HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-22 - Orange Coast PilotDUIGI CUii YOUR HDMITDWI UllY PAPll · S UNDAY AUGUS T ;n, 1981 on ANGE COUN T y . C ALIFOR NIA so CE NT ~ Parents ·fight bills for juveniles doing • t1me By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the OMty ll'ttol llaff ' For decades, California parents have been routinely billed by counties for the cost of keeping their chUdren -as wards of the court -incarcerated at Juvenile Hall. If suc h a s tay in county custod y w as prolonged, the bill sent t.o parents could have run into t housands of d ollars, although officials said a lesser amount was frequently paid if family fln.ances proved t.o be stretched too thm. In the case of one Orange County famHy, however, not one penny has yet been paid. Nor will it be, t he family says. This refusal t.o reimburse the local juvenile justice system has escalated into a fight that KUTZM justices of the California Supreme Court may receive soon. At issue is the constitution~lity of stale Welfare and Institutions Code Secuon 903, which requires that the parents, spouse-or guardian of a minor be held liable for the costs of keeping that youth in any <.'Ounty institution, be it Juvenile Hall or a home for battered and neglec ted children. WATER TOT? -Not every infant put into the pool durit)g the summer's swimming cl889eS turned out to be a water baby. The look on the face of 5-month-old Lesley, for instance, tella her mom, Carole Schmutz, that perhaps she WORLD SUNDAY SPECIAL T h ose who oppose the law say It is diacriminatory against juveniles, mainly because jailed adults are not required to pay for their care. "I don't feel (the law) is oorrect. I don't fee) It i.s just," said Mrs. Xenia Williams, a Los Alamitos mother of three whose teen-age son's 31-day stay et Juvenile Hall in 1980 resulted in a $1,497 bill being sent t.o the family. Rather than pay, Xenia and husband Paul, who admit in court documents that they are fin.ancially able to reimburse the county, asked Orange County Superior Court Judge Byron McMillan t.o declare Section 903 unconstitutional. Judge McM1llan , however , refused and ordered the pare nts to pay the county. The Williams family, adamant in the belief that the money was being "extorted" from them, went next t.o the state's 4th District Court of Appeal, which upheld McMillan's decision in a ruling handed down last January. That brought the case to where it is today - in the hands of the California Supreme Court, which Is s tudying two similar challenges from cases in northern and southern California. .,_, ..... ,._..Ill' ,...._. O'OoftMll isn't thrilled about the class. The program in which the mother and daughter participated was sponsored by Saddleback College Community Services. h dre w 1,200 participanta, mainly from IOUth county. STATE The question ln each l.s basically the same - is It conatftutional for counllea t.o charie families for care of children housed in county lacllilies? much in the way parents of minors ore now billed. The laws which permit local governments t.o do this date back more than 60 years. They have undergone revisions through the years, Axelrod said in an mt.erview. but the thrust has remained the same. M rs. Williams and h e r husband are convinced that it is not. "We feel very strongly about this," Mrs. Wl.l.liama saJd of her family's decision to pursue the matter to the state's highest court. The family la being represented by Santa Ana attorney Ronald Talmo, who works with the American Civil Liberties Union. They penrut counlles t.o fax a per-diem rate for care of individual minors which corresponds to the actual costs of providing such care. In Orange County, the Board of S uperv1SOrs has established the rate at $4 5 per day for children kept at UlSlltutions such as Juvenile HaU, Albert Sitt.on Home for abused and neglected children and Joplin Boys Ranch Orange C o unty 's le gal advisers, in documents on file with the Supreme Court, say that previous legal challenges against t he reimbursement repeat.ed.ly have been rebuffed by the courts. The argument, they said, that prisoners who are minors should be treated the same as adult prisoners I.a simply not upheld by current laws. "This approach is not the law and never has been," Deputy County Counsel Gene Axelrod said. Axelrod and other county officials said the charge is negotiable, however, so farrulies which do not have the ability t.o pay the full amount can settle for a lesser per-diem bill. Ironically, Axelrod said, legislators in Sacramento are considering proposals which would indeed make the treatment of child and adult prisoners the same, but not in the way many adults would be happy about. Referring t.o the Wlliams case, officials said the family challenged the charges from the outset, not bothering with the process of settling on a lower fee. Mrs. Wilhams admits this, and explains why. "If they had asked for a reasonable fee (in the first place),'' she said , a court fight would never have ensued. ' These proposals would impose financial responsibility on grownups who are incarcerated, "We refuse t.o pay it because we didn't get (See PARENTS, Page A3) PLO guerrillas ship out Pullout smooth as 400 fighters h ead for Arab nations BEIRUT. Lt:banon (AP) ·with th<.>1r l'Omrades firing machine-gun volleys of Vll'tory and Israel proclaiming th<.> PLO's "crushing deft.'at, .. the firs t Palet0t1n1an guc-r nllas evacuau'<i L ebanon by sh ip Saturday. begi nnin g a two -week withdrawal that will Sl'altt•r t h em throughout thl' Arab world . The pullout wc·nt smoothly as about 400 un1forml•d guerrillas carrying AK-47 assoull rifles left Beirut aboard l hl• Cypriot car· ferry Sol Georg1ous at 2 p.m. (5 a.m. PDT) Frem·h paratroopers had come ashore mne hours earher as the vanguard of a p<>al't.'kt>t.•p1ng lort·1· tha1 will latrr indudt· U S Mann<.'!> and Italian -;old1ers Sumt.• gut:'rrillas. wParang garlands of wh1w flowt·rs around thC'ir net'ks and in thf'1r hair. <;<.•ttled into stnpt.'<i loung<.> cha11·s on the canvas-toppt.·d upper d1'<:k of thl' whill'. twin-stackro f<·rry Othl·rs w<ived w1stfullv il!>. ~1rul. thl'1r home for I~ Vl'ar!>.. got smallt·r and smalll·r · Tht' 1:vat·UC'l'S, lr<Jlll•d by .1 ~~n·nch gunboat tor Sl't'Urity. arrived in the southeast Cypriot port of Larnaca early today. Cypri ot governmt•nt ;;pokt.-sman R1tsa Achilles S<Jld tht• gut'rnllas would not bt· allowl-d LO disembark ~fore I a m !!l I' n1 Pl>TI for '><>t'UrJl\ rt_•asoru. Onu· t1-.hun•, .Jordanian a nd l1Jq1 Jt•tl11wr-. v.Jll 4u1l·kly fl~ tltt•m lo Amni:in .Jordan. :ind ffaghdad . lr.J4 v. hill-anotl'r ,11wth1•r l .Otlll gu1·1 nll.1!>. bound for Tun1s1a p1t·pu11· fur •t•o l'\'LICU<tlton from Wl'SI &•irut in 1 hl· nl'X: 14 houn. L1·1J,1nl·s1· Pr1nH· M 1n1ster Sh..i t1k W.111..111 ..;;1111 :iYi' f1ghten from l ht· B<.idt 811g<.1dl' of tht Pal1·sl1n1• L1bt•1;;11on Armv Orlj!Jrlall\ b,lst•J Ill J on.Ian. anr tht· lra4I bal'kNI A rah Liberal 1or Fr1111l dt•p.irl<'d tn tht· first wavt> Thi· gu1•rnll;.is <1rn\'ed in thl' por1 111 ;1 U trut·k t·onvoy. flashin~ "V " for victory sign anc CSee PLO, Page A2> Congress still has long way to meet deficit reduction plan WAS HINGTON CAP) Despite the Republican cheers accompanying passage of $98.3 billion in tax h ikes and $30 billion m spending cuts. the bills together provide st·arcely one- third of an overall GOP plan to reduce deficits bv $380 billion through 1985. · And as difficult as it was for President Reagan a nd his a lhes t.o deli ver the initial. $128 b1lhon down payment last week. much of the remaining savings could be even tougher to produce , depending on economic trends th a t are n o t s u sceptible to political ann-twtsung and Oval Office persuasion But even 1f Reagan and his Republican friends m Congress deliver everything they promise. there are critics who say de ficits will r emain Car above the $60 billion in the off1c1al GOP forecast for 1985. Ahce Rivlin, director of the Congressional Budget Office. told the Senate Budget Committee this summer. for eJqtmple. that instead of $60 b1lhon. the 1985 deficit could exceed $140 billion. The pri n cip al differe nce between the official Republican estimate and Ms. RivUn's more pessimistic one is a dispute over how the economy wiU perform. In general. the CBO says mteresl raLeS and unemploym('nt w ill b<> higher, while et'Onflm11.· growth will b<> lower than thl' Reagan adm1nistrat1on and Republicans pred11.·l. Ignoring thosC' 1mport;n11 differences. though. hNe is a S<:orebo.:ird on what rC'mams to b(• don<': -Federal pay: Tlw plan c1c;sumN-that f<'<kr<1I pay raises wJI I b<· hl•ld to 4 ix·rl't•nt annually frn th1· n1•x1 thn'<' years. !o.Clving mun• th.111 $:lti billion from l':!rl 11•r pn '<lil'l IOns I) o m <· s t 1 (' p r o g r a m s . l!undn•tb ol domt·st1c· programs an· s<:ht·dult•d to b<· 1.·ut bv nearlv $:i!1 bll 111111 ov<•r thre<; year s. HB cops arrest man in attempted slaying Huntington Beach poll('(.' havC' arrested a 34-year-old man who allegedly rammed his estrangt-d wife with an auto and inJun'Cl a 5-year-old child sh<' w as babysitting The man. Tanh Lai of Santa Ana. was pla<..'ed in Huntington Beach City Jail on susp1c1on of attempted murder, acx:ordtng to pohc'C' Sgt. Charles Poe. H is estranged wifC'. Thu Thi Pham. 33, was reported in fair condition Saturday night at Fountain Va lley Community Hospital with internal inJuriC's and a broken leg. Trong Pho Nguyen. one of two children she was caring for, was In stable condition al the hospital. INDEX r<.'c<>vC'ring from t.·uts and a brokt•n ll·~ P()(.• said tht• mc1d<'nl occurred at 9 45 a m Saturdav m front of I 736:l Kolcdo Larw · He said the wom.rn wa~ m an auto with two 1.-hildr<.>n sh1· wa!> c;Jrmg for when Lai. who had bt'C'n quarrehng wllh his w1f!.'. rammed the car several times with his vehicle. Whe n thl' woman 11.'ft the car , Lai struck her with has vehicle, crushing ht•r against the other car, Poe said. The impact c.aused thP st-<:ond c·ar to roll ovt'r onto 01w of the· children. he said. Nt·1~hbors summoned police and paramC'd1cs. who treated the inJury v1curns and arrested Lai. Cuban military worrisome Reagan begins vacation Classified E5-8,Fl-6 Mailbox A6 WASHING TON (AP) -Cuba's increasingly cloee military ties with the Soviet Union represent a considerable threat to American security interests ln the Western Hemisphere, a new State Department report says. Polish· protesters routed WARSAW. Poland (AP) -Martial-law riot .. squad~ threatening to spray a powerful water cannon routed several hundred protestera. NATION Witness intimidation a concern The intimidation of vktlms and wltnetHS by criminals ii thwarting the nation's criminal· )lltlce S)'ltem, a growlng conc:em of attorneys, judire9 and other court off ldah. Pa,e A~. SANTA BARBARA (AP) -President Reagan began, hia Jong-delayed California vacation Saturday after aides told him the evacuation of Palestlnian guerrillas was proceeding smoothly. Desert brush lire I ought PALM SPRINGS (AP) -A brush fire was partially conta~ed Saturday alter burning 3,000 acres near the San Jacinto Wilderness. SPORTS . It'• .imc.t time for USC and UCLA to 1tart the fall ~ ..._ For preview of both ceama, ~ P•Bl. Crossword 08 Movies El-3 Death Notices E5 Real Fstate 06-8 Editorial Page A6 Sports Bl-7 Entertainment El-3 Stock Markets 04-5 Finance 01·5 Theaters El-3 FNturing C5 Travel C6 Hor~pe C5 Weather A2 Ann Landers C5 COUNTY Pac Fed compleilng complex Paci.fie Fedenl Savi.np hu built an impreaaive of flee complex that Costa Mesa of ficlals hope wUJ be tho keystone or 8 downtown revitalization proaram. But the bulldlng IA a1ao opentna amid an ofCice space glut. Pages 01-2. .. $ a t Al Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1882 PilotiiJg president feather in his cap ·'·Bl PATRICK J . KENNEDY ...... ...., ........ Marine Colonel Ward B . "Johnson flew more than 800 ' helicopter combat miaaions in Vietnam but hla molt enjoyable ·•duty during the war years was ~·urving aa pilot for Pre1ide nt . ·•Richard Nbton. ' Ward, who this month was · appointed commander of the 'Marine Air Retlerve C«J» at the El Toro air base, aald Nixon , didn't have time to speak to the _eilots, but seemed to enjoy the · rughts. '. "lie usually smiled afterwards · and he never got air sick or complained," Ward said. He would occasionally wave or pal us on the shoulder but he was . ,always on a timetable and was 'whisked off Air Force One, into a helicopter and then quickly off again.'' Johnson was one of Nixon's pilots from 1969 to uno and he often flew Nixon and Cabinet mem-be n to Key Biscayne , ·Camp David or the "West ern Whit e Houae" in San Clemente. JOt4M80N "There was no additional pay, except for the ego. It really gets you pumped up having a tour of duty serving the president. Nixon got the best and safest crafts in the country and had the best ground c r e w s a nd mechanics. Everything was firs: From Page A1 PLO • • • brandishing portraits of P LC chief Yasse r Arafat on thE muzzles of their guns. They waved red. white, green and black Palestinian flags and chanted "Revolution , Revolution Until Victory" and "I Lov£ P~estine" on their two-mile: truck trip from west Beirut'~ municipal stadium to the harbor. Many women along the route: wept and waved handkerchiefE from their balconies. · cl.all," Ward Mkt . aut he te1la • dtfferent 1tory about hll first combat duty In Vietnam t.n 1963. "We tran1ported South Vletnameae troops to combat positlona and the only weapon the helicopter had was a machine gun that the co-pilot held in hls lap. "That's about as crude aa you can get and none of the pilots were very good shots. ll was moral support," Ward said. Returning stateside in 1964\ he sa.id he helped persuade military officials to mount 50-t aliber machine guns on the transport helicopters. He served a second combat tour ln 1968. By 1971, the "war had wanned up" and Ward served his final combat tour piloting a Cobra attack craft that Included machine guns and 20 rockets. Ward, who entered the Marine Corps after college 26 years ago, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, 40 Air Medals and the Purple Heart as a result of combat action neer Da Nang and in Laos. Born in Alcot. N. Y .• Ward la married and hu three daua~:n. He declines to 1pecifically ' uaa h is war experiences and discount• "minor" wound• received in combat. "Every pilot who was over there for very long had his craft hit by enemy fire once or twice," Ward said. "I got my share." ' Ward said the helicopter is still the best combat craft to quickly transport battle troups. But he said that it may be replaced in future years by a "tilt rotor" airplane that can also fl y as a helicopter but is faster and has greater range. Most recently an assistant chief of staff for the Reserve's 4th Marine Aircraft Wing in New Orleans, Ward said h e's "d e lighted" with his new command at El Toro. It consists of 300 regular Marines, 1,000 reserves, 12 helicopters and 12 fighter jets. "It's always better to be in command," Ward said. "I find it rewarding to train hard so the reserves have responsible flying skills." Humidity draws crowds Hot and humid afternoon weather made the cooler oceanf r ont a tempting destination Saturday afternoon, and lifeguards estimated tha t about 200.000 people v1si1ed the county's coastal sands. Morning clouds and brief showers cut into attendance early Saturday. More hot and humid weather ls predicted for today. National Weather SeJVice forecasters said the mercury will climb into the upper 70s along the beaches and into the upper 80s or lower 90s in inland Orange County. Ocean water temperature has been a comfortable 68 degrees. Lifeguards said surfing accidents Saturday caused back injuries to . two people at Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach, but no other serious incidents were reported. IN THE CAULDRON Associated Press reporter Les Blumenthal watches geology in the making u Mount St. Helena continues its fascinating process of building a lava dome .......... inside the crater blasted out by the cataclysmic eruption of May 1980. Wide angle lens distorts view of Blumenthal with 700-foot-lava dome. Inside nature's furnace Geologists study St. Helens la-Ya dom'e inside crater TN THE CRATER OF MOUNT ST. HELENS (AP) -Don Swanson stood in the c;rater of Mount St. Helens and talked of eruptions -past, present and future. A quarter -mile away, rocks sloughed off the 740-foot lava dome. Mount St. Helens was erupting, but n ot with the violence of the past. Slowly. according to a timetable known only to nature, the volcano was rebuilding itself. Scientists have wired the mountain in an effort to learn what comes next. While they are able to predict eruptions with increasing accu.racy, they are still unable to say whether the volcano will erupt with thunder and fury or a slow flow of molten rock pushing up and out from the dome. "We have a very good chance of predicting an eruption, but we can't say if there will be an initial explosive phase," Swanson, a ge o l ogist with the U .S . Geological Survey, said. So m e sc ientists were concerned during the initial stages of this latest eruption that the pressure was building ·as the dome swelled by more than 60 feet in a single day. The brief anxiety was relieved when measurements showed gases being released from the volcano had increased four-fold, thus easing the pressure inside the dome. Molten rock oozed from the laya dome within St. Helena on Saturday, but the volcano's seismic activity ha1 been subsiding and the latest erupUon may be nearing an end, adenu.ta said. The e ruption, o f a non - e xpl osi v e typ e , began Wednesday night. The dome -about 700 feet high, 2,000 feet long and 1,800 feet wide before the activity began -has been growing steadily and could 'continue growing for two more weeks, a scientist said. Swanson has been in the crater more than 200 times 1ince the May 18, 1980, eruption that left 59 dead or missing and devastated 150 square miles of forest. He 1aid he has no particular fear of the volcano, but he has a great deal of respect. Swanson said one of the main puules ecientists want to BC>lve involve• the underground magma ch.amber. They know the main conduit from the chamber is directly bene~tb the dome. They suspect the chamber La a few hundred yards below the crater floor. "But we really don't know the structure. We don•t know if tt i. a chambel" or a main re9el"VOir or just the t.op of one. "It would be nice to know ao we can deltp experiments u to how it fillt.and empties," he said. The information could be u.ed ln predicdng the size of future eruptiona. Liquor at camp OK near Huntington Beach city offfdala are 101.na to make it leaal for penon1 21 yean of age or over to drink liquor at the dty'1 beach campina facWty . Final approval of the ordinance La expected bef0tt the campi.r\I...,., 1tarta Sept. 15. Drinking hu been prohlblted at the camping fadllty u well u at the beach. ""The ban on beach drinking will continue to be enforced. Vincent Moorhouae, director of communJty 1ervice1, aald estimates ahow that 85 percent of the pen10n1 using the campates drink to some degree and that there are few problems. The ordinance will be in effect from Sept. 15 through May 31- the time the camping facility la open. lt'1 not uaed in the summer becau.e of heavy beach crowds. The city provide. about 250 spaces for mobile homes and recreation vehicles in the parkina l ot 1outh o f lifeguara headquarters between Lake and Huntington streets. Campers can stay as long as 14 days at a time at a cost of $7 per night. The camping facility came into being as a result of the approval in 1967 of a $2.3 million revenue bond for the construction of a 2 ,100-space beach parking facillty and highway median from the city pier to Beach Boulevard. The facility wu completed in 1969 and waa hailed aa a success during the spring and summer months. It wasn't used to its maximum In the off-eeeaon, however. The facility was opened to camper• in 1973 after a ~ survey showed a shortage of f.adlities. Moorhouse said the city received $80,000 in revenue from the facility ln th e most recent camping eeuon. Warm_, humid ' Coastal Wlnd9 decreulng a Miiie during night and morning hourt. EJMwMra. ltght van.t>te wk*. e to 2 foot aouthwftlerty a-'11. Verlabl• high cloudlnaM with patc:hy night end morning fog and low doud9 outer waten. California Variable cloudlneu ttlrovgh Moncs.y In Sou1h«n Celltomfa. W91tm and humid Ill all ...._ Orange County can aa~t fllOtl8 ~ trom llP9lr 70a tr Iha ~ toe Inland. Lowa .. to 72. lntlind ¥tl99yl CM expect NQha In 80a Mel low 100.. lawli,..., '10. Mountain hlghe In eo. • .,.. 55 to ea. laolated af1ernoon and evening tllunderallo•art d«ll eaalrlg Monday. Cllanca of a , .. '-Vy~· with *OflG 9l*Y wlnda through today. oea.rta can eJtpect 1cattwecl ~.with.,_ '-"Y --· thrOUgh today. Not1ham . ~ hlglll te to 102. 1ow11 In , 10a and 1ow eoa. Sou111em deMrt hlaN 102 to 112. Iowa In eo.. lb'than\ and Central Cllllfomla • mottty fair exupt low cloud• along coaat and chance ot atMrnOOfl t9'underel0f'ma o-aou-.m Slwra. Extended weather : ~Thunda)': Patd!J .. nlfl't and m01nlng t09 illoftt ooatt, oonllnued wam1. Hlafti c:oMtal. ., ... ranQlno from lite upper 70. at Ille~ ... • IOa to 10ww toe Inland. UMI IO to n:, Mountalna: fllr ....... Ill ttia .,._ Lowa aa 10 ea. Temperature• I ; = . " " .., : .. .. a 10 • IO II ft = ., .. .. .. !! .. ChlCago 71 Cincinnati 78 Cleveland 89 Clmble SC 89 Columbut 79 Oat-Ft Wth 99 o.yton 74 OenYef 87 Oet Molnet 84 Detroit 72 Duluth 69 El Paao 97 Felrt>anke 71 F111go 91 Flegel•" n GrMI Fells 113 Hartfofd 71 Helen• 91 Honolulu 89 HOUiton 19 lndnapltt 79 Jacktn • Jacktnvtle 91 KMw City 82 Knoa¥111e es la l/egaa 104 little Rock ee loui911111e 79 Memphlt 90 Miami 17 MllwllUltM 71 Mpla-81.P 87 NaahYtlkl ... New Orlean• 92 New YOf'k '75 Norlolk 80 Oltla City • 115 Qmahe 81 Orlando 112 Phlladphl• 75 Phoenht 103 Plll•burfr. 75 Piland, 88 Piiand, Ori • "'°""'* IOll 11 Reno 100 Alctwnond I& Salt Lall• ., ... -80 ~~ .. as SI Louie 8$ St ~T1m99 IO == 93 ., T°'*'a es Tucaon " Tutaa .. Waalllngtn 112 Wichita 92 CAUf ORNI~ ~..J:c,ley lantow leaumont 81g8- Blythe 57 tlO 59 71 58 74 58 llO 7 80 58 47 70 52 19 57 sa 58 58 75 71 1\.4t0"3' W~i,.,., Sf« ·Cf' llO ..,o ... ~ vs =><-:>• <:>' c or--···u· • Fronts Cold ..., Warm ,.... 71 91 72 C.tallNI IO 98 12 73 eu.... City 92 ee 94 RMno 99 89 71 LMICal• 91 70 12 long 9eectl 101 llG eo lOIAr 98 75 se Monr 105 71 ~ Montebello H 10 Monterey 94 54 88 Ml. Wiiton 88 87 74 Neadlaa 110 18 71 Newport 8Motl 78 98 58 Ont.to 108 78 74 Pllm Sprtnga 108 17 .. Paeo Roblaa 107 94 15 Rad Bluff 107 95 80 Redwood City 81 H ei a.cr-10 88 57 .. SellnM 71 49 83 8.n Bernardino 109 71 56 8.n Gabflal 103 71 7'0 .., Dl9gO .. 73 ... 8erl Ftandloo .. 52 M IMJoea N 51 1'I ..,_AN M • M ...,. Barbara ~ 80 IS ,.,... Mana N " 8Mt9 Monlce n .. .. atodlton 101 94 • lano.V*'t .. 41 l-1 ,.,__., 111 ae n TorrwlC8 90 ae .,, v-107 81 .. n ..... "" .,. . ::::::.: IO n 12 71 11 llnNlda .. 12 ... ~ .. .. n 12 71 :a ~IPa .. Tt ft 17 Occluded ~ a~ Hev- Klngtton Montego 8ay Mazatlan Merkle Mexico City Monlarr9'1 NllMU Sen Juan, P.R. T eguclgalpa Trinidad I/era Crui CANADA Calgary (dmonton Montl'MI Aaglna Toronto VanGOINW W1nnlpef Smog 84 88 89 90 84 95 71 95 91 91 81 91 84 81 74 91 18 '2 71 74 73 71 79 79 71 73 55 73 75 79 ee 73 72 CRUISING -Morey ~ champion Kat1h SNtkl does a "dl'op-knle maneuver OD his board in qualifying eventa for third annual Morey Boo1le board championehlp•. ...., ......... •a.t.. _., Qualifylna was held in Laguna Beach Saturday. with championship set for next Saturday in Oceanside. . . D.ity ~ l"tlotoe by Oeborllfl Wechter F UN OUT OF WATER -David Garrick con testants to use in sand crab race, a a n d Brian Hughes, both 10, dig for diversion from junior lifeguard practice. Actor's without pier Junior Iii eguard instructor joins national stage company By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tt.. Delly Not I la" The curtain is coming down on another summer for the Huntington Beach City Junior Lifeguards program. Youngsters also are bidding farewell to one or the program's more popular adult supervisors, Bob Bejan, who has been a dty lifeguard for five years, wor king three summers as a junior lifeguard instructor. After maste ring the methods of helping children learn to frolic in the surf safely, Bejan is moving on to his other great love -acting in musical comedies. Earlier this month, his popularity on the waterfront spilled over into his stage career at the Harlequin Theater in Santa Ana. Although Bejan had only a modest role in the chorus d uring a production of the musical "Sugar," 280 junior lifeguards and family members packed the house during a Thursday night performance to cheer him on. "The cast gave me a separate bow at the end of the evening," Bejan recalls. "It was a moving experience." This demonstration of affection also is causing the 22-year-old Los Alamitos resident to feel a lU8 of emodon at aoncludi.oa hia aunt ~th the jUnJor JJleguards. · "It's a great job," he explains. "I enjoy working with kids. It's a lot of work, but there's an incredibly rewarding feeling when you help kids get over their fear of the ocean." This summer, about 680 boys and girls, ages 9 to 16, took part in the city's junior lifeguard program. Bejan said the program's 15 instructors try to "waterproof" the youngsten;, teaching them how to cope with all types of ocean conditions, including hazardous riptides. Bejan has worked with the youngest junior lifeguards, ages 9 to 11 . He has drawn on his theater training by making up songs about the yellow beanies junior lifeguards must wear and about "dolphining" (diving into waves). "If you make it fun, sometimes they don't even realire they're learning," he says. "With 9-to-11 year-olds, life is all questions, and sometimes your patience wears thin. But most of the time they're great to work with." With the summer season drawing to a close, Bejan is now focusing his energy on his acting career. Earlier this year, he earned a degree in theater arts at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. When "Suga'r''' concludes Sept. 5, Bejan will take a leading role in a national touring company of "Grease." By spring, he expects to move to New Y'ork City to continue his theater studies and seek stage work. Though he'll be living thousands of miles east of the Pacific, Bejan said he'll carry many fond memories of his junior lifeguards work. "l think the best thing has been working with the kids with the least experience," he says. "My favorite lesson is taking them around the (H untington Beach) pier for the first time. "When a kid who's half as wide as a piling can say he swam around the pi~r. it's a great feeling." .J. ...... ~- INSTRUCTIVE ROLE -Bob Bejan points to fastest sand crab in race. Below is a pose from his portfolio of state appearances in musical comedies. D.-p ..... htl•«y ........... We're Listening ••• Moncl_,·l'nOo II You 00 nol "- 'IOU• -by ~ 30 p m cell 1>el()'e 1 P"' and You• toe>V wtll be O•~-ect S9lutdey •nO S..~11 You"° not : = 16':':.. r:r You• ~o:v "'..11C:: - What do you Jike about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" Call the number below and your messaae will be recorded, transcribed and de livered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let ters to the edjtor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation rails, please. Tell us what·s on your mind. 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomen'· Holey Publ"he< and Ciw.I hecut1ve Offlcet L Kay Schuth Vice ~ and Oii edOf of Ado<etlltlng Mkhoet , • Horwy OlreclOr of Mcri .. lllQ ICirCl*iihOfll Thomot A. Murphlne Edllof Kenneth N. Gedder4 Ir. Dltec!Ot ol OperotlOlle Clat1"'9d 1ctv.rtl1lnt 11 41142·M71 All other ..,_rtm•nt• 142~321 MAIN °"'9<:1 ..... 8ey $1,, CWI• MeM, CA. llllell ....._19" IMO, COiie Mete, CA. mM C-.r"9M 1111 0reft91 CMM ~'*IWftt ~. "9 _...,.... llhlilltelMlflt, ect .... lel f'l\.n.t er ... wertl-tt Mreln may lie r~--.......... ..... '"""""* .. tot>YflitM ..,.,, YOL. 71t NO. llot • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 22, 1882 New Right misses shot .. Action on abortion, school prayer stalled in Congress WASHINGTON (AP) -Tho New RJaht took lta "best lhot" at c han1ln1 nallonal policy on abortion, 1ehool prayer and other social l11uo1 IHt week, and miDed. New Rlafht followen failed on a 69-38 vote Wedne9day to get the Senate to table a liberal amendment declaring auch t..uec the province of the courll, not Cofl81ft8. The Reaaan White Hou., Mid Gary Curran of the American Life Lobby, an anti-abortion group, "la full of country club Republicans. They are ecol'lOOlic con1ervatlve1 , n o t social Ma reNlt there la almolt no chance that the IOCiaJ lea!llatlon Pretldent Reagan ana other conservatives embraced In thelr 1980 campalp will aet through Corigreea thle year. Helms, vowing that the light's not over, claimed hla colleagues did not understand what they were voting on. conservatives." , "They got lied to the economic iaaues and forgot where a lot of their votes came from ln 1980, blue·collar workers, man y of them Catholics, who are d isa ppointed with Reagan ," Curran aald. Pa..rtJdpantl in the battle say the blame -or credit -lle1 with the hard-Une conservatives themselve1, the White House, congressional leaders and the American public. But Sen. Lowell P . Welcker, R·Conn., a leader of a liberal filibuster againat Helms' bill, said the vote effectively declared the social IHues "dead for this session." His comme nts reflec t widespread anger among eeveral conservative groups. A recent iasue of Conaervative Digest was devoted completely to criticizing Reagan as having turned his back o n his moat l oyal supporters. "Thia la the only lhot we will have," Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., said in a heated moment during Senate debate over legallzea abortion and 1ehool prayer. "So we had better take our beat shot," he 1ald, explaining his willlngnesa to water down his proposal restricting a woman'• right to terminate a pregnancy. Despite the election of Ronald Reagan and a Republican Senate in 1980, the New Right has failed to puah a sing.le piece of social legislation on abortion, prayer or bu.tngfordesegregationthrough the Congress. Sources familiar with Senate Republican L eader Howard Baker's thinking say privately that Baker had no enthusiasm for the New Right's social agenda, and sklllfully planned to limit the amount of time the Senate spent on it. Although there will be further debate thia year, Helms and hia The most frequently heard r eason is that Reagan has devoted most of the time and energy of his administration to economic iaaues, givfug only lip service to changing national policy on volatile issues like abortion. PARENTS BATTLE CUSTODY CHARGES ... (From Pa1e Al) our money's worth ," she said. "The county says it will nelp you with your child. They don't. They make it wonie." Mrs. Williams said county officials sent her family questionnaires on what property they owned and what other aaaeta they had. "I don't feel they have the right to know how much I have," she said, adding, "I think those people exceeded their authority entirely." The Williams family fl.rat became involved with the juvenile justice system when, in 1980, their then-16-year-old son waa sentenced to Juvenile Hall following a con viction for misdemeanor arson. The youth had burned a cross on a neighbor's lawn. "What I did," he explained in an interview, "is I took aome kerosene and burned a cross on a guy's lawn. It was a childish prank, I admit it." "What 16-year-old doesn't make a mistake?" Mrs. Williams asked. "He should have been put on probation." Instead, he was sentenced to &ix months in J uvenile Hall, a jail-like facility in Orange near UC Irvine Medical Center. After 30 days there, the youth attempted suicide. He was later transferred to a neuropsych iatric hospital in Long Beach. After running away for a year, the youth returned and has received counseling. Now 19, he works for the Army re8erve and bis mother says his r,roblems are behind him. "This kid is on hia way, ' she said. But the legal challeJ'lie rema.lna. Acoording to Talmo, the family's attorney, the lawa which allow parents to be charged by counties violate the due process provisions of both the U.S . and California constitutions. "When the minor i1 removed from the parenta' custody for the purpoee of imposition of punishment or to segregate the minor from the rest of society, that is an act done for the benefit of society alone, and the burden of paying for this function of the system falls upon IOCiety as a whole and not upon the parenta," Talmo said in his legal brief.a to the Supreme Court. "Where there has been no showinR of fault . . . on the part of the parents of a mfuor who is a ward of the court," Talmo said, "imposition of charges to reimburse t he state ... or the maintenance of such ward for the benefit of society, constitutes a taking offroperty from the parents without d ue process o law ." Axelrod, in his legal responses, said that court after court had rejected the conten tion that t h e juvenile justice system is meant for punishment alone, as he claimed Talmo was insisting. "Regularly," he said, "the appellate courts, in restating the purpose of the juvenile court law , indicate that said purpoees are treatment, rehabilitation and protect.ion of the public, not punlshment." W hat thb means, Axelrod said, is that taking custody of children need not be 80mething for which society as a whole must alone pay. If the state Supreme Court were to declare Section 903 unconstitutional, eith er in the Williams caae or in the other two cues pending, all counties would loee a aource of funds. UP TO 50°/o OFF The amount of that 1068 would depend on how vigorou sly the counties h ad soug h t reimbursement. ''Some counties are lax and some are aggressive in collecting fees," Axelrod said. Walter Kra'use, director of administration and fiscal services for the county Probation Department, said the latest figures available indicate that about 33 percent of the parenta with children in county care are unable to pay. Of the remaining 67 percent, Krause said, the average per;-day bill for each family was $18 "The c ounty s a ys it will h e lp y ou with child. Th e.Y don 't . make it worse ." y our They well below the $45 per day in actual costs per child. The probation·~fficial said that for t he 1980-81 fiscal year, it cost the county $8.4 million to run institutional programs for juveniles. Reimbursemen ts fr om parents in that year totaled $834,000, or 10 percent of the cost. Fred Baker, a P robation Department supervisor, said each case was examined individually in determining a family's linancial obligation to the county. A settlement could be negotiated either while the child was in custody or afterward, officials said. Though he had no statistics, Axelrod said he felt most parents paid off some portion of the charges. He said he based this view on the fact that, as a county attorney, he has seen few w ntested cases reach the lawsuit or court stage. The Williams case would appear to be the &laring exception. Claiming that the care her son received at Juvenile Hall was both careless and indifferent, Mrs. W~ said, "I can't believe an unjust law can last forever." Plane falls into sea . SANTA CATALINA ISLAND (AP)-Two men aboard a twin.engine plane. including an Irvine man, escaped injury Saturday when one engine, aod then the other, failed and the plane · crashed into the water about one-fourth mile offshore. authorities said. The Comanche aircraft too k off from Catalina Airport and flew around the island for about an hour before the engines gave out, said Los ngeles County lifeguard Lt. Gary Crum. The plane crashed one mile east of Avalon, he said. The pilot, Jack ~1dy, 36. of lrvme, and passenger Tom McBride, 30, of Long Beach, ~aped from the plane as 1t sank an 200 feet of , water about a quarter-mile from the shore, Crum • said. ANN·UAL PRE-SEASON SALE WATCH FOR IT! AND MORE Fri., Se pt. 3rd 10-9 MEN'S -LADIES' -KIDS' CLOTHING Sat .• Sept. 4th 10 -6 CEV AS * COLMAR • DEMETRE • FILA • MEISTER * ROFFE • SERAC • OBERMEYER SKIS ROSSIGNOL K -2 BOOTS SALOMON RAICHLE SAN M'ARCO Sun., Sept. 5th 12-5 BINDINGS SALOMON TVA OLIA MARKER PRE FISCHER (ANO llUCH, MUCH MORE ... J . 2700 W. COAST HIGHWAY. NEWPORT BEACH • I I I· f I , I I 1, I I I . ~ I 0 c:JVewport (jurj ®, (jport, Inc .• 8th ANNUAL . FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 thru SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 ~' BACK TO SCHOOL "'1' t•·;::;;~ LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR , wtrH , -on aelected -~SEt ... : _M=E:.;;..N;;,,,,;:S;__-....;,.W;_;O;;..;M~E..;..;N;,..;;S'----=8....;;.0_;,Y....,;;S'--S~P..;:;.0..;..;R;_;_T....,;;S_W.;....;E=A....;,.R _ __. ~ ···-···- MENS WOMEN I -....u ............... 25-5°' Off DNsMs ............. SO'S Off hllb ............ -.... -25-50\ Off Sllorts .......... 2~ 50\ Off Mb ........... -......... .25-50\ OFF hnts ........... 10·50' Off Swt!Mt• ........... ~ to 50\ OFF S"""°"ar ......... 50' Off BOYi SllWb ............ 2S-M Off ,anb ............ I0-4H Off Wllksllorts .... 10-50\ OH Swinwtlf .... .10-50\ Off wmam i0-20' m SHOES & ACCESSoal'S 20% Off OP • IZOD • CAL VIN KLEIN • QANT • HOLBROOK • O'FSHORE • •uRFLINE HAWAII• GOTCHA• E8PIRIT D'CORP • HO&IE • CHURCHILL • BUCANlER -AND MORE MAIN STORE .... P«W1 1w1 a lpcKt. 1nc. ztM Newpcw1 Blvd. Ne•pcw1 BMch, CA (714) 175-n74 BALBOA NewP«W1 9Uff a 1pon, 11tc. 2101/1 Merine A ... BMboe .. lend, CA (714) tn-7121 t:OO a.m. -t:OO p.m. DelfJ t:OO a.m •• t:OO p.m. DalJ MEDLEY'S Presents $5.95 Dinner Specials Al U-FISBJQREJJ COUNTltY SWD!Y sum:n A genetous portion ol tender golden chicken. coated on our homemade breading and deeP-lrled -Served with buttery mashed potatoes topped with our own creamy gravy. plus flesh vegetables. Includes soup or salad. hot bread -and a frosty mug of beer' MUCHO MEXICAN MONDAY A tasty South·oHhe-Border treat of two treshly·made enchila<las. Med With ched<Sar cheese and mlldty·spioed shredded beef -smothered woth encholada sauce end topped with treskl SOUf cream Served with the tred1t10na1 Spanish rice and retried beans Includes soup or salad, hot bread -end a refreshing margarita• CHEF LUISE~ ITALIAN THURSDAY This is a rtJB/ ltallan lasagna -tendef egg noodles with a special t>lend ol ricotta. mozDreua. parmesan and romano ctteese. combined with seasoned ground beef and sausage ~er.cf with OUf own homemade ltehan meat sauce lncludeS soup Of salad, gar11c bread -and. of course. a glass of wlne' Along With Other Supe<b S.Cectlon• From Our Menu • lntertolnm•nt Nightly In UHlng• OMtt Yorbrou•lt App«Jfing 1-24 A l-2$ S"-wt ot l t10 a 1t>:• 1177~ •ookhurat St. R••rvotions accepted 963-2366 • POUNT AIN V AUIY 1 MU so. of 405 fWY. NOTICE DISSOLUTiON OF PARTNIRSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION •mun TIE an.m ...... lltlUAtllllll. l1nd111d1 Peni1n I Orl111tlt R11p . We have been commissioned to llquldate tM entire lrfWntoty plut othera for Immediate cash. Al PER IN8TRUCTION8 ALL ato8 WILL OPeN AT 21" GM THI ~ft AND LOT8 WILL H 80LD F9'0M THI •XT -OM. MONDAY. AUGUST 13 AT I ,,M. IU.MonlNN .. •W'°"1 CINftR D ... NIWPOltT IUCH ............... ~ CLEAN AND QUIET -On di4play in Laguna Beach Saturday was an electric car built by Vic Schisler. The vehicle runs on 16 six-volt ~olf De1tr "'°' Ptloto by Chet1" SIMY cart batteries, and has a 75-mile or two-hour range. The car w as displayed at the Boardwalk Energy Fair at Main Beach. THE PRICE OF THE TURTLE IS DOW N. There's something different going on al tlw Velvet Turtlr. Both on your plate. And in your pocket. We've go/ a new menu . Nru• dishrs: Xew decor. Bui best of all, new low prices. NIGHTLY SPE CIALS ON BOARD. Every night our chef will be serving a changing variety of black- board specials. Six delicious dinn ers starting as low as $7.95. Everythingfrom fresh fish to delicate duck. All waiting011 board at the Velvet Turtle. A NEW SE'f OF LOW ER PRI CED DI SHES. We've added some brand new specialties lo your old favor- ites. A third cut of juicy Prime Rib. A Petite or l arge Lobster Tail. Plus tender succulent chicken prepared in a variety of tantalizing ways. And they're priced as low as $7.95. So when it comes to dinner, we've got your number. THE BEST DRESSED TURTLE IN TOWN. >Ou won't recognizlusfrom our shell. We're taking on a brand new /()()k. We'n light£r. Brighter. And more relaxed. Tm perfect setting/o r dinner. All at prices you'n sure to find very ftl3hionabl#. WE LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. Some things never change. Like our splendid service. Warm atmosphere. Fresh cut flowers. And superb food. So why not relax, and enjoy y<mr night. Because the price of Turtle was never better. Wnt Lot A.let (213) 477-GSS Loe AIWtl~ f213) 489-2555 "'1oodllnd ~ill• <llt3> 700-&160 PIUdena (213'1792-3101 Totraia (213) &34-1701 f'llllerton (714) sn-9340 Nntp0rl 8etch (714) &"4·5313 Tholisand Oaks (805) 497·7818 Rfdo9dQ Buch (213) 378-8377 r..nn. BellC'h (213) 426-0391 South Galt' (213) 923-3331 Puente Hills (213) 912·5358 El Tr1ro (714) 859-7885 Covin11 (213) ~3606 t • ii • 'e c ~~ Orlnte Coeat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 Witness intimidation undermining judicial system " 1;1 I < 01 ') IAMf ORD, C. 1 20"PRECIM:T By Tbe A11oclated Preu The young m1o1n'1 fa<'e was puffy and brulit!d, and his hp was dlatorted by half a dolt'n alltchea. He had been muggt.'CI in the parking lol of lhe grocery store where he was head clerk He had recognized the three guys who Jumped him and wok his wallet. He had seen them m the store, and he even knew the nickname of one. But when the police asked him about the muggers, he said he had never seen them before. "l just wanted to forget about It," he told friends laler. "I want the word lO get out that I'm not going to testify. I don't .want those guys to come looking for me." The attitude is an example of the way victims and witnesses are intimidated by society's wrongdoers -and the hard. cruel reallly of the risks that go with stepping forward to point an accusing finger at the criminals. Vicl1 m-w1tness int1m1dation can take many forms. Some are so subtle lhat the police, and eve n the people being intimidated, are not sure the threats are real. Others are as subtle as a brickbat through the AP llluetretlon living room window at 3 in the FEAR Victims and witn esses fearful of reprisal from morning. ~ .crimioals...o.Ct.en.Le{vsiuo...te$t.;f y..or.,...p.tr.ss .. c.be.rges. undt>.rm.in.iog ··--.. Jo e~tb~.r:..c~. tbe.JcrrorJs....reaL the criminal justice system . "It is a crime which is very , <'OIT\ll\1111 yt•t une for whkh t h 1• rt• 1 i. n o pro b o b 1 I 1 t y o f µun1!1hml•nt," o<.•t•ording to an Aml'ncan Bar A..ssol·1ul1on rt-port A study by tht· Vl•ru lruitltutt• of Juatlc<', a prlvut£· non-profit rei.earch foundation 1n Nl'W York, estimates that vll'luns or witnesiws are thn•aLt•nf'd In om• of t•vcry four t:rirninal c1u1es. Tht.>1 t• ls no way of knowing !or ' In prlbon, but the wltnesaeti are sentenced lO a l1fet1mt-of ft-ar that the criminal will one day t.•ome lle<!kang revenge. Sometimes the lnt1m1dauon 18 d mix of threats -spoken or not and a t.'Ode of the streets that promot.es a cultural bias against uny type of cooperation with uuthortllt>S. "Thl•re's a lot of people who •'/ could tell you the n am es of all the g uy involved. And by the time the police got over h ere, I 'd b e d ead." s ure be c a use, u n II k e o th t· r t:nmes, only sucx·e~ful atll'mpts are reported lntim1dat1on 1s 1:spec1ally 1ns1d1ous becuus<> 11 undcrnunes the criminal JUSt1 ce ,;>ystem When 1t works, victims do not report crimes and witnesses do not testify against crurunals. A fl•dt>ral s tudy fuund that "ft!ar of rcpns..il " 1:-the most co mm o n rea so n c ited by w1tneSSt'S who refUSl' to testify Thosc who do t'Omt• forward and tesufy aft.er being threatened say the intimidation ncvt>r rt'nlly _.c.ru;is__ The crjmmaJ muy get a sentenee of a yt:ar, t•vt·n JO years know whut happened, but 1t JUSt doesn'l pay to talk," Doreen Frcquez, 19, of San Jose, said after her boyfriend was shot and killed at a party nearly a year ago. She said a number of people told her who pulled the trigger: but they wouldn't talk to the police. Her own anger al th<.· p e>t l'nt1a l w1lness es was gradually replac<.'CI by tht' same kind of fear. "I t.·ould telJ vou the names of all the guys involved." she says "And by the time the police got over herl' to protect me. I'd be dead" A study by the Victim Services Agency aay1 there it retallAt!on In an alarming number of cuet1. One of every four v1ctlma who reported being threatened waa subsequently the victim of bu rg lary, vandalism o r a mugging. In most stat.ea, there are no tough laws aimt.'CI at punishing criminals who threat.en victims and witnesses. A Wiaronaln law, until it was changed recently, provided a 10-year maximum sentence for threatening a witness but only a five-year term for actually assaulting a witness. The Amer 1can Bar Association has proposed a model act for states to follow, but thus Car only California, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania have adopted 1l, ABA researcher Susan Watson Hillenbrand says. The model statute makes It a mlSdemeanor !or "attempting to dtssuade another from testifying for an improper or malicious mouve," and provides for felony prosec·uuon and prison sentences for "express or 1mphed" threats of force or violence. The model also gives judges broad authorily to deny or revoke ball for defendants who threaten witnesses, and to issue <..'Ontempl citations for defendants or their friends and family who try lO scare potential witnesses. The statute is pending in <See WITNESS, Page A7) Robinson's BETTER WHITE SALE 59.99 QUEEN OR KING SHEETS, 549.99 QUEEN/KING COMFORTERS 60% OFF AND MORE 4 All. fir s t·qualrty no-iron cotton/polyester percale from Utica~ DESIREE. a seductive 1uxtapos1tion of rose/burgundy/lavender blooms on toast/white wallpaper stripes STACCATO. an upbear procession of purple. pink. camel and gray on bone. REZZAN. a veritable magic ca rpet of color 1 Backed by a pearl blue ground Queen llal or fitted King. flat or fitted Also available Orig $22 $26 $28·$32 Sale $9.99 $9.99 Standard cases. pair $1 2·$ 15 $9.99 Kang cases. pair $15·$ 1 7 $9.99 SAVE 60% AND MORE ON MATCHING COMFORTERS, TOO. Polyes1er1co11on percale plumped with polyester fiber Oueen/k1ng. Orig $125·$155 Sate $49.99 Robinson s Domestics and Bedd1119. 30/54 (Sorry. no mall or phone orders) s9,99 BATH OURS FIRST: .ROYAL TOUCH IRREGULARS BY CANNON· -THE SOFTEST ALL·COTION TOWELS EVER-AT 45°1o·54% SAVINGS 11 you 've run your finger !> th rough the billowy loll o f these cashmere soll towels you don·1 need to be sold 11 not nave you go1 a treat m store' For Royal Touch is 1ne lushest. plushest cotlon terry loop towel ever And 11 s so absorbent. a mere caress wall soak up every drop What ~more d <;pecaal weavP c1llows Royal Touch to dry out almost as las t a s 11 d"es you (And 1he 11 regula11t1f>S that a ccount tor these firs t·ever sav1:igs are so sltghl they II never aflecl ;:ippPar..ince or WP.<H >Come cnoose yours an white van111a corns1lk peach blue lace petal pan!< porcer,11n bluP or seafoam green Bui oiease hurry At lhese prices our Quan1111es won t <1'-t lor>g and colors will v.uy by storP II perlect Sale Bath 2r:.., x50 $22 $9.99 Hand 16 128 $ 13 $6.99 w ash 1 '3 ~ 11 • $6 S2.99 Ba1hme11 22"x36" $24 $1 2.99 Robinsons Bath Stiop 11 To order call 1011.free 1·800·345·8501 (when 01dering please s tate -.;erond color rhn1C"P) ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT Rl91STRY MAKI AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROBINSON'S. WEU RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFERENCES IN MRY STORE VIA THE ONLY COMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA • ... ' t Al Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8unday, Auguet aa, 1912 ... , . ~rn~urnrn~ffi[ [pffiIBrn I ''Legislature should confirm Nestande post • T o say the least, it was encouraaing last month when Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. appointed Bruce Nestand e. chairman' of the Orange County Board o f Supervisors, to t h e California Transportation Commission. Finally, we felt, the second most populous county in the state -and the one facing the most serious transportation problems - was getting another needed voice on the panel charged with distributing billions of dollars in highway imP.rovement funds. Now, differing legal opinions and regional disputes -the old Northern California versus Southern California routine - threaten to dash the appointment. The Rules Committee of the state Senate was scheduled to hold a c onfirmation h ea r i ng Wednesday on the Nestande appointment. It didn't come off. Nestande requested a delay because of county business. And, sources say, .the governor's office quietly wanted the matter put over for a week. The governor's office finnly believes that Nestande, as a county supervillor, may aerve on the state tranapor1ation panel. Not ao, says the legislative counsel's office. It went deep Into the English common law to develop a theory that Nestande would somehow face conflicts of interest by serving both ·as a s upervisor and a transportation commissioner. We'll go with the governor on this one. Had the Legislature not wanted elected of flctals on the state transportation commission, lt would have s aid so when It adopted the legislation creating the panel. As for the regional disputes, we think Nestande will be fair in the allocation of transportation funds. We see little chance that one c9mmiasioner could single- handedl~ (or legally) give h is jurisdiction an oversize share of l unds. Those decisions must be based on need. Nestande knows that. Thus, we . con clude there should be no further attempts to block or delay the appointment. The Nestande appointment should be confirmed b e f ore the Legislature adjourns Aug. 31. An unnecessary threat A bill that could put a further damper on free speech by holding the threat of criminal liability over the heads of political campaigners, newspaper publishers, editors and reporters -and even writers of 1ettets to the editor -has won approval of the state Senate and t will be up for a vote on the A88embly floor this week. : It would, in slightly modified 1 form, revive criminal libel an~ · slander laws that were declared unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court in 1976, opening the way for criminal prosecution, 1 fines and jail t erms for any • individual held responsible for ' spoken or written words deemed , maliciously harmful to an other person. Under existing law, persons who feel they have been victims of I slan der or libel can seek civil , remedies by suing for damages - and there have been enough successful cases under civil law to inspire a certain warln~ on the part of the press in h andling stories that might damage the subject's reputation. That would seem to be quite sufficient, without the added threat of arrest and sentencing to a jail term for speaking .or printing statements without a "reasonable ground" for believing them to be true. Sen. Ken Maddy. a uthor of the bill, SB 1847, believes the requirement that the offending words be spoken or written V(ith "malice'' takes care of objections to the measure. But just who could determine such malicious intent remains unclear. Is a candidate for office being "malicious" if h e criticizes his opponent? Is a reporter or editor "malicious" if he reports such campaign criticism? Should they be arrested if a district attorney scents "malice" in their words? Enactme nt of the proposed criminal libel and slander law - with iU obvious temptation to political abuse and questionable constitutionality -would go far beyond need. If members of the Assembly cannot see the inherent risks in SB 1847 and vote to approve the bill, G<>v. Brown should lose no time vetoing it. P hone settlement welcome ! American Telephone & ·Telegraph and the U.S. Justice ,Department made the correct ~ecision this week by accepting a 'federal judge's proposed changes 'in an antitrust agreement to break up the Bell System. Endorsement of the revisions lears the way for Ma Bell to .begin divesting itself of its Jocal operating telephone companies and competing in unregulated fields. : It a lso means those local companies will be left with enough resources to continue offering reliable and affordable universal phone service -which the original agreemen t had left in doubt. U .S. District Judge Harold H. preene had ref used to sanction the breakup agreetnent, reached R y AT&T and the Justice epartment after years of 1 ligation, until several major ehanges strengthening the local ~mpanies were incorporated into Greene's action was especially lmportant considering that a §onal bill to address those was withdrawn by Rep. y Wirth, D-Colo., after vy bbylng from AT&T. 1 The settlement's basic ona call for AT&T to divest of its 22 local tele phone panles, which includ e G!allfomia's Pacific T elephone. In 41'tUm, AT&T would be pennitted ., cunpete in unregulated market.a have much promise of such as computer linkups ta proceMing. ' Many observers expre11ed ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ... -.,.. •• • .. - -...... :=l~~~~ fear tha t telephone companies which could no longer count on financial support from Ma Be1l would h ave to seek tripled or quadrupled phone rates to stay in business. Needless to say, such inflated rates would mean many households could no longer afford a telephone. Universal, affordable phone service is not merely a matter of convenience. It is essential in a society heavily d e pendent on instant communication. In addition, we have stated before the telephone has helped to break down geographical and cultural barriers that used to separate Americans. To keep the local companies strong, the revised agreement allows them to continue marketing phone equipment and generating revenue through Yellow Pages advertising. Greene a lso agreed with newspa~r publishers' contentions that permitting AT&T to offer an elecvoruc information service has monopolistic implications, because of the company'• control of telephone llnft. The changes will bar AT&T from offerln .. such a service tor .even years, 'until the risk of ltl domination of that field has abated." The restriction could be removed by the court after the seven yea.n. The propoealt were nec:8l8ry changes ln &he AT&T antitrust eettlement. We are ple.aae<I both the company and &he Justice Depanment acapted them. ,....,...,,..., P\lbllOWM n..,.,..A.M~ [d•tor Jmne AMOtl £,.c1t11¥e £dilor ...... I(~ fdot«IOI •ote lddOt T....,._Mceeftn ~fdtfOt TtllNGS J UST MA\I EN''r BEEN i~&' SAME SJNC~ l~EY r~REW ou; OU~ P&~IMETE~ RULc · Letters to the Editor Court esy n ot so co mmon To the Editor: Although six feet tall and weighing 180 pounds 1 am, at times, invisible to certain strangers. Examples drawn from recent experiences in Laguna Beach will prove my contention. While making a purchase: The shop's only clerk was writing up my charge t.icket when an affluent looking matron interrupted to inquire about an item she was holding in her hand. I stood there for at least three minutes, glaring at her. as she debated her decision to buy. She was blithely unaware of my presence. While walking in Heisler Park: Two extremely fat wom~n. clad in shorts and bras which we re about to pop, were walking toward m e . When ne ither moved behind the other to make room for me to pass I stepped ofC the narrow walk and stopped, fuming. Both acted Uke they had not seen me. WHILE CROSSING Ocean avenue with the "walk" light: A 20-year-old beauty. driving a topless Mercedes, had stopped awaiting her chance to tum right into PCH on the red light. As I stepped off the curb she made her turn, quite suddenly, missing me by just a few lnches. 1 quashed an urge to shout an ob&cenity because that would have been ungentlemanly. While walking on Forest Avenue: Several young men (?) in strange attire approached me marching three abreast and making a lot of noise. I squared my 69-year-old shoulders and prepared to make a stand for my fair share of the sidewalk. But a voice inside me said, "Careful, Old Boy, you might hurt someone and be sorry." So l stepped into a shop entrance and allowed them to pass without incident. In my mind. inconsiderate people like these are all birds of a feather. Sometimes it amuses me to think about the bedlam that would exist if they could be penned up in the same coop for a few days. And I shall be forever thankful that my feathers are not the same as theirs. BILL COCKRELL Gardner's column MAILBOX Mor e traffic To the Editor: I can't believe the Newport Beach City Council would approve a three-story building with many underground parking spaces to be built where the Fun Zone is now: That plan will only bring more people and more traffic to the peninsula and, believe me. the peninsula doesn't need more people or more traffic. U that three-story building is allowed to go up what will be allowed across the street where the Bay View burned down? Another three-story building would have to be approved, bringing in more people and more traffic. Think of the congestion by the ferry landing! IT SEEMS to me a two-story building would fit into the area aesth etically and cause fewer problems. I wonder if any of the city councilmen live on the peninsula. 1 know at least one lives on Balboa Island. I wonder how he and the rest of the Islanders would like a three~story building with all th09e new parking spaces built by the ferry landing on the Island or m the middle of Balboa lsland Village? I know. at least, one ijves on Lido. I wonder how he and the others on Lido would like a three-story building and parking spaces to clog up their entrance? I doubt it. BARBARA MAPLE 'On negat ivism' To the Editor: I think a more appropriate title for A .M. George's rebuttal to my letter on role models and heroes would be, "On Negativism". One would think from reading his comme nts that everyone and everything in the world is wrong, that mankind's plight is hopeless; that there is nothing a nyone can do about our human existence but bury our heads in the sand and indulge in national self- deprecation and snivel about how the world is not perfect. He e pitomizes the few people 1 referred to in my letter who seem to mC\kC a profession of debunking our national heroes. o r selecting one undesirable individual from a group or profession and then slandering the entire group or profession for the misdeeds of this one individual. To this end he is consistent. In his tirade agaiost the medical profession, o ne wonde rs 1f it ever occurred to Mr. George how many miUions of children will never have to s uffer the lifelon,g aJ;?ony of polio myelitis. becausl' of medical research led by Dr. Jonas Salk (a real hero). SMALL PEOPLE see urban decay through myopic eyes. potnt an accusative finger at architects and utter a pathetic, "Why did they do this,?" Other men such as architect Frank Lloyd Wright (a real hero) with loftier perceptions of the human existence see this urban blight and dream of cities that have never been and say, "Why not?" Mr. George lumps all lawyers into one group and labels them as avaricious and akin to cocaine s muggle rs, while <-ompletely ignoring the acts and 'deeds of one country lawyer named Abraham Lincoln But 1t 1s the concept of patriot.tsm that proves most difficult tor people like Mr. George to comprehend In his effort to debunk patriousm. he totally fails to make any distin c tio n be t ween government and country tn hts analogy of Hitler and the Nazi youth groups One of the major points of my letter is: the foremost patriotic resP,ns1bility of any citizen 1s to defend the 1ndiv1dual liberties of its people against the unjust demands of an unjust government Leadership's task 1s \9 dwell upon the good there 1s to be foUJ)d tn the past and with the knowledg~;of that past to 1llummate mankind's hopes and goals for the future. TOM WILLIAMS • l f'Ut''\ ttom r~.Ot'r\ .,,. w •ltOmt' T~ r19M to \oncM>nw l•t ''''to l•t \()~_. 01 e-11m1rwt..-•1tMtl 1\ ff'\~rvf'd '°"•"•''of JOO word\ 0' ff'·n ..w1tl Cllil' g1vt1>n prf'teten(e Afl ff'U"n rnu,t tn t luOf \•..,Wturt 4ncl m•1llnq adCHt\\ but Nfl'e\ ~Y bf> W'lt"'t-lelO on rf'Qk"iot 1t '\ufftl1H\t t••\On I\ •PCWttnt Pottry t t11tlll ,,ot bP out>t•\nit-0 l tt1,.,\ m•t Of> 1•~•~ to ..,, .. N•m• and~ numbf't ot tf'Wt CM010Ut0f tnu\t DI' o•vein tor •ft tftt •t•Clt'I PY'"PGW''" Putting the hex on witchc raft By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner is a semi-retired jurist, frequent emcee and senior body surfing enthusiast along the Orange C.oast. One quiet, sleepy Southern California day Charlie Carrillo, the court interpreter, brought an Indian to see me when I was a deputy district attorney. The Indian was accompanied by hla wife, an e maciated little woman who wu barely able to totter into the office. On her leg was a great running sore. & Charlie explained it, a Mexican family living next door to the Indians had put a hex on the Indian woman -thorn crucifixes, mumbo jumbo, the whole enchilada -and -she was dying. 1 WU In complete accord witfi that diagnosi.. She looked to me like she was dying -and was liable to do It any moment. According to Charlie, If I didn't do tomething the Indian wu golng to take the law into his own handl arid if he did, thOM Mexicans were 1olnc to think that the once feared Geronimo was a Sunday School teacher by comparuon. Charlie said the Indian was quite .mou.a and that he wu about to wipe out the Mexican family. I VENTURBD A ten&ative opinion that cl\Sa looked like a rnedkal c-. and that they ahould 10 to the county MlpltaJ. They already had. (called the hotpltal and t.alked to lhe doctor In cNrle. My dSaanolia wu rlcht. The lady w• dyina -for no di.apoMble ~ aid the cloctor. . Today 1 would c&11 ln a Pl)'Chlatrt.t. But that w• in the mld·'30I and the dty of Sen&a Ana did not haw a ~trlA. art that Wll ln the mid· 'SOI arid the dty woaderful aelf~ of youth -1 would do IOmtthJ.na. We all ptled lnto a county car and went to the scen e of this curren t witchcraft. I ordered the Me>Cican family out of their houae and Uned them up, from toddlen to ancients, all 14 of them. They spoke no English so I asked CharUe to tranalate. Then I read the riot act to them. At leut I think l did. As I remember, I made a pretty Rood apeech . but I ha~ al\Vaye had a leellng t.hat Charlie'• tran1latJon was even better. You aee, Charlie was the cousin or Leo Ca.rrillo, the actor, and apparently a eena of the d.ramaUc ceme natural to the Cantlloa. I BXPLAINED TO my Mexican audience ln EnaJJah that witchcraft WU .,.1n1t the Jaw and punishable by lrnprilOnment, wrture, burn1nl at the atak=. lm 1leroent and drowntn1. Charlie bly added a few more ln bit don. He w• pUtlcularly aood H he dHc:rlbed \he burnln1. The Mexicmw. wtlh \belt hetitace of violence ...,,. bee* to thi de.Ya of ~ cou.l.d undid slllnd. ,... tm.t of drown1J\I (ell a Ut\le flat bet-awe none of them had ever aeen man than two lnchea of water m the Santa Ana River After Charlie completed his speech (and I hope part of minC'). 1 walked around the house and broke aU of the thorn crucifixes that w.tre strategjcally placed so the Indian woman could see them when she looked out of her kitchen window. Fourteen sets of black eyes rolled up to the sky as though expecting an Aztec thunderbolt al this affrontery. Then, just for good measure, a nd because it seemed sor t of scary, I sprinkled salt all around their house. It seemed like a good Idea at the time. but for the life of me I don't know why I did 1t. As I sprinkled the salt, (of course with suitable incantattons) Charlie was talking with them. I don't know what he told them about the salt sprinkling. but they almost fainted. WHATEVER WE DID was e ffective, because when we lef\•the two families were In each others ~ and already plans were being madtt lor a big fiesta to celebrate the termlnation of the neighborhood feud. ..., A few weeka later the Indian came in. With him was a bouncing, plump, snappy-eyed woman. This, amazingly enoush. was the walltina cad.aver of a ahort time before. 1 called the hoepita.L Yes, a miracle had occurred. The great aore on the woman's Jes had h~ed and 1he had made an lncredlble recovery. The Indian and his wife left afi.l' bl~ me and promlsing to· name their next aon Robertb. Thlt they did -I u8t!d to 1ee him once ln a wbU1 -and the rnoa\ bizarre part of this whole atory ii that he 1ook:a amuin&lY like me. So, ll you would UKe to dlapo.e of your mother-In-law just c:eli on old Voodoo Gardner -Witch~ exltllOl'dJnary. I malce no claim that T can kill her, but l'U bet I am ma.ke her awfully ldck. ... ____ ,._. I ii .... e Orange Coaat DAIL. Y PIL.OT /Sunday. Auguat 22. 19t2 It's been a long, hot summer for Khadafy TRIPOLI, 1.Jbya (AP) -Col. Moa1nmar Khadafy, Llbya'a Oarntloyan\ 1\l'orqpnan, hu come Oil hard UmH. Hla huge oil Income ha plurnml!ted and his dream of leadln1 Africa and the Arab world afaln1l "Western lmp erlall1m • has lost Its c:redlbWty. Once regarded by the Uni~ St.Item u the main paymaster of lnlerna\lonal terrorism , mattermlnd of "hit te1m" &UU1lna. and the meet danprow llOW'a! of inatability ln the region, 1'h1dafy'1 financial probfem1 and diplomatic 1elback1 have sharply reduced hla International dimension. Yet with in Libya , his personality cult continues unabated and his face and sayings decorate every waJJ In the nation's dusty capital. EGYPT SUDAN 0 200 ' a • CHAD Mi&., A hua• Illuminated rooftop portrait of "the Oulde of the Revolution" 11 backed Uke a halo by the rialn4r 1un. Khlldafy'a penio.W th.ory of aodaliam, "The Green 8ook," la eeen more often on Tripoli bookahelve9 than the Koran, the Moslem holy book. The world oil glut cut the value of Libya's p~troleum export.a from the 1980 high of $2~ billion to an estimated •a billion thla year. For the tint time since Khadafy took power ln an anny coup on S e pt. 1, 1969, the booming economy la ln decline. Rigorous austerity measures billion-dollar, Sovll•t supplied military araen&al 11 conalderc.-d 1lmo1t meanlngleu becau1e. diplomata say, he has acquired tour tlmet as many MIG fighter bomben and T -72 heavy 1'&nlu wi he has pilots and drlvt'rft to operate them. When the Israeli Invasion trapped the Palestine Liberation Organization guerrillas in Beirut, Khadafy wrote to PLO leader Yasaer Arafat urging him to commit suicide rather lhan 1urrender. The PLO responded by inviting Khadaty to lead the way. When Khadafy o ffered lo 1upply the hardware for a vut Arab anny to drive larael out of Lebanon , mott Arab leaden dld not even tend a reply. Yet the c har lamatlt' 40-year-old Libyan leader 1how11 no sign of diacouragement. But diplomata aay there is no reliable way to gauge his real popularity. Few complaints are heard. Government spies are eve r yw here. One widely displayed quotation from the "Green Brook" h aa it that "democracy is the supervision of the people by the people." KHADAFY .-~~~~~~~~~ ........... ----~~~~~~~- are In force and Imports of !ALLAN BEEK virtually aU consumer foods are banned. But L ibya a three =~ !~=~f 1~1:;~l~ FOR CITY COUNCIL H & R Block to Offer Tax thOae of most CIQUntrles In the ..... t;;!::_.'.'!~~~11 .. ch School In Orange County ~fy spent more than $100 Thousand• of people are earning money in their spare lime million building hotels and R OY G. G RA VESEN, M.D. as Income lu preparers conference halu for a summit l'orm.rty 01 ........ s .. • Mo11i.1 Therapy n.,,..,, ur1 Medon1 c•nr H & R BIOCk. the workf1 largest Income lax preperatlon meetJno of the Organization of 1 d h . f h eervlce, 11 oflerlng a baetc Income lax course atarllng Afrl~~ Unity in early August. SEi~~a;: M';;:;;~I~;;t ~~~nT~E~lPY ~1:~~':~,~~g1:nd 9th with morning, afternoon and evening The summit was canceled for CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY During the 12 week course. students will study all phases of lack Qf a quorum and Khadafy Kpecialiiinf in the tre.tment of Sexual & ~letionship Income lax preparation and receive actual experience In lost hla chance lo be the D11-0rder1 of lndividual11 and Couple& preparing Ind ividual returns Experienced Block personnel wlll organization's chairman and 1000 Weal LaVeta Avenue, Suite ~O~ leach current laws, theory and appUcatlon II practiced In Block offices nationwide There Is a classroom lecture on each Africa"s spokesman for at least 12 Orange subject and practice problems at avery level Courses are months. (714) 8St>-2677 programmed 10 teach students Increasingly complex 1ax Twenty-two African countries problems as study progresses. Students will ftnd the course bo o tt d K h d f • 1 .,.,., both Interesting and challenging ye e a • Y s ong-LLff ••••••••••••••••••U'~ Anyone may enroll. There are no restrictions or awaited summit, dealing his :!l Quallllcatlons. Courses are Ideally suited for housewives. i n t e rn a t ion a 1 pres t i g e a I'\ 1 /... \~" ••v retired persona. teachers or persons wanting to tncrease their calamiious blow. . , < .. -...• I.I '111-· tax knowledge. More and more Arab leaders ~? Ouallfled course graduates may be offered 1ob interviews for ignore hla hardline stand against ~· ~ pos1Uona with Block. Many accept employment with Block I '· . ~ because of lhe llex1ble hours available. However, Block fs Israel as irrelevant. His multi--t .... _ C----{if;\\~ ~ under no obligation to offer employment, nor are graduates ' . ~~ IV~ ..,a under any obllgatlon to accept employment with H & R Block . WITNESS INTIMIDATION A CONCERN ... The modest e-0urse lee Includes all textbooks. supplies and Miii Exo1//111t Dry Cl•••i., lllll rorms necessary for completlOJl of the school Cen1f1cates 1 _ .1 3 L .1 I 1 • and 7.5 continuing education units will be awarded upon Finl .... ,,,.,, • • • O••• ' successful completion of the course The course Is licensed by (~m Page A5) eeveral other states. but st.ate and local officials have t.aken other steps. too. In Kansas City, for nece88ar)', physical help to move a frigh tened old lady from Brooklyn to the Bronx. The agency also provides locked and guarded lounges in courthouses, he.lpe intimidated victims report threats to the district attorney ,,,\ .. OP Fnl ,iok•ll, I l1/ir1ry the Calltornta Board of Education. ,, •• ' r.1·nilh Sallll O•" lltYiOI -Regl1trat1on forms and brochures for the Income lax course ri "' may be obtained by contacting the H & A Block ofl1ce at 2138 N. Tustin. Santa Ana, telephone 835-2695 1494-4044 1 •In s t ance, officials began . providing more protection for Witnesses after the murders of three rape victims who had agreed to testify. In Florida, a uthorities have set up a fund to bring visitors who are victimized back to the state to testify. A more typltal local program is the one in San Mateo, where five full -time e mployees and 20 volunteers offer to help victims get to court to testify. They send them letters and .maps telling them where to park and what door to use to ge t to a locked room where they can wait to testify -away from the defendant or his friends or family. andhelpegetunlistedtelephones 1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ... But f ew states or local proarams help victims or witnesses escape their fear. No state has anything like the federal government's witness protection program, under which nearly 4,000 people -many of them involved in cases against organiz.ed crime figures -have been given new identities. The federal program, however, costs nearly $30 lJ)illion a year and hM ~ aitidzed as a haven for mob killers who suddenly find themselves out of favor and see the government as less a danger than their own bosses. Most jurisdictions., however, don't even offer a letter, map or secure waiting room. The New York study estimates that as much as 25 percent of all victim or witness intimidation occurs in the courthouse. "The big problem with intimidated victims is the lack of response by the judicial system , starting with the police and going all the way up," says Candy Ellington, a oounaelor with ~ew York City's Victim Services Agency. The New York agency is one of the few in the country that provides money and, when Pleaw present to waltrns when being seatPd Th" coupon 1s good for ').I O(l nff 1tw r..gul.lr dinner pm 11 11f ~'ill di dny Big Ydluw t louw Rl!.,taurant Pnc\' oJ'>Pli\'> l<I ,1.1ult 1>.1.-.,·r .uni 1Juh nwmtwn and new locks on the apartment doors of victims. But even when relocated, a victim or witness suffers. In one recent ca.e. a murder defendant's brother thr eatened to kill a woman witness if she testified. S he and her hU5band and their four children were uprooted to a new apart ment and a new neighborhood, neither as nice as where they had been living. There's no way to compensate that kind of loss or suffering for victims and witnesses, says Lucy Friedman, director of the Victim Services Agency. And, she says, there's no way to guarantee that any victims or witnesses, including those who are relocated, are really safe from violent retaliation. All you can eat each day of the week for oDly $5.50 I t's the best dining d~al in town! Simply bring the coupon to any Big Yellow House. any day of the week and every adult member of your party will dine for only $5.50 (kids even less). That's a full dollar off our regular dinner price! And what a dinner it is ... with seconds. thirds, .. even fourths and fifths on the house! We always serve two delicious entrees:-Our famous fried chicken. plus another that varies from day to day: beef ribs with barbecue sauce. roast beef. tri·tip steak . pork chops with stuffing, and so on. There's also a tureen of steaming soup. a crisp garden salad. vegetables. mashed potatoes and gravy. and plenty of hot cornbread and honey butter. Save again and again! When you give this coupon to your waitress. she'll give each adult member of your party another dollar·oftcoupon for the next visit. And since this offer is good only through September 2. you'd better huny on In . The sooner you start, the more times you can save. {ftJ Offer good through September 2, 1982 Redecorating your bath or kitchen? Sa le I You 've waited long enough to redecor- t ate your bath or kitchen! ~lght now, Color Tile is dishing out savings of 25% on our do-it-yourself ceramic and mosaic tile -the smartest choices for eNery bath and kitchen. Hurry!_ Sale Ends Aug. 28! SAVE 25 3 ON BEAUTIFUL, GLAZED CERAMIC TILE! It's Shiny bright, permanently tough and almost car~e. It's stain and scratch resistant, and ldc.ol for ftoors, w alls and countertops . ...,. 1.79 sale1~! ECONOMY FlOOR TILE ....... A durable noor tllc In ncutrel tDna -!l"C.t kif laundry rooms sale 19 ~!. end ldt:chcnL tr • tr 1ooGA TM '"JT(ltj SELF-STICK TIL.£ ..,.,... ™' ~. sctr-stlck tile 1$ ldcet In ldtchcm, detlS and belt'ls with Its sa1~69!FT. ~ no-we. turfecc. tr • 1 r AHTQll '°"'° '" TTl#4 VINYL NO-WAX FlOOR TILE ..,,,... SWk tones blend with W'f cdot Khcmc . No-wax 1urfecc resists saic59!.n. ~ end tc:t*"«s. tr ic tr~ '""1.llN 12' VINYL FlOORING ....... '°' ~ end ~eblllty, moo. tNt ""'°"' no-.. floomS. It fits sate3~.~. molt "'°"" Wllhout ..... ICMLLI MJ'111Nl SAVE 253 ON FABULOUS GLAZED MOSAIC TILE! Exqulsttc designs and exciting colors add an efcgant look to many rooms. Herd glaze resists stetns In kitchens, dcMt baths and foyers. -· 1 ·"· 1 " 149 299 ~IQ.n.9411T sale -SHRT 00.tQln, -tONt/17, W'l'C .. 40.i..t, GYot1/ttltl, -.11, A«·IOl11 ~ ~t t SP!C1AU.Y SElECTEO MOSAIC TIL.£1 ..,.t.• Ow .-.nt. llit.d moeelc II pt-. =~=~~~ sale89!m V{I ~n!!!!~!~~~.~!~use Saturday. 4·10 pm; Sunde~ 3.9 pm~ Sunday Brunch. 10 em·2 pm At Color Tiie, our tr .. ncd pcnonnet _.... Yota ._ lnllndon broc:hura end ccpcrt acMec on do-ft· ~ lnltanMlon end deccntlns. flWI M'I IOln you ~ tools. And w.'11 c:harft.llty refund ~ money on If'>' unwed tile Ind W1CJlt "* ol vs a-... In Costa Meea at 8010 Harbor Blvd. OGSl'OIU, , (1 l'Mff NfO WM.LltoYD M'IWD Corner of Harbor & Beker adjacent to Fedco ~ W.TQf#l)I Reservations accepted (714) 649-0310 °"" I LMOIMYI In Gar den Grove a t 9100 T r a 1k Ave. SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA COSTA MESA • J R.eaervatlona A~ (714) 891-2809 2801 So, 15191 Beach 322 w. 17th 2221 Harbor I . • ,,. Bristol St. ICM*vard Street 8cMMY1rd ~· ( ............. , <•-> I 557-1324 898-3318 5t7-7711 645-1126 I Moft • .Prt. Mt .............. ~ .. ·~~· ~VNl'I .. DIS S109IS ! ----~----~-------~-~ \ I JACK KEMP , r I $ ) $ $ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 He lost on tax hike, but Kemp still has ambitions • WASHINGTON (AP) Tlw lk.-ene is the White House Cabinet room. Pre:ildcmt Reag1m, seeking converts to the tax-Increase proposul umong a gro up of Republican congressmen, Is asked by a reporte r whether Re p . Jac k Kemp and other conservatives were trying t o undermine his presidency wilh their opposlt.ion. "No, I think that Jack is a purist in the s upply -side economics." the president replies. Reporter: "He's not running for president himself?" Reagan: "I didn't know the job was up for grabs." JOB SQUAD Super Towel Clf'Jl• LISTERMINT MOUTHWASH & GARGLE Replar or Cinnamon. YOUlt CHOICE lBOZ.1.79 u That'• how Rt'p. Jack Kemp. H-N.Y., wanta his detectl.on from the Reagan brand of economk policy judged. He <.'it.ell tP.at bit of dia logue when uketl if hi11 campaign agairu.t the tax increase (which hWI been approved) could be related to his presidential ambitions. ln Kemp's conservative cu·cles, there ls no higher ac.-colade than to be called a purist on supply- side economlcs. AB for the rest: "I've said publicly, I was with the president in 1980. I've said publicly that I'm with him in 1984. I think he's going to run again in 1984. And I'm going aJI D.OYE SOAP Bath Sbe 2:*1 4. 