HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-27 - Orange Coast PilotREAL HORNS -Cattle from among the 300 heifers moved by Irvine Ranch hands from one grazing area to another this morning briefly block traffic on Coyote Canyon Road in Deli, Hot "'°to bf Gery .... _ vicinity of county dump -and the cows didn't even have to sound their (real) horns to gain right of way. (Additional photos on Page A2) lllNIJ Illa I Hiil lllC:U • nixes Judge rewording of Banning ballot By JODI CADENHEAD or tM Dallr fltlot I tan A Newport Beach city council candidate has lost a bid to remove a controversial refe r e ndum measure from the Nov. 2 ballot and to have the wording of the measure changed. Allen Beek lost a final round Thursday when a 4th District Court of Appeal judge in San Bernardino upheld an earlier court decision not to change the ballot language to de cide th<' future of the 75-a~re Banning Ranch development. Judge Justin McDaniel also turned down Beek's request to have the measure removed from the ballot altogether. As a result, vote rs will be asked Nov. 2 whether or not the city council approved residential, office, industrial building project should be repealed. Beek , a n oppon e nt of the pro 1ect proposed in wes t Newport Beach, has maintained that vo te rs should be asked whethe r they want the project approved. . City attorney Make Miller said that he bell<'ves that tt.e ballot wording 1s clear. "The courts ha ve felt that the language se lected b y the ci ty council reflects what the city will be voting on." In a ruhng earlier this month, Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. upheld the city's ballot wording. He said it would confuse voters to change the language now. Mike Johnson, leader of the group that has spearheaded the referendum campaign, said she thinks voters need to be educated about the ballot wording before the e lection Weighty reading 57-page ballot issue to b e mailed Mexico waits word on curbs Newport Beach voters, all 44,670 of them, soon will be receiving a bit of late summer reading from the city -a 57-page r esolution detailing a referendum question on the Nov. 2 ballot. some people off. In terms o f numbe r s . the decis ion to mail voters the resolution means the city must print 2 ,546 ,190 page s of information . By STEVE MITCHELL or .... DeltJ fltlot ,,.,. Government o fficials in Mexico said today they do not k.now what form -if any - export controls on items leaving the country will take. The Mexican government announced Thursday it will impose "export controls" to prevent American tourists from taking advantage of the devalued peeo and bringing back groceries a nd other Items from border town markets and shops Esteban Morales, the consul gene ral for Mexico, said the government is "most likely" working on a program to place controls on certain items sold in Mexico. The d e valued peso has enc ouraged Americans to purchase groceries and other ite ms in Mexico, a nd Mexican citizens have complained that the influx of American shoppers has ,depleted their stock. But, in making the export control announcement Thursday, the government failed to outline how it will prevent tourists from buying Mexican goods. The consul general said, "It is fair to assume the Department of Commerce Is working on a project or program to implement these restfictions." But, he said, he has not been informed on what that program might entail. • "There has been no official informatio n on what will happen," Morales said in a telephone interview today. "Jn due course, I will be informed about what is happening," he said. Meanwhile , tourists will continue to be allowed to bring back groceries a nd other consumer goods from Mexico, he said. "Everyone, I suppoee, will be notified slmultaneoualy about any new ruleti, I would say, if there are going to be any." A complete copy of the lengthy resolution will be mailed to each registered voter in the city. The hefty document covers, in minute detail, the history of the Banning R a n c h , a 75-a cre development in West Newport that's the subjec t of a referendum. The City Council agreed this wee k to s h i p the complete package to each voter after debating whether the sheer bulk of the document would turn The number of pages. if placed end to end, would stretch from Newport Beach to Fresno and back, officials say. Councilman Don S t rauss suggested voters would find the 57-page docume nt ''terr ibly oppressive ." But his colleagues disagreed. City Clerk Wanda Andersen said it will cost Newport more than $1 ,2 00 to print the documents and up to $1 to mail each one a long with s ample ballots. Brown won't oppose new Irvine hospital issue By JOEL C. DON or .. DeltJ "°' • ._.. Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. is not expected to oppose newly revised legislation that could lead to a hoepital being built in Irvine, accordin~ to an official in the governor s office. Brown Wednesday rejected a special land bill because he felt it might have suggested state endor sement of one group competing to build a hospital m the city. The revision emphasizes that no one hospital or health service plan is supported by state lawmakers. "In his (Brown's) veto message he said he would support this bill with this language in it," said Brown legislative aide Terri Thomas. She said she now sees no obstacles to the measure. The land bill, sponsored by A ssemblywoman Marian Bergeson , R-Newport Beach , Israel f irtn on no Palestinian state WASHINGTON (AP) - Israel's tough-talking defense minister, Ariel Sharon. said he told senior Reagan administration officials today that Israel "will never agree" to creation of a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Following a 90-minute meeting with Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Sharon told reporters that Jordan should be considered COUNTY a Palestinian state, an assessment with which the United States does not agree. "There is a Palestinian state," Sharon declared. "Israel never agreed and will never agree to a second Palestinian state, and I made it very clear a~ain today." Shultz, who has been critical of Israel's invasion of Lebanon, did not see him to the State Department door following their meeting. as is often customary. 'Up With People' contagious For a Detroit teen-ager surviving hard times in depressed Motown, the "Up With People" show gave him such a shot of e nthusiasm he joined the team. P Bl .. BUSINESS NEW YORK (AP) -Stock pric.'es were moetly lower today as the market pulled back from its hiatoric August rally. Volume was heavy but well behind the record 137.33 million shares traded Thul'lday. The Dow J o nes average of 30 industrials tumbled to close 8.94 at 883.47. SPORTS Paddling lo Catalina Outriaet canoes head from Newport Be.ch to Catallna ll1a.nd thia weekend. Page Cl. .l ,I would allow the Saddleback Community College District to lease 10 acres of land to a non- profit group to build a hospital in Irvine. Although n o hospital group is specified, Saddleback trustees have endorsed the proposed Irvine Medical Center plan. Efforts to kilt the previous lej{islation were spearheaded by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean o f the UC Irvine College of Medicine. UCI is considering several proposals from groups that would build a teaching hospital on the campus. Gwen Moore, D-Los Angeles. "Her (Moore's) bill is not controversial and it is virtually ass ur e d s 1g 11 ctlure by the governor," Bergeson said today. Brown aide Thomas agreed w ith that assessment. Van den Noort could not be reached today on his views of the amended version of the bill. Hergeson managed to save the legislation by adding Brown's requested language and attaching the measure to a school district reorganization bill sponsored by Assemblywoman Smith Tool lays off 560 Costly Layoff of 560 hourly and salaried e mployees at Smith lntemational's Irvine plant for its Smith Tool Division in Irvine was announced today. cars targets • ID Today's announcement brings total la yofCs for the year at Smith Tool, Irvine, to 918. Workers began receiving their pink slips Thursday night. Mesa Cycle crash victim dies An Irvine teen-ager has died from injuries he suffered in an Aug. 14 motorcycle accident in Newport Beach, police said. Police warn shoppers to install burglar alarms The youth, Sean Thrower. 17, died at 8 p.m . Thursday at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana, Officer Rick Bradley said. He sa id the youth was a passenger on a motorcycle driven by Paul Weber. 21. also of Irvine, when it slammed into a van that was legally leaving a parking lot on Pacific Coast Highway near Tustin Avenue. NATION Shoppers at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa who drive expensive cars are being warned to lock their vehicles and install burglar alarms following a rash of thefts last month, poJJce said. Police Lt. Thomas Lazar said that most of the 15 stolen vehicles taken from the shopping center were Mazda Rx7s. valued at about $12,000 each . "I've never seen that many taken," said Lazar. "Where else are you going to find a lot of cars close to the freewav. I'm sure Immigration reform pushed The R eagan adm i nistration is behind an immigration reform bill. despite others' concerns about a provision that could lead to a national identity card. Page A5. STATE The right way to 'lunch' A conaultant says lunch lm't merely a matter of going to a restaurant and ordering a meal. She la teaching executlvea the riaht way to handle a lunch conference with a pro1pective bualne11 client. Paae Al~. 'Bullet train' bonds backed A &esf.alat1ve conference committee hu approved at.ate revenue bonds for a propoled "bullet traln'' that would pa11 throuab Oran1e County on a Loa Angele.San Diego route. Paae A6. that our crime rate is no t different from other major malls located near a freeway." Most of the vehicles we re locked when stolen. said Lazar. The thieves either smashed the windows or punched in the lock and started the ignition with a screwdriver. he said. Following the thefts, police beefed up regular patrol of the mall with detectives and extra ·help from South Coast Plaza security officers. So far this month the number INDEX of cars stolen has dropped below the monthly average of about five, said Lazar. "If you have some old bomber, drive it to South Coast Plaza and don't bother locking it," said Lazar. "But if you have a nice car like a Porsdle or an RX7 alarm it. .. Las t year there were an average of 98 crimes reported a month at the busy s hopping center at 3333 Bristol St. This ye ar the number had dropped slightly. said Lazar. At Your Service A4 In tennissiorl Business 84-5 Weekender Classified C6-12 Ann Landers A9 Comics B7 Movies Weekender Crossword B7 Mutual Funds 84 Death Notices B6 National News A3 Stan Delaplane A9 Public NotieetJ B2,B6,C5 F.dltorial AS Sports Cl-5 Entertainment Stock Markets B5 Weekender Television TV Log Gardening 83 Theaters Weekender Horoecope A9 Weather A2 Shootins out at Knoll's Knott'• Berry Farm's shootout at thti C'altco Saloon "ain't e>C.8Ctly the aunftght at O.K . Corral." See Weekender cover. f / ( -.. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/l'rld1y, Augu1t 27, 1982 o.-, Piiot "-otoe b1 o.ty Ambf- THE REAL THING -It may look like a Marlboro ad or something akin to it, but these sc:enes are real as Bob Elder (above), whose title is "chief cowboy" for the Irvine Company, takes a break amid the chore of moving 300 head of cattle from one urban range to another in Irvine. Heifers bunched together (right) are within sight of expensive residences of Turtle Rock area Strike voted by employees of PacTel Pacific Telephone work~r. m Orange County have voted to auJhorlu a atrikl' In a dlaputc over the compiany'• proctku m the relocatJon of employees. Voting tn Santa Ana and Anahef m Thuraday, th e Communlcatlona Worken o f America Unlon voted 633 to 280 ln favor of a atrlkc, according to a union apokeaman. The union 11 protesting the company'• tran1fer of ''surplus employee." from one area to job vacancies In another. It contends that workers are being transferred great distances and lnto jobs at times at lower rates of pay. Un1on leaders say if workers d on't acce pt the transfers, they're tenninated and aren 't eligible for layoH benefits and unemployment pay. Bill Leach, secretary-treasurer of local 11~10 in Santa Ana, said the strike vote is designed to provide leverage for the union in negotiations w ith the company about diBplacement pracnces. Coast colleges offering fewer free credit courses . By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dall1 Piiot 8t•n The three Coast Con:i munity Colleges, nearing the end of their fall r egistration period, a re offering fewer free college credit courses and more non-credi l instruction on a fee basis. Despite this restructuring, c redit course enrollment at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa and Golden West College an Classes by PB&R set for sign ups Mail-in registration for fall classes offered through the N e wport Beac h Parks, Beach es and Recr eation Department begins Sept. 3. Among the new programs being oHered are courses in stained glass making , • Lana Wolfe o f Costa M esa wtll attend the University of Montana this fall. The freshman was among painting, Christmas crafts and an outing on the Colorado River. Walk-in registration begins Sept. 13 at the recreation departmen t, 3300 Newport Blvd. For further registration information, call 640-2271. the 160 new students who a ttende d the University of Montana orientation on the Missoula campus Aug. 5 and 6. Huntington Beach has been running slightly ahead of last year. At Coastline College, which 1s based in Fountain Valley but orrers classes throughout the district, fall enrollment has been ru nning behi nd last year's figures. Fall cla~s begin Sept. 7. The restructuring of fall sch edules 1s the r esult of a decision by state legislators to trim $30 m1llron from the 1982-83 budget of the California Community Colleges. To accommodatt' this cut, state community college officials said they would no longer provide funds for numerous avocational, recrca t ion a I and p e r so na 1 enric hm e nt co urses that trad1t1onally had been oHered tuition-fret• for credit. The thrct.• Coast colleges thus wcrc• forced to delete classes in top1t'S s uch as dance, yoga and auto car£' from their fall credit offerings. Programs in some of tht!SC' ar<'as will be oCCered on a Bradley due in Laguna Los Angelos Mayor Tom Bradley 1s scheduled to bring his gubernatorial campaign t o Orange County Saturday with a fund-raising reception in Laguna Beach. The Democratic candidate for governor 1s to appear at the home of Dr and Mrs. Edward Taub. 545 Allvu.'w Terrace. from 5 to 7 pm. Mostly fair Coastal Sc•ttered clouds today but mostly telr with tughs ranging from IOw 708 et the b .. c11e1 to near 90 In the Inland ••NI Fair tonlgtlt end Saturd•1 ••C9PI la< some late night and early morning low cloud• and IOij Overnight Iowa In the 110• •nd highs Seturdey In the mld-70• at the lllleohn to mkl-80a lnl•nd Elsewhere. f rom Point Conception to the Me•lcan bofder end out eo mites SmaH craft advisory over outer waters with northweal wlnda 15 10 25 110011 and combined MaS of 4 to 1 feet Locally light variable winds ~no -t to southwest 11 10 19 knota this afternoon with IOUthwest swells ol 1 to 2 feet. Conaldetable night 11nd morning low clouds with mostly sunny afternoon• Ollef Inner w11¥S U.S. su11u11 ary Storm• during the night hll c:entrel MINOUrl and sootheaate<n Kansu with hurrlcene-lorce wind• •nd up to 7'ir lnchea of tel 11111 flooded some 11ree11 wm. '"'or water. toepled 1ree1 lllld left .Ulleted P<>Wfi 0Ulag418 •• At la•at lour people were lnJured A thunderstorm picking high wind• also cruhed through Pry<)f. Otlla . this morning, rlpc)lng off eome roola. lelllng treei and knocking out Windows at _., t>u91,__, the Po•I olllce and the City hall. Otllclals H id the st0tm .ito may 118'19 QUMd llfea at two hOtM8 Wind• overturned aever•I motllle hOtM8 In Wlefllta, Kan .• In touth-11 WlcNta, tlMt roof and three ••II• collapaed at tha o-tiatt lnduall'lea bu!ldlng wtier. ~ 19dloedtve meretl• end elq)loel,,.. -• 11ored But lhe tneteriale. llOfed und«ground In I -Wne Mle. -• riot dameged "California · Southern Calllornle will be ~ly felt tod1y tllld SalUt'dly. ~night and Nrl)' momtng tow etouda neat the oout lncllMelno 1'y eerty SllfUrday. Wf/Trfl dttyJ OtJI OOOltng neat ooUI Saturday, Orange Count1 cen Hpeot lodey rllftlllnQ lrOfll 70. M ~-.-. near 00 lnlat'd af .... i'.OW9 In the eo.. Saturdey fllOl'I• 70. tt '*°'*· mld 80ll lnltllld. .. Mountalne ~ ·~ hlglla 74 ~~so 10 •• ltdated .... • lhut'!Chii~. lnlend v.-. can •llP«IC hlON ~ the IOI IOdAly, mid to 1.1P9« lo. e.turdaY Lowe lft ~ T emperalt!-.res NATION HI Lo Pre. Albeny 81 61 Albvque 87 57 Amerillo 91 65 Alheville 78 58 Atlente 88 69 Al11111tc Cty 77 64 Aualln 100 79 Baltimore 83 58 Bllhnga 77 50 Blrmlnghm 811 73 Blamarck 65 33 Boise 113 60 BoslO<l 82 67 BrownSYlle 96 77 8ulf8lo 73 60 Bur11no1on 80 61 Coper 91 ~ 50 Chattstn SC 86 78 Cl\atllln WV 83 60 06 No. Platte w 5f> Charllle NC 83 68 Okla City 100 81 Cheyenne 82 55 Omaha 75 61 07 Chicago 76 57 Orlando 113 75 09 Clnclnnall 78 66 .87 Phll8dphla 83 64 Clevellllld 80 65 Ph<>enlK 98 81 Clmbla SC 88 72 Pittsbvrfr 80 63 Columbul 79 64 .01 Piiand, e 79 58 Dal-Ft Wth 101 81 P11and, Ore 75 59 Oa)'lon 79 66 Providence 80 63 Oen vet 88 57 Ra~h 84 63 Des Moines 80 66 R•P City 73 50 Oelrolt 80 55 Reno 92 A7 Duluth 57 37 .01 Sell \Ake 87 61 03 El Puo 95 89 San Antorllo 99 78 Fairbank• 10 42 Seattle 64 60 F•rgo 87 34 Shrev-r:irt 98 78 Flegstalf 16 47 Slou• 11111 81 44 34 GrHI Falls 61 41 St Loul8 78 87 I 12 H8r11ord 82 62 St P-Tamp• 99 80 ~ Helena 72 45 St Ste Marie 91 44 .34 Hor>olulu 88 75 $pole-87 69 H-'on oe 80 Syracuse 80 57 lndnapb 77 116 .01 Tooelta 77 65 1 13 Jeckan MS 96 73 Tucaon 94 71 J.atanvlle 97 711 1.70 TuiN 103 79 Kana City 72 67 80 Wathlngrr 83 113 KnoJ!Ytlle 85 68 101 86 Ill Lat Vegu 91 74 Wlchlt• LJttle Rocit 79 75 CA110RNtA Loultvllle 91 117 1 16 Bakefalleld 95 70 lubbock 95 72 Blythe 90 Memphl1 93 79 Eureka 112 58 Miami 8$ 92 Fr-10 90 80 Mltweukee 77 Ill Lancutet g2 llfl Mpi.-51 P 80 48 28 LOI Angele8 87 71 N881'1Yllle as 72 Mery11YOle 87 New Orleena lie 77 Moot et., llfl 57 New Y()(lc 83 8S Naedln 95 75 Norlollt 79 58 Peao Roblel 9,3 52 SURf RIPIRT Red Blull Redwood Ctty Secrar11et1to Sall nu San Olego San Francisco S1111te Barb•ra Santa Marla Stockton Thermal Ba11tow Big Bear Blah op C11e11n11 Loog Beactt Monrovia Ml Wilson Newport ~each Ontario P•lm Spring• PH1den• Riverside S•n Bernerdlno S•11 JOI• Sanl• An• Sanl• Cruz 88 63 71 57 eo s3 87 47 80 71 85 55 76 58 75 85 " 97 10 90 74 92 lie 75 76 92 115 92 92 93 72 $8 79 48 62 66 86 66 60 66 87 73 68 64 87 5g 66 55 T ehoe v alt.v CANADA 47 C•I081Y Edmonlon Moolreat Ott aw• Smog 49 51 71 72 .10 .16 43 40 61 58 Where to· oall (loll frNI for l•teet wnog lnfonnatlon: Orange County: (IOOI 446-MH Lo• AngelH County: (100) 242-4022 AIV9'81de and San &emwdlno oounttee: (9001 H7-4710 AOMO Eplaodt C....ltt~ (900) 242-4MO Tides TODAY Second low 10:45 • m. 1.9 S.Cond l'llOh 6,20 p.m. 4.9 IATIMOAV l'lret tow 11.M a.m. 0,1 Flr•I hlOh 7:61 e.m. I .I ~ low 1U>I p.m. I .I s.corld Noll I. 11 p.m. 6. 1 tu11 Ml• 1od•r at 1111 p.m .. ,..._ lalUI~ al l :H .. rn. Moon ,.... today mt 2:s1 p.m .. •• a.1U1d9y at 12:24 a.m, ' ,I self-s uppo r ti n g f ee basis, however. The colleges arc maintaining their traditional tuition-free academic classes, such as English and biology. As of Wednesday, almost 22,- 000 studen ts had enrolled in faU credit courses at Orange Coast College. according to Wayne Wolfe, assot'iate d e an o f adm1ss1ons a nd records. Wolfe said this figure 1s about 1,000 students more than had enroJJed by this lime last year. He added , however. that a change in reg1stratron dates may explain this. The s tate t.·utback forced Orange Coast to remove about 240 credit classes from its fall schedule. To compensate, however. the college has doubled th e number of fee -based community service programs this fall to about 600. T hese will include the popular real estate, sa1hng and martial arts programs. Orange Coast officials expect the fall elU'Ollment to reach 33,- 000 to 35,000 students or almost as high as last fall's turnout. Coastline College, which was among the hardest hit by the state cutback, has had to delete more than 300 cred it courses from its fall semester. As of Wednesday, about 12,500 students had enrolled in fall credit classes at Coastline, putting the college 18.2 percent behind the 1981 figure for t he same time, according to Coastline spokesman Jack Chappell But he added that registration m the college's television courses 1s running 12 percent ahead of last fall. About 150 of the Coastline classes cut because of the state decision will be o ffe r ed as c:ommunity services programs on a fee basis. Chappell said 842 people had signed up for these programs by Wednesday and Crew e.rror hlained in AirCal Inisha p By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of the D•llY Piiot Steff Newport Beach-based A1rCal has announced that flight crew error resulted in a Februa ry incident m which a jet carrying 122 people clipped a h1gh-tens1on guy wire while approaching Ontario International Airport. The Boeing 737. carry mg 117 pass<'ngers and a crew of five, later made an emergency landing a t L os Angeles International Airport. The plane came to rest in a dirt embankment at the end of a 12 ,000-foot runway after brakes a nd thrus t reverser s ta1led to operate. There were no injuries. A spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board m Was h in gton D .C . said a preliminary report show ed the aircraft was below an acceptable altitude when it clipped the wire located 2.9 miles from the end of the Ontario runway Feb. 15. Mark Peterson, AirCal director o f communications, said an internal investigation oonducted by the airline found that the flight c rew "did n ot perform properly" when making t he descent to Ontario. //tf;!( .yj'£ ,·· ~ END OF m ore are expected to register during the first sessions. Coastline's enrollment last faJJ reach ed about 30,000. This semes ter th e sc h ool is anticipating 12,000 college credit students because of the reduced schedule. Chappell said students who are closed out of required credit courses at California State Umvcrs1ty campuses may be able to take the same courses through Coastline. About 15.000 credit students had registered as of Thursday, and the college expects to see a final fall enrollment of about 22,000. Randol said. Between 200 and 300 fewer credit courses will be oHered compared to last fall, but like its sister schools, Golden West will o ffe r fee -based communi t y service programs in some of these topics, including oil painting, aviation ground sch ool and conversational French. Troops s peed • evacuation BEIRUT, Leban on (AP ) The departure of the PLO forces accelerated today as Italian soldiers escorted an estimated 1.500 Palestin1ans to the Syrian border in the first overland evacuation from west Beirut. About 600 more gue rrillas sailed for Sy ri a from the U.S.-rontroUed port. lnformed sources in Damascus said Palestine Liberation Organization chie( Vasser Arafat a nd Ma rxist guerrilla leaders George Habas h and Nayef Hawatmeh might travel to the Syrian capital by land Saturday -if adequate protection could be arranged for the journey. SUND EK "~ SUMMER l'8 CLEARANCE ¥ UP TO 50% OFF • ) *SWIM TRUNKS ......................... ~ •. 1 e•s * CORD WAlK SHORTS ........... 2 Fii •1 * GIRL'S DOLPHIN SHORTS . ................. 2 ,.~.1 ~~ ~ 112 23rd St., Newport Beach ··~ 675-2855 ~ IUI~ '1 • "j ": •• II I (. STATE Lye found in milk of magnesia By Tbe Auof'latt>d Pr~u LOS ANGELES All ho1th-s o! 11 milk ut magne111a produt:l wt•n• ordl'n ·d off tht' i.hdvt•s of Von's su1~:rmarkc>ts 1n Los An>(l'll•s and Or11ngt· County art1•r tests !>hOWl'<l lye in mc .. du.:1nt· ingested by a stOl l' t'Wh1mt•r. uut hon l1<'8 said Wt1t1 ·l~' ni•V•' t 4·r-·n•nr ,,.,.,~ '",..·"~',..''"1 ,.., •h·· \ion's chain, :cald Phllhp11 Milk of Magnc111u ~Ult•s wett• ul'dered 1 emoved Thursday after tbt< l11borutu1y h.•at reaulta wcrt• rcport.<'<i. A 1 t.>t·all wos i11.&ut.-d for oil unused bottle!$ of the.• mt.'Cl11.·ml' w1lh lht.' c:odc• number 2-bl8 and an e1p1ratton dut<' of February 1986 6 arres te d in unsolve d border crimes SAN DIEGO Polil·t.· 1n T1Juanu and San Du~go belwvt.' a gang of burdt•1 bandits 1s responsible for preying on illt.•gal alwns and h;,is been apprt.•hcndt.'d. Smet.· arn•sting six male• Mcx1c:an nauunals, 1'1Juana's Stott.• Jud1c:1al Polu.·t• havt.• askt.-d San D\cgo polkt• loi assistant'<' In many unsolved c·a.'K'8 on tht.' U S. side. Bill Robinson, spokesman for the San Diego police, said Thursday that 60 border cases involving murder, assault with deadly weapons, rape and robberies wert' forwarded to Tijuana authorities. , Auto finance maximum interest may rise SACHAMENTO Thl' maximum cost of auto financing would rise under a ball approved by the stall' ASSl'mbly SB 1 9 9 5 by S l' n Joh n For an , D -San Francisco, would ra1s1• tht' maximum annual NATION intprt'Sl rat(• from the current 21 6 percent to 25.6 pcr<:t!nt on a contract for less than $3,000, and to 23.6 pef'('ent for over $3.000 Thursday's 47-14 vole• S('nl the bill Qac:k to th<-St•natc for a votl• on Assembly amendments. Seat belt defect causes Datsun recalls DETROIT -Nissan Motor Corp U.S A. 1s recalling 118,747 Datsun model 5 IO t·ars built between 1979 and 1981 bt'<.'ausc of a possible defect in the seal bell rl'lractors, thl' company said. The mN.·hanism in the front seal Ix-Its an some of these c:ar could prevent lht.• lx•lts Crum being extended for us<'. th<' mmp.·my, bascod in Car~on . Calif • said m a statt'm ent re-leased Thursday in l)(>tro1l. The rccallt'd vehicll's include all of the model 510 cars built during the 1979 and 1980 model years as well as those manufactured m the b<·gmning of the 1981 modc•I year, said Nissan spokto'Sman LeRoy Frey. Even when on probation, they go to jail AMES, Iowa When Storv County Distract Judge Louie Beissl't place; t·raminats on probation, hl• still sends them to Jail. Since January, BeissN has been ordNmg all the defendants he places on probation to take a tour of prison ' l feel at helps an and1v1dual get an understanding of what will happen to them" if they eontinue to break the law, Beisser said. Cruise liner runs aground off Miami port MIAMI A cruist.' liner carrying 625 people ran aground shortly after dawn today at the head of the shipping ehannPI leading to the Port of Miami, the Coast Guard said. No injuries were reported and a tug was sent to try to pull the ship free The 500-foot Dolphin IV was returning from a cruise to the Bahamas when the electrical generators that provide steering power failed and 1t drifted slowly aground. said Petty Officer Dan Waldschmidt. It lodged on a sand bar about one-haJf mile off Fisher Island. Oscar the gorilla flees Columbus cage COLUMBUS, Ohio -Oscar. a 12-year-old gorilla, walkt'<l out of his cage when its door was left open at the Columbus Zoo. causing about 1,500 visitors to be evacuated to an area near the main gate The 400-pound gorilla. howevt·r. never WORLD made tt to the public part of the 55-acre wo. zoo director Jack Hanna said. Oscar wandered around keepers' access aisles among the cages in the Great Ape House tor 45 minutes. Hanna said, until a zoo veterinarian fired a tranquilizer dart to sedate Oscar and he was returned to his cage. Subway pillars collapse; 7 workers die MEXICO CITY -Newly-cast concrete pillars collapsed and brought down part of the ceiling at a subway station under construction in Mexico City Thursday, killing at least seven workers and injuring eight, District Attorney Pedro Flores reported. "We don't know thC' c:ause yet and the incident is being investigated," Flores said. "Rescue crews are down th€'rc• and digging into the rubble. So far, seven bodies have been recovered." The station in a south-side residential section called Coyoacan is part of Subway Line 3 being extended to link the Department of Foreign Affairs at Tlatelolco with the National Autonomous University at University City. It is designed to carry an average of 200.000 people, mostly s tudents, a day. Typhoon Ellis leaves 4 dead in Japan TOKYO -Typhoon Ellis ripped across the east coast of Japan's southernmost mam island of Kyushu today, leaving four dead. two missing and 24 injured, police reported. The storm with winds gusting to 78 mph moved northward at about 19 mph and veered ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Hal•y Pvbl"h4t< onrl ('11111 f ·~cv•·•~ O!h1 "' Jan• AmCHi hMut••• fdrlor L Koy Schultz VtCt ''•1>d11n1 ond 0.1ec:t0t of Aclv., 1111ng Thomas A. Murphln• r .J11or Raymond Mod.eon Con1mlle1 mto the Sea of Japan, weathermen said. Ellis dumped up to 271"1 inches of rain an eastern Kyushu and caused widespread flooding in 13 states across western J apan. Police said 137 landslides were reported, 20 houses destroyed. 985 houses flooded a nd si· bridges washed away. CIHtlfled •dvertltlng 7141M2-se71 All other dep•rtmenl• '42~321 MAIN Of'FICE »O W•tl hy SI , Coote JM .. , CA. Mell ecklreta: 8o> fjtO, c ... 1. AM ... CA . .,._,. Copyrl9fll 1'9t Or .... CNll Pllbll1hl119 C-y No newt llOr'-1, Rt111lr•ll°"'· edttorl<itt melt., or•• n ru .. .._ta ._,.,,. ,.,., lie ,..,.od<Ked wlthoul -l•l perm11.-0f <Ol>Y•ieM-N r. Mlcho.t '. Harvey Owector of Mo<ketong IC~cwlohOnl K•nneth N. Goddard Jr. .., .... Del • .., ......... ~ ~F°rl(le~ ti ycki 00 ftOI -.i )lllK# -by & XI p m call bef(w"e r 11 m -~ c:oov ... 111>e d•h-"" a.tvrele¥ -Suftdet.,.11 "°" 00 llOI :: 1&':':.. c:'J "°"' :o:., ..... ~ .......... J I O..ecto-of {)petot<>ni VOL. 75, NO. 231 We're Listening ••• Wh at do you like about lhe Dally Pltot? What don't you Uke? Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transrribed a nd delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour ahswerln1 service may be UJed to record let· ters to lhe editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their naml' I nd telephone number (or verification. No circulation t'allit. plea!le. Tell lll! what's on your mind. 642•6088 - Orange Co11t OAILV PILOTIFrldey, Augutt 27, 1982 H/F AFTER SENTENCING A ttorncy M eir Westreieh listen s outsid<.• Superior Court as Delly Piiot Photoe by P•lrlcll O'Donnell d1c•nt Ali Roushan says hl· has no intentscm of disman tling artwork. Welder behind bars? Rousha11 exp ects to sp end 5 days in jail, lea Ye . art up By DAVID KUTZMANN Of IM Delly Piiot 61•ff Afwr mOl'l' than twu yt•Hr~ of hghung Costa Mesa offu:1als al City Hall and m the courts, renegad<.· met.al S(:ulpturl' Ali Roushan 1s on the verge of going tu' J<ill. CAUSE OF TROUBLE -Ali Roushan has erect ed f ou r towering s tatues and meditation towers in the yard of his Costa Mesa weldinf.{ shop. The two lal<'~l blows against Roushan <:am(· Thui:sday. First a Superior Court JUdgc ordt'nod him to report to Orange County Jail Tuesday for a five-day sentcnt:e, ahd then tht.' California Supreme Cort turnc"'CI down an (•mergency wnt a1m<'<i at delaying 1mpos1tion of the iail term Unrepentant, Roushan said he is rl'ady to begm serving his sentenc·c and thal he has no intention of wking down a tOWl'rtng, rt.od mNal artwork on his Superior Avenue property wh1t·h l'tty officials ~y was built m v1olauon of a t'Ourl order and without the proper city penn1~ and ~fl.'ly checks. Thursday's developments not unexpectc-d left the f1l•ry Iranian 1mm1grant's attorm·y with basically only one option. Go to U.S. District Court on Monday in Los Angeles There. attorney Meir Westreich said. he will ask a federal judgt' to consider whether Costa Mc•sa's building ordinances conform with the F1rsr Amendment. free-c-xprC'ss1on privileges whu:h Roushan claims he is e ntitled to. Over the past 22 years. lh<· ll'Onodast1t· metal worker has crcc:ted four red swcl artworks on his propc.•rty at 1550 Superior Ave Though ht• rel·c1ved rctroat:llv<' city approval on the first, known as Waterfall. Roushan built tht• next thrt·e without the pro~r building permits. the city claimed. Last December, Superior Court Judge Robert Fitzgerald found Roushan an contempt of court for erecting the last of his artworks m violation of a previous court order and without the proper pcnnits. Fitzgerald imposed the five-day jail sentence. which was stayed through the first half of 1982 by Westreich's appeals to th~ Founh District Court of Appeal and the California Supreme Court. All the appeals were turned down. That brought Houshan into court Thursday, where Superior Cour t Judge Philip Schwab·said the welder-turned-artist would have to begin serving his jail lime beginmng Tuesday. He is scheduled to report to the ;ail at 9 a .m . Even if he serves his sentence, Roushan's legal problems are far from over A trial is scheduled to begin on Sept. 15 in Superior Court, at which time the city will seek a permanent court order forbidding the feisty little welder from e recting any further artwork without city approval. RC1ushan, however, w as unperturbed. "It's no problem. W e expected that." he said of Thursday's rulings. Instead of worrying about going to jail. Roushan preferred talking instead about his new plans -for a castle. "Yeah, I've got nothing better to do," he said Roushan indicated he would attempt to secure the proper building permits for his castle. but would go ahead with the project even if he doesn't get them. The castle actually would be a facad e around his welding shop on Superior Ave. WHY THE ONLY PLACE YOU NEED TO SHOP FOR CARPET IS ... 1 .• I ( • iC ~ rt ... • •It ~> . ,. ;. * r • -•f f) (I a '1:.Cttt• •If ts sW1 rt 1 la:r s · e • 1.~; tJ f . ,,_~,, 1 . .fJ .. 11~ Ji 1rt1'} ... l·f~ •. ~ 'f.',UAH ALDEN'S T otal satisfaction. Ask your friends whose homes we've carµet.ed . We feature one of t he area's largest selections of fine carpetin,. T op quality names like Lees. Americas favorite, best sell ing carpet br1md. In every carpet color imaginable. And more o( today's fashionable s hades. AR your local Lees Carpets Look Alive dealer we look fo rward to helping you select your next carpet. Our' salespeople know iheir business. They'll save you a lot of money by helping you choose the right Lees Carpet fo r one room or your whole house. And your budget, too. Come in today. See why now ia , the best time ever to invest in a Lees Car~t for your home. For value and quality. It's today's best buy in carpet. And best of all, it"s a Lees. .,. ALL LIMITll OIAllTITlll Install~ Prl~s lnc/ud~ NZX-3600 spon~ rubb~r pad . DEN'S ~l17'~it ~ 4 : i"nstillition : 'custom dr1p1ries it!r. . ' uc.•- • UC.NO ..... 3 ACOOIA AVE. • COSTA A CA 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 ~ 646:2355 • I t . ' • ~·· Orono Co ot OAIL Y PILOT /Friday, Auguat 27, 1982 By PAT HOROWITZ ortM IWIJ ,..., 11att DEAR READERS· AILhough tnOlil JX.'Ople know that a lawyer may be disciplined, pouibly even disbarred, for vlolutlng the low or the profession's code or t'thll'll, l<•w understand how this disciplinary proceli!i works or whert' to go with a serious l'Omplalnt about a lawyer's profeB.'iaonal l'onducl. To explain the process, the State Bar oC Californ ia has publis h ed a cons u mer information pamphlet about the state bar'ti system for Investigating alleged attorney rnlaconduct and for taking appropriate action lf ~lllCOnduct warranting disciplinary action 1s found to have occurred. "Whal Can I Do 1f I Have a Problem with My Lawyer?" outlines the sort of conduct that might cause a lawyer to be disciplined and 'what happens after a complaint is filed with the state bar. It also deals with overpriced legal f ees, h ow long it takes to decide a complaint and what happens to lawyers who are disciplined. In addition, the pamphlet explains how the st.ate bar's client security fund may reimburse a client for money lost through a lawyer's dishonest ('()ndul't Thb fund, s upported by contributions Crom all attorneys, may pay out up Lo $50,000 per claim. This pamphle t 1s the latest an the stalt• bar's series explaining legal issues to non-lawyers. Thirteen pamphlets cover such topics as bankruptcy, ~mall Claims Court, divorce. estate planning and tenants' rights. To order a free si nglc c·opy. send a stamped, self-addressed, legal-size envelope to: State Bar Pamphlets, Office o f Bar Communications and Public Affairs. 555 Franklin St., San Francisco 94 102. For multiple copies, send a l'hcck or money order for $17.50 per 100 or $130 per 1.000 to: State Bar Pamphle ts, 651 Brannan St . San Francisco 94107. B etter sh op l o cally DEAR PAT: I ordered a camera bag from "Tbe Slivers" catalog Nov. 23, 1981. My $!35.80 check was cashed Immediately, but I CAREER OPPORTUNITY . Excellent Marketing Plan Premium Product Health Oriented Call 494-4044 ( 1Ull b•vea'I received my order . J h ve co1t•cted tlle state attoney 1eneral'1 offlcef wbo referred me to tbe attorney 1eneraJ o Connectic ut, wbo p111t d me •1001 to tile Co n n e ctic ut Consumer Protec tion Departmtat. I •leo con&a c tecl tbe poatal ln1pectloo offlcl1l1. Notlala1 baa laappened to re.olve tbl1 matter. T.C., HunUn1too Beacb A YS contacted ''T he Silvers." Your refund is being mailed Immediately. When as k ed what had happ ened, t he firm's customer service representative said the computer "crashed" before Christmas ancJ some orders were not filled. Next time, shop locally, particularly when you plan to spend a lot of money for an it.em. Excellent quality leather goods are sold by many retailen; In Orange C.Ounty. You would have a chance to do comparl.aon shopping and not have more than $200 lied up in a mail- order mixup for nine months. Choose eggs care fully D EAR PAT: Oo you or any of your readers know bow to choose eggs tbat are really fresb? I've bought some lately that definlt:?ly were past their prime . J.J., Costa Mesa Just remember that fresh eggs are rough and chalky in appearance Olde r eggs are smooth and shiny. • "Got a problem? Then wrile to Pat' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • l getting the answers and action you nee d to solve inequities in r1 • government and business. Mail . your questions w Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letlers as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number cannot" be considered. A'l'Wlf~o RE M E MBE RS -Coretta Scott King, widow of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr .. r e flects on his memory during a speech to the American Postal Workers Union at Miami Beach. Fla. S tamp h onors St. Francis WAS HING TO N (AP ) A commemorative stamp honoring S t . Francis of Assisi will be issued Oct. 7, the U.S. Postal Service said. First issue of the stamp will ta ke place in San Francisco, where c i vic leaders have scheduled an observance of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the saint after whom the city was named. St. Francis was a 13th century humanitarian an Italy, where he lived as a hermit, caring for lepers and rebuilding neglected churches. In 1209 he founded the Franciscan Order, which still ministers to the sick and needy. The hole shebang! Navy, natural or white mesh on a wee wedge and it's only 14. 99 Mas1erCard • Visa 0 T t I COAST PLAZA TH E B E ST in r eading enjoym ent comes to your. home 7 days a week in the Daily Pilot ,42_4321 , Tops UI hl11tor" P rin ce E d '\V a r d 's mar k s b e low par LONOO!f <AP) -Prtnct' Edward's reputation as the brains of Britain's royal family took a beating today when n e w s p a p ers r epo rted h is univ ersity qu a l i fying examination grades were below average. The exception was a top mark In histor y, which Edward's famil y has been making for ':enturies. The London Times said In Thursday's editions his poor· showing "may give ... som e pause for thought" to admission tuton1 at Cambridge University's Jesus C.Ollege. The 18-year-old prince has been o ffered a place as an u ndergraduate s tude nt at the college in September 1983, on condition his grades this year are adequate. But the British domestic news age n cy Press Associa tion reported: "It is understood the disclosure of Edward's marks will not affect his placing there ." Buckingham Palace announced Tuesday that F.dward, youngest of the four children of Queen Elizabeth ll. had passed three advan ced level university entrance examinations. but it did not reveal his marks. The Times reported today that Edwa rd received a "C" i n English litera ture, a "D" in economics and a "D" in political science. The prince partially redeemed himself with a grade 2 signifying special merit -in a history examination. The Times said the prince's gr&adeli "place him on average allghtly below the midpoint of candidates who took this year'• Oxford and Cambridge board examinations." Edward, who completed' his final term al Gordonstoun School in &'Otland this summer, had a reputation as the bralna of the royal family because none of the others Wl.lS judgt..od by teachers aa academi,·a ll y bright. His 33-year -old brother , Prince Charles, LS the only member of the royal family to have obtained a university degrf!t!. Charles, heir to the throne, also we nt to Gordonstoun, where he got a "B" grade an history and a "C" an French He graduated from Cambridge with a history dcgn'<' A spo ke s man f o r th e Universities Central C.Ouncil for Admissions, which processes applications for university places. said Edward's grades were ''pretty borderline." Most candidates for Cambridge and Oxford, Britain's oldest and most prestigious universities, are unlikely to get in without "A" grades. Buckingham Palace refused to comment on his grades, w hich were leaked to newspapers. "Someone has seriously abused the c onfidentiality of our system," said Robin Davis, joint secretary o f the Ox ford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. Sir Alan CottrelJ, Master of J esus College, which was founded in 1496. was unavailable for comment. His staff said he was on holiday. .. f -------------- "Sure you are, buddy' R eaga n ' brother ~topp d at W ite Hou~ e lt'1 11ol alwayli t•u111y lo Vliit thl· White ttou1w, t•vt•n 1f you'rt• tht• prealdent'11 only brotht•r. ronfldt. .. Nell Reaaan. "( onct! Wl'nt up 1.o u S1-t·rt't Servk'l· agent trying tu get through and told the man I w u the prcsid<•nl'11 brother," the t>lder Reagan told San Diego luncheon <·ompanlo ns this week. The agenl, according to Reagan, replied: ''Sure you are, buddy. You're lhe seven ltr one we've h ad ao far today." . "I often wonder how Biiiy Carter ever got into the White House," said Reagan , who lives north of San Diego at Rancho Santa Fe. Congressional candidate Cornelius Alexander McGllllcuddy Ill, Cape Coral, Fla., knows his given name probabl y doesn't m ean much to voters. But when he goes by the name his grandfather used, "1t opens a lot of doors" in this Gulf Coast area, which is home to many retirees. The Connie Mack who is running ae a Republican in Florida's 13th Congressional District ts the grandson of baseball legend Connie Mack. His grandfather, a member of baseball's Hall o f Fame. helped Corm the American League and guided the Philadelphia Athletics £or 50 years. The first Connie Mack died in 1956. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher "simply won't allow herself to be ill" and made such a strong recovery from varicose vein surgery that s he was working the next day, her physician says. "I can't believe how completely overwhelmed I am with the way this • 11118 / f ICll wumun hu11 r,•t·uvt•1'1•d," Or. John Henderson &1ld ln London "Stw 111 bt>having aa 1f nothing huppt•11t.J." ThatC'he r 'r cturnt•d t o wo1 k Tuesday. The prime mmlster, ~6. had the surgery perform<.>d under gcnerul ane11thesia a nd left the clinic Monday night, 11 hours after checking in. Henderson said the operation was needed to r ed uc<• pain and for cosmeuc purposes. The mural commissioned tor th£• Ric hard M. Nixon library is way ahead of the building. A site for the library hasn't been picked. but artist Cbarlu Swelt1e r has the painting well on its way to completion. Sweitzer, 44, has been painting murals for 20 years. His largest is a 32-by -100-Coot painting for the Douglas • M acArthur Acad e m y 1n Dallas. The Nix on painting for th£• library or Duke Univers it y , Raleigh. N .C .. measures 1 O feet NIXON by 25 feet and Sweitzer says it's his favorite. It juxtaposes Nixon's career with the flight of a phoenix, which according to mythology consumed itself in fire and rose to new life from its ashes. Sweitzer beheves Nixon, disgraced by Wate rgate, w ill eventually bt• looked upon as a great president Serious cr11nes down Violence up slig htly, property offenses drop WAS HINGTON (AP) -T h e number of serious crimes reported to police in America declined very slightly in 1981, the first such d rop in four years, FBI Director William H. Webster has reported. Last year. the total number of reported serious crimes was 13,2jfl ....... 300. down just 5,100 from the f980 figures, accord ing to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports. which are based on data s ubmitted by law enforcement agencies covering 97 percent of the U.S . population. Because o f an inc r e a se in population, the crime rate declined 1.7 percent, Crom 5,899.9 crimes for every 100.000 residents in 1980 to 5.799.9 crirOes in 1981. The tin y decline in crimes. which amounted to the stabilization of crime totals virtually at 1980 levels, cam e during a year in which Attorney General William French Smith made violent crime his top priority. H e proposed a series of tough restrictions on criminal de fendants. designed to put more of them in jail and k eep them there longer. But nearly a ll these proposals are still awaiting action in Congress. The FBl reports include murder, r obber y, rape, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft. The Last annual decline in overall serious crime came in 1977. when the totals were down 3.3 percent Crom 1976. ln 1980, crime jumped 9.4 percent over the previous year. "The leveling off of reported crime in 1981 ... is w elcom e news,'' Webster said. "We must remember. however, that 1980 was the peak year Cor lawlesmess in our nation and th.at this high was mamtamed in 1981" He pointed out that overall serious cr ime was up 22 percent from 1977, a1l,d 61 percent from 1972. d eed , the violent crim es o f der. rape, robbery and aggravat<..'<i ssault were up I percent in 1981. Burglary. larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft, the property crimes accounting for more than 90 percent of all crimes. declined by 0.2 percent in 1981. Furthermore, a m assive J1Jsti<:e Department study begun in the m id -1970s h as learne d thro ugh interviews with tens of thousands of Americans each year that one-third of all violent crimes in the United States are not reported to the police, and thus n ever s h o w up in the FBI figures. S mith said he was pleased with the figures. · "It is heartening to see that figures that have been marching upward for so long are now stabilizing," he said "It is difficult to pinpoint reasons for such a development, but I believe good, conscientious police w ork definitely accounts for much of the improvements." The FBI report showed that arrests of adults for the seven serious crimes rose by 7 percent in 1981 over the previous year. Breaking the figures down, the FBI said serious crime showed no change in the nation's cities, decreased by 2 pe r cent in rural counties and 1 percent in suburban areas. The Southern st.ates accounted for 32 percent of the nation's crimes, compared to 24 percent for Western states, 23 percent for North-Central states and 21 percent for Northeastern states. PUBLIC AUCTION EST ATE JEWELRY a FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL VEA, OILS, Etc. FREE !.OMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEA.LERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China, Crystal. Porcelains, Bronzes. European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewelry Including fine watches, solltalre diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE NIGHT Fri., 27th, Sat., 21th Slit., 29th, 1:30 P .M. lftSPECTION 2:00 P .M. • 5:00 P.M. & 7 • a P .M. Sate fllhts Property of several prominent Leisure World residents, together with lnwntory of well·known L.A. Jewelry In flnanclal trouble. Also, out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: VIN • MasterCard Personal chec• -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tuatln Ave. (Corner P•c. Coaat Hwy. a Tuatln) . Newport Be•ch Orange Oout OAILV PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 27, 1982 ' Immigration bill backed Adn1ini tralion atisficd a to flexibility J BUILDER'?-Robt!rl Redford , best known as ac t or -d1reclor, wants to develop 50 lots near Sun-Dance Resort outs1d<.• Provo, Utah. WASH! N O TON (AP) -Th'-' Ruaan adminl1\riatlon 1upport1 a Senatl'-pUHl"d blll ovvrhllullna the nadon'• lmm1grution hiw1 tk-ap1W n.•st•1·vutlorU1 about a provl1wn thut wultJ lt'1;1d to a nutlo11ul ld<•ntlly c•ar<J, 4111udmlnlstrotlotl11pokt!tlman hWi :iii.id 1'~ Uale, 11pok1•:1rrurn for thl• White Hou:1e Otflcl· oC Mun11t(f•m1mt and Budget, said the udmtn11Jlrullon IK satisfied that tht• bill "has suHicwnt rJcx1b11ity" in mandating a system for dt•t1•111llmng lf immigrants are living in the United Swh'!j lt·golly. The Scnuw pask.od the immigration bill, 61-18, last wec•k. A companion measure is pending before the Hou8C' Judiciary Committee. The proposed legislation would establlah fines of up Lo $2.000 and jail terms of six months for t•mplov1·r~ who h1n• llll'l(al 1mmll(rants. 'fo make the ayttf•m mort-t>u.aJly enro~3bl . the bllla direct the piwld~nt to eatablt.h some form of nutlonal Identity t•ord or • data bank to help verify II u worker la In tht· c'Ountry lt'gully Dalc'a comment.a T hurH<it1y w1•rt-In rc1µu1Uto w' a report b~ T he Nt:w York Tunes which quoted auoclol.ed OMB dlrt><·tor Annelise 0 Anderson as ' saying a natlonlW Identity system ce>uld lead to I abusefl "typical of totalitarian soc1ctlt!H" "Annelise Anderson was exprl"ssing her I personal views on the danffers and costs of a , national identification system,'. said Dale. "Administration conl'erns on this point wl're diaclosed at the time of the Senate dC'batc on the immigration bill," h e said . "However. the ' admimstrallon supports the bill. The bill has suffa:1enl Clex1b1hty on this question " ----FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES PHCnE· mRTE® ROAMPHONE'MAND TRANSCEIVER Take and make calls from anywhere In your home or yard without using clumsy phone cords or jacks. You also get the convenience of call screening wherever you roam at home. ROAMPHONE '" TRANSCEIVER 6. • HH range of approxlm.tely 10 ecrea -or two toot-., ball flelds. • Includes extemal Range Extender Antenna Connection that can boost signal quality at>ove even the normal high quality. PHCnE·mRTE c CALL SCREEN/ ANSWERING MACHINES MODEL IQ 1210 Includes all the quality features of Model IQ 1200 PLUS rhe unique advantage of a REMOTE BEEPER that lets you retrieve messages from any phone on earth. OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY FEDCO MEMBERS AGREE WITH CHANNEL 2 KNXT-TV Channel 2. Sunday June 27. 1982. televised the results of their consumer survey comparing prices of Fedco's merchandise with Gemco·s. Kmarfs and Zodys . The KNXT consumer editor selected national name brand merchandise sold at Fedco. Gemco. Kmart. and Zodys In every Instance, Fedco was the lowest on all items when compared to the prices at Gemco, ~mart and Zodys. NOW THAT'S WHAT MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS IS ALL ABOUT! ROAMPHONE , .. • Screen• cell• remotely when used in coordination with any Phone- Mate Call Screen/Answering Machine. • Handsome decorator styling. • Includes Charging Cradles designed to sit on a table or hang on the wall MODEL IQ 1200 • SCREENS CALLS -you'll know who's calling before you answer. • TAKES MESSAGES -you'll never miss another Important phone call. • DUAL TAPE SYSTEM -you save important messages and avoid having to repeatedly listen to your outgoing message while playing incoming messages. • AUDIO SCAN ... -helps !ind specific message within a series of mes- sages. • BUILT-IN MICROPHONE. FED CO MEMBERS HIP DEPARTMENT STORES STORE LOCATIONS FEOCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837-4481 FEDCO COSTA MESA (714) 979-2660 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD . LOS ANGELES 90016 3030 HARBOR BLVD , COSTA MESA 92626 FEOCO VAN NUYS (213) 786·6863 FEDCO IAN DIEGO (714) 262·241 r 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUYS 91 405 54th & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO 92105 FEDCO PASADENA (213) 449·8620 FEDCO IAIC IUINAROINO (714) 888·4 181 3111 E COLORADO BLVD . PASADENA 91107 570 S MT VERNON AVE . FEDCO CERRITOS (213) 860-7711 SAN BERNARDINO 92410 11525 SOUTH STREET. CERRITOS 90701 FEOCO ONTARIO (714) 947·8300 POMONA FREEWAY & ARCHIBALD AVE STORE HOURS WEEKDAYS: 11 :00 AM tt 1:00 P'M • LA ClfNfGA • WI IEllMAftOINO ANO SAN DIEGO ITOllU 12:00 NOON to 1:00 PM • CflllllTOI • COSTA MHA • PASADENA • VAN NUYI AND ONTAlllO ITOllfl SATUAOAYS: All ITOllH 10:00 AM te l :OI PM SUNDAYS: ALL ITOllH 10:00 AM le 1:00 PM ALL ITOlllS ~LOIED WfDNfSOAYI ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO JOIN? APPROVED CRIDIT UNION M•M81RS NOW QUALIFY t CHECK THIS LISTI ------------------------------ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR 12.00-PLIAll DO NOT HND CASH WHO MAY JOIN F•DCO? APPLICATION FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP FEDCOl 1Nc 8127 SA I Only rH lden11 ot Ill• 11111 ot Cellfornt1 wt>o meel on• 011111 lollowlng q u1ltflce1tone; • Flder1t employMe, bOlh clvtllen end mllllary, elthlf ectlve or retirees. • Membef• ot the Ofeenlnd (eellve) "Menlff ot Ille erlMCI Mrvlc:M Of the United ...... Government whO .,. on Ille p1yroll of the ,_.,1 Governm1nt. • Pereon. who r19uterly receive dl11blllty compen11tlon, pen1lon1, 1oel1I 1eour1ty peymenll, or rallrold r1tlrem1nt 1nnult1H from the UnltH It"" Gov.,nment • l llte, County, City, and othlf Munlalpel emptoyMe, •lthlf tctlV9 Of retired. • ln\plOYMt Of non~oltt G0t90t1t1on1 Of M10Clt t1on1 • ,ull·tlml 1tudlnt1 wtlo tr• 11tl'ltMn p•rw of •orotdef. • fmPloYMt of hOltllt•I•. I ChOOll I ncl Goll19H. • lmplOYlff Of bu1lne11" '#l'llch er• 1ublfft to the r19Uletlon. control. or 1upenl110n of tl'll Publlo UtllhlM Comm1111on of the It.ii Of C.llfomle. • ~of •Slt>fo~ credft un10n1 • ,,,.,...,_ ol llmt• dolno their pnmety buelftM• "'"' local, ..... °' ,..,.I .--M-•m_bef~•-"•_P•_1_u_uec~o_n_•v_1o_c_._"'~~"'_•_R•_s_oa._n_11~~~~~-P-.o-._•_0_•_22_1_s_e_.L_o_•_A_n_g_•~ __ •._C_A_900~-2_2__,I I I I I I I PLEASE PAINI EACH LHTEA IN BO~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I i I I 1' I"'"''""" FIRST "IAME MtOOlE INITIAL I.AST "IAYE . 1111111 llli ;1i:llll! ~---~ "'° srneer AEStOENCE APT "'° I I I I I I I I I I I I I @El 191 I I ! I I CITY ZIPCOOE I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I EMP\.OVMENT SCHOOl NA"'E I LI I I I I I I I i i I I ,-!Ti I I MEMBli"SHtP OUALll'ICATl()N II YOll 1rt 1111111111 to loin ftdco 'ff· I ceu11weu '"111 ttlt mllltlry Mrvln, I 1 •1 .. 111t• wtttra11, N¥t rttlfff frM I clYtl HMct, ll't I CM" ..... IMllt· "'. " .,. '"'1""' a..t11 sec-ittr I 111Mftt1, ,,, ... rm 111 ,.., ,,..... I AO~US CITV lltlft, M ,.. lft lllt Ill l4iy ff .. I @El I 9 I I I I I l I I ( I I I I l I J ~ ...., cla~tla'9tM, "° lllf!IMr 11 I I ZIP Coot! AMA 000£ C!Mf'\.OYMINT r-: . I I ICHOOI. 'HOHi I I ~ ..,.118" .,.i1c11111111111ra U •Ill 1111 tllta el llOIUINMdll. 1i041> • 1N11lllT NUMIEFI If Al"PUCAkl I 'IMMRMIU un MPIHM!tW ~...,.,"""'" -.. .. 1111 ...... 11 I ""' ................. __.....,..."... " I I ~ICAN1 IS~ATUM T I CC>QfGNMINTI ACCIPT!D 'TIL 5 P.M. I ..... """ ................. ,.,,,. ............... , ., ....... .._....... ....... I -------------------------------,·-----------------·-----------------------------.. o.wr.-nt If . \ Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT /Prtday. Augu11 27, 1882 'Bulle t train' gets aid A bill to authurlw sale of $I 26 billion in atat~ revenue bonds to help finance a high-speed "Bullet traln1' route through Orange Co unty received key support of an A ssemb l y -Senate cbnfe rence t:ommitlet!. The sale of the tax-exempt bonds would enable the train to be developed and facilities built between Los Angeles and Sun Diego with lower-cost financing than throuJ(h private means. The bill, which received the b acking We dnesday, would treate a four-member California Rail Passe nger Finam·ing ! 'Commission to issue the revenue bonds during the years needed to juild the tram, according to The ~led Press. f) Earnings from the tram then w ould be used to pay off the !bonds, and the state would not be sponsible in case of defaul!. Proponents of the biU said· it will make development of the \rain more likely than ever. "This is not a fantasy. This is realit y," said Assemblyman uce Young, chairman of the ssem bly Transportation mmittee. So far, exact alignment for e high-speed train route hasn't A'1 Wlrepflo«o WHAT A BORE -Judi Rodriguez. 6, fails to stifl e a big yawn as the early hour gets to her on lhe fi rst day of school at Parsons. Kan. Judi is a fi rst grader. • en set, but the most recent roposals are to build the tracks irectly over existing rail lines, uch as the Santa Fe tracks through Orange County. No st.ops have been committed yet, although most transportation ~lanners say the most likely ;stations would be in Anaheim, 'Sant.a Ana and perhaps Irvine. Pollution standards for diesels stiffened ~p 1 a n n e r s ea r 1 i er had LOS ANGELES (AP) The nsidered building the tracks California Air Resources Board o ng sid e the Santa Ana has substantially stiffened smog reeway, but now say the route rules for diesel car s, going ls less feasible. beyond federal standards despite t <?r:ange Cou~ty Transit District protests from manufacturers that pif1c1als planrung a countywide the requirements could not be ~ transit line say the bullet met. '(rain s should not affect their However, the ARB voted to ~stem because the trains would permit its executive officer to ~ponce or perhaps twice in the work out "trade-offs" with bounty. individual manufacturers by { relaxing diesel standa rds in t ppeal delays exchange for lower emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles. "Most manufacturers have f II t t • l indicated they won't be able to a OU r1a mt-et the standards, but we don't • SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -A believe that," said Patty Heinen, awyer for Utah ranchers who an ARB staff engineer. JX)ntend 1950s nuclear test fallout ARB s pokesman Bill Sessa l<.llled thousands of sheep says it said Genera l Motors a nd 0.4 grams per mile m 1985. 0.2 grams fX'r mile in 1986 and 0.08 grams per mile in 1989. The current level of particulate adm1ss1ons allowed in the state is 0.6 grams per mile -the same as the Cederal standard.A gasoline- power car now emits about 0.2 grams per mile The action came a f ter warnings from the ARB staff that these particles, because of their size, can bypass much of the human body's natural filtering system and cause tissue damage det'P in the respiratory system. · The ARB said diesels now account for 8 percent of t!:ie car sales in California, adding that figure 1s expc<:ted to increase to up to 20 percent by 1990. pnay be two years before their M ercedes B e nz . which suit is retried because of a manufactures the heaviest diesel U n pro ven drugs government appeal. cars. will be most serio usly J Federal lawyers said this week affected. r ule d in eligible ~y will appeal a judge's ruling "But all manufacturers feel )\ug. 4 that the governmen t now they must offer a diesel to WA SHINGTON (AP) - j:oncealed evidence in the 1956 remain competitive. and we Medicare and Medicaid payments ~ederal suit. expect many of them to come to will be disallowed for more than The ranchers' lawyer. Dan us to try to work out trade-offs." 200 drugs which have yet to be ushne ll, argued a trial date he added. proved safe a nd effective, under h o uld be set now because In l982. eight manufacturers the tax bill passed recently by plaintiffs and witnesses in the offered 40 diese models for sale Congress case are old. in California. compared to only Among products affected are •\ It could be l I L years before the two manufacturers who had p n henar~an, an expectorant sold ~30 th U.S. Circuit Court of dieselsonthemarketinl9?5,the byWyethLaboratories:Librax,a •Appeals in Denver r ules. ARB said. · I #' peptic u cer preparation made by ~ushne,11 said. Afte r the case In a unanimous vote. the board Roche Laboratories • and r eturns to the lower court, it adopted rules that will slash the Mycolog. an anti-bacterial agent fbuld be six months before a permissible level of soot-like m a r k e t e d b y s q u i b b rial, he said. particulate emissions by diesels to Laboratories. \}l~~~ljii&iiiEll&iiiii&iiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiil i IF YOU COOK -YOU NEED ' 1Story Teller Old Mother Hubb-ard comes 10 Huntington Center mall to tell fa iry ) ales and nursery rhymes to the youngsters Aug. 27 thru 29 Fri. at 1 & 3. Sat. at 12:30~2:00-3:30 and Sun. at 1 & 2:30. COOK LINE FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF ''Cook-Along'' And Information Brochure -Call * Waste gas. waste time. waste money That's what you'll be doing If you drive up to those crowded L.A. ski sales where you *spend more time shoving than shopping. -,. Why fight it. Wait ~or the best. Get big . lavings on the finest in ski gear & ski 'wear. Everything you need. Especially the low prices. Coming Soonl 3 DAYS ONLY S8pt. 3, 4 & 5 d ted b Anaheim Convention Center SUNL~~o u~K IER~ "The best ski trip you'll take all year." ------ J ' I ' .. M ERVYN 'S ON E DAY SUPER • 1amon Gleaming 14kt. gold jewelry is yours at fantastic savings. Elegant accents for all your fashions Lovely for gifts, too 14kt gold pendants. reg. 55 00-200 00, sale 27.49-99.99 10kt. or 14kt gold rings. reg 80.00-265 00, 39.99-132.49 14kt gold chains. reg 20 00-475 00. sale 9.99-237.49 14kt gold pierced earrings. reg 20.00-75 .00. 9.99-37.49 14kt. gold charms. holders. reg 10.00-50.00. 4.99-24.99 Dazzling diamond jewelry: earrings, bracelets. pendants. rings. men's rings. reg. 150 00-1550.00. 74.99-774.99 Wedding bands. reg. 30.00-300 00. sale 14.99-149.99 Mervyn's Fine Jewelry Department •~B-~ <~· ··U.1 -MERVYN•& Prices effective Saturday, August 28 o~ly •Shop 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.·m. Orange Coett DAILY PILOT /Friday, Augutt 27, 1982 1 SALE HAPPENS THIS SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 Our door• open •t 8130 •.m. •nd · wlll et.r open 'tll 9130 p.m. Here •r•. eome of our moet popul•r Item• Save 5.01 on Saturdays• shirt• for -young men. Plaids, some western styles. sizes S-M-L-XL Reg. 15.00 12.99 Haggar• waahable slacks '!Ire 9.01 off. Western pockets with bellloop waistband. Waists 32-40. Reg. 22.00 2.01 off men'a aporty tube sock•. white with striped tops. One size fits 10-13. Reg. 6.50 pkg. of 4 pairs 1 7. 99 rour oholce R.P.M.• tweed penta, polyester/ cotton/wool: 29-36. Reg. 29.00 Cotton/polyester cords. Reg. 27 .oo Nunn Buah• ahoea on sale. Choose dress shoes or dress boots: 7-11. 12 Reg. 40.00-60 00. aele 29.99 to 44 .99 8.99 Sporty jeraey1 now 3.01 off. Find baseball or football styles in bold stripes. colors; S-M-L-XL. Reg. 10.00 Levi's• Seddleman•· Boot Jeana are 1n tough. all cotton denim Five pocket design and rivets Waists 28-42 Sale 8.99 Comfortable knits et 4.01 Hvlng1. Polyester/cotton shirts with collars In bold or pin-stripes: S-XL. Reg. 13.00 Jonlng ahorta have elastic waist and built-in aupporier. Polyeater/cotton twill: S.M-L. Reg. 8.00 each, Hie 4.71 Rags• pants on aele. In boys' sizes 8-12 reg and slim. reg. 21 00, 13.99 Students' 26 to 30. reg. 23.00, 15.99 4.99 Boys' back-to-school tees are 3.01 off. Buy long sleeve styles in tropical or bike prints. in S-M-L-XL Reg. 8.00 Sport shorts are in lots ol colors with accent trims. Polyester/cotton twill. S-M·L fits 8-18 Reg. 4.50 each. 2.69 3.99 You save 2.01 on knit shirts for little boys Choose from assorted prints in polyester/cotton: sizes 4-7 Reg. 6.00 I • j \_ ~/. __ ..... _·~ -, 3.99 pkg. C.._.- 3.01 off Mervyn's tube aocka. White with sporty stripe tops. Boys' 5-6'h. 7-8''1. 9-1 1. Reg. 7.00 pkg. of 6 pairs 40°/o off Uniform amocka and pants. Smocks in sizes XS to XL Pants in sizes 6 to 18 Reg 9.00-21 00. sale 5.40-12.60 49.99 1/3 off all weather coata. Petite or regular lengths Acrylic pile zip-out lining In 5-15 and 8-16. Reg. 75.00 Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams Ave. at Brookhurst St. • 963 -9731 1 /3 off Large alze pant topa are dressy In prints and stripes Polyester Interlock in sizes 38 to 44. Reg. 12.00, aele 7.99 19.99 Save 8.01 on women's boat oxford s. Moc toe leather style with lace vamps and flexible soles: 5 to 9. Reg. 28.00 7.99 4.01 off mlaaes' pant topa or ahlrts 1n fresh plaids and stripes. Save on sizes S·M·L. 8 to 16. Reg. 12.00 17.99 Mlaaea· size cords. Cotton/spandex. cotton. cotton/polyester. Jewel tones and black 8-1 8 Reg. 24.00 to 26.00 2.99 50% off junior tee shirta. Scoop and.v-necks are in many favorite colors Cotton 1n S-M-L Reg. 6.00 Save on Mervyn'• own bras and panty controllera for smooth shaping Reg 5.50 to 9 00. aele 3.30 to 5.40 30°/o off Women'• fleece separate• are pants, tops. 1ackets. shorts Polyester/cotton, S-M-L Reg. 6 00-15 00. 4.20 to 10.50 Ultr•lotte yarn et • atock-up prlc.. Ou Pont Orlon· acrylic In au per colors. 3 '~ oz . '4-ply ekelna. "•Cl· 1.10 1kelft Maternity tops, pent• are in colorful styles. Tops In S-M-L and 6-16; pants In sl:as 6-16. Reg.10.00to12.00 2.99 JM'd more. Brushed Arne1· trlaceate/nylon 58 to 60" wide, solids Reg. 5.00 yard 3.01 off glrla' jamer-ella in stripes. prints and character print front looks. Lace trimmed tool 4 to 14. Reg. 10.00 25°/o off Glrla' fall blouaea, ~olyester/cotton. Sizes 4-6X. reg. 10.00, aale 7 .50 7-14, reg. 10.00-11.00. 7.50-8.24 1/3 off girts' corduroy penta of polyester/cotton Choice of colors. great for school. 7-14 Reg. 20.00 50°/o off Selected Fiakera" 1claaora. Choose 8 scissors. reg 12 50. Hie 6.25 Pinking shears. reg 19 50. 9.75 < ~-~ /~.~-/~ 'cf( .;/: : .. (~_;JJ / / lteepera for Infante and toddlere. Non-skid soles. gripper walata. Size• 1 ·<I yeera. Reg. 7 .50 eech, ule 5.21 •t exceptlon•llY low price• thl• Super S•turd•y only. Hurry lnl Mervyn'• elaatlc leg dispoaable dlapera. 36 medium size. or 24 large size. Reg. 6.85 pkg .. 5.79 19.99 ........ Bedspreads, twin. full. queen. king. Comforter•. twin/full. queen/king Quantities limited. Special purchaae 2for1,2.00 •11 •l•H Fiberfill V bed pillows, polyester 1111. cotton/polyester cover Std . queen. king Reg 9 00-11 00 each. aale 6.29 Rapture II towels by J.P. Stevens. In soft cotton/polyester terry with piping border Reg 2 50-6.00. 1.99 to 2.99 2 for 7 .OO twin eheet China Song twin 1heet1, reg. 7.00. sale 3.69 each. Other sizes. pillow cases. reg 7 50-18.00. 4.99·10.99 Limit 6 twin •heeta per customer et thl1 price. Quantltle1 over 6 •re 3.99 each. 2.99 ••t of 4 Ingrid plaatlc beverage 1et1. Pick 12 oz. mug, tall or short drink sets. Limited q,uantlty Special purcheH 99° ........ , .,.,....,... Kitchen terry towels, cotton/polyester prints. Tiny flaws will not affect wear. Limited quantity. Special purchase ~ • • A' • MERVVN9S Prices effective Saturday," August 28 only• ShQP 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. ' • (. I ' ' \ • Oreno• COHI OAlL. v PILOl /Ftlday, Augu1t 27. 1812 Court service merger far f rorn settled • iss ue Gov 1-~mund G . Brown Jr , (•1tpping a two-Jt.>ar 1t .. g1sli1l1vi: effort, has sigm· u bill tu })('rlliit prt•parut1on of a µl<in for c:nnsolid;.itlnn of tht> court s<'l'Vll't• functions of th<• Oran~l' County Sheriff's l.kpartmc>nt and eounty Marshal's Offlct• For that. w("n· plt•a!>t•d What's potent1~ll y troubling 1s whether the mechanism outhnc•<.J in the• legislation ts pructic:~l and whether a n y merge•r pl<rn <.'Vl',. will be implemented Perhaps our VH·w 1:. a b1 t cynical. But a few points should bt· considerC'd. &-fore any plan e:an be d e v e 1 o p e d a m t• r g e r s t u ti y <:ommittcC' must be• cn•ated. It is to 1ncludf' two n'll·mber~ uf the county Board of Supervisors. tht• presiding superior court judge. a municipal court Judge and a fifth member picked by the other four. It will be this committee's job lo propose how the merger should best be accomplished. Under the eurrent system. the· Sheriff's Department providt•s bailiffing and other duties in the supe rior courts; thl· Marshal's Office provides similar services in the mun1c:ipal courts. Past estimates say as muc'1 a s $1 million per year eould be saved by merging the two functions Co unty voters said in 19HO o mt·rgc·r s hould cx.."'Cur. Any plan n~commend£•d by lht• commitlf't• must win tipprnval of 11 majority of tht'! county's trial judg~s. The• plan also would face aett01) by tht• state Legislatur('. Th<lt's the bad purt. Tht> reason it took two years for tht· mergt•r bill to get ~hrough tht• Lq~1 s l<1turc was the al'm tw1s t111g applied by s tatt•wid1• 11rg<in1zat1m1s feprcs<:nting deputy sht•riff~ and deputy marshals. Ttw shC'nff's outfit wants th1' s hl'nfl to control any new court serv1ct·s function. The marshal's c~1mp wants the marshal in c:harge. Though the bill signed by tht• gov<•rnor is s il<'nt on w hich sid<• should prevail. we see Lht• poss iuil1ty of extensive power pl::1ys Oil UUWn the line. It's U>o bad that what initially bcg ~in HS SUC'h a simple issue bee· a ml' so complex. Wt· realiie Asst•mblywoman-Marian Rcrgl·son .. H-Ncwport Beaeh, had to go along with many amcndmt•nts to get the measun· o u t o r b o t h h o u s c· s o f t h (' L t>gislaturt·. But it is unf(.lrtunatc th1:1t tht• issue.· c:ould not hcive been handled ' for what is an Orange County issue· that should not bl' subJC«t lo the latest whims in Sacramento. Buckle up the kids On the surface it might seem government is going a bit too far when a state legislature passes a law requiring parents to buckle 'their youngsters into auto safety seats or face a $50 fine . Surely parents should have enough sense to see that their children are safe when they take them out in the car. Not so, say the California Medical Association, the PT A, the California Insurance Institute and the California Highway Patrol. which reported that about 200 children under the age of 10 died last year in accidents on state highways. So the Legislature has p~ed. with little opposition, a measure providing that parents or guardians can be cited and fined if they fail to secure children weighing less than 40 pounds and up to 4 years old in approved safet y seats. Children riding in autos other than those of their parents must be fastened into safety belts in the back seat. Courts would be permitted to waive the $50 fine if parents proved they had obtained a safety seat, or rented one Crom on e of some 40 organizations that provide them at minimal cost for families that cannot afford to pay up t-0 $50 for an approved seat. • The lawmakers granted that the new m easure will cause some inconve nience but felt that complaint w as outweighed b y statistics presented by the 'bill's proponents. Those figures estimate 90 percent of the children who have died in accidents would have lived and 70 percent of those injured would have escaped injury if they had been restrained in safety devices. And the worst danger, it was pointed out, is carrying a child in the lap of an adult where it can be crushed between the adult's body and the dashboard in case of a sudden stop. Medical, law enforcement and insurance groups have carried out campaigns designed to educate parents on the hazards of letting small children rattle around loose in cars, but these efforts appear to have had little effect on the number of accidents involving unsecured children. Apparently something more forceful -in this case the threat of prosecution -is needed to overcome the somewhat natural r eluctance to go to the trouble of buckling a child in a safety seat for every outin~ in the car. Somehow, the lesson must be learned. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views el(· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is Invit- ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 9262l>. Phone (714) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Firs t black s The firsl black slaves brought to America in 1661 were not the first blacks to arrive here. Blacks came to Virginia 42 years earlier. They'd agreed to work for a certain number of years as indentured servants in exchange for passage, so they weren't initially free, but they weren't considered slaves at the time. They and their descendents contributed mightily to the events of history, but were not written into it. They and their works remained invisible for almost three centuries. The best-dressed law enforcement body in the United Slates i.s said to be the Indiana State Police. Who might be qualified to judge such a matter? T hat's what I asked. It was an executive opinion of the National Association of UniCorm Manufacturers. Q, You said W.C. Fields once made his living aa a professional dro~er on the beach at Atlantic City. What does a professional drowner do? A-He swims out a ways, yellit for help, splashes mightily, attracts as m uch attention as pos!lible, then collapees u the lifeguard drap hlm uhore. Crowds ~ather wnile he ls ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat being revived. Vendors of hotdogs and soft drinks sell to the packed onlookers. They later pay the drowner an agreed-upon split of the take. Q. Says here predators, such as wolves and coyotes. kill l l.2 percent of the lambs in Wyoming and 11.2 percent of the lambs in Ohio. I don't get it. Ohio doesn't have that many wolves and coyotes, if any. A. Wolves and coyotes get blamed for the killings of feral dogs. It was in 1895 that t he U.S . Supreme Court declared a federal income tax as unconstitutional. Later reversed, that one. They don't make Supreme Court.II the w&.y they used to, either. That Belgium's Adolphe Sax Invented the saxophone is common know ledge. How he dld so, specifically, is less well known. He juat crossed a brass horn with a reed mouthpiece to see what would happen. lie liked It. Q. What's the "debt of nature· .. ~ A. Death. Retcrs to the classic claim that life Is a loan, not a glrt. Thoma• '. Haley '1ibl11~•• Thomae A. Murphln• ll;folOI Jane AMOft ~.-ec:uJlvt fdtlOI lorbata Kt~bkh Ed••orlol Pooe fd•IO< Thomae McCann Monoo•nQ e dtlOI ( ' EPA hiring skirts legality WASHINGTON -Every president in recent memory has felt frustrated by an inability to impose his policies on the entrenched Washington bureaucracy. Ronald Reagan is no exception. At the Environmental Protection Agency, Reagan's political myrmidons have attempted to solve this perennial problem by making loyalty to the Republican Party an indispensable condition of employment in key middle- echelon jobs. Th~y have done this in blatant disregard of existing statutes and even. as one worried official warned, of the First Amendment to the Constitution. IT'S PERFECTLY legal and proper to name party stalwarts to jobs at the policymaking level; packing the civil- service ranks with party hacks is a different story. Even for non- competitive jobs like staff at torneys, the law forbids consideration of a candidate's political affiliation. Yet this is precisely what the administration has done in its determination t o stop EPA 's enforcement office from putting the heat on the business community. M y associates Indy Badhwar and John Dillon have obtained a confidential list of GOP faithful who were hired as EPA attorney-advisers after direct referrals f_rom the White House and Republican stalwarts. Sources say the coordinator of the political referral ring is Lee Atwater. a deputy asststanl to the president. Here are some of the people EPA hired. and lheir sponsors: -Bernard "J ay" Apperson. referred by Atwater and Sen. Paula Hawkins. R-Fla. Apperson was a member of Citizen s for Reagan, and of the G. -JA-Cl-AN_D_IRS_O_N -~ Committee for the Re-election of the President -the notorit>US CREEP of Watergate involvement -during the Nixon era. -Robert E. Morey, referred by Ken Cribb, a deputy assistant to the president. and Sen. John East, R-N .C. Morey is a past president of the Young Republicans and a "sustaining member" of the &!publican National Committee. -Kent Holland, referred by Atwater, Rep. Lawrence Coughlin, R-Pa., and Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. -Michael Murphy, referred by Reps. Stan Parris, R-Va .. and G . William Whitehurst, R-Va. A note on the list says that Murphy's father is a "member (of) GOP Steering Committee for Virginia." -Winston Haythe, referred by Sen. East and l«!p. Gene Taylor, R-Mo. In hfs glowing recommendation, Taylor wrote: "M r . Haythe is a registered Republican ... Members of his family arc active, stropg supporters o! the GOP." These politically reliable applicants were put in EPA's Office of Legal Enforcement Counsel, where decisions are made on whether to prosecute corporate polluters. Tne office has come under increasing congressional fire as a see-no·evil outfit. THE FLOUTING of c1vil-serv1ce statutes was so flagrant that a top EPA o fficial was mo v Pd to write a confidenL1al protest to the n.'<:ent chief of en forcement. William Sullivan. Referring to a meeting in March 1982, the official wrot.e: "I understood you to say that an applicant for an. . .attorney position may not be hired unless the individual was a Republican o r an Independent." The memo noted that such practice violated both the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 and the First Amendment. Sources said the author of the memo was EPA general counsel Robert Perry. He did not return calls for comment. In ad dition to the improper politicization of the legal office, what bothers EPA insiders is that the GOP faithful were brought on board by EPA during a hiring freeze. Many were put on the payroll as temporary consultants in 1981, when more than 100 agency employees were laid off in a reduction· in-force. Then, onct? the RIF was over. the Republican loyalists were given permanent jobs, even though a hiring freeze was supposedly in effect. Reflections on the death penalty There's an argument going on in New Jersey about the best way to kill a person. The governor has signed a bill that would permit the execution of a murderer, but the bill can't actually go into e ffect until the New Jersey Legislature decides how a prisoner would be put to death. There are 37 states that have the death penalty now. Eighteen have approved the electric chair as the nicest way to kill a murderer. nine gas them to death, four give them lethal injections, four hang them by the neck from a rope, and Idaho shoots them. The governor of New Jersey says he's leaning toward the intravenous death method because it's the most humane. I HA VE SUCH a vindictive streak in me that I am surprised to find myself in oppos.ition to the death penalty. Some days, getting back at someone is the most fun I have and yet I do not approve of society putting anyone to death. Most of the people in the United States who do approve think of themselves as Christians. I wonder whether Jesus Christ would have voted for or against the death penalty. I should think the people who worship Cnrist would suspect that he'd be against it. Those of you who approve of the death penalty might be able to give New Jersey some advice on what you think the best way la to execute eomeone. Everyone ls always looking for the most humane method, but if you are among the people who think the death penalty is a deterrent to crime, putting someone to death in the most humane manner isn't the best way to acrueve your goal. If ,~,, -AN-OY-RD-DN-IY--·4 you want to scare criminals off murder, maybe you'd want to consider a law that would call for torturing them to death. How about burying them in sand up to their chins and leaving them out In the hot sun? I've read where they do it that way in some Middle Eastern countries. That would sure deter any would-be murderer who can't take the heat, l should think. ANOTHER T H ING you should consider as a deterrent is the firing squad. It's dramatic, it's long and drawn-out, and if you also made it mandatory for the television networks to show it on the evening news, everyone would watch and think twice or perhaps even three or four times before murdering anyone. I wouldn't want to be in the New Jersey Legislature if I had to decide which was the best, way of executing someone. When I was 8 I was playing marbles wtth Buddy Duffield and he asked me, if I had to kill either my mother or my father, which would I? I remember I refused to try to decide that, and I feel the same way now about the death penalty. Being against the whole thing, [ don't have to decide which method of execution is best. MY OBJ ECT19N to the deatn penalty doesn't come out of any sympathy I have for the murderers. What I object to is making a murderer of anyone else. My objection could be eliminated, of course, by a simple· addition to the capital punishment laws. Have the executions carried out by other people on death row who are already murderers. Make them strap the victims in the electric chair and throw the switch. 11 death is to come by hanging, make them slip the noose over the victim's head and drop him through the trap door. To make capital punishment a real deterrent,' there are a lot of things that should be done differently. Why give a murderer a "last meal"? Traditionally, the person about to die can have what he wants as his last meal. Suddenly we're being nil'e to this guy? And should a doctor be present? Why the minister or priest? A doctor is a saver of We. Does the clergyman ask God's forgiveness for the murderer? Does God give it? If God forgives him, who are Christians to take his life? Diversities of children Illnst he accepfed While It is undoubtedly true that every acorn that grows up becomes an oak tree and not a maple or an elm, the same ls obviously not true about numan beings. There is no way o( knowing or IYllEY BARiii telling which kind of "tree .. the seed I.a goln~ to berome. With all our modern knowl~ie of genetics and psychology and education, nobody ~n predict how a baby will tum out, what klnd of adult he or she will develop into. There a.re slmpty \00 many variables, too many contributing factors that w• are still Ignorant of. We know a few negotlve things - that abu•e or n e1Ject or acute deprivation will acar or cripple forever the buddlna pel'90nality. But we have no positive formula for auecl'u in chUd- rearing: you do your best and you take ' •• your chances. Somf'tlmes you win and sometimes you lose -and sometimes you are dead before the final score ts posted. Great men do not usually have greal children; the genetic code does not operate that simply. Bright children come out of duU families, and vice versa. The successful e)(ecutive is di~1ppoinlro becnl&M' his ~n wants to be a potter; th~ intellectual wonders why his cnres for nothing but cars and athletics. And all potents arc astonished Dl the ways in which their offspring dltter. Almost from birth. lt seems. product.~ of the same womb will display widely diverse temperamcnu, aptit.udos. intcr<"$\5, respo~nd dc.'flclcnc.lcs. Nor doet It teem to tfritter much how t.hey are treated -these same faculties pentst througnout a Ufetirnc: they may be modJfled by trainlng or experience. but lhey are not bAalcalTy t.raMform i!d. It seems to mo that pa.rents would save themselws a lot of u.nn~ry grief (and their children • lot of unp-roductlve guilt) U they simply ocot"pted these divoratties, t.hea(' • limitations. these inherent traits and tendencies. While it may be true that a child is the product of his environment, it is equally true that much the same environment will result in widely tlifferent products. t. Character is the all-Important element in human <.'Onduct, and not even the greatest minds have been able to inform us how that can be tran11mittf"'d. lllllY 111 · Was Proposition 13 a wolf In sheep'• clothlng1 Now our \ax d ollars IO to WuhtngtOn inatead of ~ here to fill 1oc&f ti~ HOODWINKED • :....---~ ........ ~-~-~.~~=~~~-----------~---..--* • ------------- Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday. Augu1t 27. 1882 9 •ANN LANDERS •STAN DELAPLANE •BOB GREENE Daughter ends relationship, but mom suffers DEAR ANN LANDERS. My 16 ycor·old da uahter we n L ¥Mid y w1 Lh John for ulmoecl two yeans. There never was a mor.-Allracll v~ or thoughtful young mun He a lt-1.ltrrncr w1lh us alm0!$l every night A few weeks ago S ul! and John broke up. I thought they'll gel back togethl•r, but I was wrohg. Sue is daung another yuung man and doesn't miss John at all. Meanwhile, l can't get him off my mind . Last F riday I learned John is dating n fm •nd oC Sue's, I can't eat or sleep. My heart kc.~·ps p<>u11d1ng. 1 am obsessed wtth thoughLS or John -l ke<>p looking out lhe wmdow, hoping he will drivt· up. What is wrong with me'? I have a good husband and three lovely children. Am I crazy? How do I get over this? Please don't sc•nd me to a P5ychiatrist. I can't afford 1t. J ust tell mt• af this has ever happened to anyone else or run I A LONE NUT lN THE BAY AREA DEAR LONE: You have identified so closely • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Saturday, August 28 .ARIES (March 21-April 19): Numerous in vitations are received -e mployer or authority figure requests pleasure of your company. Focus also on travel, communication, education and pursuit of creative endeavors. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Specific data will be gained regarding language, distance, education and travel requirem ents. What appears to be an obstacle can actually be a steppingstone to sucoess. Strive to perceive potential. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Dig be neath surface indications -emotional involvement could cloud logic. Member of opposite sex does care, will eventually prove it and right now wants to be an ally. CANCER (June 21-JuJy 22): Domestic situation subject to change. You can beautify surroundings and appease family member. Taurus, Labra, Scorpio persons figure prominently. Lunar emphasis on legality, publicity a nd clash of ideas. LEO (July 23-Aug, 22): Steer clear of those w ho make claims without backing them by citing sources. Emphasis on sentiment, romance and desire to beUeve in tall stories. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Lunar and numerical cycles point to power-play day. Focus on money, speculation, creauvity, personal magnetism aod intensified relationship. Older individual comes to your aid, provides necessary funding. LIBRA (Se pt. 23-0ct. 22): Agreement is reached regarding property, sales and commisaions. Burden will be re moved , you'll have chance to expand territory and to become more aware of your own potential. SCO~PIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). Some persons close to you, including relatives, want you to stand pat -to defer chance for progress. Key is to be independent, aware of abilities and to be optimistic about your own future. For you. sky ls the limit. SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22-Dec 21): You learn more about money and how to earn it. You'll rise above petty annoyances and political back-stabbing. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll be at right place at crucial moment. Highlight versatility, joie de vivre and realization that you are going places. Personal appea ls succeed; roadblocks are removed. long-d istance communication verifies fact that restrictions no longer apply. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Soliloquy may be necessary to sha ke le tha rgy. Behind-scenes maneuver dramatizes curre nt situation. Clandestine confere nce is also dominant. Confer w ith one confine d to home or hospital. Secre t w ill be revealed -to your advantage. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Membe r of opposite sex helps make wish come true. Gain also indicated through written word. Check references, express Ideas and welcome exchange of views. , ANN LANDllS wltb your dauttbter &bat you feel all If thfl breakup was yours, not ben. According to Or. Jlarold Vlsotsky, chh:f of psyclllatry at Northwellern, you don't need a P•Ythlatrl11t. Tr'an!ifer your feelings of affection to ynr food husband. Surprl1t blm tonight. It will be good or you both. DEAR A NN LANDEHS. My buy had has b1cyde stolen before Chrtslmas A k w Wt'l'ks ago fw spotted It outside a store and callt'<I 1tw polat·t· T lwy started an mvesuga11on. My son had tht• sales ft'l'l'lflt, uut Wt' fmk d to put down the i.o•rllll num ht•r He MAVt.J hh1 papc·t mom•y lo buy th <· hlt'yd~ a rld uddf.od nl'w llC'C.'t'll&Ot les w mok<· ll look dlfCl't ont Crom anyone elae's Th« puhl•t• 11tlll msli.l ht• hall l.O huvt• th1• i.«r1al numh~ r 111 orller lo d o1m lh(• bic:y~·h·. Ht• h• W I y anw1 y Plt•a!W tell nil pun •nL-; to l)Ut ll1l· scrtul numlw1 down ai:. i;o<m n11 tht·y 1•cturn from tht· bkyl'it• shop. It hurh, to hnvc your t•htld t11Sk , "Why 1·1111't l hav1· my bicycle bu<:k _._ire MINE, I ptild for ll." VEHY UPS~"T AND FEELING HELPLESS DEAR UPSET: I called R lcbard J . Bnecnk, tbe very able 1uperlntendeot of pollee In Chicago. He reported that the Cblcago Police Depar&ment bas done everything po11lble to make It easy for bike owner11 to regl11ter blke11 so identification cun be made In case of theft. Every retail bike store has regist ration cards. At the time of purchase owners are asked to fill out a card that they then give to the police. The owne r's name and number are put Into a computer. Tbe sbop where you bought the bike should have registered ll with the police and you should have kept a <'OPY of th f' serial number thut appeared oo tbe registration card. The police NEED the numbu In order to rt"turn cbc bike. It 111 not enough for a person to say, "Tha t'll niy bike." The rollcc need the proof. hopv your 11on'1 sad cxpcrlcncc will alcrl othcrll to how th1i sy11tcm work11. lJl-:AH ANN . T hi• w1ft• uf J f'ur lUnl' 50U wurkuhulal . who i-md silt' Wa!!IWd i.hl' h<iJ m~irralxt ,, prnft.~1r. m.1d1· mt• IJugh Pll·w.t.· inform twr Lh.11 tht• 1vot y lowc•t r~ mudl• u p of m1llaoru; of shurJJ lt'i lh that h1tt• JUST ILLINOIS, NO CITY, PLEASE OF.AR J UST: Ivy Ill Jusc another form of grus -on the other side of the fence. JJr:1 yuu f<'<·I a wkward, sf'IJ cv11M.wu:. /ot1t•Jy'1 W1 •/cvm11• to tht• dub Th<•rt·\ hdp for )'<>ti in A i111 L:uidc·r~· booklt't, .. Tht• K <'.Y W f'upu/anty ·· S<'n<f 50 t't'lll!> w11h _vvur rcoqu1·~1 .mtl u lcmg, stamix'<i. :.c:Jf aclrln·~'ctl t•n velupt' tu Ann Lan<frr:., P 0 Bux I JY!l.'i, Chk·agu, JI/. tiOfj J I Computer error upsets routine SAN FRANCISCO -Summer madness is upon us. We've been prowling around town these weekends to see what the blooming tourist is up to. "Tourist· businea is way down," a hot.el man said. "You see tourists waiting for the cable cars, sure. But they're on their way to the wharf for a walkaway crab cocktail. Tpey don't get off on Nob Hill for a drink." Restaurant owners wept -but resta uran t people were born with tears in their eyes. :Tr, - • STAN OELAPlANE il + AR OUND THE WORLD Restaurant men are haunted by seasons. "It's always terrible during Lent." Or, "People don't go out during Christmas. They're either shopping or having parties.'' OR THEY SAY, "WHAT can you expect wnh this weathe.r? People stay home and watch TV." Or. "we never do much business on sunny weekends. Eve7body goes out of town.'' made an 8 o'clock reservauon at the Hunan, the Chinese restaurant on Sansome. "Sorry,'' said the woman when I got there. "We've got people still waiting w ho had reservations at 7:30. We're simply jammed.'' While summer days fly by, the dear old Chron did something in circulation wi~ ~computer. The . I ., computer sent me a printout baU. J'he nexl day 1t stopped my paper The morning paper is mother's milk to me. I can't ge t the day started with out it. There was a paper on m y neighbor's doorstep. The gid who shares the back sections said: "Just take it. He'll think the paper boy missed HIM." S he's lost without the crosswords. I said: ''YOU take it. I'd have to crawl right by his bedroom window." I phoned th e pa pe r . They ch ec ke d the computer~ "We'll send one right out.'' There was no paper t he next morning. T.here was a computer printout slip -sent to the boy. It said: "Error. No paper delivered." On the back in a boyish scrawl: "Your paper has been stopped so don't call the company to complain." I CALLED THE PAPER. "I d idn't g et a paper." "Just a minute, sir. T he computer says you are getting the paper." Miss. the boy says it had been stopped. "Sir, he can't stop the paper unless the computer tells him to." I said: "Miss, the boy left us a note instead of the paper.'' "Sir, I don 't understand. You are oo the computer now. Did you want the paper stopped?" l said: "No! Good Lord, no! I'll phone some body l~t.er." I went out and bou~ht a paper. "l can't drink my coffee w ithout the crossword," she said. I got dressed and fetched one. A bunch of tourists stood shivering an line for the cable car. I said: "I think I can outfox the computer. I'll ST ART a paper in another name " At the same time, the computer stopped the paper for lhe Wash. Sq. Bar and Grill. "I paid three mon ths m advance," Ed Moose told me. "Immediately the computer stopped my paper and I can't talk the boy out of it." It was Sunday . I telephoned to start a new subscription . The voice of the computer s1:1id : "Please, call during business hours. T has as a recording ... I said: "I guess I can just run up and down the hill each morning. Or maybe I <.-ould apply for a pa per r oute." She said: "I thank I've done this crossword before. In the New York Times." I said · "Afte r I walked five blot•ks '! Where's yo u r gr~titude." The next morning -without a note -there was a paper on the doorstep. Why, only God and thl· computer know , and I don'1 want to bother either of them. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT [jJIJllJJ w1a.11J'.ll~fo ~"'"," .J ~•',\ '"'' ~[ I' 0 BETTER \,~ ;~lil[A START BACK --~ MY EMPTY ROOM :~ WtL.L &E \ c GETTING ,:._ tt:; LONEL.Y. U ~ ~ fiic"'.1i.JI&l~Ai'l!.i.:... .. ~r.:ira. ,, .• : i~" :j.a . 4'JJ~J..i \, ~... GOREN ON BRIDGE ..Ill ~-\ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_. ..................... ~ BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARI F Beth vulnerable. South deals NORTH +J(7U C:? Q 102 P ... Pue 0J)4lning lead: Nine of IV. Some card combinalions crop up frequently and are misplayed almost as often. The heart s uit in today's hand is a typical example. perhaps more. fie therefore made the somewhal unusual lead of the top or his doubleton. More often than not, de darer will play low from dummy and win the king in hand. When West gets in with the ace of diamonds, he reverts to a heart and Eul can take four heart tricks for a one-trick set. works as the cards lie. but is doomed to defeat if East ha.s the ace of diamonds and the long hearts. drive oul lhe ace of diamonds and coasl home with al least nine tricks . a.bber bridge ct.b. t.aaro.glaoal tliie c ... try ue tlte fov~eal bridge ...... ,. Do tliey lutow Mmet.laiag 1- doa' t? C ltarlu Gore•'• "Fomr·Deal Bridge" will t.eaclt yoa lite 1tratepa tad lactic1 of t.laia lut.-peeed ae- U.. p.me t.laat proviiles t.lae eve rw aae..U... ,,..._"· For a c.epy alld a eeereped, ttead Sl.75 to '°C«e•Fov Deal," c are o f taii1 ae•epaper, P.O. Bu %59, Norwood. N .J. 016'8. Make eMck1 payable t. New .. paperboob. 0 J 5 • 1t643 WEST EAST +JU +Q96 <:>U IV AJ85• 0 AH• 0 73 •JJ085 +Q97 SOUTH +A 102 c:::> K76 OKQ1082 +A2 The bidding: s .. t.aa Wen North Ea1t I NT p.., 2 + P ... 2 o P ... SNT P ... North South reached three no trump in quick time . North fi rst checked to find oul whether his partner had four spades by employing the Stayman Convention, then went on to the no trump game when Soul~ denied holding a four-card major. From his own hand and the auction, it was obvious to West that hl!. partner had to have at lual four heam. The optimiat.t might play the ten of heart.t from dum· my. but they are in the same position after East simply covers with the jack. They, too. will probably go down one. Some might try refusing th• rant heart trick. which The winning play is simple and logical. The top-of nothing heart lead marks Eu t with the ace-jack in the suit and probably length as well. So all declarer need do is play the queen or hearLs from dummy al trick one. If East holds up, declarer has a second st-OpJMlr in the suit. But if he wins the ace he can· not safely continuq the suil, for declarer's king and dum my's ten constitute a te nace poeation. Either way, declar er will have plenty of time to Executive lunch lessons a boost for business LOS ANGELES -H e r e i n Southern California, you do not mess around with lunch. Lunch may be important e lsewhere in the country, but in Los Angeles it is crucial. Lunch is where the deals are made. Lunch is not everything; it is the only thing. Lunch is so important that a local consulting firm has begun giving leesons tO executives on how to have lun c h . The company la c alled Communication Development Associates; Its president, Judi Kaufman, teaches executives the finer points of what to do and what not to do at lunch. Kaufman sees no particular humor in this. A former home econo m ist with Bo n Apetit Magazine, she is convinced that Ir an executive behaves wrongly at bualnesa lWlChes, that executive wW IOM! busineaa -and may eventually even loae h1a own lofty position. "DOING LUNCH WRONG Is a s u preme problem for p;ople out here," Kaufman said. "So many people think that Junch just happena. But if you merely allow lunch to 'happen; you're aakina for d.lt9e1er." Thus. her lunch lneon.a. K.iufman atrelled &ba\, to truly Jeam to have luneh properly, a bUlllneee executive m .. t let ufde time for rntenstw lnstruction. But she agreed to let me in on 90lne of the poln~ she provldes. Here they are. 1. "Go into lunch with an unteltlah •UJt.ude. Powerful businollmen ~to ta.ve total oontrol of • 11wat1on. But " the mcie " b9d ., lunch. and you are quidt to aidd.le I.he waiter or the maltre d•, \h'8 rellec1a bedly on you. It makee you 8l!llJl lib a bully. By trytnc too hard to ahow your power. l'O'.I 1 olld ..,. bllll PoWet ID tho ~ of ,...... ,_.. The better method is to slip away, saying you're going to the rest room, and quietly discuss the service with the restaurant's manage me nt." 2. "You mus t convey a n impression of worldliness and sophistication irf the food you select. This is a clue to your competence in other ...,,,,, By PHIL INTEALANOI of Laguna Beach ----tJ·'l.7 the pona they slOCked matters, too. If you sit down at the table and it is clear you a re in unfamiliar territory, your guest will question your authority. Do your homework. Call and get a me nu in advance. Be prepared w hen you sit down at that table.'' 3 "Overkill can ruin a deal. U you're much too lavish in setting out -scarting with a fabulous seafood platter, then trufnes. then the next course even more s pectacular -your guest won't have any idea of how to reciprocate. You will have taken over so completely that your guest will feel lost. The best idea is to order one extra-special coul"Be In advance, and let rou.r g\lest make the rest of the dedlliona bim8e11.' 4. "SHOW ATTENTION to detail in scheduling the lunch. Set a framework that is not open-ended. Don't just aay, 'Let's have tunch at 12:30'; say, 'Let's have lunch from 12:30 until 2.' Thls shows that you're a bUAy peraon , and that you're concerned with your guest's schedule. People don't like ambiguity at lunch. IC they're afraid they're at.aying at the table too late. the(re worried about disrupUna the rett of the day a achedule; If they're afraid they're leaving the '*ble too early, they're afnld they're lndlcatb\I they aren't havinl a. aood thne.'' 6. ''It you're QOlng to have other members of your flnn •t lunch, work u a team. Work lt out ~forehand whom you're aolng to alt next to, who will be Introduced to whom. etc. Dedde who &mOf\I you wtll 'carry the ball. Thla should not be de~ble by the dllmt. But the end re1Ult thould be to make him fMI • Important u po9ible." 6. "U• the food• a communka'1cn catalyst. When all elte falh ln -.ble conve.-.tJon. U you know a bout the food and the hlatory of the 808 GIEINE restaurant, you can maintain control. This takes away some of the pressure of maintaining the conversation. 7. "Find out the other person's interest in food. U he's on a diet, or likes Mexican food, you don't want to take him to Ma Mai90n every time you eat. If you make a point or knowing his likes and dislikes, It will make him feel important, and make the deal go better." 8. "During conversation, uk specific questions rather than general ones. Don't say, 'How do you like this restaurant's contemporary decor?'; say, 'How do you like the bronr.e sculpture In the lobby?' Don't 11ay, 'How Is your day golng?'; say, 'How was the.-meellns with the condominJum brokers?' Thia 1. wW make your conversation now easier." Ktufl'nan said there lt nothing frivolous about her lunch lessons. "Thousands and thouaanda of. dollara an apent ln every firm entcrtalnln1 at • lunch," •he saJd. "And If you don't know how to get what you want out of lunch, that money la wuted. "Lunch ls not a Ume·kUler. U you believe It ls, you're making a mistake. lf you're taklnc your own time and aomeone else'• time at th luncti table, you ahould accomplish IOmC)thtna. U you waato your suest'a time at lunch. h ·u ne\ter go out to lunch \Vtth you •C•ln. It you reelly think of lunch aa jult a mHl. pethaPI It would ~ better If you didn't go to I u.ncb at. all." 1 . • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/FrldlV, Augual 27 , 1982 A Labor Day Weekend .. Family EVerit The Up With People Show is an internationally acclaimed cast of more than 100 youn.g people who sing and dance their way into your heart with music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this expert! y choreographed, colorful festival of music. Coming Sept. 5 and 6 to Orange Coast College auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance tickets for '7 available at the OCC ticket office, 556-5527. Tickets on night of performance are '8 at the gate. Event co-sponsored by Orange C oast College and Orange Coast Daily Pilot. ' SAVE $1 .00 -MAIL THIS COUPON TODA VII Save $1 00 over regular price of admission 1f you purchase your ticket In advance. You pay only $7 0011 Marl 10 OCC Ticket Office. 270t Fairview Road. Costa Mesa, Ca 92626. Ticket Info -556-5527 NAME ------------------ ADDRESS ~---------------- • CITY ---------ZIP ---PHONE -- Make checks payable to "Orange Coast College" TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE AT TICKETRON OUTLETS AFTER AUGUST 23 There 1s a T1cketron Outlet at Sears. South Coast Plaza ----------------------------------------~ ' DlllJPllat FRIDAY. AUO 27, 1982 THECIAITAllDTllCIUm GARDENING BUSINESS COMICS ~' Sadend for sad story CAPITOL CIRCUS, DEPT. -So tt came the o ther day for the California Senate to commend the serv1t·t·::. of John G. Schmitz. long.time lawmake r from our Orange Coast area who is retiring, of sorts, from the upper l'hamb<.•r of our Legislature. Schmitz is r e tiring because the seat hl' holds, representing Newport Beach and a goodly section of our coastline, was wiped out by rea pportionment. Besides that, Schmitz made a run for the U.S . Senate n omination . Unsuccessfully. So the time came for his fellow senators to ponder and perhaps adopt a resolution commending him for his long, faithful and true service to ,.... that honorable body. , . . ,~f 1 . NOW EVERYBODY ~kn ows this kind of TOM MORPHINE ~ ceremonial rite is a bunch ----------------of hooey. Such resolutions use words like "outstanding leadership" and "responsibility in office" and s1m1lar pap. It's all part of the political ritual dance. Sometimes the laudatory words are applicable and sometimes they arcn 't. But everybody does it. Chambers of commerce do it. City councils do it. Trash collection districts do it. And our state Senate 1s no exception. In the end. the retiring fellow has something to hang on the wall of his den that carries the seal of former office that is suitable for framing, as the old saying goes. - 83 84 87 Gardenen are gearins up I or eptember when they 'JI plant I all vesetable and winter colors. Page 83. 0 I ~ 0 Sometimes, when the politico was really popular. or might possibly still carry a lot of clout, the chambers will be filled to overflowing with cheerftlg former colleagues as the old warrior ste ps down . MAKING AN ENCORE -Up With People cast members, representing 23 countries, are coming to Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. They take their audiences on a musical tour the world featuring colorful and authentic songs and dances. I I Senator J o hn G . S c hmitz, however. was very controversial. In statemen ts h e has issued over the years, he /' lambasted the president of the United States of his own party. insulted the J ewish community; labelea certain female parties as "bulldykes" and even proposed a military coup as a possible tactic to save the Union. Performers' enthusiasm shines f -Detroit teen joins 'Up With People' road ·show 'on spur of the moment' SCHMITZ Most recently h e drew considerable public ink re lative to an alleged paternity problem. THE SCHMITZ OF today. therefore. hardly projects the image of the gallant political or civic leader. Thus it came time for the august state sen ators to gather, put past political battl~ and acrim~ny aside, and pass a resolution of commendation for Schrmtz. Hardly anybody showed .up. That meant the thing could simply be adopted by voice votes of those who were present. After a somewhat sh a k y reading, Senator Alan Robbins, the Democrat from Van Nuys, moved {or a roll call vote. THIS WOULD HA VE defeated the resolution because there wasn't a majority on the floor. He needed two supporters to get the roll call. He onJy had one. So SchmHz was indeed commended by voice. All of this would seem to have made it abundantly clear that there wasn't too much honor going into this honoring. But then Tuesday, 10 of t h e senators. including Robbins, accounting for one-fourth of the chamber. issued a Jetter that was published in the Senate Journal, declaring their unwillingness to support th_e honors for Schmitz. THIS WAS A GUTLESS way to do it. If they wanted to oppose the resolution, they should have faced Schmitz o_n the Senate floor and done so. But they chose to do tt through the back door. It was a sad ending to a m elancholy chapter By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Dally Piiot ltall Last month Scott Geist was an 18-year-old high school graduate living on Detroit's southside, hoping £or a slim chance out of the swel tering high unemployment in. the nation's car capital. Today he's 1n Costa Mesa pre paring for the Up With People show that will be staged Sept. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. in Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore performing arts theater. Geist had never heard of Up With People when he saw the international singing group perform at his high school last January. After the show he was on the stage trying to see how he could join th e group that has entertained more than 7.5 million people in 47 countries since 1968. The teen-ager was intoxicated by the cast's enthusiasm and energy. He had neve r seen anything quite like it, he recalled . "It made me want to join so bad," said Geist. "It was just excellent. You don't see people wanting to do such good." But with h is dad only recently returning to work after two years of unemployment and the family having to get by on his mother's bank teller check, the odds of Geist coming up with the $5 ,300 tuition for tra vel expenses, food and lodging seemed slim. He was ready to return the $1 ,000 scholarship he had received from Up With People when his grandmother turned over her savings account on July 8, one week befo re he was supposed to begm rehearsals in Tucson, Ariz. Arriving in the desert. city he was joined by 499 other cast members who were later split into five groups to tour different cities around the world. In less than a month he and the 130 members in his troupe learned 30 songs, eight m foreign languages. The cast has already performed in Arizona and New Mexico and will spend two and a half months in Mexico after leaving Costa Mesa. Geist was .chosen to arrive in Costa Mesa early with two staff workers to make travel and food accommodations and to arrange for publicity and host families for the cast members to stay with. Up With People members stay with local families in order to learn about the culture of the city they are visiting and to cut expenses Another 60 families are needed in the Orange Coast area to provide a bed. breakfast and Insurance price gives cat owner pause Until policy pays most of $340 medical bill and saves pet's life IWIJ"9Cf'Mt•llly0.,~ CATASTROPHE NOT SO BAD -Lou Bruno of Costa Meaa is pd he had inJurance to cover Jober'• 1340 medJcaJ bill. Jober, a 9-year-old black and whjte cat, is home recuperating today after s urgery for a fractured skull and a broken jaw. The bill from a Costa Mesa pet hospital came to $340. But his owners will have to pay only about $140 -insurance is covering the rest. It was the largest claim ever paid on a cat since Veterinary Pet Insurance Company was st.acted last April by 800 veterinarians in CM downtown panel hired Costa Mesa's plans to revitalize the downtown area took a major step forward this week when the city's redevelopment agency hired a private panel of urban experts to study 200 acres of alleged blighted, rundown property. The City Council, sitting as members of the Redevelopment Agency, agreed to pay $76,400 to the Urban Land IJ)etitute'• Panel Advisory Service of Washington. D.C. The panel is echeduled to begtn Its atudy Jan. 15 of the area bounded In a zigzag pattern by Plumer Street, 19th Street, Orange Avenue to the east, 17th Stroot. to the eouth and Pomona Avenue on the west. California. officials said. Jober might not have come home at all had Lou and Fran Bruno had to pay the entire medical bill. Lou Bruno said he would have had to think twice before shelling out that kind of money to keep Jober alive. But last month the 31.year·old Costa Mesa commercial artist took out an accident policy for Jober for $19 a year. "You never think it's going to happen to your pet," said Bruno. "We were just so happy to be able to tell them to f.O ahead and do what they could. ' Last Sunday morning the childleas couple found Jober's nearly lifelea body In the middle of the street in front of their home, the victim of a hil·and·run driver. The cat was taken to Newport liarbor Animal Hospital where he underwent surgery for internal injuriet that included a 4-day atay to wire hla ahattered jaw. Dr. James Connoyer, medical director for Veterinary Pet Insurance. aald the c:ompany hu paid about 400 cJ1tm1 on the estimated 4,000 pet pollctrs It has written since April. "Veterinary medicine la going up and up," aaid Cormoyer. "We atarted this because we were aeelng a lot of people with peta who would put them to aleep ra~r than fix the problem." transportation to and from rehearsals from Sept. 2 to 7. Anyone intereste d can call 556·5880. "You have friends wherever you go ," said spokeswoman Barbara Lee. "Places become people." Although singing and dancing experience are not necessary to join the group, enthusiasm and attitude count high. ''You try and think, would this person be interesting to sit next to on a bus for 16 hours," said Lee. Every year about 8,000 people between 18 and 26 years old apply to join the 500·member group. Sometimes the expectations and demands of being under constant scrutiny both on the road and in the hosts' homes can get to be too much. · Geist, a clean-cut young man with the fuzzy beginning of a moustache, said he found out in a Tucson restaurant what being a cast member meant when he was introduced to a Mexican family ·at the next table. "They just kept looking at me the whole night. They watched ever y bite I took." said the exasperatt'CI IN'n-ag<>r "There are sometimes when you really want to scream. Yo4 are m the public eye from the time you get up until you get t.O bed." Cast members often joke that their only private moments are in bed and in the bathroom, said Lee. If being a part of Up WitH People has its occasional roug1~ moments then there is no doub that thc good timC'S a nd Cu outweigh them. "It's only been a month but ~ already feel ltkc a totaJIY1 different person ," said Geisq "How else would a teen·ager getl to travel all over the world?" l The purpose oC the group W3Sj summed up at a recent athleti~ event between the United States; and Russia when members from! both traC'k teams e nded ~Pl joining the cast for an emotion-' filled finale. "The show is so uplifting." saict. Lee. "I guarantee you'll walk our) oC there feeling better. I thmkJt'li refreshing for people who Qre, concerne d about the world's problems to see an internationa\ group that's so . up with people." Delfr ,._. """• 111r Ci.te. I ENTHUSIASTIC -Scott Geist and fellow cast member Barb Lee will be among the 500 "Up With People" performances due over Labor Day weekend at Orange Coast College. People seek help Wondering how to help with the Up With People show, CO·Sponsored by the Orange Coast Daily Pilot and Orange Coast College? Here are some d etails: WHEN: Labor Day weekend, Sept. 5 and 6 at 8 p .m . WHERE: Orange Coast College, Robert B . Moore Performing Arts Theater. WHAT: About 500 talented young people wlll be performing music from the '40s, '50s and '60s for the whole family. COST: Tickets are $7 in advance and $8 at the door. For more ln1o~tlon call 556·5527. HOST F AMILJES: About 60 families are needed to ho\lse cart member1 Sept. 2-7. For more information c.ll 556-5880. TO JOIN: At~nd the show and see ca.9t members afterward. Stud nt.1 18~26 are eligible. ,, ... ::.