ I)) 111 19)(/ IO'I w. IAP/ AuQ I/ Tuesday 40'I ltoO l'l'I , .. 8 4() Pt•Y O.y .... •11 J7• 19:)1 lO )I NEW YORI( 1AP1 -Spat nonlerrau1 met&I PflCH IOd•y Coppe1 60" 70 eenis a pound U S OMllnetoont L.e.O 26-29 tftf\11 • pou'IO Zinc 40 c.eni. • pouna a ... _ Tin $6 2465 Metelt Weal< compoell• lb AlumlllUfl'I 76 n C41n~ • POUlld N y -rcury $365 00 per lletl< Plell11um $253 00 $260 00 Hoy oun~ NY SILVER t-4•ndy 6 Hermen Ml 030 per lroY ounoe GOLD QUOTATIONS Br TM A"°"a.ted P..- Setected ..a.to QOIO poce1 roo•r London morning ll•lng &352 10 up ,,, 3S l.ondoft ellernoon llalng S3S7 75 up $2000 P9'1a: elleonoan n~lng 53•8 82 up S 14 81 Ftanklurt lialng $353119 up S 13 07 Zurich l•I• 111.,naon ll•lng $363 25 up t 1 S 00 bid S3S• 00 ulted Hendy It Hermeft 1anly d e lly qvolll $357 7S UP $20 00 Engelherd 1on11-Clarty quot•I $JS7 7S uc> $20 00 EftQ•lherd 1on1y dilly Quol•I lebflcleled S37S64 up S2100 SYMBOLS o New voar1y 10w u N-)'ff•"; 11¢ Unles& 01-... .e noted r al•• or aMdend1 ••• 9 1111101 01~bu1'9mftf\IS MMKI on lllo IHI Qver1e11y or s*m' annull dect•••llon SPK• 11 O• ht• o ., .. ,oenos °' P•~•• not OHOQMll'd a> •egvl•• .. ,. ldt!fllllted '" ,,.. 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I ~ 11 I ~ • 40 • ; •• ,, • 't llAllH l:IAIT llllll Ull/mTI mil WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18, 1982 OHANGE COUNT V C Al U OH NIA 25 CENTS GETTING SHIP-SHAPE -Part of the challenge of a pirate , role is keeping on the mustache. Amber Poland and Eric Anderson will have that mastered and Eri~ Leidal, Noriko Watanabe and Laura Kempke will have their songs ready by Sept. 2 and 3 when the Irvine Children's Chorus will stage Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" at Irvine High. Market surges again •, NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices s urged upward again today in the heaviest trading ever, adding to record gains posted Tuesd ay in response to falling interest rates. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, which shot up 38.81 points Tuesday for its largest singlP-day rise in history, climbed another 16.17 points to 847.41 in the first four hours this morning. Gainers held an 8-1 lead over losers in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Many stocks were delayed in opening because of the storm of buy orders. But trading volume in the first hour on the Big Boa.rd still reached 37 .02 million shares. shattering the previous record of 24.12 million set in March, as traders scrambled to get In on the mar ket's sudden revival. It passed 100 million at 11 a.m. ~ rece.ntly as last Thursday, the popular averages stood at their lowest levels in more than two years. Analysts said the spark that set off the explosive rally was the rapid fall of interest rates. Some short-term rates have tumbled as much as 5 percentage points since I.ate June. This week, two Wall Street economists -Albert Wojnilower of First Boston Corp. and Henry Kaufman of Salomon Brothers -stirred the finan cia l community with forecasts of lower rates to come . . Dana boat -slip rent boosted County inc r e a ses average f ee from $200 to $210 p e r mon th Boaters whose vessels are docked in the west basin at Dana Point Harbor face a 4.5 percent slip rental incrtase as a result of action t oday by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The rate increase -approved by unanimous vote -will boost the average rental, based on a 35-foot boat, from $200 to $210 per month. TBW, a partnership operating the 957 slips in the west basin, sought a 10 percent increase in November. But Murray Storm, director of the county Environmental Management Agency, said a 4.5 percent increase was justified based on information received from the partnership. The board's action upheld Storm's findings. Not affect.ed by the action are renters of the 1.462 slips in the adjacent Dana Point Marina. The existing per-foot rate at the west basin today ranges from $5 to $6.15. As a result of the board's action. the range will climb to between $5.50 and $6. 75 per foot. Storm said the rate increase will provide a 17.3 percent rat.e of return on investment for TBVy'. NATION Rates of return for other Southern California marine operators range from 17 to 34 percent, Storm said. Storm t.enned the increase "e fair middle ground." At the suggestion of R estaurant column back Norm Stanley is not only "Out 'n' About,'' as his column heading says, but he's back in . The popular restaurant columnist, starting today, becomes a midweek feature of the Daily Pilot. His news of restaurants, restaurateurs, entertainment at the Orange Coast's well- known dining spots and all the rest of what excites the out-and-about crowd will be presented every Wednesday in the Daily Pilot. The Weekender restaurant review will continue to appear in Friday's e ditions. Norm Stanley's on Page.BJ today. A h alf buck for $10.50 Has Uncle Sam got a deal for you. How about commemorative 50-cent pieces honoring the 250th anniversary of George Washington's birth for only $10.50, or $8.50 for real bargain hunters? Page A7. Rock fest push es tick ets The gigantic US Festival, which promoters hope will a t tract 250,000 rock fans over Labor Day weekend, ls offering one-day along with three-day tickets, possibly to boost sales. Page A 7. Bikers end long p edal SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Two dozen blcycliata pedaling 3,800 miles through water, wildemeea and l'll08quitoes croaed the Gofden Gate Bridae on the final leg of a trek to raise over $100,000 In pledges for mental health aaaoclat!ona. • .. Super visor Thomas Riley, the board also ordered a study by the county Counsel's Office on procedures by which future slip rental increases would be eva luated . A report was request.ed within 90 days. Riley said "forma.lized reVleW procedures" are needed because of existing contract procedures. They call for the operator's rate of return to be the standard by which r e ntal increases are (See SLIPS, Page AZ) Council hacks LB • cops on restraint By STEVE MITCHELL Of ttlJ Deity Piiot lteft Laguna Beach Pohce Chief Neil Purcell has won City Council support for continued use of a neck restraining hold by officers in extreme combative situations. Arguing that a ban on such holds could be even more dangerous for criminal suspects, Purcell said the so-called carotid restraining hold, when properly applied, does not injure the suspect. The support came during Tuesday night's council meeting at City Hall. The controversy over choke COUNTY holds was brought to the City Council's attention affer the city was forced to pay a $12,500 out- of-court settlemen\ to a woman who was purportedly "choked out" in a booking cage at the police station. And while the officer involved in that incident was disciplined, and has since left the department, the council ordered a review of su c h restraining holds. Purcell told the council there are two types of neck restraining holds -the so-<:alled choke hold, in which air to the lungs ls cut (See RESTRAINT, Pa1e AZ) Hyp eractive kids aided Huntington Intercommunity Hospital has a program that helps slow hyperactive children, resul ting in less ·family tension and better school performance. Page Bf Nestande appointmenl eyed A state panel is to consider the nomination of Orange County Supervi90r Bruce Nestande to the California Transportation Commission today. Page A8. TELEVISION Throw out the anch,;rf New York fans of a local new anchor team Tom Snyder ta to ~ are ~ about U,e job shift, and plan to let W ~w. Page Cl3. ., Laguna seeks Sycamore Hill ~ • pact revise I Laguna Beach officials will go back to the negotiating table with a development firm that is interested in purchasing a 62-acre parcel m Sycamore Hills from the city. The council, unhappy with the latest bid from Baywood Development Co. for the parcel, ordered City Manager Ken Frank to again meet w 1th company officials in an attempt to work out a better deal for the city. The action came during Tuesday night's council meeting. The Newport Beach development firm was the onJy company, from among 100 solicited, to submit a bid for purchase of the parcel, located off El Toro Road near Leisure World. Sycamore Hills is located within the city limits of Laguna Beach while Leisure World is in unincorporated Laguna Hills. At one time, Baywood had agreed to pay the city $5.4 million for the 62 acres, and planned to construct about 300 townhouses on the land. But the deal fell through when Baywood failed to come up with an option payment, and the city sent out requests for proposals to other development firms. The city purchased the entire 522-acre Sycamore Hills parcel in 1978 for $6.75 million, in order to end years of lawsuits between the former owners and the city over land use issues. • 1n order to pay for the en~ parcel. the then-City Counci decided to sell off a small ch of the land for development, thua leaving the r est of the hiJl canyon I.and vacant. When Baywood failed to co up with an option payment earlier thlS year, the city soughl proposals from. other f inns. Baywood was the only company to submit a proposal. Only this time around, the company's offer to the city wu substantially less than before. (See SYCAMORE, Page AZ) Lag una cafe blaze probed An inves t igation was continuing today into the cause of a fare that damaged the kitc he n of a Laguna Beach restaurant. The blaze, which broke out Tuesday shortly before midnight, dad an estimated $50,000 worth of damage at the Nameless Restaurant, located on Pacific Coast Highway near Myrtle S treet, firemen said. No one was injured during the blaze which took firefighters 30 minutes to bring under control. The restaurant, also known as 489 Club, had closed earlier in the day. 0.-, ................ CANYON CONSTRUCTION Concrete K-rail bars, which will be placed between Laguna Canyon Road and a flood control channel project to protect workers, are readied off the roadway near Big Bend. Construction of a $3.3 million channel along 3.000 feet of the canyon road is under way, with completion expected by Christmas. John A. Artukovich and Sons, of Los Angeles, are constructing the 10-foot by 14-foot wide reinforced channel. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landen All Businees Al0-11 Movies 84-5 Herb Caen A13 Mutual Funda AlO Cavalcade Al3 National News A3 Comics Cl2 Public Notices 84,89-10 Cn.word Cl2 Sports 86-9 Death Notices 810 Stock Markets All Editorial Al2 Television Cl3 Entertainment 84-5 Tbeaten 84-5 Food Cl-11 Weather A2 Horoecope Al3 World New. A3 SPORTS Dodgers win in 2Jst, 2-1 , CHICAGO (AP) -The Lo~ Angeles Dodaera finally defeated the Chicago Cubr here today, 2-1, ln a pme that co~ 21 lnnlnga, two days and 6 houn and 10 minut.et of playing time . II I •• • L Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT /WedMtdl)I, Augu1t 119. 1982 f Dally Piiot PhOlo by Oary AmbfOM R ESTA UR ANT R E LOCATI NG -Owner G e ril MuUer will move his award-winning Ambrosia to South Coast P laza Town Center in Costa Mesa m J.Je<.·ember, 1983. He's the second restaurateur this summer to reject crowded Balboa Peninsula strct>ts. ·Ambrosia to relocate •'• . Restaurant leaving Newport for Costa M esa .,,. lb JODI CADENHEAD ·of the Dally Pllol Slaff • • Ambrosia, the award-w inning 'f'e.Staurant that has a ttracted Ht>llywood celebrities and diners from around the world, is leaving Newport Beach for Costa Mesa. · Geril Muller, part-owner of "he haute cuisine restaurant, said he Is vacating the cramped one- 1t'a y 30th Street location for South Coast Plaza Town Center. In December, 1983. •In the meantime, Muller plans :to take over the closed Encore l'estaurant site adjacent to the Imperial Bank Building a t 695 Town Center Drive in February. '. '.F.roni Page A~ S haring a lobby, Le Premier Grill will offer continental dishes al $35 to $40 per person while Ambrosia guests can expect to pay $75 to $100 per person. Muller lis ted parking, traffic and lease problems as his reasons for leavmg Newport Beach after nine years although the present location will remain open until December 1983. Ambros ia 1s the second restaurant to leave the Newpor t Beach peninsula this summer Hans Prager sh ut the Ritz near the pier and moved to Newport Center m July. "The problem on the pernnsula 1s that tt's crowded and hard to find," l'Omplamed MuUer. T hat hasn't stopped diners sud\ as Johnny Carson. Rock Hudson, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger from walking into the red velvet seated reswurant. Alt hough p a t ron s can now spend up to $6,000 for a bottle of wine, $58 for an ounce of fresh Russian Beluga MaJossol or $20 for goose liver pate and truffles, Muller says he plans to upgrade the restaurant and double the priet.