75 OZ. EA. : uround the country speaking and worklni for him a n d t h l' Republican platform." I l's hard to find anybody who knows Jack Kemp -admirer or detractor -who doesn't think that the New York congressman will 'make a run tor president, I( not in 1984, then 1988. 1992? What does it matter? Kemp has time. He's only 47. "There is a sense of destiny about him," says Ed Rutkowski, a teammate on the Buffalo Bills pro football team who considers Kemp his political godfather. "He'• got un uncunny ability to bt! able tD do the rigln thing at the right time." Doe1 this sense of destin y include the presidency? "It does," says Rutkowski, now the executive of the Erie County governme nt. "A lot of people have said that, not just this year but years ago." The issue that he's generated this time around ls Implacable o pposition to raising taxes, whether by closing loopholes or other means. "It's because it's-a big Issue, because it's such a fundamental prindple at stake SAVE •t .00 ¥1011 WSOON SHAMPOO or PINlllHNQ 11111111 laaorted Fenwt1lal. 111120Z. • YOUI CHOICE that I had w lpt·uk out," Kemp awys. Everything about K e mp suggests an All-American liUccetl8 story He played pro fe1t11lonal football from 1957 to 1970, quarterbacking the Buffalo Bills to Amc-r1can Football League champ1onsh1ps an 1964 and 1965. He was a special assistant to then-Gov Ronald Reagan in 1967 and to the chairman of the GOP national t'Onumtt.ee 1n 1969. He h e lped fo"nd the AFL Players A.'ISOCiation and was 1t.s presiden t. He was elected to CongreliS from suburban Buffalo, N.Y .. in 1970. POP-UP AUGUST WET ONES MOIST TOWELETIES For instant clean-ups WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Ma~ter Card TEXACO • "lfilii·• Z-BEC HIGH POTENCY FORMULA FOR ADULTS AD PRICES PREVAIL. SUNDAY. AUGUST 22 thru TUESDAY . AUGUST 24 HAVOLINE MOTOR Oil 30WT. e llAVOUIE llnllUl w.4.99 CJ.fill• '2.00 REBATE .. ,,,.,1.) . ALLBEE C-800 EVANS YELLOW POPCORN SWITZERS CHERRY BfTES or LICORICE BITES Cjdjfi. PROGRESSO Minestone or Lentil SOUP 10.SOZ.2 :&gc PETUNA CATF.OOD Au't. F1awen . 3-SPEED PORTABLE HAND MIXER "EASY GRIP" HANDLE ~z~Z"~ombl•f•1el 3 88 SAV·ON AO PRICE • REBATE OIRECT •2 0 0 FROM GE • --10.99 NORTHERN Curl Stick Styling Wand Professional curls 1n seconds '2Kl 3.99 THERMOS SUPER QUART VACUUM aomE 36 oz. Keeps liquids hot or cold all day. Rugged & rustproof CAST IRON HIGH POTENCY VITAMINS wtth 800 MG. VITAMIN C w.4.99 .-1sa11t·• CLAIROl. AEltOSOl FINAL NET INVISIBLE HAIR NET final net TIMEX ~ L.£.D.DIGITAL ~!!~~y~I iillii!~ -'i4!9°t,. ~'ti"-:. to the backyard (4 BAUSCH & LOMB , · >--SN O OZ ·ALARM CLOCK ~~s~~ai~0~~~1s1 SALINE SOLUTION ,_,." ,.. ....... unique upright design #5212·504 lCY'a lO''a l W' fw S.ft eo.tact Le11M1 12 oz. ( 1 #7tot:.012 , ALPUSTIC 1 3 9 . . .. YOUR CHOICE • E~~~everages. 1 01:. 100'• • . ::[ • EA • «i.Ji1il• VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY In plastic jar A soothing dressing for minor skin irritations. ..._ __________________________ __ ATTENTION ELIGIBLE MEMBERS OF UNJON HEAL TH AND WELFARE FUNDS .... lflllllll ... air.. AHocl1t9d •ltll Pr0Krlptl<>11 Health Servlc" (Pt1S) BEGINNING AUGUST 1, 1812 IAV-ON CAN NOW PILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AT NO CHARGE TO YOU. IT'l IAIY TO HA VI YOU" ,_.,. laWTtOHI !'tu.ID AT IAY-oN. PHARMACl!8 OPEN t:OO IM to l:atHUION.•IAT. 10:00 Afll tot.'OOflM IUHDAY a AU. HCH.IDAYI HC .. •1' CH9'11TMM SPECIAL! ..... -....... ....,_ ............ -... Al SS 2z ._. •111• NUlfl'• YMN/f -•ra tiff• • .,_ UWfAMA-.. t._. ........... . . ' DlllJ Piiat SUNDAY, AUG. 22, 1982 0 FOR THE RECORD 86 Raiders suffer exhibition def eat in Detroit. B3. ~ 0 Trojans should have an all-new look In • N or m ally ground-oriented , USC figures to b oast a Salisb ury aerial attack By ROGER CARLSON of""ttw o.1J Not It.ff LOS ANGELF.8 -On the surface it won't be apparent. Their colors of cardinal and gold remain, but for the Tro)!lns of the University of Southern California, It appears to be very clear thia ls a year for a change. It's .•till an I-oriented attack for Coach John Robinson, but the key to the 1982 football season won't be the traditional emphasis on the tailback -it's going to be on a sophomore quarterback with 15 paaa attempts under his belt at USC. It'a 6-5 ~, 210-pound Sean Salisbury, a 19-year-old, whose rapid-fire speech lives you the Dwight Stones look and Fila rapid-fire arm gives you the Bert Jones look. "Sean's going to be a very exciting player," Robinson told a press gatherin_g Saturday. "He's the kind of player who if you aak him something for which he doesn't Easler does in Dodgers • PITTSBURGH (AP) -It took 104 games, but Pittsburgh Pirate outfielder Mike F.aslcr finally got his first game-winning RBI of the 1982 baseball season. F.asler slammed his 11th home -run of the season with two out in the bottom of the eighth inning to give Pittsburgh a 2-1 victory over the L os Angl'lcs Dodgers Saturday night. "I wasn't aware that he didn't have one but I'm glad he got it," said Pirate M a nager Chuck Tanner. "He picked the right spot." F.asler said he was happy to end the dry spell. especially On TV t oday channel 11 at 10:30 against a left-handf'd pitcher, Steve Howe. Under T anner's platoon system, the left-handed hilling Easler usually faces right-handed pitchers exclusively. "It's especially good against a left-hander and Howe's one of the best in the league," Easler said. "It's a challenge and I enjoy a challenge." Howe dropped to 6-:J with the loss, onJy the fifth in thE-last 18 games for the Dodgers. "It was a good pitch," said H owe. "What can I say? rt happens." have an answer, he'll reply: 'Give me a minute and I'll come up with something.' The insertion of Salisbury Into the starting unit haa sent 1981 starter John Mazur off to Texas A&M, where he'll lit out a year before continuing his college career. Also lost to the Trojan.a for 1982 is fullba.ck Michael Alo, who ii being red- shirted for a year with no contact in hopes of recovering from a neck injury. Robinson promises a more varied attack for the Trojans, particularly in the pasmog game. "Last year we were too conservative," admits Robinson. "Five quarterbacks in six years forces some things on you." With Salisbury, Robinson has a situation where it'll be a three-year stint and he predicts nothing but good things for the product of Orange Glen High in Escondjdo. AB a prep Salisbury was marked for certain stardom on the collegiate level, but his freshman season wasn't much . "I thought I waa ready," says Salisbury. "But now, especially aft.er the Fiesta Bowl game, I know I wasn't. "It was just a matter of thinking 'give me the football. that's all I need.' But I learned that if you can't take the snap right and get the pitch right to the tailback, you can't play. And. I learned there la such a thing as the short pass, too." Robinson conti nu e d about h is quarterback: "There's a dynamic quality about the position, and the truly great ones have it, and I think Salisbury does, too. "Dan Fouts had it when I was at Oregon. "But when Sean came to us he wasn't that interested in the efficiency part of the job, the drills and details. "I finally convinced him, because he finally bought it that he had no choice. If he didn't, he wouldn't play." Salisbury admits he was close to leaving USC duri.ng his freshman year. "I laid awake at nights asking myself if I did the rlght thing and questioning what I was doing here. "Mr parents and myself were asking. 'whats wrong?' But now, looking back, it's a lot to ask (s~ quarterback as a freshman) from a kid. ' Aside from the new quarterback , meaning a new emphasis on the passing game, other sections of the USC attack appear very similar to what Trojan fans have come to expect. Marcus Allen, the Trojans' fourth Helsman Trophy winning tailback, is history, but two sophomores (Fre d Crutcher and Zephrini Lee) and junior Michael Harper appear to have the situaton in hand. "Crutcher is the kind of back who will attack you," says Robinson, "and Lee is a Ricky Bell type runner, except he hasn't (See TROJANS, Page 84) Los Angeles had runners at first and second with nobody out in the eighth but failt'Cl to score. Pinch hitter J orge Orta a nd Steve Sax singled. but K e n Landreaux hit into a linc--drive double play. DOUBLING UP -Pittsburgh's Bill Madlock slides into second base with a double while Steve Sax of the Dodgers is AP Wireptloto unable to handle throw from the outfield. Mad.lock's hustle turned into a run and Pirates nipped Dodgers, 2-1. W inning reli ever Kent TekuJve. 8-6. who camc-m relief of Manny Sarmie nto, the n retired Dus ty Baker o n a grounder to end the mnmg ''We had scoring opportumt1es but we didn't capitalize o n them." said Dodger Manager Tom Lasorda. "Ordinarily we score a couple o r runs an a situation like that." Pittsburgh took a 1-0 lead in the third against rookie Ricky Wright, who was making his third major-league start. Bill Madlock doubled to left-center with two out and scored on Jason Thompson's single. The Dodgers tied the S(:ore in the seve nth whe n P ed r o Guerrero walked, went to second on a groundout and scored with a head-first slide on Bill Russell's single to left. The Dodgers had runners a t first and third with none out in the fifth inning but failed lo score. Gue rre r o and S teve Ouvey singled. but Sarmiento got Bon Roenicke to fly out and Guerrero was thrown out at the plate attempting to score on Ru.ell's grounder to third. 1J' ALKER OUT FOR S IX WEEKS ATHENS, Ga . (AP) - Henchel Walker, ~rgla'e All- .American running back, suffered • fractured right thumb In a aTlmmage Saturday and will be out of action for three to six *9eka. i.am offlclala 11aJd. The lnjury occurred aa the •u11do11 prepared to meet a.a.on on Sept. 6. Walker wW und e r ao 1ur1ery thh murn.lnl to repair the fractw'e, ....S will be wurfn.a a cut fOC' at 1-tlv. weeb, offJdala u.ld. A rosy outlook for Bruins UCLA has a new home, new h o p e for 1982 season By DENNIS BROSTERHOUS Of the D•lly Piiot Stat! LOS ANGELES -It isn't often that a coach will spend more time answe r ing questions about where his team plays than about the squad itself. But, for UCLA football coach Terry Donahue. it's understandable these days. The Bruins have a new home, the Rose Bowl, vacating the Coliseum and will no longer be co-tenants with cross-town rival USC. ''The overall feeling from the UC LA people seems to generally be~s0pportive." said Donahue as he met the press Saturday afternoon on the Westwood campus. "There are individuals here who would prefer we were still in the Coliseum, but the vast majority see it as a good move. "The reception from the Pasadena community have been exceptional. Being the only tenant (al the ROiie Bowl). they have been very anxious to please us and we want to please them, as well." WHILE A FEW things still remain to be ironed out ("The locker rooms are still a bit too small"), Donahue peraonally ii looking forward to the move. "l think we can develop a h ome followin~ and a · real home-field advantage.' he aald. "It may take a 'few games, but the •t~ is ideal for the farw. Without a track, they re much cloeer to the fleld and closer to the action." What the fane will be teeing I.a a veteran football team with a lot of promile. The Bru.lna, who open Sept. t 1 agalnet Lona Beach S\ate at the Role Bowl, return 4& lettermen from 1.ut year's 7-4-1 equad that mimed by one P11e-lO vtctory of~ the conferenct uu. and pkytna ln the Rc.e Bowlpmt. lnli.ad. UCLA concluded lte Muon against Big 10 foe Michigan, dropping a 33-14 decision in the Bluebonnet Bowl in Houaton. No less than 24 players who started at least once in 1981, plus a full-time 1980 starter, return for the 1982 season. AU- Amerlcan candidate Connac Camey and quarterback Tom Ramsey head the list on offense. along with tailback Kevin Nelaon, fullback Frank Bruno and flanker Jojo Townsell. While solid enoush offensively, the Brulne' defenee, especially the aeoondary, could be the atrongett link In the chain. "WE'RE VERY deep in. the eecondary," said Donahue. "We've got virtuaJll no newcomers and it's the fcx:al point o our defenee." Free safety Don Roatl'I, who led the team with 133 tackles, and atrona ealety Tom Sullivan, who accounted for 109 stops and led the Pac-10 wtth alx lntercepUona, form the 1ut Une o1 defenee. The Brulnt also have three cornerbacke, Jlmniy Turner, Lupe Sanches and Walter Lana . who have ltarted at 1eeat 11 pma. How does the Pac-10 chase look to ) Donahue? He sums it up in two words. ''wide open." "I think we have about as good a chance as anybody," he said, "although I think most people are picking Washington right now . USC is outstanding as always and Arizona State figures to surprise some people. "Last year, I figured that we could have beaten a nybody we played a nd I also believe anybody could have beaten us on a given day." Someone asked if Oregon State, the conference's perennial doonnat and winne r of onJy one game last season, fit Donahue's theory. Donahue responded, "You have to remember that we didn't play Oregon State last season." * * * WhUe the move to the Ra;e Bowl has provided a new beginning to the Bruins' football team, the same could also be said for freshman quarterback Matt Stevens. the Fountain Valley High product getting his feet wet at UCLA. And that's his primary responsibility th9e days, orientation with the school and hla 11.ln'Oundlnga. "When I was an eighth-grader, l was a bla stud, but had to start over again In hlgh ecf\ool," said Stevens. ''The same thing is happening now. I'm atartins over In a way." That may be true, but SteveN did rate a mention by Donahue, durint the coach's briefing to the media co~mi.ng UCLA'• tncornlna fl'fthmen. And, Si.vena would Jutt u eoon keep getW\g notlced. ·· "At thlll ltllle• p ctice ti very Important to me ~ meetinp are very important to me. t don't really have a timetable about when I would like to start playing. ( ... UCLA.Pa,.81) 1982 Angels blast Tigers By CURT SEEDEN 01 th• Dellr Pllol Sl•ff Gt•ni• M.1ut h lt .. mt•d bcick an his t·h:m and -.u.on·d ;H tht· cal<'ndar on ha-. olfau· wall b<·h1nd him. "Wt• havt· to kt•t·p playing lake ht•ll and tl11•n un th<· 20th of St·ptt•mtwr. w1 hav1· to gt'l hot - reaf hot.'' he predicted. S(•pt :w I'> an 1rnpc>rtant oate in Maueh's mind Thi· Angels and K ansas C11v Royal-. began a thn•t··ganu• -.,1·n1·-., •• t Anaheim Stadium that d:1v A11d when it is ov<:r. th1·r« will ·1,1· JU'>L l(J games rt•ma1ning 10 dt·ud1· Lhl· torrid Amt•rat·un L1•agut• 'v\'t·-.t p('nnant rat·t• In Mauth " w11nh. the· Angels d 1 d 1 n cl l' c· d µ I a v I 1 k t· h e 11 Saturdav night -.conng enough The re' still a lot of baseball left. -Doug O.Clnc.e runs tm the• c•\'t•nanj.! and at least one of thtN-' g.11nt ... m S1·ptember Jgainst tht· R111,db WllE/..; TllE du ... t h •• d s<'ltled. Bob Boone had cracked a pair of homt· run\. Frl'<l L\ nn added a two-run bla-.,t amf thl' Angels rolllod to ,1 I :~-1 v1( turv over the Dc·tro1 t T1gt·rc; lwfon: 44.194 at Anah<·1m S1;1d1um B u 1 c • v 1• n "' 1 t ti ;1 I I l h a t f1n•µow1·r lht• An~{·ls had _ to sNtlt• for ..,h,1ra11g a poruon of first plal·t· 111 thl' W<-st thanks to tht• Royals' 4 :~ VIL't• 1rv ovt·r the Chicago Whi te Sox ·Saturday night "Tht•1 t•" -.till a lot ot baseball ldt." t·autw1wd third baseman Doug L>d . .'1nt·c·s. who paeked up four HBI 111 the• l'ontc-st "It's not time to be looking at the scoreboard." The Tigers certainly didn't get a charge out of the Anaheim Stadium scoreboard. In fact. by the second inning, the Angels had glVen starting pitcher Geoff Zahn all the runs he would need Lynn opc.-nt-d thl' -.<'COnd with a smglt', l)({.'11wt:s rlnublL'Cl him homt.'. and two outs laL<·r. Boone nflC'd his far-.t honw run over the ll'ft-fal'ld f<•nn· Tht' rc•11i<1andt•r 11f the night was pun· agony for starter and loser Jack Morn.., I 14 -12) and four otlwr DC'lrn11 µ1tchl•rs. LYNN DE LIVE RED a two- run homer. his 18th of the season, in the third inning. Boone belted his SC't'Ond hom<•r in the fourth and the Angels wrapped things up by putung :.ix on the sc:oreboard in thP bottom of the fifth The rest was up to Zahn, who went on to pack up career victory No. 83 It's an important number. because coming into the game, the crafty left-hander also had 83 career losses. The victory. his 14th of the season against five defeats. puts him at the career 500 mark "l knt'w we needed a complete game and when we got so many runs early I knew I was in there for nine (innings). l was &lad I could give the bullpen a rest," Zahn said iJ fte rward. Zahn picked up his ninth complete game of the season , scattering six hits while wal~lng two and striking out two. It was a typic&J Zahn ou\.lng, hlghJighted by plenty of ground balls Including two double plays. "Lut n ight wos a tough game," added DeClncca, who now haa 28 RBI Ln l~ gamee in Augus t and 31 R81 since tM All·a~r break. ''Tonight we came out to wln and 1ot ~nough nma (See ANGELS, P.,e 8'7) .\ .. Orange CoH1 OA1vw'PILOT/8und1y, Augutt 22. 1882 .... --------------------...... ~,~\\\. &\~ ~ . Girl gets a kick out of footba ll From AP dl1patches WILLIAMSBURG, Ky . - Marjorle Beth Bates haa the [i] cllaUnction of being the tint, and only, 4 • 1 trl on a Kentucky hlgh sch ool • football teem. With her brother, Hunter Batee, 14, holding the ball for her, the 16-year-old eecond stringer for Wllliamaburg High School attempted a polnt-afte r-touchdown kick Saturday in a prMeUOn game in Wil.liamaburg. .Beth's kick was blocked in much the same manner that llOl'1'le Kentucky football coaches and officials are trying to block girls' participation in contact sports. "Beth is not our best kicker, but she's been pretty consistent in practice," said Williamsburg Coach Bob Rose. Quote of the day "It was just like meeting Santa Claus. You go in, get your picture taken with him, and then you leave." -World Boxing Auoclatlon li~htweight champion Ray "Boom Boom ' Mancini, recounting a recent visit with President Reagan. Braves Inch closer to Dodgers Cbrh Chamb l .. s crash e d a a three-run homer, and Jerry Royster singled home the go-ahead run in t he sixth inning as Atlanta trimmed the New York Mets, 6-5, to highlight National Le~e action Saturday. It was the third straight win for the Braves and moved them within two games of the Dodgers in the NL West ... Elsewhere, first baseman Jeff Leonard's three e rrors in two innings led to four unearne d runs and Lonnie Sm ith rapped an inside-the-park homer, helping St. Louis beat San Francisco, 7 -6 ... Tim Lollar and Luis DeLeon combined on a two-hitter and Gene Richards and Tony Gwynn each drove in a run in the sixth inning, leading San Diego to a 2-0 win over the Chicago Cubs . . . Nolan Ryan pitched a five- hitter and neared second place on the all-time strikeout list while pitching Houston to a 5-3 decision over Montreal. Ryan struck out five, giving him 3,433 career strikeouts . Walter Johnson leads the all-time list with 3,508 ... Paul Householder and Ron Oester drove in two runs apiece and Bob Shirley scattered seven hits as Cincinnati belted Philadelphia, 10-3. Aikens gives Royals a big lift Willie Aikens slammed a towering, two-out homer off Salome Baroja1 in the bottom of the ninth , lifting Kansas City to a 4-3 verdict over the C hicago White Sox to h ighlight American League actio n Saturday . Dao Q8J1enberry, ex-Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College graduate, who came in with two outa in the eighth inning. got the win (7-5) ... Elsewhere, Doc Medich and Rome Fingers combined on a six-hitter as Milwaukee blanked Seattle, 3-0 . . . Dan Meyer hit a three-run homer in the fifth inning, and Tony Ar mas followed with his third career grand s lam as Oakland blasted Boston, 12-5 ... Jim Clancy and Dale M u r phy co mbine d o n a . three-hitter and Jesse AS Die Barfleld't RBI double keyed a three-run first inning, leading Toronto to a 3-1 win over the New York Yankees ... Ken SlogJetoo's run- scoring single capped a three-run. eighth-inning rally that led Baltimore to a sloppy 8-6 victorv over Texas . . . Gary Ward knocked in two runs and Al Williams and two relievers combined to scatter nine hits to lead Minnesota to a 4 -3 victory over Cleveland. Baseball today On thla date ln bueball ln 1965: San Frand8oo•1 Juan Marlchal and Los Angeles' John Roseboro touched off one of baseball's moat famous bench-clearing brawls during the third inning of the Gianta' 4-3 victory over the Dodgers at Candle91ick Park. Dodger pitcher Sandy Koufax had delivered a pitch to Marich.al, and catcher Roseboro then threw the ball back to Xoufax. Maricbal complained that Roaeboro'a throw had come too cloee to his head, and, eeconda later, Marichal started ~ his bat at Rceeboro, ee«ing off the After the fireworks had ended, Willie Ma)'I belted a three-run homer off Koufax to alve the Gian ta the victory. On thia date in 1961. En route to his record-breaking 61 -homer ~New York Yankee slugger Roger Maria belted his 50th homer of the year - a ahot off Los Angeles Angela' Ke n McBride -to become \he f1nt player ln major league history to reach the ~-homer plateau in August. Today's Birthdays.: Boston R ed Sox veteran Carl Y .. tneimki la 43. St. Loula Cardlnala pitcher Doua Bair ta 33. Montreal Expos pitcher Bay B u rrla la 32. Milwaukee JINwera infielder Paul Molitor la 26. Anot her upset at Saratoga Raaway Groom, a 12-t longahot from Canada, rushed ~ apeedstera Al•••'• R•ler and CHq•l1t1dor a. "1th about a lbrteenth of a mile • to IO and won the $221.~ Travers Stakee at 8arato1a Satur~ay as the "Graveyard of a.n'*"'9'' cl•lmed another vtctlm. Runaway Oroom .-S .J!!a.80, ~.eo md '2.10 •.. Mk'hlpn eo.h le .. ~•YI a pu~ report tlwt mon than fO percent of h1a ~now l*'fonn1nl ln the National Football J..""8ue ah! wtdwJut coUtee decrw .. "°' true. • .Success hasn 't spoiled P e try y e t Detroit righ t-h and er is amazed b y wh a t h e's accomplish ed By CURT SEEDEN O(Ule o ... r f'tlol ...... Conaecutlve 10-9 aeaaon11 In hia flnt two .full yean wl\h the Detroit Tigers didn't s~U succna for Dan Petry Just belna a "mediocre pitcher" 1&nd winning 10 garnet each year left the former El Dorado High standout if nothing else, content. • But things are rapidlr c hanging for the 23-year-old right-hander. Ho 1 gotten to the point now where success is Interfering with his job, which ls to wln ball games for the Detroit 'I'lgers. "Actually success ls the reason everyone plays this game," Petry was saying the other day while hiB teammates and the Angels were in the midst of theLr three-game series at Anaheim Stadium. "But success is also hard." Petry should know . This season, he's posted a 13-7 record to go along. with a 3.17 earned run average -tops among Tiger starters. "l was just mediocre, and maybe I still am but I guess I'm having a pretty good year," P~try modestly admitted. "And now everyone expects me to be fantastic. It makes you work that much harder." Ironically, Petr y admits, he takes a philosophy that he's going to wm every time he takes to the mound -especially in Detroit where he has posted an 8-2 record this season. "I've really realized just how much success I've had there. Now I go out there and say, 'you can't beat me, you can't beat me,' " Petry saya. Is succes.5 spoiling Petry? He says it's not. But then, that was just a few hours after he had left his new 4,000-square-foot, Lundquist sets swim niark Moffet, Barrett finish next lNDIANAPOLlS (AP) -Steve Lundquist, a senior at South ern Methodist University, broke his own month-old world record in the 100-meter breaststroke Sa~urday night at the U.S . Swimming Long Course national championships. Lundquist, 21, of Jonesboro, Ga .. was clocked at l minute, 2.53 seconds at the Indiana University Natatorium, breaking the world mark of 1:02.62 he set July 19 at Mission Viejo. LUNDQUIST, A member of the 1980 U.S. 01ympic team, also won the 100-breaststroke at the world championships in Ecuador earlier this month. Saturday night's victory was his ninth national title. John Moffet, 18, of Costa Mesa, third-place finisher in both the 100-and 200-breaststroke events at the world championships and winner of the 200-breaststroke earlier in this meet, finished second at 1:03.16. Third place went to Bill Barrett. 22, Mission Viejo. the winner of the 200-individual medley Friday night. flvc-lx'Ciroom Anaheim Hllll h~ where he 1pent mo.t of tht" day In the 11wbnmSng pool And It wu a tew h oura before he was aiolng t.o return to hla 4,000-aquare-foot, tlve-bedroom Anaheim Hills home for a dip In the jacuz.z.l. I "But that Includes the garage," he quickly polnta out of the vut llvina apece. "I never hod anything like that before, you know, growing up In Placentia. It's luxurious and •Actua lly success is the reason everyone plays this same . . • But success is also hard.' it's different," be says of his new investment. "And It's a 101 better than my stuffy old apartment m Detroit." ~ctually, l'etry's trying to enjoy his new home as much as possible. It's the first time he's seen it since he and finance, Chris Cairns, purchased it. And because Petry isn't scheduled to pitch against the Angels, it's alm06t like a much-needed vacation. "I really looked forward to the AU-star break. I needed it," Petry confressed. After throwing a team-equaling high 199 innings this season, it's no wonder Petry was looking forward to this particular series. He'll have a chance to see old friends and some of his ex-El Dorado chums who were around to watch him pitch the Hawks to the CIF 2-A championship in 1975. The Tigers selected Petry fourth in the June, 1976 draft. He produced an impressive ERA during his minor league years and then pitched two SOLIDARITY? -Angela Bob Boone... (right) and Doug DeCinces shake hands after tk>One's two-run homer in the bottom of the second <-'Ompletc gornt!9 In h is flnt four major leallJe 1u.rti ln 1979. Now, In Just hi.a fourth major lugue aeuon. Petry II ~ed for thJrd in games started (28), lied for third with teammate Jock Morris In lnnln11 pltchc:d, •l><th in earned run average and tied for tlfth In 1trlkeou ta with 109. He got a little n.atlonaJ expo8Urt! a few weeka ago when he faced the New York Yankees on a Monday night. He was srullng along with a 7-0 lead only to !M.>e IL get away a.8 the Yank~ eventually pulled out a victory. "l didn't do too well. We lost the lead and the game," Petry recalled. "And everybody In th.• nation aaw It. It makes you look Uke a Utlle leagu• pitcher." One look at his new home a nd It's obvious there is nothlng.lmle league about Petry's upward mobility . "I was telling my dad and fiance thla," Petry disclosed. "We were looking at all the cars and houses a round there and I began to wonder if we went over our heads. Do we really rit into this society?" Like it or not. Petry has be<.'Omc a celebrity, most notably in Detroit, a town he has fallen in love with. "l want t.o pitch in Detroit. I'm trying to talk my f1ance anto buying some land up m Michigan. The house we have up here we could get for $15-0,000 or $100,000 there," he admits. The way Petry's been pitching. it may not be long before he can afford a small paJa<.oe. But then, that just wouldn't fit into his lifestyle. He'll stick to five bedrooms for now and try not to let success spoil him. inning that also 800.red DeCi.ncee. Boone hit another homer off Detroit pitcher Jack Morris in the fourth as Angels romped, 13-1. Lundquist's record swim followed an American record-breaking performance by Sue Walsh in the women's 100-backstroke. Walsh, 20, a junior at the University of North Carolina, was timed at 1:02.48, breaking the U.S . record of 1:02.55 set by Linda Jezek in 1978. Betsy Mitchell, 16, Cincinnati, was second at l:04 .02, and Debbie Risen, 16, Overland Park, Kan., was third at 1:04.11. Handshakes come • all forIIJs T h ere's the traditional, t h e slap and, of course, high five THE BIGGEST upset in the four-day meet came in the women's 100-breaststroke, when 16-year-old Kim Rhodenbaugh of Cincinnati beat triple-gold medal winner Tracy Caulk ins. Rhodenbaugh, a two-time national champion in t he 200-yard breaststroke, beat the favored Caulk.ins at t~e 50-meter tui;n and stayed in front for a winning time of 1:10.79. Caulkins, 19, Nashville, Tenn .. came in at 1:11.62 for second place -her Cirst loss in that event in a national meet since 1977. Caulkins, who earlier won the 200-backstroke and the 200-and 400-individual medleys, was trying for her 43rd national swimming title. Third place went to Shan non Orcutt 16 Mission Viejo, at 12:47. ' ' Rhodenbaugh's older brother, Mark, 18, won the gold medal in the men's 100-backstroke with a time of 56.90. Mark Rhodenbaugh, who will be a freshman at Southern Methodist, set a national high school recoi:d in the 100-yard backstroker earlier this year. Ki1nhall pulls upset in diving Pl'M'SBURGH (AP) -Bruce Kimball w on the men's 10-meter platform flnals Saturday with 603.63 polnta ln the U.S . Outdoor National Diving Championships as world champion Gree Louganla f1nlahed eec:ond. It seems rather the final straw that the unrest between football labor and management would come down to the traditional -indeed innocent - ritual of the handshake. As you know, there is considerable commotion about players of the Na t ional Football League shaking h ands on the greensward prior to exhibition games. The rite is to display solidarity in the ranks of the NFL players association, a body at odds with the owners over several issues -mostly money. It is the contention of managem ent that the handshake thing is in violation of NFL rules on . fratenUzation. Some teams have fined their players for the deed and other club& are sworn to do so. It should be pointed out at this critical juncture that there are many players who refuse to take part in the handshaking ceremony for reasons other than political. They feel that prior to a game as physical as pro football that shaking hands is a silly and sissy thing to do. But the handshake, in all its fonns through the yeara, has always been such a vital part of football. For Instance, during the introductions of the players before a game, one athlete will dash onto the field and embrace and pump the hand of the clod already out at midfield for all the world like they had not seen each other for several decades. Now this is an indication of solidarity between members of one team and it is e ndorsed by management. lt is also enjoyed by the fans. At least, it seems to be inasmuch as each handshake is greeted by generous cheering and applauding. Then, of course, there is the ritual of the high five. This is usually performed after a player has done something h eroic such as 8COre a touchdown or kick a field goal or sack a quarterback. The high five is done by one player running toward the other and both leaping in the air as high as possible and clasping hands at the very summit of SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER The high five, of course, evolved. It was not too long ago that a player was greeted after a display of excellence by the basic handshake. the ordinary right-on-right. Before the high five, though, came the palm slap. The palm slap was extremely popular for many years and, as a matter of fact, is sull widely used in football and other sports . The palm slap falls somewhere between the handshake and the high five in temlS of emotion. T he palm slap 1s an uncomplicated act. One simply opens his hand to display the palm and slaps the palm of another. There are variations, such as the double palm slap and the ritual is often enhanced by various movementa of the body and feet. This sometimes progresses as far as a touching of e lbows and bumping of torsos. There is palm slap maneuver which concludes with both parties doing a backward flip. but this is pretty well limited to professional basketball. At any rate, you see where 1t is upfortunate that labor and management in pro footblill are reduced to scrapping over a small -but important -item like the handsha ke. Perhaps a deal could be worked out. The owners wish to test the players for drug use. The players object. The players wish to shake hands. T he owners object. OK, compromise. Before a player hands over a hand, he hands over a sample. Wendy Wyland of Miaalon Viejo captured the women's 10-meter platform finals with 427.14 at Settler's Cabin Park in Pittsburgh. Michele Mitchell of Tuc.9on, Ariz., waa eec:ond with 415.41. the le ap, which quite clearly explains the ..--------------------- origination of the title of the maneuver, the high flve. Kimball. 19, of Ann Arbor, Mich .. who dives for hia father, University of Michigan Coach Dick Kimball , ia back on the b oard following recuperation from an auto accident 1ut October. He suffered a c rushed cheekbone, fractured skull, ruptured spleen, lacerated liver, broken fibula and The high five is almost exclusively empJoyed on the playing fieJdt but It la aometimea uaed at parties or when mee ting by chance on the boulevard. tom knee ligaments. but competed at the world ..----------.-----------4 champlonah.lpe earlier this month and placed third behind Loupnb. Kimball collected 603.63 polnta, while Loupnil had 558.4~. Loupnls. 22, of the Mmlon~le Nadaclclr9. won two of the compet1t.lon'• event&, .Svt.,, h1m hie lS>th and 20th na tf tlea. ••••••e•••······ ARTIST : , NHd e11oeptlonal ertltt 10 do • IPOl't• eotlQn figure lke1Clle9 • et rHtoneblt price. Cell • .1emee btWn & , 10pm. I 661-3316 • ····••e•••••••• Loupnla. a student at UC lrvtne, ewept the men'• •p rtnaboard and platform even&I at the World Dlvln1 ChampJomhip ln Ecuador a few ,,__ml!~ml'!• weeb llO· _ 111 ~ third ln the men'• went WM Mike · IAllL •s Wantuck. • of Awrtln, Tew, With 540.81 sdnta. . ,., ......... Matt &aa1n. 18, ol the ~ Hom l>tvina M aa a •ale Oub of AustID, 'rew, wu fourtll wilb 5st.82 :':'!... ... ":. pointa. t.nn1 IAyJand. 21 , of Mmaoo Vlejc>. WM it lit,.,.., lifth wt th oot.eo .D04nta. ..... T1IM...,.. et v. o.e. M.rk Vli1I. 2'. ol the Lena Ham DMn8 Oub, fClll ._...,.. .,_ Mlt cla h ned m1h place with d0.09 polnte. Brian cmtA W 6' 1-12H Buqum, 27, of tu Lona Hom DI~ Club, __:.-:.:_ ;~1 . amm.ct ..wntb with 481M pomta. Ron..,.,_., 30, .., c..., , a of ~ R.uart.ck Dlvtnc Qua> of.,..~. Artr.., ................ ~~ ICONd 4Je.90 pcm• for efcbt.b .,.... ................................. ....... ' , -. -------.~-..:......;;-...c'-"'-~--~-~ ORANGE COUMTY 4:9LU~'!'9!1AMA GUN SHOW -·· ••••• 1'HAN ... Aueuat 21 & 22 Sat. & Sun. IUY -SELL -TRADE 250 TRADE TA8LES ,._uri"Q Guns -AntlQut & Modetn Ammo -Wer Rtlk» & Surplus lndill'I Mlfactt -Ruo1 & Jewelry -Colnt Admleelo n ta.GO Chlldrett Under 14 11.li r--. WI All Mwlll MOUi• IAT .. ..._ t .. I OIU•I COUNTY Mii 810 ... I ..W '9GIUCJI PA'9UOM. .... II ....... M"1alrt •• C... ..... .. .......... 11 ...... HIJ \ j • ~UNKED -Raiders quarterback Jim Plunkett loses control of the ball after being hit by Detroit's Dave Puriefory for a five-yard ' ~ loss during the first quarter of game in Pontiac, Mich. Lions cut Raiders off at pass ! ! Interceptions prove fatal as Detroit posts 30-16 . Win PONTIAC. Mich. (AP) -Detroit strong safety Ray Oldham thought he was dreaming when he picked off an errant Jim Plunkett pass on the third play of the game. ' It turned into a nightmare for the Los Angeles Raiders when Oldham returned the interception 22 yards for a touchdown to spark the Lions to a 30-16 victory in a National Football League preseason game Saturday night. It was the first of our interceptions for the Uons' defense. "I'll tell you. that was an exciting play for me," otdham said. "I thought I was dreaming it at first. We practiced against that play all week. "Then, when Plunkett called it so early, I couldn't believe it. As the play developed, he kept January, Collins share lead SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) Don January fired a 2-under-par 69 Saturday to share the lead with Bill Collins after three rounds of the Greater Syracuse Seniors Golf Classic on the PGA Seniors Tour. Collins shot his set.'Ond straight 71 for a 54-hole total of 2-over 215. """°' A double bogey-6 on the last hole cost Australian veteran Peter Thomson a cha nce to tie January and Collins. The tournament is being played at the Bellevue Country Club. a 6.572-yard layout with tricky greens, narrow fairways and windy weather that have allowed only seven subpar rounds in three days. looking at me and I kept reacting just the way I did in pract~ce. I couldn't believe Plunkett actually threw It." The Lions never lool.ed back after Oldham's touchdown runback and led the entire ball game. The closest the Raiders could get was 10-6 at the end of the fu-st quarter. "You can't win when you turn the ball over like we did," Raiders Coach Tom Flores said. "The quick TD we gave Detroit put us' in the hole. We gave them a couple of touchdowns that shouldn't have happened. We just didn't execute." Both teams now are 1-1 in preseason play. Detroit quarterback Eric Hipple. playing only the first half. passed 46 yards to wide receiver Tracy Porter for a second-quarter Lions touchdown and Gary Danielson hit wide receiver Mark Nichols with an 18-yard TD strike in the fourth period. Place-kicker &Idle Murray booted fie ld goals of 20. 40 and 23 yards to account for the rest of the Detroit scoring. The Raiders scored on a first-quarter pass play from Plunkett to fullback Marcus Allen that covered 15 yards. but the PAT attempt was wide. Reserve Raiders quarterback Marc Wilson hit Todd Christensen with a 22-yard touchdown pass late in the fourth quarter and Chris Bahr locked a 43-yard field goal in the third quarter. Before the opening kickoff, players from both sides marched from their respective sidelines to midfield and s hook hands in a show of solidarity for the NFL Players Association in the union's dispute with club owners. The gesture was greeted for the second successive week by an equal mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd of 51.311. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian presents GETTING A GRIP ON ARTHRITIS Wednesday September 8. 1982 7:00 p.m.-9 p.m. Hoag Memorial Ho~pital Presbyterian Grace Hoag Conference Center 301 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA Introduction: Janet Kelly, R.N. Community Education Topics: Type;; of arthritis Diagno-;i~ Lateiit Trend!> in Treatment Avoiding Medical Quackery Speakers: Mitchell C. Austin, M.D. Rheumatology Anthony Bohan, M.D. Rheumatology A lfotpltll PrMb)'IM1t n. Community F.dur11lon Deptrtml'nl. 301 -....--.,,....... • Ntwport Bouleov1rd, Nl'wpon 8Nd1. CA 9266.\ THt:;RE IS NO Fi furthe Al>Ml~SIO CHARGE. Llmltf'd '-l'llin111v1ilabk>. or r lnfonnadon: Name~----------~~~~ (714) 760-5913 AddrHs ZIP·--- Daytimr Phonr ( ~--....;..:..o.... ..... _ --- ----~.--~----~ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 D . De Berg lifts Broncos Chargers fall to Dallas; Saints nip Chiefs l''rofti AP dt1patcbe1 DENVER SWVl' OeBerg threw a 20-yard touchdown pa&S to Clay Brown l.\nd rookie Sammy Winder sc.'Ored on a 26-yard run -both in the third quorter -to lead the Denver Broncos to a 17-14 victory over the Miami DolphlnB In a National Football League exhibition game Saturday night. Miami went into the third quarter with a 7-3 lead by way of a four-yard touchdown run by Andra Franklin. But DeBerg, who started at quarterback in the second half, generated a 7-play, 71-yard drive capped by Winder's 26-yard run on the left side lnto the end wne. Only moments later, Steve Foley intercept<."Cl a pass by David Woodley and OeBerg hit a wide-open Brown det>p in the end zone from the 20-yard line. Cowboys 26, Chargers 16 SAN DIEGO -Quarterback Danny White l'ifled an 11-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Tony Hill law in thl• third quarter to put Dallas ahead to stay as the Cowboys topped San Diego. 26-16. Immediately after the Chargers had taken a 1 :~-10 lead in the nationally televised contest, White directed an 80-yard scoring drive, which was capped by the White-to-Hill pass with 13 seconds rema1rung in the third period. Both tC'ams now have 1-1 preseason records. Tht• Cowboys. with good field position early, drove 46 yards on thl•ir second possession to take a 7-0 lead on Hon Springs. two-yard plunge wilh 2:54 remainjng m the first period. San Diego quarterback Dan Fouts brought San Diego back to a 7-7 tie' with a 56-yard drive l"apped by Kellen Wins low's tumbling. juggling catch of a 14-yard smring throw with 10:51 left in thc> first half Saints 6, Chiefs 3 NEW ORLEANS -Rookie kicker Morten Ander~n booted a 52-yard field goal with Jess than f.our !"linutes to play to give New Orleans Saints a 6·3 victory over Kansas City. Andersen earlier booted a 24-yarder with six seconds left in the first half. He also missed from 37 yards and had a 50-yarder blocked. Kansas C1ty's score came on a 48-yard field goal by Nick Lowery with 2:42 to go in the third quarter. Lowery also missed a 4.6-yard shot after l.ioth teams had been called back on the playing l.l.'!d at the game's apparent conclusion and three Sl'<'Onds wcr(· put back on the clock. Steelers 13, Giants 10 EAST RUTHERFORD. N .J . -Backup quarterback Ch ff Stoudt connected with Jim Smith on a 60-yard touchdown pass play, propelling Pittsburgh to a 13-10 victory over the New York Giants. The Giants led 10-0 at halftime a f ter quarterbal·k Scott Brunner tossed a 6 -yard touchdown pass to J ohn Mistler in the second quarter and Joe Danelo added with a 42-yard field goal Running back Sidney Thornton gave the Steelers their first touchdown, plunging one yard over the line early in the third period. Steelers free safety Rick Woods set up the winning touchdown. intercepting a pass by quarterback Phil Simms on the Giants' 40. Stoudt put Pittsburgh ahead on the next play, passing to Smith on the left side with 31 seconds remaining in the third period. The game at G tanls Stadium drew 51,118 spectators. Vikings 7, Seahawks 3 MINNEAPOLIS -Tommy Kramer's 11 -yards scoring pass to Joe Senser in the third quart.er was Minnesota's only score as the Vikings edged Seattle, 7-3. Kramer completed 21 of 35 passes for 198 yards as the Vikings increac;ed their exhibition season . . ... -•1-..-1\-•-•I ,,,.,., ..... °'"" .... ........ ... _,....,_ l'"'I~ ... , °'"" .... , _ °"" .-'"-!!..-91: f1'it"ii1 .:.• o.!. .... N'COrd to 2 l Seattle fell to l • l . The record crowd of ~7.81$0 wltnc:aed \he flnl fvotbull game ever played In tht" Hubert H Humphrey Mctrodome. Kramer'• touchdown ~ to Sen.er came wU.h. 14 aecond.a left and capped a 77-yard drive. : The touchdown was 11et up by a 15-yard pall to! Ted Brown and a 36-yarder to Leo Lewis. both b y i Kramer ' 49ers 16. Cardinals 13 S AN FRANClSCO Rook.Je Bryan Clark tossed a fourth-down, three-yard touchdown pass to tight end Eason Ramson early an the final period, . giving San Francisco a 16-13 exhibition victory over : St Louis Cardinals . ' The defc•ndmg NFL <.'hamp1ons went ~5 yards ' for the winning touchdown with Clark at : quart.erback. The son of Monte Clark, former 49ers : coach and current Detroit Lions coach, completed :. three passes to Ramson on the drive. · The wanning touchdown. with 9:24 remammg in the gaJTie, guve the 49ers a 16-10 lead. ~t. Louis rrokie Bob Atha kicked a 42-yard field goal wirh 1.43 left, and veteran Cardinal kicker Ne il O'Donoghue was wide to the left by JUSt a foot or two on a 47 -yard try as the clock ran out. Colt s 34, Falcons 3 TEMPE. Ariz. -Rookie quarterback Mike 1 Pagel threw three touchdown passes -one an 83-vard sc.-oring pass to Ray Butler -as Baltimore Colts beat Atlanta Falcons, 34-3. Pagel. a fourth-round draft pkk who played his college ball at Arizona State. completed 9 of 11 attempts for 207 yards as Baltimore built a 24-3 halftime lead and coasted to victory. The win improved the Colts' preseason record to 2-1. Atlanta is now 1-1. After Mick Luckhurst's 37-yard field goal gave the Falcolns a 3-0 lead early in the first quarter. Pagel hit rookie wide re<.-c1ver Holden Smith with a 38 yMd touchdown pass. Mike Wood's 43-yard field goal put Baltimore a head. 10-3. four minutt.>S into the se<'Ond quarter. Sues 28, Redskins 13 TAMP A BAY -Quarter back Jerry Golsteyn. launching an NFL comeback try after spending a year in semi-pro ball. tossed three third-quarter touchdown passes to propel Tampa Bay Buccaneers to a 28-13 victory over Washington. Golsteyn. the former New York Giants quarterback who played last season for the Orlando Americans of the American Football Association. replaced starter Doug Williams at the beginrung of the second half and promptly marched the Bucs 80 yards in nine plays to cut Washington's 13 -0 halftime lead to 13-7. Golsteyn. who has a lso played for Detroit and Baltimore during his four-year NFL career. hit 4 of 5 passes for 62 yards on the drive. and found Gordon Jont's slanting over the middle for a 24-yard gain and the touchdown. Bears 21 , Bills 14 ORCHARD PARK. N .Y -V etera n quarterback Bob Avellini threw two touchdown passes for Chicago and Vince Evans guided the Bears to tht> winning S£'0re as they beat Buffalo, 2 1-14 . Avelhni threw an eight-yard sconng pass to Emery Moorehead in the first quarter and tossed 10 yards for another touchdown to Brian Baschnagel in the second. Chicago got its winning touchdown in the third quarter on a handoff from Evans to Dennis Gentry, who carried one yard for the score. The Bills' first touchdown caJTie in the serond quarter, wht'n Chris Williams intercepted an AveUini pass and returned it 53 yards down the sideline for a touchdown - . . . . . • f . t r . t t . . ' ~ ? IJ . ,. ·~ .; ~ . 1 .. i.; @ ' .. 1 'I ~ .. 3 .. ~ ' ; l SALISBURY From Page 81 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8und1y, Augu1t 22, 1982 SPENCER MOSE BAR SLATON DEL RIO ACHICA MATTHEWS TROJANS FIGURE TO HAVE A DIFFERENT LOOK TO THEIR ATTACK IN 1982. • • had the training for a tailback ln high school "Harper ls one of the fastest we've had al tailback, has added 12-14 pounds and is very determined, II "We think 2,000 yards from our tailbacks and a 1,000 yarda from our fullback (Todd Spencer. a junior) is a reuonable goal. "Our offensive line could be very 90lid for us. Bruce Matthews (6-5, 265 sr.) and Don Mosebar (6-7, 270 ar.) are first round draft ch oices and Tony Slaton (6-4, 255 jr.) Is golng to be the best center in USC hi.story. II Except for q uarterback and tailback, everyone in the off el'\le Is a returning starter. The defense appears solid, too, w ith All- American George Achlca (6-5, 260 sr.) anchoring the line. In all, there are seven returning starters on the defense, including linebacker Keith Browner (6-6, 215 jr.), tackle Byron Darby (6-4, 240 sr.), end Jack Del Rio (6-3, 235 soph.), linebacker August '·Curley (6-4, 224 sr.) and defensive back Joey Browner (6-3, 205 sr.). · Two-HJan show at Buick Open GRAND BLANC, Mich. (AP) -Forty minutes on the practice tee helped second-round leader Curtis Strange work out 90me problems with his drlver. It didn't, however. pre pare him for the determination of hard-charging Payne Stewart in the third round of the Buick Open Saturday. 'Stewart and S trange put on a dramatic head- to-head duel and finis hed tied at 12-under-par 204 after three rounds. "If l could have made a few putts, I could have had a good round," Strange said. "You've got to make some, especially on the back side. "I think the back side will be the deciding factor in Sunday's final round, when you tum into the wind.'' It was on the back side where Stewart made hls move on S trange. "The front side was really boring," Stewart said. "But I made a chip on 10 a nd that really got me going. "My swing got back m the groove a little bit and I putted real well. •:The thing about tomorrow is that Cur tis already is in next week's World Series of GoJC no matter what. I've got to win here if I hope to get in and I certainly think it's worthwhile. That's a guaranteed $3,000 payday." Strange, the second-round leader started the day at 9-under, 2 strokes better than Stewart and four others -Fred Couples, John Cook. Lanny Wadkins and Masters champion Craig Stadler. Strange, playing in a threesome with Stewart and Couples, shot 33-36 and carded a 3-under-69 while Stewart, who has become a gallery favorite by wearing brightly colored knickers, caught fire on the back nine and finished with a 36-31~7 . The co-leaders entered the final round 3 strokes ahead of Peter Jacobsen , Bob Eastwood. Tom Kite and de fending Buick Open champion Hale Irwin. A s troke back at 208 were Stadler, Cook, Wadkins, Larry Ziegler and Mike Donald. Couples was tied with Wayne Levi and Gavin Levenson. Carner way ahead CLEVELAND (AP) -J oAnne Carner has a cautious approach to her tournament-record lead after 54 holes in the Chevrolet W o rld Championship of Women's Golf. "It's not enough," said Carner, after po5ting a I-under-par 71 for a total of 213, three strokes below par for three rounds over the Shaker Heights Country Club Course. Carner, however, admitted sh e was in a very favorable position in her quest for a 35th career victory that would qualify her as the l 0th player for the Ladies Professional Golf Association's Hall of Fame. "I've got to play terrible tomorrow to lose it," J}le said. "No, I don't have a target score. But let . them thlnk they've got to shoot 67, right?" Carner was only one of two players to break par in the third round and she blamed the high 900res on the wind. "It's so vicious. It just goes crazy out there," she said. "I've never played a golf course where in 150 yards the wind will be blowing in two different directions.'' Carner said the pin placements, all at the rear of these fast greens, made the course play much longer the third round. "It forced you to use two clubs more against the wind. I hit a lot of three and four irons, where I'd normally use six or seven irons, 11 she said. earner's 54-hole margin wiped out the previous one-shot record for this three-year-old tournament. Amy Alcott admitted she faces a big challenge to overhaul playing partner Carner in the final round in the battle for the $50.000 first prize. the 'Hchelrt ever for the women's apoM. "JoAnne will be Vf:f'Y tough to catch. rm not predk:ting any\hing. Thia la a tough coune to make ahota up on." Mid Alcott after ahooting a 3-over 75 for a total of 218, two over par for the tournament. NFL strike a certainty if . . . NEW YORK (AP) -A 1trike by National 'Football Leaaue players la a virtual certainty lf snanapment does not eend "a re11ponaible pel'IOn" to the ne10Uat1ng table, Ed Garvey, executlve director of the NF L P layera Association, said S.twday nighL , a.rvel , interviewed by CBS-TV at hal11ime of •tM Jlallu..San Dieeo pl'WM OI\ pme, WU asked If a .utke wu one the ho rizon. He Nld , "We're ~ in that direction becau.e ~t hall :JWA mnt anyoM of authority to ~ barpint.na table to ftllOdate with UI." "Phyalcally we're in pretty good ahape," says Robinson. "And, the outlook is good. But there may be 20 teams In the country wlth the same chance (No. l)." There I.a no chance, however, for a bowl bid because of NCAA unctions levled on the Trojans for the next two yean. "What that means," says Sallabury, "ia that someone has told us we can't go 12-0. But there's no one stopping us from going 11-0. We 're young, and hungry." USC opens the seaaon at Florida Sept. 11 and - along the way there will be journeys to Oklahoma, Stanford, Ari?.ona State, Arizona and UCLA (Roee Bowl) before the finale against invadlng Notre Dame. 9.97 111114 JI ti ., •• , ,,., .... ti •••• , ., .. , • .,ti ., •• , GlhU U tr ., fJ ., .. ., It., ••• , llh U '1 tr 11,fJ Operates on natural an<l arhh- c1al hght. 1ndoofs and out. 8- d191ts. auto shut-off. 4·key memory Save now' 'KM78'-4 Full Ply Polyester Cord Whitewalls Our Reg4197 2s50 A78x 13 All lites Plus F E T 1 !>9 Ea For Plus F E T • "78" series tread design • 7 mulhstped tread ribs ~,., 'f•p, ~ '""'' !' '· .• , ; /"' . ' 1 •••• , : : .: ' •: • \ • ,,r I • _; , 1 !• , ! ~ 4 T , :• , • , , • w•vC UINCIUOl • 0-O\Qr-0-'""' •• ' ~., •• , ',...,.,,,I )fllo4C'>-1••1 1 .. ,t()lf' • .., ,..,, b• 1'-0 ,...."' ... )("'0\..._~ .. 1)1.,..,f"' '""O'-••h('I} -· ,_, . ...._..._, .. MON.·SA T ·-.. .,..$.,. ~ --------: ::::::=-==--, _____ _._... I =-"= • ~.:: .. -=.. • ·-,._,. __ _ .=-r-·-1 ;:-...:.::-:.- / --·-- MON.·SAT. Sale Price 11.99 011, lube, Fitter Special For many cars and hghl trucks Labor 1s included Sale Pnce 15.88 Front End Allgnment Service for many U S cars Foreign cars are e•cluded Sale Puce 98.88 Diec/Orum Brake Special For many U S . foreign cars Light trucks higher Save Sen--lie"'°' $10 -· 46.8a~~~~ I( mart·~ .. ttefy T~. tide tetmil\al ·~·· • M1ny car•. light truck• sut..-MON. Ct.. Qulllcer Stat•~ Super llMnd 10W40 Motor OH 8avtnga All, of whlch brings lt t>.ck to the central focus polnt: Salisbury. "I'll juat try to hold up my end of the stick," says Salfabury. ''It may be an auet not having Marcus Allen here. "We can't sit back and wait for him to pull It out for us. We have to do it ouraelves." Backing up Sallabury are Scott Tinsley and Jim Arrivey, a pair of aenlors. Arrivey ha.a never thrown a pasa for the Trojans. Tinsley ha.a ~,.een only sporadic duty (31 of 57 for 38% yards in three ye.an), but was the star of the 1980 victory over UCLA. The new interest ln the passing game with a quarterback of Salisbu ry's potential does not, Pkg. of Candy Bara I pound' bag 3 Musketeers· Snickers·. or Milky Way• 'Nfl Wt however, have the Trojans forgetting about the bread 'n butter. "We must open up the passing game," aaya Robinlon, "but we're ahooting for the full hou.e." One of the aore pointa in the USC game a year ago was lta wide receivers, but all are back and Robinson says t he handa are there and should deliver with Sallabury at qb. Among the Trojans squad from the Orange Coast area are Edi.son High products Mark Boyer and Duaine Jackson and Mater Del High'• Kennedy Pola, a freshman. Boyer and Jackaon are sophomores and are listed in relief roles at tight e nd and in the secondary. Pola is a linebacker. 3.87 Gallo Prf'm1um table w•ne 1n your choice ol Chablt!> Blanc; Rhine V•n Ro!>e afl<l more 1.36 32·01. • Bag 01 Cookies Choco1a1e chip 0< 46·oz. • Vlaaic · Pickles Polish or ko~her <l•ll'i SavC' Malted Milk Candiea Corn Chips 14-oz • ~rpet Freah'" Rug ano room carpc•• ck'O<I0,,11>1 bu lie• •Nt·f 111rl 11.88 ""'.SO' Rub~r HOH Rugged and Strong Brass couphngs ., __ Handy Tote ... ~ PoC~I. rayon. •• ~ lt 1.28 Ereaermate Pen The only pen that eras- es mistakes fltnt ~ ,..,.. lnck>ot plant lood Pro- mo!• growth W11t1 ·crunch 13 oz· ChoosC' lrom c;ho•c•• ot carton flavor<> ., ..... ~ · .. ,, 3.33 Note Tote Included 60 Sheet book, 8 pocket organ11er - oo40f tabbed •~"·Cot« P'entl Y04Jf chOIC• 01 potttd annuell ' l'ol dl9tll 1.99 Enchilada l uncheon 2 Enchiladas in tangy sauce reined beans. Sp&n.sh nee 1...-.0 Mwlo l yea.nt AM/FM/FM attreo rec:.IYef, OHMM ~· der/pl1yer, record 'f...i '•' 12.97 GE· Steam/Ory Iron Only 2 3 lbs 27 steam vents t '' --~C.-TV Quick 111r1 AC IOC op«11ion. Adaptor OOfd tnctudld. "pa a;·~~ --I ._._.._,_• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Auguat 22, 1982 .. Crisler left his mark • ID college football Former University of Michigan coach initiated the platoon system and decorative helmets ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Herbert Orin "Friu" Crlaler of the UniversJty of Michlsan, one of the most auoceaful football roaches and athletic directors In intercollegiate .,pon.u hiatory, I.a dead at the age of 83, authorities reported today. Crisler died Thursday night following several recent lllneuea, said U-M aporta lnformatlon director Bruce Madej. Crisler had been hospltallz.ed at least twice In recent m onths, once reportedly s uffe ring from pneumonia, said Madej. CRISLER CAME to the University of Michigan in 1938 as head football coach. He added the duties of athletic director three years later and held the AD's job until his retirement in CNeUR 1968. His career as a football coach climaxed in 1948 when h is Michigan Wolverines won the national .c hampionship with a 14 -game winning streak capped with a 49-0 defeat of Southern California in the Rose Bowl. In th e 10-year span before he left ' coaching following the 1948 season, C risler compiled a 71-16-3 record and won the Western Conference championship twice, in 1943 and 1947. He was an innovator as well as a winning coach. It was Crisler who is generally credited with founding the now universally used platoon system 6 Skeins For 5 88 4~Ply Sayelle* Yarn WO<Sled·lype Orlon· • acryhc knitting yarn tn 4·02 solids ex 3'11·0L ombfes • Oul'Otlt {Af~ ... ""•""' 5 .88 s2 Carpet Runners Corduroy Boxer Panis Vanety of fibers and colors Polyester tco11on blend Super Shower Organizer Men's Basic• With Kodel• Vinyl coated steel Savings• Kodef• POtyHter/cotlon E•t1mein MOd&li.A90 ,._, of eeparate offensive and defense ~ama In footbaU Before Cruler switched \0 the two-team concept, players handled both otfenalve and defonalve duties with only qccasional subltituUona. DURING HIS DECADE of coaching, Crialer's 1quads ou~ed his opponenta 2,234 to 732 and his Wolverines gained 26,598 yards while giving up 17,321. His teams finished second In the Western Conference six times and third and fourth on two other occasions. Crt.Jer lert his mark at the university In mny ways. He decided he wanted to dress up the plain black football helmet that U-M players had used for years, so he created a distinctive winged-helmet Caps' Norwood hospitalized WASHINGTON (AP) -Washington Capitals def..enseman Lee Norwood was hospitafi7.ed recently following a scuffle outside a downtown Washington restaurant, according to Capitals spokesman Lou Corletto. Norwood and at least one other player, Torrey Robert.son, were confronted by several persons that night in front of Rumours Restaurant, Corletto said. He said Norwood was knocked to the ground and kicked in the face. 4.48 Colorful Lunch Kit Smurts"' lunch ktt 1nctudes roomy lunch box end Yz.p.nl · cepac11y vacuum bottle with handy cup Men's ' Boy's Nylon Jogger Men's af'ld boy s gray runnf>l5 S.ze• 2"1 to6. 6~ to 12 Women'• Slippers Your clloice of colors. O.v91op And Print Focal• Or Koct.color n· Fiim Of Other C...t 1 Fiim• S.tn 110, 126 And 3!.MM And New ditc Film Aeguttr Pfoceaa1ng 12 tap.·-U7 20 l•p ... -2.t7 24 hJ, .. kS.17 H Eap ..... 5.97 11 OIM .... 3.27 Ouarant•ed Fiim Developlng Servk:• Quaffty Prtnt. 8aclCYIMnW• OuetentM °' Your Photoa A,. FRmE Standard color print lllm ot1QNI rOll d9Yelopjng/print. lr,g ol C·41 ttO, f28 or 35tnm (luH frame onty). 1 ,mt Mctl on·~ ,._,,Sew now. that la 1t1U worn by Michigan teama today. BEFORE COMING to Michigan, Crialcr aerved aa head football <.'O&Ch at MlnneeoLa In 1930-31 and at Prlnct'ton from 1932-37. His MinncaoLa teams went 10· 7-1 and hb Princeton aquach regiatered a 35-9-5 mark while &olng undefeated in two seasons, 1933 and 1936. In 18 years of coaching, his teams were 116-32-9, a .768 winning percentage, making him the l 7th-most-succeuful collegiate football coach ever. Crisler was born in Earlvllle, 111 .. on Jan. 12, 1899. He was graduated from the University of Chicago In 1922 with a pre-med degree as only the second athlete in Chicago histor y to have earned nine letters, In three sports. Aa athletic director at Michigan, he enlarged Michigan Stadium twice, helping to make 1t the nation's largest college stadium , seating more than 100,000 people. Crisler also was responsible for develbpment of the basketball arena that bears his name. A new hockey building also was built under his direction. Crisler received the National Association of College Directors of Athletics James J . Corbett Memoria l Award in 1968 for outstanding service to intercollegiate athletics. He twice was chairman of the NCAA football rules committee and later. became one of the few men ever to be named as a permanent member of that body. He was elected to the National Football Foundation HaU of Fame and received the 1979 Amos Alonw Stagg Award. 1.11. ----liir ... t==:i IC m•r1• AO¥tAt1SfD M(ACHAH01$( POLICY Aqua-fresh· Toothpaste Contains fluoride to help ft<Jht tooth decay Formulated to leave you< breath refreshed 6 4 oz. "P.fel-1 Our Reg. 2.68-3.47 2.22 Package 013 Misses' And Full Figure Panties Bnght zefran• nylon. tasht0n cc>lofs Briefs 5. 10 h1phuggers. 5.r Other ltyl&s, cotton/p<>lyeiner Shop Kmart and ~ave '-... C.0.QOOll.,..Roq IM r~~ "' I l • t ,..,_ ~ ~. .!.L._ .. -~ d l ~ ..... .. . HOPEFULS -Fountain Valley High products Matt St.evens (left) and Duval Love are among the UCLA players preparing for the upcoming season. From Page 91 UCLA· OUTLOOK. • • "Naturally. I'd like to play right away, but I know you have to pay your dues." Duval Love, St<'vens' tc.•ammate al Fountain Valley in HJ80, impressed the coaching starf enough last sea.son. his freshman year. to earn a start in the USC game. This year. he 1s listed on the depth chart as SE.oeond behind Chris Yelu.:h at nght guard, but Love stJll believes he could wrest away the starting spot before the season opens "I cxpet't to play, but it's going to be a battle," said Love. "I feel l'vc madc some adjustments in my technique and I'm happy about my pe rsonal progress." About thC' team, Lovt• notes, "We have a great chance. And I fcC'I the move to th<' Rose Bowl has given thtS warn a new 1dcnllt1y because no one else plays there.•" That may t·hangc on Jan I. Thl'n again . Lendl, Denton post shockers MASON. Ohio (AP) -"For me \Onight the~ was no mat.ch. I should have stayed home ... J1mm}' Connors said after No. 3 Ivan Lendl whipped him 6-1. 6-1 in 63 minute!> to gain the finals of the ATP TennlS ChampiOnships. Lendl, of CU"Choslovak1a, will now meet Steve Denton, a 7-6, 6-4 upset victor over top-seeded and defending l'hampion John McEnroe. "Il was one of those days," said Connors, who was seeded second in this 64-player hard court tournament. "I don't think I hit the ball m the court 10 times all night." It was the worst loss in Connors' career. which On TV today channel 2 at 11 includes Wimbledon tllles m 1!:174 and 1982, and captured the U.S Open tn 1974, 197(j and 1978. Asked when h£> thought he was m trouble in the mat.ch, Connors replied: "How about the Cirst one?" Lend! said, "Basically, I'm happy with every shot I was hitting." Asked the last time he played as weU. the strong nght-hander said, "Yesterday." Today's winner m the natio nally televised match (CBS) will collect S48.000, with $24,000 going to the loser Lend! was awesome as he posted his first "official" victory over Connors m eight career meetings. Connors had lost to Lendt in their last meet\ng. an exhibition last January in Toronto. The only two times Connors could hold serve he had to battle back from love-40 and 15-40. In the first set, Connors. who won Wimbledon in J uly for the second lime in his career. won just 13 points. Many of those came ·on unforced errors by Lend!. ln the second set, Connor5 averted a shut.out by saving five mat.ch points in the sixth game by holding serve. He had to win nine points to do it, matching the nine points he had captured in the first five games of the set Connors didn't help h1ffiS('lf as lime after time he drove the ball into the net or out of the court for unforced errors. The left-hander also committed the only double-fault of the mat.ch The \One of the match was set in the opening game when Connors. serving. won the first point, then fell behind 15-30 after finding first the net with a forehand, then sending a forehand long. Lend! won the final point to break serve when Connors was wide with a cross-court forehand. But the crowd and Connors felt that Lendl had hit a ball long during the rally. After the point. Connors pointed his racket at the linesman, then held his nose to show what he thought of the call. After that, Lendl could do nothing wrong and everything Connors tried failed. Lendl closed out the first set by breaking Connors al love in the sixth game, then serving a love game. Today's TV Dodgers, football slated TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -The New York Jeta, a wild card entry in the 1981 playoffs, will meet Earl Campbell and Co. In Houston. 10:30 a.m. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgen ~t Pittaburgh. 11 a.m. (2) -TENNIS -The flnala of the ATP Championships from Klnga bland, Ohio, where Ivan Lendl will meet St.eve Denton. · 12:30 p .m . (4) -BOXING -Junior middleweight contender J ohnny Bumphua (15-0) va. Ml1uel Montilla (37-7-2) ln a acheduled 10-round bout from Great Gorge, N.J . 1 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Final round play in the Warwick Hill.a Open from Grand Blanc, "'MlCh. 2 p.m. (4) -WOMEN'S GOLF -Flna1 round p1-y In the World ChamplonahJpe of women'• golf at Shaker Helahta Country Club ln Ohio. 3 p.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -The t.c. Anplet Raiden will_ meet the Llona ln Detroit. RADIO Butb&ll -Doc.t8en at PittabW'gh, 10:3() ~J KABC (790); Oetroft at Angel.a, 1 p .m ., KMPC (710). f l -.... ~_... ..................... . -Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/8und1y, Augu11 22, 19ta ~------------------.....;;..... ____ ~ ~,_..---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ~ . ' . " .. MAJOR UAOU• aTANDINOI A-IG•n League WHT81tH OfVllR>H W I. l'ct. O• A,..i. 70 52 674 Kan ... Ctty 70 S2 574 ChlcaOO 84 57 619 51> S..tlle 511 53 4114 11 Olllllencl se 68 452 15 Tuu 411 71 403 20•.., MlnMeOla 43 711 352 27 U8TEllN DIV18ION Mllw-..kM 71 50 5117 Boeton es 56 537 & a.ltlmOt• 63 57 525 7'> Oelroil 62 511 5 I? II New V0<I< 90 60 S00 10'> c ....,..and sa eo 492 11'• T0<on10 511 64 4&0 13 ktutdaJ'• kOf" Mfeh 13. Oetroil I M~tt 4, C...,.llnd 3 Oekland 12. Boaton 5 Toronto 3, New Vork 1 Ken ... Cny 4, ChleagO 3 8«11im0<e 11. T eJ<U 6 MllwauliM 3, Seattle 2 Today'a 0Mftff 0.troll (WllCOx 7·71 •I Angela (Tlanl 2·1) Toronto (0011 4·8) a1 New Vor~ tR1ghe11t 7·51 Mlnne1011 (O'Conno< 6·4) Al Cleveland (Sutcllfle 10-4) Chicago (l<oosman 5-51 Al Kansas C11v ~ (Spllllorft 7 ·Ill B ollon (Dedman O 01 81 08kleno (laogfQ<d 9· 13) Baltl more (Palmer 9·31 al le•as (HOMyeull 5-14) Milwaukee (Haas 9-11) at See(lle (Bannlt1eo 11·11) ... tlonal L .. au• WESTERN DIVlll"ION Dodget9 Allan ta Sen OMgo San Francisco Houalon Cinc:lnn•tl w L Pct Ga 69 55 556 66 56 541 65 S8 528 64 eo 5t6 57 65 467 II 47 76 3112 21'. IA8TEllN OIV18ION St. Louis Phlladelphla MontrNI Pttlal>utgh Cllic8Qo New V0tk 70 52 68 54 64 se 63 59 53 72 50 71 2 6 7 ,,., 19'> l alutdey'• lcotff Pillll>urgh 2 Oodg«a I Hou11on 5. Montr .. I 3 San OMgo 2, CnieaQo o Cloclnnato 10, Pto1iadetpn1a 3 Atlanta 6. New VOik S SI LOUIS 7, San Franc1ac:o 6 Today'• 0-... Oodgera (Hooton l·S) at P1111burgh (Rhooen 7·11) New Vork !Ownbey O· 11 at Allanla (Mahler 11-11) San Francisco (Hammaker 8·7) al SI Louis (Andu1ar 11-10) Philadelphia (ChrlS8'1SOn 7 ·8) al C1nclnna11 (Soto 10-8) San Diego (Show 9·4) at Cn•ugo 1R1p1ey 4·6 or Kravec 1·0) Montreal (lea 10·61 11 Housion (Ruhle 7~). n AMERICAN LEAGUE Angela 13, Tiger• 1 Ol'TllC>ft CAllFOllNlA IObrhlll ab t hlll Wlllteker 2b 4 I I 0 Oowrung 11 3 I 0 t WlltOn cl 4 0 I 0 Beniquez II I 0 0 0 Herndon If 2ooocar-1b 4120 Johnton II I 0 0 0 RoJlldcson lb I 0 0 0 l .Patlsll c 3 0 1 I Re.,llCkson r1 3 I I 0 F8hey c 1 0 0 0 R Ctarll r1 2 O 0 0 Me ~ 3 0 2 0 Lynn Cl 3 4 3 2 l-rt 4 O o o Wdfong cf t o o o WOdcenfun 3 0 0 0 O.C.~s 3b 4 2 3 4 C.bell 3b 3 0 I 0 BaylOf dh 3 1 0 0 Brook-M 3 0 0 0 Ot1c:h 2b 4 I I I Boon<tc 32 2 3 Kellehe< s& 4 0 2 I TOlalS 31 I 6 1 Total• 38 13 •• 12 ac-by ""''"'' OetrOll 00 I 000 000 -1 Calll0<nta 032 161 004 13 DP-Calltorn1e 2 tOB Detro11 5. Call1ornla 3 28 Lvnn, OeC1nces HR Lynn (18). BOOM 2 (7) SB-0.Ctnces (A) Detroit IP H l'I Ell 88 10 Morn• (l.1<1-121 • 8 6 6 o o Rucker .,, I 3 :l 2 I James' 0 2 3 3 2 0 So.a 2i, 3 I I 0 t PeaMick I 0 0 0 0 0 • Celllomla Zahn (W,14·5) 9 8 1 I '2 Ja"'" pjtched to 4 batter• In Ille 5th WP-Jam•. T-2 48 A •• 194 "'90Ara l.ATW UNmacOfUE ,.....,. .. ,,...... h-.bf ...... OelrOll 240 101 000·8 17 3 Calllornla 2'20 110 000.8 12 1 Ujdvr, P Und-ooc! (8). Tobll< (1) 8n<1 L M. PW'f1111, FOflCh, 81.Wer 12~ GOitz (II) 9nCI 8oone. W·Ufdw (7-41) l·FO<ach (10·11) ~o.trolt, G Wli.on (7) Callfomla, A4I Jecbon (21). Boone (5) Angel IW«9Gff 8ATTlltO U II H ltl'I "91 Pel 3!17 67 107 28 73 327 371 63 116 I 31 313 422 1111 12e 24 78 299 398 79 1111 18 73 191 463 85 130 111 52 281 103 15 28 I II 272 3119 68 108 211 73 272 470 59 128 UI 74 26e 356 34 114 1 411 264 311J 52 103 13 54 2112 383 40 100 2 47 262 87 7 15 '2 7 224 73 II 18 2 5 2111 144 Ill 28 I 10 1114 45 • 7 0 2 158 311 5 4 0 I 103 4.163 615 I, 1311 1311 577 274 PITCHIHQ • H M ao W~ IM H....., 81 43 34 34 2·1 1 92 Slelrtf 7 7 4 5 o-o 2 5 7 Tlenl 181'> 19 5 18 2· I 2.114 Witt 133',C, 124 42 84 7.4 3 10 A.9M S2 45 23 40 3.3 3 48 Kleon 117111 87 35 57 24 3 811 z.tln 17S\A.i 111 55 83 14·5 3 811 8enc:n. 82\oa 84 25 40 4-2 3 118 Fortch 111 tn 48 &4 10-11 4 03 R-o 142'h 147 44 71 10-4 4 OS 0ottz a5v. 111 2s 38 &-4 4 55 Tot•1.1t~ 1.oee 391 m10-52 3 11 lltlle "11• a. v--1 TOfonto 300 000 000-3 ~ Cl New Vor11 000 000 001-1 3 I c:Mrley. D. M\lttey (9) Md 8 MenlMr. OIAdty and c.rone W-Clef>cy, 11-10 L Guldty, 11·5 S-0 .........., (S) A-24 019 A'e 11, ...-... I e o.ton 302 ooo ooo-5 8 1 QekMIM 001 n5 01•-12 13 2 Relney. 8. S~lev (5), Apont• (7) end °""'41n: MoCetty, Owcfllnllo (5) and M. Hiedi. w-~o. 2-3 L-11 tlleni.y. M . H,.._8oel0fl, Ev-(21~ Len•lofd (II); 0.l#d, M. HMth (1). M~ (I), Arma• (11>-A-M. 182 ' . n.tllit 4, ......... * ~ 100 010 020-4 11 t ~ 000 000 0)0-, ' 0 A. Wlllmme. ~ (1). " 0.\119 (8) find LaHIMr; ~. ~ (9) end HatMY w-wllh•m•. t-7. l.-8ortnt•ll, 10-t a-ft. °'""~:t. A-~I .. ..., Qllc.,o 000 001 020-3 13 ' KMl9ll (:fty 000 012 001-4 • 0 ........, ·~ti··.~":.~k.~w'~ ~1.J, 1,.-........... Hllil- 1 ctt1. ic.,.. c1n ~ °"1 ,...._. (8>. A-40,4't~; . ............... 1• ... C*> *NO-, 11 I ' 000 oc.o 002-1 • I ,..._,..(II l!ld einw-. e.11e 'L ... I••• Ill. Vlll!de ..,.. (t\ -~ •11. l--. CfiWtt, '" .. ""_........' "'-""' ~~ Su 2o Lendr• cl BaOr II ou .. ,., 3b Oervey lb Roenlek '' Ru&MllH ScM>SCla c: Mondy pll YeaQe< c WtlQhl p Orte ph S Ho-9 To1aJ1 Moreno'' J Ray 2b MMlklk 3b J Thp1n lb T Pana o D Davit rl Eat1•1 II Berra 11 Sarmnlo p Tekulve p 32 2117 100 -1 1\\ 5 I I 2 I I'> I 0 0 0 I Peclrea 'l, Cuh 0 Sen Otego 000 002 000-2 6 1 ChlCago 000 000 000-0 2 I Lollar. Deleon (91 &l'ld T Kennedy, R1pt•y. Campl>flll 17). W Hernanoe• (9) and J Davia W-Lollar. 12·7 L -Rlpley, 4-7. S- O.Leon (12) A -32.365 A•lroa 5, hpoe 3 Montreal 000 010 001-3 5 0 HOUSIOr\ 100 102 Oh-5 10 0 Burros, B Smllh (SI. Lerch (81 and Carle<. Ryen and Pu101s W-Ryan, 13-9 L-Burrla. 4· 13 HR-Houaton. J. Cruz (8). A-17,3211. ...-10. ......... a Ptllledelph1a 000 200 O 10 3 7 3 C1nc1nna11 200 4l1 20•-10 13 0 BySlrom. J Reed t•I. Fanne< (61. McGraw (8) an<! Vlrgll B Shirley and Trevino w-e Snlrley 5.9 L-Byatrom, 6·6 HR1- Phlladetpll1a 8 Robinson (7), Schmidt (27) A 24 099 .............. & New VOik 010 013 000-5 e 3 A11an1a 004 011 OOa 6 5 0 Puleo Ra Jones (!>). Hausman (7) and Boche, Hodges. Walk Bedrosian C71. Garbe< (9) ano S1na1ro W-Walk. 11·9 l -Ra Jones 7-10 $-Garber (22) HRa-New Yorio. Brooks ( tj. Kingman (29). Atlanta ChambltS$ C161 A-4 1 477. Cardinal• 1. oi...ta • San FIW>daco 100 130 010-e 10 3 St Louis 0 IS 001 OOx-7 10 0 lasl<ey Br.,runo (3). Hollan<I 16). Monton (81 end Brenly, laPotnl Lahti (Ill. l<N I (7), Suite< (9) and D Porter W-l •P0tnl 7.3 L-laskey 12·9 S-Su11ar (261 HRa-San Franc11co, Brenly 2 t•). Morgan 1111 leonerd (61. St louis. Lo Smllh 181 A-3!> 376 LITTLE LEAGUE 1s-,,-.-.. SENIOR MINOR WOllU> Hll•a (al Taylot, Mlet\.) lloblnwood 17, Vee-a.ia O Roblnwood 023 453-17 11 I Vega Be1a 000 OOx-0 1 3 E-agerd end Jenkin•, O..llnQ (4); llloju. J1rnenez 131 Pintor (5). Del Valle (SI end ReSIO HR Rob1nwooo. Harper, Ev••111•rd Other Score T arnpa Bay IF'l0t1da) 6, llbe<tyv111e (llllnolal I 1cnamp•onsh•P! 11-12-y .. r-old1 3(at San Be<natd•nol Flnal• OP. Grove (N0<1nem Calllornl•I 19 llbl>y 1Mootanal 5 c11tth t>lac:e) Kaneot>e IHAwaJll 6, Kodiak IAIHkl ) 4 Hhlrdpleoal Klrklend (Wuhlngton) 3, Chula VIiia 15<>.sthern Caltl0<n1a) 1 (cnarnp+anll'llp) r;.n!Of LHDue '"' GMJ, lnll.) C"'""'91on•hip GOieta Valley (Callf0<nt•l 11 O<enve Park fFlorodal 4 ATP Cl\arnplonahlpa (•t M-, Ohio) hmlftnaf Slf19 ... lv•n lendl (Czechoalovakla) del Jlrnmy Connors (US I. 6· I 6-I, Steve Oef'lton (US I <lei John McEnroe (US ). 7·8. S.4 Grand Prlx toumement (al Stowe, vq Semlfln.t ........ Jey Lapidus (U S ) <lei Tom Gulllckaon !US ) 6-4, 7·6. E11c Fromm (VS I del Te<ry fofppt IU S ). 6-2. 3-6. 6-2 Legend• tourMment ~~~ Rod Laver (Australia) Oef Mrk Co• (O<NI Bn1aln). 6-1. 6-3. Fred StOlle (Australia) <!el I<.., RosewaM (Au1traha), 3-8, 6-1 8-4 U.8 .... tton.1 AmatMir champloriahlpa (et l(lafMeha l.Ae. NY) ........ Final Tom Pawu1 (US ) def Stev""son Cl-• 1us1 6-4 e-.1 Oeublff , ..... Pawu1 Dannv GOidie (US I del Jer0<ne Jonft-Kelly Moore (Us ) 1-6 7 6 6-4 Pl•,.r'a Chllllenge (et Mooll,...,) ....,mnar • .,.. ... Martina Navratilova (U S I def Hana Mandllko•a fCzechoalovaklal. 8·2, 7-5, Andrea JHQer (US ) def Sabina Simmond• (ll•ly). 6-2 1-6. 6-1 S....lftnaf·Oouble9 N1vralllov1-Candy Reynalda (US I <l•f Ann 1(1yomura-Vlrg1n1a RullCI (US). 8·1, ~·6 11· 1, Barb1ra Po11ar·Sharon Wallh (U S )' del lvanna·M adrug a·011e1 (Argenuna)-(;alhe<lne Tanvler (France), &-4, 6-2 AIMflcM t1:1deHI* Awl. ... ometoM WI. "'9t. -Coate..._ I 1 .IOO !Nine 1 3 .700 2 N~ 8Mdl 3 7 300 8 Huntklglon 8eedl 0 10 000 t ..... ~ WI. flet. OI 1 a 100 84 .IOO I 8 5 aoo 2 3 1 '* 4 A, Wltepholo AN EARLY START -Three-year-old J eramie Smith discovers the delight of football despite a helmet that appears to be three sizes too big. The.youth was practicing while his two brothers were trying out for a football team. NfLEXtWmON Llona 30, Rald4fs 11 a-1DJ Oli«ten l A Aald8fl 8 O 3 7 -16 OetrOl1 10 7 6 7-30 Ot t Oldham 22 pau 1n1ercep11on (Muttay I ICk) Otl FO Murtay '20 LA ""en 15 pasa from Plunkell (kick faJltcH. Del T Porter 4tl pau from Hipple (Murray klCk) Del -FO Muttly 40 Uflt -FO Murray 23 LA FO Bahr 43 Del N1Chot1 18 pan from Danielson (Aulen kook) LA Chrltle'1Mn 72 PHI lro"' Wilton (Bahr klCkl A 51,311 r,.,.,.. 11a11111c:e I.A Fite I <1own1 15 Ru11\M-yatd1 '20· 128 Puaino yard• 212 ~urn yar<11 II SICl<a by a p-18-35-4 Punta >47 Fum-loll 3· I Ponal114'1·y•rds e-55 l ime ol PoaMMIOn 24 40 l1•dMd...C ltaHetlca on 23 41·161 244 49 4 111-34-1 3.49 '2·2 4-25 3$20 RUSHING -l A ~. Montgome<y 1-48, Allen >34 l<l<IQ 6-13, a.ms 1· 10 Van Eegll•n 3-11. W•MI• 1·7. HaW1<1n1 I 4 Wilson 1·3 Pruoll 1.0 Oelr0tl. K"'ll I 1·49, R P0<te. 11·38. ButMy 4·25. C.llocull 7·2•. Jones 5· 12. H1pl)le 2· 11, Bal .. 1·4 PASSINO L A Raiders, Plunkall Wiison Detroit. Hipple II· 17·1·166 Dan1•1ton 11-15-0·!IS Komlo 1· 1·0.12. T POrle< 0-1.0-0 RECEIVING -l A RaJde<t. Chnatensen 7-103. Bernwetl 3·82. Allen 3·32, Hawltlns 23-21, RatnM)' 12-18, Berne 1-7 Detroit NICl>olt II· 121, T Porter 2·63, Kimbell 2·2!>. ~WICk 2·'20, BUIM)' 2· 19, Hill 2· 111, Jonet 1·8 FIELD GOALS M188EO -L.A. Raldeft. none. Oet<Ol1. 1.turrar. 40. ... ,. 21, •Ill• 1• kOfe by Q"811en Ch~o 7 1 1 0-21 Bulfalo 0 1 O 7-14 Chl·Moorahead 8 pan lrom Avelllnl (R0\1910 klek) Buf-Cnn1 w1111am1 53 pass 1n1arC4C1t1on (Arltl l<ICkl Ch•·BH cllnegef 10 pau lrom Avellino (ThO<nU kick! Chi-Gentry 1 run 1Rove10.1<1Ck) Bui-Brammer 8 pan lrom Roblnaon (Anderton klel<) A-37.a38 lndlvklwl a1at1a11c1 RUSHING -Chl~QO, Payton 12·54. Harper 3· t3. fllOmU 4-12 euna1o. Leak• 4·60, Moore 7 ·34 Brown 6-2 I PASSINO -ChlcaQo. AV911tnl 12·20·1·117, Evans 3·11·0-34 Bulfalo Robln1on 10.22.0-122 Fergv-6-11-1-38 RECEIVING -Ch~. Fe<gerton 3-33 Moorehead 3· Ill Buffalo Brammt< 3· 18 MOlley 1·10 •uc.e 21, RMakln• 13 kef'9 by o-tefa WHnlngton 7 8 o o -13 Ttmpa Bay O O 21 1 -28 wu-R1gg1n1 3 pan from Thalemann (MOM!ey klek) WU·'O Moaetey 30 Wu-FG Miiiet 34 T arn-Jonet 2• PHI tr om Go111evn (Smyth klCk) Ta m·Jon11 12 pau trom Golateyn (Capece klC1ll Tlm·J. Be41 24 pus fr0<n Got11eyn (Smyth klekl Tem-~Old 2 run (Smyth kick) A-63,8118 lndMd...C ltellelloa RUSHING -Wall'llogCon. RIQlllM 11-51, W1thln9ton &-30, Wonaley S-22, Jackaon 5-17, Tht11mann 3. 14, Flk:ll 1·0. Tampa, M0<1on 12·70, C.rver 10·41, Stona ll-12. Wlldet 4-7, Wlttlamt 1·7. HouM 1-4. Ford 1·2. Batrett 1-0 PASSINO -Waahlngton. Tntatmann t-18-1·73. Flick 7·11·1-l:J Tampa, Wiiiame 5·0·0·35. Oolateyn •· I0·0· 148. Ford 3-e-o-eo, 1.-2.2..0-10 RECEIVING -WUhlllQIOn. Won11ey ). It, CMl., 2-43. Wlfll., 2· II, W Jacll_,, 2· 12. Waahtngton 2-e. Oer1'91t 1-22, Bf own 1•8, Al9Q1n1 1·3 Didier 1·3 and Wlfllalne 1·2 Tamc>e. Centf 4-13, JOMa ).<Ill, Moy 2-3S, Houae 2· 11. T Bell 2-12. J 8•11 1·24. F,..,_lek 1-18, Tyler 1· 13. Mo<lon 1-1&, T O.Yle 1-3 FtElO GOALS Ml88EO -WMfltnQton, -Tlllllj)e, c.,_ 34 Cowboy• 29, Chargera 18 Sc«• bJ Ouarten Dallas 7 3 7 9 26 San Otego O 7 6 3 16 Dal·S11'0tlOQI 2 1un tSec>toen ktclo.I SO-W1n11ow 14 pa•s lro"' Foul& (BenttlChk• klCk) Dai-FG Sep11en 24 SD-Wln1low 21 paaa trom Fouta (kick llllled) Dal· T k ill 1 I pass trom Whole (S1111toen ktckl 50-FG BonlfKhke 3 I Oal·Salety Luther tacklOld on end zone Oal·Peopl<U 8 run (Sep11on k""' A·49 1112 lndlvldual S11llellc1 RUSHING Dallu Newsome 1!> 6A Dorsett 13·61, NewhouH 4-22 Peoples 3·20. D White I ·!I, Bu Johnson f.5 Springs •·4 San Diego. Broo•s 6-24 C1ppe11e11o 3· 11, C. Williama 5· 10 6•11 2·4 PASSI N G -Dallas, D Whll& 21·33·2·215, Carano 0·1·0·0 S•n 01~0 Foute 10-21· 1· 138. Luthe< 11· 15·3·85 RECEIVING Ollllaa, r Hill 4.4 I Ou Pree 4.3 7, Pea11on 3 36 Donley 2 29 Cosbie :1-20. Peoples 2-16. N11whou!l8 2 14 Dor!IBll 1.14 6u Johnson 1·8 San Diego w1r111ow 6-711. Joi,.,., 2·38. S1eve11 2·24, Chenoi.. 2·21. Sc•••• 2.21, H Jeckeon 1· 13, Bell I 7 FIELD GOALS MISSED Della) S~P""" 49 San Diego n1>11e St..,.,. 13, Olanta 10 Scot• by Ou..-1era PlllSDUrQh 0 0 IJ 0 13 N V 0 1an1s O 10 O O 10 NV M •Sllf'' 6 P•SS trom 81vnntu 1Leopa1d k1Ckl NY -FG DanelO 42 P11 -Thorntn I run (koc• taffd) P11 Smolh 80 pen orom '>toudl If rout klCkl A-51.1111 lndhk:lual Stallalleo RUS>11NG P111sourgn PQ1•••d 12·59 OeG<ullOla 11-31. Amti.