· :: .. . . . ·:·:· Orange Oo11t DAIL V PILOT 1'rld1~. Auguat 27, 1882 THE EllAllMEIT 1111 Cook ... f 'uentes Mr. and Mra. J090ph W. Cook ot Coronado announc~· tht: titliOiern..,nt of their doujjthter, Johmll' Rene Cook of Corona dt1l Mar, to T hon'Ull A. Futint.4. .. or NewJ;l()rt Bcuch, 11on of Mr and Mra. J. A. Fuenles of Garden G rove Cook i. a air.Uunlt' or C4J Stat•· F'ullcrwn where ahe affiliated wlth Alpha Chi Omega and served u president or Epsilon Kuppu c:haptcr. Fuenlea 1rraduated from Santa Ana and Chnpman ~.'ollegL>s und did pocst-1.(ruduulL' 11t udit•11 at Loyow Marymount University in Los Angele11 He ls the fin.it Viet! chairman or the Republican P a rty ol O range Co unty and directo r o f communications for the Roman Catholic OiCK't'tiC' of Orange. Quin11 -Nolan Mr. a nd M rs. J amt-s Q u ann Jr of Huntington Beach announce the cngugeQlcnt of their daugh~r. Cynthia, to Gar y Nolan or San Diego, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Unger or Ft. Madison, Iowa. F ASHIONS AND HUSBANDS -Members of the Newport Beach Assistance League a re pretty smart. Husbands were in vited to their fashion show -what better way to show them just what latest styles you need? From left are Opal Mae Pellegr in , s how t h a irma n , and husband Ed, Jim and Lee Gormle y (she 's league preside nt), a nd Dorot hy a nd J ack Reichle. The bride-elect attends South Coast Coll ege of Court Reporting in Garden Grove and her fianc.-e was graduated from Chapman College. A Dec 4 wedding is planncJ . Flores -Quinn League previews tuxedo look The engagement of Janelle Flores to Steven Quinn, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Qumn J r. of Hunungton Beach. ts annount't..·d by tht' bride· elect's pal'ents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Kenneth Moore of San Ramon. The new looks in fashion by Bill Bl ass, Cathe rin e Hipp . Jonathon Hitchcock, Anne Klein, Calvin Klein and Alber t Nipon were paraded on the South Coast Repertor y stage to the delight of the ·Ass is ta n ce Lea gue o f Newport Beach members and guests. For the second year in a row Nordstrom presented the fashion extravaganza to help the league raise funds for i.,ts ch ild re n 's den t a l health ca re cente r . ch ild care cente r and other philanthropies. an eclectic musical repertoire during t he s ho w of fashions ranging from arch itectural to Elizabethan to the tuxedo look . The e nga ged couple ullcnd Cal State Fullerton and plans a Feb. 5 wedding. Jon es -Smith son of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth W S mith, also of San Juan Capistrano. A Nov. 13 wedding in Capistrano Baptist Church is planned. Dan cers c h oreographed b y Morgan Wilkinson performed to Prior to the show. guests were serve d wine , fr esh frui t, including bananas ambrosia, pate and cheeses from around the world. Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Jones of San Juan Capistrano announce the engagemen t of their daughter, Kerri Lynn, to Steven Wayne Smith, The bnde -elCC't is attending Saddleback College where her fiance was previously a student School Fun Fashion consultants Wanda & Ricki amke it fan selecting school Celling fans 50% OFF AT IWllH UTll 1111 ••• ,.rt 11., o.•. 1u-no 1 o,.. 1 ••11 RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY •••hht" ..-s... ltU HAAI OI I LVD. COSTA MESA -S41-1 IS6- wardrobes. See afshion !;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;~ shows at Huntington ~ THI Center at 7:30 Fri. and 1 & 3 on Sat. ~~ IOI.All WAl'll 111-'1- rtJlllC NOTIC£ "''~ ~ TI Mo....-..C ..a ;t1•1a1YOUNG C"'·MMO ~Of' TMISTEIE'a aAU: NAME: L«Kence A. Younv & La Qe T. Young YOU AR£ IN OEFAULT UNOER A DEED OF TRUST DATED M.AV" 1. SetVICe T-SIMI el YOUI 0oot !Cell Store-• Yof -i COSTA MISA 641-1289 152'.....,..., ....... MISSKIN VlllO 495-0401 ,..,, c-... c ,. ,, ... (-..... llowy. • Aowy ,._,.) 1991 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION f!!!!!~~~~~~~==~=i TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT ------------1 MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. rta.IC NOTICE 1F YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION ---------_,.......,,....,.~-I 0 , T H E N AT u R E 0 F T H E NOTICE Of' ntuanl'• •ALE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU T..e722-EQ SHOOLD CONTACT A LAWVER. On Friday, Sec>tembef" 3. 1982 al ) Check These Back to School Values! SPECIAL SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE IZOD Lacoste® PANTS Students & Boys 20°/oOFF KNIT SHIRTS LONG 8t SHORT SLEEVE 15°/oOFF LCV l°S Boys $11.88 Stud9nts $13.81 -~=-.~t~!! NOVO'S• ~ .... 901• . s1s·:a1 AND MUCH MUCH MORE! ~ LeTIGRE. MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS $12.00 GOLDEN WAVE SHORTS SWIM & WALKING 9.88boy's $10.88 men's --K & I SPORIS WEAR OPEN7DAYS ... i ~J l FREE AL TERA TION 2300 Harbor Btvd • Harbor Center MM' • Costa Mesa 545-8203 _,s;i - On Friday, Sept. 17, 1982 119:15 9: 15 a.m .• HOME FEDERAL SA- a.m .• ARCS MORTGAGE. INC., u VINOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ~ epc>O!nted TndtM under end tom>erly known u Home F9defal i>uiluwll to Deed of Trvtt recorded Saving• and Loan Auoclatlon ol May 7, 1981. ea INt. No 896-4. In San Olago. a Corporation, u bOOll 14049. page 680. of Otftc:lal Tru1tM under that Deed of Trull Raocwda In the offlQa of the County dated Ap<ll 8. 1981. aucuted by Recorder o l Orange County. OENNIS R. CHASE end JANE ANN Ca1tom1e. WIU SELL AT PUBLIC CHASE and recorded April t4, AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER 1981, ea lnatrument No. 14922 FOR CASH (payable at time of Mle Book 14018 Page 528 of Offtc:lal In lo rlul money of th• United A9corda or Orenge County. State of S tit ea ) M 0 N ES M US T B E Calttornr. wlN Mil at publlo euc:tJof\ TENDERED IN CASH. CASHIERS to Iha hlghell bidder tor CUii In CHECKS, OR CERTIFIED CHECKS. lawful money of Iha United Stat•. At lh"°• front entranc. to the old at the lronl antrancie to the Old Or· 0r.,.. County Courthouae. located ange County Courthouae. locat.ed on S enta An a Blvd., be twee n on Santa Ana Blvd .. be'-Syea- Sycam.ora St. '& Broadway, Santa more SI. & Broadway In Ille City of Ana. Celll. all right, title end lntereat Swot• Ana, County ol Orang.. State coiw.yed to and now held by It of Celltornla, all right, title and ~I------------...,-----------~-----------.-----------"""T------------y-----------­under aald o..c:t of Trust In the tatea1 conveyed to end now held by prop«ty 111uated In aald County II undat Mid Deed of Trust. In 11\at ---------------------- and Ital• dMerlbed •: pro~y 11tuated In aald County P\llllC NOTICE P\&JC NOTICE PUBl.IC NOTICE NJl.IC NOTICE Oeeerl9llon of the land refemld 10 end State. deaerlbed u; In .. Notice of s.i., In Iha Slate of Lot 198 of Trec:t No. 8236, Colwll) '1CTTTIOU• llll ..... ~County of Orenge of Oranoe. Staie of Celfomla. M ..,,,_ tTATIEMEfT PAl'CEL 1: Lot 17 ol Tract No. lhOwTI on 1 mep thareol ,_ded In The t~ Pat"IOfll are doing 9582• In Iha City of Coata Mau. book 229, pagea 1 lo 9 lnc1uslve, bua1.-.. : Couoty of ou n 11e. St ale o f Mlae•ll•neou• Mapa. raeord• of ENCHANTED FOREST. 1129 Celfarnle. M per map recotded In Mid Oranoa County. logat'-with w. Balboa Blvd. •A. Newport bodl.402 Pao-22, 23 encl 24 of ~tor aupport. and Mtt» e.etl, CA 92ee1. M....,_,. Mtipt. In the oflloe of rMnt wh•re aald lol 1d)olnt any Jeffry Wllllam Harding, t 129 W. the OOun1y "-dat of aald county. ottw lot In lald tract, togathw w1tJ1 Balboe Blvd. #A, Newport Beacll. P_ARCtl 2: An EaHme nt for _,,.,.. .. ror ..-or OYef1lanOI CA 9*1. lngr•n and agrau over l he wtMW'8 IUGll .. -.,. con8'NC1ed Linda Olene Blgg1, 1129 W =Wty 6.00 !Ml of Iha Nor1harly In -denc41 with ~ble ~ a.lbOa BM!. #A, Newport Beach. 38 . fMI of lot 18 of Tract No. nlCIOel oreSlnane9e. CA 928e1. ... ahown on • map record«! YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Thia ~ la condUCled by a In boe1! 402 Pao-22, 23 and 24 of DEED OF TRUST OATEl APRIL 8, ganerel partn«lhlp Mlecellaneou1 Map1. record• of 1981. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION .J4tAfry W. Hat-ding Oren6a County, Cellfomla. TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT Thia atatament wM fUed with the The opening bid 11 lorac:lotufa MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAl£. County Ci.ti of Orenge County on NM .. be tM dllferwnca ~ IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Aug. fO. 1982 tM unp.id obllgallon• of Iha AH OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO.. f1'1MO Inc~ o.ed ol Trual and the CEEDINO AGAINST YOU. YO U Publl1hed Orang• Coall Dally ~--..S by the Included SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTOR· Pilot, AUQ. 13, 20. 2.7. Sept. 3. 1982 ~111ranc-c1> ol rae0<d, which NEY. 3563-112 rll°'"*9fMr--· 11 eiMlmMed to be m .-Tile..,... addr.e or C>tMr com------------ se•r•a. Thi• figure lnch1de1 •II mon ci.lgnatlon ol Iha ,..., prop-"8JC NOTICE trua t••'• fell and co1t1 and arty cl..arit>ed •botl9 II ~ --111~1C~~n~T1~M>Ua==-=.,...:"'!'::=:-:: .. -=---~. H any. to b« 18125 LAMhanwood. kvlM. Th. 1trfft 1ddreu and other Cellfornla.. ~ ITATIMINT ........,. ~ deelgnetlon, If eny. Of the 8ald .... wtll ~ made. without The followlnO '*'°"' .,. ~-.... rHI pr~y deacrlbed above la eovenanl or warranty, ·~ or ~ ..: putported to 1>9: HO Mod )Hka lmplled, r.gardlng tltla~c 1111 llCn THE llOOt<'EEZ. 2023 Mlremar Clrbt•, Coat a MeH, Calllornla or 911CU!ftbrllnoaa, to pa !tie~ Ot., M9wpor1 ~.' ~~!._: __ _ tatf7. pr1nclpel aum of '62.e .37, pit.la Cl*Vf L .......... &vu ... ,..,_ Tfle ~ dl9Ctalm1 any ant.,.i ..,.,_, .. ~ In the Dt., M9wpor1 llelch, CA 928e1. llMllty tor lnY ~of the Not•-*' by Mid Ollecl of Tniat. Dorotlly V. Mlchle l, 15 34 .... _.... lf'4 ott. common p1ua u of ttt. date of tile 1n111a1 Ben more L•n•. Anahe im, CA ds•IMlol•. If eny, "'°"" .,.,._ ~of tNa Notice.,.. 8ddl-92806. .. Id H I• wlll be made, but Ilona! Mtlmated amount 01 14.-Polly ~. 21132 Redwood. wttllout covena nt or warranty .• eoo.oo for ldvencea, If eny, undat eo.ta ......_CA 119~-~ ...., b ...... or ir!'Pled· rwgerdlng lltle, the tarme of Mid OMd of Truat, Thia ~ ....,..,....1.., Y I pa•snlon, or ~bf-. 10 IMa. ctwgaa llnd ex~ of Iha ganerel ~l s· P9Y the~ PflnClpel II.Im °' Tniat-. ... _,, now the noe.(1) MC\11«1 by Mid Deed of The 8aMflelWy under Mid Deed Thia 91atemalll WM filed with Iha rr .. t with lntarHt tller.on, u of Trutt haa hatatolora executed County Cl«k of Orange County on ~ In Mid noM(I), lldv.-ioaa. and d•llv•red 10 1ald TrullH e Aug. f8, 1992. If #'ff, unc1at the c.mt of the Dead wntten Declaration of Oefd of IN f~ of 'fruit. fa .. , oharge1 and otllgettonl MCUf9d by Mid DMd ot Publllh9d Oren~• CoH t Dall1 ..,.,.. of.,. Trwt .. and ot the TNlt. llld a written Hotk» ol 0.. PNot, Aug .. 20. 27. sept. 3, 10. 1982 1r11ete creeted by Hid O..d of feuH and E~tlon to Sell, wnlcl'I 3e72~2 TNft, ~: S76, f43. ti, Notice Mid Truat" hM Clllieed to · Tiie MlllAdltY IA'tder lllld Deed be ,_ded on Mllrdl S. t982 u "8JC N()TlC( of ~M ..... H ...outed llnd lnltNl'Mnt No. 82-07322$ of ()m. ctet to th• under11gn9Ct a CIMI Aeoordl °' Mid County. ftennout -•• "'*' 0111'1 M1on of o.t8ult and 8ald Mia wlll b9 conducted by MAMI tTA~ fOf tue, and • wrHten Cellfornla P0911ng end Pu~ n.. tolOwlnO pettON «•doing O••lulUndlEJeotlorl1oa.f. Compeny who•• addrH• en ~z':;A PL U 8 • 9 8 8 8 ~"er=:~·~·~: r::._ "": :,1t~~~ waa1m1n1t•r Av•nua. Oe rden .... lie ,..,_, In thel4l':."'~ t11~(213)tlt~s..4t. OrO'll'a.T CAN~h 'ph 1 2 "t1 .. ,... """'1Y.. . DAI~,,,..,.. 3, tM2. h• u am, .. l t r •et Addr HI end HOMI! f'!O£RAL 8.AVINOS M0tnl~ A11e11u. U . Garden Ml""'* Of Tl"UM .. or ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION, Grow. Cellfenlia '"43. ~Int .... It AAC8 e Corpor1itlon Tun DllO P II I m , 12 511' QM¥. INC, .. T"*-. 8y: M Truttee Mornlnoaldt AV9flu. •3. Oerden OOM'OMfloN.. Aotf!t ee40 ly: Unde R. Wwnet, Oro¥e, OtllfOtnll 92643. c-.r A..... ........ celitOMla Atelltarit Vice Prelident Thia blllll1M le oondUal.cl by 111'1 t t• O~ Publlth.cl Oreno. Co ... t Dally lndlvlduel. Hflu "'*" ~ •• ttU. Piiot, Aug.. 11, 20, ff, , .. 2. Tiiie ..!:-rt ... llltd wltfl Iha T"""9 INC.. ~ need ,: ~ a;L."' o,.,.. eouncy on IW9lt, Ttllt'a wtlet IN MO. ' 1 ,,_. ~ante Coeat Deity DAILY PILOT PublleMd Orang• Cont D•lty ao, rr. lelll. a, tllU. SEA\llCE DIAECTOAY Not. AllO· ti, 20, 27, Sept. 3, ~".! 8714-82 .... •bou11 llf1- _....._. ' '• flCTrrtOUa eusiNeaa NAME tTAT"EmNT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing t>ualneu .. FRAME IT, 14422 Ehlen, Tu1tln. CA 92680. Eatalla Tally. 14422 Ehlen , Tutlln. CA 92880. Thi• l>llalnel• II conducted by an lndMdual. Eatalla Talty This 11atemenl wu flle<I with the County Clerk of Orange County on Aug 3. 1982 '1MN1 Publl1had Orange CoHt Dally Piiot, Aug 8, 13. 20. 27. 1982 3-482-82 rtalC NOTICE l'lCTmOU9 IU ... la NAJimaTAT'la.NT The lollowlng peraon 11 d oing t>ull,,... .. : FACADE. 2000 Beryl Lene ~ Beach. CA 92880. Oer!lle Lu1gen-T aw, 2000 Beryl Lane. Newport a..ch. CA 92880. Thll bl.Iii..-11 oondue1ed by an lndlvldual. Dena.. Lutgen-Tate Thia at11ernen1 w .. nled with the County Clerk of Ofenge County on Aug. ft, 1982. '1tlM1 Publl1hed Orenga Coa11 Dally Piiot, Aug. 13, 20, 27, Sept. 3, 1982 3696-82 NJl.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE STATEMENT Of' A•ANOONMENT LEGAL NOTICE STATIEMIENT Of' WITI«>AAWAL Superior C-1 ot the Of' ot r Of' f lCTITIOUS NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN lhal ,..OM s i.te of Callfofnle .UtlHllal NAMIE the following Items of lound or rARTNERSHIP Of>IERATINO Foir the The lollowlng persons flav~ saved properly have beef1 held l>y UHO£R CovntJ ol Orenve al>andoned the uae of the Fic;llllous the Pollee 0.pll/1mttnl ot the City of FICTITIOUt •UtlMf.a S NAME 700 Civic Center Drive Wfft Business Name Costa Mesa lor • pe<lod In ea°"9 The tollowlng peraon has aenta An., Callfcwnla l2701 of ninety (90) dayt withdrawn as 1 ganetal Pettner lrom PLAINTIFF TRANSAMERICA WESTCLIFF NURSES REG , t617 Boy"a Blu e Sturdea 10 Spd. the partn..-shlp C>Pfl(a11ng under the TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, e WHtcllft Or . S te 209, Newport Bicycle, Boy·s Yellow Thunder Trail 11c1lllou1 bu alnau na me o l Celllornle corporation Beach, CA 92660. Hulfy Bicycle. Boy·1 Blue Sellwtnn GOLFLAPS. 1825 Weatcllll Drive, DEFE NDANT. RICH.ARO l . The Fictitious Bu1ln1u Name Varsity 10 Spd Bleyete. Newpo<I e.ech. CA 92860. WILLIS. •nd DOES I through XX. •eferre d to aoove waa flie d lu BicycH!. Boy·a White 10 Spl'.I All Pro The 11c11tlou1 bu1ln1ss name lnelusM! Orange County on June 3, 198t Blcycllt. Boy·a Brown Nl1hlkl 10 atatemenl tor the p1r1,_sh1p was aUMMONI Ro•ar I Inc . I C 1111 or n I a Spd Beyda. Boy"• While C«iturlon flled on Aprll 2. 1982 In !he County c ... Numb9t SMtl1 corporallon, 1817 Wn1c:11tf Or Ste Bicycle. Boy·a Brown Schwinn 10 of Orange NOTICIEI You ll1we been au.ct. 209. NelOOrt Beech CA 92860 Spd BICycit. G1r·1 Red 1 Spd Huffy Full N•me and Addreas of !he Tiie eout1 may decide •nat you nus bus1nt11 was condueteo by a Bleycle. Boy"• Blue 10 Spd. Schwinn Peraon WitNl••winO without ,_ belfttl hawd ~ corpo<atlon Blcycle & Foreign Slemc>t. Joen 1. ~bum >'°" ""flO"d wttMn JO ct.ya. Reed Roaarl Inc NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN lhel 1'12 c-• ~ tlle lfllonMttoft Meow. Roxann W9rd 11 no owner apc>eafl and pr-1111 ~ 9ete~. CA t2MO II you with 10 ..-tile advice ol President ownerlhlp ol IM properl>' within 1'·1eMt2 an 11torne y In lhll mailer, you This 1111emen1 wes flied with the u ve n (7) d ey1 following the Publl•ll•d Orange Cou t Delly should do'° promptly'° that your County Clerk of Orange Counly on pubUcatlon of thll Mollee. the lltle Piiot. Aug. 27. Sept. 3, 10. 17. 1982 wrlllen reaponH. II tny. may be Aug 25. 1982 IMt•tO •h•ll ,,.., In Ille finder. II 3714·82 liled on u ..... ,,~ thlll'• be one. or In IM City Of Colt• A v ta 0 I u • t • d .. • • I d • Publl1hed Orange Coaal O•Hy Mn&. In whleh eaae Iha Pf098'tY rta.IC NOTICE dame ndado. II trlbunal p1o1ad1 Piiot. Aug. 27, Sept 3, 19, 17, 1982 ahaN be IOkl at pub)l_e auotlOn al 1 daoldtr contra Ud. •kl~• 3772·82 time and date to be announced. flCTTTIOUI 1ua1N1a1 "'-que Ud. rWPOftCll den~ ------------1 DAT!O. 8/20112 NAME ITATIIMINT de JO dlM. LH la~.- A. E. NETH The loltowlng ,,_.aona are dQlng algue. CHIEF OF POLICE bullnnt u : SI Ulled du e a 1ollcltar e l f I C T I T t 0 U a I U I IN t I a P11bll1hed Orang• COHI Dally TI LE IMPORTERS. 1320 S conH jO d a un abogado en Htl N.._ tTATUilENT Pilot, Aug 27, 1982. State Colltlgt 8tvd .. 6"•heim. CA a aunt o . da b a r f 1 h a c e r I o The totlowlng per~ are doing 3824·82 92808 1mmec111tamen11. de Mt• ~a. bl.lslnns u LI NB ROOK TILE. INC .• "'re19UMtl aectlla, .. hay ~ VPA. INC. 4425 Jambofff Rd.. Pllll.IC NOTICE Calltornl• corporallon. 1656 S PtJ9de -r-si1111ada 1 Uernc>o. Suite 190. Newport B11ch. CA flCTITIOUI au...... Slate College 8MI , Anaheim. CA t. TO THE OEFENDANT: A cMI 92660 92808 complalnt hea t>Hn fli.d by lhe v ID e 0 p R 0 0 u c TI 0 N NAMI ITATW.-NT This bull,_, II conducled by • plalntltt agalnlt you. " you with to MllC NOTICE ARTISTS, INC • Ca lllornl1 The following 119rson 11 doing corporation daler>dthlllewault,youmust,wllhln "8.JC NOTICE corporation. 4425 JamborM Rd., bual~~IAL PRESS. 9859 BolM llnbroolc Tiie, Inc;. 10 d1y1 alter thf1 111mmont 11 IC..o'IW Newport Beach, CA U UO. A...nue. WMlmlntler. CA Ray Maxey, Seely ....,,., on you, 1119 with 11111 COUt1 1 •TATI....., OI' Thll bull,_. 11 e8ndue1ed by I MARIE V. WILK. 9847 ltrk Thia atatemenl wu filed with tile wntlen rMC>OO .. to Iha compWnt COfPOflllon Counly Cletk of Orange County on Uni.. )'OU do to, your default wlll UAa11A~..!!,.~• Vide o P rod ucllon Circle. Fount.in Valley, CA 9270I. Augual 25. 1982 be entered on tppllcallon of the ...,.. .-.... •"...... Art1111, Inc. Thi• l>lltlneu II condueled by •n f1191ot p1aln11n. and Ihle court ~ enter 1 IU-•• NAMI Bren Lalaura. Pr11. lndlYldu•I. P11bll1had Or1ng1 COH I Dally Jlldgment aa-lntt you tor the ,..... The tollowlng parlOlill) have Thia atalamenl WH lla.d with tht Marie V. Wiik Pilot. Aug 27, Sept 3, 10, 17. 1992 demanded fn Iha complajtlt, wtllcifl et>abua~=:c' n~':~9:~~';T11c1W:.oL$ County Clerk ot Orano-Coun\Y O<" ~~:Y·~~·;;i:rc:::!!.~C:~~ 1~ 311142 c:ould reau11 rn garn1e11men1 01 Augull 23. 1982 -...-W9Qll, taking ol moriay orrOC)a(ty DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. 2950 ,,_.,. Augu11 25. 1982. or otller reflal r9queatt In th• Red Hiii, Coal• M •• Callfornll P11bll1hed Drano• COHI Oalh '1•101 comolalnt • 92821. • Publlahed Orang• Coal! Dally "" NOTll'r OATEO 'November n. l97t The llctlllOUI bualneH 11'1me Piiot. Aug 27· Sepl 3· 10· ~i1~~=~ Piiot Aug 27. Sec>• 3. 10, 17. 1982 Pllll"' ~ Lail A &tench. r•l•rr•d to above wat lll•d In 3817-82 IC.,_ Clint Ofenge C0Un"' on M91 1$, 1980. •-"" NO""'r r'M:TITIOU9 au ... •• ........... , H ..._.__. UMIK 11i' l'ROPERTIH , 2H O ~ ,,_ "8.IC NOTIC( NA• I TATlmMT D;,ty. ,.._,,... •. Aad Hll, Cotta ~ CA ta2t. • P'tOnftOUI Wit Thi fOllOwlng &>«IOn 11 dolnq ~ ANO QOU)tllM, COA~~~A~.~~. :uN:.i:.0~.:.~ Th•=::~~ doing ':~.~ ~:'iea c ANT I QU f :.:~:.c:···· 8trfft, Sult• )02, Loe An9•IH , ~Ml The followlnt peraon II d01119 AUTOAATION, 2428 Newporl ittt l •t f..ut ....... ..._ M Ctlllfornil t00t4. LOGISOP'T, 1641-0 Adami bllelntll... 1!1Mt. Cotti tHea. CA 112t27, .._ M-. CA 11111 Thll butlntM WM eonduct9«1 tty e A¥tnUt. Ccele M411a. CA 92t2t. CDAIT AUQTlON CO., 1'31 AOOP AIAAHAM AOOPIAN, (114) ..... l!Met .. pannattl'llp. Maro A. Petty, 1184 8pttnglleld, Plaoenll• A~. No.. io1. Cotta 8&38 Virginie A.,.' LOI Al\0"9. OA Publlthlld Orange Cout Dally Piiot, UNl-OAL l'INANCIAL Cotti M .... CA 0282'. MMe. CA 8H27. 9003t A 27 S t. 3. 10 17 11111 CORPORATION Thie buelnMI " conduc1.cl by en JIM f\.A~IAU. 1Qf Pllotntle Thli bUalMle II COl'dUC1ed by an uo . ep . • • • 3Q3.12 Jedi 8u11efl.. . lndlvldual. Avanua. No. io1. COet• ........ CA lndMduel. lua. VIOa ......... Mero A. P9tty 112121. ~ -'llf"*" AOOPl4MI • .... ,.._.. .. d Thia MMlll*lt -Ned with tht Thie ......,_,, wM Iii.ct wltli lht 1ltll ICl1*ntl'lt ... lllecl wtttl tM Thll llet91Mnl ... llled wftt1 the .-Of v• ,_ " County Cl«k of 0ranoe Councy on County an of Oreno-County on OololntY Cl«k~ OrWIDI CiMnty on COunty CWtt of Orenoa eoun~ on A~ A1JQU!1C 2. 1NI. --Aug. ti, 1M 2. ~ 10, 1 ·-AllO· 24, 1M2. .... ,_,, ... ,~, Dilly,.... Publlahed Orante CoH I D~ Publtelled Ora• OOt fl D911Y PUblllhed OranG. Coat °= P'ublllliad Orange CoHI Delly Al).Vla<>f' Piiot, Aug.•. t3. to. 21. 18!! ......... PllOt, Aug. 20. n , a.pt. a. 10, 1..a Plot. Aug. ta. 20.. • hpt. s, 1 P11o1. AuO 11. 1ep1 s. 10. !! ... 1Ma .. ,...,, __..... N1'42 S67lotl H20-l2L------------ . ' Orange OoHt O~ll. Y PIL.OT /Friday. Auguat 27, 1982 Plant fall vegetables Extending tht.· gurden st·u1K1n with u sm'<.'\'SSIOn crop of fall vt:gt•Uibl<'h c·an bring you n f C'il!lt u l .cc1<id eating. Cool season wgewblt•s that run be grown now include radishes. lettut.'C, spinach, turnip~. kohlrnbi, bt.'E!ts, brcK'\.'Oh, cabbage, carrot~. Chint•sc· cabtwgl' and ka le. Some of them lake longl'r to mature. l>u t it'~ worth the w1.11t bt.'causc lht• Crcsh-pickcd fl uvor of home g arden produce 1.·an't be mat.chcd. For example, one of the best is new brOC<.'OJi that takl'S about 60 days from transplant..'> to form large firm gr~n heads Brcx.'<.'Oh 1s csp<.oetally high m vitamin C a nd a good source, of vitamin A , cak1um and iron. Cabbage IS 8 good fall vegetable too It takl'S about 40 days from t rnnsplant1 ng to grow a 21/'J·pound head. Cauliflower 1s another fast matunng vegetable, producing snow-whtte curds or about two pounds in just 45 days from transplanting When the hrst button appears an the center of a cauliflower plant. lit' up the leaves above it with string or a rubber ban d This shields the developing curd Crom sunlight and blanC'hcs 11 snow white. Lettuce, rad1sh1.•s and spinach will produce crops in as little as 30 days from a late summer sowing. Be l·aust.• these vl.'gt.•lablt•s are plantl!d in midsummt•r ht•at. th1.·y net'Cl a b11 of t•xtra a w mtion to get them s tarted off right . -Clean the row of all weeds and brl'ak up dods which may havt• formed -Make sure soil moisturt• is adequatc. Water transplants thoroughly aftl'r planting and sprinkle direc t -seeded vc•getablt•s lo assu r t' goo d germinatio n . Do n 't lt•t lhem d r y out after germinatio n. -Late summt•r dt.'W h l'lps prov1dt• moisture for faU vcgl·tablcs, but t·ht•<:k the moisture level at least every thr!.'c day~ Late summer h eal and drought can sizzle the plant!> -A good organic mulch t.'Onserves mwsturC', holds down weeds and keeps the soil cool. URDlllRS CHICllllST •Clean up your garden now. Spray for aphids. scale and other rnse<:ts tha t damage shrubs and shade trees Keep after slugs and s nails too. • Nurseries havl' a la rge selection of evergreen shrubs t o choose from camellias. h ollies. pyracantha and pittosporum. This is an excellen t time to plant tht•m . • C utting bat·k margue ntcs maintains their shape and em:ouragcs new growth. • F a ll 1s the llm<' to plant just about anything -a new h edge. bulbs for s prang bloom, annuals to brighten winter gardens. a n!.'w lawn or trees. Dally Piiot 81•1f Pholo SHOW STOPPE R This spectacular domed gazebo, surro undc;'Cl by chrysanthemums and ccntt•rcd with a hanging basket of anthurium and sculpture. is one of th<.· more popular exhibits at the an nu<il Home and Garden Show at the Anaheim Convention Center. There arc more than 600 displays. including mobile and modular homes. landscaping and home improvt'men ts. The show closes Sunday. No one buys a house or stock with the expectation of watching its value plummet. why buy a car 1n which that's not iust an expectation. but a virtual certainty' Particularly when you can avoid all inferior performance. investment or otherwise. by buying a BMW 3201 According to the January 1982 NADA Used-Car Guide. 1f you'd bought a new BMW 32011n 1979 and sold 1t this year, you'd get an astonishing 101 % of your money back• That's more than Audi 4000. Oat- sun 280ZX. or any other car 1n its price class Even more than many other cars 1n substantially higher price classes. such as Cadillac Seville and Mercedes Benz 280E. All of which makes the BMW 3201 one of the world's most exhilarating cars to leave a dealership 1n-& A car that leaves you enriched by the experi- ence Instead of 1mpover-. 1shed by 1t M UL11Mlll Dllvml MAG ... BMW l,11 ~~·t t4 (,I M._.ANY •BMecl on -bge ""' ptl(f' YOUJ sello!>R pt<t n\ily .,. ll(GOtOrw IO the CondlllOfl ol your (;ti dl.0 '""''he• \QI w!i •I l)t,Ya!~ or 10 .. de.tit• c 1981 B"W ol Notll• Amt•<I lflc '""BMW ""'*""'~ ar'll lnjlp 111t •t"g~e•l'd 11.oenwksol 8aytr•schf Mc:ilortn Wl!<ke J. G ALHAMBRA cmTWY.nlllMB 1811 West MJll'l Street (213) 570 8444 AZUSA ............ 791 Easl Arrif.N Highw~ (213)%75331 BEVERLY HILLS ....,. 9022 W•stwt BoulMrd (? 13) 273 3980 Cf ~ARllLO -----411 Daolv 011ve (805) 482 8878 (213) 889-2312 CANOOAPARK ......... 7050 T()j)Clnga C1111y0r1 Bourevard (213) 346·3144 GLENOAU ..... , 818 Sooth Brano Blvd (213)2466543 ----------- LET YOUR LOCAL 6MW D~™RRANG£ A T110AQl&li TE.ll.Q!!!Yf HE.RMOSA BEACH l ANCA5 Tl R Ml~SION Vt(JO --NUil---m!. ~ 2901 Pac1foc Coa~t 45l01 N Sierra Hwy Hi&hwitf !805) 948 6004 2840~ llr£U6t11e Pllwy (213) 376 0935 1 ONG BEACH (714) 8311040 HUNl iNGTON PARK ~ IUal-NCWPOR1 8EACH ... ..._ 3670 Cherr)' Avon<~ -~-IMNITS · (213) 427.15494 1!">40 Jornbotee Rd 6000 Pac1tJ: Blvd (714) 636 5 790 (714) 640·6444 (213)583·1901 LOS ANCElES ~TH HOLLY LA HABRA .,.. ... ...,_ -.a UM, aw-tfi~~ ~13~37~ St ~~~kerthm 850 North Beach Blvd (213) 761 6133 (213) 691·6701 (71 4) 522 5333 ' NORWALK MUCO ... 10840 r .. ,.,t<H' B1..t1 !21.l) 8&8·3233 (714) 636 6775 PALM SPRING5 .......... (Min. 40% East Plli•n C~Dr~ (714) 328 6525 RIV(RSt0£ u..a. .. 7850 l'ldlJ•i.1 Ave (714) 795 4444 1, Plan now for fall, winter show of color 6t•plcmtx·r t·un l>t• mu• of ttw bu1oll'l't morath• for Lhf• horrw t(urdt•f'll•r t It '11 1.1 lime lo 11tart plunt1 ng fo1 winter a nd 11pr1ng color un<l 111 bright.en tht• foll gurdt•n A• ttw n1onth brlnflll u number of hut duyi., lt'a Important to kc't.·p up with wotc•rlng Plants uh10 nt•1•d r l't·<li 11g T h 1• r (' ' If n o t h t n g 1 I k l' u dwysunthcmum to add a touch of full <·0101 If you faikd to plant lht•m t·urlit·r" you cun buy lhe m m full blvom ut uny nurst•ry. Pluntcd now , they'll bl· thNt> to bloom aguin nl'Xl ycur If you wunl lx!1Tl1•d shrubs so you <:an en.)li y tht•ir show of 1 l'd or unillf:t' around C hristmas. plunt pynit·anthu. barbt•1-r1c·s. holly or ttw loyon F'o1 a l'hangc of lt•af t'Olo r fru1~ trt•t•l>, try Ch1n!.'sc p1!>tal·hl'. Gingko b1lo b u (ma1denha 1r tree), Fagus sylvaucu (European lx'loeh), or At·t-r palmatum (Japant•sc.• maplt') It'!> abo llmL' to start pn·p<.irmg bulb bedl> for c·arly bloomi. ThL· i.ma lkr bulbs, hkt· frC'<•s1as and aparax1s, ;111· available> for planlmg now You l'an also ~w Sl't•di. of youi Cavoriu.· pc•renntals fur nc·xt sumnll'r'h garclc·n Hcplan• tht• fadl•d , ht·at-wom annuab with lhost· that will bluorl1 lhrnu~h winu:r Try v1ulas, pl:lnSll'S. keland poppy and c:alt-nduh1:-. ThPn' arC' an array of colors lo compltml'nl any landsc<1pc. For cl1•la catl' p<.i:-.ll·l <ind wh1tt• blooms, start cydaml'n in pot..-; to Ii<• rcplantc·d later. A t.•o lorful ground coVl'r and 1111 many, a we komc• sight on a slopt• 111 l'mbankml'nt, art· tra iling Afric<1n daisy (Osteospl•rmuni frutil'osum) ('Ommonlv known as lhe fret•way daisy -· This c•vcrgrC'l'n l>hrub grows six to 12 inchci. tall with eaeh plant lif)I 1·11cll11H two lo thn'l· f\'t'l 111 m1111.· Ttwy fall 111 uit•ui. qu1l·kly a 11 th1•1r brunch\•!> 111111 Whl'll tlll'y tr<11I fr11111 th1.• pl11nt A K their viuh·t or wh1lt-hloo1ns OJ)(•n in lh•· KUO, bt• KUil' tu g1v1· tht·m a Jtunny ltx·at11111 111 l·1111JUlll't111n with a good, fll'h i.oll th&t lh Wl•ll d1;it11111~ Onct· th1•y'rt· 1.•st11bl1i.lll'd thl•y'll wlthtiUHlU 'i<>rlll' rll'glt'l·t Tlp-pln,·h the· l'nLlh to< 1 ••ult· l1w.h11·r plants 1.111d n111r1• Clow1•ri-Cut pl1111ls bat·k lt> hull th1·ir s1i.1• 111 Mai d1 l'V1•1 y yt'ai to I l ' JllV<·na t1· Th1·r1· art· 11 lh1•1 '!fH·t·11·:-. a 11d vanl'lu·:. ol lhtt•u:-.pe1 n1u111 thut lilt10111 111 Ut'l.'I' µu1 pit· Pr yl'llow .• ind gn '"' "' t.111 tls follr fc ·t·t L 1k4.· un v plant, tlw <.>s1"c~p<:1 rnum 4 w ill bt.·nc·fit I rom rl'gular <1pplat·at11m111' o f a 'low 1t•h'.1M' g1w1ul<11 fl•1 t1la?1•1 ~f. ·1 Add color t' .. ·~ G1Vl' v11u1 <lt'l:k. 11.11111 111 11.111 onv .• 1 . .. ,. lift bv udd111g ,, l'11111.11111·r 01 twu 111' ' th1,.,:111 l·11l11r You'd Ix· -,ur pnM«f 111 frnd h11v. littl1· 11 1,1k1·-, tu nt.tkt• J litl d1fft·11 ·nc·4.· Bl11on11ng p l;111t'> will IH • found al any nur~wry and all 1111·) nt't'<I " ;i .. u1t.1hl1· l'011k111w1 tu 1rn1k\ th1·11 lwttuly tomplt·1l· Watch wa ll•ri1Jg . ! '· l. Lawn., 111•t-<I WtJ1 t•r during thtJ>.•1 warm wt•a thl'I', but don't lx· wastdu~.~i If watl'I' 1., runmng off into th1· gutlt!1i1• i turn thl· host· or :.pnnklt'r sy.,tt•m uf{,. ':' un11I th(· w<.itt·r •~ absorlx·d und thcQi•_ on cigarn tor a f<ow mrnull'~ to pcrm1)o secpagt• You may ne<:d to aerall' rm your lawn may be• t·ump:1<'tt•d Florist Special Nursery Special Begonia Show l earn from the growers during the Begonia Society 's annual show I sole at Hunt ington Center this Sot./ Sun. Hundreds of beautiful & unusual plants on sole. Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. 0~1f.._~· ... ~· "lo* bud " ROSES Several Cot o rs Select from these varieties 1nd more! IMPATIENS • BEGONIAS. CHRYSANTHEMUMS • MARIGOLDS • VINCAS S ince J 946 Ha)lislti-s Nursery-Florist lh<ough AUilutl 31, 1912, .... IW l .. la.· .. LLOYD •5 ,;-. . . garden shop ''.;.: L---------------------""l"""-----------------------------------q. LABOR DAY lllVEllTORY REDUCT/Oii Large selection SAVE O n All Potio Furniture In Sto<k 30 3 1040 3 . -----__.:> 5 PIECE SET EXAMPLE: the Ml lhown aboYfl -42" Table and4 Chalrs COMPARE THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: Freme oonatructlon -all welded heavywalled rvtl proof aluminum lubing, steel reinforced ( lntemally) at an st,.... points. Frame finish - pofy9tter powder coated and OYeO cured at 400 degr ... for tough lasting beauty. Straps - top quality with uttra vl<>Mt and mildew lnblgltors for WMther and l1de-r9'iltanee. Tempered ( safety) gtuatop. REG . RETAI L $450.00 $251 r--COUPON--, !MUMS! I REG. '1.79 : ! 98c l I 4" POTS I L EXPl~ES SEPT 2NO ..... ---------OTHER MODELS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS .. ~ ADJUST ABLE CHAISE, GLIDER CHAIR, OTTOMAN, ENO TABLE, COFFEE TABLE. °'9N MON. -Pit. '1 •• , SAT. 7 ... , SUN. f · I LLOYDl ... l•Y A• LANDICAltl CO., ~ • 2021 Newp•rt llvd. (.thy It.) CetN Me .. (714) Mt-7441 Al Ii.in• 1Ub!KI to tll>elt Of\ ll•l'ld S.it tXplfM 111/U .. ,, . " , .. T' •• • J t I " ~ ' l II n b n ., •' .. • I . • f .. .. t I t4 rlf •• •• •' -' " .. ,, . ' ,. •' Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Prldey, Augult 27 , 1H2 'MOnopoly' prove d more than a game SAN 1''RANClSCO (AP) A (t'(.hm.11 Mppeat. court'• dt111lul of Purkor Brothera' trudumurk on u~ of the word "Mo11opoly" 111 " vktory for (!Ollegt> econom ic¥ oro fl•s11or, Ralph An1puch. who 11\Vl'nh>d the tru:n-bu.'lllrlj gam~ "Anti Monopoly" nmt' ycnn1 'lltc.> und wm1 11ul'd by Porker Brothers und 11."' puN'nt compuny, Gener.ii MlllM , for lrudemork in(rlnf(l'mcnt Tht> ruhnl( wall made• ThuNduy Tht• n 1mpa n 1es, mu kt' rs of "Monopoly," l'laime<l ln thl·1r 11ull that thl• public t'oni;1dt•red "Monopoly'' synonyrnouic with thl' manufacturer and not ttw gum~ The 9th US Circu1l <AJu1 t of App<•nls tourt d1sagrt•l'd. "We hold that, as applied to a board gamf', the word monopoly has h <' c· 11 rn (' Kt' n er i c, i1 n d the ~a11tralion or ll ... lr demark la no lont£t1r v•hd," th rullna uld. In "Monopoly,'' the 1patw on the boord ant named after pro~rly in th«.• r~..ol'\ town ot Allan tic City -Boordwalk, Pork Plaoo, &Jue and Medltemmcan avenuc.-a. Th object Is to t&<.-quire propertk'9. In "Anti-Mono poly," t he obj(-t·t Ii; breaking up rnonopolk'tl Thl' squurci; are buttanesst-s General Auto, West House Elec lrl<..', Allied Steel, tor example. "The companies on lhe board are monopolies to bt•gin with," said Anspach. The playerii are "trust-busters," he said "l put this game out Cor et.lut'ational purposes and.. never dreamed people who owned 'Monopoly' would try to act like th~ peopJe lri Ow garn<' to a;it•t rid oC l'Ott\petltort." 11Ald Atu1J>ru:h, 111 profeNOr at Sun f'rM11t·l1K'o Sunt· University, Tht• comr.any ~ 11u<.'l't'N!ully promoted • Monopoly" 1hut tht.> nam<.> bc-c1ame "gem•rlt' an lht· aeNC In which wt• uaw that 1.erm In trudemark luw ," th<• d<.-c111lun llllld. "When a trud(•mal'k primarily dt•notea a produc t , n o t the produ<.·t 'w pro dul't·r , tht- trademark Is lost," th<• ruling said. The decision rcvL·rSt...od a finding by U.S. Dunricl Judge S pencer Williams that "Anti-Monopoly" and Its makt-rs had infringed on the "Monopoly" trademark and should be prevented from selling the game. The appellate judgl•s rl'turned the culE' t.o the lower <.'()Url to d<'lttrmmt> If "Anti-Monopoly'' produt't'r11 11n· !~king rN.1.1onable c:&1r'-' lo tell con1umcr1 that Parker Brothers duet not mnkt: the JUlmt• 1f Uu•y don't, tht• appNila "''OUrt aald, tho Judge may stop thl' 11ale uf "Anu-Monopoly." A n s p a <· h H u 1 d 6 0 O , O O O "Anti-Monopoly" games Wl'ru t;(>ld since 11 wenl on th{' markt•t an the 197:J Christmas shopp1n~ season bu1 9wt prollts have gone down into ~he dl'awn-out legal flpht. I The f1rs1.1 4 rn,ooo sales brought about $1 m1lhon In revenul'. Anspach said h e will sue Parker Brothers for damages Since 'ParkC'r Brothers put "Monopply" on the market in I ~35, more than 85 million games have been sold Health proposal upsets Chrysler workers DETRO I T <AP) Autoworkers at Chrysler unanimously oppose lhe company's proposal that would make 'them pay for part of their health car e. Unitc.•d Auto Workers union loc·al offil'ials say. Many workers also exp<.'{'t an 1mmed1ate boost 1n their payL·hccks, by as much as nearly $3 an hour, the offit'1als said m inte rv1c•ws, while C hrys ler's chief n<•gc>tiator insists the company probably could not Photographic Business Cards A new Adl!Ett •5"'1:1 medium lor vOUt buSll1flS &/01 vour produccs •13s.oo· lot 1000 CAADS GALA GRAND OPENING! II Sat. Aug. 28th & Sun. Aug. 29th 700 W. Thfrd Street NOon to 5:00 p.m. ~-* LISTEN TO KWIZ-1480 AM FOR DETAILS ~ •BUY NOW BONUS • Buy Now thru Aug. 29th and Receive: FREE DRAPERIES OR A COLOR T.V. Who said you can't afford the but? Town Squ!tre's air con· ditioned, full -feature homes 1n the heart of Senta Ana offer 2 tennis courts, pool and spa, saunas and showers, private clubhou~ with billiard room, fireplace, barbecues.•• 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS Sales office open dally from 10a.m. @ EB i Santa Ana, CA 912701 ·1h%...,t -fJ...-:;&;.;~~._ C71•) S41·•107 • .,. .... _,_,_.,,,.ft, __ ,.Ao_'°" ·"""'' Ntcil""' Qutkty CWWIOIJfl'•nt by Golar•(f\ t K•~ fl'O SrOC-•lf Gaol t MOu\•1'19 Ill( ., '"' "find $1 an hour to put in the paychecks without d oi ng substantial things in the health care area." "We don't wanl to g1v<' up anything; we're very adamant here," said Jo Gaml?S, president of the 5,000-member Local 1183 in Newark, Del. "We're willing to go it all the way i n the (1ght against concessions, evt:n if it means .Chrysler going out of business. We really mean that." The 13 UAW oUicials from around the country who were Interviewed represent some 61 ,· 500 or 73.9 percent, of the 83,200 working and laid -off U .S . autoworkers at Chrysler. Negotiations between t he UAW and the nation's No. 3 automaker on a new contract to replace the current one expiring Sept. 14 have Ix-en held, mostly in ~ubcommittees, sin<.-e July 20, All the local 0Ui<:1als said workers oppose Ch r ysler 's proposal to institute sharmg of payments or d eductable&-ln heallh care bec:aU&· such a move would constitute a (:oncession, even if it were at'companied. by a wage increase. "The Chrysler workers here are all concessioned-out," said David Wilkins, president of the nearly 3,000-membcr Local 1226 in Indianapolis. "That's a no-no." added OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK (AP) (ordls u~. ,, l11t;W"1 I•• .... Petrtte JJI .. 731 J Super El NASDAQ QUOl•lions Cro' Tr• I• .. lw•!>oUt 1)I I ,., ... Pettibon IS .. 16 Svlc'"' \f\QWlnQ hlQhe\I b•O> Cullr~O • I 11, Jam\bY n·, "'-'• PhllaN•t JJ•,, 31.tr• TIME DC Ch:irhr Hvan, vac-e president nf the 4.700-member Local 7 m Detroit. Thomas W Miner, Chrysler vice president of industrial rel<1llons, has said health care this year will cost $450 per vehicle and must be curbed. He said that 1s the only way workers will gel more money in their payt'hecks bet·ause "ll is an L'conomic reality that Chrysler cannot raise its Labor costs." Curre ntl y , an assembler at Chr ysler gets $9.07 an hour in wages, the c:ompany says Autoworkers al General Motors Corp. get $11 7ti per hour, while at -Ford Motor Co. they get $11.58 an hour. ,... I ' IS IS" '1 •• UPS AND DOWNS •nd l~I ofter-bV Cy< llron '"' ••• Jrdco ,. ... "~. S.-t•rce-S.S 12'-17'• 1 ampa• 3" l'• .. 01•0.•. "' ' 11 t... IJ111l1 P1nkr1n m•rk~ m•k•f\ A\ of Thurs Prk:eS do not 0 ... 1M > 1 .. '• U 4. •IJlltv JO\lyn \ 31•· )?t,i PK>nH; \ SI .0 hn<Hm 10'• 11 NEW YORll. IAPI The IOUowlnq .... 221 ' 11'4 l tCvmP ~ s~ Over 1n<1-..cttret•llm•tkt.1P 0 8 • • r K•4'!>1 pl u ) , •• , PO'\\U. t01 • 11 T•t<mA snow\ !ht .,.. Couni•r m•rkdOwn OT comm 4'1 4 11·310.klbA K•lv•r I I I •• Pr .. GM ll" JI"' Ttn•nt t•'• II'• ..... ··~ ilO<IU ~ •d,,M\1\ trwl h•v• _ .... I ht """I •nd oown !ht mo\I !»\eel on IUIOn for T""rW.y I 4 .. I s \, IC.•~n u~. ••~· P•~tnn tt') ,.. .... , ,.,,._,., SloO Bid Ask 0.K•nT " 11'-KelySv • 1J , .. , 1 Pr09rp l'• ... ~rcenl of CNl'\Qlt r99i1rdl•U ot vol..,,,. 1~ 1'• Tom101t '" ) . •or lnurws..y AEl. Ind 11' • 1) OewoEI 3 J'l Kimball ,,, ' ti PbSvNC 13~ •J\• loyot• s AFAProt JS'' 1•'' Ola(•Y> n ... ,,., K•n9lnt 1 .... 1 Purte.n ••' • 1•~ ll WstE • I , .. No M<.uttlltt h .01n9 De'Ow U •'• •Mt AVM Cp 4~. 4 .. 01.nc .... 24 ,. KloolG ,. ... ,.,, Putoc.., 1l1 • U I r1(0fJ'O • ••• uO~ Ntt •no ~r<"'t~ chenQe\ •r• _.,. 1' ' IJ ol<•dln> '''" , ... 0«.utrl 2l ll'. ~~!/:.v ,. 14\.'1 QuOrCh u•' H• Ty,.onFO I)• I •• Oltterenttl' twtween the ortvlOY\ <~no bid price and Thurs ·s last bid prlco Accur•v 91,. •'·• OollrGn 111.<; 11~. 1i.. 11.. Rage..Cp AOcli"1W 10 1010 OOylOB 111 • 11\.1 KuUcu 231' 14 Romnd "' 1'• UnM<Gll ·~··1 14'' 11"'• ti'• US Enr "" .... Adv Ross ).\., )h OrltCCn n•. ni.. Lent• \ l4 , ..... A••VH H 1'91 • US Sur ,,, ' ,, ... UPS AllB"' 1.t' 1 14\it. OunkO 111' ''"'-l•ndRK )4, 4 Ro.OSv 0 '• ')''US Trek "'• tt\• olllcolnc l2 »•• Our iron , .. .... l•~Co ll~ JI•• Root>My IO 1<>-'• UY•B"' .M .M' • N•mt l..OSI Cl\Q Pct A.mart• S'h S"-E•lnVnc 11'-• 1)~ l.ffnvs JS"• 1•'"' Rouw '"· 1•'• urwe::g. )'• )'• I Sun~v WI l'·J I Up 40.0 AFU<n "" s+. Econu11 1l'. n UnBrd \ n 12V. S.Ohtr 3~ 4 UpP"" I) u~ , , l•n<RloC z . '• Up lJ J AGrHI 11'1o ,,~ EIP .. 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SterlSt , •. , 1,, Wr&QhtW ,, ... " " SIMIW\I ) . \J Up 20.0 BllM>Co 11~ I)•> Fl•Nr.• 1• 1•1 > M llltPf" ,.1.741, Str•wCI 1, 1~ ZlonU1 )\'-• )~\• 11 YUBU ] ,,., Up 100 &iroSon •', •~ Ftutocb ·~ •'· M1nVtG \1\. ,,, • Su~ru )6_., l 1 n • Not •PPht.•DfP )) O.t\Pd un , .. I\. Up ", Blr1t hr ,n. ''• Fore\-tO 171 , 17~ Miol•• ........ ""4 11 O•YO-Q , ... ... Up ILi 81'(•-II ll"'t l'0<m•~fl J•' .. MonfCol , .. 1 ... n GnHY<11 , .. . ... Up "' 80tl4'nl 1~•11\t Fr•M p II 11 =~ ,,,... " Brwlom ·~ "-Fr•nl.EI ,. , .. , ,,,,. 21 DOWNS Buo-11.,.. ll FrHSG 2". )0 Mor\nln ""-,,,,j Buff els JU·• l1'·• F remnt S4. S'• -r1rn 10• ... 101,. Bur nu~ II ti~ f ullrHB ,,.., """ Mt>IClub ,.,. ''" N•me L .. 1 _c,,, 2\, J GnAutm )loo , •• Mu•Utr 1• ''''> P<I CNl In (Pl 11"1 u"" GnO.vo , , ... N•rrQ( 11', 77111 O....rmy ,., 0 11 I• 7 HcwllR\ l'~ " 011 IJ J C.•IWl!w JI> )I"' &n~IE\I ••'•) 11 NO•I• '" , •.. CmptTrn J ... .,, 011 II.I Cenr.cjH 3 .. ,._ ovEFn l111ll'• Ntl'*'kS 1J' • u"" 11 , .... GreOl\X '" .... NYAtrl ,,~ ,,... NASDAQ SUMMARY • G<wF1n I ... I Ott 10 J C•pEn 10 II GtryMh ,,.., u N1ckOG •-"" •'• s WNmO .. ,,, OfC . , C•P!rw \ ,._ 4,, Glllnlil I •• • Ni.lsn A S4•· S4''> • StOLogi< J .. .. Off .4 C•PAI•" 10, .. 1, Gyrooyn , ,,... Nt•lsn 8 u ... u ... NEW YORK IAPI Mott Kll~t' Oil~· 1 FtE1u1< \ , ... ... Off 92 C•rtCp t\• N1kt 8 l''• .0 tl'Mt-count., m>O> supplied by NASO I o.t\•0.1 s·. \1 011 I 1 Celu• I' I l\oo H•OM>fl .. ' N•me Vol um• B•d MkeO ~"lt. • EnQSrt , .. "' Of• l.J 1''., JO'• H•mlf>t ll' • Ill t NN&tG> ""' , .. ~. CtwrRtv :d i 1 11'-H•rOwlo. , ... 1 NwtNG• II" ll'h lnl•I 9S7,IOO 36•~ ,..,, 10 Mede•. I •. ~ 011 IJ CllrmS 1l fl',. HrpR-.,,. l'te NwstPS ,, t7•t. :,,°t.1~c •40.100 ""' "" • .. , " thellOCp 11, .,, 011 1.0 Cll•r1H 12 ll Her!'(;p ,,, 1 JI\., Hoaell JI\, 31 11'.100 43 .. 43 ... "' 11 Ikon a ) ... ()fl 11 CllmlA• IS't> 17 Hartlfofl ~ 11 111Nucrp ..... -T•noem 1.M.100 ?<Ho n .,, IJ EleNucl 9 ~ Ott I.I ChHUll Avnlt'tt 541,000 IS-. IS .. 14 BuNMPi II '• ()ff 1 . Cl'lul>O ~~ >:t: ~~~ 10\o. 11 O<••ne< ll' > IJ.lo . ,... ,. 1•') ~il"JM )51.. JS"" Air Ft• ~~:iz 11-;o 11.. I It IS Comc>u> ) ... " Ott •• C"ll<O EnRsv ..... .... .. ~El 1 " Of! ., Cll1~ I l''t Holot>m ,~. ,. ) lo •• JA~ .. )U1 . • , , Jt HOOW"r 10 10'. OhF•rro So"-S\o Coors 8 lJl.IOO 1l'-t •l .. . ... 11 Am Pac ) ... Ott •S ClllUIA J:J;\I. ~ Horl1R• , .. 4 011.,.TP I ..... 20•· CPT l••.300 n•, .,,. .1 II =~ l ... . .. Oft • l C1UUIB Svci.vr 314.IOO "'· .,,, ..... 19 , Ott H Cl•rkJL. u .. Z•I• IMS Int IS .. II'• PCA Int 4'• s 10 Gull Nu< 4'. '• ()fl S7 C-CP • • .. IS( .. t•'-· P.obstB "'' ,, ... AOv•nc.o 1.122 11 1nt1TW< t0'f• .. Off S.7 ColrTlo ,,,, '7\.• fntralnd '''· 1'11 PcG•A '~: •1:,: o.cuneo ,., 11 Bonr•y ··~ .,, Off H ColoG~ 1·J1 • l1 lnltl )61,-.. .»•' ~::::it 1J 8"ntlll() ,,,. .... Off H ComCIH Sl~• SJ 1n1n En< .,,.. '"" I''> 9•. Unctwu'llf(I I.fl~ 14 EP><o 4•. ,,, Off St 11 llb4 lnlgrPl'I 17'" 11'11 Pen•Ent ,,, • u1,., New h1Qn\ CmlSN 11 u .. llllmecl ,,, . ,,._. ,,.",., ' .. , •.. N•w ion IS 1S FtFOIConn 40, '• Of• H CmwTol ,. ,., , I 1n1mtG\ 11'•) 11,. .. P ... pE<P IS .. H •1 lot•l YIH S0,10,000 ,. G«>rtt ,,, ·~ Oii J• ConP_, 11 IM'(I• 1 .... '• Off S• MUTUAL FUND NEW YORK IAPI Grtl! , so • 20 Thrill '!14 NL.' Ivy fd 10 S4 NL A""'' 10 JI HL G"-,~o IJ,. ..... '... 'M N l T,_ foll-Ing -Equll •.Ol • s• Trend U 01 NL. JP Gr1h 11 ll IJ 31 Grwth • n l IJ -·h 10 l3 II 2' SlnSc>I • • Nl '•'""'•· ..-11«1 by CIWncetlO< GrOUI>. Fl ... ncl•I PrOQ ' JP fnco 1 71 • • lncom • 20 I.. HHllh .. I} .. 1J s J( 1 N T • Ille N•llnal AHotl· HIYIO 9 4.) 10 11 Oyfl<t 160 NL. J•nu• I S'I NL h Fre • S2 10.lS ~I Yid IS 10 lt.1' • • • N l ellon of se<urlti.• HIMun l1.7' ll l' FnclT• U.41 Nl JOhn Hancock llQu•I 11.0S NL lntom • 1' •.4' Str•lln• •·IO 1 '3 Dt•l<lr'-Inc., ere NO.C ll.01 ll 9S lll<IUSI 4 11 Nl Bond l).Jt I 41 Mui Shr 31 tS NL lnn•I I SA q l3 Sir•! Giii n.>t Nl lh<t ll'l<ft at ""lch h1tM 17 tw 1111 lncom 1 IS NL Grwtll 9 SP 10 40 NuuT -v•ll Opln II 17 tJ '7 SunGr111 • 11 10.7' l,.,.M M<U<ll•• (.nl Sh• 10 J:J Nl Fsl lnVottlol'\ US G\11 I u • 11 N•t Avl• I U NL Ta• E• 1' 11 1011 l .. Moel IS 1' ... 11 C9UIO NW -Ch•r1 I'd It M II 40 8llO AS> 1J S4 14 .0 TU E• 111 • H N•I Ind 11 02 Nl VIit• 14 n 1' Cl' TmpGlb U •1 .• solO fNat ntel Cl\4> Dir ll )I NL OIKO I., .... K•ulmn .. Nl N•t *"''\:~ II .. o:.o:.~ ~ ~ IJN~ ~::::::·~ 1!:: I=~ \!!~ ~ ... "":t~ ~=~ ":.,: NL ?~~ ! ~ ! ~ K~~i:;, ""'r1~ e 10 I!!:' J n J o R•onbw 1 'O Nl T ,,.. c.. ' IS • u <ll•rgel Thu"°'8y Funo 10 S4 II U N•IRn S 41 S '1 Gr-100. 10" Grwth 1 0 I QJ Fl t v e 1 e TrnsN<rw 7 .. NL. Sell ... , Grwth 1 S1 I,, <>Ptn • IS • '3 HI YIO • It • ,, Prtfd • 1) • 11 1 21> NlROChl. T••v EQ t SI 10 l' Able 13.M Nl HIYIO .: ... ,·CM TuEx ,,, 140 n!IFO tOJlll.JJ s~ =-~ ;~~~H:~ .. :· ,o~~.o t.~lllON l Acorn" 22.<I' Nl lncom ... , OI ... WIEq .... ,,., Mun 8 '11 I.... Tu Ea , 71 I 10 Equll I 11 Nl TwnC GI • 19 NL ADV 14 91 Nl DPlll .... •u u W•ll l1.0'I Nl Optn It ... l1 SS Tot Ile S.Ot S.. Grwth U ll Nl T wnC Sel 14 O'I NL. Afuluro tl SI Nl 1 .. MQ 101' n II FcKler 4.11 j 1' Summ It ... 1114 F•lrllO • 41 I 01 lt><O 1004 NL. TwnC UI 4 2S • 2' AIM Fundt Colu Giii 11.12 NL Fn4 Giii ''3 S 06 f«ll 10 S4 II S1 N El lie """° StP•ul 1n-.\I USAA Gr°';t CvYIO II 91 1114 Cwllh A& I II I 1t F~ G,_ Tot Rt 11 61 11 IS E-·•I I• lJ 11 01 c•~t 10 II 10 It r r~h ' ... NL -'" •toCwllllCO U6 111 Grwtll 711 Nl USGvt 1 '7t0l ~-~· "-· HIYIO • ~ • st Comp "° • ,. • u lncom 12 so NL Krystarw _,, b9rwlh I•., " 11 Grwtll II IS " .. •nco 10 II NL. Afphf " 11. Nl Comp F(I • 10 • U Mute! I OS I l' Cu• at I•'° IS u lnconl ' .. 10 IS SCKI .. II Nl Sbll 10 ,, Hl A 81r1hT IO 'O " .. concons It 4l NL SC>«• II" NL. Cut 82 .... II., R•I Eq "12 JO 71 S<UOO.r funo• Uni A.ccu s 11 NL A,.,..rk.., F-: Conne<hcul G.,,1 "r•nklln GrOl4> Cut 1M 7.31 I 01 TuE• th •SI Com SI II 61 NL Un1I Mui t 11 NL A B•t • ... .... Fund II JO ,, II AGE l.41 , .. Cut Kl 1" , .. Neut.r~r Bt<-m ~.... .. • Nl Unllf!d ,..,,.,, Arncp .. IS • 12 lncom .:., .:" ONTC 11 ... ll.'7 Cut K1 S 11 t 42 Enrgy IS t'1 Nl C•l>Glh Accm 1 SO 1.20 A Mull 11.ll 12.M Mun Bo • .. I 20 Gr-, .. I SO Cui SI IS ll 11 )0 Gu•rd 21 41 NL 10 •S Nl BonO IOI SSS Bono tt.Ql U IS Con> llW 10:1s 11 '11 Option S.aD S.71 Cul SJ 6 IS I 31 llbly HI Nl ln<om 10.. NL lntGlh 12 14 ll '2 "o Inv I .,. • II Conilrf G 11.. NL. Ullla SIS SU Cus S4 •ti S 4l 't:,"::,1 ,; : ~t , ~;!;d ': ;~ ~t ~~"' ,;·: ~t~ G•-10 ... 11.0 Cont Mui • l4 Nl lncom I.IS I " 1111-a 'It • JS S<l\<n .. " Nl ~· .. .. NL HI Inc 11 SS u n lncom L10 •.SI Clty (# 1111 11 U US Gov 6 •• 1 21 T uFr 7 II 1 41 Nowt Gt ti 11 NL s.turlly F""°' Int om • ,. IO 14 ICA l.Jl •.n Ool•w-Gr-c..,it us • lt Men IO 7• II ,. N•wf ·-7 lJ NL 80nd 1 JI 1 It bmunl s " ... N ~ • tS , .c De<~ IJ,j! 14.. lqult 4 .. s OS L..Ull'll!on ~o • ·-h•E""'"91 0.1... 11.S. " u l>t .. Fr • IS •• , Cp Lo< IO .. " 7S Nlchol• ". NL Equly s 74 • )1 Sci-I 43 • 11 .. ,. • 20 0.ICl1 ,_., , .. F-• Inc • ,, 'so Gold!O , • NL ~~ :~; I~:: ~t L".~!' rn n~ u ~'G:.o 1i: UN~ Wsh M1 7·• I 07 h Fr• •• IJ •. 41 Cmru GNMA l.U 111 Nov•Fd 1• ~ NL. Sel~ttO Funcl> V•I·-LI-Fd Am .. ~··· 0.lta • » 10 JO lnvOuel t .•S '·'° Grow 7.41 NL. • --·~ Cep BO • 22 ,,IO Dir C# 1',., NL PllOt e,Jt t ,Ot Altth "·" NL. NY Venl • U I 14 Am Sl'ls 1 0 Nl BonO II ll NL Entrp 11.n 11.11OoOC•81 tt.l4 NL Gt Peo; 12.0 NL. L.lllOn< 13.li NL 0Nuveon =!? ~L.L Se~~ 6:-~ Nl r_!!~ 1,z·.!! NL HI YIO •.OJ •., OoclC)I St IL" NL Gate (lp llU NL t.oomtt S.yl<t•; -v< w .. _. ....,. ·~ -NL Mun B u.-1'.tS Oru Bur 14.14 NL. Gel\ l!le< Inv: CAIMI 11.61 NL. One Wm IS 1t NL C•pl'O I S4 •I) lev GI I ... , NL llontr n .i. u o Or•'t'f .... Grp· l!llnTr 1t '' Nlul 1s JO NL. o-,,~1 1me,,r .. Fo14 _ Cmst-10,. 11 St vaSoncf•Sl!~,11 Nl CM•tk 10.12 11.zt A..... till NL l!llllT• a.ts , L..ord -II. Dir~ .., GrOWlh SW t 01 ..,......, £•ell l3,, Nl DtOyf u.u "11 S&S ... » NL AfllllO ,,., I,, ~~IO 1t~ 117 ~ llt(-II It 11 °' 1,ncomn-1 1,0 )l•t ",)Os• Fd Am 9.tS IO,el le¥11t lf,t6 1' lO S&S 1.9 '• NL &nd Ill> t 01 •.'1 >« ·-, Grow ... ., NL N H1f'9 1." Nl 0.1\ Sc IUt NL 0.., Gt I• SI It, I I =· ~! ~ ~ ~ S.~~11':! G~ I tO CLev7i /. n =~ Hert>< 10,'5 "" S.l l!IC U7 Nl GIT '" ,.l ll!<om '" ,,,. h F ........ ., a-s .. tSI Etf'Gth s .. •w ~~Id 1!:;: ~:~ T'"a ~·, tOdl1 CNL. t~"~ lNl 14N~ Lu~::-~.,. ~~J 12.10 AIM 1U1 14... Com S ll.7S IS.OJ EV h 10,e 11.IO • Gthl'd I.AO I O'I II "' ""' NI. Ham HOA 4" •ID lncom 1 ti • " Time I.SO '"' Or-II 24 tUt D&•ll ,.. 01 Nl A H•rllt u1 Hl E•OI Gtll • 12 •., Hen Gtll 1.•t ~l N111nl ,;. 1:C11> OTC Ste 11 14 U '3 ~uol• 11... Nl Over I .. » NL ol"'111t '-" S,44 !.tlOtllHOwe,,,. Hett (Av 20 ~ Nl US Gov I 41 t. It Per•m M • .. 10.14 _.,try 19.0J 20 47 Exit I st M NL. A In-7~ !'fl. 8•1_, 1.l1. I •S HerOICI 112 ti NL. MaM Fl-I PnWlcl a.11 NL. SllHf'ton """"' EaFCI I 11M NL. ~mf"-" Ill .,!-" Nl F_. Lt• HI. Mor """" 1t:.s NL MIT 10 . .n 11 02 P-51! 1 21 NL. "1>Pr• I? '1 11.S FICIE..f )7 Jl NI. A -.. Hl GrWll'I LOS • INA HIY a.n • " MIG I0.'2 11 ,. P ... n -J '1 NL. HIYld ,, .. II JI ScF14"1 41., NL • HIGlll ,_ ... 4 JO lncom '• 40 '.:: HUlllf'OI 10.71 NL. NllO '' rJ UM Pflll• •oo • ... lncom .. " 11.61 SC>«t II 0 11.$1 A NllllC IHI 17 IJ lncllol IOI e'is HuttOlll 1011 Nl MCO I tt ... P1!9erwa Che• NIMull II It lllJ ll~d O-· .,.. ... ., s·o J IJ Slot-sc)ai 11 u •Sl G,_. MEG 1 ti 1 n aei.., '·" 10 " NwOlr 12 S4 1110 EKP!r n tt Nl olrCllGvt t,. NL llltratedl Gr-:. Grw91 • 01 •.• MFO IO,°' 10.12 Cvl'd 14.M It 14 5Mrm 0 ••• NL Ind Tr !US NL. olllf ~Of!: C.1-m .... i70 rnOl'fl UJ J.. Ml'& 1110 •:··I Grwtll 10.,. II.a Sierra 01 10" NL. GNMA 901 Nt """ 8 . 1.)1 •.01 l119lh I It ,., rFO Ull -·•II MM8 :·" ... ~IY!d •• ., •.• s•·-FUnd•t f ... SI "·" .. lfl<e!'\ 4'.JI •·a s .. r,,.y tijf I U nt Sii t .t1 IO" M.l'H ·~ .. loc:k t.41 10 lMI Ceplt 7.90 U3 Mo~ t ,JI NI. s1od1 t.°' i' 1neu111 II Hl ·~·lry J..$1 NL. lllTr• 10.1 11.JI c (# 1t.1• • llt(d ,•. , H Mu t" Nl 81.C GI 1 .61 1 • l<tefr.-0 ._...,.,., IMe,.c.epltAll Metl'lff\ ta. NL Pll!lflm Orll Ill-1 •1 tUt Niu I 1: HL IL.CI"' 11.10 1 11 AM I.Cit Uf •41 I~ ·1 ~.II ll!Wrt111 l.YM11· l'llt kl 10 a. II U Tr~ e M t .'9 MulM 10.1 NL. eb1 \n< 1.4J NL. bell tW Nl H It I ~ &Mk 10. 14 lt.14 ~ C 4 '6 4,ti 115 •.!J 7 H Mu1.4 I Ii ~L t• ftY. 10.U HL. HI 1<111 11.• 11... l\' el f: • I. c.i1 It .. lt,JJ ¥99"' 1.lt 7 r• l!!qty tUO ll :II m" I 11~• L. IMC G4ll I! t9 I'll. ,...Tr U!lftell fOltfl • lltll 6d ~ ··a Pt..-l'Und t f Gr t'' 1.5' II II .H l ·~ Hiii ,,,., HL. h "~. n tel. •.Sa •. "I r .)4 , --.. at '·" 11'1 I • U.Aa rttCe "! " ltf.Mn· U$ 0 14$ HI. Ill 1111111 , t ti H Mt .t1 10 f<Uf'd I• It 01f f!.!!'lllC 4 ID NL. We1-.i 11, ~L. 11111 1 _,, Ht l'IOolllY . t lllW ~ I. NL. 1111 nn II Inc 'J'" IJ~ ft';t'I' Ill IJ )1 14 It We Itri 10. ij~ .:,'on~, .H .., w: 1:: tt 1~:."'""G·i· ~·-"'""' 1~~ 'i~n· ~1m:· 11'.!,, ML. 1~ 'tt"' ~,r= '·" ~~~ ~J ... t ,., .. , .. '"" i:· ., •t 111 .. 1. • •J """""1 a.51 ll'rk• l'unct• 01""" •·•J u1 w-u1 ML c.·~. ''·'4 10 . O!lllll ,; " I ou t Ir. t:~ ·~' t~ ?,r-t11 "·11 NL t ~~ u u1 vt111w~ 10 ,, "01 !!f~,~i..::c~· "·" ~~ ltt1'». NL. ~t ~J·'1~ =-~ ,~ ... NC. ~~r I.Ji ~t ·~·ti. =t ~"\:. 4U ... 't F •:.:ii ll(l1 fdl,r.~ 10 ~'fr.i1 :V~ .... ::.ll i::S H .:.:i.1ui tt . "' ... '"'-!! Nt :!:.'~N111en " I"" .l1l 1lt! r.:. .. ,t! =t IQ ~I '5 u JI NldWI0\11 '°'" NL. .. !·S:.r:.ctt:• HI, F li Bt r~ ni! at , ~t !t~ 0¥11.c ,,:) Nl lllV I: 't.'' JO. MVi ,..,.., t ~1',. lttt 11~ at 111-C,. ,._.. Pl,. tOfi L ., ,. ·• 'd4 !!I'~ j'lf tt ::: v., e'M :. o~ t:I tf, :=tfi,._ "'~· ' 't.U la:.'.. 'ti·~ ~t '"~;. ,,,:;_1 r-. (tpTHT I .IS NL. ft Mt.Ill M NL '"" """ .... 4. Nalld t .00 • n -•. " t. H ·-,...,, -day' CeflllMiel • l'urltll 1 to HI. l•l•f It.» NC. !"Wiiie! -' Omtfte. Ill Ce 12. I ~ 'f O 'c L _... ••• ..... ..., ... _ c .... c ... \alM H•I " & .... , .... c ... t Orange Co111 DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 271 1982 N • ..... •& -Clew .... c ... Dow Jones Fina DOWN 8.84 ... I •' CLOSING 113.•7 Weak economy to continue? WASHINGTON (AP) -The World B:ank 11 pn..'<ilNing that 1982 will be the third consecutive year of very weak economic growth for mdustrial nations and Is warning that the global recession could deepen. The International lending organization said the weak pet'fonnance of the lndustrtal nations has caused slower growth for the world's developing coun~ries, which depend on w ea lthier nations for both t"OmmNcial trade and financial assistance The 143-nation bank, which makes long-term loans to en<.'Ourage e<.'Onomic development in middle- tnt'Ome and poor countries, noted that the et'Onomies of the world's 21 non-communist industrial t'Ountries grew an average of 1 4 percent an 1980 and 1.2 percent in 1981 -Preliminary figures suggest that "1982 is likely to ; be the third year in a row of slow growth," the bank said in its report released Thursday. Fro ntie r te lls buy Frontier Services Co., Denver, a division of· Denver-based Frontier Holdings lnc., has announced:· an agreement In principle to purchase the assets of:. BranifC F.ducation Systems of Dallaa, a subsidiary ot. Braniff International Carp. ·-: Completion of the $1 .2 million purchase iS: pending a legal and property purchase audit bi Frontier Services, as well as review by Bl'aniff· lnternationaJ's credit committee and the bnakruptcy trustee. Frontier Holdings is also the parent corporation o(.r Denver-based Frontier Airlines which serves John Wayne Airport in Orange County. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK CAPI -Tl'lt loOowlnQ lhl ~· ti. .._.., Yo" Stoc:lt Eac,._. 11oc:1<s -... .,..,., 111•1 ,..,,. -up 1111 ..-t --11'1t "'"' !Ml-°" f!.''~..:!.,.''-r-rOlfl• of __.,. ...:: ~~ .::.--::..".9.;~:·.~.~ dill~-· --llW Prt•lou• <ICKlft9 P<IO MCI _.,. •• i~m p<l<e H-Lall ChQ l'<I IF•rellMl9 ..... t '-Up IJO 2 Am ~st O\. • 11., uo ''' l P~ n. • (, Up 10 • c A-t•r pl S... t ''I Up t S S P$1nd c t~ .... • ~. Up t c I CitWlt~ n I + .. Up I ) 9 Whll-11 s 26 b-2 Up I J 10 ~ c.'°'11 13 1"' Up U :; ~~~~~ 1~~ • ~ ~= :g ll UMET Tr l ... , 'I• Up e 0 :~ r:'1e"1t1Hem 1~~ !! ~= ~.g " 0.l<lllC!ull U.. I Up •I II W'(lel.AC>s ..... 'II Up •.S 1' Febe<~ In< It , Ill> Up • J 1' F~I 10"° .. Up •3 10 (;Mir l.7Spf ll~> 2 Up • J ti ... !Mo 1 12pl S)o,. 314 UP • ~ 11 TNtmoEIK n ""' • t\ Up • l 2l UnP.,~ M n ti• '• Up S 9 2C J1rOl<>P 'Pl U ''> I.. Up S I U ... eYP I 7•111 I• Ii. Up S 1 2• Re-e (oP ''• , •> Up S 1 OOWH~ Nome I "1-•I 5 COl>f 2 v Mel\vll .. l 0-'°'9 • WelM< Jlin S OonwM 9 ' R•yDestaol 1 Fst ...._ : ~= &'"' !~,~~no 11 u..ner I) O""<Slllp l•HomHtae U OiV9o lllO U LLC.(Olp IJ MOrwS-11 Or1onPl<I It T rl5ou Inv 10 CmRU o 11 Wllll• Con\ nEooe.1"<11 JJNM-2• Pe<Scl.,.' JS 0..-a I l.a•I C"9 "'• 11"-s 24' " lt• n "" •'-1 .... .... ).... .. ~ ... s•.. ~ '"' .. S'-~ IC>lo I 1) .... -._ J1•. J , .... > .... 11 .. . ..., . ... .. ~. ... Hloo 11'1 I~ ~ ·-1 ·~ .. ..... '"'• GOLD COINS "'' Ofl Jt I Oii -~ Off I) I Oii 101 Off •• Oft I.) Off , • °" •• Oii • ' Oft •• Off u °" ., Oft • J Off 6 0 Ott St Off H Oft St on u Oii u Oil u Ott u Off SI °'' j 1 Ofl s 1 Off SI ""''/.°''•ncl, I troy ounce S447 75. up $20.2 . Moplo loel, l Hoy ounco $ .. 5 00 up 820.25. -·'""IO ...... I 2 troy OU~. $520 00. up 123 75 ..,.,, ..... 100 -... 9903 ''oY ~ 1422 00, up $Ill 26 Source 0..k-Poror• .. AMERICAN LEADERS MaALS NEW YORK fAPI -Spot 11onl8frOu1 metlol Pfieel lodey C opp•r 72-73 co1111 1 pouna u 8 00.tlNOons LMd 28-lll Qenll o pound Zklc: •O 00011 1 pouna .,..Yeted Tift S6 •1171 Metala Woolc Comj)Ollle ANmlnllfll 76-77 Cetlll I POUnd NY ..... ~ ..... ~ 00 Pet "UI( N ~lllftllll'I S291OO·S2116 00 troy ~nc;e SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS •r Tho AHocletod ,.._ $etec1od work! gold P<IOes I001y LOftdofl morning llwlnQ 1-425 75. up $11 ~5 London erternoon filing l• 18.00, up ,, 00 ,,_ ellornoon ft1t1no '412.03, up I& 00 ''"""""' flxlno M25 25. up 11 21 ~ lot• ottomoon ft•lng '417 00, 1"' 12 00 blCI ... 18 00 Mkoel Hentfr • Her111on fonly a111y quolol "41800, up 1100 I,.._. (only Otlly quoll) ~ 18 00, 11P 1100 I~ (only deity qvolll tet>rtc.1od ~3' 90 up , , 05 SYMBOLS d·Now yeort'( low II• ...... yoMI)' Ngill , ~ 01 ......... nolod. ,., .. Of~ oro ~ d..OU,...,,.,.I• ~on tllo !Mt Qu•rtotly or 11ml·l ftftuel deelenllon ~el or on•• dMcNndl 0t peymonta not ~•toa H rOQUlllf .,. laet'ttilloa In tllo l~loo1not• l ·AIMI hire or ealrU l>-Annuol ,.,. plU9 ttock dMdend C:· Llqutd1t1119 OIYldOflCI o.otorod or P1o1C1 In precod1ng 12 lnC<'llM l·Otclefod or pokl •It• "~ dtvldond or IC>M1 up 1-Peld ttlia r-. CIMder>d omllteCI, o.ferrod or no Klton taken et lul dMdoftd mwllno l\·Ooc:•orocl or ptld 1111• ~. an llCCuMlllollYI 1.-""1h dlYldonOI In .,_ n-Now IMUO r-o.Qorod or p.ekl In ~lftg 12 rnon1111 p1ut atoell dMdond. · 1·Plld In llodl Ill IH"~lnO n mootht. uttmet«t r.f.,,..., on ea-diVlCIOllcl ot ••-<*ttlt>ul!Oft •·E•-dlYIOen<lt ot ••·"Oh••· r·Ea-dMOIM!O Ind Mite In lllM I.a.tit Iii Ml cld-C.llocl wd·W""' clhtrll>lllllCI ..... w.._. IUuld ww·Wllh •arrenta ••·WllhOllt werrent' •dt•·EJHlltlrtbutlOfl P I! 1e110 ThO pra Of a uoa. u • multiple of 1>9t·lh--n~ '1 Ol'fldlng IM llt•I 12ofllOl'llll -ntno• llQuro Into lost aoto P<IC'9 .. Orange COHI DAIL\' PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 2-7, 1982 CUSTOM F IT Lantc Corporal James K . L ayton of M C A S El Toro c r ash c r·ew helps J ason Clark from a Costa Meso day care center try on an abestos suit Thi• c hildre n of the t:entt>r als o v i e w e d a sca r ('h a nd n •s<.:ue d(·mons tra tio n during lhl'1r v isit to thl• baw . Reactor f irrns aided solons WASHINGTON lAP) -Companies building the controversia l Clinch R iver Breed er Reactor contributed $279,505 to cong ressm e n vo ting on funding for the pro.iect. a l'Onsumer group says. . ~ngress Watch, a n organii..allon founded by act1v1st Ralph Nade r, s~ud this week political action committees linked with rive compa nies involved c.Jonated the m o n ey to con gn•ssm c n b e tween Januarv 1979 a nd June 1982 DEATH NOTICES CERF Broadway Mortuary. Costa CHARLOTTE J CERF, Mesa. Services by Neptune. resident of Newport Beach WIXOM Passed away on August 2;j, M A R J 0 R I E K EC K 1982 in Tiburon, Ca. She was WIXOM. resident of Corona a member of St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Chun.·h and the del Mar. Ca. Passed away on Tuesday Club. Survived by August 23, 1982. Survived h er son R o be rt Cerf of by he r hus band Jack A .. Ti bu r 0 n . ca , a n d 2 daughters Jacqueline Lewis, P 2 grandsons Tracy and grandcdaughters arne la Clinton Le wis all of San Arakelian of Blythe. Ca. and Berna rdmo, Ca Memorial Jan e B ac ku s o f Sa n Clemente, Ca also survived services will be h e ld on by 5 great-grandchildren SaturdU. August 28, 1982 at S urvived b y her sister 2 OOP at Pacific ".1ew Mildred Ste arns o f Mortuary Cha pe l..Pnv_ate Sacramento, Ca Memorial entombment at Pac1f~c View services wiU be held an the Memorial Park. Pac1f1c View G r a c e C h a p e I a t S t Mortuary directors Andre w 's Presb y t erian RAVELY Church, Newport Beach. Ca HAROLD W RAVELY, on Fnday, Auqust 27, 1982 S R . resident of Costa Mesa, at L ·30PM ln lieu of flowe rs Ca Pas.st'd away on August donations may be made to 24, 1982, at the age of 80 St Andrew 's Pr('Sbytenan S urvived b y h is wife Church. Newport Beach Do rothy Ravely of Costa BEENEY ROBERT L SEENEY, resident of Cost.a Mesa. Ca Passed away on August 23, 1982. He ls survived by h is wife Marguerite, daughter Jan ice Sh aefe r and I granddaughter. His brother R ic hard S e en e y o f lnglewood, Ca., sister Mary Kirk.ish of Modesto, Ca. and I nephew Paul Richard Morales of Healdsburg, Ca. Mr Seeney was born In Newark. Ohio on July 15, 1923, but has lived in the Santa Alla, Costa Mesa area for 35 years. He spent 1 I 1~ years as a Manne and 9 of those years he was a Master Sergeant Memorial services will be held on Saturday, August 28, 1982 at 2:00PM at P ier c e Bro the r s Bell Mesa. Ca .. 4 110ns William of Costa Mesa. Ca., Robert o( Ne w Jersey, Harold, Jr. of Costa Mesa, C.. and James. Also survived by 1 step- daughte r Wilma Hardy of B o mba y, Ca .. and 10 grandchildren and 12 great- grandch1ldren. Memorial serv ices w e r e h e ld at 2:00PM on Friday, August 27 , I 982 at the Brown Colonial Chapel with Dr Ge rald S Bash offic1aung Interment will be private. F'riencls who WI.Sh may call al the m o rtuary fro m 5 .00PM to 9 .0 0PM o n Thursday, August 28, 1982. Brown Colonia l Mortuary directing. ATHERTON EMA JEAN (Mc KEE) ATHERTON, passed away ------------on Augus1 25. 1982. at age 45 Lived an SeaJ Beach. Ca. tor 33 years. S he is swvlved by he r husband Carl, father Eugcne McK e e. daughter Debra Qukk, sons Louis and Antho n y Umphenour, bro ther J o hn McKee and s i s ter M a r y J o W e lz.. Services will be h eld o n Saturday, August 28, 1982 at 2:00PM at Dilday-Mottell's Mortuary. 1250 Pad ru.: Ave., L o ng BPach , Ca (2 13 ) 436-9024 McCOlMIOl MOITUAllU Laguna Beach 494·9 415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 .... lo. l.AW~MT. OLIYI Mor1uary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540·5554 "llCI HOTHHS HU 110.ADWAY , MOITU.AlY I 10 Broadway Costa Mesa e<l2·9150 IALTJl8GHOH SMITH & TUTt411.I. WHTCUff CH.A,ll 427 E 17th S t Costa Mesa 6416-9371 rtHCl•On4BS SMITHS' MOITUAllY 627 Main St Huntington Buch 536 6$39 ,.AClftC vt1w ...,llAJ. ,Aal c.mtt.,Y Mortua~ Chapel-crfmllOry 3600 Pacific View Dnve Newpon Beach 644-VOO I REIS JOHN E. REIS, resident of Costa Mesa. Ca Passed away on August 21, 1982 Born August 18. 1894 in Half Moon Bay, Ca. Survived by son J ohn E Reis. Jr. of Cr ockeu, Ca., daughte r Doro thy Re is of Palo Alto, Ca .. 4 grandchildren, a brother Carl Reis o C Oakland, Ca and sisters Marie Sangmaster of San Leandro, Ca. and Cecilla Hansen of Walnut Creek, Ca. Funeral .ervices will be held on Frtda)'. August 27, 1982 at t:OOPM at Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport Beach, Ca. Pacific Vi•w Morniary directora. CINOCCO NICK V IN CE NT CINOCCO. loving hu1band of fnoi C1n occo passed on Auguu 2~. 1982. He la 1urvlved by 11on Donald, randdaughtor Liu. n-matlon Memori•l M?rvfce iU be held wt.U be held on September 3, 1982 at l:OOPM ~t the family home TVA to scrap nuke reactors KNOX VILL..E, Tenn (AP) Ttrnn .. ,a.-~ Valwy Aulhorlly dlrl'\.'tunc, ft•11rlntt un l!nd Lo d wap fl-d riil loon,, huvt: dl1.'ldl'd lo 114·n 1p m·urly o nc- Courth of what wa11 to be tht-nullon 'a largf'11t nucle11r puwl·r •Y•wni ln ~•dthllu11, lhl• h -dl·rul utJ!Jty'i. thr1•\• d lrt'('lont unummuu=-ly .1.in·t-tl th1i. wt· •k io 11\n•nglhtm I.ht• utilny't> fltw11e:h1l po~lllon hy ru1s1ng l'l<'<-'trk raws 4.4 fX'rt't."nt <.'u111·t·ling bolh rt'Ul'to rs til tht· Phippi. Ek•nd plant 1ctlt' 1n ru1rttwust T1·nrlt's"<.'t.' und two o f four units at th~ HurLwlllt• !lilt• 111•111· Nush v1lll' w ill save c·u11toml'rs $M6 millwn uw1• W y1•a1 'I, TV A I 'uwt•r Murl1.1A(t•1· llul(h Purrls smd. TV A ht1s spt·nl $I 1Jr1 billmn 0 11 thl' unfinished r ea<·tors, plun1wd aN p11rt of a s t'Vl.'n plant. 17-rt•Ul'Wr systNl1. Puri Is ~111d tlw utility plum; to wrill• orr lht· loss over I 0 yN1rs W ith the: nmt'\'llutwn, TV A 1:. :.lightly beh1nc.J Commonwealth £d1i.un Corp , wh1d1 has eight Opl'rnting n •actori., {1vt.> un1Jt.1 t·on!>tru<·ta on und two mort' planned, Ot'(.'Ording to the· Ato111w Industrial Forum o f Bctht>sda. Md TV A o ff1t·1a ls r eco1t1111 t·ndcd the.• reacto r cancellations July 23. sa y ing they and Lhe1r predeces sors h a d greatly o ve r est imate d the region 's &wed for c lc0 l'trtc1ty P a rri11 said n e w pred1c t1ons s h ow tht• (uur r ea l'tors' c lN:trit·1ty wouldn't be nt'Cded for 16-20 yt.'tln. S<:rapping the rl'ac•ton. will ffi(•an fe w layoffs, beo\:aust• little-w ork has bt>t•n dont· on then"I in the· pa!>t yc>ar , Ali" Wl~ept,oto HELPING HAND C o mbines move across Lore n Bodt·au 's barley fwlds on his farm n ear Wilbur, Wa~h ., as n<.>ighbo r s brought more than :!O o f the m1:1d11nes to harv<.>sl his 380-a c re crop an two h o urs. N e ighbo r s pitche d in to harves t the 500-ton c ro p afle r Bodeau was seriously inJured 1n an a uto ac'l·1denl MllC HOflCC ......... NOTICI Of' fMll JU'a MU ....... ,, YOU Alli IH otrAUU UHOIA A OllD O' UIUIT D.AflO ~~A:J~oi·~·o~::~;~ YOUR li"l'Oli"IUY, IT MAY 81 aOU> AT A f'U9l.tC aM.I.., YOU NllD AN lllli"LANA flOH O' THI NATUlll 0' THI li"llOCllDINO AOAINaT YOU.. YOU aHOULO CONTACT A LftYlll. 0 '1 8ep1embet 24, t982, II 11 00 1 m , llt11ew1oe Fo1et101ure ServlCH Inc H duly eppolnled ftull•• under 1nd pur1u1na 10 0Hd of Tru11 recorded M1rch 4 1118 1, u ln tlr NO 4524, DOOk 13988, P•Qe 70:1, o t Ollltlll R•co1da, eucul•d by l & M AUOCI••••. I P•rlfl ei•hlp, .. tru11or(1), In lllt OlllC• ol lhe CO\lnl y Recorder 01 O••nge County. $1111 of Calllorn1•. Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (p1y11ble el llme ol Hill In 111wlul mon•y OI llK> United SlelHI el South '' onl entflnc41 lo the Or110g• County Old Cour1hou111, C11y of S•nle Ano. 81e11 ol Celilorn11. au rlghl. llllt ond !ntetett cooveyed 10 end now t!ttld by II under 1110 Deed ol Tru11 In 1roe properly 111u11ed 1n Hid County end S111e dHCrlbod H Lot 1 end the SO\llh•Hterly one holt 01 Loi 9 In Blocii 841 or C01on1 dol Mir Clly 01 Newpor1 Beach, Counly ol Orenge. 81111 ot Ctlllornlt 11 ahown oo • m1p recorded In DOOk 3 P•• 4 I l ml 42 ol Ml&eell11190ul Mapa iecoroa 01 Orange CO\ln1y CahlornlA The 11ree1 aodreu and oane1 common deaignahon. 11 eny ot lhe real properly dHCflbed •Dove It purporled 10 be 607 Orchid Avern.;e Coron• del Mai CA Th<J und er11gner1 T1us1ee d1ac1111m1 •ny lllblllly lor 1ny 1ncorrec1neu ol lhe a1ree1 address and other common de11gna1oon 11 any. ahown herein l\IBLIC NOflCl 'ICTJf~I •UatNIH NA ... aTATIMINT f ne lulll•wlllt Cl•ttOnt 11• Ooorig hulll-• •• PANORAMA W[IT eaa 111111 Sii••• N• .. l>c><I ~rt CllllUlfll• 9266~ P1oii.•1t•1 Wl"9 Im. e Cll111ilcn<• I UllllH•hOll so• ~·Ill !lll•t"~.., Nt,.f/<HI lle"'-11 C.elll()fllll 928tl3 1>1<11,..."•• w .. 1 111< l.len11 H 5f•lllll ll1tt1cj.,tl I tu• •l•t•"'•"I wu 111410 wom ttoe Cou111y (,te<k ul Or•1111• Cou111y on Aulj<IOI I'• tllU ,1111():) Puu11111eu 01 •n11• (;oa11 0111y Pt101 Aug '7 Sepl 3. 10 11 1982 3778 92 PUBLIC NOTICE a1c rmoua au11NfH NAMI ST A TaMINT The lollowlng P•raon Is doing blJlll'lfJll .. LOVING SPAS. 2•28 Newport Blvd . Coeta MOH, CA 921127 Mtrl• Merced•• MoC1r1y 0112 MllhllO Or ' Hunllng1on BoaGh, CA 92841S Thie butlne11 11 c.onducleC Dy 111 1ndivlduftl M&1la Merc.ed11s McC•rly Th11 11aiemen1 wu llled will\ ,,,. CO\lnly Cieri. 01 01er111e County on Aug 10 1982 F195038 Puo11111ed Oren11e Coul Oally Piiot, Aug 1:1 20, 27 . Sept 3. 1982 3S68·8? PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUllN!88 NAME STATEMENT T 11e runo .. ong pfjr son ts do mg bU51nl!SS as BALBOA DRAPERY SERVICE 142~ V•llagf' Way CQsla Me~a C.A 9:?626 Faniilies replay Civil War Said sale w111 be mad11. bul wllhoul coven6nt or wa,,anly express 01 1mpllaO 1ega1dlng t11le possession, or encumDr ances , 10 pay the remaining p1lnc1pal ¥um ol lhe nole(S) S6Cured by 181d Deed 01 frusl, wllh lnler11sl !hereon. DS Lerty I b1akov1'h 788 I •3 L•liolly llu111111g1on Beac.h CA 9264 7 'hl5 DU$•116SS ·~ C.O'lducttld by dn 1no1v•Ouill Larry [ BrakOYIGh 1 ro" s1att1m(:fll wa~ llled w1111 llie Counay C1erk ol Ora11ge C.ounty 011 LIGHTBURN. W . Va. (AP) -You can almost hear the r umble of cannons far off in the h ills whe n the L ightburns and the J acksons talk abou t lhe war between the stalc..'S. The descendants of boyhood frie nds who grew up l-0 be<:ome generals on o pposing sides in the Civil War. the Lightburns and the Jack.sons don't shoot each other these days. But lhc <.'Onversations on the front porch can get a hule peppery when the sub- ject drifts around to Vicksburg or the oth er old battles. Luuie Hale, granddaughter of Union Gen. Jo- seph A. Lightburn, c huckled as s he said, "The Jacksons kinda' adore Robert E. Lee, and sometimes when we're talkinR. thin~s can S(et excited and they think about s ta rting the w ar again But someone just c hanges the subject " Walter Neely, 73 , a dis tant cousin of Gen. Tho mas "Stone wall" Jackson, agreed that the Confederacy and the war 1s more than a memory in the little northern W est VirR1nia town. "W e Jackson s w e re a ll loyal to the S outh, as loyal as t'OuJd be," Net-ly said "It went on tor a long time. But those things arc finally starting to heal over." Jackson would be come one of the Confed e- racy's greatest commanders and L ightburn led Union troops in some of the bloodiest battles of the war. Mrs. Hale, 87, who remembers Gen . Lightburn from her childhood, s aid. "G r andfather and ·swne w:ill' Wl'rl' v e ry go1>d friends. They s w:im togNhC'r and p layf'd together." The 1wo genera ls also rom p<'ted for the area's appointment to West P oint. J ackson got the a p - pointme n t after a man named Butcher declined it. L1ghtburn enlisted in th e arm y as a private soldier . l.n Joseph Lightburn's hardware store, a por- t rait of G e n L1ghtburn, his great-grandfathe r , hangs in an honored place on the wall. Etchings of other Union SCJldie rs dot the wall. Pointing to a yellowing painting of Abraham Lincoln, L1ghtburn said. "He 's one o f our favorite people ." As if he w as thinking back to his youth, the 51-year-old L1ghtbum talked about the Civil War, recalling the na m es of soldiers who neve r came back and the bitte rness of som e who did. "lt was real awful, real bad.'' he said softly. Mary Ruth Smllh, 86 , a dis tant cousin of Jack son 's, a lso gre w up on stores about the gen- erals. And while the scars of the war healed into friendship between the two families, it was always clear to the Jacksons who was the best generaJ, s he said. While Mrs Hale and her kin will concede that Jackson was "a fine, w onderful military tactician." the re's onJy one man they call "the gen eral." ''He's ne v e r bee n recognized like he should because w e live too close to 'Stonewall' Jackson's home," Mrs. Ha le said. provided 1n saod no18(1), ad vences. F11M1104 II any, undo• me 1e1ms 011810 Otlild Pul>lo.ried Orange C.OH~I Daily Aug 2~ 1982 of T1ua1, lees cha•ges and P1lo1, Aug 27, Sept 3 10 11 1982 e~penses ol lhe T1uslM and ol the _________ 3;...7_7_1 _;82 lrusls creall1d by said Oeed ol PU8llC "'OT CE Trust. for lhe amount reasonably ______ ,. __ I ___ _ esllmaled lo be $34,021 25 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Tile benellclary under 181d Deed NAME STATEMENT ot Trull heretolore execuled and Thti 1011ow1ng D•Hson 1s do1119 delivered 10 Iha under11gned a busmess 8, wr1t1en 0ec:111al•on or Default ind GOlF"LAPS t8?5 Westcloll 01 Oemand tor Sale •nd 1 written Newport Beach CA 9:1660 Notice ol Oelault and ~ec11on 10 Neol S ~one 64 Lonoa 1s1e Or Sell The undersogne<I c ae<I saod Ne,.,pofl Beath CA 92660 Nollte of Oel1ult and ecllon 10 Tllos Dusone~s 1s tonduc.letl Dy an Sell 10 be recorded on I coonly 1ndovidua1 where lhe real property 1 localed Neil s Fine DATED Augusl 20 t9 2 Tn1s ,t61emen1 was 1o1ed woth lhe S1a1ew1de Foreclosure County Clerk of Or.inge County on Services Inc A 15 982 as saod TruSlee ug 1 F191127 By Su1>a111u11on P .. uh~rwo 01ange Coast oa11y ~~~~~~n~av~~·~~-~oeni Pilot Aug 27 Sept 3 10 11 1982 592!> Ce1111os Ave 37J3·82 Cypress CA 90630 (7141 828-3280 Published O•ange Coasl 011ly Polot. Aug 27 Sepl 3 10. 1982 :\7Q 1·'" PUBLIC NOTICE F1c Tmous aus1N£as NAME STATEMENT The lollowong person 11 doing businesa as PUBLIC NOTICE NEWPORT MAILBOX 2424' K-01493 Newporl Blvd , Co&ll Mesa. CA 926'7 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Wannes L Abajian, 90!> E NAME STATEMENT Balboa. Balboa. CA 9266 1 Tne 1011ow1ng person os 1.101110 This business la conducted by an busones9 as Individual OIAMONO UPHOLSTERY 24:?6 Wennes L Abajian Newpo11 Boulevard Costa Meaa. lhll slltemeni was llled woth lhe CA 92627 AGOP ABRAHAM AGOPIAN County Clerk ol Oranoe CO\lnty on 5836 v11~1n1a Ave No 1 Los A\19 18· l982 F11M4175 Angeles. A 90038 Publlthed 01ange Coast Dally Her job really rings the bell Tllo& business os conduct ea by an PllOI, A<19 20 u . Sepl 3. tO. 1982 oridMdual 3650-62 Agop Abraham Agop111n ________ .....;;=.~ Thos s1a1efT\enl was filed wllh lh• M.JC NOTICE County Clerk ol Orange County on -----------August 24. 1982 'ICTITIOU• auan.Eal RIVERSIDE (AP) -Marl(o Halsted climbs the 161-foot bell tower at UC Riverside twice a day to operate the keyboard for the campus carillon, 23 b ronze bells that play everything from Bach to Bacharach. It may seem a bit anonymous -performing in a sanctum so far removed from the audience, which cannot see h e r in the tmy room at the top -but Ms. H alsted says there are so fe w carillonneurs around. there is at least recognition among bellringers. "There are so few of us. 1t ts easy to keep track of one another," she said . M s . Hals ted e dits the C arillon News, published by the Guild of CariUonneurs in North America. She Is one of abou t 300 member carillonneurs who play just 125 car illons in the United States. There are only 800 baton keyboard carillons in the world, mostly in Europe. She drives 75 miles a day from her home on the Palos Verdes Peninsula to play the cast bronze bells and teach music at UC R iverside. The keyboard triggers the be lls' clappers. The bells themselves remain stationary The r esulting music is heard all aro und Riverside. "I hear them from m y ho m e It's very nice," said campus switchboard operator Nancy Smith. "They play Bac h and oldies. popular tunes. Actually , it's quite a variety," said Elizabeth Lindner, a secretary in the music department. The r e p e rto r y includes songs b y Burt Bacharach a nd o the r popular composers, Ms. H alsted said The day starts with chimes from 7:45 a .m . till 8:05 a .m .• and en te rt.1ms the campus at lunc h with a noontime sho w . "My students play at othe r umes," she satd, including evening performances from 5 to 7 p.m . Ms. Halsted. 43, says she has been carilloning for almost half her life -e ver since shf was a Stanford University student. "I was a music major. w hen one day, out of curiosity, r climbed Hoover Tower to w atch James Angell. Stanford's carillonneur then and now." she said. "That did It. I fell in love with th e marvelous and unusual musical instrument. I've been climbing towers ever since." Only thr ee carillon classes are taugh t in California. Ms. Halsted teaches one at UC Riverside with eight studen ts. In addition, she teaches organ and directs the university's piano laboratory. F-1IMI093 NAME aTATUlllEHT Published Orenge Co•&I Daily The lollowlng person is doing P1lo1. Aug 27. Sepl J 10. 17 1982 bus1nea1 u 3822-82 V.I P TOYS. 198S S H•rbO<, 1------------I Cotti MeH CA 92627 PUBUC NOTICE Tenence Roark. 11 Aries Cl . ------------1 Newp<>nBeectl CA92660 K-014U NOTICE OF DEATH OF CHRISTINE GALLANES AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. A-1 U'109. To all heirs. benef1c1anes, creditors and continge nt ' creditor s of CHRISTINE GALLANES and persons who may be othe rwise interested in the will and/or estate: Thi• t>us1ness 11 condve1ec1 by an lndlvkluel T etrllflCB Roarlo. Thie 1111emen1 was hlecl Wllh lhe County Cle<k ol Orllfl98 County on Aug 18 1082 ,, .... Publis hed Orange Coasl 0&11) Piiot Aug 20, 27. Sept 3. 10. 1982 364~82 PUBLIC NOTICE CPP 25039 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNOER A OEED OF TllUST DATED JANUARY 29, 11181. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PR OTE CT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBUC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THIE PllOCEEDINQ AOAIN IT YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE OF TllUSTI!E'S 8ALIE UNDER DEED OF TllUST TF Ho. 90417 Loen Ho. '31111 Caffeine no pregnancy pPril I A petition has been filed by Robert H uckenpahler in the Superior Court of Orange County requesting that Robert Huckenpahler be appointed as personal representtiv#o administer the est ate o f Christine Gallanes. Cosui Mesa. CA. (under the Inde pe ndent Administration of Estates Act). The petition is set for hearing in Dept No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive W est, Santa Ana. C A 9270 I on Sept.ember 15. 1982 at 9.30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the peution, you should either appear at the hearing and s tate your objection s or hie written objections with the court before the hearing Your NOT ICE la hereby given t hat SERRAN O RECONVEYANCE COMPANY • Celllorn111 corpore11on u lrvstee. or successor lrustff. o< avb1t11uted 1rus1ee pursuant lo the ae.d ol Trust exec<11ed by MOUNIR 0 MAR DI NI 1nd IRENE M MARDINI husband i nd wife and Recorded Febru11y 18 1981 1n 80l)I( 1395 t Pt ge 1922 1n11rumen1 No 191174 ol Otttelal Records In lhe office of the County Recorder of Or1nge County Cahtorn11. end purau1n1 10 lh• No11Ge of Oefau11 and Elec11on 10 Sell lllereunder recorded Aprll 13. 1982 In ln11rumen1 No 82· 126673 of seld OHtcl1I Records, wlll SELL on Sept 17, 1982 al 9 15 1 m 11 ,,,. front tnlrlnc• IO the Old Orange County Courthoufe located on Sen11 An1 Blvd , belween Sycamore Street and Broadway S1nta Ana. C1111orn11 81 public eucllon. 10 lhe l'llgheat bidder for cash (peyable el lhe time of sele 1n lewlul l'l'OOly ol lh• United States1. all right. tnle, and 1n1eres1. coriveyed 10 and now held by It under Hid deed In 11141 property 111u111ed In H id County and Stile arid described H IOllOW• Lol 39 ot Traci 5781. in ll'le City ol Cotta Melll. u !>ti' map recorded 1n booll 21•. page 11. 12 end 13 of m1-111neou1 m•P•. In lhe office ol the county rKOtde< of said count)'. Properly 1ddrH1 11 purpor1edly known 11 270 1 CaNry Drive, Cosll M .... CA 92826 NEW YORK (AP) -Research ers say they have found no e vide nce that caffeine use by preg- nant w om en increases the chances o f birth defects in their children. That conclusio n was based on a s tudy of caf- feine use among m others o f 2.030 children born with birth defects. lt was the second study an less than two months to find no evidence ltnkmg caffeine and birth de- fects. Suspicion that caffe ine could be h armful at- t.racted pubUc attention in September 1980 w hen t he U .S . Food and Drug Administration warned pregnant women to limit the ir consumption of cof- fee. The warning was issued after animal experi- ments indicated that rats Ced large doses of caffeine had an increased chance of giving birth to offspring w ith improperly developed paws. The FDA said its warning was issued as a precau\ionary measu re In the absence of en ough acienlific evidence to be certain of the relaUonshlp between caffeine and birth dttects. Caffe ine, in addiuon to being found in coffee and tea. is added to many soft drinks and non- prescription drugs. The firs t important study of caffeine use in pre gnant women was conducted by researchers at Harvard Unive rsity and reported in January. The scientists examin ed the coffee -drinking habits of more than 12,000 w omen and found nothing to suggest that coffee causes birth defects. The researchers dtd tind, however, tha t many coffee drinkers were also cigarette smokers, and the study confirmed previous findings that smokers are more likely to give birth prematurely and to have smaller babies The new study, reported by the Boston Un- iversity Drug Epidemiology Unit in today's issue of the Journal of the American Medial Association, surveyed mothers of 2,030 Infant& born with a va- appearance may be ln person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your clalm with the court or present it to the personal representative appointed by the co1trt within four months from the date of firs t Issuan ce of letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filln claims will not expire prior to four montha from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file ke pt by the court. lf you are intereated in the Mtate. you rMY file a request with the court to receive riety of birth defects. -----------special noti c e a l the MllC NOTIC~ Inventory of eatate a~t• K-Ot4M and of the petJtJona. llOCO\lnlt flCTITIOU• eu .... H and report• d escribed In NA• aTAfl••fT ectlon 1200 .~ of the The lollowlng pet1on 11 doing fomla Probate Code Newsweek ban 'goofy' MINO'T', N.D. (AP) - The Minot School B oard's ban n ing of Ne w1w<'Ck m•gailne from ninth and 10th grade social studies clauet bealuse it la "too Uberal " waa c alle d "goqfy" by a l o c al new1J>8por . Th.. board voted 3· l IHt month to repl•ce Ne w1wuk with U.S News and World Report as a teaching aid in this north.cent ral North Dakota city. w h ost achoo} district has ebou t 8 ,000 atudenu. Board member Zoanne Flic klnger sai d s h e wli.h es she had not said N e waweek was "too liberal" in her moUon to r eplace the magailne. "Then I would have gotten away with It" 11u11neu •• I G rlty OESION SHOWCASE. 2426 r el ar • without cnt1<:lsm . NellfpOrt Boul•••rd, Co111 Me11, Attoreey at Law M 0 11 CA u11a1 11 w. 17tll Street Th I! I n 0 t A Y AOOP AB A A HM AOOPIAN, la Au, CA tUOI News, ln a July 31 ~-~~.1r8r~~·· . No. 1, Loa (TH) Hl·HHO c ltorlal, calle?d th e mow 'fhl• llll•ln ... 11 ~duettd Dy '" Publl1hod rango out ... soofy, lmpt'tUOUll lndMdu1I. Dally Pilot, AujJ. 28, 27 , thing." Agop M>ran•m Agopl•n Sept. 2, 1982. Thi• •l•t•ment wn Iii.ti with tilt 3790-82 I n N ,. w Y o r k , Co11n1y Clttll of Orange County on i--------- N e w 1 w e e k p u b 11 c AllQu•t 24' 1982 ,., ... Info rmation director Publl1l'l1d 011ng• CoHt 0111y Avery Hunt 11ald. ''W e Piiot. AllQ 21, ~· i. 10. ~2',~:~ think w~ report new!I in ..._----------i a v ~ r v u n b I a 11 e d Comp•re t>etqni you !Ny. r. Cl .... n.d met!• h eay. manner. • 142.se1e The tu11•t draw In the WHt. .1 Di lly Piiot Clahlflecl Ad call Today 8"2·M74. The 10111 1moun1 of lhl unp1ld Dllence of lhe obllg1110n MC\lred Dy lh• property 10 be 1old ind r1a1on1bl1 e11lm11ed coatt, bpetlMI Incl ldvl!IC.s II lhe llme of th• lnlllel publlcetlon of 1~ No1ic. of Sale 11 ltH,444 33 Only currenlly de1ed Cuhler'a Check• or Certified Check• are ICCIC>lll>le 10 lhe TrullM prOYlded proPlf ldtnllllc1llon 11 1111ll1blt.. Said .. i. wrn be m1c:1e, 11u1.w1111ou1 con...,,.,,1 or w1rrtnty, •>CP<-or llnplled reglrdlng !Ille, po-.lon 01 encumbr1ncH, 10 111laly lhe 1ncteb1ednt1• teeurtd by 11ld o..d, lneludl~ lht IM Ind tWpellll of tl'lt I'"''" 1no of tilt true11 etMltd by 1110 dtld, ad11•nc11 thtrtundtr, with lntll'tll '(E' ovldtd tht<eln, a11d tilt unP•ld neli>tl of tht f\Olt MOUrtd by .. 1 dttd wllh Int••• lhtrtoll .. PIOvldtd In Mkl Nole, DAYl!O AUOll•t 10, IOU co 81Rl'ANO l'IOONVIEVANO~ U31 Willhlre llvd. Lot Anoe!M. CA 00010 (2\3)3"4U\ M IUCh Tl\lltee 1 .J. l. COANWALL.. ~!no.~!WyHoe, Aug.11, hfit. 3, 10, tH2. •-....a i . . - I ·1 ... . .. -·~· :~~ J'. I '-""' ,.., ""' ........... _ .,..._ ... THE fJ\MILl' CIR~ l:M by 811 Keane "That's gonna be a hard act to follow ." I MARMJ\01.:IKE by Brad Anderson "Oh. I'm so glad he likes you!" .lt.:DGE PARMER Gi\Rt'IELD f'M 5TARTINC:r TO LOSE. MV PEPRESSION. I OOTTA PO 50METHING BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) ,.. ,., "Watch It. They're hot." Hank Ketchum ~pJ...> ......... __ Q"/ ~~......./ ~ ~ "If onions _make people cry, why didn't God invent a vegetable that makes 'em laugh?" · by Harold Le Qoux I Tl-ilNK IT'5 eECAl/6f l DON'T &ELIEVE 'l'OU COULD LIVE VilTH YO~LF IF YOU THOUGHT' 'IOU HAO ANYTHIN6 TO 00 WITH AN EXECUTION t ,..___ ._lfi_M_~_'Av_f!> ______ ..;;.B_·Z7_, ©•982 Un<1e<1fututr s~•• Inc MOON Mt:LLINS BRINGING OUT 1'~~ GOOD CHINA, LORD P.? ® 1 fellows &Fruit 108ox 14 Huft 15 Drewing room 18 U.I(. rN9r 17VtMe ,. Plelt ttGul ·20',,.... 22,.,. 58Slmple- 5t0Wrawe 80 Fu1ener 82 C1tlloguef 85 Radiant 87 Ex.ult "S.ura-70 N.ufll 71 Crowbar 72 Sundown• 73 Three epol 74 Corunclum 75 Steach 24 Houle pet DOWN 26 Piieup 27 ..... deller: 1 Exhibition 2 .ordl 2 FarmhOld 2t Stopptd 3 --of S2 Qftlll let1er Eden SI Young one 4 AllMI plMt M v .. a11an 6 Flrtptoof 31 Wtlett inn.. matlrlll bnldlle •Honn 40 ..... chem-1 AM110r1· '* IMP 42 Strong I FNnctl rl'ftr .. "°" IOUfOt t ~ 41-.ntudl '° ~ 47~ 11Segment 41 TNlt peltl 12 aotfle ..... 13fir..cfl N WMNPM tncome ...... of..., 2t '°°""' ... THURIDAY'I PUZZll IOlY£D 23 Hand cover 28 Miiter 28 Put down 2t8plnlllc• - 30Storm 310ritf 315 lnttattt 37 TtMClo.ul 38lucllcre- atlon "Aewllngt 41 Poet Ogden 43 MllCtllef 1 • -· SHOE Orange Co11t DAILY PILOTIF1~1y, Augu1t 27, 1982 ALL I PIP wAS Tell '(OU TMAT l'VE ALWAYS 6E~FONDOFVOO .. IF I OFFENDED VOV, l'M SORRY. i I f JI ,----------. SMUT UP! CAH'T VOU SEE WE'RE TALKIN6 ?!! 87 by Charlet M. Schulz I NEVER [™INK l'M MEANT TO ~AUIN6 O\IE~ OFFENP '°'-'· 8AlKWAAP5 .. CHARLES .. by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly Bin by Ernie Bushmiller I DON'T KNOW WHY HE TAKES HER ANYWHERE--- SHE'S 9 YEARS OLD IF 5HE1S THERE'S SLUGGO AND AN OLD LADY COMING DO\.JN THE STREET ADAY 1't.L ll)RliE fO M~ CoN· 6RE'S5Mb\ H I'll. 1'AKE. iOO 'fO COURT !H by G:•s Arriola· . . . Orange Coa1t pAILV PILOT/f'rlday, Augu•t 27, 1882 BEST USED CAR BUYS IN ORANGE COU NTY I 1111 PEUIEOT "104" llESEL 4 speed trans., AM-FM cassette. power steering, power brakes, powe< windows. sunroof & morel Very clean! (049TZU). A real steal at below wholesale bluebook at just ·53999 1110 TOYOTA CELICA ulT" Popular 5 speed, with stereo. tilt wheel, custom wheels & more Exceptionally clean In every respect (94SYZE). 55999 llll TOYOTA CDllOLU W&IOI Popular 5 speed trans ., air conditioning and AM/FM stereo tape. (245WAN). Room for the whole !amity at the low price of just 53299 1110 llZll 121 CllPE , 5 soeed, air cond .• stereo, alloy wheels & more. (195ZUY). Don't miss this one for only 1111 YOLYO u244l" SEIAI Automatic trans.. air conditioning, power steering. power brakes. cruise control & stereo tape. ( 187XWB). Exception al thruout. Hurry on this one for just 1110 TOYOTA CllEISllA SEIAI The "ULTIMATE" Toyota with lull power, air cond., stereo. Ult Wheel, crulte control, custom wheels & morel (720ZEG). Low mites. Now just 58399 Thinking of senlng your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise, qua~ tfy all prospects. take trade-Ins. have available financing & do all paper work! When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TFUEX representative to llst your car today! 714-646-9303 714-~0-9467 All units plus tax. ncen... $20 doc. fees, plus dealer added acceNOrlel. All cart tubjeet to prior aale. !>ale end1 Sunday. ~29-82 at cJoM of ~MM. · 1966 HaJ'bOr BIVd. COStaMesa 1111 TOYITA OHOLU 2 10011 Economical 4 speed with air cond., stereo cassette. exterior trim package & morel Very clean & completely ortglnall (347YBK). 53999 llll PLYIOITH AlllDW "II" lllPE Equipment Includes 4 1peed transmission. radio and heater. (744WAM). Economy plus comfort for the tow price ol only 53199 1110 IElllllY CIPlllUFTllOI Economical 4 cyt. engine, 4 aPMd tran1 .. air cond., 1tereo cue., pwr. tteerlng & brake•, raar window lhade & exceptionally clean tnalde & outl (43493F). 55999 1111 TOYOTA ucHllOll" llTOllllllE Immaculate thruoutl Options Include 4 speed trans., radio & heater. Room for camping & the whole family! Must be seen to appreciate! (724RFM). PRICED TO SELL! 1171 TOYOTA SUPllA "SllllOOF" The ultimate Toyota with lull power. air cond .. stereo. cruise control. Ult wheel, alloy wheels & morel (964XMN). Don't ml11 thl1 one at only 55999 1111 POITIAC "11111111" OOIPE This all white beauty has an automatic trans .. air cond .• radio & heater. Immaculate in very respect! (516ULA). Hurry on this one for tuat ·53799 (714) 646·930! (714) 540-9467 • . ~·W.Ways 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Saturdays 8:00 1.m.-8:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 1.m.·7:00 p.m., Str~kt and Pam 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday·Frlday, S.turdty 1:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Body Shop W"kdlya 18:00 ' 1.m.·S:OO p.lri. Call 631-4432 -- •i .,,.. FRIDAY. AUG :n. 1882 ClASSlfllD C6 • Delfr Hot ,.._o by ttatrldl 0,,__.. HEADED FOR CATALINA -These two women's crews representing the Off Shore Canoe C lub of Newport Beach will be competing in the U.S. Outrigger Canoe championships Saturday when they race from Newport Beach to Catalina Island. Men's teams will race back to Newport Sunday. The race will start at the Newport Beach Harbor Department on Bayside Drive at 8 o'clock Saturday and conclude around noon in Catalina. The men start back at the same hour Sunday. Top outrigger crews paddle Saturday By HOWARD HANDY Of Iha DaltJ f'tlot lleff Women's crews will r ace to Catalina from Newport Beach Saturday and the men will race the course in reverse Sunday in the U.S. Outrigger Canoe Championships. The competition will encompass seven women's teams and 19 men's squads including two teams from Tahiti. "We don't know much about the Tahitian team but we understand they are made up of the best paddlers from all of the top teams there," says race direct.or John R. Rader, Jr .. a vice president at the Balboa Bay Club and native of Hawaii. "Outrigger racing is the top sport in Tahiti and they could be a formidable challenge to the strong teams here. F.arlier this year the IMUA team of ~ewport Beach went to Tahiti and beat them at borne during a Bas tile Day celebration." The Tahiti boats along with IMUA, Off Shore of Newport Beach, L anaklla and the Ne wport Canoe Club will be among the favorites in the men's competition. Off Shore and Hono Hono will be favored to capture the women's race. The women's race will start from the Ne wport Beach Harbor Department building on Bayside Drive at 8 o'clock. Spectators can view the start from a small beach near the building and lhe finish at Lover's Cove in Catalina Island's Avalon Bay some 51/1 hours later. The men's race will start at 8 Sunday morning R elated stor1', P•lle C2 in Avalon with the first boats arriving at the finish line near 18th Street in Newpqrt Beach at 11:30 to noon. Competing in the wome n's race will be teams from the Balboa Outrigger Club, the oldest group around Newport Beach which was organized in 1959; Hono Hono of Mission Bay; Lanakila of Redondo Beach ; Marina de! ~ey Canoe Club; Newport Canoe Club; and two teams from Off S hore Canoe Club of Newport Beach. Besides the two teams from Tahiti in the men's race, other squads will include: two teams from lMUA of Newport Beach; Kalelua of San Diego; --------------------------- Kansas forfeits four games KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - The University of K ansas has been ordered to forfeit three Big Eight victories and a tie during the 1980 footbaU season because of running back Kerwin Bell's ineligibilit y , the Big Eight Conference announced Thursday. On Tue s day, the NCAA Eligibility Committee ruled that Bell was ineligible in 1980 and 1981 because he did not meet the 2.0 high school grade-poi nt requirement before making up work in summer school. Kansas' 1980 victories over Iowa State (28-17), Kansa.5 State (20-18) and Colorado (42-3) and a 14-14 tie with Oklahoma State were declared forfeits. Bell was injured last season and did not play in any conference games. The eligibility committee also ruled that Bell must sit out the first three games this season nd give up anot h er year of eligibility. The NCAA ruling stemmed from an investigation of Bell's high-school grade-point average while at &ii.son High. The rule required Bell to have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average after eight semesters of hi,gh achoo! work . Att~to HAIL RICKEY -Oakland's Rickey H enderson doffs his helmet after completing his 118th stolen base Thursday night in Milwaukee to tie Lou Brock's all-time single-season record. At right is umpire Durwood Merrill. See story, Page C2 Kai Nalu of Marina del Rey; Lono Kaui of Newport Beach ; Nahoa of Redondo Beach; two from Newport Canoe Club; two Crom Lanakila; two from Marina del Rey: San Jose and San Francisco. The weeks. Tahiti teams have been in the area for several weeks. They have made several open ocean runs since t~eir arrival but not in competition. Bud Hohl, coach of the OH S hore men's team and a race official, has been in the sport for 16 years. "I stopped paddling two years ago," he says. "But I still maintain the love of the sport the same as when I was competing. Dennis Campbell (IMUA coach) has been paddling since 1964 and hasn't m~ a year of competition in that time. "The main team of lMUA has been paddling together for at least five years and this is a big advantage. They know the idioeyncrasies of each other and the little quirks that make up a unlform team performance. "The average hfe span of a paddler is about five years." Uutrigger canoe racing is a centuries old sport which originated in Hawaii and has been going through. a new gro w th boom during the past decade, particularly in California. Worldwide canoe club membership is now estimated at more than 10,000. Similar to regular canoes, outrigger boats are ~eneraUy about 40 feet long, 18-20 inches wide and include a side brace called an ama which provides stability in the open water. There are six paddlers in the boat at one time. The women have 12-member teams and the men have nine. Relief is made by having reserves jump in the water, grab the canoe as it goes by and pull in as the current oarsman drops over the other side. The teams try to maintain a pace of about 60 strokes per minute. Orange County architect Bill Ficker, the first person to win the triple crown of yacht racing, hu been named grand marshal for the weekend races. He is a resident of Newport Beach and is active in vanous community groups. Murphy's prohle01s were many Ex-Ram had weight trou/Jles along with police run-ins The problems surrounding Phil Murphy were more than just physical -although it's not easy to hide 338 pounds over a 6-5 frame. Murphy, a defensive tackle, came to the Rams in 1980 as the team's No. 3 draft pick. The coaching staff was touting him as the next Roosevelt Grier. His future was indeed brighL But Murphy never lived up to his promise or expectations . Beset with personal problems throughout his stay with the Rams, Murphy tried to e9C8pe from them by eating. When he was depressed, he would eat. When he was troubled, he would eat. When he didn't play well, he would eat. When he was hungry . . well, you get the Idea. ANYWAY, EVERYTHING came to a head for Murphy this past season. On the field he didn't play well. He knew It. And so did the coaches. And like most businessmen or women who bring a ~d work-day home, Murphy's personal life began to suffer, too. Last November , according to an Anaheim police report, Murphy' ex-girlfriend, Shirley Grant. assaulted his current girlfrie nd (at the time), Vicki Sue Fillmore, w ith a telephone receiver. Grant also slashed all the tires on Murphy's car. A report was CUed with the Anaheim PD, but no charges wer made. Then, shortly after last season, Murphy was involved in another accident. ACCORDING TO ANOTHER report filed by the Anaheim Police Department, a motor officer was flagged ~own by a man claiming that "he was robbed at gunpoint by two Rama players." The victim -Riclcy Knox -was reportedly selling jewelry to the two "players" at Rams Park. Knox, according to the police report, made a deal with Murphy and a friend of his, Anthony Piz.zutto (who, incidentally, ii not a Rams player), to 1ell them $400 worth of jewelry. SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO M urphy and P1z.zutt.o drove to Murphy's bank to Ret the money, Knox added in the report. The three then met just outside Rams Park and while the transaction was being made, Piuutto pulled a gun and said they weren't going to pay for the jewelry. A scared Knox drove off and flagged down a policeman. Murphy and Pizzutto, meanwhile, walked into Rams Park. As luck, or unluck, would have it, the Anaheim PD's football team, which frequently uses Rama. Park to practice, just happened to be conducting a workout when the motor officer Knox had been nagged down arrived to question Murphy and his friend. MURPHY, ACCORDING to the report, sald he had no idea his friend was going to produce the gun (which, incide ntally, was a .357 magnum revolver owned by Murphy and kept under the aeat of his car). Pizzutto, when iueslioned, said he thought the jewelry was "hot and was taking it from Knox for the sole purpoee of turning it over to the poUce for further investigation. To make a long story short, Knox turned out to be a legitimate salesman, Murphy's gun wa1 confiscated, the jewelry was returned to Knox and both Murphy and Puzzutto were advised there could be further prosecution. No more charges were filed, however, and th~ cue was cleared and closed Mareh 15. Angels, Red Sox lose ground with split The reason Murphy and his friend were exonerated, reportedly, was because the Rams and, ln particular, Jack Faulkner (Adrnini1trator of Football Operations) came to their reecue. Faulkner, In fact, has been one of Murphy's biggeet supporten throughout this entire turmoil. defending M"!fPhy right up untll the final day of hla releue. "" BOSTON (AP) -It's a baseball axiom that Pitchers have a good chance to get batters out by keeping the ball down. Ken Fonch and Bob Stanley followed that "down and out" t>hiloeophy religiously Thul'lday as the Anaela and &.ton Red SOx 1pUt a day-night ~bl&-~r. Fonch acatwred seven h.lta In hl4 10th complete of the le8IOn aa the Angela rocked Boston ln the opener. In the nightcap, Stanley hurled nninp of 1hutout relief ln the Red Sox' 4-3 ~ team ic.t a half game in the l1andino u .-c:ond-pllice Botton dropped 5 ~ games bofiind MUwaulcee In the American League East, and X..... City climbed lnto a ue wtth the An,ela for ~ leed In the AL W•&. "My ball WM aotna down. It ,WU livelier than lt Ml been. I w• iJown in the strike 1.0lle 11l411l of the time," aald Forsch, 11-9. "l had good rhythm today. It's been o~ear." He finally 1 . ed on hia fifth try for the lOOth victory of hla 13-year major-league career. ''I've been off and on," For1<;h said After not.china hJa flt11t win since July 30. "I get bombed one pme and throw a shutout the next. I want to become a steadier pitcher." The Angela ~ off on 1iertcr Miko Torra. 7-8, for six runs and nine hlta In S~ lnnlnp, and Bruce Hunt for four runs and eeven hlta ln 3~ lnninp. The Angela turned a 2-1 contest lnio a runaway with three runt in the fl(th, one ln the eixth, three more In the aewnth and another ln the elahth. Brian OoWnln&. who had lour RBI, m.de the ICOt"e 4-l with a tw,o.run homer. hJa 20th of the year, ln the (l(th. Dour DeClncn hlt hl1 2~lh hor:Mr. a aolo blMt, 'ln t1\e elahth. and llnaled ln ..:.. another run. Reggie Jadulon hid three hlta and two RBI. The Anaela appeared headed for a sweep when they nicked lkiet.on starter Chuck Rainey for a run ln the flt11t lnnina of the nl&htcap and two more In the third. But Stanley. 9--6, came ln with two out.t ln the third and, after livlna up a run-ICOrlt\I alngle to Deancet, h.andaif fed the Angela on three hUa the rat of the way. He alio atrucli out a aeuon-htgh alx batten. "He threw meetly alnken," aald Soston catcher Oa.ry AllenlOn. "He had aooc:t control of them. They were~ rM1 well.'' The Anjela had 12 ru.n. and 19 hlta for th day untU S\anley took the mound. '"n\ey're a powerf\&l club '° f.ace and they were IWU\atr\i the bet well." ht aald. 0 1 1ue91 our other (Sff ANGEU, P••• Cl) Faulkner fought with Coach Ray Malava1I tooth-and-nail to the bitter end in an att.errapt to give Murphy every benefit of the doubt. In the end, ihouah. Faulkner accepted reality. MURPHY, TOLD to report '° camp under 300 pounds, came ln at 338. The defensive tackle tried to come ln early and ahed the weilht but could only rnanaae to get down to 321. Malavul, unhappy w ith Murphy llnce the flrat day he reported, wu oonUnually on htm from ~ outset, which didn't help Murphy'• eat.tna ti.b6ta any. Finally, after Murphy's dlamal ahowtna in Clewland, Malavaal aald he bad teen enouah and let him IO· Thuntday, the St. Loula Cardlnala clalmed Mwphy -all 830 pounda of hlm. The Cudlnala- (See MUltPHV, Pase CJ) t 'I Orengt 00111 OAll.V PILOT/Friday, Augull 2'7, 1912 Henders on earned record-tying mark MILWAUKEE (Al') Of ull t~ 118 ba.'tt-. Rlck"•y l iendl•l'son h•• iilultm lhia acuon, nonl· came hardt>r than the one thot llt•d Lou Brock'11 aingl~sea.un major league r\"(X)rd Thu~ay night. Hende~n. the fleet OakJan<J lefl rielder, recorded his his toric l l8th steal in the first Inning of the A 's 10 -3 de feat by the Milwaukee Brewers. He said it WJlS the first time all season he hfd stolen after having been picked off first base. ·Henderson, who s ingled sharply to center leadmg off the game, seemed puuled as he studied winning pitcher Mike C.ldwell's motion and deliver~" At Henderson prepared to break fdT second on a 1-2 pitch to Dwayne Murphy, Ca ldwell w,hirled and fired to f irst bltseman Cecil Cooper, trapping the runner a good 10 feet off the bag. But Henderson, utilizing his remarkable acceleration, broke for second and slid under the tag by shortstop Robin Yount, who fielded the throw to second from Cooper. u1d. "l wu tryma to pick up hlt mot!on from hla feet, but ho wu.a locking hla knoe and l w1u freezing all th« time. "When he threw to tint, my tlrat reaction was t o go to aecond," he 1&ld. :•J can't say il wu v~ry. very cloee, but ll wa1 elate. "But I wasn't too aurprlaed 1 waa called safe because when I got down In the base path at second the throw hadn't gt>ne over my head. 1 thought I had a good chance to make It because the first baseman had to make sure he threw the ball over my head Instead of htttlns m~ ln the back or in the head." Stolen beM reoot'de A yHr·bY·Y••r progr-ton ol tll• m•lor IHOl.le ltolen b ... rec:Ofd; ,.,...,. 188~-0ft0f04I Andrewt. Pllll.O.plll•. 51 198, -Jonn M W.,O, ~ York 111 1891-Wlllllllll Hlllllllton, PllH•deiplll•, 115 Moclefn Ire t900 J•mn Betrett, ClnclM•ll (NL,, 41 190 • -Honut Wegn«. Pltttt>urgll (NLJ. Md Franl\ ltbell. Cllic-OO (AL~ 48 1902-fred Har1MI, Plllledelpnla (ALI. 54. 1903-Jlmmy Slleel\erd, Brooklyn (NL), •nd Frank Ch1nce, Clllcego (NL), 17. 1909-Ty Cobb, 0.1100 (AL), 71. 11110-Edwerd Colline, Pl'lll1delphla (AL, 81 • 1911 -Ty Cobb. Detroit {AL,, 13. "He (Caldwell) was dorng somethmg different from what I had seen oC him as far as going to the plate and to fi rst," Henderson 1912-J Clyde Mllen. Wuhlngton (AL), as. 1915-Ty Cobb, Detroit (Al). 9e 1912-Maury Witte, LOI Angelea (NL). 1().4 1914-Lou Bfoclc, SI. LOUla (NL). 118 1982-Rlctcey Henderaon. Oaklenel (ALJ RACES SUNDAY o..tr "110• Pftoto b1 1ttc:urd 1<..,.... -Bill Alsup gives two youngsters a first-was at the A. B. Dick Co. m Costa Mesa this week to make a 118 • h~d look at the CART championship car he will drive in the pei:;onal appea~ance. Greg Welch, 7, of Anaheim looks 0 0 AtrCal 500 at Riverside International Raceway Sunday. Alsup while David Shke, 12, of S un City sits in the cockpit. Ricardo waiting to make his move Apparently pressure from a m rookie place-kicker was the reason cD • Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast Collge product Benny Ricardo walked out of New Orleans' training camp m Florida Wednesday. Last Saturday Morten Andersen, a first- year performer from Michigan State, kicked field goals of 24 and 52 yards in the Saints' 6-3 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. After the game. reporters asked Coach Bum Phillips about the team's kicking situa tion. Phillips responded by saying, "We have two weeks to make that deci9ion." That answer didn't set well with Ricardo, though, who early in training camp had asked Phillips to make a decision in a hurry so one or the other could hook on with another team if cut. Ricardo, not wanung to wall for the final outcome. decided to do something on his own - so he walked out Quote of the day "This all belongs under the heading of 'no big deal.'" -NFL Managem ent Council executive director Jack Donlan, with regard to handshakes between teams symboliz.ing players union solidarity. Royals catch Angels in AL West chase John Watban's two-run single Ii highlighted a three·run eighth inning Thursday night as the Kansas City Royals moved into a tie for first place with the Angels in the American League West with a 5-3 victory over Texas. Bud Black, whose last victory came July 4, evened his record at 4-4, working seven innings, while Dan Quisenberry earned his 30th save by working the ninth . . . Eddie Murray blasted a pair of home runs, including a grand sla m in Baltimore's eight-run third inning as the Orioles crushed Toronto, 12-5, for their sixth straight victory . . . Lee Mazd llf stroked a three-run homer and Rick Cerone delivered a two-run double to help New York polish off Minnesota, 7-2 WATHAN . • Gorman Thomas drove in six runs with a pair of homers and an RBI single to power Milwaukee to a 10-3 win over Oakland in a game that featured Rickey Henderson's major-league record tying l 18th stolen base . . . Manny Castillo'• first major- league home run snapped an eighth-inning lie and sent Seattle to a 5-4 triumph over Detroit, which ended the Mariners' seven-game losing streak . . . ln the only National League action Thursday, Montreal took a pair from Houston, 3-2 and 5-3. In lhe opener, Andre Dawson's two-out single in the eighth inning scored Bryan Little from second base with the game-winner and in the nightcap, Gary Carter cracked a pair of two-run homers to lift the Expos. Haden, Pastorin! to join USFL? PHOENIX -Former National m Football L eague quarterbacks Pa l C. • H aden a nd Dan Pastorini are i ntercs~ed . in joining the new Arizona franchise m the flcdgJmg United States Football League, team majority owner Jim Joseph said Thursday. JQSeph added that he will meet with Haden today in San Mateo and plans to talk with Pastorini over the weekend. Joseph cautionc.'CI that his upcoming talks with both ) Haden and Pastorini are "just exploratory in nature." ff!!? Haden recen tly retired from the Rams. Pastorini was -• released last season by the Rams a nd had previously U played with the Ho u ston - HADEN Oilers and Oakland Raiders. Had e n , curr entl y a football commentator for <;BS television, still has one year remaining on his Rams contract and cannot be signed by another team without the consent of Rams' owner Georgia Frontiere. Agent Jerry Argovitz has met with Joseph here twice this w eek to "see what it would take money-wise'' to gel a few of his cli ents to jump to the USFL. Among the players Argovitz repreeents are DeU'oit Lions running back .Billy Sims, Buffalo Bills running back Joe Cribbs and two Canadian Football League performers - running back David Overstreet and defensive tackle Keith Gary. both with Montreal. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1974: Benny Ayala became the first National Leaguer since Cuno Barragan of the 196 1 Chicago Cubs to hat a home run in his first major league at bat, as his shot off Tom GriWn led the New York Mets to a 4-2 victory over the Houston Astros. Today's birthday: Texas third baseman Buddy Bell is 3 I. Kirkland, Taiwan advance to finals Mike Ad ams allowed just two • h:ts as Kirkla nd. Was h . he ld on Thursday for a 3.2 victory over Wyoming, Mich .. to advance to the fin als of the 36th Little League World Series in Williamsport. Pa. Kirkland will be meeting Taiwan in Saturday's televised final. Taiwan, which defeated Quebec, Canada, 10-7 Thursday, will be bidding for an unprecedented sixth straight title and 11th in 14 years . . . The Los Angeles Kings confirmed Thursday that right wing Dave Taylor has signed a seven-year contract with the NationaJ Hockey League team. Terms of the contract were not announced . . . Former New York Giants running back Doug Kotar was listed in guarded condition at a h08pltal in Newark, N.J Thursday. Television, radio Following a re top sports events on Tm tonight. Ratings are. vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching, v v fair; v forget at. e 5:30 p.m., Channel 7 v v v NFL FOOTBALL: Philadelphia at :Atlanta. Announcers: Frank Gifford, Howard Cosell and Fran Tarkenton. Each team has spilt its first two exhibition games. Philadelphia edged New England last week. 14-7, while the Falcons w ere a 34-3 loser to Baltimore. RADIO Baseball Angels at Boston, 4:35 p.m., KMPC (710); Chicago at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790). from helicopter to outrigger By ROGER CARLSON O(UM O.U. Plot 818" Who says you can't have your cake and eat it, too? . :Newport Beach's Ed Fabela, wh o will be teaming up with H'\.lnter Harris, Dave OiGlovannl, Jlfn Ooldwag, Chris Mizar and Budd Warshauer Sunday mor ning for their iron-man outrigger canoe race, has found a W/l'J to get both. • Fabela'• parentt, Floyd and ~el yn Fabela, .are being ~ Saturday evening •t St. John Newman Church In Irvine as a 25th w e dding celebration. The problems come beaause it's a 6:30 ceremony and Ed Is scheduled to make a run from C.tallna to Newport &.ch with the Lo n o Kan e t eam the foJlowl ng mornins , with an 8 o'clock start. With no fllghu or boats leaving after 7 p.m ., It a ppeerecl there wu no way he could do both, but with t he help of a printed circ uit and a m lcro- electr on lct comp•S:-f • WW A..odatea. wbk:.h la plCJdnQ up the tab, they foOnd • w•y. • Fabela will fly out of San Pedro at 6 a.m. via a pontooned helicopter. The short flight wut get him there in time for the 8 a.m. start of the race . Helltron, of Son Pedro, was the only transportation available to leave at this time Once he's there, he'll be making the trip acrou the ch•nnel In what figures to be a ~IA-hour enduran<:9 raco with no help for the Iron-man crew. Any w•y you allce a weddln1 cake, h'1 obvious this la one weekend which wiU be cut cldle. ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-=---==~~~ Floyd shares lead Cy c le rac ing set tonight AKRON, Ohio (AP) -PGA champion Ray Floyd. forced on the defensive by slic k , crusty greens. managed a 1-under-par 69 and lied two foreign players, Aus tralian Bob S ht.•arcr and putting wizard M 11sa h i r o Kuramoto of Japan for the first round lead Thursday rn the World SerlL's of Golf. "Sunshine. wind and d1ffituh pin placements. Those a re the reasons for the high sc:ores,'' said Floyd. one of only three men able to break par 70 on the 7.173-yard Firestone Country Club cou rse that suddenly began to play as tough as the veterans remcml:x>r 11. "This 1s the way it used to play years ago -the toughest golf course we play on the tour," said the 39-year-vld Floyd, one of five men locked in a fight for the year 's leading money-winning ·~ spot and chasing a $100.000 fi rst prize hc:re Jac·k Nac·klc.ius, 4:.!. winnl'r of seven titles on this tough old course, agreed. "1 haven't seen thP grt•ens this firm and fast in 14 y<'a rs," Nicklaus said aftc·r shoowng a 71. "F1restonc was what Fan~:-.tone used to be .. Caponi. Sta«_,. tlf•d HIGH POINT. N.C. (AP) Donna Caponi birdil•d threC' of the final four holes Thursday to finish at four-unde r-par 68 and tic Hollis Stacy for the opt.•n1ng- ro u n d l ea d in t he· LPGA Henrcdon Classic Stacy led most of lhe day until Caponi c:aughl fire on the 15th hole . On the next three holes Caponi pushed long-iron shots to within 18 feet of the pm and had three straight one-putL'\ &bby &:hwartz. Br<id Oxley and J 1Jhn Cook will JOIO the regulars at tht' WC<'kly spct.'<iway motorc·yd<• ra<'l'S at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Ml'~ tonight with ac:llon g<•ttang undt.•r way at 8 u'dock Th<· c·vl'nt ts a prelude to Saturday night's World Champwn:.h1ps al the Coliseum but nmw of tht· 16 c:ompt.•titors f rom the· Coliseum wi ll be allowt•d tu compete in Costa Mesa Alan Christian, Mike Bast, Dubb Ft·rrt>ll. MikC' Faria. and Gcnl' Woods wall also be tn tht;! field tonight. Hrucc Penhall of Balboa, the current world champion, will defend his title Saturday night anq will have Dennis S1galos and Ke1 1y Moran JOinimg him in the world fmals Pre-FC.11 Back To School Special purchase -Cordouroy sport coats. Originally s 14500 Sale ss9.95 Special group of fall tweed dress slacks. Original values to s6ooo Now s19.95 to s29.95. Select group of long sleeve sport shirts s 12. 99 Cotton blend Turtlenecks 16.99. Large selection of fall suits and sport· coats up up to 1/3 off. ·. "MEN'S & WOMEN'S" clothing finery South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Westminster 898-1666 549-8575 Brea Mall 990-0333 ' Orangt Coalt DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 27, 1982 t •3 u. • swimmers lead Relay lt-1uu ju I mi ·e wo1·ld 111ark KNOXVILLK 'l't•nn (AP) Fou r Amt·rku11M , p l'u1w llt•d IJy fret'ltylt• MJH't'lull1H H owdy Oatne11, ichul 1.1t11ll u youngt·r Soviet wam Thur'itluy "'' f1n11th the men'1> 400 ml•ll•r lrw a·t•luy JUlil ont··fourlh 11( ll ~~·c.md Nhy uf u world rc•n1rd . 1'tw tl 11 1:1h o f 3. l lJ 41 Jui.a matied tlw 3.19 •!ti mark sN u t t hi· world C'hamp1on-.h1p." t•urh1·1 th1!> month HI Guuyaqu1l, Ecuudor. by a U.S. lt.'am t-ons1st1ng of lhrt'\· of T hurst.lay's swimmers: Gaint.•s, Robin Leamy arul anc·hor David McCagg. Ril'h Sat•gt•r .)01m>d thl' thrt't.' 111 Dodgers to draw for ticke t s P u blil' salt• of l!Hi:l Nullonal Leagu e Championship Series a nd World St•rit·s til'kt'tl> for games at Dodgl'r Stadium will bt• made by a drawing of posl l·a rd~ the Dodgers havt• annuunc:t.'Ci. O nly postt·ards postmarked A ug. 263 l will b~ al'<:eptl'd Others will nut bt• 1•hg1blc and hand delivt·rt'tl 1·ard~ will not Ix• at'Ct'pted. To qualify tor two National L eagu e Champwnsh1p S1•rit-s tickets, a stancfard-s1zed postcard should be m<11ll'<I tu. Los Angt•lt>s Dodgers, Chumpionship St•rtt•s. P ost OffH:c Rox 200. Los Angde•s. Cal .. 90051. T o q u a I i f v fur l w o W <' ri d Series tickl.'LS, a standard-sizto>d postcard shoulci l:x> mailed to: Lo~ Angell'S Dodgl'rs. World Series Post Offic.-e Box JOO, Los Angt·l<.•s. Cal. 90051 No ('ht•<·ks, ('ash or mon ey ordc·rs will be <ll't't'plt'Ci. Env e lopes will be returned unopened A drawing or (•ards Will bt' conducted to dete rm111e thos1• persons eligible to purchaSt• two tickets tf the Dodgers make• the playoffs. If they win the· NL W est. they would play host to tlw NL East on Oct. 8, 9 and 10 (tlw last two games if ne<.'essary in tht• best -of-seven series which opt•ni. in the East champion's stadium If the Dodg"rs make it to tht• World Series, home-games would be played Oct 12, 13 and Oc-t. HJ, 20, the last two if necr>sSary The post cards will be drawn at ran dom and winners will receive a ticket order form by mail. 'I hurli duy '" 11utt1111J1 r1•J11y, 11uu·k1nw lhe• Itri.I doy of u thn •1• duy USA USSH tluul 'IWln1 nwe•t ttl lhl• Univt'l'lil\V 111 Tt•ruh."'°'M.'I' In It e·v1•nt.i., the• AnwrH'un::.. hod by Gum1•i;, <.:nu~ At·111·1blt•y u11d Mury T M1·n1<h1·1-. 1·aptu11-U t'l8hl f1r>-I lllat'I' 11H11 ki., whlll· Vlud1111l1 S11l111kov, tlu: Hu1-Sll1111,' l1111•i.1 d1s t.11w1• mun. w1111 thl nwn's HOO nwl<'r r11·1· 111 7.!H 811. two M'l'l>nd' o l I t11~ uwn worltl rt'(.~1rd Al lht• t•nd of lht· d<1y'.s c·v1·nt:., I ht.• Anwric:,1ni. lt.·d, 7ll !iii In o~hl'r m1 •11's t't1tnflt't1t11111, Bearclsh·v. 21, fuu!>ht<d the nit.