HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-26 - Orange Coast Pilot, Ylll lllEllll IAllY Ml· OH A N G[ COUN IV C.Al II OllNIA '1'1 < t: NT ~ warned: More flights loom By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of'lhe o.Nr Nol l laff trafuiportatJon demand. the number of jet departures to 9a per day. Forty.one per day are now permitted. expand lta Fashion laland facUlty with a 12-story, 210-room addition. (While pla11J1 have been submJtted to the city, they have not been approved.) Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, had a atem warning Wednesday for Ne wport Beach . Should the city not chanae lta current course. Neatande uid, ''Then maybe we will have to add a lot more flight.a. I can't say how many at this point." The plarul were prepared by the county airport ataff. The city can expect an increase In the permitted number of jet departures from J o hn Wayne Airport if it continues to promote commercial ventures, such as hotels, that boost local air The board c hairman 's comments followed dlscloaure that county officials are atudying five options for the future of the airport ranging from holding the line on expansion to increasing "At far as I tee It, the city la thumblng ita nose at us, wanting to close down the airport, but expanding the hotels," Neatande sald. He referred to a proposal by the Marriott Hotel Corp. to Newport Beach Councl Iman Paul Humme l cr it icized the option.a today as being "out of context with reaU\y." "I don't see how the county can even conceive of considering increasing flights knowing that CREATIVITY CHANNELED Chris and Scon, who painted their faces to preserve their "semi-anonymity," ' o.lly Net ....... ., a.tM 9t8rf wonder which passers·by will see the two faces they've hidden in mural on Santa Ana River channel . Artists faee up to society Muralists discover painting on river channel prompts brushes with the law By ROBERT BARKER Ol IM DMtr Not~ Chris and Scott are a couple of young Orange Coast College art students who take their art pretty seriously. They have worked various hours of the day and night in painting a large and colorful mural on the side of the Santa Ana River Channel on Fountain Valley-Costa Mesa border. The young men, who say they want to remain "semi-anonymous" to keep from ~ibly getting into trouble for painting on public property, say they put about $100 worth of paint and 11 hours of work into the project. Chris. the chief artist, tells how much of the work was done in quick bursts to avoid detection by police. He asserts that they ran and hid from a patrolman with a walkie-talkie on one occasion and hid In the river sand from a police helicopter another time. They put the finishing touches on the white, yellow, orange, red, black. blue, green and white picture over the weekend. It can be seen best from the right la nes of the northbound San Diego Freeway as they cross over the bridge near Euclid Street in Fountain Valley. Two faces are camo uflaged i n the artwork. One is located in the upper right-hand edge of the painting. Chris says i t represents 50cie ty. The second, upside-down on the opposite side of the mural, represents real people taking a look at society. "We've been getting some outstanding feedback from people who knew we did it. They are impressed with the size and color," Chris says. Chris asserted that the y oung artists, both residents of Fountain Valley, were motivated by their desire to e liminat e satanic writings and s logans ap~aring a t the river channel that were getting more and more insulting. "We were merely trying to replace the satanic slogans with something that would draw thought and beauty to a point where ugly defacement of property once was." the n oise impac t u f\ Newport alre ady is ao great. "I 'd lik e to know w hat's bf-come of an a lternate site for an airport. Sudde nly we're back to t rying t o m a ke d o with a <.'Om ple tely unsatisfactory site." Ne wpo r t M ayor J ack ie Heather said she is disturbed by the connota t ions of the five options. S he pointed out this Cc llows on the heels of a <'Ourt ruling striking down the airpon'I pt·rlmetcr r ule. S udde nl y i t seem• like every thing Is crash ing down around us again," she aa[d. "Our various safeguards are juat ~ swept away and It's frightenift8. Heather declined to respond '° thl• pointed remarks made by Nc11tande. Nesta n de was o ne of twd (See JETS, Page A2) French break embargo on . Soviet pipeline LE HAVRE, France (AP) Dock worke r s loaded t hree compressors destined for t he Sov iet na t ur al gas p ipelin e aboard a French freighter today in the firsl Western European shipment o f U.S . embargot>d equipment for the prop·t. The three compressors wen· bUJlt by Dresser France, a wholly owned subsid iary of Drcss<.'r lndustries lnc .. of Dallas, Texas They wer e load ed on the freighter Borodine. which was l.O leave the port of Le Havre later today for Riga. the capital of Soviet Latvia. Dresser France said T uesday 1t would fulfill its contract with the Soviet Union after receiving a requisition order to do so from the French governme nt. Under French law, the government c:an requisition the serv ices of private compa nies if those services :.in• judged to be in the national interest. S ources in Washington said President Reagan will blacklist the French subsidiary 1f 1t ships the equipme nt to the Soviets in defiance of his pipeline em bargo. Su ch a move wou ld bar thl• Fre n c h s u bsidia r y from 1m port1 ng Spl'cific Items and tt.•c h nology f rom its parent company, or f rom a ny other Amer ican suppliers of the same items. said t he sources. who declined to be 1dentif1ed. Dres.~r Ind ustries complained 1t was caught "between a rock and a hard place" because of the two govt'rnment conflicllna ordc•rs Tht·rc:.· were no immediate l'Ommcn ts from th e French government about the delivery of Dre ~sl•r 's com p r essors or Rt>agan·s th r eat to impose ::.::int'llons against the firm. A. F'rcm·h governmen t spokesman !.aid th<• pipeline issue was not d1S<:us."4.·d at Wednesday's weekfy Cab1nt.•t St•ss1on. · · Howevt•r. labor unions at · Dn:ss<'r F'ran c:c ex pre ssed' c:onc:c>rn 1oday about possible U.S. !-.ann1c>r1s a n d dema nded a mt>ct1 ng wit h ma nage ment to d1St'uss thl' s1tuat1on . "Reagan wants to make an t•xample of Dresser -France," a union spokesman said . "More than ever. we m ust r e m._ln vigilant and prepare ourselves for a tough battle to g uaran tee our )Obs .. More troops land \ in Beirut today BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) M o r e F ren c h and I talian peacekeeping troops landl'd in war-battered Beiru t today and joined U.S. Mannes in overseeing t h e eva cu a tion of Palesll ne Liberation Organization fighters from the Israeli-ringed LcbaneS(· capital. The Syrian a rmy sent 61 trucks a nd tank carriers across Israeli lines to west Beirut to start a two·day overland evacuation to Syria Friday of 3.500 troops and o ff ice r s of t he Syr1an - commanded Palestine Liberauon Arm y. a n I srae l i army spokesman in Lebanon said Lebanon's state radio and the Syrian government earlier said the Hillin Brigade evacuation on the B1..•1rut-Damascus highway would bt·gin today despite the PLO's f ear o f a t ta c k from Pn•sH.lc-nt -elect Gemayel'a Lebanese.• Christian militiamen . "There 1s no I.and evacuation today." the Israeli military ~pokesma n told r e po rte rs in ~ubu rban Baabda. five miles east of Beirut A truc·k convoy carrying about 500 PLO guerrillas was at the U S Marine controlled poet e"'ltra n ce at midd ay for se• evacuation to the Syrian port of Tartu!'. '\ Ill-fated 727 pilots 'discussed aborting' fliglii ·:~ WAS HINGTON (AP) -The erew of the Boeing 727 jet tha t crashed n e ar New Orle ans clearly was concerned about the severe weather that engulfed the area and discussed in detail the procedures for aborting the .• COUNTY takeoff if problems arose , a t rans c ript of c o c kpit conversations revealed today. But the fully loaded Pan American World Airways jet be gan sinking shortly after takeoff, struck the top of a tree a Snails h ave day in Irvine Slimy, stomped on and ambushed with Snarol, the lowly garden snail will finally get its day in the s un next month when the Irvine Chamber of Commerce sponsors a snail race (?). Page Bl. ,. County back s Niguel project' The county bu agreed to underwrite low-interest bonds for a development in Laguna Niguel, alth~gh supervisor Brut.'e Nestande believes the fund.a do not provide a "significant pub~ benefit." Paae A6. NATION Pot grower , 82, 'reformed' The 82-year-old woman arrested for growlna marijuana says 1he won't pow the illegal weed any more after beinc put on unaupervi8ed probation. Pap A7. t half mile from the runway and four s econds late r plowe d through a residential area. The transcript showed that Capt. Kenneth L. McCullers had advised his co-pUot, who was at the controls. what to do "if we have to abort for any reason." About 9 0 seconds la te r . McCullers and the co-pilot, lst Officer Donald A. Pierce, again disc ussed procedur es fo r rejecting a takeoff. Pierce had questions about S teel shipping subsidized The Commerce Department. upholding previous c harges, has ruled six European countries have unlairly subsidized steel shipping to the United States. Page B8. BUSINESS Rate dip viewed cautiously Mortgage interest rates are comln& down. but lenders and builders are reacting cautloualy after being burned in 1980. Page B4. SPORTS Fernando sparks tlae Dodgers Fernando Valemuet.'1 ann -and bat -help move the Lo' A n gele• Dodgen back into 1ole poueuion of flnt place in the N ational Learue Western Division . Pate Cl. ' some of the procedures. But McCullers review ed them and told his first officer that he himself had had "quite a few a borts'' in his career. • danger of wind shear in the atta but the fi nal seconds of. l'Onversation gave no indica~· the plane had encountered one. · 1 Seconds be fore the plan e " rolled down the runway. a thlnt ... : 1' crew m an w as he ard to aay, , ' The transcript s howed the pilots we re aware of the potential "Looking good." INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoscope Erma Bombeck A4 Ann Lande rs Business 84-5 Movies Cavatcade All National News Classified C6 Public Notices ComJcs B6 Sports Crossword B6 Dr. Steincrohn Death Notices C5 Stock Markets Stan Delaplane All Television Editorial AlO Theaters Enteftalnment 82 Weather Coach rates the players A4 All B2 A3 CJ-5 Cl-4 All B5 B7 B2 A2 MJke Giddings, varsity football coach at Newpon Harbor High School, knowa bow to rate players. Pap Cl. I - Al 8 Orang• Oo11t OAIL.Y PILOT/Thuradav. Augu1t H , 1912 2 Irvine hospital plan . vetoed .by Brown ' Followlni • we k of fierce lobbylna effort.a, Oov. Edmund 0 . Brown Jr. vetoed 1 ,Wation WednHday that wbuld have helped a group to build Irvine's ftl"lt hoepltal. Dr . Stanley van den Noort, dean of UC Irvine's CoUeae of Medicine, was alngled out aa tht! chief opponent o( the bill. The legislation was Introduced In 'February and had passed the s tate Assembly and Senate before he read about it last week ln a newspaper story. Even so, van den Noort managed to quickly garner opposition to the bill in the governor's office as well as with members of the state Legislature, ensuring that it had little chance of passage, sources said. The bill, sponsored by Auemblywoman M1ir1on Berac1on, R·Nvwport Beach. would have permitted S&ddlebock Community College Dtnrlct trustees to h.•aR 10 acre. .. of land at Its north cameua \.0 Irvine Medical Center (IMC). The lease was to be at fair market value for a term of 99 years. IMC officials said they also planned to purchase 22 acres from the Irvine Company for their planned $95.8 million medical center. Though veto of the speclul land bill is considered a setback by IMC officials, they noted ultimate approval of any hospital plan for the city will have to c ome from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. .. From Page A1 JETS. • • .upervllon reached tor comment on the airport expan.tdon lalue Two other 1upervl1on, BJLph Clark and Harriett Wl\c'Ci r, wert' out of town. Supt>rvlllOr Roger Stanton allo wu unavailable. The other aupervlaor contac~. Thomu Rlll'y, aa1d hl• 1upport<t •n option whcrtiby tht' number of fllghta would be lncre&lt'd to 65 per day as noise reduc\Jona arc achJeved. Thia alternate, known as Option 3, is very similar to the airport expan1lon program outlined In the now-defunct 1981 airport master plan. That da<:ument wae overturned by order of an Orange County Superior Court judee who ruled environmental documentation for the project was insufficient. Option 3 would permit expans1on of the airport terminal and parkJng facilities to handle ~.2 million passengers annually. *** County weighs five options for future of Wayne Airport By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL of .. 0.-, ......... Five options for the fu.ture of John Wayne Airport -including one unde r wh ic}\ 98 jets per day w o uld depart over noise-Impacted neighborhoods - are under study by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. None of the plans, prepared by the county airport staff, has been publicly released or di.tlcussed by supervisors or their staffs. But a document reviewed this week shows that supervisors are faced with options ranging from essentially doing nothing at the airport to increasing passenger capacity to a maximum of 11 million travelers annually. The airport now serves about 2.5 million people each year .. Jet departures are limited to 41 per ~ay. Each of the plans contains differen t proposals for noise reductions, number of permitted jet departures and the size of the high-noise impact area located south of the airport's 5,700-foot long jet runway. Two plans, for example, would limit rt departures tQ the current l eve . A third would boost departures to 55 per day, a fourth, 73 per day, and a fifth. 98 per day. Four of the plans contain mechanisms for reducing jet noiae. The fifth, the 98-flight alternate, would maintain the high-n oise impact area as it existed in 1979. That 246-acre a r ea contains about 1,100 dwellings. Sources close to airport poli~y say it likely will be several weeks before supervisors initiate public debate of the five plans, or any new proposals that might be advanced. It was last Jan. 6 that Oran ee County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner, in a major victory for Newport Beach, overturned a previously adopted airport master plan that calle d for increasing flights IO 55 per day as noise reductions were achieved. That plan also detailed term i n a·1 and pa r kin I{ improvements to boost the ai rport's annual passenger capacity to more than six million. Sumner ruled that envi r onm e ntal documents describing the impacts of the master plan were inadequate. in the wake of the ruling. the county has been prohibited by a s ubsequent court order from making al l but minor improvements at the airport or increasing the number of jet departures. At the same time, the county h:is hPf>n undPr oressure from several major airlines fo r permission to begin Orange County service. The county has adopted a plan to permit entrv bv new carriers by reallocating the existing 41 daily departurtt. Officials privately say the easiest way to put the airport access issue to rest would be to increase the number of permitted daily jet departures. But, they Add. suc h a move will undoubtedly bring down the wrath of residents of both Santa Ana Heights and Newport Beach. Following is a list of the five option s under stud y by the board: OPTION I: Would permit 41 jet departures. No new master plan, environmental impact or airport land use compatiltility plan would be prepared. J et noise would be reduced to shrink the size of the high-noise impact area from 246 to 81 acres and from l,100 to 335 units. OPTION Z: Would permit 41 flights per day, and expansion of 'the airport terminal to handle 4.5 million passengers annually. W ould require a n ew environmental impact report. Noise would be reduced as outlined in Option l. OPTION 3: Mos t closely resembles the now-defuct air_port master plan. Flights would increase to 55 daily. Terminal would be expanded to handle 6.2 million passengers annually. Would r equire n e w planning documents. High noise a r ea would be reduced to 125 acres containing 531 units. OPTION 4: would permit 73 jet departures daily. Would maintain the high-noise impact boundary at a line established in 1981, but reduce the area to 155 acres containing 671 dwellings. Would permit annual passenger traffic of 8.2 million. OPTION 5: Would permit 98 departures daily and an annual passenger load of 11 million. There would be no reduction in the 1979 high-noise impact area. New planning documents would be required. Partly cloudy Coa!Jtal Nort'-1 winds tO to 20 knoll """' the out., wat .. a ,,.., Point Conception wtlh 4 10 7 loot aeu Local low clouds end log EIMW"4tr•. llghl verlet>la wlnda toul'-1 to _, 8 to 16 knots during eltarnoon 1 to 2 loot aouthwwt awell a.coming penty Cloudy ellamoon U.S. summary A. Wong tow c><eaura tySlam lftOv•d acrou the north•rn A.1'-"tlc atatn Wadnelday with hM"Y rM'I 111\d wind gulling up to 50 mph, and rain alao wea .cetterlld over th• South end West. Thund•rehoware ••r• .cett.-cl "°'" the Cerollnu Into "'-TUH Penhandl• end New M••ICO, •• w•ll •• ov•r the mountain• of Arizona and the mOllJ't•ln• and deaaru ol 9oulflWll Cellfomla. T huttd •r •how• r • 111 o O.. lft!P9d owr plll'tl of toUthe<n \JUlll lltd touttlern ColoflHlo. and • fl-" flOod W11tctt w• 1-*' tor lnuClh of to11ti.n Colof'ado. For todty. eut1erad Mio-• and tllllndlrltorma -• lor41Ceat ovt1t the South-II mounteln• . and delert• Into th• eouthern Rodi•. A. cl'tance of eho-• wM foteGM1 along the Of.gon coMt. Valley •nd th• ••tram• SOtllheHt. with moetly aunny ................ ·ea1;1 ornia Temperatures Alt>any A.lt>uque Anchorage Atlante Allentc Cty A.Ullin Beltimore 81<mlngl'tem 81amarek BolM NATION Boal on Bulf•lo Butllngton Chanstn SC Cl'tarls1n WV Cl'terttte NC Cl'tayenne ChicaO<> Cincinnati Cllw.i.nd Ctmbla SC Columt>u• ()el-Ft Wth Oeyton o.iwer Del Mo+net Da1rott Duluth El Patio Falrbenks Fergo FllllO•tall Great Falls Hartford H•leoa Honolulu Houston lndnapll• Jack an JKl!anv1 .. Kane Clty Kno11ville LU Vagae Litt .. Rodi Loutlvilla ~ Mlwnl .......... ~ NewONena NewYC>ttl Norloll! Oll1e City Omeha Ol1ando ~ ~ Ptland. Or-. Pr~ Flano flllchmOttd .... Ult!• 12 se 82 64 59 49 91 73 83 68 98 73 87 71 92 72 72 •9 93 55 73 &6 72 59 IMS 61 i5 80 80 72 91 75 NallOn<ll WHl'>e< Sa<v<le ,00 78 48 1,;.NO.;.:.:.A;,:.;A...;U::..S:::....::Oeo=l....::o;...1 .;;.Com="'....::e<....::ce:.;__;;;.---,,------=------', 75 54 Fronts: Cold "PT Warm .... Occluded ~ 78 67 ~ 65 95 75 77 65 102 76 76 85 79 54 83 55 78 80 7S 43 94 89 &4 .. 75 49 11 se 81 43 74 59 88 48 88 74 95 78 78 83 95 74 96 75 80 56 ee 11 80 88 79 71 ae ea 15 78 17 83 74 5& 84 $3 81 71 95 73 as 81 93 75 ee ee 78 54 92 78 87 10 M 75 73 81 ea ao .. &I as ea 97 IM .. 72 .. $3 San AntontO San Diego Sen Fran S..ttla Shr8V'8P0'1 Sioux Fill• SI lOUll StP·Tlltl"IPI Spoll-SyracuM TOPeka Tue.on TulN Waehlngtn Wlcl'tlta 97 76 78 71 60 54 87 59 91 7' 81 S3 80 59 89 78 91 53 75 81 79 53 9t 85 " 68 92 74 82 82 88 70 t02 78 82 68 71 55 95 58 89 74 7• IM 81 85 85 52 t7 '8 t2 71 8& 87 12 M t4 M .. ea 83 55 11 83 88 72 84 57 II M 90 72 .. 85 .. 55 .... .. 83 10 61 1t 54 t2 50 llRf REPIRT --t. 1 1 ' .... -· I t I I ~ aw 1: w San Bernardino San Gat>rtat San Diego San Franc:l9Co San JOM Santa Ana Snanta Barbera Santa Crw San11 Marl• Santa Monlce Stockton Thermal T0<ranc. Yume Smog 89 68 88 65 78 71 60 54 73 6t 81 65 1s eo 70 59 11 1se 7• 60 85 58 95 74 79 &4 92 75 The Air Ouallty Management Olstrk:I pr~lctl good air qulllty tO<l•Y In rnucll of the South Cout Air 8Hln, bul unhHlthlul air· qualtty 10< -*ti..,. pecl9le In the valley• end Rlvarald•-S•n B«nardtno .,.. Unl'IHlll'lful air quality for ...illw ~ II fOteUM In the San O•brl•I. Pomone. San F•rn1ndo and Sant• Cterlta ¥all•Y• and the Rlv•rald•San 8•rnardlno ar••· •II wltl't a Pollutant StllMwd lrldell of 113. Good alt qlMllty .. predlcMcl tor tMtropolltan Lo. A.ncMlea arid IM Banning ., .. with P81e of 92. Wh•r• to 0211 (toll frM) for l•t•I~~ t\:'rno•IH ·J=,~ 242~ AMrtlde lltd 8ell. ~ ooun-= (tOO) MT ... t10 AQMO lpleode Centtr: (900) 242 ...... Tides .TODAY e.cond htoh 4:07 p.m. 4.1 hoond low 11:11 p.m. 1.2 ,,.., l'nt hiOfl 9:11 Mii. u "'91 low 10-M a.m. U 8eoonO high 1:20 p.m. ••• teoofld low (-.. 11:61 a.m. O.t "'" Htl toeltt 11 7:11 p,lft,, ,... fnMy • ua • m. Moc1r1 rlMll t~ tt t:M p.m., .... , .. 12:24 a.m. e Home's sunny side up Lagunans have spent two year By STEVE MITCHELL 0( .... DM!y "91 lleft Anyone who build• a houae today and doc.. .. n't lncludl• f)Ul!ve solar fcatUrt'M, ii bui ldlni 8 dinoe1t1ur Thut'& the con~nuon of 1<>lar energy ent hu1la1 t David Battersby, who designed and built his own 2,000-equare.foot solar demonstration home in Laguna Canyon. He said his wife and two daughters have lived In the three-story structure -quite comfortably, thank you -for more than two years. That's two cold winters and two hot summers. And a tour of their unique home shows that ene rgy - e fficient homes need not be ugly structures with black solar panet., water -cooled tubes and an array o( batteries, gauges and tubs. In fact, to the casual observer. the Battersbys' Laguna Canyon home appears like many other modem structures, only perhaps more impress!~. The key lO th'e home's energy efficiency is 600-square feet of south-facing glass in a solarium that fronts the residence. The quarter-inch thick tempered gla11 radiates heat from the 1pac10U1 solarium lO tho llvlng ·~ of the homo ln th wlntt·r In the aumm~r. the f'wn bay und 11\0uth greenhouse windows are 1haded w ith a 55 percunl greenhouae shade screen. The living space in Batt.ersby'11 home was designed to encourage air movement, with a 10-foot high ceiling and an open floor plan to provide cross ventilation "A (lve mph breeze will make 82-degree air feel as refreshing as air that is 72 degrees," tht• former Santa Ana College solar technology teacher says. He said the solarium was designed to ac·t as a thermal chimney for cooling itself an tht• hot summer months. Vent windo w s alo ng tht• bottom of the solarium arc opened and hot air rises to tht: 26-fool height of the glassed·m structure. where it is drawn out of a rooftop ··chimney:· In winter months. it's merely a matter of closing the vents to retain the heat. Battersby built the stucco and glass home in 1979 after his previous house burned to the ground. He built the structure into a olar house • ID llOUth factn& hllJ, ual~ ~2 yards of concrete for • re1a1n.lnf wall 11nd foundation. The thick concrete act.a as a storagt.> mass. abeorblng heat in tht: summer months and retaining heat In the winter. In addition, the house 11 insulated with six to IO·inch styrofoam in the roof, and one- inch thick styrofoam sheathine on the out.side stud walls. Fiberglass batts in the stud wallll and foundation al.so retain ht>at, and the foundation, sill.a, window and d oor frames are s<'aled with a foam insulating substance "Today's well-built h9use will sllll lose 40 percent of its heat," Ba ttt•rs by said. Not so for his solar dt:monstration home, the 1nwr1or of which, he says, never dips bc.>Iow 65 in the winter. Battersby said it cost about $62,000 to construct his solar home. with some of t.he funding <.'Om1ng from a U.S . Department of Energy grant. He and his wife conduct home tours -at $2 per person -on weekends, and this Saturday .he 1s sponsoring a passive solar seminar at his home. Cost is $20 per ~rson, and you can register by calling 494-1434. SOLAR FAMILY -Elizabeth and David Battersby stand with daughters Lisa, 4. and Oalty Pffot Staff lthoto Christina. 16 m o nths , in front o f their 2.000-squ are -foot passive solar home The Storekeeper for Her is a new expression of an idea that has never chanacd. A store for her In the tradition of the ori&inal Storckccper, where you can expect to find the same incom- parable service and distlnc:Uvc col· lectlon of elastic spcmswcar. A store committed to tradJtion and the slm· plldty or aood Wtc. At T1w Sltwlt#fl#' Jtw H,,_ ..-. how tJw #nlW llNI 9Ullllty MWT 10 out 0/#yll. Small wonder then that we've chosen ....,. f'tan.171h 1n.l lnlnt, ~"°'' llmt.h Vlta/Ml\1ffC.·1rd .. to offer many of the finest names in sportswear and acces'IOries. Plan 10 stop by soon to meet our courteous, knowl- edgeable Slaff . And join us for the Grand Openlna that was e dozen years in the ma1clna. ~think you'U aarcc that The Storekeeper for Her was well worth the wait. ~ Located, not coincidentally. a door aw~ from The Store-~ ~ kttper. lo Ykstcliff Ptua. Aa.pst 11llt, /9fJ 10.-00 AM-9.-00 PM 'I .,._ CHICKENING OUT -T om K eevan of Douglas, Mass., gives his reluctant entry in the chicken flying contest a little e ncouraging "' Wl,.,tH>to shove . The compe tition w as he ld at th e Blackstone Va lley 4-H Fair in Douglas. -Austrian chief hits Israelis' 'crimes, madness' in Lebanon BONN, West Germany (AP)- Austr ian C hancellor Bruno Kreisky, in a stinging attack on Israel, accused Israeli leaders of "madness" and "gigantic crimes" in their attack on Lebanon. Krei!iky. a J ew who has long aroused Israeli anger because of his m eetings w ith Palest ine Liberation Organizatio n chie f Yasser Arafat, wrote in Stern magazine, released Tu.esday, that "Israe l now stands morally destitute, its power holders have shown their true face. "The whole world is afraid of the madness of its leaders. who rely only on arms ," Kre isky continued. ". . . Gigantic crimes have occurred and anybody who is silent is guilty too. "I want nothing more to do with this Israel. Never again." Kreisky wrote the article in the fonn of a personal history of his relations with Arabs and Jews, and his various meetings with th e late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Arafat in e fforts to find peace in the 1970s. The prospects for Middle East peace following Israel's June 6 invasio n of L e b a n o n a nd bombardment of Beirut wer e virtually nil, Kreisky wrote. "The exodus of the PLO from Beirut, which the Israelis have for ced t hro ugh ,h or rendous sacr ifices. w ill no t solve the Mideast problem," Kre isk y wrote. "What will ha ppen w ith the hundreds of tho u sands of Palestinian civilians in Lebanon? lf you don't drive them out too, the r e will al ways b e n e w resistance fighters coming up. Israel will then claim that she must stay in Lebanon to con trol the situation . And the con trol will be savage. "The PLO m ov ement will form again and Israel will one day say: that's where the terror comes from. It will again wage war against other Arab states. There is scarcely hope that Israel will change and become read y to compromise. "Just as in the time of Hitler p e opl e s p o k e o f an ot h er Germany which was very weak. there is certainly another Israel. But it is w itho ut po w e r and influence." Israeli "m adness" in Beirut had lost Israel sympathy and lncrc•ased the PLO's standing, Kreisky said. ''The tragedy of the battle for Beirut is that the P LO has found a measure of recognition in war that was refused It when it was steering toward peat-eful aims," the Austrian wrote S ke tching his links with the Middle East, Krelsk y recalled b itter early react ion to his suggestions of Arab friendship with the Socialist International. a group o f socialis t a nd social democratic parties in w hich t he Austrian leader has long been active. Israel's Labor Party is a member. Israe li leader s like Yig ael Allon and Golda Me ir "treated me like the last piece of dir t .. whe n h e s uggested Socialis t International policy was too one- sided and pro-Israeli in the Middle East. KreiBky wrote. "All the talk was in vain - until t hat day w hen the oil shock came," Kreisk y said . Then, Eurppean Socialist leaders sent Kreisky on several fact-finding missions to the Middle East Panel says 'nyet' to Soviets Glen Cove City Council continues ban on recreation GLEN COVE, N.Y. (AP) - The Glen Cove City Council. angry over lost tax revenues and security cos ts, is still saying "nyet" to Sovie t diplomats who w ant to use public recreational facilities in the Long Island town. The counc il voted 5-1 this week to reject a resolution to lift its ban on Soviets using beaches, tennis courts and golf courses. The hard-line stance g ot support from a New York City councilwo man, who says t h e nation's largest city should take similar a ction to win fede ral reimbursement for lost property taxes. Bu t t h e p ostion ol June Eis l a nd. D -Bro nx, was not supported by Mayor Edwar d Koch. "We're not going to d eprive Russian d iplomats of going to Cone y Island or the Rock.aways," Koch declare<i._ The G len Co~ncil wants Congress t o pass legis la tion paying it ~ck for revenue lost because of the tax-exempt status of K ille nwo r t h , the Soviet di ploma t ic r esid ence. be(o re reopening, the facilities. It also hopes to recover funds spent on security, and asked for a biU mandating the deportation of fore ign di plo mats who a re "strongly suspect.eel" of s pying. Gle n Cove o fficials h ave accused the Soviets of using the estate to mon itor tel e pho n e con versations of Long Island defense industries. State D e p artment spokeswoman Sandra McCarty declined comment on the latest developments in the continuing s t r uggle bet ween t he Lon g isla nd tow n and its Sovie t diplomats. .. We're going to have to wait to set> specifically w hat they did." she stated. The State Department agreed last week to seek reimbursemen t fo r t he Jost revenue a n d protection costs after Glen Cove Mayor Alan Parente met with U n dersecretary o f State - designate William Schneider. "It's been my position. a nd I believe it is the position of the five board members w ho voted for the ban, not to remove the ban or lift th e ban at this time until we have an agr~ment with the Soviets," Paren te said. Cou ncil member Don ald DeRiggi favored lifting the ban. "We can com pete very well with th e Russians m ilitar il y . econom ically. scien tificalJy a nd surveillance-wise, b ut we cannot com pete with them in area of petty nastiness," he said. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like., Call the number below and your message will be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor ' The s,ame 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ter s to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their na me and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat "*"''·....., l'IAll•tl><tt ond ai..I h«lll"'• Olhc., L KllJ lchutta Vkel'r....,. Olld Dtt.ctor ol ~ .. "'O TtwHnot A. Murphlne fditot • lo~Mod.-n COlllrohr KMIMth N. O. .. d-4 Jf. Dttector ol °"' otlont Clau"led e~rtl1lnt1 114"42·M71 All other department• M2~321 MAIN OfflCE ..... ..,.st ,, .... _.. .. ,,,. M4111 •-: loll U .. , C•la WM, CA "l61' Certtltfll ~ o...,.. , ... , 1"114111•"' ... '-" HO 11-t •IOfle\, lll11atratlGfl .. "" .. lei "'-' .... W.ttlMrfttfth .. relll mey lite tt~\1(9f WltNolt • "9(1al ,.rfl'lh.-Of ~OCIY••t _.,.,, VOL. 71, NO. nl f I Orange Coa•\ DAIL V PILOT /Thuraday. Augu11 28. 1U82 s 3 Deprogramming disputed Countian charged in false imprisonment IO W A <.:ITY, Iowa (AP ) Sht>'~ St•vc•n months pn ·gnant onc.J hopl's to be reunited with hc·r husband, but Sandy Ellers says shC' won't rl'turn to the religious group Crom w hich bo th we1·1· taken. l·Vc•n 1( at means rearing her C'hald by hers<>lf "I won't turn my baC'k on ham," Eilers, ~ti, s~ud this week of her husband. Bill. 24. "I want to get him out, bul I'm not sure how that will be an·omplis hC'd T hl' gruup lc•adt•r has undul· t'Ontwl throu gh a lot of fear and guilt." The• Eilers huve told conflictin~ :;torws about the religious group lo wh1('h tht•y belonged nc'<H Winona. Minn .. a nd the evPnL-; that Ol'('Urrc-d Aug. 16 On that day. the couple Wt·r<· pushed into a van and take n away as they C'mE.>rged from a Winona d1n1t· where sh e· wa), rec·<:aving prt>natal care . They wen • missing for a wee k. In Minnesota. Winona County Atto rrwy J ult•s Gc•rnes falt·d chargc•), o f falst· 1mprisonmc•n1 and l'onsp1raL·y to commit falst• amprasonnwnl against five pcoplt> Tuc•sc.Jav as a 1·c·sult of Ellers' C'ompla1n1 The• f1vl' uppeared an court and wen: rc•lt•ased on bond pending anothc·r appearance m Winona County D1stncl Court on Sept '2 They an• Mark Palmer. 28. of Orange·. Calif.. Dc•bbie Coy. 27, of Bradford. Pa : Joanne Hanson, 56, or Austin. Minn., and Thomas Quick. :i:J. and Daniel Graham, 30, both of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Their c·asc· has attracted so much a1tc•nt1on that both hl•ld nC'ws c:onft.•rcmc·es Tuesdav. She· held ht•r:, at Unbound inc·. J ha lfwav hoUS(• here for formc·r cu It mt•mbl· rs w ht· re s h e· • , staying .L .. • ,~r - Eth•1 K c:ondul·tt.-d h11> at lhl' f 1.1 r m w h e r c t h c· y 1 1 v c• d 1 n C(•ntc•rv11le, Was Thrt>e months ago, thc·y .JOIOL>d tht• 01!>l·1plt•s of the Lord Jesus Christ and lived on tht• farm. nc•ar the Mannesota-W1sL1on),1n bordt:r near Wino n a, with .anothc·r couple that also bclongc'll tu tJw group Sht• ~aid t hc·y JOlnc·d up lhtnking "at was ;1 fundamc•ntal C:h ri ~t1a n g r o up We were.· looking for a way to lx· c:losc·r to liod, and we saw them as n •ally Slnl'Crt• pc'Ople." But she desc:ribed hfe w11h1n thl' group as strat·tly d1sc:1plim-d and said members bclaevc.cJ ~vd s pokt> through fu.lma Bahc·rn . a formc•r Hindu now laving an Shawano. Wis l bc·heve mind l'(Jnlrol 1:. uS<.•d," she said She· said her parc>nts and hc•r hu:.band':. pare nts arrangc'CI r.v .. days of dt•programmmg by "vf..'ry c·omfo rtang. sin cere'. ca ring JX'Op!C'" and both of them dC'<.'ldC'd to lt•avc· the group and <.·oml' ht•n • for t·ounsc·ling She said "it was a grt'al shock Io ml'.. when her husband dt.'l'ldt-d to rC'lurn to the group E1 lc•rs. reached Tuesday night, rc:fu:,c•d to be interviewed by t<·lt•phonc· H e said h t' w ould :.land by th e> s ta t e m e nt he· rC'lc•ased earher an the day "I was held against my will." he• ~id an the state ment "I was turtun·d I was handcuffed to a bt•d I was n 't olluwC'd to sc·c· daylight ond 1 was c hoked "I had the cast twisted off mv brokt•n arm and it's b<.'c:auSC' I do h.Nt.' the Lord Jesus," he said I la:, WI re said they W('rc• lakc•n to thl' Tau CentC'r. a retreat at the· College· of St. TC'rcsa 1n Winona Thl' nuns who run the cc•ntc•r ' - ' AP Wlrephoto MARINES IN BEIRUT -A group of U.S . Mar ines walks down a street in Beirut where nearly all the buildings arc shatterC'd . At the left side the houses belong to the Christian area, while buildings on the right belong to the Moslem side. The Manm's are m Beirut as part of the mult1-na t1onal force that 1s overseeing the dcpartur(' of the PLO. have refuSt'CI cimum•11l c•>lt't!pt to s ay t h at th t• c· c• n t c• I' 111 not uSSOt·1awd with the· t.'Ollt:gl' But 8111 Ealc•r:. ~1d "thl· nuns knt'W, thl· adm1nastral1on at the l'ollef:ze k1ww, l was thert-. A nd I screamed luud t.•n<1ugh whl'n they wt•rc· laying on lop of mt' and c·hoking ml' that I think JUSt Jbout anybody an th,1l hall L'OUld hav<' ht•ard m(· " "They handc·uffod me Lo the bed , and that's hc1w I swyc•d for thrl'e days," Ealc•n. said "His family wa~ µresl•nl with him, and I d on't bl•l1eve they would havt• lt•t that happt>n," she said ur hl'r husband's rl'por ts. "Tht· dl..'programnwrs w<.•rt• very <:umfortmg. vt•ry c·arang pt'Ople. Ht•'s ~ymg whatt:vc·r they (the Sl'l'l mPmbt-rsl w<ont him lo say" She-~ad she will ~pt·nd several wc•t•ks 1n Io wa Caty before rc·turnang to Manm•sota. where sht.• e xpN·ts w lave• with her par l'nL<; an Fairmont "I'm Vt·ry happy c•xc·t'pt that my husband is still with the group. I'm myst·lf a gain I wasn't my!>t·lf whc•n I was with tht• group and l 'na happy about that " 8111 Ellers said that ··now 11 seem), th<it my n ·wanJ for what I've• gone through as that I get m y baby and my wafo t.ak(•n frnm me and at dc><:sn't st•c•m lake· anybody 1s going lo do anything for m<' or do anything about 11. " Agents seize Soviet-bound spy computer W ASHINGTON CAP) - Governmt'nt agents have sc1Z<'d a $70,000 compult'r system - illegally bound for th(• Soviet Union. they se:i ad that can enhance photographs from spy satellites ThC' Commercl' Department said the photographic· system was seized an Pasadena. Calif., this w et>k by spec'aal agents o f t he dc·partment's Offlt·l• of Export Adm1rustra11on. According to the• department. the t.-quipment had be-en 1llegally diverted to th<· Soviet Union which then sent 11 back here for 1m prove men ts l t sai d th 1· sys t<.• m was exported legally to Great Britain undl'r a J 979 l'xport 11cc•nse 1ssul-d to a subs1d1arv of a Bnt1sh t'Ompany. V1ckt•rs Ltd i It was then ~nt to the Soviet I Union in v1olat1on of U S Jaw , : the· department said • "Thereafter the• syste m was returned by thC' USSR through the V1c·kers s ubs1d1ary to the United States for upgrading and mod1f1('at1on," said Th('OClort· Wu,~ deputy assistant SNTl'lary for l e x p o r t t• n f o r t' <.• m c· n t . 1 n a 5tatement l "The system was seized to j prevent ats return to the USSR I because 1t would enhant'e Soviet I st rat egic teL'hn o l og 1ca l 1 capab1l111es and was originally 11legally diverted." Wu said The system was desn1bed as • being designed to enhanl'e and interpret photographic· images. anc:luding thost> taken from reconnaissance aircraft a nd satellites . I ' I I llllllijU CoHI OAILY PILOT /lhurwdttv Augulll 26 l\f87 Tennis s tar's name linked by A man who uknllht'tl t11111.."lt.•ll ua a l'<K'Blllt' dt·ulcr from Newport Bt•udl hus tt•wllfll'd tn t'Vlfft thut tennis s tur Vitas Gerulu1tls allegedly otfered to put up $20,000 for the pun·hJ!il' uf pharmareultcal <.'OC.'aint• Richard Purvis, 21 , made• h1i. statements in a New York City federal t'ourl Tuesda y, the opening day of a trial or a Miami man indicted on two t'ounts of conspiring to sell l'OCatne. • witness 111oney to put tog1·th1•1 u lor1w dt ug pun·hai.1" u N1•w York m·W11papcr rt•portNJ Geruhulls, 1h1• world's fifth ranked te nnis player, wus nut avuilublt-f or comme nt Tht' nt•wspupt•r rcporll'd Gt·rul1.11ll!. m1~ht bl· callt•d to ll'slify Nc.•wpurt Bcul·h polil'l' said Purvis was arrested in thl• summe r o f 1981 at ht i. Promontory Point apartment w h c r c o f C 1 c c· r s a I I e g e d I y d 1scovert>d thrct• pounds of l'Ol'ainl• valut'<i at $100,000. ' Purvis, a rrested last Yl'ar in Newport Beach on drug selling c harges, according to poltce. testified that a purport~ friend of Gerulaitis said the tennis star was willing to contribute the P olice sai d Purvi s had s u m m o n t' d p o I 1 c e t o h i s apartment to rt•port a robbery A'1 ~ left are Stac:t•y and Sara Em:kson, born in 1977; Nicole and NatahC' He rst·l't, born in 1978, and Heat.her a nd Nicole Ve nter born in 1980. ' SOMETHING IN COMMON Three sets of parents in Oshko11h. Wis .. all o l whom huvt• twm dauj.!htL·r~. d ist·overL•u that the twins s hun'<.! c.i l'Ommon h1nhday W<.'dnt'Sday From ~~~~~~~---''----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.\.~\ ~'"" .sh<Lt1and crrz,w~k ... THE. .,,,,. ••,,,. ~' · Consuiner booklets offered Ml.\~~~ t .... i ~WEATER ·#..,oi>"'o· By PAT HOROWITZ 01 the D•llr Pilot Slaff DEAR READERS: The U.S. Office of Consume r Affairs has announced the availability of two new consumer publications. "The Role of Credit Scor ing in Credit Evaluation" is an eight-page booklet prepared by Purdue University's Credit Research Center and the Cooperative Extension Service. The booklet explains to consumers how credit scoring systems are developed and used. Single copies can be ordered for 50 cents from : Ma il i n g R oom, Agricul tural Administration Building, Purdue University, West Lafayette. Ind. 47907. Bulk ord ers which cost 9 cents per copy plus postage~ should be sent to: Andrea Jensen , Publications Editor. Agr icuJtural Informa tion, AGAD Room 206, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907 "A Consume r 's Directory of Postal Services and Products" 1s a free, 20-page pamphlet on the U.S. Postal Service. It can be requested by writing lo the Consumer Advocate, USPS. Washington, D.C. 20260. Botulism cautions DE AR PAT: I've bad some home-canoed toma toes for several years. The jars still look floe, but I worry that· they may be unsafe to eat. I have been told about several cases of food poisoning from home canned food and wonder if there's any chance of this In these "old" tomatoes. 11 you havl' any d oubts about thC'Sl' tomatCX'S, c•vl·n though the ;ars appear to be • properly sealed , boil tl't em (or any other home-canned vegetables) for l 0 to 15 minutes before they are tasted. Boiling destroys the botulism toxin, s hould it be present. Any home-t'anncd foods with bulging lids. a frot hy appcarant·<', "off" odor or any sign of mold should b<> discarded and never tasted More tnformauon 1s available from the Coopt.•rative Extension Service, 1000 S . Harbor Blvd .. Anaht•im 92805. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat • Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the answers and action you need to solve inequities in r-1 government and b usiness. Mail . your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Y our Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's luJJ name, address and business hours' phon e number ranno( be considered. oncz. of thiz. ~t uniqui;z, ehz.tlond 5'Ml.at.czx.s yrul t <lWX .5(Z.(Z. • cz.o.ch .S~t.a..r LS all hand. fTarruzd with intots\8. chtz.st ond eikw.ci stnpz <il@lt colors in <ZiOdJ S'MZOt.a.r l:x:rly color.5 arci burgundy, grey, lt bluz., comcz.l, navy 8nd lcrltz.n @J~o@@J§@ 44 Fashion Island· Newport Beach· 7141644-5070 J(J(}J Westwood Bluel.· Westwood Village· 213/208-3273 The finest handbags in leather and reptile. GIBRALTAR~ nn TIE INVESTMENT TO YOU. Take advantage of our FINAL MARKDOWN Sale now in progress from 30°10 to 50°10 off SOUTH COAST PLAZA Sidewalk Sale with SnPoi r Fnin• Saturday August 28th JI •I rnll 111.'1 1'111/ 1111•1 11/n~" "8 11111su 1•/ F' '"'' 1 S1ilr11•nll rnfto .!111111;.: 11/ Sl111wlry W ri.~Jr/,1111 Sprcinl F ""'r/1 ,.,,,,,.,. Crr11r n11 Cm1(il1m· F ,,.,, Im II 1llll 1 s for tlt1· Cl1ildm1 Sidru•nll J\rt 51111111 of lorn/ nrli~I!' ftnfuri11~ ~1ni11 ,il ln•:-. lmtik 6 wntrm>lnr• And Best- many sidewalk bargains at every shop . .Plan to be there early! "" I'"" 111oran11 d' Frn11rt' Jl{lllY l'OllS (szstblef{ ~ti~ (enter Eutbluff Drive • Ne rt Beach \ e 7 days to 10 years. SIOO to SI00,000. ff RMS 7-31 DAYS 3-MONTHS (91 Daysi 6-MONTHS ( 182 Daysi 30-MONTHS (21/1 Years) 12-MONTHS 18 MONTHS TO!> YllS. 18 MONTHS TO 10 YRS MINIMUM BALANff $20,000 $7,500 $10,000 $500 $500 ... FtKed rm $500 II artlble rm SI 00 ANNUAL RATE ANNUAL YIFLO NEW SHORT TERM MONEY-MAKER Available Sept. 1 7.748% 8.091 °"1 10.395% 10.778°"1 13.000% 14.088% 8.182% 8.980~ 12.710% 13.347°"1 •frif 1 '14 f~ lf'\f01 j (bvl'lf\ I UM11tn lfllfl D1·~1N' l"d 1llltf'ftlt l !t rtt"WWf\1 al \Jtm!f flft UC: .. "'""'il't •1tt tWf I IN .... ftttM Bt ••• ,,,,.111ttf'dr1·1u • fro~'''''''' 111 "-'""'' ,.,.n, '" u1b\lt11th1I •Meutt P'f'l'l••t, Eve~ dollar up to $100,000 is Federally insured. DETAILS IU""°on 13 Wtti< U 5 T B11t J•\.: -')Unt tit~ rompovnof"O '3•11y Chae~ fhfi lrrm Rate 1\ '""" l0t q1 <laf\ By ''" nrt•l".I "°' omlJ(IVnilf'd Rate'~ licl'd lor 182 O•ys By la111tt 1nlfrtl\I not C('lmpOOndf"'d Ra!P •S 11,f<i IOI 10 tnOl'lll\ lntM~t conoou~ O.t•ly Up to S.? 000 in 1nftrt~t <!••~ t •empt from F'rderal t••n tnte•~t comPOunclrd d••ly Ratt Viown tS IOI F•<rd Ralf Account V111al>lt RA!t Account '' llM> ••••1411>1t Pru .... a\11 '°' Mtl•IS Whatever your saving's goals. short-term or long, Gibraltar can help you put together a savings/investment program that will produce substantial, guaranteed results. And it's safe. Let us show you how easy it is to earn a sizeable return on your money. We help yau ....... ,_,_..,_your tam, ymar Juture. :i ~~!~?~t~!~~~~ ~ t llllll(,l!lllAITAR'>AV"C~ At lOlllAl 'tAV"G'•A,'DLUANA~S-0CIArt0' HUNTINCTON BEAOi: f(1l Huntington Ctr. I (714) 898-9666 LACUNA HllLS: ~El Toro Rd. /(714) 9S1·8454 RJU.ERTON: 255 W. Oranget.h~ Ave.1•(714) 871-6101 NEWPORT BEAOt: 2100 W. Cout Hwy./ (714) 631·2611 SAN JUAN CAPlSTRANO: 31871 ~Obispo St./ (714) 493-SOll SANTA ANA: 392.5 S. Bristol St. I (714) 9?9-7580 14 Santa Ana Fashion Square I ( 714) 834-o'117 Or~ DAILY PILOT /Thur1day, Auguwl 26, 1~841 Drug movie brings heat Mian1i con1missioner to ~ee k ban on "Scarface' A SPECIAL SflO\\'INC; Al '(;l 'ST 25 Tl llH ' 28. Produc.oers of lA lll'W vt•r11lon or the movie "Scbrfoct.-," an wh11.:h a C u ban n • f u g t' e b t' t' o \'n e 1 a M1am1-based drug kangpm. plun to go ahead wllh tht• falman~ de!fplte som£' local prott..'lllS. Produ,'t'r Martin Bregman Cor now 11 ignoring a thn•at by Miami C at y Comrn1ss1oner Demetrio Perez Jr. to seek n ban on filming "Scarface'' on city propert y unless the script is changed. "I think he will ultimately go away." Bregman said. "I thmk he wall eventually find himself an a situation even he wall (md silly." The original 1932 "Sc.·arfacc" was about gangster Al Capone and the Chicago underworld The new version stars Al Pacino as a Cuban drug dealer Prime minister Prem Tlosulaoonda has a birthday wish: ''No more bombs, please." As he received birthday congratulations from cabinet ministers in Bangkok, Thailand on Tuesday, Prem joked about the Aug. 15 incident in which a grenade exploded on the grounds NAiii If ICIS ut h1¥ resadcm.'l' Whl'n reportt•rs askt•d Pn•m, who turned 62 today, wheth<'r ht• hos any ent•m1t's, the prim<' mm1 stC'r respondt•d, "I sup~· anybody who throws a grenade at me or my home must bc an Cnl•my." When the aclor who plays Cpl. Klinger on "M A.S.H." came to Toledo. Ohio. one of the first proplc he telephoned was r<'llrcd elementary school wac:her Besale Vogelsang. Mass Vogelsang, now in hcr 90s, remembers Jamie Farr as o n e o f her star pupils in the day s when he was growing up in T o l edo. H e was back here Tuesday to do a se ri es of t elev ision c.'Ommercials. F a r r i s FARR pr t• purl n tj (or I If t• w 1t h o ut "M AS 11 " und ttw l:hunn lt·r ol Klmgor, whal·h hm1 given tht• artor lntt•rnauonal rt.'t.'Ol!lnlllon But ht· litltd he and thc rc11t uf tht• ,·ust an• glad they'rf' ll•uvi ng "M.A S.11 " beginning lli. l l th SCWiOn this lull on CB~ l>eton• the uudacnt-e i<ot t1roo or 1t The Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah or Selanl(or, one or nine h e r e ditary rule rs of Malaysia, has left the hospital in the Seattle' suburb of Bellevue wherC' he-underwent surgery for ca tar at· ts. But the starr a t Overlake Hospital isn't likely to soon forget the sultan. At has request, the sultan's hospital quarters consisted of a ' custom-decorated , three-room suite with bamboo-patterned wallpaper, designe r furniture and gold-plated fixtures and hard -malled soa p in the bathroom. The sultan paid for much of the redecorating, but the hospital also covered pan of the costs. Waste gas. waste time. waste money. * That's what you'll be doing 1f you drive up to those c rowded LA. ski sales where you * spend more time shoving than shopping. Why f 1ght It Wart for the best Get big savings on the finest in ski gear & ski wear Everything you need Especially th e low prices. Coming Soon! 3 DAYS ONLY Sept. 3, 4 & 5 For a limited tiine, you can choose beautiful antique jewelry from our multi- miJlion doll ar estate jewelry show. Select fro m unique handcrafted rings, earrings, pins, bracelets and much more. In 19th and 20 th century Victorian, Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles. Styles which a r~ difficu lt o r im- poss ible to duplicate at today's prices. Come early while the selection of these one-of-a-kind pieces is best. Bailey Banks&Biddle The tradition of 150 vears lives on. 3333 Bristol Street South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa d t d b Anaheim Convention Center con uc e y "Th b t k · t · 'II t k II " SUNLAND SKIERS e es s I rip you a e a year. • - A Robinsons Sale 50°/o OFF WE JUST TOOK FURTHER REDUCTIONS ON THE BEST SIGHTS OF SUMMER. CATCH THEM AT OUR SPECTACULAR SWIMWEAR SALE NOW! Orig $28-$62 Sale $12.99·$29.99 Every single sw1msu1t in our 1982 collection is now on sale. And now the prices are more enllcing than ever. Come find lhe best from Sirena. Cole: Elisabeth Stewart. Gottex. Gabar and more. for sizes 6 to 16 In the kind of dazzling. knock-out colors and s1zzhng. sensa11ona1 shapes that'll get you every over·the·shoulder, under·the·sunglasses. beh1nd·t he-umbrella double take there is to be had Why settle for anything less? Hurry, to Robinson's Swim Shop. 23 No mail or phone orders. please SHOP "10NDAY·FftlDAY 10-1, IATURDAY 104, I UNDAY 11-1. NEWPORT FAIHfON. llLANO • (714) 144-1800' W!ITMINITIR MALL:• (714) l fl.4331 ' I •-------·- 'l \~ , I "'4.. "' Or1ng1 CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Thurtdly, Augult 28, 1882 County bond issue OK'd for private Niguel project T a x -t'xem pt, lo w lnte rt!at bond• underwritten by Orange County aiovemmcnt will be used '° pay for millions or dollars In 1lte Improvement• for u new private neighborhood in Lagunn Ntauet. Nt' ta nde oppo e actio 11 , ays h e ees 11 0 '"ig11il'i<·unl public b en e fit ' th1· So~1·uk rt"lfUl'lit did not tornply Wllh th11s1• pullcu·s "Wh11t 11> th<• s1gn1 (1<:ant public hnwf 11 11r t hu1 pror·t''" Neswndc ,1'lkt·<l du1 lllJ< the hN1tc>d deoole F o llowing a lengthy und rancor o us debate Tuesday, county supervisors decided, 3-1, that the bonds could be used to f i na nce a p o rtion or the lmprovements sought by South Peak Associates, o f Laguna Beach. Board C h air man Bruce Nestande ca.st the sole dissenting vote . He said tax-exempt, low- Interest . bond11 u11derwr1tll'n by the county ahould only be used for 1mprovemenl11 thut ofter a "s1grrH1cunt public b('nt>f1t " Nestande said the Sout~ Pl·ak request did not (all into that category. The board's a<:tion , urged by S upervisor Thomus Hiley, wall permit f ormation o t un assessment distrkt for financ111g of sewer, water, storm drain and open space improvements. The district will issue bond:-. that will be repaid by purchaSt>rs of tht• W4 Iott. 1n th1• propo:.t.-d South Pt•uk :-.ubcltvhuun Lots wlll UVl•rugt• I :J,000 !>4UUrt' lt't'l 111 '\171' und bt• prk<'<I, on uv1•ru~1" 1.11 $2lltl.OOO, said South P1•11k partn1•r Stevt• Brown. Tht• planned <·ommun1 ty . boundt'd by Camino del Aviun, Clubhou11e Orivt'. Eas t Mull' Dnvc and a futur.t• orwn spa<:e corridor along Salt Cret.•k. will be (.(Utl•d for Sl'<'Urity rl'ason.-;. "Our market . . uppt•als 10 pt•ople with the upper h1.1nd ," Brown said Thi' board's u<·tlon will permH u m11x1111um $4! I m1lhon In bondi. t U h t• I i. S u 1• cl f o r 11 I t l' 1mpr'uv1•mt•1Hs Brown 11u1d th<• amount of m·tuol IN!IUt• will bt• le~ Bund u ttornt•ys 11nd l'OUnty Envlronmt•ntul Muna gt>mt•nt Ag1·n1·y o fr1 t•lals s ll l l musl det<.•rmtnl' whut .will and will not be paid for through th1• county unde rwrittt'n bu~1ds, Brown cxpl11in<od ltc•ms that n1unty offtl'tuls say won't bt.· finum·t·d with tht• bonds inl'ludL• slrL•M11 und gruc.J1nj( Brown iuud th~ 1mprovL·m1•nts will b(' puld for throu~li trud1llonul loom. "al 1nh•n"1l r alt" '!IX pt.•rn·nl htl.(ht•r" th;in bond rulL•s Appr~val uf tht· Sout h P1·.1k f'L'CjUC!lt rnmt: only a w1·1•k al tt•r 11Uperv1s urs adoplNI po l 1t'll"• t·on trolling ust' of t;,ix -1•x1·rn pl low -1nl er<.'sl, 1·ou nt y u n d 1· r w r 1 t t 1· n b '' n d !. f i 1 r u s s 1· s s m " n t d 1 s t r 1 t· t 1mprov1·mt·nts N1·stand1· angrily l'har~1·d tli.11 lt1l1 y .,,JICJ tht• rr•qut·i;t did n11tl111111 with the n1·w gu1dl'hnes Hnd 1rn111t1•d vut that county pla11m·1 !. will huv1• th1· final say 1111 wh1dl 1m1>r0Vl'mt>nts are f1nam·1·d with tht· bonds "We rn11 1·011 1iol whut'!. fundt·d by tht• 111•w ;is:-.t.•.,srrwnt u1slnc:t'," Riley -.:11<1 Brown sa1u wo rk o n 1mp111v1·111t·nl:-. will b1·g1n 1n N11v1•11\l>1•r 1 ll ln f.'~T =save Up T0 "25% On Le TIGREM WiL tJW1:sr Now thru Sun. WiWWfSf . Wiii)Wf.s't WiWWi:s'l~ WiDJ.WB Z Back~:S~ool WiflJWES r · h fam WiTi»Jlsr ~vings on t e ous WiLi.Wisi Tiger emblem! .save up W i LDW EST to 253 on fas~ons from Wil lJVJfSf Campus/Le T1gre now WiWWis T thru Sunday. Wili)Wlsr WiWWfSf Wi ll)Wi:sr WiiJjW[ff /"t .·~ ,.,., '~~ , : · • -l I , , / ,t . '/'/( ,/,'/-,' $19'9 CRAZY HORSE PLAID BtmON DOWN BL~SES reg. $26. Famous maker in a variety of Fall plaids. Sizes 3-11 $099 0 -BOY'SSHOR SLEEVE SOLID KNIT SHIRTS reg. $12 Sizes: 8-20 • $2499 HAPPY LEG PANTS 'reg. $32-$35 Dress up in· fine twills and French canvas pants. Great Fall colors. Sizes 3-11 - ' Orang Co It DAILY PILOT /Th1Jr1d1y, Augu1t 26, 1982 Elderly pot grower through with weed NOT A USER -Laura E. Clark, 82-year-old great- grandmother convicted In Hous ton or poss<.'Ss1ng marijuana. t HOUSTON (AP) Now lhtll 11lw0N l>l•l'n convicted of growing pot in hur vcg<.•ll.1blt1 gurdttr\, 82-ycar-old Luura Clark IWYN 11hl• dut-'!ln't "curl' ulx>ut marljunna ... I'll never plant any mur<.•" Juron dt.'hborutcd 20 mmutt•H th1i. wt•l·k a11(I found the gn•ut-grandmutht•r guilty of ft •lo11 y possession of u <.·ontrollt>d substam·t· Sht• wu11 1entenced t.0 two years of UNUpt>rv1sed prubnllun, lh•• mOlt lenlenl ptmally allowed. The maximum would have been 10 years in prison and a $5,000 flnl• Clark tt.>St1f1cd that a doctor in Mexico gave her the seeds and told her they were herbs. She said she Intended to use the plants to make an arthritis lotion. She acknowledged that a friend. who saw the plants when they were ubout a foot high, revealt>d their true identity. "I wouldn't have smoked it. I wouldn't huve l'ht•Wt'<l It," •hc.> 1111ld uft.c•r the verdu:t. "l WUI going t.o do whut the doctor told me to do 11ouk tht• lt•ov<.•11 In 11lcohol and put thl' JUlt.'\l on whcruvor 1 hurt." Two plainl'lothet1 narcotics dett.>ctlvcs said Lht·y 11rn•'llt'd Clurk ufu·r tht•y went to h1·r hou1w Muy 4, n<"l.ing on an unonymow up. and found flvt• or six monJuaru.1 plunlli 11umdtni 4 to 5 ft.'l•t Ill her vt•get.ablt• gurdl'n .A l'hemls t tc8Ufwd thot the marijuana takl'n from her gardt•n amounted to 506 grtuns, or about 16 U oun<.'tc'S -or <.•nough t.O roll about 1,500 mar1Juanu cigarettes ' Clark's lawyer, Blll PortiB, dropped to one• km•t• during final arguments and beggt.-'CI jurors to find Lht· woman innocl'nt. Portis said later there would bt• no appeal Clark testJf1cd that she was reared in thl' Ou.irk Mounll.iln• of Arkunsaa und alwoy1 h&d a tiardon. WhM •ht• plantl'<I the &eeda, she ttald, "I thought they I looked hkl' ra1di»h seed!!. I km•w when they came up ' Llwy weren't " 1 ;. AB the planUi gn•w , she said, •he thought they 1 would turn uut to bt-bush~. 11kt.' tht• ont'll in fwr front t yard Sht• smd i.ht• hk<.>d t.o t.how off Jwr gardl'n to frll'ndi., and whc.·n thl' planu. w t-n · ubout u foot tall, 1 "Somebody said, 'Oh. That'1> marijuana ' I didn't know 1 till tht>n " I "'They were up to my chest," l<.·st1f1t:d Joe T. • Dugger. l.I 6-fool-:l detectiye 1 "Sht• H1:.11d stw wo'utd desu·oy th<'m for mt: if I : wanted her to, but I was trying to t•xplatn lo her she was in trouble." 1 Dugger said he had no chowe but to arrest Clark. / IL!' li:(lr · · WJBiJck-To-SchoiiJl WllJJ.Wt".5 I ~$1"99 . , 'I ~ I,... .. ·······-7--NIKE MEN s COURT w1Lu.wl:5T CANVAS SHOES . , 1 ~ 1 ,:.: ........... _ Special purchase w 1L1..1wFS T S l~IKE LADIES OCEANIA NYLON RUNNING SHOES ~light blem. If perfect $24. 95 1499 early for best sl l 99 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE BEACH KNIT SHIRTS reg. $18 Famous maker S-M-L-XL s13 99 M~'S STUBBIES SHORTS reg. $17-$19 Cargo & rugby styles. 28-32 •1399 MEN'S OP SHORTS reg. $17-$19 Famous cord cargo shorts, 28-32 " s799·sl199 SWEATS reg. $10-$16 Save on our entire selection in fashion & active colors. Pullovers, zlphoods, pants and v-necks (selected stores) ----T ---f~ • I Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Thur1d1y, Augu1t 28, 1982 Thur. thru Sun., Aug . 26·29 , 1912 c::mr-..... MI C·79 ENERGY SAVING CEILING $44 Model 59-31 59-33 36'' Decorative Ceiling Fan Built in variable speed control. No complicated wiring. High quality fan motor. Light Kit • adaptable . 3- Aluminum bfades help circulate the air. Do it yourse lf and save. • NOi lnctuoed 127 88 Model 60-19·17 • 60-19·59 52" Variable Speed Fan Reversible motor. Wood blades, cone-look insert. Anti· que brass or brass finish. Ugh! Kit adoptable. '·Light Ktt Model 54·,6/,7 ............................................. 27.11 s118 Model 59·53 52" Variable Speed Celling Fan Variable speed control. long-life dur9ble motor moves air creating a breeze In summer. recirculates rising warm air In the winter Light Kit · Qdoptoble ·Nol lnCUl90 The Saving Place• sgg Model 60·59·16 52" Reversible Celllng Fans Revecsible , 3-speed pull chain control 4-cane-inserted wood b lades. complete with school house light kit. Antique brass finish . 74.88 Model 60·31-73 48" Fan With On/Off Switch I A stylish addition to any room UQht Kit · adoptable Re· versible motor Antique brass finish • Nol tncluOeO ' 36" Light Adaptable Fan Brown only. Metal unit. wood blades Built-In control Adopts to Ilg ht kit. Light Ktt Model 54·41/,9 ................................... -............. 12.,7 48.76 36" Decorative Celllng Fan Eosy·to-reoch, woll·mounted speed control. Wooden bfoqes. WM• or brown. ·Not Light Adoptable. lwag,K" Wlttt Irena Or Antique-Look rlnlah.. .............. .. A~ WlrepfMlto ARCHBISHOP -The Rev. J oseph L . Bernardin, new archbishop of the C hiC'ago archdiocese, gestures to his flock as he was welcomed with songs and ovation s. He succeeds Cardinal John P. Cody who dicd last April amid controversy. Wages in line with inflation WASHINGTON <API Wt>ekly wagt's of Amt•nnin workl·r~ art· kei.·ping paet• w11h inflauon. thl• Labor .Dt•p:11 tnwnt say~ In its mu11thly lil!>SC:Sl-.nwnt of c•arntngs. the dl•partmc•nt rc•pc>rtt•J this wt•<•k that avt·n1gt· gross wc·c·kly pay lnr Arrwnnrn workc·rs innc•ascd fract1onally in July after dtS('OUnting for inflation ,rnd -;c•a!><mal JdJU~tmt•nt But th<' 1h·p<1rlml'nt'" Burt·au of Labor Stat1:-t1t~ sc11cl the· o :! rx·n«·nt n~t· in .. n·itl .. t·armngs followed a 1 4 pt•rc·ent dt'i.·linP tht• pn·v111u:-. month. Thi• govc·rnnwnt's .. rt•JI t•orning:-.· n·port is ba~t·u on a hur1·.1u ... urvl·v ot businc>ss l'Stablishment p,1yrnlb. t•mplovnwnt and "ork huur rt'(:ord:-. Thl' 0 :! pt·rn·nl rise-in "real earning.., .. last rnunth followl•d a I 4 pc·rt.'t.'Ol d<·«linC' in June and wa~ tht• h1ght•l>t ~mcc· Aµnl. wh<•11 this ml•asure WPnt up by 0.!1 pc•rl·L·nt SAVE ELECTRICITY YOWi Ct40ICR Ot' '1M19"- ft'U. llllA TCH YC>Uft WOOO •t\lllPU• R:UCT\. Y See Our Complete Select Ion of Energy Saving Fluoreacent Fixture• 2-LITE 48" Rec. s195 SALE 97 .50 4-LITE 48" Rec. S255 SALE 127.50 ALLIED LIGHTING & ELETRIC 222 Vlctorl•, Co.t• MH• tAaou lrom HUIWfYC-Hv<..-,1 646-3737 /646-8194 ....... " Closed Sun & Mon • Youngland. The look . designer jeans cant oornil. Westcllff Plaza Newport Beach 1058 lrvlne Ave. 642-5262 FREE BIKE BAG wi th any back to school purchase offer good thru Sept. 18th Oreng• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurtdey, Auguet 28, iee2 Some Kids .Have All the Luck Wee}un Brown N•ry 8/ue Bl•eli A wonderful collecflon of .... •hH• for •lrl• •nd boy•. ~ t!30 FASHION ISLAND 644-2464 WESTCUFF PLAZA 17th & IRVINE 548-8684 40 Coordinated luncheon napkins only 95¢! For a limited time, you can enjoy the fresh look of Oassic Wedgewood at a new low price! These paper luncheon napkins are perf ed for picnics. barbecues, or just to have on hand when friends drop by. Come in today for this special value, while supplies last. w ~ PAPER UNLIMITED 1112 Irvine Ave., Newport EJ 548-7921 Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Thurs. 10-8 " beautJfulswel'theart bow complermmts the tailort>d lool< of Ms Serq s c1Jls51r round .:oOar shut lmpt>ccdbll' srylmg il/Jd frankly 17th & Irvine Ave., Newport Back To School Katie Wogenseller goes bod to school 1n the eogleseye and stingbee at . . . • • • • omes Am1es. \/west.cliff Plaza Teens (""") 1132 Irvine A ve. V l'Jewport Beach Calif. 92660 \/ 714 -831 -6008 • Anthony's Shoe Service • Bank of America • Charles Barr Jewelers • Crown Hardware • Or. ·Lou Elder • Hair Handlers Salon • Haltiday's Men's Clothin Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Chantee • Market Basket • Mes Amies Teens • Nancy Dunn AnUques • Newport Balboa Savings• Paper Unlimite Sav-On Drugs • Storekeeper• Veta's Intimate Apparel • Westcllff Cleaners• Westcliff Corners• Westcliff Shoes • Xavier's Florist • . I I i ! • i I 1 \ I i 1r·,...-------------------------------.....:-------------------------------------..,----' .. - •• a Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thureday, Auguat 29, 1882 Fireworks abuse leads to local prohibition Chances appear to be good that Huntington Beach wl 11 become yet another of our coastal cities to adopt a total ban on the use of fir eworks. Such an ordinance is now being drafted by the city attorney's oCfice. Fireworks have long been a traditional part of Fourth of July celebrations and nowhere has this be e n m ore tru e t h an in Huntington Beach where annual displays and the Ind e pe ndence Day parade have been considered "the Orange County celebration'' for many years. Block parties have also been traditional in the c ity, where neighbors gather to shoot o ff their fireworks together. It is rather sad to note, then , that individual fire works may become a thing of the past. Charitable groups which have sold the so-called sa f e and sane firework s for fund -raising purposes over the years will also need to find oth er sources for raising cash. Some arguments can~ madt' to suggest that pyrotechnws now cons idered lega I a re n ot the villains causing {ires and damage duri n g Fourt h of Jul y celebrations. lllegal f 1reworks, lake bottle rockets, firecrackers a nd skyrockets, have been viewed as the devices causing roof fires and often, personal injury. Huntington B eac h fir e officials, however, have made a good point in indicating the illegal fireworks are often mixed with legal o n es b y the users, thus ma king 1t far more difficult for authoriues to locate and stop the use of the m ore d anger ous varieties. Co n sideri ng present structural densities and increasing coastal population , it probably is prudent that fireworks displays in the years ahead be left to the professionals. . A welcome neighbor With all the talk of layoffs and economic uncertainty, it's refreshing to have a new business neighbor join us in Costa Mesa. Its identity is hardly a secret since the building a t 19th Street and Ne wport Boulevard is so imposing. Pacific Federal Savings & Lo a n wall be m ovi n g 200 employees into 88,000 square feet of the building's 125,000 square feet next month. Another tenant already is in the building, and P acific Federal hopes to find others. Admittedly the task isn 't easy. B y some estimates there are four million square feet of vacant office space in the area./ Still, the S&L officials say t h ey anticipated this and a re looking for eventual occu pancy. And Pacific Federal has plans on the drawing boards to develop an additional 3.2 acres. While best wishes go to any employer expanding in a time s u c h as this, there's a m ore important signal for Costa Mesans directly a n d area residents indirectly. The S panis h -st yle office co mpl ex is th e first redevelopment project an downtown Costa Mesa a nd, as such, will be watched closely. The $17 million bu1tdmg at 19th a nd Newport could be a weathe rvane for an expanded downtown. As such. we especially wish Pacific Federal well. The Inost huinane solution Wh e n in the course of inhuman events, it becomes necessary to subdue a belligerent criminal, police officers need more at their comma nd than Mace or batons. The L a guna Beach C1 t y Council's support of con tinued use of a n eck restraining h old by officers i n extre1ne combative situations is to be commended as is their continued ban of ch oke ' holds. The choke hold, which )!Uts , off air to th e lungs, has made recent h eadlines when it was blamed for the deaths of suspects in L os Ange les and other large cities. And Laguna was forced to pay $12,500 in an out-of-court settle m e nt to a w o man who purportedly was "choked out" in a booking cage at the police station . But Laguna Be ac h Police Chief Neil Purcell contends that a ban o n all holds could be even more dange rous for c r imi n al sus pects. G iving an officer the option of using a carotid hold is preferable to using his gun. The carotid hold shuts off the • flow of blood to the brain, creating temporary WlCOnsciousness. Whe n properly applied , this "safer" maneuver does not injure the suspect. Records show Laguna police use it about o nce every 10 days and only after all oth er m eans of restraint have been exhausted. "A person who attempts to take on a police officer has no rules," Purcell explained. "The problem of getting a comba tive subject under control is d ifficult for a person to understand w ho has never had to do it." Council members understood weU enough to reaff inn the use of carotid holds and call for a r~port in six months on how many times the restriction was applied. P olice in smaller towns, who may be more able to predict the tactics of their most offensive suspects, may be forbjdden to press them in to submission. But in Laguna, with its s hare of drug problems and con stant flow of tourists, the carotid hold is the more effective, humane alternative. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page a re those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s lnvlt ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 6•2·'321. L.M. Boyd/True confessions Q . Who came up with the first tru4KX>nfeesion type magazine? A . A publisher still w ell- remembered by Seasoned Citizens as an unuaual character -Bernarr MKfedden.. In 1919, he put out "True Story." Then "True Romance," ''True ConleMions," "True Love," so on. Macfadde:n wu a health fanatic who UMd \0 stand on h1a head \0 improve h1a dttulation and twist hi.a hair with pllen \0 pttvent baldness. U low temperature It.elf doea not brine on the common cold, why II lt mare people cat.ch colds ln the wlnw1 Medlco1 now 1u11e1t th e O\laaowdlna lndoon does It. People lnfec:t one Ulatbtt. Th.at. plua the fart chat hot Indoor air dries out the nuaJ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat passages, making the m more suaceptible to infection. Item No. 75S2B tn our Luve and Wat man'• file: The maJe waap, too, gives the lema.Je a few drlnka of nectar before he makes his big romantic play. Q. What first led people to believe the earth was round~ A. The curve of lta shadow in a moon eclipee. In Washington. D.C.. more than~ percent or tJw blrtha are llJecltlmate. In Dublin, Republic of Ireland, more than 3 percent of the blrthl are Wegit.imlte. So report the medkal statia~na. , ....... ,.Meley rw.~ TIMtn.. A. MwphlM Edl10t JoM Amorl f ..oii ... '"'°' ........ ~ l~oGI ,. fditot n.m.. Mceen .. MClftOOo'l8 (dolcw • Letters to the editor Coast highway parking hazard To the Editor: 1 read your editorial of Aug 10 '·New Dangers Lurk on Coast Highway" with special interesl as a Laguna~h resident who t ravels PCH ~e<?n-. Laguna Beach and NewJlllOrt Beach on a daily basis. On several occasions I have w1tnesst>d near colJjsions caused as a direct result of beachgoers parking on the shoulders of the highway . U-turns have become• routine as motorists scour the roadsides looking tor an available parkmg spa<.'<'. The bike lanes have all but disappeared in some areas. increasing thl• hazards as cyclists attempt lo coexist at 35 mph with motorists traveling 55 mph THE STATE has been eager to opc•n the area beaches to the public but has failed, 1n my <>pin ion. to adequately prepare for the logical complkat1ons that would result from inadequate parking facilities There as on e existing parking lot which is usually only half full, but even at full capal'ity it could handle onl y a fraction of the total number of veh1dcs There 1s adequate space available atop the bluffs which could readily be converted into temporary parking areas. Making this space availab'"' and thc>n posung the shoulders with nu parking signs, would be a welcome respite for all the motorists using the pubhc highway GA VIN HERBERT Hospital block To t he &iitor: Dr. Stanley van den Noort. dean of the medical school at UCI seems not to be interested in the community in which UCI is located. His attempt to get Gov. Brown to veto Asse mbly Bill 2696 a llowing Saddleback Community College to lease 10 acres of land to a nonprofit COTnJ"Qunity hospital in Irvine is taking the issue of a hospital out of the community's hands. Since such a large number of residents in Lrvin e (over 15,000) have already indicated their desire to have their own hospital, it seems very strange to find such obstructive tactics being used by an official of a state institution that is supposed to serve its people. This issue should not be decided in Sacramento by one bill concerning land. It should be decided at the certificate of need public hearings before t he Orange County Health Planning Council and the Health Ser vices Agency o f the state of Califomja where au of us could present our "Opinions. JAMES A. ROBERTSON Barbecue view To the &iitor: Because my sentiments toward the so-called family-oriented, American pastime of barbecuing is so opposed to that of Richard Jahraus, it behooves me to say something in behalf of Laguna's Heisler Park neighbors and to cite a few facts against barbecuing in our one and only public park. Considering that Mr. Jahraus is one of our most popular and civic-minded residents, his lack o r sympathy for his neighbors who cannot e njoy an open window or a balcon y siesta on their costly Cliff Drive a partme nts j uat boggles my mind. Doesn't he know that the acrid chemical pollution emanating from a barbecuing steak or hamburger, equa l s the toxic fumes fro m 300 cigarettes? ls it possible that h e is unaware o f the vast number o f American chlldren·who succumb to and die from cancer or leukemia? A genial man Uke himlelf, 1upportlng OW' Bo~ Club, I.I bound to love children enough to want to 1hicld them from the chemical hu.rd1 of barbecue efflualon. Little children do not amoke nor do they barbeeue, yet, if Heisler Park la an example, t.hey an increulngly 1ubjected to thete toxic fwnc1. IF Mil. JAKRAU8 ii reelly ao ln 10Y9 with the mneD and lec.hal fumes from barbeculna meat, how come hl1 own barbecue rack ta locate:! rfCht up ap1Nl h1I nm fence, • far rttmOWd (J'Om b.la fine home .. po9ible? ll ., hepper. that I must ClOl"ltinue \0 live and tnethe Oft the othet' llide of thJa fence a mere few fHt away from ht1 barbecue rack. Whenever, my oetchbor lndW,. ln thla MAfLBOX cherished act of incinerating some m eat dish, 1 must hasten to shut my windows just as tightly and quickJy as humanly possible. Otherwise. the toxic smoke sickens me and damages P'lY eyes to an agonizing degr ee. O n two occasion s, when I was fortunate enough to be away during Mr. Jahraus's barbecuing stints. my small apartment had filled u p with acrid smoke to such a degree, 1 had to summon the Fire Department to help me locate the fire that I was s ure was smouldering m my crowded interior. No one in our fine City CounciJ and not even I would ever think of outlawing the use of backyard barbecues. Hence, one has to resent Richard J ahraus' insinuation that this is an eventuality. Isn't a City Council elected to protect the rights and well-being of the majority of citizens rather than kowtow to the whuns or gastronomic tastes of the few? Am I wrong to assume that a steadjJy more crowded and only city park should be a place for wholesome enjoyme n t especially for the ultra-sensitive young and elderly population? Ir only half or my park neighbors would express their reehngs about the increasing quota of barbecue parties in the park, Cnght near city signs proclauning It to be against our }aw), your pages would be bulging with letters of resentment and disgust. NAME WITHHELD Concerts missed To the Echtor We had planned on p1cn1~kmg on thl· quad of Orange Coast Gollt>g£' whilt• listening to another Sl'nes of l't>ncerts on Sunday nigh~ What happened? I am told that there> was trc>uble about monC'ytfmances and I can"t beheve that Costa Mesa cannot support such a cultural trt'at for so many. Where does all the tax money frnm S1Juth Coast Plaza go? Your paper wrote lo me last year and assured me the Daily Pilot would do their bit to put the ronc'erts on again. At least our loc·"' paper appreoates a good program LILLIAN JOHNSON Fiscal lunacy To the Editor: The ink on the checks ror $85,000 had barely. dried from the "buyout" of past superintendent Glen Hardy's contract when the Fountain Valley Elementary trustees started paying $261 per day to consultant Bill Fisher -soon to be given a four-year contract as superintendent. Currently in the throes of recall c h a rging Suzanne M oore, Chery l Norton, and Roger Belgen with fiscal mis manageme nt of school funds, the trustees again have s hown their ineptness in contract negotiation by voting to raise Superintendent Fisher's salary to over $61,000 -then e~ his remaining three year contract to four years. This extends Mr. Fisher's tenure beyond any of the current board's terms of office -thus saddling a new board with a superintendent committed to phll0110phies which have generated a recall effort. Thelr wisdom leaves much to be desired in my opinion -l call it sheer Ci9Cal lunacy! DEVON N. DAHL The writer is chairman of t h e Committee Advocarlng Responsible Education which is 1pearheading the reca.1.1 movement. Editor. Sanctuary found To the .Editor: i....t Friday my husband and J spent a good part of the day ullboerding In the Newport Ha.rbor. Mid -afternoon w e ven tured lnto the Back Bay and diacovered a quiet paradise after \he hustle and bustle of the h3rbor. And y t lt w u 80 cloee. ~ muahland and ahore blrd.a were plentiful and appeared to be In p erfect humon y With their tWT'OUftdinp. t..arae ailvery tiah jumped ftom the water, more than ~Uy tndlcat.lng •n abundance o! water Ule. • 1.e1i.ntt __ _..,,_k_ ,,..,..,.,,c.,._ lt4 lttt lo 111 ~· • t Nll'li,..to 11 .. 1 ",,_,,... ~-ef • --~ ., let• will • ·-,-tfef'9Mt All lttW" """" lflo CIMo \l.,..i-AM ~111119 NOi>~l M -· "'fY M wUMIOl411 tn ,_, ti wffltl«!I •ff-I• ._..,tnl ""°''' • ... -..... 1 .... L.elltl't _, ............. ....... IHll'lt AM.,___, ef 1M C4'11fl-.iW -.. 91,,_ ftt .... 1110119'1~ ,. We are grateful this area has been preserved, not only for the wildlife bu t for Homo Sapaens as well, since so few areas of this kind remain along our popu!Ated California coast. We found the Back Bay to be a true sanctuary, a place w here we could renew our thoughts as well as our acquaintance with nature. BARBARA GUILD Hooked! To the Editor: As a wind.surfer, I literally got hooked! The irony 1s that I found myself having less empathy for the angler than for me -the cat.ch . The dichotomy 1s that as a past president of Pacific Anglers and as the aspiring Commodore of the Balboa Yacht Club Windboard Fleet, I should rmd myselr on my board with a treble hook attached to a silver metal lure in m y arm be in g tethered by a monofilament hne to a fast-moving sailboat I KNOW THAT ther e a r e t h ose sportsmen that don't particularly care for windsurfers, there are windsurfers that don't care for powercraft, and there are fishermen that don't particularly care about either and the Harbor Patrol that's frustrated by them all I would like to thank the powerboat that came to my rescue in the harbor, to Dean Dana, my windsurfer counterpart, for his part in untangling me, to June Paley. my neighbor, who transported me Lo Hoag emergency, to Dr. Super and his many ass1StanlS who extracted the hook from my flesh and not to the sailboat that was trolling the long line in the Harbor. JACK CALDWELL Elf ort re warded To the Echtor: The members of the Laguna Beach Business Assoc1auon wish to e xpress our heartfelt appreciation to the people of Laguna Beach who brought back the Mam Beach Village party to our town. The dollars are countable -a ll $5.144 90 of them. The time, energy. creat1v1ty and hard work volunteered by hundreds of peopk 1s impossible to ~'Ount We hope that their contribution is partially orfsel by the just plain fun that we had in c reating the "Honorary Governor of the State of Laguna Beach .. ra<'t'. The ulumate reward will come with our September party when we all shouJd thank ourselves and others, whether we participated or not. for bringing back the Mam Beach Village Party and be on hand to welcome Honorary Governet Maggie Meggs as she reclaims the Main S(>ach for Laguna. BILL FARRELL Chamnan , Main Beach Village Party Comnuttee Medical ripoff To the Editor: For years it has irritated me that we could only d educt medical expenses exceeding 3 percent of groes. Now there 1s talk of making that 7 percent. Actually, we s hould be able to deduct all medical expenses. Medical costs have risen unbelievably fast -faster than al.most all other Inflationary oasis. And medical insurance, whic h keeps Increasing the annual deductible and paying a smaJler and smaller part of charges. has become so expenalve it la prohibitive for many. One way we could fight it is to be able to deduct all medical expenses on our income tax reports. Let's get behind this much needed change and write to our legislators. NAME WITHHELD We laushed about the Jas-n-vWton and th•lr camerae. b \he &a.& &auah on us? BUSINl:SS CONPiti l 108 Orang• Ooe1t D,AILV PILOT!Thuraday, Augu11 28, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ST AN DELAPLANE •ERMA BOMBECK Worn-otit wife heading for trouble • IS DEAR ANN LANDERS: A comment on the letter from "IAISon In San Fra.ncllco" on the 8e'Xual liberation ol Orampa: Do you honmily ~lleve it ii j\&at coincidental that with ehe promotion of cradle-to-grave aex the in cidence of wives who have murderell theh' husbands haa Increased dramatJcaUy? A woman waits 30 or 40 yean for the old goat to cool off so 1he can have some rest. Then some idiot doctor (an old goat himself) tells him not to give up -keep at it -it will add years to hia life. Who can blame her for solng stark, raving mad and quieting him, permanently? Etpecially now that we know the lnaanity plea can pull in a not·gullty verdict if you spend a bundle for lawyers and sh rinks. -PLOTTING AND PLANNING IN APPLETON DEAR APPLE: Be aware tbat tbere Is a bll' . .,,,, By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach putla co 1et Ula& law cban1ed. So doa't coot on 1ett1•1 o!fr Tootl. AayOM wbOH uaer borders oa Ute laom1e1dal 11tould uload oa a coa1elor U4I stay •••J from •eadly wtapoDt. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am worried sick about a dear friend. H er parents were both alcohollai. She was known as a "good·tii;nc airl" In high 1ehool, but no one ever thought of her as a problem drinker. Teresa waa asked to leave college because she nearly burned the donn down when she fell asleep (passed out) while amoking. Soon she married and had two children. Five yean ago Teresa's doctor told her she had a severe liver problem and could either join AA and dry up completely or prepare for an early funeral. She chose AA. Within alx months she was a different person. Her family and friends were thrilled about her new.found good health. She looked 15 years. younger . Several months ago Teresa read a report that said alcoholics COULD drink again if they followed a few simple rules. I saw her bombed last night. and I'm afraid 1hu la he1tdlna tor t.r0uble. la It poeaJble for a rc.-covercd alcoholic'° drink moderately? What do the experu aay? ~ T R UE FRI£'"ND IN LOGANSPORT, IND. DO R TR UE: My con1ultaot1 fr om tbe lJolverslty of Cblcago, Vale, Duke, Stanford and Meula1er1 are unanimous. All say tbat once a pe rson baa croued tbe line from normal to problem drlnldn1, be 1bould not luave a teaspooo of a lcobol. There I• no aucb tblo1 at ''coatrolled" drlakta1. Any notion tlaat a problem drlnker can atop wftb one o r two cocktall1 ls a snare and a delaaloo. Jobn Ba rleycorn always 1et1 tbem In &be end. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Over these past several years I have heard that famous line attributed to J ohn F. Kennedy: "Life is unfair." WW you pleas£> tell us m what context those words were used? -J.H.V. IN GREENFIELD, MASS. DEAR J.H.V.: Tbose famoo1 lines by Jobn F. Kennedy are from a pre11 conference beld oo March ti. 196%. Here they ar e -well worth ~:=~£ i--- 1 .. GAIOllNTS . ~\~ He's hanging in there ............ ., •. ,, .. _ ... ~ 0 .,,, ........ _ ............ ~ ..... . _ ............. _ ...... . ··-..... _ ...... ••W -• ·~ ...... ..-······-· ···•· -r~ .... K.'-~ ()1117• ... '-·-.... w---826 • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA ., Friday, Aar•' i1 ARIE (March 2l·April 19): Contr acts , communications with those at a distance will prove fru itfuJ. You'll overcome obstacles -Cancer, Capricorn persons become allies. You'll clarify sense of direction. TAURUS (April 20.May 20): Asaociate tends to be reckless -w ith your car, money. Be alert, protect your own interests. Good news is due concerning misalng funds. SAN FRANCISCO -Up with the gulls on a foggy morning. I have to take a shower. The bathtub is full of pictures. We still haven't hung all the pictures because we can't decide where they go. "Hold it against the wall there," said the resident decorator critically. "No, that's not it." "Why not?" I said. "l like it there." She said: "I'd have it reframed. The matting doesn't go with the rug." My grandmother had a devilish time with the steel engraving, "A View From Harper's Ferry." Probably the same view John Brown saw as the federal troops closed in. "Hold it a little to the right," she told my grandfather. "No a little lower." My grandfather stood on top of a teetery ladder. He couldn't answer for fear of swallowing a mouthful of picture nai~. WE'VE BEEN AT THE picture hanging for six months at least. There are pictures on the floor. The bathtub is stacked. This scatter has two bathrooms. When I signed in I said: "Don't you think TWO bathrooms and only one bedroom is a strange ratio?" I've gathered a nbmber of pictures I like. I've grown used to them. I never bothered whether mattings matched the rug. I just hung them. One thing I learned was not to make them even. It can't be done. I stagger them artistically. Drive a nail. Hans .the picture try the wire on the back . "THEY ALL HA VE TO BE reframed." said the home decorator. (She works by inspiration. Nice kid. Not very steady.) She found a place where you do your own framing. The people cut the frames for you. You .... 4 ' . S1AN Df UPI.Alf AROUND THE WORLD stick the picture in and glue it together. They furnish the glue. "ll t'OSts half what you'd pay to have it framed." That was good news We'd had some of the pictures done expertly and I hardly had money left for picture nails. l said: "Do we have to frame ALL of fhem?" She said: "Just LOOK What do YOU think?"' I didn't answer. You don't find an old soldier walking into a mine field. The reframed pictures look 100 percent better, of course. Now we <.'Ome to WHERE they will go. I said: "Good grief, you've hung my Borein etching in the entrance hall." She said, "That's exactly right. Where everybody sees it as they come in." I said: "They won't stop to see it. They're in such a rush to get to the kitchen and the gin." She said: "Please! Don't sulk." MY GRANDMOTHE R STOOD tapping her teeth with a pencil. My grandfather clung to the top of the ladder holding. "View From Harper's Ferry." She said: "Drat it. It just don't look right on that waU. Bring it down and I'll make up my mind lat.er."' My grandfather came down the ladder carefully. He spit the picture nails into his hand. He started to say something. Thought better of it and went back to the evening paper. GEMINI (May 2l·June 20): Legal counsel may be ne<le9S8l'Y to clear away debris left by one who was careless and lacked intelligence. Be patient, thorough and fully aw are of rights and permissions. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Communicate with those who share your basic interests, concerns. Focus on health, diet, employment. Emphasis also on people who depend upon you. Aspirin villain again? LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): Exp~ self in unique style; domestic Issues can be settled in harmonious fashion . Focus on changes at home, acquisition of luxury items or art objects. Persona] magnetism soars -people are drawn to you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You'll become more aware of basic property values. Territorial terms will be defined. Protect your interests by becoming fully cognizant of source material. LmRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What had been an area oC confusion will be clarified. Emphasis on responsibility, challenge and chance to increase income. Short trip might be necessary SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): You'll be rid of burden; financial opportunities increase. You'll ma ke new st.art. gain added independence and locate needed material. SAGJTfARIUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Be direct. specific, get to heart of matters and find out where you stand with special pel"80n. Leo, Aries. Aquariw natives figure prominen tly. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Review available material; what you require is closer than might be ifna8ined. Older indiyidual is prepared to become an ally -be confident, elevate aelf--esteem and do some serious research. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Emphasis on pleasure principle, reward for job well done, poaible promotion and r.hance for travel. Open lines of communication. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): Prepare for r ebuilding p rogram; you'll have unusual o~ty to re-establish on a more solid base. Lunar emphula on career, prestige. DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: THre't 10 mid we bear tbat's scary. Take aaplrla, for example. What aaed to be a woDderfal clna& luat now become u rroanded wltla Htplctoa. For example, lta a11octatloa wltb Reye'• syndrome -we laear 1&11 caoae bleeding; It will bore a bole ID yoar 1tomacla; it's poison for people wltll alcen. Now, lt's aappoted to be bad for women wlao wear an IUD. Ia tltere aaytlalng to tills latest aaperaioo to tbe ate of aaplrla? -MRS. Y. DEAR MRS. Y.: There are 90 many theories floating around, it's difficult for physicians (and their patients) to separate the wheat from the chaff. After a study of more than 100 women , a report states that thoae who used five or six times the amount of asp ir in ordinarily taken for headaches etc., were m ore likely to become pregnant. But. my opinion is that the evidence isn't conclusive. II you have a headache or other pain, I doubt that an aaplrin or two will increaae your chances of becomi.ng pretnaJlt. But remember, I only "doubt" it; I can't~ au.re until further studies turn a theory Into an llC'tUality. DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: Wby ls It Claat women pffer more from depre11loa tbaD men? Isn't It tnae &la.at womea are Git 1tron1er aex? - MRS.G. DEAR MRS. G .: In many ways, stronger, yes. But, there a.re many factors that cauae depresmon more often In women. They may be hormonal, psychosocial or genetic. It's well known that following menopauae there's ereater r lak of becomin8 depreeaed. It may be d ue to imbalance of productJon ln eatrogen and progeaterone. Thia haa a profound effect on the metabolism of the nervous system. Even during the y~r ages, think of the T rou1 HfAlrH DR. PETER J . STEI NCROHN tremendous demand on woman's time. She may be family secretary and chauffeur. She's the manager of household budget. Who takes care of the husband and children when they are ill? Suppose she works at home and outside? Think of the financial a nd social adjustments after divorce. Fortunately, we now have pills that help leaen the load of depression that patients carry as a heavy burden. DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: I don't waat to become too latroapec tlve aboat my cholesterol level•, Mt J WU maybe I alloald. Wlaat I'm u kln¥ l~ ~: doet family lala&ory play an lmportaat part. Im ooly lt. -MR. T. DEAR MR. T .: A bad heredity should make us more aware of the "silent" attackers. It gives us time to set up defenses. For example, C-arlos A. Dujovne, M.D., profe11or of medicine at the University of Kansu School of Medicine says, "Individuals whotte mother or father haa had heart disease before age 55 should be tested even earlier in life, preferably u children." So you tee, you will not be abnonnally Introspective by asking a doctor to check on your cholesterol even though you are only 19. Dr. Stelncrohn welcomes que•tlon• from readers. He cannot answer all individually but will include those of general lntereat in hJ.s column. Send your quHUons to hlm in care of the Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cosca Mesa, QUJJ. 92828. GOlfN ON BRIDGE N•ltw Yllhwn ble. South deal1. NO&TB •A&J ~UI OAUtU .... Wl:IT £.UT . .,, ..... <::>AQllH c:>U OU OQU •1tTI •QUI IOOTll •QIH ~au o at• •A&tl The biddinr: Se.di WMt N_.. £a.t I• P .. I 0 P ... I NT p.., INT P .. P .. p.., ~a1or 1 .. d: Qbeen of ~. BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF thla bit of legerdemain! Correct technique la for deel.uer to allow We1t'1 q1Men of 11...n. to hold the ftrt' t.ridl. Whether W••l eonUnu•t with a hurt or alrtfta •ult. detlarwr't pnt>. le,m it OM of a ........ Aln• ''-' w .. i eon-u... wt" ,... jack Clf hearta. Dtelanr •lot ... ... hie •• ..., ·-.,, ..... 11 ..... ""~of ctu ............ u.. .... Eul ..... ..-..& If .. .. ...... a ............ .. ........... ~ .... ... ~-~-u_i_m_a_ reading agaln: "There ls always some lnequJty to ·n re. Some men are kllled lo war, and some are wounded, and some men oever leave tbe country, and some meo are stationed In tbe Ant.arctic and 1ome meo are stationed lo San Francisco. It b very bard lo m ilita ry or peraoul life to a11are complete equality. ·Life i1 uofalr." Are your parents Loo stru:r? Hard Lo reJJc:h? Ann Landers' booklet, "Bugged by Parents? How to Ger M ore F'rec>dom ." could help you bridge the generatJon gap Send 50 nmts wirh your request and a Jong, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers. P.O Box 11995. Chicago. Ill. 6061 J. P01 SHOrs BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT WOULD A.LL. THE TMAT WILL. HAPP&'N SVENTUAL.LV PL•ASK T"V 'TO HAPPEN WHIL• , .... $TILL ALtvr. GOOD TMING~ flMA 80M8fCK ATWIT'S END Reversing lahelinania WANTED: One child with uncommon amount of courage who is willing to enter a school year wearing clothes without designer labels. Potential is there for being a legend in your own time. On the other hand. you could die from reject.Jon. Labelmania 1s the one thing mothers have succeeded in passing on to th~1r children. Five years ago. kids thought Nike was a mlSSlle and lzod a charact<'r out of Dr. Seuss ANY MOTHER WHO HAS TAKEN her child shopping lately knows it's the only reason to continue breathing. They get out of the designer clothes the same thing adults get out o( them: status. acceptan~ in a group and a positive self·image. We all get trapped by it. I was buying a baby gift last week and could not believe I sent a 7 114 -pound infant a pair "of denim .ieans lined with plastic to cover his d iape r with Christian Dior stamped on the back and W AlT . . 1t gets worse . . . a pair of designer jogging shoes with soles so thick. if they had put them on the baby the weight would have broken both ankles. l have probably corrupted that baby's entire life. He will drink from no cup that doesn't come from Tiffany's. He will eat from no spoon thal is not stamped Gorham. There is no doubt in my mind his first words will be, "I'm not wearing this shirt! Don't think you can fool me, Bimbo. I've known a J .C. Penney's fox from an Lzod alligator since I was five months old!" With. my limited knowledge of children, there is probably only one way we can reverse the damage we have done. Everyone knows that children spend all of their lives trying to be different from their parents 'l I AS SOON AS DADS started to grow long hair ' " over their ears and mothers let their hair grow , l down their backs into strings of rope, their sons cut their hair and their daughters had theirs shortened and frizzed. I say we name every bit of apparel we put on 1•: our body and insist they wear the same thing, so ~ · they can look just. like Mommy and Daddy. Maybe h~ we couJd even all dress alike as a family and travel as a matched set. An occasional, "Ronnie, you are not leaving this house unless you have a polo player ) ·trotting acros,, your crew neck. do you hear?" .. wouldn't hurt. If children react as I think they will, within a 1 few months no self.respecting child will have a rJ label anywhere on his body queen of diamonds. the eight of dlamond1 holdt lhe \rick. Declarer repeat.t the nneue and emerp1 with tan trleb via ~tu.. t padea, flu clJamond1 al'ld two dubla. Rew .. 1• ..._ta. ._ ....... a..ITC...._ a..· ... u;.....-.hra .., ........... ~ LH•a:• .... U .h ,&e "G•• Ln .. ,• w. .. &Ma •• J J Lt.0. .. -........... .1 • .,..; ..... ~~·•.it:*'' .. New• -----~·-'---------,. -·-----------....---~------'I ' All Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Augu•t 2e, 1982 P 0020 i I 4 I I .....,..... • SHELF-CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP_ OF QUALITY UNIQUE ITEMS PHEROMONE ..J~ End Of ..Jn :J/ie Air/ .... You are invited to visit our Summer Fragrance Shop and receive your FREE Gift of Pheremone . . . The most expensive perfume in the Sale world. Just bring in this ad. 10% .. 50% Off SELECTEI IERCH&IDISE 50°/o off 9~ ~~ on selected merchandise . fY..t-,,. ./,,,,_, .-:/_,~;(/,, ANNETTE'S PLACE 34 12 VIA OPORTO 3432 VIA OPORTO 673-3540 IULMA'S LARGEST SALE EVER Up to 50°/o on Sidewalk INSIDE - STOREWIDE 20°/o DISCOUNT On All New Arrivals Don't Miss Thi s Sole -Best Ever Zulma's Fashion Bazaar 3442 VIA OPORTO \7' /)/) 'SIDEWALK ~o{{'JiJ SALE SHOP FOR CHILDREN r;->--·~'"' ~ ;~--~-FRI-SAT-SUN 1~) : "-' ,1,/J AUGUST 27 28 29 '-,.~~-I I /, f'"'J (, SEEOUR \~J 300/ SALES ' ·'" /0 te t~R;;)J ~~; (· 3412 VIA OPORTO UNUSUAL GIFTS 5 0 0/0 o FF On Widt Stltction /C Of Mtrchanclise 1 0 0/ OFF 01 All Purcliases /0 her SI.OD *S,tol•H 1-4 ltotr1fivt Shtll, Corals * Distf 1ttfY1 J1w1lry T • * Pri1t1 1111 llffs for Home I l11t 3-4 12 VIA OPORTO 673-0605 Relaxed browsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sails event of great savings and enjoyable shopping at th e Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk and Sidewalk Sale! Friday, August 27, I 0 aan-9 11m Saturday, August 28, IO am-6 pn1 Sunday, Au.gust 29, 11 a111-6 1101 2510503 CoCo SUN DRESSES Reg . 60°0 to 68°0 OFF SALE 29°0 SELECTED ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE UP to 803oFF Gifts • Cards .>-Collectibles Y'~ ~ ~' Jann elle's 'ifP'~~e~~~ 3"t04 VIA OPORTO I 3 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92M3 1404 Via Oporto. Wt~ 2 (714) 873-3211 H~wport leach 675-8975 1h Price ON YOU MAY RECEIVE A FREE FACIAL $50 Value D em onstration~ Every 2 Hour<; To Include: •CLEANSING (EXFOLIATION) •SKIN ALANYSIS •FACIAL MASSAGE •BRUSHING (CIRCULATION) •STEAMING with PAPAYA ENZYME TREATMENT *BIO-TUNING *HIGH-FREQUENCY, GALVANIC TREATMENTS IF NEEDED c~"'\~\4{ {d~~ Byogf'n1C <.,kin CJr(' ~alon 3431 V1J Oporto <.,1e. C (7 14) 675-5700 SUMMER SHOES A SELECTED GROUP OF: • SPORT SHIRTS AND ACCESSORIES 3•04 VIA OPORTO (71•) 671-141• • SLACKS • SPORT COATS • ASSORTED SWEATERS UPTO 503 Off Q3 J-Um?H=tiY) 3439 VIA OPORTO NEWPORT BEACH (714) 675-1717 ' Diiiy Piiat 0 D THURSDAY. AUO 28. 1982 Ebasco ervices plan major move from Newporl 1am111 THE caum ENTERT AINMENl BUSINESS TELEVISION 82 84 87 Besch to Lake Center ... Page 84. : ~,,, -~ .--;; · ~' Earhart saga still mystifies A SMALL BIT OF HISTORY: We marked a milestone in avia tion h istory JUSt this wet>k an the 50th anniversary of a (light by a pixiL•-fac<'d, slender. tousle-haired young woman w ho was onl' of the great pioneer aviators of all time. ft was Aug. 24, 1932. when Amelia Earhart, then 32 y ears old. became the f i r s t woman to m ake a ... ,..,. , . ,"!~J . "'-\ transcontinental fligh t. It was JUSt one of ma n y marks she lef t on the aviation re<.:ord books. MURPHINf .~ Her final flight, tn July of l9:n. still has strong t ies to o u r own Orange Coast when• one of her aviator buddies. famed stunt pilot P a u l Mantz, tried to solve the mystNy of her disappea rance at sea. AMELIA EARHART WROTE aviation history by d efying her paren ts. She was born in Atchison , Kan .. a n d during World Wa r I served as a Canadian m ilitary nurse. Despite the protests of her fam ily, she learned to fly, as so m an y o f the early barnstormers d id. right after the war. T hen the records began to get inked into the books. She became the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by air. as a passenger aboard a Fokker trimotor monoplane. July 17-18. 1928. It crossed from Newfoundland to Wales. Four years later. she made a solo crossing. T h is was followed by a series of solo fligh ts across the Un ited States in both airpla n es and autogiros. Then. m J anuary of 1935. Amelia Earhart again electrified the aviation world with a t rans-Pacifit: solo flight, crossing the ocean from H awa11 to California. STUNT FLIER PAUL MANTZ, w h o in later years made h is hom e on Balboa Island a~d operated Tallman tz Amelia Earhart wuh famed Balboa l.s.land stunt flier Paul Matz in 193li flying ser vice out of Orange County's airport, h elped prepare the next Ear hart p lane, a twin-engined Lockheed in which s he and Lt. Cdr. Fred Noonan . h er navigator. w ould a tte m pt an around-the-world flig ht. Ma n tz. particular ly. was involved in installat1on of a gen erator on the aircraft, a point that would p rove pivotal during investigations of the 1960s. Ame lia Earh art a n d Fred N oonan took off on the world-girding fligh t in 1937 and were three quarters o f the way to their goal w h en on J uly 2. their a ircraft vanished in the P acific. near Howlan d Island. No t race of the plane or the two fliers was ever found. After World War n. however. there were persiste nt reports that the Earhart plane hadn't gone down near How land island but instead had flown on to Japanese-held Saipan. , NATIVE WITNESSES SAID the plane. matching the descraptaon of the Lockheed, qash-landed in Saipan Ha r bor . They said two occupants. one a sligh tly bu ilt . wom~n . were captured and later executed by the Japanese as spies. Not m uch was added to the Earhart story until Jun e of 1960 when a newsman diving at Saipan claimed he had brough t u p the generator from the long-missing Earhart plane. The generator was taken to Oran ge County air port where Mantz p ut a task Cor~ of his experts to work in an attempt to d etermine if indeed it was t he part of th '? Ea rhart pla ne he h ad installed almost a q u arter of a century earlie r . SADLY, MANTZ HIMSELF was killed in 1965 when he crashed while fly ing a stun t for fil ming of t he motion picture, "Flight o f t he P hoenix." That pre tty well closed the Earhart probe. P a ul Mantz's widow. Mary. stated some time later that study of the gene rator had proved inconclusive because t h e engine part had been too badly corroded b y salt w ater. It w as so badly deteriorated, she said, it could n't even be determined if it was o f J apanese or American origin . S o tod ay. the m yst e r y oC Amelia E a r h a rt's disappearance remains unsolved. ~lection acts OK · The Orange County Dit trict ttorney'a Office haa concluded t candidates Larry Agran and• ward Doman did not vtolate rvine'1 campaign contribution wa ln thla spring'• city council TIM! lnve9tiptlon was aought y a·n o th e r ca n d i d a t e , ohn Nakaoka, who 1u1J1eated n ml1ht have broken the • law llmlttng cont.rtbuuona 1 maximum t250 by addtn1 '• endo11ement on una1l planlJ.naa puMd out. in a .·~~~· Nakao ka a lleged tha t the "in-kind" contribution from A,gran'a campaign -for a share' of a cost of the plantlnp -was po111lbJy more than i250. He ai.o asked if Dornan should have reported the donation in campaign expense report.II due before the elect.ion. .. Agran and Doman, however, argued that only a small portion of the plantinga carrled Doma.n'• endorsement and that. the deadline for the expense reporta had pamed befortl 8 declalon WU made to include Doman. the neck identified Pain • Ill UCI biology researcher show way to quicken detectio11 of strep throat By JOEL C. DON or .... 011111 Piiot •••" The sore throat 1s mank ind's perennial pain in the neck. Often the har binger of the l'om mon cold, It's the body's way of saying som e virus has tempora rily gotten the best or your immune system. But a third of the ttme the pll'ture as more serious. That's when a feeling of a claw hammer stuck 1n your th roat as a result of the invasion oC a bacterium called Group A Streptococcus. Untreated. "strep throat" may lead to complications such as rheumatic-fever. kidney disease and scarlet fever Though not a doctor, K urt Brillhart knows detection of the infection is imperative. The UC Irvine biology graduate has spent the last two years perfecting a simple and reliable test t hat could provide diagnosis of strep throat in a fraction of the time it takes using current techniques. Bri 11 h art e n rol le d in a n inde pendent research project w hile a UCI junior, focusing his efforts on development of a quick test for strep throat. Strep bacteria shows up as a colored spot on a paper strip, a kin lo the way litmus paper changes color when it comes in cont.act with an acid or base solution. HIS so-called strip test can be completed an 90 minutes, a far cry from the conventtonaJ throat cu lture that may take up to two days. Eventually Brillhart would li ke the t est results to be available before the patient steps out of the doctor's offke. Though further work m ust be done before the test can be sold commercially. the 22-year-old Brillhart noted a UCI committee is studying whether it should be patented. Eventually he hopes to market the strip test as a simple kit for doctors. ''In order to make t he test readily availa ble it's going to ha ve to b e s impli fied considerably.'' said Dr. Gerald Greene. a UCI Medical Center specialist in infectious d111t'BHc11 who difected Brillhart's proje(·l. "If it's not simple, people won't use it even 1f it does o ffe r advantages " Nevertheless, Brillhan's work earn ed him undergraduate honors in biology In October. Greene wiU present news of the strip tesl at a ma)Or b1oml'<i1cal conference G reene predicts the test may help doctors prescribe the best treatment for a sore throat sufferer. Erring on the side or caution, some phys1c1ans g ive ant ibiotics before results of a throat culture are known, he said. Others wall for t he throat culture. but sometimes have trouble contacting the patient for appropriate treatment. "Only a fraction of sore throats a re strep," Gr eene said "So certain p a tie nts are gett ing antibiotics unnecessarily or some pa t ients are n 't gettin g the antibiotics in time. "And a cer tain fraction of people t hat receive ant1b1olics wilJ have a reaction to them." T he test is called PELISA. or pa p er e n zyme -t a nked immunosorbent assay. Simply, a throat culture 1s taken from a person suspected or having st r ep throat The s pecime n is fixed to a glass microscope sbde and a series of a n tibodies are b1ochem1cally hooked to the bacteria. One of the antibodies cont.ams a special enzyme marker. A paper strip soaked with a chemica l t h at reacts to the enzyme 1s p laced against the slide. Whe n th e e nzyme and the paper react, an or ange spot r evea l s th e presen ce of s treptococ'Cal bacteria. T he more bacteria on the slid<>. the darker the spot. Greene said there 1s no other q uick test for a n in fectious disease on the market. "He dad it on his own," Greene said. in praise of Brillhart's work. O•llY Pllol Photo by G8rJ Ambro .. SPEEDS U P DIAGNOSIS Kurt Bnllhart's proposed strir t<.•st wall help do<:tors tdL•nltf~ stt·l'p throat 1n HO mmutc..•s Conv<'nllonal throa t cultun•s tak<· up to two tla~:-. "The basic t ools and thC' to w in adm1ss1un tu ml'd1cal information were there. He did school and hope.·:-. to earn a considerable adaptation and trial doctorau· in reS(.•arl'h biology as and error. wc·ll. •·It took the right person in thl• .. Both arl' very tempting," he righ t place with the right said "But 1f I don't get into components to put it together" medical Sl.'hool I'll try to get my Brillhart said he is struggling Ph.D ·· CSUF leading college enroll01ent boom ·~ Cal St.ate FulJerton is almost read y to close admissions for spring 1983 because of booming enrollments. Ralph Bi gelow, director of adrruss1ons. said the school may stop accepting applications for spring semester after Aug. 31. the earliest cut-off date in the sch ool's 25-yea r history. Fall e nrollment will exceed 24,000 this term. the largest in campus Recession drives students to less exp ensive state-supported schools Som<' off1l·1als attribute tne:· inl·rcase in adm1ss1ons to student$" s hifting from these mor·~· t'Xpens1ve lnSlltUllOnS because OJ' tht' recession ·. Annual lu1t1on at privat~ ('Olleg<.>S ranges from about $2.500 tq $8.JOO Student f ees at Un1vers1lv of California campuses w;ll be $1 .20 1. while California State univers1t1es will ('OSt $444 "We have seen a shift from private institutions to public institutions among our low- income students since the '60s." McNally said . pronounced this year because o( federa l reductions in student grants. restrictions on stude>nt loans and cuts in Social Security payments to college students, she said. This shi ft m ay be mo re h istory. " Officials say money may be the biggest reason why admissioflS to the state's universities are on the rise. Two holdups probed in HB Cal State Long Beach has started l'Urt<11hng admissions foi: next fall, but not for spring. The University of California systl•m .11so· 1s C'Xp<.·ric·ndng ar. incrPase in aum1ss1ons. allhougl'l not as sharp as al Fullerton, said Ed Apod3l'a. UC dtrf'l'tur uf <1dm1ssions California students are turning from private and ou t -of-town universities to less expensive state schools a nd leaving four- year inst itutions for two-yea r commu n ity colleges, said Lois McNally o f t h e California Student Aid Commis&on. Police are searching for two ban d its w h o ro b bed t wo Huntington Beach busi11esses m apparently unrela ted incidents The man handed the teller a not<.• demanding money and fled with $1.930. aet.'Ording to pola('(>. At 6:30 p .m . Monday. a different man indicated he had a gun in h is waistband and demanded money at the Sears Surplus Store. 9045 Adams Ave He fled with about $115. police said. The first holdup occurred at 2:45 p.m. Monday. when a man pulled a revolver f rom h is athletic bag and placed it on a counter at Brentwood Savings. 5828 F.dinger Ave .. police said . ··we·vl! heen expecting enrollment to decline for two or three years. but this ye>a r we re<:"eaved more apphcauons than ever before." he said. Raeers won't need a paeer By GLENN SCOTT Oflhe D .. ly Nol lt•ff The re ar e races for quarter horses, greyhounds and rats, but rarely has a race been organized strictly for Helix aspersa. It IS no wonder. First brought to North America as a source of food, poor Helix was an outcast from the beginning. Never popularly palatable, the creature couldn't even hang around a vegetable garden without .drawing contempt. It was forced to live a sheltered life and was further frustrated by being both male and female at the same lime. Slow afoot, it became a symbol for all the wrong things in this fast-paced world . Next month, however , Helix aspersa, also known as a common ga rden snail, will finally get its just desserts. It will be the featured attraction when the Irvine Chamber of Commerce sponsors It• inaugural California Snail Race Championship Sept. 12. The races waJJ be part ot the chamber'• annual picnic. In paet years, the picnic has been a private affair. But as long as you're going to invite •nails, you might as well bring along everybody elae. Tliua, chamber organizen have opened the floodgates to any snail trainel'I wi&hing to take part 1n the races 1eheduled to begin at 2 p.m . at Heritage Park on Walnut Avenue between Culver Drive and Jeffrey Road. The mall coune la 18 inchM lOf\I. Norma Brund.,e. ~ commlllSoner, hu lalued u.. rulee: -Sna11t cannot welgh more than (our pounda. -All maL1I must be lrvlne rmdenca. -Snai l s on s ka t e boards wi ll be dbqualified. -Entries must be alive before and after their races. H ow a rd R e i c h . c h airma n o f th e chamber's organizational affairs committee, .. Id participants can call the chamber office at 641-1687 to obtain an application form. The entry fee ls i2 per racer. He Mld 110me of the rules may be hard to enforce, espec ially t he r eside n cy ~ulrement.. • We really ca.n't.,'' he confided. "We just threw that ln there." Ho\\-ever, Reich Mld some local groupe are taking the race eerloualy. "One of th• banka in t.oWn told me they have thlff llWla." he laid. "They've been feedlr\i thorn f« n.o weelQt and they ~ built a lh\le caae." - At UC Irvine. Assistanl Dean of Students Peter Ho wler . a sna 11 expert, said the critters enjoy eating lettuce, flour and corn meal and usually seek a cool. damp setting. "If I were going to train them to race." he said, "I'd maybe get them hungry. crush up some lettuce and aqueeze the juice down to make a trail." Bowler said snails al90 can be deeorrated by gluing wiJl8S on or even pal.ntlng thelr ahell1. Part of the shell 1hould be left expaeed, he added. And for those whose entries do.n't make tht grade, Bowler 11 .cheduUnc hla annual tau anan feed at noon on Friay, Nov. 12 at UCI'a UnJvereity Center. They were, after all, Lmport.ed for food "In France, mail.a are becom1na rarer and rarer,'' laid Bowler. "They'd be horrified to know how w. kill them heh." --_...._ ... .. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thur1day, Augu1t 29, 1882 , ' • t ·~· • ti ~ ; .•• : ,• ··..: ~ .: • ·:~ \n~·.11 · , · '·"·: •.'\ \ JC, • " • • ,.. ., ROMANTIC -Steve Fox charms Debora h Wheeler in a sce n e from "The Robbe r Bridegroom," a workshop production of the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. opening Friday for two weekends, For information. call 494-0743. 'Beatles' in USSR LONDON (AP) -Th e hghts will dim and the Iron Curtain will rise as a group of mop-topped musicians called the Beatles take a long and winding road back in the USSR. playing a t t'Oncerts for six weeks. This will not be t he original Beatles, comrade, but the Bootleg Beatles. the group tha t performed in the London stage musical "Beatlemania," which closed two years ago. The Bootleg Beatles look and sound like Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr. George Harrison and the 'Too Close' real co m fortahl CBS an d ABC deadlocked for top spot in Nit>/ . .,,.,,,i.; LOS ANG ELES (AP) -"Too Cl<>k• tor Comfort," ABC'• hot l'ome d v s h ow 1ttarring Te d Knight and Nancy Du11ault, flni1hed In firat place In the Nielsen televuuon rating, for the week ended Aug. 22. The s h o w n oaed o ut l aat week's winner, the CBS summer i;en es "Filthy Rich." ln all, CBS had ilx shows In the Top 10 and ABC had four . ABC and CBS tied for first place in the ratings of the A.C. Nielsen Co. T hey each had a rating of 13.6 for the week. NBC was in third pla<.>e with a rating of 11.0. The networks say this means in an average prime-lime min ute 13 .6 pe rcent o f the nation's homes w ith TV w ere each tuned to ABC and CBS. It was the third timt; that "Too Close for Comfort" had made it to the top, although t the two- yea r -o l d come dy had been consistently in the Top 10. It fi rst made it to No. 1 for the week ended May 16 w he n it tied with the Miss U.S.A. Pageant. lt was m sole possession of first place for the week ended June 6. The usual favorites dominated the To p 10, except for "The Bar ba r a Wa lte r s S umme r TVRIVlll SJX>clal" on ABC l"l\S, "IHI M111ull•1>," I'/ J 111 1-1 1 1111 1111111, CBS 11<.·n· 1111· llll' 111:x1 Ill "( '11t't1'i uf th1· Sw1 i.." CB~. '"f lu· Low Bual," /\Tit', "1'':wl!4 u( Lafe," NBC, The AH<' Surllh1y N1~h1 Movit', "Alq>or1 "11," AlK ', "Lou Grunt," CBS. "Tlw Full t :uy," ABC. "LJVl'l 111• a11<.J Sh11 l<.•y." ABC, "f111l Stl't'i'I Btu<.,," NBC "WKHP 1n l"lrw11ina11." CBS. "Onl' 011 y ut 11 T1nw," <'BS. Here arl• 1h~ Top 10 t1how1< "Too Clo.e for Comfort," u rat- 1 ng of 19.8 or 16 .1 m ill ion household.a, A OC. ''F'llthy Hach," 19.2 or 15.6 million. CBS, "The J~Hersons," 19 .2 or 15.6 m1l11on, CBS; "Three's Compant,," 18.5 or 15 1 m illio n, ABC; 'Funtasy Island," 18 0 or 14.7 mlll1on, ABC; ''The Barbara Wa l ters Summer Special," 17.9 or 14 .6 million, ABC; "Trapper John. M.D.,'' 17.7 or 14.4 milhon, CBS; "M-A-S-H," 17.5 or 14.3 million. CBS; "Alice." 17 4 or 14.2 m1ll1on, I h •rt· un· I 111· I 1vc• l11w1·,I rated ~huws "('odt• H1 ·d ABC "C ro11k111··~ U111v<"r'1" · CBS "Boru lo 1111 W111d," l'.111 2. NBC. "O nt• of 1tw Huv~ ... NIK'. NBC' , . Ht•poi l.'>. "Wh.11 l-:w1 I l:1pp1·1wd IU El Salv;1drn ., .. Ch ildre n pick e t LOS ANGEL ES (AP) -A group of 20 c hild ren from Arkansas picketed outside the o ff i ces o f pop s t a r Stt>vic Wonder's managl·men1 to protest the 1inger's refusal to appear at a beneht for prevention of JUVentlC' delinquency. ''W c've bt'l'l1 trying 111 negotiate with his managc•ment for over three months, and we ft•t•I th;ol lh1• pt 11pt1:-.11I ~.IS llUl prt''il'ntl•d 1•1 Stl·VH' 111 opt•rly. scud rrank t'oult·y o t L111!1· Rock. Ark Cuult·y .... ;11cl tht• group •it ('htldn·n had lx"tc·n pit kl'l1ng lh1 Sunsl'l Hout•lt•V Jrd ofltl'l'S ol Blut·k Bull Mu;.1l' s1nt•t: Tuesday with sign~ ~.1v1r1g, 'Plt·ast· Stc·vit· mt•t•l with w," anJ "Wt•'r 1• hug wild about Su•v1t· Wo11dt•r .. THE ORIGINAL IS DACK. ~la---te_J_o_hn_Le_nn_o_n_. -----------t ~jk. .............. ~o;; PLAYING "ONE THE HIGH-RANKING SURPRISES OF THE SUMMER. rT IS A MOVIE TO BE SALUTED." -P•t Colllnl, CBS NETWORK AN OFFICER ANDA GENTLEMAN ----NOW PLAYING ---- UAJIU M llEWP'ORT IE.ACH ORANGE WESTMINSTER Pac1hc's An•rn Eowards Newpor1 Coneoome ldward\ Cinema West 011ve In 879 9850 Cinema 644 0760 634 2!>!>3 89 t 3935 MllllOll "UO Edwards VlefO Twin 830 6990 HO ,Ai&lU ACC-0 ,TlO •O• THll LJ!IQAQllillfMt :,::: ~,;;:~:~;;r; .1.14wm1 7121448 --.. ~ .U IUlH,Allll Mann81111'Qu S211 S339 COSTA MllA fJlwaids Hatbot I Wiii 431 3S01 U.llllt lMft blwillds Wes!IW~ SlO 4401 OllH Gl UA Cny Ctne<m 634 391 I PaiclftC S l inco;n Oriw,-In 821 4070 ORANGE Pac.toe ~ O•anc}t °'"' '" sse 1on llO 'Allll ACC('1'(0 •O~ THIS (NOMJDHlfT IMA ll T--wtllMtQ Tlll t.UrYi 8ru" "' f,__. SldoritOlt• ;79 \ll9 \II \HO ~;.c;,,c;-v PK:il•t •• Wf'r l9 Di •f 1,, "'' , .. , CDITa •u --f ,,.,,,°' c~ c.,..., ~ ._._. 919 • u' t7 u 1 S>O UOt 12:45 3 :10 5:25 1 :10 10:35 f A ST r1111r1 AT ltlOC:CMO .. T MIC:M @ I 2! 10 Z:OO 3:50 5:45 7: : OUmt PJ..Jrie \0i"'IQll0r'Vttft SSI 1011 1iO&Ym l!I v~-0 ;MM Sh owa at tl:OS 2110 11 :30 1 :30 3:2 0 5 :30 7 :30 4 ,,f ~'l:t':ao 10121 1 130 Ecor\.s-\tltt"9.()nly 13 r ja)lijsi2)6S~ 9282/~;~~.2t-) MONTY P'VTHOH lM .., J ET. E ~ AT THE HOllYWOOO IOWI. ~ THI. XTRA· Show• 1 :00 4:30 1 :10 • • TERRt.~TRIAL Plu• N1 ht Shift (R) 12:30 l :OO 1::10 1 :00 Sho w• 1::ao 6:00 1 :40 10:20 70 mm-Oolb Na 0Pauea STADIUm or.vein ~ 659 8770/~~'&~ A H .... f""'"'9 C--'tl R . Plu1 Nl9M Shift (A) ~~m Plu• C•nnon~ll Aun (PGI ET. 1111. EXTHA· • • n :RRESTRIAL Plul D•aCl_Me11 DQJ\'t Wear Plald (PG) No ,.., .. , fA!T T!Mr1 AT ltll>C[MO .. T MIC:M l!J Plual 1141 (PO) MONTY PYTHON LIVE AT THE HOllYWOOO BOWL rn Plu1 Stir Crary (R) * Drive-ins Open 7:30 Nightly Ch1h1•Pn Und•r 11 FR(E Unln • No1ec1 s MAf\K HAMILL HAf\f\ISON For\D CARf\IE FISHffi PE:TEf\ CUSHING ALE.C GUINNESS ""' ... .. . .. ... ',,, JOHN WILLIAMS GAIW KUl\TZ GEOl\GE LUCAS 1vc;, ... ,. ..... "...., •o .. i ·--·-.. -.,. -4 a .. ~!'rytt• ~.....::..::::....~~~~~~--~~~~ -~ "The most exciting down-to-the-wire action since SMOKEY ANO THE BANDIT and the funniest bunch of rascals since THE BAO NEWS BEARS." '''The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!'' _T_WTM, __ _ \ -.Jeffrey Lyons. WCBS RADIO and WPIX. TV ~ H Powerful ." -Howard K1$581. WOMEN'S \Nf.AA DAil V 'Ille en men M IGIS .(I( .fir --A IDT M Wltl lltM MMIMlllAN SCHHl ROD SUIGfR ROBBY BENSON '1HE CHOSEN"~ BARRY MlllER --~ HMER BfRNSHIN m.,.JONATHM DfRNSJEIN ...... EDIE .HY lANOAU ... fDWIN GORDON liil . ...':.~DIAIM POTUK .... ,JmfMY PAlll WN j. 5,:-, ~a1 .. 11er EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT STARTS F RIDAY edwards LIDO CINEMA ~-:..~· &7~350 m .... Illa rWl&lllUI -..... ... ,., .. -. a •1111011 r11.1t W MllL OliMiilM I l . " • I 4 ;., Good for G}He lrftLE the laughs! n~~~ Catch the ~On~:·..,---- lun with ~ ~~.~~ .. ~ .. ~.~~~:! I~ R '4 Tiii C l( MAG STEREO f • ..AMII CIMMA ' • ¥• -~A .. t' •BAR G AIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday Ail P11llorm•ncts Delore !> Oli PM tEHt PI Sp1c111 En9191m1n1s 1no Mo1101ys1 NIOHT SHIH 1 I 00 t ,)t t 1G lA,'101 •• l 1011.•o 11,0Q AN OfflCllt ANO A OINTUMAN a l l t Ol lOt 101 10lo 10 IT THf lllTU TfUISTltlAl tll'Oi ,\UI THf IUCTRIC HOUlMAN 11>01 PlllOAY THI IJTH ,AllT 3 11 IH)O ,, ., , ., • ., •• , •• ., 10 ., -CHllCH • CHONO'S THINOS I UI TOUOH ALL 0\1111 111 I l 1JO 41 IS 1100 "Ut THI 'IRATI MOVll t'°I I •1 J .t I TAll WAU ll'Ol '"°"''l>f l••-1ltJO J10S 1140 a1U 10 0 LAKEWOOD CINTIR SOUlM WAUl-tlf ~oc -, ::ie 11~ 21J 634·9211 SIX PACK •<1 I 00 l )0 I •: '00 10 10 AlfAMllM ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN ''•••O• I gt ._.t'"Of"ll j• 179·9850 SUI WAIS o0 'LVI TAPS ro IUINA PMIC BUENA PARK DIM-ltl "''" ... """•• ~, -121·4070 IUINA PARK LINCOLN DttlVl·IN ' .... 921 4070 IOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN VAWY DllVl·IN ..... t 't 902 2481 WISfMINSll• Hl·WAY 39 DllVl·IN SI.It ,ACK1ro1 '"'' ,...INf TO fl\ll 213/531·9580 YOUNO OOCTOU IN lOVl111 IJ1)0 1 H • •O t 0 I JO 101U THI ,.lt,Uf MOV1l 11>01 1l lO • JO l tJO "Ul NJ~~HoH•'!.W• fl lOAT TH f 13TH PUT la "' )0 OOJ00100700f00 1100 ... ' ' :I •• f I lirt "'-I .. ti, ""&t.o '#I. lU'iOl 1t r\UI THI HST ltnll WHOU HOUSl IN TIU S111 AN OHICll ANO A GINTllMAN c• fHl llNAL ~gLNTDOWN ''°' ._, I \o~ I T TMl l.ICTU TlUUTllAl 001 l'tUt THI IUCT lllC HOU IMAN il'OI falOA T THI I lTH , .. T 31• '\UI YfNOM 111 PAST TIMIS AT alOOlMONT HIGH 111 'lUI !Hf HOil YWOOO KNIGHTS 111 8 9 1·3693 THl llASf MA$Tll 1"°1 '\Ut SWAM, THINO tl'OI lrrtl 11 ""t I ZAPPIO! ll l •1u1 THl llST llTTll WHOlllHOUSl IN Tl.ICAS 111 I.A HAlllA lA HABRA OllV(·IN • l .. 1711162 THINGS AU TOUGH AU OYl ll 11 l'lUI MONTY P'YTHON LIVI Af HOltYWOOO M>Wlrt1 1.T. THl IXTllA TfHISUIAl ll>Ol l'lUI THl IUClllC HO.SlMAN ll'OI ORANG I ORANGE DAIVl·IN ,, . ''"-" 634-9361 ,lllOAT THl U tH 'At T 31•1 fltU.l VlNOM111 ~H JUlll l.APl\l~A.HO MISSION DRIVl·IN THI HAST MASTl lt "UI SWAMP THING!'Ol . ',. THI WORlO ACCOtOINO lOOAlll1,.1 '"'' "... I AtTHUI ""' ' ',.l. .. #-j;l;f.'C•Ja:laJ'al .. 0''"1P l""1l ........ Mc I Od-ct.f'll " ·7731 ... 11N''"l,..f(.>~ llf A( H WARNER DRIVf·IN "'o•~•• .-,. ••••., •• t' ,_ • •· 1•7•Utl VAU'MTlll lAZW COfl AMIUTOS ll:GaOS El ICXO Ill LOS PC9ll CON 'ION l»OSA 'f MWfT'( ... I I . MOVll UTINOI FOR MRINTI AND VOUNONOPLI Orange CoH t DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, Augu1t 28, 1982 NO DEALER SALES 2 x 4 92Y4'' WHITE FIR STUDS AD STARTS THURSDAY CERAMIC WALL TILE EA. The deal 11 on our Field Tile, 41/. x 4 '/• lncb. In white. (Right away you want to know how much the other 1tuff 11. 1ure.) Only kidding. bo11. If 1omethlng I• good and people want It we can run it a few tlme1, okay. A1 longa1 we can get the right price toaell it at we'll do It.Uthe buyer can't get the price down then we 1end in the "Goriller". (No •iolence, fu1t implied threat1.) .., .. rrmniiiDDii~'.&'aif LASKO 20" TWO SPEED BOX FAN 1777 Two 1peed1: "That 1he blow1" and "E•erybody Into the 1torm cellar". (Kidding, it ju1t 1ay• Hi and Low.) BLACK & DECKER 71/4" WORM DRIVE SAW Cut 1t~ geara. 21/1 HP. for heavy duty all day. day after day, work. Limited quantltiH. PLASTIC TOILET SEATS 99 EA. In White, Brown. or Bone. (Spealring of lawyera. mine i1 10 good that he once confu1ed the jury 10 much tha1 they aent the judge to jall.) ..... - l : 24"x48" ONE PIECE . DURALn'E ALUMIMUM FOLDING TABLES 1477 24" x 60" 2377 CENTER FOLD 30" x 72" 2977 DROP LEAF 36" x 72" 3577 CENTER FOLD Get an extra when company drop• in. or for a party, or a garage aal• (got to ba.e 1omethln.g to atock the junk on.) WIZARD CRARCOAL r LIGHTER FLUID When we barbecue we want a quick fin. right? So thl1 atuff 11 the way to go. Hot coala ln mlnutea. PEDZOO. MOTOR OIL 30WT. ., ........ .. aacQT. lOW"O WT. 9•9c QT. Speaklng of lcay, th• only th log my kld ccm do taat la pt tired. CW•,.,.,. apea.ld.bf ol oll, which la o pNtty allppery Maltlect.) ITALWf DESIGNER CHAIR 14aa In white. Nobody lrnow1 the name of thl1 Italian deaigner. Tbo1' 1 what I call realexclu1lrity. MURRAY MEI'S 26" BALBOA CRUISER ~ Glo11 black. gold flnllhed rim1 and 1procket. Get one Pop. fffl llke a kid again. (51 yean old. heading down to the Wedge. yelling "Swf' •up" :oh m1.) CD-2 ADnMO'titE PRODUCTS W TIEITllDT 77~oz. 111111. na. ... .... 97~oz. ==-1 •7 "Elm 130%. Depeadlog 01t which one fO\l chooM you may lmJlfO" your gaa mileage. ellmlnat• •talllng, clean OJlt 1JU.1D ad altadf9, cllHolft ccarboa (maybe ......... ClleWMWtrieacle?), 71/e" ENDURO BLADE CREDO SAW BLADES Demo a1 all 1tore1 Satwdayand Sunday. 10 to 2 PM. Leam about the right blade for the job. 71/e'' 18 TOOTH CARBIDE BLADE 2 6 #!298 3 6#!623 PAClnC ASPHALT 8 77 SGAL Mani an old dri,,.way look like new, protect• your lnveatment. tbi1 ahould do the a.erage drive with no awea1 (except youra) . DURALITE STACKING r, , J PADDED YARD ~ ·. -~ FURNn'URE f 1 -~~\ 3 C9HAI9J -:\ #7831 .;\ ~ 5 POSITION CHAISE 799 !m1 lt'1 the real c)oHyltWf, l V. inch tubing, brown and white plaid pattern cuahlon1. Pretty aoft. huh. 2' x 2' CEDAR I/ DECK ~~~ -SQUARES 377£A Theae are nice. make nJce duck board for outdoor ahower. wollrway1. patio deck, etc. Eaay to lilt up in ca1e you drop a diamond thru the groo•H. r..i:.. ~~t.t) HOLMES HALLY h~ .... 28" '•"• ... , \ ... '" "" .. .,.. '.' GARAGE DOOR SPRING 6 97 #P728C A 1pring that ha1 aprung ia dan9erou1. Look at yow old onH . ru1tyor weak ain't for you. ELECTRONIC BUG SNUFFER Ju•t think for under $40 you can electronically get rid of moth1. mo1qultoe1 etc. Safe a round Inda and pet1too.11'11 ael1 you a fly 1wa1ter for a buck.) KRACO STEREO CASSETTE ADAPTER FOR 8-TRACK TAPE PLAYERS NKCA·B A d rop ln deal tba1 let1 you play caHettH ln an 8 track player. No lnatalla1ion or wiring n..ded. SEE TBE IDlCAL lllCO UCE CAR AT DUI DWIOllD ID STOIE Thunday and Friday Aug. 26-27. Dollar off general odml11lon coupon. a.allable at all 1tore1. lor the Al real 500 a t Rl•eralde. Sunday Aug. 29. ALLTRADE !'E:'!' ·:~. ·-~ HYDRAULIC _.;; --1 JACKS Beata a few bricb. a i ,.,o· board. and lot of luck. Coa1lder theH part of ~ your tool box. get a good one. 2TON 4•7 C TOK 7"" ITO" ..,., ITON 1477 34" \ COLUMBIA ROMEGUARD D SECURm SCREEI DOOR 30", 32" Oft 31" 9777 Thia la a atroog on•. Double aid~ Jock with~,..,., cloee pattern lD Oold or au .. r r .ecktooe. flalahee. (El Pollo p1&t one oa my bou.M. No.t ... laMCUN,) .\ .. ,:·. ... ... , _____ _ .-----' r.n •• Orang• Coul DAIL y PILOT /ThUrtdly, Augull 2e. 1982 ( E -Lake Center office complex at MacArthur Boulevard and Sunflower Avenue near the ,Costa Mesa city limHs will be new , --... r ·- / Lake Ce nter gets big tenant Eba co sign $15 million lease in move from NB Ebu&<.'O S..rvlc..'t. .. ln(.vrporated. an cngineerm.V l'onstrut·llon firm, ht111 alaned a 15-ycar I at«: valut.'<i In l'XCt.'tili nf $IS million for ~4.000 equara feet of 11pt1t'<• In the new Lake Cenlt'r office complex in Sun1.t1 Ana Terry Ogletn-t•, Ebuco vlceJirt. .. ldent, Jt&hJ the six s tory Lakt Cente r bull Ins at 3000 W Moc:Arthur Blvd w1&1 selected after a six-month at'arch. He said his firm will occupy the second, third and fourth floors of the buUdlng to be known WI Eballco Plaza. The· center 1s a 750,000-square-foot dt-vdopment of oCCh;e 1.-ondomlniums and mid-rist> office buildlngs on a 33-acre site located betwC<!n Sunflower Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard. A development of California Pacific Properties, the pro.)('Ct wiU eventually ront.ain 27 buildings and be valued in excess of $95 million. Ebasco regional headquarte rs have ·been located in Newport Beach since 1977. Ebasco, headquartered in the World Trade Center in New York City. employs 6,000 full-ume workc.>rs worldwide and has o{(ices throughout the United States, mcluding other reg1onaJ facilities in Atlanta, Houston and Seattle. Founded in 11105 to provide capital asststant.-e to thc.> electric utility industry, Ebasro diversified to provide dl•ign, t-ng>netirina. oon.1tru<:tlon oonaultlng and rnluted aervlcet for utillli.ea, energy-lnt4inaive lndwnrics and government agcncit.'tl worlpwlde. In the paat five yt.••m•. th~ company haa l'Omplcted corwtruc.'llon pro)ecta valued at more th•n $15 billion. Ebatco la a whoUy-owned aubslduary of ENSERCH of Dallu Ge tty g a s s tations to drop c r e dit cards LC:~s ANGELES (AP) Gt!tty Refining & Marketing Co. says 1t will drop its company credit ('ard program effective Nov. 1 but encourages ita dealers to accept bank credit cards Getty has about 4,500 stations nationwide; 2.- 500 under the Getty nam<' on the East Coast, 1,900 under tht! Skelly name in the Midwest and about I 00 in California under the Mohawk name. Atlantic Richfield Co. recently dropped all c:red1t sales at its stauons and pledged to pass the resulting savings on to mot.orists. The company has said its gasoline salc-s have increased substantially smt"<' the move. Patience key to housing despite interest dips •• By JOHN CUNNIFF Atl 911•1""8 Analy1t NEW YORK -Falling interest rates are breathing life into th e hopes of would-be homebuyers, but the word Crom the industry is patience. Both builders and lenders have been badly burned by instability of interest rates, and they have a decided lack of enthusiasm about market loans, and won't be inclined to lower their rates until they are certain better times 1H•l1 be around a while "S&Ls are going to be very cautious," said James Kendall, a spokesman for the U.S. League of Savings Associations. "They got badly burned m 1980, and this time they're going to wait to see if rates stay down." loans at the lower rates. Many housing lenders a re also experiencing a continuation of hjgher costs as a consequence of offering depositors 13 percent savings certificates, some of which will remain on their books for another 30 months. jumping back i nto th e ' marketplace. Both need to get their houses in order, so to speak. Kendall's reference was to a sudden interest rate drop in August 1980 that induced many S&Ls to offer reduced-rate mortgages. Wtthm a couple of months rates resumed rising, trapping lenders who had made Builders are said to have a ''show me" attitude. They too recall 1980, when the brief rate decline induced many to resume construction -then trapped them with unsold houses when a return of higher interest scared off buyers. ,. ..... .. , .. .. 1•1 II ''"'. Savings and loan associations and savings banks, traditional home mortgage lenders, remain burdened with old. below- ''They want stability," said BiU Young. an economist with the LIFE GOES ON --- AND ON, AND ON· -• byTerry n ALLAN'"BEEK J;ew apply rn~511r;,~~m for city jobs <iroot, • R. Ph. r \ How long can you expect to IJVe' Cen.amly al Is now pcl811ible to lave longer than your parents and their ancestors. But, this inc:reaaed life expectancy is not completely automallc. You must take an actJve part in helping It to be reahied Your phys1c1an 11 the maan link He 11 there to ·help you maintain good ·health, overcome a sickness and to spo1 possible trouble before it gets too serious Pharmacists are proud to be another imporlanl link by supplying any med1cme1 and health aids you may need or your doctor may pre!ICnbe SFACOAST SI CllHll ,. SYS!I ~.._, 642-3490 •"Jlye;HllOCftl V O .wnttrt And Optt' "ft• ·t /-l tir A A IJ L (~'.~"I 1 ,, I l..)' 1t 11<> II :'-l XI! ~Pwp1_lf! fllvol i'n<l.1 Me\J 1,.1 '•21•.' · PALO ALTO (AP) -More than 10 million workers in the United States can't find jobs, but the wealthy community of Palo Alto is having trouble filling vacancies among management pos1t1ons. The problem is hardly anyone can afford to move here. So the frustrated ctty council has decided to sweeten tht! deal. Under a new policy, the city will offer a lucrative list of optional benefits -from mortgage-assistance payments to temporary living expenses -to job applicants who otherwise might not move to this ar ea, midway between San Francisco and San Jose. The problem lS serious, says city Personnel Director Jay Rounds. For example, Palo Alto has been searching for a manager of energy planning for the city utilities department for a year. The most likely candidate for the job decided not to take it after investigating the Peninsula's high-priced housing, which ranges from about $150.000 to more than SS00,000. ack to Schoo Rounds said the new policy wiU apply mainly YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR • • to the 120 management jobs at City HaU CAN PHONE US when you F h• Sh need a delivery. We Wiii as ion ow He estimated that there are only four or five df.'Hver promptly without jobs that will be filled this year that may require ' eJCtra charge, A great many H . c f h be r· . people rely on wi tor their unt1ngton enter any o t e ne its. health need.a. We weloome· presents it's onnuollt-;:============================::::l =~~ii' semce fun Fashion Festival at 7:30 Fri. and 1 & 3 l'AltK UDO PHAllAIACY• ,,.. DMINty Sot., Aug. 27 /28. Photographic Business Cards A new Adverh~ medun tor VOOI business &/Of VOOI products '138~· "1 Hoepltlll lto«I S h I k d IN.pon llNch ee w at oo s goo • ColorimJMr8 tor 1000 CAAOS "2-1600 for Foll classes. '111 oncl.-•PHOTQOflAl'H\'&•••""'9<:• 1714-.6i6=7681'"-r-·.~========~~J_ __ _.:..::::__:~:...::.:.::::::::::..:~~~~==============~ •• P~ Poli1ic'.il Advertiwmf.'Cll MAKE YOUR DECISION EARLY, TOO Join These Educators In Supporting Don Strauss For Re·Election To the Newport Beach City Counci l Charles (Tag) Rothae rme l F. Sherwood Rowland Calvin MeLaaghlln Sam MeCalloeh Fabian Giroux lady Ros ene r Robert Wentz Don IJlaader I National Assoc1at1on of Home Builders. "Stability or gently falling rates from now to the beginning of next year so they can plan for a good building season.•' up an July by almost reaching an annual rate of 1.21 million units, but the great bulk of that activity was in multifamily structures, and much of it was confined to the Southeast. level that would bring carrying costs into the affordability level of millions more families. (Most bank.." lowered the prime interest rate to 13.5 percent earlier this week.) Even 1( they get their wishes, however, many builders wiU be faced with the task of rebuilding c r e w s . The Home Bui Ide rs believe that only one-half their members hip 1s acttve during what many l~rm a housing depression. Activity during July was much slower among builders of single- family homes, and many of these are now expected to remain at reduced operating levels while planrung for the s pring building and selling season. A study released a year ago by the Home Builders indicated that at 18 percent interest, only 8.4 m1lhon families. fewer "than 14 percent of the total nui:nper nf familil'S had income sufftc1en~t ~ carry a $60,000, 30-year loan, while maintaining payments for insurance. taxes and utilities. True. buildmg at·t1v1ty picked By then, said Young, rates might be around 14 percent, a OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS ••• •'·1 ><.._ H 3'-• l' I ,,. ' """ 111• Iii J I If. t \f·• ...... H"' H'• 11 111• 71 ,,, • 1:n11>1 )) JJ•. , ... J ,. , I I I ,. t 7•, Hi.. 171 I 24 f11' •• "'· 1 710, 11 .. tJ•• u•. ........ 1)•. 1J , J)I f 1)-4.o )< •• )/ )I" 1) .. , ••• n·. n , u .... . 4-41 t ... ~ n n , •• • 41, .. ,,, . l '' )~ .. ...... ,.,. l'• .. JO )I 8 I ..... •'• '; 71 ,., • .~. •'• " t ti. ,, 14 • ,,, 1 " • , ..... '• 1l ,. ~.11·. ,. ., ... ""' ··~ . ..... ""'· PcCi•R PauloyP P•uMt Pen•E.n1 Pt'"ntM \ P.opEAJ> P~ttlttt PPllll>OO Phll•N~t P+erc•SS Ptnk'1n P1onH1 S PO\\•~ Prt>\C,M Pr\Stpyn PrOQrP PbSvNC Purt8«1 ~~~~~tr: R•901"CP A•vmno Af'f'twft RoaoSv RabOMy Rou~ ~Ol1#r S..IN:O SIH•IG<I SIPdul S<r1pH \ S..•Odl~ Sen'\or ' S1itc'1Af!r Svtmst !>11•1'<00 snwmul S1ttr•R\ S,.ll(()f'U1 SC•IWlr SwEISv S••nayn SIOM•cro SldR"9\ St•""""' AND DOWNS NEIN YORK tAPI lt>t fotlowl"ll 11\I """"'' lhP O••r '"" , __ r \10(11.~ .no"""."""" tn.t n. .... QOfW up thf ~t .no OO•n trw mo\t C.W"<f on Pf''(f'l\I ot CP\ot"9f' ,~rdl"'' Of VOh.trrW tor w"° No \.l'(Vf•li'P\ ,,.,.,,0 M IOW " •re incl ua.d f'i«'I and ~r(f'ni•Ot ( Ml'\Qll\ •"• thf> d1tteref"Cf O-t*Hn the O'•vK>~ t eios."9 bilO otice DNJ we-o 1 1a1t t>+O PftC4 ..... "~ M ll'W El>Q HtC.0. "''""" ·~,·· C.OC>Rw: !>IM>IN\I F°'"'' GnHyOr Mtllt.Jn tnfrm un B...CIK N100Ci ActvSem1 Trni>f E Pw(.Onv Tlpt•r~ Fer Flu Pf4irf'P Slauq6ro O.tal 0 c;..,,..1En ~r.~P1 1rut10 T•lf9 W1 UPS l..o\I • 1 •.. s .'~'( u:"• s 1 UP l3 J 1'• Up X>O ''• Up JS I •~ '• Up llO 1 I Up HO .,.. • 11. Up 13 l 1 Up 1l I • .. Up 111 ).. "' Up 221 10-'t> I'• Uo 211 S,,_ • I Up 11.6 11, 1't Up 71.4 ) '• uo ,, ' )•. , I Up 11.1 S'• • 1 up 20.) 1'• • \o UP :IOO t>•• , 1 Up 19 0 l1 • ._, VO '' 0 111 • P•• Up "' 1· • • .. Up 11 • l b" • up •• 1 l'-.. Up lS.t )._ • ... Up 1S.I J~. • ,, uo tS• U\I 1 ' • Cn11 P<I I' t I~. ,, .. '1'-li 21'. ,,. Ult 111 I 1'~ 1~-: NASDAQ SUMMARY t& f/' I 1 • ) . ) ) . n •• Ott 1l.1 I Off :IOO ' Off "1 •'• Ott 110 .. Off II I ... Off 10 I MUTUAL FUND >t ' ,,. ' II IS'. ll' • 2l1• 1' I 1"'- S'-l'• ""'· ~ ... )2'. ~, .... )II•. )II ... u•. 1•°"' 11' t H1 I "'· 111'. 31'> JI .. ""I)" I) ll'• )O• I Jl Jll > ll"-4 )'. l>. 10·. 10'-•'• ) ·~~. , I ... .,y.,,...., ~f1APO Un<h.1'90 Tota.I 1\)Ut\ Ne• trn;,tn N•w fOW\ Tot•I ~19\ NEW YOAK l"PI MOflill • .. 10 11 H• YIO 10 1" NL Ivy Fd 10 S7 NL -T .. lal-1"11 ~ NI~ '21 10 fl Lt 1W.1n I 6} HL JP Cirtn 1111 U Jl i.tlGM, Wf'l>li.cl blo hFrt I IO • ,. Purlln 10 I} NL .IP •nco "' I .. .,,. N•OCW\111 M-1· C•PINT 10 I) NL Tnrllt • s. Nl ./en~ I S1 NL ell<ln ol S.Curlt~ CPntennlal c;p Tr-n 1:1 Nl JOl\n H.on<oo O.ai.r~ Inc .• ar• G•ltl 1.3'1 I oe Fin•n<.,11 Proo 8oncl I) Jl 14 .. IN prlca el wtllcll Eav11 } •1 6 S1 Ovn• I _. N~ Cirw111 • Q 10 1S .,... MCur11i.. Cn•ntellor c;roup Fnt ITc 1l."6 Nl u !> c; " I/ l UM.Old lleve -t1tYIO •31 100) lnC1~1 •lie NL v, .. & 1• <. IOIO ('*! ..... HI,,..,,, 11 IS IJ u ln(om I 10 Nl , .. Ex t IO • )I Olut) or bouQlll NO.C 11 II 13.IO F•t ll'W\lor\ K•ulMn .. NL lvelut 111'4 Mlh TOM 1 I 01 ti l} 8"° "" 1J JI I• 0 l<•m-Fund\ CllM911 w.o Cnl !>I>• 1011 NL 01w:o 1 1 •U lncom , .. Ill sett ...,. 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NL 59ntry 11.n JO.• £~ tt.-, NL "91111 .. 7.t NL SilHr-1'""*! l~Tr U,U Ht "'""' Mii J ., Nl A-. 11 as tU.J ON-t:O. H Ptlll• 1·'4 t 11 !41YICi 11.42 tt.M I""' _,,., • ~--; lllt.... \t-7' I'~ ,,,..., . t .C2 NL ail t.61 IO,J1 ~ 12.U t. ~ .... HI.. ~ I .. 5 1 .. 11 NWOlf It.~ 1J ~11SM IS.It NI.. ,....,, 10.U 11.n ~m 0 ~·'2 Hl llo\lllM '°'lt NL r,~':' ::: .&:1! CJ= ~~f NL ~~I 1tM =tl Pl~~l~O<'~t.IJ. . • c:l~-1 lt.~ f.t ,~· ~~ ~ ~~ r i;:; 1:·2.! r"r":J I .71 '':t W•I=. ~:I ~ Mel ~~· 1 J4 VP& i:i i:1t ~ 11' i 1:i J:l 11:.._" i Ill I) 77 ,t;J Y~ li 11,tl 11 'i;., 11 ii IHS 'T11 1in 1 N~ :..., 0 rtl \!' ~~· NL ~'rr.t· ... :=,1 ••.Mt fn~~ I~ =~ "~ "¥:'! ·~"t r:: 1E St H rt 11:1 =t tM.e t N NL -Iii .... H , 11:.. Ht Oc-t. NI. IMI• dle!'9) 'h ll-. 1AI N M-411 "-Fdtt I-........... •'t ll'te """"-u.. IUI Nl ~ • - Ml.. Nol wl.. Nol " l ""' Clo.. Che P l' hO• t.tow (flil ~h'd ~I :rG 1"11 ~'" • 1'n 'AnlllO I M I l• IJ~• \t cl,.. 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Te•I• p11 01 11 U\.o • '• 11 II h •lt pl I fO It .... • '°' RB Ind ll U fS '"" TllaO Jl J', RC.. 'iO 10 l •lt I•'• lllrE n ll S.. Ul<o RCA pf • I .. TlllOl<I I 10 IJ 1111 f1 • '"' RCA pl 2 IJ U9 ••'-V. Th10i<I wd 11 ufl~•, I', RC• pl l •S s•s J6 .... Tllm9"1 7 IJ II 4f •l... '' RLC n M 1' I•>• '• Tnomln ~ 10 U 11 •, RTE II() I f5 l'e• '• ThmMd 10. 6 Ill .... Rtl•Pvr II t ~It ''"' • • lnrlllv IO 1 II• ''" • ,., R•mlHI 06 ... TtC•ro l 10 S 1 1;µ. R•mo< I 10 '' llo ,... ,,. T10W1t '° S Ut 7•"-• 1"• A•nc.o .. I 19 11 •.. T•~rln 11• •"'-. '"' R•y<m" .,,, \'6 ..... l~• l1m.ts •••••~l1~·1•'9 R•~m~ 60 ISi 10\t p,. Timi pl81 '7 •1l• ..... • 2•~ ::::=' 1~1~ 1~ ~~' c. ~:~~CA~ 10 ~ !;"' •J~: Ae.:98' mt 4 "' 11'·» • 1 T1tmlln l 40 I ..... "°" • '' R08el 011 tJ Ut 1•i.. • '• TodSllp I 11 ) 11»7 JI~•• I RllRel I Olt • all ... TOl<tvn SO 6 •S "'-• ~ llt<nEq lt6 ·~ TolEd" l llo • J>fo "" • '• Rtdmrl l028 411 """ • .. TolEO pff Jt 11 1'•11 • ~ RHO Sl ·~· '• TolEO pf'}~ tl .... '• Reoe111 s ]II '"' lolEd plJ1l 21 I) llef<h< .. t M 11'-<. TonUCI> ~ l] ?• ti ll•pAJr 4M S.\o • l<o Toq1R01 il()b 7 .. 11.\1. + ~. RtpCp '° • .. IS.,, ... lrcllm-'60 • ,,. ,,., •• ,, RtPFllS I 10 U 1003 0 40 • '" loroCo ll S .. • YI w:~J·~ s ,; .. n:: ~; 1:~1~ !: : ·~ ::~~::;; ANV pfll n. 103 """ loyPU. "7'31 11'-"' AtPSll I• 'IJO "''• • "' T••<o• , JO 11 lllO ~, ,,, Rop8-1411> ... d21-.-t.,. lr•ne •» t l1U ~·• ::~ rA1 ;,' s ~ m;. ... tw "' U'JJ ....... " .. <O • U J21 l)te 'It l:::,.. l~ :~ • ~t•tr• 1' I • TWC f1f J J , .... • ~ .. ion '.,. I JW lPt• .. TWC f1f ''O A ''"" ~t•hat'n .0 1 Jt ''"" TWC pl 2.. U.-io ~unrd 1 Ol IO 19 .... • Trensm I '40 • ,...,_. ~tylllll 2 IO • ltOI .. ._ • '-Tr•nl11< 1" •50 ,,.,., • 1eyln pl4 IO llO U .. • V. TAllJty g S t ~•yMll I to II 101 U"" • r reMCo lAO s no .... + ,,. ~~~e',r:: 10 ,: ;:~: 't: TmM pl U I u >l"t • llli 1i.otlT I IO 1 ) ...... .... TrenMll ,11111 D • "' UoOrM '.0 s 2io ,,.,., • W1 Troi:ir '°. ' '°-.... 11oGr pl IO JM 111-..1v. l~~:-, I 10 '• ,: al -, "" Ul•A \ .80 It Ml ..is ... • llol! Trevlr t ,; ... U!• tliw..: 1-. j::==-.:.:x '! .~ m~: v. l"~.J .. 1• .. "" , ....... :1,00111t ,,. • 111 u..... .~,r;.~ u o ., J »::~·~ °'~i 1.1 ... ' n1 u • Tr •Ind eo JO " " • "' ~:-w'i ~ °' ~ ~ ~::-T,.Pt 1 lf SI 0 ... + "° ~kllll 91 I t aJ ... j .... • {~l~tr I:~' : II~ 1&: + Rotiml1 >.• ' " 't'h T . '-~°"'Ill 6 2» 1111 • T~]t'lp l : ::! ~ ~ llOl!r pl .Lii • 1• "" • T I~ 1 10 • I 1~ n~lr!", M 1 .:: .~~ ! T:'<ot. t 0 10 • tJt U'A •. ~ ltot~ ,, ,.. • • ,,,... 60 • 7• '"". ·--flOll-,. t Tymt11r 1t m Olio+ v. llt-W t al U • -~--JOV. .. ~.. . .. '1 •. u ,,,_. ~~~ ,,.. ' '"~ ..... : "' :...,::: pn~ ~1' ,:.,.. ; UOI ,,, t 7S yl50 ,,_ '° 11t'"c. I 04 f ta 11~ • I.IMC" ·'° ) >t , ... + "' !l~.I!.2., 1"1• • mo ""'. UMl:'T -" .... I • 14 ~;;T',;; '·': 0 IO •I.,..! ~:'~ J,MI i ~J ,_-:~ : k= 1 sf1 I~ 4l.,.,. Vt U11IH'(, 4.1 .. S IS1 totvt+ \l't fl 1,• t ltll M uc;~ J ' ,,. !"°'+ 1111 -~I VII J,! lt71 "'• "° .JOj ~-ti.-"' U • It S vt+ o,. M I ~ ~ JJV.,.. , ~~~~ i •ff '' : ~ :r,., ·i I: 115~:·~ u11l!t '9f a:tL W' ..... ';,,:, u~:•: il:IJ~: I ~; .,. ,1 ~l . li"''l;f;.,1 mr, •'-:~·1 11~i~ f.JI j~: MJl.v ... :·~ § '·' .• '} -~ ,J f il :-= ' : ~ lt\.11-~ ~ "' ,.. ... -. u •n w.. 14 u~., • . • eitie .. "' ..... "" !&-"' ' t~ •lot • • • ~-n: ... ,. ., ~: " 8 Bl Ma Bell breakup gets formal OK WASHINGTON (A P) -A feder aJ judge has torrrually approved the anltlrUBt st"lllemen t betw~ tht-American Tl•l<.'phone & Telegraph Co. and tht government, setl.lng tht• stage tor th e largest corporMtt reorga.nlzat.Jon In history. Tn other words. Ma Bell as g1v1ng up her chUdren. U.S. Dunract Judge Harold II. Greene on Tueeda)' !;lgned the settlement requu mg AT&T to spin off iti Bell Sy1lem oper~t.Jng companies in what wall be tht breakup of Lhe world's largest mmpany The Judge's final approval was almost anti;. clima<.·t1c 'bet-auSt! the J ustice J){'partment and AT &T had annount.•ed thdr willingness t.o accept a series of t'Ondiuuns laid down by Greene last Thursday. Under t he order. AT&T must stc>t free Its 22 wholly owned and operated companies by Feb. 2{ 1984 -II.I months from TuE!llday Bank acquires bonds A group hc-aded by Bank of A merica, San Francisco, was the successful bidder on $100 million of velerans bonds issued by the state of C-ahfomia. The state said 1\ issued the bonds to assist California war vcwrans w acquire farms or homes. the costs of which are to Ix· rc•paid t.o the state on an amortaz.<.'Ci purchase plan , The bonds will mature starting in 1983 and the last term bond w ill be re tired by the stale in 2007. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW VORll IAPI Sol.. WtO 1>t1ff0 •nd ,.., t~ ~ Vw f1"een O'\O)I .,Cl•~ N.-w vor1ri StO<k Ewcn..noe •S\iUIH ~~~7,;dteorwlly •:.=.~trt•n,:~. • \It Conllll(.p l,4'J,IOO II>'• IBM t,d7,ICJO ''1• • "" M9n111 t..yn •.313,lOO l1'-•I"' E .u.0#\ I. ?II 1 )GO 1• • t' • Amer l& 1 t,03~ • .tOO ~··, • ~ Gen Moto<> 981.SOO •I'• Oel E01'°" 9/S,000 11.. 1 '· M•ft1nM ~ '#flA.900 )~''" t Ai11• ~ordMot ••1.000 '11'• • '"' Sony Corp 'M),Wl) ""' • "• S<l>lumllfq 866,.00 JI.... • 14'. t( m•rt 110,MJO n... .. .. !>e•"ROO!ll l)t,100 22"' • '·• R(A 10,600 I~'• AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AHO DOWNS t '·· ,, tti ... I ·~· . '• ...... ... '• '• .. NEW VORI( IAPI The l0Uow1nv h<1 '""·• , ......... Y0t• S•oo E ·<~ \tot"s ~ ••''~h t~t l'Mtv• ~,.. uP lht ..-1 M>d down I,., mo.I o...o on ,,.t(MI of (~ r~rdle\\ of VOfUf"l"ll tor Weod No ,.ecudht'\ tt.a•no twlow 1.1 e,.-,. ltKI· udctd Nf'I MWj Pl'Hf't\t•Qlt ,h1inQ«I' •rt-tne g::J:'"~"w==:Y .•';~'•"'•°") <to~nq UPS N•m• L•>I 1.hQ P•lrt<tcPlr •' • • t• • 81W-ayFSL i•. ', J Kf'not1(.c> •'• • 1 • W•1noc:o a•, • t S M•t1•nM \ l'i, , •', & Fl~I 91, t'- 7 S.nri s SOpl •l'-....... I P•P\. I IDPr Ul\. , I~ ' TaP«UI 11 J 10 AP«ltt<p 111" , I I t 1 V•lfe~ •no ~~ "'• 12 ~11*4 wt • I , IJ Pubhc• 1no .) •• If Ownll f l'lOI 1)• I • IS C.OUI<> pl 7• 7' • t• tntnf8dkr tE • 1f, l1 GCA Corp i.•, I'. :: r:~~~.· .~~ . :, . 10 Fotom.al J" , '-21 Nkolf'tln\1 n 10', • P • 13 Tfot¥rtit1r 71,, 71, 1• \l~lf'roEnr 11 1"'4. 21 OoftwM Q 94, I 1& lnllHMV ) IOOf .\, • I DOWNS Pel UP JJ S Up l'OO Up "0 Up 1• 0 Up llS Up 11 S Up II I Up •• 1 Up I) I Up IS 1 VP 1\0 Uo If l Up hJ Up If 0 Up 13 t Up IJ • Up IJO Up IJ 1 Up 11 t Uu IJ) Up II S Up II S UP It S Up tt • Vo II • N•-1 Nt!YP I 1'pf 1 01ytr\, tn(J J J~ ..... COt L•\'1,, C'Jt. Ofi<1100 4 A•Y~\10\ S S-r.,.pe 6QnPw8.ec>t I OuQLI 11/pl t fr-<n Ir>< • E ¥en Pu I .001 10 Burlnql Ind II SuOf'\1•1._,.. '\ 11 Bormtn I) Occ1P 1 l1Pf :; ~~s:;i. Of II CnPw • IN>' II C. I Fl I I~ 14 C.IW'llHO>P ~ l'O GrlhRI• n C.llRn P•B t1 R•oB.tn•Co 13 8t>ndl• 2• TrM•wv Int H lllPw • OIDI GOLD COINS 1 '• OU n I 11 Ott 10) ... 10-. 1 .. ~ IJ • •• JI ···-.. , ""' )I• 2J 7' 4'. I'• , .. 111. t11. '° l'O 1)'. I • Oft '• . l'• '• 011 • s 01• • s Off • l 011 ) • 00 5 I 1•, Oft S• 1•,, Oft S) '• Off SJ '• Off S l ''· Otl s J p , Off ~1 ,. 011 ) ' ~ &:: ~ g • 011 s 0 '• Oft .. ' ''" Ott .t,9 )11 ou •• I 011 f I .. Oft 4 I N EW YO"IK (API PrlCH lete T~•V ol gold ~Int. compar~ with Mond1v'• prkie et,..,.,rllftd, 1 troy oz., 1390.00. up $18.50. llattle a.et, 1 troy oz .. $390.60, up S18.2~. llldloell IO...-. 1.2 troy OL, $463.75. up 1 11.50. AMllteft 100 OHwn. 9802 l!Oy oz .. $370.00, up S16.00. SOurce: Deelt·P-• DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORKIAPI "'""' Oow·Jor•O\-lor Wea • AUQ 1S n ocu JO Ind JO Trn IS Ull 4S St• tndu~ fr•n lJ111, 0..... "'-~ ,_ °"' •n " 906 t1 ,., " ... " • ' " XII 7J HI .. J:i1 60 M 711 • I D llf ll ll•OO '"JS llS"• 0 11 Jll l? >At 10 t:lt U Ml.U , f i.'I •s St- WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK tAP) AUQ 1S AOV~t!id 0t-c11nf'd Vn<henv<d Total 1\~ Ne .. ntqtt'\ N~w lows. Wed ., .. 401 Jll 191) I .. ) HEW '!'ORK IAPI AUQ 1S Wed Advanc:ecJ Oec11....o UnCh.litiO't'U Tol•I l~WO\ ~ew tuQh\ Ne• tow~ METALS .. , ., . us ,., ll • •.11uoo 1,1J1,JOI) U O.,tOO U,OIJ,KXI NEW VOl'4K IAPI -59ol ,_l«TOUIJOMt• procnW-•• Copper 12·13 '0111• I pound, US oes1in1oons ~ 28-29 _,~ • pound Zinc 40 cent• 1 paund, .,..._, • Tin S6 4589 Molei. WMll comooell•· Ahcmlftvm 78-78 oen11 • pauncl, N \'. ....,.curr S365.00 por Jla.ic. : Platinum 129 I 00·$296 00 troy ciinca, NV SILVER w.on-c•v Hanoy & Meun .... 17 790 oer trO)' - GOLD QUOTATIONS 11, ,.... ,._i. .... ,.._ ~«:•ao .. or10 0010 l>'tcti w.,in..oey t.onClon morning ll•lno &3114 56, o il $13 25 ' London tlle1noon Ila Ing 140 I OCI, oil S8 7S : l"erk 111 .. noon ftalnQ 53113.38. oft S Ul.511 Frll'lll"-" llainQ S311!i.48, oft '18.02 ; ZVflcf\ Ille 111 .. noon llllltlO '31MU>Q. of! $10 00 blO, $400 00 NllOCI : H111dr • H•rMlll (Only d e ity qf t>l•I S.40' oo. on so 7'5 • ll,..._CI (only a.try quollj $401 ~· ot1 se 1s • llnvelhetd fOlll'f oatty QUOlll fat>ritetocs $421 05 oH 17 09 SYMBOLS O·New y .. •ly low, u·"-w yootty l\!Qh . VnleU Olh-M Rl>lt<l. ra lff ol cll...oonda ••• annual O•tbu,__,,. b...O Oii ,,.,. IMI quatterly or Hml·anl'ual decla•a llo11 Special or Ulfl OMdencl1 or paymonte ~ Oe-s1Qn••ed u regular ar• IOont•lleCI tn tllo ·-·no IOOlnolH a·••so ewtr• or •• ,, .. b-Al\nuet rat• plUe tlOtk 01.,01nO C·Ltq111delln9 11..,denCI Olc18'0CI or pe>d in pt-11\Q 12 mo<llhO •·Oec:latOCI or ~ aflor llodc ~ Of IC>ill 1111 l·Paod lllia ....,, dl-.cl omitted. Oe'"'"'CI or no tcllOn taklll\ ll '-' CIMclenCI mMhng k·Oodored OI pelCI 11\ie .,_, M a«umvt.,,... ,._ wilh ~•kl W•Mr• n•Nl!w ,._ r-Ooctorod or pOld 1n pr~ 12 morilht plua stock dlYldond t·Ptikl kl s•oc-1n prt<lOdlng 12 monlht, .. ,.,,,._ r;atfl v•lue on ••·CllltldOnO °' oa-dllltlbutlon Oelt •·EA 01~1 or ••·•IQhle. y·b-dMOlnd and Hlet In lull ,.s .... iii 11.!11' ct<l·Ct ltod wd·W ..... d~ wl-W'Mll IUued WW•Wllh w•11•nt• ••·Wllhoul """""'* a!ltt-El·dltlrlbo.ltton PE 1a100 The ptloO 04 a l lOOll • e mull11>te ol l)O<·-• _.,...,~ Oy oiv~ 111e 1o1"1 12.mon111 -lllllQt tlgutw tntolesl wlo- ., Ornrigo Con11 DAil V Ptl Of/Thur1day. Augu11 26, 1~ei l'Ht: t' \'91L \' ('IR('l S by Bil Keane "Why does Mommy hafta be alone to medicate?" '9.\R~.\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson "Must you help?" Jl'DGE P .\RKt:R I ..JVST PROMISED 'r'OUR FATHER THAT I WOULD TRY TO HAVE WKE • TAAN6FEAAEO 10 A MENTAL H05PITAL !=OR A PSYCHIATRIC EV~LUATION. TONY! _,__.,.. ACROSS Wl-IA"T'5 THE MATTER WITH YOU. GARFIELO ? I Cereiess 49 Hard dnn~ 6 Stat& 50 Bird 10 ""'''° Ian· 54 Dance gu~ moves 14 Alla" capltal 2 wOfds 15 VICCJles 57 Jargon 18 -~ lhe 58 Turkish com 11r f 59 Detergent t7 .. _ ;... 60 Player Cowlfend" 6 t Greek under t8 Aulo~onlrol ground 20 Proceed 62 Suites 2 t Orelf part 63 Ship area 22 Lazy OM DOWN 23 WHther t Thicket WOf d: 2 Course 26 Moat ),or 1ng 3 Author 27 Myth • unknown WEDNESDAY'S PUZZlE SOLVED 30 N11n9 4 Trepidation 26 Atnefinds flfl ~I WtnlUHly 2 WOfd• 27 Remaining •4 -Yutang 32 AmcMS 5 TMM 28 Great lake 45 Purview 33 Stock'y horM 8 Setlller 29 Muslctll 46 01 lllll VBll· 3e Deer• 7 SW. v,C)fll een 37ftndti 8 Aldtr SCOI 2 WOfdl 47 Sl*!Ch prob 38 Neveda elly 9 Bouttd 30 SOllvenlr IM\5 3t Cetd 10 Ot»ltde 32 Fabfte 49 lnMCt 40 Dlinti.t 11 Milley IOolelno 3• Sinolt lime 51 Pr!of Preli~ 4,1 P"er'• -t2 fbh 35 Alrlc;ln 52 "Prine• -· •2 CNnM port 13 Not moving 3 7 ~money 53 B«ttl 4A 9k>t1 19 W ..... lttn1t 38 ~ In SS Slllp lnl!Qnle 45.Poud\ 21 Cached 40 Oflgln1I 56 Caviar 41 M 24 Plu• 41 811 of wit 57 Spenlfl'I artl· 'I lfelonn 2~ fltun9e'· 43 ~thNt· ci. I 816 6t.:OROt: e ) l r f by Virgil Partch (VIP) r·"'' "Why did I get Into thla racket? I've always had btrd legs." 'GoovN IGHT ANO SWEET~S·. I 2 3 4 5 t4 r !s !HERE SOCHA lHING AS SOUR tJRfAMS ? by Harold Le Ooux ---LUI'\£ 15 CRAZ' Ll..,E A r .)~ • THE ()R0ANIZATl0N hNQWS THAl lF LUl"IE 15 NOT RELEA5ED. HE'LL MAl'-.E A DEAL WITH THE D A ·~ Ol=flCE I ..-_,...,......... ..... Pt:A~l'TH by Charles M Schulz --~~~~~~--. f} IT'" bOOP TO Bf Ml K. ON THl-Ol. MOUND. (( f( - I -,~- ('(_ '< 'J ·'' { ' I I ' Tl'" BL•:" t:t:DN SHOt: ' l f bt{ om K Ryan SINCE HE: ~ROWE:C7 ME I AIN'I SPEAKIN"IO HIM , AN' I NE:EC75UMt:IOP'I10 SAY 1'&1wv oP" rw ~wHa\"J by Ernie Bushmtller THE TV --·AND HIS ROOI= BEGAN TO LEAK WEATHERMAN JUST SAID IT'S FAIR AND SU NNY-- ••t '\9' \' "l:\K•:RBt:A~ "!'VE HAD rr ! JU51 BE.OlL6E 1'M UNE.MPL.QIJE.O ~·~ , MEAN 1HAI 1 HAVE m l'fOP£ 1 1 ~D ~E. Arn~ AL l . M.l LC»J(, ! ~ ! --1 I 'Nl 601 N6 fO (.,f"f tYll)6ELF IN GEAR rDDAY' AND 00 6()Vl£f HI NG WNf->l"RUl.11VE wrm ffVJ 11M£ ! i ~ 111-X ~ .; e 2" 0 e 0-''---~rzrg-· by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan or COORSE. NOi \ I JUSI .5AIO "fl.~~i roR EJrtcl by George Lemont •• ·I I ., TltllKSUAY -EVENl«i- a.110G OG NEWS 8 WONDEA WOMAN G w 1LO. w 1Lo west (U S.WA.T Cl) HAWAII FtVE.0 &;I A TIME TO LIVE WlfH LEO BUSCAOLIA Or Leo Bu5C1Qll11 del!Yetl hit mou•ge of love end oppr eclallon ot I toe good lhmgs In hie lrom Sacr•· mar11o's lll810<1c•I Capital Pollo, '1!) MAOIC OF OtL PAINTING Deserl Su11se1·· CBS NEWS @) A8CNEWS Qt NBC NEWS fH THEOOLOBUG A yourig boy becomes lnvolv&O 1n a 1uepenselul hu11t ror Captain Kidd's 1>ur1Qd treasure OMOVIE • • • 'Tommy·· ( t97SI RCJOi!r Danrey, Af'n-M•r- gret Bnsed on the rock op..ra by The Who A young boy 11truc;k daaf, dumb and bhnd by lhe s1g111 ot his father's murd.,. becomes a modern-day messiah e•plolted t>y a O•ff<I~ uncle and a w0<- sfupprng pubhc. PG' 8:30 m FAST FORWARD Medicine Genelle eng•- neermg mrcr osuroery, dtagnosllc a"d applied med1c1"e ell connect man w1lh machrnes (l)Q.t NEWS (10) BARNEY MILLER (Q)ON VIEW 8:50 &l) PLEDGE BREAK Regularly sc:heduled pro- grammrno may be delayed duil 10 pledoe t>reak1 7:00 I) CBS NEWS 0 NBC NEWS 0 KUNG FU Ca111e finally re\.lnltes with nis American hall-brothel fJ ABC NEWS 0 THESAINT m M ·A·s·H Kllnoer breaks '" •nothef psycilo and 1ne 1as1 boa ot morphrne from supply -s 10 be contaminated Q) J~R'SWILD m m BUSINESS REPORT <8) P.M. W.GAZINE A New York town that la ollen VISlled by UFOs. an lnle<Vlf!W Wllh lop fashion model Cr1strna FerrGre lfO) EHTEATAINMENT TONIGHT An lntervleW with Merle Haggard QI THE MUPPETS Guesl. Lena Horne ,C MOVIE * • • 'No Nukes" ( 1980) Jackson Browne, Cro1by, Still• & Nash Footeoe ot • seflU of anll·nucteer pow- .., concerts held In New Y0<lo. C11y dur1no Septem- ber, 1979 leaturlr>o lhe DooDoe Brothers. Carly Simon, James Ta11or end Brorce Sprlnostee". Is com· piled 1n this documentary PG IH YESTERYEAR. .. UM7 D•ck Cavelt travels bKI. 10 the prosperous post-World w.,, II eta ma1 saw the growtll of 1ne suburbs, lelevtslc>n •nd the passen- ger ca1 OJ THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Marty Rod S1eige< and Nancy Marchand alar In e t955 produc:llon ot Paddy Cnayetsky s telepley el>oul e nomeiy bul eher ..no falls rn love wllh a plain girt rz MOVIE • Ta~an. The Ape Man" (1981) R1chD1d Harri•, Bo Derek A young woman searcnes for het mrntno CHANNEL LISTINGS f) KN XT ICBSJ 0 G) l<NBC I NBCI l 0 l(TLA {Ind ) II e 'KASC (ABC I .;. Q KFMB ICBSI • 0 KHJ·TV (Incl.I f1 10 KCST IABCI ( ID K TTV find l $ 'ID KCOP TV lln<I I " a;> KCET CPBSl g Cl!) KOCE IPBSI SEARCH -M a gnum (T om S e lleck ) determinately tracks the killer of his good friend an d surfing companion tonight at 8 on KNXT (2). talhef In Ille African Jungle wri..1 Ille encounter. an uncMllad wf'llta man end en °'engulln 'R' 7:30 II 2 OH THE TOWN Featured the hidden meanlf\O t>el\lnd doodle art. 1 comedy st0<e _,_ ding. a •lslt wllh a reateu- ranl au~ 0 Q! FAMILY FEUO • EY£0HL.A. Featured a report on wha1 c;ould happen In the ltvOl'l1 ol W0tld W81 Ill; Elm8f 01111 critiques the food al • LOI Angele• tchOal cafel• na; how eelebrltles sweat It out on the Battle Of The Network Stars 0) M•A•S•H An lntelllQAnce ottt<i9< and a psycht1tr111 Q•apple l0t lhe late 01 1 wounded 0111- cer whO e1a1ma he'• Jesvs Christ II) Cl) TtC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL/ LEHREfl REPORT f1'i) FAWLTY TOWERS ®) YOU ASKED FOR rT Featured "Frog Jumplno ' and "Mu-.m Of Oueck-ery .. CS) AEROelCISE Get 1" shape, IOOlt good. and IMI g1ea1 wilh Ihle physocal fitness program 1:00 8 Cl) MAGNUM. P.I. Magnum d•ter m1na1ety tracks down Ille killer ol 1111 good friend and surfing comPMlon (R) D Q!FAME LydJJI and Coco compe11 l0t the ume P•r1 ln an ott· Broadway show (R) D MOVIE * * • "Cape Fear" ( 111621 Greg ory Pack , Robert Mltcllum Aller elghl years In prison, an embittered man aeell• •evenoe on tt>e lawyer retj)Onsl t>le IOt his convoe11on 8 9 MOlllE "M au1rall And The Brain" (Preml9r•I Daniel Phllon. Peter Btlllngtley. An lntem11llona1 IOldler of forlune and Ill• genius ~ '°"1blne '°''" wl'lerl a Mlreh IOI sunken treature 1urn1 Into a dead- ly showdown 0 MOVIE * * * "Thia Lind la Mine" ( 19431 Cllatles Laughlon, Maureen 0 Hara A Frenchman summons hlS courage ind defies fhe occupy10Q Germ,ana ID P .M. MAGAZ.1..: A N-Va<k lown lha1 la ollen vtSlled by UFOs, an Int...-With lop fashion model Crltllna Fatrare II) MOVIE * * e "Greet Ewpecle· Hons" ( t075) Micheet V0<ll, Sarah Miies. Based on the story by Cllarln Dickens. A young boy' a Ille Is deepry lnfl..enced t>y a Chance encounte< with an MC8'>ed pr150ne< tD THE AU.-TIM£ AME.NCNit 80NG800t< Host Oinah Sh0<e is joined by Judy Colllns, Sergio Franchi, Melba M00<e and many 011\efs 10< • musk:al tribute to AmerlCa's f1vor- On-TV Z TV HBO IC•nema•) IWORI NY NY IWTBSI I ESPNI CShowt1me1 S!>olll9hl !Cable New\ Network 1 lte populllf c;l...._ from Tin Pan AlleY lo Holly. WOOd ID SNEAK PAEVtEW8 (8) THE BEACH 80Y8 IN CONCERT The famou1 group from rock'• golden era perform lhotr graa1ffl hllt, lnclu<t- lng "Callfornla Glrl1," ··surlln' U S A " and "Ber· beta Ann " (Q)MOlllE • • "Heartt>eeps" (10011 Andy Kaulman, Bern1- delle Pele<•. In • w0<ld of Ille near future. two com- me<elal robots eicperlence the vtclssltudeS of flrll IOYt 'PG' (S)MOVIE * •;, "Und8' The Ralnt>ow" ( 198 I) Chevy ChaM, Cllfrle F1slle< The 150 miOQal• who 81e In lown f0t l he fllmlng OI "The Wizard Of Oz," turn a Callf0<nla holot ~side-down 'PO' U MOVIE • * •.;, "Back Roods' ( 1981) Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jonea. A hooker and a down-on-his-luck boxer meet and held -• "' ..arch of a new Ille 'R' 1:30 w 000 COUPt.E Fell• talks Oscar tnlo l>&lng a big brother to • youno boy In reform school . G SEAPOWEA t:00 II Cll SIMON & SIMON A.J and Rict< .,. hired 10 find out wno It 11ea11ng conlldenllel files from the<r areh rtval'1 olftce (R) GI Q! DIFF'RENT STROKES Kimberly's llalt lurnt or-• after UaiOQ a 11aatmenl rac:ommenoed by her Aunt Sophia (RI ... MERV GRIFFIN Guest hoal Diel< Clant Gueeta. M0roen Feirehtld, Randy Ct1wf01d, Rot>en Cl"1l Gtaham, Or Alton Blake, Mark SWWI. CD MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Dleraell: The Great Game" Queen llletorla rneeta Oisraell end the!• leglf>dery alllance lak• root: Mery Anne cour•· QeOUal)I be¥1 Ille burden ot 11 grave 111.-. (Patt 3) (RIO (C)MoVIE * * * Lady TakH A Chance" 119431 John Wayrui, Jear1 Arthur A woman finds an unwt111no candidate for .rn•rrlfoe while nusband-"Untlng in tneFarWest (B)MOVIE • • • "The Enfort.er" ( 1076) Cltn1 Eastwood, Tyne Daty "Dirty Herry" Callallon Is tolned by • female rool<le in his pur11Ult of a group of C1tll0tnl• revolullonarles ten0tlzlno San Frenclsco. 'R' (?)MOVIE * * '"t "HOiiywood Boule- vard" ( tll76) Cendlol Rlel- son. Ok:k Miiier. FrMh from Indiana. • youno aspiring starlet ~ lnvalved In 11 reel robbery that the thinks 11 patt of , lier movie debu1. 'R' .. 30 0 GIMME A BMAf< Nell Ind the Cl\lel are ..,P<lsed 10 INtn 111a1 K11te'1 Ill,_. 11 Ille result 01 a blrlh con I rot deYlce !RI QI LOOK ALM (Q) tOTAlL Y 00..00'8 One of 1"9 coun1ry'• hOI· test new rock acts lino 10 tongs Including their hit llnoles "We Gal The Beal'' and "Our Up1 Are Sealed .. 10:00 8 Cl) KNOTS LANDING LllUfa llllS Rlohwd thel she II p.agnanl, and VII -11n a nove4 al>oul Iha EwtnGa IRI GQI HIU.lf"°' II.I.Ill A IUQIO-. who onoe u....O FleN!o · 1 1111 beGomtll tn. objllcl ol 1 llara. d•b•I•. and '•f• new fl11>0e •llOlf•:I I •. ~~ OOYIMY "011W P.,.., OwNgtl" H111or1u1 arcllN01oQl111 •• three ..... 8CIOM Iha U11illld 81alM Marcil IOI I eleltl!, .il<I OfllWI very 1111· fl!.,lt. 1t01y Of A,,....lea'a reQent pul (RIQ Cl) ,_,..AHCI: t.:OVI 1H ntaOUNU .MOYll ••• "Eye OI ft>e NM- die" (1981) DonaMS SvtMI• land, Kate NetllQan. Whtie on 1 ramota Soolll1h lallfld lo MMI a 0 8fman IUbmltlr\I, an AMII IPY find• eh•lll• from th8 110tm 1n the eolltge of 8 young mauled couoi. 'R' IO:IO ., NEWS (C) AICHARO PAYOR IN CONCERT TM well·known 'Of'Nldlen 1110011 palnled t>atl>t at almo1t every lnelltullon lmilglhDble In lhll Unoel'I• 1otad. no-110101-barred cone.rt P*ffOrmence CS)MOVIE • * "Friday The 13th, P1r1 II" (1981) Amy Steel, Jolln Furey The g11ily kllllnga c;ontlnue 11 a aumm8f camp 11111 h8d btHln c:tOMd down after • aeries of bl1arre murders occurred there. 'R' (l.)M0 \11£ * •;, "Rock 'N' Rall High Scllool" ( 1970) p J Soles. Vincent Van Pallan A l>uddlnQ aonowrllar .. • \11nce Lombardi Hloh tries to gel 1ne Ramonea 10 recotd her musk: while her equally ambllloua friend pursues the ac11001 heart· throb. 'PG' 10:50 fll NORMAN ROCKWELL'S WORLD: AH AMERICAN DAE.AM A noslllQIC look IS taken " the Ille 111111'1 Ille. work ond h0me1owo of Stock· t>rld~. MMMCl'luset111 11:00 e u a (J) a a NEWS 0 SATURDAY HIOHT Host Mich .. I Sarrazln Gueal: KeUh Jerrell 0 COORAOE TO CARE . m M'A·s·H A amall K0tean l>Oy with mlnOt lnjurleS captures the heart• of ell In the 40771h. Q) BENNYHllL Benny por1reys a quick· change artlll ~ DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Tiie w0tkl ol paycn1atry wlll never be 1118 utf\e aftat Mochael and company fin· !Sh Wtlh 11 (BJMOVIE • • "Masaacre At Central HIQh" ( 1976) Andr-Ste- vens, Robert Cerradlne A crusade for revenge beQin11 1l1er a prank that went 100 far was pulled on 11\e quiet., lludent• by a group ol oored high· SChool ltlends R {Q)MOVIE ** • "Zoot Sult" (1981) Danie4 \laldez. Edwerd James Olmos In 19409 Los AOQele•. 8 cause oe1 .. bra 1<Upls OYlf the fram- IOQ of member• Of a Chlea· no au .. 1 oeno '°' mord« 'R' 11:30 11 Cl) QUINCY Oulncy agr-In help Sam 1nve1llga1a the •••anoe behavtOI ol • fflend wtio turned violent and kllled a polloe olflc;e. D QITOHIOHT Guest halt M1rtln Mull Gueet:B B KlnO G O A.BCNEWS NtOHTUHE 0 YOU .A8'<ED FOA rT Fealured "Daring Tots On Wiier SklS ' and "Para- plegic Karate " G) THE JEFfEASONS Aller actlrig on Ge0tge'1 edvlee. 941Mlley end• up In jalf. II) SANFORD ANO 80H Lamoni IMY81 home altet Fred rlfuMs lo eflOW a SM1ai1'vtly group 10 ,,_1 11 Ille SanfOld home ~ CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 11:50 ct) MOlllE • • "Young Joe. The F0t· gollen Kennedy" (11177) Pele• Strauta, Barbare P1rkln1 The e4desl Kenne- dy volunt-1 lor a danoer- ous w1tllme mtaslon which. If euooeuful would bong him beck a hefo and OC'4t 1lap CIOMf lo lhe WMeHOUM 12;00 8 EHT£RTAINMEHT TONIGHT An ll'lt.,.Ylew wllh Mena H~d. 8 Cl9 VEOA1 Dan dftlj)«1taty -~ f0< a my$t*llou1 motorcy- d lsl wtio It terrortnno Iha cily with assasaln1tlon1 (RI 0 MOVIE 'Massarati' old-style action NEW YORK (AP) -Even before the openin g credits. Massarati whips two black-dad martial artis ts with a tennis racket and his bare hands. It's a good sign that there will be plenty of action m ''Massarati and the Brain." a made-for-TV movie premiering tonight at 8 on Channel 7. Indeed, it's James Bond-style. good -g u ys -a l w a ya -w in adven t ure, and the really entertaining part ls that barely a drop or blood Is shed. Joe, the helicopter pilot, takes a slug in the shoulder toward the end of tho tw~hour film, but he's OK: "It'll go with the hole I've f Ot ln the other one," he asaure11 Massaratl. • There 11 iota ot ahootlng, a good car cllMO or two, 1 bMr-Uke butler named Anatole and plenty of !rotty girls Wi\h pouting lipe an pl.W\Cine ntekll~ M....,..tJ, played by IMnltl PhJlon, II the hero, but the real star is Chris t opher, h is 10-year-old nephe w whose bedroom is decorated with a picture of Einstein. Christopher, left with Massarati w hile his parents write a book, is The Brain. "ls there anything you d.on't know ," Jul ie R a m s d e l l, Maaaar a tl's agent, aaks the tow -head genius. "Yes," he responds. "How do you get rid of zits.'' Julie~, ~played by Markie Post, finds Mu.aratl'a hlch-paying work .. not btd tor a toldler of fortune." she •YI. w•vlna at bis lavishly furnlahed mansion, "who'• wanted In 18 counlriet." "Nlneteen,•• Chriltopher chirps. P e t er Bllllngsl ey la Chrtatopher, who h~lpa Uncle Mas fight crime by provld lna him t.he mechanical advantage - a multipurpose ballpoint pen heft, an elec:ttorUc bua \here. Diana Meredith (Ann Terkel) summons Mu to her own exoUc ., mansion to plead for his help. It seems her father recovered a sunken treasu re, also sought by the wicked neD-Nazi Victor Leopold, but lost his life, and lhe booty, when his yach t sank in a storm on the way home. Christopher is waiting !or his u ncle wnen he returns. He's ove rheard Diana's pitc h on Massarati's two-way ring, and has all the dope on L eopold. "He's been linked wi\h terrorist groupe 10 vicious even \he PLO di.towned him," the kJd aaya. O\rlllopher Lee, malevolent ln b l•ck leathe r trenc h cott. matching bat and round, •teel- rimme d 1pac1, l1 perfec t aa Leo ld. ' M: and Diana u-ace \he $20 mi l l io n tre o 1 ure to ain unl nh•btted tsl•nd that'• lnhablted by a latter-day Swl.sl Famlly RoblNOn. They join In the 1e1rch, wltb Leopold'• sunmen not far ~hlnct "MuuraU and the Bcaln" la Orange Coo.st OAILV PILOT /Thuraday, Augu1t 26, 1982 81 TUBE TOPPERS KA~l' (7) B 00 "Mu~arntl und Tht.· Brain •· A st.•arc h tor HUnkl!n trcrnsure turns 1tllo a t.ll1UtUy s howdown Ouniel Phll11n1 Pt•ll'r Blll1n~blt.0y Mlar Rt•V1t.'W ht•luw K<.X'E: ([>0) !J:OO "D11mwll " Part Thrw d l'uls with tht• Jtogt•ndary alll~n<.'l' o f QUl>t'tl V tl·10r1,1 ~Ille.I D1~r~wli K NBC (4) 10.00 "lhll Stn'Ct BhJl':-" A fugit1v<' who ont-t• sav<.'Cl H<"nko':-lif(' 1s th<.• obJt'<.'l ul a f1t·n ·c tkbull' KCBT (28) 10:50 "Norman R0<.·kwcll'::. World " A portr111t of this c:uuntry':..; l)(•st known pamte 1 * * * "Sanra Fe Pasaooe" (106'11 John Payne, rellh DorT1trgue Deaplle the tect 11111 ne la an lndlan- halfl<. a man tall& 111 10,,. wtlh a hlllf·breed 0) MOVIE * * • ' The Clock' I 1945) Judy Gerland, Roberl Walker A sall0< seerchet 1111011celly for • youno girt he met and fell In love with du11ng a chan~ meeting while he was on an el()ht- hour leave II) LOllE. AMERICAN STYLE Love And Thi! Gulity Con- acrence' Helen ac:cuMS c1a1ne ot lrylf\O 10 Hduc:• her husband ' Love And I lie 810 Surprlw " Dick gives Nan o birthday pres- ont (~J MO\llE •• "This IS Elvis ( 198 ti Oocumenlary Flln11001909 and dramallc re-c::raa11ons are used to tell Ille 11ory 01 EMs Pres1ey·s Irle and c••-OMOVIE • "Tarzan. The Ape Man · (1981) Richard HartlS. Bo Derek While accompany- 1no ho1 father oo a se1rch tor 1he 181)endary Ele- pnan1 s Graveyard, a young woman is abduc:ted by an unchllliz:ed while men wno was raised by epes 1n Ille jungle R' 1i :30 0 Q! LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTEl\MAN Guesll C11010 King. comedran Richard I ew11 0 COUPLES Q) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE love Ancl The L1b8r ateo Lady Boss Nebbltty has a new 1ob and a new bOH Love And The Fullbac:k" A IOOIDall slar sec1et1y marr1es hrs ghllr1er1d CH) JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music; star perrorms a ulute lo Ame<- ican hl5tOty and tr1d111on1 w1111 ouesls .Nne Catter Cash. Steve Goodm1n. John Prine 81\d Rodney Crowell lrom Kennedy Center In Washington. D C (Z,JMOVIE * * . .., ' Laura" ( 19801 01wn Dunlop M•ud Adams A woman tn" to prevent a rcl8110nshlp bel_., a sc;utptor with wnom she had hi d an alfarr and her t-1-age bal1e<1na daughter R' 12:40 fJ Cl) MCMILLAN AND WIFE Whlle moving into o new house. Sally opens a berrer searehlno tor her c111"a and fonds a l>Odv rnstaad 1:00 0 MOVIE • • •,. Escape To Burma (1955) Barbara Sta11wycil, Robert Ryan Native superstrtlons and unwant- ed attentions from a mya- ler1ous stranger compll· cale Ille Ille of a mistress of 1 Burmese plantetlOn Q) MOVIE • * ··rnnocen1 Meeting" ( 19571 Sean Lynch Beth ROQan A young man 1101111 eoa1n11 Ille shgma 1uven1i. dellnquency <0)MOVIE * • * "Something For Everyone" ( 19701 AOQ61a lanst>ury, Mlehaet YO<k Mttm~• OI • weallhy Europeon ramlly engage In rnu1dat and other l0tms of deviant behO•IOr to aat11ry their various de11r .. 'R' 1 IOG MOVIE • * "Snowllre•· ( 1958) Don Megowon A mill cep- turee 1 white stallion and 1111 deughler Mt• It free ®)NEWS 1:30 0 Q! NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT {C)MOVIE * "The Happy HOOl<e< Goes To W11h1ngton (19771 Joey Healherlon, George Ham111on The n represtlble Xav .. ra HOl- landet iourneys 10 Ille U S c8p11a1 and uncovers some ve<y aena111va M1C1et dOCU· mimta 'R' 1;45 tJi) MOVIE • * • '• ·Alien ( t9791 Tom Skerrln. Vophet Kot. to The crew of a •P&eeOO· •no sctap carritlf fallow a mysterious so0n1I 10 a sup- posedly dead planet end, after landing, discover lhal lhe messaoe waa a warn- ing to stay away 'R' ($)MOVIE * * • "Clash Of The Trtans" 119811 Harry Ham. hn l aurenco Ol1v1er Myth· 1c hero Perseus IS helped by n1s ra1her Zeus 1n a serHis ol dangerous 1ask1 as he tries lo win the hand of a Phoenician princess against 1118 w1snes ol a vengelul seo goddess 'PG' 2:000) MOVIE • *'" The Lell·Handed Gun I t9581 Paul Newman. Lita Milan A youlhlul Billy 111e Kid eveooos his employe<'s dea111 and then escapes 10 Madero 0MOVIE ***1~ 'Tell Me A Rid- dle" I 19801 Melvyn Doug· las. Lila Kedrova A with drawn, elderly woman, unawar11 lhat she 11 dying, embarks 0<1 a tono 1ou•ney 10 r11acque1nl hersetl wrth h11r g900raph1cally and emo11onaily 11epara1ed rarn11y PG' (ZJMOVIE • ·Tarzan. The Ape Man' (198 I I Richard Harris. Bo Derek A young woman Marches for ner mltslOQ fair-In the African jur>Qle wi-e she enc:ountflfs an unclvlll1ed white man encl an orer>Quten R' 2:2011 NEWS 2.30 Cl) MOlllE • ·~ "The 11111nd Ot The Living Dead · f 19681 John Ashley, Ken I Tayl<>r A research team 1nves11ga1- 1ng plan• ancl an1m111 mu1a- 11ons due l o JlomlC tntlng d1sc;ov8fs a human mute· t1on Q!NEWS 2:40Q NEWS 2:50 II MOVIE • * "Accused Or Murdet" I t957) Vera Ralslon. David Br1an A homicide detec· 11ve lalls IOI a nlgh1club Sl"Q8' SUS()ecled Of killing a genglalld 1awye< 0 MOVIE • * Appointment In Hon- duras ft953) Glenn F0<d. Ann Sheridan An A,,,.,,_ can rallHtS 10 tne cause ot lre<!ldorn '°'a South Amer- rcan country by convincing a band ot oollaws 10 assist JOHN DARLING WHAi GOOD ~E GOUR OS ANY WAY, PLANTMAN~ • COllM ......... • WICIAL l•ft~llllOT ... .__....... ...... ..... Ill Tif( fAMILT ClllC\r TIUT!fl • ~ teYlllt lllow 9'*111• • llltlfiOf "'°"' Of .. ..,.. • Mlnutlclul'9d "°'"'"' ADMla .. ON aMOW N0""9 ....... , ..... ...... ,, .... ,...._ .. ,, .... MuOt M .IO Tl\urtld1y Cllllclttl'I II 11 YJl I 11.90 flrtOay ~tn1.-• .,. ....... U!Utda'f Sen Clt1z-f1 OftMol'l·Fll Sur$v UNIMft ...... Q)mt Et11y. s11.-...,. AJR CONOlrlONEO him NO (Cl NOHAN> ""°"IN CIOHOM'f Ille Mill known oomedlan tllOol• pointed barlM •I elmotl e¥WY ln1tt1u11on 1rmig n1ble In 11\11 unc.' 1ored no hold• beuetJ oonc:etl pe<IOlmanoe l !M.MOVl9 •• 1"t 'BICk Ro•cJa' ( lflllll l!lally Field, Tummy l" Jo,_ A l\OOk., and a down·On·h•a·luCk bOH• m<MI and h.l.O -• 1n March of a r-Ille 'H' 3·4o(HIMOVIE • • • "The C.nloreer" I 1976) Cllnl Eu1wood. T~M Daly Dirty Hwry' Callahan It IO'MCI Dy a lemale rc>oi<le In hi• P\lflUll of • g1ou1> or cau10rn1• re•olullona1lcl1 1euor111r1g S•n F1ano1aco •R l S>MOVIE • * S t lHCll And DHl•oy' I 19811 Perry K1no Don Stroud A IC)( mer Soulh Vu11nemeH ot11e111 •••k• reveno• eg11n11 the tour Amlflelln• wtio abandoned 111m tn 1111 11mbusll during tho WDI PG' 4:000) MO\llE • * "SOtlllDQO" ( 1056) Alon Ladd, Ronen1 Podella In the Junglff of Cuba an opporlunlll aell1 guns and 1nen swnct>ea BlllQlll'IC89 lor 8 lreedom fighting w".nan <ZJMOlllE • • '> "Hollywood Boule· vard" I 19761 Cef\d!U RIAi· r.on, Dt<ik Miiier Fresh h om ll\d1ana. a youno nap111no 1111r1e1 ~ involved In D real robbery 1ha1 11\e thinks is parf 01 net mo•,. debul R' 4.200 MOVIE • • Where !here's \.. Will ( 1955) Georoe Col~. Kathloen Harrlsori A lari_ which is mortoaoed 10 one ramlly Is 1r1toer1ted by l~r rivals 4:25 ( C MOVIE * * * ·lady Tallet. A Chance ( 1943) John Wayne Jean Arthur A ,.omen hnds an unwllhng ca,,d1da1e lor marriage ,.holo husband·hunllno In lhe For W"'ct f 'riday•• Dayi hne Hori ... ~ DAYTIME MOVIES 5!00 0 * * * Ey9 Of The Needle" ( 111811 Donald Sulherland, Kate Netlloan Whlle on a remote Scottish llland to meet e Geiman aubmor1ne. an Axis IP) finds •heller from Ille storm 1n Ille collage ol 1 young married couple 'R &·20 CS> * • ·~ · Stardusl Mem- ories" ( 1980) W°""'f Alten. Ch9tlotte Rampuno A sue:· ceastul director lllCel a personal crisis as he trios 10 make some major deci- sion& 1n his life •po· 5:30 (%) * 11l "Rocio. 'N' Rall HrQh SchOOI'. ( 19791 P J Salee, v1ncen1 Van Pallan A budd10Q sono-11er 11 Vince lomba1dr H1Qh trlet to 091 tne Ramones to recoro ner mualc while llet equally aml><tlous Irland pursues lhe SCfloo4 h8ar1- thrOb 'PG 8:00 (CJ • • "Tiie Conquetor' ( 11156) JOlln Wayne. Susan Hayward A mtghly Mongol warrior kidnaps Ille d8'1Qh- ter Of 8 paweriut T 8r18r lllf\O and S«Zes control of "''empire * • '1> ··Never Never Land" {10811 Pe1ula Clerk Cllhleen Nesbitt A 9· year-old g111 escapes Iler lonellnl$S l:ly fantllSlung 11boul adventures with Pete< Pan 'G 7:00 ) • * 'Saturday The 14111 (1981) Rlefl1rd Ben- 111min. P1u1a Prentiss A couple dl~over that the nouse lhey've 1nhenled IS be•no occupied by v11m· p11es. ghosts and assorted mons1ers 'PG' U • *'"' ··roby And The Koall Bear" (1981) Rolf Hams Lrve Kllon and ani- mation c0<nl>lne to tell Iha 1 ale ot • younQ l>Oy ancl Ills pe1 koala 1n Australia 1 fronller days 7: Ill ( Zl * • '"' 'Sons And LOY· ers" { t960) Trevor How- ard. Dean Stockwell I__, Ult 111<1 n0\191 Dy 0 H l .,..,.,_ " OOtnlllallftO tf\OllW lflepllM llet tofl 10 l>Yll•M romenc.e 10 IHtrt• 111,.,..., I OOICJ • * • 0t1 ... 1n ( lt7') Gle<lll Mot.no-. l IM u.rnole S..etel T" u IMn eoet• m .. 1 dutlnQ e nlQlll of rOM.,_ Md ••Gii-i •I I dt..,._ln llle•tt• l••turll'IO en llflptOl>AbNt C11 ..... I• lllm Oi) * 'h "Uuo.t Tt>e ll.111• !lOw" (10611 c~ c11 .... C..•rrl• r1ah4tt f he 100 n11(1114111 who .,. In tOWTI lo• me hlmlnO Of "The Wll· etd Ot 01 IUtn • CelllOf• "'' hotel u~• down PO 1!30 0 11 •,. S•nb.O And TM Eye Of Th• T!get" ( 1977) Petrick Wayne Jene a.y. mour H•• dealllf\Q hero ' bllllH urwtallhly C.t••llllH Md A dHdly I~ 10 refflO•• IN CutM lh•I lo.MC>• • young ptll\Cle from hr• rlQhllul place on the 1nr0<1e G •oo (ZJ • * .,.. l II• Pnv•I• £yea (19801 Don Knoll•. l 1m Conway Two bum- bling Ar"'"'C:*" delecllvM at• ca1111d 1n 10 lroves11oa1e e M<IM ot mutdera In •n EnQlla11 cutle 'PG' 10:00 (Cl • * * M•hog•ny" f 19751 Ol•n• Rou. Antt'>o ny Pe<k1ns A VOUl\O blacil woman ,.... from lho WIPlh• 01 me gllollO 10 111l4,t1n11llOmiJ f,.,.,ft !tf) * • Brenkthrougll" I 19791 A1ch31d Burton, Rod Ste1g.tr A Nazi Mr- ogean 1 bacomea emt>rOlleO 1" a plot to asl&SS!nale Hiller PG' <SJ**'"' The rrouble Wrln Orris ( 19691 Elvls Presley, Mar1lyn Maaon A 1ravet1ng showman rune into all sorls ol trouble whlle 11ay1ng In a Mldwea1- ern lown 10:so O • • * Tommy" 119751 Roge< Daltrey, Ann-Mar- gret B&.$00 on 1118 rocll opera by The Who A young boy struck 0.-1. dumb and bllnd by the Slghl or hrs father'• murde< Decomes, a modern-day messrah e•pl01led by a greedy uncle and • wo•· sn1ppir1g publlc 'PG' rtJ * * "Come Have Cof- fee With Us" I 1972) Ugo Tognaur. Valentine A middle-aged tax conaun- ant 10< Ille ltallan govern- mefll retOClllM 10 a small country town wh«e Ile llaa been made head of Ille depar1men1 11:30 (ID *• ''Willy Wonk& And The Chocolale fceclory" (197 ti Gene Wilde<, Jeclc Albertson A world famous contncllo•-otters a Ufe- t1me supply ot candy 10 the five winners of e trea$Ure hunt 12:00 0 * • The BIQ NOfse' ( 1944) Lau,., and Hardy, Arthur Space Two sca11er- bralned guards must deliv- er an e•s>9rnnen1a1 e•plO- srve 10 Washington DC 0) * 11t <t 'The Pa1ame Game" I t957l Dorta Day. Jonn Rarll A unlOn •eor• senlat1ve falls 1n IOve with a pa1ama lactory's new supe<•nlendenl encl man- ages to convtnce him 11181 · 111e wo•kers need a raise. Q) **'Ir "Sliver Cily" f 19511 Yvonne De Carlo. Edmond O'Brien A lop m1n11\0 expe<t has rrouble , wrth a Sh8dY lady ancl a : nval bel0<e lmdrno true • IOve and meaning 10 111e CSJ *•'>"Raggedy Men" (19811 S1S5y Spaoell. Er~ Roberts In 1944, a lele- phone ~rat0< In e small : Texas town sacrifices tie< • standing 1n Ille community • when She nas a anon 1ttair wllh a combal-l>Ound sail- or 'PG' 12.15 !ZI * • • "Zoot Suo 119811 Daniel Vllder. Edward James Olmos In 1940s Los Angeles. a cause Gelebfe erupts ov ... rne lrem1ng or members of a c1.1cano street g11no fOf murde< 'R' 12:30 0 * * ·~ 'Due4 01 The T111ns" ( 1963) Sieve Reeves. Gordon Scoll. Ratnulus and Ae<nua, the legendary founders of ' Rc>m9, b&llle eacn ofner for conlral 01 the e.nc:tenl cny and the love of e t>eau- lltul girl by A rmstrong & Batiuk Now thru 8-29-82 With Thia Ad Only ,,!~~ti mBf!l ..,. ''" DthwY ·1 .... ;.. t ' . .. ~ I I• t :< I' .. Orang• Oo••' DAIL v PILOT IThurlday, Auou•t 2e, 1982 lNNER ,IJ}ahom11 Gov . , orae N igh eaal I y 4dfeatud a window maker this WCt'k for \~:e 0 e m o c r a t i c n~ination in his bid f()~ a lit..>c'Ond term. His , »j po n ent was ~~ard Bell, 58. ·~ ..... ;tJ . S. charges ·s teel subsidies ·1 WASHINGTON (AP) -The Umted States, holding its previous t'harges, has ruled that six pean countries have unfairly subsi~izcd steel 'J>ped to this country. The final ruling by the Commerce Department • he latest in a series of un fair trading charges the gan administration has lobbed against European }makers. The action Wednesday also comes at a t\lne of heightened tension in the trading ~lationship between the United S tates and Europe. -t• Efforts to resolve the steel dispute stumbled ~rli er t his month when aili ng domestil' elmakers. who had complained about the ropean practices, rejected a tentative agrel•ment t limit imports from Europe. The domestic steel industry contends the imports are to blame for some of the financial troubles it has suffered in its worst slump sint-e the ~pression. In its new ruling. the departmen t said subsidies were found to go to 13 companies and were said to rdnge up to 26 percent of the value of the imports It said the subsidy levels were lower than those found in the earlier, preliminary decision. Countries cited in the r uling are West Germany, France. Italy, Great Britain, Belgium and Luxembourg. The Netherlands had also been included in the orjginal Commerce Department finding, as had Btazil and South Africa. ' The investigation against Brazil was suspended Tuesday after that nation agreed to impose an eXp<>rt tax offsetting the subsidy on plate exporLc; to tbe Un it ed States. Th·e ·department said the N~therlands and South A frica were found not to be eJ('porting subsidized steel lo this country . , Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige said thC' unfair practices amounted to $1.3 billion in trade in 1981. He said in a statement that the agreement worked out earlier to limit European imports ·•would provide the U.S . industry with greater stability than would be afforded by incesscn t litigation." · Seve ral U.S . steelmakers. however. have shown a preference "to see the cases to condusion. "While I disagree with their assessment. 11 1s up to the producers themselves to evaluate what method of relief from unfair trade is in their best interest . . . " he added . .. : American steelmakers filed unfair trading complaints against the foreign governments in J anuar y. and in June the department issued a preliminary ruling that some of the steel shipmenL" were bemg unfairly subsidized. • The department's preliminary decision meant that U.S. importers of steel from those countries had tcV post cash or bonds equal lo the estimated su)Jsidies. --. The U.S. International Trade Commission now has until Oct. 12 to make its final determination on whether the domestic industry has been injured by t~-imports. Only then can permanent levies, called c:Owttervailing duties, be imposed. The commission has already issued a preliminary ruling that the imports might be mjuring the industrv. ·~ THI . ' ' ~\ !!.!!:! ' ' All CXIMlllW , , S«A1 WATa lllA-. llAntlOOM lltMOOlllNO s. ·~ 21101 • ~ T1me Stwta at Y°"' Ooot (Call St0<e -Your Ar•) cOsTA MISA 641 -1289 1526~ ....... litU5SK>H YllJO 495-0401 , 2"22 ~ c.,1 ... -. .._ .... '-'· .. ,._, .....,,, CAREER OPPORTUNITY . Excellent Marketing Plan Premium Product Health Oriented Call 494-4044 f*************** Ji· 11.,ort D1mocr1tic Club ~ i · 10th ANNUAL BAR-8-Q * ; *' • Sunday Aug. 29th Jt ~·' 3 p.m. -7 p.m. ~:, 2921 Setting Sun Or. ~· Corona del Mar CAllDIDATIS • FOOD lllTDIAlllMlllT 644-4167 ¥•11l1n ..... ••••n J.t. •************** ----..-- 1 ~" i\i ~b r1mu r~r IRING OUR CITY TOOITtllR The campaign to elect Or. Norm Loatl for Newport Beaoh City Counoll Ol1trlot One w11 launched with th• appointment of Biii Ficker ea Chairman and Maro• Pantiar aa Campaign Director. Or. Loata 11 Deputy Superintendent of achoola for the Newport Mesa Scho ol Distric t. He earned his B .A . In Bualneas Administration, a Masters Degree In Management and a Doctorate In Education Administration. For Information call 71 4·646·66!9. VOTI FOR LOATS O•••ltttt •• llttt • .,. lHtl 881 Oov.,r Orov• ':,.,/~ 17 N""""°'' B,.,,,h LA 9'26oJ ID #822319 We cut glass ,,.-..~ ................. make new screen and resceen doors and windows ... . ,..,. you In llot ...... S()..gallon water hHter with energy Hvlng temperature shut-off. 11995 40 p l.. .................. 12U5 50 111 .................... 164.95 yes, we do have bananas the cart of your heart Gusdorf Hi-Boy l V can Is 27 • • .. wide x 151•· high Finished in rich simulated walnut Ball casters #4710. 5415 Reg. 69.95 ClllllD. C011itli111llu11 IP YOU COOK -YOU NllD COOK LINE FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF ''Cook-Along'' And Information Brochure -Call (714) 759-141~ or 1-800-345-2000 ..... · 2-1p11d quiok broom S2039 Two Speed Super versatile Con- venient switch tor power and speed selecllon Motor muffler and 'check-bag· signal Selecttve edge-cleaning d1a1 lull suc1oon power roghl or lelt edge full width cleaning. 