<crom1J1e 6 72 Davos 4·20. Ham• 2·9 Bradll'law 1 ·3. Tnorro1on 1·1, Mo-3.7 SwM1141Y 1-16 S1oud1 1.2 New V0tk Olanta Morna II 48 Perry 9 41 WOOlfoll< II· 15 Colley 6-29 PASSING -P11tsburgh Brad•haw 8· 14·2· 152 S.oudl 5 10·0· 75 New Yor~ Giants, Stunner 13 21 O 20!>, S1mma 7-111-3-37 RECEIVING -PllUburgh Stellworth 6-107. Smith 3·70. Swann 2·• I Hams 1·4, S-ey 1·3. Pohrd 1·2 New YOrk Ollnll. Cotlfey 4·21, Mittler 3·49, Mullady 3·40, Morrla 3-23. Edd1ng1 2·$8, Perry 2·25 Woolfolk 1·10, Jackeon, l . 1-8, Slawson 1·8 MISSED FIELD OOAlS Pllllburgn Trout. 53. •5 New Vork G1an11 Da~o 32 Viking• 7, S.•hawka 3 lk:ota br Ouat'lera Saallle MlnnMota Sea -FG Jonneon •3 3 0 0 0-3 0 0 7 0-7 Min SenHr 11 Pfll lrom l<r•mfr (Ofdonez kl<:I<) A -57 880 lnclhldual atattollco RUSHING Seattle T 8<own 7 ·I Ooorn•n-14-89 Krieg 2· 15 Lane 6 9 Jodal 3· IS. Zorn 3·0 Th0tnat I "minus I Ivory 2· 13 Mlnneeota. T 8rown 7·28. VO<JnQ 2·8, Oalbrealh 3· 17 Nellon 5 t 9 Kr am er 1 ·monus 3 R-ne 5· 11 S WM• I 3 PASSING Seall .. Kr199 5·7·0"$1 Z0<n I• 8-0·82 Monf\MOla Kra"* 35·2 I 2 198 RECEIVING -SHllle McCullum 3-30 Largent 1-11. Lane 1·7 Welker J.61 TICle 1-24. Ooornlnll I-minus 5. Metzetaars 1 5 Mlnneaota s.n-4.39 Brown 6-34 S wn111 2·37 Galb•a"ll 3·26 Nelt on •·3 Lewos 1.Je Redwine 2·'°· Harrell 1 "O Bruer 1·8 FIELD GOALS MISSED s .. tlla Jonnson 3 Mlnnesola Otdoner 1 COL~QI[ ICH•DUUI 9outti.m C.ntotnlll Sept. 11-et Flor1cla. 7 Sept. 18-!ncflene (hOme). I :30 Sept. 25-11 OlllehOma. 1:30 Oct. 2-0regon' (home). I 30 Oc\. II-by. ac.. l._t 8tanfont•, l:JO Oc\. ~ S1a1a•. (home). t JO 0.,. »-1 ArlJona S1a1a•. 1 30 HOY ~lomla' ~). t )0 NOY 13-11 ""'-'· 1.>0 Nov 20--<ot UCLA' (Rem Bowl) I >O Nov 21-Notn Dome Iheme). IUO ·PV·IO pnw !all home ........ at Loa"-'-Colioewnl UCLA Secll 11-Long BNGh Slalt 1 30 S.P1 18-at W1aconaln 11 30 841>1 25-11 MICNQan. 10 00 Oct 2-11 Col°'llOO· 12 )0 Oct t -Atllona .. 1 30 Oct t8-WMhtnglon Stat•'. I JO Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS N o~W~'­.SHOfj~ ~U,-T.S ~P.ti M\ S.0 ~MPL.: CAU .. TH PL~ ... p. " UITa" -t£~aE& U ON "TME S"T~O~ll O"-E. OP. AT IMPRC"T. M•~e.·a ON&a T&CMM\~ 'THAT' M&L.~O Mlt bliA'T TH\9 P~INfJUL.. Aft=l..lCT\ON. t. • hfnl•PfO footMft HUNflHOTOtf VAi.UY lllA"*ll'll 11U~ &.n<iar ""'II n 11 fd ... wd• Al D ' Aug 29 at Ontano • Stc>• 1a -a1 ren.:nl!Of llt•t• "'''_, 8'191 19-Ain.tnb<a' (hO<ne) a.c>t 28-at Loa Al&Mltoa· Oc1 3-...,•bank. (hOrne) Oct 10-at City ot 1n4~1ry• Oct 17-at Wffl Valley' Oct 2•-0ntetlO" (hOmel Oc1 31-•t .Alh1mb1a· Nov 7-Van Nuy1• (hOme) Nov 1•-8.,, Fe<nando Vlllley' (nome) Nov 21-Clty or 11\dullry • 1nome1 Nov 21-byt Oeo 5-loa Alarn11oe • (lll>lllt) Oeo 12-Leegu• cha,.,,p1on1h1p playoff (•II gamea •I t pm unlau noted! fall home g11T1H at OcH n View H•gh 8cnool1 ' llenole1 High 0.-1 L .. gue oarne Del M•r 8AfUfU>AV'I 11.HULTa (21th ot u.day thof°"9llbrecl mMllnt) '"'IT llACI!. 6 furlongs 8rendy s RaD (Velan:uelar 4 '20 2 llO 2 20 Sonne• Aglo (SID1llel 7 eo • 20 O For Goris (Eatrada) 3 40 Also raced Splendid Mark, Ramada 8 tnv1nc11>1e. I m F ash1onable El11e 1 Sitter Silent Music Time 1 09 415 SECOND GAME. 6 lurlongs Nan'• Dancer (>1awleyl 26 60 8 40 6 00 Flying linnet (McCa<ron1 8 20 4 80 Admirers MIWHI (Black) 10 80 Alto raced. Joy Bluff, Far Our Ha<oona. :Z.a11na. Magn111oen1 Dawn, Jordy'• Baba, DH dllne, Beyou Mil l. T1rne 1·09 4/S t2 DAll.V DOU9l.E 17·81 paid $60 60 12 CONSOLATION DOUBLE (7 71 pol(! S5 40 THIRD RACE. 6 lu1lona1 St.,llog Sliva (V alenLuetal '20 20 I 0 40 4 60 Brtuenes1an (Va<gara) 12 80 6 00 Oen11eman Bla<Je (Upham) 3 80 AllO r&Q9CI· l'Chlc:I•, w .. 1thy, Hallabll. Plantation JubllM. Bat"• Mike T1mtt I 10 • SS EllACTA 15·3) pa10 $713 50 FOURTH RACE. 6 11.irlongs Vahd Comment (P1ncay1 4 20 3 i>O PaQe&nlry (Valenzuela) 4 llO M•M Slteam (McCarron) 2 eo 3.40 420 Alao raced Pull 01 Smoke Beer Le Sm1r1<. M1i<e 1 l(Jc• Time I 09 Jack Th~ FIFTH RACE. One mole on lurl lncO<POt'•IOr 1S1btlle) 6 80 • '20 3 40 Mountebank (Valenzuela) 11 60 6 00 Sigememar tP1ncay) 4 00 Aleo raced Prlncalcln. Sllnglngly, Keret1aan W1newood HOSI ~haybOOo Me Good Man Oue S8fa Time I 36 2/5 S5 EICACTA C6-91 pa10 $199 00 811CTH RACE. 6 tur1ongs Monaleur EJceltment (P1ncay1 11 eo 5 oo 3.00 Balt>oe Nallve !Valenzuela! 9 00 4 80 SuDll<llle (McCarron) 3 00 Aleo raced lalayelle lark. rime For Fantaay, Moorlah Prlda, Crou o, Vivify, Concierge S11mmy The Boy Butled Treuur11. Sonic S?Md lime I 11 l/S SEVENTH l'IACE. I 1116 moles on lutl M•S$ Wold Cal cCapoaine) 43 60 9 20 5 40 Aggrandizement tMcCarron) 2 80 2 60 l 81k ~Best (011va1es1 11 60 Also r•ced Gran1a Ouquesa Surely A W•nr>er Mayan Oella Or...., Any Time Pe! l'ealnethlU TllTl8 1:"3 A/5 SS UCACTA !•·5) paJd $25000 l'l PICI( l llC (8·5·•·8· 12·41 paid S7 737 00 W•lh I!> ... 1nn1ng l1Cke1t (hve hOlses) S2 Conllola11on Pock Six paid S78 80 woth 490 wonning llCkell (lout no<sesl EIGHTI4 llACE. AOC>vl I • ""'" C11erman IMtCerron1 4 20 2 80 2 40 E119 Toss ($1btlle) A 00 2 60 Ca1un Prince (P1ncay1 2 40 Alao raced Per a Lad La Due Oe Bar, Wot-Heoghls. Be On Tome Tune I 57 215 18 EXACTA (3·21 paid '35 50 NtNTI4 RACE. I 1/16 miles Banoela1re (McCarronl 9 40 5 80 4 20 HonctlO Notor (SIKk) 20 00 8 60 Captain Orren! tGue<ra) 3 80 Alto raced He Man Sam, Cepta1n Double R~al Sport. Omahe Ml~• Swamp Lark, SullOw. Cherly N Harrigan. lol!J Eagle Time I 42 21!> 18 l!UCTA 19· 101 pakj ssea 50 Allendanoe-2 I .S63 Hollywood P•rk IA TUllbAY'S llE8Ul. Tl (Sii\ or A-night hamea• meeting) FllllT RACE. 6ne mile pace Rebel Ruler (Park .. I 11 00 6 60 4 80 Siar Rocky (Aubin! 5 80 4 80 l<leal Byrd IBernatl • 40 "'so r acad K1ogs1ey Hanove< Ideal Balle Andya Sumi>e<. GOLo Star G-81 Snv .. l• Patron N. Awea<>m4! Lally Tome 2 00 3/5 S3 EllACTA (4-6) paid $63 00 HCONO llACE. One m"9 pace Benroddon (Longo> 4 00 3 '20 2 60 Rambling IO<ld (Grundyl 3 60 3 00 Burke• Brigade (Kuebler) c 80 Also raced Gerry JuniOt' l o<d 9r1Qade RAllM 1 Gotcl 0.t<ava, Soutnern Rhythm P1ncl'I Hot llll Etton N Tome I 58 315 TIMO ""CL One mole pace Scotlllh RefnbOW {K.-1 t 80 4 IO 2 80 Ch8'18flS Play ll>aom«I 6 60 4 20 RustlC Scot! (GM>dy) 2 40 Also rac;ed Avon Spark. Han<lo-. Kono GA11)1, Kiit, Sledgatlernmer, H11tdy Macfaber, Deana Stone Time I 59 115 13 IXACTA (10·S) paid S 107 10 FOUllTH llACI. One mile p-Hurr1Cene Shannon (Balcer) 11.20 3.80 4.20 •·Kong ol Alba (Copeland) 3 80 3 80 l ·Oel Happy (Ooudreevl 3 80 3 80 • coupled Alto tacecl T0<Plda Knlghl, Andy Henlf; Pate<, 0..by lord. Allalr N, Tim I Mat• Time 1 57 4/5 P1"'H MC•. One mlle .,_, 1,aron Chip (Ooudruu) S.'20 4,20 3 00 S.1 Rov« N (TOdcl) 17 00 10 40 qeeounl N (9-lllat990"J 4 60 Also rac.d Double GM N, Scoltlsll Loch. J.llntano, The 09"1 N, Coot Gar. Cou111au nme. 1 S8 1/5 • S3 l!XACTA (1-7) pai<I $173 70 81XTH llACL One mlle ~ ,,.,. Rhel 18al1Jargeon) es 80 2e oo 14 40 /Ible OolO (Croghen} I 1.00 7 00 r D Elc:ort (GOU<lr"NU) 8 40 Allo raced lkH Marina. Alba Time Hait~ little Brat Rut•. SundAl'Ce Sour. OM .. l'IOyW, Medi 0ougei N T-. UI SIS. • IXACTA (2·31 paJcl $2 S2• 00 .. VWNTM ltACI One l'llile p-•e1., °'*"" tGovdrMul • 00 • 40 ' 80 ,,...,. ICoeta ti<.,._,) t 40 2 40 lraq;oMa 1111 IW.,_) 3 40 A1110 teoed rlAI NGWI, UYrlll -· )elJQ lpuir. .. , L .. I N ... , C>1 Abba rwne 1 a1 ·•10 .. UACf A (6 4) PllJ4 M I 00 •ICIMTN uca. 0ne MM peoe Oaoaocofl Lobell ~I M 80 ta tO U O wt J1tn 9oO 1aowr-1 a oo 2 ..o c-..--~ (l(lletllef} 2 '° A leo r1oed la1 Cllamp, Craig 0 •1. CowllO\t Bpuf, OotedO H.,_, '1YW'9 ...,,, .. n ..... 1 66 118 NINTH llACI. One mile 11- lt>e TMly llrdr (l<bl) 4 00 ? 90 2 20 Sulldan (GOUdfffU) ' eo ' eo Fie• Hanov .. (8P<IQll•) 6 IO Allo raced Lord Neutnno. Fabi.n Lobell, MN l at JOke. Tabb Hanov"' Randow Wind 11me Square Baton. McKenn1 Time I 57 I) U ACTA (8 71 pa10 S tll 20 I) fl'ICK ••• (8·1·2·~·4·8) paid $2,1142 ao wolh 13 w1nn1ng llckell 111v1 hOr ... ) 12 Poc:k 81~ coneolallon P••d S30 80 wllh 4 13 winning llc~•ll llC'ur hOI '"' TIHTH llACI One mile pee.• Loyal Lad (lac~eyl 4 00 3 20 3.40 Snow D•~ A (LOOQO) a 00 8 20 like a Snot (M~) I 40 Alto raced H11T11all Rad 0111 N, PIM llhlp Wallakl Suprema. Phoenla Jae•. Ou.... of Ou. Ounamoll• N Tome I 68 3/5 1:3 llACTA 15 7) pa•d '85 10 Allen<lanGa 11.11111 POA tournament (al Grand 8lat1e, Midi.} Ptyl'le Stewatl 88·69-67 -204 Curua Str•nv• 66-611-811-204 Petet Jacob1en 72-67-68-207 Bob Eetlwood 67-71·69-207 Hale Irwin 70-68-69-207 Tom Kiie 71-67-611-207 Larrv Ziegler 74·66·68-208 Mike Donald 11-68-811-208 John Coo• 65-72-71-'208 Craig S1ao1or 69-68-71-208 Lannv Wodk1n1 66·71-71-208 Wayne L.ev• 7 1-611-611-209 Gavin Lavaneon 70-811-70-209 Fre<I CouplH 71-86-72-209 GIO<Qa Archeo 74-67-69-210 LOU Graham 70·7'2-66-210 Jack Renner 73-68-611-210 c 11.,ence Rose 72 611-69-210 Ed Dougnerly 71-69· 70-210 Jell Mitchell 70·72·69-211 Jonn Adamt i;t.74-69-211 C•lvon Peele 72·70·69-211 Dan Hanoeuon 611-71-71-211 Dan OuOQlf; 70·70-71-211 Rea Cald-1 71·68·72-211 PM Hencoctr 73-U-72-2 II Tom Simpson 70·6!1·72-211 VICI()( Regalado 69-69· 73-211 M1~e Raid 70·68-73-211 Scon S1mpt0t'I 69·69-73-21 t Mike Smith 69·74-119-212 Lon N.etson 72 70-70-212 Ed Sneed 70-72-70-212 Fuay Zoeller 70-72-70-212 Barry Jaec:kel 73-69-70-212 Mark Hayea 70-efr.70-212 Bruee Devlin 72-69· 71 -212 Mark Pleil 71·68-73-212 Tom Purtzer 70.$11-73-212 Dave EIChelberger 72-71-70-213 Andy a.an 72-71-70-213 Sieve Melny• 71 ·72-70-213 Ed F1011 11 11.11 -213 Jim Colbetl 72-69·72-213 Tim Norr11 12·71·71-214 Bobby c1ampe11 70-73-71-214 0111 C.ifee 73 70·71-214 Mark Caluveccnoa 70-73-71 214 Jack Ferenz 74·611·72 -214 Paul A11nga< 7• 70-71-215 Chop Bee~ 74-70-71-215 Allen Miller 73·70·72-215 Andy Nor 11'1 71· 72-72-215 Fran~ Conntor 72·70-73-215 Bob Bymen 7•-68-73-21S Jtm Deni 70-72-73-215 Pet Mc:Oowen 71·73·72-2t8 M,,,,,, Ha1al$~y 73-71-72-216 Peter OotU!rhU11 72·72·72-216 DA WeoD11ng 73-71·72-216 Don Pooley 76 68· 72-216 Mark Lye 72-72-72-216 Roa Curl 72.11.73-216 Mike B<annan 73-70-74-217 Jay Haas 70·73·74-117 l onn1e Clements 71·72·74-217 Bruce FietYtet 74·68-75-217 Kon Gr_. 76-68-74-2111 Slave Loebler 7•-70-74-218 Matlo. Mc;Nully 72-71-75-218 Randy Erak1ne 76-68-74-218 Mike Su111ven 71·72-7S-218 Jay Cudd 73 71-75-2111 Pal Lindsey 72-72-7$-219 Cho Ch• Roor1guei 76-611·77 -221 POA S.nlora Cl .. •lc (ti 8JfKUM, HY) Don January 72·74-69-215 8111 Collins 7J.7t-71 -215 BoD GoaJDy 70-76-70-216 Guy WolllenhOlme 71·73·72-216 Peteo Thomson 70·72· 74-216 Gene lllller 72·72·73-217 F1edd1e HH! 69-73-76-218 Gardne• O.C:k1naon 77·611·74-2'20 Ari Wall 71-76-70-221 Bob Rosburg 73-73· 75-221 Biii JOhnt10t1 74·71·77-222 Howie Jonnton 7 t-74·78-223 George Bayer 72.73.111-223 Ari Sllvellrone 73-76-7!>-223 f\Aer!J Furgol 73-76-74-223 Donald Hoenig 7!>-73-75-223 Peu1 Ha<ney 71-74·78-223 Sam Snee<! 78-70-7!>-223 Bob ErlCi<M)ll 7'2-77-7!t-22• Billy MuWilll 110·72·72-224 l(el Nagle 73-7&-7!>-224 Che<IH S1tt0<<1 77-71-76-224 Ootc>on J~ 75-73-76-'22• Millet Barile< 7!>-74 77-2:/e Jim F8frM 75-74-78-227 J.,ry Sarti.< 7>74-78-227 Mike Felchock 77-72-78-227 Chanolef Harper 711-74-75-227 Dan Soke. 75-79-73-227 Mac Meon 77-7>76-228 Al Bald1og 77-76-76-228 Al BesMllnk 79·71-79-228 E<I Cauaey 73-711· 71-228 Jimmy Clark 74·82-72-228 Fred Hawlllnl 76-77-75-228 Oen•• Hutchlnton 78-76-74-2211 Julius Boroa 76-76-78-219 Jact. Fleck 76-80· 73-229 l•onel Hebert 81-73-75-219 ~•Cooper 79'-72-80-231 Harvie Ward 78-76-80-231 Milon MeruslC II 1·7&-75-232 Ted Kroll 112-76-74-232 Bob Hemlllon 77-711-79-234 Tom ~oporlt 711-80·75-234 Edward Rubi• 711-711·77-234 Paul RunyAn 80-711-78-234 Oonald Whitt 112-78-78-238 E<I Furgol 81-711-61-241 Hatman KelMI 90-80·115-2•6 Joe Rusto 113·7'!1-89-261 Women'• WOJld Ch.mp&on.hlpe (at Clewe4-ncl) JoAnne c.,,,., 72·70.71-213 Amy AICOll 74-ft-7S-2 ti Jan Stopnenton 76-70-73-2111 Aya110 Ou mo10 73·72·75-220 PatlJ' ShWl•n 76-73-71-220 J-' Ale• 74-75-74-221 M11t11 F\Que<N-Ootll 75-71·79-225 Nancy L~ 7•-77·75-228 Sandt• Heynle 15-71-80-228 Holltt Slac:y 72-74-80-228 8etll Daniel 78-78·75-22t Salty t.mle 711-78-77-231 ( • ' I I \ • Orano• Co••• DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augutt 22, 1882 From Page 81 • • ' ANGELS CLOBBER DETROIT . . . i early ao we didn't have to worry about coming back. ''Zahn k.ept the b&ll down and when he ptl hJ.s c~. up worklna and keeps chan&t~peecla on elle, he'• touah. The auya en) J\J'l ~~ the ball off the end of t e bat.'' DeClncet ed. The Aniela batted around In thelr bta tlfth lnnlng. WUdneea on the part of the Ti.gen' first reliever, O.ve Rucker, played a big part, too. Brian Downing opened the Inning with a walk, R-Od Carew followed with a single. After Rucker I felt strong the whole night. I just went out there and pretended it was a 0-0 or 1-1 game. -Geoff Zeftn struck out Reggie Jackson, he issued a walk to Lynn. DeClncea then followed with a two-run single off reliever Bob James. James then walked Don Baylor, gave up an RBI single to Bobby Grich to score DeClnces and walked Boone. That brought on Elia Sosa who gave up an infield RBI single to Mick Kelleher which wrapped up the scoring Ln the flfth. The Angels' final run came in the sixth inning u Lynn doubled and DeCincee singled him home. Boone, meanwhile, said he hadn't cracked two home runs in a game since he played single A ball back in 1969. "It's a lot more fun playing this game when you're swinging the bat well," he admitted. "I've changed a few thlnga. I was opening up o n the front side and 1 wasn't getting a real good look at the pitches. But now, I'm getting into a groove." Hia battery-mate Saturday Dl&bt at.a llNIDI toJ have found his groove. Zahn has now won tour ot hla laat five at.art.a (the other wu a no dectalon) and ht.I 14th vlciory equaled a C4reer' aeuon hJgh 11et in 1978 and oa-1n In 1980. He'• al.lo 7-1 at An.a.helm Stadium th1a year. "I enjoy pltchLng here. The mound la great and I'm getting great defense behind me," admitted Zahn , who thr ew juat 91 pltchea. "It's just a"' pleasure t.o play with these guys. I "l felt atrong the whole night. I just went out I there and pretended tt wu a 0-0 or 1·1 b&ll game," t Zahn added. 1 The Tigers' only run came in the third inning as Lou Whitaker delivered a one-out single, Glenn 1 Wilson followed with a base hit and one out lat.er, Lance Parrish singled Whitaker home. Thanks to two double plays, Zahn faced just 19 batters over the final six innings -one over the minimum. Once the Angels had their comfortable advantage. Mauch gave most of his regulars a rest and put Juan Beniquez, Bobby Clark, Ron Jackson and Rob Wilfong in the lineup. Wilfong, a second baseman by trade, wrapped things up in cent.er field. * ANGIL NOTIS! Rod Car-. 1lmlng for hit 14th coneecullve .300-plus saoaon, carried 1 .311 avaraea Into Saturd•y night'• game and promptly 1lngled In lhe llret Inning and again In lhe tltih . Ha now hat 32 multiple hit game• thlt ... llOr1 and 771 lllatlma . . . eotl ._ collected 1he 11111 IWo-home nm game ot hit car-wOh hit two watl-cte11lng blas11 Stturday night Setdom~Md Midi K..-.,, 1111r11ng In place of Tim Fofl (SOta r1g111 wrl61) 11 anortt109. ool*ted only hi• third hit ol the se&llOn will\ a llne drive up the mlddla In the MCOnd Inning. II was alao Kellehe<'a llrst hll al Anaheim Stadium . . . When the Angell 11o1e three b-Friday n1ghl against the Tigert, II marked the lirtt time alnce Aprll 13 lhey had pHle<ed three In a game ... More on Ke!leh1w Hla lnfleld elncile In the Anoeis· big fifth Inning prOduced hi• ftrtt RBI of 1982 . . The lhr• game M(lee concluOet todey (1;05) with Miit Wllco• (7-7) going for the Tigers agalnll Lula T!Mlt (2-1). JtJST MISSED -Oakland outfielder Rickey Henderson makes a valiant effort to reach a £¥ ball hit by Boston's Jerry Remy Friday APWll ..... night. Henderson came up just short and later left the game because of stomach sickness. No wonder. Irvine rolls behind Walley Laver, Stolle • Will I :Robinwood settles for third I . Keith Walley put a lock on the Individual scoring championship in the American Speedsoccer Association Saturday night as his Irvine Rebels turned back the Huntington Beach Dolphins, 11-4 at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Second-seeded Rod Laver beat Great Britain's Mark Cox 6-1. 6-3 in the semi-finals of the Fosters Lager Championship at t.he Los Angeles Tennis Club. The Stolle-Rosewall match took two hours to complete. Rosewall had few problems winning the first set but appeared to tire in the second set. ln the final set, Stolle won the final two games to end th e match. TAYLOR, Mich . -The Robinwood Senior walk anybody while pitching a one-hitter, which J Minor Little League Al_l-stars may not have came. on ~ h~gh chopper over the third-base bag in captured the champioru1h1p here Saturqay, but the fifth inru~g. . . they did mana~e to finish with a flourish. Meanwhile, the Robmwood bats came ahve, Laver required 1 :45 to advance into today's final round where h e The Huntington Beach-based squad scored in spurred by a two-run, second-inning homer by every inning but the first while shutting Scott Harper. In the third, Mark Jenkins delivered will meet Fred Stolle. · down Vega Baja of Puerto Rico and coming away a two-run single, scoring Eversgerd, who h'ad with a 17-0 victory and the third-place trophy. singled, and Brian Bosse, who reached base five Walley poured in four goals, giving him 18 for the aeaaon, as Irvine prepared for the playoffs by winning lta aeventh game in 10 outings and posting a runner- up finish in the Beach Division. The unseeded Stolle upset top-seeded Ken Rosewall of Australia, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4. Macres triu mph The win did a little to soothe the feelings of the times with four walks and a single. Robinwood squad which lost a chance at winning In the fourth, Micky Hitch~k ~rove in a ~ir Laver broke in front early in the match as he broke Cox' serve in the fourth and sixth games in the opening set to 6-1 triumph. Newport Harbor High graduate Tim Macres, the Sailors' No. 1 player and two- time most valuable player, teamed up with his dad, Tim, to win the Family Tennis Ch.allenge competition in Torrance recently and is h eaded for Flushing Meadows, New York, in early September. the championship with two earlier defeats to the of runs, and followed thAt an mmng later with Puerto Rican team. another run-scoring hit. "They' really came back and played good Puerto Rico did not bat m the bottom of the The Dolphin•, meanwhile, finished their campaign at 0-10. Laver broke a 1-1 deadlock by winning the final five games of the set. baseball," said Robin wood Coach Paul Matlock. sixth, choosing instead to call the game. U a team is Adding to the Irvine attack were Gesner DoCarmo (three goals) and two apiece from Don Burke, Lee Cornwell and Paco Eacofet. Steve McKav and Val Fernandez tallied three goals apiece for Huntington Beach. "They played the way they have been capable of behind by 10 runs in the tournament, it is allowed playing. Yes, maybe we were a little too tense in to concede the game if it impedes with the progress the early part of the tournament." of the tournament. Cox recovered in the second set as h e and Laver s plit the fifth and six games, but Laver again broke through on Cox's serve in the seventh.and ninth games for the win. Winning pitcher Todd Eversgerd helped his In the championship game that followed , Macres, who is headed for Cal State Fullerton in the fall, will be competing with his dad against 15 other doubles teams . own cause at the plate, driving a three-run homer Tampa Bay completed an undefeated run for the in the top of the sixth inning, but by that time, the title with a 6-1 tr iumph over Libertyville , Ill. issue w as decided. On the mound, Eversgerd didn't Robinwood is due to return home today. Ptl1UC NOTICE NII.IC NOTlCl NI.IC NOTlCE ...cnnoua .,..... NOl'ICE OP DEATH OP ' l'ICnne>ue _.. FIC11Tt0Ua -•s ftCnnout ........ ..... ITATlllENT ITATDmNT M EV HURLBUT ...... tTA~ . ...... ITATDmllf ~ ITAT'lmNT ...... ITATDmNT The fotlowtng par110r1s are doing Wl'THD"AWA.L FROM BELEN A The foltowlng l*'IOOI are doing The 1o11ow1ng ~ -doing The fOllowlno ~ •• doing The tollowlnQ .,.,__ -dOlng ~ u : ,..,..,...,.... ~TINO AND OP PETITION TO l>Yt1,_ u : ' ~ •: ~a: t>ualrlMe-= LEISURE MARKETING UNDlftflCnTIOUS ADMlNJSTERESTATENO. bullr-.a: HUNTINGl'ON H,ARBOUR ZEIGLER VENDING SERVICE SOUTH COAST CO N· STACEY MORTGAGE & INTERNATIONAL, 22974 El Toro aua..n NAME AlHHt. CLAUS EN1ERPRISES. INC. LIFl:CENTER FOR WoMEN. 18857 INC .. 9771 La Zapatlll• Clrcl•. STRUCTION COMPANY , 4000 INVESTMENTS. 3990 Wfftarly Roed. El T0<0, CA 92630. Tha followlng pareon hH To all hein beneficiaries dba PACIFIC POLYMERS, INC., AlgOnquln. Huntington a.ch, Ca. Fountlln Veley, CA 92708. Birch Str .. t, Suite 113, Newport P*», Suit. 200, ~ 9eedl, LAURENCE ANTHONY da wtthdrewn u a llmlted per1ner trom • . ' 15702 ConllllMr i.-, Hwltlngton Neutllue at~.,._, Inc. (a ARTHUR V. ZEIGLER, 9771 l.11 BMch, CA 92nO. CA 92MO. COSTA, JR., 24942 Dove T1ea lhe par1nerahlp <>P41'atlng under Iha creditor• and contingent Beectl. CA 92849. Callfomla corporatlOn). 2015 Radhlll ZllOe* arc.. FountMI Vr/Mft, CA l<ENAUO CORPORATION. • O.A. STACEY a MSOCIATES. i.-. El T0<0. CA 92630. llctllloua bualneu name of creditors of Helen Eva CLAUS ENTEAPRISES, INC.,• Road, Bulldln, 0, Cotta MaH, 92l'08. C.ilfomla ex>rpcwetlon. ~ Blrdl a Callfornla corporation. 3990 GERDA de COSTA, 24942 CANYON CREST RIDGE VENTURE. Hu.rlbut and persons who Calllornla corporation. 15702 Calttoml• 9262 THERESA M. ZEIGLER. 9771 Strwt, ~ BMch, CA 92eeo. W-.rty ~.Sult• 200, ~ Oolttll Tree Lane, El Toro, CA 92630. 25301 C•bot Road, Sulla 112. may be otherwiae Interested Contlllner ~. Huntlng1on 8-:h, Thie bull,_ le oonducted by • Lii z.s,etllla Clrc:M, Fountain v.a.y, Thl9 ~ 1e conducted by a e..ctl. CA 92eeo. WALLACE SUMNER, 10091 Laguna Hiiis. CA 92653. the will and/ . CA 92$49. eorpor1tlon. CA 92708. oorporatlOn. Thie ~ 11 conducted by 1 Whlppoorwlll Avenue, Fountain The llcllllout bualneaa name ln or estate. Thia ~ It conducted by a NAUTILUS OF l.alglar Vending Sarvloe Kanaod C«l>or•tle>n corporation. Valley, CA 92708. ttatemant for the partnership was A petition has been filed ex>rpcwatton. COSTA MESA, INC. lno. . Gayta E. Poat, Pr•. G . A . St e cay & LIN 0 A SUMNER. t 0 0 9 1 flied on April 23. 1982 tn the County by Robert A. Eastman ln the Cleu9 entarprlaN, Inc. Oii-. Bennett, Arthur V. ~. Pree. Thia at~t -ftled wtth the Aleoclet• ~~~~~;~~o~.venue. Fountain or ~~orL\E ~~lr.1~1DALY Superior Court of Oranhge Thlll m~tC::·n::w.ui the Thi.~~= -Ned with the ~ ~t~ ~ '!: = ~9~2."'anoe eountv on Thie •• =., ~': with the f\lls businMt Is conducted by 11 TRUSTEE. 17 Corporate Plaza County requesting t at County Cler1c at Of.nga County on County Cler1c at CX.,. County on ~ 20, 1982. P1llNI Counry a.ti at Orwige County on general partnership. Drlve, Newport Beec;ti, CA 92660 Robert A . Eastman be AuQl.iet 19, 1982. Ayguet 5. lN2. ,,_ Publlahad Or•n.11• Cofft Dally Auol* 20. 1M2 ' L.A. da Costa. Jr. Published Orange Coast Dally appointed as personal '111119 ,..,. Publlthed Oran.J19 Co••t Delly Ptloe, Aug. 22. 29. sept. 5. 12.1"2 · ,,_.. Tlll9 statement w111 flled with the Pltot. Aug. 15, 22. 29. Sept. 5, 1982 repreeentative to admlniater Publlahad Oran9a Cout Dally Publl•hed Orange Coaat Dally Ptlol, Aug. 22, 29, sept. 5. 12, 1912 3738-82 Publlthed Ora1199 Cout D•llY Coooty Cl«lc of 01ange COYnty on 3832-62 the estate of Helen Eva Piiot. Aug. 22, 29, Sept 5, 1327•3~~2 Piiot Aug. 8. 15. 22. 29. lte3~2 _________ 3_7_s&..a_2 P11<>1, Aug. 22. 29. sept. 5, 12, 1982 Ju1y 29, 1982. ...... •-.,. MnTIC( Nit.IC NOTlCl 37()4...82 F1tu17 PUlJC NOTICE H u r 1 b u t ( u n d e r t h e ·-.,. ..,,._ ~ nu Pl.ibllthed Orange Coast Dally -----------Independent Adminia1ration Nit.IC NOTICE "-""'~ '1CTITIOUI ~•• PlaJC NOTICE Piiot. Aug. 1, 8, 15. 22. 1982 FfCTITIOUt BUSINESS of ...._._._ .... ) The peti"'--rm---.. ..-nniouK...aM. -· ... as NAm ITATE•NT 3440-82 ...._ STA~ ..,,.. ... ...,. ""' · ,,_, FICTITIOUS IMJllNIU ..... --:'a ... tTa:...,_ ~.!~~o~~ .. wlng peraon 11 doing ~IT';_~U Th1 following person le doing ia aet for hearing in Dept. N~ STA........., NA1m tTA,._,. -.. ,_.., .,.,...,_. _ --. .. ,~, PUBLIC NOTICE bYll..-s as: No. 3 at 700 Civic Cent.er The lollowlng paraon 11 doing The followlng ~ -doing The following per90n 11 doing ADVANCED MOVI NG ANO Th• following peraon 11 doing .............. s ........ 8r~E~t;.;.0,N~l~2.88: Drive, West, In the City of bual~~'·s APPLIANCE 11148 ~:i-ECH ENTERPRISES ~N~OR AUDIO SYSTEMS STORAGE co .. 421 Fair DrlYt. No. bYlll~~~E JEAN COMPANY. ,.,..,,,..,.. '"' ·~-.,.,... Santa Ana, California on · 1.u•D Ad-"-·-M c~ 5021 "Id 1 e p c • 201. Coat• Mesa. CA 92628· NAm STATEMENT 921183. Plscentla No. I, Cot1a Maaa, Ca. .,...,.. amt, .....,... .... " 90621 " g H . uena trlt, A PETER ERNEST STONE JFI., 2428 Newt><>r1 Blvd., Shop I, Coela T!le followlng peraon Is doing GENE PIERRE GASPARO, Sept. 15, 1982 at 9:30 a.m.the 92827 92e26J~··Es .. IT .. Ll .. NO ..... 7 J ~ AOA··o 5021 Rid I 421 Fair Drive. No. 201, Coat• Mes.A. CAP92E82R7C.E 0 ~ u : 2804 Btoed Street. Newport Beech. IF YOU OBJECT to Stave Harold Delong 1848 . "'"' ... .. " .... v ·"· ... • g H , M .... CA 9282CI. AY I . 2431 range . DIAMOND STAINED GLASS CA 921183, ...... n-i-.. ol the petition, you Placant11 No. I, Cott• MeH, Ca. Fullwton. Colt& ...... CA 92927. Buena Pert<, CA 90821. Thi• bUal""9 It conducted by an Ave .. Coal• Mesa. CA 92827. ST\,1010. 414 w. Rowland Ave.. This l>Yllneas Is conducted by.,, ----· 921127 WAYNE a. HUNTER. 1002 Thia bu*-.. conducted by an lndlvldual. Thi• busl-'*conducted by an Seo\• Ana. CA 92707. Individual. lhould either appear at the Thia bullnaas It conducted by an ~arc.. Co.t.e MeM. CA lndMdual. Pet., em.1 Stone Jr. lndlvldu•I. KRYSTYNA DURIAN. 20151 a-Pierre Gaspard hearing and state your lndlvldual. 92926. J.A. Adamo Thi• ttaiemant wu filed wtth the R. Plaroa ' Vtvtj Circle. Huntington Beach. CA Thta 11atement wu llled with the objections or file written Steve H. OeLong Thl9 ~ 11 conduc'*' air• Thie ltat-1 waa ftled with the COYnty Clerlt of 0renga County on Th._ atatemant wu llled with the 926'8. County Cleric or Orange County on objections with the court Thi• 11a1emant wu flied with Iha llmlted pai1nerlhip. Covnty Cler1l ot Orange County on July 28 1982 County Cletic or Orange County on Tftll business 11 condoo1ed by an Auguat 12. 1982. before the hearina. Your County Clark of Orange County on Jema A. 1t..-.no ."'*f 15. 1982. · '1M2M JulY 29. 1982. l'tMS1t lndlV\dual. F111211 '" Aug. 11. 1982 Thia.....,_. -111911 wlltl the 1''91411 Publlshad Orange Cont Dally PubHthed Orange Cont Oally Kryttyna Ourlan DONALD aEORETTI appearance may be 'in penon l'•t1'1 Coooty C1ertt Of Ofwige County on Publlelled Orange Coaet Dally Pilot. July 3 t, Aug. l , 1,, 21. 19112 Pitot. Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22, 1882 Tftl• statement wu filed With the fl l"rotnaloMI Lew Corp. or by your attorney. Publlthe<I Orange Co111 Dilly Augu91 20, 1~. ,._ PMot.. Aug. 15. 22. 29, s.s>t. 5, 1982 3424..e :wl4-tl2 ~~.~1:'~ ot Orange County on ..!:.t°i::.:: ~~-.:o IF y OU ARE A PllOI. Aug. 14, 21. 28. Sept.34;.~~ Publlelled Or9 Ooaat 0. 1 _________ 384_1_..e_2 -----------r MlJC N01lC( F1Ma20 Publlthed Orange Cont D•llY CREDITOR or a contingent Plot, Aug. 22. a.~ a. ti,·= "8JC N011C( MUC NOna: ------------Publllhed Orange Cout Dally Piiot. Aug. 15. 22. 29. Sept. 5. 1982 creditor of the deceMed. you P\llt.IC NOTlct 11t7.at fllCnTIOUI ~II l"ICTmou8 .,._.. ~=- Ptlot. Aug. 1. 8. 15. 22. 19112 3833-112 must file your cla1m with the RCTmOUS _,..... •-.,. N0l1C[ ...-ITAT'lmM'T NAm 8'TATDmWT The tollowfng ~ .,. doing 3361-82 1----nt-__ ll'_NO_T_ICE ____ court or present it to the NAME STATE..wf l'-.n. The tollowlng f)ilrson I• doing Th• followln9 peraon 11 doing bulllMU u ; 'ACIHC 'lllW MIMOllAL,AJIK Ceiretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 8500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newpor1 Beach 644-2700 NcCoeMICll MOaTUAltlH laquna Beach . 494-9415 LaQuna H1119 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 4~1 776 HAll09 L.4~MT. OLl'll Monuarv • Cemeierv Cr4!rretorv 16QS Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 l'..-.n. peuonal representative The follOWlng peftOl\I llfe doing F1CTITIOU9 ....... l>Y"'-•: ~ -(A) ASSIST-U-SELL: IBI appointed by the court buat""8 aa: ...-n .. .,...NT COMPUTER TEACHER, 3105 B & 8 DOC'S SWEEPING ASSIST-U·BUY. 1113 a.II• Strwt. K-o1215 '1CTmOUS llUSMU ~STATEMPfT The lottowtng per110r11 are dolnQ butllneU u : PENNFIELD HO ME S -UPLAND. 1548 Adami. Suite D. a MeM. Ca. 92&28 Pennlleld OeYalopment, inc. I• C1lllornla corporation), 1548 Adams. Suite o. Costa M..., Ca. 9282& CalltOl"nla Dreem HomM, Inc. I• C1llfornla corporation), 1548 Adami, Suite 0. Coell Meea. Ca. 92t2t Thie bull,_ I• conducted by an unincorporated euoclallon other th.,, I pertn«ahlf>. Pennllald Oavalopmant. Inc. within four months from the THE PEN ANO PULPIT PRE.SS. Th• followlng person It doing Harbor Blvd., Co•t• Mesa, CA SERVICE. 861 8endafwood AVMUA, Suite E. Costa-Mesa, CA 92828 date of first issuance of :~:~A Airway, Coat• M .... C•. ~:9boAST MOTIVATIONAL 929':ARY DAVID FLANZER. 19 La ~RC: Fe1ROWN 851 SAFEGUARD PROPERTIES. lettera .. provided in Section The Compoalng Room. Inc.(• SUPPLY, 1538 Monrovle, Newpott Cherry Hiiie Lane. Newport Baech. ~ Av9nue. La~ CA ~9r·s=~~1:?.°'C:.ro:~ 700 of the Probate Code of Calltornla corporation), 3187-A 8eecfl Ce. 92te3 CA 928e0. ..,.... · CA 92628. California. The time for Airway. COl1a ,,...., Ce. 92828 MichH I Jam•• Hall 1834 Tiiie ~ 11 conducted air an Thia~ le ooncluc* by an Thia t>uw-11 conducted by a fllin8 claimJ wW not expire Thia bualneaa " conducted by an ~ Newpot1 a..cn. ca. hMci lndMduet. Gaiy Orlld ~ tndMduel. Tany L Brown corporatloni.arry E. Welchman prior to four rnontha from lndMduelTh. Coml><*n!> Room. 1nc. lndMdl* butlneea 18 conduet9d by 1111 Thll atatement -Ned .ith the TNI ltllt-t -ftled wttti the SafaguaTd Properti.e ihe date of the hearing Ar1 Oriflln. . Mika H.111 County Cler1l at Orenga County on County Clertl of ()fllnQll County on Inc.. noticed above Pr191dan1 Thia etetement -filed wttti the JVtt 20, 1912, AUOUll 20, 11182. Thi. IUl~t ,... Ned w11t1 IN YOU MAY EXAMINE Thie llltement wu flled~the ~ ~~ Orwige County on Publl11\ed Orange co!~ly P~bll1tled Or•n.J19 co!~r = fn~.°'9"09 Couflty on the file kept by the court. U =!"{ i,~r, ()range on ___.. • · ,_ Plot, Auo· 1, 8, 1s,.22, tM2 Plot. Auo· 22. 29, ....,._ 5, !!i._ 1912 ~ you are lnterested in the FtMNI Publl1hed Or•~ Cout Oaltv ~ . 3ra7.aa Pu1>n1hed Orange Cout Dallr estate you may file a request Publllhed Ornenge Coett Delly Piiot Aug. 15, 22. a . Sept. ! .. ..1.~2 "8JC NOllC[ i----.. ---... -..,,.-na:----Piiot. Aug. 15. 22. 29. s.pt.3~~ with 'the court io receive Pltot Aug. 8. 15, 22, 29, 1N2 _.,.,_ ... -.... "" .,,_ 3491·112 __ .. --.. special notice ot the ----------__ .,. --~ .. ·-·-'1CllTIOUS_. P\lllJC NOTICE ~ ""'~ ...... ITATllmln ...... ITA,......,. lnventory of estate aueta PICTmoue •••• Tiie foltowlng person 11 doing Th• folloWlng per1on 11 doing 1'1Cml0Ut .,... .. Jamee L. Cottoa, and of the petltiona. accounts P'ICTmOUS llUllNlll ~ tTA~ blllineal M: butlnell -...... ITA~ Prellldent and report& detc.ribed ln NAiii! ITATm•NT Tiie IOllOwlng pereon II doffl9 EYI LEVEL STUDIO. 100 1 ADVANCED SERVICES, 1882 Th• IOl!owlng per910n II doing ,.l!!!!, '!.-~oft~ia;!! ..... w:'.!!!. t!: Sect Ion l 2 0 0 of the The followlng f)ilreon la doing ~II: Fulla1'1on Avenue, No. 4, Cotta LanQ1ev Avenue. No. 41·0, lrvlne, WllMN M : ........., .. , ..,_,. ~·-'¥"' ~ ... , Ca11forn1a Proba Code butlna&l M : OARIH PACIFIC IEl'VtOU ....... CA 92ta7. CA. t21i•. Ki NT MAN A 0 EM ENT Auoult 4, lQ82. .,._ 8 _.___. " •---~• • JEFFREY INT!RNA TIONAL ,,. It t'1tll 8tNile. 0.. MeM. cA RONAU> ANOAEW LUP, 1M1 OANIEL LEWIS 8HIL TON, COMPANY, 17 Roc*y KIWlll, lMne, r ·-• ._" .-_.._ ASSOCIATES, 113"' Topu, P.O. tat27 'ullerton Avenue, No. 4, Co1ta 2740-A ~rOf'l'I, Sante Ana. CA CA J:t118, Publlthed Or•nge Cou1 01lly A....,..J at IAw Bo~ 24-B, Balboa 11t1111<1, CA 92982. OANIEL JOHN MOATt 1 Meea. CA t2827, 92'70.. l'RANK J. F18H£R. 11 ROOlcy Ptlot Aug .•• 15. 22. 29. 1~2 .. , O...er Drtn, kite H JE~FREY L. MYERS, 113~ WNll*tna Wind, !MM. CA..,.,.. Thie bullnae .. oonducted by'" TNI ~le oondUO*' by an Knoll. lrvlM. CA 91111. Nm-&: •-..a. 0a -11• Topaz, Belboa 191and, CA 82M2. f1* bu1ine1e II ~ ._., lndlVlcluel. lndMdull. . Tlllt bue1ne1t 11 ~ by .,. "8.IC NOTICE -· • .., • Thi. butl-le QOnducted by an tndMdUel. "' Aone1c1 A. Lup Denlel L. SMfton lndM<tull. (7H Nl·?t'11 1n0tvldue1 Daniel J ~ Thia ~ -tied wnh !hi TNa Mt-t -tied wtth tt1e Fr9r$ J, Fw.r -~'1C~=nn=toua~~~ .. ~ .. ~-= .. ~---r Publlabed Oraoae Coast Jeffrey L. MYltl Thie ......,_. .-tied w11t1 County an o1 Or-.. c-~ on County Ctertt oe 0ninge County on , Thie ttMelNM ... tied ~ me Tk-fNAmoll-tnaoT~~nNTlt dol"" Olill"'"2y PlJot. Aue· 21, 22, 28,, Thia lltatament w• fllect "'"11 ltlt County ci.tl Cit Onnf9 OOUnty >Jlly 21', 1882. Auouet 12, 1912. County a.rtl Of Ofwige Oounty on .... v-...... -•• ., .-County Clerk at Or-.. County on /i.vcufA it. t.a naettt •-JVtt 20, 1..a. ,__.. bullMel M : • a?80-8I July 21. 1982. ' ,,.,.. ~blllfted 10t-,:. C~ Dally Publlt~ o,.na. Coatl Oeltr p t>ll '*9 Orenge COQt Oe~ 8.D.I<. AND ASSOC., aa2a ,..,. Pub!llMd Or11199 CoeM ...... Auo. 1, • 1 ... -1.-"°'· Alao. 11, 21, ft.. .... a. ,ta u • • 18 n. ,. "°'111e• Wine. Ca. 92714 ft8.IC NOl1C( Publl1hed Orin~ CoMI Otlly Not, AuO· tt, It. ._. 4. 11 t ~ .-...a PllOt, Aue. 1. • · ,..... Wllllem R. Me1dowt. 52H Piiot, Aug. 1, e, 16, 22, 1"2 ii17 ~. !Mne, Ce. 02714 flCTinOUa ...... WZ=M 1-----------1 Ml.JC M011Cl Ml.IC MmCf: NI.IC mncl fNI bu11ne11 II oonckleted by an NA19 STA,._, -.-.,. -N1JC llJl1C( --';wGmiCMiiiiiiiiiil-lndMduel. The fOIOWlllO pereone -doing '"-""'-HOlfflOue 8Ull•M HOfl iiOUI MJll•• ~ ~M ,,.. ..:i. ";,,.. ~wltll lha ~<>MT All" 8POf'T8WEAR. ~A~-TM =::A.=-r. doing TM =::A::'r. doing Tne follOwl:· ~ II doing County C*1I ol Orange County on t7t·I 1Stll. NIWPOl'1 leech, ca. Tll• rouowtno petun 11 clotno ... ........__ ~ • ~ llll .......,._ • A&.,.c 6, 1912. t2t13 ~fl: --a IC.I . LITH 0" AMlftlCA, NIW YIOIO IXCHAHOI D111M caH1'IR MWAfat .....,. Louie lredtey Ool'flmln, 2400 AMlftlOAN MUL Tll.IYIL itHNOM PINH NfWI, ,., ...... Harftlton .... c-ta ....... 10011 Telbett AY!'..1. '""• too LTO. ••. H01 w. MllOArttM elvd., Put>llaMd Orange Cout Dell) 'f'. Ooeanlront, N9wpcN1 e..ctl, C.. AUOCIATION. to1t 9r1oeo Drtw, Mw9J Pl.,.-. I. Ooele Mi1M. CA 9"17. Founte1n ~.CA n70t, #907, ..... AM, Ca.~ "°'· Auo. e. 18, 22. 2t. 1 .. a 92983 No. 107 Coate ...... CA 92ea7 tH21 KINJI IU,.AtAWA, ... flQlt~L.D DI ... N'.~i~'°' '"',...,. "· Pi.toe. ,, ... LI 34~ eooU A ... eoombe, 110• o OA I . 8opNn T"°"1i 1m H...-lltol\ ''"Cotta Meta, CA =~·~ CA _.. ar-. "°"""'*' V""'1. Ca. 'lrllOM Or Ceri.bld Ca. 8200I ~ LE BOU , 220 N1oe L-. A~. llt. c._ Mme, CL ._.., .-,. t110I ...--.--------_, Thie ~ 11 ~ by e '20t, ~ a.atl, CA t2tla. Thee...._. II OOl'ld 111f1't Tiiie tlullllW le oondutMI by an Tilll tlullllW II 0011d1&1Md air 811 Tiiie ....._la 001 di !MM air lift U FFELLI s -al panntnlhlD. ~~II oondUOtecl by lfl tndt'Jt...i, ........ . lnCIMIMl. ......... . -~ loott ft. ta.ocwnbt ~. 1AO Oebo&lb ~ "nlOM ~ .._ ~ 0. ,_ ...... "" ..._ UPHOLSTllY "*.....,..,. -11ec1 wnt1 tM TI* IUtement ._ flflld w11t1 • T'llll $kt1•1t -llM wllll Na=••• -._.*'JM nlll ...,.llMl'll w llM""" nm ....-W•• -....... ~ Clartt of ew.,,. County. on County an o1 Onl::nail County°" eo-r Ollft ., Olwllll o.._ ~ _of Ofw'llt ~ Clfl ~~Of °'9'11 OauMy e11 ~ ~.,... ~ • Al9* 12. lta.. ~ 1t. ltll. ~ti. -. _, ·-Ml .. ,. ......... ·- . ~ { f • f t I ( I ,_ClllOTHIH 'IMmtl' wonu.AIY Q7Ma1n St. 1-lintlnaton 8Hch &38-6639 ,,_ ,_ ,... ~ ,.... "''UeMcl OftnOe Coatt Dally Publl•lled of1~0-COH1 Oeltr '*llMct Of ... a... Oii ~~ ... °'~·. -~-DallJ ~.·1~, .. 0ra12.'*. :.HM. ~.. .!J'1!~ ..• ~.,nioe. -~ ~ -, ----------·Hot Auo. '" 22. 2t, S.,t. ~ ~. Auoi 11. 22. ti, lept.~r.: "°'Aug. "·a. •. ~ t .--._, ....... ' M01 ..... _, ..... •• • .......... .._ ~... .... ·~, .. •" ·~"-'. ~ --... I ; . -.... . . .. Orange Coatt DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Augult 22, 1882 ( SALE IS NOW ON •• Isl COME, Id SERVIDI DON'T MISS ITlll TOYOTA 1966 Hat'bOr BIVCI. Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car ~s you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise. qual- ify all prospects, take trade-ins. have available financing & do all paper work! When you, car Is sold all yo u do is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to hst your car today• 714-646-9303 714-540-~467 BEST USED CAR BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY ! 11 1110 TOYOTA 1911 TOYOTA CllESSlll 11111 CELICAU,. The "ULTIMATE" Toyote with lull '"'° "·"··· ~ ···-power, air cond., stereo. lilt wheel. PQWM "Ml •a "'00'. cruise control, custom wheels & """S , "· .... morel (720ZEG). Low mllet. Now I 1CG ) every just resp s9399 ~~999 1911 PEllEOT 1119 TOYOTA 11504" DIESEL SUPRA 11SUMROOF" 4 speed trans., AM-FM casselle. The ultimate Toyota with full power. power steering. power brakes. air cond . stereo. cru11M1 control. till power windows. sunroof & more' w heel. alloy wheels & more! Very clean! (049TZU). A real steal at (964XMN) Don t miss lh1s one at below wholesale bluebook at just only s3999 s5999 1110 TOYOTA 1110 FORD CELICI .. IT" 414 IROllCO "IL T" Popular 5 speed, with stereo, tllt Auto. trans .. air cond . pwr. steering wheel. custom wheels & more & brake s," cr1.11se . stereo cass., Exceptlonally clean In every respect custom wheels & lires. trailer pkg .. (946YZE). propane power & llke new t (1ARY786) s5999 s9399 1911 OPEL 1110 MAZDA "DELUXE COIPE" 121 COUPE Greet lronsportollon wit h on 5 speed, air cond .. stereo, alloy automatic transmission, slereo tape wheels & more. ( 195ZUY). Oon"t and more• Original and clean Inside miss this one for only &, oul (772ROH) $2299 $6399 1111 TOYOTA 1110 IEIOllY COROLU 2 DIOR CAPRI LlmAOI Economical 4 speed with air cond., Economical 4 cyt. englM, 4 speed stereo cassette , exterior trim trens., air cond., stereo cau., pwr. pack ag e & morel Very clean & steering & brakea, reer window completely orlglnall (347YBK). ahade & exceptlonelly clean Inside & outl (~3493F). s3999 s5999 ) (714> 646·9!0! j (714) 540-9467 °"'9'w.MIYS 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Saturdays 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., SUnday 10:00 un.·7:00 p.m., Stt'~• Ind arts :30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. MondlJ·FridlJ, SlturdaJ 1:00 a.m.-4:b0 p.m., Body Shoo Wtftdlys 11:001 a.m .. ~OO p.m. Cea 631~2 0 RA F AS HION SECTION OF THE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ~Britt hopes w make a bfg splash in fashion with her bright Options. : I I • Bv SANDIE JOY Of'l.Olll)'--• . On a hillside in Clarens, i ~witzerland, beautiful black • ~heep are bred not for wool, but for cells. The flock, which, has been carefully bred through 40 · generations, is the source of the closest thing yet to the fountain of youth, claims operatic star Richard von Vrooman. The lyrlc tenor Is a true tbeliever in fresh cell therapy, a ~technique perfected at Clinic ~- La Prairie, which owns the sheep. La Prairie is a licensed medical facility dedicated to alleviating common debilitating symptoms of aging and disease. Although former patients have called ft the fountain of youth, van Vrooman carefully stressed La Prairie makes no claim to turning back the clock. Instead, he said during a recent' visit to r. Magnln's · 0 A S T .. South Coast Plaza store, the clini,'s goal is to slow effects of aging through injection of fresh embryonic cells derived from La Prairie's black sheep. The cells are catalysts to influence cell growth and regeneration, he said, noting fresh cell therapy has been used successfully on persons of all ages and types ranging frorri movie stars and corporate executives to chffdren with Oown's Syndrome, a chromosome . . . -........ ....- SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 1982 hen you purchase f ashlons created by Costa Mesa designer Britt, the word "Options" takes on a deeper, richer meaning. Options Is the line you are buying, and you get a multitude of them with a single ensemble of pants, blouse, bandeau top and skirt that will let you rook dressy or be casual. The cotton blend creations travel well; they know no season, and you'll never go to a party and meet someone In the same design. "My clothes are not trendy," says Britt. "They wur be just as good eight years from now as they are when you purchase them. "There are no zippers and no buttons. You gain 10 pounds and still wear them," she said during a show at Sundial ·Fashions In Laguna Beach. "My clothes are very versatile," she continued as she added a piece to one ensemble and created an entirely different rook. Britt, who Is Rebecca Britt Lahey, has been sewing and making her own clothes since she was 13. "Professionally, I'm a late bloomer," said Britt, now In her 30s. She explained she Introduced her first correction last June. At present, she operates from a studio In her Costa Mesa home with the help of three seamstresses. She buys th.e fabric and does all of the designing and cutting. "Fabrics seem to talk to me as I'm cutting, and r sometimes change the design as r am cutting," she said. She works wlt'1 30 different pant patterns. "There seems to be a void In women's fashions that make a personal statement," Britt said as she demonstrated how a simple adjustment of one of the pieces in one ensemble can change the garment to suit a whim or mood. Her clothes are available at Lorraine Sutherlands, Fern's Lingerie In Udo vlUage and Fashion gallery at the Alrporter Inn. They are In the s 125 to S400 range depending on the number of pieces. She has another label, Britt Ltd., for which she produces one-of-a -kind designs. Although she has started out In a smarr way, working from her home, Britt has big plans which Include a Farr opening of separate production f acllltles. Also, she Is planning another line for pre-teen-agers which she has named "Britt's Brats," and for which she has her own model, daughter Shannon, age 10. This fine wlll be pants and tops and ensembles retalllng for SSO to S 100. Britt, a Costa Mesa resident for 10 years, Is a native of Miiwaukee, Wisc. She has a background of art training and worked as a f ash Ion model on local televlslon. A trunk show of her correction wlll be held Aug. 24 from noon to 3 p.m. at Fern's Ungerle, 3406 Via Udo, Newport Beach. deficiency characterized by what is called saddle nose. The opera singer, who was treated at the Swiss clinic six years ago for incapacitating migraine headaches, is particularly Interested in the clinic's work with the Down's Syndrome children and has establ,ished an Information center for the cllnlc fn Kansas City, Mo. "We can't prolong life," See In search ot, Page C6 . . ,. I I Estee Lauder gives nature a he lp ing ha nd By VIDA DEAN ~,... ...... , .. ., We all know "lt'a not nice to fool Mother Nature," but Is there any harm in assisting her ? F.stee Lauder probably doesn't think so because her latest skin care product promises to do just that -help out nature. It's called Night Repair Cellular Recovery complex. . At a press conference held in Beverly tlills, Joseph Gubernick, vice president of research and development for Lauder, .; explained the working of the new product • which will be available in September. · · "Night Repair" is a breakthrough formula that accelerates the natural repair of cells damaged by ultraviolet light, according to Gubemick. "You are exposed to ultraviolet light whenever you go outside. Whether you are a sunworshiper or not, you are exposed to . _ligh t and those rays change your skin. ·• · Your s kin may be suffering the effects of age before its time. "At night, your skin naturally repairs its damaged cells and then renews itself by VD~ reproducing those cells. As long as you can repair the damaged cells before they reproduce, your skin will stay in good order. "However," Gubernick continued "when you're overexposed to the sun, there a re too many damaged cells for your normal repair mechanism to handle. You can't repair and then reproduce new cells quickly enough to avoid the signs of aging. Night Repair speeds the normal process by 40 percent. "Ultraviolet exposure not only damages cells, but it da~ges the natural hyaluronic acid that helps bind moisture in to your skin," Gubemlck continued. Ntaht Repair, he NY•· repJacc:.>s tht! hyaluronlc acid and helps your skin hold vital moisture. HA can hold up to 300 tlmes its weight in water and conlrols the rate at which moiature flows through the skin. The hyaluronlc acid in NR is a natural product, Gubernick 1ald. "It comes from rooste r combs," he explained, adding "We pay $1 20,000 per kilo for it. (This price quote prompted one reporter to say ''lf anybody has land. they w ould start raising roosters.") "We are putting hyaluronic acid back in the sk in. We will have come to the ideal time when we can make the skin produce It. "NR is the super product of the decade. We have gone from moisturizing to nourishing and now to repairing skin. We thought of t his 8 1h years ago." The product (Lauder has applied for a patent) was introduced last year in Europe. "At Harrod's in London," Gubemick said "they sold their three months supply in only thrf''t' weeks." Night Ilcpalr tS part of Lauder'• Swtll Age-controlling skincare program. It will sell for $35 for a .87 oun<.oe that includes an J eye dropper for dispensing. . At night, after the sk in has been cleansed a nd protected, you will fall the . d ropper and apply a drop of the liquid on each cheek , forehead, ch in and throat and then smooth over the entire face. After that, you put on your night cream or moisturizer Evelyn Lauder, daughter-in-law of Estee, a vice president o( the <.'Ompa ny, conducted the conference. S h e said she began to notice a change in her skin after using it for only two weeks. S he stressed that NR is not for use either as a substitute for sunscreen or aa a remedy for sunburn. It as for appHcation to the skin and not to be used in the eyes or nose. At the press conference, the c.'Ompany also introduced a new fragrance along with a line of products for men -I'U tell you about those next week. Sandra Ventura Josephine Caines Dr. Lona Rosenfeld Betsy Saunders Bob Payton Nora Lehman Harriett Wieder Barbara Grady Helen Barrios Your clothes make a statement By VIDA DE AN ()('!tie D•lly Piiot 8t•n What are you saying with your clothes? Cecilia Goodman, speaking at a business women's conference in the South Coast Plaza Hot.el, said you can use clothes to exp~ your talents, your needs, personality, disposition and your destination for today and for the future. "You sell yourself every time you get dressed," said the co-owner of Image Works. Her firm was a sponsor of the conference along with ·.COil, Ballback and Slat.er. The first thing someone will notice about a career woman is the color she is wearing, Goodman said. "It should be used correctly, each color makes a statement and makes us feel a certain way though we may not be aware of it. ''Certain colors," she told the more than 400 attending th e ~nference. "help project authority and other colors will help one to gel notice from superiors." Colors of authority, according to Goodman are navy, gray, burgundy, cream and white, and to be an attention getter, one should add bright accessories to the usual dark business suits~ add a Clower or a scarf at the neck. She explained that there are "safe colors" for office wear that need not always b e "conservative, dark colors." Blue, blue/green and purple are considered "safe," according to Goodman. "People also observe your makeup, your • FABRIC WAU. HANGINGS • AU.-QVER PRINTS • FABRIC CUT-OO'TS CW. SELECTION! .. 8PORTs1ee FABRICS YO. 8CHOOl 8PECIA1..I CUTTINO s111 BOARDS &. ,....,.. .. ~ .. ~ hair (keep your style updated) the line and proportion of your attire (have you down-played your figure problems and played up your best features'?), your accessories (have they pulled together your outfit?) and your nails. "You can learn to dress properly and achieve your own look by yourself or you can come to us (Image Works) and we'll help you," Goodman said. "If you decide to do it younelf, you should read books and magazines de.aling with every aspecLDLthe subject. You sh®ld_tclkudy_an~ of department store 'personal shoppers' arid. attend fashion shows. Also, observe how PIONEER TWIRLERS will hold beginning square dancing cl.asses starting Sept. 12 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Cost is $2 per pel'90n and claaaes will be held a t Pioneer Town, 1002 E. 17th St. in Santa Ana. For infonnation, call 776-6906. ORANGE COUNTY Women's Network Alert is holding its second annual Suffrage Day luncheon Aug. 26 at the Balboa Bay Club, 1221 SUNDAY AUG. 22 thru SUNDAY AUG. 29 • • • wear them correctly t,: I successful women dt'ess," she said. And to give examples of what she was talking about, Image Works and Nordstrom staged a fashion show using local well-known women as models. In charge of the luncheon fashion parade was Sandra Clark, the other co-owner of Image Works. Clark provided the commentary as Helen Barrios, IBM regional marketing program administrator; Jo Caines, assistant director of community affairs at KOCE-TV; Barbara Grady, direaOrof development at SCR: Mimi Grant, president of Five Star Marketing; Vivian Hall, educator and four\der of Women's Networ k Alert; Dr. Lona· Rosenfeld; Betsy Saunders, vice president of Nordstrom; Sandra Ventura, Bank of Irvine vice president; Harriett Wieder, Orange 1 County Supervisor and Nora Lehman, fonnet' Style editor of the Daily Pilot who has formed a business with Dina Von Burger to assist others in ~ dealing with the press. walked the boards. And to show the women how a well-dressed business man should look, Public Relation& Executive Bob Payum joined the women as a ' model. . During the-morning session, Ann Coil and Jane Ballback of CBS, discussed how women can gain recognition and visibility in thj! world of work. "Women don't realize the power they have. Clinic schedules fun draiser Research shows that women are inhibited by beliefs and assumptions about themselves." Ann Coil said. "They are passive about skills and accomplishments. West Coast Highway in Newport Beach al 11:30 a.m. For reservations. call 552-7170. . MONDAY MORNING Club of Laguna Beach is holding its August Friendship Tea Aug. 30 at Clubhouse VI in Laguna Hills. Cost is $3 per person and rese.rvations may be obtained by calling 499-4041. "Women need to learn how to analyze their skills," she said. The topic of the CBS portion of the program was entitled "Rules, Roles and Nonns." CBS 1s a firm of career management consultants m Santa Ana. "We do more than teach women how to wnte a resume. We gjV'e them information on options open to them -' outline positions available that they may never have even thought of or considered might be within their grasp," Coil explained. Denim \den-em\n 1 A well known basic COiion Of blended tob11c The fobrlC Is ve<y durable ond IS populOI for all types Of QO!menls flom WO!\( clothes to sportswear onc1 e\19Nng weor 2 A coarse blue o.mgoree used for "'°"k cloltles ~'/ used for SOtlOIS v.ak clolhes Al's Garage; Your Denim Store for Bock to SchoOI ... --A l8111 "501;· Shrink·k>·ftt basic denim. 8. ~ OtlglnOl stone wash denim Jeons. C. Levl·b ·Men. a1r8tcti denim o. CoMn l(leln, 14 oz. denim ~~[; 56 F~SHION ISLAND · NE'WPOITT BEACH • (714) 644 -7030 £! _; ... Or•noe Cout DAILY PILOT/8und•Y· Auou•t 22, 1982 • • On the , cover ... The beach at ............... :11 Laguna provided a perfect backdrop · for Britt's bright stripes. Model Jane ROBINSONS : Loungewear designer Patti Cappelli will be at the Newport Beach s tore Thursday. Aug. 26, al a fashion show benefitting four guilds of Childrens Hospital of Orange County. Luncheon and the fashion presentation will follow an 11 a.m. social hour. Tickets are $12 and reservations may be made by calling the guild office at CHOC, 997-3000, ext. 277. Tea room modeling of fall trends for women take place in the Lido Buffet from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Thursday, Friday and Saturday. NORDSTROM : Representative Murray Powers will show new fall Pendleton merchandise at noon Aug. 28 in Individualist Sportswear of the South Coast Plaza store. NEIMAN-MARCUS: lnformal modeling of Stanley Sherman 1s scheduled Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 25 and 26. from noon t.o 3 p.m. m Galleria. Leonard , left, / wears an ensemble c•lled "C•b•n•. • C•rolyn Poster models 'Im- pressions.· Britt gives names to all of h er creations. Here, M od el Jane L eon a rd w ears 'Firecrackers. ' And you have 'Options'••••• -the top is r e placed by a camisole and Britt turns the head scarf into a hip sash. The legs on the pan ts can be worn up or down depending on your mood. Show to benefit CHOC A Lancome representative will conduct complimentary skin care treatment and makeup design Aug. 27 and 28 from 11 a .m. to 5 p.m . Appointments can be made by calling 644-2121 ext. 143. I. MAG NIN: The Anne Klein collection will be presented Monday, Aug. 23. Continental breakfast will be served at 10:30 a.m. Reservations may be made by calling 957-1511, ext. 337. Stanley Sherman collection will be informally modeled noon to 3 p.m. on Aug. 23, 24 and 25 in Fine Apparel. Aug. 26-28 Designer Robert Bell will be in Fine Jewelry Gallery. He worq with precious and semi-precious stones. On Saturday, Aug. 28 fashions from the South Coast Plaza store's junior and contemporary collections will be shown at 1 p.m. in SCP's Jewel Court. BROADWAY: The Mighty West,S:oast Kids . back-to-school fashion show will be held at the '.Newport store Friday, Aug. 27 at 2 p .m. Local children will serve as models. SAKS FIFTH A VENUE: St. John Knit's fall collection will be shown in the designer sa.Jon Aug. 27 and 28. Cosmetic promotions have been scheduled by Clinique. Aug. 22 through Sept. 4, La Prairie, Aug. 21 and Aug. 25, and Chanel Aug. 26-28. I' ,, c~rat~20 '"~ .r~ ~ ~ please join us at our ~, Anniversary Substantial Savi119s Tfu-009Fwut The Store on Men1s aru{ Lrulies1 Cfothi119 aru{ Accessories pfzLS ... A[[ Summer Mercftandise Red'uced! Safe Starts Monday, August 23 'We have gifts for you ... !l(egister for our Vrawingt Join us for cake aruf cftampagnt at a cefebration Party A[[~ -F~, Auplst 27 Mastercard & 'Visa 54.cceptetf ' f4.ff Sales will 6e. final Mornfuy tfiroU9h Friday 10 to 9 • Saturcfuy 10 to 6 • Surnfuy 12 to 5 #11 Soutli Coast Pfuza • 540-4600 co1~0A moir11on !!!! Active wear at Joel's i1 bright and vivid in color. The fit i1 more feminine, and the prices won't wear you out. CREW NECK SWEAT SHIRT Sizes: S-M-L Price: $I S.00 HOODED JACKET . Sizes: S-M-L Price: $24.00 ELASTIC WAIST SWEAT PANT Sizes: S-M-L Price: 16.00 All pieces 1h~wn come in bri9ht 1Mc:le1 of turquoise, fuschl•. red, purple end yedow. l r ._ ....... . . . . . I 1 Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 Lofty goal ·set for Bal Mardi Gras auction •.· ~. . OFF THE PRESS - •Ginger A lie n , left, and Carol Pangburn t.ake a look at the m •w N ewpo r t Ar ec.1 Community calendar ~ . .producc-d by Virginia Castle Auxiliary of Assistance League o f Newport &ach. ,. BENEFI T CHAIR- 'M AN Jo an K arsten and A . Vincent Jorgensen are heading a group of volunteers planning the Oct. 23 Bal Mardi Uy VIDA DEAN Of the 0•111 "llol ll•fl lll'r guul 111 $100,01)0 Joun Karslt•n IN d1u1 rmun of the.• 01:t :l:l Bal Mardi Gras a ut'llon uml dan1wr lo I)(• held ut lhl· Nl•wpurll•r tu IJl'nt•f11 th1• Orang~ County Un11 of tht• Aml•r1t·an Can<:er So<:wty "The Bal 1s the tnL1jor fund-ru1~r for lh1, society In Orange County Last year thl' &I brought In ovl'r $64,000 Thu; yc•ar 11 1s expt.oelcd the evtmt will top $100,000 "A New O rleans r· zz band Wiii tll't the mood for cxccptiona New O rleans 1.·u1sine. The band will be entl'r h.1 ining guests during tht• 7 p.m . c<.x:ktail ho ur a nd u silent auction An orc:hestra will perform during the 8 p .m dinner hour u n d providt• a delightful evening of d anl'lng," Karsten added. Vincent Jorgt.•nsen ha!> bc<.·n namt•d honorary <:haarman for the C.'V<'nt I le· has served as past president of thl· Commodon~ Club, the Southe rn Californ1u Mannl' associates, the R otary Club and ll11ag Hospiwl's brn:t rd o f directors. "We're elated that he has agr<'t•d to be.• honorary chairma n for thl' Bal," Kurslt•n said. Plans were finalized for tht• t'Vt•nt last week al a m eeting in J oan and 1 larry Karsten's Laguna Beach home Besides the Kars tens, the planning committee includes Messrs and Mmt.>s Keith Lindsay, Wilham Fredt>r11.·k!>on . W illiam H ugh es. Ala n R yp1nsk1, Paul Bender, Bob Te lle r, Ygal Sonenshtn£'. Don Karcher, Wayne W illiams. Also t he J o rgensens, Dean Davisson . Ardiste Re is, Dr . .Miriam Wysocki and lJr. and Mrs. J erome J ones. and Dr. anc.J M rs Malcolm Paul. The Ryp1nslos will host a patrnns party on Sept 24 11d1t•tlull'c.J (ur l>l'(.' I :l J11 tht· l>1111u·yl1111d I lott•I . Tht• ~~I! t'luh'1> lloul{ ll1wkc•ris' lllJl11 x tourm ·y ha11 114•1•11 M·h1'<JUlc'(J for Jm1 I I Thoi.t· 1·vt•11 l.'I .md 111.my ollll'n. Jn' Ji,t1·d 011 lhl' St•plt•mbt•r 'Hl th111ul{h l>1·u ·111IM·1 'K:t N1•wp11rt l l.uh111 A r 1•:.i C11mmu1111 y C"al1•ndar n ow on ~It· ($Ii) hy tht· V11 g1r11~1 C<eillt· Auxahury of /\o.....ai.U111u· Lt·<Jgu1· 11f Nt•w port Bt•iJl'h Mt•rnbt•rs rt'(.·t•IVt'<I lht•ll t•opw' •1f I lw ,.. . ..., t·alcndar last Wl't!k at u t·offt'(• 111 tllt' ('11n111,1 c.Jel M ar humt• of Mrs Anthony All1·11 Mrs R1t'hurc.J Pungburn, t'a l1·ndar l'hairman, said dat1•s of ltx:ul ('ornmu111ly und phllanthrop1l· Ul'llv1tu·s an• hstt'tl a)1111g with high sc·hool fo<Jtba ll tmrl bai.k1·tl1.tll i.l'heduh·s und USC and UCLA 1011111.oll S<.'hl'<.!Uh'l>. Community 11rg:.i n1zallons m..ty t.ikt• advantogt• 111 1h1 l·:.ilc·nd.ir 1 lutlmt· nurnl~·r. 760-07\J!i tu add di1h-s lo tht• ongrnng mas lt-1 <:<tlt-ndar. or t'ht'<.'16. on poss1blt-eonfhcL-. 1n plcmning futurt· a~vttws An ;1ddt'd l1·11tun· of lht· e<.1ll'nclar 1s photographs of N1•wp11rl an·a st·t·n<·'· provldl·d by phut11gn1plit·r Yana Brnll1• All pron'l·ds frcnn Liil' S<t lt•s will go lei 1h1· Lcagul''s Child C,1rc• ( '1•11tt'f 111 Cost.a MP-..1 and tht· Childn•n's l.>t·r1l<1I lil-allh Ct•1111•r 111 Nt·wport Bt•at·h TAKINC POTLUCK Coro! ,mt.I K1·n1 Wil kl·n w 111 111>1·n t ht·• r I rv1nl' hom1· Sunday, Aug :.!!J, for an old-fash10111·d Potluck party fur nwmlx•n, :.ind µc1lrons of the Swgc Door chaplt•r of Ornngt· Coumv Performing Arts C1·n11·r anti 1h1•11 husbands. T hl'lnw Fr1t·d1 •J, IH.'W t'ha1rnwn, will wckom1• nPw nwmbt•rs with Manv f311)n , hoso1tal1tv l'ha1rman · Stagt• Door 1s a funtlr;..1s111g guild of CX."PAC and ha.' oO ~11·t 1v<· mt·mbers C ALE NDARED . The Christmas "'UNO-RAISING Tht· Ht-lms rn•·n .1 C.Andlclieht Com:ert olanrnxJ by thl' Orange support group for Goodw11l lndustrw' ol County Ct.-nter for the Perfo rmmlo( Arts 1s Orangt· Countv. c1r(' ml'Nmg tod;.iy .. 1 I L IO () .. Ill IOI •• d1JlllJJU~Jlt' bl'UIU'li llVt'rlooking 1h1· N1·w 1M111 lfadJ11r l'liuru1·h •r &mt Parude .11 11!1• l111111t• of Mui ty 11nd Ani<'llU Lo<:kney I Ill l.ldlJ J...J1 • '( hll l'Vt•ltlS <Jrt• JJl<Hllll'il lor fun rah11ng .111d I 1111d r J1s1n~ .di 111tl1•d togl•thcr," 1.111 k111 \. I l1.J1I rrliJll of l )W or~UlllU.lllOn, .... 1111 "Tlw I l1·l111"ru n 'f-"1111"ir 11unwrous scx·1aJ 1·v1·11h lhr11ughrn1t lh1· vt·.ir "' J mt'uns of 111 ov11l111j! I 111;111n,1I aid lo { ;111,1dwlll's work l1 .1111111g .111d 1 111pl11y11wnt prc1J(I ams t :IJYS ANl> lX)LLS Tlw l-"rwnd11 of S111 1tlr Coast H1•p1·rt1J1 y N1·wport Bt•ach < :uild llll'1t1lw1·..., and 1lw1r ~uc'SW. art• alc;o gl'l1111g t11gl'llwr tuday Ttwv will dint' Nc•w Yc11 k d1·li -..•vii · at th1· 11111111· <1( Juyc:1• and .Jir11 .Ju,llt1 <trHJ Sh11 l1·v L,ir111><·rt. program t li.111111.111 has promlM-tl "Guy:. and Dolls" I lll1 •1 l.lllllllt Ill .J.1111·1 llu-..1w11 , 1lw IH8:! 8:3 guild 1 h.11r111.111 will grt·l'I 111..., llll'mbt•rs al th~ 1•v1•111 pl.1111H·d h v Judy <:oll1m., Daphne W.d k1 1. H.1rl>a1 .i Johnson and Diane W,1lk1 ·r l\11".MHEHSlllJ> OP~;N Th., South Coast .Ju111111 W1111w11 's Cluh 1s 11/'lw .1t't'Cpltng new 111l'111li1 ...... wo1111 ·n I H am.I ov1 •r Ml·mbershi p 111(111111.1111111 Jllll d1 ·t.11Js 011 wh;.it this group 1s pl.11111111g !cu 110.i yl'ar t Jll ht• ohtotned by 1.ill111g N.1 111 ~ Engltbn·d11 of Fountain V.dl1•\ Thi' -.11111m .. 1 rn1·111ll(·r. hJVt' lx'<.'n busy g1\ 111g 1111 W1 ·.,.1 01.1ng1· <:ountv Munw1pal ('t1u11 .1 !.11c ·llft Ho11kslr1·lvt·x. maga11111 • r aC'k!>, toys 1n b11gta1 I\ 1·11lon·cl hins ,111· .1rnong lhl• items 1l1a1 h.1v1• b1·1·11 ~1dckd l1y tlw Juniors in sl1p1i<irl •1f th1· V1d1m-. W1tm·s.-. As.s1stance of W1·-..1 Or;111gi• County An1Jrd1ng Lo L:.ina Burn-.. chairman, I 11ghl1•rn·d 1·h1ldr£'n ;ind r11-.1r aught adults "ho "'1111 t1111t·s musl wall !111 hours at the W1·,lr11111-.11·1 n1urthoust• 110Y. t«lll at least '>p•·nd th " diffit·ult 11m1 111 c1 ..., armer 1·11v11 011m111t =~e::;:;;~~=srtcr.;;;;;;;;;~ =T=h =e ======~1 Debut sch e du I e d f 0 r 2 2 y 0 u n g women . ' 'W • ~ • ~ j ?~ ~ :i: ... ' ' t THE LOWEST PRICES EVER! CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS OF MANUF. FABRICS ... BUY DIRECT. IN HOUSE DESIGNER AVAILABLE SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Custom Drapes and Bedspreads To Match SELECTED DESIGNER PRINTS SELECTED ANTIQUE SOLIDS DECORATIVE FABRIC HOUSE M-F 10-5:30 WED. 10-7 SAT. 10-5 1 8085 EUCLID 1i 405 FWY. FOUNTAI"" VALLEY 963-5659 Sale! Pro Foam Perm assures perfect curls everytime! You'll be lookin ' good. Reg. s45 . : . s32so Sam6"" [5 ':Delilah . Twenty-two young w omen will make the ir debut De<:. 28 at the Newport Marriott H o t e l during a ball p lanned by the N e wport H a rbo r Auxiliary of thl• Childre n's Home Society. They were selected on the• b:1!>1s of scholastic aduevem e nt and Sl'h ool and community activities. Introduction s w er e made a t the organization's traditional tea held at Allan Trane's Balboa home where the debut.antes were greeted by Barbara DeMo tt, auxiliary president; Nannette S utherland, dl•butantc chairman, and Sandee Kerr, ball t'hairman With the ir fathers. thl' debutantes toured the C HS distril't officl' in Santa Ana Dorothy Fitzgerald. director of volunlt-t•r-s. told them of the services C'fferc.'<.l by the facility and J ohn Rohe. stale controlll·r. s p o k e o f the f i n ancial s truc turt'. direction and needs of CHS. Ch1/drc•n 's /Jome• Soc1etv dC'/Js from /(>fl: A Jyson Jord~111. j;,11wc· Adclv. :\clrlC't1t1<· (;unkt•I. fll.1rth.1 Donnl'r and lfamli Tn•hlcr Summer activities for the dl•butantes have ind udc'Ci a family picnic at Manner's Park and an informal get -together an the home o f Mrs Wc·lhngton Bonnt•r Parlll'S and ball-related acllv1t1cs will resu me' dunng the Chnstmas holidays thlld Wl'lfan· $t•rv11.1.·s provided by CH S wh1t:h indudes edut'allon. par ent-child t r>un-..<·ling prC'gnanc:-counc;c>lmg. foster l,1mil v l ·•I t. ~r•)Up home-l .lfl' Cor <:h tldre n ,111d 'ou th and ac.Joplwn s<•rv1<·t·~ The procec-ds from tht• ball help !unc.J More CHS debs: Beth K ennv. S helley PortC'r, Shc>n•I Hadns. L;wne Sewell and Anne Sammis. Not pictur"ed are Gn'lchC.:n Swrr and Ertn Sm11h. BENCHMARK. DOUBLE CHIMES. For everyone who loves the beauty of chimes. Benchmark l"dS created 'The Cathedral." This classic anniversary clock plays botr thr. famed Westminster chimes and "Ave Mana.· A selec tor lever let.s you cl"iaose. Crafted in brass with West Ger man quality. S 190 Just one d1stmc 1ve gift from our clock collect1ont Bailey Banks& Biddle World Reno wned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA Firet level, Bulled'• wi'll· f7W 761-MUO . ,.. Sc•<it<•d I' B.1rlwrn &rr and . .;t:mdmg from th<' h •ft Nat.rlu• Gra_\. ::;Jll'rrt Simpson , Allyson Pizzo cJnd K..i yla Gr.1.\ /\Inn· Chlldr<'n 's Hom e Society debs: Seated: M1cht•ll<' 0!(al.c1. Yvette Lohse, Perri Heaton. Lcnorl' Ruttl•r. and Kristin Basmaj1an . .. # Pilot advertising is good business for Lanz of California I l I I L I 1 I Orange COUt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1912 This doesn't like 'Gypsy's' topless performanC~. I DEAR ANN LANDERS: l rect!ntly vl1Jtc.ld my 11<>n and h11 Uve-ln 1trlfrlend. I am • brood· minded penon and hlvo made a point of keeplnfC my mouth 1hut. Th alrl wore a very 1eanty bikini around tho cabin lrom momJng till night. I never lald 1 word. although 1 thought she looked vuiaar. When we went out In tht! boot together, she removed her top. a wonder what you think about It. -NO NAME, how mlaerable we were and how m~ l NO CITY would have rejolced If lhey had aouen • .,.. DEAR N.N.: Slaff m0tt womH la &heir 801 10 we could l1vt> In peace. • • A.,,, UN'~ and 701 don't wl11t to &eU ~•Ir •1e, tlte mlol1ter Our parents are still toQet.her, ttUJ I ~ ,' llln1 ~ 11tould ltave Hked moU.en over O to ral1e tbelr and etiU ~lephoning to comP\aln about iM b1Dd1 -and 1oae OD from tltere. I'll bet the upheaval tt •• hard to deal with, but at JMlt.~ winne r wa1 e l1ted, tiowever. My bela ted longer fe.-1 ll'1 my fault. I've grown up but coa1ratulatlon1. h a v e n · t . -N 0 T B I TT E R • 1 U 9 It wu appanmt to Inf' that her semi-nudity made my son uncomfortable. l was flabbergasted but said nothlna. DEAR ANN 1..ANDERS: Your advi1:e to the REMORSEFUL IN ALBANY This la going to occur again, I um 11ure. Should I speak to my son or to the girl? Or to neithe r? T hey are both 2~ years of age -old enouah to know better. -KEY WEST. FLA. DEAR K.W.: Tell yoar 100 you were embarra11ed when Gypty Rote did he r number lD ttle boat ud yoa bope Ile wlll a1k her to keep tier top on ln tt.e futare wlaen you are present. He will probably be glad yoa spoke up beca•se tt.e lmplied crltlcl1m will have come from yoa, aot him. - DEAR ANN LANDERS: Laat Sunday our pastor, who nevel' coyld win flrat prlz.e for tact, decided to honor the oldest mother preaent. At the close of his sermon he said, "All m others between 60 and 70, hold up you r hands." Then, "Now, how about all the mothers between 70 and 80?" Next, "How about thotK' over 80?" Then the mothers over 80 were asked i r they were 81. 82 and so on. Finally they broke the tie when two 84-year-olds were asked to tell the month they were born. I thought this was in very poor taste and 17-year-old In MadllOn whote parent.a fought c..'Ontt.antJy was right on target. • My parents have had a rotten marriage for over ao years (I am now 3~) and it's u darned shame nobody told me when I wns 17 their probletns were not my fault and it was OK to talk to a counselor. How I wish all battling pareni. know how much damage lhey do when they fight in front of their kids. My sister and I have both had extensive therapy and are still struggling to get our heads straightened out. Mom was one who "stayed for the sake of the kids," not realizinR ' DEAR NOT BITTER: co..,ahla~ .. the victory . I'm 1ure a 1reat muy !!19 .. 0 wll see tbemulvea ta yoar letter. T'attlt fet writing. Planning s wedding? !har '• rlflh t'! ~·,, • wrong? Ann Landers' completely n c'N .. Bride's Guide" will relieve your 1U1x/e~ rereive s copy. send a dollar, plua • Joni. • • addressed, st.amped envelope (37 cenO ~~) tu Ann Landes, P 0. &x 1199~. Chi~ DJ. , 606JJ. In search of youth • • • , . Mr. and Mrs. Ferrari · Ferrari -Balentine Meredith-Miller wed in Laguna Hills While carrying borrowed handkerchiefs which had belonged to her mate rnal grandmother, Geraldine V.H. Meredith of Irvine became the bride of Bruce G. Miller ·in a ceremony at St. George's Episcopal Church, Laguna Hills. The bride is the daughter of Robert Hutt.on of Riverside and the late Mrs. June Hutton. Her new husband 1s the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller. The new matron graduated from West.minster H igh Sch ool and Golden West College in Huntington Beach. She earned a B.A. in social ecology at UC Irvine where she works in the Department of Ophthalmology. From fy.ge C 1 ... "we ca.n enhance 1ts quality ... We can't reverse the aging process. but we can defirut,ely slo•v it." "Skin doesn't breathe as many people think; it's fed from within. The injections stimulate circulation . . . For example, we treat acne very e ffectively with injections as well as many different skin disorders including psoriasis." The clin ic staff, for which Dr. Christiaan Barnard is scientific adviser, has had years of experience treating serious skin disorders. "That's why fresh cell therapy was developed in the first place,'' van Vrooman explained. The process was pioneered by Or. Paul N1ehans, a Swiss phvsician who's done ext£>nsive r esearch and exper iments with Down's Syndrome a nd retardation, as well as with diabetes and degenerative disord ers such as rheumatism and arterioaclerosis. The clinic also has become somewhat of a me<..'Ca for the rich and famous and JX"Werful including Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Winston Churchill and Pablo Picasso. Some folks spend thousands of dollars for a seven day-six night clinic stay and treatment just for the regenerative effects. An o utdoor wedding at Clubhouse II, Laguna HU.ls, united in marriage Rebecca Jane Balentine and Michael Louis Ferrari. They are the daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Balentine Jr. of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Ferrari of Framingham, Mass. The groom. a resident of Reseda, graduated from Crespi Carmelite High School in Encino attended Los ffilgeles Pierce College and earned a B.A. in social science at UC Irvine He works for A . L. Williams and Associates in Santa Ana. A wedding reception was held in the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel to which the newlyweds were driven in a blue Rolls-Royce Bentley. Van Vrooman said the minimum weekly rate for a so-<:al.led normal person at the clinic is $4.- 200 while the maxim um is $5,200 for a complete medical checkup and 10 to 14 ceUular injections. In addition. each patient can plan on spending another $ ~ .500 fpr peripheral services pl us transportation. The newlyweds are residing in Pittsburgh, Pa. following a honeymoon at Big Sur. The newlyweds plan to live in Irvine. "Aging is cells dying faster than they're reproduced," the singer explained. " .. Fresh > Capricorn: Don't believe everything you hear Monday, Aag. 23 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Strive for actual meanings, realistic tenns and proper financial perspective. Lunar emphasis on-h idden affairs, special expenditures and clarification of legal rights, p ermission s . P isces p lays sil!liflcant role. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Be aware of financial obliga tion s. long- range implications of legal commitments. Focus on public relations, partnerships. unique proposals a nd marital status. You'll have added responsibility, but chances for signi ficant reward are enhanced. GEMINI (May 21-J '-lne 20: Task which had been ignored or delayed must n o w b e comp leted . Foe.us o n employment, diet and health. Highlight moder ation , ability to a ppeal to vast aegmenta of public. Aries, Leo, Libra persons figure prominently. CANCER (June 21-J uly 22): Acuve .cenario highlights love, speculation, variety, children, new starts and possible travel invitation. You'll get to heart of matters, especially w here romantic HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA r e lationship enters picture . Watch Aquarius! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Check property, security and safety measures. Intuitive intellect works overtime; your first impressions or people tend to be on target. What seemed a "lost cause" now comes within reach and will be under your control. Watch Cancer! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on movem ent, artistic expression , interest in many areas and tendency to spread self too thin. Give full play to intellectual curiosity, ask questions and evaluate answers. Relative in transit calls, transmits good news. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be willing to revise, review and rebuild on a more solid structure. By correcting minor faults, blemishes. property value will be LIDO DRUGS enhanced. This is your "money day" and if determined you can strike pay dirt. Wat.ch Scorpio! · SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Charisma oozes -emph asis on personality. magnetism, physical attraction a nd intensified relationships. You'll make new start, valuable contacts and your judgmen t and hunches will be on target. Virgo plays important role. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): P rivate confer ence aids in mak in g necessary home, domestic adjustment. Get behind scenes, reject superficial explanations and discern "true motives." Admirer presents you with surprise gift. Express gratitude in gracious manner. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don't believe everything you hear -member of opposite sex will "sweet-talk" you. Lunar emphasis on friends. hopes, wishes and a unique brand of optimism designed to disintegrate gloom. Pisces plays significant role. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You'll have added responsibility, chance for promotion and you'll learn where you stand in special relationship. Emphasis o n busin ess, prestige. honor. achieveme nt and car eer. Cancer , Capricorn persons figure prominently. PISCES (Feb.• 19-March 20): More people are -concerned with your views and will seek your opinions. Emphasis also on travel, spiritual development. educational projects and communication. You'll have wider audience and block to progress will be removed. • I I ~ IVllYTHING YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO INOW ABOUT PAT- TIIN FITTING AND Wiii AFRAID TO ASIC CHICAGO, DETROIT, llEW YORK, BOSTON, c..'Cll therapy is a viable alternative to medldi'tlfa and/or surgery in certain cases." Van Vrooman said he no longer h• the migrninea since he's had fresh cell thttapy. 1 He also noted his energy level a up 8n6 h9 skin, which should be in poor condition ~ the thousands of times he's used heavy •tage makeup, ism exa:llent condition for a mall Of.~~. \ Along the way, La Prairie got i!Uo the cosmetic business and has begun marketing ejght skin preparations called La Prairie CeUular Skincare Treatments, sold locally at I. M...,u.n I and Saks Fifth Avenue in Soulh Coast Plaza plus Neiman-Marcus in Fashion lslanrf. . Like the clinic treatments, the produe\s ~n't cheap. The facial kit. which includes Cellular ~ Skin Conditioner, goes for $275. The body kit, including Cellular 'Neck. ~ and Hand Treatments: sells for $150;. arid'' die f Travel Collection, with half sizes of <AIMar 1 Wrinkle Cream, Day Cream, Night en.n, ¥8* and Skin Conditioner, costs $170. . The prod•Jcts weren't developed llmJ>lt b beautifying. van Vrooman explained. . · . "We oniy produce creams for a reuon.," ~ • said. For example. the first product IOld to the 1 public was a placenta jelly cream d~~ ,_ treating serious skin disorders, bed 10re9 ..it'fitll j and second degree burns. • Clinic patients each receive a tube of the Jilly to take home, van Vrooman said, and the clinic I began getting orders for it from all over the ' world. So. in 1978 it began marketing Its vuPAI creams and lotions in 17 countries. ..'t "Nothing is going to take wrinkles away <>r-.:e they're there." the singer emphasii.ed, but \he creams can help clear up some skin problem and be used as a preventive aid. ·r "The secret is to use the creams every ~· he said. "Use them conunuously and they bne."1 inter-reaction ... In three mon ths, 1bb'll definitely see a difference and many people see an improvement in texture after one "1ofKh." . All the creams, which are made with fdal $ from La Prairie's black sheep. are ~ed tn glass containers so the cellular material reD1ain9 potent, Van Vrooman explained. The C!N!lllrw.811t. a biological, deep treatment w ith ftO alda, plumpers. , Furthermore. he said, "More is not bell~. Don't over-use the creams. Skin can °"11'-~ a certain amount. You don't want co ba~tllml that's overburdened. · , , "Use minimal amounts for maximum ~. ft keeps the wrinkles down." . .