•n ' 200 llll'lt•I l>Ulll'I fly ill I :58.:,3, short of h1:. I :5tt ot' world mark sc•t 1n th1· Sovlt't U1111111 last Yl'HI Rt•urdslt•y'i. f 1111sh b<>stcd th1• I 58 !:16 mark hy St•1-gt•1 Ft•St•nko a11 Olymptl' gold nwd::ilisl who had upseot A ... ard~lt·y in th(• buttc•rfly in Gudyaquil t·arlll'I this month "l waallecl tu beilt him l'l'al bad I y." Bl'a rdslC'y swd "I worried more about bt.-.1ting h1n1 than tht• linw And 1 'vc• b1•t.•n takmg tl .i lot hurd1·1 tht· fm.t 50 rnell'n; Dut I've· lwen h;iv111g Lroulill' tht· las t 2!'i " Bill .Barrett, from lht• Mi:-..,11111 V1eJ0 Nadadort~ ;.i11d UC:LA and the Amt•rrl'an r('(·oi d· hold1•1 111 t he 2 0 0 ind 1v1 cl u a I 111 l' d It• y finished his l'Vt.'nl 1n :!.IJ:{ ~Hl Mc>agh<'r set a nll"<'l 1'1'<·01 d 111 the 200 bulte rfly, surging pa!>I Tiffany Cohen in 2:09 50. but fa1k'Cl to matc·h ht.•r 2 05 !-l(:i world r('(-ord Mt.•aglwr, 17. who will altl'llU Cal-Berkeley this fall. l'<.1plC11t1s the youth f u I worT)<.' n's tl'a m , wh11.'h 1s without Trncv Caulkins. tht• 200 meter ind1v1duul mt.>dlt'Y spcctahi.t Caulkins <:hOM• to begin her fall term at Florida Lar1s:1 Gorchakovu, who holds the Soviet record in tht.• woman'i. 100-mPter backs t rokt'. pull1·d ahead of Libby Kmkc•ad of ttw U . S to f 1 n is h th l' (' v l' n t in 1:03 43. ln t he• men's 100 bal'kstrokt'. David Bottom. 19, of Danvlllt'. Cahf . won in 57 J:i SC'(:onds Natal ya Strunn1kova. a n 18-yl'ar-old Sov1l'l, and Paige• Zemsna. a 14 -yC'ar o ld Fort Lauderdale. Fla .. swimmer whu won her first national Lille a t last week's Nallonal Lo ng Course champ1onsh1ps. tied al 57 70 seconds in the· I UO -metl'r f r e e s t y I e •nowledaeable, friend I~ part.I people LANDMARK WIN Angt'I plld)t•r Ktm f'orsc:h won his IOOth carN•r ganw in the o~rwr of Thursday'~ double- hC'adc·r From Page C1 ANGELS • • • p1tc·hers got th<•m tirc.>d " Dwight Evt.tns' two-run homer, his 2:.!nd. l.'3pJX.'<.l a four-run third inning that gave Stanley the ·uns he nl'<'ded. The other runs ~:ored on l'Onsc'(.·utive doubles by (ilt·nn I lo ffman and Rit·k M1llt•1 :111d J «mRl1· by Reid N1t:hub. * ANGEL NOTES -Right nanoeo pitcher One Golla hu been put on the 21-oay J1sab1eo 11s1 ano 1ne "nge1~ nave rec;eueo reliever Doug Corbett trom Spokane Goltz, 6·4 with a 4 64 FAA in 22 games. cul his right forefinger 1n a clubhouse accident Corbell. a r1ght·hander who was ophonect to Spokane Aug 3 wes t·O with a pair ol saves and o 3 32 ERA 1n eoghc games Wllh lhe Angela hes 1-7 with seven saves and a ~ 19 ERA 1n 36 11ppearunces Lule Tl•nl 12· 11 relurns lo Fenway Park con1ght to lace llrl•n 0.nm•n on the thorO game ot the live-game set T111nt won 122 games in sevan seasons I l'tJ/'J 78) while a member ot tne Hed Sox Rod C•••• exltmde<l his n1111no streak 10 I I gomea Outfielder Jim Alce Is out of the Red Sox lmeup He s m1sseo almost a week wlfh e bad b&Gk The Reo Sox are hoping Rice will be back 1n 1"8 lineup today o~ 0.ClllCft now 11as il coreer·hlgh 83ABI The Anoets and New York Yonkees hove reopened neoo11at1oris concerning pitcher Tommy Jotln. Entries set for CM golf Dt.·adlmt• lor Pntry in th(l Will Jordan Costa Mesa C1ty golf t o u r n a m (' n I 1 s t o d a y b u t Cha11·mcin J0t.· Costello says h e wil I at•(:t•pt lull' t.•n Ines ('art v next wt•ek fm tlu· Sept. 11 -12 event. • ·Entry blanks are available at a r c• a ·c o u r s e s o r f u r t h e r informauon may be obt.amt'Ci by calling the Costa Mt•sa Leisure Serv1cc.'S dC'partment at 754-5300. The entry foe 1 $50. From Page C1 Pf Ill~ MURPHY ... •t•· hoJ1lnai th&1t • t•han&l' of ICt'ncry will chung'' tum • • • VINCE FERRAOAMO UPDATE : Fcrrug»mo wlll not plMy thl1 Sutunluy 1Jl(llll1111 &-utth• ul Anaheim Stadium In k~pln~ with their rlun nol lo 1h0Wt'IA.Jk' f(•I rngomu Lit homl•, Muluvtllt will Kt.art &•1 t Jonl'5, who l111!1t·hedult-d lo gu three qu11rters, and tht•n will t:unw 111 with Jt:f( Hutlcdgt• It unybody dt·ddea tu 4UE!l1tlon Malavu11l'11 dt'l'l!ilOn a~ to w hy thhs p11rtlcull..11 QB llncup for Saturdo~. Mul11v8111 111 .iomg tu say Jones nc·t>ds nil tht' work he cun gN and It's Rutlt>dgc'11 turn to follow in tht' rotation T h ul would mt•un. then , thut Ferragamo will make hit1 fi rst s howing aguln~t San Diego the following week. Right? Nol n~'efW.lrily. The plan as it stands today is for Jonl'!I to pl&y the· ENTIRE game against the Chargers, with Malavasi claiming Jones needs to get as mu1·h playing time as possible prior to the team'i. opener m GrL>en Bay so that hl' can gl't used to, and fc.'t.'I comfortable with, the team's offensive syswm. T he Ram s arc hoping to have F erragamo traded before San Diego, but if they can't gl.'t lht' price thC'y want, they'll ket.'p h im m h1d111~. meaning he'll probably end up on the team's (our - man taxi squad until further noll(l' Dodgers open hom estand LOS ANGELES W1th thl' bulk of the rcmaindN of tht•1r seh(•d ult· at hum('. the· Los Angl•lt•s Dodgen; opt·n a nmt• game homestand at 7::i5 this evening against th1· Chicago Cubs. Idle becaust· of et tr;.iv<'I day T hur sday, the Dodg<'rs hold a ont>·game advant.agt' ovC'r Atlanta, but havt.• lengthc•m'<.l tht.·1r lead to five and seven gamt'l> over San Dll'go ant.I San f'ranc:IS(.'O KRACO-CRA SERIES 100 MPH CARS "SAlUTI TO RIVERSIDE" SAT., AUG. ~8 8 P.M. SPEEDWAY lOIC TRACK SUMMER SftECIAl 5UIDAY AUG.29 7 P.M. Metercycle Reservt4 S•t• i TICKETRPN TO'fOTA Offlrl•I C•r Of Anot ror• Labor Da~ ' Prlc•• .0 ... thru •-a. .. 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • / Motorcrattm • Motorcraftm Sparli Plugs • • Lona Llf• ·Oil Filter Reaular t~pe Tune- Up Kit lnehul•• point ••f, eon.r•n•or, e•m lull•, rotor e•m, DJC.FIODJ', DJCF16DJ'. • • • • • • • Good •noush for th• Pro, •ut ...... " ... sq~. "trap• more dirt and IA•h lontnf" ... ... J~?. • nowonl)I ............... . Gd a direct-mall refund from Ford at •1.00 pn filter when you fUI out coupon auallablc at f'VLL LINE Auto Part. Storet. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • K-.ClTOoU. I rnalle tough jobs easy • • J·Step • End Cap • Oil • I( • Filter : Wreneh Recharge Kit fncludu : J 78 and clamp. h790 ea. • • • • • • • • • • • Robert : Bosch ·Spar• : Plug • For man)I • popular • Imports. • #W7A, 78, 7C, #W7D, eA, eD 86!. • • • • • • • • • • Freon, Ho•c 588 . bo• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Afr Condition • r our Tr•nsmtulon • with a Ha~dcn • Transmission ·Oil Cooler • Eas)I to lnttall, th• HA YDEH Traft••Coolar·· wlll low•r t•mp•ra• tur•• by 20°, J0°, or 40°. • #403 for normal drluln1 .......... , , •.. Z8 ?! for th• home 88 mechanle. 7 • • • #40J ,,. ...... ,,. flut)I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.JJ?!. ::;.~~~~~~.. ..... ... .......... . .. • • #404 fl•GLl)l fllll» ....... , , , , , , , , , . , , • , 39 ~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Import & V.S. Auto Parts Spaclallsts COSTA MESA• South Coast Auto Supply 'NEWPORT BEACH• United Auto Parts 688 W. Baker At Bristol • 2002 W. Coast Highway • 556· 2500 646·9363 'PAICfS ARE suoouno PRIC H AHO M4Y V4AY AT PA .. TIClftATIHO "ETAILOI ,· HAPPENING IN THE DAILY PILOT' A TO MARKET ... BEACH MOTORS HONORED -Sid Wasaerman. president and general manag<'r of Beach Motors in Huntington Beach, &e<.'Ond Crom left, receives a 10-,ear award plaque and pearl lapel pin tn ra.'Ogn1tion o hut lung term service as one of Mazda's earl1e11t U.S dealers. On hand t.o make the presentation at a special dea ler awards dinner In Scottsdale, Ariwna, wcrt' Richard Colliver, left, Toru Ogawa, llt.'(.'Ond from right, and Ron Hayden, nght. HUNTINGTON BEACH ... Bea1·h Motors of Huntington Beal'h, has been honured as one of lht' longl'fil-lerm Mazda dealerships tn the Unit.eel St.al£'S by the manufacturer, import.er and d1str1butor of Mazda cars and trucks. Sid Wasserman, Pre111dent and General Managl•r, was one of 27 West Coast M azda dealers 10 be recognized with a I 0-year service award from Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd .. manufacturer of Mazda vehides The 27 were the first group of dealers presented with the 10-year awards sil'.we Mazda established tls U.S operations and began selling cars and trucks m the Unit.eel Swtes in 1970. The awards were announced by Richard Colliver, vtce president and general operations manager of Mazda Otstnbutors Pac1fo:, which distributes Mazda vehicles tn seven Western states, at a dealer ra'Ognit.Jon dinner m Scott.sdale, Arirona. Joining Colliver in presentation of the awards were Toru Ogawa, president, and Ron Hayden, senior vtce president a.nd general manager, respectively, of Mazda Motors of America (Central). Inc. the Califomfa-ba.sed importer of Mazda cars and trucks m 31 western and mldwestern stat.es. Beach Motors was signed as a Mazda dealer when the manufacturer fi rst established its West Coast dealer network rn 1971 The award present.eel by Toyo Kogyo at the dinner consist.eel of a plaque for mounun at the dealership and a personalu.ed pearl lapel pm for Wasserman. Wasserman was l'Ommended at the awards dinner for his dedicated S<'rvke to Mazda. Ogawa commented. "you, Mr. Wa.ssennan, are not only one of our longest tenn dealers, but also among our most outstanding dealers. Without you, Mazda could not have achieved the great success that 1l has today With you on the Mazda team, our SUC'C('SS('S tn the future ran be even greater." *** RIVE RSIDE . They are racin g again at Riverside! Sund ay, Aug ust 29, the Los Angeles Times/ AU<:al 500 race begins at 1:30 p.m. Pnor to thLS exciting event. the Warner Hodgdon 200 will be staged starting al 11 :00 a.m. General Admission tickets (good for both events) are $10.00 wi th children under 12 years or age admitted free. Below, some notes pertaining to th1s year's Air Cal 500. ' lC both qualify. the Unsers, Al Sr. and Jr will be the first father and son to race rn an lndy Car event m modem history. Young Al is currently leading the Can-Am Challenge series and is defending Super Vee champion. "I know I sound like a proud father," said Al Sr., ''but he's a very talent.eel driver. The one thing I know though, is that watching him race makes me a damn nervous wreck " Gordon Johncock is well out m front in money earnings this year with $462,735 already banked. Rick Mears is second at $376,249. Johncock has now gone over the career S2 rrull1on mark with $2.4 17,904 . Current Cart/PPG Indy Car World Series Standings -I Rick Mears 191 , 2 Gordon Johncock 185, 3. Bobby Rahal 178, 4. Mano Andrett1 154. 5. Kevtn Cogan 112, 6. Geoff Brabham 93, 7. Al Unser 89. 8 Tom S neva 66, 9. Roger Mears 46, 10. Tony Bettenhausen 45. Add the Brabhams, Sir Jack and son Geoff, to the Toyota Father and Son race which preceeds the Aii<:&.1 500. J ack 1s a former three-time World Dr iving Champion , whLle Geoff holds the R1vers1de lap record Drop the Andreu.is from the field Michael has a racmg conflict on the east coast. Is it lr\.le that Roger Penske has obt.ained the U.S. nghl.8 to the new J apanese turbo which was installed in Rick Mears' winning car at Pocono? Will he sell the turbos after the final race at Phoenix? Jotmny Rutherford smashed his car at Pocono suffenng a broken hand. He will dnve at Riverside, however. Rick Mears finished second at Indy with two fingers in a cast. Mich ael Chandler and Pete Halsmer will be making their first starts since running in the Indy 500. Chand ler, who will aJao run as a partner with lus dad, Otis Chandler, in the Toyota Father and Son race. finished 17th at Indy in a Freeman Eagle going out on lap 104 with a broken gearbox. Halsmer finished 25th in his Chevy Turbo-powered E.agle, lasting 30 laps before encountering transmission diH icullies. Chandler finished fourth in last year's Times 500 at Riverside. Vern Sc:huppan. the road racing expert in the Kr11CO racing stable, (Mike Mosley spe<-ializ.es in the oval races), had a horrendous crash in last year's Times ~00 . C.Omlng ort the front straightaway at 180 mph, Vern's steering locked. He srpashed into a concrete block. moving in aome 20-feet. flipped over and landed upside down. He e9Caped with cracked nb& Jim Reich as not only a cinch to wm the Winston West Rookie of the Year priz.e, but he leads the points parade with 476 to 471 for veteran Roy Smith. Also entered In the Warner Hodgdon NASCAR 200K Is Her•hel McGriff. whose racing career spans (Ive decades. MORE ODD AND l!:NOS ... Kick Mean and J ohncock have won three times this year with Rahal • anct Sneva plcki"" up the remainin" victories ... Four driven, Johnny Rutherford. Brabham, Schuppan and Roser Meara. llOOk. an AirCal promotional tour which 1panned 13 dtiet ... Dick Simon ls a fonner skiing and • naUonal panichute champion . . . Pancho <Arter and Johnny l>arson1 J r. are half-brother. ... Tony , Beu.enhau.en Is married to veteran Jim McElreath'a · .. dauahter. J im won the Inaugural California 600 al Ontario ln uno ... Henn JohJllOn has hil beet Indy C... flnllh at R.lwrw.lde Lut yeu (7th) ... The AlrCal ~ la l poNOred by the Loa Al\pk:ll nm.. Pro::eedl or all Tlmc.HpoNOred Charity event.I 80 to the 'l'lmee Fund which 1uppona varioua youth llCllviU. ln peter Loe A.naelea. 1 ' SEE WHAT YOUR LOCAL AUTO DEALERS HA VE TO OFFER YOU IN TODA Y'S PAPER. •t • 0 . , Orange Co11~ OAIL.Y PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 27, 1882 W eekend sports on aturtlay l l 1.m (0) ll:l~ a.m. Montreal. TELEVJ JON 8ASl!:8ALL -At\aelJ Mt Bolwn (4) -BASEBALL -Hou.ton 11t 2 p.m. (2) -001.JI' -Third round ph•y ln lhc World Sertee of Golf. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - H«1etor "Macho" Camacho (16-0) va. Johnny Suto (31·13·1) In a ICht..'Cluk-d lO·round U.rhtwclaiht bout taped at Atlantic City, N.J . ..AllO: A report froni the World Buketball Championship In Call, Colombia. 4 p .m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -A recap ot the 1981 Goldl·n G loves tournament and the selection of the all tournament team. :) p.m. (2) -PAC·lO PREVIEW (Football) - A tea.m-by-team report on the UJX'<>mlng season. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Same day coverage of the Little League World Series from Williamsport, Pa. 6 p .m . (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Sau Francla::o at San Diego in an exhibition game . 7 p.m. (11) -NFL FOOTBALL -Seattl~ at Rams in an exhibition game. RADIO Baseball -Ange ls at Boston, 11.15 a.m. KMPC (710); Chicago at Dodgers. 7 pm., KABC (790). Football -Seattle at Rams, 7 pm .. KMPC (710). S unday TELEVISION 11 a .m. (5) -BASEBALL -Angds at Boston. 12:30 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Final round play in the World Series o f Golf from the Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE Mui h 1l H\ltnhllllWM)' hunt1 chukar In .outht•m Idaho I pm (11) Nf'L FOOTBAL.L ltxhlbl\Jon Se11Ull• ut R&IT\ll, t.1tpt'(f Saturd1o1y ntaiht. 2.30 p.m (4) SPORTSWORLD Gordon Johnt•cx·k nllt•mpta lo aweep auto ro.ctna'• :)00-milc trlpl~· crown In the• CAttT Pocono ~00. tapt.~ Aua I~ :i ii m. (7) 1981 RAMS HIGHLIGHTS -A l'hronklc.> of tht.• Rams' 1981 aeaaon whun Injuries und dlsst•nslon lt•rt the wum with a 6-10 ret.'Ord. 3:30 p.m . (4) HORSE RACING -The Arlington M1lllo n. tup<.'<.I. (7) -NCAA FOOTBALL PREVIEW A t.-ou11tdown of the top 20 teams as select~'<i bv ABC and a 109~ a~ three of the nation's top quartnh:1cks: Dan Marmo (Pitt), J im Kelly (Miami) «md John Elway (Stanford). 4:30 pm (4) SPORTSWOKLU CONTINUES Jim tfartung and Peter Vidmar are among the pa1·11l'1pants in the Emerald Cup gymnastics t'Omp<.·tiuon, I.apt.'<.! at Eugene, Ore. Also: A recap of lht· Arlington Million horse race. 5 p.m (7) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS A tribute tu baseball's Pete Rose, whose 44-game hitting streak was the talk of the sporting world in lhe summer of 1978. 6 p.m (4) NFL FOOTBALL -Green Bay at Los Ang<•lt'S Raiders in an exhibition game. Midnight ( l I) TENNIS. 12.30 am (4) NFL FOOTBALL -Green Bay 1.11 Raiders, tap,.>d RADIO &~·ball Angt.>ls at Boston, I I a.m ., KMPC (710). Ch1rngo al Dodgers, 1 p.m., KABC (790). Football Green Bay at Raiders, 6 p.m .. KNXZ O 'Boyle named UCI cross country coach Two new coaches have joined the UC Irvine a th le tic staff, athletic director Linda Dempsay has announced. Vince O'Boyle will serve as head coach tor the men's and women's cross country teams and will assist Kevin McNair in track and fie ld. Janet Waterbury, meanwhile, will serve a s an assistant coach in volleyball under head coach Make Puritz. O 'Boyle com es to UCI from Citrus College, where he has coached the past 11 ycl:lrs. He coach e d the Owls to threc conference champ1onsh1ps 1n track and field and was named cross country c-oach of the year for Califorrua coaches an 1980. O'Boyle, 36, received his B.S. degree in physical education from Cal Poly Pomona in 1970 and his M.A. degr('(.' in education from Azusa Pacific in 1973 Waterbury was a sta rter on last year's UCI volleyball team that finis h ed at 21 -16. She attended the University o! Oklahoma for three years prior to transferring to UCI. She was a three-year captain of tt~e volleyball team al Canyon High in Anaheim and was an All-CIF selection. Waterbury was also a three-ye,ar captain at Oklahoma and an All-Big Eight Con fcrence choice her sophomore and junior years. • Second round of surf trials set for today The field ha1 been narrowed to e. Al the Slubbll'I C.llfornla surf trlala at t.he Lower Trwtlw near the Camp Pendleton Sun Clt-mt.•ntt-bord~r Amona lh'*' tO advant.oe were Dan Flecky o f Coata M esa, Huntington Beach's Pat Allen and Bud 1..lumas, Danny K wock ot Newport B each , Peter Townend of Fountain Valley. Cup iatrano Beac h 's Sean McNuhy and Mike Cruikshank of Dana Point. Allen advanced In the man- on-ma n competttl~>n with l:I decision over Scott Rut-dy (San Clemente); Kwok defeatt.od Soren Hansen (Santa Barbara); Llamas, the 1980 champion and third- place fini s h e r l a s t year . decisioned Rock Sabo (Los Angeles) a nd Townend won over Davey Miller (Ventura). Among those area su ers eliminated were Pres urray of Newport , who los t t o Kruikshank, and Huntington Beach's Mark Carter, Scott Warin~ and Marty Hoffman. Hoffman, who finished in a lie for ninth last year, was upset by Jeff Scou of Santa Cruz. After the completion of the first round earlier today, then• was to be a re-draw for se<.'Ond- round competition later this afternoon. The surf was estimated to bt: from two to three feet with good form. A crowd of about 2,000 took in the action. ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL ..... lot.., Alt.A e..~ l l~\ Shr'""t•oo tr-.,,...,...,, 9"l-~ Pro golf resul ts H1, ,.oyd Oob SllMtcw Mullltro Kuramo10 Craig 81ac»e< La11ny Wldkln• Tom Wt111kop1 Curllt 811ang• Jl(k NIClP;llu• Calvtn P .. t• TOM Kiie Milk McNulty All<ly 81111 •·Nlllllnlel Grutt:ly Dente w11aor1 Bob Oild1r Ttuneyukl Nlk•111n11 Tom Wa11011 8111 Rog•ra Jerry Pate Scott Hoch Terry Gali IHo Aoki George Biirna Sam T 011ence Larty Gilbert Bruce lle1zke Henr9don CleHlc (al High Point, N.C.) Donna Cavom Hotl11 Stacy Amy Alcott Kethy Hile athy Sherk Anne C••ner th Oen1e1 Ate~1nd11a Recnhardt P1111 R1uo Jerilyn Bruz J1ne~ Cote5 Dianne Oatley Pam G1e11en Vicki Tat>or S1Ma 8ef101acc1ni Pet Bradley V1v1an Brownlee Jan Ferrarcs Doi Germain Betsy K•no Cindy Lincoln Nancy Lopez Susie McAllister Pally Sheehan Jo Ann Washam Donna H While Connie Chlllem1 Judy Clark Sue Erll Shelley Hamlin Sandra H11ynie l aura Hurlbut Lori Hu•hold Penny Pulz Beth Solomon 34..Jti " 30 34 H 34 311 119 J7 33 70 33 37 70 3(1 30 71 38 36 71 34,37 71 3e 38 n 37·38 73 39 34 73 37 38 I l :n 38 13 37 37 14 37 31 14 39-36 14 38-37 I~ 37.39 76 38·38 16 38·38 78 41·36 ,., 39-38 77 38 40 78 37·42 79 39·40 79 ·~·49 81 35 33 68 34.34 68 34.34 69 36-33 69 34.35 69 34·36 70 36 3• 70 J6.J4 70 36·34 70 35.35 70 34.37 71 3S·36 71 35·38 71 34.37 7 I 35.31 n 36 36 n 36·36 72 37.35 /7 34.39 n 36·36 n Js.34 n JS-37 72 33.39 7? 34·38 72 36-36 72 36-36 72 35 38 73 34.39 73 36 37-73 35-38-73 36·37-73 38·35 73 38 35 73 36-37-73 35.37 73 BOGNER l .,.nre C..AUICl1 11..,nan .. Pet""IO Gu 1111•1• e PAQe Mii.,, P•I M•y.,a lltl01• Mu1•Ql,1 O.tio .. &i.1111.., lC.rl 011 bl<.I 'i•My 1.111141 Jltwl lOCk AllCA Miiiet Turri Moooy M111(1y MCIOle ft11h•1u Moat .. H l<ethy Pu.11-111 O.ot>y Rt\O<I" 1<0111 R1nl!U< l eu•I Rink•• v1ck1 81ngtuto11 Kathy Wh1tw11rtll Jan•• Ate• Bave1ly Oev11 C..oope1 Oale Eggle<ng V1ck1 Furoon Sue ~ oglum~n Merv Hafeman Merlene Hegge C11olyn Hill Judy Kimball Bonnl8 Laue1 O.b1>1e Meaeev Cnarlotte Montgomery 1<are11 Pe1me1el JuOy R1<nk111 Cathy R•ynOIO• Nenty Ru1>111 SenO• Iii Scxwcn Myre Venttooi.e ~thrvn Yourio AoMty Bartlett Che1101te Grant P.itty H.iyes Beverly Kless Ba11>ere M1zreh1e Senora Pelmet Mardell W1lk1n1 Debbie Austin R1c:a Comatock Sydney Cunn1nghet11 Juoy Ema Brenoa Go1<1sm1111 Holly Horney Beverly ~luke Linde Hun1 Rose Jontt• Cothy Murrt Kathy M cNullen Becky Pearson Julio Pyne Robin Wotton Calllertne Duggan Chrll Johnson Jeannette Kerr Bert>ern R1odl Aliaon Sheard M J Smith nean1e Wood 40'1, ,. ,. 74 3•·•0 ,. 34 40 74 31 .31 ,. 31·3t ,. ll·H -H 36 31 74 39 38 7& 39 38 1& 38-37 711 38-39-75 39.37 76 37 ·38 7~ 31 -37 7~ 38·37 -7S 39.37 75 39.39 75 39-36 76 36·39 ~6 39.37 6 34-42-8 311·37 78 40·38-76 39·37-76 38·38-76 39·37 -76 •0·38-76 37·39-76 38·38-78 39·37-76 38·38-78 39·37-76 38·38 76 38-38 -76 37-39-76 38-38 -76 40·38 -78 37·39-76 39-37-76 37...0-77 39-38-77 39·38-77 38·39-77 38·39-77 40·37-77 37·•0-77 39·39-78 37-41-78 39·39-78 37-41-76 42·36-76 39.39 -78 39-39-76 38·40-78 40-38-78 •2·36-76 42·36-72 40·38-78 40-38-78 37-41-78 40-39-79 38·4 t-79 37-42-79 39-40-79 40-39-79 43·38-79 39·40-7Q YOU'LL NEVER FIND A BEl'I'ER TIME ROSSIGNOL 40'/, FILA 400,, DYNAMIC 40% FUSALP 400,, SPALDING 40~. to 10'1• VELE DA 40•. TO BUY A TOYOTA THAN 1 Jump Onto The Deal Of The Year. ln\t•ld l hc1lk.'ll~\.l 1t.., lk.•Jk.•r' to •.,di ll'ICXXI IX'\,\, l .lr') .u"ki tr111. b -1rx lu,Jir1~ l•J nk11.id' ...i11.~t:r p!Xl'\I urxk:r St--111-,.1· 111 J l1m1tl'l..l tUTit' Thi'> nx•Jn... \< irn l'•lr t1<.11 kit 1111t 111')0!<1 lk'.tk.•r rt•..ill\ V.<1nt ... 1, ,.k,•,11. in l'lll'f)' mod(•l 1n ... 11 •d How Much Can You Save? Come mdkl• yow ll('.t < k•..il un" i•>X.! 1< iyt llcl l dl 1 lf l!Ul ~ fl\ r..~ (he 11.N.· Ire m ..,,_ '\JaO'> wa~ lr1'> 1111 h.11. k.., ttrxl 'fX 111 lt'Up<:"-Au n< YI!/ Im t 11(' Ix ... I .. ~ .. ht k ~, Nl't.'tl cl lrUt k'> Yt>11 H >tJkl ...,.,...,,_. hun drcd-.ol d1~klr-.wtx'f1 'y\\11 m.ik1• \~1w l><.-..1 lk'c1I Your Tcl)\llcldt•Jk.or ht1'"1XHJI 1J11d 1n<.c11lr\I\..., and thl' tx-..1 ...._.1'xt• i1111 hl•l11 you mok<.' thl' ~mp 1ntn thl• IM lfkl ... t...._-.,1 ..._.111ng lint•d lnx. b •• Tu;t lla Ch<~ ""'l.0 fre 11n tough StciOl.l<Jrd lk'lf.., 11.1th the · m..,..,l p1 ""' ·r lul.,.anc.tardt:n~1rx•mthl•11 d .. h .., l>r k.'n~I ' uingBccJc., ..,IX111Y <,R<;.., ru~~ 4xJ.., 19CARSANDTRUCKS SflCKER PRICED UNDER 56699• C~ry 1982 truck 1n your T~a dealt.or ... '>tock I'.> ready to ma.e out Prkes May NeYer Be Lower. Th{' end of lhe model year is coming last !'x' nght [l()l,ll IS the best nme to buy that new Toyola w1111e yoo~ ~ a great "<'iel.tk.JO But you better act fa~ because these c.,pcoctal 11\JCk deab '.I.Ont last Rememtx:r truck 1ncentNeS OH ~T FEELING to dealer5 are ""--11•'--"•-.llllt••I 1D .... ,,,. ..... -~ .. -.,,. __ . ., ... ..., •• I' A-• t .,, i ll• w. ... ., .. , ....... "'~'··· "· DEAL ,,. ..... 4'•• • '-'·~ ....... ,., -.. , ,,.. """"""··'•"' ' TOYOTA .. SMI PANTS 11[0. '190 00 OLIN 40'1. FELLA 40''• NOW'65.00 DYNASTAR 40% HCC 40 .. KAST LE 40% COLMAR 40'·• SMI PARKA REO •u o 00 LACROIX 40•1, ELLE SSE 40'·• NOW '49.00 HE XCEL 60'/• DESCENTS 40'. S<< SUllS REO '110 00 SKI BOOTS KITEX so•,, NOW '59.00 SCOTT •tc ·10000 NOW'59.00 HANSON .. a .,,. oo '49.00 ITALIAN TENN IS WEAR SHORTS REG S40 NOW $12.00 NOROICA 40''• •• 100,, SHIRTS REG $40 NOW $12.00 DRESSES REG S55 NOW $12.93 CABER ao•~ SAN MARCO 10'1• DYNA FIT 70", W.AfMUPS REG SHX> NOW $24.95 --WE ALSO HAVE--r USED SKIS --$30 pr.--DRAWING • QIT llUOYIOP~~ SAIL BOARDS ALL BRANDS AS LOW AS I FREE 1 FOR 5 s, ~bS WALKMAN RADIO ...;-:;.:;;.:: •• , AS"'LOW AS : ~=~ --$499.00 ::=::·-·--.. ~ sport swap ~~:r1~~~~~ • ,_ --·-1779 New!Hlrt 81vll., Coete Me .. FRI· AUG. 27th ••n u.w·1 II.IS • {AUM6 ,,_ ....... ,., (714JMMJ10 Hours: Fri. 10.10: l •t. 10·1: lun. 10-4 _, .. ~t· ._... ... ....,._ We're Cleaning Out The Attic! Sale Starts 10 a.m . Thurs., lug. 28th ALL Inventory .25%,.80% Off Si•nl Selection lo Ohoo1e From! Seacllff VIiiage 2205 Main St. #20 (at Yorktown) Huntington Besch 536-7582 8T01tl HOURS: 1CM Mon.·Frl. 12·1 1 Und8J ~ . . ., . MAJOR LIAQUE IT ANDINO I Amerlcen Le.au• Wl!aTlllN OIVllfOff A"flol1 ,l(•nt.U Clly ~rwceon SHllte Oakl111<1 Tou& Mtnneaolt w l 73 64 73 ~ (iO 59 eo ae 57 70 •9 75 44 82 Mllwluktt Boflon Ba111m01• New YO<k 0..H0'1 Clevel•n<I l o101110 EASTERN 01v1a10N 73 51 611 57 61 57 64 61 63 112 61 111 59 69 Thuroday'o ac0<00 Angoh 10 3 Bo&lofl 1·4 Bal11More 12 ro1on10 S New York 7 MIMH Ol8 2 Mllweukee 10. Oakland J Kansu Coy 5. Te .. 1 3 SoaHle 5 Oe1t0t1 • '"'· o• 51~ 67& 528 6 476 12 .. 488 16 396 n'> 349 "" 689 648 s 540 6 512 lh 504 10·. soo 11 401 111 Ton19ht'o G•,,..• Aneelo tT1an1 2· I) al 9oS1on (Denman 1 01 le•as (Sm11t11011 0 0 and H011oy(U11 5 151 al Balllmo1e (Pelmo< 10 3 and S1ew111 1 61 2 New York (R1one111 8 ~) •• lnronto (loal 8· 111 OaklMnO (McCollv 6·31 a1 M11wouleee (Me<i•cn 8 11) K&MH cor tSp1t11ot11 8 7) •• Cn•c•oo (K005man 6 SI Clt .. lono tS0ten56!\ 10-01 •• M1nneao1a (W11l1•m1 4 71 0.110'1 tWllCO• 1 1) •• Seaute IBHIUe 8·11) National L••au• WHTEflN Dllllt'ION 1Jod9•n Allan la San 0.C\IO San F1a1"1sco HOVSIO'l C1nc1on1t1 w l 71 57 69 57 66 62 64 64 6() 6a 49 78 EAaTEAN OIV1810N SI Louts Phltedelphll\ Monlreal Plttsburoh Ch IC BOO N-VO<k 72 S• 10 58 sa eo 67 80 57 12 so 75 Tllu1~r·• Sc0tao Monueat 3 5 Hovalon 2·3 On1y g••Tlils SGhedulea Ton'9111'o a.,,,,., Pel. GB 564 5•8 1 516 5 soo 7 469 11 386 2 1" S72 555 2 531 5 527 5•,, 442 16'> 400 21 Ch1cogo (Ripley 4 71 ot Dodo••• (Hooton 1-SJ Clnctnnall (Soto 10 91 at P111tadelphla (Cnr1s1e11~n 8·8) Atlan1a tWalk 11·9) al New YO<ll. (Puleo 8-91 St louts (Andu1ar 9 101 al San D1eoo (LOiiar 12-7) P1t110urgn(Al10den 7-1 llat San Fral\CllCO (La6lley IMl) Onty games 9Gl1eduled American Le11gua Val\~-7, Twin• 2 M1nne1ote 0 t 1 000 000 2 10 0 Ne.. YO<'lo, 000 150 014 1 1 0 Havens llllle f8) ana Bu1era Guidry R May (91 and Ce•one W Guidry 12 5 l Havens 8 10 HR• New York G"lley f9J Maullll f7) A 24 252 Orlole• 12, Blue Jaye 5 Toron10 200 001 020 s 10 o Ball1more 008 300 Oh 12 13 I Gon Sc11rom (3) Ge1u1 (6) and B M.,tlnez McG1egor G Dav11 (II T Mar11nez (8) and Nolan W-G Devts 4.3 l -Goll •·tO HR~-B1111m0<11, E Murray 2 123). Dauer 171. R1pken (201 A -ll,47 1 ........ , ..... J Oelilantl 10 1 00 I 000 J 1 0 Mllw•ull• 014 000 Jh 10 13 1 1(111gman. Owc:hlnk11 (31 H1nno 171 ano Newman, C•IOwell ano 81mmon1 W CaldW•ll, 12· I I ~ MlflOnlatl 3• 10 HAI Oakfano Murphy 11ll)i Mlh .. ullet. 0 lllomo1(341 A-JO,ffo. ...,..,.,,a. na.to 4 DtllOll 100 Of! 010 •4 I I !\H iiie 001 01, Ola 6 7 t MOtrll •nd l M ....... n Ml MOOll ¥11\Cle !ltrg (71 CaudHI (9) Incl 6-t W CouOlll I I 8 l M01111 14 13 HRt Ott1011 >to1ndon <201 0 Wlltort (8), Stttllle 911nv1011 121. Rav1Hll1{1 (81. M CuUllO 11) A 7.007 AMERICAN LEAGUE Ano••• 10, A~ lolf 1 ""8f OAMl CAllfOflNIA BO I TOH •l>•hbt ab11\bl 0<1wrn1111 II 3 2 2 4 Remy ~II 4 0 I 0 RCl&lk II t O O O RMlllW cl 4 0 0 0 ~•rew th 4 1 1 O Evana 11 3 I t 0 RoJtckton 1 O 1 O Y111tem11!1 dn 4 0 1 (I ReJeckOu11 1 t ~ O ;) ~ I anllurtt ~b 4 0 :> I B•n•Qut!I 11 1 DO O SllPlelOll 10 4 0 0 0 l Yflll cl 4 0 0 0 NI( nob II • 0 l 0 O.C1ncot 30 5 2 3 2 1..<tdmen c 4 0 O O B•yt0< dh 5 0 4' 0 ltullfl•an 1a Jo O O W1110fl0 5 I I I Bo00• Ph I 0 0 0 Ferguson c 4 I 0 0 Vofd1u n o O o o KeHehet u 4 3 J O TOIUIS 42 10 16 9 IOUlls 34 I I I k0<• by lnnlne• Seattle 002 03 1 3 10 10 Botlon 000 100 000 1 E Remy, Ot!Cince& Gedman OP Cati101n11 1 Bos1cw1 I LOB Cat11or111« 11 Boston 7 2B ldnS101d Kel1oho1 R11Ja,t.ton RoJockson HR Oown1no 120) OoC1t1ctts (251 SF OOwnll\g BotlOI\ IP H .. EA •• ao louel(L 7 81 S'l 9 6 4 3 s Hura1 3'·\ 7 4 ~ 1 ' C•lll0tnl• Foucn IW 11.91 9 1 I 0 ' I HBP Ca·-(Dy HurSI) WP Hurst T 2 36 A 19,901 RM Sox 4, Angela 3 HCOHOQAME CAUfOflHIA BOST OH e>own1no 11 Ca1ew l b ReJKt.Son r1 lynn Cl Oee1nc~ Jb B11yt0< an 011Ch 21l Foll SS RoJacl.son Boonec: •b I h bl •b r II bl 4 0 0 0 A_,,,y 20 4 0 2 0 J 2 2 0 NIChOIS II 4 1 t I 3000 Evllll>•t 4 I 12 4 1 3 2 Petei dn 4 0 0 C 4 0 2 ' l•"''°'d 30 4 0 0 0 4 O 0 O Stap1e1on 1 b 2 O 0 0 3000 ~IOnwnc 3000 2 O O o Hollman a 3 1 2 0 I 0 0 0 R Miiiet cl 3 1 1 1 3000 Toteis 3 1 3 7 J I otets kO<e by lnnl"ll• 31 4 / 4 Cahl0<1111 102 000 000 3 Boston 004 000 oo. 4 E R Miller OP-Boston 2 LOB C111to1n1a 5 Boston 4 2B-~ynn Hottman, R MlllOr Ce~. Remy 3B-Remy HA-Eo ns (221 S Foll Calltoml• If' H II EA BB tO Zann (l 1•-61 4'> 6 4 4 o 1 Ktson 31 I 1 0 0 0 2 9ootOll Rainey B Stanley tW 9·8J H8P-Oy K1son A 31,406 2·~ 3 3 3 3 0 6', • 0 0 0 6 (Sleplelon) T 2 10 Natlonel lemgue FlllST OAM( hpoe >. A1tro1 2 "'°""on 100 ooo 100 2 a 2 Monl1UI 000 000 2h. 3 e ' Ry•n Roberge (7) an<I Asnby. Gvll1C~$00 B Sm11h f7) ~ar<ion 111) and Carle• W Reardon. 6·3 L Rot>e<ge, 1 2 SECOND OAMI Elpot1 5, AlltM I HovSlon 000 300 000 3 8 3 M011tre•t 100 002 02~-5 8 I Runte . ...Corle CB) and Knlcetv Aal>Dv, 8umo B Sml111 (8). Raa!Oon (8). Fryman (9) end Ca11er W-Reard0<> 7-3 L-Ruhla 7· 10 S-Fryman (10) H~ Houslon Heep 14) MontnMl.I, Carte< 2 (27) A-40, t28 l'tB.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICl Nil.JC NOTU ~~·:A~. T~~.~r= Ht1111 Wednffel~, CM t, 11 .... 1J ti II m " I I II J iii ''W.t.. OP I. er l•I ti II I"' • lal1K4ley 0.. • t1 lat! ........ • t.alaey Oii 10 et ... ,, I ff 11 m l'IATIC*Al LtAIMM .._.,°"' W.O~, Oc1 t , el latt, f tt I>"' 01 •· 12 1a om. Tiluiodey OC1 7, 11 htt, C· 12· If o 111 'rkllt~C>Qt I. •I WMI, I ti Om 1 • 81\itOay, Oct 8, et W•t, 6 II p m • dey ~I 10. et WM• I 10 pm W~Otllll .. TUMOar Oc1 1t al Na11ona1 o )0 p tt1 Wa<ihH d1y Oct 1) 11 N•llonel O 70 Pm 1'11d•y, O<ll 10, 81 AtnllflC.n, 5 )0 p rn 011urci•y. 0<r1 1e. •• J1me11oa11. to 'o pm OI O 2C>p111 • Ovnclrr °'' 11 11 Ama<tc;en. 1 46 om a TueJday Ocr It al Nolton•l O 20 pm a W9Cl11-.t1y ()(.I 20, 11 HatlOtt•I f) 10 p m • 11 Atlanta It Na11on11 l 1aou1 ch1mpl0t> D 9.65 Im II AL IHI tllllfflPff')<1 11 a11 Eaotorn lime rona ""b c; -6 I 6 P M II Nl W•t Cllal'nl)ton 11 C1n1111 11m1 rone club. r. 16 pm 11 111 Eu10fn lime tOlll cluo d II ploywcl In Pacllle lime ,,,,,. ,,_..,y Top 10 (9Had 6fl MO el aa11) AMllllCAJll LaAQUI W Wiison, KC ~02 .. :: :.· 1:t ~~~ Yount Mii 111 488 ue 101 320 Harr•ll Cle 121 488 89 151 325 E Murray Biii 113 40~ 114 128 3 18 MGRH, l<C 127 482 71 153 317 P11clor<1k. Cn1 92 336 41 100 3 16 Bonnell. Tor 114 373 87 118 316 Cernr, Angela 10' >80 " tQ .)15 Coopai. Mil 118 489 79 157 316 G81cla Tor 123 528 77 llMI 314 Homo llUlll G ftl<>mN. Miiwaukee. 34; .... JNhOI\, A"9811, 3t; Tno1nton. Cleveland 21 Ogl1vi8 Miiwaukee, 2S. l>oClrteM, A,...ie, 21. Aune Ballactln MCRH , Kan•H City, 112. Tno1n1on. Ctevetend 98, O lllo111u . M11w1ukett. 94, Cooper. Mflwaul.118, 90, Yount Milwaukee 87 Pllclllntt (tS O.CIMollt ) Vukov1c11 Milwaukee 15·4 Burns Clllcaoo 13·4 , Sutcllll•. Clev•llM 11 4 Guidry, N-YO<k. 12·5, Zahn, Anfolt. 14._ Gura. l<an .. s Clly 16-8, Pelfy, Dttron 14.7 Renko, •nu•••· 10-s NATIONAL LEAOUE G A• fl H l'c1 Oliver. MU 126 480 76 161 335 McGee. Sil 119 307 36 102 332 Ournam Cll< 120 443 89 140 316 Madlock Pgh 125 467 79 t47 315 ~o Sm11n Stl 122 473 102 1411 J 13 Kn1g111, Hin 128 490 8 I 152 3 tO Buck,,.,, Chi 128 519 14 180 308 Carter. Mtl 12t 436 7-4 t34 307 ..... ,,Ddil,. 1'5 646 St IM .305 o-.ro. Odil,. t:IO 4M ,, Iii .303 "-lt\rna Murphy Atlanta 31 Kingman. New York 30, C arle• Montreol. 27. Schmt<ll Pn11ad.ip11ta 27 Hornet, Allanta, 27 flUN Batted"' Murplly Atlante, 93. Otlver, Mon1rea1. 88. 1..e1tet, l\.lon1real. 88: Buckner. ChteOQo. 86. Clark, San F'1ancloco, 86 Pllclllng (t5 l>ocltlof\1) P Nlekro, Allani1. 12·3. Cendetar•e Ptllsburon. 1 •·5 , Roae ra Mon1real 14·71 0 Aoo1nson Pllltburgn 14·7 Valonauela, Oodgaro, 11·1; Welch, OocSe-n. 1M; Fc><M:h. St lou11. 13·7 lea MOl\llHI. 11-e little LMG"9 WON..O RfflH tt·12·Y-~ <•t w1n....,..,..n. Pa.I Thtrnday'• lcor" Chtmplon-""' ..... lftNI• 1,1wan 10 Oveb«, Canad• 7 Kllklano IWash I 3. WyOt'l'lflO (MICI> I l ConeotetlOf\ hmfftllett MJo;•eJon AFB. Madtld. Sp1tn 18. EaJIOI\, Todar'•O-Wyomlng (M1c11 I vs Ouebec Cenade (tlMrd placel ... urdar'1 Chllfftplon-"'P Klrklel\d IWetll ) ,... T.._ Nil.JC NOTICl FICTITIOUI auatH£as NA• 9TATOIENT FICTT11009 au ..... NAME9TATEMINT f'fClihOUS .,.._ •• ~STAfttmNT FICTTnOUS llUSM981 NAiii£ 8TAT'OmNT The fOllowlrig pereon1 ate <iolno bulllMU U : E & E POWER SWEEPING, 1017L W 81St'top SI .. Santa Ane. CA 92703. HEE TU l(IM. 1017L W Blsllop, Santa Ane, CA 92703 C HUN J KIM. 101 7l W Blsnop, San111 Ane. CA 92703 Thi• buslnen 11 c:onduele<i by lndlvlduats, huaband and wtle tt .. Tu Kim. Chun J Kim Thia sta1emen1 wu llled w1th lhe County Clerk ol Oranoe County on Aug 10. t982 FtMO:Ja Publltlled Ora nge Coast Dally PllOI. Aug t3. 20, 27. &.pl. 3, 1982 . 381§.82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTTTIOOI llUllNH8 NAMf ITATIEMENT • The tollowlng peraon ts doing $bl>51MN U . I l(NAPP Mf'G co . 1308-A 'LOQan Ave .. Cotl• Me ... CA 92626 : Dente Merle Fleming, Sier Roule 957. Phelan. CA 9237 I I This bu51neu 111 conducted by an ;tndMdual. Dessie M Flflmlng I Thie Sl•lemertt WU med wtth lhe 1y Cler1I of Or•noe C6'mty oo t8, 1982 F1..n Publlalled Oren11• Coell Dally r tlof. Auo. 20, 27, Sep1 3, 10, 1982 i· 3685-82 I PtB.JC NOTICE FJCTITIOUI 9UllNEH The lollowlng P9"1Q111 ere doing t>uslneuu: NEWPORT HEAL TH CENTER, 35S Plecaoth1. Ste. 303. N-pon Beach. CA 82663 Sl•ven Jallerey SrnUh M 0 . 559 E<M<•ld 8•y. Leguna BNctl, CA 92651 Latry S..-nfelnd Ph O .. 22792 AllurH Or • Min ion VleJo. CA 02691. Thia l>Yslness 11 condl.letlld by en unlncorporeted 11toelaflon other then a pannerahtp S J Sml111M0. Larry B•.uernt.cnd Ph 0 Tltlt 1talemenl WU llled •11h the County Clerk of Or~ Count)"°" Aug 10, 1982 f1t50'8 Publlahed Orenga CoH1 Dally Pilot. Auo 1J. 20. 2'7, Sept 3, t982 3611-82 PtB..IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS au ...... NAME ITATl•NT tne followlng oereon 11 doing l>Ytlnet• es: A&. H FAMILY RESTAURANT. 14!> E 19th St .. Coele MeH, CA ~21 Ellen Mery Kenad•1. 878 H Mlllo<<i. Orange, CA 92&87. Tlllt blnl,_. 11 conducted by 1t11 lndlVldual E l(ana<ile This s1a1emen1 wu fifed with the County Clerk of Orange County Of\ AUO 3, 1982 F1Mla Publltned Orange Coe11 O•fly PllOI Aug 8, t3, 20, 27, 1982 The lol!owlng patt0ne are doing bvllntae u : SHADOW HIGH REFLECTIONS 17407\ot Seuhore Or , Newpor Beach, CA. 92663 Oline Co rnwell . 7407'h SMiehofe Or . Newpot1 Beech. CA 926e3 · Vic k i Gre1ney . 7407'-' Seuhofe Or .. Newport 8each, CA 92663. Thie l>Y .. ness II COflducted by e llrnlled p&rtnetlhlp, Vlclll GreMey This •t•temenl WU lw.d with fhe County Cleric o1 Orange County on Aug 10, 1982 F1tl041 Publle11ed Orenge COH1 Dally PllOI. Aug. 13, 20, 27, Sepl 3, 1982 3562-82 Nil.JC NOTICE "1CTTTIOUS Ml ... U NAMe8TATl•NT The IOllowlng pereon 11 doing bullneuu· O MEGA TRANSCRIBING SERVICE. 1822'A N ... pon Blvd., Sit 270. Coste Mele, CA 92827. Olene LH Flthburn, 20432 Santa Ane Aw .. #22, Sanll Ma. CA n101. Thie bu*-II oonduc:1ed by an lndlVldUal Of-l Ftlhbum This tl•t-t WD llllld With Ille Count; Clerk 01 qt•noe County oo AUO 3, t982 ,, .... Publltlled Oranoe Cout Dally PllOt, Aug 8, 13, 20, 27, 1982 3472-82 35'4H2 , NA• 8TAT£•NT I The followlng pereon. .,. doing •-.,. llftftl'r b\Klneu u . -------------t n,..u., ""'~ MONEY MARKET , 1707 S ------------1 BrOOkhural, Anthelm, C4 92804. Pt.8l.IC NOTICE K-e-11119 I £!chard Seflo rd , I 7 170 ACTITIOUI llUIMIS PlCTfTIOU9 au.-u Blu#Aler Ln .. Huntington Ele•oh. NA• STATIMDIT NA• ITATOmllT I C4 026't9. The lollowlf>g peraona we doing Tha followlng l*'OM .,. doing I Harold J ellrey Vou, 145 bu"-... ~U~H COAST CLAIMS l Emetald Bay. LtJgune Beach, CA BAL TRAVEL and BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 3233 Pltk Center 02852 ANO LEISURE TRAVEL, 130 Eat Or..... "·" 3 O Coe ....... a ,. .. I Tlll1 bullnaa 11 conductllO by • 17th Slreel, Cott• Meta, C&llfamle 92m ...... te I , ti -..,. genarel Plltnenlllp. 92827 A m e r I e I n M e d I c a I Jeff VOA W~llam H Slraln, 007 Lombard tn11rnallona l, Inc .. t Otlaware Thlt 1111emen1 waa llled with lhe Coun. Cost• Me ... Calllornle oorPoratlon, 414 N. Cemdtrl Or'", I County Clerll of Orange County on 92e28. o Aug lf!I, 191!12 Rita M Str1ln. 007 Lomberd 8eWt1y Hills, CA 9021 ' P bl ~ d 0 C F1tN7t0 11 Courl, Coate Meu. Celffornl1 Ti. ~ic:-11 condveted by • u ..... r•n11• OHi • y 92828 OOIPor•• ~ M9dlcat Piiot Aug. 20. 27, Sept 3, to. 1982 lllla. ~ 11 CQ!ldUCled by llll iniematlonel, Inc. _________ G68_M_2 lndlvlduat. Jwnee A. Aloe The tollOWlng pereol\ la doing bualr\4lta ••: AON PARtiAM LEASING CO .. 920t Cllrl1Une Drive, Huntington Beech. CA 82$48, Flonal<i Rel Pullem. 9701 CM1llne Or1ve. Huntlngtoo BMcltl. CA 92848 Thie bull,_. le conducted by an lndMdutl. Ron P81ham Thie ll•tement WQ hied with 11\e County Cten< ot Orange County oo July 30, 1982. ,,MCZ7 Publl1h•d Or•noe CoHI Da lly Pllol, Aug. 8, 13. 20. 27, 1982 3543-82 Ml.JC NOTlCt 'ICTITIOUB llU ... H NAME 9TATl•NT The lollowfng perton I• doing bualNitS u : MOBILE MEC HANIX, 24!> Flaher SI • 8 · 1, C09tt MeM, CA 92828 8'y8'\ RaymorMJ 8'111on. t3252 Ja-i>erwon W1y. w .. 1m1n11er. CA g2MJ Thi• bu.,ne .. •• cor><luctlld by 1111 lndlvldull. 8'yan Aeymor>O 8f'ltton Thie lllt-t WU !tied with the Count; Ctet1I o4 Orange County on Aut :I, 1982. ,,... Publlahed Orange Coaat Delly PllOI, Aug 8, 13, 20, 27. 1982 3453·82 Ml.IC NOTICE ~TTTIOUS ltU ... U NAmSTA~ Ttlt fOllowlng pareon 11 doing t>ut~u: CHAl8TIAN BROTHERS POOL.$ ANO SPAS, 13321 G81den OroYll 8tvd. #N, Garden G/OVe, CA 928-43 Hell Tiiiman Spain, 5144 ConW\I. Long a.cti. CA 90115 Tllll buelnwe II ~led by an lndMdull. Nell 8c>aln Thia Ital-I WM hied Wtlh IM County Clertl OI Orenge County on Aug. 3. 19t2 '1M11'D Publllhed Or•ng• COHI Dall)' PllOI, Aug. 8, 13. 20, 27, 1882 3548-82 PUBl.IC NOTICE l'tB.IC NOTICE All• M. SfreJn Aaettttnt 8ec!<9'111)1 Thia 1t1t-I WH nted wllh tilt Thie 1latem9fll waa !!led with the IC-01"7 IC_..._, Coun~ Clefll of Orange County 0<1 County O~ of Otat1Q9 County on IUNRIOtt COWT Of' aTATW....-T OF~ Aug. • 1982. Aug. 0, 1N2 CMM'ORfU OF UA Of' '1te01e ,,_, COUNTY M ~ '1C1TT10US llU ... aa ..._ Publlahed Oran~e Cout Deity Publlehed Or~ COul Otlty Ouar•1et1 ... lp ef IDWAllllO O. Tiit lollowlng peraon• l)eve Piiot. A.ug. 13, 20, 2 , lept 3, 1'82 Piiot, A.ug. 13, 20. P . a.pt. :i. t• "O•l•IO" •11• Wl•DY M. 8bendoned Ille UM Of the llctlltout 381) ... 2 3812'42 ~--.. ~ nt!IM: MO: ... ,,,.... I w AR N EA A v e N u E P\lll.IC NOTICE "8JC ll1TJC( 110Trc1 OP HIAlltlNO OI' ASSOCl.4TES, 118 E. 17111 81., """10N '°"~NT f1' Coate ,,._, CA 92827 NOTICtl OP IAU l'ICTmOUI IUeMll ·' OUAMllAN OP ~ ('"''°" The Flctltloue &ieln-. Name OP AUTOMC>elLI ..... ITAW A• ISTAT8) referred to above •H llled In NotlCa I• llettby O"' pu<tUant The lollowtr!g l*tOftt -doing TO ALICIA WISE. JEAN' Orange County on o.cemt>er 12: to Nellon• 3071 81\d 3072 of •tie ~ -MAL KE MUI. JtAH GARLAND 1NO. CMI Code of the S1ete ot ((ellfornte VANOtRllL T INVESTMENT W 0 L 0 8 H V N ID WA A 0 0 . J4MES w. MY, 188 E. 17111 the undettlQMd. Gaw Towing. 132 COMPANY, 17092 Pull"*" .,,., A081N9dN A,.b All l"t,.IOHS St .. Coate Mwa. CA 112821. tnduett1al Way. Colt• M--. Or11ng1 1tv1na. c.llfomle 92714. INTlAtlTU> HlAEJH! MICHAEL D. RAY. 188 e. 17th County, CA 92627 wlll NII •• public . . Ralph Clooi!.i ~~'' VI• H•vr.. PLIAH TAl<ll. NOTICE that SI., Cos!• MeN, 04 92827. IUGllOtl, •I Mid addr ..... , 8 em. ~ 8-cfl. ~ .. 92MO. "llEO'CA t.YNN .. OllH80N II•• THOMAS Wl!U . .8, ·ea E. 11tn on Mond•Y. Ille 131tl day 0 1 JOfln w. ewtc, Y32 HtahQeltll l1leO. l'elllton tor AoPolntmant Of It .. Coett Mala. CA t2827. SePl•mbar, 1982. the loll owing Ttntee. INIM. ~ 1211S'. Of~ .. ~~_._!'!' •tatta AOIEAT IMITH, tN E. 11111 tutomoblle(a~ to wtt· Thie ~ • .,...,_. ~ a ....,... ._,_ ,...,_., 9t.,Coett.._,CAl2t27. '711 Cho ledan , V .l.N. 111Medpef1!11t1.... A~Of!Mklpetllloftlt• PHILIP M. ,UALONQ, 21081 1W1129Z4&6627. 3H XWY, Ca. JoM W. Qliln, !of ..... , .... 11, 1MI •1 10:IO LOtlt Cdt. ..... Hiit. CA 121Q, 1N t Tiiie ...... lltht ..... \lfW\ .. O'Cllcla A.M. In ~trl*"I I Clf .. F .. ANK J. HA,,Nlfl, 301H ltld Nie le tor the purpoM of Ccu!I) CMrtt of 0....0. ~ on Oran .. ~tJ luS*IOt Covtt p__, Del v .... LtQuna Nlguel1 CA Ntlttylng 11en of 1t1e undtrtlgntd IOf Aug. f I, llC. , IOcMlted et 100 0Nte Cefttet DfM t2en. Towtno 'St«aoe 1n 1tie einount of ......, a v... wte1. 11111a Ana, ~ ....., TNt~-conduoleclbyt Ut0.00 1ogt1her with coll• of A......,. .. c..w to Ut• pe111ton for futtll•r llmlMd Ptf1'*'9NP. advtrtltlll\Q and n.,.,_. Of Mlt. ...... , ......... DIM 'ptrt~. n. ~ -lllad wfth the Dtted lhlt 27111 Clay of Auouat, ..... -01ted! Augwt IO, ttl2. County Cln of Or-. County on 1 .. 2 P.O.. .. _,y • WU~lmlC8.b A •M* AupCJ.1tai. '111411 g~~J::'° '""'8.0•• ~.,... ... • ....... :;.~. ,.ubllallff 011nge COMI Delly Publlthad Orenoe Coeat Dally P\lbUahed 0tlftf9 c ... t Oeltr ,~ Ottflfe COMt~ly Ptlol. Aug. 1a. 20. 27, lept. S. IH2 Pllot, Aug. 2", IOU. Pt1ot Aug, 20. ~1. 8-t. I , 1C!z 111.1 'P*M, Aul 11, 211 l4tlX. t. sen...e' 37f!l8>.82 • 1101..at 3t01-t2 ----~--------------- ----------·\ ____________ (' ___ ( __ , _____ _ ---------..... -----...-.... ~ Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Friday. Augu1t 27. f982 ~~J~ ,..i=: :~ ~~-,,...,,,., OWJNX Mtftl'.""' ti.itdllll J t O 11 SO I 00 Hllltlllfy ~ (~~ ,. 40 ''. -. ...... tl'Wll•l • to 41to lec.f TWe 0oa.tnt C81110ltw• ........ "clyat M11y Alf 1191!' V'-'"'9 Olll•tnca Dani• AINillfo1 ~ l'llM 1 oa wt• A IUOTA (4 I) P81<1 MU IO HCO,.O "4q1 One mile !•ol l!lr •wny 1\111\ger I l\Offl• I :t I w ' clO D OU IC I' (lavtn) 4 10 ) 110 or_, ooad ... IHOll\,..1 a 20 Alt o ractlf HIQh Cllmll•• n c IOdd Co.int MarilOf\)ly. Sk.l\001 £1181• N f!lt••nnao • • ., l>Ull'\l)lllO J(l!Vl Time ~ 03 fll THlllO llACI One m11o PK• Hllef1ou1 8rew t8ho•I) • oo 4 llO .> 20 86f1Qa "'dell (Oempblltl 1 ~ 80 7 80 R-Chief (Malatl 3 00 ""•n'• ICHltnemenl < •• aom..,.., 10 .i Outtlerllnal tl ..... o 0.1 ... THUftM>AY'I AHU\ Ta (llnd OI ..,._., lh0<0U9hl>fa4 m••ll"ll) Piiia T llACI. I t 118 m11wt Aleo •aoecl 81Q l:p11ng, Mr G1en•1n Ball Otam()ur Leoa ken1y • Or H m N Jtma~ Rn)'1M1 RoMer1 Cllllj)al Olen Inn , ..... 702 Clu111etn>0 Vliao (U a I 1181 M.,cel I,...,..,. IU 8 I 1 ~ 0 0 (llOt 1"111C,,., CU 8 I O.I J1mn1y A1Mi1 IU S I 8 2 ? I 1 II 8'1Ck Momeni (MtC1111 un) 1 ()() 4 20 l 00 Q IXACTA 12 1) paid $14 I tO P111la1 P1111t• (A1tnu .. v11I 8 olO 4 20 'OUllfH llACI. One'""' p-Sklpper'e l'Ot'Ce (RllChle) 1 20 3 80 :1 00 Women'• toum.ment (•I Mahwah, N..I.) llo•mby 1~111• tV;iq;i•••I 2 80 Alao f•c...•tJ 0 LO,G•lf• Sn1u1e 1n• Ptirt(..et Game :,.,., ""'· Wu1c1 1011 tlu•th Nollie 0•1~;,',. K1;1~4l1:J~ I v r1y~1 Bl•d ~a1qu1•v SllOI. 8wlk 100ud1Huf .) llO i 00 Anllyt Relph (OrtnlOfl 4 80 Third Round a1,,...1 J~1.111l111 Mu111l~I (&null\ Alt1C1•) Cltf W•n(j~ 1 urullult 1A1"1ra11•1 (I 4 6 1 Wendy White IU S J dOll lly1v1n Hat•k• IW .. I n.,m.,.y) • 6 > 6 II ' ••• BuOAIOv• tCLeChMtun k••J dtfl B11t11r1 Poller (U $ l 0 4 G 7 1';·2 Pem !111,,vu1 IU S I 081 C.a111t1111 8o<1t80Wll IU 6 f, 0 3 4 t 6 2 Oe111ne BullQe IW1t1 O .. manyl def Pam Cu111u IU S ) 8 'I 6 7 lo!Qn Anne I nomoton IU s J dat Ron•r,n r11rbantt Alto flced M8fkel King B•lllW<o 11ow<iy Scamp Motion Works PIMto l>qu .. ,. BtllQ Oo l Oo09tlOI Jollft ltMo 2013/!) aecoHO flACI ,, ""'""II' l'rfl(t1lflch1H• IBl~Lhl 11 60 I 80 4 60 Plf'TH llACI One mlle p- 51au11e tOrlf'O•I I CIO 4 00 MOll A1n1 M•JM•te.1Cnly) I I 20 18 •0 17 40 Andyt WlntlOI\ (Grenle<) 4 20 4 40 P•lt11m tVal•111uel~) 3 00 Alt o 1aced 80 I 1et1 .1"111en·~ Prtnce. Wtnd N llOn•y Ca11to1111u f 111 flo<lnt!y, Olympiad Prom1H Or Gaa111s P11fice ol Pltlfl Cat-re fHtywa1~ 8 00 Alllf\ ••Cfd A Franeea, Ml HOI :ilull Andyo Mttm1ld, R Fo~. Cotouo T ICO. ISoutn AlllCDI 8·2 ? 6, 11·2, C ttudtl KOf•<le w ... Gormony1 dlH l•t•n NO<IM CV & ). () t ".1, K•ll•v JutdMn (U & ) O•I .... ,,. Milndll~Ovo <C1echO~O•IWlel 7 ~ 6 l June Alllllr T A11qw lady Ttme 7 02 II~ lltne I 10 31!1 a OAIL y oou•LE c 1 I II) 110111 $69 80 fHIAO flACE I 1r 16 '"•14'1 U UAClA (2 1) paid S343 50 Ben Dover tHanse<1) 71 00 II 80 4 00 SIXTH llACa OM mite pece lltHOn I Boy (PU~•y) J 20 2 60 Looking Good (Shet1ent 8 60 l 20 4 00 Handt Hl lfy (V1ttandtr19hem1 3 00 l 60 So1d1111 ol Fonune (Vurgu1e) 3 60 AltO tl>C•U llt""O f Ove1 l'<Wd1ll1 01-1 11111golar, Propo .. 1"111 B Su Shel.lw•ck. Sv1veya11ce DA11c111g lou '""' Derby Doorowa JACk (Park81) • eo Time 1 44 115 Alto r .. ced Natnsn • Hope 0111u1u N M&<iloan, Energetic 1\1<1 Oreo Brrcl. Col<M1u Ttma 2 00 11~ SS EXACTA 110 11 Pa10 $162 'iO ti EXACTA (4·2) potd S94 00 '0UAlH flACE 6 l111k1t1Q> R1a.ng Yull.011 10.az1 14 ;..o 1 20 4 00 SIVENTH AACI. One m1lo1ece frltlh Fedan (Me.,••m) 80 2 30 ~O 13 40 Rate 1111111 tS1m) IY 10 1 60 Fr U.ly Hunlllf IB•tlc>nel t 2 10 8 20 An<lylt Hound (Sl.,,,.1mar1) 8 60 NFL Hhlbltlon achedvle TH1a WEEK'a OAMU TO<>IOht HOW RGl1t1•hmg (Vttlt•lllu .. lll) J 00 Also 1u.cell Pro1.1u1 11~ Oo101hy Arcio11 Sl•1l11I Sail Oehgntw ~tuoey 0011 I L•WltlH Gt•I BoggN • c.1r1 Puu Someontt Mt Nev,..,a Knoll Alto 1eced ll•m•. Hoy Guy 1, Sequoia Magic 1ndl1n Ch1a1. C1n1eroury lone Prlntmak'/r. Howdy Ster time 00 llunato di Wash11111to" Pt11l•<lelp111e 81 Atlemo (Cnu1no1 7 41 5 lOI lone I 'I )IS M l!UClA ( 1·21 paid S65'1 50 llOHTH llACI. One milt 1ro1 Salurdar night &11 .. 111 .. a1 Ram• !ChAl\nel 11 .01 7) 0..11011 "' C.ncinn111 flflH RACE I , nulf!• Oii lutl Pride or Carlltle (And•nl S 80 J 60 2 40 8•111mo<u at Poll~Ou1gn O.tmovu tO..OllOu~•a>"l 1 1 80 6 20 • 80 Ftnal Gem (Qrunay) S 80 2 60 Ha1delly (Goudreau) 2 40 S• lov•s •• Cll1Cago Gen1t• H&nds cva1011iuc1•1 6 60 s 20 He1 b Wiiii! (McCatr011) s 20 Alto rocod F nnd11nge11t1u, Ms Bold l lleme Lo Pola Voodoo Ouoen. Mo<i~I Run R1<i11double . Surg~on'• Johnnie Mounftntfssune Allo raced Hono1 Bound J111a1 Soutn Jo<py New Vor~ J81$ 111 New Vorh Giants Ctevot,'"d 111 New 01leallt Ml8tnl Al Kansai City Time: 2 00 116 NINTW RACE. One mite pace M1nncsc;,10 al Oon111" New [no1a11<1 al Oaltio TIMo.< Globe flOl\OO) 6 20 J 80 3.80 &M rrJnt15'0 111 San O.uoo IChamet 4 11 61 T1mt1 1 SI 215 Maple f'rrlz (Aul>tn) 3 20 3 20 '5 UACTA (9 lt PdrO S272 !>O autlH RACE. 6 IUllO{IQI Logan' Ofeam ISllOfren) 9 80 'a1»p~ Bay a1 tiuvs1ori Sundar nlQllt love Snow tCast••l<!da) 10 00 S 20 J 40 I m Sn1ooc11m t1..>1>nam) (! 20 3 00 Also 1•c•d Der\ And Ou••v N R1c;y Regent N B C Count Gama Sh<> .. Brambte &ramble Brooi.l•ald N Renee ' GOid c. •• .,,. Bay a1 Lo• A~0"'"' A1t1ae .. 1<.n•n11111 4 ol 61 lime 1 57 415, Nand1 Devi tOelohoussny•l 3 00 Al80 t actld ~ove And Olley. r All Beauty Sonomn Hos1ass. Ovr De81'11y, Im 1t1n N Ahell St1tHIY Blan~el Alhlt Int• Down Sno"'°f"'OOO a UACTA (2·1) pe•d $37 80 Time 110 Sl!VENTH flACE 6 lurlo<oi)' F111oa1 <Oota1>ousuye1 5 40 4 20 2 80 12 PICK Int (2•2 ... • 1·!>·21 paid $692 20 will1 41 winning llcke1s (lour horH1) $2 Ptck S1~ con10111lo11 paid S 17 80 with 527 wmnlnQ llCk•lt (WM horMI) $2 Pk:k SI• scrotch consotallon patd $20 40 wllh 26 w1nmng 11C1Ce1t (two "°''"· one 1era1cn1 Bonci Rullan (BHIO/ 7 20 4 20 TENTH RACE. One mite pace Brtfltan1 o·s11 .. fLeclt.eyl 27 oo 10 80 s 20 Sm<>ktn Noovo 1Stmemak.,•) ~ 00 Also •aced S1r Oamoscu• Ma11ny T Grus Just a Smooth•• (Crogl>an) S 20 3 60 Ove<dale LAO (Sleeth) 6.00 And r111z GesntB SllQllge, NJyno B~y T1n1t1 1 08 215 AllO re~ Oon Csrs Siar. Ltte Time N. U EXAClA 12·61 po•a S 13• SO t2 l'ICK SIX (6-10 8·9·2 21 Paid $4,924 •O w1111 IS wtnnlnl) lld<elS lh•e 1>orses1 U PIQ. SI• COl\SOlauon paid $97 60 Wllh 2S2 winning llCkels (lt>ut n0tse•t S2 PICk SI• r.c1alch conso1e11on p11d S9S 20 with 20 winning tickets (tll•oe norte> one scra1cn) Modorn Toucn, Movn1 Lob8ll, Squt1e Lane l l , Chamo8QN P11nce. Easy 0 v lime I 58 4/S Thur.day'• tranaec:llona •ASHAU American L.aguo $J EllACTA (r>-4) paid S 170 olO Altondance 8.323 AN GE lS -Rec•lled Oou9 Corbell 1111,1.;i1 ttom Spokane of Ille Pacltoc C:O.tt l••oou~ a11<1 placed Dave GotU p11~1>e< on lhff 2 l·day disabled ~"' llQHTI4 flACE 1 11 16 miles on turl RagalbttrlO (To101 29 00 8 2(1 5 20 llltnd W1>1r1 (Plnc•yl 3 60 1 80 Monercn (McCarton1 4 40 "'•o ••'•d Ma111on Red C•&Scent ShaQb.,k NatlOflal L•eou• SAN DIEGO PADRES Placed Tony Gwynn. ov1hetcie1 oo Ille 15-dey dlsebled 1111 P"rchased the conllact 01 Ric~ L~nc.,110111 "'" 1>neman·Oull1eldef from Haw•• of Ille Paul" Co~at le8QV4! Ttme 143 2t!> 15UACTA12·31 paid $198 SO NIHTH RACE. I 1116 m11~ 0..., M• ftahlng FOOTIALL Nallonal Football ~ ... SAN DIEGO CHARGCRS Pll!CC!O Wyett Eeotn Five ~lblllol n oo 9 oo 6 60 Et1or11easty (Mau) S.40 • :>O Shedo Man (Olazl 6 20 Also 1 eeed OodgH>g AIOnQ Sa11dv O<nell, Big Geo Alllton f'11S1 G1an<1son C•.011 SQuaela. Bunna t ime t « 3/S 8EAl BIACH -139 •noter$ 6?6 barracuda, 12 t>onllo, 14 callco bau. 405 me<;kaie. 425 toeto. l1S11, 272 aand t>an . 35 oc:ulptn (Bergo) -1!>6 ~ 28 l>Ol\110, t halibut 924 mac•erel, I 1 sand bus. 3 seulptn 7 perch. 720 q-llstl, !>80 while ctoeJ<e< Henoe1son c0<nt11b11e~. Of\ the wa,_ 1i.1 HOCKEY Nallonal Hocker league MINNESOTA NORTH STARS -Signed Dino Ctecarelh 11gn1 wino 10 a five-year CQf\ltllCI COllEOE 15 UACTA t9-7) paid S20J 00 Attenoence. IS,770 I AN DIEGO (H&M l ndfnel -203 llllQlar-a 184 etbeeore. 3 bog eye rune. 3 yellow tin tuna us INTERNA.tONAl Hamed Jack laylOt N aCl baseball 'oacn and S•-•n Kaye hel<i soccer coach NI.JC NOTICE AC1lTIOUa IMl ... U N.-aTATE•NT Tiie followlng peflon 11 doing bulln.. ... OLINE. 2600 Perk Newport. Newpon Beach. CA 92660. Lona Ulrfch, 2800 Park Newport, Newport BHch. C A 928e0 Thia bvaH\89e II oonducted by en lndMduel. Lone Ulrich Thia ... ,_, ... llled wilh lhe C<M'lty Oerti of Or•rio• County Of\ Aug. 18. 1082. ,,Nlf11 Publl•hed Oren~e CoHI Deity Piiot. Auo 20, 27, Sepl 3. 10. 1982 366}:8'.' PlBUC NOTIC£ FJCT1110UB 9UllNl!H N._ITATEMINT The following pe<1on 11 doing butlnete ... M·80 RECORDS. 1548D Adame. Coal• Mete. CA 02626 NEIL G. DENIS O N. t 3 0 0 Adame. Ho 29-8. Cost• H8M. CA 82628. Thie butll,_ la conducted by an lndMdual Nect Oenfton Tt1'11 ll&tament WU ftled with the County Clet1c ot Orange Counry on Pt8JC NOTIC£ '1C imOUS ., ..... NAMISTA~ The loffcMlng partont are doing l>YslMNU' SUNGROWTH XI ; SUNGROWTH XII. t 120 P1clllc Couf HIOhway. Huntington BeaGh, CA 92644 Glenn l Geuhan. 7222 Sae•orllly Drive, Hu n1lng1on e..dl, CA 92648. L••rence 0 . S chley, 8892 H•rbot Kay Clrcle, Hunt1n91o n ee.cti, CA 92848. Tiil• bull~ Is conducled by II Umlted pannerstllp. L•-ence 0 Schley Glenrl L GMm811 Thia 1181-1 WU filed with lhe County Clarll of Orange County oo Auo 10. 1982. F1llOU Publlthed Orange Co .. I Dally Pllol, Aug. 13, 20, 2'7, Sept. 3, 1982 3814-82 NRJC NOTICE NC>nc. Of T1'U8TH'e SALE ~No.l!01,...... mnmJ Oil Fl"ICUy, Stlptembtr 10, 191!12 el 11:00 o'clock a .m , FINANCl4L FEOEAATION. INC •. t Delaware corport llon, •• True tee or 1ub•tllulad TruatM under a11d ~ 10, 1882 ,1__, purauenl lo th• deed o r 1ru11 -· recorded. oo Apr!( 211. 1981 In boolc Publlthed Or1nge co .. 1 Dally 140a7 on page 538 ol Ofllclal Pftot, "41g. 13, 20, 27, Sep1. 3. 1982. Record•, County Rec:ordet ol ________ __;3:..:56:..::..:..7....;-8;;;:2"1 Oranoe County. e.itfornt1. naming fltllllC NOTICE therein •• Truatora; GEOFlGE M. ------------i lAZARUI( •nd DOROTHY BUf'QllOR COUflT Of LAZARUK. THE STATE OF CM.ll'OltNlA WILL SELL, at pubtle auctlorl to '°"THI Ille hlgl'ltll blOder for c:un payable COUNTY OF OflANOE el time of Mle, CHI! muat be In 7110 Ct.to c.ne.r 0.... w .. 1, lewf\11 money of the United Sl•t•, e.m. A-. CA 1111Vt at Ille North e111ranoe to the OrMQe PLAINTIFF; IFllS CALLISON Counly COUtthouM localed 9t 700 OEFENOAHT: MICHAEL ~v. Civic Center °'1Ye Wtal (lortn«ty SHIPLEY'S RENTALS, INC., and W•I Eighth Street), In lhe City of DOES I 1hrOUQh 25, lnclu.,w Senta Ma. Counly ol Ora"9f, lllett "1MlllONe of Ca llfornla. •II rlghl. 11111, end C-Ila. sna11 1n1er..i now held by It under Mid MOTICll Y• ""9 tlttft MIN. 0111d of Truat In th• oroptrly ne _.. ...., decide .....-,_ 111ue1ed 1n ..ict County anc1 S•••• ................... ~ ..... deac<lbad ... Jew ................. at.,.. l9Md Lot 187, Tract 11!172. In tile City tM "'"'"'"" ....... or Coate M•••· 11 per map If yOu wW'1 to Mtlt Ille advice of l'ac<lfded tn BOOll 53, 47 thru en tllorney In thl• melter. you 49. Mtacallaneoua Mapa, he lflOukl cSo ao promptly ao lh•I yOUI Olllc9 of the County Rec;or-of wrltlan rHponM, II any. mey be Orfll\09 County flied on time. Said property i. alllo t9PO'llld to A It I 8 0 I U • t e d 11 e a I cl o be ciommonty known u . 2 t75 81•1• cMftla1tdade. II trlctu11al pue4• Street. Coa•• Meu, C allfornl• .... --· Ud.""' .. ., ....... 92627. -.,. Ud. ~ dMtro S•ld Ula wlll be m•de, bu1 de ao dim. l.-. le ""--••n.,. wlthoul covtnt n1 or w•rranty ...... QSX-Of Implied. ,.gatdlng title. )I Ulled d•H• •olloltu el PoaMMlon or encumbrtneee, to conM IO d• un •l>oo•do en Ht• pey IM remalnlno tum of Ille not• ••unto, deberra 111ce rlo H Cured 1ty Hid dHd. to wll: llllrntdlttttnenle, dt •t• rnttW., Ht.H7.3lf. with Inter"' from tu~· ..crlt .. II hey .iouna. S•ptemt>er 16. 11111 tdvanoH. Plltde • rtQlttrtc:I• 1 11tmp0. currently none, anO co•t• tnd 1. TO THE DEFENDANT: A cM1 ~ ourrently 81tlmeled 10 !Ml compl11n1 fl•• bffn llltd by th• 11,513.00 u In Mid noi. pr~. pltlntlfl tlllllfttt Yo\I. If Yo11 wltfl 10 tnCI all otllet Mimm then MCUfed f)y Cleftnd ltlft ltwwlt. you mull, within Mid Oeed of INst. IO dayt titer 1111• aummon1 11 Tti. name, •trMI •dd~ •ncl MMld on you, Ille with tlllt oourt a teltptlo,,. numtlet of the Truet .. wrttt.n rwpoMa lo 1M COfnt)lalnt. ere: ~ ~llon..1, I~ .. MO 1 uni-you do IO, your detlUlt ... WNtllnQIOI\ loultYard, ~ Olty, be tntafed on applleatlon of Ill• ca1nom. 902'0. (~ t31 204.-..0. plalnllft, and thll oourt may ant« 1 YOU AAI! IN 0£FAULf UNDER A Judomtnl aoalnat you fOr tilt, ..... DEED°' musr DATED A""L 1~! d«Mlldtd rn Iha oomplalnl, wNctl tNI. u~us YOU TAKE ACTION could rHult In garnl1hmen1 of TO P..OTlCT YOUR ""AOPl,.,-Y IT ...... •tna Of~ OffOC*'IY MAY llE IOLO AT A lfUBLIOaALL or •"'•' ren.1 reque1te In the If YOU MIO ~ PP'\.ANAflOH 01' THI NATU"I 01' THI DATIO '""'9 II, 1tf2. P"OCHOINOI AQAINST YOU. IMA. lrtndl, YOU I HOU LO CONTACT A Clltttl .... WYI~ • ly IC.MNMn A. HtY9t ~ AIJgult 2, 1"2 OIOutY f'Nnellll ,.,.,..,IOn, lno. LAW O,,IC-11 01' MUfUllAY ._ MICtl TNllM ~~............ ~~· w ·:.~OA­(fM) Publlllfled Orange CoHt 0.llY flll!O(, AIJO. IO, 27, lept. I . 101.. 1"1. • 31°'"'2 ~· auu.u ACTTTlOUB euslNl!H N,,_ 8TA~ N.u. •TATDRNT Tilt IOllOwfng ~ we doing The following peraon 11 doing bull-... bu$1neN .. EON AESOURCES 1982A C & N AOVERltS>NG. 5081 DRILLING PROGRAM. 695 Town Cambridge Ave., Wtmmlnster, CA Center Or Ive. 8th Floor. Coal a 92683. Mesa.CA92826. Neent Sue Koell•r. 873 1 Eon Retourcea. Inc . •n Ohto Sallpor1 O< , Huntlng100 Beld\, CA Co rporellon. 695 Town Cen t•r 92646 Offle, 8111 Floof. Coat• Mwa. CA Thie~ Is conducted by en 92628 Individual Coby H l<eller, 805 l own NMne Sue K0911er Center Otlve, 8th Floor. Coate Thi• lt•l-1 wu llled wi111 lhe M .... C4 92826. County Clet1c ol Orange County oo Thi• bu•IMM Is CQ!lductlld by 8 Aug. 18, 1982. ,.,..,.. tlmlted pennerlhlp. . Eoo Reeourota, Inc. CobyN l<&IW Eaec:vuve Ya-Preeldenr Put>ll•hed Oranjje CoHt Dally Ptlol, Aug. 20, 27. Setpl. 3. 10. t982 3671·82 Thls 1111-1 wes ftled wl11111\e DI-IC MnTIC( Coun1y Cletll of Orange County on r~ nu ~:, f~: ~::, YOO AflE IN DU'AULT UNC>efl A Attomey at uw D E E D 0 F T fl U S T , D A T E 0 -T.wn Cent~ 0.IYe ~~~"T~o1..~J"::~~:g¥ =':..,CA ne;a' YOU" l""Ol"E"TY, IT MAY aE F1"5Jl7 SOlO AT A l"UalJC SALL IF YOU . Publllhed Oflnge COHI O•lly ~"~ ~~~ .. ==01= Pilot, Aug 20, 27. Sept 3· 10· t982 AGAINST YOU, YOU eHOULD ---------3- 706-a--2-1 CONTACT A LAWYEI. l'tB.IC NOTICE NOTICa Of' TINSTEE'9 IAU No. Qt2U7 NOTICE Of' l"U9lJC On September 22, 1982, al 10·00 AUCTION Of ""90NAL A.M , al lht m1ln enlrence ol "90f'EtrY MMA.-0 ON Lawv-a Title lnaurance Coml*!Y. VACATIO ........ OF 520 Notth MN! Slreet. In Ille Cll}' o4 F~ TIMAHT (CC1W) S11nt• Ana. County ot Orenge. Stele Notkle It hereby glV"en tllel on o l Ca lllor nfe . CALIFORNIA Sept. t , 1982. It 9:00 e.m , el 2790 RECONVEVANCE COMPANV. e Harbor Blvd .. Suite 209. In Coete Celllornla Corporetlon. H duly Mau, CA .. Ot•nge County, Ille appointed Truale• uMfer fhel underalgned wllf Hit •• pubHc <*'!eln Deed Of Trual ••ecvted by euctlon Ille '*80f\al Pf°'*1Y 1911 ELIAS 0 OVIEDO •ncl MARY S by Aoberl Blekely Pe A~ A OVIEDO, Husband end Wiie. et 8lakaly llkl Mr Costa Meee B&tbet truslora, recorded oo No\lember 22. Shop Said auction wm be mad• 1977. u Instrument Ho. 21348. ,,, pur•u•nl to Ille provl1lona 01 BoOI\ 12485, Page 829. ol Otndel S.Cllon 1H8 ol the CMI Cod• Record• o1 Orange County, 81•1• ol 0.1ed Aug. 19, 1912 C111torn1e. under the ,,_. of ule Smild pfOP4l'1Y conal1t1 01 therein contelMd. will Mii at publle 4 8lactl wrought Iron Cll••re. wilPl auction 10 Iha 111g11 .. t blddet lor crNm plutlc alr1plng CUii, Of c;hedt ., deolcribed !>Mow, 2 MllQllZlnt radla -WINI Pll'(llble •I the llme of .... In lllWl\ll 2 I 0 '' • 8 0 ' • c 1r o 1 t •. money ol th• United S1a1t1 ot llPPfOlllmatel)o Ametu, wtthout WWTal\(Y ~ 2 Barber II/lop parttlrig algn• or tm p II ad a• Io 1 ttle. u .. , 1 Booll-(4 tftelvet) l)OaMltlon or encumbranc:ea, eH 1 Ao1tttmen1 etove r1911t, lille and lnlereet now held by 1 Room dMdet attached 11 H auch Ttu11 .. In and to 1111 1 Barber chair tollo w lng dHcrtbed properly 1 Shampoo chair stlutllld In the efor..atct County and 2 B.roet •t&11ci. Slate. to wit. 2 Slnlla LOI $-4 ot Ttac:1 No 748$, M per 1 St004 (4 cut ... ) map ~ In 8ooll 304, Pao-'...,...rug 4' • 5 '. 9PP'O•lm•tef'I 44 10 48 ~of Mleollleneou• 1 Oult waler COOier Maps, In the omc. Of Ille County 1 Sttell I' a 8', IPPf'OMlmeteiy Recorder of 8ald COunty. 4 Lams>t -tfftlled 10 wilt Tile 101• tmount ot Ille unpaid 4 Plecle It~ IOt l>Olllte prtnclpel o.lallCe, lnter•t "*-1. 1 Whllll bfOOM tog91het wt~ reuonably •tlmeltd I °"9lf ~-'°' cl'llldren ~i.. •PtnMt and adVMCea at 1 M • ta I • It n d 1 ~ I •• I • ,,,. time of Ult lnlllal ~ of epproidmei.ty 111111 NollOa ..... $2.11. I Wood9n bett>er '1tnclt Owrenl'1 deeed c..Nert CMclct 3 Wall ltanclard• or Certified CMcllt ,,.,...,.. to in. 9 lraekett . Tl'l.lltM Of l>IOdtl' n ~·-to t 6 f'oot ltep llOO« Tr u 11 I e prov Id ad pr Ope r 3 CMlrw ldentlllcallOn ... ~ 1 N9on alQn "8&fbet Shop" From lnlormllfon which tllt 1 C.d ta6lt Trultte dMmt rellable, J)u1 lot 1 FotdlnQGNir whloh Trua1ee mtktl no I ltlarlllel reprtMnlallon or wtrrtnly. 1~ 1 Qup oonlalnef for drtntt• 11reel •"'*-• Of ot"9r COf'llmol\ 1 Bloom dM!gnttlon of tM aboYll deteflbed 1 l'lln property II! H72 lleokttlom, IMnt, 1 !NrMI Uflnll Cellt, HI07. 1 • '"°°' lt6dtt 8tld prOCM1f1Y • '"*'Cl ... for ,,,. 1 ~ f'*)Of0 ~ MPOM d ~ 1tle ab .... CM• 1 ~ •• 11 e·. epptoxlm-. 1ecu1ed ,,.. Mid" 0..0 of"Trut\ 'Mhor(tlll ~to tel) ·~ ... _. ~ -.. 1 lt9IUll I ft., l!PtW~ltly T,_.. MCI ol ..... I Mlmlfl ..... .._ De'9d ~ t•. tMI. I Dirt! room wfttl litleMe. tlnq, °""'°""8 "--'~ ~m---=v-, bOllll8 aftl.tltd ly ---~ "°'' ~VIie~ ..,.&~N "''SA ..... • .,...,,.. M. Amrona HO'~ CA tt• ... ,... 11131 ro .... 'v Orange CoHI O.lt) Pl.lblietled Or•• Cont Deily "°" ~ to,"" ftn Hot. Aug 11. '-'·" 10. tl92 3709 .. 2 3117-412 -• = !-¥¥¥ p -<·• Orange Oo••• OAILV PIL.OT/Frld1y, AUQUll 211 181rl MLIC NOTICE .. t... i.l1Wi4 NOTIU OI TIIUt'fll'I IAU NOT1Cll OI TIIUlftrl IALI T.t. .... m ................. . At(T NOTIOI T.I ..... 1-.e TO llT'f OWMltl T D 11"11!01 OQ ... 1'4NY • dAt/lt YOU A 'AUL f UNDIH A ,.ppolnllll Trwetet wneler the l)llD Ot lltUIT, 0A110 10 20 IO folloW!nQ ~tu.t OMO ol 1n111 UNLIH YOU 1Allt: A(.l tON 10 Will llLL AT l'UILIC AUCTION PROllCI YOUR llAOPEATY It TO THI UIOHHT 110011'1 llOlt MA y DI! SOLO AT A l'URUC IALI! CAIH (P•Y•bt. II llm• of .... In IF YOU Nf!l!D AN (ICfllANA TION lawtul ~ Of ltle Unlled ·= 0 f T H E N A T U A 0 fl T H [ all rtohl lilt. 1111<1 lnle<•I oon ,l'ROCEl!OtNQ AOAINl I YOU YOU to end nOW lleld by K under Mid &HOULD CONTACr A LAWVER DH d ol T11111 In lh• prop•rly On 8eptemb« 22 ... ~ •• 10 00 h«elntllet o.ectlo.cl am , FIM!dt1nllll t'qully F1nenc.111 tAUSTOA KAS&l!M MESHKAT, •• duly eppolnl•d Truttff 11nC111 •n unmtrtleel men and pu11u1n1 to DHd ol Trull B £NE FI C I ARV DA 0 N rtcOtde<I o.o.M~1 II. IHO. 11 CORPOHATION, 1 Oe l1w1rt lnll No 18200, In boo~ t 38 70 COf'f)Of•llOO. ptgt 811S, OI Olllc:lll RtcOldl In 11111 RtcordtO 0ct01>4Jr 30, t980 U ottlc• or 1he County Rtcorcler• 01 111111 No 44073 In book 139 I I, Orenge County, S111e ol Celllorn1e PllO' 132& of Ott1e111 ReeOfd• In Int uec:111td oy Allon Cogt<1. • tingle olllct or th• Recorder ol Ortno• min, WILL SELL Al PUOLIC Coun1y,Htddttdol1ru1tdHQrl'* AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER lht 1ol1¥ilng propttty FOR CASH \p1ya1>1t al !Ima of Hie PAR l 1 FH almple llllt to In lawful money or th• United Condo tnlum Unl1 No 2!10 (tilt Sta1H) al the nortn from entrance "Uni!"). u 1hown upon th• of the County Courthou ... 700 Civic Condorn1n1um Plan (onlltled Cenltr Drive Woll, S1n11 Ana, "Condominium Plan tor Lot I or C1fllorn1a all rlghl. llllt and ln1ere11 Tract No 10587"), County of conveyed 10 end now held l>y 11 011n9e. Slat• ol Calllorn11 (th• yndtr Hid Deed or Trull 1r1 mo "Plan '), recorded on Jwl)I 12, 1979, proptrty altulted 111 uld County H Document No 15810, In book and Sti tt dNCllbec:I es 13226. pegn 76 10 115 1nctu1111t, Unll t23 ol Loi 4 01 Trect 9658 as Olllclal R1co1d1. ol Hid 011nge per me.p rtc01ded In Book 12888 Collnty, wnk:h Plan pertlln• 10 that P1ge1 10 t8-106 I lnc1uatv11 01 proparly dHcrll>td In Trec1 No Ottlcill Record• ol Orange County 10587, recordec:t In l>O<>I< <1<19, pegea PARCEL 1 unn No 123 H shown 5 and II, M111Ge11aneo111 Mapa, In the tnd described In the Condominium otllce ol lht county 1ecorder or Hid Pt1n rec0tdtd on Octobtr 4 1978. county In 8ooll 12866, Page 10 111 to 1061 PARCEL 2 An undllllde<l .003 12 oiclutlvt, or Olllctel Reeord1 or Hid percent lnttrHt In end 10 the County Common Ar••• 111 shown end PARCEL 2 An undivided one defined on the Pl1n IO<'ly-ltrat ( 114 Ill) tn1er .. 1ts1 ten1n1 EXCEPT THEREFROM 1111 Oii, gas. In common In the lee Interest In 1nd mlne<alS ano other hydrocarbon•. 10 lhl Common Arel of Lot 4 ol below a depth of SOO feet, wllhOUt Trtcl 9658, In the C11y ol lrvlne. as Ille rtgtll or surface enl!y, It per map 1111(1 In BOOk 429, Pages 30 reserved In tnstruments ol record fo 33 lncluSlve, ol Mtacelleneous PARCEL 3 An eaclualve rlQhl and Maps, records ot satd County, as 81~1 to use the balCony 11ea such term ta defined In At11cle dt1lgned B·250 on the Plan as entitled "Dor1n111on1' or the being appurltn•nl to the Unit 0 e c I er 11 Ito n o t Coven an 1 s PARCEL 4 An exclusive rtghl end Conditions and Res1r1c11on1 t1wmen1 lo use lhe parlllng space deacrlbtd In "Sub1ec1 to " betow deslgn•ttd on the Plan 111 l>111klng (the "()e()lerallon") Spaoe No. PS-206. EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 011. gas. VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A mlner1ls and other hydrocarbon DEED 0 F TRUST DA l ED substances tying below a depth ol OCTOBER 8. 1960. UNLESS YOU 500 feel without any right to enter TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT VOUR upon the surface or the subsurface PROPERTY, IT MA V BE SOLO AT A or seld land above 8 doplh of 500 PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN feel, as provided In IJlllrumonts of EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE l'llC-Ord OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST PARCEL 3 Easements os set torlh YOU, VOU SHOULD CONTACT A In lhe Sections ent1t1ed ·cenaln LAWVER. Easements tor Ownera" and •37 102 Scholtz Plaza. Newport "Support . Se 1 II em en 1 • n d Beech. CA 9i663 Encrotchment" 0 1 the Article "(II 1 llreel address or common enlltled "Easements ol the designation 11 shown above, no Oeclarallon warranty ta given as to 11 1 PARCEL 4 Euements as swch completeness or correclnnsj." Tht ea-nls are parllcullrly set lo1lh benellcl1ry under said Deed of In the Article entitled "Easements' Trwll, by reason ol a brt11ch or ol the Declarellon 01 Covenants, deleull In the obtlgattons secured Conditions and Reatrlcllons tn thereby, heretofore executec:I and "Subject lo" below (the "Master dtllvered 10 the undersigned a Declarallon") under l he Section written Oecl11e1ton of Oelaull and headings In SllCh ArtlClt entllled 11 Dem111d for Sele. and wrllten notice follows. "Owners Rights and Dulles. ol breacti and ol elecllon lo '8UH Utllltlea 1nd C1ble Televlaion", the undersigned 10 sell satd 'Support tnd Se11lamen1 . pr()9trty lo satisfy said obligation•. 'Encroechmenl'', and "Community end lhereeller the undersigned Fecilllles Eaaemenl'' caused sald no11ee ol oreacn and or PARCEL 5. E1Semen1 over LOI A ol 114ec11on lo be Recorded November 'fract 9816 as per map llltd In Book 23, 198 I, u Instr No 28045 In ""· Pages ts to 23 tncrustve 01 book 14300. page t67, or said ~lscell1neou1 Maps. records ol Otllclll Records Jald County, for lhe purpose of Seid sete wtll oe m1de, but :lrelnage benehllng on the property without coven1nt or werranly, ;onveyed h8'eln, provided that such express or lmpllec:I. regarding llti., :lralnage shall not unreasonably posaestlon, or encumb11nces, 10 ·esltlcl lhe Intended use end PIY tht remaining prlnclpel sum aJ m)oymenl 01 said Loi A the nole(s) securec:I by Pld Deed or Tne street address and other Trldl, wtlh interest u In 18ld note :ommon deslgnelion. II any, of the provided, advances, II any. wnder eal property described above Is lht firms ol nld Deed ot Trust. wrponed 10 be 28 Atclerwood, •-. charges and e>1penses or the rvlne, CA 92714 Trustee and ol the trusts created by The u nderalgned Trustee seld Deed ol Trus1. Said sale will be 11scta1ms any llablllly tor any held on Friday, September 10, 1962 ncorrectness or the street address al 2·00 p m • at the Chipman ind other common detlgnalion. II Avenue entrance 10 the Civic Center my. shOwn hefeln Bwlldlng , 300 Eut Chapm1n Said sale will 1>• made, bul Avenue, fn ine t,;11y ot Ot~. t,;A without covenant or warranty. Al lhe time of lhe Initial '"PrllSI Of Implied, regarding tltle. pul>llelllon ol thla nolklt. the 101.i >Osseulon, or encumbr 1nces. amount of the unpeld ballll\08 ol the nclltdtng lees, charges and obllgellon secured by lhe above 1x.P81'1MS ol the Trustee and ol the described deed or trust and ruslt creeled l>y said Deed ot tallmaled co111. eapenM•. and rrust, 10 pa; tht remaining p11nc1pal 1dv•ncta Is S83,695.24. To wms nl 1he notll(s) secured Dy aa1d dttermlnt lhe opening t>l<I. you may :>eed of Tru11 10 wit S 15,900 00 call (714) 037-0966 #Ith lnl8'8S1 thereon from Mey t t DATED August 13. 1982 19112 al 14 00% p1r 11nnum as TD SERVICE COMPANY 1><0"1ded In said notll(s) plus costs u aakl Trustee, if'd any advances of St .83 1 29 w11h By Vlctll J Andfldoe, nterest Aaalstanl SectetltY The t>enehclary under aald Deed Ont City 8oulev1rd West. ol Trust heretolore e.ecu1ed and Orange, CA 926118 dtllvered 10 the undtr•loned a 7141935-8288 written Oectarallon or delault and Publlshed Orang• Coast Dally D1m1nd ror Sate, and 1 written PllOI, Aug. 20. 27. Sept. 3, 1982. Notice ol Oelawll and Elecllon 10 3713-82 Seit Tiit unde<slgned c1ul8d u Jd Notice ol Oelaull and Eteclton lo PtlJl.IC NOTICE Seu 10 be recorded 1n 11141 county -------------""-• the real prope<ly IS IOC81ed f'ICTrTIOU8 BUSINESS DATED August 25. 1982 NAME 8TAnMENT RESIDENTIAL EQUITY The tollow1no person Is doing FINANCIAL business H as aald trustee. ELITE WALLCOVERINGS. 4482 Barranca Parkway, 115A 36th St , Newport Beooh. CA Suite 170 92663 Irvine, CA 9271A GREGORY KEVIN CLINE (714) 552-4655 1 ISA 36th St . Newport Beach, CA M B Ben 92663 ary · ton, This business ts conducted by an AUi. Secy Id ltetldtnllal fqully Flnencl•I lnd1v ual Greg0<y K Clone 4412 .. ,,_Pkwy .. Suite 170 lfVIM, CA 12714 Publl1hed Or1no1 Cout Dauy PllOI, Aug. 27, St1>I 3 tO, 1982 382S-82 Thl9 statement was llled wilt> 1118 County Cler~ ot Orange County on AuguSI 20. 1982 F1tsl07 Published Orange Coast Dally PtllllC N()TlC[ PllOI. Aug 27 Sept 3 10. 17, 1962 -----------~ 3835-82 ACTTTIOUB IMJUEBI N.U. STATE•NT Ptllltc NOTIC£ :~~ peraone ara doing flCTITIOU8 IMJ8'NEB8 NATURAL IMAGES. 155S Mt9e NAME ITATEMENT Verd• E •35F, Cot ti Mtlll, CA The lollowino P8flOn IS doing 92828 bullne.aaa JIOIS Ltigh Terry, t555 MeM MARIA'S CLEANING SERVICE. \lard• E ir35F Coat• MtH. CA t06e2 Rhonda SI • GI.Iden Grove. •2826 ' CA 92643 .;,--Cuol A Crawford. 11280 Merle E. FIOfe. 10662 Rh0nd1 Gerdlnere Court, Cypren. CA St. G1tdtn Grove, CA 92&43 90830. Thie butln.1 ts conducted by an Thi• ~ 11 oonOUC!'led by e lndl\lldull general pertntrll\11> Merla E Flore Jeni• L. T'eny This statement was ltled with Iha Thlt 11a1ement wu llled wtth Iha County Clerk Of Orange County on County Clerk on July 20, 1982 Aug 18, 1982 '1"711 f1'5112 Publlthad Or1n11• COHI Dally Publlshed 011noe COH I Dally Pllol. Aug. 20, 27, Sept. 3, tO, 1982 Piiot. Aug 20, 27, Sept. 3, 10, 1982 3710-82 3668-82 ~~~~~~~~~.;.:.1 PtllllC NOTICE PtlllfC NOTICE ··' ACTITIOUI IM.l8'Nl:88 f'ICTmoua BUBINl!l8 NA• ITATl•N'T NAME STATEMENT The following ptrson 11 doing Th• following person I• doing bull-... bullntU •• GOLDEN WEST SIGN ABBOTT , CLARK & COMPANY, 1101 W Sl_..a, Apt ASSOCIATES. 23522 El Toro Road, 11, Sant• An1, Call!. 92707 Sull1 203. El T0<0, CA 92830. lthltl Ft1h1 St lH , 1101 W. Edw1rd Ord, 111949 Bl~ller Stevene, Apt 11, Sanll Ana Cell! Lint . Huntington H11bour. CA 12707. • 92&.48 Thie bull,_ 11 conductacl by tn Tllll bullntea IS conductacl by tn lndhllO'* lndlllldual ,. lthlel F s.tM Edward Ord Thie llt1tmenl WIS ftltd wit" tht Thia alltemtnt WU flltd With tht COUnty Cieri! ot Ortnot County on County Cltrk of Orange County on Jvty 2t. 1H2 Aug 4, 1082 l'tMAI ,,.._ Publlthtd 011ng• COHt Di iiy Pwbllah•d Or•ngt CoHI Dilly Plot, Auq. 8, 13. 20, 27, 1882 Pllol, Aug II, 13, 20, 27, 1082 ________ __:::3:::;52~2~-·~g, 35-44-82 Nil.JC NOTICE '1CTITIOUS BUS .... 8 ~ ITATl•NT '1CTITI009 ~U The IOllowlng persona are doing NAMI ITATaMIMT .,......_ .. : The lollowlnO pereon 11 doing AOUAl.AST, 2903 WMI Coa11 bullneN u; Highway, Ntwporl Buch, CA EVEAEST f'IAE PROTl!CTION, ,~ 1290 Login Ave "A", Coefa ...... 8PINOAIFT YACHTS, 2803 CA 82829. Weal COHI Hlghw1y, Newport G80f'ge Mk:tlael Tomlln, 1018 ~. CA tHa. Cheyenne 81 .• Coll• MIU, CA ' Thie bue!Mtl la oonducted by • 02828. ClOfPOl'allon. Tlllt tlvtllneltl le GOncfucted by an lplndrtfl YICl'tlt lndMdull. , A.A. lell. Pr.. o.otge M. Tomlin Tiiie tbtt-t _.. filed with the Thie ettttfMl'lt wu filed wtth Ille Oounty Oltll1t or Orenoe Coul\1y on Countli Clerk °' OrMQe OOUnty on ~ 21. tte2 Aug, •• tte2. ,, .. ,., ,,.,. """"1alled Or•noe Cotti Dilly P111>ll1hed Oran119 Oolat Otll)' "°'-"'10 27, tept 3, 10, 11.:J.H2 Piiot. Aug, 20, 27. llept, 3, 10, 1te2 t 111-t2 aett-12 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 The marketplace on the Orange Coast .. 642-5678 CLASSIFIED ~!.'.'. !!!~!! ........... ~~~!!!. ~'.'. !.•.'! ..•••• · 1 ¥.~~!!~ .~'.'· ~.'!....... ~~~!!~ .~~'. !.•.'! •...... a .. ,,, 1,, 1,1, ~!.".~~~L ........ .'.~~~ ~!'.'.~'.L ........ !."!Ml ~.-.~~~~~ ......... .'.~~~ Ho11111 /01 S•I• H••"' /11 ~I• ···••··············•·· ••••................•. ''""'' IDOZ C•rtH ''' #ar IOZJ ................•........•..•..•.•••••.••••• INDEX T t l'llCt Ytttr Ad, Call .•••••................ ,.,, ,,,,,, ---------------••• •• • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • I IDlll 1 ITORY IY OWHR PEllllUU 1101111 642-5678 HOUSES fO~ SALE C.,1Mrel 100) llA!lbll• hl•nd lwt lat .. t'•AIA•WI• 1001 ,,,..,..,,.f'\IJ ''-•fh 1011 \.••flifli• d•I Mer ,.,.., l"m\a M•u 1111' 0 6,_,. l•CliltU lllJO ~Ttl<il Ill» fOUM•t" YeHft' ..... ll•nlll\CI"" K.,rh ll>'O lrVIM 1116' 1 .. I""' .... rh "* ..... "ft• ... u. llllO iAIWl'•N'1&MI 1W N•n•V••~ 1..-i ltw 0.Hrd 1002 Fa1:1t ei.crow IXl!l.'ilblc L'llr~c as .. 1unwbh· •••••............•.••• IUYER'S luun1i C:lo1w to 11t•hooli. and 11hoppl 11~ 11,RIET S,Eoll1 l Only $1 50,000. "' TIRRIPIO TOWllMDlll LowHI priced • 8drm 2 SP,,{' 1 0 u R 2 8 1 0 r y t (J w r\ h 0 ml', 0$111 home In tr\t are&. "' with p ool! Tako over woodbur11111g firc:plun•. ll u~t· 1nui.tl'1 o>dallng and 11111er will su1ll', l!Ulll\)' patio plus nm1mumty pool c11rry 'Try 10% downt S I A 11 I Only $135 ooo . call nowl po, ll<•Unu unc lt>ntllS ~UtllJ > l' nan" !!'" · Only $129,•00 C.11 Shocon E•n«• Pnzr Wt11t Bay bayfrvl}I Slip! for 2 boot.I, remodeled 3 bdnn, ~ balh $1 ,200,000. Oct•un & Jl'lty Vll'WS MJ1 llll' room, 4 bdrm, :i buth, 3700 s.~. h $1 .:IH5,000 On«inl ront LIDO ISLE llOllH Prl1Ttl• Lh.lu Nord bayCron1 5 bdrm. !'i11'1 h,1th Ltit.-L K., 2 l>out !ilips $1 ,500.0110 Hemodt'h'tl 3 bdrm. 2 bl.Ith t larg-.• rl<' rm beam l'Ctltng.'1, fum111hl'<.l, patios $-IW,000 CdM duplu, btll IOCI Prld• of ownorthl p Great a11umabl• l1n1n- c 1 n g S3 2<1 ,900 I 942·8580 -----Coll• #"' lOZ4 ·•··•········•···••·•• UHi 2 Ill TWllll with 2''> oelh•. 2 cer encl g1" & yard S6000 dOwn 1tnd pyml euteted prog· ram C•ll Rick Owner/ Agl 964_·_8_17_1~-~- QCEll VIEW ~r.:~,.:: .. """ ~" J..,.,. t •P••lf •""' lftlt S."'• An• IOIO St&l llu<b IWO ~51_1 •WAnRFllllT* COLDWeu. BANl(eRC ·~l~-·- 645 -0303 I LllDl ISLE llYFROIT 2 Bdrm. 2 bl. condo Full 41l't1en111111 1nd aoc 011a No quelllylng with S&ooo down 10 75% loen program available Call Rech Owner/Ag! 964 6171 ~hi ••\U'I• IMI 'AhlMUhlf't IClll .. '° .... Ht1t'tW'f ,., .. llW UAL mm Atr•et~ hH \•I• 1.-xl A..,.nm1no '°' '•lt l>.AI 8t•t"Pt•tt1 I~ ~;;.,.r.::::·r:i:~: .. "'" l.W IVJO t•=:.~~~~:~:r:'~ lliOO ""° Owpi••C'• I "'"\•I• llW ttou-"" to ti. Mu .. ,d l'IW IM'omt t'ro,.t\) N!1i l~Ulal Vt'Of)lfU) 1100 1..o1_. for"-'" nm "4ot14k11Mc" T11r t>o .. USl Mwn\n .,.,.,,, Rourl 1000 Or •"!ft t.'o Pt' op l!IOO ()w( t (NN ~ Pm.., l~ °"'-' '4-••• ,,., '™' RencM• >'•-'"'' t.rv.-•• 1100 Rul .__..,, .. t:u-ha"'" 1100 ~ .. t t..a1e1 .. 'A1nuil l'l()() RENTALS UouaC\ t'\u 1\l•hN llW Hou.tn IJl\furn1thf'd l:n HOV!lltr\ •Vrn ut l}nl uuo Condom1n1wm" ""urn ~ Condom1n.u.1m• \'nf ~ Tgwnhou\t\ •·ur" l:.00 To-.~.o .. 11nf J~ ~~'"' •~tn ~ ~•,n\'"' J4i(JO A ~rn mo AIM.t llnfwn -Aph f\tff' ()I t At -Room' t«IO Moont • H••rd <OW Uc.Jlf"I• M..-el• 11110 cw,• Uonw• 41!10 Summu A,.n••I• <lOO v.,..,..,, "'"'"'' •:tloll Rl"Mah lo 'her,,• 000 Gat•cn h:w thnl UIO OfhC't .. t Mt l HOU lu\lftini'fhf'lt•I •U<i INhlMntl A•nhl '""° ~·.,:,.anu'Cf UlO MUii MIK RtM•I• '630 BUSINESS, INVEST MENT, FINANCE "-'>1Mu Oppor1• lOOO ""·~-... "'f'd llllO ::~:==~,. >OU """' NOfW) lo l..oan -ont) .. •ntect• lOlll otlt•••• TO 1 lllJ,) ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,HSONAlS & LOST & fOUNO Annuu~·•m"'"'" \100 C1t Poot mo t..u lNo4.1n' ~ '-' l'wnd IJOO Pfnon•h• )JllO Sot••• n ut.• WIO Tro·ot4• ~>O mvtCES 'Wh1(P f)iff'('.Of) WI>) £M~OYMENT & ""AUTION NJot• '"'"\M'\lon ttm JOO W•ftt•(1• fUU t•lp'AaM..a M • t 11(11 MERCHANDISE ....... -WIMV•• ISJIO AW\Hiift IO)U :::t:.':; ..... , ,., .. -IQ2\ C"anwrn 4 t.•"JP"l4""1 -c .... 19» iq. -f't ... to \ow IOU .. ,.,"' .. *' -Cu•c~Stlt -I----Gooch "* Je-f'lr) -Uwn lOC'\ ..,.,, ... C' .. Mf, -M1.r.tt~• -Mt'°"H•""°"" ••"l.-fl Q I M"6.N'ta hu\rvnwnh .., orn"" t urn 4 tA\t1D -p.u M'I c..~~~l~::.. -IUiO 5{.on1a.1 Gooch .... 'lilor-e Mf'fhutant lar -~:•rNloO HI•~• 'lt't~• ..... ... BOATS & MARINE EQU"MENT C.trwrtl WIO Ao•U ,h int !Wrv10 !IOJO Bot h W ilflM t:qu1p !111.lO Bo.alt Po-•r !ilMO Oo•t...R,,.• rh•r••• ,.,.., lloau s.11 -llr>•l\!illPo Doth llO'lQ t:~:.~.~ Sk• --THNSl'OITA TION Airt"un lfUL ~r=rn~·,~~': "'"' "~ tll< ~'"""l.~"'·· "'° -.cir c-t. Sc-oottr • • tllO Nvtor tcm• t\.alf' R•M ~· ... Trattiff• Tra~•I 1170 !'U::,~~!.~'!"i.,., """ -AUTOM081U ~ • .i '°'" A.ftl"t"" ('fHH( \ ..... fllttrteh°" Ytf\lf~ 'il)Jll ~-"•'f' llh~h -,...,.,n, .. -Tr..,11• -v .... tono A~~••tAC -Auito-W '""d -AUTOS, IMl'OIT(D tJrfN"f•I ffll Alli• Au#Wu ., .. \liiltl• ''"' 41a11n tlt•I•> """ a111w ,,., CePfl '111) OU-tlll """ •Ill u ... .,~ 91N ,..,,.,. ., ... r1.~ '111> """"• t U1 J .. ~"'·' "'"' '""" . .,.. 'Ill/ t<.,,,..1tt1t1"•• '111) t..o-CM• t11I Me1d• .,,. °""" ttth tkn1 ,, .. Ill> V1U .C(l~ tl ... .,.,., '17 .. t1111nt•r• .,., ,,,"i:~ ,,.. P1w''"' ~is .. M•11•wll "1» McNI• litO)t"fl ,,., R""'' tUl Su b .,., =:, ... . .,., tlW T.,..,.1 '18 Tt'""'"°" tWI \Qth••lf'fl """ Voho •111 AUTOS, MEW •. ,.,..,,.1 W() AUTDS, USED ~,..,.,.,, M l Al<\, -.,,. .. •10 l'•d•lt•C' .. ,, C•••ro •11 (-~ -l..1'1'>•1•r -oa....1 ..,, C ... IMnt1I -~"~'· -~" lit;U ~r --,,,.,. ..... , ..., 1-'0I~ IM} Ml"frtc~ IMl ,..,,.,,> -=·.::l .. .., -....... ..., ,.,....,..,~ -'-U•f -r.::6''ftJtd -... ..,, ............. For Cl1Mlfled l\d ACTION Clll t Del~ Piiot AO. 180A 842-5e71 IOAT SLIPS PRIVATE COMMUNITY. 3&4 bdrm home$, out ~~~~~~~o~·~~'7°~~~~11i ·R·E·s·1o·E·N·c·E-O·R·1·N·v·E·s·1·M·E·N·T-? Beller hurry on lheaet S1art1ng at $499,0001 IRVINE 111 O\•t•1 fil•ld tht• popul:.ir Will TAAOE FOR BAL· plun :\ Lark'ipUI' :3BH 2 111 BA. pall!>, BOA ISLAND lalltll llJ Prep. 2 -l·ar gar Low prtl'l'U $1 :i:l.500 ll11tter1 In Tur tll·rl.X'k H1dgl· a two yc•ar m •w •lll-lOIO* :.!BH IX·n upgradl'd hom1· Pastoral view $299,000 .............. COSTA MESA . Thn•t· CJ) large lots $12,1001 with C'Xasllng homl' or unit!> t:itch zom·d REDUCED 4 Bdrm 2 both custom for ti nl'w units o r cundu!. home with pool and • sweeping view ol the CALL FOR UIFORMATIOI 140-6259 upper Back Bay and city SHATZEI REALTY llghlSI Seller motivated' Now only S t 97 .:.oo-call -::::R:(:'S:!<:l:< ·:n:l:ia:/:•:Co:m::r:11:c·:r:t·1=·a:/:•:l n:d:u:s:I :n:·":/: '*•"-'"' . ti~!t\*1~ 118 CHYOl'S Very lest luy •Outsl&ndlno Broadmoor •4 Bdrms & Fam Am •Beaut Pool & Spa •Elec1ron1c Sec Sys1em •New Cpts & Oropes •New Mllrt>le Enlry Floor ONLY $815,000 144-4110 FORECLOSED HOMES Owned by the Bank Excellent Locations - Lo down payments 714/162-4460 C111tury 21 Emery Ask for Rande Johnson SELLElll HYE llllMT LOOK For our new regular COLE'S weekly feature d' PUCE BOAT SHOW- 4 Bdrm. The Ranch, neat street, well melntalned Owner moved, will llnan· ce Wllh 20•1, dn $199. 000 Beau111u1 Camelot home CASE One of the most popular U NIC)UI: 11VMI: models Greenbrook has Every Saturday In the This lovely home has nad Deily Pilot Claasllleds lender loving care and Is I~~~~~~~~~~ In mint. move·ln condl· A 1 w a y s a s a I e I n lion Maleatlc cathedral classllled-read the tds ceilings In living and di-every day. 6"2-5676 Realtors. 675-6000 Turn to today's crassllled lor the beSI buys 6<12-5678 ntng rooms. Formal di-----' nlng ol course. Huge hlde-1way master suite. Separate chlldrens wing, space age kitchen As- sume a low Interest VA I WHTCLlff One bedroom condo Aut1u1 patio overlooklnp sparkllng pool Two year old kitchen Freshly re· turblthed Interior. Car· port. $95,000. 111-noo TllE MOllE OF llllS. CLEAi Almost 2,000 sq It ol squeaky clean. clean 11- vlng In this Mesa del Mar creampulf B ig , b ig rooms. all on one level. 4 Bdrm, ltrge rear yard with lrull lreea end a covered p11lo. Must aell m ta weekend. 546-2313 OUFfUYU Yt YI· TtlUI Le11e option or trade down ror unlll 0< 1maller home VIEW With 2 bdrm1 units on leroe lot Plens tor home plu1 ou111 houee and pool Included In the price Submit. $399,500. Drive by 2001 King• Roed. N-port B .. ch - WAll IOHll:-11 llOMI., Inc:. REAL ESTATE 6JI 14(1\ l FOR CLASS ADS CALL 8 4 2 - 5 8 7 8 *DOYER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells aesigned home was bu~lt with executive e ntertaining 1n mind. Quality throughout lrom th<.' solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of t he numerous features are: Sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean, pool & spa w / outside bar. 3 car garage, complete security system and of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence. $1 ,500.000 FEE llWPOllT IUCI lff1CE 2110 ... lllpel lrh• (114) lH-lHl {114) 112-llll llWNllT IEllm 14H,IH 5 plex prime comer location. 2 BR units with fireplaces. Vacancy factor for this area is almost non-existent. Close to beaches, schools & shopping. Call for rents & expenses. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 Excelent Marketin1 Plan Prenium Product Kealth Oriented Call 494-4044 ) Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom, dark rm, den. Boat s lip. Now $1,000,000 llYSllE PUCE Spectacular bay{ront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces Reduct.>d $1 ,500,000 COROIADO Cl YS Coronado IJlland cust. bayfrcmt lc11 115' boat dock Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/tem lS ILUFFS COIDO Single swry end urut, expanded 3 br. 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy~1de 0 11v€:' N B b7~ b lbl OWIEll AHIOISI 2 story 5 bdrm, 3 bath home wl1h covered pallo and microwave oven Fte•ll>le terms• Owner assisted lmanclng Only S 125,000 Call 979-5370 today .\'{ : .. J l / 1lf.· 11 q[At '' !\ 1~wE.STMfNl '-. FtRECLIHRE II llHA YEllH CISTOll Testelully deeorated. Im- maculate 111-level home E•lfa lrg poo•. spa RV access 3 car garage Walk to country club b cell assumable llnan· c1ng available Full pnoe $395,000 7f> 1·3191 LOVELY HllE lH 1100111 A lurnlshed yellow home with 3 bdrma, 3 baths and a one bdrm rental unit over a 2-cor garage Easily summer/winter rental $375,000 1st TO assumable at 12•1. Must sae al 215 S apphira $495,000 --------SI DO Kii Ill. S20.000 dwn IOI a 25% 1n1ereat In properly w/tax sheller benellls Owner occupied 01 tnvellor's pos111on avall Call Rich owner/agl, 964-6171 NOME Fiil l&Lf 3 bdrm, 2 ba. eepara1e dining, covered patio Ponderol8 St (Harbor and Boker) $135.000 963-0363 $5000 MOVES VOU IN Wiii gamble with.you on Interest rate llucluallon & move you In w/$5000 cash New lu11urlous A/C, 1650 sq It, (not counting double garage w/electr opener), 2 & 3/3 Ba condos NeJCt to all s hopping & lheeters 631·5055 or 642-2000 VA REPOSSESSION <lbr. 3ba. pool, '6000 dn. S 136,000 AQI $<16· 7739. E T PHONE HOMEt Your Telephone Number IS 846· 77 1 1 or 963-4858 Out ol this world 3 Br 2-sly Condo & Pool! Super Sharpl Jusl $93. 500 Dial Nowl TRINITY PROPERTIES * 12 ~% ,, •••• IU* 38r 28• College Pm lllllLIHPTllT1 Excellenl Terms $134, 900 Owner/Agenl 979-1906 Monticello Townhouse Famlly neighborhood wllh very large back yard Great tor small la- m 11 y or builder who wants to &•pend this 3 bdrm. 2 bath home In Costa Mesa Drive by 2048 Paloma and call tor details IAHllE COYE \~•\II l<l lhl"'I 1•.-,BA . W /O. dshwshr, llt lMI " hoc • d - S79.999 by owner 2BA COHO WITll VIEW REAL ~S1ATE garb tsp, alee garage. Beautllul ·•ecorator co-I comm pool. ordlnaled e•ecutlve h .ll t. " 6"1-94B6 home (retreat) Wiii\ won·l~~~~~~~~~~I Lease option's. Clote to derlul view ol tiay, boats ltllHI foreclOSYre. 3bd 2ba 98K and night lights Sold Pt•illlal• lf/OZ no 2nd Agenl Suaan complelety furnished this •• ••• ••••••••••••• •••. _9_6"_·_7_2_<19 _____ _ 2 bdrm home wi den & • OCEANFRONT • IE II ·-· dining rm Is perfect lor •OOt<·besl buy on oeechl II II •-Iha dlKrtmtnatlng This By Ownllf &40-79QO Goll course view M usi WATERFRONT commu-sell $185,000 with 10% nlly o llers boa1 slip Ctr••• '''/II., 1022 down. (avallat>le ) and pool ...................... MULLAN REALTY $<187 .500 S•lt•lt y.., Otter s•o-2960 u k for Lon Home+Gues1+1ncome OWC Isl · Fi.~ Terms 509 Aca<:ll COM nr bell Spotless Vacant Duple• Huge 5brl3be+3br/3ba 440K ownl bllr 6"5· 70<18 - \~.\I I HI l<tl'I 11!1"'1 ' In<. REAL ES1A1E 6 II 14 ••••• 2100 ~.ft. ttfiOI • 1200 S •• fl, la let 1201120 MAHOR VIEW $210,000 Seusalno Lusk home on ree ld'nd 3 Br 2 Ba llv & d in rm lg ram rm. all an'ten11tes. tg tree 101 By O w n er $299 500 640-7007 ll•J loC1rlll1, llltr. 141·1121 TRADE cm· SHIH Eas1slde. single story lownhome In park·llke setting Pool, clubhouse. putting green and laroe snade trees enhance this fresh 2 Bdrm 2 bath nome wllh llreplace S135.000 your boring Income pro- perly or outgrown resl· dence wllh large eQulty for this neal rustic and roomy 4 Bdrm 3'1'tba home with 180 deg ocean view In walk 10 beach Corona del Mar location $49f>.OOO lee 144-1211 142-&200 PETE BARRETI .. REALTY ~ Reio the ctuslfied ade tor the best detls In 1pan- men1 rentels 6<12-5678 ~ :7;~~~', ~;::: ~ ~ r ,..., 1 "' ... "' .,(' , •f'Od .. ~ ·-·~,··· ' .,. t "'.,.. • .,Jim.I -.. t•tlt" ~" ·~· '""-· ,.., .. , Uk"' ,. • ·-0., •. ., ... ..... .... ..... •Oet It 0,,. . , . ..,. ., ..... .... ....... •• •VoW 11 ...... 1 ....... ltlrlil•H••• .-,o-i.~·'• ,~ ,,.. 1+ tJ•• ,,, ...... . , ... , ... "'' ... . J1W" ,._ l'tl..-1111•t •····· u... .. ,, .. , '"· ... ,, .. , ........ .. . ...._... )'\........ ..-.. . ... ,, .... 'Wllf;• .. "'~· ..al.I·•• t• •I• ... .,~-..,. ,,, . fl\"h ... ~ ..... . .. ·• ., ... ••CJi···· ~·· . .. ,4 ...... ~ ""''•'' ,.,,.,Ii" •lf ... 19111••·•• '",.···· '" "''" ............ .,u., "O' ...... ' .. •""'"•" '11 • .-., " .. " "' '~ ... ...... " .. ''"• ........... ,.. ~ .... ,,, ..ti .. ... II "'9~' ., .. .. '" -... ~, ..... ... •'"' ... .. ... ! • ....... • .. J:'' ( '''""4' w:.-:· ~\\.~lA-&~~s· -------~Q.<>T I..-.--....... ~ .... .,..,..,.,.._ ... --·""'" ..... ~_. t GfGLIW I I r r I I I p L E " t I 1' ' I I I r _ -.... I fl FN S 1.J ... _r ....... r ... ·--1-1.--i_" .!.c.-;; ~ ,:,.noOll: '.___..G__.E_G......._R_A..._B~ t ~· _, cton'I -'-'"- '-· _l._l ... ' .... l ... ' ..... l._.I ........ ! $.! ~ ~'~ rrrrrrri I I I I I I I I ...--urs.....,. ............ .. I llUlfMS UYlll 1n thl1 4 bdrm home with lemlly rm, lncd yerd and lots of extras. Ow<l9< will 1.SSISt wlflnancing Onty S135,000 Ctll 979.5370 now . l f : ·I l / 111:. II f.ilf "• 0 ' ' '•I I '•'l .... •'" U .11. llT. PISS. Mesa Verde/4 Bdrm, spe. By Owner Open Sat/Sun 2032 Swan Drive, C.M. MESA VERDE $235,000 Entertain the whole fa- mily w llh 1wlmmlng & BBO Beaull1ul 4 BA home le1ture1, lge sparkling poor & huge custom 1amlly room Take over low Interest IN1n Hurry! 645-0303 COLDWeu BANl(eRO -L~--, .. , ,,,., "" ................•..•.. BUILDER WILL TRADE New 3Br lo 5Br ho,....1 lor you11 1 1 'hV• fixed r tie financing tor 30 yra . Price renga $220 ,000-$280.000 •99-525<1 for Info . f!!'.'!!~{'!J~!{v..!.~~ INVESTORS $5000 down and $200 per mo negallvt c11h flow for • 38A 1ba sgt temlly de111ch9d home. C1ll Rich Ownr/egt. 964-8171 ... ,,.,,. . ~· IHI ······•··••·•··•······ CLlll Tl ICUI N o monty dow n . no qu1llfylno -own your home on our uni que 1htrtd t ppreolatlon fl· nanctng. We have 5 l'tOmM In Hunl . e.cti .. 3 BR 2'Ab•. teoo 10 2 too 1q It. Peymtr\lt run s1200 to s1eoo per mo C ell Geo Brook• et 7141891-55&6 L.Hhtitttrhlt <!% CA!fH of? 38' 1~ be. altrttr horM No quall· lying nee. auper lermt. J 840-~78 o.t\nlt ~ 4'\r~!~~~; 200 1uumeo1• 101na. 1N t t 8Ulllard St. Mir/ Ownr. t42-77 43 ~~ ........... !.~ Brano New Hom•• & Condot. no rnOMY down Wlllle they IH I . 17141 646-9522 Agt. W i Or•nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 27, 1882 ('7 '°~"!t!~~ l~'! ....... ~~!!!~.{~. l~'......... !'.~!!!!.(~'. ~~~· .....•. ,,~,1.1.'!1.,,_,,.11..... . ..................... !'.~!!!!. ¥~.'!!~~,.~~ .. ~~~!!!-'~~.~!!':'. .. !'.~!!!!.¥!!!!~.'!!'!; .. ~l.'?~~1~.'!.rP,~!!~ IA'~''r··:·, , !'!!ffl!.fft!~ ... !.~! .. '!m!!.tm! .. !.'At ~'!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~~ ~t!!.!~~.~~~~ .... !'.~ ~!!ml!!~!!. ... !J.~ f!!!~.~!~t .... .!.~1 ~11.~!t.I.~~~ ... !.~~~ ~.'.'!r.!!.!1~!~ ... !.~!~ ~.'.'!r.!t.•~~!~ .. .!.~!f ·c···~-~!~.!.! ........ . AITHlllll llW LIW PllOl Ptl Ill OUltl (Deauvtlle) 4 DH A I cond1uon w ith view -Pool Spa l'RICED TO SELL NOW Only $619.900 Sub tantlally under market• Must be in escrow by Septcmtwr l:;t SF.E NOW1 Ca ll Tom Alllnson. 644-6200. MA .. H llYIH IULn Ou.To .. IUILT ., •• Tao•• H Ytly 1728 CYte 2 br. Q•r . 2 ,, condo ·~·ba So Cal lMIOpl or .... Or trade 4 .... "•" lull ..... OCEANFRONT°'• 1 4 er .!!!~.!!!!t ..... !.~~1 • • y" prkQ Near w•••1 Pfu ., •• l&il~t mo Ur :lb• Oce1n YU 4 bdrm. 2·~ b• S1300 tty ..... 11 01 m-.nt h L .. lURY oo•DOI lllWPORT NITS P•Ll AORI 678 -'000 lftrell) 982·762 1 Or 9711 1850 e&5·00l7, 044-2 170 Av•ll S•PI 9 D•v• en 71113 v Auumabla 111 l D lllTI TllTIJ Oellgn1lul 3 BR, 2 lh. dya 8Hul 3br eaec; llOme 833 4185 [~ Wknd• 6tACtH HONT RfN 1 Al W" ft It. ltt '1ut $ 1411 000 at 10 0~ & f abulUUI vlewl ,.oom for tOllllge ) 1)11101, lptc, & tnctedlbl• City & OCH n 844 2224 3 108 W OcHnlront ()t 1-rplc eleganl Ftench o we 3 yr• nu, 3 Ur, ,, r1n1Ht I nd 1enn11 firm• gu l/ery nHr b•ylronl •••o. 2 IR •• , •l•w s 14 00/mo 2807 lg 481 lllP• 10 l>HCh 1113 1613 W1n1or or w1r1dow1 AC In nom1 Bo UP'Ojradttl.I Olk C®n 1111 ijO Ow nar I (I k r Yrly $1125 Avt11 101?0 WMlk·ln kllChen IOI Mom I All• Llguna 494 '200 Newport Shorot ccirrun yeoltl) I br or 2 bl H CUt1 ty 2{lr 20a llr try kllch11n, form1I din, /3 I 4444 or 13 I 5 t l !i (;nll wknda, 615Qe14 G•rogtt for Poµ1I Vlld & !IBR l'~bl, ) C•I g•r POolllennll y rly, lamlly 181 & alUCllOI ~~,~~!~ ~7;11/ri~~~ .. !~ Oat o/ C.u•ll Baylrom home •veil now ~;i111:;!,w~,~~1 ~;~ ·11~~ro deck. oc view. quiet ~~:J5 mo 645-3370 •II Lg~.~~ 1~ ~'111:, "r~un"'~, ~?;, ~ .,j!~o~~d;~~.~·:v: ugt 63l·l21l6 •••'•'•"N.t.IY••••••••'•S•S•O• 11300/mO •umrn11 or ,.. Cloon 1900/mo 497 8488 unlurtl Yrly Oayt. Cl•lb wflennll COUtll ~-.,. Winier yHrlyl 3 Br 2 ea 3 on 2 B• h0m11, Skyllnt s •• ,, A•• 3ZIO 6 1 3 I 8 8 II ( 2 I J) gym. PUQIS l•cuu lt . TRADE Al10 Interior hom11 3 Br 2 ANOTHER nouH EHi•• Or , view, gar 1950 Ma •• •••• ••••••• ••. •• •••• 585-0tn I 1aunt1a, tJoaulllully doco SAN LUIS OllSPO Bo S9001mo By Ownr der for $400 Crpld, bl rlon Miln• Rael Elllla Lge 4 br, 1'1t l>a. din rm, rdteo (;ltJll H & much 760-1977 1111•. E·Z term• Kl<Ja1 4g4 8658 n•wly 111mo<1 . t>lg yatd, Ouµl11~ 2 & " Bdrm •v•ll mo1e From 1•50 mo SllOPPIH DHTllS OOUNTY I /"~ C1ll BHl. 1m lee, u11rd11ner $750 2Br winter s95o yrly lnc.11 rno'I u lll 100 fart01fdentlt1loi ltlOOlllll ~111 ~ NO Smog, N O ·-· •8308190• £1••••1111,111/ 3J$1 8341647dys/546624!1 $SSO 4 Bi wtnlllr l lJOO. 5493421 3641 BearSt properly In Calif . Atl f1alf1c., Unc1owde<I BH· P••i•11l• JZ01 C M . fl I • •• ,....... ........... yrly $1200 Acroas from (b1"'n S1Jn llower 6 ione or H1.1well 11% ff ~ ••••• • • ••• • •••• •• •••• • 011 a ••• • 11e1 ~ Niguel Shortt• pvt comm oc.eon fl304 Soathort. ne11e1ng +coah flow E~ Cllfll A Us 5 INVESl In Ptrl Po1n1, 4 bt 2 ba, 2 bdrm hH. newer car. 4 br & 111mlly, 2 b•, Co•4oalal•a1 851·8070 McArthur> /mH 1044 ·---------I cellllrll Or ange Co loc your larnlly'a luturll frplCI. pt1l l01, no g&r pate, l'/t balhl, warm 11rrturn. 3 car gar P111 Uof•t•/li•4 3425 I br condo. beaul furn, Avallablo nowt 1 Br car •••••••••••••••••••••• ILIFFI •••iail Full price $800.000 und INVEST S1100/mo 875-5030 fr pie lovely kitchen, b11acl1 & r11c; c enter •••••••••••••••••••••• port, pool & laundry No ..,. ., 33 Mlfllon Agt In SLO OounfJI ---uou11111 gar11ge. lenced S12501mo 759.1465 Lux 2Br 2Ba,SC P1az1 ~ec guard pool. •Pa. pets $425tmo 931 w Tll UHi OllH You own 1118 land 2.000 Coto.• 411 11'1 JZZZ yard $ 7 0 0 ·a Bea I -Vu. AC. pool. avail 9· I '° u n 11 e u r c 18 0 1 m 19th s 1 548-0492 1q 11. 391, tam rm. 2•., LUSE/OPTIO• •••••••••••••••••••••• 539-6190 lee Condo 38r. dttn. wet bar $575 mo No pets, Shot· $950/mu 875-9400 ----All•MAIU Ba, wide Greenbell. near IOYE• SMl"ES PLAZA Spill 111•111 2 Br·dan. be8· ------frplc, pool, 1at/ 1Htlat>G 'Y or Donna 979·2390 2•3 Bo m lmer rental• 2 bdrm, 1•-. ba, 2 lloty flWOIH " med celllng. $795/mo 3 BR. 2''> BA, condo. din. $750 mo 495·8146 dy• 0 ' w $515 S5W Mo A!ao bachelor ~:~.c:;;; ~:f~a~:'~~~ 3 Br 2b•. pool, REAL ESTATE 707"• Acacl• 840-6188 P•liO. dbl oar Oll·lna, on Newporl Penin $360 ttlO Call alter 5 30 ~~~~·~,:. 1w:1~~mo!:no~ lion Bkr 84<t·6368 Ptoya RE 673· 1900 J1tn Galkin Large 5 Bd Home w5}5~faoo.cs~:.~29:700 !'.{•!!!! •• ~{•j! ••.• !.~~? G~~d~: ~~~.~~g~~sf5~~ up Ag•R675·,1642 ... & 3 9P5M7 "7~08 6 4 L • s •''a r1led ln e1rthtonesw1111 ~~~~~~~~~!I S••Cl••••I• 1016 44 1 MlranS1t"I CoronadelMlr HOMEFOARENT $100 aep No PBIS Winter enta 1 Pen•n· c.~ aliullers lhruout Many llEllOfllll •••••••••••••••••••••• Sen Luis Obispo Ce 7 ·8708. 875·2144 2Br 1811. garage nice 3 Bdrm & 4 Bdtm $695 Creio. 545.1370. 00 bdrms Newport Esiate 2 B• 1 , Ba frplc. p001 extras Anum• current HPH TO SMELTH 93401 OCUJ VIEW yard. wahrldryr hook·up, to $775 Fenced ya•d• & Sula Playe Real spa attached garage No financing and owne1 wlll SEA VIEW • E1egan1 & FOR llYESTOllll (80SJ 54 I 4831 no pets $550 mo 2208 g11111ges Kida & pets Orangetrtte condo. S500 673· 1900 p 8 1 s Av a 11 n 0 w consider carrying 2nd c harming H•mp t on San Clemente pride 01 Harbor l/lew Hiiis 4 br. O Placenua 545·7983 welcome 545·2000 t B1 & loll 1ennls pool, A--S6251mo 631 ·4984 TO Asking $I t8,900 model. fabulous views. ownershl", modern Sna. R W Fraser 2'• ba family rm, bonus "ZZ~ Agent. no fee_____ alream NO pets Av1111 '"'•••II call 540· 1151 decor· ap11, pv1 comm " .. 8 100 El Camino Real rm. gardener. $1700 mo D••I Poi at o1 v 9/ 1 553-114 I U•l11•i1iH 3 br 2 l>a deluxe condo i~~~tc, •e~~'!n'~~~:! ~~~~5!iii~ :Ce':n~~1~:~ Ata~g~~~6~;6~~422 Call 840•6204 2·0;·~~;·0;·~·;~·d~· ~!.'!r.!!.~!f!~ ... !.~~~ 3 b• 2 bQ oelu•e condo 6,.ji;;·j,j;~·;-··3;;,1 ~~Ro ~at0ne~~i1c4Pr:: ~HERITAGE REALTORS WIFltllT WllH 5 Br/3 Ba. sgl tam det dream tiome Pool. fac . lake ¥lows, Ft doors In Mbr lo view balcony & many oilier emenllles Asking $410,000 Ownr/ Ag1 relocating. 842-0 162 or 551-6829 for details on assum. flnan, WOOllllllH Here's the steal you·ve t>een looking for Lowest priced Avalon on corner Io I , A C , upgreded/lmmac .. mo· vlng to Europe, rnua1 sell nowt Assumable flnan· clng of $118,000 A steal at $133.900 By owner 857·2045 sa1/Sun 12-5 1903 goll course view Close 1 __________ 12 or 2 1:>8, frplc, pa110s S6901mo Garage apa, QC-RENTALS Lrg patro. pool & spa •••••••••••••••••••••• $665 mo 2l3·96'1 2686 Yacht Colina 644· 10 17 l o everything only 3 Yrly $690/mo Aval I Ip I c I m I I o b ch I 5b1·s $200 to $2000 child o k near SC Plaza Yrly $775 Oe•uire 2 br years old & shows like R1aci11, F11a1, Sept I 675-7716 497 6455 750·3314 open 7·d11ys $665 mo 213·964·2686 gar prkg Near water E~~e~~rr ~:~~~'.e::/:1~. ~~~YNr'b~r":er 2 c~~:~ ••• ~~~~!! •....... ~!.~ 2 o~;/o~r~g;e~s2 ;~~r:,s ~!.f!!! .......... !.~~~ Etv~TiBNLo~Fs 1 ~o':,r,m~ba 1~7c .' :1F ~e~~ c;~:~· 2 6~~-4:i°°-Ba_<_Bn_r:•:;;,,, yrty dows, hrdwood floors. 3 city & ocean view apt If OOU•TllY Cave. Agt 551·0875 HOME FOR RENT 640·9019.831·0836 Uttl's 1nc:I Sec Gls, Jndry lecll, Cleek, $600 applicable & rerll the •(al ESTATE 4 Br $750 Fenced yard, $ 40 96 2 98 675 0349 lrptc·s. very lge lot OWC other 3 apar1men1s lor " • OCEAM VIEW Kid & 1 Leaso or lease option lar " · 4• 1 • toral, 5% dwn. xlnl loea· Income Seller will help 840 t llh Slre\ll " garage 5 pel9 we· B I /L-tlon $179.900 Fee land flnanc~ & SAVE buyer Paso Robles 93446 "Old" Harbor View Sec· com1e 545·2000, agent, ge 4 Br canal front, 3 r, dt>I gar. frpl. crpt. • -• v no ee yearly, avail 9· I. commly drapes. no pe1s $600 p J I "101 By Owner 631-2134 thousanos or dollars! lion, 3 br, 2 ba, patio, ------pools & tennis, walk to mo 546-3630 •• 8111 ' o1 laJfrtlf Lhilt ltlt REDUCED selling price Is :~u~~':i~ey~~d 9~,~~ Ir~ ~~g:, l,~~.' L~~~~Ye~o~e~j HaalillflH beach. $1300/mo lemlly 1 bdrm, luxury condo Enc 2•bd;~:·2·b~· ~~~'e·r • d~;.· Easts1de bright & cheery I Br I Ba natural wooo ce11rngs & cabinets $420 851-9522 3 Br 2 Ba hplc yard. gareoe $700/mo 1 Br 1 Ba pauo. garage S42!>1mo Bro k er 642·0851 552·3388 •••• With •••.. way BELOW current rti $l400lmo 760•0883 '"'' 3240 845·3370 aft 5 wkdys. Fl 1 p 1 yrly Mature non-smkrs a PI ac e men I cos I 11 1 rlgatton 2 houses Ba· garage rep ace oo . no pelf>. $750 x 3 llEI& YER DE Choice roe. Xlnt fin. Prln Prtnclpa ls ONLYlll Cell lance 01 ground ready tor ,.011, ... ,, 3ZZ"'" ••••°()c:AENT~Ls••••• Newport Shores 3 Br 211t spa, mlcro·wave oven, 2131799 4195 2~7 9792 only0wn673-7946. ownerat(714) plontlng $700,000 ~~ •••• ~'•••••••••••••! 1•5br's $200 10 s2000 Ba.2blocks lobeach, dishwasher Tll11 kflch • · .,. 2BR l'~ba.pvl patJo,no T I I S h Of & I Is and bath Walk In lo or (714) 673·3986 pets $525 1552 Elm 642-0138 erms LEASE W/OPTION 750-3314 open 7·days c ose o c o enn c • 20'X. ltltw llarhtl TO PURCHASE --962·6683 se1s Secluded polio fa· $400 1 br ullls pd, 4 ITT 646·3627 ____ _ Urgenl sale Condo 2 ---------100 acres White grapes Wall and 988 whet lnte-NR BCH, 2br wllg patio. _W_e_s_tc-11-11-3-B-r _d_e_n_.-0-11-1c-e, cll)g running sl ream Bay Balboa No pe1s Specious 2 Slory 2BR 1'• bdrms, 2'1t ba. Xlnt toe S•• J••a 1n s1•lh lease Full lrosr rost doesllll Option 81 cozy kllch. kid Ok, $450 2,,. Ba. 2 car gar, garde· $526 /.er mo. 642-7404 547· 1155 BA. pool. pvl pallo car· $110.000 $12,000 On C••ill1'80 1011 protection sysl11m, sta today'sprlcetopurctiase OC·AENTALS 750.3314 ner, no pets $995 _o_r_9_7_·_02_8_9 _____ Sml 28 1b11 gar apt Bay port, chlldren OK. no Payments S947 50 Call ••••~•••••••••••••••• ked & wired S 14·000 pllr lor full year Gorgeous 2 2 Br condo, classy decor, 1·637· 1458 or 548·5026 Santa Ana area Warner/ vu gar sp w 10 $600 w PETS $475/mo 2310 owner 714·661-4818 $600 mo payment for acre Terms available & 3 e 3 B I A/C I · · · · s 1 A A 6-45 3017 2Br. 28a condo 9, •%VA Coll Kiin Marks 81 r, a, a r, • frplc, close to beach H b Rid & F.111rv111w 3 Br 1''> BA 2 979.5371 h 673-8276 an a no ve • 5 Br llght, brlle, secluded 1550 sq ft new condos If $595/mo Mike Crow. ar or ge. mountain story. nr SC Plaza. AIC. or 213-375-8107 2 level ESlate size tot. loan. aslltng s9 4.5oo (101) 231-1103 1st year Is compleled Agl 642· 1423. 645·3176 ocean view, 3 Br 3 Ba crpl drapes, pool Jacz C •• o.1.o.•.• •• 4.t.J •• /11 •• •.1, •• 3.l.Z.Z. s3951mo -1-B-r_l_B_a_e_n. 66 1 ..J3BO aulom&llc qualillcallon Is ---------b 11 a u I 1 f u fl Y d 0 n 8 · patio. dbl gar wlopener. stiopbplng, schools all ,. "'--IOIO Insur-" (CHANCE OF • TOTALLY cuslom hOuse• $2400/mo Avail now non-smkr, no nets ,700 BAY V•ew. walk 10 l>Ch lg olsd garage lndry rm near Y Owner must sell ~••I• IUll SAi JIAI ""' "' 3 & d h I kll B O 760 977 ,.. newer, 2 bd, gar. no pat101 yard small na1 Ok URGEST LIFETIME) 631 5055 nuge en c e s Y wner •1 mo 714-534-7029 ""' & will finance What a ••9•••9••••••••c •.... CAPISTRA•O 6 2 2000 . • Formal din. plush decor CHARM Expanded 5 Br pe1s. $800 644· 126 avail Sept MODEL deall Agan• 646· 1044 2 El~; :·g'[g ~oJ·, ~~~~I 5 5 beaulllul acres se· _4_·--------1 stone frpl, finest area HVH J ,. 11 31Z4 TSL Mgm1 642· 1603 Pr Ic e red u c I Ion . • • · QC-RENTALS 151 g dep & you re rn 3 car gorage a-for•I081tl "Olll ... , $249,0001 make offer 662·2411 eluded ye• only mlnules 1•51>rs $200 10 $2000 $500 Aenlals R Us cuul. loaded wlfr11nch f.,•ilitd JSZS •••••••••••••••••••••• $550/mo 2 Br '~Ba ~".:::•:r.4 lbdll rr,:;,1s. 2~,,og:· ,_L_H-=. :fal;;;so;;;;;;m;;;a;;;y;le;;;;;;ase;::::--f•lll.. 1_0 l rom town Sweeping 750_331• open 7.days 537•8970 w indows. sk yllghlS •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 IR. 2 llt J '"· Townhouse balcony In· "~ 11111ev view Horses OK ----------• $1600/mo 640·2523. R h s J 1 Newly decor Gas pd, dry rm. car pon. all bit· formal din rm plus a •••• i.ii£W.coiiios··•· Crea11ve owner 11nan· RENT TO OWN· New 2Br Siii •OYES YA 833•2237 ~~~etoTo..:'nnnou~~~ ~: encl gar, dwshr pool. ins Ava11 Sept re·decorated kllchen 2 Bdrm. 2 '"'-ba. l ow r.ing $695.000 2'\ba. condo Call Rich Well-kept 4 rm plo + For lease or iease option. vme 2 bd plus den. one bbg Adulis, no P81S TSL Mgml 642·1603 (NEW: Ille, paint, paper) ., Owner/Ag! 964-6171 Loaded w ith storage down 10"'•"'• flnan aveil 67J-4400 garage Be s t Rily $1500/mo 5 er .. large 1he nicest rn the deve· 642·5073 $325. u1rhlles rncl Sm 1 space Localed on 8 Call Rich Ownerl Agl 3 Br, 2 be on 'n acre w/3 539-6190 tee yard. schools. shopping lopmenl $825/mo bO 1662 Newport Blvd maior greenbefl $199 96-4-6171 HARBOR cat gar plus guest liou· 3 + 2, SUI nearby Agent 646·1044 728·2148 CM 631·7392 900 se See 2530 Santa Ana Di~J6Jt6I n Cl 2 bd 1 8 /d ' 00 NOT DISTURB TE· Just rlghl for family, all Bluffs 3 bdrm, 2 ba good ,.. .. llfeStiBr11U ean enc II r w 601 LIDO Oti•1 lt1l l 1t1lt NAN TS $975 mo maior appliances. nice, locsllon, greenbelt. at•i•i•' J600 hookup. pallo. 2 people. 81.h FLOOk •••••• ••••• •• • •• • • • ••• 85 l -6226 plex. Bes1 Riiy 539·6190 some v I e w $ 1 150 • • •••• • •••• • •• • • • •••• • APAITllEITS $4 75 642-0461 10 hr11ereo• Rl411 Custom Alherton model, super l11ndscaplng. hard· wood floors, French doors. shullera $299. 900. Oy1. 774·7500. Evs/wknda, 997-4927 TURTLE IOCI Lovely 3 8rl2 BA. h<>me plus land. See to appre- ciate J 177.900. owner. 7 t 4-851 ·3933 ~#.~~~.!! ... ~~ ... !.~! Call Emerald Bay Rlty -we'll send you a list of available homes w / amenities In Emerald Bay 494-18'40 4 magnificent Lag units lrplea. palloa, $4 75.000 Rabjohn Powell R/E 497-1751 WllTEWITEI .. .. and night tights views. Thia 3 bdrm wood & glass home located In a quiet neighborhood lea· lurtt several decks & patios for easy ourdoor living Assumable flnan· clng . Seller wlll trade down. $330.000 ..... a..~ '"--Ct-• 17141494-1177 ~l.~'!!.~il.~!! •• !.~~~ YILLE IE CERISE BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES by Howard Mark Co from $159,000 495-3244 760-0297 Waterfront Condo lldile Hoa11 tee 644·8368 3 BA. 2 Ba. Bal Pen. un· Beautifully landscaped RE OE CORA lEO 2br 1 ADULTS ONLY .!!!.!.'}! ........ !.~~ A D1 v1:-.1on or IHEL llUll llOllE N_e_w_po_r-1-0-.. e-5-1-2-B-r_d_u_p_le-x ,•ur1n0. 5ia0cz. onc0eanp evl1ews. garden apta Pool & Spa ba duplex wl sngl ge-s I V llarhor Investment Co Oeoorator perfect, spa· 2 br. w/gar • stove Ctilld di Covered parkln9 No rage $530 559.5001 p«UM.'U ar ll'W SPARTAN 30 classic. clous 2 bdrm, 2.,.,ba. new & small pe1 OK $650 mo conoo Attach gar. n1ng 213.737.7272 days. pets _.::.....·------- $789,:100 grea1 for retiree or sh.1· j~~~~~~~~~~ Cape Cod. Pool. Jae. rec _53_6_·_79_7_9______ area, pool, tennis, clbh· ---------Bacti s410 10 S•15 3 Br 2 Ba. blHns, 1st & Wm. Cow Broker dent Mini benefits All se, 17 Wild Goose Tr· A I 6 11 F 'iL -~ 1 Br s465 10 s470 deposn $650 631·3537 5pm 2 13·793-5380 or R•ol•l• area. pvt pallo, balcony, Ha•li•1loa conder""a to Intrepid 10 t••t •-.• 11181 •ni I II & I -• • ,-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2250 Vanguard 714·960·3979 •••••••••• •••••••••••• w ne ce ar ge garage H•tH•I 3Z4Z w 11 d goos e $ 8 5 O . I JL-6 Duple~. 2 br. 1 ba. crpts 1----------H, F • iH 011corator wall paper• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2131691·7537 • -• 540-9626 or 42·4905 <!rps, gar . patio, clean 2 new mobile nom115 + 2 •• ".'!!!! •• '!!~!!........ draperies and more Seldom available Wee· ---------Peaia1al• 3101 Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba $425 Nr schls No pets. $525 irlnt buys on resale. l•IHI /d•a' 1106 SI 0 5 0 I mo C a I I therly Bay Townhouse 3 BR 2 Ba spill level. NB •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br l ''t Ba s 4 75 548·7234 space ren1S185 •••••••••••••••••••••• 548·2239. 1030 to 5.30 Boatsllp.5 bdrm.3ba.2 condo 3 garages.pools Lrg.yrly.half blk lobch I Laundry fee, pool ---------Park Lido Adult Condo 3 646-8612 Cell us for YEARLY or pm car iennls pool, 811 Close 10 Ho ag Hosp br. gar. $825 1 rm & ba 548.9556 12•7PM Nr 18th/Pomona, 1 Br 1 Br pool, near hoepflel, WINTER 1 A 1 I 1 S7851mo Skr 646-7332 $325. tndry. 1st. las1. pl Ba. upstairs. OIW. car- beach $1•5.000 Owne Live 1n Newporl Bear h for renta 1 eg r MESA VEROE-38r. 2Ba. appliances amen lies d 1 .. lld ~ ~ p rtl 675 4000 s 1 4 7 5 A 1 •OYE II IOW dep no pets 673-9327 Fireplace. pool. dish· pon , waler P , c .. will help. Agent 646-1044 $19,000 2 bdrm. l be In rope es . $800 mo ISi +!MIC dep mo g Wllllra washer pVl patio X LG OK. no pets $450 Agt .. Prt¥ate comm l/ery Clean 3 BR 2 Be, lplc Gard Incl Aval! 9-15 _8_3_7_·_06_66 ______ Luicury Nowpo<I Te<tace 5 " Garden 2 Br $560 no fee 545-2000 UllEIT 1111 COllO c I ea n M us I s ee I patio gar. winter $800 _75_1_-3_&4_2 ______ 1 lm•e 3144 Condo 2 br Ex111s Spectacular Bay VI-2 557-2841 Spacious 2 Br 2 Ba. nu IN VERSAILLES/NEW 675-2742 mo 675·3683 E'side 3 Br 2ba. lam rm. •• •••••••••••••••••••• Ou1e11 Only $695 mo l>drm. 2 bl $950 per mo ----------1 Security pool Reduced LEASES!! 837-2686 Avall Aug 30 cpts. drapes. good El I b9c II .. ". PTIHllY JJSO •IiH living rm, sep dining rm 673-0433 ..... ~ side location $475 Soo pr c;e •use no rea Y .......... ~••'-••••••• • I ., O Drive t>y 2567 Elden 3 Bdrm detached homes Oceanside 3 rm w/PoQI, lg ~'-1 ~ Mgr. 147 E 18th St. no reesl S120K 63l·29l8 O~pl~~ o~e~e s~~!~ti!: •• !.!'!~!!'.f ••... ;'.t? S900, 642-2191 In excallenl area Avella· patio. blHns. $460 CtrH• 4•11111 11Z2 FAMILY AnS 4 3 Br 2 Ba, lam rm. pool, In nd 1 Y3 rbr 2 ba Oc:eanfron• winier rental 2 Br 2ba condo Cape I> I e I mm ad I 11 a I Y OC·RENTALS 750·3314 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------many emenllles $178, a ou . 2 br. Iba. compl rafur-Serles Excluslve E'slde $800/moon 1 yearleue Ocean view. beautlfully Beaulllul garden apts Lg 1Br. new cp1s. drps. 000 Owner 548-8665 upstairs 2 br . 1 ba blshed Garage washer/ p 1 1 1 d . vt Five 011ie,, 10 choose TIE IL•FFS furn townhouse. frplc, PalloSldecks Heal paid relrlg stove. 1 quiet downstairs Min 10% • oo pro n SCP g, p t om We' e , .. _ ones to Snee • br. 3 t>a. 2200 pool & patio S8951mo No pets 2 children wel· person only Nr Ralph's II •tin HWI down owe balance al d r Yer U 111 P 8 1 d Pa I I 0 · 2 car g 8 r · r ' '"' .. 11 ~, .. L 1 673 '"'96 come Mkt, 17111 St All utll pd BY OWNER 13.9% for 5 yrs Orea I for 997 ·3970. 6 10 5 S800/mo 642-2137 or call for leases sq wn .. ome ove Y -vv 2 Br 2 Ba $565 $425 mo 642.0538 $ 494 4791 (Uj)w .... 11.. decor, poolside Hlllng -B--,-.--,------1 398 W Wiison WATERFRONT OPLX 0su0m0 mer rentals.A 735, Huge 2 8RS.50001n1Rng rm •--·--------• '"''"'"ridge AAgv1a1~·o9.151560s 1300 mo •:_,'•,{ 00 37~0 631_5583 or ,,.2•4905 2SBmr81g1acr~1e1dnoakpt~~o40pem10s PVT BOAT DOCK Armitage ealtv pallo. gar enate. Very nice 3 Br. 2 ea fa· .,.. ._ • 7 .,... ,. _ Tai\e over greal loan, will 714-544-2484 548-5133 646-7171 mlly rm, Mesa del Mer, Realltj ----------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• $325 • Bachelor apt 333 545.9950 c arry over S200.000 Older Ovpru near 45111 sl HLIOA gardener. $950 Sierra 551 3000 IEWPIRT IEllllTS ESTATE LIYlll E 2 1st c M Apt B·O -------- w/NO mon1hlw paymenll NB 3 2 b 1 Mgml Co 641-1324 2 l>drm, 1 bllh. Private Beautiful park-like sur· 54c.6589. 645-8 103 Lge 3 br, 2 bll crpt, drps. ' br, 8 upsla rs Ocean Front duplea, 3 19~Rarranu Pk•.,,ln rn,. " OC $585 000 675-0652 2 b 1, b 0 645·9095 r oundlngs Terraced carport Nr C. No · '· > a owns1airs BR 1 2 1 t Elegant 3 Br 2'A Ba. 2 l 2 B VERSAILLES CONDO Wiii 5ell as Is for $700. nr i:i~J>o ~~r 2gtJ::,1~~ story, poo111ennls, fur· llEITALS Eallblutf 4 Sr, $1300 mo pool. Sunken gas bbq, ;~~a~e 01~ 1~ ~~r with pets s55o 751'3696 1br/1ba. so exposure. 000 or will build lo aull Bay & all sllopg. $850 nlshed $1300 Unfurn 1 lo 5 bdrma, arartlng a1 to mo Spilt level, Rusty sparkling fountains $495 · ' u Y rm 2 bd. 1•., ba 1ownhouM. view or oc:ean Subterra-for $875.000 & up (plans m o 9 mos 404 E $1000. S650 to $1200 Guinther. agt 631-1266 Spacious rooms. Sepe-Also lrg 2 Br 1 Ba s490 Gar. Prv Patio. No Pets nean prkg. sec. eniran· & approvals oblalned) Oceanfront 673·566l PROPERTY HOUSE rate dining &fea WaJk.tn A~all 9•1 645•6625 Ou1e1 Imm , $550/mo ces. oulstandlng pool/ Ar m I t a g e R ea I I y L I i 3141 642-3850 642· 1010 LUSE ti llY clo5!ts, 1io1 me llkwe k1~tch· 979· 1658 I b.... Su owne $98 714 544 2484 11••al 61t en .. cab nets. a • to Don't wait only I large 3 ---------~~ o'"':s s u' m s~ndra C · · L ••'•••••••"'•••••••••••• Dix 2Br 1'.1181 Twnhse, IEWPllT Huntington Center Br 1111811 wilt> 2 Ba , pa. I BO, New Carpels. 642•8149 1ael•11 Oii Emerald Bay, pvt beach, 11/tBa. patio, no pets YlllAILUI 1 Bdrm·furn. $505 llo. 1n quiet area. large No Pe1s. $400 Ct•Hll ISOO pools. tennis courts. $535 mo. 545-9646. 2 Bdrm-furn from $605 pool S675 645·3381 or ____ 5_4_8·_1_9_2_9 __ _ Newporl Beach Open ••••"""••••••••••••••• ocean view. 3 Bdrm. 3ba Backbay .• Br 2 Ba. dining Beautiful lg 1 BR condo 2 Bdrm-Townhouse furn 675·5949 2 Br 1 Ba. no pall, 1 sml House Sal. Aug 28th 11 PACIFIC VIEW MEMO · & g u es I h 0 use ~ near the ocean Adult fl. from S675 lid S550 I I lo 5 2031 Vachl Oefen· RIAL PARK, N.B 2 Plots S 1800/mo winter renlal rm, fplc, lrg yard. Nu v 1 ng w Ith • e cur It Y No pets. Ulllflles lrool PINE BLUFF APTS cOhpn 10•1, 28°12m9ov:v.7' der. Broadmoor Sea-Worth $1600 Make ofr or $2200/mo yrly crpts. drapes. painted system. underground LA OUINTA HERMOSA I Br wllh loll. & 2 Br 2 911 1762 Crestmon• 111ew. 3 br, 2'h ba view. Lv msg 979·5380 7141759-0047 Inside & out se5o Inc parking, fabulous pool & 16211 Parkside Ln, 1 blk Ba Child ok , on the gate guarded, decor a· gardener. 675-7034 zi C spa • close II galore I w or Beach. 3 bll\s s Bluffs, pallo, View lrplc, led fennll, ;:>ool. spa o.,11x11/ 2 br 2 ba. view, pvt street, -Lu_x_t_w_n_h_m_:_2_bd_rm-. -2-,,,-I tt5 ~ AMMDl·l.VIME Lease at $550/mo or of Edinger 847-5441 encl gar . gas stove. dis· .... k Ing $ 4 4 5 . 0 0 0 u.11. ,,, S•I• 1100 galed comm Lovely de· be. skyllte cathedral buy al $115,000 Debbie hwasher, spa lndry rm 1 Bd 1 Ba duplex, utll paid S375 mo $625 10 move In Agl, 675-1642 (7 14)644-2167 •••••••••••••••••••••• c.or Non-say 3 Br. view, ceilings. cent air. ler· Woodbridge.on the lake Frail, 644-6200 11 • ..,..,, t.1ti 3161 $600/mo S., ... TO SIELTE· quiet SI . $1200 Emerald Executive 3 bd. 2 'h ba. ····'"················· SPMC v31·6107 Sparllll;'jl clean. 2 t>r. 1''• 11;" " race, atrium, blt·lns, dble •• E 1 • •00 b ~· "' UI 1 ,.. ..,_ ... Oa-H Ftl llYEITt•IU Bay Rlty 494-1840 I H bo I 1'"'eana ! e xtr5ta5 2•.'9~ 5 41m9o, THE --------a, ..., .., I pa"' n.-_, " gar w opener. ar r ~ N-2 Br 2 Be No pets frig 2 small children olc, Most unusual customl· San Clemente pride of Laguna on send, winier, 2 Wilson area $695/mo 551·2193 or 987-8857 Aval! approx Sept lSl no pets led home In a r e a ownership, modern Spa· BR. utll pd., avail 1011 lo 646-4468 $ 4 5 0 7 6 0 ' 4 1 8 or 1960 Wallace, 6-42-4905 lndoor·OUldoor pool wflh nlsh style 4 unll apt 6130 $1500 mo Pvt p1y -LO_A_O_E_0_3_b_r-. 2-b-.-w-/p_a.rt_y·•2Br/dbl gar Good area ''GOOD 548·8675 g 213 795 2937 · $695 Avail Sept 27th 2 Bdrm I Bath upstairs. slldlng glass roof 18' house with ocean·hllls • • patio, bfl·lns, now $500. ·c~ol~l~ec~i0:1~14~1~2j_1~2--009~~7~J~~~~~~~~~~I 2 bdrm 1•., ba Flrepl1ce fireplace garage $495 bor sc:reenlng rm gour-golf course view Cloae Iii •• •." ..... '.'.'-•• • •• c.i. • • .J.l.1.1. OC-AENTALS 750·3314 ..: Oraliwaslier prtv patio month 1>45·3685 met kflthen, play room to e ... erythlng , only 3 '";. 2 Br 2·~ Be garage. frplc. 2 Br 2be hOUN,S~ewpo<t LIFE'' Gar No pels $520 mo wlfull kitchen & balh years old & shows like LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm. lam SHARP 2br, 2ba wljungle commty pool, $750/mo Hll Mo IO mo 00 No 543.5475 Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba. on Good financing $699. NEW• New owner could 1m.4Ba.S1700mo ~:~~o, pooi. kid s Ok Bro ker 842 ·0851 . dogs 642-7404 ---------Eas1s1de near sch0ol1, 950. occupy 3 Bdrm 2 balh S 750 .,G 552·3388 BLUFFS CONDO . 2 Br. 2 YEA"·ROUNO FVN: WHTUll YILL.Alt no pets $450 631-61SS city & ocean view 8'>1 If OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. ,_o_c_-_R_E_N_T_A_L ___ ._.,,.._1_4, _2_b_r-. _2_b_a_C_a_lhed--r-al-cel-.-1 Ba • Greenbelt nr pool Social Activities 1 g 2 Br apts avail • l • II 1 aa applicable & rent the 1 Ba S 7 0 0 mo B 111 NICE lbr wl ulll pd. to ba-Living Am wlfrpl, Olnlng 0 Ir 8 c I 0 r • F r ee pool, spa, In dry rm, no lr&I & -other 3 apartmenra for Grvndy, Rltr. 875·6161 11.ers kltch. now $330 llng llVlng rm Patio, Un· Am . pvt patio . dbl ger Su ll d a Y pets. 1mmed occupanoy patio, carporl, 4-plBK income Seller will help OC·RENTALS 750-3314 !versify Park $795 mo $950 Cell JoCarol (Agl) Brunch•BBO's• 1 Br $440-$450 $435 797 W Wilson. finance & SAVE buyer OCEANFRONT dupl... avell lmmed Wkdy 644·~ Partles•Plus 2 Br $515 842-8843, 995-5813 h d f d 11 I Winier S850 up, S7 50 LANDLORDS/REALTORS 752·5040, eve 497·3042. much more f.,_. It. i 1111 lid R lfy I ousan s o o ara down. 2 Br 2 Ba, lrpl, F I I t I I ,_2_B_R ___ d_l_d_h ___ I 0 RE T Call 101 1pp1 I bdrm. $395, 2 bdrm, 1 •• -.-.~;! •••• ~!. •••••••• 0 9Q REDUCED selling price Is 840 4111 81 ree anon prov • SUPREME 3br, 2bl w/lg r1~!"0blke a ff 18 wd • E C RAE a TI 0 N : TSL Mgmt 645-8122 ba $490 Pool. gar NO way BELOW current re· gar • dell BEST Realty gar, spa, bfl·lns. $575. gar. ,. 1 o Hn " .. TElllllFIO llOIE 6 7 J.. 7300 placemen1 cos ti II Pr Incl· Bach apt . refer •. ullllllH, 539·6194 OC·AENT ALS l S0-3314 $725 yrly Aak lor Biii, T e n n I a • F r e e Nice 2Bdrm 2 b11. Moll pets 642~470 Prof decora1e<1. warm 3 -----...;;...;;...;;.___a pals ONLYl!I C1ll owner on Penln 100· from _63_1_-_12_68______ Lesaons (pro & pro ulfl pd 622 Hamll1on St Have aome1111ng 10 Mil? 8 LR O R FR b'-1~~~~~~~~~~ 11714) E/Slde 3 BR. 1 Ba. lge Turllerock exec 2 tnop)•2 Heall.. S5251mo 548·0477 Clesslfltldedtdo lt-11. k[ich:, .high 'iieim"c•~I-a 842 0138 ~:~:1~1:325+ depoalt yard. No peta. l600 mas1era. den, 2'A be. om LITEl/ICUI YI Ctubs•Seuna• " llnga. frplc. plus a private ---------• 640·7559 Alta 644-9060, 673·8!>89 2 mlller bdrm tullea. Hydromaaaage• lrg manicured yard w/1 3 1----------llPll IUOI Ra no ho San Joaquin dble gar · decka, •pa, all Swtmm17fi•Golf ... 11.,, •• '-"• 3140 Cls r gar ,. real value ., e•LBOA ISL•No !~!~!!l!!r.!!r.!.~ 2BR 2BL!•o•b111GU Palfo LANDLORD NEEDS big Tow nh ouse on goll 1-x_tr_aa_._s_7_9_5._9_84_.-.J_4_6_8_ •DfEIYl~gu Tan,~ u L 375,000 and you own ft ft E-slde C M. Tri-Pie•. eep " ar 1u write off says rent course Splll lavel, 2 br & llY I tOW VIEW .. '" .................•.... theland.Pttrlck Tenore. BAYFRONT me1ered $18,000grosa WI ONoPettWlnter lhls 4BR2V.Bath den.2'h l:>alh,A/C,vlew 3br,2b•lrvlneTerr Al'ARTMENT8; Kennebunkport? S 1 6 8 . O o o S895. 873•7968 cuatom pool house wl $975 754· 7900 days, tiome s t400/mo Incl S 1n g 1 e • • t & 2 bl ly 1-303·887·2887 chefs kll Form11 din, eves & wknds 559-4274 gardener 1819 Bonni• a.drooma•Furnlahed Isn't that the boat . . . RVM~ • ... ., tiug• llvlng room. natural .. 15 1 5 1 & Unlurnlatied•No 20-1. DOWN wlll buy 3 trl· ...... u.1.,.,,... rock frpl dealgner decor Lae·Optlon. 