HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-29 - Orange Coast Pilot' DUNlil CDAIT YIUR HlllTDWN DlllY PAPIR OHANGE COUN JV C AL If UHNIA SU C. l NT ~ Peso plunge: Boon, bust for shoppers SnJ.art vi sitors -go t o bank firs t Two bits of advice for Orange Coast residents traveling south of the border: -Immediately stop at a Mexican bank and exchange your spending dollars for pesos. -Ask for the price in pesos for anything you intend to purchase. be it hotel room fares, grocery items or curios. Long lines greet visitors at TIJUa na's banks, where both American tourists and Me xican merchants wait to exchange dollars for pesos. At midweek, most banks m the border city were paying between 94 and 110 pesos for the Stories and photos by Steve Mitchell Of the Dally Piiot Staff dollar -at least double paid by banks earlier this month. The latest devaluation of the Me xican currency has been a boon for American visitors with dollars, and a devastating bust for local residents. , But the best deals c.an only be had 1f you change your dollars at the bank. If you insist on paying for everything with U.S. green, don't be surprised if your purchases do not appear to be that big a bargain. They probably aren't. That's because each merchant places his own rate of exch ange on items sold, be they r estaurant owners, hote l ope rators or shopkeepers. A curio s hop owne r ln Rosarito Beach considers 65 pesos to the dollar l-0 be a fair rate, and his pottery, concrete ducks and baskets are no real bargain. UnJess, of course, you pay the man in pesos. Many hotels, on the other hand. refuse to lower the price of rooms, despite the devaluation. A stop by the old Rosarito Beach Hotel shows room prices are st.i!J $40 a night in U.S. currency. "We are not lowering the price because of the devaluation," a hotel clerk said. "We are not (See TOURISTS, Page A3 ) A HAND IN NEED -Elderly woman Jeans a gains t s tor efron t in Tijuana, begging for pesos. Devaluation of Mexican currency has Infla tion mig ht trigger revolt Jerry W1st'man downs a s ma ll glass of bourbon, (•hasing the fiery liquid with a half bottle of <:arbonated mineral wate~ "You want to know how th~ devaluation has affected me'?" he asks. Ordering up another bourbon on the rocks, the Ame rican expatriatt', who has lived in Enscnada the past 15 years, turns to the questioner "l opened an al'(;'Ount in an Enscnada bank a year ago for $5,000 " "Last week I had to have the money. so I closed the account. SUNDAY SPECIAL ''I got $1,200," he sa~s. shaking his head. Then, smiling. he asks, "That ans wer your question'?" Until three months ago, Wist-ma n , 47. worked for an American oil company, mostly on offshore rigs off the coast of California. At limes, he would be away from hts wife, Herm1n1 a. and the ir four ch ildren, for eight months at a streu:h. H11's not workmg now, but cx-cas1ona1Jy calls his boss at the oil tompany to see if there are any jobs. .. "I haVl' to pay for the calls now. They won't even ac'Cept the charges," Wiseman says. Thrt!e months without a pay check, lied to the most re-cent devaluation of the peso, has hit the former Wiscons in resident and has family hard. H aving recently finished building his three -be droom . $40 .0 00 h o u s., o n a 7,000-square-foot lot JUSt south of Ensenada, he says, "At least that's nearly paid for." made things even more difficult for Mexico's poor, and even those who are better off say they are sufferin g because of inflation. But Wiseman says his Ensenada-born wife has been paymg a lot more for groceries the past few weeks, eating aw•y at.. what remains of ..lus meager savings. "Hey,'' he asks. "You want to buy a 30-foot <See REACTIONS, Page A3) Reagan vetoes fund bill St eps ta k en to avoid worker furlough s., agency dis ruptions SANTA BARBARA (AP) - President Reagan veioed a $14.2 billion spending bill Saturday as a budget buster, and th e government immediately began ta~ sleps to avoid widespread furloughs of federal workers, agency shutdowns and program disruptions. Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said 27 government offices were left hurting for funds because of the veto. He said there was a good possibility some government employees -he did not know how m~y -would be laid off temporarily. With the salaries of 3 million military personnel at stake under the ball , Reagan took extraordinary steps to avoid a payless payday for those in the armed services next Tuesday. It was Reagan's eigh th veto since he took office. Republican leaders in Congress had urged the president to sign the bill, wa rning that a veto might be overridden or that he might not get a se<.'Ond chance to win congressional approva l of funds for his high ly prized Caribbean Basin foreign aid program. But Reagan, in a brief radio address broadcast live from his mountaintop ranch near here. said the bill exceeded his r(.-que:.t for domestic programs by nearly $1 billion and contained funds for "several things I've vc tol•d already as being unnecessary." In a separate vet-0 message to Congress. Reagan said, "l do not take this step Ughtly ... But this bill would bust the budget by nearly a billion dollars." Reagan said that last week's surge on Wall Street and otht'r economic improvements wcrt' a positive reaction to congressional approval of a $98.3 bilhon tax increase bill. This re action . h e said. "1s founded in large measure on a growing convic ti o n tha t this gov e rnment ha s fin a ll y developed the will to set its fiS<:al house m order. This lt'g1sla1.1on fli es an th e f ace o f that conviction ." Democratic leaders in Congress q u1ckJ y criticized the president's move. House Majority Leader Jim Wright. D-Texas. said the ve to "revives th e s p ir it o f confrontation and hostility which some of us had tncd to put at rest" with approval of the t.ax increase package a week ago. ~right s aid Reagan 's "t eatrical Vl'to" put h as Ca bean Basm plan in "severe Jeopa rd y ." H e hinte d that Oemocra ts wo u Id h o ld the Caribbean program host.age for increased funds for do mestic 50l01al welfare programs "Many of my colleagues are saying tha t 1f the president is unwilling t• give needed help to th e old . th e poor and the handicapped in our own country, he can scarcely expect Congress to appropriate m o r e for such people in o ther l'OUntries." Wright said. 600 PLO guerrillas s hip out Palestinian guerrillas but said there were no casualties. Beirut. Lebanon's Moslem elder statesman , Saeb Salaam, calJed for dissolution of all miht1as - Christian and Moslem alike. SKIMMING FANS -Taking in the world body skimrnin~ championships at Corona del Mar State Beach Saturday were 8-year-old . D.ity "-1 ll'hoto 1t1 CtwftM 9t8" John Zacharias of Monrovia and a pigeon he found walking around on the rocks. BEIRUT, Le banon (AP) - The Palestinian dispersal wound up its first week Saturday when about 600 more guerrillas sailed from the U .S. -controlled port. and speculation mounted about when and how PLO chief Vasser Arafat will leave his west Beirut enclave. The lsraeU military command on Saturday reported three in cidents of shooting by With the number of a rmc•d Palestinians in wes t Be irut reduced by m o re tha n h a lf. attention also began to fcx·us on how to rein in the armed militias whose feuding has ravage d Lebanon for years. A meet i ng was sch edule d Monday to discuss deployme nt of pohce forces in Moslem west Lebanon's stat<!-run radio said Arafat secretly left the capital from the port before dawn, but he la ter was inte rviewed at Salaam's home as he made a late-night ro und of fare w ell WORLD Pip eline compromise sought • WASHINGTON (AP) -President R eagan is seeking to compromise with West European allies on disagreement over the Soviet pipeline embargo. trade representative Bill Brock says. Arabs prepare for summit CASABLANCA, Morocco (AP) -Arab foreign ministers met Saturday to prepare a summit m eeting to review their Middle East policy in the wake of the Israeli-imposed dispersal of Palestinian guerrillas from Lebanon. Troops m an eu ver near Warsaw WARSAW, Poland (AP) -Polish and Soviet troope held maneuvers outside Warsaw on Saturday, and Roman C..thollc bbhopa begged the nation to avoid bloodlhed on Solidarity'• second anniversary th.ii week. NATION Paraquat sprayed on 'pot' RED BAY, Fla. (AP) -A secluded 80-acre field of harvest-ready marijuana was doused with ~aquat Saturday and put under 24-hour guard, marking the first official use of the controversial herbicide against drug in the U.S.- Bak er charms as Senate chief Howard Baker has an affable, euy101n.a style about him u the undispute4 muter of the Senate. Page A7. COUNTY Rolls dealen hip doins well The auto indunry la lylna flat on ita·face - except tor one teetor: Rolla Royce. Roy Carver says his Newpon Beach dealenhlp enjoys a healthy aalea pace for the opulen t vehicles. Pap Dl. (See DISPERSAL, Page AZ > INDEX Bridge E3 Mailbox A6 Robert Bruss D3 Movies El-3 Business Dl-2 National News A3 Classified Fl-10 Public Notices F2 Consumer Close-up DB Real Estate D3-5 Crossword 03 Sports Bl-5 Death Notices F2 Stock Markets D6-7 F.ditorial Page A6 Style Cl-10 Entertainment El-3 Television E4 Featuring E3 Theaters El-3 Finance Dl-7 Travel C8-9 • Horoecrope E3 Weather A2 Ann Landers E3 SPORTS This time Ansels lose, 7-6 The !\ed Sox neatly turned the table. on the Anjell Saturday. beating them by tl\e same 7·6 ICOte by which \hey had loet Friday night. Page 81. • l .J Orange OoHl DAILY PILOT/Sundey, Augu1t 29, 1982 It's been a bumpy road for On of re SCE push es to get Units · 2 and .1 66 line, and repair aging Unil 1 Dettr Piiot Photo br ,.ldlent Koelllef WAITING FOR HEROES -Not ever y Ra m fan lives in Orange County and goes to the beach on summe r weeke nds. Jessica Lewis. 17, cheers the Rams from he r hom e town of L as Vegas, Nev. S he was at Ana he im S tadium before Sunda:>'.'s game, waiting for the team to eme rge from the locker room m hopes of taking a few sn a ps h ots. Jessica h ad a lot to cheer about. as the Rams beat Seattle. 23-13. Sec story, Page B l. ·Comptroller takes over Western National Bank By DENNIS GEORGATOS A-'tlled .. , ... Wr1tet SAN O NOFRE -Whn1 the doub le-d o m e d 8 u11 O n u frl' Nuc lear Gen l•rating Plunt iic -opt•rntlng, non-rad1oact1vt' 11tt·am merges eerily into low -hungang d ouds over the Pacific Oce1m . But since the plant opc•nl"'<i in J anuary 1968, San Onofrl''s Unit I reactor has operated only 65 perc-ent of the time b<.'Ca USl' of a variety o f factors. inc luding accidenta l s hutdown s a nd concern s about earthquake resistance. The facility four miles south of San Cle me nte. whe re former P resident Nixon malnta1m'<i his Wester n White House, bcc·ame the third commercial nuclear plant in the United S tatc..'8 to st.art up. The plant's principal owner, Southern California Edison Co., says that when all three reactor units a re In o p erat ion , San Onofre will supply electrk 1ty to a bout 2 million people in Orange County. parts o f San Die go County, a nd farmers across 190 mi les of a rid southeastern California. But none of the three rcac·tors 1s now in commercial operation. Unit 3 still is under construction a nd Unit 2 has been shut twice since it began low-powe r testing last m o nth . Frid ay t est ing resumed after a 15-day hiatus. Unit l , a 436-m egawatt reactor , stopped operating last February · following problems with rnrroded steam g~nerator tubes a nd a Nuclear Regulatory Comrmssion order to strengthen the 14 -year -:>ld reac tor 's e arthquak e r esista n ce mechanisms. T h e pot e nti al r e lease of radioact1v 1ty as a res ult o f earthquake"'darnage has been a serious concern since radiation cou1d reac h a conside rable po rtio n of s outhe rn Orange County. Nini• Yl'lll ~ uftt•r rt-<:c1v1nai .. construc tio n pe rmi t rrom the NRC und c•ll(ht yc•ur11 after th<' building l:x•gun. F..d116on and Its p1.trt1wrs art• prt.•par lng to put the tw o nl'w I , 100 m e g awa tt reactor11 into commercial us(' They cannot re<'Oup their $3.35 billion m vcstml•nt until the unil.8 s tart produc·ing l'll'<'lrkity. "What we'd hkc• to believe Ui tha t we are m the fmal stages of th(' tl>Stang process for Unit 2 a nd that sometime in September wc"ll begin to make ele<'trlcaty," said nuclear engin eer Euge ne Cramer . He said normal full4 powl•r operation 1s ex~ted in January or February. "Unit 3 follows along behind 1l any where from six montfls to a year, looking forward to loading fuel in October or November ... and getting into the power rangl' sometime next summer.'' he said. But 1f the history of Unit I 1s any md1cauon, things may not go that smoothly. S ince the bl'gi nning , tha t rl'actor has bl•en beset w ith problems, although Cramer said its 65 percent operational figure is about average compared with the 7J other licensed reactors m the l'O Untry. l n 1980 , f or example a n electrician acc1dC'n tally bumped a relay switch that ('Ontrolled the flow o f cooling water to t h e plant's steam generator. When the wa te r valvc•s closed, t h e reacto r automau cally began to shut down. Cra m e r r eca ll ed o ther incide nts that led to inadvertent reactor shutdow ns "Way off m the boondocks up here. some of the ell'<'tr1clty 1s taken out on w ooden poles for delivery." Cramer says. "There w as a grass fire that bu rned a wooden pole The pole fell down and opened a c1rcu1t, and t h1S in turn was electrically sensed m the substation. "That opened a circuit which AP Wlfepl\oto INSIDE LOOK -The Unit 3 reactor at Shrt Onofre is nearing the e nd of construction. Pla nt operators ho pe to load uranium fuel this fall and begin generating e lectricity by next summer. eventually came back to th£' plant and told it to shut down. "There was a time some birds built a nest. T he nest material connc<:ted two small wires and shorted them out, and again this went through the system a nd said 'shut the pla nt dow n ,'" Cramer said. AJlhough 1t didn't result in a shutdown , Cramer recalled that one of his workers once fell into a 60 -foo t pool of w ater t hat surrounds the radioactive fuel. C r a me r says t h e m an was I See ONOFRE, Page AS) An independent bank in Santa Ana w as declared insolven t by federal banking regulators who cited the bank's "significant loan losses". W (•stern Nationa l Ba nk's msolvency is belwved to be the first bank failure' 1n Orange County since thl' Depression. OC political notes The Co mpt r o ll ~r of the Currency seized co~rol of the bank's approximately $25 million 10 assets and $20 million 1n deposits and said they would arrange for another institution to take ove r the deposits. The bank ia now under the 't'Ontrol of the F ederal Depos 1 t I nsuranl'e Corporation. The 20 -month ol d ba nk repo rted ly h ad bet"n under federal scr utiny for ni nt· months M any a llegau om. or improper l o a n p r a <.' t 1 (' l ' s f o c u s o n 32-year-old Craig Caldwe)t, the bank's m ajori ty s tol·kno1d N , according to reports. Bank of£icia1s were reportedly not taking call~ or d iscussing the mattt.•r Friday FDR sons By PATRICK J. KENNEDY 01 IM Delly Piiot Steff James Roosevelt of Newport Beach, and his brother Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. -sons of former P resident Franklin D Roosevelt -are starrin~ in television Sunny days --------The Foree.st For 8 p.m. EDT Rein~ Snowfm T Sunday. August 29 . e ntpe r <t lltreS •Ht h T atUfes Showers. Flurries(!!)_ Co as I n I Southe•ly winds moslly less INn 10 knols morning ~·no aou l h wesl 8 10 16 knots elternoon and evening L1g1U varlable Winds n1gh1 Southwest swetl 1 to 2 1ee1 Low clouds 1n n1i)hl and morning hours mostly clearlng afternoon Albany AlbuQue AnchO•Bge A11anta A11entc Cly Austin Bal11mote Blrm1nghm Bismarck Boise NATION -----------Bos1on U.S. s1uu11tary Nonherners had e hint 01 tan Saturday as the mercury dipped lo record low& 1n many cities. whlle a flf!fce lhunderstorm that le1hed parts of 1ne West was b4amed fOf Iha death ot a Fresno men. authorities It.ere said A mass ol Canadian &tr gripped lhe Greet Lakes region setting record lows ove1n1ghl on more l hen a hall-doien c111es from Buffalo. NY .. to Oululh Monn Ourlng lhe day. 11 conlmued aunny and cool from the Great Lakes to the No1theas1. white thundershowers and warmer. weethef spread across the South Heevy 111un~11orms dampened lhe Grea1 8Nln. and a flash llOOd watch wu posted tor northern and west81'n U18h On the Weat Coast •t waa pertly cloudy alter some heavy thunderstorms early Saturday Fo r t oday. the Nellon•• Weelher Service forecaSt ec ellered thundershowers over the Pleteau region and tn FIOrlda Showets were expected 10 ltnge< u ound the Great Lakes, and M.1nehlne wu predicted from Iha centre• Plains through the Ohio Valley to New England and ove< IMI West Coast Brownsvlle Bvltalo Bur11nglon Charlstn SC Chorlstn WV Cherme NC Cheyenne ChlCllQO c.ncmnalt Cleveland Clmb•a SC Columbus 0111-Ft Wlh Dayton Oen vet Oes Moines Detroit Ovlvth El Pa!loO Falt banks Fe1go Flags1e11 Great Falls Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lnc:ln111111s Jacksn MS Jecl<snvtle Kans C11y Knoxv111e Las Veges Llllle Rock L0u11v1lle Memphis M1am• Milwaukee -----------Mpls·St P Nurwllle Extended weal h e,. (, Tueeday-Thursd1y N1i)h~.nd .. ,,, morning IOw CIOudl a ne•• the COH I, Otha~ I r. HlgM coet181 erirenglng Ir 11Mt low 70s et t aches to mid 90t warm« lnl• Ha Lows 66 lo ee. Mounllln•. ma afternoon clouds but mo1lly lair Highs 77 to IM. Lows SS to 65 California Low Cloud• nlghi and morning hOUre along 00811, OlherwlM lelr In Souther(! Celllornla 1111ough Mondey wftl\ mos11y tunny dayt Or1noe Counly cen eapect ~ In 70., lowt In SQ, lnlland ven.yt wlll heve high• In ... lows'" eo. New Orleans New Y0tk Norfolk Ol<la City Om•h• Orlando PllMadpllie l'tloent• Pllllburgh Piiand. Me Pt~d Ore Pr GO R R ty Reno Richmond San Lake San Antonio s .. 11 .. Shreveport Slou• Fella St Louis StP·hmpa Spoll- Syrecuee TOt*ll TUCl90fl 68 89 63 87 70 100 70 89 78 90 68 97 62 65 95 76 85 64 66 76 66 89 12 87 73 90 74 68 62 99 69 69 80 84 74 87 87 97 77 96 96 70 86 97 82 79 89 88 63 69 62 93 76 79 91 72 92 74 10S 69 es 80 70 64 88 80 82 66 911 711. 91 66 76 811 Ill 63 7'4 97 11.9 62 11.8 69 61 78 62 70 48 63 59 77 43 46 78 62 N11tont1 Weeftle( SeMce ;~ ~N~O~A~A~·~U~S~Oep~l~~:.;,,,,;:C~ornm~~~~c~e~.;:..,""'='~~:--:~~-=:--::-~--...1 4:1 Fronts:Cold ..,.. Warm WY 61 52 71 S6 7? 55 58 52 44 34 70 35 51 45 50 54 55 75 80 53 71 73 65 n 75 69 62 77 82 47 55 67 75 62 70 68 S3 75 60 83 S3 SI SS 60 69 61 S9 66 71 77 S9 7 I 55 62 60 51 II.II 67 73 lulsa wash1no1n W.chlla CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Bar slow Beaumont 810 Beer Blyt~ Cateltna Eurelta Fresno Lancaster Lono Beach Los Angeles Monrovia Monlebelto Monllfey Ml Wtlson Needles Newport Beach Ontarto Palm Springs PesadB!la Paso Robles Red Bluff Redwood Ct1y Secremento Sahnas San Bernardino San Gebrlel San Otego San Francl&GO Son Jose Sent• Ana Sen11 a.rt>"• Sent• Merle Sante Monica Stoett Ion T 8hOe Valley Thermal Totrance Yuma Celgery Edmonlon MontrN I 011ew1 TOfonto Vencouvel' Winnipeg CANADA !JAN A .. l .. tCA Acapulco Ber mud• Bogote 90 69 80 67 83 68 CUteceo Guadel•l•r• Guedeloupe Kingston 96 96 94 7S 105 16 6A 93 91 79 83 92 88 72 76 tOJ 76 89 102 87 93 88 7S 83 71 93 89 78 6S 76 81 74 77 7S 88 69 105 83 108 74 Mon1ego Bay 69 Mazatlan 64 Merida •8 Me1lco Clly 78 Monterrey Sen Juan PR 67 Tegucigalpa St Ttlnlded 68 Vera Cruz 63 69 69 65 70 58 60 79 68 66 78 66 66 63 57 59 50 66 67 69 S5 56 66 61 S8 68 ~ 78 67 62 QL08AL ,l.mlletdam Athen1 BeflOkOlt BelQrlde Be<Ttn 8ruuet1 8 'Alrea Celro Car11ce1 Copenhagen Fran~turt Genev1 Helslnkl Hong Kono Jeruulem Jo'burg Kiev Llm1 L11bon London New Vor11 NiCC>ele Otlo Petit Peking Rio Rome S10 Peulo Slng1pore SlockhOlm 56 '8 S)'dney T8ipel 61 '48 Tel AYIY 62 42 T<*YO S6 39 Vlennl 62 '40 71 59 07 37 Smog 92 80 82 59 92 73 92 73 88 75 95 77 95 72 77 50 102 75 92 79 es sa 66 75 92 73 84 5'4 88 68 91 81 ~6 63 68 50 66 S2 64 53 91 68 82 66 66 S4 72 S4 63 S7 66 SS 90 62 88 61 72 •8 7S S7 66 S7 75 S9 70 S-4 73 68 9:f 70 . 61 43 70 54 . 93 73 . 96 ee · 66 63 82 63 86 79' 83 SS 72 52 93 79 66 69 86 17 1e eo Moumelrle can expect high• 73 to 83, tow• A6 to Ge. leoleted afternoon lhunderthowere In norltletn ,.,.. o.-t• cien expect 1901ated afternoon lhundar11towere tn elltr'elN north Northern deMf1 tllgN In toe. lowt In eo. Ind -10e. ~ <*et1 highs 100 10 t 10. towt 10 to H . ~--> ..... a!D~-R ___ f R_IP_DRT_ Tit• Air Qu1Uty M•n•oem.,,1 Oltlrklt pr9dlc1t 9ood air Quality todlV In 111 of lite Soulh Coat Air b11tn exc.pt Iha Rlvenld•·San Bernetdlno 1re1, which thould h•v• unhHllhlul air quellly fOf ..,,....._. people. ftte PolutM1 ltendtrd tndell 111 thel .,_ II fortlOM1 tit IM. OOOd • 4IMllltY .. ·~ '°' th• Ian Q1br1e1; Pomon1. Sin Fern1"do and 8ent• C1er1te velley9, 941 11Wt1t1 e PSI of 100. Nortnem ertd Central CellfOfnle tlilll l\ew V•ltlble oloude, wtth I ~ of .,,.,_ --· In northern rnountelna end 8*r1 ,..dlr OOMt.i low Cloud• end tog lnetM91n9 IOftlOl'I lwt Awt t 1 2 2 lurl .... 2 2 3 3 tUff !Jtd 12 12 " , .. ..... Awt t I 1 I .... .... 2 2 2 2 ..... Otr tlW aw SW SW Qood etr quellty I• el•o predicted tor ll•nnlng end me4roc>Oltttn 1.ot A~ wltlt a PSI of at. encl tor t"' low deWtt, Inland Or~ Couf\ty, the OOMtal I reaione. deMrtt end lie ... lake,,., a. back opposing candidates <.'Ommercials of rival U.S . Senate candidates Gov. Jerry BrQwn and San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. The Roosevelts, both fonner ('Ongressmen. are giving opposite views of Wilson's proposal to ease the financial drain on the Social Security system -founded by President Rooseve lt. James Roosevelt, 75. supports Wilson. while Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr .. 