100 Cassene bag changer Reg 89 95 491s l11n1to1 TY 19" Diagonal portable TV with electror11c tuning. ••d 499.95 34915 Wl1ere f'ri_end ly SPrnce rs " 1"11111ilu 1'rncl1t11m port-a-power U4127 Has removable wheel&' Ultra pow· er m1n1 canister has durable clolh bag Complete with dusting brush. crevice 1001 lur n1iure nozzle. reinforced vinyl nose. 2-prece wand sel and comb1nat1on rug/floor nozzle. tool holder on hose E~tra long cord ll's a blower. 1001 Reg 64 95 699 ~ spred the satin Famous late• flat wait paint from Glidden. Baautlful flat finish scrubs clean. stays color last. Easy water clean-up. 3 mll plaatlc drop cloth. Reg. 45c 2 for 4 5 c 9!!. ""· 13.99 -- Get A S1 OOcheck baek from Stanley when vou buv a soec1allv markecl Stantev Powerlock · Rule Earn uo to S3 00 on other toots its a Suoer Deal for Suoer Doers• breeze away the hot spells Multl·positlon adjustable banana lounges. Vinyl strapping over steel frame. Reg. 14.95. 711 Regular Price Sille Price Manufacturer's Rebate STANLEY l!~ular Price s t6 •5 Sille Price 9 88 Put a 3 speed 20" oox tan In your wtndow to r:ool your home when the temperature cltmbs. Safety reatures. #3713. Reg. 27.95. 12" 2 speed 22•• trl••lng Ilk• tb1 proa Mclane edger with blade and throttle controls on handle. Powerful 3 h.p. motor #100-3R. 22911 Your Flnal cost bugs be gone with · 0-Con Professional way to ktll 17 kinds of bugs in 4 hours. Automatic room logger. contains two 71, oz. cans. Reg. 7 ,49 5•• f!!ilnufacturer's Rebate 2 oo Your Flnal cost 1 88 ltuJ one just for drlll Black and decker , ,. drlll tor nght duty work. building and remodellng jobs. I #7004. Reg .. 16.99 12•• Reg. 25.95 .............. 18.88 Single Reg 6.49 1.21 Double Reg 8.99 4.41 SANTA ANA HOURS: WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 •SATURDAY IND SUNDAY 9 to 8 · 8111 · Prtcn Good t'ru Sept. · 1. 1982 All S1le ltem1 er• Subil<lt to.Stock on Hend. All Photo0raphlc, Typogr•phlctl. Clerlc11 and Prlntl119 lrrotl ate Subject 10> Correc:tlo !1191111111 ..... D1Hr Piiat THURSOAV, AUG 28. 1982 ClASSlfllD C6 Color Giddings blue Newport coach ra t es NFL p l ayers By JOHN SEV ANO 01 ,,.. oeur Pllo1 at•tt A11d so d 1cl s1 x ot lwri., LIS K ansas C1 ty, ChH«1g<>, h 's not often a g rown man can make a living by Phil<1dt•lph1a. Cll'Vl·land. Atl;_anl<J <tnd th<• Nl•w York Jl't.s designing coloring books. But that's exat·tly what Mike llW•'StC'd in G1dd1ngs' l'1Vi1\1on. G iddings has donl' the past six years. Today. eight tt•;irns ust• tht· book. rndudrng last year's Giddings. the new head football coach at Newport AFC l'harnpwn C1m·1nn:.ill Bt·ngals. pt•n•nnial playoff Harbor High, ha::. SJ)E'nt thl' pusl 2fi years in football in urw ll'fJH'i.t•ntallVl' M1an11 , NF(' ('hamp1on of two yl'ars ago t·apac1ty or anutht•r PhilJth·lphw. l'lus tloui.llln, K<Jnsa:-. C:11y. MannC'i.otci. 1l all s tarwd back in 1957 at Monrovia High. Thl!n Atl<1nlil and Ch1eago "It'-; n'ally no big dc•;1l," cxda1mc'<.l C1dd1n!ol' m(xlPstly "lt'l> JUSt a st•rvrl·e IL'., lrkt· a blocking sJwd You C'an u.-.t• 1t ;iny '"'"Y you wa nt you JUSl hupt• 1l g1V<"• vour d1t•nt an l'dJ.W " there was a one year stint at Glendale ...... Junior .Collegl'. rive at USC. two as a head coach at the Uniwrs1ty or Utah, on e ~s an assistant with th(• Dallas Cowboys, ont:> with San Francisco and. finally. 1112 years as the head mentor with H awa11 o f t he defunct Wo r ld Football League THE ·:COLORING BOOK," which rs compiled by Giddings and sold to interested parties within the NFL. was initiated s h ortly a fter Giddings ' experience in Hawaii. "! was in the Pacific wondering what I was going to do and I got a <:all from John Halston (then the coach or the Denver Bron<:os)," G iddings explmmod. "He wantC'<I to gl•t a line on who two or three of tht• bt·s t players in th<' WFL might Ix·" (; 1cldrngs sciys he· has no idea tu what l'apaC'll,Y ht!-. c:lll'llU. UM-the book It'-; original mtl'lll wa!t to assc~ NFL tall'nl. hut li1ddtng!t dt>l·-.n't d1sc.:la1m thl• n11t111n th.JI tht• book rrnght also Ix· used h.v i.onw H·ams in dl•tc·rm1n1ng a playcr's ... al:rry 11r in maylw dropping a playN from ;1 !Pam al togl't hl•r "I r;1\1• pbvt•1!t lw tn1ding in. not g1·1 ting rid of thc·m," Giddings 1ns1swd ~till ;1 playt·r with ,1 gn•y, gret•n or \dlow n1lurrng doc·::.n't figure to draw rmwh in th1· way of S<Jlar~ or allC'nllon Giddings offered his advil'e and Ralston offerC'd Giddings a job as a scout, which evC'ntually led to the positron of ~AT I'\ G GA :\1 E Assistant Co~of Pro Pcrsonm:l in (,1cld1ng-. r;1ll·~ tht M1~• I""" I 01 GIDDINGS RATES PLAYERS by watl·h111g c•ndll'S.'> upnn t•ndless hours of film Uurrng ont· thn·c· wc·t·k strC'll'h this mc'1nth. C1dchngs wall have watched :336 hour.; of ~H·t1on G1dd1ngs adm1 t!t, howl'Vl''. that August 1:. his busiest month 1976. It w<(S shortl y after that the in.inv ~F L tl'itrl1i. "roloring book" was conceived "I've nevt•r really figured out how to describe what I do." said Giddings recently as he relaxed in his Nl•wport Beach homt'. "I guess the best dt•&-r1ption was grvL•n by Paul Brown. He• said we were appraisc•rs of NFL p<•rsonnC'l. "I guC'ss what we do is a study of needs. If a l{·;im has a need, we try lo fill it." "I d•m't grad(• a pl<Jyt•r on tht• typt' ol gamt• hl•'s having." hL· ~·ys "lnstt•ad. rt':. on hrs ab1hty to prndun· It's ba!Wd on produl'tron "Basl('allv. th1.·n· an· thn·<· OlC'thods 10 which a team can upgr.rdt• 1L'i4'lf th<• draft. I rom within. or from tht' outside Jl :r 1t•;.an1 goes ouL.,1d«. thc·y l'an g(·t a playcr either by trad111g. signing an <YI' or '>lgnrng ci UE" AP W119pfloto TOUG H NIGHT -It wasn't the best of evenings tor tour- year-old Chris Gempel as the Spokane Indians played tht:>ir last home game of the season (and may~ forever if the team moves to Las Vegas as rumored) What's worse, Chris C'ouldn't get any players to autograph his b;.isl'ball. And Giddings fills thos<: lll'l'<.b by c:lass1fying playt•rs acrording to ('O lor with blue bt'ing the best a nd yellow the PQOrest. "WHEN I FIRST CAME UP wllh the idea for the book soml' (owneri. and gt•m•ral managers ) thought rt was great. while others s~11d 1t would never work." Giddings rt-c.·alled. "Denver thou~ht 1t was great." An OT . by way or t·xplanat1on. IS !-oOm<•one who has bt•t·n a pro ,md 1s curn•n tlv not on ..inyonl•'s roster A UE rs sonwone who has bt'<'n in a pro l'amp. IX'<'n cul. has sat out an 1•nllre yt•ar. and 1s still out ttwrt· In olht•r words. he's urn•mployf'd. Quarh'rbuck Bill Kl·nnev. a fnrmt•r Saddlc·bac.:k Collegt• 1Sc•l' COLOR. Page ('21 Moran was told he'd never walk again S aints . can't fin d But HB cycl ist di dn't By HOWARD L. HANDY Of"IM Oellr Piiot Slatt LOS ANGELES He was told by a medical doctor after his most serious crash that he· would never walk again but instead the next year he was hitch- hiking his way to the World Finals of speedway motorcycle racing. For young (he's 21) ,Kelly Moran of Huntington Beach, ndmg in the World Finals at the Coliseum Saturday night lS like a dream come true. Moran finished fourth in 1979 in the only other World Final for which he has qualified over a fi ve-year tenure of racing. Crashes and equipment breaks have kept him on the sidelines the other three years. "In 1978, I was racing at Hackney Stadium in England and l crashed my bike in the corner." Mora n recalls. "I borrowed a friend's bike and got back m al the re-start. "When I went into the same <.'Orner, the bike reared up and flipped ovN backwards with another rider right behind me. He r~n over me by accident because he had no p)ace else to go and he believe i t . • • and h e p r oved i t ft•ll as badly about the ac't:rdent as I did " Moran ui}ent 6 1 i wN•ks tn the hospital and was in a coma for two days . "Wh1•n I woke up. t he do<:tors told ml• I would m•vcr walk again a nd that I would b<• in the hospital for three yl'ars lnsU>ad , 1 Was OUl In 01'~ Wl>eks. walking ~when I woke u11 . the dol'lors told me I would 1ww•r walk again and that I would be in the h()spilal for thn·•· .'ears. I n stead I "·a.'- out in 6 ~ week . ~ HC' still has some problPms lower back and probably wall fo ht• r<•i.t of hrs ltfC', t'Spenally m t·old WNJlh But his d t•1<·rm1nal1on and 1•nthuswsm lor tht• sport has nc·vrr d1m;111shP<I Such Hl'l'ldf·nts ar<' r;1rc• o n lhC' speedway nrcu1t and hl· d1x-i.n't f1j.(Urf' he will tw involved again But three' weel<s agu. the· ba<:k whc'C'I of hrs brk<' hrt the cra"h wall and ht• su rf Pn'Cl a torn muscle in hrs shoulder. damag<>d lhc• left .;1de of his n<'(:k and cra('kC'd ,1 rib. • '1 "It doPsn'I bother me to ridt· or to direct thl,. l'Vde," Moran savs "This hap(X'ned after I qualified and when I sciw thC' ground coming to rtlt>t•t me· at 100 miles pc•r hour. [ thought ll was all over for t ht• frnab again th1i. yl'<ir on l'fUtt'hes and I returned to speedway .. When vou an• out then• on the tral·k. racing 111 1979." you really don'l think about ;m ythrng· Moran s uffered a broken back, a C'lSE' but winnrn~" crackl'd spine. shoulder separalipn and Moran d0<.'sn'l feel th<' prl'ssun· of " hrs lC'ft hip was cral'ked . But his large crowdw1llgctto h1m "Thl'rC'wt•rv determination to return to a normal hfc 1:33.000 Polish fans m th<' !tt<mds in !Y'i9 overcame hrs physical problems and he and that chdn't bother mt• 1 '<.'t'm to bt' not only raced again in 1979 but finished able to rise to the OC'Casmn I lt>t•l 1·l·ally RACES S:\Tl'ROA \' K1 !h 1\1111 .111 \\ii I nmq11•11· 111 th~· ,,·111 ltl I 1nab o! '>IH'<'dwa:- mnt• 111 't ll· r<.1e1 ng S,1 lurd<.1 v n1gl11 .it 1 he.· Cohst•u111 · fourth in thC' World Fmals that year. (See MORAN. Page [31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----'-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Valenzuela comes up with another firs t ST . LOUIS (AP) -Fernando Valenzuela overpowC'red the St. Louis Cardinals We dnesday night not only with his left arm but with the swing of his bat. "I was very surprised... said the young Los Ange les h urler. who punctuated his 11 ·3 victory with his first career home run. "I'd never hit one, not even in the minor leagues. I hit two one time in the Central League in Mexico." ' K C'n Landreaux aided Vale nzuela's cause by knocking in two runs with three hits and the Dodgers 1t'E'CI the game with a six-run ninth inning highlighted by two-run dou bles by Steve Garvey and Bill Russell. R icardo From AP dispatches \IEHl> BEACH. Fl il ' .. knnv H1vanlo. th1 · Costa Mesa 1I1gh .1111 t Or;1ngc Com.\ Col IC'gv prod~1t·1. pn·ss!'d tur tht• NC'v. c >rl•'.1n ... plJl'P k1t'ktng Job b:-- 1 nnku· !\lorll'n Andt•ri.C'n. lc•ft thl· S;,1nL.,· prl·'l·a.s<m tr;11111ng l ;imp "' 1thout •·xplanauon Wc-dnt•..,day ru~hl .... 11ct ;1 spokt•::.m;:i n ror lhl' N:i11onill ~ 11<1tball Lt·agut• tt•am "I don'1 know etnV rt·~1:-t>11 Ht· ha!. .1~kPd tht• tt•am to bt· "'"uvc•tJ No <1t'llur1 hai. bt·Pn lHkc·n He's ~1111 111 our l.tmp anCI ht•" on our .itll\t' 10 ... tt>r." said 1hc• -..pok1 .... m.rn Hust' Kasmll'r ... k y. ·It ht gJ\I' any n·:i::.c>n!-. ,ind I m -.un· h., did ht• gavt' them to tht• c·o,1lh .. said Ka ... mll'r ... kv Kasn111 •ro;ky said h1 · t•x p<•t'll·d (.'0;1\ h Burn Phtl11p-. .. 1bo the Saints gi•rwral man<igt·r. lo t..i ll a m•ws l~mfrr<·m·e tnday to t·xplain lfa:.11 do's dt•partur<' A ... 1>.-vC'ar NFL V<'tt•r a n . R1nird11 v.;a~ !xogmnmg h1i. third :.Pason w11h New Orleans after !'o p l' ll d I n ~ h i S f I r S t f 0 U r prnll·s.<>1onal yC'ars al Dc-tro1t He was o:\ of I 02 in fie ld goals and I :31 o l 138 tou c hdow n 1011vt•rs1ons aft<'r bt•at1ng out t;,m1 Yl•prt•m1an for the· Saints' plan· ktl'k 111g .)Ob in 1980 H1(';irdo. 28. also was the Saint!.' playc·1· represt.•nlat1ve to 1 he N:it1onal Football Lt•ague Plav1·rs Association. wh1l·h is prc·~t·ntlv loc ked in l'Ontract ncgot1<1t1ons with team owners. He had said earlie r that he hoped hrs union pos1l1on would not rnflupnce the Saints as they <:hos e betwee n hi m a n d Andersen. 22, a fourth round New Orleans draft pick f rom Michigan State. By p reseason comparitton, Ricardo kicked £ield goals of 44 I ' t n I , . ' I r Valenzuela said he picked on a fastball "a little bit inside" for hlS home run. Afterward, the 21-year -old hurler set• down St. Louis in met hodical fas hi o n while becoming the majors' firs t 17-game winner. Los Angeles opened up a one- ga me lead 1n the National Lea~ue West over Atlanta, which l ost to Phila delphia 11 -9 . Philadelphia's victory e nable d them to climb t o w ithin two games of C1rst-placc S t Louis m the NL F.ast. Valenzuela. 17-9, struck out four and wa lked one. holding St. Louis to just one h i l over the final four innings while tossing his 14th complete game. lOJ>.' in the NL. and J9 yards in the Samts' l2-20 opcntnfl loss to Houston. while Andersen missed from 51 yards against the Otlers and scored au .L of New Orleans' points in 6-3 'f' victor y last Saturday against Kansas Citv. "I've been telling everybody what an outstanding pitcher he ls; il'a no surprise.'' said Dod'ers Manager Tom La!Orda. "Hes a great athlete. He gets tougher aa- he goee along." Not handicapping Valenzuela, who fired a six-hitter, was a head cold which had kept hini in his hotel room a day earlier. "Ye.t1terday I Celt very weak and I had aome ~adaches. l had a runny n0te.'' he said. "But durida \he game it dJdn't bother me. After the aecond lnnlna. I felt q\dte a btt at.ronger." Valenzu ela and Russell delivered consecutive home runs for Los Angeles In the fourth inning as the Dodgel'!I took a 5-1 lead. Landreaux's two-run double off Steve Mura, 1 l-8. had given Lo11 Angeles a 3-0 lead In the second inning. Gene Tenace rapped his sixth homer for St. Louis, cutting the margin to 3-1 in the bottom of the second. Russell then led off the fourth with hla third homer of the season. and Valentuela followed with hla drive into the ri~ht field SC8t.a. NEW ROLE -Dodger pitcher F e rnando Valenzuela isn't eatl1fled with just winn ing games wlt.h hta arm now. Here, h e's congratulated by lhlrd-base coach Danny AP Wlffpllolo Ozark otter hitting his Cirst major-l~ague homer in the third inning against St. Louis. Dodgen won, 11-3. R AMS S~ATTLE ON TV L I VE A spokesman~ for the 1'ams announced Wednmay that the club's preseuon game against the Seattle Seahawb at Anaheim Stadium Saturday n ight would be tc.>levlaed llvt' In Southe rn + CalllomJa. The 1ame will be carried bv t KTTV, Channel 11, a\artlng at. 7 o'clock. ~ l tl " ll a !j b \) i ( I t r t ~ 0 •• t:I Orange COut OAIL Y PILOT /Thur1d1y, Augu1t 28, 1882 ______________________ _,, • Anderson's tactics annoy Martin, A's From AP di1patcbes OAKLl'.ND -Detroit Manager Ill Sparky Anderson callc<l 1l a dtSgracc. A's M anager Billy Martin said Anderson was all talk. And American League President Lee MacPha1l said he would straighten out the whole mess Rickey Henderson s proud pursuit of Los Brock's eight-year-old record of 118 stolen bases in a season has become embroiled in name- calling, charges of foul play and a league investigation. Martin at'Cused Anderson of ordering weak-hilting Oakland s h o rts to p Fred Stanley t o be wa lked 1ntent1 o n ally to get in Henderson's way. Anderson accused S tanley of getting picked off on purpose lo gel out of Henderson's way. ANOE"SON In the midst of it a ll, Henderson rPmained one shy of the record that h e had expected to break Tuesday against Detroit, a game the A's would win 3-0. "W e have asked the umpires. the Detroit alub and the OakJand club for an explanation of what happened," MacPhail said Wednesday. "When we get those reports, we'll make some sort 0£ a decision. "Whe n a (•harge 1s m ade li k e that," MacPhail said ... that's a serious charge." Quote of the day Harvey Kueno , manager of the Milwaukee Brewers, on his artificial righ t leg: "Greatest thing that ever happened to me. Now I get all the choice parking places." Phllllea knock Atlanta from first Gary Manb1w1, who had lied • th 1•me In tho el1hth lnnlna with a thrM-run homer, rf pped • run·1eorlng alnalc ln tho 10th to lift PhUadclphia to an 11·9 victory over Atlanta, krlocklna tht' Sttvee out of a virtual th: for fll"lt place ln the Nauo"'l.Leaauu West. The Brave. hod overromc a e-O tirtt·lnnlng deficit to lead 8·& before the Phlllle. ralllt'd ~laewhere In the NL, Jim Morrison singled homt> the wlnnln& run with one out an the bottom of the nln th Inning to give Pittsburgh a 7-6 triumph over San Diego . . . Alex Trevlno drove In the winning run with a n eighth-inning single and Bob Shirley Sl'Oltered seven hits in eight innings as Cincinnati MATnllWI blanked slumping Montreal, 1-0. Expos starter Steve Rogers lost his first road decunon m over a year ... Don Sutton blanked New York for eight innings and Art Howe hit a thrt>e-run inside-the park homer as Houston handed the Mets their 10th straight setback . 5-4 ... Streakjng Bill Buckner stroked two hits, giving him JO m his last four games, and Randy Martz and Lee SmUh held San Francisco to four hits as Chicago posted its fourth .str~igh~ victory, 4-2 over the Giants. w ho lost their fifth ma row. Royals mo~e even closer to Angels Amos Otis singled a,·ross the tie-Ill breaking run in-(he top or the eighth inning a nd Costa Ml'sa High and Orange Coast College product Dao Quisenberry preserved Dennis Leonard's eighth victory of the season with two innings of S<·oreless relief Wednesday night to give Kansas City a 4-3 victory over Texas. The win pus.hed the Royals to within a half-game of the f1rst- place Ange ls in the American League West entering today's action . . . Elsewhere in the AL. Graig Nettles cracked a pair of homers. giving him 1,002 runs batted in for his career. and Ken Griffey added a two-run blast as New York trounced Minnesota. 8-1 . . . Steve Kemp's two-run double keyed a four-run fourth inning and Rieb Dotson and newly-acquired Sparky Lyle combined on a six-hitter as Chicago downed Cleveland, 5-1 . . . A two-run double by rookie Glenn GuUlver, the first runs batted in of his 21-game major-league caret.>r. keyed a six-run &llimorf> rallv in the sevt:nth inning, helping the Orioles topple Toronto, 8-3. It was the fifth straight triumph for Baltimore. From Page C1 COLOR GIDDINGS BLUE., RED., ETC .. • star now with Kansas City. quar- terback Jim Z.Om of Seattle and wide receiver Alfred J enkins (Atlanta) arc examples of UE's. "A trade, OT or UE. T hat's our bus iness." summ e d up Giddings. THERE ARE A NUMBER of factors that go into the Cina! grading of a player -his age. how he matches up against other colors, his speed. whether he's ascending or d escending as a player -it's all ta ken into account. Of c.'Ourse. the color a player comes up with isn't permanent. but it's rare that a g ray. green or yeUow ever becomes a blue. By way o f d efinition . Giddings' coloring book reads Hke this: Blue -top of the line. Red -solid NFL starter. Orange -can do some red things; probably the broadest cate or in the book. Black -Usually a youngster that needs to be looked at a while longer. Gray -Not a n 1ndicat1on a player can't perform, but he's been around long en o u gh to where he hasn't. Green -forever backup. Yellow -Just can't play in the NFL. "ln my business," G iddings explained. "you start with the premise that everyone can play. From there. it's just a matter of production." Quebec team wins WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (AP) -Pierre Turgeon pitched a two-hitter as Rouyn. Quebec. defeated Torrejon U.S . Air Force Base of Mad r id, Spain, 3-0 Wednesday in first-round play in the 36th Little League World Series. Giddings wouldn't divulge the Rams' colors for publication. but l e t 's just say it is n 't surprising they didn't make the playoffs last year. "Every team needs at least five blue players to be a winner because blue players make blue plays and because blues win football games for you," added the 48-ye.ar-old G iddings. Teams win. according to Giddings. by takjng advantages of mismatches. ln other words, an orange would t\ave a hard time handling a blu~ whlle a red or o range would give a black problems. It stands to reason then that the more blues and reds you have, the more W's you'll usually find in the win column. "Even a great coach isn't going to win unl~ he has good people," says Giddings. . And it's Giddings' job to fmd those good people and point them out. A Labor Day Weekend Family Event 1 .. _ - ( ~~ ----· -4 The Up With People Show Is an Internationally acclaimed cast of more than 100 young people who sing and dance their way Into your heart, with music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this beautifully choreographed, colorful festival of music. Coming Sept. 5 and 6 to Orange Coast College auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance tickets for $7 available at the OCC ticket office, 556-5527. Tickets on night of performance are $8 · .at the gate. Event eo-sponsored by Orange Coast College and Orange Coast Dally Piiot. ----------------------------------------, SAVE $1.00 -MAIL THIS COUPON TODAYll Se•• s 1 oo over rtQular prl111of1dm1n1on II yo;i ourcl'laM your liCkft In •dv•nce You pay only $7 0011 MIH 10 occ Tlclltl Off1c1. 2701 Fetr\llW Aoea, Cotti Mt ... Cl 12828 Tlcllel ' I ' ' I I Info -55&-5527 NAME ~~~~~~~~.-...;----~~~~-I AOORESS I • CITV ZIP ----PHONE - Mak• Chtelll P•Y•l>le lo "O••no• Coa•I ColltQe I TICKETS iUSO AVAll..AOl.t AT TICKETRON OIJrL.lT$ AFT(f't AIJOIJST" I I t/Wrt II• TICllfllOll 001lltl•I $N< .. SOOll/I CoMI Pitz• I ·----------------------------J-----------~ KOTAll LAW"INGI IT" AC HAN Kotar's operation upsetting to Do111 Kotar'• former New York ......... Glant11 teammates. told tht· retired running lrntk wu!i dy1n!( o r un moperublt' brain tumor, wt•rl' som~r a nd um·usy UH tht-y brukc· training l'amp Wednt•i.day. "l thank about 11 at night," said llncool·kl•r Brian Kell~y, om· of Kotar's closest frie>ndi. "You m•vt-r know. m1rudt'l> can happen · Ufll•ns1v<' tackh· Henry Lawrence of the Ra1d£•rs thinks the moVl' to L<>1' Angeles can't help but aid thl· re<.'Ogniuon of thl• players. "I rcmemtx>r one ypar when prat·ucally the who!(• Los Angeles Rams' 0Cfcns1Vl' hnt• madl' All-Pru or playl•d 1n tht• Pro Bowl ThJl nc·vl•r haµp<.•ned to us and wt.•vl• won two SuJ)(•r Bowls... . Mike Strachan, a fornll'r Nt•w Orlt·an~ S1.11nts running back. pleadt.•d guilty to St•lling l'Oc.:ainc Wedm'Sday. and faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in orison and $35.000 in firws 1n l'OnnC'<·t1on with tht.•.plL'a wh1th hP workt•d out with the U.S attorn<'Y RooklC' running back Waller Abe rc rombi e, the l<•acling 1 usht·r 1n the P1ttsburJ(h Slt~lt'rs' two t.•xh1b1l111n l(anws. will be s1d<•hnC'd at lf'ast two wc-1·k~ with i.trL•ll·ht·d hgamt·n~ in his lt:ft km't.· Sockers open with win over Vancouver Ade Coker scored three llmPs and ;m \Ida! Fe rnandez and J ean Willrich netted single goals to lead San Diego to a 5 -I vietory ovt'r v1s111 ng Vancouv<.'r Wednesday night in the opening round of the North American Soc'(•er League pla yoffs The Sockers havl' now bea te n Vancouver eight str <11gh t times Elsewhl•re. Giorgio Chinaglia tallied tw1c:c and added an assist to lead the· Cosmos lo a ~-0 triumph over Tulsa in the opening gaml' of thPar senei. . At Montreal. Thompson Usiyan t1t.>d the S<:orc with thrc<-' minutes rt:>mammg and SE't up Alan Willey's game-winnt•r four minute'!'.. into ovC'rtime as tht' hos t Mcin1l' 11dged Fort Lauderdale>, 3-2 . Peter Ward &'Ol'l'<l two goals and assisted on a third as SPattlC' won 1L-; opening game over Toronto. 4·2 AL to start playoff• earller NEW YORK -The Amerlc n • L.naau will aot • on ~<Uy Jump on • th Nollonal Lffaue when thu leagut champlon1hlp a.!rle1 be&ln Tunday nliht, Oct 6. al th J»tk of the AL Wettem Dlvf1lon charnplon. The World Serlea ~ahu TuCc'tlday nJght. Oct 12, in the ''1ty of the Nelton.al League champion The National Lea~ue champ1onah1p aeril"ll opcm•r, £It lht• homl' of the ~•ll'rn 01v111on t·hamp1un, will lw Woone8day. Oct. 6, when the AL will ploy Its second game The AL will take off Thursday wh1k the NL plays 1t'11 serond ~am'· The two IK.'ries winners then shift aiwa t.o the AL East and NL West for games Friday and, 1f nL'<-·essary, Saturday and Sunday. Tht• first two games of the World Series will start al 5;20 p m Tuesday and Wedm.>sday, Oct. 12 and I :i, then will move lo the Amerkan ' Ll•aguc t·1ty for Friday night and Suturday afternoon games. The rHth game, 1f necessary. will Ix-played Sunday afternoon, then the Series will move ba<·k to the National l.kaguE.' c·1ty for night gumel> Tut.'Sday and Wf'dnc'M!ay, C:>t:l IY and 20 U.S. athletes ~ine at track meet U.S . uthlc•tes rel'urdc·d four • world's Ix-st marks for this S<!ll.'l(IO at an inwrnationa1 track and field mt•el in K ob ll'nz . W est Germany Wednesday. Greg Foster was urned m 13.2:.! sl·conds m thl· 110-metl!r hurdles and Henry Marsh powered home in 8:16 17 to break his own lx.'St an the 3,000-meter steeplet:ha5t' Mt·anwhale, Amc•n('an Dave Laut tossed thC' shot put 72-3. the se<:ond-lx.-st toss ever Edward J. "Ebba" St. Claire, former Pittsburgh Pirall's. Boston Bravl's and Nl•w York G1anti. p1 tl'hl'r and ('att•ht·r. has d1l·d at his home in Wh1u•hall. N.Y after il long illness He was o I Tom Watson has mnf1rmed that thl· ball ht· used t<J w 1 n th l' U . S and Br 1l1 sh 0p1• n Go I f Champ)onsh1ps. has be-en dt'(:lar<XI 1lll•gal by the U.S . Golf Association. Th<' ball. Watson lk.lld. was slightly to<J small to meet tht• spt•<:1f1l·at1oni. of thl' USGA , wh1l·h approve!. or d1,;1pproves c>qu1pmc·nt for l'Ompetition Thn·c-t1m<' c·hamp1on John M cEnroe and Martina Navr atilova have bet>n namt'CI th<· No I :;(.'(;'(is for tht.• U S 0p(·n tennis «hamp1onsh1p~ 1n Nt'w York Television, radio TV: No c·wnts scheduled. RADIO: Angels at Boston, 4.35 p.m .. KMPC (710). St'<'Ond game of split double-header GALA GRAND OPENING! 'C -/ LISTEN TO KWIZ-1480 AM FOR DETAILS ~ If ·~ •BUY NOW BONUS • Buy Now thru Aug. 29th and Re~eive: FREE DRAPERIES OR A COLOR T.V. Who said you can't afford thf txst? Town SQuar''s air con· dltloned, fulHHturt homu In tht htart of Sent& Ana of t,r: 2 ttnnis courts, paol and 5Pc9, saunas and sho~rs. pnv&t' clut:>hou~ With bllll&rd room, flrtplact, bartxC\.lu.•• 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS Sales office open dally from 10 a.m. ; --.....-----·--:-.-·-""-------------- Oreng• Coaat OAIL'f P ILOT/Thurldey, Augutt 28. 1882 ('3 l'rom Page C 1 MORAN • • • f(M rllJht now tin<J t'\mltdt·nt •· Top youth teams vie • ID Mission Viejo ~..quarter milt• d ll I trt1c•k al \hl! <.:olts<>um wui. tu M11run ·~ llklng W 1·tl 1H•!1day wh1·11 h1 · ~t.t:d It. "H ttwrt''S d lrl on \h1• lr1wk, H "Ill mukt-for good r111·1116(," ht• ~vs. "You ca n t•unw r.om bt•hind and pass but wht'n yuu huvt• u slick trud t. th .. rider wit h th1· best st~rt who ~·lb tn frtml l'orlv L¥1ually wins. "The trac·k hert• 1s ltkl· ttw ont• in P o la nd (wht•rt: h e· f111H.hecl fourth ) and that'~ good a~ f.i r as l'm ~cerned "De nnis (Stgalos) •~ a ~uml gater (s tarter) and hl' gt•ts aw uy Cast. He won thl• U S finals m Long Bcat·h on that typt' of d track and l'Ould do well h1·n· d 11 gets Sll('k "Ir you have to race altt'r the• track ts watered tlown, ll 1i. v<·r y slick . . but thats rat•ing " · Uno• of tht• lwll~r youth ~'t't•r tour num\•nt!'I 111 the-:tU1tc• unfoldic Frtdny when th•· t h1nJ 11nnuul M t•Nlon Vll'l"· lnviwt1oru1l luunt'hC'll It h1 tng!I to~t'lht·r m•orly I ,UOO kids from :)Ii t\'&ms. mo:.t of th1•11l nwmbers of th1· Cultfornio Yout h SOl'«'r Assc~:utton. Tl'1tmb frum Nt>vud&, Ariionu und l'anuda will also par tic1patl'- T hrc>t• d1v1siuns (undc1 12 years. under H nnt.l under 16) w ill bl> su.igl-d for both hoys and girls. lt bl•gms Fnduy at 3:30 and l'<mdud(.-::; Sunday after noon w1lh lh1rd plac(.' ga111l•!. (I i ·JO) and t·hamp1011ah1p c'Ontt•sts (2.:H> and 4) in all d1v1s1oru.. Most of ttw games will be ht•ld al the g1gartlll' Youth Athletk Park 111 M1ss1on Vie Ju That 's o n U 'N<>ll l H1111d o Cf MargUl•r1tc· Parkway CRAIG SHEFF Area entries tnd ude: Fountain Valley WolCpack (und~r 12 boys). Huntington Beach Vikings a nd No rt h Hunungt.on Beach Untouchubles (unde r 14 boy~). North Hu n tington Beach Californians (u n d e r 16 boys). a nd the No rth H untington Beach Waves (under HS i;<1rls). T h e N ort h Hun;l ngt o n Beach Untouchables captured the Southern California and St.ate Cup champaonsh1ps last spr ing while compe ting in t he unde r-12 categ ory -despite the fact they finis hed third in their league Tht>y lal,t'r won the Wet\.C'rn Reafonal Utle In Vancouvur , Srlllih Columbia. Moat or the Unt.ouchabl8 reium t.o rompctc In tho under-14 dlv11ton Finl round gamca F'rld•y lncludc.- Boy1 under 1 t 3:30: Mtaa1on Viejo Sunger:i vs. Culvor Elagle&. Lakt> Forest lnvadlra va. Or ange Blazers: 4:45: Chino Eagles v1 W Htlake S antana Fury, Upland Surf vs. Corona Roadrunnel"'I, 6: Walnut Valley Kings v1. Canyon Hills Black Stallion s , "Fountoin Va lle y Wolfpack vs South Bay G unners. Boy• under U · 3.30. MU1S1on Viep Raid ers vs. Lake fo'ort?!lt Fury, Mission Viejo Lightning Bo lts v11. T orra n ce U ni ted; 4 .45 ; M a nha tta n Beac h Hurricanes vs. Orange Lions, El Cajon Hotspurs Red vs. San J ose A lmaden S t rikers; 6 : C ulver Ea gles vs. San D1e gu110 Surf, H u n t1 n~ton Bl•ac h V1 k 1na1 Vii North Huntington B<•uch Untouchables. • • • T HE NEWLY ESTABLISH ED Southern C..ll!ornla Vmft-uto nal ~r Lt•oa gut' w ill hold a •w r1 e1 of m1n1 t>x h1u1t1on game. Saturdlly &{I part of • their "Communsty Involvement" day. 1 It's plannt.od for Vl•tt.'rnruJ Stadium In Long Beach b.-.tw<'t'n 10 am and 3 p m l Adm1ss1on '-free and each game will Inst I about 40 minul<'s with a five minute • hulfttme The: game SC'hedule for Saturday JO u.m Cerritos vs Art.C!S1a, I l Downt!y vs. Fullerton, noon Long Be a c h v s . G a r d e n C r 11 v e . I - Huntington Beach vs Sant.a Moni<.'ll : i -. M1ss1on Viejo vs. Torranc1..· lnd1v1dual ganw and iwason 11ckcl!'I wtll be o n sale S aturday F o r more infurmataort on •ht• h·o~ue. phone• (213) 429-2425 I M o r a n s l a r t l' cJ r a 1..· 1 n ~ professionally in Costa Mt·~• at age 16 a nd w cnl to Eng land al 17 ~here he has ridden thl· past r1v1· y ea rs In I Y80. howe•v<·r. h1• d ec id e d t o s t ay h oml' 1n H untington Beach bu t at m1cl season. Birmingham bN.'ko ned a nd he went hack to Englund to resume racing. Bu sy sc he dule Big game fishing picking up off coas t fo r yachtsmen Conditions prime for mar lin; Dove sea son o pe ner sch·ed ule d W ed ne day The re was S\lm e crit1t:lsrn uf d e fe nd ing c hampio n Bruc•t• Pe nha ll of Balboa for hl'lp1ng Moran a nd S 1galos b y backing off in a quat1tying race this year. "If Bruce had won the n1n~. he wo u ld have p icked up 1,000 p<>Unds (S:l.UUU ) but he hl'ld back to let Dennis and me get in. Soml' people over the re felt it wasn't the t hing to do b u t 11 was a patriotic thing for us and 1r Brut'l' had won, we probably W\)Uldn't have made the finals." Moran h as drawn thl' No . I posiu on for thl• Wor ld F1nab which means he will be th<• first man to the s tarting line m the first heat. Moran will be matcht-d against P e t e r Collins of England. a seven -t ime world fi nalist and c h ampi o n in 1976. M1h ail Starostin of the Soviet Union a nd Sigalos in the h rst of 20-four-lap races over t he 4 00 mctt'r Coliseum track He will compett! against each of the other 15 qualified riders in the final at least once w ith tht: top poin t scorer (3-2-1-0) at the e nd o f th e e ve n i n g being crowned champion . By ALMON LOCKABBY Delly Pllol Bo•llng Wtll•• Ornngt· County sailor~ will Ill· busy lht~ w<•l'kt•nd Willi thre1· yacht d ubs sponsoring rt•gattas for both small boats ancJ offshore• .sailors. Balboa Yacht Club will cater to o ne-design sailors Saturday and send a fle et of lnte rnauona l Offs hore Ru le and Performance Han d icap Rac ing Fleet yach ts away on the final rac'C' or th e 66 Series S unday Thc•rt"s a ction fo r everyonl' down Da n a P oi n t wa y a s Capistrano Bay Yac·ht Club will host women sailors in the third r ac <' or the Orange C o u n t y Women's Ocean Racing Series on Saturdav in an event labl•lf'd tht.> Las Golandrinas Regatta Sent• Monl" Bay Del Rev Vachl Club -Lad•e~ Gol Guls recoi lo Cataline lslhmus (P~tRF) Sa1urday Soulh Coast Corinthian Yacht Club One-des1yn race Sunday Wind1emme1s Vachl Club 2~·hOu• Sabol Mara1hon Saturday Calllorn1a Yachl Club -Del Met predoc1eo IOQ race S111urday Sen Otego San Diego Yaclll Club -P·C•I na11onal champ1onsh1p, Sa1urday. Sunday Laser/ <;allboara C11cu11 Saturday. Wate•man Se<1es (IOR) Sunday R011son Serles ISOHF) Sunoay Sou1hwes1ern Vacn1 Club John Ba1e Overnoghl (h&ndleap) Sa1urday Oceanside ,Yacnl Club -Coastel Series iPHRF) Sunday Big game fish ing 1s picking up off the O rangt• C ou n t ) coas t line ro r m o s t sportftshers ru nning out of Newport, Dana and Huntington harbors . Thl•re is a big concentration or marlin off San Cll'mcnte Island wath as many as 20 sp1ke b1lls were spotted. Brigitte Bryant of Bisbee's on th e lsland, says that boats are finding the billfish a few m iles off P yramid wath marlin h1ttmg equally well on lures a nd live mackerel The• water is still a bit on the cool side to trigge r a w ide open bite on marlin, but condiuons are prime for a g reat Labor Da y period There IS plenty or bait awaitang the billfish as they will most likely move in d oser l<> shorl' and mix with the b1llfish olrf'adv on the Avalon Bank. the 14.209 and 277 SpOlS T URNING TO ALBACOR E , they have movl"<f out of local waters, hopefully only for a few davs. and are now South or Poinl Loma. If curre nts don't make too drastic a change and e ither w arms or dirties ou r nearby waters. we could see the albies off the 4:i Spot ttus weekend as they were a w('ek ago. F or those w ho want to get in on the longfin bites when it nears Newport, keep your radio on and get out on the spot when the fish are biting Don't wait a day or so to see how the bite develops -by that time the fis h have moved out. New port Bay fishing is ve ry good for assorted bav r1sh and the pa rty boats r=;;=R~u=FF=E~LL~.=s =tr~~~~.jijiiiijijjiijm UPHOLSTERY •• •' ahtw -4 S.W. I '22 HAJtlOR IL VO. COSTA MISA -541·1156 P\8.JC NOTICE Ca ll 642-5678 Pul a lew words lo wo rk for ou. P\8.IC NOTICE P\&.IC NOTICE OUTDOORS JIM NIEMIEC running out o f the Pavilion and doing very good on surface hs hing along the coastal kelp beds and Catalina. It has been an excellent fishing season to date, despite poor bait conditions. and hopefully the early fall months will reward lcx:al a ng le rs wath above avE>rage fishing MANY OUTDOOR SME N ar e getting primed fol" the opening of Lhe 1982 dow season w hich gets under way Wednesday The outlook for the opening week 1s fair depending on w here one has selected 10 hun t. The Sallon Sea area is hold ing a lot or bards, mostly mourning dove. but with a larger than normal popuJation of the bigger wh1tewmgs. T he rams of last week d id movt• the birds arou nd a bit. but hopefully the floc ks m t he l mpcnal Valley w ill regroup prio r to opening morning a nd reward huntl'rs with lots of fast gunning. T his year's ltm1tauon on dove has been me-reased lo 15 mou rning dove, su ll 10 for w h1tewmgs. e ve n m a mixed bag w he re a llowed to be harvested. T his 1s the fir-st tame m a number of y(.'ars when morl' than 10 d ove wert• a llowc·d in a l1m 1t and S~bS sport swap FICTITIOUS 9USIHE98 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NOTICE Of TRUST£EI' SALE NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT On Seplember 9, 1982 81 tO:OO The lollowtng pe<sons i re dOing The fOilowtng persons ire doing a m EXECU-CORP 1 Calllornla business u : buSlneta.. corp ora 11on as Tr uSlee. 01 A P P L I E 0 BUS I N E S S (8) MHC CONSULT ANTS, (b) Suceessor rrus1ee or Subsllluted SYSTEMS.3303 Hart>orBlvd ,Bldg M H C , (C) M HC P OLI TIC A L Trustee, OI lh81 certain Deed ol S..6. CO$la Mesa, CA 92626. R E L A T I O N S ( d ) M H C Trust e•ecuted t>y Davtd Rotering. Computer Slmulatlons. Inc • • 0 A a A N I z A TI 0 N A L MA N A -end recorded Oclober 29 1982 N Caltlorn\1 corporation. 3303 Harbor GEMENT, 29<44 Clllf Drive Newport fnstrumenl No 3 7512 1n Book Blvd .. Bldg 8-6. Coate "4esa. Cil Beach, Celtlorn1e 92663 1<4273, Page t 143 of Ofllc11I 92826 M•tk Happy Clull. 2944 Cllll Rec ords o l Orange Counly, Thia bustness IS conducted by • Drive. Newport Beach. California California. end pursuanl to 1ha1 corporellon. 92663 cer1a1n Notlee of Default lhereund•r -Come>uter SlmulaHons. Inc Vicki Lynn Cluff. 2944 c1111 recorded January 29. 1982 u hopc•fullv ftl>h a nd ~am"' peoplt· are right an th1:-. tnl'rc·asc· and that th1•1v will b<• lo~ of bird' throughout oui split M'&!>On:.. fo'or lhl)S(.• who at(• still looking for a good • spot to hunt tlovto r1l·arby. thl•re is very good bird hunung bf-mg offered 1h1s season on the T eym Ranch A 90-mmutt• drive from Oran ge Coun ty , t hC' largl' ram·h h as • hunting by rC'st•rva t1 on only s hooting available r0r the wholl· family l n ye ar s past. the• shooting has bec>n fantastic, with all hunte rs llmaung on dove>s during tht: l'arly part of the scason on most t'Vl'r y o uting Fo r mot(' 1nformatao n on hunting tht!. private.· ranch phone J ohn C'lrlc•ga at 11:105) a:n · H-l HI Any<J{w who plans on hunting m our nearhy foothills should be mad"' awan · or tht' fire_• dOsures and praVa lc• properly tha t I~ found m many· parL.., of the• Southland Oran ge downs Newport The Orange G unners broke a 3-3 lit' with th~ straight goals m the fourth quarter to • ·arn a 6-J victory over thP Newport Beach Breakl'rs Wednesday night m the American Spt>t-dSIX'C:i.'r A.ssoc.:1at1on playoffs at th<' Los C;.obalkros Racquet and Sports Club After o scoreless first pl'n od. Orange raC'l'd lo a :3-1 advant.o,1:te early m the third quarter IX'fotc' N•·wporl ralla1..-d tlJ tac on goals by Chn s Camp~·ll (on a JX'nallv shot) and Kurt ~tH:rlt· · .. '..,_-. --. . . SKI SALE John W Rh1nesmlth Jr Drive. Newpor t Beach C1lllor"1a lns1rumen1 No 82--034225. In Booll PretJdenl 92663 Page of Oll1<:1al Rec01ds This stal-t was Hied W1th lhe This buslnau la conducted by of said County, will und er and (;ounty Cle<k of Orange County on lndlvlduals (Husband & Wiie). e>ursuant 10 said Deed of Trusl sell Aug. 16, 1982 M H Clutt at public aucllon for cash. lawful F115525 Thia s1a1emen1 was filed with Iha money ol Iha United States ol Published Orange Coasl Dally Coun1y Cle<k of Orange county on ArNHICa, • caShle<'s check payable PllOt, Aug 19. 26. Sept 2. 9. 1982 .August 9, 1982 10 said Truslee drawn on a state or 3626-82 • Fl MMS na11onar bank, a stale or fedettl Published Orange Coast Delly credit union. 01 a stale or federll 1111m•1c ""TICE Piiot. Aug. 12 t9 26 Sepl 2 1982 savings and ioari nsoc1allon ---~-UD&.--""-----' · · 3~92_82 domlcJled In this Slate. al Ille front K~MI I TATHIENT OF AaAHOONMENT Of UIE Of' flCTTTIOUI aUllHEll NAME The l ollowlng person has ebandoned Iha u98 of the lktltk>ua buaineN name THE EL PESCADOR RESTAURANT al <401 E 17th SI Coeta Mesa. CA 92627 The fictitious bu11ness name referred lo ebova wa1 rited 1n County on 7-27-1981 Keith N-man. 9681 Landfl ll, Huntington Beach, CA 926<46 Thi• IM.lllneu w .. conducted by en Individual Kaflh Newman Thl1 st11emen1 wH flied with the County Cler'k of Or1nge Coun1y on Aug. 12. 1982 F-11107t Published Orange Coas1 Dally Piiot, Aug. 19. 26, Sept 2. 9, 1962 3694"82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aUl lNl!SI HA• STATUll!HT The followlng !)4Wtonl are doing DU91,_ .. DESIGNS FOREVER, 1710 B E111 11th Str•el. Sen11 An•. Cellfornl• 9270 I Julle Debre Aampo"a. 179<48 lrvlne, Tutlln. Callf01nle 92$80 Hofaclo JON Aampone, t79<48 IMne, Tut1lln, Clllfotnla 92880 S"glo C. R1mpon1. 179•8 lrvtne. Tuetln, Calf01nl1 92880 Thl• bUllt\"8 II conducted by a general J*11141flhlp. Julie Rampone Th11 •tat-I WU fllec:I With the County Clerk of Orenge County on Augu1t 24, 1982 '"'°" Published Orange Co111 Delly entrence 10 Evecullve Escrow PtJBllC NOTICE Company, 22 t South 01• Vlsta. San ________ .._ __ Clemente. Cellf0<nta. an tnal right, K.01<459 tllle end tn1eres1 conveyed to anc:J FICTITIOUS BUSINESS now held by II under N ld Deed ol NAME STATEMl!HT Trust 1n Iha proP9<'1y sl1u11ted In said The IOlloWino ~rsons are doing County and Stlle described as: business as Loi 208 ol Trac1 No 2822. In PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH the City ol Costa Mesa, County of L A B S A N D N U • H E A L T H Orange. Slete of Cahl0<nle, as pa< DISTRIBUTORS. 2920 Airway Map thereof rec0<ded 1n Book 118, Avenue Costa Mesa Ca11tor"1a Pages 3-18 of MlllQellaneous Maps, 92626 tn the Ollie• of 1"9 Counly Recorder W1nn1ng L1bora1or1e1 Inc • of said Counly Cahlorn1a corporallOf'I 2920 Airway The s1ree1 addreu or o lher Avenue Coste Mese, C&lllorn111 common da11gnat1on or sai d 92626 prl)99f'ly t601 Sandalwood. Colla This buslnew is conducted t>y e Mase. CA corporation S11d sale wtll be meda wlthOtJI Winning Leboratotles Inc covenant or werren1y, express or M1n1n Zetoer 1mplled. as lo one, l>OIMSSlon or Secretary encumbran<:ee lo nllsty Ille unpaid This statement wee 1119<1 With the balance due on Iha noll 01 notes County Clerk of Orange Counly on HCUred by M id Deed of Trusl, 10 Aug. 20 t982 wll S6'.3 41 02. plus Iha lollowlng Fl~ esllm11ed cosls. ••Pen111 and Publoshad Orange Coast Dally 8dv1nces at the Umt of Iha 1nlll1I P1101 Aug l6. Sep1 2 9. 16, 1982 put>lleatlotl of thfl Nolle• of Sela 3797·82 $751.75 -----------HOTlCE TO PflOPl!RTY OWNElll P\8.IC NOTICE YOU ARE IN Ol!fAUlT uNoER A -----------D I E D O f T'RUIT, DATED FICTITIOUS BUllNHI JANUAflY 13., t•1. ~·· YOU HAM• I TATUllNT T AKI! ACTION TO l'lllOTECT The loOowlng r>ettonl ... dolno YOUR l'ROl'l!IUY, IT MAV ., bu11nn 1 .. IOU> AT A l'UauC I A.I.a. w YOU ELEGANT RENT AL GOWNS. •l!O ~ EXl'LANATION Of THI! 9110 C.rdln•I. Fountain Valley. CA NATU .. Of THE l'ROCIEOINO g2708 AOAINIT YOU, YOU I HOULD Carol Ruazneck, Ill 10 Catdlnal, CONTACT A LAWYD, Fountain V1lley, CA 92708. Dllad. Augult 11, 1982 Shlrlay Ann Darroch, 20852 EXECU-CORP Btool<dala Ln Hun11ng1on Be11ch, by Miki Kuntz CA 928<48 AulhOrlzed ~t Thie but lt\"8 la Conducll<I by a. 22 t South OI• Vlltl general ~rlnetlhlp San Clemeroll, CA 82872 S A Derroch (714) 492·8280 Thia 1111amen1 wee llled with tho Publl1hed Oran\:ie Cout Delly County Clerk of Or1~ County on Piiot, Aug 19, 28. §ec>1 2, 1882 Aug. 23. 1882 3702•12 ,,,_ Piiot, Aug 2e. 5-pt 2, 9, US, 1H2 3752-e2 Publl1hed Or1nga Co111 Dally -----------Piiot, Aug. 28, Sept. 2, 11, 18. 1982 l'UBlJC NOTIC£ 3794-e2 Nil.IC NOTICE PM:'TTTIOUallUMNl!H NAm aTA~ The ~ .,.,_ .,. dOlng ~-; f XCl!l.1.ENT BUILDIN G MAINTf NANCl. 21111 8Hore11 t.aM. Huntlnglon a.ch, Ce. 82"48 Or11101 Co11n 1y B uilding Malnttnence Compeny. 111c. I• Calllornl• corporation). 2 1ee1 SMcrwt ~. Hunttnot0<1 8Ncll. Ce. t2t4e ""* ~ II oonduc:1ed by a oorpcntlon. Inc. °'"'911 County IMdlnG Mllntenenoe Compeny, rt.a.IC NOTICE ACtmOUa IUIMaa NAMI ITATIMINT The fOllowlng peraon• .,. dotno ~..-... --flC-m10U---.-8U-... --.-.--• I N OE PEN OEN T RU B 8 18H NAMI aTATIMINT HAULER'S A~OCIATION, 900 W The IOllowlng pertont 1,1 doing Senti An. 81\!d., Suite 900. Senti ~a.: An1. Cllllfomla 92701 p R 0 0 u c T s I! Av I c E 8 Tom Herrlt, 2324 Vleta Hoger, COMPANY 13282 Shepard Wey Newport Beectl. c.tllornl• 92MO Sen•• An•. 'c A 92705. · ~d Artkellen. 202 t 8u1lneee Rldowo Leedo m t 3282 Cant" Orlvt . lrvlnt, Ctfllorn11 Slltpa d wa s 1 A CA 027 15 92705 ' y, •n 1 "'· Denni• Qlvt n•. 20392 Aore C ynlhll 0 LeedOM , 13212 1'1908, Orenge. OelltOfnll t281t. Shapard Way, S•ntt A lie. CA Tttty Hwrlt, 2324 VIit• Hoger, 8270&. N8wpOt1 B..ctl, C411110f nlll l2teO Thll l>u~ I• ClOrlducled by e Tlll9 IM.l .. Mtt 19 oonduc1ed by art OlfWlll pertnerllh!P. un1ncorpor1tecl I M OGl1t1on othlf Cynthie L.e9dom '""' • par1nenlllp. Thie ICli-,t WM filed wtth the Terry Hettie eown.y ca.ni of Oranoe eown1y on Thie tttt~ WM llltd wttt1 "" A110 ft. tN2. Collnty Ctri a# Oranoe Collnty on ,.,_ Augult t , IM 2. Publl1lled Orang• Co"t Oally , .... , Piiot, Aug. 111. 2e. a.pt. 2. t . 1"2 P11llll1h•d 011nge Coa1t Delly M2W2 ""°'· A4IO 12. tt. a .1ec1t. 2. tta SIM-ti SKIS ROSSIGNO L DYNAMIC S PA LDING OLI N DYNASTAR KAST LE LACROI X HEXC EL 40% 40% 40% to70% 40% 40% 40% 40% 60% SKI BOOTS scon Aea ·200.00 Now'59.oo HANSON REG. '220.00 '49.00 NOADICA 40% to 70% CABER 80% SAN MARCO 70% DYNAFIT 70% SKI CLOT HING BOGNER FILA FUSALP VE LEDA FELLA HCC COLMAR ELLESSE DESCENTS KITEX 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 50% SKI PANTS REG. '160.00 NOW '65.00 SKI PARKA REG. '140.00 NOW '49.00 SKI SUITS REG. '180.00 NOW '59.00 -ITALIAN TENN IS WEAR SHOATS -REG $40 SHIRTS -REG $40 DRESSES -REG $55 WARM-UPS· REG $100 --WE ALSO HAVE USED S KIS NOW $12.00 NOW $12.00 NOW $12.93 NOW $24.95 AL L BRANDS AS LOW AS r FREE QET READY to SKI Wlllffllt118 YOUlt IOUIN OIT -$30pr.- sA1 1n BOARDS A A~:·LOW AS s~ a;s : ::E£=~=---......_S4t!&O sport swap • Mol .. 1 • '"-.. '" ... , ..... 1779 Newport •lvd., Coeta M ... A I ll. VALUI II, lfJ • • (Acnee fl'WI Clr..t ..,.) (714) Ml-4110 Hourac Frt. 10·10; •~ IMs lun. 10·4 ---Ject to •• ,, ... -.... ~ DRAWING FOR 5 WALKMAN RADIO TO FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS FRI - AUG. 27th -------- Orang• CoHt OAILV PILOT/Thur1d1y. Augult 26, 1982 ,_ ______________________________ ...,. .,,,,.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ~,,, ~°" ~ ........ .... .Jo''&:;•,.. • , ' " (;11>c;lfH••tl 000 000 Oh I 4 0 MAJO" LUOUI ITANDINOa AmMto.n LNOU• WUT«llN OIVflR>N MeM Kat1M1 Cny Chlc:aQO SN ma Oeklend Teua Mlnneeoi. W L 12 63 72 64 Ml 59 59 66 57 70 411 14 44 8• EAIT!llN OIVlllON ~cl '76 51 I 528 472 ... 398 352 Tl 51 589 Ga ·~ 6 I) t6 )2 28 Miiwaukee Boe ton Balllmora Oel•oil New York Cle\191ancl Toronto 68 58 548 s 66 5r 536 II'> 63 6 I 608 tO 63 61 r>08 10 61 et 500 11 59 118 464 15'. Wedneedaf• 8co1 .. c hleeoo 5 Clevet•nO I Ba111more 8, Toronto 3 New York 8 M1nnaso1a I Kanaas City 4. tuu 3 Toct.r'• G-.a Aneeh CF0<sch 10·9 ar><I l ahn 14·51 •• eo.1on tEc:lle<tMy 11.10 ano To<1ei 1 11 2 O·n Toronto tGou •-81 al Bt111moie 1Pa1mer 9·31, n Mlrtnt1101e (Havens 8-91 at New Yorl4 (Ouldty 11 ·51. n Oakland (Kingman 3 91 at Miiwaukee (Caldwefl II· 101. n Kanoaa City CBl11ek l-41 a• Te••• IHougll 11-101, n Oel!Oll CMoull 14· 12) al Se.Ille (Moore 6 101. n Netlon11 Laaau• W£1Tl!llN OIV1il"ION W L .. cl. GI Dodge<• All•nta San OltlQo Sert Fronclsc:o ~1100 C1ncinn•ll 1t 57 554 69 57 548 66 82 518 64 64 !>()() 80 Ml H8 49 78 386 EAITEllN OIVlllON St Louis PMedelphla P1111burgn Montreat ClllC-OO New York 12 54 572 70 58 555 67 60 527 66 60 524 57 12 442 50 75 400 Weodnffday'o Score• Oodg.,a t I, SI LOUIS 3 C111c:eoo 4. San Frll'1ClM:O 2 Houlton 5 N-YO<k 4 Pllloburol\ 7 Sen ~o II Ctnclnn111 t. Mon1rea1 O I s 1 10 :11'• 2 5·~ 8 lll'o 71'> Pllllo<lelphlo 11. Atlanta 9 110 tnn111911 Tol\IQhl'o o. ..... Houston (RyM 1l·9 sno Rullle 8 81 al Montreal CBurris •· t3 ond Gu1hekoon 9 101 2 Only oames IChecluled Cube •. Olanlt 2 San Frenc1eco 00 I 000 100 7 4 0 ClllCAQO 004 000 00• 4 10 0 Berr B1e1n1no (31. Lavelle C61, MtnlO<• (81 end May, Maru, l e Smith 191 end J Oavra w-Mem , a.a. L Barr. 3·l S Le Sm1111 C 101 HR San Franc;1sco. A Sm•lll ( 141 A-17 291 Ae1ro. 5, Melo 4 N-YO<k 000 000 004-4 9 0 Houtton 002 003 OOA 5 11 I Lynell, Oroaco (61. Re Jonea (81 ano HodQeS. Su11ori. 0 Smllll 191. RObelQtl (91 ano Aslllly W-Sullon t3·8 l Lyncl\ 2-5 S-Roborge C31 HR-Houtlon A Howe (41 A-9 65 I Ml.IC t«>TICE R00et1 and Cer1.,, I 11111'9)' l "i.-t t91 en4 fre.ino W I Sl\lflef .. • I flooet• 14 7 8 l ....... l)I A I 1,U9 ~~~,~· Seo (MQu 001 XII O:IC 11 8 1 P1118l>utQh lo;J 100 0 I I 7 11 :I Mon1elu'40 Cutllt Ill C11111 .. t81 llCl I K..,M<IY Swl-.,mlento. Nlem<tnn 191 lel<ul ... (II •ncl T Pe11• w 194<\llve 10 8 l C11111 .. 4·2 A t ,4H l't!llllM,, ....... ' P111l11<1t111>lll• 000 000 OJ<I 2 I I 22 2 Allanl• 0 14 ~I 000 0-• It I Rulhvan M~ 151 R A..a t71 eno 8 Ot11.1 P9'at , Ma!\19' 111. Gato., (81. M00t• ( •01, C Dlat t 101 81\d Slnatro W R RMd. • 4 l Oarbet. 6 1 1-tR1 Pn1te<1et6ht1, Malll1ew1 (Ii) Allanle, ~torner 2 l?TI " 23.555 NATIONAL LIAOUI Dodaere 11, Cerdlnal• 3 IT. ~~II OOOQClll .. , hlM !Obrhbl t1.,, 71> 4 O O O Sea ~b 4 2 2 0 l o8m1H1 11 4 I ? o lanoreaua Cl 4 I ~ ~ lahll p 0 0 0 0 Behr II S I 0 O 5,.., P o o o o Sc:•o.c•• c. o o o o Kaat p 0000 0ur8fO rf '11 I l He<neno.z lb • O 1 O C.y 31> 4 1 O 1 llen<lrlCk rl 4 0 I I Qervey lh !I I I 2 Ten~ G 3 l I I v .. oe• (i 4 I I 0 Gteen cl 4 I 0 0 Ro.n~k• II 0 I u 0 OberlcleH 31> 4 0 I 0 RutHll It S I J 3 O!:imllh •• " 0 o 0 11u111t1we1u fJ 3 I I 2 Mura p I 00 0 LaPolnl p 0 0 0 0 RemMy Oii I 0 0 0 JMarlln p 0000 McG-el 2 000 TOlAlt 35 3 8 2 Total• 36 11 II 11 lc0<• •r lnnlnet Loa Angeles I :Ill 200 006 11 St 1,0UIS 010 t tO 000 3 E-\/alen•ueto S u 2B l••lOrtaua 2 SA< Ho;ntlrt(k Guvey Ruuell HA - T en&ee 161 Ruuell fll. Vei.tlzU411• I I) SB 11 He<nanoez 1191 Gue,..,o C 141 lo Smon C5SI S ll~lenruela l anore au• SF V11Jenz1.1ttle C•lll0tnla " H R ER ae 80 6 3 \/3le<1zve11 fW 17 9)9 &I. l®la Mu1a fl 11 81 :J 5 5 5 • 0 LaP01n1 I I 0 O O I I 0 0 0 J llllBtllri j 0 0 0 1 LQhll 11 3 4 4 I Dair o 222 1 Kaai • • 0 0 0 0 Mura P•ICho;O '" 2 11811tra ,,., Intl 41n Balk-I 1t111 T • 2 40 A 34 092 Ro JaOiO<l Cat-OeC1nces Lynn Oowm119 Re Jac•son Beniquez Beylo• Boone Fofl Gr1c11 F&rguao11 Ctetk W1t1ono Burleoon Kellellt1r rotal1 Ano•• ev•r•• IATTIMO Al It H 113 12 37 l lll 85 119 433 69 128 406 79 118 47l 79 Ill 408 72 112 107 Ill 29 479 60 129 362 34 95 390 4 1 10 I 399 54 103 70 8 17 73 9 16 145 19 29 •S • 7 40 s 4 4.2S I 629 I 154 PCT CHINO NII IUN Pct. 2 18 327 I 31 311 24 80 296 19 73 29t 18 H 29t 3 ' 78 218 I 9 271 20 75 269 7 so 285 2 47 259 ll 54 258 2 7 24l 2 5 219 I II 200 0 2 t56 ll I tOl t•1 590 274 II' 'i ee 8\: W l EllA 6A 34 ... • f. 1 1 4 5 0-0 2 57 142''1 131 43 70 8-4 3 tO 22' • 23 5 23 2 I 3 22 52 45 23 40 3-l 3 46 66"' 64 '.!6 •2 5·2 3 115 1751;\ 111 55 63 14-5 l 69 9llt;\ 96 35 58 7 •• 3 83 Hassler Stiete< Woll Tlonl Aase Sa!\Chez Zohn l(j$0f! F0<sen Renko Goltz 161 111 48 6<I 10-9 4 03 147t;\ 153 47 76 10·!> 4 14 Totals 611 69 25 36 6-4 4 64 I 139'"> 1,0i12 403 576 72.53 3 78 ~m•rlc1n LHgue Otloleo t, a1ue Jayo 3 fo•onto 030 000 000 3 8 Ball1m0<e 000 002 60• 8 II 1 Cloney A l Ja<:kson C7I Ge•se4 Clll ano B Mar11ner Flanagan and OempHy W Fl11nooan tO· to l Clancy 11.11 HRs Toron10 A JOl>nton flt B•ll•more S•noleton I' II A 11,7 t2 PUBLIC t«>TICE Wlol\a IU &, IMMofto 1 '-"" •11u 000 4()Q 0 IQ 0 ~ I r i.. •• r •. 111 ooo 00 t ooo 1 • ' ll•ll111n I yt• (01 eno ·I 1ok · 11a1 k •• '"'' H .. 11y 111111111 w CJu1u111 • 11 1 h•lkf' 11 II h LYie Pl A n 401 YonkM• t . Twin• I M1rn1 .. ula HID tlOO 000 & t New YP•k ••o ooo 00• • tl a & Cullllo llelllern 111 I ell0<11~1 ilm111a •"O l •uou•• ""•'•r R M•y 18t 01111 L•1011• W ll•wl•y I • I II Cu hlht f lO MRt N• .. tu•~ N•lll .. ~ 11~1 Gt1ll<111 1111 A 114411 lloyole • R•nuere ) K•11w1 C•ly 00 t llJb II 10 4 11 J , •••• 1)0' 00 1 100 J 9 0 L•un•rO Ou•••rlOertr ti• 1mt W•tluut •1utr"4N ano .,,111011••0 vv L.orl••ll 8 J l llut•l••r I J :S Uu1 .. nt1erry ,,111 llfl K111t11 (.uy WlttlO/\ 121 A 8 tlb? To, 10 ( .. MCI Of't DO •I 1Nl1) AMClllOAN LIAGUI G Ae II M Pel. W Wllt0" KC 10 I 4:11 117 t48 139 Youllt, Mii 111 486 86 t:18 J26 H4'rrt ll. Cle ,, t 468 89 162 32~ McRae KC t28 479 7 I 162 317 Pac10< ... Cni 92 33~ 4 I IUo .J 19 COOPtl' Mil 117 •94 78 168 3 16 Qarcta fo. t12 S?ll 111 18:> J 14 Bonnett Tor 113 370 ~ 116 a t4 Carew, Al\091• 102 Jll .. ttO .JI) E Murrey 911 112 J9V ", 126 3 13 Homellvn• o Tttom•• Mt1w111~ee 32 lie. JaollMll, Anoel•. 31, T11orn1011 Cteve4•11<I, 27, Ogttvte, Mllwa11kee 25. H1rr•h. Clovel1nd, 2• P1,,.1n Oel!Oll. 24 Cooper Mllw•ukee 24 OeClncH, Af>11el• U ll11na .. llodln MCR•e. K•n1u \.•ly 1 t~ I nornlon Clevttl&nd 98, Coo~r. Mllwou•M llO. IJ Tllonl!u M•lwaukee 88 Yount, Mllw1vkl!t! 86 Pllcltll'lg (11 O.Clalona) ll\lko1r1el\, M1lwauk10. IS-•. Butl'I> Cll1eago 13 4 2.altn, A"'91e, 14-S; Guidry NllW Y0<k 11 5. Gura K•ntH Ct1y t6-8 Pet•Y OelrOll 14 1 Ciudlll See111e 10·6 NATIONAL LEAGUE G Aa II H Pel. Olt•., Mii 124 4 72 73 158 ll5 Ou•nem Cn1 120 u2 69 140 31ti Me<llock, Pgh 125 4117 79 147 l t5 lo Smull. Sil 122 •73 102 148 313 Kn1ghl Hin t28 482 6 I 149 309 Bucknet. Clll ''8 5111 74 160 308 Cart••· Mii 119 •29 n 131 305 B•k.,, Oodlltl'• 11& "* 5t 138 .l06 o-r9fO, Oodoen 120 •SS 7' 131 .303 Concepe1on. C1n 116 0 2 39 1l4 303 Home llun• Murphy, Al!Jlnta. 3 I K1ngm1n. N-Yor~ 30, Schm1df. Ph11a<11lph11 27, ~lorner Allanla 27, Ouer,...o, Oodg.,e, a . """' .. lledln Mutl)lly, Allanla 113 Oltve< Montreel, 87 Bucknet Cl\ICeQO 88. c;1111rk S•n Francisco 86. Ca1111 Mon11111 83 Ha ndrlclc St louia 83. 0 -•e<o, Oodgeft, es. "•cltll'lll (11 Oecleion•I Candeie11e P11111>uroh 11.5, Rooe11 Mon11e11. 14-7 0 Ro1>1noon. l'tll1bur911 14.7 v.1..,1...ie, Oodge<t. 17-t: Weich Dodge<•. IS-I; FortGl't SI LOUIS, tJ-7, l .. Montreal t t 8 c;arllon Phola<lelpnle. t6·9 Llttle Leaau. WORLD 1Etll'IE8 I I 1·12-.eer·ofdt) \al Wllllemapofl. Pa,) Wednead•y'• lcor .. Wvom•OQ Mich ~ Easto" Mel 2 Aouy11 Oueoec l ronc10<1 US A11 forcp Base O Todey't Gamet Can•tJ• v• r AJ¥rio3n """'''"o WM" ·~ Wyom•no Moch Women'• tournement (ef M ... walt.N.J,) lecond llound Sing ... Jenn1ter Mundel tSOulll Al!•cal Oel Andrea LHnd CU S I '·6 6-l 6·2 Wenov Turnl)uH (Autlfelttf O.I Slla•on Wallh (Us I 6·2 &-t CleuOte KOll<ltl tWnl G .. manyl 0.1 H-.e Sul.ova tCLech06lovak1&I. 6-1 7·6. Pam Cuale IU s I def Nat\Cy v .. rg1n (Us I 8-2. 8-3 Pt&.IC NOTICE T-1,_ FlCTrT'IOUI ., ..... NOTICE Of TRUBTEE'I SAL£ NA• ITAT£•NT FlCTTTIOUI twalNl!H NAME STATE•NT K-o131'1 flCTIT10U8 IUSINEH NAME aTATEMENT T.I. No. IOS7 The fotlowlng pe11on 11 doing IWORTANT NOTICI. TO l>Ualnesa tu: PttOf'IR'TY OWNER: N EWPORT PE A SONNE l YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A AG ENCY I NC . (a C a ll lo rnle DEED OF TR u ST. DATED corpo111ton), 2 192 Martin, Suite FEBRUARY 17, 1982, UNLESS YOU 255, trvlne, C. 92715 TAKE ACTCON TO PROTECT YOUR Ruth Urben, 14 Ima Loa Cour1. PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT Al Newporl Beach. c.. 92663 PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN This bu5lnea la conduc1ed by • EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE c0tooratlon OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST NEWPORT PERSONNEL YOV. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A AGENCY INC LAWYER er Ruth Urben, On Septemt>« 8. 1982 at 10'()() Pr"'4dent e .m .• ALLSTATE TRUST OEEO• Thll ll•t-l was llled with the SEAVICES. INC. a duty appointed County Clerk ol Orange County on Tru1111 unde1 and p1111uan1 to July 27, 1982 094ld of Trust rflCOfded Feb111ary 28, 1982, U lnr1, NO. 82-066958, Of Ottldal Reco<d1 In the office of the County Raco1dt1• of Oranoa County, Stal• of Celllomle eKec:uled by M.n.ne EdWarc11. Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (p1y1ble 11 time of sale In tawf\it money of the United Stat•) ti lhe North ITont tnlrance to the Orenge County Cour1hou• IOceted et 700 CMe Cen1er Ortve Wttl. Sentt Ant, Ctltfornlt all right. lltle tn<I lnleree1 c;onveyed to and now held by II 11nde1 H id Deed ol Trust In tha property 1llua1ed In "'d County ltld State dete(lbed u : Loi 81, of TrllC16236,ea111\own by map on me tn Book 238, peges 2'"31 of MllC:lllaneous Mapa, In the olflc;e of 1he Coun1y Aeco1der of Or1nge County, California. The 11re11 addren and other common deelgnatlon. If eny, of the reel properly Cla<:rtbecl above 11 purported lo t>e: No. 1 Whitewood Wsy. lrv!M. Callfoml• 92716. Th• unde11lgned Tru11111 dl1c;tetm1 any llablllty for a ny lnco<rect,_. of the atr-lddreu end other common deelgnlllon, II F1N141 Publl•h•d 011nge Coaat Delly PllOI Aug. 4, 11, 18, 25, 1982 3486-82 Mt.IC NOTICE FICTmou• •UllNa88 NAMlf ITATUll«HT n... tollowlng per90n1 are dOlng bualntU .. HELPI COMPANY'S COMING (e cookbook). 3832 Slue Key, C0ton1 def M11. Celltornla 92825 Pat1lcl• D ROWiey. 3832 Slue Key. Co1ona d et Mar, Caurornla 9262$ Oo1othy Dunnigan , 3220 Fleldc.ru l Drive, Sac r•menlo. Calllornla 9562 1 Thia ouslnen la conducted oy t1 Qet'l&ral p11rtn111ahlp. Patrlclt D. ROWiey Tiiis 1tatement wu meo wllh the County Clerk ol Orange County on Augv1t 24. 1982. '1tl02t Pullll•h•d Oreno• CoH I O•lly PllOt. Aug 28. $e91. 2, II, 18, 1982 375'1-82 tony, ahown !Wein. FICTITIOUS 9U ... H Said Ula wllt be m1de, b ut N,._ ITATl•NT wllhOul covenant 01 wlHanly. The following peraon1 -doing tJCPf ... Of lmpCied, regaldlng tlfle. wee-ea: po11Halon . or encumbranc H . FIRSTWORLD TRAVEL OF lncfudlng letl, c harou and NEWPORT CIVIC PlAU.. No I ••pen ... of 11\41 T1U91• arid of Iha Civic Plan. Newpo1t Beac h , truat1 e111ted by Hid Oted of Ca1lfom11 92880 TtWI, to pey th9 rtmtlnlng pmiq>tl Patty Rytlctmp (Patrtelal , t I& tum• of 1119 no1e(1) ~by Mid Via w111er1. Newpo rt B••e h, 0..0 or Tn111 to wll: 18,441.24 wtth Cetttornla 92883 The following pe11on It doing bull-ea: W.F.' FUTURES FUND NO I. 19128 Magnolia SI .. Ste. 2038-•04. Huntington Beacn. Ca 92846 R0t1etd w • Ftohtmt1ter. 845 1 Jenl'ly Ot • 114, Huntington Beach, Ca 92848 Thtw 1><111,_. It conducted by e llf'MtlCI patlnet1/llp. Ronald W. Flghlmaster Thia 1fatemen1 •ea ftlecl wHn tne Counly Clerll oC O..enge County on AllQ091 2 1982 F1MS3a Publl•h•d Ora nge Coast Oelly PllOI Aug 5. 12, 19, 26, 1982 3436-82 P\JBLIC t«>TICE FICTTTIOUa twSINEIS NA• STATEMENT Tit• lollowlng peraon Is d olno bu1l1191ea: SIMMONS CONS TRUCTION. 10912 Penn Sl.. Garden Gr<MI. Ce 92840 Mary Jana Wells. 4726 C'"' Ave . Rlvertlde. C1 92503 Thia l>Ullnwt It conducted Oy an lndM<lut l Mery Jane Wells Thia IClltment was fifed with lhtl County Cl«k or Orange County on Augull 2, 1982 F1M&14 Publl1hed Oranoe Coesl Delly Pilot Aug 5, 12, 19, 28, 1962 l435-.82 Ml.IC NOTICE FlCTITIOUI •UPCll NA• ITATE•NT The lollowtng pe rson ta doing bulllneu ea· 6 B CONSULTING. 31357 Loi Aloe, S a n Jua n Cepts tre11 0. Clfllornla 92t75 6erO"• Helen Bllllrt1. 31351 Loi Aloi. S en Jua n Capt1t1ano, Ct1ll0tnle 92815 This butt-ts oonducted by en lndMClull Barbara BllHrC11 Thl1 •l•tement wu flied with the Counry Clerk or Orenge County on Augu1t 17. 1982. "'~ Publlahtd Orange Cout Otlly PMol, Aug 19, 28, Sepl. 2. 9. 1982 368&-82 The following persona are dolllg bu11nese as· -G ILM O RE AS SOCIATES PARTNERS HIP. 3200 B1lstol S llMI, Suite 660. Coate Mesa, California 921126 Daniel W Oonl hue 31681 Sea Bluff Lane, South Laouna, Caflfornl• 92877 Thomu L Schribe r. 893 8 andc1atll, Corona de l Mai , Ctlllornla 92825 James Alde<'eon, 939 W 21'1 SlrMt Sa11te Ana. Ctlll0tn1a 92706 John S G1tlfl1h & Co • • Calll0tnie eorf)Ofetton. 3200 B1lllOI S lretl. Coate Meu, C ellfornla 92828 Thtt 011.Cness I• conduoted oy • oenerat partner'lhlp. Daniel W. Donahue T'homu L. Schriber Thll lltltmenl WU flied wllh lhl County Clerk ol 011nge Counly on Augusl 16, 1982 F1115&21 Publl11ted Orange Coul Dtlly PllOI AuQ 18, 28. Seol. 2, 9, 1982 3692-82 PllUC llOTlCE K-01151 FICTITIOUa •USINE.11 NAME ITATIMENT The tollowtng persona are doing bu1lnass ••· P t. M LEASING CO , 829 Te1mln1t Way, No 8, Coeta Meaa, CA 921127 Plul E Lenk, 805 l8th SlrM t, Newpotl Beach. CA 92660 Morie E Lenk. 805 l61h Strtl1. N-oort Belc:t" CA 92660 Thie 0u1tne111 ta conducled Oy lndlYldual• !Husband & WICe) Ptul E Len!\ Tlllt lllltm«ll WU !lied with the County Clerlt ol Otange County on July 30, 1982 F1Ma PuOlllhed Ortnge COHI Dally PllOI, Aug. 5, 12, 19, 28, 1982 3512-82 PUBLIC t«>TICE FICTITIOU8 •UllHIEIS NAMI ITAT!MENT lnttt"t th4reon from March 16, M tc:h••I Waller. I 15 Vie 1N2 20% Per annum .. provtded Wultn. Newpor1 BNc;h, Ctlllornfa In Mid note(•I peu. C0t11 end erry 92883 1------------1 tdv-of 1131•.01 wttlt lnt«•t. Thll 11u91,_ II condocltd by• PUBl)C NOTICE Thi lollowCng penlOlla art doing OUICnMl U . MEDIA ELEMENTS, Hl234 S.,, G101tet 81 , Fountain Valley, Ca 112708 The btnellc:ltfy under Mid Deed gan«tl pann«ehlp. 1------------of Trvtt h«elofore executed end P111lclt Rytklml> FlCTITIOUI IU ... 11 dall'llered to th• under1tgne<t • Thll aut-• wea filed w1111 Iha NAMa•T.t.TIMINT Wfltlen Otc:lwt11on of defeutt Ind County C6ttlc of 0r.,. Countv on the fOClowlng peraone '" doing Demand 101 S ele, tnd • wrllten •uou•• 9, 1982. r .1.-.. bulCMll u : Notlot of Oetaull and Elec1ton lo Publlthad Orengt CoHI Dtll) TRENDS. 20221 Crown RMI .... The underllgned c:auMd Mk! Pltot. Aug. 12.19, 28. Sept. 2, 1982 Ln .. Huntington BMc:h, CA 92848. Nottoe ol Default tn<1 Electlon to ~2 Bonnie Bttkley, 20221 Crown ... 10 bt ttc:orded In the oounty RMI Ln., Hunt1ng1on BHch, CA .,,.,.. the, ... P'Of*1Y I• IOCtted. PUBLIC t«>TICE 92846. , Del« .NtV. 29, 1982 · Su• 811<~t•on, 43 I 'A 0111111. ALL8TAT£ TRUST Dt!ED ACTTTIOUI IU..... COion• del Mar, CA 92825 8ER\llCH. INC. N.Am aTATUmNT Thlt bua1t-. 18 eoodve1ed by• M 9'icl trwt• The tollowtng ~ -OoCng ~al P.,,,,.,.,..lO, 3280 Wlllhlrt BIYd.. bu""-9 ea 8oMit 8'1111e)' Sult• Ht SEC'S ON WHEELS. 1836 Th .. 1tet-t wu hied wttll the Lot AngtMa. Celll. 90010 Wlll•ll••· AS, Coste Men. CA County 0.. of Ofenoe County on (al3)~ 12827. Aug f8. 1982 ly ... ,.,..... s.c..1111• To Go, a Calltomla P111U1 ~ Otenot Coaat Deity COIPOr•llon. 1835 Whlttlat A5, Publl•lled Oreng• Cout Dally "°'-,.,,,._ 12. ft, 28, IM2 C:O.la M-. CA 12827. Piiot, AUO,. 19, 28, &apt. 2, 9, 11182 aa&9-~ Thie bu--. .. aonducted by • 34527-82 Howard J amee RMkle, 18234 San Ge011aC S1 • Fountain \lelley. Ct 02708 Gab1lt la l<tbtl, 18234 St~ Gab1te1 St . Fountain Velley, Ce 92708 Thlt l>UlllnMa II conducted by I llmlttd pertnet'lhlp. Howard Jt'Mt Reekie Tltt• atetement WU tlled wtth 1111 Counl)' Clet11 of Orf11199 Count) "' Aug\111 2. 1982. F1 .... PubU•h•d OrtllQI COHI Dall) PllOt Aug 6, 12. 19, 28. 1992 rl l48M< rte llliOUI ..,... .. NAMI ITATWMEff De4MM *IDMllOA 'l''I AHIA fl fllllt el U..•r ~lttlfM lllM llftl) PlfllT AACL e lvtlOflo• Kehl1r.n ~ Do (P1n<:ar1 tO IJ() a 40 J •O I••• ul 1 r~ (felr-4•1 8 40 ~ IO Arll...,1t 1W1nan) 1 20 Abo .... "" WelwlOfO U•llV WIOQdvM Miit lne TWt frno.<m111C OultOOQ P•anhto A fte•I !•Pl•lh VUtAw N111lh lnntnQ rtn1ety IJOle lime I 10 •ICONO llACI II lurl0t19t Sandia l (for OJ IJ 40 J 1111 J 00 C11arrn1ng M1ry CM,Catronl J 00 2 60 I'm Pie 1Cap1111r••I I 40 Al•o 1e~ed ReO I !>toe•et B .. uly 810ufttl (;all Ko1la11 £1e11ouot1u••' Noble C111111111v r 1e.,1 11a1.ie111. Soc••• Pend1n1 Pia Jfly l11!le I II Jl!I 9) OAIL V OOUlll 11 101 pa111 \1' bO THlllO llACI Oo" ftllle • Bu1<>n B•v CM,C•nl)tll 0 ti() l 8(1 I 40 Sany c ..... IH•~· • 60 I bO fl .. 1 Pevl AH•llOfl f£11reo•1 1 60 AIM.I 1M.4HI Fat>ulOuo PaOettl I to(k • lime I J~ 215 ta lllACt A 11 21 ll••d tl 4 '>Cl '01JllTH llACE 6 lu11ong~ Mendo1et 1D•a11 1~ 20 9 •o I 40 St1n1or Sen•lo• lllolttnlucl31 8 40 & 00 l'lomeu 1 Sworo (Mc(..orron1 1 00 Ala() ••Ctd COllt .. &loQ P11tlfHlltOu• P11nce Kell ' Boy II a11Ci111•h Aoyat Memo1v Sq"""' Pejj rieo1 01d Cr111iv R1no1 fJ•t•ly I 1m., t Oii ll~ Flf TH RACE I 11 tb M•IM llO'J) Cloud •lum<tnce1 t'J ~o 8 00 4 •U I Go1 '>~O 1P111t~yl 11 ell ~ .tO 1n f ru'1 F Orm fMcC.arront 1 80 Al.c> t.Ct'O P11;t Pu11>lo Sll<1yne M<Gutre Go G• Malao•. L•dv Emt>•s•y Tim• 1 •1 l15 '5 EXACT A 15 61 P&•O S.146 00 SIXTH RACE 6 lurtot>gs M1" Bio W•v tOr190a1 s t>O J 80 J •t• OOllC•l'U Gue11 1Cop11a111e1 2J 70 lO llO lsobella 0 Este lL•Pll•mi • 20 AltO ttltllll Peacelully $110111 0 Hdl.IPV Duy P11n~6U La•~o. Buys•O• S1f1ger 1one•ou6 Sulfan s Pteesure Ntt•t Com~~ lO••. Woo<ltyn. MlflhO Sa11 ltrnt! I 10 215 8(V(NTH RACE I 1 16 m11e, Ellu1>¥0lly 1va1unzue1a1 I? 80 6 00 • 40 Ouc11t•~ Dreom 11>1ncay1 • 60 3 60 All N1n Hff<J 1S•C>1He1 ~ 20 Also nu.ed Ou111•t•I JeM\,hH r Hll \ T•euure II~ Snamme s furn l~•O•ng A<l•oceie C.e11noa f1mu I •2 415 '5 EXACT A t2· Si Pd•O ~ 101 00 .2 PICll SIX (IU t 12·!> '.l·.11 0110 St~ 094 40 ¥wilh toot w1nrnng ~1cke•s 1sn h01 wt~ S2 Pl(> 5·~ consotatoon pArd S283 •o will\ 7 t w1nn1no t•Ckftl• (t1v~ nor~~SI S2 Pick S1~ ~rater• consolahon pw11! SIS300 "'"" 1tf; winning 11c"e'" trout "O' ~ej one ~' atc:h) EIGHTH RACE. One mile Aov1no Boy 1D•h••v1 15 80 ~ 00 2 60 Encour41g~· 1ver11aral 4 20 J 00 ~uu Cho~e 1Pmc~v1 7 60 Also •oceo Co•t5ulh11Q Surgeon Oi!~o1 Wine Tome l 35 715 S5 EXACTA 12 II p,,,o St •8 00 NINTH RAC£. I I 11> mil~ C~51a1 Proo" CHa .. rey> 18 00 13 20 11 60 O•n•e•~on Ct tEstre<1a1 6 80 ., oo Closing Trena' 1P1nuy1 Ii 70 Also rilGed Ou•loo Oeetoo Wnat s You• B&q P•o••O&f•hel C111~1 Gummo Semmol" KtO Su Sptuce RuUari Sun Fleet n .. t~f T 1mDef"~OC)t t lime I 41 JtS '5 EXACTA f5·21 paid S486 50 Atltmdu11c;e-18.386 Hollywood Park Wf.ONEIOAY'I llllUl Tl (71h of &:Hllghl harne .. ..,..11"9) FllllT llACE. One mlle pa~ StO•P•O G 1Be1llaroeon1 1 40 3 60 3 20 Ho .. dy Scoo1 1 res&l8fl 3 20 2 60 Ou.ck l 8Hy •Par"e11 • •O Also ••Ced AIS~y Chance Dale. 0•"<1)o Anoy. Oe•n l•ll'" lmOISt\ HOW<ly Owl Mr• M Andy s Dynamo T.,,.. 203 D UCACTA (8-11 patd $-4 I 40 Ml.IC t«>TICE THlflO llACI OtM mite IJM.• H .. '"" (lllnclnQllamJ 4 IO 3 00 HO 4 /0 > 10 9 •O P1t<1<1Ue £."""'• Okapi I enc•• r1ote Oflllte• CKu•-l Latly Gamlllet CFO.OJ Al11> ··~ ()tt<;O 110011 f11t1 O•anc.• Pul\cl\~m t..wnlry Couain Ttme 1 OJ I> lllCACTA (ll·:lt paid '30 00 'OIHITH llACI. One mole lr<>t C..h-rhtl Moo .. 10et0m"'11 •O • 110 • 4() Beel Rac;o;o CSPflQOll I~ 70 1 70 f •DI.,, tf'erklnt l ~ 20 Al•o •Keel Bucilt 8tove tunuo ttiM•e•• 81a11e1 NOl>te f\ule '"'ll" 1>1n1nn Ct oQr>I S~lno """'• , 03 '"™ llACI . One ''"ie IJ•L• Armbrooll• lll•H•nd•non•ml~ CO t '" 1 AA Wind~ R•nQ• N 10oud1HuJ ~ 00 1 •o r.n p.,. ... 1 ... f$1tm ... •m•nl • l\O A lt o ,.,.a Time ''•C.•• f-11~•lwon1 l•l••ll L•P• Bound It;< C.l<>rv A l von1 O•r lop Roc;k f1nl8 2 g' 116 tl £11ACTA 16 91114•0 '3) 00 llllTH llACE One m1141 D8'• Uurtll""'" 0011 f0unnou"'•l22 80 t I 6tl J oo lnvanna Almsnura1 1A11chie1 6 20 j 00 Se•y Cony 111ueb1etl 1 40 Al110 , aced A1l9{1 •••n<111e1 Ot@ttl.,wuy 6011• Htlµ"y Jewel Cryollll MUul•••y lluly VMnture Time '00 ~IS ~ EllACTA 19·~1 pa1<1 $464 00 SEVENTH RACE One mil" P•~" T ovGll 01 E•eoonc" {Gdrt 8 60 4 60 • io Sp11111e1 Anna tSheu•nl 3 bO 1 80 T r•nGy Tryt> IT odd Ill 1 6'1 Alto t8Ced ftankHI .. NtHO Ang.,la ... ., Im C:eriein t 1m~y RtfwetO l ot1t1 ti111novo• T11"4o I S8·31~ $~ EllACTA (I ?I paid $86 !IQ EIGHTH llACE One mile pec1t HePOy Srode tKuelll<!q ~ 80 ~· 40 J 1U Poh arte• CBako• 4 10 7 ~o lwena S~1p 1G1undyl ] 4() Al•O 11ced Pu•&e S h 1r\g1 W 1~"' 1nvea1mttnt Conn~ Act10, BotO'•u&t C"''' l1m~ I 58 NINTH AACE. Ont1 rr11I01 pact1 Teel H-rv !Tod<ll '4 00 10 00 810 R•ven Maniac 1Gouo1eau1 19 00 l5 10 Mac Ad111s A tKueble<I • 80 Al~O 1acao Gerry Ay• Scotch Double KentuCk'f K1"g tru<J11on N Sou1htun Rhylllm Ttme t 58-115 S3 EXACTA 16-•1 paid ,557 70 S2 PICK SIX le 1>·!1 I I Iii fJ"tO ~I 83J .tO with 10 wmmng hckels lli•e llorse11 $2 Poe;~ St> consola'•on Plld $18 60 w1tn ?t'.1 w1nmng 11c9'eb ltout hon••~ S2 P1c;:k So· •c.ra1c11 consolation pa1<1 $25 80 """ 66~ wmn1ng t•C"'et.s UtlnJe tionei> one 'tC.lltCht TENTH AACE. One mill! pace Lo Norm fllueble11 10 00 J 60 4 60 Renoes Chance (Goua1.,aul 1 00 2 80 Glamour Boy N fOunnrganl 8 00 Al&<> raced Tr•bule N, A•nom1 Hat Cne11e 'w~i~::n Paclt110 Rt1d Be!ly N Anely> • ftrne I 58 )15 S3 EXACT A (9 II paid $5 I llO Attenoance 8 517 o..p ... fl•h•no AAT'& LANOIMG (Newport Beech) -!;1 AnQle" 33 0011110 65 mac~erel •8 1oc• iosn 3 5 sand bus 10 sneep'h"oo H >eulpr~ 107 kelp Dass OAVE'l''S LOCKEll (Newp0<I leech) - 240 anolefs 162 1>00110 6 t C81~0 bass I h•llC>ul t 641 mackt!rel t9 t roe~ l1Sll 7~ tend CIUS DANA WHAA, l611 •ngle•• lHP o•.- l 11 l>Ont10 10 11ahbu1 t t3 t m"c~e•;>1 ~ •oc• '''" I slleeps/leao 6 sc;ulpon llAL •IACH -UJ 1119l•r t 21 i-r8f.ull• II ,_..,o 11-Mii .......... llo1 tU<.• ltWI 1)4 aalld II-) l'elio""elf, )1 •'-••••ncl tt .rvl•1i. c;ioeto"' 1..,..1 -' 1 e •11111•1 • J O nr'"110 o h•ll1>uf too '"""h<al 14 H fli1 Oo.M )00 4-11111 'OCl NfUht t..HH•i41t aAlol 01100 j tltM l aot•tnsl -o o ••>We•• reo a111-• NAIL plerofte •1"1T llOOM> 1a.11 of n., .. , Wodne.0.y'o 1e-.. •,an 01*go S \/1ncouvar I lll•n O•ego .. iOl'1Mt .... 10) l.rJ•nun "J f u••M tJ (t..n•mn• i.acs• tef ... I 01 "'"""••I I 1 ()11 l •udarCl•I• 1 Co•I Mtmlr-.fll l•tHJI Mtlftl t 0) '"""'°"' _. futtmth 7 •5••11~ .. •da. .., ... '01 i.-4fltt'l. fU,,M1t0 'l lttetttle '-llOt ..... 10 ,,Ida,'• 0-• '•ialli.. •i t 1>ton1n ..... m 0t"Q• 41 V1 r.C.c.khet l alurda1'• G-• r .. m1rtr1ta .,1 fvlM lun<ley'• 0a- Mcmttt11d 41t rott l avde•Oale Wecln••d•r'• G•"'"' I ut•d "' Cc>smo& 111 ne<. ... uryJ M1~•U1.,0I •'' .. ott l •udt:tuJ11I• (If ~t••tyJ l•JtO!llO ttl Sft•llle (11 n"'"H ryl Thw1adar, kpl 7 \lor1~ouver "' S&n O•tQO 111 tok .. H•YI Seml·PfO footbatl HUNTINOTON VAUEY MARYIElll Auo i11 •• vnuorio· Sept 12 81 l en•Ghal)I State Pllll()fl Sept f9 Alllambra· tMmel Sepl 26 a1 lo• Alemllot • Oc I 3 Burhink • Clloml l, Oct 10 a1 C11y 01 lndutlfy• OCI t7 al We11 \/alley• Oct 2~ -OntOflO' (llOfT>tl Ocl 3 t at Alllamllra • NO• 7-Van Nuyt• 1-• Nov 14 San F"'nanoo Valley• Cttomel Nov 7 t -C11y of lnduatr, • tttornel Nov 28 bye Oet 5 los Alam11oa • (ttomel Dec 12 Leeoue c11emp1ont11•P 1)11y0n 1111 qames al 1 pm unle&a noledl tall 11ome oamu a1 Oeeen Ille,. Hoon Scllooll • ci .... 01ea HIQll DM«t Luoue game Wedneedey'• trenaecllona BASEBALL Nallonel l•119ue ,., •• .,b ''"• • •1PAlfS S19nf'<I Jonn 1 ·J•MJrtd••.J '-'''Lt• .. , •o 11 rnull1 v~a' c.ont1A'I 1'l1t;•f' ~ >lo fi-t "'~·)lh•n U let\f!I C)'1 the J•lo•U'"'J j .. ,,. •'jtto ur' Hnb" u•1e;e, < .,,, • 1d•" '' ,,n J. vii • .r1ct ''' 1nt1 P14c.1ht. Cr;dSI I"'~"' 8ASK£T8All Netlon•I 8••~•1Dtll A1tocl1llon VO•"u•NCI ''-A•1 9LAIER5 5•oneo M1c..r .t tnttr""C1'\t1n N•l~f lo a 1nrw-yenr \.1Hl .. lt;I FOOTBALL Natlonal Football Lat11u• tJf W r1 r,p,., E f S t 1 dO~d Or>1u111•n t • ., • ,,, " r. .tt... ,,, 1nP San 01,,.00 C".;~ut''" '\." .. i_o1 tM1oriu1 •983 oratt pte., SOCCER "'°"" Amatic-Socefl le.-,ue ~A <'.111oJ '"""_." Ota,;:•r vu,ov1c. • ••""J' t •' ·1,.. ·~''' "~• ~~roe for tne ~ ,, d'"'"~' o' 1r. fl'd'"' tnt .,, "netca1-on ..... , ... ,,p,, ..... Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE 1(-01251 FICTITIOUS 8U ... 8S NAME aJATEMENT FICTITIOUI IUSINESS NAME aTATOttEN1' K-OIW K..01251 FICTITIOUS 8U81NES8 8Ul'Eltt0fl COURT Of THE The IOllowlng persons 111 dOl"G t>ulCneta ea. INTER ... MERICAN BUILDERS INTERIORS, 3151 Alnwey Avenue 6ulld lng G-3 . Colla Meu, CA 926~~TERAMERICAN BUILDERS PARTN ERSHIP, a Gene r a l Pal'lnenhlp, 3151 Altwey Avenue. Bulld lllg G-3 Coll• Meu CA 92628. INTERAM E R ICAN COR· P O AAT IO N , a C a lllo rnte c:«po(lllon, 3151 Altway AVilnue, Bulldln9 G-3, Colla Mesa. C A 92628 NORTH AMERICAN HOUSING, INC., a Calllornte co1porallon. 3 151 Altwly ..,v..,ue, BulldlllQ G-3. Costa M .... CA 92826, Thi• bualn ... II condU<:ted by • general pa1'1n11Wilp N orth Am e tlc a n Houllng, Inc Frank W. Bauman. Pres Thi• afa1emen1 wea nled with the County Clenl oc Orenge County on A,uguat 8. 1982 F1Ml'79 Publl•h•d Otange Coasl Dall y PCIOI, Aug 12, 19, 26, Sept 2, 1982 3599~2 Pt&.IC t«>TICE K-01353 FICTmous 8U81NEl8 NAMI! STATEMENT Tiie tollowtng pe<son1 are doing bual..-a as l(IKO 'S INTERNATIONAL GIFTS. 370 E 17th S trMI, C011t MeN. Camorn11 Tne followlno person is Ootno business aa· LUCKY S HANG HAI INC (8 C1lllorn1a corporeCIOn), 2610 E Chtpmen Ave . City of Orange. Ca 92689 Pt1er Shih Ho Cheng, 2216 Pemel• Ln •A Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 Th11 business la conducle<l by e COfl)Ol'allon LUCKY SHANGHAI INC 8y Pe1111 C11eng. Praaldenl Th•• 1ta1emen1 wu llled With Che County Cleft< or Orange County on July 30. 1982 F1M42S Publl•hecl Ora nge Co&1t O~ty Piiot Au<jj 5, 12, 19, 26, 1111141 3476-82 Mt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT Tile 1011ow1no oe •1on 11 ooino bvalneN81 ALTERNATE HOME POWER 2442 Andovet Place Coste t.lesa Cehl0tnta 928215 OonalCI E M1rt1n 24 42 Andover Place Costa Mesa. C1llfotnl1 92826 ThtS C>ullnt111 la conducle<I by an 1ndlVldual Donald E Merlin Th11 1111ement wu llle<l with lhe County Cle1k or Orenge County on August 24, 1982 Fttl021 PuOllahed Ot1nge COU I Oelly PllOC. Aug 26. Sepl 2, 9, 16 1982 314Y-•2 VAT LAU. 8340 Decca S llMI ... ..,IC ""'TICE Loog Beach, Calltornl1 90808 n-. nu SUI< YEE LAU, 83•0 Oecc1 K4'15l Strttl, Long Beach Calllornlt FICTITtOUS 8UllN£88 ll0808 NAME 8T A TEMENT This butlnen 11 conducted Oy The Tollowl"O perions a re dolno lndlvlclut11 (Husbend & Wiie) bualnnt H VII Lau RED Hill OIL VENTURES . Thi• ll•t-f we• !lied with Iha 2915 Red HUI Avenue. Su•le F-200. County Clerk or 01ange County on Costa M .... CA 92828 August 12. 1982. Syron M Ta1nuCze1. 900 Via F11U01 Publltlled Oien~ Co est Oallv Lido No1d. Newooll Boach. CA ' 92883 PllOI. Aug 19, 28, pl. 2, 9, 1962 Ch111u l Greenbetg, 1903 ----------3-690_·_8_21 Wttl Wind. Santa Ana, CA 9210• ... ..,IC ""'TICE Betty J Belanger. 14321 wm0w "'~ nu Lene. T111lln, CA 92880 ---AC--TTTIOU""""'----.--.,--.-... ---.---I P hlll p A T 1111 ut H r. l 8 50 N.U. STA~ Cheel<1ul Avenue San F•encleco, The I"""-'-CA 94123 ~ "';.:-""' '*'--doing This bull-II Conduc1ed by ti J & J AUTO DETAILING, 17215 ~al Plfl'*'8111p S11pe•I01, Coate M•H. Cattlornl• REO HILL OIL 92827 VENTURES, Howerd H. ROH, '92 82nd • Ctlll0tnla StrMI, Newpot1 8Mc:h. CalltQN'll• ~" pertnerenlp t~ Byron M. T arnuttet JOM Oe8onla, 412 62nd 81,..., TN• .. ~I '::."::'led With Ille Newpor1 8Mcift, cantoml• 9286S l"hla bu"'-111 oondUC:led by a County Cterk ol Orange County on glllW'tl ptl'tnennlp. ~ ~. 11182 Howwd H. ROM Ofi' a HAM>U (CJ) Thie •letement w .. ltled wtth '"' ,.... 0..... ... fN«I County Clet'k of 01ange County on *' .... A,,_ eoutn•cl AUQU81 9, 1eea. ........... heotl. CA -,,... ,,.... Publl•h•d 01ll'lge Coa1t D•llr P11bClthed Or•n1.• CoHI D•ll't Pltot, Auo. 12, 19. H . Sept. 2. 1"2 PlloC, Aug. 5. 12. 1 • 28. 1982 s61t-a2 aa1o-a2 NAME STATEMENT ITATE OF CALIFOMIA The lollowlng persons &re doing F<>f' TiiE COUNTY OF bu&lnas. u L06 ANOl!LEI EOUIOON-SORAENTO a 111 Nonh Hiii ltrtet o e n e r a I po r In e r s h11>, 2 500 loe A..,.-, c.ilfom&a I0012 Mtehetson Drive. tr vine. Calllornta Pl A INT IF F H 0 l LY W 0 0 D 92715 PRESBYTERIAN MED IC AL Jol1n B Parker 10 I 1 Emetalo CENTER. a Ca11corn1a C«POl•llon Bay. legune Beach C thforn1a DEFE N D AN T ANNE 92651 STROMBERG. lndlVldually. end dbt Le 19h1on H Frenc h 9 t4 FISHERS OF MEN. and OOES I £mertld Bey Leguna Beach, CA 11>1ouo11 X. tnclvslve 92651 SUMMONS Douglas A Burton. 2093 Swan CASE NUMBl!lt C JIS172 Drtve. Costa Mesa. Cet1torn1a 92626 NOTICEI YOll ltaff been .u.d. Ronald J Ba101er1. 17026 Tlte coun mar deddt agelfttt )'CMI Ave ntda de Santa Ynez. Pacific wllltOllt '°"' belftg hNfd unlew PallMdes. CaJll0tn1a 90272 rov reepond wt!Mft 30 deJ9. Re.d Jell1ev L PletSon. 25 Blull Iha lnlonnatton below. View. lrvlne. CallComla 92715 II you wish 10 aeek the advice 01 W Dirk Johns(on, 2323 an altorne y In lhll metier, you Huntington S1<ee1, Unit 1002, Should do so promptly so thel your Hunllnglon BH ch Catllornla 926-48 written r99pon1e II any, may be Edward K Be umer , 6035 hied on time Folaom Drive LaJolla, Cahlornla A If f I O I U a t • d It • t Id o 92037 demendado. er trlb111111 pved• James C Punr1s, 8505 El Paseo a.ddlt c:ot1t11 Ud. tlM M1it11nde • Grande, laJolla, Callf0tma 92307 menoe que Ud. ,.._... defttto Th•• bullnell IS conducled by 8 de 30 di-. L .. la ln'°""8don que ~al f)Nlnerst>1p algue. John e P11k111 S1 Usttd Cle ••• sollclta r e l Th•• st1tement was tiled with tl>e conse10 de un •t>ogedo en elle County Clatk ol 01ange County on a sun Io , d • b •' 1 t h • c 11 Io August 12. 1982 1nmedl1tamen1e. da e1la manera, PAUL, HAITINOa. su respuesle MOrltl. II hly alQUna. .IAHOl'lt<Y 6 WALKER oultde 5e1 1egl1trlld1 I tlempO. 8M Tow11 Ceftt9f Otl'lltl, I TO THE DEFENDANT. A cl...CI Uttt Floot, cor!'plo1n1 has been lll•d by Iha Coeta ...... Caltfornla t2e29 plaintlll agaln•I you. II you wish 10 Aun: ~lta C. Gee delond Chll ltw.ult, you must within FlMJOO 'O d1y1 ellar this 1ummon1 la Pub lished Orange Coast Oaity sefved Ol'I you, Illa with tltl1 OOUr1 a Piiot, Aug. 19, 26, Sepl 2, 9. 1982 wrlllen responae 10 tilt comt)ltlnl 3691·82 Unless you do eo, you< deltull wlll ----P\E--l-IC_N_O_T_IC_E...-.;..o..;...;.;~1 t>e entered on appllcet10<1 of the ______________ 1p1a1n11n. end this court mey enler • FICTITIOUS 9U81NESS 1u<lgmenl agllnSI you lor the relle4 NAMI. ITATEMENT demanded In 11'18 ~t. wtlldt The lollowlng pe rt on Is doing could 1e1utt •n 01rnl1hment ol 1>u11nea1 as wfON, lektng ol money or proper1y UNIVERSITY MONTESSORI. or other rehe l IBQ UHfld In Ill• 398 Unl....,1Hy Ot , Coste Mest. CA compCalnl 92627 DATED. Aprll 10, 1981 CuOl Cay Tuck.,. 709 Cllll Ot . John J CofOOt"an, Lagune Be~h. CA 92651. Coumy Clerk Thie lluatnau la conduc;lecl by an By· CarOl A,, 8u1ge, Individual Oee>u•Y Ctrof C1y Tuc;ker WEllaSUttQ AlllONION, INC. Tltll llllement WU lllecl with the Pet• ·-Coun1y Cletk of Orange Counry on Metk S • .._, Aug 16. 11182 20ll Ceftl\lfy Pwil ..... Fttsm 32nd "-'• P11bll1hed Ortnge Coast Dally Loe A~ C......,. '°"7 PllOI. Aug t9, 26, Sep1 2, 9. 1982 PuOllahe<t Orenge CoHl Dally 3828-82 PilOI. Aug 12. 19, H . Sept. 2, 1982 ~----~~-------1 358&-82 "8.JC t«>TICE FlCTTTIOUI 9UIMH NA• ITATE•NT The followlno perso n 11 dolno bualn.e• ... GOLDEN C HARIOTS. 1 I 8«11<1• COUl1, Newpon Batch. Ca. 92883 ' DtrO P•raont. I I Str•n• Coun, Newpon Beach, Ca . 92663 Thia 1>1181,_ 11 conduc:ttld by en ll'l(llveov.I 0 M P1r90n1 Tttte ttltement w11 Ned with 11tt County Cltf11 of Orange COun1y on My 13. 1982. ,.,.. P11blt11ted 0 1a11ga Cout Otlly '!tot AllO. 8, t2, 1t. 26. lil:t S41W2 P\JBLIC NOTICE 'ICTTTIOU• IU ... U NAMI ITAlWlllNT The lottowtno pe11on 11 d olno bUelni!N a1· J & J PLASTERINO, 1905 ~I :it.. Newport Beach, Calll. 92883. John MlchHt 8k•oo•. 190:> Cou•I St.. Newpotl Ba•clt. CtCll 92e83 Tltll l>Ual-ta ~tO by en indMd11at JoMSkaoge Thia Ital-I -. ,_ wttlt the county Clef1I o1 Ofange C-ty on Aug 2•, 11182 ,,... ---,.-la.1-IC--M>--::-TICE_...---wpomt«_..,,_ To Go "8.IC NOTIC( Tile lolloWlnO .,.,_,. -ctolng -- Publlltted 011nge Coeet Detty Piiot, At.19 29. a.pt 2. f, It, 1MI 315~ HCttnOUe WU ~~et• fl'ICTTTIOUI .,... .. ltAlm 8TAft..wT Tiiie •••fement wea "*' wftlt lhe MAim ITA,....NT The follO.itlng 1)4lreon le doing County Cl«lt of Or"'Ot County on The ronowtng pereon I• do1110 DU1i1""' ... A g fe 1982 t>uetnen •: BU81A'8 MOBIL AUTO u . ' ~ I NI AOY ORlLLINO 1H2•1, ~~45 l'ltMt, C:O.•• ....... P11bll1htc1 011ng• COHI Dally 1301 Dow ,f400, Newpor1 a-11. • ..._ .. ~ ... -,. ... PHot, .t.uo. 19, H . sept. 2. 9, 1N2 CA 12980. ,,.,,,..., -· ... .,-y, I., Tr• N83-e2 CW!lt I . Prloa, 10233 Vlrll Cit., f ...... Wy, IMM1 OA W ,._ 1------------1 Fountall\ V*1, CA 927ot. .. .....,_ .. ~by.,, Thie ~ • oondlic'4ld by • ~ .... .,.. lllnll.cl Pl"I••· ~,... Hll"-Y Cul1AI •• Mot '* 1•1° ,-.,, -..... wtd!.. """tl.lfelMnl .... ftltd wlttl the CeuMY Cllrt: ol Onintt C-ty on ~ who need ~ 04unlY C.. Of Or-. County on -. t.e, 1•. ,,_ Thet'I ""9t tN Aug.. fa, tth ,. o tt DAILY PU.OT ,...,. fi'tJMltfled Ortnoe ... out e ) 8EAVIC( Dl .. ICTORY Publt11tff Ortn~ Co111 Oalty '9at. Aug, tt., 9epc. 2. t , 1~ri::a II ell lboutl Plot, Aug. It , it, Gtf)t, 2, ~2 butlw u. ''°'moue wn l!OUITY aUtLOl!Rt, 17311 Mm 8TA~ C"P9f Cl~. Ht.1nt111oton ee.cn. Tiie 1011ow111g peraon •• dolno Caltfou1C1 02841 butlM9 •: ''•nklyn Howt•d AoMn. 17391 J T'S RHTAURANT, Ut1t CUP« C1101e, Huntington Beac;h, Pu•rt• RHt1 Ml .. lon Viejo. Ct llf0tnfa 92'0 calttomla IH7o Aobetl Wtlllertlt, UIOI EHi Jtrrr T111g. ,,,. Hlglttld• Bay l'ro111, Newport 8••olt, Dtl'llt, "•1101'10 Peto• Verd••, Callfomlt t*3 Calfforn4a 90274 This bullin. le oonoucttd by I Tllll ~ II oondudad by M ~~ ~. ~ w..... Jerry,. .. 1'hlt •t•tement -nteCI With ttle Thia ~ .... tllld """' .. County CW1I of Ortnge °'°""'Y on ~ Cllttl o4 Orenot ~ Oft Auguet 24, 1112. ,..... I , 1"2. ,,_ ,,... P11bll•lted Or•noe e o11t D•lly Pvbll1n.ct Or•nt11 c-t D•llY Piiot, Aug, M, ttot. a. 9, 1e. 1N2 "°'· AVG 12. 19, "· ...... 11 tM2 ,, ..... a aa.e.a . .. ' . I. I ~ . I: IUlllTIN BOARD .lu11lor te11nls tour"~• Tilt Co111 M ... J I T • to1 the ......i.enoa 01 us°' tnnl• Tourn1mtn1 11 M l •nt•tea muat bt ,_..,::1b 2~·28 tnd Oc1 2·3 •nd Th• Co111 Me11 C11,J tpt 17 Cotta M111 Tennis Club ., ber or ComlT!••o• I nd Which I• aanc:tloned e -i>onsorlrio Ille tourney AHOCJtllon by the Orange Coun1y Tennl• Fee la 110 tor junior 1 1 doubles ltama • ng •• ano S 12 ror 1un10< Dlvlalona Include b , singles ano Ooublet :X~ ,~no g.1r11· 18 '8 •no '" For more 1ntorm1i1on. Pllo::'k'7°_;;~~1ttt ff lmblPdtu• ff'e~t Entry blinks are avetlable 10< 111e e~lllll ennual Wimbledon Wetl ml•ed doubles t&nnla tourn1ment. set for tlle weellends ol Sept. 26·26 and Oct 2-3. Pr•llmlnary matches will be played 11 1"6 Jolln wa n• Tennll Club. Balboa Bay Clul>. South Coetl Pl•~• Hotel. Park Newport. Merrloll Ho••• end Tennla Club. Racquet Club ot lrvln41 end•,_ more unapecllltd c;ouna. Entry , .. I• $30 per mlMICI dOUl>let tH m Flrll- place t1nl111ers wlll r•c•lv• • round-trip I lly In London via Brlllall Alrw•Y•· T lie wlnnera can schedule the trip any time w1111111 a yur ot the 1ourn1men1. A m•1or portion ot the proc:eeO• trom Ille aournamenl wlll go towards New Olrec:tlona tor women Inc ' retlden11a1 recovery 11ome tor women wtth 11coh01. p<oblems. 1oce11!d In Co••• Meta D•adllne lor entry la Sept 13 For more 1ntorm1tlon. pnon1 982-e!><I t Pro lfYmna!t>l/t!s The U S. Protesalonal G m11~e Its 6'ee:Ol'ld atop on 8 /4m7•at1cs Cl1sa1c will Anaheim Convention Centtr ·CJY· I 1-Wtek I0<.11 •I The ev9111 lea1ure1 lhr on undey, Sept 25 Kurt Thomas I nd tour-~llme world champion Ch•mpjon Aon Galimore • me nat1on11 collegiate The Show n mong otl)ers lriolewood on ~,•n,9earller stop at Ille Forum In 'tle1tet1 tor both sho priced at S 10 S8 50 8 ";: ,j' now •vallabte I nd are prlC411 for Clllidren UnO~r the ~h $~ dtsoountt On 811 Tk:lctta can be purclla&td ...,e o 12 Tickatron oulltts 11 the •renu or lhrotigll Tickets can 11$0 be chei Ille Forum I I (213) 874~7o!': Aby P'10ne by etlllng Ctnttr 11 999-8950 nlholm ConVilntlon 60/f ~Xh/b/ a llo,, Oii Orear A •llhlbltfon ma~nofo Palm•r ,.111 ~·••<l•na on MC: 11 Ann•nd11~1~ an 18-hola 8P1hodlt f Hosplfal ~day. Sept. 13 1 Oii Club In •lmtr ...,111 be ouno111on ° l>ene111 the on• or lh• top l>~reo With Mariene .Prot41at1oria1 QOlt O dreue,. Floyd, l'l•meo T11ey·11 taoe r tour on the women· at Pet ~fl °'met PG.A. cha 1 The 0,11:;yr>r,: ~I Annandilt~plon Dave Merr •no Prlcao 11 $ 15 mheo to 1 50o donation 19 Ille JS2o the day ' ot lh•no flclrers 818 Call (2131 881 ~0 uctlble. • melchJ The ~ 18 form or• lntormauon. McCOttMIC« MORTUAllfS L aguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495· 1776 HUIOtt LAW,._MT. OLIVI Mortuary • Cemecery Crematory 1625 Gosier Ave Cosca M esa 540-5554 "UCI HOTHHS HU. HOADWAY MOITUAlY 110 Broadw ay Costa Mesa ~2·9150 IAL Tl IH,.HOH SMITH & TVTHILL WISTCLIFf CHA'll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 "UCf HOTHHS SMITH$' MOITUAl'Y 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 DEATHS ELSEWHERE NEW YORK (AP) - nford Moore, 68. w inner of the 1972 Nobel P riz.e for ch em istry for hlS paoneenng w ork an d eciphering t h e a;tr uc1ure o f en zym es and p r o t eins. died M o nday an apparent suicide. C ARLS BAD. N .M . (AP) -E o.nic C. "Tex" H elm, 79, who photographed th e Big Room a t Carlsbad Caver ns N auonal P ar k with a world's rl'eOr d 2,400 flash bulbs, h as died. TORRlNG T O N , Conn (AP) -Raymond Poad, 80, former head football coach at Yale Uruvenuy, has died P o nd produced two He.isman T r ophy Award-w in ners - C lint F r a n k and Lar r y K elJey -d uring ht. tenure at the helm of Yale football f rom 1934-40. LOS ANGELES (AP) Artbar H. Rade, 92, who rOlle from owner of a smaU lire diatrlbutonh lp to board chairman o f A etojet General Corp .. haa died. Orange OoHt OAILY PILOTJThurtdey, Aug1.111 28, 1982 5 NFL schedule MUC MOtlCf NOTICI Of' TlllUeJll'e IA'-9 ........... ,..,. rtaJC NOTICE Mlle NOTICC NOY'ICI Of' tl!UHU'I I.AU ;;aytea .WrflMO MDI ~ ..._ 1011U2 NOtlOa H "ClV GNVoi l"tt Y.I. * ,..-11 Meltd P'ottOU-11 tor tur1111Nn11 .. MOnct °' MMllHM.'1 IM.1 dlK ONI .......... 1.11 ""'" WI Or••ll B a y II MMwlUkM , noon At11n11 11 lffW Vort. 011011 c 111e11410 " 09\ron Clevtf1nd •I Suna. HOUtlOft II Cl11Clnn1t1 K•nua City II l ut1110 Mltmt 11 ,..._ Yori. Jet• N..-fno••nd ti l•lllm0<• Oallll/\d el 8•n r rtnGlllOO 81 LOUii 11 Ntw Orltenl .... Otego II D•IW•f T1mp1 B•r •I M1n11H ol• Welhlnoton 11 Phllad411pllll MoMty, 9ttlt.11 Pllttt>urgh 11 O.llu , n WHICTWO Thllffdty • .., .. ,. Mlr111H 01' at BuN11lo, n lul\Clay, hp!. 1• 0.lrOll II ll-1 BAlllmO<e '1 Ml•ml C1ncu1n•11 11 Pllt1bvrgll Oall•a t i St Loult N..-Or ... nt ti ClllGtgO N-York Jt ll ,, New Enolll\O Oeklllld 11 .A.t11nt1 Plllladtlphl• •I Clevt41nd Si n Diego 11 K1n111 Clly Sen Fr1nclaoo 11 O.nvt< s .. 111e 11 Houlton Wuhlnoton 11 l•mP• Bey ~y.ltl)l.20 Oreen Bay Ill Ntw V0tk Olan11 WEEK THllH Thuradey, lepl. 2' Alllnta at KanaH City, n Sundey, ltpt. 1t Ram• at P11111oetp111e Butlalo at Houaaon CnlCIQO 11 Sen franc1tco 011189 el Minne1011 Oenve< at New Orlee111 Ml1m1 al Green Bey New York Glt nt1 el Pittsburgh N-York Jels at Balumore Oaklend al Sen O<ego SI LOUIS II WHhlngton Seattle Of N-Enol•nd Tampa Bay 11 Detroit Monct•y • ..,, •. 27 C1ncinna11 al Cltvetend, n WEEK l'OUft Sunday. ()qt.) ftema at St Loult Belllmore 11 Detroit C1evet1no al W..,,lngton Houston at New Vork Jttt Kanau Coty at Se•llle M11m1 •t C1nclnneu Mlnnesot1 at Chicago New England at Buit110 New Orleans 11 Oakland New 'l'ork G11n11 at Oallas Plllladtlplllil VI Green Bey al Mtlwaukte n PlllSbutgll al DenYll< San Otego II Allant• Monday Oct .• Sen Francisco 11 T•mpa Bay. n WUK FIVE Sunday Ocl. 10 Allanta et Rame BYllalo al Balllmore C1nc1nn811 et New Enoland Cleveland at Oakland Oe!1ver at N-'l'ork Jtts Detroit at Miami Green Bay at Chic.go Houston at Kansai City Minnesota at T1mp1 Bty St Louis 11 N-'l'O<k Giants San Frenc;sco at New Or1Nn1 Saellle al San Olego Wasllonglon al D•llH Mond11. Oct, 11 Phlladetptua •I Plltaburgll. n WHK l lJI l utldty. Oct. 11 "-'• at San Franc1tc0 Allente 111 Detroit Btlllm<><e 11 Ci.v.land Cllk:aQO at St Loull c1nc1nn111 •1 N-'l'ork Ol1nl9 Danas •I Pllllldelphle Denver al Houston l(anHs City 11 San Diego New England 11 Mleml N-Orleans 11 Mlnnet011 Oakland at S..lllt Pltltl>Urgll ti WuNnglon l tmPll Bay al Grttr1 Bay ltlondly. Ocl. 11 BuftllO 11 -Yoflol Jltl1 n W1!U ll'nN SUndaf, Oct. 24 New OOean1 ea "-'• Clevtland al Plllt burgh Ml1mt 11 Benlmor• Delles 11 C1nonna11, n Oakland al OenV1tl St Louis II New Enolend San Diego et S..lllt Sen Francisco ti Alltn41 Tempa Bay al ChlCagO w a1111ngton al Houston ll•llrc>•I a1 BYlltlO New vor~ Jels el Kenaaa c11y Gr~ Bay at MollnlM>ta r.aoncs.y. Oc1. 25 New York Glentt II Plllllldelphl•. WftK flGKT Sund•y. Oct. S1 Rtm• 11 S81'1 Diego At1111t1 at New Orlean• Buffalo 11 0enll1tf CnlcaQo al Gr_.. Bay Dtllas 11 New Vork Giants Hou11on el Cievetlncl Miami 11 Oakland New England at New York Jell PhttaOetpllll II SI LOUIS Plllsburgll •I ClnClnnl ll San Francisco at Wutllnolon Suttle at Kit\ ... City Tempe B;iy 11 Btltlmor• Mot>d•f ...... 1 OetrOlt at MlnnM011. n WEEK NINI! 811ndllf, ..... 1 ftllf'f'll al N-Orltant .A.llenta 11 ChlCagO ~llllmor• II New Engteno Denver al S.1lllt O.trou 11 Phtlldtlphlt Green ~ay at Tempt Hout10<1 at Pltlabvrgll Kt1nses City el O•kland Mlnnet0ta at Sen Francltco New York Olanta at Cltvetand New York Jtll II Butfllo St louts II Olltaa Waahlngton 11 Cincinnati Mondty ....... S•n OltQo 11 Mleml WHX Tilt lun4ey ...... , .. N9w Vortt Olentt •I "-t Bullllo •• NeW En9'8nCI Chlc4go 11 T 1mpa Bey Clnctnn•ll 11 HOUltOft Scott never Clewteno 11 Ml1111I Qallu .. Ifill Ff ltlCllCIO Oe!lvtr •I 1<ai1t .. City OrMll Bty al O.trtllt Minnesota ., WHhlr)jl011 ~ OrlMtl• ., I an OleQO N9w 'l'orli .Jtlt 11 Plt11bvrg11 Oekllnd ti D1111mor• IMllle 11 81 LOUii M9ftdt1, Nov. 11 P11111delpnle •t At11nt1, n WHK ILIVIN 11tnur. No•. 11 lll•m• ti All•nte Balllmott 11 New Yori. Je11 C1nG1nn1U 11 Phlll Otlphlt O.t•Oll et ClllCllQO K1ntU City el New O•IMnt Miami at Sulf•lo Mlnn .. 011 v1 Or•en lhly •t MllwlukM New England •I Cl•v••and PllltbUrgh 11 Hout ton San 'r1no11Go I I St LOUii SH iii• •t O.n11t1 T 1mp• Bey 11 0111 .. W11hlng1on 11 N-V0tk Q11n11 Mottday, Now. n Si n oi.go •• Oakllnd Wll!K TWl!LVl •und•y, Nov. al K1n1aa City II ll•m• B•lllmore II Burtalo ClllC890 11 MlnnffOll Oenll1tf •I S•n Diego Grten Bey 11 New Ve><k J•ll Houtton 11 New Engl111d New Ori.ans 11 S•n Fr1nc1aco OaJcland 11 Clnclnn111 Pht1adelp111a at w .. h1no1on Plt11burgh at Su •ll• St Louis •• At11n1a Motlday, No•. 2t M11m1 11 Tampa Bly, n WE[K THlllTHN Thuredly, Dec. 2 Sttn Frenc:11co al lleme. n 9unday,0.0, 5 Atlante 11 Denver Bu11110 vs Green Bey 111 Miiwaukee C1nc1nn111 11 Blll11mo1e 011111 et Waalllngton Houston at N-Vori. G1an11 1(1nt111 CllV 11 PlllSburgll MlnnH Ol8 Ill Ml•ml N•w England •• Chicago SI Louis II Phll&O•lphl1 Sen Diego 11 Clevtltnd s .. ult at OeklancJ T1m p1 Bay II N-Orltans Moftdly.Oec .• N•w Yor~ Jell •I O.trOll. n WEEK FOURTEEN l 1111rdty. Dec. 11 Phlledetpllla •I Ntw 'l'ork Giants San Diego 11 Sen Francisco Sund•y. Dec. 12 Oenvtf at ftllf'f'lt Baltimore 11 Mlnn•sot• Chicago at Selllll Cl•vtl•nd at Cincinnati Detroit at Gr.en Bay Miami 111 N1w England N-Orleans et Atlanta Oektend at Kanaat City Plllsbutgll II Bull110 Tampa 8ey at New Vork Waa111nglon at St Louil Monday. Dec. 11 Da1111 at Houston WEEK FIFT£EN Salvrdey. Dec. 11 lltm• at Oakland New York Jets " M11m1 Sunday, Dec. 11 Green Bay at Batalmore Pl11sburg11 at Clt•t11no Kansas City at Oenvtr Houston at Pllllldtlpllle N-Englano 11 SHiii& All1n111 al Sen FranolllCO Sa Louis at Clllcago New Orleans al Oallu Mmneaott II o.trOll New Y0<" Glints 11 ..waetolngton Bulf•lo at Tempi Bey r.aoncs.y. o.c. 20 C1nc1nnall 111 San Olego WEEK llXTH N Sundey, Dec. 2t ClllCtgO et "-9 B11t1mot• at S.n Dltgo Se• II le at Clnc:lnnall CleYetand Ill\ Houlton Oenv8" 11 Oeklend San Frencl~ II K•n ... Clly New Enoland 11 P1111bUrg11 New York Jett 91 Minnesota Grtefl Bey 11 Atlanta Phlladelphla et OtflH O.trOll at hmpa Bey W•shlngton •1 New Orlelns N-Yor .. 