3br 2 b• 0 ° n. " • 4 • P111•Model1 Open that won The America's Cup in ·757 Sll0,000 Fill ''"" plexH 1n Cost• Meaa. •••••••• ••••••••••• •• • thruout view pallo. spa, SFR, Woodbtldge. $875 873-2242 dally 9 to 8. f'V""\ IH0,000 ff• .. Ot4 wllh 12% nsumeble ~!.~'JL •••..... !.~~~ nowl $350 mo +option. 552-8484 2 Ill On ... h•t OILWOO. C:: )1 l'J ~ B rand New Homae a Condos, no mon.y down whll• they IHI (714) 646-9522 Agt. loans & S l500 POtllfva •EITALS R1n1alt R Ua 537·8970 W ..... IHf on Balboa Penln1ula. ..-:.__,.. If )'OU re 11<>1 SUI"! Who (or Whit) ~nnytiunkpert .lM.lo 1111 '83, lhen near brH~ n S 1200 m 963-4759 -was. <>on t reel bid-you rt not ~ even Well 1oc:a1eo. near vear'fy·Wlekfy·Wlnter. 2. E t ide 2 Br 1 8a. fncd TtWllllll 0 1.--.,...&.. 0C Colteoe & SC Plaza 3.4 Bdrme pallo, encl gar-a-. MW Brand n-never oc:cu· • Mr .. , 2~ Ila ._:r::· .. -... •n/h , Kennybunkl>O" IS~ of 14 Oistlnct/lltly llli CllYOI TOWlltOME C()fl)() DIVORCE SALE Mutt Mll--.owntr out of 1111e. 2 bdrm, cathedral celtlng, 2 bath, overloo«lng golf COUl'M, _3, belconlel, jacunl, tannl1, ~t bat, tlntea Q1Ma, nrepfaca, 1011 of mlrror1, 2 car o-reee. tJCotlc landacai>lno. much more. lmmt1CUl•t• condition. ANumable a130,000 mortoage. Aeduo.d to S249,000. Wiit ace.pt can, botit diamond• In tr•dt. Bt-c*er per11dpetloo Invited n1..,..W-41rtn OPEN DAlY 3-5 & 7.9 7S9-90Sl r..-----~~~~---~--~ OSI 5~.600 Owner Wiii JlCOIS REAL n carpet•. drapes, paint pied 2 bedroom. 2 ba111. Family room &44-8053 ...... ,....880. lrvl-dlffff!Ot ~rtmtnt floorplans ii SrNwlnc:I Vll!JOt sell al 10 X g!O.. C1ll No pets. $526/mo A -flrepl~. 2 Cir gtrtge. , ...., tn Hunbng\On 8Mch SNwlnd VIUage IS ~ result 754-0609 (Prln only) PIOP c ur Alto duplex on Excellent 1oc e11on, EASTBLUFF Exec home (at 16th) of totflly pt(')()Nllle4Profes.sl0n.ll plinnrng llYlmll •-• MllAIE .. EIT W lld• $460. 548-5442. acro11 111a atr .. 1 from 3 br 2 b• den, formal (714) 645 1104 The krn<l of attention you ~M .._,_ ..,. • 770-5829 leko -with view Ck>M to dining, 2 frpls garden • ~•--- GIST' •-a Ill 117• --------1 ... I F II ' p • t Io. S I 2 5 0 mo '"'9ff 1e .. '1h . A perltiet ~of Nture Mid lrVlncJ-.,_ • • Spotlus EH tlld• det•t· l nopp ng, u UH O 1700 16 h S nestled In • forest Wllh btbbling brOOks ana quitt 3 ~ unltt, 1254,950 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil rhad 4 Br 2ba Navar Woodbrld~e amenltlH 842.0350 t t. " s t 1 251 J (Do·-1 at 16th) ponds, 'OOled by llfturJI oc.N n bfeetes Add to 4 sharp unit•. E/Slde, rented balora. Owner ep · • rno onn Sharp 4 Br. comm. pool •v• ·$280.000 COM/OCEAN BLVD. In-P8rtlcul1r. 2 kid• ott. noi-_64_5_-_1_03_7 ______ S1t95/rno Have othe<a (71.4) 842-5113 th4ttennlscouru.swlmm1no~•J~1.Z.1an<1 l8 11 nec1 1 credlt>i. ~n "'-'·old 'convenient Joc.ahon ONr shopping ano .. o•un '· io or con· time elegance. 3 BR. IO Sp9e5011/. noc •,,~~.k~2n1g1 ,, ... , IH1i '1fl ~ .. gt'1·2!:•d .. 3l,•2n101r1e . t"""""'ment•nc:l"""•vtnntan1-e111...v.. .......... 1 .. " · family home S 1896 mo. a .,.._ r • ••'•0 •• • • ••• •• • • • • ••• • ""' • "" or " • ".,,.,,, ·~ ll"'' r-,~ .. """'"' 0. Boutke Rltr/5,6·9950 ant. EMERAl..0 BAY. 3 Br. 2 proudly"" home (Evttl KennyDun~""rtl) ..,. BLUFFS LEASE "+"' Newport Beech 2 on 1 lot. COSTA MESA/Unfutn lllll I Ill• Ba. frplo, brick patio with t Br, weler YU, Sll&O/mo. 3 Br. 2 BIL Winter $750. Ont Ind two '*1room. one ano twO btth 1blk lre>m0caan12X RETIREMENT APT 2 IPI 1 1 500 2t3/ Agt640.0020,780·ff78 2 Br.2Ba.ocllnlront ~IT'tlntswmdfroml616 ()0 Oroea. Well mlllntalnecl. 8R. crun and quiet Kld1/~tt f(M, Th,. tlat 81&.2255. Winter $750. W 11.. h "" Bk I I _,., mutt bt aean, haa 2 1---------3 Ot. 3 bl 810 Canyon, PROPERTY HOUSE g •" to • o/,..ng. r loc•llon. Refrlg nc ud....... 1>1tl'tt, plual't 01rpa11. 3 Br 2 81, ocean vu, wallpaper tl'truout. golf 842-3850 642-1010 213-306· 182 S..00/mo. moat applo•. uoo·.. H 261mo. Arch 8HOh COUtM view. $t4001mo. t0/111111.ot I.Ill lit "1• UOO llett 53M190 '" H gt•. A v a I I 9 I 1 . A 1 a.2 1113 Olx 2Br, bltna. gar, no •••••••••••••••••••••• Df\YFRONT/Unfurn: e33-92t 2 1113PM. g • ' ' pata. Steps to tend. .. 'T LJm Drive I>~ 18 11 81y1ld1 More tamllt.1 are getting HARBOR OCl!AN FRONT Wlmu,, 1526 mo. Winter. (2t3) 15555 HUntlnqton l/llllOt 1.M1t Huntlt\QWI llMCll. CA No cw•lltytnol "lo down. Or. Ava I Sept. I, 3BR the ~Pino "bog" tt111 Nu 3200' lullC hm on blu" L .... 3 bdnn, xtnt cond. 446-9220. <4<46·4760. C11 4) ao.9"1 UOOl pet mo, l'allbt~ w/lamlly rm 6 d .... OC'k. yeet. II~ have• oam· 180 deg. vu of 111rbor. Large "'911 ltndacaped Lg l aclltlor, frp101_no From the~ °'990 F~ O""' llOnh Oii '*"to a.e view aor .. al t0% 11-W•rfrttt I par that• not getting eu1f, mtn•, 3bt, 3ba, with gsnlener. Nr Pk and j ~ta, atepa toaand. woo M<f"ldclln. thtll ..._on M<F.oo.n to *"""'° 11111991 n1n $100,000 759-2961 111·1... uted. Mil fl now with a, aecurlty, Huna. epa. •otll• 8•c: l')'llam. $1, mo W inter. (213l f\.imllfl1ng11~·~111~ IO AM OICIUlll d1ya. CIUllfl9d Ad. I $1800/mo. 4H-700ll. 000 mo. 133·'290 _,;4~4~e~.g~2~2~0.~c~4~6-4~7~6o~=~~~~~~~~:S::!~===~~~~ , ' ' • .... \.! •. DO ll NOWI .... ftr ... 4,. VOi.ir Dally Piiot 8.,-.,lo• Otractory ReQr ... ntatlve •. ·.141.1111, .... au ~!!.'.~'!!!!. f !!M'!f ! ... ~Plied, , .. applied, guer • fneured, llc'd 41.il89 t · 130· 1900 Ire. eallmalea )"~~~~~'.'! ........... . • REAL ESTATE Retldenllal/Comm'I 673-1919 ~!e.~!~ ............. . Driveways. Perking Loi Rapalra, Saatcoallng S&S Aephlt 631·4199Llc Dan Hall~g Grading & Paving Co Ras/coml Lie 397804 842· 1720 ROOFS • DRIVEWAYS Lowest price guaranteed t. Don't wait Vie 675-7794 ~!!!!~~T! .••.......... Peraonallzed. low cost 18· gel aervlces· Ind . family. bull. lnlllal conau1tat1on tree. 553-0290 Or1ng1 OoHI DAit. V PILOT /Friday, Auyu11 27, 198~ hm'.'!ltf........... &Ir.!. Imm ....•..• • ••••• 'Sf •••••••••••• !~~'·"'·············· f!fft!~l.ft'.cm ..••. ~'!f ••••••••••••••• Lovtno motn.t 1111u bab~t ltnampoo & 111am Clean In my OM ttonte M·'· Color brlg11tan111, whl al}M 14 ...... 004 GIPll • 10 min blH Oh U,'I .... ,.m... Hall, llvldln llN 118. 1vg -room u .eo. COOCh t 10. C M l•N 848-8759 cllr 16 Quar ellm pe1 odor Crot repair 11 y11 ••r. Do work m)'Hll A• I 631·010 l No StHm/No Shampoo ~!!!!.~l~J..~!IB~!... S111n 61*1•1111 f'H t JAVS "SPEAKEASY' dry FrM Mt 838· t!l82 Prol Bartendlng Safv l'XCEl CARPET CARC: DecoratC>f t ryle Int b111 m1nt111. 1tb1111... nigh etyle rallld panel w1111 & Celling LIC 538·238e ,,..,,,,, ..•.•.••.•.......••••• •KAlAINA 8 LIV[·IN n1kp11 dally meld 111v, ofllce c111n1no. c1 pt CIHnlng &36·2118 Any oc'111on Prtbl b•r Jael\ Buttlnoton , t 1178 7662162 1·814 1_ Owner/OPlflllOr ~'.!!~~l/!I. •.. •• ••• llll•lll litrlefl Ctrl)et. uphol, arH rug Ooo11 replaaed, doorway• ··aeN°EAAl."eus1N"esS"·. c~~!:1'E~t.wS:&~ f,u,a; ~~~~~·mFr:n~~i :r~~r· SERVICES l·C---,;,-C _____ 831·1628 anytime fjefp for amall buelneH a .!!"!!~}, .. !~!!!!! .•... -1"---11------ phone call 1w1v Rec-Cem1111·Maaonry·Bloek .!1!'!~•••••••••••••••• ordkup1ng, tu prep, Walla·Cuat work Lie ORYWALL/ACOUSTIC Bullneu aounaellng R381067 Rob 647-2683 Aep1lr1. 1m1Job apec 11 496·1255 a ft68 Concr11te-amall or lge y11. exp. Bu a52·• 2 TRiii r Oppecl I removed C!Mn up. l1wn renov 751·3478 MOWING C~N ""ijiti'" tilullOO LenoeceplnQ ,, .. ell 80·tt07 J .. 11a·1 aarctenlno Clelr• uoe. tr" trim a m111n1 Hrv 540•8036 blllH lallillHfl•I TIH Him, gen Clnup1, cement worl. FrH 111. Call 6•0· 1804 enyllme TNI HIH 10111 Lewn·lrH•1hrub lnelall TrH trim/removal Lawn aere/Ao101llll11g Free e1t1m1t1 648-8065 QlJALffY WEEDING ~ M11lnt Remember the 3 A's Ruaon1ble. Aell11• ble, Rick 497·3070 f~.~~ .. ~~?!~~~~ ..... . C1bln1ts & Cerpenlfy Smell fobs & Repairs Free Est1rne1e1 645·2003 jobs Remove. replactl or repair 645·8512 C'11' C1r1 Well 1exturea-Acou1llc Simmon• Gardening - Hang· Tape· SIMI lluds Cln·up1, lawn care. lull Uc 389844 1·1132·6549 comm & rnld m11n 1 ................•..... HARBOR TRINITV PRE-C1tN•ll'f. SCHOOL DAY CARE ••• ,..-... ••••••••••••• CENTER Costa Me•• Door hanging. remodel. Opening Sept 13 Full cabinets paneling. etc end • ~ day care. 7 AM to Painting, cement Reis 8PM Register NOW Jerry 546·4413 _ Corner Baker & Fairview FREE HTIMATESI 556-4335 or 556-7787 DRYWALL TAPING All T8KIUlll & Acou1tlc Free est l<evln 875·9086 llttltitll •.••••••.•............ ELECTRICIAN Prle•d right, free 11llmate on large or small jobs Lie 396621 673-0359 846·6684 -!'.~~~~~~ ........... . Carpentry -Maeonry Roofing -Plumbing Drywall • Stueco • Tiie Remodel J B 646-9990 Ben s Matn1enanee Serv Plumb-elec-cerpentry Painting Cell 964·5231 HAIJLll'I0.0 .. AOl~Q llemollt Ion, clean up Co11~11te I 11 .. rlfflOV&I 0ulek MIV 842 7831 PROF SERVICE Hauling • yrd eleetl up Oulck 6 clean ,r .. fft 873·0048 HAULING & CLfAN·UP Yct11garag11 Prop mgt 83 l-011&3t831-0H8 OAAAGE CLEANOUT? We wlll h11ul away your tunk "" tor Ille u .. ble throwa w•v• Do" 49g.3408 ~~~!~!~~~!~r ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING Service -• 111orouoh1y clean llOuu &40·0857 Jo1ll'1 Clean1r10 Service House1·APll·Aontll1 Olllcea 540· 1287 TIRED OF HASSLES? Quellty cleaning help 11 herol Reta 980-1'462 OIAL·A·MAID. Ouallty & Serv Nr Ae Vour Phone $35/$46 540·4668 Houeecteenlng. expar, re- liable, Englllh apeeklng 642·5526 • HOUSECLEANEA with exper 10am-5pm 541-07021836.0403 llMlllUllW.l ror the "°'"llONI that lll'lq)ly eso.en 't have the time, and for ev•ryone 0011urn10 wllll velue nal dHlgn fM, 13 P4lf lq II We wlll Hll II COit plu1 20~ 780 1408 P 0 Bo• 8 t20 Balboa 1111nd. 112HO DESIGN CQNSUL TANT RMfCOf91m I bOll Ot· 11gn A810 dealgnl!f. OS degr11 AHi ~6·4782 J .. J11tl1/ •.•••••.••.•.•........ Complete 11nltorlal ear vlc11. trelned 11111. bond.Cl & 1n1. Unlclean Sy111m1 ot Npt Bch 850· 1200 ~~~~!~!1!~1 ......... . YllrCl Malnt & CIHnup. Sod 1prlnkl1ra. 1010, lrH rmvl, drainage. hlll tide weeding Brian 588·2253 f!l!l.N!. ........... . Yllll WILLI For 1 tree tect sheet, call Harry Wease. Attorney et Law 553-0290 ~~!!!!T •.•••.•••••.•• BRICKWORK Small jobs Newport. Coile Men. Reasonable prices, last. p1 olesslonal work custom work 1001 No job too small or too btgl Ca· blnets, l<1tchen remodel & 11n1aned carpentry elect/ plumb/ c1b1netal coun1e11opa I do every- thing from start to llnlshl Exper & dependable Child care during grav· eyard shift Lrg F V Hm. plenty ol sleeplng space 8.4 1-2277 Electrlelan hrly 1111, qua· Illy work Celling fan spec1a1111 631-5072 HIRED HAND, WILL TRAVELI Many diverse ehorn Wlllle 842·349 t APT & HOUSECLEANING llvtne Rel• 675-3175 CHlrltllll thHt1l ···········'·········· REMODEL/ ADD-ONS Call Brod at ELECTRICIAN Sml jobs/Repairs Lie 233 t08-C· 10 548·5203 Reliable. e11p rel Hrly Brlckwork·small or lge rates 957-334 t Jobs 100·1 local refe CALL HANDYMAN JIM Housecleaning, food pre-Stnce t969 6<15·8512 Malnl . plumb repair, parauon & shopping by painting Aea/comm'I couple Xtnt local refs 536-98571536-3684 842·5937 AESID/ COMM'LllNO 20 yrs Do my own work lie 276041 Al 648·6126 (714) 171-UIO Carpentry ·Cabinets Cu st o m r e m o d e I s -Plumb • Drain Cleaning & CarJ)en1ry uc·o 25 yrs exp. Irwin 548-27 t9 v IRICl-ILOOI · ITOIE ITAIWINO coueoe IU UOINTI MOVING CO Lie: T124-438 lnaYred e4 l·l 427 WATCH U! GAOWI OUAllTY WOl'IC n111. reH hone9t Ae11 Ll<l 287 101 OtlYI g64 1045 Peletlrl P11n11no rHld1nt11I commerclll PrHllll• Movino Low Compi.te Int-••• l<ltCh· rat•• tanlHllO Mrvlee en c•blnet relln11hlng Stell wide VIN & MIC 557·4284 lntured 543·8482 C•I - T. 137. 12• ~~r..~'~A ............ . ll•t1l•• l1m111 F1r1n1~ Interior 0.11Qn ••••••A•••••••••••••• HANCJlNQtSl'HU'._,I~ Nura" Au't for home VIH·MC Scott 84!1-832!1 care evan lmmeo . fully In• 538·6863 Vickie, ASR PAPEAHANOINO 1·921·1060 7 v11 local up Gu•r work Price• '''" at $8/roll Alec 879-0863 r!!!'!!~1. ••.••••...... fllf Pat•Ylll by Rlcllard Sinor Lie 280844 13 yra of h11ppy looal au1tomere. Thank you 83 t -4410 Cu1tom work. lnl & •xt. llc'd 20 ~"' In area. 1111 Herb 'pt4) 521·8012 alt 5.30PM l BATES PAINTING SPECIALI Ext agl $400. 2 lly $550 &45·9383 CANYON PAINTING 14 yrs In O C S11t11tac11on guar 494·454 t QUALITY PAINTING Ext/Int. reas ratei Lie B348276 536-2366 EXTERIOR PAINTING Custom work Free est Reas + fine Int & stai- Expert wallcoverlng In 11a11at1on Rua prlc81 Consultant Anlgnme111 5111 8!190 !~~~ !~~.~!~! ...... . ••BAVANTSw• Wellcoverlng Removal All Types 842 1343 r!!!~!~.!!~!'!!~r ..... . Contullallon & Hand Made F11mes 40 year• Experience 846·5 t41 r!~!!!!.t~!~!~ ...... . ED'S PLASTERING Nea1 patches 1n11u1 Reatuceos 6•5·8258 PLASTER PATCHING Ru1uccoa Int/eat 30 yrs Neat Paul 545·2977 ning Steve 547-4261 ll•Hllillf.'l ll•lit RALPH'S PAINTING •••••••••• 'I ••• ~•••••• IAOOM A DDITION S Int/ext Rees retes Honest Aellable & Reta Rel Free est 536-9898 rences 'JC&B Const Lie Painting our lamlly trad1· 11347677 974-7665 lion for over 100 yrs! ,,,., .. . .•.•..•.•.•..•...•.•• M08tl£ SLIMCI Heter_.,......., Kr_,• NG/CM 142·~51 . ~!.'!!l.fn!~!!~ ..... °''""' CO (Ltc'd) S~1.1r1t~ 1y1ltmt 101 nome I bualnlU Sec; ll,lrver ' Hlltnatt ltM SA~ 56911 ~r!!~~!!!! ....••••.•.. &EAVJC A..Rf P.t\8 Van Oppen1 Service Co 17 t4) 838-4686 "'' ............•••.••••.. Chucl< For Tiie Work Free Ell Dv• 640-6188 Eve. wkno167!1-!i100 -------r,,. S11rlt1 ········•··•·········· S LOW RATES S Tree 111mm1n9 a remnval tll cteanup1 & mowing 55 4-70 t7 HPllUOR THI IHYIOE TrH Work wltn • Con ac1&nc1' Trimming & r11mov11 by Howard Doi· loll P O Box 34. Cotti Men. Ca 92627 Ph 642· t932 '!.-.~o.1J~1. ••••••••••••• Most aubJkll, K· t• Day/eve S5 & $10/hr Mr Morgan 645-5176 !!{~~~~ .~!~~~!''·· ... · Let the Sunshine tn" Call SunS111n1 Window Cleaning Lid 5"8·8853 20% Monthly Dl&eount LEl US MAKE YOUR WINDOWS SPARKLE! Sat1s guar 839·5337 Experienced Carpenter additions. tree est Qua· '*•NORTH STAR•'* Electrical & Tiie a.a. J • Oemollllon to Finish llty 2nd to none Bandel Electrlcel ContracJ.or Reis. Don 966·0 149 '_,,,,. lll•f 548-8654 760-2685 lie New service 220 •---------•••"•••••• ••••••••••• Const Lie 418570 circuits 24 hr 845·4174 Hialill• Custom home cleaning & complete maid service Prof .. bonded & Ins Unfclean Systems ol Npt Bch 850· 1200 All TYPES MASONRY Lie 349479 838·3612 ~~!!~f ...•....•.•.... Int/ext Lie 346252 Free ~!!.'!'!I. ...•••.. •••.•• est 661·3998 Huber Roofing-ell typea OHTOll PllllTlll New·recover-cteeks !r!!4.!!~!!!!!~I •••••• L~~~,~~~:~ ?J!'n~~· iiiTiioiipiilaiiciieiiyiiouiiri mieiisiisaiigiieii -5-:-.~--.4-~-71-~-.-1-.-1-1-,-.-F8111il•t1 R1li11i1A • • • • • ·~;; P ·joss .. · .. · 420 62nd SI. N.B. before the Lie. 306888 Remodel, c~~i~~·A;i,~i;hl~l~:F~;~ & Small Moving Jobs What a Wonderful World of Shopping, right al your fingertips everyday! Dally Piiot Cle11llled Ads. To place your ad, cell 642·5878 and let • Clessllled Ad-Visor help you. • ABC MOVING • Quick. Careful Service Free estimates 552·0410 25 yrs exp Lie. 403941 Lie 1141 t802 548-9734 Bonded Ins. Reis Color ROOF REPAIR exper1. 963-0911 Dick SPECIALIST $25·$185 Computer word proces· sing Faal. accurate serv Reu rates Nolary Free pkup & delivery. Len. C. Coder's Bab~alt11ng read;hgo~~bllc. Add'ns, Cabinets. & lnter101s-All Repairs Call MIKE 646-1391 Agency. Call 64 -374 · Dally Piiot 646·85861645-4644 Call for eat. 644-5294 People who need people •A·l MOYlll* Top quality Spec111 care tn hanclltng 25 yrs exp Compellllva Rates No overtime. 730· 1353 Bill's Painting lnlle•t Free estimate 770·2725 Resld/comml l; yrs exp 751-1314 Infant to 3 y1s, my C M Classllled. 842.5678 ahould alweys check tne home. 8 hr day. Lie Find what you want In Classllled Ads, your one· Service Directory 1n the S Cal area High qual & Trade your old stuff for materials Lo price Free new goodies with a Compare belora ~ou buy Classtlied makes 11 easy 642-5678 88C 19053. 754·6236 Dally Piiot C111sallleds. stop shopping center DAIL y PILOT est. Rais. 496-5717 Clasallled ad. 642·5676 A,.1t•1•l1 u•l•1•i1iH ...................•.. A,,,, ... ,, U•lu•i1AH ....... , ••...•........ for your out-grown bike • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads . Call today for full details. (Nofi-r•tund .... Elllr• llnea SUJO) 3 3DAVS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 IHa1 4000 l11111J1 11 $)111 4300 l1•l'11 11 111111 4300 Ollitt l1•l1l 4400 l•li•111 IHl1l 44S IHJ.111 ~;~·;eo·;:;,~·2;·;,~~ ;~~;;e·:~~:;~:;,~·;:~,~ MiF~·2·e;·cM~·g·;,:·1;~~ ~~·~·;,:·.~~;::~;c~;;;,; ~~~;;:·;.ooo·;~·~·:.;~~ ... "lr.!!~~!!r ... !'!!~ ~!!!.~.r.·.-.1!~ ..•. !.~'!f r!!!!!!.'.' ........ !.~~~ !'.~~.!~!!! ...... !.~¥. !'.'!r.!!.~f! .. !.~~¥ to reot roomld condo ed. prefer s1uden1 Ado· yd. $28~ 868 pkg, viii pd, 2855 E Cst choice location, 111 START NOW Local Am· Found Key Ring & l(eys COEDS • Would love to Call Amy 559-9400 days rable 2 br house on Bal· 45-l Hwy. 67'5·6900 eond, Newport Blvd at wey Distributor offers Vic t3th St , Balboa party wllh you Call Sue or 631·8506 eves $275 boa 1s1end $285 mo NB, 1 bll. from beh, $295, 2000 IQ 11 olllee speoefor Harbor. (7 14) 674-1921 oportunlly for good ear· 642•2849 t>el 1am 01 alt or Ka t hy enytlme Vacant 2 BA. 2 BA, car- p or 1, enc. yd $550 542 -3597 , Alt 6 730-7165 1 Br. lrg kll, ullls pd. $450 mo 496·6804 agent ... ,,.,,,. Jtatt 3140 ....•..........••...•. Oelu11e pootslde 11111 large . 2br, 2 ba, bltna. oswtir. 1'1\ miles beach. No pets '500/mo. 536-8382 WALK TO BEACH· Been. stove & relr1ge. g11 & waler paid $30 /mo 536-7979 2 bd, 1 ba. •,o, mile from beech. Avall Sepl I ~216 llAAllH'I Wlll Lge 1 & 2 br twnhae apts. Ir pie. dishwasher. encl gar. Nr Huntington Har· bour_ From $475 Chit· dren OK 840-6807 18r, expansive llv rm wr frplc, relrlg. gourmet lut 4 din rm, gar, tennis. pool, Jae. clbhse, close to t>eh. $550 mo. 536· 1980 NEAR BEACH I br, bal· cony, bulll-lna. 1 car 11ar .. $390 mo. 960-3295 I & 2 BR. pool, bch llYlng, yeer round, $430 & up. no pets. 220 12th at. 219 15th st CONDO 3 BA, 1'.~ Ba, In· 1lde lndry rm $650 536-3976 O< 647-4437 WAlK TO BEACH Bachelor, stove & relrlg. all ullta pd, $350 mo 536-7979 lnl•• 3144 .••................... Woodbridge condo. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. $600 mo 673-8920 alt 6 0< Wknd1 ~,_~,~-~ .. ~~ ... !!.~! Studio, 1~ blk to beech, unfurn $3115 Incl. urn lllll •9•·2797 . 493· 7137 Of 494-5410 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTAV CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A 10111 environment apartment community on the Upper Bay Private clubhouse and health spa, 8 tennis courts. 7 pools, close 10 business, airport. Fashion Island Convenien1 shops on 111e Unlurnlshed bache- lors l & 2 bdrm apts and townhouses $540 -$1000 Several bachelors and 1 Bdrm units feature ltne designer furniture and accessoroes Move In 10- day Of reserve for sum· mer months Smartly furnished models open daily On Jamboree Rd at San Joaquin Hills Rd u•-1eoo plus'"> ulll. House prlvgs 673·6900 osk tor Carolyn F/non-smkr. 2 Br condo, lae Cl • avail now 625 Oil OF l llll nlngs You pick the 6pm 213/604-3233 Incl. Paysse at Waterfront 675-0563. Melissa. w lSth St. Coate Mesa. hours, we train, for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Employed. non-smoking Home•. eves 337·7238 645-8830, see M r• 0 111ces combined w/llght Interview call 960-565t FOUND Malo k111en, LI•·· a YIOll'I Vicki M/F to shr 3Br apt, N.B work shop • storage charcoal, 4 wht leet. wh1 -resp FelTI Near OCC $320 mo + ·~ utll Northrup. area. Lg overheed door l che111. Flower St CM PHOTO MODELS $225, $50 dep 957-8390 Want resp non-amkr to 875·7797 _S_U_N_N_V_N_e_w-po_r_t_B_e-ec-h access 2 min trom Lido ••11t•111t 546.31p7 ESCORTS/DANCERS L B h •• I shr Nwp1 Condo 2Br + I I C II 645 4800 k 0•Ntla•lt• 5015 -----OUTCALL 24 HRS aguna eac tvtOlor nn pvt bath $375 548-6236 Shr 28r. 2Ba. pool. Jae. Patio Office. 833 Dover, s • • · 89 ••• ~.-; •••••• , ........ Found While Killen Lg 985 N Pacltlc Cst Hwy So Cst Plaza $240 mo. Su 11 e 2 S 3 0 8 /mo tor Vicky or Anna "TAX BENEFITS" Hair, VIC Br,.adway & ~===·=·=·=·=0=2=0=7==~ Laguna Bch. Dally/ M/F to shr 2Br. tBe apt, + •,t, ulll. 549-5062 631-1094 High Ta• Bracket In-Oranne CJescrtbe Wkly/ Kitchen avall Low $365 mo 1ne1 utll & car-F B --1-E-11-1-,-1-0-1-0-1-11--l•'••lti•l 1 .. 11/4SOO ves101 wanted for very 833_3903 winter rates 494·5294 port. 675-0282 Ml · student pref, eek •••••••••••••••••••••• select thoroughbred SUNNY'S E11ecutlve L B I Bay. CM 3 BR apt, $145, •ttrartlve rustic upstairs NB 3975 Birch 3660 sq br~dlng & racing ope-Lost Blown from truck Stress Aeduetlon· •guna each. I te coo-F rmmte, S300/mo, ulll1 pool. reap person ;'.11;;;'g We auppty desk, ft or le111 MIA zone ,,1~10n caned erm chair, vie' 0111A~hm··outealt h.ing. parking area Nr pd, Nwpl Shoree, N B 75• 0899 1 y Agen1 541-5032 s J I ~ ... space, coper ou sup-----------i (714) 644-8074 MacArthur/ an oa~u n 631·6377 bus . 4 9 4 • 6 1 7 6 . 11ea, nr beach 845·2647 ply phone. • $95 pr mo $ 0 or Jembor~ 760-~• o ~~~~~~~~~! 5"0·7158. Prof snr 3Br lux hm. $245. 0 750 up 2 t6 It lndu· """' "° _ Shr 2 br. 2 ba C M apt, 1, ulll Emplyd , no pr desk Call 644-7211 1trlal . Office 18101 Re-#11t11111, rr.11 Found Lge Male shorl. *** Furn room for rent Priv home, kltch prlv Mesa Verde A rea Wk 642-4546. noma 5"9-9847 nicely decor fully furn amok e . Lag H 111 s 2000 sq ft w/500 1q ft dondo Clrcle • M & T Dtfft S03S snegg~ dog Coast Hwy. S250tmo + ''°' u111s 831-11911 storage. o c Airport Hun11ng1on. Beach . •••••••••••••••••••••• San Clemente 496-2585 Atl1nt1•s Parlor 645·9390 alt 5 a , e 1 s 2 o o o / m 0 842-2834 I .I. IATTI.IR ----------1Walk to beech. 2 Br 2 Ba Open 24 hrs a day Fem/pvt room & bath. houae, NB S325tmo 10 851·8928 1200 sq 11 . lront otc. loe ller11•1• Ct. l•o. Found Parrot H 8 area 7 days 8 week compl household prv wonting Fem No lobac-i-•T IR•Cll rear door S425 mo 6~9 SpeclallZlng In 1st & 2od C • 11 t 0 'dent 11 Y Jacuui. sauna locals Gent employed non amkr CM $290/mo •,o, ulll co Mull like cats & Ca-""'r-.,. Termlnel Way. C M TO's since 1949 2t3/630·6378 as well es Tourlsa kitchen prlv Over 40 631-0412 prteorna 631-.fl016 Private Otfloe ."405 5 4 O • 9 3 5 2 clays . Robt Sattler NHICM Found M white Ge;;;;-Banl\Amerocard. Amer· -___ 5_4_8_-7_5_8_6 ___ Female to share 3BR 2BA Branet1 Ofh~ $75 646·088 t eves R E Broker Bel Realt0<s Shep(?) puppy lrlendly teen Expreu, Olners All MIF shr 48r hse, Irvine, Ant-ring ServlClie $40 642-217 t 545-0811 H b / '-' I I Unlurn. room avsll now, house S250 plus 111 utll 5290 mo + ,4 urn Ml-752•6408 ltw,ert-&lr,ert a r or .-. • m ton welcome 7141645-3433 beach apt, N.B. Empl 545-1370 C M Chlll!I 551·2255 Costa Miia 200 sq It to 0 II I Cle II n du s Ir I I I WIDOW HAS$$$ tor TO's 548-3710___ iiii2i1 li2iiiiHiiaribiOf>iiii8ili CiiiiMiiiiiiii only $100 675-8319 M/F prol"stonal 22·30 to MALE TO SHARE 2600 sq h 75' per sq 4,000-14,000 sq It All ~E ~,oa2~· 1~1(NUpp No FOUND Pen1n Pt ., Compl I urn. w uhlng snr 2b<J 1ba apt In CdM NWPT BCH CONDO 11. & up Call Realooomlc, A/C Hvy Pwr and llgh· 11 ~ ec • & 0A en-grown klllen grey/whte done. TV lncl'd. W0<klng Non-smkr $300/mo + 645-•224 Corp. 875-6700 ting Xlnt tor R&D and ~~~ 73 nlson ssoc lfg9' 646-2085 $675, 2 Br I"'• Be. lrg up· man Reas. 536-8544 utll t1111a11 + dep ------low rates 720·0821 , • 11 Found Kitten, Orenge & Per Eastblufl dbl gar 1----,----C--760·6236 ev~t··"'n<I "~•l'l.ll ••• ll•I ,.JS" SO. LAGUNA 3 Arclt 88)' 213·927-4404 D0 Whte male. Northwood, EXOTIC DANDERS l1ch1lor /l1oh1- lorett1 ,1rti11. no . pets . ·poot eo9 2 rooms. 175 ea o11a _____ v_._ .... ___ , ~: •••• !:: •••••. "! ••• '! 2 Suites aveM Go Hwy UHHtfaHtl Sl Amigos Way 6"4_7118 Mesa Avail 9/ 1 Call M/F roommate 10 shr 3BR Limited access. tor sto-_v_i_s_lb_ll_lt_Y_4_9_7_.2_3_5_1 __ Placentl•l 17th SI. 1500 •••••••••••••••••••••• Irv 552-4809 any11me 850-9160 2BA 1 block from beaeh rage only Hunt Bch a.I. Incl office $450 mo. Psychic Readings UITIL•FF S225 A111118/1646-9244 downt own $50 /mo Low budget s1udlo-oflloe 846-1164 dys, 645-9543 (Spiritual) FOUND Voung eet. tern , Spacious 2 bdrm, view. ~.'.'.'!!,.'!!!!!! ••• !.~'ff Fem wanted to ahr nice 980· 1197 as~!llapb~~· r~r ~~:'~'!; 1vt1 Jeck (714) 556-1178 Balboe Penln Pl Cell to pool. nice area No pels. IUURI aTEl 2Br apt $285 pr mo & ---------1 I t I w: '" 4100 IOentlly 875·3584 $675 644-4767 W I u t 11 Bea eh area n r Single':!' gharcage. •t~!aoe 6A•g5_e3n11'6· 6 4 2 . 1 2 4 3 .• !. ... '.! ... ~~•••••••••• £111 I ft••' S300 Founo· P'urebred Springer kly renl•ls now aval Warner/PCH 840-9087 only, ,,,on os1a ... esa, .. llRNUTE ••••••--••••••• ••••••• Spaniel vie of Pe1erson $750/mo 3 Br 2 Ba. en-$105 & up Color TV. S60/mo 546-72t4 PACIFIC PUB PREllHIT scnool. Hunt Sch Call & clsd garage. walk 10 Phones In room. 2274 SUPER 4 br. ape, 11nn11 Ollltt l••l•l 440(j 234 EHi t?th St CM Aecentty moved 10 FOUND ADS ldenllty 536·0405. ~eo~~thias~~~:,~~!,'~~t Newpo"s!~~;.~5M ~~~~::2~~PI. s275 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 600 sq It 10 3800 sq Furnished home for rent TSL Mgmt 642-1603 __________ , 1817 Weatclltt. N.B 256 ft-S1.05 per fl Utll & J•· California detlres quallt)I ARE FREE Yearly on the beach, hotel Fem roommate wanted to to 4000 eq. fl. 111. floor. nltorlal lnol See bldg 111, Octll View room. kitchen & 1110-r, share furn Ocean Front Agent 541·5032 mgr 645-3120 A h 1 Old N-port $320/mo plus MK de-winier rental Lag Bch. re es 8 posit 230" W Ocean· It•••_. ..... SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Tht Last Hurrah. 711-1111 111-1111 Pretty Country Girt, 27. desires allluent older man Lynn, Box 1412, Ploaenlla. CA. 92670 Relex1no mes .. ge by ten- nis pros l•OITI Laguna Beech Wayne or Steve by app1 10·9PM 548-2111 OdHIY YllLAIE 91vd Large Bachelor •P' " AVlll 9115 S325 " 5550 J7S-l t49 e11 front, Newport Beach t-240-7005 alt 8 PM Otflee suite overlook I no 673-4154 Newport Harbor LHI ---------Resp. F lo"'' l)ffut 2 br. II bla A ... sonal or long term In Laguna Beaah. Newport Beaeh C0<on1 del Mar CaU: 142-Hll Wlggle • Impel s~:ho~&1' DOOllE IROTHERS 11 we're really being ob-Need two rONrYed seat served by p1op1e from llekets to Sept 3 show at Lost. F 2 Yf old gray ~I. outer space, why don 1 Ir vine Meadows Cell 1 bdrm IP1 $400 mo Av111 Sept 111 Walk 10 Beach 673-6522 Liiie Isle Bayfront Apt 2 bd $650 675-4646 Contee! (7141484-3757 1111 B1an 4l1S 2 ba So Tustin apt, .1 .. ~ sp1 aceo 0'0va 1 pprl 0 1• • • •• • • • •• • •• • • • • •• • • • • S2751mo 731-8630 ./ · ' q Pvt rooms Loving eere, ,(~ _... 7 t4-6A5·7100 bal dlell, rural erea 24 Slept to bNel'I, 3 br. 2 bl. / u .. - hr care, 559-7107 or M /F 19·28. 1 275 /'•--Sm ottlen nr Hoag Hos· 731·1247 122·34th St. Ne Cell .1 --pllal. some warehouae 2 Reapontlble, retired An 1 we r A ct 7 2 1 , /-.... ., space av all Cneap Adutt1 (M/F) wtlh to rent S•••1t l1•t'11 fZOO 8•2·4300. 24 hrt 642· 1622 Moblla Home lor 6 mo 1 br. w/stove, relrg, and ···~·E•l•L•f••R••m•••:L•I•••• MIF 10 thr CdM houae 2 NWPT BCH EXEC SUITE Mu I I • 11 Ow Pa I $•00 II ,.., " Full aervlee, 1111 11111 , _964_·_8_1_10 _____ _ parking .. e• Avallabla Agt 675-8170 Igo br'1. 1 ba. lrplc. tun· •• 675-0612 alt 5 cJeck & tndry 3 blka lrom IXEO--Simi Xlnt IOe. 752-6408 HELPt Ar1111 nMct• studio R 2 1 Br sleeps 4. eeross the boaah $380/mo. utll1 •11n liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ap, conaerl<lete Garage vie Elden & Santa lubel. we he II r th 1 m G 1 G _ _K_e_v_in_._6_5_9_-8_6_50 ___ _ r-•rd 846-2008 ---------_G_L_l_N_G_? ______ 1tt1H'1 Found Ladles watch vie S1tntfl SllO 3rd and Ja1mlne CdM ••••••••••••• •••• ••••. Identity 6"4-7605 FOR. Found Mate ml" Aust shepherd . blk /brwn CLASS Male ml• Shep Husky, wh1 Male Sprl"91r Span HILlll lfmDWI EtcOl1 lor Women 497-5725 (bet 8am·8pm} CONDO apeclou• 3 B · alreet from the beach. Incl 675-1721 IAVINE Phone anawe· or unuaed rm or 7 • , ., ) ''" BA. frpl, dshwr, lndry $295/wk, 675-5088 ring. conl. rm, utll pd, llWNRT orma 8.40-4039 .!.'!r.! .... ~!......... hool\up, 3 c11por1s. pool. Fem to shr 2 BA 2 Ba, ectr sarvs elc Also 1---------- Llver/wht, NB lie Fem ADS mixed 1nepherd whll brown, male mix 1nep blk/brown Newport 111nl Sf SO ..•................... Utll pd, I Br S300/mo Quiet. patio. nr bch, avail Sept 1 & 15th. 844-6958 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo rental• VIiia Rent•I•. 675-4912 Broket p r v 1 patio $765 Walklkl,blktobeeeh,2br Cd M apt S337 mo :! '$1501 HlllOlllWll 851·8522 penthouseapt.$650/mo 833·9887, 873-1775; des .. apece. up. l•U•lll/1••111/ 2 B d w st Min. 1 mo. 759-1385 873·8340 640•9745 20 OH~ Avelfable fl•l•tl r uppet con o. • .. 450 sq t1 S 1 .00 per aq. • •• • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • cllll Or, pool. t11u1 l BA. lrplc. petlo, only Roommate to enr 2 bdrm, 1 4001 8 1 h N B Immediately l••l•fll option 1850. Avail 911 . a1epe to beach on 38th 2 be condo. 3 block• 10 t., re • · · Smell thrH room Suite 646-4844, eves 540-8902 N 8. evall Aug 28 10 Sept beach s 226 960•8805 Agent 54 l-5032 with separate entrance lhMtl••JIY IOOS 6 S350 675 4 88 to single 120 tq II ottlcet ••• -;.c.-.-••••• ;'··•••••• Executive retreat. I Br -4 •HLIH IPFIOEI* aub-rused by o ther LIOUIOATION OISTAIBU· PENTHOUSE Security, Newport, av all. now. Young Prote1tlon11. open From I room 10 3 room1. proleulonala. Seoret•· TORS STOCK fff HlflY! m pool. spa. gym. $850. Steps to be8C'h 127 34th minded m1le 1oek1 t1me From SI 16 I 1<1 fl No r l al, Reeeptfonlll. Llghl Bulbt • Fluore. • J'IEW gateO 20 Town· 8"2·6868 or 646-4267 S 1 3 Br . $ 5 00 wk tor 2 bdrm. 2 be Irvine 1eaae required. AoJ. Air· telephone/copier 1.,. ecente • Commercial home VILLAGE COM· YURLY 873-5410 AQ1. home G111ge. yerd pC>ftar Inn. 2172 Dupont. vtcet evallable 11 d"lred. Light F1Jc1ur11 • Heavy MUNITY 2 & 3 Br 2~ Non·tmoker $395 mo Call AM. 1133-3223 Free Perking. Call MIH Duty Sllelvlng • Delu.l!e ea. leo0·1800 eq. fl. of acrou 1tree1 fr om ~! ... "-1!.!!J~!.1!.!.~~ ~~!I~ ~581Y·1•256 evea Ei1ecutlva office suite, Merla Office Funrnlture -Wllo- pure luxury. G1reg11. beech. 2 bd . I ba, 1., RH••af• corn., of 405 Fwy. Neer 140-1111 leHla Prlefl IPH In every home. waahar/dryer. carport Contact lergeat Oay Fem to lhr 2Br, 2Ba CM Harbor Blvd Take over DISCOUNTS AVAILA '""'" •ul1e. dining 973-9509 Male Female S«Vlee In apt. non·emkr. 1225 mo leaae 1600 1<1 It 11 90c Olllce/ Store/ 8u1ln111 3 o:y~EOnly rooms. wood burning ·-· C11•1•l1 3111 s c-11 ~.,, "'11• +IL viii ··6·1049 11 Cell 751 61"1 'flreplacei, micro-wave ~ •• ••••. •• •• •••••• ••• o. .,1 · ......, . .,, u " .,.. • • • epaeet for leete • 580 & Augu11 24th, 25th, 26th oven•. private pellot & 1 Br. pVl deck. otd worl<I View ocnlrnt No LIO Foun11ln Valley Office 1250 aq II Top toe . 11 Autry Lene. lrvlne yerd•,Q•rdener provl· charm. epectacular ROOlllTE Furn 28r 2be "'00/mo 1pace, 2600 aq.lt 11 SO. Harbor Blvd, 1u11 No Or Cell 2131553·8695 • o.d. EJeO•n1 llvlng oniy ocean vu, walk 10 blacn Over 30 prof p.111 • ft Good 1~01ure, Baker St .. CM nq, mor American Prof Miit now ~ool• lrom FUhlon 1•85 eon1ect Mgr a1 apl FlllEllS 407·70t0 ~ Pltklng. •ll>art & 845-8100 e11p1nd17 10 So. Calif l>lua' ~,m~~~:~p!r~· C 332 Encino Ln. Oldest & latgeet .agency FelT'llll tO sllr NkB I ept 75 1-6~: r u r 11 C 8 I I !~~·!!.!:!'!!!!. !.~~ =I~ m•nt::i~ 'C:ii Juat eut of Newport l.t•ll A.I 1110 All cli.rtll tcreenect wllh w/11me,.: 1 bloc rom 400-900 PLUS 1400 aq. 11. Bea.illlul e11ecutlve omoe f o r I n I • r v I • w Beech Sheller. 126 Mesa CALL Dr. CM 844-3656 Lost. PASSPORT 642-1 106 LOST Gold hoop eerlng, "shrimp" d11lgn, NB/ COM area. REWARD 780·0580, 675-9311 FOUND· Boxer female vto E11ane11 HI Sehl. Wee· ring chok e Collar 540-11156 Foun<I 11c11a1· watch. vie OUMO of A"991• cnureh. NB 844-0200 LOST tmlll lemall boxet dog, vicinity of 18th & WelllOI C.M .. Aug 26th 545.1g14 Or 548·6447 111111 4 . 6 4 2 5 8 7 8 Round lrlp L A to Alfanla. tat elas1 $1180 value. 11crllica $500 cuh Va· ltd for 1 yr. 567-7196, 673-3481 Jell For Ad Action CaU a DaUy Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Ju1t Ilk• magic ct11s1t1ect turns your unneeded Items Into aaah Irvine Mirror Cl1ulll1d •da 842-78e7 • atvd. & IO Of Sen Diego •••••••• ••••.. ••••• ••• photoe & referencee belch. 1278 875-4340, 1 Su 11 tu rehoull 1 2 4 IH Fr w Y. IO O o I mo 3 br 2 ba. deluxe ,condo CGroodedltaMCOlmopolnl ... "~-545-8a85 Pl ,"'1~ou, r"k I nBgtyfrpon11t 1011-11"r'e:1!io:, d!.ion c.nt; l(!oo' !s' ?_487030· 7 o or ~!~!!!.'!!!'! .• !. ... M~!f~.~'."!! ... '! .. !.t .. t.•'-1•1 '31-6-438. 2473 Orenoe Lrg. Piiio. po o • ipa. Of "Cl ,.mer ..... Roommate to 111r 3BR 87l·l003 · · on A::ihlu. 1118 l<I· ft. " "' .. ..;r.";':;••••••••••••• ., "'"""Coate......._ child ok. N.v SC PIG.I The Tomorrow Show. houH In H.8 1230 C>IV• 875-3882 from 10-5, Own your own Jeen----• S.V. Thia A" ·----ldHll I I M5 mo 213·9.64·2888 N1-11H 11111. 111/l11t 848·8453 Scellng Down? Startlno 844·0539 lfltf e. Sport1wur, Infan t• ,.,,,.,11.. THS Soec. 2 Br 2 Ba. lptc, g11, out1 Lower overllHd Preteen Of Ledlal N>P•· BOOIMETRIC HIALTH SIRVICES •••••••••••••••••••••• : be8cti 2 blka. H OO Yfly, 1 ... , fOIO F CdM. lam to tllr w/eame maintain tmege, offlee 11 'COii• MeH' rel s1or1. Ollerlng 111 MEDICARE p•JIENT Now Enronlng. No enroll· No Pl'I 845-1682 • • • ••••••••••••••• •••• Ml ehr ~. B8Ck Bey toe beaut 3 IA condo. R~enoy Center , !1110 Mew.In Allowenc• n1110nalty known branO• n m9111 lee. '31 90wtc Incl 1 ' . . EASTS I OE CM Privett GOndo. Pool, ~. tennlt. pvt bl , MP llv rm, lge aul1H In ~ nr Air· 111all or ottlce. 800-t200 eucn M Jordtclle. ClllC, hot lunch. 848·~423 Dumpy 2br, n .. r l>lecll. Mn. room & b~:11. Utll•. $300. 846-5le5 8 R, gar. Walk to cc.an port, lully 1<1ulppecl & •·'· 487·5132 LH . Levi. Vendtrbllt, :f"· :;'~tum. 1r1c1 • relrtg .. 1315 mo. ·Mate 3~5 an1 aor, 2be Avell 1011. 308\4 lrt1, atelfed ror every bu•I· Comm't or bull. offloe w/ CIMn l<i.ln, Wrengei.r. Do you know that your Mrdlcare benefltl will l.* .. 'f~!'!!. .... !!!.f mo, ' &73-7644. hH nr S.C.Plez8/Frwy. Eva, 873·8802 ' MU '*"'· lndlv omoee phone & 100 eq It 01 yard over 200 ot"-t brand•. ~ ''f • nune or t.Mr•pl.lt to vttlt you In your Live-In hounk .. per/ 11eecut1v1 Condo. tBA, ROOM/BALBOA. $230 Spa 122&+ellere utile. Biibo• le. 11om1. •280, mo/m o . f rom S37S. In C.M. on Pl acentia Ill.GOO lo • t2,t00 Jn· t\olrMr companion Mell• l*M den, OCMn I bay vtew. I mo. Vin, furn. evlb 0/1, 841•4013. 111 . 1111 & 1100 .. c. 833•9878 1200/mo. 846-3332 ctudee beginning •oven-p o •I ti on . A• I • 1 . Cltfl oell, frplo, MCUrlty1 fl 2 3 + non -• m IC r • N,8. tux condo, Harbor H8·8479/213·1M-3101 Sub-let ll(IC. oftl°' AUrectlve 1000 •<I· It. ~~i~'~t~~,1~~~,,: IP YOU Nl!l!D THll TYPE OF 838-1183 . • 91M. 17'60/mo, ceH 8-& 873-80l5 · Aldoe, au'y ehr, 1111tgh1 Prof F 10 lhr 2br 211,be Prime elrport locale on eaperete ottloe bldg w/ I fllCtul'lt. Gr911d Oc>entna IERVICI NOW, CALL 128-1791 C•n. mHaage theraplat .~llo47. ILg bdrm, pVl bath. pool, SHO 752·80 2. dye., N.B . oondo wl nme, M•cArthur Blvd. Price fenoed yct. Cen be uMd Promollona. Call Chefl IP NOT, IAVI! THIS AD ~. In emoooneJ ,., .. 1:Wiifcu,,. 1 br. aondo J eer•~w/d, no emo· 840·2434 ewe. S425 + uUlt. '31·253& redUOed. Mutt ... 1 fOf 1f911t m,. U26 mo. Wrlgllt (31t) &H -2277 utlon & boCly toning ooot. no P«I. t540 mo. Ing. Imo. 848-8088 · "-tp. nonM!kr, clllld OK, F 10 allr I br hOUM w. l M, 481·80:M I 1 I W . It 11 0 M . a 11 1 r 8 p M l 3 1 I ) A Medil:'AN ~fled Provider Miii• P<Oftellonel uao-~. j 8ELL Idle ltema wttll to •hr lg• furn. hom•.1 1 F In Hunt. 8ch 1200 1 ahop 11 home. Ire ... Y 8«"°344. 1_t?_a_~1_2_3_•_____ O.& =~~~~~lo !Mdlcal ... 1111 ~ '42-M7t Dlllly Piiot OIMllnect Ad. ~"n beth, C.M. M 9·24l r 848·5317 , wltll ct1111fled 842-5118 Ct ... tnecl Ada .. 2·M11 Went ACla o.11 t42-M711.~---·--·-·-~·-------------·------_-__ .__ _______ _ J . Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 27, 1882 ct llh.llA'IJ. •... 11.tl '111..,M't/. •••• IJ.ff «'11..'IM~ •••. 1.'.ff '-'-''··''1.~ .... 1).ft ~IA~ ...... ~{fl •, --· ' !Y1ll'1! •....•• J!.!1 rv'".,"'' n~ H\119 t AIOI e..ilt Potl o• 111luul 11.ua tnunt llCRITARY, fRNt 0'0 "''""11ra wfthll ancJ 1• ta~.~ r -·;::.t~Y lola!Hld quwn tilt, lret"I 1'Jfl lwfl ..._. I MM lion •• oompanlon lo! ,_.. -Ad" Ao1ncy Clood ty· d'Y" 111. )(fnl aono .,. ~ ~ .., ce>ml01tebl1, 111n1 c:ond, ••••••1•11"•••••~";~ •• ... r. ..,JT.";T cheun1111 U1 llld1 to 11 1 tmmed ooenlno On 1111 MottntlCI ttyllal Med.a pint 1na pl\one void• UH IC?·tt 11 r l' IALi ' t Ill •t1·1t33 W typing '" & p/tlme lmt l el/ Comm/ VHallon plu• Opportunlt" lo Id UIOTRIC °"'11" OOOD --~' ' .~., ;~ 'A I ANTIQUE •alnul dining dwly Of 111 '46 tUO iota 1ta1nrnla ~0101 1111 to IOil\ 0toOrMa1¥e Mlon HHnll•I 111or111a11a 1 -h . ...1...: , ,,,. - ant .in111 1p1 'omple• .... ,,..... C 1 11 m 1 n at• r • 1111 ' CONDITION tHl obg ,-:-· 1\', r· rm ta.bll/O ehelrt. $1500 to manaoa In return '°' -71•·5IO·lllt vane• ~~111'>' com .... ~!"· Call 710 0202 ~ °"• ·'·~, 11 , ....._, "' ma"nlng c.nlna cabtnal •AClflC MIC•OWAVI AllTlllllA rlllOf A°'oun11M1t d .. ha• 1111 -•u11t• ... t •11.Plf,...,.• ··". ~1 1 • 1 ., •300 167 OOS7 permaninl po1111on 11 Min 2 yia IJll* Hiring HatOware 811et P/1 , -'II Celt C11ol, 10 wn•lll pm fr"ier ..J a• 'T l ~ ~ 1 - _ oon11ollel or 'Pt? HHvlly Im med Daye only rt llr•4 tvp•, Apply In 1117·0042 1200 ., '9. '1~ Twin llH cfle•I l>IO HI* c;ompulet or ma· f7 l•Ml&S-07)$ per t on Crown Herd· llOllTAIY/UIO 640-47~4 GA•AOI I.Alt AH NO\lt l / l · U0 Xlnt '°ndllton nuel Con~enl•~ non COUNTiA'Hlu;--Wiii, 3,07 E: Cat Hwy to C, O ol Npl Octt f'ln * llt WANTtO * * C\AHIPllO H CITYI 114·0M·7t20 1mkr j 213 075 OH 1, PIT, Mon ·l'rl Super CdM ISvcH fllfm Chtllng UPRIOHf l'R!UlR Ill IUOW Near n1w bro"Wn COfduroy 00&-0t II aandwlcl'I, OM 5•5•4u 7 IUUI OLll RetPol\ p01111on oooo Oooo cond &Cond $100 1ola bed, $176. Cep111"• r--,ALl"iJllVICI --1 •II Wul" 11H ....... typing, Incl 11at11t1cal lor both 15711·•0411 ,,,.., I ' . ' 1aA T -iear'• IUther & On .,,. waler bad. e •••'-••••••••••••••••• Mimi HLI ~ v , C M nh , H B . SIH 1!.1111 • aptlludt !Or Fre.zer upright, tmper1a1 •••••••• !.~~•••••••••• [dryer. tewtng meehlne, dtlwtrt. compl, $300 ~'711 ... ~~. J..•J>, n." 1. • ..,:..;-..-.,._.-"' C;.~-.-u (J ~uni Slllary • -.MCY~ ... ~·-... ~,. •• '\i-.· co Af\'4'4·¥. (!• 0,,,.tJQ LAJ...f..:Jtec;k t.o .a.old aola booll.ialllt.. 11711 4340, 640·0069 l-----~ll'All ____ ...J preferred In PIG 1>oa.1d, 11yl1 r111aurant Ric· comm 10 S2ll.OOO 49 hr Ct ll 1140·0n3 . ~u'tt Like~ Sll&Otbe~I Scl'loor -Sp1ci1l1 ·~ oft 1'wrn "b1.d1 IQ1ny aml iea~llf\11 Frendi Prov di purc:h•M•. & CIO four quetbalt neallhclub,ln wk Incl •vH & wknOt llOIET••y 03•·2226 relall CHll.DREN98aek tt1n11 212Prlnc:1to11 n1noroom1vlttl11Ct1tr· CALl:'nAilCY 631-0906 nala Wiii train on 1nin1-lrvtflt Evet 6 Saturd•y• 858• 1983 -- -packa, greet lor book•, r ywooo tncludn oval comp""' PIT . houri 97:; 0838 9 lo 4 Full l lme for Newport GE relrrg, bottom lr .. t er lunclltl, etc Oulll .. 6 Video game 126 E.lectrlt ltble (l1<t1na1ng 10 911 Ill• lntrvw t>y 1pp1 onlr INSURANCE Beach Jewllt'I Temple, 1 125 Kenmor e get w1llel1 IOO Sii Only II 4 dryer $100 6twt.O $75 1nchH ). labla pad1. buf· 1132-9700 DANCERS IRtlPlllLTI up 951 -12 3 4 or dryer,$50 642-7502 3 tll Olamona. Balboa Kida toy1, ctothH. 01, lt1,6upt'll oh1111 Allln #l1~1llun., IOI01/u11IOtfl••IOIO Atrtlilt OUlll Wlllll 652•0636 WHIRLIU>OL fREEZER letend ••·112 n••· book a, r oco101 •~cellent eon<1111o n •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••• I I t .loo ' •• 1,000 ••• L Minimum 2 r.,ar• e>1...,r llOR•t'RY -3 yr,Yold. llke new IOl"'l•I ''' "'' Soru1day Only 9.411m S149!> 11,.0.0112' Flb11gl1u Spa 40", onl~ Llk• new Kimball Spt,,.1 .... ..., .. ., • ... " " 12 .. " ··"'9927 "' .,, •411 E th ., c •• I II SbO ' no tCCtUOrlU, l')IMO " btflCll IOH tllen Should be amlllar with E•p11ndlng CPA Firm ..v ..,..,.,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• ., • er"· m o ~~:. 11~~p1~r11~n~:w~:!'. Full & part-tlm• clanctrs RVS, COB and Me<llcal FIT. PhOl\91. typing. die· Froat Ftee ralrlg, yellow, lutllfl Avo. oetw 19th & 2 PO HOT. SOFA 649 2666 _ _ ~/~.,°~~&Cell •lier 6 i,n. ded fop pay AO 10, wanl•d lor Bue Min· group contr1ct1 Xlnt laphone. 10 Key, word JClnl co11d $150 Q E r:;,~::.ec~~~~.~11~~~~:: 2oth) H11ve n•w 1ola . must Hoai.i bod. elec wt ClnOy tmum Tlleg11m1. Audi· benefit• s.1.,y eom-proc htlplul E1ec1llenl treei upri ght S80 Hlllmrt16<llCocoobrowf1 tr&OltO whn lchalr WllLITZU IPlln Home 535_,.154 1lon1 btlng neld tht• mensuttl• with up1r ti.n111i. 833·9887Judy 15•2·36•2 $~g;~0i1 k::1 &'S:n f, 11 VII velour goodconcJ STfl I w•l~er . crutct1111 II woO<I. 11100 or bHI w 3 -k from 9 AM to 3 PM Saddlebacll Valley Area • .!~~J..'! .. t.I?.'...... 536·9832 9611· 1225 offer 964·9•64 ork 892"71 1 Afglw at Bere Minimum, Call· 837-9830 IEOlnUY Apl •Ire relrlgeralor. me· 9-Spm 600 Hazel Drlvt, MOVINO SALE Cherry------, I d I t S 6 5 CdM 'L-~<11e" •mer1can Tour111Mr Al<IH 1 7W Kaletla.Ste216. Work with nonprofit nu • e r o 1 · wooo dining room 1e1 v " v Certllted Aide and en Anthelm, or Gall 17 14) LEl&L SEOln&llY health 1g1nc)' tn Co•ta 648-8987 1lda boy, aquarium. IUO· Sotabed, dining rt1ble & 4 lu~gai,•· 3 pc 11e1. bl"e ~r.I!!'!I. ~! •• 1!.!! Aide Ass111an1 tor ecuve 778-8421 Newport Center Rael Mesa Muat h11v1 above Whirlpool Dryer Olectric 3 Households 8AM to gage '05 VW puta, mrac chrs Reasonable S 5 42·2217 retirement home In NB l~~~~~~~~~~I E1tata Llllg11lon firm average organliatlonal 175 • · 3PM. Fill Slit/ Svn Wo· lt11m1, good prlcea S111 6•6·3160 I HOSPITAL BED SCUBA GEAR Complete S300 1714) 662-0907 11 30 pm 10 7 30 am ••ta ...... , OLEll needs exper Legal Sec'y, 1111111. typing tblllty & 492•6873 men's clothlng. houMhlO Aug 28 9am·3pm 10200 SOFA excell cond, po-ALMOST NEW SSOO 631-3555 -" '" xlnl typing, dlctaphone & telephone pereonallty llema & lurn, 2 t3'~ Oah· Cardinal Ave . Fountain llantid cotton earthtonea 1-833·7431 Ice Hockey gear, comc>I 1111 .. ,l lll .. TlL Expending Nwprl Bch 11horth11nd 1 must S11ary $950/mo + ltlngu Cold1po1 Retrlg $226 Ila, CdM Valley print. $225. 731· 1786 L& 011 Painting. co•t •600 set. fits 9-13 yr old $50 --n credit card c.ompany has open 8,.0-8960 113 1-8700 (Fri & Mon Maytag. Speed Queen or Bra--. elpr & innl, qn bd• FRltSA T n~•uitl-• 6H 15989 needs kennel help & be FIT temp pOlltlona 1va11 8 30 11 30 p ) Frlgl<Jalr• wash-$99 ea -... • m .., King size waterbed, notu· e1u11tul lreme SacrlllCe --·-tiler. pert/time Mull b~ for Date En1ty clerks. LIVE IN VEGETARIAN : • · m 44 " ~ Oak tbl, chld toya, bike, lamlly 166•2 Mt Oat· ral Soho Oak & Oak v;i $l00 675 7768 300 Mig weetherby 2 x 7 avallable morni ngs & 10.000 key Slrokea per COOK & manause lo 5 "8672 clothea, misc Sat 8·5 win. oft Stonecren nr neer. wa~eleu mattress Redllald Scope s700 weekend• Alk lot Jane, hr oper required live in beaut Leo Bch noanut A1tll•• IOIS 416 Narc111u1. alley M l Sq Anllque car heeler $550 675-2153 MORIE LOVERS!! 831-2877 75 1033 8 6 ) c 1 1 J T t 1 home and do Ille house-lllL flTATI •••••••••••••••••••••• rrunk, btoken piano -t have something beaull· ---------- 4. (. pm M~~ ~Fcrt 8t ! ~~ keeping 494-801.C Kim Full um•. reel •atate II· PUBLIC FURNITURE H9o~~lu~ ·,~~ISi ol 2';~'0 (cheap) Anlq l urn & Double box sprrng & met· lul a 30 rugh ceramic BRANO NEW GOLD 80 APAITllllT Mii. 4 30p m 7 t4-759-7900 d.., " ' o Cd M glasa claw II tub clo· tress S 100 080 ho r a e 0 n I Y S 7 5 Penn Reels S375 Fantastic opportunity Maintenance/ Geraener. cenae ellra8ble bust nol *AUCTION* WC11 t e' Iron 1. lhH, eppllances, mllple 646-1112 840.8709 evH/wt.noa 7141644-7007 IEOAL AIS'T preler over 40 y11 for neceattry. uty outh I or n a r A 'e c 1 a ) lwn llOC"I toys. household with growing company apt complex. experience Leguna Olllce, Coldwell I F 1... l •QPM 675-7768 llem• Plants. book' Almost new contemp Ceiling fan breas Ntivtr Srtl•I IOl8 lmmed opening lo• -11 NEWPORT BEACH necessary 5,.8-9558, Benke1 Call Su1an Roe Ytry r •11 1., OARAGER A g Much mlK bdrm set king sz bed. used w ood bladea, • ···~···•••••••••••···· groomed apt mgr couple Challengtng, rewarding 12-7 r 0 r a pp o 1n t m 0 n t . New & uaed bedroom • nirques 5600/obo 536-19110 tulip llgtlls. coat $250 SWAP llHTHS at dlx 250 unit compll• ca1eer oppl'y tor a ma-----------1 831-0836 or 499· 1320 sets. dining room, living collectlbles 01 charm. H -. I Ai -ESTA TE SALE Sarouk sell tor $99 552-0796 Mu11 arnoty by 11129 ga Apar1ment + salary. Ex· lure. energetic. exper . lllSOll ~~~~~~~~~~I room, otllce furniture, fun. value China. gl11as, •• ~~!~~!!!' .. !.'.~••••• 0 s rage lull of mlac Cheap pr'd only 835-5526 an't Top pay Fringe -appllance• PLUS LOTS bottles, bress. MllC. Sat Alla. 21·21 riental rug le•nwey 4ii7"""round table. •-;;;;.: 960•9678 benallts 4 dys Non· Must have eJ1per. Hourly SERVICE STATION MORE O.-.o4 103 Shorec.1111, CdM ebony grand piano, Er· chino round benchu. --------- APT MANAGER· Mature couple, oxprd, 27 units. H.B. 1 Br apt plus $500 848-3166 Babyslller needed ror 2 yr old girl, Npt Seti area. lull time Mon-Fri. 630-3482, 673-0322 Babysitter wanted my home, nr Hoeg Hosp , refs. 1 llllle g irl 631-0483 IHT PUT-TllE .11111 JOWi Be a telephone promo· tlon clerk for locel new-spaper Private desk, casual attire., Only requl- remenr Is a good phone v~ and lots or enthu- siasm k 6•4 0595 wege neg. 951·4591 ArTENOENT 3 lamlly garage sale mine ~pe eaecullve f" • ,. sm r .. . SAYE SAYE s•Y£ GARAGE SALE Sal Aug F I h . bll8ulllully 11n11had In r. • ,. Mature counter person, Part/time. evenings & • urn. c 01 es. misc <1esk, cryslal chanaeller polyurulliene. multlple ' ' Dental PIT Harbor Cleaners weekends Neot appea· we honor eolA. MC. 28th 9·5pm 515'.; Or· 18761 Hoyt Cir 9-5 Pvt parly, 1-863-7431 u•tJ<, dlnetle, picnic or HiTi 1111•0 Ill" Experienced R.D A. nee-& h d 111 s c I c chld CdM 640-7785 ° 0 ••••••"••••••••••••••• 16475 Harbor 81, Fin vry ranee an wr ng VI A, ash er's hecks · Salesman's samples of Gen El&c lrst free Retrl· ca' <I t e 1> t e $ 1 I 0 BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA Co· ded for Orthodontic 639•2555 Apply In person· 2590 & C88h. NO PERSONAL IO I u · I A 540 1735 Practice In Mission Viejo ----------i Newport Blvd, C.M. CHECKS PLE•SEI Food 1tOI I,..,, school. 01c supp 1es. gerator lmoat new 2 • 1or TV sale. 2 yr wrnty " ••••••••••••••• ••••••• tiov•ehold good a. Fri/ dr 17 c/I $546 Brend 1----------$148 Free dellvery area. 830-3703 Mechanlc·auto MecG1e----------avallable Items aubject Sat Qem 21 182 Breton • · Brolher KH800 Knitting .l.'AL lssl.' ""*T gor '(acht Corp , 1631 lewl•1 MHlllH 0,.,, to presele. IWAP llEn (Atlanta/Newl d l ~~w1d~ams~n11S8c:r~ tbl, Moch Punch card all __ r_v_J_o_n_n_·s_64_6_·1_7_8_s_ -Placentla. Costa Mesa Production e•per neces· MASTllS A•CTIOI E ery s dB aa 3 m an __ 9 no c rs · oam pauerns S175 Allee Lansing floor spea· Do yoo want a c11eer In sary. Piece ralee. Costa v un y, m-P F 1 S 9 5 500 1 lounger Spice brown. "•2·5901 • Ortho utlllrlng 111 your CHIROPRACTIC ASSIST-Mata 642 911~1 2075'h Newporl Blvd CM Orange Coast Collage Cr tnr1u "cn N. • ... B S 138. All 3 for $797 ""' kera, $250 each Excel-l M d 1 • " 833·9825 6•6-8886 Felrvlew & Arlington. u p on r o n 631•2468 •IEI LIDO lenl condition Sherwood ROA skllls? Excel wage & AN • e t girl o flee T h S Coala ••esa Admlaalon Schwln t>lke, an•q cab, ----------receiver S50 Wiii deal benefits. 040-0121 PIT. Ins. experience re-elep one alee "" " h hid b " I '' " 106 111111 .. 0ISE q u 1r 0 d e • n a 11 t " Earn Big Money by the free to buyers Seller se oo~s. toys. c 0• Ho1111Alo uoHI S " 857-4198 541-4779 btach. $300-s 1000/ l!!r!!!! ......... 1.~~~ Reaer.•~l~~-·ta~Jo tnlng & misc ··vel.i..o·i/sHi:.r/cf:/p·r .. Custom 8K 15·. a"to. MITAL Sanyo color VCR 4200 New never used N- $700 sell lor $500 631·7717 Evea Medlcel Receptionist weak Call 538-751 t Boy's 3 apd Schwinn sso. ~~~~~~~~~ MOVING SALE • Furn, Good quality. ,2•14 ~~;~0·~~io wske~100~u h 1 X Telephone talll g 11 ht Uaed but good cond . .;. motorcycle, Iota more. $60 646-6866 In opht ermo ogy Int d II A I 779 OW 648-1429. Saturday. Eve<yllllng goe1 Fri. Sat. Sun 992 t Star disassemble 675·0_6_9_5 - working conditions e very .,pp Y h 146 p 1 M Or , H B (near Brook J, J 1010 Hunt Sch. 548-3789 19th St, Costa Mesa. Ste SCHWINN Boy's 24" Vat· ;e~:pbikes g :1:C O· h u rs I & A I I an I a l .!.W.~.11. •••••••••••••• AlllLL1llH1 CHPU Newport Center Dental Group continues to grow Pleuant. busy. establlahed office needs 1 lront office person. lllSllY SAL.El H Illy 10-speed, xlnl cond. 96,.·5096 Engagemenl and -ddlng H1gn quality. like new, $90 545-2863 Wave Tool Surlboerd.1---------ring set -cost $1400. gol<I 24x26' Wiii cut Atari set. Freezer, Ste· /m•• never worn, s tOOO 1_s_2_00_6_1_s_-0_6_9_5 ___ _ also a chalralde auls-Looking 10< pe<'tonable, tent This Is an opportu· nea1, energetic per1on nlly to work In a prog· able to grow with a well ~:o. ~=pdne 1~~indg Jb~"~.· reo. Datsun truck part a. • • ••••••• ••• • •• • • ••• • • 642-5937 LA to Atlanta alrllne t•cket ~ household Items. drapes, 8-28, 8-29 2 Clay St . '" Sanyo Stereo 8 track & cassette playe< 4 spkrs $300 492·6873 ¥!~~-!(!~~~~! 1.'!i Hou11 resslve. Interesting envl-estebtlsl'led Co Min 1 yr Ttlt,htlt l1lt1 Follow up, no cold calla PIT Costa Meaa ore F0< Into, Cell 63 1·7200 Asl\ for Mr Carson. hardly used Extras clothlng, shoes. king vine Mlle Furniture, WANTE:D diamond, brll· for gale $960 value Ill Mull aell tmmed $375 bedspread, sheets, gul· An1lqu11, 32 years ot llanl cut 3 ct. 11lnt color class $400 CUh Valid 1 AT ARI CONSOLE w/ t1 tapes Exc el cond 1 $200/blt olr 760-9321 , Mon-Fri. 5 30.9 30PM ronmenl 640-1122 retell nursery Miiiing ex- Sat 9:30AM· I 30PM Denial Assistant, lull time, per req'd F/1lme Star- $84 00 10 start front & beck office ell· Ung salary $900 10 $1, Alter 1st week. share In perlence, ROA X-Ray lie. 200 per mo Pd. holidays par1ne<shlp profit• & vacations Hospltaltta· For Interview, req .. salary open. bene-l•on Ins avell. Interview call alter 6PM lits, Newport Beech area. b)' app1 only. C111 Tue • .a2-1171 8•2·6680. eves & wknds lhru Fri 646-7441 " 673-3403. LLOYDS NURSERY t0 312 Dental/Front Office, plee· NURSES AIDE uper ~~~~~~~~~~I uni, buav establlal'led only lor 3 to 1't and 11 Bindery Poelllon. Training toward management In printing shop Newport Beach. 644·8233 olllce need• as.I. front 10 i shifts. Competitive olc mgr 4 day worlc salary, e11cel. benefits week. CM. 845-7580 and good working con- IEITll OFO llCEPT. dlllo'ls Conva1escen1 548-5588 Hospital NB. 642-8044 BOOKKEEPER. wanted F/charge w/llght typing DISHWASHER-Morn or skills for small merino eve. Apply btwn 2-,.PM oriented company. 20-40 3•2 1 Via Lido. N.B hrs wk. 845-0901 ---------1 DRIVERS Building Maintenance. e•· per only 40 hr wl<. Cell No e>cpr nee. reody tor 675-6101 b twn 8-4. lmmed hire Opening Mon-Fri Resume & refs avell now Flp·llme. Sml PUT TIIE Eves and/or weekends. Responsible adults, over 2 t, with outstanding. 81· tractive personalltles to work with youth (agea 10-14). Call 2-5PM. 842-4321, Ext. 348. EOE 675·2153 lhl s p Iced I ~11 Ott lnCIUSlon OK P I P . yr 557-7196 Jett T1lt?lllt•1 Stllolttr• tor, mucho goooies. Sal no ' o ~ SCHWINN 10 SPO & Sun 9.5 48 t Broad· Yale St to Southwood tc 645-5552 Ive msg Gray Cockallet with cage Nee ed 1mmedl a1ely CONTINENTAL, s75. way Colt to Grant on thf S50,000 certified rubles g $50 Formica kitchen Ideal f0< atuderll• or hO-corner or Dewey & Clay t ble $30 557 8393 memakera Hours. 3-5. ____ 63_1_.,._2_68 ___ 20' freezer, aurlboard. 857-6484 sapphire. Basl olr over a • No 1elllng Airport area l•il"•I toys. lg men & women's ---------$5000 644-7007 IF YOU HAVE THE INl- Call betwetn 9 -12, ., I • l 10,.,.5 clo1h111, oils & wate<co llrllt l•lt Men's appx let l-VVS2 TIALS OF 6,.o.,.e..r. Alter 1 pm, •• ~~.!!!~.~ ........ ~. lors. 2 camping coll '80 Sat Aug fa 8 AM to 4 diamond ring. apr $7l00 OMI 36' Rtc hardaon Sport 966-0 t5t IOW 31o /FT Ford Van seall. More PM, 1011 of barga1na 104 lk S3200 631-9276 PIP You are In luck Beautllul Fllher Sleeps 6 Asking TOPLESS MODELS • 1598 Pon<1erosa SI. 10 $50 9 Jordon EaSt hand tooled check book $16,000 1213) 818-8437 $75 DAY • PAID DAILY ~-~i~fo':i~. ~!, ~:!~d _M_l_n_a_s_w_a_p_m_e_e_1_1_S_a1 Sat 9.5, 2 lamlly ore H!~!!'!!t ...•... !~{~ cover with norsea head & Wiii trade 640 ec. Sect. no exp nee • 826-2583 fencing Cell Jim or Ken 8128. Sun 8/29 8AM tlll treeter. ranen Papaaan Wtllttl •H4 lnltlals ol CHO. Error. 17, T8S. R5E. Riverside Toy STORE anytime. 775.149t ? Baby Items. guns, 3011 c11a1rs.hlllrecordplayer W S ...... 1 cosi $25. 1011 lor $15 to County tor sell or power I b I I g I 25 fl I tlftrl IH ti lucky person with theae boat 833 0013 Approx EXPER ONLY cu s. oo a, m IG c b, Chang no fable · · C I 1035 E 23 d C.. FREE ICE hi 11u.11o1w1eTElll Initials Call 840-8709 $50 000 Salee, Cashiering. stock I I r · "" dreeser. c ldrens clo ••" • • FAO Schwarz 754·1561 9~;~~·~·~~·i:;·;.~·r~~;~~ _T_E_A_r _______ ~7~~~t!w~~~~1~:12 Pro-3 1792 Camino Cap1-1_e_ve_s_o_av_e ______ Zodlak Mark 11. w/40 ho ",Is' Male. 1 yr, $150 obo BIG GARAGE SALE atrano. San Juan Capl· lli1t•ll••~Olll Mere mtr, all acun. & 957-0607 Sat only. 9·3 Beige/ rust Decorator's antique QI· Strano 493•1023 Wiated 1011 lrlt, mint condition Part lime. 3 atternoona ----------1 floral loveseat & chair, rage Hle 13 Butternut, ----------i•••••••••••••••••••••• S3300 548-9830 Po r week . Cd M n..., I040 elec games. 1oy bo•, 1rv1n1 552· 7038 10·2 #l•t•Il••H•I 1010 Power mower and edger .... , II I 955·300ai ':~ •• •••• •••••••••••• toys, new Polar old c•· Set •••• ••••••• •• •••. •••• • wanted. runnln8 or no' •, 11 •• VE TER INARPYTHOSPT ~ !~.·:: ~~:~· ~~~aj.~o~r~f:rn~vl~r~~ -,-2.-A-p_ol_lo_l_n_tl_at_e_b_la_bo_l_I. Ant:qu~hma~og~c~ ca:il· 687-39 9 ••• ~'!!.f~!'!! •.•• !.~~~ naed1 one I A.H. Clll: 847•711118 FV mach., SSB CB rid•o. 2hp & 7'!thp outboards, &0 ,!;ordorplayer-$/t ~ Wanted good baby furn '69 40hp Evtnrude shor1 .... ,, I 11111•• •.• ~!!t~!!! ......... • Dl•111/ HIO •••.••...•......•..... required lee 631·6688 Carpet cleaning & light Drug & Postal Clerk, 9-6, maintenance. Some deys Mon-Fri. Fosters Phar- llld some evenings, PIT mac y , C M Car I. and two kennel aul1----------h hid 1 1 h trailer hitches Minolta "JVC" tabla A"IF " and Infant. ,101hlng 1h1ttea, clean, Leke lent. Call 631 to30 Gold-0 -trlever pupp•-s 8 teml, Cot ea • 35 "" .., 9"• 60"2 •• d I •TOO ,&•y ~ · ~· .._ "' 12 16 I pocket camera mm ster~ radio ··•th 8 track ...... "' ""•8 m 0 0 r • -•-with p .. ....,. for sale Only • • aquar · 011 more p ~ .. , 5••47c • It 5 WAITER OR WAITRESS ...,.v.~ 1600 White Oak. (W ot camera w/acces • Oii · & reco1d p1ayer-S7500, WANTED to buy TOY .. .,.. "'"8 OHISELllS needed at luxury Laguna _s_17_5_5_3_5_·2_4_9_4____ Harbor. bet Adame & roid cemera, wheel for belhroom "marble type" TRAINS Lionel IVES A YllF lltrlH lt41t Enioy working with kid• Beech Hotel Reat1uranl FREE toe good home 4 yr Beker) '711 Cordova. CB radio & sink In I door & 2 drawer F 644-6829 S200 55,._ 1277 Work evenings We train Full Time Po11tlon tor old pure bred. m ale ---------1n11nn1 & more SAT cabinet plus matching 2 • RlllllS you to become a youth breaktaal and lunch shlh Sllelll• 645-8010 Pottery/Yard Sale Sat-Aug 28 14932 Cryllal door well cabinet & llH1t'1 12· Apollo lnllllable 966-2531 846-1651 for lntetVI- CASHIER/HOUSEWARES Sales. Exper 1><el Apply at Crown Hardware, 3107 E. Csl Hwy . CdM Clrculatlon AGENT SUPERVISOR counselor. Cell 2-5PM, Contact Lot• BelOlt Sun 373 "A' Ogle, C M Clrcle. Irvine. rear ot .. marble type" wall shell, /ailr••••ll IOIJ 1978. up to 25hp. wood PUT TIME 642-4321, )(346 497_..477 Min grey poodle, 3'~ yrs Ar1w0<k to surlbOards Greentree School all for only $100 oo. •••••••••••••••••••••• floor & transom, all ac- Be a carrier counselor l~~~~~~~~~~ neodegoodlovlnghome. &ntlq Ga 11 Sale Too 551·1993 horse blenket·S20 oo.· cess SSOO 551-1993 for a local newsp• e 1: Wanted to M ii spoclalty Free to the right llm•ly " ue r ge ---------YAMAHA Base Amp N I P ' Produc11on, packing & Item. wl pey .... 00 hr, 7." ,,#VU> many Items lo list Set or Chrome g Glass dining g Ir I 's r Id I ng ha I Heft" with • dou••· t~" 2hp Et 1 Ion h 11 o e11per ance naces-handling hosiery. lull-•~ vv-uvuv • h I $12 LI 37 (smaJIL$25 OO·, new ca1 "" """ ~ ~ n 9 1 • ' •• W k I t2 •-·· only work 5 hrs Aft -e ----------1 ~ c a r t nans tat>le. MuCfl misc • 1 ,. PV k bl I 7'~h lgl b01h $200 .,..ry or on Y '""'" time Engllsh speaking -· •• f • 1~5 c,.. $6 J-• ~,. ... $5 " t G floor mats (4)·$20 00. spee er ce ne P n. · a eel< S75 t t r1 I · e • r n b I o ·$ S C 111 tH lo ••• -~-.,...,,ry .JV•· manzanlla, rv reen· F d B p 1 1 551 1993 w 0 1 8 Pus pert. Apply In person: 114•675-7818 blWf'I 7 & •••••••••••••••••••••• Glassware 25c-S4 Mir· tree Sal 8AM new t4 Inch light alloy en " au rte 1 on • addlll~alahareolper1· Crystal C<eatlOna Appe-12& .. P 1 Free 1dorabl1 kittens, r or ·a $4 Fr i onl y ---------rims (BMW'1l aet o f Gullarwlthcaseandex-_5_S_c_o_o_p_F_/_G_C_u_a_t_o_m nershlp s proltts. rel 711 W. 17th St. CM "'"' au CO.la Mesa area. , 7am-6pm 1622 Monro-Woodt>rldga SAT 8-4• 46 4·S200 00, two new con· trll • 111 In excellent BAIT TANK $295 A real tun job! ' ' Wit••• 645.-7817 via. c M Asnwood. Antiques & 11nent11 steel belled ra-condition Call 714/644-7007 Managemerit opportunl-PROJECTIONIST. P/llme. ....,. things. BraSt bid. chrs. dlel fires 195170 HR IH-0111 1·1PM lies For Interview call ex.per prel'd, NB. Min. $8 35 hr. Job avail Free to good home. 2 yr M •• ,., Ol~t TlllllCI baby Items, clothes s oo oo 1~~~~~,~~~~~1 .... 1• 11Wt I040 Ill Tiil Y, 1 ••• al1er 6:00 PM. 642-5678, 675-4580 111 6PM now. Call lmmed. Sml Husky/Germ. Shep. mrx. Ell v & Something lo• 0 eryone 14• 1 1: 8 0M0W0 3201 1: •••··'··••••••••••·--· I ei11 312 lee 83t-$88 good wtklda. aflecllo· q IGt baby carriage v hood mask· 2 : mlr-Kaslno 6 ch PA-head. 125 Clenlc 18' Lapstrake It• t re I •It r tit ---------PIT Person dress Shop In iiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiii nata. 831_8876 loveaeat, ornate iron bed LI 1 lllt} r o r m e d I c I n e watt RMS. 2 Peavy cabl· Century bay boal, 4 C¥1. HtlH•I 4811, •tW• EHHtlft ltoret•rr N.B. Women's clothlng w/brass. old baskets .•• 'I.~~·••••••••••••••• cat>tnat·S20 00, Cell nets w/15 .. speakers & Grey $3500 675-6181 ,,.,., tfl•t will lit~• lor Travel Firm Word e 0 xep nee 544-2470, Mar· W•ll lr1••ltttl Man11 k111en. free to good leak deck chrs wicker & Sterto, furn, bed. wed-642-0138. h 0 r n a s 4 5o111 rm ' Procuslng/Computeri...::._ ________ Sell s11rter wanted to home. Call alter .C:30, rattan. many collect . ding glltt, 1ppl 289 •-_ ---642-8155 *Ill IPWI ••"lutlt8 I t t exp. htllplul. Npt Ctr loc. n /TllE IEOEn. organize and admlnlter _63_1_-o_s_2_1_____ t&ools & Shou11es hol8d61te3m65a Wave St., Laguna Sch ...,5 to., 2-0• 10!:•. 3~1. PA Syslem, Allee, OSC. Wi nner of Charac ter 1,rl•1 tf 'II, •H Cell Jean. 759-0193 newepaper morgve. Per-BASSEn HOUND male 7 mite al un -. Sat 7AM .. ,. .,.. "" Boat Parade 17' Xl111 ••• itl •••• '.II.Lit ---------Experience preferred. menenl poaltlon. Day-Id Ow E 191b Sl. C M ---------775-1,.91 anyllme. Tapco. Includes mikes bay crultar. $2500 0, • Ei1ecuUve Secretary Templeton's Beauty Sa-time houri. Salary $250 yta.o . ner translrCI. OLD HOUSE DEMOLI· LIVE ••LLHll $1760 6,.4-4605 t>est offer 673-7677. ftr ••••• ,,,.,,1. to President and Vice-I 0 n . c 0 I la M e. I to start. Light clerlcal must find gd home for GARAGE SALE • 273 Al· TION & YARD SALE • -President ol faa1 growing 833 7600 duties. Please aend letter _Fr_ed __ 4_9_2-_8_2_3_4.___ blrl Pl Sii & Sun 9•4 APPi tlxluru, drs -+ Send someone you love Drums I Rogers) 4 Pc, 23' Pierce Arrow. ftyb<ld· strs. company In San Cte---·--·-----and reeume to Ad. No. Free 10 good home male Reh lg like new, tt>I &i ml1<: 584 Monterey Or. • beautllul bOUquet or 30 Oyno enere, 2 cymb9I ge. '79, Volvo 290 hp, pre. d a ·w n de II v e' Y men1e Must be proll· LIPB~CRHYACSLINEGR/K II t064. Oalty Piiot, PO Box Sh1p/Collle mix, good ce~rtr'a'amlK furn & many Legun1 Sch, Sun 9-5 helium balloons Perlecl stan~s.P t high ha~ Zlld· x t ra luel, ball I a11k Cl-t 1 plat -Ath 6 •111s •-"" 1560 Co 1 " a c • ~Id A for all occasions. Beals jlan 111118 cym ell + cu•tom lnl & cvr •• trtr su ....... rvlalon requires ear-V" Y .. , ... ..., . a a ma• • " w/~ a. ---------"1•~11 •• ,.,&. all hardware Good cond "" di 1 h v .. _ d n2627 s o t 9 • Cl "' -•• the "heck" out ot roses $14.900. 642-6580 ly morning work tchl· c IP one, y ...... wor II .,..,10 Lti•••y ., 840·2698 al n Y • ., othes, •••• ••••••••••••••••• 673~,.19 $ 3 6 o 8 5 7 . t 8 8 2, ---------dule proceulng Computer ,._ -houaehold, misc cheap! Moped, 4 blkH. clothes, 673 0682 20' 1-1 U OI background helpful. Iii·-&.••'''' Moving, 2 doge, Shep mix 182 Cecil Pl CM mite Sat & Sun 9·5, no • ' "' R ""'on 1 ker s r Admlnlttrttlon needs to ..... w/1hot1, Lab pup aome 2.-s LIYE IAUHIS All Brand N~ Er.·11p~n1 Volvo Penta 130/270. Respon1lblltt1es Include ,. • mo e ery •••••••••••••••••••••• F IS S 9 II early calls 1 ., 44th t. ,... .,_ .. _ ... , ... Oii .,. •• , ...... 1-p 6 mo IOO shots 64&-8998 rl et/ un AM A N Send l0m80fle you love Peavey Bindlt SOW Sturdy laat, claeslc , overaeetng dlatrlbutlon open. ""'erences requ.-...., '" .... _ .. · • .a-tl~n 5 B r .... Im-.... ,,,.~~ position Knowl-.. ge or -kinds ol 1hlng1 . 100 nu· ---------a beautiful b0Uq11et ol 30 •mp W/Automlx tools· center conlOle ''-'""· agenll. opening new ""· .. ._. ......... -..,. · .,. •••• •••••••••••••••• Free male eat to good " " . .,. C. 11 ' • 01 I I 1 n v o 1 c r n g A / p merout to mention 221 Garage Sale, Sat/Sun l'lellum balloons. Perteet .... ,_ .. $280 "-•n .. ark-$3750 ou11ell and directing or PP n men · • • home. Neutered & lh0t1. E s ... "'' .,...., "' cotrectlon function• ,_K_a_th...;y_._1_t_4-4_9_2_·680 __ 1 __ 1 aec'l/cleflc;al skMlt • ne-WESTMINSTER Westminster. 89._1276. · 19th ' Baby Items & clothH. lot all occasion• Great tey Pro-Mag acoustic 675-1980 or 1133-670t Newspaper clrculatlon'experlenee In video sales ceselty. Ananclal/budgot ABBEY YARD SALE Sel/Sun toys. etc 3702 Patk Ln. decor ating Idea a guitar pick-up w/case 30· Hunttf cabin cru1-. and sales experience a & eyllems Installation. Nbaecwkggororut ncdadn•t•alrralbolce. 1175A1NWTl~UlmElnMaAt.L:L&ve Free puppy w/llhota. Gol· 7 -•pm Tops, books Lido Garega Sile al 1136 673..,.,.19 $50 Shure microphone new canvu , bottom I T I b II --" den Roi/Husky mix 9 plant•. CIOlhH, mll C Via Lido Nord, NB 9·6 SAFE PE 585 w/case. cord done 8182. 2 bOtl -. P UI o app y. su m EJ1eell. wtoe & benefits. $7.6 /hr. Call ••ancv, G&ROEN GROVE wk1 492 "'"73 adaptor & sta d $100 v-·~ -"'to C ,.. , "' ...,., lo ~OOdl. 605 Hamlllon. Sal/Sun lnctdl 2 bunk Me""• Model 1712 n must •atll s •oo"' resu...... •ll Valefla '°' Interview "•0-212• 5"'" •103 ~ .~ 5•9 1076 k I B .... _ v .. appt 8-42-184,. -""'--------!~~~~~~-~~~~~ F1m Pit Bull, l'h yr1 old. M _bed __ •_._w_•_lhl_r_l_dryer....;_ __ $200 (71,.)662-0907 ., • H or on..... 1-996-$888 afl 6pm PERIOlllEL DEPT. Ill TOllY '·'· ... 10l10 ........ T RUL ESTATE IAUS RoO-Top Desk. Oak 48", thOts. tralned loves !(Ids.' 5 Family Garage Sele IWll Ull U f/111 HO TRAIN SET Ollie• r.,.j,.,. I 17' BOSTON WHALER. PIH UTll II Why not try ume 1h1res needs rtllnlihlng. 1775 FrM MT-~7 Olahwa1her, Iv, meny 1930 Port CllelHa, NB on 4x4 plywood , xlnt r.a/••••I IOIS MOf'ltauk. 100 t'l.p Evtn- Your original, n,-,1-queillty and make acme money 080 875•8205 l•t•ll•t• IOSI mlac Items 220t Amer-cond. $35 731-2133 •• ~.~·••••••••••••• rude, low hf• xlnt COl'ld. 8rtWOrlt may be "sad In lot a change? 751-3191 •••••••••••••••••••••• lean (oll Victoria) Sat MOVING SALE • every· ---------DESKS FOR SALE S 9 8 5 0 No I t1 II' t our nation wide •rt· Clo•lng Out SpaQI A-2 at **'BUY** ~ 8_,. thing u crlllcedl Must NEW ATARI VIDEO 011k1 and matching 6,.5-04113 marketing ettort Volume Receiving Clerlt for retell th• Otcorlllng Bug, Hll end llbles. root· COMPUTER SYSTEM chairs 11 aacrlllcl prlQe ---------11181 of better lltho-clothlng store Par1-tlme 1241 So. Main SI., SA POOL TABLE, king mat· locker, bike, 011 880, $115. 731-2133 81 $550. Replacement '7.t Carvet 25', mint cond. graph• Is our bulllnesa position, Mon-Fri. Expe· Tremllfldoua buyal Good uaed Furniture & tress. kit tabte/4 ch•I,.., mite Fri. Sat. Sun 10-4 Men's Roller Sketes coll $2300 CAI.I. DAWN Lois ol equip, wtH Mii or - For details call Mr. Mar-rlence preferred. Call for ------"----Appllln()9t•OR I wUI Nil 5 roll• R 111 ln1u11t1on. ·1304 w OcH nlront, Sz 120• like new. 115 9-5pm M·F 833·8600 trade 875-5861 l•llftnil•, 12 201 Equel Oppty Employer CIRCULATION MANAGERS tin 857-8669. appt. 6,.4-5070. Aak lor Exquisite Victorian baby or SELL for You mlec 2955 Mindanao, N.B 731_2133 Genera• Help, earn up to, _K_a_tl_e_______ carrlege6!525_7o7.2., llASTUI AMTit• 557·4515. Set/Sun 9·11 ---------UNd Royal Bond Copier Bf~!0, n35WHhPtlerm.o2to~r. lloldf"I• "' •• ~ v 141 1111 1•• ff21 TWO FAMILY SALE HEA TEA. forced air, Gal-Xlnl eond. $600. ,. $400 week taking 1nap Reatauranl Bool(keeper. ---------• ••• Sat. 8-3. 1200 Clay. llera & Salller s15 Make 8411-1010 (Anita) cor.d. $3,000 firm. 1714) 1hot1 In your arH. Ame· ICClounllng I ll!>« helpful. M U S T S E L L -I llY FllllTlll 1111 TAii SALi Furn .. haewarM, mor•. 01, 839•95H 840-1262 tour photograpt'lera nee-Part-time. Apply In per-OESPERATElll Women• Clothing, aouche1. dining l•I• IOl1 -.,-~.-8-------dld, P/F time. no 1xper ion 9·1 t at Joah Slo· 10 apd bike, SHre Free Lea 957-8133 rm table, ch1trs. 172,. HYIR lltlll Plnbell Machine ••••••••••••••h•••••• "' •)'llner, tOT2, cabfh, or telling req'd, Write to cums R1111urant, 2001 Spirit, lllnl cond. 11c:r. McCarthy Oak Vlctorlen Tustin, Sat/Sun 10-11 MOVING AWAYll "Race Car" P•rlrtr'I Pttl late Mercrulter motor.,,&QOd l•tltul 4•111..;••· UnlvlfHI, P O. Box 310, 1_w_._eo __ u_t _Hwy.......:..;..' _N_.B_. __ 165 080. Antq matching Deak. Cott $t900, sec • 11 rmt ot lvrnl1ure, Incl. 642-5937 AKC Springer Sp1nlel1 cond $5900. 876-2 ··:r:.h.... • .. Mont1bello,C•90640 Sales. PIT, Retell Fabric .. tof2clr....,t&ladlea 11200 645-1410 GARAGESAl.E •nliql*I, applet, lot• or __ A_v_l-at-lon---M-,-r,-,,.--Wtft S349,now$150 11' Botton Wt'lalel', 16HP ... vanit y tlbl•. CIRCA . SAT & SUN t ·5 other good l lUll. Sall American Pit Bull, WH Evlnrud• •l•C •ISll flt M tlrt.a.tle• lllllll. Wflll ~i2~~e;1 An •· ( 1 ,..) 1930. Jt,000 for entire Spec• 11ver bed. dra· 20115 Arnold, bt1hlnd sun o-!. 2t00 S111tl900 C~~~S:3~50 $300. now $219 11200 Flrm. 846-2 t01 flrtfHll•Hll I• tlllt ~ tralnM: typlno. n-i---------Ml. Or will conaldlr Ml· wen, cabinets and beds OMV Or ---------Mllllery M1c aw we• I I I ling, good phone voloe. Salol Repretentatlve tor e llng NPll'ately. HM bMrl all In one. '45 Newpon 8eech Alhletle & St449, now $899 PLUS •lllTll WULD I •I t •••J ta U Buey office. can Judy at unique, ,_ mlnl-1>0we< In lamtly for )'Mii. Rec· 557-84'48 a.It Stt 1--4 PM Glaas collectlbles. bike, Racquetball Club mem-MANY MORE PETS ON 9' Tender. fully equJp· Wta. PelltMtn wlN IM 842-5830. turf« tpOf1 boll. bten· ...ion ior~ .... 11 Wiii lllJ 21715 Rural Ln. Cotta louver drl , embfoldlfld btrahlp In Nwpt Ctr. SALE ALL INCLUDE ped, 8 h.p. Evlnrude hte4 la ••ltr ••· Gov-n-t JOBS. ••any alve b ackground n•c c:onelder b11t otter ·I IAl M e 1 a (22 nd • n d llnlnt. Old boolc• & 111 S125tobo. 875-7597 FREE VE T EXAM plua llTS-0191 S1800. -.. ._. ,.. Retumll oniv Baatex Pleue cttl 549-0578 King ez watarbed with N 1 S tdltlone. C11t Iron pll· 15% DISCOUNT ON • tr1,1tltM 11..tett. jobt 1Vall•ble tn US and 3H 1111· A th ..,. beaut headboard w/ ewport-beh nd tat•• Iara Set/Sun Ho11d1y Tennlt & wlaJ club STORE MERCHANDISE Grell lltttlng boet. t8 O\ler- 3 . F0< directory, ~: Ste 1~. ~~ 02JO Nohted mirror. areo mat-Broe) Rd al Beypor1. N.8 membership, $150 O O I I f Alum tOHP Mwc, ,_vy hlle:Jt 4e~Ht ,, •• , ~I ( 12) ~7. ext. Antique Singer 01k H · cnlng oak night tlble, GARAGE SAi.£ 548-4754 tit 5 14 " I 1 ••• duty tllt ,btd trlr )(!n1 J-19 S.lee wing m1oh lne, $ 125 Only 3 mos old. coat 321 Ramona Pl-. CM II• JaH Cl-'lltHI f•JI cQ(?d S141!1 780-1450 ftn • II •rr H•• ~llEl1 cesh ll75...fl02• over S 1000. Sacrifice s IS 9 5 ............ ~.; ....... Carpel Siie. UMod & 2nd•.· · .....,... wftti,.... n511 ___ at_u_n_-___ 1GARAGE SALE·S•t Only 11t quality. 14.119 eq Vd '8rrtt I...... 11 ft LUIOI .... __ ,. •. ~. W Looking tor utr• In-A1ntll2q~-~°'*h. Oii etov.. ~::,~~88~ Om P 11 t • Find wt'lit you -i nt In 11-15 2M42 Ctl .. Rleardo, & padding & lnetellatlorl. Tamt S40 548-5440 Qlt bV Uclo Ship Vatd. 4 -,....,. .. ..., • Dally Pilot come? i ry Pert· Tim• 0 .... Dally c .. Set\ Juan Capo. Elec Lrg aolectlot\. 83a-.15543 eyl lnbOard Cntr ,, ... ft .,,.,, ...... 8 • Cl""'SSlfl-S Hies, TUlld*V 11\fv Fr1· 87&-00241 .... llftt latlll Piiot I .... ,_,._ range. rail. Mite Newport Bcl'I Ttnnl• Clut> 1/HH I "-u.1 lfH ring atatloll. 8lmlnl tlP ,.. •• •••• .... -~ dey. 9 AM to t2 Noon ·--,-"-.-.. --... -.-__.--.... --PRICES START AT: Sol• ._ l•mltv rnembenn~ a2eo .•••••••••• ":":t......... Fun cenv••••· Frt•h 8 ry WOf'tl for App Iv P£NNYSAVER, 6olrd Br ,._';ft Bedt 1197 Sole & L0\'9 hnll,,,. fat r,.,.1,.,, ltllf PI u' tr Int f I 1 t Plano & Benet\, MeMlle pelnt. VI<'/ alabi. wtnc "'*t•tltt ht • YOU. (all I 880 Plaoentla Av1, t7~3e";t,..ue S 1 I I a 1·8 1 Be d I . •••••••••••••••••••••• ;;er.••••••••••••••••• 073•7638 ' Clark. Xlnt c:Ol\d. 1500. 1round Bey bolt. In D · • Coet• Meta. Atk tor Mre. Mew ... end FOundatlon Sota: Striped ornz-:1 & DrHHr. !tl'len Allin. · 540·9293 cellenl cond. J3500 PDlllllL nn. • 64f 2-56781 W?llte A .. ,,..... Mii a.t•. Twlml 177. Ml $97, ~=i11.Lsn~:~1-4~ lheflleld aolld cherry Slldlng1wo•rdrobe cloora, l&LID,..... 731-7900, or 63t0 4764 Ill TllAY or qu ck ULU .,..~HAAeoA.AA~·· o""n 1 147, Kina 11e1. ir 1111011. u1121. with ""* • 496-40311 NONE "NIRt F•ctorv -· wlllld• • • C8sh sales Water Work• Sup plv. APPLIANCE Sl!AVICI 3 po living rm tabflt M7, Rattan h ntWOOd rocker framed mirror. 35x50 1utl\orlHd cl11r1no1. lllfltW p, I, ... 11110 . . lnllde/~ .......,.,. Wt tell r.cond,. OU*'· 4 Cll.U Dinette ht 197, w/green CUll\lon 170. $1,100, OveJ COit .. tbl, CHURCH PEW 9', eolld I.alt 3 d~~~ noWI tt ft ll1Ctrlc. H UO llt141lt .. ••------• eon . Cell Elelne •tancte ~7'7 =~f711 bed• wltri matt cell&4l-4l30 • ='1ct::J:i =~ oek, hend wvecs. Spa~ * lllUI 1t oooct con ctltl o~ . ... " •• 120I I.. (714~21. _;..----.... ·~-------1 ............. -•• HAND CA AVI D TIAI< i..l>Or.1 tlOnOQflOti n '' " .• I y I •• 3 0 0 . BHt ael~Uon ol Motl 148·M"4S "--------..1-.:...--:a=-=11=1:-:/~LlllL:::::':":'--L .. t llY ~1-e1"" .._., •n• 8Mt Mn. natural llntlth, 1•20·1 ;z Pwtth f2 dra: 540-9293 m11c11 of or~ane; Letlle Atk '°' GetY"' & For Clltlllled Ad .... .,., 1959 Hltbor, CM mirrored ln••d• IOOO. mood ' dlt o reOOtdl • IUlfO llUlt 8r*rt .. "" m Unit.. 808lON WHAi.ii\ ,~· l!quel Opptv e:mplo'/ef" A~:~N Put time. IX~lence ... ,.AIGi RATOA IU..... 6~..0175. t4'-·0164. u n . Addlll9nal di•· "4l!MBERSHIP I.alt ;!.~,u~~ON 40 MltH Johneon .... You don't need a oun to Deity Piiot ~. eYM No troel, !Mt OC>M. Antique Walnut Bdrm Set,]STORI! l'IXTUR&S tor mond dl1e1 H .60 11. r OA SALE LOWRIY l WU~ oond. w/lrlllt. nret ~ ;::.w.!u.:;•lnwr:~ AD-VISOR llTIY/i.r. I HOoeatt. M04078 dr....,, ~1 Ml bed. el.Iii IOlld rOOd !Ible/ holC't IW Ir~· 67&-1t3t, 10AM.SPM modelt it our dtal1r _4_1_?_~_....;t·----- PIM>t Went Adel call now °"2·&e7& l~eJ~o/~ :::: "'"--t""'O~ •• ,.. S&OO. 8-4 l-4 lao :~~··.::v :~:l~~ri"a rOl'I • I ll M . 17 A I w a y a a I a I I I n coet. .. .. )OW' ~ ... ~/~M2~~·M1~:··~--==:l========3_:tl'.!,.,in~t~r'*:!eet~U~"-/tllM--·-lml__..i.::=l=tT':~:'="':77f:2020=9Wl=...,=·=l-H.:.~;.;;:..;.;;;.,~.,;led;.;,,;!ct.;,;;ll;;lng.;;do=l.,;,:i::::..'=-=I=-: ~~4t~e:;::.u '"H S~ = =n:·~· ~l~~~'=t~~~ l dl ~ e.1t~.':.r!." ~ ~::.. ~. ' Orange Ooatt DAILY PILOT /flrtd y, Augu1t '27, 1982 ...... .._ ..,, .,,,, l11t hl.'I• ~'' 11jf .,,,, 1111' #et.1l1H lltH •1110 A11t l11rll'I, 11111 bt/1111/ ,,,,., I.Ill r1.·•1t1 1111 A•t11 /•NJtt' Rn"ll.\Jr....-••••• rr.1 C•uta. Mff • • •• ••••••• •••• n.._, Hlf •••••••••••••••1.r •• 1. I A ' • !•• ffM Cl111lf1 l.'''I ••••••••••••••••• •••• 14 •······_·•••••••••••• ••••••••• ~••··· ••••••• ._lfjetol I O O Con tie •• ,.1on••••••••T•t•• CiAL 10, •plnoai.111 Oen ,,,-;r.,,,,, •• , •••• ,.. .,\Kh Mofltld IMO •••••• f!f.f.! ••••••";T ••••••••••••••••• r.1. 10 Oatwn ..... f11c;llup 'IO TfllfA •WI JJIUI ,111 .,,.,._, oom., .. t~ r.hir 40 Vlklnt IOf Cha11t11 :,•11 \;~ O~f~ ::~u •• Ft. Mterltl noo 01 b•t1 011.. An c11evy trvc" P•"• • 1.,4 lt•H •ttftf * •H.1111 * Lu mi. 11, .. 1 CICH\CI, m1o1•t ••• r. •••••••••.•• r •••• bll llt d to1d10 16000 fl11\1nv, 11111111? IC ":1 I Faotllan1 N•wport Mir• 9•0 t tU ton t o cH e .. I l\bll 10•11 ,.010 Wuod W• Uat rH I high with tnll I IMl 17600 6"4 IAIA CHOICl IHVCHfORY D ,. 0 w "" er ... , :,:2 ~~"' m . n • Wll l&U bo• tor Nur ftubhc Vf8PrJ.t '""" moto1111i..1 ,1r•n•11,•:1~0 ... 1orntn •106 gon 113 000 1 """'Y brn ~··••IC: •WO u 1110 VOlVt.4 IAlU If& I t40, ., I 11'3 B1v• bl" t>vck1t 10 n•w Ooc:h I !fl 000 '1114 UH 110 lp10111 '00 mllH up " c.ompleta Wl llllll AMI ,,.. & t:. -o-• I •• ' • • F MIC8 ou•ue• u •• rur •••••••••••••••••••••• ·rtH'ClblnCrulMt,11)'· .. • tttfl laH1tuH<ll013d1y11n •O' Npt 0th mooring ontv,gooJHnaw 1450 Au1ot>odv 8tuaen.t n..O• lllllllotdModelAluwn wo;I< Ot o••V '7710tCIV•nC01w brldr.,VH,,AOf,(llngy Newport ?1419310600. thtOOaytlngtaha11dad w/18 tt1l!Olld, ,uni\ & OliO Mii 1348 •llar pro1e<.tt 70to U lmlJ 8•o•n 110000 fHH OON'I Of'lAYt * lllJll1.l * Loa ad 114000 (714) 4U·4001 ollarnpionehfpi Fully o a11 1no1 St0.600 6301>m -.oomeatlc;imcara "'' tW7~1'.1661J t ..a SUMM f!RflM£ rvN1 IOI lloLAllll 6"4·8 .. 12 ' --equlpo-d. f>O 8,3• . O O O [ O \rv~ka Naar tot•I• •S 111113 Studeb•kor Av1111t1 I . . UI n "' , I llW IHI• '•II IOftl lllalanr lSl<lf• ' M 1 Ult.AN M · Seve MoneyH noiurtk $b'\OO 875610 ll6IH• 1111ty 16 ro1ok1 C.:om11l•t•y c.uetoml,.cl IH Ray 241180A 11180. •••••'•":'•••••••••••••l 8:.14 w 18111 St c M tluµttl 40 11 11111or1ng with PCO. 1uy11I hluo gd 2nd ntttce ••rvtc•' · • 1 1m11ll 01on1hfy pmt1 No A .. 11 oontalnecJ wll11 b•lve-barvtc:e LaHlr1g fl~ N 8HGh Blvd L• 1111>r1 w/o lrlr. loadea Mutt 18' Hobt. C11, ~now w/ 60 0640• 1e 11 tnnnatd, eupei toe. cond fu•t tunacl 1300 :l l:l 944 6462 68 Cad Conv 0111,1 uw1111• old contracll to H111mv 111111. reltlg . 1;11bll1tlt. •• I I • 111 , II 0 0 I 0 I r llQ tunrlH ••II• llkl ' --A •d IJ c ti cl s 2 6 0 0 I 0 0•0-400& no• ltont and, IUIJI t\ No b•i.:k pmtt du• Atk polll• Cuatoni paint '64·61188 naw 12600 6711·0181 12 8tlllfl{I Otogny, S 6 S S6!i00 .,.~ 111:14 II I / PAIN I 4 Ill• body work, upnu1 work 011t11w1au tor Ro•• 842·000 Proto wllHil 6 mu'h mot• to p;;;::;:;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ___ ..:. __ ,;;;;;;..;..____ d .. lgn, W/dOlly, '850 ,,,,,,, ,, OJI Ill 50% Oii your body I gd •h•P• $600/obo I /M IHMI 'tW7404) Juel""° 075· 1900 or 1133·670 I P1(n 111.1 10 211 S lbOtmo $tHllll II 50 ahop ••I 8111 536 H32 7141562· 11113 .,7<. 0 -rtlltb•• party 10 m•k• IU·llH Open Sunday Boat picture ads provide 28' Ericson Fully equipped cruise 6 sails, UHF. c;ompass. covers Perfect condition $16.500 123·4567 Set your course for fast sales with a Daily Piiot boat picture ad,. Each Saturday, the Dally Pilot wlll offer you ad space that not only describes your boat, but pictures it as well. The price is guaranteed to buoy your spirits -$45 If we take the picture, and only $40 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. For further details about how Dally Piiot boat picture ads can work for you and to schedule your ad, call 642-5678 and ask for Sally Lee. •lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml to S 1001mo M111 u1 •••••••• .. ••••••• .. ••• Mutt 11111 '• .,, •llun 11men monthly pm11 No O·•f•M.a•a• •uLI Ctierlllel 673-111•~ 1076 Hutlly 12b MX In 14 Mag WhMlt US Indy !>6 CHEV 2 01 wgn cloan P1cku11 uranl cona1ttor1 utd COlllrtCla to uaum. ORJ•ll Ctlm'I .. -.., 1>erle~t 1.11111111.0111 Mu•t 15)( II !I $200/bet orr 1 & c;f1111lc; f3000 New II••• •hock• & No b!K.ll pmta due A•k , tLHn 1ventut•I New main •11cJ Aull1~l1 •••I aou for ONL v S•OO c1111 1139·9647 548 t54 1 1>r1k1Js As1<111~ $2400 tor Aon 642·HOO fib mad• for MacOragor av OWNFR M•rk Ill 04S 20311 II no 121L 78 15 Champion Fl 19•11 W•llya Jeapatat 01rtt1111 49 .JJU (It I Proto LIM '310 (714) 640·0030 30 Doell pow11r or lull •Hl•wer pt1111111 kt411> reacone whltewella gd R 1 ... 1 1131·4675 , ---- • • down mate $ t !'10 mo try111g even1no• bHt treed $401p• 50·5633 H orau ~ n1 running LARG~sr-76 00<.lge Window Van o 5 065 · con d $ 4 0 0 0 ob<> " Cu" om tint, HOii, refrtg 26' Claselc Sloop (Ludera 7 • 2 78 Hondo 750 with Ftl Sup01r Shell H70· I!> 960·4075 JEEP OEALER s245o 6••·4026 I 6 l • N w PI '11 P • Dock for 26' 1>011t w/J8r ring $1200 01 l>Mt 01111• 1<1111 1r1ted w/rlm $35 .61 MERCEDES In The Weac I --- S 1000/0BO 873·116,.7 201 dpl.r.. Ntwpon Can 71 t 18!>2 li'4fi.5633 ' 4 cyl. runs llne. be~t 1.nh HH U&ad Jeep• I t 97 3 Oodgo Van. •Int LIOO w/trl A· I .r.1r1$1275 al $900 mo 673·3663 .-75 Jeep CJ5 Runb coud S 1900 t 595 673-6319,673·9467 'll SUZUll llM3l0 11·15 Ll H\JftHOtk 111&11 Ollar 675897" gedewllholl1oadtl•llllll rvwport Blvd CM Slllll SctoVICa LeHlng r{ JY ( 'ARVER 14 ~ J ~It lll 1 ·llt\ 1\\ ,. ·"'· • ••w,ort lt1t Ill• W/EXIRAS. $400 S!O S5 Cnevy Bel All w1111. wheel~. AM/fM 6~.! 2050 HOBIE 1• lllle new. In \JP TO 44 II Devo 545 535T 54&·47!'>4 att !i 350 reblt ang runo .r.lnt I 'tCOV987) $4989 74 Dodge van 1T 10 Ml 7'J BMW '.l:IOt 4 epd Al~. g111age, w/traller S 1300 $3b0 month 673·•424 75 SUZUKI TM 100 E•t•e Laro• Car T UIJ ana many e•lrliS S 1100 • 711 JMp CJ5 Renegade •Int cond s2ooo <>• 011 lulllvot AM/FM cauet 12~~~3~~:S;OIO I evu BOAT SLIPS AVAii ABLE lllNl COND $350 Carrier $25 OBO 6'42•90U days wlll1 PIS 1111 wheel AM/ oh 645 2561 le S9JOO 5411· 1217 Nowpott Beach 40 & 45 549 511 IJ 950. 9578 63 1·8040 evei Geo1ge FM Cass Oll·road tires & _ 32 Classic C1u111ng Call 642·4~4 from 9·5. • 69 OLDS Cutlass Sup wheals Lo m1 72 VW v .. n. reblt eng ahll Sloop E•cet cond Built Mon·Fri 7 t YAMAHA 80 A11t11 /01 S1J1 '176XWAI $5989 cond SJ 500 080 RUNS GOOD $75 ............. ......... conv excel cond lull • 81 Jeep CJ7 4 spd I 6• I 13•• 5• 1·0608 evs Finland 195 7 Custom --1••PORTANT NOTICE pwt $2600 644-68211 S F I tnlr Luke S/S atove, SLIPS evell Huntington 545.5913 ..,TO READERS ANO :::. AM/ M stereo nw 1976 Dodge New p111n1 VHf. 8 glass dingy H a r b our B 8 y 5 BIKE MOTORCYCLE ADVERTISERS 41 Cadillac Model 6 t ( IAPM99J) $7989 Mag wneet never dama- Many eK1ras Desperate . 7 I 4 . 6 4 O 5 ~ 4 5 • TRAILER. '2 SPARES The pnce ot tcem1 ad· Sedenecte, mint orig OVER 50 JEEPS I ~o E.-cellent cond $3. must sell $28.000 or bSI 846· 7708 S 75 5 6 59 J auto. ra<llo, 83 000 m1 0 COM 760 8 160 I 4 • I verused lly vehicle dea· $ 15,000 545.800 I TO CHOOSE FROM _ • _ • olr. 675-8391 days MOORING 50 NB main ·75 Norton 8!>0. lmmacu· lers In tl1e vehicle cl1111-OllUliE COAST AotOI W1nt•d 9510 MELQRAFT SABOT Channell $125 mo lato, lllock, elac star! t1eoaovert1a1ngcolumns '29 MOOEL A FORD AMO/JEEP/llEllAULT •••••••••••••••••••••• RIGGED FOR RACING 549·4293, 957-0957 51950 644•4026 does not Include any Dme 11 home SJ900 I 2 sails, 101s of 1eak. 4o· Slip for pwr or salt w/ --app11ca1>le taxa•. license, 673·29 12 2524 Harbor Blvd . CM WE PAY $700 644 -4147 let-down mast Balboa 11181 tfond11 CM400E, 5, transfer tees. 11nonce 1964 Buick Spectel Lik" 549-6023 645·7770 TOP DOLLAR 25 It MacGregor '8l tral· Coves Avail now Ftex1-OOO mt St 15° Firm charges. foes for air POI· New 35,000 orig ml . '65 Ford ''tf Pick-up, 1001 1 ler 7 5 Honda extras bte. 645-8100 _964 2238 alt 6PM -I lutton control device appraised $2500 will bo•es. rack & shell FOR USED CARS E•~ellent cond S8500 1976 Kawasaki KZ400 ce11111ca11on1 or deelet I take S 199 5 C II It $850 631·2938 AUii MA111llOI $850 01 best oiler documentary prepare 499-4119 -• 17' Sloop xtnc cond w/ l11t1, S111d I 646 t 172 I ton c.ha1ges unl6SS -----69 Foro F100, V8 4 spo POllTIAC/SllAllU :railer Ready to ~all Ski 1010 otnerwise specified by llttt111tio111l AC new 111 es. body 2480 Harbor Blvd StlOO 714.545.9003 •••••••••• .. •••••••••• Honoa 360 6 spd Runs 111e odvert1ser ~ •• I 9530 scr.iighl ndi. pai n1 COSTA MESA 4 X 8 fl Custom slate pool g1ea11 $600 080 -6 I 111-510 .... !.!~.~~........... S 1350 494-6875 Ul-UOO 79 5281 4 spead taathar BBS w11ee11 Eacallent t.0110 $13 500 b44·8325. 5511·6•42 1111 3201 IMW Sunroof AM/FM CBSS&I· 1e A IC Alloy rtms Automatic. low mite• S 14,500 or best otr 17141529-6202 ·11 2002 Xlnt cond See 10 epprec 13500 642·4274 or 84.l-4653 78 3201 Sparkling• Snrt. at 4 sp S6ll0010BO 675-84 16 67 2000CS 25,000 m1 on rebuilt snrl must sell $3900 768 4572 2l' SLOOP table S500 Please call 646 8382 tafll ~ VACATION SPECIAL 74 Ford Courter has Sips 6. galley, dinette, + 760·6234 eves__ •7 1 Yamaria 360 fnduro (;i;~;i~·;9•59 '(;j,',~·,j;; I '76 GMC Van Couv, low camper, call all 6PM, Ul-1411 76 3201 Auto, Sun rf ;:,~: ;;~~;d9:9900 Pvt c:~;~1~a~~~r:,~rias~~~6· ~!'.!e~,,~~~~';u~a~~,J>~~· ~·~::c:,,;r'mc°ci11~rt ~~~. Z::1'1e~,4S~~~2~ond Must :;9~~~~ C750 Heavy WE BUY ::~~e~~::!\7::.'$9~~ 1· SABOT SJOO (2 IJt 438·0880 S350/obo 548-073 1 651·061 I ATC t85S duly van 22 llo•. 0110 CLEAN CARS obo Janet. 675•3656 lmmac. cond Must seal 11' W11•1•1 Sid.... :S01T 125 Yamaha dill A-;ti1111l1 --$1000 ton lift gate. Side doors & AND TRucws c.'I.,; 9115 559·8790 J 1 J 1 350 Old t bike .r.lnt cond s650 Cl • 111520 546·4754 alt 5 roll up re111 Many ex11as " •• .................. . acuu e ' s, o OBO 536 00 5 IUltl J Guaranteed new engine '74 Capn 6-cyl, must sell. .1.100 14' plus treller, race hrs. must see 10 eppre· • 1 or ...................... 4 Wb11/ D1iv11 9S50 drive trarn, Michelin tires' like new $2000 01 bat equip "1499, e.r.cet cte1el Tandem trailer 9'!8-0597 ___ MOGEL "A"1l •••••••••• .. •••• .. •••• 1 S8IOO PP 6<t0·2076 I oh &57·5009 cond $2195 Greg $5400 846-5776 Kawasal.1 900 ZI 1976. Shay replicas, pickups& 80ROVfR3500V85spd ; -- -Caprr 76 V·6.auto.A/C 5 4 6 · J 4 6 4 . days •Int cond. tow miles, coupes 4 10 c;hoose loaded 25K like new SllC 7'2 For~ Cou•ler. , ton 673·7072 eves ft1•l110tlltioo many exhas Must see lroml 1006768t ISlk· $9.600 ltrm 497-2637 Gd cod $1500 I P1B PI S. xlnt $2195 14 HOBIE CAT. 1975 ..... .,.-. •••••••••••••• Sec $1800556-6491 A30931 Prlcass111rttng111 '70Scoot4x4.4 cyl.runs 63'·8190 PP 5483844 ___ _ $850 c •• ,,,,, s.1. o•LY Sl,1111 great Needs soma work r Oyola 76 AM/FM Ste· -lllM llYEll 77 Captt, • 1.000 mt, sun 557-8640, 631-7160 lttot flZO llote1 Hoa111 Sil•/ $1500 OBO 646-8382 reo cassette Small T S root immaculate. S2950 •••••••• .. •••••....... R•ot1$tet•t• fl60 camper shell $2175 j OP dollars lor po•ts 548·6513 759-0838 Hobie 16. good condition, ·79 Camper Shell tor short ..... :to' ••••• ••••••••• ftatkl 9560 673·6618 Can; Bugs Campers ,-. --$1450 645·2256 or bed truck $200 or bst Rent 26' motor home, •••••••••............. 914s.Audr1> 77 Capri 6 cyl, 4 spd 548-2111 orr 952.5453 sips 8. fully loaded 1111 FOllD 81 VW-pick up l•uck, A5k tor U/C MGR sunroof am/Im cape ---645 8616 OOUlllEll XLT diesel LX Blaupunkc JIM MAlllllO deck bronze. 90K mr. S•ilHlt'I 1065 fllotorizH lih1 1140 ---AM/FM stereo S7200 runs Perr S 2 2 0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ........... ••••••••••• rriiltt1 ftivtl fl 10 4 cy1 . 5 speed trans a 494-4366 YOLISWAliEll 63 l -3589 Cstm sailboard by lnllnlly, VESPA MOPED. good ••••••• ;.-.............. new 11res. Ready to go• 18711 Beach Btvo ------- xtra sail, $975 6'16·7200, cond Only $200/olr '67 Oasis 18'. rel rig, , jR66595). HUNTINGTON BEACH D•tsua 9120 675·5115 615-4792 stove tollel sell cont 53 Sludebaker Champion ONLY $398& OPPORTHITY 1•2-2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• '1 s 5' oo b . 5 pass cpe Nice c ar u ,. LIMITEI OFFEll lo1t1, $li11 '11 llED 12& VESPA new a c I or est $3750 213f592-1792 knocks otten wl1en you v See at Newport Dunes use resull·geltlng Oalty WAllTED' 12 l°' D#k1 1010 Moving-muse sac. S' 100 Aqueclc Park. A Secuon. Cadillacs to Go·Carts Pilot Ctassll1ed Ads 10 n • • /0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 96•·220516•5-2661 or call AnswerAd 676. Late modal Toyotas Frn avaJI 0 AC Sttps available. Corona 642_4300 24 hrs Wl1atever the Fad mreaarcnketlhe Orange Coast del Mar area. S9 pr tt 79 Suzuki FZ50 Under Roll em oll the market Volvos. Pickups 6 Vans O• All ••• p e g g y 0 r c • 1 r 1 e 600 miles. stlll brend new ave something to sell? WICh a C1assll1ed Ad Phone 642·5678 Call us today! TRUCKS THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 ~AUOll &L\10 COSTA MISA 642 • 0010 955-2HJ wl(dys 8·5 SJSO 769· 1637 Ctassllled aos do 11 well Call Nowt 642·5678 #Mflqtln/ 1••terqtl11/ #1t11t-,dn/ ll1t•tt1d11/ ll1t11t1d11/ llotortyd11/ ·111t1ttyfl••/ ll1t11t1d11/ • • !!!!.!'.'!. • 0 • • • • !.J. !~ • '.'!.'!.~'.'!. •' • • • • !.'. ~~ • • .'!!!.t'.'.'. • • • • • • !.~ !f I ••.~'.'!.~'.I!,• 0 0 • '• !.'. !~ • • .~'!!,!'.'.'. 0 • • • • • ! !. !~ • 0 .~'.'!.!'.'.'. • • • • • • !.J, !~ • • .'!!!.!'.'!. • • • • • .!.~ t ~ • .'!.'!.!'.'.'. • • • • • • !.~ !~ t--'-,~-:-~-:-~-· Y..,0;;.;;~;.;.:..;:~--1 Earle Ike c ......... . COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Btvd 714/540-6410 OUTSTANDING MOTORCY UES IN ORANGE COUNTY * SUZUKI 1981 11210T 1981 1981 ISllOT 11410EX •1&99 ~ $1239 1981 1981 111101 1110001 •2599 ~ s3149 1982 llllOIU ·ALL 1182 111100 l •' cvcle rider ofScouNT WAREHOUSE SUPER SALE 11-Ztt·lt Fill lresur Cycle c.,., $3900 Reg. Pr. $54.95 Reg. $195.00 SHOEI FM-2 Sport Fairing Comp l ete w i th M o unting Hardware & Tinted shield. Reg. 1142" $88~~ ... ~ l1uollt ltoh Street llhll11 Sizes 5 thru 13 IElllLE OIL OOOUll with Tlttr•t1t1t $5400 R . $79.95 $7900 Reg. $97.00 DUNLOP TIRES SPORT ELITE 130/90Vl7 (510V17) '87" 120/80V18 ( 425 /85V18) '82" 130/80Vl8 (51 0Vl8) '89" 140/80V18 (540Vl8) 'l&" 100/90V19 (325V19) 'll" 110/90Vl9 (350V19 '80" oto-X ood es TOURING ELITE MT90H16 (510Hl6) '86" MT90Hl 7 (510Hl 7) '8200 MP90H18 ( 425/85H18) '68". MM90Hl9 (325Hl9) '12" MN90H19 (350H19) 'II" (Price Include• mouhtlng) c~ele rider DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE 1210 south ••I• street Tel. (714) santa •••· ea. 92787 542•9588 '81 '82 '82 '82 '82 '82 '81 '80 UWHHI 1000 LTI llWlSAll IZ-710 SPECTllE UWASHI IZ-710 CSR IAWHHI IZ-HOCSll IAWHAll IZ·HOLTI IAWASUI IZ-llOCH UWASUI IZ·UOLTI IELT UAlll lllW UWUAll 11-420 HI· TIAOI '3099 s2799 s1999 s1999 s1999 s1999 s1499 s999 '19 IUal IEW UWUAll $899 ll-210 01/0FF ROH &lllT SELECTIOI OF USEI MOTORCYCLES! ILL lllDS OF lllES! 'll Rl·121 YAllHA 'll IZ·400STI llWAUll '80 IZ·440LTI llWWll '80 Cl·IOD Hiil OllTOI •••• •111 I ' ' .... '1419 FllllClll IYllUILE! IUY -SELL -RAHi • , .. ""•4'-tJOJ., U 0°H U WE IUY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FllH APPllAISAL Corm1e1-DeLlllo CHYllOLO 18211 BEACH BL VD HUNTINGTON BEACH 141·1011, Ul-3331 Top Dollar Paid For Your Cart JOllHOll I SOii Llaotl1-Mercury 2626 HarbOr Blvd Costa Mesa 540-5630 Premium prtces paid for any used car jforeign or domestic) In good condtlton See Us F1rs1r ... fOYI \f t U t)M ................................ DATSUN * TWI• Z CUI* A HIS AND HER M OOEU 1 Au10 , 1 5·speed stick. botl1 nave Lux Pkg wt pow windows, air cond .• cruise & Mve plush Int• riors Wiii sell one or bOll1 (068ZSRI ( 150721) Just need reliable party to make small monthly pmts No Old contracts to assume No back pmts due Ask tor Rose 842-.. 00, Prolo LIM 1810 DATSUN 210 S speed Ir ansm1sslon. tow miles. e.r.cell1<1t con- d r tton clean, AM/FM radio. 2 new tires. 63 II· cense paid & M UST SELL' Call 675·3017 or 642·0138 1 "'1 ·' \Io·'·' 'hi ti.IM• 1 '78 280Z, 5 spd. Ivel tn1. Highest cash 1mrnedtacely sunroof. 49K, S5900 obO tor your vehicle Do-tsun B210GX mast ic or to1a1gn E~cellent condition 55 t-828S 1 •11roughout Tape deck • spd Ir ans xlnt mpg $3100 ~!.'!.'1.!'!r..~'!.t..... 499· t•J_9 __ _ All• ltoato 9105 79 280ZX GL peckege. •••. ••••• •••••••••• ••• 27 .000 m1 Mint cond '74 Alpna Spid~• New 2•6 $8900 675·62• 1 Ferr1rl red lacquer. no •8 1 280zx GL k /T. rust. no bondo. complete P g w drive train fresh. f & R top. slvr blue. xtra cleen. bumpefl custom & color ta~e over payments. P P coaled M ust see . Call, Iv msg. 730·9321 $7500/bst oft 545-3342 '79 280ZX .. GI pkg. 5·1pd, A di 111101 rear louvers. bra, Anze • J exhauS1 nu fires & mags. •••••••••••••••••••••• 26K ml 55 1·9295, IO &.411 IOOO hr~t 645-0792 26.000 mlles. tully loaded --------sunrool gd cond Lrke 76 7 10 A /C, 86K ml new $13.•00 OBO $2300 cash lcrm 6 • 5 • 8 2 1 t E v e s , 586·373• alt SPM 857·968• days '80 200SX. auto, 1/c, am/ '79 AUDI 5000S IMMA· Im 28.000 mt. sllver CULATE Lo ml, •ulo. air, blue, greet cond $6200 1unroor. S72001bst olr 652·6803 1_c_e1_1_160_-1_2_1_2 ____ ,-.7-9-2-80-ZX-.-au-1-o.-.-,-c,-.-m-/ '79 50008 5 spd. AIC. Im stereo. great cond •mlFM cass full pwr $7,.00. 552-61103 Be au I I I u t . s 6 9 0 0. '78 8 210 2 Or, 4 lf)d. AC. 675·7424, 675·9~65 em/Im. 36 M PG. Wht. lllW f11Z clean $2950 963-11365 ••••••••••• ••••• •••••• ,.,,.,, 11Z3 llUS-HIYIGE LWlll 1131·20•0 .. 95 ... 949 UDJLEUCI gw 26402 M.,gUMtte Pkwy MIHIOn Viejo jAvery Exit olt t-5) 01*1 Sundays ...................... llllHE OlllTT'I HLYAmNIZll FEllllllll IUUllllPJ 3100 W111 Cou t wy. N-port O.actl a..2·11405 FHUll ~ ~JlllP\ '92 400! Auto. bfown ~·~ '82 400IOT, Red 8ei.t-9er'\ltee-L9Mlng '92 4001GT, Blue 'II 1201'1 Art hrtt '711 3010TSI. Brown N~ Selec:ttont Spectal 131!.llOO '74 Dino 60Yd« • '78 2002: 4 1pd .. an/rf. 714.ffe..830e (917PV8) * '79 3201; auto., A/C lnnt1 (6467760) ..,,., ..... • '79 320t; .. 1pd .. IOI· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiil dldl (776YP0) • • •fld 3201; 6 1pd .. 1n/rl. (4511ZOK) • '80 11~81; I UIO . •n/rf. (4M20J) 111-1111 208 W, tet, letlla Ana ' 'ClOMd Sunday Ot1nge Co•t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Auguat 27, 1982 ('I I ~.tt~.lttmttt .. , .... MW..frlt:'1JC ...... ~'1.11.~ •••••• 11.'!'t.ff~ •••••• 11.'t!t.V!tl. •••••••••• '1.'!11.V!!I. •••••••••• ~.~'!!1.F.'lt ••••••••• i tltl ............. 1!.41 ltftttfll.flM .. 11.ff tmH!. ......... 1.~'.f l~ .......... 11.t lt/11 ............ 1.~tl ftmJlt ......... l!.U rl,!t.~ .......... 11.f *FAllYASTIC* TU,.10 OA,.Al"A '11. ·eo 4 Wiii c11tvt 'WI00!:'.1.!l_L # t Ytht lttltr llW 1111 '74 ltt"lo ll dr •dn, lllnl "I Plllt INll• It. :rt. NOTa Cu,lqm tOtOea t.wv le lrUlt ... ..,, 1r1n1porttllA>n, 1tlOk * FIATS * llt,toO .,tell .. 171 OAt.f.tiO, OA2·S•O.t •••.• 001Vmlll thtft, ttdto/hlr. very '1:1 lt0tect\9 e,. a o Lo Jlf WJI IUYIOI cteen 114&0 Ml·35H ... saICTtOH mt, 1.0.i 0011c1 111100 'f1r..!'. •••••••••• I... UI liiii•1 $ Pl(.WJ) nepo!ltbffl. "4t·S874 '7t Oorollt 9 .. 6. ooocl OVEAllAI Ol!LIVlRY 5 0 0 'H Pinto H1tc:hbk. xtnl ,...., 1111 •• ' .,8 tlll. all orlQ. 8 •Pd, c:ondttton. t1600 CXPEflll& 1 oond, 0110 owntf. AMI P*llllt red. mutt '" 18000. 840-1447 'M 8 trk. AC. I t600101r, FIAT SPl>ERS & Mo-7912 0t lld·84111S. '111 Coroll• Dtluxt, llSK. uau Ill 846'9164 FIAT X 1/9•• '72 81 ... 2.0. HI< °'•'O mo'· ~ .. 'i~~1'0'11'.1,· ~~'l':i~~·d VOLYI BELOW t!r!'!~~!~ .•.•.•.. 1.IJf f11w11u oond. ~II 0 .., • .,., ....,.,. v.. t9Ge Harbor Otvd 'll "IWI ..., .. a.. rr... obo. 061-4142 111. 6pm . ., 1 Toyot• Statton wa-COSTA MESA PAOTOH llVllOll ' M ...._ .. MllM "78 PORSOHI 924 gon, Aunt good. •Int Ht·HOI 140-tUl Station wagon, V8, 318, 8tk/81k, Bltupunkl 111C)41 c 0 n d • t 0 6 0 I 0 11. r MIWAH DlllYrtltt !ei~i 1~ P:J.~a:0• DICK Mll.l ER MOTOR"o ,, t\ . tttrto. t lr. new tire•. 114t-2820 ()( 8311-11724 1881 Bertone Coupe. Oove/QuaU Ste eunroof, $7800 '78 Corolla SRS, 1/c:, •ml t>tue. lotded. I 18.800 °' NEWPORT BEACH 1 .. 111~ IHS M5-0438/(2t3)3ff.41119 Im 1tereo, lmmtc 211K r8~~)e:rt8tllr84 ,D11v~: 133•0111 •••;;J .. fRtil.iii ... -'H t11 OH mt only 13500.131-8030 (002)943-eeoe. p~ wind • t~ke. 111t, F ••2 T C91k: '77 Vtltt, whtl lln Inti 40, v -.. "" Whitt/navy. air. AMI M " oy a, every op-000 ml, fut~ equipped. auto , cull air. c:1ul11, ' ' 'lt .. , ..... , 124 1400 ~C 6H-C 88,000 orig ml. Reg gte, 1tlnt cones. 11400. 4114-&948, 1181·5037 1tter 5 PM ca11 . new 9hock1. t1r11, lion. 18.000 A•I., U1u t 1 --' ("•4632) IOK lune $11.250. D•y 714-780-13113 •••••"•••••••••••••••• 16450.1173· 282 day• or tuly equ ppvu. " 640•71 t1; nit• 4911.2632 • i ... ITIT I.Hiil 1101 1175-54117 eve1/wknd1. 1241 •Hthlr + tu 1t ••i:: •••••••••••••••••••••• ,. llJ' C1p c:oll St2, 150. retl· t981 Pore~h• 1117 Lt •••••• •••••••••••••••Come In & •••Newport ~!!A~!••••••••••••••~ dual 18357 06, total of ~~~~~~~!!~! Mtn• rtcer rtOltc.r. Red. 'lt S,ltftre Beach'• lln111 aeteellon •• 7 COUGAR 111 Ollg •• paymtnll tor 411 month• = trHh H.P. VW engine 29k ml. Excellent mech ol pr1v1ou1ty owned ~el c:ono, 'tect ,,;ant 11 t.588 +lax .,.,, 11n ••t ... OSEL u Cler 8 000 AIC. •8500 or belt olfer c:ond. '3.000 OBO Poreehe's, Audi'• end trens s 11oo 644•8828 •••••••••••••••••••••• v "'" : n ' Day• (802)897-81184, 1173·11438 Volk1wegen1 IHIA lllTIHT ~~:~ ~1~:."Ju~!:1; ev91 (002~-eeoe '8• Triumph Convertible .._-. !'!IA! ••••••••••• !!.~! Wt can tletpt Befort you perfect cond. 144,000. '75 811S lndl• Red, bltc:k. Sport• 8. Good c:ond ,.._., '711 Dodge A1pen, Spec. buy,ctleckourunt>eatt· Wkdye 714/667-0711. Air, stereo.118,000 ml, lt500obo.988-llt43. 4,.6 e.CoHtHwy Edll.&.<!Kml.allpower.8 bit Httctlon, Hvlnge • v e 1 I w k n d • Well Portche. We11por1 .. 73 TRe & cl tch Newport Beec:h cyt. Ct ll all 4, 873-12411 and ~e today1 714/1175-2464 714-846·8272 •nu eng u • 7 a. magnon. pontiac / sobaru l llVEllSln xtnt c:ond Ha1d1 eolt e 3.0900 'II 1•111• Ohr1•r IO '611 MB280S. orig. owne1. '68 9t1S, beige. bik Int 6 1 op, , $ 4 O O O I o tr AJIC IHS Bell otter c:asll only UL.It • llRV E JClnt c:ond., $4900/olfer In llloys. stereo. 1e.250 548-8110 '·············· ••••• ••• 1176-t 153 H111bor Blvd at Fair Or 28~0S~~E~~d 1173-4728 Westpo1t 645-8272 •78. Spl tltre Low mt, ••• lll2 1-.-,-,-,-----.. -H-O tn Costa Mesa 140 .l~O '81 MBZ 360 SEL Ork '11 "'•••· Glllerrr. aupertor cond In/out DILE "' ~ 5•9·4300 549-t457 • .. blue/Ian Mini t4K ml. "' 13200 552 1857 •••••••••••••••••••••• --------::-'.::-! s42•000, 673•3238 or $14,500. 673~352 tv · • ITATll• WAIO•I ·71 FORD Maverlc:k Good '79 TRANS AM T·ROOF Hondt. Toyota. Oataun, wkdys 644.5440 .77 911s Targe, Barton ftlhWlfl• 1110 cond 3 new tires. econ * MIST SELL* all mtkM. 1199 dou It --------Yellow. lmmac 4111( mt. •••••••• ••••••••••••• 10 $850 494-3211 SUMMERTIME FUNI No 111 or last. No depo· '7 t MB 250, Sun Roof, 111 111 Bl kt P/W 1970 VW Square beck. •75 LTD 2 d di 1 Midnight t>tue met .. ve- 111. No lie: lee. Otllvera A/C, Auto. Orig, xlnt !ic~8ne:''ure~uf t~neup: Sun root. auto Iran•. To Choose From new tliea. i~~~~ ~11!~: tour bucket seats. con· anyte. ... buyaanycer cond. towner.16400. Wiie's c:ar. $t8K. runs good $3200 call Alloptfona&c:ofoll Xlnt cond s2100 . sole,eltpowerextras,tllt over our c:oat. All Savera 769-0650 645.6776 673-94411 between 5-7 avalttbte. Hurry, white 642•1388 & morel (1BCB262) Jual Ltulng. 634-0189 '11 •10 IL pm aelectlon 1as11 1---------need retlable party to c cs • ll•Hlt 1155 W , hill '77 T-BIRO, exc:et c:ond. mike 1mett monthly '78 HONDA IVI 2000 7,000 mllea, wire wllMll, •••••••••••••••••••••• 119 Bug. AM/FM CIUS, run• • re •I lotded. pdc:ed 10 sell pmta No old contract• 8 3 4 • 2 8 7 8 wk · 0 r 138.000. 213~2-88711 llW good. nda palnl. 1400 N&llll Ol&IT $800 btlOw blue book. to 111ume No back 957•5174 hm. 10t_8_6..,..3_M_B __ 2_2_0-:So-H-o-od.,...,1 'II IHHH Lt Otr 494-6875 &110/olUP/llUILT $2950. H2-0592. pmta due Aak for RoH '80 Prelude. 28,000 ml. all Trunk, Aedlator, Tall • f AL-f '7t BUS, reblt eng, Im/Im 252<1 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. 78 RANCHERO OT, auto. 842-4400, Proto LIM ex1r1s, snrl, copper, 11ghta, and Mtec St20. HJ I v-•11 r••· cass, radiate. $2350/obo. 549.9023 1145-7770 I $1 0 0 0 I b Ex; E!ucket Seeta. Rally ... 6.6921 trans., p/9, p/w, p/seats, 1980 Gren Prix V6 10.000 Per · 0 0 · 6 t-2220 . "" tllt hi /f ste o/ 642-8155 ---------i Maga, Reck & Pinion w , am m re miles. ltke new. went to -----,...---'17 450 SEL. Sunrf, SLOerlng, Front Wllttl '79 \/W Conver11ble, sto-'64RAMBLER6 cyl Xlnt tape , $4500/obo 1 ell by Friday . 10' Alumlnum BluntnoH, beige/brown tn tr Drive& Morel red 3 yeere. Only 2800 motor & trana. needs 662-2367 $6500/obo. 720-1685 V«Y light, easy to c:er lop $15.900ofr. 673·1 t53 · EPA Est: 30 city, 40 hwy miles. A rare one for lhe brakes end llrea -.7-5_F_o_r_d_V_a_n_,_c:_u_s_to-m-. -.8-1-P-o-n""'tl-ac:-G=-r-a_n_P-rl-x' $300. 963-5272 60SE $4181 Bug lover. $10.500 S150 646-8465 62.000 ml Auna good Crwo All options. sunroof '70 Merc:edes 2 L 523-4719 ___ s2300 962 "9•5 .--'7 t Hond1 Sedan 600, Not nnln d• work -v ., Asking S9500. Mr run• well good 11re• $200r0u/ bg. ~•t 0266. (aerlal011380l '70 Bug, runs good. 1.,·,.L aa10 -. --------Gus11v 540-2500 ' ' o o . .,., • Fuego TurbOI, Imm. div· 11450 ••• :!••••••••••••~•~•• 72 COURIER truck. gd. ---------i $100. 963-5272 msg ry 642 87 1 SEE US c o n d e c: o n o m Y , 77 Flret>trd Formul• '80 Honda CVCC Hatch· MB ·73 450SEL ctn lharp tllllll OUST • 1 $2500/0BO 548-6154 350 llUIO, xlnt cond. toa-b.c:k ... 000 mt fwy hi $10 500 OBO M t ell for the l11gest and beat eve• d d brown/tan must $4300 ;;o MUST 'sELL'. w ta. • UIO/JHP/IEUILT 11 1 aelectton of new and --"-------a:e1' $3099/obo: Must 545-5681 1131-1428 2524 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. '71 llelll 0HY 111 used Bulc:ka In Orange 'll fllll LTt WAI. 88111 PIP. 848-7266. ·71 CIVIC, rebullt eng .. excel. cond 4 spd $2800. 646-1477 eft 5PM COMPUE·IHOEIEI 649-6023 645-7770 am/Im tape, 29,000 ml. County today! Auto 1ran1, air cond, Low ••erc:-"--BeM. c~ In l•ll• frff • Reg. g.ae. $7 ,000 OBO Att 5. 644-0442 ... ........ ·-VH~ •••••••• , ... -........... 673 2 •3 •97 3249 1976 Ventura 2 dr, air, 6 cyt New pelnl. very de· pend able S 1350. CdM 760-8t60 'll hltlile Accerll U $3900. &46-1514 a" 6 '71 Accord. auto, c:lean. low mfle1. xtnt mech Over tOO new & used I ITSi£ Orig owner. lmmac: c:ond. ~ ml. Many extras $2.000 & consider our leaso ar· • .., · .. • k "" 1 '10 L TO rangements 0< tong term #l DEALER IN U.S.A. ·74 vw THING Bett Ollar tlnenctng. IO' CARVER GOOD CONO $3600. 642-0546 momongs. · 7 4 F I re b I r d 6 c y t. House of lm"""'S. Inc: 49"3385/661-2925 S 1 6 5 O I be st o If er. ,..... • . ..... • 1 "' or-c--. £i'•t•l• aa~s DIAL 2 t3 or 7 t4 DirV J C_~ -·r -·• J~'W 642-5080 alt 8PM. 637-2333 l~l'L.../ l '-..C ·73 VW Super Beetle. Sun 2925 Harbor tllva. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------i ~.-l110f\l'M'Ql1!CTNITll Roof. Mega, New Paint. COSTA MESA '74 Mark IV. 76,000 ml .. A U d cond. $3500. 499-4737 1-M-B_Z ______ _ '11 CIVIC cvcc, AM/FM, ~ tlr11. gd mech cond, nttda paint. $2200 •~M•~,.11,.1.-~ •• $2875obo.622·1162 9l9 2500 lmmacc:ond.,tullpower, •IOI II IOOIEL's '"''M~ SVNO~;-MUST SELL 1970 vw CV • leather. new tires. etc .. 1.·1•1•1••1•1•1••1•1•1·········11iFi"ii!.!-~·r IOOIL' · • must see. $3500, firm. 11 s ~d lrlO Combl Bua. New eng, 76 Skyhawk 2 dr. htc:ht>k, 675•6974 NABERS 714-968-8306 •••••••••••••••••••••• xlnt price Call me lodly. II cyt, pwr, AC, Burgundy --------., C htnHI Meten,.rh ll&ll A 1112 UAI 752-1153 w/blk & whl Int. New '72 Mark 4 Linc: Cont. ("AOJl I A ·C &44-8089 att 6 ·~~~~ C:r~t ::Od· o.r,.ratlel toO Tllll 4 .... '72 vw Bug. xlnl paint. tires & battery 36,000 Xtnt running c:ondttlon ., .,, .Jr~ .- S2tOO. 675-7424 or i---------body & eng, new rlldllls. ml. $2200 545-7983 $600 875-4468 c 176-8665 JIU 1.144 $345 42 $2300. 48S.95271tt llPM Century Station Wagon. ·75 Mark IV, xtnt cond. CLEARAN E ••••••••••••••••• •••• I 74 vw Wtt11all• Pe>p-Top '78, Mutt Stitt $2300. blue lthr Int. orig 0-. mull a all. $3 100. FM c XLNT nd ~.. A•• .... '78 Civic CVCC. lo ml, •79 MOB, 5 spd od, AM/ ~n~per. evt-c•-en. SS, 548-0206 $3150. 545-3369 Verna SALE! 873·7011,847-2423 u:s.,.239i 0 • permonthplu1 tax 000.637·8646 Cilll/1t lllS LJnc:-'77 M ARK V. 48 month clo•ed end ,70 VW B 62 000 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• loaded-sharp, cln. 1 ow-ll•n 11ZI '61 MGB. xlnt cond. New lease on approved ere-eng eutou~~. '& ciu~h THE URIEST ner. Lo Ml $5,950 OBO ····~a1i;;~t..;;;;j.... pa1n1. s2s50. 114•-4eos ~~~2 f5o~ ;!q~:~: recently OYefhtur.cs ~ IELECTIO• _63_1_-1_4_2e ____ _ AM/FM •tereo, 5sp., lo '""'" 1150 Come In end Mk f()( ~ paint & uphol. I 1800. ll•tt•rr llSO ml., 39mpg, xue clean. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-u-• (1""'2•). 730-5188 of lete model, low mllea-••••••A• ............ . •"5 5 882 2357 _., ..., .. ge cadlllac. In Southern ·77 BOBCAT $1449 .., 2 • MEISTER IUCI llPllTI VW Bu9 rear ... ,,, Callf01nlat See u1 todayl Moonroof 631-1153 Jl•UI 1130 848 Oo\19 Street 11k!.newt·""20S&O lllERS (Ive mag on phone) •• ,.................... PlllCHE/lUDI NEWPORT BEACH "" " 0 LUC - ·79 JAGUAR XJ5L. All t3e31 Harbor Blvd. 712·0IOO '70 vw Bu•. reblt eng, ADI ,,.,, .. ,, J~sz ~~~nsf.~~n;s~~:~ Gerden Grove needs minor work. 2800co~:~~E::..° ·6C;:r,ai~:::,;;,~·;_;,·g, Mr. Gustav 540-2500 lale ... ltnlet 73 Saab Sonnett 3 fiber· 11800. Ron 1131-Q069 Stinger Ignition, Runs & L•aslll glass body, xlnl c:ond .• 70 Convtrtlble, lest 01 tile &40-1880 took a greet s 1500 ... ,, 1131 4spd $3500. N2-6404 I 960-0434 •••••••••••••••••••••• 714 131-2333 •-L-n t•f4 ~con. $3vert500lb.'!!5· ... 21newo1 --------1 _______ _ .... I' ... -... .,... '73 CADILLAC '65 MUSTANG xlnt cond '8e°2:~\~~'!>°o~a~: .. ~L;;.;,g .. 'Uu!~. uc11. cond. t!:ir o':~dtop. s;..~S:5 ~2~:0~1 ~-i4;; s : plu• get 11.000. 1111111611 $1950. 544.7ge9 '79 EldOltdo. 23K ml. nu 01,,., ... 11, -55 7 t4/825-1808 -1UI 11re1. tmmac: 1 owner. • ~~ -'78 vw Super Beetle $11880 871-8749 •••••••••••••••••••••• '77'1t 924 xtnt cond .. vel· 111·2MI 4fl.414t conv, Mint cond. Orig • · 1HO ILISllHILE low. 111750 0< bet Lindi owner. Orange/blk. '73 Cad CdV. Full pwr, OITUll SIPlllME 644-6141 Mon-Tuee. '12 s:;;:· $7000. Qe3-1000 Bob Q. extras Good cond. Al· Coupe Auto. Hans .. '68 912 Targ1 XLNT FllllJ I king SlSOO Len's Auto economlc:al diesel power HI US r-J thru-out. Rblt Eog New 11 + '79 Bug Convert whtfWtlt, Rpr. 1202 111 St. SA, & loededl (2&42). Attrac· '01 YOUI Carbe. 17500 /obo 11 ta xtru. gr .. 1 cond. Lo ml. S42-1751 tlve c:art "9JTMAUA. &45-1410 ~~·,~~~::so.~~: $8300. 1-484-<IOOB4 c ... n HIT ., 141111 INf IT I --------ments for 48 month• 72 VW Super ••lie, •••••••••••••••••••••• lltWUI Oltetnlet ....... .,. FOICtusifledAd $5Sl6 +tu.(1188731 1unrl, AM/FM can. '67CAMAR0,11bultteng. S ACTION a magnon CIMn, good cond.12300. 1900. 1132-8774, 9-Spm, NEDove/WPOQAuTaiBI c:!a.CH •MIU'nl Call 1 759-0701 Needs paint. ""' t•a-1t.t1lll~J4Sml ~~,:O~ • ·~~e:u:·p~1~!. 0ts06n.tor~~ L!~~ ·~~.~~.. '78 C~t~a~:°!!~eme &42•5678 pont1'ac/D ml. $2"00/btl. 983-6313 maro. n-radials. silver. * lllT SILL * U or dY9 67M1118. Louise loaded XLNT CONDI SUPREME DELIGHT Is People who r1"d people 1~=~~====t 'I l .am& s 3 9 9 o / o b o P / P how you'll ree1 atter drt-~~ ~IYW chec:k the ci---•t'-' •d Harbor Blvd ti Fu Or Whtf-'t•n w/rool $7350. 857-2070 vlng thll lully equipped 1979 CADILLAC ELDOIADO COUPE (1CVA850) sio,995 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI (978VNI) ·. $9895 1977 CADILLAC SIVILLI (468259) s3995 1912 CADILLAC flHTWOOO llOUGHAM (1EAL545) $15,995 1980 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPE (917ZEM) s13,~95 .,..,,.,_ ....... ectory In the -...... " 1, your one-In Costa ~ ., -· mldlta with only 48 000 DAILY PILOT 1top 9hopplng cenltr •=-9.•""" "•"1457 &45-6212. '76 C.maro. auto, amltm, L ·d 1912 CADILLAC ..... .....,., ,_,... -----,-----,.-1 red. low ml, greet cond. mlles, 1111 wheel, in au -------.-.--•79 Rabbit, xlnt cond • s2700. 552•6803 root. wire wheels & m0<el CIMA I ION SIDAN A•IH, lint 1100 A•I.,, II"' llOI A•I.,, It• --rune reg gu. '4200/best Why settle IOI ttss. enjoy .... UTOM .. TIC ..... N s.' ••••••••••..!••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••_!.••• ••••••••••••• •••••••! atr. 4~ ... f879 Cj...,1]11 llZO both economy & com· ,. ,. '",. · ---------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• lortl (1BEZ813). Just AND SUNIOOf" HONDA HUNTING? Before you buy, compare our savinp, selections & service. e3 Bug, xlnl cond .. must SEE US FlllSTI need rell1ble parly 10 (1CRZ458) Mii. $1500 OBO. me kt em all monthly 581 ·21132; 6 75-5840 We h1ve 1 good selec· Pft'ltl. No old contracts $} 0,995 -t1on of NEW & USED to auume. No bac:k Chevro4tlll '119 BUS. xlnt cond. meny pmll due.. A•k IOI ROM xtrH, I 1800 firm Calf 842-4400, Proto LIM att. 6, 675-6218 ·79 Olde Oii wegon. toe· '711 RABBIT ded. lmmac Must sell Int/ext llkt new rune $61150. 644-0837 greet. 1ter10. h5115 '62 Old• ee 11.000 ortg OBO. Mike 631-41115 ml. good cond. 1120 '82 Aebbtt dltHI dlx. '80 Clt1tton 4 dr h1tchbtl, OBO evff 641-0710 1unroof, a/c, 1350 1te· 111 extru, under war-11172 Vl111 Crulltf Station 1 0 Old tire• r1nty. exc:et. c:ond. F "0 • m · ' 14900/0BO 558-8414 Wegon 8 pass. ull po-37 .5K ml. xlnl cond. 64.._8170 • • wer, air cond New tires $6500. Alln 484-5118 Excellent cond. $1250 11175 VW Bug. EJC~lent '88 CHEVELLE OBO 646-12118 cond. Low mll• Sunrf. ~ OR SEDAN $900 '72 OLDS 98 1760 $3300 0< bttt ofltf 842-8085 011)'9 1141·21173 5411-8247 79 Chevelte. 4 1pd, asking Eve• &44-5469 1912 IUICK "PAIK AVENUE" 4 DI. HDAN (10TT550) s11,995 Otter Good Tnru Monday, 8-30-82 .NABERS l :Al)ILL1\C '73 SUPER BEETLE. llC· 12800. Call JOhn. Art"""' plan"'"". move? 2800 HAR80R BLVD. c:el. c:ond. rtbulll eng. 552-0326 ~ ~e"'wtll point COITA MESA S3000. 557-0175. '64 Chevy W1gon. good you In the right direction 540 18&0 ·113 BAJA BUG 1835 eng. ttan1porta1lon. $950. to find th• home you . • good cond . I 1000. OAS-2.205 •116PM 1r1~...CS~~· IM~2~-58~7~8===J..l!ll!=l!l!!ll!'9 673-2912. '72 CheY)I Luv w/IMll n-~ '14 YW OAllPll paint. xlnt mech cond .. Good d engine lot• of xtrH, $2,800. $l500/:. • no 831.11&4·5 842-0452 tit 5 ·n Rabbit. 4 spd, IUlll'OOf, f!rr.!!! ...•..••. !.~~~ 58K mt, n4IW llrff. rune '89 Chry•ler 300. All po.. 11 k • I chtrm1 never -· good cond. Lo ml. 1cratc:h1d, toou ltnt· 11.000. 551-02118 1lttr 6 11tlcl 12950. C1ll Jim, PM s.te-1245. -c..-1t-.. -.-w--....,,..,,.,,,= 1974 BuQ, tJ!ctllenl COnd •••••••••••••••••••••• lllfOUQllOut. Aed W/ '82 CONTINENTAL b l a oll Int. usoo. 1f mt l&L * M$.2316, 1114138 8eeut1fu1 MW body •tyte. 'Tl M•l al 11m11er to s.v111e tKlt d• nc.1 oond 97 ooo mt etontd w11tmout1ne .-. Dtnl9t .,,.9~9: ~::~~i.~ux~~~r~,.: 'It Wrecked rlefll tide. t~. ~. Intl. panel I •uo. '""' greet tntry 1y111m Auto. w/ MOOIOAO ~1047. ovtrdrf"t 10 give J: 1r .. ~~•""l"P' ...... P.""'1"'" __ .,._~W'!;"llllll"-n-.... ..,..._ ... ..11 • ... IUG. ,__. .,.._ "" ~91: .;..~need brak•!J.. Ur••· clutch ;;;';bf1 party 10 rMI!• I 1600ru80. IH•I 110 "'*' rnonttlly pnit9. Ho ' 1Mve !Mlaltt· old contract• to .-um.. '71 BUG. 9oocl oonO. No baClc pmtt. dut. Alt! .... 11NO .... tor ftofll e.2-4400, Proto 84111411 UM. '70 vw ,._.'** ""'•1t,..,.--Lt""'nc-0""'1-n"""'c=-o-n-1t~n-en_t_a~1.1 ...,.... ::r~ MOO. nne mtclltnlcel cond. Aa 1 pm _ ••• .. IO ..-. eoma body a ....,. 1'74 ._. ..... 11.ooo work . 14'8 f OIO, • . ""°",....,... ,_-"' _M2-__ rou _____ _ I I up!Mlltt9fy. Amlfm. HaYt tometltlng to Mil? • 12790, M0-1111 Clwlfted .est do " .... THEODORE ROBINS FORD . ---------. EVERY llEW 1982 EXP COUPE 46 29 '900 UNDER INVOICE Plus Dealer Added Options ;.; Stk. 0413 Stli. 0671 Silt. 0889 -I stti. 0542 s11t 0617 s"'. 1303 i Slit. 0545 Stli. 0619 Stlt. 131 s ~ Stt.. 0649 Stk. 0744 Stlt. 0184 PLU~ 2 yr./24,000 mila Ford Car Care Coverage ___ AND_ ..... '82 CLOSEOUT HUGI DISCOUNTS NOW •FAIRMOllTS •I-BIRDS • GRANADAS • ESCORTS .• TRUCKS • VANS •VAN CONVERSIONS •. NOW FORD ANNOUNCES .,.~NEW 11.93 APR INTEREST '7 RATE S ON SELECT MODELS! 1979 DODG1 Colt •3995 Auto. trans .. AM/FM radio 4 cyt. engine. 4 •pd. Irena and power 1tMrtng. Clean and AM /FM radio. Extra Catt 257638 . Sharp! (200202). 1977F-1977 NYMOUTll ....... Arrow •2995 •3295 6 cyl. economy, tulo. trans .. 4 cyl engine, auto. trans .. air cond. and power steering. custom wheels end AM/FM (263769). stereo. (600959). I 977 ClllYllOLIT 1979 FOltD C.rlc• a...1c •2995 Courier X1T •3995 Auto. trans.. air cond.. AM/ 4 cyl., 5 apd. trans. and new FM radio. 1111 and crulH. tires . Reedy To GOlll Gr .. 1 Buyl (129310). (A68595). 197S ClllY•OLn 1979 FMD ..... c.re. $3ii5 •2795 Auto. Irani .. AM/FM ca•set· Options Include sunroof, po- te. 1111. crulM & mag wlleefa. wer steering & Wire wn.eta. (450771). (102295). It•••-1977 TOYOTA ....... '3li5 •3995 Grt1t 4 cyl. tn~tne, 4 •pd. Economical 4 cyl. engine, tool 1r1na. and AM/ M caaaette box & ready to got ( 86023). stereo. (156ee4). ,,,,,_ 1171•AT .. ...... aoo 1x '399& '299& 4 cy,1. economy. air cond .. 4 rJi'· engine. 5 ~ tran1. & AM irM CMMtt• 1tweo and tow mH•. (N3140), A /FM attrto. (1490 .. ). lt7t ClllYIOUT 1171 MDCaY •iii• ....... . '281& Auto. ,,.,,.,, eunroof, mm· Vt, IU1ometlo "9tlmllllon & Po"' Ind AM/ M llr ooncl. (la,...,. • ) ! l i I I ' I I I I i i I • ' l ' J Orange Coaat DAIL. V PILOT /Friday, Augu1t 27, 1982 Volkswagen's Factory Bebate :rrogram Ends Aug. 31st On Sale Now at our Invoice Cost + •&45 ~g1rg You Pay *84:8 Les~ Than Invoice! 1'1EW 1988 BABBIT DIESELS On Sale Now at our Invoice Cost + . $ 526 tg1rg You Pay 8888 Less Than Invoice! l\TEW 1988 PICK .UP DIESELS . ~~~ On Sale Now at our Invoice Cost + •&45tg1rt7 You Pay s945 Less Than Invoice! ALL 1'1EW ALL 1'1EW ~ · V.W. ISUZU CIBOCCOS CA.BS 8c TBDCKS Factory rebates apply on ca.rs delivered through close of business Tuesday, Aug .. 3lst. Rebate comes directly from Volkswagen of America.. Invoice does not 1.nclude any factory 1.ncent1ves to the dealer, or dea.ler installed optJ.ons, 1f any. Natura.lly, tax, license, documentary, pre-delivery 1.nspect1on, deta.ll, a.nd co-op advertising fees a.re extra.. Offer ends 8/31/82. • r -... ------.. ·-... ·~=·---;----. r Shootout • D on't think that Knott•a Berry 1''arm offlcialt have forgotten their traditional western moUfa just becauae they've been atrealng their ice show and Snoopy • lately. In fact, they've recently unveiled • new shootout and thelr latest version of the CanCan show, both at the Calico Saloon. Unveiled that II, with toncue firmly ln cheek. The iuntiaht look.a and 10unda like a Levi OOIJllDer'dAl M a group of blue jean-clad OOWbo)'I appl"CMICh the laloon to the ltrainl of wemtem m...mc. A1 for the humor, It's definitely from televtllon'• "Hee Haw." A umple: GunfJchter (to potential victim) -"We jUlt. 012 w a a s I JXS j • New at Knott's Berry Fann this summer is the shoot.out at the Calico Saloon, a wester-style stunt show reminiscent of the famed gunfight in the Gary Cooper movie, "High Noon," with touches of the shootOut at the 0 . K . C.orral. After the show, the audience can cool off in Calico Saloon and be entertained by cancan dancers and laugh at down-home humor. • 'Knott' exactly the 0. K. Corral By BARRY EBERLING Of the Dally Pilot 8tatr burned your rancb." Victim doubles over ln la~toM'. Gunfight.et -''I said, 'We )mt burned your ranch'." Victim (afW'r oomposina hinwelt 90ID8What) - "I )mt IOJd it to your pa." . l'lnally the ''victim" .,... • ahotcUn and wipe9 out hll au.lcken, with the appropriate 8Cfwna and t.lll lndlldecl All of Oda may look Ucht-hear1ed and looee, but it'• been planned to a tee. The stuntmen even llpaynch their speaking roles to a 10undtrack becau1e their tumbling prevente them trom wearlnl microphones. The lhow "no light matter to rofolmer Ray Gabriel, either. Althou&h be does 0 to 15 stunt ahows per day, be taka eKh one aeriowl1· "1 have dalt when I don't feel like dolna it," he uld. '"The chali.n,e ia to own:mne thia. ft takes rneni.1 control." And a ht1h pain thretbold. lf • partner =---. kick In • mock ftcht, • ltUntman has to In the hun and ~dnue with the lhow aa See ~hootouc, Page 9 QC I I I I I I I I ,1 .I I· I t C\I co Cf) ,..._ C\I -(/) ::I Cl ::I c( >. l'CS 'O -.:: LL ..: Q) 'O c: Q) ~ I ~ S! ii: "' . . . .. --~-------------::::::i( The Clo••la 'Culture is A very important part of our community, and we are pleased to be able to support events such as Ballet Pacifica's Ballet Alfresco.