•s when he moves to Costa Mesa. RESTRAINT POLICIES BACKED. • • ··' 'Qff, and the carotid hold, which 4}\uts off the flow of blood to the .br a in, leavi ng the s us pect ~porarily unconscious. The chief said the choke hold is pro h ib ited un de r all circumstances by the L aguna ~ach police department, bu t he :s~id u se of the carotid neck •restraint should not be banned in !Laguna Beach. . -' : "T he proble m of getting a ~mbetive subject under <:ontrol s difficult for a person to understand who has never had to do it," P urcell said. "A person who attempts to take on a police officer has no rules," he continued, saying a ban on the car otid hold would llmtt the officer's opu ons in a senous scuffle. Purcell said the "safer" hol<fts used by 1...aguna officers, "once a week. m aybe once ever y two weeks," and only after ot her means of restraining a suspect have been exhausted. Councilman Dan Kenney, in supporting con tin ued use of the hold, said, "We . depend on the pol ice to protect us. W hen violenc·e escalates to a point, 1 prefer the officer have the option of using the caroud hold rather than his gun .. He was JOined by the other council members in reaffirming the departmen t's continued use of t he hold. but the panel asked that Purcell return m six months with a report on how many times lhe hold was used. Slightly warmer The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT Rain~ Snow[:;:;) From Pa e A l Y AMORE About $1.& million IHll, Fronk e9Utna\ff Frank told council member• that If turth u t ulk • with Baywood and ronni r ownon of tho la nd provf' trullle11, h u would llkl' to appr<>ul.'h aeveral o ther development flrmtt that , expressed ln tcrust In the lund ~bu y, but did n ot submit proposala. O n e s u c h com p any w as Carmu-Sandllng, lrvlne, which did not submit a bid because oC the llmlU&Uon on the number of units it could conatruct. In I ta propoeal to developers, the City Council pfoced a limit of 420 uni~. of which 50 must be set aside for low and moderat e income buyers. Frank se.id l h e Carma- S a n dling g r o up w o uld be inte reste d in p urch sin g the acreage if lt were allowed to build substantially more units at a lower cost. T p e City Counci I o rde r e d F r a n k to re t ur n 1n mid - Ser tember with the results of his t a ks w i t h Bayw ood a n d, p ossibly, o ther developmen t firms. From Page A1 SLIPS • • • evaluated. B oa -r d C h a irm a n Bruce ~~nde, w hile supporting the rental incre<tSe. said, "l don't feel gov('rnment sho uld b e guaranteeing excessive rates of rt-turn . .. Pl'rsonally. I tha nk 11 (17.3 percent) 1s excess1v<.-and think it's wrong" Repairman saved after CM seizure A telephone repairman from H unti n gton Beac h was recuperating today after being rescued from a pole 1n Costa M~. Costa Mesa firemen, using the basket on a snorkel unit, rescued John Walcott, 23, from the pole at 340 Magnolia Ave. Tuesday afternoon after he had called officials at Pacific Telephone C.O .. com~Jaining of chest pains. He was repairing telephone li nes and was at first believed to have suffered a heart attack. a<.'COrding to reports . P a r a me d ics from Newport Beach administered first aid at the scene Walcott was taken to Hoag M emorial H osp i t al , Newport Beach, where he was treated and released. Wome n's lobbying powe r r estore d SACRAMENTO (AP) -After an angry debate peppered wit h charges of sexism. the s tate Assembly voted to restore the lobbying ability o f th e Commission on t he S tatu s of Women. ;--- PLO to agree to Israelis' " final demands By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 T h e P alestine Llbera Llon Organization bowed to Israel's demand for the unconditiona l return or a captive Israeli pilot and the rema ins or five Israeli sold1era kille d In Leban on , removing the last obstacle to the withdrawal of t he Palestinian guerrilla s fro m Be iru t, a Leba n ese g ove r n m ent spokesman announced today. Th e s po k es m a n said his governmen t w as making the formal request to the United States, France a nd Italy to p r ov i de th e 2,000 -man multinational peacekeeping force tha t will oversee the evacuation nf PLO fightPrs a nd Syr ian troops from the besieged Moslem sector of the Lebanese capital. Israel Army Radio said Prime Minister Menachem Begin and his Cabinet were studying the fi nal draft of the evacuation plan and were expected to approve it Thursday. The command also reported guerrillas fired light arms near the port of Beirut today, but that the Israelis did not return fire. The Lebanese spokesman said the PLO agreed Tuesday night to hand over Israeh pilot Aharon Ahiaz, who was shot down on the first day of Israel's mvasion J une 6, to Lebanese Prime Minister S ha f1k Wazzan, and Wazzan would d e liver h im t o U .S preside ntial en voy Philip C . Habib. The PLO also agreed to hand over to Lebanese uuthonties the remains of five Israeli soldiers kllled during this invasion a nd provided Information locating the (:(raves of four Israelis killed d uri ng the 1978 invasion o f southern Lebano n , th t! spokL-sman said Judge faces county probe The Orange C.Ounty District Attorney's office is investigating West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold'a a dmissio ns in court tha t sh e prepared a deed giving her possession of a $2-m11l1on house in Newport Beach that was backdated. Assistan t Distract Attorney Michael Capizzi said the two- week probe will look into the "facts and circumstant-es" of the deed situation to determine if a violation of law occurred. The house on Lido lsle had belonged to Judge Harrold's grandmother , Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster. Harrold's election victory in June was invaJjdated two weeks ago when Superior Court Judge Ronald Owen determined that she was not a legal resident of Orange County when she filed a declarauon of candidacy on Feb 23 ~\\\ ,,~\\\\ Laguna • seniors pushing projects T he Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach is sponsoring the Postal Alert and Vial of Life programs and u rging senfors to call for information. The Vial of Life program ts design ed to assure t h a t medical assistance is available as soon as possible 1f a senior citizen becomes iU or injured. •T h e Chamber of C.Ommerce of Laguna Beac•h 1s p u blish ing its sec ond annual directory, which will be d istributed free to each home in the Art Colony. T he full color and black and white book will feature The Postal Alert program, implemented m conjunction with local postal em ployees, ass ures t h at a ny unusual circ ums tance , such as mailbox overflow or newspaper pileup, will be immediate invesugated to determine if an emergency exists For further anformat1on, call 497-2441. photographs. statistics and community information as wPll as a "yellow pages .. section las t.mg businesses and professions. Advertising space is still available. For in for mation , call the chamber at 494 -1018. Overnight tows ere forecast in the mid 60s In downtown Loa Angeles, to e coaat11 low on the mi d 60s trom •8 to 60 In mountain.s and from 65 10 88 1n desefls 19 Showers• Flurrles[ri<] .----- Coa!f tcd Fog and low clouds gtMled Ille dey with clearlng beck to the beech•• by early afternoon Oth4HWIM falr today with nighs ranging neat 70 at the beaches 10 mid 80t In the Inland areas. Low cl oud• ret urn tonight and Thuraday with IOcal log llC>fudlng Mland about tO mllft In lat• night and early morning hours e>v.tnlght lows 58 to 65 Hlgne reday,,.., 70 al the ballctl9ll IO ~lnland Ela awhera, from Potnt Conception 10 the Ma•ICan bot<* and out 60 mllet, Mostly tight vart1bla wlnda In me night and morning hours becoming waaterly tO to 18 knoll In the afternoons today and Tl!urlday. Wind wevn this IM!nlng 2 to 3 ,_., SoulhwMI swell 2 lo 3 feet low clouds and IOcal fog nlgh1 and morning hou<a with clearing In the attamoona. .S. s uninta ry Scattered thun~1torm1 struck the Qreel Plaint Mtly todsy with downpours conoanlrata d In NebrHka and Iha OakotH, H r-vy rain continued for tne tlllrd , day OY8t Ten,__, two people --. known ONd a a ratull ot floodlng Mondi )' In PIMMnt Shade, Tenn .. end ttv• • othata ware mlaalng In Merion County after e dre nc;hlng of 7 Inch•• In 1 t.,.o-hour period ecattered thunder11orm1 Tu.els Nm Oltet' the eouthern Nill of the At11n11c: CoHI. There ware ~ous thundarltonn1 OYer the ._.am helf of New Mexico Tlll -ttw -fair for the r•t of Iha nation. The Natlonel WNlher ServlQe f or a o 111 a c attara d thundenlonn• today -the Gulf Co .. I and par1a of Iha All1nttc ooa et. Wl dely 1c11tarad thundararorma ware pr1Cllct•d from Arizona and w11tarn New Mnlco to Mont-and Into the ml6d'e Mleeouft vall9y. Telflpe ratur•• aerty lod1y reno•d from 49 dagr••• In Llme9tone, Maine, and Mwqueua, Miah~ to 80 dillgt-In Pfloenllt. California TM Natlonl.I WMfhaf s.rvfee llyt loutharrt c.Hornt•'• _.,,., ~ be tw fhurMey wtth f'llg"1 aflcl "'°'nlng fog and l1oletad a fternoon and e v e n i n g ...... ·-· In rnountalnl and ..... HlaM wtll ""fl fl'Ol'ft Iha mid IOI [n Loe ""9t111, to ttlt tOI In Owet11 Valley, In Illa 10• In IC:=:' .,..., from ts to 102 In __.,. lo I 10 In Iha IOw Boaters from PC>lnt Conception to the Mexican border can expac1 llgh1 variable winds during the nlghl end morning hours, becoming southWMterly 81 10 to 18 knots during the ahernoon with e 2-to-3-toot southwest swell T eniperatures NATIOM HI LG Pre. 82 50 Na1o0na1 Vtleilhl!• Sentoe@ NOAA US Dept 01 Com" t-•lt Albany Albuque Amar1110 Asnevma Allenta Atlante Cty Aus!ln Beltlmore Bllllngs Blnningllm Bismarck Boise Boston Browna~le Butfalo Burlington Casper Charlsln SC Charlsln WV Chatllta NC Cheyenne Chie6go Cloc:lnnaU C~llnd Clmbln SC Oat-Ft Wth Dayton Denver 9• 70 83 81 75 61 O• Fronts: Cold .. Warm 99 Occluded w.- Des MC>lnes Detroit Duluth El Puo Fargo F\agstltt 82 68 32 77 61 63 102 79 91 61 02 92 65 87 70 98 9• 89 90 57 87 66 25 97 74 76 50 81 51 15 96 61 88 75 05 89 59 83 66 25 83 59 18 80 53 87 62 78 52 e6 87 95 78 87 54 88 65 88 68 80 61 77 67 too 7• 87 89 112 50 Great ~alls Hartlord Helena Honolulu Hou11on tndnaplis Jackan MS Jacksnvlle t<ana Cny K.no•vllle Les veges Little Roe• Loutav111e Lubbock Mamph19 Miami MllwiYkoe Mpt.-SI P NalhYHla New Oftaans New Vork Norfolk No Pl•tte Oklll City Omaha 0.11ndo Phlladphla Pho.<>I• P111.oorr P11and, • 89 55 86 62 08 91 56 83 76 04 96 81 89 56 86 72 89 69 33 83 6-i 86 66 Hi 104 78 02 85 69 87 66 87 65 t 00 89 76 117 73 37 74 56 89 68 86 68 90 74 89 68 04 88 66 82 86 60 91 73 85 68 90 72 07 90 85 07 105 88 Ot 83 57 •3 88 57 .-...:;;\;..19ii-..-SD _____ R_f R_IP_DR_T Afff ... Tafl'lp. 68 88 68 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Piiand, Ora Providence Raleigh Reno Salt Lake San Antonio Saa Ille Shreveport Siou• Falls St Louis SI P·Ternp11 St Ste Marla Spokane Syracuse Topeka TUCllOl'I Tutta Washlngtn WIChllB 84 85 68 91 94 102 75 95 87 85 87 72 87 77 85 100 93 91 88 CALIFORNIA 60 65 04 85 22 56 68 01 78 55 73 .17 70 65 75 48 56 50 6J 74 01 88 64 .66 67 Balcautleld 98 76 Euret<a 88 56 Fresno 97 68 Lencutar 97 &t Loa Angeles 84 63 Marysville 97 Montflfay 64 Oakland 78 58 Paso Robin 100 &6 Red Blurt 98 67 RadWOOd City 80 58 S niog Where lo 0111 (1011 lraa) tor letfft 1mog Information: Orange County. (800) •4&-3829 Loa Anga111 Count y: (800) 242-4022 Rl\walde Incl 8an Bamwdlno counlltl (IOO) 367-4710 AOMO Ec>ltod• Canter· (800) :!'2-4889 Tides TOOAY Second tow 3: 15 p.m. 1.t Second hlQh 9.28 pm. 7 0 'T'HUR80AY Flrltlow 4 21 1m. tt Finl high t0·42 I m 4 9 ~'°"' 4-0S p.m. 1.4 8toOnd hlQtl 10: ~ p.m. U Sun ..,, today at ?:11 p.lfl., r1M1 Thurldey 11 8: 17 a.m. Moon ,... today at Si37 p .m .. Mtl flwndey 11 7:46 a.m. ..