• Orange Coaet DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Auguat 22, 1982 Mt. McKin ley, (right) the highest peak in the Un ited States at 20,320 feet, has attracted many a mountaineer to its rugged peaks and . rivers of ice. An Alaskan trapper's colorful cabin (below) is no unusual sight in the wild of the 49th state. Alaska • IS a wonderland • • By JOAN BELLINI Of ttM DallJ Pllol St.ft Visiting Anchorage in the summer is like going to the Land of the Midnight Sun. Almost. T he sun sets in the north around 11 p.m. and rises again at 3 a.m. And it never gets pitch dark in the interval. It is easy to become disoriented by the lingering daylight, especially when dog-tired after touring all day. The city 1s situated on Cook Inlet, an elongated arm of the sea, which mitigates the strong ocean weather. It is easy to become confused as to directions since the open water is on the west, not the south, as would be expected from looking at the weather-satellite pictures. Un the northwest edge of Anchorage is Knik Ann. On the southeast is Turnagain Ann, a tidal bore with a 50-foot rise when the tide, wind and moon are in the right positions. The C hugac h Mountains surround the city on the east and are magnificent, when they can be seen -clear days are rare. The city is growing so fast that houses are springing up on the slopes of these mountains affording a spectacular view of Anchorage and its environs. The most devastation in the 1964 earthquake is at F.arthquake Park, where the earth split and slumped. There is a road along the edge of the broken land and ruined homes and buildings can be seen below. Trees are now growing through them, and in a few more yea rs they w i 11 completely cover the ruins. The view across the water to the skyline of Anchorage is marvelous, especially when the tide is changing and the water is like a mirror. In the background is the Alaska Range, a hundred miles away, but on a clear day the range seems tQ be right behind the city. Anchorage is just below the Arctic Circle but due to its location on the Gulf of Alaska and warmed by the Japan Current, it has a nuld climate - 1f 10 below to 60 above can be called moderate. No matter the season, it's a good idea to bring rain gear because there is always a good chance of being involved in some sort of moisture; mist. driz.z.le or just plain rain. Hot and cold running There are several new hotels in the downtown sector with good restaurants and lounges with entertainment. There also are .a few good smaller places, but they take some findi.ng. It is not what one w o uld c all a gourmet city. Plain fare, yes. but not fancy, but with plenty of fresh seafood. There are s hopping centers where most everything is available. but not m the plentiful quantities that we know here. The park where P ope J ohn Paul II celebrated Mass on his way back from the Far East, is beautiful in summ er, with flowers and flowering vegetables abounding. Merrill Field, just past the center of the city, is very busy since the majority of Finns • • even Portage Glacier (left) is 53 mile s so uth of Anchorage and a big tourist attract in Alaska. An Alaskan boy (right) shows off his dress for the harsh northern winter. Alaskans fly as a matter of course. The Anchorage Zoo is a charming little place with a variety o f exotic wild Ii fe, including musk oxen, which surprisingly are only about 3 feet tall. They seemed so much bigger on the Natio nal Geographic s pecial. The city also has a number of art galleries and many stor es and boutiques featuring native handcrafts and art works. Fur specialties like mukluks are handsomely done and would be nice to wear in a cold climate, but a bit much for Southern California. Fairbanks is some 350 miles north and east of Anchorage, and can be reached by car, or by train after a day-long ride through By ST AN DELAPLANE HEILSINKI. Finland -The national passion of Finland is the suana. Some visitors ador e it. A woma n from California said: "As bad as you think it's going to be, the real thing is worse." HELSINKJ wall. Can be used on a bed or ma sleigh. The Finns are sure that ' EVERYBODY will love the.sauna. You might as well get on with it, for they will drag you into one if they have to. The drill is to get into a wooden sweat , box with a pack of Finns, all of you bare I-as a radish. You sit on wooden planks and you sweat! You drip! You get a bLrCh ·branch to beat yourseli with. "It opens the canals of your skm," they tell you, whacking themselves fore and alt. Once in awhile a Finn gets off his plank and throws water on the red hot stones. Instantly the place is thick in steam, and all the bathe r s sigh contentedly. The land of Merimekko dresses, fish and smoked reindeer tongue and Laplanders. Take the ferry from Market Square to Suomenlinna. an ancient island fortress, the Gibraltar of the north. Lunch at the Valha.l.la. Finn fam.i.lies oome over here to spreJJd herring and reindeer picmcs on the grass beneath mossy, silent gun ports. You can go up to Lapland, 300 miles into the Arctic Circle. When the signposts are spelled in reindeer antlers, you're there. There are 35,000 Lapps. all thawed. National drink is a potato schnapps like akvavit. It ls called poetically "The Ear of the Waterfall." Very little tipping. There's 15-percent service added to your bills. "Rugs are a good buy. Finns buy rugs that look good on the floor or on. the "Small things to buy: rug beaters and fish scrapers. Finlandia vodka in the ace berg bottle. Karelian rolling pins." She gave good marks to the fur shops. "If you hate people who wear furs, stay away from Helsinki. The shops sell everything from the fox but the bark. S uede crowned hats with red or silver fox earlaps. "There are sable lap throws. Cossack coats tnmmed with wolf fur. Gloves of wlldcat or Siberian lynx." Cruise ships can go on to Leningrad. The Russians qon't require a visa but they do take your passport away at the gangway. They hand out little maroon booklets -e ntry permits. Permission granted to "take tours, have to round table discussions with workers' groups, take a speU on the beaches and swim in the sea at authorized resorts." the summer some spectacular scenery, with a stop a nd Denali State Park. Denali is the Alaskan name for Mt. McKinley. Also from Anchorage it is possible to go by land to Valdez where a sightseeing boat leaves for Columbia Glacier. This is a two-day trip. A one-day trip by car 1s Portage Glacier, situated just past the end of Turnagain Arm. Some of the ice calved from the glacier has floated up to the edge of the lake where cars park. It is possjble to walk on the icebergs. they are so close. Rangers adVtSe against it since there is always the danger of the ice rolling ·and drowning whoever is on it at the time. And the water there is very cold. • An interesung side tnp to Port- age Glacier it Mt. Alyeska chairlift. It is open and stkp and extremely exciting. From the top you can see across the whole of Turna~ain Ann. Anchorage is reminiscent of the Midwest of 40 years ago. Two blocks off the main streets the roads are unpaved and remain for most of the year muddy and potholed. Watching the natives drive is an educauon m craft and cunning. And it IS evident why there are no clea n o r n ew- looking cars on the roads . One oddity is the e lectrical plugs hanging from underneath the cars. ln the winter they are used to power the engine block warmers so the car s can be started. Also note d was an auto dealership owned by one of our mo re n otori o u s television hucksters. the on e who is an animal lover. Is there no escape? Things are not cheap anywhere in Alaska, so bring lots of money. There are all kinds of rental cars at the airport and at •he hotels or a car can be brought up on the ferries. There is no other way to get around and the ci ty is s pread out over a 15-square-mile area. Like Los Angeles with only 150,000 people in it. A visit to Anch orage is a "different" experience, but 1{ one 1s not a mountain climber or outdoorsman. a week is probably enough to do il all. If the weather breaks. it is lovely, but if it is overcast, then it could turn out to be a long week indeed. ~ : ;.:'@STA MESA TRAVEL We have moved .. Please come see us in our new home. Located in the new Pacific Federal Plaza 1901 Newport Boulevard, Suite 129 Costa Mesa, California 92627 (714) 646-4431 or 549-2246 The California woman said: "When they think you've had enough (which is none too soon) you run outside down a wooden pier and jump into the cold, cold Jake. r---------------------------------------------------.-------------------ADVERTISEMENT---------------------. Airport Express Starts New "They told me: 'Lucky the ice is melting. Otherwise we would have to chop a hole in it for you to jump through.'" That's the sauna. Helsinki is a clean city of half a million people who speak a language related to Hungarian. Summer here goes non-stop for 17~2 hours. The sun doesn't set on nnntsh ground for 73 days. ~e city ia fairly new. It was founded in 15~ by King Vasa of Sweden. It's population by 1900 was only 79,000. Towiml ta growing though. Cruise ahfpe are making a port rt.op. PU1engera lope uptown to buy Marifnekko cotton dft91es. ' T h e California woman who was steamed out Hated the. ahoppinlz Items: "Arabia and local glasaware. Wooden MUna bucketa. Blrch IOented .,.p. Mud JJMll for kids ar:e called KW'ahousut -clUOWY but keepe the water out. "Yecht pe>ple find the GREATFST ..w.n, par YachtJ.na emblem.a. F1ao. "8ou'wntera. Famou. Flnniah puuldco knlve11 .. ' • 747 • Meals • Valid hru Dec. 83 Executive Park Travel . 16082 BEACH Bl.VO., tamm<* BEACH, bttw ... Chlfll llrown/C111 Mn (714) 842-9327 c. Mini-Wach R outes to LAX La Habra, California, July 1982. 24 Hour Airport Express has just started a Mlnicoach Service to ~ Angeles International Airport from Laguna Beach. Thia new aervice will rt.op at 6 conveniently located hotels near \he Paciflc Coast Highway and will provide low C08t, scheduled van eervioe for Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Balboa, Huntington Beach and Long Beach, Kenneth J. Woods, Director of Marketing announced today. Mlnkoach aerv1ce will operate 14 • tin\el daily on a IChedule/reeervation buia to and from LAX with u little a1 tour hour raervadon notice. RetervaUona, faret and eervlce lcadona can be otMlned by caWnc 24 Hour Airport l:xpreu at '114-711·~108 or 714-83&-6871 91' b)' calling your travel agent. Fares per person will range between $14.00 and $17.00 one way to LAX. Reduced fares are avaJlable for children 6-16 years old, travel -aents, families or related groups of two or more and aenior citlz.ens 65 and older. 24 Hour Airport Express ta the oldeet and largest door to door airport ser vice ln Sou thern California and began ln Whittler, California in 1971. In addition to minlcoach .ervice, door to door service and charter service, Airport Expreaa often luxury llmou1lne Mrvlce and h• become a complete tranaportat.lon company, tranaportin& over 126,000 ~lutyev. Mertiet Anety1le ~""'Jon•• Diiiy Pilat ln<W1ttla l• Check to ~ AuQl,;41 UI JO +11 .14 ee how your ~ SUNDAY. AUGUST 22. 1982 H1g~m·1 stock s per( ormed in one of LOW , C IOHd • STOCKS 04·5 :::.,,,,, th e wildest weeks in Wall REAL ESTATE 06·8 Street h istory. Pages D2, 4-5. , Pac Fed complex opening amid office glut SPR AWLING -Pacific Federal Savings and Loan Association has spent $17 million.putting up a three-story, colonial Spanish-style office complex in downtown Costa Delly "4IC l"Mtoe by &... P.,M M_esa. The S_&L's officials are hoping the distinctive d esign will lure business tenants weary of "flash cube" architecture in other Coast office centers. Seniors ~ompete for jobs For retJred senior citizem with time on their hands, Ed Grell has a solution: Go out and get a JOb. For the past six years. Grell has been senior citizen adviser at Irvine Senior Cent.er. 3 Sandburg Way. One of his main duties is counseling fe llow seniors in searching for employment. G rell says he c:an't tell how many people have obtained jobs as a result of his counseling because the senior cen t.er doesn't have staff for follow-ups. But when he first started his employment counseling program, Grell said most businesses told him they "didn't need any old people working for them. Now," he said, "they come to us." Grell estimated at least 25 Irvine-area firms have hired senior citi zens through his efforts. Some finns also have accepted GreU's suggesuon that they let seniors share jobs The job-sharing IS desirable. he explained. because people over 65 and on Social Security lose $1 in benefits out of every $2 they earn over $6,000 a year. INTRICATE WORK -Hand-carved teak banisters grace staircases at the Pacific Federal office complex. Although distinctive, the building is com ing on a market glutted with vacant offices. The S&L, however, is planning another office complex, on 3.2 acres adjacent to Pacific Federal Plaz.a. By JODI CADENHEAD oftM Oelly'11oC ..... Mark Letter says he isn 't worried that the aprawlin.g $17 million Spanish-style office complex at the corner of 19th Street and Newport Boulevard is nearing completion ..at a time when Orange C.Ounty is facing a glut of vacant offices. The Pacific Federal Savings & Loan Association vice president said the company had predicted the current economic slump and commercial explosion when its decision to r elocate corporate offices in Costa Mesa was made. "We knew early on what the climate would be," said Letter. "I don't think you can look at commercial real estate on the short term. You have to look at the lonf haul." Paci ic Federal 1s be tting heavily on Costa Mesa. The mammoth colonial Spanish-style building with a sweeping tower, hand-carved teak banisters, stone fountains a nd three courtyards is only the first of several projects the company visions for the city. L e tter talks o f an e ntire town covered with S h -style r ed roofs where visitors would be able to shop, eat and conduct business. The P acific Fed e ral headquarters building_ has 125,- 000 square feet. About 88,000 will be used by the 200 S&L employees who will move in when the building is completed in Sept.ember. The rest of the three-stor y complex will be leased by corporate tenants. Costa Mesa Travel Age ncy already has moved into a 2,600-square-foot office. In about two years Pacific F e d e r al plan s to b egi n construc tion o f anothe r commercial complex on 3.2 acres adjacent to Paci!ic Federal Plaza. Also, n egotiations have been under way since 1980 for Pacific Federal to purc hase 10 acres bounded by Harbor Boulevard, 19th Street. Park Ave nue and 18th Street for the construction of a new commercial r e tail cent.er. A decision is expected by Sept. 30, when the deadline giving the S&L exclusive bargaining rights to the property passes. All of the e xisting s ho ps on the land pur c hased b y the c ity's Re d evelopment Age n cy a re expected to be relocated by then also. Pacific Federal. with assets of $1 .8 billion, is no stranger to redevelopme nt, having built shopping malls and high -rise office buildings in forme rly rundow n section s o f San Bernardino and Hollywood. Costa Mesa's downtown was targeted for revitalization because of its proximity to John Wayne Airport, South Coast Plaza Town Cent.er and Ne wport Center, said Letter. But Pacific Federal's location near some of the Orange Coast's most successful financial centers is both a problem and a blessing when it comes to attracting corporate tenants in today's (See P_t.CIFIC, Page D2) IN THE SHADOWS -Am"Ong the architectural features of Pacific Federal's Costa Mesa office complex are arch ed windows offering views of the plaza below. Designers al.so included Italian marble floors, Mexican tiles, antique pewter and French windows. One problem Grell said he's run into is that many of lrvme's sen ior residents are highly educated and don't want the typical offerings available to s e nior ci ti ze n s, s u c h as babysitting and night watchman. Can national paper make it • in USA today? "These are people who, m the past. have earned top money," he explained . indicating Irvin e's senior citizens are looking for challenging employment. He's had plenty of such jobs in his caree r -salmon packing plant manager, cross country skj coach, retail merchandise r and .(See SENIORS, Pa1e D%) ,. Deir ............... OOUNSEU -Ed Grell 1&)'.S hla counseling at the Irvine Senior Center has helped .enlor dtit.en1 land jobl in the Irvine area. ROSSLYN, Va. (AP) -The U.S.A. is about to get what it has n ever h ad -a n e w spaper published coast-to-coast. aimed at the general reader. The paper will be called USA T oday a nd the person who plunks down a quarter in Macon, Ga., will read the same paper as the person who buys it at Los Angeles International Airport. It debuts on Sept. 15. This is to be a polished , packaged, colorful newspaper, heavy on business news and lifestyle trends, and full of sporta and what its creators call "quick reads." Thete wiU be enough weather news to drench a climatologist. In USA T oday, says editor John Curley, the newa will be "massaged." Rather than simply telling readers what they already know, Curley says his reporters will foct.aa on the news' impact. The founder, chainnan Allen H. Neuharth of the Gannett. C.O., believes USA Today will appeal to two audiences -Americans traveling away from home and peopJe who are newcomers to where they are now living and still Interested In what'• happen ing where they came from. The paper's target audJence, an affluent readership aaed 20 to 60, ap~ to national aclvertieen. The first edit.ton wW to on ale Sept. 10 In five 1t.atet around Wuhlnct.an. O.C. The followtnl week the paper will be available in the Atlanta area; the next week in Minneapolis; a w eek later. Pittsburgh. By next April, Gannett will add Chicago. Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Seattll!. More areas may come in 1984 -if the paper survives. There is plenty of "It's a judg m ent call. Until y ou go th e . 1 n 0 u t marke tplace, y ou don 't know." speculation It won't In a lime of sttuule for many newspapers. "lt'a a judgment c all," Neuharth says of Gannett'• multimilllon dollar investment in USA Today. "And ¥ntil you go out tnto the marketplace, you don't know." Within six months. USA Today will be avallabJe Monday through Friday from 42,000 newutanda, convenience ltol'ft and eirportl, end from &8,000 newly dee~ vendtnc m.chlnel that look televt.ion ee11 on a pede•tal. he paper will be wlthln .a. of eeven out of 10 Arnertcana. Neuhanh ahrugged off any NEUllARTH suggestion that Gannett is going for the natlonaJ influence that b now d e nied the company bt'cau.e. while its papers have 4 mlllion readera, they are ecattered in small communltJee. He Hid Gannett is aher profits, not power. How the country takes to thia venture la 11 matter of intense curiosity within the lnduatry. Newspaper readership hu fallen behind the growth of pOpUlat.fon. In the laat decade, -168 dally papere merged or 1u1pen ded publJcation. Neuhanh ea.Id USA Today la not ln~ed to replla anybody'• regular newspaper. He doee not want it to compete with the Cincinnati Enquir e r or the Richmond. Ind., Palladium-Item, or any of the 86 other daily papers Ga nn ett publish es Instead, he says the new paper will be "a second buy." The faur news sections each will have a "cover story" probing a trend or topic in 800 to 1,200 USA T o d ay is not inte nde d t o r eplace anybody's reg ular n e w s- paper. words_ Major stories will average cloeer to 500. Many events that might occupy a lot of space in another paper -the latest turn of events in the Mideut. for example - will be handled in USA Today with jult a brief mention. The weelher page uses every graphic trick, deacrlblng and predictlna the weether with arrow• and boxes, 1wlrlina Jet ·~ a aeven-color map. state for eca1t1, •irport reports, worldwide cohdltlon1 -and lnatrud.lona hetdllned "How to Uae Thia P.,.." ''We Opect the llpOrt8 will be the alnale area teat arabber," . r Neuharth said. "The jocks have a greater hunger for more news and infonnation than any other type of reader " The prototype iss ues 's how what readers will get: a colorful 40 pages of news, and lots of g raphs a n d s ketches. lots o f state-of-the-art color pictures and news summaries. The busin ess section will stress news that can be u seful to readers; the lifestyle section will beat these drums: self, health, good living, travel and books. There will b e s t ories o n computers, television, newsy people, science, showbiz. The paper will be printed at 15 sate1lite plants, including the Dally Pilot. To be a su ccess. Gannett figures, USA Today will have to sell only to 4 per cent of the 61 million people who buy a daily paper now. Wall Street is skeptical. Bruce Thorp, a n ewspaper lndustr y analyst with Lyneh, Jonea and Ryan of Wuhington, D.C .• uye Gannett atoc;k Is down out o f i nveatora' an\iclpatlon that launchlf\S the paper wlll coat Gannett $20 million more than the paper will earn in 1982. Gannett ca n abaorb those losses . Gannett hu reported record earnings for ewry quarter since it fin\ laued stodt to the pub.lie 14 yean ago. 1t had record profits of ist.6 mllllon In the first quaJ"ter of lhl• year and f~0.3 mlllion ln the IMlCOnd quuter. I 1 DI Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 DRANllCDAITITICll Here are the atook market acttvltlee of publlcly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday. Aug. 20. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. Pacific Federal complex first step f o.i: Mesa downtown plans ----;---;t 14 ·ti• ---t I I f I "' ,,, tfl U "'~ UUllUI ·•n 1ar, By JODI CADENHEAD o<the o ... , "-' ..... llA.Ml •• , .. o~uurot t.0' H l•l• P•O&iUrTI tc&"n ,,. , ••• ,., • t ne. "''1• 10 c.a•r 1 • n •ul • '" 1000•. I Al"ha .. I ,., UMl , ... ,. ,,... ui I a,. .. , IH•4' 4t1l)lf \4••1tttV UT•U lti111r M,. I lJ• I ' ••• ,. '• P &U t'f 1 ••• ,., 4ft ,, ~ ••• , h ... , .... J ~"•r 11'1 I ~HJ tfl •• ,._ ...... ,.11,.1 ' t ' ,..,,~ ,,,. " it•f. t} thfl'f'•, J, ..... 1 t ,., 't1r •• 1 J t tun C\• 1' fldlh"• Jr" ••nC'• ... ,., ........ . Ii .,. J l .. ,. 'l•t •• , :~ f~~:~h~O _''t '"~:N l\i 't l r"f'\~ t;,11. ~tJ ol•1t"'n "''" I I I .~r I ~ •• ll l• •• , • ,, ~: t~~~J. ,:~· ,,., \ ,tt1111t n t'I• t :'t tia11uu""'' ~' g:~~~~~·n .. ' Mtflf '"f' ti iH !hi~ vi~~ 1u.,.• ;-q """''' .. ¥ .... ,, I tO f! • tti H J1 ti,. 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The Spanish motif was choeen not only to blend in with the First United Methodist Chureh next door, but also to attract tenants tired of what one Pacific Fede ral official refers to as "flash cube" an:hitecture. "We knew we couldn't compete with (South Coast) Town Center or Newport Center," sald Letter. "What we knew we could do was create a landmark building ... James Brooks, project coordinator and staff architect for Pacific Federal, said nearly a year was spent deaianlng the building, wnicb includes handpainted tilea from M exico, marble floors from Italy, antique pewter, beveled glaaa in the numeroua French windows and plaster deliberately chosen to look s tately and dated. Towering palm trees were relocated from agi n g apartme nt buildings in order to make the Costa Mesa complex appear 20 yean old, said Brooka. David Stolte, a representative of Grubb & Ellis Co., leasing agents for the building, said he hopes that the location and unusual architecture will lure major tenants to Pacific Federal. "We're going to pull them away from the old glass wall environment offices in to •n environment that leta them open their windo* and catc h a fr esh breeze," said Stolte. 'nl.at won't be easy, he admitted. Two yean ago Pacific Federal officials estimated that there would be 1.9 million square feet of vacant office apace w ithin a five-mile radius of their project. A recent market survey by Grubb & Ellis showed that the figure was more like 4 million, said Stolte. In Costa Mesa alorle more than 3.5 million s qu are feet of commercial offices have been built recently, including South Coast Plaz.a Town Center with l . 7 million, Harbor Gateway at Sunflower and MacArthur with 1. 4 million and the Automobile Club with 430,000 square feet. SENIORS WORK. • • Last month the city council approved the constru ction of 1.3 million square feet of office development on 50 acres owned by the Sakioka family n ear South C.OUt Plaza. (From Page 01) president of the C.O.ta Mesa Merchants Association. Grell said h e hae been able to help senior citizens get jobs as part-time bank tellers, receptionists and salesmen. The main task, he said, in job hunting la to detennlne what salable ak1lla you have ana then find a company that needs thoee skilla. Critical in the job hunt is resume preparation, Grell aaya. "A resume ii suppoeed to be a billbcmd." he explained, "and you're telling what's on it to a company. It's the door-opener." After that. he advi8es eenior dtizen job aeekm to puah and keep ~· "Just go and puah until you get a job you 11.ke." Second canal eyed • WANTED! CLIENTS Who Are looking For A TU FllH Wly To Miki Their Money Grow ...... . Current lntereet Rite 12.1~ -100\ ~tttd Saltly of Prine~ -f'1lo ,.., .. , Risl -1'o C.nent lntolM Tu When J~. "' ,, .~~' ',no• '. ··~ ~I..,. '·'"' ... ,, 100.~1· , , •• .,~ i 11 ... 0• I,~ I I •• o t/ ~I. !&1 " .... , i TI.••~ 1t.•11 1•,0 ltr)I j,lt,,t '~: ,:~ I 11 11111, tb, .... 1 -· t 4,'iA 1 ·~.t.t-.-. ...... 1,11At1 r : ji:: l~!~ b ,1)1\,U lltJ,/111 J1 I f~f I)'! ,..t ~I li,lll•'t '>9, IUU 11.f, l \ .. t , ... , q ,oq•, •.~Ott 1•~ l,11t\ •.rd\ •.180 J,<>81 1i:~~~ 1.,, t ~. t'it. .1111 •'''-' .... t.1111t. .. "',. ·' ... J~., ,O•lf" J .n,. '" u MJ ,IHO ,., ..... "' l••J ,~.' !J •, ., .... ... 1,, I/ ··""lot I• I 10 • ~' 1~.•00 '· 162 •su t .f)'f t 1 ,lO• ;:w :i:m ,.,;,1\8 1,1h• '· ··~ '·'' .. f)·)' Ill 108 ~ \1 ':~~l Marilyn Wolfram took o ne look at Pacific Federal'• lavlah Spanl1h-stlyle building and decided to give up her job u part of the redevelopment team in San Diego and come to Coata Mesa . The former vice president of San Diego's Center City Development Corporation said she LS convinced that C.O.ta Mesa can move ahead as quickly as San Dlefo In Its revitalization plans. '' wouldn't be here If [ didn't think so.'' said Costa Mesa's new redevelopment direct.or. In 1975 the Center City Development Corporation, the agency c reated to revamp San Diego 's downtown , W<>l'"--M embarked on an ambitious program to turn 1,200 blighted acres into a thriving conunercial center. 9• 1,04) II.•"• l'I f .Q" ,il,P1li -r~· ,,, .1.~e· .1a2 "l' 111 -<. t&O In Costa Mesa officials are hoping to persuade private developers to revitalize the downtown redevelopment area bounded in a zigz1g pattern by Plwner, 19th and Bernard streets to the north, Orange Avenue to the east, 17th Street on the south and Pomona Avenue on the west. Delfr ........... ., Lee .,.,_ VIEW OF PLAZA LOOKING TOWARD NEWPORT BLVD. ". 11e t I ~ , ' '1 r ..... 3 '· I • • ... ~n: I~ I 11' '),'bl ~.-,,,, n . 1,Plht 111 Ot• o> • i 1•. l 'l f .~ \i j,)I01 Jl'1 I 1';,IJlO •• .e~s Ui, l'JO ?S,nO} 1.11•p l'l. 1ftl ' .. t ',f.},"> ~:m 6S) ). '11 1.n• 1H 2),•S& 26, )80 19),tU 21,6)) 2,e,o ll),9~ I •n u.nt n .o•o 01 ,761 ), 16~ 1,2•~ zoz.o~ • 19q l, IT~ 11a '7' .. ·~i -'. ~,,., . "' ~1 ' . ... ,. .. ~I loiPl'f ·~· • I II~ ... l,li., 4) • ~ Ill • :·. ~,i •r• .~, oA 18• .. !,1)1'°) Ht,"' .~w,, .. • • 411111 ~: lt; I, TIO ... m -~6• • I ,b•9 ·2S ·)TS 1.ar; 1,&9q n . 106 ·SO• ... m ·\tO I , )6~ .. ,, '.i•9 ••• _q•s 10,b•~ In 1973 the Costa M esa Redevelopment Agency, whose members sit on the City Council, began the job of changing the city's aging core. The Casa Bella sen ior a partm ents, th e Neighborhood Commun ity Center, the fire station, the historical society building and Lions Park were developed . Pacific Federal's new red tiled headquarters at 19th and Newport Boulevard is the first private prioject built in the city's redevelopment area. "Pacific Federal is the organization which has given the real beginning for the downtown redevelopment area with the construction of a landmark building," said Councilman Donn Hall. "It shows what private industry and government can do together." The redevelopment agency • using its power to condemn property, purchased 23 acres and sold it to the S&L. The city and Pacific Federal have been negotiating since 1980 on another 10 a cres at 19th and Harbor Boulevard, known as the "superblock." Although the city has already purchased all of the property and relocated many of the former tenants at a total cost of $5.8 million, other deta.lla have yet to be worked out before the Sept. 30 dead.line for Pacific Federal's exclusive negotiating righta. Chief among them i.s the city's agreement to provide improvements in the area, develop a master plan and revamp a small section of land at 19th and Newport. In the last two years the city and Pacific Federal have extended their negotiating agreement twice. MB. Wolfram said she will ask the city's n!development agency to hire a private, non-profit land use group Monday to review Costa Mesa's entire downtown area . The Urban Land Institute Panel Advi8ory Secvice wW look at traffic condltlona, development potential and urban designs for the entire 200 acres. Cal ling Pacific Federal's headquarters "an excellent start" Ms. Wolfram said she expects that the building will entice other developers to move into the city•s redevelopment area. Without redevelopment Ms. Wolfram predicted the downtown area would "further d ecline .. and that thriving sections of the city would be forced t.o shoulder the tax burden of deteriorating areas. "Condemning pro~rty is not pleas ant," adm i tted Ms . Wolfram. "The re are some relocations that are not pleasant. But they are the cost of turning an area around." The redevelopment director said that several business people have e xpressed interes t in getting involved in the city's revitalization. "Redevelopment is good tor a city," said Ms. Wolfram. "Once develo pers see others going on the ball really starts to roll.'' THE SMART WAY TO BUY HOMEOWNERS AND AUTO INSURANCE IF YOU EARN MORE THAN $75,000 A YEAR If your pos111on rn hfe rs aboVf' avetclge. so c1re your 1nsur;mc e needs You\~ goc 100 much at st.'l~t· 10 perm11 routine handltng or yow property ctnd 1tab11tty coverage • Th<1n why many smarr successful people lrke you .Me turnrng thf'ir hOme owners and automobile pro1ernon needs over to M arsh & Mclenncln We re specially suited 10 serve specr.:11 chem!> Al!hough we've made our ncime as the world's leading comme1c1.:1l 1nsur· ance broker. we also handle cl s1gnifi· cant amoum or personal covt>r,1ge as writ Homeow nrrs and c:1ulomob1le rnsur.:mce for a select group or 1nd1v1d· l.klls rn the upper rncome brC!ckecs We offer severcll drstrnc1 advantages over buying this cype of pro1ernon 111rough Olher brokers GIT,UU REPLACEMENT VA.LUE Because we're accusromed ro deaf· 1ng w11h policyholders who enjoy an atnuent lifestyle. we're not "razed '" by unusual requirements and big numbers For instance. 1t you have valuable art anuques. 0< correc11bles. we know how to insure each one 1nd1v1dua11y for the full replacement value ill Before we insure your home. we ,mange tor a free inspection and c:1ppr a1SC1l ff you need some lclnd or coverclge 1ns1ant1y we ccin probably arrange btndrng protec11on over the phone that wrlf keep you ccwerecJ until your polrcy can be issued and delrvered 10 you And 1f your pm1t1on In life makes you a rempr1ng target for damage lawsuit~ we can provide you w ith excess lrab1lriy coverage of SI m1ll1on to SJO m1ll1on ac a much rower cosc than you m1gh1 expect GIT A HOMEOWNERS INWNlOR'Y-,lta• Whether or not you ufC1macety obtain 1murance coverage through us. wet! ltke ro provide you wrth a small but important piece or pro1ecuon right now-absolutely free Its a Homeowners fnven<ory. lvl 1n- d1spens1ble 24 ·page booklet designed to help you take a ras1 and accutate inventory or your home\ contents There's a place ro 11~1 every l(f'm you own. the dclte you purchase<J 1t tht' purchase price <1nd the reploil{emenr cost II will help you 1tsr. room oy room. item by item. all tht' valuable pos~ssions you've <1ccumu1a1ed rncludtng those articles at exceptional value hke furs.Jewelry s1lvt'r r11)(> arrs and an<1ques There\ even ,1 special section for the 1nclus1on ot photo- graphs and rece1p1s Stored in a safe place. your Homeowners Inventory could mean a big difference 1n seuhng an insurance claim shOuld your home ever be hit by d1sas1t·1 Th1~ h<mdy b0okle1 is yours w11h our comphmencs To ob1,11n your copy simply comp1r1e and return the coupon below We'll see th<lt your Homeowners Inventory rs sent 10 you 1mmed1a1e1y r---~---~---~---------.--, OP 8/22/82 I I Manh a Md.enn•n, 4400 McNthut llvd .. ~•HO. Newport le.ch. CA HMO Ami: a.ty Henton. Vk-. flteMdent TOKYO (AP) -The Transport MiniaU'y wU1 eeek the equivalent of '391.000 for prelimln.u'! stuclM9 of a propoeed eecond Panama Canal, oftldall -Mid S.turday. . Japan. alona with Panama and the Uni'4!d Sta• II tniere.t.ed In bu1lding a eea-level canal parallel w t\le ~ ~aterway . P...O To leMlicwy -*All AMlllty ...-A 80lld FOA MOAI INFO. CALL Oft W"!TI today's puces We know how 10 cover your Jewelry. furs. and silver so chat 1n case o r loss you won't be d1sappo1n1ea by subtractions for C1epret1at1on YES, I~ like to rte er.it my_ frtt copy Of lht' Homeowners Inventory I undt'tStand this 24-page IX>old~t 1s mine withOut Obligation Ptease s~nd me my compflmenral)' copy 1mmedlacery I I I \ I • ' I ' ' '' I, FORECLOSURE TRUSTEE SALE Yes -we can handle your foreclosure regardless of named trustee on Deed of Truat &TAN-SHAW CORPORATION (714) id.;ca11 Profa11lonel b11l91w 1tnoe 1M1 ' , GIT NMONAUZ•D Al'TWNTION Because we rend to insure above· average home"S"f!nd cars. we give each pohcyholoer frrsc-class treatmeni My time you calf with a quesuon. nttd. or claim. you'll never be rorced to deal w11h a nameless. impersonal cte1k. 'rtlu'll ask '°' aM ta lk to your own Account Repre.sen1a11ve. some· one Who 1s k~nly 1nteres1ed 1n yolH neeas and personally re.spon.s11:>1e tor see1r19 that )'OU are taken <.are or \ I I I .. f \ • :· :· i:. .. :· •! ., .. . .. ~ . . . .. ,l :: ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 22, 1982 ~ People like ou are talking about ·r future with a trusted friend . "-------------------At Dean Witter Reynolds, you can find out about the Sears U.S. Government Money Market 1h.lst fund . A great way to keep your money growing at money market rates . Ifs . nice being able to do this kind of business after work or on weekends; .. it's really convenient. Delighted to know Coldwell Banker offers Home Market Evaluation . Helps you decide what your home is worth. lt feels good. dealing with Sears companies. Sears is on to something. offering all these services in one place. You really ought to talk with Allstate. Right off the bat. they could show you a way to lower your auto insurance rates. --------------------~ The Sears Financial Center • • 1snow~en·m South Coast Plaza. the FOR THE FIRST TIME .ANYWHERE, THE FINANCIAL SERVICES 'YOU AND YOUR FAMILY NEED MOST ARE TOGETHER UNDER ONE ROOF. The roof of the Sears store in the South Coast Plaza. Because Sears knows that people-even people who ma ke a good living-need good. sound advice about their money. And they need that advice simple to understand and easy to find. And perhaps most of all. they need It from people they trust. That's why Sears has started the Sears Financial Network. What follows is just a sample of what it can do for you. TRUST ALLSTATE TO HELP WITH YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS. The Allstate Insurance Company. n ow a vital part of the Sears Financial Network. continues to Invite you to bring tn your insurance poltcles for comparisons that could save you money. · Your Allstate agent can also tell you about Alls tate Life's Jotnt Mortgage Protection Plan that provides decreasing term life Insurance that can cover both famlly bread- w1 nners for less than the cost of two poHcles. TRUST COLDWELL BANKER TO HELP WITH ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE.NEEDS. Coldwell Banker. America's largest f ull-servtce real estate company. ts also part of the Sears Financial Network. Among the important real estate services available to you at no cost are Home Market Evaluation. Homes for Sale. a full description of homes that are on the market. information on available Fina ncing Alterna- tives.Out-of-State Relocation a nd Community Information Service. TRUST DEAN Wfl"l ER REYNOLDS TO HELP WITH ALL YOUR INVESTMENT NEEDS. Dc,an Witter Reynolds ts a full-service investment firm. able to h elp you w1th the type of pla nning people need today. Your questions are welcome on stocks. bonds. mutual funds. money market funds. unit trusts. tax-deferred annuities. options. retire- ment programs and more. including the new Sears U.S. Government Money Market lh.is t Fund.• TRUST ALLSTATE SAVINGS TO HELP WITH ALL "YOUR SAVINGS AND BORROWING. Allstate Savings offers a full range of ways to plan a financially sound future. Interest- bearing checking accounts. retirement pl~. T-Bill accounts and the new 3-month T-Blll and 3-1/2 year PLUS certificates. And as one of Californias largest savtngs & loans. Allstate Savings can help wt th residen- tial real estate loans including Equity Loans. Home Improvement Loans. Ftrstnust Deeds. And Allstate Savings Easy Money Machine wtll be located at the Sears Financial Network Center for convenient depostt a nd withdrawal service. AT THE SEARS FINANCIAL CENTER. THERE•s NO SUCH THING AS ..BANKER~S HOURS:' The Center is open for your convenience during regular Sears s tore hours. Monday through Friday. lO until 9. Saturday. 9:30 unltl 9. Sunday. 11 until 5. WHAT TO DO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: If you can't visit the Center (Its at 3333 Bristol Street. Costa Mesa. CA 92626). please call (714)540-3333. Fbr your insurance needs. visit the Center or call or visit an Allstate agent at any Sears or Allstate location convenient to you. And the people at Dean Witter Reynolds and Coldwell Banker will be happy to serve you at their other offices throughout the area. As w1ll all the people at the eighty-seven other branches of Allstate Savings throughout California. But no matter how you use the Sears Flna9cial Network. the main thing is to use it. Because today. the best place for your future s hould be wHh a trusted friend. !lt Sears. •• SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK Allstate Dean W itter Reynolds Coldwell Banker Allstate Savings • Allstate Insurance Compantes Home Office. Northbrook. IL. for more complete information about Sears U.S. Government Money Market Ti ust Fund 1nclud1ng charges and expenses. please obtain a prospectus from your near est Dean W itter Reynolds office Be sure to read it carefully Oef ore you invest or send money. Shares of the Trust are not sponsored. guaranteed. endorsed or rnsured by the US Gover nmcnt or any agency thereof. @Sears. Roebuck and Co .. 1982 ' ' DI ' ' • l ' •• r l ' I ' .. I I .. •'-BAI ti 1 BOM n '"' BllT l .. BTK MM .. ti-'91' IO µ. '" U II !" aldwS »• I~ anFd 4 •le 1 .. R~~r., v, .. u • J .. J so lOO J.O I • I-. I • ' IJ n • n"' ,,,. ..... tl... ' 1-. 1.. 1• ~ d S'9 • • • I I I • • d ~ ... 1'... ""' ..... ~. S* ·~ ~. • • n. • .. NEW YORK STOCKS CONTINUED s.1.. .... H'91' LO. U\I (... H .. ~ u w )OU IS • l4 11 JMO lrl I )1 • Mi~ • 1 llO IS. 1.0 1 6C». SI ~. )11 So4 SO°'• Sc • 10 • ""' lQ\ • 10. ll . u. ...._ d S\1 ..... • """' 10'. .. .... . 21 n \rt 11'•. l 1 I 1 10 .. tO>. n • l\>J. 11 .... JO-. JO ' II 2'l1 IJ >'-, " ~· u 11 .. ... .... ~ 11 •• D .. J9 '. ll • " . 1S PE Orange Coaar DAILY PILOT /$und1y, Augutl 22, 1982 •a AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE euOUflO.\tllC~UOt UAOt\0111111 ..... 0 .. MIOWUI .. t ... l .... 10"0" lllllOtl ... o (INlllOIOAfl\YO(• '•CtH llOU AllD •ll'O•H 0 a v '"' .... ,0 •110 llj\lllOl I \1ln N•t M •• l •" u•t '"' ,.. ''· '" " \+1 • • \ • \it 1( 11 1 II ~': d l~ t,. .: -. ... , .... 1•4-, . . " ... \. . .. I'• I tt 't• .. ~. H: It. II '. , . ll• .: : : t:~'t't In t :: : ( t '~~.\";~ I• I~ (\. I 0 •• 11• llt M• ti I hi I /tu I , ••• , ••t >11,• U • !-4tl < ... '~1 :~ . ii,: : :~ • : 1 : " ., • t 41 ' ,:~ 1 ! ~ . ~ : t ~ "' ''""• •• . ''"" t" l\ It 1)4_. It 1 •• • • t .... Mtl fll L•w l, .. 1 .. I \ . ! .. .. ~ I\ U t.. l\ t I 11 .. I• ·~': ::~. 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DI Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/8und1y, Auguat a , 1882 (11'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aliso Meadows dralVs buyers .. froin afar Aliso Meadows. the affo rdable horn" ccmmunity in Laguna Hills, ls attractina buyers from near and far, reports Terry Brennan, project , manager for the developer, Aliao Meadows, Ltd. ~ "Nineteen percent of Aliso Meadows' homes ' have been purchased by people living within five \-miles," Brennan explained "On the other hand, 8 per cent lived 30 or more miles from the development. Looking at it another way. more than half the buyers, 57 percent, lived within 15 miles while over one-third, 35 percent, lived more than 20 miles away." "The most popular former city of residence is · Costa Mesa, accounting for 13 percent of our : buyers." Brennan continued. ''The second and third most popular areas are Huntington Beach with 10 percent and Laguna Hills with 9 percent." A previously announced homebuyer survey had revealed that 58 percent of Aliso Meadows r esidents w o rk less than 15 miles from the community. The most popular places to work. according to the survey, are Irvine with 22 percent of ihe residents and Santa Ana with 14 percent. A condominium development, Aliso Meadows offers two two-bedroom plans of 960 square feet and one three-bedroom model with 1.248 square feet. Four units are clustered together in a pinwheel configuration, so every home has the privacy, ~ight and ventilation of an end unit in a conventional 'condominium. To further enhance privacy, each h ome has a fenred yard and no one lives above or :~1 below anyone else. Pric.'CS atart at $79,950. Sales at Aliso Meadows are restricted to those with gross annual household incomes of $25,664 to $38.496 because the loans are government-assisted. The interest rate is fixed for 30 years at 10.6 or 11.5 per cent, depending on the buyer's income. The normal minimum down payment is 10 ~r cent percent. Open daily. from 10 a.m. to dusk, the sales office and furnished models may be reached by taking the Santa Ana or San Diego Freeway south to Alicia Parkway off-ramp (first exit past E1 Toro Road), tummg right on Alicia and going southwest 1 'l'l miles to Via Lomas and Aliso Meadows. BEDROOMS 'GRACIOUS' -Spacious master suite of homes at The Forest are showcased by soaring cathedral celling over a raised hearth flrep,lace plus built-in wet bar and bookcases. Firm's honie design popular Fundamental to the art form of a home is the function and flow of every room as well as the esthetics of the archite<.·tural design. Such consideration of all of these elements is to be found in the Eloquence model, one of five floor plans presented by the Meister Co. at The Forest in Lake Forest. Introduced by a large foyer area with soari ng ce iling overhead a nd imported Walker Zar1ger Italian ceramic tiles underfoot. this four-bedroom r esiden ce invite d total enjoyment. A planter area with outside drainage creates a subtle screen for the formal tl1n1ng room to th e left. T o t ally separated to the right of the foyer is a sunke n living room with high vaulted ceiling and co rner wind o w grou ping overlooking the garden area at the side entry. Indoor greenery is again re peated by a second planter tucked underneath an ope n, sk y lighted staircase, finished with a hand -rubbe d wood railing. For eve ryday family comfort. a large kitchen with island worktop flows directly into a nook eating area with window seats built into a bay of windows. Adjacent. the family room features a massive wood- burni ng fire place and s liding glass doors which provide access to a backyard entertaining area already pre pared with a gas ~~~~~~~~~~- outlet for a barbecue. Ranging in :¥ze from 1,750 to 2.900 square foet. the other one and two-story homes at Thi:! Forest offer a choice of two to five bedrooms and up to three full baths. To visit The Forest in Laly: Forest, take the San Die{ J (Interstate 5) Freeway to the Lake Forest Drive exit and proceed north to Jeronimo Road. Turn right on Jeronimo and continue to the sales office and five "display homes". which are open daily, except Wednesdays. from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m . and on Mondays from noon to 6 p.m. For further assistan ce call 770-4003. San Clemente's Finest at 0 ·y 12 3 ~o/o. Trade in yo11r present liome for a palace by the sea. You'll enj oy a fixed rate of 123/4% for the first h a lf of your 30-year loan and we g uar antee to re-finance the second half of the loan. We can al so offer a trade-in on your present home. With our low 10% d own pay- ment, you won't find a better value on the coast of Orange County. Palacio del Mar overlooks the ocean from h igh atop the mountain crests of S an Clemente. Uncom- promising craftsm anship is evident in the elegant architectural design. Rlchly colored and textured tiled roofs enhance the graceful California styling; plu s dramatic s loped ceilings, sky Ugh ts, stained glass and b eveled windows and p lenty of r oom for en tertaining. Ch oose two or three bedrooms in five s p aciou s floor plans. tOU .. Dl'fOO From 8275,000 Models open from 12 t.o 6 daily, except Monday 804 Via ColJbrt, San Clemente (714) 498-4282 Llnio Jk&I e.cav • 8.KlvMft AflDl a.. LO Mill.at brOlitcr ( Hom e re~ale voluHJe cfown California • 1n U)S ANGELES The 11tatew1de seasonally adjWlted home resale volu~ in June. 1982, wua down 11.4 percent troo) May, the California A!aociation or Rt•altors (CAR) annount-ed. Existing single family tral\&lctions for Jun1r 1982 we re recordC'd at u iwWJOnaUy udjus ted annual rate or 237,019 unit.'I, down 38.6 pcn:ent from June 1981 and 65 pcr<.-vnt below tht• cyclical peak m sales with OC'Curred in latl' 1978. "Unaffordablt• inlt•rcst rates and continued market d1slocat1on resulung from attempts by l.'Onverted (edt•ral lendl'rS to 1!.11fon•e due-on-sale clauses m loans originated when they were state chartered, will continut• to retit.tlct exlSting home sales," said Seb Sterpa, pres1dunt of tht• Realtors A ssociation. "As a <.·o nscqu en <.·c, we expect California rt-al estate markl'l a<:t1 v1ty to remain weak through thl' remmnder o ( .Lhts year:· The statewide median sall'O price of a smgle family home increased I 7 JX'rt.'l'nt to $112,163 m June 1982. Compared to JunL· 1961, ~1fomia home prices appreciated at a rate o ( 6 perc.'t'nt, the first month this year an which the annualized rate of housing price apprec1auon ex<.'E'(>(l<.'Cf 5.0 perC'ent "Large lederal dt'f1t·1t.s and a huge demand for credit by business caught in a liquidity squeeze continue to l·rowd out housing cre<l1t needs. Even though an a nticipa ted recov1•ry an consumer spending should rt'SUlt an 1mprove<l c·ash flows to business and government, t'as1ng borrowing net.."'<18, credit conditions an tht· long-term market will remain dire.cull," said J oel Singer, CAR's director of planning. rcscar('h and l'<.'Onomll'S. "Investors in that market are µarlicularly concerned about federal deficits. That uncertainly will prevent significant interest raw dt'(;hnrs." The distribution of sales by lx'Ciroom category showed a s1gn1hcant shift toward sales of larger homes m June 1982 C'Omparl'd to the previous month and to Junt• 1981. This fac·tor mnuenc'ed the continued apprt'C1at1on in single family home pric."eS. "Despite the upsurge m Olp p reciauon this month, real housing prt('('S have· ~·n dcdinmg for the last two years and may dt'<.·lane further m the foreset>able futurt>." S mgl•r said ··However. we do not expec t any maJor c·ompressaon of nominal housing prices to occur, bccat se of continuing inllation in the new construC"t1on sector and the remnants of underlying housing demand " Despite worsening salC'S acttv4ty statewide, the median time-on-th<.'-market before sale for single- family detached homes d(!(.:hn<.-d m June to 75.1 days from 77 5 days m May The index of unsold inventory for smgle-famlly homes was 17 9 months during June. as compared to 20.9 months m May. Alternative• financing continues to be crucial to the housing marketplac·e The evidence of the impact of the de la Cuesta decision wall not l.5erome at all apparent , howevt•r, until CAR reports the July and August statisti cs. Assumptions ac."COunted for 56.9 perc.-ent of sang!<.• family ho me transactions. up from 54.8 perl·ent in May. Combined. alternative financing techniques assumptions. seller-carried firsts and wraparounds a<.·counted for 71.0 percent of all transactions while n ewly originated institutional first mortgage loans accounted for only 19.1 percent of transactions. Condomtnium sales accounted for l 7.4 percent of the resale housing markN activity in June. 1982. nearly unchanged from May thlS year. The median price of condominiums in June was $101.755 down 2.7 percent from the previous month. The median lime on the marke t was 83 3 davs. down from 88 l days in May, 1982 · Allowance aid in home buying The new $10,000 allowance now available on se lected plans a t the townhome community on Magnolia S treet, one block north of West Lincoln Avenue in west Anaheim . has provoked an increasing number of visitors and buyers. . ln addition to the $10,000 aJl(>wance on certain homes, the La Solana Corporation of Irvine also is offering a $2,500 closing l'OSt alJowance on the one and two-story, two and three-b4i<froom residences prired from $98,990. Only 5 percent down 1s required on some _Plans and a low interest rate of 11 .5 percent 1s available for the first year on a graduated payment plan. La Solana also offers a lease-option plan that permits buyers to hve rent-free because all monthly payments are applied to the purchase price. which is fixed at the lime lease-o pt10n plan becomes effective. Carbon Creek town homes boast wood exteriors with a distinctly quaint flavor remmLSCent of New England. Building placement among the greenbelt areas provide homeowners with a pleasant feeling of spaciousness and the pool/cabana area and nearby tennis court are two focal points for leisure 1 time activities. Better living amenities include air conditioning and forced air heating, ceramic tile showers and countertops. all kitchen built-ins, spacious master suit.es with walk-in closets, caq>eting in all living areas. fireplaces and inside laundry areas in many plans. The furnished models and ~onnation cent.er are open daily from 11 a.m. lQ 6 p.m. Ex.it the Riverside or Santa Ana Freeway~ at Magnoha and turn south on Magnolia about a ,111ile~and-a-half to Carbon Creek t.ownhomes. Call 761 -2355 for detailed information regarding financing and homeowner's 8330Ciation fees. Carbon Creek ls a joint venture of the La Solana Corporation, a division o~ Sumitomo Really & Investment Co .. Ltd. and Sun-Cal Investment. Who 's Who? Who's New! Every Sunday in ---------- Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 DT D e l•ul d eadline r uled · Home developer liable ly ROBERT J. BRUSS JOMph and Sylvia, New Jersey resldent1, bouaht two Iota In Florida from Deltona. Paymeni. of $14,648.17 were made In lnstallmenta over three yean. Within 00 daya after the final payment, Deltona was to deliver to Joseph and Sylvia the warranty deeds, paved streets to the lots. a central water 1y1t.em, and a title insurance policy. Deltona retained the titles until Joseph and Svlvia comple~ their payments. However, if all payments were made and Deltona Willi unable to meet lts obligations, the contract required Deltona to return all payments with interest to J06eph and SyM.a. After all payments were made to Deltona, no warranty deed1 were delivered to Joseph and Sylvia becauae Deltona's promised improvements were not completed. Deltona offered to refund the $14,648.17 payments plus interest. But Joseph and Sylvia weren't satisfied. They sued fo r punitive damages. charging that Deltona fraudulently never intended to Install the improvements. Deltona argued the federal Interstate Land Sale Act bars punitive damages. Also, Deltona argued that the two-yea r statute of limitations has expired since the installment purchase contract was signed over three· years ago. IF YOU WERE THE JUDGE would you allow Joseph and Sylvia to seek damages? The judge said yes. The Interstate Land Sales Act allows a purchaser to sue a developer for damages due to untrue or omitted statements of material facts, the judge explained. Until Joseph and Sylvia completed their payments, they didn't know of Dehona's default; therefore the statute of limitations began runrtlng when the default was dl.9covered, the judge emphasized. Applying the statute of limitations period, Joeeph and Sylvia can sue Deltona for fraud and misrepresentation damages discovered within two years of their last payment, the judge ruled. In addition, Joseph and Sylvia can seek compensatory but not punitive damages, the judge concluded. Based on the 1982 U.S. District Court decision in Hadad v. Deltona Corporation, 535 Fed.Supp. 1364. Condos for adults suit personal need Allowing home buyers over 40 years of age to choose the home that is best suited to their individ ual needs and lifestyle, five one-story floorplana are offered at Huntington Landmark, an ocean-close condomirtlum community in Huntington Beach that is limited to adults over 40. Aocording to Jim Leishman, sales manager at the Signal Landmark Properties development, the homes at Huntington Landmark are especially designed to appeal to mature adults. "Ranging from a one-bedroom, one-bath plan with 834 BqUare .feet of living space to a three- bedtoom, two-bath model with 1,336 square feet, theee well-planned homes are ideal for adults who place a strong importance on convenience when 8t!lectin« a home," Leishman said. Priced from $94,450, each of the condominium homel has a fenced, private patio. In additiotl, one plan futures an atrium that can be viewed from the living room, dining area and master bedroom, while another has a large entry courtyard that is vlewed from the living room, dining area and kitchen. All homes come with one-car enclosed ~g is offered with an interest rate of ).&at 1311i percent, available for a limited time only. 'n)e sales center and five, decorated models, open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., can be visited by taking the San Diego Freeway to the Magnolia Stteet exit, driving south on Magnolia past the intersection of Adams Boulevard and turning right into the sales center parking lot. More infonnation la available by ca.U.ing 536-8847. Landmark A lisos financing lower Below-market financing at 121.ii percent interest and a $5,000 decorator allowance make the four and five-bedroom homes at Landmark Alisos particularly attractive to home buyers who want a luxury residence in one of Orange County's most dellrable Jocales, according to Ralph Decker, sales manager at the Signal Landmark Properties develo~t east of Lake Forest. •"Thf: 12~ percent financing not only will save bU'9f'I hundreds of dollars each month in mortgage payments over what they nonnally would pay with market-rate financing," Decker explained, "but it a.l80 will allow them to qualify with much lower tnoomes. And the $5,000 decorator allowance is an added bonus for buyers who close escrow within 60 days." Priced from $218,000 to $290,750, the two-story luxury homes at Landmark Ali.sos range in size from 2,222 to 2,873 Bquare feet of living space. They are 9et on Iota large enough for full-size swimming pools and feature spacious family rooms with fiftplaces, both fdnna.l dining rooms and separate breakf.-t nooks, and three-car garages. The Landmark AlflOS sales office and five decorated modela., open daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., can be Villfted by Uaking the San Diego Freeway to the IAke Forest exit and dnvmg east on Lake "Forest to the development, which is just put Trabuco ao.d. ¥ore infonnation is available by . caWnc 869-9874. PllME OCEAN FRONT Newport Beach duplex. Will trade for real estate, trust deeds. Low down, ready t o deal on this fa,ntaatlc , newly remod e le d pr9P8rty. $735,000 The 'WeUlngton Group ( 4) 838-3232 Eves. I (714) 5«-0614 0. ' REAL ESTATE llllUG TODAY'S REALTY QUIZ ii about mortaage terms. Check your understanding of mortgage terminology. 1. When a home buyer contacts the lender on the existing mortgage already on the property and takes over the legal obligation to make the mortgage payments, thla procedure ls called (a) alienation, (b) assumption, (c) deficiency, (d) "subject to." 2. When a home buyer does not contact the lender on the existing mortgage already on the property but the buyer begin.a making the monthly mortg.age payments , this procedure is called a purchase (a) alienation, (b) assumption, (c) deficiency, (d) "subject to." 3. If a mortgage lender seeks full payment when title to a property Is transferred, the lender is trying to enforce a (a) prepayment penalty, (b) due on sale clau5e, (c) exculpatory clause, (d) foreclosure clause. 4. Otto Owner decided to pay off his home mortgage early; what is the name of the extra cost Otto may incur? (a) prepaymef\l. penalty, (b) loan fee, (c) loan points, (d) discount fee. 5. If a mortgage lender forecloses on a property which sells at auction for less than the loan balance, in some situations what is the name of the procedure allowing the lender to collect the loss from the defaulting borrower? (a) alienation, (b) deficiency, (c) exculpatory, (d) punitive. Answers: 1. (b), 2. (d) , 3. (b), 4 (a), 5. (b). N I CE VIEW -Outdoor living can be enjoyed at the condominium community of Sea Island, recently opened on Jamboree Road in Newport Beach. Wide upper level decks are among the exterior features offered in the condominiums which range in price from $455,000 to $795,000. The development by McLain Deve lopment Co., offers views of uppe r Newport Bay. the ocean, Ne wport Center and the Irvine County C lub. The project is just north of Pacific Coast Highway on the east side of the road. Models may be viewed by te le phoning 673-0474 for an appointment. ·New housing construction declines • 1n • nation NEW YORK -Construction of new housing units in the second quarter of 1982 fell 22 percent below the volume in the same period of 1981 , it was reported by the F . W. Dodge Division of McGraw- Hill Information Systems Company. The extremely high interest rates whicn prevailed through midyear held the s pring ... quarter's total of housing starts to only 265,000, or an annualized rat<.' of 968,000 units, according to the construction authority. McGraw-Hill lnfonnation Systems Company is widely known for its Dodge Reports on construction acllVlty, Sweet's Catalog Files of building product information, and building cost information systems. .. "Even under conditions as harsh as these, there were a few bright spots," remarked George A. Christie, vice president and chief econom1St for F . W. Dodge. "Exceptions to the generally depressed homebuilding market in the sec:o nd quarter -not surprisingly -were Houston and Dallas. which led all other metropolitan areas by a wide margin." ... DI Or•noo Coeat DAil. V PILOT /Sund•y. Augult 22, 1882 Real estate showing recovery • ID California LOS ANGELES t'ullh1n11u'!I n•ul l•!ilDlt' murkt•t •howL•d ltlHllS of irnprnv1•nw11 t during JUIH' us l'O fllltr'Ul'tlUll 1ncn•ast"I 1111d holh hornt• lJl lt'1:i. and mu1 tKut(l' rates stal>tlm·ct. rcportl·d Set·uraty Puc 1r11· Nauonal Bonk "llornl'huildl nl( rorw for lht• 111-t·und t•o111Jt'l0Utll>1l' month on<t n•aC'hl·d th~ h1ghl'11t lcvt•I In ulmo11t u yC'ar," 1rn1d Puul (}' tlrtt'll, S('ntOr Vlt'I' prt.•Hldt•l\l and thl' bank's c·hlf•f real L'llWtt' off ll'l'r ·' Hnwt:ver, l'Onstructwn .. 1l't1v1ty 1N :nlll dramatkally bt•luw tht• Prt"·rt'(.'t.'SS!onary luwl " Nationally, hou11lng pnmlt11 rose to D s1•4111onully udju:HNI 1mnuul rote· of 94tl,OOO ur11\ll, dOt«.• lo tlw bt·rwhmark of 1 mtl hon units This wos _. 0 4 1wr1·1·11 l increase from Muy O' Brlc•n attrlbu tt-d ,-smnt.-uf Will honJeowners 'double up' with children in the future? Televis ing a segment of "Cahforn1a Showcase" at the TVRE studios in Laguna Niguel. Mary Eastman Rigney, a comm u n 1ca lio ns con s u ltan l , addressed the issue of "Wht'rt' Will Our Children Live'!" wl11d1 is the I 980's theml• uf thl' National A:;sol'iallon of llomc- Buildt'rs. l'Onsidt•rvd rad1eal.'' Thtc> d1scus.'l1on touched many areas of intl'rc•st to tht' real estate-o riented v1t>wers who regularly tune an to the program broadcast on table tell•v1sion stations m south Orange County <.:allfomla11 26 pt•l"\.'Clnl monthly 1n{·rton11t· In homebulldlns t.t> the u11tklpollon of new resldfnt1al l•nt.>rgy s tundards that wt·n· i-c.•hroull'<.I to start July 13 The· 1 m p I c• m e 11 t a ti o n o r t h t• iu· lltltndardi. was p<Mlllloned, und lt 18 l'XJX'\.'l(.'Cl that some of Junt.>'1 housing permits will be cnm•eled California permlti; <Aulhorlu.'<.I in June jumped to an annual rate of 94,300 units. Southern Callforn1u again dominated the state's c· o n s t r u c t i o n a c t 1 v 1 t y . tfomebuildmg in the nine-county a1 ea leaped 56 percent in June w an annual rat.e of 53,600 unit.fl. Ni. throughout the state, most of that increase was in smgle-family homes The building slump continuc.od an the rest of the state as monthly housing activity an Northern Cahforn1a shd 2 percent to a rate of 19,900 units. The annual rate of units authorized in the Central Valley fell 13.8 percent. Hom e prices varied greatly betwN'n California's three major u,.ban centers, O'Brien said. The average price of a new or existmg sangll'· family home in Los Angl•lcs dedaned for the third l'OJUecutive month, drupplnJC to $1 18.~00. Prices r<ll'll' 12.9 perl'<'nt In Su11 Diego w $119,1100 Awrol(l' homl· prkes in San Jo'ritncasl'O w1·n· slgnifacanUy higher at $ H9,ttoo. and tht•y regllltered an 111c1 t•a.w of 3 2 ~rcent from May San Franc~ also r<:g1st.erl·<l the h1~hest rate of home prn·1· apprec1at1on of Cahfornl<.1'11 thrt-t• major metropolit.an arcru. during the first half of 1982. Prtct's jumped 11 .2 percent over tht! l'Omparable period tn 1981 Average home price In L os Angeles increased by only 4 I percent, below the stut1"~ average rise of 6.6 percent O'Brien said both home prices and appreciation rat.es are basc..-d on data for conventtonally financed home sales a nd do nut ancludc transactions rnvolvrn1oe sl'ller financing. The dot.a may a lso be sk ewed sann· fl·Wl·r homes are being sold during these troubled economll· llm{·s. Mortgage rates also dtppt'li slightly in June The avc>rcig(· rate o n loans closc•d f<>r convt'nl:onally financ'Cd m·w and existing homes dropped Lo 15 '1..7 perl'enl in California during J 111'\1•. The ro lc• for nt-w 101tns now rangl"!l lx•twt•l•n 16 ~r<'C•nl und 17 :.!5 ix·r<«·n\ ' · T h t' n o n r 1• 11 1 d 1• n I 1 ;_J I umlltrut:tlcm llt":tur l'OllUllUl-d to ch·monstraH· liome re111llency during tht· 1:conomtl rl'{'t!Sltton that hu11 H•·v1·rl·lr ct1·pn·i.1wd homt'bulldanl{, · ht• !lo.Aid Valuauun.'i ro:M..• to $953 11111l1on an June. That ts o monthly antrt.•..uK" of 26.3 pern·nt ov(:r May and a 24 1 pen•1•nt in<·n •<JSI.' over J ul\f' 1981 . Commcrl'ial <.0 onstrut·t1on <.·ont inued to dominutl' buildmg attivaty Valuations lt•;..ped 46.5 pt-rt-ent in Jurn• to $466 b1lhon O'Brwn c.ttnbutl'<.1 this la1·gt·ly to filings for S{:'Verol m·w hot<·ls and ufft<'t· bualdmg." 111 Los Angeles County lnsll tutt1111,JI building JUntpt'<l 40 7 pet t't•nt frorn May to Jum>. rdll>t·ting Lhl· t·xpan~1on program at Lo:. Angel1.·1> lnll·rnatwnal Airport lh·mudt•l1ngs rost• 6 p<.'rcent and industrial valuallons droppc-d 21.6 J.x:n:t·nt O'Brien baS(.'fi his uirnnwnL'> on Lht• new 1!-.SUI' of "California Con::.truct1011 '1'11·111h,' pu1Jl1slwd monthly hy th• 11..ink-. rt''>l·ar(·h dl·partnll'lll ''Families doubling up" was one suggestion whkh talk show hos t Stevt• Maxwell constdl•r('d "rad1t·al ." R athl'r than communl .. style living. Rigney was refc·rring Lo families who live in 2,000 to 4.000-square-foot homes but who are so jealous of their pnval'y that they "re.)('t.'l the whole conc<'pt of tlwar l'htldrt•n and grandl'hildn•n living with them for any p<Jrtud of time exeept total crisis." As a commun1l'ations specialist, Rigney re<."ogniws thl• potential impact of cable advertising whereby the audience l'an "not only tune in to the specific subject of their t•hoit·e, but also they can respond through electronic feedbu«k devices wl\tl'h have· already bc·cn developed but art.-not yet in general use "Jusl as Cahforn1an.s pioneered fully furn1shl'd modl•I homes, I a. n d s ca p e d r cs 1 den t i a I developments, pcrimt:ter walls around h o u s ing tracts and thousands of othe r merchandising tools now used throughout the United States in the presentation of nl'W homes to perspective buyers, 1t 1s logil'aJ to assume that lh<' use of cable TV for rnarketmg new and resale homes wall be p1om.oered here," she concluded. Fixed rate offered at Coral Pointe "It's an American tradition for families to assist lhcir young adults to acquire housing Tht' Homestead Act was ont' of tht• greatest methods of settling a <:ountry ever used. and Uncle Sam gave away millions of alTt'S o f land to those w11l1ng to improve ll." she noted. SPEAKER -Mary Eastman Rigney talks about h ousing in the future on TV talk show. food That 1s much more expensive than eating at home. They have to havl' thl' latest clothing fashions and they spend hundred:; of dollar s a y(•ar on concert;;, tapes. ht-ft c>qurpment, makeup. veterinary bil ls and vacations. They are not saving for th e down payment or exploril'\g methods of utilizing the new creative financing te<:hn1ques. Maurer Elliott Development has announced a new financing program for its luxury homes of Coral Pointe that features a fixed interest rate o{ just 12 ~-percent for a full 30 years, with a down payment of 20 percent The t.enns, arranged through Santa Barbara Savings. are among a number of innovative financing plans now available to 1:reat.e the best possible purchase situation for buyers of the San Clemente oceanview estates. Located within the master- planned community of The Coast, Coral Po in tl' restdl•nc.·l·s a r e pril·ed from $299,990 to $599,990. Each one or two-story hom<• ts enhanced by views of the bluffs and beaches along this shoreline The choice of four Coral Pointe floor plans frature three or four bedrooms with up to 4.370 squan• feet. Full details of Maurer Elliott':. new f1nanC'10g programs are available from Jean Irvine, Coral Pointe sales r epresentative, at 498-8100. or at the developmc•nt's sales complex Tht• sales office and four l'legantly decorated models are oix-n daily from 10 IA m. to 6 p.m . at :Hfi C<tlll· Corral. in San Clement,. To reach Coral P<11ntt'. take the S a n D 1 ego F' r c• e w u y Lo t h e Camino de E.strt•lla l'Xll. drive north on Camano de Estrf'IJa unuJ n become~ Camino dl• lo:. Mares. l h e n t u r n l' a s t on A v e n u «-' Vaquero Follow that -.trct>t tu the intersct·11 on o f Calle Guadalajara, then turn left and up the hill to Coral P0t_,_p_tc_·. __ _ "My grandfather 1mm1gratc.-d LO this country and received land unde r t h e H o mes tead Act, farmed it. leased more farm land and moved most of his sons onto farms It wasn't unusual for relatives to get together to build a house on the 'south forty .' M ore recently. parents have become co-owners of homes to assist lht'1r childrt'n to havl' shelter" "lf a home is important. I have full confidence that American 1negenu1ty will create new paths to home own ership Recent changes in the lending anst1tut1ons' attitudes towards women's incomt' occurred as a result of economic and public pressure. The w1fr's mcoml• is now recognized as part of thl' qualifying income, along with the husband's rather than a 'frill · At first. that was also "California Showt•asl'." with its provoc<1tive qul'st, Mary Eastman Rigney, will air mor~ than a dozen times during t he month of August. The program, developed by TVRE (Televised Real E:;tate, Inc ). of Laguna Niguel. is carried on cable channels 29 (P) (T1mes-M1rror and 21 (Storer Cable) Residents of Laguna &at'h to San Clemente, andudang the areas of Saddlt•back Valley. Laguna Htlls, M1ss1on Viejo, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Niguel , Dana Point, and Capistrano &•al·h will be able to view the program whil'h ts product'd by Sll'vc•n Maxwell and Gary Dixon. II vou don t smoke. I can olter important savings on auto 1nsurancP. TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLE Rigney dismissed the conc<'pl of the "right" to housing. saying that she has observed very few young people actually "sacrificing to be able to own a home "They eat out m restauran~ <ill the time, even 1C 1t is JUst fast I ~ .. I ~.,...) .- J' ' 1· '1i ~~~ <t ''" . -1 I ( .' . ...,. : \ ~~ -. .... 1d ~~~ 1 , u 'v\lc•lc onw to Carbon (r(•t•k, a .charming nl'w town- hornt-> <.om111u111ty l>o<1.,t111g drnmat1c P>.ll'ftor dt>~1gns wilh .1 qur1rnt Nt'w f ngland flnvor ln1oy a more op<•n lt•L•linA with plt•flly ol mom bNwt.•rn building<;. t.•nh(tn('('O hy lowly land<;c r1p111g. 1 hP p<x>l/cahan.t arc•a ,ind ne;uhy tenrns court pro- vidtt a plt•asant foe .ii point. Jdding a special flavor to this 1ruly uniqUl' community Carbon CrN'k offN'\ unc ompromi<;rng qur1lity from thC' shakP roofs to thP rrramic ttlP -;howero, and k1tt lwr) ro1111ll'rtops. Central air tor1d1t1ofling ;., a priu.• induded feature. And you can'! beat thl· luc.1tion right in 1he heMl L >'' _r :>· ~· Claim your reward from: RABBITT INStltANCE 441 Old Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca. 831-n40 t1•• I 11•1 · $10,000 Allowance on Selected Models . • $2,500 Closing Cost Allowance. • 5% Down on Some Plans. • 11.5% First Year Graduated Pay- ment Mortgage Program. · New Lease Option Program. All Monthly Payment Applies to Purchast Price. FiJc Sales Price Now. On Magnolia, 1 blcx k north of Lincoln t-urnic.hed rnodcls Of)('n daily 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 761-2155 '\•·•· ,,1l1•,111•r-rm lor ,1\\rn 1.111un dUI'\ ,Hid ltrl<llH 1111: d1•f11il\ l'rlll'' .ind h•rrn• •uh11·11 rot h.rnµ1· \\1th C>f Orange County. Ano<;<; from sct->n1( Oad .-----llUI l'IPlll •' • Miller Coif Cour'\P. 2 a~~p) t:;r~~ry, (~!\ r1L8DJ'J from S98,990. ' f • ... '. l .\.1"tfl no! lo « .tl1• ACROSS deed 78 Female ruff 1 S.auty 79 Avoid: 2 parl0<s WO<d9 7 Cavort 81 Revolves 1 t Plant stalk 83 Loves madty 15 Black-85 Cobblers· board a concerns 21 Fromlhe 86 Chess piece mouth 87 Faulty 22 Wicked 88 Gatbo 23 Smootl\ 11\e 89 Bandit way 91 Amateur's 24 Natural gttt ballpark 2.5 Not Pref 93 ObseNes 26 Aunt· Sp beforehand 27 Steeping 96 Coln of yore potion a 97 Charms: 29 Ecology Slang agcy. 99 Big - 30 Scythe Calif. 31 Youngster 100 Listens to 33 Scott 101 Boundry 35 Stice Comb lorm 36 Break• 102 Bowhke IUddenly curves 38 Goal 104 Proofread- 39 Oltc0<dla Ing marks 4 1 EJiplo11ve 106 Peruses 42 Pub again m.a~res 108 Plumbing 44 011-yleid· complaint Ing tree 109 Gathered 45WIMm&n leaves 48 Lowe<a In 111 Young yt1ars rank 113 Siik net 48 Showed off 114 AerM<ly 50 Swtuclty potions 52 Extremist t15 Motor 54 Parted outings: 2 56 Hurried words 59 VIC10<l1 and 118 -Oellvery Alb41rt 120 Sleepy- 81 Aegean head's den lllland 123 Erves 82 Sudden rear 125 Socks 86 Spelt 129Blgfu1Se$ 67 Dlmlnlahed 130 1812event gradually 132 Ove<slutfs 69 Enduret 133 California 71 Htohwiry fort divider t34 Oanoe 72 Pronoun movement 73 Stonn1 135 lllumlnated 74 Folding 138 Nabbed· 2 b«f words 76 Notable 138Japanese coin carte record· 2 139 "I've-" 18 .. _ Deum' words (fed up) 2 19 Naval 89 Zoo words banner greeting 141 Chemical 20 Thwart 90 Extra Scot ending 28 Melodies 91 Surgary 142 Attending 32 Indistinct 92 Persian t43 Scull 34 Fodder native 144 Ats\JmeS preS8fv1ngs 93 Norman command 2 37 WWII explo-Vincent - words Siona Hyptl 94 Lake of 147 Museum word pyzzle fame display 38 Bern s nver 95 Drinks 149 -pro-40 More pa1nl1JI slowly fund ls 42 Vautier 98 Turk 150 Lacking 1n 43 Flower part 100 Assists energy 45 Hero's 103 Singes 152 Arabian award 105 Cuts quickly chtef1aln 47 Young one 107 Tricks 153 Uncommon 48 Manu-108 Toy shop 154 -down lactures olf e11ngs (secured) 49 Defaced 110 Musical 156 Afrtcan 51 Win&-pair gazelles planl Fr I 12 Atomizers 157 Hardens 53 Frolicsome 114 Mail tn 156 Planllng leap India need 55 Garden 116 1n the direc- 159 Asparagus flowers l•on of stalks 56 College I I 7 Locations cheers 119 Cleveland DOWN 57 Mine base ballers entrance 1'0 Bully lree I Went by 58 Returns 2 121 C11y Desk boat words manager 2 "With trum-60 Time UOllS 122 Speck pets -.. 63 Story· 124 Choir 3 Behold! tellers membefs 4 Table scrap 64 Arrow 126 Airline abbr 5 River nymph poison 121 Sens11111e 6 Tiiied 65 So-so t28 Humes 7 Pface11n-grades 131 Rituals 8 Above 67 Inns 133 Jomed the 9 Among 68 Speck crew Poetic 70 Gazers 136 Banosler 10Calm 73 Broadway 137 V1C1or1a or 11 Frothy parts Albert secretion a 75 Small stand 139 Present 12 Hebr-77 Delightful 140 Snare letter spots 143 Unseal, to a 13 Nights 80 Flax refuse poet before Scot. 145 Tool chest H Inter-81 Sprinted 146 .. -111c1us" mediate 82 Make lace t48 Bind 15 Oo aw1y 2 84Westem 151 Japanese words Ind Ian mile 18 Folds OV8< 86 Conquer0<1 t55 Creole 17 Words with 88 School State Abbr ' ' J l!:llen Burstyn returns to Broadway in "84 Ch aring Cross Road." "The most exciting down-Jo-the-wh'e action since SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funniest bunch of rascals since THE BAD NEWS BEARS." -8111 Tu1h, WTBS, Th• All•nt• Superatatlon KENNY ROGERS is Brewster .BaJter .. · TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX Presents A LION SHARE Production A DANIEL PETRIE Film KENNY ROGERS "SIX PACK" " DIANE LANE • ERIN GRAY Music by CHARLES FOX Executive Producers EDWARD S. FELDMAN and TED WITZER Produced by MICHAEL TRIKIUS Written by MIKE MARVIN and ALEX MATIER Directed by DANIEL PETRIE • IPGlf'MBITAlGUIWa suamD~ --~ ... ,-.""'---CtMafWlllTllTHCINTUllY'O• ,. . ·~~ -' • .!' _ _j ClASSIFllD Burstyn on Broadway She's the first woman president of Actors' Equity Assoc. By JAY SHARB\J'IT A~ Dr•m• WrtJw llfEW YORK -Ellen Buntyn, who in 1975 won Broadway's Tony for her work in "Same Time, Next Year" and Hollywood's Oscar for "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore." is returning to Broadway this season. She'll star in "84 Charing Cross Road." Rehearsals start in October. She anticipates no problems with working conditions, no gripes to be logged with the st.age actors' union, Actors' F.quity Association. ... But if there are, she can go nght to the top and complain to herself. She's president of F.qu1ty. She was elected last May, the first woman president in the history of the 69-year-old union. F.quity says it represents 30,000 players and stage managers in legitimate theater across the U.S . Half t he membership is in New York, which is where she first became a member in 1956 when ""~··· DAILY 1:15, S~ 8:00, 8:20, 10:3I .......,...._I f.dr 11///IFJ DAILY 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 (PO) AT •tOOCMONT HIOH • "!~~~i:-1·-(!) DAILY 1·3-5 7-1:50, 10-AO 12-M, 4:IO, 1:15 "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" 2:41 1~. 10:11 "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO OARP" DAILY S;45, 1:00 (Ill *-•m~ 3:45. 1:00 1:15, 10-.30 (fO POLTERGEIST-~ DAILY 4:00, 1.-00 •L~ llUll,_,. fRI. 1:00 • SAT/IUN. 4-1 "FORCED VENGEANCE" . FRI. 1:15, 10:15 SAT/IUN. 2:11, lc11. 10:15 (R) •'THE HAIT MASTER" DAILY 4: 1 I, l:JO ~~Im DAit. Y l:20, l:IO, 10-.AO POLTERGEIST~ DALY~l:OO "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARI<"'"'' DAILY 1Nll l:oD, WOi !:.•· 10la (~J-- 'SUMMER LOYIRI" DAa. \' 4&11, 1111 (R) TMQ ....... C,_..,. ..,.OCt<Y "' .. DMY ....... .. OAK. Y 1:00, 3:00 l:OO, 7:00, l:IO. 10M fA!T T!Mr1 AT IUDGEMONT HICH (!I A uttfvt•U• ~H.l•l ,Rt. 7:00, t:SO, 10-AO SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 7:00, 8:50, 10-AO "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" FllL 7:00. 10:40 I ATISUN. S:1S, 7:00, 10:45 MtGllT Slltn ~ ...... .. TRACK DOUY ITDIO ET. 1:••ftA· m , • RUTIUAL . """"""'~ "''"'" DAa.Y 1:1'l::° ....... ,.... ) ~di!~ DM.Ylltl, ?.-' DM.'f"" --- making hl'r Broadway dt•bul 111 "F'dir Game," a comedy. She readily admtt.s sht· rwvl'r uSt-d to bt.· very active in the union But last November she agn'<'<l to run for its presidency, an unpaid post. whl•n a'>.'>un.-d "the job is what you make 1t, that you t·an l!C•Vl' as much or as little as you want to, that 1t''> really r<~·pn~ntang the actors of the legitimate stage• publicly" The union chief. who'll Ix· t:hwf fur a three- year term. suddenly grins "Tht•y all lwd Nobody in their right mmd would b<· doing this .)Ob for free After I accepted the nominatJon. I called up Ed Asner and asked. 'How bad 1s 1t?' " Asner, genial star of CBS' smc:e-canceled "Lou Grant" series Jnd controvt>rs1al pn·s1d1:.-nt of the 51.000-member Screen Al·to,-..' Gutld. gav£• 1t to her straight. "He said. ·w orse than your wor.,t ntghtmare.' And he was right Tht•t l' •~ ~• mul h to know and learn. It 's like learning how 111 sw1111 aftc·r you've (See ELLE N, Page E3) "THINGI ARE DAILY4111. .. TOUGH ALL OVER'' 14THa WORLD DAI&.\' MO, 1:11 ..... 1:41, 10:18 AC:COltDING lllf.,D11tl Of THI '''ORCED &.OIT A"lf<ml TO GARP" VINQIANCI" DAILY 1:40 llll.N0.10:IO(R) .... t , ...... ~·1.~ "THI llNll'..._I HAIT· fAS1' f lllftJ ~ MASTER" .,.~'.:"°"' 11JO, 8:11. tl10 (Ill • 'Q~.;.'t' 11 "NIGHT DALY 111a. 4111 SHIFT" .. ........... l PN/IAT. UIJO t:aO. r1 M. *" , ' .f'f .......... """'!!!"'l!!l"l!!!"' .... !!lll!ll•ll""ll¥'R¥"""4!'1"'!111!!J!11~#'!1"'119~$~$P'l!! ... 0 ... #~$~Q ... 4~~·~·~· .... ·11"'!'15,...U~b"'!!'!l4"W~Wlll"'!"lbr.'l*~D"'!"'l"'D~# ..... D._.._ • ._ .... .__..._.. ........ .._.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-r. --~ .. ·----.... -,,. ~ ... ~ -~ ----------··-----,. - Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1882 John Sambuco, Sharron Holland and Rose-Lee McKay (from left) on the violins. Irvine SUDlDler concert due The Irvine Symphony Orchestra will present Us aecond free summer concert Monday evening V(ith a three-work program featuring Prokofiev's clasaic "Peter and the Wolf." The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the central plaza of Woodbridge Village Center on Barranca Parkway at Lake Street. Narrating the composer's story o f the adventurous Peter in the Russlan woods will be'>E. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IT'S VERY SAD , TMAT SOME I y~ PAST EVENTS '. • WERE NOT "1!:CORDED. AND EVEN SADDER T~AT SOME OTHERS WE:RE. Marty Ingels signed to b e voice of Pac Man HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Marty Ingels was calling producer Gordon Hunt at Hanna Barbera to pitch a project starring Robert Culp. Hunt's ears suddenly perked up. Ingels has a one-of-a-kind rasp. Hunt, it seems, had auditioned 88 voices of every description to play the role of Pac Man in a new animated series for ABC. He immediately signed Ingels, a comedian and actor who also runs a businel8 pl.acing famous names, famous faces and famous voices. Ingels is n o w the voice of Pac Man, the ravenous little creature who has eaten his way into the hearts and pocketbooks of millions of video game players. You vividly remember "Surf" and now you're anxious to see the sequel, "Surf II." Hold on, If you recall "Surf" you've fallen off the surfboard once too often. Producers George Braunstein and Ron Hamady decided to skip t,he preliminaries and go straight to the eequel. MOVIE RATINGS Riii MRENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,. ...... 