· Ball e t Alf res c o Ballet Pacifica ·will dance U.S. premiere of 'Reflections' 8pecW to Delly Pilot Ballet Pacifica will perform an evening of dance masterpieces when the company presents its 17th Annual Ballet Alfresco program at the Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach on Saturday, Sept. 4 at 8:30 p.m. Featured will be the United States premiere of "Reflections," a work that was originally choreographed by Russian-born Eugene Belokon for presentation in the Soviet Union. Music for this contemporary classical piece is Rachmanioffs Piano Conoer10 #1. . The multi-talented Belolton, who came to the United States in 1981, was born in Tashkent, USSR in 1947. He is not only a danc er and choreographer, but also a director (of opera and drama), an actor, planiat and violinist. Also scheduled for the program is the classical "Les Sylphldes," choreographed by Michael Fokine to musilt by Chopin; the dynamic pas de deux from "Don Quixote"; "Le Pas de . Quatre," choreographed by Lila Zall to Pugni 's music and C harles Weidman 's early modern classic "Brahms Waltz.es.'' The entire Ballet Alfresco program, which is a tribute to the company's founder/director Lila Zall, has been sponsored by the Irvine Company, a major benefactor of cultural events in Orange County, and the one that recently underwrote the Pacific Chorale's spring performance of "Missa Solemnia," and~ December gave a substantial grant to the South Coast Repertory Theatre for its presentation of "A Christmu Carol" ''Culture is a very important part of any oommunity, and we are pleued to be able to support eventa such aa Ballet Pacifica'• Ballet Altrelco," said Peter Kremer, president of the Irvine Company. "Our company is particularly Steve Escudero and Lisa Robertson dance durinc rehearaal of 'Reflections.' grateful to cultural pioneers in Orange County like Lila Zali, and appreciate the opportunity to join in th is tribute to h e r an d h e r acruevernen ts ... Lead danioers in Ballet Alfresco are Dan Berney, Corinne Calamaro, Lou.is Carver, Nancy Chris1'naen, Lisa Dunn, Heidi Edgren, Gi&i Griffin, Krbtl Moocheld. Julie RenfJ:o. Lisa Robertaon, Steve V Olnick, Sandra Winiesld, Kristin Wood and Robert Woods. Storyteller for .. Le Pu de Quatre" is lhlg)aa Reeve. To make the evenlnc extra IPedal. a~ dinner Is planned before the onD.nce at the 'nvoU Temice Restaurant, next to Irvine Bow) on the Fstival of Ai1a crounda· Tickets for thia fund-railler, which include dinner and a •-t. are $35. Dinen will be entertained by the Sunset Strini:". The ~host bar opens at 5:30 p.m; dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Tickets to the performance rang~ from $4 to $10 and may be ordered by mail from Sally Reeve, P.O. Box 241, Laguna Beach, CA 92652. A self- addretled stamped envelope muat be ~ if tickets are to be mailed; otherwWe they wW be held for pick up at the box office Oil the evening of the performance. No phone orders will be accepted except those involving a charge number. Box office ope19 on Sept. 4 at 4 p.m. For goups of 20 or more paid for with one check, $1 can be deducted from elldl ticket. For further Information, call Ballet Pacifica in Laguna Beach at 714-494-7271. -· I ' . ~----------------------------------~~~---A __ 1_1_h_• __ Al_• __ ~_I•_• __ --~,__--------------------------------~·~~ This S ix Pa ck could use a lot more kick. Six Pack • How many more entertainment plateaus does Kenny Hogen plan to conquer? He already has a wall full of gold records. He's scored top Nie:ben ratings in two television movies based on his story songs "The Gambler" and "Coward of the Country." · But his debut feature film, "Six Pack," is unlikely to duplicate those earlier triumphs because lhis time Rogers has smothered his charm in a predictable stew full of stale plot twists, bland characters and undercooked melodrama. This "Six Pack" could use a lot more kick. AB the picture opens, Rogers is a dowq~n­ hi.s-luck race driver who finds himself locked in a rural gas station rest room. He climbs out a window and.finds his race car has been stripped. Soon, he tracks down the thieves, who tum out to be, you ~ it. a muter ar mechanic's six orphaned cliUdren. who fear they'll be split up if the authorities di9cover they'tt on their own. Before you know it, ftotlen and the rucally youngsters are on the roed together, fleeing from a corrupt Southern sheriff straight out of the Hollywood cookie cutter. . The kids decide to dick with Rogers. He claims he's not ready foe perenthood. The lads help tum his car into a winner. Rogers teaches the kids about El Bekal S hrine sets annual f amily picnic . El Bekal Shrine will hold Its annual Family Picn1c Saturday at Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Meu. Touted as the "biggest and bes\ fun-Iovtni family outtna ever pt.at tocether," the ahrtnen w'Ul offer elephant and camel ride9, pie-eating and watermelon-eatine contesU, ea-to.Ing contetta. clowna and belloona for the kiddies. Entertainment will feature the world cbamp&on El Bekal Drum and Bugle Corp, the Oriental Band, the bagpipes of the Pipe and Drum C«p, and a western band. The menu will feature barbecue beef. chath.plonahf p chW, corn..on-the-<:ob, salad. des8ert and drinks of your choice. All this for only $5 for adults and $3 for children under 13. Tickets available at the fairgrounds. In addition, there will be "Tin Lizzie" r1de9 for the kic&dies, and clualc car rides for the more aa.-...aw. Tbe clwic qn of )'llSt.eryear, re.toreii. like DIW, wW be on dilplaJ' tiu'oulhous till' ~ . 'ftM D Beul Family Picnic LI open· to the P'.allilk. m ..._ planinc. to attend are advllld to --~~tn(ponJ.!._ -.. · .. -.. t I Brewster Baker's long losing streak takes a turn for the better with help from new pit crew. • • A brew that goes stale quickly By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tlae Dally Pilot Staff right and wrong. He disappears just before the big race. That nasty sheriff ia closing in on the kids, and . . . well, you don't need a weatherman to see which way this story is blowing. Director Daniel Petrie, a vete ran of films ("Fort Apache, The Bronx," "Lifeguard") and television, ("Eleanor and Franklin," "Sybil"), lets the pace of "Six Pack" drag during the middle eection. The film is al8o hurt by some jerky editing and murky e_hotography. Kenny RoSers the actor isn't far removed from Kenny Hogen the singer and television penonality. But his easy-going, likable image al8o drains the tibn of any tension it might have had concem.ing whether the l'llCe driver will trade his freedom for a reedy-made family. Rogers' char~r is 80 wann and fatherly that you never for an mstant believe he'll abandon the kids. Diane Lane, an appealing young actr~. plays Breezy, the brood's eldest sibling and substltute mother. She tries valiantly to flesh out a cliche role. Her Southern accent. however, seems to come and go. Erin Gray, who portrayed Colonel Deering on the "Buck Rogers" television series, is trapped as another cookie cutter character, the tough saloon owner with a heart~f goJd and a hankering for Rogers. Of the remaining kids, the standout is 14-year-old Robby Stlll as Swifty. the loud- mouthed brother who spews four-letter words with the authority of a drill sergeant. Undoubtedly, Still's colorful ~ will be cleaned up by the lime "Six Pack' reaches the ne twork TV schedule, where it should fit comfortably between "Disney's Wonderful World" and "The Love Boat." K~nny....,.. •race drlvw ..,.,. .,_.., w•k'INs Mt •w "'' aww '1aa'tlcift--t Anthony Mlchffl Rall, Tommy Abtme&by. l¥anit W., ~ Sd, a.wJe "81U~ ~ IV:l!k,J • l ' '"'~ ....... <I••••' ........... .,,. • ··:"·. ,._ .. J. .... ··~--·., .. - !· --;========================================~~,--~_i_n_t_•_'-'"~'•_•_l_o_n~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,... ,...: N (This is the second of three columns on the -1982-83 sea.son in living theater along the Orange ~ Coast) Ol ::> < Last Friday this column unvei l ed >. approximately one-third of the theaUical activity ~ planned along the Orange Coast for the 1982-83 ;t :=~~:~~~; ::~ ~t~~~-d~~~::;~~ Qi The oldest and largest of these, the Laguna ~ Moulton Playhouse, will start the ball rolling with a a> vintage comedy that dates back to the Marx 1 Brothers -"Room Service," opening Sept. 24. This ~ will be followed by the mystery "Sherlock Holmes" m November, an elementary choice based on the § success of Laguna's "Cruci!er of Blood" last season. 0:: Rounding out the Moulton's schedule will be the two-<:haracter comedy-drama "The Gin Game" in January, Tennessee Williams' "The Rose Tattoo" in March and an ambitious musical, yet to be selected, in May. Right next door, in the Festival of Arts Forum Theater, the Mission Viejo Playhouse .will be performing four product.ions in 1982-83. They will be "God's Favorite," opening in October: the musical "Godspell," ticketed for February: "Bus Stop," arriving in Apnl, and "The Seven Year u.ch," due in June. Curtains go ing up on season of plays By TOM TITUS Of the Daily Pilot Staff Further down the coast, the San Clemente Community Theater has announced a six-s how season with a heavy accent on comedy. Opening the slate will be "Lovers and Other Strangers" in September, "Chapter Two" in November, with "Private Lives" kicking off the new year in January. Completing the Cabrillo Playhouse campaign will be "See How They Run" in March, the vanety show "Follies A La Carte III" in April and "Goodbye, CharUe" in May. The Newport Harbor Actors Theater has announced only the first half o! its season. Gilbert .and Sullivan's "The Gondoliers" starts things oU nex\ month, with "Mornings at Seven" following in October and "Christmas at Wakefield" as a holiday offerinp; in December. At the Westminster Community Theater, the season is already well under way with "The Drunkard" now history and "Rain" opening in two weeks. The balance of the schedule will see "Li'l Abner" in November, "The Silver Whistle" in January, "Inherit the Wind" in March and "The Philadelphia Story" winding things up in May .... in Westminster, Showcase Productions wi bark on a four-show season in Sept.ember wit bsurd Person Singular," to be followed an February by "The Lilies of the Field." The wartime drama "Command Decision" touches down in April, with Eugene O'Neill's "Ah, Wilderness" projected for the 1983-84 Jeadoff spot in September. Still to be examined are the seasons offered by the four collegiate drama departments along the Orange Coast and the two dinner playhouses. These will be included in the final chapter of this three- part summary next Friday. * CALLBOARD -The Mission Viejo Playhouse has scheduled auditior.s for Neil Simon's comedy "God's Favorite" for Sept. 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. in the rehearsal hall at 23011 Alcalde, Suite L, Laguna Hills . . . director Randy Cobb will cast five men and three women ... more details are available at 770-0381 between 4 and 7 p.m. weekdays ... ------~-~----------------------------------, liEORliE TAIAD liROWS ~);. ALL OUR TOMATOES! They're California's Finest, They're Red Ripe, They're Delicious, NOW! So stock up on our exclusive! GEORGE TANAKA TOMATOES! Good size, too! On Sale One of the best ,.vu" in yeon, by George! Magnificently succeuful . . . a thotoughly delightful evening with George, Ira and their musk. s,,. .. ~. ta.-. Bright, fresh and smooth. Stunning and styfish. ..,,,_a,._ .. presented by SBd~leback College, Community Services IDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1982 1982 8:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. ·Irvine High School Saddleback College Theatre Thea~ Ticket lrifOrmatlon: 831-4858 M-F 8-12, 1-3 ReMrved Mating '8, 17 --.. -------~. ~.;-=-;:-:;-r::::-.,.,.._~~--------~~~-~--...... --------!!!.~ ... --~--------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TheEntertaln•r• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ~ All signs point to the Go-Go's new album, "Vacation," being a huge commercial success. The band is corning off a nwnber one debut disc that yielded two top 10 singles. Their new "Vacation" single is already tearing up Billboard's charts and, along with the record, will probably challenge for the top spot. Also, they're getting an inordinate amount of publicity. You've probably seen them water-skiing across your television screen or posing in their underwear on the new issue of Rolling Stone. But a commercially successful re<:ord isn't always a fantastic one. Credit the Go-Go's for: making "Vacation" more than a rehash of "Beauty and the Beat." More prominent guitar rhythms and starker background harmonies give it a grittier sound. Whether this is good or bad is a matter of individual taste; unfortunate ly, another k ey element keeps "Vacation" from reaching its full potential. The songs' hooks are just not as alluring and catchy as in the Go-Go's earlier tunes. The title track, "Beachnik Beach." "l Think It's Me," and other songs are pleasant but routine. After awhile, they begin to sound alike. Also. there are two songs that just fail to work. "He's So Strange" sounds disconcertingly out of key, and ''Girl of 100 List" has too much of a sing-songy feel. Since the Go-Go's perform frothy, party music. seductive and varying hooks are a must. The group isn't going to capture an audience with the ir emotional depth. • Now for the good news. The Go-Go's are simply a good rock and roll band. Their instrumentals are always interesting, especially Charlotte Caffey and Kathy Valentine's guitar riffs. ( Also, some of the tunes are gems. The two reflective songs, "Worlds A way" and "This Old ' 642-5678 }-Put a few words to work for you ·, ', ~ in the Daily Pilai Triumph "A me.-le el !H)llrla• flleas ares t••t yea llope ·wUI never ead. Te be seen •6•la aad •••In ... aad tre•s•red." 6eae S••llt. NllC-ft T H•Y S•ow EI THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A mvEN Sl'IELIU.G F1lM E. T 11f£ EX"nA·1lllllSnJAL D£E WAUACE P£'l'U covan HENRY ntOMASAS EUJOTT M\J5IC BY JOHN WllJ.IAMS ~av MEUSM MATHISON paooucm 1IY 5'nVf.N Sl'll!LBEIG • ltA'llW!l!N UNNEDV OlllfCTID 8Y STEVEN SPl!LIUG A UNMJIML PICT\JU (o;ji!i!,....,....,.,.;WA~MtjftJ ~~~~-.:- Go -Go's 'Va cation' has lack of splash By BARRY EBERLING Of tbe Dally Pilot Staff Feeling" especially stand out, maybe because they ~ provide relief from the sound-alike uptempo :£ numbers. 7' Ultimately, "Vacation" is a good record, though ~ unmemorable. It still offers ample reasons to rush g. out and get a ticket for the Go-Go's appearance at ... the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater. .,, If the next time around they can only meld 5: their new, leaner sound with the overpowering e> hooks on "Beal.lty and Beat" -now, THAT will be :< a fantastic record. )> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cE '''The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!'' Jenrey Lvcns. WCBS l?ADIO and \Ml!X TV " ... Beautiful , deeply moving ... a mov ie to savor." -Bernort:l D<ew. GANNETI NEWSPAPERS "It's perfect. Just perfect." /J -Joel Siegel. WAPl:::.·TV ;' M, le .flf .fU--A .IDY Pe M fUI MftllMIUAN SCHEU ROD SUIGER ROBBY B(NSON '1HE CHOSEN"-. BARRY MIUER .. ~ ElMER BERNSUIN -.~JONATHAN BERNSJHN ,..~EDIE .UY lANOAU -..EDWlrGOHDON ~:...'";::DIAIM mm~:;~~~~ Wini • ~~~ E XCLIJSIVE ORANGE COIJNTY ENGAGEMENT FRl>AY 6:00 1:15, 10:15 edwards LIDO CINEMA # ~-:..rAa &13-1350. SAT/Slit. 1:30, 3:45, 6;o0', . 1:15, 10:15 c I/) - -···· I I • ·. .. .. -.... --- ,.... It was bac)t in the fall of 1977 that Jacob and <'4 Barbara Shilo invested in their lirst vineyard ii venture. Interestingly, they had not been shopping 6, for a vineyard only for a piece of property in the ~ country. and the couple certainly had no intentions -of getting into the w ine business. ~ J acob was an agronomist with an international :2 reputation. with Barbara a well-known artist whose U: paintings have been st-own in top galleries. ..: Barbara thinks it is fate that she and her ~ husband are in the wine business. ln her youth ~ there was always wine on the family table, and one .:c. of her father's fantasies was to become a vintner. ~ He talked about it constantly, but that's as far as 3: papa got. § Barbara Shilo is living out her father's dream. 0: and only wishes he were still alive to share it with her. If fate found the vineyard, then it was surely destiny that saw a winery founded only one year later. Never mind that the winery is housed in an old barn. a new winery is in the planning stages and Domaine Laurier' s wines above average By J ERRY D . M EAD Special to the Dally Pilot will be constructed around the burned-out shell of an old stone house on the property. T he new winery will be modern but incorporating some old -fashioned ideas. It will be a tri-level affair which will allow for moving the wine by gravity flow and eliminate most of the need for pumping the wine from one place to another. From the beginning, the Shilos have been dedicated to traditional wine-making styles. Their w ine maker S tephen Test, ferments in s ma ll wooden tanks, punc hing down the caps of fermenting grapes that form as a crust on thf' top, GO FOR THE LAUGHS - CATCH THE .....------------------,1 FUN WITH "~N OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL 1 EAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" -Rex Reed ~ ftm me. bMutttully ected, thoroughly Involving ronu1nce. Mr. Gere hM never been more llffKtlng before. The supporting perfonmincn of the movie.,. unusu•llY memof8ble, among them Mr. Keith's.• -J•Mt 111 .. 1111, nte NllW YOM ~ "One of the high f8nklng surprtMs of the summer ... The best fllm perform•nce of Rlch•ntGere'a c. .... r. It I• • movie to be u1utec1.• -el ColHM, ca WTW0M BURT ANO DOLL YI just as has been done in Bordeaux and Burgundy for centuries. Most large modem wineries simply pump juice from the bottom over the cap, which doesn't seetn to extract as much character or rotor from the grapes. All aging ls m small and expensive French oak barrels. Before you get the impression that this winery has no name, I should tell you that the Shilos have christened it "Domaine Laurier:· in honor of a 150 year old Laurel tree which dominates the vineyard. The wines o f Domalne Laurier are not inexpensive, but neither are they outrageously priced. Handmade wines such as th~ can never be "cheap." I recently tasted five wines from the Domaine Laurier collection, and while I preferred some to others. I can honestly say that each of the wines tasted was far above average in quality, character and complexity. See Mead on Wine, Page 7 -· - --------------------(' MMld011 Wine ),_-----------------'~ From Page 6 1979 CABERNET SAUVIGNON ($12) My favorite wine of the collection, it is a Cabernet with a great future. It is the ct.asmc example of "the iron fist within a velvet glove." Really rich in~met fruit and alive with ample quantities of · and acid, but with a chocolatey mouth feel t.ha inakes the wine more than palatable in its present youth. The linge ring, complex finish confinns that this is special wine and certainly worth the money. ...... C:.OSTl.U ...... •lftaT-'111 11too1rt11111 Log. fdw• QnelN C..-111 AMC 0..,. Mall Edw1111S 0.-Wtsl (7141711644& 919 4141 &37 0340 891 393S COITl -.U n ,... OIWIQl Edwfti TO'"" Celll4I Edwam ~k U.l C<ly OMtN 7~114 Sil $NO &34 3911 •[Jl ........ 1 [llO•-ACC6Tl0'°'1liii~ 1978 CABERNET SAUVIGNON ($9) Though the grapes came from the same vineyard, the vintage difference hu given us two distinctly different wines. This '78 version leans toward a herbaceous, mint-like aroma and flavor that some might describe as eucalyptus. The '78 is also a little more delicate in structure than the '79, and which of the two you will prefer will depend entirely on personal taste. Both are well made, and both are currently available. ~ 1981 CHARDONNAY ($13) I tasted this one I. only a couple of weeka after beina bottled, which " could account for the rather closecf..in aroma. Even ~ Q. so, the wine is showing very nicely with both 1» varietal character and the vanilla of French oak :' showing through. The flavors are crisp, lively and ~ citrusy, with sufficient acid to see the wine hold up 0: well to food. Another six months to a year in the ~ bottle and this one should be beautiful. See Mead on Wine, Page 10 AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE! -<O co I'\) ANAHEIM Brookhurst 772·6446 BREA Mann Brea Plaza 529·5339 COSTA MESA ._r-._ ..... Edwards Harbor Twin 631 3501 GARDEN GROVE Edwards Westbrook 530·4401 ORANGE •i•];@jW•j AMC Orange Mall Shows Start at Ou5A 637·0340 OUNGE ORANGE Pacific's UA City Cinema Orange Onve In 634 3911 634 9361 • 0 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-\C_,~_i_o_b_l_•_t_o~i_o_b_I•~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (7J -REX OF NEWPORT, 2106 W. Ch>an Front, ~ Newport Beach. 675-2566. Dinner served from 6 to iii 11:30 p:m. Monday through Saturday. Closed g, Sunday. Dinner from $12.50 to $25. Reservations :::> recommended. Valet pa.ricing. c( >.. The site is still warm from the five-year reign ~ of Hans Prager's Ritt. Yet Rex Chandler has U: already settled into his latest restaurant with the -firm conviction that Newport Beach can stand a; another contender for the discriminating palate of -g the fine seafood lover. ~ The recent opening of the Rex marks a ! homecoming for the youngish Chandler, who 3: worked at the site when it was an oceanfront eatery -called Alley West. Committed to a career in the g restaurant tra~ Chandler later went to Hawaii to a.. begin his form~l dining room training at Nick's Fishmarket. C handler eventually bought out Nick's locations in Honolulu and Beverly Hills. renaming the latter as the first Rex. He jumped at the opportunity to fulfill his longtime dream of returning to Newport Beach when he heard of Prager's move to Newport Center. Those who've come to respect the Hitt for 1ts unassuming elegance, uncompromising. quality in food and friendly atmosphere won't be in for many shocks at the new Rex. Little change can be seen in the decor. The restaurant is reminiscent of a turn- of-the-century saloon. with brass railing. pastoral paintings of nudes and earthy woods accented by white napery and burgundy carpets. The additions include candles nestled in small hurricane lamps and downstairs wine cabinets that will eventually offer more than 100 domestic and imported labels. And, perhaps most important, valet parking is a welcome year-round service that will take the pain out a f vis iting the surfside Rex of Newport putting on the ritz By JOEL C. DON 0( the Dlllly Pflot Staff establishment. No more fighting for parking amid the raucous crowds that converge on this popular area. The menu offers a splendid selection of seafood appetizers and ent.rees. Among the starters list are scampi, mussels, soft-shell crabs, sashimi, smoked salmon and Beluga caviar. The entree list includes abalone, scampi. bouillabaisse, llnguini clams. swordfish, salmon and, out of respect to Chandlers' Hawaiian connection, opakapaka, ono and mahi mahi. Unflinching beefeaters may enjoy rack of lamb, New York steak with beamaise sauce and two veal entcees. And if you'd like to savor severaJ varietals with your meal, you may purchase fine wines by the glass for an amount based on the price of the bottle. Ask your waiter or waitreM for the evening's selections. We launched our meal with mussels a la Ritz ($4.95) and Rex's clam chowder ($3.50). A bountiful bowl of tender mollusks were served in a delicious fish stock. But the chowder was the hit of the evening. brimming with baby cl.ru-M in a fish stock with whole milk and heavy cream and butter. A bit of thyme and other spices make this soup one of the finest along the Orange Coast. but unlikely to earn the weight watcher's seal of approval. But this isn't the time to count calories. My guest selected the Greek salad ($3.75), THE ORIGINAL IS DACK. 5omg replete with tomatoes, olives, lettuce, watercress and feta cheese in a light vinegar and oil ~ing. The fishmarket special salad ($3.75) is as close as you'll come to a house offering. It is a mixture of lettuce and watercress topped wth a rather undistinguished creamy spinach dressing. Chandler plans to spice up that dressing, which he says has been a keepsake from his other establishments. Entrees are served with a colorful medley of snowpeas. cauliflower and glazed carrots as well as a spectacular offering of vermicelli marinara. delicate pasta with a butter-garlic sauce. The vermicelli side dish is likely to become one of Rex's trademarks as a refreshing accompaniment to the main entrees. The fresh salmon ($12.50) was a delight for my guest who never fails to order this fish when we dine out for gourmet seafoods. Like wise, my opakapaka ($14.50) was prepared to exquisite perfection in a light butter sauce. There was no question that Chandler had made a commitment to giving Newport's other seafood establishmen ts some stiff competition. Diners may also create their own desserts; a thoughtful service we took to full advantage. Haagen-Dazs ice cream topped with fresh blueberries and Grand Mamier sounded like a tempting combination, though we could have selected from a variety of fresh berries and liqueurs. S-ervi c e was a bit une v e n at first due to a communications error, but the problem was corrected quickly and we found our waitress auent.ive and friendly. lt.'s a new place and there are always problems to iron out. Indeed, after our wonderful meal we could easily have sworn that the Rex had been here for years. Coming in September are lunch hours with a $S to $8 price range. •COMNla HAt ... S • -Sf'ICIAUIUtllTAllllfflT .. ._ __ .,. ..... ....., ltlTlf(f"A•LYCIPICLfllf£AT£R • ..._., ........ Sllow lpeciela •in.tor"°°"' Dl•r• • Menut1ICNNd Houtlng ADflllSSION SHOW HOURS A<lull& M .SO Friday Children 1&-16 vtt 1 SI.SO Saturday Cht1e1ren1...-e~11 ,,.. Sutldltr Sen Q1izens St Off Mon · F n 2"" to t1PM 11"--lot1PM .............. ~Early. Srey u re AIR CONOln<JNEO ~ EIM ,OR IN•O CAL&. CONV•NTIOH C•NTll"I 171') ..... MO 800 W l<•t•M• Across llOl'l'I OltneVtand MAM HAMJll HAMISON FORD CAAPJE F1SHffi PElffi CUSHING cro A1£C GUINNESS Nul<bv ~ l?l_ ~cro ~ t>v For Dine Out Advertising And Info .KJHN WILLIAMS GAAY Kl.JI"! L G€0PGE LUCAS Ca ll t•:·~ .. , ...... .J .• -_..__ --- Brenda Caponera I 642-4321 ext. 269 11,•,','•1,t ~A I h - Shootout • • • From Page 1 planned. Also, there are occupational hazards lO being a stuntman. Gabriel has had teeth broken and been bruised, yet, he has missed few performances during his three years at Knoll's. "Costello of Abbott and Costello had a son who drowned," Gabriel said. "That night he did a live show and he was super. That's a true definition of entertainment. Anything short of that (a death) is no problem." After the gunfight, many viewers file into the Calico Saloon to watch the cancan s how. It features two dancing girls, a lead singer, and a heckler in the audience who comes on stage. But it's OK because (surprise) he's really part of the show. At one point, the heckler approaches the lead singer, who tells him, "You are cl06e lO an idiot." He moves away frorr. her. You get the idea. The performers aren't trying for subtle humor. The show is a broad farce which the audience is invited lO enjoy. Like the shootout, each performance is fully planned. What ad-libbing there is is prompted by the crowd, said lead singer Fay Glenn. The Retum of the Grellt Adventtwe. COSTA lffSA ll TOllO fOUllTAI• UlllY •UTMl•IT111 ld,.i•o~c;.i.e~C"'1f' IO••O.~• ,.,,...,_ UA !ql 919 t UI )81 )880 961 llt l 893 (1~45 COITA MlSA to ..... o~ lo•• <Antt• 1)1 •18• fULllllflM lo• )1) •147 .,....._.~o·o-.~t~ ROCKY'S GOTTll DEii Ill TIER! c • 'Knott' exactly O.K. Corral "There's a pan in the show when I ask non - Califomians where they are from," she said. "Then I'll say I'm from the same place. Maybe they'll come back with, 'I knew it was you, I remember you'." Glenn entertains at K.n~tt's throughout the year. During the summer, she only does the cancan s how because of its increased number of performances. •::ou ~·t l~t the grind get lO you so 1 use a trick, sh~ said.. I p_retend that every time I give tAe show IS the fll'St time, and that it is the first time that the audience is seeing it." And does the trick work? "Yes," she continued, "especially because I enjoy doing the show. If I'm haying a good time, the audience can see it." ~e cancan show operates on the premise that practice makes perfect. Even though it has been repeated more limes \ban old TV reruns o( "I Love· Lucy," its cast members wlJI have pick-up rehearsals. These rehearsals allow it lO evolve, according lO Glenn. New bita have constantly been added si.rice the show's 1974 inception. - Both the shootout and the cancan show demonstrate that the "Old West" lives on at K.nott's. In spite of Snoopy. 1£TIO.OOU)flS.IAYEI nwm A UlSUH lln'£STIENT COIPMY PIODU°'°" A DON COSCARELLI "' .. THE BEAST11ASTER .......... MARC SINGU TANYA llOBEITS RIP TOlN JOllN AllO "''.'\LE£ llOLDllDG£ ""''"""""UJOllN AL(OtT ~~.·/~\ NADt:l A~ '".SHYIO TA.Ill :.~':11 OOSALD P. BOlOIEIS """~~DON COSCAlELU. PAl'l PEPPBIAS .. _, Lf PAUL PEPPUIUN .... SYl.YIO TABET """""00N<DSCAll£U.1 -·-.. •• m-·---• ,.._~ ... ,.,,,......,...co ~l,IA _...... ...... ...,...,.... 1 MU _ .... ...,. U tUJt CMTa•tA [ ....... -........ tllfUI A stuntman at the Calico Corral takes the quick, but hard way down. ·-...... •• i~~~--~~--~--~~--~~--~~--------------~ ~ Anne Mutray returns J to Irvine Meadows < Canadlan song stylist Anne Murray, whose ~ first single, "Snowbird," earned her cross-over :g fame, performs at 8 tonight at Irvine Meadows ~ Amphitheatre. • Born and raised in the Nova Scotia mining ~ town of Springhill, Murray originally pursued a i career as a physical education teacher, thinking, she .:.t said, that music and career didn't mix for her. $ She continued to teach even after becoming a ~ regular performer on a Halifax-based Canadian E Broadcasting Corporation Show, "Singalong a: Jubilee," and Later married the show's producer, Bill Langst.roth. Tonight's performance is Murray's second at the Meadows. S he teamed with Kenny Rogers for last year's grand opening performance. During her decade-plus career, Murray has collected 20 chart hits in the United States, three Grammy Awards, 16 Juno Awards, six gold and two platinum albums, and attracted fans from Monte Carlo to Devils Lake. ,Acme TMlAlll($ 0111'1( IN swu ltEOS t tllflC" tOUt t.VC.•S ,,, .. , t•f .. , •t HAlllOll ll'ID DlllYE 111 6 OllAllGE DlllV( Ill 1••11 >,.. '''" ... ' 6 SvtlUt fllft ,~ ,.,....,, lif ....,..,. ,, ... •• .. , .,..... 1 JD • •• 1 1 l \...,.~ \1"" .i .... IMl'OllTHT NOTICl' CMILOllUI UNOfll 12 fllU' ...,.._,._._"'"'rlllM•W..tia.-.6M,. Clllf.fl-·-.. CM-IS '9Ul!ffNIP flf!llUICM---~l'OSITOI -.. 1'11111*1 1•au a.4' -.. ow• - "~~ .. 1'4 l .... ANAHEIM DRIVE IN OP TMI I.OST ,,,... - -"TMIUl-OP TMS LONI.._.. l"I O!Mlt-. .. .. . "' BUENA PARK ·111v1 111 .......... LINCOLN DRIVf IN '"""Otft ·-· ... Of'"°" 121·.0JO -'• .... row~~~.~._ .• LE~ 011•1.( •• lo .... !'• .. LA HABRA ,•~·v• " --·-·-·--.,......, -....... ORANG E Ol<'Vt IN ' .. •, ~ I '• Ml~SION 011,,,i '" . . .. I,.,. ..... 't II •• WARNE R 01m. f 1N .-o~• ,,_ ..... , °' "'-"' 11wo ... , ~•"I'll -~ .. IMOICll" 1•1 CIMlt- ;~::w_ "!':,!; -"ntE OMAT lllUl't'£T CANJI'" 101 Cllll .. ____ _ ... '. ,,. IJmlA. 1'1!Nm9"UL .. , -..,. .... , .....,C....-tet loetio Afte , ,.. .~ .... c-.. 634-9361 Anne Murray set at the Meadows "SIX PACK" (PG) "DIVA" <R> •BARGAIN MATHl•U • Monday Utru SatuNay M ,etfOff'Nftcat MIOf'e !.-GO PM l~.__h .... • ··-~ -..caYr.., ------ "THI" .......... ----- ... TAR WA.Ra"INI •DOUY.,_O ----- LAKEWOOD C ENTfll SOUTH ..,.,.'" "HOMI WORIC .. "" ._ ___ _ "1lll9PTLlnU ...,....,..TDAr .. ----- -....HT191STH '"'" r'lll) IUD -----·- .Mead on Wine From Page 7 1978 PINCYf NOm ($9) To find a Pinot Noir of this quality at this price is to find a "Best Buy." Good, deep color; varietal, almost Burgundian bouquet; the wine is virtually flawless. It is round in the mouth, with flavors of both fruit and wood, ending in a pleasantly tannic, slightly tart finish . 1979 PINCYf NOIR ($10) I like this one nearly as much, and in truth the wines are quite similar, with the major difference being a slightly smokey quality in the bouquet of the y9unger wine. The flavors are, of course, more youthful and less developed, so if you have your choice buy the '78 for less money and the fact that it is one year nearer its peak. What might be interesting is to buy a few bottles of each and compare them over the next couple of years. It is my opinion that you wiU hear more Crom Domaine Laurier Pinot Noirs, as this classic style cannot go unnoticed for long. TELL THE WORLD -I'm sure you're tired of seeing bumper s t ickers declaring "l Love Whatever." I think it all started with "I Love New York," but I've since seen everything from ··1 Love San Francisco" to "l Love Girls." While I wouldn't argue with any of these slogans, I must say that I love most the newest bumper sticker with an "I Love" theme. It is, of course, "I Love Wine," with the "love'' represented by a heart-shaped bunch of grapes. I'm · sure wine shops and wineries will be selling them soon. but if you're in a hurry they can be ordered for $1 each from: I Love Wine, P.O. Box 7244, San Francisco, CA. 94120. "1•1 l11d, Le1'1 '•"11" -Movies now showing along Orange Coast A MJDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX OOMEDY: Rated PG, stars Woody Allen, Mary St.eenburgen, Tony Roberts, Mia Farrow, Joee Ferrer and Julie Hagerty. Not many laughs or new ideas in this tale pf changing romances at the tum of the century. AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated R, stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger and Louis Gossen Jr. There are very few surprises but some beautifully drawn performances in this tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because of language, sex and adult situations. ANJ'jlE: Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film is based on the popular musical. TRON: Rated PG, Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleltner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan and Barnard Hughes. This film has no plot, no character development and little interest for those unappreciative of video games. It's rated PG and only the very young may be worried by Warner's portrayal of a menacing villain. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R, stars Robin Williams. Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Cloee and John Lithgow. This film gets to the.heart of author John Irving's sprawling novel It is deep, meaningful and~;~ directly to what really Every Sunday D~ll Y 12:IO, MO, l:ao.M0, 1G:20(N) "HOME WORK" DM.Y4111.NI ltTffm WON.D ACCORDING TO QAlllP" ......... _..., DAILY 1:11,-l:IO l:CIO, 1:11, *41 (N ) "ttAIDIJtS °' TNr &.OST AM~ 1N1 DAl.Ya:11. 7141 POLTERGEIST-II! (Currently !Jcreen;,,.) matt.en to ua, in films. and in life. It'• rated R ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, 1tan Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn u an qing couple re'tuming to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with ti anxiedel about death; she's interminably cheerful. ~ They bicker politely . until the arrival of their g: daughter (Jane Fonda), her latest boyfriend, BWy (played brilliantly ·by Dabney Coleman) and his ~ 13-year-old boy. The PG rating is foe language. J See Currently Screening, Page 12 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ "HOME WORK" DM.Y .... Ml, la 7:11, MO, ,.,.. (R) "THE SOLDER" DAILY 2:11, 4:tl .,., 1:11. 1e:11 (ll) "THE HST UT'Tl.E W OMHOUM IN TEXAS" I'll DAILY 4:10, 1:11 ••TH£ SOLDIER" DAILY 2:20, t:21D, 10:25 POLTERGEIST_!!! DAILY.._l:GI T.~O•_.m "'THS 9UIT MAITP" DAILY-. ........ ~-DALY ...... ,, .. POLTERGEIST.!! DAILY ... ... "JIA ... °' .,,,. I.OST AIM",,_, ..,,_WORLD ACCORDING TO GAIP' DMYMl..-Clll "HOME WORK" DAILY 1~. >:JO lcU, 1-. t;SO --(R) ~ :;-. ..... <D CX> I\) . . :-----------------(Currently S~reenln11 )1------------------ 00 0) -Frnm Page 11 ~ FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT ffiGll; Rated ;; R , stars Sean Penn, Jennifer Jaaon Leigh, Judge 5, .Reinhold, and Richard Romanus. This films deals ::> with teen-agers pursuing drugs and sex and more < sex. It originally was rated X but was edited down ~ to an R rating. Several imp~ive newcomers in "O this tale of the carnal side ot high school. It's rated ~ R because of its emphasis on sex and some nude ..: scenes. Q) "O c: Cl) .ll: ! ~ THE SECRET POLICEMAN'S OTHER BALL: Rated R, stars Pete Townsend, Eric Clapton and others. A Series of short pieces highlighting some of Monty Python's schticks, interspersed with musical .§ moments, this production should at least keep a: Python fans happy. It's rated R because of salty language. FORCED VENGEANCE: Rated R, stars Chuck Norris, David Opatoshu, and Mary Louise WeUer. This film shows promise being filmed in photogeruc Hong Kong but ends in a screen of blood as Norris once again uses martial arts to clean house. It's rated R for violence and is unsuitable for children. AUTHOR, AUTHOR: Rated PG, stars Al Pacino, Dyan Cannon, Tueeday Weld. Alan King, Bob Di.shy, Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding. Pacino P,}llys" a playwright who suddenly finds himself ~th a family of five children and no wife. It's rated PG because of mature language. BLADE RUNNER: Rated R, stars Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos and Butger Hauer. Harrison is a police "blade runner" in ~ Angeles_ in 2019. His assignment is to hunt genetically engineered human replicanq whp bolt from slavery and cause problems. It's rated R for bloody vioJence . E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG. stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, RQ.bert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. This r\ighJy acclaimed science~fanwy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. .. LOOKING Fa< S0\11ETHING SPECIAL? People al I along the Orange Coast "'"°"' "'°' 111.. 5 l1r ()SI I.> •• Jr\~'or" v<~· '••YI ... ~ •l • ,.., '·!110 0 ~rn l\I 1•1q •IJC< p~~ W" r 111• 'f ' '1ly rt • 11 ii ,,..,, ,,, ! ,.,,,r 111n11 n 1'l• 111 ,, 1r ' •rorT1 ••1i- M<l j•< ( 1:;11n ir . J !ht t A 1 }'C I ,I 1n 1 tr. rny<,t1ly Clt •..J (Ir>• .Jtll yo jl 1 11•5• Vorv1r 1 s'y1e~ I, rnE-r>I vour nc~ds Your S(l' ' f JCI on ... 1 J()f(lf\f<:f'< I Meloflo 5Poft ... The Active lOOI< for School ... So co I lb1able yQil 11119 WI him SNr1s ond PQ'll9 OM ~ OOllOn In Ql90I OOloft,. ~~[; rely on the Daily Pilat 642-4321 , 56 FASHION ISlAND · NE\WORT BEACH • (714) 644 -7030 FIREFOX: Rated PG, stars Clint Eastwood (who ia also director and producer), Freddie Jones, David Huffman, Warren Clarke, Ronad Lacey and Kenneth Colley. Eastwood is an American pilot who tries to steal RUMia's top secret superjet and fly it to th e West. It's rated PG because of some violence. ROCKY m: Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone as the gutsy Rocky, who battles to defend his crown. The PG rating is for violence . POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stars J obeth Williams and Beatrice Straight in a taJe of the supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for suspense. STAR TREK II: Rated PG, stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuin~ quest to seek out and explore strange new worlds The PG ratmg is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE I N TEXAS: Rated R , stars Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLuise. There's not much sexy or lively action in this film, whic h inflates th(' characters portrayed by Pa.non and Reynolds to larger-than-life images. It doesn't hold the audience's attention. It's rated R for language, sex and bawdy s.i.luations. YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE: Rated .K, sw1 :. members of various TV soap operas. This uneven but frequently funny comedy is set in a hospitaJ. It's rated R because it's too iUque for youngsters. STAR WARS: Rated PG, stars Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, AJec Guinness, Mark Hamill and Peter Cushing. This classic George Lucas acience- f anwy film has been re-released as the eviJ Empire threatens the lifestyles of a cast of futuristic good guys. Great speciaJ effects. FRIDAY THE llTH -PART 3: Rated R Gory in 3-D with a bit of sex thrown in. this film 1s bad. It's so terrible, the first two Friday the 13th films don't seem so bad. More mass murders at CrystaJ Lake. It's rated R for gore, nudity and sex. BAMBI: Rated G, is the Walt Disney animated classic that first hit the big 9CJ'een in 1942. This sentimental tale of a baby deer should be a treat for youngstel'R of today, just as it was years ago. NIGHT SHIFT: Rated R, stars Henry WinkJer. Michael Keaton, and Shelley Long. Directed by Ron Howard. this film is inventive, witty and very funny. Winkler and Keaton are a perfect team here. The laughs come fast and hard because of the great script by writers Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel. Winkler lS a perfect straight man as the fussy. endearing Charles Lumley Ill. It's rated R for some nudity and adult themes . (. ·~ • • • • • • • • NOW ~ PLAYING •. thn1 • SEPT. Jltlt! •e l ~:r ......... 111£ MOST Aca.AIMED MUSICAL OF ALL 71MEI Tockeu et lhe loa OHie. o' T~li:.9'roo ~,,......, ,.,_,~ (811) 487-11 .. MUSlC CTNTER O P°AvitroN Cu a .... AT TUE-NEWPORT PIER Newport'• Old..t Bar-SJ'nce 1912 San Franci.eco Style BisUo Cafe Lm EITERTAllMEIT 7 llQBTS A WEEI Freah Shark Daily From the Doryman n .. t FAMOUS CIOPPINO .................. $6.95 SEAFOOD MOSTACCIOLI ........ $7.95 LINGUINI AL PESTO IN FRESH BASIL SAUCE ............... $5.95 Monday Night Special '3.95 , Linguini In Clam Sauce With Gar lie Bread . • Daily Lucia l,.cblt • e>,nn llWtn U• • a.,,, a .. , 3 " ' 107 21st Pl. 675-3333 NEWPORT BEACH 2118 OCUIFROO IEWNRT BUCH 813-1894 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7. NIGHTS & DAYS SAMDAYS & -~AYS Featuring SOUTH CITY Mon. & Tues. Nipts STAN ORLOW Wed. tfwu Sat., 9 pm -2 am MKE PIDA Stll>AYS (FormMty Iron Butrw11y & Blue lm-.ge) NIGHTLY DRINK SPECIALS LANDING 1 79 E. 17th St. Co11a Mesa In v-ShopfMnc CLnter 842-9855 ---... --- I RICI I RILL ll&IT CLll THURS. HOT 1V8 FEVERI WETTEST T-SHIRT SHOW IN O.C. FRI. A BAT. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT TIU4 A.II. END OF SUMMER PARTY Sun'., Sept. 5th Five Rock Banda , •.. · s.,t. 121' ••• TH heten le C...en 18+ AFTER HOURS ONLY ----------··--------------------·-· '1.00 OFF PAID IDMISSIOI W1tfl ,,. Ceupon 11512 BEACH Bl.VD. 914 2211 tlltTNJTON BEACH • Country Western Music 0ranae C'.ounty'• Nk.wt Country Western NW/Jt Club Tues: Talent Night Cash Prizes Thursday: Ladies Night ----- Appeaiing at the Blue Beet Cafe in Newport _ Beach is George Lawton playing mellow contemporary music Monday through Thursday. Appearing Friday, Saturday and Sunday is Nick Pyzow playing rock 'n roll music. d1t~qu~~tf8 ~Ji) ~ ~w., ~~ ~l\.IOJNI Dane. To Live Rock N Roll 7 Nigh,. A WNk SKYLAR BROTHERS WED. -SAT. 8URFTON£8 SUN.. MON., TUES. FROM I P.M. •UIPY .. 4111 • IYl111 UI ,_ JaM •..al&lltffl • Ill. __. -lllTllUIT mPLnll.-T •WD.~ ......... TN 11• 811AND N.W 8A8Y OllAND l'IANO IN Ul'STAlllS ~ "Wllt:Kt: l'tXN'LE IN Tiit! KNOW.(;()'" 3180 AIRWAY COSTA MESA c.." .... ' ~ 546-9880 BY TH~ SEA tr•rl' ol Juz • M1111•1••• MELLOW JAZ2 PIANO AHO VOCAl.8 SUNDAY THAU WEDHESOAY 7~HT 15 ~ 0 -~ t ~ ::s Q. ~ :-..,, ... a: I» ';C )> c IO c flJ -N ...... ... <O CD N .. .. ... ... # ;·~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~ Olv•r•lon• )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -...._ __________________ __, ~ -PLAYS-------~ 11clmATERS," a comedy about extramarital atfaln, :::> opens Wednellday at !sebaatian's Wfi9l Dinner P1a~hou8e, < 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Currently playing, through ~ Sunday, la the muaical "George M." Reaervationa and ~ information are available at 492-9950. -.: u. ..: "THE GAZEBO," a comedy about murder, winds up Q> its run at the Huntington Beach Playhome, Main Street ~ and YorklOwn AW!lue in the Seacliff Village shopping i ceJ>ter. Final performances are Friday and Saturday at 'i 8:30. Reeervations 847-4465. ~ "INHERIT THE WIND." the drama bued on the ~ Scopes "monkey Uial," completes its run for the Irvine 0: Community Thealer with Cinal performances Friday and Saturday at jJ p.m. at Turtle Rock Community Park, Sunnyhill &Sad off Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine. Curtaln is 8 p.m. and ticketa are available at the door. Information 557-729'7. "THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM," a workshop What's Jiappening along Orange Coast production, la belna present.eel Friday and Saturday of thJa week and next at the 1..-,una Moulton Playhcwe, 606 ~ c.anyon Roed, 1..-,una Betlch. CUr1a!n la 8 p.m.; reeervationll 494-07t3. "SUGAR," the mUlkal comedy bMed on the movie "Some Like It Hot." Is the fare at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S . Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. Performances are nightly except Monday at varytng curtain times through Sept. 5. Relervationll tr79-5!111. "MARK TWAIN ... HIMSELF,"• one-man ahow by actor Scott Michael, will be perfonned tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 3 p.m., at the Cabrlllo Playhouse. 202 Ave. Cabrtllo, San Clemente. Ticket infonnation and retM!.CVaticm at 492-0465. See Diversions, Page 15 TAP MASTER -John Bubbles, a mast.er of tap dancing, will supervise a mast.er .... tap class Saturday and Sunday at the Montmartre School of Russian Ba.llet in Tustin. Classes begin at noon. For information call 842-4386. "The moet exciting down-lo-ttt.-wlre Kllon atnce SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT Md the funnleet bunch of rucala alnce THE BAD NEWS BEARS." _T_..,_.,..,._....,_ ICENNJ' IM'GBRS ..... .....,. ....... ~ ; .._ ... ' ' ~ -·-I ------~~ LONDON BROIL. Slices of marinated steak topped with burgundy wine sauce. A treat with garden fresh vegetables and potatoes. f1LET OF SOLE BONNE FEMME. Sole filets poached with mushrooms and ~scallions in buner and white wine. Served with potatoes and vegetables. •FFITUCCCNE ALFREDO. Delicate ribbons of pasta, tossed with a velvety sauce of buuer. cream and Italian cheeses. VEAL MARENGO CREPE Tender veal. tomato and onion in white wine wrapped in a crepe. Surrounded by potatoes and vegetables. There's a world of new dishes at the Magic Pan. Including these four European clas.5ics. Each dinner comes with your choice of a mixed green or orange almond salad . Yo u can enjoy any one of them for just $5.95. So visit us soon. There's always something new to come back to . Souah Coeit ... (714) "6-122$ ....... (714) ~ O&t ... afts$PM 4 • ~~--------------------------............... -. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~~~o_lv~•-'_•_lo_n~•~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ From Page 14 -ART------- "CHINESE ART" is on view lhrough Sept. 26 and "People of the Sun" is on view through Aug. 29 at Bowers Mwewn, 2002 N. Main St .. Santa Ana. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admmion by donation. "HEY REMBRANDT, TUNE THAT THING," a talked-on concert by Mark Turnbull, is at 8 tonight in Laguna Beach School of Art. Donation $3 at the door. lnfonnation 494-5014. -ETC.------ ORANGE INTERNATIONAL STREET FAIR with ethnic food.a. crafts and entertainment is Sept. 3-5 at Chapman Avenue and Glassell Street, City of Orange. Admission free. GUN SHOW, Including antique and mode rn weapons, is at Anaheim Convention Center 9 a.m .-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Adult admiaalon $3.50. . SUNLAND SKIERS SHOW AND SALE la Sept. 2-5 at Anaheim Convention Center. GYMNASTICS CLASSIC is Sept. 25 at Anaheim Convention Center. -MUSIC------ RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS perform Aug. 30-Sept. 3 and saxophonist Tex Beneke and his orchestra perform Aug. 29-Sept. 4 at Disneyland. SEAL BEACH CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL o(fen Sept. 1 concert by celllat Armand KaprofC and pianist Cheater Swiatkowski perfor ming Brahms' "Sonata in E Minor." Ysaye String Quartet plays 707 Electric Ave., Seal Beach. Seating Jimjted t.o 200. LIONEL HAMPTON perfonns at USC's Town and Gown at 7 p.m. Sept. 11 in dinner-dance benefit. Seating [jf .J DINING " ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE 2fJ 2 limited to 300. Information and reservations (213) :E 743-6786. i TROMBONE CHOIR, "Bones West," performs at 5:30 p.m. Sunday in Cree concert at Stan Kenton Gazebo in Balboa Pier Park, Newport Beach. llr' GI :J 0. CD ::"' KEITH WILLIAMS' BIG BAND performs in free :t' concert at 7:30 p.m. Monday In Woodbridge Village 0: Center, Barranca Parkway and Lake Road, Irvine. ~ IRVINE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA perfor ms ~ "H,M.S . Pinafore" m Cree concert with Pacllic Mast.er co Chorale and UC lrvme Alumni Chorus at 4 p.m . Sept. 5 at ~ UCrs Campus Park, Campw Drive between Culver and N University drives, Irvine. "°" CLAUDE GORDON, HIS TRUM PET ANO <0 O RCHEST RA are featured at 9 p.m .-1 a .m. dance ~ Saturday in Catalina Casino. Boat transportation and da.nce tickets 527-7111. See Diversions, Page 16 leal Cantonese Food ut here or take hOfM STAG CHINESE CASINO r----------------• 111 2htPL.Mewportlffdl Olw.J.95'0 .._ iO M~ o..,-w..._. u.t11 1~00 .... · DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Famlly .,_ fUnlllS 10 lmllllAlOIAl ETUMTS 4111mRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH Corner ot von Kwman Dittinctive Waterfront Dining • Oy1ter Bar • Cocktaila 3333 W. Pacific Coan Hi41hwe.y, Newiiort Beach Raervatlona Accepted • 642-2295 RETURN OF THE FISH KITCHEN '8.88 '8.88 '8.88 '8.88 '8.88 '8.88 TWOAY WEDIEOAY TtUSOAY FRl>AY SAllllDAY SUfl>AY STUI STUI STUI STUI STUI STUI I I I I I I LllSTU CUI SlllMP SCIWPS :i:& SCAMPI DAl.Y 3:30 TO 6:00 P.M. a.........,. 10065 GARPllLD ,,, .... hunt , ... ..., ... ........... n..Cllld.-.... r11.FW1w. '3.11 . Compl/tMntory WllN S.mpJ. WftlM Y.v Wolt 1W y..,,,,,..,. Tum your unuubles into usable cash.call Daily Pilot classified 642-5671. 0'9 .. .,..., •• , __ OF NEWPORT Formerly the Ritz location Announces the CfJOUllNI~~ /fl~ Valet Parking On the ooean aeron from the Newpon Beach Pier 2 106 Weat Ocean Front, Newport ee.ch, Calllomla Reservations 675-2566 TAB HUNTER Starring In "Here Lies Jeremy Troy" A Hllartou• Comedy Written By Jack Sharkey • • .- • .. 16 ( Dlv•r•lo;• ) 'Fro-~m~P.-agi-e~15~~~~~~~~~~~~---\---~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ POLISH PIANIST KRYSTIAN ZIMERMAN ~ perfomw with Laa Angelee PhilharmonJc at 8:30 p.m. • Tuetlday and Thunday In Hollywood Bowl. Information ~ (213) 876-8742. ~ UP WITH PIDPLE perfonns at 8 p.m. Sept. 5 and 6 a In Orange Coast College Auditorium, Costa Mesa. Ticket .i lnfonnation 556-5527. Department offers $18 bua. 1Upper and re.erved aeata. Information 895-286D .. ACTOR WILLIAM WINOOM as ''Thurber" opens PAIR (Profesaional Artl.atl In Residence) 1eriee of Cal State Fullerton on Oct. 9. Seuon ai.o include9 "H.M.S. Pinafore" Nov. 21 and all-male b&llet travesty troupe Les Balleta Trockadero de Monte Carlo Feb. 12. Ticket lntonnalion 773-3347. -SINGLES----- MISS ANGIE'S BIG BAND SOUND DANCE CLUB has echeduled dances 8:30-11:30 p.m. Sept. 3 at Garden Grove Elka Club, 11551 Trask Ave., Garden Grove; Sept. 10 and 17 at Griswolda, 1500 S. Raymond, Fullerton; and Sept. 24 at Buena Park Hot.el. GET-ACQUAINTED PARTY. apon aored by Man-Woman Institute, ia a t 8 tonight in Oakwood Apartments Clubhouse, 2235 Broadway, Anaheim. Admisaion $10. Infonnation 964-5570. ~ TONY BENNETT performs Sept. 11 at Hollywood 't> Bowl. Westminster Community Services and ltec:r9tion ~ ~===~~===============:=====================================~================~i'iii~===i' In The Classic Harlequin Fashion NOW PLAYING TllRU SEPT. 5 •lllkal Adaptatloa ol ''Somt Lib ll Jlot'' thru Sun . & Sun Brunch Wf 'IMISI fOI 5000 Cll•Sf 1000 WNCMIS • CMNNllS • TIOfitCAl COCKTAAS . ~ IAHUIT fACIUTID ... cAflitNo * FOOD TO GO , · , .... 7.ATS [ ONE DOLi.AR OFF at The Big Yellow House Restaurant I P11taw pracnl to waltnM of h1" h111 P<'rt\I Coupon goocJ ~ when Ming Mated. This through ~prember 2. 1962 § coupon Is good for SI 00 oil Coupon ol no redeemable the regulor d1nn.n pnce of monetaiy value. ~ not be ~ S6 50 111 any Big Yellow House us.ed In coniunct>on with 04her I Restauranr Pnce applles to Jtscount off<m adult bearet and aduh memben ~~~~~ln~C;~;;~c~~;ve~~~~~~~~~~~~ln~C:O.U~~M~oa~==~~~~~ ---------•CLIPCOJPON _________ _ All you can eat each day of the week for oDly $5.50 I t's the best dining deal in town! Simply bring the coupon to any Big Yellow House, any day of the week. and every adult member of your party will dine for only $5.50 (kids even less). That's a full dollar off our regular dinner price! And what a dinner it is ... with seconds, thirds. .. ~wen fourths and fifths on the house! We always serve two delicious entrees: our famous fried chicken, plu~ another that varies from day to day: beef ribs with barbecue sauce. roast beef. tri·tip steak , pork chops with stuffing. and so on. There's also a tureen of steaming soup. a crisp garden salad, vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy, and plenty of hot cornbread and honey butter. Save again and again! When you give this coupon to your waitress, she'll give each adult member of your party another dollar-off coupon for the next visit. And since this offer is good only through September 2, you'd better huny on in. The sooner you start, the more times you can save. • Offer good through September 2, 1982 "l!~~i.!~~~ .. ':.!~~ Saturday. 4· 10 pm; Sunday. 3-9 pm; Sunday Brunch, 10 am-2 pm In Costa Mesa at 3010 Barbor Blvd. Comer of Harbor & Baker adjacent to'Fedco Reeervationa accepted (714) 6'9-0310 In Garden Grove at 9100 Trask Ave. R.eervationa Accepted (714) 891-2809 In Cetrttoe at 11105 E. 183td St. In Mleslon Viejo at 28381 ftfarguertte ~ R~ ICCAll*d· (213) 924:SJ20 Resavatlons accepted. (714) 495-3340 Tom Hanks ... TV Antenna, Page 3 CHiPs ... 'Ponch' gets greater responsibilities this fall .,_... '° OeltJ ..... Television series, like life, change and grow, and come the new season, superstar Erik Estrada, of the highly-rated television hit, "CHiPs," will have new and greater responsibilities as Officer Francis "Ponch " Poncherello. Without losing any of the endearing dash and daring that propelled Estrada to stardom for five seasons on the NBC-TV series seen Sundays, 8-9 p.m., "Ponch" will become a training officer for his new partner as well as friend to the three new regular rookie highway patrol officers. "I am really excited about the new season because of the chance to show a different side of the character I have been playing for five seasons," Estrada commented the other day. "In the scripts and in real life, I hOJfe I can be of great help to the new members of the cast." Estrada and "CHiPs," which has the cooperatio·n of California's highly-regarded Highway Patrol. will be welcoming easily the most handsome crop of newcomers seen on TV in many a year. Tom Reilly, 6 feet 2, former professional caliber football player and highly-paid New York model, won the role of Bobby Nelson over 2,000 other hopefuls. It wasn't necessary for the job. but it helped that Estrada's new co-star has been a skilled motorcycle rider since his teens. Raised in New Jersey, Reilly's previous acting experience included the ABC movie, "Paper Dolls," and the "Force Seven" episode of an earlier "CHiPs." Willowy, brunette, Tina Gayle becomes Officer Kathleen Linahan. the new female lead of the s how via the fa mo us Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and an earlier NBC-TV pilot, "Towheads,'' in which she also played a policewoman. . Last of the trio of new regolars is Clarence Gilyard, Jr., playing the role of Officer Webster. From the world of professional bikers, "CHiPs" executive producer Cy Chermak and supervising producer Paul Mason have signed Bruce Penhall, Robert Redforesque, World Speedway Motorcycle Champion, for the guest-starring role of Officer Bruce Nelson, Tom Reilly's half-brother who will appear in one of the season's most exciting episodes. According to Mason, Estrada has indeed warmly welcomed his new co-stars to the show. Mark Dante ... TV Q&A, Page 25 "I am amazed at the quickness with whlch Erik and Tom have taken to each other," he W • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••~.•.,.•"•"•.,....,.lilllilM ... l!l!lillliillll~Rl6l'.BtNDW. L ] Matt Houston . • • Inside TV, Page 28 •Aug. 27 -Sept. 2 • i • t iii ::J Ol ::J c:t: ----------- >. 113 -0 :~~~================~--=-=m; 0 ....I ::> ....: § a: AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-ltENAULT . 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-1023 SADDI MACK IMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 131-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1 540. Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CO...a.L CHlftOUT 2800-Harbor Blva. Costa Mesa -~• 100 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street - Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-82 I I LINC OLM-MERCURY JOH.-soM & SOM UMCOLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MADA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S . Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEU GEOT ,BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove· Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PONTIAC IOI LOMCWRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCH E-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-233-3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Btvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARIMO VOLKSW AGEM 1871'"1 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 I J ~-------------------- Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St ., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mall address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 6"42·'4321 ( ___ ln_d_•x ___ ) (-~~-C_h_o_n_n_e_l_s~~--) U KNXT ICBSl 6121 W. Sunset Blvd . Los Ang-eles, Ca 9 KNBC<NBCl 3000 W. Alameda Ave .. BurbaAk, Ca 8 KTL.A <Ind.> 5800 W Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles. Ca fl KABC IABC> 4151 Prospect Ave • Los Angeles, Ca <81 KFMB <CBS1 7677 Engineer Rd • San Diego, Ca 0 KHJ-TV Clnd I 5515 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, Ca 001 KCST I ABC1 8330 Engineer Rd . San Diego. Ca e KTTV<lnd l 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca Q) KCOP-TV Clnd. l 915 N. La Brea Ave .. Los Angeles. Ca <24) CBSCable @KCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los AnJ(eles. Ca. 9 KOCE<PBS1 15744 Golden West St , Huntington Bearh (Q) On-TV I 139 Grand Central Ave. Glendale. Ca I Z ) Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave . Santa Moni~a. Ca (HI HBO Time Lire Bldg . Rockefellt'r Center, N.Y .. N.Y <Cl Cinemax Time-W e Bldg . Rockefeller Center. N.Y .• N.Y C><WOR> NY . N.Y <171 1WTBS1 Atlanta. Ga I E I ESPN <LI Select 1S1 Showtlme I S.1 Spotl1Rht tCI 1Cable News Network1 3 ~ 0 --i :< r 0 !O TV Antenna )> Life no drag for a 'Bosom Buddy' • , c By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of lhe 0 811y PMot •• .., Actors have to be flexible. Just ask Tom Hanks. One moment he was perfonning Shakespeare live in Cleveland, and in the next he was working in drag on a television sitcom called "Bosom Buddies." "Yeah it's quite a jump," he admits. "But it's the same cerebral process. You are given words on a piece o{ paper. You not only have to make sense of 1t. but you have to comrnurucate it to your audience, whether that audience is 600 people sitting in a theater or a couple million people watching at home on the tube. "The approach to it. I don't care what anybody says. is the same. You have to attack it. you have to experiment. you have to fail a bunch. you have to stink on occasion, but that's the only way to communicate it. -Ahether you're doing Shakespeare or ·Bosom Buddies.' " Hanks was discwsmg the ups and down of acting during a break between fund-raising activities at KOCE Channel 50 in Huntington Beach. "I don't even get KOCE," Hanks said. 'But there are certain things I'll do anytime, anywhere, given the scheduling. H elping out public television is one of them. Public television has always been something of an influence for me." The young curly-haired actor is currently off the network television merry-go-round now that his series has been canceled. "Bosom Buddies," which debuted in the fall of 1980, focused on two young men who dressed as women in order to Jive in an inexpensive female- only hotel. The brilliant comic chemistry of Hanks and his co-star Peter Scolari quickly won the series critical praise and a core audience of rabid fans. But ABC moved the series through different time slots, and the drag jokes eventually proved limiting. "Bosom Buddies" was barely renewed for the 1981 -82 season, and it will not be back this fall. Did Hanks have any rese rvations about performing in drag? · "Initially. no," he replied. "I realiz.ed this was the way television operates. That was fine. There was. however. no doubt in my mind that to make the kind of TV show that I wanted to do and everyone concerned with the show on a day-to-day Tom Han.ks (right) joins Gary Cervantes in a bit of jive signing in jail on "Bosom Buddies." basis wanted to do, the drag was going to have to be dropped. "The longevity and artistic quality and success of the show was going to be predicated on that. ln the fin;t season it was really kind of fun. But when we came back the second season and found out that indeed, the drag was not going to be dropped. I was not pleased. I was willing to go with it because thoee are the numbers and that's the tune you have to dance to. "But yeah. I hated it (the drag gimmiek) toward the end. I hated every minute of it because I think it was really limiting our potential." Hanks. now in his mid-twenties, tint realized his own potential as an actor during his teen-age years in Northern California. He appeared in high school producuons and began attending as many as seven San Francisco Bay area theater perfonnances See 'Bosom Buddies,' Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE * * * * CAT PIOPLE UNDll THE RAINBOW ARTHUR EX CALia UR * CANNllY IOW * CONAN THI aAlaARIAN * BODY HIAT * SOMI KIND Of HDO . * &llDDY MIDDY · * THl80Da .. co c (/) - J 4 !Daytime N 0 ::> OI .\I< >IC\ I:\(; ~ 5:00 II SUMMER SEMESTER II RAT PATROL (WED) I MOVIE (1 HA., :UMIN.) (THU) MOVIEJ1 HR., 51 MIN.) (FRI) COMM NITY PROGRAMMING (TUE) 0 MOVIE (1 HR.. 31 MIN.) (MON) o 5:05@ MY THREE SONS ....J CC) MOVIE (TUE) > ® P. T. BARNUM AND HIS HUMAN ODDITIES ( 1 .,_: HR~(WED) -0 5: 15 MOVIE ( 1 HA., 55 MIN,) (THU) 5:20 MOVIE (WED) 0:: ~VIDEO JUKEBOX (FRI) SNEAK PREVIEW (MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. 29 MIN.) (FRI) 5:301J JUNTOS (MON, WED, FRI) 1J PORTRAITS IN PASTEL (TUE, THU) 0 JIMMY SWAGGART D DAYBREAK L.A. LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV.:S LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (MON, WED, FRI) OJ) MATH FOR MODERN LIVING (TUE. THU) (S) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS (TUE) (S) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 15 MIN.~ (WED) I MOVIE (1HR,31 MIN. (MON) MOVIE (1 HR,35 MIN. (WED) MOVIE (1 HR,31 MIN.) (FRI) 5:35@ THAT GIRL 5:.S8A.M. WEATHER CZ) MOVIE (WED) 5:501NEWS 6:00 LA. MORNING I HEAL TH FIELD HOT FUDGE (11 ABC NEWS THIS MORNING MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEEDeACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MA VOA (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TAU< JIMMY SWAGGART UP ANO COMING (FRI) AEBOP (MON) INANITY FACTORY (TUE) VILLA ALEGRE (WeD) SONRISAS (THlJ) HERE'S TO YOUA HEAL TH ALL IN THE FAMILY (FRI) MARY TYLER MOORE (MON) RHODA (TUE) 808 NEWHART (WED) CHICO ANO THE MAN (THU) MOVIE (MON, THU, FRI) FROM THE 55-YARO LINE (FRO SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON, THU) INSIDE BASEBAU (R) (TUE) COLLEGE FOOTBAU PAEvt£w (R) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) THE GOLD BUG (TH.IU) LAFF-A·THON (TUE) MOVIE (1HR,63 MIN.) (TUE) 6:061MOVIE 8:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO EARLYTOOAY 8 WOMAN (FRI) GAl..l.Bff (MOf+.;fHU) • • • • • • . :• t: I fl f t t• .. rTCAHBE~~ COMMUNrTY (MON) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF HANO <WED} FRANKLY ftMALE ~e'a GREAT SPACE CO FELIX THE CAT ~ABC~ (TUE.fRt) ~~R) (THU, FRI) HORSE RACING W£EJ(L Y (R) (MON) 8POAT8CHALLEHGE (TUE) 'THE GOLD BUG (TUE) V'ESTERVEAFl •. 1"67 '(1 HA.) (WED) HOLL VWOOO (TUE) MARK TWAIN. T'Hf.ATRE: TOM AHO HUCK ~,...... ..... .. •.a KEEPS WORLD Tr!RNJNG -Frank Runyeon plays Steve Andropolous in CBS's daytime drama series, "As the World Turns," weekdays on KNXT (Ch. 2) at 12:30 p.m. 7:00 II MOANING NEWS l ~T~UA; Q)) GOOD MOANING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM CARTOONS WOODY WOODPECKER BUSINESS REPORT (TUE-FRI) • VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q MOVIE (TUE) IRENE MOVES IN (WED) SPORTSCENTER MOONCHILO (THU) MOVIE (1 HR .. 15 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS .• 25 MIN.) (MON) PETER ANO THE WOLF (TUE) SHORT PICKS (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 20 MIN.) (FRI) REACHING OUT (MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. "6 MIN.) (THU) 7:15CZ)MOVIE (1 HR.,45MIN.) (FRI) CZ) MOVIE (1 HR .• 15 MIN.) (Wal) 7:3011 THERE IS A WAY SUPERHEROES FRED RJNTSTONE ANO FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING HOTWHEB.S (WED) KIDS ON THE Bl.OCk (FRI) WHAT ON EARTH (TUE) RACE FOR THE PENNANT (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., =MIN. (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR, 31 MIN. (WED) JOB.. GREY IN (1 HR.) (MON) MOvtE (2 HRS., 9 MIN.) (WEO) ~TllGHT PREVIEW (THU) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH BATTLE OF THE PLANETS CARTOONS MISTER AOGEA8 (R) 900Y 8UOOIES MOVIE 1 HR, 36 MIN. MON) MOVIE {MON. WED-FRI) MOVIE 1 HR, 38~N. ~FRI) TENNl6 (3 HRS.) JE.. THU) JANE FONDA'S · EBAfTV' FASHtON SHOW 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE !2 HAS .• 2 MIN.) ~ MOVIE 1 HR.. 63 MIN.) U MOVIE 2 HAS .• 20 MIN.) (MO ) MOVIE t HA.. 46 MIN.) (TUE) 8: ~~. 8:30~TOBEAVER 8PIOERMAN ~~.· 8POTUOHT ON LEW9 ( 1 HR.) (FRI) MOVE .... FN __ , ··-"' ..... 9:00 8 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) I DIFF'RENT STROKES (R) OZZ1E ANO HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES '81LOVELUCY «m ROMPER ROOM ~N~~t~TREET (R) Q • VILLA ALEGRE (R) a TOP RANK BOXING (FRI) PROFESSIONAL RODEO (R) (MON) CFL FOOTBALL (TUE) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WED) AUTO RACING (THU) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS ~ED) MOVIE (1 HR .. 31 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS., 25 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HA .. 32 MIN.) (THU) 9:30 I) Cl) ALICE (R) 0 WHEEL OF FORTUNE I THE RIFLEMAN MIO MORNING L.A. MAKEROOMFOADAODY SUPERMAN (MON, TUE. FRI) VICTORY AT SEA (WED. THU) ~ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) RACQUETBALL (WED) AEROBICISE (MON, WED. FRI) 9:45 CZ) MOVIE (2 HRS., 25 MIN.) (TUE) 10:001(1) THE PRICE IS RIGHT TEXAS EMERGENCY ®) LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN DA VIOSON lWICE A WOMAN (FRI) HEAL TH BEAT (MON) RHODA (TUE-THU) DORIS DAY (FRI) «I) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (MON-THU) I VEGETABLE SOUP (A) 9 SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE (TUE-fRI) THE TALKING WHALE (MON) TRACK ANO FIELD (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (FRI) I ~:;·(~::.. ::~~~~E ;~uc:::~,; HA.) MOVIE 11 HR., 25 MIN. (MON) MOVIE 1 HR.. 35 MIN. (THU) MOVIE 1 HR. 40 MIN.) (TUE) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 55 MIN.) (THU) 10:05 al) MOVIE 10:30. MY THREE SONS I MIOOA Y (MON. TUE. FRI) LOVE. AMERICAN STYL~ (WED. THU) EIGHTEEN TONS OF MUSIC ON A ONE NIGHT STANO (FRI) I BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) REBOP (TUE) AT THE ROSE BUD (WED) JACK LONDON WrTH WILLIAM DEVANE r~VIE (1 HR, 50 MIN.) ~) r~ ~ ;;; !a:Ji.~K>N (1 HR) ~MOVIE (1 HR., 28 MIN.) CTHU) 11:008 (I) THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS THEOCXTORS BONANZA 9 ·fAMtl Y FEUD BUl.L8EYE PfTFAU PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES MAACUS WEL8Y, M.O. B..ECTRIC COMPANY (R) AICHAR> SIMMONS Ml8T9' AOOEM (R) ~~XJNG (MOH) 8U6 STOP (2 HAS.) (Im MOYIE ( 1 Hfl. 40 Mltl.) e MOVIE (2 HAS., 9 M ) (WED) EARTH. WIND AHlJ F1AE IH CONCa.T ( 1 HR.) U) 11:ao1s~ FOA TOMORROW ~~GAME ZCNEl I~ REPORT B..£CTflC OOMP::t'.JR> IE8T OF NOTRE l=OOTBALL (FRI) =~n.) (FRI) WHAT'8UP~ 1 HR.) (MON) . \I· 1 1.1 { '\ < >< > '-· 12:008 TATTLETALES I GD DAYS OF OUR LIVES TWILIGHT ZONE 0 ALL MY CHILDREN NEWS eeMOVIE BONANZA DICK CAVETT VILLA ALEGRE (R) D THE TALKING WHACE (THU, FRI) WOY'IE (TUE) NBA BASKETBALL (THU) MOVIE (1 HA .. 40 M1N.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR, 35 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR, 16 MIH.) (TUE) I MOVIE (1 HR, '42 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 25 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (TUE) CZ) MO~E ( 1 HR., '45 MIN.) (THU) 12:05 (!!) FUNTIME 12: 1 S (l) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. '43 MIN.) (FRI) CZ) CINEMASCORE (MON) CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (TUE) 12: 1 30 ~~ Tz~WORLD TURNS OVER EASY MtSTER ROQER6 (f!) MOWIE (WED) AUTO MCING (FRI) SWIMMING (TUE. WED) JANE FONDA'S CB.EBAITY FASHION SHOW !HR, 30 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MtN. Ff11t MOVIE ~ 1 HA., 30 MtNJ ~MON) 12: 35 «Zl THE FLINTSTONES 1:00 8. ANOTHER WORLD I HOUR MAGAZINE ttlONEUfETOUVE ~LIMrTS THE MISEA (FRI) NOVA (MON) U.S. OPEN PREVIEW (TUE) MYSTERY (WED) NATIONAL GEOGAAPHtC SPECIAL (THU) SESAME STREET (R) D MOVlE (MON, THU, FR'rJ" MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MIN.) (MON) P.T. BARNUM AND HIS HUMAN ooomes (1 HR.) (TUE) (Z)MOVIE (1 HR,36 MIN.) (WED) 1 :OS@ THE AOOAMS FAMILY 1 :30 8 (I) CAPfTOL IJNEWS @SIGHATURE (TUE-FRI) STRUMPET CfTY (MON) MOVIE (TUE) CR. FOOTBALL (MON) POWER BOAT RACING (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 27 MIN.) (FRI) VIDEO JUKEBOX (WED) HOLL YWOOO (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) 1:35i OZZIE ANO HARRIEt 1 :45 CINEMASCORE (THU) 1:50 JOB WATCH (WED) 2:00 (I) GUIDING LIGHT CHIPS (A) JOHN DAVIDSON (MON. TUE. FRI) HOUR MAGAZINE (WED. THU) 9 GENERAL HOSPfT AL IRONSIDE MOVIE (TUE-FRI) 40 (MON) OPEN LINE tOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAG (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WED) COLLLLLECTING (THU) FOOTSTEPS (MON, WED-FRI) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) PROFESSIONAL R00E0 (THU) MOVlE (1 HR, 36 MIN.) ctue. WED) SNEAK PREVIEW (THU) W•',.. Ll•tenlng •.• Whal do you like about th• Dally PllotT Whll don't you llkt? C:.11 th• numbeor below and your rnt'911e will be ~. tra..-rlbed and deUVU't'd l.O lht' approprial.e editor ~ llll.l'M 24-hour answtrtna 8C'rvlm may be 1-1 l.O rl'Cllrd let~ IO the editor on any &opk. M.allboit conl.l'ibut.on must lndude their natn11 and ~leptlaiM numbff few verifbtion. No dreululon eaUa, .,.._, Tell 1.11 what'• on your mlnd t.~ •• , ------------ I AEROBOSE (MON, WED. FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 53 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR .• 36 MIN. (THU) MOVIE ~ 1 HR., 31 MINJ (THU, FRI) MOVIE (MON) MOVIE (1 HR, "3 MIN.) (TUE) 2:05 all THE PARTAtOOE FAMILY 2:30. BEWITCHED I SUPERMAN MOVIE (TUE. FRI) CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CEN- TER (MON) DANCE (WED) THE W0AL0 Of JAMES JOYCE (THU) HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH MISTER ROGERS (R) INSIDE BASE8ALL (R) (TUE) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR. 40 MIN.) (THU) SPOTLIGHT ON JERRY l£WlS (1 HR.) (FRI) LAFF·A· THON (MON) MOVlE (1 HR .• 34 MIN.) (WED) MOVl~1 HR .. 31 MIN.) (THU) MOVlE 1HR.,30 MIN.) (MON, FRI) 2:361H 2:'45 CtNEMASCORE (WED) 3:00 8ARNA8Y JONES OOHAHUE WOMef-'nE ACHIEVeRB (FRI) AICHNIO SIMMONS ~THU) EOQE OF-MOHT Metf' en: ' "' BEST OF QR()tjCHO LAVERNE 6 SHIRLEY & CQMPJtH'( THE WAL TONS CAffTOONS FREEHAND SKETCHING HOUR MAGAZINE VILLA ALEOAE (R) Q MOVIE (MON, FRI) HOTWHEELS (WED) THE UTTl.E DETECTIVE (THU) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTaALL ('rue) COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR, 38 MfNi.) (FRI) JOHNNY CASH'S AMG:RfCA (1 HR., 15 MIN.) ~MON) MOVIE WACt<:'( WOALD OF JONATHAN WINTERS ™ON) CZ) MOVIE (WED) 3;05 al) MY THREE SONS 3:30 e RICHARD SJMMONS PEOPLE'S COURT WHA rs HAPPEHINGll CHARLIE'S ANGELS ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL (MON) GROWING YEARS (FR1) AMERICAN STORY (MON, WED) SLIM CUISINE (TUE. THU) ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) MOVIE (TUE. WED) SPORTSCENTER (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (TUE) LAFF-A·THON (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (WED) MOVIE (1HR .. 40 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1HR .. 32 MIN.) (THU) 3:351 FATHER KNOWS BEST 3:'45 CtNEMASCORE (TUE) 4:00 BARNEY MILL.ER NEWS COUPLES WELCOME BACK, KOTTER MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT THE FLINTSTONES CARTOONS INTERVIEW WITH FEDERICO F£LLINI (FRI) CABARET (TUE) MISTER ROGERS (R) LITTLE HOUSE ON l'HE PRAIRIE SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVlE {THU) CFL FOOTBALL (FR1) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) NASL WEEKLY (TU£) SPORTSFOAUM (WED) FROM THE 55-YAAO LINE (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 36 MIN.) (WED) MOONCHILD (THU) WACt<:'( WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS I ED, FRI) PETER ANO THE WOLF (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR .. 53 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 3'4 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1HR.,38 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR. 55 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 31 MIN.) (TUE) '4:05@WINNERS (FRI) @GREEN ACRES (MON-THU) -4:308 NEW8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ABC NEWS (FRI) M·A·s·H YOU ASKED FOR IT PEOPLE'S COURT GROOVIE GOOLIES SIGNATURE SESAME STREET (~) BtLLY GOA rs BLUFF ON) SPORTSCENTER~ THU) VIDEO JUKEBOX MON) SEVEN Wt8HES A AICH KIO (FRt) MOVIE (1 HA .. 30 MIN.n MOVIE (1HR..31 Mli MARI< TWAIN THEA • T ANO HUCI< (THU) CZ) MOVIE (2 HRSF 20 MIN.) (WED) 4;36 «Zl AHC1'f QNF1l'H (MON, TUE. THU. FR1) al) BASEBALL (W!O) s:ooe e •Cl> 9 NEWS I ST~ ANO HUTCH BASEBALL (FRI) I, CLAUOWS (MON) MOVIE (TUE. WED) eve..G WrTH THE STATLER BAOTHERS i WJE BAAOY BUNCH SANFORD ANO SON MIXED BAGmr FRI) QUIZKIOS COLLLLLECTI (WED) BOTANIC MAN (THU) LIVE AT AVE OVER EASY MOVIE (MON, TUE. FRI) COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (MON) TRACK AND AELD (TUE) AVTO RACtNG (WED) SPORTSFORUM (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 25 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) THE GOLD BUG (TUE. THU) MOVlE (TUE-THU) QUINCY JONES: RER.ECTIONS (FRI) MOVIE (MON-THU) 6:05 al) MOVIE (MON, TUE. FRI) al) COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (THU) 5:15(Z)MOVIE (1HR .. 45 MIN.) (FRI) (I) MOVIE (1 HR.. 31 MIN,) (MON) (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 43 MIN.) (THU) 5:30e (II NFL FOOTBALL (FRI) I THE BRADY BUNCH SANFORD ANO SON ROYAL FIREWORKS ANO MIRACULOUS MAN- DARIN (FRI) MOVIE (MON. THU) DANCE (TUE) THE WOALD OF JAMES JOYCE (WED) ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) SLIM CUISINE MOVIE (WED) TOP RANK BOXING (THU) MOVIE (MON, FRI) MOVlE (1 HR.) (~) JANE FONDA'S CELEBRfTY FASHION SHOW !HR.. 30 MIN.) (MON) M0Vl£'"(2 HRs .. 9 MIN.) (WED) MOVlE (TUE) 5:36 al COLLEGE: FOOTBALL (THU) for ' • Claaalfled advertising Is your best choice for help ln eeutng the Items you no longer need. It's qui ck and · tnexP&ntive. and the Piiot reaches potentlll bu)Wa who lfve In thlt area. I\) ..... ... <D QI) I\) ] I· I I " I &--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~Sports Highlights Friday AUGUST 27, 1982 ~ EVENING :g 7:00(f) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC LL '78" (1 hr) ~ 7:40(!) KINER'S KORNER ~ 8:00 CE) SPORTSCENTER • 9:00 ct) TOP RANK BOXING . >: 11: 30 (!) SPORTSCENTER t-12:30 (£) CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Stampeders at 0 Montreal Concordes (R) (2 hrs,. 30 min ) ~ 3:00 ([) POCKET BILLIARDS Cowboy Jimmy Moore vs Willie Mosconi ( 1 hr ) 4:00 (!) SPORTSCENTER Saturday AUGUST 28. 1982 MORNING 5:00 Cl) SPORTSFOAUM 5:05<Il)BASEBALLBUNCH 5:30 CE) LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Coverage of the lirst semifinal matchup Jn the Little League World Series from Williamsport, Pa. (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 m1n:l_ 7:00 CEJ SPORTSCENTER 8:00 (!) WRESTLING CE) RACQUETBALL "International Men's Quarterfi· nal Championship" Marty Hogan vs. Ben Koltum 8:30(£) SPORTSCHALLENGE '7.3 California Angels vs. Heavyweight World Champions (R) 9:00 (!) NASL SOCCER KICKS Cl) LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Coverage of the second semifinal In the Little League World Series from Williamsport. Pa. (A) (2 hrs.) 9:301 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10:00 DODGE CITY ROOEO 10:30 NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:00 BASEBALL Houston Astros at Montreal Expos (3 hrs.) 8 BASEBALL California Angels at Boston Red Sox {:J.hrs.) m BA:_SEBALL Regional coverage of Calilornia Angels at Boston Red Sox or Houston Astros at Montreal Expos (3 hrs .. ) (E) SWIMMING Coverage of the U.S.A. vs. U.S.S.R International Dual Meet from Knoxville. Tenn. (Tape Delay) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) f1:309 BEAR BRYANT: COUNTDOWN TO 315 Host Joe Namath and other great players relive the foot- ball histories of Alabama. Texas A & Mand Kentuc-- ky with Coach Bryant. ( 1 hr.) AFTERNOON 12:30• VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE RJTUAE "Playing Doubles" Vic Braden demonstrates the key points of. strategy and movement that make doubles a real adventure. (A) D 1:30(E) TRACK ANO AEl.O CCIVerage ot the Weft· klasse Meet from Cologne. West Gefmany. (Tape Delay) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 2:009 CJ) PGA GOLF "Wood Series Of Golf" Cov· erage of the third round from the Arestone Country Club. Akron. Ohio. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 WESTERN OVTOOORSMAN 2:051 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:35 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRA TEO 3:00 RACfNG FROM SARATOGA 3:06 WRESTLING 3:309·(1) SPORTS SATURDAY Scheduled: cover- age of the Hector Comacho I Johnny Sato 10- round lightweight bout (from Atlantic City. N.J.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) dJ THUNDER IN THE PARK •:OO• SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN ~~=r~· (Parts> ( 1 hr.> •il>(f) BA.8EBALL Ananta Braves at N.w York Met& (2 hrs .. 4'0 min.) 6:00.COUEGEFOOT8AUPREVIEW "PAC 10" 8 WIDE WORLO OF SPORT8 Scheduted: same- ltay coverage of the Little League WOfld Serles champlonshlp game from Williamsport, Pa. ( t hr .. 30mln.) Cl) AUTO RACING Cov•aoe of the Austrian Grand Pr1•. (Tape Delay) (1tlf.) 5;30111 WIDE WORLD OF 8POAT8 SchedUled: &amt-di or the Little League W0ttd ~IU;j~#O>~ from Wlll&amepon, Pa. • f' : J 0 ~ • ,.. \ ,'l • ~ ~ ' EVENING 6:00 D fJi) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" San Francisco 49ers at San Diego Chargers (3 hrs.) ([) CFL FOOTBALL Ollawa Rough Aiders at Winni· peg Jets (3 hrs.) 7:008) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Los Angeles Rams vs. Seattle Seahawks (3 hrs.) 7: 101 KINER'$ KORNER 8:00 PAUL HOGAN 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 WRESTLING (E) SPORTSCENTER 9:30(E) SWIMMING Coverage of the U.S.A. vs. U.S.S.R International Dual Meet from Knoxville. Tenn. (A) (2 hrs.) 10:451SATUROAYSPOATSPAGE 11:30 SPORTSCENTER 12:30 CFL FOOTBALL Ottawa Rough Aiders at Win~ Jets (A) (2 hrs., 30 min.) 3:00 (£)BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBAU "Clem· son-'77" (R) (1hr.) -4:00 (£) SPORTSCENTER AUGUST 29, 1982 MOANING 15:00 (E) SWIMMING Coverage ol the USA vs. USSR International Dual Meet from Kno><ville. Tenn. (A) (2 hrs.) 7:00 (E) SPOATSCENTER 8:00 (E) BEST Of NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '78" (A) ( 1 hr.) 9:00(E) CFL FOOTBALL Ottawa Rough Riders at Win~I Blue Bombers (R) (3 hrs.) 10:00 BASEBALL BUNCH Guest: Gary Carter. 10:30 BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at New Yock Mets (2 hrs .. 40 min.) 10:36 Oii BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at New York Mets (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 11:009 BASEBALL Callfornla Angels at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs.) 11 :30 Cl) PIG$KtN PREVIEW Har_rx Kalas hosts this In- depth analysis of the top colleg1&te football teams of each major conference. looking at the star players and the schools with the best chances f()( number one tn the national championships. ( 1 hr.) AFTERNOON 12:00 Cl) BEST Of NOTRE DAME FOO'T8ALL ''Mlchl· gan • '79" (R) ( 1 hr.) 12:308 (I) PGA GOLF "WOfld Serles Of Golf'' Llw coverage of the f.lnel round from the Flr..ione Couo- ~ Club, Akron, ONo. (2 tn .. 30 min.) U OUTOOOA LIFE M8'fel Htmingway and hef' father, Jack. hunt chukar In Idaho. e 8PORT8WOALO Schedu6ed: taped Covefage of the CART Pocono 500 (from the Pocono lnlerna- tlonal S~ay, Long Pond. Pa.): .. ~y cov· erage of the $wltzert.end Grand Prix FormUll I 1uto race (from Dijon, Franoe). (1 ht.) 1:00• NFL ~L ''Pre-Sea9on Game" Loe A~ Remt vs. S..lllt Sea.hl.wkt (3 hra. \ .... .: ..... ~= . oftht ' 1 Pursuit All-pro lin ebacker Lawrence Taylor (left) of t h e New York Giants will have Miami Dolphin s quarterback David Woodley as his target Friday in the NFL pre-season game of the week on KNBC • (Ch. 4) at 5 p.m. 1:10(!) KINER'S KORNER 1:30CID HORSE RACING Live coverage of the Arling· ton Million mile-and-a-quarter turf race for thorough· breds from Arlington Park. Arlington Hetghts. Ill. ( 1 hr.) 2:00 OJ) GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Willie Mays" Host Reggie Jackson. 2:300 SPORTSWOALO Scheduled: taped coverage of the CART Pocono 500 (from the Pocono lnterna· tional Speedway, Long Pond, Pa.): same-day cov· erage of the Switzerland Grand Prix Formula I auto race (from Dijon. France). ( 1 hr.) @) GEORGE PLIMPTON MIO.YEAR REPORT George Plimpton analyzes the sporting triumphs ol the first half of 1982. (1 hr.) GD SPORTSWOALO A live post-race report on the Arlington Miiiion from Arlington Park, Arlington Heights. Ill. G'i) RUN, AMERICA. RUN Medical euthorites and common folk discuss the haz.ards end benefits of running. 3:00 e RAMS HIGHLIGHTS 1981 Cl) THIS WEB< IN BASEBAU • CALIFORNIA SPEaAL Ol YMPICS 3:30e HORSE RACING Coverage of the Arlington Million mile-and-a-quarter turf raoe tor thorough- breds from Arlington Park. Arlington Heights, Ill. ( 1 hr.) 8 QJ) NCAA FOOTBALL PREVIEW The nation's prominent teams and the top HeiStnan Trophy can· dldates of the 1982 College Football season are ~hllghted ( 1 hr.) CIJ BASEBALL BUNCH -4:05 (fl) WRESTLING •:30 8 SPORTSWOALO A post-raoe report on the Arlington Miiiion from Artlngton Park. Arlington Hel~ts. m. 8 0 SPORTSBEAT • (D) SUPER BOWL OF BASKETBALL Oenve< Bron- cos vs.. Oakland Raiders ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) c. 5:00. GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Pete Rose" Host: Tom Seaver. CE:> SPORTSCENTER 5:30 (I:) SWIMMING Coverage of the USA vs. USSR International Dual Meet from Knoxville, Tenn. (2 hrs.) EVENING 6:00 8 NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Green Bay Pact<e<a at Los Angeles Raiders (3 hrs.) 7:30 i HORSE RACING WEEKl Y 8:00 SPOATSCENTER 9:00 CFL FOOTBALL Ottawa Rough Riders et Winml Blue Bombers (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:30 ENO SPORTS WAAP-UP 10:'6 8UNOAYSPORT8PAGE 11:30 8PORT8 FlNAL ~~WRAP-UP 12:00. WOALO CUP TEAM TENNIS Australia vs. United Star" (2 hrt.) 12:308 NFl FOOT8ALL "Pre-Seaton Game" Green Bay Packers al Los Angeles Raldef's (3 hrs.) Cl) 8W1MMIHO Coverage of the USA vs. USSR International Oual Meet from Knoxville. Tenn. (R) ~hrs.) ~oo~=~~~=-~ ··use -' I '' (A) . .• •• __...,. r ~ • ..., c.." ·---------------~"~ Friday \ I< >IC\ I :\( ; \I< )\' I ES 5:001§1 "Eye 01 The Needle" ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sulherland. Kate Nelligan 5:20(S) "Stardust Memories" ( 1980. Drama) Woo dy Allen, Charlotte Rampling 5:30(%) "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979. Corne dy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Pa11en 6:00(C) "The Conqueror" ( 1956, Adventure) John Wayne. Susan Hayward "Never Never Land" ( 1981. Drama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt. 6:05@ "Never Say Goodbye" ( 1946, Comedy) Errol Flynn, Eleanor Parker 7:00(S) "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981. Comedy) Rich· ard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. 0 "To~ And The Koala Bear" ( 1981. Fantasy) Roll Hams. 7: 15(%) "Sons And Lovers'' ( 1960, Drama) Trevor Howard, Dean Stockwell 8:00©) "Drive-In" ( 1976. Comedy) Glenn Morshower. Lisa Lemole "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Game Fisher. 8:05@ "Spanish Affair" ( 1958. Drama) Richard K1ler:_ Carmen Sevilla. 8:30f;t "Sinbad And The Eye 01 The Tiger" (1977. Adven1ure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. 9:00(%) "The Private Eyes" (1980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. 10:00(C) "Mahogany" ( 1975. Drama) Diana Ross. Anthony Perkins. CID "Breakthrough" ( 1979. Orama) Richard Bur· ton. Rod Steiger. CS) "The Trouble With Girls" ( 1969, Musical) Elvis Presley, Marilyn Mason 10:05@ "The Three Stooges Meet Hercules" ( 1962. Comedy) Three Stooges. Vicki Tnckett. 10:301§1 "Tommy" (1975, MUSIC81) Roger Oaltrey. Ann-Margret. (Z) "Come Have Cotfee With Us" ( 1972. Comedy) Ugo Tognazzi. Valenline. 11:30® "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" ( 1971. Fantasy) Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson. .\l .. IlJC\< >< >'\ \I<)\ I LS 1i:OO IJ "The Big Noise" ( 1944, Comedy) Laurel and H"rdy, Arthur Space m "The Paiama Game" (1957. Musical) Doris Day, John RaJtt g) "Sliver City" ( 1951 . AdVenlure) Yvonne De Carlo. Edmond O'Brien CS) "Raggedy Man" (1981. Drama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts 12: 15(%) "loot Su11" ( 1981, Drama) Daniel Valdez. Edward James Olmos. 12:300 ''Duel Of The 1'1fans" ( 1963, Adventure) Steve Reeves. Gordon Scolt. 1:00CC) "The Hunter" ( 1979, Drama) Steve McOueen, Eli Wallach. 1:30® "Somelhing Short Of Paradise" ( 1979. Romance) Susan Sarandon. David Sleinberg. 2:00(1) "The Far Country" ( 1955. AdVen1ure) RE PORTS ON THE BUSINESS -Ron Hendren and Dixie Whatley co-nost "Entertainment Tonight" wh ich brings late-breaking news and even ts of the entertainment business co KTLA (Ch . 5) each Monday through Friday at 4:30 p.m. James Stewart. Ruth Roman. CZ) "The Private Eyes" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Knous. Tim Conway. 2:30@ "Ballad Of A Soller" Vladimir lvashov. Shan· na Tro+<horenko. 0 "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980. Orama) Melvyn Oou_g_las, Lila Kedrova 3:00{t) "Shipwreck" ( 1978. AdVenture) Robert L<>gan, Mikki Jamison-Olson (8) "Unclef The Rainbow" ( 198 1. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Came Fisher ([)"The Elephant Man" ( 1980, Drama) John Hurt Anthony Hopkins. 3:30(%) "Come Have Coffee Wllh Us" (1972. Come- dy) Ugo Tognazzl, Valen1ine. 4:00 8 "Medusa Againsl The Son Of Hercules" {1963. Fantasy) Richard Harrison. Anna Ranam 1§1 "Slnbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977, Adventure) Palrlck Wayne. Jane Seymour. 5:00(C) "The Conqueror" (1956, Adventure) John Wayne. Susan ':i!>'Ward "Never Never Land" (1981 . Orama) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt 5:05@ "Krng Kong Escapes" (1968. Science-F1c- tt0nL Rhodes Reason, Linda Mll~r 5:15CZ) "Only When I Lari" (1968. Comedy) Rich- ard Attenborough, David Hemmings 5:30(1J "J.0. And The Salt Fial Kid'' (1978. Come· 2}'_) Slim Pickens. {.SJ "Movie Star's Daughter" (Drama) Trlnl Alvar dao. Laura Dean. L \. L '\I"< ; 6:0088NEWS Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funer al Facil ities "Serving All Faiths" U WONDER WOMAN (l)CBS NEWS 7 8 WILD, WILD WEST m s.V.A.T. Cl) HAWAII FIVE-0 ~ fD THE MAKING OF SUPERMAN THE MOVIE :< Christopher Reeve hosts a behind-the-scenes look at the 1978 blockbuster w11h film clips, outtakes and ~ 1n1erv1ews w11h some of the film 's star s co m NOCNEWS ~ (I!) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING ~- @ MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Drama) Sylves· ~ ler Stallone, Armand Assanle. Three scheming '< brolhers lrom the Hell's K11chen sec11on of New l> ~~~ ~;:~r~~~~1~~e1:1:r ::i1 1 1 !r 0111v~:1~r a~hde~:e~;e~ ~ 'PG' ( 1 hr . 47 min) ~ 0 MOVIE "Hawmps!" ( 1976, Comedy) James N Hampton. Christopher Connelly Members of the " United States Cavalry tr y 10 ad1ust to riding earners ..... 1ns1ead of horses tn the untamed, lawless Texas of ~ the 1800s. 'G' ( 1 hr . 53 mm) "-> 6:30(1) @I) NEWS @STRUMPET Cll'V Peter O'Toole slars in this sev- en-par! drama of life 1n Dublin from 1907 10 1914 (Pan 6) (1 hr.) · (I!) FAST FORWARD ®WHAT ON EARTH Orson Bean hosls this fast· paced. facH1lled science series MOVIE "Salurday The 14th" ( 1981. Comedy) Richard Ben1amin, Paula Prenhss A couple C11scov- er 1ha1 lhe house they've 1nhen1ed is being occup.ed by vampires. ghosts and assorted monsters 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 15 min ) 6:55 fD PLEDGE' BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due lo pledge breaks. 7:00 II CBS NEWS KUNG FU • I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A backs1age look at "Hello. Hollywood," the world's targesl slage show: a pro- ltle of quadriplegic Jorn Eareckson I THESAINT- M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD I~ BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Mahogany" ( 1975, Orama) Diana Ross, Anthony Perllrns. A young black woman rises lrom lhe deplhs of the ghetto 10 1nterna1ional fame as a fashion designer and model 'PG' ( 1 hr.. 50 min) (!) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '78" ( 1 hr.) CID MOVIE "Willy Wonka And The Chocola1e Facto- ry" ( 1971 , Fantasy) Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson A wo<ld famous confecuoner offers a hlet1me supply of candy 10 the frve winners of a treasure hunl ( 1 hr . 35 mm) MOVIE "V1c1ory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvesler Slallone. M1chaet Caine During World War II, Alhed POWs see their ticket 10 freedom in a malch between t~eir socter tMm and lhe German Nallonal Team 1n Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Private Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Knotts, Tim Conway. Two-bumbling American deleclives are called rn to investigate a senes of murders in an English caslle 'PG' ( 1 hr • 31 min ) 7:05 l!l) NEWS 7:301) TAKE ME UP TO THE BALL GAME Ammal- ed An outer space baseball promoler wants lo _,. Harbor Law11 · MoUllt Olive Men10rial P.drlt : Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial In Any <:emetery - 8 "' Friday (continued) CIO Q) -..Q 0: ma1ch a sandlot team agains1 the undefeated lace All-Star!> G) FAMILY FEUD ti) TIC TAC DOUGH M •A•s•H @ SIGNATURE Guest George Lois &l) MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT ~ WALL $TREET WEEK "Is The Worst Over?" Guest Edward Yardeni. chief economiSt and l1rs1 v1ce_eres1dent, E.F Hutton & Co . Inc 1:40 (!) KINER'S KORNER 8:001J Cl) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Daisy 101ns Lulu Hogg's light lor equal righls for women (R) ( 1 hr) ' 0 6') CHICAGO STORY Lou Pelligrino defends a woman who killed her late husband's cousin when 1he woman tried to sell her newborn baby (R) (3 hrs) 0 MOVIE "Hey, I'm Alive" ( 1975. Adventure) Edward Asner. Sally Struthers. A man and a young woman battle lhe elements 1n the Yukon alter their airplane crashes. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 0 ENCORE NEWS "February 9. t97 t" Highlights· Los Angeles earthquake, a blackout 1n New York C11y. nuclear weapons are prohibited on the ocean floor (!)PAUL HOGAN CD P.M. MAGAZINE A backstage look at "Hello, Hollywood." the world's largest stage show, a pro- file of quadnpl"QIC Joni Eareckson. ti) MOVIE "UFO Journals·· ( 1975) Documentary Reports ol extraterrestnal spacecraft sightings are examined (2 hrs) @ MIXED BAG "Inside. Outside" A look at the problems 1ha1 independenl filmmakers are having as a result ol a closed market. (Part 1) ~8!) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REV1EW (R) SPORT SC ENTER MOV1E "Honky Tonk Freeway" (1981, Come· dy) Wilham Devane. Beverly. D'Angelo. Thoogh bypassed by a new super highway, a small Florida town manages to attract a motley collection of tra· velers who wind up there by accident. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 mm.) CS) MOVIE "Siar Trek -The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Science-Fiction) William Shatner. Leonard N1moy. The former commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise reassembles his Old crew and sets off on a mission to find the mysterious vessel responslble for the destruction of numerous Federation star· ships. ·o· (2 hrs .. 12 min.) • MOVIE "The Haunting 01 Julia" (1977, Suspense) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea. After recovering from an 8fN)lional crisis, a woman purchases a hoUse that appears to be haunted 'A' ( 1 hr.. 35 t;G:'~ AU. IN THE FMA. Y e:aoii 8ENSOH The governor packs up his family and staff and moves them lo his lumber miff to plan ;re~5:=-~R~LE ENTERT MNMENT TONIGHT HEAlTH8EAT . ROYAL RAlWOAKS AHO ~OUS ~ DAIWil R1eht8f conducts the VMtnna Philharmonic in lhese two pieces. (1 hr.) • WALL SmEET WEEK "Is The Worst Over?" Guest: Edward Varden!. chief economist ~nd first V1Ce president. E.F. Hutton & Co .. Inc. • VOTER'S PIPELINE ''Ne4ghbomood Housing Services" Jim Cooper taN<s with the Santa Ana and La Habra Nelghbomood Houusing Services abOUt thetr efforts to aid people In unde<prlvilaged areas. 8:35al) MOVIE "Paris When II Sizzles" (1964, Com- edy) William Holden, Audrey HepbUrn. A writ8f neglects his work while chasing his secretary around Paris (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 8:"5 (%) CtNEMASCORE 9:009 Cl) DALLAS Cliff falls Into J.R.'s trap, Al1on tells J.R. that Clayton Farlow is his real rival, and Bobby is blackmailed by Jett Farraday. (R) ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Pat Garrell And Billy The Kid" (1973, Western) James CobUrn, Kris Kristofferson. A newly appointed lawman Is pressured by his superiors to capture hrs lifelong friend, Billy the Kid. (2 hrs.) I TOO YOUNG too DIE MOVIE "Blny Two Hats" ( 1973, West8fn) Gre- gory Peck, Desi Arnaz Jr, A grlzz1ed Scotsman and a young half·b<eed team up for a wild ride aCfoas the rugged frontier. (2 hrs.) • MSN GRIFAN Guest. host: Marlette Hartley. Guests; Glenn cio.e. Lynn Redgrave, Jackie Coffins. Jeannine Burna. ( t hr.) I IRELANO: A Ta.EVISION HISTORY • U.S. CHAONICLE "Since • '45" Three decades of American history reveal a changing culture and the media's influence on It. CC) MOV1E" ''Or.V.-ln" (1976, ComedY) Glenn Mor&hower. Lisa lemole. Several Texas teen-agers meet during a night of romance and excitement at a drive-In thee1re fteturlng an Improbable disaster Olm. Ct hr .• 4'0 mln.} - IN NEW SERIES -Amy Steel plays Pam Elliott, a JU.gh school student in ''The Powers of Matthew Star," a new adventure series on KNBC (Ch. 4) Fridays at 8 pm. this f all. (()TOP RANK BOXING ®MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1979, Orama) Richard Burton, Rod Steiger. A Nazi serageant becomes embroiled in a plot to assassina1e H1tl9f. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 3Smln) CO MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (198 1. Come- dy) William Devane. Beverly D' Ange'o Though bypassed by a new super highway. a small Florida town manages to attract a motley cOllectlon of tra· velers who wind up there by accident. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50min.) CZ) MOVIE "Zoo1 Sult" ( t981, Orama) Daniel Val· dez. Edward Jamee Olmos. In t940s Los Ange6es, a cause celebre erupts over the framing or members of a Chicano street gang tor mutder. 'R' ( 1 tv .. -43 min.l 9:30. TWIJGHT ZONE Cf) MOVE "Hetd F0< Ransom" ( 1938. Mystery) Grant Withers. Ject( Mulhall. A kidnapping resutts In a flare-up of hostlfltles thet are finalty settled by gun.- fire. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) rJ1 STRUMPET CITY Petef O'Toole st&fS In this sev· en-part drama of Nte in Dublin from 1907 to 191 '4 (Part 6) ( 1 hr.) • EUROPEAN JOUANAL 10:00• Cl) FALCON CREST Lance learns that Angie has chosen • bride for him and runs away. and Chase uses his new lnfluenoe to find the cause of his father's death. (A) ( 1 hr.) l ••• NEWS MARK Al l88ELl Washington's top political sati- rist pokes tun at major issues and news stories ot the day. . • CA6t8 TO CAIJl8 wmt BARBARA JOAOAN "Voices Of A Divided City" Racism and racial vio- lence in a contemporary American town are viewed through film ponralts of two Boston communities and discussions by the residents. ( t hr.) cm PLAVBOY ON THE AIR O MOVIE "Sorcerer" ( 1977. Suspense) Roy Scheide<. Bruno Cremer. Four desperate men risl< their lives while hauling explosive nitroglycerine through South American jungles to battle an oll·wetl • fire. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 2 min.) 10:30• YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES -~U~~iroit~ HtU The wild and wact(y British comedi.n portrays various char· acters. Including a circus clown and a French exchange student. In numerous sketches. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Str1pes" (1981, Comedy) 8111 Murray, Harold Ramis. A New York cabbie looking fOt u cltemenl convinces hlS beSt friend to join him In enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 10:45 CZ) CfttfEMASCORE 10:6011!) MOVIE "One Foot In Heaven" (1941, Ora- ma) Fredric March. Mar1ht &con A mlnlat9' and his wife tece a series of hardshlpt With courage and fortitude. (2 hrt . 10 mln.) 10:55 1 MATTERS Of LIFE ANO DEATH 11:100 SA~Cf tl.t NEWS YOO ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A .. •H ., BENNY Hill @ MIXED BAG "Inside. Outside" A look at the problems that independent filmmakers are having as a result of a closed market. (Part 1) 8i) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE ~ MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979. Drama) Steve McOueen, Eli Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous hie as a modern-day bOUnty hunter. 'PG' (1 hr , 38 min.) CO MOVIE "Fiona" ( 1980. Adventure) Fiona Rich- mond. Anthony Steel. A notorlOUs woman 1ournahst recounts her outrageous adventures with some of Europe's leading playboys. 'R' ( 1 hr . 22 min) ©.)MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Derek While accompany· 1ng her lather on a search for the le~ndary Ele- phant's Graveyard, a young woman is abducted by an unc1vihzed while man who was raised by apes m the 1ungle. 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 min ) (%) MOVIE "Only When I Larr ' ( 1968, Comedy) Richard Attenborough, David Hemmings. A trio of British con-men attempt to fleece A militant African diplomats. 'G' ( 1 hr , 45 min ) 11;301J Cl) MOVIE "11th Victim" ( t 979. Mystery) Bess Armstrong, Max Gail A Midwestern news reporter travels to Hollywood to find the murderer of her sister, an aspiring actress who fell prey to a psy- chotic killer (R) (2 hrs, 15 min.) 0 6') TONIGHT Guest host· Bill Cosby. Guests Tanya Roberts. Diahann Carroll, Aileen Quinn. ( t hr.) 8 ~ ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE U MOVIE "Medusa Against The Son 0 1 Hercules" ( 1963. Fantasy) Rtehard Harrison, Anna Ranalli The bold son of a strongman battles the hideous Gorgon and restores li:e to a group of soldiers who have been petrified into stone. (2 hrs ) • MOVIE "Emperor Of The North Pole" ( 1973, Adventure) Lee Marvin. Ernest Borgnlne A tough railroad guard matches wits and wills with a crafty hobo determined to hitch a nde. (2 hrs.) ., SANFORD ANO SON @ ROYAL FIREWORKS ANO MIRACULOUS MAN- DARIN Richter conducts the Vienna Philharmonic in these two pieces. ( 1 hr ) ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTEFI MOV1E ''Under The Rainbow'' (198t, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. The tSO midgets who are in town for the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz." turn a California hotel upsld&-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 38 min._}_ 12:00• ENTERTAINMENT TONGHT • MOV1E "lolly Madonna" ( 1973, Orama) Rod Steiger, Robert Ryan. A feud e<upts when the Gutshalls and the Feathers, modern-day moonshiners. lay claim to the same percel of land. l1 hr .. JO min.) Cf) MOVE "Deadly Hefo" ( 1976. Orama) Don Murray, Diann Williams. A trlgger4\appy police- man's career and a kidnap Yictlm's lite are jeopard- ized when he rescues her and kilts her abductor. (2 hrs.) 9 MOVIE "The Scfeaming Woman" ( 1972. Mys- tery) Olivia de Havill8nd, Joeeph Collen. Returning home after treatment for a rnMtal breakdown. a woman senses that someone Is bMried alive on the i ound6 of hef estate. ( 1 hr .. "5 ~) LOVE, AMeAICAN STYLE MOVIE "Delta FOJ(" ( 1978, Adventure) Richard Lynch, Stuart Whitman. A prote&sk>nal smuggler meets Ns match In a beautlfu4 women woo trap& Nm with a million dollars In hot money. (1 hr., 32 min.) 12:20(1) MOYIE "Breaker Mof'anl" (1980, Orama) Edward Woodward, Jack Thompson. AUS1rallans conscripted to Hght on England'• aide In the Boer War decide to fight the B08I guerillas on their own terms. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. '46 min.) 12:JOe • SCTV NETWORK Guests: The Plasmat· lea. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I COVPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in this sev· en--part drama of Ille In Dublin from 1907 to 191'4. ~an 8) ( 1 hr.) (I) CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Stampeders at Mon· treal Concorde& (R) (2 hrs., 30 min.) CD THE ORA TEF\JL DEAO The Grateful Dead are seen perlofmlng many of their greatest hits In this concert taped Halloween night 1980 at Radio City Music Hall. ( 1 hr .. 18 min.) 12:40(C) MOV1E "Flash Gordon" (1980, Scleno&-Flc- tion) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the plenet Monge> and help Its opp<essed Inhabitants In the overttirow of the evil ~or Ming 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 12:"5{%) MOVIE "5 Anaera Of Death" (1973, Adven- ture) Lo Ueh, Wang J>lng. A young Chinese kung ti.I student mast8f8 hit art to become a ltedlng eJCpett and natlooal champion. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "The lnvltlbi. Woman" (19M>, HOI• ror) John Barrymore, John Howlf'd. A atrange pro. feuor perfecta a way to make • glfl "vanish Into thlrt air." (1 hr .. 30 min.) • MOVI£ "The Wtill .. (1951. Of1me) Richard Aobet. Hatry MQtgll\. P9tfy pt~ dllewett Friday (continued) when a black child becomes trapped 1n a well (1 hr .. 30 min) @ MOVIE '"Fireball 500" ( 1966. Drama) Frank'ie Avalon. Annette Fu111cello. A stock car racer gels conned 1n10 raking part In a bootlegging opera11on {~hrs.) CO) MOVIE "Woman In The Night" ( 1978, Fantasy) A11ta Wiison. Lorraine DeSelle. A young man who dreams of an incredible woman finds his lanlasy coming true ( ' hr . 1 O min.) 1: 10 MOVIE '"It's My Turn" ( 1980. Romance) Jill Clayburgh, Michael Douglas A brilliant Chicago math protessor realizes the problems in her live-In rela11onsh1p when she hnds a new love while In New York 101 her lather's remarriage 'A' ( t hr . 37 min ) 1·3QfJ NEWS CD MOVIE "Fanny·· ( 1961. Musical) Maunce Che- valier. Leshe Caron A young French girl lalls en love with a boy who goes 10 sea when he linds out she's pregnant (2 hrs .• 30 min.) l:'t MOVIE "S1!11ng Ducks" ( 1980. Adventure) Michael Emil, Zach Norman. Two criminals escape the U S. w11h a million dollars and run into a snag in the1~lans. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min) 1:45 UNEWS 2:00 II fi) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT CD MOVIE "Tommy" ( 1975. Musk:al) Roger Dal- trey. Ann-Margret Based on the rock opera by The Who A young boy struck deal, dumb and blind by the sight ol his lather's murder becomes a modern- day messiah exploited by a greedy uncle and a wor- sh1pm·ng public. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 2:05 NEWS 2: 10 MOVIE "Snake Fist Vs. The Dfagon" (Adventure) Two kung tu warriors clash in a deadly battle. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 2: 1511 MOVIE "The Adventurers" ( 1970, Drama) Beklm Fehmiu, Charles Aznavour. A man who has lost his mo1her and sister through violence becomes a womanizer while sustaining a deeper love for his country. (3 hrs . 15 min) 2:30 D MOvtE "The Invisible Man's Revenge" ( 1944, Science-Fiction) John Carradine. Jon Hall. A scientist is killed by the young man he rendered invisible. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) • MOvtE "Tomb Ot The living Dead" ( 1970, Hor- ror) John Ashley, Angelique Pettijohn. A remote island Is rumored to be the dwelling place of a ghastly green creature, the brainchild of a deranged scientist. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CO) MOvtE "Fast Cars. Fast Women" ( 1980) Kay Parker Handsome mechanics and beautiful car driv- ers find they can't economize on pleesure-per-mlle. {__1 hr . 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Knightriders" (1981. Adventure) Ed Harris. Gary Lahti. Motorcyclists learn that the fight against evll and for Ideals existed not only In Renais- sance tunes but tOday as well. 'R' (2 hrs., 25 min.) 2:35(!) MOvtE "The Mad Miss Manton" (1938. Mystery) Barbara Stanwyck. Henry Fonda. An amateur sleuth unable to convince anyone that a murder has occurred sets out to solve It herself. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) ct) MOVIE "Women In Love" ( 1970. Dfama) Glen- da Jackson. Alan Bates. Based oo the novel by D.H Lawrence Two couples experience ambivalent feel- ings of love and hate in their romantic relationships with their respective mates. (2 hrs., 10 min.) 2:.S(li) MOvtE "Deadly Biassing" (1981, Horror) Ernest Borgnlne, Lois Nettletoo. A young woman who marries into a strict religious sect discovers she rS lr!f>ped in a IMng nightmare. 'R' (1 hr .. 40 min.) 3:00 llZl Cl) NEWS (() POCKET BILLIARDS Cowboy Jimmy M00<e vs. Willie Mosconi ( 1 hr.) 3:160 MOvtE "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977, Suspense) Mia Farrow, Keir Dullea. Alter recovering from an emotional crisis, a woman purchases a house that appears to be haunted. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 35 minj__ 3:30 (1) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981. Orama) Sis- sy Spacek. Enc Roberts. In t94'4. e telephone oper- ator in a small Texas town sacrifices her standing In the community when she has a 8hor1 affair wltfi a combat-bound sailor. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) HAPPY ANGEL -A fun-loving guardian angel winds up in a variety of hilarious adventures as he tries to keep his heavenly superiors happy in NBC's new animated series, "The Ga.ry Col eman Show," Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. this fall on KNBC. (Ch. 4). Saturday \I< >l{'\J'\(. 6:00(!) CHRISTOPHffi CLOSEUP (() SPORTSFORUM CH) MOVIE "It's My Turn" ( 1980, Romance) JIH ClaybUrgh. Michael Douglas. ( 1 hr., 37 min.) Ct MOVIE "Della Fox" ( 1978, Adventure) Richard !:l_nch, Stuart Whitman. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) W MOvtE "Come Have Cottee With Us" (1972. Comedy) Ugo Tognazzl. Valentine. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 5:06 (Ill BASEBALL BUNCH 5:16(1) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Soupy Sales. 5:3081SPY (!) NEWARK AND REAUTY (!) LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Coverage of the first semifinal matchup in the Little League World Series from Williamsport. Pa. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 5:351 THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 5:46 LAFF-A·THON 6:00 SUMMER SEMESTffi I SERENDIPfTY HEALTHBEAT TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAKERS FAMILY AFFAIR • SATURDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE 6:06 Gl) CIVILISATION 6:20fJD NEWS CJ) SEVEN WISHES OF A RICH KID A fairy god- mother teaches a rich boy that money can't buy lriends or happiness. 6:309 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE I THArSCAT PACESEI IEkS I VOICE OF AGRICULTURE SLIM CUISINE DAVEY ANO GOLIA TH O]) IT'S YOUR BUSINESS G) WATCH YOUR MOUTH ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS DR. SNUGGLES MOVIE "M" (1930. SuspenSe) Peter L·orre. Ellen Widmann. lttl BUS STOP The lives ot several travelers change when they are stranded In a small Kansas town Margot Kidder and Tim Matheson star (2 hrs.) l:'t HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR 6:45(2) MOVIE "Zool Su11" ( 198 I. Drama) Daniel Valdez. EdWard James Olmos ( I hr . 43 min ) 7:001J KIOSWORLO 0 Gl) THE FLINTSTONES 0 BIG BLUE MARBLE Q ®) SUPERFRIENDS Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR 0 DAVEY AND GOLIATH Cf) DOCTOR WHO d)TEEN SCENE Q) FIRST PERSON tJ.l) YOGA FOR HEAL TH CE) SPORTSCENTER 7:05@ MOVIE "Destry Aides Again" ( 1939, West- ern) James Stewart. Marlene Dietrich. 7:30 1J MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS DO>SMURFS 0 DR. SNUGGLES Q (11) RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 I INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO CALIFORNIA PEOPLE BIG BLUE MARBLE PETER AND THE WOLF The melodic sounds of the orchestra comes alive In this enchanting muS1cal with Ray Bolger as the storyteller. l:'t MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1949. Romance) Jean Simmons. Donald Houston. ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 8:00 8 Cl) POPEYE D MOVIE "Aldin' On A Rainbow" ( 1941 , West- ern) Gene Autry. Smiley Burnette. I MAVERICK WRESTIJNG MOvtE "The Tingler" ( 1959, Horror) Vincent Price, Judith Evelyn. I SA T\JRDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE REBOP RACOUETBAU "International Men's Ouartertl- nal Championship" Marty Hogan vs. Ben Koltum CJ) MOvtE "The Man With Bogart's Faoe" ( 1980, ~med. y) Robert Sacchi. Olivia Hussey. ( 1 hr • 31 8:30 Cl) TARZAN I LONE RANGffi I KID SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG GETTING TO KNOW ME MOvtE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Bea1,1 Bridges, Beve<ty O' Angelo. (() SPORtSCHALLENGE 'i'3 California Angels vs Heavyweight World Champions (R) CID EARTH, WIND AND ARE IN CONCERT The 1azz-funk-rock group combine exploslve singing with complex choreography and flashy special effects In a performance taped at the Oakland Coliseum In Oakland, California ( 1 hr ) CZ) MOVIE "Phantom Of The Paradise" (1974, Mystery) Paul Will1ams, William Finley ( 1 hr .. 32 m1n.1 • 8:35 «l) MOVIE "The Magic Christian" ( 1970. Come- dy) Peter Sellers. Ringo Starr. 9:00 a LEAVE fT TO BEAVER 19 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS NASL SOCCER K.ICKS ERNEST ANGLEY THE MISER Sign language and the spoken worCI are combined in a pertormance by the Fairmount Theater of the Deaf of Mollere'& classic comedy about greed and the consequenoes of It. ( 1 hr.) CE) LITTlE LEAGUE BASEBALL Coverage of the second semifinal In lhe Little League World Serles lrom Williamsport, Pa. (A) (2 hfa.) 9:30 8 Cl) BUGS BUNNY I AOAO RUNNER NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~Jr~ Creative Jewelers, Iflc. . ~K$rkn -~~£6;A~/~ .. WILL CREATE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE ANO LIFESTYLEI (714) 760:-6766 Acroee from Sherman Found91ior1 Geroene • 0: ~· -_..._ . 2110 I!. PACIFIC AST HIGHWAY • C0A0NA Del. MAA CA. • Or/Qlnsl Dt1!Jlgnlng • Custom Remounting • Rtfstyllng • Dfflgner Coli«,,tlon of Gold and Platinum JIJwt!Jlry • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COLORED GEMSTONES ., . .. ' • IO . -~ Saturday (continued) C1> .... .. 0 GI) SPIDER·MAN Iii OZZIE AND HARRIET Q @) HEATHCLIFF & MARMADUKE 0 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS (!) MOVIE "The Grapes 0 1 Wrath" ( 1940. Drama) Henry Fonda. Jane Darwell. W THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL '1l) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW CID MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine ( 1 hr .. 5 7 min.) U MOVIE "Hawmps!" ( 1976, Comedy) James Har:plon. Christopher Connelly ( 1 hr .. 53 min ) 10:00 UGI) SPACE ST AAS U SHA NANA U @) THUNDARR I GOLDIE GOLD fJ MOVIE "Hideous Sun Demon" ( 1955. Science· F1ct1on) Robert Clarke, Patricia Manrnng W DODGE CITY RODEO &)BOB JONES 8l) THIS OLD HOUSE '1i) VOTER'S PIPELINE "Neighborhood Housing Services" Jim Cooper talks with the Sanra Ana and La Habra Neighborhood Houusing Services about their ellorts to aid people 1n underpriv1laged areas. (SJ MOVIE ··victory" ( 19&.1. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. ( 1 nr .. 57 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Sons And Lovers" ( 1960. Drama) Tre vor Howard, Dean Srockwell. ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 10:30 G AMERICA'S TOP TEN e NASL SOCCER KICKS Ell SQUARE FOOT GARDENING ~ SESAME STREET (R) D CC) MO~ "The Spirit Of S[ Louis" (J957, Biogra- phy) Jaj.nes Stewart, Murray Hamilton .• 10:35(1?) ~VIE "Twilight ll'J, The Sierras .. (1950. Western) Roy~ogers. Ol!lle Evens. · 11:008 BASEBALL Houston Astros 9t Montreal Expos (S hrs.) G BASEBAlL Celilornla.Angels at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs.) · 8 (11..WEEKENO SPECJAL "The Winged Colt" A boy and his uncle hnd themselves the confused owners of a colt born with wings. (Part 2) (R) Q I SOUL TRAIN AC>fMN.HOOO Robin. Will and Ralph ride lo Hun· tingdon Manor where Friar Tuel< reveals the thief whO made off with RObln's heirlooms. (Part 3) 9 MICAOWAVE COOKERY 8) BASEBALL Regional coverage of Calllomla Angels at Boston Red Sox or Houston Astros at Montreal Expos (3 hrs.) ro SWIMMING Coverage of the U.S.A. vs. U.S S.R ,International Dual Meet from Knoxville. Tenn (Tape Del~) 12 hrs .. 30 min.) 11 :30 l!J Cl) BLACKST AA U ®l AMERICAN BANOST AHO Guests: Sparks, Eddie Money. ( 1 hr ) 8 SEAR BRV ANT: COUNTDOWN TO 316 Host Joe Namet~ and otller great players relive 4he foot- ball hlstoiie6 of Ala1:'8ma. Tex.as A& M and Kentuc- ~ witt} G®ch Bryant. ( 1 hr.) •. • • 8 ~ fltOOO .~ll~ jOlns' RObin and his men atter t¥s ttatbet .. i8 -u~ • hanged; and 'Robin ~ an· avowed •nemv bf the Sheriff of Nott-ParU )· ·. · ~· .-, : Clf~tJl'l ~-• "·~ •• ·. ~(RJ"""" ......... . ~ "Clash Of The l'itarnr· ( t981. Fantasy) - Harry Hamlin, Laure~. ~r. ( t hr . 5fl mJn.) 0 ~ "Solo1' <0!811'8) Vincent Gil. Perry Arm- stronQ. (2 hr.s.) 11 :45(%) MOVJE "Gr~sed Lightning" (1977. Biogra- phy) Rlc:Q~rd Pryor, Beau Brl(Sges ( t hr .. 36 min I \ l ! I .1 { '\( H f\ 12:00 8 CJ) TROLLKINS Cf) MOVIE "Young Mr Lincoln" ( 1939. Biography) Henry Fonda. Allee Brady 8) MOVIE "Top Secret Afla11" ( t957. Comedy) Susan Hayward. Kirk Douglas 9) THE ROOKIES I RICK'S ANIMALS ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) MOVIE "Hometown US A... ( 1979. Dramn) Gary Springer. Dave Wilson. CS) MOVIE "Breaking Glass" ( 1980, Orama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil DanielS. ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 12:05@ MOVIE "Arizona Bushwackers" (1968. Wester'!l Howard Keel. Yvonne De Carlo. 12:30 8 Cl) TOM ANO JERRY I PORTRAIT OF A LEOENO MOVIE "The Search" ( 1956. Western) Clayton Moore, Jay Sitvefheels. 9 KIOSWOALD • VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Playing Doub.let" Vic Braden demonstrates the key point• of strategy and movement that make ~sru~:~wR) Q 1:ooe CIJ Kwta<Y l<O 8 MOVIE ''Star Mlldent " (Pttl 2) (1976. Sci. GOING DEEP -Quarterback Joe Montana of the WOl'J4 Champion San Francisco 49ers win meet the chliJ.Jeage of thf! San pt;ego Chargftrs in-4 Jiye t.elecast Saaurday al~ pm. on KNBC /Ch.