68. of New York. supports Brown. Wilson contends the financial d rain on Social Security could be eased by allowing workers under 45 to reduce the ir Social Security deduc tions in exch a n ge for reduced benefits. But Bro wn con tends tha t proposal w o uld drain need ed money f rom th e fu nd. a nd inevitably lead to overall reduced benefits. Jam es Roosevelt speaks o n radio commercials for Wilson. H e d isco unts Bro wn 's cntic~m of Wilson's plan as "fear tactics" and a dd s. "Socia l Security was the product of a man with an idea. ahd it's going to take men with Ideas. like Pete Wilson , to keep it . H o w e v e r , his bro th e r . Fra nklin R oosevelt Jr .. says "nothing could be wo rse than Mayor Wilson 's unfair plan to gut the (Social Security) system." T e r ry Th o rn s l e y , supenntendenl of the Capistrano Unified School D ist rict , has joined the fra y in th e controversial race for the 43rd Co ngre ssional Distric t by supporting write-in candidate Ron Packard. Packard. former mayor o f C arl s bad . l ost th e GOP nomination to Johnnie R. Crean by 92 votes and Thornsley is h e ad i ng the De m ocra ts for Packard branch of the campaign. Thomsley said he was "taken aback by the tactics" t hat he said Crean used in the primary. M e anwhil e. C r ea n , a mi 11 ion a i r e tra vel-tra 1 l e r manufacturer. of Carlsbad, has been lobbying for GOP rank and file support To m Bradley. L os Angeles mayor and Demcx:ra tic candjdate for governor , is scheduled to speak at the Airporter Inn Hotel. From Page A1 18700 MacArthur Blvd .. lrvme. on Sept. 9. For informa tion on seating call 54 7 -3042. Costa Mesa lS the site of a new unit of the California Republican Asse m b l y. a 50-yea r -o ld statewide volunteer organization. The group meets the second Thursday night of each month a nd a nalyzes local. sta te and n a tion a l issu es. a s we ll a s scheduling legislators and other political. s peak ers. The ne xt meetmg IS Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m .. at 3162 Madeira Ave .. Costa Mesa. For more information. call J im E m e r son . 957 -13 14 o r a t 957-0135. The La g una. N 1 g u e I Republican Women F ed erated has scheduled its next meeting for Thursd ay. 10 a.m . at the Saddle bac k Inn Call Joyce S layma n . a t 831-351 4 . for reservations DISPERSAL OF PLO • • • visits to impo rtant P L O s upporters. The P ales tine Libera t ion Organization cha irman said he w o uld leave th e c ap i t a l "publicly" but w ould not say how. when or where he would g(). PLO Foreign Minister Farouk K add ou m 1 said i n Bize rte, T unisia, that Arafat would lead the PLO delegation at the Arab summit scheduled to open Sept. 6 an Fez. Morocco. but would not provid e de ta ils of h is travel plans. ANNUAL PRE-SEASON SALE WATCH FOR IT! UP TO 50°/o OFF AND MORE Fri., Sept. 3rd 10-9 Sat., Sept. 4th 10-6 MEN'S -LADIES' -KIDS' CLOTHING CEVAS •COLMAR• DEMETRE* FILA *MEISTER• ROFFE• SERAC • OBERMEY,ER S·KIS ROSSIGNOL K-2 BOOTS SALOMON RAICHLE SAN MARCO Sun., Sept. 5th 12-5 BINDINGS SALOMON TYRO LIA MARKER PRE FISCHER (AND MUCH, llUCH'MORE .•. ) 2700 W. COAST HIGHWAY. NEWPORT BEACH •• 'W 'It • J I Orengo Cooat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Au"ull 29 lfJ82 Brain repair chemicals give hope to disabled By JOEL C. DON «•t.. o.Mr ~ "•" The dllK.'OVcry by u aroup or Unlvenuty of ~liforn1a ac1entiata that the brain makes chemicala to repair lt.s own tissue after injury ma y one day give wheelchalrbound people a ctulnce to waJk again. "A high percentage of people who can't walk now will be c ured," said UC Irvi n e psychobiologlst Carl Cotman, who directed the research effort. "That's a bold statement Lo make but I believe it's going t o ha n." W. Cotman cautioned that researchers may be a decade away from repairing severed or injured s p inal c ords . Neve rtheless. he calls the discovery of the repair action by From Page A1 11clonliata at UCl and uc; ~•n Diego a "mujor adv1tn1.·c ." offering hopt' tor people »uU~rlng from a variety of In juries and diseases of thl' nervous system. The findings, published in the Aug . 27 issue o{ Science magazine, are espec:ially slgnlClcant because the research team discovered the chemicals enhanced transplants of neural tissue, he sa.ld. That information may lead LO surgical techniques {or repl acing ·d amagt;d o r diseased neural tissue with healthy grafts. The scientists also found the chemicals tend to reach their highest concentration several days following injury to neural tissue . Cotma n said that knowledge may help nt'ul'OilurgeoN decide on tht• beat tlint> to transplant nerve c.-elllf to damaged brain mutt.er or splnw cord tlAUl' "Wl• were the first to discover that the repair chemicals are induced a ft.er a n injury," he said "this research probably wlll Improve the pr08pects for finding out h ow to deal with long· st.anding' injuries to the nervous system. "We don't have a way to instantly cure people. That's just a hope for the future." And the r esearcher s still haven't succeeded in showing that transplanted tissue wiU take over the function oC the injured tissue. That question may be settled within six m o nths, Cotman sairl Nerve t•t-lb1, unllkt·~1-of 1tw MrdJCUw Thl·y round ~hl· USl!Ul' s k l n , c.J o n o t r l• g c! n c 1 a tt• Hrlh wu11 rc·llCttl y IAlWJ>ll'<I and lht.•m1u .>l v l·1t o n l'C th art• that the braa ll"1!1Ut• "rcw11L'd" dumill(l'U by injury or d1 l'Ultl' (itself: axon , o ervl' 1mpul5t! The• rt'sult tht-n uf a Kc • :&MJ duel.On form •twl'Cn tht• 1ip1nul cord or Injure<.! briun ha.'j transp ' and hos issue meant partial or totol puralysls for llOmt• vwums. The sci en ti sts d1sc.·ovcrt.•d neural ti.ssut• produt'eti whut they c.·all neuronotrophic.· l'hcm1cal11 that encourage the bruin and spinal t'Ord to repair tht'mst•lve11. At UCI, Cotman. ulong with Or. Manuel Nieto-Sampl'dro. surgicaUy removed a portion of the brain from an adult rat In that c avity th ey tht•n transplanted the brain tissue from an embryonic rat. Results Crom the trans plant we re analyzed by a team o f scientists at the ucsp School or lnv<.'lltigaung further, Cotman said the researchers d1:.<:ovt'red the transplant would have t<Akcn better had tht' graft not btc'f>n put an immediately . They found tht• time lag appears to allow tht• brain lO produ<·c more self-repair c:ht.•m1cal s, with p e ak conc(:ntra uon at eight days. The research s h o w s special pro mi se f o r VH'tlm i> o f Parkinson 's a nd Alzh<:1m er's disease, C o tma n s ai d H t· suggested s urgeons some day may graft healthy neural tissue tu thl• d a mugcd or d 1acasl'ch poruon of lht· broms Of VICUIT\!!I of ' sw.:h 1wurolug1<.·ul du1ordt>nt. Sue}\_ grofts tould be e ncouraged b~ tht· uddt.'d wit.· o f the spec1a~ rt.•pa1r runl'tlCm of nf'urono\.roph1c.•. t'h('m1rnls llc.• nou:d a putwnt in Swecitm suffl•nnf< rrom Parkanwn'IJ has- rt'ct·1vl'd sornt· rt·lid from the~ deb1lilallng symptoms of the t1ff1H:l10n following a nt:ural trnns pl:rnl Cotman sa id U.S authoril•t'S art> n o t ready to permit s ul'h p rot:e dures u n humun s ubjl·t ls until m ot e animal studi<.'8 a rc· c•ompleted But, hl' prf'd1t·U-<l , "ln 10 years. tht.-st• surg1C'al prcx:e,-dures wiU be part of 1ht.-r<:gular protocol for tr<·all ng :.u<·h lon g -st a nding injUrll'l> " TOURISTS USE PESOS TO BUY BEST MEXICAN BARGAINS • • • TOILING AT TORTILLAS -Ensenada girl pulls corn tortillas from a gasoline powered From Page A1 griddle. Price of the Mexican staple has risen 6 pesos per 2.2 pounds in past few weeks. {./ - REACTIONS TO DEVALUATION • • • boat? It was built in La Paz, but I'm going LO have to sell it." Wiseman blames the economic woes facing most families in Mexico on the J(ovemment. ( "They've stolen all the mone>', taken it out of Mexican banks and put it in SwLSS accounts," he says, adding most of his neighbors feel the same ·way. "Oh, yeah. Some people blame the U.S .. but not too many," he says. "The Mexican government wants to produce some propaganda to take the heat off itself. But hardly an yone is buying that. "How could 1 blame you personally -or the U.S. for what's happening here?" . "We have a presiden\ (Jose Lopez-PoruUo) who tells us all of this will pass. h 's not going LO F INANCIAL CRISIS MUSHROOMS See E ditorial, Page A6 pass. And a lot of people are talking about a revolution. "There will come a u me, maybe in six months when -bam -the people wiU revolt," he says. slamming his fist onto the shiny bar. "It's scary." Others south of the border are talking revolution too, but, unlike Wiseman. they are reluctant to have their names revealed. "Don't use my name," requested a laughing shop owner in Rosarito Beach. "They'd put me m jail." That merchant also blames the Mexican government for his money problems. "The government IS investing in the U.S. I don't believe anything e government says," the merchant adds, claim· · is a commonly held opinion. "I think w e need a o lution. Things cannot get worse, at least r me." Will the arrival oC/a .new president in December help? l ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomot P. Ha'9y Pub!·~~ ond (h1el ! •ecu•,.e Ollice< ''lt won't mean anything for the poor," the shop owner says. · "There~s a place for politicians and the rich people. The poor people stay poor and the rich people stay rich," he says with a shrug. But even the weU·to-do are struggling with the devaluation The owne r o f a popular beachfront restaurant in Ensenada believes many eating places will probably be out of business by the end of this year. The economic picture for Mexico is "terrible, and it's gelling worse." says the restaurateur who also requested anonymity and expects to close his own restaurant during J anuary. "I'll send the employees on vacation for a month and hope l hings get better when they return." Carlos Elias Torres oper a tes a small tortillaria south of Ensenada. In the past few years he has invested in two shiny gasoline· powered tortilla-making machines that crowd a small room in his green and white adobe house on the main road out of town. The smell of exhaust fumes fills the house as the noisy machines crank out thousands of tortillas an hour. Torres is proud of his equipment. When times were better, tle invested in the machines. replacing five women who used LO make the com tortillas by hand. But ti m es are different n ow. The govenunent nearly doubled the price of tortillas and other staples LO reduce subsidies. Torres must charge his customers 15 pesos (about 16 cents) for a kilo (2.2 pounds) of com tortillas, and he says his patrons don't like it. ''Tortillas 9 pesos m Julio, 8 in Mayo," he says. "Now 15 pesos. Too much." Pointing to his c hi ldren and two employees. Torres says. "Muy problemas a9ui. "Pero no problemas para Americanos.' (Bu t no problems for Americans.) His family and workers n odded in agreement. CleuHled edvertlalr19 714,tM2·M71 All other depalrttNnt• 642-4321 MAIN OfflCE ,. ..... -.VSI., toow """9. t A "'-II -9ow fjliO, t •W 'MW, t A _,. Jan• Amafi bec:ut••• Edo•or ThOmcH A. Mwphlne Ed•lor t ...,rteM ttn Or-C•tt ""*I"""' C:-., ... 11ew.-'H, llllltl•efl .... "'"9'1al ,,,_,. - ••'11 .. ,.....h ,,.,.lft _, 1te ---wft--lal .. ~-.. (_,...,._, L ICay Schult. Vice Pre~ Oftd 0..ecior cl Adve<l""'O MkhcMI , . Harvey [)w41el(lf o4 Mo<l e!Hlg 1C,,cubtOt1I • • ( Raymond Mact..on Controlet Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Oo c1or cl ()pera1i0ft1 VOL. 75, NO. 2A1 We're Listening ••• Whot do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your meau1e will be recorded. transcribed and dellvered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour anawenn1 service may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors mu1t Include their name and telephone number for ver1flcatlon No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind. ' ,, going to be taken advantage of by Americans "If we dad , we'd be dead." But. if you check into La Pinta in Ensenada, the price at midweek was $25 for a poolside room -down considerably from the $44 charged JUSt last month. "We lowered the price for the Americans," a hotel clerk said. "It's the only way we ca n compete." Many restaurants in Tijuana. Rosarito Beach and Ensenada have raised prices to compensate for the plunging peso. Bills of fare frequently incluae new, higher prices -in dollars either written above tht' printed price. or taped over the old price. T he rate of e xc ha nge used b y many restaurants is 90 pesos to the dollar Liquor stores in Tijuana almost universally use an exchange rate of 70 pesos to the doUar. But shop around. Prices vary from store lO store, even if the exchange rate 1s the same. A quart of Kahlua liqueur sells for $4.83 U.S. (1f you buy pesos at a bank.) Just one block down Avenida Benito Juarez, the same bottle sells for $4 .11. Obviously, both prices are a bargain. It's just the latter price is better Where you won't find many good buys 1s the popular Dorian's de partment store in downtown Tijuana. where many Americans shop for designer label clothing, perfumes and household goods. The ~gc rate at Dorian's last week-w~ 90 pesos LO the dollar--which 1s not bad. But prices are marked in U.S. dollars and a Calvin Klein T ·Shirt costs $20 A designer label tie goes for $30 and Hang Ten sunglasses sell for $12 a pair . A 3.5 ounce bottle of Givenchy cologne costs $25.90 U.S . and a 2-ounce bottle of Chloe eau de toilette gets $17 Some good deals appear an sh oe s tores. where the exchange rate ts usually 90 pesos to the dollar. But even there, a pair of Nike runnmg shoes goes for $46. So where are the deals for peso-bearing Amencans? Liquor stores, or course. and markets. many of whic h have been nearly c leaned out b y visiting Americans. Lows Pepe sells meat in a market just south of Ensenada where he sets the exchange rate at 85 pesos to the doUar He seUs a kilo (2.2 pounds) of chicken for 125 pesos-or about $1.30 U.S. A Iulo of ground round goes for $2.11. and 2.~unds of fi1et sells for $3.84. That's great for American shoppers. but not so for local residents who have been hit hard by the devaluation. T h ey're paying 125 pesos for a kilo of chicken now, w here it cost them 95 pesos just a month ago. Ground round. which goes for 200 pesos today, cost 165 pesos m July, and the fiJet rose 90 pes0s a kilo in the same time period. "Some of our people rese nt Americans coming in here and clearing out the shelves." Pepe said. "But many of them cannot afford the rood anyway:'' He said many U S c1t1zens have shopped for meat in hlS market since the latest devaluauon "They brmg us American dollars. and that IS Delly Pilot Pttotoe bf Sine Mttchell J TIJUANA SHOPPERS -Avcruda Benjto . Juarez is always c rowded Many of the . 1 Americans are taking a d vantage o f the devaJuated peso good. But not good for our people," he said,•,, shaking his head . • P e rhaps th e biggest imp~c t o f the d e v a luatio n o n M e xi co's p o or j s the government's nearly d oub)ing of the price of tortillas and othe r staples to reduce ex- pensive subsidies. Where Mexicans used to pay 8 pesos for a kilo (2.2 pounds)of torullas. they now pay 15 , (about 16 cents). Other increases that directly affect the poor include the cost of gasoline (Crom 6 pesos to 10 per liter,) beans (up lO prrcent) and electricity. Jorge P er eda, a liquore store clerk in Tijuana. says his wife does no t buy tortillas anymore. She makes her own. using kilo bags of harina (flour>. ··But the pric:'t' or harina has gone up. too." Pereda shrugs "h 's hopeless" ------~~ Save over ~~~~©rf $3.00 on Beef Stick· W~rrm~ Summer Sausage. Buy a 3 lb. Beef StickC for Just $9.99 and save more than $3.00 off the regular poWld price. Or aave 50" per lb. on a cut piece. For every pound you buy, we11 give 25• to the MuscuJ.ar Dystrophy Aellocia tion -Offer rood AUIUlt 16 throqh September 6. ff icfcor1 Farms oF OHIO' (If 0 /.1/(J IN 5outh Coast ?taza \ iii I • I . . ... .... .. ...... -.... Orange Coaat DAIL V PIL'i'T /Sunday, Augu•t 29, 1982 out h r i sing again musically Collegians replay : Civil War marches ·~ A muswal rl•nundcr or Conredcrat<· glory 1s alive and well 11. Orun~l' County. T h e I 3 -m (' m b t' r F ourth Gt.>org1a Reg ime nt al Band recreates the histortl'al American era thro ugh or1g1nal C1vtl War musical instruments, period uniforms and 19th Century bra ss arrangements copied from documents in the Library of Congress. The band 1 s performing through Labor Day wPekend at Knotts Berry Farm. Thl' musicians also take p;.irt in var ious educational programs SUl'h a s a r ecent c onc ert for elementary students at Oka School 1n Huntington Beach. "Our goal," explained band leader Bob Wiebe, "is to educate people. to let them know what our musical heritage is." A Sl'<.'Ond goal 1s simply to entertain the ir listeners. So the group performs traditional Civil War music near the entrance to Knotts, and mixes comedy and lighter mus ic as the park's "Ghost T own" I band, The band is made up o f s tud e nt s and graduates from the Cal State Long Beach mus ic program. After a 1976 battle reenactment staged by th e Civi l War Association, Wiebe and several.. musician friends researched the military bands of the C1v1l War, their uniforms and arrangements. They obtained original Civil War brass instruments and had them restored for contemporary play. "These are antiques, and we handle them with respect." said Wiebe. "But we don't Child sex d e fe nda nt sente n cetl An Anaheim woman was sentenced to 90 days in Orange County Jail and put on three years probation Friday in conn ection with a H untington Beach child • sex case involving alleged acts with two girls aged 9 and 13. Superior Court Judge Myron Brown imposed the sentence on Irma Cruz. 35. a maid for Huntington fiarbour residents John and Christi Steen, also cor.v1cted in the same case. • Judge Brown allowed Cruz to remain free until Sept. 10 so she could apply for the jail 's work-furlough program. Cruz was one of six defendants charged in the highly-publicized case. The longest sentences among the si ~ were meted out to the Steens. who must spend up to 22 years receiving treatment in a state mental hospital. Both were declared mentally disordered sex offen der s by Brown after they pleaded no contest to the sexual misconduct charges. It was alleged that the six d e f e ndapts had sexual relations with the two young girls in the Steen's Huntington H arbour home . Videotapes made of the sexual encounters were seized by police and shown durin g the preliminary hearing in the case. P11d Pnhtiul Ad• ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL ,.... r .. "7AJIMl- 119l1-...,.""H""°" e...~ hUVl' tu wo11 y ulw ut them fulling apurt 1f wt.• blow Luo hard." Somt.• of the C1v1l Wur horn!> were dt.•s1~ned for o vt'r the -sho uldt'r play Ali :.old1er s man·hl•d lwh1nd tht' m1hlla bands. II Wf!S thU!> easic1 for tht.•m to hear the mus1t· and stay in s t.ep. Wiebe. who l'la1ms tht.>rc 1s only one othl•r ConfedQTate band in the Uniwd States, says his group trws to rt•produt.·c• not only thl' noll's playl'<.I by C1v1l War bands but also thl' tempo and style of play. Tht• band has takt•n part in varwus Living History battll's and has performed in ::i military band fcsuval in &'Otland. T he muste1an!> already have r<.'<.'ordt.'<I one album of Civil War militar y songs Th(• next pro J e l' t , Wiebe s aid, will b e a recording o C ba 11 room dancing from the period. • ·Pillsbu Plus 79~ .. - s 1 Your CIH>•C<• Sati-Prtc1• Pill~bury Pl~s • Moist CakE! Mixes Tasty devil's food. elegant wh ite spicy carrot or favorite yellow 181 2 oz. 32-oz. • Ocean Spray Refreshers Cranberry Juice Cocktail. Grapefruit Juice. Cranapple • or Cran·Grap<: • Drink 2.19 Macaroni & Cheese c:;,.,,,,.d wtlh ..,,.,,..,on• •ct v"<J• l(llJll' roll Jnd loull• r plu-. '>hen o f P•C> 2 For Folding Metal Charr r 0111.., Ital for ronv• ll•l•rtl <.lor HJ•· S1uruy 'I I l Women s Casual Slides Llas ... 1c 111r1vl .,1,<J1 -. w1lh ropl' wrapp<'ll w P!fy1 II l11il '>•/1J<, sgg Modi-I ERT 22'> 1.7 Cu Ft. Refrigerator <..omp<1c. I I ncluclf'.., lrl l'/Pr comp;:ir1mc111 door ... 1oragc Fine Tuning Memory Sys· IPm Spc•c1al Hidden C:on trot Panel Earphonu Jack For Prrvalc Listening • m I ...... ·~~ C Goldstar ) Delly Pllol Pholoe by Petrick O'Donnell OVER THE SHOULDER Don Schwartz's tenor horn is twisted so Civil War soldiers foUowing militia bands could hear it better. At left, in period costumes, the Fourth Georgia Regimental Band: Tim Callin and Don Jackson, front; Bob Davis, Patrick Redmond and Mike Avila. middle . and Mitch Mocilnikar, L eigh Schwartz and Don Schwartz. 1.5L Carlo Rossi's Wine Your choice: Chablis. Vin Rose. Rhine. Burgundy and more. "Take Carlo Rossi's on your next picnic." 9.97 • ""'~' AOW-I A-lo_\r_O 1' ... '4( ttAHOISf PO'" IC. t JOO Ct. Brown Kraft· Lunch Bags Easy-to-pac-k S'quarc bol1om luReh bags 9.97 13" Diag. Meas. CoJor TV "Auto Color", quick picture and sound Integrated circ uitry for greater rellab11tty Model CR4 07 Wake 'n Warn 11 • Detector Fire and smoke detector Test button, horn Uses 9 V battr>ry Men's Chronograph Watch With alarm. stopwatch function hour, minute. second month. day and date 6·D1g1t 2 s1 For lnat•nt Color Plants Potted Ready to transplant for qurck gardon color ' r sac Roll Easy Shell And Drawer uner fiii)!!!gmmililm~~ Choice ol decorator colors $W.4StUG Ill) 9QJ Snall/Slug Kiiier Quick k1lhng double a11rachng formula 21h lb net we1Qtll SllU 17hU 17ht4 F7h14 G7hl4 G7 h U "KM Economiser" -4-PL Y POL VESTER CORD BLACKWALLS Our Everyday Low Pnce A78x1 3 23.97 Plus F.E T. 1 59 Each • Full 711 HriH treed width • Popular sizes for many ura All Tires Plus F E T Mlf ·s Trcodwear Rating 60 " Estimated 18 000 Miles ., Ea. .. . Or nge CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Auguet 29, 1982 ONOFRE EN(:OUNTER BUMP ~ ONE PAN .. ION ROAD. • (l"rom raae AZ) untnJurt•J b1•1·11us,· lhl' wut,·r •t•rvt':. a111 11 shlt·ltl ngn11ut radloot•t1v1ty, und ttw mnn clidn't r u 11 (' I 0 0 l' (.' n II u tl h t () t h ,. SUSpt'llck-d fUl'I 10 lx-hllllllt.'<:f. Cra mer ltstl·d othl•r "minor operating lnl'OlWl'Oll'l\l'('S" SUl'h a s pu mps overh l•a1 111g, w hll·h required opcrut.ors to swtt.<'h off the reactor and pt•rform repairs. Cramer msasts that the reactor 11hu1dow11 In rt'¥pon1t• to an "tnl'ldcnl" 1nd1~ut1' It I• opt"ntUnai safl'ly J u11t Imo Wl't>k, howcvl'r, NRC 11wm~ were made pubht• whk h daa1Hf1ed th e Un it I reactor opt•rallon ru1 "for bl-low averagt•" based o n t h e n umber and i;everity of mishaps that OC.'l'Urred last year. . O ne of the d e lays i n the startup of Unit 2 occurred when on unu11u1&1ly hlf!Ch numbl'I u( &l'nlor rtAuc·tor OJ)(•rn lor trulnl'l'l> failed their hl't'r\Mlnfi lt'IHJ\ NRC spokt•smun Jim Jl1.1m·h1•1t s1.1y11. "G1•nc1 nlly speaking, lht' plant has hc·l·n u pn·tty good pt•rformt·r, 1111t1 I t ht• lust y4'l•r or 110 w ith thC' 111t·1.1m gcnt•rator tubes problt•ms an Unit I "I than k w e are genl•rally pleased that they are not rus hing In to commcrcta l produl'tlon from Unit 'l. Tht•y huv~ bt-t•f\ l'Urt•tul J fld dc•lll.it•1 Utl' und hOVl' 11toppt..od to unulyzc. thl• 11\\l(• µroblcm1 ltwl l'rop up clurlnl( s turtup Th(•!it' 1Hur·t u µ bUMlll 1u 1• no t u t ypll·ti l uf new rc•al·t u1 i1," Hum·hett !lllld On J uly 'l.7, th1 · NKC upproved <i full poWl'I lll~rull· for Unll 'l.. whkh 18 l'Xpt.ot·wd lO bt• ·~SUt.'d nt·xt month 1f thl· low lcv<•I tests are fi n lsht'<:i Ollltr l"lloe l laff l"hoto SAN ONOFRE UNITS 2 AND 3 UNDER CONSTRUCTION. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I More to s1niles than 1neets the eye Orange Coast College Community Service Office presents COLLEGE FOR KIDS • Racq uetball • Film Making • Sign Language • Aerobics • Calliga rphy • Developmental Reading • Dance Classes • Drawing & Pain ting • Super Sitters • Karate • Seascape & Landscape • Gourmet Cooking • Swimming Pain ting • Quil ts & Handicrafts • Water Polo • Micro-Computers • Good Grooming • Tennis • Typing • Small Animal Care • Orama • Publish What You Write • Bicycle Repair • Guitar • Piano • Con versat1onal French • Convesat1onal Spanish • Pho tography Register now at OCC COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICE 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. C.A .92626 For information. call 556-5880. Bv PAUL RAEBURN A~ lclence Writer AT LANTA -T here are gr ins, beams and smirks -1,814,400 ways in all t.o turn a frown upside down -so w hen the world smiles w ith you it can have a world o f d i ffe r e n t m ean i n gs, a psychologist says. Lar ry S te ttne r of W ayne State University an Detroit says smiling as a complicated and important form of se IC -ex press a on, a nd improved kn ow l edge o f it has p r actica l applications. Besides, it feels good, Stettner said al a symposium on h is favorite subject at a me e ti n g o f th e I nternatio n al Pramatological Society. "It's like d iscovering a languag e syste m ," S te ttner said. "I've become ensnared an working out the vocabulary of smiling." ·Register early for best class selection! Classes start Sept. 25 There are 'rriany different kinds of smiles, 1,814,400 by his estimate. "T hal could be o ff by s ever a l hun dre d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~h~o~u;sa~n~d,"hesaid,smiling. Well-constructed Rustler• Jea ns For Men Heavy duty Rustler· quality aeans of co11on, Bar and nvet-re1nforced stress points double aop stitching leather palch on pocket Solid Colors Only 2.77 Ste ttner, a n exuberant man w ith a booming voice, turned serious to explain some of the practical applications of his work. "A lot of people are interested in smiles," he said . when peoplt' arc faking <1 smile. A colleague of Steuncr's on a lnp t.o the Soviet Union recently found that the KG B th(• Soviet 1ntt.'llagence agency was very mtcrcsu:d in being able t.o spot a falSt' smile T hey questioned him an detail about has work. Dentists and plastic surgeoru. would hke t.o know more about smiling so that they can repair teeth and faces wathout changing the meaning an a patient's smile S tettner wou ld lake to determine which components of smiles whether raised eyebrows, wrinkled noses or ('rows' feet around the eyes -are universal, and wh ic:h are found only m certain regions or cert.am l'ultures "I wouldn't be surprised if the dimpler the muscle that causes the cheeks to be sucked in was always an indication of skeptic1sm when add ed to a smile," he said. "Som ething like that mig h t be (See SMILES, Page A 7) ................. "You learn a foreign language but you don't learn the non-verbaJ language . It would be useful to know w hat these other people a re communicatin g (with their smiles)." It likewise would be useful t.o know ~Rf\o\Of p~N'"""QSt Kids need ~powerful' parents NEW YOHK (AP) Children arc" rar too often, "trcat1..'<:i shabbily" by authorities. simply be c au se they are children And, say.s child psychiatrist Dr. David Gottesman , parents don't k now how to protcl·t their children Yes Detergent/Fabric Softener 64-Fluid Ounces. A heavy duty deter- gent plus fabric softener 4-ply Acrylic Knitting Var~. Made of Cr es Ian· acrylic 1n solid colors. 4 oz.· L'eggs • Regular Pantyhose ..:> Nylon with cotton panel, reinforced toe. Colors. "We're too dam ned trusting of dclavermg our kids to other systems." says t he Al bany p h ys1c1an who has penned "The Powerful Paren t : A C h ild Advocacy Handbook," an an effort to help parents control the world their child laves an tt Ill I'll! 11111-.1 HAND~ Buy 3 Different Chesebrough-Ponds • Products And Receive $2 Mail-In Rebate From Manufacturer Vaseline • Products Or 0 -tips • 10-oz. • Intensive Care 1M ........................ 1.44 7.5-oz.•• Petroleum Jelly ................... 2/1.44 170 0-tlpa • Swabs .................................... 96c 'Fl Ol "Ne! WI YOUR CHOICE Boll Joints & A laqnment Or Front Dase Brakes --~ ~=~ $7 0ur Reg 10 96 Ect Ladies Jeans Assorted styles In misses sizes 8 , 6 Our Reg. 4 96 Ladles t-1hirt1. Shor1 or '• lenglh tlH YH . S·M·L Ball Joint• & Alignment . .. $4 For Many U.S. cars. foreign cars eiccluded e R•place upper or lower ball joints e A lign front .nd •K Care·ulety chack Front Dlac Brake Special Your Choice • Sole Pr1Ce Many U.S .. lore1gn cars Light trucks higher e Replace frotll bralle pad1/9rHu u11a 6 9 88 :.~,:~f.~o~~:,-'~~!~ c::::· ~:,/~u':':r':.~~n; etnepect retr llnlng for wear • Eo. 198.97 Canon AE-1 Camera Shutter priority camera 50mm F 1 8 lens. split-image focusing. timer Save now' F 1.4 Lens ...................... -......... 236.88 144.97 Focal Zoom Lens l ~OCAL Foca1 80·200 macro-m1n1 zoom lens F 11 5 Canon mounl only Focal i. Tele-converter 22 88 Canon Mount .. • Sale Price 1.88 K mart"' Air Fiiters Sizes for many U.S . foreign cars. Sun . thru Mon., Aug. 29-30, 1982 ,10 ~ I 1.38 Sottsoap w liquid In decorator colors 16 5 ounces· Machine Wash Woollle • Powder Cleans washables gently 140Z . ·rir1 .. 1 ~) . -·-A\ 1ro""''" •O•O •fl &~ 8.88 ) Callfornl• Road Atl as Complete guide to highway travel rnlormahon 13.97 S•v• on Kodamatlc '"' lnatant Color Fiim For Kodamallc™ camera Twin pack. 20 axpoaures 1.28 White Rain·. Hair Spray Regular ex lra hold. un scented 'Nt·t wt 1.28 Soft Scrub· liquid Cleanser Cleans !>urlace!> w11hou1 scratching 26-FI oz 5.27 Cass ette Tepe Case Holds your lavo11te casselle tapes 1n orderly fashion Photo Dept. Cotot Entargemenr l "lC10" .. •From Focal· or Koda· color negative or standard sh de --------·----- Order 2 prints of each when you b11ng your roll of p11n1 f1lm1n. Flrat print-regular price plua dtvelopll'g. aJid Print Only 9i: Eech. Children. Gottesma n says. "are the nauon's larges t un s p o ken mi n o rit y with n o representauo n Someone has to advocate for the children and the bes t p e r so n 1s a parent because a parent loves ham " Th<' book 1s a d etailed guide to dealing with sc hoo l s. doctors , hospitals. lawyers. police, co u r t s. sc hools - everyone a nd ever ything with which a child may come an contact. "Parents," Gottesman says, "must be the better consumer for the child." Gottt·sman's book 1s the result of 10 years of work with parents and children Over the past tw o ue c ad es. the psyc hiatrist says. there have been d1s t urb1ng trends an ch1ld-ra1sing Eco n o mic need ha s created the two-Job family. taking both par<'nts out of the home for long pt'nods of time and giving both parents career concerns P t'o ple have a l so decided to. as he puts It, "go o ut a n d f i n d themselvl's and do their own thrng." turning away rrom the famaly and into themselves. T his "va c u u m of respo n sibi l ity" has a l l owed soc i ety's inst1tut1 o n s to ta k e gr eater con trol over a child's life and has le ft paren ts unaware of how lo hand le too many situations. "Parents m ust be very involved an every aspect of their children's lives," Gottesman says. Too man y parents have "crisis reacting," says Gottesman , who explains that this occurs when the re is a phon e call about a school fight. about shoptjjung or an accident, or even a bad report caret The parent panics because he doesn't (See PARENT, Pase A7) RUFFELL1 S U,HOLSTIRY ............ -4S.... ltU HAAIOa IUD. COITA MHA -141·11u: • • Orange Co I I DAIL V PILOT/Sund y, August 29, 1982 U.S.-Mexico p8yment buys • till1e to recover Almost out of n owhere, It seems, a financial crisis in Mexi<.'<> h as mushroomed n early ou l uf control. throwing the economy of our populous southern neighbor into ch aos, rattling bankers across the country and threatening a wave of illegal immigrants into the United States seeking to escape the turmoil. The U.S. -both public and private secto r s -has moved quickly to shore up the Mexican ~conomy. We think this speedy ctction was necessary. in view o( the enormous importance M exico bears for the U.S .. both economic and political. With U.S.-foreign ~e l at i on s a lre ady tro u b l e d , ins tability in Mexico would be a serious international crisis. The economic problem seems to have exploded suddenly, but it was a long time in the makin g . Whe n huge r eser ves o f p etrol e um in M e xico we r e confirmed several years ago, a n economic boom began: As in the 0 r g an i z a ti on o f P e tr o-1 e um Export ing Countries (to which Mexico does not belong) oil mon ey promised industrialization , jobs and prosperity for all. This year. total oil produc t ion reached 2.8 million barrels a day, more than one-third S a udi Arabia's output. About 1.7 million barrels w ere for export. half to the United States. Then the oil glut hit. The weakness of the international oil mark et put a severe crimp in Mexico's reserves of dollars. But Presiden t Jose Lopez Porillo's a dm i nistr a tio n continued i ts amb1t1ous dt>vclopmt•tlt pro~ram, borrowing tht" dollnrs that oil wa:) n o longer earnmg. Tolul foreign d e bt -publ1t· und private reached $80 billion, the largest for· any Third World nution. Between $10 billion a nd $:\4 billion is held by U.S. banks. The dun not1n.•s have c·oml• home to roost. With a s hortage of dollars t h reatening to force Mexico into a diSC:lstrous def au I (, the government took drastic steps The peso was devalued. prices of basic commodities were raised substantially and dollar deposits in Mexican banks were madl' redeemable only in pesos. International bankers havC' agr eed to r esc hetlule d<>b t payments for billions in pnnt1p(.I) and interest coming due. A t the sam e time. the U .S . h a nded Mexico $1 billion up front for thl' purchase of high-grade crude oil d es tine d f o r the s trategit' petroleum r ese r ve T h e International Monetary Fund is considering $4.5 billion in credits by October. · The IMF customarily demands belt-tigh t<•ning m easures before handing over bailou t f unds. Incoming .President Migue l de la Madrid. to take office Dec. 1. will have quite a job on his hands taking such steps in the face of 40 percent unemployment. We can only hope that steps taken this week by the U.S. will buy Mexico enough time to begin extracting itself from its m ost serious economic crisis since the 1910-1920 revolution. So Jons stiff en ethics Possibly with an eye to the coming election i11 which a ll me mbers of the state Assembly and half the Senators w ill have to seek voter .approval if they want to keep their jobs. state legislators have passed three measures designed to improve the ir collective image. A conflict-of-inter est bill prohibits m e m bers who are lawyers from representing paying clients in hearings before all state boards and agencies. Some of the lawyer-mem bers have contended they need the additional income gained from such t as ks but, s ince th e Legislature controls the budgets o( most state agencies, the potential conflict is clear. It would take a brave state official to reject the plea of a lawyer-legislator if his agency's budget is due for review. In a second measure, which will appear as a proposed state constitutional amendment on the June 1984 ballot, the lawmakers voted to remove from office any candidate who wins an election by knowingly resorting to lying about an opponent during an e lectio n campaign. This one was d escribed as an antidote for the "epide mic o f smear s and lies in Californ ia politics" that reached a peak in the recent June primary l\t present< a losing car}didatc wh~ b e liev es he has b een s lande red or libeled during a ca mpaign ca n only s ue for m o ney damages . Unde r the proposed l a w . he would be entitled to ask a court to remove the winner from office if it cou ld be establishe d th at dishonest campaign s tatemE:-nts were a "major contributing cause" of the victory. It wou ld apply to both s tate and local elections. In a third step to stiffen their e thics, legisi'ators agreed to ban delivery of campaign donations in the state Capitol and other state buildings. A s pokesman for the F air Political Practices Commission said the bill was an attempt to elimina te the delivery of d onations "in areas where government decisions arc being made." , It would not proh1b1t l egislators from receiving contributions by mail. or at their district offices, or even meeting a lobbyist for lunch in the capital tc> accept a donation. Indeed , one member suggested the measure might have been s ponsored by the proprietor of a Sacrame nto restaurant favored by legislators and lobbyists. Be that as it may, the ethical trend is welcome. Ali's jail terDJ ridiculous Costa Mesa's artistic bad boy, Ali Roushan. is supposed to go to Orange County Jail T uesday to begin serving a five-day sente nce. He is to be put beh ind bars · because Roushan has persisted in erecting h u ge, red steel artworks on his indus trial property at 1550 S uperior Ave. w ithout seeking City Hall's stamp o f approval first. The four towe ring structures rise up to 60 feet. Roushan put the last two up in defiance of c ity- obtained court orders. That act of artistic bravado resulted in a Superior Court judge last December convicting Roushan o f conte mpt of cou rt. L ast Thursday. another judge orde red (/.fhe fiery Irania n immigrant to -begin serving his 5-day senten ce Tuesday alter e xhausting all his appeals to the District Court of Appeal and California Supreme Court. • F'o r his part, Ali remains defiant. He is even making plans to build a castle facade around hi~ metal fabr ication busine ss . surrounding his other sculptures. Frankly, t he Ali -Cit y H al! fight has gone on long e nough Forcing Ali to d o time in jail is especially ridiculous a t a timE• when the Santa Ana detention faci lity is overc-rnwdcd with hard-core criminals. O the r remedies s h ould be available; the city must certainly have legal means to remove the sculptures. S hort of that. howeve r, some form o f compro mise o r accommod a t io n s hould be attempted. ; The issu es he re are important -free expressio n vers u s h eal th -safety regulations. But imprisonme nt for any length of time has never been the Solution for changing a man's ideals. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner vie ws ex pressed on this page are those of lhelr authors and artists. Reader comment 1s lnvit· _..,ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. OAANGE COAST . Daily Pilat Thomos fl. Kaley Pub111h•• Thomos A. Murphln• Ed•IOt Jan• Amari ( •KYh•• (d1tdf larboro Kr•lbk h [dit0tt0I Pog11 £d•IO< Themot McConn MOllOQr"O (dttot Letters to the editor W e ig h B eeco vote care[ ully To the Editor: A few points of clanficat1on arc in order concerning the Jetter from the Beeco Referendum Committee Chairman that was published in the Pilot of Aug. 11. City Council approval of General Plan Amend men t 81 -1 (The Ba nn ing- NC'wport Ranch) requires the developer to extend Bluff Road (Balboa Blvd. •extension) beyond 17th St. to 19th St. prior to occupancy of the last l00,000 squar.e feet of office/light industrial d evelopment . Construction of Bluff Road, from PCH to an extension of 11th St .. is also required of the developer. By providing this aa'aed ingress/egress in the western end o f the city. a nd widening PCH (provision for which was also rnt'luded in the General Plan Amendment), traffic congestion wiU" be redut'ed. The letter went on to say that the West Newport Legisla tive Alliance does not consider itself as "no grow th or Limited growth advocates,'' yet when, as co-chairperson of tht> Alliance. I polled the members, 18 of 21 indicated that they did not want any development of Beeco land. (Subsequently 1 resigned as co-chairperson.) Further the letter refers lo this "massive project" as a "high density commercial industrial development." ln fact the office/light industrial portion of the development is permitted on only 25.5 buildable acres of the total 60. 7 buildable acres at a total square footage of building equal lo 36 percent of the 25.5 acres. This density is comparable to Newport Place bounded by Bristol. MacArthur and Birch Streets -hardly high density COMPARING THE areas of "drastic I n c rease" e num erated i n the Referendum Committee letter to the corresponding increases permitted by the Alliance Alternative Plan is revealing indeed Project generated traffic is 25 percen t Jess with t h e a d o p ted amendment than the Alliance plan; noise and pollution are according ly less. Additionally, the sound wall fund. to Gardner's column MAILBOX which the developer is required to contribute, wiU improve existing noise conditmns for communities along PCH in west Newport. Though runoff wiU be increased by the project. control of drainage patterns will be gained and runoff will contain less sediment. The approved General Plan Amend m ent 8 1-1 wiU, in terms of revenue generated vs. city services expense, benefi l Newport Beach taxpayers $100,000 per year more than the Alliance Alternative Plan The Referendum Committee is surely able to verify the foregoing statistics and must concedt' that the developm ent permitted by GPA 81 · l re presents a positive ste p toward upgrading the west end of our <.'tty. r hope Newport Beach voters wtu very carefully weigh the pros a nd cons of GPA 81 -1 ~ore ca<>tmg their votes m November. --.._ DAVE GOFF Dubio us h on or To the Editor: Tuesday evening, July 27, I became a celebrity of sorts when my friends saw me on wlevision 1 had been representing my townhome association at an Orangt' County Environmental meeting to protest the building of a medium· maximum security facility. known in t'Ommon vernacular. as a jail Our lovely family area is being mns1dered for this honor. RequlSites abound for land to be uSC'd for a future prison. The property (which would have to be purchased versus using land already owned by the C'ounty) has to be a nearly Jevl'l 45-acre piece of ground and no t too far f r om transportation si tes or other c.:enters. All this newly acqutred mformatwn might yet change my entire hf~. SINCE I AM certain I will never be able to own a 45·acre piece of land, why not penn1t the government to provide 1t for me. along with my clothing, food, room and television? Tax free, of course' I b<:ll(·Vt• that the older I get. thl' more c•nt1c1ng this idea may become. One problem <.k>t.•s surface -how to bC' admitted mtt> this carefree life'! 1£ l l'Omm1l :.i smalJ cnme. sentence received will probably be suspended. Am r c:apablc· of <·omm1tting a cri me big <:nough to get me inw prison? Right now, I don'I think so, but I have until 1990 to thmk about it. Anyway , 1 his was o nl y a n environme ntal commiltee meeting. Mayb<.• the n1<:c committee wiU find a better environment in someone else's baC"kyard SYLVlA L. FISCHER Park un usable? To the Editor: There was good news and bad news in the reports about the agonizing delays in opening the $32.6-million Crystal Cove State Park to public use. The good news -w88-the legaJ -5etbaek given to the 40 renters living on the state's beach property in their attempts to block eviction from the state-owned houses they occupy. Orange County Superior Court Judge Phillip A . P etty threw their case out of court, but gave them 30 days to file an amended suit. That is the bad news, because now there will be another delay beyond the Aug. 1 date set by the state t.o vacate the buildings. Although the valuable Crystal Cove beach park was bought almost three years ago, it stiU is virtually inacoessfble to the t.axpaymg citizens who own what has been called the most expensive park purchase in California history. The failure to put this desirable land to better use continues although the Legislature has been explicit in its intent t o hav...e public access provided. Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson is attempting to enhance that obJective through her Assembly Bill 628. which would earmark funds for necessary developments. Even if the Legislature acts promptly. further legal roadblocks by the handful of tenant holdouts may create more years of frustr.ations for the many thousands of people who would like to see what the state beach park they bought looks like. ROBERT LEE Cantina custoplers seeing 'red' By ROBERT GARDNER Roberl Gardner is a semi-retired jurist, frequent emc:ee arid senior body sur fing enthusiast along the Orange Coost. During the 1950s Joe Collins, Bill Silzle a nd I were doing a lot of skin diving. One day Bill t1a1d he had heard that a new road had been opened to a place called San Felipe on the Gulf of California. So. we piled our families into station wagons and took off to dive in D new and UJlCrowded spot. The new road had just been opened the week before and we were the first gringos in town. I don't know what San Felipe looks like today, but at that time, 1t was just· a cluster of shacks. There were no hotels, no motels, not even a McDonald's. We cam~ on the beach about a mile from tow'fi. That evening Joe and I decided a Saturday nigh t in a canUna in a Mexican fishing village might be fun, so w e left BiJJ in charge of assorted wives and children and drove back to town . THE CANTINA WAS small, dw-k. dingy. primitive and crowded with a bunch of the toughest lookjng hombres I h ave ever seen . They a ll carried macheteS. We walked up to the bar and ordered a couple of beers. As we turned oround. I noticed that a1J tho Mox1can.s hAld gotten Into a group. They were chatter•ng excitAX!ly ru\d gesturing. To me it seemed thot their jabbering had a d e-cidedly unfriendly tone. Finally. one Mexican det.achcd himself trom the group and approached us. He began to yell at ua ln Spanish. H«-waved hls arms .uid pom~ at J oe. Joe uked ' , me what l thought he was talking about. l said that the only word l could make out was "rojo." I knew that word meant "red" because my dau~hter had a red mare named "Roja." So m uch ror Gardner the linguist. Joe is a redhead, and, I assumed they were talking about his hair since red hair is not common In Mexico and this guy kept pointing at Joe. I told Joe what l thought. Joe asked me what he should do. L s1.1ggested he agree. He did. He said, ''SI, Senor." THAT DI D ITI All the Mexicans gathered around ttnd began to "°'-'Sh us 1.1p. I suggested we beat a hasty retreat. Even though J oe w ss comple tely ff'arlea, he agreed. We pus hed and klck ed our way through the mini mob. got outside and into my oar. The Mextcans poun!d out of thf' candna. aurrounded the car, began to pound on the windows and rock \he car as though they intended to turn It over. I gunned it and we left in a clo\.ld of mud, duat and flylna MelCJC'ar\S, We ~tum.ea to camp ond 1pent an uneas y night. However, nothing happened The next day we discovered that our diving trip had been m vain. There had been a strong wind and the water was the <.'onsistency of a <.