-----------------------------------------, ~IE SPORTS LTD. announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 ~ r----- Aea1E SPORTS lrvlne • 708 Barranca Partcwa)' lrvtne, CA ~ • Doors Open 10:00 A.M. LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona. Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Cr nnie Bonco & More ... MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS & TRUNKS 20°/o -SOo/o OFF Including: Stubies, Quicksilver. Surfline, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Glrls Sportswear From 40%-60% OFF • Including: OP, Off shore, Quicksilver WET SUITS 10°/o-30% OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS Buy any Boogie Bodrd and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Off Sales Prices Limited To Stock On Hand ·-------------------·· 1 This Coupon Good For 1 I I~ I s OIE DOLUR s I .,.OBIE SPORTS I I CoroN def Mer I I 2831 Coal Hwy • On Purchue of l 10.00 During Sale I Corona def Mer, CA I u.nn OM PW euetorner J l7S-ot'100 ---------------------• .. 111111 ClllT 1111111111111 WEDNl:SOAV, AUGUST 18, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY C:Al Ir OH NIA 25 CENTS GE'M'ING SHIP -SHAPE -Part of the challenge of a pirate role is k eeping on the mustache . Amber Poland a nd Eric Ande~n w ill have that mastered and Erik Leidal, Noriko o.Hy Ptlot fltloto by Lee l"erM Watanabe and Laura Kempke will have theil" songs ready by Sept. 2 and 3 whe n the Irvine Children's Chorus will stage G ilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" at Irvine High. She shapes up young 'pirates' Childre n 's chorus director runs tight rehearsal ship ~!ANDIE JOY I t.ff Wrtt« ~anet Kempke doesn't kid around, she's quite serious about what she wants done and how to do'it. Kempke is music di.rector for Irvine Children's Chorus, which she is rehearsing for the ~t. 2 and 3 performances of Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Pirates of Penzance" to be staged at Irvine High School. "Erik," she declared, "you'll have to bring in the whole chorus with hurrah. If t h ere's n o hurrah, it's going to be your fault." Erik hollered an enthusiastic hurrah, but his entourage hesitated ever so slightly before following suit. So, Kempke, hands firmly planted on her hips and moving about purpoeefully, gave a pep talk on paying attention. proper t iming and enthu1iasm. Then, she told them to try again. "You see how late you are," ahe declared after the next try. "And, you're a bunch of zombies. I want your faces working. If the expression is sad, I want them sad. I don't want you looking around at your friends." She put the 47 aspiring young actors and actresaes through their paces during the second day of script blocking. S he didn't bully or embarrass her young charges, but, through assertive language and ex rremely animated movements, s he clearly demonstrated what she wanted. And, they soaked it in. Turning to three !oys, she explained, "You are now sittina on a rock, and it hurts when you sit on a rock." To another group, she said, "You're pirates; you've been at sea a long time. You walk like this with your fe'et planted firmly apart to keep your balance.'' And 90 went the reheanal in the sanctuary at Unlv.rsi.ty Un.i ted Methodist C hurch, University and Culver drives, Irvine. • Irvine Children's Chorus was founded several years ago as a small, private,singing group and, since last March has been recruiting publicly. The chorus is th« brain~hild of educator Margaret K oopowitz, a New Zea.land native, w ho has taught at UCLA and is a lecturer at UC Irvine. Koopowitz, chorus executive director, said ahe was able to put her plan into action when she met Kempke, who has taueht choral music to children for 15 yeara. Children enrolled in the chorus ''sing becau se i t is fu n ,'' Koopowitz explained, "and, they learn ear training , pitch relativity. enunciation and other fundamentals as they apply to vocal music." Ranging in age from 6 to 18, chorwi memben are ~ncouraged to sing aolos, she added R esta uran t column b ack in Pil ot Irvine gre ets bus shelters Mayor 'christens' one of nin e in new program • By SANDIE JOY Of the Dlllly l"Mol Staff There was quite a crowd at the bus stop on Cu lver and the pilot project is s~fuJ. The shelters were in.stalled by Los Angeles-based S helter Norm Stanley is not only "Out 'n ' About," as his column heading says. but he's back an . The popular restaurant columnist, starting today, becomes a midweek feature of the Daily Pilot. Michelson drives one r ecent RELATED PHOTO -.U pay the city 15.1 pen:ent of the IJ"08S monthly revenue from sale of advertisine on each shelter or $64 per ahelter pu month, whichever ls gre.ter. afternoon. But nobody caught Media Inc., which is responsible the bus. ·r for their upkeep and for Strinfent reatri'ction a have been p aced on advertisln1 perm i tted on the sheltera including a prohibition of tobacco and alcohol ads unl ess specifically approved by the Irvine City Council. Matter of fact, the baker s obtaining advertisers to pey th« dozen including lrvi~e ~ayor freight. Larry Agran and seruor cttlz.e L a r r y H 0 g 1 e , I r v i n e Jack F1etcher, let the bus goo c ommunit y development His news of restaurants, restaurateurs, entertainment at the Orange C.oast's well- known dining spots and all the rest of what excites the out-and-about crowd will be presented every Wednesday in the Daily Pilot. The Weekender restaurant review will continue to appear in Friday's edit ions. Norm Stanley's on Page.BJ today. byT. h . ded' . director, said Shelter Media ia to e occasion was 1cat1on, The d t y alao won't allow adt which display the words "atop," "dri~ in," "d~r" or any other w ord , phraae , symbol or character which might interfere with, mislead or direct vehicular traffic, Hogle aaJd. NATION "chnstening" as Agran called it, of the city's bus shelter program, a plan that will contribute both to the residents' comfort and the city's coffers. Irvine has nine spacious, attractive glazed metal and smoked acrylic shelters, designed to protect bus riders from the elem ents and encourage increased bus usage. Eventually, · there might be more than nine If A h all b uck for $10.50 Has Uncle Sam got a d eal for you. How about commemorative 50-cent pieces h onoring the 250th anniversary of George Washington's birth for only $10.50, or $8.50 for real bargain hunters? Page A7. R ock lest push es tick ets The gigantic US· Festival, which promoters hope will attract 250,000 rock fans ov er Labor Day weekend, i.s offering one-day along with thrtt-day tickets, possibly to boost sales. Page A 7. Bikers end long pedal SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Two dozen blcyclJN pedallng 3,800 miles through water, wilderness and moequJtoes cromed the Golden Gate Bridae on the finaJ leg of a trek to raise over $100.000 in pledges tor mental health UIOCiationa. \ -. v Marr iage license fee goes up $5 SACRAMENTO (AP) -The cost of the basic California marriage license will go up $5 to $23 next year, bringin1 in U million a year to expand programs to prevent domestic violence. COUNTY The dty has a 10-year contract with Shelter Media, h e said, whict_l provides that the city has the right to buy the shelters for at least $900 each a fter 36 montha. Hyperactive kids aided Huntington Intercommunity H ospital has a program that h e lps slow hyperactive c hildre n , resulting in less family tension and better school perfonnance. Page Bl. Nestande appointm ent eyed A state panel ia to con.alder the nomination of Orange County Supervt.ot Bn&ce Nntande to the California Tran.sport.atkJri c.omm1111on today. Pace A8. TELEVISION Throw out the anchor t New York falll of a b:a1 new anchor team Tom Snyder ts to ~ are uy;ry about ~e Job ahift, and plan to let W know. hie Cl3. . Stock surge '.loses steam; record trading; NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices 1urged upward again today in the heavieat trading ever , add ing to record gains posted Tuesday In res_ponse to falline interest rates. But then profit taking took place. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, which shot up 38.81 points Tuesday for its largest single-day rise In history, tlimbed another 16.17 points to 847.41 in the first four h ours this morning, then fell back to plus 5.90 at 837.14 after five hours of trading. Gainers held a 4-1 fead over losers in the broad tally of New Yor k Stock Exchange-listed ~ues. Many stocks were delayed in opening because of the storm of buy orders. But trading volume in the-first hour on the Big Board still reached 37 .02 million shares, shattering the previous record of 24.12 million set in March , as traders scrambl~ to get in on the market's sudden revival. It passed 100 million at 11 a.m. Aa recently p last Thursday, (Stt STOCK, Pas e AZ ) CATALYST? -Econ o mist Henry K a ufman may have triggered the stock market rise with his prediction of lower inter est rates. Wayne to conduct • • • noise IDon1tor1ng By FRED SCHOEMEHL ()('Ille De1tJ Net 1'-" John Wayne Airport officials will conduct special noise monitoring t.esta to determine if Frontier Airlines meets noise standa rds when the carrier begins nonstop service between Orange C.ounty and Denver Oct. 31. "We should know within four or (Ive days" whether Frontier can meet noise standards, Murry Cable, airport manager, said today. Cable said county officials question whether Frontier can meet the so-called "single event" noi.ae exposure level limits. Those limits are based on individual takeoff noise levels averaged over a three-month period. Should Frontier exceed the noise levels on takeoff during the three-month period, Cable sai the county would have the opti · of cancelini the carrier's ai lease. But Cable said such a mo . isn't likely. "They would something to modify the noi levels.'' Cable said. , Cable said he has discussed the noise level issue with Frontiet o ffi c ials . He sa..id h e h a• assurances that the carrier wW do all it can to stay within the noise limits. Bob Schulman, spokesman for (See FRONTIER, Page .U) •• IAVINE 8 LVO. o.IJN.e ..... WHER E THEY AR E -Map locates nine new bus shelters which have been established to ease the pain on riders' bunions and shore up the city treasury in Irvine. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers Al3 Busine9a Al0-11 Movies 84-5 Herb Caen Al3 Mutual Funds AlO Cavalade A13 National News A3 Corniel C l2 Public NoUces B4,B9-10 Cl'OWNOl'd C12 Sporta B6·9 DN\h Noticee 810 Stock Marketa All Edi tortal Al2 Television C13 lrntertainment 84-5 Theaters 84-5 Food Cl-11 Weather A2 Horoecope A13 World NeW'I A3 SPORTS Dodgers win in 2lat, 2 -1 CHICAGO (AP5e Loe Anaelee Dodpn finally defeated the Cubl here t.odayl 2-1, ln. pme that covered 21 two days ana 8 hou.n and 10 mlnuta of p1-yinC . I I .. Al Orange Ooatt DAILY PtLOT/W9dMtday, Augu1t 18, 1912 R)t:STAURANT RELOCATING -Owner Geril Muller will move his award-winning Ambrosia to South Coast Plaza Town Center in Deity Piiot Photo by OefJ Ambr- L:osta Mesa m Uecember. 1Y8~. He's the second restaurateur this summer to reject crowded Balboa Peninsula streets. Ambrosia to relocate Restaurant leaving Newport for Costa Mesa By JODI CADENHEAD of'IM Deity Piiot Slatt Ambrosia, the award -winrung restaurant that has attracted Hollywood celebrities and diners Crom around the world, is leaving Newport Beach for C.OSta Mesa. Geri! Muller , part-owne r of the haute cuisine restaurant, said he is vacating the cramped one- way 30th S treet location for South Coast Plaza Town Center. m December, 1983. In the meantime, Muller plans to take over the closed Encore restaurant site adjacent to the lplperial Bank Building at 695 Town Center Drive in February. Sharing a lobby. Le Premier Grill will offer continental dishes at $35 to $40 per person while Ambrosia guests can expect to pay $75 to $100 per person. Muller listed parking, traffic and leaae problems as his reasons for leaving Newport Beach after From Page A1 nine years although the prese~t location will remain open unul Decem ber 1983. A mbrosia is t he second restaurant to leave the Newport Beach peninsula this summer. Hans Prager shut the Ritz near the pier and moved to Newport Center in July. "The problem on the.peninsula is that it's crowded and hard to find," complained Muller. That hasn't stopped diners such as Johnny Carson, Rock H udson. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger from walking into t h e red velvet seat ed restaurant. Although pa_trons can now spend up to $6,000 for a bottle of wine, $58 for an ounce of fresh Russian Beluga Malossol or $20 for goose liver pate and truffles, Muller says he plans to upgrade the restaurant and double the FRONTIER AIRLINES. • • the Denver-based carrier that serves 79 cities throughout the nation. said Frontier may "in rare Instances" exceed sinllle- level takeoff noise limits. "liut on the average, we can stay within the noise limits due to the reduced noise on flights with less weight." Schulman said. "And. m those rare instances when we exceed the limits, the increased sound would be inaudible. Schulman said. prices when h(· mC'ves lo Costa Mesa The 59-year-old restaurateur said he didn't think Orange Cou n ty could support a 15,000-foot Ambrosia so h e dec-ided to open Le Premier too. The new Ambrosia will only seat 65. the prices will double and th<' menu will !Jst exotic new dishes A full service bar will be rolled to guests' tables and there will be a no tipping policy, said Muller The Danish born restaurateur expects 1t v;J,11 cost about $1 million to gu t the Encore r estaurant an~ bring in ne w china, linen and silverware. The restaurant will also serve a late night supper when the Orange County Performing Arts Center 1s open in 1985. Muller has signed a 30-year lease with Prude ntial and a Segerstrom affiliate. Fronllcr won the right to fly nonstop bebween Orange County and Denver on Monday. A U.8. Distnct Court judge overturned the airport's rule prohibiting nonstop flights to destinations more than 588 rruJes from Orange County. Church flap mounting Newport councilman flayed a By STEVE MARBLE Ofltle Delly ~t .,.,. N vwport Bea c h Ci t y Coum:ilmun Puul llumml•I wu crltklzcJ lociuy 101 11 ''polltkal bhu:k ma1lor" following hla 1uggeat1on that the lrvlne Company m u k c room (o r a church on a grllllSy promontory known as the ,Caataway1. Humme l, running for r e - election, haa a1ked hls council t'OlleagueH to preuure the Irvine Company lnto providing land for St. Andrew's Presbysterlan Church at the 65-ocre site. The chwrch on St. Andrew's Pl&<.'t? near Nt·wport llorbor I hgh School. hWJ drawn •harp crltldem from neighboring re.ideni. with lta expansion plans which include an 85-foot-high »'anctWU'l The apat In the CUf H»v~n community has evolved lnto an emotional and sometlmea bitter dispute. Hummel aald hta suggestion could settle the l.811ue aa well u cool off tempen. Reaction to Hununel's acheme, detailed In a press release the council released Tuesday, was mixed and drew several salvos from o n e oC hi s coun <:ll <:oUeagues, John Cox Turtle Rock woinan assault victim lrvllle police are mtervtewlng a 30-year-old Turtl e Rock woman who was awakened by a rapist this morning, about &even hours after a Santa Ana man was arrested in connection with an earlier rape-abduction. Border Patrol tactics hit The lrvinc City Council has asked the U.S. Border Patrol to modify its tactics m conducting raids in farm flt'lds, but so far, agents haven't altc-rcd their methods. A headline m Monday's Daily Pilc4-was incorrect by stating that such raJds have been curbed. The council sought the modifications in a letter signed r..i:• Mayor Larry Agran. AB the latest victim was being e xami n e d at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, Police Lt Robert Lennert said the 4:30 a.m. attack didn 't appea r "as gruesome " as the case o f a 43-year-old w oman who was abducted Sa turday from the Airporter Inn parking lot in 1.rvlne. Lenn e rt said p olice investigators from Irvine and Santa Ana had stake d out an area near Oak Street and Warner Avenue in Santa Ana where they arrested Jose A. Romero at 9:15 p.rn. Tuesday. Booked on felony rape, kidnap, assault and a rme d robbe ry charges. he is being held in the Newport Beach City Jail on $25,- 000 bail. He also was charged with a $25.000 felony warrant for residential burglary from the Citv of Orange. "blackmailer' "l think thUI lll JWlt n polltJcal ~twnuon rt.'tlt!r and U&nl.jffi()Wlt w poUucn b!JK-kmaJI," aald Cox, who o ft«n dl11ug r t.'ea with llumm•·I Cox 1rnld the Casta ways property already h1 designated for a church site and that council octton would at'\.'Omplit1h nothing. He aald H ummel is trying to tell the lrvlne Company how to uae its propert y. ''The whole thing ls ridiculous. Thia la jwn a political move by Hummel to gN headlines," Cox said. Robert Curll~>. a chu rc h member, said lht.· Castaways land would be an "cxt·1tmg" home for a church but that time and money !Jkely st.and in the way. Two yea.rs ago, St. Andrew's was planning to move 1ts facili ties to the promontory which takes its name from a restaurant thal onc-e stood there. Church officials said the lrvine Company backed out of a plan to sell acreage at the s ite to S t. Andrew's. From Page A1 STOCK • • • the popular averages stood a t their lowest levels in more than two years. Analysts said the spark that set off the explos1vt raUy was the rapid fall of interest rates. Some short-term rates have tumbled as much as 5 percentage pomts since late June. Slightly wariner Dally Piiot Photo by Gery Am~ SHELTERED -Bus r ide rs try out ne w in lrvine, one of nine such faci lities which have Rain mm Snowl:::;J shelter at Culver Drive and Michelson Ave nue been installed throughout the city. ~n~l ~-~~~I~ S~~rs~FlW~S~*1 ~------------------------------~- lt1e mid 60s In downtown Los ;...:..;;.a;.~::.:..:..::::..:.;.;:..:.:::;.,;;.::::....__,.--....----...==----~r-;:==:; ---------Angeles. toe coastal low In the r--------------------------------------------, mid 60s. !tom 48 to 60 In mountain• end from M 10 88 In d-1•. Fog end low clOuda greeted lhe • dey with cleerlng t>eck to the , beechea by eerly afternoon Othenriae talr lo<Say with hight renQina ,_,. 70 et Ille beachee lo mlcf llfa In the Inland ereas Low cloud• return tonight and Thunday wtth local log aprNdlng Inland about tb mllee lo lale nigh! and early morning hourt OYemight lows 58 to 85 Hight ThunJday near 70 at the l>eeCNlt to mlcMIOa Inland. Elaewhere, from Poin t , Conception 10 the M exican bcWdet end OUl 80 milee Moelty light \Wlable winds In the night and 1t1ornlng houra t>ecomlng ...._ly 10 10 18 knoll In the an.moon. today and Thurlday Wind --thla evening 2 to 3 IM1. 9outhwM1 swell 2 10 3 feel tow doudll and ioc.1 log night and • momMg hOura wtlh deerlng In the an-on.. SC.ttered 1hundef1torm1 atruclc the Gr•t Plaine eatly today with downpoura concentrated In Nebruka and the Oakotu, H '-'tY rain continued for lhe third dey OWf Tenneu.. Two people-· known dMd .. a r~lt cit tloodlng M ondey In • PIMUnt Shade. Ten .. end ttw• ot"-a were mlulng In Marlon '. County alter a drenching of 7 Inch•• In 1 two-hour period ·= ' · acettered lhunderltorma OWf the eoulhern half of the Atlantic Coeet. Theta -r• ~ thuncler91MIM OYer the .....,.. IMlff of New Mexico. The-"* ... flit f()( the ,. °' the Ntlon. The ... tlonal WN1her SeMoe tor e oaat aoallered ~todeyOYerthe~ ~ end parta of the Allentlc 1 co••t. W l daly acallered thu,...,.torm1 were predicted from Afl1ona •nd weatern N-Meldoo to Mont-Md Into the ~ MINOUfl 11-"9y. Temp•r•turea eerly tod•Y r•nged from 49 degree• In ~. M•ne. Ind Marqulltte, Midi.I to to degreem In ,._,.JI. California T"9 Natlon81 WM1"-t StrVlol M19 ~ Calttornle'• WMlher I lfloljld be ,.... ThurlclaY with night , and lftOrnlng fog and l•olated 1Jt1rnoon and e 11 e nlng • ltlt#ldll etlOWlll • In "'°""'*" end ........ , H1C1N wlll '"'91 from the mid IOI ii LOt Mgllm, to ttie IOI In Ow•n• Vall•Y· In U1e IOa In, "'°"'**' .,..... from t5 to 102 In ... Gf9.,, deMtt9 10 110 In lhe low Boaters lrom POlnt Conception 10 the Meidcen t>order can expect light variable winds during the night end morning hours t>tCOmlng soulh-terly al tO to ti knots during tM attemoon with a 2-10-3-1001 soul"-1 swell Ten1peratures NATION HI Lo Pre.. 62 50 Na~ Wul~e• Set\l<t NOAA U S Dept OI Cornrne•<t· Alb.any AlbuqlH AmerlHo Aahevllle Allenl• Allentc Cty Austin 8al11mo<e 8llllnga 81rmlnghm Blametck 8olM Bolton 8rown1vlle 8uttalo 8urtlngton Cuper Charlaln SC Cher191n WV Charllle NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnelnne11 Clellelend Clmble SC Del-Ft Wlh OeY1on Denver 94 70 83 81 75 61 04 Fronts: Cold ...., Warm .,_, Occluded ~ Stahonary •• Dee MC>lne1 Detroit Duluth El Paao Fargo Flagatatt 82 68 32 71 61 .63 102 79 91 61 .02 92 85 87 70 .98 94 69 90 57 87 66 .25 97 74 78 50 81 51 .15 96 61 88 75 .05 89 59 63 66 .25 63 59 .16 80 53 87 62 78 52 88 87 95 78 87 54 88 65 88 68 80 51 11 57 100 74 87 69 82 50 Gr .. 11-1111 HartlOtd Helen• Honolulu Houalon lndneplts Jecksn MS Jacksnvlle Kena City Knoxville Las Vegas Lillie Rock Loulavllle Lut>bock Memphl1 Mleml Miiwaukee Mpla-St.P Naslwllle New Ofleana New YOf'k Norte>lk No. Pl•lle Olde City Oma he Of!ando Phil Ml phi• Phoenix Pl111bllf'f!'. Piiand. 89 SS 88 62 08 91 56 83 78 °" 96 81 89 56 86 72 89 89 33 83 64 88 68 15 104 78 02 85 69 87 66 87 65 100 89 76 87 73 37 74 56 89 68 88 68 90 ,. 89 68 04 18 66 82 85 80 91 73 85 68 00 72 07 to 85 07 105 88 Ot 83 57 43 88 57 ~ SURf RIPORT ~ -T..,.a Weft Awereee L.eeatton ......... .. llape Temp . Huntington Blvlt• 2-4 ft lalf-good 86 Hunl::1,ton Plat 1-3 ft lmlr 88 1an11 n• Alwf .wtty 2-4 It good et '°'h 8t. Newport 2-4 ft good 88 22nd 8t. Newport t-2 It flllr 88 Balt>o• Wedge 2·5 " good 88 Rockplle, Lag~m• 3-4 ft QOOCI 88 Sleepy HOiiow 3-4 It good 88 Thalla-Broou 3-4 11 good ea Sett Creelt 3-5 It felt 88 Dollen)' a.ch 3 ft f•lf 81 Sen Clemtnte Plat 3-4ft good 88 Tral~ar (T· traetl Mft good 88 Cotton'• POlnt 2-3 ft good 88 r, .. , ... ,2-3 ft good 81 Sen Onofte 2-3 ft good 81 Piiand. Ore Providence Re1e1gh Reno Sall Lake San Antonio See Ille ShrevePor1 SIOU• Felli St Louie SIP-Tampa SI Ste Marie Spokane Syrecuse Topeke Tuc1on Tulse Was'11ngln Wichita 64 85 88 91 94 102 75 95 67 85 87 72 87 77 85 100 93 91 88 CALlfORNIA 80 65 °" 65 .22 56 68 01 78 55 73 17 10 65 75 48 56 50 63 74 .01 68 84 .86 87 8nker1lleld 98 78 Eureka 88 65 FrffnO 97 88 Lanculer 97 64 Lo• Angelee 84 83 Mary1v111e 97 Monte<ey 84 o a1oand 76 58 Puo Roblee 100 se Red Blutl 98 67 Redwood City 80 se mog Where to call (toll tree) tor llleet amog lnlorm•llon. Orange County: (800) 445--3828 Loa AngtlH County· (800) 242-,.022 ~ end Ben Bernardino countlee: (IOO) 381-4110 AOMD Eplaode c.nter: (800) 242-484111 Tides TOOAY Second low 3:15 p.m. 1.8 Seoond high 11:25 p.m. 1,0 TH\Hl8DAY Flral IOw 4:2 I Lm. I. I Flrat hlO~ 10.42 •.m. 4.t 8ecor\d' IOW 4:05 p.m. 1.4 8eoond hlofl 10; 10 p.m. e.1 Sun Ml• lod•y at 1:•1 p.m., rleM Tllufldey al 8· 11 .. tn. TOMOAAOW'S TIOES: High 10:42 • m low 4:05 p.m Swell Moon rt-lodiy II 8:31 p.m .. t>WtcUon 8outh/8ou1tiwe.t Mii Thlndey •t 7:45 a.m. 4 ~BIE SPORTS LTD. announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 -I: Doors Open 10:00 A.M. LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... ~BIESPORTS lrvlne 4708 Barre.nee Parkway lrvlne, CA 512-1212 ,. MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS & TRUNKS 20°10 -50°10 OFF Including: Stubles, Quicksilver, Surfline, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40%-50% OFF Including: OP, Offshore. Quicksilver WET SUITS 10°10 -30°/o OFF on Rip Curl & O'Nelll BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Off Sales Prices Limited To Stock On Hand / ·--------------.. ----·· I This Coupon Good For I I I~ I • OIE DOLUR s I ~BIE SPORTS I I Corona del Mer I I 2891 Cout Hwy. I On·Purchase of $10.00 During Sale ·I Corona det Mar. CA I um1t 0ne P.f euatonw I 8754100 ---------------·----- , ~-~~---~-~--~~·~~~-----__ .,...... ______________ _.... __ _......., ..... ...