~4). • · .. , problems that Independent filmmel(ers are having as a result of a closed market. (Part 1) ~ THE MAGIC WORLD OF MARCEL MARCEAU The world's greatest living practitioner ot rhe ancient art of silence performs seven of his most famous pantomimes ( 1 hr.) [ffi BUS STOP The lives of several travelers change v,.ihen they are stranded 1n a small Kansas town Marst Kidder and Tim Matheson star (2 hrs J 2:35 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 · TALK ABOUT PICTURES Guest Norman Cousins · ed11or. author, lecturer and photogra-pher D MOVIE "Beau Geste" (1939, Advenlure) Gary Cooper. Ray Milland (!) RACING FROM SARA TOGA ti) MOVIE "The Inspector General" ( 1949. Mu51 cal) Danny Kaye, Elsa Lanchester @ ROYAL FIREWORKS AND MIRACULOUS MAN· DARIN Richter conducts the Vienna Philharmonic in these two pieces. ( 1 hr ) fl!) SNOW GOOSE In Paul Gall1co·s World War 11 lale. a young girl (Jenny Agutter) and a crippled artist (Richard Harris) realize their vulnerab11it1es while saving a snow goose ©MOVIE "A Global Altair" ( 1964. Comedy) Bob Hoi.>e. Lllo Pulver (!..) MOVIE "Cloud Dancer" ( 1980. Adventure) David Carradine. Jern11fer O'Nelll U MOVIE "Sorcerer" ( 1977. Suspense) Roy Scheider. Bruno Cremer (2 hrs . 2 mm.) 3:05 (]Z) WRESTLING 3:30 fJ ()) SPORTS SA TUROA Y Scheduled cover- age of the Hector Comacho I Johnny Sato 1 O round ltghtwelght bout (lrom Allantic City. N.J I ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I AGRICULTURE U.~.A... ERIC SEVARElO'S CHRONICLE THUNDER IN Tt1E PARK AMERICAN ODYSSEY <Leon Hendefson. Todd Gay and Melody Mayer's journey of 5.000. miles enc1t-Flction) Chostiane Ktuger. Judy.Geeson acr~ss the United States is chronicled. ( 1 tv.) ®) ENTER1" AINMEtff THIS WEEK 3:508 PLEOOE BREAK ReglMlrly scheduled pro- • MOVIE "Holl Is. For Heroes" ( 1962. Drama) gramm1ng may be delayed due to pledge breaks. Steve McOueen. BObby Darin. 3:56 e A PROSPECT Of WHALES Krov and Ann tD MONEYMAKERS Menuhin and Andres Pruna record the behavior of el> THE GREAT AAOK> COMEDIANS GeOtge • penguins. sea lions. elephant seats. cormorants and Burns. Grae~ Allen, Jaci< Benny and more remin-• the rare southern right whale of the SOl.fh Atlantic in isce and re-ere.ate the Qolden era of radio comedy the ~ of Valde6. Argentina. during the '30s and ' 40s. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 4:00 8 MARY TYL.ER MOORE ~MOVIE "An Enemy OHhe P80P'9" (1917, Ora-8 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOlDEN GLOVES ma) Steve McOueeri. Ctiartes Durning. 1 .. HigHhlighHIAs·W· (Part 6) ( 1 hr.) 1 :30 ti (I) 30 MINUTES EE f:D CLOSE HARMONY Ar1ene Symons, a Brooklyn MAUDE music teacher. brings together a group of senior cill-THE ROCKFORD FILES zens an<l a group of young students tor a unique MOVfE "The Mephisto Waltz" (1971, Horror) 1n1ergeneratlonal chorus. Alan Alda. Jacqueline Bisset. CE) TRACK AND AELD Coverage of the Weltkla86e 9 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'T oote stars 1n this sev- Meet from Cologne. West Germany (Tape Delay) en-part drama of Ille in Dublin from t907 to 1914 cg hrs .. 30 min.) (Part 6) ( 1 hr.) ® P.T. BARNUM ANO Hjf) HUMAN ODDITIES I LAWRENCE WELK .. Richard Kiley hoeta th!$ dDcumentary tradng_tRe ,8PORfSCENTER .ca{eer of 1~ ·:Great.est Shewman On ~" (J MOVIE "Airplane!" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert hr.) Hays. Juli~ H~rty. 0 THE GOLDEN Adi OF~aEVISK>N "A.f>oWs : .... '-• ClrTHEGRAlEJ!UL g£AO The Grateful Oead are , • Hou~" A W ~ (Julie Haff'is) ~seqt~ .. . teen,peffO<mlog l)'\atly'l)l 4heir.great89t Ms 1n this -., ,; '1d0Ality l!.!fi!f · · t-t* h.usbarld's ( '' • •• ~ a-<*loert taped..fietl~een night 1980 at Radio C1ry ... •-pht:! Pl~~r)",i na ~--~a~ O'!~ -,.J 4~HelT.~.Nr~,48mlf'r.) • ~ ' ~ j)tay by Hel)t1k Jblen. I nr .. 30 min.) ..,, ~ • 'J.. {%) ~ ::Jlle .. <PJ:n-t•.~"~; l~. Comedy) (%) ~ "Ex.callt>ur'"~'UM11. FMt.esy•"Nlgel ~'-~ ri;Knon.s;n¢~Y'<t 1 hr •• )i~fn.) f' ·-• ry. Niool WilliQfflson. (,2' th3 20 WllR. t ' . . ~ f .. • • 4• ~ • ., -., 200 8 (I) PGA GOLF ;·wOfta SOtieS 0t Golt' 00 · ~ &AsEBAU. Altanta Brave!s at Npw YOl'k.Mets (2 erage.of t~ tt11rd·~ouna trom the ~tOf)e ~\fr • hrs .. 4o min:> · Club, A~~lo. (the.. 30 min,) · . -LEGACY FOR A ,$MALL PLANET Wllljam Eddy U WE6 OllTOOOASMAN covers the UNESCO Wor1d He<nage Corwent1on In 0 GILLIGAN'S fS~ND Egypt; me lnlernarionat 0<ganlzatlon ldenSl!ies and fJ MOVIE "Attack Of The Mushroom People" prewrves unique natural and culluNtl si1es. Jrom the ( 1966. Horror) Akiro K\Jbo, Niki Yashlm Grear Pyiam1d of Cheops to Independence Hall ( 1 (!) OUTER LIMITS 11t.) ®l MOVfE "Female Artlllery" I 1973, Orama) CC) MOVIE "Hooky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Dennis Weaver. Ida Lupino Beau B11dges. Beverly 0' Angelo. W MOVIE "Emperor 01 The Norrh Pole" ( 1973. ®JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music Adventure) Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgn1ne star performs a salute to American history and trad1· ®SIGNATURE Guest George Lois Irons wilh guests June Carter Cash, Steve Good· fil) IRELANO: A TELEVISION HISTORY man. John Prine and Rodney Crowell from Kennedy GI) TEXAS ANO TENNESSEE A MUSICAL AFFAIR Center in Washington, O.C. (1 hr .. 15 min.) Asleep Al The Wheel. the Cherokee Cowboys, Jim· 4:50fl) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "The my Dean. Johnny Ouncar •. Mickey Giiiey, Johnny Sharl(s" Extraordinary underwater film footage of Gimble. Kris Kristofferson, R09er Miller. Ray Price. how Sharks feed. resl and why they allacl( provides Jerry Reed. Tanya Tucker and Ernesr Tubb get a new perspective on this fascinating and fearsome logether to pay tribute to lhe pioneers of the TeKas lishl R) o ( 1 hr .. 5 min ) sGund. (2 hrs.) 6:00 COG.EGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW "PAC tO " ©) MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester I e NEWS Stallone. Michael Caine. KUNG FU CS) MOVIE "Take Ttie High Ground" ( 1953. Adven-WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: same-~r~,,) Richard Widmark, El81ne Stewart. ( 1 hr .. 40 ~~~mcp~~~~fp' ;m~~ro~11~11~~~~~~~ f1e~~~ 2:06 THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU 30 min.) 2:30 IN8fGHT I M0 A'$0 H I ILLIGAN'9 '6LANO GRIZZLY ADAMS RtCH MAN, POOR MAN: 800K I Audy (Peter SOUOGOU> Strauss) and J\Jlle's (Susan Blakely) marrlage Is MOVIE "Man Of Marble" Jerzy Radzlwllowlcz. threatened an<l Tom JOfdlChe (Nlett Nolte) ts put tyystyna Janda. off ship after he has an tl($)f06lve encounter with a Cl) AUTO MCING Coverage of the Austrian Grind dangerous adversary. (1 hr .• 30 min.) Prut. (Tape Deley) ( t hr.) ' 8 MIXED BAG ''lnlidt. OUt.icM'' A look ti the (IJANEWNWGWITHAAYCfiARl.EBRavCMrle& , .. ·. . ~· ------------------- ----------------.....;.---------------------·u 6:30811 Cl) NEWS Saturday (continued) performs many of his greatest hits -including "Georgia" and "Hit The Road, Jack" ·-1n this con- cert taped In Edmonton, Canada. 0 MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyall. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 5:05@ KGB: THE LIE AND THE TRUTH Elrem Z1m- batist Jr. hosts 1h1s shocking report on the extent ol Soviet-Communist espionage in the United States (2 hrs .. 30 mm.) 5:30 II DANCE FEVER OG) NBC NEWS (I) WELCOME BACK, KOTIER @) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: same- day coverage ot the Little League World Senes championship game from W1lhamsport, Pa (I hr . 30m1n) a!) SQUARE FOOT GARDENING CS) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980. Comedy) Roben Sacchi, Ohv1a Hussey ( 1 hr . 31 min.) CZ) MOVIE ·•Girl Friends" ( 1978. Orama) Melanie Mayron, Eh Wallach. (1 hr. 28 min.) 5:55 fD THE NEURON SUITE James Burke illustrates a tour through the human brain and central nervous system with special elfects. animation and 1nter- v1ews with guest experts ( 1 hr ) F\'L'\ I'\(; 6:00 II (J) CBS NEWS D GD NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" San Francisco 49e1s at San Diego Chargers (3 hrs.) U MOVIE "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" (1967, Mystery) Rober1 Wagner, Peter Lawford A cunning dnf1er gets himself implicated 1n the murder of a wealthy playboy yachtsman. (2 hrs.) 0 WILD, WILD WEST a» LAWRENCE WElK m MOVIE "Piranha. Piranha" ( 1972. Adventure) Peter Brown, Wiiiiam Smith. A ruthless hunter schemes to stalk a trio of jungle wildlife photogra- phers. ( 2 hre.) Ii) WOOOWRIGHrS SHOP "log Construction" Roy Underhill looks at three different styles of tog construction. (R) CE) CFL FOOTBALL Ottawa Rough Riders at Winni· ~Jets (3 hrs.) CID MOVIE "Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II, AIUed 675 1~ ·-----....... COME TO LIFE -Those small folks who inhabit the best-selling book "Gnomes" come to life with all their whimsical, satirical charm in the animated special "Gnomes," Saturday at 8 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their s0ccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 mln ) CO MOVIE "Sitting Docks" ( 1980. Adventure) Michael Emit, Zach Norman Two Inept mobsters ttee to South America and encounter the women aSStgned to kill them. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (ID MOVIE "10 Rillington Place" (1971, Mystery) Richard Attenborough, John Hurt. A young British couple fall victim to a kindly neighbor who offers to help them out of a serious predicament. (2 hrs.) M F:~'S TRADITIONAL WEAR For thos(' who shoµ for quaht\ ( 'pstoir~ doum.<1ta1rs- nll around Pot .\.1ar/e1.{~ 11ou can savor tl1e 5uccessf 11l look~ 111 dos~1<· t radit1onals--latlore<f h11 croft~men wlin care- deMgned from .'lllpc!rh fabrics for 1mur cnrnt11r/ Check the attic sale room for undiscon•red savings. Iii FAOUTIES INQUDE: Ii) MOTORWEEK -o ~ MOVIE "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne, 5 Geraldine Page. A cavalry dispatch rider encounters - a woman and her son. an Apache chief's blood -i brother ( 1 hr . 25 min.) < 6:55 fD PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramm!!!9 may be delayed due to pledge breaks 7:00 II Cl) IN SEARCH OF .. _ fl HOLLYWOOD: CLOSE UP Featured a repor1 on ~ drug use 1n Hollywood; the newest craze 1n exercise a: • working out with the help ot video tapes and ~ records 0 PAUL HOGAN l> @) PEOPLE'S COURT ia Q) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Los c !!l Angeles Rams vs Seartle Seahawks (3 hrs ) '11) U.S. CHRONICLE "Smee · 45" Three decades of American h1s1ory reveal a changing culture and the media's influence on 11. ;O 0 TONY BENNETT "My Funny Valentine" and "I a> Lelt My Heart In San Francisco" are among the old N s1andards performed by Bennert at New York's Bot tom Line Cafe ( 1 hr.) CZ) MOVIE "Zoot Suit" ( t981. Orama) Daniel Val- dez. Edward James Olmos In 1940s Los Angeles, a cause celebre erupts over the framing of members of a Chicano street gang for murder 'A' ( 1 hr . 43 min.) 7:05 fD PAPER CHASE "Kingsf1eld's Daughter" An embillered young woman finds amusement in humll· 1at1ng law studeni James Hart, who 1s attracted to her 7: 10(!) KINER'S KORNER 7:30 II DANCE FEVER 11 PEOPLE'S COURT CJ) FIGHT BACK 0 PAULHOOAN I NEWARK ANO REALITY EYE ON SAN DIEGO SNEAK PREVIEWS MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980, Comedy) Liiy Tomlin, Charles Grodin. A housewife finds it hard to cope when she suddenly ~ins to shrink ln size. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 24 min.) CS) COUNTRY GOES TO ENGLAND Mel Tillis hosts this country music special filmed In England featur- ing Kris Knstotterson, Jerry Lee Lewis. Roy Orbison. Box Car Willy, Terri Gibbs and Billy Swan. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 7:35@NEWS 8:00 8 (J) GNOMES Animated. A group of wood· A ONE TIME SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFER FOR THE YEAR 1982 FULL Tl~ ~SHIP (R.......,$1200) DUI TO THI OUT'ST ANDINO llSPONSI 1 WI AH CONTINUING THIS 0,,11 THIU THI MONTH Of AUGUST. The Newport Beectl Tennis Club Is the site ol such prestigious events as the 1977 Davis Cup. the Annual Pacific Southwest Seniors Tournament, the Orange County Adoption Gulld Tournament and others. Members. howevef, seldom find themselves waiting for one of the 19 courts. The Club atso bo1111 a Junior Olymplc·alze pool. Jacuzzi. dining room, and ber. e 19 Tennt11 Coutl~ ( 13 lighted) Memberl frequently tllke advantage of the attractive facilltlea for P<IYate parties, wedding receptlonl, etc. Other ~t ectMlles ~ btldge. becl(gammon., aaabble, ae<oblcs, and oor new temlnat on "Body Soccess" Instructed by PhN John.on. For )'OCJf oonvenience, try aut new "MATCH MATE" ben machines. • J< Olympic Size POOi • OwWlg Room • S.1 • Bacilgammon e.no Clrd Room • New M•tct\ M•te S.M Mochlnes • Jacuzzi • Video Equipment • Apparel/ Pro Shop • .... ... oboe OU.. • Summet Junior Tennlt Clinic• • BOdy SucceB Semlner A llmlled number of Regular. Corpotate. Swim. A8900l1te, and JunlOI Executive Memberships are now 1v1tlable, plus our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP" ind "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" ( 12· 18 ~) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT OUR SALES DIRECTOR FROM 10:00-e:OO TUES . .SUN. CAU 844-0050 3.565 East Q>ost Highy,·o~· Corona del )far • &A&E GUTABLE8 ud • 0911£C1'8 'D .UT •.• /or~ ft/f ocCGltoR J • • ¥ It (\I Saturday (continued) Cl) 0> land gnomes preµaring tor lhe wedd111g of their eld- t."St son are attacked by a group of v1c1ous Trolls ,.._ who kidnap me prospective bride and groom (R) N (t hr) ~ 0 MOVIE 't 1 H;:irrowhouse" ( 1!174, Adventure) ::::> oi Charles Grodin. Candice Bergen A businessman .i turned burqldf and <1 bored soc1al11e challenge the world's grea1~1 se1..u11ty system 1n order to steal a fortune (2 hrs ) Ol 0 -' > ...,: 0 @) LOVE BOAT C;iptam Stub1rig considers mar 1y1ny a beau11tul woman. and an unscrupulous bUSI· nessman leaves his girlfriend on the Ship wnh his shy partner (A) D (1 hr) O MOVIE "0 eware1 The Blob" ( 1972. Horror) Godfrey Cambndge. Marlene Clark A frozen. shapeless mass brought lrom lhe North Pote by a geologist thaws out and goes on a killing spree (2 hrs) Cil PAUL HOGAN m THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FACES OF THE SO'S ® MOVIE "Man 0 1 Marble" Jer1y Radz1w1low1cz. Krystyna Janda A young filmmaker tries 10 depict a picture ot Poland's Stalinist past obscured by sh1ft- 1~ propaganda (3 hrs l W LA BOHEME: PAVAROTII IN PHILADELPHIA Winners ot the Opera Company of Ph1ladetpt11a I L uc1ano Pavarotll ln1erna11ona1 V0tce Compe1111on 101n the celebrated tenor 1n a new production ol Puccini's story of love and loss. staged by Gian Car- lo Menotti (3 hrs.) m> MOVIE "Gung Hol" ( 1943, Adventure) Ran- dolph Scott. Noah Beery Jr A brave band ot Mannes atlempts 10 wrest control ot a Pacific island from the Japanese ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) ~MOVIE "The Sp111t Of St Lours" ( 1957, Biogra- phy) James Stewart, Murray Hamilton In t927, Charles A Lindbergh becomes the lirst man to fly nonstop across the Atlanllc Ocean to Paris (2 hrs .. 15 min ) CH) EARTH, WINO ANO FIRE IN CONCERT The 1aiz-tunk-rock group combine explosive singing with complex choreography and flashy special effects 1n a performance taped at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland. California ( 1 hr ) @ MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Came Fisher The 150 midgets whO are tn town tor the l1lming of "The Wizard Of Oz ... turn a Calltorn1a hotel upside-down 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) 0 MOVIE "American Gigolo" ( 1980, Orama) Richard Gere. Lauren Hutton A Beverly Hills gigolo becomes the prime suspect in a murder Invest~ tion 'R' ( 1 hr • 57 min ) 8:30 (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 8:35@MOVIE "A Gathering Of Eagles" (1963, Ora· ma) Rock Hudson. Rod Taylor. Shocked by her husband's seeming harshness to his men. an Air Force commander's wife leaves him. (2 hrs., 25 min.) 9:008 Cl) MOVIE "A Few Days In Weasel Creek" ( 1981, Drama) Mare Winningham. John Hammond A farm youth leaves his home and teams up with a te1sty woman bound IOf Cahfornia (A) (2 hrs.) 8 DIFF'RENT STROKES W1lhs "borrows" the Drummond limousine 10 impress his girlfriend. (R) 8 0 JOHN STEINBECK'S EAST Of EDEN At the end of the Civil War. Adam Trask (Timothy Bot- toms) and his brother Charles (Bruce Boxleltner) find their lives complicated when lhe beautiful but cruel Cathy Ames (Jane Seymour) arrives in their Connecticut town. (Part 1) (R) (Parental d1scre- 11on is advised) (2 hrs.) (]) WRESTLING • MOVtE "Something FOf Joey" ( 1977. Drama) Geraldine Page. Marc Singer. The lrue story of Heis- man trophy winner John Cappellellf and his close relatlonship wtth his younger brother. who was stricken with leukemia, is chronicled. (2 hrs.) CE> SPORTSCENTEA ®MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish island to meet a German subma- rine. an Axts spy finds shelte~rom lhe storm in the cottage of a young married couple 'R' ( 1 hr . !> 1 min.) (IJ MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher The t SO midgets who are in rown for the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz," turn a Calltomla hotel upside-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 38 mm ) CJ) MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) SylYester Stallone. Michael Caine. During WOfld War II. Allted POWs see their ticket ro freedom in a match between their soccer team and the German Natlonal Team in Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Excallbur" (1981, Fantasy) Nigel Ter· ry, Nicol Williamson. The exptotts ot King Arthur bflng power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'A' (2 ttrs .. 20 ml{l.) . 9:308 THE FAC'T'S Of LIF£ Jo auangee a date'°' 8lalr wfth • luvtnHe deijnquent. (R) • MATINtt AT THE 8UOU ~atured: "BulldoQ "Or(lrt'lmond's Bride" ( 1939) etartlng John Howara LIFT-OFF OR TAKE-OFF? -Hos t - Johnny Cash goes all out to introduce rock superstar Elton John, who has been known to wear outrageous stage costumes, on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" on KNBC (Ch. 4) at 11:30 p.m. and Heather Angel. a 1939 cartoon: a 1937 short teatur1ng Glenn Ford; and Chapter 2 of "Lost City 0 1 The Jungle" ( 1946). (R) ( 1 hr . 30 mtn) SWIMMING Coverage ot the U.S A. vs US.SR lnterna11onal Dual Meet trom Knoxville, Tenn (R) (2 hrs) 10:008 SPECIAL UeNEWS D MOVIE "McGuire. Go Home!" ( 1966. Adven- ture) Dirk Bogarde. George Chakirls. An American girl's lite becomes endangered when she stumbles upon 1ntorma11on concerning terrorist acllvilieS. (3 hrs) (!) MOVIE "Beast Of The Dead" ( 1970. HOffor) John Ashley. Celeste Yarnall A mad doctor abducts a young reporter 1n order to expemnent on her body (2 hrs.) esOLIOGOLD ©) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every institution imaginable in this uncenSO<ed, no-holds· barred concer1 perfOfmance. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) 0 MOVIE "Loolong For Mr Goodbar" ( 19n. Dra- ma) Otane Keaton, Tuesday Weld A socially repressed schootteache< seeks excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring t1ar10US men into one-night stands. 'A' (2 hrs .. 15 min) 10:30• INSIGHT Ct) AA SHOWCASE 10:461 SATUROAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 88(1)0eNEWS I ENTERT ,\;INMENT THIS WEEK MOVIE "The Mephlsto Waltz" ( 197 t, HOfror) Alan Alda, Jacque«ne Bisset W1tchcralt turns a mediocre mus.clan Into a lamed pianist. terrifying his fall)1L~o are drawn up In the never-ending cir· cle ot evtl ( 2 hrs ) e MOVIE "Preacherman" ( 1979. Comedy) lllene Kristen. Esty F Davis (2 hrs.) @ MOVIE "Roughly Speaking" ( 1945, Comedy) Rosalind Russell. Jack Carson A married woman sacrifices everything for her husband and children (2 l"lrs . 30 min) 9 MOVIE "Man Ot Marble" Jerzy Aadz1wllowlcz. Krystyna Janda A young filmmaker Ines to depict a picture ol Poland's Stalinist past obscured by shtll- 1~ propaganda. (3 hrs.) UiJ ODYSSEY "Other People's Garbage" Historical archaoologtsts at three sites across the United States search tor a clearer. and often very dlf1erent. story ot Amenca·s recent past. (R) c:;> ( 1 hr.) ail MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES (.t) MOVIE "Paplllon" ( 1973. Adventure) Steve McOueen. Dustin Holtman. A pair of Devil's ISiand convicts spend their lime planning !heir escape. (2 hrs . 35 min.) 'CH> BUS STOP The Uve5 of several travelers change when they are s1randed In a small Kan6as town. Margot Kidder and Tim Matheson star. (2 hrs.) . (tJ 'MOVIE "The EtQtlc Adven1urea Of PlnocehlO" ( 1970. Comedy), Alex Rornen, Kar9n Smith. A pup- pet mtker .. ,, out to create hit own vtslon of the 2!_rtect IOYef. 'A' < 1 "'" 15 min.) Cl} 8IZAARE "Abtcam ~mere'' I 1 ·30 tJ THE ROCKFORD ALES II GD SA TUR DAY NIGHT LIVE Host Johnny Cash Guest Elton John (R) ( 1 hr • 30 min 1 UABC NEWS (I) MOVIE "Man On The Move" ( t972. Mys1ery) James WA1nwr1ght. Vera Miles A police lieutenant 1s lr::ime<.J when he shoals a suspect anc1 1111> y.i11nec,., d1!.appears mysteriously (2 hrs ) @)KGB ROCKS (E) SPORTSCENTER 0) MOVIE 'The V1olat1on Of Ctaud1d" ( t977 Ora mal Sharon Mitchell. Don Peterson A bored wife is led down thP primrose path by her 1e111w, 1nstruc1or (1 ~11 . 5 nun ) (S) MOVIE 'Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981 Advent\Jre) Jariies Ryan, Annehne Kriet A martial arts e)lper 1 ballies rhe minions ot a power-mad sc1en11s1 1n1e11t on enslaving mankind with a new rn1nd·control drug 'PG' (I hr 40 min ) Z.l MOVIE ··sitting Ducks" ( 1980. Adventure) lack Norman. Michael Emil Two criminals escape lhe U S w11h a million dollars and run mto a snag in 1he1r_plans 'R' ( I hr • 30 min ) 11:45 O MOVIE ··The 25th Hour" ( 1967. Drama) Anthony Quinn. V1rna Lts1 A Nazi police head sends a Romanian to a prtson camp so that he can have the man's wile (2 hrs ) 12:00U BLUE JEAN NETWORK (!) MOVIE "The lall Women' ( 1966, Western) Anne Baxter Maria Perschy Following an Indian massacre. seven courageous women lace the ordeal ot an exhausting and penlous trek across lhe desert (2 hrs. 5 min) 12: 150 MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980 Romance) Brooke Shields, Chnstopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote. South Pac1f1c island and experience lhe pan~ of first love 'R' ( t hr . 45 min ) 12:30U MOVIE "Breakfast At Tiffany's" (1961 Comedy) Audrey Hepburn. George Peppard Based on the story by Truman Capote A soph1st1- cated New York playgirl encounters several roman- tic adven1ures (2 hrs.) @l MOVIE "The Macahans" ( 1976. Western) James Arness. Eva Marie Saint A legendary moun rain scout leads his brother's lam1ty trom pre-C1v1i War V1rgm1a westward into the American frontier (2 hrs) ([) CFL FOOTBALL Ollawa Rough Riders at Winni- ~ Jets (R) (2 hrs .. 30 mm.) ([) MOVIE "Cinderella" ( 1977, Comedy) Cheryl Smith, Kirk Scoll A prince tries several young wom- en tn his kingdom in his search for the one he met at a ro~I baJI 'A' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 12:45(Q) MOVIE "Last Tango In Paris" ( 1973. Ora- ma) Marton Brando. Maria Schnelder 'X' (2 hrs . 9 minl 1:008 ROCK CONCERT • MOVIE "Band Of Angels" ( t957 Adventure) Clark Gable. Sidney Poitier. An educated black slave meets a Southern gentleman who has secrets to conceal. (2 hrs .. 40 min.) eNEWS GD EVENING AT THE IMPROV ® MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" ( 1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel. Jol"ln Furey. The grisly killings con- tinue at a somme< camp that had been closed down after a series ot bizarre murders occurred there 'R' L! hr., 27 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Phantom Of The Paradise" ( 1974. Mystery) Paul Williams, William Anley. A dedicated rock 'n' roll composer becomes a disfigured mad- man haunling a fabulous rock club after he is swin- dled out ot his life's work.1ln elabo<ate rock canta· ta 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 1:10 (S) THE GRATEFUL DEAD The Grateful Dead are seen performing many of their greatest hits In this concert taped Halloween night 1980 at Radio City Music Hall. ( 1 hr., 18 min.) 1:30e MOVIE "Captille Wild Woman" ( 1943, Hor· ror) John Carradine. Evelyn Ankers An ape is mys- teriously transformed Into a lovely young woman. only to e.1Cperlenoe a later rev«Sal. ( 1 hr . 15 min.) e MOVIE "Dear Dead Delilah" ( t972, Mystery) Agnes M<XXehead. Wiii Geer When a woman accepts a housetleeplng job at an estate, she doesn't realize the terror that will follow. es family members searching tor a hidden treasure are sys- tematically murdered. (2 hrs.) Ql) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE t :40(C) MOVIE "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" ( 1977. Drama) Sylvia Kristel, Umberto Oralnl. A beautiful woman's search for the ultlmate erotic expenence brings hef to a starlllng reel!zatlon 'A' ( 1 hr .. 40 mlnl_ 2:00Q) NEWS • (I.) MOVIE "Soldier 0 1 Orange" (1979, Drama) Edward Fox, Su~n Penhaligon Six classmates at a Dutch university go their separate ways. when war breaks out Jn Europe 'R' (2 hrs ) • II MOVIE "Janis" ( 1974, Biography) Documenta- ry. Jans Joplin rises from in unhappy and obseure paaf In a small Texas town to head the Charis as a top roek end blues singer. ( 1 hr • 45 rtiln.) 2:06 Cf) NEWS . 2:30 •• N!WS Saturday (continued) ABC NEWS AGRICULTURE U.S.A. ITHE NEWAGE MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980. Comedy) Gilda Radner. Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter ol rhe country's weirdesl presidenllal !ami- ty complicates her father's attempts to conduct the affairs ol state 'A' (1 hr .. 44 min.) (SJ MOVIE "Breaking Glass" ( 1980. Drama) Ha2el O'Connor. Phil Daniels A Br1tiSh punk pop star's ltlestyle ultimately leads to tragedy, 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) CZ) MOVIE ''Greased lightning" ( t9n . Blcigr,aphy) Richard Pryor. Beau Brtdges. Af1er World War II, a 1ax1 driver becomes the first black champion 1n the history of the race-car circuit 'PG' ( 1 hr. 36 min) 2:450 MOVIE "Horror Island" (1941. Mystery) Dick Foran. Leo Carrillo. A group of rreasure-seek ers discover terror instead ( 1 hr . 15 min.) 3:001) MOVIE "Second Chance" ( 1953, Drama) Rober! M1lchum, Linda Darnell A fighter takes a tour of Soulh Ameuca in hopes of forgetting the hghl 1n which he accidentally killed a man ( 1 hr . 40 min) (!) STRAIGHT TALK @ NEWS BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Clemson -'77'' (R) (l hr.) (~)MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Came Fisher The 150 midgets who are 1n 1own for rhe filming of ''The Wizard 01 Oz " turn a California hotel upside-down 'PG' ( 1 hr . 38 minj_ 3:20 CC) MOVIE ··caboBlanco" (l 981, Suspense) Charles Bronson. Jason Robards An exiled Nazi who has bought off lhe local police dominates a small Peruvian coastal town duung rhe 1940s 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min ) 3:400) MOVIE "The Valley Of Gwang1" (1969, Fan- tasy) James Franciscus, Gila Golan. A prehistoric monsler wreaks havoc on a small Mexican town unt1l 11 is finally destroyed (2 hrs . 5 min ) 3:450 MOVIE "American Gigolo" (1980, Orama) Richard Gere. Lauren Hutton A Beverly Hills gigolo becomes lhe prime suspect 1n a murder 1nvest1ga 11on 'R' (1 hr . 57 min) 4:000 MOVIE "House Of Horrors" ( 1946, Horror) Bill Goodwin, Robert Lowery A demented artist uses a fiend known as The Creeper lo perpetra1e his darkest revenge upon his critics ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (!)OR. PAUL YONGGI CHO ct) SPORTSCENTER 4:05 (fl') BETWEEN THE LINES CS) MOVIE "Challenge The Dragon" (Adventure) A family's vahant tlght to save lheir land and their 1rad- ilion from a ruthless business operation. ( 1 hr • 25 minl_ 4:15(H) MOVIE "Eye 01 The Needle" (1981 , Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan While on a remo1e Scotllsh island to meet a German sub- marine, an Axis spy finds shelter from the srorm in the cottage of a young married couple. 'A' ( r hr . 51 min) MOVIE "Zool Suit" ( 1981. Orama) Daniel Val dez. Edward James Olmos In 1940s Los Angeles. a cause celebre erupts over the framing of members of a Chicano street gang tor murder. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 43 min) ACUPUllCTURE Clll-IWI CHI, C.A. AUTHOR OF "ACUPUNCTUM a SCll!NCe" FOf'mer Chairman, eemlnar of Chinese AcupunQAtre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COl.LEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2438 MOfl.·Wed.-Fr1 • ............ c..... 279 ............ ........... IANTAANA 532.5040· Tll&·tlu ..... ............ c...w 1•L....._A_ ..... , OIUMClll FACE-LIFTS .... ' ,. CONTIOl llMYOMIN El•-- AT HIS BEST -Vitas Gerulaitis, who lost in five sets during the semifinals to John McEnroe in last year's Open, is expected to be back and at his best for the 1982 U.S. Tennis Open Championships, which winds up Sunday on KNXT (Ch. 2) at J. p.m Sunday \I< >If\ J '\(; 5:00 Cf) NINE ON NEW JERSEY SWIMMING Coverage of lhe USA vs. USSR International Dual Meet from Knoxville. Tenn (A) (2 hrs) 5:05 @JAMES ROBISON 5:30Cf) DAY OF DISCOVERY CS) COUNTRY GOES TO ENGLAND Mel Tillis hosrs this country music special filmed in England leatur - 1ng Kris Kristofferson. Jerry Lee Lewis. Roy 01bison. Box Car Willy, Terri Gibbs and Billy Swan ( 1 hr . 30 min) 5:35@CARTOONS 5:45 0) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 0 PURLIE Melba Moore. Robert Guillaume and Sherman Hemsley are featured 1n a performance ol the hit Broadway musical based on Ossie Davis's play "Purhe Victorious ... (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 6:00 0 MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WOAD Cl) SUNDAY MORNING NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura Shu11hi bar pnpared by our famous Japaneae Chef • Beer • Wine • Saki @ JAPANESE ~g is a. RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Mon. thrv Frt. 11:30 to 1='0 Dinner from I p.m. lun. from 4 p.m. Ctoeed Wedneedllf 171-1111 3140 E. COAST "'"· COIOM Dll IMI ascowsae xouewueoc sea ese Q YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES Cf) ORAL ROBERTS AZ us as we s =1s. !(f m BIBLE ANSWERS 41) ROMPER ROOM (%)MOVIE "The Sin Of Harold Dlddlebock" ( 1947, -4 Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden. ( t hr . :C: 30 min.) ,- 6:05@ LOST IN SPACE $ 6:30 f) FOR OUR TIMES "L1v1ng With Death Unfin- ished Business" Marlene Sanders 1nterl.'1ews Or ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. a pioneer in the study of O: dealh and dying (Part 2) ~ Cl SERENDIPITY B ROBERT SCHULLER OAY8f'EAK L.A. 8 SUM CUISINE (!) POINT OF VIEW 0) CALIFORNIA PEOPLE (U AGRICULTURE U.S.A. > c co c !! © MOVIE "The r1xe1" I t968. Drama) Dirk co Bogarde. Afan Bates oo (ti) MOVIE "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) "' Ingrid Bergman. Johnny Doran ( 1 hr. 45 m111 ) 7:001) TODAY'S RELIGION 0 THAT'SCAT 0 LITTLE RASCALS Q IT IS WRITTEN Q KENNETH COPELAND (!)fl) SUNDAY MASS 0) DAY OF DISCOVERY .i>CARTOONS fll) YOGA FOR HEAL TH ro SPORTSCENTER (S'J SEVEN WISHES OF A RICH KIO A fairy god mother teaches a rich boy that money can'I buy friends or happiness. 7:05@ LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:301) LIFETIMES 0 WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT Q CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRI- TION Cl) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (!)THAT'S THE SPIRIT @) DIRECTIONS A portra11 of 1he Ch11s11an people who inhabit the Nes Amnvm kibbutz 1n Israel is pre sented (R) 0) JIMMY SWAGGART «!) FELIX THE CAT fll) MISTER ROGERS (A) fl) THE WORLD TOMORROW ct> MOVIE "Come Have Coffee W11h Us" ( 1972. Comedy) Ugo Tcignaw. Valentine ( 1 hr . 40 min) 7:35@ MOVIE "Circus World" (1964. Drama) John Way_ne. Claudia Cardinale 8:00 IJ SUNDAY MOANING Cl THIS IS THE LIFE 8 POPEYE AND FRIENDS 8 DIMENSIONS (I) LET THERE BE LIGHT I LLOYD OGILVIE MUSIC WORLD JERRY FALWELL m cARTOONS fli) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) &) REX HUMBARD BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC '78" (A} ( t'hr.) MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980. Come-<!il Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase. ( 1 hr .. 42 min) U MOVIE "Duel 01 The Titans" ( 1963. Adventure) Steve Reeves. Gordon Scott. ( 1 Ju .. 30 min.) NEWPORT DATSUN Wanta To 11 Your #1 Datau1 Dialer In Ora111 Co11trl S11 11 TodlJ ... W1 Ire Offeri11 Fa1ta1tio I lllPlf SaYIW1•I AAPDl' DATSUN -DOVE STREET • NEWflORT BEACH (714) 833-1 ' . . u ~ Sunday (continued) C> 8:30 D ODYSSEY Guests. Dr Joel Rembaum, dean ot undergraduate studies and Rosahe Gershenzon, course coordinator, University of Judaism, Los Angeles. David Chow. m1lliona11e economist and master of Kung Fu; Rev Torn Fitzpatrick, associate pastor. St Aloysius Parish. Los Angeles. 0 TODA Y'S BLACK WOMAN (I) THE LAHA YES 0 MEETING TIME AT CALVARY (!) REX HUMBARD Q) FREDERICK K. PRICE EE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) a:> KNOW YOUR BIBLE ffi) MOVIE "Atrack Force l" ( 19BO Adventute) John Ph1ll1p Law. Mel Gibson ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 9:00 0 NEWS CONFERENCE 0 PEOPLE7 (I) 0 ORAL ROBERTS (!) ROBERT SCHULLER @) IT IS WRITTEN EE SESAME STREET (R) D rC"J MOVIE "Youny Joe ~e Forgotten Kennedy" < 1977, Orama) Peter Strauss, Barbara Parkins. IE) CFL FOOTBALL Ollawa Rough Riders at Winni- peg Alue Bombers (A) (3 hrs.) 9: 15 ,Z) CINEMASCORE 9:306 ®FACE THE NATION 0 g:) MEET THE PRESS 0 NEW ZOO REVUE 0 DAY OF DISCOVERY @) KENNETH COPELAND Q) THE WORLD TOMORROW 0 MOVIE "Clash Of The Ti tans" (1981. Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr . 58 min.) \4) MOVIE "5 Fingers 01 Death" ( 1973. Adven- ture) Lo L1eh, Wang Ping. ( t hr . 40 min ) 10:006 NEWSMAKERS Guests John Van De Kamp and his opponenl for State Attorney General. George Nicholson D ON CAMPUS Featured a discussion on Ameri- ca's current preoccupation with horror films 9 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 0 BASEBALL BUNCH Guest Gary Carter (I) MOVIE "Firehouse" ( 1973, Drama) Richard Roundtree. Vince Edwards 0 HERALD OF TRUTH (!)MAUDE Q) REX HUMBARD EE THE LAWMAKERS G) NEWSCENTER WEEKLY 0'i) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING ®MOVIE "Somelh1ng Short Of Paradise" ( 1979, Romance) Susan Sarandon. David Steinberg. ( 1 hr, 27 min.) ~MOVIE "Lost Horizon·· ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyall (2 hrs 15 min) 10:30 6 INTERFACE 0 ARTS OF ASIA 9 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 0 O]) KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests Robert Culp. comedian Michael Richards, martial arts expert Chuck Norris. (R) ( 1 hr.) 0 ROBERT SCHULLER (!) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at New York Mets (2 hrs .. 40 min.) Q) JERRY FALWELL EE OPEN MIND 0) MOVIE "A Day At The Races" ( 1937, Comedy) Marx Brothers. Maureen O'Sullivan ~MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING 10:35@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at New York Mets (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 11:001J MOVIE "Murder Once Removed" ( t 971, ~stery) John Forsythe. Barbara Bain. U AT ONE Guest· actor Bud Cort. ( t hr ) 0 BASE~ALL California Angels at Boston Red Sox. (3 hrs.) ti) MOVIE "The Inspect()( General" ( 1949, Musi- cal) Danny Kaye, Elsa Lanchester. tJi) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Oisraeli; The Greal Game" Queen Victoria meets Disraeli and their leg- endary alliance takes root: Mary Anne courageously bears the burden of a grave Illness. (Part 3) (R) Q ~hr.) • WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) MOVIE "The Baltimore Bullet" ( 1980, Drama) James Coburn. Omar Sharif. t t; 15 CZ) CINEMASCORE t 1:308 ({I THIS WEEK WfTH DAVID BRINKLEY (I) PIGSKIN PREVIEW Harry Kalas hosts this In- depth analysis oJ the top colleg.late tootball teams of each major conference. looklng at the star players and the schools with the best chances for number one In the national championships. ( t hr.) I TERRY COLE· WHITT AKER CHURCH IN THE HOME WALL $TREET WEEK "Is The Worst Over?" Guest: Edward Yardenl, ctllef economist and first vice president. E.F. Hutton & Co .. Inc. CH) MOVIE ·'The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978. Orama) Merilyn Hassett, Tlmofhy Bot· toms. (1 hr .. 40 min.) e MOVIE "'Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980, Orama) Mel- KEEPS WATCHFUL EYE -David Horowiu keeps a close eye out for the consumer and invites you to ''Fight Back" Sunday at 6:30 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). ~!' Douglas. Lila Kedrova. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) CZJ MOVIE "Knlghtrlders" ( 1981 . Adventure) Ed Harris, Gary Latitl. (2 hrs .. 25 min,) . \I·" l lJ l:\< >< >:\ 12:0011 TALK ABOUT PICTURES fJSEARCH ti) COMPUTERS ARE PEOPLE TOO This special looks at the ways artists use computer technology to enhance their creativity. ( 1 hr.) fl!) PAPER CHASE "Kingsf1eld's Daughter" An embittered young woman finds amusement in humil· tatrng law student James Hart, who is atlracted to her ( l hr.) '1i) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS CE) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "M1ch1gan '79" (A) ( 1 hr.) (0,) CLOWN WHITE Jason. a 9-year-old boy. finds his perfect teacher 12:306 Cl) PGA GOLF "World Se11es 01 Goll" Live coverage of the final round from the Firestone Coun· t~ Club. Akron. Ohio. (2 hrs., 30 mm.) U OUTDOOR LIFE Mariel Hemingway and her father. Jack. tiunt chukar iri Idaho U DIRECTIONS Herbert Kaplow hosts an examina- tion of the key feminist Issues 1n religion. O MOVIE "The flesh Eaters" ( 1966, Horror) Rita Morley, Martin Kosleck. O]) PERSPECTIVE @m SPORTSWORLD Sctieduled taped coverage of the CART Pocono 500 (from the Pocono Interns· t1onal Speedway, Long Pond. Pa.). same-day cov- erage of the Switzerland Grand Prix Formula I auto race (from Olton, France) ( 1 hr.) 0'i) SLIM CUISINE @ MOVIE "Stardust Memories" ( 1980. Drama) Woody Allen, Charlotte Rampflng. ( 1 hr .. 29 min) t:OOCJ SUNDAY Location five from Solar Power Day, Los Angeles. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) U MOVIE "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter" ( 1968, Drama) Alan Arkin, Sondra Locke. @) PUBLIC PULSE Q) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Los Angeles Rams vs. Seattle Seahawks (3 hrs.) g) ADAM·12 fD CRISIS TO CRISIS WITH BARBARA JORDAN "Voices Of A Divided City" Racism and racial vio- lence In a contemporary American town are viewed through film portraits of two Boston communities and discussions by the residents. ~ t hr.) '1i) MOVIE "Down Argentine Way· ( 1940. Musical) Betty Grable, Don Ameche. CC) MOVIE ''No Nukes" ( 1980, Musical) Jackson Browne, Crosby, SOiis & Nash. •1 (()AUTO RACING Live coverage of the CARl Air- Cal 500 from the Riverside International Speedway. Callf. (4 hra.) (a> ROCK OH • MOV1E "Hurry Up Or I'll Be 30" ( 1975, Come- dy) John Lefkowitz. Linda Oe Cott. ( 1 hr •• 3 1 min,) 1: 10 KINEA'S KORNER 1:30 LIFE OF AILEY IAOAM-12 a:> HORSE RACING Live coverage of the Arlington Million mile-and-a-quarter turf race for lhorough- 1.>reds from Arlington Park, Arlington Heights, Ill ( 1 hr) (B) MOVIE "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977, Suspense) Jacqueline Bissel, Ch11stopher Plummer. ( 1 hr . 40 mm.) {.Q) TOTALLY GO-GO'S One ol the country's hot lest new rock acts srng 19 songs including the11 hfl singles "We Got The Beat" and "Our Lips Are Sealed .. (1 hr. 15 min) 1:50@ NEWS 2:009 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND O MOVIE "Odds Against Tomorrow ' ( 1959. Ora · ma) Harry Belatonte Shelley Winters (!)FM-TV ®)GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Willie Mays" Host. Reggie Jackson W MOVIE "Beau James" ( 1957. Biography) Bob Hope. Vera Mtles. @ MAN OF MARBLE A your1g f1lmmal\er trre~ to rec.;onstruct a 1rutt1ful picture ot Poland's S1a11n1st past a p.1st ouscured b~ 20 years of sh1t1111g pr or.ia· ganda t3 hrs ) fEl INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Selling Ho1Jses For ' A L1v111g" Three successlul realtors talk about tt1e ~19 bucks or lack of them 111 selling homes '_$)MOVIE V1vn Las Vegas" ( 1964. Musical) ~11115 Presley. Ann-Margret ( 1 hr . 25 mm J 2) MOVIE l oot Suit' ( 1981, Drama) Daniel Val· dez. [dward James Olmos ( l hr , 43 min ) 2:05@RAT PATROL 2:300 SPORTSWORLD Scheduled taped cove1.1ge of the CART Pocono 500 (from the Pocono lnter11a- 11onal Speedway, Long Pond, Pa I sarne-day i;;ov· eraye or the Switzerland Grand Prtx Formula I auto race (lrom D11on. France) ( 1 hr ) 9 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND @) GEORGE PLIMPTON MID-YEAR REPORT George Phmpton analyzes the sporting triumphs of the firs1 hall of 1982 ( 1 hr ) EE PRESENTE g:) SPORTSWORLD A live post·race report on the Arlington Million from Arlington Park. Arlington Heights. 111 '1i) RUN. AMERICA. RUN Medical author1tes and common folk discuss the hazards and benelrts of running O MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980, Comedy) Lily Tomlin, Charles Grodin ( 1 hr . 24 min.) 2:36@ UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 3:001J 2 WITH YOU 9 MOVIE "Murder. He Says" ( 1945. Comedy) Fred MacMurray. Mar1orie Main. 0 RAMS HIGHLIGHTS 1981 Cl) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL (!) SALLY STRUTHERS' WORLD OF LOVE Sally Struthers hosts this lund·ra1s1ng program tor 1he Christian Children's Fund ( 1 hr.) EE LA BOHEME: PAVAROTTI IN PHILADELPHIA Winners of the Opera Company of Philadelphia I Luciano Pavarotti International Voice Compe1111on 101n the celebrated tenor 1n a new production ol Puccini's story of love and loss. staged by Gian Car- lo Menotti (R) (2 hrs .. 55 min ) G) CALIFORNIA SPECIAL OLYMPICS 0'i) BROADWAY PLAYS WASHINGTON! KENNE- DY CENTER TONIGHT A host of stars from Broad- way turn the Kennedy Center stage into a celebra- tion of the American theater: the performers Include Debbie Reynolds. Pearl Balley. Barry Bostwick, Robert Morse and many others. (2 hrs ) Ct) MOVIE "Lady Takes A Chance" ( 1943, Come· S!l'.) John Wayne. Jean Arthur. (1:1) MOVIE "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) l!!grid Bergman. Johnny Doran. ( 1 hr . 45 min ) (lJ MOVIE ''The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Kllnton Spllsbury, Christopher Lloyd CO) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaulman. Bernade1te Peters. 3:308 MOVIE "No Way To Treat A Lady" ( 1968, Suspense) Rod Steiger. George Segal. 0 HORSE RACING Coverage of the Arlington Mil· lion m"e-and-a-quarter turt race for thoroughbreds from Arlington Park, Arnngton Heights. Ill. ( 1 hr ) U tlJ) NCAA FOOTBALL PREVIEW The nation's prominent teams and the top Helsrnan Trophy can- didates of the 1982 College Football season are ~I hllghted. (I hr.) BASEBALL BUNCH SHbRT PICKS • 3:351 NICE PEOPLE 3:45 CINEMASCORE 4:00 STARTREK 0 MOVIE "Beware! The Blob" ( t972. Horror) Godlrey CambtldQe-, Marlene Clark. (f) ENTERT AINM&NT THIS WES< m MOVIE "The Mephisto Weltz" (1971, Horror) Alan Alda. Jacqueline Bisset, e M0"1e ''Juarez" (1939. Bl«>grephy) Paul Munl. Bette Davi&. • MOV1E "Macon County Line" (1974, Ott1ma) Jesae and Alan Vint. Max Baer. 1 Sunday (continued) CS) PURUE Melba Moore. Roberr Guillaume and Sherman Hemsley are featured in a performance of ltie htl Broadway musical based on Ossie Davis's play "Purtle V1ctonous." (2 hrs .. 20 mm) 0 MOVIE "Clash Ot The Tilans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr. 58 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Sitting Ducks" ( 1980, Adventure) Michael Emil, Zach Norman 4:05 @ WRESTLING 4:30 D SPORTSWORLD A post race report on the Arlington Million from Arlington Park Arhnglon He19b_ts 111 0 @) SPORTSBEAT MOVIE "Young Joe The Forgotten Kennedy" ( 1977. Orama) Peter Slrauss. Barbara Parkins (0) SUPER BOWL OF BASKETBALL Denver Bron· cos vs Oakland Raiders ( t hr . 30 min ) 5:00 D NBC NEWS O KUNG FU 0 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Pete Rose ' Hosr 1 om Seaver (!) M•A•s•H (!) STRAIGHT TALK @)NEWS (3 STRUMPET CITY Based on James Plunl<Plt's novel a weaflhy family s1ruggfes through lhe turbu tent years of 1907-19 t4 1n Dubltn (Pan 6) ( t hr) m THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vtla assesses the house's heating plant and Norm Abtams builds the lrnm1ng for lhe breezeway (A ) Q SPORTSCENTER SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Hams looks at lhe movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office (U MOVIE "Darby O'G1ll And The Little People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery 5:05@ NASHVILLE ALIVE! Guest Ray Stevens ( 1 hr ) 5:301J CBS NEWS Q NEWS G ®>ABCNEWS (])WELCOME BACK. KOTIER ml MONEYMAKERS (E) SWIMMING Coverage of the USA vs USSR fnternat1onal Dual Meet lrom Knoxville. Tenn (2 hrs.) CID MOVIE "Atlack Force Z" ( t980. Adventute) John Phillip Law. Mel Gibson ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (%) MOVIE "Mad Wednesday" ( 1947, Comedy) Harold .Lloyd, Frances Ramsden ( 1 hr., 15 min ) 5:55 fD PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks L\'L~I~<; 6:0088NEWS 0 NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Green Bay Packers at Los Angeles Raiders (3 hrs ) 8 MOVIE "Come September" ( t961, Comedy) Rock Hudson. Gina Lollobrig1da A millionaire dis- covers his caretaker ts using his villa as a hotel when he's away (2 hrs ) (J)CBS NEWS 0 LUCY COMES TO NASHVILLE Thts country music special stars Lucille Ball. Barbara Mandrell. Lynn AndE!fson Ronnie Milsap. Archie Campbell Mel Tillis and lhe Oak Ridge Boys ( 1 hr) (!) IT IS WRITIEN @) THE Roa<FOAO ALES d) MOVIE "Green Mansions" ( t959 Romance) Audrey Hepburn. Anthony Perkins A young politi- cal refugee h1d1ng in the Venezuelan 1ungle fells in love with a native girl (2 hrs ) Q) MOVIE "Day Of The Wolves" ( 1973. Orama) Richard Egan. Rick Jason An ex·sherllf ltnds him· self up against a strange band of bearded men who plan to isolate and ran~ck a small rown. (2 hrs.) @CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CEN· TEA Soprano Judith Blegen and trumpet SOIOlst Ste· phen Burns join the acclaimed group I<>< music by Ravel. Handel. Scarlatlt. Benedict, Strauss and Brahms ( 1 hr ) 8)NBCNEWS "' NOVA "Animal Impostors" The remarkable ... -.,.IVORCE MEDIATION--1 A NON-COMB.A TIVE PROCESS COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO CALL 752-1084 Robert 011•11r, AttromeJ ....... Ql1111r, Ml'CC SHARING 'SUNDAY' -S usan Hahn and Kevin O'Connell are co-hosts for "Sunday" on KNBC (Ch. 4) at 4 p.m., highJig hting some big event going on in the Southland each week. forms of deception used by bolh predators and t)'leu intended v1c11ms to eat or avoid being eaten •• are exam1neo (A) O ( 1 hr.) CO) MOVIE "Eye 01 The Needle" ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan Whtie on a remote Scottish island to meet a German subma- 11ne. an A.xis spy finds shelter from the slorm m the cottage ol a young married couple 'A' ( 1 hr 5 1 min) 0 MOVIE "Nobody's Perfekt" ( 198 1, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Alex Karras Three unlikely heroes set out to battle the red tape and bureaucracy of city hall 'PG' ( 1 hr . 36 mm) 6:05@ THE WEEK IN REVIEW fZi) SURVIVAL "Penguin Summer" David Ntven nar· rates a close-up look at the penguins of the Falkland Islands ofl the coast of South America, focusing on the active period every winter when the penguins breed (R) 6:30 8 THAT'S HOLL YWOOO THE WORLD TOMORROW ~6'NEWS MOVIE "The Fixer" ( 1968. Drama) Dirk Bogarde. Alan Bares Based on a novel by Bernard Malamud A turn-of-the-century Jewish peasant is wrongfully 1mpr1soned for the death of a child 1n Kiev (2 hrs. 10 min ) CS) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: l'OM AND HUCK Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn bnng back the 1oys of life on the M1ssiss1pp1 River 6.55 fZl) PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramm~ may be delayed due 10 pledge breaks 7:00 8 Cl) 60 MINUTES 8 [§) CODE RED Danny usks his ltfe in an attempt to aid a friend undergotng emergency surgery (R) (1 hr.) 0 PAUL HOGAN Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART 9 ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL Federico Fellini uses the Indefinite boundaries of music as a metaphor tor the current pol1tlcal chaos of Western civilization ( 1 hr) ti) BORN TO THE WINO A legendary warrior asks Painted Bear for help 1n rescuing his wife who ts being held captive by a hostile tribe ( 1 hr ) ml VICTORY GARDEN Bob Thomson tours the Boston City Rose Garden. Can for your fret estimate 6J1•1W ... .-. ..... -1 ..... •llOI••-...... -.... MOVIE "The Olher Side Of The Mountain •• Part II" ( 1978, Orama) Marilyn Hassen, Timothy Bot· toms. Former champion skier Jill K1nmon1, rendered 15 a quadriplegic by a tragic accident, wrestles with ::.elf-doubr when a new love enters her fife ( 1 hr . 40 -i 1nin ) :< 31 0 - lLJ MOVIE "Kn1ghtriders" (2 hrs .• 30 min ) r (~) MOVIE "Only When I Lari" ( 1968. Comedy) o n1chard Allenborough, David Hemmings A trio of IP Br1ttsh con-men attempt 10 fleece a militant Alncan ~ d1p1oma1 'G' ( 1 hr 45 mm.) a: 7:05@ NEWS 11> fZl) BROADWAY PLAYS WASHINGTON! KENNE-'< DY CENTER TONIGHT A host of s1ars from Broad· > way rurn rhe Kennedy Center stage into a celebra-J5 rion ol rhe Ame11can theater. the performers include c Debbie Reynolds. Pearl Bailey Barry Bos1w1ck. ~ Robert Morse ano many Olhers (A) (2 hrs . 5 ~ rn1nJ 7:300 FOCUS ON BRITAIN m PORTRAITS IN PASTELS Cf) HORSE RACING WEEKLY 8:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE S1ephan1e becomes the unwitting pawn 1n a selfish scheme concocted by her long-lost father (Pait 2) (R) 0 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK 0 ®) JOHN STEINBECK'S EAST OF EDEN Cathy and Adam's marriage begins to d1s1ntegra1e airer tt1e b1r1h of 1he11 1w1n sons. and Cathy runs away 10 work 1n a Salinas bordello (Parr 2) (Al (Parental d1scretton is advised) (3 hrs ) 0 IT IS WRITIEN (!)MAUDE m MOVIE "Emperor 0 1 The North Pole" ( 1973 Adventure) Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgntne A tough railroad guard matches wits and wills with a crafty hobo determined to hitch a ride (2 hrs ) ti) MOVIE "North Country" ( 1969, Adventure) Two men, each hving off the land in the remote Alaskan wilderness. face danger and adventure with hltle help from modern technology (2 hrs ) @ STRUMPET CITY Based on James Plunkett's novel. a wealthy family struggles through the turbu· lent years of t907-1914 1n Oubhn. (Part 6) (I hr) 61) CHIPS Jon and Ponch are teamed with two members of the canine palrol (R) ( t hr ) ml MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Disraeli The Chief" The aging Disraeli is elevated to lhe House of Lords and faces one of his greatest d1plomattc challenges CI}h;P~M~~~atart 4) (R) Q ( 1 hr ) @ MOVIE "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger " ( 1980. Western) Khnton Spilsbury. Christopher Lloyd The Lone Ranger and Tonto pursue their arch·enemy. Burch Cavendish. who has kidnapped the president of rhe US 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) ("S) MOVIE "Foul Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase. A hbrenan enlists lhe aid ol an inept pohce detective after she becomes involved tn a bizarre series of murders and k1dnapp1ng attempts ( 1 hr . 55 min.) 0 MOVIE "High Risk" ( 1981 , Adventure) James Brohn, Cleavon L1llle A trio of greedy friends plot rhe robbery of a million dollars from a South Amert- can drug dealer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 8;05 (1l) JERRY FALWELL 8:308 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME Whtie Ann is busy making wedding plans. Barbara end Mark are In Las Vegas wondering 11 it's all worth 1t. (Part 1) (R) 0 THE WORLD TOMORROW Cf) EVENING AT THE IMPAOV . 8:45 CINEMASCORE 9:00 Cl) ALICE A towel boy with the Russian Bal let decides 10 defect and hides 1n Mel's storeroom (R) Q CHIPS Jon and Ponch are learned w11h two members ot the canine patrol. (R) ( 1 hr ) 8 WILO KINGDOM G OA.CHO @ CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CEN· TER Soprano Judith Blegen and trumpet soloist St&- phen Burns join lhe acclaimed group for music by Ravel. Handel. Scarlal ll. Benedict. Strauss and Brahms ( 1 hr ) G) MOVIE "The Curse Of King Tur s Tomb" ( 1980, Adventure) Eva Marie Saint, Robin Ellis. An archae- ologist who discovers the 1ono-fos1 tomb of rhe leg- J ames L. Zimmerman Certified Public Account•nt Full r ange of.person•tlred professi onal services for small businesses & Individuals .,,.. . ...... eon ..... " 645-1940 .... <O QI f\) . .. . ........... . ~•II .... .. .. ------------- tCEJtA .. 123 it l4t _, 4 4 WO 4 WQOXCUCJQ:ZtSCUtUliXllOXEZUJ .,.J .. _.~ ~~Sunday (continued) --1 .-l-~ ..... i ... 51 .• -.......... Z.-.-·C·-· ..... ,. ·-·-·.,..••fl•r••:L phen Burns 101n the acclaimed group for music by Ravel, Handel. Scarlatti. BenedlCI. Strauss and Brahms. ( 1 hr.) .... N ~ endary pharaoh clashes with an Egyptian profiteer detetmlned 10 share the cursed bOOty. (R) (2 hrs.) CD MYSTERY "Rumpole Of The Balley: Rumpole And The Fascist Beast" Rumpole accepts the defense of Captain Rex Perkin who Is charged with inciting a riot under Britain's Race Relations Act {!'art 4) (R) o (1 hr.) Ct) MOVIE "81'1ck Roads" ( 198 t, Comedy) Sally Field. Tommy Lee Jones A hooker and a down-on- Ols-luck boxer meet and head west in search of a new Ille 'R' ( t h< .. 35 min ) (f) Cfl FOOTBALL 011awe Rough Riders at Winni- ~ Blue Bombers (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min ) 00 MOVIE "Cannonball Run" ( 1981. Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Dom Deluise Various oddball char- acters compete 1n a coasHo-coast auto tace 'PG' 1 hr 35 min) MOVIE "Kmghtr1ders" ( t981. Adventure) Ed Hams. Gary Lahti A groop of molorcyhsts travel with a Renaissance lair and find that the struggle aga1ns1 ev11 and for ideals exists in modern limes also 'A' (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 9:0511!) 0PEN UP 9: 10 fJl) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Dlsreen· The Cl'l•el" The aging Disraeli IS elevated to lhe House ol Lords and laces one of his greatest d1p10matic chal- lenges -lhe Suez conflict (Part 4) (R) Q ( t hr., 5 min.) · 9:30 I) C1J THE JEFFERSON$ . Florence gets the wrong idea wl'lerT the Jeflersons and the W11tises try 10 keep a secret from her (R) 8 WORLD OF SURVIVAL 0 JACK VAN IMPE (!) MOVIE "The Fakers" ( 1969. Orama) Broderick Crawford. Kent Taylor An undercover FBI agent and his female cohort get involved w1lh counterfeit- ers and Nazi war criminals (2 hrs ) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman, Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near luture two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes of first love 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 0 MOVIE "St Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Bfonson. Jacqueline Bisset A former crime repor1- er-turned·detec11ve Is hired by 3 wealthy film tancier 10 recover a set of 1ncnmlna11ng ledgecs 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min) 10:00 tJ C1J TRAPPER JOHN. M.D. Ernie's engage- ment puts Trapper 1n the pos111on of having 10 find a 90>d surgical nurse to replace her (A) ( 1 hr ) U MOVIE "The Curse 01 King Tut's Tomb" ( 1980. Adventure) Eva Marie Saint, Robin Ellis An archae- ologtSI who discovers the tong-lost tomb of the leg- endary pharaoh clashes with an Egyptian prolileec determined to share the cursed bOOty (A) (2 hrs.) 8mNEWS G THE WOAD FOR TODAY m NEWS IN REVIEW @ ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL Federico Fellini uses the 1ndefm11e boundartes of muSlc as a metaphor tor lhe current pol111cal chaos of Western c1v1hzat1on ( 1 hr ) '1!) FlAMBAROS "Inheritance" Mark and Christina argue about the ownership ol Flambards; Mark reiterates his marnage proposal to Chnstlna. (Part t2) (R) D ( t hr l @ MOVU!' "Friday The 13th. Parl It" ( 1981, Hor· ror) Amy Steel. John Furey The grisly k1lhngs con- llnue at a summer camp that had been closed down aller a series of brzarre murders occurred lhere 'A' L! hr. :?7 min) CID MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980. Come- dy) Gold11;: Hawn. Chevy Chase A soft-hearted law- yer 1s lorn between her hopeless ex-husband turned·bank robber and her uptight present hus- band who 1s running for California altorney general 'PG' (I hr . 42m1n) 10:05@ MOVIE "Aiding High" ( t950, Musical) Bing Crosby. Coleen Gray A man struggles with his 3- year-otd racehorse. who has never had the chance to prove his ab1ht10S on the racetrack (2 hrs • 30 min.) 10:159) GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS OF THE WORLD 10:30 G LONE RANGER I WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP JIMMY SWAGGART 10:4&1 8UNDAY SPORTS PAGE JERRY FALWElL 11:100WL'~~NEW8 WOALO VISION STRVMP£T CITY Based on James Plunkett's novel. a wealthy family struggles through the turbu- lent years ot 1907-1914 In Dublin. (Part 6) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE ''Nightmare" ( 1981. Horror) Baird Stal- ford. Sharon Smith. Dese>lt• a drug p<eecrlpllon that Is supposed to aoothe his homicidal tendencies. e severely disturbed yoong men contlnuee to commh Q!_isly hatchet murders. ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) (If) MOVIE "Tht Spiral . Staircase" ( 1977, &.ttpen9e) Jacqueb BIMtt. Chttstophef Plummer. A ~ dlaknott It ttfTOJlzed by I myaterloul killer Who ~ lh the lhadowa aurroundlng .,, • .: • • WHAT'S THE TIME? -J~ik Hexum (top) plays Phineas Bogg, a time cop who helps straighten out history. and Meeno Peluce plays the or phan Jeff who joins him on "Voyagers!'' on Sundays at 7 p.m. this fall on KNBC (Ch. 4). 9!!_nt manston ( 1 hr .. 40 mtn ) • CU MOVIE "Cry Uncle" ( 1971 Suspense) .A,llen Garfield, Madeline le Roux. An eccentric millionaire hires a p11vate investigator 10 clear him of murde11ng his mistress 'A' ( 1 hr . 27 mtn ) 0 MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980. Comedy) Lily Tomlin. Charles Groom A housew1te finds 11 hard to cope when she suddenly begins to shrink in size. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 24 min) 11: 1511 CBS NEWS Em SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el look a1 the changing Hollywood portrayal ot homosexuahty with scenes from "Making Love." "Personal Best" and ··victor. Victoria " 11:30 8 SPORTS ANAL I PACESETIERS ABC NEWS Cl) WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP (!) LIFE OF RILEY ll]) MOVIE "Friday The Rabbi Slept Late" ( 1976. Mystery) Art Carney. Stuart Margolin A small-town pohce chief 1nves11ga1es the case of a dead woman discovered on the steps of a synagogue (2 hrs) «!) THE FACE OF THE 'BOS Andy Gibb. Irene Cara and Christie Brinkley 101n Lee Ma1ors as 22 beatJlllul models trom aroond the world vie lor the 11t1e "Face Of The '80s " (2 hrs) ft) MOVIE "Roltercoas1er" ( t977. Suspense) George Segal, Timothy Bottoms, A safety inspector desperately a11empts to locate the extoruomst who 1s ptan11ng homemade explosives In America's lead· ~'amusement parks (R) (2 hrs.) SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Schlock" ( 1973. Horr0<) John Landis, Saul Kahan A monster beheved 10 be a genetic 'missing hnk" goes on a rampage ol terror 'PG' ( 1 hr. 20 min.) CZ) MOVIE "5 Fingers Of Death" ( 1973. Adven ture) Lo Ueh, Wano Ping. A young Chinese kung fu student masters his a1t to be<;ome a leading expert and national champion ( t hr . 40 min ) 11 :-46 8 THE ROCKFORD FILES 8 MOVIE "The Story On Page One" ( 1960. Ora- ma) Rita Hayworth. Anthony Franciosa. A defense attorney battles the prosecutor tn his attempt to acquit a woman and her lover of murdering her hus- band. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Stardust Memoties" ( 1980. Drama) WOOIJy Allen, Charlotte Rampting. A successlut direct0t laces a pe<sonal crisis as he tries 10 make some major decisions In his Ille 'PG' ( 1 hr . 29 min.}_ 12:00DNEWS 1700CLUB 8TAATREK MOVIE "Conquered City" ( t985, Drama) David Niven. Martin Balsam. After the defeat ot Nazi Ger- many, American and 8fllllh toroes tlllempl to guard a supply of arms hidden In a hOttf trom Greek ret>-.• ets. (2 t\r1.) a WON.O CUP TEAM T9N8 Australia vs, Unit· od ~hrs.) E"r •< M08C~ 01lJNOO..NCEM-TtR Soprano Judith 8llgefl and ttumPtt tolOlitt 8i. 12:30 D NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Green Bay Packers at Los Angeles Raiders (3 hrs) (() SWIMMING Coverage of the USA vs USSR International Dual Meet from Knoxville. Tenn (R) 2 hrs) MOVIE "Attack Force Z" ( 1980. Adventure) John Phillip Law, Mel Gibson. During World War ti. a top-secrel Austrahan a11ack unit penetrates Japa- nese hnes to perform a daring rescue mission ( I hr. 35 min) ClJ MOVIE "Short Eyes" ( 1978. Orama) Bruce Dav1soo. Jose Perez Conv1ets attempt to stay ahve 1n the brutal atmosphere of a prison where certatn fellow 1nma1es break atmos1 every k[lown rule of decency 'R' ( 1 hr. 44 min.) J 0 MOVIE "Friday The t31h" ( 1980. Horror) Betsy Palmer Adrienne King The reopening of a summe c;imp clof.ed 20 years earher after three murders. i1tlr.1cts a 11111d1c11ve killer who knifes unsuspecting 1ee11-agers 'R' ( 1 hr . 38 min ) 12.35@ MOVIE "Sorry Wrony Number" ( 1948. Suspense) B;:irbara Stanwytk. Aurt Lancaster Aller overhearing a murder scheme a woman is tracked down by the killer ( 1 hr 55 nun ) 12:45 6 NAME OF THE GAME CC) MOVIE "The Bal11more Bullet" ( 1980 Orama) James Coburn. Omar Sharif A small-11me pool hus lier must raise $:?0,000 and wm a big tournament before h~ can have a rematch wllh an old opponent who has never lost a1 any game 'PG' ( 1 hr 43 min) 1:00@ ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL Federico Felhrn uses the 1ndelm1te boondaries of music as a meta· phor tor the current pol111cal chaos ol Western CIVlh za11on ( 1 hr ) 1:15 ~ MOVIE "Friday The t31h" ( 1980, Horror) Betsy Palmer. Adrienne King The reopening of a summer camp. closed 20 years earher after three murders. a11racts a v1nd1c11ve killer who kntles unsuspec11ng teen-agers 'R' ( 1 hr 38 min ) (.%) CINEMASCORE 1:300]) ABC NEWS G)NEWS (Z) MOVIE "The Sin Of Harold Otddlebock" ( 1947 Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden An amb111ous self-starter of the 1920s learns that suc· cess has its price ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 2:00 Q) TEEN SCENE 0 MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan While on a remote Sco111sh island to meet a German subma- rine, an Axis spy finds shelter lrom lhe storm 1n the cottage of a young married couple 'A' (1 hr . 51 min) 2:05 (!) NEWS MOVIE "Deadly Blessing" ( 1981, Horror) Ernest Borgrnne. Lois Nettleton A hvifotg nightmare begins tor a young woman when she marries into a strict religious sect 'A' ( t hr 45 min ) 2:161) NEWS MOVIE "Heartbeeps" ( 198t. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters In a world of the near future, lwo commercial robots experience the v1cis- slludes ot lif'st love. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 2:3011 TODAY'S RELIGION (!) MOANING STRETCH @ trs YOUR BUSINESS (£) HORSE RACING WEEKLY (A) 2:35 CC) MOVIE "Fear No EvO" ( 1980. Horror) Stefan Arngrim, Kathleen Rowe McAllen An 18-year-old high.school student delights in dec1ma11ng his home town 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min) 3:00 fJ NEWSMAKERS (!)JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS (!) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC - '78" (R) ( 1 hr.) ()) MOVIE "Seniors" (Comedy) Dennis Quaid. Gary Imhoff. Enterprising college students turn their fraternity house into a bordello 'R' ( t hr . 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Orlly When I Lart" ( 1968. Comedy) Richard Attenborough. David Hemmings A trio of British conmen attemp1 to fleece a militant African diplomat 'G' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 3:30 8 INTERFACE 3:60® MOVIE "Massacre At Gentral High" ( 1976. Orama) Andrew Stevens. Robert Carradine A crusade for revenge begins after a prank that went too far was putted on the. quieter students by a group of bored high-school friends. 'R' ( 1 hr . 27 min.) 4:00(1) JtMMY8WAOOART (I) SPORTSCENTER II MOVlE "High Risk" (1981. Adventure) James Brolln. Cleavon Llttle. A ltlo of gntedy friends plot the robbery of a million dollara from a South Amer!· candrugdtaler. 'R' (1hr .. 35mln.) 4:06 al) F\JNT1ME 4;®(t) MOVIE ''The H.,ry Hooker Goes To Wash- ington" (1977, Comedy Joey Heecherton. o.c>rge Hamllton. The ltrllPf•ltlte Xavten Hollander jQur· neya to the U.S. caphel end uncovtf1 some WKY Mnllt~~dooum9ntt. 'R' (1h<,,29mln.) '· .. ' ~~~~.-1~ 5:00(Z) "The Private Eyes" (1980. Comedy! Don Knotts. Tim Conway 5:300 "Hurry Up Or I'll Be 30" ( 1975. Comedy) John Letkow11z. Linda De Coif 6:00(.CJ "The Hunter" ( 1979. Orama) Steve McOueen Eh Wallach Ltt) "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" ( 1971 Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Atber1son. 6:05@ "The Gay S1slers" ( t942 Drama) Barbara Stanwyck. Gig Young 6:30(Z) "Mad Wednesday" ( 1947. Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden 7:00 (S) "Elvis" ( 1979. Biography) Kurt r!ussell. Sea- son Hubley 8:00(C) "The Girls In The Office" ( 19l9. Drama) Susan Saint James. Barbara Eden CID "St Helens" ( 198 t. Drama) Art Carney. David Hultman CZ) "Eli.callbUr'' ( 198 I , Fantasy) Nigel Terry. Nicol Williamson. 8:05@ "Count Three And Pray" (1955. Western) Van Heflin. Joanne Woodward 8:30 0 "NobOdy's Perfekt" ( 1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras 10:00 CS) "Shadow On The Wall" ( 1950. Mystery) Ann Sothern. Zachary Scott. 10:05@ "Arabesque" ( 1966. Adventure) Gregory Peck. Sophia Loren. 10:30(%) "Only When t Lari" ( 1968. Comedy) Rich- ard Attenborough. David Hemmings. 11:00(C) "A little Romance" ( 1979. Comedy) Lau· rence Oh~er. Diane Lane 11:30 0 "WoOdstock" ( t970. Musical) Docurnenta- ry . \I·· 11J l '\< >< >:\ \I< >\ · 1 LS 12:00Q "Return Of The Texan" (1952. Western) Dale Robertson. Joanne Dru. • "The Bedford Incident" ( 1965. Drama) Rich- ard Widmark. Sidney PoitJer. ti) "So 819" (1953. Drama) Jane Wyman. Sterling Hayden. 12:30(%) "The Sin Of Harold Diddlebock" ( 1947. Comedy) Harold Lloyd, Frances Ramsden. 1:00(C) "Drive-In" ( 1976. Comedy) Glenn Morshower. Lisa Lemole. CID "Scout's Honor" (1980. Drama) Gary Cole- man. Katherine Helmond. 2:00(%) "Silting Ducks" ( 1980. Adventure) Michael Emil. Zach Norman. 2:300 "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982. Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. 3:00(C) "Marco Polo, Jr." (1973. Adventure) Ant- mated. Voice of Bobby Rydell. CL) "Star Trek --The Motion Picture" ( 1979. Sci- ence-Fiction) Wiiiiam Shatner. Leonard Nlmoy 3:3000 "Darby O'Gill And The little People" ( 1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Connery. CZ> "Sons And Lovers" ( 1960, Drama) Trevor Howard, Dean Stockwell. 4:000 "Go For Broke" (1951, Comedy) Van Johnson. Gianna Maria Ganale. 0 "St. Ives" ( 1976, Advenrure) Charles Bronson. Jac~eline Bisset. 5:00~ "Flash Gordon" ( t980. Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. ® "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" 1_1_971. Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Albert$on. (Q) "Manny's Orphans" ( 1980. Orama) Jim Baker. Malachy Mccourt. 6:05@ "Mister Roberts" ( 1955. Comedy) Henry Fonda. James Cagney., 5: 15 CZ) "lhe Pnvate Eyes" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. 5:30@ "Under Milk Wood" (1973, Drama) Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor CL) "Billy Jack" ( 1971. Orama) Tom Laughlln. Delores Taylor. John C. Helton, M.O., Inc. announces the new location of his office for General Practice & Preventive Medicine at 400 fOPORT COO£R DRIVE Stitt ·~1. Newport Bt•~ 720-0993 Office Houra by Appointment -. SPECIAL NEWS -Kelly Lange and Jack Perkins co-anchor a special look at the news on KNBC (Ch. 4) at 4 p.m . on "News 4 LA." weekdays. 6:00BD•NEWS '1 WONDER WOMAN (I) CBS NEWS tJ WILD. WILD WEST (!) MOVIE "The Grapes 01 Wrath" ( 1940, Drama) Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell. Based on the story by John Steinbeck. The great Okie migration to Califor· nia dunng the Depression leaves a lasting 1mpres· ston on young Tom Joad. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) @)ABC NEWS I S.W.A.T. HAWAII FlVE-0 ID OVER EASY "Grief" Guest. Betty Garrett (R) ii NBC NEWS a,;) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING ([) NBA BASKETBAU NBA All-Stars vs. Chinese Ar~ Team from Shanghai, China. ( 1 hr., 30 min) 6:30 CIJ fJD NEWS 111 BARNEY MILLER fD DICK CAVETT Guest: Truman Capote. (Part 2) (R) &!) FAST FORWARD 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A visit to Joe Namath's foot- ball camp for youngsters; a 98-year-old recent high school graduate. II THE SAINT I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M*A"S"H • JOKER'S WILD @CABARET "Slngln' II" Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing songs about singing itself. flD@) BUSINESS REPORT CC) MOVIE "A Little Romance" ( t979. Comedy) Laurence Olivier. Diane Lane. An elderly con artist 1oins two young runaways In love on a mad dash across the European continent with the chlldren·s parents and the police In hot pursuit. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 48 mm.) CID BUS STOP The lives of several travelers change when they are stranded in a small Kansas town Margot Kidder and Tim Matheson star. (2 hrs.) (0) NFL: THE SEASON THAT WAS A look back at the 1981 pro football season is high,ig led by an :p 111terview with the "Player Of The Yea . " Cmc1n· §' nat1's Ken Anderson (I hr ) ($) WHAT'S UP AMERICA Featured a humorous -4 look at lhe meat industry. a modern-day bounty :C:: hunter. lhree ot America's favorite skinny c11pp1ng 1 holes ( t hr ) ~ !l ) MOVIE "S11t1ng Ducks" ( 1980, Advenlure) Michael Emil. /ach Norman. Two inept mobsters ~ llee to South Amertca and encounter the women O: ass1~1ed 10 kill them 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min ) ~ 7·30 6 2 ON THE TOWN Fealured ven1ritoqu1st Paul Winchell and hts puppels Jerry Mahoney and Knuc- klehead. "8c tor George Hamilton spealls of love. the (!Isa bled go t1sh1ng a m FAMIL y FEUD UTHAT'S HOLLYWOOD CJ) Q) TIC TAC DOUGH @) YOU ASKED FOR IT O)M*A*S*H @SIGNATURE Guest· Milos Forman fil) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT '11) EVENING AT POPS Nell Carter and New York's renowned Abyssinian Baptist Church Choir 1oin John W1lhams and the Boston Pops Orchestra tor an evening ol gospel and 1azz. ( 1 ht.) Cf) SPORTSFOAUM C0 JOEL GREY IN CONCERT The versallle talents of the Tony Award-winning entertainer are featured m this one-man show which includes a salute to Ge~e M. Cohan. ( 1 hr ) 7:50 01) NEWS 8:00 f) Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Ben1amin spots a missile being sneaked into Fort Bradley but can't ~t Captain Lewis to believe her (R) U Oi) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Charles leaves the tarm to become a carver of fine furniture (R) 0 ( t hr) 0 MOVIE "I'm No Angel" ( t933, Comedy) Mae West. Cary Grant. A sexy circus dancer with a rowdy past becomes infatuated with the charms of a handsome playboy. (2 hrs.) U ®l JOHN STEINBECK'S EAST OF EDEN When Cal learns that his mother is allve and is now a famous madam. he precipitates another family trag- edy by revealing the news to his brother Aron (Part 3J (R) (Parental discretion is advised) (3 hrs.) tJ MOVIE "Shall We Dance" ( 1937, Mystery) Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers. A pair of dancers are forced into marriage because of public opinion. (2 hrs ) 8) P.M. MAGAZINE A visit to Joe Namath's foot· ball camp for youngsters; a 98-year-old recent high school·graduate. m THE IMMIGRANTS Dan's all-consuming success causes much personal conflict until he finds inner peace. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) (S MIXED BAG "Inside. Outside" A close el<arnina- 1ion of filmmakers who deal with the closed market to survive. (Part 2) e EVENING AT POPS Nell Carter and New York's renowned Abyssinian Baptist Church Choir join John Williams and the Boston Pops Orchestra for an evening of gospel and jazz. (1 hr.) (!) SPORTSCENTER CD) MOVIE "The Irishman" ( 1978. Orama) A proud Irishman refuses to yield to progress when his busl· ness as. a teamster is threatened by motorized transportation. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CS) MOVIE "Elvis" ( 1979, Biography) Kurt Russell, Season Hubley. Elvis Presley rises lrom poverty and obscurity to achieve fame and fortune as a super- star musical performer. (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 0 JOEL GREY IN CONCERT The ve<satile talents of the Tony Award-winning entertainer are featured m this one-man show which includes a salute to George M. Cohan. ( 1 hr.) 8:308 Cl) WKRP IN CINCINNATI Mr. Carlson's mother secretly takes measures to turn the station's success Into failure. (A) (!) IRONSIDE • SINGLES MAGAZINE An Interview with acter Tony Danza of "Taxi"; how to kiss with confidence. comedy with Maureen Murphy. @ MOVIE "Under Milk Wood" (1973. Orama) Richard Burton. Elizabeth Taylor. A family from the Welch countryside live the summer life and plan for r-1 I I I ~ I I ,. • ~ ; I I I ' • ~ Monday (continued) O> r' the tulure ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 0!) GAEA T PERFORMANCES "On Giant's Shoul- ders" Terry Wiles. a v1ct1m of thalidomide, por1rays himsell 1n lhe story of his life Wilh his adopltve par- ents and !heir struggle to increase Terry's Independ- ence despite his handicaps (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min.) CD MOVIE "Kagemusha" ( 1980. Drama) Tatsuya Nakadai. Tsutomu Yamazaki A look-alike th1et lakes over and carries out the respons1b11it les of a Japanese warlord who was unexpectedly killed tCJ provide his lieutenants w11h more time to enact 1he1r defense 'PG' (2 hrs . 40 min ) MOVIE "The Sin Of Harold D1ddleb0Ck" ( t947 Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden. An amb1t1ous se1t-s1arter 0 1 the 1920s learns that sue cess has its price ( t hr .• 30 min.) 8:50@ MOVIE "Three Guns For Texas" (1 968. Western) Neville Brand. Peter Brown A trio of Tex- as Rangers tight 1he1r way from one trait to the next (2 hrs .. 5 min ) 9:008 Cl) M0 A ·s·H Sidney Freedman 1s seni to lhe 4077th to sludy the effects of pressure on the camp personnel (R) 0 fl) MOVIE "Freedom Road" ( 1979. Drama) Muhammad All. Kns Knstoflerson. Al the close of lhe CIVIi War. an ex-Union Army soldier returns to the abandoned plantation where he was a slave and convinces a sharecropper to help htm blty the land. (Part t) (A) (2hrs.) m MERV GRIFAN Guests Jack Jones, Fred Gran· ~·Lisa Robinson. Johnny Yune ( 1 hr.) tE GREAT PERFORMANCES "On Giant's Shoul- ders" Terry Wiles. a victim of thalidomide. portrays himself in the story ot his Ille with his adoptive par- ents and their struggle to increase Terry's lndePend- ence despite his handicaps (R) ( 1 hr , 30 min.) CC) MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979. Dfama) Steve McOueen, Ell Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous life as a modern-day t>ounty hunter 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min) (E) SWIMMING Coverage of the USA vs USSR lnlernatioflal Dual Meet from Knoxville. Tenn. (A) (?hrs.) • CH) MOVIE "St. Helens" ( 1981. Drama) An Car- ney. David Huttman An 80-year-old man refuses to leave his small resort after a geologist predicts a volcanic disaster 'PG' ( 1 hr , 35 min.) Cl MOVIE "Solo" ( 1978, Dfama) Vincent Git. Per- ry Armstrong. A fiercely Independent Australian woman who works as a forest ranger becomes Involved with a Ore pilot (2 hrs ) 9:30 9 (I) HOUSE CALLS Charley suffers from Insomnia and Norman gets an inflated ego Cf) MOVIE "Macao" ( 1952. Adventure) Robert Milchum. Jane Russell A torch singer and an adventurer 101n forces in a 1roplcal port city to trap a racketeer. ( t hr . 30 min.) 10:009 ()) LOU GRANT Lou and a hard-working policeman become the Innocent victims of a victOUs armed hOld~. (1 hr.) aaatmNEWS @ SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing songs at>out singing itself fD) AT THE ROSE BUD Lou Conte's Hubbard Street Dance Company performs lhe comlcal "At The Rose Bud" and the sophisticated "Excerpts From Gershwin Dances." CO) MOVIE "Deadly Blessing" ( 1981, Horror) Ernest BOl'gn1ne. LOIS Nettleton. A hving nightmare begins lor a young woman when she mames into a str ict religious sect 'A' ( 1 hr . •5 min,) CZ) MOVIE "Excalibltr" ( 1981, Fantasy) Nigel Ter· ry. Nicol Williamson The exploits of King Arthur bring power and death to 1he knights of lhe Roond Table. 'R' (2 hrs . 20 min) 10:30tl) NEWS @ SIONA TURE Guest· Milos Forman 9 AT THE ROSE BUD Lou Conte's Hubbard Street Dance Company performs the comical .. At The Rose Bud" and lhe soph1stlca1ed "Excerpts From Gershwin Dance& • · 89 U.S. CHRONICLE "Since '45" Three decades of American history reveal a changing culture and the media's influence on n. CS) MOVlE "The Children" ( 1980. Horror) Martin Shakar. Gii Rogers A strange radlOactlve cloud rurns a group of schoolchildren Into murderous zom- bies'Wlth black llngernall&. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:55 (fl) MOVIE "She Couldn't Say No" ( 1940. Com- edy) Eve Arden. Roger Pryor. A starving attorney and his secretary. also a lawyet. take opposite sldeS ~ the same case. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 11:008 De Cl) 0 e NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rr JOE FRANKLIN M•A•S•H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "Inside, Outlldo .. A. cloM examina- tion of filmmakers who deal with the closed market to survive. (Part 2) • I 8USINE88 A90R1' DOCTOR IN ntE HOU8e \ SINGING THE GOSPEL -Nell Ou-fer. star of Broadway's "Ain't Misbehavin' " and NBC's "Gimme a Break," appears wi th the celebrated Abyssinian Baptist Church ch oir on "Evening at Pops" on K OCE (Ch . 50) Monday at 7:45 p.m. ct:) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well·known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almosl every 1ns11tution imaginable in this uncensored, ncrholds· barred concert performance. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) (() INSIDE BASEBAU (R) ® EARTH, WINO AND FIRE IN CONCERT The jazz-funk-rock group combine explosive Singing with complex chofeography and flashy special effects In a performance taped at the Oakland Coliseum In Oakland. California. ( 1 hr.) 0 MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 19817'Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Asher. The 150 midgets who are 1n town for the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz ... 1urn a California hotel upside-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 mm 1 11 :30 B ()) QUINCY Quincy orders a psychological autopsy when he can't find conclusive evidence thal an evangelist took htS own life. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) D GD THE BEST OF CARSON Host· Johnny Car- son. Guests· James Stewan, Don Adams. Manhat- lan Transfer (R) ( 1 hr.) fJ ®l ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE t> MOVIE "Go For Broke" (1951. Comedy) Van Johnson. G13nna Marla Canale. The heroic 442nd Combat Regiment is comp11sad of Americans and Japanese dFuf~orld War II. (2 hrs ) I THEJE · ONS SANFOAO ANO SON MOVIE "Under Milk Wood" ( 1913. Dfama) Richard Burton. Elizabeth Taylor A family from the Welch countryside live the summer life and plan for the future ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPOATSCENTER MOV1E "The Teasers Go To Paris' ( 1978. Com- edy) Jeanne Caner. Vicki Telle< Membefs of a Ca11- forn1a high school volleyball team find numerous romantic adventures in the French capita!. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 9 MOVIE "Skatetown U.S.A." ( t979, Come- dy) Scott Balo. Greg Bradford. A young skater falls 1n love et the local roller-disco rink. where he is chal-• lenged by e street gang leader in a championship contest (2 hrs .. 15 min.) Cf) MOVIE "Sam's Song" ( 1974, Drama) Robef'1 De Niro, Jennifer Warren. The arrival of beautiful blonde upsets the f0tmerly stable working relation- ships .of a grooF> or filmmakers producing a political documentary. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "Johnny Come lately" ( 1943. Drema) James Cagney. M&rlOf'le Main. two vetetan news- paper publlshera join forces In • fight against a local town b068. (2 hra.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CABARET "Slngln' II'' Karen M0trow and Nancy Duasautt alng aongs abOUt singing Itself (1 hr . 30 mln.) ® MOVIE "Allen" ( 1979. Horror) Tom Skemlt. Yaphe1 Kotto. The crew of a spaoegolng acrap car- rier follow a mya1er1ous 9'gtlll to a suppoeedly deed planet and. efttr landing. dleooYer that the message was a warning to atay away. 'R' (2 hrs., 4 min.) (JV MOVIE "l..lura'' (1980, Orama) Dewn Ountop. -·---·----- Maud Adams A woman Ines to prevent a relation- ship between a sculptor with whom she had had an affair and her teen-age ballerina daughter 'A' ( 1 hr. 25 min) 12:05 MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981 Adven1ure) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. A young woman searches tor her missing father In the Alri- can 1ungle where she encounters an unc1v1hzed while man and an orangutan 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 mtn.) 12: 10@MOVtE "All Force" ( t943, Adventure) John Garheld. Arthur Kennedy On December 6. 1941. the bomber "Mary Ann" leaves for lhe Pacific w11h 11s crew ballllng againsl enormous odds. (2 hrs .. 35 m1nJ_ 12:25(C) MOVIE "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" ( 1977. Drama) Sylvia Krtslel. Umberto Orsini A beaullful woman's search ror the ultimate ero11c expenence brings her to a l>lartling realization ·R' ( 1 hr . 40 rnin) 12:30Q fl) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guesls Tom Brokaw. Rulh Gordon. tilmmaker Andy Aaton (R) ( t hr ) O COUPLES «!) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE NBA BASKETBALL NBA All-Stars vs Chinese Army Team from Shanghai, China (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min) CZl MOVIE "Sons And Lovers" ( 1960. Drama) Tre· vor Howard. Dean S1ockwell Based on the novel by D H. Lawrence A dom1naling mother Inspires her son 10 bypass romance to better himsell ( 1 hr .• 45 minj_ 12:408 (I.) LOST TREASURE OF THE CONCEP- CION The recovery by a team ol divers of an estl- maled $200 m11hon in booly stored In a sunken Spanish galleon is chronicled. William Conrad nar· rates. (R) ( 1 hr • 10 min ) 1:008 GENE AUTRY ti) MOVIE "Detective Story" ( 1951, Dfama) Kirk Douglas. Eleanor Parker. A New York City detective attacks his work with a maniacal zeal until the effects begin appearing In his personal. oft-duty Ille and everyday relationships ( 1 hr., 30 min ) ([) g MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part 11" ( 1981. Horror) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly killings continue at a summer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there 'R' ( 1 hr . 27 min.) 1:30 D m NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 8GENEAUTRY 1:508NEWS 2:00 (() POCKET BILLIARDS Luther Lassiler vs Cowboy Jimmy Moore (A) ( t hr.) ® THE UNEXPURGATED BENNY HILL The wild and wacky British comedian portrays venous char- aclers. including a circus clown and a French e>Cchange student. In numerous sketches. ( 1 hr.) CS) MOVIE "Fists 01 Fury" ( 1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee, Marta Yi. A martial arts expert finds unexpected danger when he goes to work in a BarljlkOk t0e factory 'A' ( 1 hr . 43 min.) 2:05(!) NEWS CC) MOVIE "Drive-In" ( 1976, Comedy) Glenn Morshower. Lisa Lemole. Several Te>Cas teen-agers meet during a night of romance and excitement at a drtv&-ln theatre lea1urlng en improbable disaster film ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) 2:158 NEWS CZ) MOVIE "Sitting Ducks" ( 1980, Adventure) Michael Emil. Zach Norman Two lnepl mobSters flee to Sooth America and encoonrer the women asst_g_ned to klll them. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 2:20 8 MOVIE "The Magician" (1973. Adventure) Bill Bh,by. Kim Hunter. A magician uses his skills to further the cause of justice (2 h~ .. 20 min.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH fJDNEWS CD MOVIE "Saturday The 1.itth" ( 1981, Comedy) Richard Benjamin. Paula Prentiss. A couple discov- er that the hoUse they've inherited is being occupied by vampires. ghosts end assorted monsters. 'PG' U hr . 15 min) 0 MOVIE "Student Bodies" (1981. Comedy) Kristen Riter. Matthew Goldsby A heavy-breathing psychotic killer stalks lhe fun-loving students of a typical American high school. 'A' ( t hr .. 25 min.) 2:45 (llJ WOALD AT 1.AAGE 3:00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN (llJ NEWS (() BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Michigan -'79" (R) ( 1 hr.) CB) MOVIE "Scout's Hono<" ( 1980. Dr11ma) Gary Coleman. Katherine Helmond. A lonely orphan cons and extremely reluctant. happily single executive Into becoming den mother to a pack of Cub Scoots. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:46(1:) RICHA~O PRYOR IN CONCERT The well- known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every Institution Imaginable In thla uncenaored. no- holds-barred concert perfe>fmance. ( 1 tv .. 20 min.) • CJ) CtNEMASCORE 3:60(1) MOVIE "The First Nudle Mualc.al" ( 1975, Comedy) Cindy Wllllams, Bru~ Kimmet. A down- 1nd·out Broadway p«>dUCet ptans to spark lnterMt In his latest prottct b)' t t9Qlng h completely In the nude. 'R' (,ht., 38 min.} 11 I .. , .,.. ... " ... \l<>IC\I:\<; \J()\'IES 5:05© "Flash Gordon" (1980, Sc1ence-F1ctton) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow 6:00 0 "Hawmps!" (1976, Comedy) James Hamp- ton Christopher Connelly. 6:05@ "The Shuttered Room" ( 1967. Mystery) Gig You_.09. Carol Lynley. 6:30(.Z) "Sitting Ducks" ( 1980. Adventure) Michael Emil. Zach Norman 7:00© "Paptllon" ( 1973. Adventure) Steve McOueen Dustin Hoffman. 7:30(]) "T:m" ( 1981 . Drama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gib· son. S h d 8:000 "Sorcerer" (1977 Suspense) Roy c e1 er, Bruno Cremer Cl) "Only When t Lari" ( 1968. Comedy) Richard Attenborough. David Hemmings. 8:05@ "Escape To Mindanao" (1968. Adventure) Ge~e Mahar1s. Willi Koopman. 9:45 CZ) "Knighlriders" ( 1981 . Adventure) Ed Harris. Gary_Laht1. 10:00(~ "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly D' Angelo. CS) "The Trouble With Girls" ( 1969, Musical) Elvis Presley, Marilyn Mason. 0 "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1949, Romance) Jean Simmons. Donald Houston. 10:05@ "No Man Of H« Own" (1_~0. Drama) Bar· bara StlmwyOk~ Jottn Lund. • 11:00(ID "The Other.Sica at lht._.oumam --Part U'' · ( 1978, Drcvnal Marilyn H ... eu. Timothy Bottoms. 12:008 "The Dancing ~asters" ( 1943. Comedy) Stan Laurel, 'Oliver Hardy. e "Castle K"p" ·11969, Drama) Burt Lancaster, Peter Falk. e "The Proud And The Prolane" ( t956. Drama) Wiiiiam Holden, Deborah Kerr. CC) "Hondo" ( 1954; Western) John Wayne. Geral- dine Pege. CI) "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981 , Comedy) Richard Benjamin, Paula 'Prentiss. g "Solo" (1978, Dra:ma) Vincent Gil, Perry Arm- stro_!!g. 12: 15 CZJ "Come Have Cottee With Us" (1972. Come- dy) Ugo Tognazzi, Valentine. 1:30© "Shipwreck" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert Logan, Mikki Jamison-Olson. 2:00(!) "Fort Apache" ( 1948, Western) John Wayne. Henry Fonda. CH) "Breakthr~". ( 1979. Drema) Aictiard Bur· ton. Rod Steiger. ' CJ) "The Outr~·~~964. ~).·.Paul Newman, Leiqence Herv:er. "" D "Ha'!V"W~· ~1976 .c~y) James ~ampton. Christophm Conrlelfy. ~ • • , , _ (J)~·zoot Sul~" ~t98i'-tt>f~ Daniel valdez. Edward' James t. ~ ~it: -; ~309 "Undl!f fOlil -:000~·(1~1~ Orama) RIChard Burton, Ehzabefh T~. '., -3:00(0 "Clash Of The Jitlll)$:'..-(198-1, Fantasy) Her- ry Hamlin, Laurena! Ollltle< 3:30(C) "P1nchC1ifl ~raAd Piix" (1980, Adventure) Animated ® "Attack~orce-Z" ( 1'380, Adventuie) Jotln Phil- lip Law. Mel G1bSM. 4:008 "In The Good Old Summertime" t 1949. Musical) Van Johnson. Judy Garland. 0 "Under The Rainbow" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Came Fisher ClJ "The Private Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway 4:30(SJ "Invaders From The Deep" ( 1981, Science· Fiction) Puppe1s. 5:00(!) "The Big Streer" ( 1942, Romance) Henry Fonda, Lucille Ball. (C) "Papillon" ( 1973. Adventure) Steve McOueen. Dustin Hoffman. (1J "Pinchcltfl Grand Pnx" ( t980. Adventure) Ani- mated ©)"Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. 5:05@ ''Tripoli" ( 1950. Adventure) Maureen O'Hara, John Payne. 5:30(%) "Sitting Ducks" ( 1980, Adventure) Michael Emll, Zach Norman. ANOTHER MARRIAGE -Lude Amaz, who plays a cate~r, sh~ her !~ of a second rtJarriage w1tb her luuw;e, 'f!lsyf!Jd ~Y ~Luckinbill, a muaeuin ~t.or. m ·~Mon Try~" on KNXT (Cb. 2) Tamday at 8:30 p.m . . HAWAII FIVE-0 18.W.A.T. OVER EASY Guest. jazz great Dizzy Gillespie. NEWS GIC OF OtL PAINTING . BARNUM ANO HIS HUMAH ~ Richard Kiley hosts this documentary tracing the car.eer of the "Greatest Showmen on ·E.artl\." l 1 hr.) CI) MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981. CQmedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. The 150 tnidgets who are in town for the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz," turn a California hotel upside-down. 'PG' (1 hr., 38 min.) g MOVIE "Sorcerer" ( 1977. Suspense) Roy Scheider. Bruno Cremer. Four desperate men risk their lives while hauling explosive nitroglycerine through South American jungles lo battle .an oil-well llr.e. ·PG' (2 hrs .. 2 min.) &.OO(I) G NEWS tllLLm .\.. °'VETT Guest authof a~ dlAICIOf •• than Miiier. ·(Part J) (R) ~-• :-.' • • f'-ASTJIORWAAO .. , . . .\ ~ ·~e ''le$ Bon Oebarras''.,.( J$80;-0r~ o;;;r~·i.ni[e Lautler. ~arie 'Fife?-. The.Jr. ~.{)f • • •Of-a lower-class Fr~ C&~ lly *~ lled. (1 hr .. 50 min.) • • .. •• , -.._.t ~NEWS i . ~ I NEWS ~ ~·. ;.· RUNG FU ;. ' • ABC NEWS - ,Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A man's 50th-blrtbday, 18-~t endurance test: an airborne neoqa1a1 ftmbu- 4anoe servlce in Louisiana. I THE SAINT NINE ON NEW JERSE¥ ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H m> fl) JOKER'S WILD fli) Ci) BUSINESS REPORT (fi) WHAT ON EARTH Orson Bean hosts th1~ lasr- paced, tact-filled science series. (Q) MOVIE "loot Suit" (1981 , Drama) Daniel Val- dez. Edward James Olmos In 1940s Los Angeles, a cause celebre erupts over the framing of members of a Chicano street gang for murder. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) (%)MOVIE "Sons And Lovers" ( 1960. Drama) Tre- vor Howard. Dean Stockwell. Based on the novel by o H. Lawrence. A dominating mother lns(ilres her ~~-to bypass romance to better hlmeelf. t hr., 45 7:05 NEWS 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: Los Angeles plan~ for a nuclear attack; meet a ~r who can't talk; the wOfld of puppets at the isrofft Puppet FaCtOfy. I • FAMILY FEUO EYE ON LA. FeatUred: a report on dletln9.; aports widows; a repon on weltr~: Hollywood s aexlest men. __.1;..o,. Cl). TIC T~ UU\NH . .., ·. I I • I -....... ..:. I ·~ ... .! ~ ~l . . # I 1 to N Tuesday (continued) co CJ) ,_ ,... N 15-year-old female students. (Part-5) (R) c:;i ( 1 hr) Ul) ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN "The Young" I "Carlos Alf1d1" Al the age or 91 , Maes1ro Arthur Rubinstein talks aboul lile. music and people while traveling throughout the Mediterranean and Europe ( 1 hr ) (£) NBA BASKETBALL NBA All-Stars vs. Chinese Army Team from Shanghai. China. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) @ MOVIE "Figures In A Landscape" ( 1970. Dra- ma) Robert Shaw, Malcolm McDowell. In an unnamed country. two men flee their military pur- suers 1n the hope that they can reach the border belore capture 'PG' ( 1 hr . 50 min ) MOVIE "Come Have Coflee Wnh Us" ( 1972. Comedy) Ugo Tognaw, va1en11ne A middle-aged 1ax consultant lor the llahan government relocates to a small country town where he has been made head ot the department ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 9:30 0 ®) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Jackie becomes upset when her lather and her boyfriend '!.9.ree about their slim chance for happiness. (R) CttJ MOVIE "Eye 01 The Needle" ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Suthe1land. Kate Nelligan While on a remote Scottish island to meet a German subma- rine. an Axis spy finds sheller from the storm 1n the cottage of a young married couple. 'A' ( 1 hr . 51 min,) 10:00 a am m News O ®l HART TO HART Jonathan and Jennifer ent&r a high-stakes card game 10 win an expenS1ve base- ball card cOllect1on and rescue a kidnapped boy (R) O (1 hr) fD WITH OSSIE AND RUBY "Medley" Ruby Dee stars in a one-woman performance of a drama adapted from a short story by Toni Cade Bombara. (R) D Ul) ~STEAY "Rumpote 0 1 The Bailey: RumpOle And The Course 0 1 True Love" Rumpole defends a teacher charged with the corruption of one of his 15-year-old female S1udents. (Part 5) (R) c:;i ( t hr.) CC) MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau BridgeS. Be\lerly D' AngelO. A small town 1n Florida takes matters into Its own hands when by- passed by a new highway. (2 hrs.) (I) ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES (Part 3) 0 MOVIE "The Haunting Of Julia" ( 1977. Suspense) Mia Farrow, Keir Dullea. Alter recovering from an emotional crisis, a woman purchases e house that appears to be. haunted. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.l 10:30.NEWS QI 8'°NA T\JRE Guest· Steve Allen • WERE YOU THERE? "The Day When The Ani- mals Talked" Ninety-year-old educator Rev Dr Wii- iiam Faulkner provides fresh insights Into Afro- American folklore (R) D CE POWER BOAT RACING (1) MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" (1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scoltlsh Island lo meet a German subma· nne, an A>us spy finds shelter from the storm 1n the collage ol a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr . 51 min.) 10:40@ MOVIE "Stallion Road" (1947, Drama) Ronald Reagan, Alexis Smith. Romance develops between a veterinarian and a lovely female rancher (2 hrs) 10:45 CZ) CINEMASCOAE 1t:OO 8 II 8 (I) 0 e NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M"A"S"H BENNY HILL QUIZKIOS I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE NASL WEEKLY (R) MOVIE "Chatterbox" ( 1977. Comedy) Candice Rtalson.A young woman's unique anatomical delor- mtty brings her financial success but ruins her social life. 'R' ( 1 hr . 13 min ) (ID MOVIE "Honky Toni< Freeway" (1981. Come dy) William Devane. Be\lerty o· Angelo Though bypassed by a new Stiper highway. a small Florida town manages 10 allract a motley collection of tra- velers who wind up there by accident. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) (%) MOVIE "Zool Sult" ( 1981, Orama) Daniel Val· dez. Edward James Olmos. In 1940s Los Angeles. a cause celebre erupts over the framing of rnembefs of a Chicano s1ree1 gang l0¥1urder. 'R' (1 hr . 43 mlnJ_ 11:30 8 (I) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from the United States Tennla AS&Oclatlon Na11onal Ten· nls Center. Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. N.Y. D • TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: Joe Gar~. ( 1 hr.) I 0 ABC NEWS NtGHTLll'E MOVIE "In The Good Old $ummef11me" ( 1~9. Musical) V•n Johnson. Judy Garland. Neither , u , •\•\o:.'4 \\"'\ ~· II '\:"\9•\'A I I V•' '' THE BIG BUNT-Ruth Gordon and Willie Aames are just two of 15 heirs t.o a multi- millionaire's fortune who do battle in a winner-take-all chase for bizarre items in "Scavenger Hunt " on KNXT (Ch . 2) Tuesday at 9 p.m. knowing that the other is their secret pen pal, two clerks in a music store are constantly on the outs with each other (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON @ DANCE "MacMillan's Mayerling" A documenta- ry on Kenneth MacMiiian's acclaimed Royal Ballet production. which recounts the scandalous s1ory ot the double suicide at Maye<11ng. (2 hrs.} I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS • SPORT SCENT ER MOVIE."The Other Side 0 1 The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978. Orama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bot- toms Former champion skier Jiii Klnmont. rendered a quadriplegic by a tragic accident. wrestles with sell-doubt when a new 10\le enters her lite. ( 1 hr .. 40 minl_ 11:S5 (C) MOVIE "Mahogany" ( 1975, Orama) Diana Ross. Anthony Perkins A young black woman rises from the depths of the ghetto to international lame as a fashion designer and model. 'PG' (1 hr • 50 min.) 12:008 (J) ALICE Mel misunderstands Aiiee's simple dinner Invitation and all but mo\les In with her and Tommy. (R) I ENTERT' AINMENT TONIGHT ®J FANTASY ISLAND A father Irias to win the love of his son. and a woman sets out to find a doctor who disappeared with a fortune. (R) ( 1 hr • tO mm) (!) MOVIE "Perilous Voyage" ( 1969. Drama) Michael Parks. Wiiham Shatner. A revolutl008ry leader begins his coup by hijacking a boat and hold· 1~ the passengers hostage. (2 hrs.) W MOVIE "Carmen Jones" ( 1954, Musical) Harry 9etatonte. Dorothy Dandridge. Based on the opera "Carmen" by Bizet. A rivalry erupts between two workers at an Army parachute plant (2 hrs.) G> LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE O MOVIE "Get Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( 1978. Comedy) Gerard Oepardleu. Patrick Oewaere. A young and optimistic husband goes to almost unbelteveable lengths to ensure his wife's hap~t· ness. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 12!30 0 e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests· Gene Autry, actress Mary Beth Hun ( 1 hr) I COUPLES LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) MOVIE "For Voor Eyes Only" (198 1. Adven· ture) Roger Moore, Topol. James Bond tracks a criminal who RtJrlolned a top secret British defense device. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. The 150 midgets who are in town for 1he filming of "The Wizard Of Oz." turn a California hotel upslde-dOwn. 'PG' ( 1 hf .• 38 mln,l 1~35 9 (I) MCCLOUD McCIOud and Chief Cllfl0<d try to atop a move by New York's mob to Infiltrate Australia. (A) (2 hrs . 10 min.) t2:40@MOVI£ "Muscle Beach PartY" (1984. com.- dy) Fr&Mle AvalOn. AnMttt Funlc*to. A wtett"y woman idles away her lime. money and affect1ons on muscle men at the beach. (2 hrs.) 12:45 (%) MOVIE "ExcalibUr" (1981, Fantasy) Nigel Terry. Nicol Wllhamson. -The exploits of King Arthur bring power and death to the knighls of the Round Table 'A' (2 hrs • 20 min ) 1:000 MOVIE "The Cowboy And The Lady" ( 1938. Weslern) Gary Cooper. Merle Oberon. A romancing ranch hand sweeps an heiress from the city off her leer (2 hrs) ti) MOVIE "Young Al Heart" ( 1954. Musical) rrank Sinatra. Dons Day Problems beset a young ·couple after the man sreats his partner's liancee ( 1 hr .. 30 min) (OJ MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981 Comedy) Chevy Chase. Came Fisher The t50 midgets who are 1n town lor the t1lm1ng of "The Wizard Of Oz. · turn a Calrlorn1a hotel upside-down 'PG' ( 1 hr 38 min) 1.100 MOVIE "H1gn Time' ( 1960. Comedy) Bing Crosby. rab1an A widower tails 1n love with a French reacher alter he returns to college. ( 1 hr 30 min) @)NEWS 1: 15 ® RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 V(orld Serles. 1:30 0 G) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT (() TRACK ANO FIELD Coverage of the Weltklasse Meer fr om Cologne. West Germany (A) (:?hrs . 30 min _l_ 1 :45 ('_c) MOVIE "The Octagon" (1980, Adventure) Chuck Norris. Lee Van Cleef. A wealthy young wom- an hires a retired martial ans champion to protect her from terrorists trained by lhe mysterious Nln1a cult 'R' ( 1 hr . 43 min.) CID MOVIE "Attack Force Z" ( 1980. Adventure} John Phillip Law. Mel Gibson. During World War II. a top-secret Australian attack unit penetrates Japa- nese lines to perform a daring rescue mission. C 1 hr .. 35 min.) 2;00 G» MOVIE "The Helen M0<gan Story" ( 1957, Biography) Ann Blyth. Paul Newman. A torch sing- er suffers personal and professional loss as she f_!g_hts a battle against alcoholism (2 hrs .. 15 min.) U MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981. Adven· ture) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. While accompany- ing her rather on a search for the legendary Ele- phant's Graveyard. a young woman is abducted by an uncrv1lized white man who was raised by apes in theingle. 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 min.) 2:05 NEWS 2: 10 MOVIE "Barbarella" (1968. Sclence-FIC- lion) Jane Fonda. Milo O'Shea. A daring space heroine ol the future encounters strange galaxies and villains. accompanied by a blind guardian angel. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH eNEWS 2:40.NEWS @WORLD AT LARGE 2:459NEWS (JJ MOVIE "Papillon" ( 1973. AdVenture} Steve McOueen. Dustin Hoffman. A pair of Devil's Island convicts spend their time planning their escape. ( 1 hr. 15 min.) 3:008 MOVIE "The Real Glory" (1939. Drama) Gery Cooper. Da\lld Niven. A military doctor aids in medical and political areas In the Philippines tollow- i~ the Spanish-American War. (2 hrs.) Cf) JOE FRANKLIN @NEWS 3:15 8 MOVIE "Tiger By The Tall" (1969. Mystery) Christopher George. Dean Jagger. A Vietnam veter- an is accused ol his brother's murder after returning from the war. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (%) MOVIE "Knlghtrlders" ( 198 t Advenrure) Ed Hams. Gary Lahti. A group or motorcytists travel with a Renaissance fair and lind that the struggle against evil end fOf Ideals exisls In modern times also. 'R' (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 3:20® MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976. Orama) Clint Eastwood. Tyne Daly "Dirty Harry" Callahan ts joined by a female rookie In his pursuit of a group of California revolutionaries terrorlting San Francisco. 'R' ll hr .. 36 min ) 3:35(C) MOVIE "Jury Of One" ( 1974. Orama) Sophia Loren. Jean Gabln. A mother uses underworld connections to get hef son acquitted of rape and murder charges 'A' (1 hr .. 37 min.) 3:50(1) MOVIE "Tlm" (1981, Drama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a sensitive. middle-aged woman develop a close rela11onshlp of mutual need and understanding that leads to an unorthodox marriage. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (!) SPORTSCENTEA • O MOVIE "Delta Fox" ( 1978. Adventure) Rlci'lard Lynch. Stuart Whitman. A profesak>nal amuggi.t meets his match In a beautltuf woman Who traps him with a million dollars In hot money. (1 hr .. ~ min.) 4;05@ FUNTIME 4:16. MOVlE "X The Unknown" (1957, Sclence- Flctlon) Deen Jagoe<. EdWatd Chapmen. A tolentist fights an aWtiOme but nebuloul tedlOeatlve er•· tUfe on the Scott lit\ moor-.. ( t "r .. 45 m. 1 ,, \\ednesday Charles A. Lindbergh becomes the first man to 11¥ nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean 10 Pans. (2 hrs .• 15m1n) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 \I< >IC\ I '\C; \I< >\ · 1 LS 5:20 CC) "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) JOhn Wayne, Geraldine Page. 5:30(1) "Saturday The 14th" ( 198 t. Comedy) Rich· ard Benjamin. Paula Pren11ss g "The Haun11ng Of Juha" ( 1977. Suspense) Mia Farrow, Keir Dullea 5:45(%) "S1111ng Ducks" ( 1980. Adventure) Michael Emil, Zach Norman 6:05@ "The Woman In While" ( 1948, Mystery) Eleanor Parker. Alexis Smith. • 7: 15 (%)"Mad Wednesday" ( t947, Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden. 7:30(S) "Tarka The Oller" ( 1979) Documentary Narrated by Peter Ustinov. IS) "Momm1e Dearesr" ( 1981. Diama) Faye Ovna· way. Diana Scarw1d. 8:00 CC) "The Conqueror" ( 1956. Adventure) John Wayne, Susan Hayward. 8:05@ "On The Double" (1961. Comedy) Danny Kaye. Dana Wynter 9:00(1) "Knighlriders" ( t981, Adventure) Ed Hams. Gart_Lahti 10:00(k) "The Sprrll 0 1 SI Louis" ( 1957. Biography) James Stewart. Murray Hamilton (l) "Key To The City" ( 1950, Comedy) Clark Gable. Loretta Young 10:05@ "It Happened To Jane" ( t959. Comedy) Doris Day, Jack Lemmon 11:00® "Mommie Dearest " ( 1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwid • CJ "The Compet1t100" ( 1980. Drama) Richard Dreyf_uss, Amy Irving. 11:30(1) "The Private Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Knotts, Tim Conway. .\I· 11.ll'\< >< >'\ \I<>\ II." 12:0C)e "Carry On RegardleSs" (1963. Comedy) Kenneth Connor. Sidney James. • "The Gorgon" ( 1965. Horror) Christopher Lee. Peter Cushing. e "Comanche" ( 1956. West9fn) Dana Andrews, Linda Cristal. Cl) "This Is Elvis" ( 1981, Biography) Documentary. 12:30 CC) "The Fhcer" ( 1968. Orama) Dirk Bogatde. Alan Bates. 1:00(%) "Greased Lightning" ( t977. Blogfaphy) Richard Pryor, Beau Bridges. uoe "Legend°' The Wild" 2:00(!) "Chad Hanna" (1940. Orama) Henry Fon- da. Dorothy Lamour. CID "Cannonball Run" (1981. Comedy) Burt Rey- nolds, Dom OeLulae. 2:30(1) "Treasure Island" ( 1972. Actveoture) Orson Welles, Kim Burfield. 3:00(JJ "Detusion" ( 198 t , Mystery) Patricia Pearcy. Joseph Cotten. CZ) "Sitting Dvci<s" ( 1980, Adventure) Michael Emil. Zach Norman. 3:30 CC) "No Nut<es" ( 1980, Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby, Stills & Nash. e "The Other Side Of The Mountain --Part II" ( 1978, Drama) M'lrUyn Hassett, Timothy Bottoms. 4:00 e "Viva Vll'81" ( 1934. Adventure) Wallace Beery, Leo Garrillo. 00 "St. Helens" ( 1981. Orama) Art Carney. David Huffman, 4:30(1) "Tar'ka The Otter" ( t979) Documentary. Narrated by Peter Ustinov. (%) "Excalibur" ( t981, Fantasy) Nigel Terry, Nlool Williamson. 5:00 (f) "The Haunting" ( 1963. Horror) Julie Harris, Claire Bloom. CI) "Escape From New York" ( 1981, Sclenoe-Fic- tlon) Kurt Russell, Adrienne Barbeau. cm "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger·· ( t980, Western) Kltnton Spffsbury, Christopher Lloyd. 6:30(.C) "The Conqueror" ( 1956. Adventure) John Wayne. Susan Hayward. e "Monwnle Dearest" (198t, Orama) Faye Duna· way. Diana Scarwld. i .\ l "I"' I &:100•:: A8CH6W8 8.W.A.T. ~WAit FIVE.() OVER EASY "Alcoholism" Guest: Dana Andf~~ I MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING VIOEO JUKEBOX ~ .,,.,., \8" <•980. Sclenoe-Actloo) ROVING FOR 'REAL PEOPLE' -Kerry Millerick joins in the fun when he becomes a new roving reporter on NBC's popular series, "Real People," Wednesdays at 8 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4) this fall. Darren McGav1n, Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a secret government 1nstallat1on 1nvestiQate the cause of a satelhte's sud~n destruction. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 m1nJ 6:30 (I) e NEWS ({I BARNEY MILLEA e DICK CAVETT Guest: director and produoe< David Mamet. (R) • FAST FORWARO CID RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cov9f all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. 7:100£~ MICNEWS P.W. M.\QAZN A summer camp tor f!Aufe astronauts: a w~ who manifested 22 eepera1e Oftl'SOll\&U'tlee.. THESMfT NEWARK MIO REALITY ENTERT A....afr TONIGHT w·A·s·H l ~WILD 8U6IB8 AEPORT YESTERYE.All .. 1M7 Dick Cavett travets back to the prosperOU6 post-World War II efa that saw the gtowth of \he aubufbs. tetevlsk>n and the pes- sengef cw. ( 1 hr.) CI) MOVIE "Undef The AalnbOw" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie F'ISher. The 150 midgets who are In town f0< the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz." tum a Callfornla hotel upside-down. 'PG' ( t hr., 38 min.) cm MOVIE "Ofdlnary People" ( 1980, Orama) Mary Tyler Moore. Donald Sutherland. A guilt-ridden teen.ager trying to put his Ille back together after his brother's death and his own suicide attempt reaches out to his complacent father and his cold, reserved mother. 'R' (2 hrs .. 3 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Knlghtrlders" (198t. Adventure) Ed Harris, Gary Lahti. A group of motorcyllsfs travel with a Renaissance fair and find that the struggle against evil and for ideals exist~ In modern times also. 'R' (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: visit Elvis Pre&- ley's Graceland mansion: visit ()pryland and the Grand Old ()pry; an Interview with £ddle Arnold. I .FAMILY FEUD EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on dieting: leather fashions: L.A. 's most effglblt bachelors: what 11 takes to be'come a Playboy t>unny. I . TIC TAC DOUGH LATIN NEW YOAK YOU ASKED FOR rJ M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guett: JOhn O'Connor. MACNEJl /LEHAERREPOAT THE AMBASSADORS A man (Paul Scofleld). sont to Paris to reec:ue a young American friend from the clutches of a worldly P1rlllenne, Is aided In l'lls mis610n by a ehermlng American expatriate (Lee Remick) ltl this dramatization of Henry Jamee' nov- el. ( 1 hr .. 30 min •• CC) MOVIE ''The Spirit Of St. Louis" (1057. Biogra- phy) ~ ~. Murray Hamilton. In 1927, 7:35@ NEWS 7:40 0 SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW Host Robert Osborne looks al the movies. specials and sports even1s coming~ on SPOTLIGHT 8:00 tJ Cl) CBS REPORTS "Guatemala" Ed Rabel reports on the civil war in Central America's 11chest :9. 0 - na11on, and why the United Stales can no longer ~ 190ore 11 ( I hr ) 0: 0 flO REAL PEOPLE Featured· a Cahforn1a grape ~ festival. the "Mr Tush" contest, a v1s1t to Bortng, Oregon. a school lor baseball umpires. (R) ( 1 hr.) ~ 0 MOVIE "Go West. Young Man" ( 1936. Come· co dy) Mae West, Randolph Scolt. A movie star has ~ many misadventures on a personal appearance - tour (2 hrs ) ~ U ®) THE PHOENIX Bennu pulls a woman from a raging lire as federal agent Preminger moves in to capture him. (R) ( t hr ) 6 MOVIE "Swing Time" ( 1936, Musical) Fred Asraire, Ginger Rogers. A gambling dancer has a hard time saving money to marry his sweetheart. but comphcallons arise when he falls for another (2 hrs) (!)PAUL HOGAN 8) P.M. MA'GAZINE A summer camp for future astronauts. a woman who manifested 22 separate personall11es. g) MOVIE "Caprain Eddie" ( 1945, Biography) Fred MacMurray. Lynn Bari Famed aviator Eddie Rickenbacker becomes a wartime hero sher flying numerous missions and destroying a record number ol enemy planes. (2 hrs.) @ COLLLLLECTING Featured· lantasy hair makeo- ver. dress for success. fl) THE AMBASSADORS A man (Paul Scofield). sent to Pans to rescue a young American friend lrom the clutches of a worldly Parislenne. is aided 1n his m1ss10n by a charming American expatriate (Lee Remick) in lh1s dramatization or Henry James' nov- el (1 hr . 30 min.) ([) SPORTSCENTEA ® MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal Inves- tigates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( t hr .. 49 min.) CS) MOVIE "All The Marbles" ( 1981, Colnedy) Perer Falk, Burt Young. A hustling, wriseetacklng manager pushes hfs two female wrestlers toward the ~· 'R' ( t hr .. 55 min.) 9 MOVIE "The Competition" ( t980, Ofema) Richard Dreyfuss, Amy Irving. Two piantl.ts •a San Francisco music competition find that 1tlelr love for each other conflicts with their PfOieeaiDt., 8fnbt- t1<>ns. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 1:30 Cf) IRONSIDE I 000 COUP\.E THE WORLD Of-JMEl JOYCE This~ tary examines the life of James Joyce, with Inter- views of family members and others -.ho knew of him and his artistic exile. (2 hrs.) 8:35 al) All IN THE FAIA.. Y 9:00 8 (I) MOVIE "Helllnger's Law" ( 1981, Orama) Telly Savalas. Mofgen Stevens. A~ lew-- yer is hked to detend en emptoyee of a syndlcate- c~ted conglomera~ who Is accused of murder-. ~a television newscaster. (R) (2 hrs.) U e THE FAC'TS ~ UFE Aoomrrwlet Jo and Blair split up and Tootle and Natalie decide to tolow suit. (R) • 0 THE FALL GI.I'( Colt is hired by a bea1Alful woman to find her brothef bef0<e the mob kills him for his gam~ =ts. (R) ( 1 hr.) e MERV "Young Performets" Guests: Stefanie Winslow, Kristy McNlohol, Bill Hutton. De.an Butler, Mike Binder. Jm J. Bullock. ( 1 hr,) • AT THE R06E 8UO t..ou Conte's Hubbard Street Dance Company pe<forms the comical "At The Rose Bud" and the sophisticated "~Rt& from Gershwin Dances." {() TRACK ANO RELD Coverage of the Wellfdasse Meet trom Cologne. West Germany. (R) (2 hn .. 30 mtn.) - CI) MOVIE "Ms. 45" (2 hrs.) 9:05G7) MOVIE "A Dandy In Aspic" (t968, Suspense) Laurence Harwy, Mia Farrow. An undercover Soviet agent Is assigned to elimina1e an enemy lnflltralOf r.c;ponslble for the deatN of three British agents. (2 hrl .. 10 min.) ca> OlO ACOUAWTAHCES 9:30 8 e LOVE. 8'0HEY Sidney and Leurie dllcov- 8' that the fire that deetroyed their IMng room wu set by Patti. (R) (f) MOVIE "C.t Gift" ( 1957, Horror) S.rbera Shel- ley. Key Callerd. A woman's aoul enter& the body ot a bloodlu1ltlng leopard. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e JACK LOHOON WITH wtlUAM DEVANE The life of the Cetltomlan author la traced from hie youth to his untlmely dNth 1t the age or ~ tn • doeu· dreme S11trlna ~m O.Vane. (R) e A Tf8J'Tg TO ALEO WM.DEA Pertormencet by host Metlan McPlt111nd, YOCallft SUMl'll\lh MoCof• Ide al'd .,_, Arrengert' HoMOay Or~.,. .... ..... <O QI N • I I j' • ·. tt Wxlnesday (continued) N . co lured 1n an 1n11mate look at the life and work of the ~ American composer. ( t hr ) CID MOVIE "Student Bodies" ( 198 t, Comedy) Kristen Riter. Ma1thew Goldsby A heavy-breathing psycholic killer stalks the fun-loving students of a l}'p1ca1 American high school 'A' ( 1 hr. 25 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Greased Lightning" ( 1977, Biography) Richard f'ryor, Beau Bridges After World War II. a >. 1ax1 driver becomes the hrsl black champion 1n the «1 history ot the race-car circuit 'PG' (I hr . 36 min) :g 10:00 D m QUINCY Quincy IS assigned to determine u. 1f the death of an adm1rat was linked to a cover-up g _, of a computer spy ring's secret operations (R) ( 1 hr) oomm NEWs fJ @) DYNASTY Krystle awaits the outcome ol Claudia's surgery, Blake refuses Rh1newood's busi· ness offer. and Alexis dodges Colby's marriage otter (A) ( 1 hr ) Ell) A TRIBUTE TO ALEC WILDER Pertormances by host Marian McPartland. vocalist Susannah Mccor- kle and the Arrangers' Holiday Orchestra are fea- tured 1n an in11mare look at the hie and work of the American composer ( I hr ) (C) MOVIE "Drive-In" ( t976, Comedy) Glenn Morshower. Lisa Lemole Several Texas teen-agers meet during a night of romance and e1<c1tement at a drive-in theatre featuring an improbable disaster him ( t hr .. 40 min ) ® MOVIE "Momm1e Dearest" (1981, Drama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarw1d. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted chlldren 1n a domesnc atmosphere that varies fr\)m luxurious comfort to sad1s11c disc1phne. 'PG' (2 h'y.> .. 9 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Sex Ray" (Comedy) A futunstlC man creates a ray gun with the power to make any wom- an fall hopelessly in love. ( t hr .. 