·hocolate malted milk. We couldn't see SIX inches through a face plate. So. lacking any fish, we decided to go back to town to buy some shrimp from the dock. We approached the dock, caref ully surrounded and s hielded by our w ives a nd childre n . We felt Mexicans would never attack women and children. T H E DOCK MANAGER, an American. walked out of his office, toois,.,. one look at us and said. "So you're the guys who caused the riot in the cantina last night." We admitted that we were and ask~ what we had done to trigger an anti-American riot. The story was simple. if a bit ridiculous. It seems that at that time, relations between Mexico a·nd Russia were strained for some obscure reason. A rumor had started in San Felipe that the Russians -the "reds" had landed a couple of spies Crom a subm8rine. Whe n Joe and 1 walke d Into the canUna, about"the first non-Mexicans most of them had ever aeen, they developed the logical suspicion th9t we mlght be the spies. No doubt, a hearty conaumpllon ot~ tequila had aided thetr deliberaUons. When the man approached WI and asked whether we were "reds." meonJns Ru.aaians, and when Joe on my advice had agreed, the retuh w11 Inevitable. The on.ly moral I can draw from tbll story la to never asree with enyone unl~H you know on what you are .,...elna. • ' ·- l . . . •••• •;19 •• • • I .. 9 • • • Orange Coe11 !!>AIL V PILOT/8und1y, Augu1t 29 1982 Howard Baker easygoing master of exclusive club WASlllNGTON (AP) 1t WWI lalt• 111 tht• duy and t lml' for the Sl•n ult· l o q u it for Ila lndependt.'nce Duy rut.:t'li~ Mujorily Leudt-r Koward &ktlr was being just u bit miNC.•htt.!VOUH. AB senato~ Wl.lrc preparing for thl'it !'l(.Turnbll· for National Airport, Baker calmly walkt.od onto the &fnate f.loor and annount't'U he W U:J prep<art."Ci to take up a major anti-crime p;Jckugc With a sJlght grin, he praised sponsors Sens. Lawton Chiles, 0 -Fla., and Sam Nunn, D-Ga., for their persi11te nce in pressing for lh<' bills. "I feel sometimes like the stone on w hit'h thl' drop of water has dripped for u long unw," he told the m . "I am w o rn d o wn . Yc)U have convinced me that we ought lo do th1i:. bill and my request is that we do it today." The nearly-deserted Senat~ chamber l'ume w IHe as members involved on both side.'!> uf the legislation hustled back to seek rt.'<-'Ognil1on . Baker didn't really intend to Lake u p the bill .• t would ha ve required una nimous consent of members, something Baker couldn't hopt.> to get on the eve of a recess. It was a parliamentary ploy dcsigntod to flush out the opposition, to sec who plannt.'<i to speak on the m easure, a nd to na il down a time agreement for the bill's consideration lat.er this swnmer-3'-an agreement Bake r had neatly an his pocket by day's e nd. Once again, the 56-year-old Tennesseean had shown his relaxed mastery of the intrlcatc and often baffling rules tha t g overn and sometimes choke -the Senatt.•'s de libera tions. Baker is low-key about his leadership acume n and weU -rec.-ognized ability to shape a conSt•nsus. "All I do is sit out there and try to make things go in sequent.-c," he says. Things have been going 1n sequence for the unflappable Baker ever since he inherited tht' Senate's No. l leadership job in early 1981 wh ile on the rebound from an unsuC'CCSSfu l pres1dcnual bid the year before . At the time, Baker declared his intention to return the Senate -under Republican control for the first time in a quarter century -to "banker's hours." He didn't quite manage that; the Sena te fre que ntly wound up w orking ove rtime , wrestling wi-t.h one big budge t issue a fte r another. But now, a year and a half later. few in the Senate question that Baker remains an firm if easygoing control. . He says he likes his job. although he still dreams of OC"Cupying that office on the other end of Pennsy lvania Avenue -the one, he says, with the better view of Washington. For Howard Henry Baker Jr .. politics has been a lifelong family pursuit that began in his rural Huntsville hometown in the mountain region of eastern Tennessee, where his grandfather was a judge and his grandmother served as county • sheriff. Both his Cather and stepmother served m the House.l3aker still cherishes his dad's advice to him: "Never speak more clearly than you think." Baker's wife. Joy, a reoovered alcoholic, is tht- daughter of the late Senate Minority Leade r Everett M. Dirksen. And their daughter Cissy is AP Ptlolo ASTUTE -S e nate Majority Leader d oesn't throw _his political w e ight around , but has mastered the S enate with an easygoing. yet shrewd sty le. PARENTING • • • (From Page AS) know wha t else to do sine<' he 1s unprepared for it. That reaction , Gottesman says. scares the child and doesn't solve the problem. Once a child is in trouble or is sick, the authorities take over and often ignore basic legal rights. simple because they're dealing with children. Gottesman says. "P arents need to be informed a bout getting the best for their child " Too often, parents ignorant of the child's rights -are cowed by authorities as we ll. SMILES • • • (From Page A5) universal, but other' things might not be. It's like walking. An Italian w alks differently from an Englishman." He also is looking at mother-child pairs to try to identify the meaning of various smiles. Most of what is known a bout smiling comes from such studies of infants and their parents. Sidney P e rloe o f Have rfo rd Colle g e in Pennsylvania tried to determine why fath~rs tend to smile l~ at the antics of babies than mothers do. It had been thought tha t fathers had le$ reuon than mothers to develop a rapport with infanta because fathers play a smaller role in nurturin the infant. CAREER OPPORTUNITY . Excelent Marketing Plan PremUn Product Health Oriented Call 494-4044 now runn111~ fnr the· lloUM ' of H1•pn•11t•n111t1vl•i. Bu~l'r hlm~·tr 11C'v1·1 't'l"Vt'\I 111 thl' H uww, 1111d tu th1 11 duy profo ... ,..•11 :..i11 '"11m .inu· u ( lloui.t• 1 ulc·' and prcx.'t.'(lurt•i.. "I havt•n't tlu• l11~1t::.I n o llt111 of whut'11 golnK on In llw lluUM' Aut th<·n l:.Y~ ncvl•r unde111tuu<l Uw llmti.•·." hu w y11. Inst.cud , the m1lhunu11·1· 1•11u11try I 1·1· 111111k• his first hid ror pohtttal oCftt•t• by nn111g 1111 tlll' Senatt> 1n HHi4 Ht· IOQ;t, tm 'tl <itlmn In l!}(J(J j flcJ won He 's Ut'<'n In thl• Scnah· t·vcr shw1· Buk1·r f•l''>l wurkcd undt·r llw :.h..it.luw of h is famous. gravcl-voic:ed fat ht•1· 1n-luw, I.Jut 11oor1 showw his mdcptmdence, ll•uding the Cight that thwarted D1rkscn's e ffort tu overturn the Supre me Court's one-mun, onl'-VOle rultng The Tenne~an bt.'(·aml• minority leetd..r 111 1976, after two unsut.'Ct."l>:.ful tries. Hc-madl• a l'un for his party's presidential nomina tion 111 19110. but was an cnrly casualty of Ronald R1·ugan's drive to the Ovul Offke. When the ma.JOrtly leadership opened to him with the Re ublicans' cu lure of the Senate. mony of 11.a mon.· l'On~rvauvt• moml.Jt!rs 11hh'CJ Ill 111~ pohtkal f)lllit, ind udina hb 11upport ot th•· P urw rrHt Cunul tr<:u tll'll . The re w 1111 tulk o f oµpo11 111g h1111 Bake r 1wlftly d laarrnud tht• oppo1i1t1011 by getting the 1upport of ~'Onsetvutlw l'aul Lmwll, It Nev., a Reog11n lnilmale &k..r':c •bll1ty to marshal vote• und stroke St•n a te egos w as beat demonstrated In h111 hundltng of Reagun'tc 1981 plan to lt!ll AWACS Surveillance jet., to Saudi Arabia, Laxa lt says. "For all intents und purpose11. A WACS wws le>11t over hc•rc. But through a lot of persuasion and no arm twisting, h e was finally a le to get It through " Wuuld &ker have made a good president? Laxalt paUS<.'h "We U, that requires a wholt' othl·r set of quaht1c:s," he say1t. "l wouldn't want to get into that one." Bakl•r re<.'Cntly rl.'flected on his losing try for tht• presidency Utd he still want to be president? "Do I? I expect everyone in politics entertains that thought to some d e ree," Baker says. "But if your (jUWllCJll I~ 'Am r r·urintntc for pn..111dc11t'1' I am 11ot If you1 quc11uon u h10 111, 'Muy I i.onwduy run tor prc 'llldl·nt agu1n?' I nlll(ht " Stn<.'e bt·c·o nuna muJOri ly lea der, Bnk1·1 has , won molil of hl11 -11nd tht· udm1rllstrauu11'K le"lslatlvc batllc•s. "So for wl''vc• bt·1·11 v1•ry 1111 tunutt·." h1 -.uy~ " W e h av l' a s tr o n g t l ' a 111 !-. p 1 1 1 t <• m 1111 g Republkans und we• huvl· gt•rwrou!oo ... upµm t from some lX·mcx-ratt. " H<> has easy at-t:cf>S to th1• µr1 •:11d1·11t, ht• sc.•y'>. "and Rona ld Reagan is an awfully good mun to work w ith . . I t:an't remcmlx·r w hen J'v(.· (•Vt•1 wiked him to go t.o bat on a pc.irt1n 1lur issu1· uncJ he didn't do thut " Bakn is w1dcll' n ·:.pt'l.ll'U fur hi!! p<,ltt11·0Jl cxpcrttsl· and th(• ki nd of flt·x1b1lt ty thut rJf.><•ni. the· door to t:u m p r u 1111Sl', lhouKh some find him too coolly c.·<tkuluung for thl•tr Uislt' Forml'I' Stm Albert Gore, a Dt.·m1w.·rat, hai:. t:allt.od Bakt•r "a pure bred const<rv&ll V<' with a bland atl1tud<' which ts soml'ltmt~ m1sta kl·n fur modt·rolum_"_ BE AMONG THE FIRST TO GET NOTICE OF FORFEITING BUSINESS CLEARANCE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Hemler ammos rhodestomos: ............ 99 A aood aquarium c1t11eo is peacelul, colorlul. acllwe. ea~y to plust with lood i nd waler cond1hons I am all ot Ille abovt. tspeua"y 11 there is a small sctiool ol us darllOi about with OUI fta& f1n la1I and chff1y red nose Ste me at Aquatic lroptcals where I am on sale under the name Rummy NoSt" 101 only 99 VISA' • 1510 W. 8.iktt•Cotla Meu ~9·139l•Cornt1 Harbor & 8.iktt YOUR CHILDREN'S '8444 Weejuns. NOW AT #30 FASHION ISLAND 644-2464 WESTCUFF PLAZA 1 711'1 & IRVINE 548-8684 AUTHENTIC AND HANDMADE PERSIAN AND ORIENT AL RUGS MANY ANTIQUI AND MODERN OF All SIZES ·Auctio neer Tony Magnemi has been commissioned to llquldate all inventory Regardless of retall prices, no reasonable s tarting bids refused TUESDAY, AUG. 31st -8 P.M. MARRIOTT HOTEL -NEWPORT BEACH 900 NEWPORT CENTER DR. FASHION ISLAND Terms -Cosh & Checln with '••S>•• 1.0 Preview 7 P.M. DEALERS I 1111VESTOR$ DON'T MISS THE tARGE SELECTION OF " -ANTIQUE RUGS OF All SIZES Something beautiful is g oing on at WallpapersTo Go. We're remodelling And we need lots of working space - plus room to r lhe new papers we'll be stocking to make our change~ complete -so we're having a RemodeWng Sale! l ______ _ From August 19th thro~gh Labor Day. you can save from 20% lo 50% on hundreds of our top qual.tty wall- papers All backed by our tamous Guarantee of Sa1istad1on. of cou·rse So whether you come tor a preVlew ot L_ ____ ----------~ . • our exciting new look. or to get a new look of your own. you'll leave with a smile on your face and money in your pocket. Some things never change ~Ltncoln Ave (Al E\Jclld) 901·4870 ~on~rk 400 South Baldwin Avio (Sonia Anllo Foshton f'ork Lower level -J C i:i.tnney ond) 445 5621 fmmulh SI Ar14iSIO C 2 blocks easl ol Los Cerrnos Center) 924,7()81 ~rt!Dr (lust easl OI J·~. El Tt>ro Rd ' elClt Behind~) • 951 1144 ~Iller Blvd ( 2 btoelcl west Of Beo<:h Blvd ) OQJ 0049 •=..Highway COn Cenlral AVen~ I t4 mile North ot MonlClolr Plaza) 621 3047 ~gnollo/\ve C.lusl well ol '!Y1erMo11) M4 9?6li Open 7 days a week-Monday lhru rriclay 10·9. Saturday IQ·6, Sunday 12·5 ..._~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--- ruler Mall (Upper level MayCom1XJnyond) 894 0567 vd ( A1 SeDUlvoda Blvd l 478 lo.s3 .. j ............................... Orftnge Coo11 DAILY PIL.01 /Sunday, Augu11t 29, 1982 Snake hunting has 'em rattled OKEENE, Okla. (AP) When the winds that constanlly sweep th<' Oklahoma plain carry the first hint of warmth, thousands of ordinarily L'Onservat1ve JX'Ople go forth to paruc1pate an one of the strang<.>st rites evt-r a rattlesnake hunt. From youngsters barely large enough to c:lamber up th<' rocky hillsides to me n approaL·hing semor citizen s tatus. they hunt, catch -and h o pe to win prizes with - slathering, poisonous rattlei,nakc:.. Before tht• w eekend hunts are uver, a n umber of pt•oplc· will bt• inducted into an organization most would rathL•r not join the Order of tht.• White Fang The sole membc>rship requirement 1s a bile by a rattler. "We gave out seven Whitt• Fang awards this . year." says Rick Fisher. pres1dC'nt of the sponsoring . Jaycee chapter at Okeene's annu al rattlesnake hunt "Five of them went lo men who were working m lht> pit. It was real cloudy all day and the sun caml' out all of a suddt•n and the snakes got hot and acuve. "They w<•ren't n •al ly bit, they w e re scratched. Thc•y were out of the hospital m an hour." The snake pit is whc•rc the live snakes are dumped whtlc• cowboy-booted sponsors s trut around, picking up a snak<.> with a hook and then "T h ey com e for th e excit em ~nt . You 've got ; to b e a little daring o r a little " flipped ." caretully grabbing 11 behind the head lo show the fangs and a drop of venom to the cautiously curious crowd, S<tfc behind a wooden barrier. A smell of heated vcgNable oil wafts over the stands where vendors S('ll everything from freeze-dried rattlesnake heads to baby snakes in plastic cubes Snake hunters and JUSt onlookers about 6.000 from Oklahoma and nearby states crowded mto this northwestern Oklahoma town of 1,500 this year can plunk down a dollar and gain admission to lhl' meat market, where live snakes are r e l iev('d o f their heads. skinned and bu tchered Snake skins and raw meat are sold. and there are plenty of buyers Across the main str eet, visitors line up at an out.door booth to buy :.i ~mall slice of fried rattlesnake for $1. "We probably sold 1,000 pounds this year," Fisher :J6/s "Wt• couldn't keep the snake shack suppl~· If soml•one 1s an the market for a really exotic pet. the Jaycees w1U sell a live rattlesnake to take home. All it takl's lo part1c1pate in a rattlesnake hunt is the dt'Sire -and a bit of money. "We charge $5 to rl'g1ster and another $5 to rent a snakl' hook Most p<.'Ople just buy the hooks for $20 and 1f thl'y don 't want the m. they can bring them back and get part of their money bfck ," Fishl•r says. "We sell them a burlap sack fdr $2." , The Jayc1?1:s use the proceeds for community projects. The snake hunters arc driven out t.o a rocky, hilly area on a nearby ranch to begin stalking their prey. The recognized method of catching a rattlesnake is to grab it with the snake hook and tbe n drop it into the burlap sack which someone else 1s hQ]dmg open "Somet1mC'S the person holding the sack 1s a little nervous," says a grinning Ralph Westphal, a\'other Jaycee· sp~>nsor. \ Prizes arc given for the longest snake l'aught a od the most pounds of snakes brought m. Don Bennett of Oklahoma City won both first and second place this year for the length he had snakes that measured 70 and 691 2 inches - while Steve Biggs of H1tchl'ock got the poundage' award. 136 writhing pounds. "It all started when a bun<'h of pe1Jplc got togeth er o n e Sunday afternoon to s hoot rattlesnakes bcl·ause they were so over - populated they we re creating a hazard," Fisher says. "They got to comparing the snakes. and the next year they started having a contest." Randy Biggs, 20, brother of the snake- poundage winner. has another thought. "I think they come for the excitement of it," Biggs says. "It's the idea of what the snakes can do to you if you get a little careless and not s pot one under a rock. "You'vl' got to be a little daring or a little flipped." U.S. GI defects, North Korea says SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -North Korea said a n American soldier crossed tbe demilitarized zone Saturday. denounced the United Stales for deploying forces In South Korea and asked the Communist government for political asylum . The U.N. peacekeeping command in Seoul said the report may be correct. If so it would be the first deftttlon by an American t.o North Korea in 17 years and the fifth since the Korean War ended in 1953. The U.S . comm and earlier Saturday reported an American 90Jdler, waa mil81ng in the· bulfer zone dividing South Korea and North Korea. and said It sent a meteage to the north . !t':: that he be returned If he had strayed the demarcation line. - PUBLIC AUCTION EST ATE JEWELRY & FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION PUBLIC ~;AltfRS WELCOME Don't miss this I ortant sale! Fine China. Crystal. Porcelains. Bronzes. European Furniture, Oils, Etc. Also many fine pieces o f antique and contemporary jewelry lncludlng fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chains. cluster diamond. ruby, sapphire. and emerald rings. SALE NIGHT Fri., 27th, Sat., 28th Sun., 29th, 8:30 P.M. INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. -5:00 P.M. & 7 . 8 P .M. Sale Nichts Property of several prominent Leisure World residents. together with Inventory of well-known L.A . jewelry in financial trouble. Also. out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS. Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some exten~ed terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) Newport Beach CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'TIL 5 P.M. •I Add it up. ; Hoag Hospital's Auxiliary is totally great! Almost I ,400,000 hours of volunteer time given si nce 1952 . That's close to five centuries of eight- hour days in the past 30 years. Over 10,000 men and women volunteering to help at Hoag Hospital during the past three dec- ades. That's the population of a small ci ty. And more than $1,423,000 contr.ibuted to the hospital through specific projects and funds from the Auxiliary's gift shop since the hospital opened. That's en o ugh for kid ney dia lysis machines, fetal monitors, sophisticated ophthal- mological equipment and much, much more. But the story of the Hoag Hospital Auxili ary isn't all numbers. Volunteers help out everywhere in the hospital, from the information desk to the emergency care unit. The goodwill and cheer, the support and genuine caring of Auxiliary mem- bers can't be noted on a tall y sheet. One thing for sure, though. The Auxiliary really counts at Hoag Hospital! HOiii HOSPITAL HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 301 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Your Good Neighbor. Serving your community since l9S2. This message is brought to you through the generosity of a donor-at no expense to patients. ' I II .I I I ·1 I I I I . ' ~ . ~ . . ' ,. . . Dilly Piiat SUNOAV, AUG. 29, 1982 FOR THE RECORD 85 HuirlPrs bri11g pro f ootbull biu·k to Coli ·e un1 this even ing. BJ . .._....__ 0 I ~ 0 Rams play t .. 1s one straight, 23-1 :r- Malavasi finds the winning formula By JOHN SEV ANO 01 IN D•llJ Pllol Slell Coach Ray MalL1vas1 su1J ull wt.•ek long he was going to trt.•at Saturd .. y night's l-ontl·st with the Seattl(' Scahawk!> al> a rcgul:.ir S<'aM'm game. not an exh1b1t1on. Malavas1 frlt that aftt.•r a rocky start It was time hls boys st.artcd~nin~ again Well. Malavas1 inly h<1d pll.•nty lo :.male• about follo1A-ing tht.· ams' :.!J l:J v1c·tory. playt•d before 54,5:H Jt Anahl•1m Swd1um Using his first string virtually thl• l'llt1n· contest. tht.· Rams improve'<! thl•1r <.'Xh1b1uon rt.'(.'Ord to 1-2. The Sc•ahaw ks an· also I 2 So what! Whc.t did Malavas1 prov1.•'1 "We provcod , numbl•r orw, that wt• could movC' the football," explained Malavas1 "We weren't able· to get anything tht.• otht.•r way ( whpn tht•y were playing a lot of pl'o ph-), s11 w 1· had to prove something. . "! also felt 1t was 1mpor~11H for us to get on th<: winning trat.·k :.igain." The Rams couldn't h<ivc· pll"kl·d ci better sub~"<.'t to get their point a<.To~ In the las t two n·gul<ir !.t•:.ison mcf:.'tings between the two. thl• Hurns havt· beatt•n the Seahawks by a eomb1nt.•d 'i<'Ort· of 69-ti And, in their most recent cxchu11gc· (l 979) the Harns set an NFL re<:ord by holdmg tht.• Seahawks to a minus seven yards offensively In fact. for the first two quarters Saturday night, it didn't look hkl• tht· Scahawks had {'hanged much of anything Seattle's offcnst? didn't get a f11'St down until 1:3:i remained in the S<.'<.-ond quartt'r, mt:arnng 88:25 had elapsed, spanning three years (a game the Rams won. 24 -0) before the Seahawks performed such a feat. The Hams' offense" ml•anwhllt'. was bl·tng beautifully engmt't.'rlod by the team's new general -Bert Jones. Jones d1rt.-'l'llod two first-half touchdown drives. one covering 67 yards in 12 plays, capped by Mike Guman's one-yard plunge. And the other covering 80 yards 1n seven plays. l'apped by Jaaro Penaranda's thrC<.'-ycar l'arry ini,tredwnt in the Harru;' ufft.ns1vc• ar!K'nal -the bomb as hl• rnnnl'<.'ll'd on a 50-yard aerial with Billy Waddy thut hl·lix-d st'l up tht.• second TD. The IWms ll'C.I 13-0 at thl' half and extended that to 16-0 on Frank Corral's 25-yard field goaJ l'arly in the.• third quartt•r bdore the Seahawks dawcod back to makt• thtng!> intNt·sung. After Jim Zorn swrtt:d thl' first two quarters and fizzled, Daw Kreig from Milton College (U\ W1M·ons1n) manufuc:tun'<i thrct• drives. resulting in a touchdown and two field goals, to cut the deftc1t to 16-I :i. Jones. on the· other hand. who was 9 of 16 for 179 yards 1n tht.• f 1rst half, S('fambled for his life in the second (he was sa<"ktod four umt>s) and was only C1ble to complete 2 of 4 toSS4..·S for 45 years. Matters reachlod such a stak'. in fa{'t, that the f1t"klc AnC1he1m crowd st.artt.-od <.'hanting, "We want Vin~ ... alluding to Vince Ft•rragamo, with 12:22 remaining 1n thC' game The fans neVL'r got their wis h, how ever, as Jones went the d istance and t•vc.•n dirC<.·ted the Rams to their last touchdown and final margin of victory- wuh undl'r two minutes to play. Jones. although Ferragamo and J eff Rutledge were told to "stay ready," was penciled in to play the enure game unlt'SS tht.• Rams were way ahead. Obviously, they never re:.iched that state so Jones stayed in. And. Malavas1 indicated after the game that there's a good c:hancc Jones will play the entire l'Ontest in the Rams' final preseason enc.'Ount.er with San Diego "I think there':. a good t•hant:t.• of that. yes," answered Malavas1 Which didn't set too well with f'erragamo or Rutledge. "It's d1sapposntsng and frustrating, but there's nothing 1 can do about It," said Rutledge. "l guess somethmg's got to happen soon They've got to make a declsion before nc.