111 .. ,......,. _ ___ .. _ _,fl/ _._,,,,_,,,,,, __ riil ALL~ M*lntO l!!J a.-...-- Ray Quigley, singer , commercial jet pilot and civic leader. Other works will be Rossini's "Overture to the Thieving Magpie" and "Tubby the Tuba," featuring soloist Robert Sanders of the Long Beach Symphony. Bernard Gilmore, new conductor of the UC Irvine Symphoney Orchestra, will lead the orchestra as guest conductor. The same program also will be presented at 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12 at UCI's Campus Park, the grounds in the middle of the campus. • '"AN OFF1CER AND A GENTUMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" _,. .... Md ----NOW PLAYING ---- AMAMEIM •EWrm.T IUCM OflHGl WHTMIHTlR Pic1!1t's A11atieom EOwards Newpotl Cnedome Edwards Cinema Wes1 Onve In 879 9850 ~ 644 0760 634 2553 891 3935 MIUIOll YIUO Edw¥ds Vllj() TWW1 830 6990 WMOM •itl;tJM#i!.j r,cnrm· -so.i .. ~ MU •• , .. Mann 8rn Pl&U Pacdlt"S Lincoil llnY•·ln S29 S339 821 4070 COITIMllA ~ Edwards HattJor T "''" Paalic"s Ot11191 OtM In n1 3so1 sse 1021 :=-:'!-. s30 u o1 I • DIM INS ~soom "QltlEMWllP{ rcn •>QI 110 ,,,.... M:C£1'ff:0 RMI TIMI~ Wiiii &ut&Dolly ,,.,. Mudt fun )Ullt <:oflldn., ~lqall 4 lllln'IMU..-DO PIClWI . __ ...,,,__ GOllll 011 lllDGI ev CtiAALES H. GOREN ANO OMAA SHARIF DEAR MR. GOREN Q. -Over U1e yMr1, you have aehJeved oae of the 1reatelt reciordt of any brfd1e player. CertaJaly, your 1taadtac .. aa authority 11 without peer. What advice would you live to • youac player Ju1t 1tartla1 out la the pa1teboard juqle?-R. Taylor, Detroit, Mich. ll'hlt qu11Uoa ha1 been awarded the weekly prlz~.I A. -I can tell from your question that you are a young man of impeccable taste. You will go far in Lhc world of bridge -or politics. or business, for that matter' Seriously. there ~ one piece of advice that I ha\oe ex prt>ssed Lime and Lime again. and I think that today it as observed more in the breach: Keep it si mple! A void rom plications wherever you can. There are enough dirricult situat ions in bridgf' without you adding complex biddin~ or play agreements to them. I would like to recall two of my favorite anecdotes. Some years ago. my team was defending a national learn or four rhampionship. We were in top gear. played an ab solut<>ly perfert session. and had taken an enorrnou11 lt-11d ovt•rouradver!IAriu. A 1·harm ing young lady had OOl!n kibitzing mr. At th1• t-nd of the se11ion, I ovt-rh1•nrd ht•r telling a friend: ··1 don"t 1u•e why he's so wonderful. Hr didn't do a thing tonight that I t•ouldn"t have done!"' I still regard that as one of th(' grt'att>st compliment!> t hut l'vt• 1•vt•r bt•en paid. The late S.J. Simon loll'! me about a hand he play1•d 1n un English tournam1·nt with Maurice ll arrison Gray. They reached a t hrt·e no trump ron trat·t ul whir h there were 1•xat"lly n1n1• tricks off lhe top-no more, no less. After the opening lead, Gray claimed his nine tricks and that was that. It turned out that a pair of super-scientists had had a rather long and labored aur tion to reach a contract of four hearts, down two. They asked Simon how he and Gray had managed to gel lo three no trump. "Quite sim· pie," Skid Simon replied. "Gray opened one no trump and I raised to game!'" Q. -If you are such a gTeat theoretic~. how come you have Dever had a conv•nlion ,,. ' b•arla1 your D&•e? -R. JohHoa, New Yot'k City A.-You have me mixed up with someone else -1 am a teacher, not a theoretician. f:Jesides. the fa ct that you have a convention named uftN you doo8n't neceasarily mean thal you Invented it. f or rxample, McKenney signals wPre invented by Hy Lovlnthal. B.J. Becker has no idea how lht-Becker Conven lion got 1ti. name. The Jordan <.:onvrnt1on wu probably dreamed up by Alan Trus <'Ott And the Slayman Con ventron ill the brainchild or G1·orgt· ltapee. I might try to comt' up wrth a (;ort'n Convention wc·re I not s uch a great hl'l1t>v1•r in a ~1mplt'. natural 'llylt• a' ti. rvident from my rnmmt•nh t•arlier in this rol11m11 Send &11)' quemtloH for tliJ1 column to: Charlu GOl'en and Omar Rharll. un of tlll1 nf'w1paper. F.ach week a prtu of a copy ol thf' new "Goren'• Bridie Complek, .. a S9.95 valve, will be awarded for the que1tJoa judced the but received. Charle. Goren and Omar Sharif pertonally CIUIHl oJMler· lake lO IDIWf'r alJ que1lloD1 Hb- m itted: It knows whal scar~s you. ~ -~····-· NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA U TOllO OflAllGl •WESTMlllSTEJI tdwa1os Town Cenfel £0 .. a1ds Sd<IOlebaell. AMC O•anoe Matl lOwilldS Conema Wes1 7S1 4184 ~81 S880 6370340 891393~ COSTA MlSI ld.,.•<O\ Ct11tm~ Ctnl~• • OllAllOI Ull C11y Crnerna 9794141 634 3911 ....... .,_ [NO ••••u ACCl,.10 •ooo _!!!!I litoAOr!iiiIJ Tiie Retum of the Greet Advent...e~ fOUllTAI• •&lllt WUT ... TOI ,_,, ,.,., UA- 962 12•• 89) 0~•6 flltUJITOll JO• ~2S H H NOW PLAYING -llf- -· • ...,· l ... -~ lHUlt lll !llM CWTA-----C.0.----,,, .... ,, .. , ,, ..... -UA()oy- ll• Jtit --·Ol-0.-"' lMI 1011 "'"-"" ~, .. w.,JtOrllftM "' l6tl .......... , ... , s MONTY MtQt LM AT THI HOU.VWOOO ICllWl m ""' .. ~ , .. , NOW thru SUN AUG 29 •CONNIE HAIN•I • SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT a19 a-....,_, -Ila,. Dally IN TlfE FAMILY CIRCLE lHUlER • Money Sevl<19 Show Spac'-11 • lntariof Room Dl-i>l•v• • M1nuleciured Houalng ADllllllON SHOW HOUlltS Adults 14.50 Monday· Tnu1sday 2Pfll to tOPlll Ch11d1en 18 •II V"11 12.90 F•rOtty 2Pflll l u U P'llll Ch11dren 1_. • "' Froo Sa1u•oav 12Noon to 11~ Sen C1111ens t1 Off Mon F" Sunoay 12 NoOft to 9PM ~ Come Eartr Sta~ Late ':-=--~i!lii~(___J-l!jii~~!-~ AIR CONDITIONED ~ EIM FO" INFO CALL COH V•H TIQN C •NT•i. (7Hl "9-8900 800 w Ka1ena Across from 0.St>e~tano The comedy sleeper of t he vear. . ''HEY BUD, LET'S PARTY!'' @rlif It 's Awesome, Totally Awesome! ---~-;;___..:.-_;._ ___________________________________ iliilililili .. iiiiiiliiillili • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Auguat 22, 1982 June Lockhart in China film Ellen Burstyn on Broadway By JERRY BUCK UT.........,Wrttw LOS ANGELES -June Lockhart was vacatJonlng at the local mountain ret<>rt of Lake ,4J'rowhead a year ago when her manager caUed and aaked If she'd like to go to China. "I said, 'I d on 't even want lo know the ctrcumatances. I'm going,' " she recalJB. "One of the wonderful perks of this business ts that you get to travel so much." She spent 3 ~ weeks in the People's Republic of China , filming "Peking Encounter," the first joint American-Chinese production since the mainland was re-opened to cultural exchange. "Peking Encounter" is an hour-long Liberty Mutual dramatic special that te lls of the love between a young American woman and a Chinese orchestra conductor. It will be broadcast by more than 100 stations over the week beginning tonight on KTLA (Ch. 5) at 9. The drama also stars Diana Canova and Mason ~dams and two Chinese performers, Shi Yong and Chen Chong. E.W. Swackhamer directed the film tor Robert Halmi Productions from an original screenplay by Cecile Tan~ and Timothy Burns. . ''Nothing prepares you for China," says Miss Lockhart, who has traveled extensively around the world. "They don't teach you in school what to expect, how it looks or what that communist philosophy has done to them. Even before it was communist, it was tightly controlled. "You want to tell them to lighten up," the actress says. "I sensed they were very cautious about who they talked to, who they were seen with ~who they laughed with." S he describes "Peking Encounter" as a "light, sweet, gentle" tale. "Diana Canova has an implied romance with the conductor of a Chinese youth symphony," Miss Lockhart says. "The romance consists mostly of longing looks. "Our big problem was that they were not allowed to touch each other. Any public display of affection, particularly between a Caucasian and a Chinese, is strictly forbidden," she says. "It's just not done. And if we'd tried it. the head of the film unit would have been on the set very quickly." Adams plays a television gourmet chef, and Miss Lockhart's character is a woman who has followed his career for many years and who suddenly finds herself on the same tour of China with him. "Mason and I have our own little romance,'' she says. "I end up with my head on his shoulders." Miss Lockhart says she wanted to stay on to see more of China after the filming. but she had to rush back to Park City, Utah. to begin work on a "Grizzly Adams" special. Miss Lockhart, probably best known for the "Lassie" series, which she began in 1958, was born San Diego wants to save 'Simon and Simon' TV show HOLLYWOOD (AP) -First "Harry 0,'' and now "Simon and Simon." San Diego is up in arms. Mayor Pete Wilson has signed a proclamation urging a letter-writing carnpajgn. Radio station KFMB is planning an "I Love San Diego" listener party. Disc jockeys Bob DeCarlo and Lee Mirabal devoted their show on KOGO all week to saving "Simon and Slmon ." CBS and Universal Television has moved the television detective series from its home base in San Diego to a more exciting locale. CBS program officials call it "Nondescript, Calif." It seems the netwo rk decided San Diego lacks compelling "cinematic values." San Diego is not going to take that lying down. June Lockhart, wearing "Mao" cap and huuing her dog, Tony. into a show business family. She made her movie debut in 1938 at the age of 12 in ''A Christmas Carol" with her parents, Gene and Kathleen Lockhart. A few years later she got a part in "AU This and Heaven, Too," which meant she would have to be absent for several weeks from the exclusive girls school she attended. "My father went to the headmistress and told her what a wonderful opportunity and experience it would be for me,'' the actress says. "When he finished, the headmistress leaned back and said, 'Really, Mr. Lockhart, I have no personal objection to June being in a film. But I certainly think the parents of the other girls would not want their daughters going to class with a student who appeared in motion pictures.' . "My father turned to me and said, •June, pack your boOks.' He took me out of school that instant." From Paae El alrcadr, left the high board and are approechlna the: water ' Be• th11t a.a It may, Mlaa 8uratyn, a tanned, flt· look ing woman of 49 who 1poak1 quietly and radiate& 11ensuality, n"w la In the union 1wlm, paddling about, learning on the Job, flcina llaue11 l•rlf' and small. The su~cea1or to actor·1ln1er Theodore 81kel, F.qulty'a president for 12 yean, ahe isn't starting out with gum bla%lng and banners flying. That ifn't her style. She'a tacklina the buica first, she say•. Such as getting the few actors lucky enough to work steadily mucfi more active ln union activities: "I just don't~ many of the work.Jng actors at the meetings." She also wants to help the multitudes of actors "at liberty" -the unemployed -get employed, "to find ways to create more work for actors. I'm thinking about that now but don't have any answers yet." F.qu1ty says about 80 percent of its members are unemployed at any given time. She want.I to study that, too. to learn how many members actually work as actors or want to, as opposed to thoee who began as actors but now permanently work in other fields while keeping their membership active for various reasons, including nostalgia. And then, she says, there's the major Issue of merger down the road involving F.quity, the Screen Actors Guild, and the 55,000-member Americ~n Fede ration of Radio and Television Artists (AFTRA) whose jurisdiction covers broadcast work, both live a nd taped. She thinks an F.quity-SAG merger more likely at first, because AFTRA membership includes disc jockeys, announcers and even TV r~rters and anchorpersons, "whe reas SAG and Equity have only the aame people -actors.'' Weighty mattRrs, far from her early years as a star-struck kid growing up in Detroit. HeT first performing job was on the lowly side -as a model at the Michigan State Fair hired to point out the innards of a truck to those interested in such things. The n. a slow, difficult climb upwards, from hoofing in Jackie Gleason's old variety series to soap operas, from studies with Stella Adler and at the Actors' Studio with Lee Strasberg to the top Hollywood roles, the breakthrough coming in 1971 in Peter .Bogdanovich's "The Last Picture Show." SCOTT BAIO : WILLIE AAMES ~1' ~ t:mb":~~·:z.oP':.·i~'.t~t:"~~'~,.';.rg"~::~•on f'"•Hc• Schachl•r He•ther Thomu Roben M..,.daft ON• Bra.cUord and Sc.atm&.11 Cro~ -- A festival THE ORIGINAL IS DACK. in music for the whole family. eople. llow J)'s singing. Ifs danc- ing. Ifs entertainment like you've never seen. The Up With People Show is an Internation- ally acclaimed cast of OW/Ill 100 young people who sing and dance their way right Into your heart. With mu1lc from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this beautifully choreo- graphed, colorful festival of music. Coming Sept. 5 and e to Orange Cout College auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance tlcketa for 17 available at the OCC ticket oMc., 558-5527. Ticket1 on night of performance are S8 at the gate. Event co-eponeored by Orange Cout College and the Orange Cout Oally Piiot. 5lamng MARK HAMILL HARRISON FORD CARRIE FISHER PETER CUSHING and ALEC GUINNESS • MAie t7,-~odvG~ by 'Monwn ond Oir«IWd t)V JOHN WILLIAMS GARY KURTZ GEQP.GE LUCAS l(CHNICOlOI\• Pf\INn OY0£ LUX£ Ill CXI,,. ____ ___,,. --~·-,~..._,! Cl-... -~ ... , .. "'-'oflt.,lf ..... ..,, ... ·~ ...... ",... •"---.......... '~ ...... :~:::.::;::. ~ " .._ .. ' -· ---........... , She didn't wln the a.car for that fll.tn, but Cloria Leachman, did. Four years 1.ai..r •h• aot The Prtie aa the middle-aged. would·be llnlfl' with a eon to ralae In. "AJlce Doesn't Live Here Anymore." By that time. 1he didn't Uve In Ho0ywoo4 anymore. She'd taken up pennanent rsldence In New York In 1972 after making ''The £xom.t," whf're ahe eueyed the mother o( a Utt.le devtl. It'a not a question o( why did she leave LA, only "why did I ever live there?" ahe wryly chucklea. She only lived there, ahe aaya, beatuae her then-husband, actor Nell Burstyn, father of their son, Jeff, wanted that. But the thrice-wed actress, whoee marrlage to Buntyn ended in divorce, had to leave. She jult got 'It's like learning to swim after you have left the high board and are approaching the water.' tired of LA smog. of hearing "you're gonna die of Lnhaling the poison." There's some debate w hether the inhaling ls any safer in Fun City, but here she ls, a union president preparing for her Broadway return in "84 Charing Cross Road," a British import by James- Roose Evans. lt's based on Helen Hanff's best-selling novel about an affectionate 20-year exchange of letters between at New York author (Miss Buntyn plays her) a nd the owner and staff of a London bookstore. The play is scheduled to open here in December after a tryout run in Balumore. "It comes down to good writing," sh e says when asked why she took the role. "It always comes down to that. Whatever other considerations l have m selecting material, good writing wilJ grab me every time." · She says she'll be in the play for a season: heaven and critics wijJing. But she has no plans for a long run as president of Actors' F.quity. "I'm just. going to do my best while I'm there." · She says she took that role because sh e feels. "we should a ll do what we can to be o( service. And it seemed to me a way to contribute something to~ profession that I've gotten a lot out of. I'd like ~. give something back to it." · *BARGAIN MATIN•••* Monday thru l1turd1y All Performancea before &:00 PM jhcept lpecl1I En1119emtnt1 end Holl~•Y•I lA Ml"A(}A MAi l 10 Morado 01 l o••c•o"• LA MIR.AD.A WALN ·IN 99'·2•00 AN Of PICH AND A OINTllMAH 111 11olt11ltl11tll•l .. IO l.T. TMI IXTUnUll111Al!Nl ""' TMI 1ucmc MOUIMAN fNI PllDAT THI taTN 'AfJCW! IJ,.IMIWIMU..-11 ... ClillCH i CHONH THINOI f All TOUGH ~U OVll 111 U110 •1 II .... ""' TMI '1 n MOVll !N l TMllUTUTTI.I WHOHHOUll IN TIXAI 111 ,, ............ .-..-, .. .. ITAaWAUfN ) l<1hllty- 111M l 1tl ,, .. l oll lt>•I LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN Ill ,ACIC CNj , ..... 10 .......... 10 loculty 01 Concll••OOd 213/IJ1·9110 TMI '1 llA Tl l'lllOVll tN l , .......... ,. '"" NICHtl a.ti" Ill 1 ....... , .... PllDAT THI 1 JTM 'Alf 2111 ... , ... ,, ...... , ...... 1, ... ...... 1 JO \f IMPORUIH NOTICE• CHHOREN UllO(R 12 fRU! -Mii w"'* ..... Tin Fri. 1·00 • s,t .• S.... -. HIN t!Hf-n SOI/MO• •OUO ,,. CAA llM>IO IS 'IOIJ'I vtNtl• • ti() AM CAii Ml)fl) WITl4 ~ oct(S$()11• ~ -Aloi l'OllT¥U 1•~ Clllf-R -D lllf AM - ANAMt•M ANAHEIM DRIVE IN ...... ,ti ot , • ..,.., It 879·HIO ITAi WAlltNl ""'' ,.,.,,., CIOlt fl IOllllO 8111 ,.. ... ~ ....... BUENA PARK DlllVI IN ltl'COlll " ........ •"°" 121-4010 1'1 •I ,_. A l' A U• LINCOLN DIUVf IN \tn<OI" A•• Wetl Of •"Ofl 121-4070 I ,,.,.1a.1r-.. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVl IN ZAllHDl11> ""' TM11UTum1 WMOllHOUll INTUAl(I) c;1111 .. _ AN Of•ICll AND A MNTLIMAN Ill THI PINM ?l.HTDOWN1N1 c .... 11 IOuOiO l .T. TMl IX~!!UlmtALINI THI 1umtc HOUIMAN , .. , fAllTIMllAT . ..DllMC!'!! ...... (I) TMI MOU TwOOo KNMMm I'll So• -.o ,,.. 01.,oou'"'"110 > tU•2411 CM "' - ........ _o._'f_.~_1~_._;3_"_) lfl,ACKIMI NNif PM Cllllfl- ..... ,. ... ,. LA HABRA l>lllVI IN 17MM2 19..... I TMI llAtT MAITll 1"91 ~ SW_, """8 INl ...I Mt !outM AU 0¥0 MONTY~lM • AT NOU TWOOD IO'#lltt U . TMl ll""lfl"TllMCNl TMI ILICTttC MOlllMANpe1 ORANGE N11\lf IN .... ''"''"" Nf.1111t VINDM111t ... " I ~ l:GO (C) MOVIE * * "Shlpw1.ck" ( 11)78) Rob4W1 Logan, Mikki Jarnl- toll·Ottoll A~. nit .fWO d""Qhl.,1, • reportw atld • ~y -11ratld- 9d on .,, ltOl•lecl lll9nd •It., ...count4Wlng • vto- lent "°''" •• -·o· O MOVIE * * "Sitting Ouck1" ( 1980) Mlc:hMI Emll. z.ch Nonn•n. Two crlmln•I• Hempe the U.S. with • mll· llon doll•re 1111d run Into • 1n1g In their pt1n1. 'R' 5:08 Cl) PETE.A Al.LEN ANO THE AOCKETIE8 The Rocl<ettea l<>ln llnoe< Peter Allen on 11909 •t ~ City Mualc: Hall In lhll tnuelc:al apeclel. 5; 15 CID JOHffNY CASH'S AMEUCA The country muale s1111 per1orm1 • salute to Amer· lcen hlllory and lrlldltlon• with OU"'' June Cart« CHh, Sieve Goodmllll, Jottn Prl~ •nd Rodney Crowell from Kennedy Center In Washington, o.c (%)MOVIE * * "Down Argenllne W•y" (1940) Betty Grable, Don !lmeche. A bellutlfut heir-follows e wealthy South Arnetlcen from N- York 10 Argentina &;46 .. CHAIST~ Cl06EUP t:oo D SEAEHOIPfTY • MUSIC ANO THE SPOt<EH WON> IJ YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES • 818l.E ANSW£A8 G» ROMPER ROOM Cl) SUNDAY MORMINO 5: 15 CS) JANE FONDA'S ca.EBNTY FASHIOH SHOW An d-1181 8')edel INIUt· Ing high fuhlon, atylllh IOP*fllllrS and m~ ~lure 8;30 8 FOA OUR TIMES "LMng With Death: &eek· Ing Taboos" Dougie• Edwerdl looll1 et People Cete, .,, organlutlon lh•t help• find the !>al poul- ble care lor the termtnelly Ill. (P811 1) D THArSCAT 8 A08£RT SCHUUEA I OAY&AEAK LA. SUMCUtSIHE m CAUFOAHIA PEOPLE ~~TUAE U.8.A. * * '.t "Some1Nng Sl>Ott Of Patlldlle'' ( 1979) Suaan Sarandon. David Stein- berg Two young N- YOlk-i.ern •bout IOve and the Ylclaaltu<les ol a one-10-one rel•llon1hlp. 'PG' 7:GO 8 TODAY'S REUOION D WHITNEY AND THE AOeOT 8 UTT\.E AASCAL.S 8 rT IS WArTTEN IJ ICEHNETH COPELAHO • DAY Of' Ot800V£RY I CARTOONS YOOA FOA HEAl TH 8 SUNDAY MASS (C)MOVIE ***'ii "The Way We Were" ( t973) Barbra Streltand, Robert Redford. A young college couple In the 19301 dllCCMI< that their potltlcal differences 819 strong enouo" to jeop- 81dtze the!< ~rTlag.9. 0MOVIE • * * "BlacllbOatd Jun. gle" ( 1955) Glenn Fotd. Anne Franc:il. A dOdk:atmd young luct.. attempt• to r11tore order In a blg-dty training achoo! where ,_,.age ,_..._ And vlolenoa have lllken root (%)MOVIE * "Tarzan. The Ape Man" f198 O Richard Hurla, Bo Oerelc A young woman ~ for ,_ m1-1rtQ lalh« In the African )ul>gle ""'*• ane eneountera an uncMttred wflll• man eNS an Olangullln. 'R' 7:30 I UF£TMO THIS 18 ntE Uf'E CAMPUS PAOALE. V1EWPOINT ON NUTIVT10N "Ex«clM" 0-11: Or. Jon Frink&, aportt mmdlelne epeclallel; John Smith. t rack atar; Henry SchNftet, ·~ In 0'18 l~S? Mella ..oGEAS CA> TV .. l.OOKI AT LfAIMNG 9 '*'ECTIOH8 "Samuel Rull Ouc::ta. Mellloo't 811ttOP To The ·~·· Blehop Samuel Rutz O«da'e ettona 10 .. the poor people of ~lltco ere •XMnlned. (R) -~WOfllU> TOMOMOW --1::v~ av.ta: RebOI e.n-Tnon ~. dlfeQOI', CNbed Courrteractton ProOnlfll .. ""' Chetled ~ of 0.. West Com!, Loe ""09- ... ; P•OI' -'-TOll9. CHAtlll LISTINGS • KNXT !CB$) e l<N8C INBCl e KTLA (Ind ) .ICABC IAOCl • KFM8 (C.,S> e KHJ TV tlncl l e KCST IA8C> e KTTV llnd.l e KCOP TV fllld,) ·~CIT rN SI I e KOCI: I P8Sl TOURIST -June Lockhart plays an Arne~can touris~ in "Peking Encounter," the hrst American production filmed entirely in Chiha, tonight at 9 on KTLA (5). Church on Ille Way, van Nuya 8 POPEYE ANO FRIE.NOS I DIMEHSIONS ~OYO OGILVIE G» CARTOONS • EUCTAIC COMPANY (R) (I) LET THERE 8E UOHT !Ht JERRY FALWEll at REX HUMBARD CID P.T. BARNUM ANO HIS HUMAN OOOfTIE.8 Rlcherd Kti.y hoa1s lhlt document•ry tracing lhe career ot 1tw1 "Greatest Showman On Earth " (S)MOVIE * **'A "OaJby O'Glll And The llllle PIOC)le .. p959) Alb«! Shetpa. Sean C-On· , NllY An ol<I Irish caretaker wno la about to ION his job 10 • lfOUllQ4lf man captures lhe king or lhe 1*9fechaun1 and torcea him 10 grant 111rea wishes. 'G' 1:30 D NEWS CONFERENCE 8 TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN 8 ME.ETING TIME AT CALVARY • ~t<.PAlCE • ElECTAIC COMPANY (A) Cl) THE I.AHA YES at t(NOW VOUA BIBLE t:OO D MEET THE PAESS II PEOPL.E7 U Cl) ORAL R08ERT'S • SESAMESTAEET(R) i IT IS WRITTEN (C)MOVIE * * • * "The Spirit 01 St, Louis" ( 1957) James Stew- art, Murray Hamilton In t927. Char• A. Lind· betgh t>ec:Of7181 the llrst man 10 fly nonSloo ICJ'OU lhe Atlantic Oceen 10 Par- 11. (8)MOvtE **'A-"Victory .. (1981) Sylves1., Sl&llOne. Mlchael Caine. During World War II, AHie<! POWa -lhelf ltcket lo lraadom In a match between their toooer team 11/ld the Ger - man Natlonal Tum In Par- le. ·po• 0MOVIE **'A "Hurry Up Or I'll Be 30" ( 19751 John Letkowltz, Unda De Cott A Broolttyn prlr>ter approaching hie 30th birthday leels 11\al he' a gOlng r>OWt>ere. Oii he meeta a bNul1tul actreea 'PG' (%)MOVIE * * * * "The Miracle Of M0<gan'a Creek" ( t944) Betty Hulton, Eddie Brack· en. When a young girt flnda he<Mll pregnant alte< a night on the town wllh a group of Gia. sne Is hard· ptoaeed lo Identity the lather 8:30 8 (I) F~ THE NATIOH D 8 NFl... fOOTIIALl. "Pr...S.eaon Game" New Vork Jell 11 Houlton otltn 8 NEW ZOO REVUE U DAY OF DISCOVERY • THEWORL.D TOMOAAOW 9 KENNrnt COf'E1..ANO 10:00 9 NEWSMAl<ERS Guests: Wlt80fl Rltea 11/ld Biii Honig, w'10 la Rlle9' C>PPOf*'I to< Sllle Super- lnlencHfll of tnstrucUon. 8 MOVIE ••'It ··summerdog" (1977) J-Congdon, Ekubeth Eleetlman. An lbendoned dog llnde lta way Into lhe hMlta ol a family In a big city, tMC:h· Ing tne member• a ,.._ In compassion along the way. 81AIEM~~ Japan'• Saguaro Sf\8111• er• Ille QP90Mnll IOI the I~== THI! LAWMAKEA8 " MAOCOFOIL PAJHTINQ ~~WOMAN **'Ao .. Victory" (198 t) e~1er s1111one. MIChMI Oline. During Wond Wet II, Allled POW1 -tMlf lkltlel lo freedom In a m1toh betw•en lhelr • I0009f tMll'\ and ttwt Qet. "*' N1Uonll TMm In p.,. la.'PO' • 1t I DQOC191 flM GAME **' ..,..,.,ACe 9 IOOINW. NOfll.ITOO f01 ~TV Cll l TV <HJ HBO !Cl CCl11t!'r1U I IWOltl NV,. N Y Gl'I CWT8$l •I IE&PN l re1 cs.-tltNJ • SpoUIOflt • Cc:.t>ll NOW\ N11l -tlll Guuts nockey 11ar Waynfl Gre11ky, ac1rea1 JenllN Hartlaon, Peter Bllhngsi.y (RI 8 A08ERT 8CttUU£R ID BASEBALL LOI Angelel Dodger& al Pltt•burgh Plrtlas fD OPENMINO QI!) MAGIC OF OIL • PAINTINO UTHE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION 'Wind rrom The South" Donald Wood• and Jutte Hillrla atar In 1 dremauo tale ol unrequlled tow cenlated around aeverll AmeflCan couplea In e small lrlsh Inn 10:"6 MOVIE • • • • .. The Flreman·a Bau ( 11168) Joeef Svet. Mane Jezkova. Elaborate plana IO feta their 86-year- old chief •• e special bait go awry tor a group of -II-meaning C1ech0110- 11ek1an llremen 11:00 II TENNIS "AssoclllllOn · 0 1 Tennll Prolosalonals Chemplon- ahlp" live covetage ot the men's alnglee from the Jack Ntcklaua SPO<t• Cen- t&( Klnga lllland, Ohio. Cl) MOVIE • • • "When WOl'lda Col- ll<le' (1951) Barbati Ruan, R1cnard Derr SI MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Oiareetl; Mary Anne" Ol$- reel•. now a rnembet of PerllAmenl, prop<>9a to Iha W118llhy widow ol hi• friend end poltlk:al ally Wyndham Lewis. (Part 2) (RIO \Yi) WASHINOTON WEE< IN REVIEW (R) (I) PRE..Q.AME SHOW WHAT ON EAA'TH O.son a.an noa11 11111 tu1-~. lac1-lltled ac1- ...ce _.1ee '1: 15 Cl) 8A8E8AU. San Diego Padres al Chl- Cl190 Cuba 11:30 fJ 9 THIS WEEK WITH DAVID 8AINKLEY U TERRY COLE- WHITTAKEA \Yi) WALL STREET WEEJ< 'A Summer Ren1t1- sanoe?' G..-1· Josec>h C McN•y, p1eslden1 of E-. lnvea1men1 Management Co lnc.(RI {CJ MOVlE * * .. Honky Tonk F- wey' (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Bevetty O'Angelo, A amalt town In Florida ••Ilea ma11en 1010 II• own Mnda when by-puaed by •new hlghw•Y· (lil MOVIE • * ·~ "Scool'e Honot"" ( 1980) Gary Coleman. Katherine Helmond. A lonely or phln cone an ealrernely retuciant. hac>c>l- ly ~no.. axecullw Into t>ecomlng dtHI moth« 10 • Pack of Cub Sc:out1. 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HOR~ 'Guardian Of The Abyaa" A beautiful enllque dealer boya an old mlrrOI once u!led 1n human sactlfloe rnuol• AFTERNOON 12..-00 D LOST IN SPACE U SEAACH fll PAPER CHAS£ SOfcerer's Appr-enllca" A Supreme Court Justice la l>Ut Ofl the tpol becaUH of h11 rlttord ol ,_ having hired a f«nale •-clet1< In hit 30 years on lhe bench. ~ PORTRAITS IN PASTELS "Summer Shadow" (aJMOVIE • * ·~ "II'• My Turn" ( 1980) Jiii Ctayburgh, MIQIMI Oougtu. A bf1'- ltanl Chicago rna1h ptot.. IOI rMJll .. Iha pt~ In tww ttv.-ln r~ whll1 1119 llnde • -tow while In H.-Yori! IOI her tatner'1 r-rtage 'R' (l)MOl/IE ** .. Tnla 11 EMa" (1981) Documentary. Fltm 1001909 and dramatic rtH:tMtlonl .,.. uMd lo , .. , the 1tory of Etlll• Prffley'• HI• and car-. (%)MOVIE * * •" "Tell ..... A IOO· die'' ( 11180) Mel'lyn OouQ. IN, LK• Kedrove A .....,,. dr1wn, •tdetty woman. unew.,. 1"411 .,... Ill dylnQ. ernbel1l• on • IOnO ~ 10 reeequeinl ,...,..., wlt1l '* geographlcalty ~ e111otton1tly eep•raled l~'PO' 1l:30•a~ 8clledl.lled: ~ OOWf'90I 91111e~~/ MfOutl Montllte lo.round fUnlOr wel1l!Welaflt boUt from 0rM1 Goree. H.J. • a.MD'f~ ,,,, "°"""' °' ... ClwtmtlM ~ wtlO lnt'Miblt .. .... """""" lllbtlutl "' .... .. -~(~ ••" ...... otCMlfP-1190"' ( tta) \Alt ..... I.on C11an9y e IUMOOllM .,.... to tnow'' •="'QM Al • ._. "Victory .. !IHI) •vt-•• a1a11on11. Mloha9I Cline Outlnq WOtld Wit II, Allled POW1 -their 11ei.e1 10 lrMdom In • match beh11••" tnelt .occet l .. M and Iha Oer· tnan N1110t1el Teetn h'I p.,. .. 'll>G' 1;00. '°"'~ "W ..... Hitt. Opet\" LIW -909 ol lhe tlnlll round from Werwlck 1'11111 Colin- lry Ckib. Orand 191at>c:. Miah • 1".MUNlmw • MOVll • • • "Ryan'• o.ug.hl«" I 1070) Sallh MIMI•, RoQa(I Mltc~m. • AOAM-11 • CAU'Of'NIA WEE< IN MVIEW CD MOVIE • * * "lltllan Ru .... I" ( t940) Allee Feye, Don Ameoh• 9 PUeUC POL.SE 1:30. '·TROOP • HOGAN'S HEAOES • AOAM-12 •"PM.sam "Cocoanut Kida" Six auc- ceu-orlenled ~utcal'I· Atnerlcan high IChOol atu· d1t1t• dlacuaa dlacrlmtna- tlon and Ullmllallon. (() PGAOOU' (Jolnmd In Praor-1 ~~RUM • * ~ 'Papltton.. ( 1973) Slave ~. Dustin Hottman A pair of OeYll'• llland conl/lc:11 8')4lnd their time planning their eacape. CID YESTERYEAR. .. 1947 Dick Cavett travel• bacll to 1111 proec>«ou• poet-World Wai II et• that aaw the growth ol lhe auburba, televitlon and the puaet>- ~ Cllr (.l)MOVIE ** .. Hee111>eep1" (1911) Andy Kaultnan, S.rna· dell• Pel.,. In a WOtld of Iha ,...r tuture. two corn· metciel robots experience lt>e lllCINllU<lft of llf1t IOY1 •pa· 2:00 D 8 LPOA OOLF "World Champlonahlp 01 Women·• Goll.. Taped coVe<• ol the final round from the Shaket HelOhtt Country Club, Ohio. D OIUJQAN'818LAHO a MOVIE * * • "Now. VoyAQet" ( 1942) Bello Davia, Claude Raina ID MOVIE * • * "King Kong" (1933) Fey wrav, Rob«1 Arm- etrong • MOVIE • *~ .. Angel And The Badman" ( 194 7) John Wayne, Gall RulMlt. • INSIOE BUSINESS TODAY .. Two Good Bualneaa Ideas Thll Felled" Two enlrlPf-•• wlth good lntWlllons tell why their bull-went brOke 0 MOVIE ***'A "Thoroughly Mod- etn Miltie" ( 1967) Julie Andr-_, Clrol Cl>anntng {1D MOVIE * • ..ltnprQC>er Channell" (19111) Alen Arllln. Mallette Hanley A aerlel of mtaun- dertlandlnga cauNll • socllll WOtker to auapec1 the 5-year-old dllr.Jghtor of • 191>arated couple 11 11111 victim of chlld abuM . 'PG' (l)MOW ••'Ao "Any Numl>4W Can Plly" I 1949) ~i. Gable. Ale1tla Smtih. An hQnn1 anO catefr .. gambler'• life II b9e1 with a _._ Of Ir~ 2:30 • GLUGAN'S ISLAND -~ AOCKWal'S WORLD: AN AMEAICAN OM.AM A noelalglc look II tllklfl al the Ille artlll'I '"•· work and homelown ol Sloclc· b<ldge, Muaacnua.tta. (ft)MOYIE •• ~ "~hing Short 01 PetldlM" ( 1979) S- Sarandon, O•vid SI .. ber9. Two young N9W Yoril.,. learn about loYe and the vlc:IUllOO.S Of • on.lo-one r .. auonahlp. 'PO' OMOVIE * * * .. lo•t Horizon" ( 1937) Ronald COiman. J1ne WYalt. A kidnapped diplomat dffloOll-the Htmelayan kingdom of Shenof1·la, • pl-ot etem• ~and lmmof. llffty 2!M. PlEDOE ME.AK ~lerly acMcMed pt~ 'grwnmlng may be~ duelo~b<emka. 3;00 8 I WfTlt YOU D .... l f00T8All The LOI Angelet ~a meal lhe Ltont In Detroit. G am• wee played Sllurday. •wov. •• * "They Got .... Cov- «md" ( IM!I) Bob HCIC)e, OOlotl'ly Lamour. A Wlillho 1ng1on tabolage rtno le aoddtnlally lnvllded by • lootllh~. • GllJfW n... htetorio AOMIMd .... room • the 1111t1Jno for a mualoal trlbu11 IO the lfllettalnerl and """°' OfQMlHtlone lhet QeW thelt llMI and taten1 to boOlt tnOtall during Wortd w., II, HOlled by V1111 JOllrlaon. -~ *\.•'A "Brlg•doon" ( 1954) 0-Kelly, Cyd Charl•H. Two 1r11nd1 1tvmbl9 upon 8tl0adoon. • vl"-ot tn lhl loottleh hlgl>- llfldt., .... oor-to .,. IOt • MIQlt dey w.y 100 .. _-u.....,.. ~LR ..,. * •'14 ''On Any ~· ( 11111 Dooumlrtta'y ..... MoQueaft, ., Ulwwlll. woeMCMI *. • 14 ..,,. lpy Wtlo c-tn rrom The Coed" {1 ... ) AtoMnt lw1on, C...lloofn • ·ON~ ,....,,. .... ~ .. u\'tffte.,...........,. ............ _,.,..... ---wttfl ......... Q-. Md Or. NIMlt ......, dleOttllll .. oanp. ... · ' ' . TUBE TOPPERS K.NBC (4) 7:00 -"Born to th~ Wind.'' Painted Bear prepal"8 hl1 warr•ora for battle with another Lrlbe over custody of an orphant'd boy. . KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Magic With the Stara." Magicians and Hollywood et.a.rs perform a vorlcty o( 1Uu11ions. KrfLA (5) 9.00 -"Peking Enoouni.er." Story of an American w oman who meets and falls in love with a Chinese musician while tour ing Peking. See photo, le ft. KOC E (50) 9:30 -"Broad way Plays Washington Kennedy Center." A host o! Broadway stars tum the Kennedy Center Into a celebration of the American theater. C1J BEAOEAHT ~TON Of THE VUKON I MEET THE PR£SS 4.'00 SUNDAY live from Frank G Bonolll Park. San Olma.a U MOVIE 'The Oevll'a Wedding Nigh I " ( 1973) Mark Damon. Sere Bay An archuotoglll l1nd1 11 ring believed lo have aupe<nal· ural power• and he 111emp1a 10 dettroy the IOfOll WhlnO II ID MOVIE •• * f> ··Tookapl" (1964) Mtllne Me<courl, M8lllmlll- 1n Schell A veluable 1-*l·lludded aword 11 a101en trom a Turklth muM1Vm G» MOVIE f> * ··Target ZAtro" ( t955) Richard Conte. Pegglo CHiie (() STAR TREJ< atMO\llE * • " ''M811ot#e'' ( 1969) Jamea G81ne<. 01vle Hun· nlcull (IflMOVIE • • 'n "Victory·· ( 198 t l sy1voa1er Stallone, Mk:tlaet Caine. During World War II. Allled POWa Me their llcitet 10 ffeedom In a match b etween their IOCGer team and lhe Ger- man Nallonal Team In p.,. Is 'PG' (.Q)MOVIE * • 'n 'The Irishman .. 11978) A ptoud lrllhman re•u-10 yteld to p1ogtesa wnen Na bualneaa u e teamll9< la threatened by mo1orlled 1renaponatlon. (S) LAFF-A· THON 4:30 0 0 SPOATSBEAT (C)MOVIE * • It * "The Spirit 01 SI , Loull" t t9S71 James Stew- art, Murray Hamilton. In 1927. ChBtlea A Lind· betgh becornM lhe flrl1 man to tty r>0n1t09 ecrosa the At111111c Ooean to Per- l• MOVIE • * "Saturday The 14111" (1981) ~d Benjamin, Paul• PrentlM. A coupe dlacover that Iha hOuM they've Inherited la being occupied by vemplrea, gho•I• and uaorted mon- atera 'PG' 0 TltE GOLDEN AOE Of TEl£VISION "A Doll's Houee" A woman (Julle Harris) 114Mr1• her own ldenllly alle< con- fronting her hoabend's (ChrlStopher Plummer) lmmotaHty In a telepley baMd on the play by Hen- rik I~ 6:00 8 KUNG FV 8 OREA TUT SPORTS LEOEH08 "WMlle Maya·· Hotl Reggi. JeckllOn. ID THIS OU> HOUSE The footing• for the bretaway I graenhouM are poured and Ille houae gell I high-tech f!fl«gy audit IRlO (I) M'A•8•H ~= * "Tanan, TM Ape Man" (11181) Richard H81rt.. Bo Derek. A young woman 1Nlct'l8t tor net m1asino ltlh« In lhe Atrlcan jungle wfwtfe aha encounters an uncivilized while men 11/ld an 0tangutan. 'R' 6:30 I C88 NEWS N8CNEW8 8 9 ABCNEWS CD MONEYMAKERS "l"vwtlnQ In Hard Asset•" CIJ HEAL THBEA T e:oo 8 D 8 NEWS 8 MOVIE • • • ··s1111da 01 The 1(1laharl" ( 19851 Stuart Whitman. Stanley Bakw St• aurvlvOfa or • plane cruh In • d1ngerou1 Afri- can "-1 tlgl11 for eurvlv- 11. G THE HAAOY BOYS I NANCYDMW t.tVl'TPla Frlr* and Joe befriend a deal glfl wflo ,,,.., be killed lot tlporw:Mng an ••tortlon p1o1 111 LM veou -~HI.JU( ··~"' • MOVll * •" "The F°lgtlllng Ken· luCklan" ( 111411) John W'Yf'le, Vere Ralllon. In the •l'f 19009. a KlfllUO· lly men 11tempt1 lo pte- wnl • PAW of orooh rrom ..... Ing and tttlll rind• lllM lo rom-Iha *"11M dauOlll• of a French Olfl-•11. eGMAT~WAY "°' ,.. .. °".,,.. WON.D "Con.....,,_ ot A Treln 8poU«" MIC"-1 Patin *• • 110t from tu.ton, l.onoon, lo Kyle ot l.OClfltlM1 tn 8ooUend. .NOYA .. ,,,. Wlurd Who ap.1 On Th• flltoor" l arn.,d Hughm ---..... ponnft of TtlGINe ldllon ... Mint~ ..... °' ldl•Otl ~·••lnlnt ... .. ~-·-·--­::o:.'Jii'101ts• I = MICIM-DN> .... atN&CNEWe CID P.T. BARNUM AHO HIS HUMAH OODmE8 Richard Kiiey hOlll lhl1 documentary tracing Ille career ot lhe "Greatatl Snowman On Ear1h " (Q)MOVIE * • • "Manny'a Orphan•" ( 1980) Jim Bai.11, Malachy MCCOurl TIWI boyl al an 0tpn1nage risk melr Chall· ly fund In an a11ampt 10 netp lhelr IOCC4W C06Ch pay back • "40.000 debt lo Iha mob (.S)MOVIE • **'It .. 011by O'Glll And rne u111e People" 119511) Albeit Sharpe, Sean Con- riery An old trllh caretaker whO la 1boUI 10 toee his job 10 a younger man captur• lhe king or lhe leprechauns and forces him lo 9ren1 thrM w111hea ·a· G MOVIE • * .. WUly Wonka And The Cllocolale Factory" (1971) 0-Wildet, Jaok Alber1to11 A world tamou1 conlecll<>ne< ofter• a Ill• ume aupply ot canoy 10 the live winners o t a treasure hunt e:so D AOKT BACK fJ INSIGHT A delOfmed young man who has tpenl all of hi• Ille In sectullon al home lace• a cr111s whet\ 1 phone pat ms 10 meet ntm In per. aon (()at NEWS 1:65. PLEDGE 8AEAK Regularly acheduled pto- grammlng may be <letayeel due to pledOe ~a. 7:00 8 Cl) 80 MIHUTES D 8 BORN TO THE WINO Paintlld BeAlr ptepar• hll warrior• tor tHlllle with another tribe OV« lhe c;w... tOdy ot en 0tphaned b•by boy. II COO£RED The ROfc.,_a are plagued by • -lea of mysterious lhrNll and acta of vandal- ism (R) I PAUl..HOGAH ROCK AHO AOU.: THE FlMT 2S YfAM . 'The Bltth Of Roell Artd Roll" HOii P•t Boone looks •• the toundlr19 lalhetl ol rock anO Iha llOClll C1lm11e ol the '50s lhal Ml lhe siege for Ille new mu1lcal phenomenon. Ui) PLEDGE~ Regulerly acheduled pt6- grammlng may be delaymd due 10 pledge b<Nl<t 9 PEKING EHCOUNTEA Diana Canova, Mason Adema and June Loclchar1 1181 1n thll atory Of a romantic llalaon ~ an Amerlc4ln lourlll and a c..._ rnulllelan (C)MOVIE • * • 'It 'The Wey We Wore" ( 19731 Barbra Strelund. Robert Redford. A young cOllege couple In the 19301 dltcover that their pollllCll dlfter- are llrong enougfl to jeop- •r dlle their marriage CfDMOVIE . *... "Scout•• HonOI" ( 1980) Gary Col•man, Katherina Hetmond. A IOoely C>rl>han COl\I .. extremely r111uct11111, hepj>l- ly llngle e•ecutl"8 Into becoming den mother IO 8 pack ot Cub Scout• (%)MOVIE * • "HNr1beepa" (1981) Andy Kaufman, e.ma- 0.lle Pel«• In a wor1d ol Ille ,_, lulure, two COM· n...rdlll robot• a.perlence the vlclaaltudat ol first k>"8 'PG' 7:08. THE MAR)( BAOTHEAS IN A NUT8HEU F11m cilpa and 1ntervtews are ,..,ured In • Mluta lo I he m06I oei.t>talmd corne- d)' IMm In the hll1ory of tnollon pictures Groucho, Harpo, Chloo, Zac>PO t1nd Gummo Mini. 1: 15 ID SUfMVAL .. Penguin Summet" 08'11d NIWn nartalM a ~ IOOk •1 , ... pengvlna of the Felillat>d ~ off tfle c;oaat of South Arnenca. looutlnQ on Ille actlw pert.. od _., Wint• wtien the PMOUln• breed. 1:ao I P'OCU9 ON INTAIN 1:00 (J) ~ llUNl((W8~ Arc::hle tllk• on the lytlltn when Mrs C1111by 19 CflMI· ed by • aiMz'I' garment ~e11Qft(R) •aCHt.N A band of oompoter tfllwM '*"'* Jon end Po noh'• effort• lo ..,.,. ef*1d "*" by loulnO 11P the CHP'a Ofln'ICIU1W. ; 8mfl'M-fT n.-wmc In...._ """ ~ end Uncle .--. Lou cao..tt Jr., Stlellll ~. OtuClll Manglontl end~ C- nott. •• MO'l9 w tit "Airpoft '11" f1tTIJ .,.._ ~n. ~ VIOOllrO. I ::,. .. ...,._,, .. , ...... * ... "K911 Kone" (,.. ,.f#t .,,.,.,,, .....,. Alff+. littOllt-A ---... -..... "' ..,.., ..... ~ .. ,..... -............. • illCMI • •'4 ~ ooumrf' I 191 I I Dowlnenlll'f A ~---~ II'-lrOfft OW IO IMtl>re UI In hll nBIUfal habitat CQ)MOVI& ••• "ZOOI 8ult " (tfft) O•nlet V11ld1&, !dwafd J-Olrn0t In 1$409 Loe Anoelef, I CllUM ~ t>te etupll ~ Iha tram lhQ Of rnemt>er1 of a Chica no,,, .. , O"'O I()( murdet R (J)~ * 'A 'Undet The Rainbow" I t98 t) CheYy Chue, Catrle Flthef The 150 tnidgetl WhO are in IOWfl '°' tne filming OI TM WlUld 01 Oz," turn • Callt0tnla hotel ~tldAl-down ·pa• lilMOVll! • • • 1-t "Sorcerer" j 1917) Roy Schaldu. Bruno Cremet Four deaperata men rlak m .. , llv11 whlle llaullng eaplOalve nllro- (ltvcMlne th•OUQh South AmetlCan lungiM 10 battle an Oll·well fire ·po· e. 111 ID MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Ol1raet1 The Grau Oamt" Oueen Vic toria ~· Ot11aell lllld their legendary alliance tlkn root. Mary Anne coura- geoullly b1111 the burden ol • greve Illness (Part 31 (R)a_ 8:30 8 CJ) ONE DAY AT A TIME A al•·IOOI tamale RuMJan t>U11.i1>111 player lalla I()( 8chneldat (R) 8 THEWOAL.o TOMOAAOW t .00. (() ALIC€ a a MAote wmt THE STARS Some of the world'• f0111- moa1 magJclana and •n array ot Hollywood a1ar11 perform a va11e1y ot myatl· tying lllualons: Orton W•llea and Jaclyn Smith ha.I (RI 8 PEKING EHCOUNTEA Diana Canova, Meson Adema and June Lodthan atar In lhl1 llOIY ot a romantlC llalto11 bet_, an Amertcan 1our1s1 anO a Chlneae mutlcian G OA.CtiO (C)MOVIE • • "Honky Tonk Fr ... w1y" (CotneOy) Beau Bridges, Beverly O' Angelo. A smau town In FIOrld• takes matter• tnlo 111 own hands wnen by-passed by • new highway (f()BUSSTOP The llvee ot aeveral tra- velefa cn•noe when they are llranded "1 • smlllt Kanaaa town Metgot Kidder and Tim MelheSOn 11ar (%)MOVIE • •*'ii "T .. I Me A Rid· die" I 1980) Melvyn Ooug- lu, Ula Kmdrove A Wllh· drawn, elderly woman, unaware that &he " dying, embarks on a long journey lo reacquelnl herself with her geographlcolly and emo11onelly separated tamlty 'PG' t: 10. WASTEAPIECE THEATRE "Olaraell The Greet Game.. OuNn Victoria meell Olar ... 1 and their leOendery alllenoe tek• root M8')1 Anne coura- oeoual'f beafl the burden of a gr1ve Ill-jP8'1 3) (R)Q_ 9:30 8 CJ) THE JEFFERSONS l1J JACK VAN IMPE ID BAOAOWAY Pl.AYS WASHINOTONI KENNEDY C£HT'ER TOHIOKT A host of 111r1 from Broadway turn Ille Kenn.- dy Cenle< Siege lnlO a 084. •brllion ol lhe American thee I er, 11>9 pert or mer I Include Debbie Reynalda, Peart Balley. Barry BotlW'IClt. Robert Morae and many other• 10:00 8 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. A young tnan who 1>91.._ he Is from enolh« planet and • aerlouaty Ill older woman form a strong bond during their holpilal 11•y. (R) •• NEWS G THE WOAD FOA TOOAY 1::::.IHREVIEW • * * "Which Way Is Up?" ( 19n1 Richard Pryor, Lanelle Mcl<M A .... alarved frull plci.er la ceughl lr1 e comic cra.1llre bet-hll onion and the Mob. and 1 hypocrllleel pt81Cher find• hoe,..,, '" a ladlell' cflolr 'R. (()MOYE • * "Thia II Ellll9" (t981) Documentary Alm loot909 and dramatic r-.ctNllon• are UNd 10 , .. , tM llory of Elvtl Premley'• Ille 11nd car-0 MOVIE * "Terun. Ti.. Ape MWI" (19111 AlchMS H•rte, Bo Oetek. While ~- 111(1 het lather Oii • ~ for Iha legendary Ete- ph1nt' 1 Grav•yard, • Y°""O -en It 1bduoled by "' unc:Mtl%9d Milt• Man~ ... ralMd by ~ tn t"-junOle.. 'R' 10:tt• ADM.MtCAUB> ftUIUC~ ttie hletory lil4 gtOWll'I of publtc lelrlfelon owr ,.,... ly 30 ,.._. II CIWOI~: Orson w ..... narm.e. 10:30 G L<>Nf MN0M "The Star Wtl,_ .. • WD'K£NO Sf'Ofn'I ~-UP ! ==SWAGGART • "Tanen, Thll Ape Man" ( tN I) Richard Harrtl, 8o Oat.it. A young -*"°"" lot hel rMllfnO lather Ill the AlflcM """'9 wllet't IN ~ 8r1 ~ """' "'911 Md "'~'"' ... ,.~Vr""' 11••••(1)88 ..... e.-oQ..aooM ..__ tn,,.. Wiid ... dom" ,._..,,,... ..... ........... lllldY """"**' .... ...---. ..,... fjf::i.- ··" "Tiloe OC•'IOfl" (""' 0.-,..,.,... '--v... CMet. A _...., """"' WOMlft .... • .,...._....,,.cNM- 060l'I 10 ptOMCI '* lfOf!I l•fOl .. lt """*' "' .. 1!'1"•1cM Nll\ja °"" '"' (ffJWOV11 ••'A "Vleiory" (1H 1) 8 ytvetter t1..ii-. MloNll Caine OUrlog World W• II, Altled POW1 -ttl9lf llckel 10 trMdclm In • metch t.11ween lh•lr '°"'* '""' and Ille Ger· man NetlOflal T_, In ~· II PG' 11: 10. INeAK PMVWWa ROQ« Ebetl and Oefie 81tlo. .. ,..,.... -llPN 1ha1 n•atty eYer ybody m1ueo tne ltfll time &1 ound, lfleludtno "fin- gen, ' "Gil• Of HMven" and ··Tne Onion Flekt " (RI 11:151 CMNIWI tt:30.~ ~SPORTS WRAP.UP 0 MOVIE * * * "Come Blow Your Horn· ( 1963) Franll Sina- Ira, Tony BIN A. ret0<m9d pl•ybOy find• hll younget brOll'l9' IOltowlng In hie fOOtllapa. Gf)MOV'tE • '-t "The Falt 01 The Hou.. Of Ulher" ( 1912) Marlin uandeu, Robert tiays Bated ()(I the 11ory by EOgar Allen Poe. A youno enoi,_ llnd• hie hht In dartger whll1 he la wmmoned by a CNldhOod triend lo help -hie crumbling ..._ England hOUM (R) 11:46 6 TH£ AOCKFOAO ALES U MOVIE .. 'II • The r all 01 The Houae 01 Uaner" ( 1982) Merion Landau. Robert Haya Based on lhe 1tory by Edat1r Allen Poe. fJ MOVIE • •'It "Bachelor Fllt" ( t962) Terry-Thomaa. TueadayW .. d (OJMOVIE • • ·ou1c1ma" (1971) Jonn Milla, Carol White A young nouMtceeper COY8'11 the llllShed for1une ot h« miserly employef. a -. ingly 1mpoverlahed old !aimer PO CSJ MOVIE • • ''Frldoy Tt>e 13th, Part II" (1981) Amy SIMI, John furoy The orlaly kllllng1 contrnue at a summer c;amp 111a1 had~ closed down &Iler • aeries of btUrre murde<a occurred 1twwe. 'R' 12:00 U 100 Clue «D MISSION: IMPOS818U. Cl) TALES Of' THE UHEXPECTU> T t>e P eny" While the owne< ol I IOy company oro•nlaa 1ne onlce Chrlat- mu party, 11Ml younget staff plan lnetr own aec>a- ra1e teatlvllle$ (I) STAR TREK 0MOVIE • * • "Loll Hort1on" ( 1937) Ronald Cotman, Jane Wy111 A kidneC>C>ed diplomat dllCOVWS 1119 Himalayan 111ngoorn ol Shangri-La. 1 place of alernll ~ and lmmor· lallty. 12:30 g) MOVIE • "The Dawn Rider" ( 19351 Jottn Wayne, Mar- ion Burn1 l%)MOVIE • *'"' "On Any Sunday" ( 1971) Oocumenlar;. Sieve McOueeo. Merl LawwMI. The world ol motorcycle roctng 11 -from varying points of view 12:4511 NAME Of' TH£ GAME Oen F81rell Investigates corruption In 1ne lolk-tOCI< mullC industry 12:50 (C) t.tOVIE • • *'"' "The way We Were" ( 1973) Barbra Stretaand. Robert Redford. A young college couple In the 1930• dl!ICO'lor '"'' lhel1 potlllcal d1tterences are alrong enouah to jeop- erdlie their ~rrlage 1:00 «D TE£H SCENE THE UHEXPUAGA TEO BENNYHIU. The wild and waclly Br1Ulh comedian portreya vlllbJa charac1ers. lncludlng • etrcus clown 111\d 1 French exchange atoc:fenl. In numwoua tketcnea t.15 MOVIE • "Tt>e Children" ( 11180) Manin Shaker, Gii Rcoera A strange radioactive cloud turns 1 group ol 1Choolchlldr1t1 Into mUt· derou1 zomblel ""1h black llngerTia•t. 'R' 1:*> ®) ABC N£WS Q!NEWS 1:450 ATONE Gueat Suun Anspacti 2:00 (1J) MOVIE • • • "Tile Enforcer" ( 1978) Clln1 Eutwood, Tyne Daty "Olrl'f Harry" Callahan ta l<>lned by • tamale r oolc le In hit pursuit of a group ot Clllt0tnl1 revotutlonat*a terr0tlztng San Franctaco ·R' U MOVlE • • • "Get Out Your Hendkerchtele" c 1978) Getard ~. Palrlcll OewMfe A young and OOlltnlaOc; hutband 0089 to atrnoat unbellev••bl• lllngthl IO 9"1U(I hll w4fe'a (if='R' ** "HMl'tbellpe" (tNI) Andy l<11Ulrnan, Bema- delle PetetL tn • WOl'ld of the nMt lut\lfe. NrO - l'N<Clal tObote ..,.,.. ~ lhl Ylolultudll °' ~ love. ·PG' 1:1'1 NlWI l:tO TOOAY'9MIQIOtf a:.-. ... t:ll MCMI * "T'l'lot HlllPPr .... Ooea To WMfllnf'on" (1t11) ~ I ........ Q9M09 HMtllton. The lrNCH •• ..... ~ ... tinder~ to .. U.t. QIOltel and ..,_..,. -"'Y_....... ..... .,... Ci'~ ............ Cllme" ttMOI .._.. O'Co!WW, .......................... ~ ..... ~ ..... ,,.. ....... ......-. 'H" ..., .. , ...... IJICI .... ... •••• HQG llCMI **•"' ''T ..... A .... .... , ....... 0...- ..... I.II ICe*M. I .. , l.. Dally Piiat Sunday. August 22. 1982 , .. Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads. classification 7100 . IHI 1611,_ IJ.'.~!~!.'!f.!tl! •..•... HHHI /11 l•/1 • ".·~~".~'.'.!.~I.' ...... . ... i .. i;i; ... , ... , .. ,," 111J ~·i·i~ .... i ... c;.,;·.... m• Hou•11 111 11• n11111 11 •••••• t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S ' a I l•I• Ho11111 lo '1•11 Ho11111 /11 $1/1 • • ....... •" ....... •. • • •• • • • • • •. • •• •• • I OOZ G ... r.. I OOZ! G...,._, I 002 •.........•..•........•• .-•.••• ! ••••......• -.i;;i •••••••••••••••••••••• C111 11•I I 001 C.~~~·.J.... ... . . ... . .. • • ••• ••• • ••• •• • •••• ···················•·• .. •MWIHHT ISUllD 011111 1.~!~e~'!,='9!. PlllDILI .... BEST FISHING ANO Alldecorated 38r 281 on 4 6drm 2 baln, lam rm INI llT 1 I SWIMMING BEACH plu• prlmt t~ellon. Garage. By ownet 557-2472 1411 W. IH " 2 bdrm home • 2 car eundeck, e>atlot Nr lfo. $205,000 Open Sal/Sun Prize West &y bayfront. Sllpa for 2 00.t.t. IOUAL HOUSING g11age. ttCI $625,0001 Bey Owner wlll contllder 2032 Sytll\ Or, CM remodl'll'<I 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200.000. nPPOIHVNITY •IPYIUll fl n 1 n . 6 7 5 • 5 3 1 G. 1-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiij ,.~Hslltr'• ltHttl BAY & OCEAN VIEWS! 4 673-5291 I' Ol-ean & p_tty vh:w1. Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 All real e1111e ldverll bdrm. 2'/\ bllha. llre---o••r 011 ...... .,. LH•I bath. 3700 !"'.ft. $1,385.000. Oceanfront I '"I 1 1 3 1 '""• plu• ar Grell condo located . ..., n In a new1p1per P ttG41, car g r_,, 4BR/Fam Rm, plu1 1 .. I " ... iubjecl to the Feeler• much morel S6SO.OOOI bdrm ren111 u11lt w/ cloM lo t .. e paz1 .. .,... Liii llU 1110 F1lr Houllng Act ol 196 ....... ltJ Prtp drooma. 1'1· bllh1. which maket It llleg•I t • ' llreptace. ju11 1tep1 to Communlly pool. $89, lOI yu L'-llll IHI Sii 1·1 , 1, "t•fftn So Bay 11 sparltlea & 500, cen't lull Cell ,. ... "'I"" ... _ h advertlM "iny pre eran· *11•1-•* there's Iott ol wood "79-2390 t'rune Udo Nord bayfront. ~bdrm.''" .,.t · oe, llmll11lon or dlecrlml ~=~~-~~-~== ~ . m 000 nation blHd on rece , p1nelllng. ftrH4 liltl Lge LR., 2 bollt slips .1. · color, rellglon, HX o sci5.ooo 67~"'648 Sp1clw1 3 bedroom, 2'/\ 111t1on11 origin. or 1n bath home Dining, 11-f<emodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec nn Intention to mike •n\' I ATTIAOTIYE mlly room, llreplace Ix-am ceilings. furnished, pallos $420.000 auch preferet1ce. llmlla , 2 ITlllY Poaalblt mother-In-law tlon or dl1Crlmln1llon." + MOOEAN APT querter1. $I 55.000. Liiii llU UYFlllT This newte>apet wlH no Nr Beys, $385,000 WI ownet Wiii help flnenNt Lagoon \'lew from 6 bdrm. ~ bath, playroom. knowlngly accept en •llW• bltn l1bulous financing 12.ll"l lltttrttt dark rm. dl'n. Boat slip. Now $1.000.000 advertising lor rHI es, II llYlll Save $$$. Auume high balance tete whleh 11 In Ylolatlonl Sp1clou1 three or five HIE llUln loan! Plueh 2 bedroom BAYSIDE PUCE ol lhe law bedroom hOme One llr-c21•) U4 OIOI condo Flreplaoe, beevtl· b 2 bu ge bedroom and bath ~~~~·~~~-~~~I lul decoretor eecenta Spt-ctAC\.llar bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up. i r ' ••6n l'1 l•I• dowristelra. Two be· Col" den $ 134,900. dn 2 b®l ·~ Reduced · $1,500,000 •••.•.........•.•..... , '11•'1'1 1002 drooms upetalra plus t.JiH nurryl 979-2390 •••••••••••••••••••••• bonus room $253,500. l••l•l•I• /001 111·2110 TWO IEW 111-llOO •••••••••••••••••••••• 3707 s BRISTOL Tow.Ho.Es HST '" IULllA SANT A ANA 2 br, 2 ba, den, FP, patio TARBB.L These lovely homes are OWC at 12•1, or even 5% located In an excellent (Q. $27~.000 645·4220. area of Costa Mesa Are VI-~ Ideal tor co-ownership z ClrlH ''' /1111 lOll lltiilftilVll~ with 2 great master ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~ bdrms with private bath •FULL OCEAN VU• :-: Wood burning fireplaces, l:'"leloan Jasmine Crll VA AEPOS 4br pool large 1111ached 2 car ga-• ,...,,·jt. Owner agt 640·1515 $136,000 Mesa Verde rage. Low, low priced el ~ 41' OHll LOT 3br $157,500. Agt $110,000 end S 108.000 546· 7739 With 3 Br. tV. Ba. frplc. _ ltl•E Fl" ••LE !\46-2313 By Owner. 646·6586 - •• • HLIFYlll -_;..-----:---1 3 bdrm. 2 be, aep1rete llW USTill II lllYllE THUOE See lhls exceptional hornel Recently redeco-r11ed with creem color carpe11. plan1at1on shut· 1ers & wOOd floors. It hu brick pl1nters, a spark· ling pool end aaparate spa. Aslt for Na1111e (ag1) 673·857 t or 675-6000 OPEN SUNDAY l·S UNl()UI: t1()~1:S S•~•lt YHr Offer dining. covered patio. 10.l"l Home+Guest+lncome Ponderose St. (Herbor Assume Iha tst Trust OWC ISi ·Fie.IC. Terms and Beker) $135,000 OHCI 351( down Siller 509 Acacia CdM nr bch 963-0363 will cury Iha reel. No Spotless Vacant Duplex 1--------- qualllylng You benefit Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba •EU Wllll with 10.5% eflecttve <140K own/bkr 645-7048 ELEGANT Ranctl Style 4 Interest 3 Bdrm 2'"' Ba ---------1 bdrm Warm country Sundance Townhome 11.UllH YIEW lrencn decor, a reel Formtl dining, Family SauS8llto luSk home on dreem come true. Just room. tncl Pillo with lee land 3 Br 2 Ba. llv & $174,500. Bkr 848-0709 Gr--.house Window end din rm. lg tam rm, all Decorator Tiie, 2'"' year1 amenities, IQ lrH 101 By new Owner. 1313,000 llllARllE OUl•Ell • 1111,000 640-7007 CALL ME TO SEEi Diana Pletenpol·Volpe 111-1400 -----~-~ S20,ooo Dow. Beautiful 4 Bdrm lamlly home, tealurlng spa & Dix So of Hwy duplex encloeed gerden room Only 3 yrs old Darrell, ofl the mister sulle COROIADO CAYS C<1ronado Island l'USl bayfront lot 115' boat dock Plans ava1l Now $370,000 w/terms ILlffS COllO Single story end unit, expanded, upgraded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,0-00. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 Boy\odt' Dr ove N B 67~ biol RARE BLUFFS OPPORTUNITY Just listed·front row vww Luwt•st prtc1.:d "E" Plan 3 Br. family roo m $197.000 Assume loans. Submit on dwn 2645 V 1sta Ornada $315,000 Open Sat/Sun· l-5 BLUFFS LEASE 2 Bdrm, water view. S950tm o Also 3 Br. front row view $1200/mo. 140-0020 llO-Hll w1 .. s1 1-:Y N TAYLOR CO. HEALTOHS Sl lH't· l!H() IEW EHUID H HLIOA ISUID first ttmc.• listl'd. Charming nr nf'w 2 s t,v. arc:h1tectural gem. 4 bdrms, f<tm. rm. Quality <ksign and d <.·<:tir throughout. 1 Ot•stgm.-d for guest quarter::.. Pn·:t'Cl to St'll $595,000. Scllt'r fina nce No loan fet· 213 OIAllOID OPEi Sll I SUI 1-6 ltOllllE S2J&,OOO -VIEW FREE 1 Ea1 thtom·~ thruout 4 br. 2 1 i ba. family rm. d1n1ng rm 2,:378 sq.ft . View of J>av1hon, rntc lites & Catalina. I 12&1 HllFLJIE, CDll Sll I SH 1·& MAlllOll .VIEW MILLS -H&E UH Qu1C'l. park-likl· S<>tllng Rm for paddle tcnn1::. a nd pool. Great for orchard Cul de sac St. ~~ bdrms, fam rm $379.500 1211 IR WEST, Clll OPEi SH 1-• IEAT JASMllf OllEH 0 w n r I Ag 1. Re I M a 11 Completely remodeled $290.000 Least e11pen-759-1221 thruout w1th many up-foHl•i• V•ll-1034 ifoHl•i• V•lltf. 1034 2 ILOCIS TO IEWPOlllT MICH -S22l,OOO THE HEAT And keep cool In one ol meny beautltul pool homes. all In excellenl condlllon, and In all price ranges. Call any ol our professlon11 Real Es1a1e people for delalls. sive home by S3S.ooo. -T-,-,-.-,-,-,-,-.-W--.,-S-1 grades 10' •he dlscrlml-•••••••••••••0"••••••• .............. ....... Charmin~ 4 Br & f<tn1tlv room •J bnt'k I 2 & d hi hi neUng buyer -'Sk•ng 2 d 2 b h E I . . h -lovey eCn.2 g y Posslblenoclown.Brand $195,000 Foranap-sl~ermA.lln~acvs~ou~zed MESAVEAOE ftreplact•s, country kilt' f•n , qull'l 1 upgraded. Al • 4 tlr. new 4 bdrm. 7 balh. I t 1 II " v -S S I 5 d I lty Pool• tennis po ntmen ° see. ca remodel. Country charm, Open •II un · residential area m you nu t'Ve opment secvr • "' · 6500 sq II. John Marshall 540 1151 09 GANNET OR "' Talle advantage of lg. Agt 631.2242 -encl yllrd., frplc. oak 27 by Buccola. IOq{, cin Ownc•r carry 1(1 yr; assum loan w/low Int&-· cabinets, blllna, ceramic Owne• wlH carry 181 TO. 1 rest Don'! wall until OLD CDlll $231 000 Ille more $1 42 900 low rate, xlnt terms. 4Br. I I 546-2313 Y RENT Ill? DOWN PAYMENT ??? No Ooalltying, monthly payments SlrU<:tured to your need•. Call 549-2969 or 675-14 IS FAMILY HP&IDllHi prices go up again. Call s I h R 2 3 ~ Owner flexible. 138. Wal-1".Ba. 2 aty. lorrnal din I VIEW-UIE a llOIEL-UYCUSS or come by Agl . 0 0 wy. · rre-nut,556-6996. rm,park.979·5099 I Two stor y Nar1tu<.hct 5 Br with 644·9060 or 644-8067 model. Liv rm opens to d Carole McMahan pv1 backyard Move-In UllUll Hm"I *LIW HWI 12Y4°l llOO PH •I. bt>auliful S unset pool s urrounde by .,El Sii 1 I cond. Great terms. Musi 2 new very delu11e $20,000 dwn lor a 25% 14,000 rt•d brn:k~ TCiStefully det:orated • sell. Della. 63 t-1266. agl 2300 IQ fl 2-sty, 5 Br 3 hOmes. 2 bdrm + den, 1 t 118 h h · h 11 d 14WllTEWITH '-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Bahomew1newcrp11& 2,L beth, 516,.,,.., eect1.' nterestinproperyw • t roug oul w1t wa papers an 11 F 1 " •" shelter benefits Owner • h 1 k cl I h o --------TRADE paint ull price on Y owe 5 years. 673-0359. occupied or investor, -;huttt•rs S r)ws 1 c-a mo e o m e ~-•-d StS9.000. Owner wlll M d S II II f. -... help !Inane. 631·7370, * •fl& Ill llU *I position avall Call R1ct1 any upgra cs e er w1 tnance OfNewpod, fj) your boring Income pro-I 549-3546 Model perfect beauty on ~/agt, 9&4·617 1 Submit down $760.000 mcl. land. 11.eabon. )I party or oulgroWn real-Cree lined street. 3 bd. 2 •••liIIJI•• 975.5511 __ ~_/' 1 e1ence wtth large equity be, upgraded home ""' /040 WESLEY I. THLOll CO., llUUOllS _..._ lat this ~eBa1dru1tlc3,!bnd W1tk to alt schools. ten-•••••••••••••••••••••• 2111 .Su Jtt••1'a .. ,.IJs Rta~ roomy ~ rm " • nls courts. and perk. BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Ba .. " • IPH IMSIS 1·1 home with 180 deg Owner flexible. $137.500 hme approx 2900 sq It IEWP8"T CHTH, I .I . 1«-4110 'u••-· Ort .. y•-ocean view In walk to Jody/Agl 557·1289 Nr Meadowlerk Goll • • -.,... beach. Corona def Mar Ttrrlflo PIH I, s111· location $495.000 fee OCUI VIEW ~~~r!~e11s~~61~· s\~·~~~ BLUFFS* EASTBLUFF olHI lfH•Hff ""· ~1211 I 2 Bdrm. 2 be, condo. Full also wltake back 2nd This IS the home tor the grOW1ng family Shi. yes 6 big bdrms, 3 bllhs, big lfvlng room with fire-place Family room wllh 2nd nrepl8()41 Formal di· nlng. family kitchen with u~raded range. grill & microwave Ankle deep carpellng. Shimmering pool and spa. Gorgeous lnllde e.nd out. A delight to preview. Call for pre- view. 5'46-2313 ... H MW fn• pa-... STEP INTO THE YARD & 1menlltes and sec gate 846-0450 I • fl I. step Into Hewell. t>eau1 1 No quehlylng with $60001--------I t t . tt4 •••••I ~ e11011 c with pool &I dowri 10 75% loan CLOSE TO OCUI S ix·<.:w cul<tr 4 bdrm. f,tm rm. 2 hrep acc-s 1110,000. J larrltr ~ waterfall 2 BR & den. progrem 1vallable Call No money down no Lusk 1 lt•vt•I ho m e Oversize lot with I "ttf. huge lam rm w/bar R ic h Ownerl Agt quallly1no . own your large pool Only $:339.000 t•CLIDIH TME THE REAL ESTAT&:RS I I I $179.500 631-8011 96•·6171 home on our unique , •• t. I .. t, o• OUlllll -----==---1 shered appreciation II· WI. By appl a..ttl MPLD •---------FIXER nanc1ng We have S IESTllY.Lovely2000sq·ft 3 bdrm,2'i 4 Mr, ftr•tl 4111, Immaculate 3 Bdrm El Fon 103Z . homes In Hunt Beech . 3 baths. fam rm . wi'de greenbelt, near • 1 nd •••••••••• • ••• •••••••• BR 2'.'toa. 1600 to 2100 TMf UllD ,., ... 11, nl, ,.. ~=~~ou°:'~er~r~:.:ill. * UTH c1•111m $98,000 sq II Payments run pool Only $249.000 llCLIDllC • ,, .. lrtat tltoltht bolh yvlth lolled beem New 3 Bdrm 2 bath $1200 10 $1600 per mo Will lease o ption By appt lit•• 11 prt1tl1l111 celllngs. trplcs and a very VERY deluxe home. Ca-Eestslde Costa Mesa, Call Geo Brooks al HICllHrllet4. 0.1tr private pool Localed ~n nyon area S 1691< .OWC $27,000 under 11ppra1sa1 714189 l·S556 OPEi 1.5 . ' one of Corona def Mer s al 12.75%. 673-0359 Owner desperate. Hurry! 2s.31 lllJI s. .. , VltW $215 000 will lltfJ wltll flHI• prettiest streets. 4 6 5 0303 S & S Trl·level. near lhe ., 'v • 1 1 Rill man lfO .,., ..... ,. •• , blocks to Little Corona ,., i '"' 1034 4 • Wiier Warm decor pvt 2111 Vista,, .. , •• a ''·view UH,000 • uo. I -·TIH Sil 000 •10 • Beach $298 000 .!~.~!'!.J! ••••• !f....... spa. elegance galore 2001 laj1, a tir, 1 ltHI s 111,500 Well eat•b=d New-•••• itar i~ tr- 0 14'-1211 a HY II :::.1;109$319·000 Bkr IOI Avt. c •• ,t, 1 ,, .. ,, fit• 2 ~' UI0,000 port Beach locallon tor ........ ...d .. ~ 0.... ~ 4 Bdrm. 2·~ bathe, lemlly IAlllUPTCY 2lll Yht• •• ., ... 4•r w/I••• •• H,000 aale. All replies confl. pwnnO t• .. , rm. formal dining rm, dentlel. P 0 Box 821, ltJft Ct14t I ~ eparkllng pool and ep1. •FORCES SALE• HELEN B DOWD Balboa, ca,. 92661 ...... "--tll ~ti lar ~> , Vacent and ready Lge 4 br. 2 ba. pool Nice --• -usvmable loan Submit ~~~·Olf~,,~,~~~~-~·-~;;~~1~.-e~a~. ~1~m~I ~lrJo~m~be~a~c~h ' LOWEST PRICED ........... I •• ,. 4 CHI•.... l0.Z4 Bkr 848·4557 21052 Indigo. 962-0293 IULTORS, llC. •••·8311 .Es' YE•IEI II ttwllatllt lllll ••••••••••••• ••••••••• BEACH BANKRUPTCY • 2 Bdrm con:o with •••llJ , •• Walls tf ·~" 2 II, 2~ .. a .. ,. 3Br,2Ba.dblcargerege. Speclll prOvlSlor1S ol ltlfl I • community pool, mlefo-s••u ,,,., t1t411r ASSllAILE HJ '12•.500 owe $100K 2 patios, flaostone frple, Bankruptcy Act allows H••lillf lH B1111l1•1t111 wave, lresh pelnt end sar4tH lift SllJllt on this 4 Bdr College 12% 10 yr t0178 Du-~~~f.t0~1°7,!~te~°'::i lor assumption ol $60. ••u• 1040, .,.,, 10401 mlnvtea close to p1rk1 ' I ~ Park home e nd owner rango A1v Ct Christine ~ 000 In fin $8t9/mo Pill ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• end shops. Seller wlll rtt••· 11 VII ft• wtll help wttn eddlliontl Bkr 675-1771 O~n SIS carry 1st loan. $10.000 dn owe $t5. cerryl Only $89.9'>0 . call ttllll&lr 11• flHrt, fmenclng. Full pr!ce II 1-5 1., ~~trlMtlH' lttr, ~ B~'.pr.!11~~~ 4.!' todayl 646-7171 t1tir.wtftlolt.t .. lar only $132,SOO.Oontwalt _. ... ·• le I • call 979'-S370 NOW! INVESTORS to OQMn Agt ~ t-4141 IMflml ~= rE:. ~-:! ~ji:.i;E~J:¥ "":.~::::11 :::1t .,, ..... • ~ at SJl0,000. 111 Call Rich Ownr/egt Aaaume (Freddie Mac>' -USTSllE OILY INCOME??? Br 2 Ba lrplc 19911 A NEW WAY OF LIFE IN lhe BEAUTIFUL IRVINE • AOUL T MOBILE HOME PARK lt1fitW. 964-6171 SHORT ON Buehard St Brk/Own 111,000 DOWI DOWN 642 7743 Cot.a OF NEWPORT Lovely 4 Bdr home w/ 4 ltlHll Pttl I•. PAYMENT??7 -----·-----"l.ALTOAS lam rm, no qu1lllylng. Spacious trl-leve1 4 PAYING TAXES??? fllllOLllllll uu L e-1 "••· Auome loans. take over Bdrm. 3 bl, lam rm Well Wilh our lnveflor. live & $10,000 needed to cover c. ..... d•I •.. VA 1st et t 1 50% Mini maintained Priced under gain epprecletlon In 111 beck 11,1yments & 875·551 t cond. Call Diane C1ppet, market S195,000. Open lantaatle 3 Br. 3 Be. new charges. Tat<e over Re/Mu 631·1266 Sund1y 1 ·5 17086 condo, :iext to Ill shop-$184,000 In loins at Greenleaf St. ping. No down peyment, $I 110 mo. 4 yr old 4 BR. lllllT II.I. minimum CHh needed S blks to beach. V. ACRE PLUS SPA Fabulous n ewer 4 bdrm beach estate. Has family area. brick frplc, plush d t'('(Jr Extensive cul-de-sac grounds feature I Km pond, waterfall, orchards. etc. I Sacrifice 1111: S 121,000 STAii 11.E. 71•·1212 142-llOI for clo•lng cost. Pnone FAIR REAL ESTATE 63 t-50&5, 642-2000. 8•8· 1•68 Lit 1,t1 .. tr left I I I OllLITT HOMES FROM .. $40,000 to $55,000 w/gOOd llnanclng avail Call Mary Graham 551-2360 Of Boyd Allra 675-5930 Oarr". Or1lst Ftr J Cloae eacrow 9130162. New 4 Br. 3 Ba Laguna Beach view ot oce1n, mouritalns & canyona on Hrene COS Porl1flno. AppreJMd al $4115.000. now l•S0.000. •%CASH or? 3Br 1"'· ba, Gr actous 4 Bdrm trl-USllAILE MESA VEROE-3Br. 2Ba, HHlll for s.i. a ..... /or s.1, aterter home. No quell-level Pv1 spa. Contemp I YA L.. FA. lrplc, LR, cov petlo, •• • •••• • • • ••••• • • • •••• •• ••••• • • ••• • •••' • •• • • !)'Ing nee, lul>ilf 1erms decor Asking $319,000 · )(Int lln $140K. Owner/ G.-rot 1002 GtM,... 1002 640-5076 Dennie make olr. Bkr 848-0709 11 91/\% on Ihle 4 bdrm rllr. 751·36"42 -=======~;;:.;:;:=::::;;::=~~=====-~~~! ~ .. ~·~11~1dpeo~'. -.,.--,-,-u-.. --... --111--'::~::· S@ \\.ci! lA-a £.~s· ::: ~~~~~~~I 12,. , .... , .. ..:; 4 Br, 2 a.. 1 bdrm with llAlllllEI Mpar1te entrarice Re-•P• and m1ny other 4Br, 2Ba. completely r• -----._.....,cu.• • "°""" 1menl1le1. $110.000 In modeled. New roof. 1uum1ble loen1. On • plumblng, p1lnt & ctr~t cu1-01 .. 1c 1001 OWC, )Unt lln111clng A super • RW.aflT lllEI modeled t>etuty. Coall liftr• M ... Motivated eellet Harbor View Home• 3 $136,900 Bclrm 2 beth MONICO on , .. la nd! AH11,.,,. •111 .. tlnQ It low rat• end Miier wll carry! Priced 10 Mii It $21'.000 • cell tOdllyt 146-7171 --""'' "*' thll neet a Oltetl 3 lldrm home 11 lull for yo11. E•cell. flnenctna Witt! • fUll NIUl'llnte , It T.D. 1t t~%. Ful pr-ic. 11st,OOO. 7614 191 ~·· ' RoJ, m,tl.·n, Reali or 714-641-8629 Atduc.O 10 $159.900 bug1ln 1t 1125,000 Cell 919-6370 64$-3000 \f >Ill tlFtl . .:. . •,' ..... ------- IYIWllll·WTIM Divorce force• quick Niel 3 bdrm. 1 bl . lrplc, 2',. gar .. 1ge IOI w/lot• ol PONlbillltee. SH.500 -Ill olfere eoneldere o . 642-45e5 eve a wtclld1. IY ... 1111l.- Aeduc•d 1111.0061 Nr· new ao11r, vi.w twnl\M. 1 ml. trom ooeen. Apc>ro11. 1500 aq ft. 2 br, 2-.. be. ofen hou•• s 111s u n 1 -4. 1091 s .. llvtr Dflv., 646-9190 I Ulll f II 'JWllll I 1 wl1h 2S4 bathe, 2 otr lflC4 '. -OW & Y•d. NOOO down • ...... &.---·· 1.-end pymt IMllttd PfoO· ' •m.,TIRMI*'* t I ... "'',....., : ram. Call Alclt. Owner/ ------ ~ ... ~=ibt, 1' a.1&.. llJ~ /Mt! =-== =~':i.i:I Ag1 teA-0171 .._ _ ""' • :::r:7. ••• ~. • •• ,....-rf' 1o w.olff lhope. a..t , I!.-.. a " a 1 " ...,. ., 11121417 , .... ft, I IOCadon. t• ltftle ---rite houeel, t IOt, good l'l*r1on I or OUITO-M HOU&1. • ,.. bttOW,,..,.,..... Income. owe t 10Cf.OOO ' E>me .. I bd, 8 be, poet, J ~t flNnolno Mat, ~ l t tt,IOO. AGt. et 13%. f 1A3,IOO. Nii 1port1 ot, MP o1floa, I 000 ~. tlll•ld•, 414·7611 l tdtn Av•. 764-ltAI, IM0,400 62.....UM 175-tt21 CS.,...._ 4'7 .. 21A. ffl..tlM 1119. ·. ----- 11£SIOENllAI Rf Al [SIAff $£AVICES •• , ••• u The definition of quality la tl.l1 truly magnificent custom hom~. •teps to private ~&ch. A kitchen for the discr imlnatJng cook. T he exciting famiJy/ente r tainmoot room. 4 bdrms. formal dining. Thlt could be your d ream h ome. $795.000 Fee. ..... ,1 ... 117111~ ... •hotr~ ,,.. 6 W''OMbW _ ............. -·. __ ,,. ~ ........... oi -h ... i'1 i-o1-.. S 0 F A r C I I I' I r WELDOG I' I I I r I SAWLUR ... --.-1--.1~..-1 --.-1 --.rr-1 At IHI my ltldl hi~ o leerned tne v1h1e of money l and how hlrd II la to earn. f S C R 1 U C I Tney won't acic•et • hot i-.,,;...:...;.;...,.;.-.;,.....;;...,--1 check 1nymor1. Tney w1nt I I r I I I_ 111_11: money In QOld -· 11 OE£LA 9 I I r· 1 I" l!il:;.t=.~1= . . ......... __ .... _ !{~!~!! l~!~!!~!.~ ... · 1 ~~~!!!. {~!~!!~.'!. .... ~~~:-! ...... ~?~~ ~~!'! ...... ~?.~~ TRUSTEE 'SALE # 2395 View Lot -Cowan Heights On St'pt Ill. IVH2 ;H 11 um, al the fro nt l'ntrnn<'" of S tmi-Shaw Corp .. i:11 ri l•: 17th ~1. Sant.1 Ant•. Caltf, said trnstl'l' will ..,('!) t•1 the h1ghl•St bidder Lot :I:.!. TIJll l!.llitt , Known to be 11pp111x • • .1l·1 t-:s •11 v&t'atlt It.ind For furtht•1 lllf411111,1t10ll t'OllWl l STAN-SHAW CORP. 114/542·6811 Coles worthy {1Co. 2S4S E ASTBLUFF DR . NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 640-0020 WIPE YOUR FEET WHH YOU LEAVE ~:.astlJluff pott•nllal unl11111tt-d 5 Bdrm. \'tJUntrv k1u:h,·11, l'Xtroi lrg farrnly room~ ·~ Ba -Thi.., hnmt· has bt't'n betrayed ~bus(•n ,ind 1h1·n ;1h<indont•d Premium 1tx·at1•m. F<ihul11u~ n('1ghborhood but the home· nl>t'CJ ... o •V(·r,vthmg Bor A financing of $154,0IJIJ t11wl pm·f• $2115,UtlO No t for tht· fatnl ol hl':.1rt <!kOO Carob. EastbluH . ,.-.u., g .-•nythintJ N11t1 d · ,..,,. 'tO<n' .. """9 you wan• Dao•~ P•ICJI (.1as~oheo Ao .,, ~.,11-1 1,.~·ohed ads Clo os a sornple mallP• 1 well C..all NOW 1us1 catl {,A~ !>li78 f.14?-5678 LIDO IAYFROllT Custom count r y Engllsh bayfront home with pier and shp, designed by 1nternat1onally acclaimed ;:u c hllect 6 bedrooms, 6 baths. gourmet kitchen. 1ormal din rm. s ecunty system. $2.700.000 LIDO ISLE BUFROllT llEW LISTllli Beauttfully decorated Cape Cod 4 bdrm. 4 baths. Pier and slip. holds 45· boat. Please call to make appointment to see thi s outs tandi ng home $2.200.000. LIDO BA YFROMT Just listed this completely remodeled elegant 2 bdrm home plus s tudy. Also features pier tor large boat plus sm.all boat. Ideal location on quiet end of Island. Only $1,850.000. LIDO ISLE HYFROMT 40' lot: 5 bdrms. 5 baths. Watch the sunset from g1gant1c master suit e 4 car garage, Enjoy beautiful beach in front o f your home S 1. 7 50 .000 LIDO ISLE BAYFROMT FANTASTI C TERMS Owner will c arry 1s t Trust Deed. Priced to sell Near Lido Clubhouse & tennis courts Will accommodate a large yacht . $1,300.000. LIDO Own your own doc k for your 85' yacht Professionally decorated. 4 bdrm. 3 bath, Random Oak P l anked fl oors Patio overlooking prime bayfront location. FEE LAND Security gate and many more extras. $1.110.000 LIDO Delightfully appointed 2 Bdrm, 211, baths baytront condo. 24 hour security Sauna. pool • sub-parking. close to shopping. The most prest191ous highrlse condo building in Newport. Owner may exchange $735,000 IHFROIT COIDO Spacious lido Park Drive condo w ith sit-down view . Security building. Boat sllps. Owner will consider exchange for units $525,000 LIDO HI-RISE PHTHOISE 1 Bdrm, 1 bath. Fantastic bay and ocean views. Subparklng. pool, security building. walk to shops and· restaurants. Sllp available. $350.000 UYFllOIT lll·lllE With view of ocean, 1 Bdrm . mirrored w all, beautlfully decorated. ready to move In. Sub-park ing. Pool, Security bulldlng. W a lk to Lido Vlll.ege. Stlps av1ll1ble. $295,000. t· Orange CoHl OAll.V PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 -·. . .. RVM~ IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 • • • UllLllUILI VALHI Lovt:ly singl e famil y home in old Corona del Mar. 3 BR & 3 BA on 3 level plus guest/maid's room. M ini view Drastically reduced to $4 69,000 o r lease f or $1750/mo. Martha Macnab (R60) ... ,,, /11 S1/1 •····••···•··········· :oru1 HOUSE sat 1su11 1-1 : '111,~~~:" I G..,.al . 1002 •••••••••••••••••••• • Fll&IOlll • • Beautiful 1 Bdrm end • BETTER THAN A NEW HOME TOTALLY IESnLED, IEIUIL T I IEllODELEI DEYlSTlTlllLY anUCTIYE IPll Tits WEHHI SIT I Ill 1-1 Pll 1Hl su11nn '"· "llVlll TIHJOI", CIM Here tS a marvelous opportunity to acquire a "better than new" home in a lovely prestige community. No waiting for grass to grow or trees to mature, and no big fancy new h ouse price either!. • • unit on th• water Deco· • rated In •atthtone1 with • 0 C E 11 Y I E W • ehuttara thruout. Many • extrae. Auume current ~ C 0 U II T R Y FRENCH • financing and owner wtll ... e conalder carrying 2nd •. 2100 I. llHI llY4., l1llM1 P11l1. • TO. Aaklng S118,900, •Reduced to $675,000 with $552,000 • cell 540-1151 •ASSUMABLE FINANCING AT 14% .• • • : BETWEEN Ill AID OCUN : • 2141 Mlr1•11 Ir, l1llM1 PHl1. • ~~~~--- .v• HERITAGE . • REALTORS OAllEO Mll tllJllf VIEW Fantastic panoramic OC..'C'an view within walking distance of three private beaches. Single story 4 BR. Cam rm residence situated in Cameo Highlands. Great potential . close to shopping and sch ools ONL Y $369 ,900 including the land Call Dnna Godshall (R61) •New Country French. Steps to jetty .• r= This gorgeous custom masterpiece situated across from a delightful park is just 2 long blocks to Balboa Bay awaits your admiration. Ranch style with French flavor: 4 bdrm, formal dining nn, sk ylit ceilings, family rm, htde-away loft & sparkling pool. •Reduced to $575,000 with $452,000 • -•,•IY•l•H-H•l•Y•IS-•I : ASSUMABLE FINANCING at 14%. • # 1 PlllllA • • See It todeyl Convenient • CAPE . COD 2 & 3 BR. CONDOS : ~0.~~11:~· e~~~·~tlcou~.~~ • 11• M ..a YI t I ttl"" O .... M • nice 2 Bdrm end den end • • •••• I •· II •• •••1 ISi unit. Fenced pe11o. elr • From $137,000. All units have• conditioned, community •fireplaces, wet bars, French doors and! pool All tor S139.500 •fully landscaped yards. • IPH-llUAY 1-4 LJIHA MILLS LUXURY Don't miss this delightful single level home in paradise location. Decorated f eaturing 2 BR plus den , majestic fireplace, 2 patios, spa, central air and security system . $210,000 Anita Schandel (R62) Offered below replacement cost at $478,500 (you own the land), over $250,000 assumable l~ at 11%. WOW! • OPEN DAILY 1-5. • 142-1200 • • •NEW 3 CONDO PROJECT FROM e - • $169,000 • I: , I I NEWPORT HEIGHTS • 1597 Riverside and 16th St. • DOLLMOUIE 3 Ill, 2 H charrrnng dollhouse on qutet cul-de-sac. 2 brick fplcs. curb appeal & loads of charm. All for $178,000. Terry Aune Hanes (R63) Spectacular 3 Bdrm, 3 'h baths : I~~~~~~~ 548-5270: 144-1200 . 850-9778 . • Hoa111 for Silt ••••.•...•...•........ 1002 ******************** ( ______ N_E_W_P_O_R_T_B_E_A_C_H ____ __,, SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring available, this 6 bedroom Balboa Island residence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $1,095,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Seller packing, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views fit to kill. $495.000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skylight windows will light up your life when you move into this 3 bedroom, 3'/t bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom. 41/t bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. fl . of living space. Slip and side tie .for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY EST A TES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 2'h baths. country kitchen. room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller wlll carry with 15% down or will consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SANO On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller wlll carry at 12.5% with 20% down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PfUV A TE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom. 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $236,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS-OWNER FLEXIBLE Try AITD or trade on this 6 Bdr 4 Ba Harbor View estate with over •;., acrel 2 frplc, skylltes, French doors. gorgeou1 pool, spa, Kol pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dally 1-5. HARBOR VIEW FOR FAMILIES Submit all offers on this 4B/3B contemporary home with financing and fireplace. $310,000. ( ______ N_E_W_L_Y __ Ll_S_T_ED ______ ~) ' LUXURY HOME WITH 35' BOAT DOCK lSpaclous ·~ Bdrm, family rm exeoutlve realdence on Trinidad llsland, Huntington Harbor. Assumable 1st with additional teller ~lnanctng available. 1399,960. NEWPORT OLEN-PRICED TO &ELLI Juat 2 ml. to the Orange Cty aJrport, thla 2 Bdrt"I) tight & airy upgraded townhome features additional den + UM of pool, apa & BBQ. $120,000. 8AN JUAN EQUESTRIAN RANCH , .. :TM Hunt Ckab" e bedroom, 8'~ bath horpe with pool, epa, .. ~.owe. a1.soo.ooo. _______ H_A_R_e_o_R_R_l_D_G_E~~--J "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWN! Assume $564,500 at 11 .75% on this 3 bedroom, 2'n bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor. Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMS! Seller will carry an AITD of $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. f1., 3 bedrooms. 3'h baths. large decks. 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $850,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% Hxed or seller will consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 3'h bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 flreplaces, atrium &nd panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocation. $850,000. MAGNIFICENT CUSTOM MANOR Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble flreplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 addltlonal bedroom suites. elevator, full security system. 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1 ,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this like-new 4 bedroom, 2'h bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520.000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that will rlval all others. Seller must liquidate but will consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1 ,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE! Located on a lot that Is unusually large for this area. this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property In .Orange County or seller will carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. This home has It all! $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft townhome with spectacular ocean and nl_ght light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacloua with 4 bedrooms, family room and 3 in baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $595,000. ( _____ E_M_E_RA_L_D_B_A_Y~--~) COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner lot, thla 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hu a large patio with ape, custom landacaplng, family room and full use of recreatlonal facilities. Try lease/option or low down. $825,000. $517,000 A88UMABLE AND SELLER WlLL HELP Spectacular 2 bedroom ocean view home with swimming pool and addltlonal Mfler financing. $6!50,000. ' WALKING DISTANCE TO RECREATION Charming 5 bedroom. • bath hoJM In exclualve gat-.guarded communrty. 17'?0,000. NEWPORT BEACH Call fo~ addre1M1 ' ----- -rt a a a - Call Me To See! DIANA PIETENPOL-VOLPE Ill·•• R&"Mr.l< of Irvine GE GEORGE ELKINS CO '"' '"'" 1-1 1111 IUlllU WAY, IPT IOI Beautiful Wood & Glass Home On Secluded St. Near Backbay. 3 Br's & Convertible Den. Fabulous Landscaping & One Of T..b~ Prf'ttiest Swimming Pools Anywhere. And There Is A Large Assumable Loan. Call Joyce Dabolt or Don DeThomas. lllllFICAIT PlllOI IHHT111 On Balboa Island's So. Bayfront. With Pier & Slip. Incredible View. Two Older (Island Cottages) On Adjoining Lots. Outstanding Fanily Compound, Or Superb Developer Package. Jus Reduced $700,000! Now Priced At $2,000,000. Call Don DeThomas For Details. 759-9110 ® ·--...... .,,.,. 75!-9100 u c..,... ........ ... .,..c..- II. \H B( >B H 1.; \ 1.T ' OK FINANCING 21%HWI South of the Hwy. in Corona del Mar. Well built 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on R-2 lot. Needs a little T .L .C. Open beam ceiling, fireplace, large back yard. Out of state owner is asking $240,000 & will finance at 12% interest due in 10 years. 20% .... Corona del Mar rental units South of the Hwy. just a few blocks from the beach. Currently earning $1450 per mo. Price reduced to $229.000 with 12 'h % financing. 21% •••• Ocean and bay views from these beautiful R-1 lots in a quiet out-of-the-way section of Corona del Mar . Attractive owner financing. $595.000 each. Two lots left. 10% .... Popular Bluffs "C" Plan with 4 bdrms. and 3 baths. Near the pool in the newer Bluffs. Large living rm. opens onto sunny patio. Owner will finance for 30 years fixed rate. Asking $279,- 500 L .H . um111 HWI Well, almost anything. Owner is desperate to sell this clean 2 bdrm. mobile home in 5 Star Greenleaf Park, Costa Mesa. Has attached carport and encloaed sunroof. Asking $34,500 owner will carry the financing. Anything reasonable will be accepted. Adults onJy. lft>tJSTRIAL BUILDINGS 10,000 "· "· West Costa Mesa divided into tour 5,000 sq. ft. units tilt up construction. Located on 1.4 1cres with ample off street parking. $950,000 submit terms. 100~ Wiii Prime corn er location on Segentrom in South Santa Ana. Nicely landscaped 4 yr. old Wt up bldg. approx. 13,300 1q. ft. wi t h 5 quality tenanu. $1,040,000 excellmt tem\I. 17141 673-4400 12131 u•.2121 nt H..-.or A""'t ....... ht.Mf.ei.d .... hNlt c........, I L\.J t 11( )It .. ' Ii "' . .. • " I I ·I I I • f::~-'--' I· f . ) IPll llllAY 1-1 114 ...,..okl, CdM --.000 2121 lncllen lprln11 Lene, ••cit ••Y ---V\e om.t1o, Lido I•, N.•. "11.000 10I Twquo6ee. a.I le _ .......... -..... 000 1211 ~. N.•. _ ... -....... .,._,000 141 Cenyon lelend, N.•. ··--·--~9311.000 111 MenM .... " --···-· 9214.000 JOI 11th ltNet, '-nlneul• .......... tl1t,000 11M a.tenede Ton, lrYIM Totr tn0.000 alO .... -. CDM ...................... 11.000 1111 Kint• lltood, N.•. --···--·-.... ,000 411 CerMtlon, CDll -.................. =·-I001 King• Roed, N.• ......... '"--,000 40t Columbt41 Npt Cr"t -·-1341.000 Moe Clttt Dr. t,u --·-·--·-iUO,ooo tOI Horbof It.Or., on wet0t -· t1,'81,000 OCEANFRONT-RED Mll,000 lxa.ffont flnenc:lnt ev.a ..... "°'°"' v·u from thle outttondlna propony noot ell tho ectlon. Wolk by Mm *· Ocoonfront end coll tor dotoll• on thl• Dupln. 'f.1E1:tft1FUL GOLF COURSE VU OWNER AllllTED FINANCING on that tunny end unH with Vu from •YOt'J room. Wrop-oround dock, 2 bed. + 2V. bo. lo¥ely don end luxurlou• meeter eulto. Community locllltlH of pool, apa • ,_ ... 