9 min) 10:30. NEWS @SfGNA TUAE Guest: John O'Connor. (il!) JACK LONDON WITH WILLIAM DEVANE The life or the Caltfornian author is traced from his youth to his unttmely death at the age of 40 in a docu- drama §tarring Wilham Devane. (R) 0 MOVIE " . All The Marbles" Peter Falk, Vicki Frederick. A wisecracking manager takes his two beautiful tag team wrestlers on the circuit in search or lame and tortune 'A' ( l hr . 55 min ) 11:00 8 8 8 (I) (I) fm NEWS 8 SATURDAY NIGHT 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT (!) JOE FRANKLIN I M"A"S"H BENNY HILL ® COLLLLLECTtNG Featured· fantasy hair makeo- ver: dress for success fJl) BUSINESS REPORT Q'i) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE CO MOVIE "Fatry Tales" ( t978. Comedy) Don Sparks, Sy Richardson A handsome prince experl· ences many encounters as he journeys through fairy land 1n search of the woman who will bear his heir 'A' ( t hr , 20 min ) CO) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" I 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future. two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes of first love 'PG' (I hr . 45 min.) 11: 15 @ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves ar Philadelphia Phllhes (3 hrs.) (%) CINEMASCORE 11:308 Cl) TENNIS Highlights of the US Open from the United States Tennis Association National Ten- nis Center. Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, N. Y 0 Q) TONIGHT Host. Johnny Carson Guests: Luciano Pavarottl.'Robert Klein ( t hr.) I (II ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Viva Villa'" ( 1934. Adventure) Wallace Beery. Leo Carrlllo. The famous patrlol and rebel rises to become president of Mexico. (2 hrs.) I TME JEFFERSON$ SANFORD ANO SON 19 THE WORLD Of JAMES JOYCE This documen- tary examines the life of James Joyce. with lnter- 111ews of family members and others who knew of him and his arllslic exile. (2 hrs.) I CAPTIONEDABCNEWS SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "This Is Elvls" ( 198 t. Biography) Docu- mentet'y. Alm footage and dramatic re-creations are l.lsed ro tell the story of EMs Presley's Me and careet. (1 hr ,42min.) (%) MOVIE "Only When I t.arf" ( t~ ComedY> RichOJd Attenbol'ough. Oevid Hemming&. A trio of British conmen attempt to fleece a mllltant ,(frlcan ~\. ·o· < 1 "'" 45 min.) 11:40(C) MOVIE "Cet>omenod' (1981,. 8ospenae) a.tes Bronson. Jason ~dt. M exited Nezl r-=:a"::,=r~,~:~tt.~,: (J hr .. 32 min.) 12.0)9 (1) MOW! "Frat--~" (1t7T, °'9fnl) ter Fox. Gr pn ' A... j 1 .....,.. ~~ ~ • IN DEFENSE OF ::_ Rod Taylor (right) plays the front for a crime syndic.ate who is eager to engage attorney Nick Hellinger, played by Teny Saval.as, in the defense of a business executive charged with murder in "Helli.nger's Law," which will be seen on KNXT (Ch. 2) Wednesda.)6-at 9 p.m . hrs .. 15 min.) U ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 (II LOVE BOAT Captain Stubing Is ottered com- mand of a lu1<ury shlp. a young man experiences pre-marital jitters. and Doc helps a couple patch their broken relat1onst11p (R) (1hr .. 10 min.) (!) MOVIE 0'The Dark Corner" ( t946. Mystery) Lucille Ball. Mark Stevens A pretty secretary helps 10 exonerate her detective boss from suspicion ot murdet. (2 hrs) m MOVIE "The Culpepper Cattle Co." ( 1972. Western) Gary Grimes. Luke Askew. A teen.ager bec6mes a mature cowbOy during a tong. difficult cattle drive to Colorado. (2 hrs.) '8 LOVE, AMERtCAN STYLE 12: 16 MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980. Comedy) Gil· da Radner. Bob Newhar1 The sexually repressed daughter ol the country's weirdest presidential fam1· ly complicates her father's attempts to conduct the affairs of state 'A' ( 1 hr . 44 min.) t2:300 01) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests. comedian George Miiier. film director Roger Corman. actress Viva. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AUTO RACING Coverage of the CAAT AlrCal 500 from the Riverside lnternahonal Speedway. Calif (R) (3 hrs.) CQ MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (1981. Come- dy) William Devane. Beverly D' Angelo Though bypaS¥td by a new super highway. a small Florida town manages to attract a motley collectron of 1ra- velers who wind up there by accident. 'PG' ( 1 hr . SO min) (1D MOVIE "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( t980. Western) Klinton Spitsbury. Christopher Lloyd. The Lone Ranger and Tonto pursue their arch~enemy. Butch Cavendish, who has kidnapped the pr8$1dent of the U.S. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 0 MOVIE "Sitting Ducks" ( 1980. AdVenture) Michael Emil, Zach Norman Two Inept mobSters ftee to Sooth America and encounter the women ass!~ to kill them 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 1:00 MOVIE "Whefe There·s Life" ( 1947, Come- dy) b Hope. W1lflam Bendix. A l0<elgn olllcer Is sent to New York to find the heir to his country's thrOl'le. (1 hr., 30 min.) • MOVlE "Thunder In fhe East" ( 1953. AdV4¥.'1· rure) Alan Ladd. Deborah Kerr. A blind girl attempts to help relieve tensions after a man Miis ~M to a maharalah.. ( 1 hr .• 30 ~) 1:1oe MOVIE "the foochebles' '(1~) Judy Huxa.ble. Eathet Anderson. A pop . ldOI kidnepped by toLw want~ It hunted by a wrwwa goon equad. ( 1 hr .. 30 m .) 1:~~ "t<llt And l<llt AOlln" t 1U1, A<Nen· an) ~ ~ Annett,.. l<rtlt. A INlltll 8'11 expert Dl*I • nWllenl at 1 paws-ftlilcf ~let lntonl on~ l'fW1klnd wtth a ,.. ~ vot •'°.:,.C rw .. 40 min.> ~ <%>~~-·MF·~ detectives are called in ro investigate a senes of murders In an English castle. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 31 min ) t:20 ct) MOVIE "Women In Love" ( 1970, Drama) Glenda Jackson, Alan Bates. Based on the novel by · DH Lawrence Two couples experience amb1valeri1 feetings ot love and hate in their romantic re1a11on- ships w11h their respecuve mates. (2 hrs .. tO min ) 1 :30 Q &) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:55 CID MOVIE "St. Helens" ( 1981, Drama) Art Car ney. David Huffman. An 80 year-old man refuses w leave his small resort airer a geologist predicts a votca"1c disaster 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 2:00 Q) MOVIE "Cornered" ( 1945, Adventure) Dick Powell. Walter Slezak A vengeful airman seeks the Nall war criminal responsible tor the deaths of his wile and child (2 hrs.) @ MOVIE "The Other Side Qt The Mountain -· Part II" ( t978. Drama) Martlyn Hassell, Timothy Bot toms Former champion skier Jill Kinmont. rendered a quadriplegic by a 1rag1c accident. wrestles with sell-doubt when a new love enters her hie ( 1 hr 45 min) 2:05 (!) NEWS 2:16 8 NEWS @ RAT PATROL 2:30 8 MOVIE "The Big Broadcast 011~38" < 1938. Mus1cc1I) Bob Hope, W.C Fields. Three of a man's ex-wives chase him across the sea in search ot back alimony payments (2 hrs J (!) MOANING STRETCH fJ) NEWS CD HUGHIE Jason RObards and Jack Dodson star 1n Eugene O'Ne111's one-acr play about two men from opposite worlds who share the tonehness ot the big city ( l hr . 30 min) 2:4()1 NEWS 2:45 MOVIE "Lydia" ( t94 1, Drama) M8t'le Oberon. Joseph Cotten. An elderly woman recalls her romantic past following a nostalgic reunion with four of he< former lovers ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) @WORLD AT LARGE (%) CINEMASCORE 3:00 (f) JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS Cl) MOVIE "All The Mwbles" (1 98 1, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hustling, w1secrack1ng manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the ~ 'A' (1hr .55 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Sin Of Harold Otddlebock" ( 1947, Comedy) Harold Lloyd, Frances Ramsden An amb111ous sell-starter of the t920s learns 1hat sue cess has Its price. ( t hr .. 30 min ) 3:30 (£)SPORTS FORUM (R) 3:35 Cl:) MOVIE "The Fixer" ( t 968, Drama) Dtrk Bogarde. Alan Bates. Based on a novel by Bernard Malamud. A turn-of-the-century Jewish peasant 1s wrongfully imprisoned for the death ot a ch1td in Kiev (2 hrs .. tO min.) MOVIE "Momm1e Dearest" (1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted children in a domestic a1mosphere that varies from luxurious comfort 10 sad1s1ic discipline 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min ) 3:45 0 FEMALE MUDWRESTUNG "World L1ght- we1~t Championship" ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART m MOVIE "The Last Days Of Pompeu" ( 1935. Adventure) Preston Foster. Basil Rathbone A blacksmith gives up his peaceful ways to become a champion gladia1or. (2 hrs.) (I) SPORTSCENTER 4:05 llZ) FUNTIME 4:30G I SPY (!) JIM BAKKER CZ> MOVIE "Knlghtriders" ( 1981. Adventure) Ed Harris. Gary Lahti. A group of motorcyllsts travel with a Renaissance fair and find tha1 the struggle against evil and lor ideals e1<ists in mocte<n times also 'A' (2 hrs. 25 min.) 4:35@ I DR~M OF JEANNIE Skid Row no stranaer to d irector Walt Hill Thursday \I< >ll'.\ I:\<; \I<)\' I ES 5:00(1) "Treasure Island" ( 1972. Adventure) Orson Welles. Kim Burfield 5: 15 O " ... All The Marbles" Peter Falk, Vicki Frede1- 1ck. 6:00 ~ "Murder At The World Senes" (1978, Suspense) Lynda Day George. Karen Valenllne. 6:05@ "For Love Or Money" (1963, Comedy) Kirk Do11l!_as. M11z1 Gaynor 7:00 (ZJ "Only When I !-art" ( 1968. Comedy) Rich- ard Attenborough, David Hemmings. 8:00 ~ "Flash Gordon" ( 1980. Science-F1ct1on) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. 0 "Sinbad And The Eye 01 The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour 8:05@ "Fate Is The Hunter" ( 1964, Orama) Glenn Ford. Nancy Kwan. 9:00(%) "Phantom Of The Paradise" (1974, Mys- tery) Paul Williams. Wilham Finley 10:00~ "How I Won The War"., (1968. Comedy) Michael.(:rtw.!ord, John Lennon. CS) "Act~ The Tiger" (1957. Adventure) Van Johnson. Martine Carol. 0 "G1g1" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Chevalier. Leslie Caron 10:05@ "Ten Little Indians" ( 1966, Mystery) Hugh O'Brlan. Shirley Eaton. 10:30(%) "Girl Friends" ( 1978, Drama) Melanie May- ron. Eli Wallach. . \I·" l lJC\< >< f\ \ 1< )\'I LS 12:0011 "UFO: Target Earth" (1974. Science-Fic- tion) Nick Plakias. Cynthia Cline. m "Stowaway To The Moon" ( 1974. Fantasy) Lloyd Bridges, Michael Link. e "Foreign Intrigue" ( 1956. Mystery) Robert Mitchum. Genevieve Page. CID "The Othec $.Ide Of The Mountain -Part II" U978. Drama) Marilyn'Hassett. Timothy Bottoms. CS) "EMs" ( 1979. Biography) Kurt Russell, Season Hubley. 0 "Robin And Marian'' ( 1976, Romance) Sean · Connery. Audrey Hepburn. CZ) "Only When I Larf" ( 1968, Comedy) Richard Attenborough, David Hemmings. 1:00(C) "Murder At The World Serles" (1978. Su~se) Lynda Day George. Karen Valentine. 2:00(!) "Drums Along The MohaWI<" ( 1939. Adven- ture) Henry Fonda. Claudette Colbert. ct "Willy Wonks And The Chocotate Factory" i..!971, Fantasy) Gene Wiider, Jack Albertson. CZ) "The Private Eyes" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. 2:3000 "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977. Suspense) Jacqueline Bissel, Christopher Plummer. ()) "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( t980. Come- dy) Rober1 Sacchi, OfMa Hussey. 3:00(1:) "Tell Me A Riddle" (1980; Drama) Melvyn Douglas. Lila Kedrova. 3:30(%) "Phantom Of The Paradise" ( 1974, Mys- tery) Paul Wiiiiams. Willlam Anley. -4:0011 "Rogue Cop" (1955, Drama) Robert Tay- lor. Janet Leigh. CC) "Flash G0<don" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. D "Gigi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Chevalier. LeSlie Garon. 6:00(1:) "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981. Adventure) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. cm "Space Movie" ( 1979) Documentary. Music by Mike Oldfield. S;t5(%) "Zoot Suit" (1981. Drama) Daniel Valdez. Edward James Olmos. 5:30 ID "Ten Days Wonder" ( 1972. MystEtty) Orson Welles. Anthony Perkins. l \ 1 " I '\( I , .... , ..... . HERE'S TO YOU -Ted Danson stars as the owner of a Boston bar where the conversation reflects a sports ambiance in "Cheers," a new comedy series which will be seen this fall on KNBC (Ch. 4) Thursdays at 9:30 p .m. a pertormance laped al lhe Oakland Coliseum 1n Oakland. Galilornla ( 1 hr:) (I) COUNTRY GOES TO ENGLAND Mel Tillis hosts this country music special filmed In England featur- ing Kris Kristotferson. Jerry Lee Lewis. Roy Orbison. Box Car Willy, Terci Gibbs and Biiiy Swan. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. The dashing hero battles unearthly creatures and a deadly tiger to remove the curse that keeps a young pnnce from his rightful place on the throne. 'G' ( 1 hr .• 53 min.) 6:20 cm YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THe SAME 6:30 Cl) e NEWS ltl BARNEY MILLEA • DICK CAVETT Guest: director and produce< David Mamet. (A) GD FAST FORWARD cm MOVIE "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton. Three working women rebel against their subjugation by a male chauvinist boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Trained Army dogs skydive with their human partners: a l~ng smoking lwll~~~ONKlHT M•A•S•H I JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT INS10E THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonicontl present highlights of the prevfOU& week's pro football action and lntervlewS with players and coaches. ( 1 hr.) (I:) MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It" (1981, Comedy) Robert Haya. Barbara Hershey. A young corporate executive runs Into resistance when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a comp.any brewery. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Private Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. Two bUmbllng American detectives are called In to Investigate a series of murders In an English castle. 'PG' (1hr .• 31 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: the Increasing number of divorce cases; Allhlemef's Disease. or pre-senility. Is a killer; a computer to help with exotic Investments. I • FAMILY FEUD 8TRAWBERAY SHORTCAKE tN BtG APPLE CITY .Anlmoted. Strawberry Shortcake anetnpts to outwit the P90\Jllar Purple Pfeman Of Porcupine Peak In 1tle Big Bakeoft In Which they art both final· lsts. • EYE ON LA. FeafUfed: a repon on the future of tett·tube births: l.a.·a hlgheet rated bodybulldefs; Amazon women Who befleve In total female suprem- \'f •'-.1' ~11'11CJllQ.OOUIH .i. ·'"· "~ ·~·ft&n~-·~ ""' ~·'~ ®)YOU ASKED FOR IT G)M 0 A•S0 H . ISIGNATUAE Guest: Roberta Peters. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT FAWLTY TOWERS AEROBICISE Get in shape. look good. and feel great with this physical Illness program. r 0 '? 8:008 (I) MAGNUM, P.1. 'Magnum is hired to pro- tecl a world·famou!j ballerina. (A) ( 1 hr) D ti) FAME A magazine writer poses as a teaching ~ assistant to get information for an article he is wnt-o: 1~. (A) ( 1 hr ) '<_1» U MOVIE "Belle Of The Nineties" ( 1934. Come- dy) Mae West. Roger Pryor. Romance blossoms > between a nightclub singer and a prizefighter during cE the Gay Nineties (2 hrs.) c 0 ~ JOANIE LOVES CHACHI Joanie and Chach1 ~ move 10 Chicago to pursue a career In rock m1Js1c. (A) D MOVIE "Caretree" ( 1938. Musical) Fred Aslaire. Ginger Rogers A young woman refuses to marry her lawyer-flance un1il she becomes a lawyer as well. (2 hrs.) Cf) PAUL HOGAN G) P.M. MAGAZINE A program lhat incorporates horseback riding as therapy for autistic and menial- ly re1arded children: a look a1 curing smoking with ~pnosis. W MOVIE "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?" ( 1962. Suspense) Bene Davis, Joan Crawford Two sisters. both former lllm stars. live a bizarre exis- tence in a terror-ridden house. (2 hrs.) @ BOTANIC MAN "White Death. New Life" Dr David Bellamy examines the effects of past glacial actrv1ty and how it enabled large scale agricultural activity. &) U.S. CHRONICLE "YeaJ 0 1 The Eagle" The pligh1 of the bald eagle is examined . e1i) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! host an Informative look at what's new at lhe movies. CC) MOVIE "How I Won The War" ( 1968, Comedy) Michael Crawford. John Lennon. During World War II; a group of bungling British soldiers are assigned to build an athletic field behind enemy lines in North- ern Africa so that the advancing British forces will have a place to play cricket. ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) (() SPORTSCENTER 00 MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hustling. wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the ~· 'R' ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) CS) MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal Inves- tigates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupi1er's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr., 49 min.) e SIXTY MtMtCS ( 1 HR.) 8:308 9 SCARED SILLY A woman hlree two lnvestigat0<s of the occult to find a spirit that Inhab- its a spooky mansion. (f) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT e ooocouPLe @ MOVIE "Ten Days Wonder" ( 1972, Mysterv. Orson Welles. Anthony Perkins. A young m 's emotions run rampant as he struggles with u ain leetings. (2 hrs.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el host an informative look at what's new at the movies. @)SEA POWER • CD MOVIE "Brian's Song" ( 1971, Orama) James caan. Billy Dee Wllllams. Two football players share a rare triendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) cm MOVIE "Dr. Heckyl & Mr. Hype" ( 1980, Come- dy) Oliver Reed, sonny Johnson. In a suicide attempt, an Incredibly ugly podiatrist quaffs a ~ cial beauty potion that turns him Into a handsome. and murderous. ladies' man. 'R' (1 hr .• 39 min.) (%) MOVIE "Girl Friends" ( 1978. C>fama) Melanie Mayron. Ell Wallach. A young woman learns about the ooncessions one has to make In romance by observing her closest friend's affairs and by having one herself. 'PG' (1hr .. 28 min.) 8:36 all NEWS 9:00 8 Cl) SIMON & SIMON A.J. and Rick agree to round up some ml&slng people for their high school's upcoming class reunion. (A) ( 1 hr.) D • GIMME A BAEAK Katie and three friends fOfm a Slngl~ group and land a job In a Hollywood n_lghtclub. (R) -e 9 BARNEY MILLEA Berney and his men leam that the preclnot•bulldlng may be up for seJe. (Part 11 (A) Cl (I) MO'flE "Gaptaln Boycott" (19-47, Orama) Stewert Gr•nger. Kathleen Ryan. Tenant farmers revolt against a WM!thy !lndowner WhO threatens to evict them. (2 hri.) • ~aw GRIFRN Guests: conole Stevena. Anne GONIUCh, Peabo Bryson, The Romefoa. Amory and Huot• lovfna. ( t h(,) I ~ A TB.!VaON HISTORY • 1•n•iiliii--= ::r= g M (\j Thursday (continued) Cl) 0) ...... N --the Suez conflict. (Part 4) (R) D (t hr.) CE) AUTO RACING Coverage ot fhe CART AlrCal 500 from the Riverside International Speedway, Calif. (R) (3 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle A space marshal inves- tigates a rash ot mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one ot Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( t hr., 49 mln.1 9:30 D TEAC~ ONL V Dreyfuss falls vichm to an entrapment sltuallon instigated by a lalhng sludenl (R) • 9J POLICE SOOAOI Drebin's probe of e murder entangles him with a vengeful ex-wile, a chorus girl and a cheap ex-con. (R) eLOOK ALIVE 9:35(1l) MOVIE "Beat The Devil" ( 1954. Comedy) Humphrey Bogart, Jennifer Jones lnll!rnational swindlers,.oeck-deep 1n plans 10 outwit each other, are diverted from their slfllster dealings when an explosion wrecks the ship they are aboard. ( t hr . 55 min.) 10:001J Cl) KNOTS LANDING Richard locks L11Ura and Jason 1n the house and threatens 10 shoot any- one who tries to rescue them. (R) ( t hr.) D flD HILL STREET BLUES Betker and Wastllng- ton meet up wlttt the demoted LaRue, and Joyce's dlsllluslooment with the system ttwatens her job and hef relatiooshlp with FuriHo. (R) (1 hr ) l .•. NEWI (!120/20 KINGS TO COMMONERS Flutist James Galway hosts an overview of chambef mU&lC from the 18th century through t<>da)I. tealUrlng performances by the Eastman Tno. the Cleveland Quartet and the Eastman Brass. ( 1 hr.) e ODYSSEY "Maesal Women" The role of women among the Maasai of Kenya, a pastoral society in whtch cattle are the main source of sustenance and wealth, is explored (R) D ( t hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Great~ exas Dynamite Chase" ( t976, Adventure) Claudia Jennings. Jocelyn Jones. Two female bank robbers outwit police as they ravage the male populace with blazing shoo- 1ou1s. dyn e ts and outrageous disguises ·R' i_! hr , 29 in ) CID MOVIE "The p1ral Staircase" (1 977. Suspense) Jacqueline isset, Christopher Plummer A beautiful deal-mute i terrorized by a mysterious killer whO lurks In lhe s dows surrounding an ele- !E_nt mansion ( 1 hr .. 40 in.) UJ JOEL GREY IN ERT The versallle talents of 1he Tony Award-winnl entertainer are featured 1n 1h1s one-man show which Includes a salute to George M Cohan ( 1 hr.) S) ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES (Pert 4) MOVIE "Phantom Of The Paradise" ( 1974. Mystery) Paut Williams. William Finley. A dedicated rock 'n' roll composer becomes a disfigured mad· man haunting a labulous rock club afler he Is swin- dled out ol his life's work. an etabOrate rock canta- ta 'PG" ( 1 hr . 32 min) 10:30G) NEWS 18 SIGNATURE Guest Roberta Peters (0) (1) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Sacchi, Olivia Husse·1 A man decides to change his lileslyle and physical appearance to resemble his screen idol 'PG.' ( t hr . 3t min J 11:0011DDCl)0 GD NEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A0 S0 H BENNY HILL BOTANIC MAN "White Death, New Life" Dr David Bellamy examines the effects of past glacial aclfVlly and how ii enabled large scale agrlcullurel activity ~BUSINESS REPORT -DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Emmanuelle In Bangkok" ( 1978. Dra · ma) Laura Gemser. A Eurasian journalist has sever- al sexual liaisons with a variety of partners while traveling 1n the Fer East 'R' ( 1 hr. 28 min.) 0 MOVIE "Robin And Marian" (1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An older and wiser Robin Hood returns from battle to Sherwood Forest 10 reclaim his beloved Meld Marlen, who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45min L 11:301) (I) TENNIS Highlights of the Y.S. Open lrom the Unttect Stales Tennis Association National Ten· nis Center. ~~shing Meadows-Corona Perk, N.Y. Cl e TO~K:IHT Host; Johnny Carson. Goesr Dom Deluise ('1 hr.) I QJ ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Rogue Cop" ( t955, Orama) Robert Taylor. Janet Leigh, A polloeman plans to avenge the death of his brother despite the poeelblllty that he wHI be Incriminated fOf accepting bribes. (2 h,. ) -. 1"'fi''• GETTING "AAM -The Hot Mufflzu ~ poup -Doria (Bonnie Urwth. lrom left), CC. (Alexa Kenln) Kelly (Crptal BemlJl"d) Mt(J Kade (Kari Michaelsen) - aren't as ho< until Nell (Nell Ca.11er, second from left) shows them how to sum the heec up in NBC's "Gimme a Break" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Thursday at 9 p.m. - @ MCME "Four Wives'" (1939. Orama) Lane S"is- ters. Claude Rains. A lamHy's lour daughte<S each becomes a wife and experleneeS the ups and downs ot love. romanoe and marriage. (2 hrs.) Qt MOVIE "Ten Days Wondet" ( 1972. Mystery) Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins. A young man's emot\ons run rampant as he struggles wi1ti uncertain teehngs (2 hrs.) G CAPTIONED ABC NEWS CC) MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979, Drama) Steve Mc Queen. Ell Wallach .. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous Ille as a modern-day bounty hunter" 'PG' ( t hr .• 38 min) CID MOVIE "Deadly Blessing" (1981. H01Tor) Ernest Borgnine. Lois Nettleton. A living nightmare begins fOf a young woman When she marries Into a s1r1c1 religious sect 'R' ( 1 hr. 45 min.) (%)MOVIE "Zoot Suit" ( t98t, Drama) Daniel Val- dez. Edward James Olmos. In t940s Los Angeles. a cause celebre erupts over the framing ol members of a Chicano street gang for murder 'R' (1 hr .. 43 min.) 12:00 8 Cl) QUINCY Quincy musl determine whether the death of a pregnant teen-ager was a murder or a '°1c1de ( 1 hr., 10 min.) B ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT @) VEGAS A mobster rorces two magicians 10 help him kidnap a close friend of Dan Tanne's. (R) U hr , 10 min ) (!) MOVIE "Surabaya Conspiracy" ( 1975. Ofama) Michael Reonte. Richard Jaechel A search for gold brings adventure and intrigue. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Biiiion Dollar Brain" ( 1967, Adventure) Michael Caine. Francoise Dorleac. Secret agent Herry F-almer beeomes involved in Intrigue and dou- ble-crossing in Anlend. (2 hrs.) e LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE (I) SPORTSCENTER 12:308. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: Elayne Boosler, auth<>f Jimmy Breslin. ( t hr.) I COUPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Fists Of Fury" ( 1973, Adventure) Bruce Lee. Marla Yi. A martial arts expert finds uneicpected danger when he goes to work in a Bangkok tee factory. 'A' ( t hr .• 43 min,) {I) MOVIE "EMs" ( 1979, Biography) Kurt Russett. Season Hubley. EMs Presley rises trom poverty and obscvrtty to achieve tame and fortuM as a super- star musical performer. (2 hrs .. 25 n)fn.) 12:45(0 MOVIE "Brian's Song" ( t97 t. Orama) James Caan. B1ny Dee Wllhema. TWo lootball play- ers share a rare friendship until canoef ctalma one of them. (.1 hr., 15 min.) t:ooe MOVIE "Ruggles Of Red Gap .. ( 1935, C9'1'1- edy) Charles Laughton. Chartea Ruggfff. Arte~wln-' nlng a B<ltlsh valet In a poker game, a man br'ings his new servant out West w1th him. (2 hrt,) e MOV1E "The Unbelievable Vara"" ( 1962. Sci· enc&-Ffcllon) Myron Htaty. TeuMo Kobayashi. A pttmevar monster emtr~• from a chemlca experi- ment and p10Yet to be lnvlt'IClbte In ltt p0ww. ( 1 hf .• 30'mil\ • . "\ • (Ohio) I Tyrone Crawley (Pa ) 12-round heavy- weight boUI from A1lan11c City. N.J. (R) (2 hrs , 30 min) 0 MOVIE "'The Haunting 01 Julia" ( t977. Suspense) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea. Alter recovering from an emotional crisis, a woman purchases a house that appears to be haunled. 'R' (1 hr .. 35 min) 1:101.J MCMILLAN ANO WIFE Mac returns for his annual Naval Reserve duty and is assigned to detend a young lieutenant on a homicide charge. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 8 MOVIE "'Dirty Dmgus ·•,.gee" ( 1970, Comedy) Frank Sinatra. George Kennedy In the 1800s, a slippery crook hnds himself 1n possession ot a s1rongboic which he's unable 10 open. ( t hr , 30 min.) (I) MCMILLAN ANO WIFE Mac returns tor his annu- al Naval Reserve duly and is assigned to defend a young heu1enan1 on a homicide charge. (2 hrs ) @)NEWS 1: 15 ~ MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Science-Fie· tion) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. A trio or earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and help its oppressed 1nhab1tants in the overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming 'PG" ( t hr., 50 min.) CID MOVIE "The Other Side 01 The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978, Orama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bot- toms. Former champion skier Jill Kinrnont. rendered a quadripleglc: by a tragic accident. wrestles w1!t'I self-doubt when a new love enters her Nie. ( 1 hr., 40 mln) CZ) MOVt£ '"l<nlghtnders" ( 198 t. Adventure) Ed Hams, Gary Lahti. A group of motorcyllsts travel w11h a Renaissance fair and tind that the struggle against evil and for ideals exists in modern times also. 'A' (2 hrs. 25 min.) 1 :30 De NBC NEWS OV!ANGHT tl) M~ IMPOSStBl.E 2:00• MOVIE "His Kind 01 Woman" ( t951, Dra- ma) Robert Mitchum. Jene Russell. When a man discovers lhat he's being used to effect the return of an expatriated gangster from Mexico. he lends his ellorts 10 bOrder officials to prevent the man's re- entry to the U.S. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) \ (I) MOVIE "Soldier 01 Orange" ( 1979. Ofame) Edward Foll, Susan Penheligon. Six classmate\ at a Dutch university go their separate ways when~ar breaks out in Europe 'R' (2 hrs.) 2:05 <!) NEWS 2:30 <!) MORNING STRETCH e MOVIE "Terror In The Jungle" ( t 968. Adven- ture) Robert Burns. Fawn Silver. A jungle search party is organized 10 reach a young plane crash sur- vivor before he is captured by cannibals (I hr., 30 min) lll) RAT PATROL GD NEWS 2:.0D NEWS 2:55 <Ii) INSIDE THE NFL Cohosls Len Dawson and Nick Buoniconh present highlights ol the previous week's pro football action and Interviews with play- ers and coaches. ( 1 hr.) 3:008 MOVIE "If I Had A Mllllon" ( 1932. Comedy) w C F1eldS. Gary Cooper Eight strangers beeome the heirs to lln eccentric milhona1re·s fortune ( t h1 , 50mrn) (f) JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS (SJ MOVIE ··Outland" ( t981, Science-FICtion) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle A space marshal inves· 11gates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. "R' ( 1 hr .• 49 min) o srXTY MIMICS (1 HR.) 3: 10~ MOVIE "The Great Texas Dynamite Chase" (1976. Adventure) Claudia Jennings, Jocelyn Jones Two female bank robbers outwit police as they ravage the male populace with blazing shoo- touts. dynamite blasts and outrageous disguises. "R' ( 1 hr .. 29 min.) 3:15,NEWS 3:30 SPORTSFOAUM (R) 3:45 LAST OF THE WILD (%) MOVIE "The Private Eyes" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. Two bumbllng Amertcan detectives are celled in to lnllestigate a series of murders in an English castle. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 31 min.) 3:66CID MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hvstllng. wlsecr•Olting manager pushes his two temele wrestlers toward the rop. 'A' ( t hr .• SS min.) 4;00(1) JIMMY SWAGGART SPOATSCENTER MOVIE "Mandingo" ( t977. Orama) James Mason, Susan George. A West African of the Man- dingo rr ibe is brought to a slave-breeding plantation In Louisiana before the sterl of lhe Cl\/U War. 'R' (2 hrs •• 7 min.) 4:06~NT1ME -t30 JIM BAl<KER • VIE "Murder On The Thltteenth FIOOI''' ( •91~-. Mystery) JamtS Stewart, Strother Matlln A ~·ti 11wnn (-~~-rv~_P_u_z_z_I•~~--) 13 ACROSS 1.5 SllOwn. plays Dreyfuss 33 Plays Kns Mun·oe on Teacher::; Onlv 35 Mrs CdnO\ on Ar;;h•e ::. 10 News anchor man Place 12 -Wynn 38 Skater Bab11on1c1 14 Miss Corby's 1ns1gne 39 Rote lor Cnristooher 15 "Exodus" hero Lloyd 16 No Room at tne -42 Dolores -Ric 1:' Derek or Hopkins 44 -Miss Brool\s 18 -Chaney 45 Co-star on Fattier 20 Plays Larry on Three~ Murph> Company 47 Marked cube 22 -Me and My Gal 48 M·A·S'H role 23 -carte 49 Janis or Fleming 24 WKRP newsman 50 Bullons or Skelton 25 The Man with the 52 Hart -Hart Golden -53 Nancy on Eight Is 26 Course for 0Utncy Enough 29 O'Brien and Hingle 55 Man from U N.C L.E 31 Compass potnt star 32 Miss Bancroft's 57 Dale or Unda sign·olf 58 Role for Robert Stack DOWN l Chachl's last name 2 Accompllsh 3 Alias 4 Plays Peckler 5 Plays Lot>o 6 Ray on Hiii Street Blues 7 Cliff on Dallas 8 -Person 9 Played Gomer Pyle 10 Played Dracula 11 Played Grandpa Walton 13 -Crosby 19 Miss Fabray, to lnends 21 That is: ab 22 -Albert 27 Mork -Mtndy 28 Love Boat bartender 29 Bobby Ewing's wile 30 Played Detective Fish 33 Plays Joannie 34 To make known publlcly 36 Played Kookle 37 Brian and Langsdale 38 Actor Richard - 39 Jenniler or Shirley 40 Eight -Enough 41 Talk show host 43 Aulhor Uris 45 Plays the R,abb1 on Archie's Place 46 -Connery 49 Claire or Baltn 51 Payable 54 Miss Valli's sign.off 56 Mr Segal's 1ns1gne SOLUTION EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient •ltem•tlv• to hospital eme'flency rooms for: --------- ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A ~EK Ml DAYS A YEAR I A.M.·11 ft.M. (714) 752-8300 •M•RG•NCY DOCTORS Ol'l'IC• 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport Beach ·1·5 405 FWY. °'' y.our f lr1J visit ----·--with thia eevf*t - what w•· h•v• to o,,.,. = --:llUllllllllii_..111.llllllG ( __ TV_O_&_A __ ) Mark Dante's return to 'General Hospital' confusing "Tl We think it only makes for more 5: people to miss. ~ By LYNDA BlRSCB Q: As a U.oroaOiy new viewer of "General Hospital," I'm confo1ed by the retllr9 of .Maril Dante. Can you give me some background on the character? -K.L., Raleigb, N.C. A: Mark Dante first appeared on "General Hospital" several years back when he was called in to operate on Steve Hardy. Dante, who had once been convicted of murder as a teen- ager, was paroled and married the judge's daughter, Mary Ellen. Mary Ellen, who was known as Mellie, was injured in a car crash while Dante was driving and suffered a miscarriage. Suffering from catatonia, Mellie was placed in a sanitarium. Meanwhile, Mark fell in love with Rick Weber's sister Terri. The emotionally unstable Mellie eventually died, Terri moved to Hawaii and Ma rk m arried Katie Corbin following a stormy romance. When Dante exited, he and Katie were happily married. As for Gerald Gordon, who created the role of Mark Dante. he left "General Hospital" and was under contract to NBC for a while. Q. Wiiy was tbe. character of Lance written oat of "Yoang and tile Re1tles1?" -H.M.S .. Fenton, Micb. A: It was decided th e imminent departure of Jaime Lyn Bauer, who played Laurie on "Young and the Restless" until very recently, would be less noticeable if her main love interest, Lance, was out of the picture. Q: At last, GH bas foon.d the right ~ girl to play opposite Lake. What can co you tell 01 about the actress wbo ~ plays Holly? -J .H., Louisville, Ky. ;:; A : Emma Samms hai l s from ..,. Aus tra l ia . She r ecentl y was:_. discovered in an international search :g by ABC for the ir "new faces" N program . While ABC conducts the search and hopes to put its "finds" on TV shows, there is no guarantee. However, GH was impressed by the actress' beauty and talent and decided sh e would be Luke's latest love interest. Q: Last fall, a new serial called ''Young Lives" went en tlle air. It was seen for over a week on oar local TV station, a nd tben 1.addea ly was canceled. Wby? -C.B., Somerset, Ma11. A: "Young Lives" was a syndicated soap. It was decided by the show's producers to give it a trial run in prime-time access to see if the viewing audience was there. While the show was appealing to many viewers and had respectable ratings, not enough stations could be signed up to carry the show. Have a question about your favorite soap or soap star? Write to Lynda Hirsch , c/o Fie ld N ewspaper Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, Calif. 92714. FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Doo r Operators by Stanley STAfl.EY Mel. 201 $149.00 LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY "We Are Never Undersold". Stanley Digital "High Security" Radio controls -three signals ~~ ~ ... I . I :.y . 1 ~· Day or Ni~ht Prompt, courteous - ,conscientious service. STJ\NlfY l ' • ! I 'I I' I' .. I 1· I N co Q) 0 ~ Daylirne ~ Ray tells guards ~of Frazier's plan ...... By LYNDA HIRSCH ;> ALL MY CHILDREN: H.avmg persuaded Frauer to .,_: escape alone, Ray tells the guards about Frazier's planned -escape. Frazier is killed and Ray gains early parole. S2 Myrtle tells Langley to halt hlS affair with Opal and then 0: tells Opal Langley has no money. Carne stands up to PhOt'bc. F<-cling lonely, Donna pays a visit to Daisy, unaware Palmer hiding in the apartment. Benny is on the mend. Stiver beginnlng to wonder 1f she could compete with Enca Erica aware that Jenny is in New York but promlSCS to keep the secret. Corning to Mrs. Gonzalez's aad, Jesse stabbed but refuses treatment. Ellen decides to spend everung wtth Lars instead of attending opening night of Mark's play. Critics pan Mark's show. Silver hires es<.'Ort to take Erica to the play ANOTHER WO!lLD: Diana decides to leave Bay City 1f S teve laves with Rachel. Having been threatened by Alma, Lowse wants out of the house. Chris's grandfather dae5, leaving her millions of dollars. Ed is interested in datJng Hennetta Defacmg a picture of Sandy's mother, Alma pla<.'eS at an Blaine's purse. Cecille wants Alma to stop the scheme against Blame, but she refuses. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Barbara heanng strange muslL' whlle Sylvia denies hearing the same sound. When James dresses as Jason and stands outside her window, Barbara collapses. Ellen and Ben make love. Annie may be expectJng twt.ns. Offered pol'lillon by Whit McCall's company before Margo's ruckus with Whit. Craig doesn't want pos1t1on, but takes it after Whit baits ham. At Margo's hearing, Tom shows newspaper clipping.1 about What's past as a Romeo. Margo given a reprimand and her traimng period is ext.erided. Betsy gives Steve money U> start lr\lclung firm. Despite Steve's assurance to Kim that he is only a fnend to Betsy. Nick is enraged about their relationship, causin.g Betsy to halt any contact with Steve. CAPITOL: Matt accompanies Wally to the gambbng club. Danny gets one o( his hostesaes U> come on U> Matt, then snaps picture$ and hopes be can use them as blackmail one day. When Julie goes to Sloane's apartment and discovers Tyler having dmner there, she flees. moves back w ith Myrna and calls off the engagement. Jud3on gives Tyler the engagement ring he gave to Tyler's grandmother, explaining that he won it In a poker game on board a train following a political mttung Brenda, an love with Wally, realizes Julie 15 the one WaUy desires. Trey and KeUy continue daune. When Lawrence cancels dinner date, Kelly decides lo throw him out of the apartment. While dumping his belonging.1. she discovers Lawrence's 1.0. as Gordon Hull. Tyler has mceung with old military buddy Jeff Johnson. DA VS OF OUR LIVES: Chris gets robot put together Learning Renee and David are lovers, Kayla tells DaVld she wall always be around as a friend. To get Deba in the house to spy, Stephano offers Delia's servaoes as a baby-smer for Maggie. Evan demands a malllon dolbrs from Stephano in six weeks. Liz still terrified that 10mething mlght happen to Neil. A woman claiming to know Anna from her past d1Sputes Anna's story of being aold Into white slavery and contends that Anna enjoyed her call-girl lifestyle. Doug and Julie let everyone think they seporat.ed. Nell tells Marie the Demearas wrrf" n>Sponslble for his accident DOCTORS: Carolee di:iilressed as Steve nnd MoM he near death. AlthQ\Ch she claims to love Jet!, Adrienne beds down with Jean Marc. Natalie tells Paul she's • fearful of Billy. Struck by the fever, Billy continues '° plot against Natalie and learns wMre the hospital druga HER FIRST ROMANCE -Aft.er offering guidance to Julia Shearer (Kyra Sedgwick), the st.ar of his film, ''A View of the Bay,·• famous director Vic Strang (Ben Masters) offers the innocen r 17-year-old actress her first real romance on NBC's "Another World" w~kdays at 1 p.m . are stored. Maggie believes the fever is a straln of legionnaare'a dillease. Althea realizes that Philip Manning 1s leaking gossip Items to the newspaper. Kit tells Mike she has no interest in any kind of relationship with him. EDGE OF NIGHT: Finding Pietro dead and Chad uncoMCious, Jodie thinks Chad responsible. Chad fi.nally convinces her that he is not. Sky upset when he can neither obtain key he needs for safety deposit box nor gain control of newspaper. Val and Jim continue to romance. although Val admit.s to Mike and Nancy she abo cares for Sky. Poppy nursing a wounded Damien.. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Following Packy'a de.th, Scotty leads Rick to Demley, who is arrested for Padty's murder. For Monica's sake. Alan decides not to seek cuatody of Juon, but merely visitat.ion. Mark continues to try and recall where he knows Charles from. Joe sugesta that Roee start to work at the hospital. Shaken by Packy'a ckath. Johnny is off to New York for his prireflght. Scotty mailts Susan tum down Alan's out- of-court settlement offer. Charles aware Holly falling In love with Luke. Blaclue Identified by bum as man who robbed him. GUIDING LIGHT: A call from Morgan's New York neighbor reporting Morgan's wallet, taken in mugging, has been found infuriates Kelly, alnce he knew nothing of the lllCldent. When Morgan mums home. Kelly rues into a rage and departs. A shattered Morgan heads for Jennifer , who suggests that she move to Mark's apartment. Mark, fearful she will discover Brian is staying at h&S place, tells Morgan ahe must move to the Springfield Inn. At the Inn. Josh pursues Morgan'• friendship. As Quint and Tony prepare lo exchange artifacts for Nola, Helena. tekea the art objects. Quint and Tony man.age to follow Loomis co ship where Silas is holding Nola. Back in Sprlngfleld, Bea as terrified that Nola may be dead. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Trytna '° smoke out thoee N!llpoll.Slble for the baby switch. Oorian goes on the air RAN~I&- 2823 east C:€>0Sf highway. and just about ll()CU9eS Jenny. An angry Vicki runs an editorial in the newspaper. When she refuses to reveal her source to police. Vicki is put in jail and Clint comes to her aid. The parachute stunt is reshot. but Tony's parachute gets tangled and he suffers a concussion. It IS feared that 1t was no ac:cident and the finger points to Gary Pat and Tony wed in the hospital garden, wtth Junmy as the witness. When Rudy gets too romanuc in a love scene, Mima slugs tum Drew to be offered position al Llanview hospital. 'RYAN'S HOPE: After shootout wath mobsters which leaves their dog Bart dead and one gangster killed, Siobhan leaves Joe and moves back with Johnny and Maeve. Siobhan agrees with J ohnny that thlS attack proves Joe 1s sllll in the underworld, but Maeve reserves Judgment. Don tells Joe 1hat there as a contract out on Joe's Lafe. and Joe seeks peaceful meeting with syndicate ch1eftaans to settle matter. Jill agrees to be Joe's attorney . Leaming Kirk's wife Catsy was pregnant with Amanda at the same time she was carrying Kim, Rae orders Jack to nail Kirk for IUegal doings. E.J. spots Ox getting cozy with the attracuve Sydney. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Tom accuses Jenny of being out for Stu's money. Back an Henderson, Liza is on the emotional edge. Joe sees Martin giving Stephanie a luss. Marlin wins at the poker game, and when Weber cannot pay .up. he turns his losing gambling club over to Martin. Returning home. Dane d1SCOvers a barely-clothed Sunny al Lee's apartment TEXAS: T.J. worried about Ashley's health. Judith fears her past wath George wall rum her chances for a lasung marriage to Grant. When Stella prepares to tell about Judith's past on the air. Judith threatens a label su1t Lurlene considers Joel's marriage proposal. Ashley and T.J allow Gregory to spend time at ranch with Jusun. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Robert tells Nikki gelling annulment from Kevin won't be easy and that KeVln as the baby's legal father Victor tells Kevin Carolyn s hould leave town. Tracy hurt when she overhears Patu thanking Danny (or giving Tracy concert tickets. John tells Jack to get used to Jill or V,ilC<lle the house. The medication helps Claire, who comes out of her catatonic lrance. but she cannot understand why she has grown so old. nor anything about her intervening years. Angela very fond of LeslJe. Cindy warns Paul his life 1s m danger if he makes any slJps. • Hove a question about your favorite> soap or soap star " Write to Lynda Hirsch, clo Field Newspaper Syndicate, P.O. &x 19620, Irvine, Calif. 92714. She will aJUwer as many quesrions as she can in her column, bur !he volume of mail makes personal replies impossible. Tennis star Connors fulfills longtime fantasy HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Tennis star Jimmy Connors says he fulfilled a longtime fantasy recently when he sang backup for a song on tu. old (riend Lionel Richie's forthcoming debut solo album. "All lhe rock stars want to be tennis players. and all the tennis players want to be rock stars and wear those satm jackets." Connors C"huC"kled. "Now I'm doing it." Connors anci Richie have been friends for some ti.me, and Connors even invited Richie to play with him in one pro-am tennis tournament. RiC"hie was too busy to accept. but when Connors was in Los Angeles recently for an exhibition match with Bjorn Borg he took up Richie's offer to sing on a song called .. Tell Me." Connors admitted lat~r that he was a Uttle nervous about 'doing the backup harmony track with Richie. "It's not the singing. it's singing with someone who's as good at it as Lionel is," he explained. Countered Richie: "How do you l.hink l feel when you ask me to play tennis with you?" The Motown Reconis album, entitled "Uonel RachJe," is slated fCM' releaae in September .. (-~~~L_e_t_t_e_r_s~~~-) Jessica Walter not in 'Edge of Night' A BRANDY CHASER -My mother and I a re having a dispute about the actress who played Brandy on "The Edge of Night." I say it was Jessica Waller, but she says no. Who was it? Assistant D.A. Brandy l lenderson was played by Dixie Carter. J essica Walter spent some ume on the now defunct "Love of Life." however, as Julia Moreno. KEEN ON KEN -I've seen "Fort Apache: The Bronx" a nd "Running Scar ed " a nd was surprised to see Ken Wa hl in botb. Please tell me more about bis career and wllere I can write lllm. WahJ first earned recognition aa a New York gang me mber in the low-budge t film "The Wanderers." That led to his role opposite Paul Newman in "Fort Apache: The Bronx." Soon to be released, "The Soldier'' has Wahl as a CIA-type operative on the loose in F.astern Europe, while he and Bette Midler roll the dice together as a pair of Vegas losers in "All in the Game." You can wnte Wahl through his agent, ·Sue Mengers, ICM, 8899 Beverly Blvd .. Los Angeles, CA 90048. 'DOC' SIDE R -A few years ago tltere was a TV aeriet starring James Frudsat u a 4octor wt.e drove a 1Hdt1f. Bil CB laM4le wu JDIDtttl. WUt was tlte name of dte 1r.Gw! As thanks for not asking me to verify that CB handle, I can tell you that the show was "Doc Elliot." It ran as a mid-se690n entry in 1974 and expired by mid-summer. BROWN F ROM 'TOWN' -I really enl,oyed Bryan Brown in PBS's "A Town Like Alice ' and tile movie "Breaker Morant." Since I baven't seen him since then, I'm wonderinf if be'• just going to work In Auscralia , o r w 11 we get him t o Hollywood? INCLUOING THESE TITlE8 A Stranger Is Watching Cannery ,low Neighbors Buddy lucldy True Confessions The First Barry Manilow Special lOPEN:M ·F.10·9-'SAT.10·7 -8UN,12·1l e 369 [JtSI Se• .. lll'#'nt/1 Sttf*llf • e Coil• Alleu C•hlon11• 92617 u1ni:o I ' /)1•1631 STOPot 631 7661 IJf~I AC~OSS FROM RALPH'S "The Store • Thcit Has All Tht Movi11" (-~~~-o_r_d~G_a_tn~e~~-) FILL llJ TI-1€ MISStNG t.EiTEJ?S ltJ IHE ''IV WORDS" 6€L.OW. IJIAICI I IEI !GILi I ISk>INI ITIHI I I IAI l l lCl l I INI I ~ISI HI I I ·IOIN IC~I ~ ,\ -r11~r /l)A>iJ .. r /')~r., ~ le£ ARfAA!G€ l~E. t.Err~s You FILLED '"" l'O SPell i"HE ~ CF A i;Et: ~ . .' ~IT'CJATION OOMEO'/: j 8\ ~. l I I I I I D . .,.,.,, "' JWW16'-~ 't+NVI 'l'l'ft:Jlfl¥W ~~,,)CH(' ;~ • 1te21JNMd,_.l~.w. ... B(own is a d yed-in-the-wool Ausaie, who not only will not defect from his native land, but refuses to play non-Australian characters. His fans are in luck , though, since he'll co-star in "The Thom Birds" (as the-only actual Australian among the stars). REAL PEOPLE -My little m.roU1 e r lDllll• t•at Bob and 0.•1 MeKeH le are real people. Please tell llim tbt dais la a joke ud tlley are not real people, bat ~ractera. ( ___ ~r_v~r_e_a_s_e_r_s_~ ___ ) Same organization produced them all By W. WIL ON CASEY Copley New1 Service r 0 <O ,, ~­~ Ill I. What samt• organ1zat1on produt·ed "The '< Rookies." ''$.W.A.T .. " "Starsky and Hutch" and ~ "Charlie's Angt>ls?" u::i c: 2. Name the series. CJues: NBC ... Dack !!! Rambo ... Hector (Bert Rosario) ... Woods I\) (Alexander Courtney ) ... Buckner (Colby ~ Chester). ~ ID 3. Name the crime action series. Clues: NBC ~ ... 1973 ... Capt. Chase Reddick (MitcheU Ryan) . .. Jac k We bb Produ ction ... Mic hael Richardson . . . Brian Fong . . . Reid Smith . . . tough cases. 4. From what state had "The ReaJ Mt'Coys," which starred Walter Brennan as Grandpa, moved to California? 5. What was the means of tramportation to the "Petticoat Junction," whic h starred Bea Benaderette along with her three daughters and Uncle Joe? 6. Who portrayed Beaver's brother on "Leave It to Beaver" with Jecry Mathers in the title role? ANSWERS: l. Spelling/Goldberg Productions 2. "$word of Justice" 3. "Chase" 4. We'St Virginia S. Cannonball (train) 6. Tony Dow Bob and Duug McKenzie have taken on a life of their own in much the same way that Belushi and Ayckroyd's Blues Broth ers did. But the beer-TV ,,. ·i bl · •h '---4-"TV guzzling brothers from Up North are actually Rick . . . ~ e!!se~ are ava1 a e m • e vuuA~, • Moranis and Dave Thomas of "SCTV'" where they TnVla Quiz. which includes more than 300 questions first launched the characters. Maybe if your little and m~y be ordered for $3, plus $2 for postage and brother got to stay up late to watch the show he'd hand/mg. from Case Co.! 10~ Lafayeue St .• tc 0 Spartanburg, SC 29303. SatJslactlOn guaranteed. ~c:NE PneBLEMS?? • Do something GOOD for your skin .... • Call for FREE analysis! 675-0727 Babor Kosmetlk Depot •••••••••• I I I I !'---------~--------------~· 1----------------~----.,----------1 1 Low Back Pain? . There Really Is An Answer ... CALL 641-5300 Fweo., ..... ...,cnr ...... WISTCUFF CHllOPllACTIC OfftCI Dr.I...,. A......, 204J W..tclff • .. We ttl ............. t .... Cel•'• -,,. ... '"-' Mott 11\eur•noee Accepted I I I I I I. Banana Spits Al Ice Cream Conn Al Pints Ii Qu1s . . .. • ... t8 ~Lee Horsley ABC's O> ;:. 'Matt Houston' N By JERRY BUCK ;i .-T ......... W,.._. & LOS ANGELF.S -Lee Horsley, one hand on :;, the wheel, backs the sleek yellow Excalibur around <( the fountain and out of the flagstone courtyard of >. ca the palatial mansion. :g Ho.rsley, star of ABC's new "Matt Houston" u. series, plays a Texas oilman who moves all or his O ci toys and friends to California and becomes a -1 playboy detective. The Excalibur is one of his toys; the license > plate says "Cowboy 1." He also has a crime-solving ._: computer named Baby At his side in the car is ~ Pamela Hensley, who plays C.J . Parsons, his 0: right-hand woman. "Matt Houston" is another flashy show from Aaron Spelling Productions, with a mile-a-minute plot that leaves you Coo breath)~ to ask a lot of questions. In this instance, Houston is involved with an aging movie star who's trying to make a comeback. It's being !ilmed at the Beverly Hills estate of silent screen comedian Harold L loyd. The Spanish rnis&on house is about the siz.e of a small hotel and the grounds are as big u a city park. Later, Horsley changes shirts in his motor home and sits down to have his hair trimmed. As the barber clips away, Horsley says of his new series, "This is not a private eye show. It's a mystery-romedy, and that's why I like it. He's not just another big man with a gun. It's got thrills and suspense and comedy. "There's two kinds of rich people. There's the kind who makes you step back and say that's nioe. And the kind who makes you mad. Matt Houston has a lot of money, but he doesn't shove it down your throat. He's like a little kid and that's what makes you like him. "This show is the Spelling fonnula -rich people. beautiful girls and fancy cars. When times are hard. people like stories about rich people, and Spelling's found the way to do those stories without having all that wealth be an annoyance. You can't get people depressed, but you can have a good time with people who have it." Horsley was born in Muleshoe, Texas, where his grandfather was a cattle rancher. His parents later moved to Colorado and he attended the University oC Northern Colorado. "I played a lot of sports in high school and when I started acting I got a lot of ribbing from my friends," he recalls. "But I was bitten by the bug. I was bitten bad." Horsley studied woice and drama in college and pa'rticipated in numerous productions. After graduation he acted in dinner theaters in Colorado, ( Sport• Highlight• ) From Page 6 Monday AUGUST 30. 1982 EVENING 8:00 (() NBA BASKETBALL NBA All-Stars V9. Chi· nese Army T earn from Shanghai. China. ( 1 hr . 30 mlnl_ 7:00CD) NFL: THE SEASON THAT WAS A look back at the 1981 pro football season Is highlighted by an mlerview wlth the "Player Ot The Year;· Clncln· natl's Ken Ande<son. ( 1 hr ) 7:30 ~ SPORTSFORUM 8:00 SPOATSCENTEA 9:00 SWIMMING Cov8fage of the USA vs. USSR lnternatlOf'\81 Oval Meet from Knoxville. Tenn. (A) (2 hrs.) 11 :00 ~ INSIDE BASEBALL (R) 11:30 SPORTSCENTER 12:30 NBA BASKETBALL NBA All-Stors vs. Chi- nese Army Team from Shanghai. China. (A) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 2;00(1) POCKET BtWAA08 Lu~r Laaslter vs. COwboy Jimmy Moore (A) ( 1 hr.) 3:00(1) BEST OF NOTR£ OAME FOOTBAll "Mlchl· ga_n • '79" (R) ( t hr,) . •U>Q(l}~ecENTER <>tWIA~-' I ,.....,.. ___ .. _J .,,, JI ~ . . ·----- Lee Ho~ey stars in the title' role of ABC's ''Matt Houston" tltis fall on Channel 7. then moved to New York. He began to land parts in road product.ions. He quickly tired of traveling and auditioned for a role in "The Gang,ter Chronicles." He didn't get it, but later the produeers of NBC's "Nero Wolfe" remembe~ him for the role of WoUe's sidekick. "I probably read all the Rex Stout books." he says. "I was very excited about playing Archie Goodwin. But It didn't catch on. The books were set, in the~30s and it just didn't adapt well to modem times. ru.so. the pace was too slow. " is show has all the elements -comedy, Tex.as, oil. The role is comfortable. He's a likable guy. Everything feels right. It's not like you have to reach for things." Horsley alao stars as the medieval knight in the summer release "The Sword and the Sorcerer," and in this coming season 's ABC movie "No Man's Land," a Civil War epic In which he plays a Confederate doclOr. Horsley has to return to the set. but after lunch he's back in his dressing room to change shirts and cool off. A messenger delivers a bottle of champage wrapped in blue foil and decorated with silver star balloons saying "Matt Houston." Tuesday AUGUST 31, 1982 8:00 (£) SPORTSCENTER 8:30 (!) RACING FROM AOOSEVEL T 9:00 (() NBA BASKETBALL NBA All-Stars vs Cht· nese Army Team trom Shanghai. China (R) ( 1 hr 30 min.) 10:30 ~POWER BOAT RACING 11:00 NASL WEEt<LY R) 11:30 Cl) TENNIS Hlgh~lghts of the US. Open lrom lhe United States Tennis Association National Ten- nis Cenler. Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. N.Y CE) SPORTSCENTER 12:30 (!)COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) 1: 15 CID RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompl(lns and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Series. 1:30(() TRACK ANO FJELD Cove<age of the Welt· klasse Meet from Cologne, West Germany. (R) (2 hrs.,.30 min) 4:00 (() SPORTSCENTER SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 EVENING 8:00 Cl) SPOATSCENTER 9;00CI) TRACI< AHO FlELD Coveroge Of the Well· klasse M"' from Cologne, West Oetmany. (A) (2 hrs., 30 min) ' ... Bosom Buddies' From Page 3 a month. often by himself. After studying theater arts in Sacramento~ he joined the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festivtu in Cleveland, where he gained invaluable experience. From there, it was on to New York City, where he was one of a handful pf actors who made the final cut in an ABC "cattle call" aimed at finding fresh talent. Alter shuttling back and forth between New York and Los Angeles for several months, he won one of the lead roles in "Bosom Buddies." Although the teaming of Hanks and Scolari was hailed as brilliant casting, Hanks said the match was something of an accident. Onginally, another actor was signed for the role opposite Hanks. When that aclOr lailed to click in the part, the producers summoned Scolari, who was acting on the same lot in an ill-fated series called "The Goodtime Girls." "The moment we started rehearsing together, I realiz.ed Peter is a kindred spirit," Hanks said. "The chemistry there is like discovering the cure for something by knocking over a bunch of stuff, and the stuff that mixes on the floor turns out to be the cure for hair falling out of your head. It was completely by accident." One of the funniest and most touching episodes of the series features Hanks and Scolari trapped in a mountain snow cabin with no food. save several containers of coffee creamer. The two characters, without their drag apparel, begin suffering cabin fever and eventually come close to killing one another. "We pretty much knew the show was going to end, and we had maybe two or three more shows to do after that one," Hanks recalled. "But that was a last hurrah for Peter and me. That was an opportunity for both of us to just be in a room and cut loose, which was the kind of show we really wanted to do from the beginning." With "Boeom Buddies" behind him, Hanks is now involved in a pilot for a new domestic comedy that could become a mid-season replacement seriet. ''The pilot I'm working on now has the opportunity to be one of the best shows on TV. It could be as good as 'WKRP in Cincinnati,' which ln my opinion is one of the best hall-hour situation comedies that's ever been on TV. "U I can eventually go off and do a TV ahow that's as good as 'WK.RP' or 'Taxi' or 'Mary Tyler Moore' or 'The Bob Newhart Show' or 'Then Came Bronson,' I'll be very happy." His interviewer appeared puzzled. "Then came Bronson"? But that wasn't a sitcom. Hanks laughed. "No, it wasn't. But it sure was an excellent show." 11:308 (I) TENNIS Highlights of rhe US. Open from the Unrted States Tennie Association Nallonal Ten- nis Cente<, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. N V CE) SPORTSCENTEA 12:30(() Al/TO RACING Coverage of lhe CART Air· Cal 500 from rhe Riverside International Speedway, Calll. (A) (3 hrs.) 3:30 (E:) SPORTSFORUM (R) 3:45 0 FEMALE MUOWRESTUNG "WOfld Light· w~ig!!t Championship" 4':00 CE) SPORTSCENTER Thursday SEPTEMBER 2, 1982 8:00 i SPORTSCENTER 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVa T 9:00 Al/TO RACING Coverage of the CART Air Cal 500 from the Riverside International Speedw•y, Calif (f!.l (3 hrs.) 11:308 Cl) TENNIS Hlghighta of the U.S Open from lho United States Tennis Association National Ten· nit Center. ~ng Meadows-Corona Park, N.Y. 12:00 Cl) SPORTSCENTER 1:00(1) TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of the Al Certer (Ohio) I Tyron. Crawley (Pa.) 12·round heavyweight bout from Atlantic City, N.J (A) (2 hrs .• 30 min) 2:56® INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nlek Bvonlcontl preMnt hlghllahts ot the prevlout week'• pro football action and Tn~rvlewt with J>llY" lfS and coec*-11: 15@ BASEBAU Atltnta &a ..... al Phlladelphla Phlllltl (3 hra ) ~.gs :=WM .. '° ~·~ .. · 1 J'. • 1 • • L_. -------;~·- r 1111111111 lllCI I f 1111111 lllllY OH ANGE.COUN TY C ALIFOH NIA :i?5CE:N TS Stock market volume at record high ( By The AH oclated Press While stock markl•L voluml' soared to another rC't·ord h1~h. t h e Federal RcsC'rvc Board sll\Shed another half JX'rl't'llUl8l' point from a banking loan mil' in a move that could signal fr t•sh cuts in interest rates Trading volumC' on thl• Nt·w York S tock Exl·hang1· :.n.irNI Thursd&y tu a re,·ord 137.33 Manville, asked a fed eral 000 su11.d for o totul ol $4! b1lhun, million s hares, topping the hankruowy court for protection president John A Mt•Kinm•y JJl't•vious high of 132.33 million from creditors because It faces said . Ile said the petition wus not shar es st:'t Aug. 18. But th e more tha n 16 ,000 laws u its a prelude to liquidation. market retreated in early trading stemmin g from Its manufacture today. The Dow Jones average of asbestos. The Fed on ThurMlay said 11.b had dropped 8 75 points at 10 Manville, ran ked 8st o n dedsion to cut th<.· diM·ount rail' a.m. PITT the Fortune magazine list of the to 10 pc•rt•ent was mude to bring Meanwhile . t he Maovalle nation's 500 largest Industrial it "into bettt•r allgnnwnt with _c_·_o--'rp._o_r_a_t_i_o_n.:..., _r_o_r_m_e.:..r_l;...:y__;J_o_h_n_s.:..·-__ co_m....;pa_n_1_es_._co_u_l_d_ta_ce __ u::..p_to __ s_2;_,-__ s_h_o_r_t -_1_e_r_m __ rna r kc• t int c· rc•s t REAL HORNS -Cattle from among the 300 h eifers moved by Irvine Ra nc h han ds from one graz,ing area to anothe r this morning b rie fly block traffic on Coyote Canyon Road in Oellr Piiot Pholo by Gery AmbroM v icinity of county dump -and the cows didn't even have to sound the ir (real) horns to gain rig h t of way. (Additional photos o n P age A 2)1 1 ratt•M," whrl'h recC'nLly huvt· dt•chn<.'CI . Fo r ins la 11 l'<'. th c r.1 tt· on three-month Treasury bill11, which exceedt>d I l pcrcf.'nl 111 mid-July, now hovers just ovt•r 7 pen-ent. Thl• d1M·1iunt rate, wh1t'h has fi.llC'n two pt·rc<.·ntag<' points :c11m•C' July W. 1:. th(• rntt• ('hargt•d on loans to banks that borrow from lht• F1'<.l's rl·g1onal facllitiC8. It do<'~ not d1rtoe.·lly affect rates for corpornt1ons 01 1nd1vlduals, but 11 usually influences those rau•s bl'l'iWst· 1t lowe rs the borrowing t·osts for short-term loam. from th<.· Fc•d by banks, S<Jvings and loan assoc·1at1ons and <See STOCKS, Page A2) Controls set on buying in Mexico MEXICO CITY (AP) -Tht- fed t• r a 1 government ha s announced il will imposl' controls to preve n l Americans from crossang the border and buying food and other M e xi can consumer items at bargain pnt'es resulting from the devaluauon of the peso. The announcl::'ment Thursday did not go into details. saying only that "export controls" will be enforced. After the peso was devalued Aug. 5, doubling the value of the dollar, so many Americans from Texas. New Mexico. Ariwna and California crossed over to s hop t hat Mexican s tore keepe r s complained their stocks wt.'re depleted. The governm e nt a l so announced nt·w pref ere ntial peso-dollar exchange rates and subsidies for basic foods to ease the plight of Mexicans livin~ along the· lxm.lc1 . The move~ may also h e lp American border towns hit by sales slumps resulting from two d<.'valuallons in six months that rcducl'<.I the value of the Mexican pes<> by 65 percent The estim ated 7-8 million M<•x1ca ns livang along the border hav<.' been particularly hard hit by the CrlSIS since vartuaUy all of them dealt m dollars and many had dollar de bts with either American or Mex1canbanks They did a large part of their shopping on the U.S . side because. among other reasons, lack of transportation reduced the supply o f Mexican goods arriving m the area and because Ameril·an goods were of better quality. But the• majority of them ea rn ed pesos, and t h e dC'valuat1ons an effect doubled their do llar debts Evacuation of PLO t1rom Lebanon stepped up BE IRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The departure of the PLO fort-es acceler ated today as Italian soldiers escorted an estimated 1,500 Palestinians to the Syrian border in the firs t overland evacuation from west Be irut About 600 more guerrillas sailed for Syria from the U .S .-controlled port. lnfonned sources in Damascus said Palestine Liberation Organization chief Yasser Arafat and Marxist guerrilla leaders George Habash and Naye f Hawatmeh might travel to the Syrian capital by land Saturday -if adequate protection could be arranged for the journey. T he pro-PLO Voice of Arab Lebanon radio rep orted 'that Arafat said farewell to Moslem elder statesman Saeb Salam. a former prime minister, m west B eirut today But PLO spokesmen re fused t.o confirm the reports that Arafat and the others would leave Saturday A convoy of 207 cars. trucks and jeeps, many of them festooned with photographs of Arafat and Syrian President Hafez Assad, earn ed Syrian- based soldiers of the Palestine Liberation Army through eastern Lebanon to a joyous welcome from relatives and supporters who gathered across the Synan border. Meanwhil e, 19 more t r u c kl oads of Pal es tine L1bera t1on Organization guerrillas boarded the Cypriot passenger ship Sol Georgios and sailed from the U.S .-controUed Beirut port for Syria. Draft • • conv1ct1on 'Ho01e int proving' Hot weather for weekend said 'deterrent' SAN DIEGO (AP) _ A federal prosecutor says the convacuon of 21 -year-old Benjamin Sasway on dra f t evasion charges might encourage 70,000 draft-age men who haven't registered with the Selective Service to go ahead and sign up. registered since President Carter renewed the registration program by proclamation in July. 1980 The Census Bureau says 700,000 others may be eligible to register. Sasway was the St.'COnd man convicted of failing to register since t he Vietnam War. A Virginia college student, Enten Eller, was convicted in a similar case last week and was given three years probation by a judee who ordered him to register for the draft or face prison. • expensive A Fountain Va lley man u ndertak i ng a home improvement project a aml::'d at protec ting his valuables accidentally triggered a fire that d id $I 0,000 damage to his residence. firefighters said A F ou ntai n Valley F'rre Departme nt spokesman said Donald Hill. 35, was installing a safe in an upstairs room at has home. 11887 Lotus Ave. when • Ill Valley his saw s truck a nd ignite d a natural gas line. Hill escaped the Thursday afternoon fire with mano r injuries. but the blaze consumed some of the valuable papers he had ~n planning to st.ore in tht> safe. firefighters said. While the city crew was busy at Lotus Avenue, firefighters from Santa Ana assisted an extin~uashm,g another Studc•nts wishing to touch up their tans before school resumes will enjoy hot and clear beach weather this weekend along the Orange Coast, according to the National Weather Service. Forecasters said early morning low clouds wall give way to fair daytime weather Saturday, wilt high temperatures in the low 70 along the beach f ronl. E ven hotter weathe r i promised Sunday th r oug Tu esday, when 1nlan • temperatures mav peak in th. low 90s "I don't pa rticularly enjoy having to take this type of case to trial because there are a lot of e m otions involved, a lot of symp athy involved," said Assistant U .S. Attorney Yesmm A n n e n . a f ter Sasway was convicted Thursday of willfully failin g to register with the Selective Service System. "I hope when other individuals see we are going to prosccu le these cases, it will e ncourage others to register," she said. In the Sasway case, the jury deliberated 50 minutes after a two-day trial. When U.S . Distr ict Judge G ordon T h ompson Jr. ordered Sasway to prison immediately, pending his sentencing hearing Oct. 4 . Sasway's mother , grandmother and girlfriend burst into tears. HOSPITALIZED -James Brady, Whi te H ouse press secretary wo u nde d i n assassin ation attempt on President R eag an, w as reported "doing fine" today a t a W ashing t o n , D .C . hospital. He was t reated for a respir ato ry proble m . Southern state feels quakes The Selective Service System says 8.6 million men born from 1960 th rou g h 1964 hav e COUNTY 'Up With People' contagious For a Detroit teen-ager surviving hard tii:nes in depressed Motown. the "Up W ith People" sh ow gave him s uch a shot of enthusiasm he joined the team. Page Bl. BUSINESS No monopoly on Monopoly "Monopo ly" is such a p opular gam e, P arke r .Brothers no longe r can claim a trade mark for the term, as it h as pa&'led into gen eric usage, a court has ruled. ~~~. ' SPORTS · Paddling to Catalina Outrigger canoes he ad from New port Be3ch to CataJina Island this weeke nd . P age Cl. NATION By The Associated Press A series of earthquakes have r attled through Southern California. but none apparently caused any damage or injury. T he first tremors on Thursday Immigration reform push ed T h e R eag a n a dministr ation is behind an imm igration reform bill, despite oth~rs· ~nce".'5 about a provision that could lead to a n at1onal 1dent1ty card. Page A5. STATE The right way to 'lunch' A consultant says lunch isn't me rely a matter of going to a r estaurant .and..orde ring a meal. S he Is teac hing executives the right w ay to h andle a lunch confer ence with a prospective business client. Page All. 'Bullet train' bonds backed A legislative conference committee has a pproved slate revenue . bonds tor a proposed .. bullet traln" that would pass throuah Orange C ou nty o n a Los Anaeles-San Dlego route. Page A6. were felt when a swarm of small quakes rocked Mammoth Lakes at 12:20 p.m. The largest of the string measu red 3.7 on the Richter scale and some rcsidenLc: of the area about 250 miles north of Los Angelt>s reported feeling tremors. A quake centered 23 miles east of Borrego S prangs in San Diego County jolted a spa r sely ·populated desert area INDEX At Your Service Business C lassified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane Editorial En ter tainmen t A4 B4-5 C6-12 87 B7 B6 A9 A8 W eekender Gardening Horoscope B3 A9 Intermission Weekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weeke nder Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public Notices B2.B6.C5 Sports Cl-5 Stock Markets ·B5 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weathe r A2 Shooting out st Knoll's / '- ·Knou's Berry Farm's sh ootout at the Calico Saloon "ain 't exactly the g unfight at O.K. Corral." See W eeke nder cover. , J Dally '"°' '"°'" by Oary AmbroH It may look like a Marlboro ad or mething a kin to it, but ttwsl' S<.'<.'ncs are real as Bob Elder above). whose t1tlt• 1s "ch1d l'owboy" for tht• lrvinl' mpany. takes a break amid thl• chore of moving :300 hl'ad of attle Crom one urban range· to another in lrvinl' I lt•1fcrs unched together (right) arP within sight of <'Xp<•ns1vc• esidences o f Turtll• Ro<:k arl'a From Page A1 e • othc-r llninctal lnllthudorW Unomployme•t aiandi al 0.8 pt•ru •nt or lhl· workforce. The Labor Oep1nmcnt rl'pork•d th41l tnltlal claims for •late unemployment intunnce rt)M• to 608.000 in thl' w('Ck ended J\ug 14 frnm 11 rt-vL'*-d 566.000 lhl· pn'<:udang wt.~·k ll will the lur$(t•:<t ~1ngll·-wt•l'k f1lln" 1110c•e thl• l'nd of May. Among other t't'Onomi4: new1>: Thc•Com11lcrce Dcportml'nt s:u<l tht-U S fort-lgn trade dd1l·1t nurrowl•d to $2 42 billion in July as nun oil 1mporl.8 Cell sh&rply. July's dl•fadl, down from $3 44 b1l11on in .June, was thr smaJIL'8t sinn· A pri I. 'l'hc Bureau o f L abur 8tat1st1cs said American non- e a rm busi nC'SS producti VI ly 1nt·rNi1>Ctl only a fraction of a ll\.'r<:t>nl in lht• SC'(.'Ond quarkr. Thl· (1 vt.' major domeslil: a u lo ma k c· rs w 1 11 bu i 1 d a n l'Sl1mut1..•d 99,99:! curs thJS week, up a:i percent from last week's 75.207. AuU>motJVt.' News said. Thl' nation's savings banks lost $1 I billion an deposits in July. at't:ordmg to the National Asstx:wt1on of Mutual Savings &inks oast colleges offering fewer free credit courses Uranl!l' Coast off1t·1als expect tlll' r~.11 (•nrollment to rt•ac:h 3:1.- 000 tu :~5.000 studenL-; or almost as high as last fall'i. turnout. more are expected to register <lur111g the first sessions. !}y PHIL SNEIDERMAN t:oursl•S a nd mon.• non·l'rt•d1 I anstrul'tion un a fee basts. ~ the Dally Piiot Staff •The three Coast Community <::Plleges. nearing the e.nd of thl'tr f.11 registration period, are offering fewer free l'Ollegl' t'l'l>dit Des pite this restrut·tunng, credit eourse e n rollment at Orangl' Coast College an Costa Mesa and Golden WL•st Collt•gt• in ll u11t1ngton Bt·ac:h has been running slightly 11head of las t yc•ar At Coastline College, whieh 1s basl•d an Fountain Valley but ofll'rs ('lasst's throughout the disl r'll'l, fall t•nrollmc•nt has been running bt•hind last year's fagurt·s • ' Fall t·lass<'s lx•gin Sept. 7. Thl· n•strut·turing of fall sdtt'dUll•s ts the· rC'sult of a tll'1..·1sion by st:l tl· leg is la tors to tnm $:W m11l1t1n from the 1982-83 budget uf tht· Ca lifornia Communlly Colleges. Weight, measure classes at GWC To ac't·ummodatC' this cut, state t:ommunity <'OllC'ge officials said thc..•y would nu longer provide fund1:1 for numl'rous avocational. r l' l' r l' at 1 on iJ I and person a I t• n r 1 l' h m t• n t c o u r s c s t h a t tradataonally had been o ffNed tuition -fn·t• for 1..TE.'Cl1l. Tht• thn•l• Cuast <'Ollegc:s thus wt•rt• forc:t'll to dc>lc>te dasscs in lupat·s SUC'h as dance', yoga and ~1uto t'art• frnm thC'tr Call l'rl'Clil offC'l·mg:-Prugr<.uns an sonw of thl·S<' an•as wall bt· offerl'd on ci Classes aimed at training technicians in the weight<: a nd measures field will be offered this fall at Golde·n West College in Huntington Beach. Weighing Devices. Caltlorma Adminis trative Code and Business-Professional Code, and Statistical Sampling. Rcg1 s trat1 o n for measuremt·nt sdent'<' classC's will continue at the collegl' through Sept. 14. as space permits Bradley due in L aguna f oo . ..ta l ~Scattered clouds today but ~oslly lair with highs rMglng lfom low 70s et the beaches to rtNr 90 In the Inland ereas Fair ~night end Saturday ex~pl lor f>me late night and early morning low c1oud1 and log Overnight LJ>w• In the 60t and highs $aturdey 1n the mld-701 II the ~hes to mld-80• Inland Elsewhere, l tom Point ~ncepllon to the Me•lcan der and out 60 miles Small II advisory over outer walMS 'filh northweal winds t5 to 25 lbwts tllld combined seas of 4 to 7 feet Locally light variable winos tjeeomlng -t 10 southwest 8 10 knots this altet,,oon with thwetl swells of I to 2 feet lllderable night end morning clouds with moetly sunny ernoons over 1nne< waters torma during the night hit 1111 Missouri and southeastern n111 with hurricane-force di and up to 7'1t Inches of ' thet flooded some a11ee11 1, feet of water. toppled tree• left llC&tterect power outages • t lee1t lour people were red thunderstorm packing high nd• 1110 creahed through . Okla . this morning, ripping aome roofs. lelllng Ir-end Ing out windows •I -•I ne1 .. 1. the poll olllce and city halt Officials uld the m elao may have cauMd nrM two homeS Inda overturned several homeS In Wichita. Kan . ln th-I Wlehll•. Iha roof and r ee w1111 coll1p1ed •t Iha rhert lndu11r ... bYlldlng wllete -lewl radk>ectlve meterlalt and OllYM -· etored Bui Iha terlal1, llOfed underground In • tne Nie, -e not damaged programmer analyst and as a management sys tems instructor. The class wall cover information management . com puter history, digital concepts. programming techniques and the computer's impact o n society. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradll•y 1s sch('Clulcd lo bnng his gubt•rn<1torial campaign to Orangt· County S<.1turday with a fund-raastng rt'<'<'pllon Ill Laguna &>at'h Regist ration information can be obtained by calling the college at 963-0824. Tht• lX·mcx·raut· candidate for govc·rnor as to ,1ppc·ar at the home of Dr and Mrs Edward Taub. 545 A ll\'tt•v, Tl'rrat'e, from 5 to 7 pm Mostly f ~ir . T en lp e ra lures NATION Albany Albuque Amarillo Asheville Allonla Atlanlc Cly Au5lln Balltmore Billings B1rm1nghm Bismarck Botse Bo51on Brownsvlle Bulla lo Burltnoton Casper Ch&rlstn SC Chartstn WV Charllle NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnclnnall Cleveland Clmb1a SC C-Olumbus Dal-Fl Wtli O•ylOn Denver Des Moines Oetro11 Duluth El Paso Fatrbano Fargo Flagstall Great Falls Heriford Helena Honolulu Houlton 1nc1napH1 Jdtn MS Jackenvtle Kans City Knoxville Las Vegas Llllle Rock LOVISY1lle Lubbo<:k Memphla Miami Milwaukee Mpll·St P NHhv1lle N-Orleans N-YOfk NOf'folk HI lo Pre. 8t 6t 87 57 91 65 78 58 88 69 77 ~ 100 79 83 58 77 50 89 73 65 33 93 60 82 67 96 77 73 60 80 61 91 5• 50 86 78 83 60 06 83 68 82 55 76 57 78 66 87 80 65 88 n 79 64 Ot 101 81 79 66 88 57 80 66 80 55 57 37 01 95 69 70 42 67 J4 76 47 61 41 82 62 72 45 88 75 96 80 77 85 01 96 73 97 76 t 70 n 67 80 85 68 91 74 19 75 8t 67 1 t6 95 72 93 79 88 82 77 61 '° 48 28 85 72 96 77 83 68 78 58 No Plane 0 1<1a City Omaha Orlando Ph1ladph1a Phoen1a P•ttsburgh Piiand, Me Piiand. Ore Prov1de,,ce Raleigh Rapid City Reno Salt Lake San Antonio Seattle Shreveport Sioux Falls S1 LOUii St P-Tampa St Ste Marie Spokane Syracuse Topella Tucson Tul'-" Washlr>jjl• Wtehllb 'llV tOO 75 93 83 98 80 79 75 80 84 73 92 87 99 64 98 61 78 89 61 87 80 17 94 t03 83 101 CAL~O .. NIA !15 8 t 61 07 15 09 6' 81 63 58 59 63 63 50 41 61 03 78 60 76 H 34 67 ' 12 80 63 44 34 !18 57 65 I 13 11 79 63 66 16 Bakers11e111 95 70 81y1he 90 Eureka 62 58 Fresno 90 60 lanc:Mtar 92 66 los Angeles 87 7 I Marysvllla 87 Monte<ey 66 57 N-'les 95 75 PllO Aob!M 93 52 Ratn~ Sr>owQ Showers~ FlurnesE!:J Occluded ~ Staltona<V • • Red Bluft Rf'dwood C1ly Sacramento Saltnss San Otego S11n Francisco Sonia Barbaro Sonia Maru1 Sloc~ton Thermal Barstow Big BMr Bishop Cet11tnn Long Beoch Monrov111 Ml Wiison Newport Beach Ontorlo P11im Springs Posodena Riverside Son Bernardino Son Jose Santa Ana Santa Cruz hhoe Vallev 88 63 71 57 80 53 67 47 80 71 65 55 76 58 75 85 98 97 70 48 90 62 ,. 66 92 68 96 66 75 60 75 66 92 67 95 73 92 68 92 64 93 87 72 5g 88 66 78 55 •7 10 16 CANADA Catgery Edmonton Montreal Ottawa nJog 49 43 5t 40 71 61 72 58 Where to· call (toll fr HI lor lllNI 1mog lnlor'metlon: ~ .... ·'f:et .... -su,_,_R_f R_IP_DR_T Avg/Mu. Wa" Average Orange County. (800) 4"&-382t Lo• Angel .. County: (100) 242-4022 Rlvertlde and San Bemardtno COYnttee· (800) 307-<4710 AOMO EpllOde Center: (800) 242 ... 8" T ides L.ocellon Huntington Bluff• Hunllngton Pier Santa Ana River Je11v 22nd SI. Newpot1 Balboa Wedge Rockplte, L90Un• SIMoY HollOw n .. 1rill.eroo111 TOMORROW'S TIOES Oltecilon. SIW Avg/Ma•. lhape Temp 1·3 l11lr 88 1-3 111r 88 1·2 ooor f\11 1-2 poor 6e 1-2 poor 88 I poor 87 1 poor 87 TOOAY Second low 10;46 • m S11eond high 5·20 p.m • IATU .. DAY 2.9 48 Flrsl low 12:69 am. O.G Flrtl ltlgh 7 .51 I m 3.8 SKor>d low 12 05 pm. 2.9 8Kond high 8' 18 p m 5. I Sun Ht• today et 7 H p 111 .. ' POOf 57 High; 751 a m'.-i:.~A ii O& Pm . Swell rlM• Saturd•Y et 8.23 • m. MOOfl rl-today et 2.51 pm., Ml• Satutday •t 12 24 am \ , s e I I -s u µpo r ti n g ( l' l' bas 1.,. hoWl'Vl'I'. The t·ollt•gl'S art.' maant;rn1111~ thC'1r tradit-ional tu111on -fre1• academtl' classc..·s. such as English and baology. As of Wt•dncsday, <1lmost :.!~.- 000 studt·n~ had enrollt•d an fall credit t·ou f'Sl'S at Orangl' C:oust Col ll'J(t'. al'eord i ng to Way 1w Wolfe, assoe1all' dt•an of adm1ss1ons and rC<.•ord::. Wol!c said this fagun• 1s about 1,000 stucll.'nts mon • than had enrolled by this tame last yt·ar HC' added , h o wever, that a change an r£'g1strauun dalc•s mav explain thts The s t att• t'Ulbat·k forn·d Orangt• Coast to r<•movt• about :NO t·rt·d1t cl<tSSl'S from tis Call sehe•dule T o 1..·ompt•nsatt'. howevt'r, the college has doublt'l.l t hj\) n u m b e r o f f l' <' b a s t· ti c<)hfmunity St.·rvwe programs th1:- Call to abuut 600 Thcst· wall andud<' tht· popular real estau" satltng ;ind martial arL<, programs Coastlinl· Col!Pgl', wh1t:h was ;m1ung tht• harcll'sl hit by thl· stall• culum·k , has had to dl•lt·tt: mun· than :mo nl:'dtt l'ourst•i. from tts foll st•nwstl'I'. A.,, nf Wc•clrwsday, about 12,500 .. tuth·nt.,, haJ L'nrolll·d in fall t'rt•dat t·lasSl'S at Coastline. putting tht· eollcgc 18.2 perc.•t•nl behind tht· 1981 figure for tht· ~m<· time. according to Coastline spokcsm:-in Jat·k Chapp<'ll. Bui ht• added that rcg1~lrallon an lhe t·olle>ge's telcv1swn eourS<·s ts running 12 JX'reent ahead of last fall About 150 of the Coastlam· l'la<;.'><.'l. cut be<.:au:w of tht• statl' det·1s1on wall bl· o ffe rrd as nm1mun1ty sc•rv1tt•s programs on a ft·t· basts. Chappell said 842 1~:orle had s1gm•d up for thew programs by W1..·dnesdciy anti • Crew error Ill jet By FREDERICK SCllOE MEllL 01 th• Oelly Piiot Stell N1..•wport &•,1l·h -bast•d AarCal has announl'\'<I that flight cn·w error resultc·d in a Fc·bruary anndc..·n l 111 whit h a Jt'l t·arrying 122 JX>iiph-dappc.•d a h1gh-l<·ns1on guy "an· whalt• appro<1t·h1ng Ontarw lnt<·rnattonal Airport Tht· .Bot:m~ 7:n. t·arryang 11 7 pas.st•ngt•rs and a crt•\.I. of ftVl'. lall·r madl' an C'nwrgt·m·y l.indang ..it Los Angelt•!<-lntt·rnallonal Atrporl Th<' pl:ml' t·anw to rc•st tn a dart t•ntb;inknH'nl at the• l'nd of a 12 000 foot runway af1t•r brakes and thru~t r<·~1·rsc•1 ::. f::tilL-d to 11pt•1 ak ThNc· wc·n· 1111 inJUrtc·~ A i.pokc•sma n for tht• Nationa l Transportation Saft•ty Board 1n Wa :.h1ng1on DC s aid a pn•l1rnanary n·port showl'd tht• aartTaft was bdow an at'C<'ptabll' altitude· when it clapped the wire loc:alt•d '.! ~ 1ntlC'!> from the end o r tht Ontario runwc1y f\•b 15 M.trk Pt•ll.'rson, Au-Cal d1rK·tor 11£ lo111mun1ca11ons, said an 1ntt·rnal inv«'>llgatton t'ondul'tl>d b\ thl· ;11rl 1n1 · found that tht• ri1ghl l'J I'\.\ "dtd not pc•rform propt·rl\" wlH·n making the dt•sn·nl to Onta110 PC'h'rson s...iad tht• ptlut, Thom<iS 1 lall. and tlw rn pilot, J oe Matos, wt•t t • -.us1H'nded for :rn day1:1, Wllh(lllt p<1y. c•ffl'C'llVl' April 15. P<'t<·r~rn1 said Hall wa~ n'C!Ul'<-<l 111 nmk to eo-ptlot for 90 dayh Both tTc·w mPmbt•rs now art• ///(!( ·Y?I .... ') ~; / END OF H.t.WAllAN Coastline's enrollment last fall reached about 30,000. T h is s t•mt's tcr the sc h ool is <inllnpating 12,000 college credit students because of the reduced sc:hcdulc. Chappell said students who are closed out of required credit t·ourscs at California State University campuses may be able to takt• the same t'Ourses through Coastline. About 15,000 credit students had registered as of Thursday, and thl' e•olle~e expects to see a final fall enrollment of about 22.000. Randol said. Between 200 and 300 fewer crcd1.t courses will be offered compared to last fall. but Jake 1ts sasler schools. Golden West wiU offc•r f<>e -based community service• programs an some of these topics, including oil painting. <.1v1at1on ground school and t·onvt-rsat10nal French mishap? back on regular flight status, Pc:tcrson said. According to the NTSB s pok esman , the jetliner descended to a 1.250 altitude ,1fl<'r passing a radar intercept marker known as Fonta while on approach to Ontario The aircraft. the s pokesman said. ma1ntainl'd lhe altitude as it approached another radar i ntercept marker known as Sake's Map-lik<.> approach plates instruct pilots "to maintain 1.500 feet until you reach Sake's," the spokesman said. The>rclor<'. he said, the plane was at least 250 feet too low on approach. SUNDEK SPOIHSWIAll CLEARANCE UP TO 503 OFF 1-r' * SWIM TRUNKS ......................... ~.1 695 s1 Fii $1 * CORD WALK SHORTS ........... 2 FOR * GIRL'S DOLPHIN SHORTS ..... ~ ........... 2 (@f ~ -)(##~ 112 23rd St., Newport Beach ... ~ ~~ • ,I'•·''' ~ I l • tr. ' "' II I I f I STATE Lye found • milk of magnesia ID By Tbt A111ocla&td l'rl'»tl LOS ANGEL~S All hottlt~ of u rt11lk uf magnesia prodUl·t wt•r t' ur dt•n'<.l off tht• i.h1•lve1i of Von's supcrmarkl'L"i II\ Lt~ Antwi<>:. and Orunge County afler tC'sti. i.huwt·d lyt· in mt>dtt'inl· ingested by a store• l'Ui.toml'r, authuntws said. W1llb1,, l111vll·• "'"'""r ,.,,.,, ,.,.,w,,1.,,,, nf th1• Von'i. t.•ha111 . 1tu1J Phlll1ps Milk uf Mugm·sH1 hotllt•i. wt.•n• ordcrcdJt.•muvud Thuniduy 11fh•r tht· luhorutory H·IJt results WNt• 1 cµortl"<f A f't'l·all was issut.'t.I for all unull(•d bottll'll of tht• nwdll'lllt• wuh th<' l'OCfo numbt•r i -blU und an 4'Xp1rat1on dull' or February l !Jll!i 6 arrested . in unsol ved border crimes SAN DIEGO Polit'l' 1n Tijuana and San Diego bl'llt'V(• a gang Of bvrder bandits ti. responsible for prt•y111g 011 11lt.•gal allt.>ns and hm; been apprehended. Since arrestmij six rnalt• M1•x1<:an nationals, Tijuana's State Jud1c1al Pul1l·t· haw askt'Ci San Diego poh1·1· I ur assistance in many un1mlvt>d l'ast•::. on tlw U.S sidr Bill Rulnnson, spokt·~iman for the San Diego polll'l', said Thursday that liO border l'ases mvolvmg mul'dl•r, ai..'>ault with dl'adly weapons, rape and rohb<·rws wt•rt> rorwurdcd to Tijuana au th on Ut•s Auto finance maximum interes t may rise SACRAMENTO Tht: maximum l'OSL of auto financing would rise undt•r a bill approved by the state Assembly SB1995 by St•n. John F oran , D-San FranciS<·o. would ra1M.' tht• maximum ~nnual NATION interest rate from th1.! t•urrc•nl 21 6 percent to 25 6 percent on a contract for less than $3,000, and to 2~i.6 pert·t•nt for over $:!.000 Thursday·~ -I 7-14 volt• sent tht· bill back to the S<mall' for u volt· un AsM•mbly amendments. Seat belt defect causes Datsun recalls DETROIT Nissan Motor Corp. U.S .A. is recalling 118,747 Datsun modt.'l 510 t·ars built between 1979 and 1981 ht-cause of a possible defect in the seat bC'lt n!tractors, the company said . The me<.'han1 sm an the rront seat belts in some of these car could prevent tht• belts from being extended for US<'. the• rompany. base'<! in Carson. Calif, said 1n a statemc•nt released Thursday 1n D<'lro1t The rt•c·alll'd vl'11idt•s mcludt• all of the modt•I 510 c·ari. but It during lht' 197~ and 1980 model years as well as thoSl' manufacturt'd in the lx:gmning of tht.• 1981 mode•! year, said Nissan spokesman Lc•Roy F'n•y Even when on probation, they go to jail AMES, Iowa Wht.•n Story County District Judge Louie Beisser places criminals on probation, he still sends them to ,Jail Since January, Beisst.'r has been ordering all the defendants he places on probation lo take a tour of prison "( feel 1l ht•lps an 1nd1v1dual get an understanding of what Wiii happen LO them" i( they t'Onlmue to bn•ak thl• law. Beisser said Cruise liner runs aground off Miami port MIAMI -A cruise.• liner carrying 625 people ran aground shortly after dawn today at the head of the shipping channel leading to the Port of Miami, the Coast Guard said. No injuries were reported and a tug was st'nt to try to pull the ship fr~. The 500-foot Dolphin JV was returning from a cruise to the Bahamas when the electrical generators that provide slcl'ring power fai led and it drifted slowly aground, said Petty Officer Dan Waldschmidt It lodged on a sand bar about one-half mile off Fisher Island. Oscar the gorilla flees Columbus cage COLUMBUS. Ohio -Oscar. a 12-year-old gorilla. walked out of htS cage when its door was left open at the Columbus Zoo. causing about l,500 visitors to be evacuated to an area near the main gate The 400-pound gorilla, however. never WORLD mad<' 1L to the publlt.· part of lhl' 55-acre zoo, zoo director Jack Hanna said Oscar wandered around kee pers' access aisles among the <:ag<'S in the Great Ape House for 45 minutes, Hanna said, until a zoo veterinarian fired a tranquilizer dart to sedate Oscar and he was returned to his cage Subway pillars collapse; 7 workers die MEXICO ClTY -Newly -cast concre te pillars c.'Ollapsed and brought down part of the ceiling at a subway station under construction in Mexico City Thursday. k illing at least seven workers and injuring eight, District Attorney Pedro Flores reported "We don't know the cause yet and the incident 1s being investigated," Flores said. "Rescue crews are down there and digging mto the rubble . So far, scvc•n bodies have been recovered." The s tation in a soutl\-sade residential section called Coyoacan IS part or S ubway Line 3 being extended to link the Departme~t of Foreign Affairs at Tlatelolco with the National Autonomous University at University City It is designed to carry an average of 200,000 people, mostly studenLc;, a day Typhoon Ellis leaves 4 dead in Japan TOKYO -Typhoon Ellis npped across the east coast of Japan's southernmost mam island of Kyushu today. leaving four dead. two missing and 24 injured. policl' reported The storm wath winds gusting to 78 mph moved northward at about 19 mph and veered ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomoa P. Holey Pvbhdlt• o!>d (h,.,I fot'Cvl"" Oll•ff'< Jan• Amari f•KUh•e f~tOt l. Kay Schultz V .ce ,,_.ICMM and Owector ol Ad'<e•'•""9 Thomae A. Murphine fclolo< Raymond Mad.eon Cont•ole• mto the Sea of Japan, weathermen said. Ellis dumped up to 27 •,2 inches of rain m eastern Kyushu and caused widespread flooding in 13 states across western Japan. Pohet> said 137 landslides were reported, 20 houses destroyed, 985 houses flooded and six bridges washed away. Clenlfled •dvertlalng 71•1142-5671 All other dep•rtmenta 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE DI w .. t 1-. St CO\le ....... '"' Mell •cld,..n lo•'*· CO\la Mo ... '"' m:it Coc>yrl9M ,_, 0.-Co.t•I Pul>ll1hl1>9 C-1r No"...,' 1tori." lllult••llo,.., e<lllOflet m .. ., or -1111•tUMmMt' ,.,.elrt mey be r•Of'"Odwc:tid •ti"'°"" '"''•' t1e•mln...,otcoe"IQflt_,., '"" O•-'°"" °'"'" Pti.c, """ -1<1\ " ~ ,,,.,.., '"" -"'"'· •• -·-.. ., .... Or ..... C .. 11 PIAllllN"9 Com-'r S.per .. o ffftloftt are Michael '· HOf'V•Y O ... ctor ol Mor•e11t19 Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ,...,.,,_ -..Uv th ...... "'''"•• tor Coate Me-M. Now port llfftl" H..,t'"91on ltKh, , __ V .. ltv. lrvlne.t_..l._h,S...tt..Coetl A1..,...,..- edlllon '' .,.....,_ Wlurllen -S.-~ TM P<ln<tpel .,.....,....,.. p .. nt II et UO Well .. ., Slrwt. tC • Ct1ia1 ionl 0..., ........ ..., ........... O..ector ol 0pe.g1'°"' PO So•'*· CO\ ta~ ... C•llto<11•• t161' VOL. 75, NO. 239 We're Liste~ing ••• ' What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be rtcorded. lrunscribed and delivered to lhe appropriate editor. The same 24·hour aMwering service may be used to rtcord let· ters to the editor on any topic. Ma ilbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 Or•11gtt Cooll DAIL V PILOT /Frld1y. Augu1t 27 , 1i82 H/F AFTE R SENTENCING Attlll IH'V MPJr Wt•stn·1d1 h-.tc·ns uut:-.1d1 Supt·• 1111 Cc>Lll'l ""' Delly Piiot Photo• by Pettlclt O'Donnell d1t•nt Ali Hou!.han say:-. ht• has no intention uf d1sm<1ntling <irtwork I Welder behind bars? Rousha11 <•l:p(•(·ts to spc·nd S days in jail, h·a ve art up By DAVID KllTZMANN 01 Iha Dally Pllol Slaff Altt•r 1111ir1• tli;i11 two \1•:1n. ol f1ghl111g Cost<• Ml''i.1 11tfll'I01b .1t ('rty II.ill ;111d 111 llw ec1urts, n•nt·gadl' r1wt;1l S<0ulpi1u 1· l\11 Hous h:111 rs 011 tlw Vl•rgl· 111 go111g 111 pd : I ' CAllSE OF TROllBLE Ah Roush an has er<' ct(' d f 11 u r to\\'(' 1 1 n g !. ta t u C's a n d m ed1tat1on tO\\l'I" 1n th1 y.trd of his Costa Mesa wPldang s hop '1'111' two litll·st l1l1 1w:-. against Roushan 1.:amf;' Thur-;d<.iy Fu st <• SupN1111 Court judg(' ordered htm 111 1 ''port to Orang1• County Jail Tuesday for a flVl' day st•nt1·m·1·. and then the California Supn•11w 0l'ur l lunlt'J down an enwrgenc:y writ ;J1rrwd al tll•lay1ng 1111pos111un of thl' iail term. Unr·t·p<"nl<ml, Hous h;rn s<.11d he• is ready tu lx'g111 ~1·rv1ng his M·ntt•nn· ;md that he has no 1nl<·nt111n of taking tlown a towt•nng, red metal anwor k 1111 his Supc.•nur Av(.•nue prvperly which e1ly oftll'ldls s<JY was built m violation of a oourt ordt.·1· and w11t'mul the.· prnpt•r t·1ty permits and safl'l\' c.·hc'l:ks Thursd1.1y's dt·vt·lopnwnL'> not unexpected ll'ft th<' fwry Iranian 1mm1grant's attorney with basically only uni· opllun Go lo U S . District Court on Monday 1n LOI> Angeles. There, allornpy Mc·1r W('Strl'tch said, he will ask a fc't1l'rnl JUdgt• tu rnns1der whether Costa Mt'sa ·~ building 11rd1n<inc·t·~ <:onfurm with the First Am<·ndmf'nt, fn·l' t•xpress1on privale~es whtlh Ruushan da1111s ht• 1s entitled lo O\·t'r tht· past 2:! Yt•ar~. lht• 1conoclasl1t· metai' workc·r ha~ l'l'l't'lt•d fo.ur n•d sll'l'l artworks on his propt·rty al 1550 Supt•nor Av~. Though h1· n ·t·c.·1vc·d retroactive city approval on the.· first. known as Waterfall, Roushan built lhP ni·xt thn•<' without the propN building pcrm1t.-;, the· 1·1ty t'latm«d Last Decl"rnlwr. Supt•rtor Court Judge Rol>t'rt F'11z~t>roltl found Roushan m l'ontempt of court for t>re-cung the· last of his artworks in violation of a previous t•ourl order and without the proper perm1L-; Fitzgerald imposed the five-day j.ail sentence, whit·h was stayed through the first half of 1982 by W<·i.trc1c.·h's appeals to the Fourth Distract Court of Appeal and the California Supreme Court All lht.· appeals wl're turned down That brought Koushan into court Thursday, where Supc:.·nor Court Judge Ph1!1p Schwab said the welder-1urnt.•d-ar t1st would have to begin serving his .)<ltl t1mt· bc•ginning Tuesday He 1s sch1'Clult'<1 to report to the ;atl al 9 a.m. Even 1f ht· :.crves his sentence, Roushan's legal probh•ms arc• far from over. A trial 1s scheduled to begin on Sept. 15 in Supe1ior Court. at which lame the city will seek a permanent court order forbidding the feisty little welder from erecting any further artwork without city approval Roushan. how(•Vt.•r, was unperturbed. "It's no problem Wt• expt•t•trd that," he said of Thursday's rulings Instead of worrying about going to jail, Roushan preferred talking instead about his new plans -for a castle. "Yeah. I've' got nothing better to do," he said. Roushan indicated he would alt.empt to secure the proper b111lding permits for his castle, but would go ahead with the project even if he doesn't get them The l'astle actually would be a · facade around his welding shop on Superior Ave. WHY THE ONLY PLACE YOU NEED TO SHOP FOR CARPET IS ... ,I ( I 11 ' l. -• .... ~) 4$ .. .. , .. • ' I • -,, U I ~ .. d . ALDEN'S Total ... at islac·t wn Aio.k vour I nend~ whose homes \\e've carpeted \\t· kuture •me of the area's lerf{est -.elN•t111n., ol l ine carpeting. T op quality nnmei< llkP Lees . Amrrica's favorite, best 14c•llin~ t·1\qwt hrnnd. In e,·ery carpel rol11r imoginnhle. Ann murP of today's fashionable l4hacie11. As your loC'al Let.>s Curpets I.uuk Alive dealer we ·look forward to ht>lpin~ you sPlect your 11ext carpet . Our salrspeople know t.heir business. They'll suve you a lot of money by helpmicl.\'ou l'hoo"e the right Lees Carpet for one rnum or your whole house. And your budget. too. Come in t<xiay. See why now i11 • the best time ever to invest in a Lees Carpet for your home. For value and 't}uality. it'11 !tidRy's be<it buy in carpel. And best of all, ft 's a Lef'!I. .. ALL LIM/TEO fllA/ITITIEI Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad . DEN'S ~arpet i . ~ : insiiJ/atlon : ·custom draperies it ·· • • I \.OC.llO -UC. MO. mu! .1663 p CENTIA AVE. • COSTA MESA CA 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 -646-2355 .. \ l \ J Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Fr1day. Augu.t 27. 1882 H/F •• NYSE COMPO ITE T RAN ACTIONS ' ut'•Tloe.t lltCL-UO& •••on ... TIM ••• YOl!l.MIOWl,,,111'&(1111<, , ...... .,.. on•otT ._ •• Cllt(flUIAtl "°'" • M•••uu••UO.HOl'tflfl •AIOA•Ollllfl•lf • klft Net U!et ... , .. ._. Net Ml.. Hel .. ,.. .... I' a -c-C"'t I' I -C .. M c,,. ,. I -C-c... ,. I -C .. w C.. ,. I Ma C-c.-. ~~~~:=:a ·: I ~ =~~f~·~ , ,, • ,., .~ ~ ::::· .... • s t! 'et: ::: ~t~-·· , ~ t 4m :~\, " :11,"1,r,~ , j'° i'm!' ··E~ ... fl r i.n "'Htrlt n ,, tt il"' .. M•HIJ'1IO iii JI ~.~I OIUO •• II • "' llt Ill Jt " lo. Holli ""'IO I I loo.. liloOS 1 ti 1 lta • loo m .. 0 0 1100 ~ ~ t I "t':'c1o .. ~~ u~:i tt .. ·m t-:·1~=:[if.:21~. ~: ...... t =:~~0m,1.i'I~ u~ ~ 111 ~1~' :l"tt ·111o ~t "!I;'-_"' llullrlft u • ., IOt\ QVll~!. l, • !~ltt :t°'. I,. =: .. DI:... II ';l ::~ Mtti pl 1 llO " ~ " I .. ~ r! .... . i:, Ji m:. ~ lwll.. IAJ '" • OwQ !l I u ,. • ... , ..... o M< 'pl 1 !!O 11 IMO '11 1 .. 1 la 11 I I 11 ti~ •· C ~ -I§ .,.c; 1 11 Yl • '-;;:~:., • .: :' ••1; II'-' • M< nlf I )O I Ill llV. "' """l !! 1 fl »"' la~~ I~ •I .;;: ~ Clll In I Cle • ''° tt•e' :: H~ :; al-\ .. ,~'!Tf· to • 0 t.. " ~~ . .r!. I tA •, .,, ~. ~ ~llU': ~ • ''1 t&h t.111(;11 I .. ' ,., ~ Weak economy to continue? ~~~ HD ; l:,; ~~' O~n1': r: 1: ir, •:;::-~ ~ r!lid t EU•: '': ith ~ 1lf, 1 ~ IJ JQ }'-• :: :. ::lit: t ;¥ ,; 1f::j! nf'~ ~ tl~1 1~ :: if t~ : 'Wlft ... ,c10 .. An1>0 \11 .. ,,.. I I Hl\M 1 10 ••• • \.\~~tan "' ~ rJ ' ~11111\0I 1 '-"'~lfl~ 11. ' , PE Nh (1e .. C ~ 6 Of 11} )JO U I• 166 \ ~ I) >IS 20~ o \'o Hll~ll 11 I IJ It/ «"° ._ M .. G l I lit lal4. '-11'11 t"-1 f JO a 1 .. '-l lttf0t I Ol 11 '11 JJh A • -LC c I) I /Vi f. h•' '°JO 111 ,,.. , ........ N Y • ... ao11> "' .... .,. ... " ,,, 1•·~. " IYH I J ) , .... "" l lnft.J I JO 102 , ..... " AAlt .. .. t .... I'> .... ~n • .. IJI.. ••eltP ... I ,,, IOVi "" HOiiy\ I n 11¥> .... -... ..... I ... """" .. l•W• ..... IJ '° '1"'. 14 /to~f 111 > t110 JI"• .. NAI 1 ~ fl 10\., • EH~l I 11 • I• 11 • ... H-G ptl 10 U ~" • °"' Melltrll .. ,I * *"' '-.. HG I I 10 ltV• !MllC 1 M I II itl't• \'o A ~ ••• •tt 'f"' lo. PC'"', 10 1 MO J.lh. , ... " 200J '"'. " Ho ... alk 40, •Us >"' ,..,. Mtllon 21' .. JJ .... ,. I I ,, '"" '""'... 1 •100 ev. A l u ll "" . ,,. ... , tJO. IS J4h EAL...0 " , .... ..,. H•,_ _,,, 11 .... \, Mtl .. Ht.t041 tO> •.11111 ""p :.r. tJ~ Im ., ... " ,_w1.oa I '»I'> i., AllA , ... I J ,.. \It CSlll J .. ' ,,. ..... E>Alf C>O •• ' I) ..,. HOflwll uo ... ,I '" .. Me"" ' I ,, ~"' 1'-,. I • Uo ll'-"' IOnC ' . .., 10 11 ,,.,. " :~ ~ >i 11fi r,._ '"" ~!:C.1 .; ·: !l ~'4 • ~!~1'C.f1)~ l ~ :t!;. ~=:i'n : r, I: :~ ::~: ~ ~~::• ~~ 1: w 1lt; • ~ : ~'II'; r: ' '= t~' ~ 5::r: I. ~ n: ~. :z ADIL.0 M I) 111t J) '-C.Otnt 1 II 101• t EHIUll I IO 6 12 1~6e t l'l 11orl&!"' )1117 '4 10..... Ioli ~~~,II' I IO 11 tJ tt l4o ~ "lltln 110 4 '41 144'., ft SIOle r 11 It J•l 21'1.-"' A<meC I '° ' ,. ')01'). \.\ c .... , • .,, I E\Kocl M 11 1112 1th .. Ho•~ ... n 10} ,._.. --A JO s.. .... ,. a11llt£ .. .. .,_ "' SlrldAll 1,)4 • I ' .\lo ..... AcmtE n.J1b t 1 ·-II. Cellhn "' 413 II tho hi°" 1 n • )IO It"' ~ Holl'lln > ' 1 261• 14' 11\ew t.l"9 · · SJ n~; p141111r11 •• 11 '1 ""' v, $1105" 10 ' JI t4o., 11. Adml>Q .04 1 O • , C•mrnl 40 • /J 11.., • "' hhlln , '4 u •~ 14 VI Hou•"'" 'II 10 11 1•11.' \to ~Mi: .OJ • '': i ... • · ~ II' ayboy U .S 1 Sub Pr Ci t .0.. • 11 11'<• "" AIHE• , 7S. .. 1411'1 .... CALk Cl ti 301 14..... I E<,••O 91 10 30.) ....... ,..,. How1in1 l.IJ ' 'Ht 1~ t ..... M;f,,n s • tt '" \(, P11eumo I 2$7 tt~· 11. $11llalr ••l JOI ).... ... AClmMI 101 11 11 I Cam!lo 1 10 I U ll Edl•Br I ... I 4l ,,..,_ .. H•lnl P4 1 tO 6 ,,._, ,._ ,. •~ P-11<1 411 I 1'1 "~ '-$un!I~ n f 1' ""' \.\ WASHINGTON (AP) -The World Bank 11 predict.Ing th.at 1982 will be th<: third conaecuUve year oC very weak economic arowth for lnduatrial nallona > and Is warning that the 1lobal r.-Jon could deep<'n.11 The International lending orfanlz.ation uid the weak performance ot the lndustrla nation.a haa cauaed slower growth for the world's developing countries, which depend o n wealthier n atlon i for both ·~ (."Ommerclal trade imd financial asaiatance. I AMO d 1~ 11•· w Camp'r' 1 13 11• l4h Eowrcl •rt• I 711 ll'tt • v. 11•1nl p1 •.JS o '1\;o Ml,. Ol'f':J • 11\'g Wft~ • •• l'•farla 160 '01 U'-'-Su11Cn 41 u 14"-• AelnLI 1 n I llti Jl\;o .... CdP•< Cl I tO 111 1• EIP .. o .... I .,. 11\oo .,.. 110Ul"!I i , •• aT•j ;o.,... "' :rn =? ·~ ,."°..;: : 1~ l'l'ICl<Ol '° 10 ,.. "" S11nEI ·~ ,., 10... ... Atlnl pt " U._ t w C•nPE 01 12 1/J 144" If, EPG dPfJ U S "'" • '-HowNO 1.10 l lH JO'-, 11. Mii! "'I 112 llOO 41111 1 PettTel 10 •7 n 16 S11nCe 1 111 JO°"' "' Ahmn• .0 IM IJ... '-CenalR M lO 2 )lie \.\ E PG pf J H JU 76\;o • ..,_ HouOll 1 OM U llte "' I .... Ilk ID I 14 10111 '-Sunchlr t 700 W:W. '"' 4'11•n u ,... C•PC•h .10 12 111 IOfo Elco• :IO SS 11"' .... Howell '° • sS t4o. ..... MIE f.:Hti2 ' d~ ,.... • PonG'I! I)• s .. , " .... $\lllMn '°' .... ... AlrPrd 10 t UI "°"' 11 C•pHld I l1 I '" U •, ElecA\ 1' •• I""• V. HowPI ~ 11 10 14 Va ::ftld l.)t t '1~ IJVi:-" PoG pl 11 tO 1100 ";• Iv, Su11alet M I '"" AltDFI .60 It H1 1t~~e t "-:~:::i.o ~ ~ .,!~ V. (BS .. It '31 Jlt. n Hu-d 1 I I• •• , •,. MllWI llfl 17 S ""' °"' Po;g"" t .0 I 11 '' Swllt\11, !16 11 ti/ ,..._ •YI ••t-101 " .. ~-..... l'e!f'!.MGD I ",1 •\.\•\lo HuoMe IOI s ,, ....... -(Tell.16 ,. 11~ .. p~ -~!!! ,40, ?!!~·"' SuprOH )OllJ* , •• ,. " AIMoe" .. •O'-., ... , J ,., 36•. "' mm DI •+• v. Hufty .0 •• •1 '" .... Ml , OI 5 ff """ ... -I:' • .. .._ Supm-c. .. 1 '" u11 • YI Al•P plAl '1 .w>t "°"' aroFt 16 11 II • l'O Eloln I 60 S lS ~ ... 4 "'° HUVf\TI M 4 lltt 11~ '-Ml~~r I ... ~7l I~ -\ POUi< 1 It • 1 1•.. S\lptcp 11 1 .. AlaP :r ., •II ••• • :;::-Of ~ ~ ~ ~:~. "' Em .. f l 1 11 w .... Hu ....... 60 IS .,, JO.... •• MldROI I 40 • , .. IS • ~ ~=~IE~!~ • '~~ .J!". ~ iw•n' I ,, ,,. Ill<. "' ;:,:.P~ ~ 11'.; Y,•"°1 20 00 t: :;:~, ~ j8 t :! ~f'• ~ !~!!~1 l: :r :~ ;;~' ... ~~~111E~hrpf) IOIO«> 1133 •2•~2 u!~,~;' ; :::~e~ 11 ~ : ~ ~ ..... : ~ Ppot,.~,':4 4 ~ 1• ''°': r:"'' l •.1o 's~,;:,e~.P!;, ~ 1t1 ,,n ;:,:"', 1~ Aiao.r.. 1 :0 s 1 ~.. a riHw 1n10 .cu 11'-~ EmpO. 1 s> 1 1s 11.,, ... ;-;;0,.1 1,. • , j1~, \; MlllA t 57 • • 14'---.., p,.;.e. jg ; 11 '°"' Sy~••• "',. &: ;, a '1WI .. • •• ,,.. • "' (mp Of ., 110 ) ... -'· I I MMM J 10 II .., M ..... Prm11111t 40 5 '°' ,... , -T T ~:~~·:~~nt. •tcNGllJ II l \oo .. (mppf,, 110 I •'•!(Ind 11tSl•-,. ..... "'1nPl11t • UJl"•"'"PrlmctC lt 1t0111\o. '-IOll(n ;o.,.-.. -,, YI AlblV'I 110 ht JS" .. uc~ 40l I) 116 I'"• "" Emplnc 40 14 t 11\o, \ti IC In 1)1 3 10 S O~ I~. MlrO(;p Ml IO tll. It. PrlMM l 16 13 12 IS .. t 't TECO I M I SU It'-1,1, AIUll tO .. 114 ,,.. •lrpl , 1610 11JJ ..... lo EEn"9n',C,P .,s •o. S.021 13... ICN .. 3)4 •• ,, ,, "'''"'"' IO s JO -.. P•CMIG •JO 10 l(llM t) I TAE I,. Ill ... ,. Al<OSICI I QI 1 Ill '10•• • e<oCP .. ) 11 11•-. 8 11'". '. I NA In I .,, 1 II IS lo .... MPa<C J IO s II •n·. I\.. PrclAlll n 15 2J I V• T AW t .0 • '" u YI AIUAI nl .. ' M 1Ho el•ns. 4 I Sii 4)\, • l'I EnMr<n l 60 t n1 1'4• IU 1111 I IS I S~ "" '• MoPS• I 11 I I 11'-Prollff I 40 11 t 11\e ' T MW pr 4 IO I 101"1 I Al .. dl '1 .... elan pl 1 SO l l4Vi , V. Entrce 1101 1h • \o IUlnl p1 I lt ) JI , <. MoPS 1111 '4 • 11~' ..,_ PSvCol 11• 1 t01 IS'° V. l•<IOal t1 10\'o 1 1tol19C11 I OI 14 0 \ tie•°" 60 4 USO ltl;, • \.\ E .. SlR 60 • 1'1 IS"', .. IO•noP J . I It> 74._ \e MoPS pr1 ., I ul~ • °"' PSCot ptl IS 110 tt , 1 Tell•Y lt 4't-\;o ~11o9C111P1 pf11 ~ , , .. s 11 • • ~::~ 2 ~I~ 1!,! ~t ~ ~~::': I ~ : ,n n:~ ~: ldHIB I ll 211 ,",., • h :ft~ pl• IJ ..! ~:--~ PSCot pf1 10 6 ll"-'-Tall .. pl I 1J H t, °"' ~ -• 1011 •nSoW I .. 11111 1•'• •· Equlf• ,.,.,0 101 JS lllP-r ,., 1 JI• , 'e Mo:11" 6l66t ll'"' P$1NI 116 Sl111 12"" .. lalldy IJIHO 11V> "' •to•~ l It 1 """ -" ... I rw IOI • I ,... • .. PSlll pl l '° tlO 254-Tlldy<ll IJ IS 10\f,. ~. ••o• C111S "' "'· •nHua , .. s ,.., u11 • "' Equlm~ I • .... lmplCp 710 .... MobllH ,. J -.... PSlll pl I CM 11100 ..... "' TCf\<lr ,, I) •• .~ ~ ltolfO 11l • Ill 711 > •nllll I .. I 111 11 • ... Eqm' pl131 I '• INCO 10 1~ 10 MdMer JO It l t 11'-\• P$1n pl I 0 tlOO 1.\o °" TOlrnw I • S~ 400:: ;;: Allen<; I I• ., 14 :~~II~~:: I i: ~"•' YI Eq!G~ I 10 ~ • lndlM pll I• 1JO })v1 V. MoOCPI It IC1' l'h "°" PSln pf '.. 110 .. \. lel<om ;i, ''-~e AlldCp 1 40 4 1010 lo'-.. ~-I ID I ll) 4, Eqlll IOI 11 12 \o 11\CllM pf2 IS 1 IS"-°"' ~~"01 111 ,!01 11~te. · •~ PS In pf I st rtOO •• feldYN s 11'1 U 1\lo AIOCP ot•.14 IS S7~J em.-.. 1 'e UmorK I M I I IS lndlM Ofl JI 7 16 -~ "' • ' '" PSln pl 1,• 11)00 Ml r.1.. t W , ... AldCp pf 11 I ti nSo~t .. 12 ... 111" ~ flQUlr' .. & ~ °"' lndlM plJ .:1 1 24 MOl!Aul> '° 4 ll ll\lt. PSvNH 1 11 I J0t U" • \, lenn.co l .60 S 1-Uh YI AldMnt I 10 ts JJI.. ~~i,b;' 1 IJ s :~ ':t. ~ EE~ ..... ~ ~I~ ~ ~ lndlG•• ) 04 I II u ..... ~~l)~ J ~ t .~ ~~.. I \'o PS .. H pl1tl • ltv. "' Ten< ... 11 I ""' ..... ~·.•,aas""•· ,101 I 11tl .... ntryll " SI ''·· • lndlPL 1411 ' IS ""' MonPw , ... 6 307 2l\lr-"' PSHH Of• )I 1' utlh . Tt'.", ( '!:n' tO 'I ,.,· ?!.~. ,."'. ~ , IO 1t I 4 J1 J Elllyl 110 6 116 1noto u I ~ t •1o • MonSI 1 -ll 16111 PSHH pl) JS H U \11, '-.Oy , oVv. , AldTel n I t I ""' •r•.::.i :It ,;~ t~ Elhrl pl J 40 I \, Jnfml< n t 1'3 11'1o 1 MONY 9le I 11 .... ~ PSvNM 1 IO IOI U°"' \.\ Tei.oro 40 S 711 IS.. \!> Alll'Cll I~ I \• r ·I I 40 1 Eh pl8 4 I Inoa• JI ).14 S 211 41'1'1 Moore( 1 I 13 31\/o PS•EG 2 S. "4 11"' • '"' ltMI• WCI llS IS.. n All•Ch PIUll JO m. ~""',r '40,; ~:: :s::-~ Eev.•.nn~ ,u1 100,3 lftOA pf ? JS s 11 Mo••M I 04 J " .. ..: ~ PSEG pl4.ll t40 )0.\.. 1'-Tei.or Pf ?.It ., ,. AlphPr ) IS 11:::f n 4,60 40 JI•..: '"' '" 40 lnor!K \.4 0 • 10,. t Moren Ub 1 n 4 10\oo V. PSEG ptSO\ tJ0 Jt"• 1~ Tt•t<o 3 4 1196 21~ \>, AICo.11 I.ID IO 835 27"" ll•mt IO 14 2U I Evan pl 1 10 • • le lnfdSll I . 1Tl "°"' Mo•oan ~.40 • Mt H + \ti PSEG plS.2' . 110 'M'1>' I~ hABc nl 44 • It 21 AmlSUQ S ~ SI Sl\it IV. Co I 1111 '"' \lo E•Celo 1.60 •,e 1n1llco lb I 14 14+1t Morknd 1.:n s 111 1011>, \41 PSEG plJ II I I•~-°"' l erCm 1.10 • J02 JO\i>, v, ~:::::pf~ 22 ": ~~· ~ m!~\.s .~ 1~; ,!"' : ~=~~ '·"; '" ~ :~~!~n,;, > !~ ~;1!· ~~!. ,.1f1'1> a:..~:; ~ ~U&:;::g '1:0~-.'.~~ ~::X~' rn ~ 1~ ~!~. ~ Amrce l.)l 10 12 111/.o • ..... ) 40 • 1185 JS"' I FMC -,._,, lnlA1'n l.911 II 111) ... ,, Motrol• l,60" 1110, IQ\\ ,,., PSEG pll IO '4110 .... ~ .. l \i't Tolnd ·-·o Ill 1H .. t e AmHH 1.10131051 11h "' ll<IMOl160 0 S6h .... I.Ml I •II •e ll<P!>e 11oa ' ., •I Mlfutl 7.4' I 14 ll\o-""PSEGpltOI t100USI'-•''" Te•lntl , , .... 11\io-' AHH pl J "° II •S\o\o' "' ..... plS,21. 13 31h .... FMC pt 1.11 ,. I lnl .. co , •• 111 "'"' I Mun,,d so. s 103 111-t-... PSEG pf1.«J 1ll0 SS\'I. "" lolnl .OS IS 131 ''"' .... AmAor OSI II 1'-II Of 71 U lt Fabrp -4' 70 l80 1 I'" lnlrfll, t 10 • Ill 20'1•, Mun"'ll J 11\i't-If• P$fG pft U rto Ill/• .... hNM• 7 It I •I ""°" • \;o AmAfr · )101 11~ ,,:~ •. .OC. • 31 0 ;-. -~ F•brCI J110 13 1 • • "' lnlrl~ 1'60 • • 11\.\ Murph(; 1.21116 11 10 . PuDli<9' 433 JY" hOO•\ .2t 11 ttot JS'-"" AAlr wt 145 Sh llmtct nl JS ll 11 J4"', 4o. F•c:tt II Ill "' lit lnlAlu 60 10 19 U MurpO 1 S 733 11 _ fe P ... bto 12 • JJ •h • °"' hP.c 30 II 4 1111>-"" AAlr pl 111 .. IS llNY I 1.• 4 113 JI'\<.-\oo F•lrcllcl 90 I 1)9 IS .. • "" IBM J '4 11 4110 .. "' Murr'(() 1 70 6 19 ..... \ol PA Cem I 1'-. luUlll J.04 6 l:ll1 ll"' i. ABekr •l 1111.. hNY pfl.11 109 11 ,,, F•lrc pt J.60 109 lO... ... lnlFI•• I " 471 2•.... MulOm 1 ... SI 11• ... -.. P119tlP U• ·~ " ' Toll'" 70 1·~ A8r•nd 3 IO 1'1 •3'1/0 "Hiia 1.41 I n U.\t. ... Fa mOI ~ *> 11 tlJ JO ' '• fnlHa•• ,.. ·~· M\le"l 1tj , 15 I .... PurllnF 131 4 US t °"' THlron I IO I 71) 11 -°'" A8rd pt,1.IO I •1\o hUPn 1.n 10 l01 M~. I..., FrWSIF IS ""' • .,.. lntHr pl S4 '"' -H-N -PurOll • I.Ill I 1• )ll>t .... lulr Of I 40 I Ith "' A8rd pl 2 IS I I 74'1> NW n 11 t• "°'" ..,_ f t rall '· 2tl ll» • '-lnlMln 1 e0 • SIJ 7a11, NBD 1 Of 4 41 »\;o+ loo Pyro • 114 <'-• "' TllaO 23 7'Jlt ... A8rd pt 161 I .. lllMlw 40 6 .. ,, '• Fecleo st ).... 1"1Mull I 60 I l3' 71•i. ,,.. N81 n 2l Ill J&lio i. QuekO t.IO ' tit 41.\t., 1;, TllrE 11 10 to '°'•, ... ABclnst I 60 tSI ....... • h M•r I JOI "' FedlCO I JO 10 .. 10h. "' lnlPapr 140 I .. IO •l\o " NCH n 10 7 ll\i't .• Ou.o Ill '·" t:MtO IS•• YI lntokl I 70 ,, 31' .. • .,. A81dM I ,. 7JI/, h:Pn 40 t1 11 12 >t V> FdE•P 14 1111 SI... '• lnlA..:I 11 119 t •1o 1 ~. HCN8 • S ., IJ\o. OuekSO IO I l:IO llt. llliolll -10 w"4\.. • \, ABU.Po lot I I U llkFull 4013 11 16"-\<, FdMoo I l1 I to lit.. lntlT 7 61 6 .. , '1 t l<o NCA 7 40 I lt03 S~-..,_ Ouana l .60 1 203 11111 '-TllmBel 11111 l4 '6l>t • 1'-AmCan 1tO11 .,, ~. llrlSCll Sll II .. 4()\.,. \} Ftc!NNI •• 17'1 I) I., Ill plK ' I 4l NL Ind I '1171 llh -\.\ OUetlOr ,. II I)" Tnomln -10 •I .,~ .. ~. •Can ol 1 IO I 11 •1 llrlSln 11 Sl>t' 'n Fec!PB I 70 I ,. io..' 'e l111 .. '1h 111 I J:ll 23.. "1 HLT 1IO10 dt OIY.-\.\ -It-It -Tllm-10. • SJ ltl>t ACyan I II t "6 7'.\o htOtN ni 19 4' I fdSQnl • IO 10 41 11-\o '• lntrpee I IO 1J I u >,. • \;o NllF Qtf -1...,, _.. 11811\G 16 U 11 1\lo °" Tllrllty 10 I st ll -\.\ AOT I .. 10 ,, 3' hrm pl 5 J H :. , Ft<lbSt 110 .... 40•. I lnll>Gp I 60 I SI N•~B , OS I 5tl ,. .... "" •c• tO 10 ·~ lC)I;, \4 TICaro 1.10 s • .. • ,,. AEIPw 11' I 10 II l\ryll• 46J4 II• F•rro 1.10 10 11 11'-v: 1n1IJ011r JS 111 :::~ + :_.: Hbtc8 pl) 50 aoo ~ '-ACA pt 1.IJ 121 "'-i. Tl<lwtr t0 S 101 11 -V. ~mFaE•P1 , ~ 11 111~,) 41 llty WI Cl J"" "' FldUnl 1 IO • .. 11.. V. lntalPw ,.. • )I I)\.• '" N•lco \ I 11 U Jlt 14'--°" RCA pt JIJ l11 760.· Tlgtrln 4M •'-°" ~ mll -• 10~• hryt pf 111 ti~-. °"' FICICll J IS t 10v, le l11Pw pt 2 21 1700 ull + '" Napeo' .14 11 • .._, t-... ALC II .M 1 n H o '"' Tlm•I I 13 •13 n . -.GnCp 110 6 llO ""' hurCh I ' '1 ,... \e Fl09i. ti I 296 II'>+ '1 low•EI In • U .,.._ • <. NtPIFd too6t J1 lt~e ATE 40 7 7 •to "• ~::::,' J!C4 !01 IO :Jt .. ~1S!.,'. • v, AGn jpl l.li Ill 11" Ina.II 1 n • 11 11,.,. FnCpA s ... • <l1 ''"" '" 1-llG J )l S 44 JO\'> Nar<o .. 14 I t1YI• '-Aal'P\lr 11 t 11111 14~ °"' • -~. AGIBCI 1 OW I• 11.\o • lnGE 1 10 1 1111 ''"' FnS81H IS n o •-a PS 1 .. I S4 10"' ''-Hatnua IO " Ill 10 Aam.o • 161 , .. • °"' Tlmkn J 40 1 JI °''"" ll'o 'GllC• 1 IOa I 14 tnG Pl 4 dO 21 11<> Finl ff<! JO .... o., lowaA1 1 M 1 6' 21 Htl(M I • 13 11'--"" A•"'llC 1IO 11 tt "~• loclSllp I 11 S 1M l1 • '"' 4'Hertt M t S "~ "" I Ci Pf 9 JO 100 S~ I\'> FlfHln Ml -llh IPCoCo 10 I) 141 l'I> • "" NCn\151 tOb 11 t1 It~-\o Aa11<0 M I 1J 11... Vo Totllm ~ • )I II ... :::::.!. ,~ 1~ 1m 11'-. I\. .~c; pl I.. t1l0 t1" •... FIAtln. I I .. ISO.•. "' lrvoB~ l )t ' ., 31'-• .,. NalDl•I 110 I lM "" .... tley<m n ... 11 JJ " ..... To•Eot\ 2 lt • 1.:11 11\i> .... 'Ho•IH .. 16 1'1 ~... ~ tnG pt 9 21 t100 M.\o" \.\ ~~f~~ I~ I 'O: ::~ ~ ltO (D XltJ j_Jltl-II'" "' ~~·~~II.~ ~ ~ :~ • :: ::~=I ~ S ~ d I~~ :z ~~~= ~ 1: 1~ :lo. 'Ml ' u 1S 6ti ,.... 1. lnG pt • SJ 1•100., • 1 FIBTH 110 I )1' 10{o. v, NalFG J.t• s 1S 11~-.. A•YlfWI 140 II tm 41... '"' tolEd pf111 13 1so.,. "'' '1nMol 3 4 -Jt:: :-: :~~~ I.~ I~ I~~ ~: .. f I. =:~~:: 1 ~:I~ ~ JS\'I ... ~:~.~ : :rn ~ ~;v, ~ Na!Gyp I • U m ti"°·-··· Aead8 I .IO 4 4') IJ°"' ... ~=~~ .:"' :J 1; :!\.. ~[~J.Y ,~ .: .~ :~. :t~~~: r! ·~r u~. ~ =~~:; ·~ ~ ,.~ }i~: ~ ~:~~: ) ~ : :! Uk ~ ~~~: -~ 1~ .~ ,::-: =~~~;o:~ I :! ~: ~ ~~~~ 160 • ~ t~i. -13 I bnl ~ 1'•• I ••. 1 e HI Pa U JV. '" Ja1>11F I 3S. 1.. ll>t 'I> NMIN S n I IS '"' V. A.-.JO 21 ... IS"7 ToKo It 10) 12""-"-'Slerll ll II 410 IWe • , --vo-F•IP• WI s J ,. J ollPlll , .. • 10 1 ........ NP,.1 • uo • JS t~-"" Re«• J .... lowlt .. I 111 ......... ',ms,s,'!. • s'1 .1. 21,5, ?O, ,'•c'~,,e 1, '°10 io 3~ Uh• ~ FtUnRI ' •• I ~• " "' JttC pl • ••OO u~, • '"' NS.ml UM 11\.'t A ... ::t' s -.J '"" "" ToyAu' " s.a 11111 "" '" , • v ,,.. •v -. ~ FlllaBk .. 4 S1 I C ..-1~ SI ~r.••n I .. 1 --•·. ll•f<I • t S 11~ Trt<OI I JO ll 111 11Vi • -"TT S 40 • •4114 U leYEI 1 It • '15 II\•, °"' FIWIK 2.10 4 S. 16 ' I,\ Jtr ,.. • :it I -" ,. ••"'' '-' • T 3-I IM. °"' "TT pl 4 s s•:: levp>. "° ' IO '"" FlkhO 2 s Sl J&-0\ • .,., JerC pl • rlOO .,... 'I• ~.:t!>':l' -IOI': .~ ,,~ .. ::~ ''° • :r;; .u: .,., T~~p '· 101• ~"": .... UT pt 3-1>'.. l3 l3\o • :~~~:p ::! ~ m ::~: :: r;lsllFd 10 1 SI 10 j:~g: 1il/' i~::O ..::~, 11,. NalUI nf J I 11 ult • "7 AtpFf\S l,10 to 41 41... ,., TW wt ll •V. ~i~r. r:: ·) 1! ~~, I I pl I l1 I FllFlnG 1 4 14 H'" ..,_ JorC ~ J 11 41 IJ ... , "" Na10fTI JI 40 4 11• ltl>t 1 A:f.NY 1.40 S 11 11v .. °" 1 W wll' 226 '"°, ;,; "W•I p1 1.&l 1100 .,,..,.. ~'fir.'r .o ~~ !}~ :ion_ :;; ~:::~ t~~ 1 : 1m ~~ ~ ~::Tc cp11.41 1 11t ~~~ ~ ~=~~ "'2 . .! · s 1~ ~~ ... _. =N ~ :::J a 1~ ;;~' . ~ t:~: ; : . ~ uj!~; ~ "Wal pl l,2S · 140 9V.. ocaCI 1 .. IO "41 l'I"-:;: Flui\I ID IS SS 11 \<. Jtwlcr 1 10 4v1 o V. No•P pt I 1' _. llOO It + "" RNY Of A.lie .. SA • "7 Trtll\m 1,40 • 12°' ,....,_ V. 'm•r"" 1.60 ' 19 231\o • fl .. I Pl '-ti S6 '°"' JOllnJn "' •SJ• .,...,, h H .. aas n u ..., llt11Sfl 1• 13 llw .. Tr•nl11< t. It 40 11'-V. "mesO 40 I 11 1;i..,,, oltN s M 14 SJ 114'.• °"' Flea! pl 17S S 11 EF 9 114 13.,., '°"' NE"9EI J 1 M JI , AePIN! I.Alb S J3l '4'1< • 1 1r•nKo 1.IO Ill ,,... .... '""lk 120 I? .. 29 0°:.tt<_!>A 1.-'~ i~. !!~-\.\ FllQtSf s ·•• •s 109 20"" j~.,::Cn I 40 ', '" 1•"". \.\ NJ Ase nl.1' 1 • 14 ...... Atfleot 11 ' 50 """ ... lmK pf l.t7 2S •• v. 'mfk I .. IS ,., '°"'. 019'i>•i I~ I •• ~ i1"" -"" FIOetP n II UI 1J .. Jonl9"1 Ml ., 15'\oo NYSEG 1.10 • , .......... Rev<o .• I) ~s llY·. "' TT•.~npKn ;,021 ~ .! .. .... "MPln 140 IS UOO SS+. ~ -\It FlaEC 10 13 31 I~ Joroan 1 • 1 11._ + '" NYS C>I 3.IS iltO 11•n• .... Rev,.. n ..... • \ti .., •pt, SO • ·~ 119 "lmpeo 60 11 l I) • ~:~.:::,·~ • •Ir: ~"' . . Fl•Pl 3 J& • ,,. l4'-<. JO\f.... .., " llS ,,~. NYS pl031S . JI 11V. .... Aevlon .... I us ,,., " 1rnt0h • II s... v. ',mm's'•P I~ "1 105 ,1.~. F • !00 I ... Fl•Pro 1.IO I 31'1 .. ,.. YI JoyMIO I 40 ' ••I ,,... '• Newell I • • IS.__ .... Re-60 , " l}YI • .,.. l••nwv LIO ... 10 ..... I'> h -~ oln ' • • Fl•Stl .S7 . 1'1 is~ .. v. _ K-K _ Nwhal .n IJ » -· . , Aunra I QI 20 l.. 10.. "" tr••I• '1 ... • 100. JOlo ._ 'mttar I 'Cl S 50 10ti olPffl I'° l01 "'" "° FlwC>«n 17 693 11 • 1 11(01 n tO l'S •\it, 'lo Newml 110 ll2 41..__ '-Aeynl11 7 10 • 1110 4-1'1. ''' TrlC°" 3-'1•. ltt It'-"' 'm'1 pf .ti . IS u I"• ollln S 1.IO • 39:11 24 -llff Flowr • .M 9 11 16 KLM 11 3 :SJ'-'-Nwpa•k ta S ns 7"° v. ltt)'lft pfo 10 12 tl"' \lo TrlCn pf 1 tO 1 JO"' \'o "lmtlacl I Ml II .. llY• OIGas , .. I l49 19 Fl.-IO I 11'0 It~. .0 Km•" 1 13 nn 10•• °"' NltMP I IO •)SU U \4-.... ltey#IMI 1IO11 1)9 1~.... V. Tt1Soln I 11 t \4 'ncmp n IJ 11 111 llOJ. • SO pf nlS U J<JO '°'°"' FooleC: J_'JO I Ill !:1"1 i,. ll(a ltrAI 60 11' 11'-, "°" Nl•M4>1 l 40 .so 24"7 "" AtrM Ol•.tO 1 U,._ °"' Trt•lncl 40 loO 11 II "'"'<>es ,. ,. """. ombln 1 IO • ,., ll~e ... ForGM 1104 11~ ft Ka i S10f . IS I S4 • , ... Hl•MO' J 60 IUO 24'1> "' ltcllVd I .. 10 .. , • .,. '" Trlal'c 1 u ,, ll'IO. ... 'n<hor 1,)6 I 160 IOV, mbEn 1 M S ~ ,.....,_ "1 ForMI( 1 40 a 11 l1 -YI K I C 1 40 I 11 It' \ NlaMOf 4.10 t100 31 • 1 AlellelT 1 IO I 1' It • \!> frl<o It t 1• t~ l'o The 143-natlon bank, which makes long-term loans lO enrourage economic development an middle- lncome and poor countries, noted that the economies of the world's 21 non.communaat induatriaJ oountrle. grew an average of 1.4 percent in 1980 and l.2 percent in 1981. Preliminary figures suggest that "1982 is likely tO be the third year in a row or slow growth," the bank said in us report released Thursday Frontier tells buy Frontier Services Co., Denver, a division ol Denver-based Fronuer Holdings lnc., has announced an agreement in principle w purchase the as.sets of Braniff Education Systems of Dallas, a subsidiary of Braniff International Corp. Completion of the $1.2 million purch ase Is pending a legal and property purchase audit by Frontier Services, as w ell as review by Braniff Int.emational's credit committee and the bnakruptcy trustee. Frontier Holdings is also the parent corporation oC Denver-based Frontier Airlines which serves John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Hotel chief named Colgate F . H o lmes, pres1denl of H ya u lnterna tional Corp., Atlanta, has been named president of the ne w Monarch Hotels company, a d ivision of W.B. Johnson Properties Inc., a major developmenl, hotel and food chain organization. The first two Monarch hotels already are under construction here in Atlanta. Monarch expects lO have 15 hotels completed in the next five years, J ohnson said. Sites for other Monarch hotels are in Beverly H ills. Laguna Beach, Calif. and Greenwich, Conn STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID 'nCl•y I J2 S 10 2>'11 ~!'