•xt Tuesday "I Just think it's bad tx'Cause you work hard all year long and then all you gN to play is two quarters." WRAPP E D UP -Jim Zorn, quarterback of the Seattle Sea hawks, is laid not so gen'tly to the ground by Rams' defensive end Jack D.,ly f'tlot l"hotoe b)I ftlcherd K Gehler Youngblood Saturday night at Anaheim Stadium. Those marches ol'(·urn•d , loo, against a &>ahawk dden.se that had previously allowed hut one TD in eight presea.son quarters. J ones also r e1nst1tutio nalized a missing Both Rutledgc and Fcrragamo have played but two quarters each in the prcseason compared LO eight for Jones. · "Lwan~to play," Rutlooge added. "I guess il'~ all g?mir to work 011t whether it's Vince that goes or me.' 1 Reuss, Dodgers stop Cubs LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Angeles left-hander Jerry Reuss managed to stay away from the "big inning" Saturday night, and as a result h e pitched the Dodgers LO a 7-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs. "The key was I scattered the hits," said Reuss, 13-10. "In St. LOuis the other day, I thought I threw the ball well, but I didn't scatter the hits and they wound up scoring four runs on me in one inning. "That seems to be one of the problems this year -the b1~ inning -and it's been keeping me out the game. Tonight, I made some bad pitches, some hanging curve balls. but they hit fly balls so I got a way with them." Ron Cey slammed has 19th home run and drove an four runs as the first-place Dodgers won their fourth straight game to retain their one-game lead in the National League West. Reuss struck out Cave and walked none in beating the Cubs for the third time in little more than a w~k. He was the winning pitcher in a 21-inmng suspended game and a lso packed up the decision in the regularl y scheduled game that followed immediately. Dickie Noles. 8-10. took the loss. The Dodgers had a 3-1 lead before brealung open the game in the fifth scoring four times, three on Cey's homer. The homer snapped an O-for-19 slump for the Los Angeles third baseman. who had knocked m a run in the first inning with a sacrifice fly The Dodgers also scored in the first on an infield out by Ric k Monday. YEAGER GRINS AND BAR ES IT LOS ANGELES (AP) - t>odgers caJ.cher Steve Yeager expects things to get a little hot for him around the ole ch.ibhouse IOon, but that may be nothing «>mpared to overheating in store for some o( hls female fans when they see him posing In the October Playgirl magazine. There I.a no frontal nudity In the pictures, which show him In Ole shower and the bath of his Weetlake Village home. "ll wu done with a lot of t.Atte. ll d~'t 1how that much. It an't be tlat embarrualng, my wife. Gloria, picked out the pctura." i • . Allenson takes game into his own hands Catc he r 's bunt d oes in An gels, 7 -6 BOSTON (AP) -With the bases loaded and two out 1n the 10th inning, catcher Gary Allenson of the Boston Red Sox quickly sired up the situation Saturday and "decided to give 1t a shot on the first pitch." Allenson's "shot" traveled about 60 feet, a perfect bunt down t~ third base line for a run-scoring single that Lifted the' Red Sox to a 7 -6 victory over the Angels. "When I went up there, I saw (third baseman Doug) DeCinces playing way back, only about a step from the grass," Allenson said. ''I figured I'd put it down and give it a sh ot on the first pitch." "I looked only on;:e at ham before makmg up my mind l didn't want to give at away." "I didn't call the bunt: I can't take any credit," said Boston Manager Ralph Houk, ··He dad it all on has own. You couldn't have thrown that any better than he bunted It" Carney Lansford, who helped set up AJJenson with a single and two stolen bases, spnnted home from third base as Alle nson easily beat DeCinces' throw to fi rst. to be altve and to be ready for anything. He said that Gary was a good bunter. "Then l saw the bunt coming. I JUSt took off and hoped the ball would get past the pitcher. Once 1t did, DeCmces had no chance. It was just a great play by Gary Allenson." Lansford set· up the victory with a one-out single off Bruce Kason, 7-5. Lansford stole second, On TV today channel 5 at 11 a.m. and Wade Boggs was walked 1nte nt1onally. Lansford and Boggs then executed a double steal and after a strikeout, Kison intentionally walked pinch-hitter Rick Miller Mark Clear. 11 -7, picked up the victory with 1 1-3 innings of relief. The Angels tied it 6-6 in the mnth. Bobby Clark led off with a single and was forced by Bobby Grich . Rob Wilfong, pinch-running for Grich, took second on Ron Jackson's single that c hased reliever Tom Burgmeier. ••AJlenson made the play or the game," Lansford said. "Houk had told me to be ready to steal both second and third if I got on. Then, (coach) Eddie Yost told me Clear walked pinch-hitter Reggie Jac kson and Brian Downing to force in the tying run. Clear then retired the next two hitters. TUG-OF-WAR -Bert Jones finds his shirt- tail in the grasp of Seattle's Manu Tuiasosopo during the first half of Saturday's exhibition game at Anaheim Stadium. Rams took a 23-13 decision. Penhall does it, streaks to world cycle crown Balboa r esident suffers only o n e h eat loss in going o ut with a b ang b e fore 35,000 By HOW ARD HANDY Of the Delly Plk>t Steff ) LOS ANGELES -f8w;e ~enhall o r ltllboa s~fully defen~is World Speedway Championship, but 1t wasn't a clean cut decision like his victory at Wembley Stadium in England a year ago. '- And Penhall didn't do anything to endear himself once again with English speedway. fans Saturday night at the Los Angeles Coliseum before a crowd "8timated at 35,000. Penhall was tratllng Britain's Kenny Carter by one point when the two met in the 14th of 20 heat races. Both riders knew this one was for all the marbles If Carter won. But Penhall could move Into a tie by scoring one more point than the English rider. When the four riders le!t the starting line, Penhall was third and Carter fourth behind Peter Collins. at.o of England. anct Phil Crump of Auatralla. Penhall made a move flnt with Carter rlght on h1a exhaust and It was a war betwHn the two. going into the K'CIOnd tum of lap three. Penhall wtnt wlckund ' Carter had no place to go on the outside but into the wall and under the fencing. The race was stopped at this point and when it went back to the starting line for a re-start, Carter was missing from the field. He protested vigorously, walking to the line and having his crew bring his bike up. But officials ruled he would not be able to re-start. Under international rules, If a race as swpped, one rider has to be responsible. If the referee decides it is someone besides the downed rider, he can make a swltA:h. But In thi1 case Carter was ruled tn error and the dreams of the English rider for a world championship went under the fence. He had been the only undefeated rider through three heats with nine pol?lta. Penhall now concentrates his efforts on a role in the television series CHtPs. Penhall Hid: "J am through with speedway riding." Penhall, In naming hl 11 c hief adversariee before the competitJon, said . he felt Carter and Slgato. would be right there. Kelly Moran of Huntington Be•ch picked up momentum an the middle heat races. winning twice, placing second twice and third once. In his final heat, he was matched with three English riders, including Carter Les Collins won th~ heat with Moran second and Carter third. S1galos, a third American nder an the field of 16 of the world's top riders, who hails from Fullerl.On . finished third in the final point standings with Moran fourth ,Sigalos was involved in another re- start In Heat 15 when Georg Hack of West Oermany went down and caused the race to be stopped.•But it was Vaclav Verner of Czechoslovakia who was put ouf for rough riding. Penhall was the crowd favorite from the outset and lived up to his billing with a brilliant performance. He and Carter waged the most torrid battle of the night. But another English rider (Lea Collins) won hia battle with Penhall to hand the defendln& cht:mplon his only defeat of thr night In the tint round. After that, Penhall was unbeatabl • although Carter would arsue the point. Carter was brought to the public address microphone and said in his heavy English accent. of Penhall: "He wouldn't s low down for me." His remarks were cut stiort by crowd noiae and h e walked away· fro m the microphone in disgust. · ~ The compelallon got a late st.art when \ rrunor problems with the starting gate occurred. But once It was started \he , fan.a got a full evening of entertalnlnent . .! There was wild excitement when Penhall won his final race of the night and the champtonahlp was determin ed. This included fireworks and a message ' board that flashed "CongratulaUoru, Bruce" repeatedly. Sigalot had to win the final heat of the nlght to take third place, a point ahead of Moran. Stgaloa finished whh 12 point.a, while Penhall had 14 to win ~nd Lea C.ollina had 13. Moran'• 11 wu good for fourth and Carter. flnlshed fifth with 10. Slgaloe hu a patent on the outaide starting polition, beating the field to the finlt tum both tJrnea ho h•d the spot I I • 'I r Ill Ut ngct C onal DAILY PILOT /Sund y, Auguat 28. 1882 presea on .to win nati()nal pic k title ,From AP dlspalc hes · Tht• U111vl•rs1ly u l P1llsh111 Kil , 5l l'c>ming ofl tlHl'l' L'onst•l'ullvt· 11 l ••• st•usons but spurting its third tu-,1d coJl'h 1n st•vt•n y1·;.irs. h.-s bt't•n J.m·kt·d to Win lht• mu:! nallOlli.11 l'h<imp11111sh1p Ill Tht· ~·1at('(I Pn·ss pn.'St.'a::.on rnllt·i.w fot>tlx1ll µull with dt•ft•nd111g l'hamp10n Clt·msm1 rn th1· No 11 spot Thl· Pill Panlht'l'S l'l'C:l'1vt•c.J :111 first ploLT vott.•s and 1.mn uf a poss1bl1· l ,:!00 prnnl.-. lrtJm J natwnw1d1· parwl of 5!:1 sports wrltt•rs ;.ind broa1k;,istt•rs. Thl' w~1shington lluskws Wl'rt' S('l·ond with 15 fi rst-plan· volt's and 1,lHi-1 points, follow1·d by Alab;.ima, Nt•br.iska .111LI Nurth Caroltn<i • Tht• last wam to win thl' Al' nat11111;il ehampwnsh1p .tftl'r bt'mg r;inkt'C.l No l 111 tht• prt'Sl'Jstlll poll w6s Y\labama m l!J7H P111 won 1L' la-.t lllil' 111 IY71i after starting out ~o Y Huu11d111g out thl' prC'Sl.·a!>on T1>p 'l\•n bt·hrnd fifth 1 ;ink1•d fifth-rated North C.1rol1n<1 wh1d1, l.iy lhl· way, 1s Pitt's upl•ntng ~garnt• oppo1wnt un natwnal telc·v1smn tlw rn~ht of Sl'pt Y c.lrt' SouthC'rn Method1:-.t. (.;(•orgia. P!·nn Stall', Oklahoma and Southt'rn C;.11 Quote of the-day · ' T h e f a c t i t i s c o n n c· t' t c: d w 1 t h homosexuals and Lht_• homosl·xual t:ommumty makes Lhe harm ('Ven greater. Thl· real Olympics 1s open to everybody." Vaugh Walke r, attorney for the• Olyrnpt(' romrmttees. explaining why gay Olymp1t'S would harm the 1984 Olympic GamC'S an Los Angeles, after the Intt•rnallonal and U S Olympic ('Omm1ttees suc<.'t'ssfully blo('kcd San Francisco Arts and Athlet1<:s from holding the Gay Olymp1t· Games. Blue, White have Sox feeling pale Vida Blue allowt-d f1v<· hits an sevt•n innings and Frank White's ~ two run double c·arp<'d a !WVt·n -run ... S<.'<:ond 111mng as Kansas Cny movcod anto f11-st plact' in the Amcnl'an Ll'<1gue We-st with a 10-1 vil·tory over Ch1t:ago The Royals' victory. their fifth an a row and C'1ghth rn their last I 0 gamt?s, t•nabled thc·m to move· a game ahead of the Angels, who dropix.·d a dt'<·1s1on rn Boston Elst_•wherC' in the AL. G ary Gaetti kn<.x:kC'd m four runs with a homl'r and sacrlf1cc fly and Jac k O'Connor pncheod a six-hiller. pacing Minnesota to a 10-0 triumph over Cleveland . . . Cal Ripken Jr. blasled a two -run homer in the bottom of the fifth 111nmg. as Baltimore rapped Texas. 8~3 BLUE Willie Upsbaw's two- out single m the 1 Ith inning drovl' in Rance Mulliniks with the wmmng run as Toronto s h aded New York. 3-2 . Wayn e G ross knocked m fvur runs with a two-run homer and two singles and Mitchell Page hit a solo homer in the eighth inning as.Oakland rnpped Milwaukee. 7-6 Dave Hender son scored from third base on Dave Tobik's \Yild pitch with two outs m the ninth inning to cap a three-run rally that gavL· Seattle a 4-3 win over Detroit Jim Essian had llL~ game in the ninth with a two-run hOfTler THE f UNE-UP PACKAGE INCLUDES l ............ ...... _ 2 .._ PflAM MJTOUTt ..... ,.... 1 ................. ~···· ...... ~--­........ $ a-t. dW9lftl ., ..... ~ ·• CNctl ... -.. ~ ·-, ..._...~~-· .................. • a.di•--WrTH THIS COUPON AHO aAV• • C....cr __ IW9_ ~ UP TO $3000 FROM IO Cllecll .... end - WM*NM'AJ .. .,. .,.""' ttw ~ ...... c.,. <Dior""'° 2 ..... .-..--·~"'"'" ...... -t-{tlcltrl °' PLUa eooo •!691•-"" ~ .. \i DEALE"& SE..VICl STATION PAa:s , .. 111 ()11 1111• d,111' Ill hm14°l1'!11 Ill 1117'1 L11u H1111k 111 tlw St l.11111i. l '.11d111.i1 ... IHH•l •«f hi' ll!l:ircl l 'lll't'l'I HlUft•ll lt,1 .. 1". 111•1tl(lllJ.t th1· 11111clt•n1 m11.1w lt·a~u1• ll'l'lll cl lwld h v 'l'y l'ohb Only tlw 11:17 .. 11•1t1 .. 1 h.dk1·d "" loy l!t1lt 11·11t.111 y ... 1111 "Sltd111M l\llh" I l,1ni1lt1111 ,i.,.wl Ill lit'" k ' w,1\ 1111 1111, d.111 111 l!lh'1 S1111 ~I .IJIC'I..,. II 'l11g..:1·1 W1l111• M.IV' '4'1 ,1 N.1t11111.il l.1o1g1w 11111111 \\tlh h1' ltllt /\11gu'I 11111111·1 .1 l.IJI< llll'.1,1111· ,11,11 ,1J.t.llll:.I ,J,1~·k Fi...111 ·1. ,1, 1111' ( ;1:1111s IHo;1t 1h1· N1•v. York Ml'ls 11 :1 .11 Sh1•o1 S1mh11111 '1'11d.1 v ·, 1>11 l hd.1 v A11g1 :b 1l11rd 11 ..... 1·1111111 l>.1ug l)j·( '111t'1'' 1s :1:.! Ntekro muffles Montreal on six hits .Jot· Nit'kro 11111 h1 d 11 -.I), h1111 •r Ii .111J l.uii. Pujols drnv1• 111 tht· g11 .1lw.1d r lln with " l1f1h 1111Hng 111pl1• .1:-. I lou .. 11111 hlo111lo.l'<l M11ntn•,1I Satu1d.1\, :.!-0 Nll'krn. 1:1 H. complc•tt"<I 111'> 10th g;.11m· .ind 11•t·onh:.1l hh lhrcl 'hulolJt, IJ<Jth tops on lh1· ll11u:-.1 .. 11 · staft Eb(•wlt\·rt' 111 th1· Nat11111;il Ll•ai.:u•'. Ivan Dt'Jcsus drilft'(I a 1h1·1't' run doulilt· to lughltght Pt11hu.frlph1<1's six 1 u11 sixth 1ntrn1g ;rncJ 11b1> hw11t·n·d lo suµport Mike Krukow'i; :wv1•n h1ttc·1 ;1s thl• l'h1ll1l0:-. d•>Wllt'd C.'uwmnau. 7 I ('lauddl Wasbinglon brokt• out of a :{ for~ I h.1t1111g slump with two honw runs, th1• '<'l·ond " 1w11 run shot 111 tlw c•1gh1h in111ng Lh;1t snappt'll .) :! :! Lil' ;ind gav1• Atlanta i.I -I ;$ Vll'LUI y ov1·1 thl· f<iltc·nng Nt·w York Ml'L,, who droppt·d 1lw1r I tth -.ti o.11ght g;.inll' Milt May lTJt:k1·d .i two run h111n1•r f11r San 1''ranusn1, ... ,.., tlw Gian~ -.nJPIJl'd ,, "» ganw losing sl1 l'<lk by bt•atmg P1ttsbL11gh, I :1 San Uu·go and St Louis to•ik tlw 1•v1•11ing off Cogan sitting on pole at Riverside IUVEHSll>E Kt•v1n Cogan • k111x·k1-cl M.mo A11drt·lt1 oll th1· µolt• Im tht• Au(.'al 500 kdonwlt•r l11dy-t•<1r r.1«1.· wllh a niur,t•·rt'(·ord 4u.1hfy111g Idµ S.Jtu1d.1v .11 H1v1·r::.1d1· lntl·'tnallonal H..in·way Th;. :!b \l',1r old Cogan took .1dv<.1nwgc· uf th1.· l'<>oh·r lt'mpc·ratun.•s of Saturday's morning quahfymg S<0-..-.1on tu rt'l.'C>rd a 1.-µ of l:il -167 mph 111 a fonJ p.>wt•n·d Pt·ru.kt· PC 10 ThJl w.1:-. ,, f1.·w ucks IX'llt·r than tlw fl'('tml st'l Friday in 1tw opt•nmg quail fymg Sl'S."ilOn by Andn•tt1. But his l ~ltl.tiO:~ was gocxl t·nou~h 10 kt·i·p Andn•tt1's Wildcat HB-Cosw1Jrth on th1· ouL.;;1d1• of tht• lnint row Bobby l·h1hal. th(; top Indy l'LJ~ rook1t' 1h1s sc•a::.on. ht·ld onto thl' tlurd spot fur tod;,iy's ran· w11h Fml.1v's lap ol 12!:1 71i!'l, whllt· <ll'fl'ndmg rat·e t·hamp1u11 H1t·k Mt•<irs Cog:m's tc·ammalt' -movt•d up to fourth with <1 1..ip of lt!Ui82, which madt• him th<· fourth dnv1·r Lo top lhC' olJ rl'c-or<l for the 3 :{-mile, 111111· turn <·our~t· uf I W .55!1 :-.l•l last yPar by GC'ol f Hrabham Prep track coach Opp buried Pn•p track anct flc<ld ~cont-hmg • ll·gt·nd Waller Opp was hur11.:d Saturc.J<Jy following his death on Monday following a lengthy Illness with a brnin tumor Opp had been thl• Muir High (Pasademt) t-oach ""re 1948 and m the past 10 years hlS t<:ams won three CIF championships and finished second on two other occasions Larry Mille r avl'raged 252 for i.I six-game bowling series of 1.51 4 in the· first round of the· PBA Seniors t·h..imp1onsh1ps at Canton, Ohio Chuck Muncie 1s 1•xp<'<-·u.od to re.101n thl' San 01C'go Chargc'rs w1th1n a Wt'ek after undt•rgorng drug trt.•atmc•nt for thl' past 21 days . . Harnt'ss dnvc•r Shelly Goudreau r1.•mainc·d in l'ritil'al cond1t1on following surgery Saturday after a spill from his sulky tn tht• sc:venth race at Hollywood Park on Friday Ana toli Mybk.ine scored a gamc•-h1gh 31 po111Lo; and the Soviet Umon took advantage of Amenl'an foul problems as the Soviet national team C!dged the Umted Stat.es. 95-94 to win the gold medal at the nmth World Bask<.•tball champ1onsh1ps in Cali, Colombia. THE LUBE. OIL & FIL TEA CHANGE PACKAGE INCLUDES: CARBURETOR TUNE-UP $24.98 With Coupon tncluc:Ma II llffded: 7 lntpeet lllf lllter 8ncl cranll· 1, Acce,.rat0t llWf'IP cat• breather element AH 2 barrel c1rtluretora t. P-r ••~ I . ChemlcaOy remowe gum and $29.98 With ,Coupon Alt • b1rrel carouretore Mo•t cu• Tnv •• nu"elw04' '' i,.,,o,mfl'O 1n ·'"'''U••m111t•v 31 All nK•IU'Y gatllets wamlltl depo11i. •. Nffctle and ... , ••Hmbly 9 Adluat c.artluretlon ml1tu,. S FIOlt rind ldllt ..,... I , [lecttOnlc c1rtluret0f ll!Mnl• 10. tneludff •II llt>or tO m 1nulfl\ "'-""0~11 t\itau'r 1flmo¥1ny thr r A•Dut•lo • ,,.,.,.,,.Q lrom 11\e cat °' SAVE $3.00 $29.88 lnclucfn ~to 2 g.i cootent, ,.~ .. nulhln9 c00tln9 1y1tem. lntpec:I r1H11a1or Mitt a ltoMI, •nd pre11ure IHI ·~•tern 9'tcOlftfMfldH ... rv 12 montta• ,, Reg. $32.88 . . . • Situation normal for Rains ()rgunizu tion still hu·ks orgunizution , und what about Vince? Nobody t.11111• 111 un llw nc.1111 b11lloon from Sw.kal1H111 J t11l u"k1•d 11\1', 11111 • Thi .ll11H"fllt1•11• 1s ;a~11111 1t•11M' lh1 oUKhuut tlw J(.111i.. 111 ~t.11111~111111 whit h .. 1111 101k~111 ~.m11~t1•J1t 011 1h1• tc•11111'-. l..i-.t 111.111 trtj> tht·11· Wt It' "''Vt•ral "'""c•d d1•t111l-. .11111 tlw p1·1,011 111 1 h,1ri.t1· .. r 1lw 11'·1.111 ... w .... 1\111 1·v1•11 Ill tltt· t1.1Vl'I p:ir ly SPORTS COl.UMNIST BUD TUCKER • Thi· l<.11cl1·1' w.111t V1111. t• F1·11.1g.111111 dt•s1>1·1 all·ly .11111 tl11• H..1111!> ,11 ~· JUsl 11., d1·,111.·r,1h· about k1•t•p111~ 111111 out of tht·1r hand' Tli1· p1t·tun· th1:-. c:r1·1.11t·s ts 1'\·rrugumo'i. boy agc•nt l>uv1d F'1shoff dl'ahnK with th1· H<.11ders' Al D<1v1s wh;.it a nus1n11td1 •01w 1 t•u1tt111 lJodgcr shortstop Bill Ruuell 111ak1·' 1·no" 1s 11t.11 111· J41'L'> Ill balls 11th1•n; cannot n ·;id1 •If you 1·t-.;1lly yt•urn lor tht· KOud old days. you an· lanwnt111g th<.· pas.~mg uf tames when USC and UCLA had <Altraeuvc honw St'hedules and the garnt·s l'OUlltl-d ror M>ffil•thmg • Not 1•v1•1 yww in lwst·ball l1k1·., llt·ggit· .J.11·k:i1>11 but h•w w ilt t:xprl'l>.'i anythmi.: but rt•spt'C.·t fo1 thl• s1'..1srn1 tht· guy 1s pulllnlo( toi<t•tlwr lur th1· A ngl'I:-. Tht· nl'X l talk to lw hl'•• rd 1111 t h1· boull'Vi.lrd will (·onn·rn the Ament:an Lt-ugu1• M V l' uward • A N11 I d1 • .r1 1·h111t'e 1s nut u high pru.-c for a qu.11 tc·1 l1ou k .,f Vtllll' 1'\·rragamu':-. Wl(·nl For 111w lhlllg, thM1· " m·vt·r a guarallh'I.' a Nu I can play Ask 1111' ttams • PHYLLIS GEORGE still ha' not ..111nuu11t·l·d whl·thcr s hl· wil~ rl'turn to CBS as u footbc.dl •Tht· NFL owtwr!> really won·t have to worry until tht· player!> drop the handshuke idea and rome out to m1df1l·ld bcfur<.• the gam<.'S and kiss eommt•nwtur Why 1s sht' d01ng this to us'' •Georgia Fronuere. Madame Ham. 1s n.·ally angry at th<' F'crragamo family and do<.•s not want Vtnc.·e. thc quarterback, around. • Ir a nty 1·~an go to l·ourt to kl·t·p a football tl•arn, lht·n· :an· :-.wnl' n1mmun1tws w<>ndc·nng If 1 lwy """ sUl' 111 g1·t unt· k1ek<.•d out • I agrt•(· with lhl' Dcxlgcrs that 11 is not nl'WS wht'n l!•am off1('1<.tls mc1•t with n.•prt·:-it·ntc1t1vl•s of Stt•vc (.;;.irv1•y unlt·ss soml·thing (·onws of the· 1Til•t•t111g • AT T llAT, 11 will bl· 111t1·n·sllng lo see wtw1h1·r UCLA and USC t'an fill th<' Hoi.t· Bowl on Nov :.w • 11 tht· manag<.·r being a good guy has Jl1yth1ng to do with anything, llarv1•y Kul·nn's M1lwaukt•c• Bn·wers should win thl· Am<.·rtl'i.ln Lt•agul' £aM 111 a waltz. • i't•oplt· whu know football S<JY they would likt· to '>l't ll;.im'> quarterback Jl·ff Rutllodgt• get a 1 eal chann· tu pl<.1y ._ • In 1!:11:1:!. thl· Ham:. do nut <.1pp<·;ir on Monday 111ght looLh<.111 <.111d thl• H.dldl·rs only om·t• ThlS is 1101 1 loward Cus1·ll'~ fault. hut that 1s :-.till no reason to ltkt· I Inward Co,Pll • Sonwbody said tht.• av<•ragc· agt· of Lhl· T<11w:111 L1ttlt• Lt.·aguc team 1s slightly h1ghl0r than that of tlw Nl'w York Yankees. Budweiser Million today CHICAGO (AP) Perrault, Enns !sit· and Lemhi Gold <1re the solid favorllt·s 1n today's Budwt'ISl.'r M1llton with half of tht· '14 h orSl' f1Pld being r •! p r t• s t ' n t <.' d b y f o r e i g n l't>nU'ndcrs. Perrault a11d Enns lslt>, both tratnC'd by Charles Whittingham, will go off as the favored ('ntry with L<'hm1 Gold. trained by Laz Barrera. the SC.'('Ond choice in the bctung m what 1s thoroughbred rac111g's nt·h!'st t•vent. Tops amo ng the foreign 1nv::iden. for thl' 1 1 •th-mile run on the Arlington Park turf figure to be Al Nasr of France and Frost Kmg of Canada. Perrault, nne of the nation's top grass hol'St'!>. ha!t gont" hettd- to-head twice with John Henry. wmnt•r of l..ist, year's maugural Million following a gruelling stretch du<•l with The Bart. MSC·76 27.H '------ 24.88And 27.88ea lntelllvl1lon'~ Action OamH lniov t"'O tuoer ochon '""" of Nfl"' ~oott>oll Bow1ono o• sooce Howl('" co1111c:ioe' Off Shore first to finish AV ALON -Off Shon· Canoc· Club of Newport &·ach. with a f1V«?·mmute margin of v1t·tt11 y. dominated the wumc•n's !->l'llHm of tht• U S Outrigger C<inol· l' ha m p 1 on s h i p s S <1 l u rd a y , l·omplet1ng the t1l'k lrom Nt•wport Bcal·h to Catal111a Island 1n five hour::., thrt·l' mrnutt•s. Tht· Orr Shorl' outfit outdid Hanohano of San Dwgo, wh1l'h f1111sht•d second, and a higgmg Nt.·wport Canoe Club of Nc•wport &.-ach m third The two leaders volleyed for the lead for almost thrcc- yuarters of the rac-e before OH Shore began to pull away for good. "This was thl· hardest ran' l'vt• evL·r ra('ed." said 22-yl•:Jr-old Angela lacovono of tht· wmm•r•s boat. "It was the most 1ntens(• K marr Sale price lx'l:au~ we volley<.od for the lead so long. We 'vt• n ever volleyed lh1s long before." The winners t•hanged tactics m ordcr to get an edge. too, :.w11.