1211,000. BLUFFS-WITH FINANCING Upgrodod 2 ''°" condo. Four bodrooma, 2 YI bot ha, lemlly room plua Iorgo oncloHd potlo. End unit. 1110,000. en-eeoo. NEWPORT IS RED. S2Al,OOO Appeollng 3 bodroome plut don coltoge. Own0t out of .,.. end I• cM•POf•I• to Mtl. Wiii help nnonco. Drive by 404 40th It. end catl for cktotla. LAKE FOREST-BEAUTIFUL NEW EX! lmmoculato end totolly docorotod 3 bedroom ttom. cloeo to parka and tonnla. Woodey patk> and lown. Great ftntohlng S131,to0. 131-1400 . VILLA BALBOA CONDO-VU On• bedroom plu• don In • aocurlty IMllldlng. VU Wiii not be obetructod. OWC .financing ot 10% for 21 y..,.. '275.000. DUPLEX-BLOCK TO BEACH Two well-priced unite In • vocotlon Mtttng noor fun a 1un. Two end 1 bod. unite with llropfocH. Now roof. Good ftnonc6ng. *258,toO. ln-llOO. DUPLEX-TRADE FOR BOATI Newer 3 bod. 2 be. unit• with fl~ a only elope to oceon a a.y. ANume 1at T.D. Owner would Ilk• 31 ft. aotlboat .. par1 of doWn payment. '350,000.131-1400. LOCATION VUI LOCATION! ~ 2 .. tOtJ homo with cloM-up VU of a.y, boata,-.n end night light-. Entertain onfoyobly from thl• 3 bodt'OCNl'I, fomlly room plua privet• patio. OwftOt' noxtMo with good ftnencJng. Sllll,000 F .. lend. OVERLOOKING EMERALD BAY Mogntnc.nt "whltowotor" oc:.en VIEWI from thla cwt contomporory homo with mo1tor eulto + 3 bedroom•, maid'• quortore end 4 •At both•. Et.gone• end wermth, gourmet kitchen, formel dining room. Motlvotod Hiier wlll corry Fire! T.D. ot 10% lntorHt. Coll for dotoll1. 9151,000. 131-1400. WATERFRONT W/LG BOAT SLIP REDUCED $400,000 Prfftlgloua Uncle ls6e, eocurlty, tonnle, ctubhOUM beech. Over 4000 aq. ft., w/4 bod. 4 be. + meld' .,..,..,.. lunkon wet ber. Low .. t fWlce on lefOOft on LlftdL T1ko ower approx. 1550,000 In notff. a.lier very mottvotod. Witt conaldor .. term• on belonco, Including trodea or ..... ,option. With c:aoh to loefta, wfM Mtl for 11,115,000. Owner ••Y• "toke odvontago of thlt •muat ..et' altu.aUon." 131-1400. DUPLEX BY BEACH, NEWPORT OM door to beech, In 9root condition with good tonontt In thlt 4 a 2 bod. property. Somo VU. Flnonclng ov•ll. 1218,500. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK Two •IOtJ 3 bedroome, 2V. beth• In o quiet locotlon. Groonbolt vi••• end lowoat priced In • wetomont community with boot dock. Good ouumoblo ftnonclng. 8320,000. PENINSULA PT PERFECT lmmecullta, odoroblo ttom.. Ju.t etopa to bey and beech. Exc.tlont flnonclng on thla 2 bedroom, 2 beth plua don, patio home. Drive by 15" &i1t Ocoon end cot1 '364,500. BAYSIDE COVE CONDO-VU •••utlful docorotor coordln1tod executive rotroot wftti wonderful VU of ••Y. boot• end night llghta. lold completely turnlthod Ihle 2 bedroom home plut don end dining It poffeet for tho dttctlmlnotlng. Thia WAf'ERFRONT community on.,.. boat allp •• .,...,._ end pool. S417,500. LIDO ISLE-55' LOT + POOL Count11 kJtchon In thlt 3 bod. 2 be. on llrgo lot. .,.,,ec:t for ontortolnlng with Iorgo patio end 40' poof. 1915,000. BAYSHORES-BRANDNEW ~ 5 bedroom, temfl'i room, 4 VJ betha, I cor ~. Mini a.y wtew from Uppof ckck end moat0t aulto. Cuetorn Cope Cod. Buyer may flnlah decor lnalda. '725,000. OFFER NOWI FOREVER VIEW- REDUCEDI Terrific locotlon •nd lorge homo with forov0t v'9w for onty ... ,500 on fM lend. Or HChongo for Im..., homo or Income unit• In thl• oroa. Lorge 2-•tory, 3 bedroom p1U1 "'ve tomlly room, dining room ptue I cer goroge. AllUfMblo loon. Tonne noxlblo. ow ..... ,option. LIDO ISLE -40' LOT Now on IMftlet wlttt lunny lo4.tth patio end remodeled ond now decor. fWdwood noor.. INdod ., ..... gourmet llltohen In thl• 2 bedroom plu1 don. ''lood under morkot for qulcll ••••· Aooum...._ loMa ond OW ~ --1411,IOO. ....,. • .._. NORTH LAGUNA-VU Trt-tevol, rom04Mtld home In a 1upor .................... eod ........ 1 bodr...-.. ow "*It._.... a11,ooo. OCEANFRONT--LAOUNA BCH. =rr:. ~ .. :.!..~.!~3 .... ,... ...... Al ntrae .. ..... , .... ....._ llrlotu lllFll a '°°'-- LAOUNA-fOREV•R VIEWS , ......... ....., .......... ..... _..a YU..._ c ... ......,.,., wood •1 .... with ~ft a bed. + fem.rm. I -LINDA llLl- WAftM a WONDUFUL OlrMr ............... -., .. .. ••••relol, lnduatrl•I or ltolfto In .....,, .... IHotlM I lladroom, ,..,, .... ~ ...... °" ......... ded ....... Allllnl 11-.- WATERFRONT ~toM[S. IM HUI llltl" ...,_, .......... ,.._,t "--- ......... _ft., au•-••• ~._._...... ...... .... 111-1400 ..,,.... s s s a 0 0 • 0 0 0 -4 • a; Or.no-Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 22, 1982 WEST IEWNIT 4 bdrm & 2 bdrm duplex. 2 doors from w ide beach & excellent surfing. The best In rentals. Owner wlll lease back 4 bdrm upper unit year-round. Make offer. $310,000. l'l l.Jll l'll\l1'H\t\'ll Current Saleable Solution• JZ. Tranaactiona Laot 30 Daya .!!. 1 Volume Laat 30 Daya 3.0 mil. Lido Realty 673-7300 U~IVUI: tiC)Ml:i . REALTORS, 675-6000 2443 Ea.et Cout Hlth••Y· Corona clel Mu Ho.111 for S•le H1H11 fer S•lt ..... -----~ ·-------1............. .. .. . . .. . . .................... . Daily Pilot classifieds work for you. Call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. Im•• IH lni•• IOU ......•.•..•••••.•••••......•••.•.....••.•.. *BAYCREST* 12 ~ financing spacious executive rancn style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land! Lowest price at $260,000 Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. *DOVER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built with executive entertaining in mind. Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of the numerous features are: Sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean. pool & spa w/outside bar, 3 car garage, complete security system and of courae formaJ dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1.500,000 FEE. *HARBOR VIEW HOME* Monaco Sensational 3 br home on quiet street w ith pool sized yard. 11.25% assumable financing!! Priced at $223,950 fee. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$48,500* TOTAL PRICE For this smashing home in one of nicest parks in area. Two large bedrooms. formal dining & air conditioning. Call for detaJ.l!!! 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 113 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder closeout!! Extremely spacious townhome f~turing 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to sell now at $149,950. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. •STIPS TO BEACH* This sensational beach-cottage features an ocean view and sundeck. existing 1st T.D. $110,000 is payable at $400.00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offer ed at $165.000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Pool ~ Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm, skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280.000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *CLIFF HAVIN* •OCIAN & BAY VIEW* Unbelievable VIEW-from spacious 3 br home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club & Channel. $675,000 FEE with great terms! (714) 759-1501 or 752-7373. *IASTBLUff + When you takeover exi8ting loan on the elegan\ 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for entenainlng. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 759-1501 or 752-7373. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICf 2170 San Miguel Drive Newport leach, CA 12HO (714) 711-1101 G~ THE REAL ESTATERS 9°/o FIRST YEAR Assum able Loan Custom Quality Homes in Lake Forest in Orange County From S255,000 2700 to 2900 Sq. Ft. 4 to 5 bedrooms Selected homes feature 3 cu g.m111es, interior laundry rooms, family rooms, kitchen nooks. master bedroom retreat$, Close to ~c-hools, shopping and recreation center . S Y•'•< 1c,.n Fully a-.um•bk unJrr curri'nl lr11 .. l•11on s. ... •all'\ ..,p,.....ni.tow> lor Jrl•ol>. tn41710·400J I 405 10 Lik• fol'<'.i '"" 10 Jr1on1mo Turn ngh1 10 1<1JK• l<••UI• •nd lurn ldl Broker Participation Invited Gl - *DESPERATE* Owner says sell it!! He will finance this six year new home for ZERO INTEREST!! 3 Br, 21h ba, plush carpets. ceramic tile. parquet entryway, the wor~ $20.000 down and it's yours. Priced $20,000 below market @ $139,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams Ave .. Huntington Beach. REALTOR MURDERED This could be the headline next week if we don't sell this spacious 4 br home near Huntington Harbor. New decor inside. Seller moving out of area. Asking $125.000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TROPICAL *PARADISE* You mu.st see this backyard to believe it: pool, waterfall. Koi pond & malibu lights. The house comes in threes: bedrooms. fireplace and ovens plus a wine cellar. Sacrifice: $185.000. 556-7035. *ABANDONED* Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view aH the way to Catalina . Sacrifice price $15.000 below mar ket. 963-5671. 9032 Ada ms . Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $765/MO Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/onJy $8.500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TURN A FROG* lnto a hand.some pnnce. Spacious 3 Br 2 Ba home wldble-a ttached garage. Needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,500. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *53 DOWN* Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedroom modet. with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9% and pay buyers non-recurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *OWNER DESPERATE* Must sell this cozy custom home near the ocean in ''Old Town" Huntington Beach. The soaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard completes the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 556-7035. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. •$45,000 TOTAL Fii* Real Estate Licensing School. Walker & Lee Real Estate. (714) 963-5671. *BELOW MARKET* Thia Mesa Verde beauty la at least $10,000'low at $124,900. Cozy country kJtchen, a brick fireplace, and fruit trees at back add up to lm!siltib)e charm. 556-7035. *NIWPORT RIVlllA* 3 br, 2 ~ ba, family condo located on greenbel{f A#OC includes pool, tennis & clubhou.R. 759-1601 or 752-7373. HUNTINGTON IEACH OfflCE 9032 Adame Ave. Huntington leacl9, 'A 12Mt (714)n.703I • ET I ' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1982 EMERALD BAY Best ocean view in all of Laguna Beach. this superbly appointed custom homt• has every possible amenity. Approx 5000 s.q .. 1t features 5 Br. 2 bars, gourmet k1tt·h<:h. 4 Ba. . 2 decks and gorgeous spa. This home• offers a million dollars in financing $1,925.000. WHTEH ESTATES llHLn H1-1234 $4~,000 No Qualifying Beautiful Mobile home-near water 2 bedroom . 2 bath. $35,000 assumable loan. 13 'A%, $469 per mo plus lease. OPEN SAT -SUN 700 Lido Park Drivt, s,act 22 875-2833 PRIVACY, VIEW AND CHARM French Country cottage plus guest house on estate sized lot. Completely remodeled, park like grounds. 50 bearing fruit trees, entrance courtyard, brick pauos. deck overlooking the coastline. $4 75.000 TURNER ASSOCIATES 110111. Coast Hwy., Lacuna Beach (714) 494-1177 DANA POINT HARBOR THE ULTIMATE VIEW LEASE or buy this beautiful pvt 3250' Tn Home with its breath taking vu of the harbor, coastline, mtn's, night lights. 3Br 3 Ba huge Master suite w /sauna, spa. Lg oak gourmet kit w/nook. Security Walk to Sch & Harbor, 20 mins rm Newport Leo1e $1995 Sale $499,900 496-7009 LIDO ISLAND This beaut. open & airy 4 Br 3 Ba compl. remodeled homt' boasts 4 sundecks. indoor jac In Mstr Br, greenhouse windows, spiral s taircase, sk ylites + extensive hrdwd floors & tiling throughout. Try sml dwn and seller will carry back AITD at 9%. Very flex terms. Owner will trade. $675,000. Mary or Ken 644-9450 dys. 673-4371) eves. JASMINE PLAN 4 Price slashed over $20,000 on this huge 2 story, 3 bdrm prestigious .Jasmine Creek Home. Tennis, pool, guarded gate. fee land. Priced well below market at $362.400. Open Sun 12-4. 25 Mainsail. Corona del Mar. Steve Wille Associated Realtors 581 -1100 DOVER SHORES 1441 Galaxy 4 Bdrm. Den, Formal Dining Hoom, 2 Fireplaces. 3 car garage plus large Hobby Room. Pool Sized lot, beautifully landscaped. Owner will assist at financing. Only $420,000. Open Sat/Sun. 1-5 Nelson Robinson: Rltr. 548-5647 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT This magnificent 2 story Mediterranean Villa with pier and slip is richly adorned with stained glass, Italian chandeliers, designer wallcoverlng, unique carvings and fountains. A park-like piazza Introduces this 14 room waterfront showcase. Offered at $1,600,000. AEGIR PROPERTIES 675-4000 .1!.. --- l••••rf lttoll ll1ffs SACRIFICE $210,000!1! Make the down payment & m onthly payments you prefcr & owner may carry the remainder. Price reduced $25.000. Beauuful model home. Won't last with these terms. Call (714) 551-8185 ask for Rod Surratt. Agt. (714) 111-1111 203 BELOW MARKET! URGENT SALE . Condo . 2 bedrooms, 2 1h bath. Excelle nt location. $110.00. $12,000 down. Payments $947.50. TERRIFIC HOME Prof. decor, warm 3 Bdrm, fam rm, big kitchen. high beam ceilings. fireplace. + a large private manicured yard. A real value at $375,000 and you own the land. Open Sun 12-6. 1218 Keel Dr, CdM. Patrick Tenore, RE/MAX, 631-1266. THREE 4-PLEXES Costa Mesa Positive cash flow w/25-30% down $219,000 Ken or Uz 646-3627 or 548-8785 ELEGANCE ON THE EASTSIDE This beautiful home has it all! 3 BR, 2 BA. huge master suite leads lo redwood deck & private spa. Largl· family room wtth atrium, 4 car garag(•. Newly d~-orated & rt•modcled. Excellt•nt financing. One or Easti;1de's finest. $197,500. 412 lroadwaJ, Cll JACKIE GILLIS, REALTOR 831-1011 541-3110 CORONA DEL MAR 300 sq ft of elegance with Ocean View Crom both levels. Some call it a mini Versailles, we say its the best Jasmine Creek has to offer. 2 yrs new Assume fin. Priced below replacement cost of $440.000. OPEN SUN. 1-6 32 Mainsail 640-1212 Owner I Agt. ...... 200 FT. NEWPORT BAYFRONT BOAT ON THE BAY. PLAY ON THE OCEAN · Spacious open & sunny all view home w/ panoramic decks. on huge prime Island Point. + docking & prkg galore. + you own the land. + owner financing. au for $965,000. Open Sat/Sun 11-5. 4028 Channel P lace. Newport Island, N.B. 673-0202. SACRIFICE SALE New NeRie Gail Ranch Custom Want to move up? 4100 sq. Ct., big house. bag rooms. Luxurious home. Horse property. hill top view, 4 car garage. See to believe! Consider trade your h~me or ??'! Open HouM Every Afternoon 26331 Sorrell Place (Off 8uclc1ldn) JENSEN & CO. . 714/759-0706,_Afternoon 831 -6308 ,, .. ,,. ,., ,,,, ...•.••....•....•..•.. ~'fr.II. ~!A .. J.'.f I ll•o•nl s Ir a d1n , oou11try ••VI• llOMI . ir~ dOOft. b1y win· esow., hrctwood llOOtt. ' frplo'•· wr; io-tot owe lotll, 6% dwn, •Int looe- 11011 f 111,IOO F• land 8y OwMt 931-2134 HARBOR RIDGE .,., IHNJ 12·4 View of oeHn and city llghtt 3 Bdrm, 2'i\ 81 pfua offlca 2 tr~ Jodelle MocMI ~uoed 10 $5115,000 3 ST TROPEZ CUSTOM LOT HARBOR HILL Gr"I view of OG•an and city Uohta. Wiii aubordl· n•t• WIU bulld to IUll BOB HALLEY, REALTOR CALL ~~55 601 LIDO 8th F'LOOH Waterfront Condo ADULTS ONLY Spt'C.·Wc·ular V1t'w $7119,500 Wm Cote, Brokt·r IUllll llMI If IWllll Sharp. ocean view 3 bdrm, 2'n ba, aott ea.r1h· tone decor, spa & all other extras. $500,000 & i_reat terms ~ 14)955-0177. 3 BA 2'n ba condo, ocean view. Aaaume $140,000 1st TD. or leue option or rent . $1100 m o 63 1-5661 ·------114r•, 1 latll R-2 Fee Land. 'n block to sand $195,000 lull pr Fin $50,000 dn. Owner may carry 1 S1 and/or 2nd All reas otters con- sJdered. Prine only ........ Waterfront Custom Home with pier & slip, fee lend. $975,000. 646-0523 Park Lido Adull Condo 3 Br. pool. near hospital, beach. S 145,000. Owner will help. Agent 646-1044 WlllT lU OHM IN VERSAILLES/NEW Securi1y, pool. Reduced price ~a'use no really reesl $120K. 631-29t8 BAY VIEW 1 hOuM from Bay on the S.lboa Peninsula. Newly decorared 2Bdrms. 1 'n bl. 2 car gar. $195,000. MEL FUCHS hYlllH •• ...., 111-1120 l&YfUIT OllH Outatandlng view loca- llon, MC. bldg. 2BR 2ba end unit. $4&5.000. Ill! IAYFlllT Llltle Bel. Ille 3BR 2be w/apl. Wiii conalder trade on Bal Isle and/or carry paper. $1, 100.000. WALi Tl IUOI 2BR 2ba & den. Beaut. condition. Community pool, spa and .aeuna. Good terms. $139.000 HOLLIS WOOD, ~L TR 875-8678 PllESEITS FlllT IFmlll or CdM duplex. next to Begonia Park. Ooeen Vlewt 2 & 3 Bdrm unl1t. Attractive nnanclng. WYllW/hr larhr Forever view of ocean and mountain•. 3 Bdrm with spa & aolarlum Open for excnenge: Fl· nenclng available. llAlllll YlfW SOMERSET In great locatlon • cuatomlzed featuree throughout plus pvt. gardens & decka. For BIG CANYON OPEi HOUSE 11 .... ''"' .... ht/h1411 11 .. 3 BDRM -2'11BATH Approx $235K uaum el 12% $4i9,000 Owner/Bkr 21~1 .. 2111 MYll .. Ill IAYFlllT llJ • LHll "'· """" .... .. 401 ..... ltlr • ..., 4 Nttl ..... ...., ...... 141-1111 141-11• ---• E8TATE.8 • 2 Bel, den M• brery, ouatom Sp•, ,ANTA8TIC VIEW. 1610, 000 (~) 16f.. 101• agt. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 HDROOM 117 Marine, Balboa Island, N.B. 831-1•00 $254,000 Sat/Sun 1-15 .430 Catalina Or., Npt Bch 875-6670 $209,500 Sun 12-5 2308 Cllff Or. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 642-5200 $397,500 Sun 1-5 2 llR plua FAM RM or DEN * 19 Curl Or, Jasmine Cfi<, Vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-5 7 Rue Cannes (Big Cyn) NB 760-.8333 S.450,000 15 Evening Song (Trtlrk) Irv 760-8333 $169,990 1123 W. Bay, Balboa, Penln. Bal. Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 645-4220 $275,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 14 Whitewater, Jasmine Crk, CdM 644-9060 $290,000 Sun 1-5 **827 Via lido Soud, lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1-5 1829 Port Sheffield (HVHms) NB 673-7761 $299,000 Sun 1-5 * * 10 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 124 Via Ithaca, lido Isle, NB 675-4562 . $645,000 3 BEDROOM 4832 River Ave., Newport Beach Sun 1-5 675-2399 $184,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1'400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1536 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, NB 531-1.400 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 307 Sapphire, Balboa Island, NB 673-5291 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 Shoal Drive. Jasmine Crk, CdM 760-1900 $369,500 Sun 2-5 11 Rue Verte, Big Canyon, Npt Bch 213/470-2880 $499.000 Sa/Sun 11-6 2345 16th St., Newport Hghts, NB 642-2171 $245,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 36 Aue Fontainebleau, Nwpt Bch 644-0448 $599,000 Sun 1-5 * 1016 Dover Or., Westclltt, N.B. 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 *204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 1905 Yacht Puritan, Seavtew. NB 644-6200 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 5•0-1151 $12.4,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 *182.4 Port Stlrllng, Newport Bch 646-7171 $214,900 Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht Colina, Newpor1 Beach 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 **38 Balboa Coves. Newport Bch 675-7060 $525,000 ~Un 1-5 1218 Keel Or (Hrbr Vu His) NB 831-1266 $375,000-Fee Sat/Sun 12-6 25 Malnsall (Jasmn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $362,.400 Sun 12-4 16 Rocky Pt (Spygls) N.B. 760-8333 $1,975,000 Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands, N.B. 63-1400 $2.48,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 .416 Carnation, Corona del Mar 631-1.400 $569,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2405 Clltf Drive. Newport Beach 631-1.400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **748 Via Lido Nord. Lido lat, NB 6«-9060 Sun 1~ 11 Rustling Wind, Trtlrt<, Irv. S.U.9060 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 870 Sandcastle, HV Hlllt, CdM 6«-9060 $312,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1883 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 759-9100 $365,000 Sun 2·5 818 Marlgold, Corona del M81 875-5611 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 10178 Durango River Crt, F Vly 875-1771 1124,600 Sa1/Sun 1·6 2&69 F, Elden Cotta M-. e10-1111 $152.000 Sun 1·15 14 Rue Oeauvffte, Big Canyon, NB 831-7300 *598,000 S.t/Sun 1 ... 5 1301 Dolphin Ten', Irv. Terr, N.8 . 831-7300 *885,000 Sa1/Sun 1-<5 1211 K91 W•t, HVH"'-t.. CdM ......... ,0 $379,500-Fee Sun 1~ Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT18uod1y, Auguat 22, 1882 F l DIRECTORY * 19-01 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl., Cameo Hghlnds, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sun 1-5 350 VIiia Nova (Coll Pk) CM 645-0303 $132,500 Sat 2-5 3 Vienna, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 644-6200 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 Valley View, Turtlerock, Irv. 731-7771 $270,000 *.426 Flower. Costa Mesa 646-7171 $209,000 2506 Fordham, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $129,760 Sun 1-6 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 *1.472 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 261 1 Clrcle Dr. (Boyshores) NB 645-6218 $299,500-L/H Sun 1-4 4 BEDROOM *21052 Indigo, Huntington Bch 962-0293 Sat 10-5/Sun 12-5 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 943 Cedar, Costa Mesa 645-3000 $125,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1589 Skyline, Laguna Beach 494-1177 $255,000 Sun 2-6 *21512 Camino Trebol, Lake Forest 870-1900 $216.000 Sun 1-5 1606 Mariners, Newpor1 Beach 644-6200 $239.000-Fee Sal/Sun 2-5 *1514 Ruth Ln .. Newport Beach 646-7171 $234,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1901 Yacht Marla, Newport Bch 646-7171 $339,000 Sat/Sun 1-" 3 11R ptu. FAM AM Of DEN 111 Via Dijon. Lido Isle, NB *2001 Galatea Terr. (lrvTerr) CdM 759-0840 $995,000 lee Sun 1-5 21.45 Miramar, Bal Penln 673-2282 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1036 Polaris, Dover Shores, NB 646-0523 $975,000-fee Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Blvd .. Bal Pen In, NB 548-5655 673-2282 $675,000 Sat/Sun 1-! 4 llR pin FAM RM or DEN 30422 N. Hampton. Chrtr Terr, LagNlg 494-1177 Sun 2-5 * 1412 Santiago (Ovr Shra) NB 631-1266 $318,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 2709 Gannet Or., M898 Verde, C.M. 979-6099 $182,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1314 W, Bay Ave., Newport Beach 675-6670 $1,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1837 Seadrift Dr. Irv. Terr, CdM &.40·5560 $478,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2032 Swan Dr .. Mesa Verde, C.M. 657-2472 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 Warmaprtngs, Woodbridge, Irv. 8'44-2999 $345,000 Sa 1·'4/Sn 1·15 *8 Winged Foot (Bg Cyn) NB 780-8333 $795,000 Sun 1·6 11 Aspen Tree Ln, Univ Park, Irv, 875-2373 $225,000 Sun 1-5 4821 Gorh.am, Cameo Shoree, CdM 844-eoeo $789,000·F.. Sun 1-S 11 C~ HHlt, Big Cvn. N.B. ~9080 $1,005,000 *1878 Maul Clrctw, Cotta M ... Sun 2-a 751-3191 S395.000 Sun 1-5 **319 Morningstar, Dov« Shre, NB 844-9080 F• • Sun 2..S 808 H•bot lelend Road, N.I . 831-1400 t1,4",000 let/Sun 1~ **5.42 Harbor lei Or, Prom. Bay, NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 San Sebutlan, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $1,600,000 Sun 2-5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 633 Bayside Or., Npt Beach 675-7852 $1 ,050,000 Sat/Sun f-5 12 Rue Verte, Big Canyon, N.B. 631-7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5 * 1244 Polaris Or., Dover Shores, NB 831-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5 * 101 Via Florence, Lido Isle, NB 673-73,g<> $595,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane, Westcllff, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-5 1530 Anita Lane, Hrbr Hghlnds, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Wy, HV Hiiis, CdM 644_.910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *14 Burning Tree Ad, Big Cy~. NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 .434 Begonia, Corona def Mar 644-7211 $595,000 4931 Lorianne. Calif Homes, Irv Sun 1-5 759-1501 $142,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1007 Tiiier Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-9060 $3.49,000 Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis, Big Canyon, NB 6«-9060 $1 ,095,000 Sun 1-5 307 Carnation, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $850,000 Sun 1-5 2871 Bayahore Or, Bayshorea, NB 644-9060 $759,000-Fee Sun 1-4 1948 Port Chartee, Newport Beach 646-7171 $330,000 Sun 1-5 9451 Gateshead, Huntington Bctl 963-6767 $315,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BR s>'ua FAM RM Of DEN a QUEST *2211 Tustin Ave .• Newport Bch 646-8430 $320,000 Sun 12-.4:30 5 BEDROOM **4028 Channel Pl., Nwpt ISi., NB 673--0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 * * 708 Via lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 67~161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob, Newport Beach 646-10.4.4 $264,500-L.H. Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BR s>'ua FAM RM Of DEN *45 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 646-7171 $895,000 Sun 1-5 *1«8 Galaxy Or, Dover Shrs, N.B. 675-2373 $995,000-Fee Sun 2-6 *3 Muir Beach (Spygls) CdM 760-8333 $2,295,000 Sun 1-5 2591 Bayahore Or .. Newport Bch 631-1.400 $725,000 Sat 1-5 3181 Madeira. Costa Mesa 673-3663 S 149,900 Sun 1-5 *35 Rldgellne Or, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sun 2-6 3 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,100,000 Sun 2-5 *10 Hiiicrest, BIQ Canyon, NB 780-1900 $1,595,000 Sun 2-5 **401 North Star, Dover Shra, NB 5-48-1188 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Rocky Poln~ Spyglua Hiii, N.B. 631-7300 ~1.395,000 Sun 1-5 *#2 Winged Foot, Big Canyon, NB 673· 7300 $699,950 Sun 1-5 959 Sprlngfleld (M .. North) CM 645-0303 S 150,000 Sat 1...4 ·~ 233 Via G.,,oa. Udo Isle, N.B. 873-7300 1675,000 Sun 2-5 I IR ptua ,AM RM Of Ol!N •938 Via Udo Soud, Udo IM, NB 844--90e0 Sun 1-5 1 Iii..-'AllMI ot HN *1408 Unooln Ln, 0oYW ~. NB 213/289-1128 *580,000 8.t/'Sun 1-6 *110 \lttta Tr-., Lido t•, NB 831-7300 M75,000 Satl8un 1-S ·-~ CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM *300 Cagney Ln II 107, Versallles, NB 831 ·2918 $120,000 Sat/Sun 11-6 2 BEDROOM 183 Monte Vista, Colla Mesa 5-48-5270 $137,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 •1736 Westclltt Or, westclltf, NB 673-7300 $119,000 Sun 1-5 100 Scholz Plaza Ph 10. Versailles. NB 631-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *40 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 642-5200 $219,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1973 Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 760-8816 $315.000 1640 Iowa St. #0, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $89,900 Sun 1-5 2 BR ptua FAM RM or DEN 209 19th Stree1, Newport Bch 631-1400 $3 19,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 685 Vista Bonita, The Bluffs, NB 631-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 •2428 Vista Hoger, Bluffs, N.B. 673-7300 $124,500 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 3 BR plua FAM RM Of DEN 2645 Vista Ornada, Npt Beach 640--0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #7 Rue Vlllars, Big Canyon, NB 759-9100 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2642 Vista Ornada, Bluffs, NB 759-9100 $209,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1 Pandora (Irv Groves) Irv 642-5200 $139,500 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk Vista, Irv 759-1501 $269,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1984 Vista Caudal {Bluffs) NB 760-8816 $315.000 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM * 1099 Sea Bluff Dr., Costa Mesa 646-8190 $167,000 Sat/Sun 11-.4 9517 Bickley, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $99,900 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 700 lido Park Or. #22, Nwpt Bch 673-2633 $45,000 Sat/Sun DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -2 BEDROOM 2001 Kings Road, Newport Beach 631-1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BR plua 1 llR 132 South Bay, Balboa Isl, N.8. 631-1.400 $1,595,000 5 BR s>'ua 3 BR 509 Acacia (Oceanalde ol hwy), CdM 645-70.48 $4.40,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 HOUSES FOR LEASE a llR .... FAM AM or D•N 1855 Port Kimberly, HV Homes. NB 759-1501 $1260/leue Sat/Sun 1-5 1730 Port Barmouth, HV Homes, NB 759-1501 $1200/leue Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT 2 MDftOOM .e Sum"* Walk (Nwpt Terr) NB 137-2888 $895 mo. Se 10-S/S 10-1 * Poof ** W1'*1rQnt * * * W1t-"Ont ' Pool ~==-~==:::.--::~====:::::::===:::;.::::===:;:;:::;;:;;;;::=;;;-; .;·.:...;· -;;;.;· -;;.,.;;-;;..;-;;;.:-;;..;-;..;· --~ -~ --....----~---~ ,,,.,..... ... , - n Or9n91 Ooat OAIL.V PILOTl8unday. Auguat 22, 11Uta ~~!!~.(~~'! ....... l .. !!~!.{tf.~'!....... P. ~ fl!t. l'-ft , ~ ............. Ma ~~'!ff.V~J1.1.aJ!~.':4'•• ~!ft.!!'/Mt}/!~l ~~flff.f,/r/,J.i!'!I. .. ~19.'1!t~}!.&!l!!.~t;4 A~~;":',~ A'i.:;;'!w ~.fftl~ ... l!M lll..t!llml1. ••• l.~ff 0~··,·i.~.·~~~ v·.;~·~,·,. . r1'-,,,,.. •• lh~r 9'!J1.!m ...... IM1 !m¥. ........... l1.u ~wnt.fft!~ ... 1~1 ..,.., , ......... r1~.t •• ·······~······· ............. . ... .,u= I ~i4'o{/'r"'du,IH, ... tlldt , "' ~·· utll LUlllll ,..,.,... '"' #1rrwt ... ,. '11 ,, __ ,..... HM ,_ aWliltnOanltnt, ' Winter 1160 up, 7110 Incl, yerd, pet ok . Deoot9tot :I IA 3 la llO •••••""• r'l't. .... o .... ••••-l'oo••••••••••••••• '"°'""'1 ••••••••01.'eTf 1&.•n .... ,. en-Super terrn1, owner down, 1 1, 2 11, lrpl, ~/mo. M. Crow Aot. 3 Bdrm ~t.ctltd hornet Canyon oondo, ovetloo· b Hllftff ltwlM 2 81 ta.., ttiJi,.._, You own tile land. 2,000 San Clement• prldt 01 648·1771 ger. M0--4 111 645 ... 3111 Of ~2•1413 In ••oetltnt 1r11, Av111.. Icing 9ott oourM. Av111. 1.,. bill• 10 -b-•acli, 2 poo1, No l*L 201.n.. 1q fl. 38r, lam rm, 2~ ownerihlp, modem a.,.. 1.-,,._..., ,.._ bit l mmtdllltly . 9/171 . 541..oe32 bdrm• 2 b• •Plr•I _.....,_BAU .t:i3 w. ley, 5<4 ti Oa. Wide Gr_,ti.lt. nett nllh tlVlt <4 unit ip• • .-:'lll":le'it~Jt'TI'U.:'r.':T BIAOH CQTTAOf Ml!8A Vl!RD!·Hr. 21a. HOO/mo on,J year INH. N ...,.. a /b bbll •ltltt 'skytlghll ino ~.u pool. Fer Otlow marktt houM with OOMn•hlll• 6 E·llde C.M. Trl-91ex, Ml>· air tba, blk to bHCh, IHO mo. l•I 6 111 + MO l'lve oth1rl1 to ohooH r rm k{ u e":J flrepl.cie Patio •P• ..,c APUMITI 3 Br 2 81. frplo, yerd, '246.000. Wiii le&M oC>-golf OOUtM vi-, Clo .. IMl..-.d. 111,000 0roH. •av1ll 8ept I. '860 wtnttf, OtP No Cllt/lg doge. from Wt'ra the C>nN to 0C~~-~LSl°95o.331<4 Qttl(lt S1200 jw mo Bllutlh.lllY land1oaped '-e~·.S:.~!1':,~. tlon.Bllr ~63&a to everything, only 3 11•1 .000 . Jt.1.Gly. u111 pd Av1118.t5.76t·3&42 callfori..... e13.t138•11ttr8 , ~•rdenapi• Pootllpa "4211/mo ........ -_... N --·"" " '" ' ' ~i \\b\~hrldnt wuhtr/dryer, o ct1n Lrg. yrty. hilt bOt to bch. 1 "'°"" 151..QOO yt1r1 old I eflow1 1111• \~·111·2117. 1181'"• ., IR 1 I t Vd• g 81tS>t 10 Ml\d. 2 Br. I Ba. overed parking No ... llMlllD SEAVll!W • Elegant l c harming Hampton model, febulou1 v1ew1, deoor, 1p1, pvt comm w/pool f. tannl1 tecllltlN $486,000 Open HOUlt S11/8Un 12·6 . 1803 Y•cht Colin• &A-4·1017 IWI Nft owner """"' Income property. No 3 Bdrm I llngi. monthl)t oar, pet OK, 1830 mo. ,, br, j••· 1820. 1 rm J ba pet• occupy 3 bdrm., 2 tMlth down or very amalt rent. Sltl)I to bt1oh. Xe2•402.5d~e 1, 6<40·UOO RU llU view. l73--0S<47 132 • lndry, 111, lut, Pl Bech. 1<416 1326 • S'ecntlor apt, m ~lpt)'p~c::::"&~n~:h~ down PIUH call, 21a1285·31107. ,. cs.p.nopet1e73-9327. 1Br $470 E 211t.C.M.AfctB•O. other 3 apartment• lor Sh•wn, agt 11 5'1·21111 2131310·5.tH, wkdyl Loaded 3rm lWllroploal SS l ·:t-OtMI UIJlllff Liii "I" 2260 Vangu•rcl 6-46-6509, MM 03 213/817-3&86 patio, cozy tcltoh9n 1320 If~ imnu P~•1 .lntnt <4 BA. 2'A be. 11300/mo l!•r .. , ,,J #u 3112 640·9820 or &A2~906 •lea --11~;:~~ :e1~:v!'1~~:~ ~·,;;· h·::. 1a~·e~pt~~808 IOUIPlllT/P••· OC·AENTAL8 750·331<4 Ava II Sept. 8 Oya, r~OCEANSioe'oF°Hwv·· Spacious 2 Br 1 81 SA25 2 BR 1'-'~a.'.:':11o. no houund• ol clolltrel monthly Inc, ptebl9m 11 2 •IOI')',• Br. 2Y. tM1tt11. 6p110. 3Br, 21• townhou-1 to 5 :ci~!'.1.~•rtlng 11 :!!21~!5: t¥1/wknd Allracllve bach w/W/O, 3 e r 1 '.-t Ba $4 7 ~ p1t1. $626 1552 Elm. REDUCED "lllng price mg mt and gen cond, dining rm, glint lcrMn M, lfPlc, rntcto. 2 cer 0., I&&<> 10 11200. av111 9/1 $400 per mo ~:8u~~;/ t~·7~M poo 1_8_•e._3_8_21 _____ _ of 1295,000.00 11 WI)' SA500 plu1 elbow gr.... TV, '10t lub, mOd. kltot\. 2 w /opnr 1780/mo. Avail CHARM; Exp1t1dtd 5 er Incl utll 875-8081 • • Spaelout 2 SlOfY 29'1 11; naRIPIO LllTIH BELOW current ~lee. tllrl•UP n .. d.o. Tim oar encl perking. Av1ll Sept 1, 5•8·3271 I 3 car gartgt. HVH. Ja· C11t1 ""' J1Z4 Ftraplace. p ool. Ollh· BA, l)OOI. pvt, patio. W · Out1tandlng lrg ltmlly menl 0011111 Prlnolpa 1• 1_2_1_3·_•_2_,_.1_,_00 _____ 1_S_ep-'---t-1_5_, _8_7_5·_7_8_50 ___ 1Eaatlld• houH 3 br, 2 ba. I cuul, loedtd 1111/lrtnch •••••••••••••••••••••• washer, pv1 patio )( LO port, children OK, no home. Pool/Spa, Redu-ONL VIII Call owner II 20% DOWN wlll buy 3 trl· Elegant woma: '4Br, corn, 2 ctr ger. w1 lndowe. lk y011'~~ 13. S<440/ut111 pd, 1 br. up•· 0 er den 2 B r 1 580 PETS, 1475/mo. 23 tO Ctd 98K to 1379,000 ,., 1<41.. ..2 a 1 •1 PIUH In Coe I• Mtll, pltlt view, glled com-S800 mo. 6<48·35e 1. I 1600/mo. 84 • • talr1. elo .. 10 beach, Iota 557 ·28<1 l Santa Ana ,..,. e.46-3017 Owne< m•y leue/opllon.. •• with 12% tnumablt munlly 14500/mo I 833·2237. ol wndwa, buu1 1un· or 213-375-8107 2.t06 Fr1ncleco. NB. Opn ·-J lo1n1 & s 1&00 POlltlve 780..a<l99 E'alde. 3 Br 2ba, f1m rm, ILIPPI ··u Mii • .Sept 10. 8'42·5027 ... ~ $395/ 8 a. Sun 1·4. John Cuey, -• ••• . 1111 '83, l~n neer brMJI llvlng rm, .._, dlnlnfc rm. -W'W.::.~1 -=-a mo. 1 r. 1 .... ert- Bk c. JI,,'. 1,11 0 I b 2•97 E d TownhOUM 3 Br. 2'/\ Ba. •••l/•ill• . clad gu1g1, lndry rm, r. , ••• '!f •••••• !......... evocenc. w,,e11 IOC& ·s'tdc 'pine. .... H u.i.11111•~ r 118 y " an. UllLY .,.,. Piiio/ yard. lfnell l)tl ol(, 1800 mo. payment for 0 age au, ,.·••••••1••0••••••·,~~:. 1900• e..2•2191 =~~~o 844 • 8138 ' ••• ~~! .•.•.•••• .1.~~9 Beautiful gatdan epte. av .. Sept. 2Br,2B1condo.9'hY.VA GSI 6'4,800. Owner wlll •t1' ,..,. 3 Br 2'/\ Ba, nHr new, ttS23~M1111et\..,fMJl.te Quiet Junior• & 1 Br Patloi/docka, Hall p1ld TSL Mornt &42·1803 REALTORS 673-7771 lo•n. asking $94,500. sell II 10 x oron. Call •••••• .. ··.;···,·,··L·.······· lane ~erd. treea, 2188 rv .. w . "" "~ om UTll/IOW VI From S376. Pool. rec NO pets 2 children Wei· $550/mo. 2 Br. ,.,. ea. A euH•dlorr o• u e A . Inc 601·3380 754-8993 (Prln only) Ii Miner $750. 8'40·5010 Woodbridge-on Iha lake. 2 maattr bedrm. tUltH, rm . sauna. encl1d ga-come TownhouH, balcony, ln- UNITED BAOKERS 1 -----'--------1fl•I• AJli J'llO 2 Covington •·PlaKH, 1op Year1y.wee111y.Wlntar, 2, Large 4 bdrm, 2 ba, tamlly Executive 3 bd, 2 .,., ba. deck•. •P•. all utru. rage. 17301 Keeleon off 2 Br 2 Be S585 dry rm ~r P<>rl 111 I>"· ----+----·I •••••••••••••••••••••• 1oc. Nr So. Cat Plue. 3,4 Bdrm•. home, llv rm, flreplaet, Many Exlf .. I $1400/mo 171& mo. 964-3480. Sla1er 842· 7848 398 W Wiison 831·5583 Ins Avail Sept. · YE.WWI 2 Br 1 Ba. lrg lot. contact Greetly recluotd·prlee & JlOlll RULn blt·ln etect llltch, tamlly I ea 1 e . 5 5 2 • 9 6 • 9. LM /Opt or Nit or traela. 4 HTIR LlllH Large 2 Br 1 Ba. wltH TSL Mgmt 8-C2·1803 Elsa, agt. 751·3191, down, 180,000 c•n PllOP rmanachedto2car~a· 551·2193or987·8857 Br 3b1 Ocean vu d/ 1 nd m· Deluxe 1 bdrm Condo 662·2411 handle. OWC 11 12'IO. . Beautiful ptrl1·llka aur· garage, w, au ry r · 530·1540/mo. 2 Ir. 1 la. Penihouae. Security r Ii IAAA Agt. 846·8100: 549-1366 raga Fenced yd. w lh 1 BR Orangatree condo, 555-<>511• 54•·2110 rounding• Terraced I s49s 1 11ory. •hag Cfpt, drps, p I b •• • .,_ MllAIEIEIT p1n'c'1'·0d· 8Wla~:r25&mgoll.d$~ by Iha l1ke, pool, tennlt, -··· YI"'"' pool Sunken gas bbq. Al&O lrg 2 Br 1 Ba. $490 pallo. lrplc. beamed<*· ~~~~·a. ~fn't ~rnain~:~g: ••••f'inrciiiiii•• .. s22.ooo deprec1et1on de-lla..1113 See. Pet~n appro~ Avl 9/7 1460. 875·9229. Oelu~ 2~e, 2ba. sparkling 1oun1a1ns ~ell 9·1 645·8626 Unga, encltd gar1ge. S135t< or beat offer Call • ductlon tor 1982. East· Drive by 309<4 Yellow•· Exec 3rm, w/pool sp11 frplc, deck, gu Sec Spacious rooma. Sep1.1 Don't wall only 1 large 3 TSL Mgmt. &42·1803 for apt Sat.sun 1.5' PM. 2 Bdrm, 2'J~b1 , low aide C.M. 5 Units. 3 yrs tone (oll Paulerlno) ~ kllch. nr '"'""' ••10 iate. Adulll. One ror rate dining area. Walll·ln Br avail wllh 2 Ba .. pa. IBR S380 ulil paid,·~~. 631.506• down, 10\1,% llnan 8\1111, Old, delu11e 3 Br. 2 B.. HELPI Reaponslble cple. · •• , ..., cloa~t• home Ilka kllch 1 1 1 1 ~ .. 957·0701 Agt by appt. O -RENTALS 750·3314 8 2 5 . on a S 5 8 5 -~. • t o, n qu et area, 1rge porl laundry no per• Call Rich Owntr/Agt. Break even w/S75.000 13 yr Old boy, cat & dog 844•8722. 55t.8822 or en & cat:>lneta Walk to pooL $875. 845-3381 or 383 'w Bav s:.8•9516 ' PlOElfTTIR OllH 96'4·6171 down. S38<4,500 SP. need house In "Old Lro e~ec. 2·aty home nr TURTLEROCK EXEC . 2 8,.2•8808 Huntington Center. 575.5949 , &est buy In Back Bay. OfLll IHJ •-tilt 631-45t6 Huntington" area, H.B. So. Coast Plaza. 4 Br 2'h m1tr1, den 2'i't ba, leroek 1----------1 1Bdrm·lum.1505 ----------1 Near new 2 bdrm, den, • -1----------1 (Weat of Adema. South Ba avail 9/1 1795 Hlghlanda baa t deco-3 Br 2 Ba. comm_ pool 2 Bdrm-furn from S605 PINE BLUFF APTS D••• l•i•I 3111 ••••••••••••--••••••••• 15 Units. C.M. $<40,000 dn B . . -. u , 11195/mo 631·1268. 2 BClrtT··Townhou·-lurn 1 Br wllh loll. & 2 Br. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Vr ba. Reduced to .. ,L1·11 a,.,, equals ... of evlatlng of Beach lvd). Approx. Blomgren Alty, 780-9355 rated, 8' spa, S1695/mo.. , -11 t 2 BR 2 8 .. ~A> ,., • .. , '' ft 1800/mo .. rent or laua/ 90 831-27t 1 Fred Tenore, trom S675 Ba Child otc , on the ecan • "'• ....,. sow18n9er'.950!>o·.91201~2· loan. FNS.11 ''" p1ttnerahlp.$18,000de-opt1on.Raf1.5S8-9832. Eaalaldecleanolde<2Br.,_1e_a_S6_.8_5_1_·_22 _____ ... I I I 61ull& patio view lrplc port. enc yd S525 .. •• • ••••• •••• • • ••• •• • •• preclatlon dilducllon for • 1 Ba house. $526/mo. •v•· No pal a, Ulll ties ree . ' ' ' 5 4 2 3 5 9 7 A f t e ---.-.-,-,-.-.,-,-,---i 12x80 Champion, carport, 1982. No puroh-coats. No pets. 548·88&0 £•,.••• •-,..,L Jz·~i 3 BR 2'h ba OPEN DAILY ' LA QUINTA HERMOSA encl gar gas stove, dis· 730 7 ;tl5 ' patio. awning & ulll 1hed. 631·4516. llmllllll OI. -•• , 427 8. Weatmlnater Av• .. 1 16211 Parkalde Ln, 1 blk nwaaher. spa. lndry rm • 3 bdrm, 2'!r ba Monaco. 2 br, 1 ba, llv rm, l(ltchen. USY MOIEY Hou .... Condos. Ple11n, 2 Br 1 Ba Eaatslde re-• • •• ••••• • •• ••••• •• •• 11100 mo. 83 t ·5681 w . of Beach, 3 blks S. ~~~~mo 83 I ·6107 B••li•1I•• 1599,000. 8-C<4-0U8 partly lurn. Adult Plfk. Apia .. All prices. dee, Ip, ~nc gar. ~ear EMERALD BAY 3 Br. 2 ot Edlnget ... 847·5441. IH1i 1141 •••• RIHE Seniors pref. No pet1. c•n be had 11letu by 11• -11 yard. older people pref. Ba. lrplc. brick patio with MW FllllT ., 1.. L 37~111 Newer 2 Br 2 Be No pets •••••••••••••••••••••• -X , •-v• 645·2423 s P a . S 1 5 o o . 2 1 3 I S •frtNt IC• v~ s 1 . WllPPl.1110 2 bdrm lux. condo In Int location. See at purchasing thete exclu· · 878_2255. 3 Br. 2 Ba. yearly. 1000. ••••llr•••••h ••••••••• Avail appro" apt st. gated comm. Great 11• 2119 Tustin Ave, COall slvaa: LUXURIOUS Xtra Nice 2 9 ,_ home. Br 2 ea, ocean ••u, 58r.28ahouaeWlnter $450 760·1418 or I & 2 Br Discount on nanclng. $399•900 Mesa •n back. 4·plt11. Nwpt. 359K. •--------•I $6501 clda sl rellg • S850. THE 548·8675. some models. Pool, Spa, .. ~ ... /' n ove, r 8 1825/mo ... rch Beach ••5 3••7 640..9605 86 Owner, exlra wide, SMART 15 unite. E/Slde ,,., & utlla. 648·'4102. " .,.. -.... I Large 1 Bt 1 Ba_ dsh'"l', G Y m . S • u n a ' e 1 c . b /., bile h I C.M., 720K. CHARMING Drive y 1811 Bayside 1----------1 Hg IS . Av ll 11 9 I 1 F I I II I Cl m ca port W/ 846-0619. IEWPIRT llllm a ena. MO ome n board & care home, Or Avall. Sept. 11t, 3 BR LANDLORDS/REALTORS 833-9212 all 3PM_ or ease or eeae op on. ''GOOD I n ry r • r ------~-- Brand new 3 Bdrm 2 ba, Bay. Pvt enclsd patio/ 631•53840 752• t920 w/lam doe · · mo-d 8 ra 8 Es T Ree I I y Modern 3 Br. 3 Ba. pano-yard. echool1, shopping 645-6625_ 2br, 2 ba, blt95 lido Park on Newport 185K. Bob Scott, bkr, k 13000 Fasl tree tenant prov1.1----------$1500/mo. 5 Br .. large I side $390 Avail 8-11. Deluxapoolalda)(tralarge fam rm, 1 story home. garden & pvt bHch & CdM/Qcean Bllld 539•6194 ramie ocean/ coast view nearby. Agent 648-1044. LIFE'' 2 bdrm. 1,11 ba Fireplace. Av1aJI 9115. nice eree 3br High walls w/elec. gala. clbhse. Walk to Lido VII· l 'tl .. Cetta ••u 1 S890/mo. 213/378-3119, For lease.· Harbor View Dishwasher. pllv patio. 2 llba 2 ur gartgt. frple Maximum privacy. Low 1age_ Ample prkng. $39, Incredible ocean v ewe, STUDENTS UNITE· Party $650 Also 2br 211• $550 maintenance. Seller wlll 750. w/assumable ,26, 8 units. All 2 bdrma./ old Ume elegance, 3 BR. hse 4 Br batlc decor, OCEAN AN 0 WHI TE Hom .. 2 Br. & Den. 2 Ba. . Gar No pets. $520 mo 1st & 1811 558-81U finance w/low Int. rate. 0 0 0 10 8 n 11 1 l '/. Owner will call financing. lge lam home. S1895. appls. big fnod yard, fair WATER VIEW 13 sun· trplc, shutters, new paint, YEAlll·ROUNO FUN: 543·5478 · · $2<45,000. 675-5552 Callagent851·1217 money BEST lee decka,3bdrm,21'ba.2 commty pool & lannls. Social Acllvllles 2 brapl,N.E slde,feneed2 Br. 1 Ba. Mlnut•lrom JIU 11 .. St IW n . 4-PLll Balboa 1at1nd/Vlew 539-6190 lrpc's $1125 Mo plus water paid. $1200/mo. D 1rec1 or • Fr a e front. cul·da·sac, qulal ocean. newly pelnted, 1, .. hi i., 22, ~~C.t~!!f'!!!:r •• /.~~ GOOd financing avail. Charming 3 BA & den. Coste Mesa Charmer. -;.9~~~~5;,0;31.1188 840·8189 ~r~n"c~•~Jo·s· $525 mo. (7t4)594·1661 $485/mo. 720-08<44 or Duple• on Iha .. ftd 301h T 1 C & C Furnished, 3 car gar PtMn•• Ptl-" eves 720·4691 12-4 ~· · ayor, row o. Close 10 South Bey. orpld, 2 Br. 4 lamlly HARBOR OCEAN FRONT •• Par11es•Plua F S '0w at. NB. Newly rem<><Mled 8'42·1423 845-3178 $2200 mo. yrty. riome. Singles fine 100. . 3 BR 1v. ba. dbl gar. encl much more WESTUIE YI' 1 ••E WALK TO BEACH: Bach, or ale By ner In end oul. 3 br., 2 t1a. Waterfront Homes, Inc. Kleis OK $4.tO. Move Nu 3200 lux hm on blutt. sun porch, loads of prl-1 0 RE A T .._.. stove & relrlgt, 8H £ upstairs. 2 br., 1 ba. Triplex Ealtslde C.M. 6!5'·1400 now. Info 180 deg. vu ol harbor. vacy. AgL 875·3890 REC R E AT I 0 N : t & 2 Br apts avail . water peld. S30 Imo LOVELY downstairs. Min. 10% Owner will carry, great •539-6194* surf, mtns, 3br. 3ba, ev1/wknda 11200 mo. Tenn I s• Free pool, spa, lndry rm, no 536·7979 down owe balance at tax shelter. 642-5431 1ecurlly. sauna, spa. lessons (pro & pro pets, lmmed occupancy. --------- OCEAN VIEW 13.9'/o lor 5 .,.1, Great fOf' Mark ... L..... 'tlu' 3.-$475 3 Br. 2 Ba. duple• $1995/mo. 498-7009 Pl"'lR p••r 1 Br S.440·$450 2 br. 1¥. ba nr bch. Sept. ,. ,_ ~· ._ h 1 h 1 " -shop)•2 Heall h 2 ·B s51 5 1 Clean. Patio. bale. sumfTlar ran1111. $735, Wh /tu laJ1 JM v•t•;;;;;C .... ;b•••••• es crp ·' t ru·OU . up· cean view 2 Br 2 Ba, TOWNHOUSES: Weal· Clubs•Sauna• Call fo. r app.t. $-450. Tim 842-90<40 Ytrulllff 0..4t 000. Arml1age Realty. ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• r Y • ute r, gar., graded decor. shady 1800 I I I bee h aide. H d 2 Bd 2 b T I I lly 714-544·248-4. ANEST VIEW Pr kg . Na a r w a I a r ' yard, kids line. Sm lee •1 s1100'1'm"o'.eposarroe11. Rea/· 2 mstr bdrma, 2'i't baths. SY romassage• TSL Mgm1. 6'15-81221eachelor apt. turn or uni. rm, 8· aaeu IN RANCHOC•LIF. 875,..000(Brett). BEST. Othere avail. w1mmlnA•Goll and completely fur·o1derOuple11near45thst. "' 5396190 Max759·1221 washer, dryer, refrlg.I DrlVlngRange 2Br l'l>Ba,nopeta.$450 u 111 pd, non amkr, ~:~;.ed. 30 vur llntn· ~~·r.31~l·b~.b~o~:::::: ~u':'~~:i-=~~~t~ .. ~ ... g .J JZOl MAK~ IT YOURS $350. A 10UJ1 VIEW r:;m1, 2'h batna, kids :::111°/J :~TLS : 11°~t/sf.8~:g.':soi 55 w.:--:°-l-:-~-~-B-EA_C_H_· _B_ec_h_, $211,000 Wiil sell 85 11 tor s7oo. miles from center. From •••• !, .. t.f.......... whole houH, eat In kltch, Redec. 3 br. 2 ba. 2 trpl, ok. pet maybe. John s 1ng1e9 , t & 2 BAY TIMBERS stove & relrlge. 811 utlt• Please cell Mona Che-000 or will build 10 ault $80,000. 20% down • eavlront minus 30'. 180 big lncd yard. Kida pets $1150 mo. 1422 Tetrece Marlhall, Agt. 631·2242 Bedrooms•Furnlshed Spacious t Br lrplc,pool Pa 1 d . $ 3 5 0 / m 0 • shire 1orS875.000&up.(P1•n• owe 81 t2%. 752·2550 deg. vu, gourmet llllch .. welcome Sm fee at Way 780·8376. BAYFRONT CONDO: & Unlumtshad•No & more. 646•9883 535.7979_ Cheshire R.E. 759•1877 & approvals obtained) .... ,. Dlurt 1 or 2 Br & 2 Ba, furn/ BEST call S39-6190 North end 3 tlr. 2 ba, walk BHul. view. 2BR 2ba, Pet&•Modals Open --------- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ar m I t a g a R a a 11 y J / / •~H u n fur n . Yr I a a I a NEAR BEACH 3 br 2 ba 10 beecil. $800 mo. Peg Sec. bldg .. no children or d!'llY 9 lo 6. Nice 2Bdrm 2 ba. Most I br, lrplc, pv1 petlo, pool, 714-5-44-2484. .,_, .., $1350/mo . Wi nter R 9 7578 t l1S006758876 0 k ..I ulllpd laundry, walk·ln cloH1. WW Tl 111111 •••••••••••••••••••••• $950/mo Opn Aug 29_ condo. gar. pool, tennis, Allen. ltr. 4 .. . pe •. • a woo. $525/mo. 548--0477 quiet. S-460 mo. Del•· Newport Shores lee land Ct•lltf1 Wll lllSATlll&L. .... 673·0'433 or 556· 1610. $900 mo. 873..()872, £ .. u, Ml•••I 3ZSZ Harbor View 5 Bdrm So· lar4H NEW BREED APTS ware Pines, 8-42-8807 1 _ 3 Br 2ba new cpl. CIY911 ISH 2 Br 2 b4 ·Unique! Palm Crnr 10th/Bay. RUIS ••'•••••••'••••••••••• m8fM1 w/pvt back yard P:iios dbl 0 ·Asam..:. •••• -.,,~·•••••••••••••• Oeaert $132,500 F'h: Eaa1Slde 38r 2'nba Niguel Shores pvl comm. and remod.ied features. &,ut.tllft 16R & LOFT. Frplc, rec B••li•lln bl 1 i 12238~ u 6 graves In Pacific View 1-~711 Winter rentals. quiet Ba). townhouse. Nr pool & 4 br & family. 2 ba, Avtll $1600/mo. Bkr 11.,.,t ltM•lle. room. pool. Jacuzzi, gas1 B•tH•t "41 a s 1· l .. 1.ll1 Memorial Park. SOid out '/,share ••ammoth condo, boa loc. 3 BR 2·~ ba. tennis. Available now. atrium, 3 car gar. Pvt 759..()819 880 Irvine & water paid. No pets •••••••••••••••••••••• r section of Vista def Mar. ... new hme. S975 mo. Cute beach & rec center 393 Hamilton, C _M Bactielor Condo. Step• to l!l!IJll•• .. lll!!ll 1550 each, sell 2. 4 or 6. walk 10 1111s. Mountain-1 BR & work rm, turn, $725/yrly John Marsh•ll. S 2501 759 1485 Blul11 3 bdrm. 2 be. gOOd (at 16th) 645-4411 sand. Flreplece, D/W, 968• 1895 after 8pm, back -Beal project In $600 mo. 873-5369 Agt 631-2242 1 mo. • locatlon, greenbelt. (714) 645· 1104 De 1 .. i e 1 8 R u P"ar 1 relrlg. S365, 1 yr IH. 673 ,.5 9 bef -.... Mammolh. Prof. decor. C lrg 5 Br home w/ocean, some view $1150. ,,..., .. ltH"/•-u .. • 213/592-3171 aft 8 "' 1 Of'a ..,...... 955-2238 meg. C.nal '•I #11 JZZZ 2 Br 2ba condo.·' ape gollcourae & min vu. 84<4·6388. -r-" • -· palnlad. patio. $375 &• . C•-•ttl•I •••••••••••••••••••••• Serlet. Excluelve .r: tide. huge pool & ape. For 1700 16th St. fast, credit rel. 645· 1693 lm•I #ff • 7. 1•-Ull UllWIUI ...,._, Yltw Pool, prof lndacp g. Pvl executive or proteastonal UITILIFF (Dover at 16th) west side SPARKLING! ..................... . rnNI -H·-11t·' l k F I ~a I I 0 . 2 c. r j. r 3 8 2 B 1 2 (714) 642 5113 Woodbfld-lh•"' 2 BR •••••""•• •••••••••••• .,,.. .. r a e ron . .,, ... .., 750/mo. 5•2-21 ·1 or w If am 11 Y . No pets. r a oar ger, • CLEAN & SPACIOUS 1 & vv . .,. • ~~~=:::=!!~ 1600 aq. 11-storefront REDUCED $80,000 to .. S2300 495-4223 view. close to comm, avail 9/l, $600. property, Harbor & $595,000. Owner lln. Beaut. exec/family hme 494-<1791 ---·------pool.$1100&aeour.Agt. 2Br Newty redec,c~pts, 551-3000 Adams. Coate Mtu, 7 14·848·3 2 7 8 or with 4 BR, 2 Ba, plua BACKBAY 2 Bd 3 ba lfl11/•a f/1i• 3111 552·7500 OCEANFRONT • shar-p ~rps. Clshwr. re;ge f6' -£---... --.L--,,-.~-· o.-avvtra .. lc." .. ""7 .... 71 .. "373835 •g1 powder rm. parlecl for I '1 . d'& . •••••••••••'•••••••••• ---------2BR.wlnter.nopeta.gar. rlge , view ocean--••••• I• .,_. IELIM IT .. 011 IOT I It's easy to own a home In N-port Beacht ONLY $25,000 down and as· aume $75,000 • 30 yr loan. Seller Is flexlble. motivated and will carry balance. A spacious 2BR oondo with communfly pool and spa. 1121,500. 144-1111 /.Jn NIGEl 01\ILE'I & A55UCI ATE.5 BEST IN BllJFS IPll Ulll 1-1 JllTUITll-PHI 1114 Ylttl IM4al ~ Bdrm, 2 yrs new, lhows Ilka model, super location, excellent flnan· clng, covered deci<, put· ting green .. 1315,000. Owner/Agl Call 760-8816 1111 Yltt• 4tl "' 2 Bdrm, fee land, 2 YT'I n-. baok b•y VleW, prof. decorated. reduced 10 1285,000 with $40,000 down. Ownet wlll help n. natlQ8. ll0-1111 ......... '"' ., " .,...,.., "" ...... • " entertaining w/wetber, bll·lns,-rp • yar gar., HOME FOR RENT •-u4 h YI b 1 a a z as. no pa 1 s ••'••••••••••••••••••• liiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilJa~;,;t.:n;;ll~llll;;;;;,~--pvt yard, custom Hae plus full rec leellltlea. 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm, $695 _, 111 •• 1850 mo 2131795-3018 $385-$475 642-0684 & IOUIFlllT UYPlllT ,,.,..; ' n• hOUN for th• children. $750. 6-42-6<477 to $800. Fenced yard• & ~.=rr;:c,!.~· ~~~ Tpe;; 2Br. 1Ba. $550 mo ... er. 552·9723 Moat elegant apl. bldg. IPFIOl ILll ...................... Pleue call 720-0332 very nice 3 Br 2 Ba. la· garages. Kida & pals rno Ind grdnr. 2Ba. $750 mo. Aoroaa 2er, pool, Wealllde S<4 1sf In Laguna Beacn. flntat with •Ide 118 lor 60• boat. llYE lWAYll Eiieen Artukovleh Alty. mlly rm, Mesa del Mar, welcome. 545·2000. &7S-l5..tl, 673•2242 trom bch Sept-June mo lsl & lest locallon In town, braath- 6 year old building. One Rancho Calif. 270<>+ IQ Split level 2 Br-den. bee· gardener. $950. Sierra Agent no lee BIG CANYON 3 br. 2'"' ba. _1_2_13_)_8_4_8-_22_3_2 ________ 8_3_3_·8_5_3_3 __ ....... ! ~a~l~g,v~. all ~u~t~"'i': 01 a kind 5 000 ..,. 11 It 2 ttory on 5 acre•. med, celling, S795/mo. Mgmt Co. 841·132-4 • rt .... L ••~1 OCEANFRONT Ot11 2·4 Br. I • .....,. · ,..... •• ,._ view. Yearly or short Eastslde, lrg bright 2 br. sub -garage. a evator Greet terms. Rad uced 88K. Now 707 "' Ac.a.. 840·8 188 NEWPORT HTS. 2BR 18A •• -.-..-;................ term. Ave 11 now By week or month 1•11 ba. patio. avail. 9/ 1 Lease only. '850 a up. 189K_ LANO WEST Large 5 Bd Home. garage. ne111 to park. 346 -SllUT REITALS* 64<4·90&0 Even, Agl. _8_7_3_·7_8_7_3 _____ $550 6-40-0997_ 330 Clltt Or 494·8083. 1-678-2040/498-7078 Corona del Mar A Ogle. 644-9778 BIG CANYON lhlfp & lrg NPT SHORES 3 br. 2 be. Lovely 3 BR 2 Ba, gar, Lido Realty 673-7300 Failbrook 8.8 Acree, 1<Wo 78().8708. 675·214<4 325 Rochester. 3 BR 2 Ba, condo. Only $850/mo fplc, patio, nr. club. $875 steps to water. furn. or flnanelng. down negotla· 2 er 2 Ba, den, lrplc, steps 3 car gar. huge yd. 17!i0 LAG <4 BR 4 BA SPA· yrly. Aclt. 013·9080 u n I . y r I y Dy s . ble, 180 deg. view. 10 bHch. s 107ot mo. mo. 631·8011: 5<48-336<> NISH pool home w / 714-673·1889 494-7104 or 759-2988 0 arr a 11 ' Re I M a)( gardener. In greet cond Npt Creal vltw 3 Br. 3 Ba. Winter 3•th St. Nloe P•· Elegant 3 Br. 2'it Bl, 2 Only $1199/mo to qual. Plan <4, St200/mo Agent 110 Utllltlea Incl. Avail lfll llllll 759-1221 story. pool/~nnl•. fur· tenant. 840-8208 •--&. ••-ute 2 Br. ape. gar, nlahed $1~0 Unlurn LAG 4 BR TOWNHOME Sept 8. 2Br 1500/mo, 1 ••• ~!!'~!'!~ ••••• ~"!! oceanside of PCH. R·1. $1000. w/nu crpl & paint. Also C..'-8/al.., Br $400 mo. 675-6437 ~~~~~~~~~J PRllE llPLEI Cell al1 6PM, 973.3577 PROPERTY HOUSE pool, spa, greenbelt & Da/uahitl 34z5 3509 Seashore. 2 br. tum r;.,_ ~ • ' I TO EXCHANGE $189 New CdM Hm 3Br 2'hBa 6'42·3850 846-1889 close 10 Fash. Isl Only •••••••••••••••••••••• ~rrlyn. So7. oo"orno· lro6m7" .... 6n3d0 .. -••••JJI ... ooo 1 1 ' lrplc. 13000/mo. 317 SFac. home 2 yr1 old, 4 $1195/mo. lmmed. avail. Lux. 2Br. 2Ba, S.C. Plaza. , ..,.._ r ... t•un I 1tll equ 'cY or lnccome Po I n a at ' I a . C a 11 BR. 3 Ba. formal dining. We h•ve many more at Vu, AC, pool, avail 9· '· 846-8388. •••••••••••••••••••••• property. all Mike row great prices. A lso w/ $575 mo. No pals. Sher-1----------01 "• 1-016t " .. •• F sap. l•mlly rm, lge CO· 3 B 2 Ba Wlnte S750 Newport· Aatumeble 30 .,... • .-.,, .... • lease option• to pur· ry or Donna 979·2390 ' r · II I S84 000 Taylor, Crow & Co. vered patio. 11100 mo. C II od FRED 2 Br 2 Ba ocean front yle~r 1 n1~~: ng, ad ' 642-1423 or 845-3176 C.11• 11111 3114 Joan Bracey, CfIT 898o'Re8 531 •Y266 1-dyl--------Winter $750. s . a •·gal com· ··s··,u•n•n•tng•••2•b•r•w•/•;.a•rt•y••• Unique Hornet EN 1·1 or Gard«o Grove. N-2 BR R S munlty, charming, mini Or Isa op• Lagun• Sch Ir ,. 675--6000 or 6•4-5125 780-8702, aot. P OPERTY HOU E bdrm. only SH,OCO, 48r 3ba. S.t89K, S70K ~llo,blt·ln1,kld1$<425 l'i'tbt,petlo.gar.S550 & 842-3850 8-C&.1869 ......... , 759-0120 MESA VERDE exec home, QC.RENTALS $100 dtP. No pets "P" a q u 11 Y 8 5 5 • 0 5 17 • ·RENTALS 750-331.t 1-5br't S200 to $2000 Cr•"'. 5<45· 1370. GG. Aaart•••h OCEAN FRONT 5<44·2170 2 sty. 4 BR. 2'1t ba. den. ,. _.. Westside 2 Br. 1 Ba. fncd formal dining, fplc, grdnr. 750.3314 open 7·d8VI ... LUii D•l•nidtl Decor turn .. 2+ bd. 3 ba. J _,_ patio, encl1d garage, $1100 mo. 8-Cs-80.1 EASTBLUFF 3Br. 2ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 car prk'g. $SOOK. Oual. ••l.u new carpet1, drepta, 1---------Avail Now. 111ootmo UITILIFF J.1Ha lllH' 310f buyers only. Enclnlta1, •••••••••••••••••••••• paint. No pets. S5t0/mo. • • • a.11 •••~ 640.9019,831·0838 3 br. 2 •it ba con de •••••••••••••••••••••• owner (71.t) 848-1088 •nlH fataldH plul MCurlty. 548-54-42. !!!~~~'!.~ffl~.!'~? S 1000 mo. 111 & tut Yrly $775. Oelu11e 2 t:>r, S IXft •••••••••••••••••••••• 770.58211. 3 bf & den. 2 ba, crpt1, Plrk lido Condo. 3 Br. 2 month. 1ec dep $500. xar., prkg. Near water. LUXURY COllOS ~'.'!r.!!.~~ ... !!:!f Wllr tt Se. C1t Plua NO FEE! Apt. & Condo Frplc. elegant French rentals. VIiia Rentell. windows, AC, Jn home 875-4912 Stoker. security. 2er 2Ba. 1sr Yll lllD"I m 1Ba & studios. I • 1Br & sludlo incl Wshr/ NEW gated 20 Town· dryr, also Includes pvt home VILLAGE COM· club wl tennis courts. MUNITY 2 & 3 Br. 2'"' gym, pools, jacuzzls, Ba 1600-1800 sq II ol saunas, ~a..,11fully e1eco· pure luxury. Garage1, rated clbhse & much spas in every home • more From $450 mo master 1ulla. dining ln,ls most ulll too rooms, wood burning 549·342 '-3641 Bear St. llrepleces. mlcro·w•,,. ( b 1 w n Sun I Io we r & ovens, private palloe I McArthur! yards.gardener provl· ----------i dad Eleganl IMng only YILU OOIHYA 15 minutes from Faanlon Spacious E.Slde Ap1a Island, 7 mlnutM to s,c. Encl gar. pallo, dshwshr Plaza or 0 C Altpor1. & stove. M9.st utll free. JJsl east of Newport No pets. Blvd & so. of San Diego 2 BR. I person $5t0 ~ r w y . I 9 0 0 I m O . 2 BR, 2 parsons $545 631·~39, 2473 Orange 2323 Elden Ave. CM Ave .. Cotta Mesa. 642·7805 ' •. , 1•-11.lM lllu' 3IOI 1---------drp1, lrplc, blt-ln1, OW, Ba. lrplc, dahwsh, lndry cl ean l~ dep $250 75·<4000 (Bren) • ,, ., - , -•••••••••••••••••••••• OUTSTANDING 1br wt S79 ... ,..,. .. •118 rm. 3 ca.rport1, patio. Adult• • no ....... call B I b I s·50 •••••••••••••••••••••• C•ll ue tor YEARLY or hugt "' ...,..... "'"' ay ronl •Ch un I. .. QPfl fll SE,'fD WINTER rtnllll. Aeglr Piiio, utll·pd S300 Cill $795. 851·962.2 JI Ck Ga Iv In, day! Inc Ids u 1111 . Day s Available nowl 1 Br cat· FN llWHr•m Propertlts 675-4000 OC·RENTALS 750.3314 HIYffn Laue orB leue op1t1onf 1ar· ~~oe;9~ 3 O · 8 v 8 s 960·2471, eves 675·9302 ~:~!·. ~°t~5~~~un~[i,· ~ PARK NEWPORT APARTMENT S San Clemente pride of NO. BAYFRONT OPLX 2 8 1 Ba I d J.Mt lUf ge 4 r. cana ront, 1 br. plus Sludy, lndry, 19th St. 548-0492 owner1hlp, modem Sp•-., __ .. Unit 3 ""rm, 2 ba r.d et' lwd crp51'2· .. /ps, •••••••••••••••••••••• yearly. avail 9· 1. oommty Lovety w , 3Br. P«ilhOU· u t 11 I Inc I -I 5 O 0 COUNTAY CLUB LlvtNQ -S-p-ac_l_ou_s_2_B_r .-1-a-.-.-on--1 IN NEWPORT BEACH Eastslde. near schools. A 10111 environment 1 h 1 1 ,. 1 ,._.,, "" yer • 1 •· ll " mo. QC-RENTALS pool• & tennis, w•lk to ... 2 car gar, aec gate. 875--5685. n s • Y 8 un 1 •Pl. Front 11200 mo wtntw 875-5008. 1·5br'a $200 10 12000 beach. $1300/mo !amity. Lei• World, 5<44·5258, ,.-1-........... __ ------ houae with ocean·hlll• & RNr Unit 11200 mo yrly QC.RENTALS 750-331.t open 7-days 8-45-3370 •115 wkdys. 544.2111 - golf courae view. CloM 780-1977, 875-t5<41 1•5br'• S200 10 12000 ---------h • .i 3101 Yto••~•ve0r1dyth&ln1g.0wo1ntri1k•3 •-•L....-750-3314 open 7·d•ye br, 1 ba, frplc, dbl gar, Newi>0r1 Sharee 3 Br. 21-l 01.noel'" condo, $500 .••••• '!!!! •• f•••••••••• 1h ~-vard & petlo. leOO mo. Ba. 2 blocks to bff<;h. , Br & loft, 1ennls. pool, 2 bdrm, 2 ba ~ dplx. NEWt New ~ COUid , •••• ,, 3111 1500. Cottege 2 BR t BA, 111. IHI & d90<>tlt. R•fl ClloH to llChool & tennis. atrMm. NO ~ta, Av•ll ytly. Matute nor1..emkra, occupy 3 Bdrm .. 2 beth •••••••••••••••••••••• dining er ... fncd yd, gar, req'd. 675-2520. 982·8683. 911. 553-1141 no pets. s15o x 3 cltV & ocean VI-apt. If 2'h br. 3 ba. oce•n front. very clten. Children Ot<, Nr Bch 2br 2ba w/double Leue Weatclllf 3 Bdr. ax· 3 br. 2 ba. cltluxe condo. 2131799-4195. 257·9792 applicable & rent the E. Penln. winter, $1050 no pate. 213'-<471-1871 nar, patio. bll·lna $480 c ell. cond, 1ro well Lrft. pitlo. poos'c'Piuapa, s•so. 2 Br. utlf. pd .• 10 olher 3 ap1ttmen11 for mo 875-1245. btwn 7 & 8PM wkdy1. • d .. .. Income. Seller will hefp OC·RENTALS 750·331<4 landacpe ytd w t ch ld o.k. nter a. Harding. Btlboa No S 11pertment community on no pets. 450. 631-6155. the Upper Bay Prlv•I• Lovely Ea.stslde 2Br Iba. 2912 Peppertrff Lane. No pal s S-495/mo, 659-4718 clubhouH and htaltl'I sp1, 8 tennis court•. 1 pools. oloM to ~--. airport, Fllhlon llltf\41. -e-·s-Jd_e_C-.M-. 3-8-r-2-b,-con--'"' Convenient ahop1 on do. Lg yard. frptc, 2 cer site Unf\lmlslled ~ ger. pool/Jae. 1725/mo. lora, t & 2 bdrm11>1• lrlO 631·7905 lownhouMt. lln1nce & SAVE buyer i-.. •• ,_., 3141 S325. Cottage/duplew, rg • Bdr ho~. 21 ... B'" 3 gardener, HC. •v•tem. 1666 mo. 21~904-268S. pate. 5<47·1155 th d f d II I -::-r.T::... ............ ft .. ..... ,.. ... st tOO/mO. Nr j)ark & ~~~~~~~~~~I ouun a o o ara Emertld Bey pvt belch newly recondlllon•d. oar gar, nr beaoh a tchoola. 833.t290 LUXURY CONDO Pen Pt, 2 Br 1 ea. eltcl. 2Br. garden apt. REDUCED aelllng PflH pool•, tennl• cour11: new carpet. 1 BR wt ICl'loOle. Kid• & pet OK. 1 br. ll)OOl, JK, etc. gar. andk . no g•u No pats. $440/mo, S540 • 11000 8.,,.,al b~ end 1 Bdrm unltl feetlll'9 fine deelgner furnltu,. end ICC4l9IOritt. Mov. lrt to. day Of ,......,. for ..,... mtr mont111 8m•rllT turnl1hed mocMq 099n dally. +Pl +Nll + 1 8R apt, excepllonal Cullom bullt w/Ao•H: Fruit trte1; Dog run; grMt Ol1·1treet pkg. °"ly 1320,000, Ruth Laurie, Altr. &AM380 01 S295,000.00 l• way oceen view. 3 Bdrm. 3ba nun1 & fncd yard. No f1150/mo. 984-5098 Weltcllfl 3 Br. dtn, olflct, Agt, Nan, 644-2999 18251yrly, 875• u 3 548-9950 ~;~~~o'::rr,en~rr::: :1.iol:: ~.;,; u,!n~ai ri•a:~~~;!.671 btwn •••Im,,.. ~~r~·~~ C:~1~1rtYo:o: LUXURY 2 BR 2'i't bl, 675-7998 New, lerge 2 br, 1 be. ONLYlll C•ll owner 11 or lnOO/mo yrly. lllrill•i 3MI 1-837·1<458 or 548-5026 Nwpt Ttrrect condo. "•-'ttru• L..j#lf dl1hwaaher. 1tove. bit• (714) 7141759..00<47 RENT TO OWN; New 28f •••••••••••••••••••"• Pool, etc, fplo, p1tlo. :rr.~ •••••• ~-r;· •••• , Ins, oallo, g11r .. lge ~ l _.2_.1•1 2'nba, condo. Call Rleh. Seldom avall1bl• WH· MVIJI .-11 Kid• OK. Quit" Mii& mo. Ouptn large 2 llr. 2 Ba. area. ReeDy to mow tnf • • Attractl\le 2 Br hOuH.. lge Owntr/1'Qt "'4-8171 thtrly Bey Townhouee. SPAN ISH VILLA; 1 8374tle laundry, gar1ge, yerd. 1-411<>. {213)781·7813 ---------1r----------llvlng rm, tned petlo. 3 Br 2 l>e on lo\ acre w/3 8oet lllp, 5 bdrm, 3 t>a. 2 bc:lrm, 6 bath, huge,.. lmmed. occupancy. 2 bd l'h b 2 °" Jem~ Ad et fntNrl lfut lOff ..... J.•I Ctoee to boh. M&Otmo. cet' 0., p1ua OU-I hou· car. tenn11. pool, 111 mlly rm, pool & 1p1 • fl= 770-2904. 1550rmMo. Aleo a., bd~~; Sen JCMlqllln ... M. ••••'••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••• ···~ AveM Stot 1 to June 1. ... s.'2630 s.,,1a An•. 1ppt11noe1l•menlt1e1. completely r·emodtltd. 1111 ba 1380 mo. Cell eltw •••11M • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40«>01f 00 NOT DISTURB TE· I 1 4 7 5 mo • A 0 I • f 2e00/mo. Cell Century atU'm'2'ii1 :•;e..::•TH ~!.'!f/!e .. 11.¥. . 5:30 PM. 2864 LaSalle --~----- . bf,2be,vlft.pvtetreel, NANTS. 1\200 mo. 937-oeee. 21/0rambow Alty. Atk .Q,..,,....,nrpoot.Frpl N!W CONDO. HOO. 957·27<40 LIOOO!LUXEl•.frplo • REDUCED S2ll Ill • gated comm. Lcw.IY de-en.eut jlmH JMf !Of Al.Ith 2131289-'1728 • ~lo• dbl gar. Adult•. OoHn view. ' 9drm, Ulil pd 1Br 1300/ mo lro bt lCIC p ello D"· • • cor. No.,·1mo1cer. No 2 BA. nr ac Plia. Condot. ••••••••••••••••••;n . 1~ llll UY No~ tmmed .1950 . lrl)IC, modern kitchen. ulet, P•tlo, nr bclh, A;;;.! ftO!O. 91s.«MI. • Ill OllYH'I lllT lft p • t 1 . I 1 3 o O mo . POOi Jee. Ml "° oat· P1nor1mtc view. ~nchO Av&ll 11,, Lux twnhtt e mo or 10.,o•r teaH. dtOll, gar. 873-3271 or ~•Pt 111 & 1 51 h , Spec. 3 ., a e..6', ..,, • 6 000 f f f 1 • 497..:1230. Pon.'L1111 unit. o,...i Loe. san·Joaquln 28" T den. eesoimo. ·,,,, 1a1t 4 "°: C ell JoCerol (eo tl 831.()$02 644-8858 beedl t ·111tt. ~. • •q,. t. o ami Y livin9. a.-A Jiff No ~1.16$0 ptu• '35 r.r'n~t'1,7~~~· 3 br, 2 b•, s c•r ~. ••tolOIO «~ ~PSTOOCEAN 1eroe2 3 er. 2 BL No ...... 2fld No~M&-t • enterta nment facili ties for • ••• ... ':l'J'n"•••••••• utlll ~y. sse-1121. at • gar., mu111o1e.,.1, frp10, ar. 2 81. trptc, nieny ,...._ entire family. ~ Bdrm, 7 baths. 1.100 ISLI • 3 bdrm. fem 11&-2HO ~San .io.Quln, 2 It, eethedrel celllnQ, ll(yttt., ~-...._! r.-1.J..J •m•nlllu. HU/mo. floor. l 48s+ciep. 3 bdrm °' den. 2 be"'- • ~1u 1 mat d •. ~u 8 rte r a . • rm," ea._•_noo_ mo. -•• -a Den. Condo. Pt9rntum patio, lnal ... 1.,. Nn -;r.e,-:r.;-, .;r.r.:n.-: D•YI &A2·5117 IV9I l 540·22•& UPC* 0t.5~4¥1111 ._ " -. .-.. 004f OOli,... I llke Yltl#. arpt. No pete. Comm • .,... •~ 1!!f 'Mind• 831·6'30 2 er. 1~ ea .. fri>IC, l>OOt.i-!11'.!MrtMl~rll:!!'I~· ! ...... =:-=::...--• door/outek>o.r poo . a jacun:ll, • OC!.AN,AONT 2 bdrm, 09cor•tor 1*1901, ... No pet1. Avlll • ..,,, 1. pool. Agt 14 .. ftea , ....... ;:::r."'.... ... I N>•. •ttechtcl Qlltlge. No,3 Br 2 aa. frpl, ow .... 18' bar, IOda fountain, complete 1I•1700 mo. 8111 cloue2bdrm.2\4t>a.new StSO/mo. Ao •nt 8"ul,,.,2 ar a8a,lo-~..... #If pet e . Avalt now.' btlOfl 2 blk1,_y rr1 . • •• Un .. room, eno .. moua pl•t • Orunctv. Ritt. 87M1f1. C199 Cod. Poot,~. j 873~1111 Bt.UFFS l.IASI I wtr dupllt, •Ide petlo ....................... ' M25tmo. eat.,..984 1 873-.2511. 11&.111' ... & ., .. pvt patio, 2 ar. w•UW vu, llOO/mo. fplo, ~ 11200/mo 'I 1 .. I ... a.. I • room, iourmet kitchen, 3 su e tralns'blkes wtn•t o.iw 1 io. ~'. L8e·OP'TION, scir. 2 be. Alto 3 Br. 1ron1 rt1W vu I utll. Newly deoor. 011 i>d. '3 br 2 be. dtl\lxf oondO.,Aoroee ft'om .,._.., Wflllt f t d o.oorator wall paper, S"'· WOOdbrldQ9. 1119 11200/mo AQt 640-4020. I.lg I Ir I .. !Oftf ctptll. I encl oar, dwihr, pool, Lrg. plllo, Poot I ta'a, l elry 2 Ir, ~tic>. lftirr • iero re r I · •n many more • •pianos•cars c1raperl•• and m ore. I mo. p ·t u 1 op 11 o". 78().M78 1 w1'rplo, front pallo 1>bg. Adulta, no peta. chll'd oJc.,,.., tc ~ rm U 30/mo. "''" • ameni\lu. $699,9$0 . By refrlnarators t to 11o 1 mo . o •II . 652....,... ~mountain & $1200/inol"fY& "'"· 1 042'-!07~. , Ml5 mo. 21S.."4-2tll.1 oea.ua appointment with Marci Cooper • • skat;S • • • • • • l 0*-22'1, 1o:IO 10 ~ 12 8'. 2\i le, 09:ege, ""'°-OOMfl "'9w, '3 8'. 3 811. • S 8t I .. 0Cltt1:_ w/trg 1 £uttld9, brtght a °"'8rYICr.v ftr1 new ....._, • 644. 7844. • pm. I oomrl\ty ~l. ITIIOhnO. I b •au t I f u I I 'I don•, = = ::,.., I= For CINllfled Ad 1 If. 1 I& NIUnJI wood' '*» ..... tum fll'UIUft. ... lllllY 1 I @ 1 -. l"'9a. . er.• eo1-llOO 1 U400/mo. Avell. now. & 1111. , ~ ~etllng1 4 oabln•t•. MOO/MO..,....... : ,..,,.... ..,. • j ,.,plo~-,."' '"'· plUl h 12 bf. a De. Oet'*"91 ... av°"'* 7'°"11"' I. 114 ..... '*"I o.Ay Piiot l410. ll1·Mtt. 1 ..... ,,.,. 6-1iil .... ...a. 1._.,.._ • 1 opt•. 1 m1 "°"' bOl'I, t j ltno 11ma ""· ""°' ~ .,., a bt, ,.,. be. No.,_,_... llOOrmo I "O-VllOA ci.n 2 "· ·~ ,..,,. ""'-· «*\. ..--• blii -..... .. ... ow~ • .,...•· No '*"' 1wn1ty fl~. '1M .._. --.. a ow ow .,,..., & ~ Mi.M71 wld hll-\tp, patio. a ,...1 o. -. . ..,._ ....., ••••• 1•••••• . I ~. UOO lllQ, ftt ffle l n e ll . l m lfta4 . H it .. "'· ... O.tH O 41119: L YNaN.TM Pl • UU. no peti . _... .~ tll N ;;,..;::;..;.::...=:;....::~;.;..;:;.;.;:::;...;:::;..;:~:..;::-.;~!J..===-:====::;b ~ ........ 1117 __ l ..,'*'• • t 7'0-eMI tl¥ll8. Mr ... I .,..... • '41-°'4e1. J:~114--=t=MJ=, ==:-:== • .. DO IT NOWI ht ftr .... ,. Your Dally Piiot Service Otreotory Repr1aent1t111e ,,. .. ,!'!.~ IR!!!r. ••.•. O&Nlf\AL IUSINIH Sl!IWICH ~l•IP for 1m111 butllleH a phone call away. Aeo• ordkeeptng, tax prep, 8ualnau counullng. 496-1285 f ~.~,!~~.'!~!~I. ..... . Ceblnet1 & Carpentry Small lobe & Repair• Free Ett male• 845·2003 f ,.11!,l. h!T!tt........ fM'!!!!Hh . !ff !Ill .• No 6thll'l1No Shampoo O u a t o m r a m o d a I • • Slain 81*!1•11•1. Fu t addlllone, lfM Ml. Qua· dry frM Ml. 83t· tal2 Illy 2nd to none. land .. l't•••f/C,.fntf Con et Lio 418570. ••u•••'•••• Ii••••••• SA~ 4271 Cem.nt·Matonr;•lloc:k 1---------W111 .. cu11. WOl'll. Lie ............. ... R!ft~I~{ •••••••••••. ~'!!ftl!ff ••••••••.••• FIUIO/ COMM1UIND. C1rpenlry • Matonry 20 yr1. Do my own woflC. Roofing . Plumblng Lio 278041 Al 8"&-t 129 Drywall • lluOOO • Tiie *•NORTH 8TAA* * ~cdtt J.B. 94&-tttO Electrlcal Conlrao1or 1Sen'1 Maintenance 881'11 Lie. Naw Hrvlce UO Plum~eo-carpentry olfou111. 24 hr 6"45-41174 Painting Call ff4.52:)t •381057 Rob &4?·2043 LIO. 309"1. AamOdel, Add'na. OablMta. ..__,, •·1h!I" Orlve1. pat101, walk•. Ft" MW046/M&.4M4 • .,. a.N -• E11. No Job 100 •mall. 1----------••••• •••0 •••• • •• • • • HIRl!D HANO, WIL.L TRAVEL! Many dlYWH chorea. Wllll• 642-34111 s:19.2901 f!~~.!!tt!w.~'!f. c~·:~~r1:~!~~~r1~~::i~~ Cu1tom ooncrele brick· Kit. ,..m04 .. 04lfamlc tlle. Call for Mt. 6<141-5294 block wall•·pallo•· cabin•••· can now · free 8114 l c.,r..•t7_ l oundatto n1. Ll~'d Mtfmata. M:t.06e1 .......... ¥ ...•........ 536-so 13 · Tlllll • • • • •• • •• • • • •••••• • • ---------O.C0t1tor etyle Int, be,.., CALL HANDYMAN JIM Main I., plumb. r•P.•lr. paJnllng. R•ICOmm 1 536-09571638-3044 Ooor hanging, rtmodet. Concrete-1mall or lg• manlela, llbrarle1, high T--..tremowd. Clean Orano• Coa1 DAILY PIL.OT/Sund.Y. AC1Qu1t 22, 1~82 ~~!!!!~"········ !!!!"··············· AP1' I liHCLIANING 8TA"V1"'G COLUO! Rellebl•, ••P· ,., •. No STUDINTI MOVINO Job too ll\'lllf. 9514341 00. Uo. T12<MH I.IT Ml 00 YOUR IMUred. M 1~l7 CL.!ANINQ 110" VOUI WATot4 IJ& 0,_0WI CM/CGM. Jutle &42-t087 Pre1ttge Moving. Low 11 yov need a hOUllJI~ rltee. fantalllc wvio.. !'~"'~············· ASA PAPEAHANQING 1 yra 10011 elCp. Ouar work. Prloe1 11art It II/roll. Alee 751·7027 E.llptrl wallGOverlng In· ttalletlon. AH• prlce1. Con•ultant A11lgnment 581 .. 59(\ ae tuuy 81 you .,. Stele ~·· VIN &. MIC. Ph. 873..a8llO Xlnt reta. ~~~u;n2r~--C82 Cal, i--------- r.·r..~ !!~~!~! ...... . ~~~!'!l!I •......... Reepontlbte opl, mid 30'• looktng to houeeelt thll eummer. We'll care for plant1, nouM, 9tc. Call l<en Haven. 760·8078. r~11lfl .•••••••..•.•. PAINTIR NEEDS WOAKI 30 yra eJ1p~ lnl/ Exler Acol>lllO o .. tJnga. Davie Painting 6'17-5 186 ••&AYANT'S•• WallGovetlng AemOYll All Typea. 6-42• t343 I IDJ I .'l! •••• tl! •••• ~~······ SEAVIC! & .. UAIR Van Oopena 8eMoe Co. (114) 638·46M '"• c11blne11. panellng. eto. fob• Remove 1 1 1.... 1 ¥,.,...... MHll•• 142-Hll, t rt, a22 Painting. cement Rel a • rep 1ee or •IY • ra _..pane wall• & up, lawn renov. 751-3476 ••••• •"'•••••••••••••• Je,ry •• 6 •• 13 repair. 8•6-8612. c;elllng. Lie. M&-2366 O OUMP JOBS ref• avell. Cuetcm work, lnl & ext, llc'd 20 yr• In at91. <efa. Long term hou1Mltllng, Herb (714) 521·8012 art 1vaO. Aug. 22. 720.105", 5·30PM t!~!!ft.I.~~~ ......• ED'S PLASTERING N81t petcn ... lnt/e1Ct ..•................•.. Chuck ,Ot Tiie WOl'k Free Est. Dyw 6"0·5188, E111, Wknd1 615·5100 ~~~~~~~~ "~ -.~ M WINO • Cl.EAN UPS ---------Cl//' C1n O.anlll Htullng • Land1eaplng & Small Moving Jobe fRll llTllATlll • • • •• • ••••• • •• • • •••• • • • ••• ••. •••• • •. ••• •••• • Free eet. 842•9907 Call MIKE 6416-13111 6-46-58t1 wit. Xlnl refs. -·--·------ RNtUCCOI. 845·6256 ~!! ... ~1!f !!. f!!!{".t! ••• Applied. re·•pplled. guar .. tn1ured, He'd 4 t 469 I 730· 1900 lree ettlmates Reasonable prices, laat, "!ARBOR TRINITY PRE· *KATRINA'S: LlVE-IN HAULINO·GRADING prolesslonal work SCHOOL. DAY CARE hskpre. dally mild aerv. Jeffie'• Gardening demollllon. cleln-up cus1om work tool No fob CENTER. Co1ta MeH. offic e oleenlng. crpt CIHn-upa, lrae trim & Concrete & tree removal. too small or too big! cs. Opening Sepl 13. Full claanlng. 835-2116 malnt. aerv. 5410-8035 Qulok aerv. 642•7638 L. BATES PAINTING PROTECT YOUR HOMEI SPECIAL! E>tl. 11G1 $400; Prof. M 40, avall. now, 2 aty 1550 6<15-9~83 >tint raft. 6" 1-11312 PLASTER PATCHING R81tucoo1. Int/ext. 30 YT•· NH1 Paul 545·2917 Tiie ln11a11 & Repair Guaranteed WOl'k. Rel• Free 811 Bob 875-8595 blneta, kitchen remodel and 'A day ca,.. 7 AM to 1---------- •-.1. It & finished carpa111ry 6PM Register NOW DHr Bu1.l•1. Arille1 LH.IHtltl PROF. SERVICE ID••• A1•~t/ I b/ c bl t 1 Corner Baller & Fairview. ••••••••• •• •••••••• Trae lrlm. ~en. c1nup1, Haullnf • yrd cla'"" up ••'••••••••••••••••••• v""' P um a no• Doore •epla·· .. doo-ava '"'' ---------!CANYON PAINTING • 1• Sept. or later, fem~.. yre In o .c . sa11a1act1on mlO 35. Until Aug. 31 . guar 41941--4541 673·2047 . r!~!!~!~1. ...........• '!.~.~~!~ •....•...• ATLAS PLUMBING & S LOW AATES S HEATING • Speclallzlno Tree trimming & ,..,,oval, D P t t Id 556-4335 or 558-7787 • ........ '" ,. cement wor . Free 81t Quick clean. Free 81t rlveways, arklng Lot coun er ope. o every· added, Franch, entry, Cell ... 9 1804 a 11 '••I ~,, Repairs. Sealcoatlng. thing from s11rt to finish! Ex par. & dependable cuatom & Inte rior . ~ • ny me. 1 ____ 6_7_3_-0_5_'4_8 ___ ~., ••• i:-:.;. ••••••••••••• QUALITY PAINTING Ex1/lnt. ,... ralee Lie B3482'T8 536-2366 In Repalra & Replace-all 01Mnup1 & mowing S&S Asphll 631-4199Llc Call Brad at ChlJd care during grall· 631-1526 anytime. Mowing, edging, lrlm-HAULING & CLEAN-UP Yllll WM.LI Dan Hallberg Grading 1 (114) '11·1210 eya1d shift. Lr~ F.V. Hm. •----.~-----mine· clHn up. RH•o· Yd1tgaraga1. Prop. mgt r or a free fact eri.et. call EXTERIOR PAINTING • NII ,11 I menl (714) 646-1688 ~--:--55_41_-_10_1_1 __ _ '!.-.~ .. '!~~ ............ . & Paving co. Res/coml. CUSTOM wood pi tlo co-plenty of sleep ng apace. n.-all nab e ral81. 540·1482. 631-01153/631.0865 Herry Wene, Attorney at Cu11om wotk. Free ffl .• !."! •• ! .. ~11~.!f!.! •.• Lie 397804 842-1720 vers. decks & fences by 841-2277 ':'U.";'••••••••••••••••• Tiii ••HI IOlll Lew. 553-0290. RHa. + fine Int. & ital· A44'n·IHl1t ... t•••· Most aubJacta. K-14 Day/eve 15 & $10/hr. Mr. Morgan 6415-5176 Randy. 6'4 1·0622 -P,-e--a-c_h_o_ol-ln_C_M_h_o_m-e. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Iii l J ---------1 nlng Sl~e 5-47-4281 F Att'l.,'1!. ---------1-<I yrs. BS D""'ree. C'"lld Repairs, new & old. 1 t LawnT -lree-ehrub lnatall •• ~~!~.~!.~f••••••• • #•H•n RA.LPH'S PAINTING ou'a"1 eeot.kReL8t 1. 3p3171ce16s9. ..., " yrs exp. Bud 552-9582 rea lrlm/ramoval ROBIN'S CL'"'Nl ... O •••••••••••••••••••••• · w r c. P••••••• •••••••••••••• "•ir.,t •, . ....l,., Dav. Exp. 642-2707 Lawn cue/Rototlllltvt s~tce _ a 1:;.',~1• .. ~ BRICKWORK: Small Jobs. lnt/eJC1. Ren. retes. 645-4010 ersonallzed, low cost la-"'' ~· • "'o Wall texturff-ACOu1tlc F · ... v.. "~ " c M R t F ee Ml ..... "898 1----------gal services: Ind .. family. ••• •• ••••••••••• ••••• Llc'd Daycare, ages 2-6, Hang-Ta~St"I elude ree MUmate 548-8065 clean houee. 5410 8 7 N-por1, oeta •8• _e_. _r ___ . ___ .,.. __ .. _ R 0 0 M ADD IT ION S busl. lnlllal consulletlon Shampoo & steam clean. my home, Sagarstrom & Uc. 389944 1-532-5549 QUALITY WEEDING & lrvlne. Rafa 875"3175 ptlf PAlmll Honett,Rellable & Rele- ENGLISH TUTORING Reading, wri ting & grammar. Pvt lnttruc- tlon S5thr. 751-1640. lree. 553-0290 Color brlghlenera, wtit Fairview. 957-0360 Malnl. Remember Iha 3 Joan's Cleaning Secvlce Brickwork-smell or l~e bA Rlc'"ard Sinor. Lio. renoea. JC&B Con11 Lie w 1 ' '" l crpts • 10 min. bleach. ---------DRYWALL TAPING Houeee-Ap1e-Rentals .. 11347'*77 97 7 ............. •1. Hall, !Iv/din. rms $ lS: avg Exp'd MOM wlll care for R's: Reasonable. Rella· Olflcea. 540•1287 Jobs. 100'• local ta a. 2 0644, 13 ~s of nappy , ___ v ___ 4_-_6_6_5 __ •••••••••••••••• ••••• ldniltiH I room ST.SO; couch $IO: your child Any agee. Mv F~!,T!:ttu~:,~ :~~1c8 1_b_1e_._R_1c_k_._4_9_7_-3_0_1_0__ Since 1989. 64~8512 local customei-a. ,-"Let the Sunll'lna In" ....... ~................. Chr SS Guar ellm. pet Home C.M. 645-1t83 TAKATA NURSERY TIREO OF HASSLES? -.oa.. Thank you. 631-4410 IHll•t. Call Sunlhlne Window Loving mother wlll babysit odor Crpt repair 15 s •'HliJ1al end tand·~a-. Summar Quality clean Ing help la ••••_•A••B·•c•!:o··v·1NG••••_•••• Palntln .· our lamlly tradl-•• •••• ••••• • •••• ••••• Cleaning. Ltd. 548-8853 lull time. N1 Fairview & ekp Do work mys:t'i. C•otr•tt•ll l#•fl•I ~!'•••••••••••••••••••• 1.....,.lal cia-::'up. ••atnt· ,_h_a_re_1_R_e_11_._960 __ ·7_4_5_2__ "" J ig Huber Rooting-ell types 20% Monthly Dlacount Baker CM 546 8653 ···••••••••'··•••••••• """ -· .., ·-Quick. Careful Service. , lion for over 100 ~"1 New-recover-decks · · -Reis. 531-0101 RE"'ODELIADD-ONS ELECTRICt•N-Prlced enanca & land·~ape . Expet. Houea Cleaning I "•6252 "" " ~v Free estimates 552.0410 • Int/ext. L c . .,... . ree Lie 11411802 548·9734 w ....1 • I EXCEL CA_R_P_E_T_C_A_R_E_ & Carpentry. Llc'd, 25 1lgh1. free eetlmata on Tree trimming and Bon-Reliable. Rafa. 1 asl. 681-3998 1----------!'!!~'!.~!mf!.~I ...... J k B ffl yrs e)(p. lrwln 5'48·2719 large Of small Job8.. ea I Ir a e pr u n I n g . 553-1675 * A-1 llYlll* It#. Computer word procas· !~!!!!'.~{·~-~!!'!!.~~ ••• JAYS "SPEAKEASY" Prof Barlendlng Serv. Any occeslon, Prtbl bar O~nerl~~f,:::,~ Ili'i1-letl&t·le•e4, Lie. 396621. 673·0359 830-9900. EXt 5B. Housework, own trana-Top quallly. Special care rfr.l!~J. ............. ?::~~!............... sing. Fast, accurate eerv. Ca1pet, up'101. area rug Free est. Reas. prices. ELECTRICIAN The fastest draw In the portatlon, Eng. apaaklng. , In handling. 25 yrs e1tp. Farthing Interior Dellon MOB.U.E SERVICE Reas. retM. Notary. FrM 1-879-7552/521-814 t creanlng. Work guar Qual. wo1k. Lie. 337169. Sml jobaJRepalr1. Lie. West .. a Dally Piiot Ca ll Eloisa Sota et Competitive Rates HANGING/STRIPPING Ffaacreens/Naw screens Pkup & delivery. Len, Free Est 645-1771 645--4010 233108-C-10. 548-5203 Classllled Ad. 6'42·5678, 546-4839 No overtime. 730-1353 Visa-MC Scott 6-45-9325 NB/CM 642-9552 7!51· 1314 A1•1ta111t1 Ap11tm11111 IHt• Al• 3UO B•t•I• #•t1l1 4100 l••t1l1 I• li•lf 4300 l•atal1 ,.11111 4300 O/li1t 1111111 4400 l1•t1l1 W1a1H 4100 Ualo1111·11ted V11/0111i1ll~d 2 ·9;2b; ·c~·,;;;,· ;;g~~ c·a~ .. • ·,·.::.· ::·.· ·····m······ . •••••• ••••. • •••••• ••• ·2·····;·· •t ··;; ••B• ib··· 20oo·a·,: ;t ~fri;; :~;; •t• •••••••••••••• ••••• ••• #'Gl:J."' ,,.,, S03S f!!!.~.f.".".'!~ •••• !.~~ •••••••••• ••••• .. •••.. .. • .. • ••••• • •••• ...... Pl $45011 & I t N ~ F 25-35 lo shr 2 br. 2 ba rmm es o s r a oa ... ..,... or otlPlllAn ~!.'!r.!!.~!~!~ .•. !.~~! IJ.'!!r.!!.~!~!A . .!!.~? p:.~: 2t3/69~:46:; i tt ~ ~1kci~ r:n~~~ 2~r0,8'1~: ~ro~onl~r~ f~1~t6 agt; ir~~: 1~~~3~~i10~~~:1 ':.~ 1~11h -s~.v~~~:WM!;; PlllllllT • •••••• ~.............. Lab Puppy. female. Blue I. samH collar. Vic Paularlno WESTCLIFF 1 br. condo $675. 2 Br 1~. Ba. lrg up· 3 br 2 ba. deluxe condo. Phones In room. 2274 (9im-lpm) + utlls, John, 975-6267 645·8830. sea M rs. Recently moved to pool. no pats. $540 mo. per. Eastblutf. dbl gar, Ltg patio, pool, spa, Newpott Blvd. CM. r----------bat. Spm (al work) Northrup. • • Sehl. days 540•4040, l•rt&•I• Oe, Ito, evast wknda 545-8762 Specializing in Isl & 2nd Gary 673-6640 no pats ' poo I. 80 9 chlld o.k near SC Plaza 646-7445 Neat F mid 20'sto •hr 2 br Christian lady wlll stir ntcaS __ U_N_N_Y_N_e_w_p_o_r_t_B-ea_c_h Catlfornl• desires quality A I w 6 7 8 S6 2 3 96 88 N.B. apl w/aama. $225 & v;aJ~rJro&rll~~~tgr. tia% mg;AS.;L.;; 11 • .:~:0· 1 • "-~0:, 8 EACH AR£ A 'h utlla. 552-4409 ~:.4ure~ug~~~e~t~l ::i~ i~~~~:~·s~i8~~:: Furnltt1ed home tor rent TD's since 1949 ---------Robt. Salllet NH/CM F'OUND· Blk Doberman. A E Broker Bd Realtors red collar, 11lc. Camino 642·2171 545-061 l Capl!ilrano & LaZanJa. 642· 112 1. eves 730·0104 Spacious 2 bdrm. view. E••A•S•T•s••ID •• E •• C •• M•••P•r·i~."a"ie" $S4/ Mala rmml needed. 1 blk male. S 175. 6"5-1062 eaasonal or long tetm • wk from bch, non-emkar, no 1-R---------PVT. OFC. S1J"'/mo. Nr DOEUI v1rrw pool. nice area. No pets. fl k A II 8 /21 asp. non1mkr, child OK. " -" $675 544 4797 furn. room & bath. Utlls. a ea. va · · t h I 1 h o.c . Airport. Conv par-In Laguna Beach, 10 steps to send Lge · • Incl., retrlg S315 mo. Rarrlgarator·Meld-Pool &46-9223 ° sbr ,Jee .~rr:,.8 °2'_!'9e7. k P 1 e 1 1 Newport Beach. 1---------1 <193-5197 WIDOW HAS $$$ tor TD's RE Loans. tOK Up No Credit Check No Pen- alty Dennison & Assoc 673-7311 ---------Lest: ltokJHe REWARD_ Sentlmen1a1 value Gold Chain with butlarlly charm 494-7432 2Br & patio. Furn or furn. $750/mo. 3 Br. 2 Be. en-573.7544 I Nwpt Blvd & Wlleon own a "· .m . ~ • ing. v n ranee. n· ,._ Winter or yrlv. Bkr/owner clsd garage. walk to · Costa Mesa 548-9755 _J_o_h..,.n_______ eludes utll. Rcptlon avail '""''°na dat Mar , ROOM/BALBOA $230 ROOMMATE fem. to by arrangement Taylor. 848-4557 or 962-2305 beach, yard/balcony . 1 · 91 Yearly on Iha beach hotel share 2BORM Condo. PSSST! Ara you a dlvor-Crow g co. 642-1423, Contact (7141) 494-3757 Secured. discounted Isl Won't last, call for appt. mo view. urn. avlb 1· · $262 par mo plus utll. oad dad/sgl M feeling Small ocean tront bach I / 2 3 + n 0 n _ s m k r room. kitchen & shower. 1 1 _6_4_5_·_3_17_6 ______ ,2 Responsible. retired TO's !or sale. Pvt patty, Found. Shettle/Collle type unit $360/mo. Broker TSL Mgmt 6-42· 1603 673•90 15 . S320/mo. plus sec. de-Adams & Bushard area. In latlon P nch? Nead (213)698-2284 small dog. Irvine area 645-3683 S•a C''1a1•t1 3116 posit. 2306 W Ocean-Call 964-7167 attet 6pm. more space? Break out & I IEll IPIOE Cl• ~dut/,s (MIF) wl,sh I~ rent -.,....