018111• •I SI Louil Monda,, °"· 21 Bulftlo 11 Mllll'll 'YI, ......... a u ALING TON "NANCIA L S!AVICH. INC .. duly aj)l>Qlnltd Trull•• unll•r Iha following 0 .. 0110.0 OM<I ot ltu•I Wll.L 81lL.L Al l'UI LIC AUCTION TO TH I rHOHU f 11001~ ,OA C.A.8H IP•yt ble •I time of Nje In l•w!UI money of lhe Unlttd 8t1IH ) Ill rl(lflt 1111• end tnltf"1 c;on¥1t)'9(1 to 111d now lltld by II undtl N ici OM<I ol Tru•t 1n 11141 Pfopetly l\4Ht1n11t1t d•torlbed TAUSTOA PE1!A H ASHER, I t ingle man 8CN EFICIAA'I' M IOWf;IST PACIFIC FINANCIAL INC , 1 CO<pot •llOll Ateord•d Augu11 '8. 1HO •• 1n11r No 39101 In OOOk 13724. P•Ot 7!<1 Of OlllGlet Atc:O<dt In Ille onlce 01 1he RecO•d•r 01 01•n11• C0un1y, H id Otte<l Of trual ONCrll>ff Ille IOllOwlng P•Ooerly PARCEL 1 ~OI 31 or lrect No 10347. 111 Ille City or 1rv1nt. County of Orenge. Stele or CelUorn1e. H P" rn•P 1ec;orded 1n l>OOk 489 IHIOff 37 10 39 1nc;lua•v•. M11c•llaneou1 M•P•. 1n lh41 otl!Ge ol tlle Counly Recorder ol H IO Coun•y EXCEPT THEREFROM ell oll. gee. m1ne11l1 •nd 0111t< llyOrocerbon• betOw I dtplh Of 500 IM I, wllllOUI Ill• riglll 01 1u1tace e ntry, •• r...,-.,.0 In lnllrumenta or rec:oro PARCEL 2 EaHmenls et HI lortll 111 Ille Sections enlllled ··c ertain E11emen11 lur Ownerl' and "Suppo1 1. Setlle m tnt e nd Encroac11ment" or lhe Article en1111e o · E•••menlt' of the Oecl1rat1on ol Covonenta. Cono111ona 1no Ret1r1c11on• Oeacrlbed In 'SUBJECT TO .• below (the ··0ec:1ara11on") P.-.ACEL 3 EeHmenll u 11.1011 tH•m•nts ore partlc;ularly HI 101111 In the Article enlllleO ··E1Hm1n11·· ol 111e D e cle r otlon ol Co••n1 n11 Condition• •no Ret111c11011s Oeacrlbed In 'SUBJECT TO' OelOW (th• Maaaer Oec111r111on ') unoer Ill• Section Heeding• In IUCll Article anlllled as lollow• ··0wner·1 Rights end Duties. u111111e1 and C•ble T•l•vl11on," "Sldeya10 Euements". ·Suppor t a nd S•tllem e nt '. 'Enc:roacnmenf''. end "Community Facllltles Eueme<1t PARCEL <1· An ea1emen1 lor Common Dr1veway purpoae1 •• described 1n tll• S•ctlon en1111eo Cnmmon Driveway Eaaemant" 01 111e Article an1111a o "Easemenu" o l I lle 0ec111111on "VOU .A.RE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST 22 1980 UNLESS YOU TAl(E ACTION TO PAOlECT VOUA PROPERTY IT M AY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF 'l'OU NEED .-,N EXPLANATION OF THE NA TUAE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, VOU SHOULO CONTACT A LAWVER' 22 Sllklee•. lrVlnt. C1Jlforn11 (II e street address or common de11gn111on Is shown 1bov11 no w err11n1y IS given •s 10 119 comp1e1eneu or c0<rec1neu.)" I lie benellelary unoer tald Deed ol lru~t. by reason ol a breach or Oel1ull In the obllg1tlon1 secureO thereby herttofor• eaec:uaeo ano O&ll••~•d to lhe undersigned I wrln•n DeclarlllOn or Oeteull 1110 Oemeno for Sale. ano wrllle<1 notice ot t>re•cll and of eleCllOn lo cause 111e under si gned lo tell sa id property 10 uusry aa1d obllgallons. and tlleraeller Ille upders1g11ed caused aald notioe ot bre•cll ano ol etecllon to be Recoroed April 30. 1982 as 1n1tr No 82-149090 ot said Ofl1Cl1I Records S•td n le wlll be m ade l>ut w1111out covenant Of w1rr1n1v expreu or lmplltd. reg11dlng 1111t. poueulon. or encumbr1nce1, 10 pay Ille remain1no pr1nc1p11 sum of the note(a) MCUrtd l>Y Mid o..d of Tru11. wflll lnl8"9SI '" In tale! note p•ovlded. adva~. II any. undtr lhe terms of H od 0M d ol Trust I-. cfltrgeS end ••P'"-Of tl>t TrutlM ~ 01 lhe lrutll CfMl&O l>y H id o..d ol Trvst. Said .. 1e wlfl oe 11110 on Friday. September 3, 1982 at 2 00 p m al 111e ChlPf!\811 Avenue entrance, to 111e CMc Cen111r Bulldlno, JOO East Clltpm1n Av•nu•, 1n Ille City ol Or•nQt At tlle llm• of Ille l n l lla l pubtlcetlon of 11111 notic.. Ille total amount ol Ille unpeld belence ol th• obllga11on s9<:ured bf lhe abov• -------------·! descrloeo deed o tru11 and aa11mated coat•. •MP1n1e1. end I O•encH 11 $120,42535 Ml.IC NOTICE K-tUH NOTICE OF DEATH OF KEN NETH EU G E NE WILBER, SR . AN D OF PETITION TO ADMJNISTER EST ATE NO. A-1141%0. To determine Ille opening bid you mty call (714) 5&'-8333 01te Auguat 2. 1912 BURLINGTON FINANCIAL SERVICES. INC B y T 0 SE R V IC E COMPANY agent t K 0 fl f' 0 M 0 RT 0 A Q l l•llor m eterlah •11111tpme11t CORl'ORAllQt.I •• duly ~nted l"n1po11a11on end 1uo11 0111•• Tiu•••• und•r lilt follow ing •clllll••" m•y b• reQu1t1d •or dHCllbtd U..0 ol llutl Will 6tll OR.A.IN.A.OE IMPROVEM[NT8 '0A Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO fH( ALLEY NORTH or t1TH ITfll(l!T HIO HH T llOOIA f Qfll C ASH BE IWEfN IRVINC AHO fUITtN IP•y•blt •I lllfll ol ••'41 In l•wful AVl!NUP will be •Kel"9d l>Y th• mon•r 01 '"• Un ited l l•t11) ell Coy ot C0tt• M ... at tt1e Office ol r1gh1 mie eno 1n1., .. 1 c:onY1tYtd 10 111t cuy ci.11. 11 , '" 0r111e. eo.u ••'<I now held by II unO.. Nici OMd M"' Cellf0tnl1, unlll the hour ol Of Tru11 In lhe pro~ty lltf•ln1fl•1 11 00 1 rn Sept.mt>tt t tlle:l. et oe.c;rlbed w111ch llrne they •Ill be op1n•d TAUSIOA QA.A.HAM 0.A.TES end PUbllc;l1 •nd 191<1 11oud In the CAROL 0 Afl!S. nuabanCI llfld Wile Cou n cl I Ch 1 mber 1 S • 1l •d l l NCflCIAA'I' M U JANfll propot•l1 thtll Dtat Ille 1111• ol the COMPANY. INC , a corporl llOfl wor~ t nd the namt ol tht blddtt Aeoorded M•~ 'I 198 I .. Instr l>UI no Olhtr dllllngUlttllng m11k1. No 12139 In book 140&2 peg• Any 010 rtc e1ved •titr t h e t&e3 ol ONIC!lll AtGoro1111 Ille olllGe •Clledul•d c1011ng llm• 101 tll• of tllt Rtcord., ot Ore11ge Countr. r-pt of OIOI 11'1•11 l>lt r11urrlt0 10 H id 0 .. 0 01 lru•I Ol!•Orll>H lhe In• l>IOdtt uO(X)<tlltO ti lhAll l)t Ille IOllOwlnQ P•OP••ty IOI• reapOrltll)lllly <ii Ille t)IOder 10 A au11te.u•1101u •ttal• at 11Htr1A1n1101d11rtet1v•d ln propef cr•tteU by 111111 1;ar111n 1ubl•u• um• 011.0 Maren ·n . t\171l lor th41 ttrfl1 A NI ut pl'"'· SPtc••I l'rov1tlon1 Of 60 Y••r-l1om Octoo.r 11!> 1978 •11(1 1d<1111ona 10 G8"eraJ Prov11ion1 ••teuled by W1111em 0 Gr•y •n<I 1., Ille Sland•rd SPflCJflCll•on• m1y M•110• N Gray. llUll>lnd an<I w•I• be Obl11n9(1 •• Ille OlllC• or Ille City •• 1..-aor. end Whltmor HomH Inc Engineer 11 ~oir Oflve Cotti " Ce111orn11 c:orl>Qfallor1 H ltoHee M ti s o C o 1 1 f or n 1 a . u po n voon ano subteot to •II ot lht term•. norirelundeulo payment ot S 10 00 aovanettl• end provmona 111are1n An eddl11on111 choroa of S2 00 w1R be prov1d11d. r11Cord•C1 Mar'h 3 t 1978 mtO• 1f n11ndl11d br mill Pl•ns, 1n 1>ook 12018, P•O• 14fl1, 0111~1at ,pet111ca11on• 1111d 01h•1 coottaet Rec:ord1 documttlll 111ay alto De •••nuned An tn1trumtr11 ctec1ar1ng • at 111<1 Ofl1t• ol llHI C••r Cltt1i.. ot Ille mod1l1Ca11on or 1menorn1111 ot u1C1 City 01 Coue Meu t1Jbl•1111 wu recorOed M•rcn 13. Each old s11a11 be mi1Clt1 on me 1979 1n book 13068. page l t.78 Proposal l<>rm. slle&IS P·l tllrougn Oll1c101 Aacoros R11rerence being p 8 (HOv•tle<l '" tile contract mad• to Ille reco1d 111ureo t lor do"uments and 111a11 ue funn111 partlculera t1t.Cumpan111d oy e c er1111ao or lllt 1n1ere1t ot 1110 101100 llas c11111er • check or a b•d bone lo• since passed by an 1ns1rurne111 not 1eu 11111n 10'• ot Ille amount ot re,oroeo October 23 1979 11& me 1>1d mll<le payat>le 10 Ille C11y ol lntlrurnenl No 3•2<19 1n oook Costa M&Mt No proPOH I 111011 I><!! 13363 pege 1<143. Ofltelll Records cons1dere0 un18$t &ec:omponoeo by an<l by ollle< 1nstrumenas 01 record ~ucll c~sh1er ·~ c'1ac~ on~I>. or to M D J•nes Company, inc P b10der s bond Co111orn1u corporation No bid ehull oe considered un1eu The subleslff t 1nta1es1 '" and 11 19 mad• on a blank form furnished 10 uld sublease hH been 111og1180 by the Cny ol Colla Mn• end 1s 10 lt'8 vestees nere1n by mesne maoe on accoraonce w11n '"" assognrnenas of 1ecoru pro" 1s1 on~ o t 1111> Prop o ~a 1 VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A r•quorements OIEO OF TRUST DATED APRIL 21, Eacll tloOOer muat 1>t1 lt<-ero!led as 1M1 UNLESS VOU TAKE ACTION rlQulr&CI t>r law TO PllOTECT VOUR PROPERTV. Tne Coty Council ot 1t1e C.11y o l IT MAV •E SOLO AT A PUBLIC Co61e Mesa reserves lh11 rognt lo I A L I! I F Y 0 U N I E 0 A N re1ec1 any or all D1ds EXPLANATION OF TH[ NATURE Tnt> Conlractor shall comply w1111 OF THE l'ROCEEOINO AOAINIT Ille provisions of Section 1770 to YOU. 'l'OU SHOULD CONTACT A t 780 1nctus1ve ot tne California L AWVER. <107 Bryson Sp11n9s Lel>O< C'odl' Ille p<eva11tng rate eno Co1111 MeH. C11tlorn1a scale ot wages t1Stab1ts1180 by tlle (If a street address or common Coty ot Coste Mesa which are llleO deS1gna11on Is shown a Dove no w1111 Ille City Clerk of said C11r . and war ran I y 1 s g 1 v tin es Io 11 s shall 1orfe11 penaltte5 prescribed Gompleteness or co1rec1na111 111erem tor noncomp11ar1co1 ot the Tiie benel1c1ary under sa•CI Oeod sa10 Cooe ol Ttusl tly re11soo ot a braac:ll 0< Eileen P Phinney ot1au11 on Ille ot>logahons secureo C11r Cllrlo. of me 1nere1>y 11eretofo1e a•eculed eno Cty 01 Cosaa Mesa Oehve1ed to Ille undersigned a PuDhslled Orange Coa~t Oaoly wrollen Declarat•on 01 Oel•ull ano P1101 Aug 26. Sept I 1982 Demand 101 Sele. and w1111en no11ce 3788-8? ol bre11cl• and ol e1ec11on 10 cause the undersigned 10 sell u10 property lo satisfy sa10 obllgallons and 1'1erea•ter lhe unoers1gneo ceuseo said notice 01 1>reec11 and 01 electton 10 oe 1ecoroed May t• 1982 as instr No 82· 1681• 1 01 said Oll1C1a1 Records Sa10 sale will be made. but w11hou1 covenant or worranty. e:.preu or 1mplled. r119ardlng lltle. poasen•on. or encumbranoes. to pay tlle rema1n1ng principal sum ol the note(sl secu•eO by n•d Deed ol Trust. w1111 1nte<es1 as on said note provided. advances. 11 any under Ille terms ol said Deed of Trust '"'· charges end expenHI of Ille Truslee end of the trustS created Dr said OeaO 01 Trust. Said sale wtll l>I hetd on Fr1day, Setptemt>er 17, 1082 11 2 00 pm at the Cllepmen AvenU<t 1111rance to the C••lC Cente< BullClong JOO W Chipman Avenue 1n Ille City 01 Orange, C•lllorn1a At t he t i me 0 1 Ille 1n111a1 pu1>loca11on of 1h11 no1tca 11111 10101 amount of tlle unpaid belance 01 Ille obllg1t1on secured Oy lh• above Oescrlb ed oeed ot 1ru11 and eat1mated cos•s. ••Pllnses and advances 19 S92.853 BS To de1erm1ne Ille o pening bod rou mey call (7141 937-0966 Diie August 17 1982 SKO-FED MOR T GAGE CORP H said Trustee. By T 0 SERVICE CO , agent By Vicki J A11drl0ge AsSIStant Secretary Ono Cny Boulevsrd West. Orange. CA 92668 714/835-8288 PUDllslled Orange Co111 Oa11y Pilot. Aug 26. s.c>t 2. 9 1982 3786-82 P\&.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF BULi( TRANSFER (l ee. 1101 ... 107 U.C.C.) PU8LIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING 8105 810 ITEM NO. 551 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllat sealeo proposals will be rece11ted l>y Tiie coy of Costa Mesa to wit Tiie C11v Councll, P O Bo~ 1200. Cosaa Mesa Callforn1"' 92626. on or· Delore the 11our 01 1 I 00 a m on Frroay Seplernbcr 10. t982 II Shall bP 11\e responslblllty OI Ille b100er 10 OPhver 111s Diel to Ille C•ty Clerk s Oll•ce by tlle proper announced ume B•OS will l>e put>locly openeo and reao aloud at t 1 00 a m .,, as soon lllerealler es prac1tc11ble, on ~r1dey Seplember 10. 1982. m Ille Council Chambers C11y Hell, 17 Fe11 Drtve Costa Mesa Celltorn•a. lor ll'le turnosn1ng ol TWO 121 EACH SMAll TRUCK lVPE CHASSIS A 001t1on a 1 sell o f tne sp0e1roca11ons may t>e 01>1a1neo at '"" o uoce or the Purc11111ng Age111 77 F 1111 011ve Cost a M esa Cahrorn111 Bids slloulO oe returned to lhe 111ten11on 01 Ille City Cler~ w11111n s111d t•me ltmll. In e sealed envetope ld8"tlll40 on Ille outside ..,,,. ·~ a.o 11ern Numb&r ano 111e Opening 0 81e Eacll b•O 111a11 spec1ry aacll and Pvery llom as sat 1or111 on Ille soeco11ca11on• Any and all e~cep11on6 to 1ne speclf1ca11ons must ~ clearly stateo 1n lll<I Did and lallure to sa.t torlh eny 118"' on "'" spec1llca11ons shall be grounds 1or re1ec1oon '•Ol•n l"lalnlllfl n '"'"" (Dtlltnel#IO. Ho D lh 110 8y Vlr1"4 of .,, ...-,,llOt\ 11-' °" July 20 198:1 by tht ISupe110r C011rt. Counly of Oranoti Bette ol Callforn11 upon • luo0"*"' .nlertd In lavof ol K•llll••n '•0111n H jU(Jglnen1 oredllOt(I) anCI IC)tilrfM C J a rn •• '•btan •• Judomen t dtt>tort•J. ~·""' ~"' 122 222 83 1c1u1lly due on H id 1udgm•n1 on II•• d ele ol the 1111 .. nce 01 alllCI e•eoullon. I h•ve i.v1.0 ul)O<I •II llW right. lllle end 1n1e1"1 ot 1110 1udgm111t Cl•blor(•J 1n tht proiterty In the County of Orange 9 1•1• o t C•lllorn11 O.CrtbtO H IOllOwl The l aat91ty • 111 00 of '"" f)O<llon Ol llOca• 00 •nd CC OI ""'"''"' •• Ptr mep recorOICI 1n bOOll :15. PtO" T1 Ind 78 Of Mt!IC4lll•ntOUI A-dt In Ille ofl•c• ot tile Cou111y Alcordtl ot Lot Angele• C ounty C111tornl• 1nc1udlng port1on1 ol Ivy Av•nu• end lemon Str•tt 1dto1ntng OftCrtbed 11 • whole u totlOwl Begmn1ng et • point on m• WHI une 01 ~.,DO< Bou1 .. 11d d1a11ni N orth 100 00 l•tt loom l he u11erMG11on 1ner11<>t wllh me South llne ol tile unnamltd a11-.1 t30 lea1 w1de1 odJ01n1no tall! Rrncka <111 11111 South thence W••terty p11ri111 .. 1 w1111 u10 South 11ne 10 tne we1t line ot ,.,d Block CC 11111nce Nortnerly 200 00 fMt elong '"" w.-1 line ot '\\i110 BIOCk CC Ind 111 northerly prOlong1111on tll11nce [e11edy '1••allel w1111 aa1d Soulll llne 10 u 10 WeSI line or Harbor Boulevard thence Soulllerly 200 00 leet Ill the poonl OI 1>eg1nn1ng E•cep1 one hall of all m1ne11ls ore& prec•Ou:> and u'9lul meaal subslanc;es ano llydrocart)l)nS ot evtory l..•nd 1no ~haracte1 1nclu011lQ oearoieum oo gu ••Pllaltum ano 1ar 1n11 may now or here11ter De 10.,110 loc;a 1ed <:Ot1 ta1ned ot,.elop•d or 1aMen 1n under or l1om S81d 19f'O l>ul wllllOul the 111)1'11 to us1t 1110 sur1ace ot IMl•O land tor anv purpose or lo enter up0n Ille !IU1 lace ot tor any ourp0se 01 10 pe trale 01 to enlar upon tne 1anO In ny way at a Oeplll from Ille surface lhereol less tnen ~ teet as reserv60 l>y H E Carner. a rnorrieO man dnO J G Alleri. a marrted m1111 on tlle Oe.!CI recorded Aug .. st 28 1956 on book 3626 pege 3t of OU1c1a1 Recoros in me omce 01 111e Counly RecorOe< 01 satO Coun1y Also e•c:ept one .nail o l a11 mon&fals ores. prec10<.o' anll uselul m ll tal suD,t ances and nrorocarDons 01 every ~1n<l and cnarac1e1, 1ncluo1ng petroleum, 011, ga~ asphallum and 1ar lhal may now roerealler be tounO located t.Onta1ned oevetopeO 01 taken on under or lrom sarO land bul w1t110ut 111e ughl 10 use 111e sorlace ot sa•d 1ano for any purpose or to enter upon 111e surlace of Silld land lor any Durpose or 10 penn1ra1e or 10 f'11ler upon the land 1n any way at a dePlh lrom the surlaca mereot les" lhan SOO leet. es res.,r.eo bv G!'orge O Buccola 1n deec "'cordeel No.ember 13 1956 '" too~ 3709 page 181 of 0 111c1a1 Reco1os Commonly ~nown as 2645 Ha•bO• 80 .. l&•aro Coty ol Cosla Mesa Counly o l Orange. S taie o f C111t1orn1a NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN lllat on waoneSday Sepl 1s111 1982. at 2 UO o cfock p m at lro n1 or Cou1111ouse 460 I J1m1>0<ee Blvo Coty ot N-por1 Beach County 01 O•arwoie. State ot Cahtornoa. I will sell al pu1>hc auct•on 10 tne h1ghes1 b•dder lor cull 1n lawful money ol '"" Un•led States all Ille roght 1111e and 1n1eres1 ol said 1udgmen1 oeo1011s1 1n tne above oascroDl!d property or !oO mucll lllereot es may be necessary to s.i11~ty sa•d e <8c.Yhon w11n accrueo onle<est auo C.MIS DATEO AuQUSI 19 1982 01••&1on 11ar1><>< DON£ RHEA Mars1111I Orange Cou111, By 8 Smith OePVIV Curll• L Genvn11 P111nt1ll s Allorney 151t1 E Wh1111er Blvd •460 WM lier. CA 90603 1?131698-8241 Publlslled Orange Coas1 D111ly P1101 . .-.ug 26 Seot 2 9 1982 3765-82 P\8.IC NOTICE NOTICE IHVITtHO 8108 Noloce is 11ere1>y given lhll tlle Board ot Trustee s of the Coast Community College OISlrlCI of Orange County Cal1lorn1a will receive sea1eo bids up 10 11 00 am Tuesoay Sep1em1>1t< 1• t982 at 1ne Purcnas1ng Oep1rtmen1 of sa10 col1898 district IOclteO 11 t370 Adams Averoue Costa Mesa Ca11t0tn•a at which lime sa•O l>tds w111 be publicly openeo end reeo tor PAIN I ING O F NE WSPAPER To all heirs, beneficiaries. cr editor s a nd contingen t South. creditors of Kenneth Eugene W ilber, Sr. and persons who By Chris T1.le1u1 Aatlstanl S.Cret8f)' 3833 Ca mino del Rio TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice I~ hereby given to Ille C•edltors of NEWPORl SAFE PLACE LTD . e Ctllfornltl limited P81fntrsh1p. Transrerors whose business addrets 1s 19600 F11rclllld. Su•te 260 lrvlM. County ot Orenge. Suite 204 Saata ot Callrorn111 92715 that a Stn Otego. CA 92108 Dull< trenster is 11>0ul 10 bt made to (71<1) 58'-8288 EAN OS T EVANS. Trensl eree. Cacll b•O shall sel f0<tn 1ne full names eno res10ences or en per90ns ano p11r11ea interested 1n the pr oposa1 II the bid is by a coroor a11on state the names of the of11ce1s wllo con Sign 8n 9greemen1 on bellan ol 111e corpor1111on and wllelller mure lllan one ollicer mull sign II Ille b•d •s by a pan11ersll1p or 11 IO'nl venture 5tete trwt names ano adO•esse5 of all gener 11 panners and 101n1 venturer~ If llle 1>+008< is a !>Ole pfopr1e1ors111p or ano111er en111y 1na1 doe' business 1mder a 11c1111ou.s nom!' lhe b1<l shall be 1n the r«rat nem o ol the b •OOer w1111 a dt"gnallon following showing OBA tthe 1oc1t1tous name) prov1oad llowove< no ric1tt1ous name 111111 t>e usao unless there is • curr•nt req1str111on wotll Ille Orenge County AecorOllf In c;all! ol c0tpora11ons, 1nctu~ Ille names ol lhe Preal<le<1I. S!!Cretary. Tre81ufer ano Manager BRANDING IRON FOR 1982-83 SCHOOL EAR W/OPTION OF 4 ONE VE.A.A RENEWALS All b10s ere 10 I><!! 1n ac:cordanc:e wolll 11111 Biel F0<m tn11tuc:tt0ns ano Cono111ons and Spec1l1Gatt0n1 wlltcll are now on Ille and may l>e MCUf"ed In Ille OlllC& ol Ille Purch111ng Agen1 of said C::Olll)Qil dlSlllCI may be oth erwise In terested in the w ill and/or estate: A petition h as been filed by S h ir ley Victo ry in t h e S uperio r Court o f O range County r e questing t hat S hirley Victory be appotnted as per80nal repreeen tative to admin i ster the estate of K enneth Eugene W ilber, Sr ., Costa M esa, CA (under the lndependen t Administration of F.states Act). The peu tion 1s set tor hearing sn Dept. N o 3 at 700 C ivic Cen ter Drive West, San~ Ana. CA 92701 on Sept.ember 15, 1982 at 9:30 a .m . IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition . you should either appear "t the hearing and at a te y o ur objections o r file written obJecu on s w i th the cou rt before the h earing. Y o ur appearance may be in peMIOl\ PubllalleO Orange Coa11 ')ellr wlloa. bu9tness aOdreu it 1 Rue du Piiot. ~ug 12. 19, 26. 11182 Pare. Newport Ba11c:h. County 01 'IVW-R"I Ortnge Slllle ot Callfornl• 92660 Tiie prooerty to be 1renlltrred 19 "'8l.IC NOTIC£ loc•led 111 2081 Sen Jo•QIHn Hills STAT ... if;' Of AllANC>OtfMINT Road N•wporl BHCh. Counly Of' uaa.cw ncnrtoul · ot Ortnge . Sti tt of C•lltornla 92660 • •uaNll NAMa The property to be trsnalarred la Th• lollowlno perton1 n_ev• •oceiecr ,1 2081 S•n Joaquin HlllS ab•ndorwod the uM ot the tlcllllOYa bufllf'I ... n•~ NEWPORT MARINE AOIO Newport Bt ecll County ot ENGINEERING at l 020 Wesl 17111 Or1ngt. Slltt of Ca111ornl1 g2660 S C Slid prop•tty 11 oescrlbad 1n lreet ost• Mese CA 92627 gen.,111 81 All 11ock on trad•. Th• ltclllloua bu11ne111 name ll•lurt• oqulpmenl/ano leese'1olO relerrtd to abovt wu llleO 1n the County Cieri\ • otllce °" Dec 18 gooo will OJ thel n t• bu11nen t98t ' known 88 NEWPORT SAFI! PLACE ROI Ofrvelopment Corp by J anCI located al 2081 San Joaquin R Jonnson PrH IClent t020 wesi Hiiie Rood. Newport Beach. County 17th s1reei:c0,18 Me.8. CA 92827 ~~6~1nge. Statt ot Celltornla ThebualneuwHconducted bY • Tiie bulk tr e nsflr wlll oe corpo1111on ROI ~tnt CCf consummtted on or all« the 11111 ......, • ...,,.,... P Oey ol Sec>tembef 1982 and d elms tr~:;son m1y ba llleo ., WELLS FARGO fllla stalem41tll Wat l~tO Wllll lhe BANK N A EtCtOW 0.plrlment, c c A• Escrow No 6•3·4025, Sult• A oun1y4 :-•II of Orangt County on 1230 860 Newport C11nter Drive. or by your auo~y. I F Y 0 U A R E A ,,._ C ..,... C REDlTOR or a con tingent 1---~-~_l_nv_T_IC_E __ _ U9 2 • 982 ,. lttl20 Newport Beech. County ot Orengt. Publi•ll•d oreng• CoH t O•llY State 01 C111t101n11 92060 or by mill P1tot. Aug 28. s.p1 2, 9, 18• 11182 ~~· 7280. Newpor1 Betel\ CA ___________ 3_79_M __ 2 All c;lerma mull bt rr.Alved 11 this --'1•~ f th d-----' "CTfTIOUa ., ..... ~ ..,r 0 e "'~· you NA• ITAT .. •NT The City Council 01 Ille City ot Colla Mesa reaervea the r19111 10 reft'CI any or all b1os Dated August 19 1982 Put>lltheo Orange Coest Delly PilOI Aug 26 1982 Each bidder muSI submll wnh 111s b•d a c•1ll1er·s clleclo. cerlllled chec k or 1>1dder s oond me<111 payebte to the o.der ol the Coast Community Collegt Dt11nc1 Board of Trusl-In an amounl not less 3799-82 11110 llvt percent (5%1 ot the sum -------------• b•O as 1 guaranaee that tile bidder .,..,LIC NOTICE will ent er into Ille proposed ruu Contrect 11 Ille same Is ewe<ded 10 __ N_O_T-IC_l!_T_O_C_ft_l_Of'T __ Ofl_S __ , him tn Ille event 01 t&Jlure 10 enter OF euuc TllANSf'll' 1nlo SUCll cont•KI. Ille p<OOMdS ol Ille Clleck wlll be for1t<ted or on Ille (S.Ca. t101·1107 U.C C.) clSt ol 1 bond lhe tuN tum lllereol Nollce 1a 11e<et>y given lo cre<lllO<s will be tortell .. d ro said college or llWI wtlll•n nem4K! tran1lt10< lhll • dlatrlCI bulk trenstar ''about to be m•O. on No blddet mey wltll<lr•w 1111 btd per1on111 property here1nafler '°' 1 ~rlod tor fort .11v9 (•SJ d'""" ~~~ed ~ y -·-Tilt nome and bueln'" addrllSI after the data set for the OP&r11fl0 thereof or the 1nt1nded trantltror II Tiie Botrd ot Trvtl-,_, A w A R 0 M 0 T 0 As I N c . a lhe p<lv .. ot re)ectlng tnY I nd Ill C1111orn11 co1por•t1on l680 bldtor 1o wllV9 any1rr~uler1t1es or Newport 811/d Coslt M tM CA TM locttlOn 1n Celll0<nle 0 1 the ~~~1;:i;1111ea in any bl or In 11\e chief •11ecut1ve oflloe or p<lnc;IPll Ne><man E Welson out1nau o mce 01 Iha Intended Secr1ltry 1ransfero1 11 1680 Newport Blvo.. Boero 01 Trusttes Colle M-. CA Cont Commun 1 C..,I All other busin•u n1mes •no OtstrlCI ' Y ""' •g• t dOrestH used by lht Intended Publllhed Oreng• CoH I Dilly tr•naferor within llH H yHra 1111 Piiot Aug 28 Seot 2 1982 Pl•I M> rsr "known to tht lna•noed . • • 3711942 trlf'ltferee ... NONE Ml.IC flOTtCE Tho nome end l>Utlnttt l ddre• ot th• lnt•nd•d tr•n•f•r •• •• CHAMPION MOTORCVCLES, tNC .. • C111tornl1 corp orttlon. 1980 ic.ona muat ftle your claim with the Tht tollowlng p•r•on 11 doing court or present It to t h e D\I~ u : investigated p e rson a) representat ive F A S HI ON NA ILS. 3 4 13 ap~oi n ted b y t h e court ~ BIYO .• Newport 8-h. CA eddre n by t h• H it!\ dey o f Sec>tembtr. 11162. ~ l"4t t>v1" tr101,.r 1l110 lncludel tht tranattr ot liquor llc•n ... In w111c11 eHe, ell clalmt mull be rte•tved p(for to Ille dlle on which the liquor ~ .. 11 tr11ntl1t"ed by Ille 0.p&rlmtnt ot Ak:OhOllC Btvet• ConlrOI Harbor Blvd .. Colle M-, CA FlCTITIOUa ., ..... Ttwll tht pr~ l)tl11ntnt hertto NA• aTAft•NT II Otecrlbtd In atntr•• .. A.If Of lhe Tiit lollow!ng l*'tOftl •• doing 11ock.jn.1f1dt. fUrnltUft , tlahlf1te. butl,_ n. ,AClfiC YllW MINOllAL 'AH Cerretery M ortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1 f1c View 011ve Newport Beach 644-2700 F 0 R T L A U D E R wl 1n four montha from the 01t TI11nh Ltll'ft. 1m v1et0<11 PORTLAND Ore (AP)_ ~ • date of flrat l11uan ce o f .-. .... 0 1 venic.. CA 90291 Hilliard Herbe~t Marki, 69, DA LE · F 1 a : ( A P) let t.en as provided In Sect.Ion T'tlll ·DIHllneM la cond~ICI by en So ftt u known to Ille lrtnt1erM . •ff bUtl""* n•.,_ Ind tddr'- u..O by Tr•n•'"°" tor Ille three y1&r1 fu t p1111. 11 0111Men1 trom •qulprn•nt , gooqwlll and trede T.A.ANUTZER Oil VENTURES, nerne of e o.illn r•tall tn01oroyc:11t 2916 Aed Hiii A....,.,., Sutt. 1'·200, •nd pttll 111<1 ~ bualnwa Cotta Men. CA NeH a J k Be • b .... -' la -T h e N a t 1 o n a I 700 of the Probate Code of lndMdUlll. be rtny a rou ..,r-1n -w b ll L 09t Lam a nd a n Em m y A ward -F oot a e~ue never Cal ifornia. T h e t ime f o r Thltett1.,..,t wullltd wtthiti. w lrmlng wrttt>r and prodUL"er in vestiga ted a police flllna claims w ill not expire County C.k Of 0r9nge coun1y Oil for the late comedian . hu repo rt that a f o r m e r prior to four months from Aug. 10, 1M2 All P .. t t a d the dat e o f th• hea rl n s ,,..... ;:==========;:;:.::::::;============;1 -r o •a e Y n ~ bov Publlt t>td Oreno• Co•tt 0111y another player we~e "°vou• M AcY EXAMI N E Piiot, Aug "· &ep1. 2, •. 1\·1~~2 THE BEST In reading enjoyment com&s to your home 7 days a week In the Dally Pilat 642-4321 I f o u n d In a .0 e o qp a the tue kept by the court. lf 1-----------11=-==1 book m • k er • h o m e you u e In t er eat ed In the P\llllC *>TIC( durlng a 1978 raJd, Fort estate, you may file a ~uesl '1CTfTIOU8 ..,... .. Lauderdale new spaper: w i th the court to receive llle =:T.:="" ......._ reported Sunday. a p ec l a l notic e o f t he 1>11.in..11: ... w ...... ., Jake Scou , th e n a lnven tor y o f estate uaeta AOUA vunu111u. 12~ 2,rd 1 t a r t e f ( o r t h e 4 o f the ~u:ona, llCCO\lnlb d 1ta 8''"'se. ~of~· ::r:;. Wa1hlngton Redskins an r e por 1 •tc:.r • n 1e111 1 1,..., Cott• MMa. ea .. Ht27 and formerly a Miami Sec tion lt0 0 .11 of the Thlt °"*'*' lu mnduc!M by • California Probate Cod.. OOfporeuon. Do l Ph l n • w aa l n the Crawfor4, Scott, McDulel llA SUITS OF Athe na, G a., home of 6 DaVaaH bJ: rraak J. CA., INC. c o n vict ed g a mbler DtVaau, Ah.r.., at Lew I =r~11tdly, Benn.le R. Fuqua flt \he tH lho .. ••J, lteu~ ™' 9'•..-WM lllecl Wltll tM time of \ho t1ld. poUce Piotr, SHta MHlca, CA =r Ollt1¢ ot <>renoe OounlY on t o 1 d T h e F o r l H•tl, (llS) tlJ.lHI -'1911 I. 1*· ,,...1 Lauderdale New s and 'ubilalltd Orenoe Coaet Oa111 '"bllatiM Of•na• co,., oau~ ._ ___________________ .,, Sun·Sentlnet ltlot. AuQ. tt, ao. It. ita Ml742 Piiot Auo a. ti. "·"' '~ lhe 8bOY1t ere '"' SAME. end 11 IOC11td •I tHO NtWpOrt 9yron M, T1rnul1er, 900 Via lllvd., Cotti Mele. CA lido Nord. N•wport ltlCh. CA Dalee! Augutl 24. 1982. Publl•h•d Oreng• Co111 PllOI. Aug 28. 1982 Dally Tile t>ueln-ntmt ueed by the 92M3 3400-42 N ld ,,.,,...,or al .. Id loc;allOll II Klmb«!y l~ TernutNt. 900 AWAAO MOTORS "18 Ll<IO Nord. Newpor1 8Mctl. CA Thal Mid bulk tftnl ltr It lnlendtd 92"3 Ml.IC NOTICE lo bt QOnsvmrntllCI I I tht oftlot Of• Byron AlelhMd T arf\\llUr. 900 BURROW ESCROW CO MPANY. Vie Udo Nord, ~ 8Mcfl. C.A. FlCTinOUI •u• ... •• 1879 E. Llncoln Ave •• Or•ngt, CA 92&63 NAMS ITATaMDfT 92885 or or 11111 Stpt•mbt r 16. Ole Ohrltt~~emutNr. 900 Tht IOllOWlno S*'llOll• .,. d04no 1982 VII Udo Nord. 9Mch. CA llustn ... ••· Thlt butlt trtnt l•• 11 tuOJ.ct to 92883 OCNCO 8AL(S, t3 Timbef111\e, C•llfornl• Uniform COll'll'l\.,0111 Thl9 but!~ II conducted by a INll\t, C.llfomla f2J14 COO. ltellOft e100 genttll ~ H. Oenblgll [1111., 13 f'lrnl)«tlne, Tht l'lt ll'lt l l'ICI t dGrfft Of th• TA"NV'l'lEA Oil lrvlne. Calltomt• H7t4 per.on w4tll wt1or11 dMnl m.y bt VIHTUAO, Mn ln• Elll1, 13 Tlmbtrtlnt , fll•O I t eu.-"O W 180AOW • Celtlornlti ll"Vfne. O•lllom41 ta7t4 COMP.A.NY, 1810 t Llnooln AYe,. ..... pert-- Mtllod• l lllt P•,,lt , 13 Or~CAUMS andU.leeleleY ~M.TlltnllU. Tlmbtt11.:i.::'• ~1112714 tor CllllkM by enycredllOf llNll 0.-...,.,.,. ft\11 ta cot\GuctM '1 an l>t tmlltr 14, tM2 lltllclll te Ille TI* .. ...,,..., ... -.d """ ill unlllcotf*'at9d 1NOcl1 on 0111«, b 111 I n a• • d 1 y b • f o r • t l't t CounfY C... of °'MOtl Gouftt)' ort ll\tlll a.,.,,..,.. oon1urnrnaUon d•t• •DH lll•O Jvlt M. !Ml. H. OenbWI Ille abaft. M• a ........ (Cl) Til4t 148"""'"1 -flled ....,, fhl Dl1td: AYOUtt ... 19U. ..... ~ .. ""' Cownty C.. of Orant1 C011111Y Oft ~ llOTC*:\'OUI, '"°-*1 -· .._ I 1 ' AUQUe1 24, IM2. LN """""""' r• tt ....,... ....... OA .... ,....., ....... y,...... ·- P11-i111'ttd Or•"Ot Coa11 011~ PllOll1i.t Ofan,. Coett 01lly i-111tll111M Or91191 ODMl Dalt) "1lol. Aus-2', ..... a. t , 11. 1tn Hot. A4'f It. Itel PlkM. MIO-t , 'I. 1t, M. "-i1~a M11·U U11-G '1 \ J • --- ('ti Or1no• Co11t OAIL y PILOT /Thur1dav. Aug1,111 ~e. t88:.> .· ·~· w •llt•I NOltOI OP lWUIUl'I IAlci a f &.-. Nt. C.-1*~" NOTICE OP l>EATll 0, t.t . NO. ttt? .. T ClUUITINE OALLANl!l to llUWICI COMllANV •• dll'Y ANO OF PETliJ'ION TO 1ppo1n110 111111 .. und•• 1111 ADMlNISTER I!: TATE NO. 1o11ow1na oatc:rlt>a<I o..o or 111111 Will HLL AT 'UIUC AUCTION A·llOot. tO THI HIOHHT 11001" fO" To all heln, bl!nt!fldarll... CAIH (p1y11111 •I llmt or ultl In c:re~hou utd con\lnaent 1ewt111 111~ or tna Unit~:= credltora of CHRIS1'1NK "" rfOhl, lllltl end 1111-. .. 1 to enCI l'\OW Mid 11y II undaf ulO • OALLANES and pet1on1 Ottd 01 T1u11 1n 1111 p1op1rty who may be utherwl1e lllfeil\lh1t OMc:tl.~ ' lnten.-.ted In the will and/or' 1 Ru IT o R NO AM AN L et1taw; WAANIR and JOAN P WARNUI, nu1111nd tnd wll• u Joint tenant• A pt!tltJon hu bc.-~n Wed le.Nl,ICIARY: CAPITAL BANK,. by Robert H uck enpahlcr In Calllornle corporation' t h e S uperior Court of R.eorct.d Oecambar.J1, tHO u Oranfo Coun:f-requeatln" 1n111. No 17480 1n b"'9ti 1nee. • P4'Q1 1 He of Ottlelal A.eordl In tna that bert uckenpahlu onrc1 or 1111 R.cordef of O•tnQe be appointed at personal c ounty, 1110 Oto9d 01 tru•t dtlerlbM repfeflenttive IA> administer ma following prope11y. th t t f Ch I Lo1 6 ta and lhe Sou1hw.altf'ly e et a e o r llin e 5 leet of Lot 514 olTract No 907. In CaUanes, Cotta M esa, CA ttra City of NtwPOrt Beac;tt, County (under the lndependt.'nl of Otanga. s111e of C111f0tnl•, u Administration o( Esta tea "'°"""on• mep 1111<eot raeotd.O Kl Act) Th ·•I t f Book 28. P1g1s 25 111ru 31 · e peul on IS se or M1tc•ll•n•ou1 Maps. R•cord• of hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Hid county Civic Cen ter Drive West, YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Santa Ana, CA 9270 I on DEE 0 0 F 1 Ru s T 0 ATE 0 Se t A ber I" 1982 9 30 DECEMBER 10, 111ao UNLESS YOU a.r!:.""m "· at TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR IF vou OBJEC""' to th" PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A & ·' "' PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN granting of the petition. you EXPLANATION OF lHE NATURE should either appear at the OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST hearing and state your YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER objection s or file written 221 v11 o ... 1e10. N-l)0(1 BMcfl. objection s with the court C1lllom111 92&63 · before th e h earing. Your "(II• at1eet address or common appearance may be in person deslgnellon 11 shown above, no warrenly 11 given aa 10 Its or by your attorney complelenetl or cor1tctnese~" l F Y 0 U A R E A · ma banaliclary u00« llld Oetd CREDITOR or a rontingent ot Trutl. bv 1Maon of e brelCl't or __ ..,.to f h d ___ .., Oafaull In 1111 obllgallon• eecur.O u~I r o t e ece-.~. you tht1teby. 11er11oto1e 1xecut.O and must me you r claim with the d•llver•d 10 1he und1111gn1d • cour t or present It to the written 0ec11ret1on of Dafaull and personal representative Oem11nd lor Sele. and wrl11en nollc• a p pointed by the court of breech and or e1ecuon 10 cau11 w ithin four months from the 1111 undersigned 10 ••II ••Id prooe<tv 10 11t1sly said obllgallona, date o f first i ssuance ol and thareeller tna und1r1lgn1d letters as provided in Seel.ion caused aald nolk:41 ot breach and of 700 of the Probate Code of electlOf\ to be 11Gorded Mey 7, t982 California. The tune for filin !!~n~;;lciN: R9!.~11~~553 1" bOOI< of clatn\S wiU not expire prior Said HI• wlll be mad•. but to four months from the date wltnout covenant or warranty. of the hearing noticed above. •xi>ress a< Implied, reg1101ng title, YOU MA y EXAMINE pouession, or enc11mbrencea 10 pey tht remaining prlnclp•I 1Um ot the file kept by the court . If tile no1e(1) aecured by said Deed or you are inte~sted in the T1u11. wllh lntetet1 as In Mid not• estate, you may file a request p1ovlded, 1dv1ncn. II any, undtlf with the court to receive lhe te1ms or H~ld Oetd of Tnnt. 1-. charg19 and ••Pl"-of thl special noti ce of th e Trus1eeendo11n.1ru111 creat.Oby inven tory of estate asset s aald Oeed of Trull. and of the petitions. accounts Said sale will bt lleld oo Frldey. and reports described in "Septemt>oof lO, t982 •• 2.00 p.m. •t Ille Chapman Avenue antrlllOI to Section 1200 5 of the the Civic Canttlf Building, 300 E. California Probate Code Cn1pm1n Avenue, In tn• City of Cbarles Garrity Orange, C1ltt0<nl1 A t La ' At th• time ol Ille l nltla l ttoney a "' publication of this notice, 1111 total Ill W. 17tb Street 1mountolthtun~db1lanoeollhe SaAta Ana, CA 9t706 obllgatlon eecured by the above (714) 5U-5H6 d escribed deed ol lruat and P ublished Orange Coast estimated co11s. expen111, and D .1 P 'l A 26 27 aovences II St79,078.63 a1 Y 1 ot, ug. • , 'To determine tne opening bid, Sept. 2, 1982. you may call (714) 937-0988. 3790-82 Oiied, Augu91 11, 1982 -----------T.D SERVICE CO fltalC NOTICE as MIO TrustM , By RoM A. G11cl1. Aaalatant Sectlllf'Y Olll Cfty Blvd. W111. Oranga, CA 92888 7141835-8288 NOTICE OF DEATH OF WILLIAM B. DOVER AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A·1 1'658. To aU heirs, beneficiaries, credi to~s and contingent cr ed i t ors of William B. Dover and per90ns who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Barbara Rae Dover Cory in the S upe r ior Court of Orange County requesting that Barbara Rae D over Cor y be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate o f William B. Dover (under the Independent A dm t · nistration o f Estates A ct). The petiuon is set for hearing in Dept N o. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, West, in t h e City o f San ta Ana, California on Sept. 15, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . lF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections o r file w r itten object ions with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in per'lk>n or by your attorney. 1F YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a rontingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or presen t it to the p ersonal r epresentative appointed by the cou rt within four months from the date o f first issuance of letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for claims will not expire prior filing claims will not expire prior to fou r months from the date of t h e hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the me kept by the court. u you are interested in the est.ate, you may file a request with the court to receive special n o tice of the in ventory of estate assets andJ:>f the petitions, accounts and r eports described in Section 1200 .5 of t he California Probate Code. Weln1teJo & Welnateln, Attorney at Law, tU4 WUU!re Blvd· • Peadao..e, Beverly Hiiia, CA HU!, (U I) Z1Z·lt4i or Z74-t'7H • Publltll•d Orange CoHt Dally PllOI, Aug. 111, 20, 28, 11182 3flll-82 Pla.IC NOTICE Publlah•d Oran9e Coaal Dally Pllol, Aug 111. 28. Sep1, 2, 11182 3863-12 Pla.IC NOTICE K·t13H NOTICE OF DEATH OF RICHARD ONOS LlNDSA Y AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER F.STATE NO. A·ll41H. To aU heirs. beneficiaries, cr editors and contingent creditors of R ichard Onos L indsay and persons who may be otherwise interested ln the will and/or esiat.e: A petition has been filed by Timothy Brian L indsay in the S uperior Cour t of Orange County requesting that Timothy Brian Lindsay be appointed u personal representative to administer the estate of R ichard Onos Lindsay, Costa M esa, C A (under the [ndependent A dministration of Estates A ct). The petition is set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, C A 92701 on September 8, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. lF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objecti ons with the court before the h earing. Y our appearance may be in pel"90n or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceued, you must file your clalm with the court or present it to the personal r epresentative appointed by t h e court within Cour months from lhe date of f irst issuance of letters as provided In Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filinc filing claims will not expire prior to four month.a from the date o f the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the f il e kept by the court. U you are interested m the estate, you may file a ~uest with the court to receive specia l notice of the Inventory of estate .. seta and of the petitions, account.a and r eport• deecrlbe d In Section 1200.5 of the California Probate Code. •• K-41411 l'ICTITIOUI Mll*llH NAiii ITATl•N'T Meserve, M•mper It B•1h1, By: J . Rtbtrt Meterve, AUOnMJ at Law, 51H CampH Drtve.&.. P.O. Box 7111, Newport nead, CA HIM, (710 7H-HH Tna I~ par_,1 are d~llQ llU9ineee .. : CACHE, 3316 Ftlrvt-Road. ~" • Coe\I ~ Callfomll 112e21 •• Atou,., fno . • Flori da ' COfJIOfl11on. 8166 N.W 33fd 811Ml, • Miami. ''°'Id• 33122 Thie bualnett le oonduotlld by • cotpor1111on, Atour.,lfle.. l.lny ... kflllt Secretety Tlllt tllt-t -filed with tht • CCMl'Y Cletk of Ofanot County on i • A119. f1, tM2. F· ,,...,. t : PublllMO Oran.. COH l Delly r • l'loC. Aue N . t.pt. 2. t . II. 1912 n .... , ' Publlthed Or1ng1 CoHI Dally PllOI. AuQ. 111, 20, 2$, tlt2 sate.e2 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 SEJYICES Slnt<e DI~ .. , OtPltYMEMT & P'IEIAIATIOtl -. .... ,~ ,..._. .................. f' MOCllAlltfSE ~'r-.. The marketplace on the Orange Coast 642 -5678 ,.., ..... , ....... ., All rMl Hiii• ed~1ll .. ll In thla new1p1p1r 11 au1>11ct to the Ftdt ral Fe11 Hou11ng Act ol 1oe11 which mtlln It 11160•1 to 11dv1n1H "any P'•rettn-c.. 11m11111on °' dl1er1m1 n111on b•••d on rec• color, 11llgton. Hx or n1t1on1I origin, or •nv Intention to make any 1uc11 preference. llmlta· lion or dl1C1lmtnet1on ' ! .. ~~.'!!.!.•.1! ......• !'.'.~!!!.~'.'.!.'.''· .••• ··I ~ .. ~!!!.~ .. ,_ , .. 1,.... ... !'!.!!!!.~ .. ~ ,_ .. ,, ..•••. • II !'.'.~!!!.{'.'.!. .. , ........ . ¥!!'!.'.t ........ !.~. ~!~~'.L ......... '.'.!I f!.-.~~'.t ........ !.".!~ ~!!!r.!!. ~~!~ ... !.~! !'!!r.!!.!ffl~ ... !.~' PllllllU 111111 ' •••• • UOI a.. ft. lffloe • 1200 11. Ft. UTIH .. H llW LIW PllOI 10.. •• lllO'I '°" ·-... ·-1 .. IN4 1000 , ... '°" 1000 IOU IGll Thia newapeper will not knowtngl)' eccept any 1dver111lng lor real H · tate which 11 In vlolatlon ol the law '* liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill ,.,,. IOll 1• '°" 1• IM 1100 1• IJDll I)» 1.00 1100 JD noo llOO rtOO - HllU1 Advertl· sers should check their ads daily and report errors Im· medlately. The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. ~i.. ................ . :mo -•••• ,, !.1 lal1 :: .......•••.•.......... -.,., ,,,,,, noo •••••••••••••••••••••• = •• ,,., 1002 •••.••••••....•....... JIOO IEAT : TllE llUT Pm.e Wf'tlt Bay bayfront. SUpe tor 2 booui, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bilth t 1.200,000. Ot.-can & .)t!tty vwwi. Mar1111• l'oum , 4 bdrm, :J bath, 3700 sq. ft $ t .:ili5,000 Ocear1 front. LIH llLE llOllH Prime Lido N ord baylront. ~ bdrm, 5 .,., bath Lge L R , 2 00.t slips $1,500,000 Remodrled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec m1. beam c.oeilings, furnished, patios. $420,000. Lllll llLE llYFllOIT ~goon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1.000,000. IAYlllE PUCE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br . 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaceti. Reduced-$1.500,000 GOllOIADO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /t.erms. ILIFFI ClllO Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )-l I liriy\ cJ, Or •• •, B bl~ blbl :MOO and enjoy living In one ol -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : our many beautiful pool = sm homes All In excellent = 1oc1t1ona and ready lor .,..,..,..,..,..,..,.._ JIQO lemlly enjoyment Dute-IWlll 111111111 = ranl locations, dlffe1en1 2 s1ory 5 bdrm, 3 bath -p1ices. Something 101 home wllh covered patio -everyone, Call ooe ol ou1 and m1c1owave oven. ::: Reel Eatate P1ole..~lo-Flexible termal Own11 mo n a I • I o r d e t • I I • . assisted llnanclng Only = ~"'" $125.000 Call 979·5370 ~ tiffil'.ffl ·-· --iOIO iOU -Joa -- LOOK Fo1 o ur new 1egul11 weekly feature IOAT SHOW- CASE Eve1)' S1tu1day In 1ne Dal Piiot CIUllfled.I LIAIS II IEFllLT \ ( : ·I l I 111: • // ••• ,'\ ' • \ •,,I I l,,41 ,_,.' ILIO .. Recently listed. So. or Pacific Coaat Hrghwey Two t>ed1oom, oM bath cozy cottage. R-2 lot Room lo expend. P1ac1l· Cally IOI p1lca. $252.000 Cell Snaron Collins GEORG E ELKINS CO 79-1100 WIHY·FIH TllMI 3 lrg Bdrms, lamil)' rm, country 1111cnen Greel netgnborhood. Good Ir· nanclng 11111ilable. Full p 1lce $131.900 751-3191 fllEOLIHRE II Femlly n1lghborhood with very ••roe back yard Gteet for 1ma11 la· mlly or bullder who wants to expand this 3 bdrm, 2 b8'h home In Costa Mese Drive by 2048 Paloma end call 101 details UYSlll OIYE OllH wtTll VIEW 01 Ltt 1201 l O fll Ill IUYll ( l)e<1uv1lll·) 4 BR -A I conditton with UI0,000 Vll'W Pool Spa. PRICED TO SELL hr lllo01t41t, Rltr. NOW Only $619,900. Sub!ftJntaally 141· 7121 under markt·t' Must l>t! 1n e!l(:ruw by ----~~~·! S t·plt·111l.x.·1 1st. SEE NOW' Call Tom 1 1111'11 lllul IOOfl Alhnson. 644-6200 ·isuiiii.ciiiiiiii llOIU 11"11 •uLn Redecorated 3B1 2Be on lla•tl•iloa prime 1oc1111on Garage, sunde<;k, PllllOI NI No l11t 1040 Bay Owne1 will consider ··c·L·o··s·E·· ·T·o···o·a· ·E·,····· l 1n a n 675 53 19 , 673-529 1 No m oney do wn. no ----qualifying own you1 CllHI 11/ lfll 1022 nome on ou1 unique •••• •• • • ••• • •• • •• • • ••• shared apprecratlon f1 .. S11lt•lt Ytur Offer nancrng we have 5 Home+Ouest+lncome names In Hunt Beach 3 OWC 1st · Flex Terms BR 2.,.,ba 1600 to 2100 509 Acac,. CdM nr bCh sq It Pa)'men ts run Spolless Vacant Duple• s 1200 10 $1600 per mo Hugti 5brl3ba+3brl 3ba Call Geo Brooks al 440K ownlbkr 645-70•8 7141891 ·5556 -llHIDR VIEW Sausaluo Lusk home on tee land 3 Br 2 Sa llv & drn rm. lg lam rm all amenities. 1g 1ree 101 By O wnet $299 ,5 00 640-7007 LH l•tlH tr Salt 4% CASH 01? 3Br 1\'. ba. starter home No quall- lying nee. supar terms 640-5078 D1nnl1 SI I OIALln Grec1ou1 4 Bdrm trl· level Pvt ape Conl•mp decor Asking $319,000 - make ofr Bkr 848-0709 * S10,000 l.P * 4 Br 2ea, frplc S 109, 200 assumable loans 19811 Busnard SI Bllrl C11t111111 IOZ4 Brand New Homes & •• • • ••• • •• • • •• • •• ••• • • Condos. no money down l 'h'Xt while they 1aa1 (714) ASllllAIU VAi 546·9522 Agt on tnls 4 Bdr College WEFIDIT WHll P11k home and owner 5 Br/3 Ba, sgl lam det will help with addmonat dream nome Pool. jac .. llnancrng. Full price 1s lake v•-s Fr doors In only S 132,500. Don't welt Mbr 10 view 1>11cony & • call 979-5370 NOWI many other amenities . \ f : ·I l I 111~. ti l< I :. •. I '\ ~. -I • t) l '• T ... Asking $410,000. Ownr I Ag• relocellng 842--0 t62 or 551 ·6829 lor details on assum. llnan Brand ~'"'' Ho mes & Condos. no money down while lhey , .. , (714) 648·9522 Agl ILlfFI Ulllll Vou own th• land 2,000 sq II. 3B1, lam 1m. 2'.lt Ba. wide Greenbelt, near pool Far below mu ket t245.000 WUI lt.ue op- llOn 8kr 644-8388 SELL 01 TllHE MAHIR RlllE P11me resldenllel 101. A•· king $500,000 640-7665 Elegan t 3 B r & d•o. coun11y slyle home Frencn doors, bey win- dows. '11dwood 1100'6, 3 l1plc'a, very lga lot owe 10181. s•t. dwn, xlnt loca-llon $179,900 Fae land By Owner 631·2134 20'1. l•I•• larhtl Urgent sate Condo. 2 1>d1ms, 2'h ba )Uni toe $1 t0.000. $12,000 On Paymente $947 SO Call owner 714-661·4818 5 Br hghl. brile, secluded 2 level Estele 11ze lot. shopping. schools •II near by. 0wn8f must sell & wllt finance Whet a de•ll Agent 648· 1044 P11 c e redu c tion . $249,0001 make offer L H .. also may lease 601 LIDO 8lh FLOOR Waterfront Condo ADULTS ONLY Spectacular View S7'89.500 Wm Co~. Broker Mid muJt ... I now Light end alf'Y 3 Bd1m home. Enjoy the ocean breezes. Bike to the beech from tnla Marina Hlghlenda home. Prlc•d at 1120, ooo. wnlch 1, ss.ooo 1>e- 10W appralaal pric. Muat "" lmmedletel)'. Teke •dv1nt1ge. cell nowl MA-7!\1:\ IWlll WIU O&llY Beau1llul decorator co· ordinated executi ve home (retreat) with won· denul view of bay. bOa ts iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Wtllllllll - -IOIO IOI) ----THE REAL ESTATE RS = ""' Ulllll = 'IOW YllWI -Step to beech -super : deluxe 3 bd1m. 2 bath "" ~·· unit plus 2 bdrm = rental. $385,0001 :: ...... •11 ,,.,, -ltllttn = •111-JllO• 5;::;;;;::: -IPYIWS ftlW ... -------- •11• ... tUI ... .,. ... '"' ... - Two atory Nantucket 5 B1 with t>eautllul Sunset pool 9UlrOUnded by 14, 000 1ed brlcke. Tastefully deco1et1d th1uout wun wallpeper~ end lfluttera Showa Ilk• e model homel Many upgr1d11. s.ti.r wlll finance. Sub- mit down. Land Included, 1760.000 144-all LI\ Y I , O i : ' '< l I ::I=::::::::~~==::::; = ......... * -Thi• cuatom Ivan Wene =: designed home wa• bull1 -wllll executive enterlll· -nlng In mind. Quality tfl1oughOU1 lrom thl IO- lld oil\ peneled Oen to tile mahogany paneled famlly 1oom. Some of the nume1ou1 fe1tur11 are· SenNllonal vi.w of F• ahlon lalend & ocH n, pool & spa w/out•ld• bar, 3 ca1 g11ege, com· plet• u cur lty eyatem and of courM former di· ,,Ing. To view 1h• )UXU· rloua lea1u1es of thl• m1gnlflc1nt 1H ld1nce. call 759· 1501 for private ahowlng I l .500,000 FEE. Lovely 4 8d1 2 ea llOme wlnew cupboe1ds and kitchen appliances. A•· king $149,900. Make an oller . 8 3 1·7370, 5'45-7138 TR\DIT 10\,\L ~1 ,\1 ·n and nigh• llgflls. Sold completely furnished this 2 bdrm home widen & dining rm ta perfect tor the dlsc.1lmlna11ng. Thia WATERFRONT commu. nit)' off•re boat slip {avallable) end pool S-487,500. - Wt\11 l<l 1<0'11\ llllMI' h•<. REALES1 A1E 6J l -14(kl R£SIOEIHIAI AUL £STAY£ SERVICES IEWNRT ILD 1111,111 A super condo at pre -in!lation price. 2 BR, family room, 21h baths w /com m unity pool & s pa. Convenient location across from Santa Ana Countr y Cl ub & accessible to all freeways. Good financing. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 TAR GA'ZEKfl~. t-''-=..:..:.:"'-....---:1t CL.A 'I' a. POUJIN---..----1 ~ !::~~~ ~ To d•v•IOi) '"'*U09t fo,. F u dov. rf'Glid """°""' c0trftCJIO"d•ne 10 ~" of -ZodtCX bl"" •lgr\ ..... ,, ...... ,... )le;......, ,,,......-cy Ill• .,..,... ,..,. . ..._.. •.. ••-. ... ,, ........ ,,~ .. I Mc-Kt l!IW111• .,. . .... leU. 41t0... 11111...,.. ............... po:.::...=::=......1 :::.... !!~~t ,. ........... ,., •• 0.-.. c.-r-1. .... ., ..... ,,........, 110.... ••C......•_. .. .,..... P<-===i :::. " ==I ltl.ait .... 1:;;•r ~;.._ .... ,_ ......... .,, ::::.. ::%:' ... .,.,.,.,.....,. .,.,.. .,_ ...... ·-. ... .. .. .... _ •O..• 101-. .... ,,_ '"" n-,, ....... ,.,. n -.. .• .. .... nc:-.r-·~ ...... ..... ....... .. _ ....... ... _ .... •.......... liliii .... lllii ..... --~:;.:..=.._, :;~ ~::Lt .,._,, II ......... ·"-•o....--.,_ ·----............ ...... .. .. •MtJ -~· ~Oood ®"' .. ,. .,,, (}Nhtr•I 12.11~ Wlll&IU FUWIOIH Jus1 In !Ima for summe1. lhls lovely pool '1ome lea1ures te1tlllc llnan· cing 4 rarge bdrms, n- palnt, neer perks and schools. Olf11ed at s 139,900. 540-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS HSU Ill LE Vl LI. 11 8'h% on thl1 4 bdrm nome on eaet atde or Cos1a Mesa with pool. spa end many othe1 emenrlies S 110.000 In aesumabla loans On a cul-de-11c 1001 o w e. Reduced 10 $159,900. Call 979-5370 \ t : ·I l I 1/ /:' // 'I:. • \ '• ' "'t •, Park Lrdo Adult Condo 3 Br pool. nesr noepltal. t>eacn s 145,000 Owner Wiii help, Aglfll 846-1044 Here's the steal you've been looking lor Lowest priced Avalon on corner l o t A C . l ully upgraded11mmac • mo- ving 10 Europe. must sell nowl Assumable llnen-ctng or S 118,000 A steal al $133,900. By owner 857-2045 3 Br 2 Ba, lam rm, pool, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil many amen1t 1es S 17 8. #12 UIE PllH Assume financing. &mall down. end move right lnl Spacious 1 Bd1m condo wltn open beamed eel· lings, 1a1ge kttcnen. di- ning areas. llreplaces, air cond and nice deck En1oy all the emenltles 'Tile Lalles" hu 10 otter Close to Northwood shopping. seg.ooo, ••2-1200 PETE BARRETI . .. REALTY 000 0wn8f. 548-8665 IELIEYE IT .. 011 IOT I II'• aa.y to own a home In N-port Beaehl ONLY $25.000 down end U · sume $75,000 -30 yr loan Seller la flexible. mollvete<I and wlll carl'Y belance. A apaclous 2BA condo with community pool and spa $121.500. 144-1211 BIB ... E flR UU ffl.~~~.~'.t .. !.~ 3 bdrm, 2 bl, separate dining. covered pallo Pondero11 St. (Ha11>or end Baker). S 135.000 M lllHYllWI ev OWNER -•••t •ay WATERFRONT OPLX 15••--PVT BOAT DOCK AWARD WINNER Take over great loan. wlll Ocean views 3 bdrm. 4 c•"Y over 1200,000 1>1. llft. wl convenlencee. wlNO moothly payment! 983--0363 $5000 MOVES YOU IN fem 1m. IOI garden, pa-$585,000. 675-0852 Wiii gamble Wflh you on tlo . lormal din 1m, lge ltv iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Interest 1111 fluctuallon rm Quiet cul·de-sec & move you In wlSSOOO $812,000 By owner. c11sh. N-luxurloue A/C.1~~~~e~7~3~_.~4~11~~~ 1650 sq It, (not counllng 1: double garage wletectr Call Emerald Say Rily • opener). 2 & 313 Ba we'll aend you 1 1111 of condos Next to •II avellable homes wl shopping & 1he11ars amenities In Emerald Qay e31.5055 or S.2·2000 494·1840 1------~---1 VA REPOSSESSION 4b1. W•H• •l•HI /0$1 3b•. pool. saooo dn ··'·······'··········· 1136.000. Agl 546-7739 VILLE IE CERISE E T PHONE HOMEI BEAUTIFUL Your Telephone Number OLD WORLD la 846·77 11 01 963-4858 TOWNHOMES Out of this WOlld 3 Br l>y How8'd Ma1k Co. t..-111.1 Large lot, 4 bdrma plus Oen, 3 car getage. Spa. 2 lovely patio• Large mastlf suite Located on cent111 comer •H•da Generous own11 finan- cing. MSO,ooo. -673-7300 2-ety Condo & Poon lrom S1511,000 Super Sfl8'pl Juat $93. •95-3244 780--0297 ~==:::::::: 500 Olal Nowt TRINITY 1----------1 i _P_R_o:_E_~;-·~-s% ___ !'¥:~iii~!io~·r-! TRADE ASSlfttABtE * Prof decora1ed, warm 3 llWP• llllll 3Bi 2Ba Col.....,. Piii\ Br. L.A .• 0 R . F.A .. big le>< property In Call!, An. .. •a• .LIH,_,,P.nm kllch • high beam eel-zone°' H-all. 11% loan -lings. lrple. plus • prlVllte •Vall plua c:aal'I now. Ex· E•c•llent Tarma $134, lrg mank:urt<I ya1d wla 3 eel O.C. Location. Full 900 ca1 gar. A rH I velue 11 prlc• $3.3 Mllllon Ag1 Ownerl Ag1,,t 979-1908 S375,000 and you own 844·11513 Montlcelfo Townhouse the llnd. Pet1lcll Tenore. ~~~~~~~~~~ 179,999 by owner 2BR 1'hBA. WI D dahwshr, gllb dlep, elec garege. comm. pool. 641·948& . . .. RVMf>.'< OllTIM UILT IEWPllT MTI Auumable 1et TD. S 10,000 II 10.5% & OWC. 3 yra nu. 3 Br, 3 e.. upgrec:led Oak ooun- 11)' kitchen, te><mat din, f emlly rm, croae 10 acfloola. Auaty Guinther, IOI 831-12'9 Ill CllYll TOMttOME COll>O DNOIC£ SALE Must Mll-OWMr out of atate. a bdrm, cathedral oelffnG, 2 beth, owrtootclng ootf COUt'M, 3 belconlM, jecuut, t«We, Mt ber, tinted g ..... fl~. lot• Of mlrron, 2 car gar909, e•otlc lan~ng, muCh more. lmmeoultt• condition. A-..mal)tt I tS0,000 mof'toeot. ~to U41,000. Wll ecoept cera. boet. dlamonda In ndt. "°"., ~ ln"'-1. , .............. CfUt DM.T S.S I 7.9 '111-tosl fof rour ovt-grown btk• Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Thurad•v. Augull 20, 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH 8AVEA8 Sell your no-longer-needed Item• for oaah. If It doesn't aell, we'll run It another 3 INES . ('1 OLLA AS days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ada. Call today for full details. , ...... ,. ............ ,. ...... tt..00) 3 3DAY8 CLASSIFIED&642•5678 If.'.!!!!-~~~ !.'.l.t. • • • • • • ~~.'.'.~!.~{!!.'!.'!..... !'!.!!!!.¥!'.'~!!!!.'.~ ..•• '.!!!!.'f~f~!!J.~.'!_.. If.'.!!!!.¥~!!!~.'!!~ .. ~~~~!fl~¥_'/; A~11;1a~1 A d A11U:;::;:.H A'ii:i.~:::.H • .__,I 1H1i JOfl O•t ol CoHt1 Colt• #111 3114 B••ll•1te• 11,. .. ,, •1111 3111 BHll•I''• •••• '!.~!~!!.!......... •••••••·•············· ········••••••••••···· .. -.-;r................. , asso ••••·••••••••••••••••• • N Jtfl ····'"•················ /t • • ''' VERSAILLES CONDO •••• ~~!~........... OC-AENTAL.S •••• ~! .. !' ............ NtwPO•I C;esl 2Br dupleic .. ,, 1140 CHI• ••u "" ,,,,. .... JIZI .!.?.!! ••. ~! •••.••••• 1br/1b&. ao exposure, WATCH 1·5br'1 S200 to S2000 Seldom 11vall11ble Wea· condo Attach gar. dining ••••iiTATi°LiY1li •••• ~:;;;·;··~,~·~·;;:·::,;~ Sp~~~~:;·;·9;·;·9~:·~: NO FEEi Apl & Condo view ol ooean Subterra-THIS 750-3314 open 7-deyt lhflrly Dey Townhouae area, pool. tennle, clbh· B If 1 lk d/ 1 d cpta. drepea. good El rental• VIiia Rental• neen prkg, sec entran-Boat sllp, 5 bdrfTI. 3 be. 2 ae. 17 Wiid Gooae. n-e1u1 u ptrk·I • •ur· gerege, w, eun ry rm· cu. outstanding pool/ SPACE cur, tennis, pool, all conderoge to Intrepid 10 rounding•. Terraced S<l95 •Ide location. S475 See I 675·4912 Broker ctubhse. By owner s96, • MOHL 111111 llOMI appll1nces/amMltlee w 11 dg0 0 s e s 8 5 o , pool Svnllen OH bbq. Also trg 2 Br. l Ba. $490. Mgr. 147 E 18th St, no 900 assum. Sandra SLOCO Decorator perfect. spa· $ 1 4 7 6 m 0 Ag t . 2i3/691-7537 sparkling rountalna Avall 9-1 645-6625 4 Spec 3 Br 2 Ba. tplc, gar. 642-6149 clous 2 bdrm, 21,.,oa, new 837-0866. 3 BR 2 Ba split level, NB Spacloua rooma. Sep•· Don't wait only 1 large 3 3 bd. den. 2 lrpl, partial beach 2 blks. S900 vrly Cepe Cod Pool. jac. rec. rate dining area Welk·ln Br even with 2 ea., P•· utlllllea, laundry. $675. No pell 645· t682 " c. Jo R••l•I• aree, pvt p11t10, belcony, lnl•• 3Z44 condo 3 gareges, pools. cloaeta, home Ilk• kllch· tlo. 111 quiet area. large Reis 642-1552 days, 3 odrm 01 den. " bat" •• ''•••••• 1·~ •••• • ••••••••••••••••• • Close to uoeg uosp & 1 k ' " 1' 1' 11 w1r1e celler & lge garage. • •• •• • •••••••••• • •••• n n • en cab nets Wal to pool $675 646-3381 or 646· 1098 Eves. Upper duplex Avail Sept ·a·ina·TUSMiLTER• He•H• Fwta/dt4 Decorator wall paper. LEASESll $765/mo. Bkr. 646-7332 Huntington Center 675-5949. itearly 538-3600 ,, •• ,, ••• ,.,, 4Zfl ..•.•••..•...••.••.•.. WHILY HIT&ll AvaJleble. Agl 876-8I10 I Br 11eep1 4, eerou the •rree1 lrom the beach S29&/wk 675-6088 OOWFHIT lalltH Ptal•t•ll 2 atry 4br, 2'ftba, dln1no. g111n1 TV screen. no1 1ub. modern kllGh. 2 car gar Avail now lo 911 5 675-7650 ,.111.y&•yo•iit ,··,·,~::·,·,·,,··,•;••••J•I·~~ drape(les and more 3 Bdrm detached riomes llOYE II IOW 1 Bdrm-furn, S605 Lg 1Br new cpta, drpa, s;e n ..,. • vv $ 1 O 5 O I mo Ca 11 In eKa.tlent erea. Avella-2 Bdrm-lurn from 1605 PINE BLUFF APTS relrog, stove. 1 quiet 2br. near beach , nice tBR, trplc, pa110. only San Clemente pride-of •••••••••••••••••••••• 548-2239, 10:30 10 5·30 b 1 e 1mmed1a 1e 1 y Luxury Newport Terrace 2 Bdrm·Townhouae furn , Br with loft, & 2 er. 2 person only Nr Ralph's l\rea, rum or uni um steps 10 b11ach on 38lh ownership, modern Spa-Call us lor YEARLY or pm 1800/mo on 1 year lease. Condo 2 br Eiitras from S675 ea. Child ok, on the Mkt, 17th St All utll pd. $800/mo 673-6336 N.B. avail Aug 28 to Sep1 nlsh style 4 unll apt. WINTER rentals Aeglr Five others to choose Ouletl Only $695 mo. No peta. Ulllltlea free! Blulls. patio, view, lrplc, $425 mo 642-0538 Executive Condo lBR. 6 S350 675-4468 house with ocean-hills & Propertlas 675-4000 MESA VEADE·3Br. 28&, from. we're the ones to 837·2686 LA QUINTA HERMOSA encl gar , gas stove. dis· 2 Br garden apt, no pet• den ocean & bay view ll•l•li lo $i1to 4300 goll course view. Close Cl 3 BR 2 B f 1 -1800 mo lst +sec dep. ijl 11sea oceanside 3 rm w/pool, lg 1621t Parkside Ln, 1 blk hwaafler, spa, lndry rm. Small Chlld ok s44o mo C 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• to everything only 3 elln e, pc. Gard lnol Avall 9· 15. , patio. bit-Ina, $480. W ol Beach, 3 blka S. S6-00/mo ath cell. rplc. securoly llJ llot•••t• years old & sh'ows llke ~a~~057~~~5;;1nte• SSOO 75l·3642 ; \\\)l\dbrldgt QC-RENTALS 750.3314 of Edinger 847-5441. SPMC 631-6107 549•9950 g~~~1:175otmo. cell 9•5 Contact largest Gay NEW! New owner could E'slde 3 Br 2ba, lam rm, R I lu 311., 2 B 2 B 2 Br t Ba, no pets. t sml Male Female service in occupy 3 bdrm .. 2 bath l•llH• living rm, sep dining rmi ta llJ TIE ILUFFS 11owr.,1t 11.ci ~ Newer " a No pets child $550 to move in WESTCLIFF 1 br conoo So Calll 540•67 16 city & ocean view apt. II •• ,1•11181• 3101 Drive by 2567 Elden 551·3DOO Spao. 4 br, 3 ba, 2200 •••• ••••••••••••••••• A$v4a5t10ap7pr5o0K S1e4p1t9 19t Opn 10·1. 28/29 Avail pool. no pets. $540 mo II bl & t th r.. f 1 • or 9/ t 176:<> CreSlmont 673 6"•o M/F sh bee 1 Back Bay app ca e ren e •• • • ••• • • •••••• ••• • ••• $900, 642-2 19 1 1910 Barra nu p~,.., tn1n~ SQ I twnhome. Love Y 546-8675. • .,.. condo' Poo~. ·1ac. tennis other 3 apartments for Oceanfront winier rental decor, poolside setting. THE 1 Bd. 1 Ba duplex. uttl w I I 1 1 b Income Seller will help 2 br, 1 ba, compl. relur· 2 Br 2ba condo Cape REITlL.1 Avail 911 S 1300 mo. . 2 bdrm. 1'h ba. Fireplace. paid 1375 mo. 5625 10 ater ront w nter. r $300 645·5165 finance 4 SAVE buyer b1Shed Garage, washer/ Serles EKcluslve E'slda. t to 5 bdrms, starling at Agl. 640-5560. ~ Dishwasher. prlv patio move In Agl. 675•1642 5600 & s55o Days thousands of dollars! d r Ye 1 u 111 Pa Id Pool. prof lndscp'g, pvt $650 10 ,1200_ ''GOOD Gar No pets. 5520 mo. 642·1121, eves 730·0104 Female Westcl11f area REDUCED selling price 997-3970, 8 10 5 Pa I IO· 2 car gar IEWPIRT IElllTI 543-5476 Sparkling clean, 2 br. t•1. $675. 2 Br 1"· Ba. lrg up-~~:ciim';,'~31~~~3~mkr or $295,000 00 Is way $800/mo 642·2137 or 2 bdrm, t bath. Private. ba, $475 Utll palO Re· per. Eastblull dbl gar BELOW current replace-L•1,•at ''"' 3148 494 -479t 645-9095 LIFE'' WllTUIE YILUIE lrlg. 2 small children Ok. no pets. pool 809 ment costlll Prlnclpa ts E• •••••9••••••••••••h• Very nice 3-Br 2 Ba. 18• Eaalblutt 4 Br, Sl300 mo. 1 & 2 Br ap1s avail, no pets Amigos Way 644-7118 ONL VIII C1111 owner at merald ay. pvt beac · m·11y rm, Ma•11 del Mar. pool. spa. lndry rm. no t960 Wallace. 642-4905 7 pools tennis couns ~ to mo. Split level, Rus1y · E&•TILIFF ( 14) ' ' nardener, $950 Sierra YEAfl.,..OUND FUN; pols. lmmed occupancy. • Male 35·45 shr 5br. 2ba hSe nr SC Pleza/Frwy Spa $225+sh8re ulils 641-4913 842 0138 ocean view. 3 Bdrm, 3ba " Guinther, agl 631-1266 Social Activities 1 Br. 5440.$450 D••• 1oial 3126 Spacious 2 bdrm, view. • ~ ai~/ s 1 house I Mgmt. Co. 641· 1324 DI r e c tor • Free 2 Br. $515 V~~;~~·2 ·aR:·2·aA:·;;r~ pool. nice area. No pets. P~r~ ~';~~~m~·.: .~a u~ri~· S. J o 1 $ 2 ~go~'~':; re~ta Elegant 3 Br 2'h Ba. 2 WEITOLIFF LWI S u n d a y Call for appt. port. enc yd $550. $675 644-4767 760-1554 all 12 • ••• 7 ~41759 0047 Yr Y. story, poolllennls. lur-Dellghtlul 2 BA plua den Brunch•BBO's• TSL Mgmt. 645-8122 5 4 2 . 3 5 9 7 . A I I 6 $760/mo 3 Br 2 Ba en-c..••l1t·•••• 101'• · nlshed S l300 Un furn or 3 BR Weatcllff area Part•--•Plu• 730-7165 Penthouse nr beach pn ••••""'••:••••••••••••! 2 br. 2 ba. view. pvl street. $1000. 't523C'AMMDt·lllVM home. Totally ramode-muc~more~ Nice 2Bdrm 2 ba. Moll g~~ct?.8~~~~ib~~~~n'y0 vale en1 & bath. 'H B. $600 mo. payment !or gated comm Lovely Oe-PROPERTY HOUSE led. like new end beautl· 0 fl E AT utll pd. 622 Hamilton SI B•aliaflO• Won't last, call lor app1. $300/rno 536-0794 2Br,28acondo.9'1r"ltVA cor Non-smoker. No 642·3850 642-1010 Woodbrl<lge-on the lake. fully l1Jndscaped. flE C flEA TIO N : $525/mo 548-0477 •·•tL 31,.0 loan, asking $94,500. Pe t s $ 130 0 mo . LANDLORDS/REALTORS ExllC!utlve 3 bd, 2 •;, ba. $ 1100/mo. enne Tenn Is • Free LUIURY COllDOS ••• ~ •• ~ •••••••••••• ~. TSL Mgmt 642-1603 NB lu• condo, Harbor 661·3380 497•3230. F I • I Many Extras! $1400/mo S"uler ~.4• OO. L-aona (pro & pro Oeluve poolside vtra large llJ, IOtll vltW Ridge. atry stir, stra1gh1 asi ree tenant prov -lease. 552-95 4 9 , 11 .,.. -WI• te St. Cst Plui ~ ~ • $550 752-9442, dys h•I• A.• 1010 Emerald Bay 3 Br. view. ders. BEST Really 551·2193 or 987-8857 •ho P )> 2 He 11 Ith 2br, 2 ba, bltns, dswhr, Arches at Old Newport 640-2434 eves •••••••••••••••••••••• Quiel 51 . s1200. Emerald 539-6t94 Clubs•Saune• Frplc. elegant Frencri 1·~ miles beacti No P8JS. Blvd Large Bachelor apt 1---------2 Br 1 Ba, lrg lot, Contact Bay Riiy 494_1840 •----------2Brldbl gar. Good area Hydromusage• windows, AC, In home $500/mo. 536-8362 $560. 775-1149 ev Resp nonsmkr. chlld OK . ~~~~24 ~ft. 7 5 1•3 19 1 • i---0-C-EA_N_V_l_E_W ___ o.;,~o~t~~:~s~-;~;d/:d~ ~~1~!1 ~~=~~f2~g~9~7th. ~11~1't8°~11 ~~~u~lt:tu~I~; 2Ba, 1 Br 2 Br 1 Ba Minutes from CllllHY YILUIE ~~;~~t~~~ r~r~4;.~';:7 • "The Boathouse'', walk $475 pays the •ent. Hur· •EAU TI f U l 1Br & s1ud10 incl Wshr/ ocean, newly painted. 1 bdrm apt $400 mo. John '!.•!}t~ ••• • • .1090 10 beach, bunk beds. ry Best Fee 2 c~~~~Y Bpa~~$8105~/,:f~· ,_2_m_a_a-te_r_b_d-rm-s-. -2-'lt_b_a-.' AS Pl nAgfll eTeM. E1N T&8 ~ ~r~6 !';,~~~~~u~~'ur~~'. ~~g:;6~~ 720-0844 or Avail. Sept 1st Walk to cem-a-1e-ro_o_m_m_a_1_e_w_a_n_t_· I lrW 0oiiios.... Porth o I es. Laguna 539·6190 Broker 6 4 2 . O 8 5 1 • $700/mo Ref rig, wshr/ " Beach 673-6522 ed. prefer student Ado· 2 Bdrm, 2'1t ba, low ~~:~;::9:700/mo Agt $365 mo singles pad, 552·3388 dryr children ok pet Bedrooms•Furnlshed gym, pools, t&C\IUls. 1 br, frplc, pvt p1110, pool, rable 2 br house on Bel- down. 10'\.'<% linen avail. frplc, + pool, 1ac, big yd ----------1 maybe. Avail now West· & Unlurn1shed•No saunas. beaulllu~y deco-laundry, walk-In closet. LI•• lilt boa Island S285 mo Cell Rich Owner/Agt Nfrnorl Bitti 3169 lor pet. Call 4 Info. at s~:,~;~~ b~t~;~s~~~7~11g side Twnhm. John Agt ~~ly'~~~ds"s Open r,:~~: ~·r~~e545:~coh !~~~1 Pi~::.08~~68g;ta· 2 bd~~~,~~~:f-~646 &73-6900 ask ror Caroly11 964-6171 ••••'"~··•••••••••••••• Bes1 539-6190 Fee. OC 63t-2~42 lncrs most ulll too Paysse at Wa1erlron1 ---------LIDO ISLE· 3 bdrm. tam vThls luK 5 Am. 2Ba. __ ·A_E_N_T_A_L_s_7_50_-_33_14_:·B-L_U_F_F-'S-C_O_N_D_0-.-2-B-r-, -2 1 OlkWOOd 549•3421 3641 Bear St. 2 bd. 1 ba .• ,. mile trom 1 br, w1s1ove, refrg, and Homes. eves 337-7238 Oft • IE. I I rm, 4 Ba. $1700 mo. spilt-level hm, wlrock Turtlerock exec , 2 Be . Greenbelt nr pool. (b t n s nllo er & beach . Avell Sep1 1. parking $400 call V1ck1 ••• .'! •• !.'. •• .'.!.!..... frplc. modern kit. kids. masters. den. 2'J. ba. Liv Rm w/lrpl, Din Rm • •-~~ McA';,hur).u w 968-4216 675-0612 alt SW __ e_n_t_r_e_s_p-no_n_·_s_m_k_r-to lldi/1 Bo•ll 01 CBEaAN$F7ROOONTm2o bdBrm, 11' pets OK $495 mo. Rita 644-9060, 673-8589 pvt patio • dbl gar $950. ..-·--•n I I B MlllllEll'S WALi CONDO spacious 3 BR. 2 I shr Nwpc Condo 2e1 + • • l 00 539-6190 eesl Fee c 11 J c 1 (A t) 1-tt ...... /le. Ava lable now 1 r car-11111• 0 11 Grundy. Altr, 675-6161 Rancho San Joaquin a 0 8 ro g --,... • port. pool & laundry No L""', & 2br1wnhse apts. BA. lrpl, dshwr. lndry 1 pvt bath $375 548-6236 •••••••••••••••••••••• l~~~'..:...'.:~~'..::~~-1 --;.~.,;0:;;0~ll;.;;n;;;S:;.,:--Townhouse on goll 644-9080 880 Irvine pets $425/mo 931. w lr..-plc. dishwasher. encl hookup. 3 carports. pool. M/F 1 .. "B IB t SPARTAN 30' classic. OCEANFRONT duple~. •• o; S Ill I I 2 b & 1----------1 ( I 16th) pr v I pa 11 o $ 7 6 5 . o 511r ' '-a ap · 1 f 1 $ $ Finest area. sunllle de· course. P eve · r 2 BR remodeled hse w/ 8 19th. St. 548-0492 gar. Nr Huntington Har· 851_9522 $365 mo incl utll & car· ~~~~. Srni'~~=ll~; ~~: Winier 850 up, 750 cor. gd tor plants & kid. den. 2'1t bath, AIC. view. gar. 1•11 blks oft sand (7 14) 645·1104 3 Br 2 ea. No pets. 2nd bou• From $475 Ch1I-part 675-0282 Spm 213· 793-5380 or down. 2 Br 2 Ba, lrpl, Won't la.st. Fee. $975. 754. 7900 days; $725 yrly. Ask tor 8111, .._.... .. Mii/Se, floor $496-'-Aan. dren OK 840-6607 •-a C''1a•al1 311~ F rmmte S3001mo utlls-gar 640-4111 8 A 539 6 90 eves & wknds 559-4274. 631·1266 _,.,.,...., -rvv,. -' .. ur 714-960-3979 1-'-0-0-0-1-F-11-0-1-,-1-,-t -ll-1-.-, __ e_s1_e_n_1a_1_s ___ ._1_ CITY LITES/HUI vi 1700 16th St. 540-2245 !B•. expansive !Iv rm w/ ;·9;:~~·;.;c"k'."~ici7;~r~d pd. Nwpt Shores' NB Ul.•u ulLL• Dli1 2Br 1•.,ee Twnhse. L••••• .. .,, 3241 w (Dover at 16th) 2 Br 1..,, Ba . frplc. ~1.· frplc, refrlg, gourmet kit charm speciacular area nr beacn 645-2547 -n • 2 story, 4 Br, 2'n baths, B I ••'••••••••••••••••••• (714) 642 s• •J """' & don om. gar, tennis Beaullful 24x6• 3 BA 2 · s 1'1) a pal o, no pets EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 2 master bdrm suites. . • 1 • apa. attached garage. No ocean vu. walk to beach S"r 2 br 2 ba c M apt, .. dining rm. g1an1 creen $535 mo 545-9846, dbl 8 decks spa 811 pool. Jae. clbhse, close to $ 95 C •• '' BA. lge living and dining TV hot tub, mod. kltch. 2 ea. frplc. brick pallo wllh e g r • • • . Pe t s Av a 11 now bch s550 mo 536•1980 4 ontact Mgr al apt nicely decor, fully turn area. Kitchen open to car encl parking Avail 675...0500 spa. $1500 213/1_~_1r_as_S_7_9_5_9_64_·_3_4_66 __ 1 ~========"! $625/mo 631-4984 C.332Enc1n0Ln $250 /mo + ,.., u111s lam rm Corner lot Sept 15, 675-7650 Backbay, 4 Br 2 Ba, dining 676·2255. 2 Ill C•tl•• •••t 1-0-C-EA_N_F_R_O_N_T-0-111-2-_.-B-r 3 br 2 ba deluxe condo. NEAR BEACH 1 br. bal· Sl•I• A•• 3110\ 645-9390 aft 5 54o-5937 _B _____ f ___ ll_l _1 rm. !pie. lrg yard Nu ,_3_B_r_2_B_a_._o_c_e_a_n_v_u-.' on Balboa Peninsula B It th Lrg Patio. pool & spa, cony. bulll-lns, 1 cer •••••••••••••••••••••• Roomma1e wanted, turn ----------ech apt .. re er • ut It es, crpts, drapes, painted $825/mo, Arch Beach $1200 mo. 963-4759 Y wee or mon child o.k. neu SC Plez•. gar . $390 mo 960-3295. 3 br 2 ba deluxe condo 2BA S300 mo Across C•••I•"' i.11 on Penln 100· from inside & out •850 Inc 673-7873 l 1 •r beach. $325+ deposit • Hgt s . Av 1111 9 / 1 . 1----------1----------$665 mo 213-964-2686 1 & 2 BR. pool. bch llVlng, r~ patio, poo • spa lrom beach 493-91 14 C'9•11 1500 642•7918. gardener 675-7034 633·92l2 att 3PM. 4 lt4r•I, 2Y, h 3 Br. 2 Ba Winter S75C ----------1 year round. $430 & up, child ok Near SC pie.is ••••""'••••••••••••••• 1----------1 F 11 00 644 8053 2 Br. 2 Ba ocean front Eastlllde. bright & cheery no pets, 220 12t" st. 219 $665 mo. 213·964-2686 Female 10 share 3BR 2BA PACIFIC View MEMO-Lull. twnhm· 2 bdrm, 2'A am Yr m • B B 1 .. -A... 11 0 I I anding 1 & den Lae/opt or sale or trade. 4 Winter $750 1 r 1 a na1ura ·""""' 15th ,, , house $250 plus . ., ut11 RIAL PARK' N.B. 2 Plots I.I 5 • ba. s~yllte. cathedrel E STB FF e 1 & bl · A I I f LN d k V1 b ch pool " Br 3 ba. Ocean vu A LU >o.ec. home PROPEAT'I' HOUSE ce lings c a nets ,., .,. I •r•ll• 545-1370 CM Worth St6-00. Make otr. sun ec j P ea 2• cemngs, cent air, ler-855-0517, 544-2170 3 br 2 oa. den, formal S.C2 3850 642 1010 $420 851 9522 l • 314,. n I "•OO Lv msg. 979·5380 & spa, or 1 0' very race. atrium. bll•lns. dble -•• VIEW dining. 2 lrpls gerden • • ----·---· ---1 .~!'.~! ••••••••••••••• ? •• !.' •• ~'!.'!!'! •••.• !.J,. •• M/F pro1ess1ona1 22-30 lo conscientious persons. gar w/opener. Harbor/ -UUll Pat Io S 1250 mo DIJC 2Br. onns. gar no 3 Br~ 2 ea frplc. yard, WoodbrlOge conoo. 2 SEAWllD shr 2bd 1ba apt on CdM 0.1l1J111/ S7SO/lease 1 yr Lois Wilson area $695/mo Redec. 3 br. 2 ba. 2 lrpl. 642-0350 pets Steps to und. garage. S700/mo. bdrm, 2 ba S600 mo Non-smkr $300/mo + u.;,, ,., ,,,, 1100 Miiier, agt 631•1266 646-4466 $1150 mo. 1422Terrace1---------1 $525 mo Winter (213) 1 Br 1 Ba. patio, gllrage. 673-8920 :alt 6 or wknds YILU&E uttl 1s11las1 + dep •••••••••••••••••••••• a U I • LH Way 780•8376 Sharp 4 Br. comm, pool 446-9220. 4'6-4750 $425/mo 760-6236 eves/wknd SIPEll TU SIELTEI nOHll a •11111• LOADED 3br. 2be w/party . . $1195/mo Have others B ro ke r 6 4 2 . 0 6 5 1, L • .. .,, 3141 New 1&2 bdrm luKury 1---------;;: .. ••j•••••• .. •JZOt patio. bll·lns. now $500 Beaut 3br eJCec home. Ag t Fred Ten 0 re. Lg Bachelor. l rplc, no 552-3388 .!I.":.'!................ epts In I• plans 1 Bdrm M/F roommate to shr 3BR FOii llYHTOlllll •• !'. .. '.'. ••••••••••••••• CC-RENTALS 750-3314 lncredlble city & ()(lean 631 -1266 or 631-27t 1 pets, steps to sand. $300 ----------•Studio. •t, blll to beach. from $5t5, 2 bdrm from 2BA 1 block from oeach San Clemente pride of REITALS $1450/ 2807 mo W inter (213) $325 ·Bachelor llP1 333 unfurn $385 Incl utll. 1570. Townhouse lrom $225 Avail8/1646-9244 SHARP 2br 2ba wljungle view mo BLUFFS Le •se E 21 1 C M A t B D ownership, modern Spa-· All L 494 7200 ""' 446-9220. 44~4750 · s · · P • · Le a$ e "9 4. 2 7 9 7 : $640 + pools, tennis. nlsh style 4 unit apt Yearly-Weekly-Wlriter. 2. patio, pool. kids ok. a aguna. • 2 Br, waler vu. S950/mo. 645-6589. 645-8103 493-7137 or 494-5410. waterfalls. ponds! Gas Fem wanted to shr nice house with ocean·hllls & 3,4 Bdrms. $475 3BR 1'hba. 2 car gar. Ag1 640·0020. 760-9678 BEACHFRONT RENTAL ME•• YllllE for cooking & healing 2Br apt $265 pr mo & golf course view Close JACOBS REALn OC-AENTALS 750-3314 deck, oc view, quiet, •· J••o 3108 W Oceanfront or -*•,,,...rl l••ti 3169 paid From San Diego util Beach area n1 10 everything, only 3 NICE lbr w/ulll pd, lg ba· clean $900/mo 497-5488 ,,.al• bl -673-1573 Winter or 2 BA 1·~ ba. pvt patio, no ••••'"••••••••••••••••• Frwy drive North on Warner/PCH 840-9087 years old & shows like PROP kers kltch. now $330 -L-.-•• -.-.-.. -,-~.-.-.-,-3-Z_s_z_'Lo;·;·br:·;.:·;,~~di~~;~~ yearly. 1 br or 2 bf pets s52s 1552 Elm. , .. IESHYE m Beach to McFadden to SUPER 4 br , spa, tennis NEWI New owner could llAllAIEllEllT OC·AENTALS 750-3314 ••'•••••••'••••••••••• newly remod., big yard, Lovely 3 br. 2 ba. gar 646•3627 EW 0 T Se aw Ind Vt 11 age courts. trpl. $275 mo occupy 3 Bdrm .. 2 bath •----------Niguel S~vt comm gardener. S750. Steps to water Furn. or Spacious 2 Story 2BR 1''1 N gated 2 own· (714)893-5198 759·1428 city & ocean view apt If 875 8173 2 Br condo. 1¥.ba, So Cst b & f I 2 b 3 5 7 54"'6249 I Y I O BA I I home VILLAGE COM· ----------Pl1a area. $525/mo 4 r aml y, a, 8 4•1 4 dys/ "" un urn r Y ays. · PoO . pvt. pato,car· MUNITY 2 & 3 Br 21h RHal 4000 Fem roommatewanteato applicable & rent the tliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 962· 7521 or 979-1955 atrium. 3 car gar Pvt .. r I L.~ 6 7 3 • 1 8 8 9 ( 2 1 3 ) pon. children 01(, no Ba. 1600-1800 sq ti, Of •••••••••••••••••••••• share lurn Ocean Front other 3 apartments for beach & rec center. a•••n •1• ••-'1 585-0921 PETS, $475/mo 2310 EAST SIDE CM Private Income. Seller wlll help 4 ::r~R&0~1'.U1~ru:~~1.1-d.;..y_s ________ $1250/mo. 759-1465 D•l•r•i1iH 3300 ---------Sanla Ana Ave 645-3017 pure luxury Garages, furn room & beth Ullls wA~na~~'91'~5ntaSl3:L>L5ag Bch finance & SAVE buyer EtSlde 3 BA. 1 Ba. tge •••••••••••••••••••••• OupleK 2 & 4 Bdrm avail. or 213-375-8107 spas in every home • $ • khEo~~c~gs s~:11igo1~~r;~ ~~~oon Edgewater. yard N~ft.':s::OO· c,~~~ :!i. ~:i ~::,=: Beaut L~~J~!~ 2 bath ~:5o.w!"~~r w~:i::\~ $395/mo 1 Br. 1 Ba. en· ~~~=~ !~~1~ be~~,,~~ •-~-1c_~--7_;_:_!r_.1g_._3_1_s_m_o_,Res~L;~::~ ;::~. P2Mbr. of $295,000.00 Is way $750 mo. 495-6146 home Nice decor. De-yrly S1200. Across from clsd garage. lndry rm, fireplaces, micro-wave ROOM /BALBOA $230 2 ba So Tustin apt BELOW current replace· SEASHORE1Vu/Unfurn 2 br, 1 be, encl. garage. M' i V.' , JUl corator style home. $975 ~~~07g304 Seashore. pat10/ l!rd, amt.JI pet ok, ovens. private patios & mo view. furn avlb 911. 5275/mo 731 -8630 ment costlll Principals 3L BR In dgreat location Smal$1 9yaro Nr. Back • .'.'.'.!!' ••• ~'}!......... mo. 1 yr lse For more evall. pt, ydardsE,gardene11 prov11-11 2 3 + n 0 n . s m k r ONLY!!! Call owner at argean airy. Bay. 5 5mo.979-6942. HOME FOR RENT inlor call Steve, 2&3 Bdrm winter rentals TSLMgml 642-1603 ed. legant lving ony 673-9015 Stepstobeacn 3or 2ba. (714) W1ttrfrtat llt•H SIPEll RICll 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. $695 p 1 ,.,.25 15 minutes from Fashion 1---------1 M I F I 9 . 2 6 . S 2 7 5 775-2822. on Newport enn . .., $550/mo 2 81 1·~ Ba Island, 7 minutes to s.c Compl furn, congenial 122.341,, St, NB Call 842-0138 131-1400 LANDLORD NEEDS big to $775. Fenoed yards & 1----------1 up. Agl, 675-1642. Townhouse balcony, In· Plaza or 0 C Alrpor1 blaci< m11n Hunt Bch A n s w er A d 7 2 1 ----------•----------• tax write oll says rent garages Kids & pets C1•4••l•i••• Aaa•l•••ll dry rm. car p0<1, all bit· Just easl o f Newport Reasonable 536-8544 642·4300, 24 hrs l , "' 2000 I J'L--l J j 32~ th 1 s 4 8 A 2 v. Bath welcome 545•2000 n I • L.~ 3,.Z'" _. Ins Avell Sept Blvd & so ol San Dl""O l:-:--:--~--~::----:----:-1---......:. ____ _ .!!!!! •. !!r.fa ••••.•• !.!'!'!..!.!~!'. ...... "!'! custom pool h~use w/ _A_ge_n_t_. _no_fee _____ , ••• '!'!.!!~}!~~ •••• ""..'! •• .'!'!!~~!!~!!........ TSL Mgmt '642-1803 Fr w Y S 9 0 0 / m-; Nut lo greenbelt. pv1 ent M/F to shr CdM hOuse 2 E mes·s1~:,;;~$ {;~~)(gr~~: v~1~ ~~25 Nc~~er 2 ~~ ?:~ . ~~;!'uv~~~ r~~r:,~'at~1r~i ~!.'!r.!!.~~!! .. !.~!~ L~~ .. 2:~: 2P~~l.sa~aii1~. ~!~!!!!~!. ... !!.fM 1~:,1~~=~n~~~. P~~d. P~~;: ~~~~.5~~:ia 2~~!.~range ;2~·.,,~17,e;~. r~~0~9~· g:C~~sins~3~:~f~~~· 1~~~ 1 6 8 . 0 0 0 . 675-4000 (Bret1). rock frpl designer decor *SllEAT llEllTALS* $575 mo. No pels, Sher-Yrly $775 Delui1e 2 b•. 383 w. Bay 54s.95t6 ---------•WANTED. Person 24 plus eac · mo u 1 5 1-303-887-2887. ,. j I .. 3222 thruout vi-patio, spa. BIG CANYON Sharp & lrg ry or Donna 979-2390 gar .. prkg Near weter to rent room in Costa incl 675-1721 -20-'-il•_D_O_W_N_w_ll_I -bu_y_3_1-rl--':!!!!'.'..".~ •• "!!!....... nRoew~t$a31s~· Us 537-8970 condo. Only $850/mo dys 675-4000 (Brett) $~~5. l~l~ll~e:poclrt s:ivd~ Mf'desaBe Profe,~slo;al pr:; l·F-e_m_t_o_s_h_r_2_B_R_2_B_ll_ plexes In Costa Mesa. Split level 2 Br-den. bea-1 __________ LAG 4 BA 4 BA SPA· Gerden O•ove New 2 BR 2 BA 1 Ba. no pets. yrly, aut v..,w, yr ° CdM apt S337 mo wl1h 12'/t assumable med celling, $795/mo E.slde 2 Br 1 Ba. fncd N ISH pool home w/ t'ltba,patlo,ger,$550& lndry lacll, deck. S6-00 CM&3l·7392 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING condo Cell Amy 833-9887 , 673-1775 loans & $1500 positive 707'/t Acacia. 840-6186 patio, end. garage, new gardener, In greet cond s 100 dep No pets. 675-0349. Cloan 2 bd. eoct gar. w/d IN NEWPORT BEACH ~~{.'d~~~~v~:.Y;2~~ 673-8340 till '83, then near break Large 5 B<l Home cerpets, drapes. paint. Only $999/mo to qual Craig, 545-1370, GG. -.-.-1-L •• -------hookup, patio. 2 people. A 101a1 environment 1 , 11 H 1 Roommate 10 shr 2 bdrm even. Well located, near Corona del Mar No pets. $525/mo & ,. tenant. 0 d SSOO ,_ $475. 642-0416 I apartment community on ~ u1s ~ ut ouse pr vgs. 2 be condo. 3 blocks 10 OC College & SC Plaza 760-8708, 675·2144 cur Also duplex on LAG 4 BA TOWNHOME rangetree con o, . l1a/a1•l• 3101 _l _b_r_u_tl-le_p_a-ld-.-,,...3-30_m_o the Upper Bay Private 1-n_c _______ --1 beach. $225. 980-9805 OSI 54,600. Owner wlll •----------W.slde $460. 548-5442, w/nu crpt & paint. Also 1 Br & Iott, tennis, Pool. •••••••••••••••••••••• clubhouse and haellh PtOL &Ill SPA sell al 10 X gross Call 2 br. 2 ba. frplc. patios. 770-5629 pool, spa, greenbelt & stream. NO pets. Avell 2 bdrm, 2 ba newer dpl• Call at 645•7072· a.-for spa. 8 tennis cour1s, 7 Christian man. non-Young Professional. open 754;0609 (Prln. only) Vrly S690/mo Ava II. 1----------close to Fash. Isl. Only 9/l . 553·1141 yrly. Meture non-smkrs. Joe or Debbie. pools. close to buSlness. smoker pref'd Sundeck, minded male seeks same iiiiii~~~~~~iiiiiiiil._:s~e~p~t.~1.~6~7'.:5'.:_·7~7~1~6'..._ __ Spotless Eaetslde de· $1195/mo. lmmed. avail. 3 br 2 ba. deluxe condo. no pets. $750 X 3 REDECORATED 2br 1 elrport, Feahlon Island. golf course lor 2 bdrm, 2 be Irvine OOITA MW 2 Br cottage • 2 adults :!t;:i:: ~e~~;:a·0~;:~ We have many more at Lrg. patio. pool & spe. 213n99-4195, 257-9792 be. duplu w/angl g•· Convenient shops on 851•1910 home G111age. y8'd great prices. Also w/ child o.k. near SC Plate. or (7t4) 673·3986 rage. S530. 559•5001. site. Unfurnished beche-1----------1 Non-smoker S395 mo ~?ci~11 '~n~0n1::~~:: g~~~. A~~ J1~~67roo ~i:;:~~la~.02 sk~~~~n~o laue options to pur-s~s mo. 213-964-2686. By Oceanfront 1 br, part 3 Br 2 B•. blt·lns. ist & tors. 1 & 2 bdrm aptaend Employed, non-smoking incl utll 55t-4255 eves side locallon. Divided 1----'-------$950/mo. Call 644-7211. chase. Can today FRED Imm. 1 bd, nr So Cs1 Pl, turn $425. me. ullt. deposit. $650. 631-3537 townhouses. r5~~. [~mc:i~e;~,~~ 633-0450 days Into 4 units each with 2 OPEii HOUSE agl TENORE 631 •1266 or A/C, F/F Refr. Pool. 673·1401: 644-4003. S540 • llOOO v.. em to shr 2Br. 2B• CM restrooms and an ottlce. FRIDAY 10_2 631-2711. agt. Utii· 1 1 S Gt Duplex, 2 br. I be. crp11, Severe! bachelors and t Cl t I ... II apt, non·smkr $225 mo "••• •e/•I J••~ s nc ec. s, $400. t br. ut111 pd, 417 E drns, gar., patio, clean. Bdrm units IHture fine t ll t tlO"• + • 1 ••5 o 9 1< Owner may l lnence. ., ,., _., QC-RENTALS $440, 964-2198 Bay Balboa NO peu. .. • 1221 I\ ut I . .,.. ·1 4 evln submit your terms 4 Bi:lrm, 3 ba, wet ber, •••••••••••••••••••••• l·Sbr'e S2001012000 547.1155 Nr achls. No pell .• 525. designer furniture end 1950•000. tree houae. S1600/mo. Security galed 3 BR/2'~ 750•3314 open J-deya 3 Br. dbl gar, frpl. erpt, --·-------548-7234 aooeseortu. Move 1n to· 754-1581 673-4536 VFlew o2c8nt2rnbt. !4_.o00L1ag. 2612 LIQhthouse Ln. be & den. twnhM. ¥. ml drapes, no pell. 1600 CHI• .. ,,. ~, .• ,. day or reserve f()( sum-urn r •·... mo. Eileen Artukovtch Riiy 10 beach. A11111 now. EASTBLUFF: 3Br. 2be. mo 546-3630. • ••••• ~'•••••••••!~.~? N~9~8~';::::t:'.~~i~. B;,r~ mer months. Smertly L;g~n~ B;:~r1c Mc~'tH~~ ~9~e;0~9o prof. pref 720-0332 $850, agt. 496-5980 Avail Now. $1100/mo. r t 1 Ill 2 II I II port. weter pd, 1 child furnl1hed models open Leg una Sch . Dally/ • OCEAll VIEW fl flll JIJI 840•9019•83t·0836 In 1.Hn ., Newly 0 decor: Gu pd, OK. no pets $450, AOt . aelly. Wkly/ Kitchen evell. Low Ga t Jo I 43JI •••••••••••••••••••••• LellM or lease option ler· 11ra11AN 31,.f encl g1r d11t1hr pool no fee. 545·2000 winter rates. 494-5294 •• !!I!!..~! ........... . "Otcl" H11r!>Or View Sec· HOME FOR RENT ge 4 er cane I front, R·;;~h~··;;~··J·;;q~i~· bbg. AdUlll, no pets: s~~ ~=q~I: ~~. Laguna Beach. Ille COO· Llmlfed aceeu. for 810· lion, 3 :ir. 2 ba. patio, 4 Br 1750. Fenced yerd. yeerly. avell 9·1. commty Model TownhouN In Ir: 842·5073 Find what you wen t In l••·llOO kln9. perlllng arH Nr. reoe only Hunt. Bch ~~. r:i~: L':~o:;,~j garege. l<lda 6 pe11 Wei• poola 6 tennis, walk to vine. 2 bd plua den, one • Diiiy Piiot Claulli.da. b u s • 4 9 C • 6 l 1 6 : dow nt o wn S 5 0 Im O A Division or Harbor Investment Co. $1500/mo. 780.0883 come 545-2000. •gent. bea<:h. I 1300/mo family the nicest In the deve· meetiBA8 -.__,-...;..... __ -----.-.,.-,.1-,-__,-_------,,,,..,"4,..-540-7158. 960· 1197 C I u J88,. 72 8 a.a........ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Furn room tor rent. Prtv -·•-"" -1r' no tee. 845·3370 •11 5 wkdya. 1 og m • n t. $ 8 2 5 /mo · • ~ _.... ~ 1----------1 Sl~le cir ft:.,-.., ..at0<.,... II • ,.,,. -.. B••IRflN Newport Sho,... 3 Br. 21+ -2t4 --•--•• on • Nort Coste ....... ~~~~~~~~~~ ···LeA·sewio'Pr10N··· .,,,6 1141 a •. 2 bloek• 10 11eec:h. A ... / "'" ::r~'~r •. 1=~1·~·1:, ~ -'PARTBE~ ~0:r•d ~itc~ ,P;1~._ M~•: • 1rr.o. 54&-1214 -llYUY•I 111111 TO PURCHASE ...................... close to actiool & tennis, 11:'.1,.,'•I• ,.,. 1• Covered 01r1c1no No • • ' 8 4 2 . 4 5 4 8 , home Stor•g• guege, 9x20. -· .... Welt end IMI what lnte-. <>yRENTALS 982.e683· •1~·::··············· pets. • ~ow LEJ\S~G 549-9847 Coll• M .... sso mo. -•• -rest doeallll Option at l ·Sbr 1 s2oo to s2000 Wntcilfl 3 er. den, onic., -B.ch. 1410 to $418 \V L..... ...... .JL-.J \ r.~ Oent empto.-. non smkr 842·4907 wkd•ya 3 ne'l(9r unlll. 1249,950. todey'1prlce topurchHe 750-33l4 open 7·days 2'A a. 2 ear gar garde-ll•RIJI• 1101 1 Br 1416to1410 ~lll~ VI kltcti.n pf1~:-0vet 40, I OlllH •••Iii U# :a~~ unlla. E/Slde, for' lull year Gorgeoue 2 3 Bedroom, 2Ba, big fncd ner. no pell 01995. l;~·;,;;·h;1;·btk·l~·~h•; '2250 V1ngull'd ~ 648•7~ 1 .................... .. tll unite, 'zoned for con-& 3 Br. 3 Ba. air, AIC, yd, ger1ge. dplx OQIY 1-637-1458 ot IM8·5028 br: gir: 1626. 1 rm & be 540.9826 Of 842 .. 908 ................ ,, ,.,,, 1 , mllllft llfTll d 1550 sq fl new condo•. II $675. H bor Rid tal & 1326 lndry 111 1111 Pl S •-·· 2 ... 1 •-••2,. •• rwi. nr .. .. os. Ill yeer 11 completed 539.e190 Beet F• ar ge, moun n det>. 'no pe1e 87a-9327. f~7.'' 1 in"'8• '."14'15: Offltt Opttt o.ay ...... ,,.. ••••••••••••• , IRVIN ... Pllone •n•w•· 0 ' B 0~~50 R 1 t r · &ulomatic qualllloellon 11 2er 2ea POOi al<M 11111 t gc::~ ~~·1~Y8'ci !n8:: 1.1und';/ teo ., p ool. luxurious adult & family living in an all llAUll ll'fll. '1"1°· cont. rm.,~tllAf:O Insured. (CHANCE OF A S 4' ~ o '• I B t F " 1"400/mo. Avell. now. WTD "'••~·t• 12·7P... . 1 2 & 3 8d Wkty r.nlell now avell d•c r'I ierve, •1 t *01 ,,,,., m ,.,, II# 1.IF2E2000TIME) 83 t·5055. 5311:8tll0 • • •• ' DwMf eo-17 Sl*)1.cular 8a.Y vi.w 2 ........ ~ ... f'lfW country setting. • ' rms. sios • up. Oolor Tv: 4Hk •P•C•. " up. •••••••••••••••••••••• 84 • Oy 7 111 bdrm, 2be11150 per mo. Plreplac•. pool, <1112) Amenities Include: PhonH In room. 2274 _.s_o_47_4_es _____ _ W•'f WTI 3 Br, 2 b• on ·~ ICfe w/3 NA BCH, 2br w/tg patio. CHARM: Exp•nded 5 er. Alflfl Auo 30 WMl\4lf, Piil patio. XL! •RAf,iGa• D-no"' •Toi lol/ar-n ...... lt• Newp0rt 81\rd, CM. No qulllfylnof No down, cer 0,, plus gueet hou· OOJ:Y klloh, kid ok, 1460. 3 car o•rage. HVH. J.. 873-0483 Garden 2 Br. teeo. .., ~ • "" "' ,. "''""' ~ • &48-7448 NOO/per mo. Fllllbroqk ... s.a'2530 Sant• Ana. OC·RENTAl.S 150-3314 cuul, loaded wlfr•ncll C... ~I JIB Ull 11117-2841. '* Oi~hwasher/dlsp<~I * Patlo/sundeck v .. rly on,,,.~. f!Ottll . 4.8 view ICtM •t 10% n. DO NOT DISTURB TE· 2 Br condo, cl ... y cMoc>r w i ndow•, ekyllghle ....... ~.~! •.•...• ft••• ----------i f I' room, kitchen & ehowlf. ""'· 1180,000. 769·2"8 NANT•. 111 715 mo. lrplc. cloH 10 bHch: SteOOtmo. 840•2823• Oce1n view, bHutUully * OraptS/earpetlng •laundry aci ilits 1320/mo. p1ue "°1 d .. cMyl.. Ht-8228 $895/mo. Mlle• Crow. l33-tt37. furn. lownllou•-· trnlc,' D I ..... co..:..iit1'onino ~1. t 3ot w. Oc••n· '""..... 1;;;=;~:::=::;;::==11A~gt~84~2E·1~4~23~.~84~5~-!3t~7!• FotlMM or ..... oPtlOt11 pool' patio. Ute/ino., ... , ans I '*"ecrtal on room "'NI ll\I "' • Newport 8eeoh. Pa&.... ,()( c1 ... 1neo Ad TOTALLY cu1tom hOllMI 11600/mo. e Br .• lerge 873-0898 . 8t•utlflll o•rden 1pt1. '°"""" ut now forbttt Mlfdloft. T• w. t&4. .. ..... AOTION 3 & huge den cllett lln I yOtdby~tiofM. ~ ,. .... ,..... ''Ml Petlol/dectll ...... t ,,.,. . v•loap'°10~1unlft1M.t.Clllt ..., --flft , •... ..__ ..._.. -~..... ,,;;/'p'11o1 Formal din. piu.n cs.c<H I ,,.., • A'""I 848-l 44• r:: ••• mT: ....... :.r.'I: No pell. a Cfllldt9n ..... ~ ••••• r...-:e"l' ••••••• ~, -.._, nuum '"' ~O.'il ttone lrpl, flnttt ., ... J Bklrla 3 bdrm. 2 1>1. OOod 1440/~H• ~. 1 br ~ I come. Plft room•. Loving .,., ~encltennta.Terme AO. ISOA let & dep & you're ln.Lllocellon, grHnb•lt, t1lrl,c:toNtobeeCh,IOta 2 8r.21L loM i~~~~~~;~~~~~l~J;rbal=,-d-=IM=-1,=nnl==ltM==·=":=...:======== • tradH. Own.,/8kr 84~·6878 1500. Rent ale A U• eom• view. * 1110. of wndwa, ~ut. iwn· aH W, ~-• Ii tir. a.r• Ht•7107 or -::7'3=l=.....,..==°'=73=1-6=l=1S=~.1:==~~~~~=1::5;;3;;7~-8;;9;;70~=--.:---8444388 __ ~--·--"11. Sept. ~~-2·-60-~~ c~·5_61S __ °'-~ 13t;.tlA7 WI <:;T1"LIFI '3l [1G '~ t '" l ' '. , ... • • • y ..... ~ • f 'I ' .:. .. j: f ' t U;.~.7A!8!oP"~~ IOI 11 30 di)' 1\11 111 lhll l&ILY PILIT IHYIOI ltlltTHY 00 IT NOWI ltk ftr ladra You1 Dally Plftll Service Dheclor~ Rtl>fi88riltllve "lr~"C~--~~O"=:=llT_..,,.""'_ ..... ______________________ ---------------------~· 01u11uu l.uu111 01\11 Y f'IL l>T !l llUf -.u11y Augual 26 HlH.• HP'I HIYllTIIH l. M llH 641& '>7'1V ~~!!!~.~l!A. ~!!!!~~ ... JAYb 'Sl'lAKl.Al> Y Prul 611111111<11110 Sllrv Any occa~1on Pr 101 h•ll 1·879 7S&21!Jl I ti 14 I ,.,; .. ,, '""'"' .......•..•........... GENERAL BVSINfSl> SERVIC(S c •• ,., c .. ,,t,, .••....•...•....•..... c '"1"'"' M1 .. 11111v Ulu..• W1111~ t:ull w1111> I 11 Jtl 10•1 T nob ~·' JUii I lH1thHH l UIH l t'h' lift• t. IJIUt II Wllll• I'" 11\t~ I tl\llHJ ll ti 0 fl ~ l I C U '•Jtl !>UtJ ~ 011.,ottJ ~mull v1 ly1· 1ub• A11111uvo ra1rluc""' 1epair 8'41> 8!> 1' Cl11' C•r• ···•·········•········ HA ABOR I HINll V !JAE f!.~1!~ .!~~~~f. lJttC\lf1ll ollh lfll tu•I • nu1r.h1I •+ll1 u -..~ tuu•1 )lityh • m •• 1 1• ""I w .. Uh I\ '.,11111~1 t 11 ' It•• um o..,,,,t ••.•.••......•........ •KA 1 lllNA '"' l IVl IN llhkpt 1tw1,,. •t11mt .,.,,.. 111111 • I foJlllllllll (ljll '-'""""'U 8J!i 2 I iG IJ!!.r. !'.~~l!!'I. ....... . 0•11>1• 1u,1lw.u..I \.hlUt\it;iilyJt aCJd•u r rt111d1. ""'' y 1 u:.tom & 111tu1101 6;! l 1'>Jll ,myll1111• TRUS '· ·~·· ' .1 ltHllU.-I l .... t• llp IH'AI l tlt11 '' ... ,., Mt 1Wll•1. I I I AN IJI'.., I thh;lllllJ L 1ith1ltl\.•P"'U I I 11•11 ''' t•4i ll!JOf h••;.11 .. (e.ai1h•11111u l.hhOt up t111\ ll1111 & llhlllll o•v '>410 80J!J lYflftt Ladsoapht& till• 11\AlllNIJ cJon1 t 1 1''11&11 •H ((Uh I h \ lttttl l~flHt'\>,tl U\iit. ~ ••• \ b'I. th H'- PIH 11 '•t II Vil I thOlllll\f ~It.I' h•.,;11 UI• UUll~,. tlttllll ......... . IH I 0 ~II HAUi INI, A \ I f Atl lJI' Vila ll'""Y.'1• IJ1011 noul UJ I 01• ot Id I 086' !!~!!~f .............. . f I' f "" '• • I J \ r/lf f11t Ult.. f'tu lu •u'"·'' flliil , '"' 1111••' t1 •••v•,i' ".l1ah ;11,nft \•"' • ,\ M ( i.m16ll1 •l11u-.11 t hiJ'lt' Oil • ( itl IHfh 1•1\~I hH tf"nl -'·"'" t ·;•,'; I ~··I t t 111• ' UIH.to fH1ll wt HI YUlut• • 1 '"1 l.l11•1u11 '"" $' 11 .. r •ll I #un/no St1vfr11 II Wtf Ntll ''ilt ~' (.Utijl ••••••A •••••••••••••• 1ih11w /U /•,v 1tlOt • tl '--•'' ·h A ~ 1 t. 1 '''''"' UU• •,tJO Uulttt1t1 1~1, ... ,, 1 111 ...... 1 1111110•1t lull, UJbbO ,,,. • Jlj '.11<1 I y,, ~ I' or SION l ONSUl I .AN 1 1 t;>' 1060 I 1 •u '""' gttn <.h•uP" 4 ltlllUllt WU'" f fllft O~t f flit '1-t\I tUO~ 1111v111110 flnl~u111n1 II b1111t Oe 11/•11111 I H11111tlunin1 ~'V" A51u octi•ll"'"' ll~ • • • • • •• • • • .. • • • • -.. i• • • • • • .. • .. .. • • ....... I lllllllttt "'"'~ 64!> ~ 18.! PUil PllllTUIG f.IOUIN 't C.l f ANINC hy R1t111trtl ~111111 1" S11r¥1Ll' u tllwvvu111y £1a,•C•,fl•t 280!.44 1::i yr~ 01 ,,.,111,~ THE HEU SOllll IJ 'Al •~Uh" ftt 1&1 I ft I fitJ ·t ~t t41 •f 'll 111 wr ''"" 111 .1 1041, MO(Ul r ')f RVI( r fh;..._ ''""" Nulllli ...t.1ven ... "ii IM 64:.> i!l!i,• r~1.~~lfJ1.............. ~!!~.'!!r. ~f!!~~~ .... . r a•tl1111u ,,,,. .. 1111 ""•'U" 111.1 in t.o tl•• 111 s ... "'''l ltANf1IN(, 'tlHtf'f>INl.1 , \t1•111 1<11 llu n1tl v i Ml -.1' ,, 4,4 .. ., 1i .,,,,I lhl ,.,, .. ,,. "1••& "'"'"OY & A~~ l'l\l'l H11ANl olN{, "'1'11"'1" lol>t' ti4'l 'it>116 1 Y'" 1.,Lal ••I.I buu1 St tiakllll w I) f " I 'It t•. • .. ., ~ u' 1 · ' .................. . Sii 11,11 Alt•t. !J/4 OIJ'tl '.ff4VIC£ & IUIJAlll Vdt• USJJU•tu• !>erv1t.u Co f • p t 11 I ~ 111h ii•VtH lft\il ill I/ t41 ~ J8 4tJbf1 •f ;ll,tlu1H fh•,f'\ 'H14 t•') 1 1111~1111 .. 111 Ai.••u•11111•111 Ti/~ ~U 1 ts'J':JU • • • • • • '•. ' • • • • • • • •"' • • ~t 141-Hll, 111. 122 ·#!!.-.~'!!!!. f!!!~'!f !. .. ttellJ 101 ~no•ll bu11nto~~ ., Plll.lfll! C•ll llWflV Rec ordkeeplnO 111. P•lllJ Bus111111>s ""'"aultnu •96 12S5 f.•.~i!'.~~ !!~~!~I. ..... . Cab1ne1~ & Carpur111y Sm111 101>:. & Repmrs Free Est1ma111:. 64~ ;>OOJ Sl.liOOl OA V t.ARI: (..LN1 EH t.O•lu MHu Jpt11H1111 bept IJ ~ull Ulld 'Clay C•r• 7AM tu GF>M Rogl&llH NOW Corr•.i• B111>01 & f.11111111w 556-'43 JS or ~Sb 778 7 l~pu1 & l111pendoble Child CUil' durntg g .... 8y&1d ~lllft lrg F V Hill plenty ut bleep111u i.1.1ac.e 84 1 2271 !'! T.'!~! ~ ...•.••••••••• ORYWAt l IAC...OUS TIC R11p•11 s aml !Ob •P« 1 I Y'" "•" Buu 552 958<' l OWll "OU •ho uli l11tllall Truo t11111/111111uvol I awn c;,11111flotu1t11111g '""' ""'""'''" 548-606:> OlJALI 1 Y WC(UING & t ltl¥fl ""~'--~' ~40 OKtll v:1;d·;;;.,;,· &·c~~;;,~,~; lt1c_ul H1•1t<uu1•1·, Joon • C..lcM11111u S111v11 • Su•I 111,. ll•kloto • 1010 I hd11k yov ()JI 4~ HI lio11\u·, Aµt• lhwt .. lt 11011 1111111 Or1111111u11 11111 C..u~1un1 wur~ 1n1 A ,.,1 Ofh~u~ !>40 11111 .,.,., wtn·d111g U• ""' 111. d JO 1r~ 111 ·"""' r"I' nnru m HAS!:;lE$'' !>81> 'N'•J Hu1u 17 141~1 11:1011 "'' '!!1.~'-.~~~.~~~~ ... -... • •BIWANI !>•" W11Htt1v11111111 f111111c.v .. 1 All lypU!> b4:.i 114 I l.ll11Ck f '" l 1lu Wor~ I ice bl C>v• 640 ~ 1811 ( ''-wi.111h 6 7~ 5 100 T111 $11vie1 .............•........ Applied, r•epplle<I. gua1 ln1v1ed. llc'd • ••691 730· 1900 lree e111ma1es fl~~~'.'.'! ••••••.••••• REAL ESTATE Residential/Comm I 673· 1919 ~r..~!~ ............. . Driveways. Parking lol Repelrs, Sealcoallng S&S Aaphll 63 t-'4 199L1c Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Res/coml lie 397804 0•2-1120 ROOFS • DRIVEWAYS Lowesl price guaranteed Don·t wail Vic 675·7794 ~!!!!!!1! ............ . Pe1aonahzed, low cost le· gal services lnO . family. busf. lnlllol consu11atlon lree. 553-0290 ~.·~!'!!~'··········· Infant lo 3 y1s, my C M home 8 ht day Loe B8C19053. 754-6238 f!!I!.".!'!. •••.••...... Door tianglng. remodel. cabinets. panelinu etc Pain11119. c.emenl Reis Jerry 5416 4413 f 1<per1enced Carpen1e1 Demolll•on 10 Finish 548·8654 760 268!'> f!!f!.1• !!!!ff! .••..... Shampoo & s1eam clean Color b11ghlene1s. wht crpts 10 min bleactt Hall. llvl<lin 1ms $ 15 11vg roomS750 couchSIO. ch1 SS Guar ell111 Pel odor C1p1 111patr tS yrs e•p Do work myself Reis 531-0101 No S1eam/No Shampoo Slain Specoahst Fasl dry Free esl 839· I 582 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bulf1n91on Owner/opera1or Carpel. uphol. area rug cleaning Work guar Ftee Est 641S-177 1 Loving mother will babysit In my C.M. home. M·F. Classified Ads. your one. ages 1·3. 5•8·0•34 stop shopping center Charlott•'• Sitters l •c <l bo11d11t.l 1toe11cy 420 621'<l SI N 0 C CoCJl!r i Babyslttll'lg Agency Call 645·3746 f!.".'!!.'!!!!,.~!~!!!! .. AEMOOE LI ADD·ONS & Carpentry llG d 25 yrs ll•P Irwin 548-27 19 ldtl'111-D11l11t-Rt"'otl. Free est Reas prices Oual wo1k lie 337 169 645 4010 Cust o m remodels a<l<l1t1011s, 1100 es1 Qua hty 2nd to none Bandel Const lie 4 t8S70 548-4271 R.:J. H11ffM11t I Son Loe 306888 Remo<Jel. AOd"ns. Cabinets 646·85861645-4644 f !!.'!!'!. ~~r.~~~{'!f. KU Remod ceramic Ille cab1ne1s Call now • lree esllmate 6412·0881 Excellent Marketin& Plan E11ecut1ve oll1ce sulle, c0tner or 405 Fwy, Near H&tl><>r Blvd Take over lease. 