<:hing to two-person changes every 20-22 minutes, rathe r than single switches. Th~re are six paddlers per boat and each team h;.s 1 :l to share the long ordeal. . The men's unit will complete tht• two-day event today with the ra('l'S beginning at 8 a.m. from Avalon Rough seas caUSt!'d the Marina Del Rey's team to fhp, but there were no injuries A('cording to a spokesman , Sa turda y's win n e r s had a ddiuonal incentive because .it was ft.It a Joss would make it difficult to raise capital for the upl'um1ng M olokai race in St·ptember The Savmg Place~ Less Factory Rebate Your Net $ Cost After Factory Rebate 1ntell1v•s1on~' Qeh1e•'. w , uriri1er arlf'\,..,tea te11et o f nlover 1n11~11• monl w olh o son •nllv rK>\•Qr-00 Mr:t\IPr Componenr tl"IOI molles lh1s an ex1terne•v vQ"•1t•IP QU"''" 1.>'"' 1ntet11111s1on• oflers o wide ranoe 01 throils 1rorr th(• O•C:•te""lnl of ()('I the·lietd SOOft.i,no o"enh 10 lhe ovt of tho\ wo11 J c r i1aenqe 01 o 001110 1n outer \OOCe I JC,. ... "°9it \Ola~ ... ,,,.... •• ..,..-.. ... ~ ~,.,,,.,,."°'_, .. ,. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL Kmart ............. '• Kirkland • Win title WI LLIA MSPORT, P a (A P ) Cody W-=balu-r /'k'ht-d u two hitter an tx·lt.t.-d ti homt· run a.a KJrkland. WW1h • a tunned Taiwan ff O Saturday t.o win th!! l6th 1..tttle League Worlci Serles. Webste r litruck ou t l:l and •allow ed only onC' Taiwan runner to get to third as he ear"cd his second vict ory of the tournamen t. T h e 5-6. 174-poµnd right-hander walked only three. .,. . Orange Co81t OAILY PILOT/Sunday Auguat 79 1982 83 NFL returns to Coliseum Raider make LA J •but tonight uguin ~u Green Bay By ROGER CARLSON 01 Ille D9lty "llot llan LOS ANGEL.ES f''or tht• flnil tlml· tn this dt'(:&d~ u l(roup uf Nulwnul t'oulbull l.l·ug~a· pluy1·r~ Ul'l' ~mnl( tu 1·xh1hll th1:1r wurl'K tu111..:ht at tht• Los A11Kl'lt'11 Co I 1st• um in th t· form of J pretl4.•11son ~ame The Raiders, ala the Brooklyn 1Jodger11 in thl' late 50s, 11111k l· thl'1 r 1n1t1al 11pp<'ar a1H·c 1n 'Southt•1•n Callfornu.1 as the Los A n g t• It• 11 Ra 1 d t' rs . It• av 1 n g Or1klund to find other sourn·s of t•n tl'rtainmt•n l obtu1n on 1111111 n1i.t 1·xt·riipuun I 1'1101 I ht• lJ S (. '1111j.(rt'l\.'i, hu I 1 l upµt.•urs tlw Kt11d1 111 1111• an L.11:1 Angclt•IJ to stuy Now, for tlw n•·xt hurdl .. Cirt't'r\ H.1y '~ }J1ll'k1•1·s l'ntt•r lht.· (.' 0 11 ll l' U Ill l 0 111 t( h I U s l h 1• oppos1uon m whill 111 knowti u11 u On TV tonight channel 4 at 6 pl't.'Sl'USCJI\ l(HrlW, bul In n ·allly lie nothing mnn• thun •• '><:r1mmugt.•, cumplclt' w11h un1f11rrnl>, ~.(:Orl•b..><ird and all ul thl• rult·s ol u gurnl' th<1t t.·oum s hOf'I' 1111 lov•• Ill fU11l !;l~ht from tlw fu1111 tlwy'll Ix· lll'UI d1111~ for The Hutd<'r., hUVl' tuk1•n 11 ftum 1 he fon-i for many i.t·u..ont1, ul urn.• 1111w wh1•11 lU1·y w1·rt• th1· v1i.1ton., tht• lust h •w J1t•11i;o11i; l 111111 lh1• h o nw to w n f 11 n Ii • W o , w I l h Ouklund flllthful uwan· of the.• J>t•flding mnvt· L<tbl'lt•d tlw Trul tu1'11 , I h1· Haidl'rs 11r1• lo<Jk1111-t for u huow Cami• tune· 1::. st.'I for ti o'dr><·k with :1um1• fi [i,000 (assum1nf.( th1•y'Vl' 111•1•11 ublC' lo St 'l'Uf't• t1c•kct:. tn 11 V<•ry slow proc·<·sstng) l'Xp<.""Ctt>d for lht.• kickoff Jim Plunkt•ll, who f.{u1dl.'d th<• Hwdt•n. tu tht• Sup<>r Bowl t1llt• in 1981. Is l'Xpt.·Ctcd to OJ'l'll HI quarterbu<:k 'THE CBEACHcttOUSE 01n1ng oncJ Cockto11a q"" Dining For Ro ma ntics 1/11· '""II"' 11111/ ,,,,111, 11/ lltt' '11 1-/ "11 t I 1 r I 11·111 Ii 11 I !_ 11, 1111!11 · I '·' 1t11 11 "·' / · / /'t'''' . \ l'11 1 ·J 1111/11111/ .!_11/,,,,., 11111/ p//11·1 /11',ft' '''" t 11111/fr/1 11!1/ hlmilL'il 11 ·11/t 1/11' 'I''''' 11/ Ille · l'un/1c < ), 1'1111 Now ()peft hetoutant Aow AANCHO MHUMH (714) Jll·65H Breakfast Reservoc1ons 494.9707 luncheon Dinner on the surf at 6 1 () Sleepv Hollow lone loguno Beach Pu -Tzu T o wn had been seek in g Taiwan's si x th stra i gh t championship and their 11th since 1969. T he loss was only the second for a Taiwan team in 36 ~m.•s games. Tht.• Raiders have lx•atcn the NFL at its own game to this point. winning a c•ourt battle to ovuturn the NF'L's original blot·k1n~ of the move and udd111onal lc•gal attempts by the NFL huvc· been hu1dlt.'<.l Tlw NFL 11> i.ltll .Ht<.•mplln~ to Cout.·h Tom Flon·s vii I I ht· lo1.1kmg for hol<•s to patd1 up ;and lw gamin~ n1•w insight lnlo his tt•am's pol<•ntwl, but for rnuM uf ltw pl.iytm •. thl' ont.-s whv know thl·lr )Ob 1s St.1:un >, ~iay be a Also t•xpc:cll'd lo st;11'l 1n the• b:tl'kflcld 1s USC p1 OOUl'l MarTus Al~n. the 198 1 HeIBman T rophy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Wide-ope n due l for surf crown With 1981 's champion not t•nt1-rc.'CI unu tht• Nu 2 and 3 finishers (Greg Mungall and Bill Treible, respectively) kn0<;ked off S<ilurday. it's <1 wide opc.·n race for the title today at 1h1• Stubbit.•s California surf meet at t he Lower Trt·stll·s nt.•ar tht· Camp Pendleton-San Clemente bordl'r Vying in quarterfinals Ul'tmn. which lwg1ns at 7 a .m . today, are the following rn<1tchups. -Mike Cruickshan k (Dana Point) vs Mark Theodore (Manhattan Beach) -Bill Ward (He rmosa Bt.•at'h) vs T ommy Curren (Santa Barbara). -Willie Morris (Woodland I hlb) vs David Barr (Carlsbad). -Dennis Jarvis (Hermosa &•ach) vs St•<Jn McNulty (Capistrano Beach> Se mifin als a nd finals will follow with the finals anticipated some Uml' in lhe afll'rnoon And if th e condit ions are' anything like Saturday's. it should be a showp1e<-e Before a crowd estimal<.>d at H.000 with 4-H-foot waves, it was a big day, even for the losers. Theodore nipped Witt Rowlett of C:trlbad and Curren slipped past Ve nice's Alan Sarlo with 2-l scores Saturday, while the rl'Sl of the survivors took the 2-out-3 series in str;ught duels. Ward d efeated San Juan Capistrano's Kevin Billy; ,Ba rr e dge d F ountain Valley's Peter Townend; Morris topped Carlsbad's Treible. and Mungall of Cardiff lost to McNulty. Coeta Mesa's ~an Fleck.y lost to J,arvis and _ Cruicksha nk stopped Leucad1a's Todd Marun. Sports o n TV TELEVISION 11 a.m. (5) -BASEBALL Angels at Boston. 12:30 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Final round play m lhe World Series o f Golf from the Firestone Country Club in Akron, OhJO. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE -Mariel H emingway hunts chukar m southern Ida ho. 1 p.m. ( 11) -NFL FOOTBALL -Exhib1t1on. Seattle at Rams. taped Saturday night 2:30 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Gordon Johncock attempts to sweep auto racing's 500-mtle triple crown in the CART Pocono 500. taped Aug. 15. 3 p.m. (7) -1981 RAMS HIGHLIGHTS -A chronicle of the Rams' 1981 season when mjuries and dissension left the team with a 6-10 record. 3:30 p .m . (4) -HORSE RACING -T he Arlington Million, taped. (7) NCAA FOOTBALL P REVIEW -A countdown of the top 20 teams as selected by ABC and a look at thre<> of the nation's top quarterbac ks: Dan Marino (Pitt), Jim Kelly (Miami) and John Elway (Stanford). 4:30 p.m. (4) SPORTSWOKLO CONTINUES -Jim Hartung and Peter Vidmar are among the participants in the Emerald Cup gymnas tics competition, taped at Eugene, Ore Also· A recap of the Arlington Million horse race. 5 p.m. (7)-GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A tribute to basebalrs Pete Rose. whose 44-garne "hiMin_g streak was the talk of the sporting world m the su.frmM:r of 1978. 6 p.m. °(;()-.. l'_llFL FOOTBALL -Green Bay at Los Angeles Raiders 11) an exh1b1t1on game. M idnight (11) -TENNIS. 12:30 a.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Green Bay at Raiders, taped. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Boston. 11 a.rn. KMPC (710); Chicago at Dodgers, l p.m .. KABC (790). Football -Green Bay at Ra iders, 6 p.m., KNX (1070). M esa g uns for cr own At stak e will be the American Speedsoccer Ass o ciation c ham - pionship at 4 o'clock t his afternoon whe n the Costa Mesa Cowboys Wlgle with the Mission Viejo Vikings at the Los Caballeros Sport• and Ra c q u e t . C l u b i n Fountain Valley . The CQwboys. winners ol the Beach Division , are paced by leading 8COrer John Boyle. while Gerry Hall spearheads Mi11ion Viejo, whic h captured the Empire Di.vial.on. Each advanced to the fi.nall with wins Friday aa Cott.a Mesa eliminated Oranae, 8-6. and Miss.Ion Viejo edged lrvln , 6-4. In the reaular-aeaaon matchup between the two team• held in tho third week of the 1euon, c.o.t.t Mesa was an easy e-2 wt.nner. . - NO D EALER SA LES AD STARTS SUN. CAL TERM QUICK KIT WITH TOOL ........... 2~!5 Got a bunch of different type wire connectors and the crimping tool to put them on. (It's winner. ----------- Looks better with M~---tr-age (ju.st like my bride). 1 67 r.---.. -> 8 ft. 2x4 R ail p~ 8 ft. 3x4 Pos t 2 77 Oh. paint stuff j u.t makes me crazy. I love a room freshly painted. Hate to hang anything on the wall, ju.t looa a t it, real hard, for houn. SPIED HOUSE PAINT 9!!. SPIED LATEX GLOSS HOUSE & ~:::TIO!!. 6'xlS' INSIDE PEEL BAMBOO FENCE \_377 Supple, atmosphere stuff, privacy, and 110 easy to work with. Cover the chain link and you'll have security with loolu. called an "econocrimp," 5 PC . HOUSEPAINTER·s 399 hig. d...L) 'rRA Y. A RQL1£R SET ~~;::;:;:::;;.;. ____________ ~~----..;.._-----------------~""-J~ --=:;1~- ARROW HEAVY DUTY STAPLE GUN ~~ 11~! SquMze and fire a staple thru plywood. composition board, pl..tic, and light metal. Do ceiling tile, insulation, batts, and more. 3f4 II ELECTRICAL TAPE People tell us our tape price• &re superb. (If you believe that I have another one for you. Good, yea, but, superb, hmmm.) 60 FT. ROLL 27' SUPER KLIP <{_, . S.U adhHive, Just stick it anywher-. to hold the toothbr\Uh, the keys, tool., etc. ( Like on the forehead .o you don't lOM r key..) r1 BENTWOOD TAPESTRY ROCKER 3988 Walnut finiah. ~ :AiPJ~ UMtnbly. (By the way. I put a mirror on my TV Mt. I wanted to ... what my family looked UM. ) VALVOLINE I wu afraid we wouldn't ha" any oil in tht.. add. F .. l Better N ow. 30 WT 72:r. 82!r. WEED EATER ELECTRIC 11 STRING TRIMMER 15~30~ Two li9ht pounds ( n ot the heavy ones), cuts an 8 inc h path, cornea with 12 f .. t of replacernen t ~ feeder line. \ Limited t quantities. ,~. SUNBEAM GAS GRILLS SINGLE BURKER 89~!31 Lava rock coal. included. Includ-20 lb. tank. 18.000 BTtJ's. Limited Quantities. NATURAL GAS INDEPENDENTLY :·: CONTROLLED :·· DUAi. IUllEI ···· I 49~~2N. ·~:: LIMITED OUANTrl"IES '·: DURALITE DELUXE SAND CHAIR Nice polt..hed aluminum frame, tangerine duck, fold. and hangs on your shoulder u you cruiae down to the beach. Limited Ouantitiu. 8~!20 EVEREADY AA ENERGIZER BATTDllS 177 PAK OF 4 lf b.twriM don't lut for.Yer then b. 91-d O\U' epeoiale kMp comin9 be.ck like a favorite eono. ( Who WTOt• thll? Ou1 Lombal'do?) .. .-. .. . ... . . .· . ... ·:-. ·'· ·:·· ·.·. .. ~ I • .... H•I Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 20, 1982 San Die go's second-half1charge dumps 49erS Pitt burgh romps pa t Baltimore; Gian t -t op J et , but lo e tarti ng q uart erback From Al> dl1pa&t·bl!1 SAN Dlt<;GO H1111n1n~ hu1k John . Cappt•llt:tll'!i I y11nt cllvc• 1111 u lcu.11·1h 111111 lr{rn1I pluy midway throu.ih tlw 1hlld quu1 t1•1 pu1 Su11 Dwgu uht'ud to t<tuy S1.1tu1 Juy nt)(ht und till' Ch.il'l(l'r" '. went on to u i3-Y Nationul 1''1111tbull Ll'ti~u .. exhibition Vll'Wry ovt•r tht• Sa11 1''1·111w1St•11 4!11•1s Cuppellt>ll1's sn1r1ng plu11~1· t·1111w 1m Sa11 · Diego's fourth 1'0nS(>(·ullvl· imH1Hh fnun lll1tid1· tht• 1-yard-hne, ruining a brilluml ~oul-lim' stand l>v · San FrunciS<.'t>'s Super Bowl-w11111111g dPfl·ns1· The Chargers, tn.11ling H 0 1·arly )11 th.t· · nationally le>levised ~umt'. l'ruptt•d in the• scx·ond . half behind the pussin8 of (JUUrtt·rl11.ll'ks Dan l''ou~ and Ed Luther. San Fra ncisco took 1 ts 9 0 l1•11d 1111 a I irst quarter safety wh~n <lefons1v1· l'ml Jam Stul·k1·y tripped up running back Janws Brook1> an th~ San Oeigo and end wne and a '1-yard lOuchdown run by rookie fullback V1m'l' W1l11ams rn tht· scl·ond quarter. But Fouts brought thl• Chargl·rs lxll'k, lofting u 19-yard scoring pass to Brooks m the Sl~·ond quarter and d1rec·ttng a 77 -yard driv!' lo th<• go-ahead touchdown in tht' third period Cappdll'llt's TO put his team ahead 13-9. Steelers 37, Colts 15 PITTSBURGH Terry Bradshaw pass<-d for 260 yards and two touchdown~ Lo Jolin SLallworth an the first half as Pntsburgh l'rushl><l Balt1morc, 37-15. Bradshaw, 1nt>ff<'Ct1vc las t Wl'<'k 1n a l:J 10 victory over the New York Gian~. cornplet<·<l 15 of 26 passing attempts as the Swc:IPrs rollt-d to a 2:~-~ halftime lead. Dolph Ins t 7, Chiefs 17 KANSAS {'ITV Hu11k11· M1u11ll ru1111111..i bnt·k L.un y ( 'owun d1v<'<.I fur u 1 vunl toul·hdown wllh 1111 turn· rc·rna1n1n~ in rc·wulu111111 pl11y 111 i.1• tlw j.(llrn1•, arid th1• 1>11lph11111 .md 1111• Ka11"11~ C'1ty ( •till'fs l>11 llh'll tl11 11l1gh ,, -.('•lll•h•-.ii 11Vl•1l1rrw f.~.'lllKI fur a 17 17 lit' • ( ·ow1111'( phmgi• rnppt'<'I u rn1run1l11u .. Dolphtru. n illy 111 lh1· 1111111 ~l'l'1111cls of tlll' fourth quart1·r and l1 •f1 1~11li ll•.t111:. with I I I prc11t.•w1un 11'l'01'd:. Vt•te1w1 0011 Stroek movl-d Lhc· l)olphtns to tlw Ka11~1s C:1t v :,:7 with 11nt· ::le<.'Ond ll'fl in lh<' ~unw Thc> nml' yc•;11 vl't1•1·a11 thl•n lofl.t'd an 1111'<11npl1•l(· p;iss into llll' 1·1~hl l'cirrwr of lht• l'IHI :wm• lor wh;11 appt>an..J tu tw tht· ganw'!! f1nol pluy But t'hwfs lm<'bul'kl·r Jnry Blanton wu1> l'1tllt.-d fnr pass 111l<·dt•rt.•1wt.·. Lions 27, Bengals 23 ClNCl N N ATl Gary Danll'lson rnrnt· off the bt.•nch to to!.. .. th1 t'l' lout.·hdown paSS<'1> us the Dl'trort Lions ral11t•d lrom a 10 point halrllmt• <lcftl'll fur a 27-23 Vll'torv uvt•1 C1m.'1nnat1 Danwl..;in·s 6-yard touchdown pass lO Robbie Marlin with 3 -41 w play put lhc L1on1> ahead 27-23 .tnd ra1st·d th<•11 t•x hi b1 lion rN·ord to 2-I The Bengals suflt•r I'll their third 1'tra1ghl pn>Scason loss. PALA MESA Tlw l14-'nl(ul1t hucJ (or.ic•d u W-10 halfllnw 11dvu11t.1wt.· on u :W yt1rd touchdowr1 µilSH pl11y from 4u.11ll'r11.wk Kc·n Andnson t.u Archh· Gr 11 (m i.amJ n 100 y.t1d k1l'k11rt rl't11rn for o lllUC'hdown by rnok11· Ho<lrn·y Tull' Cowboys 36, Patriots 21 IHVINC, T1•x.11> Ht•servt· quartc:1 bi1t·k Gary llogc•l)l>om th1t•w two loul·h<lown passc!S, 111<.'ludang :i 7H y;1rd c·at<'h-and ·run spC'l'tal'ular lo rooktf' fulll1m·k < :c•orgl' Pc•oplcs, r.ind Oallas roll1•d t.o a :w 2 I v 1t·t11ry ovl'r wrnlt.'!111 Nt·w England i"•il tht.• CuwboyS", ll was their St.'t.'Ond prl'lleason v11·1ory ll~Ulnst u loss. P a t r l o t Co a c h H u n M t.• y c• r , m a k i n g a hom1'l•um111g app.:aram·(• m Texas Stad1u111 where h<• lt.·d Suuthl•rn Mt·thod1st w a I 0-1 n.~·111 d last yt•ar. 1i. 0.3 m pr<.'St."ason play Cardinals 10, Bears 3 Cl llCAGO John Gallen ramblc.'<i 60 yards with an interception to 54!t up a 20-yard touchdown pass from Jim 1 lart to Greg LaFleur, giving SL Louis a 10-3 victory over Chicago. Gillen stepped m front of &ars receiver Calvin Thomas and grabbtng quarterback Bob Avel11111's pass lie• had the entire right s1delme IT THE opt'n 11nd run 60 Rtt-pplng out of boun Oiiers 2 1, Bucs rd• before inadvertently at th<-l 'h1n1go ~:J-ynrd lane HOUSTON H ustcm 'luartcrback Gifford NwlSt•n dlrK't.c.'l.i thr first-ha ( touchdown drives und Earl Campbell r hed ovc-r 100 yarcb for the C1rsl time s1m.•e <kt l to lead thc> Otleni t.o a 2 1.6 v1ttury over Tamp1:.1 Ba . Nielsen and the 1ler first team pluyed the enlirC' first hulf &gainat the Buc11' second-string defensive team and rollc.>d up a 21 -0 lead at halftime on touchdown runs of 12 yards by Campbell, three yards by Ronnie Colf'man and a 14-yard touchdown pass from Nwlst>n to Harold Baill'y Broncos 27, Vikings 17 DENVER Steve De&rg fired a pair of tuul·hdown passes and Craig Mort.on threw another to pac-e Denver to a 27-17 VICI.Ory over Minnesota. the Brom'OS' third straight exh1b111on Victory. Second-year quaru-rback Wade Walson went all thl' way for the Vikings, compleung 20 o f 37 passes for 208 yards and one touchdown. He was intercepted twice, sackt'd·four umes and fumbled an the end zone m the fourth quarter, g1vmg the Broncos their (mal t<1uc·hdown Cliff Stoudt passt.•d 26 yards to rookie· nght Pnd John Rodgers in the sec·ond half for another touchdown to help give th<' Steelers a 3-0 NFL pre-season record Giants 22, ·Jets 10 • ~pv11d.., d.iy~ ,ind 2 nl~h~l,1 M1.'!>tl ~c~ort c1111I cn1< •Y unlimlll'cl \!lill '\fl 'Hlr h 461 y.ml d1,1mpru11,h1p l O Lif'C lklUXl \!llC'I fi" •Ill. 11111 11111111\? lt·nnr.., ,111d 'wlm111111~ ore .il"1 r.ir1 <>I 1h1' u1mplt.·11.· P•'' ko.i\~' P.il ,1 Mt.''" Wl''orl 1' n1.·,1kd 1n ht .11rlll11I Nnr1h <;tin Dlt.'\?O * Racquetball · ~. EAST RUTHERFORD. N J Joe Dam•lu (..' 1111 111v <111 l'•"Y dfll1l' In 1111 h11mt.• booted five field goals as the New York Giants defeated the New York Jets 22-10 111 a costly exhibition game that saw Giants quarterback Phil Simms suffer wrn ligame11ts in his right knee that could sideline him for the season Complete pac ~a~e Inc ludes ... • 2 ni\lhts deluxe accommod atio n s • Unlimited Qolt with Sunms, fighting to retam has JOb after nussmg the last five National Football League regular season games and the playoffs with a separated . right shoulder, was injured late in the first quarter . when he was sacked by defensive end Joe Klecko and defensive tackle Abdul Salaam. Browns 20, Saints 17 NEW ORLEANS -Matt Bahr booted a 45-yard field goal with 4:44 left to hft Cleveland over New Orleans, 20-17. • 2 delicious dinners • Unlimited tennis Pf1one or write today for reservations. (714) 728-5881 o r (213) 688-7377 shared cart All taxes and \lratuities In c luded Sl''-'1.11 llV \ .. ~r r11 111 r.1h \•1 P• r n1~h1 f'lr1 ,' I· 1 'l<•n < i11ll1 r• •h.'hJ 111 .. , L •\'• ·•~"'" 1111. 1 .t .. v, ,, wn. L '''' llhlt\'1du11I n. 'l'f91lll• •fl"" t 1hl\ '"·•h h,t,~·d t •It dl 1uhJ. I H. \ U p.111' 9 .111.I .. 11,·r ""I ut 1hr11u1:h 11/15/ll'l) Ln the game. Ken Stabler returned to action m a Saints' uniform, leading a New Orleans rally which !ell just short. Stabler marched the Saints to a pair of touchdowns late in the game a[ter coming into the game with 5:07 left. Pillil Meso Kasort Stabler, cut by the Houston Oilers after preseason camp opened, joined the Saints cm Tuesday. U.S. dominates Soviets in m eet KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Rowdy Games and Mary T Meagher turned in impressive Victories as the United States won nine of 10 events Saturday and defeated the Soviet Union 224-156 on the final day of a dual meet at the University of Tennessee. The American men topped the Soviets 111 -7':J, and the American women outscored their o ppone nts 113-77 during the three-day outdoor meet m which no world records were set. Meagher, a 17-year-old from Louisville, Ky .. overpowered f e llow American Melanie Buddemeyer to set a new meet re<:ord of I :00.19 in the women's 100-mel<'r butterfly. The old rtc0rd was 1:00.40. Meagher, who holds the world record of 57 93 in that event, won the race only minutes after talting fourth m the 200-metcr freestyle Gaines, 23. of Wmter Haven. Fla .. set a new meet record of 1:49.43 in the men's 200-meter freestyle. The old meet record was 1:51.19 Gaines ·holds the world's record of 1:48.93 m that event. Costa Mesa's John Moffet. bronze medalist in the 100-meter breaststroke at the W o rld ·Championships. won the event an 1.03.15, 1 55 ·seconcis ahead of teammate Bill Barrett The American team of Moffet. Hering, Gaines ·and David Botto won the men's 400-metcr medley ·relay in 3:42.50, beatmg the Soviet team by 2 83 :seconds. UJUJC!JUU11C!J§ 11Utr~CB~UJU~CE ANNOUNCES * GRAND OPENING * NEW LUXURIOUS &,000 SQ. FT. AEROBIC CENTER OVER 13,000 SQ. FT. OF CONDITIONINO AND FITNESS AREAS \ A DYNAMICALLY ADVANCED CONCEPT OF r:· ~ 2 · PHYSICAL FITNE!S FEATURING: yrs. .• . NAUTILUS EQUIPMENT . COE AEROBICS •9900 ~ • OLYMPIC FREE WEIGHTS • !?AUNAS ~ •WHIRLPOOL > j1. •COMPUTERIZED DYNAV11: STRE~TESTING ~ • BODY FAT ANAL YSI~ • SUN ROOM • NUTRITION COUN ~LING • BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL • INDIV IDUAL PROGRAMS DESIGNED JUST FOR YOU ~ ')," «'~" R"~ ~~o PHONE Ofll!Dlfllll ACCIPTID -OHN 7 DAVI A W91K- CAL~ TODAY FOR DIRECTIONS 95 7-62~6 29111 REDHILL, BLDG. 1'D", COSTA MESA/NEWPORT LOCA TED IN SOUTH COAST DESIGN CENTER AT STONEMILL BU SINESS PARK *Olympic Weight Room *Heated Olympic Pool SERVING:· Costa Mesa South Irvine · Newport Beach Corona del Mar "for the workint parent & children K·6" BEFORE SCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM • SMALL GROUPS • STUDY TIME • NUTRITIOll • SUPERVISED PLAY GOOD FOR '10 TQWIRD 1 llOITH'S FE~ Coupon Off~ Ends Au9u1t 3 1 it L•------------------------------~ RAMS COACHES SHOW Hosted by Bob Elde r ' \ { \ ..,...-' / .... -,// 1' \ r" r With Ray Malavas i and the ~a m Coaches Sundays 8-9 p.m. 94KIKFM Oraoga County Sports and Stereo Country ~llyhW!QorJ , ....,._ .. OTlNlftd~U&A -,_ l~--... ---- -------"""-'=-----------...... - .. ' ..... , ~ . . .. . MAJOR LEAOUI ST ANDINO& American Leeaue Wll TIRN OIVllfON . l(anM• City Aneal• Cr11cago SHll~ Oiaiolano raxa.o M1nnetol• W L ,~ ~4 14 ,5 bti I 1 61 ti1 53 T} W :r •6 82 M1tw•uk1111 Boston BalhtT\Ofa Oetre<I N-York Cleveland Toron10 EASTlllN DIVISION 7S ~l 70 58 6\1 ~ ~ bl 6• 83 61 63 61 69 Salur..,ar't ScOI .. Boe1on 7 A"i!el• 6 I 10 1nrunq•) TOfonto 3 Nttw V0tk ~ \ 11 111111U\))) B•lhmo1e 8 Te••• 3 Oakland 1 Milwaul\111! 6 l(entas C11y 10 Ch1c~oo 1 M1nn11so1a 10. Clt.-C!land u Seallltt •. D;;1ro;1 3 Tod•f • oam .. GI , e I.I ,,. J4 J8 t 5 . 6 11 11 12 I I!)', Allgalt (Ronko 10 4) a1 Bn•lo11 (f < •~r,(~y , 1·10) New York fllOhn 9 10) al ln1t1n110 (Cl .. 111.y 11-11) TeA.as (tan~trhl 6 t4 ~ ~•1 OUll•H"J,,, (McGregor 12 12) Clevelano (Wl11tson 2 21 ~I Mrnno~nt• fVIOll 4_.) l<ansas C11y !Gura 16 81 M t..ntcAQu (Huyl 14-12) O aklano 1Nor11s 6 81 ,11 M1lwduk11e \McClure 9°6) Oel•Olt IU1our 7.7) at Suelllll tl'erry 1 111 n National League WESTERN OIVtflON W L Pel. Gii Docte-ro All•nt• 73 $7 562 71 57 S55 06 6.> 512 65 6!> $()() I 6. II Sen Oteilo San Franc•~o Houston C•nc1nna'1 61 68 •73 II • 50 79 J88 ;>2 I EASTERN DIVISION St LOUIS Phlladttlphra MontrHI Plllsbutgh Chicago New Y0tk ,, so 7 I 57 61 61 68 61 57 1' 50 77 S•turdar'• &e0<e• Docte-ra 7 Chie-oo 1 Houston 2 MontrHI O San Francisco • P111sourgt1 2 Pllltedelph1a 7 c1nc1nna11 t Atl&llt8 4 New York 3 OnJ~ games scheduled 57!> 555 527 527 •35 '.194 2 6 6 1a n Toder'• Gam .. C111cago (Jenkins 9· 131 a1 Oodg"' tWek:h tS-8) Hou11on tKneppe1 5 121 11 Mon1roa1 (Sanderson 1 11) Allanla tComp 9-7) al New York (Zachry &-6) Clnclnnatl reerenyi 8 13) al Philadelphia tCarllon 16·91 SI. l outs (laPoml 73.3 artd S1upar, s 41 al San Diego (Hawtuna 2 4, •'lo Wtl~h 7 5) 2 Prttsouron (Candelaria 11 ·51 •• Snn Fra•OCUICO tMar11n 5 71 AMERICAN LEAGUE Red Sox 7, Angele e CAL.IF DANIA llOITC»I ab r hbl llbrhbl Oo;o.n1ng If S 1 I 1 Remy 2b • 0 0 0 Car-lb 6113 EveMrl 5000 OeCl(!Cff lb 4 0 2 0 Rica II S I 1 I BaytO'r db S 1 2 1 Ytlrmsk• di! 5 0 0 0 Batltquaz rl f> O IO l •nsl0td • 3 3 0 R Clarlc cl S 0 1 0 6oQoS lb 4 I 2 2 Fwguson c I 0 0 0 NtChOIS ct ~ I '.l , Ori(;!