-,-------< June. 497-5726 -:----:-------•••••-'••••:'••••••••••• Pleasant room avail. Bay front. Newport Beach. • stir gorgeous N.B. Bay· Attractive rustic upstllr$ ob 8 Home or mo Sell S 12.000 sec Mort---------- Across lrom beach. studio 1 Br. pvt deck. old world St.,.C.M Working person 673-4154. l.IDO ISLE $500. crest home w/2 sgl mo-setting. We supply desk, ~6~-~11IOe11 o w Pet . gage, 4 years straight Found·temale collie trl- apt at $385/yrly Encl charm spectacular only $1 501nclutlls.r·S----.---,--~-·--•1,ut11.,non-smoker thers.S-435/mo+'hutlls spaca,coplar.You sup-1.:Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim no t e 12% t or color.ctiokechaln,llaa gar. pool and laundry. 1 ocean vu, walk to beach 548-3663 •• •.-••• '.' •••• •• •• '.•.• ...... -..... Carol 575.9449 goafltslcayoutopsvthrr.mL/blnad&a ply phone. & $95 pr mo 1• $8000/Casti on Costa collar Vic Northwood. adult only 640-5078 s495 Co t 1 M t i----------pr desk. Call &44-7211 HELP! Responsible cpla, Mesa House Irene 75"'-3734 Dannis · n ac gr 8 apt Room tor Rent. 2 Bdrm WEf.ILJ·IEITAU Raaponalbla female rmmt 642·86101631·1777. 13 yr old boy. cat & dog ,_5_5_6-_'4_2_1_1_a_11_e_r_4_P_M __ --------- s II h • C. 332 Encino Ln. hse. College Paik, CM. Available. Agt. 675-8170 25-30 to ahr Bal Pan. Fem to s'"r w/sama 2Br *FllEE llEllT* need house In .. Old ·-Found: Mesa Verda. 2 e l ings iast with Dally Have somert11ng lo sell? lull prlvllegas. $300. Call house /same 675 3798 " H ti t .. H B DO YOU HAVE a tst. 2nd Fem Killens-8119. Pilot w ant Ads. Classilled ads do 11 well an 5 we r 8 d 11 5 2 o. l•I'•• PeiltHI• w · -1ba apt, CM Rec. facll Mo-Mo. No lease req (;~st"~fo~da~:."'so~tti or 3rd TD to SELL? 549-0077 • • • • • • • • • •Ut••tl•l.-t ·~'"' '"•-1 ,,~ .. ,.. t(,, ····· "~ ,;,.,j> •it,(. ....... . ... , .. '"l-1 ...... N'1• .. "''· ,.. ... ,.,, .. .J• .. )fl····~ 190• ~"'•O .. ,,..,,...., n•-''' ••J..·• , ... ,. •... .... ... _w .... .. v. "'••f ., f j I •1 .... , '"'"·•· ..,., ... . .,. . ... , .. .•. ' \0 I ... , .... ... , ....... .... -'·· •.fiy 9 .... .. I ~·, ,. o""'~' t't(.,'¥'11 "''"'~ ,,w.., ••.•. .. .. --.61,il.-CS .,,..,, M '•·t•1 u1•••• 'V"'' • 1,.11 IHI• ' ,. ·-•·; ,, .... ... . .... ·~"· ,,>;, •n'i. •tc.. 4 " .. • "•·C.•--· .,c.. .... .., .. \• .., . _,c., -~ ··· .. ;• .,._ .. ..c. ... ft!,.-, IC ll•t tt ( ~~' If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. call 642-5678 carts•model trains•bikes •pianos"cars refrigerators ·skates······ ~! ........... !.~~11!~~! ........... !.~!1 ~"EW t\PARTIIEVfS ~OWLEt\SnG ~~Vtll~ Olfi~ Lulluriou~ aduh & t..lm1ly Irving rn an all new country selling. 1 2. & J Bdrms. Amen111es Include. * RC'I ( "'' R..lng~ • 1 ot 101 Krrenhelts * 01'-h" ii~her d1\po~a1 * Pa11o·~undec k * Orapes'carpeting * L.wndrv IM il111e~ *Rec rf'.)l1on roon1 * '\11 rnnrl111onin~ Come see us now for best selKtion. Take W. Yale Loop to 10 Thunder Run in Irvine. Call: (714)559·51 IO G) _ ... _ -... · 642-4300 24 tir. $300 wk. 1'olJ blka to Fevas. $ 2 472 . 5 0 & 'oll "t 11 Feculel s,e,rvlc,e. 'eurnla~d2. of Beach Blvd). Approx. i-7_60_·_9_1_4_5 _____ Found Fem. Husky puppy. beac,.,. 673•93D• emata Waslcllll area. 631· 286 r P con . ar aa. .. p 8 All> t Fem/pvt room & bath. .,... pool w/d non smkr mo. lree. From l 16.,. 11. $600/mo. rant or lenel a >t. mos. er son Compl. hsehtd prlv C.M.' 1 Br. sleeps 4. across the S290i mo 531_7332 · C98d~8P:0o:.qwuieotm2abdn ~-~'. 960•2471 ....., option. Refs. 53&-9832 •••••lf•111t1/ mar1ce1. CdM 673-7359 $ 2 9 O I mo , '-Y u t 11 stteat rrom the beech. -1----------'•t1•••l1/ Found gent's ring vicinity 631-0412 $295/wk. 675-50e8 Fam. to ehr furn. 3 br wlk bch $325 share bllls. 1 2000 sq rt. comb Offiees Prof. woman & 14 yr old Lflf I fH•' Dover Shores. Back Bay. NB. pvt rm IGWlflllT condo, $300/mo. E/Slda 644-4026. and Ilg ht work shop. daughter with lo lllara a •••••••••••••••••••••• &45-9190 c .M . Aval!. now Storage area w /lge homawltha.......,,...•'"' ... •-I SIOO $185/mo. Incl utll. Yng 642-2225 F RMMT WTD to shr 3BR 1 ovarl'laad door access. 3 · -..... ~·'"'""" na••••lf•f• I • I SJSO I e m . n o n • s m k r . • .. , •• PH...... Apt nr bch yearly $250. min from Udo 1$19, Ideal r 0 0 m m t · W r k · •• • ••••••••• • ••• • ••••• TftH•• 1 . 9 2 stry '4br. 2'Aba, dining' • MaJe 35 45 shr Sb 2ba e 7 5 1 1 3 e ( , s 2 1 3 -5 9 s -o 7 7 1 h m Psychic Readings c··0····s·· • •••• • • •••• ••• 646-555 . • r, • a t • tor comb offtoe/atoraga. .52., 4077 • (Spiritual' ED -Would love to giant TV ICreen, l'tOl lub, hse nr S.C.Ptua/Frwy. 857-2703) Call 645-4800, aak for __ .,.________ Jack 1714) 556_1178 pllfty with you. Call Sue Lg rm$1050rent 'r'c patBIO modetn kltch. 2 ur gar. Sp1. $250+ahere utlls. F wanted to share N.B. Vickie or Anna. or Kathy any t Im e bath 2 · 11'1 est. H. · Aval! now to 9 /15. 641-4913. la1/•H1/l•rnl/ Pllol program tor teane-213/804-3233 near bch, 536-7103 6J6-7650 apt, 1 block to bch $276. 2000 eq ft w/500 1q ft r.· gera. Designed to trim . ------------------FIM to share 2 br In Co-675-4340. 545-886!5 storage. o .c Alrpod ••••H M/F prof. Capistrano bch. 11 ,1 • .r ~••o d t M $300 •••••••••••••••••••••• slim & provide care tor Liii& I VIOKI .. House w/ocaan view,!!.'.'.'!!~ ••• ~~!~!~'!'~. ~~~I ~ 9 ,a;·5 Ev~os Female roommate went· ~;1~a8s28S2000/mo 'jG;' skin & hair & a weekly ·• $250-$300 mo. Paul PALM SPRINGS &40-<1047 ad, prefer student. Ado-r----------ttnl"' SOOS counullng session to E:c~~~~~~~~S 714-759-2968, wkdays PRIVAC'I'? rabis 2 t>r houee on Bal-llEWNIT IUGI ••• •••••••'•••••••• motivate & Improve self 8-5. New 3 BR 2 BA homes. Shara Beaut. N.B. Watt· boa Island $285 mo. Private Offloe ... $495 Laundry Mat, Harbor & Im a~ e . Ca 11 Mary. OUTCALL 24 HRS Npt Bch, quiet home for pool. spa. bbq, stereo. ctllf 2BR35+2BA apt wt 673·6900 ask tor Carolyn Branch Ottloe ... S75 Adams. Grou Income 85~ 624 ~===lilili-0:::20:::7::~ dally maid Hrv. From employ. F/M. Pool, Paysse at Water front Answering Sarvice ... $40 $4000/mo. Full erlce 1----------~3~~.e~~~2~-08ng::;i~; s125 night. WI D $325 + ·~ utll Homes; aves 337-7238 752-6408 $6000. Flu!! & Fod In· SCRAMLEJS 644•0369 Palm Springs Resort &42-6492. Vicki. eluded. 640-675". Steeping room w/patlo. Pvt ba. entry Aval! Sept 12 $250 mo. 11 t 37th SI. Newport 686-3592 or 781-0467 Rentals, 213/87M208 Raap. F to ahr beaut. 2 br. Interior Design firm haa WUT ANSWERS LK. ARROWHEAD-2sty 2 ba So. Tustin ap t. llr•ltft /11 •al 43S0 -400 sq. It, fum'd upataJre .. , new 4B, + lo". 2Ba. 2 $287.50/mo, 731-8630 ••••'·-····••••••••••••• office apace lor rent In Swallows Quartefl bu\ la Health . Fiasco SUNNY'S Ex8CU11va Stress· Reduction: Otllce-hm-outcall 631-6377 " 12JC20 Garage lor rent. pvt Skypark area Looking nol your typtcat Video Glowed • Walrus lrplcs. 2 b1lconle1. ca· M/F to 1hr tge 5 br home entry, storage Of' cars. lor compettble Co. for Game? Weighs only 7 Circus • Beadle Stable American host la· thadral oetllng, color TV. w/poot, lrplc, off Back $80 mo 648-2556' Info. oell 556-29'2 aak lbs. & can be carried CASH DOLLARS Sips 14. North Shore. Bay, C.M. $300 utlla Incl. Allllf •nJ•I ~~oo tor Jan. under your arm? ts as last mu kids have learned mlhty w1 a1ndtad1 1~1'1 1h111gh Campi. furn, congenial $285/wknd. $395/wk. 631-6220 v"' A • ,.,. 1----------easy to sat up 41 plug-, sc oo s u en ,... v ng black man. Hunt Bch. $595/mo. 522-8631 •••••••••• ••••••••••• Costa Mesa 200 sq. 11. to glng In your toaiter? the value of money and expanses wlll be pd. dys Reasonable. 536-85-44 ---------Prol. Fam, non-emkr. Sh( 0E0ntn Simi 2600 sq. rt 75¢ per sq. T k I I how herd i1 Is to earn 979-5056, ev/wknds ---------PALM SPRINGS LABOR 2 Br 2 Ba CM apt. Pool, IRVINE. Phone answa-rt. & up. Call Realonomlc, e es on Y one m note lo Thay won't accept a hot 5" 1-6243 all< 101 Marla Next 10 greenbelt, pvt ent. 'DAY New Condo 1 8r. tennis. Jae. $327 & 'A u111. rtng. con!. rm, uttl pd, Corp. 675-8700. play &. can never be check anymore. Thay ,,_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii & balh. newly radec. H.B !steapa 4, pool. spe. ten-545-4356. Iv mag. i cl ry sarvs. ate. Also '.:Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mastered? HM dapen-went their money In cold 1• $250 536-0794 n11. av all. 1ny1lma. $50 desk space. $ 1 ISO/up. 1• dabla mlcro-proceuor CASH DOLLARS EXITIO P111. room. Co11a Maaa. day. Owner 5418-5669. F!Ta~~~:r:'t~ :;:; 540·9745 base circuit~ Can get r----------r $50 wk, parking. Kitch Maul Klhal 1 br, ocean 1rvlne condo. $240 plus -16-1-7-w-.,-1-c,-ltf-, -N-.B-.-2-5-6 •::-..: =· fn".:1~~:':ppe~:':~ ~!!.~.f!.~~t .... !l.'!! llOh:~:~E~~oha· prlv. 548-5082 vi ew. luii. $30 day. utll. 559-7416. 752-9069 10 41000 sq. tt. lst. noor. for under $6500 tor 5 PVT ENTRANCE & BA 673-6210: 673-2493 eve. Rmml wanted f emale, Agent 541-5032 I •I t I l II unlla? To find out about lortfte ,llfiat, Non-smkr , business/ llAll l&WAll non.smolcer 1hara 4 Br 450 sq. 11. $1.00 per sq. ••• • • 1 H I· ~~·. ':,"!~o:~~~~f;:~ FOUND ADS The Last l•ffah, prot. Laguna Bch S2SO. Beautiful 1 B<. 2 Ba. house. CdM , S285. ft 4001 Birch NB lfllW.eet 1-800...531-5256 ax1 620. 7•1-1111 494-0451 Condo al Illa Whaler In 640-4259 AQenl 541-5032 ·· · · ARE FREE ., RMMTE. F Eastad. CM. Kaanapoll Beach~. M/F move In lovely home Small three room Sulla ARTIST. Need e1Cceptlonal trg. yd, nice area. 3 t>r. Newly decorated, fully CM . Pvt B• & com pl with aeperete entrance artist lo do IJIOrtl ac11on Call•. *** houea. lrpl 63 t-7958. equipped. Spacial Fall hou .. hold prlv. LHlle to single 120 a<: ti ofllces figure akelchel at reu. $150. rates. 873-5211. 642-3277. lub-leuad. Secratartal/ price. Jame• 8e1-3388, 1•2-1111 Affanti• Parlor Racapt1on111. t84epflone. btwn. 5-10 p.m. • 0 WANTED: Patson 24 plus l•tall ,. llm 4Jfl M/F to lhr beautiful CM .t,•~ c-.-.. Copier/ MMQea avalla-pen 24 h,. 1 day to rent room In Costa •••••••••••••••••••••• home. 1 ml. from beach. ./.., c....-,_..,. bla If desired. Free Par-LIQUIDATION DlSTRIBU-7 daya a week ~esa. Prolasslonal P1• l•J ........ Spa, washer/dryer, lrplc. .,.... lllng. Call Miii Marta TORS STOCK Lost· At OC swap meet. 2 Jacuzzi, Sauna. Local• f d. Beaut. view. 2 yr old Contact largest Gay $300. 645-1637 .,....., ... _ ••a •atl Light Bulba • Fluore-RINGS. Sentlmental va-as well as Tourleu. c 0 n d 0 ca I I Am y Male Female aervlce In .I''""--• -soent1 • Commerclal lue, REWARD. 540.6968 BankAmerlcard. Amer-559 -9400 daya or so. Calif. 540-67t6 M shr 1bdrm apt, non ~..,.,. ... _ 2500sq11 lndultrtal unll Light Fliiluraa ·Heavy lean Express. Diners. All 63 1-8506 aves S2 75 smkr. no ulll. Newport -'"''"" Ith 325 .. f trlc + Duty Shel\llng -Datu>Ca LOST Grey and oraam welcome 7141845-3433 plus '"'-' utll House prlvge. Fem. 30 shr lge levlah Beach S260. 548-3008 ;'ooo aq ~~~a~ co~a-Otflce Funrnlture • Who-ramala cat. (Had yellow 2I12 Harbor Bl. CM Incl twnhee wlraap. working 0 ...... 1 ••/F t k W/23 , .... & fen--" vard. lesale Prlca9 collar w/lag) 1 yr old. • _, · ram.unt>ellevablaroom1 •• ":"1 "'c 0b• r yr .'2.oo~tttndulltrtal untl DISCOUNTS AVAILA· Olanneyra S t . Lag. T•n••., Employed male, laundry overlooking brook & ,., n dm lk rrm bch BLE Chlld h tb k •-~ ••~• tacit. Quiet C.M. • area. w11arfall. POOi, Jao. lake, 2br 1 ba pool $295. *llLm lfFIOll* wg:athd_!0 01110casq. 11 of up-3 Deya~ R_a;~,n497~?31/° an .•• !:'.6.~·.'!! ••••••• !.".'!! S 189. 646·0936 all 10 ate. NB/C .. a.ea. from 673-5309 From 1 room to 3 ""' •ug•-' 2•10. 2•t 26t .. am. $300. 7~46 Share trg 3br w/1 rmmle From S1.16 a ,.r~~ •2400 sq tt lnduetrlat unit "I f 'A:n,; Lan;, Irvine" Loat· white F Shepherd. lllUlll llm.lllAll I C •• all.,_ ... •-·" ,_,u1........ di. Air-with 1500 sq ft of up-Or ,._,1 2131."'" ...... 5 vie. Atlant• & Newland, ., __ ,..,for w----· ...... P'TII' m. M/F non1mkr 1hr 1rv1~ 2 n .m . Ill .,.,,1 1 ... 00 ..... • ..... '"" grad..,. o--.... .............. H B 536 2267 ....... ~. ..,, ...... n 1 " ·-1 1 utll "-" It porter Inn. 2172 Dupont ""' """'· · · • 497-572~ (bet 8am.ep"'l Bdrm. bath & rafrlg. Xlnt br. 2 ba Woodbridge mo. nc · ~"""s re-C 11 AM 833-3 3 Have 1ub-lea1e tenant VIDEO route, 9 gamat. ~~~~~· ~~~~-~· EI S Ide C . M . S 2 7 5. Chateaux w/M, 32 & 41 )If quired. ~90 8 · 22 tor 900 1q ft of office S.E.O.C. 15 K, FP/OBO, Losl: 8/13 M. Seatpolnte - 760-0169 or 548"6263. otd aon (retklee wltnda). Park Nwpt 2 br, 2 be apt. Airport ., .. -Exec. Sul-apace If d811rad. teavtng ., .. 815-2172. Himalayan. Sen Joaquin While Male wlll model Walk Ing diet. to lake , N.B. 131()/mo + ~ utile. tu. From 22~50 1q. ft. Mcttvalad Owner. I m Ir: tJ lllf ~t• Dr. ~;~ ~tel Rd. Aay In ~B. &q~let S;o;ri ~/~~ al'tOpptng •. All. gar. $310 760ot1854 an. 12. $1 per sq. ft. Many IC1ru. 751-4700 .! ... -!~ •• !!:;.'"A•••• -•rd. • 1 53~283 :1?3526a. nc u . mo.&1"utll1.552·9016 L bd bat Call557-7010 llU.lllTll Cllentwltheelo~ Lott: Bleck tong haired A l t hough In-. n on - ......,--------lnl'I sl-ard .. 1 w111 thr eg ara r'!', ~d. n~· =~ Eucutlva office aulte l ... WrNIT _._ plumbing bualn.a In Or. cat wllh tags. vie. Weef· maritime bllslneu, hold 4 BR 2 Ba nae. WID. elc. 1 Cd"' t / ._...... f ..... F u-· • 111;1 -Cty. Cont•-Elaa, •gt. oltff, OoYar Shores arae. Masi.,. lie .• all ~ft•, um. "" ap • gar, w Ing. /mo. 5'18-6058 comer o .,,,., wy, ,_.r COMPLETE EXECUTIVE "' A fd 64 5 2020 -·-$225 mo. No 1•t & laet. nonamkr, 9/1, 1400. HatbOf Blvd. Take over 1 OFFICE SE"'VICE S 751-3191 ewa • or unllmlted tonnage, US 646-8386: 6"2-4172 675-51"8 II.UT .Ull&m iea1e. 1000 sq.ft. 11 904 " 5'46·2661. Merchant Mattne. Aleo 2500 .,, rt Condo. wtff lie· Hae ~Uful h0me1 In ft Call 151-6191 FROM $l8 5 to Oil. &Yn'-1 Loll: blk Lab/Shep F Mii lie. Would .,itertaln C.pl-.. 2 adlt•. Or 1 adlt Laguna Beach lo •hire • UNEXCELLEO Sf A· i'ssv,_,,. "" &'1P"" W/bandlnl Nwpt avocational runt . wt<nd• $300/••" o-41M 12114 l'ountaln Valley Office I VICES. ENVIRONMENT, ••• ~ r.::......... I ;d' & v I a • '1 d0 & the tlke . at lltlle lo no w/1 ehtld or Juet 1 edit. ..,.. ., • epaoe. 2500 tci.ft. at 60$ STAFF Reaort oondoa. a.Mlead 876-0723 .. · charge ror "rtgtit 1tuff" Pool, IO kit, 2 patlOe. lg Pvt, quiet 2nd nr furn. LR, a ft. Good ewpoaure. THE HEAOQUAATEAS City, Laufhllnfl~o. c>wnttra Sieve "Frileman. baloony wl b•'I view. BR, i>.th fat mature M/F. good parking , Ta 14100 OOMPANIE8 Atver"'i""f. & I.oat: Malt. yellow L•b. 973.350c) dy9: 8734211 557-7043 or~ POOi, Jae, tennl1. C.M. nr eq. fl. PenlhOUN Bay-714/.1-1111 '1'"' , We Ntw ~-approx 4 >"''· reward. othafwfH M/F proi.a.lonal 22.ao to 405. '310. 751 .. 133 tv front Suite. '*1tlno. pa· ale.~ 000. ~ P*· e31--0e58; 6412-4522. Jlrn .... ,,-_-,----~-,,- .. 2 bd 1 b m-a tlOI. 673-1003 , ty, (2t$ 2294 '•rw 1 .. r • a •Pt In I .._. Ii '•' fflf Lael: t yr otd brwn Getm. ••••••••,•••••••• • •• C d M • Non·• m It r . Scaling Down? Starting .! .•..•... !!!n.,.... ara... ••MJ MM 8"°'1ttalr poln'8r. c.en & l..A.' to Allant•, 1• c:la• S300/mo + utll. 1tt/1Mt out? Lower overhHd a..uttful axecutlYe office ~:t • .:tr:".71' ••• r.;o;J Orenge. CM 142.--3151 11lr1lne tlOQt. S1eo Value. + dep. 7tl0-8236 ..,.., maintain Im•· omoe at aulte PIUa wwenowe tn l25K, lh«t term. __.. ... . wm NII $00(>. CMl't. Valld wltnd. Regene9 Center, Exec PfSlglou detlGn t cu. red, 36~ loan • to • 1 Foul'd: Golden Retriever. !Of 1 v-r. M7·11H ,left lllJlt• tn ~"" AJt. '*'...ft 1718 cen ~ 111"'9. 4Q.7t7'4 lrlah s.t19f mix. • MIF_!"r Pbelil.ll t~. 811C1l1 e.yl , ..... _ nr ...._...., pr' port, full'/ equlpp•d & =~5-3812. from ~-5; . &u-<4929 --Clattilled Adt ~T• COuvO. OO • • enn I. ,..,.... ......,, ,. l ,9ftad for eY•r'I bUll· e44-tl39 .nw 6, f '300.145-51 va~ M t. & balh. H.B. ntM need. lndfv offt1c1e 1 M/F to •hr 4 br condo, '300/mo. ~.,,.. mo/mo. f rom 1315. 'CoMa M91a' You can be a : . amtnltl81, EHtl>IUUa. ooldng for aomeone to 833-9978 Mov.ln AJIOIHnoe i N.I . S240. 120-0112 roc:. a thar• apt CM so LAGUNA 3 Neri&.'/ mall or oMce. 000-1200 WJNN ER . M/F .. iabt'd prof. onty, NB or CdM. 431:see1 50o aq ft w1it1 DOOcl tiwY a..t. 4197 .. 131 • • 1 • ~ 2 8 ·3 3 , e tr a I g ht , "'811 lllalblHly. 491~23&t ~ non..,,_., cMl't, to!"' partmant to •titre In I ........... •w-.-........ ~l.lal --..IAW I .C 2bd. 2"' b& ,_ qonao. L-aun• 1or 11...,., m• ....,.,., ... -. "''-o::i::;;m.-:n"mr.:m Just by sendJng us your name and : : :g~~1~· c.M. Dave, Of ooupte. "•741M 1 5.~~1!«:.":,,: H;~ :~:_~,f'::: 1 addres1 and by watching ror your I • 2 "' apt to ..,. 1 · ~..., Aaant "''=-· 1 t th 1 1r1 d d r th MNt., Bdrm, own b.ith, w/,_ ~-1130 J*lt ·~ 4t1~ 17IO up, a tlO f'I. If'®" D8 me ft e C 8SS e 8 S 0 e n .. r 1 .. ch/Adama. ut". 846-0IOI 1xim HlttKW 8'llcf loo. J~ etl'tll. Oftloe, 11101 At-Daily Pllot. : ~ =-~~:'°' ,a. Ii.tit oondo, Harbor .. o. Of laletf .... OM. , dO"do Clrote '" • 'r I 'Pre•tle;oJ• H.B. avall :f:~ ~l.;':.t~ .... 'I•· =~2.:.::fl~, ~ ... u~tlnttoft, 1 .. 01t. Win t'ckct.a to th\' "1rt'us. area amuatmenl altr•r· j .. .. ........ ""' lion• or 6portlnt e\'enu. JUSl nu OUI lhlft coupon and I · now, • oor. SUI. 940-~ tMa. , U~a..' 4 8 • • 1 o O: 1300 -a. ft. iUO ' mall ll l.CldttY 10 the. I .. No Ol'Mf, .,... .. 1 antacf: 2 rlnl'l'llM, etu· · j l'ront o,_., ._.. ,.., ' I 1Alfl'M'• wentact, *,..a d8flt• pr9f. tat. IHt a CdM dt• IUll'e. AIO, arnp1e door. l?lt _....A...., CIHtlfled Deptrimen& Oal1•• 0 Uo& I I IA 11114 In OdM. *2'50 mo.. H o. req'cl. IHO/mo. J*g, ut• Dd. 2155 I. Cit I ~:l~40·-tHt. tv•• 1 • ., ~ • z 81).18" H.B. ooncJo, t7...atl Hwy. nMtOO 1• _l HOW. Bt)' S.ree&, Ootll MeH, CA tHH I I~ I lo Oranne Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1G82 fOI your a.wn mower • DOLLAR DAV DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no·longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads . Call today for full details. (NOft..fetundable. l atre llne1 11 00) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 ~.t!!f?'!!~! .......... '!.'.'1 •• ~!~'.~ .... ?.J.OO~.~-~!'~!~l1.~.~-:ar.~!~ .• ~.'~!!:.~.~.~.~.~!.~~~'!O~.~·~;!:l~'l.~.~.'!-~~~~~.~~":.~.~.~ .. ~.~!~.'~.~;.ri~!'~!~.'1.:.~.~.Y.~!~!~.'~!.:~~.~.~.~.~!~.'~.O.O~.~l~~~!:l~'l.~.~.Vf~!~!~.~~"~.~.~ .. ~.~.~!~}~.o;.o;.~'!.~'.~'1.~.~.w.;.~!~~~'.~'!~.~.~.~.~.,!.~~~~~.~!l~!~.'~1.~.~ar.~!~!~.'~."~ .. ~.~-~.~.~!~.1~.o~.~~i===~~===============:- sd .. 11 I COMPANION NIYll L.ag11 Se<;retery. tempo Office 001111011 Mull be RIOlnlOlllT TIUPMOH ~~htt -: eui!~e~~'i.:'':ou .. lalttHll,. 1005 HST PllT·TIME Ltvt·hl Older l•dy 10 help tor light local dellv8fle1 rary, 2 Weeill, Ctvtl Liii· Hperlenced In cotre I or 1Ju1y Chlropr•c.ttc SOLIOITOlll ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• JOI II TOWI drau, cook m•1l1, It Flllrne Mon-Fri, nall Olllon. Newport Center 1pondt nce, bid• h1r1"g. 0111c11 Min typing !i!> ~~lE ~· ·.... OWN HOME Student Tr11noo Fall an ~o a llllephone promou. hsewl< Mull hive car 1ppH r1nce Good drl non 1rnoller, lully ope-typing. etc &A&-0806 WPM. g<>Oll flgur11, aptl ~~ • T ~-:~· • e. 1 ;. A J rollm•nl Show hOrte Ori c.ltrk for IOUI 11ew NB 548·0805 vlng record. Apply at rlencad only 760-8866 Op1ra1or1 w/Cllarllele. tuCle i 6 Mon/Fil Ei11 Wtt "~ uooll people to IJ r . ttabla Live In Non •IHtpor Privet• desk, Ceaolari• Metler 81uaprlnt. 234 llYl·ll NBICM. ,1111 toe Arnio 1t1!ll•Alf. 11011 11rnok1ng ~'~~" ~~" n,J!,~~,';:1~:~111~ .~ ·.. '; ~""5 -~ l ( . "' .,.._. 1 ,,, 1rnoke11 244-2218 cosual a111ra Only '""'ui· L F I• h a r Av o C M bl• working ownoia 1111, pretor d CM O:J t e.600 1 • ./ , • * ~... Naod•d for lu~ury II· 540·9373 Pormanont, full time 101 111 ic.-. 1n the 11ver1111g lor , 1 • r' ~ 1. • ~ PIANO INSTRUCTION rorr"'"' 15 8 good phone 11un11 Banch h?tol Wee----------r 1nlm11 ca a or 1 dealt 631·411 ' REITAURAlfT ilolldoy Inn, ""'w trovt!I .,. Privacy your home voice "nd lols 01 anthu kend11 ti n1vs1 3 daya per 0111111 l~valld EKp~r or !~17rio PART-T-IM-E rull 11mo µ011110111 11v111 th•h Stil11ry 1 r.omm1• GAIAGl !IALI AOS NOW • • } , ~ Cl111lc1l.popa-11n 81118lfl Hours I 1v11ok Conl8c t Mrs PAIT Tiii 10 lorn care of lfeoa-18btll tor lf0&1·8U/ c 11 111on I t,onuh C ull CLASSIPllD IY CllYI W o r k s h o P s B A I Mon-f rl !>:JO 9 '.\OPM Voughen-Purdle Be a carrier countalor tomy No llltlng, no hou-CLERICAL •ti I 1H ' W ti 11 e' Io s s IL 113 I 1740 11fl1J• 1 pm SU llllOW 559.5754 Sat II 30AM· I 30PM 49~~:60 for a local naw1pepar ~ea,work MIF Aefa1an luu1H11111 11ur~u11 Xlrit Ir TELIPMOlfE Jej1 W••led 7075 $84 00 1r1 s111r1 No a•1H1rl•nce n•cet v E1ec1ror11c n1111 tn Laguu11 "1n° 1o c 81 10 n c.; u 11 ••••••••••••••• ....... Alter ''' woek, ahare "' COOi aery Work only 12 houra 673-2389 Beach tlas immediate !i!i t 5300 lor l11 tormtl llEIERYATIO•IST PART TIME light house rumnershlp prollls Min 2 y1s exper Hiring a wee" $75 to aterJ ptua LOii OFFIOEllS open11111 for II part llrne lion A•k lor Jo Ann MOUSEWIYlS I keeping &in axchng lor ror Interview. 1 immed Days onl y ad<lltl:>nal share ol pa1t· Aggrasaive Newpc•·l general clerk In our an SILIS OLElll STUOE•TS prvt rm bath EKper'd call alter 6PM t1141553 0735 nerahlp's proflla Beach firm •eeks motl· gineerlng print room over the counter & phonu Pteo1:se111 s11n•>uroll1ng~ me e1ur111 responN11b1e, 1•2.&&l8 Coun t~r Help for dry A real lun Jobi val&<l lndlv1due1s Terri· Duties include lots ol II· ord11r., lor "rult1nyt yr11 Eusy nours I 9 11111 est re arences wpr " u " M1n1geman1 opportunl-1 1 bl " v M F r Bch/CM 631 8284 tll 312 Cle11n1ng Plant Expar , I F" I I I II torles open Must hav11 Ing opera! ng uaOrlnt ph1c supply ~I ll me Ot1 " No •lll"'l'"' •· -or w111tre1n Mu81beneat 1,as 6o00r PnMer~.a2w5:7•8 A E Lie machine and Xer o ll Mon Fri Apply Master nf1<ttn~ry Oll1cl'IOChll'tt Light housework In ait •tar '" • " Harbor·Paclflc equipment Must l>e atlle Blut1print 2:14 Fi~cher m N B c,111 64 t O 1 1'1 chng for prl rm /ba 1 n a PP e 8 ran c e &Kl 312 955-0073 to type 45 WPM Em Av" CM !>40-937'.! 1i .. 1w~11; 4 1J m Resp . mature. exper d BILINGUAL AIDE 499· 1985 30846 Coast Exec Sac/Admln Ant ployee will work S hours RETIRED? references 545-2515 Hun 1n1g1 on ll ea ch Hwy Souttl Laguna Ltaa Pre1&11/E1ort• dally Prttla• someone Sales for landscape Archllec· s A School 1a1r1c1 in111r Custom Cabinet Shop turat Firm In Irvine Xlnl Min 2 yrs e•per Heavy abht to work mornings Est ale• ep 10 <11s111 Sharp distinctive custom estod 1n hiring substitute n~"s man e•perlenc--' S 1 1 typing & clerical tun"· buts Tho New Europt1en 1 van 1 ck """' ~ ""' acraterla and organ · " E mura s 1 · ru 011111gual a1oe 3 hours m cabinet making & In· zeflonel tklllt Ability 10 tlons Small Nwpl mtg We oller good pay and a Effortles' KCerc1se ma motorcyc a. comm I per day S days per stilllouon Call 631-3455 work under pru•ure, co S 1000 + comm 4 day work week ChlM Comm Wiii tro1n Reas 775-7184 w11ek Salary $5 115 per btwn t-4 30 ($200+, 85 t-0•44 I 111r1101185 a,51gneo anurna raapontlblllty. •---------92 239 Logos. letterh•ads. ads• hour Fluency "' Engllstl I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii coordinate worll lor large Maintenance/ Gardener Ttltalo ltrkltr 213 5 4 By award-winning gra· and l dot1an/ HCmong OANCEAS olflct1 Word p1ocaaa1ng prefer over 40 yrs for Sates Hardware. lull 11me ptllc artist Ouellly qua· A pply 204 5 I ramer dostrabla or wlll train 71•.•94.9•01 1n rMlali h111<1wert1 l.IClre L H t 1 B t1 ilPI comptei1. e~per1ence "' "' "' " ranteed 848-1875 ane un ing on aac •<tOO to Sl,000 WHk I Call 714-llnl-5120 bll· neoasaarv 546-9556 Ask 1or Lynda no Sunueys ar eves See O Phur1e 964 8888 •U ween 8 AM and 3 PM 12•7 Stave H W Wrtgn1 Co IJ.'.11..~~~'f'. •.•• !.1.~. C.aptt11n tor 80 motor Full & pa11 time dancers FACTORY TRAINEE liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Part 11me. mature girl lrl 126 Aoc11aster Co'llll AOCOUITS llECEIYHU sailor immediate wanted lor Bare M111-3 shllla. Ideal !or women Management :!,~rg ~~~g~~ 1~~190':;1~~ Mesa AO AGENCY 760· 1977 1mum Taleg1ams Audi· over 30 No phone cell• Utottlll Markets I work, typing & packing Sales, PIT Retail Faor1c. Fast-paood envtroriment 1 CAREER OPPOllTU•ITY lions being held this Apply In person. • A M w 8 1 s 9 c 0 s 1 or a An a 1 7 1 4 ) 11 you have related ax· 28 openings week from 9 AM to 3 PM IVERPAC CORP Mcmt. Tra1n1ts 1 7141851:8239 772-4471 parlance. a•cellent ty Le Jr n t ti a I I e I a o I Apply at Sare Minimum. 5455 Production Or, HB lecl• Ytur 01rttr I PART TIME OE LIVERY SILES PHSH ~!~~~~~\~~lt~J~9a ~0~8°~ m11rkeling-merchl.lndls111~ !?~7h°":::m~a~~ll~,e~1'~? 11~j FrHt leak Oltrll Start your new career on PERSON 18 yrs gll w onted fer retail shup you Call 9 7 9 . 7 00 O 778-8421 Ex par pref'd. full tllT'a. our 3rd shift. earning $4 driving record 751·4705 on Balboa lslond Apply (Eileen) $1 17 5 Apply In person. Ask lor Up to $4.50 as you be· In person only. Mon-Fri I Margie. come more exp'd. You I PlllT TIME 226 Marine Av Part & Aide lor paralyzed young DATA E TAY CLERK8 E><-Sllrf I Sialll lltttl w ill ba promoted to Eves an<l/or weekPnds lull/llme woman Mon-Fri. 7 30-S I p11ndl g Nwpr t Ch mgml. & supervisory le-Respons1bltl adults. over pm. Must drive Balboa PEFfMONTH credit c rd company has 497•4477 EOE vets. Call. 714-537-4840 I 21 , wllh outs1ar1<Jlng. al Sales Aeprt1senta11ve lor a Island 675-5652 910 EXPERIENCE FIT tem positions avail I lllllEllll a I ntervlews held every tractive personallt1es lo unique new m1nl-powe1 MEEDlD lor Data ntry clerks Wed 7-8 pm at 111 De' work wtth youth (ages surrer sport ooat ElCtan Apt. Manager, couple w/ 1 10.000 key strokes per I PLANT MAINTENANCE Mar. Costa Mesa and( t0-t 4 ) Coll 2-SPM s•ve background nee evperlenc·e lor 100 unit lmmed1atehir1ng Perfect h xp r req ired Parl/llme $350/hr Ma· A I 8 ~ r e e u · · every Thurs 9am-noon al 642-4321. Ext 346 EOE e~umes on ) aste• garden apl . Costa Mesa ror young m1ndeC1 peo· c 0 n 1ac1 J Ta 11 0 1 lure. reliable Call Mo· 1390 C H L Inc 3961 Mac Arthur $750 +bonus+ apt. pie Cail Sun-Wed noon M on -Fri 8a m to n1ca.i;..2.5604alt 5 h N 0 st wy , ag 'PAOJECTIONIST P111me Blvo Stet06 NB92660 642-4907 wkdys I ~ 9_6_4_5_3_!>_4____ 4 30p m 714-759-7900 I General Olllea Sc E E expar pref d. NB 675-4580 att 8PM Sates Artist PI T. for sllk screen Carpel c1ean1ng & light DECOUTIMI SALES PI T, 9 am -2 pm. Mon· Manuel tebor s4 per hr !·Shirts EKperlencad maintenance Some days PI T FIT. Kint comm. Fri Need mature person 18 end over Unskilled 631·3494 and some evenings PT w/otflce &kpar 10 do TEUPMO.E IDYERTISl•G SALES For IOl"11I collnqo 'lpo11-. aru.J pt1t1orn11uy 1J1b pu 1>1tc;U1on t> r F t C 111 'J<i7 9910 r t!lllµhona Sal•··· Er;1rn ll1g Money oy '"" lltt•H.n $JOO S 1011111 week (,all 5J6-7 '> I , TOPI (SS MODELS $/'\ DAY • PAID OAll Y 110 8>P IH'C • 826-258"1 Typists Experienced La~1tro11 Operators NEEDED IMMFOIAlE P VICTOR 434 I Olfcll St ~ 2 1 l S56 8520 Con1ai;1 Anne or P .. gQy 101 dppomlmt-lnl Un<J.,rwr111ng Coron• dt l fll•r .•.....•..•......•.... 1.10ltf11J ( qu111 Jl1•ltf r.11,11" VW '""'~ l'I II \ttl AYI• (,(.JM /~CJ UJ'JI, Coit• /11111 •••.....•.•....••....• IANfl " INl•OU I f'I Al" '.Al I 4/ll .vf tHU1 .. t ,.'4 t ti '' ,, .,,.,., Mov•hU 1t1 r U•t.;fJI , • .,,,.,., \t11fhJ IHU' I f"' ( .. cJOhH 1 'J 11(_.n tr.JfJnt ••'l uo J vtru l U t I fl I t U t •Ji I C' It 111• 11 .I\ ')lltt 1 /I '.l ''' tl1•1n.1nt.11u •11 I .. 111 l~t •I t •fll' ti /-\ti ''"'' " ,, ti ,, t •·.d' ' \!( PVt 1 ~'!'!!~~f!!~. ~.'!.~~ .... '•• 1\1" ~ulll S11t1Su11 M·~r 1.-ms ~ 1:12 Sinon 11 '• [l f'l I S ti C ti I (. B I I •SH1l)t•I S.t-Sua 1·5 lit··•• n tuwel~ soo~ 1otu·1•J•• 1Jd10S e>1<.tures 1 "n ,.1 .. u tools and 1 "" r me"" 9J4:? Hud\ ''" Or tliu~tlilrrl & Ha n1111on~ t "'' 114t• \JI~ Desk5 mo ''" • •••JqPr 4 • 6 Bd1usta-r •· 'uo• , .1<,• for van • ,, t1 u10 t hdirt; misc t 40lil C.,.Jritteua Lane •°''" ''""'''" 8Pactt Sat '' '"" or, Sun 9-3 "' , , , /1vi11t ..•.....•.......•••••• A.1T1H1 1 , 1•w f.,, E Washer I ft•l11t1r•' (J11••hftJI '''J' t '"'" ~ tt1 1 .. ,._ .. ,,,,c.ler~ • If I HIN,, •ti {)f M~ ... t U1 11 ti ll iUI UH) r1 ft 1f \ II•,,., b (, r 18 Re fHUlf"• 1h 4 h1h• Wt',h•ff ''''It C q11trOI rV b/W, f1•1n·. i ,,,., l•H1 "J(f•v11 pli1•. br1r •J Otdt 2 Tor· '"'" ~)''••• tt <•111l t iH~t I •>•''1 '.1r1t1tl Ir ·nne. 1J1•r1t'1 q ''' ''' ~ lfl) W.•lruil WtHner •lfln1s "HJ 'hHl"t•i,tlU"1 It 11 ii ">·•' 1,w1 cr+d4 r-,.,~, th~nt ''l.iu C.(1!J,t.1 Mu'••• I Alff,f 1,AHA<•t '•"l I / .'( 1) IJ1 tp1 t)f ~ 111 I v·'"' p I I ~"I <;" 'J J H• ._.,.,I t ,t1•tt V 1>!~1 IJ,i nJ1n.tJ•.. ,, '"'Jt lt'CJ r:; t t <j 11 "JHI rJ , t 4 I U:J I~ "A' -,t ''" tn1s w,.,_.tJ .... in Bttrm JI ... ''" d111 rn) '"' n lur.-b 11 '·b33 1.1w.1>r~t '.>Al f SAT Bl:?t 'I •,L111 8·n 9AM to 1 A11Hr.111 ... ~ cr;ilec11ole$ 1"''"'•1 1 111 lf"ms ooo~s. tf)utt; ,.,., nnSs furniture Jt\IJ Ml/(. ... MORE Also '" .. tH''' I• ,.-.. ncAt door '' 1 1 ""llo;e Way Gisantic nm,le hie lJl, r ,1.~" to• all ages , ... ,1,, in ·1 rcscque1ball 11-1q 1Jut11"~ luggage ···Babysitter wanted tor 4 ,; month otd Full time •. Mon-Fri. starling 9-t3 CASHIERS 966-253 1 worll In OC Must have Local )Obs flair lor color. will train bl\kg. typ'g 60 wpm & 548-4360. 494·0395 phone Could work Into --:--=-=:-.,--...,.-...,.----840-5249 lull lime call 556-2932. MATURE Ambitious per- Expenenced at OCC DEITll ASS'T ask for Lorna son w/aome mkl Ol<grd Supplement your income by dotng 1nteres11ng work on bet1elt of nat1ono1 companies S• hr guar plus xlnt oonus incentive program Good speaking votce a must For perso- nal interview call Jell Patte rson et Looking for e .. 1rc1 Ill· c.ome? lry Part-Time sales Tuesday thru Fr•· day 9 AM IO I:? Noon Apply PENNYSAVER 1660 PlacE>nt1a Avtt Costa Mesa Asl< tor Mr5 White Our Grow1119 Gener el AgP11cy ties an e•r;allf!11t oppoflunity tor an e, pe 11t:nt..~d auto U'1Ch:HWrllUI Musi have a n11n1murn ot 2 years eip w11t1 non stanueru markels w.- olfer compe1111ve sala1; e•ce11en1 hinge 1>ene111• and e pleasant wo11>.1n l envtronmt!nl (all I nr, 549-9923 WAITER/WAITRESS 1 f AMII• SALL Aot• 'i'Jt"~ tr 'J'fi fJU·l'll) r Ir> lh1•~ Ir,,., ~f\ 'JUI dCJUit t• rn ,•;r .,/,Jk• hM~'t() ' 13Q J.l,u1I J' ,,.,.., (utlJ ~ur 9,,,. ,, I '""'' f-IS r OP line Of 1111 •· .1nC1 cr .. ldrens .,,. H' Jf".I~ i,.;h1s Acnve U·I"''',, w ... .,, Ant•Que sale r ,. •I 11(;01 Sat Sun 9.4 1J1111"r~ •y Park •8286 I l)•')IO•t' Your home or mine ... 955-2526 Costa Mesa Temporer)I to help in mkl /mgml port 11me days contact NEWPORT BEACH IEIElllL IFFIOE business 6•5-6776 Joyce 556-5896 or Challenging. rewarding E•parienced perton to ---------- 555.5927 EOE MIF/H career oppl"y lor a ma-run small office-type MEO. CHIROPRACTIC Banking TELLER Part-time position ava1· labia In our South Coast Plaza otllc;e Experience preferred. Contact Kathy Amburgey 7 14-540-4066 CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN 695 Town Center Or Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 Equal opptr Employer 71<11545-5776 CASHIER/HOUSEWARES turE! eTnergat1c. eFKper . quotes. answer phone. ASSISTANT t girl office ass t op pay ringe process mail Spend part PIT PM Ins experience Sales Exper prel Applyl oeneflts 4 dys Non-lime learning inspection required SenefllS ---,-.T-1-1-E-S_A_l_(_S_ 3\o~rEoC~1 ~!.;Cle~~,:" smkr 644-0595 ' lor smell machine shop 541-4779 Enioy working with I.ids, Dental 1 MICRO Precision 273:?4 MlllT. TlllllEE I and wish increased ear. CHAUFFEUR Experienced A DA nea-1 Camino Cep15trano. LB· We continue to grow and n1ngs. ut11tza your out AND OTHER DUTIES dad lor Orthodontic guna Niguel prosper as the natlon·s going personallty. 1e11rn Male College student. practice In Ml5llton Vle1o 1 714·•99•4SOB most successful and ! how to become a 1ra1n11e1 25 35 nrs per wk Dey or area 93o-37o3. I General Olflce respected marketing co sales counselor Call evening driving Non· DEIUL ISSIST/Or1ht. Insurance agency In Due to expansion, we j 2-SPM 642 4321. E•t red 640-5335 bene. ROA or eligible lor energe11c person to highly motivated lndlvi----- Saut1t cook m10 2 yr e~p lull ttme poS111on Apply 1n parson at C.orela L•l Aestourant 900 Bayside Or N B MuSI have Re· terences ------Sohoal Offiot Mer. BANKING smoker. dark sun requ1. 1 Chairside Xlnt wage & Costa Mesa has opening have openings lor t or 2 1 346 EOE CLERll N e w p 0 r t 8 e a c h 1 handle a variety ol olflce I duals to assist in mane-Quality Engineer " 640-0121 duties. Must be reapon-, gament. slble and willing to learn. Rapid advancement in MECHANICAL TYPIST 1 Dental Assistant. lull time. Paid company benefits salary and responslblllty lor an elemen1Brv school 40 hr wor k week 10 mos work yE>ar ~ vrs c lerical expr req 55 wpm 1yp1ng 80 wpm SIH St 188 1$ t443 per mo Apply 1n person FOUNTAI N VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 172 tO 0111< SI Fountain Valley Closing dates 8/25182 E 0 E SAVINGS REPS GREAT WESTERN SA· Iron! & back olllc;e a•-Call alter 9 am. For ap. 1 Exper In public contact perlence, ROA X-Ray lie polntment, cell Pauline, preferred. but will train VINGS 15 the place 10 req . solary open. t>ene-549·6909 aggressive, hard worlllnp dynamic. grow1h Orient· 642-6680 eves & wknds tllll mUSTI Tete-Marketing career II start your career with 8 1115• Newport Beach area ----------, lndlvldual who desires 'I ad fln11nc1al 1ns111u11on 673-3403 Motivated atyllat needed you era seeking a ctiat· 1 DESIHHS H GALL to lotn progressive salon lenglng and rewarding Sall Comm/ Vac111on position with an esta· C a I I m a n a g a r I bllshad. growing com- 714-540-8889 pany. call Kevin McKln· Full Time. Day shill a&· s1gnment clflcetlons 10 establish detailed 1n- spec11on requirements Ouallty a.saurance bach.· ground required Call Collect SECRnARY /LECJL Columbia Savings. a1 leader In savings and toana. has 1mmad1a1e1 openings In Its beaullful Ora119e County Offices These positions olfer ex callent salartee. good growth potenttal and ' outstanding benefits One year Teller expe- rience In a bank or sa- vings and loan Is requ1 red Please contact the ottlce or your choice tor more Information This 1nd1v1C1ual wtll work 1n the Loan Document Department Dulles In elude llltng. preparing real estate loan docu· 1 ments answering phones chec:lling docu· ments and 1nven10,.es I Typing of 40 wpm is re· Quired for the Professional that SJmply Cloesn t have the time. and for everyone concerned with value Flat design lee. $3 per sq ft We will sell al cost plus 20% 759-1406 P 0 Box 5 t20 Balboa Island I 92660 Hardware Sales PIT. semi _n_o_n_a_i _7_t_4_15_4_s-_5_77_8_·_ retired lypa. Apply In person Crown Herd· ware. 3107 E Cat Hwy. IDIUS Tonre Scanty Penty now hiring models Please INTERTEI SERVICES BILL MAYS 2131377-097 t Mld·tlza Irvine law firm seek& diligent legal sctry w/m1n1mum 2 yrs recent civil hl1ga11on in Cahfor n1a Salary negotiable excel benefits Send re· sume 10 l aurie S111ei. 209 1 Business Center Or Ste 200 1r~1ne Ca 9nt5 CdM un 548-6444. C.M _ll_El_l _l _ST_l_T_E_S_l_l_E_S SECRETARY FANT OFC HIRING IURSES AIDE Need 2 eKper people in Adv Agency Gooo ly· •' ·. COST& IHA Part Time Darlene M 11g u1re 646-7141 ll llUH Full and Part Time Ja11neue Moore (213) 943·3767 llEWPORT /FASHIOM ISLAH Part Time Joanne Piccolo 760-8551 Wl FOREST Part Time Cheryl Wilson 770·9065 We offer compe1111ve sa-1 1a11es ($800/mo 1 qnd excellent oenef11s For I 1nterv1ew eppotntment. ce•I between B 00·4 30.1 Mon~ay lhru F"<Jay laoll Mer1lt1 (114) 1H-Ul3 or 151-UH GREAT WESTERN SAYINGS Coste Mesa CA Equal Opp1y Employer COLUMBIA for Ad Action SAYINGS Call a 11111 Lt11 As1toletlt1 Daily Pilot Equal Oppty AD-VISOR Employer M/F DRIVER Delivery driver tor food I service department needed by Huntington Beach City School DI· strict 1 t month position Salary $1069 to S 1332 per month depending on experience Apply 2045 I ....ctamer Lane Huntlng- 1 on Beach Phone 964-8888 If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn your wheels into cash. Selling anything wilt> ill oa11y Pi101 ciass•f•ed Ad ~~~6~4~2~-~5g6~78~~e;;;;;;;;;; 1s a simple matter jUSI call 842-5678 < c. ___ cs __ : ___ ., __ , ) W4NTBD ( ---a5-.----) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • ln Pedlatrle group In N.B commercial end mdu-1 ping and ptlone voice 111111 WOlllEll llLY Full or p/llma. Call Mrs stria! real estate tor sue-es1an11at Shorthand a Local firm has 36 ope-Austin 545_4670 cesslul and growing llrm plus Opportunity to ad· nings In 5 dltfarent de· --.,...--------Beat working condlhons vance Salary commen-partments NURSING ; n Newpor t Beech surate with !'.rparien'e .~l~Q~g. •• (a,.,1 .... I• .... •• ,art.e.t1. YHll llllEI PHPU llLY 714·964·5354 Call Sat-Wed Noon HOSPITAL lGCHm HOllYllU Gene1al olflce position tn corp accta receivable office Medical billing eKpar praf "d Good communication. mattte· matlcal and typing sklll1 M ust be dependable. r esp . and 1all· motivated I Ruiz 714-640-8950 HOSTESS 10 help thow spec1ecular Newport Beacb E.acu· !Iva rasldanea to wealthy proepectlva buyert t or 2 dar• wk. Bright and exciting personality, &K-cellent converHtlon1ll1t end typer grooming end appearance are 1610111· t•ly a11en11a1. Real ee· Ulla lie. 11 halplul. but not required. Send reply• to Dally Piiot Ad No 1041. P 0 . Box 1560, Co1ta Mesa, CA 112626 ltllHLWll 3 dayt, 6 hr9/day In Nwpt Bah. Lt htawork. Raia Owft tra11tp0r1atlon. 676-3615/675-3471 MttnlUlll Exper M 11tt he ve Supervleor quall11••· Ma111r• Pan time. Ex0411- tant pay. llee-1300 llYD1•Y otHllU .... ' 7 14/646-5051 Call Carol, 10 am-12 pm I 1 557·0642 OPERATING ROOM REAL ESTATE SALE----SPERSONS· Earn extra Secretary/ Receptionist Income. part time F1. full lime position. Lido nanclal plann1ngr Marina Village please Insurance sales & recru1-I c o n t a c I L • s a . ting We 1raln. 646--3683 I 714-675-8662 RN'S I TECHS 1 11101rT1011st SECRnAH /EXEC Newport Beach Area I to CF 0 ol Np1 Sch Fin Law Firm .seeks recep-Svces Firm Challng 11on1st with light 1ypln1; Aespon po1111on Good We currently have ope- nings for both positions on day & evening shirts, for Individuals wllh min· lmum one year acute hospital eKperlence In an operallng room envlrori-1 ment • STAFF RN's lt41otl Evenings & Nights Ell Evening• & Nights ltHltal l1r1try/ Ptlll1 IOI All Shlf1s Ions consist of three 12 hou1 thlfls per week and part·tl(Tla poalllon1 are two 12 hour shifts par week. Earn $18/HA on full time night shift, plus lull benefits package •MEDICAL SECRETARIES IMIHI Oayt (pert-time) IOI Evening• (part-time) Botti poaltlona require medk:al larmlnology. • IOllTOR TECH I ~~K~1~~:n ~==I quired I We off•r en uc•ll•nt talary and a Pl•aaant modern working •nvl-t' ronman\ Pleue call. apply In P9'IOll or ror- werd your rnuma to: Jackie Serlltt, RN, NIHMI Recruiter. sllllls. Full time position I typing. 1nc1 sta11a11ce1 Call Karen 851-1005 SIH Skill! & aplilude for numbers. &lCper req d Call 640-0123 SECllnAllY E .. per d 8 30·2 30 3 de~ wk Xlnt typing Non- smoker Corona del Mer I~· 1770 ·----- ----SECllnlRY car s •bikes• •s k a t eboards• tru c k s *bab y carriag es•t ea c arts•trikes rol le r s k a t e s • w a lke r s •to y s •wago n s•••· E1<pand1no CPA Firm FIT. phones. typing. dlc-18phone. 10 Key word prcc helpful E•cellent benefits 833-9887 Judy SECURITY GUARD Ona pert-time po1llion, rotating on 3 shllta 24 houri per wMk Requl res aiper1ence In an Industrial or manufactu· ring environment. PlaMe submit appllcallon Monday through Wed- nesday. 9·11 AM or t-3 PM EMERSON ELEOTIUO 00. lndu1trl1I Controt1 Dlvttlon 3300 S Standard St Senti Ana. CA 927t2 SCOOt e r s •ho t Equel OpPOnunlty rods*coupes • Employer tra ile r s •ha rd ltnftt ltatfH to~s·conve:-t-ATTENDANT Full & p/ llma apply Chavron i b e s •rnotor 125t No cout Hwy, LllO h o mes •iawn Sch 1 mowers•limos 1tw111 IHlllu e,.r. 1 E.am extra money In your tpar• time. Oeyt, Evee. & Wknd1. Xlnt opponuntty lor ho11 .. wlv ... tanlor cltlzen•.1. 1t11denl1 & oth•r• •4,00 P•r IH. Cttlld care or car pool fOUITAll mll .. ge euppl•mant9d. I I I •corporate Produotk>n •110-nacae· 1 heaaquarters I :~ :r.o&:\ .. · Costa •garden carts TWID 1111 I Call Jami• from II· 4, I VAWY 2131430-8201 or Model A's•••• • PART TIMI . Immediate • typlngtables opening. 850.0907 • Good Enrnin9s Super Trips Great Prizes CALL CIRCUL.,ATION DEPARTMENT 7141527.0235. oo1111m I i...oa1 &«lfetary In Hunt-I HllPITAL , lngton e.ach. P fl, bpeJ I Wheelbarrows• ,T&ACHERS: fern extra ! t i I lnoome, part time. Fl- r e cre a ona n11nclal pl•nnlng/ lntU• • Daily Pilat 6 42-4321 I N.011 .. ry. At 1 .. t t 2 17100 l!uelld 0 WafMf dayt a weelc. ,,.. houre.1 Fountain Valla y, C.A : wm train on 18M Dltiplay 927ot wrttar. 847-eo.41 (714) He-to92 Selling anything wl1h a• E\'::~J1~'Y Dally PllOI CllMlfle<I .Adi--~---:-::-~-:: 11 a llmpla matter ... ,Shef> at ho!M. lt"I au~ tu•t call 942-st71 1 wtlh _c11Hllled 642-5678 Vehlcles•golf renca .. IN & racr11ltlng. carts. mode I We train. '4&-3683 . tralns•bfkes ca<11t1ac• to Oo-Car11 •ptanos•cars wn11t~ the 'a<1 r efrlftAr&tors Roll ·em off tha marllat ..,.. With a OleNlli.d Ad •skates• .. ••• ca11 Nowt 942.sua w111l car lor w1cke1 b:t~ kPI 1u,,c11 service 9 ~o 1 1 :io pm Mon F11 r.m1 $t~ to $170 w~ly MH~I be neat. pe1sonatite t:n ru9e11c 979-07-47 "' tO em 101 appt Wanted a lew good peo- ple wtio Nani a chance 10 have a financially secure ruture ANO are willing to 1nvl•SI SCI&• 0 lllllE' 10 ac;h1P ve 111e" luture goal~ Jeacoclt. D1s11 '::onsunants 1\31 5008 WANTCO ENERGETIC & CREATIVE people IOI costumed b11lloon dah· very service Musi have own transportallon call 76G-876B for appt WIREMSE WOHER Fullll1me Must be 2 t .S havP valld Cahl driver 5 he. 497-1741 WORD PllOCESSOR Long term pos111on •n Son Clemente tor a Mag Cai u ;.. operator who is ffe"tlle & works well un- llP< pr~"sore Fo• in.me Cl•ate 1rterv Pw •a 1 Manpower t empo1 ar~ Services Irv 85 t 5858 flt t'I c IH ad i If ..•••.••..•••......... ~!'.111.".~'. •••••••• !.~~~ WEST MINSTER ABBEY ANTIOUE MALL 1 I 7S t Westminster Ave GARDEN GROVE 554-6103 Oriental Dragon labia & Cheirs $ t t 501080 2 4 85 Irvine C M 628-33 t3 Antique pine hutch 36 1n X 68 1n Xlnt conll $375 ~48-6234 ----- *IOITMU* AITIQH Hiil I FLU IAHET SUNDAY SEPT 5. LOS lllllTOS TRACI IMFO (211) 111-3140, 0 1-1311 Oriental heavily carved hutch 2 pcs repro $950 1-628-33 t3 Or1en1111 heavily carved collee & 2 end tables repr o s $5 50 t-628-33 t3 So•t'lt-t tur *'"''*" IOI"> ""' 11r <N g• u.J•• ' tr on1 ov, ,t(J,f· ?:JtS4 \A 1nv11•m tr W df tM Sun only 9 4 Cl<•th .. s turn apple~ m1~c 10', Sa1110 l'>ab<'I J6C W•~1f"1 d C11 4r, t71b r v~ m11rl m·"~ Sal/Sun 011 cldy !'.".'! !{'!f !~~. ~.t.'.C.~ •••• u 1am11y Qt1r,1q .. s:i11 mull• ,, ...... ,.1r,.,. H'""''es A'sn <,t mmun11~ Ga1age Sale 61• r.on es Irvine • S F er• ,,., • t Cul;er & Wat 11ul tu~I So o l •·5 !)a1 Sun Aug 21·22 9.4 Barqa1ns Galore• fl,.r.1t1l Or11•r •violin Ii· '" 11 rir .. ~Ps sew ma t 111"" •~h•c; motors. many ,,.,,,..,~ <;.11 8-'l Sun t2·3 <.,viver I'. Se1on area 1 lbl,~ lrunoa<~ C.as11 bab~ furn ll~tr>ss .-t11I Aris Jr1d Cralts upright tltttns tcivs I'. 1.lolh1>~ 1.>1otno records ciothes. many hsehlO items somP labr•cs etr. Sat-S11n 9-3 tools No 1unk Sdl Sun No 2 Ouskuwing 9 4 10311 M.,.1ka1 Or , •• ---- GIRAfiE SALE Hntg Bct1 Brflo~r•u•sr ~ Newu1t Bt•c• Gart1etd •••• ,; •••••••••••••••• -C..AAAGE SALE Every· G1an1 Apt comp11 .. garoge 1,.11ng goes Sall Sun s •" Cornt-r U • CJ Augu~t 21 :n 319 Irvine OPl&war., <;at Sun tO " Avt' Na !l.~~~~~~!.i!! .......... ~11.lf!!'.C.~~ •••••• !.~{~ Aali•Dll 8005 Rpfriq S!'ari. t6 cu 11 FF ••••'••••••••••••••••• hot\om frf'PZer w nt DfSlfilflR'S HOME s tc.,, '>5 t s• 11 FI •. 1 I I 0J.ul1lu• I .j I' REl"R1GERATOR 11>11Qu"~ Comµ1 n1;i·11 No lrosl >Int cond Wto0t1 bdrin '<t•I Slt S, ~' C.J!.t 640-9079 000 compl 011 rrn ~.,, w1m..i1c11ing r;h11•· c;arH G E r•!'I .. armon" $1!101'10 flE'Ct"c Dryer S85 ledlhP• 50t.; "" m.11rt11r"~ 7 t41963·7920 eves Ct101r<o II. Slfl'•I~ <11'1''"''" H~ f H GEAA TOA Frtg1· Po Pa' f1 c n "' h "' r1il1re n••wtv mdl wh11e matching ch.w .~ '"'r,11'. Sl40 67'.l·i'652 muny Olh• t 1l.-r11 ----1;75-3738 P\Pnmore w11st1er and d• v••r ~"'' Xlnt cond R<rll TOP Dosi.. Ja~ '111 . S~'J'> 5.i 7 2916 n.,eds rt-tin1slHr1Q S7h ------ 000 67!i 620" Et ECTRIC DRYER GOOD -C.ONOiTION $9Stobo ~11.lf!!'.C.~~ ••••. }P.{~ <..all 7:?0-0262 HARBOR AREA [ure~a delu-~-e-u_p_ri_9-h1_v_a_c APPLIANCE SERVICE c1eoner wlattach & re- We ~E'll •<'conll gu,Jr 1roctable cord ~Int cond app11.mrn~ S4'l ~0~7 S9q ~59·5038 Ret11QPrate>r with l•IJPZP• lor sale Wo•ks grPat A!.~1nq S 1!>0 or 0••51 ot te • C .:i tt Darlene• 492-3321 O• 831 4675 I IUY APPllllfCU Leos 957 813. Apft1Qf'r a1c-r wa ~hPr Clryer d"hwa~n,.r f. freezer 646-58•8 30 INCH GA:, RANG[ $35 S48 t02 t Moving "' 1g1da11 p g 1~ drye1 yellow vP•V r.l!'An $ tSO fi4?-3589 AMINI REFRIGERATORS AT COST Wh•I" supply lasts Gar- <l"t• Grove Appliances 11tq1 Haroor Blvd Ger· OE'n Grove 537-6333 Open 1111 6pm Sun 11 to 4om <;p;1r ,-,-w-1n_O_o_o_r _C_o_ld_s_Po_I RPlrogerator with freezer $200 548·2•83 ,J ( 1>11 • .i~.>•• AtlClllN[I •\\'. All .... r. A11EN1•0N ro ESALES! 111W Tl IAVE I SUCCESSFIL URUE SILE l I I (or Yard Sale, Eatat• s•. etc.) Place your ad In the Dally Piiot Ctaaalfled secllon (It's best to run 3 days for maximum exposure). It you pay tor your ad In advance we·11 run It 3 deya end only charge you lor 21 2. Get yoor FREE Garage Sale signs (all you havt to do 11 come In to the Dally Piiot & pay for your ad In advance - we will give you two 11 x 17 Signs - FREE of charge). • 3. Price eaoh plee• or meic:handl1t. "· Have plenty 0 1 onange on nano (nickels, dimes, quarters. halves, one and five dollar bJllS). 5. Relax, h•vt run. and count your montry at th• end Of tM day. DAIL T Pft.OT CLASSlfll• ADI CALL MJ.1611 ... ----------- Orano• co.at OAll.V PILOT/8und9)', Augu1t 22, 1912 • _____ tt •. 1!nl •••• .J_,,,_.~_._ • ...... !Mf_ "'.Iii.. . ...... II.ff lr,hl.ffll. ...... lf!f •·: I::,~~U:.-~oo -oii;ato 1t' Ullt "1li1 18 Hobie Cat, y.clow WI •• T..Tlf1, m;1•oT'9'3 '11 Toy .. a. V-e ESTATE SALE -AUG ~25/26 =:~=. irA~.f'· ::-. :~~.;~1e\'~· :10~ Jl::.r.-':~1~ ~~1.9.: " .... 117 ... ..... • ... 21' Ohrt• Cr1rt oal)tn 8AILIOAT, 25 .• Cl•HIO tr•nemt .. lon from •1e& ~or ., n..i ltN Ml lt' I Pl orul11r, eng. I '""'· Ludera, w/lllp In Hpt. I Up. N4-1150 N50 v ... C reblt, r.aently rehir· l!loh. 13,000/ofr. he It Aut~ ltlldent need• :=-.::..;..:::;...' ~""""':::'-:'~~~~ Antique furniture, Hummula, onn bllhecl, belt tanll. rac:tto. 28th St. Merine (2U) !>f'Oi.at9, ·10 10 •112. Imp •71 011141n fJ. , • Organ, Chickering ~ Grand Plano, Nwpt 1llp lnol. Xlnt 592·4088 a Oonwltlo.,,, c.rt. 111e 2000 .,.. ~ China doll• fig 8 clock• w/calender !1h .. ~1U,· 11 1 •50 0 • ._.,.,.._,,., AMI truok1. N .. r totat1. " louYer9, °'*°"' 181 t ' • . • • -n". l~:r.' • rr;a Seyt MOMYN·N>junlc •• tnlr. Cu110'" • prtmltlvee, linens and Iota. morf' aoodleti. *• UUll w~Nreo ·.-;·;;ni 11j1• 2nd ollto• .. rv101 . U500IO•: ••' MC or VlSA OK. Winner ot Cil1taot1r board for 2 WMll•. 21,,.844...,.82 5'0-7t18 •• .. 11011 P1r1d1. 1'1' Xlnt fl1i=ifl! PAINT & lue body wort!, '79 '~ton~ il:t •LO llLAll bey orulHr. IHOO or ... ,, IJJ,. vp to 50% off your body mt, •Int OOftd •... .._,.,...•" 1>111 oner. t7S-1877. ~k• Htl thop 111. Biil 53M832 &<1•·1'16. !!f=t.._ ~ 91f1c~~~~~~0~1o~::~~ fr.!!!~l.~~~ .. I.~ '11 ••• 8i1°p·;-:::1i;t,i;:-c;:;~; A••"'"'' , • ., • eofe & Wedo-wood wnt Slng11 72 Scuba 11n1t & ll&llAPT ..,Wa" 011 M1r area, 10 pr 11 ....................... ~;;-;00•;•v;-· po1cel1ln gu etow. Side bactcpeok. Brend new CultOM bull!. Olllll en-P • g g Y Or C I r r I I IMPORTANT NOTICE .._or ll'9 ~ haoli blo~. M2-8207 u.s. diver'• e1no1e ,,108 glne. Lot• of tM kwood. 966·2413 wkdyt 11-5. TO READERS AND Call t:2.oea • I A nufetor llffutllUI Ol'UIW. Orattl· ADVlfllTISEAS ~ Arn Oii/ider, 81C8, NII IUP· sa~~~u:ll. '• · celly reduced. Pr1v Party. 41 Ft, INrial The prla. of lt1m1 •d· Ford 'et uoo. Mite>~ ported, Olf·Whlt1 l•O. (714) 802..0007 645'-25t1, 87$-9301 Exc1ll1nt Newport Hit• vertllld by vehlcte dee· Ill.I IUll), C• .. _. 894-8947 enyllme , bor toe. Nur Public w• In the ventci. cl•MI· tebld v-•. aootl .,_ • ~ .~ . 1-~'.""'.'"'~----~ p O O L TA 8 LE . w I Gl11ttron 21 185 Mlf'C Dock. $16,000. 564-2328 'lid ecJwnlalng columne 12750' ......... . .............. ,. 11111 •AA-•"' 1 .. ("'" elate) • Crut11r I/Board 0 1 1 • .. .... fb ___,r .,.. .. Board. lOw Ing hrl full BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: OOH not noluO• any -----.... ""T'!~--40 ft. De Fever esip Trawler She has twin diesels, Lewco battery charger, canvas, VHF, Fatho, RDF, Fiberglass. Dealer Demo. Underpriced at $89,500. Slip Included. 'NEWPORT YACHT EXCHANGE 3404 Vii Oporto Stitt 4 Newport Btach lll-1100 '2,995 1982 Close-Out Sale on SRV-172 Ret1I Sll,700 Sale $8,995.00 w/120 h.p. 1/0 and trailer HllllSOI SU IAY IOITS G1rdtn Grove 554-8500 Newport Beach 673-0940 38 ' Scarab 79 ~::~ 8~"i:c\'::•of oe: ~~~'1 tbl top. $476, oenvu trlr U l50 Newport Beech: 40'. Call appllc•bll t•lCN, llC.nM, Tham!...,.,,,~~~' 200 d .. lnn1, atzt1 and ---------760-8325 . . 042·•044 from 9 -5, tran1ftr 1111, llnenc1 ~ ... ,_ --. • ---------1 Mon·Fr1 chlfOM. f ... tor .ir po1. _..,,,. ..,. -· color comb. Price from Mu1t lfquld•t• 28' Well-lutlon control device ...o.&1<M 1, $100 lo 16!50. Dlr1Ct Im-craft Nova w/trfr. SIPI 4, Super •O ft mooring wlth certlllcetlone or d11ler -p...-..1 l•llll .. porter whol1Hf1. Can fY. ~11, xlnt cond. 1•1 $8900 18 11 Inboard. euper toe. documentary prepare--ww order your dnlgn. Can M llllH 11111 ta k • s 1 t. p vt p 1 y Reduced 12500 to $850. tton chargu unleu Wltll pop top, ,.. S~ 714/fl71-0820 •••ho'/00•1••••••••••• 6•6-1230175•-&ee2 546-8734 olhtrWIH IPICllled by new Irena. Need9 l:':-2ft:::""'.Ex::-'.'ttn-817o-n--:-A-:-lu-m~l-num-1BEAUTIFIJL 25" RCA c • I the •dwr11-. 1750. 551-5121 ·=· C I TV •-2 t , • .._~ w....-.a..~ 40' Balboa OVID, nV8 I i---------i-------...°"--... ladder. $70. o or ..... yr wrn y. ..,_ ..... now. $300. Pwr or IOld· 11-a.-tll ••10 '75 OodOI Wlftdotw V 8'16-1•23 1148 Fr" dellve't 26 ft Skip JICk Hunting-d 0 w n m 8 • t . Ag 1, -• .,., Custom tint --. ,.,,... B C G TV John'• 646-788 ton Herbout Sllp lrnmec, 845•8100. 649•1366 t:ii•r;~;·;~~·~·.·,:·;~; S2•150. ~ A KSWIN buy dlatrl· RCA Portable Color TV loaded. S2200 dn, S 111 • Jeepe for $44 through the butor dtrec\. R,. S3•9 S 00 mo . 5 5 7. 9 3 2 7 e v . PIER up to 28' $160/mo. U.S. Government? Get ~.~~J8279 . teve set. 1 897_74Q6 869-0500de 18' $100/mo. Marcus tht l•cte todayl Cell A•,.,.,_.., ... ~ $7~ or otter. 15x24 gold carpet end pad. Gd cond. 411•·1~ Baby crib youth bed, white lorrnlc1, clean mottr"9 $35. 494·1664 INTELIVISON $326. Plu• 8 tapes 842-2840 evening 11 n IWPU Channel. 873-81•5 312-742-'143 Ext 4726. •••••u••o•"m.•~ Obie hull, 85 hp Johneon .. ,, l,.H I (OPEN SUNDAY) I MJ VllH Ltl••••llOll nc. trlr & cvr. S1800. 16' Tahiti. 115hp Mere C/111111 IJZO gal. bit-In fuel tank, '82 ••• • • ••• • • • • ••• • • ••• • • n.wl•f8tl A mtr, auto belt tenlc, 24 lkf HIO ,a_,, / C.YI ••••••~•;11;•••••••••• 875-1386 0/8, w/trlr, good concl. •••••••••••••••••••••• P• Pacific Micro Wave Ant· $2960 S.2 9994 ... L "1"11 ennu. 24 hre. Fr" mo· ... ti l1al · · s · 11 I • C CI c:·a.~,,,, H•O 11· BOSTON WHALER. h•Y rep cu: P ckupa... ••• --• .. ,1,,...,,1•H•I vies. 111 ancy . -., •• k 100 " E 1 coupee. 4 to choose -_, .. , "''' ••H< 631-0906 •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ontau • , .. p. v n-from! (008768) (Stk. 2145 HatllOf ili4. WH"' IOll 1---------40' Vlkln9 for Charter rude. low hre. •Int ·cond. A309S). PrlOea starting at COSTA MISA" v.;;,;..·-reo~·L.:~~~·Chl~~~ ... ,. ' •• r1.. i~•rht1~Yn ~1:1~f. 'c :~; ::5~0~g3. N ° t r a I I er llLY H ,ltll ..,..., ~ Prlscllle pattern. Dinner. L•l••••I 682 2788 Hied, bre1d & butter ••~•""•••••••••••••• • · Ill .. IT WE flJ '' i:tates. Cell An1wer Ad llfa,,•I IOll Oal l·M ...... I 16', Johnson V-8 110. 459, 842·.ao<l 24 hra. •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport 714/631-3e00 $1500 firm. 873-2190 TOP N 30' Rlcherdeon Sport 494_.aoO • 1---------WANTEO; Working bike Fleher. Sleep• 8. ADklng __ 1tHl•tl•liM FIR Im llllSf llew ht White with sunburst stripes, on trlr, lor 5 Y."r old, end tiny S18,000. (213) 918-a.31 ,..11 lall IHO •••••,.••••••••••••••• 1 ll S,.till E41t1Hs gar since new. 370 hp. 4 bolt mains, office ridge. 494--8279 ,..,,, #ul•• ;9•8 •• 1•2c5 •••• M·::.:.:%••••••w•i c. 1 .,.,,, hi• ti•• _!!!~CU. $69 500 FURNITURE wanted: 3.4 L J H'•O .....,, HI -~1...I/:._ ... THE WORLD'S FIRST ' · drawer walnut chHt ~•!f•••I "' trlr, 7'A HP. Ael< ng, $8, •••••••••••••••••••••• ·53 Studebaker Champion 2480 H~ .... 3404 Via Oporto 42x28x 10 approx ..... • .............. 000 080. 714-598·72"3 1970 Datsun, overhead 5 pen cp1. Nice car. C~ .. TA···le.i·A . HOBIE DEALER ·NEWPORT Suite 4 •9S-2783 SACRIFICE: 8 11 SABOT G!'Mt lhape camper. sell corit .. tip• $3750. 213/592-1792 _ -•• Hobie Dana Point YACHT #•lital 50 hp Mere. O/B, n-si60lobo.. . 3, reblt. $1970. 873-3113 hM ... " ...... ...1.1 341 95 Coast Hwy., Dana Point EXCNAfllt,f:. Newport Beach :,15~~· :,r;Hn ~~~~ c.i1 644-5941 #il1tl•H 111n 1140 1940 Ford woody wa-1---.-.-......... 1-. -- (114) 411• 1211 87&• 1800 •• !~!.'!P.!m! ••• I!_!~ OFA. 535-2578 Ulll IW ·~•••••••••••••••••••• gon, $13,000. Save """ buckll 25 new 11 HUA DPlllS CWI .. --YAMAHA BUI Amp. 85 H.P. Evlnrude motor: Luer1";;'aec:1tor3 deye In $175. 752-0558 Merk 1929 Ford Mode4 A Town l!m/!! •...••.•. ~ !~.~ ........ !!.!! ~!!~~ •••..... !~~! !'.{'.'!/!~~.'!.~! ••• !'!! ~~•d1;!1:k!rd~:~n1.5~: ~~-~:e.1ow hrs. 11600 the O'Oey llnQll handed ·92 PUCH-MAXI. brand Sedan, SlO,OOO IR .,..... HUFFY 26 Inch 3-epeed PIM ... rttlfJ 1171 * *' BtJY* * Antique m•h<>Qeny cebl· Fender Bn• Prec:lalon Teak Wood 2M BF As-chemplonahTpe. Fully new, never ulld. S•50. HHl3 Studebaker Aventl, gtrl'a touring bike. Like 873•2833 net w1th orig. RCA radio Gult•r with CMe end ex· equipped. 6•0-8601. l11ve mu-55500. 67Ml8l. new$76.980-1161 Oak 5 pc bdrm set, con-Good ulld Furniture & ~ rec4?~d player-$75.00; trae. ell In ucell1nt ~~~·d~llls°::~d;,BK~~ TheL-Stor1 eage. '6" Ced El Dorado con-Sehwfnn Scremblef Moto 1 1 t Appflence.OA I wlJI Mii JVC table AM/FM condition. 2131897•1809 824 W. lSth St, C.M. '79 MOTOBECANE. Un-X. w/tull whetle. $75. temp~ sty e, x n or SELL for You stereo radio with 8 trlCk 111-1171, 1.... 642-0848 der 100 mites, ha bu-v er I . or I g & x Int. &«.59-41 cond. · 831"8633 ll&ITlll AIOTlll & record player-s75.oo: 4 6 hp outboard ~e boat '81 LANCER 25. Sipe 5 keu. s•oo. 840-8801 :;f~6°/5°'r · PP· 12131 ---------1 Elegant contemporary If. bathroom "marble type"__ ~nchor, compUs, tech, hinged mut. Trlr Avell. leave me1a1ge . co~~Hl C t-4l 'l'RC f • '\.,. ' .. r , ')O i;,i1 ........ lh1a vlng room Mt. $500. Xlnt 141-1111 111·1121 link In 1 door & 2 dr•-Flute, Gemelnhardt, 25-P, belt pump motor & misc. s 14 ,500, 558 · 7 8 7 8 77 Puch Newport, 2000 '60 Alfa Romeo 2500SS. 20' Ftlr Ledy Uk• New cond. P.P. 631-6833 1 llY .... "'IE cabinet plus matching 2 allver plated, good cond.. Cell S.6-3642. Kt r • • n g & tr an a. Top dollare for -~ •• OBO S..8 02 r•-door wall Cllblnet & seldom played. 1250. weekdys, miles. very clean eppea-S 0 p _... .. ..,5 ·l 1 Dinette Mt, walnut llnl1h, Les 1157-8133 "marble type" wall shelf, 499-5198 VHF radio, $200. Grey SAILBOAT! SAILBOAT! ranee, Auna greet. Must 7oo /olr. P. <213> ~:;.~: ~~ Ca""9fa. Motobleane Grenet Jubl-4 grn chairs $05 . 6chlllra.eolldwalnut,xlnt all lor only $100.00; Kaslno8ch.P•-....... d,125 marine eng, Velvet drv 14'xlntcond.MUST see $250. 549-2753, ,_8_118_·_7_6_25 ______ , AlllfofU/OMM lee, 12 8Pd tour1ng bike. 073-7852 cond. 1120 for all. horse blanket-120.00: ,...,,_ trena , sel1/trede , SELL s.470. 551·9145 Mike Olde 98 Convert. 1949. -.... hardly u11d. Extras. Ortho Supreme Queen g I r I • s r Id 1 n g hat watt RMS, 2 Peevy cebl· 554-1277 orig., 05,000 ml, $5300. Must eell lmmed. $375. mettrea & Bo• Spring, 6"4·4167. N.B. (small)-$25.00; new car rieta w/15" epeeker• & Ult 14 #4'll Motobecene 50VLX. xlnt Atl. GA. 404.352.2222 fllllWAm 876-2153 .. -•ao•J floor mats (4)·$20.00; horns. $450 /llrm. .Johnson 2hp outboard $2500. (2l3)22S-3-443 cond, blue, surf reoke Sam 18711 .. __ .. -..... frame. headboard, good H--642-8155 $175. Incl. $290/obo. 780-02o47 1---------1 .....,., .._ •Ill 1111 Ill cond. 1260 or make of-Furn, eppllences (smell new 14 Inch fight alloy 840-1295 Lido 14. Totally recond '64 Buick, 2 dr. like new. HUNTtNGTO~etACW 897 7~ fer. 389 Aalcam Pl. C.M. and large). Mlsc hou-rime (BMW's) set of Tame Sllngerlend pro with care. 2 aet1 aa.111. #1t11,,cl11/ 35,000 orig. ml. Appral-...... : • hold Inside end out. •·S200.00: two new con-drum set, 8 tom tome. ,..,, 11n1 9040 T 1 1 1595 875 9588 It llSf aed a1 $25-00. Beat offer 1---------Nlthlkt ladles 5 apd tou· Burgundy chair $125. Like 642•0853, 8 AM-noon tlnental steel ~lted ra-24" beu. 1w· chrome •••••'·••••••••••••••• .~~ • •••• .'!.'!.'!............ OWf 12150. • ........... ring bike, xlnt cond. $65. new. M'!'~ .. -7719 Wkde, Set-Sun all day. dlal tires 195/70 HR snare, black, dbl• heed•. Must Dell (2 boat owner) . Yemih• OT 115. Streit _.99_.119 II I~ 6-44-6989 ~ 14-$100.00; BMW 3201 ell hdwe. cymbals & ·n Searey. 2<4' Cuddy Shock 8abot. compl. w/ legal mint condition Ilka •---------• Late model 'Y19yoUe, ....:...:....:...=:..::....-----1;6;-;;ft-;bl';:;:Ul::--;:1111::d;;-:g;:le::sa:-:ao":tf;;e Beautllul 8' Flore! Piiiow hoodmask-$20.00; mlr-caHS. 11500. 982-0207 cruiser. Twn 470 1.0. trlr. nice cond. $400. new :.Vtth only 350 mites. Near clan lc. '63 Olds VolVOI, Pldc._. I V .... $ Sola, Ilk• new. S200. r or med I c In e Meres. $150 hr•. lleh 67$-0451 Cell Merk 11 0-4i;..203e.11 Super 88, exc. cond., Cell us todeyl . • ' • .. ~~-'I ,,, •• ~~~;,1t~ke new 150· 552-4108. ceblnet-$20.00. Cell Ollltt hnll•ll I ready, I 14,1100. Oya 25 ft MacGregor •81 trel-no enewer, pleeM keep owned by Utt le Old •••~· -1---------eunkBedaw/Mettresaea. 642-0138. L..!f!nt l#S 213-278-8610; eve/ fer. 7.5 Honda, extra•. trylng ... evenlngsbelt. Pasadena Ledy, 20,500 •••••••••••••••••••••• Antique Walnut Bdrm Set. 8 drawer Dresser/Deak ..... -...... ~:':! •••••••••••••• wknds 714-673-2058 Ex ....... 1..,1 concl .•• 5000. ,_..;._..o_ __ ...;...,,.....,..,....,...-,.-ml. Make offer. 642-0379 •• w 110/" dr-cr-t full bid ... ~ IBM Ptraonal Computer """' .., 1976 Husky 125 MX. In •---------• RedWood 2xe decking. $500, S:.1-4130 · ~~~91770-0584 8 to 20· long, 36C per ft. or Apple 2 & 2 Printers. I ' T•i•el leaf 213-37&-3231 perfect condition! Muet Jeguer XK140, ~...;.;;.;.;;;.;.:-.;.Ii!!-.~"' 4-20' long; e19o redwood Sole: Strl.,.c:i gm/yell & 775-1491 anytime. Mu1t Mii. 673·7•22. Futer. lune<, .. ier. then LIDO w/tr1 A·1•tra11350 NII for ONLY $400. Cell 631~~;': ~~:.':944 fwriclng. Can Jim or Ken ~to•. Loveseat & chr. Stlffel bf-table lamp. 2 Flbergless chopper gun. DESKS FOR SALE A let •kl, with treller. 673-6319, 873-9-467 Merk et 645-2038. II no •---------• ,.., lltlytlme, 775-1491. BroyNll. 1225, a.1-"130 monfth•1°100ld. N53-:7'7 200 9 • airless system S900. Pv1 Oe1k1 end matching Needs motor. '1 2 200· 12' HOBIE 1•. llke new, In •n,swer, P11988~teep '6o4'"' Mustang Coupe, ~======!!:':::~~ Mii or . .,.. 1 P1y. 754-1507 chairs et iecrtfloe price m1m1 &kl t>oet, Meter, garage, w/treller. $1300. try ng ... everi ng• .,..,. • mint, new 289 engine, WI llY !'!'! •-1 Reitan Beritwood w/greeri It II T Cart Uk ---a• $550. R1plecem1nt 45 HP Mere. 11.000 5•• 0 Pll •1-•-auto trane factory air f .-cuahlol'I $70 8 en .. · e new. Attic Ventilator Turbine COii' 1 $2300. c •LL o•wN 845-2730 ayi .. v·l 1 1: eves _.. pi s .. ortginel owner'. USED CARS~ lttUCKS •••••••••••••••••• cai1a..1...c130 New$400.aelllor$l50. Cooler w /base $10. "' "' (213)430-8630 Wlllde11Yeruplo60•~off $4000. 714/49•-6918 11 COMEINORCALLfOA ... "941 ..... Glau Can 536-7719 644_5941 9-5pm M·F. 833-8600 By owner 38 It Grand •uL I Tll llELnl ell work on itreet & dirt no ins 213-442•3801. Fm "1111• Sign up nowt For Info: GrMt 8' Bar & 3 uphol. 8 Ft ~ SOFA ood Sharp 810 Bond Peper Bank a. Xlnt cond. Sleeps -b 1ke9 • A 1s 0 AT c & Cell: a.7-788& FV Stool•. A steel $276. d !'000 150 · g Mirror, goldleaf, Ire~. Cop•-. 8,L x 11 ... 8,L x 8. $59,500 Fin. Av1ll. Lancer Satltng Club In Odyssey. For eppt. ceU E•c•llbur Serlea 1 '66. Cormllr~ ••• •1e1 con ·• •9"v8•" $125 Cell "" ,.. " 11• 979 1650 kd N t I I kl I --.....,..., 759 5079 552 "''""7 .. A .. 1•", 11 X 17'', doubi.-... • w 8 · ewpor • 00 ng or a.48-9580. 36,000 mll11, Cherry, _ .. _, Shlh-Tzu pupplee, 2'At mo. • ' """" 536-7719 '" 714-8<40-8e<>o Wknde lndlvlduela 10 buy new 1...,--..,...,,..,.....--~~-=-~ new wlru. S 13,995. 18211 BEAGtt~ old. See •I 10811 M t Greet 9' Architects Teak Eer-thton1 couch S 150. •lded, l•b,•I•. tr1napa-Lancer 28'a & 30'11 for 111 XL 250 Hond• '73. Good Marty days 973-1345, HUNTINGTON .. Cotll1n, F .V. Daye Woodo.atll125. Dresser $25. Walnut Dining rm 10-lltecllandil-rencl11. 1250. (714) *llhtrhl 1110 equipment IHH·b•ck cond. r une g reet. evea673-1344 ........ , 962-0017; 839-91M12 aft. 646-8181 titble, hutch. buffet. lier. White wood/metal. 846-<40ro JUST REDUCED $15,000 program. Provtd .. ow· $465/0BO. 6"s--0177 1---------1 141 1, ..- 8. HANO CARVED TEAK $150. Gold chelr w / $30. 536"7719 DHk, black metal with for quick Hie. Twin die-n1ra full UH of their 'Y._A_M_A_H_A-1-00-End::---u-ro-.-J-o T-Blrd '66 Landau. Bo! T ft...11-leWell ...,..,_, BAA. New, natural ftnlah, ottoman 160. 963-0200. John Wayne Tennis Club wood grain lormlce top. set gen .. comm'• lie, fish boat• but without the ml. 1150 or trade for llah. new by lemoue actor, op UUIMI 14 mo o4d nllda home mirrored tnalde. 1850. Beeutltul 8• earthtone Famlly Membership. Try Made by Steelc•H. equipped. Our dock• heed9Che of cleentng & gear 548•9832 ~~k~~fa.2i~s. Mich . ... 1 7 ........ 752 ,,,..1 553-0175, 8'11-01M. couch ~tth 4 walnut $1500, 760-0499. $150. 648-8480. $95,000 NEWPORT maintenance. Excell. tax i---------, _________ 1 p...w ""'· '"''• """" -YACHT EXCHANGE edvlltll&Qll & rental In-'77KawasaktLZ650N-a•c"-Co Ila Comb. 4 dwr 48"x17W' che lra. Sec . 1145. Homel~htXL-2Chalnaaw. EllmmllSI 714-675--1800 come. Al•o need en contlnentel tire•. 5800 .,.., ·=011;,vert.. FOl'YOUto.t''· Mlnlatur• Scttneu:rer Pup- plet, AKC regls. Chimp elred. 3M/1F, 788-8e23 dMk w/bkcue top unit, 675--7768. Used 3 times. $100. $75 O.B.O. 8'12-9702 ~ for 1 ,_ Loencer orig mllea. 840-9008 •• ,.9078 "' -t .. attract hdWd llnllh xlnt (714) 862-0907 $3900 buys • 26' fiber-C 1 83 783 ~.,... -- cond i126 559-5038 White contemporary di· glass navy whale boat, 44' •I 1-2 for Yamaha motorcycle, With i-.---.,--,----1 COS1~•!.M-.11Hll ~~·."·. • · nlng table, Round 48" Moving. Wurlltzer spinet lllE SILE d I e 8 e I p 0 we r 9 d . additional Information. helmet $l50; •HtHl1IU ,vn • ...,. 7 fne N ftl llfJ CREDENZA plus 2 leafs. 2•" ea. No piano, 4·7w· wide. 2·2w See our ad In ctualllld 842-7056. ... ... laMt 9~6070 V1tllln ISJO •••••••••••••••••••••• Pecan, 56", 2 dr, perfect chrs. $185, 875-1174 depth. 3' 1" high. 1600. 8050 I I-::--------,.---::--•••••••••••••••••••••• FAEE: 2 Ktttlfll black w/ cond. $75. 53&-7-482 Frigidaire gu dryer, yet-section • urnlture. 28' 1978 SklpJack good Phoenix, fully race '78 Honda 750 with Fel-VACATION SPECIAL Premium pftCl9f • whtt• '9:4~~ 1--,.-Tll--llT--l-2-2-1--~ JM~~reA:~I :: ~~~:3~;~y clean S 150. ~~~r~~~o~i.'::'. t~ ~r~~:r: ~~~34e~ulp Incl :~3~~;~ covers. $750. 9~~: 1~1~00 or beal offer ~~e~~:in~e~0~vM:; ~,:'..';-::': #;· Like,_, 5-46-3642 Dave. ... ... , '-Illa F11 752-0322 '73 l<Z 900. 20.000 rnl. sell. 846-8123 In good CCJJdlton. 8 mo. old approx, 'A Shep King size weterl>ed, natu----I •• 1 .,.._, good 1---------1 See I.JI FlfllU 'A F o • m a I e O o g . Trundle bed frame. $25. 1 IOlld k & ek Never uMd. 4 tulip Ughls. I • Hit B many ex ru. ·-· 1 4 "11Hl Drlrn ISSO t 642-4861 good condition. ~':.... weV:... m~ttr: Cost 1230. sell $99 .!:~•••••••••••••••••• Oat picture ads provide etiepe $1200 559-0111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 grey etr1Pfd k11ten• w1th geo..1200 heater. $550. 81s.2153 562•1509 SILE '12 IOlll llLIWlll 11H TtYITl llttl• white mittens. 1 NEAR NEW SOFA. Earth· Decorator quelltyf lmpor-P11bll .H.IHS Schnauzers Ste. Spring· ~~ 1nter1tate, 450 ml. 414 NllP W911ce. 646-2802 ton••· Muit 1811• wllt ted rattan LA set 7pc end other games. From er Spaniels $195, Pit oO $5000. 64S-74« Thia one hu • camper FREE TO GOOD HOME eac:rlflol. $200, Ir .. dal. $950. 646-5388 all. 7pm. $95 to 1-495. 5•8--6469 Bulle $239, MllCed klttlfl• •78 Yamahe 175 Enduro. ahell I AM/FM. (l3'485l· Adoral>te mixed Sp111fl4 55w 721 dya/evee. $10-$15, Miiitary mecew s~ 9 .. ono ah~". )(Jnt ~~d. OILY ••••• Beau1 AMere plltow back Newport Beech Tennis ... ..,.... ~ .. puppl11, 111 aerlH ot STORE FIXTURES for eolebed nr new xlnt Club Membership avell 1960. All pupplH Incl. $600/0BO. 557-1491 -.... 1hote given. Newport Hie Solld wood table/ •HM ... .,.;,,.3 B f c .. fr .. 1111 tnm. 640-00t0 ~-"l -•aw••-.:11118 llarhor ffh'd Animal Shetter. 125 chairs, antique trunk, cond . ..,.,.,. -1-.-. . ~4~~; r .. •, • Y TWO NANDAY CONURES ~e-'' • '79 H.D. Sportater, cteen, 1e7';'1" Belc=d. t \•~1._1 'h"':' s. e Me • a or . , C , M . wood well cabinet• & B1•11Hlll ,._,IHI With wrought Iron cage, 9...s.i 12•00. i.-831-1030. reek•. o4112·8922 tvee. •••••••••••••••••••••• SPA prectlcally !"9W· Mu•t 175 complete. 53&-7482 ,p ) 71<4/827-3149 Hun~~C:.::-ch HlgtllSt cuh '"j' ft 15 Moe. Span/Collie mall. 076""-491 deya. N-King meureu only. Dell, no reuoneble offer •79 Yamaha IT250, gd ._., lor y1~ur vell1 o ... If ........ Sho-LI X1nt Bleck wrnunht Iron table ~ Pol1urepedlc firm. refused. 552"9567 II•.., A a-,..,,,, oond, $750 or trade tor '15 Blazer 4•4. Aebullt 5m5~'..2ec .. or 0 ' "· .-.-.. n. ••· c. encl • c:t\at--; $50. MUST SELL I 3 5 0 TENNIS MEMBERSHIP •••••••••o':':loo••••••• Honda 1 8 5 I ATC. .., " w/tltda. 642-.4174 ...... 2•83 968-8390 12.000 JWTZ Femlly lvPelerno• ' .• ~:> .. nde Upright f// 642-4034 trena . .,~t cond. $3500. LAB TYPE I _.. _.... Mllle .... 1-7570 A•'-.__... · ll'llndly. Gdm,:.:. ::n~ •• rtrepl• d 1 8' 3-cu•hloned !lowered membership 11000. 586--5048tno.9584 'll llZlll llQTO rr..h ISll ••• '::'1.~.'l'A·• ............. 957 ,.222 ..._ wttll ,,_ t~~ ~~k $;6 couch. xtnt oond. 951-8659 evea. WIEXTRAS ••oo •••••••••••••••••••••• ~lta ._ _........ ....,. .. ~. · · 8'12-7220 5' grencl piano, lllnt tone, . -· ..,. :or.: ~ M&-2483 University Athletlc Club l rultwood, 13000 P.P. oevt 545-8357 ·..., Dlttun 4)14 Plekup • ••••••:~:s.·-· Free adorable lcltt1n1, Hn full..slie 11 Mt JnN'"' IOTO Memberahlp $700. Home 75'4_1501 I * llTI.-* 1111 ... Cotti MDII w... ma r... • •••••°:''••••••••••••••• •99-2076; olc 54&-8020 '75 SUZUKI TM100 Get rMI high with thl1 --64$-7817 180. New queen 1lze, 1.31 caret (loose) di•· Llk1 ,,.. Kimball Spinet XLNT CONO, S350. , 1100. 750-5832 mond. 1 color V81 Apr Femlly memberehlp New-piano & bench lea thin 54a-5o13 epor1y bm. mettlllo 4WD One owr. as. Ut IM I •••• 5 PC PLAYPEN/PIT $9200. Take $3700 pp port Beech Tennie Club. 1 yr. Old. Cell after 8 pm. '71 YAMAHA 80 comsiete w/ahell, AM/ •f ;~';!d,T~ Burgundy, good cond. 831•9278 ~=02 1;1~,~~t~°c,~1 Or. 955-1o4M. RUNS GOOD, 1100. ~~ r ~· gu~. ~"T !<>; Ulll .... ! FAEEPETS 831-e350 $500/080.642-3719 Buullful 1'AC1. GAR· A ti t I 5-46-5913 8UT ... OON'T DELAY! &"lt>o'M~·." ! COffEE TABLE NETS, only 14 u chl John Wayne Tennl~ Club S15iuo1 :, ·~::,port~~: 5 BIKE MOTOACYCLE (1W73386) J1.1at need ,... NEWPORT~• htaltln IHI 09l'k wood, good cond. 640-8888 ~~~rr:·~~~I~~~-~:!t 673-0892. TRAILER, 2 SPARES. ~~J1 ~~~~ ~I~.·~~ I :::~=-~~~~~* ...................... S40. Me-3•79 ttll n:&I• WI 213181-4-3173 Movtno. Wurlitzer •f.lnet $200. 546-5913 ....... contracu to ..... me. 1~1e 11.• ~.-. Cullom down-flllad 8' I ·1•L" ...... _ 2 ""' -r-• ao11 I 2 ohalrt, paid ROOM DfVIOEA $200. 552_..09 HEATER, forced 1lr, Gel· peno, 4 " .....,., . Vt' ''11 YAMAHA OT250 Diec· No l>tlCk pmt1. due. Aak 14000 or g:9.'· 15200 whll, Hklng Solld oelt, Hice new. Whtie -iA r""", .. nnhfre fter1 & Settler. $75. Maka depth, S'l" high. leOO. tr onto Ignition, spec for Roal M2....aG, Proto lAny Ml lpill ' ••• " 12500. 528-2411 l lOO. &48-3-478 eurroVn'deCl"'t>y3~dl•· otr. 839-96•7 642•3689 ehoc:k1, hardly ridden UM. • A.M ~ f;~;;;;;;;~~~;-;;;t:I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mond•. UOO. 652...C•09 Engegemerit llnd wedding PIANO 1927 Effington ' 1~50. '42-f'21 LARGEST •••••••mt;• iii , 7 1: :;:-::. ~~ IME Brtlllarit VV82, lemon~· ring Ht -coet $1400, Upright~ ofter. 28' Ericson Fully equlppecj cruise. -.,,, • ...,, II#/ JEEP DEALER • ' bait otter low dtemond, ..,,. 113K never worn, $1000 • "43 6 sell•. UHF, compaM, cover•. ..,1,,.,... ll• In Tt11 Wiit , 5M-.412o4 lfflll I ll•E tail• 17800. 831'9278 &42-5937 ,,,_,, •• ,._, llH Perteot condition St8.500 •••••~·'oiUa•••••••':T M• Ulld Jllpe OptloN fMIWlt ...,,...._ Ptnb.tl M•Ahl-.r.::-.:11.............. l23·o4587 A1nt: 28' mo1or home, i~ Jaep CJ5, Rene· dltlOnlnt & .n A ..... I Hut. ••:.::da g l au SALE 14 karat gold lacllee Opal "Race Car:.-Rlp•CIM'I FNll!t• '#91 eult, alps 8, tv!IY lolcl9d. with off road tlrel & (t&tM). , bookC--' .,,.,.. ___ Fi 1 .,_ nno eurroundld w110 tun •• 2•5937 ••••• cut """'· -· ...... ,. -., """" :.' II bed! rodltng ohlllf, xlnt .. _., r • 091 c:ut Cllemonde S3SO. -aeoioeo. es1_.,74 (1C0vtl1) MHt 4 c ond. A111onabte. (:Nth-28th) 850-1092 Pinball mechtne S f le FWtt: 22' C.... A dbt TI-•'1t Jaap OJ'T, t.>ff roecs • .,, • • _....,.. Cll•lre, t11>te1: dtntng, "Cfrcua" '200. et your course for alt •• I ten. l4001wk1 ~722. ur .. 1 ..,...., AM/FM , • : con.. OOl•fli•ice. Exeo. WANTED: diamond. brll· 842-6937 OR·~ cn11UTV with a Dall" PUot bOat ..&Mure 551-Ma2 64;1-e.IOI ,..,.. ~then 301( ml .. .... ... ....S ctelila. Ct'9dlnla, Exec. 1111'1 CUI 3 c:t, lClnt COlof, ftllU(. \IUl11 J 1 ,.._, ' (a8WT450) 15tei 1•1 h M l PflllOUITAATAT:lo«a Ol'l•lr•. Oii P•lntfng•. lnolu11on OK. P /P, Avltllon.-Marfne "·-& ,.......... I ad. Each Saturday, the Dally T!f!!~.'!.m'..l.{ff •'81 J-.p CJ'I, .. 1pd,l-~-:"""'~~~P.&~~' ledl t111, aote & l.CIY9 .mique ..,. ""~ 645-6552 iv. meg. eompue •50 UUll ~tcr S Piiot wlll offer you ad •P~ ·e1 Atratr••m "" sett MJ, AM/l'M aw.o. row a u' 1 u 7 • • u • · ::4 & ~"9 · u_,_1 1111 642"5937 that not only dncrtbft your contained. 0• .,.,._ "'1• ~.n'eur~ .. o.,... 3t~x.-:· ~ .. ::::m .............. Newport BMGh ~thletto. ~llftlll I ......... , ::' 11800. 830-HM'' (tA~l ... Jl"'P'.?'" M .. ooe-.... .:;l;jlli;~ o:;;.;m1 --1111• .... • ...,ig ~ ....., ..., ~qu111>111 c1u1> l'lllM-anun boat, but p oturea It •• -·. ,, .,.,.., .... .. ~ ...;;., .,, lpotMnorm.r.111: • ftt•tn~ry, phi• lftllC ...... ...... blrlh~ln Nw~ Olf, AIPlf 11111 The price I• guarantMd to .. ~.f!!l!lz .... ft 'rO--OHOOe!f.~ new. i1'1.oe1 l • a .. r blnnette ht• itema,_ ~ . •llWDIRI '1251 • 97&-7 1 rr.. I le J. buoy your aplrltt -$45 If we ••• CrOM countrY • alflQle -· • • 5 • • t ' t I• • . ~ lf11 bun-bed• •Ith ~ • 311112 Camino Capl· Cttb & matt. 138. 8ue1Mt .., W Tr• alCI•. New paint, oood .. ,., .... , "' ...... dlJ'& • '"-"1111. ·---1 8 J c 1-i 11e. Bdrm 111 .11u. • • take the picture, and 0'1ty S40 tlru. uu1be. ••· an• H.,,.8Ncl., CM ,71 ··--~ .... , 1•1•11t lllU • -••-• r1110 • .,, uen 99 ' L.amp115410. aJW TV F-.t"""O W111C10M °'all If "OU provide the picture for a 5484431 '" 1• ~ a.a.mo I • '::w;;r' i 1 .............. ;:-.... ·' 2082 ....._.on, #212. ttrano ..... ,....... I uo. 50-otU od ••: SWOfdtl. .,._,.., ' ,,,.. ........ r-..-. ...... 1 .::::.J. ' \ _, !NIM (Mllr SD l"rwy a .. _.. v.., -953·M87 I ~ IMIQiial end1 2 column 3" ad. j1tf,,,., ,.,. 1 •• r.,.v .'-"• ._ ._. ... ,.. • • .. 75H322 111,,.u,,..... ,.,, i I I thOueaftdl' of ooltotllllle: ; , ..... .,.. ... :~~~:i· !m~ Audi -.. '1 111... .. ........ £ .......... ~ ~ ~ bli """" Oranoe Ob ,..,.. I ....... ·••iN••···l'·'fff lumber raell, 11100. ::t•ene. A..a, =---------iKfnOtllt w.ttrbed. oom-4 Mao ~ u.s. 1~. ' ... _ ..... -"· · ir orOl.lftdl, c .M. ""« ga• • For further detall1 abOUt hOW · ID .. •f • --A ™ Otn•tt• Ubl•. •utoller , •••• 1'/ll'IHtt. •to. 15X 8.5. 1200/bll ofr. ' IMWI 1115• a.&-2m 3A o!! M!ftt!On ft. j Dally Piiot bott plct\a'9 adt r.a-"1-• • blocll formlo. 109._ 4 1100. t4I IM3, 8"-"47 l18P" • prectlc~ new.1 - - -! NSO. •1•1970 Mlle •11 Lw wltMtt, 1tereo, ~ ~~..= • ..,._ * oone. .,,._ 2 TioMte ~"US" oonoen Mu11 1111. no ~ f'OU. llCATa oan work for YoU and to 1(2lL11·t• ~ ,.. "9ff DOOd OO!td. aaooo. :,-: ~~=-i~~ ••• .... I ... mr. ... a day tlotceta. Paid offer,...,.,, IQAM7. I l..tdlle' • '· .... "*"I echedute your ad, cell I r .. ,~ ..... "tl:i:t oeo.-..... 141. , ..................... c. ... , .. n Vefour, 1 t31.IO Mll:ltt. .... tor 'MllOIC fllllnO <lord aw. 1.....,, ~n I 842~78 and .. for , ... LW ' ..... .... YI, .. .,, • ., ... "~ ..e -'"' toot••• 1111 I tee .at\. ..._. • •' Member••· t1eo. ,..,. ...w ~ 1 -.;r •' I ...., ""'"'°"" AC, new 1ir••· body C4'•~••• ;•=··~,"~,·~d~i:•a~o~·~•:n~11d. ~~~!!~~ lime w.itlflt In tlM to ; rent prl~OO .J ,....,..LDIO. • ~.,...,.,_, ... lH:,10M. ncle paint. ~" l=l)uy. ~~ 1 ~~2~1. <: C.::L':::""'°' . .... •!!!! _ .. ;.-:.:-'-•-·-=4'Mlfl=======~:;:it=;tt~ SOl TH { I ~ Dad gt' .. ' ,. Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 22, 1082 •• 119~ •••••• ~ ... ,,,; ..••.•••••••• '~~.~~ .••..• ul ......... l.~H ~.'1~.-. .......... lll !'!'!41 ••••••••••• 1.~! ~~.,., Sl\D LU1Al~ 'k • ..... ''·IM. .. • .,,...., 'AA" •• \I ~ .,_\. ·72 BMW 2002. new en- gine, good Ste<eo, good cond. $3500. 6't2· 1689 '79 5281 4 speed, leathef. BBS wlleels E•cetlent con d S1 3 ,500 6't4-8325. 559-6442 I • LmtlJ':t"' ·~~:.o:'! ~7t:.~m>6o• 12, ,. Mu1t ••Ill 113·7011 0t '1n •veil 0 A C 141~ .. 1 h U In •·,,-0-H_Ol\_d_l_C_lv-IO_l_t9_t_IO-n Tl.... W•gon. ,_ olutoh, tlrM , .,,, '"'''"' e tracll ... tta 640--1•3• COSTA MESA OATSUM --~~----~--- : '1 1 TORINO Driven by little Old lady ONL YI 521( ml PSIPB. 1mmac lntr 2 mlllOf dings S 1500/0BO 545-5673 71 GRANO PRIX Loaded 60K. or•g ow- ner $2700 /0bO 545-1069 '74 Firtltlril FORM ULA 400 Orig Pont. engorie. burns reg gaJJ. A CLASSIC! $2500 714-SH -1649 a'1 5 PM .. CLEARANCE SALE! s3995 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE (978VNll s9395 1977 CADILLAC SEVILU (468259) s3995 1912 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD BROUGHAM (1EAL545) $16,995 1910 CADILLAC ILDOttADO COUPI (602277) s12,995 1911 cltNa.Ac SIVILLI "'ACTOIY 2·TONI" (689'79} $16,995 19'2 IUICK "PAik AVIN\11" •DI. SIDAN (1DTT550) $12,995 Oflet Good Thfu Monday, 8·23-82 ~- r---__,..~~-.......-......-------~...,..---------..,...---------------·------------------ ARE VOU 60NNA INVITE YOUR D06? NANCY THIS RUG NEEDS BEATING, BUT IT'S A TOUGH JOB IUNDAf, AUOUITll. ttlt · H CINH MEY, SNOOPY', WE'RE 601N6 DOWNTOWN TO DO SOME SHOPPlN6 ! DO YOU WANNA COME ALON6? IF ITS TOO MUCH FOR ME, ITS TOO MUCH FOR YOU r-------1 Oii lllEllll llllY Ml 8-22. I IM READY IF YOU ARE .. At-lD MVMONEY ·BELT! By Ernie Bushmiller THEY'LL NEVER HELP DO SUCH A HARD CHORE ·' , I'LL TRY ANYWAY • -· - Fi ' w , GARFIELD ® DENNIS THE MENACE - 1. NE=V~R SAW 9JCH HARD- HEARTE:D Pf=OPLE ! l I " . By Hank Ketcham YEAH, E3UT SHft5 RIGHT! !HERES NOTHIN' FUNNY A00UT !HAT 00LL. ! YE6, HE · WILL f YOU 00 AHEAO ANO TRY TO GET rT ARRANGJEDf THE 600NER THE f>ETTEFI\! NO ! I DON'T WANT At-N PART OF YOUR eov LUKE! HE'S A KILLER ... ANOYOU~IT! -. .: . : ; ' .. . . • : "•. ' .... ~.J CA~ <rOlJ 5fRR'E. A CDOPL.E OF BUCJG ~ A CAN OF BAUS~ 1HANK6 , FRED ... 1HAiWA5 AP~ GQCDM~! 1E~N15 SURE 15 A LlJT MORE FUN NOW 1HAI I'M NO LONGER.. WHAi WA5 1fiE PROBU:M ~ "rt;N510N~ NO :X: FOUND 1HAT I 'D BEEN WEARINC7 A 1CAlRl6TBAND FOR A HEADBAND! GEiflNG 1f.IOSE SPt...rrnNG HEADACHES ! · a i-zz MOON MULLINS ... WHEN I 1M MEDITATIN<i, I 1M NoT To BE DISTURBED , MAMIE·- ,AND 1 AM MEDIT,ATIN~, SEE? I REsPECT THAT, Pf;T--IHE LAWN ""'~-n.Y'""' CAN W,AIT. > IT'S A FINE LINE ... Mow. W~LL, IHE~E IT J5 ... DOCTOR SMOCK :t JI.JS~ FOUND OU-r" .,.-He MOS~ AMAZING .,.-HI NG, UNCL-6 JASPSR.' ... , • :!r;--rl OH? L..1 Ke: WHA"T'; M.OR<SAN ~ USIN' A POWE::RFLJL- MAGN l~YIN' GL-ASS, ~ DISCOVeReD ,..HA~ PoRes AL-SO HAVE:. AORes .' l I PEOPL.E: ARE: So DoG<:;oNE HONEST! ey George Lemont ... ---- ., . . . ' . . . .-::. ·-. ( • -t . ,.. > t l l i -----------------------:~--------_. _____ ...... _ .... _._ __ ~ CAN ¥0U T•UST YOU• EYISt n.. ere et ..... Ila dlfhr- ettem ...................... .., a• .................. . quitddJ CM JM ffftlll n..t a..dl aMwers wftlt ...... be ... . 1.,.,.lllP •11•11>er 't ,_.,...,, 11 1~ 'f ~"°'I' •1 -.iuy t Ht"°'!• 11 -.Qt l t 6u1n 1w 'I P•IOQCl11:> c 1u•H111P •1 •1.1 I ••.>u•••1110 Aal YOU QUtQ( TOR~ Do you twwe ~ refine'? Let's ... Test t: Place a gum ,,....., ("' coin) °" the back of your ~­ Now. drcp YfNr' twnd suddenty and try to grab the .,. ..... while It lsstlll In the air. Test 2: ~an efbow forward wltt\ patm of hend upqrd <•ee lllu1tratlon ebove). Place an era..,. (or coin) on the elbow. Now. speedily bring lour ftXHrm forwar and egain try to c:ektl the eraMr In thew. 8°"' tests ~ c;iood coordination: For Better or For Worse • D .• = . ....... -.~-·-~) • Key, Mlttwt '""" ........ of .... 11-.n .. Ml.ten"': 1.0. .............. ,,,,,. t, ., ... Ttff hert: Ml, _J.,1111 ... a"'9cflwe: Mr. _ ~. l)r. Jetcyll'1etNr .... , Ml. ------- .~ .. 't '-..WW ( 11 ... C U911110 I e Six ~duc.etlonl Say fa1t: Sit. .,.._.. 1llmy snakes. Six saucy soft s11k ski rts. She solemn Spanish $Cholars sat sipping wrsaparllla. _ WAVE UTI ,.,.... .. _. tbaa OM .. y to rldt tM wavH. u demonstrated above. Add lines dot to dot. 0 SHAPING UPI Add .... toalowlnt colon,,...,>' to ftte sc.ttNewet 1-Red. 2-Lt ....... >-Yetlow. 4-U. bnlwn. S-Flesh tones .... u. 9ray. 7-0k. brown. ._.,_, blue. t -Lt. pur~t . SPELl.8INDER· -scoea 10 Poh'I" tor ... ,.. •" "" } ltt..,. a. "91 .ord below to Wm two~ ........ : 11,IC:IAL . . . . .. -. ~ ...,_. ___ TNIN te«e t .. "'' Heh for •II ~ ., """ .... .,. ., ... t"'" ...... "" .....,... Try• IClef'e et...., 1t,...,.. _..,_....~ by Lynn Johnston , . . GORDO WELL, A/OTl-l IAIG CQ«E.S .e4SV 1 AJ 1-11=i= , KIOJ' • SHOE ' ------- ,·~t 8tEN PoNCUIN6 ONE or LtrE 's Ot~ICOLT .--i QUE~1'10N!> •.. AND I CAN 1f 60 1'0 ~EtV UNT' L-• I A~K ~OlJ A6001' 11' ! -... _ -.i MLIGHTIER./' MORE IMPER IOU sf 8·11 , ,. @ i I i { • I 1 MOW COM£ 1M£ fE.Of'L.E. ON ''G,tlll,AN~ •~L.AND '' MAO N£\J CL.01ME.~ 1'0 WEAR t\JER'I WE.