~ ~ : m 1~!:": :: FIOe., 1 l2 loO 11 1(:1:J1 • 115 11..: • ~ NlaMO' US 1140 )4"° RloGran UO i • JJ~ ... \e {~"t'lP 1: : ~ II\',. "° ~,:::.n 'f~ n I:. 1,.0' .~ H~. omMI. .. • J IS\> .... =:== I ~'! .: m:. ~ ~==" :: t ,.t ~!~~. :~ ~::= :·n != m:: l: ::-; r : ,, .u ~~;,; ~ '"''"°' I IO .. 11 m: ::: Auo. 26 Tllun ""'" nllev. --omdl \ I) 1002 l3h .. Fo•SIP ti I 11 II"°" KCI Pl J,. ~ st ,.... "' NleoSh) l'9 tt l:Mi. AOCl!il!W I 411 11 U 11'," t "9 Ty<ol ' IO 6 12• 14-V. " .. nl•I• '° 11 1•1 13c, t mwE 1 IO I o,334 U'4 V> Fo•br s 1.04 1 )QJ 1._,... ... llC~l Of• lS 1llO ..:131,, "' NICOii n . H 11, I 11._:;·t., A-\160 J II• t1 • V> Tyler Ml t 19 1-l\o .. nt• n ,. 4 t1 11.... wE Of I'° 4J ""° • "° Frp1Mc Ml 9 1117 16 • '-KCPL pf4 50 1100 ul4 , 1'-NICOR J I M ,._ y, AGOIM ,. I 114 "'-°" TymtN JO 111 11 .. + 14 "'nlhny 441> 10 1 6"-wE pl 1 4 "~ • V. Fr19tm .46 I 100 ""°-' ~ l((PL pf'l 10 I ll'"' Nob4Af 11 S UI ~ \.\ RocfoG 1 7M> , 1•1 "'-I'> -U-tl -'Pt<llt 1410 2'1 11'1'> .... wE pt I. llJOO ,.,,. • '~ Fru.hl 40 II• 11 • lff KCSeu • tJ JO\'> •1, Nor5o n 1-IO • 11' SJ-._ AocllTI 1 CM 1 61 ,..... .. UAL n J»4 11 ... • %.. 'PCllP U11 2'! • 11 '°"" w E ol 1 JI • llO.o • '"' Fuqua 411 ti "'-• 0.. KCSo r 1 ISO I .,. Norlln J llt n-., II< A0<kwt l.S. t .. , -'-UGI 2 04 S 14 -°"' .. pPw pf1.6S J It 't c:~ = ~ ~ t~ ~\I,• 'I'> Fuqa pt 1,::s G-0 ~IS.. Ka nC. 111 >OJ 11'-• °"' Nonlt n 1 JO S 1' 14Yt ... =~r~1~ t 10)1"1n4 '1~ ~=iT J! I~ :in ~ It. ~!!..Pw1~14~ 12 , ... •1 u~~: ' ... CwE "' 11• '''° uSJOJ. .... GAF 10 • ,., 100.--.. KK••n .... Plbll1~ ,:~ ,'~ ~ Nortel< °' > ,. 1... • ROIWln • 411 11\i: .. u .. CAtt IOl 4"': .... -.,,.. mw ••• ••• COMES 118 I .. 1''1'> '--• -NACCMll ID I 17 ti • '4 A ) • USF~ J ~ t -1•~--1•~ '«-hDn IOI> I ,., ""' ... + GAF pf 21:! -111•11 !~¥>., v. t<•Pl ""n 10 II • "' NOAPlll 1.70 ' l:I 40'-'I'> °"'pt J.1 t •• "' u -.._ ~ ~ ,,,,PS 1.51 I 1511 11" Comwl ) JO u "' ll -.. GATA --•• ~ K•IYlll II • • ... NEurO 11'P I ' '"" RtflnEJi . 11 ,... UC•mo l • IS) 51~ ..... '•IPpl l: 'fa 1~~ :-: ~~~s 11 2'1> 1~ g~ \0. GCA 'fl 1! I~ 11~. YI Ka1118r 24 llt l l;,o V. .. .,.,IUI I.JI 1 11J 1-·~ :·:~' .. ,: r'J m: ~~>,:I '!j ,_ ~ ~~~J~ '12 • ..., .... ""Comp5< II 102 13 ... ~ g~::,co 14 l 11J "'· .. ~=~~:" I: • '1 :r· .. ,.. NlndPS 1_!0 t lSO It -\4 l'l:.,ton • 1 .... UnElec: I ... I Sit u '•In Al 1 160 1).llo l•ll CC~~ .. 11 1 1 :~ ~ft_ .. C.F EQD • • Kell-I 10 t "4 76~, '4 ~~~!·:~ 1 1~ :--4 .. A-.tO 6 21 11~• • '" Un El Of • t110 l'YI I 'rm.a. 10 t \i" \i, CONlt ) 10 I lt ~ "" GTE 1 '7 1101) ll '-K•llwd «> 1 ff 13" ..,_ N~Pw pl' 11 tlOO 31...,. IYI Aor0< .. U JSJ 1711> V. Un El pl •.40 t'10 U44Vi • 1111 ,,_o 11011 161 ""'. "' ConnE r'C2 60 ' " U ll1-\.\ GTE P' , • 10 '"'· "' KUWll 10 ' llS 1 • '· NorTI 9 I .. us -.... A-°' l lJOl t i-\ .... UnE!.f.!M ' ,.. ""'. "' ''me p1 2.10 . S 14 • v. CnnNC. 1 JO • 14 11"', v. g:~~~11J/ 1~ 1~ ~:: :: K•nm1 .. 10 1'1 u ~ NI~ 0 sr l'-• I'> :r-t: ~'of, ~s m: "" ~~~r~ 11~ "': "~~'-• 1 ~~~1'n1':1:1~ :·:~ ~~ErJ·;·;,20L!~ .~ g::~~ .: ~ ~~ :~:. ~=:~~,:~::nu~·'"~::~~:-·: 6 ~ ~-~ =='~,1~:,; ·;: n~. I ~~~~1 · '!: ~-l~ \rowE 1• U It 11.... 'to ConE pl S S 4011, • 11, Gtarlll 311 I 141 IS-I<. .~ KtytCn 2 11V• N8cp pl ., wSl , 1 RwtTOO I , l3 I~ UOtlc.t I 6 1"'5 1'\i> ... ,,..,. .10.. u ""' ..... COllFch 2 11 JJI ,. •• "' Gel<O 1· 11 I 0 It -Keyllnl ' .. 13 ,, 11~ \<, NwllEn I «> tt1 lSV.-..... Ryant{ 1 SO'l 101 ~ ... Un Pee 1 IO ' 109 11-.. 'rvln 1.12 11 1' 13" 'lo ConF Of i 50 , It '•I GtmCa ' 11 • ~ ~. Kidde l 110 • llO JO•~, •1< NwEn Pfl, 13 14 11 l'lycletS I 0-. t 21~ JSVi Unlryl • Sl:1 lfo-\lit ,,.In pf 1 S 11"7 "7 CnsFrt 1 60 IJO .. ,,, v. Gemln J 40a J ISl't. Jtldde 1>11.. 60 ll'-• \o Nwllnd 4.40 2 l'H3 40"'-l'I> -S-S -U11ryl pt w 1«1 '1'-'-4'wr~o ·'° .. , 1''1• .,_ Ct1ING st a 12 12V.-\to GA Inv 4 Zk' SJ IS'-' '"' l(lmbCI . • 1 ltO &3'1<o YI NWMLI 1.10 6 W 10 -V. SCA IO I ... 10""-°" UnltD n l IU ·-"°" AllllOll 1-411 • 121 l•h. • Gon'Pw 1 .. • •1' 11 •.i. C.AmOll tOb 11 1IS ,. v. KnolllA n 11 II JJ'•• HwSIW to" 1 ,...,, "' SCM 2 I 1t1 1~ "-Un8rnd .10 121 J6 I--UPS AtlllO plJ.t6 J l4'"' .., CnPw Ill•.•• ,100 29.,. • '" GnB<lll • ' 4 111" ..: 1(099• 1 t02• 4Gl ""'• v. Nori°" 2 6 1'1 2th ,,. Sl'N I 1' t 14 14 " UBra ol 1.10 . 1 t -14 ANO DOWNS ASdDG 2 1 .. lJ 'Ill CnPw p14 50 120 JI~, 1 GClnm -"IO n ·"'--Kolmor J2 IS 2' "'-• ... NorS1"1 1.0I I U 10'"' SPSTec .12 6 40 14~ ..... UCDT'll 11 14 16 m 11\i> t 1 AICIO pf US • 67\o ... CnPw pf1 O 1100 SI 1-9, \ti GnOala . . l2t I-.. K-rs I 40 13 m 13.. .. Novo t6' 21 410 41\lo • ... S.blt!e .-0 " 141 M -Y. UnEnro 1 t2 S tJ1 t7"" t 'Ill NEW YORI( tAPI T ... IOllOW1"9 lltt Alhlone I 60 • 11..... CnPw pn.n t10 SS • YI gi~~npl .:~ ~ ,.,~ ~l"': J~ l(Opf' pl ' dO ,. • ·~ Nuce>< S111 .. 43.V.-"" ~:octr.:' .JJ" Jsi ·~ "" Ulllum J.'7 j .. ,,__ I'> ,·-.~.! _, .... N.,":'-1':°'1L,s'!<·~e f!!.,_~ ~11C1.v1E_!. ~~ , !ls 20'-'1 • :'! CnPw Pf 1 14• r1110 uss1v. • '"' ~·nEl 3.41110 2 .. 1 72 1 KrOtfll• " I"" .. NulrS n .:n 11 192 uuv... t 1 ~ 1.0• I "' u111~ pl l '1 77 ult • -~~. -· • ·-·-~-_ ~ M •v .__ • •• C p ... • • ~ •~ ~ -Kr-r I 1' I S26 :!'•;., V• -0-0 -5" 9*Y -all ~h V. Ulllu pf 1.10 . 1100 It • V. 1 ... ,,_, arid -tile "'°" be-on All Rich 1 40 • ll1S ll'l'I \o C~,.: ;;f1" • lt --~ GnFcK J '10 1 1"° )7/-"'° ll(uhlm 10t1 • 14 10'-• V. Oelflnd 1• 1 1503 ISV.• I'/• m·~ ,. t 14 ,.h \'o Ulllu pt 4 . :tt J1'1<o -\'o r,:rctnt Oii <""'9 r di o4 Y04 All .. Cl> I 4' 11~-'-Cn""' P<'lts l l 1•'•-"• g~~ s -::-: :J~ mz· '/. ll(y"'°' '4 1J If I "• OaklteP I.SJ I 1 II~• \ii SSIP OL I.~ j ' 121ff Unlllncl lb II 16 _, \lo orNo~ltL 1,~,:::....: ••are l::-i. Auget .JJ II 111 1/Vo V, CnPw prl.loO s 11\ol• °"' GnHC>Ui JO S 21 I* -L O«!Pet 2.IO S 1"30 21°"' .... llUI I.,, • JI 10\;o U11lt11111 .11 I 3 n •1<... . --~ _ nf, -~ .. ·-~~~~p I~': l~t Jf'" ~ ~~l'Al~l &l J I~~· GIMI t SO 11 ~ u.. Vi H HO n3 SM I 13 1)'1> • \, ~~:~ ~·~. ~ m~-. '"' ~~p I I) : 11'; 21" :: ~:= I 14 4 = I~~-. ucMd '"' -pef'Cffl -<Nnotute I,_ A•co pt > 10 1• 4lll. 11 • coniCop s11 ., • • ,, g~"','.~ ~ ~ ~"' ~ ~~ep 3 ~ ~14 "" ow pf 1u2 n• .,v, 1 so~ ,·: 6 AtO ••v. • v. UPk-M te ,.,. • v. :~·.~-....:: .:!~u' ~5.':. P,..•1°"" clouno Av•ry .'Cl t 4'4 21\1. CntlCp 1.0 • , .. , 1•YI • °"' GMOI Pl J 1S I ul3't•, 1.., Tl/ '° J 113' 10~ \'o OOECO s 1 • J24 "-" •.i. SJ""411 .f1e I) .,. t ilt. · USFoS I 01• It 101/. 14 " Avnet I 10 1037 44 lo. CnllGrp J 60 4 JOS JO\IJ V. 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OllEd ot 7.lt ra100 '° -v, SautRE * -60 4-4o. "" USS-1 » "°" iiv .. 1v. s wyloL.IOt ~ • "' Up 15_0 Bkr•nll ,, s '°' n \ ... '• ~:..~ 'o~ • ~ ~ Gns1r.:: I 60 • ,.. ""' ••Anl' 40 • ll II \.\ OllEd pl I.~ llOO U V>-1 S.vEIP 1. s ,, ''"" USSIHI 1 ) ).172 2'l>Vi . ... • Cllrlstiofl• s.... • ... Uill IJ.t B••-n11 IS I .... "· ~ 157 . MS 1"'--.. GlF pf I.JO l10 10~ ........ lTr ISOIO ... ,,,.. "'Otlfd:rLM rl1J060.... Sa•EA 1.W 4 ., .... "'USToec J IOIO • •'--.... 1 Meti.Clr1 ..... I Up IJ t BtldU s •• Sii , ......... ,_,pf 1 tO 11 Jn.-... GT ire I *' I •• ?•YI-Vi .. "' I .. • 2• ,. ..... 011( 10 ,. l50 11 S.VE " 1.21 . I ......... UnT.a. J.40 • ,,,. -• "' I Am a... 11 • IW. Up IJ I BallCp 1 Ill • U •i. c-l.b IO 11 11s 34 -~e Gtlni<o 113 • ' \'o -oPlet ..._ > 1 1~ "' OllP Of LCM .SO i1 S.vtn " IQ ~ UT<ll pl J 17 I ~ • "' t Oreo""'' IS\.'t • I"' u p }" B•llrMI 10 113" 2s .... 'I'> C-T .. s ll I~-... GnAad 10141 JI ,,.,.. ,,. thlltl ~ n 1s-1&°-I .. 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M•Clt ~ ~ -~lll''i'I, 1G" ~="' IOlltOrO.-~ _.....of...,...._ w••• 11111• "1 ~:~ :i ~ ~~ i: 1= ~ ~ :~ t:·5 =·" 1; :i r.~ ·: -:::r ,,~~~·.i· .~· ~ m!.Ei:J :; Ii:~·~ :. ·i ~ :.~ •""; ., :: 'E :,·----------------="""----=--'=--·-,, •• _ .. ---___ -... ___ llgln __ ;.;'.:;t;' J 11 4~ "" • 141 :~'·.a,.:1 ~i: ,~,,"..,. .. "' ~ ••• ~ ... ,,..., i: u---~·" ,,~ "' ,. ll ·"" .1 .. » ""·" , ii ~-~IIA!I .. .... ~ -;,r.r.: . .ll .r:.:·~ ,;;·;,i;: :-· t "'!! ::-,1 ti:t: 51 J: I . ~ ~ •11:.' ~: •... 111 ::=~·~ • ,. .. • 'I -= , ..• ,, r.~:.. t. I • ... ~I j •: ... ''~t,11.•t~ n:l .. ._ '~'' ,: •J::i: ._ .n ·•·~ Utt:.. ,,,t1 .!:·~='~"] ~~ i ~-•"'WMtw ~ l:J ~'.'.": ,..,.~. E;"EF.. •t; -: ' 1·1 ,... • > "' ,,.., i ~ IM I Ot a.,,i...... ,. ' Af t .... ,_. rill 1 t "' ti \ lit f 1·· ~ -~ I.. 1 ~ .J' sJ t w 1111• "" t.! . . • I "" -I• + " tt ~ .. U. • ti !~ -,. tit llt 1 • tot • t • lit " A -.. ., J. " '-11 11/f ,·: '.& I! t: , .. ·; 1 "' '.l'lt.U :: -~ = ~-. .ti K: ~ 1'r:n I it ._\It , : ,,,._. j t ~.1• *lfl ~ i u '9• C. :!:' .. -. .• -~·ii" ~.:. I .. 111111111a1•11 mm UH ANGFCUUNIV L AtlfdH NIA l'~ ClNT S 1 ~exicans eye border cOntrol action EL PASO, Texas (AP) A l though th e M exican government has said it will impose controls t o k ee p Americans from buying up rood and other goods, there was no indication that the ban had been put Into effect today, a U .S Customs Service spokesman said. "We should find out more about 1t today," said spokesman Lee Chapuis. "So far, we haven't heard about any changes." The M exican budge t and finance ministry announced Thursday it would Impose the controls, but no d e tails w ere given on how they w ould be enforced. "They had to do this," said Wayne McClintock, publisher of the M e xico R epo rt. "Not necessarily here, but m oth er areas along t h e b o rd er, Americans were crossing a nd virtually raping the stores." McClintock predicted that the controls probably wo uld affeet RE AL HORNS -Cattle from among the 300 heifers mov~ by Irvine Ranch hands from one grazing ar ea to another this m orning briefly block traffic on Coyote Canyon Road in basic t.cwa ou~h as sugar and mUk that already are subeldlr.ed by the Mexican government. The anno uncem ent follows three weeks of heavy buying by American shoppers in Mexican border towns. The peso was allowed to float on lntemationaJ money markets Aug. 5 and it plunged from a rate of about 49 to the dollar to as low as 130 pesos per dollar. The n e w r ate m e ant AmerJcans with fl.stfula of dollars I could get barga!ns ran•ns from sugar for 13 cents a p0und to clothing and furniture at half last month's prkes. Oct avio Munoz Corra l , president of the Ciudad Juarez Chamber of Commerce, said the buying sprees had caused spot shortages al some supermarkets. Ramon Moreno, chief customs inspector in Juarez, said his department h ad not n oticed many Americans buying large quantities of Mexican jloods sinre .,.., .... ~.,,Gery......,_ vicinity of county dwnp -and the cow s didn't even have to sound their (real) ~ to gain rlght of way. (Additional photoS <>fl'lPage A2) the peeo devaluation. "It's more of a problem of tiO many (America n s) who are coming across now and Laking away things little by little," he said. "We are n ot particularly interested In laying in a great store of supplies," said Robert C M c Wh e rter, an El P asoa n shopping in Juarez. "We're not buying more," added M c Whe rle r 's wife, Marianna . "But we are buying it *** Mexico for less." Othl'r border c1t1es, particularly Tijuana, have reported shortages of basic goods because of American shopping. The governm e nt a l so announced it will subsidize imports of bamc foods from the United States along the bordt.-r, reimbursing merchants for the difference between t he free market rate of peso trade and the offidal 49.50 to the dollar rate set for such items. *** • waits word on curbs for exports Government off1c1als in Mexico said today they do not know what form -if any - export conlrols on items leaving the country will take. The Mexican governme nt announced Thursday it wil l impose "export con trols" to prevent American tourists from taking a dvantage of the devalued peso and bringing back groceries and other i terns from borde r town markets and shops. Esteban Morales, the consul ge neral for Mexico, said the gove rnment is "most like ly" working on a program to place controls on certain it.ems sold in Mexico. The d evalued p eso h as e n couraged Ame rica ns to purchase groceries and other items in Mexico, and Mexican citizens have complained that the influx of American shoppers has d~pleted their stock. But. in making the export control announcement Thursday. the government failed to outllne how it will prevent tounsts from buying Mexican goods. The consul general said, "It ~ fair to assume the Department of Commer ce is working o n a project or program to implement th~ restrictions." But, he said, he has not been informed on what that program might entail. "There has been no official in forma t ion o n wha t will happen," Morales said 1n a telephone interview today. "In due cour se. I will be i nformed about wnat is happening," he said. M ea nwhil e, tourists will C.'Ontinue to be allowed to bring bac k grocer ies a nd o ther c.'Onsumer goods from Mexico, he said. "Everyone, I suppose, will be notified simultaneously about any new rules, I would say, if there are going to be any." -By STEVE MITCHF:T .1 Laguna to fight airport plan for El Toro By STEVE MITCHELL 0.-IM DeltJ Noe Sl8ff Laguna Beach representatives will try to quash the notion pf using Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro as a commercial airport at a Southern Ca l ifor nia Association o f Govern ments executive committee meeting Thursday. SCAG has selected three sites f or con sid e ratio n as a new regional airport, including the air station. t h e organization's executive committee will meet Thursday in Los Ange-les to select one of the sites. The other two locations under consideration by the SCAG panel include Camp Pendleton and an offshore airport which would be constructed in Long Beach. The proposed airport would be designed to handle 18 million air passengers a year , on e-half of which would be genr!ra ted by Orange County. The number of cou n ty passenger s would increase if John Wayne Airport we re closed to air carriers, a Israel f ir01 on no Palestinian state WASHINGTON (AP) - Israel's tough-talking d efen se minister. Ariel Sharon, said he t old se ni o r R eaga n administration officials today that Israel "will never agree" to creation of a Palestinian st.ate in the occupied W est Bank and Gua Strip. Following a 90-minute meeting with Secretary of St.ate George P. ShuJtz, Sharon told reporters that Jordan should be considered COUNTY a Palestinian state, an assessment with which the United States does not agree. "There is a Palestinian state," S haron declared. "Israel never agreed and will never agree to a second Palestinian state, and l made it very clear again today." Shultz. who has been critical of Israel's invasion of Lebanon, did n o t see him to the State Department door following their meeting, as is often customary. 'Up With People' con tagious For a Detroit teen-ager surviving hard times in depressed Motown, the "Up With People" show gave him such a shot of enthusiasm h e joined the team. Page Bl~ BUSINESS No monopoly on Monopoly "Monopoly" is 1uch a p0pular game, Parker Brothers no longer earl claJm a trademark for the term, as it ha.I passed Into generic usage, a court has ruled. Page B4. SPORTS Paddlins to Catalina OUtriaer canoH h~ad from Newport Beach to Catalina IiJAnd thia weekend. Page CL • I possibility outlined in the SCAG scenario. Laguna Beach has b een meeting with Irvine city officials and council members in Tustin in an effort to organize a front in opposition to the El Toro site. But, since Laguna is the only city of the three that belongs to SCAG, it has been carrying the burden o f talks between .the cities and the association of governments. Laguna has sent a letter to SCAG informing the group of its opposition to "El Toro as a n airport site, and city officials intend to back that letter up by attending the Thursday meeting. Laguna Beach councilw oman Sally Bellerue said the city of Irvine received a letter today from the SCAG comm ittee stating city representatives will not be allowed to testify at the September meeting. "We (Laguna) have a letter to SCAG asking that we be allowed to discuss our concerns, and I will be callinjl (executive) committee members to pursue th a 1," Bellerue said. She said that, in any event, representatives from Irvine and Laguna will attend the meeting. Laguna Beach is conte nding that the SCAG aviation study does not contain sufficient information on transportation, development and environmental Impacts of the El Toro site with w hi c h to make a sou nd detennination. Specifically, the city argues that the addition of an airport site at the a ir station would generate 8. 7 million vehicle miles traveled each day, and would "precipitate a tra ns portation crisis." The city also says an airport at El Toro would resuJt in intensive development in the area, adding that impacts of such development have not been researched by SCAG. Additionally, the council wants SCAG to address effects of an air p ort at El Toro on the environment. T wo Lag una homes burgle d Revised hospital hill Governor not expecte d to oppose n e w legislation Burglars entered two homes in Laguna Beach Thursday, taking valuables totaling more than $9.000, police saip today. Thieves broke Into a home on Hillview Drive, taking $5,215 in jewelry, police said. ln an earlier break-in , residents returned to their Del Mar Avenue home to find jewels and crystal valued at $4,000 missing. Police are investigating both break-ins. NATION By JOEL C. DON OftM 0..., l"lfot St.ff Gov. EdP,:nu~d G . Brown Jr. is not expetted lo oppose newly revised legislation that could lead to a hospital being built in Irvine, accordin~ to an official in the governor s office. Brown Wednesday rejected a special land bill because he felt it might h ave suggested state endorsement of one group competing to build a hocpital in the cit y. The revision emphasizes that no one hospital or h ealth l m mi!fration r eform push e d , The R eagan administration is behind an immigration r eform bill, despite others' concerns about a provision that could lead. to a national identity card. Page AS. STATE The right wa y to 'lunch' A oontultant says lunch i9n't merely a matt.er of going to a restaurant and ordering a meal. She ls teachina executives the right way to handle a lunch conference with a pl'Olpe!Ctive business client. Page All. 'Bullet train' bonds backed A legillative conference committee hu approved 1\ale revenue bonds lor a propoeed "bullet train" that would pall ihrou1h Orange County on a Loa Angeles-San Diego route. Pap A8 . J service plan is supported by state lawmakers. "ln his (Brown's) veto message he said he would support this bill with this language in it," said Brown legislative aide T erri Thomas. She said she now sees no obstacles to the measure. 1 profit group to build a hospital in Irvine. Although no h ospital group is specified , Saddlebac k trustees have end orsed the proposed Irvine Medical Center olan. The land bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman M a ria n Bergeson, R-Newport Beach , w ould allow the Saddle bac k Community College Di.strict to lease 10 acres of land to a non- · Efforts to kill the previous leJ{islation were spearheaded by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean o f the UC Irvine College of Medicine. UCI is considering seve ral proposals from groups that w ould build a teaching INDEX At Your Service Business Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane Editorial Entertainment A4 84-5 C6-12 B7 B7 B6 A9 AS Weeke nder Gardening HOlCICOpe B3 A9 (~e HOSPITAL, Page At) Intermission Weeke nder Ann Landers A9 Movies Weeke nder Mutual Funds B4 National Ne\¥1( ( A3 Public Notices ~2,B6,C5 • Sports Cl -5 Stock Markets B5 · Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 Shooting out at Knott's Knott'• Berry Farm'• 1hootout at the Calico Saloon 11aln't exactly the IUJl~ht at O.K . Comtl." See WMkender cover. • ' 1 I Or1ng1 00H1 DAii. v PILOT l l'rktay, ~UQUll 27, 1882 Delly ll'ltOC Pholoe bJ Gery Ambr- 1 THE REAL THING -It may look like a Marlboro ad or something akin to it, but these scenes are real as Bob Elder (above), whose title is "chie f cowboy" for the Irvine Company. takes a break amid the chore of moving 300 head of cattle from one urban range to another in Irvine. Heifers bunched together (right) are within sight of expensive ' residences of Turtle Rock area. .. Troops sp e d e vacuation of PLO guerrillas BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - The departurt' of t.he PLO fon"t.'t 1u.·cclcrated today aa ltulll'n 1wldwrs e1eorted an c•llmuted 1.500 PaletJUnhuu to the Syrian ltorder In the first overland evacuation from w e11t Beirut. About 600 more guerrillu .. 111..'<J f or Syria Cr om the U.S .-c.'Ontrolled port. Informed AOurces in Damascus uid Pal eatlne Liberation Organization chief Vasser Arafat a nd Marxist guerrilla leaden George Habash and Na yef Hawatrneh might travel to the Synan capitaJ by land Saturday -if adequate protection could be arrangc'CI for the journey. The pro-PLO Voice or Arab Lebanon radio r eported that Arafat said farewell to Moslem to>lder statesman Saeb Salam, a former prime minister, in west Be iru t today . But PLO spokesmen r efuse.l! to confirm the reports that Arafat and the others would leave Saturday CoaSt colleges offering fewer free credit courses .. By PHIL SNEIDERMAN pntte Dally Piiot St•H The three Coast Community Colleges, nearing the end or their t all registration period , are ~ffering fewer free college credit The Laguna Beach Police Explorer Scouts are offering to paint address numbers on curbs fronting homes and businesses for a fee of $4 for homes and $7 for businesses. Police officials say that the fluorescent pamt used makes it easier for emergency officials to find addresses • The Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach has scheduled lessons in ballroom "dancing as part of the club's fall and winter schedule. Classes are scheduled from 12:30 p.m until 2:30 p .m . beginning Wednesday, Sept. 8. courses and more non-credit instruction on a ree basis. Despite this r estructuring, credit course enr ollment at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa and Golden WL'St College in during the night as well as during the day. For further information, call 497-3311. Money from the address painting fees will go toward buying uniforms a nd for training for the Explorer Scouts, a police department spokesman said. Ted Raden 1s one of the instructors for the eight- session course. The fee is $15. Classes will be held al the Senior Center, 384 Legion St., Laguna Beach. For furthe r info rmation , call 497-2441. Huntington Beach has been running slightly ahead of last year. At Coastline College, which is based in Fountain VaJley but offers c lasses throughout t h e district, fall enrollment has been running behind last year's figures. Fall classes begin Sept. 7. The restru cturing of fall schedules is the result o f a decision by state legislators to trim $30 miUion from the 1982-83 budget o f the California Community Colleges. To accommodate this cut, state community college officials said they would no longer provide funds for numerous avocational, rec r e a tiona 1 and persona I e nric hment co urses that traditionally had been offered tuition-free for credit. The three Coast colleges thus were forced to delete classes in topics such as dance, yoga and a uto care Crom their Call credit offerings Programs in some of these areas will be offered on a Bra dley due in Laguna Los A n geles Mayor Tom Bradley is scheduled to bring his gubernatorial campaign to Orange County Saturday with a fund-raising reception m Laguna Beach. The Democratic candidate for governor is to appear at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Taub, 545 Allvit"w Terrace, from 5 to 7 p.m . MoStly fair Co a s ta I Scattered clouds tod•y but l)'\Oltly talr wllh highs ranging vom tow 70s 81 tne be•ches to OHr 90 In Ille Inland areas. Fair tonight end Saturday except for ~e tale F11ghl and early morning low clouds and fog Overnight lows ln the 60s and highs Saturday 1n the mid· 10s el tile beadles to mld·80s Inland T empe ratures NATION HI Lo Ptc. 81 61 87 57 91 65 78 58 88 69 77 &4 100 79 83 58 77 50 89 73 65 33 93 60 82 67 96 77 73 60 Rain~ Snow :<· Showers & Flurries8 Na"°"81 wu111., SeMc• NOAA U S OeQt ol Comme<ct' • Elsewhere. f rom Polnl Concept1on to the Me•lcen ~<ler end out 60 miles Small et•ll advisory over ouler waters with northweat wlndl 15 to 25 knot• and combined seas of 4 to 7 lee1. Locally light variable winds t>ec;omtng _, to soutttwest 8 to ia knols lhla aft•rnoon with JIOlllhwftl swells of 1 to 2 feet ponsi<ler•ble night end morning low clouda with mostly sunny llfternoons over Inner weters. Albany Albuque Ama11110 Asnevtlle Atlenle Allanlc Cly AulliF1 Baltimore Sittings 81rm1nghm Bismarck BOite Boston Brownsvlle Butfelo 8urllng1on Casper Ch1r111n SC Ch•rlsln WV Ch•tltle NC CtMtyenne Chleago Cl1'1Clnna11 Clovel•nd Ctmble SC BO 61 91 54 50 86 78 Fronts: COid ..-Warm WW Occluded ,... 83 60 .06 83 68 No Plane llU 55 100 81 82 55 76 57 01tt• City Om8"8 75 61 07 78 66 .87 80 65 Orlando 93 75 . 09 Columbua D•l·FI Wlh V .S. su n unary g:i.:; 0.. Maines Slorma during lh• night hll O.troH ~Ir•• Missouri end southeu1em Duluth f~nua wllh hurricane-force El Puo wtnd1 •nd uo to 7 '1' Inches of F•lrb•nks fal• U'lat flooded IOm• str .. t• Fargo 88 72 79 &4 .01 101 81 79 66 88 67 80 841 80 55 57 37 01 96 89 70 42 67 34 76 47 Phll•dphla Phoenix Pltltburgn Piiand. Me Ptlaod. Ore Provldencie ~::r'c11y Reno S•ll L•ka San AntonlO s..111e $hr~ Slou• allt 83 64 98 81 80 63 79 68 76 59 &O 63 ~ 63 73 50 92 47 87 61 03 99 78 64 60 98 76 61 44 34 twfU. feet of water. toppl9d ••-Ft11gst•ll ~ left scatten1<1 pow. OU1ages • GrNt F•lls ._At least four people wer• H9ftf()(d 61 41 82 62 St Loult 78 87 1 12 72 "5 88 75 96 80 irijurad. Halen• 1 A 1huF1deretorm oacking high Honolulu St P·hmp• 89 80 63 St Sta Marie 81 44 34 8pollane 87 58 80 67 a also crashed through Houston Ok1a., !hit morning, ripping IF'dn•pllt 90m. roof1, fatting tr-•n<I Jack1n MS n es .01 " 73 SyrllCIJM Topella n 65 113 ng out wlF'dows •t _., J9Ckanvlle E-· the poet office and Kao1 Coy city h•ll Ofliclela "Id the t<noaville orrn alto m•y h•ve cauMd 11r.. Laa Vagas ~two non-Little Rock IF1dl ov•rturn•d aevar•I Louisville lie hornet In Wlchtt•. Ken .• In Lubbock h-11 Wlclllta. lhe roof and Memphis w1111 coll•PHd •t tha Ml•ml art tndustrlN bulldlng where Mltw.ukee level radioactive materials and Mpl9-St.P plotlvea -· llOfed. But the N111hvllle laltl. atorad un<lergtound kl • New Orleans lne Mfa. -•not damaged New Y()(k l N()(folk 97 76 1 70 72 67 80 85 68 91 74 79 75 81 87 1 16 96 72 93 79 88 82 71 61 80 48 28 85 72 98 77 83 88 78 58 Tucaon 94 71 TulM 103 19 Waahklg1r 83 63 WlcNI• 101 &e CAUFC>Nt!A Bakersfield 95 10 81y11le 90 Eur91<1 62 68 Fr-.no 90 60 Lanea.ter 92 IMI ~~ 87 71 87 Monterey ee 57 Needlet 96 76 Puo Rotllet 93 52 ~,;;~·~If REPORT 16 ------A""Mea. w... -· 1.ooatlon A'f'llMaa. ...... T_, Hunllng1on Bluff• 1-3• felt 81 HuntlnQ1on Pier 1-3 talt .. Senta Mii AIWt J9ttv 1.2 "°°" as i2n0>81. Newpot1 1•2 poor .. lelC)Oe Wedge 1·2 poor H Aoc;lc~. Ugunl t poor 87 81NOY Ho11oW 1 poor tT Rad Blull 88 83 Redwood Ctly 71 57 Sacramento 80 53 Sannes 67 47 San Diego 80 71 S11n Francisco 65 55 Sanla 88tt>•r• 16 !\8 S•nl• Marl• 75 Stoelcton 85 Ttwwme1 98 Betttow 97 Big Belr 70 48 10 BlthoP 90 82 Catellna 74 66 Long Beach 92 68 Moluovl• 96 66 Ml Will0f1 75 60 18 Newport~ 75 66 Ontario 92 67 P•lm Spnnge 95 73 P ... den• 92 88 Rlvertld• 92 6' San Bern•rdlno 93 87 San Jose 72 59 Santa Ana 88 88 Sant• CruL 78 55 Tal'loe Valley CANADA •1 C•lg•ry 49 43 Edmonton 61 40 Mon1re1t 71 81 Ottaw• 72 58 S mog ~ -Wha~e t • ii Ctefl lrM ) IOt ..... , ; Orange • (IOO) ~14att Lo• AngelH County: (100) 242-4022 Alvertlde and Sen l«Mldlno countlee: (800) 387-4710 AQMD ~ Center. (800) 242-4Me . T ides TODAY Becon~ low 10;45 a m. 2.t Second htoh 6:20 p .m. 4.8 SATURDAY Flrtl low 11 N • m, 0.t Flrtl high 7:51 • II\. 3.8 8eaoncf IOw 11M p "'· 2.1 Seconcl ~ t:18 p.m. 5.1 """""·8t00111 1 poor 81 TOMORROW'S TIDES· HIQh~ f.s1 1 m'.-i.c>Wi lf:OI p.m., 8wtll Ohc:tlon: 8/W. ' .. , lun Mtl tod•t al 7:21 p.m., ,, ... S1turdey .. 8:11!3 Lm. M~ r'I ... today 1t 2:5 t p."'" Mt• Slturday 11 12:2• a.m. sel £-supporting fee basis, however. The colleges are maintammg their traditional tuitlon-freC> academic class<'S, such as English and biology. As of Wednesday, almost 22,- 000 students had enrolled in fall credit courses at Orange Coast College, according to Wayne Wolfe. associate d ea n o f admissions and records. Wolfe said this figure is about I ,000 students more than had enrolled by this time last year. He added, however, that a change in registration dates may explain this. The stat e cutback forced Orange Coast to remove about 240 credit classes Crom its fall schedule. To compensate, however, the college has doubled the numbe r of fee -based community service programs this fall to about 600 These will include the popular real estate, sailing and martial arts programs. Uranize Coast off1c1als expect the rail enrollment to reach 33.- 000 to 35,000 students or almost as high as last Cali's turnout. Coastline College, which was amon~ the hardest hit by the st.at~ cutback, has had to delete more than 300 credit courst"s from tts fall semcstN As of Wednesday. about 12,500 students had enrolled in fall c redtl c lasses at Coastline, putting the eollege 18.2 percent behind the 1981 figure for the same lime, according to Coastline spokesman Jack Chappell. Bu l he added that registration in the college's television courses L'i running 12 percent ahead of last fall. About 150 of the Coastline classes cut because of the state decision will be offered as commuruty services programs on a fee basis. Chappell said 842 people had signed up for these programs by Wednesday and Laguna may delay Toro Ro~d p roject Laguna Beach has awarded a contract for engineering work m preparation for r~nstruct1on of a portion of El Toro Road, but the City Council wants to hold off on the actual road work as long as poss1 blc Alderman, Swift and Lewis design e ngineers from Santa Ana, will prt'pare road des ign engineering for the project for $22.850. The firm was the low bidder or five companies. The city"s 1982-83 budget includes $433,000 for lht" resurfacing and reconstruction of El Toro R oad fr om it s intersection with Laguna Canyon Road to the northerly city limits near l.eJSure World The road is class1 fled as a Fedcra I Aid U rl>ct11 1 vut.e and Hti percent of construction and e ngin e ering costs will be financed by federal funds. Plans and specifications for the project must be completed and submittt•d for federal approval by Oct. 1. But cotmcil members said they want to delay actual construction while the city continues to seek a buyer for a 62-acre parcel fronting El Toro Road Vtff( 1?£ . ~·· ~v END OF HAWAIIAN more are expected to register during the first sessions. Coastline's enrollment la.st fall reached about 30,000. T h is semes ter the schoo l i s anticipating 12,000 coUege credit students because of the reduced schedule. Chappell said students who are closed out af required credit courses at California State University campuses may be able to take the same courses through Coastline. Abou t 15,000 credit students had . registered as of Thursday, and the college expects to see a fmal fall enrollment of about 22,000, Randol said. Between 200 and 300 fewer credit courses will be offered compared to last fall, bu t like its, sister schools, Golden West will offer fee-based community service programs in some of these topics, including oil painting, aviation ground school and conversational French. From Page A1 H OSPITAL. • hospital on the campus. Van den Noort could not be reached today on his views of the amended version of the bill. Hergeson managed to save the legislation by adding Brown's requested language and attaching the measure to a school district r eor ganization bill sponsored by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore, 0-Los An~eles. "Her (Moore's) bill 1s not controversial and it is virtually a s s·u r e d s i g n a t u re b y t h e govlernor1" Bergeson said today. Brown aide Thomas agreed with that assessment. The legislation now faces a battle against the time clock. SUND EK • SPORTS WEA• CLEARANCE ¥ UP TO 50% OFF • * SWIM TRUNKS ......................... ~ .. 1695 * CORD WALK SHORTS ........... 2 FOi $1 * GIRL'S DOLPHIN UoooOoOoooo•oooo 2 SHORTS ~y 112 23rd St., Newport Beach ··~ .. 675-2855 ~ 1u12if ... . ' . ·~ · ... ' .. II I • REAL HORNS -Cattle from among the 300 heifers moved by Irvine Ranch hands from one grazing area to another this morning briefly block traffic on Coyote Canyon Road in 111111 llRll OHAN GE. C OU N t Y C Al II OH N IA 25 CENTS D.ily P'llot Photo by Gary Amb<- vicini t y of county dump -and the cows didn't e ven have to sound their (real) horns to gain right ol way. (Additional photos on Page A2) Revised bill for Irvine hospital OK? By JOEL C. DON ()('the D.ity Plklt It~ Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. is not expected to oppose newly revised legislation that could lead to a hospital being built in Irvine, accord ing to an official in the governor's office. Brown Wednesday rejected a special land bill because he felt it might have sugges ted state e ndo rsement of one group competing to build a hospital in the city. The revision emphasizes that no one hospital or health service plan is supported by state lawmakers. "In his (Brown's) veto message he said he would support this bill with this language in it," said Brown legislat ive aide Terri Thomas. She said she now sees no obstacles to the measure. The land bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beac h , would a11ow the Saddleback Community College District to lease 10 acres of land to a non- profit group to build a hospital in Irvine. Altho ugh n o hospital group is specified, Saddleback trus tees have e ndorsed the proposed Irvine Medical Center plan . Efforts to kill the previous le10tislation were spearheaded by Dr. Stanley van den Noorl, dean of the UC Irvine College of Medicine. UCI is considering - seve ral proposals from groups that w o uld build a teac hing hospital on the campus. Van den Noort could not be rcac·hed today on his views of the amended version of the ..bill. Bergeson managed to .save the legislation by adding Brown's r e quested la n g u age and attaching the measure to a school district r eo r ganization bill s ponsored by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore, D-Los Angeles. ''H er (Moore's) bill is not t'Ontroversial and it is virtually a ssure d signature by the governor," Bergeson said today. Brown aide Thomas agreed with that assessment. Mexico waits · word on cur·bs Whose Harvest? Government offic ials in · Mexico said today they do not know what form -if any - export controls on items leaving the country will take. The M exican gove rnment ann ounced T h ursday it will impose "export controls" to prevent American tourists from taking advantage of the devalued peso and bringing back groceries and other items from border town markets and shops. Esteban Morales, the consul gen~ral for M exico, said the government is "most likely" working on a program to place controls on certain items sold in Mexico. The devalu e d p eso has e ncouraged Americans to purchase groceries and othe r items in Mexico, and Mexican citizens have complained that the influx of American shoppers has depleted their stock. But, in making the export control announcement Thursday, the government failed to outline how it will prevent tourists from buying Mexican goods. The consul general said , "It is fair to assume the Department of Commerce is working on a pro~t or program to implement these restrictions." But, he said, he has not been informed on what that program might entail. "There has been no official infortnation o n what will happen," M o r ales ·said in a telephone interview today. "In due course , I will be inform (!d abou t what is happening," he said. Mean while , tourists will continue to be allo)lled to bring back grocerie s and other consumer goods from Mexico, he said. "Everyone, l suppose, will be notified simultaneously about any nf/W rules, I would say, if there a.re going to be any." -·By STEVE MITCHF:T ,t . Irvine title hits legal snag The Irvine Harvest Festival, which rarely has aro u s e d community friction, suddenly has been thrust into a controversy. T he is.sue is simply its name. Organizers of the event, which has used the title "Harvest Festival" since 1978, have been contacted by a lawyer who has advised them that they don't have the legal right to use the title. Lawyer Robert Sehr said his client, General Expositions Inc. of San Rafael, received a copyright in June, 1981, for its use. That firm operates a crafts frur each year in Anaheim called the Harvest Festival. Wrote Sehr: "Th e use of the name H arvest Festival by you will certainl y c r eate the impress ion in the public that the re is an affiliation between your crafts fairs and the l;larvest Festivals conducted by General Expositions lnc." Irvine firm's huge food plant project OK'd Irvine-based Ultrasystems Inc. announced today that the U.S. Department of Energy has granted the compan y a $45 million loan guarantee to build the worl~'s largest geothermal- powered food processing plant. The new industr ial plant, which will be located in the Imperial Valley, will process 16,- 000 bushels of com per day and will convert the com into h igh frucwse corn syrup, a relatively n e w food sweetene r that is becomin~ widely used by the soft drink industry, by the nation's large commercial bakers and by the canning indus try involved with the canning of fruits and jams. High fructose corn syrup is a pure food product, w hich is equally as sweet as sugar but costs only 18 cents per pound compared to a present cost of 29 cents per pound for sugar. The corn sweete n er , which was ronsumed at a rate of less than one pound per person in 1972, is now being consumed at a rate of Israel f irill on no Palestinian state W ASHINGTON (AP) - Israel's tough-talking defense minister, Ariel Sharon, said he told senio r R e agan administration officials today that Isra~l "will never agree" to creation of a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Following a 90-minute meeting with Secretary of State George P . Shultz, Sharon told reporters that Jordan should be considered COUNTY a Palestinian state, an assessment with which the United S tates does not agree. "There is a Palestinian state," Sharon declared. "Israel never agreed and will never agree to a second Palestinian state, and I made it very clear a~ain today." Shultz, who has been critical of Israel's invasion of Lebanon, clid not s ee him to the S t ate Department door following their meeting, as is often customary. 'Up With People' contagious For a Detroit teen-ager surviving hard times in depressed Motown, the "Up With People" show gave him such a shot of enthusiasm he joined the team. Page Bl. BUSINESS No monopoly on Monopoly "Monopoly'' is such a popular game, Parker Brothers no lohger can claim a trademark tor the term, as It h8$ passed into generic usage, a court h.as ruled. Page 84. SPORTS Paddling to Catalina OUt.riger canoes head from Newport Beach io Catallna lslaod thi.s weekend. Page Ct. " . l ' 23 pounds per person . This consumption level currently produces a $900 million annual market for the sweetener, a market that is projeC'ted to loan guarantee culminates more grow to $4 billion per year by than 2 'h years of feasibility pro ject, of which the U .S . Government will provide a loan guarantee for the $45-million d e bt p o rtion o.f the project financing. 1900, studies and engineering design Tt,e award of the $45 million effor ts by Ultrasystems , Smith Tool lays ~>ff 560 Layoff of 560 hourly and salaried employees at Smith International's Irvine plant for its Smith Tool Division in Irvine was a nnounced today. combined with a thorough .... evaluation and screening of the project by the U.S . Department of Energy. I total layoffs for the y ear a t As a result of the granting of the loan guarantee by the U.S . Department of Energy, we can now proceed into the next phase of development on the project, which will include the drilling of the geothermal well in the heart of the Imperial Valley's geothermal energy field. Today's announcement brings Srriith Tool. Irvine. to 918. Workers began receiving their pink slips at the beginning of the 11 p.m . s hift Thursday. Others wure notified as they arrived today for second and third shifts. .Phillip J . Stevens, preside nt and chairman of the board of U 1 trasystems, said , ''The geothermal loan guarantee r epresents a vitally important milepost in the development of the $69-million Reothermal Cycle crash victim dies Costly cars targets in Mesa An Irvine teen-ager has died from injuries he suffered in an Aug. 14 motorcycle accident in Newport Beach, police said. Police warn shoppers to install burglar alarms The youth, Sean Thrower, 17, die d at 8 p.m . Thursday at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana, Officer Rick Bradley said. He said the youth was a passenger on a motorcycle driven by Paul Weber, 21, also of Irvine, when it slammed into a van that was legally leaving a parking lot on Pacific Coast Highway near Tustin Avenue. NATION Shoppers at South Coast Plaza in Cos ta Mesa who drive expensive cars are. being warned to lock their vehicles and install burglar alarms following a rash of thefts last month, police said. Police Lt. Thomas La.zar said that most of the 15 stolen vehkles taken from the shopping center were Mazda Rx7s, valued at about $12,000 each. "I've never seen that many taken," said Lazar. "Where else are you going to find a lot of cars close to the freeway. I'm sure Immigration rel'orm pushed ' The Reagan adm1nistration is behind an immigration reform bill, ~espite others' concerns about a provision that could le~td to a national identity card. Page AS. , STATE The right way •IO 'lunch' A consultant aays 'lunch isn't merely a matter of going io a restaurant 1 and ordering a meal. She ls teaching executives th~ right way to handle a lunch conference with a pr0spective busln~ client. P~e AU . ' 'Bullet train <bonds backed A legislative oonjerenoe committee has approved state revenue bonds ~r a propoeed 11bu1Jet train" that would pass throuib Oranae County on a L-01 Angeles.-San Dlego rliute. Pace Ae. that our c rime ra t e is n ot different from other major malls located near a freeway." Most of the veh icles were locked when stolen, said Lazar. The thieves either smashed the windows or punched in the lock and started the ignition with a screwdriver, he said. Following the thefts, police beefed up regular patrol of the mall with detectives and extra help from South Coast Plaza security officers. So far this month the number INDEX of cars stolen has dropped below the monthly average of about five, said Lazar. ''If you have some old bomber, drive it to South Coast Plaza and don't bother locking it,'' said Lazar. "But if you have a nice car like a Porsche or an RX7 alarm it." Last year there were an average of 98 crimes reported a month at the busy s h opping center at 3333 Bristol St. This year the number had drol>ped slightly, said Lazar. At Your Service A4 B4-5 Intermission Business Classified Comics CI'06SWOrd Death Notices Stan Delaplane F.dltorial Entertainment C6-12 8 7 B7 B6 A9 ·"'AS Weekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weekender Mutual Fun<ts B4 National News A3 Public Notices B2,B6,C5 Sports Cl-5 Stock Markets B5 Weekender Television TV Log Gardening Horoecope 83 A9 Theaters Weekender W eather A2 Shoo 6 qui at Knoll's Knott•• Saloon "atn•t e Weekender cover.I Farm's shootout at ~he ~llco the gunf iaht at O.K. Corral. See .. - I Orange CoHt DAILY ~ILOT/"rlday. Augu1t 27. 1'~82 D•llJ Piiot Phot09 bJ O•ry AmbrOM THE REAL THING -It may look like a Marlboro ad or some thing akin to ll, but these s<:cnes are real as Bob Elder (above ), whose title is "chief cowboy" for the Irvine Company, takes a break amid th(• chore of moving 300 head of cattle from one urban range to another in Irvine. He ifers bunc hed together (righ t) ar(• wnhin sight of c•xpcnsive residences of Turtle R<X·k area. trike voted by employees of PacTel Pacific Telephone workers m Orange County have voted lo uuthorlw a strike" In a dispute· over the company's practlc~'tl In the relocation o f employees. Voting in Santa Ana and Anah ei m Thursday, th e Communications Workers o f America Un1on voted 633 to 280 in favor of a strike, acrordmg to a union spokesman. T he union ls protesting the com pany's transfer of ''1urplus employees" from one a rea to job vacancies in another. It contends that workers are being transferred great distances and into jobs at times at lower rates of pay. Union leaders say if w o rkers don 't a cce p t the transfers, they're tenninat.ed and aren't elig ible for layoff benefits and unemployment pay. Bill Leach, secretary-treasurer of local 11510 in Santa Ana, said the str ike vote is designe d to provide leverage for the union in negotiations with the company about displacemen t practices. Coast colleges offering fewer free credit courses By PHIL SNEIDERMAN ! Of th• Delly Piiot Stetf The three Coast Community Colleges, nearing the e nd of their f all r egistra tion period , a r e , o(fering fewer frre college credit courses and more no n-c redit instruction on a fee basis. Despite this restr u cturing, c:n •di t course e nrollment at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa and Golden West College in . .· •''' Celebrity golf tourney A ce lebrit y golf tournament to raise money for a kitch en 1n the new Irvine Boys and Girls Club will be staged Saturday, Sept. 11 at the Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course. The first 74 golfors Lo sign up will be e n tered in the tournament, which begins at 11 a.m . Deadline for reservations is Sept. 5. The lrvine Breakfast Lions Club is sponsoring the annual tournament. Chairman Bill Bryan said local dignitaries including Mayor Larry Agran and community activist Dave Ba ker will part1c1pate aJong w ith former Los Angeles Ram lineman Rich Saul and • Ill Irvine ex-USC and Raiders football st.at Rod Sherman. Both Saul and ShNma n work in lrvine. Bryan said several members from the R ams and L os A n geles Lakers also are expct·ted to part1«1pate T ournamen t fee 1s $65, which covers g reen fees. a golf cart, refreshmen ts and a b uff et dinner with entertainment. Extra dinner tickets are $10 each. Golfers can entt.>r by sendinj,! a check to the Lions Club al P .. O . Box 18431, Irvine. 92713 or by calling Bryan al '51-1047. Mike Mahoncc at 640-8388 or Scott MulhollanJ, 552-3975 Hun tington Beac.h h as bee n running slightly ahead of last year. At Coastline C(lllege, which is based in Fount.airr Valley but offe rs classes throughout the district. fall enrollmf•nt has been running behind l ast year's figures. Fall classes begin S.~pt. 7. The restructuring o f fall sch edules is the result of a decision by state legislators to trim $30 million from the 1982-83 budg et o f th e C:c:a 'lifornia Community Colleges To accommodate this cut. s tale rommunn y colle~e of.ficials said they would no longer provide funds for numerous a•.rocatsonal, recreational and p e r so nal e n r i c h m e n t co u r s; cs t h a t traditionally had been offered tuition-frt'<' for credit. The three Coast coll• •gcs thus were forced to delete dasscs in top1c:s such as dance, yoga and auto care from their fa•ll credit offerings. Programs in some of thes(' arc<is will be offered on a Bradley du·e in Laguna L os Angeles Mayor T om Bradley is scheduled to bring his gubernatorial ca mpaign t o Orange County Saturday with a fund -raising reception 111 Laguna ·aeach T he D«.·mocratic candidate for governor ts to appear at the hCJme of Dr and Mrs Edward Taub, 545 Allv1ew Terrace, from 5 Lo 7 p.m. Mostly fair Sceltared clouds today but mottly lair with highs reng1ng lrom low 70s Bl the beachH 10 nkr 90 In the Inland ara8' Felr tonight and Saturday except lor aom• late night end early morning low clouds and log Overnight 1 lows In the 60s end highs Sllurdey In the m1d·70s 81 thfl beeches lo m1d·BOs 1n111nd Elsewherfl lrom Point Conc41p11on to lhe Mexican border end out 60 miles Smell cral1 advisory over outer w•t•rs wllh norlhwesl wtnds 15 10 25 knoll and combined seas or 4 10 -,. 1"1. Loully llghl vertebla wind• 119COmlng west 10 southwest 8 to ta knots this elternoon with eoulhwest swells or 1 lo 2 IHI. t Conaldereble night And morning low clouds with mostly sunny lftetnoon• over inner weletl U.S. SLL11l11Utry Stormi during Iha night hll oentr111 Mlseourl and 1ou1pe.11ern l<ln111 wi1h hurricane-force , "Inds end up 10 7''6 Inches or r•I lh•I flooded some 11ree1a • wlll• leel ol waler, roppled rr- 111'° left ec.ll•rad PoW8< oulegee • Al lee1t lour people w•re lnjure<I A lhund•nlorm peclllng high winds a1ao crashed 111rough Pryor. Okla. lhla morning, ripping oft eome roor1. felling trMS end knoolltng out Window• Ill MY.,11 bu1lnease1. Iha po1t olllce end C)l9 clly hell. Olllclals Hid th• ~«m alto mey have c.oMd llr• ~ IWO hornet Wind• ovarrurned 1•ver11 lnOblle homee 1n Wlchll•. Ken , 1n .,uthwffr Wk:hlt1, Ille rool end ... r•• welt• coll•P••d et 11'111 CIMmert lndutlr191 building ~ IClw·level redioec11ve m•t.,Ja11 Ind t•plostv• wer• eloreo. Bui the f!191e<le11, atorfld undetground In • !Md·llne N I•. -e not d•m•ged. California : Southern C•lllo1nl• wlll be -11)' f91f iod-, end Seturdey. tome nlgM 1nd •arlJ morning low Maud• -lhe 0011•I tn« .. tlna tw -tv Selur09J. w erm 01y1 DU\ 6ooltnp nur c:out Seturdey. Ot1no• County c1n erpect IMOllt lodlY reng.1119 from 70. It ~. neer 90 tn11no er•u. ~ 1n the eo.. S.turd91 h4ghe TOI el bele:MI. mid IOt lnllnd Mountllrl9 c:ll'I e~ h4ghe 74 :.!'no':' llO lo 86. ttolel.CS .. c. I~ .. fn4W vllltyl can ·~ ~ 18 IM IOI locl,Y. l'llld 10 ~ IOe lllhMdlll, I.OWi If' to., Tetnpe ralttres NATI~ Albany AlbuQUI Ama,.110 ASheville Allanra Alll n1C Cly Ausun Baltimore Billings Bormlnghm Bismarck Boise Boston Brownsvlle BuHalO Bur11ng1on Casper Cnarts1n SC Charlstn WV Charlll8 NC Cheyenne Chicago C1nclnnali Cl8\teland Clmb11 SC Columbus Del-Ft Wlh Oaylon Oenve< DH Moines Oelr<>tl Oulu th Et Paso Felrbanlt1 F'ergo F'1ags1e11 Great F'ens Her1ford HN\9 Honolulu Houston lndNplll Ject<tn MS Jecksnvlle Kens Clly Kno•ville Lat Veges Liiiie Rock Loullville LubbOCll Memphll Mleml MllWIWl<M Mpi.-91.P NH/Wiiie Mew Orleen• New Vonc Norfolk HI Lo Pre. 81 61 87 57 91 65 78 58 88 69 77 ~ 100 79 83 58 77 50 89 73 65 33 93 60 82 87 96 77 73 60 80 61 91 ~ 50 86 78 • 83 60 06 83 68 82 55 76 57 78 66 .87 BO 65 88 72 79 ~ 01 101 81 7g 66 88 57 80 66 80 55 57 37 01 95 69 70 42 67 34 76 47 61 41 82 62 72 4$ 88 75 " 80 77 85 .01 " 73 97 78 1.70 72 67 .80 85 66 91 74 79 75 81 67 1 18 95 72 93 79 tl8 8? 77 81 80 48 .28 85 72 g9 17 83 88 78 68 \._ .... HuntlnQ1on Blulf• Hunt~on Pitt Santa Al'119t Jettv 22nd I Newpof1 a.i~ wec199 Rodlpile, LllOU"• SIMOY H°*>W n....i,;.&tool<• TOMORROW'S TI0£8 Dlrtctton: 8/W Fnoay August 27 •H• h Temperatures 70 \ Rain~ Snow ::': Showers m FlurrresB F1on1s·Cold .,.. Warm w. Occluded ...,- No Pla1te w Oltta Clly 100 Orne he 75 Orlando 93 Phlledphie 113 Piia.nix 98 Pllllburgh 80 Ptlend. Me 7g Pllend. Or• 75 PrOVldenee 80 Re:?h 84 Rapt Ctty 73 Reno g2 Seit Laite 87 San Antonio 99 Seallie 64 Shr•veporl 98 Sioux Fallt 81 SI louts 78 SI P-l'empe eg St Ste M.,le 81 59C*•ne 87 SyrlllUM 80 Tapelt1 17 Tucson 114 Tullll 103 We.tllngtr 83 Wldlt18 101 CALIFORNIA Bell.,tf1411d 115 81y1he 90 Eur ell• 82 Freeno 90 LancHI., 92 Lot Al:" 87 Maryt le 87 Monter-, 8& NMdlet 115 PHO Roblee 93 55 81 61 01 75 og 6-4 81 83 58 5g 83 63 50 47 81 03 78 60 76 44 34 87 1 12 80 83 44 34 58 57 85 I 13 71 7g 63 86 16 70 58 80 86 71 57 7!1 52 Red Blull Redwood City Secremenlo Salinas San Dl8QO Sen Franc1.co S•nl• Barbera Sent• Merl• Stock Ion Thermal Berllow Big Bear Bishop C111ahna Long Beach Monrovia Ml Wilson Newporl ~ICtt Ontario Palm Sprtngt Pesaden• Riverside Sen Btlrnerdlno S•n Jose Senta An11 Senta Crvz T!lhoe Valley 88 63 71 57 BO 53 67 47 80 71 65 55 78 58 75 85 g5 g1 70 90 ,. 92 96 75 75 112 115 112 112 93 72 88 711 48 82 66 68 66 60 86 87 73 88 IM 87 5g 86 55 •7 CANADA Calgary Edmonton MontrH I Ot11we S mog 4g 51 71 72 10 16 43 4() 61 I 58 Where to· call (toll frff) tor l•l•I emog lnfomlatlOn: Orenoe county: llOO) 44Wl2t Lo• AnoetH County: (800) 242-4022 Rl\lefelde Md San llemWdlno counti.: (IOOI 387-47f0 AOMD Epl906t c.nttf, (800) 242~ Tides TOOAY S«ond IOw 10.45 1.m. 2.11 S.Cond lllOh 5:20 pm 4.8 • IATUN>AY Fit.I IOw 12 SI I m 0 9 l'lfll hlOll 1:11 1.m a.e Stconcf IOw 12.C>& p.m. 2.t S.COl\d ~ t . 11 p.m. 8.1 lun "t• tod1y at 7.H p.m., rl ..... luf'd.Y II 1:23 I .IT\. Moon fl ... tocltiy 11 12:11 p,m., Mii 811Utdly at 12:24 e.m. t self -suppo rtin g f ee basis, hOWl'Ver. ' The '·olleges arl' maintaining the ir traditional tuition-free academic classes, such as English and biology. As of Wednesday. almost 22,- 000 students had enrolled in fall credit courses at Orange Coast College, according to Wayn e W o lfe, associa t e dean o f admissions and n .. 'Cords Wolfe said this figurt• 1s about 1.000 students more than had enro11t>d by this lime last year. H e added. however. tha t a change 1n registration datC'S may explam this The s t a te .J:utback forced Orange Coast to remove about 240 credit classes from 1Ls fall s c h e cl u l l' . To c o-m p e n s a t e . however, the t'Ollcgc has doubled th e number or f ee-b ased community serv1e<> programs this fall to about 600. Thest" will include th<' popular real estate. sailmg and m artial arts programs. Oran~e Coast officials expect the fall enrollment Lo reach 33.- 000 Lo 35,000 students or almost as high as last fall's turnout. Coastline College, which was amon~ the hardest hit by the state cutback, has had to delete more than 300 cred it courses from its fa11 semester As of Wednesday. about 12,500 studl•nts had enrolled in rail credit classes a t Coast line, putting the college 18.2 percent behind the 1981 figure for the !W.lml' Lime, acc.'Ording to Coastline spok(-sman Jack Chappell But he added that rcgastrallon m the college's telev1s1on courses 1s running 12 pen.-ent a head of last fall About 150 of the Coastline dass<.'S cut because of the state dec1s1on will be offe red as community services programs on a fee basis. Chappell said 842 pc..'Ople had signed up for these programs by We dnt'sday a nd Crew error blamed Ill AirCal rnisha p • By FREDE RICK SCHOEME HL Of 111• DellJ Pllol Steff NcwPort Beach-based A1rCa1 has announced that fhghl crew e r ror resulted 1n a Ft>bruary inctdC'nt 1n which a )Ct carrying 122 pt:.><>ple clipped a high-tension guy wire w h ile a pproaching Ontario International Airport. T he Bocmg 737. carrying 117 passc•ngcrs and a crew of five, lalt'r madl· an emergency landing at Los Angeles International Airport The plant' caml~ Lo rest 1n a dart embankment at the end of a 12.000-fooL runway after brakes and thrust revcrsers la1Jc•d to operate. Thc•rc were no injuries A spokl'Sman for the National Transportation Safety Board in Wa s hington DC sai d a pn·laminary report showed the ainTah was below an accept.able altitude when it clipped the wire loc:atc>d 2.9 miles from tht.• end of the• Ontano runway Feb. 15. Mark Peterson, A1rCal director o f communications. said a n intl•rnal investigation c.'Onducted by Lhl• a irline found that the flight cre w "did not perform propt'rly" when making the deS<.·ent to Ontario Vl(6 -1?£ .-. . ,,·· ~~ END O.F more are expected to r egister during the first sessions. Coastline's enrollment last fall r eached about 30,000. This se m es ter the sc h ool is anticipating 12,000 college credit students because of the reduced schedule Chappe11 said students who are closed ou t of required credit courses at California State University campuses may be able to t.ake the same courses through Coastline. About 15,000 credit studenL'i had registered as of Thursday. a nd the college expects to see a final fall enrollm ent of about 22,000, Randol said. Bet ween 200 a nd 300 fe wer t·redit courses w ill be offered compared to last fall. but like its sister schools, Golden West will o ff er fee-based community service programs in some of these topics, including oil painting, aviation g r ound sch ool and conversational F rench . Troops speed • evacuation BEIRUT, Leban on (AP) The de parture of the PLO forces accelerate d today as Italian soldiers escorted an estimated 1,500 Palestinians to the Syrian border in the first overland evacuation from west Beirut. About 600 more guerrillas sailed for Syria from the U.S .-controlled port . lnformed sources in Damascus said Pale s t ine Liberation Organization chief Yasser Arafat and Marxist guerrilla leaders George Habash a n d Nayef Hawatmeh might travel to the Syrian capital by land Saturday af adequate protection could be arranged for the journey. SUNDEK ~ SUMMER Jlil1 CLEARANCE SPORTSWEAR ~ • UP TO 50% OFF * SWIM TRUNKS ......................... ~ .. 1 s•s FOi $1 * CORD WALK SHORTS ........... 2 * GIRL'S DOLPHIN ................. 2 ~ SHORTS ~--112 23rd St., Newport Beach ··~ ( 675-2855 ~ IHI~ . " .... II I 111111 l:IAIT REAL HORNS -Cattle from among the 300 heifers moved by Irvine Ranch hands from on e grazing area to another this morning briefly block traffic on Coyote Canyon Road in CDllA MtlA 1111111 ORANGE COUNT Y. CALIF OH NIA 25 CENTS Deity Piiot Photo by Oety Ambr- vici nit y of county dump -and the cows didn't even have to sound their (real) horns to gain rig ht of way. (Additional photos on Page A2) Judge rewording of Banning ballot • nixes By JODI CADENHEAa Ofllle Deity Pllol lteff A Newport Beach city council candidate has lost a bid to remove a controversial referendum measure from the Nov. 2 ballot and to have the wording of the meru;ure changed. Allen Beek lost a final round Thursday when a 4th District Court of Appeal judge in San Bernardino upheld an earlier court decision not to change the ballot language to decide the future of the 75-acre Banning Ranch development. Judge Justin McDaniel also turned down Beek's request to have the measure removed from the ballot altogether. As a result, voters will be asked Nov. 2 whe ther or not the city council approved residentiaJ, Office, industrial building project should be repealed. Beek , an o pponent o{ the proJect proposed an west Newport Beach, has maintained that voters s hould be asked whether they want the project approved. City attorney Mike MilJer said that he believes that the baUot wording is clear. "The courts have felt that the language selected by the city coun cil r eflel·ts what the city will be voting on." In a ruling earlier this month, Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. upheld the city's ballot wording. He said it would confuse voters to change the language now. Mike Johnson, leader of the group that has spearheaded the referendum campaign, said she thinks voters need to be educated about the baJlot wording before the election. Weighty reading 57-page ballot issue to be mailed Mexico waits · word on curbs Ne wport Beach voters •. all 44,670 of them, soon will be receiving a bit of late summer reading from the city -a 57-page resolution detailing a referendum question on the Nov. 2 ballot. some people off. In terms of numbers, the decision to mail voters the resolution means the city must print 2,5 46 ,190 p ages of information. By STEVE MITCHELL oftM Deity lltlot Steff Government offic ials in Mexico said today they do not know what form -if any - export controls on items leaving the country will take. The Mexican government announced Thursday it will impose "expor t controls" to prevent American tourists Ccom taking advantage of the devalued peso and bringing back groceries and other items from border town markets and shops. Esteban Morales, the consul gene ral for Mexico. said the government is ''most likely" working on a program to place controls on certain items sold in Mexico. The devalued peso has encouraged Americans to purchase groceries and other items in Mexico, and Mexican citizens have complained that the influx of ~erican s hoppers has depleted their stock. But, in making the export control announcement Thursday, the government failed to outline how it will prevent tourists from buying Mexican goods. The consul general said, "It is fair to assume the Department of Commer ce is working on a project or program to implement these restrictions." But, he said, he has not been informed on what that program might entail. "There has been no official information on what will happen," Morales said in a telephone interview today. "In due course, I will be informed about what is happening," he said. Meanwhile, tourists will continue to be allowed to bring bac k groceries and other consumer goods from Mexico, he said. "Ev~yone, I supR(lfle .. will be notified simultaneously about any new rules, l woulo say, if there are going to be any." A complete copy of the lengthy resolution will be mailed to each registered voter in the city. The hefty document covers, in minute detail, the history of the Banning Ranch, a 75-acre development in West Newport that's the subject of a referendum. The City Council agreed this week to ship the complete package to each voter after debating whether the sheer bulk of the document would turn The number of pages, 1f placed end to end, would stretch from Newport Beach to Fresno and back, officials say. Councilman Don Strauss suggested voters would find the 57-page document "terribly oppressive." But his colleagues disagreed. City Clerk Wanda Andersen said it will cost Newport more than $1 ,200 to print the documents and up to $1 to mail each one along with sa mple ballots. Brown won't oppose new Irvine hospital issue By JOEL C. DON oftM Dellr Piiot Steff Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. is not expected to oppose newly revised legislation that could lead to a hospital being built in Irvine, according to an official in the governor's office. Brown Wednesday rejected a special land bill because he felt it might have suggested state endorsement of one group competing to build a hospital 'in ' the city. The revision emphasizes that no one hospital or health service plan is supported by st.ate lawmakers. .. In his (Brown's) veto message he said he would support this bill with this language in it," said Brown legislative aide Terri Thomas. She said she now sees no obstacles to the measure. The land bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, Israel f ir01 on no ' Palestinian state WASHINGTON (AP) - Israel's tough-talking de fense minister, Ariel Sharon, said he told senior R eaga n administration officials today that Israel "will never agree" to creation of a Palestinian st.ate in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Following a 90-minute meeting with Secretary of St.ate George P . Shultz, Sharon told reporters that Jordan should be considered COUNTY a Palestinian st.ate, an assessment with which the United States does not agree. "There is a Palestinian state," Sharon declared. "[srael never agreed and will never agree to a second Palestinian state, and 1 made it very clear again today." Shultz, who has been critical of Israel's invasion of Lebanon, did n o t see him to the State Department door following their meeting. as is often customary. 'Up With People' contagious For a Detroit teen-ager surviving hard times in depressed Motown, the "Up With People" s how Rave him such a shot of e nthusiasm he joined the team. P Bl BUSINESS No monopoly on Monopoly "Monopoly'' ls such a popular game, Parker Brothers no longer can claim a trademark for the term, as it has passed into generic usage, a court has ruled. Page B4. SPORTS P•ddling to Catalina Outrigger canoes head from Newport Beach to Catalina ltland thiJJ wee~J'\d. Page Cl. i would allow the Saddleback Community College District to lease 10 acres of land to a non- profit group to build a hospital in Irvine.' Al th ough no hospital group is specified, Saddleback trustees have endorsed the proposed Irvine Medical Center olan. · Efforts to kill the previous legislation were spearheaded by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UC Irvine College of Medicine. UCI is considering several proposals from groups that would build a teaching hospital on the campus. Van den Noort could not be reached today on his views of the amended version of th~· bill. Bergeson managed to save the legislation by adding Brown's requested lang u age and attaching the measure to a school dis trict reorganization bill sponsored by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore, 'D-Los Angeles. "Her (Moore's) bill is not controversial and it is virtually assured i.1g11dture b y the governor," Bergeson said today Brown aide Thomas agreed with that assessment. Smith Tool lays off 560 Layoff of 560 hourly and salaried employees al Smith lntemational's Irvine plant for its Smith Tool Division in Irvine was announced today. Today's announcement brings total layot l s tor the year at Smith Tool. Irvine. to 918. Workers began receiving their pink slips Thursday night. Cycle crash 'victim dies Costly cars targets in Mesa An Irvine teen-ager has died from injuries he suffered in an Aug. 14 motorcycle accident in Newport Beach, police said. Police warn shoppers to install burglar alarms The youth, Sean Thrower, 17, d ied at 8 p .m . Thursday at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana, Officer Rick Bradley said. He said the youth wa~ a passenger on a motorcycle driven by Paul Weber, 21, also of Irvine, when it slammed into a van that was legally leaving a parking lot on Pacific Coast Highway near Tustin Avenue. NATION Shoppers at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa who drive expensive car8 are being warned to lock their vehicles and install burglar alarms following a rash of thefts last month, police said. Police Lt. Thomas Lazar said that most of the 15 stol en vehicles taken from the shopping center were Mazda Rx7s, valued at about $12,000 each. "I've never seeri that many taken," said Lazar.l "Where else are you going to find a lot of cars close to the freeway. I'm sure Immigration reform pushed The Reagan administration is behind an immigration reform bill, despite others' concerns about a provision that could lead to a national identity card. Page A5. ' STATE The right way lo 'lunch' A consultant says lunch Isn't merely a matter of going to a restaurant and o.rdering a meal. She I.a teaching executives the right way to handle a lunch conference with a proepective busin~ client. Page Al 1. 'Bullet train' bonds backed A legislative oonterenoe committee has approved state revenue bonds for a propo.ed "bullet train" that would pa11 through Oranae County on a Los Angeles-San Diego route. Paae A6. i. I that our crime ra le is not different from other major malls located near a freeway." Most of the vehicles were locked when stolen, said Lazar. The thieves either smashed the windows or punched in the lock and started the ignition with a screwdriver, he said. Following the thefts, police beefed up regular patrol of the mall with detectives and extra 'help from South Coa~Jt Plaza security officers. So far this month the number INDEX of cars stolen has dropped below the monthly average of about five, said Lazar. "If you have some old bomber, drive it to South Coast Plaza and don't bother locking it," said Lazar. "But if you have a nice car like a Porsche or an RX7 a larm it." Last year there were an average of 98 crimes reported a month at the busy shopping center at 3333 Bristol St. This year the number had dropped slightly, said Lazar. At Your Service Business Oassified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane F.ditorial Entertainment A4 .84-5 Intermission Gardening Horoecope C6-12 B7 B7 B6 A9 .t\8 Weekender B3 A9 Weekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public Notices B2,B6,C5 Sports_, C 1-5 Stock Nrarkets B5 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 Shooting out at Knott 's Knott•s Berry Farm's shootout at the C'.allco Saloon "ain •t exactly the gunfight at O.K. Cotta!." See Weekender cover. • I I I •' Orange CoHt DAJLY PILOT/Frld1y. Augu1t 27, 1982 Oeltf Pltol l"tlolo. by O.ty Amlw- Tff E REAL THING It may look Ii~ a Marlboro ad or something akin to it, but thcst' scenes are real as Bob Elder (above), whose title is "chief cowboy" for the Irvine Company, takes a break amid the chore of moving 300 head of cattle from one urban range to another in Irvine. Heifers bunched together (right) are within sight of expensive residences of Turtle Rock area. trike vol d by employees of PacTel Pacific Telc:pho~ workcn in Orange County have voted to authorize o strike In a dispute· over the company'• proetlces m the relocot.lon of employeea. Voting In Santa Ana und Anaheim Thursday. the Communlcatlona Worker• of America Union voted 633 to 280 In favor of a strike, according to a union spoketlll\8n. The union is pro~sting the company's transfer of ••surplus employees" from one area to job vacancies in another. It contend.a that workers are being transferred great distapces and into jobs at times at lower rates of pay. Union leaders say if workers don't accept the transfers, they're terminated and aren't eligible for layoff benefits and unemployment pay. Bill Leach, secretary-treasurer of local 11510 in Santa Ana, said the strike vote is designed to provide leverage for the union in negotiations with the company about displacement practices. Coast colleges offering fewer free credit courses BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(lhe Dally Pllol Slaff The three Coast Community Colleges. nearing the end of their fall registration period, are offering fewer Cree c.'Ollege credit courses and more non-credit instruction on a fee basis. Despite this r estructuring, c redit course enrollme nt at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa and Golden West College in Classes by PB&R set for sign ups . Mail-in registration for fall classes offered through the Newport Be ach Parks. Beaches and Recrca ti o n Department begins Sept. 3. Among the new programs being oHered are courses in stained glass making, • Lana Wolfe of Costa Mesa will attend the University of Montana this fall. The freshman was among painting, Chnstmas crafts and an outing on the Colorado River. Walk-in registration begins Sept. 13 at the rec reation department, 3300 Newport Blvd. For further registration information , call 640-2271. the 160. new s tudents who attended the University of Montana orientation on the Missoula campus Aug. 5 and 6 Huntingto n Beach has been running s lightly ahead of last year. At Coastline College, which is based in Fountain Valley but offers classes throughout the district. fall enrollment has been running beh ind last year's figures. Fall clas.<>CS begin Sept. 7. The restruc turing of fall schedules 1s the r esult of a decision by state legislators to trim $30 m1lhon from the 1982-83 budget of the California Community Colleges. To ac.'<:ommodatc this cut, state community college officials said they would no longer provide funds for numerous avocational, r ecrcattonal and personal e nrichment co urses that trad1t1onally had been offered tu1t1o n-frc•' for credit. The thrc·e Coast colleg~ thus were forl•cd to delete classes in topics sul·h as dance, yoga and auto car<' Crom their fall credit offerings. Programs in some of these areas will be offered on a Bradley due in Laguna Los Angelos Mayor Tom Bradley 1s scheduled to bring his gubernatorial campaign to Orange County Saturday with a fund-raising reception in baguna Beach. The Democratic candidate for governor 1s to appear at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Taub. 545 Allv1t•w Terrace, from 5 to 7 p.m. Mostly fair Te 1nperalures NATION Coastnl Scallered clouds tod1y but moslly felr with highs ranging lrom low 70a at the beeches to near 90 In lhe Inland areas Fair lonlght end Saturday uoept IOI' some l•te night and eerty morning low clouds end log Overnlghl Iowa In the 601 and highs Saturday In lhe mld·70a 11 lhe beeches 10 mld·80s Inland Ellewhere, from Poin t Concapllon 10 lhe Me•1can border and out 80 mlles SmaH et•h advisory over outer w81ers with northwest winds 15 to 25 knoll and combtned -· of 4 10 7 feet. locelly llghl Ytrllble winds ti.coming wesl to southwett 8 10 1S knoll 1hls ellernoon wll h touth-1 awell• of 1 to 2 feat Conaldereble night 11nd morning low clouds with moslly tunny 1ttarnoons over Inner waters Albany Albu Que Amarillo Asheville Atlanta Atlante Cty Auetln Balllmore Bllllngs Blrmtnghm Bismarck Boise BoslOO Brown1vlle Bull•lo Burllno1on Casper Cherlaln SC Chlr1sln WV Cherllle NC Cheyenne Chleago Clnclnnltt Cleveland Clmbla"SC Columbus Dal-Ft Wlh V.S. sununary g:'vC: Oet Moines Storms during the night hit Detroll oentrel MIHOUrl and eou1heastern Dululh Kanau with hurrlcana-lorce El Paso winds and up 10 1'1t tnchH or Falrb1nk1 ral that llooded some ttreell Fargo wttt. reet or watar. t09pled 1r-Flag11111 ~ left .c:attered power outagM. • Gre11 Falls At lent lout peopla war• Har1IOl'd lrl)Ufed. Helena A thunderslorm packing high Hono!Ulu wind• alto crHh•d through Houlton PryOI'. Ole .. , lhls morning, ripping lndnlPl\a off tome roola. felling Ir-a.nd Jadu1n MS )lnOclclng out wlndowa al -•I Jactulnvtle bullMIMll. t,,. poll ottlee and Kana Cuy • the city hall Olllclals Hid th• Knoxvtlle ~ alto may hive cauMd llr• LN Vagu et two tiorn.e. Little Rock Wind• overl urned aaveral Loulavtlle IN>blla hom4la In Wleht1a. Kan • In Lubbock eoutllwfft Wlclltta. th• rool and M~ 1hr•• wall• collapHd •I th• Mlamt Geam•r1 lnd111trlot building wh«• Miiwaukee low·laYel radk>ecllw malarlelt and Mpl•SI P 9Xplotlv• -e 1t01"8d But the Nunvllle ma1~. tlor~ underQfound In • Mew Orlean1 ..-O·line Nie.-· not dam9Qed Mew YCH1! N<irtolk 'California • Southern C1tlforn1a wlll be lf!Ol11y fair today Ind Salufday. &>me nlghl and aarty morning low ,doUda nMr Ille cout lnctaM!nQ W eerty S.turd•Y· W1rrn diyl 11111 oootlng nMr GOUt S.turd~. Orang• County cen ••PtOI ~ today ranging lrom ?Ot II 'beecllM. Mllr 00 -Inland arMe. iowt In tilt IOI. S.turcley high• 'felt .. ~ mid tOl Inland. I Moun~ oen tll9f01 hlgha 74 ID M. low8 60 to '6. ttoleted late llfttrnoOn ~~ Wand ~ <*I ~t hiOtll la 1t1t toe tocieY. mid to U9C* IOI ........ LoMln~ HI l o Pre. 81 61 87 57 91 65 78 58 88 69 77 6" 100 79 83 58 77 so 89 73 65 33 93 60 82 67 96 77 73 60 80 61 91 54 so 86 78 83 60 06 83 68 82 55 76 57 78 66 87 80 65 88 72 79 64 01 101 81 79 66 88 57 _80 66 80 55 57 37 01 95 69 70 <42 67 34 78 47 61 41 82 82 72 45 88 75 96 80 77 65 01 941 73 97 78 1 70 72 87 .80 85 68 91 74 79 75 81 87 1 16 95 72 93 79 118 82 77 81 80 48 28 85 72 941 77 83 68 78 58 .. No Platte Okla Clly Omaha Orlando Phlladphl1 PllOenbt Plltsburgh Piiand, Me Pt11nd. Ore Prolllden<ie Ralelgh Rapid City Reno Salt Like San Antonio Sea Ille ShrevePQft SIOU1t Fella SI Louis St P-Tampa SI Sia Marie Spolc-SyracuM Topella Tuceon Tulsa Wulllogtr Wlehtta IN 100 75 93 83 98 80 79 75 80 84 73 92 87 99 84 98 81 78 89 81 87 80 77 94 103 83 101 CAL.Jf'O.-HIA 55 81 61 07 75 09 e• 81 83 58 59 63 83 50 47 61 03 78 60 76 44 34 87 t 12 80 -~ H 34 58 51 85 I 13 71 79 83 68 t6 Baketsl...O 115 70 Blythe 90 Eurekl 82 58 Freeno 90 80 ~•tier 112 88 lot Anga!M S7 7 I Marysvllla 87 Montaray 88 57 Need... 95 75 PHO AoblU 93 52 I .. Red Bluff 88 Redwood Clly 71 Sacramanto 80 Satin as 67 San DleQO 80 Sen Franel1eo 65 Santa Barbara 76 Senta Marla 75 Stockton 85 Thermal 96 Bara tow 97 Big Bear 70 Blahop 90 Catalino 74 Long Beach 92 Monrovia 98 Mt Wiison 75 Newpofl t!e8Ch 7 5 Ontario 92 P1lm Springs 95 P1,140ena 112 Riverside 92 S1n'B4tf'nardlno 93 San JOM 72 Santa Ana 86 Sanl• Cruz 78 Tahoa Valley Calgary Edmon Ion Monlr"I 011awa CANADA S mog 63 57 53 47 7t 55 58 48 10 62 86 88 68 60 .16 86 87 73 68 84 87 69 68 66 41 •9 43 51 40 71 8t 72 58 Wh•r• 10 · oai1 (ton lrH) tor l•t•t 8fTIOQ lntonnltlOn: 0r_,. COUMy: (IOO) 44&-3e2e Loa .AnoelH C:ounty: (100) 242-4022 A"'-tlde and 8an kNtdlflo eounll .. : (IOO) S.7-4110 .AQMO EpleOde Oentlf: (IOO) :Z42-4te8 Tides TOOAY Seoonc:t low t0;45 • rn Saclond high 5:20 p,m tATUM>AV u 4.8 F1r11 10w 11:M a.m, 0.t ,.,.t hlon 7:51 1,m. 1.1 hGoncf row t2:C>I p.m. u ~ 111gn 1:11 p.m. a, 1 lun HI• 1od•l'. at 7:28 p.m., rl-tatur~y at 1;a3 a.m. Moon n... loda't at 2:51 p.m., Miii S.turcley •• t2.J4 Lii'\ t self-supporting fee basis, however. The colleges arc maintaining their traditional tuition-free academic classes, such as English and biolo~y. As of Wednesday, almost 22,- 000 students had enrolled in fall credit courses at Orange Coast College, according to Wayne Wolfe. a ssociate dean of admissions and records. Wolfe said this figure• 1s about 1,000 students more tha n had enrolled by this lime last year. H e added. however, that a chang~ in registration dates may explain this. The s tate t·utback forced Orange Coast to remove about 240 credit classes from its fall schedule. T o l'O mpensatc" however, the college has doubled the numbe r of fee -based community serv1l·c programs this faJJ to about 600. T)1ese will include• the popular real estate, sailing and martial arts programs. Oran.ize Coast officials expect the fall enrollment to reach 33,- 000 LO 35,000 students or almost as high as last fall's turnout. Coastline College, which was among the hardest hit by the state cutback, has had to delete more than 300 credit courses Crom its fall semester. As of Wednesday, about 12.500 s tude nts had enrolled in fall t·rt-dtt c lasses a t Coast line. putting the college 18.2 percent behind the 1981 figure for the same time, according LO Coastline spokesman Jack Chappell. But he added that registration in the college's television courses 1s running 12 percent ahead of last fall About 150 of the Coastline classes cut because of the state decision will be o ffered a s l'Ommuruty services programs on a fee basis. Chappell said 842 people had signed up for these programs by Wednesday and Crew error blallled • Ill AirCal In is hap By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of the O•llY PUol ttatt Newpart Bcach-baS<.>d A1rCal has announced that flight crew error r esulted in a February incident in which a _Jet carrying 122 people clipped a high-tension guy wire while approaching Ontario lnternatronal Airport. The Boeing 737, carrying 117 passengers and a crl'w of five, later made an emergency landing at Los Angeles l nte rnat1onal Airport. The plane came to rest in a dirt embankment at the end of a 12 ,000-(oot runway after brakes a nd t hrus t revc rsers 111;!( 6 • , .. tailed lo operate. There were no injuries. A spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board in Was h ing ton D .C . said a preliminary report showed the- aircraft was below an acceptable altitude when it clipped the wire located 2.9 miles from the end of the Ontario runway Feb. 15. Mark Peterson, AirCal direct.or o f communications, said an internal investigation conducted by the airline found tl1at the flight crew "did not perform properly" when making the descent to Ontario. 1?£ END OF ~:t SUMMER H AWAIIAN m ore are expected to register during the first sessions. Coastline's enrollment last fall reach e d about 30,000. This se m este r the sc h ool is. anticipating 12,000 college credit students because of the reduced schedule. Chappell said students who are c:losed out of required credit courses a t California State University campuses may be able lo take the same courses through Coastline. About 15.000 credit students had registered as of Thursday, and the college expects lo see a final fall enrollment of about 22,000, Randol said. Between 200 and 300 fewer crt!dit courses will be oHe red t'Ompared to last fall, but like its sisler schools. Golden West will offer fee-based commun ity service programs in some of these topics, including oil painting. aviation ground school and conversational French. Troops s peed • evacuation BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) The departure of the PLO forces accelerated today as Italian soldiers escorted an estimated 1.500 Palestiruans to the Syrian border in the firs t overland evacuation from west Beirut. About 600 more guerrillas sailed '- Co r Sy ri a fr om the U S .-contro1Jed port. Informed sources in Damascus said Palestine l!.ibe ration Organization chief Vasser Arafat and Mar xist guerrilla leaders G eorge Habash and Nayef Hawatmeh might travel to the Syrian capital by land Saturday -if adequate prot.cction could be arranged for the journey. SUNDEK • IE ~~ CLEARANCE SPORTSWlAR ¥ • UP TO 50% OFF * SWIM TRUNKS ......................... ~ .. 16 95 * CORD WALK SHORTS ........... 2 Fii $1 * GIRL'S DOLPHIN ln\I SHORTS ................. 2 ((Ur~ SU.~ 112 23rd St., Newport Beach ··~ .... 675-2855 \j) IHI~ ' r ....... . ,.,. II I I I llllSICUIT REAL HORNS -Cattle from among t h e 300 h eifers moved by Irvine Ranch h ands from one grazing area to another this morning briefly block traffic on Coyote Can yon Road in ORAN GE COUNT V . CALIF OHNIA 25 CENTS D ... J Plk>I flhoto by o_, AlnbrMe vicinity of county dump -and the cows didn't even h~ye to sound their (real) horns to gain right of way. (Add1t10nal photos on Page A2) Judge rewording of Banning ballot • nixes By JODI CADENHEAD O(the Delly "'°' 8teft A Newport Beach c:ity council candidate has lost a bid to remove a controversia l referendum measure from the Nov. 2 ballot and to have the wording of the measure changed. Allen Beek lost a final round Thursday when a 4th t:>1s tr1ct Court of Appeal Judge in San Be rnardino uphe ld a n earlier court decision not to change the ballot language to d ecide the future of the 75-acre Banning Ranch development. Judge Justin McDaniel also turned down Beek's request to have the measure removed from the ballot altogether. As a r esult, voters will be asked Nov. 2 whe ther or not the city council approved residential, office, industrial building project should be repealed. Beek . a n oppont-nt of the proJeCt proposed 1n west Newport Beach , has maintained that voter s s hould be asked whether they want t he project approved. City attorney Mike Miller said that he believc>s that the ballot wording is clear. "The courts have fe ll tha t thC' language selected by the city council reflects what the city will be voting on." , Jn a ruhng earlier this month, Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. upheld the ci ty's ballot wording. He said it would confuse voters to change the language now. Mike J ohnson , leader of the group that has spearheaded the referendum campaign, said she thinks voters need to be educated about the ballot wording before the election Weighty reading 57-page ballot issue to be mailed Mexico waits word on curbs f'lewport Beach voters, all 44,670 o f them, soon will be receiving a bit of late summer reading fro m the city -a 57-page resolution detailing a referendum question on the Nov. 2 ballot. some people off. Jn ter ms of numbers , the decision to mail voters the resolution means the city must print 2,546 ,190 pages of information. By STEVE MITCHELL of the Delly Piiot Staff Governme nt officials 1n Mexico said today they do not know what form -if any - export controls on items leaving the country wiU take. The M exican governme nt announced Thursday 1t will impose "export controls" to prevent American tourists from taking advantage of the devalued peeo and bringing back groceries and other items from border town markets and shops. Esteban Morales, the consul general for Mexico. said the government is "mos{ like ly" working on a program to place controls on certain ~-.S sold m Mexico. The d eva lu e d peso has e n couraged Americans t o purchase groceries and other items in Mexico, and Mexican citizens have complained that the influx of American shoppers has depleted their stock. But, in making the export control announcement Thursday, the government failed to out.line · how it will prevent tourists from buying Mexican goods. J'he consul general said, "It is fair to assume the Department of Commerce is working on a project or program t.o implement these restrictions." But, he said, he has not been informed on what that program mjght entail. "There has been no official in f orma tio n on what will h appen ," Mo rales said in a telephone mterv1ew today. "In due course, l w ill be informed about what 1s happening," he said. Meanw hi le. t o uris t s will continue t.o be allowed to bring bac k groce ries a nd oth er con.sumer goods from Mexico, hP said. "Everyone, I suppose, will be notified simultaneously about any new rul<"~. I would say, If there are going t.o be an y.•· A complete copy of the lengthy resolution wiU be mailed t.o each registered voter in the city. The hefty document covers, in minute detail, the history of the B a nning Ranc h , a 75-acre development in West Newport that's the subject o f a referendum. The City Council agreed this week to ship the comple t e pac.kage to 'each voter after debating whether the sheer bulk of the documen t would turn The number of pages, if placed end t.o end, would stretch from Newport Beach lo Fresno and back, officials say. Counci l man Don Strauss suggested voters would {ind the 57-p age document "terribly oppressive." But his colleagues disagreed City Clerk Wanda Andersen said it will cost Newport more than $1 ,200 to print the documents and up to $1 to mail each one along with sample ballots. Brown won't oppose new Irvine hospital issue By JOEL C. DON 0( the Delly Not ..... Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr 1s not expected to oppose newly revised legishtion that could lead to a hospital being built in Irvine, according to an official in the governor's office. Brown Wednesday rejected a special land bill because he felt it might have suggested state endorsement o f one group competing to build a hospital in the city. The revision emphasizes that no one hospital or health service plan is supported by state lawmakers. "In his (Brown's) veto message he said he would support this bill w~th this language in it," said Brown legislative aide Terri Thomas. She said she now sees no obstacles to the m4tasure. The land bill. sponsored by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson. R-Newpor t Beach, Israel f irni on no Palestinian state WASHING TON (AP) - Israel's tough-talking defense minister, Ariel Sharon, said he to ld senior Reagan administration officials today that Israel "will never agree" to creation of a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Following a 90-minute meeting with Secretary of State George P . Shultz, Sharon told reporters that Jordan should be considered COUNTY a Palestinian state, an assessment with which the United States does not agree. "There is a Palestinian state," S haron declared. "Israel never agreed and will never agree to a second Palestinia n state, and I made it very clear a~in today." Shultz, who has been critical of Israel's invasion of Lebanon, did n ot see him to the State Department door following their meeting, as is often customary. 'Up With People' contagious For a Detroit teen-ager surviving ha rd times in depressed Motown, the "Up With People" show gave him such a shot of enthusiasm h e joined the team. P Bl BUSINESS NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices were mostly lower today as the marke t pulled tSack from its historic August rally. Volume was heavy but well behind the record 137 .33 million shares traded Thursday . The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials tumbled to close 8.94 at 883.47. SPORTS Paddlins to Catalina Outrigger canoes head from Newport Beach to Catalina Ialand this weekend. Page Cl. would allow the Saddleback Community College District to lease 10 acres of land to a non- profit group to build a hospital In Irvine. Although no hospital group is specified, Saddle back trustees have end o r sed the proposed Irvine Medical Center plan. · Efforts to kill the previous legislation were spearheaded by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of the UC Irvine College of Medicine. UCI is conside ring several proposals from groups that would build a teaching hospital on the campus. Van den Noort could not be reached today on his views of the amended version of the biU. liergeson managed t.o save the legislation by adding Brown's re qu ested language and attaching the measure to a school dis trict reorganization bill sponsored by Assemblywoman Gwen Moore, D-Los Angeles. "Her (Moore's) b ill 1s n ot controversial and it is virtuaUy a ss l.l.f ed s 1g11 .. turc b y the governor," Bergeson said today. Brown aide Thom as agreed with that assessment. Smith Tool lays off 560 Layoff of 560 h ourly a nd sala ried employees a t Smith International's Irvine plant for its Smith Tool Division in Irvine was announced today. Today's announcement brings total layoff~ for the year at Smith Tool, Irvine, to 918. Workers began receiving their pmk slips Thursday night. Cycle crash victim dies Costly cars targets in Mesa Ar) Irvine teen-ager has died from injuries he suffered in an Aug. 14 motorcycle accident in 1 Newport Beach, po.lice said Police warn shoppers to install burglar alarms T he youth, Sean Thrower. 17, died at 8 p.m . Thursday at Western Medical Center In Santa Ana. Officer Rick Bradley said. He said the youth was a passenger on a motorcycle driven by Paul Weber, 21. also of Irvine. when it slammed into a van that was legally leaving a parking lot on Pacific Coast Highway near Tustin Avenue. NATION Shoppers at South Coast Plaza in Costa M esa who drive expensive cars are being warned to lock their vehicles and install burglar alarms following a rash of thefts last month, police said. Police Lt. Thomas Lazar said that mos t of the 15 stole n vehicles taken from the shopping center w ere Mazda Rx7s, valued at about $12,000 each. "I've never seen that many taken," said Lazar. "Where else are you going to find a lot of cars close to the freewav. I'm sure lmmi1fration reform pushed The Reagan administration is behind an immigration reform bill. despite others' concerns about a provision that could lead to a national identity card. Page A5. STATE The right way to 'lunch' A consultant says lunch tm't merely a matter of going to a restaurant and ordering a m eal. She la teaching executives the rt1ht way to handle a lunch conference with· a prospective buslnea client. P•ge All. 'Bullet train' bondB backed A leplative conference committee has approved ata~ revenue bonds for a propoeed 0 bullet traln" that would paas through Orange County on a Los Anaeles-San Diego route. Pap A6. that our cr im e rate 1s not different from other major malls located near a freeway." Most of the vehicles were locked when stolen , said Lazar. The thieves either smashed the windows or punched in the lock and started the ignition with a screwdriver, he said. Following the thefts, police beefed up regular patrol of the mall with detecfives and extra help from South Coast Plaza security officers. So far this month the number INDEX of cars stolen has dropped below the monthly average of about five, said Laza~ "If you have some old bomber. drive it to South Coast Plaza and don·t bother locking it," said Lazar. "But if you have a nice car like a Porsche or an RX7 alarm 1t:' Last year the re wer e an average of 98 crimes reported a month at the busy shopping center at 3333 Bristol St. This year the number had dropped slightly, said La.1.ar. At Your Service A4 84-5 lnte~ion Business Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane Editorial Entertainment C6-12 B7 87 B6 A9 AB Weekender Gardening Horoecope B3 A9 Weeke nder Ann Landers A9 Movies W eeke nder Mutual Funds B4 Nationa l News A 3 Public Notices B2,B6,C5 Sports C l -5 Stock Markets B5 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weathe r A2 Shooting out at Knoll's Knott'a &rry Farm's shoo tout at th• Calico Saloon "ain't exactly the gunfl1ht at O.K. Corral.'' See Weekender cover. . .. ~. I \ \ I Orange Coatt OAJL v PILOT /Friday, Augu11 27, 1ea2 N • NY E COMPO SI TE T R AN ACTION eUOf &flQtoll ••C"'I:• ""'o••o• 011 .... 'fOIOC,MlftUY, l'&C!l't(. ..... '°''°"'· OlflOlf ••o CJNCllllilf&fl UO<ll I ICMAltOU &•O I ...... D I Y 1MI it AID AlllO tllllfl"lt k l" NII \<111\ Nol I'·• ,,.. c .. w ,,_. P·C 114' Clow t"CI ~ftllal 11 02' It'-t\ Hellf 0 I 10 10 /0 JI t I n-. IOll ' •1 H~ · 1t1l1Hn 1 to ')141 u.. ~. llOll I rs t 1 '-• 11t H1mi P I .. 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Et9leP 9' I .OS IQI/• 'lo Hlllon 18010 U7 :it • .,_ At1P pt '·" v•20 •S • 4" C•oHld 1 J2 1 113 U\.. e .. <o 1.31 • 20 n 1oo , " Hlla<h n u1 12 211 2•"' •1. ~::~ = rn ~m u : ~::: ~:::~.11 ·~ • m ~·'" ~ ~~~~ 21:; ;~ • "' ~ri~~iy, ;~ • '3~ ~~ ~ AltQS<O I bO s ' ''"• . . C•rn•l 2 7 JC1 l6V· \I', E•Alr pl2.1>9 22 u , .. Holly$ I ~ l/t'o. "' Ali..ny 1 co 7 1151 H\l'J C•roFI so • 2• ""' EsAlr f3 20 SS .. ~ HmtG pf 1.10 33 • !!~~ :~:~,tl! i{~· E c,:~~:;i~ro' 7 ~ ~32:~.·'v. Eee:,K::oe1e" ',·~ ••• ,~111~1 ,:I~;.~,. E~a~.k J~·:;::: r.: ,~ AlcoSld 1.IJI 7 142 20~1 • lllt Ctr~Pir 1 20 : M U\!o ~ E•lon In I 401 tt -t'o HOO•U 1.21 11 11 1111'1 + !;, ~lr:.li n:·: .: :~! J~ • ~ lm~h 1 1 ~ ·~. ~1 g~> ~ !~~;~ 1 s :: ru n: ~ 9g~~ l~ :! 12ii ii~; ~ !::f:. "'~·~ • 203 ~~;: ~ :f:~<i--,~A~ 3m 1:t ~ ~~;;: · r~ ; m m: ~ ~~~~~ ~I~ .~ m:~ · v. Al9I~ 2 " 2 IUll V. Ct<oCp '16 1 13 II\.'• •11t EPG Clpl2.35 U ull~•, :v, Hou•lnl I .S 9 1810 211/1 Allll C11 25 121 11 V1 Ctlen,. 4 7 IOI Ol,, EPG pl 3.7S 281 2• Holn1 pl 2.SO 6 l l'lt • , .. AH9 1 16 • 126~ ,... ~. •l•n pf 4 so 3 )4 v.. El<or lO 10 11"6. ;,. Holnl pf 6.25 .. S1 "• AllenG 1 ,. M .. ... ••••on 60 • ,.,, 161 ....... EIM:A• ,. w •'I• 'It HOVlnd , 16 ! ·~ 194. !:::f: "'~· ;!' ; 11~l ~v, \., c:~l:~ 2. ~ 1~ ill ~~~ ;z e os M 11 731 11 ~. 1 v. ~~~~ 2 'a: JO ~~ ; :;,; 'ldC r 12 l ........ . I ElMeMQ lSl 4"•. "" Howell ~ • 5 .~ " A P ~-1• enSoW 1.6' 7 IS14 ••v1 V. EEMlnlMn pl 1 .J. , .~ 167~ ~ How~ ::;: 1"1 • 13:-• .: •• AldMn I 10 142 11v, tll,Hud 2.48 s * u2IV• • lo< • _ , _ '" ~ ~· -13 • •t. AlldPd 101 t 61> onllll I'M I l50 11 + lit E E • I 2 7 ·••-" Hubl>rd 2 8 24 16 , 1;, .. lldSI 1 IO )&() 111 .. mrs I • I 1 4 _,, .. HudM 0 101 5 12h • ' AIOTef n • 1 1 .. .,. v. l~~~.'~ ~·~ ;: ~"·. ~ ~Rad~ 50 :~0 :r, I~~. ~ Hufty 60 16 ., 9~ :.: AllilCh 2'iO Ht ~ CeMPw I 80 7 IS2 IC ,,_ e:::~rl 1 ·co 5 12 J2h •r, HughTI fM 4 16~S ... ,, +• !:~~rpt).lll . :: lr". nSoya .. 12 700 1oi. .. EmpOS I.SJ ' .. 12Y•. '" ~~~:"J, ;g IS I~ m: .,. Alcoo 1.80 U 1111 tll't . \/, ~~~r.so:-l .l2 5 :~ ·::: It, ~~~::: ~ :m ~-V. HUnlCh 40 13 1()4 11 .. • \, !:::~~ ~ • 2~~ ~1' ', \. nlryTI .74 5 •• 1v. \'O Emplnc ..0 u 12 11"-v. ~~~Ir~~ 17": ~2 It~ 1~i., .,. Amo pl ] . . 10 »« . "' tnvlll ' s SI lU•. y. ~~~:fc ~ I~ ~ ~;v,: :z -I I -Amrte I 32 10 25 1711. rJ.16"" ' •I I)~ 1"' En>er<h 1.60 • 50S ,,,,_ IC Ind 2 211 5 Y6 21 .... • ~. Amrc pf 1 flO • 21'1<. ~· C•nAtr 40 ' 2" 11"" '"' Enuce IJOl 2<>• IC In pf 3 SO lS •3 I AmHH 1:10 i) JOIS 71All IV• ~~f'; l.~34 1:: ::"' ENSTR 60 • S28 IS~+ ... ICN It 173 •"• 'l• AHH pl J.50 .. 17 •l 2 hml pH 60 •1 Jiit• lit. Enleu fM • 15 2S ,,. IN41n I 9"/ 1 II IS..._ •.-. !m~f,' .Ml ~ ,:~ .,. ChamSp 80 •• 4S& I .,. Entu I c:w 6 111 13'"' .,. IU lnl 1 IS • S88 l•V· ~. A'..rlr :.i · · Jl)J • lft ~:::;:c:I I S ~~ :~ ~ ~~~:~k 1 to 10 I~ l!lo :~~:::,r ; : I ~ ~! ' ~: !:~-~ 2 l8 .. ;~ :~~=: 'to Chtr1 pt I 65 l23 11,~ Eqmk p17 31 . S I•... ''• ldealB I 17 281 l•V. 'I. A Brand l .50 1 uq .,.._ :~ Cn1.. JCO um 35"-I ~~:tt• 1: ,: !~ n.,.· · ~. ::\ioc::~ ~ 11! 1 1~0L~!.,, ~ ABrd pf 1.10 1 ,, .. .. g:::: ~~·~ H ~~· ~ bmor~ 1 fM 7 132 IS\• ITW I oe • II 29\, AB rd pl J.75 13 2•"1 '" • Esqulr s 68 • 11 17'> 0. 1 lmplCp O• ,,,. I/, ABrd pf 2.67 · · 3 0 .... ''• ~:::~: f100 '• !~ S~V• • v. EswaC .IOb I 17 II'-• '•• INCO 20 U'M 10 ~g:: 1.~ : .. ~ ;;._ ••• Chn•ICI nl 2S " 11 24 ... ~ Eslrlne M 10 .. •••• "· ln<llM pl7 76 dO S1•• "' II> CllNY s 1 88 4 4111 ll"-"" Elllyl '1.50 • 20lt 2•~ lndiM pf 12 ..SO 921n • 1 ABusPd S& 1 I IJ Ch NY p11 '11 ,.. 21 -"' e1117• pf 2.40 .. •7•r ,, lndlM pl2, IS s ISVJ I .,. !mc~n~ ~·9080 11 9!,()5 30"• ~ Che.Va 1.1» 1 tt n>r. ~ Ety pfB • 1 401n. lndlM pf2.lS 1 It , • "" " 1lY> ChesP'1 1n10 U. 341 IV, EvanP 2SI ISO 9 lndlM p13,1>3 31 UDI· 1 ACn1rv 10e 11 13 •vo . CNW n · 12 l'M 16,~ ,,.. Evan p1 1.40 21 14" • 't• 1n<11G .. 3,04 1 13 2•&• ACyen I.IS 9 'ill JO .. ChlMIW 40 • .. ..,._ y. Ev•n pf 2.10 S 12'"' 'lo 1ndlPL 2.60 t 81 2•&• AOT 1.6' 10 100 ll~• 1 ChlMI pf 1 JOit '" ExQlo 1.flO 4J 26"1 h lnexco 14 1 -t it.• ,,; AEIPw 2,,. I 1319 18 . CnlPnf 40 '12 1J 12 •' y, Ex<l\f 1 ~ ' IS~• '' lnlml< II 9 119 12"-.' AmExp 2.20 I I.SI «t'o '"' ChkFull .«> 23 41 16~ &, Exxon l 61611 21-. "' lngerR 3 S. S US •?It• ~ AFemll .60 I llO IOJI,, V• CnrlSCI 1 S71 17 1•7 40•,. + ,,, 17.. "1-1"1·~ "1"' •~ lngR pf l.lS • 21 . AGnCp 2 20 • 21 :i&:i.. • ''• Cnrl•ln 7• s'll. + .. FMC -~ ' •• ln9rlec loC 4l " 8'4 t it~ AGn jpf l .25 . II• 32V.. Chroma ni 211 140 l'loo .,_ FMC pf 2.2~ . 26 34 · I 1nldS1I 1 ..07 21'/0 v. AGIB<! 2.oc. 93 ,, ..... ,. C11rm pf s 3 •S I FF~~ve, .48 20 104J ''"•• 1'-Insilco lb 7 .. ...... ~ AGnCv 1.llOa 11 7411, • 11• Chryslr S9" 1 ... 'I• -~Cl :n 10 14S "'" ._ ln•llnv 21 ,.,. AHeril .14 t S ltllo "' Chry W1 '7 H• VI Facet 11 160 6"-"-lnHgRs I es t•V. AHol'1 .S.j S •11 1111 .. I~ Chrys p1 1.. tV. Falrcl>d .80 I 201 IS•". lnlRFn 2.01 11 1'7 ""• 11, AHome ~'2017 IBJ3 COV• "-CburCh I 9 115 29,,, ,1, Faire pf 3 bO 117 lOt• 'It ltcpS• l.10. 61 1/1/• V. AHose> S fM IS 1lQ.I JCV1 -'4 Cln8ell 7 72 6 u 28.,, V. FamOI s CO I? 190 191/t t V. lnlerc.o 1.8' • ISO 41'/t 1 .... !~:kt Sl •• ~; 1;~: ::: C1nGE 1.10 71560 ,..,. ~·w..:F • 1'· ,,.,, ~ lntrhl 5 I 20 • IOl& 20v.' ... 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ATT pf J.M l4 3Jft Ctyln pf 2 9 l3 v, F1dUnl 2 80 6 41 2H• •11 lnlTT 2.lll 4 IJIS 2H• \lo ATT pt l r• l ;µi,, ~. Cl1blr .60 IS& 34 6''• 'I< Fldol 2 IS 9 20'>.... ITT pfK • 12 47\oo .. AWalr I 20 S 11 16Vl CtarkE 2.20 . •9 23 .. V. Fi119i. 6' J JOS It"'• ... ITT pf() ' 3 '3.\0 AWal pl 1 '3 1100 ull~• .. V. CtvCll 1.80 10 lSI> 20!1• + "" FnCpA s ·,.. • ~ 11 +. lnlTl pl 2 21 I JJ -..;, A Wal pf 1.lS • 140 tV... ClevEI 7 i. 6 5" llV. •t. FnS&..r 107 O•. . . . Intl T pl 4.50 10 41 '4 Ameroro 1.60 • JO 23~ • !'I Clevpll .flO 1 10 11'• • Flnlfff J.S l•fl• V. tn1Nr1h 2. 12 s 376 Jlh ,,.. AmHD -40 e 'M 23"'"+ ~ Cloroo 91 8 ..U u~ v. Firesln to 1021 11•11. . lntrP<t 1 50 13 1• "'-Amelk 1,20 12 6' 2'1.,.. '4 CluellP ... 7 14.l 14\'>. .. F1Alln • 1 5 » 1~ ... lnlpGp 1.to • lt .J4>;, ,,. Amiee. 1 44 IS 234 ~ + -Ito Cluel P' I 87 11 -Y. FlCl\r1 80 . 1'37 u i,. 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FIWlsc 2.10 S4 ,. .. ~ JWT ' .... '3 J3 "''• "' :=~~ 1:: :~ 1~ ll~_'._1:Z ~::g:,• ;·: S .cl~ ~~-1:z FIKllb 2 6t lt1,.._ ,,. Jme>F 1.flO 11 719 1l It. An1x1r 1011 w u .. cso p1 n1s.2s "° 102v. . ~lm~ ·101 ~ ~ ~· ~ ~=~-;-~ ,-: 1 ~ $~~ '"' An11 n S& • 11 I~· V. Combln 1 80 • 917 21+. ''• FIHIEn .S2 If 1'2• ~-V> J1msw 12 • 14 10 '" :~~ 4f; :g 3S~ .~~ .,. ~~'::::~n· ':t ~ ,~ ~r,., · ·1• ~:::i~ ':~ .~ ·rs m:_ ~ ~:ri:." · ,~~ 6 m ,~ ~ A0<llP un hi 62 20111t CmSw n .20 6 S84 S'll. • If; Fl I pf I •1 .. 1f>\i, C pl 5!,Q 2 • ~:~~rn ~u~v .. ,,. ~~~'.' ... ,;,~ 1!'" .... F1::1p12'.1s. s 21 -1 1:~cp1 •. :i:· :-~ ::"• ApptMQ .'Jt 17 70'1 u.,,. + ~ cm we 1.IO 1 •l'21 2l r: :~,s~ ~ ·'• :: ~ ~g t': ~:~~ = , . .: · :~~ !!~ ''• ArchDn .141> 1 * "'" CwE pl I 90 .0 1411. .. V. Fla EC 10 13 32 U~.. JtrC pl 11 r2'IOO u6I • 2 Arl1P5 2.51 11-22.\/o. , CwE pf 2 11 IHt + 'IO FFlla•PPrln J1 Jt80 •, ~71 JC1.!" v. JJttr-C O'C 22 !! S -~ 3137~ • ~ ArlP pf 3..58 . ISS 16lo<. ,,_ CwE pl 12 1) 1100 tS ,. ~ ·-~ IC --_ _ Ark8s1 .flO · IS ,.. · CwE pl 8 » 11300 St•>• V> FllStl .S2 IS2 15\lo JfwlC pl 1 27'1> . Ark la• 92 8 1"15 ""' "' CwE pl 2.11 13 19•..-• ..._ Flwc;.n 11 152 10~ + "' Jtwlcr • lO '"' ArlnRI 1 334 11-lt• 1·16 CwE pl 2.17 . 16 12V.. ... Flowr' .SI 9 19 U~• V. JoflnJn 1lt1122 0 .\0 IV• Arm.O. -11 ...... CwE pl I«> 1600 l'60 • V> Fluor .80 7 lOl6 1• "" JOllnEF 9' 197 731,,_ ~ Armco 1.20 lO 241 1•111 Vt CwE pl 1 2• .r2.0 51">. •. . . Foote<: 120 I 12 33vt-\'t JoflnCn I CO 1 232 Ult• illt Armc Ill 2.10 • 2• • "> ComE.S t.• 8 223 ul•"-• .,. F dM 401 21-.-"' !~::::.~ .. ~~,~ ·.~.,,-~~~.i:~n~~ mm.:-'~ ~ro.M,~ t~ i ~ roh: ~ mf! ~.t :~ H~: ~ A,oCp lb • 21 U!'t .... Compgr • FIHow<I I°' II IS2 JtV·-"· Jo1MfQ I 40 • ,,. 7211> "" ArowE •1• SJ 110 12.,..-1" J Vt v. FoslWll .'4 6 743 11"" "' -K-K -~~:,~ ,·~ ~ ~ :;::~ ~ ComoS< 11 163 13-\1. ... FoxSIP .'8 I ., 11V. • .,.. KOi n 10 )41 •• ,. ...... Arvin p1 1 5 ''"' ..., l P'1" ... •: ·~ ~ :;; Fox1>< s 1,04 1 .. s ~v.-°"' l(LM 11 • ll\• "-:~r6?. , : • n~ ~: .... -I. c~:li 2.10 7 31 30"' .. ~~r~~ :: : 1~~ :!!: ~ ~.r.~z. ~ ll !!i' .~~~ . AS/110 pt4.JO J lS'", 'to ConnE n2.fl0 6 JC n'I• Iii'> Fruehf CO 197 11 • v. Kai Sip!• 1S 1 Sol + l'I• AihlO pf3.'16 3 14,,. .. CnnNG 2.20 • 21 18'IO-,,_ Fuqua .to . 11• ""°' l(alsC. I AO 37 19 V> AMIOG 2 ,., »'"' -1~ (:onrac 80.. u " ..... FUQ• pf 1,tl 9 IS'\<, Ktllr51 J:l5 "'"'. "' AMID pf • 1S 111 ., ..... Con Ed> 1 ... s lt12 19111t-.... -<;--4 -K•neMI 28 • "''• ...... Alnlone l.tO • 10 11 •to cone pl • I 121 '"' GAF .20 • 211 IOV. "· Ktneb lb 342 IJ~ "' AtCyEI 2.29 I ?OI 20v •..... ~::~: 2.1~ ·, ff~ : ... ,,; GA~r t!g . 7 ,.~ ~!.,,. "" ~~tl(~!.rs s 17~ Jm. :: AllMlro .<Me • n.s I "" ConF pl 4.IO • 14 • 1 g~ . s 202 .... l(CPL pie!,() r100 u)I 1\;o AllRkll 2 co • '"1 31"'-.. CnsF'1 I .0 IM ...... GE~CO 1~ '. 0 ;~~. t: KCPI. Jlfi.o . I lt'h + •• !11•:fP n ,! .~ ;;"· ~ CnsNG ,, • • 111 22"1 "" GEO ,. J .. t ,,, l(CSou .• tS ~ A::fo0t .SO 14 17,. 1•\'t. . ConsPw 2 C. 6 11.. 11'"' ._ GF EQC> & • KCSo pl 1 150 t V. AvcoCp 1.20 7 •19 20Vl 1 CnPw P'•.1• l200 28'1• + "' GTE 2.9? 12n ~ .._ l(•nGE Ll2 411 11"-• '•• A•<o p1 3 20 2• '3:\1. IV. CnPw pU SO t20 Jl'n 1 GTE pl 2 48 It It K•nND 1.4111> II 1Jlt. -V. Avery :90 t )6 111/o II) CnPw pf7,4S r?OO SI -"' G•IHOU S1 s "37SI ~ .,.. KK•al)PLL!.22 .. ..023 fb1'0 ,,,, • "' Avne 110'11.32 •J'lo-~. CnPw p11.n t.SO SS • Vl G•nnett 1n12 • -·· .,_ P "'" \'> Avon 2 111ss 73"' v. ~~~ ~jl·'! 11~0 ~ ... ; :Z GepS1r .50 1 37 11"1-.,, ~!~~~~ 14 1~~ =~-v. A•I• 1, IS 9 10 11.\o • v. CnPw pll 91 11 2, .... _ •;:. g:!~~~ •.: : ,;; U"-.... t<aul p1 1.so 2s '"'• • v. Aydin -~~~'3-l<l/1 h CnPw 1><1'ts n 1•'t. V. GllCO 1.11 1 to II-.... Koller lO 1 • 9 10.. V. &llrn<o ..o • 15 l•V. ~ v. CnPw ~.50 I 11\\ • .... c;.mea 11 2• JC '-~::::g UO ; 10:; m:.: ~ 8k,lntl 91 5 1358 22 1 CnPw P'?.l'l J 15-><o Glmln J_.CO.. 4 IS-. V. CO •• Baldor .Jl 12 1• It\\ . CCnonPw1.,P', 2.43 . 10111 I!!:>.• V. GAlnv 4.2~ 73 1Jv, Ken.II 10 l 271 1'1'+ "" 8 ldu • 12 2 •~ •~ -~.. lllt GAm()ll ..-11 _, 29 v. Kenml 9" 10 291 lSV>. .... • • . • I .... -•• ConlCoP J7t 68 • • "" Gn8<Sll .... • KrUlll 2 20 1 •• , 11'•. ''" g~~~pf }: & ~ ~~ CntC pl I.ts rJO IV. ..... GClnm .W. 10 ~ ir1•·' K•rrGI '.<A • l6 11i. V. Bellyi:w •20 71 .. 2 lSVJ-VI Cn11Cp 2.flO • 2711 2•V.-V. GnOat• lll 1'1> "1 K"rM s 1.10 11105 1' Bell"'E ,: .. 1 ..... n v. "' ,cnn'i'GGpr'!.2.fl02 • u171 --,.~._ ~ GnOyn n iO 1619 JI v, l(oten • t ""' " ""' ... ~ ... c;.ne1 1:co 10 ms 7211' v. Kt<'i''''".' 51 4110 12, 1"" 2017~ • '"' Ballt.8 c SO · I.JOO lSV,.... CnlGp Ill• IO .. 1 J314 .. G11Fds 2,,., 711 .. a -• .,.. &•n a1 1.20 10 st is-.-~ con1111 1 • 1u1 ·~ 11o GG111 eoe 10 12 u._ ... KK1'-m~r'· ... 7 .~ ~!~,.: !! g~ ::l 11 H: m: • ~ Conm1 l.S. 7 .. , It-Ito-" GHosl l IO I Jll 1•v. K..-iR .-11 rs 33.,, ~ a•NY l 20 c 1•2 1'.... v, Cl0e1 l SS 1 It.SO 11h. . GnHr. 20 S 33 I V•-V. ,.,.., " "' ~ · ConwOCI 1 co 9 70 1'1111 v. GIM s 50 11 1•~ "V• "" KK-0 mo' r '.!P1: 4~! 1191""v. •. ~ 8kof\/a 1.1• 1 •S ""' . Cook Un .Olr . U 3Y> • V. ~ ~ or,, .. • ~ ., =~~ t~ 1~ ~ ~~v.-~ ,c-~ p1 ~·~ • '?t ll~ ~ ~="·,~,: ~ ~ !:~ 1~ ~=~ '~ "!~ ~'h-:z &ankTr 1.05 4 1..01 llV. 1 Coopl..ll :80 ii 147 3'\l'J-" g=: ':. 3.1f . ! 11~~:t..,, l(opor pt 10 t n : .,, 8klr pl 2.SO . . 4 20 • "" COOCWT .. s 40 .. ,,._ V. GNC .Cit II l20 1'~ ¥> Kr09lllr 150 7.. V. :k~r r U 2J· J J. 33"'1 Copwcts 1.1' 6 3l It~• ~ GPU 1111'7 S-V. ~= ~ 6 ~ r~.-·~ Bklr pf?.50 . • 20 ..... CotOUr• • .0 • " IO... "' c;.Gn'l'!!,' I.Cit t.0. 1'!! .. ?.,._'.~ KyoloC .JCr 21 IJ 7'\lr-"" e kT•r • u ' 33"' co.e1n ... i 10> '°"' • -"'" •Y • I( -' pf 39' llS 21V> oh Cor-nG 2.12 11 131 SO\< ... Gns1r.;1 ··~ • tt• UV.-v. y-M ~ 11 1 -"' 8•rtWr «)11 .. 16 C0<8lk l,7t~ ~· ~}.,,· tt &U,.."',';c.,·; m 1~-·-LHHOf\J:;.L-;ln-llV>+"' BHRff 2.41 • 59 .... . '°*18 1 • GenKo " 231 • • ... LFE l 7 •V. .. 8auKll i s.n 215 ..... -C.0kl8d' ·21 u 2: J:lt; + l\!o GnA<ld .10 743 /1 14"4. "' LLC(;p .. 1 J -Vt euTr • ·_. 11 '23 :i..~ • v. c,','a.! 1 ..,,. ", ., 1•2,~ -~ ~-~ -0 LJll JO 2 1"1 10•~ ~ F ·-...,. • •• "' ~~Sul 9 , ·-)0 t'; '•"11 !..:!-. .--. ,, n-.... ::~S:G J 31 ~ '~ ,;.,._ i.<. er av As " "' 27"' • " G.i>: 1.10 ; 1m jj4;_ .,, t~~ "'11 1t 11! l!~ • ~ 99 H'lng .501 e' !2! 2161~ ~ ~~~Hpll~ I 1~ r~"'= ~ Ge Pc pl 2.24 . 10 ?~\II. ;~ La<<* t 40 J lO 21 . •• lllFd 1· ""' ... -.,.. CrmpK'n 1.04 I I 13-'-GaPw flf3.7• ISi 11 .. Um5" · 1 >-"-1:' ~ a .Q. · ~ !:"• "1 CrwnQ 1 US '5V.-"" GaPw pf2,,. . 9 1t Lani• .:M 11 2993 II ..... eak: 1·1 1~ 60 .::: 1~ Cnoltt 1,111 10 M'1 1R i.w GePw p12,$1 II 11... Lawttnt .72 13 .SO 1~ ...•. lltlcoPI .-s J<W 19 + y. CrZel pf 4.63 • SJ ~. GIPw pl2.7S . 4 JOV>-,,_ Loa' Pt 11 · Ill U\'> V. a.ldnH 3' I J Slei • "' C'Ztl pl81.Q5 . lOI 21 • Vi GePw p17,., 1500 U.._ 1\0 L.tal'So I.JO t lll ,.,,_ V. Bt!How .. 7 SI ~ V. C,,.,,,F I.I• • $31 1~ \to G•Pw pl7.n •• 1200 $.SV.-2 La•~til t ,.cQ 9 U 1S -Vt ..,11"" :mo ,. "'"'. ..., c111t1ro '• • ' ,,..., • ,., ~~~ ":!: ,l 1~ 1 ~~= ~ t!:'e~: ::~ 1~ ;: ~!:: ~ ee1u v 1... , ""'· cumn 11 11 10to »'-• v. ...... 8.,..ls 1.MI ' m >O""• ..., CumEn 2. s S6 n .... &1!:.'.(p 2.tO .s '°'t •!~ ~ l:':X~::1 ... 1 37J ,i~~·1.i• 8911dl.11 U2 IO m ~: ! f~ ~~~~nc 1.1~ i ll ,i~ ~ GlbrF11 . 0 •'A-\It LallrTlll 2.llf . SSt l~A _., !!~:!'•·o; '' UC 20... ,_ Cycl-I 10e 14 '" 1••t. + .--GlffHlll ,'2 lC a 14\lo-Vt Latiner .2q 1S 1W u -h ..... -TO. TO -0-0 -GllltU• 2.10 10 701 "°"' ... ~JI "'° • 3 40 -"" ·-I pf 4.Jll 1 '42 +I OMG I ?~ ~ GIHSW IO U 12 M>-V. Laue ad • 1 12 -V. ._,pl •.'10 · r200 » +J\l'J Da,._ .20 ' 110 7-°' Glot>M' 24 l 11t1 ·-\It La11cd 1)11.~.. t 11~ _., = ~ ~·:' = n + ~ OanAfv .S. I <It 11\1')-.... GldN~ I 103 1•\0-\lo L .. 151 l.•S '1711 11"1. + llo =II l1111) )'4·-llo &:~:1"'1:~.: a~:~ g:~ll i°U 't .:! 2"""1.._::.: ~v~hF 1,,J~ ~; ~-t': •_,.,.? J2 ! 1u· ~ la.~"" Oanl(r i-to 10 .. SI -"' GGrell pfJ.U 'l 11 2 v. ..... LOF pl •. ,, .. , 4) ... -~ · ' • • ·•-Vt o.1a0<1 ; 40 n ~r 1. 40 • 1"1 2 Y,-\lo l lMyCo .72 ti 41 U l t'lftlil 1 ,. 1 lilt + "° O.tTer ltf ,.,.·;·~ m°"J .5' t 7 U V>+ \do Llftm!i .... 14 111 t \0 i,.,; '1111' .n 1 ... 11""-"" D•1pn1 i• ~ '""-v. 1c1 Pt 10 ..a tc\lt-• L "' 1.eo-10 2JH n "' I l 1.20 12 ii U\4 + '4 Oay<O It tl 6$ 1'-+ Vt flKt lAO 4 ;i J6'/0 • ,,_ L mltO 11 .M U tti ts~ °"' I m • ..,. _., o eyc p1 •u 1100 .., , ,.,.. re1nor 11• 11 O\lt ... , L11eM J 1 1"1 Jt¥O kD .7• 1t 11SI 14V. ..... 0.yHCI u '10 i21stt 41Vt. "Grenlllr . • ..... l llCPI l.1• •• 10 11\lo. 141 Ill PW 7.tl) 6 11 H~ ~ ~ytPL 1:'0 • ~ ltV>-_, OIAIPt tat ll't 'A tjll9fl 1AO t tut ~ -V. !~!Jfl 1 t 140 17\lt-\'> P\. Of faJ r• 11» t f" G lllln .IO t IJ t1~ ~ lltOfl IJf 1 • H411 ••.. :;;#" '.-:/ 10 '" >1112• S anf: n ;,t ·~ n U -~ GNtm 4.52'1 S o u:: .. 'II l o<khd ; • ''t 60)41-\lo ....... t~ 'i!'°' ~~.:: ~ ~ ,,,. tJ m n:: (;; s1m: .J 'I 'Jit r.,,.:, ... t::: :A '~ ~ ::"'-~ 11411.C: UO 11 I Ill"'• -. I l\a~ t I 11 114' JO-... GWHllP n I 14' &v. + t Lemf'I! t ... : IJt ft1'i-"-~ t.n • " MV. .. ,_ ' 101 , " GMP n '·· " u~..... ~ ,,... &I u-. "' .-~··· ... ~ ·: ~ ... ~. ~ ~~~ ::: t1 ~ m::: t g~vr."• 1.1° -~ ct? ,~, .... ~ t"I~ ~:! '! ,:; ~,~-~ I-~-= 1 !j3 ~i .. g:nnY't~1l'~ ~ ..... or .. rn t tG tlli ..... LL.1118 4,iL.-~ft "'l·'' .. ' ~ ..... o.~" 1:iil, ",.:;.:g:=;·---.~ ~ ~! ~ tt:JGt12 ::'1~~ •• : 1 ... ":t.V'. :.:!. .. 1' ~· "1.' E d , ... I *1 ·~ .... G'"""" IAO u .. ~ ..... 1.11. el t,~ ,. Q -~ tiltM '2.10 it.= :; ~ UO .. 10116$\lt • 1"' =um on,eo , t7 U ~ LIL . ,, • 1 tM + 1 tltflt I ;.. f llJ -. IE.,_ •.11 • ''" tJ .. " I .» I 2J 1$.._ ~ Lil llf 2. . • IS II ~ '90I n 'j t flf7 lflt 1-E if JM •• {10 llU + t lfWtl .IS 4 1°'5 IJ-411 11. 2.A.1 . 6 1•141 ..... rctnrr 1' U ,.._ • RE Iii 1..S • '100 ~ · GI~ t.JO •• t ~ ~ Ot 1.0t !I tJ f!"-~ II 'VO a • n tM •. ~ • r 7.a .. dlO .... Gvmt~ uo •i ,... .,, ti'! '?! ,.._ .... ~o ,,,,: .. ,: ,,...!_Ito I=· m .. ; : ·:·~ ~oul~''Ut ,,,. .• ,: I lw.:.:·" t~ t' 10 .r, ~· ·44 -· ,.,, .. I IS 'T ' A • H t7 I ' ,,. •••• l flt.~..... "''°'' -= · t 1{ ~ !t'1":-i" 4.11 .. + -I V 8r4M 1 I + I.ti YwOt . ) lllt7 • ... l'llMll I l It '! ~! ~ = '! 't I ; ~ r: l~~lii 1;: ~ 1t; ~t~ ti .~, 11 ~·ti l::rr~.-'~l,1 ffitt n-~ of"' 1'.e .: ':J .:::~ .. ~ HMW -':J"1i'° ti'-Ito ~111 'l_;J; l1t,t.! ~ 'f ~-M..-.. t I.?• 1 ,.. 1• .,. HltT .«> 1 It IV.-"° :,UV. ,,. t 1~....,_ 141 "-,16 •• • 11 -~ • 1t Wt ""• 116 HMllW U • 1t '4 '"°' . . -~ 11 • 10\i-.. Dow Jones Fina DOWN 8.84 CL08lNG 883A7 Weak economy to continue? WASHINGTON (AP) -The World Bank is predlcung that 1982 will be the third oonsecutive year of very weak economic growth for industrial nations and is warning that 'the globaJ recession could deepen. The international lending organization said the weak performanc:e of the industrial nations has caused slower growth tor the world's developing coun:ries, w h i<'h depend on wea lthier nations for both c.:omrnercial trade and financial assistance. T he 143-nation bank. which makes long-term loans to em:ourage economic.: development in middle- income and poor countries, noted that the economies of the world's 21 non·communist industrial countries grew an a\lerage of 1.4 pcreent in 1980 and 1.2 percent in 1981. Preliminary figures suggest that "1982 is likely to be the third year in a row of slow growth," the bank said in its report released Thursday. Frontier t ells buy · .. Frontier Ser vices Co .. Denver, a division oi. Denver-based Frontier Holdfogs Inc .. has announcec:t:': an agreement in principle to purchase the assets of: Braniff Education Systems of Dallas, a subsidiary of;. Braniff International Corp. :"" Completion of the $1 .2 million purchase is"~ pending a legal and property purchase audit bi~ Frontier Services, as well as review by Braniff!' Internauonal's credit committee and the bnak.ruptcy trus~. Frontier Holdings is also the parent corporation of · Denver-based Frontier Airlines which serves John. Wayne Airport in Orange County. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS HEW YORK (AP! -TM IOllowl"lj llll .-. IN Hitw Yor--Slo<k Exc-.oo Jtoc•l end •arrants lf\•1 hltt -..., Ille mo>1 end -llW most bawc:I on l:'c~:.:!v'htn9t r19udlHs of volume ...:::. ~r~ ~~'1.;~~=~·r~r;c,.:.: difference belw-. nw pr••""'• clO~no Ofl<I end loelay'• i~m. prlc•. I Far:-~v LA"'"' .'"t UpPc 1 u .o 2 Am Hoisl 11\< , 111. Up 11 • 3 PtmCOrp 9 \~ + l'l Up 10.• • Amsl•r pf S~ • 'h Up t.S S PSlnd 4 l'l>f 81<. + "'• Up t ' • GIW\IH"'I> n I • "' Up 1.s 9 Whiten.II i 2t I>-2 Up a.J 10 8.nef • SOpf 33 • 11/1 Up 1.2 a ~~~~~~ .~~ : ~ ~= ::g 13 UMET fr l .. + ''" Up 1.0 u 8etdll H<!m s~ "' Up 1.0 U ScNAll U"' ~. Up 7 O t• 011rilndu'9 IS.,... • I Up t .1 11 Wylet.1bs '"" "' Up •-5 11 F-~ In< lt 1'11t Up t.J It FlowGenl 10"-.. Up •.3 20 GMlr ! ISof J3V, 1 UP 6.l 21 HIMo 7.npt S5•1. JV• Up •. 3 22 TtwrmoEll<. n 14'11. ~ Up •.> 23 U"1Park M n ,,,. \.lo Up 5,t 24 Jert.nP Cpl 2s~, 1\lt Up S.7 2S NevP 1.1Cp1 u ~ Up s.r l• At,,_,,. CoP ''" v, Up l.7 N- I VJ Mnvl S COi>I l v Manvlli. l 0-,.oCng • W•lla< J(m 5 OotneM 0 • R1y·bHtos 7 Fs1 ,,..,,._ I EmpOE plA t Bengwt 8 10 OrlOnClo •11 llatwy Ind 12 L..,,..r :: ~=:t. IS blwn lrd :~~~ 11 OrlorlPl<I " TrlSou Inv 20 CmRLll Q 21 Wlllle Cofts B ~:1'~':1 Jc Pec5c1en • JS 0..-x' DOWNS Lui CllQ "~· ,, .... s l~ It -H • 2J 2'11 ..... -1 .... -II. 3.... v. 3:i.. ... sv. .. "'" ~ 5"' ~ 14~ I IJ.,.. "" 31't. -' , .... , .... ., loo . .,, . .,. , • .,. 00. ,. ... ,.,, 10'9 " '•" I '°" -... ,,,,. -"' GOLD COINS Pel. Off 19.1 OU Jt,S Ott 13.1 Ott 10.) Off •.• Off 1.S Oii 7.~ Oii ., Oii •. , Off •.• Ott •. , Off t.J Oii .. J Oii •• o 0t1 s • Off 5.t Ofl l.• Ott 5.• Oii }.f Off S.I 011 u Off 5.1 Off J.7 Off 5,1 Off u NEW YORI< (AP) -Praa tale Thund•~ ol QOld ~ne, compefJ<I with Wednesday'• J;ri<".a f" Krug•n•fld. 1'oy oun~t. t••7 75 up S20.26 ' Mapl• IH t, 1 troy ounc•. su&.00 up S20 2!.. ' Mealol!fl to,_..,, f2 lroy ovnoa, 1520.00. up 1'3.7~ Av.trlllllft 100 crow"' eee>3 troy 0<!11Qe $422 00. uo $111.25. • a AMERICAN LEADERS MElAlS NEW VORk (AP ) -Spot nonl••f0\11 metal p<lcos today Copp e r 72-73 cenlt e po11nd, LI 6 deslln•tlOns. ~ 2'6-29 cents a pOUnd Zl1'C •O cents • pOUnd. oetivered Tlfl S&.4671 Metals Waell c:om~le. AhunlnlH!I 76-71 cents I pOUnd, NY .... C:lltJ $36!>.00 I* lluk Pl1tlnum S291 OO·l296 00 troy oun~. N.V SILVER Hendy & Harman, S6 060 1)411 lrOy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS er TIM Aa-let.0 Pr- Selecled world gold pricea today ~ mornlnQ 11a1no ~25.25, up sa.15 Londo n 111arnoon fixing S4 HI 00, llp $1.00 ' ,...,,. all•ooon ll•lncl '412 .03, up le 00 Ftenllfurt ftxl<IQ S42S 25. 1iP $7 27 Zwlctl 111e aharnoon fl•lng '417,00, \IP $2.00 bid. SA 16 00 nkad. HH1dr a Hum1n (only dally quo") SA Ul.00. up SI 00 r...--(Oflly dally quote) ~ 18 00, UD '1.0Cf £.,..it.ard (0'11y dally quolei feb<lcaled $438.llO. up S 1 05. SYMBOLS d·Nft )'M/ly IOw, U•Nlw yllllly hlgll. , Unlffs otllJt'wlM noted. rain ot dMdond• are ennuat dlllbur-.1t b...s on 1he 111111 querterly or tor<1l-ann11et dtclarello.11 Specie! or ••1•• <ltv!dends or pa~I• not dftlQf\llad .. roouiar -kMnl•lled In •fie I0110W1r19 lootnoln: •AllO exlra Of ex1ru. b-Annllal r11e pl\it stock d ividend C·Llquldellng OlvlOtnd Otct•red Of paid In r><ac.dlno 12 monti.. 1·°"°""4'd or pold ailor lloctl diYldJnd Ct tl)lll up. J·Pald thlt Yff', dlv!dtnd omllllll, deferr..i or no action ltken 11 11181 ~ mMlit19. k·D«Mled Of plli<I lhl• ~ • .,, 9CCUmulotlve •-With dlYld9ncl• In .,.,...., n·~w 1._. r-0.Clltad 0t pekl In pr411*1ifkl 12 "*1th• ~ 11~ dMOend. l·Plllcl aii lloc:k In prooedlng 12 mon111a, •xllmoltcl :r.111'1 vl!Nt on tll4lvl0tncl or 111-<llatrll>\ltlOn ... •·Ek-dMdend• Of tll..flal'olt. y·Elt-dl'olldelld and ..... In l\•11. ~s.i.. In 1Vll cid·C.lled ..0-Whtit dls1rlbu1ed. wl•W""1 IHU•d WW•Wllll w1rr~nla •W·WllhOIH wer1an1t. •dls-Ex·dltlrll>\ltiOn. P E reuo· The Pf~ of • •I~ a1 • mulllpla ol oe<·ll\llt .. ,n~1* by dtvtdl<IQ Ille 111os1 12-monlh ~ figure lnlO lflJI Ni'o prloe