> 2b 4 I 2 0 Slapieton u 4 I 1 3 w 111009 21> O 1 o o Ho"man u O O O O f'Olo as J 0 I 0 R M'""' ph 0 I) 0 0 Ro.Jackson pll 1 0 1 0 Alltn!IOI> c 5 0 3 I l(el-SS 0000 Boc>oe c •t~t ReJeci<son pn o O O 0 To1a1t 44 6 14 6 lol•IS 11 7 1) T k 0<e bf IMl"ill Caltfomla 000 OOS 00 I J 6 Bos1on 000 000 5 10 1 1 Two OUI wtien wmnrng run :ic;Oltt<I OP-C111tor nra 1 l~B-CahlOtnra IS Bolton 9 2B·DttC1nces 011ch Lansl0td Ntehols HA-Ca1ew 121 Baylor 1211 Steptelor (t 11 SB·Lanel0td 2 191. Bogos 111 Cellf«nla IP H II Ell ae 10 Wiii 6' • 9 S 5 0 0 Hau l« o o o o 1 o Corbell I 2 1 t I '.I KrlO!'l(L,7-S) 2' • 2 I ? ~ ""'°" Tudor S• • 10 5 •. j Burom1er 2'1 • 1 Clear(W, t I 7) I'' 0 0 0 J 0 Hass1e1 pitched 10 1 t>nll~• '" 111~ 71h T 3 20 A ·34 7'2 lllua Ja>" >. V•nh•• 2 New Yor~ 000 002 000 00 2 6 Toronto 100 000 ooo 1)1 1 q Morgan LaAoche (7t and B RAmo• Cerone 19) Streb 0 Mu1ray t 101 and ll Marllnez W 0 MuHay 8 4 L0Roc.ht1 •-2 A 35 06S Orlola• I. A•"il"' 3 Te•U 010 110 000 1 8 0 Banunore 020 020 O•• 8 1' 0 Schmidt Oa1w1n t81 Honeyc .. 11 181 nnO s..ndbttfg 0 Marl1nez and Oemp~ N 0 Mertrnez 13· 10 l SCllmoOI • ·S ..,R Bellomore R1pk..,, 1211 A 23 630 Twin• 10, lndl.,.• 0 c ieveia no 000 000 000 O 6 O Minnesota 30t 201 03• to u o Sutclllle Andt'••on (4) G1,n11 (71 anll B•n d o 0 Conno• end L•udner W 0 Connor 6 5 L SulChll• 11·5 HAS-Mlnn8'0t• HAtcM• 1?1 Gae111 1111 A 10 •S8 Aoy•I• 10, Whit• lo• 1 l(anaa~ Coty :no 00 t 000 10 17 o ChlCaQO 010 000 000 0 5 0 Blue, Castro Ull and Well\•n S1nuoh1 (81 Burns. E.tcarreo• 121 H>ckay 121. l amo 16) Trout 16! and F1111 Hiii 181 W Blue 10·9 L-Burns 13.s HR Cli•caoo. fro 11:>1 A-2•,38 1 A0• 7. lrewen 8 Oekland 000 120 112 7 12 1 Mllwauk1111 10 t 020 002 6 14 3 l enoro1d Owchrnko I'll and NewmArr Hu a. L•dd ( 7) and Yo11 W Langford 10 -to L-l •Od 1· 1 S-Owchlnko (2) HRa-Cool* 12~1 A-•3 OD9 M91lft•:~t ~~·~Ju 00() 000 10j J " • A NATIONAL LEAQUE Dodgere 1, Cube 1 CHICAGO L08 ANOlll ll ab , h bl •b , h bl Wlllio lU • 0 I 0 Su• JI> 1, J J 0 '11 .. 11fhcuo th 4 O o o t •nd•ttttv• cl • 1 2 t) OVC~ne1 lb ~ 0 0 0 Momllay 11 .1 I I 1 11\Utn!IAllll lh 0 0 0 0 R~t"«•o 11 0 0 0 U Motul11no '' • 0 t 0 (.unrr••n rt a 1 t l llurhKm t i 'I 0 I 0 Mll••Mll 11 I U 0 11 Wou<h Cl , 0 0 0 Cey lh 4 I 'I 4 tlttnc.h.t1~on If l t 4 0 Oorvvv H.1 ~ t 1 u J Oov11 t. 4 0 1 I YtJhQ•H t -4 () I O Bnwu •• j 0 0 0 Fiu>JMJll ,. J U U O 011011 0000 R"""' I> 4 0, I Krnv...: 1> 0 IJ 0 0 Nu10•11 /UIJO I .fmpt ,.11 11 0 0 0 0 l\u1111...iy >' I U 0 U IOHll~ 14 I 8 I TOl~I~ Seo•• by Inning• 111 7 I I 7 C'n~ aoo o 10 ti()() ooo I U• Arigete• 200 140 00• r li&n<JetSOtl 80wd OP l OS An11ule I LOB Ch1c..go 6 LLS A"Q<>•es 11 Hll C•r t 191 /El s .. 2 (U ) Gue11ero I 171 G&1vey t5J Sf t.e• Clllcego NOltt5 (L 8 tOJ Campbell Bild Kravec.. LOI Angel .. IP H 6 '.I 1 2 4'. ,., , 1 A Ell 119 SO Ii • \ ' 1 I 0 J 0 II I 0 0 I Reu~~ 1vv lJ 10, 'f 8 t n .. , Wf.J f~ttu)•, PB J D~v·~ f ,l .'" A ~rl.18 A•ltOt 2, Expo• 0 Hl\us1nr> 000 0 10 010 2 d n Morrlrcnl 000 000 000 0 6 I J N•'''-tt• ol•\J PuJOIB. L('il frymun t&I At'u.rchm 18> d11'1 Carter W J N1e;kro, t3 ti l I ~n 11-1 S Minton 1231 A 38. Hi~ Olonlt •: Plt•t .. 2 P111 sburgh ()()() 111 1 000 l & J San f ra11,1s•O 1?0 000 0 I• 4 I 0 0 ltot.1ms.r111 fekul>Je 18• a11d N1co:t1a 1ta111ma~e1 Minion t61 ano May Brunly 19) w IH1mrnJ•er 9-7 l 0 Robinson. 14·8 llR San Fr,1nc1sco May (8) A IS 7~9 PhllllH 7, 111141.1 c ·lf•(•llfhlii 000 100 000 0 rt10lddttfpniu ()()() 006 0 h 7 11 I Pul01• •••Y"" 161 HOl!IS ti I Puce.1111.nu Van Corder l(tu11.o w &nd 8 Ouu W K1u~ow 1J 1 L Pasio1~ 1 10 HI'! r>nrraue;"nM Ol'JJe•us 131 A J8 333 lravH 4, Mat• 3 Allan1a 000 tO I 020 ~ O >lt'w ,.,,. 001 001 010 3 12 ) Cdl'l\IJ C Ooai 18) Garb.,, t91 and 5rn•HO Ownl>"l M SGon 181 ano Boch¥ W C..rnp 10 1 l M Scou 7-12 S Garbe• 12s1 HRS Allllnla WaShtnglon 211.•1 N~w Yot• K1noman 1111 A 22.0t7 Top 10 ca .. .., on l20 •• battl Through Friday'• Qom" AMERICAN LEAGUE W WrllO" Kt. l'ou111 M•I Harutti Cle Ga1cua. To' Carew, Ang•I• McRae KC Bonnell lor E Murray Bal.• ~Elht COOP<JI M1I G All A H Pct. 103 448 65 15• H • 120 493 99 162 J29 122 472 89 153 '.124 124 532 80 169 J 18 105 395 151 12$ 311 128 487 72 15• J 16 115 377 58 119 316 115 4t0 65 129 315 93 331 '11 106 3 IS 119 502 79 1S7 313 Home Auno G T 11oma• M ilwaukee. 3• Ra.Jack eon, Allg•I•, :S1 Thorn1on. Cleveland, 27 Oghvle M1lw&ukee ?5 O.Clneff. A"i191•. 2~. • Run• Belled In Mc.Ra& Kat1sas City 1 t2 lhornto11 C...,eiano 98 G T nomas 1.Arlwau•ffl '14 Cooper M1twauk~ 91 Vount M1twauktM1 87 Pltehl"il ( 15 0.Clalona) Vu~ov1cn Mtlwau~ee. 1S ·~ 8u,ns Cnocago 13-4 SulClllfe ClttvPl•nd 11 • C.urllry New Y()(k 12·5. bhn. A,...le. 14-6. Gun a< anus C11y 16-8 Petry OelrOll 1• 7 Renho At>gal•. 1~5. NATIONAL LEAGUE 0 A8 A H Pel Oltve< Mii 126 •80 IS 161 335 Durnam Cn1 12 t 448 69 t"2 3 t7 Mlldlo<'k P9h 126 "71 79 1•9 3 lb Lo Smith Stl 123 478 102 150 31• Knight Htn 128 •90 61 1s2 l tO Buckner Ch• 129 52• 75 162 30'I Cati"' Mtl 121 •36 14 t3• 307 Gua•.,.•o. ooc1ga,. 121 451 15 1•1 .307 Balle<. Dodg.,• 111 Ml 11 137 .305 Concepcoon Crn I 16 «6 •O 135 30J Homa Auna Murph~ Allanta 31 Kingman New Yor~ 30 Car t~• Mo nrreal 27 Sc1>m101 Phrladelpllra 27 Horner A llanlo ?1 Gu•rrero. Dodgen. 77. Aun• 8al1ad In Murpny 1'llan1a. 9•. Buc~ner Chocego 88, Olr~r Montreal 88, Carll!< M0t1lreRI 88 C1a1~ Sao Francisco. 66 Pltehlne ( 15 decl•loflel P NoektO Atlanta 12 J Candelorl8 P111sbur9n 11.5 Rog,.rs, Montreal. 1t.7, 0 Aollrn&on P11tsburgh 14 1 Val•nruela, Oodg•••. 17·t , W•lch. Oodo•ro. 15·1. r'""" S1 tors 13 1 Le,., MonttARI 11 6 LI ttle Leegu. WOflLO Sf.Rll8 11-12-JM<-oldl (at Wllllemtp0<1. Pa.) Cllamplonthlp t<·'" o•\J Wash 6 Taiwan O 0..p Me ff•hlflG ART'& lANDl~G (Newporl aHc:h) -93 a119ters I 0on110 252 m&e•-152 '°"~ cod. 2<' sanCI baas. 62 kelp bass I catMiron 23 sculp1n, 9 "-OSllead, 25 whrla lrsh OAVEv·s LOCKER (Na•-· .. IC,,, - 180 ano•er• 2 barracuda. 6 llonno 67 calico b•ss 1 ha11ou1 •72 mackerel. t27 •ock •••" 63 sand oass. 16 yttllowl~rl I aote DANA WHARF -2 49 engl&rs 3 12 ~au 2 barracuda 142 t:>Onoto, 900 mackerel 121) roe~ trsh 1 wh11e sea bau . 1 lino cOd SEAL BEACH -244 ongle1s 28 barracuda. 86 C311Go bass. 4 halibut. 380 mackt11el 700 sand o a11 6 1 sculp•n (lla19e) -377 anglers 2 oauacu<I• J7 oonrto 1 11a11bu1 1,300 mackerel, 11 aand • , bass 3 sculprn. 1.250 wrllle cro&ker 750 • Qu_, !rah 14 perch ~· IAN Olf.00 CHIM Landing) 5'0 1 angle<& 806 olbec0te Del Mat UlUMOAY'l 1118U~T8 l,.lh ol U de, 11\ofOVjjhltted m .. tln9) ,llllf lilt.Cf I I 111 rtlllft• "' "'" "'" tMr l a11,1111 9 llO tl 00 J :to I lKI•••• Jurtu., t:'l•brllttl 11 00 ~ 00 t •ont•t I 111~ h «~•hOU•••Y'tll I OU Al1u ltiut•tl Mtur11nu Agftnt f•r••h.v 11• t tun11t;• JrH...-llt.t • Ou•• R•n1&,1 .. ''" Juh11 ~)utdour Uu1t41 /uUlf n Muk(tttn i>"u•t 1ir110 I 4• 110 H CONO 1'11'Cl . ii 1urlu11111 11111 HI (l1t111 tMt,l.8flOH) 101)() ti l Orll M•~k tC••1a11allu) 10 :tll l)f) Mr.Cultlu•oll (0t11Q8) 00 ~ 1111.,1<1<) •N<Olllf plftl,fl<I 1111111 Altw JUluU (.j'"'""' 11HHH-I JhJkft () , .. Aoct C,0111 (,.,httftti tuwou•• ~taOht •1ut ~>of~:,~:1J,'~•m P1tt~d"• tu l>1f k1.. Vr111"" 11111e I 011 II~ U OAIL Y OOUILf IA bl 1>u11l S411 4U THlllO RACE 6 tur10.1u• :Jurruy lt11ly11 lllluCk) 11 "° ~ 80 I 40 P•lr•~u 1<..1'10111..001 ti 00 • ~o l>UtnlhH f~hOOnhtktu) ) 20 Al•n tHC,HJ 1urty ~ L>•rlu1a Nu Mt>tflt tUut1a N11t1v" Gat 8nnonntt11~ S•t•hl My Javo11ttt Auu1 lrm., I 10 $S EXACTA 11141111110 U08 !>O fOUllTH RACE 1 It 16 mrltl• F1181 L¥rry tUh kl 8 10 :, 00 J 00 fO•le IV~tU••1tl b 10 J 80 CluOl•OU~ 1Mez .. 1 J :10 AtiU '""""<1 Cha1ueu• Cmly M11;1~, W111 n On IM Worro l ~111111 O•Oe•ol <..cxarl lwQ Adr 1111nus Supl)Of live l1n1 1 4 l l ~ FIFTH llACE. b lurlono> W1111 L10ton¥ 1Guurrn1 J9 80 Polly• Rulllf (Black) Ma11e1 Womor 1S11>111e1 Also r Kt ed M' Amba~~ndor 1u1101e Jo""· C•yo1111 Srnr 'JOO 4 8-0 2 80 2 80 900 (Jena Jo, l1m., 108 •15 ~ EICACTA (3 41 llllld sna OU SIXTH l'IACE. One miler J •O , 80 081110u Ni;hv" JVulon1uet~18 40 3 80 B"o" Ke (Mcabuort) 3 20 Allnllo tCl.!1ohous$AyOI 4 ?O Nathan, Oam~r A••<> r 01.uo Actuol Cuurr1 Srr Ottbonu" HO•<. Mn<J•ft M(.11 .. H111WI IJurn~d Tr~O"\urtt Mam .Jttl l•ITI<! , 37 SEVENTH RACE t 1116 mrltts N~w $Gore rM~llarguel 45 80 19 00 8 80 GOfrOI (Sn0<1maker I 6 80 • 60 Ce<.•~ Lil Bnndll (OlMlfMI 5 20 AISO raceo Shutiy Romlln M•1ttsty Clear \11"tcl1Ct O•sc•o•m A.,. ttousc Leoni 1te1e lrme 1 • • 4 ~ U ()(ACTA 19·~1 D••O S9?• !>O S7 PICIC Sil( 16 9 ) J 9 91 para S29 U J 40 w1lh tour -w1nnmg l<1'e1s, 1h..,e hOf5-eSI $? p.._. 5., lO'r!.olBhUfl 11010 S 1 71 •O ,.rlh 229 -N1m11n~ h<.kt't'l UO\it no' ~'6\J EIGHTH AACf. I 1116 mr~S AQ1tall!O lady tHBwittyl IS 60 6 00 2 60 Bt08dl8•1 (~IOhf)l•SSBifll • 80 2 •0 Cit.•morous Srr1'11 (McCa,,on1 2 ;oo AIJO racco woynea1111a G1ow•nQ Reo••d Cucr OOr lime t •2 •1S IS UACfA (6 II pdrd 113000 NINTH RACE , • mrlas on tu• I Our tlble (MCCdrron) 8 20 !J 60 3 40 Ec;l\o Piere (Haw111v1 6 80 4 20 Ct1aer On !Guerra) 5 00 A1so rac~o Co,oy Goller Cn~c..,er s 0 1pna11 Rt.1a<;o1or" O•evne Hollnw Ha"ijor W11h Or&e1e1ron Ivor Slrtlfll Accentuate, P11nc:e of Nmn Trmo I SO •1S SS PACU '1 '.ii pafd St5'T00 A.Ut!ndtlf''" ~2 01 t Hollywood Perk &UURl)AY'I RESULTS (10th ot 53-n19111 ,,.,,.. ....... u"ill FIA8T RACE. One~ pace Cllarcoal Hanov411 (Aubin) S 80 3 60 3 00 Pht)MI~ Jeck (r<uabi.tl !> 40 3 40 Rl!bl!I Rui.t tPlt~et) 3 40 Alto raced Jam .. Gr•ll•n. a<eys1one rrotl N Ouotn OI Oil K1w1 Berry Kahrkeloa V11:tor CMrlM Th., Liiiie F~lolot lrme 1S8•1S S3 EXACl A 13 1( pa1CI 144 40 SECOHO RACE. One ml'41 pee~ Hu~tlon Aus& IAndeUOfl) 25 60 9 00 ' ' Per~ Onedon 1S••e1n1 S 60 J 40 Curh• 11anovet (ltMllenor1) 5 ao Al~O fl;.ed f ..... Poc;•t'1 C•••o De• Smert Kool• lime 1 S7 THIRD RACE On" mrltt pi>ett SnowOaroc•tToCIOlll 1160 S&C 4&0 Wa11a•1 SuPti'me (Ande<sonl S 60 S •O \, C G•rl tPoro.,n 7 20 Also ••Ced Sk•PP<" Wyall Ottana S1000 True Trl(IA C Neve< Beller N l 1ke a Sno1 lOfd Br1oa0e le.i Et1011 N fttn4 201 115 U EXACT A 11 21palOS106 20 FOURTH AACf . Ono mile Pll~e '"'" Manne (Parketl 7 00 4 60 4 00 s.o Rov~ N (Todd) 10 80 7 20 l oc•ll~m (Sheri en) 4 60 .Also r•coo Von R1>•1. Denn POIT'll, Able Gold Sundence $pUr Alon Time McK,.nno lame 1 S6 115 FIFTH RACE. On<! mrla pace Mock Oooo•I IAndersont 3 •O J 20 3 00 Ostrllvl (HaynMI 8 20 1 00 Home Chance 1Conne11y1 7 40 Also racl!<I Burke s BrlQadft Spry Sam Pnnce AatG81 Armbro Brea N Ma• Bu;:;:o 1 58 'Jl5 ] $:1 UACTA 15 81 paid $87 oo-- SIXTH RACE. One mile pace \.,, BttnrOdden (Longo) 9 80 S WJaOO Tome Square Blllon 1v11nong11m11 t 20 &O Rex HMOVI< tSor'911s) 3 Also·~ Dallas Sl>Vf All••• N . Tor Knogh1 Andy Henll!\o Pele< Random Wind Der 0¥ Lord G11t Happy ,_ '!>6 .,~ U EICACtA 14-91pelO 1230 00 1£VENTH llACI . One mile Besl 01 Abbe tL'Ohth1h) 18 20 6 80 • 00 Hurrtea"9 Sliannon 1Bek8') • 00 3 00 Bay Leaf N tR•lcntord) • 20 Also rac~d 1 •m • M11e T 0 E•cort SultdAr1 Bye Bye Vector MA&18' JO't.• Tabb HAnover ll-1 &7 U EXAC T A I 10 71 oe•d S 164 00 llOHTI4 llACI. On• mite pace Willow Wiper (Mclean) • 20 3 00 2 60 M• Jim Boo (HendetllOnl 4 00 3 •O Bal t.~•mp (Perk" I • 00 Also rnc41<l Oeecon l ot>ttll, Flying Arvel Cou•AOl!OUS Rad. OOfl dO 11ano ....... Cowooy $pUI ~·me 1 ~011!> NINTH RACE. One mile pee.a Sco1111n loch (Vllndohml AA<on Chrp (Hend1raon1 1 ac1 Wave llongo) 23 20 9 20 7 40 •OO 320 ~ 00 Floyd struggles to three-shot lead AKRON. Ohio (AP) -. Ray FJoyd had some thoughts about the tough old Firestone Country CJub course after he'd negotiated his way to a hard-won, 2-under-par 68 and a three-shot lead -Saturday in the third round of the World Sen es of Golf. "l can never remember the pins sel as d1Cfk ult as they were today. and I've played here for 20 years. "1 think it's the thing to do. The golf course should play to it.a fullest and hardest with this elite field," Floyd &aid. "I'm Uck.led to death lO shoot the score I did under these conditions. I would have been ver y pleated with par." So wouJd almost anyone e lae In th e international gathering of 25. Betides Floyd 's effort, which was the best of the dAy, only two other aubpar round.a were ~rded. They were 69s by Tom Watson and Tom Welakopf. Only Floyd, grinding away on the best season of his two-decade career, wu under par for ~4 bole.. Floyd, who holds the PGA chl\mpionshlp and two other 1982 tJtlet and currently i.t the gamt-'a top money -winner. had a three.r ound total of 2~under-J>M 208 "The con<iuions were very difficult," Floyd said. "The pm placements were tough and the wind which gusted to 20 mph, dried out the greens and made them very d1 U1r ult to putt." The rest of the fi eld could only agree with him as the 7,173-yard Firestone layout regained its reputation as the toughest course on the tour. Jack Nicklaus, for example, made six birdies but could do no belt.er than a 72. He also had two bogeys and three double bogeys on the course that has provided him with seven career titles. H11ynle two-up at. LPGA event. HIGH POINT. N .C. (AP) -Defending champion Sandra Haynie birdied the final hole for a 1-under-par 71 and took a two-11.toke lead over Hall of Farner JoAnn Carner aft.er three rounds ot the LPGA Henredon Clas,,lc Saturday. Haynie, who hu an 8-under·par 208 tot.al for 54' holes, ma.de birdie on No. 6 to move to 8-under and 3 three-stroke! lead. But Carner, who has battled a cold all week, made birdies of her own on Noe. 7, 10 and 11 to puU Into o Ue. It wu 1hort·llw.d aa Carner promptly put her aecnnd ahot on No. 12 lnto the trees, eventually aettllna for boiey. Orange Cooat DAILY PILOT /Sunday. August 29 1982 flt\ AnLc. t ., • ., • nu••••" , •m•kf• kruun1 wan ... N()l)re ·~"II fl .. U•M N '(Ylt larlQ I rl411•~ ''" .. , ., / a &) l •ACU . tT f•l I'""' t 11111 110 b l'IC:IC 11• t' b 4 10 I> II 11e10 IH Ill UO W111lh uh• w+ttWf-U , .. 111•1 (•I• ho,..,,, &l P1<.• Sh lVf•tuiatM'>t• ll••Cl 1111 •II "'1h 'I WU\IHn(.I t• 9'etl tfl~e hUfM t) $/ J.IH"• -th Ut•llh t •t,••hl•flUU U••rt $I\ I ftll With 11 11W10n.O\J IH httl .. 1f1K1# fH.lf .. I UH .. Wl•tff\f llNIH RACll Oo•e 11111• 11"'• l•J.,•l l 1ot U __ , k•yt • t>O 100 l&O fhtt1Mtt1• tl;.111omftt) lfeoO\tl/W# ,c.,1~fHUil 11 4(1 10 40 8 IM) ,,,, .. A••o '•t ttO t.11tH1U••••nu•t•' µ""' C,c.ott1"tr1 RttmOnw Ru•tit •"ult Out1Mu1 .. Kl1J thtmttlfl A...t lune I ~T Q tXACIA IJ 1) pa1tJ U / 411 Altf"HOur•t n l t 09" World 8•rl .. or Oolf t.•11 Cal A~ron, Ohio) fi•Y r •<1yu 89 7 1 68 2on Soh Shu• .. , 69 bV TJ 21 I Cr••O Sta111.,1 70 61116 213 1•110 Ao~1 77 66 70 2 11 C.url•• Slr•1111e 7 I 71 72 21• Lenny W•O•rn• 70 72 12 2 1" l om K1U1 73 68 71 ?I• 1..,... w.,"~'"'' Tl ~6 69 :> 18 hu11uyuk1 No1•11111~ 7 4 7 I 1'l 7 1f Colwrn P.-•rr 77 1'l 73 211 rum Walw11 75 7• t.O 218 J•t'-Nrck•ou• 1 t 7S 72 718 JeHy Pat• 76 72 70 2111 Boll A01je1> 76 12 71 2111 Mu•a1>110 KurJrnnln 611 7• 76 2 t9 A111ly Beam 73.73 14 ~20 Sco11 Hl'K.h 16 70 ,. UO Ottnia Wo1w11 r• 11 76 271 Mark M~Nullv T3 16-1• 2~J e Nalt1an1~1 C1011>y 73 11 74 214 l Olly Gula 11 '2· 76 225 Bob Orldt!I 74 11·1S n6 ~om Tor,ont" 79 10·18 '121 O..oro" Butrr• 76 73·16 229 Lan y 01lllen 79•8 1 7 I 2'I 1 d amattt0r tt.nredon ClaHlc (at High Point, N.C.) Sand10 ltijynrc 73 6• 71 J08 ,JoA1111 Ca"""' 70 11°69 'J 10 Amy AICCrll 69 73-69 2 1 I Pal Brnllley n 10 10 2 12 HOiiis Stuy 68 7 1 73 2 12 Nancy Lopet 72 n 69 213 l.11lny Sner~ 69 72 72 2 13 Dianne Darley 71 68 7~ 214 Donna Caponi 68 73 1• 21~ Jan11a Coles 1 1 72 12 2 1 f> Sandra Sp.wcti 76 66 7 1 21!> a<alhy Wh11wQ11n 1!> 72-68 2 If> Karell p.,,m .. let 76 70 69 ll!> Slepllan•e Fa1wrf) 7• 7• 67 21!> Pally Sheehan 72 11 72 2 IS Penn, Pull 73 70 7 l 2 t6 Path Rruo TO 72 7• 216 Donna H WMe 72 70 7• 216 Je111yn B1111 70-13 71 :> 17 la..ra Hurlbut! 73· 7 t-74 218 Sylvia ~1oiaccan1 72-12 74 218 Ah!u ndra RB1nnardt 70-7._,. 2111 Sus.. Mc/llllSll!I 72· 72 l• 218 Cindy Lincoln 11·16 7 I 2 19 5h&Hey Hamhrr 73 7 1 -75 219 lllckr Tat>o< 1t•75 73 2 19 Jan Ferta11~ n 71-77 ·220 Ke1hy Hue 69 7S-76 2?0 Debby Rhode1 75· 70 7!> 220 lOll Hu•l>OIO 73 71-76 220 Be1h Solomon 73.74.73 220 Sanora Palme• 77 • 71 72 220 Bevttrley 0 COOP<I• 76 72· 72 220 Connie C1111111m1 73 75-12 no Bonnie Lauer 76 74.·70 220 Judy Clerk 73· 76-1 I 220 Lynn Adams 75.72.73 220 OotGermalrt T7·1'YT3-2'J1 Alrca M~er 75.72.74 221 Narrcy ubrn 76·72·73 221 Pa1 Oie 71·75 76 22' Ka1nv Pos11-a11 75-73 14 -2?2 Jane Crelle< '1·13·12 222 Leann Cassidy 7• 74·74 222 Jene Lock 7~7 .. 73 222 ChatlOlle MonlgQm..,v 76-7 .. 72 222 SaMy Little 75 11·78 222 Kello• Rinker 7S-7?J7S 222 Many Ole"'"'°" 80·68-75-223 Terri Moody 75·7"·7•-223 Cn111 JollnSOll 79-70 7 • 22Jliliio... Ca1hy Mani 78 n 1• n 'f'I"""'"' Date Eog18tng 76 7 4 • 7 • 27• Lenore Mu•tolt• H 73-77 22• BMba<I M1Jrallt8 77.74.73 22• r<•thryn You"ij 76 74 75 -'25 ee1sy K•ng 72. 73 10 ns Oebl><tl Skin~• 7• 75 78 125 Oeooae Mauer 76 73-76 225 Sue Enl 73 7• 78 225 Beve<ty Klu s 77-71 77 225 Mindy Moore 7>73-7.& 226 Jo Ann We$hem 72-72-82 226 Judy Dis 78 73-7S 22,6 M J Sm11h 79 72 76 2'7 V1v1an Brown!.,. 72.79.79 2~ G••' H•••l a 7• 77-78 229 Jul.., Py"" 7 8· 73 79 :<'30 Ca10<yn Hrff 76-7•·60 :<>JO "l1Ck1 8'nQle1on 75-7• 81 :<'30 Vrekr Fergon 76° 7!> 8 1 23~ M"''"n" H"9Q• 76-75-8 1 :<>32 U.S. OP9n q11allfylng C•f .... 'l'onr) ~·· llnglee Sean Brawl9'; (US I dll Pet~ ftamtno .tu S ). 7-5 7-S Lei! Shlru IU SI C!al Jolln l•oyd (Ore11 Br11a1n1 7 6 8 1 Hans Slmon•90ll tSwedttnl del N1af 8'a9" IU S ) 6-1 6-t w-··11.,. ... Kate BraJhtt< 1Greta1 Bnt .. n) de! Annal>flj C<ol1 (Gr .. 1 B111t1n1 3~. 6-0. 1-3 CHtmalne Chaco (U S) del Tlf'la MochlNllr tU S I 4-8 6-4 6-4 P11riva Mu•oo (ttaty) o.i Ca1men PerH 1Spa1n1 6·2. &-2, Cerllng Bau all fCenacl•I def IM<nadtttte Ran<llll1 (Aultrl hll 6-1 7.5 Men'atournament (al--..M.Y ) llnglM ,...., Guillermo V1l11 (Arg1n11n11 oel EllOI T•HSChet I S I 7·S 6·3 (VrlH Wins $ 10 000, Tell~ w1n1 $5,0001 Men'• touma~t (al J«lcllo, N.Y.) Samlflnaltlllflee G-Mayer (US ) del Mark Edmondson (AusHel1111. 6·• 6·4. Johon Krre~ 1Sou111 AlrlC•I del ShlomQ Ollcktle1n (lt1't!ll. 6·3. 6 1 Women'• tourntmenl (al Meflwafl, N.J.) ..... "•1\81 ''"''" Letgn Ann Thompson tU S I t:tet w.,.,dy White tU S I. 7 6. 8-4. Be111r1a Bu~ 1w .. 1 Germany) clel Claud l& l<ohmde IW•1• Go•m&ny). &-3. 7-S l rowna 20, lalnt1 17 ....... , Q,. ...... ""'* ',,, .... ". I 1 I._ If... 11•1 10 ,. , ... ,, .... , ... ,. "' XI ,, 1 ~•All Am• lft t1••• huu1 ~rlJe' tOatu llurLll' NFL UHl81TION Flem• 23, 8eahawkl 13 kore br 011ar1•11 ~••lllv II Cl I I• • • I ut Ai.vt1h,. I ' • I ~ " l A C •umHn ' um H ot t.tl • u i. 1 t A fl,mmarnt11 I IWI tlo.IC .. 111 ·~ •wlf t A r(,' >II ti 'J'1 •,tt•• Mll ullwu .~~ I' .. " It •m ti1 11tfq ti~ Johuaun ~,.".I ~H•tt fl• 14 Jot111i.1111 lf• '1tu1 tr, N JM•n"''" ,., l A t IH11mu'"' t t "°' (t ui1•f•111t .,11 ~t A 1)4 •d/ r .. m llallOllc• a.. I A f ., .. , O•JWU!J '" Ru•h,.•·v•ttJa r'tt •u i-'\IUHIO t1UtJ1t llt/ n .. ,rn n yt•• th ... l P;1•"1t I 1, JH t 111t\'k..-hy A H Purlh •• •• t 11mt>t"" 10")1 i J PNoi..lhfl' yuuh 4 40 tu•,.-. 1;t Pr,•~o•s1tm ~1 4f, Ill ,,, lh4 .. , /4 It 10 () 1 )'! I •II , t • •O I} M lnOM dual 'If ''•llCI tl1J!1Ulf,f.,, "••'ollllt• • Jnott. f, , ' Jil "''U • '' ()(l'("fHOjlj b , • l1;1jl1tt I I Ii.CJ• 1 fl ' lo-. Af•Q()tu• J I t1umu' 1..? t..1 l htv•thl A ~1 Utuuuutt I :to "'"•ttf1tf1'1u ~ lb Ii J .,,, l l!J fyln• -. •• C...um;tu t I •A Jf.Jtu•·· I rrnnu• 4 l'ASSIN(.; 5,.,ttl~ lOfn 11 •1 U t4 "'tn·~ HI 19 t 18/ l CJ'\ A oq.-.11 • It f 111' 11 lO 0 1/\1 MEt.ltVINC, Su•1114:6 ltl'U' ,~ ) ~'' IJUUfftlfl ... 3 ) ' W.lllo.tif ' fi~ 'll l• #" MtCu1111m 1 7• Joltnt I 1 J Suwy•• 1 ti-Ld,9en1 1 ~ f EIJowr1 • I' t" A11twi•• fttyttnt 4 4, lytlH ~ 18 W • hti,-! ,O J IMi 1 #'6 J fnomo-. I 19 Mith•• I 1 ll• u un ~ r-.· .. MISSED Fafl() GOALS s 1 .. 1ere 37, Colle 15 800•• br ou .. 1e11 Balt1mo1 ~ CJ r. 1 1 t P1!1tl/u1g11 ' 17 fl 11 Pu loornton l h•" ti..1c~ IU1lull1 P1t-&10illwtuU1 10 1u.1" lrun1 t.ir.111•.r1t•"'" ( l1oul kK.lol PH Statlwurlh ~ SJ01'h ff,.-,,,. t:Huttr..111'" (lrou1 k1Llo) Bal McM1llon b •uu t"1t.k f.11hm1 P11 FG r1ou1 ~O Ual· Fl. Woo•I J2 Plt·M OS-et 2 tUfl Clroul "IC.lo.) Pit RctdtJ4'15 29 pa~1 frt"ln :.lf11JCJl 1 l trJUf ~·c~I Bnl·Bem~h l PJb5 flom ''\t hlu .. tllt•, 1•11 lo tw1eo1 A 52 411 lndM<IU•I St•tl1tlco RUSHING Ba111mo1.: l>rtl\\t'lt ~ / J W11ghf 3-20 Sims 4' 16 ~ltl~hurgn Po11111 I ~· l3 t-4.trr•• &-2C, ThO,n1U•1 b ~·AJ Mr1t.et 6·22 PASSING 0dl11more P 1y .. 1 r. '-' 8~ Humm 2 1-25 St.hl1tnH•• 10 H r '!ti 1 P•Utburgn Bra<J~aw 1S 16 .16() I t.;1ou<J1 1 12 110 RECEIVING Ballrmo•" !:luu/d 4 51 Beac;h 3· 38 OeRoo 3 38 Puwl!lf 2 l 1 P 1t1,0urgh t18'Athorne & ~6 !:>tal wnt tt 3·21 Smun 2-79 Wrl!.O" :> S7 !>war111 l •b Tt')ornton 2 14 Cunningham '1 16 Ha'''~ 2 13 MISSED FIHO GOAlS Nr•ro• Chargere 23, 49ere 9 k O<• bJ ou .. ten San Fran~111eri 2 7 0 u 9 San 01eoo o 1 & 10 SF Sdtety 8h)(liil~ tac"ecJ '" ~110 10ht' SF V Wilham~• nm tWt!rK:tt1nq k1rt. r SO Brnolr.~ 19 pu\~ ''nm Fout'-(Benrrschke k1ck1 SO·C8PP11lle111 1 run (k11:k larl"'1J SO S•eveJs \8 OAS-; h f".11l1 Lutl+r' tBenorschke krc") SD·FG Ben11'>(;hke 5? 1'·•8:891 lndMdual Stalllllca RUSHING San Franc1s.t.t1 V W1lli,.,-utri T 33 P311on 6-19 Moo,e A I') N W1U111tt•• 6 1? Coop;.1 3·8 Easl"Y 3 3 Ml1n11ona 1 I Churchman 1-0 San O•eoo 0.,11 14 411 < Wlllrams 6-2t CJP1J8llP111 S ~ 1 n .. ,., J 4 Broou 2·0 PASSING Snn Fr.in~•lCO Mo111011d 22-32.0-201. Cl••~ 1 2-0· San Ooego Foul• 11 19.0-161 lulht>< 6~ 12-1 66 RECEIVING San F1anc1~0 Cl•tk 5 6. Young •·28 V w111rams 1-21 Snleom"'' I • 1 Nenemoan 2-23. Moore 2 10 C.or•IH'• • ~ Ramson 1 25 EaSl<ty I ·0 N Wrlto '"'' I I S•n Diego Wms•ow • SJ 5,,...., .. ,, :\ '' C11And1et .,_.. B•oo"-s l 18 11>11>r•1 : • 1 Ouc'worlh I 18 C Wrlltams t Cj f'IHO GOALS MISSED Noo• Lion• V , Bengal• 23 Se0<e bJ Ou•rt••~ OfoH0.1 Cinc.1nnali Del FG Murray 27 C•n·FG B•A<Kti 25 3 1 • tO J I' 3 0 Ctn A Grtft111 '9 PlU~ trc.•m Andet\C'1 tB•ee<:h ~•<•I Df-t·tMt 22 pass lrom 011n•ehuo •Mmr.t~ kl(~) Cm T1ht 100 l>.<.t-..oft relutn 16rf"Wh ..,irk On fG Breech •2 ~Ill •18 oass from Oatt1elsun (Mm•.lv l\l(k) Cin ~G B•l'ecn 39 Del FG Muuay 46 Del Martin 8 pass hum Ottru~l!.nr" 1Mu,,Jv k11:k) A-45.365 lndl•ldual Sl•ll•lle• RUSHING Oelr0tl, BuS!M!¥ 12·6) ~rng 12 58 Hrppl~ I-1 I Bake• 2°11 Callr<ull J 2 C1ncr1>ne1r Johnson 8-JO fdl" • IQ Harg1ov~ •· 15 Curll~ 1 1 • Svdnf'v h Bush 1·0 PASSING Oe1orro11 111pplf' 1n 19 'H 0 Oametson 9-19¥ l36·2 C111t.inndh A11Uet,nn f>. 10°115·0. rhompson I 5 16· I S<•ona•al 9 13·83.() Coll1nswor11> 1 t 10 O RECEIVING Detroit '~'" 6 80 Krtl\J 6 61 Scoll .J-60 Port"' I •~ Bu-.e~ ? t • M 8r&tn 1 ·6 Cmcmn"" A (;11tfin ') 8~ Hotman 8-77 f••11an'r ').CO f\tP•df'r t I' JOllnSOll t • 13 Sydn"y 2-rnro~• • MISSED flElO GOALS tl""" Giant• 22, Jet• 10 Scor. bJ ou .. tart 04 Y Jtt1S N Y G1an1s NYG.FG Oalll!