1600 sq ft at 90c It. Call 751-619 I Premium Product Health Oriented Fountain Valley Olllce space. 2soo sq.11. at 60~ l•IHlti•I le•l•l4SOO Hun A'' SIZO a ft. Good exposure, •••••••••••••••••••••• •• T~'•••••••••••••••• good parking. Talbert & NB 3975 Birch 3660 sq Wiiiiam ·Lloyd Beck Br ook h u rs 1 Ca 11 It. or less MIA zone Happy 401h 751-6191 Agent 541-5032 Bltl hdey 400-900 PLUS 1400 SQ II S7SO up 2160 ft lndu-Lei/ I fH•' 5300 Penthouse Bayfron1 Sul· s1ria1 .. Office 1810 1 Re·· • ••. •••• ••••• ••••• •• •• te, perking. pa11os donoo Circle 12 M & Tl•--------- 673-1003 Hunt 1ng1 on Beach Scaling Down? Starting ,_0_4_2_.2_6_3_<1 _____ _ o ut? Lower overhead 1200 sq II . lronl olc. 1ge maintain Image, ofllce &1 rear door. S•25 mo 629 Regency Center, Exac Termi nal W ay . C M suites In Newpon nr Ali-5 4 O • 9 3 5 2 d e y s port, fully equipped & 646·0681 eves atafled tor every busl- neu need lndlv olflces IH/1/1 WHIH 4600 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 142-Hll mo/mo rrom $375 •••r•••••••••••••••••• 933.9910 CllNIUTt I~~~~~~~ PRHllHT Sub-let E1<ec office Ptlme alrpor1 locale on MacArthur Blvd Ptlce reduced. Must seel 497-6034 Recently moved to Calllornfa desires quality lost 2 yr c.1d brwn Ge1m Shor1tlalr pointer Cecil & Orange. CM 6•2·3151 Found. Cocker Spanlal In Furnished home tor renl E a s t B I u I t M a I e 759-0266 Wall ll'>lun1~ Acoustic Ma11t1 llum111111Jt11 11111 JI 11111111 Tupu Sluel studs Rs A.i11•onflhl11 Rella L•<; 369114'1 1 S32 S549 bit!. 11•<.k •117 J070 ORYWALL TAPINO Simmon~ Gt11de111ng All lext11rt1!> & Atousloc. Cho-uµs l11w11 ltutJ, 1\111 I roe U~I Kev111 675 9088 C.<.tmm !I !t!SHl ma1111 E/1cl1ie1/ 646 (1684 ••• • •••••••••••••••••• H••d•m111 ELECTRICIAN PtlCeel •••••'•••••••••••••••• right Ire~ esl•mate on Ca11Jtinlry Masonry ldrge or small 1<>lls Rooting Plumbing Loc. 39662 t 673 0359 Drywall Stucco Tue E1ec1nc1an hrly rate. qua· 111v wo•k c11o1111u ron spec.1.1hst 63 1 ·f>072 ELECIRICIAN Sml 1obslRe11a1rs lie ;.>33108 c 10 546·5203 RESIOI COMM l/INO 20 yr& Do my own wo11C Lie 27604 I Al 646 8 126 1t•N0Rlll STAR•• Elec111cal Contractor lie. New 50fVICe 220 corcu11s ~4 hr 645 4 174 Forailu11 R1/iaill1 ..................•... Rc-model J B 646-9990 Bu11 !. M11111tu11t.111Le Serv- PlurnlJ 11loc ca1 pe111ry Pa1n11ng Call 964. 523 1 ~tlRED HANO WILL TRAVElt Many u1verse ctiores Wlll•e 842·3491 CAI I HANDYMAN JIM Marni plumll 1epa11 pa11111ng 'Reslc.omm I 536·99571536 3684 Carpentry Cab•nels Plumb Dra1ro Cleanong elcclm;al Tole Rel!. Don 966-0149 Custom Refln•shing Furn Hiuli• & 1n1er iors All Repairs •••••• ~ •••••••••••••• Call for est 644 5294 DUMP JOBS Wanl AOS Call 642·S676 COEDS · WoulO love to party with you Call Sue or Ke1t1y eny 11me 2131804·3233 lllll a YIOll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUl CALL 24 HRS IH-02Dl SUNNY"S E•eculove St1ess·Reduct1on Olftce-hm-ou1call 631·6377 *** Atlantis Parlor Open 241 hrs a day 7 days a week Jacuzzi. Sauna Locals as w ell as Tourists BankAmerlcard, Amer- 1cen Express Diners All welcome 7141645·3433 2112 Herllor Bl CM & Small Movmg Jobs Call MIKE 646-1391 lllllllll MDSPITll needs kennel ttelp & ba· lhe• parl/tome Musi be available mo1111ngs & weekends Ask lor Jane 754· 1033 (8·6pm) -----Baby~1tter needed for 2 yr old girl. Npl BCh area. lull time Mon-Fri 630-3482. 673-0322 Babys11ter wanted. my home. nr Hoag Hosp rels , I little girl 631·0'483 IEST PAIT· Tl•E Jtl 11 TOW• Be e telephone promo· t•on r1erk lor local new· spaper Private desk, casual a111re Only reQuf· 1 rement 1s a good phone voice end 101!1 of enthu- siasm Hours M on Fro !I 30 9 30PM Sat 9 30.t.M t 30PM I S84 00 10 sta11 Alter tst week. share • .• pa1111ersh1p profits For m1erv1ew. call alter GPM 642·5&18 Ouallly t h11111111u tulip " £ I Ai d '> IOl>M n•r•' HC'h·UOO '1415:.i .!1.'.................. L BATES PAINllNC. f!!!!!!.f!~~{'!f ..... . $ I OW R.t.lCS S Ir 1.>t: tr1mrr11ng & rtimfJv.tl .ill Lltibr,ups & mow111g 554 7017 YIDED WILLS SPEC..IAL' E•t "Ill $MIO E ~pl!t ttoui.t.I t.ICJlllllllU I 01 II flt!+' 111<..I bhl!HI l.<Jll '/ ~•v $5!>0 645 U183 Relloblu Atilt• 1 C c111~u11a11on & Hao'o Mud•• Frarne1> 40 ytlu• \ r •t•11to1H1G<.l 646 ,., 14 1 ~s3 161' lwoy WtMJld AllVll•tlY 1.11 1 CANYON PAINllNC, 14 El Ml DO YOUH yr,. '" 0 c; $Jt1slutl11111 J " I L!IW ')!,J 0290 !'.".~o!f~I. ••••••••.•••. L 1 fll11onir *'"' 494 454 1 CLEANINu ~OR YOU ....... •••••••••, .. .. CM/COM Julie 6A:/ 90117 l:IHICKWORK Sniall llJl>b OUALlfY PAINllNG f!~!!!'i~!I.~~' ... -.... (0 S PLASTCAING Neat pdlt l•eS 1nt1e~t MOSI liUbJOCIS. K 14 Day/eve $5 & $10/hr Mr Mo1gan 645·5176 N11wport Cosh• Mes;; E,1/1nt reas 10111s DIAL A MAIO Ouellly & I u I 67<.3 1~ l •t BJ48276 536 JJ66 Serv A:. NI Aa You• "'"'e nil\ ~ 1 " Phone $ 3 5 / s 4 5 IBnckwoik small or lgl' fXHRIOR PAINTING I PLASTER PAT(..HING Rt!SluC.lO!. 645 8258 ~~'!~~~ .~{~~'!!'!t ...•. 540-4669 IOtlb tOO $ 1oca1 ref!. CuSltHll work r1.:ie 8~1 R(!51UCCOS lntleAI 30 I SlllC.1.' 1969 645 8512 rle111> + line int 8 sta1 1 yri. Neat Paul 545 2977 Let the Sunshine In' Call Sunshine Window Cil'antng. LIO 5418·8853 20•1. Monthly Olscounl House1,,luu1111111 11~per re 11111g Stvve 547 4:&'81 ~:~'-~!>~~glish S1Jt1bkllllJ ~~~!'!f •.... •••••••••• RALPHS PAINTING ~!."!~!.·!!~1/.'!!t!f! ... LET us MAKE YOUR WINDOWS SPARKLE' I ABC MOVING l111/e1tt Reas ratei. ltltl'H·DHIC1t·ftt111otl. HOUSECLEANER Ou1ck Carelul Service Rel Free est 536-9898 freA esl Rea~ p11c111 w1111 e1tpe1 t0arn·5pm r11111 t1Slor11.i1es 552-0410 p Oual work Lie 337169 Sc11ts guar 1139.5337 5411 07021836 0403 d•nting our lam•ly l•ad• 645·4010 * 1-1 lllOYlll& * 11011 I cir ove1 tOO yr si !':!!~.!!!f~!!!~I •••••. APT & llOUSECL EANINu Reilulllu tt>.P rnt Hfly 1a1es 957·3:J41 Houset luor11r1g lood µro para11011 & shopping hy couplu Xlnt local r11f5 642·S937 Cfau 111eo Aas are tlo.i answer l o a svcceurv1 garage or yaro salet It's a llellar way lo tell moru people• top QVdllly Special <.ar1< Int text Lie 346252 Fr.,e R 0 0 M A 0011 I 0 N S "' 1ti11tdl0111J 25 yf 5 exp OSI 661·3998 linnt:sl Rt'hatJle & Reh, C.ompel1t1ve Ra1e:. CUSTDlll PllllTlllSi rt!nc.es JC&B Const l•c Nt1 CJvert1mu 730-1353 <?5 yrs e•P Lie 40394 t "347677 974 766!> Sl ARVING COlLEGt: S fUOENTS MOVING CO Lil T 124 436 Insured 64 I 8427 WATCH US GROW' Bonded lni; Rell> Colo• Roo/i111. C.)(pert 953 .. 09 ' t Dick I•••••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • --Huller Aoofong·elf lypes Bill's Pam1ing 1n11e.t New-1ecove1 -deck& Res1d /comml 6 yrs e~p Lie 4 11802 545.9734 S Cst area High qual & ma1er1a1s Lo p11ce Free ei;1 Reis 496-57 17 Make yvu1 shopping ea- sier by using lhe Dally P1101 Class1l1ed Ads C1ass1l1ed Ads 642·5678 ROOF REPAIR SPECIALIST $2S S 185 Free estimates 770-2725 Computer wo1d proces .mg Fast accurate se1v Reas rates No1a1y Frei! pkup & delivery Len. 751 ·!314 To place your message before lhe reaoing pubHc. phone Daily PtlOI c1ass1fled 642-5678 1!!.'I. .If!!'.~'.~ ... .!.'.~¥ lf!.'l..Jf !!'.1.'!. •... !.~~I '!!.'I .. Vf !!'.'.'!. •••• !.J.q¥, 1!!.'l..'f!!'.1.'!. ..•• !.1.!f!l lf.~!1 .• "r!!'.1!.~ .... !.1.o/! DISHWASHER-M orn or lnwr.tnce agency perso 1 llurstrJ hrll1nan 1Rece1v1ng Clerk 101 ret811 I SECRETARY eve Apply blwn 2-4PM I nAI hne~ e~per v1b1ar11 lo do stocking. help woll'l clOthmg s1ore Full ltme l Full 11me for Newport 3421 Via LIOo NB Typing & phone P11n watering Fvll time pos1t1on M on Frr I Beach Jewish Temple. .IST"l.UTO"s u" I Y s al a r Y open weekdays Interview by 8 30·5 30 EAP p1ele1 e .. p 8 5 1 • I 2 3 4 or 67!> 2300 appt only Tues thru Fri red C all 101 appt 552·0636 Stall 1mmed lull Or Pl/ INSURANCE 646 7441 644-!'>070 Ask tor Kalle ---- lime Eac111ng money 1 LLOYDS RSER R SECREURY making opply No e~p CROUP HULTll ___ NU v e&lauranl Bookkeeper E.(panding CPA F11m req For Oetaols write to CLAIMS E',.Ml•ER NURSES AIDE e.per acc.ounhng exper halplut l'/T phQnes typln" dlC· C E P I "" I 1 Part·hme Apply on per • ub 1stiers 220 Nice Minimum 2 years e1<pei only or 3 10 11 ano 11 son 9_ 11 at Josh Sto 1aphone. TO Key. word Ln n 215. NB 92663 Sho\lld IJe lamoliar with I to 7 •hilts Compet1t1ve Clttns Resiauo ant 260 1 proc helpful Excellent DRlyrffS RVS COB and Medical salary e1tcel benel•ls W Coast Hwy NB benefits 833·9887 Judy ., grouµ contracts )Cini ano good workmg con SECR -ll----benefits. Salary com-d111ons Conva1escen1 Sales n& Y NO e'P' nee ready lor om med l11r e Opening avail now F /p-ltme Sml tee 631 6688 Drug & Poslal Cieri> 9·6 Mon·Frl Fos1ers Phar- macy . C M Ca si 646-165 t lor m1erv1ew EYHIHS PART TIMI Be a ca111P.r counselor 101 a local newspaper NO expenence neces.. sarv Wot" only 12 hours a week $75 10 stall plus add111onal sfla1e or part· ne1Sh1p' s profits A real fun 1ob1 Management oppo11vm- 11es 1'01 Interview call after 6 00 PM 642-5678. exl 312 mensurate wilh e•per Hospital NB 642·8044 Est Sales Rep 10 t11st11· W o rk w11h nonprollt Sad<lleback Valley Areu Office position Musi be bute The New European health agency In Costa Cdll 837·9830 eaper1enced in corte Ello1lless E•cercose ma Mesa Must have above UHSC&PE lllSULUR spondence. bias h1tong chine Comm Will 11a1n average org11n1zat1onal lyponn etc 545 0606 le111tor1es assigned skills 1yp1ng ab•llty & " · I 213-592 4239 telephone personal11y PART TIME DELIVERY --S9501mo + fnnges Looking 101 dependable PERSON t 8 yrs. gd Sales. Haroware full 11me 63 l ·8700 (Fri & M on llar<lwo1k1ng person w/ driving iecord 751.4 705 on re1a1I hardware stor11. 9 30· T l ·30 pm) min 1 y1 exper 1ns1alll11g I no Sunoays 01 eves See ---trees shrubs, header PART TIME S1eve H W Wrtghl Co SEK ENDS Neat appea- ooard & sod lawns Eves and/or weekends 126 Rochester Costa' ranee & nandw11llng Star tong pay $800 10 Responsible adults ovei Me:.a Apply "' pe1son 2590 $ !300 per mo Pd holt 21 with outstanding &I 'Sales PIT Retail FoD11c Newport Blvd. C M ~a~~~s& ;:~~·;~~:rv~~g~ tractive pe1sona1t11es 10 s 1 o, e A ,, a 11 t 4 1 Stwi11 •aclilH Optr. appl only 646-744 t I work with youth (ages 772-447 t Produc11on expet neces· 10-14) Cat125PM I p c LLOYDS NURSERY 542.4321. Ext. 346 EOE Sales Representative 101 a sary oece rates oste i iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii unique, new mlno·power Mesa 642-ll6S I UHL IECRETIRY ; surfer spot! boat E•ten· TEACHERS Newport Center Real 1 ART TIME s1ve background nee Have you h&O expe11ence Estala Ltt1ga11on form I COllSELORS Resumes only Bastex working with chlldten 1n ~~~~·~X~T~3~1~2~~~ E1tpe11ence on video sales : & systems 1nstalla11on E>.cell wage & bene1t1s Call vaieroe tor Interview appt 642-1944 needs exper Legal sec·y EnJoy working wllh kids Inc 3961 MacArthur en e<luceuonal setting? l(lnl lyp1n9. dfclaphone & Work evemngs we ltaln l:llvd Ste 106 NB 92660 SITTERS U NLIM ITED, Shorthand a must Salary yov 10 become 11 youth Sales -----1he nallon·s lust sitting open 640·6960 counselor Call 2-5PM, RfTIRfD7 hanch1~ which provides FIH ARTISTS! LIVE IN VEGETARIAN 642-4321. X346 Lootung for extte in-·care for Children COOK & masseuse 10 come? Tty Patt-lime homes pets & the eleler· love'" beaut Lag Bcti Pte ·schl Asslstanl sales Tuesoay thru Frt· 1Y oesperetely needs home and <lo hle house-teacher/ aide, PIT. Tue. day, 9 AM to 12 Noon q u 8 11 11 e d s 11 t er 5 EXOTIC DlllCERS laohtlor /l1eht· lorett• parties. BOOKKEEPER. wanted F /charge wll1gh1 1yp1ng st.ills lor small marine 011ented company 20-40 hrs wk 645-0901 -----1 Your original. tlrsl·quahly keeping 494-8014 Kim fhurs AM Nwpt Hgts Apply PENNYSAVER, _7_5_2_·_6_22_8 _____ _ 548·1673 1660 Placenl•a Ave. Telephone Sales •SllTI IOU* O.C Alrpott area Prof envl1onmen1, full serv~, °' no frtlls. Individual of- tloes °' desk space 150 sq ti • 3500 sq It 1 MO FAEE. 7S9-8978 seasonal 01 long lerm 1n Laguna Beach Newport Beach, Corona Oel Mar Bvtld1ny Meonlenance. ex· artwork may be used on Maintenance/ Gardener per only 40 hr wk Call our nation wfde &rt · ptefor ovei 40 yrs tor FOUNO 1 oar Balboa 6 15-6101 b lwn 8 -4 . marke11ngello11 Volume apt complex experience Penonsvla Mon-Frt Resume & refs sales of better lttho· necessary 548·9S56 The Last Hurr1h. 11•-•••• 111·1631 PROJECTIONIST. P/llme, eaper p1ef"d NB 675-4S80 alt 6PM Cosla Mesa. Ask 101 Mrs Earn Bog Money by the Whole beach. $300· S 10001 sun week Call 536· 7 5 11 675-3070 Fmanclally secu1e genl· required graphs 1s our business 12-7 ----------1 leman, 40 would hke 10 <.: & I h F'or details call Mt Mar---------P/T Person dress shop tn Water Wo1ks Supply Telephone sales & llghl Fovnd_ Bord Parrot family aipel Cleaning lg 1 Un 857•8669 uasou lns1de/ou1s1de salesper-Oehvery Apply 779 W YI c Bo Is II Ch I ca & meet lady between 20 mamtenance Some days ----------1 • " N B Women·s clo1h1ng son C ~ 11 EI a ' n e 19th St Costa Mesa. Ste Contact (7 14) 4941·3757 Edtngei 846-l 200 and 40 Loves Children 'and some evenings. PIT 8EllRlL OFFICE Must have e1<per Hovrly exp nee s44-2"70. Mer-(7 !4)534..,325 H traveling. boattng Send 966-253 t E>1perlenced person 10 ~ge neg 951-4159 1 ge CdM di I •1c 2 Responsible, ret ired F8olu2n1d, "'Mic 15rlssh& ~Oet5teFrwyosn photo, discreet w111e Ad CASHIER/HOUS"WARES run small olllce-1ype Mature counter person, PTITl•E RECEPT. SCTH/HCPT. TtltphtH Saltt ~ su le, ,.. , ample AOults (MI F) wish 10 rent • • NO. 729 CtO Deily l'llc.: I ed I 0 th F 110 p Id II pkg, ulll pd. 28SS E Cat Mobile Home ror 6 mo Call 546-3968 330 w Bay SI. PO Box Sales Exper prel Apply quotes, answer phone. PIT Harbor Cleaners Experience prelerted mm open ng n e 0T we u · no co caF s ... ...,, '"75-6900 M 11 s 1 a 11 0 w P. 1 1----------at Crow n Hardware. process mall Spend part 16475 Harbor 01. Ftn VI" Templeton's Beauty Sa· IOb training No/or llte Pl osta Mesa ofc 01 n •• , " v Found orange 'Tiger" 1560• Cosia Mesa CA 3107 E Cit Hwy CdM ume learning Inspection 839·25SS ' 1 on. Cos t a Mes a typing Fvll & ptllme Sml lnlo, Call 63 T-7200 Ask 2000 sq It office space lor 1--9_6_4_·6_1_1_0______ kitten, brown coller a1 lmi9iii2iii6iii21i6_______ lor small machine shop 1----------833-7600 lee 63 l ·6688 10• Mr Carson IM . C1 -avall now 62S IHELP• Anis1 needs studio OC College 759-9002 CLERICAL MICRO Precision 27324 CHIROPRACTIC ASSIST· SECRETARY FANT OFC TOPLESS MODELS W 19th SI. Costa Meae sp conserl<lale Garage Found Blk Lab. young Pretty Coun11y Gori 27. lmmcd opening On the Camino Capistrano. Lii· ANT • Med 1 girl office PURCHASING/ Adv Agency Good ty-$75 DAV • PAID DAILY 6 45·8830. see M r s or unused 1m 01 "I <log. BakertFairvlew desires aflluenl oloer 101> training No/01 11111 gun11 N1gue1 PIT Ins e><perience re-LIBRARY CLERK 11 ping and phone voice no e•P nee • 826-2583 Nor1hrup 6•0-41039 t urned over lo c M man Lynn Box 1412 typmg Fi i & p/lome Sml 714-499-4508 q 11 1 'e d Be ne 1' t 5 II PllLIC LlllURY essent1111 Shorthand a SUNNY Newport Beach 1-----------Pound P1acen11a. CA 92670 _•_ee_6_3_T·._66_8_8 ____ 1General Help. earn up 10 _5_4_1_47_7_9_____ plus Opportunity to aO· ~~E~Tg~~Y Palio Office. 833 Dover, l•li•tll/l•~HI/ Found: pall 01 thick lens 1tllO••I COOi $400 week taking snap Medocul Reoep11on1st Administration needs to vance Salary commen· Sales. Cashiering. siock Su I te 2 S 3 O 8 I mo f i •••te glasses. Nwpt Bch near l•rYiCH S360 shOls In your area Arna· In ophthalmology Xlnt 1111 40 hr/Wll temp 6 mo surete with experience FAO Schwarz 754•1561 631-1094 ,• ••••• •••••.. ••• • • • • • • pier. 5417 .5 128 Lou •• •••••. •••. •••• •• •••. Mtn 2 J" ~•P81 H1r:no teur photographers nee· w o • k 1 n g con d i 11 on s pos111on Knowledge ol Call Carol. 10 am-12 pm IHI SPHE 01• . ,.,; •• ,, . ;~~Se53·073;ys On y ded. P/F time, no exper Hunl Bell S48-3769 In .. 0 I c Ing A I p ' 5S7·0642 nPIST Ot•Nrl•••I SOOS Found Black Great Dane EllLISll 51r1T·Lir.a11 or selHng req"<l Write to llRSERY SALE• sec·11cle11cal skills a ne· SECRET•RY/lllG Part lime, 3 11llernoons Allracuve rvsuc up11a11s •• ,...,.~; •••••• T........ voe Hunll'1g1on Beach Escort for~ Wome~ n-Universal, p o Box 310. • cesslty Flnenct&llbudgat • per w eek c d M Mlllng We supply desk LIOUIDATION DIST~tBU· Call 96'4· 1984 DANCERS Montebello. Ca 90640 Looking lor pe1sonable background desirable to CF 0 of Np1 Bell Fin 9S5-3004 tp&Ge. CQP.ler You sup-TORS STOCK 1----------•97-5725 \t>el 8am·6pm) SIOO I ll OOO t neel ener:iet•c person Newpotl Center loc Svces Firm Cttatlng ply phone, & $95 pt mo Light Bulbs • Fluore· FOUND Love bird vie t 1 Wtt IEIEIUl OFFICE able 10 g1ow wflh a well $7 69/hr Call Nancy Respon pos111on GoOd Underwrtllng pr destc Call 644-7211 scenls . Commerclal 161h & Olive. HB f'llirt/ 5450 Full & parl·tlme dance1s With good telephone est111>11slled Co Mon 1 yt 640·2124 typing. incl st1tls11ca1. Ou• Growing General 2000 aq 11 w/500 sq 11 Light fixtures • Heavy 1 ____ 5_3_8-_7_4_30 ____ R••0•u•n•d•1•,•1P••L•A•••, 0 ••:,· 1 a·n·l·a·. wenled tor Bare M in· voice. who wrrtes legibly 1e1a11 nursery selling ex-SIH slolls & aplllude tor Agency has an excellent storage. a c _ Alrpori Duty Shelvlng • Deluxe Found Female. Milted "" imum Telegrems Audi· & 1s accurate Exoellenl per 1eq'd F111me Star RUL lST&n SALES numbers, exper req'd oppar1umty for An expe- a, 1 a . $ 2 0 0 0 / m 0 Olllce Funrnlluie • Who-breeo (alrdale"I) 22nd & 1sl class $960 value. 11ons being held this supervision Exp noi Ne· Ung salary $900 to S 1. Why not try 11me shares Call 6410-0123 roenced auto underw1lle1 851_8928 lesale Prices Tustin. 531.54 15 sacrifice SSOO cash Va· week fr om 9 AM to 3 PM cessary 640·8l l0 200 per mo Pd holidays and make some money --1-E-O_R_n_&_R_Y_/_E_l _EC Must have a minimum ot DISCOUNTS AVAILA 110 101 1 yr ~57-7 196, Apply Ill Bere Minimum, ----------i & vacations Hosp11allz•· tor a change? 751·3 191 2 years exp, with non· Interior Design firm has BLE Los1 Brown Wallet. Oeo1-673·3481 Jell 1807 W Katella, Ste 216. General Office tton ins avail Interview Adva1 /Comm dep1 has standa10 marke ts We 400 aq 11. lorn"d u~111111 3 Days Only glu Dr Ltc Meo del Anaheim. or call (7141 Insurance agency In by appl only Call Tue People who need People opening for expansion oller compellllve Hlery, office space 101 1en1 In August 24111• 251h. 26111 Ma' C Co u 1 1 n s E-!fl•r,•••I 778·8•21 Costa Mesa has opening thru Fri 646-744 I Thars whet the N B Fon Svcs Firm excellenl lrlnoa benelols, Skypark area looking 11 Aulry Lane, lrv1ne 7S1·1210 •• •• ••••••••••••••· 1~~~~~~~~~~ for energetic person 10 LLOYDS NURSERY DAILY PILOT Good typing StH Exper ano a pleasant working for compatible Co 101 Or CaJt 2131553_8595 L-0-5-1-F-2-Y,-0-,d-gr_a_y_c_a_t. Sc•Hll • llTA EITRY OLllll[ handle 8 variety of 0Ht00 SERVICE DIRE~TORY req"<l Non-smkr Call env11onmenl Call Lori Info call 556-2932 ask ---------vie Elden & Santa Isabel /.,ltmclll• 1005 E duties Musi be respon-1Se.=ll=•=d=le='='e=m='==6=4=2=-5=6=7=8J..==.;1~s;;;a~ll;;a~t>oo;;;t'==::.l:=6=•=0=-0=1=2=3=====;-"1 S49-9923 tor Jan. American P1of Mkl now reward 646_2008 ••••• ••• •• •••. • •••••. • •Pandlng Nwptl. Bch slble and wllllng to learn r.v __ E_T_E_R_l_N_•_R_V_H_O_S_P_ e1<panOlng to So Celll I----------Now Enrolling No enroll· credit card company has Paid company benefits "' Coale Mesa 200 aq 11 to Meklng 5 qualified per-Found Ladles watch vie ment fee $31 90wk Incl FIT temp positions avall Call alter 9 am For ap-needs one PIT A H T 2800 aq fl_ 7S. P9f sq i ons In mkl & mgmt Call 3rd ano Jasmine CdM tiot lunch 646·5423 tor Data Entry clerl\s polntmanl. call Pauline, and two kennel auls- tl. & up. Ce11 Realonomlc. t or I nterv ie w Identify 644·7605 10.000 key strokes pe1 549.5909 tants Call 631·1030 Corp. 975-8700. ( 1 l 4 )240-702 • or •----=-------Jd1 Wulff 1015 hr ex per 1equlred ~ w•tTER OR w•tTRESS Found Male mix Aust •••••••••••••••••• •••• c 0 n 1ac1 J Ta 11 0 r Government JOBS. Many ( ( ........., ) ) "' " SO.LAGUNA.3ArchBey <800J654-·5730. shepherd, blklbrwn Live-In housekeape1/ M on -Fri ea m 10 fobsevallallle lnUS.and . • neededa1lu1<uryLagun• 2 Sulles avail. Gd. Hwy "'i/::/,J• 11 f'l•ll Male mlx Shep Hually companion seeks perm 41 _30P m 7 14•7s9•7900 0 11ersees For dliectory, Beech Houll Re1tau1an1 Llverf w lll. NB lie Fem, _8_3_6-_1_1_63______ IHTAL llS'T J-t9 breakfast and lunch shltl LO'fll bv<SQ81 atudlo-oflk;e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. Contact LO<s Beloit Vlalblllty. '497-2351 I ' 5035 wtit Mele Sp11nger Span Po s I t ' on A e I . s call (312) 888-4347. ••t llNTB I Fvll Time Position tor avallal>le, nr o .c Alrpott •••• um1111 mixed shephetd whit Nurse·• Aide seek• poal· NEWPORT BEACH IUIR lnLflTS 497-4'477 80t per 11. Mike Crow l•~llt ,._ l•t brown, male mix Shep 11on 81 companion Challenging, rewarding •• 1 1..,.. ..,.1 d Ag• n l. 6 4 2 • 1 2 4 3 , . -· • b I k 'brown Ne wp o' 1 ch8uHev1 01 aide 10 el· c&rMr oppl'y for a m1-mo iva ""' at,. II neede Wan led to sell spe<:lally e.45_3178 S~lal zing In 111 & 2nd Beach Shelter. 125 Mesa deily 01 111 545.9390 1ure, energetic. uper.. 10 fO!n p1og1N1lve ••ton. llam, w/pay SS 00 hr. TD"• aloe• 1949 Or, CM 644·36S8 an'I Top pay Fringe Sall Comm/ Vacation ) only work s hra an 111e PAllFIG PWl Rob1. Settler NH/CM 1---------H•I• W••IH 1100 benefits. • dys Non· C a I I m • n a O e' • ( ~ ) e u n b I g 11. C •II 234 e..t 17th 81. CM A.E Broker Bd Realtou •·•~•••••••••••••••••• smkr 6·U-0595 71'4-540-8889 ~ 714-675-7619 btwn 1 & eoo aq fl to 3800 aq 842-2171 5•5-0811 Lo9•6:2~~~o':iORT lOOlllTI HOllUILI Dentel H d s 1 PIT I 12AM Pavl tt41 05 per ti. VIII & I•· WIDOW HAS$$$ for TO"a 1----------AD AGENCY Expeilenc.d AD A nee-::117:~e ly~=~ .t.pp1':7'n ____ Wl_ll_l_I __ _ nllorlal Incl. See bldg RE Loans. lOK Up NO LOST Gold hoop earing. Faat·P•'*' environment ded tor Orthodontic person Crown Haid N mt' &4S-3120 C11dlt Check, No Pen-.. shtlmp , d1tlgn, NB/ II you heve related ex-p1actlce In MIH lon Viejo wate. 3107 E CSI Hwy, ew s pope r Min $9.35 ht Job avall rt H ally. Oennlt0n & AltOC COM are•. REWARD per11nc1. excellent ty-eree 130_370l CdM now Call lmmed Sml Ott~ tulle OWflookl"" 673-7311 760-0580. 675·9311 ping •kills & lfllOY 8 tol ot IH 631-8688 ..• respon11blllty we nHd IEITlL aa•••T&IT IW.TI Ot.tl Newpor1 Harbor. Liii DO YOU HAVE a lit 2nd FOUND Bo1<1r female vie c 9 79 7000 ... l9eot avalleble. ApproK 01 3rd T .0. lo SELL 7 E11ancfa HI Sehl. Wea-re~1~n) 111 • Do you Wini • career In IUIAll" c . 1 ,0 00 1q fl 760·111 45 rln g chok e Coll u Orthoutlllrlngallyour M.V .• C M.,Anh.,H.B , arr1ers for routes 714-645·7100 540-9 tS5 Aoo 1g 0111 k . Al P. E .cp ROA 1klll1? Excel wage & G.G IOCallons. Sallry & A I preferred In peg board. beneflll 940·0121 comm lo $25,000 48 hr Be h .......... ,,, .,,, ..... , •••• ,, Found' lldlet ' watch, vie purchases. & CID )our---------wk Incl evu & wknd1 1·n Hunt1"ngton ac , ••,•••••••••••••••••• • 11tH•lll/ Queen of Angell Church. naJa Wiii train on mini· lllT&l. 859· 1983 e.utlful elt«)Utlve ~ W. I Ii · I N.B ~4-0200 computer PI T, hours llllLWIH1 :-110-1-11-------f t • V II & N f B h :::::.:;r=.1•n ...... t ... !,~ ........ LOST 1m111 le<nlll l>Oxlf , ... lntrvw by appl only Newport C•nter Denlal HU OLUU oun 01n a ey ewpor eac ~ AtdhMI. 17 e ~ r: ~~!~~'! .. J.1.!f ~OJ;.;~c~i:,r_ 0lu~·~~.: _9_3_2_·_9_7oo..._ ______ , ::0~PP~.~~~~~~~~1t~~ 8110111 l!nerv•lfc lndlv1- 97S·Hl2 from 1 -&; P1ychlc AMdlno• 545-191• or 5•11·6447 &er•"• Hlabllshed olf\Ce need• dual• Som• e11perllftoe W ·ff3t aft« e. {Splrllual) alter 4. IHtt IHfrllftr a rront olllca pereon. required Stat1 work Im· • •0ott1a MtN' Jec:k (714) 65f-1179 New 11udlO In N11111porl •Ito a ch11ra1d1 Hiii· medl•llly. Oood Bene• Well lr&HIH4 Sell atarler wanted to organlie arid •dmln1111 newspaper mo1gue Plf· manent po1ltlon. Dey· Um• houri Salary 1250 10 1t111 Light clerlcal dulle9 P ... M Hnd .. lllf and re1vme to AO No 1084, Dally Piiot, PO &ox t580, Co111 M•la CA 92627 ... __._ AllOwanot Found Key Ring & K•y• A E I n • 11n1 Tnl• ,. •ll OP""'tU· II.. On Ur• oc.•n. C•fl ,...,.... .. , SCRAM LETS Vic. 13th St, 8elbo1 tee 11p1r enc• • • ,._. I d 3 882 8111•1 llln ,..... °' offlot,. 800·1200 u 2 2,. .. , k-• 7 t d•d Top ply Alk for 111tv to work In e prog-o •y. °'apply al: 4 ••••"'•••••••••••••••• a.f, ... 7-61U • .,.. • .,... • ..., Im°'• 1 Cindy llHlva. tn111Hllng anvl· So COltl Hwy, Capl-, • G d E • CALL ,._., ........ ----' ·NSWERS 8pm. Home 635-4154 1onmenl 1140-1122 •lreno 8HClh 00 nmlftCJS '1!~hl~~~······ ";t'~;t;;y;d n FOUND Mal e kllle n .1 Watk 89:M737 -O.-n-ta_l_A_Nl_l_lan-t,-h..t-ll-llme-.1 _ __..(l_1_•-.>_•_H_~l_l_H__ • 5 T • g~p~URLfJ~i~ PATIO IALl·llCk to In C.M. on Placenlla lndOOf . luehy dlatcoel. 4 wtll f .. t. Wt'lt A~ front ' bllCk offlc• 811· Hotel uper nps I School 8p.c;lala. ~ Oil ueo1mo. &4&-a332 ~u~fs'* ~r~;o~lower SI. CM I Ctrlltl•d Aid• and •n, per~. ROA X·Ray lit I IUlll • Great Prins D11·1y P1·1at ~=·~~~':'8~: Alltacllvt 1000 •c:!· II. Do you , .. Ille wtlat lllnd I Aide Aealallnl IOf llcillll ieq • Nlety open. '*'•· nHd•d IOf 111ort pro-tunctltl. tic OulnM I ...,_ office llld9 w/ of mdrt~ you'd need 'An you planning• m0yt? r_.l,ement home In NB 1 Iha. N~l)Oft S.ach a.r .. 1' ~11y Call today. or •P·' I w111ete 100. Sat Only.._. ...,... Yd-c.n ._ Ulltd for an 1 mmton dollar CIMllflacl ac11 ..., Poln1 11:30 pm 10 7 30 am., e4i-eaeo. ev1t & Wkridi i>'Y al 34182 aoutn 3 e DI 8 fer 11ft1t mfo. 1618 mo. l'IOuH? ou m111 one you Jn the right dll'ICllOn 831-3655 • e73•3403 I Ootat H..-Y, Capfttrano 642·4321 II 1Jand. l..~:1~~· atboa a 71 W . f 111'1 C M . peymenl and 1111 bat'l~lo f nd Utt hom• you IMtlflacl Adi, your 0"9-MITAL tFO HOIPT. · Beach ' lt4t OJ.44. BOUNCES. need._6'2·5e71 _ etop lhopplng C911ter. 8t4M5H __(11•_ )_ ... _ ... _~! '------------------------b"d wn11 fOU w•nt In -_ _____. • _ --l _ _ _ .-L----__ ___.i,___e1_.t)';.,_P1_1o_1...;0IAMl;...;;.;;.;..;_"-d~t;..._ ----·~-- •• 0 c s t a ------- .:>range Co111 DAIL. Y PILOT /Thuradly, August 28. 1982 , .• ~ ....... ...._,,,.,.,,. fr!r!IPl1 ........ 1Mf rr.~ "'~"""'!.' I!!.,,,•.,,.. •,_,.1 l.~ff •!'!!!''"! 1,11 YM~ ............ 1.~?f ~.~~~~!!!r.!!~, ..... . f'r." .... rr.11.......... .... ..... 1t..1-.. 1 ........ _ .. ,,,, • • •••••• _j_.f.M... •Ill **I BUY** •• ... ~ •••••• . ;;;;1... ••• ..::.t11n •• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••·••••••••••• 74 Dodo• Van '' 'Om• ¥1,"l• 1!.U I HOUtt hOlclt tAM to rn·~'lol .. uooool'•••• ""' U MJ •Int e;oi'CI UOOO Of bal • ,. ••••••••••.., uoo 3PM '"' 9111 au11 w 0• l'loll•lop Otellh OINI 41", ClOOd u .. cl ,urnltur• a ...... ~•••••••••••1,-... ~ll4b~ __ u.rtl ..... men'• otothlnQ, '*'Mhld nMCI• rtltnlt lnQ 1716 Appll1111lff•OI\ I will Mtt PACIFIC H ' l'lloh1rd1on lporl LOOK FOR GREAT A•lll Wu1'4 llH 12 Jel "" llama & lurn. 213\t P•h 080 t70 8206 or llLL. IOr YO\! "1ner 81Mpa e Aeklng •••••••••••••••••••••• t ;19 11,, OdM ' 01oe1na Out 8peoe 4.2 at lllhll &IOnll MIC•OWAYI 11e.ooo (2131 I> t8-t431 WE PAY Ftn avt H o Ac 8ru1,llpr6 :'fcl,qnbcl1. Ill• Dt oor1tln' Bui .......... Hl·Hll Wiii tnd• 840 •C s.cit MOTORCYCLE .. u ... ~~~h=: ~11:0 i:·, ~~:· g~:0u~~.11 ' 8 ' .. , rtllrtlll ANTINllA ~~~.~si:::j, :v:= TOP DOLUR TIHll .. :u:::.~-::·.ai: .. uff Mo~~:RAJ11~~;'"91\, c~:n ... '"''*' 0n~:::;~: ,r--SALIS Sl•VICI --,, m~J,33-00IS Approa YALIES FO:LA~·:.:.·· COSTA ME~A DATSUN t A M I' r II Sat 2 22 0 10 lpd lllk•, a..,, l'rM a d I 1 n • I " t • , ZO<llall Merk II, w/40 llp HITUO/llWI waurlront. C dM Splrlt.•lnlcond teer 3 8 'W1128"H,tlldlng l •ll'AI• _J-Mtrc mtr,tll8"<tta & 2480 H•rbor Btvo 2"45H11t>orD1vo (Corner Aca<:t a ) SMOIO Antqm1tchlng g1111 door• Cuh 135 -------------1r1r, mini condi tion COSTAM(SA 71•15~10 11ze-7788 .. , 01 2 c1rtt1er..a i.oi.a s40-ss20 13300 548-8830 IN THE FA I 0 A Y E O IT I 0 N GAAAGER-Antlquu & v1n11y t1bl e , C IRCA CALL CLANCY Ut-.aOO collecllblH ol Chttm, 1930 $1,000 lor entire Beaulllvt Drexel dining rm ..,,,, #ltlH OF THE DAILY PILOT! Uf·141l run, v.i~ China, glut, Mt Or wtn conllder Ml· Hl, contemp bul anu-631 0906 h,, .. ,., I030 S llngaapatllllly Ht•~ qut 100\\ 8 chr• • ···~·"""············ WE IUY bolllttl, bra11. MllC .. In iamhy lor yelll A.c-S900/obt) 7110-3303 2 Boll R1d•11 OLElll c•Rs 9-4 103 Snoreclltt, CdM. IHIOn tore .. ••tell Wiii Wkdyl. 5fJ 1·'41110 evH/ s 100 H oh • •.. !l .•. !~ ••••••••••• c on11der beet otter wknd• {!.".!!'1. ••••••••• 1!!.f ••,".,'~,1 •• ,,,, '"' 842-0433 IHI• l1JJ 90f0 0.Hrd ISJO HD TRUDICS Pl•••• call 549 -06711 4 Poster King Wllerb9d Brllllent WS2. lemon ytl· ..... .'ti ••••••••••••••• 85 HP Evtnrude motor, ••••·'•••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••• IWIP lllT eve end m111chlng Colon111 low 2 5901 die. Apr. Ilk• new. low tire $1800 12· Salling 01ngt1y, s & s Ctu11c IY69 C111vs1., EY9fySunclty.llam·3Pm Flre.aMt f•il,'•t turn '$1000/bll otr $13K Ilka $71100 YAMAHA 8111 Amp 1142-7058 ueatgtt,w/dolly Stl!SO s11111cn Ltrno Alnt cond Orenge Co111 College Solfu B1111, .. anllque 842-72611 831-9270 Head with a double 16" '89 40hP Evtnrvde enort 675-1980 or ~67~ ::t•,.0~'1•: C811 Mr Smith F Ir •lt & • 11 to 0397 Spa~e sever bt". dra-PV 1peake1 c1btnat -v • v w ... r ng n, 875-~ " Engegement end wedOlng Fender BaH Preclalon sn11ted, cteen. Like Schock Ftberglu1 S1bo1., ~ Coate Mt11. Admrsaion weo <:1blne11 and bed• ring 111 . coat S1400. 0 encl Meed moto r S700 tuJty rigged. gtau at1ck1 A•llt•H/ ~~~ll~~:~~0~eller ~ll~~p_·;.p_J·~~~ all tr, 0°:5t'~48 ~;~;3~orn . S 1000 ~~~;,~:~ 1C:S:.ce11:~; 548-4754 1n 5 ssoo 676-0968 Cl111it1 95ZO 558-5990 APPLIANCE SERVICE Swed11n modern 1moked WANTED: diamond, brll· ... Ollt , .. ,. ·1:11~~n~~ ~r: ~~11~': ·~OtflO ~ElOllAn ....... oiil.';,,;;;t .. . We Mii rec:Ol'ld . guer gt .in dlne11e Ill •lnl llanl wt 3 cl, •Int COior. • 1 runs great $495/oller FLICKA Sl5,000 Shav replicas pickups & S1111rday Everythlnggoes app111ncft 549-3077 con d . sa <: $375 . tncluston OK PI P. Lyle Etectr'c Gultlr, 559.5010 Dennls673·3533d1y1 coup11s 4 to choose cne1p 148 P1l1. Mo-641·6633 • "'5552 ' •1· ttom• 1006768) ISlk were. bikes, & misc. I llY APPWIOH "4.,.. Ive mag. beevtllul. mutt see. YIF Marl1t Ra4111e lo1t1, ~. ''' A3093J Prices starting at BIG GARAGE SALE Les 957-8133 a:~r~b~~i~r~,P~:'. b:i~~ H!!!!!!!. ...•... I~~! ~~~-~26~0b 631-1118· s200. 654-1277 •• !.!!~! .......... !.~{~ Oily H ,tHI Sii only, 9•3· Beige/ rust Seers Kenmore Washer/ cond. $300. 641-6633. WNt • :i lffll lortlt IHO Slaps avalluble, Corona floral lovesell & chair, Dryer. Almond color. at-• nt Gulld Acoustic guitar. w/ ..... '•••••••••••••••• del Me• erao, S9 pr It aleo, gemes, toy bo•. most new wlll setl for Oak 5 pc bdrm set, con-Weste111 1114 let case $260. Must sell. Clasalc 18' Lepetrake p 8 g g y 0 r c a r r 1 e toys. new Polarold <:a· s395 Set 96&-1436 1empo11ry llyle. xlnt se-ITtll Bob 631·1178, 549-12119 Centvbt>ay ooat. 4 cyl. 955-2473 wkdys 9.5 __ _ mere, home movie edl· -cond S400 631-61133 • •11w 5 500 675 6 6 tor, 3ll4 drifting brd & Freezer 31792 Cimino Capl-PA Syllem, Alla<:, QSC. Orey • 1 I •I Ff. Meerll& mech .. SSB CB radio, $200 Ortho Supreme Oveen strano, San Juan Capl· Tep<:o, lncludH mikes. 28' C hris Crall cabin Exoelltnl Newport Har- hshld llem1, clothes 548-4754 mallress & Box Spring, 1111no $1750 644-4605. cruiser, eng & trens bor loc Near Put>llC 12 18 aquer tots more trame, headboard, good 493-l023 p reblt, recently retvr-• · " REFAIGEAA TOA cond S250 or mike or-Drums (Rogers) 4 c. D<x:k S 15.000 55• 2326 1600 White Oak (W or Cl lrosllrM s1 50 3 A P CM #iulll••Hll IOIO Dyno snare. 2 <:ymbal bashed, ball tank. radto Herbor. t>et Adema & 6:;n4352 d• sie H ler 69 alcam I .. •••••••••••••••••••••• stands. I nigh hat. Z1ld· Nwp 1 sllp incl x 1n 1 Beker) • Y '' CREDENZA Antique mlhOQ•ny cabl-ll•n & Pelste cymbals + • h a P e $ 1 1 5 O O Must Sllll. Kenmorti Elec Pecan. 56" 2 dr perlect net with orl~ RCA radio all ha d are Good cond 675-9565 Pottery/Verd Sele Sat-Dryer Aune per te<:lly d $75 '535 7'•92 & d . S75 00 ' w · ----------i Sun 373 "A" Ogla, C.M • 1•5 con · • '" rec:or Payer-· • S 3 8 0 8 5 7 • .1662, *Ill IPUlll Artwork to aurfboards. $lOO, 5'"6-9 .. ---STORE FIXTURES tor ~;~v~·;a~~ob~tnAr,~=c~ 873-0682 Winner of Character .-.nuqve G1rage Sale. Too * * WANTED * * sate. Solld wood table/ & record pteyer-$75 00; All Brand New Equipment. Boat Parade 17' Xlnl many ltemt to llsl. Set ot UPRIGHT FArcEZEA <:hairs. antique trunk. bathroom "marble type" Peavey Bandit SOW bay crulter $2500 or PIER up to 28 S 150/mo 18 $100tmo Marcus Channel 673-8 145 b1ll1ltle lewl BY OWNER 30 Doti<, power or lull down mast . St50 mo 4 chairs S 12. Linens Good cond. 546-0659 wood wall cablne11 & sink 1n 1 door & 2 drawer Amp W/Automlx loots· t>est offer 673-7677 50c·$6. Jewelry SOc-S5. GE relrlg, bOll<Jm freezer. racks. 492-8922 eves. <:ablnet plus matehlng 2 witch S280 Dean Mark-Musi llquldlle 26' Well· Dock tor 26 boat w/3Br, Olaaawere 25¢-$4. Mir-$125 Ken•nore gas 675-4491 days door wal l <:abln1t & ley Pro·Mag acoustic crafl Nova w/lrlr Sips 4, 28a dplx, Newport Can- 675·0652 THEODORE ROBINS FORD lObO HAl8011 llLVO COSTA MISA b4l·OOIO 53-Studebaker Champion 5 pass cpe Nice car S3750 2131592-1792 , .... Nt•H ........ 1946 l'o•d Woody Wo gon $13,000 1929 Ford Model A Town Seaen, $10.000 1963 Stuaobaker Avanll, $5500 675·6 161 ' or ·• S4 . Fr I on I y dryer. SSO 642-7502 Dresser. Elh1n Allen. "marble type" wall shell, guitar pt<:k-up w/case xlnl cond 111 $8900 al S900 mo 673-3663 71m-6pm 1822 Monro-WHIRLPOOt FREEZER Shellleld solid cherry all for only S 100.00; S50 Shure ml<:rophone 11 k e 8 11 p v 1 p 1y1----------1 5!> Restored Classic vie, C.M. 3 yrs ol<'i. llke l\eW :: 1 150 13. 52•2 1. with horse blenket-$20.00; PE 585 w/case, cord 1).45•72301754-6862 lew,ert le1t SU, 1 G MC •, T wt tT rear framed mirror, 351150 g I r I ' 1 r I d In g hat adlptor & stand SlOO UP TO 44 II end llydrauhc hit bed all S~~=.9;:1sc~'~=j s250 54&-9927 $ t, 100. Ovel cottte lbt, (small)-S25.00, ~ Cir 549-l076 ask lor BOl'lnte 20' IYEll UllCI $350 month 673-4424 new 1 u n n • n g g ea• 182 Cecll Pl CM Frost Free relrlg. yellow, leatner top. frullwood -lloor mets (4)-.20.00, Olli~• Fu•il•n'I Volvo Penta 1301270 BOAT SUPS AVAILABLE S35001ost Must sell -------·---lllnt COl\d S 150 GE S95 Edison floor model new 14 Inch light lllOy r,. . •••s Sturdy last. cl as sic, Newport Bt!ach 40 & 45. 646-3037 Frl/Stt/Sun 9AM All lreez u pr i ght $80 Laboratory phonograph, rims (BMW'a) Ht of ~·!.f•••I ._ cen19r conSOle steering -------kinda ol lhl""s -too nu-6-42-311'42 192o·s. tine, wllh 12 dla-4-S200.00, two new con-•••• • •••••••••••••• S37SO Call 642-•644 from 9•5• l•tttatioa•I .. ., DESKS FOR SALE Mon-F11 ' 3 merous 10 mention. 221 rl IOZO mond d is<: records -llnentel steel belted re-Desks and malclitng 675-1980 or 833-6701 Vditlu 95 0 E. 19th St. .!!l'!.~!.............. $475 Addlllonal dla-dtal ttres 196170 HA <:hairs at sacrifice price S3900 buys a 26' llber-6o•t1, $~I ··v~·c;,i-;c);_,·5p-EC~AL •• 5 F lty G S le Dirt Bl~ a Good <:ondlllon mond discs S2 50 ea. 14-S lOO OO; BMW 3201 11 S550 Repla<:emen1 u.1• aOIO em arage a ' · · Beck's B-r framed mlr-noodmask-S20.00; mlr-glass navy whale boat ~• 7 '76 GMC v an Conv tow Olahwuner, Iv, many Mu SI sell S 125/olfer rors . SlS~ea. 675 n<"'"' r 0 r m e d 1 c 1 n e coll S2300. CALL DAWN d 18 se1 powered ' •••••• •••••••••••••••• miles. w.tnt cond Musi misc. 1tem1. 2201 Amer-982-7657. """"" cablnet-•2o.oo. Call 9-5pm M-F. 833-8800 6-42•7056 15· lrl !lull, o/bow. OMC sell 848•8123 I (Off VI I I ) S I Q bd I I • 120, 100 hrs. IOW cvr, Cln ° or a a · Men's 5-spd beacn cful-ueen rm 941 ' armore, 642-0138. IBM Execvllve model C. '74 Carver 25'. mint cond S5500 b a-4. ser. S225. Call 640-5100, II brldg,1e.h drdea~ mlhr-,.111--.------------Large cerrlage. $200 Lots ot equip, will sell or ;:;.~;:e 10 0 POOL TABLE. king mat-ext 19. 9-5:30. Doug rors. a ar Wuvu 15 · .u. -845-2487 1fter 7pm. 1rade 875-58111 ----------1 ATC 185S SIOOO 546-4754 aft 5 kl .. , 1• h 1 Beautllul • llke ntw 8 to 20' tnnn, 364 per II. ----------i 4 x 8 It Custom slate pool treas, 1 lluoe'" <: a rs. •-11 OllllEll $1300 •at "'""1438 -.... Used Royal Bond Copier Bo 2 5 roll• R 19 Insulation, .,..., --:--=-:--:::----:--....,.,..:---:-:--:--:--l-..:.7..:.75:.·..:.1....;4:.9..:.1..:•..:.n.!..yt..:.lme..:.:..:. ___ 1 Xlnt --". $600. •Ion Whaler. yrs Old, table $500 Please call 4 Witt/ Drive• 9550 I 2955 ••1 d 10 NEW 150 673-9344 =T •BLE d 1.. •-l """'NI 1 t ·, 35HP motor. alnl 760··623• eves •••••••••••• ••• ••• ••• • m 10. "" n an • · · • " . roun w .. e.-rs. Lt-•Al 1 _.. 64t-1010 (Anita) 557-4515. Set/Sun 9-5 llAGI Ollfllll Caned bectl. IOftd. Steall n _.._ cond $3.000 firm (714) ---------1 LARGEST JE'EP DEAlER P•Uf'-1• 0 .1,_ NEW $50 1173-9344 S400. 536-3438 eves. !~=~~ ~o;g 1111 M1 -84-0--12-6-2------1 1!!!.~~! .. lf~~. •••••.. de~~~~::i;,s~ds CO..Mfll CHIVROUT ?l.!)l 1fJrl1nr II ••I I •to.I I\ \H .. '-\ SU-1~00 MllilllHYH Top llollars tor Spotts Cars Bug• Campe111 914 ' Aud•~ Ast.. tor U/C MOR JIM MAIUH YOLllWHH 187 11 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 142·2000 WANTED! Late model Tc.yotas Volvos P1cl!ups II Vans Coll us today• Earle Ike TOYOfA.YOLYO t'66H ..... l h& c •••• w ... "" 60-UO)., S40·'4'1 W£ IUY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CAU FOR FRH lPPHISll Co•m•er-Dellllo CH£YROLET 18211 BEACH BLVD Ht)NTING TON BEACH 147-1017, 141-3331 Top Dollar Paid For Your Car• JONHH I SOI li11coht-Mercury 262G Horbor Blvcf Co~r:i Mesa 540-5630 Premium pr1ces paid tor any usea car flore•gn or domesh<:) 1n gOOd cond11ton See us F11st• OATS~ * TWll l OAAI * A HIS AND HER MODU\ I Auto I s l peed ,,t(;t(' l>Olll have LuK Pkg WI llOW w1ndOwS alt COfHl cruise & nave plush ante· 11ors w 111 sell one O,l bOll\ t068lSA) ( 15071°1~· Jus1 need rellat>te party 10 make small monthly pmls No old con1rac1s 10 u.,ume No bac.k pml~ due Aak tor Rosi 842-4400 Proto LIM 1980 DATSUN 210 5 11peed 1ransm1n1011 low miles e~cellent con d1l10n Glean A M /F~ radio. 2 new t11es 83 t~ cense paid & Mus'(. SELL' S3995 C all 675-3017 or 642 0138 78 B2 10 4 spd ate amt Im SOK m• Aini con~ $2950 963·9365 • ltll l1h111 1210U o1 E' ;.cetlen1 <:ond 111on throughout Tape deck 4 spd trans •lnl mpq , $3100 499· t439 8 l-280ZX GL pkg w/l) top s1v1 IJlue xlr a c;lean. lake over payments P1> ! Call Iv msg. 730-932 1 79 2 10 Wagon, super sharp atr11 ctaan 40K mites. 5 spd root rec~ 43 mpg AM-FM, IOOl\S 11~e Mercedes S4500 547-4970 79 2802'.X GI pl!g, 5-~pd, rear louvers ors Anza exhaust nu 111es & mags. 26K m1 55 1 ·9295 645-0792 !~ •••• ~~ •• ~=...,.•••••• . · P •••••••••••••••••••••• 25' Bayt~,...-. 1972. catMn, Iii • H Iii 1140 your JEEP MOVING SALE: Cherry-SCHWINN Boy's 24" Var-~~~~:·b:~!~o~el~ogtf~ :::•u; ~· •. = Parret.~ ~,. Mercrulser motor. good •• !!~! ....... ~~•••••• Higllesl Dollar Paid wood dining room set. sity 10.~. xlnt cond. t b I & c Io ck S 8 0 O. tne "heck" out of roses Tame ....., 5411-......, cond $5900 675-8032 Puch Mo-Ped. m1n1 cono, Call Gary Gray side boy, 1quarlum, IUIJ-$100. 545-21163 547-4970. 673-44 19, •• -, .. -.. 1. low mileage. $350 Call ORllll!E coa•r 16 7 10. AfC 86K ma • S 2300 cas h l irm ' 586-3734 alt 5PM ~l! .. l!llllfl!lllJ!lll"!P.I~ '80 20CSX auto etc am/ gt09, '65 vw part•. misc ·-----------------1---------111,.,, , "'' ... ,,,, -.. _ 642-2483. • - Item•. good prices. Sat 1•11'1•1 lrle9f1I ltlftff411 LIYI UUMll •••••••••••• ••••••••• 9' Tencter. fully equip· VESPA MOPED. good lMC/.IEEP/llHAILT Aug 28. 9am-3pm. 10200 #•t•rl•/1 IOZS dining tumltvre, 1pprel-Send someone you 10119 Like n-Klmb1ll Spinet ped, 6 11.p Evlnrude. cond Only $200 2524 Harbor Blvd . CM Cardln11 Ave .. Fountain •••••••••••••••••••••• 5eQ value S2500 or best a beautiful bouquet o! 30 piano & bencn Iese than 675--0191. S1800 675-•792 549-80?3 645-7770 Im. 28 000 ma. silver blue, great cond $6200 552-6803 ' 79 280ZX auto ~le am/ Im stereo great <:ond $7400 552-6803 Valley. llOW 31C In, oller. 120-1013 helium balloons. Perfect 915y5r_. 1o]d86. Call aner 6 pm, IHI•, l••I ----• R d d 2 fl d 1\1 tor all occasions. Great .. • '82 PUCH-MAXI, brand 70 Scout 4•4. 4 cyl, runs ___ _ FRI/SA T 9AM, M ulti-e woo 11 ec ng, Velvet couch & loveseat. ----------1 C•11t1t llJSO new. never used $450 great Needs some work 9123 famlly. 16642 Mt. Oar-;'.;~,·~~g~:1~,;~r~ grn/gold floral, good d6 e <: 0 r a 11 n g 1 de as Etec1rlc Plano. Wurlitzer. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 640-660 t leave msg S 1500 OBO 646-8382 1 ,,.1,, II.'•' _.11_1 _11_1 «_• _ !!!!~!! ..•...•........ win, olf Stonecr"s. nr . .,, cond $300 551 2182 73-44 19 t'.~ old. ldeel for •Pl •o· Viking lor Charter - -d I ' OR&llE COllTY'S M l Sq Antique car an'fllme, 775-1491. . . • ----------1 ~SO 673-8701 Flah1ng d•vlng & an-·79 MOTOBECANE Un-T1ac/e1 9560 H1gnl'sl t.asn imme •aDey • 1--------.....,.-1 Solebed. qu~ size. very SAFE ,. C der 100 miles. has bas-•••••••••••••••••••••• 101 yoJ• ven•cle o-O•LY llTIORllll t runk, broken piano ff.'! ••••••••••••• !~~~ comfortabltt, xlnt cond, Major Model 1712 Plano & Ben<:h. Melvlll• ::;k;~me n t a 11 1 kels s400 6•0·860t 1171 FORI mest•c 01 101 e1gn FERR'RI (cheep) Antq lurn & Bliek 1moke Persl1n, $195. 497-2933 $200 (714)882-0907 Clark Xlnt <:ond $500. -----------. leave messaoe COlllEll lLT 55•·8285 • glan, clew II tub, clo----------IFamt1y memberahlp New-540-9293 O.I l·H ""''I ____ ...;..____ IEllHHIP! the$. appll1ncea, maple Mele, I yr, $150 obo Near new brown corduroy por1 Beacil Tennit Club. ---------'11 RH 121 VESPA 4 cyl S speed trans & A 1 I ltd twn bed toys. housenold 957--0607 sole bed, $175, C1ptlln1 1800_ Calt collect Dr Sr..rtlaf. c.H6 l#f Newport 7l4/63l-3600. Moving must sac St 100 new 111es Rea<fy 10 go• .!..'.'1 •• '!/!.~ •....•..• ~~~s~~~n•a. books. ·-~-.-~-.-•• -.-.-•• -.-.-.-•• -,-.14-•• ¥ ~r~.:!~:. ~!~~,.b;goo~ _L_ow_2_1_3_13_2_&-48 __ 4_o. __ ,· ···scu8;:Ge;R····· -;..-9-~-;-806-,.-,-.,---9-H-o' __ 9_6'1_-_2_2_os_,_6'5_-_266_1_, (R68oi•' Y S3115 ~!'.~L ........... !Z~! I ~EW~~ i he Mle4111Hee Olatt 675-4340, 640-0069 John Wayne Tennis Club Complete, S300 ·····'···• •••• •••••. •• Poch Mol>ed. 1980 ~ IO Audi 5000 Turlto ¥.'!!!.'!f!!~.~~t... S"" IF I I Be Ill I F h p di Membership for Hie. (714) 662--0907 16' Hobie Cal, yellow w/ $350 or t>est otter 26 000 mates fully loaded M nrs 2• t .,,n up now or n o. au u renc rov. • Bell otf 714/551-1941, 300 Mag Weatherby 2 X 7 teq sunrise sails Like 646· I l 72 1 d d L k • ~ &11. ·2 Call: 847-7688 FV nlng room suite In Cher· 2131614_3173 Radii Id S 1700 S2SOO 67!>-6161 sun100 q con ' e 3 tamlly garage sale. rywood Includes oval ----------• 8 83co2p9e77 new #ot•ttrt/11/ new $13.400 OBO 3100 West Coast Hwy Furn, c lothes. misc leW.1 letriewer table (extending to 98 HEATER, torced air. Gel-_____ 1·_____ USER SAU l~Hlln 9150 6 4 5 8 2 • 1 Eves Nl'wpnrt Beach 187111 Hoyt Cir 9-5 1"1 mo Old ~s nome Inches). table pads. buf-tiers & Sauter. $75. Make TV. I•''• S bi buck r 25 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~1 968~ days ____ 642-9405 Stillman's samples 011 __ 63_1-_7_911_2_,_1_s_2_--06_5_1_ fet, 6 uphl. chelra. All In ofr 839-9547 Blfi ltlrH llH L.!;!rs ~sed 10: 3 da;'se;';. 1976 Husky 125 MX In lllW 9112 Fi•I ---9-1-2-5 school, ofc supplies; ~lnlature S<:hnau1er Pup-e.11cellent condition. 2 Tickets to "US" conce<1 ••••·•"••••••••••••••• tne O'D11y s1note handed perfect <:ond111on• Must so Datsun 4x4 P1<:kup •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ...... household goods Fri/ pies, AKC regls. Cnamp s1495. 540-6627 3 day ti ckets. P1td BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA championships Fully sell tor ONLY S400 Call * MTl.Mllll * 18 Spyde• conve<I 5 ~Pd Sat 91m. 21182 Breton sired 3M/ 1F, 768-8623 $37 50 each, will Mii tor COior TV sale 2 yr wrnty equipped aMna$r~eal 6!5-,e2a0s3e8 ~'eenop Gel real 1,.gh with lhlS red gotd pinstripe gOO<I _ ( a/N 2 -SICT •-• S35 eaeh Save SS a-" S146 Free delivery Tne Laser Store -r ., cond runs ,.1n1 45K ~ AUant ewland.) FREE 10 a good nome 4 yr l"V • ..,... "" T • 6-411-786 trying evenings !>Mt sporly brn metallic 4WD -F-rl-\h_r_u_S_u_n-9-_5-.-5-00-1 old pure bred, male Have new sole • must time waiting tn llna to __ v_Jo_h_n_• ___ 1 ___ 1 824 W. 18th St.C M <:omptete w/shell AM/ S5_000_1_o_bo_6_•_2_•3~ _ Shelhe 645-8010 sell1mmed!Cocoabrown buy 645-0414 Allee Lanlllng floor spea-642-0846 '76 Kaw1Sakt KZ900 FM ,CB quages Use lor '70 St t S~i4iler 124 Cuplen Cr No H B velour. good cond. S75 ----------1 k-s S250 e~h Excel-1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Clean timed. tuned. lo w o r k or P t a y Schwln bike, an1q cab, Min grey poodle, JV. yrs 536-9832 Pinball Macntne 1e';;1 condlllOn Sherwood 11 O&Tu•a•a• •aoLI ma, x1ras S 1300 Suen a BUT DON T DEL Av' I •OO C HC 98.000 naehld, books, toys, clo-needs gOO<I loving home. "Race Cer" receiver S50 Wiii deal. - -deat' 6• 1-3293 f I W73366t Just need ra orig m• Reg gas •ll\t thing & misc. Free to the right family Sotabed. dining reble & 4 ____ 64_2_-5_9_3_7 ___ , _11_s_1_-_•_19_8 ____ :-7=1 j~~~'::~ ,!~.:~~~~~ Yamaha motorcycle, w11n liable party to mat.e SlUS·SERYICE ~i~~SO~;~~er ~9!·~948. MOVING SALE • Furn, _7_60_·_600_6 ______ 1 chrs Reasonable Aviation-Marine V" r,. . IOff S3lO 17141 540-6030 helmet $l50 small mon nly pm1s No lElSl•C Fmr0,,·i~~y.<:s'~;,.'~2f'~~:; FtH ,. ,,. 1045 646-3160 c~~~3~50 ••• ~.;"A~~~~!. •••• 1~~~~~~~~~~1 968-6070 Old contracts to assume 831 2040 495-4949 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------i ATARI CONSOLE w/11 c 1 c 1 No back pmts due Ask SHILEllCI IMW Or., H B. (near Brook-Free adorable kittens, SOFA. excell cond, po--N---B-lleh--A-hl_I_&_, E 1 d 32 lass c ruts ng ·79 Yameha IT2SO. gd 101 Rose 94;>.4400 Proto 28 02 P Hoa'• 91Z •••••••••••••••••••••• J nurst & A t lanta) Cosl&Mesearea. hshed cotton earlhlones ewport e 'etc tapes •ca con · Sloop. Exoel cond. Bulll <:ond $750 or trade tor l •M 4 Marguerite kwy 984-5096 645-7817 print. S225 731-1768 Racquetball Club mem· $200/bsl otr. 760-9321 Flntand 1957 Custom H 0 n d a 1 8 5 s A T c M•s5lon V•e10 HOlll NHTlll1 We c.an hetp• Before ynu lluy Check our unt>eata.- bte selec 11on savings and service today• ' bershtp 111 Nwpt C tr. 1n1r Lwke SIS stove. 542-4034 Must sell 1975 Datsun IAvPfy Exit otf 1-5) Im•• Fem Golden Lib/Beagle Double bo,. spring & mat-S125/obo. 675-7597 People wl'lo need people VHF, 8' gless dingy ---------Pickup Great cond111on Open Sundays • ••••1··.·,;.··1·•··1•• ••••• rn•'X. 7 mos. llouset>ro-tress. S IOO OBO Tennis & soclal club lhould always check the Many extras Desper ale· '71 SIZtll Rl370 New 111 es shock s & 21 ken 545-7346 646-1172 memt>erslllp, S150 ~Directory In the must sell S28.000 or bsl W/EXTAAS, S400 bralo.es Asking $2400 UMIYERSITI SlUS I SHYICE S11 Aug 6 8 AM to 4 1·l-o_v_a_b-le-l-ur_r_y_6_w_k_o_l_d 1 Almost new contemp 54a-4754 111 5 l·;:=:D:A:IL:Y=P:IL:O:T==~=o='';;;;;:6;;;;7;;;;5;;;;-83;;;;;:9=1=d=•;;ya;;;;;:;;;;;:;-I Dave 545-5357 Darlene 492-3327 or PM, IOIS ol bargains 10C N d d t>drm set. king u bed.1----------C 00 831-4675 Sales-Serv1<:e-Leas1ng to SSO. 9 Jordon East kittens •• g oo $600/ot>o 536-1980 vaserety seflQraph beeu-77 Hond1 B 4 • x1n1 ----:-::-----;>850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA h<>mes tlfully framed s 1000. cond1 hon $800 Musi 65 Ford 1T P1Ck·ue>. 1004 '13 120i's lro •ere! W•U• IHd 551-2135 ESTATE SALE Sarouk 640-9605 Boat picture ads provide sell 645-6756 bO HJS. rack & shell Nice Seleclton' ••'••••••••••••••••••• i--------2--Ortental rug. Stelnw1y1----------S850 631-2938 111 76 21l02 '1 spd sntrl Stereo, furn, bed. wed-Free to good llOme, yr M Carpel Sale Used & 2nds ·77 Suzukt PE250, •ln1 Hond•. l oyota. Dat•un 540-9S.O Huskyt"'··m S"-mix. ebony grand piano. Er-· · ~ d 1o 1 aving 55 Restored C14ss1c (917PVB) u • ding glf1s. sppl 289 "79' • ..,... mine cape e•acuttve 1s1 quallty S4.99 sq yd ~ con · mi. 8 GMC '.T with 1 ton rear • 79 3201 auto AIC all makes S199 does II set 7AM. nata 631-8876 Pvt p'arty, 1•8 .. .,7•31 _ Lrg selec1ion. 838-5543 Thur. 8126 S450t0BO end. nydrau11c tirt bed. ell 79 320 1 N 1 1 Det Wive SI .. Laguna Ben. good w/klds, alle<:llO· desk crySlai ch1ndeller & padding & lnst1111t1on. oO country. must aell by (54677501 No 1s1 or lest No d!;'PO· .,,,. .. 675-1978. 675-5917 new run n 1 n g gear ill' • 4 spd . Oil· s11 o tc ee 1vers .,...,,Ifft• PEEK·A-POO Newport 8cta. Tennis club s $3500/bsl Must sell ded' t776VPCt any lease. buys any ca• M~. 4 bikes. clothes, 673-3490 •••••••••••••••••••••• p 1 u s trans I I e e · "'~ 1000 Ml. llKE NEW ~n11r86ZOJ> leasing 634·0189 : •• -..................... 2 yrM.-illralned s ...... 1,c.H1IOIS tamllymembershlpS250. ~ 9 '71MOIHOXIOO 646-3037 .. 80 320• 5 SPd over ourcosl AllSavers' misc. Sal & Sun 9-5, no l·M-a_n_x-kl_ll_en-. -,r-ee-to_g_ood_ 8' 3-cusllloned flowered 673-7638. ~8-~' 9 $850 645-4 199 69 Ford F 100, V8. 4 spd, 135.3171 78 HONDA CIVIC S2000 : early cells 126 44tn St. nome. Call •lier 4 30. couch. •Int cond. •----------ss ~ • AC new t11es. t>ody ?08 w h i Santa Ana 8 NB 631 ,.,,.,21 842-7228 Sliding wardrot>e doors. 1976 Kewaukl KZ400 straight. r.d s paint Closed Sunday 8 3 4 2 6 7 w k ...,,, 1----,.-------new $10 .._ S850 or 1>es1 otter $1350 494-6875 857-5174 hm ·-· r ... c. .... ,, ... ,_e_·_s_s_ETT __ H_O_U_N_D_m_•_·--7 Movtng Sate. Gii Drye<, 4~038 ... 8-1172 CH-OICE INVENTORY c s ~ .. ~ •••••• -,.--.-....... ;;s Old. Owner traneird Maple Bd Sel. Metal ol· 1----------.,.. 74 Ford Courier has 80 Honda 1v1c t111on GARAGE SALE.Set Only must find ~llOme tor lite daak, Ov11 table, Flt>ergless Spe. 40", only "if 71 Yamaha 360 Enduro camper. call all 6PM VOLU&AlES Wagon. new clut<:h 11res 9-5. 25842 Celle Alcwdo, Coffee t1ble. bookcues. $50. no accesaorlu . "' St reel legit, spare pta. 5,c9.3579 a• r em 11 m 8 I•• ck Sen Juen Capo, Elec 1_F_red __ 4_9_2_-1_____ Vacuum cleanera. old 549-2565 new ch1tn. runs strong ---7-3-0-A-T-S:-U-N--$4995 540-9439 range.raft.misc. Have aomathlng lo aell? record1,blrd-c-oe1.m.-'·c-H_U_A_C_H_P_E_W_9_'_·_•_o_tl_d I S350/ot>o 548--073 1 w/shell auto mags 78K IOI Mcllft(M 81 Honda Accord l X I tal folding c h1lrs. old h d _ _,. S •-" Extras. Jow mll•ane 5911 ldte Items 6<12-5678 _c_1_eas1_r_l.o_ld_•_do __ 11_we1_1 '-=d=ress=e::s=.=6=13-::'.::83=~=· =:::: Olk. an ca.y..., P•· #•l•t Bo•n, -I•/ mt $1900 775-6268 IMW 838-287-o" _ n1111 llyle S 300 . / I •II fllO r-°l,4'B 54o-9293 ••• ~~!r.'.!!!~f~•••••••• ~~t:~:~ ~f.5~0~e~~~ Seles-Se1v1ce-Leasmg 1979 CVCC wagon. whir•.'? MAllO ISUll Rent· 26' motor home, ron 1111 oate, side doors & 850 N Beacn Blvd. 10 mllea, xtn1 ahape AIC. MEMBERSHIP sips 8, fUlly loaded roll up rear Many extras La Habra Mus t s e 11 S 2 9 0 0 1 Bu FOR SALE ~5-88l6 Gueranteed new engine. 122-UU 675-7424 or 1175·9665 Ulllit'-675-11131, 10AM-5PM A•I• limt1 ''"' drive tretn. Mtchetln tires Open Sundey 75 CVCC Wgn Xll'I' ~ , kt111•~'" HOO _s_8_100_P_P_8..,.4_o_.20_16__ ORAllE 00tm•s cond A apd, Gru1Sde2 aool -• tJ. BEAUTIFUL! Full length •••••••••••••••••••••• '81 vw pick uP tru<:k. OLIEIT moving overeats 2 " C1nad1an Lynx coll All Cllevy truck pans: ·~ diesel LX Bl1upunk1 955·1348 •J 1. Pt•o• your ad In the Dally Piiot Ct..-..c:t MC1k>n (lt'a beet to Nn 3 d8)"9 fOr mextmum uxpoeure). 11 you P.Y tot your ad In·~ we'll run h 3 d9)'a and only charge you for 21 2. o.t )'GUf' FREE Gar~ S...16gne (all you hftl9 to do It come tn to tM DaHy Plfot & PllV ror your ad In ~ - .. ..., give you two 11 )( 17 SIOn• -FREE of chwge), 3. Pttoe Matt p1eoe· or merchendlM.. '4 . Have pitnty ot oh•na• on nano (nldceta, dim•, quartere, halves, one Md five dollar blll1). 6. ,..._ t.w tun. and count your mor,.y ato.e•oe IMdt!y. Selle tor $14,000. Wiii ton t o d leaet Ablt AM/FM s1ereo S7'!00 & 80 Honda CVCC Hll<:l'I-' 1 a c r If I ce I 9 0 0 0 t11nsm1111on from S 185 49•-4366 back. 43 .000 ml, fwy • 857-8857 1_&_u_p_5_54_-_18_so ____ ,-7-2-F..,.or-d-=c-ou--:-,1.,-.-:,-~-1-0-n $4300 obo MUST SELt. •. Hoep bed, elec., w/ Autot>Ody Student need• Gd cond. $1500 IO'l'Saln-~vtee-Lee$lngR 545-5661 ~ 1r1peze; wheelch•lr. pro)ecta, '70 to '82 Imp 631-8190 ·77 CIVIC. rebullt tf\g w 11 k er , c r u I ch•• F 1 1 & Domestic •m Cltra. Ille -------:-..,....,......,:--t lf Cel cond 4 •Pd' 966-1225 28' Erlcaon ully equ PP4'd cru ... trucks. Neer IOl•I•. SS Toyota '76. AMIFM Ste-D' ... H .. fl(~ T ·°'· l\V $2800 848-14 77 '" SP~'\ e ••II•. UHF, eompau. covers. save Money u . no junk. reo cassette Smell No.JU..~~ r1'-i:. ,., Uldln American Tourlater Perfect eondltlon 118,500 2nd olltce servlct 0111mper shell S2 l75 '"' A, .. • ' ••. .,,. • ""' ·n CIVIC cvcc. AM/F~.'1 luggage, 3 pc Ml. bl~. 123-4587 213-944-0452 1173-8818 •• .,.. · ..... "'"',.,.... new llree. Od mech cond;" S75. 842-2217 --------::-::-::-: '79 BMW 3201, 4 spd. AIC, n eeds p 111n1 $220& ~ HOSPITAL 8EO PAINT & Ille body work, V••• IS10 sunroot AM/FM caseet-644·8009 Ill 8 ALMOST NEW IMO up to 50% Ott your bOcly .... ;;·;~;r.;;~c;~:••• te. $9300 549·1217 .,..-----,-....,---,...-T" S.. f f t ael-lhOP aet. em 63&-9832 .,,.,., A l• f7j1 1-833-7481 .,, your courH or as .... * MIT SIU * ·19 62111 4 speed. 1ea1ner .•••••••••••••••••••• ~1 LO 011 Painting, cott MOO. with 8 Dally PllOt boat picture 4 M90 Wheela U S Indy SUMMERTIME FUN I B8S wheels hcellent 197 1 Karmann Ghll , Mlrll: 8Mut1M lrwne. Sac;rlflce d th 0 II l5X 8.5. S200/bet ofr. Completely cuatomlzed <: on d S 1 3 . 5 0 0 cond In Ind Out, New S100. 875-nea ad. Each Satur ay, e • )' 1139-9547 8 sell-contained wltn 644-11325, 559-8442 p 1 1 n I A 11 s I 0 () k , Piiot wtll offer you ad space 11-15 LT true-lreck ur .. •Ink, relrlg ' c1blnet1, 1111 UOf... 7J0-8"01 -i ... LlftllU thet not only deeerlbM yoor 110 potlle Cuttom P•lnt, Sunroot. AMtf'M uaMI· #an• 11.:i.°" I hlwt llOfMthinV bMUtl-54a..t164 aft 5 wllMI• & much lnOl'I to C 1 ••••••••••••••••••••~ ful • 30" high c.ttmlc boat, but plctur• It aa well. ... (1W7404). Jutt n..o ta, Al • Alloy ' m•. , ·~ ho r • •. O "t y I 711 . ___.. L... •-•-rell1t1I• perty to m•ll• Avtomttlc. low mllu Th• price II guarant99U to A•lflf rw -II lhly p .. No I t4,500 ()( bell Olr . 840-8 709 .....,*'<ndt. buoy yoor ap1r1t1 -~6 If " ··,MPOArAmt:Orice.. :• ~~. 10 :.Ume. f1141&29..a202 .,........ take the picture. and only $40 TO R!AOIAS ANO No beck pm11. due. Alk '78 3201. Sperkllngl Snrl, Wa"' 1#1 ADVEATISEAS for Rou. 842·4'400, 1c, 4 1p, SSQOOIOBO, .. •••••••••• .. ••••• ••• If you provtde the picture for a Tht price 01 1t11ne •Cl· Proto LIM. 876·8'4111 P!::eomower. ""'"at"':,~ 2 column 3" ad. Y911iMcl by Yltltclt dee-1913 Dodo• v1f'I, .111nt ,._ 1 1111 let• In IM wtllclt Olelll-con d .' s I "0 0 . 1 ... 6 .,.., ·~~lllllllllliilll 181-lled adWrtlllng bolumn• ... I cl c"'!'. ..,.-•••••••••••••••••• h dOH not lnolude 1ny Newport v .., '74 CaPfl f.GVI, muat Mii. Wtntect gOOd t>IDy furn For further details about ow ~P'k*ble ,.,..., ~. Ma.2080 11111 new 1 ..J.!000 Of b9t and Intent dOttilne-Dally Prtot bOat picture ads '""''•' 1111. rin1nce 1_of_r._e_s_""""" _____ 1 N4-«>4J WQri( for end to CIWO-. ,._!Of llf pd-I To pUc9 .,.C: mttllOt '17 Ceofl, 4 1.000 ml. tun ~ '""""'.,........ can you lullOfl control lleYIH reeding~ 1 root, lmmacu4~50. ""~ "IKIO'".,. ~le your ad, Oii =::=,.~'f°'pr!!:::'-j ~ • 1l 5'M51i.1 r-r. " you 1'IM • ~ . 642·5'18 Md ak tor Siity L... ...,.. ='J'. P110t u.tct .... " now Wftti'i otMH'WIM tPMlfttf W l Cl~ .......... , ntw g ooCllH •Ith 1 P• ltltl 'I "Ol fetll .... , l ion Cher9e1 unteu "',...., TrNe 7°"' ofd M"9f fOf c ....... Ad. ""llCMllllet. t l Q...illtd Id ... 2"6e18 ======:::::~=r:==~~~~~~:=::====:l-.1::=:~~===-L.~~~~~~-~~~~~~===~-~·~--- -'I----~-+-~'-.. -------------------- Or•nge CoHI OAILV PILOT/Thurad1y, Augu1i 28. 1982 :tt 380SEL. Under 9.000 mlle1. Orient Red , Chrome Rims, Sunroof, ptrlecl cond Su ,000 Wkdye 7141557-07 tt , ·•ves /wk nds .1'1'4/675-2464 MB2llOS. orig owner, Kini cond .. S49001olfer 673-4728 11\ 300 SEl 3.5. 811 XlrH. n-tires, rare 4 spd fir ahltt Beau Sllf>00/080 75~-0980 "71 MB 250, Sun Roof, AIC. Aulo, Orig, xlnt cond. 1 owner $5400 759·0650 '11 HI IL 1.000 ml .... wife whMlt ts8.ooo 2 13 1:12 eQ10 11111 MH 2~Q S Hood, Trunk. Radlalor. Tall llghta, and Mite I 110 &411 2220 7114&0 BEL sun;-f Otfgtl btOwn 1n1t S tti,800orr 873· 1153 '70 MttCtd•e 280SEL Not runnlr,g. nd• work, UOOOl obo S4 1-011UI m11g OtlPAll·llROllll Over 100 new & 11H d MercedH·Benz Come tn & conllder our teaeo ar- rengemente or long term 111'\anclng HouH ot Imports, tnc DIAL 213 or 7 I' 637-2333 ·79 MGB. 5 spd od, AMI FM c .... XLNT cond 857-2395 '67 MOB. xlnl cond New paint $2550 64•·4605 ,.,,t.. 1150 ...................... MEISTER PORSCHE/ AUDI 1l63 I Harbor Blvd Garden Grove Salts·S•nioe Leasi•r 114 131-2333 '80 924 Turbo, loaded '80 '72 280SE. aulo, A/C, 924 Take over teases acereo, like n-$6950 plus gel S 1.000 pp, ~2· 7776. 714/825-1608 If It's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn r.our wheels ntocash. ·73 Porsche 9 t4 2 0 lo m1, eitcel concJ $5500 negotiable 548-5374 '68 912. all 011g. 5 spd, red, must jlee. $6000 640-7912 or 544-9455 61 Porsche S11per 90 Sunroof, rebll eng, very clean $6 100 or oller 891-0523 '72 914, 2 O. 56K orig. ml, flawless cond. $4500 obo. 551·4142 att. Spm. '78 PORSCHE 924 Blk/Blk, Btaupunkt tape stereo, air, new tires, sunroof. $7900. 545·04391(213P96-<$6 l9 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH IUAeO CARRll'A 17 rutt IMll\ lnlr N-NCh tat,600 Alen lltA 011 I •111 '14 111 OPI Whlltlnavy. air, AM/,M t.IH • new 1hoc:ka, llrH, IOK tun• $11,200 Oly 640•7 I 1 I nllt 4119 2532 ~!!!!.~~!!!. ••••• !.~!~ ~.'.'!!1.!'!I.'!.#!!. •••••• ~!.'!!1.'!!r.t.~ .••••• ~.".'!!1.!11r..~'!1. •••••• ~1.'!.•1.'l!d. •••••••••• ~1.1111.Vl!I. •••••••••• f1.~•!1.'11!1. •••••••••• ~'-'!!1.V!tl •••••••••• 1'.•r..~ ............ !lff Y!P.!.'f~l!, ...... 1!. .• Y!J~ ........... l.~!f ,.'.'!! ....... : ... !.~~' 9!•~!! ........ 11.P. !~!~ ............. !.~t 9Y!!l!!~!!t ..... !.~!~ 71 'oyot• Station w. 11 1 Ytl;t hlltr 76 Sllyhawll a dr. hlC:hbll, 'll OllYITTI 16 l ro 2 !JOO• •edlu '" ,. C'.11tlUI &upi.,... gon .. un• oood, •lr'lt ·n Sul)9t ....... • • ., .......... , • C)'I. owr. AC. ltuf9'1nOy Aull), ell; •mllm ¥•rv MW ur.. 82 000 m1i.1 • ••n~ * cond 11010/0fftr IHOO ••r w/blk & whl tnl Ntw c:i.an 1 1900 40,6283 x1111 r.0110 12 100 "IUPRl!Mr OHT I• 04Mla0 Ot 831 0724 4117·'1'3 IALll IDYltl llr .. 6 b•tt•rv 38.000 76 V•O" • •Pd good bO l'lb8 how YOl,t II f ''"' Cir• '78 Corolla 8A!5, ale, am/ ·1 1 Squa;;b'ic11~n;;(j; ' mt '2200 O•f> 7013 c:ond . I 1~00/oeo '77 r atRO e.c:et c;ond v1n11 thtl fully q11tpp•d Im llereo, trnmac: HK dllleranllil 11000 otter lll LWlll C ,J/IJ 1116 063-00 111 toaOed pr11 ... 11 "' .. 11 m•dtlt• wilt> 011ty 41000 mt only $3!500 731 ·183_0 !548·31114 046-3740 OV[llSl!AS OILIVIRV .,r.,.,!•••••••••••••• SllOO t>elow i,1ua book mil .. 1111 wheel L1nd•11 tXPERT8 Tiii UlllEIT 1973 (..11rn11ro l r JtiO S~'IO Otl2 0!1112 •out wir• wr.,...1 & more• '"••tj 111 10 vw 811i02.ooo mt. AM /f-M • •Pd atnt WhyMlllelorteM '"IOY •••••• ••••••••••••••• "'O· e11to ttent & clutch llRU Ill llLEOTIDM c;o11d $:1'>00 624 112118 7tl G•ertnO• ()n11 hoth •c:onomy 6 com 'll l111ttfre recently ov.,heut.c New •Int con1.1111011 , 11 t HH zg tJI J 1 # l DEALER IN U S A c:on<J I J.000 QUO 130·6188 IOM Harbor Blvd g• CadlllM:• In bth•rn net ow11111 $800 or t>HI 11 .. 1.1 r1>llatJ11 party tu 20k "'' C•Ct llant mech petnl & 11phot 111100 YtLYt 1 or 1111 mooet, tow mllH · 112 Chevy, working, 0t1g1 $2b00 1171 2,0 1 or u1 • • 1173·0•:\8 COSTA MESA Catllorntal o .. u• IO<lftyl Oller 9«12 11269 I Tlj RANC..HlHO (JI u11lu I rlllkH '""'II montnly R VW But rHr IHll, I O MAIERS -tr11111 111• 111w, 1111on1to iinll• Nr, old c;ontr1ct1 '71 TR6 nu red p11n1 . Ilka naw soo _!4 ·1101 14 -1417 I "" 80 Cuetlon 4 dr l'lt1!1.htik. 1111 wtll om/Im 'll HtllOI 111 ""'""'" No b ac:k -~ 010, r11mov hrd·IOP & 881 2220 'Ill 144ti ldn, xlnl c:ono O&DILLAO ·~ .. ~·1r·:~t":,1:1e~:,,11l; 1111111 $4S001Ub(I 8pml• due Aak tor RllM I~ J\_C conv11<1 lop run1 grHt ----AM/FM tteteo M11a1 2800 H1rbor Blvd S•9061oeo !>59.64 t4 1i1i:i n~1 4;> 4•00 Proto LIM , ... .,~.";~: .... :•.: . .!;.'.; ;,5~J,::11 S45001olr ~Oe~:'s B~~~~~bl!:~~ tee leavrng co11n11y COSTA MESA 644 11170 l'J Forll Vrn tu,,l)m 110 furo>r111<lo <l1eHI Uk ClOSfD SUNDAYS u L -----r.ir.i".:IOI 11800 Ron 03l·ll080 m1111 M ii t>y lhur, 812«1 •40 1880 112 000 mo Rum; QOOd urn mel 48K m1le1 alnt I••• 9160 ,•••••••• ••••••••••••• '7 l BllO. excel c:ond 675 5917 - - ---12600 Call JOhl'I $8000 1-11p 715. 1595 rt •llllfl• O 8 0 6 7 b. I II 7 8 . I U • 79 Ct1evette •~pd 1isk1ng I \'300 '16;> 09•'.. turul w11e whit toaoell •••••••••••••••••••••• 10 vw comp6r van. fully Must &ee ·79 ELOO dlttel 17495 55~·03211 'll FORD LTD WAG. 1 t s 1950 544 7989 BHI buy al $1!\00 below -6 1 Omoo11 Br oughem H LEllE A 1912 SUI equlp~O w 0' g. equip • Aatll 1/1'4 whist bk 645· 7253 64 Ch6VV W11go" good Auto lruns tlH t.On•! 1 ow tyl ;> dr whl w/tan 1ntr 100 TUllllO 4 DOOR Good conl.I Reblt en~. 16 VW Super Beett11 •••••"•••••••••••••••• -••an5por1a1ton $950 m1 Mur•v t•llr.1~ S<' 0()0 l6K mdes wire whl1 'ruonostgrre1Bc~ Goodmua'1ads1e1tat. Conv Mint cond Orig Q••11•I 1101 '18 Cad Seville Moon/ 6•5 2205 alt 6PM All ., 644 0"4? S6~ P1P 775.159., $ f\ o •••••••••••••••••••••• aunrl Yellow/ yellow -• 345 42 $2300 548 ~6906 or owner rtnge/blk Come In & ... N-potl IHlh 52.000 ml wire c .. ,; ••• ,., 9930 ltottJtlc 9941 Pi1llO 9957 • 6•2· t625 $7000 963· 1000 Bob G Beach• ftneat seiecuon whit AIC etereo au I •••••••••••·•••••••••• •••• ••••••••• • • •••• • •• ·•••••• • ••• ••••••••• •• per month ptu1 tax 69 Bug, AM/FM can. runs •!rat, greet c:ond Lo mt Porsel'le'1, A11dl'9 and * MUST SELL * mile~ '1" '" JI ')0 ""r Al<. AMl~M 6 l•k ·79 Bug Conven whtl whl. ol pr-evlouaty o wned pwr S8200 760·927S 1 8? CONTINENT Al I '4 M:iv.,.•Ck tb 05oo <lf•Q 74 Huno1bou1 or111 o w 48 month closed end · good, nos paint, $1400 58300 1.,.94•4004 votkewegens. ·79 Etoorado. 23K ml. nu Bellulltul ,.11w t>Ody stvle, 642· 705b s 1600 64~ 9154 le1111 on approved ere· 494·6875 ..... tlrea. 1mrnoc 1 owner It 99 O dot Cost · S 15,375, 71 BUS, rebtr en~. amllm 72 VW Super Beetle. $11,990 871-8149 --1 similar 10 St1ville but"" •• !~~~!f ............ t l•--------$652 IS cash required cas• radi~ts s2 SOlot>o sunrt 4M/FM c ass, ~•gneo w llomou~•ne 74 Pir110 2 01 soro •int ~ 0 12300 C•••tf •111 COmlOrt luxury •01 b~ 11 B08(.Al Sl44q lr.tll .. IJOrtaloon Sl1t.i. Come In and ash. lor de· 645-6921 clean OOO<I cond 445 E Coa11 Hwy ••••••••••••••••• f •••• c:omplf'h!ly appointed MOO•llOOf 6JI t l'JJ ~hrll r.td•" hi• very tails• ( 16924) 759·0701 N-po 1 Be·~h c "'0 1 o n Al v ' -.. 67 AMA.-. ret>uill eng inti etec; inst panel IS t ve m1><1 " I• 011~ thMn $ t4!Kl 548·3555 BEACH IMPORTS ~~45~ug runs gooo 74 Bug. xlnl cono . nu 673-0900 $900 832-9774, 9·5pm 11ntry \y"11m A1110 w/ Muilu 99521•-------- 846 Dove Sireet 642·8717 tires & paint, 55K ong A/llC 9905 Needs paint I overdrivti 10 give you , ••••••• 1 •••••••••••••• p , 9965 NEWPORT BEACH 74 vw THING rnl $2900/t>et 963·6313 •••••••••••••••••••••• ..UST SELL •own greal gos mileage Whi18 ) 4 MUST ,ANIJ II (olllil .!!'.'!!! .••..•••••••••• 1&2 0900 or dys 873·4166 Lou11e • dnv1ng 11111ty1e• Jusl ne6d Auto AC.. nw r.r1.hlllb Aini 79 T~ANS AM 1 -ROOF 11 -GOOD CONO $3600 SAYE OYElll 13,000 Leaving USA · 78 Ca-rel1ablo party 10 rrakf1 c. 0 ,. c1 ~ 11 11 , I> • MUST SELL 73 Saab Sonne11~ -4~3 33851661·2925 r91 JEnA 82 Eagle SU . low m1 maro. new ral.11815 silvtir :.rn.i11 monthly pm1s No \ l'H5 OBO 1144 !1170 * * Wht II I I $7350 646·•629 loaded XlNT CONO• Oll1t.ontr<1cts toassume 5UMMffd1ME FUN' glass b ody, xlnt cond 76 Rat>h•I int/ext llke 64~.:2:; w roo s 3 9 9 o / 0 b 0 p / p No oa<.k pmts oue A,k 80 Mu~tdnq <,,111.i 1 "" '' M•C1111qh1 tJlue met ... 4spd $3500 962·6~04 new runs great stereo 857.2070 101 Rost'842.4400 Proto n .. <1 15" "" 4 t.fl "'''' ,.,ur hu<••-r .,6015 tl)ro. S -9-1-~-2 s 2 s 9 5 I 0 I> 0 M I k e 79 Rat>bll, xlnl cono l M S!JOUO (,44 1'11)0 VIit• ,111 IJOWl!I tlAlras !lit .!'.~ .. ~'! •••••.••••.•. ~. 631 461 5. 675-~ rUf'S reg gas S42001best '64 RAMBLER 6 cyt Xlnl '76 Camaro aulo. am/Im.I I i; rncort•' i 1UCB262i Just Sates·Servlce-Leas1ng MUST SELL 1970 VW CV otr 494-1679 molor & t<ans, nee<ls rnd. tow rrn, greal cond CO•Tl•EITAL 6(, r11i pauil 111"'• ~ ••nq ""' u rt>liutllto pa11y to SAllUIAOI Combo Bus New eng. 63 Bug, 7'n1 cond • must ~;i~es and llre~46·8485 $2700 552·6803 CLASSIC llAlll Ill Sling<'' lg111111m Hu:•~ 11.1 '"•'~'' '"'''" rnon1n1y Su1••1 ~Int price Call me today. i.ell $1SOO 080 Cll•vto/el 9920 S2'i00 obo 642·7500 ~:,;;~o~·.~'" '' SI' 10 pml~ N•; r11c1 con1r .. <.t'> •an 7521153 · -1 • 1m.-.. Noo .. c.1- • "1·2040 411-58 t -293e2v.es675·5840 •• ,· ... &. 9alO •••••••••••••••••••••• -• •• ~ SEE US FIRST! C •• o.r.v.•.t.te. •• ••• •• •• . C.!J MU~ 1 ANCJ KJnt '01u1 "''·' ... Uuf* A~• tot R,,, ... Karmann Gh••. 67. Wt\h •••••••••••••••••••••• v 8 rl ,... , tn c d 4>... "".it' 44f)f) J:u110 l M re·blt eng new t>r8akes 69 BUS. xtnt cond. many SEE US We have aE goo&d seSleEcO-77 Vellt< whtttan '"'' 40 I S2">00 Obor 4b2 J 411 , .. l•1n•Am .,.._ I Owr1Pr $1700 01>0 536·34 4 xtras. $1800 firm Call lion of N W U 000 rn1 tully eQu1pped 1 -" , ' all 6, 675·6218 for the largesl and beat Chevrolel51 $8450 673-2282 days or I Old1molilt• 9955 Ii 1 Mi< 11 'd•-gd ga~ mi MUST SELL THIS WI. 101.ot• 9165 18 Bus. 10 mi. •ha clean, •;6 ·c~~~·,i:•s;:ts,·~·c:~d CUSIOtn point sunrf. c;ondillon St!>OO AM/FM ens Asking 8•0-tU 7 $6500 ANY OFFER -------673-8956 79 Corolla Deluxe. 25K -Must sell Xlnt cond 72 VW Bug. •lnl paint, $3950/ofler 646·3638 t>ody & eng, new radials. __ $2300 495·9527 all 6PM 72 Corolla • Gd depen· -dable transportation. rt>ll 74 VW Westraha Pop· Top eng, 35 mpg am/Im camper eatra clean SS. radio. some t>Ody da-000 1'37·8_6_46 ___ _ mage $475/obo call answer ad 652. 642·4300 24 hrs. '76 RABBIT lnllexl ••ke new, runs great , stereo $2595 080 Mike 631·4615 t975 vw Buo Excellent cond, Low m1l6S Sunrt $3300 or t>esl otter 546-6247 ----1 Vol~o 9712 •.•.....•..•.•••••.... 66 122S, new clutch. good shape, ret1at>le. runs great, good 11r11, stereo S 1800 875·11565. selecllon of new and 675 _5487 Q esiwknds •••••••• , •• ••••••••••• f .,11 """' So«no 640-03C/4 used B111cks rn Orange • 1910 OlDSllOllLE ,74 firebir~ C~ounty loday• !J!!A~ .....•...•. !.~~~ CUTLASS t";UPREME f IJHM JLJl 400 0•1Q 76 Dodge .Aspen Spec Cn111>" Aul 1 tr.Jn~ r.r,,,,, "''9•n" ourns •P.g E01t 64K m1. all power 8 t:LOll"''"<.•• ""'~"1 pnwPr g.;, A 1 ll'>SIC· $2500 k cyl Call all 4 673-;246 .\ 10,•ded' t2f,4,'l Allra• 114 t,44 11,4q aft '> PM llVP C..cH' . ,I ... Do~,. Charcer o•LY S4tl15! I 7 rir••ll•rd •ed cliw;11.. For C1ass11ied Ad aes1 Jtte• cash only I HOWARD Cht"roltt ' "" ••·• 1 "" N eng 11, rt I lrt OrGf19f C-iy 2!125 Hart>or BlvO COSTA MESA 979-2500 Ag~,:~N 675· 1153 Oo11e 011.111 S• ~ ~,"~'~/1':'\~~·~ 4N4';0 Dally Pilot Ford 9940 r~FwPORT BCACH AO-VISOR •••• • ••••••••••• ••• ••• 833-0555 , . •Rn 1,, ,, p, • Vft ir, 000 642•5678 GoOd •• ,., ., • ' t>:w want h..1 eco11 I ' t· I I I f r ' 0 a f Cta~os 642·5676 S65001t>OO 720-1665 MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • NEWPORT DATSUN I 01 LONGPRE PONTIAC COST A MESA DA TSUH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 546-1934 3 blocks 90ulh of San Diego Freeway oft Ha.rbor B tvd Complete , ~dy shop Sales Servrce Parts Service Dept open onday lhru f;riday 7 30 A M 10 5 30 P M and 8 A M to P.M on Saturday 868 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 833· 1300 Al the triangle or Jamboree, MacArthur & Brrstol behind Victoria Sta11on Sates Service. leasing & Parts. We make great deals• 13600 Beach Blvd Wes1m1nster Tel 892·6651 Orange County s oldest and 1arges1 Pon11ac dealership Sales. Service Parts 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540 6410 Serving Orange County lor 16 years I Mote So 405 IUCH IMPOtrTS Dove Streel Newpon Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. 1 .1 ... ' • 11.11a Rr".,,"0 Peugeo• Saali & JOHNSON & SON UHCOlH MERCURY ie26 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-5630 57 Years of friendly family service -Orange County s oldest Lin· cokf-Mercury dealership ~· > RV s11rvrce MIW,ORT IMPOITS 3i-(j'O W Cont H 1gnw11y Newport Buen Tet .~40-1764. The Ferrari HeactQuartors. 0 HAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540·9100 Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer Sates Service Leas· 1ng G) DAVID J . PHILLIPS IUICK-POHTIAC·MAZDA Sates • S ervice • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills 837·2400 fZ) CHICK IVERSOH PORSCHE-AUDl·VW 415 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 673-0900 Tne only dealership in Orange County wUh these three great makes under one roof' • ALAN MAG HOH ,ONTIAC·SUlilU 2"'80 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tet 549-4300 Sates, Service Leasing Mr Ooodwrench • CLASSIC AUTOMOllLll 785 Newton Wey. Co••• M ..... Tel. 831· 1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL TV" XK t20'•/140'a/150'a/E-Typea Sales -Serv~ -R .. toratlon• Off Ptacenua between 17th I 18th In Co11a M ... ___ .,_ __ .. _ ------- DICK MILLIR FIAT/LANCIA "Probably lhe towesf pnced Fiats 1n Southern Cahtorn1a · (Located 1 mite north ot South Coasl Plaza near Main St and Warner Ave in Santa Ana ) 120 W Warner. San1a Ana 557 2132 • SANTA AHADATSUH 2001 E 17th Slreet. Santa Ana Tel 558-7811 Your Or1g1nat Ded1ca1ed Datsun Deeter • MIRACLE MAZDA We've moved• Our new tocallon 1s 1425 Baker S treet CoSla Mesa Tel 545-3334 Stop by & v1s1t our brand new showroom and see why we re lhe # 1 Mazda oeater 1n Southern California Sales. SeN1oe. Paris ano Leasing • AHAHllM MAZDA "Ottty o.c. ...... 0...... wltli PrH S...k. "'-C.,," 601 S Anaherm Blvd Anaheim 956-1820 Just norlh ol Santa Ana Frwy on Anaheim Blvd Cell us f1rs1• . WE ARE HARD TO FIN~ur WORTH IT' • , SADDLHACK IMW/SUIA.ltU 2~02 Matgu\rite Pkwy .A.,.,-; Pkwy eic1t We olfer what n o b1ntc or lees. c°'"'*'y can. 1 E11per11y 1tatfed. mott modern Hrvtce & partt dte>I • 2. One of tho Southl•nct'• most expenenced sates a leasing 11111. 3 Ell mi nail on of the mlddlema n by leasing dealer dlree1 831·20401 M IHlon Viejo 495.,.949 SUNSET FORD, IHC. (Home ot Wrllle the Whale) 5440 Garoen Grove Blvd Westminster Tel 636-4010 ORANGE COUNTY VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd . Garden Grove Tel. 530·9190 Excluslv6ly Volvo lo cover all your Volvo requirements New•Used•Sales•Leaslng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop Freeway close 1n the h6ert of Orange County al Garden Grove Blvd & BrookhurSI 0 C OHHELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Oler 20 yeers serving Orange Countyt Sates. teasing, serv1oe Cell 546·1200; special parts line, 546-9400, body shop hne. 754-04C" 0 ROY CARVER ROLLS ROYCE-IMW 1540 Jan1boree Road Newporl Beach 6-40-64441 Sales. Service Parts And Leasing A COllMllR DeLILLO CHIVROLl'.T W (Formerly Qroth Chevrolet) 182 11 8"ch Blvd .. Huntington 8Hotl New • UMCI • Salee • LM1lng • Pana • S~ Come by and ... our Huge ln'tW!toryl ••17-8087 &4943S1 6 4 2-5 6 7 1 lllTllClll llACI I flllllll IAWI OHl\NIJ[ COUN IV l. Al It UliNIA I'> l l NI ~ HB voters ,to dee de high-rise issue? By ROBERT BAflKER Of'lt!eDellr .......... • Interest in startlna a petition drive. · She Ca lif ornia Co)aatal Commission. and Lake streets and Walnut Avenue and Pacific Coa8t Highway. Critics of hlgh-rlae buildings in downtown Huntington Beach reportedly are thinking about launching a petition drive to put the controvenlal iaue to a vote of the citizens. "It's being given strong consideration at ,thla time," he said. Wright maintains that three stories should be the maxlmum. "The people would be overpowered b y anything higher," he said. Three-story height limits would be expected in the rest of the downtown area, roughly along Pacific Coast Highway Crom Golden Wes t Street to·• Beach Boulevard. Leonard Wright, a lonjltime critic of high rile buUdlnp ln the coastal area around the pier, said several people have expres,,ed an Wh at has sparked the apparent sentiment for an initiaUve measure is recent action by the Huntington Beach City Council to approve In concept 12-story, and higher, buildings In a plan submitted last month to City officials said the hiTh-rise buildings, providing resi ential, commercial and offic use, possibly would be located in a six-block area bounded by 6th Wright said this week that he believes that intense commerdal development m the Corm o! a CREATJVITY CHANNELED -Chris and Scott, who painted thelr faces to preserve their "semi-anonymity," WOflder which passers-by will see the two faces they've hidden in mural on Santf Ana River channel . Artists face up to so"iety Muralists discover painting on river channel prompts !brushes with the law By ROBERT BARKER OflMDelly.......... . Chris and Scott are a couple of young Orange Coast College art students who take their art pretty seriously. They have worked various hours of the day and night in painting a large and colorful mural on the side of the Santa Ana River Channel on Fountain Valley-Costa Mesa border. The young men. who say they want to remain "semi-anonymous" to keep from possibly getting into trouble for painting on public property, say they put about $100 worth of paint and 11 hours of work into the project. 1 Chris. the chief artist, tells how much of the work was done in quick bunts to avoid detection by police. He asserts that they ran and hid from a patrolman with a walkie-talkie on one occasion and hid in the river sand from a police helicopter another time. They put the finishing touches on the white, yellow, orange, red, black, blue, green and white picture over the weekend. It can be seen best from the right lanes of the northbound San Diego Freeway as they cross over the bridge near Euclid Street in Fountain Valley. Two faces are camouflaged an the artwork. One is located in the upper right-hand edge of the painting. Chris says it represents ioclety. second, upside-down on the opposite of the mural, represents real people ng a look at society. e've been gett.ing some outstanding f back from people who knew we did it. Th y are impressed with the size and color," Chris says. Chris asserted that the young artists, both residents of Fountain Valley, were motivated by their d esire to eliminate satanic writings and slogans appt:aring at the river channel that were getting more and more insulting. "We were merely trying to replace the satanic slogans with aomething that would draw thought and beauty to a point where ugly defacement of property once was." regional shopping cent4!r 1s unreal la tic. He said there are no freeways and not many traffic corridors to support development. Wright also asserted that the area provides only "a half circle" - to draw from. "People aren't gomg to be coming into the area from the ocean to shop," he said He also said that alleged lack or transportation facilities could 1mpa1r office development. "There are no airports and the existing streets couldn't handle the traffic," he dedared. ''There would be stop-and-go driving. People soon would go to a more t:onvenienl place" He said lhal commercial and office buildings likely would ~ taken over by heavy densitf res1denual uses French break U.S. embargo on pipeline LE HAVRE, France (AP) - Dock workers loaded thr ee compressors destined for the Soviet uatural gas pipeline aboard a French freighter today in the first Western European shipment of U.S . embargoed equipment for the project. The three compressors were built by Dresser France. a wholly owned subsidiary of Dresser Industries Inc .. of Dallas, Texas. They w e re load ed o n the freighter Borodine, which was to leave the port of Le Havre later today for Riga, the capital of Soviet Latvia. Dresser France said Tuesday it would fulfill its c.'Ontract with the Soviet Union after receiving a requisition order to do so from the French government. Under French law. the government can requisition the services of private companies if those services are judged to be in the national interest. Sources in Washington said President Reagan will blacklist the French subsidiary If it ships the equipment to the Soviets in defiance of his pipeline embargo. S uch a move would bar the French subsidiar y Crom importing spec1f1c items and tN·hnology from its parent t•ompany. or from any other American suppliers of the same Items. said the sources, who declined to be 1dent1fied. Dr<.'SSE.'r Industries t.'Om plained 1l was caught .. between a rock and a hard place .. because or the two governme nt confllcllng orders Then• were' no 1mmed1ate <.·omments from the Frenc h governm~nl about the delivery of Dresser's compressors <>.l: Reagan's threat to impos~ sun<.·t1ons against the firm. A Frem·h government spokesman said thC' pipeline issue was not d1sc·usst.'CI at Wc·dnesday's weekly Cabinet session. H owt•ver. labor unions at Drcssvr France' expr essed t•oncern today about possible US. ~a nctions and demanded a (See PIPELINE, Page AZ ) Irvine hospital plan vetoed by Brown Following a week of fie rce lobbying efforts. Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. vetoed legislation Wednesday that would have helped a group to build Irvine 's first hospital. · Dr. Stanley van den Noort. dean of UC Irvine's College of Medicine, was singled out as the chief opponent of the bill. The legislation was introduced in February and had passed the state Assembly and Senate before he read about 1t last week in a newspaper story. Even so. va n den Noo rt managed to quickly garner opposition to the bill an the governor's office as well as with members of the state Legislature. ensuring that 1t had Little chant-e of passage. sources said The bill. sponsored by Assemblywoman Maria n Bergeson, R ·Newporl Beach. w o uld hav e permitted Saddleback Community College District trustees to lease l 0 acres of land at 1ts north campus to Irvine Medical Center (IMC). The lease was to be at fair market value for a term of 99 vcars. • IMC off1 c1als said thev also planned to purchase 22· acres from the Irvine Company for their planned $95.8 million medical cent.er. Though veto of the special land ball 1s considered a setback by IMC officials. they noted ultJmate approval of any hospital plan for the city wall have to <.·'>m e fr o m the Office o f Statewide Health Planning and Dc-velopment Nestande Newport of jet flight increase By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of'hlWIJNot ..... Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, had a st.em warning Wednesday for Newport Beach. The city can expect an increase ln the permitted number or jet COUNTY departures from John Wayne Airport If it cootinues to promote commercial ventures. such as hotels, that boost local air transportation demand. Should the city not change its current course, Nestande said, "Then maybe we will have to Snails have day in Irvine Slimy, stomped on and ambushed with Snarol, the lowly garden snail will finally get its day in the s un next mo nth when the Irvine Ch amber of Commerce sponsor's a snail race(?). Page Bl. County backs Niguel project The coun\y hae agreeq to underwrite low-interest bonds for a development in Laguna Niguel, although superviaor Bruce Nestande believes the funds do not provide a "•ignificant public benefit ... Page A6. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) l-'lbe Justice Department sued 2~ defendanta today, Including ~me of the nation'• better-known corporations, to force them to help dean \.IP a hazardoua wute dump ln downtown Hal1\Uton, Ohio, whJch the government Mid preeenta an Unminent and aubltandal ~ to human health. add a lot more flights. I can't say how many at this point." The board chai rman's comments followed disclosure that county officla.la are studying five options for the future o! the airport ranging from holding the line on expansion to increasing the number of jet departures to 98 per day. Forty-one per day are nO'f permitted. The plans were prepared by the county airport staff. "As far as I see It, the city is thumbing its noee at us, wanting to close down the airport, but WASHING TON (AP) -The Federal Election Commission ruled today that broadcasters may offer free air time to political parties, if the time ls made available to both Republicans and Democrats. The case is expected to have broad impllcatlons for the broadcasting industry. BUSINESS Rate dip viewed cautiously Mortgage interest rates are comina down, but lenders and builders are reacting cautiously after being burned in 1980. Page Bf. SPORTS Fernando sparks the DotJl.en " Fernando Valenruela'a ann -Md bat -help move the Loa An1ele1 Dodaera back into 1ole poae11lon of flrat place ln the NatJon.al Le.aaue Western Oivllion. Paae Cl. expanding the hotels, .. Nestande $.llid. not been approved.) He referred to a proposal by the Marriott Hotel Corp. to expand its Fashion Island facility with a 12-story. 210 -room addition. (While plans have been submitted to the city, they have Newport Beach Councilman P a ul Hummel criticized the options today as being "out of ccntext with reality." ''l don't see how the county can - even conceive of considering'~ (See JETS, Page A2 ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoscope A4 Erma Bombeck A4 Ann Landers All Busin~ 84-5 Movies 82 Cavalcade All National News A3 Classified C6 Public Notices C3-5 Comics B6 Sports Cl -4 Cr011w ord B6 Dr. Steincrohn All Death Notices ~ Stock Markets 85 Suan Delaplane All Televlsion 87 F.ditorial AlO Theaters 82 Entertainment 82 Weather A2 Coach rates the players Mike Giddings, varsity football coach at Newpor1 Harbor Htgh School, know• how to naie players. Page Cl. • I . i ( I More troops joining Marines on 'Big A' set for Rotary French, Italian forces land to o versee PLO evacuation A fUrn 1Ude program on the develo pment of Anaheim Stadium is scheduled to be resen ted to the Huntington ach Rotary Club Friday at noon at the Huntington Seacliff Country Club. Tom Liegler, g e nt>'ta l •Pac i flea Communl ty Hospital In Huntington Beach is sponsoring the fourth annual free "back to school" immunization clinic from 5 to 9 p.m . Tuesday at the Carmen Yuppa Conference Ce nter, 18819 Delaware St., across the street from the hospital. Vaccinations will be given manager of the stadium, convention cente r and golf c o urs es for the cl t y of Anaheim, will make the presentation. Anahe im Stadium Is the home of the California Ansels and the Los Angeles Rama. for polio, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, whooping cough, rube lla and m e asl es for children from 6 months to 16 years. C h i ldren mu s t be accompanied by a pa.rent or guard i an and past immunization records shouJd be brought to the clinic. -------• Registra'lion is be ing conducted for pre-school and kindergarten classes be ing offer ed at Beth Shalom Community Pre-School, 2625 N. Tustin Ave., Santa Ana. Th e a cc red1t e d kinde rga rten will have an emphasis on J ewish culture. Registration information is available by calling 633-1984. BEIRUT. L e banon (AP) - M ore Fre n c h and Itali an peacckt·cplng troope l&mded In war-battered Beirut today and p1nl'<l U.S. Marines In overseelna tht· e vacuation of Palestine Liberation Organization fighters from the Israeli-ringed Lebanese capital. The Syrian army sent 61 trucks a nd tank carriers across Israeli Jines to w est Beirut to start a two-day overland evacuation to Syria Friday of 3,500 trOOP6 and o ffi ce r s o f th e S'y r i an - commanded Palestine Liberation Arm y, an Israe li arm y spokesman m Lebanon said. Lebanon's state radfo and the Syr1an government earlie.r said the Hittin Brigade evacuation on the Beirut-Damascus highway would begin today despite the P LO's fear o f a ttack from Presid e nt-e lect Gemayel's Lebanese Christian militiamen. "There is no land evacuation t od ay ," the Is rae li military s pokesman told reporters in suburban Baabda, five miles east of Beirut. A truck convoy carrying about 500 PLO guerrillas was at the JETS TO INCREASE OVER NEWPORT?. • • increasing flights knowing that the noise Impact on Newport already is so great. "I'd like to know what's bf?come of an alternate site Cor an ;airport. Suddenly we're back to trying to make d o with a completely unsatisfactory site." Newport Mayor J ac k ie Heather Said she is disturbed by the con n o tations of the five options. She pointed ou t this follows on the heels of a court ruling striking down the airport's pprirneter rule. Suddenly it s eems like everything is crashing d own around us again," she said. "Our various safeguards are just being swept away and it's frightening." Heather declined to respond to the pointed remarks made by Nestande. Nestande was one of two supervisors reached for comme nt on the airport expansion issue. HEITANDE Two oth er supervisors, Ra lph Clark and Harriett Wieder, were out of town. Supervisor Roger S tant.on also was unavailable. The o the r s upervisor cont.acted. Thomas Riley, said he support<; an option whereby the numbe r of flights would be increased to 55 per day as noise reductions are achieved. This alternate, known a s Option 3, is very similar to the airport ex p a nsion pro gram PIPEI.INE GEAR LOADED ... meeting with manageme n t to ~ the situation. "Reagan wants to make an example of Dresser-France,'' a union spokesman said. "More than ever, w e mus t r e main vigilant and prepare ourselves for a tough battle to guarantee o ur jc>tls .•• Union employees at Dresser demonstrated at the docks of Le Havre on Tuesday to protest the U.S. embargo. The unions claim 260 workers could have been laid off if the embargo h ad been honored. The three compressors are the first of 21 compressors Dresser France was to provide for the 3.500 -mile pipe line that is scheduled to begin d eliver ing n a tural gas from Siberia to West ern Eu rope some time in 1984. outlined m lhe now-defunct 1981 airport maste r plan. That docume nt was overturned by order of an Orange County Superior Court judge who ruled environmental documentation for the project was insufficient. Option 3 would permit expansion of the airport terminal and parking facilities to handle 6.2 million passengers annually. The overburdened facility today handles 2.5 million travelers each year. Under Option 3. about 125 acres of land south of the airport containing 531 dwellings would be within boundaries of a high- noise impact w ne. Two ot the options would retain the present 41 flights per day cap on commer cial jet d e partures. One plan would permit 73 flights, another 98. Crash kills 7 workers EARLIMART (AP) -A pickup packed with 20 farm workers slammed into a truck parked along Highway 99 near Earhmart before dawn today, ktlhng seven farmworkers and mjunng at least 12 others. Six people died in the 5:20 a.m . crash Partly cloudy Coastal Nort~t winds 10 10 20 knots OY9f the outfit watflfl n~ Point Concieptlon ..,.,h 4 to 7 1001 aeu Local low ctouo1 and log EIMwllere, light variable wlndt aouthwat to -t II to 16 knots during 11ternoo11 1 to 2 loot south-I swell Becoming plf11y cloudy al1fltnoon U.S. sumniary Showers end 1hunderllorms llng«ed 0Yfl( the South-I H rly today, co11ttnulng melnly over New Mexleo, Wlllle ahOWflfS and thun~ratorms d1mpened •r•H In the UPI)« Mlctw.et end a 1- ahow ere t ouched the lower ~lelourl ~ttey and Maine , EJMwtlere, fair 11<1es ptevalted ,,,,_ the Pacific North-II. the :C:thern Plllnt end eu t or the 1~e111c Northwest wu reeling • werm spell. Th• l"""9fltUl'e reached 1 high or 87 "Yedne.ld1y In Seattle, bre1kl11Q !~ 1947 record ol 82 t0< the d1y. Tll• high It Olympl• ... go "",_, eurpualng Ille previous recatd of 85, llso Mt In 1g47 Wednftday night t•~ lnchM of r41" fell et e.c.lante. Utah, In one . hour. l..oce lly he1vy reins '!'iedne1dey al10 hit southern Arizona with floodlng Hit of Yl-!M-1Temper1tu r e1 before d1wn r~ from 1 tow of 42 11 Minot. N1D;. to 17 II Fort Worth. l;~•. aooordlng to the N1Uon11 WMOMW Setvloe California '°"t"-"' C1U10<nl1na ehould ~-"* tempenlturaa with l .. Oltted afterno o n ttuldeltlhOwerl end -l\lgttl aAd morning COMlal aloud• on F#fd.t, 8000fdlng to Iha Natlonel w.-..kvlce. 'HlllN In Loa Anoelel wlll lie 85 ..llllle Owen• 'ielley 11a1 """'*aturw could eoar Into the '9•· Mountain •rea lllgh• 111 toreet•t trom 78 10 II "'Ith ~. deun temparetur .. I t eleo OOUld reach the toa. In low OMert areas may. , 12. town l.ot Anoe'" lows i toreaat In Ille upper toe, 80 to .. In \tie inou/rtlllna tow temperature• In the ,.,... "°"' .. '° the •8'....,. on the IOCJ9llOn. ..... n.n '°"" Coiioaptlon -.. ~ --Girt""'*" ..... .wsa dlil1nt 'lie ... ....,,........_ 11===···1•~"' ·; .... ,.~ .:;., tN!! eo ,,. .... offahor e tr om :.ant a Hose !Stano can expect norlhwesl winds al 15 to 25 knots with 4-to-7-loot seas. Temperatures NA~ HI Lo Pq> 72 58 44 62 60 02 76 62 85 56 91 65 88 54 02 98 74 92 56 01 90 S6 92 68 ,.....,.,.w ....... s.w:. NOAA u S 0.01 ol Conrne<ce Albany All>uque Amar II to Allheville Allanll Atlante Cty Aua11n B1J1lmore !Wllnga B4rmlnghm Bttmercit Boise Boston Brownsvlle Bullalo Bur1111Qton Ca'C* Ch11tstn SC Ch1rl•tn WV Charllte NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnc:lnnell Cleveland Clmbla SC Columbus Dll·FI Wth Oaylon Oenvflf 72 45 0 1 93 57 73 82 14 91 76 06 72 56 Fronls:Cold.., Warm ..., Occluded ~ Staliooary .. 66 53 63 91 62 95 76 80 55 04 91 65 Miami MltwaukM Mpi..8t P Nash VIiie N-Orleans ljf 82 74 60 84 81 81 58 g5 73 78 57 75 57 78 53 84 51 95 67 77 50 102 80 New Y0<k 85 62 1.05 NorlOlk 93 70 No. Pl•tte 83 54 89 70 Okla City Omaha 78 83 1 42 Orlando 92 75 Phtlldphla 67 60 PhOenlx g6 62 73 52 Des Moln" OelfOll Duluth 76 56 79 5g 83 81 78 50 Plt11burgh Piiand. Me 68 61 .22 Pt11nd, Ora 68 58 75 45 01 94 68 Providence 74 81 ,46 El Puo Felrt>anka Fargo Fl10Sllll o ree1 Fells Hfll1IO<d Het.na :=!' lndNiPll'I J-*"1 MS '**'""" K111a City Knoxvtlle i..t VegM Unte Roctl 1..oulrtlllle Uibt>Odc Meml>"'- 70 48 10 75 47 01 17 47 8.1 41 74 57 .52 119 47 68 74 .22 95 79 78 61 95 71 ff 78 80 64 68 6!1 ~ ee .02' 62 68 05 76 66 87 7 1 85 73 .02 Ra::y11 Rap! City Reno Richmond Salt Lake San Antonto S-llle ~~ SI l.oufs St P-Tempe St Sta Merla Spoil-SyrlCUM T<>9911a TUCIOn TulM WUfllngln Wldlltl g2 63 62 52 97 61 90 59 68 69 97 78 67 56 M 76 M 63 80 63 .. 