__.. ____ ...,._. ..... ~----....... --..................................... 1!1111!11~ Ollllil CDAIT WE ONE SOA Y, AlJGUS T 18, 1982 ~ . GETl'ING SHIP-SHAPE -Part o f the challenge of a pirate role is keeping on the mustache. Amber Poland and Eric Anderson will have that maste red and Erik LeidaJ, Noriko Senior apartlllent decision delayed The Costa Mesa City Council has decid ed to dela y action changing the use of city owned land from family units to senior citizen apartments. Se veral members from the Hous ing a nd Community Development committee have asked the coun cil to d elay a decision on the land at 765 W. 20th St. until they can review the proposal. At the s~me time, council members voted at the Monday meet.ing in favor of continuing discussions with members of the Central Bible Church, interested in relocating its Federal Housing and Urban Develo pment funded senior apartment project to the site. In 1979 the city, using federal Community Development Block grants' funds, began purchasing $1.6 mlllion worth of land on the west sid e of town to build 50 apartments for poor families. But the project was 'dealt a heavy blow in January when President Reag an announced plans to kill the federal Housing and Urban development program that subsidized rents for n ew oonstryction. City officials are now trying to find othe r ways to proceed with the project, since some funds for the elderly still exist. . CDSIA MIU 1011101 ORANGE COUN J Y. CALI FOR NIA 25 CENTS / Delly Piiot f'Mto by LM Peyne Watanabe and Laura Kempke will have their songs ready by Sept. 2 and 3 when the Irvine Children's Chorus will stage Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of P enzance" at Irvine High. Stock surge loses steam; record trading~ NEW YORK (AP) Stock prices surged upward again today in the heaviest trading ever, adding t o record gains posted Tuesday in response to falling interest rates. But then profit taking took place. The Dow Jones average of JO industrials. which shot up 38.81 points Tuesday for its largest sangle -ciay ris e in history , thmbed another 16. 17 points V> 84 7 .41 in the first four hours this morning, then fell back to close down l.81 at 829.42 Gainers held a 3-1 lead over losers in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchang e -listed issues. Many stocks were delayed m opening because of the storm of buy orders. But trading volume in the first hour on the Big &~rd stiU reached 37 .02 million shares, shattenng the previous record of 24.12 million set in March, as traders S<.'rambled to get in on tht! m arket's sudden revival. It passed 100 million at 11 a.m. and ended at 133.8 million. CATALYST? -Economist Henry K aufman may have triggered t he stock ma rket rise with has ,prediction of lower interest <fates. Restaurant column back Ambrosia to relocate Norm Stanley is not only "Out 'n ' About ," as his column heading says. but he's back in . The p o pular restaurant columnist, starting today, becomes a midweek feature of the Daijy Pilot. His news of restaurants. restaurateurs, entertainment a t the Orange Coast's well- known dining spots and all the rest of what excites the out-and-about crowd will be presented every Wednesday in the Daily Pilot. The Weekender restaurant review will continue to a ppear in Friday's edi lions. Norm Stanley's on Page B3 today. Restaurant leaving Newport for Costa Mesa By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Deity ll'tlot Sten Ambrosia, the award-winning restaurant that has attracted Hollywood celebrities and diners from around the world, is le;1ving Newport Beach for Costa Mesa. Geri! Muller, part-owner ot the haute c\lisine restaurant, said he is vacating the cramped one- way 30th Street location for South Coast Plaza Town Center. in December, 1983. In the meantime. Muller plans to take over the closed Encore restaurant site adjace nt to the Imperial Bank Building at 695 Town Center Drive in February. Sharing a lobby, Le Premier Grill will offer continental dishes at $35 to $40 per person while Ambrosia guests can expect to pay $75 to $100 per person. Muller listed parking, traffic and lease problems as his reasons for leaving Newport Beach after nine years although the present location will remain open until December 1983. Ambrosia is the second restaurant to leave the Newport Beach peninsula this summer. 'Hans Prager shut the Ritz near the pier and moved to New~ Center in July. • "The problem on the penins as that it's crowded and hard find," complained Muller. That hasn't s topped diner such as J ohnny Carson, Roe* Hudson , R ichard Nixon a nd (See AMBROSIA, Page A%) Vote yes for no in Newport Judge nixes rewording of ballot on Banning Ranch '5-By DAVID KUTZMANN O(tfle Delly Piiot Sten In Newport Beach, a Judge says, yes will still mean no. And come November, when v o t ers co n s id e r a ballo t referendum on the controversial Banning Ranch development plan, that's exactly the way it will be. Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas C r osby Jr. rejected a request by city council candidate Allan Beek Tuesday that the wording of the ballot measure be changed. The city-wide proposition asks voters whether a counc1l- a ppr o v e d g e n e ral plan amendment for Banning Ranch, which permits development on the 75-acre parcel, should be repealed. As the measure is currently worded, Beek's attorney argued Tuesday, a "yes" vote would mean a voter is actually opposed to the development. A "no" vote would mean ·he or she supports it. To understand the ballot measure, attorney Jeri McKeand said, would requir~ the voters to go through "mental gymnastics." But Robert Burnham, assistant city attorney, strongly disagreed, claiming a change in ballot language a t this point would only "wreak havoc." Judge Crosby took a sanguine posture on voter understanding (See BALLOT, Page A%) Frontier jet noise test due By FRED SCHOEMEHL 0( !tie Delly Piiot Stefl John Wayne Airport officials " will conduct spec ial n oise monitoring tests to determine if Frontier Airlines meets noise standards when th e ca r rier ~gins nonstop service between NATION Urange County and Denver Oct. 31. ''We should know within four or five days" whether F rontier can meet noise standards, Murry Cable, airport manager, said today. Cable said county officials A half bµck for $10.50 , Has U ncle Sam got a deal for you. How about commemorative 50-cent pieces honoring the 250th anniversary of George Washington's birth for only $10.50, or $8.50 for real bargain bunters? Page A 7. Rock l est pushes tickets The gigantic US Festival, which pron\oters hope will attract 250,000 rock fans over Labor Day wee ~nd, is offering one-day along with three-day t' ets, possibly to boost sales. Page A 7. ikers end long pedal SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Two doren bicyclists · g 3,800 miles through water, wilderness and uitoes cl"08tled the Golden Gate Bridae on the t eg of a trek to rru,e over $100,000 in pledges for mental health allllOCiationa. \ question whether Frontier can meet the so-called "single event" noise exposure level limits. Those limits are based on individual ta keoff noise levels averaged over a three-month period. S hould Frontier exceed the (See FRONTIER, Page A2) RESTAURANT RELOCATING -Owner Geril Muller will move his award-winning Ambrosia to South Coast Plaza Town Cen ter in Deify ll'tlot '°'*• by o.y ....,_ Costa Mesa m 1.Je<:ember, 1983. He's the second restaurateur this summer to reject crowded Balboa Peninsula streets. COUNTY Hyperactive kids aided Huntington Intercommunity Hospital has a program that helps s low hyperactive children, resulting in less family tension and better school performance. Page Bl. Nestande appointment eyed A state panel is to consider the nomination of Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestande to the California Transportation Commission today. Page AS. TELEVISION Throw o1'r the anchor? New York fans of a local new anchor team Tom Snyder la to replace are aJYP')' about °le job 1hift. and plan to let WABC know. Page C13. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers Al3 Business AlO-ll Movies 84-5 Herb Caen Al3 Mutual Funds AlO Cavalcade Al3 National News A3 Comics Cl2 Public Notices B4,B9-10 Cromword Cl,2 Sports B6-9 Death Notices BlO Stock Markets All F.ditorial Al2 Televi.ton Cl3 Entertainment B4-5 Theaters B4-5 Food Cl-11 Weather A2 Horoscope A \3 World News A3 SPORTS Dodgers win in 21st, 2-1 CHICAGO (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers finally defeated the Chicago C\.lbl here today, 2-1, ln a tame that covered 21 lnninp, two days and 6 hOW'W and 10 minutes of playing tlme. A fl.na.1 go4J'1ftet canoeing of $54 for the class. claaa, a courae th at offers Students learn the d08 and lnatruction ln canoe handling don'ts of canoe handling, get aa well as a sampling of severaJ up-close tours oC the Newport Harbor,• ~ner upper and lower bay and reataurants, begins Saturday. lunch and dine at several Offered through the city's harborfront restaurants. parka, beaches and recreatio"'""t department, the class rqeets r ·or turther information, , three times. There is a charge caJl 640-2271 • The Admiralty Club, u newly formed Newport Beach n on-profit group dedicated to raising money for Childrens Hospital of Orange C.ounty, will stage its flnl fund-raiser Aug. 27 at the Balboa Bay Club. Starting at 6 p.m., the get- toget her will be a casual affair on the bee.ch on the •Discuss ion of the Newport Boulevard channel bridge and how it should be modified to accommodate b oate r s wi ll take p lace Wednesday w hen the marine division of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce holds its regular brea kf ast meeting . f roni Page A 1 bayside of the club Tickets are $15 The new club, which has only two dozen members so far, is made up of Balboa Bay Club members but may soon be open to the public. The beach party is open to the public and Club organizers are hopeful of raising $10,000. For further information, call 645-5000. King, executive director ot Community Associations Inst itute, will lead Lh e discu ssion. There is a $5 charge for the 7:30 a.m . session at the Bal boa Bay Club. Call 644-8211 for more information. FRONTIER AIRLINES. • • noise levels on takeoff during the three-month period, Cable said, the county would have the option Repairman saved after CM seizure A telephone repairman from Huntingt o n B eac h was recuperating today after being l'escued from a pole in Costa Mesa. Cott.a Mesa firemen, using the basket on a snorkel unit, rescued J ohn WaJcott, 23, from the pole at 340 Magnolia Ave. Tuesday. afternoon after he had called officials at Pacific Telephone Co., complaining of chest pains .. He was repairing telephone lines and was at first believed to have suffered a heart attack, according to reports. Para medics from Newport '.Beach administered first aid at :the 1eene. Walcott was taken to Hoa1 M ~morial Hospital , ~ewport Beach, where he was ;treated and releaaed. o( canceling the carrier's airport lease. But Cable said such a move isn't likel y . ''They would do something to modify the noise levelc;,." r--"hle AAirl Cable said he has discussed the noise level issue with Frontier officials. He said he has assurances that the carrier will do all it can to stay within the noise limits. Bob Schulman, spokesman for the Denver-based carrier that serves 79 cities throughout the nation, said Frontier may "in rare instances" exceed sinizle- level takeoff noise limits. "But on the average, we can stay within the noise limits due to the reduced noise on flights with less weight," Schulman said. "And, in th06e rare instances when we exceed the limits, the i n c reased sound would be inaudible, Schulman said. Fron tier won the right to fly nonstop bebween Orange C.6unty and Denver on Monday. A U.S. District C.ourt judge overturned the airport's rule prohibi ling nonstop flights to destinations more than 588 miles Crom Orange County. Church flap mounting Newport councilman flayed as 'blackmailer; 8 )' STEVE MARBL~ Ml!te Delly,..._, lleft N~wport Bea c h City Councilman Paul Hummel waa crltlctu•d todity 1111 1.1 "political blac km1all,.r" Collowln" hla sugsestlon that the lrvlnt> Company make room for a chun:h on a grassy promontory known as the Caauaways. Hummel, running tor re- e lection, has asked his council colleagues to pressure the Irvine Company into providing land for St. Andrew 1s Presbysterian Church at the 65-acre site. The church on St. Andrew's Place near Newport Harbor High School. has drawn sharp criticism from neighboring residents with its expansion plans which include an 85-foot-high sanctuary. The spat in the Cliff Haven community has evolved rnto an emotaonal and sometimes bitter dis pute. Hummel said his suggestion <.'Ould settle the issue as weU as cool off tempers. Reacuon to Hummel's scheme, detailed in a press release the council r eleased Tuesday, was mixed and drew several salvos from o n e oC his cou n ci l colleagues, John C.ox. "I think this 1s just a polJtic.