£.K ~ By Gus Arriola CAAJ vou TUCKYoUI< A !AIL ~ R:DU>J.D. \ PARroN ME., I'VE. OOTTA CAU..MV SERVI~. ·' ~' August 22, 1982 ~Save$1°0 ~ on a carton of WUISton-anystyle. IOO's: 14 mg. "taf. 1.0 mg. nicotN. KING: t5 mg. "1ar", 1 t mg. niCoune. BOXi 18 mg. "ti(', 1.1 mg. nicotine, av. per c191rene. FTC Repon QEt. 11. THEm YOURSELF · Se<ld In. <IU"llon, ............. 10 "All<." Family Weellty, M 1 l ••lngton ..... ~ New YOltl, N,Y. 10022 Wlt'll pay '6 t0< 1><1btlaned QUfflion6. Sony, we can't an•-otllera. FOR SUSAN FORD VANCE. daughter of former President Gerald Ford An you bringing up your daughter by the book or by Instinct? -F.D., Gnoen Bay, WllC. • t simply do what 1 think is right at the time. For o ne thing, it's a fallacy tha1 a chUd gets spoiled during the first year. I didn't start laying down the law with my daughter, Tyne, until the 13th month. 1 also strongly recommend a playpen, Ford's daughter. Bringing up babv. although many women do not. It teaches ow daughter to entertain herself and to be Independent. But I make sure she is not isolated - she knows there are people ln the world other than her parents and grandparents. And I don't believe in handling babes with kid gloves -chOdren are resilient. I favor naps, too, and a strict bedtime schedule. FOR LEROY NEIMAN, artist Pafonnen regmd the Tony Md o.car • the aiprane complimmta. What do painters 1triw for? -SA. Alban)4 N.V. •I was once told that someone used one of my posters to cover patches and cracks on an office wall. I was delighted. Art should be practk:al. It Is for people to encounter all the time, everywhere, not just ln museums and galleries. FOR ERIN GRAV, star of Sixpock What did you learn by wortdng with the ...., of the llm. Kamy Rog.a? -E. w .. e..mo. h . •He taught me that. as an actress, I must watch what l say and do. One day, for instance, we were sitting outskle, and my position could have been termed "unladylike." Kenny said: "Someone could be taking pictures of you, and· you mJght end up on the front page of a national scandal sheet." He was right. FOR snJART OBER, author of Everybody's Gulde to Tm Shelters (Dial Pr• WMt • dw biggest ndatake.Americans make when lgur-"'9 .._7 -T.G .• Salem, Ort. •Most people don't understand the tax system, nor do they plan ahead financially. The better you under- stand lt. the fmrer lt becomes. Investors would prob- ably save $1,000 a year lf they took the time to learn the system and develop a financial plan. FROM ntE •ASK" EDITOR RRST FRIEND: Rkharct Harris told us why he's Indebted to Robert Mit- chum. "Very early in my career," says Harris (to be seen next in HBO Theater's Camelot). "I was in Night Fighters with him. When he did publicity for it, he mentioned me. so my name ~ known before my face and body. Later, I was In Mutiny on the Bounty with Marlon Brando. My part got cut to shreds. mak- ing It almost nonexistent. I was so upset that I avoided the premiere. Later Bob called to say my name was on everyone's lips at the theater. 'How could that be?' I asked, sourly. In disbelief. After all, I was barely seen. Tlttell you,' said Bob. 'When the lights came on at the end. the audience turned to the aedlts on the programs and asked. 'Who Is Richard Hams?'" ... RRST CHOICE: Because we're often asked which drink celebrities choose to sip, we did a quick I poll and learned that .loe DlMagg;o opts for orange juice or Perrier; Jenilee Harrlaon (Three's Company) loves a low-cal beverage with a sl.k:e of lime: horror· story author Stephen KJng goes for beeP. &01ch-on· the·rocks Is the old standby of comedian Jerry Stiller and Don Stewart (of The Guiding Light). Morgan Fairchlld and Burt Bacharach wet their whistJes with whlte wine. while Kathryn Croeby and Danny Thomu prefer a drop of llght, mUd sheny. As can be expected. Russian ~na Nata.Ba Makarova requests vodka, novelist Rona .-& bubbles over champagne and spicy actress Maud Adams can't resist a bloody mary .... RRST CRUSH: It's something very few of us rarely forget, and Lynn Redgraw Is no exception: "What I remember Is that I wanted him to be a pal, as Malcaroua well as a beau. If you're not pals, you're wasting yow time." Don Rk:ldes remembers his first love, his first grade teacher, M1ss Lowden. "She laughed when I was funny, encouraged me with my work and I fell deeply in love with her. That lasted a year, untO I fell In love with Susan, who sat in front of me." Nick Nohe recalls, "I can't remember who she was, but I know I was tn seventh grade. We went to a movie and I drank a six-pack of beer.'' Norm Croeby went head over heels for the older sister of a friend. "She was 17, I was 12. But the fire died the day I saw her with 'curlers and Nolte no makeup." PRO John J. Ke.mney. wnlor vice president, energy and ~nvlronmen1, Edison Electric lnstJtule PRO Ano con CON Anna ~rgy. director, Public Citizien's Critical Mass Energy Project The costs ~led with an acci- '. ~ J 4 . -. .. ' dent at a nuclear-power plant should not be treated any different- ly than those at a coal· or oil-fired power station. It Is a cost of doing business for the electric utility, and should be legitlmately passed on to rate payers by public-utility com- ml9elons. The cdedrk:· utiltty fn- duttry ts the lln'W! as any other business. The bill to c:ontUmert, Who receive the beneftts of the product we ddver. mu.t reflect aD the costs of producing elec- trktty. regarcllat of the type of generating plant used. Should Om.umen &or the C:O.t of Nuclear-Reactor Acddmta Through Hlghel' Utility Blllt? {Oulllllll ......... ~ AliMe ...... N.JJ Consumers are paying for nuclear accidents through higher bills, but they shouldn't be. Udllty manage- ment and stockholders should pay the price for their decisk>n to build nuclear plants. They have made a bad investment; nuclear power Is e~ve and dangerous. Exlsttng nudtar Insurance -$560 mllllon pet' plant -would not begin to covet e major ecd-· dent, which could cost $14 bllllon Of more! Our best lnYellment le to phMe out nudear power In favor of consavlllk>n and other safe alternative*. ' f l ' I i i ~ t ! ! I • ' I l j The Heart-Pounding Pleasure Of Whodunits eath seems to pro vide the minds of the Ang)crSaxon race with a greater fund of innocent enjoy· ment than any other single sub;ect." So wrote Dorothy L. Sayers in 1934. She was. of course. thinking of murder -not the sordid. messy and OCCASionally pathetic murders of real llf e but the more elegantly contrived and mysterious concoctions of the detective novelist. To judge, too, from the universal popularity of the genre, it Isn't only the Anglo-Saxons who share this enthusiasm for murder most foul. From Green· land to Japan. millions of readers f~I perlectly at home In Sherlock Holmes's claustrophobic sane· tum at 2218 Baker Street, Miss MArple's ctufrrnlng cottage at St. Mary Mead and Lord Peter Wimsey's elegant apartment in Piccadilly. There Is nothing like a potent amalgam of mayhem and mystery to make the whole l.VOlid kin. When I came to write my first novel in the early 61Js, It never occurred to me to begin with anything but a mystery, I think partly because Its highly disc!· plined form provides an admirable apprenticeship for a writer who aspires to become a serious novelist. I had always enjoyed the genre - Dorothy L. Sayers was a potent lnfluenoe -and I was fascinated by the cha1Jenge of trying to do 50methlng new with the weD-wom conventions of the detective story: the central mysterious death; the dosed drde of susped5. each wtth a credlb&e motive; the an1val of the detective like the avenging deity of an old Morality Play; the final solution which the reader himself can arrive at by logical deduc:non from dues praented to him with decep- tive cunning but essential fairness. In my own reading, it wasn't the puzzle whkh mOlt Intrigued me, and l sometimes think that f4Wft readers W81ch for every due. note every twist In the pJot and sniff happOy after every red hen1ng than we writers Imagine. My younger daughter, readJng my lataa book, mcrcJy comments: "It can't be hJm or her; you like them too much." And I suspect that most of us guess the m~ more through OUT knowledge of the author, his style, prejudices and foibles, than through close attention to each detail of the plot. We are pitting ow wits primarily against the wrtter, not his vlllaln or hls detective. p 0 Jama II the pwudonym /or Brlflllt tMkdlVC nooelbf Phyllls WIYet. SIM i. the oulhof of nine boob. lndudl'ng th. J~·aelflng novel lnnoc.n1 Blood and the Miii mY*'}.I TM ~ull Senath th« ~In. which wtll ~ ,..**"' In ~. SIM,....,,. London So if correctly guessing the identity of the murderer isn't always the chief attractton, what Is? Perhaps it is the age-old and universal pleasure af. forded by a well-told story with a beginning. a mid- dle and an end, a tale which takes us into a world in whkh we know that wrong will ftnally be righted. the gu1}ty exposed, the innocent vtndlalted, and human reason will triumph. Perhaps it Is the thrill of vicarious terror and danger as we sit safely by ow fireside or puD the bedclothes more securely under our chin. Above all, in our increasingly violent and irra- tional world -In which so many of our soda.I prob- lems seem Insoluble -the mystery offers the psy- chological comfort of a stmy based on the premise that even the most unpleasant charact81' has the right to live to the last natural moment, and that I,,,.,., a domestic murder-the contrast befween an ordered society and the etuptlon of violent death. there Is no problem, however ddftouk. whk;h can- not be solved by human tntdlgenoe, human ln- genulty and human courage. I Su.sped that these are some· of the reasons why I enjoy mysteries. Patu.ps they me aho the reasons why I choole to write them. One of the andllary ~ of reading m~ tertea is dllcovertng MW fads and gaining lntlght Into ddferent 4nd fateilatlng worlds. h .... been IOid' thet a good myst.ry ts 25 percent puma, 25 pe:n::cnt c::hana::be1 ization end 50 pe:n::cnt what the author knows bat, and I, for one, h.rw much en· joyad lemtng about hone racing &om Dick Fien- ds, theatrical life from Ngalo Mani\, benking from Emma Lathen and the art ol bell ~ &om Dorothy L. 5eY9'1. The Mttlng, too. II o( lmmesw tmpot1an0e In traJllpOl1tng ut to MOths wodd. I c.an gain a k.wncr and more '*;c ur.dill...,r 'ding of CaBfomla ltfe and l'1'Kln9 Roe1 Mac- DoMlcl than from an~ tre"* book. I wale the bridges of A~m ~ NiedM tt•l11g1 \1111"1 der Valk and swelter in the heat of Bombay with H .R.F. Keating's Inspector Ghote, while the very smells and sounds of Paris rise from the pages of Simenon. At the risl< of disappointing mystery fiends. I have to conf es.s that I am not an addict In the sense that I have to have my daily fix even If the dose Isn't up to strength or standard. My reading Is dlscrlrni- nating and. 1 admit. somewhat limited. Much as I admire thO!le fine wrtters Raymond Chandler and Dash~D Hammett (and their influence not only on crtme writing but also on the modem novel has been signtflca,lO • I am not really an aficionado of the school of guns. guts and gore. I pnder a more domestic mwder -the contrast between an ordered society or environment and the shocking and contaminating eruption of violent death. Those writers I most enjoy, Dorothy L. &syen, Margery ADlngham and Ngaio Marsh. are aD ex· perts in malloe domestic, and they conform to W.H. Auden's dictum that "the corpse must shock not only beclliU9e It is a corpse but also beclllU9e, even for a oorpse, It Is shockingly out of place, as when a dog makes a mess on a drawing room carpet." AD three worked within the conventions of the genre, yet aD helped to ral9e the mystery from a sub-literary puzzle to a form with serious daims to be regarded as a now.I . AD understood the Impor- tance of setting and atmosphere. AD could create characters who are more than stereotypes waiting bke cardboard cutouts to be knocked down by the detecttw. All set thetr stories unambiguously In a particular time and place and made some attempt to combine the mystery wtth the novel of 90dal rulism. I wou.ld placr Dorothy L. Seyers's The Nine Taybs high on my list of favorttes. while Margery Allingham's 7lger In the Smoke is prob- ably among the best mystaies ever wtttteri. The opposing chamders of the murderer, Jack Havoc. and the gentle but lmplemble hero, Canon Avr'll, make nontenJe of the atticiln\ that the SJU1 ab- IOlutes of good and ml are, and must always re- matn, OUblde the mystery's range and that It ii thus en a1entlaDy trMal form. It• tnLCatlug that Ill three of my favortta are women as was. of coune, that phenomenon and Queen of Cnme, Agatha Christle, a lady I thk\k of ..... novella than~ conjure. whole~ d hand • .Jhe lhuflla "-cm\l)omd c:handln can outwtl the l....e eye. 8«euM ttu. quertlll of MnM ...... ID deldl Is preemti*"• I am ofterl lllMd the qudlon: 'Why .. resp«t.eble middle- dm ledla 90 good at ~19 nudtt?" It may be ht llway mayhem .. CM WffY of sublmellng our ... 11111)11 Of' of purging n.dofwll f1 .... of W\Jdl- 1 I I By P.O. JAMES ty or guUt, but I doubt whether we need delve into psychological theory for an answer. The construc- tion of clues demands a keen eye for the domestk: details of everyday life, and in this women excel. Who was where and with whom and when? Who ate the poisoned salad and who prepared it? What woman wouJd wear that purple lipstick found near the body? Who locked the librarY door and when? At. what time precisely was that teDtale ied stain first ,noticed on the bedroom floor? And women are particularly skilled at dealing with the motives for murder, the tensions, intrigues, jealousies and resentments which can fester In the dosed circles . beloved of aime writers and ftnaJly erupt Into the ultimate atrrie. A bad mystery Is the easiest of all books to write; a good mystery is among the most dtf6cult. The elements of construction itself are formidable. So much has to be achieved within the 80,000 to 90,000 words which are the average length for the genre. The characters of the detective, vlct1m and some half-dozen suspec1'5 must be ftrmly esmbllshecl and psychologically credible; the method of mur- der must be feasable and, if possible, original; the setting must both Influence and enhance the mood of the story; the denouement -that most dlffttult chapter of all to write successfully -must be intel- lectually satisfying as well as exdtfng. The whole may be likened to one of those Ingenious puzzles: oddly shaped pieces of wood which, when fitted together, form a perfect sphere. To achieve this, careful preliminary planning is essential before the ftrst word Is written. I usually make notes, not on)y about the weather, location and charact.ers, but aiSo about where everyone Is at the audal time of death. I try to describe the mur- der realdtraly and I am sometitaies asked whether I &tghten myself. The answer has to be no. I can be ~tened by the books of others, but never by my own. Perhaps this Is because, paradoxk:aly, the writer needs to be both deeply Involved tn and yet knowlngly detached &om his WOik. And what of the future? For years now crttics have propheMd the demise of the mystery, at least In Its traditional form. One 19th-century attic, reviewing Conan Doyle, wrote: "In view of the dlf- ftcuky of httdng on any fancies that an ~tly frah, anJy this l8rlAlonill bulan-must IOOI\ ! ..,, come to an end." Certalnly, It lln't easy to tnwnt I ~~ odglrlal ways of murder. whl1e the exotic and 1,' SOtn1tima bizarre settings ol some modem myt-' ~ tel1el bw wtlnal to the alrnOlt dapalata March • for new locatk>ns•and fresh ideas ... Death hath ten J ~ thousand several doors for men to take thetr exits," (CtHtl#lued} ..... _.. .............. --I ; Best Mystery · .Bets For Rrst Offenders -j I/ yotJ'rc dying for some atomoch-duk hlng mysteries IO toke to the bcoch. . <Kcurl u. p In bed with (do check the clowt/lrst). cONid« these /ovorUa of Dllvs Wfnn, editor of Murder Ink and Murderess Ink (\\\:rimOl'I Publfshfllg Co.), companions Jar mJl*l)I /oN. Winn haa brobn ha llat down Into whodunits by past rnamn and bv current ~ -ond she shara a few duo about each. Paat Ma6ten ----------M.rwerY ~: The Tiger in lhe Smoke Fabulous atrnosphml (fog), lntaadng people (the hunter end the hunmd), rlwtlng location (London's beck streets). Gm~ moJe threatening. Apdt,a Cink A.8.C. M"1'den .Hercule Poirot's llltk !PY eds .e taunted by a blabber· moulh rnwdere, a ~ -and no apparent motive. Nglllo ~ Ouenutw to Death Surely one of the molt d:ramadc doth 5Ca'la on nlCOl'd: Bdcw It or not, the piano pedal did It. DorOCby L S.,..: Gaudy Night Harriet Vane, the most admired woman In detective fiction, dllpelches the poison penner at Oxford, then aocepts the most pretentious proposal ewr uttered (last page) . .kaMphlM Tep: The Doughier of Time Richard m acquitted -by a portrait and a ~ed detedive laid up in a hosp4tal bed. Raymond Chandler: The Lady in the Lake 'The ne plus uhra for puzzle fans, with more clues than rip- ples In the lake. even when the body ls thrown In. o .. hldl Hammett: The Glass Key The tough·guy novel perfected: Polttlcs, gambling, cynicism -all washed down with too much booze. Ra Stout: The Doorl>en Rong What Conan Doyle would have done with Holmes and Watson If he'd had any wit. Besides, anyone wllllng to take on J . Edgar Hoover deserves a hand Current MCJ11ters .................. . P.D. Mimes: Shroud for o Nightingole A detective toJ~IJ In low with. Ditto an author. Medk1ne, poetry, bteracy revealed through typkal 8rttlsh understate· nWnt. Ruth RmcWI: No More Dvlng Then Insightful study of Inspector and his sidekick under stress, fro m one who learned psychology at Simenon's knee. Emma Lathen: Come to Dust The finest worlt ever from this pseudonym. Cam a droll look at model husbands. Ivy league traditions and flnan· dal shenanigans. -.mma vu de Weterlng: Oumlda in A'""4P'dom WUI convert all disbellevcrs Into cat lovers. flute players, 1.en enthusiasts. A remarkable companion for a lonely night. Dick Fnmdl: Dead Cm For all th098 who a ave a bang-up finish . Guarmlteed not lo disappoint you at the end. Roes Mecl>oMld.: The Ivory Grin The most adr'Qit dbposa1 of the body extant. though *>m«what SJUCIC)me. lluthfuDy, The Galton COM has a better plot but you ought to read this, too, just to Me where the body winds up. Aa.o wonderful: The ~ Ann Nat by Petn DUd111on; The Thlriy-ftrtl of Felwuar1I by Julmt Symoni; n. Queer. of AmMm by R.....il H. Gr-.-, .net n. LOl1' Good IC.Ill by.-..~ ~~.A..-a.-•• WHODUNITS (c:onlinl#d) observed dramatist John Webster, and most of buffoons def erentia.lly tugging their forelocks to the them must have been used by now. ApMt &om the · genby; and the denouement took i*:e aim dln- ublqultous blunt lnstrument, lhooclng, hanging and ner -with the whole cast In evening <"-- throttJlng, the unfortunate vldlms haw heal dis-when the least likely suspect would be unmasked patched by the prolonged ringing of church bells; ·as the murderer. M:equendy he then~~ kiled an ldde used as a dagger; a bullet from a revolver himself to spare · the readers the disagreeable triggered by the loud pedal of a piano; poison post· thought of the public hangman. age stamps; the Injection of an air bubble Into a The modem mystery has ~ those naive- vein. A few have even been frightened to death. ties and sirnp&:itles, and thoee writers whose work But ltlll, the l8ntedonal buslnae flourishes. a will last are those who succeed In the difficult task of source of Innocent relaxation, diversion and combining the~ tradttiOn of an exciting stcSly and rewurance to new generations of readers. the the lidlfyJng aadle of n6>nal dec:htdkm wMh the modem myttay addict is, of course. more psychologk:.al subdeties and moral arnbk.Juities of a sophiRk:ated than his counterpart in the heyday of good now!. Here we are Indeed, in the words of the coun~ murder when a cast was not Robert Brownlhg, .. on the dangerous edge of complete -without the buder; when the llbrery things" where-the ~ " exploring that greatest of became established as the most lethal room in all mysteries, the human heart, and where there England; when the detective was Invariably an · may be no neat and slms*? answer in the final amateur of tmpeccabie lineage and superhuman chapter, not even foe a Hercule Poirot or a rawt ta)ent, whlle the professional poke weN bicycling Lord Peter Wlmsey. l&J U.dywltha temper. A ··big bang" heard 2,200mlles away .. a hdal wave rcill asa ten-story building dust clouds that rose 17 miles high and circled rhe globe for months. producing spectacular red sunsets. Tha(s what hcippened when an Indonesian volcano Clllled K rakaloa exploded 99 years ago this Friday (August 27) By coincidence. Tues· day the 24th marks the anniversary of the Vesuvius eruption which. in 79 A D . burled the Roman city of Pompeii Since Mother Nature can be such a violent lady. you'd think there'd be some way to harness rhal power safely. There is. but for all the m1gh1 of geothermal energy. 11 sat hest a h19 "maybe" for meeting world demands lor fuel Stam hut. Using geothennal energy means tapping into "nature's tf'aket- tle." subterranean pools that the earth's internal heat turns into steam a nd hot water. In Japan. over S,000 spas use geothermal water. and New Zealand's Maori fishermen cook trout in bubbling volcanic springs. Iceland has more fire than ice-scores of volcanoes. hot springs and geyser~ that faithfully heat homes and greenhouses year round. The biggest use of geothermal energy, however. Is for generating electricity-enough in one case to serve a city the size of Cincinnati. But geothermal's big problem• are location (too far from ~51 cities) and technology (difficult to handle inexpensively). "Thar's OK. /'//wall .. Wata bugs. Geotherma/'s real/yo short-distance runner It works where electricity produced by geothermal steam can be delivered Inexpensively to nearby urban areas But a Ci ncinnati 1s many miles from the nearest maior geothermal source. Geothermal'salso go11echnological "bugs .. corrosive chemicals that can damage pipe and superhard rock formations that may make drilling two to four times as expensive as conventional drilling for oil or natural gas at stmllar depths. HIHua ... This doesn't mean geothermal's all wet-just that It's not so hot for the really ~ jobs: Georhermal provided le111 than J 7 IJOOth• of one percent of America'• total energy need• In 1981. Mother Nature's other alternatives also are smaJI hy: Wood's a good burn In forested Vermont and Maine. a fizzle In tree-spare states. Windmill power has limitations In congested urban states. As for solar, we're very hopeful-and working hard on our $30 million venture to convert sunlight directly Into electricity with "photovoltaic" panels. But America'• "day In the sun" is still some years off. So while It's nice to get all steamt1d up over alternative energy sources. the hottaf bet. whUe they're being developed are still oll, natural gH, coal. and nuclHr. When It comes to fueling all the people. all the time, they're proven natural resource.. I(• a fact: ,More than 95 percent of America's energy chores last year were performed by oil natural gos. coal. and nuclear power. Moblr H_ow Do Pitchers Spell Relief? C-O-m-1-C By Vic Ziegel There is a garden behind the home-team bull pen at Shea Stadium. Tomatoes, cucum- bers, radishes, carrots and three types of peppers are usually available . When the Mets are on the road , the vegetables are te nded by the gro und crew. At all other times, the chdres are performed by amateur gar- deners in baseball uniforms. "We ca" water during the game." says pitcher Craig Swan. "but we aren't allowed to hoe or weed. We have to do that before the game starts." The bull pen Is that Isolated place for relief pitchers sever· al hundred feet from most of the action in a ball park. The seats are uncomfo rtable benches; the view Is the numbers o n the backs of uniforms. T h ere is a telephone in Nacho men: It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. every bub pen. The manager. sitting in the dugout, has his own phone . If he calls the bull pen It's because the starting pitcher Is struggUng, so we know that's one call the manager would rather not ma ke. The bull pen citizens, enjoying their free time, also would just as soon the manager stayed off the line. For In- stance. say a team Is visiting the Texas Rangers. The Rangers' Arlington Stad- ium Is well known for the nachos (those tortilla chips covered wtth refried beans, cheese and he¥ peppers) sold at certain c-0ncession stands. It lsn 't unusual for a member of the bull pen crew to hand a willing youngster enough money to buy a few orders of nachos. A free seat at the ball park and a snack on the way. And 1here's always the chance of VJorld Serles money In October. It sounds like a wonderful Ufe But sometimes the concession lines move slowly. And what seemed llke a comfortable lead, back when the food order was placed, Is suddenly threat· ened. There are runners on base and the toughest part of the lineup Is due. The bull pen phone could ring at any moment. Meanwhile. the kid still hasn't tumed up with the nachos .... And you thought major leaguers had It easy. It was such a night--a sudden tum of events on the field, a long wait for a hot dog -that cauted relief pitcher Tug 10 • MMn .. 'f WllKt.Y. Augu.1 u . ,., McGraw to e nter the game with a mustard stain on his uniform shirt. At Mtlwaukee'sCo unty Stadium, the bull pen Is 400 feet from home plate, behind a 10.foot·high fence . A radio tuned to the game tells the players what they can't see. "You have to come up with some conversation or you'd go nuts o ut there," explains Brewer pitcher Bob McClure, rt!Cently banished from the bull pen and made a starting pitcher. "One year we talked about condomin- iums because we were all into buying cond os." He remembers ano ther season when the players decided to brlng their dogs to the bull pen. On some nights there were a setter. a re- triever and two tun-grown St. Bernards. "It was like a kennel," McClure says. With nothing more to do than wait or warm up, It's hardly surprtslng that mischief occasionally crops up. Mc- Clure, a good sport, was the victim of one weJJ-organi.zed prank. The flagpole at County Stadium Is directly over the bull pen bathroom , and the flagpole cord hangs to within three feet of the bathroom door. "I hod to use the bathroom ," McClure recalls, "and It hod to be 98 degrees that dey. But I swear It was 115 degrees lnSlde, like a hot box." When he stepped ln- lldt , the door slammed shut. Ho dldn 't gtve the door a MCOnd thought until he tried to leave. McClurt tumed the doorknob and nothing happened. (conllnu.d) I m 1 IONSOF DOI.LARS It ATARrPRIZES FOUi &MES I• AU Asterolds1 Centi!>ede, Mlsslle · Commano, Star Raiders. The thrills of ATARI are all at McDonald's. Just scratch the card and match two do~ without getting zapped. You could win McDonafd's (Ood or ATARI video and home computer ~. Grand prize consists of an ATARI Centipede upright game, an ATARI 5200 Advanced Video Entertainment System, ATARI 800 Home'Computei; and a large-screen 'IV. It's arr up to you, because every card can be a winner. CASH REBATES FROM ATARI 60S3 BACK. Even if you do get zapped, save your cards. Two zaPOed (section r, non-Winning) catds pl~ J>roe>f o( purctia.'le from any or all of these ruteen selected ATARI~ will get )'OU SS.00 cash when you send in an ATARI Redemption Co n, available at ipating ATARI rs. (TwO zapped catds per cartridge.} 60 S10 BACK. Send ATARI a ' Redem~ Couoon &Jong with Dve z&Pped (section l, non- winn_lng) ~ plus oroo( of wrchlLW from an ATARI Video Computer ~m, and you'll get •10.00 Clish. _J ATARI. ~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~=======================-~~~~~--::::::=-~~~---::--=::..=..::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----· l A0119r11Mtllelll New''Willpower Diet Tablet'' -'!hat Can Make You S · y in 45 Days ... Even If You Cheat!!! Haw you eva-tried to lose weight? Then you know th.8t it takes a miradc to rally ovucoroc: a weigh~ pro- blem. And .,ou'vc: probabfy tried evervthing from •sorvation pcoCJ m11• and painful nt:l'Citics to weight reduction clinics" with link or no resuln. If you att tired oft~ yo-yo effect and concerned about your wright you may be: inct:T'C'Sted in a new "will power ditt tabltt" now bc:ing offered to the: public by The: Hc:alth Energmc Corporarion. This unique tablc:t was spc:cifically dc:vcJoped by a group of leading nutf'itionists solc:ly for the: purpose of hdpina peop&e who have triaJ other methoda without succe. but att very serious about losing weight. lt should nor be ~ by people who ooly need to m 5 or 6 pounds Of th09C who att not highly m.oOvared. lt contains a blend of ingredients that have bc:al !lcien· tifically formulated to sUptt<harge your enttgy level and, 8t tM tame m-. ~ your hunger. Why can ilieK .. willpower djet tablets" help you sue· oeed when eo m.ny ochcT •vacme have failed you? &camr, in a world~ of gimmicks. it's a major brukthrouah. A weight loss plan that worb o n you.r .hUJWr:T bio&osicallv and psychologjc:ally. This powafuJ combination o( tabla. ia bang IOld with a _., reduction pcOIJ am dm he btton pro- tected by U.S. copyrtght law. Totdber, these demena •tt eo e&ctive chat the compcany rdUscs to advmisc the: results! "'flby ehould tr..,. LeoDeboub. ~t of The Hakb £oermrtic Corp ... II J art telling pmplr bow ~ C8ll -up ro 7 pounda"' me .. ..e houn md mim ~ m blmt o11 aw aa.. body'-'--'· .....m11d.,~nmninl14 ... ...., day, ......... .,......_ _ •• ., .. _-....,.,__-~---=-- Tba ( ... tlwwd ......... cli d [ a....ia::ar ~ P'O" 1u1 lib thia, Mr. o.boub • ~ • · ....-, bhd .. 't'On<W pnnue. The ..-.ntee it timplie. Here It che way k worb. If you ordeT the ptOdua tnd ute le as dirc:aed for a ttial pc:riod of .. >days, you must be: 100% ~ with your rapid wagbt loss or you att entided to a rd'und of OOUBLE you" cnntt purch~ price:. Tune lll't: no excr.ptions. Th.is auarantee is iron-dad and lqally .bin- ding, regardless of your CUrTt:nt wc:;ghc lc:vel or how long you have been o vc:rwciafu. All that is requiTcd is that you follow the simple inscructiom and give the n:duction program an honest chance to worlt for the full trial pc:riod. Ho~c:r. because of the nature of this special offCT, we can o nly guarantee: ddivcry to the readers of this public.arion who respond within the next lo.days. After that, OTdcTS will be: filed on a "first come. first SCTVed" ha.is as long as IUppUes u . Here is tomethlng d.se you should know. Evm tholJih The f.nawetic Wc:ight Reduaion tableu arc quite powerful and e&ctivc:, they •~ 100% safe. They can be taken ~ prolonged periods o( time. Aa a matter of fact, this is one: of d~ very kw diet aJds that a U.S. FVUTimmt paMI al medical and «ic:nti6c ell· perts approved as an aa:i~ ~ b apprritr concrol and wc:ight k>u. Besides, it is not required to h~ a wamina on the label! But, matt i:mponant, Enawedc Weisht Reduction has woritc:d wooden for ~enwrdlht people ... people who had &iven up ~U hope: al eva.biac ~ And it am WOrk for you too--as you WMCh ~ body of your drc:anu crncrae. Now, with our rcducdon prosnm, you can: .... ~ •.............. alt. in reciord m.. • Look. F d in cbha '°" ant, .,. ...... aoa • ml more cmrprlc than ewr u you dnmadcelJy namform fOUt' body. • Put an md to sn••inc huneer panp. CAlJ110N: As Jlllllf' ~ bqDu to """'PUWI. down, '°" w..ld MJt '°"' rood jtM:lpwnt and nor ltt ~I btmnv IOO dt.m. It is ~ important co ml ,,.~rt,. ~ srmti"C ""' ....ncN Um ,,. ... llffi )OM should c:muWt ,oaa phpiricm to ~ nirt JOI' an in nm· mal health. Now then. as you might imagine, this is onr di'9 tabltt dun does not come che.ap. The: price is $19.95, and California ruidc:nu mu&C add 6% ($1.20) fur a total paymc:nt of $21.15. However, if you arc: serious about losi.Jl8 wetaht, you ahouJd ranembc:r that this is the only diet product on the market that is bacU:d by a DOUBLE your money beck llU!!!J!ll!f No one: die: o6as dU. cuaran~. Wcilht W.u:bcn doem 't; Schick doesn't; nor docs G loria Marshall, Lindol'a, Nutri-Systam, or any other poup, plan, book, or pr'OIVam ... But we at The Health Energetic Corporation do, bc:cause we know our Pf01fUD can work for youl It is easy to ordrr. All you haw to do is writr your name aod ~. and dtc worda "Wil~ T ablc:a" on a ~of paper and acod it with youT pcay· ment to: The Hc:ahh ~Corp. Oq..A-UIS 1011 8riofo Or. 1107 C.O.C.. Mn., CA 92627 ll\M'f tll tba-e is to it. Y OUT order will be amt promptly by ret\anl INil By the way •• J( you ~. you can clal, toll free, {axJ) ~17 ((Alf. I 1 &7* c.ll 7H-S48-D?l) a m.,..,.... ardll-to ... CiilcltQid.JilC itw ct. ... l _._. __ ~_MiMlillilllliiilli ... liiill•,.._cal;-I I ~ -· -«m. pablcadaa. 'P.S .• :W ,.,..~ ! Pbmninc • Wit to w Loa ~ am, feel free to 'PU'Cfwc YQUT tai*u cftrect. ....,t ow:t the~, et our lddrell abow. C>tlia houn att 8 a.m. dl 5 p.m., Mon. mna Fri. BULL Pllll (continu.d} He pulled and pushed to no avail. Saytng nasty things' dkin't heJp etther. Whal McClure didn't know was that hls buddies had pulled the flagpole cord around the doorknob. and the pressure of the cord was pul- ling up on the door so he couldn't open It. As his teamMates roared, he tried to escape, sweating all the whl1e. '1 was tn there for 15 minutes," Mc- Oure snys, "yanking so hard on that door 1he flagpc>le almost bent In haJf. 1...ook.ed Jlke they had a big old bass on '1he end al thllt pole ... Some bal pens haw ~ ... The trouble wtth this Is that the bul pen ooech, or the IJid*ig a.d\, gm to JXk 1be cbmnel 11 Wllln up to the players, their ftnt choice would be 909nld•ig wlh • good deal al ac- tion. Not In the bul pen, ehou!tt . Seems the CIOllC:h's ~ show '5 always the bel game. Rmvas-. Adant.a's Al Hraboeky pen. "Why Is Krausse throwtng?" the manager wanted to know. "Didn't you want him to?" said the confused voice tn the K.C. buD pen. "Gracious, no," is not exactly what ~t.Yleana­ Mc&aw .. gamN dma:aas. ft can't be easy b such~ to Ill on the bul pen bench wllltlng b the llmtlng 1*Jwr to fal ~ A mW pitcher al a decade earls, Moe D:illbo Sy, w a .....mat &dmg ~to --...... Moldy. It had to do wMh the bul pen phone. Dartt said. As years went by, the Drabowsky legend grew. Some people would now have us belieYe that .Drabowsky waited undl Krausse sat back down before getting back on the phone. "I thought I told you to get Krausse up," .Drabowsky supposedly said. Sony, but It didn't happen. The buD rwl pen was never that much.fun. ILi State Fann agent E. G. Warren, r.. • .u..n.. M. • • . ~·~ ... ,wllSISSlppl. I "A real in5urance value is more than just a low lri:e-It's protection that's tailoced to fit }'OUl personal and fam- iy insurance needs, and eervice you can really count on. too. ~that's what State Farm value is aR about. Good pm- 'tec:bon •a good Pl ice -and personal service you realy can't put I price on.• JU' aJ'UI value OD yolU" ~ health, home and car imunDce. check )IOU!' ~ Pqeafor tbe State Flnn .. neseatyou. J -~~• 4 mg "11r:· 0.4 me nicorine .r. per cignttt !Jr FTC llltflod. By ffiQrllyn 1-fM&en It all started with a small, elegant food shop on Columbus Avenue in New York City. Two most attractive. charming young women. Shella Lukins. a onetime graphic artist, and Julee Rosso, formerly in advertising. decided to com- bine their talents in cooking and marketing and open a very special food store, The Silver Palate. Beginning simply with breads and cheeses. dressings and pates. salads. entrees and chutneys. they were off to a flying start when everything was sold out on the very first day they opened. Now their packaged foods. riinglng from vinegar to pesto walnuts, are beginning to appear in fin~stores around the country. What could be more natural. then,, than The Silver Palate Cookbook. a treat to look at and filled with tantalizing recipes, menus. tips ....! even delightful food trivia. Here is a delicious picnic menu garnered from the book. Only Wish-Bone* blends new Sour Cream Dressings with a taste this fresh and light and luscious. BORSCHT 6 medlum-stze b.eb. pe.i.d 10 cupe cold water Juice of 3 medlum..U. t.mone 3 tablespoon• granulated 1ugar 2 teupoona aalt 3egp l cup milk l cup dairy aour cream (gamlah) l cucumber, peeled, Heded and dtced (garnish) 1. Cut beets into ha\ves. Place them In a soup pot with the 10 cups cold water and bring to a botl . Reduce hear and simmer partially covered unril beets are tender. 30 to 40 minutes. Skim foam from cooking liquid as necessary. 2. Remove beets from cooking Uquid with a slotted spoon and cool to room temperature Grate the beets and return them to theu cooking liquid, along with the lemon juice. sugar and salt. 3. Return to the stove and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let soup cool for 15 minutes. 4. Beat eggs and milk together in a bowl Gradually whisk 3 cups of the warm borscht into the eggs and mUk. Pour this mixture slowly back Into the remaining borscht. • 5. Cover the soup and refrigerate until very cold. Taste and correct seasoning: the soup should be nicely balanced between sweet and 50UT. 6. Ladle Into chilled soup bowls.· Garnish wlrh sour cream and diced cucumber and serve immediately. Makes 8 or more urulnga ·For picnics. transpon soup In vacuum container and pour Into mugs or bowls at picnic site (cor1tlnucd) On1v WJSh·Bone could take the fresh taste of lDl sour cream and make It delusdous! Introducing Wish·Bone Sour Cream Dressings. PetfectJy blended as only Wish-Bone can. For a fresh, light, creamy-smooth taste that's better than delicious. It's de.luscious! New Sour Crum & Butter- milk. Sour Cream & Italian Hetbs. Sour Cream & Bacon. Wlsh·Bone makes· thml ... OeJuscious. _I **LIMITED TIME ONLY -s299s ~~--~~~~---~----~~~Z.,~~~~ ow.·---~ S1.,.,, "'-.-0-utttol ..... fardlihery. -----------~~--~---------~ POSH PICNIC (continued} SALADE NICOISE 8 new po1a10et, about l lb., well ecrubbt!d 2 lbs. gnen beans, cooked 10 very ripe Italian plum toma•~·:·~s,~tJ~~~ washed and quartered l •mall purple onion, puled and thinly 5lked Vt cup Nk;olse ollvn •;. cup chopped Italian parsley P\nch of Mh ~~~~~~~~~~~ l teaspoon ground p«ppeT 'fe cup vinaigrette, recipe follows 6 hard-cooked eggs, •h•lled and quartered 12 ozs. anned, otl.packed white tuna, well drained 2 ou. anchovy flJleta, optional 1. Cook po1a1oes m bo1hng salted water unul umder. but not mushy. about 10 minutes. drain Quciner potcitoes m10 a bowl 2. Add green becim. tomdtoes. onion. ohves. parsley. pinch of salt and the pepper Pour 112 cup vrna1grette over vegerables: toss 3. Transfer mixture 10 a le1rge serving ple1tter Anange the hard· cooked-egy quarters around the edge of rhe pla11er. Flake 1he tuna over rhe salad and. 11 you use them. anange 1he anchovy fillets 111 a lat11ce pattern over the runa. Dru.de wuh add1uonal vinaigrette and serve at room temperature. Makes 6 ro 8 servings Note: For a picnic. place green bean/poralo rmxture mlo a t1ght- closmg container Place eggs. 1una and enchuvies m plastic bags. p lace all m a cooler-tore A~~mble Sdldd at p1cn1c sue VINAIGRETTE I tablapoon prepared Dijon-style mustard 4 tablapoooa red wtnt vinegar 1 teMpOOn grW1ulated wgar in tuspoon salt •;, ttMp<>On frahly ground black pepper MJoced par-aley and/or sn)Wed &ah chlva VI cup olive oU 1. Measure mustard Into a bowl Whisk In vinegar. sugor, salt. pep- per and herbs to tAste 2. Continue to whisk mixture while slowly dribbling m olive oU until mixture thickens AdjuSI seasoning to tAste. Cover unlil ready to use. (Vinaigrette is best when made just before it Is to be used.) If necessary. whisk again before serving. Makes 1 cup ORANGE CAKE 8 tab6ftc>oon• (1 stick) .,.,... b1&ttn, eoflcned ~ cup granulated .avar 2..-,Mparated Gr.led zat of 2 OfW19C1 11"6 cupe unbltKhed 1111-purpoec lour 11,\ ~ bMing powder - "" t...-bMing IOda \4 tealpOOn l&h in cup flah Of &ngc Juice Oranee Glaze. redpt loUow9 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Grease a 10-inch Sundt pan. 2. Cream the butter and gradually add the sugar, beating until bght. Beat in egg yolks. one at a lime. and Ofange zest. 3. Sift the flour wtd'I beking powder, belmg IOda and salt. Add dry ~ ellenMely with the OJang8 juJce to the ta.tt.r . ._ Bat the egg whim unftl d , end fold ~ it. ..... I. Pow bllla-ir*> it. pewpaed Bundt .,.n. Blllea 30to351 1 ..., or und 9ct. of aM lfmk ~from the pml'I ecig9I MCf e ca _... lr'l9lltld In the <**r conws out dun. 6. Cool b 10 n*1uta In '*'· unmold °"'° • rack end drtalil .... Or.,. Glue while warm. Cool bcb.. 912v!ng. • Moka8to 10~ ORANGE GLAZE \4 cap ...... or-.,... ,.. cup ••llleted ..... 1. Combine orange juice end IUSJllr In a amall sauoepwa and simmer gently for 5 mlnuta, ttlniOQ ocx.a9onally, until a light tYNP forms . Maka 'It cup HELP RAISE $500,000 TO FIGHT MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY. EVERY TIME IDU BUY SKIPPY . OR GOLDEN GRIDDLE~FOR'°UR KIDS, WE'llGIVEA DONATION TO JERRY'S~,, lHROUGHnlE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION. From today until Labor Day, you have a great opportunity to help find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy, while at the same time, giving your kids delicious, nutritious Skippy Peanut Butter or breakfasts with Golden Griddle Pancake Syrup. You see, every time you buy · one of these fine products, we'll give Jerry Lewis NanoMI Chairman Muscular Dystrophy As.sodatlon a nickel to Jerry's kids. So your family's good eating will help to raise $500,000 or more for a good cause . HALF PRICE SALE FIVE MORGAN SILVER DOLLAR SET ORIGINAL U .S. GOVERNMENT MINT ISSUE MINTED ABOUT100 YEARS AGO. ~....----------~--------' -TIC cau:c1m -.O. llt. """-FWW_. ...................... ,.~ "'-l9ld .. ClOltl sell•) Cl'ldlld b11CM I tlldoll 0 dledl, :J "IOMY Oldlr in b lllllMll GI Nft YOl1I ........ pl-. llld ... i,x I undlf1Und II COi11 -_.bl Miii ,....,_ llld IMwld IT!M NO. !111 '.J 1 ht ~ IMr ctolllr Ml IDf S12S 00 1111&1 17 50 p 11.. twl .. IM .J ~~SM~°::' Mii tot 1240 00 CM SIO 00 pp 0 SIM MD1P1 -dolllr-10t ~ 00 '*'5 St7 iO pp 1W1 f\S S.. CS0.00 ....... Adflr9I c.iy 5'llE: Right n<:IN, you can get spectacular savings on a Bic medium point Roller twin-pack. 5'llE EVEN l*JRE: And if you buy two twin-packs, you can send for a $1.00 refund from Bic! (Look for details on display at your favorite retailer.) 5'llE M'ft Buy one fine point Rolle-rand you'll get twO Bic Stic pens absolutely free. 1.tlJ!iiiCJ What 100,000 Women Ought To Know By Colleen O'Connor I n February of 1980. Gella Ankelsteln learned she had cancer In both breasts and was told by her doctor that she would need an lm- medJate bUateral mastec- tomy. After learning that the alternative was certain death, she said yes to the operation. But before surgery took place. Finkelstein arTanged to have both breasts recon· structed by a plastic surgeon at a later date. "Recon- struction was what kept my he.ad together," she says. Today, breast reconstruc- tion Is · an Increasingly popular option for the esti· mated 100,000 women who undergo mastectomies each year. The procedure Involves replacing a breast (or breasts) removed ln a mastectomy with a breast made from a silicone-or saline-filled Im- plant. In the past, breast Implants did not look or feel natural, and many surgeons worried that Implants might rnMk a cancer recurrence. But In re- cent years, sdenti6c progress has created a signlftcant turn- dety of Plastic and Recon· structfve Surgeons conduct- ed of Its members revealed that of the estimated one mil- lion women In the U.S . who had had one or two mas-- tectomles, only 20,000 chose to have reconstruc- tions. The reasons are basically simple. During the brief 2().year history of bre~t Im- plants, It took some years for acceptllnce of thetr use In reconstruction to spread among surgeons (they were Initially used for breast augmentlltlon) and passable patients. Cost was another factor: Women were once re- quired to pay the full fee from their own pockets because most medlcaJ in- surance plans c:Udn't cover It. In addition, for many women there has been a fear of going Into surgery again. Though reconstruction can be done during the mastec- tomy operation Itself, most surgeonsadvlsethatpatlen~ wait at least six to 12 months so that the first Incision is well healed and elastic enough to accommodate the Implant. around. The artificial breasts W htie much of the used today closely mimic na-. _ debate among sur- ture's handlwcxk; the tech· geons over recon- niques are simpllfted and in-structlon has quiet· volve np materlah note¥-ed, a vestjge remains. Some ly rejected by the body; and still fear Implants might mask surgeons beJleve that recon--or allow -a recurrence. struction wtll not Interfere ~1 disapprove of It, period ... with a patient's recove:ry. says Dr. C .D. Haagensen. Moreover, the American professor emeritus of surgery Cancer Society is now train-at Columbia University and a Ing Its Reach to Recovery longtime supporter of rad.icaJ volunteers -post-mastec:· mastectomies. 'The plastlc tomy women who visit the surgeon must cover the Im· hospital rooms of new pa· plant with a flap of skin. and dents -to talk to women that means he has left some about recOnstrucdon. breast tissue-behind. In a Although the new tech· woman who has cane.er, nlques mean that most leaving breast tissue behind 15 mastec:tomy pattentt can be bad surgery because you rebuilt, the number of can't tell wh8rCI In the breast women who chdoM recon· the cancer ts. The flap may strucdon Is smal. A 1980-81 contain cancer which has survey that the Amencan So-been krft behind by the sur· geon who dJd the opera· CollimO'CoMcr•o~lodlr tton," he explains. llP«'I a I ij h rMClml IDpb. (conttnlolld} : Adwor1•Nment ,.... ................ ....... SOLID BRASS 'i 100-BELL WIND CHIME 100 shimmering bells ring softly in the breeze ... while ten brass chimes add melodious harmony! It's a solid brass work of art so pretty to look at ... so delightful to lis- ten to ... on porch or patio, or hanging near an open win- dow. Beautifully made by skilled artisans, more than 30" long on its matching brass chain. Advertised by others for far more than our $7. n in- troductory price. Money back if not delighted. Send for yours, today. lntltrMttonel .... I llMbtlng, Inc., o.pt. ~ 1 e 3IO ,_. Aoed, Huntlligdon Yatley, PA 1IOOI Pie ... rush me __ Solid er .. Wind Chlme<•I on your money..o.dt guarantee of Ntialection, It iua• S7. n !IM s 1.os postage 8nd harding Midi I I SAVE' Send TWO at JUSt$1<4.00 plus $1 <45 postage end henclltng 0 SAVE MOREi Send THAEE al S201>09lpllld. Endoeed ii S (Pa teS. add 6""' Slllel \Ill) On orclel's fOf 2 or fl'lC)(e you may Charge m 0 VISA 0 Mast9'Card Expires---- Cwd # ___________ _ Signa1u~-----------PnntN9rne __________ _ AddrMI __________ __ City S1ate Zip ---• ,-~.............. _J --------------..... FOUT Beloved Classics by 9Nnr111t\11 Rnck\~ell Hllltd °""1nllMl Wide Genuine 22-K Gold ....__ _. _ _ ...... .. .w ... c.r:;:xg 0 Complete set of four only $12.95 Asly ICl "' 6ac poiuilio ~. plllea ii CIFliJ am+ i& ..,t bJ mUman ua,wlmc. A.ad wbm IUCb • ICt fcalura die briDiady ~ utolNc.mm RocSwdl, it il•C¥mt "'um.ml ilupmlllDC:e. NonmD Jtoctwdl ,.,. • ID8ICa' "' bia craft . . . Amaica'• -bdot'Cld .,._Only Radt-well could IO pa:fccdy CllllQ.ft tS wry W olcbt.AmcriaD ePril ... cdy Roc:kwdl aMd bmft a'9d ail brillilllr a lMllb more dim ~110dlilitdlmpe9k11>uau>dly. Now you bmft -~ OIJP0'1UDity llO ~ Bdoftda..icabJ Nommllt.ochd, CID fiDe. b .......ceWA,adl ~-­........... ~~a...··~ _.. ... -. oi w oiltodlwel'a waa- ct..ial ._ . ...,, -..... ........., ........,... sifts ... •a Id, dlcy lft dllldDed ID becw a llfedme iaww:ut ill artildc ts• a:laamd ........... . Oaly$49C:.la, Gr~ ... ~ ICt olfour fot .., $12.95 IDCI ..wl Money -.kif DOC .a.. luldy +tith'ad. cl count. Smd b ,.... "*'· ------------, I Mi TI IAl c:owmoll,_. ... CF-25 ' .,...._ I ' I' ......... ,-..... ,..,,..., ..... Cllllla.., ...,_~Colle-I l llr"l~tl·-..................... ... 22 .... ,. • ....,.....,.,..,.,...,,ao,..-. I= ................... '*".., ... .. ---..-.. ........................ . I __ , n A llll..,..... 0 1.ftrAIClllll.., , , c -~~'---n o n.c... I 0 IMIOll~lllt1•tw ... .,S12t&•R ............ I o-•""••124 ...... ,_..... .. ___ _ , ., .• coo .. _,.....,. • .., ... ra 1 I n a.,..., n ~ n ~ n ""' & U DIMllOIA ~---- 1 c.·-·--------~ ....... ________ _ ........ ________ _ ·--------------'°"'---------~ ... -------•• ,.117 I ____________ .. 1, !1 I I I I I I I I I I· ---~,__. ____ _ I THE GENUINEll.!f!I ;~~· ''° ~ I HAWAIIAN~~ (.l» I MAILE LEAF .\~~ ~ The centurie~ old tradition I of this n1agnificent leaf. I The s~mbol of power, I love a nd wealth ... now... ~ ' yours forever la_vere<l in ~-I MA1u LEAr Pure 24 Karat -MAlll LEAF • 1 P'lNDANT * Gold Plfltao EAltltlNGS (ON 19· S (HAIN) • SS SS \\A7•SJ2•--Qty IMllSJ4J--Oty I Genuine .lS pt. natural Oltlmond Soflt.alre ••u••,..ndant on,,. s Chill11 to every person orderi119 .,.'°,.. Oct. 10. 1982 I Every leaf is fully guarantMd and is a«0m.,.nied by ;t mrtificate of authentidty. If not delighted with your Maile L .. f I return at any time to the address below for a prompt refund. o.n:m 1 •m ordering b9fore midnight Oct. 10, 1982 -ple.se lndude I I Illa genuine .25 pt. natural Soflt.ai" Oiemond P9nd1nt on ie· S Chain as 1 FREE GIFT . I Add S2 shipping and handling regardlen of ho'lll' large your order. I * 'iO !'Ml~~•••,.,,, •nc<•'°'' ,,.,, .,,., ~ ..,,., .,.,., Total of S enclosed Ashley & Wakefield. Ltd. 1N 'Y r~1d.!<ib ddd app<oonate saln 1,u ) I Maile leaf Offer 57().36 Nam• I Box 2951 Addrrss ~ Huntln91on Station. -----------------I N.Y 11746 OW St.ate Zip ___ _ o Ashley & Wakefield. ltd Ste 207. Old Country Rd Garden City, NY . 11530 • - - r----~------------------, -Or'dlr your FOOD GRINDER tat- f ........ '"'--FOOD GRIMDCS). .....,. • I I : ~U~~· , ...., rwluln my""• Addlw.s I I ~o.11r-.SJ.tsp1iias1.2Spo1t.11da. Cllf s"'9 ZJp_ I I :.... SAVE! Ora 2 .. _, $t4.90 ""'$1.95 Pllt/lldlg. SATISFACTION QUARAHTEED I I N.Y.,.,..... ............ 111$ ' eusan. s.wa: 15161613-5811 I I Etldllllll 11 '--· cfD • ...., .... ..,.... ta: s.1d ID: HOM NEl..SOH' Dlpl RYAW I IGIANB.SON. 621A_ll .. Alnna . ..._Yn. N.Y.10011 LAY~--------~~~~'!!-------~~ TABLETOP FOOD GRINDER NOWGRINDrrYOURsa.FAND SAVE- MEAT, VEGETABLES, NUTS ... ·~SO-.-=*----·-~ u..-c--.• ......... N ' t ·~No ..................... .. .......... •PQIWfJllFt.UPn n °; I .... ..-..-...cue. ........................ ~ ·~!JLEl.._www;d ' ,._,_ _ _. ........................... .,.,loodl. FREE ltONUSt CONO WnH ~ClM. AJT~HlllEn FOii IUlllNO ~UA OllOElf NOflll OM.Ya 95 UCONSTRUCTION fconcmuedJ Other surgeons believe there is little chance of a recurrence. and that In those cases where the cancer does recur. it can be detected early with a manual examination or mammo- graphy. "The risk Is minimal, and there's very little danger to life, .. says Dr. Thomas D. Cronin, clinical pro- fessor of plastic surgery at Baylor Col· lege of Medicine. who Invented the silicone implant. And states Dr. H. William Porterlield, president of the American Society of Plastic a nd Reconstructlve Surgeons: "There have been very few serious complica· tlons with br~t Implants." Although the techniques foT re· construction vary acx"rding to the individual.' the general method Is fairly simple. The plastic surgeon makes an incision just below where the new breast will be. then Inserts the imptant under the skin and behind the pectoral muscle. The lower border of the Implant is usually made level with that of the o\her breast when It Is in a n upllfttng gar- ment. A rebuilt breast Is higher and rounder. a tittle firmer and more Inert, than a real one. There wiU be some scarring. but the breast should look normal under an undergarment. The ~Jest operation to perform is on a woman who has had a modified radical mastectomy, which leaves the pectoral muscle Intact with e nough skin so that an implant can be comfor· tably slipped behind the muscle. If the woman has had severe radiation treatments that damaged the skin, or a radical mastectomy where the sup· porting muscle and nearby lymph nodes have been removed along with the entire breast, the surgery is more complex. Because the cancer surgeon usually leaves only a very thin layer of skin over the ribs, resulting In a caved· In hollow spaoe beneath the collar- bone, the plastic surgeon must first repair the area with skin and muscle grafts. The most common technique uses the flap of muscle and overlytng skin from the back and brings It up under the armpit and along to the front of the chest. A new technique to fiU the hollow Involves bringing up a p iece of muscle and skin from the abdomen , after the Implant Is stripped behind the newly transplanted muscle , the woman then receives a "tummy tuck." (Several surgeons have successfully used a technique In which excess abdomlnal fet and tissue are "tunneled up" and. used for the breast rather than an Mtt· flcial tmplant.) The next stage Involves creating a nJppje and areola, the rOMtte of ttssue that IWfOUnds tM nlpple. A nipple ls most often conscrucled from $kin from the tnner thigh, or from the darker skln of the labia. whose color more closely matches that of a natural nip - ple. lf the areola of the remaining breast is large enough, it can be shared with the new one. In general, reconstruction is a sim- ple procedure that Involves no vital organs or bodily functions. The com- plications are much the same as those of any operation; occastonaUy there is Infection or blood cloning. The two complications specific to reconstruc· lion are sloughing, where skin peels off the chest wall as the body attempts to reject the implant, and contracture, where the scar around the implant shrinks and squeezes the silicone Into a rigid "tennis ball" breast. Although plastic surgeons have devised tech· nlques to avoid sloughing, at present there are no such procedures to mini· miZe the chances of contracture. Ac- cording to statistics from the National Cancer Institute, about 25 percent of reconstructions using silicone im· plants result in some degree of con- tracture. while the Incidence with saline-filled implants is less than 10 percent. After studying implants. the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A ) proposed that they be placed under stricter F.D.A. contJol In order to gathet more information on long- standing safety and effectiveness. Almost all women can be recon· structed, except for those receiving radiation or chemotherapy. who should wait until these tTeatments are completed. It Is advisable to discuss the reconstruction possibilities with the cancer surgeon before the mastec· tomy. If rebuilding seems feasible, he can prepare for It by leaving a little more tissue. Fees vary according to the area of the country and the complexity of the surgery. Total expenses may range from $2,000 to $4,000. Most medical Insurance plans now cover about 80 percent. If not au, of the cost. While there are no long--tenn statl.s- lics of breast reconstruction_!!, effects on a large number of wofflen, many henild It as the ultimate llberatk>n In their fight against cancer. "The ex· perience of havtng had cancer Is some- thing you can't quite get rid of," says Jean ZaJon, author of I Am Who1e Again (Random House), "but rec:on· str\lctJon lessens It considerably. f911 1t practk:ally erases the memory." t&J Women who want more lnformatk>n on what It's Ilk• to ha11e a reconatruc;· Hon should contac:t A F.T.E.R. (Ask • Fn.nd 10 Expletn Rec;onstn.actlon), 350 Fifth Awnue, nn. 608, New YC!fk, N.Y. 10118; (212) 736-3296. Thie group of wo~ whctw had recon- SITUdk>nl will talk wtth thoec who mey be considering the operation. (--...... I. ~ A Dream <JI-a Dress-at a ~e you thought t.Vas gone forever! Dresses are back in sty1e -and this could be the best dress value you'll find this year! A.IN 9Uhouet• alirM Md, ... ..,., a.. button wtth l'Mtching tllbric C0¥9l'9d beftl Eieg.nt ec:cordion pM9ta (• tnhlon ~ thfa waon)I Ronm1llc bow-tie mckllnel DOlv9!1119r knit ewft18 wound you u you alt. mnd or move! • lon-per1r.itt--caillll!!.:_: ~LI~ or ~I Wear·test the exquisite look and feel of this f ashlon sensation. FREE FOR 14 days (with credit appro11al). EnioY the compliments as you dine and dance at parties Of on the town! Whefl the party's OWi', you'll appreciate the easy-care convenienc:e of satin)"'soft polyes1e< lntenodl (just I machine wash and tumble Ofy)! But don't worry -the indelible pleats are locbd In for permanent perfection! And the price? NOT $70 ... NOT S50 ... '°' ""' .,.. """"It .,... .,,..,.. -' ,._.,., TRY fT NOW -AT HO RISK! But hurry! At these low prices our euooiles on hand are sure to go fa5t! --------------------------------------------~ No Risk 14-day Fashion Wear-Test ......... Col ...... ~ RO. .. -. ... a..... --,......-111 .................... DNll(e.lfW~ ,,_.....,_ ... ~...., .,_"" 1"'dl¥__._ I ... IDPlr .. Cllll P1U 01129MIDr ...._ Slna(UZ II Helf 9izwl ..m '*" suo .._.,, ..i ~ 1r1 s "'°""" ........... o1 s11.n t'1U3 Helf Stme)Mdl. Nofin.nc.dtergee .. 119.,.,., S-.Ol_ 18 .. 1198iillld""*9~. ,.........., .. ,,,......_,,,,llleetanlil,,,, ........ "_ ... ~......,.,.. ,,,, 14-d1¥ lrWI Md -~ ~ Old9r II oo-er-:t b'f ...,,_ '-aid II IUllfecl IO """"81 OI ""crd br ~ I r-a..~~~-0:----:---:--:-~~:-----, .... -.: it 0 "" 0 ""' 0 _,,. D mi. D :wit D ~ U.(AO) ~ (AE) 0 _..(AF) ........ .......... fif> ________________ _ """-------------------~ ANe ...... c.-. ___ ...... --------D1111-------...,.... _________ ___;___; ______ ..;.__ Cly ... ------- ,..,.. .. _________ ~----------------------------_J TAKI! llY DATA l...uT -P' EASE Have you heard the one· about 500 ex-applicadon of humor. He notes, for lnstance, perts from around the world gathering to talk Norman Coustns's revelation about how about comedy? Well, the Third International laughter can help cure illn~. Conference on Humor 1 ••• And seriously, folks. will be held this week in j one expert told us that it -where funnier? -won't be long before Washington, D.C., and f computers will actuaDy will feature scholarly 6 be able to write )okes. presentations on such Comedy writer Bob Or- rib-ticklers as "The ben, author ol some 44 Virago and the Uttle books on humor, ex- Man: Female Dom!-plains that the t~ nance In American gy Is now available to Humor." "Com~ Stra-program ln such key tegles In the Poetry of comedy ingredients as Anne Sexton" and framework, formula (ex- "Hamlet as Comedy." aggeration, understate- But even If Rodney ment, doub&e entendre) Dangerftetd won't be and funny sounds (ake able to pick up any new words with k In them). material, the conference .. Computers are so in- chalrman, psychologist Rufus Browning, c:redt>ly lntelllgent, fast and accurate," notes says such a gathering will add to our ever-Orben ... Sometimes I wonder how we were expanding knowledge about the power and ever able to buJld one without one." lmagine wolfing down 89 pounds of beef, 71 pounds of potatoes and 287 pounds of milk. Not even Orson Welles could do It In a sirlgie sitting. But accord- ing to an AgncuJture De- partment study. that's what the aventge American con- sumes In a typical year. And here's how much of several other common foods we Rike In annually (In pounds,) : Podl-57 pe>unda. a...b-1.5. v.1-!.5. Alh-14. F.mt-S5. Poukry-57. Cb I 111-17. lce~-18. m..tru1t-ai. tT~.w.-9S. TB'S ... llQRISK Ah.ho!J!jl tuberculosis has declined In the U.S. In recent years, lncrealing numbers of e&deriy are now getting the disease, espedaJly those In nursing homes. In 1964, 20 per- cent of TB vk:tims were over 65; today 3D percent are. TB may lay dormant In elderly people for many years, Doris Mack, a professor at Purdue's School of Nursing, told us. But as their Immunities gradually break down, the disease may become active when they iu-e ex.posed to TB organisms In the air. Long-term treatment with drugs Is usually effective. However, TB ls often misdiagnosed because It mimics other ailments. A TB epidemic broke out In an Arkansas nwslng home because the carrier was allowed to roam the halls freely for a full year. To combat the growing threat, Indiana recendy paseed a law that aD poten- tial padentl and penonnel mU1t ~ X-reyad and tatlld for TB befON being admll- t.cl lo a n&nng home. DAii.UiS MOVES AM ._. OI' Pay attention torught: It could bring you an Academy Award someday. Such noted film makers as Ingmar Bergman, Federico FeDtni and Luis BuJ\uel often get Ideas for their movies from their dreams, reports Mmsha Kinder, who teaches a course at U.S.C. on the relationship 0 between dreams and art and edits a journal, Dreamworla, &rgmcrn 0 on the same sub)ect. mutt <ham o/ Lill Ullmann. Bergman, In particular, has gleaned ideas from hls dreams, she notes. H\s famed The Seventh ~al ls based on a recurring dream about death -a dream, Kinder adds, that finally disappeared after Bergman finished the film. KJnder told us that many people dream about movies and 1V these days and that certain $nbo& celebrity names pop up a lot. For example, Steve McQueen. "He was a very macho person, yet his last name suggests femininity," she notes. ..Thls is symbolic of sexual ambiguity." Oh. SNAPPY aJRm Next time you're seasM:k or carsick' treat yourself gingerly -that Is, try taking a teaspoon or so of ginger. Thirty-six volunteers who were highly susceptible to mo- tion sickness were given (t either a nor- mal dose of Dramamine, two capsules of powdered ginger root or a placebo. They were then blind- folded, put In a motor-drtven, revolving chair for up to slx minutes (unless they requested it be stopped) and asked every few seconds how their stomachs felt. As reported reoendy, three of the volunteers given the placebo vomtted, and none of those on Dramamine made It the fuD six minutes. But half of the people who had taken ginger lasted the maximum time, and none felt as bad as the other volunteers. BIRTHDAYS (Sun., Leo; rest, Virgo) Sa._ -VaJerie Harper 42; Cindy Wiiiiams 3.S. Mal., -Gene KeDy 70;· Vera Ml&es152. 1u-s.v - Gerty Cooney 26. Wiid- ...._ -1..eoNrd a.m- sta\ 64; Sean Connery 52; Ruby KMa 72; Van John- son 66. ~ -Tuesday Weld 39. s.turcs.v Donald O'Conn« 57. l . l STORE SHOPPERS SHOCKED BY MY LOW VITAMIN PRICES! ------------~---~ 3 BIG 'N · : DEUCIOUS I HI-PROTEIN I BARS I J FREEwnwmnmDJ I What a delicious way to get the protein your I body requires daily (protein is not stored in I the body). These are real energ.r hara with a hi,gh I protein content-2~ of the recommended I daily allowance in every bar. Carob coated. I No chocolate. The whole family will enjoy them! I Check the box in the order blank and re-I turn it with an order for any of the items in thia ad and I'll include without charge 3 Big 11 'N Delicious Hi-Protein bars. Oflltf Eapl,_ lep .. Jllbw 22, 1112 I --~-----;--------~ SPIRULINA 500 mg. Tableta TM rwturwl ............... , ~ '-Y'O"' dl9t. 9 100-4.50 50 Teb6eta2.4 200-8.50 400-11.00 Hltlt flllllr BRAN 100 tor 69¢ 511 Ml T*"1 500 for S2.99 100-8 50TAlll..ETS $335 COMPLEX 100 TABLETS ..... 100 MG ~Of-e.1 &2 &e NIACIHAMIOE CHC)t.IHE INOSITCX. PAHTOT!tENIC •CIO & ,.,.,. 100 MCG E....ct1Of-11-•2 BIOTIN & ~ouc AC() LYSINE 312 mg TM>l9t1 "'""~* IRON TABS 1oor .... 141 IOO tor 1.41 Mail order la not •heckled with the high fixed overhNd of ret.11 ator•, so Bob Lee can NII fresh, professional quality vtumlna at fantaatlcally low prlceal VITAMINS BY MAIL FROM LEE NUTRITION Enjoy 3 Nutrttloue Meal• on The GRAPEFRUIT DIET PILL PLAN AND LOSE WEIGHT FAST Conlalns one°'.,,.·~· cMI ...,, ....... .... , 2 BB I lk able wltlloYt preecnpeion lndulle& modem. .., or • elfecUve Ooet pl9n 11\M lem you 9nfOY 3 OellO· 200 fol' 5 • 0U$ mMls ll1d ~ evefyday • you toM 9 8S weight. 500 fol' • "S I D II Super Oxide Dlsmuta11 2000 Unit T1blets 50 ... 100 200 • • • r-1 ,00 r-• S.50 r-• 12.50 BREWERS YEAST ~GRAIN TABLETS 2)1) rMli.11 79e 1,000fOf11.99 ~t;<;+:.c;LECITHIN ~-s109 soo•otM.15 TifE MOST WANTED POTENCY HIOH POTENCY 100 lor S00 IOI' 12.19 112.H VITAMIN B6 IL·TRYPTOPHAN too MO. T A8UTS 100-3.49 500-18.50 500 MG. TAKLTS »5.75 80-9.95 50 MG. Tabletl I 100MG. Tablets 100 f()(... 100 f()( 1.49 500 for 3M 250 fOf 3M ---BEE POLLEN TAM :: 21• 800 tor 11.IO COO LIVER OIL CAPS ~88· IOOC....IMI ::=:. ~~-~u ,...., n...,.o-. T~ 11• . .., .... SELENIUM IOllCQ TAa.STS 1~-in '2" _ ...... DOL.a.ml -181. ti.I. .. --, ....... ~ NTA....,. QIUCQMTI ... ,~95• _.., ..... t,000tof 11M BONE .~~ 49' MEAL 5001*etatorti.1t TAeuTS t,000 ...... fotU:H HERBAL T.=.. 85' LAXATIVE IOO , .... IUI "KEY 4" Tabs .,_...,_ .. ~ ·~­.... ~ Olllf Ull ... .,. ....... 1•"' 79' • •2.99e BALANCED IO MG. I : I \~lij~ 9 +;t '"Ul·~LIX SO Me:• ~------------------, I Spteia/ ~ from eoo Lee I I 400 UNIT £ COllflAllf AllYWHlM I I VITAMIN 0 100 for 1.59 I I CAPSULES Cl 500 for 7 .89 I II °""~":!.s.n OftMIO 1000for15.75 11 873S fO ~ r-• WU/12 MAL COUf'C)eC wnM ~ ~------------------~ ~------------------~ I Spteia/ ~ from eoo Lee I I 500 MG c COllPAM MYWHlM I · I VITAMIN 0 100 for 87• I I ·· " • 0 500 for 3.99. I I .,... J"Z!. linMlll 0 1000 10< 7. 59 I 8133-•o • ·-• ~ MAL COi'"* Mn! OlllD9lt ~------------------~ AL, AL' A GAR UC DOLOlll'n ,,..,.,.. r--. 3J!n ,__,_ .. ~., 38' c.=.. 7~ 100 43• soo ........ 11.11 Tlllilllt 1.000 ...... 11 .. 500 tor SUI 1,00lforS1 .71 ~~ H•llaAL KELP DIUll•TIC T ..... ·~•s 37• r.=., ~1 49 100 35• -· 1 .000 fof ISM 500fofll.M 1.•••1.• NATU~TAMIN C :•:_...,. AT f'AKf Y LOW PRtCea QUNfTlT't '°'"'° ZIOWO IOO WO ICllOWO 100 Si' H• 1.38 1.H 500 2.91 4.49 e.58 ••• 1000 5.48 7.88 12.41 17.91 _ . ._.VITAMI~ .,Ee~ -IOI I u JOll l\I •lll 1-1\1 100 91• 1.18 2.99 7.11 500 4.85 1.88 14.89 37.11 1000 8.41 17.51 "··· .... r .._... .. -n,,,,.,,,.,.,._. •• Lee Nutrition =:=-:•10ao. I I MAil VOUR OM>!ATO , ..... CINID.-.vtlA I •MAIHIT. ---.. ~I "Natural f 2" I· cA•NDGI. MAii. 02142 ..... ~ ----m!~~lll!"" _____ .,_ .. *81. Ledllllll. Alllllai.~· "-•·Mey TOTAL I Vt'8Mln• tot :ru..,.._"':it wi... """'· Oolotlllil. °'* I OUANT1Tv size NAME OF PAOOUCT PflllCE In I C10 dlly, l50 "'9> Mdl ol Vi. 81, •• 18, Nlmt..,.., ,..,.,..llckfd. QlalN, ..,..,.: ' 30 l':t p~ Acid; l50,,... _,, . HAIR CARE ·=--: . ::::: I I 100 Day s31s 250 Day. ...... 1Ctlr&AI I I · Suppty Supply t:I 1:S 2.98 · vrr AMIN -~~ 1 1 I -~~-M I ,_,... 100 FOR •1 1 • IOO for M.78 •• I 'l .. ·!!~C ·· ..... 11.n 11.• t:·• ......... uv•Rr....... ( IHJ\'l*rj 1 .::::c. .... :.:::::: ,,, :u: !::::I: N,r 69• to!·!!O.. • D ~i5ft-':~.,,., . • .... .-.......... 11.• *'·• r... -I .... ,..,..., -PR•• I • .... ..uc aao ........ ... 11.• I•==::::··::::: l~i &;E :ff:i WTMM E ~ .._.....,.,a...-aw.c , ,....,_. · I ;..,.·:::··:::: *'·" 111.11 '"·" a..utvOH · 1~ 100 ..... ~ I AtlONtl Alf I ... ,.,. ......... 11·• 1u: .... ,. 1•.aof•u. r-u• TMll r•~ I 1 L.;;; ... :.; .... ;.~·•~"~··~"~'·~··...;~···;;...~~~".·· .. ~~~·~-:;:~~ ... ;:.:..: .. ::.: .. :.:fLll~:..=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=.licm fl!Il.. I __. -------------7 al 81 , d-elallrl; I 00 tnC0 folio Add • c!°PS 171 I 100 2•• CAPS IOO fof t10.lt Sears Most tte ... .e llledlteed Prtces This Advertising S ctfon Etfectrve Thru Aug. 24 Unless Otherwise Specified. Sale starts Aug. 22 DeUvery not Included in the selllng prices of all Items In this clrcufar. U. Conv•ill•nt s..nctulrge for your Purdwses Nl'L T .... Shirt '""*""1~ f ensed hln bc>Ys~-6\i.. ·~ 3!! Men'I 1...,ent T'I T-shirt ce>Mection. Sitts S-XL .... 3 999 MM-tor ........ _. ~ PNl9lnlll .... 11 Tee1'1911•• "•· 97e u-. 1s• ~ hU on hand suflldent quandUes to meet rNSOf1<> IC>le conuner delNnd. Sears rnrrws the ~ ID llmlt quanddes SIOtd ID commerdaf pun:haers. Hait Sllps Nylon with lace trim. ()'• ....... u.IWd Cord Pant Sets Boys', girts' sizes 3-6X. Potyester<otton. Qr:• ....... 69! Panty Bonanza Briefs, hlphuggers and bikinis. 5, 6, 7. 5,or s3 Wov.n Pant Sets Boys'. girts' sizes 3-6X. ~er<otton. Qr:• ....... 6 9Z 0rton•Yam DuPont acry1ic in 4-pfy, 4-oz. sk~ns. ~ s1 ~ ........ Sport Socks Men's sizes. ~"·" Pq.flll6-. Jr. Nylon Bags Totes, barrel bags, more. §97 . l'lmtlctter11•n ~d 8. lftak resistant '1 ... · Accent CMln s 129. 99 Rocker or S 139.99 Westbury Chair 8 Velour a.th Towel Cotton-~ster. jacquard bor~r. ::i. 2 for 5 6 Window Slulde Ats windows 37"x6'. Ught tlltertng. ..... 799 IU." a... ........ _,,... • M••ler r ISearsl ~~ Back Seto All Kids' Corduroy · Bottoms In Stock Just in time for bac~-to-school. Select from our entire stock of kids' cotton/polyester cor- duroy bottoms and save 25%. Little girls' and boy~' sizes 3 to 6X, bigger boys' sizes 7 to 20 and .bigger girts' sizes 7 to 14. All Kids' Braggln' Dragon® and . Velour* Tops - Pair up .corduroy bOttoms with Braggin' Dragon@ knit tops or velour tops. All available in little girls and boys, bigger boys and bigger girls sizes. *Cononf pof)'elter or 100.. cotton Styles shown _. representative of Sears assortment 25°/o OFF ·Boys' Novelty Tops SJ." Uttle loyl---2." M.ff 8lg ~ 2,.)J Choose your~ featuring E.T., Pac- Man, Donkey Kong, Frogg~. Uttfe boys' SM.L big boys' S-L ---- SAVE NOW SchoOI SUpptteS ....... S2.H, 20Ckola1t 189 Theme 90ok _______ _ ...... St.9' 788 Sols c.lculMIW #58" -----..., •• stJ ... The leg In blue, 8" ..,...,,........,. _____ _ .......... 49•. zoo a.,..,._,.., _____ _ ... -.aa ___ ,.... __ ................ I A: w:: .. t.,. ---~--------------................. -..._ ........ -. ._...__. __ ..... ,#•--•-·-···--t.;...-,, ...... _ .......... , ., ISearsl ., . Use Convenient Seanow,.r_: your·Pu Our Entire Stock of ~uiy Furs <11: a jump on wir1,ter and save on a luxurious furl Our pre-Sea$00 sale brings you outstanding savings on all our fur coats and jadceCs. Mtnk. bk.le fox. coyote and l'l1Cft In radiant na- touch a loved one "• -•r ., -· _,...,.,,. .. ........ _,... .., ............. •\:: .. ~= I!,., ....... . ........ ", .... .. ........... . Every dress In our ·a~~ ,department Romantic dresses. Tailored dresses. 2-pc. dresses and jacket dresses . Scores of non-stop looks in easy-care fabrics for \misses. petites and half-sizes. Come see! In our Dress Dept . __ ;: _____ --~ .:-:--__ -· _ __. ________ .... _~ .,._ ._.......... .. ::;.!.. --__....::::.._ ---_..=..-.::.-=---=-:·~--=-::--:-;.~-=~~-~·1'!:-=------.--.... s5 OFF Kids' Tough Stepper® casuals • Abradon, water resistant smooth leather uppers « water resbUnt IU8ded spltt leather uppers • Rugged polymer IOlel • Crush resbUnt toe box. heel counter S2 t.99 Utde girts' T.-strap. or Kit-S21.99 Little t>oys' sport oxford, de oxford (notshDIM'l) __ l6.t9 sizes SY.2-3 16.99 """ .-... JI """ ""9-JI $18.99 Utde Boys' Suede Oxford (notshOWnJ _IJ.H Ilg boys Md lnfllnt *-at CDfllPIAbte uW9-ttwv .iiwe. n s 10 OFF Roebucks casuals Fol WOtMn. Soft. supple INther uppefS. flex.I* man-made soles. See 04X enttt as.sortrnent roNI For men. <nat stytr and comton. Le~r uppers, man~ sotes. All Roebuelcs are made in U.S.AI Reg. S2t.99 19" Reg. SJ6. 99 26" Comf~bfe nylon and sueded split leather upper. dur- able rubber sole. Whh rtt!W styllngl teldl'.... 9" ...... J.tt ...... ....,•1.Mg .,...... 10" .... SM.ft WI! ...,.,, ......... llWI. .... 110.tt 8" """--· WWUAooe-11 nw • · Comfortable Casuals Regular 514 and 516 9 99-11!? lhru Aug. 21 Knit tops color-cued to our pants. Four styles in solids or stripes of soft, comfortable polyester and cotton. Misses. S,M,L Twlll Pants Regular ·1199 $16 '~1 . Ttwu Aug. 11 Elastic waist, slash pock~. Polyester and cotton in navy, t>my, khaki, olive. 8-18. Velour Tops 999 ReQul•r $16'" TNuAl!f. ZI V-neck or crewneck styles and more Jncludtng mandarin-coUared looks and stytes. Cotton and .D011~er. s.M.L In °"' ~, ~ -. -"' ...... ;•·---· ·-............ (...., ..... t• • • ... I Sears I Speca.t purchme 597 Roebucks® Jeans = · 1ot! M <*IDrl denin jeals. ~ lared leg stying. ,........, helNda ..... R9g. S17.H ----- SAVE ~6 . Roebucks® Stretch m--. Q!' .. RUggtd. eonav1.ycra• Jaa. Aw podfet. llrM leg weslltm ~ . MEN'S SHIRT S-PfiCTACULAR Special purchase 7!7 Speclat purchme ' 697 ~ ...... wescem styte plaid shtrt. Front and back yokes. pear1 look snaps. ~and cotton~. FlexjeansTM ·=-14"-19:l 1'wuA-.U Westem style or fashion stre1Ch den- ims ot c~ and "'f- k>n °' cotton and pofy- eslef'. Reg. $19.99-$25 Sl0.99-S25 Matur~ ftt Au-,_. , ... ,.. ..... pr. "'"' Alie-• Sears Celebrates Roebucks® · Menswear 35th Anniversary '"1 ' I 1 I I ... _-. _.........,. .... -.. · .. -.. ~·---...... "'--~-_ ------"~.;=:=-;-~ .. --..::::~T-::.-:-=-r-• =-..JEZ~-=•.-:i:;:~s~as!l!IN'r7ts&!l'l•,....,~P991------ll!I!'+~ I Sears I SPECIAL PURCHASE* .,........_..,. s.pc. lledro .. suite of oak and oak ~rs Includes cfts.ser, mirror, ful/queen ~adt>oard: ........ ft 689!! .... •100 OFF •·•••LMneitoom ..... 19P-.......... Your choice d corntr chair, arm <tlalr.4!ft 01 arm d\llNtght ...._a ---=-~---~-_, .. .-....... ~,.._ ... ,,.,.... .. ....... ~,...,. ' ... _ .. ............ ~-................ .... ....... SAVE 1240 ...... ,. 11111p1e uc: Dlftllli rn Set = 99988 ......... Sl..tl allllte of oall INN ~ ,...,.,....._~.._...,. ... ...-..1-tK--~ t.111* ... 4 "'*"' .,. CMl'9 ... _ ~-llrN .... oi--..... ..,. ... Nwl a.Ir .... ----.... ' ......... Security and landscape light- ing kit has 6 versatile swfvel lamp heads. plus 6 clear and 4 tinted lens covers, timer, transtormer and 100-ft cable. AblOlute Dre•m C:.rpet with IM• Important perfornulnce features found In our more expensive S21 .99 Sq. Yd. Dre•mSu.,........11 • •• t it t I • ' ......... Only 10!!. • Both cal'p9tl hMfe Uoa.pewsq.~. plleW91ght p llolll c..petl .... ... ol llOlurtoua ...,.. ......... .... • llottt c..petl .... b'Mlledwftlt Seotdl .. ,, .,....Carpet ProtectlOr to ,.... ................ ........... .,,._ ~In• .,.,.,.. ..... colon O•lllon.nd I lnlUllmdonutra Mntress Peel S.le ~a:._ YOUR J99 CHOICE ea. Choose from any size mattress pad at one Jow prfce. Evolution• olefin Cc:Ner wltn soft polyester fill. ... a •••L.- -·.-.-. . ,,......, .......,., ..... . l .... pktwe-for t...uy vWwtrtt• ~,, .. = ,_.' ,. . !!L.., Solkf.IUt• ~ wet .,.,,.,ston. 1m..,.cec1 drcuttl. ........ ~l!::!'!f*NI Up to 5 hours per tape. Preset to rec.ord up to 3 days In advance. Reroote pause/still control for editing unwanted material. ~ay programming feattJre. 59995 .,.AMI-,. ............. ...... ..,, ...,_. -,_. CeMr m.,.... F9IMWJ , .. -lw'I ....... a.-,._, .... -................... ,_ ..... ..,.,.,., ~· GOOO NAJ'IOHwtOI SAvE •10 NOANNUAHH Bl11ek/Wlllte TV 12-ln. dlaQonal me~re pic- ture Solcf state chassis. ....... 1119.tS ....,,.u,,.n Pro Bowl Kettle Grlll ::: 49~~ ... .-... ~ ~ ..e. Cor'Mfl. lent~Nd. SAVE '40 Canister .. Vac with Po¥fermate® Powefful 20 peatc HP (.85 HP VCMAJ suction com- bifled wiltl a ~ bar brush to pc:Nlef out dttpfy ~ clft. Edge ~aning gets those t.ough-to- clean areas along walls . ............... 14995 .._AM9-H SAVE '30 Steam- type Carpet Cleaner ~ ~t sprays hOt solution l.nto f ,'I'' carpets. loosens and ~x­t' • • tracts embedded dirt. Dries qu~. ::::.: 13995 ... Allf.n Microwave oven with Z Stage M•mory Defrost and roast °' use any 2 funcdons auto- matically. Cook a Whole meal at one time in spaaciJS Dl cu. ~ oven. Probe wt1h hold wann tor up to one hour. Detay start. , ... 399~. SAVE s20 SAVE s30 "---2-cyde ....... c.pKlty ..... , _, Inc.lodes permanent press cycle, 3 water temperatures. 3 water ~= ·29Pr!" UW.91 a. o.,w n••• 1n.• a. ........ ...,...-···· _ait,,. ,....""" .. t J '40 OFF 14.1 Cu. Pt. Refllgeai:etor Preew ............. 3999=5 •. 10.41 cu. tt. fresh food sectJon. manual defrost ~ 90 ru. ft. rreear. Power Miser slNftth helps save energy. Durable ABS plastic lnterl0t Is easy todNn. . SAVE s70 Craftsman Drlll Press ._. ......... " . 99~~ Four speeds. Steel co- 1 umn cast cast iron work table, base. · Partly assembled. Motor extra. #22615 ....... Hlt.te .. 3/8-Hr. 3-5/8-ln. cut #!7328 Craftsman· Electrlc . Power Tools Your Choice ·3411 ••h ........... A. •••• " .. .,, .............. ,, .... Drlll #tM9 L 114.99,, 7-ln. Clrcul• Saw .,..,. ,.,, ...... "'"° C. SH.ff,, I/ .... ...._ Tll ••• ............. nsm I D. ····" lhllll Motion .... s.ndmr #tt69 •· SH.99., t/4-HP S.bre Sew, ..U· ............ .n.tl ..... #t071 ... Qt ... '- Drawer and shelf in- Wded. II 1026 J • CUT '100 was S199.99 ' AM/PM Stereo wltfl CWtt• •rid Dolby• - Dolby• noi2 reduction sys-9999 tern ~s high tr~ . noise. 14 watts of power ~r chanoef. Auto-revrrse . ........ Ct ..... A c Al.llJdlt ..... iiiiiety "'-P ........ "z'" -----B . .ll.lll.ln .. ct'W ifiiliii ---. .... '"·"24" ....... c. "'"' '1 ..... ..... .....,_ ....... " .... ... 4. 0 . e:.1.-:, ............ . =-"""" '9 • e,JU".!;:o',._ ...... " 3" .. ......... F. J!l.!!!. S..S ......,,, .... ......... ......... 219" ::e--=:"Y· ... ..... G.U9 .. X-C.WO• w!&iiianter ........ 7~ ................... Super Duty Shocks . ~"14~ ... """'. ............ sAVES2 Flnllec -. ... " 4'1! ----- 25% OFF n. lw'I Dllllmrd It llet7 ta: tum 525 amps cad crankjng power. Group 24. For lrattlldan lnduded most American- ~ cars, many Imports. 5249 :t:'~... ex. t11ruA119 •. n 1 , _sz OFF 1 Heavy-duty- Pius shocks Regr-• ···"-· Helps gNe good ~ CC» C70l Piston rod wiper ring. For mosr cars. and light ~1'!! SAVE s5 ' 11 I • w ... ' 6-ft.Alumlnum . SteplHcler 1189111• .... " 29~~ Tested strength to 800-lbs. Type 111.- .42056- ' i .. Easy ·uv1ng Fl•t or Celft_M White 1nterlor:lia1nts · ...... ~, -·-.,. 99· Sli:M · ...... ..... Alllo. Washable one coat coverage when used as directed. 23 colorfast colors. #91 005, #91955 116." Senll Gloa #7IOOS I I·"_.-. .... Allif.. Wenlierbeater . Latex Flat · Regu~r . St6.ff ·999 . pllon ..... """'. Of1e coat coverage when used as directed. so non-yellowing colors .. #30005 Sl9.ft Gloa #JIOOS _____ IZ.ft .... --All9-• Craftsnaan ., -HP Sprayer . Compressor ~rS669.ft Delivers 7.5 399. 99 SCFM at 40 PSI, · 100 PSI. ...., #15821 All9-• Sychfo IMfanced englM. Eltclrtc st.art. 2 forward .... • • ..... .. SAVE SK Flooclllgflt llulb Std. base. 150 or 75-watt t !! .......... ....l.;a. SAVE 5Z1f. Exterior Bnllh Weathe~ater 4-ln. ex- terior brush. #14008 !NE SS.M 2·St9ftllool Folding metal has cu- shioned seat '17 ..... ID." ... .-.,a. 2-Stltch s.w He .. Olaf to~ straight°' zig- zag stitches. S fl!:;. !!!! . ............