79 • 68 53 15 91 60 75 5.2 13 79 62 91 72 .. 72 04 92 82 82 85 T_,.1 W-A ..... ~ Awt2/llle" •· f~ T ..... 87 Huntlng1on Bluff• -., -,,...... Hllf'ltlngton Pllr 1·3 lltlr..good 87 8anta An• ,.,..,.. Jetty 1·2 POOt ti 40lh at. Nttwpc1t1 1-2 POOt ee 22nd 8t. Nttwpot1 "2 POOt .. ...._ Wedfe 1 ·2 POOt .. ~-. LllQuN 1 poor Ill ~lrootl• 1 poor ea ~,.., 1~a = = Tr....., (T..,,_I 1·:l ~ f7 r~a TI0£8. High: 8:53 a.rn.: Low: 10:41 Lm.: ._.. ~8/W. j CAUFOMftA 81kerslleld 102 62 Bl)'1he 6g Eureke 65 55 Fretno 97 64 Lenc1ster 92 67 Los Angele1 82 70 M1rysville 67 Montarey 63 Need I.. 88 01kl1nd 64 PHO Robles 94 55 Rad Bluff g5 Redwood City 70 60 Sacramento 68 56 Sattn11 62 50 Si n Diego 78 71 San FrlllCISCO 60 55 Sent• B1rt>1r1 76 57 Senta M11t1 71 Stockton 85 57 Th«mal 95 Blrttow g2 Big BM< 71 65 BllllOI> $5 68 C1tllln1 74 &4 Long BM«1 as 67 Monr0\111 94 Ile Mt. Wiison 71 83 OntatlO ff M .Smog Where to c.11 (toll tree) tor lat~~ty."':;} ... MNt 1..01 AngelH Oounly: (100) 242...022 ,.._.... and Ian ..,.,_dlltO OC)Ul!tlee: (IOO) M7-4710 AQMO ~ Cetlt•: (900) t42-48M Tides ,_AY 8eGond hfOh 4\07 p.m. 4.7 a-MS low 11:07 p.m. u MIDAY l'lttl nto11 t:M a.m. aA '1ftl low 10'M run. 2.t leootld * t:20 p.m. 4,a leoond tow (W.1t:N Lm. o.t lllfl Mtl 10cllY II 7!17 p.m., ,.. ...,.. 111 1;n • "'· rn r1i1a toci.t IC 1:M p,lft., .. .. , l'.!.4 t.lft. US. Marine contrulled port ~ntrancc at midday tor Ha evacuation to the Syrian port ol Tartu.t. But It WN not clear wheth~r any aea evac uation of t he guerrillas was planned for today. Greek and C ypriot passenger ships took a totul of 3 ,807 iiuerrlllas io J ordan, Iraq, Tunisia, South Yemen , Syria and Sudan In the past fi ve days, areordlng to Lebanese and PLO estimates. Both ~'Ontend the total of PLO guerrillas schedule d f o r evacuation was between 7,100 and 7,500 according to the plan U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib had drawn for the PLO d ispersal in the Arab world. But Israel said 3,484 PLO already have been evacuated by boat out of a tota l of 8,674 sla te d for evacuation. Meanwhile, President Reagan, vacationing near Santa Barbara. Calif .. was m o nltorrng the deployment of U.S. Marines in Be irut from his mo untaintop ranch where he is settling in for a 13-day vacatiotl. U~o OBSERVING -U.S . Marines (left) stay on the sidelines as a Palestinian woman argues with Lebanese soldiers in Beirut. She wanted to follow a truck which had taken her PLO husband to a ship for relocation in Syria. Joh-training firm probed A Garden Grove-bas ed organization which handled large sums of federal job training funds for Orange County is belng investigated by the district attorney's office because an audit showed $161,000 could not be accounted for. Under scrutin y I s the Neighborhood Youth Corps. which at one time handled a multi-million dollar payroll for job trainees participating in programs sponsored by Orange County's Manpower Commission. The probe was requested by the commission a month ago after an audit by a Newport Beach accounting firm indicated some of the federal funds h andled by the Youth Corps could not be accounted for, according to authorities. De puty District Attorney Wally Wade said investigators from his office have been scrutinizing the results of the audit by Conrad and Associates. Wade said the probe ls still in its preliminary stages. He s aid allegations of wrongdoing have no t bee n leveled against anyone. "We don't even know yet if there's a crime or not," the deputy district attorney said. The Youth Corps, under a contract -which expired last year -with the Manpower Commission, kept job training records and disbursed paychecks to participants in the program. The money came from the federal government's Comprehensive Employment and T raining Act (CETA) program. Frank T e a s e . e xecutive director of the Ne ighborhood Youth CorJ>6, said he was never given a chance to fully respond to th e outside audit o f h is organization. If he had, Tease said, he could have supplied the additional documentation needed to verify use of the $161,000. Compared with the nearly $23 million the Youth Corps has d isbursed over the past six years in job training funds, he said, the $1 6 1.000 is only a "small variance." Tease said he was unaware that the results of the audit had been forwarded to the District Attorne y 's oHice until news reporters contacted him about 1t Wednesday. Brown OKs lawmen merger Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed a controversiaJ bill by J\sse mblywo man Marian Bergeson, R -Newport Beach , des igned t o ultimatel y consol idate court r e late d functions of the Orange County sheriffs department and marshal office. Under terms of the bill th.at has been in the legislature for two years, a committee comprised of two county supervisors, the presiding superior court judge. a municipal court judge and an at- large member wouJd investigate consolidation and m ake recommendations. The Storekeeper for Her is a new opresslon of an Idea that has never chanaed. A store for her In the tradition of The consolidation plan would have to be ratified by a majority of the county's trial court judges and the state Legisiature. Brown signed the bill Tuesday. according to aides. The s heriff's department provides court bailiffs in the superior courts, the marshal's ofhce provides similar functions m the municipal courts. It has been e stimated that more than $1 million annually could be saved if the court services functions of the two departments are combined and duplicative services eliminated. BerReson said. Tax, pol rap ousts solon NEW YORK (AP) -Former Rep. Frederick Richmond say.s he resigned from the House of Representatives and pleaded guilty to tax evas ion and marijuana charges "on the basis of the counsel of my conscience." Richmond. one of the richest men in Congress. turned in his resignation Wednesday . to offer many of the finest names In sporuwear and accessories. Plan to stop by 500n lo meet our courteous, know\- cd,eable staff. the orisinal Stordt~. where you Ql'I expect to find the aame lncom-s-able eervice and dildncllve col- i.ctlon of dulic Spe>tUweat. A $tort committed U> tnldltJon and tht .slm· plldty of aood tutc. And join U$ for the Grand Opcnlna llw was a doun )'QtS In the maJtina. Wt think you'll aartt that The Storekeeper for Her was wdl worth the wait. Located, not coincidentally. • door •WI.>' from The Sloe. At 11'1~/twlW. wtnow tlW ,.,m Md qwtllzy MWJr fO ""' o/~ Small wonder then that we've chotcn ~ lccq>er. Jn Westclltt Plua. \ \ ... .,,... 2fM, lflJ ~ \ JO:fOA~JMPM \ STATE State Senate backs joint custody By The A11oclated P reu SACRAMENTO Lt>ti111l11t-ton to Nlt'Ourage cour'\a to order joint child custOdy In dlvor<.-c CNetS, ev~n whun om· pun•nt dlaal(rt-.•11. h11s won atate senate approvul, T he blll, AB2202, by Assemblyman Charles lmbrecht, R -Ve nturu, won a 23 -2 v ote Wednesday and was returned to th e Assembly It would requlrt• JUdgt• to g1vt-lhl' highl·st pn•feri:nc~ to JOtnl nuiiody , lht• Sl'l'on d p n •Ct•rcnce lo joint lt·~ul 1·u11t<>d y with oni: part·nt having phyllkul ('Ustody of the child, and ttw lowest pref et i:llCL' to solv legal cuatody by orw parent. New airline begins Hawaii flights today LOS ANGELES -Hawaii Express, after several false starts, will ina ugurate low·<.'OSt daily Cllghts between Los Angeles and Ha wa11 today. company officials said The Federal A v iatio n Adm1n1stration Wednesday cleared the fledgling airline to begin the service that the L'Ompany had intended to kick o ff several months ago. Hawaii ~xpress will begin dally 747 Jumbo ,Jet fhghts between Los Angelt-s and Honolulu, operating from TWA's Los Angeles International Airpo rt Termina l No. 3. The one -way fare between Los Ange les and Honolulu is $1 19.95, with fares $20 to $30 less for those who made the t•arhest reservations. Unemployment benefit package cleared SACRAMENTO -Lcgislauon to tap th~ unemployment insuranC(' fund for a $30 increase in maximum weekly bcneCtts and an employer tax break of $350 rruUion to $400 million has breezed through the Senate. AB3154 by. Assemblyman Alis ter McAhstcr, 0-San Jose. would -in conjunction with other pendi ng l eg is latio n raise m;:,iximum une mployment benefits from $1;$6 to $166 a week nexl year. As part o f a labor-management agreement that produced the bill, it w o uld also rt•duc<' employer l'Ontributions to the state fund by as mu c h as $400 mill ion. depending o n rongressionaJ action on a pending tax measure San Francisco gets shipyard windfall SAN FRANCISCO The Bethleh em Steel Corp. has agreed to sell its historic shipyard to San Francisco for $1 as part of a mulu-m1llton d eal city officials hope will strengthen the port, it was announced. . Under the plan, the 40-acre site will be NATION leased for 30 years by Todd Shipyards Corp., which will pay $2 million annually in ren ts and fees, invest $10 million in improvements and pay $ l.5 million annually for yard maintenant'e, Todd will pay Bethle hem $14 million for the yard's equipm<.•nt Radioactive leak shuts down reactor ATHENS. Ala. -A reactor at Browns Ferry, the nation's largest nuclear power plant, was shut down so officials could determine the cause of a leak of radioactive water. officials say. Bill Steverson . a s pokesman for th e Tennessee Valley Autho rity in Chattanooga, Tenn .. said no water leaked o utside the.' Unit 3 reactor He characterized Wednesday·s int·1dent as "not unusual." Operators decided to shut down the reactor after h ighly radioactive w att•r in the unit's primary cooling system began leaking at the rate of three gallons a mmutt' into a L'Ontainment area below Newspaper, two unions reach agreement NEW YORK -The Daily New s and the last two of its 11 labor unions reached agreement today o.n cost-reduction measures that newspaper o fficials say are necessary to save the na tion's largest general-circuJation daily. The accords were disclosed afte r marathon negotiations between the newspaper and the Newspaper Deliverers Union were completed at -t a m . They represented the• hnal step for the paper's owner. the Tribune Co of Chicago, to :;ave the paper Crom foldinR The ·Tribune Co. had told the unions last April that the News needed to eliminate the L'qUivalent of 1.340 pbs to save some $50 m1ll1on a year Stolen metal cones not nuke warheads VALLEY FORGE, Pa. -Four metal <."Ones taken from a General Electric Co. plant here by a pacifist grou p were scrap, not unarmed nuclear warheads as the group had claimed, according to Pentagon an d company oHicials. "What t hey got is not the warhead itself but some of the components of the re-entry vehicle," WORLD James Freeman. chief of the Pentagon Armed forces News Branch told The Associated PTcss. A re-entry vehicle helps car ry the warhead to its target . but 1s not explosive itself. Freeman said, "There 1s no nuclear stuff made up at the GE plant." Soviet space mission to end on Friday MOSCOW -The latest Soviet orbital crew, includ ing the second woman to fly in space. will end its eig h t-day m 1ss1on Friday, the official news agency Tass reported today. Svetlana Savitskaya. 34, and her two male collea~es were launched AUR. 19. docked their Soyuz T-7 capsule with the orbiting Salyut 7 space station the following day. and began biological and medical experiments o n how women a da pt to space. Savitskaya. a test pilot who h as set 19 world aviation r~ords. was designated a "researche r" a'board h e r first orbita l flight. Ale xander Serebrov the 38-year-old fhght e ngineer. also was making his space debut. The m1ss1on was commanded b y vete ra n cosmonaut Leonid Popov, 36. Second bomb found on Pan Am jumbo jet RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil -The FBI and Brazilian police are investigating the second bomb aboard a Pan Am 1umbo jet in 15 days. The first bomb exploded on a fhght from Tok yo to Honolulu. k1lhng a passenger, but the second was found and removed before it went lff There were no immediate repor ts oC any 11nks between the two incidents. We're Listening ••• ~nday II "'°" clo ""' ....... "°"' -11y !> lO o"' ca11 lleb e t om ""° "'°"' coov ... 11 be.,..,.,....., ~ay ·~ ~r.o·~y'' 1"°: ,,.do:, Deb• 1.r:'"' a':J Y°"' copy'"'" 11e __ .., What do you hke about the Daily Pilot? What don't you hke• <..:all the number below a nd your message will be recorded. transcribed and d elivered to the a ppropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must lncludr their name and telepho ne number for verification No cir culation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind ~ ~42•6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma. P. Hat.y 'llbl•.het Oftd Chief E•ecu!IY• Officer L. Kay Schult-. Voce ''"Ide<>! Oftd Olrtclor of AdYerhtlnQ I I Thoma. A. Murphlne fdolo< Raymond Mod.eon COt11ro11et Kenneth N. Goddcwd Jt. O~.cto< ol Op..otlOlit CIHllfled •dvertlllntJ 71'1'42·5e11 All other depertment1 142-4321 MAIN Ofll'fCE 1'0 ~ .... St .• Cetl•-· CA. Me~M· lo• li.6, Cetle MeM, CA nt.1t c.,, ...... ..., OrMtit c ... , "''*ltNfli c-. ........ , "°'1et, llltnlteti...t, ""Ollel -., .. •9"1M~ llffelfl Mey N t--wllllf.il t.-<lel~etc.-,r...,._r. Se<ot>d < leH PG$1 ...... IO ac Cotle Mate CeltMnfo IVPS 1"4001 Sublcrllll..., by cer, .. , M.7S "-t\ly by m ell ")0 ..-1Ny ·-- ALL Ol 'T ALI VE Bl'lon· th1!> J <ip:Jm•sp .11r111wr hur:-.l into 1 larn<'s al Lt·r running off lh t• Pnd o l lht• runw<1y un b.h1g:.ik 1 Island. <ill t:!H pa .... s<•ng<·r:-. and n 1·w lht· l'filfl With tllt'll w1·11 · h11-;p1lal11<·d AP Wlrephol~ nwmlx·r .... 1•S(-;1pt·d I 1 nnl l1v1·'> Onlv two p1 ·oplu I • Japanese jet crashes, burns Skids off runway at l shigaki; a ll J .'JB aboard saved t .... TOK YU tAPl A NanM·t A1rlmt·s Bol'tng n7 wa:. almost totally dl·struy1•d by fin· <Afl<·1 skidding off tht• l•nd of a runw<Jy on " southern JapanL•st• 1sl<m cJ tod<1y , but a <.JU lc-k t.'Val'Uat111n pn•v(•ntC'd any Sl'rtous tnJUnt•s amo ng tht· I :n p.1sst•ngpr-, Jnd f1vt• <.l'l''" mc·mlx•rs. <1uthont1l·s S<lld 1'ht· donwst1l a1rlam·r ::.kidded abou 1 100 vanls off thl· c•nd ol tht• runway at lsh1gak1. a small island sout hwt•.,t of Ok111e1wa. ,ind burst mto flanws afwr going through a f Pm«· and h11tin~ ·• patch o f s hrubbery , th1· authorit1<'s said A swwardl•Ss and an <•ldt'rl:-i fc>malt• pass1·ng<·r w1·r1• hosp1talt:wd ror tn•atmt•nt of b r u 1s t• s. w h 1 I 1• -t 0 o t h 1• 1 pas.<;<>ngC'rs haVl' b<'<·n tre<Att-<l and rC'IL•<1sC'<i from t he· 1::.l.i nd ':-. hosp1ull, <1 hosp1wl orfw1c.il. G1ko Kah1ra. said. R 1 t'>uko Ovadom;Ht. ll. a stewardt• ... s, a nd Mrs YonL·ko M1var<1. 70, r emain in th<" Ya~·y<.1m<.1 Hospita l in goud l'ond1t1un Kab1ra said, ··circumst:.in1.·l'S s urrounding thl' fin· an· still not t:IL·ar. but 11 appe;Jrs th.it o n e• ol tht· two 1•ng1nt·::. <.·aught fin· e1fll·r th<.· plant• landNI.' said a Na nst•1 A ir I 1 n I' I) { f i ('I a I J t Na ha . 1dt•nt1l y1ng h1msC"lf as S .Kok1 Japan's K yodo m·ws s1·rv it·l· said tht• planc•'s pilot. Hirot<1d<1 N1s h1zak1. 4 0. a formC'r Air [)('f eru.r F'nrn • p1 lot. h<id loggl•d l.ti60 fl ying hours in a Bot·ing 7:lti, pn•df'<.'t'ssor ol lh<· Boeing 7:n, <ind had a total of 7,708 flvmg hour.. Engtnt'(•rs ror NanM'I l\Jrltnl'S h a v <· g o n {' t o I s h 1 g a k 1 t u 1nvt·st1g<1tl' thl' t.·au::.t· of th<.· ~1cctdl'11t. Kyodo sa1J Thl• airline is affilwtl•d with th1· national 11;.ig c<Jrnl'r Japan A11 l.1111· .... :ind ha::. gro"''n ... 1m«· l !lh7 011 the -,tn•ngth ol 1.1p1dly 1111 1 l'asing traffH· by J.1p<inl·s•· tour 1sb IJl'twt•1•n tht· soulh1·r11 111:11n island of K yushu and ltu· islands 111 Okmaw.i Tht a11l11wr wa ... Flight hit •int· 11f lour d.111;. 1oundt11pi. lwtw1·1·ri Nahci th1, 1·ap1till of Okinawa s1;1l1 · about 1.1100 nulc•s ... outhwr•:-.t 111 Tokvci ;ind l.;h1gak1, d ll'SOl'I ·:111d r110J prod ut·1 ng 1sldnd 240 1111 lt•::. ... outhwl'st of Naha Aboul 1111100 J>t•oplt· livl' on tht· H 1-squ:u 1· rn1h• .-.hind ll was thl• firs t tomnu 1t·ial air mishap in Japan '>lnl"" ,, J<ip<in Air Lines DCH uashc'<.I Ill Tnkvo &v during a land111g app111;.~·h bsi l"l'b !I. killing 24 T lw ptlol. Sc· 1J1 Kat a g 1r1 . ha.., 1,.. 1• 11 u n d 1· r go 1 n g p s v • h 1 ;i t 1 I l" 1 x<imtnat1ons Pilots talked of 'aborting' .. Cre w of ill-fate d 727 j e t conce rne d about weathe r WAS HINGTON 1AP> Th(' crew of thC' Boc:•1ng 727 Jt't that c rash c-d nt'<H N l'w Orl1·:'.lns dearlv was eonet•rnt'Cl ;,1boul lh1• sevt·r~· Wt'athr r that PngulfC"CI th<.· area and d1Sl·uss(.'<.I in d('tatl th1· procedures fur Jlrnrt1ng t ht• takC'off 1f prubl1·ms <ffUSl', a t r a n S (' r I p t ll f <.' U l' k p l t l·onvt•rsat1ons n•vt·alro todav But tht' fullv loaded· P an Am(•rtc·an World Airways J<'l b egan s inking s h ortl y af tt•r l..'\kroff. struck th<' tc>p of a lrt'<' •• half m1k from the• runway and fo ur s econds later plow c·d through a rl's1dc•nt1al <irea The transcript showed that C<:tpt Kenneth L McCuller.. had advised his l'O-p1lot. who wa.., .it the· controls. what to d'> "1 f Wl' havt• to ab<Jrt for anv reason ·· About 90 i.C'l'O.nds latl•r . MtCullc-rs and the l'O·pilot. 1st Off1n•r Donald A P1C"rce. ag.un d1 s1:usscd proc·C'durt•s for re.)E.'C'ttng a takeoff P1 crt·{• had qu1•st1on s aboul some of th<' pron'llurf's. But McCullc•r.. n •v1('wt'<.I tht•m I and told his first offit•t•r that hc- himst•lf had had "quite.• a f<'W ;1borts" 1n his career. The• tra nsni pt s howed t h L• ptlou. Wl'rl' aware of tht• pott.-nual dangc•r of wind shear in the arc•a but thl' f1n<1l s <•conds of conversation gavl' n o 1nd11.<Jt10n thl• plum• had cnt:ountt•rl'd one• St•conds befor e.· the• p la n e rolled down the runway, a third crewman was hC'ard t o sav. ··Looking good.'' . ~the· planc b<'gan 1l." roll, ram around the planl' apparently began to fall mor<' hl·avily and wincJsh1l'ld WI pers Wt•rc· SL·t tu f u II s JX'<'CI SN·onds afte>r liftoff McCullt•rs Bomb checks LOS ANGELES (AP) Spot S<.'an:h(•:. by l'll.Y polic•c• o C two Pa n Am plam·s didn't turn up any explos1vl's in wh at a company official savs is part of ·'steppt'Cl up S(.'CUrtty mcasun.-s" following discovt.>rv o f a bomb on ont' of 1Lc; nokd J "pos1uv« d1mb " "Gl'ar up."· Pll'rn· s;11d But thrt•I' s t·c·o ncb latc·r McCullC'n. unc·xplainedlv said. ·Cnmt· on h..i<.·k" a t:omm,ind Hi pull baek tht· tonlruls "' the plune's nos<• l'<>Uld nM· "Y1,u're· sinking, Don Com1· on back ·· TwC'lvc· sl'londs lat1·1. the> g round proximity ala1 n1 wa<; heard and ;.if1<•r anoth1·r s1·v1•11 -.t'<.·oncls thc•n w;1:-. the· •;ou11d ol impact All 1-tti ahoiud 1h1· plant· and c'1ght JX'opl1· 1111 the· gr11und \\""rl' kill<·d 1n the· t:rash in Kt·nnc·r,, La . J uly 9 ::.hortlv aftL•r tlw u ,II t, • took off from tht• N1·w Or lt.,,ns· lntc•rna uonal Airport fruitless fhgh~ 111 Bra11l "We didn't hav<• a ny thn·at IC was JUSt ..i prt'l·auucmary nw.1sur~:! : for stt·ppc-d up St'<'Urtty n•llsons, , Pa n Am spo ke s man J l'f{ • KrwndlC'r said today. \ •• KIF Orenge Co11t OAIL Y PILOT /Thur1day, Auguat 28, 1982 FireffTorks abuse leads to local prohibition C hances apRcar to be ~ood that Huntington Be a c h will become yet another of our m astal cities to adopt a total ban on th<' u s e o f fire works . S u c h an ordinance is now being dra ftt.>d by the city attorney's oflke . Fireworks have long bc.-en a traditional part of Fo urth o f July celebrations and nowhere has this been more tru e th a n 1n Huntington Beach whe re a nnual displays and the Inde p endence Day parade have been considered "the Orange County <'elebra tion " for many years Block parties have also been traditio nal in the c ity, whe re neighbors ga ther to shoot off their fireworks toge ther It is rather sad to note, the n. that indiv idual fire w orks m ay become a thing o f the pas t. Charitable groups which have sold the s o -c alled s afe and s an e fireworks f or fund -r a is ing puri>oses over the years will also n eed to f 1nd o the r sourct.>s fur no sang cash . S ome a rg uments can be madl· to suggcRt that p yrotechnics now considt•rc.•d le g a l a r c n o t thf' villains <:aus111g fu·es and d am age d u 1·1n g F o u r th or Jul y celebrations Illegal fire works. likt.• bottle rocke ls , fircl'rac kc rs and sky rockets, have been viewed as tht.· d evices causing roof fires a nd o fte n , persona l injury Hu n t i n g t o n Beal'h fir e o fficials, h o wever , have made a good point in indicating the illegal firew orks are ofte n ma xed w ith le gal o n es b y the users, thus making it far more d1ff1cult (or a uthorities to locate and sto p tht> u se o f the m o r e d a n g e r o u s varieties. Co n s id e rin g pr c:sc nt s tructural de nsities and incre as ing coas t.al population, it probably 1s prudent that fireworks displays in the years ahe ad be left to the• professionals. Life-saving service It is high time the Fountain Valley Community Hos pita l. which serv es a s o n e o f th e county's regional trauma centers for handling criticaJ lnJUry cases, received o fficial a uthorization for the use of he licopters to transpor t such cases. In fact, helicopters h a ve been bringing patients to the h ospital two or three times a month in life-threatening cases, but without the required local, s tate and federal blessing. Now the Fountain Valley City Council has taken a first step to legalize the service by authorizing operation of a h e lipad on the hospital g r ounds. With this in hand , s tate and f e der a l a uth orization s hould b e forthcoming shortly. The 70-by-70 foot landing pad on the hos pital lawn will b e protected by an 18-inch barrier, to prevent autos from e nte ring the area , and w ill be equipped with a wind sock an d fire t.'Xtingu1shers a ll r e la t ively in expe nsive investmen ts. Addition all v. the council has stipulated tha t ust· of t he hehpad must be restric ted to e mergency cases; that the h elicopters fly only over i ndus tria l zo n es, n o t residential areas; and that own ers of the facility indemnify the city against any accide nt cla ims tha t may arise from o pera tion of the heliport. Since mos t cases requiring treatme nt at a trauma center involve life-or-d eath situations in which speed in initiating skilled treatment can be c ritical, the h e licopte r u s e s e e m s m os t appropriate. The council acted wisely in authoriz ing a po te ntially li fe - saving service. Trash fee dilemma Huntington Beach, Like other Orange County communities, is disturbed by county s upervisors' decision to impose new fees for the privilege of depositing tras h in county landfills beginning in October. The fees are needed. say the supervis ors, to cove r the increasing costs of operating the landfill dumps and eventually acquiring and de ve loping n e w dump sites. The board originally planned to charge $7 a ton for tras h deposited at the landfills, but has modified that to $4.90 a ton. However, cities forced to use transfer stations as intermediate sites for trash disposal, will be faced with much highe r fees - perhaps more than double. And that will in clude Huntingto n Beach, which now deposits half its trash a t the transfe r s ta tion a t Gothard Street a nd T a lbe rt Avenue be fore it is loaded on larger trucks and hauled to the dump. Huntington Beac h Mayor Bob • Mandie says the new county dump fees could cost the city up to $5 or $6 million a year in a relatively sh ort Lim e . That indeed is a discouraging prospect. But the mayor 's pro posed s olution i s eve n m o r e dish eartening. He suggests disposing of the 35,000 tons or so o f trash produced every day in the city by dumping it into the 9 .3-acre city-owned lake (forme r Sully-Miller' quarry ) envisioned as becoming pa rt o f Central Park. That might be cheaper in the s h o rt run . but the po tential d estruction of a beautiful lake that should be a key a ttractjon in the par k area would seem to be go ing a great deal too far in the effort to solve th e trash problem . Certainly no such plan should b e undertake n witho ut f ull con sultation with city reside n ts. It co uld be the re a re ma n y w h o w ould rather pa y to h ave trash hauled out of town than to see the lake destroyed. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dady P11ot Otner views ex pressed on thi s page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invlt ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 64'2·4321. L.M. Boyd/True confessions Q . Who came up with the first true-confession type magazine? A . A publisher still well- remembered by Seuoned Citirens as an 1unuaual character -Bernarr Matfadden. In 1919, he put out "True Story." Then "True Romance," "True Coctfe.ions," "True Love." ao on. M~den waa a health fanatic who ~to stand on his head to Improve hla~t.lon and twist his hair wtth pllJ to prevent ba.ldnea. U low temperature l\llelt does not brt1'i on the common cold, why ls It moCe people catch colds ln the winter? M~d tco1 now suggest the ovflt'CrOWdlnf lndoon doet lt. People : ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ,..,..,,_ .,.,.,, .. r .. ,,,. .... •• uo """' •• , ••. ~'• -AHf~• '°''"'"°"°""C• •o Bt• , .... , .... _ , .. .,.,. infect one another. That, plus the ract that hot indoor air dries out the nasal passages, making the m mo re susceptible to intection. In Washington, D.C., more than ~O percent of the births are Illegitimate. ln Dublin, Republic of Ireland, more than 3 percent of the blrtha are illegitimate. So report the medical Sta tistid ans. That "thimble" originally was called a "thumb bell," pleue note. In the Soviet Unlon'a Moacow are one million can and 16 auto repair shops. Thomo1 P. Hat.y l'llt)l"I"'' ThefnOt A. Murphln• f<l1l0t Jane Amari [ •«Uli•e (<lo•Of lcwbwo Krelbkh (d1IOfo(ll P09C1 (<lt!OI Thomot Mc<:onn ~fdttOt /~ 'NO~ No! -BUY ! BUY ! t-01' '8Y£~'Bl'E ! ~ Letters to the editor Coast highway parking hazar.d T<> the Editor: l read your editorial or Aug 10 "NC'w Dangers Lurk on Coast Highway" with special inte rest as a L aguna Bt .. ach residen t who tra ve ls PCB Letwcen Laguna Beach and New port Beach on a daily basis. On severa l occasions l have witnessed near c·oll1sions caused as a direct r('SUlt of beach goers park mg on the shou Ide rs or th e highw a y . U-turns have bccomt' routine as motorists scour the roadsides looking for an ava ilable parking spat.-e T h e b ak e lan e s h av e all but d isapix•ared in some areas. increasing the hazards as cyclists atte mpt to t.-oex1st al J5 mph with motorists traveling 55 mph THE ST A TE has been eager lO open the area beaches to the publi<.· but has fa iled , in m y opinion , to adequately prepa re for the logical m mplications that would result from inadequate parking facilities. There 1s one e xisting parking lo t which 1s usually only half full, but even at full capacity it could handle only a fraction of the total number of vehidcs. There 1s adequate space available at.op the bluffs which could readil y b e convertC'd into temporary parking areas Making this space available, and then posting the shoulders with no parking signs. would be a welcome respite for a ll the motorists using the public highway GA VIN HERBERT Hospital block To the Editor: Dr Stanley van den Noort. dean of the medicaJ school at UCI seems not to be interested in the community in which UCI is located. His attemP.t to get Gov Brown to veto Assembly Bill 2696 a llow ing S addle back Community ColJege to lease 10 acres of land to a nonprofit community hospital In Irvine is taking the is.sue of a hospital out of the community's hands. Since such a large number or residents in Irvine (over 15,000) have already indicated their desire to have their own hospital. it seems very strange to find such obstructive tactics being used by an official of a slate institution that is supposed to serve its people. This issue should not be decided in Sacramento by one bill concerning land. It should be decided at the certificate of need public hearings before the Orange County Health Planning Council and the Health Services Agen cy o f the s late o f Cal1forrua where all of us could present our opinions. JAMES A ROBERTSON Barbecue view To the Edit.or: Because m y sentiments toward the so-called family-oriented , America!) pastime of barbecuing is so opposed to that of Richard Jahraus, it behooves me to say something in behalf of Laguna's Heisler Park neighbors and to cite a few facts against barbecuing in our one and only public park. Considering that Mr. Jahraus ls one of our most popular and civic-minded residents, his Jack of sympathy Cor his neighbors who cannot enjoy an open window or a balcony siesta on their costly Cliff Drive apartments just boggles my mind. Doesn't he know that the acrid chemical pollution emanating from a barbecuing steak or hamburger, equals the toxic fumes from 300 cigarettes? Is it possible that he Is unaware of th e vast number of American chHdren who succumb to and dJe from cancer or leukemia? A genial man like himself, supporting our Boys Club, Is bound to love children enough to want to shield them from the chemical hazards of barbecue efflualon. Little chlldren do not 1moke nor do they barbecue, yet. lf Heisler Park 11 an ex.mple, they .re fncrea.singly subjected to theee toxic fUmet. lF MR. JARRAUS i.a really 10 in love with the mnell and lethal fwnet from barbecuJng meat, how comet hls own bubecuo r.ck ll lOClt.ed n,ht up a,alnlt hi.a rear fe~. u far removed from hJa tine home u po99ible? lt 10 hap~na that I must oontlnue to live and breathe on the other llide of thlJr fmce, '• mtte few f H t away from hl1 barbecue rack. WMr.cver, my neighbor lndulpl ln th.it MAILBOX cherished act of incinerating some meat dish, I must hasten to shut my windows just as tightly and quickly as humanly possible. Otherwise, the toxic smoke sickens me and damages my eyes to an agoniiing degree. On two occasions, when I was fortunate enough to be away durmg Mr. Jahraus's barbecuing stints, my small apartment had filled up with acrid smoke to such a degree, I had to summon the Fire Department to help me locate the r1re that I was sure was smouldering in my crowded interior. No one in our fine City Council and not even I would ever think of outlawing the use of backyard barbecues. Hence, one has to resent Richard Jahraus' insinuation that this is an eventuality. L~n't a City Council elected to protect the rights and well-being of the majority of citizens rather than kowtow to the whims or gastronomic.-tastes of the few? Am I wrong to assume that a steadily more crowded and only city park should be a place for wholesome enjoyme nt especially for the ultra-sensitive young and elderly population? If only half of my park neighbors would express their feelings about the increasing quot.a of barbecue parties in the park, (right near city signs proclaiming it to be against our law), your pages would be bulging with letters of resentment and disgust. NAME WITHHELD Con certs missed To the Editor· We had planned on picnicking on the quad of Orange Coast College while hstenmg to another series of <.'Oncerts on Sunday nigh ts. What happened? I am told that there was trouble about moneytrmances and I can't believe that Costa Mesa cannot s upport s uc h a cultural trc,at for so many. Where d()(>S all the tax money from South Coast PlaUl go? Your paper wrote to me last year a nd assured me the Dady Pilot would do their bit to put the concerts on again. At least our local paper appreciates a good program LILLIAN JO HNSON Fiscal lunacy To the Edit.or: The ink on the checks for $85,000 had barely dried from the "buyout" of past superintendent Glen Hardy's contract when the Fountain Valley Elementary trustees started paying $261 per day to consultant Bill Fisher -900n to be given a four-year contract as superintendent Currently in the throes of recall charging Suzanne Moore, Cheryl Norton, and Roger Belgen with fiscal mismanagement of school funds, the trustees again have shown their ineptness in contract negotiation by voting to raise Superintendent Fisher's salary to over $61,000 -then extend his remaining three year contract to four years. This extends Mr. Fisher's tenure beyond any of the current board's terms of office -thus saddling a new board with a superintendent committed to philoeophies which have generated a recall effort. Their wiadom leaves much to be desired i.n my opinion -I call it sheer fiacal lunacy! DEVON N. DAHL The writer is chairman of the Committee Advocating Re8ponsible Education whJch is spearheading rhe recAl1 movement. .EdJt.or. San ctuary found To the Editor: Laat Friday my husband and I spent a good part ot the day sailboarding in the Newport Harbor. Mid-afternoon we ventured into the Back Bay and dlecovered a quiet .,_radlse afu-r the hustle and bustle of the harbor. And yet It wu IO cloee. The marahland and abore blrds were plentiful and appeared to be In perfect harmony with t heir surroundlnp. Large allvcey bah Jumped from I.he water, more than occal!ona.Uy lndlcattna an abundance of water lite. • Ltll••~ ''~ '-" •t• ... ,_ l,,. 'itM It < ... II» i.1 It•• I• Ill ...-Ct 8f t Hll'llMlt llllel I• ,_..., U~ .... .., .. ., '"" .. 111 .. tl-.., ... .._ •. AH ltUen -Ill t h•lle ..... , ......... ll'ltlllllt --~ -~, .. "'"-.. .,. •-•t II wlhcifftl , ...... It.....,....,. ,._.,~ Wiii Ml .. ~I,,_. '-911•• ll'lef .. , ......... le.., .... Heme.,.......,..~, et I,..,.,,,...,•-• .. ..,.,., •••lll(ttl .. ~ We are grate ful this a rea has been preserved, ncJt only for the wildlife but for Homo Sapiens as well. sinct• so few areas of this kind re main along our populated California coast. We found the Back Bay to be a true sanctuary, a place where we could renew our thoughts as well as our acquaintance with nature. BARBARA G UILD H ook ed! To the Editor. As a windsurfer, l bterally got hooked! The irony 1s that l found myself having less empathy for the angle r than for me -the cat.ch. The dich otom y is that as a past president of Pacific Anglers and as lhe as piring Commodore o f the Balboa Yacht Club Wand board Fleet, I should find myself on my board with a treble hook attached to a silver met.al lure an m y arm b e in g t eth e r e d b y a monofilame nt line to a fast-moving sailboat. J KNOW TH AT the r e are those sportsmen that don't particularly care for windsurfers, there are windsurfers that don't care for powercraft, and there are fishe rmen that don't particularly care about either and lhe Harbor Patrol that's frustrated by them all. I would like to thank the powerboat that came to my rescue m the h arbor, to Dean Dana, my windsurfer counterpart, for his part m untangling me, to June Paley, my neighbor, who transported me lo Hoag emergency, lo Dr. Super and tus many assistants who extracted the hook from my fl esh and not to the sailboat that was trolling the long lme m the Harbor JACK CALDWELL Effort reward ed To tht! Edi tor: The members of the Laguna Beach Business Association wish to express our heartfelt apprec1at1on Lo the people of Laguna Beach w ho brought back the J11ain Beach V11lagc· party to our town The d olla rs are l·ountable -all $5,144.90 of them. The time. energy. creativity and hard work volunteered by hund reds of people 1s impossible to m unt We hope that their contribution ts partially offset hy thl• JUSt plai n fun that w e had in C'rea llng the ''Honorary Governor of the S tate of Laguna Beach" ra<'e ThP ultimate rt•ward will t.'Ome with our September party when we all should thank ourselvl'S and others. whether we part1c1pated or not. for brmgmg back the Mam Beach V1llagl• Party and be on hand to welcomt.' Honorary Governor Maggie Meggs as she reclaims the Mam Beach for Laguna BILL FARRELL Chairman, Main Beach V11lag<' Party Committee Medical ripoff To the Editor: For years 1t has irritated me that we could only d educt medical expenses exceeding 3 percent o{ gross. Now there is talk of making that 7 percent. Actually, w e should be able t.o deduct all medical expenses. Medical costs have risen unbehevably fast -faster than almost all other inrlattonary costs. And m edical insurance , whic h keeps increasing the annual deductible a.nd paying a smaller and smaller part of charges, has become so expensive 1t is prohibitive for many. One way we could fight it ia to be able to deduct aU medical expenses on our Income t.ax reports. Let's get behind this much needed change and write to our legialators. NAME WITHHELD lllllY Ill We ltuahed about the Japaneee vlslton and thelr cameru. b the lut, lauah on us? BUSINESS COMPE'JTroR ......... -............. -~-·--·_.... ...... ,................ . ......... ........ ....., ... Oelt,~ • . ! ,) • I ' .I -· DlllJPlllt H/F 0 0 THURSDAY, AUO 20, 1982 Ebssco er¥ice plans m ajor move I ron1 Newport 111c•110 THI caum ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS TELEVISION 82 84 87 Beach to Lake Center ... Page 84. ~' '. ~· Earhart saga still mystifies A SMALL BIT OF HISTORY: We marked a milestone in aviation history just this week in the 50th anniversar y of a flight by a pixie-faced, slender, tousle-haired young woman who was one of the great pioneer aviators of all time. It was Aug. 24, 1932, when Amelia Earhart, then 32 years old, be~ame the first woman to make a ·-·. ~ """'" transcontinental flight. It was just one of many marks she left on the aviation record books. MURPHINf .~ Her final flight, in July of 1937. still has strong tie s to our own Orange Coast where one of her aviator buddies. famed stunt pilot Paul Mantz, tried to solve the mystery of her disappearance at sea. AMELIA EARHART WROTE aviation history by defying her parents. S h e was born in Atchison, Kan., and during World War I served as a Canadian military nurse. Despite the protests of her family, she learned to fly, as so many of the early barnstormers did, right after the war. Then the records began to get inked into the books. She became the fir·st woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by a ir, as a passenger aboard a Fokker trimotor monoplane, July 17-18, 1928. It crossed from Newfoundland to Wales. Four years later, sh e made a solo crossing. This was followed by a series of solo flights across the United States in both airplanes and autogiros. Then, in J anuary of 1935, Amelia Earhart again electrified the aviation world with a trans-Pacific solo flight, crossing the ocean from Hawaii to California. STUNT FLIER PAUL MANTZ, who in later years made his home on Balboa Island and operat-ed Tallmantz Amelia Earhart with famed Balboa Island stunt mer Paul Mau in 1936 flying service out of Orange County's airport, helped prepare the next Earhart plane, a twin-engined Lockheed in which sh e and Lt. Cdr. Fred Noonan, her navigator, would attempt an around-the-world flight. Mantz. particularly, was involved in installation of a generator on the aircraft. a point that would prove pivotal during investigations of the 1960s. Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan took off on the world-girdling flight in 1937 and we re three quarters of the way to their goal when on July 2. their aircraft vanished in the Pacific, near Howland Island. No trace of the plane or the two fliers was ever found. After World War II, however, there were persistent reports that the Earhart plane hadn't gone down near Howland Island but instead had flown on to Japanese-held Saipan. ~A1:1VE WITNESSES SAID the plane, matching the description of the Lockheed, crash-landed in Saipan Harbor. They said two occupa nts, one a slightly built . woman. were captured and later executed by the Japanese as spies. Not much was added to the Earhart story until June of 1960 when a newsman diving at Saipan claimed hf:> had brought up the generator from the long-missing Earhart plane. The generator was taken to Orange County airport where Mantz put a task force of his experts to work in an attempt to dete rmine if indeed it was the part of the Earhart plane h e had installed a lmost a quarte r o f a century earlier. SADLY, MANTZ HIMSELF was killed in 1965 when he crashed while flying a stun t for filming of the motion picture, "Flight of the Phoenix." That pretty well closed the Earhart probe. Paul Mantz' widow. Mary, stated some time later that study of the generator had proved inconclusive because the engine part had been too badly corroded by salt water. It was so badly deteriorated, she said, it couldn't even be determined if it was of Japanese or American origin. So today, the m yste r y of Amelia Earhart's disappearance remains unsolved. IEiection acts OK f The Orange County District l•Attomey's Office has concluded that candidates Larry Agran and· tEdward Dornan did not violate t lrvine's campaign contribution "lawt tn thia apring's city council •race. i The investigation was sought by another candidate, John Nakaoka, who suggested \Agran ml1ht have broken the dty'• law llmitln2 contributions , to a maximum ii~ by addlng •Dornan'• endorlement on •mall :herb plantinp paued out In " door·f.0-<lc?ot ~pe.lgn. Nakaoka alteged that the ''In-kind" contribution from Agran's campaign -for a share of a C08l of the plantings -was poMibly m9re than $250. He alao aaked if Dornan should have reported the donation In campaign expense reporta due before the election. Agran and Doman, however, argued that only a mWl portion of the plantings camed Doman'• endorsement and that the deadline for the expente repon. had pused before a deciBJ.on WN made to include Doman. ·- Pain • ID the neck identified UC/ b iology research er shows way to quicken detection of trep tl1roat By JOEL C. DON or'"-0.11, Pilot st•tt The sore throat Is mankind's perennial pain in the neck. Often the harbinger of the common cold. It's tbe body's way o! saying some virus has temporarily gotten the best o( your lrrunune system. But a third of the lime the picture is more serious. That's when a feeling of a claw hammer stuck in your throat is a result of the invasion of a bacterium called Group A Streptococcus. Untreated, "strep throat" may lead to complications such as rheumatic fever, kidney disease and scarlet fever'. Though not a doctor, Kurt Brillhart knows detection of the infection is imperative. The UC Irvine biology graduate has spent the last two years perfecting a simple a n d reliable test that could provide diagnosis of strep throat in a fraction of the time it takes using current techniques. Brillhart en roll ed in an independent research project while a UCI junior, focusing his efforts on development of a quick test for strep throat. Strep bacteria shows up as a colored spot on a paper strip, akin to the way litmus paper changes color when it comes in contact with an acid or base solution. His so-called strip test can be completed in 90 minutes, a far cry from the conventional throat culture that may take up to two days. Eventually Brillhart would li ke the test results to be available before the patient steps out of the doctor's office. Though further work must be done before the test can be sold commercially, the 22-year-old Brillhart noted a UCI committee is studying whether it should be ....,ESltented. Eventually he hopes !.O market the strip test as a simple kit for doctors. "In order to make the test readily available it's going to h ave to be simplified considerably," said Dr. Gerald Greene, a UCI Medical Center specialist In lnfecuous diseases who directed Brillhart's project "If it's not simple, people won't use it even it It does offt•r advantages." Nevertheless, Brillhart's work earned h im unde rgraduate honors in biology. In October, Greene wiU present news of the strip test at a major biomedical conference. Greene predicts the test may help doctors prescribe the best treatme nt for a sore throat sufferer. Erring on the side of caution, some physicians give antibiotics before results of a throat culture are known, he said. Others wail for the throat culture, but somet imes have trouble contacting the patient for appropriate treatment. "Only a fraction of sore throats are strep," Greene said. "So certain patients are getting antibioti<'S unnecessarily or some patients aren't getting the antibiotics in time. "And a certain fraction of people that receive antibiotics will have a reaction to them." The test is called PELISA. or paper e n zyme -linked immunosorbent assay. Simply, a throat culture is taken from a person suspected of ha v ing str ep throat. The specimen is fixed to a glass microscope slide and a series of a ntibodies are biochemically hooked to the bacteria. One of the antibodies contains a special enzyme marker. A paper strip soaked with a chemical that r eacts to the enzyme is placed against the slide. Whe n the enzyme a nd the paper react, an orange spot reveals th e ptesen c e of streptcx:occal bacteria The more bacteria on the slide. the darker the spot. Greene said there is no other quick test for an infectious disease on the market. "He did it on his own," Greene said, in praise of BriUhart's work. D•llY Piiot Photo br O•rr AmbrOH SPEEDS UP DIAGNOSIS Kurt Brillhart's pro posed s trip lt>st will ht>lp d rx·to rs identify stre p throat m 90 minutes. Convent10na l throat culturl's takl· up to two days "The bas ic to o ls and th e information were there, He did considerable adaptation and trial and error . "It took the right person in the rig h t place with the right components to put 1t together .. Brillhart said he is struggling to win admission to medical school and ho pes to earn a doctorate in resean:h biology as wdl. "Both are very tempting," he said. "But if I do n't ge t into medical school I'll try to get my Ph.D." CSUF leading college enroll1nent boom Cal State Fullerton is almost ready to close admissions for spring 1983 because of booming enrollments. Ralph Bigelow, director of admissions. said the school may stop accepting applications for spring semester after Aug. 31, the earliest cut-off date in the school's 25-year history. F all enrollment will exceed 24.000 this tenn, the largest in campus history. R ecession dri¥es students to Jess expensive state-supported schools Some offic:1als attribute ,,the increase in admissions to students • s hifting fr.om these more- expensive institutions because of ~ the recession. Annua l tu1t1on at private colleges ranges from about $2.500 t o $8 ,300 . S tude nt f ees at U n1v e r s 1t y o f Califo rnia campuses will be $1 ,201. while California State univers1t1es will cost $444 . "We have seen a shift from private institutions to public institutions among our low - income students since the '60s," McNally said. pronounced this year be<'ause of fe deral reductions 1n student grants. restrictions on student loans and cuts in Social Security payments to college students, she said. This shift may be more Officials say money may be the biggest reason why admissions to the state's universities are on the rise. Two h o ldups p robed in H B Cal Sta te Long Beach has started curtailing admissions for next fall , but not for spring. The University of California system <:tlso· 1s expe rienc·ing ar. increase m aomtss1ons. annough not as sharp as at Fullerton. said Ed Apodaca. UC d irec tor of admissions. Police are searching for two bandits who robbed two Hli.ntington Beach businesses in apparently unrelated incidents. The man handed the teller a note demanding money and fled with $1,930. according to police California students are turning from private and out-of-town universities to less expensive state schools and leaving four- year institutions for two-year community colleges, said Lois McNally of the California Student Aid Commission. The first holdup occurred at 2:45 p.m. Monday, when a man pulled a revolver from his athletic bag and placed it on a counter at Brentwood Savings. 5828 F.dinger Ave .. police said. At 6:30 p .m . Mo nda y , a different man indicated he had a gun in his wai stba nd and demanded money at the Sears Surplus Store. 9045 Adams Ave He fled with about $115, poHce sctid. "W e've b een ex p ect ing enrollment to decline for two or three years. but this year we received more applications than ever before," he said. Racers won't need a pacer By GLENN SCOTT or II'•• D•llJ Piiot St•tl There are races for quarter horses, greyhounds and rats, but rarely has a race been organized strictly for Helix a.spersa. It is no wonder. First brought to North America as a source of food, poor Helix was an outcast from the beginning. Never popularly palatable, the creature couldn't even bang around a vegetable garden without drawing contempt. It was fo~ to live a sheltered life and was further frustrated by being both male and female at the same time. Slow afoot, it became a symbol for all the wrong things in this fast-paced world. Next month, however, Helix aspersa, also known as a common garden snail, will finally get its just desserts. It will be the featured attraction when the Irvine Chamber of Commerce sponsors its inaugural California Snail Race Championship Sept. 12. The races Will be part ot the chamber's annual picnic. In past years, the picnic has been a private affair. But as long as you're going to Invite snaila, you might as well bring along everybody else. .• Thus, chamber organiz.ers have opened the floodgates to any snail trainers wishing to take part In the races ech.eduJed to beatn at 2 p.m. at Heritage Park on Walnut Avenue bet.ween Culver Drive and Jeffrey Road. The snail coune la 18 lnchea long. Norma Brundage, r1ee ~r. hu laaued thete rules: -Snail.a cannot welsh more than tour pound.e. -All snatls must be l.rvtne reeldenta. -Snails on skateboards will be disqualified. -Entries must be alive before and a(ter thelr races. Howard Reich , c h ai rman of t h e chamber's organizational affairs committee, said participants can call the chamber office at 641 -1667 to obtain an appU~llon form The entry fee is $2 per racer. He IA.Id some of the rules may be hard t.o enforce, especially the r esidency ~ulrement. 'We really can't," he confided. "W e just threw that In there." However, Rel~h laid eomo local groups are takina the rtce 1erioualy. "One of the banks tn town told me they havo three ana.Ua." he aa.id. "They've boon feedlng them for two weeks and they even built a little cafe." At UC Irvine, Assistant Dean of Students Peter Howler, a snail expert. said the critters enjoy eating lettuce, flour and com meal and usually seek a cool. damp setting. "If I were going to train them to race." he said, "I'd maybe get them hungry. crush up some lettuce and squeeze the juice down to make a trail." Bowler said snails al~ can be decorated bkluins wings on or even painting their shofl'll.. Part of the shell should be left expoeed, he added. And for those whose entries d.on'l make the grade. Bowler ls 8Cheduling his a nnual fall mail feed at noon on Friday, Nov. 12 at UCl 'a University Center. Thoy were, af~r all, imported for food. "ln France, analla are becoming rarer and · ra'rer," IA.Id Bowler. "Th4'Y'd be horrified to know how we kill them here." .. ' I g,.,.. "" ... 11\o • ._ ~·· 14 " LQ ·~ ... Orn t 10 t .Mii 'J +I k~llM PO ti"-, \o Of••I J h I •1 t;. k ellml f1 t '1 fth t \.a o,,.,..,. • / 1m ,,..,. • ,, '"I"', 1 .. • ~ f. 1 ""'1•• t .. •I OWl'Onl J ~ 1 ltl• )) • ~ k e ft~ I 10 I : , ... .. r no• t •o.. "' 11\il'nl plJ '° , n 14•1 ' .... !f l In I~ t ~ ,.,... 1<o ~Piii P'•" I , V. Hetrln I JO•I IJO 11 .... • I• 1 1m 4"l•t , th ke l' i. 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FteEC 10 1J t tSY, IC , -, -• ,_ Alll• 11 ·56 4 SJ 12...,: " CmllEn I 14 S ?'11 11"i • , ... Fie Pl J.ll • 931 J.CllJ + "' JowlC pl lJ 11°" + '"' AlllMY "'I> 10 a.JI .... .... Comcb' 24 • 141 It\+ Fl•Pro I IO • Ill in. Jew1<r 7 .. 4'1) .... AIMKlle 14 O tlt 11.,.' lo CmSw n 10 • 12' Sh . FleStt SJ ISJ U'> t 1'-Jolll\Jn I 16 .... , 1141\l'o • '"' ApcllP le llS lO ' ComNll ' 44 • 1 IS"-• .._ FlwGefl 11 IU7 10'•, I" JofVIEF 11 93 JS~>, 'n /lo.ii,.,,, ::Z" 1 It • ~ Comdl • tJ 1tn l''1 +1,.. Flowr • )I 10 ?St""',• ,,. Jolll\C11 1 40 1 11 u", .,. ApPw pl4 ,. 13 ,."'. I CmwE , ., 1 20'23 14\<t. I. Fluor 80 I 20J.I .... • • .. JO!lf\C OI 1 ' n• ... I AP91 NIO '311i us u~ '1,;" CwE "' l.42 " ,,,... "" FooleC 1.10 I 2ll l>"' • '" JonLon .0 n1 11111 , '"' ArchOn lolb 1 171 14.: • ' 'c"E pl t \IO 11 u •.. FordM •114 ult•• • .., 11~"!!' .! ,•, .J.2, 1211~, ', .": ArlrPS 1 S1 / IM 22\o 1H wE pl 7 :IO IHo. F0<MI( 2.40 I aJll JH• Vt ~tt1. ,. _ .. ~ ArlP pl 3' SI 4'1 ,.~ • I\ CwE OllJ lS ZIXIO ut~ + l FIOur I l1 ti 10'•• '• JoyMIO I 40 j ltlJ 13•,. • .. ArlPpt !0°10 1100 utl : 1 CwE pl I . ''' jt Ft-IOI 11 ltS 40 •I"" K-K -ArkS•t .o· 1 1:i., !J+ CwE pl l 11 lll » .. • '" FottWI> 44 • 1007 11 • ._ KOi n 10 J7 4 Af'tlt• 1 ,, ·, 110S It : ~ Cw E pl t.40 dO "5•"> • 1\1 FoaSIP .. t 10S ull .... t\.o KLM 11 • l3"-" Arl11A1 1 7J "-, J." Cw E pl I 14 rlJO S1'-• • .. Fo•l>r' 1 CM 1 t/4 27\. • n . I( m•rt I 14 S141 """-, :i., Arm-3 '• ComES 1 • t II "°'" "' Frr,tNIC ioO 10 12" 16.loo + .. l(e111AI ioO lll 131,, '"' Arm~o 1lOi1140t 11... ~ ComMt ? JO I) UO M • 1"' Fr 11tm 46 • 191 1449 • ,.._ l(e l ~ 4.IS 2 ~~', S Arm< pf 2 10 .. I) 1JI/): ,_, COPIV< I J111 143 111'• '" Frutlll 40 IS2 lt~o K1t•C:e t 40 I 1• It .... •1o Armr"' 4 JS 110 yJ' • I Coml>ll' ,. ll''• .. FyqU• .., ., 19\o ••• K•IC pt 'll I IS\I) Arm A > IO S ..St 1•• ' CompSc II ,.. 13 .. • ,,, Fyq• DI I 1S 16 1• • ~. l(el1rSI 120 ""° .. Arm Win 1· 10 23146J .. • • .;; '"'""' "3370 , ...... ,... G-G -K• ... Nll ,. IS ,, • ... ArmW pl) IS 1100 ,.. • ConAar .. I llS "~ .... GAF JO • 11• '"'. 1. l(• ... D Ill )77 •• ~ ...... AroCp lb • • IS ConeMI 1 20 1 63 JD"-• ' ' C.•F OI I 10 • "'' • "' KClyPL 2 ._ S )71 2•'" .,. At0wE t•S4 II 11"" '• ConnEnJ.O I 3111>\o• "• GAlll 140 I l!O 74 .. , II> ltCl'l pll lO 1100 1' +I Artr• 10" 1 1t•;. CnnNG 210 t Jl II'•>• " GCA 1011l 7'1 11 • '-KC Pl 1)14 Jj ClO ull •I Arvin I ll 11 71 U~•, .,.; COii•« 80 14 11 2'"' GEICO SC. t ltl n•-. • .... KCPl Ol4 50 1100 .n ... "' Arvin pl 2 I 12 • Yl COllEO•, .. S WM ""' '• GEO 24 l 1018 '"" w l((PL OIJ JO , l ""'• o,, ANr<a tO JAt JI\',, .. ConE pl 6 I l'l1'1'J GTE 19'1 1 lS1' ltl , KCio I M t IM JI.,_ .... A"'IOU 1 40 6 '21 11 .. •IV. ConEOl4U LSIOOuJI'•" .. GTE OI 2!0 t ,.,., ""K•n<;E 111 6 .. 11\<t• .... AllllO 11'4.!0 • :M"-, I> ConE J1f I II 40 '1 GTE pl l 41 4 tt , '"' IConNb I.., t " u-., •• AllllO plJ.. 4' JA\11 • I COllFCh J 12 I •Ill J~·., • ... Gt lHOl.I SJ S IS. 11~ + 1•, K•nPll 1 40 1 14) 1> ... • .... AtclOG , 10 111 ,, ••• t, ConF OI 4 !O • I IJ • 1'' G•NMll I n ll 111 401,.. ... IC•PL 111'1 n ) 11"> AtclO pl 4.7S / ut4 • t Cn•Fr1 I ioO S fl0 U4'._ • .. GepSt1 !O t 23 It'"+ '• K.•tylft el •••, .., Athlone l.ioO • 0 """ .... Cn1HG ,, •• 330 .,,.. • '. G••5'1< '» s 0 ',.... ~=~~r, I .. I~ l: : "' ~:FJ~ .~ : :~ "/''• · "' ~~~"":.~ ~ • ~ ~~~: ~; 8:r:.:'1 ,·~ : ~ :;,,. ~ te,au1 pl 1 ~ ,. 1 "'~ "" AllRICll 1.40 t .o94 4011> + 1 CnPw pt7 n dOO S4V• "' CO.mC• 17 19 lt"' • '" Koller JO I U 11 All Al"' ),I) t400 n v.., CnPw ... ,,. ,,.., I.JI. .,. Gemln 1 .a. , Uh "" l(K•",,"-I.~ •, •llJlS 21~ ...... AtlAc pl 2.IO 4 -+ 41\ CnPw pl 4 . 1S 11'° , .. GA Inv 4 1~ 93 IS"', I\ lwd -•~ All .. C:p I 9'1 11"1-Y, (l\Pw o!l '9 11 17\'> GAmO!I io01> 12 l4I 1"o, II) Kt,..I 10 l 114 7\1. • I ::ro~ ~ :~~ ~~ ... :~"' ~~~ ~~ ~ t~~; :; &~~~ : ,o ,n =: ~ ~~~: ,:1~ ~ ~~: ·~ Av~oc:ti l,20 • 40f n '"' CnPw pt1 u 10 .. • .. GnO•IA 2M ·~ • .,, ~:;~1• I ~ : 1m ~: '~ !:~~ pl J: •. ,~ ;: .... : 1 ... ~:::~ s11 ~ ~::,: ·~ t~lr l.~ ~~ = ~m: : ~.. Kmc.n • .,~ • .,. Av,..Y 1 11 eoo .. .,, , ,.,, '"""' 1 . .0 • "" u • , .., GnF01o 1 20 • n1s ,.... • ''• IC.K•1•r•'".' •1•10 13, ,!!1 !! • "' Awn 1 1 24Sol 24'" CnllG1p 7 ioO 4 1109 lO'l'J GHO\I I lO 1 111 16->\ , 'Jo -• -~ \.'> AMI• I IS t 1' 11~1 Cn1Gc> OI 2 i. la'•• .... GnH°'s 10 S SI f l.1 + 14 Ill-IJll M "I. ~ Aydin it 201 3' .. , '" CntGp DI• !O 11 l:l"4 • "' Glnsl l !O 11 •l:m :» ... , 1-. tt.lmt1C1 4 1 M M , "' --· -Conllll 2 4 JU.. •••• ... GnM•ll• I ... 10 laJ) d ... I K"911IA ., II 7:15 :UV>. "' 8 •1rl)Co 40 t 00 "'", Cont Tel I .St I aSSol 11' • + .. GMCH 140e11 S170 41\.'> • -. ~-o ...!.., I ~ 21~ ~ II .... 8 krlnll n • 7* n~., ti\ C10Al s SS 1 4301 ,.... ,,.. GNIOI pl Sh I \l'-'l>o ... ~or,,._ -, -It .. 8 •100t n" ... 1'11•• l CnOt OI !O ylJD JS'•.'"" GHC Ol 1' .. IS • .,, K-ll '4014 lSI 1411. .... 8fldU t .• • •10'12 11'" • l~ ConwOd I 40 9 SJ u2''-• • ... GPU 11 ... )... "" Kappr pf 10 i I• °" 8•11CD 1 01 • •120 ~'--~. COOl<Un Olr 4' lY, c;.11Ae, I 01 tO -441.,, '"' KrOelll• 3 ..... .._ 8 •11rMf lO t Jl'5 UV.,''-(OOjlr 1.n • /JD 1•'• • ... GnR.t• n l "" KrOIJtr I 12 I 111 39 •I 8 •11GE 2 .. t 112 lt ':::Lr 1 90 lJ lJ•~ • I h GftSlonl I .0 • l 'J llli• , 1 Ky bole SZ. JO I ,..-. 8•11 plll 4 !O . ''° JS"1 I c IO 11 ... UV.. ~ GTFr OI 'tl l2lO ~ .... ICulltm .. • II 104ol ...... ~ I 20 JO 41 1• •~ '-T M S 111 20 • ... GTFI pl I lO UOO 10 ..... I\ KyoloC )4' ll SI JO 11•..s.Q eo 11 74 Jt\, + I\ Coe>wd > I t• 6 24 "'" • .. GT ire I !Ob 1 ... U.._ • >o l N Ho ,.3 ;._.l/L 30-JJ .... , =~ >: 4 ~ ~: ~ ~::fn• ~: !~ :~~= ~ ~ 10H3t.=112;1 .. 1"' lFE J 11 •"• ~ 811.olV• I 16 1 2S ll•it, "" C0<nC> i 1' 14 •22 S1V,, I G<!n\I O to , •20 10~,, .. llCCD I• 11'< 8nt.Am ' SJ 6 ,... ., ... " C0<8lk ' ,. 10 s 101'> c;.11uPI I JO I) 114 Jt>o ... t~~Cp pt 50 ) nJ '~ : ::: llkARly 140 10 I tl~o+ \, Cowles In 1t1 )II.•• ... GePK I lO I •tll It • V, lOutnt' It 11• 11~ 8-T· 1 OS 4 1122 )A ..... ' Co•8d' 1t 1S ... ""' • ·~ G•Pc pl8U4 n H \.'> c;. 2,40 s ; ,.~ ~. :m = nL ~ ;.;~ "" ~::!! I • ·: 11; ,;~. .. g:~ ~ ~ IO~ W': ~ am* •. 11 .H n. ..... e.n-" • • • • .,. CrevR• " 111 11'-. 11'1 GePw "'1 S1 14 llV, "" ,.,., -IU ......... a.rdCA 36 '' S70 40 + h CrltOll I ueo :It'°+ lo G•P• 111'1 IS I '°"' 1,, •wtlnl 1' 14 '°' 10-.+ 1;, 8 •r11Gc> .ioO . •11 It'-• I\ Cro<llH 140 I 120 24 •II'> Gubl'dtl:W. t IS 21'-• •;, ::: 1·~ • = ;:!:: ~ ll•rllft t.Cll • 109 1~. "' CrckH pt2 1• . n ''"•. ~ GerDSc 12 " 1!0 ...... • .. ••S pl1 U ' •S • , 8•rnt pl 1 • 1'3 uH"-+ 1.-.. CrmoKn I 0-I t 14 G•llY 1 ioO S "' "'"-• 11\ ••nnl, _ 10 11 1,~ 11.,yWr 40 11 IS7 IS ... , ... CrwnCk 1 .. , 7) .. + ... Gl•nlP t O o . " -, ... BH Aft , .. J " 411, .... ,,.,.le4 I lll 10 ,SI 1• ....... GIDrFn . >On u ... • .. ~y"'Tr 1' lO,. 10, _?', ?O ••.• •• ~ 11..,Kll I 51.17 tSS() -~, 1 ... CrZol pl 4 4) h lit<• GlllMlll n U U 14 ... + ~ -E ... • • •• S.~Tr. 4' 111411:1..., • I CtZol OfBJ 05 lit 10+. i.. Glllelw 1JD11 ·-"41"-• 1 t9Pl.C .. 1 • ltU. a.yFll\ _,. ti 9 CrYm~ I 1' 6 1'S 211'1 + "' G .. tsW • U 20 10 • I eloVel tt7 I . lleySIG 2.n • 10 .... _ ... CwlDrO ,. I ... ,, • ~ GI-. 14 3 "" 10\lo. .. .,,,_ 1 llo 2AO '~ ..... lllffrll'I I t 214 26\.'> (ylll11" ,. tte 113S +, GklH"ll I ll U\I> ..,,... JO 11 11S ,.,, • \0 e-11"6 1.!0 • "1 11~, ..., c .. me" 1 s • ,.,, n.,. • .,. 01ow ,:-011 1a ...., •110• 1.• • llt "4011> • 1-. llffl Jf J,a . SJ 41 .. ""CUfrlll< 110 . so t .... G<lolch I.~ .... , ,, .... 1 .... ·~ • s .,.,., ,,, 8.ctno 11011 "" .,,... , " c .. r1w 1 • 1• 40''-. ~. G<l•<ll ,,,-1 es aooo n-. .1.,. ... cd p11.es • • "" . 8•11f J11 4t,, It. Cycl-I IOe u 4 tj.\O, ;., G<lrcll pl t7 rlOO 71>, • 111 ••ISi 1 U t UI Uh t \.'> ... '°"' '°° s Ill 1"-+111• -0-0 -(;<lr(fl pll.11 """''"' vlttF 111 llJ JI\;>., 1M141\H » 7 "9 )\.'> + .... OMG 24 l 'n Goodv• I 40 t OJ2 ..a.\l'J • >o OF I 20 S4 .. JJV, • I ... _ ._ 1 I• 11.._ • \\ 0.rncwl lO SM ~, "" c;o,dJ t '6 a 14S 14"1 • "" OF Pl 4 IS I 0\\ • v. l ellll\CI ·,. •O 40 ""'. -D•nAlv SC. • ,. 11... Goukl I,, 10 ,,,, u ..... "' ·~co ,, 11 ,., 11 ... U CGii 1.. . 11 1•"-, "' Ot lll(.p t.00 10 412 1.,._, tlti Gollkl pll.:15 2 14\.'>• "1 Llfomk • 14 112 2' • lllo h ml• 1,tO I S4 JO -. Oelllt4 Ito 1 n 11 , Gr•c• 2.IO 4 13' lit"-• ''-Illy 2.llOe 10 116) ~ ..... • 211'1 B-1• J l2 10 1.J1 501'1 + l't D•r1Kr J tO 10 10.-Jilh + 1w Gr•lflOI' I ... II ll 1141"> •I\.'> lmllO rl 1' It 441 uUh + 1"t leNIJr p14:04 SI 0"'• , ..... Oet.cifl t 17 l ""'. ,...., &~~:,!: 11~ :~· .., L111cN1 J 1 101 -...... =~•~. ~ = "'g::~r loll~ ,:....,:.~ GILlllll IO ' J4 Jl\11 • l/t t:::=.°'111 ~" ··~ ....... 1111'0 ~ + .. 0.YCO It tl J9 '°" + ... GHlrll 4 Sl9 S 1J U...+ l ltt LlllDn I ioO '6 llllO 4"' + ''°' a .. 11.y 1 •1 ~ ._. 0.yHd 1 I 10 11)ttO1>4) , 11'11 GIHOflll 2 • 2tO H • 1'-Lit-pf ? I I~+ Ito ... ,,.,, » 10 •1 .. 1 1~+ "' O.Y1PL 1 '° , 411 17.._, .._ GIWFl11 40 20 •171 1.-0 • Lo<lll>d 7W to'"+ lh e.t!tS(l 1 IUO ,....., I OPL pl 1 41 1100 1,1)4 , '-G"!H .. II II 11 '"' + .... l.0<1119 '6 14 " U • 1\1. llt Tllr 72 t toJ 1;" t '"' OPL pl 11 SO 40 ,, + .,_ GM P II I 41 S U !)\It • V. LO.wt I.JO S JO •i. + .. ll"'"y 1:1011 m ia11>:1.,, 0t•11~ n '1• ·, 74 uv. . G0'.;r'wt 1.JO • 12t01, .~~,,:1."',, Lo<nf11 '·" 10 2• ,. .... .,. lltP'S4.. • lS6 ... •lh ~ , 11J21S u ... "' GrO.w " ·) ,, JO, 't \! ~ LOMMI 2 .... 111 24141. \.') li«k0 1' IJ 411 14\.'> + \lo O.lml' I 51 I -14"" • . G•-G , )M,' 't 74 ~ L11St., U O IS JIS t4'• • II> llllHPto 1 411 6 2' 2'\IJ • II> 0.IMIA t l ~ 1... stVt + 1-. GlllA... 1 Jlll • LILCe 1 ot 6 SJD 16~ II. e1e1rJ11 1 t n ua • "' 0.1-•• 11 ''-• ._. ·• 1 _ -~ LILP'E 4 >5 ra • -11> llClHtll I t'l IO t• :IOh. ~ Ot•CM. 1n12 on ,. ........ Gr--.'l tit -· .. LIL ,,,J • tJ '"" ~ ... -.. l""I 1 ID I J I Ul<i '-OtnM!t I M I 110 JIV. •I GrYfn fl/f1 IO · I• 10h • V. llL plU 4 H 114 Jtltt, '-I IA 1..... + 0.::r.Yt' .. It IHO Je"'-+ 14 g\Ml'fl Jt I ,. 1•"' t .... LIL jllfT UI 1t1t ""'"., :l 1 te11 111, tCJ • ,:: Oen p1y • u n u v. HWtt ,7') s 413 1411, • " LIL II/fl' t.G J ""• " 1"22 • en : II> Ot$0t0 112U 112 11 ·, ... Gi.111011 l lO S lllS :IOWt• "'Lii. pl() J.47 ., 7 11\lo• ~ t1'411 7 4J6 h+ 1._ 0.IEll t'. .. I Sitt 1'\o') • Iott Ou1 lflh . . • 1i~ \lo Lonj!Of I.CM 11 JU JO•• '°' Fe 14S 4.,. • " °''I "' 1 4S i.s.o wSI • 1 G 'Jlt.H '·!t • ltJI IJ • 14 lor•I to IS 1'6 ~ + '" .. :~ft ,ro s-"' Bf .,t fn ,"'I; :i~1~ g::$~::·40 · ~ ~::; ~ t= ,.i:.:.,~·~.,~ Ill' I 17 JO 1'6 "' oe ,.. 1.lS J ,..__ "" GulfUtd 1..111 ' •S t11c.. Pk -QI ~1 21 • ' ,,, 1:.: .. .~ ,... 8" llf1. •.. •• 11"". "" G0tt1u1 ,. t.11.... 1 ~11'1. "' 1.°""°' p 2 1 m '"'''· .. rl9Sf 1.-.10 212 J™" ~rK 4 ti . JI ,...._Iott " Otl ll --Vo . • • S lS 2S\l't• \l't 1111M 1.101um •• .'.i'4; ~09 .. .."t:~·•'M U""···\.t HMW -':Jf4,;-• .,.. i. ....... ~·,:!~ 9f m::,..., '~.. 2.. U wu:• lllli Olor .. t 11 • ._ • Hiit A 1 ll ,_ t It LllOY•l' to 11 101 l! -14 ~-..'·";•~ u-.:.:·.h oofJ1o :u .. J " .... ~ H«kw 2,1,11 •• ""'• 11i Lwcw.-. i'.it •11P . ~. 1eo 1111'1' 1:. IS 1.._. i. •I 1:11 f U-1>11 M•ll"• l.N10 .. M\lt•..., Ltlll-.'2 t ,, ""+ .. I U 9 q 1M1ott+ \41 l I SI ... ""'• o,e H•IMll_ I.At S UIO ~· "'° -u -""i 1 ''"' \lo ft I.. ill llV.+ .. Ha-I" I .. I .. to .. t11 ,161' I lf"+I" ,n. .. t imvt--; " I.It I = ""'• 4-=ltflJI l.47e -' U..... IM 14 I_,:•,._ -o. ,,,.:, ~ lL :l ~ •:p'!! :I~!~ a=t~1 .,.t i m~-:: i' :J:~ ,:! t~! ~ _,., t, :m if\,;. t11 t.:"t= e tti tJl,\ .. ,1.$ •IMIH ,::: Jt~' \co ~t't'J! M + ~ '=4' !:!J !r':;r· riv J:I"~' ~~·1 ~= .. J I J ~7 ~ M ;.~ .. t ,n:.,.::: nl'i 1 Tiu.+ 4' ~Ill -'i ~::: H:·~~ ~~ ,r;w 7\l't! : e . l ti ~ lf"!,:; 2. F ..... ..,. ~~"' ., ' j ., •"'· 11'1 •· ,.u. u "' ,; ........ 1 . 't ~::t~ ,I0 .,."16' ~:: .~~ I. 'l = ~.:... ~ H 1::li ~)lJ-:11: ,, . ••nif ",ft:·.~ • 1· t ";U~ .J.~:l"'. =~ti .. '·.~.~ ~ n:J4111. ·-·-'l it: ,. ';it: ' It + i6' 1. • ID!+ 1et •I 1.totl IO t1 • . .. . •! 1 • + "' t4t• ~ wr•. M~-" •1 ',, .. ' ' • • 't.1i 'l 1L····· -C:.C-• "· .. ==· 1l'J":"~ .• ,.· J;\\~.~ Corporate loss 50-year high N E w y 0 R K ( A p ) Th(' r a 11 u rt• 0 f ~ 7 2 businesst& luiit wt•t•k wus the h ighest cor porate c:aisualty rount In 50 Yt'!irtl and wrui up 71 pcrcent f roiJ) thl· t:am(' week a year ago, a private cred1t-lnfonnatio~ service reported today. The surge in business fa1lurt~ in the week ended'4 I Aug HJ surpassed the pn·vwus 19tl2 peak of 548: l't.-c..·urded m the week c-nt.INJ Junl' 17 and was "at t}uj.. , highest l~vel since the l0arly I 930H," said Dun & • Bradstret!t Corp. The mld·Auguist spurt inc:rt•ased the averafUi •j w<.:.ekly failure rate to 459 c:omparL.ot.I w ith 318 an t~ 'j same period a year ago. The.· la.~t lime there, was 11:· 1 higher business failure rutc was 1932. when thif:•, WC'ekly average was 612, at·c·ording to Du n &:<J Bradstreet. For the year so far, 15,IJJ buo;1nc~ have closed becau.~ of financial d1rfll'uhit.-s, up 44 pern~nt from tht.' 10.492 fa1lurt-s m the :.amc· pt-riod a year &gu ,. :· Occidental, Cities merge NEW YORK (AP) Occ1~ental Petroleum Corpt said ll has won agrt>emC'nt with directors of Cities Servic'e C-0. to m:qu1tf' the OkJahoma ene rgy c•ompany m a t.'Omphc:at.ed tWO·Stt'p deal that would create the nauon's eighth-largest oil l"Ompany The agreement calls for Q:c:1dent.al w buy about 45 per<:ent of Cities' common stock for $55 cash, or a tot.al of $1 .9 b i!Jion. Oc'C1dcnt.al said it would acquire the remammg shares by swapping a package of SC.."<'unues for which 1t gave no overall value The agreemt!nt, announced Wednesday, marked the second time Cities has agreed tv be taken over bv a larger oil company. Ear lier this month Gulf Oil Corp. _w_ithdrcw from an agreement to buy Cillcs for. $4.8 b11l1on in cash and securities Man ville· to reorganize? DENVER (AP) The Manville Corp .. saying it faced more than 16.500 aslx-stas-related lawsuits. filed today for reorgamzauon under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. The Denver-based cr>mpany, w11h consolidated sales in 1982 of $2 b11l1on, filed in U.S Bankruptcy Court in New York. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK IAP) Selu. Woo p11ce end ,..., 4.t\9"91 of the llftffn mo-.1 dth~ Nf'• "°"" $to<.111 E 1t P\•nQ4" 1\~ g~d.;•••on.11• •: ;:'Jx,'n•",:.•. • ~ Conllilla t .._,,800 l•"'• 18M I di 100 ••'• • .._ ~tr•il Lyn I )7) JOO )'\.• • t .. E.• •on 1.111.soo ,., • 11• Am~,. T 4 I 1 OJ~ .00 ~i • 1.. C,•" N.o40f'\ "'' )00 ''' • O.t Ed•~ •H.000 11~ • •. M.trtinM ~ ,..... ~ .)9 • •. • ~orcJMot 9'1 .000 11 •,. • 11 " ~"' (0<D <Ml tOO 14 • '· Xl'llYtnl><O ee..400 JI.. • 1'- 1( m••I 110,.00 71., S.•• \R0t-o •~' 100 1'"-• • 1 R(A ,., AOO 1q1. AMERICAN LEADERS DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORK IAP1 AuQ lS Adv.nc:Pd 0.<11....0 u I\( l\el'<jt<I T ot•I t\).U"\ ,.,. .. _ hl<1'°'\ N•w l()w\ w.a ., .. C)I lll ... s ... J NEV. v011K rtPJ Auq H w.a Adv•ntf'O <><-< hnood uncn•"O"O To••• •!i&ut\ New tuon\ Nl'-. tttw\ ... .,. "'-• i»..r, m METALS 191 111 ll • 11> ~ JI " NEW YORK IAPI -S POI nonltflOUt ,.,.,1.1 or•cM todey GOLD COINS ••• 10 ... , .. ,.. ,, 4 . .. )I ..... 41>• IS~ ll\. 2l ,. ... I'• . '"' ., .. 11 .. IO 20 1)\. l'• '• '• .. 1•. 1• ... ,,. .. II.. I\, 1•1 .... ~ .. ~ ti ... ,, . ' ... PCI Up nl Up 200 UP 19 0 Up "0 uo •• s Up 11 I Uo II t VO ta 1 UP l)f UP 1\1 Up •so Up 14 J uo 14 J Up 110 Up IJ t UP IJ• Up llO Up 12 1 Up U t U'> It I Up II I Up II S Uo II I Up II 4 Up 1t _. NEW YORK (AP) -Pr1c: .. 1•1• Tueed_, OC QOld eotne, c:oenc-ed with Mondty'I Otlce. It,...,_., 1 uoy ot .• ~90 00. up 11UO. ...... ...,, 1 troy ~. ~00.&0. up l1UJ. ....... ,.... l.JlroyOL,""'3,75, IAP •11.IO. ....,.... -...... N02 troy OZ., sno.oo. up •11.00. loufOllt Delk· ...... Copp•• 12 73 ce nts • pouno u S , oestt,.,a11on1 l Hd 26-~ c.en1t a pound Zinc 40 cenlt a r'>llnd, ~111etea Tin S6 4184 Me111s w-compot11e Al11mln11m 16· 11 cen1s a pound N Y -cury $365 00 -l•u~ l'ltllnum S29 I OO·S296 00 11oy ounce N Y SILVER Hanoy & He•on•n ST 780 I* 11oy ounce. GOLD OU OTA TIONS •rn..A-IAIM"- StMct.O WOfld Vold -1oo.y 11~0;,do11 morning 11atng $417 SO. uO S 1~00don tfltrnoon ll•lng 14 17 00. ujl i-..... •lte<F\OOn ll•lnO $.40(5 03. llP 122 87 ,~-lurt na1ng 1411 98, uo S22 50 ZYl'lch lelt tllemoon llalnQ M I 5 00, YO $18 00 bid. M 18 00 •Al<ed Ha114l1 & Hermtft fORly O•lly QUOl•t $41100. up Siii 00 ........ .,., fonly clelly QUOl•I M 17 00, Ufi SIS 00 l!~llerd fonly cl•lly q11ol•I 1•11<~1.cr' S435 85 uo $18 80 1 . lMllA llla/mll alllT ORANGE COUN TV . CA ll f OHNIA /'1 C ENT ~ Brown nix~s plan Irvine hospital Following a week of fierce lobbying efforta, Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. h as vet oed legislation that would have helped a group build Irvine's first hospital. Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean cf UC Irvlne'a College of Medicine, was singled out as the chief opponent of the bill. The legislation was introduced in February and h ad passed the state Assembly and Senate before he said he read \bout It last week In a newspepe story. Even so, van... den Noort managed to quick} arner opposition to the b{al n the governor's office as well as wlth members of the state Legislature, ensuring that It had Uttfe ~hance of passage during these lt few days before lawmakers g on a three-month recess. Sponsored by Assembly om.an Maria n Berl{es'on, R-Newport Beach, the bill would have permitted Saddle bac k Community College District trustees to lease 10 acres of land at Its north campus to Irvine Medical Center (IMC). In exchange for a lease at fair; market value and 99-year term, IMC officials agreed to build a nursing schoo l to serve Saddleback programs. decision. She aald she would try to have the blll attached to another ploc-e of legislation with amendmen ts requested by Brown. The governor was concerned that the bill suggested state endorsement of a particular hospital plan. "l think the biU was woefully misunderstood,'' said Bergeson, who noted the legislation did not specify IMC or any hospital plan. It allowed Saddleback, which has . B ergeso n sai d she was d isappointed with the governor's painted their faces to preserve their "semi-anonymity," Artists face up 1to society Muralists discover painting on river ch annel prompts b rush es with the law By ROBERT BARKER Of .. o.lly .......... Chris and Scott are a couple of young Orange Coast College art students who take their art pretty seriously. They have worked various hours of the day and night in painting a large a nd colorful mural on the side of the Santa Ana River Chann el on Fountain Valley-Costa Mesa border. The young men, who say they want to remain "semi-anonymous" to keep from possibly getting into trouble for painting on public property, say they put about $100 worth of paint and 11 hours of work into the project. Chris, the chief artist, tel.ls how much of the work was done in ""ck bursts to avoid detection by police. He asserts that they ran ·and hid 'from a patrolman with a walkie-talkie on one occasion and hid in the river sand from a police heli~pter another time. They put the finishing touches on the white, yellow, orange. red, black, blue, green and w hite picture over the weekend. It can be seen best from the right lanes of the northbound San Diego Freeway as they cross over the bridge near Euclid Street in Fountain Valley. Two faces are camouflaged in the artwork. One is located in the upper right-hand edge of the painting. Chris says it represents societ;1. The second, upside-down on the opposite side of the mural, represents real people taking a look a t society. "We've been getting some outstanding feedback from people who knew we did it. They are impressed with the size and color," Chris says. Chris asserted that the young artists, both residents of Fountain Valley. were motivated by their desire to elim inate satanic writings and slogans a pptaring at the river channel that were getting more and more insulting. "W e were merely trying to replace the satanic slogans with something that would draw thought and beauty to a point where ugly defacement of property once was." endorsed IMC, LO le!Uie the land to a non-profit group wishing t.o build a hospital "I would say he (Brown) must have been pretty anguished over this bill," she continued. "This has tx>en very difficult for him politically bccau~ hl· has to face the opposition or many, many people who w ere an support or the bill." Though van den Noort has !laid the ball gives tacit state approal of the IMC proposal, ht- 8l'knowll'<iged thitt the medical l't.mter po8(.'8 11 threat t.o UCI plans to build Its own U>aching hospataJ on thl' campus Though veto o l the special land bill is l'Onsidcred a setback by IMC off1c1als. they noted ulllmat(' approval o r any hospital plan for tht· ctty wall l'Ome from the Offac(' of Statewide Health Planning and OevC'lopment. French break U.S. embargo on pipeline LE HAVRE. France (AP) - Dock workers loaded three compressors destin ed for the Soviet n atura l gas pipeli n e aboard a French freighter today m the first Western European shipment of U.S. embargoed equipment for the project. The three compressors were built by Dresser France. a wholly owned subsidiary of Dresser Industries Inc., o{ Dallas. Texas. They were loade d on the freighter .Borodine, which was to leave the port of Le Havre later today for Riga, the capital of Soviet Latvia. Dresser France said Tuesday ic would fulfill its contract with the Soviet Union after rece1vmg a requisition order to do so from the French government. Under French law, the government can requisition the services of private companies if those services are judged to be in the national interest Sources m Washington said President Reagan will blacklist the French subsidiary 1f 1t ships the equipment w the Sovacts an defiant'(' or his pipeline embargo. S uc h a move would b ar the French s ub s 1d1ar y from importing s pec1f1c ite ms and tl•chnolo~y from its parent c·ompany. or from any other American suppliers or the same items, said the sources, who declined to be ident1f1ed Oress<.>r Industries complained 1t was caught .. between a rcx:k and a hard place" b«::ause of the two govL•rnmPnt conflicting orders. Thc·r c• were no 1mmcd1ate comments fror1 the Frc•nl·h government about the delivery of DressC'r's compressor s o r Reagan's thrl'at t o impose ~a nctaons against the firm A FrPnch government spokesman ~1d the pipeline issue was not d1S<:ussed at Wednesday's we<>kly Cabinet M>SS1on. Howevc•r. labor unions at Dresser Francl' expressed l'oncern today about possible US sa nctions and demanded a <See PIPELINE, Page A2) Stocks heading up with Dow at 903 NEW YORK (APJ -Stock prices rose sharply over a broad front m heavy trading as the Dow Jones industrial average soared to 903.16 at miaday More than 1,000 issues moved a head after only an h our of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, with gamers hold mg a wide 5-1 lead over losers. 011. steel, auto. retail and technology stocks were among the advancing groups. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials. which rose 9.99 points Wednesday after suffering a 16.27-pomt setback on Tuesday, surged another 18.27 points lo 903 .16 by n oon . The t r a n sportation and utility measures also rose. Firs t -hour NYSE volume soared to 33.08 million from 22.62 m1ll1on al that hour 10 the prev1ow. session T otal Board volum<> on Wednesday chmtx-d to I Oti.20 million shares. the fourth highest in history Gold j u m ps $17 an o u nce LONDON CAP) Gold prices soared to their highest levels s1nc·e last Dec 18 1n ea rly European trading today. jumping morl' than $17 an ounce from the overnight close The dollar opened stronger against 11 major currenci<•s. Gold opened an London at an 8-month high of $41 5 25 an ounce. up sharply from $398 an ounce at the close Wednesday. Nestande Newport of jet flight increase By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0( 1M o.lly ..... Sl9tf Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. had a st.em warning Wednesday for Newport Beach. The city can expect an incre~ in the permitted number of ,et COUNTY departures from John Wayne Airport if it continues to promote commercial ventur es, such as hote ls, that boost local air transportation demand. Should the city not change its current course, Nestande said, ''Then maybe we will have to Sn ails h ave d ay in Irvine Slimy, stomped on and ambushed with Snarol. the lowly garden snail will finally get its day in the sun next month whe n the Irvine Chamber of Commerce sponsors a snail race(?). Page Bl. Co unty back s Niguel project The county has agreed to underwrite low-interest bonds for a development in Lag\J.na Niguel, although supervisor Bruce Nestande believes the funds do not provide a "significant public benefit." Pase A6. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -The Just.ice Department sued 25 defendant.a today, Including 10me of the nation'• better-known corporations, to force them to help c1een up a hazardoua waste dump in downtown Haml.lt.on. OhJo, which the ~emment Mid preeenta an tmminent and subltantial danger to human health. I ( add a lot more flights. I can't say how many at this point." Th e boa rd c h ai r man's comments followed disclosure that county officials are studying five options for the future of the airport ranging from holding the line on exparuion to increasing the number of jet departures to 98 per day. Forty-one per day are now permitted. The plans were prepared by the county airport staff. "As far as I see it, the city is thumbing its nose at us, wanting to close down the airport, but WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Election Commission ruled today that broadcasters may offer free air time to political parties. if the time is made available to both Republicans and Democrats. The case is expected to have broad implications for the broadcasting industry. .... BUSINESS R ate dip viewed cautiously Mortgage interest rates are coming down, but lenders and builders are reacting c-.autiously after being burned in 1980. Page 84. SPORTS Fernando sparlcs the IJodsers Fernando Valenzuela'• ann -and bat -help move the Loa Angeles Dodaera back into aole poueuion of first place in the N•tlonal League Waatem Division. Page Cl. expanding the hotels," Nestande said. not been approved.) He referred to a proposal by the Marriott Hotel Corp to expand its Fashion Island facility with a 12-story, 2 10 -room addition. (While plans have been submitted to the city, they have Newport Beach Councilman Paul Hummel criticize d the options today as being "out of ccntext wllh reality." "I don't see how the cou nty can even conceive of con sidering (See JETS, Page A%) INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoscope A4 Erma Bombeck A4 Ann Landers All Business B4-5 Movies B2 Cavalcade All National News A3 Classified C6 Public Notices C3-5 Comics B6 Sports Cl-4 Crossword B6 Dr. Steincrohn All Death Notices C5 Stock Markets B5 Stan Delaplane Al 1 Television 87 Editorial AlO Theaters 8 2 Entei'ta.lnment B2 Weather A2 Coach rates the players Mike Giddings, vanity football coach at Newport Harbor High School, knows how to raie players. P•ae Cl. 1 The 25th crnnual Lugunu Beach City Tennis Tournament will be held m September with matches In men's and women's singles. doubles and mixed doubles. Matches will be held at Laguna Beach High School. Moss Street and the Laguna Niguel Racquet Club. Entry fee is $12 for singles • Promoting energ y conservation as well as solar and wind power, an ene rgy fair w ill be staged along Laguna Beach's Main Beach boardwalk from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Saturday. A broad range of products and devices to reduce energy costs and in c rea se conservation such as solar electric cells, e lectric cars, passive s olar de s ign components and alcohol fuels will be on hand for and $16 Cor doubles . The Tournament is open to all residents within the Laguna Beach UnJtied School District and members of the Laguna Beach Tennis Club. OeadUne for entries ls AUJ_. 27 at 4:30 p.m. at the city s recrea tlon department, 515 Forest Ave. Tourney dates are Sept. 4. 5, 6, 11 and 12. inspection Also, lectures multi-media presentation~ and demonstrations is scheduled to c o ntinue throughout the day. Co-sponsored by the city of Laguna Beach, the Laguna Lifeguards, Going Solar and Living Water Solar Stills, the energy fair is intended to be both infonnative and festive. For additional information contact Dave Wetzel of the Boardwalk Energy Fair at 494-6340. BEIRUT . Lebunon (AP) - M o r t.' French and lt41l111n peact'koeplng troops landed ll't wor-buUered Beirut today and joined U.S. Marines In overseeing th l' t'VOcuo ti on o ( Pa les tint• Liberation Organization fighters Crom the Israeli-ringed Lebanese caplwl. The Syrian army sent 61 trucks and tank carriers across Israeli lines to west Beirut to start a two-day overland evacuation to Syria Friday of 3,500 troops and o Ui c e cs of the Syrian - C.'Ommanded Palestine Liberation Arm y. an Israeli arm y spokesman m Lebanon said. Lebanon's st.ate radio and the S yrian government earlier said the H1ttm Bngadt evacuation on the Bt:-1rut-DamaS<.'Us highway would bt.-gtn today despi te the PLO's fear o f attac k from Preside nt e le ct G e mayel's Lebanese Chris tian militiamen. "There '1s no land evacuatton today." the Israeli military spokesman told reporters in suburban Baabda, five miles east of Be1rul. A truck convoy carrying about 500 PLO 1otUerr1llas was at the JETS TO INCREASE OVER NEWPORT?. • • increasing flights knowmg that the noise impact on Newport already is so great. "I'd like to know what's bf!come of an aJtemat.e site for an airport. Suddenly we're back to trying to make d o with a completely ~nsatisfactory Site." Newport Ma yo r J acki e Heather said she is disturbed by the connotations o f the five options. She po inted out this foUows on the heels of a court ruling striking down the a irport's pl?rimeter rule. Suddenly 1t seems like every thing is crashing down around us again," she said. "Our various safeguards are just being swept away and it's frightening." Heather declined to respond to the pointed remarks made by Nest.ande. N es tande was one of two supervisors reached for comment on the airport expansion issue HESTAHDE HEATHER Two other supervisors. Ralph Clark and Harriett Wieder. wl're out of town. Supervisor Rogl'r Stanton also was unavailable. The other s upe rvi sor contac:ted, Thomas Riley, said he support-; an option whereby the number of flights w ould be mcreased to 55 per day as noise reductions are achieved. This alte rnate, known as Option 3. is very s1m1lar to the airpo rt e xpansion program PIPELINE GEAR LOADED ... meeting wtth manageme nt to discuss the s1tuat1on. "Reagan wants to make an example of Dresser-France," a union spokesman said. "More than ever, w e mus t r e main vigilant and prepare ourselves for a tough battle to guarantee our jobs." . Union employees at Dresser 'demonstrated at the docks of Le Havre on Tuesday to protest the U S e mbargo. The unions claim 260 workers could have been laid off if the embargo had been hono(ed. The three compressors are the Cirst of 21 compressors Dresser France was to provide for the 3.500 -mile pipe line that 1s scheduled to begin de li vering natura l gas from Siberia to Westc·rn Europe sometime in 1984. oullmed m the now-defunct 1981 airport master pla n . That document was overturned by orde r of an Orange County Superior Court judge who ruled environmental documentation for the project was insufficient. Optio n 3 would permit expansion of the airport tenninaJ and parking facilities to handle 6 :! million passengers annually. The overburdened facility today handles 2.5 miJlion travelers each yf'ar Unde r Option 3. about 125 acres of land south of the airport containing 531 dwellings would lx-within boundaries of a high- no1se impact rone. . Two of the options would retain the present 41 flights per d ~1y cap on comme rcial jet dc•partures. One p lan would pc:rmit 73 flights, another 98. Crash kills 7 workers EARLIMART (AP) -A pickup pac·ked with 20 farm w orkers s lammed into a truck parked along Highway 99 near Earltma rt before dawn today. ktlltng seven farmworkers and injuring at least 12 others. Six people died in the 5:20 a.m. crash Partly cloudy Coasl n I Northwu1 winds 10 10 20 knots over IM ov1er wa1er1 near POint Conoeptloo wtlh 4 to 7 loot IMIU local low clouds and lo g EllMlwhara, tight variable winds eouthwetl to well 8 to 16 knots during allernoon 1 to 2 loot IOUth-1 .well Bec:omlr>g partly cloudy a11ernoon U .. su11imary ollshore trom ::.anra Hosa 1s1ano can e~pect northwest winds at I S 10 2S knors with •-to-7-loot !oeas. Temperatures NATION HI Lo Pep 72 58 44 82 60 02 76 62 8S 56 91 65 88 ~ 02 98 74 92 S6 01 90 S6 92 68 Na-w ....... s..v.c. NOi'i' US 0.01 OI c:on..-u Shower• and thunder11orm1 lingered over IM South-I early today, conllnu1ng mainly O•er New Mexico. wlllle anowera and Jhwldef1torm1 dampen«! ereu In the upper Mio-t and a 1-~ h owera touc hed th• lower MIMOur1 valley and Maine Albany Albuque Amarillo A$he,11lle Atlanta Atlante Cly Auetin BaJt1m01e B1lhngs B1tm1nghm Bismarck Boise Boston 8rownS¥11e Bullalo 8Uthngton Casiier Chertstn SC Charlstn WI/ Cherltte NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Clmbla SC COiumbus Oal-Ft Wth Oayton Denver 72 45 01 93 S7 73 62 _ 1• 9t 76 _06 7'2 S6 Fronls:Cold .,. Watm ..,. Occluded...,. EIMwtle<e, lalr 11tle1 !)(availed 'ovet tM Pacific North ... 11, the llOUth«n ~Int and "'' ol the ~lulMlppl. t The Paclllc Nor1hwe1t wee lttllng • werm epell The temperature reached a high ol 87- WadMadey In Seattle. braeklng Jnt 1M7 NC<>rd of 82 lor the day 711, high at Olympie wet 90 O.Or .... aurpaallng IM prevl0\11 ec:ord of 85. also NI In 194 7 WadllN<llY night 1 '1• lnchee of rein tell at &c:alanta. UIAh, In one riour. looally heavy rain• llV•dnHday al10 hit 1outhern Arizona wflh lloodlng •••t ot Yume. Temperetur•• balora dawn rlflOad from• low of 42 at Minot. ~.o .. to 87 at F0t1 Worth, Texea. '-.~oordlng to the Natlonal ,.. ... ,. 8eMce. 'california · f Southern Callfornl1n1 IN>l.lld jlaq>ecl ~ '-:fr.""' .. with .:.:.!. :no• ~ ~,,'; MOtnlng coulal Cloud• on ,.,_, eocotdlnO to the Hetlonel Mttw~. Oat MOlnH Detroit Duluth El Peso Fairbanks Fargo Fi.Qstatt GrNI Fella Hal'llO<d Helana Honc>Uu Houtton lndntOll• Jadoen MS Jac:ketwlle Kant City Knoxvtlle LMVegu llltle Rock loull'llllll l.ubboalt Memphll Owen• ~•ll•Y era• ' 68 53 83 9t 62 9S 76 80 55 04 91 65 78 57 75 57 78 53 84 St 95 67 77 50 t02 80 76 se 79 59 83 61 76 50 75 45 01 9• 88 70 4& tO 75 ., Ot 77 47 8 t •1 74 57 52 89 47 88 74 .22 95 79 78 51 95 71 95 76 80 84 86 69 8-4 69 02 82 68 OS 78 58 87 7t 85 73 02 Miami Miiwaukee Mpls.St P Nas~Ole New Orteane New YOik Norlollc No. Platte Okla City Omahtl Orlando Phlla<lphla Phoenlk Pittsburgh Piiand, Me Piiand, Ore Providence Ra1e13h Rapl City Reno Richmond Seit Lek• San An1on10 S.ttle Shreveport Sioux Falla St Louie 81 P-Tampa St Ste M8fle Spokane SyrecvN TOpelle Tuc:eon TulM WUl'llngln WIChl .. IS i 82 74 80 84 61 8 I 58 95 73 85 82 I OS 93 70 83 54 89 70 78 63 1 42 92 75 87 80 98 82 73 52 68 8t n 88 58 74 61 46 92 63 82 52 97 6t 90 59 88 89 97 78 87 58 98 76 ... 63 90 63 89 79 ee 63 15 81 80 75 52 13 79 82 91 72 H 72 04 92 62 82 66 '°•· M~-::.~.':':10~1: !';: • '. • ', In Loa MotlM will be 15 • oteoHt from 71 to H with oro11m d111rt ltmptttlurH SURf RIPOii I tleO Cou4d IHOh IM 90e, • , 111 tow d-' lll'•H m•y. •iliz;;iii:il®llliitt.•----------· IMfl 72. OowntOWfl 1.01 Angelee towe ~ fOnlcMt In IM UPI* toe. f/'Olll IO to ta In the mountlllnl ow tempereture• tn Ill• 'lft!lnt "°"' ea 10 the dilSl llldlno on Ille tooetton. ...... ffOl'll .... Conctptton ~ '*"°"' oen llJ(PtCt Wttelltt wind• cklrtno '"' '"°"*"' •a"*• .. I 10 11 lmo9 In ~ """ • ,....,.toat ~· ..... 1 TitON fertfl!t t111~ to ml~ CALIFORNe.A Beketalle!d t02 82 Blythe 89 Eureka 65 SS Freano 97 64 Lenc:estllf 92 67 Lo• Ar>geles 82 70 Mary1vlll• 87 Monleray 83 Needles 88 Oakland 84 Paso Robin 94 55 Red Blull 95 Redwood CHy 70 60 Sec:rame1110 88 56 Sellnaa 62 so San 04ago 78 71 San rrenc111c:o 80 55 Santa Barba.re 75 57 Santa Marte 7 t Stockton 85 57 The<mal 95 Bara tow 92 B~ Beet 71 55 Bit/loo 95 58 Ca1a11na 74 84 Long Beach 85 87 MonrOVle 94 ee Mt Wiison 77 63 On lat.JI> 88 ee .Smog Where to cell (toll ''"' tor letMt ~ ltlfonntt~ Or-ante tr. J""'' '4Wlff lo• Angele• ounty: (100) 242-4022 / ~ enct hn lernwdlno COUMlee: (IOO) M7-4110 AQMO ~ Center: (IOO) 242 ....... Tides TOO.A'f Seoond l\IQll 4:07 p.m. 4. 7 Second tow 11:67 p.tn. 1.2 "'9DA'I Flf'1 l\IQh 1:83 e.tn. a.4 flttl ~ 10:4' Ull. 2.t hOOnd hlQh uo p.111. • •• IWOoltd IOw (a.t.12:A a.m. o,t lwn Mte l~l't el 7:27 p,m., ...... ,~ .. l:ftLm, Moon ,.... ·~ ae ue P""·· Mia Frldey .. t&:a.' Ll'll. .. ./ US Mllrint co n t roll~d po r t t:ntronce lit midday for 1eu evacuation to lht• Syrian port o( Tartu11 But It wAM not cleur whether any sea e vacuation of tht• (Uerrlllas was planned tor today. qreek and Cypriot passenger s hips took a totul of 3 ,807 gu'errsllas t o Jordun i I raq, Tunisia, South Yemen, Syria and Sudan in the past five days, a<.'COrding to Lebanese and PLO estimates. Both contend the tot.al of PLO guerrillas sc h e duled for evacuation w as between 7,100 and 7.500 aL'COrding to the plan U.S. prcs1de nual t.