-al attention getter and tantamount to pohucal blackmail,'' said C.ox, who often disagrees with Hummel. Cox 111.1ld tht-Cti•tuwaya property already ta dl'lllim&l«.'d for a church alt(! and that cuun«.il &l·Uon would l.l('C.'C>mpUah nothing. He said Hummd L'I trying to teU the lrvine Company how to u.c 11..'1 property "Thi• whole thing Is ridkulOUll. -Thh1 111 Just " pollticaJ move by Hummt!f to get headlinl'8," Cox said. Robert Curtis, a c hurc h member, aaid the Cast.aways land would be an "exciting" homu for a <·hurch but that time and money likely st.and tn the way. Two years ago, St Andrew's was planning to move Its facilities to the promontory which takes its name from a restaurant that onc.-e stood there. Church orfac1als said the Irvine C.ompany backed out of u plan to sell acreage at the sate to St. Andrew's. "There's uncertainty whether we could even afford it now and the amount or tame 1t would take to even consider moving would just kill 01fr programs," said Curtis. The Irvine Company has filed plans for constructing 140 homes on the promontory as well as five acres' worth of commercial outlets on a pie<.'e of land at the foot of the Castaways. Tht> Cutawaya lJc locat.t-d off Dover Oriv~ near Pacific Cout Highway. It off~ra a aweeplng view of the Upper Nt•wport Bay and Newport Harbor. It htu. ~n v~nl tor the put IC.'veral yeara J erry Collins, a n Irvin e Company spokesman. aald Castaways property waa telllng for $~00,000 an acre two years ago and Ukely haa skyrocketed sln<.'t? then. He eaid the develo.J>ment firm haB a poUcy ag~nst giving land to churches. The company. he saJd, only makes land gifta to pubUc agencies and non-sectarian groups. "It's poeaible," he added, "that a location there might not be realistically affordable by any church." Hummel said his notion was prompted by a belief thal an acxieptable compromise between the church and Cliff Haven residents is unlikely. "I don't believe there's a solution that will be aa.-eptable to both sides," said the C.orona del Mar councilman. However. representatives from the chu rch, the neighborhood a nd the council were meeting today In a try at finding such a compromise. ~ Judge Harrold under probe Backdated deed brings look hy district attorney The Orange County District Attorney's oCC.ce is investigating West Orange C.ounty Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's adm1ss1ons tn court that she prepare d a deed giving her possession of a $2-million house an Newport Beach thal was backdated. Assistant District Attorney Michael Capizzi said the two- week probe will look into the "facts and circumstances" of the deed situation to determine if a violation of law occurred. The house on Lido Isle had belonged to Judge Harro1d's grandmother, Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster. Harrold's election victory in June was invalidated two weeks ago when Superior Court Judge Ronald Owen determined that she was not a legal resident of Orange C.ounty when she filed a declaration of candidacy on Feb. 23. Harrold listed the Newport Beach home as her residence on the candidacy papers although Judge Owen ruled that she was actualJy a resident of Riverside at the time. Harrold claimed during her residency trjal that th e November 1981 date on the deed for the house reflected the date her grandmother gave her the keys to the residence She admitted, however, that the deed was actually signed and notarized in early 1982. Last block to peace renJoved? By Tbe Associated PrelS The Palestine Liberation Organization bowed to Israel's demand for the unconditional return of a captive Israeli pilot and the remains of five Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon, removing the last obstacle to the withdrawal of the Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut, a Lebane se gover nment s~kesman announced today. The spok esman said his government was making the formal reques t to the United States. France and Italy to provide the 2.000 -man multmataonal peac.-ekeepang force presidential envoy Philip C. that wiU oversee the cvacuauon Habib. of PLO fightPrs and Syrian troops from tl.e besieged Moslem ............ The PLO also agreed -~ hand sector of the Lebanese capital. (]Ver to Let>aJ:iese authonues the Is l Arm Rad 0 said Prime r~maans o~ five _Is~aeh ~ld1ers . ~ae Y 1 . k1Ued during this invasion and ~1ruster Menachem Be~an and provided information locating the ~1s Cabinet were study_mg the graves of four Is raelis killed final draft of the evacuation pl3!1 during the l978 invasion of andwereexpectedtoapprove1t so uthern Leban o n , the Thursdav. spokesman said. The command also reported guernllas fired light arms near Previously the PLO demanded the port of Beu-ut today, but that that guerrillas captured during the Israelis did not return fire. the invasion be exchanged fol' the pilot and the bodies But The Lebanese spokesman sald Israeli officials said there wouJd the PLO agreed Tuesday night to be no exchange, and Israeli 0.11, t>tlot l lafl l"tloto FLA YEO Newport Councilman Paul Hummel has come under (ire over his stand c>n Castaways pr_o~pe~·r_t~y~~~ From Page A1 BALLOT. • • of the refer~nd um, which the t'Ouncil voted to put on the ballot 1n July after oppone nts of Baontng Ranch deve lopment circulated petitions demanding a repeal of the general plan amendment. "I'm persuaded that the voters of Newport Beach know what the word repeal means," Crosby said, acknowledging that it would probably have been better 1! the ballot measure was worded so a "yes" vote meant approval of the project and a "no" vote registered d1Setpprov9J "lt would have been better to phrase it ma pos1t1ve format,'' he said. That's all McKeand said she wanted an the first place. She said the City Council could have called a special meeting before its a lready scheduled Aug. 23 session to approve a change m wording. Burnham said the tirmng of Beek's challenge was simply too late Besides, the ass1sta11t c11y attorney said. the phrasing of the ballot measure was consistent with t h e wording on the referC'ndum petitions circulated earuer this year. The undevelope d Banning Kanch property ts located in west Ne wport. Homes. offices and light mdustnaJ uses are planned for the property. From Page A 1 AMBROSIA. • Henry Kissinger from walking into th e red velve t seated restaurant ~\' hand over Israeli pilot Aharon Defense Minister Ariel Sharon SI • h I Ahiaz. who was shot down on the told Israeli Television: "Not one 1g t y warmer first day of lsrael's invasion June terrorist will leave a nd not one 6, to Lebanese Prime Minister member of the multinational Although patrons can now spend up to $6,000 for a bottle of wane, $58 for an ounce of fresh Russian Beluga Malossol or $20 for goose hver pate and truffles, Muller says he plans to upgrade the restaurant and double the pnl'CS when he moves to Cost.a Mesa. The 59-year -old restaurateur said he didn't think Orange County co uld s upport a 15,000-foot Ambrosia so he decided to open Le Premier too. The forecast For 8 p.m. EDT RalnimD Snow~ Shaf1k Wazzan, and Wazzan force wiU enter until we receive Th d Y August 19 would deliver him to U .S . the .pilot." •H1urs a . Showeflll Fturri.a8 .--------------------------Qv9rnlgllt lowt are forecast In the mid 801 In downlown Loa ----------Ang91ea. IO • COHlal low In 11141 mid 801. from 48 10 60 In mount.ma and from 65 to 88 In Coastal Fog Ind low Qoud1 greeted the "-11 day with clHrlng baclt 10 1ha Boeter• from P04nt ConoaptlOn beachH by H rly afternoon. to Iha Maxk:M bard« Clln expect Othlrwlee fllft today with hlglla llghl verlabla wind• dutlng the '*'llflna...w 70atlha ~IO night end morning hou,.. mlcflOI In the lnlAnd -Low becOmlng aoulh-1wt)t at 10 lo c:louda return t onlghl e nd 18 knota during Iha 1namoon w1tt1 , T'huncs.y wlltl tocal fog ~ a 2-lo-3-foot IOUlhwMt ""!'f · kUnd Mioitl 10 tn1'aa In ~ Ngflt . ~·rc,.:0;::~gu.:::C Temperatures Thut9dil¥ ,_ 70 at Ille MATIC* HI Lo ~ 12 50 Nai.on.I Weatl'e1 Se<vce NOAA US Dept QI Comml"c~ IO mld40e Inland. "'Eleawhara. Ito"' Point Conce ption to Ill• Meal11an bot9 ancs out eo ,,,._ .._~ tight wna• wtncts 1n .. nWt• and morning 11our1 1>ecomrno w"1atty 10 to 18 1tnoc1 In t- an-todll)I and ~­ Wind w-lhla .....,q 2 10 3 feel. 8ou"'-t twelt 2 to 3 ,_ AJl>eny Albuque Amar1IO AlheYllla Allanl• Altlrltc Cty Aultln llalttmora Mngs Blnnlnghm lllamarclt llolM Boeton Btown1vtle 8ull1to llurllngton CallC>9< Chen11n SC Charleln WV Charttle NC Cheyenne 94 70 83 61 75 81 04 Fronts: Cold ..,. Warm ..., IOw doudl and IOeal fog nlgM .,,_ momtng houfa "!lltl daw1ng In Ille • lllt-. ~S. sumniary . Scattered lhundarwlonne lllnlCtl the Ofwl Plain• early lodll)I _.th downpoura concantralad In N•brHka and lh• DaltOIH, .. l!Mvy rain continued for Illa third dll)l-Tan,_. T'MO people-• known 0-.d • a rHuh of noodlng Monday 111 • ~I~. Tann., and lfW9e '.• 01har1 ...,. ml11lng In Menon •' Count~ altar • drenching 9' 1 . Inch•• In • IWO•hOUf period Ketletad lhundentonna T~= Nm -ttla _,,ham hllff of lh• Allanllc: COH I. Tlltt• ...,. l'!UnWOIM thundar91orme .,..., IN eMtem hall of Nllw MaxJoo. The -"* -felt fOf "'-.... of ttla netlon. The Nattonll W .. lhao ....__ !or e o a 11 1c a tt e r •d ""'"°'""°""' lod~ owr the GIM CoMI Md par11 of Iha Allanfla co a11. W lda ly aoellarad thundttllOrm1 ware pra dklled • from Arltona and -tern New MelilCO to Mont-and tme tna mlddll Mle9our1 vllll9)'. Te mperature• eart1 todty ranged from 41 d•treta In I Ummtona, Mfllna, and ......... I Midi:· to to ~ 1n ~ • Calilornia j Tiit Ntlttofttl w .. ,.,. l4f'llOa ~ '°""""' c.tfomll'• ~ ....,.,....,~....,..nllht and morning fog end l1olal9d llttr n oon an d evening """"°"' ·-. In mountMne and ....-. HlaM wtll_ ,.,.,_ fr°"' ttla mid IOI Tn Loe Ang8IM, to tfla tOe In Owena Vall11, In Iha IOa II\ tl'IOIA'ICllln --. "°"' " to 102 In .....,.~10 t101ntflatow • ~~ .. ~ CtmOla SC Dal-F1 Wth Dtl"on °"""" 0.M~ Oe1roll Oululh El P..o Fargo RaQ91•11 82 68 32 77 61 63 102 79 91 81 02 92 65 87 70 98 iM 69 90 57 87 68 25 97 74 78 50 81 51 .15 96 61 88 75 05 89 69 83 ee 25 83 59 18 80 53 87 82 71 52 N 87 95 78 S7 54 N 86 " 88 10 51 77 57 100 74 17 8(1 12 50 Ot .. I Falll Hattl0<d HaMne HOflOlulu Houalon lndnaph JllCkan MS Jac:llanvtto Ken• City KnolCvlllo Laa Vagas Llllle Rock Loulavillo Lut>bOCk Mam phi• Miami Mllwelllt" Mpl•SI P NMIWUlo New 0'1Mna New Yoril NOrlollc No. Platt• ()Illa City Omall• Orlando PN*'pnl• Pfloen•-~t'. 89 88 91 63 lie 89 88 S9 83 86 104 85 87 87 89 87 74 89 88 90 89 88 I& 91 85 II() 90 105 83 ee S5 82 08 56 78 04 111 58 72 89 33 64 68 15 16 02 89 66 65 1 00 78 73 37 58 8S 88 H 88 O• 68 82 80 73 88 72 07 85 07 86 01 57 43 57 .--=ibf:s .... su ....... R_f R_IP_DR_T ,..,., ... /Mu 2-4 II 1-3 II 2..c n 2"4 II 1-2 n 2-8 " ,._4 n 3-4 n )-4 n 3-5 II 3 II )-411 ).4 n 2.3 n 2·3" 24" ··-....... felr-gOod flir good good felt good good = fllt ,.,, good good good good good --... Tamp, ee 88 88 88 88 88 08 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 TOMO .... OW'8 TIOH; Hloh 10:42 a.m. I.OW 4·05 p m, e-11 Olrevtton louttl/~ P11al'd, Ora PrOVldenca Ratalgh Reno Sall l•k• San Antonio SH Illa Shrevaporl Slou~ Falls SI Louil St P-Tampa SI Sia Marie Spok1ne Syracuse lex>al<• Tucaon TulH WU'llngtn Wlc:hllll Stationary • • e. eo 85 66 04 88 85 .22 91 58 94 88 .01 102 78 75 55 95 73 17 S7 70 85 65 87 75 72 48 87 56 77 50 85 63 100 7• 01 93 88 91 8'& .86 aa 67 CALW°""'A 81ka<an.&d 98 78 Eureka 88 55 Fraeno 97 88 LancMter 97 84 Loe Angalel 114 63 Mary911111o 97 Monlet9Y 84 Oakland 78 58 PMO Roblee 100 66 Aecl Bkln 98 87 Redwood City 80 SI mog Whata 10 cell (loll frff) for ,., .. , ""°' 111torma11on: Oranoe Coun1y: 1aoo1 446-3829 Loa An9elu Counly: (800) ~42-'022 Alvenlde and San Batnerdlno oounttea: (800) H7-4710 it.OMO EpllOda Ctnttt: (IOO) 24.2-411ee Tides TODAY S.000<1 .io. :S:l6 p..rn. 1,6 ~ hloll 9:25 p.rn. 7.0 'l'HUtlllOAY l"ln1 tow 4:21 a.rn. 1.1 Fl"' hlQl'I 10;..a a.m. 4.9 8-ld loW 4;Ga p.m. 1.4 ~ high 10: 10 p.m. U Sun Ml• today at 7:87 p.m .. "-Tllunday at t :17 a.m. Moon ,,... todiry at &ra1 p.m., atta Thuraday at 7:46 a.m. ~BIE SPORTS LTD. announces Its 8th annual I BACK TO ·SCHOOL I Sl!MMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 -~ ~IE SPORTS Doors Open 10:00 A .M. LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS & TRUNKS 20°/o -50°/o OFF Including: Stubles, Quicksilver, Surfline, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40%-50% OFF Including: OP, Offshore, Quicksilver WET SUITS 10°A.-30% OFF on Rip Curl & O'Neill BOOGIE BOARD SPECIALS Buy any Boogie Board and receive either FREE Boogie Fins or FREE Boogie Leash ALL RAINBOW SANDALS 20% Ott Sales Prices Limited To Stock On Hand ·-------------------·· 1 This Coupon Good For I I . I I ~Bl[ SPORTS I ' DIE DOLUR ' I -1 I Corona del Mat Irvine " t 2831 Coast Hwy. 4708 Barra,,oa Par'kway I On Purchue of 110.00 During Sale I Corona def Mar, CA trvlne, CA I L'""' en. J.1. Dlltonw I S79-f700 112..am I --------------------- j I llAllil l:IAIT Wf O N[ SOA Y AUGUST 113. 1984' GETl'ING SHIP-SHAPE -Part of the challenge of a/irate role is keeping on the mustache. Amber Poland an Eric AndeJ'Sf>n will have that mastered and Erik Leida!, Noriko Senior apartinent decision delayed The Costa Mesa City Council has decide d to de lay action changing the use of city owned land from family units to senior citizen apartments. Several membe rs from the H o u sing and Community Development committee have asked the council to delay a decision on the land at 765 W. 20th St. until they can review the proposal. At the same time, council members voted at the Monday meeting in favor of continuing diacussions with members of the central Bible Church, interested in relocating its Federal Housing and Urban Development f~ded senior apartment project to the site. In 1979 the city, using federal Community Development Block grants funds, began purchasing $1.6 million worth of land on the west side of town to build 50 apartments for poor families. But the project was dealt a heavy blow in January when President Reagan announced plans to kill the federal Housing and Urban development program that subsidized rents for new construction. City officials are now trying to find other ways to proceed with the project, since some funds for the elderly still exist. llWPllT Illa I fllll ITICU. or:NGECOUN TY C A Ll f OH N I A 25 CENTS DeltJ f'tlot fltloto by lA9 ,..,,.. Watanabe and Laura Kempke will have their songs ready by Sept. 2 and 3 when the Irvine Children's Chorus will stage Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" at Irvine High. Stock surge loses steam; record trading! ( NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices surged upward again today in the heaviest trading ever, adding to record gains posted Tuesday in response to falling interest rates. But then profit taking took place. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, which shot up 38.81 points Tuesday for its larges t single -day rise in history, tllmbed another 16.17 points to 84 7.41 in the first four hours this morning, then fell back to close down 1.81 at 829.42. Gainers held a 3-1 lead over losers in the broad tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed issues. Many stocks were delayed in opening because of the storm of buy orders. But trading volume in the first hour on the Big Board still reached 37.02 million shares, shattering the previous record of 24.12 million set Ln March, as traders scrambled to get in on the plarket's sudden revival. It passed 100 million at 11 a.m. and ended at 133.8 million . • CATALYST? -Economist Henry Kaufman may have triggered the stock market rise with his prediction of lowe r interest rates. Restaurant column back Ambrosia to relocate Norm Stanley is not only "Out 'n ' About," as his column heading says, but he's back in . The p o pular restaurant columnist, starting today, becomes a midweek feature of the Daily Pilot. His new s of r eatauranta, restaurateurs, entertairuilent at the Orange Coast's well- known dining spots and all the rest of what excites the out-and-about crowd will be presented every Wednesday in the Daily Pilot. The Weekender restaurant review will continue to appear in Friday's edition s. Norm Stanley's on Page.BJ today. Restaurant leaving Newport for Costa Mesa By JODI CADENHEAD O(tM 0.-, ,..... ..... Ambrosia, the award-winning restaurant that has attracted Hollywood celebrities and diners from around the world, ii leaving .Newport Beach for Costa Mesa. Geri! Muller, part-owner oi the haute cuisine restaurant, said he ia vacating the cramped one- way 30th Street location for South Coast Plaza Town Center1 in December, 1983. In the meantime, Muller plans to take over the closed Encore restaurant site adjacent to ~he Imperial Bank Building at 695 Town Center Drive in February. Sha.ring a lobby, Le Premier Grill will offer continental dishes at $35 to $40 per peraon while Ambrosia guests can expect to pay $75 to $100 per person. Muller listed parking, traffic and lease problems aa his reasons for leaving Newport Beach after nine years although the present location will remain open until December 1983. Ambrosia is the second restaurant to leave the Ne\\])Ort Beach peninsula this summer. Hens Prager shut the Ritz near the pier and moved to Ne~ Center in July. ~ . "The problem on the pe~ is that it's crowded and hard ~ find," complained Muller. • That hasn't stopped diner~ such as Johnny Carson, Roe~ Hudson, Rich ard Nixon and (See AMBROSIA, Page AZ) Vote yes for no in Newport Judge nixes rewording of ballot on Banning Ranch BY DAVID KUTZMANN OftM D.it1 Piiot Stan In Ne wport Beach, a judge says. yes will still mean no. And come November, when vo t e r s consider a ballot referendum on the controversial Banning Ranch development plan, that's exactly the way it will be. Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. .rejected a request by city council candidate Allan Beek Tuesday that the wording of the ballot measure be changed. The city-wide proposition asks voters whether a council - a ppr o v e d general plan amendment for Banning Ranch, which pennits development on the 75-acre parcel, should be repealed. As the measure is currently worded, Beek's attorney argued Tuesday, a "yes" vote would mean a voter is actually oppolled to the development. A "no" vote would mean ·he or she supports it. To unde r stand the ballot measure, attorney Jeri McKeand said , would require the voten to go through "mental gymnastics." But Robert Burnham, usiatant city attorney, strongly disagreed, c laiming a change in ballot language at this point would only "wreak havoc." Judge Crosby took a sanguine posture on voter understanding (See BALLOT, Page At) Frontier jet noise test due By FRED SCHOEMEHL 0( tM DeltJ ""°' ..... John Wayne Airport officials will conduct special noise monitoring tests to determine if Frontier Airlines meet1 noise standards when the e&rrier ~ nonstop service between NATION Urange County and Denver Oct. 31. "We should know within four or five days" whether Frontier can meet noise standards, Murry. Cable, airport manager, said today. Cable said county officials A half buck for $10.50 Has Uncle Sam got a deal for yoU.How about commemorative 50-cent pieces honoring the 250th anniversary. of George W ashington's birth for only $10.50, or $8.50 for real bargain hunters? Page A 7. Rock fest pushes tickets The gigantic US F estival, which promoters hope will a ttract 250,000 rock fans over Labor Day weekend, ls offering one.-day along with three-day tickets, poaibly t.o boost sales. Page A7. Bikers end long pedal ....,,,,. . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Two dozen blcyclilta pedaling 3,800 mllea throuah water, wildemem and moequit.oes crowd the Golden Gate Brld&e on the final lea of a trek to rai9e over $100,000 ln pledpa for mental health wodaUON. • 'I, question whether Frontier can meet the so-cal.led "single event" ooiae exposure level limits. Those limits are based on individual takeoff noise levels averaged over a three-month period. Should Frontier exceed the (See FRONTIER, Page A!) RESTAURANT RELOCATING -Owner Geril Muller will move his award-winning Ambrosia to South Coast Plaza Town Center in Delly"°'~..,_,~ Costa Mesa m Uecember, 1983. He's the second restaurateur th is summer to reject crowded Balboa Peninsula streets. . . COUNTY Hyperactive kids aided Huntington Intercommunity Hospital has a program that helps slow h y peractive children, resulting in less family tension and better school performance. Page Bl. Nestande appointment eyed A state panel ls to consider the nomination of Orange County Supervilor Bruce Nestande t.o the California Transportati0n Commillion today. P• A8. . TELEVISION Throw out the anchor'! New York fant of • local new anchor ~ Torn Snyder II to reolaice are uy,ry about ~ job ah1tt, and plan to let. W AltC k:novr. Pale C13. INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landen Al3 Buaine9B Al0-11 Movies 84-5 Herb Caen Al3 Mutual Funds AlO Cavalcade Al3 National News A3 Comics Cl2 Public Notk'el 84,89-10 Cro.word Cl 2 Sports B6-9 Death Notices Bll> Stock Marketa All F.di t.orial Al2 Televialon Cl3 Entertainment 84-6 Thea ten 84-5 Food Cl-11 Weather A2 Horoecope Al3 World News A3 SPORTS Dodsers win in 21st, 2-1 CHICAGO (AP} -The Loe Ancelet Dodpr9 finally det..i.cl the Chk.e&o Cubs here today, 2-1, tn a pme that covered 21 b\nlnal, two days and 6 hows ind 10 mlnutee of~ time. • .. Gourmet canoeing class signing up A flnal eourmet canoeing cl•11, a course that offers t.nttruct.lon ln canoe handl!rur aa well •• a 11mpllng o1 Newport Harbor.a finer restaurants, begina Saturday. Offered through the city's ,l)llka, beaches and recreation department, the clUI meets thrw Utnes. There la a charge • The Admiralty Club, a newly formed Newport Beach non-profll aroup dedicated to ral1lng money for Chlldrena Hospital of Orange County, wiD atage its flnt fund-raiser Au9. 27 at the Balboa Bay Club. Starting at 6 p.m .• the get- together will be a casual affair on the beach on the ot SM for the clua. Studenaa lNrn the doe and don'ta of canoe bandlin&. get several up<loae tours of the upper and lower bay and lunch and dine at several harborfront restauranta. 