>nvoy Philip C Habib had drawn for the PLO dispersal m the Arab world. But Israel said 3,484 PLO already have been evacuak'<i by boat out of a total of 8,6H s lated for evacuation ~eanwh1le, President Reagan, vacauomng near Santa Barbara, Calif . w as monitoring the deployme nt of U .S. Mannes m Beirut from his mountaintop ranch whC're he 1s settling m f11r a 13-day vacation. l AP~o OBSERVING -U.S. Marines (left) stay on the sidelines as a Palestinian woman argues with Lebanese soldiers in Beirut. S he wanted to follow a truck which had taken her PLO husband to a ship for relocauon in Syria. Crew error • ID jet mishap? Newport Beach-based AirCal said today that flight crew error resulted in a February incident in which a jet carrying 122 people clipped a high-tension guy wire while approac hing Ontario International Airport. The Boeing 737, carrying 117 passengers and a crew of five, later made an emergency landing at Los Angeles International Airport. The plane came to rest in a dirt embankment at the e nd of a 12.000-foot runway after brakes and thrust reverser s failed to operate. There were no injuries. A spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board 1n W ash ingto n D .C . said a preliminary report showed the aircraft was below an acceptable altitude when It clipped the wire located 2.9 miles from the end of the Ontario runway Feb. 15. Mark Peterson, AirCal director of communicatio ns. said an mtemal investigation conducted by the airline found t h at the flight crew "did not perform properly" when making the descent to Ontarib. Peterson said the pilot, Thomas Hall. and the co-pilot, Joe Matos, were suspended for 30 days. without pay. effective April 15. Peterson said Hall was reduced in r.ank to co-pilot for 90 days. Both crew members now are back on regular flight status, Peterson said. According to the NTSB s pokesman . the j e tl iner descended to a 1,250 allitude after passing a radar intercept marker known as Font.a while on approach to Ontario. The aircraft, the spokesman said, maintained the altitude as it approached another radar intercept marker known as Sake's. Map-like approach plates instruct pilots ''to maintain 1.500 feet until you reach Sake's," the spokesman said. Therefore, he said, the plane was at least 250 feet too low on approach. The report is preliminary and does not draw any conclusions The matter has yet to be scheduled for final detennination by the safety board. The NTSB report, the spokesman said, showed that two altimeters in the aircraft cockpit • • t e s t e d o u t r e a s·o n a b I y aL'C'Urately." And. he said, the r eport showed that air traffic controllers at Ontario were advised by both audible and visual alarms that the AfrCaJ jet was too low as it approached the airport. At the time of the incident, an FAA official said the two controllers handling traf(ic received no warning the plane was too low . The jet tore out a length of lightning arrestor wire atop a 250-foot tall h igh-tension stanchion. The dangling wire subsequenOy struck an electrical transm ission wire, but did not cause a service interrupt.Jon . The lightning arrestor wire, which disabled hydraulic systems that operated the ~t's braking dhd thrust reverser systems, later Cell onto the roof o{ an Ontario- arca butldtn~ Bro-wn OKs-lawmen merger Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. has signed a controversial bill by Ass e mbl y w o man Marian Bergeson, R -Ne wport Beach. designed t o ultimately c onsolidate co urt r e lated functions of the Orange County sheriff's department and marshaJ office. Under terms of the bill that has been in the legislature for two years, a committee comprised of two county su pervisors. the ' presiding superior court judge, a municipal court judge and an at- large member would investigate con so lidation and make rec.'Ommenda tions. The consolidation plan would have to be ratified by a majority of the county's trial court judges and the state Legisiature. 8rown Signed the bill Tuesday, acrording to aides. The s heriff's department provides court bailiffs in the superior courts. the marshal's office provides similar functions 1n the mumctpaJ courts. It has been estimated that more than $1 million annually could be saved if th e cour t services functions of the two departments are combined and duplicative services eliminated. Berj(eson said The Storekeeper for Her 1s a new e1tpression or an idea that has never chanacd. to offer many or the finest names in sportswear and accessories. Plan to ~top by soon to meet our courteous, k.nowl- A store for her in the tradition of 1hc ori&inal Storekeeper, whttc you can expect to rind the same incom· parable service and distinctive col· lect.lon of elude sporuwear. A store committed to tr9ditlon and the sitn· plldty or aood lute. At TlwSttNd ... /Of'Hw, tWlnow 1/tM WV~ 11114 qlltlllty MWT 10 0"1 of~. Small wonda then that we've chOMn Wrtldtlf .,..,., l71h1nd lr•1M, ~pt)l'I 1tt ... h \ll\alMe11f'{'ard cdaeable staff. And join us for the Grand Opertina that ' was a dozen years in the mak.lna. lll/~~'1~\~~ We think you'U qrcc that The ' Storekeeper for Her wu wdl worth the wail. Located, n<X coinddentally, a door away from The Sto~ keeper. In Westclirr Plaza. A"'"" 1ftll, 1911 llMA/tl-,,-OOl'M J ' r •• L Orang• Cout OAILV PILOT/Thuraday. Augu1t 28, 1082 \ Sycamore: Good idea hit by market trends Laguna Bea<:h orficials may ne ed to g e t d own to some real salesmanship In order to ease out of the squeeze that was created when city aovemment purc h ased 522 acres o f land o ut Laguna Canyon in 1978. The l ocal government purchase came about because of a series of lawsuits between the form er ow n e r s and c it y gove rnme nt invo lving land use issu es. City ownership seemed like a prudent step at the ti m e if the local government could sell off a portton of the property for e nough money to pay oU the debt and thus control future uses on the vast majority of the acreage. A deal was struck to sell just 62 of the 522 acres to Baywood Development Company of Newport Beach for $5.4 million. Since the city had paid only $6. 75 million for the e ntire acreage, this seemed to be an excel l ent bargain for all concerned. But the Baywood deal fell through. So most r ecently, the city council ordered its administration to seek bids on this pro pe rty. located in an area near El Toro Road generally known as Sycamore Hills. More than 100 firms were solicited. Unhappily, only one bid was received and that w as again from the Baywood Company This time, h owever, thl' ufformg price wa~ about $1.5 million leas than thl• o ri ginal d<'al Additiona l ly. Buy wood sough l lncretl. ed tonstruct1on dt•ns1 ties on thl' property. Company officials noted that e<.'Onomic c.'On<.l1tions are markedly different in rt'al estate today when t'Ompared to 1978. The problem for Laguna city government a nd its taxpayers is rather e lementary. As long as city ownership remains in total. the city and its taxpayers are paying $1 ,500 each day in inte rest on the mortgage. In these days of a clear crimp o n mun icipa l government financing. it 1s urgent that these payments be e liminated. Should negotiations with the Baywood firm faiJ to materiaJize mto a sale, city officials s h ould promptly mount an all-out e ffort to find a qua lified buyer a nd elimina te or a t least reduce the burden being carried by the taxpayers. If the re is a lesson here at' Sycamore Hills. ll may be that government, when tt jumps into market situations, Caces t he same risks that are taken by private enterprise. Sometimes it goes up. Sometimes 1t goes down. Most huHJane solution When in th e co ur se o f inhuman events, it beco m es n~y to subdue a belligerent criminaJ, police officers need more at their command than Mace or batons. The Laguna Beach Cit y Council's support of continued use of a neck restraining hold by o fficer s in extreme combative si tuations is to be commended as is their continued ban of choke holds. The choke hold. which cuts off air to the lungs, h as made r ecen t headlines when it was blamed for the deaths of suspects in Los Angeles and other large cities. And Laguna was forced to p ay $12.500 in an out-of-court settle m e nt to a woman who purportedly was "choked out" in a booking cage at the police station. But Laguna Be ach Police Chief Neil Purcell contends that a ban o n all holds could be even more dangerous for criminal suspects. Giving an officer the option of using a carotid hold is preferable to using h is gun. The carotid hold shuts off the flow of blood to the brain, creating temporary unconsciousness. When properly applied. this "safer" maneuver does not injure the suspect. Record s show Laguna police use it about once ever y 10 days and o nly a fter a ll oth e r means of restraint have been exhausted. .. A person who a ttempts to take on a police oCficer has no rules." Purcell explained. "The problem of getting a combative subject unde r control is difficult for a person to understand who has never had to do it." Council members understood w ell e nough to reaffirm the use of carotid holds a nd call for a report m six months on how many times the restriction was applied. Police in smaller towns, who may be m ore a ble to predict the tactics of their m ost offensive s us pects, may be forbidden to press them m to sub~ion. But in Laguna, with its share of drug problems and con s tant flow of tourists, the carotid hold is the more e ff ective, hum a n e alternative. Barbecue issue sizzles It now appears that the Laguna Beach City Council may be having second thoughts about its action in banishing city-owned barbecue uni ts from the scenic green of Heisler Park a long Cliff Drive. Earlier, at the urging of certain leaders from the North Laguna Homeowne rs Association. the council decided to take out the nine barbecue units as of Jan. l of ne xt year. That action drew complaints from other residents who figured the action might be the first step toward banning all u se of backyard barbecue units in Laguna. . . Besides that, some c1tu.ens of the Heisler Park area suggested. they like to smell h.amburgers and onion s on the grill or hotdogs sizzling. C:!early. what is one person's sizzle is another person's smog attack. It is ever thus in Laguna. Now the City Counc il is h aving second though ts that maybe the barbecue ban was a bit hasty and the e ntire s1t uauon needs more study Then also there is the larger picture in the park area. As Councilwoman Bobbie Minkin put it, "There are many problems at Heisle r Park." P e rhaps the best approach would be for Laguna city officials to take an overall look at all the uses in the park P ossibly the barbec u e s ituation could be sol ved by r elocating the u n its so the attendant sm oke would be less objectionable to the n eighborhood and outdoor cooks could still have their day. L.M. Boyd/True confessions Q. Who came up with the first ~e.ton type magazine? A . A publlaher still well- remnnbered by Seasoned Citizens u an unusual character -Bernarr Madadden. In 1919, he put out ''True Story." Then "True Romance." "True Cont-a.on.." "True Love," 90 on. Mecfadden wu a hMlth fanatic who uad to It.and on his hHd to Improve ORA~GE COAST Daily Pilat his circulation and twist hls hair with pliers to prevent baldness. That "thimble" originally was called a "thumb bell," ple88e note. Q. What first led people to believe the earth was round? A. The curve of ill abadow In a moon ecllpee. Thoma1 '. Holey ,ubl1\lle< Thoma1 A. Murphlne (drlOt Jane Amari f~!ll"'• ldllo. lerttartl KteAtkh fd.iorlcll ,. fdolot Th.me. Mc.Cenn ~'llO [d1t0t ;......_ / ~ --'::<7 . " NO~ NO! -SUV'! BUY ~ t(Jf 'BYE -' BYE ~ * Letters to the editor Coas t highway parking hazard To thl' Editor: 1 read your editorial of Aug 10 "Nt•w Dang«'rs Lurk on Coast Highway" Wllh special interest as a Laguna BeaC'h resident who travt•ls PCll bt'lween Laguna Beat·h and Nt•wport &aeh on a daily basis. On several oc.'<.·as1ons r havt• w1tnt•s.s<--<l near collisions caused as a d1r<'<'l rt•sult of beachgoc.•r.; parking on tht• shouldt•rs of the highway. U-turns have bet·ome routine as motorists S<.'Our the roa<ls1dt::, looking for an availahle parking space. The bike lanes ha vt> all but disappeared in some area!>. lncrcasang the hazards as 1:yd1sts attempt to coexist al 35 mph w nh motorists trav<>lmg 55 mph. THE STATE has bt.'tm cager to oix·n the area beaches to th(• public but has failed. 1n my opinion. to <Jdequately prepare for the log1C'al complicat1ons thal would rc·suh from 1nadequatt• parking facilities. Tht>rc 1s ont• exist ing parking lot wtm·h 1s usually only half full. but even at full capacity 11 <.'Ould handle only a fral.'llOn of the total number of vehicles. Thert• as adequate spat·e available atop the bluffs which could readilv bl' converlt.'<.l tnlO temporary parking areas Making this spa<..-e available, and then posting the shoulders wnh no parking signs, would be a welcome respite for all the motorists using the.• publte highway. (.7AVIN HERBERT Hospital block To thl' Editor: Dr. Stanley van den Noorl, dean of the medical school at UCI seems not to be interested m the communit y in which UCI is located H is atwmP.t to get Gov. Brown to veto Assembly Ball 2696 allowing Saddleback Community College to lease 10 acres of land to a nonprofit community hospital m lrvane 1s taking the issue of a hospital out of the commun ity's hands. Sint-c such a large number of residents in I rvine (over 15,000) have already indicated their desire to have their own hospital. it seems very strange to find such obstructive tactics being used by an official of a state institution that is supposed to serve its people. This issue should not be decided in Sacramento by one bill concerning land. l t should be decided at the certificate of need public hearings before the Orange County Health Planrung Council and the Health Services Agency of the state of California where all of us could present our opinions JAMES A ROBERTSON Barbecue view To the Editor: Because my sentiments toward the so-called family-oriented. American pastime of barbecuing is so opposed to that Of Rjchard Jahraus, It behooves me to say something in behalf of Laguna's Heisler Park neighbors and to cite a few facts agamst barbecuing in our one and only public park. Considering that Mr. Jahraus is one of our most popular and civic-minded residents, his lack of sympathy for h is neighbors who cannot enjoy an open window or a balcony siesta on their costly Cliff Drive apartments just boggles my mind. Doesn't he know that the acrid chemical pollution emanating from a barbecuing steak or hamburger, equals t he toxic fumes from 300 cigarettes? Is It possible that he is unawa re-<>{ the vast number o f American children who succumb to and dle from cancer or leukemia? A genial man like himself, supporting our Boya Club, is bound to love chJJdren enough to want to ahJeld them from the chemical hazard• of barbecue efflualon. Little children do not smoke nor do lhey bubecue. yet, if Heisler Park la an example, they are Increasingly subjected to th.e:!le toxic fumes. · IF MR. JAHRAUS la really IO In love with the amell ahd lethal fun'lft frcm barbeculns meat, how come h t. own barbecue rack la loca~ rtaht up atainat hit rear f~. aa far removed from hla fine home u J)C*lble? It eo happent that r muat continiie to live and bteaU\e on the other alde of t.h1a fence, a mere few fott away from his barbecue rack Whe-never, my neighbor Indulges ln thla MAILBOX chenshl.'d act of incinerating some meat dish, I must hast.en to shut my windows JUSt as tightly and quickly as humanly possible Otherwise, the toxic smoke sickens me and damages my eyes to an agonizing degree. On two occasions, when I was fortunate enough to be away during Mr Jahraus's barbecuing stints, my small apartment had filled up with acrid smoke to such a degree, l had to summon the Fire Department to help me loci)te the fire that I was sure was smouldermg in my crowded interior. No one in our fine City Council and not even l would ever thank of outlawing the use of backyard barbecues. Hen('<'. one has to res~nt Richard Jahraus' insinuation that this as an eventuality. Isn't a City Council ell'Cted to protect the rights and well-being of the majoraty of c1t1ze ns rather than kowtow to the whams or gastronomic tastes of the few? Am I wrong to assume that a steadily more crowded and only city park should be a place for wholesome enjoyment especially for the ultra-sensitive young and elderly populat1on·1 If only half of my park neighbors would express their feelings about the Increasing quot.a of barbecue parties an the park. (right near city signs procl:ummg 1t to be against our law), your pages would be bulging with letters of resentment and disgust. NAME WlTHHELD Concerts missed Tn the Editor We had plannl'Cl on p1m1 ckmg on the quetd of Orange Coast College whill• listening to anotht•r S<.'ries of concerts on Sunday nights. What happcne<.J? I am told that thc•n• was trouble about moncy/f1nant'l'S and I {'<in't believe that Costi:l Mesa cannot support s uch Cl c·ultural treat for 'l'l many Where does .ill the t;ix moncv I rnm South Coast Plaia go? - Your papt•r wrott• to me last year and assur('d me the Daalv Pilot would do th(l1r bit to put the c:oncert.s on again. At least our local pa(X'r appreciates a good program LILLIAN JOHNSON Fiscal lunacy To the Ed.itor; The ink on the ched<s for $85,000 had barely dried from the "buyout" of past superintende nt Glen Hardy's contract when the Fountain Valley Elementary trustees started paying $261 per day to consultant Bill Fisher -soon to be given a four-year contract as superintendent Currently in the throes of recall cha rging Suzanne M oore, Ch eryl Norton, and Roger Belgen with fiscal mismanagement of school funds, the tru stees again have shown their ineptness in contract negotiation by voting to raise Superintendent Fisher's salary to over $61,000 -then extend his remaining three year contract to four years. T his extends Mr. Fisher's tenure beyond any of the current board's terms of office -thus saddling a new board with a s uperintendent committed to phlloeophies which havt! generated a recall effort. Their wisdom leaves much to be desired in my opinion -I call it s heer fiscal 1 unacy! DEVON N. DAHL The writer is chairman o f the Cpmmlttee Advocating Responsible Education which is spearheading the reca1.l movement. Editor. San c tuary found To the Editor: Last Friday my husband and I spent a good part of the doy sailboarding in the Newport Harbor . Mid-afternoon we ventured int o the Bac k Bay a nd discovered • quiet paradl1 after the hustle and buttle of th harbor. And yet it was so cloee. The m1anhland and shore birds were plenc.lful and appeared to be ln p e rfec t harmo n y with their surroundinp. 1Ar1e allvery fiah jumped trom the WQter. more than occaatonalJy lndlcaUng en abundance of water life. We are grateful this art'a has been preserved. not only for the wildlife but for Homo Sapaens as well, smc<.' so few areas of this kind remain along our populated Cali fornia roast. W e found the Back Bay to be a true sanctuary, a place where we l'tlUld renew our thoughts as well as our acquaintance with nature BARBARA GUILD Hooked! To the Editor: As a windsurfer, I literally got hoo ked! The irony is that I found myself having less empathy for the angler than for me- -the catch. The dichotomy is that as a past president of Pa<.:1{JC' Anglers and as the as piring Commodore of the Balboa Yacht Club Windboard Fleet. f should f1nu myself on my board with a trt!ble hook attached to a silver met.al lure in my arm b('1 n g tethered by a monofilament line to a fast-moving sailboat I KNOW THAT there are those sportsmen that don't particularly care for windsurft>rs, there are windsurfers that don't care for powercraft, and there <.1re fisht!rmt!n that don't parucularly CClre about either and the Harbor Patrol that's frustratl'CI by them all I would like to thank the powerboat that came to my rescue in the harbor. to ~an Dana. my windsurfer counterpart, for his part in untangling me. to June Paley. my neighbor, who transported me to Hoag emergency. to Dr. Super and h is many assistants who extracted the hook from my flesh and not to the sailboat that was trolling the long line in the Harbor. JACK CALDWELL E ffort r ewarded To the Editor. Thi' members of the Laguna .Bea<'h Business Association wash to exprl>ss our heartfelt apprecaauon to thl' pc-ople of Laguna &ach who brought baC'k the Main Bcac:h Village party to our town The dollars are countabl<.> -all $5.1-H.90 of tht•m. The time'. energy. creativity and hard work volunteered by hundreds of people is 1mposs1ble to t•ount We hope that their contribution as partially offset by the ;ust plain fun that we had 1n cn•aung the "Honorary Governor of tht' State of Laguna Beach" race. The ultimate reward Wlll come with our September part y when we all should thank ourselves and others. whether we part1c1pated or not. for bringing back the Mam &>al.'h Village Party and be on hand to welcome Honorary Governor Maggw Meggs a~ she reclaims the Main Beach for Laguna BILL FARRELL Chairman. Mam Beach Village Party Committee Medical ripoff To the Editor: For years 11 has irritated me that we could only dc:duct medical expenses exl'eed.ing 3 per<.-ent of gross. Now there is talk of making that 7 percent. Actually. we should be able to deduct all medical expenses. Medical costs have risen unbelievably fast -faster than almost all other mflationary costs. And medical insu ra nce. w hic h k ee ps increasing the annual deducUble and paying a smaller and smaller par~ ~( charges, has become so expensive tt ts prohibitive for many. One way we could fight 1t is to be able to deduct all medical expenses on our income tax reports Let's get behind thjs much needed change and write to our legislators. NAME WITHHELD lillllY lill w~ l.al.\ghed about the Japancl80 vtaltorl and their cameru. la the last laugh on us? BUSINESS COMPEi l'lOR ._, o. __ _,__......, ............. . -tt6MVY•"'*'*•..-.tt••• C I .... _ ... ...... ...... , ... O.llf ....... .. 111111 1111111 Bergeson .vows to revive h~spital bill A aaemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. said today she will try to revive a blll that would pave the way for construetion of the first hoepital in Irvine. Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. vetoed the legislation Wednesday. chief opp~ment of the bill. The legislatioh was introduced in February and had paned the state Assembly and Senate before h~ said he read about it last week in a newspaper story. of passage during thete l.ut f~w days before lawmakers go on a three-month receea. 40t Sponsored by Assemblywol'nf'" Marian Bergeson, R -Newpqrt Sponsored by Bergeson, tf\e bill would have permitt'd Saddleback Community Coll•e District trustees to lease l 0 acres of land at its north campus to Irvine Medical Center (IMC). In exchanl(e for a lease at f•ir market value and lie-year term, IMC officials agreed to build a nursing school to aerve Saddleback programs. Bergeson said s h e was disappointed with the governor's decision. She said she would try to have the blll attached to another piece of legislation with amendments requested by Brown. The governor was concerned that the bill suggested Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dea.n cf UC Irvine's College of Medicine. was singled out as the Even so, van den Noort managed to quickly garner opposition to the bill in the govembr's office as well as with members of the state Legislature, ensuring that it had little chance '\ 0..., ..... ,,......, CNrtee l lan CREATIVITY CHANNELED -Chris and Scott, who painted their faces to preserve their "semi-anonymity," wonder which ~rsby will see the two faces they've - hidden in mural on Santa Ana River channel. Artists face up to society Muralists discover painting on river channel prompts brushes with the law By ROBERT BARKER Of tM Delly ll'llot 119ff Chris and Scott are a couple of young Orange Coast College art students who take their art pretty seriously. They have worked various hours of the day and night in painting a large and colorful mural on the side of the Santa Ana River Channel on Fountain Valley-Costa Mesa border. The young men, who say they want to remain "semi-anonymous" to keep from POSSibly getting into trouble for painting on public property, say they put about $100 worth of paint and 11 hours of work into the project. Chris. the chief artist, tells how much of the work was done in quick bursts to avoid qet.ection by police. He asserts that they ran and hid from a patrolman with a walkie-talkie on one occasion and hid in the river sand from a police helicopter another time. They put the finishing touches on the white, yellow, orange, red, black, blue, green and white picture over the weekend. It can be seen best from the right lanes of the northbound San Diego Freeway as they cross over the bridge near Euclid Street in Fountain Valley. Two faces are cam ouflaged in the artwork. One is located in the upper right-hand edge of tbe p a inting. Chris says it represents society. The second, upside-down on the opposite side of the mural, represents real people taking a look at society. "We've been getting some outstanding feedback from people who knew we did it. T hey are impressed with the size and color," Chris says. Chris asserted that the young artists, both residents of Fountain Valley. were motivated by their desire to eliminate satanic writings and slogans appearing at the river channel that were getting more and more insulting. "We were merely trying to replace the satanic slogans with something that would draw thought and beauty to a point where ugly defacement of property once was." state endorsement of a particular hoefital plan. " think the bill was woefully misunderstood," said Bergeson, who noted the wgislation did not specify IMC or any hospital plan. It allowed Saddleback, which has endorsed IMC, to lease the land to a non-profit group wishing to build a hospital. "I would say he (Brown) must have been pretty anguished over this bill," she conunued. "Thla has been very difficult for him politically because he haa to face the opposition of many , many people who were in support of the bill." T hough van den Noort has said the bill (ives tacit state approal of the IMC proposal, he acknowledged that the medical cen~r poses a threat to UCI plans to build its own teaching hospital Schools pick Woodbridge headquarters By SANDIE JOY 0( the Dellr Piiot ltelf A five-acre Woodbridge lot has been selected as the site for the new headquarters of the Irvine Unified School District. Trustees say they hope to get a 50 percent discount on the land purchase from the Irvine Company. The property is located on the south side of Barranca Parkway between East Yale Loop and Creek Road, one-fourth of a mile west of Jeffrey Road. The district has been paying $180,000 a year to rent central offices and warehouse space. The Irvine Company has valued the Woodbridge site at approximately $2 million, said Deputy Superin tendent Ron Upton. He indicated there's a good chance the district can buy the land for $1 million. The site, picked from among 15 alte rnatives that had been reviewed b y sc h ool adm i n istrators, was the unanimous choice of trustees who met Wednesday in Lakeside Middle School. At that meeting, the board also reviewed the district's proposed 1982-83 budget and announced a public h earing on the $44 .5 million package wiU be held at 7:30 p .m . Sept. l al La kesid e Middle School. Tr ustees Preside nt Elizabeth "L ee" Sicoli said she's "d e li ghted " with the headquarters s ite selection because the district now has a good chance of completing all s~ps necessary to encumber a $5 million bond issue before the Nov. 2 election. Upton said there's "a very s tr ong poss i bility " t ha t negotiations on purchase of the W oodbr idge si t e c an b e completed by Sept. 1 when the board plans to select an archit.ed for the headquar~rs design. "The lrvine Company is being very cooperative," he said, "and, in the past, has always given the schools approximately 25 percent off the appraised value in land purchases. "ln this particular case," Upton said, "there is a possibility to increase that from 25 to a 50 percent discount but there would have to be a long-range sharing with the Irvine Company on any proceeds from rental or sale of the property." French break ban on p i peline work LE HAVRE, France (AP) - Dock worker s loaded three compressors destined for the Soviet natural gas pipeline aboard a French fre ighter today in the first Western European shipment of U.S . embargoed equipment for the project. The three compressors were built by Dresser France, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dresser Industries Inc., of Dallas. Texas. They were load ed on the freigh~r Borodine. w hich was to leave the port of Le Havre later today for Riga, the capital of Soviet Latvia. Dresser France said Tuesday it would fulfill its contract with the Soviet Union after receiving a requisition order to do so from the French government. Under French law, the government can requisition the services of private companies if those services are judged to be in the nation al interest. Sources in Washington said President Reagan will blacklist the French subsidiary if it ships the equipment to the Soviets in defiance of his pipeline embargo. Such a move would bar the French s ubsi d iary from importing specific ite ms. Nestande Newport of jet flight increase By F REDERICK SCHOEMEHL O(tM DeltJ Not ..... Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, had a stem warning Wednesday for Newport Beach. · The city can expect an increase in the permitted number of jet COUNTY departures from .John Wayne Airport if it continues to promote commercial ventures, such as hotels, that boost local air transportation demand. Should the city not change its current course, Nestande said, "Then maybe we will have to Snails have day in Irvine Slimy, stomped on and ambushed with Snarol, the lowly garden snail will finally get its day in the sun next month when the Irvine Chamber of Commerce spoNOrs a snail race(?). Page Bl. County backs Niguel proj ect The county has agreed to underwrite low-interest bonds for a development in Laguna Niguel, although superviaor Bruce Nestande believes the funda do not provide a "significant public benefit." Page A6. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -The Justice Department sued 25 defendant.a today, including aome of the nation's better:-known corponitiOlll, to fon:e them to help clean up a hatardoua waale dump in downtown Hamilton. Ohio, which the aovemment aald preeenta an tmminent and 1ubetantial danger to human health. ... , add a lot more flights. I can't say how many at this point.'' The board cha irman 's commen ts followed disclosure that county officials are atudytng five options for the f\.lture of the airport ranging from holding the line on expansion to increasing the number of jet departures to 98 per day. Forty-one per day are now permitted. The plans were prepared by the county airport staff. "AB far as I see it, the city is thumbing ita nose at us, wanting to close down the airport, but expanding the hotels." Nestande said. He referred to a proposal by the Marriott H o t el Corp . to expand its Fashion Island facility with a 12-s tory, 210-r oom addition. (While plans have been submitted to the city, they have INDEX not been approved.) Newport Beach Councilman Paul Hummel criticized the options today as being "out of rontext with reality." "I don't see how the county can even conceive of considering (See JETS, Page A%) WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Election Commission ruled today that broadcasters may offer free air time to political parties, if the time is made available to both Republicans and Democrats. The case is expected to have broad implications for the broadcasting industry. ---- BUSINESS Rate dip vie wed cautiously Mortgage interest rates are coming down, but lenders and builders are reacting cauthusly after being burned ln 1980. Page 84. SPORTS Fernando sparks the IJodsers Fernando Valenzuela's arm -and bet -help move the Loi Angele• Dodaera back into 1ole poue11ion of flr1t place ln the National League Western Divlaion. Pa.ge Cl. At Your Service A4 Horoscope A4 Erma Bombeck A4 Ann Landers All Business B4-5 Movies B2 C.avalcade All National News A3 Classified C6 Public Notices C3-5 Comics B6 Sports Cl-4 Crossword B6 Dr. Steincrohn All Death Notices cs Stock Markets B5 Stan Delaplane All Television B7 Editorial AlO Theaters B2 Entertainment B2 Weather A2 • Coach rates the players Mike Giddings, varsity foo&.ball coach at Newport Harbor Miah School, knows how to rate players. Page Cl. I . I d OHi DAILY PILOT /Thured,y. Augu11 28, 198'2 More troops joining Marines concert Er~nch, Italian forces land to o versee PLO evacuation Keith Williams' Big &nd will be featured at a frl·<' summer c:on<.""ert beginning a\ 7:30 p .m . Monday in the Woodbridge Village Cent.er. The conct!rt, which will include melodies from thl' swin~ era to modern dUi('O, 1s the fifth an a series of outdoor performances sponsored by • P hotograph er Palmer Osbourne will discuss his slide show, "The Gentle Giants of G uerrero Negro," a story of gray w h ales i n Baja Cali forn ia, at the Irvine Camera Club's Sept. 13 meeung. The session w1Jl begin at 7 p .m in the Irvine Senior Center. 3 Sandburg Way Any in Irvine thf' d ty'!t performlng urt11 program and the.• vllloge merchants The Ct!nter Is located at Barranca Parkway and Lake Hoad in Irvine. Organizers suggest that specwtors arrive early to reserve good seal5 and perhaps even bring the makings for a picnic Inter ested persuns are encouraged to attend, said supervisor Bebee Gomberg. The club also will hold its monthly study session at 2 p.m . Thursday, Sept. 16 at the center. More information can be obtained by calling club members Marie Grinder at 552-7484 or Emmitt Smltb, 552-7605 BEIRUT. Leb•nun (AP) More Frenc:h and Italian peacekeeping troop landed an war-battered Beirut today a_nd joined U.S. Marines In ove~lng the evac u&tlon of Palestine Llberatum Organization Cight.ers from thc lsraeli-rCngcd Lebanese capital. The Syrinn army sent 61 trucks and tank n1rriers acrOSB Israeli lines to west Beirut to start a two-C:ay overland evacuation to Syria Friday of :S.500 troops and officers o f the Syrian - c.'Ommanded Palestine Liberation Arm)(, an Israeli army spokesinan Lil Lebanon said. Lebanon's state radio and the :)yrian government earlier said the Hittin Brigace evacuation on the Beirut-Damascus highway would bc~in today despite the PLO's fear of attack from President-elect Gemayel 's Lebanese Chnsllan militiamen. "There is no land evacuation today," the Is raeli military s pokesman told repo rters in suburban Baabda, five miles east of Beirut. A truck convoy carrying about 500 PLO guerrillas was at the U S Morant· l"Ontrollcd port t•ntran<'*' ut mlddoy fur 1wu l'V"tc'U•UUll t.o thl· Syrian port or Tartus. But It was not dt'ar whether any sea ev1H·uut1on of lhl' guerrillas wu planned for today G reek and Cypriot passenger sh ips took a total of 3,607 g u l·rr 11lu rn J ordan , l raq, Tunisia. Suuth Yemen, Syriu and Sudan In the past five days, accordln~ to Lebanest' and PLO estimates Both contend the Wtal or PLO g u erril l as scheduled for evacuation was between 7, 100 and 7,500 aet.'Ordang to the plan U.S . pre51dent1al envoy Philip C. Habib had drawn for the PLO dispersal In the Arab world. Bul Israel said 3,484 PLO already have b<>en evacuated by boal out of a total of 8,674 slated for evacuation. Meanwhile. President Reagan, vacationing near Santa Barbara. Calif.. was mo nitoring the deployment of U.S. Marines m Beirut from his mountaintop ranch where he 1s settling in f11r a 13-day vacation. U WlrepfMlte OBSE RVING -U.S . Mannes (left) stay on the sidelines as a Palestinian woman argues with Lebanese sold iers in Beirut. She wanted to follow a truck which had taken her PLO husband to a ship for relocation jn Syria. Can election cost be watered down in Irvine? After receiving a bill tor the J une election that was twice what they expected, 0Hic1als of the Irvine Ranch Water Distnc·t ere considering oth er ways of holding e lections -including by mail. The district recently ra:e1ved a $61,167 bill from the Orange County Regist:-ar of Voters Office for its share of expenses an the June 8 election m which vq,ters elected three of the five members o f the board of directors. District officials had budgeted $31.500. Accord ing to a district cost breakdown, th e e lection cost the district $2.97 for each vote cast. In J une, 1980, the first time the Council to decide on bed tax Irvine vote to increase levy to 8 p ercent seen likel y By GLENN SCOTT Of the Deity Piiot Steff Irvine City Council members unanimously decided Wednesday that they, rather than the voters, will decide whether to increase the city's hotel bed tax from 6 to 8 percent. And it seemed likely that members will vote to raise the tax at a public hearing Sept. 14. The council called a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday to consider the tax measure in light of a recent state Supreme Court ruling that new generaJ revenue tax measures require majority rather than two-thirds voter support to pass. P rior to that ruling, the council .h ad agreed to add the tax increase measure on the Nov. 2 ballot. That measure soug 1 • thE two-thirds support. Wednesday's meeting. called only one day in advance. was 'intended to allow the council to amend the measure to seek the simple r majority vote. T h e meeting was called hastily to beat a deadline for printing the ballo ts. Two reporters and a c ustodian were the only spectators. At the suggestio n of Counci l man David S ills , however, members decided to forgo the ballot measure entirely. Sills argued that council members are elected representatives who have the legal right to adjust the tax rate. He said more controversiaJ issues might need a voter consensus but not the bed tax rate. "As a practical matter, I don't think It's a reaJ burning issue in the community," he . .explained. Others seemed to agree. Mayor Larry Agra n said h e had no hesitation in voting for the increase, w hich is projected to produce an extra $3 miliion in revenue over five years. But Agran noted the public hearing next month would give opponents the ch ance to be heard. The council didn't alw ays believe it had the authority to set the bed tax rate. P roposition 13 included a provision that all new "special ta>ces" must be approved by two-thirds vote in an election. The stale S upreme Cou r t, however , rule d in the San Francisco versus Farrell case that most general r evenue taxes, including the bed ta>c, do not fall into t he category of "special taxes.'' Thus. the decision apparently returned to city governments the power they fonnerly held to set such rates prior to the passage of the Jarvis-Gann initiative. In Irvine, where decreasing revenues caused the council to adopt for the first time thls year a spending budget smaller than the year before, city officials hailed the ruling as good news. district election was combined with a primary. the charge was $15,205, or 61 cents a vote. General Manager Arthu r Bruington said administrators expect to take a hard look at the costs with an eye on appealing the bill to the County Board of Supervisors. "We had no idea it was going to be that much," he said. They also int.end to examine other options. including send ing ballots to voter s b y m ail. Br u ington :;aid the Moullon- Niguel Water District tried the mail system a few years back. He added that the board may change the date ot the elecuon to move off the J une p r imary elections in even-numbered years. T he district began holding elections t hen after a court order to turn over selection of all directors to the voters instead of large landholders. Meanwhile, the water district wasn't the only local government hit harder than expected by the bills. T h e M unicipal W ater Dist.r1ct or Orange County was billed for $278, 717 c.'Ompared to a $38,770 bil1 m J une. 1980. lrvme's city government was eharged $8,448 compared to $3,780 m June. 1980_ T hose in the registrar's office said they knew the higher bills would create a stir. But they said there are reasons for t he increases. Registrar Al Olson said in a letter to the distric t t hat s tatewide rea p portion ment created more jurisdictional lines, wh ich in turn produced more ballot groups. Each ballo t requires separate labor from a printer so the cost goes up, he explained, and printing costs have risen JETS TO INCREASE OVER NEWPORT? e • • increasing flights knowing that t h e noise impact on Newpor t already is so great. "1'<1 like to know what's bf.come of an alternate site for an airport. Suddenly we're back to t rying to make d o wi th a completely unsatisfactory site." Newport Mayor Ja c kie Heather said she 1s disturbed by the connotations of the five options. She pointed out this follows on the heels of a court ruling striking down the airport's perimeter rule. Suddenly it seems l ike everything is crashing down around us agam," she said. "Our various safeguards are just being swept away and it's frightening." HESTANOf HEATHER Two other s upervisors, Ralph Clark and Harr iett Wieder, were out of town Supervisor Roger Stanton also was unava1labl<> outlined in the now -defunct 1981 airport mast e r p l a n . That document was overturned by o rder of a n Orange Coun ty S uperior Court judge who ruled environmental documentation for the project was insufficienL Option 3 would permit expansion of the airport terminal and parking facilities t.o handle 6.2 million passengers annually. The overburdem.>d facility today handles 2.5 milJion trav<>lers each year. ~---------------------~.-------~· Heather declined to respond to I the pointed remarks made by · Nestande. The other su p ervisor contacted. Thomas Riley. said he support<; an option whereby the n4mber of flights would be increased to 55 per day as n01se reductions are achieved Under Opt1on 3. about 125 ac:-es of land south of the airport co:ltammg 531 dwellings would be within boundaries of a high- no1se impact wne Con."' ta I Nortriwest winds 10 to 20 knocs over the outet waters near Point Conception wt1h 4 10 7 toot seas Locel low clouds and tog El•ewhere. ltght varleble winds 10Ulhwe.1 to west 8 10 t6 llnots during 11ternoon t to 2 loot IOUthweat swetl Beoomlng partly cloudy afternoon V. ". sununa ry Showers and thunderstorms lll>Q9led over the Southwest earty todey. con11n1.11ng matnty over Hew Me•ICO. whli. sno-s Ind lhuna.r11orm1 dampen.0 arNt In the upper Midwest and a lew 1how1re touched the lower Mleeourl vali.y a1'd Maine EIMWtle<e. fair Pie$ purvaile<l OYlf the Pacific Nonnwest. the to11thwn Pt11n1 a,,d east 01 the Mlululppl The l'ec;tllc Northwes\ waa feeling a warm spelt The temP1<1ture reec;hed e high 01 87 W9dneeday In Seeltle. breaking lhe 19'47 rec:ord of 82 for Che day The high ., Olympla WDI 90 degr-. surpassing lhe prevloua record of 85, 1tso ae11n 19o47. Wednetd1y night 1'/• lnc;he1 of rein felt et &cai.n11. Utah, In one • hour . Locelly heavy r ai ns Wedneedey alao hit southern Arlzone with flooding 111t of Yume Temperature• before dawn r"1ged fr0"1 1 low of o42 II Minot, N,0 .. to 117 et Fort Worth, TellU, 1c:oorOlng lo lhe Natton11 WHther Serv1oe California - Southarn Cellforntana ahould IJIPIC{ Wl rmef t9m1>1fltUrel wllh 11 0 11 t e d a fternoon I~~ end tome night ll1d rnort1fng cout1t cloud• on Frldey. ICCOtdlng to the Netionel W11t!W S«W:a. Htghl tn Loi Anoelel wlM bl 115 whll• O wen• \lell•Y ere• *"'C)lfetur• OOIJld _. Into the toe. Mounteln are• high• ere fOreoH t from 71 10 II with t1orth4Hll O"eTI tlfftpereturu tflat eitO GOUid rMCll the 901. Hlglle ltl low d-1 era•• may • ...m u. DoWfltown Loa Art0•'" low• • •• toreceet In the u~ eoe, I~ to IO M tn Ille moUmalnl wltll low tal'llparature• ltl the ~ '::t::, ttom t2 to the .,.,.. ~on 111e loc4ltlofl. .....,. "'°"' tlOlnt eonoep,1o11 ............. 11911~ """ ..,...... .;MM dur"'9 ~ ~ -mamlnQ. beolinlirlo ... I 11111) • I IO 11 llnOCt In .. aftlrflOOfl ~ • 1· ...... .............. TI!OM tanll!f 111•!! eo "'"" Fair through Friday oflshore lrom :,en11 HOS& ts1en<1 can expect northwest winds a1 t5 to 25 kno1a with 4-10-7-1001 seas T e nip era lures NATlOH Alba,,y Atbuque AmlJUIO Ashlvtlte Atlanta A1tan1c Cty Auslln Belllmor• Blltll'lgS Birmtnghm Btsmarck Bolte Boston Browns vile Butta to Borttngton CISpet Charlstn SC Char1stn WV Charltte NC Cneyenne ChlCl1jO C1nclnna11 Cteve41nd C1m1>11 SC Columti..a Oat-F't W1h Oa)lton Denver Des Moines Oetro11 Duluth El PHO F'alrbenkl Faroo F'-G•t•lf OrHC F.ite HlfllOf'd ....... HonolUN Houlton lndnac>lll Jecktn MS Jeckenvti. Karia City KnoJ(Ylfle Lu Vegae Little Rock LoultYllte Lubboek Memphl• Ht Lo Pep 72 58 44 82 60 02 76 62 85 56 91 65 86 5o4 02 98 7o4 92 56 01 90 58 92 68 72 45 0 t 93 57 73 62 14 111 76 06 72 56 68 53 63 91 62 95 76 80 SS 04 9 t 65 78 57 75 57 78 53 84 51 95 87 7, 50 t02 80 78 56 79 59 83 61 76 50 75 o45 01 94 68 70 48 10 75 47 01 17 47 8t 41 74 57 52 89 '47 88 7o4 .22 95 711 18 51 95 71 95 78 80 84 68 69 84 69 .02 82 86 .05 78 56 87 71 85 73 .02 Na'°""' w ... ~., Se<voc• NOAA u s <Hl>l OI Commt!<ce Fronts: Cold ....., Watm w.. Mllml MllwaUkee Mpts-51 P NUhYllle New Otte•n• New York Norfolk No Pl11te Okla Cit)! Omah1 Orlando Philadphla PhOef'llx Pittsburgh Pt11nd, Me Pt11nd, Ore Providence RalelQh RIPkl City Reno RIChmOl'ld Slit Lake San AntonlO Sellttle :~ SI LOUl9 St P0Tamp1 St Ste Marie Spoll- SyrlC\IM TQ9111e Tuceon Tulta Wll/llngtri Wtchlte ~I 82 1• 60 8o4 61 81 S8 95 73 85 62 t 05 93 70 83 5" 811 70 78 83 1 42 112 75 87 60 96 82 73 52 68 61 22 88 S8 74 81 .46 92 83 82 52 117 81 llO 511 88 611 97 78 a1 sa " 76 ..... 83 80 63 89 7g 68 63 16 111 60 75 62 13 79 82 91 72 le 72 Oo4 92 82 82 8~ ..... f> ..... .!D ...... _ R_f R_IP_DB_T t I Slaliooaty • • CAUFC>ftNtA B1kerstteld Blythe Eureka Fresno Lancaster Los Ah(leles Marya vi lie Monterey Needles Oak tend PHO Roble• Red Blull RedwOOd City Sacramento Salinas San Diego San Frencleco Santa 8atbera Sanll Mlrle Stoekton Thermal 9alltow Big Beer 8tenoo Cetellne Long e.ech Monrovl• Mt. Wilson Ontario Smog 102 62 89 65 55 97 84 92 87 82 70 117 83 88 84 94 SS 95 10 60 88 56 82 50 78 71 60 55 75 57 71 85 57 95 92 71 S5 95 58 74 .... as a1 94 68 77 83 88 841 Where to 0111 (toll frM ) for , ..... llTIOQ Information: °'lllQI county: (IOO) 4"wt2t Lo• A11o•IH (jounty: (100) 2'42-'4022 Nwlfllde and SM 9enwdlno oountlla: (IOO) 187-4710 AOMO ~ ~ (IOO) 142 ...... Tides TODAY 8*iOnd niell 4:07 p "'· 4, 7 ~ 10W t1:87 p.11'1. U ....y E' ,:;:: ~ ::: rid lllOfl H O p m. 4.1 11att2:tt Lm. o.t ' tocl•W et 7 27 p.m .. MIU3 a.m • Moon fleel today 11 1M p.m., Nit , el 1~2'4 Lm. ' \ Nestande was one of two supervisors reached for comment ·on the airpckt expansion issue. This alte rnate, known as Option 3. is very similar to the airpor~ expansion progr am Two of the o ptions would retain the present 41 flights per day cap on commercial jet departures. One plan wou ld permit 73 flights. another 98. __ The Storekeeper for Her i1 a new o:pression of an idea that has never changed. A sto~ for her in the tradition of the orlalnal S1orckeepet,wherc you can expect to find the same incom· parable service and distinctive col· lcctJon of classic sporuwear. A s10~ commltttd to tradition and the sim- plicity or aood taste. At 7'114 Stonlf_,. f or llW. ...., know tlttll wvb Md q"""1y ,.,....., IO out ojl(y#tl. Sm.ii wonder then that we've chotcn Wrolctlft......, llth anJ l"lnt, ~pot1 et...h V IYI Ma.ttrC'•td ' to offtt many of the finci.1 names in sportswear and ac~sorics. Plan 10 stop by soon to meet our courteous. knowl- edacable staff. And join us for the Orand Opmlna that was a dotcn years In the maldna. We think you'll aarecthat The Storekeeper for Her was well worth the wait. ~ Located, not coincidentally, a ~ \" door away from The Star. k~. In Wcstdltr Pla.z.a. \' Aupn 1ftll. "'1 \ IO:OOAM-9:0fJPM ' :1 , . 41• Orange Coa11 DAIL y PILOT /ThurtdlV, Augu11 2e. UUt2 A mayor's civic role adds impact to • views Irvine Mayor Larry Agran a ppears to be hitting the campaign trail against nuclear arm$ in no uncertain terms. Agran has even announced that he is making himself available as a speaker -for what he calls a .. modest fee'' -on the campuses of colleges and universities where he hopes to continue preaching the nuclear weapons freeze gospel. Agran al r eady has experienced some success on the collegiate speaking circuit as a decrier of U.S . policies in the field of cancer-causing substances. Now, he seems determined to move strongly into the fi eld of nuclear disarmament. He co-authored Proposition 12, the California measure on the November ballot that calls for the U.S. government to propose to the Soviet Union a bilateral freeze on n uclear weapons production. Not long ago. h e fired another salvo in his opposition to nukes. but that shot came perilously close to involving the city of Irvine in Agran's personal campaign. As an individual, the mayor arawered a letter that had been directe d by James Alexander, regional manager of the sta te's Emergency Services Office, to the Irvine City Council. Alexander had urged council m embers to back c ivil defense programs designed for use in case of nuclear war. "No system of bomb shelters, no plan o f 'evacuation' could protect against the horrors of a th~rmonuclear bomb," the mayor wrut('. He wrote o n per!lonal stationery and he said in tht> lcller that h e was drawing a s harp dist1nct1on bctwe(•n emergt:n<:y programs fut' nudear attack and other kmds of disastc•r , such as earthquakes, toxic spill:. and fire But 1t seems the re 1s till the danger that what Agran-the- private-citizen ~ys (•as1ly l'ould bel'ome interpret<.'d as olf1c1al words from Agran-the -mayor. Mayor Agran 1s articulate and intelligent. A lawyer with a degree from Harvard Univcl'sity Law School, h e has taught at UCLA and a t UC Irvine as well as writing a newspaper l<'gal advice column. He is probably well qualified to form and to voice his opinions on matters far outside the purviL•w of his home city and its politics And n o doubt his Irvine cons tituency -intelligent and highly educated as most of it is - takes pride in having a worldly mayor who is interes ted in broad issues. Certamly no bnef would be held for stifling Agran's rights to free speech a nd to express his opinions on any issue. Yet he must recognize and be sensauve to the fact that as mavor. he carries the mantle of offic-1al spokesman for the city of lrvmc. Some opinions that might be expressed by Citizen Agran simply might not be appropriate coming from Mayor Agran. Civic Center re-run A diligent effort to round up public comment on a pr oposed Irvin e Civic Center on Je(frey Road at Barranca Parkway -a facility that was to have bee n s hared with school and water district offices -may have been wasted. Ambitious plans f or a "meeting place" plaza which also would include commerc ial participation already are being toned down. Instead of confirming the Jeffrey Road site for the n ew Civic Center, the Irvine City Council now has decided it probably is in order to consider other locations as well. For one thing, it seems, cost breakdowns for the proposetl facility on Jeffrey Rood were too sketchy. For another, school district participation now seems unlikely since the district is faced with making a fairly quic k decision as to the location of its new headquarters to avoid losing up to $5 million in bond allocations for the project. Then again , there is the possibility of developing a multi- s tory facil ity a t the present location of City Hall on Jamboree Road at McGaw Avenue. And the Irvine Company has proposed that the Civic Center could w ell be an a nchor for its long -planned business and commercial development in the so-called Golden Triangle. Not to be forgot ten, of course, is the idea of locating the Civic Center on land across from the UCI campus. So the city appears to be back on square one with re gard lo selection of a Civic Center location. rather than on the brink of confirming the Jeffr~ Road s ite. Mayor Larry Agran views all this as presen tang opportunity. rather than confusion. He may lx• right. but a good deal of effort. not to say confusion, might have been spared if more time had been devoted to site selection at the outset. The niost huniane solution When 1n th e course of inhuman eve nts, 1t becomes necessary to subdue a belligerent criminal, police officers need m ore at their command than Mace or batons. The Laguna Beach City Council's support of continued use o f a nec k restraining hold by o fficers in extreme combative situations is to be commended as is their continued ban of c hoke holds. The choke hold, which cuts off air to the lungs, has made recent h eadlines when it was blamed for the deaths of suspects in Los Angeles and other large cities. And Laguna was forced to pay $12,500 in an out-of-court settlement to a woman who C:portedly was "choked out" in a king cage at the police station. But Laguna Beac h Police Chief Neil Purcell contends that a ban on all holds could be even more danger ous for criminal suapects. Givin g an officer the optfon of using a carotid hold is preferable to using his gun. The carotid hold shuts off the flow of blood to the brain, creating temporary unconscio usness. When properly applied, this "safer" maneuver does not injure the s uspect. Records sh ow Laguna police use it about once ever y 10 days a nd only after all other means of res traint have been exhausted "A person who auempts to take on a police officer has no rules," Purcell explained. "The problem of getting a comb3:tive subject unde r control 1s d1ff1cu1t for a person to unders tand who h as never had to do 1 t." Council members understood well enough to reaffirm the use ol carotid holds and call for a report in six months on how many times the restriction was applied. Police in smaller towns, who may be more able to predict the tactics of their most offen sive s uspects, may be forbidden to press them into submis&on. But in Laguna, with its share of drug problems and con.slant fl<;>w of tourists, the carotid hold 1s the more effective , humane alternative. • Opinions eJtpreued In the space above are those of the Oally Pilot. Olner views ex- pressed on ll'lls ~are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit-ed. Address The Delly Piiot, P.O. BoJt 1560, Costa Mew, CA 92626. Phone (7U ) ~2-4321. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot T"hemat , . Haley P1ib1•1"4tf Thoma• A. Murphln• Ed11or Jon• Amari ( •ecu11,,. fci.ror lotboro Kto ... h lcMo"ol '~ to.tor Themet Mteonn ~"'9 (ddOf "~ c:=-· - • 'NO ~ NO ! -BUY ! BUY ! NOT '8Yt -\BYE ! II Letters to the editor Coas t hig h way parking h azard To the Edit.or: I read your editorial of Aug 10 "Nl•W Dangt•rs Lurk on Coa.'\t H1ghwciy" with special interest as a Laguna BC'at•h resident who travt•ls PCH between Laguna Reach and Nl"'wport &>ath on a daily baSI!> On l>everal oc.."<.·as1ons I have w1tn~ near collisions caused as a d1rc-'Ct result of bcachg<K·rs p<.trking on the> shouldC'rs or lht.· h1~hway U-turns have becomr rnutlnt? as motorists scour tht• n>ads1dt'S looking for an available p:Arking space. The bike Jones huve <il l but d1sapJ)<'arl><l in some areas. tnlrl'asing 1 he hazards as cyclists attempt to <.'0t•x1s1 at ~5 mph with motorisL'> traveling 55 mph THE STATE ha:. bc'(.·n eager to opt•n the arc-a beachC.'S to the public but has fatled. in my opinion, to adC'quatPly prepare for the logical comphcat1om, thc.tt would n•sult from madequatt• parking fat·1ht1es Thert• 1:. onl' existing parking lot which 1:-usually onJ y half full. but t.'Vl'n at full e:ipat'ity 1t could handle' unly u fraction of the total number of vt•h1cll-s. There IS adequate spat'C' available c.itop tht> bluffs which c•ould readily be <'Onvertcd into temporary parking dreas Making this spat•e available•. and then posllng the shoulders w1lh no pc.idung signs. would be a welcome respite for all the motnnsts using the public highway GA VIN llERB~RT Hospital block To the Editor: Dr St.anlC'y van den Noort. dean of the medical school at UCI seems not to be interested in the community in which UCI 1s located His attempt to get Gov Brown to veto Assembly Bill 2696 allowing Saddleback Community College to lease ~O acres. of land to a nonprofit community hospital in lrvine IS tc.tking the lSSUe of a hospital out of the commuruty's hands. Since such a large number of residents in lrvane (over 15.000) have already indicated their desire to have their own hospital, at seems very st.range to (ind such obstructive tactics being used by an official or a state institution that is supposed to serve its people. This assue should not be decided in Sacramento by one ball concerning land. It should be decided at the certificate of na-d public hearings before the Orange County Health Planning Council and the Health Services Agency of the state o f California where all of us could present our opini<'ns. JAMES A ROBERTSON Barbecue view To the F.ctitor: Because my sentiments toward the so-called family-oriented, American pastime of barbecuing IS SO opposed to that of Richard Jahraus, It behooves rn(· to say something in behalf of Laguna's Heisler Park neighbors and to ci te a few facts against barbecuing in our one and only pubHc park. Considering that Mr. Jahraus is one of our most popular and civic-minded residents. his lack of sympathy for his neighbors who cannot enjoy an open window or a balcony siesta on their costly Cliff Drive apartments just boggles my mmd. Doesn't he know that the acrid chemical pollution emanating from a barbecuing steak or hamburger, equals the toxic fumes from 300 cigarettes? Is it possible that he is llnaware o f the vast numbe r of American children who succumb to and die from cancer oi: leukemia? A genial man Uke himself. supporting our Boys Club, la bound to love children enough to want to shield them from the chcmJcal hazards of barbecue effluslon. Little children do not amoke nor d o they barbecue, yet, if Helaltr Park la an example, they arc lncreulngly aubjected to these toxic tu.mes. IF MR. JAHRAUS la really eo ln love with the amen and lethal fumes from barbecuing meat, how come his own barbecue rack Is located righ\ up againat hia rear fence, aa far removed from hit flne home as poeslble? It to happens that I muat continue \o live and brnthe on the other aide of \.htJ le~. a mmt few feet away from hi• barbecue rack. Whe.~r. my ne1ahbor lndulga In thla MAILBOX cherished act of incinerating some meat dish, l must hasten to shut my windows JUSt as ughtly an~ quickly ac;. humanly possible. Otherwise. the toxic smoke sickens me and damages my eyes to an agonizing degree. On two occasions, when I was fortunate enough to be away during Mr Jahraus's barbecuing stints, my small apartment had filled up with acrid smoke lO such a degree, I had to summon the Fire Department lO help me locate the fire that l was sure was smouldering m my crowded interior . No one in our fine City Council and not even I would ever th ink of outlawing the use of backyard barbecues. Hence, one has to resent Richard Jahraus' insmuauon that this 1.s an eventuallly Isn't a Ci ty Count·al elcc-ted to protect the ngh~ well-l:>f'mg or the majority of citizen¥ rather than kowtow to the whims or gastronomic tastes of the few? Am [ wrong to assume that a steadily more crowdt'<f and onJy cny park should be a place for wholesome enjoyment t>!'>pecialJy for thl! ultra-sen.s1tive young and eldt.•l'!y population? If only half of my park neighbors would express their feeUngs about the increasing quota of barbet:ue parties m the park. (right near city signs proclaUTUng it to be against our law). your pages would be bulging with letters of resentment and disgust. NAME WTTHHELD Con certs missed To lhl• E<lllur We h:ig plannl'd nn p1cnwking on the.• quad of Or;1nge Coast College whill• llstcnin~ 111 :lnotht•r st•rics of l'Oncert.s on Sunday nigh~ What hapf*ned? I am tuld that th<'rC' was trouble about mont!ytflnan<.'t'S and I t'an't believe that Costa Mt•s.i c.innnt s upport such a <:ultural lll'al for so many Where does all tht tax mom•v Crom South Coast Plai.a gu" . Your paper wrot<• to me last year and ..issun·d me th<> Daily Pilot would do their bit tu put tht.• t.·ont·t•rts on again. At least our ltx:~I pap<•r .Jpprl>clales a good program LILLIAN JOHNSON Fiscal lunacy To the Editor: The ink on the checks for $85,000 had barely dried from the "buyout" of past superintendent Glen Hardy's contract when the Fountain Valley Elementary trustees started paying $261 per day to consultant Bill Fisher -soon to be given a four-year contract as superintendent. C urrently in the throes of recall charging Su:z.anne Moore, Cheryl Norton, and Roger Belgen with fiscal mismanagement of school funds. the trustees again have s hown their ineptness in contract negotiaiion by voting to raise Superintendent Fisher's salary to over $61 ,000 -then extend his remaining three year contract .to four years. This extends Mr. Fisher's tenure beyond any of the current board's terms of office -thus saddling a new board with a superintendent committed to philosophies which have generated a recall effort. Their wisdom leaves much to be desired in my opinion -I c.a.ll It sheer fiacal lunacy! DEVON N. DAHL The writer is chairman of the Committee Advocating Responsible Education which is spearheading Che recall movement. &liter. Sanc tuary found To the Edi tor· Last Friday my husband and I spent a good part of the day sailboarding in the Newport Harbor. Mid-afternoon we ventured 1nto the Back Bay and dlacovered a quiet paradise after the hustle and bu.tle of the harboc. And yet it wu ao cloee. The marshland and ahore blrda were plenti1uJ and appeared to be In perfect harmony with th tr surroundings. Large 1Jlvery fish jumped Crom the water, more than occuionally lndfoatlng An abundance of water life. • L•H•t\ It-,_,, ••t '"'tit om• f"9 tt9'1t It,.,...., .. I .. ltr\ I• 111 ,.... Ot tHMl"-lt HIMI .. ttW,_ Ullt'> .. --d• ., '"" will 11t 91.,... pnlertn<e AIC let\-"""' lt1 """ •• _,..,.. ..... ITl<l•ll"I ~ ... ""' .,._, _, .. wllll"tlf.,. ,_,, 11 ~h<f ... t rtt'IO" I\~ .... try w 111 r1ol lie....,,.-LAii .. \ "'0 .. lflt.,_., It .. ) ... ...,.. •• ..-..,_....,.....,ti .... , ............ , .................. , "tflh<•h., .,..,,. .... , We are grateful this area has been preserved. not only for the wildlife but for Homo Sap1ens as well . sin('e so few areas of this kind remain along our populated California <'03St. We found the Back Bay to be a true sanctuary. a place where we could renew our thoughts as weU as our acquaintance with nature. BARBARA GUILD H ook e d! To the Editor: As a windsurfer, I lJtcralJy got hooked! The irony is that I found mysel f having I~ empathy for the angler than for me the catch. The dichotomy 1s that as a past president of Pacific Anglers c.ind as the aspiring Commodore or the Balboa Yacht Club Windboard Fleet, I should find myself on my board with a treble hook attached to a silver mc•tal lure in my arm being t et h e r ed by a monof1lament hne lo a fast-moving sailboat I KNOW THAT there are those sportsmen that don't particularly care fur windsurfers, there are windsurfers that don't care for powercrah, and there ;_1n• fishermen that don't particularly carl'.' about £-1ther &nd the Harbor Patrol that's frustrated by them all I would like to thank th!' powerboat that came to my rescue m the harbor, to Dean Dana. my windsurfer l.'OUnterpart. for hts part in untangHng me, to June Paley. my neighbor, who transported me to Hoag emergency, to Dr. Super and his many assistants who extracted the hook from my flesh and not to the sailboat that was trolling the long lane an the Harbor. JACK CALDWELL E f fo rt rewarde d To tht.> Editor The> members of thl• Laguna Beach Business Assoc.:1at1on wish to c>xpress our hPdrtfell apprec1at1on to the people of Laguna Beach who brought bal·k the Mam Beach Village party to our town Thl' dollars an• l'o untable -all $5.144.\:10 of them The umc. energy. ('rl'<1t1v1ty and hard work voluntC('r<'<:I by hundr('dS of pl'Ople IS 1mpossiblt.> to ,·ount Wl• hopt-that their tontribution is part1<1lly offset by the JUSt plain fun that we· had 1n t:rt•aung the "Honorary G1)vernor of the Stat<· or Laguna Beach" race Tht' ultimate rt'ward will come with our September party when we all should thank ourselvC"S and others. whether we part1npatcd or not, for bringing back the Mam Brach Village Party and be on hand to Wt'kome Honorary Governor Maggie Meggs as sh1• reda1ms the Main Bea<.'h for Laguna BILL FARRELL Chairman, Mam Beach Village Party Committee Medical ripoff To the Edllor: For vears 1t has 1rnt.ated me that we could o nly deduct medical expenses exceeding 3 per<.-ent of gross. Now there is talk of making that 7 percent. Actually. we should be able to deduct all medical expenses. Medical costs have risen unbelievably fast faster than almost all other inClationary costs. And medical ins urance, which k eeps increasing the annual deductible and paying a smaller and smaller .part ~f charges, has become so expensive 1t l8 prohibitive for many. One way we could fight tt is to be able to deduct all medical expenses on our income tax reports. Let's get behind' this much needed change and writt-to our legislators. NAME WITHHELD lllllY• We laughed about the Japan.-e visitort and their cameru. la lhc last laugh on WIT BUSlNESS COMPE':I'ITOR ' lilly ,_lllt 0 D THURSDAY, AUO. 28, 1812 ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS TELEVISION 82 84 87 Eba co er¥ice plan . m ajor mo¥e from Newport Beach to Lak e Center ... Page B4. saga still mystifies A SMALL BIT OF HISTORY: We marked a milestone in aviation history just this w eek in the 50th anniversary of a Clight by a pixie-faced , slender, tousle -haire d young w oman who w as one of the great pion eer aviators of all time. It was Aug. 24 , 1932, w hen Ame lia Earhart, the n 32 years o ld, b eca m e the f irst w o m a n t o m a k e a . '. ~ . ,~~, transcontin ental flight. It w as j u s t o n e o f many m a rk s s h e l e ft o n the aviation record books. H e r final flight , in July o f 1937, s till h as s tro ng ties to our own Orange Coast where one of her aviator buddies, famed stunt pilot Paul Mantz. tried to solve the mystery of her disappearance at sea. MURPHHH ,~ TOM AMELIA EARHART WROT E cliJ:iation history by de fying her pare nts. S he was born in Atchison, Kan., and during World War I served as a Canadian military nurse. Despite the protests of he r family, she learned to fly, as so many of the early barnstormers did, right after the war. Then the records began to get inked into the books. She beca me the first w oma n to cros.5 the Atlantic Ocean by air, as a passenger a board a Fokker trimotor monoplane. July 17-18, 1928. It crossed from Ne wfoundland to Wa les. F our years later, s h e m ade a solo cr os.5ing. This was followed by a series of solo flights across the United States in both airplanes and a utogiros. The n. in January of 1935, Amelia Earhart again electrified the aviation w orld with a trans-Pacific solo flight, cros.5ing the ocean from H awaii to California. STUNT FLIER PAUL MANTZ, who in la ter years made his hom e on Balboa Island and operated T a llma ntz Amelia Earhart with famed Balboa Lsland stW>t nier Paul Mantz in 1936 fly ing service o ut o f O range County's airport, h elped prepar_e the next Earhar t plane. a twin-engined Lockheed m which s h e and Lt. Cdr. Fred Noonan. h er navigator, would attempt an around-the-world flight. Mantz. particularly. w as invol'ved in instaUation of a generator on the aircra ft, a point that would prove pivotal during investigation s of the 1960s. Ame lia Earhart a nd Fred Noonan took off on the world-girdling flight in 1937 and were three quarters of the way to their goal when on July 2, the ir aircraft vanished in the Pacific. near Howla nd Island. No trace of the pla ne or the two flie rs was ever found. Afte r World War 11 . how ever, there were persistent reports tha t the Earha rt plane hadn't gon e down near Howla nd Island but instead had Clown on to Japanese-he ld Saipan. ~A1:1VE WITNESSES SAID the plane. matching the d escript10n of the L ockheed, cras h-landed in Saipan Harbor. They said tw o occupants. on e a sligh t ly built wom~n. w e re captured and later executed by the J a panese as s pies. Not much was added to the Earhart stor y until June of 1960 when a ne wsm an diving at Saipan claimed he had brought up the genera tor from the long-missing Earhar1 plane . The generator was take n to Orange County airport where Mantz put a task force of his experts to work in an attempt to de te rmine if indeed it was the p art of the Earhart plane h e had insta lled almost a qua rter of a century earlier. SADLY, MANTZ HIMSELF was killed in 1965 when he crashed while fly ing a stunt for filming of the motion picture, "Flight of the Phoenix." That pre tty well closed the Earhart probe. Paul Mantz' widow. Mary, s tated some time later that study of the generator had proved inconclusive because the engine part had been too badly corroded by salt water. It was so badly deteriorated, she said, it couldn't even be determined if it w as of Japanese or American origin. So to day , the mystery o f Amelia Earhart's disappearance remains unsolved. the neck ide:riiif ied Pain • Ill VCI biology research er sho ws way to quick en d e tection o f stre p throat By JOEL C. DON MtlM o.itr ,.. ... •••ff The sore throat is mankind's perennial pain in the neck. Often the harbinger of the common cold. It's the body's way of saying some virus has tempo rarily gotten the best of your immune system. But a third of the lime the picture is more serious. That's when a feeling of a claw hammer stuck m your throat is a result of the invasion of a bacte rium called Gro up A S tre ptococc us . Untreated, .. strep throat .. may lead to complications such as rhewnauc fever, kidney disease and scarlet fe ver. Though not a doctor, Kurt Brillhart knows detection of the infection is imperative. The UC Irvine biology graduate has spent the last two years perfecting a simple and reliable test that could provide diagnosis of strep throat in a fraction of the time it takes using current techniques. Brill hart enrolled in an independent research project while a UCI junior, focusing his efforts on development of a quick test for strep throat. Strep bacteria shows up as a colored spot on a paper strip, akin to the way litmus paper changes color when it comes in contact with an acid or base solution. His so-called strip test can be completed in 90 minutes, a far cry from the conventional throat culture that may take up to two days. Eventually Brillhart would like the test r e sults to b e available before the patient steps out of the doctor's office. Though further work must be done before the test can be sold commercially, the 22-year-old Brillhart noted a UCI committee is studying whether it should be patented. Eventually he hopes to market the strip test as a simple kit for doctors. "In order to make the test readily available it's going to have t o be simplif ie d considerably," said Dr. Gerald Greene. a UCI Medical Center speclallat In lnl~tloue dlaeoa~s who directed Brlllhart'a project. "lf it's not simple. people won't us e il eve n If It does off er advantages." Nevertheless, BrilJhart's work e arned him u ndergradu a te honors in biology. In October, Greene will present news of the strip test at a maJOr b1omcd1cal conference. Greene predicts the test may help doctors prescribe the best treatme n t for a sore throa t sufferer. Erring on the side of caution, some physicians give antibiotics before results of a throat culture are known, he said. Others wait for the throat c ulture. but some times have trouble contacting the patient for appropriate treatment. "Only a fraction of sore throats are s trep," Greene said. "So certain patie n ts are ge tting antibiotics unnecessarily or some patie nts aren 't ge tting t he antibiotics in time. • "And a certain fraction o f people that receive antibiotics will have a reaction to them." The test is called PELISA, or pap e r e nzym e-link e d immunosorbent assay. Simply, a throat c ulture is taken from a person suspected of having s tre p throat. The s pec imen is fixed to a glass microscope slide and a series of a ntibodies are bioche mically hooked to the bacteria. One of the anUbocUes contains a speciaJ enzyme marker. A paper strip soaked with a chemical that reacts to the enzyme 1s placed against the slide. When the enzyme and the paper react, an orange sp ot reveals the pres ence o f streptococcal bacteria. The more bac~ria on the slide. the darker the spot. Greene said there is no other quick test for an infectious disease on the market. "He did it on his own." Greene said, in praise of Bnllhart's work. Delly Piiot Photo llJ Gery Amllt- SP EE J?S UP DIAGNOSIS K urt Brillhart's proposed strip test will h elp doctors 1denllfy s trep th roat in 90 m inutes. Conventional throat cultures takC' up to two days. "Th e be.sic too ls and the information were there. He dad considerable adaptation and tria l and error. "It took the right person in the r ight place wi th th e r ight components to put it together." Brillhart said he 1s strugglmg to wan adm ission to medical school a nd h o pl·s to earn a doctorate an research biology as well. .. Both are very tempting," he said. "But af I don 't get into medical school I'll try to get my Ph.D." CSUF leading college enrollDient boom Cal State Fullerton is almost ready to close admissions for spring I 983 because of booming enrollments. Ralph Bigelow, director of admissions. said the school may stop accepting applications for spring semester after Aug. 31 , the earliest cut-off date in the school's 25-year history. Fall enrollment will exceed 24,000 :his term, the largest in campus history . Officials say money may be the biggest reason why admissions to the state's universities are on the rise. California students are turning from private and out-of-town universities to less expensive state schools and leaving four- year institutions for two-year community colleges, said Lois Mc Nally of the California Student Aid Com.m.i.S$ion. R ecession drives studen ts to less exp ensi ¥e state-suppo rted sch ools "We have seen a s hah from private institutions to public institutions among o ur lo w - inoome students since the '60s." McNally said. Thi s s hift ma y be more pronounced this year because of federal reduction s in studen t gran ts, restrictions on student loans and cuts in SociaJ Security payments to coUege students. she said. Two holdups probe d in HB Police are searching for two bandits who robbe d two Huntington Beach businesses m apparently unrelated incidents. The first holdup occurred at 2:45 p.m. Monday, when a ma n pul1ed a r e volver from his athletic bag and placed 1t on a counte r at Brentwood Savings. 5828 F.clinger Ave .. police said. The man handed the teller a note demanding money and fled wath $1.930. according to police. At 6 :30 pm. M o nday. a different man indicated he had a gun an his wais t band and demanded money at the Sears S urplus Store, 9045 Adams Ave. He fled with about $115. pohce said. Some off1c1als attribute the increase m adm1ss1ons to students shifting f rom these m o r e expensive ms tatutaons because of the recession. Annua l tuition at private L'Olleges ranges from about $2,500 to $8.300. S t u d e n t fees at U n1 ver s1ty o f Ca liforni a campuses wall be $1 ,201, while California State universit.ies wiU cost $444. Ca l S ta te Long Beach has started curtailing ad missions for next fall . but not for spring. The University of California systt.•m also· as expcr1end ng an increase an aom1ss1ons. attnough not as sharp as at Fullerton, said Ed Apodaca. UC director of admissions "W e've been expecting enroll ment to decline for two or three years, but this year we received more apphcataons than ever before." he said Racers w~n't ~eed a pacer By GLENN SCOTT O(u-. Oelfr Hot Staff There are races for quarter horses. greyhounds and rats, but rarely has a race been organized strictly for Helix aspersa. It is no wonder. First brought to North America as a source of food, poor Helix was an outcast from the beginning. Never popularly palatable, the creature couldn't even hang around a vegetable garden without drawing contempt. It waa forced to live a sheltered life and was further frustrated by being both male and female at the same time. Slow afoot, it became a symbol for all the wrong things in this fast-paced world. Next month, however, Helix aapersa, also known as a common garden snail, will flnally get lta just deaerta. Election acts 0 K I The O,range County Dlatrlct Nakaoka alleged that the It will be the featured attraction when the Irvine Chamber of Commerce apoNOra Its inaugural California Snail Race Championship Sept. 12. The races wUJ be part ot the chamber's annual picnic. In put yean, the pk:nic haa been a private aflair. But as loDI as you're sol.ng to invite anal.la, you might al well brinl along ewrybody elee. -Snails on skate boards w ill b e disquall f ied. -Entries must be alive before and after their races. Howard Reic h , c hairman o ( the chamber's organizational aCfairs committee, aid participants can call the chamber office at 641-1667 to obtain an application form. The entry lee ia $2 per racer. At UC Irvine, Assistant Dean of S tudents Peter Ho wler, a sna11 expert, said the critters enjoy eating lettuce, flour and corn meal And usually seek a cool. damp setting. "If 1 were going to train them lO race," he said, "I'd maybe get them hungry. crush up some lettuce and equeeze the juice down to make a trail." ttomey s Office has concluded "in-kind" contribution from t candldates Larry Agran and• Agran's campaign -for a share ward Doman dJd not violate of a cot\ of the -plan Unga -wu 1rvine'1 campaign, contribution pcmibly more than $250. He a1J10 iWI in this springs city council asked tf Dornan should, have reported the dona tlon ln' campaign expense report. due before the election. Asran and Dornan, however, argued that only a .nan pordon of the planUnaa c:anied Doman'• end ortemen t and that the deadline for the txpenM repoc1a htd pal9ed before a deelslof\ WU made to include Doman. Tliua, chamber oraanlsera have opened the floodptee to any snail trainen wbhlng to ~ke part ln the nces .:heduled to begin at 2 p.m. at Herltafe Park on Walnut Avenue between Culver Drive and Jeffrey Road. The a\a1l coune la 18 1ochel Jona. Nonna Brun<l.-ae, race comm!Mioner, hu 1llu.d t.heM rule.: -Snailt cannot wetah mor:. than four pounda. -All anaJ.11 must be Irvtne rwlderlta. He Mid 10me of the rules may be hard to enforce, especially the residency ~uirement. 'We really can't.'' he QOnflded. "We just threw t.Nt l.n there." However, Reich aid t0me local IJ'OUP8 ue tak.lna the r11ee terloualy. "One ol the banks in town told mo they have three anal.II,'' he aid. "They've been feed.l.nc them l« two weekl and they even built a llttlt mp.'' • ' Bowler said snails also can be decorated by gluing wings on or even painting their shells. P"art of the shell should be left expoeed. he added. And for thOle whose entrtet don't make the grade, Bowler Is achedulh\8 h1a an~nual fall mail feed at noon on Fri~, Nov. 12 al UCI'a Univcraity Center. They were, after all, lmported for food. "In France, ana1ll a.re becomlnQ rarer Md ram-.'' -1d Bowler. '11\eC!.e be fiorrlfled to know how we kill them . " • 111111 l:UIT . I ' Cllll llU 1111111 ORANGE COUNTY C ALH On NIA .>"i C.f NI c; Bergeson vows to revive. hospital bill . Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, said today she will try to revive a bill that would pave the way for construction of the first hospital in lrvine. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. vetoed the legislation Wednesday. chief opponent of the bW. The legislation was Introduced In Fe bruary and had paued the state Assembly and Senate before he said he read about It last week in a newspaper story. of passage during th~ la.st few days before lawmakers go on a three-month recess. Sponsored by Bergeson, the bill would have permitted Saddleback Community College District trustees to lease 10 acres of land at its north campus to Irvine Medical Center (IMC). In exchange for a lease at fair market value and 99-year term, IMC officials agreed to build a nur1dng sc h oo l t o serve Saddleback programs. Bergeson aai.d she was disappointed with the governor's decision. She said she would try to have the bill a ttached to another piece of legislation with a m endments r equ ested by Brown . The governo r w as concerned that the bill suggested state endorsement of a particular hospital plan. Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean cf UC Irvine's College of Medicine, was singled out as the Even so. van den N oort managed to quickly garner opposition to the bill in the eovemor's office as well as with members of the state Legislature. ensuring that it had little chance CREATIVITY CHANNELED -Chris and Scott, who painted their faces to preserve their "semi-anonymity," °""',... ....... ~ c..... ee.n wonder which passersby will see the two faces they've hidden in mural on Santa Ana River channel. Artists faee up to society Muralists discover painting on river channel prompts brushes with the law By ROBERT BARKER OflMDellJ .......... Chris and Scott are a couple of young Orange Coast College art students who take their art pretty seriously. They have worked various hours of the day and night in painting a large and colorful mural on the side of the Santa Ana River Channel on Fountain Valley-Costa Mesa border. The young men. who say they want to remain "semi-anonymous" to keep from POeaibly getting into trouble for painting on public property, say they put about $100 worth of paint and 11 hours of work into the project. r the chief artist tells how much of the work was done in quick bursts to avoid detection by police. He asserts that they ran and hid from a patrolman with a walkie-talkie on one occasion and hid in the river sand from a police helicopter another time. They put the finishing touches on the white, yellow, orange. red. black. blue. green and white picture over the weekend. It can be seen best from the right lanes of the northbound San Diego Freeway as they cross over the bridge near Euclid Street in Fountain Valley. Two faces are camouflaged in t h e artwork. One ia located in the upper right-hand edge o f the pai nting. Chris says it re resents 90Ciet . The second, upside-down on the opposite side of the mural, represents real people taking a look at 90Ciety. "We've been getting some outstanding feedback from people who knew we did it. They are impressed with the size and color," Chris says. Chris asserted that the young artists. both residents of Fountain Valley, w ere motivated by their desire to eliminate satanic writings and slogans appearing at the river channel that were getting more and more insulting. "We we re merely t.ryin8 to replace the satanic slogans with 90mething that would draw thought and beauty to a point where ugl defacement of property once' was." ''I think the bllJ wa11 woefully misunderstood," said Bergeson, who noted the legialatlon did not specify IMC or any hospital plan It allowed Saddleback, which has endorsed IMC. to lease the land to a non-profit group wishing to build a hospital. "l would say he (Brown) must have been pretty anguished over this bill." she continued. "This has been very d1 Hicull for him i:x>litically becau~ he has to fa<.-e the opposition of many. many people who were an support or the bill " Though van den Noort has said the bill gives tacit state approal of the IMC proposal, he acknowledged that the medical center poses a threat to UCI plal\S to build its own teaching hospital French firms blacklisted • Ill pipeline flap WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan admi n istration today te mpora r ily b lack listed two French firms -one a subsidiary of an American company -after natural gas pipeline equipment was loaded for shipment to the Soviet Union in alleged defiance of President Reagan 's embargo. an administration source said. Today's ac ti on by the Commerce Department forbids Dresser France from re<:e1vmg any imports from its parent company. Dresser Industries Inc. of Dallas. Also put on the temporary blacklist was the French f1nn of C r eusot-Loi r e, which had contracted for the parts as a prime contractor for the pipeline project. "The temporary denial order means that both parties will be prohibited from receiving all U.S. goods and t.echnology.'' sa1d the source. who askt•d not to be 1dentif1ed. "It's a measured response. It could have been a lot tougher. It is hoped that this will dissuade olher companies from taking similar action." The order will remain in force until a fuller investigation of the allegations is compleled, lhe source said. Three compressors made by Dresser France were loaded ea1 lier today aboard a ship m Le Havre. France. lt was due to leave later for lhe Soviet port of Riga. Dresser said Tuesday tl would fulfill its contract obligations after lhe French government ordered it to do so. Judge orders Mesa sculptor to jail By DAVID KUTZMANN ()(the DeHJ Pffot St.ft Costa Mesa metal sculptor Ah Rou,,han was ordered today to begin serving a five-day jail term beginning next week for er(.'(·ting a towering red metal sculpture without proper city building pennits. Orange County Superior Court Judge Philip Schwab. saying there was no legal basis on which to delay sentencing further. ordered Roushan to report to Orange Coun ty Jail at 9 a.m Tuesday. Rou s han . an Iranian immigrant who owns a metal fabrication business on Superior Avenue in Costa Mesa. also must pay a $500 fine. Whether Roushan actually has to serve time from a contempt of court con viction issued last December is still somewhat at question. Santa Ana attorney Meir Westreich, who represents lhe sculptor. said he has filed a writ o f habeas corpus wi th the California Supreme Court. The state high court recently turned down Roushan 's request for a hearing to appeal his conviction by S uperior Court Judge Robert Fitzgerald in December. 1981 Westreich also said that he is planning to go to U.S. District Court Monday to further challenge Cost.a Mesa's altempt to force Roushan to seek the proper bu1ld1ng pe rmits for erel'l1ng hi s giant steel sculptures. Roushan has erected tour red metal structures on his industrial property at 1550 Superior Ave. over the past 2 1h years. He was held m contempt of court on t WI) ocC'asions for putting up two sculptures after the c ity had been grante d a preliminary inJunct1on barring him from putting up any further structures. "I haven't exhaust.eel my legal rights yet," Roushan said after this morning's hearing before Judge Schwab. "I will go to jail. But I don't think I'll worry about It until (See SCULPTOR, Page A2) Nestande Newport of jet flight increase By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O( ... o.IJ ..... SWI Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, had a stem warning Wednesday for Newport Beach. The city can expect an increase in the permitted number of jet COUNTY departures from J o hn Wayne Airport if it continues to promote commercial ventures, such as hotels , that boost local a ir transportation demand. Should the city not change Its curre nt course, Nestande said. "The n maybe we will have to Snails have day in Irvine Slimy, stomped on and ambushed with Snarol, the lowly garden snail will finally get its day in the sun next month when the Irvine Chamber of Commerce sponsors a snail race (?). Page BL County backs Niguel project The county has agreed to underwrite low-interest bonds for a development in Laguna Niguel, although aupervUlor Bruce Nestande believes the funds do not provide a "aignjficant public benefit.'' ~age A6. NATION W ASHING'roN CAP) -The Justice Department aued 25 defendanta today, lncludlnl 10me of the nation'• better-known corporations, to force them to help clean up a hua.rdoua wute dump in downtown Hamilton, Oblo, which the gowmment uJd pt'e9eftta an lmmlnent and aubltanUal d.anger to human hMlth. add a lot more flights. I can't say how many at this point.'' The board c h a irma n 's comments followed disclosure that county officials are studying five options for the future of the airport ranging from holding the line on expansion to increasing the number of jet departures to 98 per day. Forty-one. per day are now permitted. The plans were prepared by the county airport staff. "As far as I see it, the city is thumbing its nose at us. wanting to close down the airport, but WASHING TON (AP) -The Federal Election Commission ruled today that broadcasters may offer free air time to political parties, if the time is made available to both Republicans and Democrats. The case is expected to have broad implications for tht b d Unldtr BUSINESS Rate dip viewed cautiously Mortgage interest rates are coming down. but lenders and builders are reac11n1 cautioualy after being burned in 1980. Paae B4. SPORTS Fernando sparb tbe DotJsers Fernando ValenJuela'• arm -and bat -help move the Loa Ancelet Dod1er1 back into tole poAeUlon of fl.rat place in the National Leaaue Wettem Dlvtaton. Pace Cl. expanding the hotels," Nestande said. not been approved.) Newport Beach Councilman Pau l Hummel criticized the o ptions today as being "out of ccntext with reality." He referred to a proposal by the Marriott Hotel Corp. to expand its Fashion Island facllity with a 12 -s t or y, 210 -r oom addiUon. (While plans have been submitted to the city, they h ave "I don't see how the county can even conceive of con sidering (See JETS, Page A%) INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoscope A4 Erma Bombeck A4 Ann Landers All Business 84-5 Movies B2 Cavalcade All National News A3 Classi!ied C6 Public Notices C3-5 Comics B6 Sports C l-4 Crouword B6 Dr. Steincrohn All Death Notices C5 Stock MarkelS B5 Stan Delaplane All Television B7 Edit.Mia) AlO Theaters 82 Entertainment B2 Weather A2 Coach rates the players Mike Giddinp. va.ralty football coach at Newport Harbor High SchOol. knows how to rate players. Page Cl. ·~ 'I' r CIN on The pulmonary department at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach has scheduled "" flve afternoon lectures In September on lung d isorders. • All are cond u cted o n " Wednesdays in the hospital's Conference center and start at 1:30 p.m. On Sept. I , Dr. Pa ul Selecky will discuss the value of pulmonary testing; Sept. 8. • Occidental College will host a reception at 3 p.m Sunday at the Marriott Hotel in Ne wport C e nter for interested students and their parents. Members of the admissions staff from the Los Angeles Dr. Fred Meister will lecture o n the Importance of measuring drug effectiveneas an the laboratory; Sept. 15, Dr. John Rumaf eld will discuss Bronc h o d ilat or administration: Sept. 22i Maredele Anderson wll lecture on self-esteem; and on Sept. 29, Dr. Rumsfield will discuss Cortisone therapy in lung disease. t'Ollege will lead discussion on plannin g for and enterng college. Occidental is a college of libe ral arts and sciences founded in 1887 and has a s tudent body of 1.700. For further program infonnation, call(213) 259-2700. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) More Fre n <.•h a nd Italian peacekeeping troop1 l11nded in war-battered Beirut today and joined U.S. Marines In overseeing the evac uation of P alestin e Liberation Organization fighters from the lsraeh·rlnged Lebanese capital. T he Syn an army sent 61 trucks and tank carriers across lsraell lines to west Beirut to start a two-day overland evacuation to Syria Friday of 3,500 troops and officers o( the Syrian - commanded Palesune Liberation Army , an I sraeli army s pokesman in Lebanon said. Lebanon's state radio and the Syrian government earlier said the Hittin Brigade evacuation on the Beirut-Damascus highway would begin today despite the PLO's fear o f attack from President-elect Gemayel 's Lebanese Christian militiamen. "There 1s no land evacuation today," the Isr aeli military s po kesman told reporters in suburban Baabda, five miles east of Beirut. A truck convoy carrying about 500 PLO guerrillas was at the , US Mnrlne controlle d port t>n trunce at midday for sea evacuation to the Syrian port of Tartu1. Sul It was not clear whett.Mw any sea eva c uation of t'T\e guerrillas was planned for today. Greek and Cypriot passenger ships too k a total of 3,807 guerrillas to J ordan, I raq, Tunisia, South Yemen, Syria and Sudan an the past five days, according to Lebanese and PLO estimates. Both conte nd the total of PLO guerrdl as schedul e d f or evacuation was be tween 7,100 and 7 ,500 accord mg to the plan U.S . presidential envoy PhiHp C. Habib had drawn for the PLO dispersal an the Arab world. But lsracl said 3,484 PLO alre ady have been evacuated by boat out of a total of 8,674 slated for evacuation Meanwhile. President Reagan, vacationing near Santa Barbara, Calif .. was monito ring the deployment of U.S . Marines in Beirut from his mountaintop ranch where he is settling in for a 13-day vacation. Mesan's deals barred • Costa Mesa author. e lected-and was acting as an investment from both activities. Crawford office aspirant a nd political l'Ounselor w ithout a license. said ··to the best o f m y ·commen tator David Balsiger has An order issued b y Judge knowledge" Balsiger has ceased b een barred by a n Orange PhiJlip Petty enjoins Balsiger the alleged practices. Al 1"NpfM>Co OBSERVING -U.S . Marines (left) stay on the s idelines as a Palestinian woman argues with Lebanese soldiers in Beirut. She wanted to follow a truck w hich had taken h er PLO husband to a sh ip for re location in Syria Pay TV pirate SCULPTOR. • antennas held Tuesday," he said a short time later. County Supe rior Court judge from selling unregis t e red securities and acting as a n investment counselor. Bals iger , 36, wrote ''The Lincoln Cons piracy" and "In Search of Noah's Ark." has run for the Costa Mesa City Council and a congressional seat. He drew national attention an 1980 w hen he produced a "scorecard" that rated presidential candidates on the conformance with b1bhcal principles. Stocks heading up with Dow at 903 LOS ANGELES (AP) -A four-county police raid has netted nearly 400 microwave antennas used to steal pay te levision signals in the Los Angeles area, a private security agency represe ntative said Wednesday. Police and sheriff's officials armed with search warrants hit nume rous electronics stores in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties T uesday and Wednesd~y. Roushan and his attorney say they are challenging the city's building code b ecause they believe there s h o uld be a separate set of standards to judge str u ctll_(es whic h represent freedom o f ex pression as protected unde r the Fi rst Amendment. Knife-rape told NEW YORK (AP) -Stock pnces rose sharply over a broad front in heavy trading as t h e Dow Jones industrial average soared to 903.16 at midday. D•llY Piiot 8t•lf Pholo BARRED -D avid Belsiger has been barred from selling unregistered securities. A cco rdin g t o George Crawford , an attorney with the state corporations department, Balsiger was selling securities not a ppro ved by corpo r ation s Commissioner Geraldine Green More than 1,000 issues moved ahead afte r only an hou r o f trading on the New York Stoc;k E1cchange. with gainers holding a wide 5-1 lead over losers. Oil, steel, auto, retail and technology Hotel sued over sewer damage New port Beach, in a lawsuit filed Wednesday, accused the Marrio tt Hotel of b e ing responsible for sewage damage to the local chamber of commerce building last Au~st. The Ne wport H arbor Area Chamber of Commerce is downhill and less than a block from the Marriott. .The suit, filed in Orange County Superior Court, seeks $17,000 in damage. employees t o evacuate the building. Chamber officials said the flood of sewage ru ined $17,000 worth o f carpeting, which the city later replaced. Officials at the city police station. across the street from the c hambe r. said the backed-up sewage also spilled into several jail cells Officials from the hotel were not available for comment. The city alleged employees at the Newport Center hotel caused the problem last year by clogging ·up a city-owned sewer w ith grease and cooking oil. The sewage backup occurred last August and forced chamber PoHce said the sewage caused no damage to their facility. Con sl a / North-I wtnd• 10 to 20 knots over the outer wa1ers neat Pomt Conce9Uon With 4 to 7 loot seas Local low clouds ano tog EIHwhere, llghl varoable winds south-I 10 wesl 8 10 16 knots during afternoon. 1 to 2 loot southwest 1wetl Becoming partly cloudy 1fternoon U.S. sunimary Showers •nd thunderstorms llngar9d over the Southwest early IOd•y. conllnulng m•lnly over ,._ M._.leo, whole Sh<>werl and tl'lundaratorma d9mpaned areas 1r1 Ille upper Mid-I !Ind • f-1h owa rt touch•d lhe tower MINOur1 v•~ 9nd Maine El-'*•·,.., a111es prevailed ewer the P.cltlc Nor-l"west, the ~lhern Plains •nd aut ot lhe '~:-'r.olllc Northw•al wu ''ellng • wum spell. The ll!Tlpet1tura tHCned a high of 87 \'fednetd•Y In Seattle. breaking "" 11147 record of 82 for lhe day T"e high 11 Olympl• wu 90 d;gr-. eurpNllng the prevl<>Ua record of 85, eleo Mt In 1947. Wednetdsy nlgllt IV• lncnes OI '"n f.it •t &c:91anle, Utah. In one . hpur Loc•llY he•vy rein• ll'(edneadey •l•o hll southern Ar izona with lloodlng •ut or y~ .Temper•turH before dawn rW!Qed ltom • low ol 42 at Minot, NtD .. to 17 II Fott Worth, Teicu, •bcordlng to Ille Nlllon•I w..tner s.rvtoe. ' ' .. Fair through Friday offshore trom ::.anta HOS& 1a1ano c•n expect nonhweSI winds al 15 to 25 knoll with 4-lo-7-loot sea.s. T e mperatures NATION Albany Alb<>Que Amermo Asheville Atlanla Atlante Cly Austin Baltlmora BllllnQI Blrmlnghm Blsm•rck B011e Boston Brownsvlle Buttaro &nllngton CQPef Ch.,lstn SC Charlltn WV Ch8r11te NC CM'jenne Chicago Clnctnn111 Clavel•nd Clmbla SC Columbu1 Oal-Ft Wth Oay100 Denver Off MOIMI 0.trOlt Oulvlh El PUO F•ltb&ni<I Fergo F190at1M GrMt Fatt1 H11rtlord ~ HonOlutu H-con I~ J9Cllan MS J11ekanvlle K•n• City l<noKv111e Lal v-o- Llllla Rock Loul1vllle Lub~ M..-npllit HI Lo Pep 72 58 44 82 60 .02 76 62 85 56 9t 65 88 5" 02 98 74 92 56 01 90 56 92 68 72 45 01 93 57 73 62 14 91 76 06 72 58 68 53 83 91 62 95 76 80 55 04 91 65 76 57 75 57 78 53 84 51 95 67 77 50 102 80 78 56 79 59 83 61 76 so 75 45 .01 94 68 70 48 1'l 75 47 01 77 47 81 41 74 57 52 89 47 88 74 .22 95 79 78 51 95 71 95 76 80 64 88 69 64 89 .02 82 68 .05 78 56 87 71 85 73 .02 N1~ w .. in.. SeMce NOAA US a.pr ol CorNM<ce Fronla: Cold ...., W8/m w. Mlemi Mlh.,.ukee Mpi..St.P N•&hvltle New OrlNns New Y0<k Norlotk No. Plall• Oki• Clly Omaha Orlando Phll9<1phll Phoenla Pltl•burgh P11and. Me Piiand. Ora Providence R•lelgh R9ptd City Reno Richmond S•ll Lake San Antonie> S..ltle Sh~ Sioux Flllls St Louts St P·Tl"'P9 St Sta Marla 5po11909 Syr90UM Topel(• Tuo-.on Tull• WMtllngtn Wlotltl• IH 82 74 60 84 81 81 58 95 73 85 62 t.05 93 70 83 54 89 70 78 83 1 42 92 75 87 60 116 82 73 52 ee 61 .22 88 58 74 61 46 92 83 82 52 97 61 90 69 88 69 97 78 87 58 96 78 64 63 90 63 89 79 86 53 15 91 60 78 52 13 79 62 91 12 M 72 04 92 82 82 85 ,..,.e ...... ..... A'9~L .... y_,.. 2-falr;JOOCI 67 14 fllr-ooc>d t7 1·2 poor .. 1-2 pOOf .. 1·2 poor .. 1-2 poor ea l = :: I poor M 1·2 pOOf 17 1·2 POOf t 7 t :N a in.: '-Ow: '1&. .. 1.in.; ....... I TODAY Second fllO'I 4!07 p,l'I\, 4. 7 hoond 10W 11:87 p.m, 1.2 ~., F1n1 lllgtl t!t:J 11.ft\i ~ ... Am tow 10:41 a.m. 2.t 8eCond hlgl\ 6'.10 p.m. 4.1 9IOond 10w (k 1UI a.m. O,I kn Mtl tod•y tl 7:27 p,n; •• r11teF~••·n 1.m. Moon ..... ~ " 1:tl "'"'·· Mii '1 flt 1H .4 a.m. ' ' I stocks were among the advancing groups. The Dow Jones avera.ize of 30 industrials, had increased 9.99 points Wednesday. The stores sold antenna kits for $150 to $200 that allowed view ers to, lap subscription television services. A man armed with a kitchen knife sexually attacked a Corona del Mar woman Wednesday after breaking into her house a nd tying her hands behind her back. Ne wport Beach police said. JETS TO INCREASE OVER NEWPORT?. • • increasing flights knowing that the n oise impact on Newport already is so great. "l'o like to know w h at's ~e of an alternate site for an airport. Suddenly we're back to trying to make do with a completely unsatisfactory site." N e wport Ma yo r Jacki e Heather said she is disturbed by the connotations of the five options. Sh e pointed out this follows on the heels of a court ruling s triking down the airport's perimeter rule. Suddenly it seems l i ke everything is crash ing down around w again," she said. "Our various safeguards are just being swept away and it's frightening." Heather declined to respond to the pointed remarks made by Nestande. Nest ande was one of t w o supervisors reached for comment on the airport expansion issue. Nl8TANOE HE A THEA Two other supervisors, Halph Clark and Harriett Wieder, were out of town. Supervisor Roger Stanton also was unavail able The ot her s upe r viso r contacted. Thomas Riley. said he support~ an option whereby the numbe r o{ fl ights would be increased to 55 per day as noise reductions are achieve<i . This a ltern a te , known as Option 3, is very similar to th(• a irport expansio n program outlined m the now-defunct 1981 airport maste'r plan. That document was overturned by order of an O r a nge County Superior Court judge who ruled environme ntal documentation for the project was insufficient. Option 3 would permit expansion of the airport terminal and parking facilities to handle 6.2 million passengers annually . The overburdened facility today handles 2.5 million travelers each year Under Option 3, about 125 ac:·es of land south of the airport co:itaining 531 dwellings would be within boundan es of a h1gh- noise impact zone Two o f the o ption s w ould retain the present 41 flights per da y cap on comme r c ial jet departures. One plan would permit 73 llights, another 98. A Store JustB rffer The Storekeeper for Her is a new expression of an idea that hM never chanaed. A store for her in the tradition or the orialnal Storeketp\.r, wM!"e you can ~peel to find the aame lncom· parable service and dlllinc:tlve col- lection of duslc sporuwear. A store committed to tradition and the sim- plicity or aood taste. At Tlw Slord#P#/orH.,. -•now ,,.. ,,,,...""' ~ twwr"' ""' 0/1~. Small wonder thm that we've Ch09C1' Wrtlc1lfY ,,..., 111111114 lf'ltlf, NA-po<I lka..11 'VIMIM1wrl('•nl ) to offer many of the finest names m sportswear and accessories. Plan lo stop by .soon to meet our courteous, knowl edaeable staff. And join us for the Grand Openina that was a dozen years in the makina. We think you 'II aaree that The Storekeeper for Her was wcU worth the wait. ~~Located, noc coincidentally. a ~ \' door away from The Store- keeper. In Wcstcllff Plaza. \ \ A11J1111 16tlt. IHJ \ , #:flA!tl-IM/tM 10 CIN Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT /Thur1doy, Auguat 26, \982 Advice on church site iJppeai-s misdirected Officials of St. Andrew1> Presbyterian Church In Ncwpvrt Beach have been cmbro1k'Cl in a dispute with some o f their neighbors over church expansion plans and certainly there 1s still some hope that the church and its neighbors may reach some form of compromise. This was clearly the posiuon taken b y the m ajority of Newport Beach City Council m embers . Councilman Paul Hummel. however. seems to be off on a tange nt of his own on this rath er sensitive issue. running for r(· 1•IC'<'t1on. it Sl'l'ms patently unfo1r tu atwmpt Lo <..lr'ilW t h e l r v 1 n t.• Com p u n y I n 1 u :1 controverlly thut 1s dcorly not of Its own making. The id<.•a o f u church on the Castaways sill• 1s not a new OOl' The church .i t onl· point had bet•n "' negotiation~ wtth tht• romp<lfly for s uch a s1 tt.· but tht.> discuss1011s were termina ted Hummel h as suggested that the Irvine Company should make a site on Castaways Hill , near Dover Drive and Coast Highway. available to the c hurc h . H e suggests this would be a way the company could impr ove its "tarni s h e d image" in the community. Relocat ion o f the c hurc h would seem to be an option to be left to the chur<:h and w hoever th(' private provcrty owner might b<,., Humme l, in the past. has no t seemed to be terribly concerned o v e r p r o m o l i n g l h e l r v i n t· Company's image. It 1s somewhat curiou s that he set?ms t:onct•rncd now. P e rhaps at can all be put down to election-time fever when in Newport Beach, any time you can put the squ eeze on the Irvine Company, you will always draws a cer tain number o f admtrers. Letters to the editor While it must be recogniu.-d tha t Councilm a n Humme l is A welcome neighbor With all the talk of layoffs and economic uncertainty, it's refreshing to have a n e w business neighbor join us in Costa Mesa. Its identity is h&rdly a secret since the building at 19th Street and Newport Boulevard is so imposing. Pac ific Feder a l Savings & Loa n will b e moving 2 00 employees in to 88.000 square feet of the building's 125,000 square feet next month. Another tenant already is in the building, and Pacific Federal hopes to find others. Admittedly the task is n 't easy. By som e estimates there are four million square feet of vacant office space in the area. Still, the S&L officials say they anticipated this and a r e looking for PVentual occupancy. And Pacific Federal has plans on the drawing boards to develop an additional 3.2 acres. While best wishes go to a ny employer expandin g in a time s u ch as t his, there's a mor e import.ant signal for Cost.a Mesans directly a nd a r ea residents indirectly. The Spanish-s t y le office comp le x is the fir s t redevelopment project in downtown Costa M esa and , as such . will be watched closely. The $1 7 malhon building at 19th and Newport could be a weathervane for an expanded downtown. As such , we especially wish Pacific F ederal well. Filling seniors' needs Now that th e Costa Mesa City Counci l has reaffirme d its approval o f a senior ci tizen housing project on prope rty owned by St. John the Divine Episcopal Church at Orange Avenue and Bay Street, it is time for residents who had objected to the proposal to back off a little and think about living in harmony with the church and the new neighbors. Three years ago, the church formed a non-profit corporation to launch the senior citizen project and agreed to sell one acre of its t wo-acre s i te to the federa 1 departmen t of Housing and Urban Development for one-third of its value. about $180,000. In return, the government a greed to fund the $1.2 million project which w ill consist of 36 o n e -b e droom , subsidized apartments for which residents will pay no more than 25 percent of their income. The project was one of three federally subsidized proposals in Orange County approved for HUD funding last year, and it seemed to be a welcome step in the direction of providing accommodalion _for senior citizens who are b e mg priced out of the regular housing market. An ear)jer Costa Mesa project, the 74-unit Casa Bella, wa s deluged with a pplicatio.ns from 927 senior citizens at the time of its comple tion two years ago. The need is clear. Un for tu natel y. prope rty owners at the n e w eastside location have voiced vehement objections to the plan since it was first proposed by the Rev. Conrad Nordquist in 1979. They said they feared i I would simply pave the way for more high-d e nsity projects in the area, thereby reducing the value of their single -family homes. • But the city. after listening to all the arguments, has reaffirmed its approval just in time to avoid Joss of the $1.2 million HUD grant which hinges upon a September start for constr uction. The need is g reat a nd the funding is most fortunate. We are quite sure the senior citi~ns will be quiet and welcome neighbors -and that th e city has n o intention of using this project as a wedge to break density limits on the east side. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of th~ Da ily Pilot. Olner v1~ws ex pressed on this page are those ot their aulhon and artists. Reader comment 1s inv1I ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 . L.M. Boyd/True confessions Q. Who came up with the first true-oonfession type magazine? A . A publisher 1till well - remembered by Seasoned Citizens as an unuaual character -Bernarr M.aadden. In 1919, he put out "True Story." Then "True Roma.nee." "True c.ontemions," "True Love," so on. Macfadden waa a health fanatic who u.d to stand on hi.a head to improve hJa clrculation and t wi9t his hair with plien to prevent t.ldnesa. If Sow temperature Ii.elf does not brine on the common cold, why la It ~ piople cetch aoldl lo the w1nter? M edlco1 now 1u11e1t th e ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat r ' . !\.\ overcrowding indoors does it. People infect one another That, plus the feet that hot Indoor air dries out the nasal passages, m aki ng them m ore susceptible to infect.ion. Q. What first led people to believe the earth was round~ A. The curve of its shadow in a moon eclipse. In Washington. O.C., more than ~O percent of the births are WegiUmate. ln Dublin, Republlc of Ireland, more than 3 percent ot the blrthl are ~le£:: So report the medical Thoma• '. Haley 'ubl••"-' Thoma• A. Murphlno (dllOf Jone Amari f.ec ....... rdd0< lotWo Kre'Wch ldllOttOI '• (do10t Themot '*Conn ~nofd.10t Coast hig hway parking hazard To thc Editor: I read your t-d1torwl of Aug IO "New Dangers Lurk on Coast Highway" with special interest as a Laguna Beach resadt'nl who Lravl•ls PCH betwt•en Laguna Bt.>at·h and Nt'WJXll"l Beach on a daily basis. On several oc:casions I haVl' wllnes.c;cd near coll1s1ons caused as a dir<'<:t result of bcachgocrs parking on th<.· s houlders of the highway U-turns havt' bl'l"Ome routine as motoris ts sc.:our tht• roadsides looking for an available parking space. The bike lanes h avt.• all bua disappearC'd m some areas. ant•n ·a::.mg lhr hazards as cyclists attempt to nicx1st al 35 mph with motorist.s lravellng 55 mph THE ST ATE has lx>c:on cagt'r to o~n --the area bcat:ht>s to the public bul has failed, 1n my opinion, lo adc4uately prepare for the logical comphl·auons that would result from inadl'quatc parking facilities T here ls one existing parking lot which is usually only hatr full , but even at full carat'ity it could handle only a fraction o the total number of vehicles. There is adequate space available atop the bluffs which could readily be t.'Onverted into temporary parkmg areas. Making this space available. and then posting the shoulders with no parkmg signs. would he a welcome respi te for all the motorists using the publal· highway. GAVIN HERBERT Hospital block To the E.ditor. Dr. Stanley van den Noort. dl'On of the medical school a l UCI seems not to be interested in the community m which UCI is located. His attempt to gt't Gov B rown to Vt!tO Assembly Bill 2696 allowing Saddleback Community College to lease 10 acres of land to a nonprofit community hospital m Irvine LS taking the issue of a hospital out of tht' community's hands Si.nee such a large number of residents in Irvine (over lf>,000) h ave alread y indicated their desire to have their own hospital. it seems very strange to find such obstructive tactics being used by an official o! a state institution that as supposed t.o serve its people This issue should not be decided in Sacramento by one bill concerning land. It should be decided at the certificate or need public hearings before the Orange County Health Planning Council and lhe Health Ser vices Agency of the state or California where all of us could present our opinions. JAMES A ROBERTSON Barbecue vi ew To the Editor: Because my sentiments toward the so-called Cam1 ly-oriented, American pastime of barbecuing IS SO opposed to that of Richard Jahraus. ti behooves me to say something in behalf of Laguna's Heisler Park neighbors and to cite a few facts again.st barbecuing in our one and only public park. Considering that Mr. Jahraus is one of our most popular a nd civic-minded residents, his lack of sympathy for his neighbors who cannot e njoy an open window or a balcony siesta on their costly Cliff Drive apartments ju st boggles my mind. Doesn't he know that the acrid chemical pollution emanating from a barbecuing steak or hamburger, equa ls the toxic fumes from 300 cigarettes? Is it possible th a t he is unaware of lhe vast number o f American children who succumb to and die from cancer or leukemia? A genial man like himself. supporting our Boys Club, II bound to love children enough to want to shield them from the chemical hazards of bubecue efflualon . Little children do not smo ke nor do they barbecue, yet, If Heisler P•rk Is 1n example, they are incrca.atnaly subjected to thete toxJc furnt'11 IF MR. JAHR.AUS ls really so In love with the smell and lethal fumes from barbeculns meat, how COMP hla own barbecue rack ia located rtaht up against his rear fence, u far removed from his {ln.e horn! as poestble'! It 10 happ:na that I muat rontinue to Uve and b~alhe on the other aide of this fenct, • mere le~ fnt 1w1y from his barbecue rack. Whenever. my nctahbor lndulaes In thla • .. MAILBOX t•herishL~ act of incinerating some meat dish, I must hasten to shut my windows just as tightly and quickly as humanly possible. Otherwise. the toxic smoke sickens me and damages my eyes to an agonizing degree. On two occasions. when I was fortunate enough to be away during Mr. Jahraus's barbecuing stints, my small apartment had filled up with acrid smoke to such a degree, I had to summon the Fire Department to help me localt' the fire that I was sure was smouldering in my crowded interfor. No one in our fine City Council and not even I would ever think of outlawing the use of backyard barbecues. Hem-e. one has to resent Richard Jahraus' insinuation that this as an eventuality. Isn't a City Council elected to pr'otect the rights and well-being of the majority of c1t1iens rather than kowtow to the whims or gastronomic tastes of the few? Am l wrong to assume that a steadily more crowded and only city park should be a place for wholesome enjoymt'nt especially for the uJtra-sensitive young and elderly populauon? If only half of my park neighbors would express their feelings about the increasing quot.a of barbecue parties m the park, (right near city signs proclaiming 1l to be against our law), your pages would be bulging with letters of resentment and disgust. NAME WITHHELD Concerts n1 issed To thl' Editor: We had plann<.'Cl on picnicking on the quad of O range Coast College while hsterung lo another SC'r1es of ront"crts cm Sunday nights. What fiappened? 1 am told that thNl' was trouble about ri10nl•y/fanan{'eS and I can't bellevC' that Cos ta Mes<1 cannot support such a cultural treat for so many Where does all tht• tax fTIOncy from South Coast Pla1A:i go? Your paper wrote to me last year and assured me the Diuly Pilot would do their bit to put the concerts on agam At least our local paper appreciates a good program LILLIAN .JOHNSON Fiscal lunacy To the Edit.or: The ink on the checks for $85,000 had barely dried Crom the "buyout" of past superintendent Glen Hardy's contract when the Fountain Valley Elementary trustees started paying $261 per day to consult.ant Bill Fisher -soon to be given a four-year contract as superintendent. Currently in the throes of recall c harging Suzanne Moor e. Cheryl Norton, and Roger Belgen w ith fiscal mismanagement of school funds, t~e trustees again have s hown their ineptness in contract negotiation by voting to raise Superintendent Fisher's salary to over $61 ,000 -then extend hls remaining three year contract to four years. This extends Mr . Fisher's tenure beyond any of the current board's t.enns of office -thus saddling a new board with a superinte rtdent committed to phUOIOphies which have generated a recall effort. Their wisdom leaves much to be desired in my opinion -I call It sheer fiscal lun.acy1 DEVON N. DAlfL The writer Js chairman of the Committee Advocating Responsible Education which 111 spearheading the reca.lJ movem ent. Editor. Sanc tuary found To the Editor· Last Friday my husband and I spent a good port of the day sailboarding in the Newport Harbor . Mid-afternoon we ventured into the Bac k Bay and discovered a quiet paradls~ a fter the h~"lle and bustle or the harbor. And yet It was 10 clote. The ~rthlo.nd and shoN" birds w re plentiful and ap~ tO be I n pe rfec t harmon y whh their surroundings. L#rge eUvery fish jumped trom the water, moro than occasionally Indicating ~n nbundanal of water Ut~. • L ttftt, tram,._,.,, •r• w•t<Of'ftt '"-, '"'' •• ,.,.."'* lt l ltrl to lot \Chl(o 01 fll,..IMlt llM I ",_,...., 1.AlltH .... *OIOl .. lft\ w1ll W 9;...., ,,olt~O All !Mien "'"" 111 < •1100 ,._,~· .,,. ......... _ .. , ""' ,.._, .... , .. w1111.,.141.,, r..,e•I 11 Wfhcf..,t •NWll I\-"'' ,_.,T w•ll 11•1 tit ""411•-l tllOI\ m•Y IM , ... .,.,,.. lo Ml .... "•,.,. .... ~ .....,, .. , ,, .... <m'lltl-.O•• "''"' ...... ,. ... , •fl lf!Co tlOfl fN'PoVl We an· grate!ul this art'a has been prt'Served, not only for lhe wildla!e but for Homo Sap1cns as weU . since so few areas Qf this kind remain along our populat.ed California coast. We found the Back Bay to be a true sanctuary, a plat-e where we t'Ou ld renew our thoughts as well as our at:quaint.ance with nature. BARBARA GUILD Hooked! To the E.ditor: As a windsurfer, [literally got hooked! The irony is that I found myself having less empathy 'for the angler than for me -the catch. The d ichotomy as that as a past president or Pacific Anglers and as the aspiring Commodore of the Balboa Yacht Club Windboard Fleet, I should find myself on my board with a treble hook attached to a silver metal lure in my arm b ei n g le thered by a monofilamen t line to a fa st-moving sailboat I KNOW T H AT the re are those sportsmen that don't particularly care for windsurfers, there are windsurfers that don't care for powercraft. and there are fishermen that don't particularly care about either and the Harbor Patrol that's frustrated by them all I would like to thank the powerboat that came to my rescue in the harbor, to Dean Dana. my windsurfer counterpart, for his part In untangling me. to June Paley. my neigh bor, who transported me to Hoag emergency, to Dr. Super and his many assistants who extracted the hook from my flesh and not to the sailboat that was trolling the long line in the Harbor. JACK CALOWELL E ffort rewarded To the &tit.or The members or the Laguna Beach Business Assocaallon wish to express our heartfelt appr<X:1auon to the people of Laguna Beach who brought back the Main Beach V11Jage party to our town. The dollars are countable -all $5,144.90 of them The time. energy, creativity and hard work volunteered by hundreds of people is impossible t o rount We hope• that their contribution is partially offset by the just plam fun that we had in cr eati ng the "Honorary Governor of th1• State of Laguna Beach" race. The ultimate reward will come w1th our September party when we all should thank ourselves and others. whether we participated or not, for bringing back the Mam Beach Village Party and be on hand to welcome Honorary Governor Maggie Meggs as she redatms the Main Beach for Laguna BILL FARRELL Chairman, Mam Beach Village Party Committee Medical ripoff To the E.dator: For years it has irritated me that we could only deduct medical expe nses exceeding 3 percent or gross. Now there is talk of making that 7 percent Actually, we should be able to deduct all medical expenses. Medical costs have nsen unbelievably fast -faster than almost all other inflationary costs. And m edical insuran ce, which k eeps increasing the annual deductible and paying a smaller and smaller part '?' charges. has become so expensJVe lt a.s prohibitive for many. One way w.., could fight it is to be able to deduct all medical expenses on our Income tax reports. Let's gel behind this much needed change and write to our legislators. NAME WITHHELD GllllYm We laughed about the Japanew vtalt.on and their ca~ru. 11 the last t.u,h on us? BUSINESS COMPETITOR ._, ... ,_. . .,. ..... -.. ....-.-.... _,,......., _,"" . ._ .. -......... ,_,..,.. ....... ....,.., °"'· Oetly ...... I • illWPlll llACll I H• llll:D ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 2~ ClNTS Bel-geson vows to revive hospital bill . Assemblywoman Morlan chief opponent of the bW. 'The Bergeson. R -Newport Beach, said legislation was introduced in of passage during these last few days before lawmakers go on a three-month recesa. nursing school to s erve Saddleback programs. • today she will try to revive a bW February and had puaed the that would pave the way for state Assembly and Senate construction of the first hospital before he said he read about It ln Irvine. last week in a newspaper story. Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. Eve n so, van den Noort vetoed the legislation managed to quickly garner Wednesday. opposition to the bill in the Or. Stanley van den Noor\, governor's office as well as with dean cf UC Irvine's College of members of the state Legislature, Medicine. was singled out aa the ensuring that it had little chance Sponsored by Bergeson, 'the bill would have permitted Saddleback Community College District trustees to lease 10 acres of land at its north campus to Irvine Medical Center (IMC). In exchange for a lease at fair market value and 99-year term. IMC officials asreed to build a Bergeaon said she was disappointed with the governor's decision. She said she would try to have the bill attached to another piece of legi.al.ation with amendments requested by Brown. The governor was concerned that the bW suggested state endorsement of a particular hospital plan. CREATIVITY CHANNELED -Chris and Scott, who painted their faces to preserve their "semi-anonymity," Dlllr ,... ,,_... .,, clwiM teerT wonder which passersby will see the two faces they;ve hidden in mural on Santa Ana River channel. Artists face up to society Muralists discover painting on river channel prompts brushes with the law By ROBERT BARKER Ofllte.,..,,... ..... Chris and Scott are a couple of young Orange Coast College art students who take their art pretty seriously. They have worked various hours of the day and night in painting a large and colorful mural on the side of the Santa Ana River Channel on Fountain Valley-C.osta Mesa border. The young men. who say they want to remain "semi-anonymous" to keep from possibly getting into trouble for paintinf on public property, say they put about 100 worth of paint and 11 houra of work mto the project. the work was done in quick bursts to avoid detection by police. He asserts that they ran and hid from a patrolman with a walkie-talkie on one occasion and hid in the river sand from a police helicopter another time. They put the finishing touches on the white, yellow, orange, red, black, blue, green and white picture over the weekend. It can be seen best from the right lanes of . the northbound San Diego Freeway as they cross over the bridge near Euclid Street in Fountain Valley. Two faces are camouflaged in the artwork. One is located in the upper right-hand edge of the painting. Chris says it The second, upside-down on the opposite side of the mural, repreeenta real people taking a look at society. "We've been getting some outstanding feedback from people who knew we did it. They are impressed with the size and color," Chris says. Chris aaaerted that the young artists, both residents of Fountain Valley, were motivated by their desire to eliminate satanic writings and slogans appearing at the river channel that were getting more and more insulim,. "We were merely trying to replace the satanic slogana with something that would draw thought and beauty to a point where " "l think the blll was woefully misunderstood," said Bergeson, who noted the legislation did not specify IMC or any hospital plan. It allowed Saddleback, which has endorsed IMC, to lease the land to a non-profit group wishing to build a hospital. "I would say he (Brown) must have been pretty anguished over this bill," she continued. ''This has been very difficult tor him politically because he has to face the opposition of many, many people who were in support of the bill." Though van den Noort has said the bill &ives tacit state approal of the IMC proposal, he acknowledged that the medical cent.er poses a threat to UCI plans to build its own teaching hospital French firms blacklisted • Ill pipeline flap WASHING TON (AP) -The R eagan administration today temporarily blacklis ted two French firms -one a subsidiary of an American company -after natural gas pipeline equipment was loaded for shipment to the Soviet Union in alleged defiance of President Reagan's embargo, an administration source said. Today's action by the Commerce Department forbids Dresser France from receiving any imports from its parent company, Dresser Industries Inc. of Dallas. Also put on the temporary blacklist was the Fre nch firm of Creusot-Loire, which had contracted for the parts as a prime contractor for the pipeline project. "The temporary denial order means that both parties will be prohibited from receiving all U.S. goods and technology," said the source, who asked not to be identified. "It's a measured response. It could have been a lot tougher. It is hoped that this will dissuade other companies from taking similar action." The order will remain in force until a fuller investigation of the allegations is comple ted, the source said. Three compressors made by Dresser France w ere loaded earlier today aboard a ship in Le Havre, France. It was due to leave later for the Soviet port of Riga. Dresser said Tuesday it would fulfill its contract obligations afte r the French government ordered it to do so. Judge orders Mesa sculptor to jail By DAVID KUTZMANN O(' 1M Deity Not atefl Costa Mesa metal sculptor Ali Roushan was ordered today to begin serving a five-day jail term beginning next week for erecting a towering red metal sculpture without proper city building permits. . Orange County Superior Court Judge Philip Schwab, saying there was no legal basis on which to delay sentencing further, ordered Roushan to report to Orange County Jail at 9 a .m . Tuesday. Rou s han , an Ir anian immigrant who owns a metal fabrication business on Superior Avenue in Costa Mesa. also must pay a $500 fine. Whether Roushan actually has to serve time from a contempt of court conviction issued las t December is still somewhat at question. Santa Ana attorney Me ir Westreich, who represents the sculptor, said he has filed a writ of h a beas corpus with the California Supreme Court. The state high coUrt recently turned down Roushan's request for a hearing to appeal his conviction by S uperior Court Judge Robert Fitzgerald in December, 1981. Westreich also said that he is planning to go to U.S. District Cou rt Monday to further challenge Costa Mesa's attempt to force Ro ushan to seek the proper building permits for erec ting his g ia nt steel sculptures. Roushan has erected four red metal structures on his industrial property at 1550 Superior Ave. over the past 2 'h years. He was held in conte mpt of court o n twu occasions for putting up two sculptures after the city had been granted a preliminary injunction barring him from putting up any further structures. ·•r haven't exhausted my legal rights yet," Roushan said after this morning's hearing before Judge Schwab. "l will go to jail. But I don't think I'll worry about it until (See SCULPTOR, Page At) Nestande warns Newport of jet flight increase By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of h De1J Not Sttdf Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, had a stem warning Wedne9day for Newport Beach. The city can expect an increaae in the permitted number of jet COUNTY departures from J ohn Wayne Airport if it continues to promote commercial ventures, such as hotels, that boost local air transportation demand. Should the city not change ita current 'course, Nestande said, "Then maybe we will have to Snails have day in Irvine Slimy. atomped on and ambushed with Snarol. the lowly garden snail will finally get ita day in the sun next month when the Irvine Chamber of Commerce sponsors a snail raee (?).Page Bl. County backs Niguel project The county baa agreed to underwrite low-interest bonds for a development in Laguna Ntauel, although aupervilor Bruce Nestande believes the funda do not provide a 441ipif.icant public benefit." Paae A6. NATION WASHINGTON (AP)-The Juatlce Department 1ued 2& defendanta today, including tome of the nation'• better-known corporation., to force them to help dean up a hazardoua waa1e dump tn downtown Hamilton, Ohio, which the government uld l)l'eltenta ah imminent and subltantlal danger to human health. t' add a lot more flights. I can't say how many at this point." The board chairman's comoients followed disclosure that county offidala are studying five options for the future of the airport ranging from holding the line on expansion to increasing the number of jet departures to 98 per day. Forty-one per day are now permitted. The plans were prepared by the county airport staff. "As far as I see it, the city is thumbing its nose at us, wanting to close down the airport, but WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Election C.ommission ruled today that broadcasters may offer free air time to political parties, if the time is made available to both Republicans and Democrata. The cue is expected to have broad implications for the . . BUSINESS Rate dip viewed .cautiously Mortgage interest ratet are oornina down, but lenders and builders are reactins cautioualy after being burned in 1980. Pap JM. SPORTS Fernando sparh Ille Dodsen Fernando Valenzuela's arm -and t.t -help move the Loa Angele• Dod1en back Into 1ole poueaalon of flnt place in the National Leaaue Weatem Dlvtalon. Pap Cl. . r. --• t expanding the hotels," Nestande said. not been approved.) He referred to a proposal by the Marriott Hotel Corp. to expand its Fashion Island facility with a 12 -story, 210-room addition. (While plans have been submitted to the city, they have Newport Beach Councilman Paul Hummel criticized the options today as being "out of context with reality." "I don't see how the county can even conceive of considering (See JETS, Page A%) INDEX At Your Service A4 Horoscope A4 Erma Bambeck A4 Ann Landers All Business B4-5 Movies B2 Cavalcade All National News A3 Cl8.llif led C6 Public Notices C3-5 Comics B6 Sports Cl-4 Cro.word B6 Dr. Steincrohn All Death Notlcee C5 Stock Markets B5 Stan Delaplane All Televtalon B7 Editorial AlO Theaters B2 Entertainment 82 Weather A2 Coach rates the players Mike Olddinp, vanity football CC>Kh at New_j>Ol1 Harbor Htah Sch()oJ. knows how to rate playen. Page Cl. • 10 CIN Orange Coa8t DAIL V t>IL OT 1Thutld6y, Augu11 26. 1982 Advice on church site appears misdirected Officials of St. Andrl'ws Presbyterian Church in Nt•wpo11 Beach have been cmbro1lt.-d en 0.1 dispute with some of tht-ir neighbors over church expansion plans and certainly there 1s still some hope that the church and Its neighbors may rl'ach some form of compromise. . Thi~ was clearly the pos1t1on taken by the majority of Newport Beach City Council members. Councilman Paul Hummel h owever. seems to be off on a tangent of his own on this rather sensitive issue. Hummel h as suggested that the Irvine Compan y should make a site on Cast aways H ill, near Dover Drive and Coast Highway, available to the church. He suggests this would be a way ~he company could improve 1 ts "tarnished image" in the community. While it must be recognized tha t Councilman Hummf'l 1s funning for 1<• l'lt•ctwn, 11 ~c·,·ms pM(!ntly unlair lo t1lH•111pt lo draw t h l ' 1 r v I "l' l' (Im I> :a II y I ll t () a controvt.'rsy thut 1s dt.•urly not ot 11.ls own making. The 1dt•a ol .1 d111tx•h on lht• Cast.aways Sill• 1~ nut .1 new oni.· The t•hurch at otll' pom l h;.id lx.~·11 in nc.•gotiauons with ttw <·omp:m y for such a Si il• but tht· dlS<.'USSIOTIS w erl' terminatl'd Rel ocallon of tht• chun:h would seem tel tx• an option to lw left to the chun:h and whoevt'r tht> private property ownl·r might be Hummel, 1n the p ilst, hal> n ot seemed to be terribly concernl·d over pl'umot ing the I rvine Compan y's image . lt 1s som<•w hat curious that he scx·ms t't>n<:t•rnc.·d now. P e rhaps it <:an all bl· put down to d<.>ction-tim~ ft.ove r whtm in Newport Beat:h, any time.· you can put the squeeze on the lrv1m• Company. yuu will a lways draws a c<•rtain number of admirers. A welcome neighbor W ith a ll the talk of layoffs a n d economic uncertainty, it's refreshing to h ave a new business neighbor join us in Costa Mesa. Its identity is hardly a secret since the building at 19th Street and N ewport Boulevard is so imposing. Pacific Fede ra l Savings & Loan will be m ovi n g 200 employees into 88.000 square feet of the building's 125,000 square feet next month. Another tenant already is in t he building, and Pacific FederaJ hopes to find others. Admittedly the task isn't easy . By some estimates the re are four million square feet of vacant office space in the area. Still, the S&L officials say they anticipated this and are looking for PVCntual occupancy. And Padfi<: Federal has plans on the drawing boards to develop an additional 3.2 acres. While bt•st wishes go to :.rny employer expanding tn a time· such as this, there's a more important signal for Costa Mesans direc tly and area residents indirectly. The Spanis h -s tyle office complex 1 s the fir s t redevelopment project in downtown Cos ta Mesa and . as such, will be watched closely. The $17 m1l11on building at 19th and Newport could be <.1 weath ervane for an expanded downtown. As such. w e cspec1ally wish Pacific Federal w e ll. Filling seniors' needs Now that the Costa Mesa City Coun ci l has reaffirmed its a pproval of a senior citizen housing project on property owned by St. J ohn the Divine Episcopal Ch urch at Orange Avenue and Bay Street, it is time for residents who h ad objected to the proposal to back off a little and think a bout living in harmony with the church and the new neighbors. Three years ago, the church formed a non-profit corporation to launch the senior citizen project and agreed to sell one acre of its two-acr e site to the federa I department of Housing and Urban Development for one-third of its value. about $180,000. In return. the government agreed to ~und ~he $1.~ million project which w ill consist of 36 one -bedroom , subsidized apartments for which residents will pay no more than 25 percent of their income The project was one of three federally subsidized proposals m Orange County approved for HUD funding last year, and it seemed to be a welcome step in the direction of providing accommodation _for senior citizens who are being priced out of the regular ho using market. An earlier Costa Mesa proje<:t, the 74-unit Casa BelJa, was deluged with applicatio_ns fro_m 927 senior citizens at the time of 1Ls completion two years ago. The need is clear. Unfortunately. property owners at the n e w easts1de locatJOn have voiced vehement objections to the plan since it was first proposed by the Rev. Conrad Nordquist in 1979. They said they fear ed 11 would simply pave the way for more high-density projects in the area, thereby reducing the valuP o f their single-family homes. • But the city, after liste ning to all the arguments, has reaffirmc;d its approval just in time to avoid loss of the $1.2 million HUD grant which hinges upon a September start for construction The n eed 1s great and the funding is most fortunate. W e an: quite sure the senior c1tiu:ns will be quiet and welcome neighbors -and that th e city h as n o intention of using this project as a wedge to break density limits on the east side Opinioos expressed 1n the space above are those of lhe Daily Pilot. Olner views ex pressed on tt11s page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is 1nv1t ed. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O Bo• IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Ptaone <7141 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/True confessions Q. Who came up with the flrst true-confession type magazine? A . A publisher still well - remembered by Seasoned Citizens as an unusual character -Bernarr Macfadden. In 1919. he put out "True Story.'' Then "True Romance," ''True Confelalons,'! "True Love," sq on. Macfadden waa a health fanatic who u.d to 1tand on hia head to improve hfl d.rculation and twtat hi.a hair with plien tO prevent baldnesa. 11 low temperature ltaelf does not bftn8 on the common cold, why la it more people catch colds ln the wfnter! Medico• now 1u11eat the ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat overcrowding indoors does it. People infect one another. That. plus the fact that hot indoor air dries out the nasal passages. making them more susceptible to infection. Q. What first led people to believe the earth was round? A . The curve of ita sh adow in a moon eclipse. ln Washington. D.C .. more than ~O percent ot the birtha are lllegltlmate. In Dublin, Republic of Ireland, more than 3 percent of the births are llleg:itimate. So report the medical 1taU.Ucians. Thoma1 '·Haley Pvb111h.,r Th•rna1 A. Murphln• id1•or Jane Amari f·.cu• .. • (d•n< lari»oro Krelbkh (d•tord Poge (d tor Thoma. M~nn MO'!OQ•flll (d11or ~_:·~~· ''NO~ NO! -Bu'(! BUY ~ N8T 'BYE -'BYE ! K Letters to the editor Coast highway parking hazard To Lht• Edllt)r: l rt.•Jd yciur l'Chton<.11 of Aug Ill "Nt·w DangNs Lurk on Coast 1 ltghway" with spel't:.11 111lt•res1 a~ " Lagun.1 fiLo;1ch res1dt.·nl who 1raVl'b PCll bl'lwt.•t•n Laguna &al'h .ind Nl·wpurl Bt•at.·h on a dally basis 011 St•vt.•n1I tll'l.'aswns I havt· w1uwssc·cl near 1:ull1s1or1s t.·au!;(.'(J as a rl1n'<.'I n·sull of beat'hg11t•rs p<irkmg on lht· s huuldt.•rs of th<' hig hway U turns havt• l>t.•c·unH' roulmt.· as motorists St:uur lhl' rm.1ds1dc·~ looking for an available parking '>pat t.· T h c• b 1 k c• I a n c· s h a v t.· a I I b u I dasapJX•awd an somt.· art.•as. ant.n ·a)>tng lht• hazards as l'yl'11sts atll·mpt lo l'tX.'Xl::.t at 35 mph with moturlsls lraVC'lang !l5 mph THE ST ATE ha::. tx"en t.·..i~l'l' tu opNl the an•a l>cal'hC'S to tht• publat· but h:i::. failed , in my opiruon, to ach•quatcly preparr for the log11:<i l l'C1mpht.·at1on'> that would res ult from madC'quatt> J)<ffkang f ac1 It tws There 1s on<.' ex1st1ng purktng lot wh1c:h is usu;ill y l)nly half full . hut ev<·n at full t.•a pat.·aty 1t tould hundl<' only a fracuon uf tht• total numlx·r of vl'hu:lt-s Thc•rC' 1s c1d<'<1uatr· spa<·t• avml<.1ult.• alOp the bluffs whil."h could n•adlly be• ronvcrtt'<.I lf\lo temporary parking ar<:'as. Making 1h1::. spacl' avatlabll'. and then posting the· shouldc•rs with no parking signs, would bt· ,. wckoml' rt•spltt.• for all the motnnst.s using the public· highway GAVIN HERBERT Ho pita/ block To the &11tor Dr Stanley v~m den Noort. dean of the medical school at UCl S<.'Cms not to bt.· interested m the communily in whkh UCI is located H is att(•mpt to gC'l Gc1v Brown l o veto Asst>mbl y Bill 2696 allow 1 ng Saddle back Community College to lease I 0 acre's of land to a nonprofit commuruty hospital in lrvtn<' 1s taking the issue of a hospital uut of the community's hands. Sin<.-c such a large number of resadcnt.c; in Irvine (over 15,000) have alrt.•ady indicated their desire to have their own hospital. it seems very strange to find such obstructive tactics being used by an off1c1al of a stale institution that 1s supposed Lu serve its people This ISSue should not be decided an Sacramento by one bill concerning land. It should be decided at the certificate of need public hearings before the Orange County Health Planning Counl'1l and the Health Services Agen<.•y o f thf' s tale of California where au uf us t·ould prest>nt our opinions ,JAMES A ROBERTSON Barbecu e view To the Editor: Because my sent1menlh toward the so-called (amlly-on cnt<:'d, American pastime of bar~umg as so oppo5('d to that of Richard Jahraus, 11 bt•hooves me to say something in behalf of Laguna's Heisler Park neighbors and to cite a few facts again.st barbe<:uing in our one and only public park. Considering that Mr. Jahrau.c; IS one of our most popular and civic-minded residents. his lack of sympathy for his neighbors who cannot enjoy an open window or a balcony siesta on their costly Cliff Drive apartments just boggles my mind. Doesn't he know that the acrid chemical poUution emanating from a barbe<:uing steak or hnmburger. equals the toxic fumes from 300 cigarettes? ls it possible that he is unaware of the vast numbe r of American chlldren who succumb to and die from cancer or leukemia? A genial man like himself. supporting our Boys Club, is bound to love children enough to want to shield them from the chemlool hazards of barbecue efflusion. Little children do not smoke nor do they bar~ue, yet, It Heisler Park 11 an example, they are increasingly subjected to these toxic fumes. lF MR. JAHRAUS ls really ao i.n love with the smell and lethaJ fumes from barbeculng m eat, how com h is own barbcocue rack is localf'd right up against hll rear fence, as fer removed from his tine home at possible? It 10 happens that t must continue to Uvc and breathe on the oth r tlde of th.ii fence, • mere few ht t •way from hit barbec ue rack. Whf'never. my n IHhbor indulges In this • MAILBOX l'hcr1shed act of incinerating some meat dash. 1 must hast.en to shut my windows JUSt as tightly and quickly as humanly possible Otherwise. the toxic smoke sal'keni. me and damages my eyes to an agon1z1ng degree. On two occasions, when I was fortunate enuugh to be away during Mr. Jahraus's barbecuing stints, my small apartment had Cilled up with dcr1d smoke to such a degree, I had to surnmun the Fire Department to help me local« the fire that I was sure was smouldering in my crowded interior No une in our fine City Council and not even l would ever think of outlawing the USt' of backyard barbecues. Hence, une has to resent Richard .Jahraus' insinuation that this· ts an eventuality isn't a City Council elected to protect tht.• rights and well-being of the majority of <.'1 t1ze ns rather than kowtow lo the whims or gastronomic tastes of the few' Am I wrong lO assume that a steadily more crowd<.-d and only city park should be a plan• for wholesome enjoyment especially for the ultra-sensitive young and elderly population? If only half of my park neighbors would e xpress their fC'Clings about the mc·rcasing quota of barbecue parties m the park. (right near city sagru. procla1mmg 1t lO be against our law). your pages wo ul<l be buJgmg w11h letters of resentment and disgust NAME WITHHELD Concerts nii sed Tu tht• Editor: We-had plann<.'d on p1m1ckmg on the> quad of Orange Coast College whalt• hstemng lo another S<.•rtes of t•onee>rlS on S unday nights What happenc'<.I? l am wld that thC'rc• was trouble about mom·ylfanan<.'C'S ;md I can't believe that Cost~ M1·sa cannot support s uc h a t•ultural trl'at for so many Where d0t:.•s all Lht• tax monc•v from South Coast Pl:iw go·• • Your p<tp('r wrot(• ti) me l<.1sl year and assured me the D:uly Pilot would do their bat to put lht• rnnrcrts on again. At k•a$1 our l<i<:al p:1pt•r apprec1att'l> a Rood µrl>grnm LILLIAN JOHNSON Fiscal lunacy To the &11tor: The ink on the checks for $85,000 had barely dried from the "buyout" of past superintendent Glen Hardy's contract when the Fountain Valley Elementary trustees started paying $261 per day to consultant Bill Fisher -soon to be given a four-year contract as superintendent Currently in the throes of recall charging Suzanne Moor e. C heryl Norton. and Roger Belgen with fi.sca.l mismanagement of school funds, the trustees again have sh own their ineptness in contract negotiation by voting to raise Superintendent Fisher's sa..lary to over $61.000 -then extend his remaining three year contract to four years This extends Mr Fisher's tenure beyond any of the current board's terms of o((we -thus saddling a new board with a superintendent committed to philosophies which have generated a recall effort. Their wiadom leaves much to be des.ired in my opinion -I call it sheer fiscal lunacy! DEVON N. DAHL The writer 1s chairman of the Committee Advocating Responsible Education which 15 spearheading the rocall movement. F.ditor. anctuary found To the F.ciitor: Last Friday my husband and I spent e good pal't of the day mulboardlng in the Newport Hnrbor Mid-afternoon we ventured into the Bac k Bay and discovered n quiet paradise after the hustle and bustle of the h&11rbor. And yet It was ao cl019e. The rMrshland and shore birds were plentiful and appeattd to be 1n perfec t harmony with their surroundings. Large 111v~ry flsh jumped from the WAter, more than occasionally lndlc.tlng an abund1nce of water IJfe. • 1..tfltt• ''"" rt.0-r\ ••o-1(..-it Tl>t r .... 110-llM ftl IOH le 111 -·Of •11,,,.Nlt flo.4 "·--Lelltn ti .. ••••• °' ltn ... u a. ,,,,.,. .,.,,,,,"' All "'1t.n f'llvll "' """' ...... t ...... ..., ,., ......... ,. ....... -· -· .. •11-ICI Ml I-ti 11 wthClffll ,, ... ,. I\ ....... ~ ,._,,y will 1101 lie.,.,..,.!\_ 1-otltU f'll•Y DO , ......... Cl to M)~ N•lfl• -,,_.. ....... oe, DI IM ( '"l•llDvlO• _ ..... •••fll ••• ••rihc•Ucwt ,:tvr(JO"f' We are grattdul thb arc.·a ha& be~n preserved, not onJy for lhl• wildlife but for Homo Sap1cns as well. sanl'l' so few areas <if lh1s kind remain along .our populated California coast. We found the Back Bay to be a true sanctuary, a plal'e where we could renew our thoughts as well as our ac.-quaint.ance with nature. BARBARA GUILD Hooked! To the F.ditor: As a windsurfer, I literally g111 hooked! The irony as that l found myself having less empathy for the angler than for me -the catch. The dichotomy is lhal as a past president of Pacific Anglers and as the aspiring Commodore of the Balboa Yacht Club Windboard Fleet, I shouJd find myself on my board with a treble hook attached to a silver met.al lure in my arm b e ing telhered by a monofilamen1 lanl' to a fast-moving lklllboal I KNOW THAT there are those sportsmen that ~on't particularly care for windsurfers, lht-re are windsurfers that don't care for powercraft, and there art' fis hermen that don't particularly care about either and the Harbor Patrol that's frustrated by them all 1 would like to thank the powerboat lhat came to my rescue in the harbor. to Dean Dana, my w1odsurfer l'Ounterpart, for his part in untangling me. to June Paley. my neighbor, who transported me to Hoag emergency. to Dr. Super and his many assist.ants who extracted the hook from my flesh and not to the sailboat that was trolling the long line in the Harbor JACK CALDWELL Effort rewarded To tht• Editor The members of the Laguna Beach Business Assoc1allon w ish 10 express our heartfelt apprec1at1on to the people of Laguna Beach who brought back the Mam Beach V1llagl' party lo our town The dollars are countable -all $5,144 90 of them. The time. energy. cr<.'ativaty and hard work volunwcred by hundreds of people is impossible to count WC' hope that their contribuUon is partrnlly of(S('t by the JUSt plain fun that W(' had an neatang the "Honorary Governor uf the St.ate of Laguna Beach" race . The ult1ma1c reward will come with our Sl•ptember party when we all should thank oursdvt.•S and others, whether we participated or not. for bringing back the Main Beach Village Party and be on hand to welcom e Honorary Governor Maggie Meggs as she reclaims the Main Beach for Laguna BILL FARRELL Chairman. Main Beach Village Party Committee Medical ripoff To the F.ditor: For years 1t has irritated me that we could only deduct medical C'Xpe nses exceeding 3 perrent of g~. Now there is talk of making that 7 percent. Actually. we should be able to deduct all medical expenses. MedicaJ costs have risen unbelievably fast -fast.er than almost au other inflationary costs And medical insurance, which keeps increasing the annual deductible and paying a smaller and smaller part of charges, has beoome so expensive it is prohibitive for many. One way wc could fight It 1s to be able to deduct all medical expenses on our Income tax reports. Let's get behind this much needed change and wntt-to our legislators. NAM.E WITHHELD lllllY Ill We laughed about tht' Japan~ vialtora and their atmer.-. la the last laugh on us? BUSINESS COMPE'MTOR o ...... ,o.~•••...,..._..,,...... ..... ... MOUtrtl'r _, 1111 ¥lew\ el ""9 •• ,, ... ,, .... ,,_ ... Me•• le OIMMy ..,_, Dlll'r ~, ... 'I I 'i l' Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurldty, Augu1t 2e, 1982 N • OMPO ITE TRAN ACTION ev•••tio-U1tC~11•• •••a••Otl '"' .... •O•• ...... ,. p~·~•C. ~···•••UH•, OUIOIT .... (lllCltr•Ut lfOC• lilCJIAllflUAllfO ll"OITIO e'f Tlfl MAH AllO 111tn111t win Hel ~I" Hel a.en Net .. ,.. Hel '-'" Ifft It~ IMK C"'w t~ "I ll4h Clow C"t l'·I IMK Clow C:"t "I Mo Clow C:"t ,, I flCll (Ml.. C .. lf:1~r' :dj '" r:: ~ 11:1~=~! "~ ~. t ~:~"",, uud' ~14: ~ ::&~'la "~i'i7t· ~Iv~_,, .. :i' 1~· :; M j t• fl404 \It l\111Jld I • i1 t i lot n.f fl lit t '"' 11 I JO t f 114 vi: I to • ~ l't "' IO It,., ~""· ~ llU,,. ' I """. Iii °' .. M '1 " ". ll't •"' 1 I "' "" "' .... 'I ..... .. 1... JOt ~•11•1 " 1911 1 llio ullan • ti t4li .... ••• qo ,. • '"" 'n ! 't _,. • ''-Ill ... .,., f> a Mo CMlw C~ 11 lltfl 1011 I 114 Vt M--'"""'" I .. I m tt • 14 VI, 14 l/oU tf I 4 "'· •• left 'r.11 '°' lo. 114 HMr 11 • ... l OMM12 .... t ,. ..... too H J ''" ~· M IJ t1 _lot l'I~" I,,. s , .. , «lh • Ill ' M• 40 1 40 .... , .... lnll•• 1 !f 1 t I t.-. • " 1 loo • "' .. LM •i • ,,.. "' ~1.r-", ti "i ",~ · .... ~:n ;· j ,: : ': ~:ti~~ ~ ~ ~ .r. :r: ~ t:t~. ! i; • .rJo ~"' ~ .::. ·,: • :a 't:. :: rr 1 't l .m ~~"': :: ..,;./;~ ,: :.li!o ll~ ~ Or,,eopp f41011tt 14 , .... H•IMll ltll i~• U \• LILlllJ 'f. YllMJ.J h •11..C t010 'S IJ\oto "fi-4'1'Jt ... I lrll11 "-• 141 urr I • 0o-1 IO 11!0 '°"'. .. 11•mrl' I .. j ~ t•V. LLllLL ~v 4 I .',:'.! ~. ~ , .. 14 •v.. .... ..,111 I u I ,,. I .. _ "" 111!1• n " t n .... I " !;)oMI .... ,,. 1-~. ~ H111Jl I.,. IJ tl"' " ... t J. -»-.. O•v . _,.. ... I. .. It ... .. ,._ Htl iiwtl.. 4t '"'' lo> ~LJ JO 11 Jt~ .... 1\; H1nJI I .... 14 1 \.., ~ Lil ~p J . IO 1)\o> + Ioli OV1 t0 1 .. J4Y> • • ;(j Of t 10 , l• 1..-..... .. E -, .... c.,. 1·· Ill I..,,.'• ~C!I ~ "'Oonnly I d II , .. 4) .. : "' "and·~~'::" J ,., = :;~ ~ L Pf(), •1 • ''"' ..... ~et .. , .. w ... 141 .C.I ..c2 s M1 ,.... 11/t -,.,_. -IS t 10 1 tn. ~, h Doney I 10 HI H4' • .... .ii;i. t 40 1 ti ,.;; 14 t:1.°' 104 11 JM llVI • "° is;"'°' I II .. llll\ • \Ii f!!llC I .. » l!l t6 t '- Ult ~. U 1"" • "" ·Cl J llt IOV. .. o. .. , ' '6 1 lff U ll. .. .,~, I I IQ w., ~ leOetll .: 11 ",! • ~ .. ' ~ 6...~'T"' .: 't ':: :' ' ll't k:-'m IAD 1' 1i ~ • c-.. -~ 11t s 110, • Iii IGNAl\2JO ,,,.. ...... 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I ll 1"6 JS \-; Oyq pfA, I~ ••OlO It"-" Helrlnl I JO •2 JU .. "' -ml~ !O '° "' l'"": 14 ~:tr.··: 1 ~ ~ ~~~! : • ~ "'J • J~ ~-10I Sol I Sh CdPIC. I to G J,Oo + ~ ~ JOI ~ :•Vt MelmP a S "1 11.,_ • \lo -\', I 11 fl! I t 1"4> Pectin .«I a I II~ Sflrw jlt UO t!IOO ltV> v, Al,_...11 -.~ .... Cl<IP£otll . IU ""'• 14......,,.. JY> HemCI O • • .... ~r.: t.U 110011>4 et P•I~ ...... , ...... -~. ~ ''•rP-1~ 6 11• 12 ·~ C-111 M JO 10 a + .... D\IQ pl(; 1. IO l'200 IS~• Hem Int -• u .... t \4 -d I~~ I" 11•~ ,__ -,. _. .,.. •• .. --• .. AIJIP ""'*., t• ,._ "" CJIOCll• JO " "' ,., .... ' Ouq ptK2. IO • Is... ._ •rt ult 1.l2 'Jl)t """. .. ' .... ' -... Pelmllc I.JO 1 IO'J It"". "" Slon•• ... "" It • .... :::~:r ~ ~....,.-.:Iv. C11>Hkl 1.n 1•"1 Hl4t OUQPf UI ••UO It\. \o HerllCn .. 107 •• ""::~~ .:~~ =~:::t"'" PMAlk .~' • I ....... Sl9fl!ldlt 214 .. 1214 •"" Al!191CO ' .. s " 14V. "' c .. ·~· • t.at 11 ,.... • gliQ ~ 1:: I ·m 41 ...... ~ H••llC flll . .IO . ' '"'·. \lo MOI..... 10 ~ 1011 ..... PMAm '"' )yt "" SlmPrw 40 • * ,, . ,,, ~lllleny l,?! 11 .. 212S~ ~ ~=~!!.1 ., i 1:: u=:·; illl O~~~m IS 10 J2 ... : ~ ~=~:"~ ~l~r I ;~ ~~ 4 .... M•nhln Xie f 114 17 · · ~=~~ t: : I~ == Ill :i::~ . = l! rs~ t~t:: •" \« ":Ir"° -, 0 .~ ~= + ... C•roFt .56 I U llh ... -•-E -Hntn pf 101i . • 1 •1-.-"" M•nhLf .l2 1 .. • ... ' .... PepcU wl • · t llV>. • SlllClt II' l..IO ·. $ 1)~ \<o Dow Jones Final: UP 7.52 CLOSINO 112.41 Corporate loss 50-year high r Al:'!~ ,'O :. sit ~ ~ Cll ..... 2.40 IJIM J11't V. :~c. • ~j~ t~~ r,l'f • i. HtubOn 2 17 )10 "411>• "'° MlnC" 36 II Ill 1"--14 P•rdyn 112209 U t 1111 Sllvllne 41'9 Id 11"-Y1 Al<Al$tll I C!I , u '°"'• .. CerP pf rn s 11\lo-"'E v.·~ ... I ltO 11 • :; H•ubl wd .. 4.IO S>IV. • ~:~~~2~i~ ~ ~ ft"" .. 'ih ~=~r~..-~~ l ~: :~14 • : ~:ll:i',, ·~lt • }~ 2;\4. "• AluAlnl0M • 1"4 24 -V. ~rhc 2.IO I • Hllw+I .... E&Q t 13' • 70 71'° o MewlPt .1Al6I02'uft '1 MlrHpt , 1:11 ~ l't P•rHM11 ... I JU 11~ It. Smk8 2.l21>1171 ''"'•I Al••« ' 14 111'1• 14 C•rsPlr 120 10 S. It.,.,+ II> e•~:,, ' IOJe s._' "" Hucel tO 17 Jt ll:\o' V. MAPCO 1.10 'lnl ~. P••llfln .52 1' JIO IJ t I Smuor 1.40 I 21l 114t t It.\. AlllQI l 01 '7 II f'2\rJ +I \4 C•r1Hw I D 10 IS. U:\o t If• e:.t wt0 •• J"' V. HISne•r . !O t " Ito t V. Mtrcd,. t N JI.It• 'Fo Pl rtn 1 I I c» ''"°' • "-Sn.te>Or\ .. It .. S t•\I. t Ito NEW YORK (AP) -The failure of 572t businesses last week was the highest corporate · a casualty count in 50 years and was up 71 percent from the same week a year ago, a private credit-information . l'1 service reported today. · ~ The surge in busmei;s failures m the week ended Aug. 19 surpassed the previous 1982 peak of 548 recorded in the week ended June 17 and was "at the highest level since the early 1930s," saad Dun &· A~ pf1M • --II\ Ctr1M pf 2 J JJV.' 1 EtAlr pl2.. 1S u.... \lo Mllloll IS t) '12 l!'o' "'° M.trMlcl I 2S • a ISV. • V. P•IPifl ll 1292 th• lrt Sontl s I.JO • Jff 21111 • '9 ltlelM I 40 .• 10 ~.I ... C•rlWi ... '" "~ "" EsAI p13"20 IS ''"". "" Hllnbcl' IO • ., it"> Merion .M" 212 11>4 ...... 1'1ylH .... 10 141 1111. .... SoftYC. 13' 12 ..... ...... .... Alt•;,g ):It . .i It"'--1<o CeKNG I 11 I JI ti\• \'II EestGF 1·10 ... ""'-, • MlllOll l.IO 10 'IOI Uh• I .. M•rkC ,JI 67 •It .,_. t t P•YCih n :JO II .... t7V. • SooLln 140e 1 u 1.s .... • tl't ""' (11 ,, tiJ l•Y>-.... C•UICk 401 ... -• • .... E IVll 1' 10 • .. """ Hllech n l31 " "' ...... ... "'··~pf 1.20 . lS ,,.. • "' PHllOy .... , 2 0 Sl't ..... Source 2..,. SJ U.tio "· Alfl 1"1t 61101 ull"'• "' C•lrpT 2 IO 10 44'1 Jlll'I \lo E:~od Ja II •10417 1t~· • ... MollcMly IO • U3' ~' '9 Merrl04 ,JO I) lm "4214 +II\ p_.. G'l* S 14' )V,. .... 5rcCo pf2.AO 27 llh-" Allif!G I " 110 141(,. "' CecoCp .. s ti ,..... • E•lon In t '11 tt'>~ '"' HllfyA ''°' 1.... • , .... Mr$hM 2 20 II "' """ ••• 1'9nCll. • ..SI n .... "' SCrEG l.'2 I -""'. II. AlldQ> , «I • 31•1 lS + .... Ce••-• 1 ,.,,., ~. Ecft1ln » .. 1101 "'"' HOllY5 ' Ill )Jin. "' Mel1M '1.'2 10 .... .-.111.. J Pe<\C.n ll'S.ll . JI .. •I SoJtrlft 1.30 • • It "V". "u .... "'c.IMpt•SO . •12 3411.el Eckerd '211Slfl JI\>+"" H~pftlO 20 .~ ,~ ~·r.~ 14•"• :1311•• ,_ ....... ~ P ... l\(p .1"1)1011'6 .-. ..... ~· so 1 .. lJ\<o +ll<o A 11 4 •I -V. c.l.t<Oll .Ml 4 S9' 1'°"'-Edli8r I .. I U Jf • \lo Homilk «> .. )'11 .,..,. • " '"" C--~ Pen,..y 2 I 2"' 42h • .... Soel8k I • 20t'I 11 t 11'1 A . I IO llllO JJ\4 • V> Cenlel , 20 • ..s JO\') • Edwnl .. ri. I '°' ""' Hol\Cla J2t ' ~ ~ MeKO .. 10 1101 ll V> P1PL 1.JJ • ~ ~ .... 5oel PS 1.)11 t 16 11 • ... Alkll'od . IOI It 61'>.... Cent•• U 11 711 Jt I EIP•to I .. 11'1t 11.\io + .\io Honwll HO • 1151 l•V> '1V> Me.-111 D 414 ~ ._ Pe PL pf 4.«I .. •• l2 • V> SC.I Ed J.1• I JlS7 Miio V. AlldStr 110 I J36 Jt.\t • " CenSoW 1.61 11»1 t•~ t .... EPG dpti.U U ti.... HoovV I 14 10 .. It •;. MetM 1.1 .. t IU Ill'>-.... P•PL pt• 50 dO JS SoulhGo 1 10 1 3'M ""-· AidTet n I • n 1~+ .... CtnH\.CI J .. S lit u-• lo. EPG pf l.1S 0 U + "' Hor18" I 51 S 11 1'V. \o MeMYF 1311 2 , \'II PePL pf I.Ml rt50 '11!. ~ SolnGE J,OI 1 IOI ,, .. • .... AllllOI HI 114-.... CenllU 1'4. 111 It Elcor JO " ti .. Horl1on Soll 11 1'7 IOV... MetCp J.S. MOult"'•' P•Pl Pft.«> ..,..., S1 ·J SHETel 06 1 I ..... "' All.ch ptS.. 107 2>~• .... CnlLI pl l 17 ~200 1f\lo +I Ele<A> Jt "' ... v, Mo•pbcp .. IS,.,. )9"'' .... MttlM 132 . '4 1-• .... P.tPl dprJ.H 106 Jt~o l't SouPIOC t,to 1 M JOV. •I Aljlll~ , ~ IS + ~ CnlLI pt 7.61 •· ll20 lt'h-V> EDS M It lt3 u.>1 .. + '9 Ho1.Clll 3 ' » 1•V>' V. M•ltul. "'tO t .. 4"1\<o-~ P•PL pf 9.14 110 .. -I SoVnbco I s. I 1U IS~• ..... AICM 1.IO 14 7710 ,, .... CenllPS I .. 1 110 1•"'. v.. E•-MQ 20S )~. .... HOUllM I '° • lO 2•'1+. "" Mellel .JO s S40f ,,.... "' PtPL pr " . •10 ., I Sou111\d I It I •11JO ,., .... AmlSUo s • t31 SJ\lt-.... C•~Pw 1 IO 1 119 l•V. .... EMM pl I • 1 ..... v.. Hou•Fll 40 10 "'' """ ... Melet wt • tt.'11 ,...., • \') P•PL llft,10 lSO ""' •.•• SoRoy .C!l JA '21 1711'1. \<. Bradstreet Corp. The mid-August spurt increased the average weekly failure rate to 459 compared with 318 in the same period a year ago. The last time there was a f higher business failure rate was 1932, when the ... A weekly average was 612. according to Dun &. Bradstreet. • 1 u AlnH .20 , J116 22\4 • ll<o Cn oye .... l3 n It .... ' V.. Elgln 1.60 S U 1111, Ve HOU>llll I •S 9 7411 11Vt YI Melll pt J,jl) . UI JIV. • 1"4 Penwll 2.20 1 '" U"'• I'> Soumrl( ,056 J 117 S\lo ·~ AmeMpf 3.. l ,.\lo•"" ClllPSn 2.l1 S 6l II .. llw EmriEI Jl1110t 41\•t '-Holnlpf 2JJ I te.\o-"" M•VOS 1.IJ 71(A9' 281/e+ V. Penwptl.to • J2 ltCIO+ lllo Somkpl I . 12;. ll't •. Amrc. UJ 10 61 17\<o i .\lo Centr01 · llf IV. .... £Reds IU 161 '"°', I Molnl pl 7.50 )6 Jiii> , .. ~~r_trom l.2IO• 141 :JI!! n11~.•. IV. 0 , Pennaol t.20 1 10'4 Jl"9 • "' SwAlr t J2 It J.U "'II• 11. For the year so far. 15,133 businesses have closed . because or financial difficulties, up 44 percent from.. ~ the 10,492 failures in the same period a year ago. ·. J Amrc Pf,,.... I " ..... Cftl•yTI .7• s ""7 '"'. "' EmrvA 50 13 ,., 9h. .... HOllll pf 6.7S ' ,, uu ................ o ~ -Peop~ .36 • M7 20 • "" wl!I ..... 1.20 s 9S 22 AmHel 1.10 •• )95' 2111'1 .... ~·""!::ct 4 s ... ,, ......... EmMr1 2:40 s JSI 12"". "' Hou Ind , 1• • llU t•"'--.. M<Or pf 2.20 . , .. """· .... PeooE." I s •Sl ·-· ... -SwFlk .IO t .. 1 .... "" AHM pt J.50 .. 6 U •t rt.I · IO llto. • Empl>i I S7 1 .0. llft •1w HouHG I 10 S .,. lDlo •IV• M<Or pf 2.tll .. I, tt""-Vo Pe0tlGo UJ II J117 ..... \4 5wF18 pf2.ll 20 JOY>, 1 "'""""" .OSI • 420 It\ ...•. CessAlr 40 9 J9I 11""' · · Emp pt f7 tlOOO l "-MouOR J.CIM 21 ll~t • 11'1 McOnld 1.20 11 Jt7' 1' • ~ Pe•kEJ .SO IS lt7t 21 ... + , .... Sw1FC>f9 . ISi 11 10 t V. AtftArr •JOI 11"'-•.•• ~hmptn ·~ ~ 2495 1~ "' Emo pt .so 1JIO • •• How•ll tO • 204 .... • "' M<OnO 1.2• "129 «1 ... Prmlen 1,.. 1 m • 10 • .. SwtG., 1 '' t M '"" ,,.. Mir .. . 1101 ........... -.hml pf I,... t tt ..... EmplM AO IS l3 ll''o . "" Howpt 40 11 2'2 14V.. Ill McGEd ' 7 1016 21 • " Petrie. 1.40 IO 112 Ullo ..... SwEN" S2 t SI 10\oo ... A,Alr 111 t.11 1"3 U . . . . Chm I pt 4 Ml • 140 11'9' II. EnglCp 56 10 560 Uh "'-HubC>tO 2 I S9 I"°' "° M<GrH 1 • ll S31 UV>• 14 Petrin .!O lllJ:I ""°' • '-SwtPS 1 !O t 150 u.,._ .... Aa.r N 11 +Ill< CMmSI> .IO IS :JlS IOJt I Ennl\8 IO • 10 221!. 'I+ HudM 0 IOI . . t 1211> • V. M<lnl Q _, ,, .. • , .... Pelllt 6.~ 122 ""' + ll't Spertn 4IO t UI I~' "' ,.,,_ ,JI Ut Qh. I ,,...,,Co I s fll ..... "' Enwrch I tO • SlO '"". •• Huffy .., 16 IJ 94, .... ~!;:.Mn "' t .:~ ,','~·.·.;..: Pllze1 1.14 II Jlll2 '""' ..... SH<IP ,. Its " .. Aaf'll Pf 1.10 S ...0 • t CMr1"" SJt ..... En.,<• kl 1'-" Hl>QftTI M '9~ 19V> '-..,.._ 2 -.. ... Pf>elpO .lOj e.l n ... • °"' Sj)erry l.'2 6 JO-. ts • "' ,..,,, pl J.IS " 2411'1. --. ,,,,.,,pl 31 ~ 11• ti~ ...... ENS TR .., s )16 UV.. I Hum ... ' "° IS 247• u~. "' Me•tt• !O «I IO IS~..... Phll>ro .... -1 J:I • "' SP<lnvo I S1 1 "1 uJIV>. II!. A9"' pl 2., 17 ..... e 1'9 ,,.W -4 S.» "'"'• .... Enteu ... • JtJ lS\• '-Hum• pf? .IO 11 ultl<e• ... _,,, M tl •'1 ..... th PNl•EI 2 IJ 1 ••11 I~ t ,,_ SQIHrO '" t t 'U U"' .... :--• ...:. "'~ ·.~: ~3""•1"' ~::::=s.u i~ ll""· "'EE"Qu'•.:. '°' • t~ i; : : ~~r,t~h :a:n:: ~ ..... ~ ::::.-.. u:.~: ff~~·: ~~::~=!-:-.1= ~11. ,"" Scis,:R'"°,, •. 1~:,s121~ r.~-·'"" Aa.itl'd ,56 1 d j3 + .... Chel-.liOtl 4 •1 ~ EQull'nlo. 2 60 IO S .... • Vo M~Or•I I i. 6 1 11\r) • "' -re SI 1 I l.S ulf • 1 PhllE pt 4.40 UGO ll Sl•l•Y 1lj t 11'1 11 ltf'nCefl 2.«111 s.t JOl<o + .... Chmed nt JS IS "' 2• V> Eqmk pt1.ll . 11 It\<.• '"' 1-1 -MerTt• I 12 • 1112 21 .... + .. PhllE pt 4.. <JO J0'4 + -$t8Pnt .to 11 JS uJ0 , v.. ,.~ ... pf 2.IO .. I """ ..... Ch NY. , •• St? J21'11 .... EQIG .. I.SO s IJ n IC '"" 'JI s 3!>3 JtV>. "" Mero 2 IO .. ,,., ,. • 111'1 PhllE pl , t20 •• '' • SIMol. .s. ' ""uUll> ..... A ntry ,10. 11 20 ,,... , , , ChNY pit a7 · JS 2tV. EQILI .SOI It 1' 131!. .... IC In pf l SO 70 4"I • 1 Me•dllh t IO I IS M ii>• I.,_ PhllE pt I.IS rl40 41()1;. • t\rio SIOllCI 2.40 61311 2'11'1 + 'It A Yell l.7S • 2350 ~ V> CllNY pfl.t,. SS SS •• Esmark I .. 1 701 Oft ,.. ICN 17 .io 61'1!+ .... MerrLy l.Jt '1027S ll'> ... I Phllr: 1 as . 1!0 n ' 51011\d 2.IO 1 -411"•• v. A ,'t l.M 10 '10 >9-\0 + .... Cllesll• I C!I • JS 13 ..... "-E•qul,. ... I 1 11111 .. .. INAln I '2 7 71 IS'n "' MeWPI .20 9 Jilt 14... .... Phll 17.ll tl20 111V" V. S1600tl 2.to • :1131 37''> AEIPw 2.:16 11"1 It -... ChffPll In •O 170 "' "" e. ... c .IOI> 1 •1 ............ IV lnl I IS • jolO ...... 1/. Mewl! 2.n •. ,.. ""'• "' Pllll ptlS.U 121011M 1 SIP<K"' ,JOJ.J 393 11<.+ "" Ami!.,, l.20 • u~ o • "' ~~.:.~ ~ '~ ,!1~: :Z E.ireow .M 10 123 , ... , ~ •10V•!.'! pf 11.,.2s 1. ,_5s 111~ • "' Mewo . ..st • 1• t • ,... PhHE pf t.!O . rM> •S • 1 s1.,,. .. ~ t .., 16 • ,,,.. AJ'emll .to • 271 10•1o .... ClliMlr II 30~ •• v. Ell\'ll I.SO • ''° ,.... .... ··~P -·~ ..... Meslt • ,. 3 ...... PftllE pf 1.IO •• 1.210 s~ 2\<o St•nWk ,, ' ..... ~. "" AGnQ> 2.20 6 376 lt•.i. • V> ChlPn .40.. ?I 17'1> • v, Elhrl pt 2.40 2 u6t •I"' 1•d11•p•l8 2 .. ' 111 ~ 7147~ .. V> Met rm S I I .. u7lSV.. •IV. PllllE pf IJS • t240 S2 .. . . Slerre(I I• ) 11 n11. + '°' AOllkl lJWe .. '6 11"'-"" CllkFull 40 Jf 719 llV> ,... Ely p18 • • ...0\,. v. owr '••• n V. MIE pt Ft 12 1140 "'49 • '"° Phlls..b t.20 I 110 ulO"" + "" Sle~ 1.20<! M t ll) .... AGn"' I.to.,. 14 1•"-.... ChrlsCI I SJ1 l1 137 'O , v, Ev•11P .ts) ,.. ' •n II Paw pft.OI r100 tt .. ~ MIE ptJ I .JI rlOO uftl>'> + \"I PftllMt 1.«l 'WI SJ,,. V. St.tulOt 1 ... 1 14'1 ~ • ft AHerll .... t .. 1911> • V> Chrhtn . ltll , .... , "' Ev•n pf I.AC> U t~•, '• II Pow pt 110 11100 u11h + ~. ~!E• 0'0141.37 . 1~1 •l1~• 1'L Phlllnd S2 11 XI 11~ "" St-.121> It ~ 4 + '" AHoltl .S.I St ... IOV>+ >o Chroma n,?t 231 t E••npt1.IO 4 IJh• "-11Powpl 23S UOOullO,.•ltt -F'd -" -Phlllnpf I 12 tl Stercl\I 1610 t 10 t \lo ,..._ uo 1241061HO ... • "' ChrYSl• · "'° 11., ~ e.c.io 1.M> t 1.s. 21"'. ~ •::-~~·,.12 ~ ~"' :~ ~~~f21 ~ ·, .ri :;~~ .. ~ Pr.Ho.I 2 20 • "" ,...., • 4-. s111Bcp n t 16 11<t AHoto s .14 16 2061 -• ft Chry "1 . IO'J 1'1w + \lo E.chr I..... 1' IS'"• 4\ 111..!!:!. pt.-•, fl · .. ,--lS 1 • PhllllH Ml S .. lh+ .... Strl8 f1 fl• 1·21' AMI s S2 1' tt7'l ""-· .. Chrys pl 17' ..... Euon l • ttu.s 11.. '• llP...,... ~ l ~, JO • , MhWI pt 2 12 n ul"9 + .... PledAvt 11 t set »'-• ~ 51tr10g 1.C!I II Mil nt. • \o ArnMoc .. tSU >"'-+ v. ChurCh t ' tn JO ' Vo -ff-ff -ow '" • . -McK:Tet I 1' :111 11-+ .... PleHO I . I J1 1-J Sl•vnJ 1.:1111 Ill 14 ' \<. AllUtR n 3 • to3 ·-"' C.ln&ell 1 n t ll1' JI-.' .. F MC 1 tO I 3177 ,, ... • .... I TW Co t.OI t l " i;r; MIOcn n 2.C!I S Jl.S ~ • V. Pl•r I ~ .. , .... • .... SlwWr s 1.61 IJ .. n .... ~~· ..,. ; ·~ :t: .-~ g~~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ !:~-.. ~"',;pf , ~ .. 2~ ~~ •• • " ;::ro 20 1ri: •o .... ::= ,:,: ! ~H ~::: ~ == u~ • ·~ ~~= ~ ~~~,pf··~ • .~ 1:~ ...... AmS4d J.10 11 JUI 1~ 11> ClnG pt 7.. ylOO SI~.• .... F::ri .l2 10 •1• ut•v•, ~ lndlM pt 12 tlO tOV> · Mlll&rd l.20 I IU 1'~ • _., Pllfty8 I Ml t 1'1' 37....,_ .... Sl-W 1.60I 7 71 l11'11 • .... AS4.t<M • " ,... U V.. "" ClllG pt • S2 yflO .. Fec.C 17 to t V> ..... lndlM "'1 IS J2 ,,... • "' Plln81!f 7.12 .. , )7 "' Stone. tO ' 2t3 lS\11 •I AmStr I • "° ~. lh ClnMll ·n 10 ..:. u ........ F•l•Cl>d IO ' '" U \11. .. l"CllM pf2.1S • " "' MlllR ' SJ • 11 1S +I Pllltln I :JO • '°' 1' v. 51oo5top i.1 s m u>f\o. "' AS4r ,,. S.SI . 11 ... ,.... • "" Clllc.rp 1.n s .,.. ,.... • .... F•lrt pl 3 60 • t90 JI -.... 11\dlM pf) u II 2t • .., MMM 3.:JO '1 -""' . • . . Plenlltc 16 "" I • ..... SIC><TK 1 Jtol -• "' ATT S.40 611l1S S.V.-14 ClllSvc t Ml 17 2tl5' ........ IV. FamOt s .«> IJ 1Sl ""°'-Ii. lndlM pt2,1S I 20 • ... MlllPL 1 2I • .. 2IV.-V. Plet11m 16 11 Jtt ""' + .... 5tor., n 1' ~1 U.\tt + 1 A.TT pf • . 20 '°" ...... Cll•lnv 1.10 • 2·-JIU. ~ FrWSIF " 11 ..... lndl<;.s ).OI I SI 24h• .., Mlro(:p .Ml . l2 M• v. Pleyt»y .12 117 •• "' SlrldRll 1.34 • ,., ,, • tit. A.TT,,, ,. .. '. s u...... .... Clyln pt 7 • .. 331:: .1;;: F•rMI • • .. S.\o. .... lndlPL 1.flO ' "' 2A .... MISl\lft ~ .IO s .. ~. "" PMISMy us. 11 I "V.-IV> S...vSll .JO • ., ,....,_ ..... ATt pf J.74 .. I 3411'1 •.•.. Cl•l>lr ... I" 112 ~. v. Feo.n ' ,.. l.... In•~<• .. t .... ' '" ~!'p"sc J.1 '°1· SS ",1, -,,~. Ill Pnell"'O I t ·~ ,. ..... , .... SubPrG l.60t> • lof9 """ ..... AW14r 1.20 S 1l lt 'h--Cl•rkE 2.20 43 22\ro • "" FedlCo 1 JO 9 ll04 20"-. lnfmlc n ' Jtt U:io. • \\ ...., v • ' "'· • • • · "-Pll O I 6S4 ~ l<o S..ll•lr . 161 n• ~ • ..... ........ l,tll • ,. ,,.., • .., Cl•Clf .... 10 JJ? 1'11'>-I'll FdEap .. )620 H • ;,; lngerR J,S. s MO 43 • ~. MoPS pl2.4"1 s IJV.. ..... 1>or1rl4 I •• "°' """. "" 5un8k " f ' "" I, ... .., AlnffD .«I • 202 n -·"' ClevEI J.lt ... 11~. '/. FdMoo 1.:n t n 71111 • .,, lngl! pf us. • t1 MoPS 014 ll ' 71 ,, ' ••• Pl\dra. .40 10 1"'7 ult"'+ I Sun(.h ... s JI , .... .... A.Melli 1.20 12 •S ~. "' ClvEI pf 7.«>' l4JO u54"' .1v. FedHM 16 .. '412 '""' tngrTtc 54 f'} J2 • ' Mii••" on ~"" PooT•I IO" " 1' ..... SunEI .111 1'1:1 "". "" Ami• l.4"1 14 •• 20 +I ClvEI pl 7 '6 ' 110u54V>+ 111'1 FedPB l.lO s ,, 2011> "" 111rosu I 2•SI 71\!o-v. Mobll ' • SJtS ,, .... ·-· POt1K .., 7 2.2 IO'lot \lo S..nCo 1.JO • 'IOI JO.i..• "" AM"ln J.40 IS 960 S.14 • '"' Clevpl< .to 7 Jt 7 .... FdSonl • .IO 10 )9 I\ -V. lfttllco lb 1 313 t•t. • °"' r.llObllH · · 'IC> '°"'· · · · · POf'IGE I.If S IMI ....... _ '9 SunC pf l.1S . 4 U Y>• \I) Atll!KO . .012 t 11~• V. CIOt'O• .'2 I 1561 t•h 14 FedDSI 2.10 I 1 .. 2 «>*-" lntlln• . 1 9·16 =.,"t;. ·20 :~ i: 1:11.~.~ Pare; pl 2AO I It.... S.-ltr 1.IO t 62:1 JS • 11!. ~:~ 1.e11 'I •: 1~ ~ g:::•; 81 ~ 1~ :t!Z! ~ ~:~~ l~': !~ g~; = :~:m:"..'1es11~ :~ :;~; ~ Mol\aic • l07 tOh• 111 ~<~ t:, .:! =:-: ~ ~~ se "ll ~.~."' AIMl.w uo s 141 ~ 14 Coechm 22 •n I) • "" FIOUI 'IS )I -· "' ll<IJS. 1.10.. ,,, II ="Re.!:. '° 1! 'S: :~ ~ PoemEI I ... SI• 17 .... Pf'()ll JO 1110lJ 11\'t. Arnetpf ... l Sito .... c ....... «1•1..s tt\'a. Fl~ ...... ,.II • V> lnlerco 2.a. 141 0\1.-"' Monreft .... SI 11 ..... .., pp!!!!.pfl .. ~,·,·~"™"21 ·.'~ ,c; .. I *1tu~:.'!·.1 .. ~lntted l.tolll171 llh• "'CiUfll 1.G .. JI 1211'1• '9 F • .. t llSI 1..-. .. lftlerfll 11S . ll '311'1• _., ·-·· -.,. ,... •~ -Allc;mp n IJ If ,., 11 -"' Cot.ct 2 .. 10 411)1 Jt\4-.. fnS ... ... • .... lnl'1sh I.JO • ,..., ..... ll<o '"'°"""' ., t It ,,..., .... Pr•ller . .JD • llS ·--" ..... I I) u 1111. ..... Aflle9. , ID 21 . . • ColeH • .. 14 1122 112711>. I Finl...., 111 .,... • .... '"'''k uo ' 10 27\4 --. 4 ,1IJJ1 ~ + "' Pnnrl< IGA s ., u "' ~t><on 1.C!I ' -16"'. "' --I.» • 61 14\o ...• C..ete<e t tol IS"-• l't Flruln -'° 15'7 11¥> + \lo llllAlu .to 10 M 17\lo • ~ =~ t!: : ~ u:g"'~ ~ Prime<: 16 46.M 22 • \It yl>rn pn_e 10 Jl\<o All(:: l.JJ S IO 12.... I'> C~ UO It M7 JSV. •IV. f'IAlln • I S 2tO U • \lo lllM J .. 1J 141112 .. .._ Mon$! I.-•I02 "" l><lmM t .1' 1' 276 IS .... t 1<o yl\f .. i I.JO 111•1J .,.... '9 ...,.,. n .JO I Sol ""' + 1"-COIOPll I.JO 1 4'41 lllo • 11o FICNI 10 010 ...... ~. lntfflev I U 2221 l•Vt. ..,,.~y _ I J•• n ' • .... PPrrocld"!'., '-! 101, xi.111 ts1,., +t i'>. Sy>eo 1 _ ,1_1 Tm-21'-... e: .Ml II JM U • "" COIOP,,,, !O . 1100 JS • • . FYIChk 1.lll S .,, I~ \. 11\IHMv .. 12" •h• V> '""" --~ .,.., .-, • IA 10 2~ ~+ 'II ColfAJk n I ... ut ... • V. F18Te• I 20 S ~ ~ + 2 lnlHr pf . t7 --.C 2 I I ll'W.• "-Ptole< 1.«I t1 17 21 , too TOK n .101t 1' .. Jlh At•" ~·!~av.::~::;:..· 140 ·.~um:.:::~:~~. 2.U ~ ,! ...... :~:::,npf2.~.~ ·~ r.~·~ \o =~ \: ~ ~ :~ -~"S"'r>#N: 1111t :~-: ~~~o 1.1~,:1,l'; :.A:~ A-., -10 •JI "'4+ t;. COlll" s l.IO . •1 JIV. • '°' FIMIU 1A 10 •la ..... .. ln1Mult I.to 1 nl tJv,,. "' =~Yi:,::: ; Im ~II> :: PSlnd 2.76 S J70J U -.... TRW 1AO t 1931 U .... +till API< .. ,74101•14 "'-• "'GolG .. 2.a S IJJt 2' ... FH&a.'1.'2 ••:MO llll>-1 11\IP-J.40 SflSI ., .... _ .... Mor .. ~ .701) , .. 11-..· .-,PSl"pf1to .. IJO ,~."' TRWrw •·'°·· •t02""•'"" ~.:: ... i. ... 201,o\,+ V.cotG•pn.• ti SI .... FNSl8 ?.«I• II 23V> .... ln1Rec1 .:n ... '""'"" MorNOflSJ lUU J:J"'·'~P51npt IJM .. 11000 ...... Tec8oel 1 ''°Utt-It. Ao ..... 12 • J20 Sot _,.... cso,,. 3.U IU u • loll FUP• 102 ~ lnlTT 7.61 • 14"11 76h-...... -trot• I~ I• ·••7 10•-·.1" PSPS'•"n pff: !-?! ·. ·. !!!?!! tt _. ·~ Tr•.'1 .. '8'd I • '2"1 n.~ •• ~ AP-P'1AS • · 1 " + V. CSO p1 n1S.1S 00 102...... Fi!P• wt 10 > 16 1n ptJ • t 4"1"'---...., ... --._ -., y .. ~ ...,_ pf•.11 .. .. -· I'll Comt>lll 1 IO 1 ,.. n.... FIVnRI I ft tt """ ITT plK • .. " .., "" Mll'uet 7.~ 1 SI l11··-. ~ PSvN J.11 s IOI UV.-.... T•lley pf ' It , "' ... Mo .«tllJ IOll u ..... 1 .... CmbEn ..... SJGO 27V..~ ."' FIV•S. .. • ...... ITTolO 5 ' ~. v. Munlrd '°' s " ·~· .. PSHHhll7S ''°° It ..... '"" 1]"" 21 ...... Arc,"PS°" .1411 7 11ll 1411>-I'll Comcls• 2A t tit II .... FIWIK 210 • IO uv.. ~ '""'pl'-". 1 )3 ... ~ MM~.~,·~ It s~ ,.'"'' ~ PSNH .n'.•1 ' ., 19\lo-14 Tndy~n tJ llJ IOV.. Ar I 2.S2 7 llll 22\lo + V. CmSw n :1111 s UOO Sii> '9 F lkhO l S IJI ltl!o • "' lnlTT pf 4.SO 6 0,,. Mu.rp()"'~ ,.I , ••t' JI~ -;; PSHH pl4.U . II 1114• _., fa-.211> , 16 I .. ;,.-~~~p pl J·~ .:: u~ +,"' ComM4 t · .. t M 1~. .... "'"'"" 10· 2 .. ., 10 .. lnlHrlh J 12 5 ... ,, ,..... • .. Murry() I •• ;, u\4· "' PSH::,fl:7S . . 20 l.Sl't-.... Tch<I• n tl t61 "" • .., ' · • Comdl • IJ )t .. ,_,,_ + 11'1! FllFll\G 2 t 154 U .. • ~ lnlrpee t !O IJ S l•looo-.... M·•Om t ~. Jl tt~ • ,_ PS• ,. JAii I l'Oll JS .. • "' T ... I,.,.. t 10 I~ 40h t '-Artl ti ,Ml ·· I 1-. .. 14 CmwE 1 IO 7 -2~-..., Fl..,IEn .51Jt7011 21V. • "' lntpGp I to I 31 U • \lo v• ·-"' .. PS¥Ev t.J6 I -nllt-II. T•kom 1' 1..., Artlll. .n •ml ISY>• "' Cwl: Ill I C2 21 n~ V> Fternno 17• • Ill JO\, • ._ lnlllJl!t• l1 •13 ""' Myu•L 111 ~ '""~ ~ PSEG flllA . • " .... Teld...... •l'13 ., ..... ;..., "''"'"' 1 114 ... •l-16 ewe M I'° 1l u \lo FlulV .IO u ... tlbt-l lnlSIPw I M • 11 u~. . ---PSEG pff..11 dlCIO ""2lo. '"' f I '1'41 • • ... ·~ . s • . ewe jjj 2 JI '""' .... Fl .. I pt U I IJO 10\lo. "' ·-•E• 1.n t .. 14Y>-I'll N80 , OI • 111 ni.-... PSEG pf2.11 I ..... 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Fl•Sll SJ . 20t U~o+I\> lrvom 136 ••717 3'.\o• .... ~~~ 10:101m ""-··· PSEG!lf962 .t•UOw7J\O•l'llro TwABclll.• 6 ta 2' +to Ar.-E 165'1 "' ·~·;·~ comw• t .JOIS ,,. ~.2 Flw(,en """ 10 • ~ ll•kCP JOI> .. 1 11'9+"' H•llJC8 l .05 it~,:~::: ~:.k ,, • 'n !~ ...... ~==~';; ~·=: =: !1~ ltrtr• :10 .. l l~l't~~svcs .l1~ J~ ~ ~ ~::r· .: iJf, :: .... :~ JWTt ,;.!.~'.s.-111'> .. H•lcot l.121J11tl t41'>+1 Piie.em ti '"' hET pfJ,«>. I""' Ar'lln 1.12" .. IJ.\tt. " c .... :t It • ., I) \lo Foot.C t :io • 11.S l3'111 .... J,.,.•F '·"°II SI 2211. + ,,. NtPCO' .1• 10 .. ,..., • .., PU091P l.7t ... 1' hET pf ' 17 , """ A"'lnpt 2 · t n •VJ Cpl"'n llSO. l.S"'• \<, FardM .. 1416 2' • l't JRI-40 I tOI II lllo H•PIFd .IOb .. UI ltft .... P11rllnF ,P 4 tlS , .... , V. TuG1' 2:12 ·4 SM u.111o'': A•rco _, · • 931 U + .... ConlllQr ... I nJ It~ .... For MK J.AO I af23 12'h V. Jllvr pt S.«>.. 10 Jt-V> Nerco 61 u » 22-l't PurOll l 1.C!I 1 '11 lllllo • '"°' fu t rel .IOI> 10 ...S U , ... Altl!OCI 2.40 ' IOU ,. .... "' CMHG 2 20 • • """ FIO.M 1 . .n . T2 11 • "" J1msw '12 1 IU 10\lo + .... HHhue ., •t 10 ...•. Pyro • 111 .......... Tu Inst 2 "232S ~. "" ' AJlllOplfJG I ,. ... "' Con•« ••• 47 ,.~· v. Fl-1.11111 501 Jt¥H ... J•pnF 1.U. .. m ........... Hiie.ii I •• 11\4+"" ,.....0 ,.., ,,, .......... ,,.. T .. 1n1 .051•'337 •111+"' ,. ... IOpf1... .. ~ ..... , ConEd•161 521)4 ""' FMIWll ... t lsn ""'• v. JeffPJU I .... sos 2' +,,,, HCnVSI .60bl2 "'° ·~· "-:iu.<)ptt.'6 " 1100 ... .\to •HMll J.16 1 J9 " AJdDG 2 ' ... ,,.., ... cone pf • • I 1n...; Fo.SIP " 1 .. , """• ... Jere pf I,. -....... . . . H•IOltl 1 20 , lJt 22"'-. -~kSO .IO 1 101 11h. • . T•OO-.Jt II., u ... Ati!ID pf t.IS.. S6 ~ .. "" ConE pff .., tSIOO ul7\lo ..... Foabr. 1.0I 1 101 n • I Jere pf 2.11 .. .. UY. "' HOIJI l)rl IS • It IS'Ai-v. ,...,.. • IO 1 ,.., .._.. .... •Pee JO II •• 21 "' All\'-I.Ml • u 11"'. " ~OllE Of s 1J 40 "" FrplMt .. ' 117• IS-" Jewel( , ... s '57 • + '"' H•IEm. l.l'JI s ., 11-.. ~ ~liar " M2 ·~ ..... TtaVlll J.Of , _ 14\<o, AtC:VIEl 2.21 t :tit 20\<o• "-co..Fdl t.ll 'JMIJM JS~•I Frltlrn .. I 154 UV.+ .\lo JtwlC pf .. Jf 11"•'"'" HllFG >I• S 17 ,.,_.,. ~ -·---tl(fllft t J\j,, Atl»tro ..... "' '"-• "" C.enF pt. so ., ., ..... Fr....... tO 21l '""' .... J••IC• • .. • ...... NFG pf 2 '° • ,..._ ... 11111...t .It" \41 .... v. .. ,,_ 1.IO 1 -,.....,_ ~ AllRkll l.C 6 mt -· '-Cftsllrt IAO 's l2" -' \lo FllQ.,. to I~ 1.-. • "" Jofll\Jn t 16 SSl6 ...U • \o Ha!Gyp t.• IS UI JI~• "' llCA .to 1G )1.Q JO\.' .. Vt Hlr pf t.C!I • :ti"-+ v, AUii< pl l.IS UGO J21'>+l CMHG ti. 6 U6 n>o: v. F-pf I U . 11 I~ JOMEF 20 IJO lf"-'lllo HIHom 21S t-,,_ llCArtl 1• d ... JI . •I ••tr pf 1 «I s tt , "' Ahllc pfJ.IO • --··~tonsPw2.U .,..., ltt,. "" -G--G -JoMCll l«I 1 I,.,... .. l't HMOCtw •.... 1v.-.... RCA pt ... s .... V> l\Jlc.ll I 1 .... All.c,i I 1'5 II 14 c Pw Ill• !O 10 ,,.... • GAF 20 • J)4 1011'1 Jolll\C "' J I n ..... I HMOEn • 11 ... I.... "' llCA.. '·" "2 to • "' h•E " tO ,.,. •n yt =:,. ~~,m m:::::lE~~·~ ~~~· ~ g:;r t:, ~ i~:: 1:-i:' ~ • ~; m~.-·~ =~::: .~: .~.a~"'·.-·il: :f~l:'. ,:·;'= .. >:"': ~ ~=:...J·20'J'~::;~ A«oe:.. 1.20 I JS.. 711'>-'II CtlPw Pfl J• ~ "'" "° GCA IOI u tJf 1' _ ~. JCKI.., ., ti 665 H loo-l<o HSeml 4761 11V.+ l<o llTE e I • 1Yt. llftle.t 7 1J 17 J11J fl + 1'9 •wco .. J :JO 102 ., • \II ,.._Pw .-.·.. -., • GEICO 5' t 711 tsv.. """ OyMfV I 40 4 2012 1J • .... HIS¥ In .... 7 141 ti ....... All•P\# ·" '..sJ ""'. .... homlll --IO • ., ..... "" "";( to ••1U21'1!1+ -..... .... UV , •• It-«. -HS"'"" IOI )t ,.,,., .. R•mecl "llll ........ Tllln-.10. ........ . Occidental, Cities m erge NEW YORK (AP) -Occidental Petroleum Corp. said it has won agreement with directors of Cities Service Co. to acquire the Oklahoma energy company in a complicated two-step deal that would create the nation's eighth-largest oil company. . The agreement calls for Occidental to buy ~bout 45 percent of Cities' common stock for $55 cash, or a total of $1.9 billion. Occidental said it wouJd acquire the remaining shares by swapping a package of securities for which at gave no overall value. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT HEW YORK CAPI Sein, l pm PfK• -net ,,..,. Of C"-llftftll motl .ell ... Hew York Stotk E•tM"9" IUYH, t1f.'~~v~ti-lly •J.,r:,-~· .... n.:.:. . 1"1 Sony Corp l,ISS,600 1'V> t 'n Enon 1.102.'00 tt ,.,,,_, Tl. T t,•l•,000 s.q. ..... ...... . ~ •H• 18M 1,101.800 IO"- Ore1.11lnd 11032, too "''• O.n Etec llS,SOO IJ"' ArmWln tn.ooo 11111 ~~~~·I =:= ~·,. . "' • n• . , .... -rr111 Lyn 71S,IOO ~ T•""" 1!0,200 ~ e .. 1 Koc»k lll,'00 IO ...... •IV> ~~= ru::: m~ · .,. ........ IE,,_,..a 7 VnP-Min J AmHOe91 • ConlAlrUn S P•P\. •--' HIMlneSv 1 HS""" •.11pf I R•vtinloa • Wl"'*'-10 HMW IM 11 l>vqLI 7 )IP< n All-. Inc Pct Up ll 0 Up 21 • VP ltO Up II• Up "0 VP IS • Up IS • VP 1s.o Up US Vo IJO Up II.I VP IJ.S Up 12 S Up tJ.S Vo 12.S Up 1' t VP II I Up It 1 Up 11 • Up 11 S Vo 11 • Vo 11 l Vo II 1 Pel Ott 17.0 Oft s.• Ott S 6 Oii s J Ott so Ofl •• Ott • t Off • 1 Ott ... Off • s Off •• AMERICAN LEADERS METALS . ,,. ~ !h .... " • V> NEW YORK IAPJ metal ptleoeS I Odly Spo1 nonftrrou• Copper 12· 73 cenu • pound, U S desllne1k>N L-26-29 cents • l>OUnd Zinc 40 oenl6 1 pound, 0911Wred Tin S6 47114 Me11Ja WMll c;ompo14te Alllme-78-71 C*!IA I pound, NY. M.t<CVf7 $385 00 I* nallc PlaOnum S2V 1.oo.s211e.oo Hoy ounce, N.Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS •1 The Aeu clotted ,,_ Selecttld WO<ld oold P<IOeie IOOey rf rJ IJ l •r c i I . C.nPwpt • lJ 17~ GEO 2• J l60I tw-.... Oln -0 •• H•llS41 I .. W .,...,. 'Ill••-, .. ,, IS .... _,_ T"'rlttw .IO I tSS 1•~• ~ AYM 11111C!I """• ""°cnPw-• JO JI ·-GTE 29' ,,,.JI .... I -• • ~ ~ ··-w ... " • ·-~ ·-2 13'n U:W.-"' . ..... • ., GTE pt i JO • ,....., ... LM II 'O ~"' H•1Vlft J. I ....... -l!enco ... I JS 1111'1 • 14 TIC.ro 1:1111 s .. u-. :::.1n ·~s l.~-~~~i~ ~5 ai · Ji !?E~ ~ 8!.~ 1 :: ·j ,.: ::._.: ~ :T~ .. ~ ~~ ~ U~s~ ~:!~ ;:~ : ~ i5! ~ =ms.":~~: m :t:~ ~ ~~fa ~ i: ! :;~: ~ ia 11..-eo 14 G.ii II.tr• IS Mobil Home 9' Cenlll LI Ott ._, Oii • , Ott •.O Off • 0 ·' SYMBOLS :: d-Hew yearly low, u·N4'W )'Ml1Y Olgh t 1 l:lrnco «I • 141 1• -"" COlllAlr ' " 4v.-.... G•nNn l.n 1J "' J'tV.-~ 11.C. 1' tO 1 62 """ • .., N1vP pf I ,. 1100 IJ\<1-14 Reylhft I.fl) 10 2275 41 ..... Timi ... Bl.SJ . -1 ., ••• a.. • • Conte.op "' 1• '"' GepStr '° • ti 1""'-,.. · 1 1s•~ He-~ 1 •• 1 u -"' R e 1 '" •• '11111 .'2 6 2Wl :t:I +Ill\ C:ntl'-r:'' 6 21-,.~ · ·;;.: G .. 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Nontr n, JO 5 ... t•v.-.... ll•yln tlf2.U '. 3 "~~ •. ·" T••Mm I c • "'° '"". I'll " .. "JjOJ 1'YI. "' ~~H 1-: I ·~: ~; .... ~ GTFI pf 1.20 .. 000 10\'t ... K4•0,,, 1.10 . s """ ..... Hon• .C!I J ,.., 1 ... "" Atyl~ pt4.IO . 102 .,.. ...... Tr11nl~ t.16 .• • """··· .• "" • IS ' ..•.. ~'o.'i "u111' 14 Gflrt I.SOI> 1 650 u .... k•H~hllO .,,.. " ... HACoel:. Im.-.. , ReyMtl 1.10 n 451 14"'•'"" T•••tv g ' ,_ .. 2.J) • 14 '"'--.., rwftO 1 w u ... "" <>-nKO 11 ,.,. ~ ... l(eyt()I ' II\') .•.. HoAPN "" I 10 ""'• -RoM ,,, ... '. • S2h+4" Tr.-1.eo s JIO "h• I I ' 316 i.11'1..... ...~ '7'1110 "' It • Gnll.o .10 ZJt '17 "" .... I ... 1te.,-1nt s.• ll UI 1 ....... HEwO t.. • " 1 .......... llClllldt ••• IO SIJ ~. " Trnoc Pf,.., . JD J7"' .. ' ... .. " ... -Iii z..t ...,_as· 115 10\I>--.... Geftul't I.JO IJ IJ!tl J41't• "' "l!I • I • +II'! HlndPS '!O 10 J2M n v.-"" •i.Gr ... 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Ofl J.1 Ott ),7 0 11 v Ott ,., Ofl J s Off JA Ott J.J Off u Oft J7 ntt " Due to late transmission today's listing w ill not appear In the Dally Pilot. u11 ... s oth«w1M no1eo, r1t• 01 ~ • I ere ennuel dlttlu•..,,,...16 bated Ot't the IMt 1• quenerly or aeml·ennual dt<lt rellon Spec;tal OI Ulrl dMdendt ot peymenl6 nol de91QJ>llecl .. 1119111ar .,. ldenllfled In the lottowlnlJ 1001no1• •Ai.<> Hlra or ••tru b-Annuel 1e1a plue ltOCk dlYldal\O C·Llquld•llllQ d ividend OecJtred OI peld In ptaoedlng 12 rnonlhe 1-0ec;1¥ec1 or paid after 11oci. ~ cw tPI.. up j·Pald lhla )'Ml. dMOetld Omlll.0, daferrecl OI no llCllOn lallan et teal dMd9nd meeung l<·Oeclerecl or peld tNa ...-• In ~1-1-with OMdendt In.,._. n·New 1MUe l·o.Gl.,ecl CH peid In ~ 12 monthl l>lu• atocl\ dM<land. l·Peld In aloek 1n ~lllQ 12 rnon1111, .. ,......._, cath vllue on ta-dMdend O< ••-dllltrtbutloll dale ... e..-olvldanda 0< t l·rloflll Y·&-<IMdencl en<1 "'"kl luM 1-&alM lft lull. cld·Cellad, WCl•Whan dltlrltlUlecl wl-~ IH u•d ,. ... w1111 w1rrenl1 ~w-Wllho11t wa1r11nl1 ~~EJl-dls1rlt1Utl0t't P E tlllo: The pr!ce 01 1 llC)Qt .. • mulllple of 1*·111111• Mmfn0..0.1..., by dividing lht lllffl 12..._.. .. , -nlnge ~ 11\IO 1 .. 1 Nie l)fa I.JO., .. 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