1t·or turther Information, call 640-2271. bayslde of the club. Tickets are $15. The new club, which hu only two dozen members so far, is made up of Balboa Bay Club members but may soon be open to the pubUc. The beach party is open to the public and Club organizers are hopeful of raising $10,000. For further information, call 645-5000. King, executive director ot Community Association s Institute, will lead the discussion. There is a $5 charge for the 7:30 a .m . session at the Balboa Bay Club. By STEVE MARBLE Oftfle0...,."'9tla.ff Newport B~a ch Ctty Councllm..n Paul Hummel wu criticized today &1 o "political bl•ckmaller" following his suaaeatlon that the Irvine Company make room tor • church on o. grauy promontory known u th~ Cutaway•. Hummel, running for re- election, has aaked his ''Ouncll colleagues to preaure the Irvine C.Ompany lnto provfding•land for St. Andrew's Presbysterian Church at the 6~-acre site. The church on St. Andrew's Place near Newport Harbor High School, hu drawn sharp criticism from neighboring resJdentS with its expansion plans which include an 8~-foot-hlgh sanctuary. The spat in the Cliff Haven community has evolved into an emotional and sometimes bitter dispute . Hummel said his suggestion could settle the issue as well as cool off tempers. Reaction to Hununel's scheme, detailed in a press release the council re leased Tuesday. was mixed and drew several salvos from o n e of his cou n c il colleagues, John Cox. "I think this is just a political attention getter and tantamount to political blackmail," said Cox. who often disagrees with Hummel. as 'blackmailer~ Cox uld the Cutaway• property already la dffliJlAc.ed tor a church aita aJ\d that council action would accomplish nothing. He said Hummel ta t.rytna to tciU the Irvine Company how to uae I la property "The whole thina la ridiculous. TW. la juat u poUUca.l move by Hummef to get htiadlinet," Cox said. Robert Curtla. a church member, said the CutaWa)'I land would be an "exciting" home for a c hurch but that time and money likely stand In t.he way. Two years ago, St. Andrew's w as planning to move 1 u fac ilities to the promontory which takes its name from a restaurant that o~ stood there. Church offlcia.la said the lrvf.ne Company backed out of a plan to sell acreage at the site to St. Andrew's. "There's uncertainty whether we could even afford it oow and the amount of Ume it would take to even consider moving would just kill our programs," said Curtis. The Irvine Company haa filed plans for constructing 140 homes on the promontory as well as five acres' worth of commercial outlets on a piece of land at the foot of the Castaways. The CutaWa)'I la loca~ o(l Dover Drtve DHr Pacific Coast Hlahway. It often a aweepln(l view of lhe Uj>per Newport 8ay and Newport Harbor. lt h-. been vacant for the put MVenl Y•a.rt. Jerry Colllna, an Irvine Company apokeaman, Hid Cutawa)'I. property wu •lling for •~oo.ooo an acre two years a.go and Ukety hu 1kyrocketed 1fnce then. He said the development flnn has a policy aplnlt Jlvlng land to churches. The company, he said, only make.a land gifta to public agencies and non-sectarian groups. . "It's P<Jllfble." he added, "that a locatlon there might not be realistically affordable by any church." Hummel u.td his notion was prompted by a belief that an acceptable comprorn.i.&e between the church and Cliff Have n residenta la unlikely. "I don't believe there'• a solution that will be acceptable to both sides," said the Corona del Mar councilman. However, representatives from the church, the neighborhood and the council were m eeting today in a try at finding such a compromise. Dallrl'tlottWf,.._ FLAYED -Newport Councilman PauJ Hummel has come under fire over his stand on Castaways property. From Page A1 BALLOT • • • of the referendum. which the councU voted to put on the ballot 1n July after o ppo n ents of Banning Ranch development circulated petitions demanding a r e p efl of t h e g e ne ral plan amen'ftment. " •Dlacuss1on of the Newpon Boulevard channel bridae and how it should be modified to accommodate b oaters will tak e place Wednesday when the marine d iv ision of the Newport Harbor Area C hamber of Commerce holds lta regular breakfa st mee t ing . Call 644-8211 for more information. .... __________________________________________________ _. Judge Harrold under probe "I'm persuaded that the voters of Newport Beach know what th~ word repeal means," Crosby said, acknowledging that it would probably have been better if the ballot measure was worded so a "yes" vote meant approval of the pro ject and a "no" vote registered disapproval. ',From Page A 1 .• .FRONTIER AIRLINES .. Backdated d eed brings look by district attorney "It would have been better to phrase it in a positive format," he sa.id . nolae levels on takeoff during the thfee..mon th period, Cable said, t~e county would have Ole option Repairman ·saved after CM seizure • o( canceling the carrier's airport. lease. But Cable said such a move isn't likely. "They would do something to modify the noise levek" C'.Ahle sairl Cable said he has discussed the noise level issue with Frontier o fficials . He said he bas assurances that the carrier will do all it can to stay within the noise limits. The Orange County District Attorney's office is investigating West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's admissions in court that she prepare d a deed givjng her possession of a $2-million house in Newport Beach that was backdated. Assistant District Attorney Michael Capizzi said the two- week probe will look into the ''facts and circWru.tances" of the deed situation to determine if a violation of law occurred. The house on Lido Isle had belonged to Judge Harrold's grandmother. Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster. Harl'old's election victory in June was invalidated two weeks ago when Superior Court Judge Ronald Owen determined that she was not a legal resident of Orange County when she filed a declaration of candidacy on Feb. 23. Harrold listed the Newport Beach home as her residence on the candidacy papers although Judge Owen ruled that she was actually a resident of Riverside at the time. Harrold claimed during her residency trial that the November 1981 date on t.l'le deed for the house reflected the date her grandmother gave her the keys to the residence. She admitted, however, that the deed was actually signed and notarized in early 1982. That's aU McKeand said she wanted in the first place. She said the City Council L'OuJd have called a special meetmg before it.s already scheduled Aug. 23 session to approve a change in wording. A telephone repainnan from Huntington Beach wa s recuperating today after being rescu ed from a pole in Costa Mesa. ' O.ta Mesa firemen, usinC the basket on a snorkel unit, tellCUed John Walcott, 23, from the pole at 340 Magnolia Ave. Tue&day. afternoon after he had called Qfficials at Pacific Telephone Co .. complaining of chest peins. He was repairing telephone lines and was at first believed to have suffered a heart attack, according &b Schulman, spokes~ for the Denver-based carrier \that serves 79 cities throughout the nation, said Frontier may "in rare instances'' exceed sini;lle- level takeoff noise limits. Last block to peace removed? Burnham said the timing of Beek's challenge was simply too late. Besides, the assistant clly attorney said, the phrasing of the ba llot measure was consistent with th e w o rding o n th e referendum petitions circulated earlier this year. The undeveloped Banning Ranch property is located in west Ne wport. Homes, offices and light industrial uses are planned for the property. rto report& i Paramedics from Newport iBeac:h administered fl.rst aid at lthe acene. Walcott wu taken to 'Hoa1 Memorial .. Hotpital. ;Newport Beach, where be was : treated and released. ~\~ I . I "But on the average, we can stay within the noise limits due to the reduced noise on flights with less weight," Schulman said. "And. in those rare instances when we exceed the limits, the increased sound would be inaudible, Schulman said. Frontier won the right to fly nonstop bebween Orange Count~ and Denver on Monday. A U.S. District Court judge overturned the airport's rule prohibiting nonstop flights to destinations more than 588 miles from Orange County. Slightly MATlOtt By Tbe A11oclated Press The Palestine Liberation Organization bowed to Israel's de mand for the unconditional return of a captive Israeli pilot and the remains of five Israeli soldiers killed in L ebanon, removing the last obstacle to the withdrawal of the Palestinian gue rrillas from Beirut, a Lebanes e government spokesman anno11nced today. -· . The spokesman said his gove rnment was making the formal request to the United States. France and Italy to provide the 2.000 -man warm·er ~-wn111et S..-e .. ~ ~ 82 50 .. 70 13 81 75 81 NOAA US ~ Of COl'llmt"ct .04 Fronla: Cold .-. Warm 99 12 •. 32 77 11 .13 102 71 111 81 .02 t2 • -e7 70 ... .. et IO 51 t1 .... 25 t7 74 78 50 81 51 .15 " 81 ee 75 .05 19 5t 13 ee .25 13 511 .18 80 53 87 82 71 H ee tn 16 " 87 N .... .. .. IO 61 77 67 100 74 S7 • 82 80 19 .. 111 13 98 st ee 811 83 ea 104 16 87 87 st 87 74 811 ea 90 811 .. 16 111 85 llO llO 106 83 le 55 82 08 5e 78 04 81 58 72 811 .33 64 88 .15 78 .02 811 116 86 1.00 78 73 37 158 88 88 74 88 .04 ee .12 eo 73 .. 72 .07 es .01 le .01 57 .43 57 ptlencl, Ot9 Pr~ Ral4llgh Reno Slit Lake SM Amonlo S..tlle ShreYePC>rt Sloo>t l'alll St LOUii St P·Tampe St Sta Marie Spokane SyracUM Topel(a TUC90ll TulN Wae'llngtn Wien Ila Stationary•• 84 eo 16 65 .04 aa es .22 111 58 1M 88 .01 102 78 78'" 55 85 73 .17 87 7Cf 85 85 17 75 72 48 87 58 71 so 85 83 100 74 .01 113 88 111 84 .ea aa 87 li,'z, 0 llRf Rf PDRI Smog Whtrt to call (toll lrH) for lttetl emog lnforrnetlon: Or .. County. (IOOI 445-3829 LOI An9alH County: (100) 242-4022 , _____ _,,~ Alwrllcta end fan 8trnetdlrlo · oountlae: (IOO) 1417-'710 AOMO Epltode OW.tr. (IOO) 242~ Tides TOOAY &toOnd low 3: ta p.m. U StoOnd lllQh t:2S p.m. 7 .o "THUReoAY ftlm IOw 4:21 a.m. 1.1 ~ high 10:42 a.m. 4.t 8eoond' low 4:05 p.m. 1.4 '4IOolld hlOfl 10: 10 p.m. u ~ Mtt todey 11 T:l7 p.111., ,... ~" 1:17 I.fl\. Moon ,.. tod4IY " 1:17 p.m.. .... lluldey et 7:48 a.m. multinational peacekeeping force that will oversee the evacuation of PLO fightPrs and Syrian troops from tt.e besieged Moslem sector of the Lebanese capital. presidential envoy Philip C . Habib. From Page A 1 AMBROSIA. • Israel Anny Radio said Prime Minister Menachem Begin and his Cabinet were studying the final draft of the evacuation plan and were expected to approve it Thursday. The PLO also agreed to hand over to Lebanese authorities the remains of five Israeli soldiers killed during this invasion and provided infonnation locating the graves of four Israelis killed during the 1978 invasion o f southern Lebanon , the spokesman said. Henry Kissinger from walking into the red velve t sea ted restaurant. The command also reported guerrillas fired light anns near the port of Beirut today, but that the Israelis did not return fire. The Lebanese spokesman said the PLO agreed Tuesday night to hand over Israeli pilot Aharon Ahiaz, who was shot down on the first day of Israel's invasion June 6. to Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan. and Wazzan would deliver him to U .S . YreV1ously the PLO demanded that guerrillas captured during the invasion be exchanged for the pilot and the bodies. But Israeli officials said there would be no e x.change, and Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon told Israeli Television: "Not one terrorist will leave and not one member of the multinational force will enter until we receive the pilot." Altho ugh patrons can now spend up to $6.000 for a bottle of wine. $58 for an ounce of fresh Russian Beluga Malossol or $20 for goose liver pate and truffles. Muller says he plans to upgrade the restaurant and double the prices when he moves to Costa Mesa The 59-year-old restaurateur sa id .he didn't think Orange Co unt y co uld s upport a 15,000-foot Ambrosia so he decided to open Le Premier too. ,~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OBI E· SPORTS LTI). announces It• 8th annual I BACK TO ·SCHOOL I SUMMER CLEARANCE I BEGINNING FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 21 & 22 AOBIE SPORTS tmne 4708 8arfanca Parkway lrvtne, CA ...... Doors Open 10:00 A.M. LADIES BEACHWEAR Savings to 50% Featuring: Merona, Sienna, Raisins, Esprit Connie Bonco & More ... MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHIRTS, SHORTS a TRUNKS 20% -50°/o OFF Including: Stublea, Qulcksllver, Surfllne, Offshore & Morel KIDS SPORTSWEAR All Boys & Girls Sportswear From 40•/.-50% OFF Including: OP, Offshore. 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