<O •6 NYG·FG Oet'elo 40 NYO-FG Danell> 31 NYG-fG Oane4o 20 0 0 10 0 , q 0 10 10 I~ NVJ.-Ray 35 PISS •ntetf't!'()I Q 1lf'tH1y ,,, .. , NYJ fG Leahy 20 NYG·FG OanelO 27 NYG-PJ11m4n 55 punt return tOaroMIO k•C~l "' 7• 564 ln<llvklu•I Stell•tle• RUSIHNG N Y Jel; 01~1> 111g I i McN!"I • 1 Auouslny1•~ 5.; Hnrpm ] 1 !Odd 1 4 A•m•l') I-minus 11 Newlon ? I Ryl.H\ t.A Le w15 t 5 N Y G1pnts Mt")r•1!J 1 I 43 Cha1m•n 1·?9 Co11e, 10 73 WoollOlk 6 23 Brunner 43 3 Mr911P• l·m1no1 1 PASSING NY JP.I•, T(l(l(j T 15 1 7() Rya'I 4-11 O· 18 NY G1a1>U Srmm' 5 9 1 3•, Brun""' 10 ?4 3-89 RECEIVING N y Jell, Oterk•no 5 ~.l H••Ptt :>-1J McNeil 1 8 /lugus1ny1Ak I 12 L-15 2-7 N Y 01a1>1s Mrslltlf 5.53 Cofl!'y 2·7 Moma 2 18, Mull80y 2 t6 Cholrna11 2 7, FHeoe 1· t• Pntman 1 8 MISSED fl[lQ GOALS None N Y 0 Hlnla Oftnelo •3 N Y Jets l h II 1 '1 I I I tt 0 t I )HI fAt 1)4.,M•ltj tt.1 .... "-"' tUJ t. I' •·J-'' ." fOH 1-'11'14'1...,, ·t(~I ''" 1'\111•4 0,,. I, .. tAHt• ''"'" ••t•f.J l t fl II If I ~ A ,,, t lndlvldu.i Blallollco ... , lfH-4 . • ... , ••• ,, ,,.,.,,. I'" l lf ii ti I I 1 ti I h "1 /t,UPl!t 4 ft M l11111Al1I t fu f1111 l ,,,... O•lnen1 (J 11.~;""'-· 1.,. ;,1, .._11~1111 t ) I I h ••V .. , I H M lo111t•• t ff'"' • 'J4 Mt•f.,tlU\ 'J I 11r,Ut1t \ ~ t ti 1f~1U t tj (u11u" I (, M4'\1ll ,,. l•A•,•,1,.,1, l 4 M1 rJ111tt1tl •,, "" 1 N t •,.t I I ti IJ IAll ( 'M\IOh•l111 111 t* 8 lij () f1 ti Ii 14 / N"W fJrl•Uttt Mto l-'1•11 I '0 , t ~.1~11lt" UI <,I Vlfl'J ( ht.iul.t1111 Wh111t t Jt. W.Jl~111 t f,H '40....,~wut• 'I •' l Adiftt., J b0 t titU l+Hr • t•+ -'hHll I I 1 I hll 111 1•1 lh,1 .,,111 i 1111 H11l'w •, ~' t t f1 fto'°'Hr• I 4' 161ttf1h•U t f1 t l1•rrt1p'w ' •, t • 'it iJll l & r .1uU+ I t I W1•·>1111 1 M111rtn I H I yl•f I tT11t1~a. 4 Ml't··t 11 J 111 IJ J'[" , (,fHt;ttlHfld 141•1!' '·"'••'•IS ·H t4o .... t111 1;• At ~1~11 ll ti i.JUO ,, • Falcon• 24, eglee 21 I Hl(>Af" l Art lll=';tH f Scofe b• Ouatt•t• t•• 11 1 h1t1.1 ; J 0 I l• lt At! Hotu U) O I 1'4 Atl M•llto , J ""-.' '"''I h111,t~c.1w,tr1 " ,, ~''"''•' ... ..,, All f lo Nor.,•>00 Ill A 11 •tutlu• u, ""~"' t1um 8•ttltn••"• I •t\.-•rt\H\I '°•4..lit.I Pht M,,,,.,, 4 111•'' hom P1\1:trc1k tJ•c.ooe ... , ... ''"' •t.u11. 1 ,.,,. IJo ob• lo.1t-.1 111 1 W v •>• uU l'f 1 1 1 Ir vrn P~3HUC1to 1 l.ftt1h\ ........ , .AH ',tr11011 1 un ''-'•1f#• od ~ 1< Ii' I A 11 lndlvldual Sl•ll•llco JHf'1t'O•H, r •HJI"~ H11tf1f)r,,(.IU 4 · t7 Mw•IO""" ,, s 1> 1m1kH ' 1 ~ Fdlt.on• S-tlJt#•IV>FJU 11' 41 ~ti • .,a .. 1 I • ) 0 Wt111~. 12 PASSINIJ r •UI.. JuwOtal g 18 80 0, f'liJ• r 1~ 1 t •' t .'4 t 0 f .1i1.•jt1' bmU• 0"1r\._, t'\ 2'\ 1'lt1 0 lU t' tt' • l;(a .( IVIUI, I •11•··· N Oullrull .. 79 """ • I ij 1 11 '"""h 1 1ti r •Icons Hodge .,.. t1 \ 1 J.u.tiri ')•Jn I .'O M•ll(•• ' 13 8111lt1y ;-? 1 Ml'i'il I) I IE t I) l,OAI ' f ao1 ... 0 '~ll•JH .. C) r COLLEGE I Top 20 t '"' '', ''f' '''" tt,,1r1,, 111 1 h .. A"J.~oc1ate<J I 'U!• llh'\tl I ,« '' 1 • •lfr•()to IU(ltlJ.)11 f1t')U WU., ''''' '" •' • ~ut•· ,, i• 111' ltw~flJ\ l1l\f yttar ~ , .. , t•hJ~ UU1 lfilji ,,,,,,,, ''H•llf•, t,, . .)~f·tJ Of\ •111 ,., 1~ , u ' 14 ·' • 1,. ', to tJ e / 6· •• 4 :.\ ;· , 1 J.l11t tJl1J ~ W~\t'•f•Ultir1 •I' I t A1,J1.>.-.mo tlt l ..... l)fd~.k.t • , Un,111l,\ottfl10 1 f7t '"'h"'" M1tro1ta.1 ,,,..o!•J'O n f't•flf lnl"' f ll.,ldh •t1. U) r,...,.,11~ .. , n (. 1 11 Clf•n1'ut 11 ·1 ~ {' y 1'1 11 Atk .,.,.,I 1.S Ohu <:i,t,,,,. •, M1.•tn1 ••• 'f ll<lf , •• '1 r ,;,,.,. '~ , .. ,Jlr•· lh1"·· \(• "'''''""' .. ,,," '0 tlf:I A I I 1·0 Ill, 0 '~ ,, ' ., ~ 0 10 2 0 10 1 o 10 •' 0 tO ~ 0 1 I t • l·O ·~ 0 0 q) 0 H 4·0 I I 0 !1·7 0 1 ~II 10 1 t ~ti u q; 0 1 4, I I 092 I (){)A 966 949 663 743 698 &52 6'.18 624 ~61 ~!>l 471 •2'J 396 jS7 n 6 157 1~5 I!>() World Speedway Champlonehlp• (al lo• Angela• Coll••um) Fina! Order of Flnl•ll t IS•u~ •• 1• .. nt1u1• fU"•led Stales) 1.c ? t ._.,, C 11.r• If htJltJnOt 1 1 Oe11n1!. S.gatos 1t.m1t .. rt ~tllt""ol 1;/ • iJ<P'lt'f MC>tJtn tUn•leo Srdlf\t t 1 '• "4 .. h11y t4l''~' 1Eng1anO). •O 6 ,.,,.\ OJ"" JP,sup •Eng1and) Hans Nielsen tONHn&t> • anct Jan Andttr'\On tSweo'&nl 8 ltH .... )f ••·r •ttf'fhr ~""'a~1aJ ano I tJwu10 I"'" ..t• l 1..,v tf•!JI 7 1 t C.t."Org tioclt. 1W.-l <";tt'"""'"'• t1 1'1 tttil"I Ptt1~ CoO.ns r,1 ll4t•OI "' J .,_a nt·"l tf 1n1111\J ~ 14 Ptul 1 , '"'"' 1A1.1&tt.1 , • t' v.,c111it 11e1n,., tl:.1•• hu~''., '"" ,, J i• •.J!,~~il•i ~'.~uostin ~(""' \)t!I(" [) AlrCal 500 (al Rlverold•) 1 ht'! ttn• •JC,, I r t dtJ t ~ A. ti (.,41! "un ... JOmfttt·' t•Clv l ... I f"p with typ.,. "'CO' 1111t NJl1f.-r1q \f r-t~d t1 nipt \ "''\ 1 Cu\Jitr ''• .1o.-PC tO~f t .. ftJ 111 41,• 01,.,,~ .. lhwt-r<t.Hh1 llernai1onal 14 .. 1 I 'A'•lt ~ j 111+\t C, u•• (~ lf"'(.t)llj !if 130 003 t•t I rid:." t ~ M,,, ,,. ANht+ltlf •' M IH• 01Htn•'I~ W1hJ(,•I i;H CUf\llioOtlh 111') foO i Ootot•, rt 11 1• M 1•Lt f".;•c t~u'Swo1H\~ "·hJ 1k' 4 Ru ~ M• ,.,,., I •·na1o u l't 10 Ford '~''' (Jti. ~ • t 11 1 '' J ,, H n' k w d c .t t H~ l. l~Wf!I "' ' 1• tf-0 ft (.,. P ' I It t .1 h 'i 1 '" M tt r c ~ Hit lb t.U'·W' '"' 1'1M. 1') 1 Al U'••.ru I 111gh11,n I n O'Ui t..o~wnrth 111\·IM A p,.,,. •• ,,,H ,., r 1nJ• < ''"'*H•lfll '·' ~f~l t M ~·· J• i I ,., [•I~~' ( ,,,.~,01<'1 1;7) I 1( Ai ''"t11 ¥¥' h &.·t \,Ot w0ftr1 ''" "''' I I Hri¥rrh tivlmt•i M1H(.I· l'!:i'l .. Co,worln 1~•· t, 't/•'" "' t Ut ;l.H Y•l' I e,·f Ct'l,wPrH1 '"!t IJI' 1' '"'" ·,. "", ~ ••1.tt e:ic o Co"-iwtwth i •• ;,.~ I .t ft.. I U,..t l IP ~ "' •'' \I 'f\orJ•tfr •l• f 0 t••ut• ttn 111 f •\I tt C,,",.ro1,.1 t.J 1 H JOf· r Rutt1,.-tft)t'1 l.Af"f" 81C I ,. •ti 1. • 111~ 1 (hf lo'U t ,,,, f i l)i,. C l\,W0t1f\ •nit UI l"tuc.fml t•h•t M;•c.h[)..f1 COt~th 111 SO• t 1+ I , t,1.-H•• r1t •"'••n '-"••ch 8.>t l ri """'m t. t fi'fl "0 IO\f\ltt f•itfl .. r·f"n~•t-P(.: Q l..O,wo rth 1/0 t ,, .. ' (,ff!O '•·•i i• t ["Qltt C hl'"'olet 1~1 14"4 '· Jl ht•n 1 ~ .t• "n11s Jr b.'t. lo,wnflh 11;t ~AJ ;it t11r 1>o f "'iJ•''"" l .•u'• Ch•nirnt~t \I' }44 l4 lil( .. I mon w ... l'\OH t.o•~onn ,, .. 011 .•', U1ll T ••1f'q11+r•1 l ,inohnrn t ht'lvroleL , lh 8-11· ;•f\ J(ln ~ ; ,,, r'th .. ~\• PC. 1 r.:n,woftn I lfo 8~4 , 1 liill .Ah1.1l PeM•1• 1•1, 7 c.os.,.orm , If•~~, ,1d ftC>Qt'' M1111• .. P~n~iil" PC 1 CottwOdt\ I.,,,,,~ ••••I lour llnvt,,'I •h1000 tn O••ouutt 2.-.c.a, ltHf'\IP Uy ruomnt~r \ ""CH1on 198:/ us Fish&More' $2.49 0111 lamou'> f1'>h ~More · ha., lwo cri~py f1~h fillets. fresh cote ... law, noiden h yes. and two er unchy hu<ihpupptc~. Who could ask for more? 3095 Harb or fllvd. In Costa MC~ll Om 1 'oHlh ul \tin tilf"w.•• • """t' "' .-..,, ft om 1-.1111 14715 lt•fh('y Rtl , . I 1 I . . . . -Orang• Coa1t D.AILV PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 29, ieea BEST USED CAR . BUYS ·. IN ·ORANIE· COUNTY I 1111 PEllEOT 0 104" llESEL 4 speed tran1.. AM-FM cassette, power steering, power brakes, power windows. sunroof & morel Very clean! (049TZU). A real steal at below wholesale bluebook at just 53999 1110 TOYOTA OELICA 0 1T" Popular 5 speed, with stereo, 1111 w heel, custom wheels & more. Excepllonally clean In every respect. (946YZE). 55999 1111 TOYOTA COllOLU WllOI Popular 5 speed trans .. ai r conditioning and AM/FM stereo tape. (245WAN). Room for the whole famlly at the low prlee of just 53299 1110 M&Zll 121 OUPE 5 1peed, air cond., stereo, alloy wheels & more. ( 195ZUY). Don't miss this one for only 1111 YOLYO 0 2441" SElll Automatic trans.. air conditioning, power steering. power brakes. cruise contro,t & stereo tape. ( 187XWB). Exceptional thruout. Hurry on this one for jusl 1110 TIYOTA CllESlllA SEIAI The "ULTIMATE" Toyota with full power. air cond., stereo, tilt wheel, C:rulse control, cu1tom wheel• & morel (720ZEG). Low mllet. Now just 58399 Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but conskter our plussesl We will advertise, qual- ify all prospects. take trade-Ins, have available financing & do all paper work! When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TAIEX renresentattve to list your car today! 71 4-646-9303 71 4-540-9467 All units plua tax. 11ceiise. S20 doc. leee. plus dealer tldded acceMOl'le9. All cars aub)ect to prior ..-. 8.,. end• Sunday, 8-29-82 at close or buatneu. TOYOTA ·1966 Hat'bor Blvd. COStaMesa 1171 TilOTA OlllLU 2 DOOll Economloel 4 lpeed with air cond .. 1tereo cassette, exterior tri m package & morel Very clean & completely ortglnaJI (347YBK). 53999 1111 PLYMllTI UlllW "II" OllPE Equipment Includes 4 speed transml11lon, radio and heater. (744WRM). Economy plus comfort for the low price of only· 53199 1110 MEllClllY OAPlll UFTl&CI Economical 4 cyt engine, 4 speed tran1., air cond., stereo ca .... pwr. 1teerlng & brakes, rear window ahade & exceptionally clean Inside & ootl (43493F). 55999 1171 TIYOTI °CHllOOI" MOTOlllOME Immaculate thruoull Options Include 4 speed trans., r adlo & heater. Room tor camping & the whole family! Mu .. seen to appreciate! (724RFM). PR CED TO SELL! 1171 TOYOTA SUPRA 0 SllROOF" The ultimate Toyota with full power; air cond .. stereo, crulte control, tlll wheel, alloy wheels & morel (964XMN). Don't mlaa this one at only 55999 1111 nmao "SUllllll" Oll PE This all white beauty has a~ automatic trans., air cond .. radio & heater. Immaculate In very respect! (5 f6ULA). Hurry on thl• one for fu1t 53799 (714) 646·930! <714> 540-9467 Opien·Wllldlys 8:00 a.m.·t.00 p.m., S.turdlya 8:00 1.m.·8:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.ni.·7:00 p.m., St~lc• end Perts 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Mondly·fridly, slturdly 1:00 a.m.-4:00 'p.m., Body Shop Weekdlys 18:00 1 a.m.·~OO p.m. Cal 631-"32 • I ! .. ~------·-----·-~..---------------------- ... ,_ ... _._ ..... ._ ..... " ' . .. Classics Hold court The news about men's fall fashions is almost anticlimactic. There's still plenty of room to experiment ·with colors and styles in sportswear and accessories. But traditional or classic designs, perennial favorites in the clothing industry, .will continue to hold court. Tailored clothing for the autumn look will be resplendent with elegance and sophistication, without sacrificing function and com.fort. l{atural fibers -~ure wool, silk, and cotton -will take tlielead in all a,ieas of men's apparel. And the textured look of tweeds, twills, 9abardines and corduroys will complement the more formal smooth-finished weaves. · The traditional look will feature deep earth tones, 1uch as mocha, mulberry and plum. But claHic colors and styles will continue to dominate.: navy blue, qray and basic pin stripes. . "The la1t dramatic change we had in the traditional field wa~ about nine yeart ago and that's when the la~ls and tiet were very wide," says Bjorn Sedleniek, of Fashion Island's P.0.S.H . "That period was short-lived and it really didn't follow the whole concept of traditional clothinq. "The concept is to have no chanqe. If there is goino to be change it'• a very slow, evolutionary chanoe." The economy and the political climate tend to thape the look of men'• clothinq each autumn. Motion picture• alto add special demandt to the clothing industry. . "Raiders of the Lost Ark" gave us the basic fedora hat worn by Indiana Jones. Another piece of headwear, the boater, was reintroduced in "Chariots of Fire." But, Sedleniek notes, today's clothing buyer doesn't necessarily have the budget for an unlimited wardrobe. Nor does he wish to make an annual commitment to a new closet full of furnishings. Three new suits ~11 do where a purch~se ,of six would have been the norm, he says. The demand is for materials of higher quality and durability in styles that will last for more than three years. Buyers are shopping for an investment in clothing; longevity is the watchword. "It's just too expensive to have an obsolete wardrobe," says Gary Wasserman, owner of Gary's in Fashion Island and Marina del Rey. "We believe in evolution as opposed to revolution. Instead of fads or trends, we're interested in style, taste, quality, classicism and a more enduring life." Pure fibers are highly regarded tor their durability. .A lighter weave makes for year-round popularity of worsted wool1. Sedleniek 1ay1 pure fabric• have the ability to rejuvenate them1elve1 durinq use and dry cleanino. Man-mede fibers in blended material• tend to work aqain1t wool, 1ilk a~d cotton and, in time, cau1e ----• ____ ;:J._ --- Story by Joel C. Don Photo by Gary Ambrose garments to lose shape and form. "The customer is not gojng to waste money on . clothing," he says. "He does not want to go out and buy a lot of clothing. He would rather buy high-quality clothing. "He has learned that quality is worth it as long as the style doesn't c hange." Thouqh vested suits remain popluar, Sedleniek says demand appears to be brewing for the conservative look without suggestion of power and formalitytbat a vest gives a suit. Two-piece suits are lighter for the Southern California environment and often carry a more aqreeable price taq than their three-piece relatives. Sedleniek forecasts more dramatic chanqea in . neckwear, with unusual colorations desiqned to spice i· up traditional earth tones in suits. Collar s and poeket handkerchiefs are coming back accessories and white collars on shirts add an e eqant flair. There's more freedom in men's sportswear, where less of a dent on the pocketbook allows a splurge or two. Also a limited budqet oan be stretched by mixing and matching a limited wardrobe, .says Wa11erman. But the empha1is, he adds, should be toward the masculine, more a9qre11ive look. .· · , ''The maaculine look opened the eyes of th~ ! industry to more interestino, 1¥,• predictable, more : individual concept• of dre11inq, ' he 1&y1. "That w&1 i qood for all of UI." . -... ft ........ ~~ 0 0 a a ••• 0 0 =····· a o • • • • '+ • p VI Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunct.y, Augu1t 29, 1882 Ba ld ing ? Ta ke heart, here's how to grow ·it back BY VIDA DEAN o.Jtr ,. .. , heuty 1c111ot A fri('nd gave me un ml.4•rC'iitlng book on hand reflexology The author Pxplarns that by manipulating rcll4.•X "buttons" 1n the hands you can relieve all manner of : aches and ills. I came ·across an int('rcsting chapter dealing with baldness and graying hair Most hair people say the re's nothing you can do about going bald -no potion or massage will make hair grow back. But i' this book on re flexology, the author says that by rubbing the fingernails :on one hand across the fingernails of the :other as if you were buffing the nails with ·a buffer you can stop balding and graying. This exercise is done for five minutes a t .)east three times a day. · The author warns however, that the tniracle of new hair won't happen in a day or two. The buffing builds up the entire nerve force of the body and stimulates the hair molecules to re newed life. von The author then gives an example o( u man who dfd the buHing bit and first grew a little fuzz that turned into a luxurious head of hair. Anyway, you'll have to admit it's safe, and the price is right. It doesn't cost a thing to rub your fingernails together while you're waiting for signal lights to change'or while sitting and watching TV. Estee Lauder has created many fragrances. Her latest is J .H.L., and it's for men. J .H.L . was created oriRinalJy she says, for her hu1band, Jc>tieph II . Laudt>r, unu m October it will ht-avullabll• to all men wherever her Aromas products art-8<>ld Wlth the t.'Ologne is & complNe m Uection of men's t.oill'lries and personul at'<.-essories. The company dcscritx'll the sc.:ent as a fragranc.-e "that sparklc-s with bcrgamot and peroll and herbs li ke thyme, basil and tarragon. (To me it smells somewhat lih.t· her Youth Dew). The fragrance is in a bottle inspirc'CI by a sherry decanter in Lauder's London home and the detailing of the cap (madt• from statuary bronze) was taken from a drawer pull on a Chippendale desk in Lauder's library. The J .H.L. monogram on the bottle is from his engraved Informal stationery done in Paris. The ebony and white pattern on the carton was taken from the silk jacquard lining of one of Lauder's smoking jackets and the saddle red on the cart.ouche and inside lining is the color of his morocco Keepin g up with twins to st ay tri m Michael McCartin jokingly said he stays trim by trying to keep up with his 3 1h-year-old twin daughters. But, his wife, June, says it's because he plays basketball and baseball during city league seasons and ls regularly on the tennis courts. "He loves sports and besides that," she said, "he's always been trim." The 33-year-old ~ttorney was born in Pensacola, Fla., but has spent all but two or three years in Costa Mesa. The McCartin twins are Jennifer and Megan and the couple has an 8-year-old daughter, Laurie. · The family belongs to the Halecrest Club where Michael is president. They also enjoy camping and water skiing. Michael attended UCI and OranRe Coas1 College and received his BA degree from the University of Redlands. He is a graduate of Pepperdine University's School of Law. , A certified family law spec;ialist, Michael is a member of the Orange County Bar Association and the California Bar Association. He is the son of OranRe County Superior Court Judge Donald McCartin of Costa Mesa and Ruth McCartin of Laguna Beach. On th e cover. . . ll1t1thl•r pa~porl l'al'it' In each of L11u1h•1 ':. drt·~·ong rooll'Ui, he tws a dressing mirror with ~lurag4.• for Muds, l'I.<.'. Th4.• "furn1tun"' for th<' J .H.L. rountt>r du;pli!y w ai. 1mipm.><l by his fa vontl' dressing mirror, an Hith l'Cntury Sheraton pit.><:t.>. Thl' company's d esign department found a similar on(• in ConnN:ti l'ut to Usl' as a rnodl'I for th(• c:ounte r furnitun• Now, c>ve n 1f you hatl• the fragrance , you'll have to admil this promotion story is great. The c:olognc comes in three sizes, 1. 7, 3..t and 5 ounces, prwcd at $30, $45 and $60. Other items m th(• l'Ollt'Ct1 on are after shave, after shavl• moisture balm, cream shave and natura l bronze ("a gel containing a little bit of the sun's own color.") Also a bar of black soap that lathers up white: a liquid body cooler that goes on liquid an'ci then dries hke a powder and an antiperspirant bar. SUIT ABLY ATTIRED -Ralph Lauren designed the three: piece suit worn by Michael McCartm. The natural shoulder classic style is made from imported aJ1 wool doeskin flannel ($485). With ii he wears an imported cotton pin-point Oxford cloth shirt with contrasting collar. ($47.50). Finishing touches are a collar bar ($7.50) and a pure silk pocket square ($1 5). (Available at P.O.S.H. Fashipn Island). Michael McCartin of Costa Mesa is portrayt:d by Daily Pilot photographer Gary Ambr~. F'ASHIONS: A Ralph Lauren sport coat made of a blend of 90 percent Shetland wool and JO percent linen woven into a cla.ssic rountry plald. ($295). Classic crew heck pure Shel.land sweater ($55) worn with cotton shirt and 100 ~rcent wool trousers in a hardy twill finish ($85). The ensemble from P.0 .S.H., Fashion Island, was coordinated by Bjorn Sedleniek. CAR: 1973 Jensen Interceptor rourtesy of Judy and Michael Gertner, Cost.a Mesa. LOCATION: A newly constructed luxury home in Spyglass, French chateau styling designed by James F. Caro and Associatf!s in collaboration with Thomastown Builders. It is being marketed by &ther Tabak, Shatz.en Realty of Newport Beach. CASUAL LOOK -In the library of the Spyglass home, McCartin goes casual in a mini tattersal shirt of long staple cotton ($45) and aJ1 wool flannebtyled tro~rs. A plea~ front and leather buckle side tabs give the trousers an updated look ($85). If extra warmth is needed he has a Shetland wool sweater knitted for P.O.S.H. in tradition,i stripings ($65). ct1£brating 20 '"~ r~ ~ ~ pfea.se join us at our ~' Ann iversruy Substantial Savif195 Tftr0U9fwut Tke Store on Men's and Lrufies' Cfothif19 and Aa:essories p[us ... Alf Summer Merc.fuuufise Reduced! 'We have gifts for you ... 1(egister for our 1Jrawi.ng! Join us for cake cuuf champapte at a cefebration PaJ'o/ A[[ day -Friday I Auplst 2 7 !Mastercarrf & 'Visa 13.a:epwf 13.{f_ Sales will 6e final ~orufuy throU9fi. Friday 10 to 9 • 5at~nfuy 10 to 6 • Stmaay 12 to 5 #ll South Coast PCam • 540-4600 . . ; COPRE' CHRISTIAN SCHOOL GRADES 1-8 • Small Classes (20 $tudents) • Academic Kindergarten ~ • Oceanography -Music -French • Accelerated Reading and Math Programs In All Grades • New and Inventive Ways of Scheduling and Seating Design • Emphasis on the Understanding of the Necessity for Order /and Dlsclpllne In All Areas Of Life. • Designed To Prepare Students for College Prep Secondary Schools 645-4353 .190 23rd ST . COSTA MESA (Selected Openlnt• Available) OWNED ,ANO OPERATED BY NEWPORT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL .. . ' I ------~ • JUDY HEATON is n ow offeri ng 20'fo OFF ALL HAIR SERVICES •PERMS •HAIRCUTS • STYLES • HIGHLIGHTS • CELLOPHANES · @rlton Hair ' International HERITAGE PLAZA -IRVINE 14250 Cuhrer Dr. 857 -1341 Off er oood throuoh Sept. 30 Malce appointment• now (with Judy only lor the 20% oiler) ........ . ·~ -'" . . ---.... .... ,.. "~ '·-...... ,.... . .... 552 Club holds biggest roundup · By VIDA D~AN 0( lti. Deltr l"tlol llelf Western themed parties have been popular thia summer, but the biggest roundup of them all has to be the barbecue the 552 Club held at Rancho de Santiago. More than 650 showl-d up in the Orange Us location lo try out lht• pst burbccuc b«>f and chicken and all the trimmings t·ooked up by Pete Siracu sa and his gang Crom Rusty Pelican/ Ancient Mariner. C hairman J on Loeb and his committee l\rranged for auth,nt1 c foot-s tompins. hand- clapping m usic, square dancing and hayrides And hoots were heard as Jim V11lers, master of ceremonies, rounded out the evening w sth some western style comedy. · Preliminary reports show tbe barbecue will net $14,000 to benefit Hoag Hospital. Pete contributed all the food and labor and oth er underwriters wer e Arco Indus tries/ Western, Corbitt, Steelman and Davidson, Del Taco, Heritage Bank, Hines Wholesale Nursery, Marriott Hotel, Mealer and Emerson , Moss Adams and Co., Neiman-Marcus, Newport Printing Systems, Newport Stationers, Scott Simpkin Graphic Designs and Sutt.on Industries. 7sINATRA CONCERT: Sponsoring patrons of the Sept. 25 Sinatra concert a t Irv ine Meadows Amphitheater were guests of the Chanteclair Restaurant at a cocktail party. Wine, hot and cold hors d'oeuvres and French pastries were served to the guests who have purchased patron packages to hear Frank Sinatra sing for the first time in Orange County. Joining Sinatra for the concert will be Charlie Callas. And after the concert, the patrons will be joining Sinatra for a black -tie supper. Patron packages are still available for $2,500 and $5,000 for those who want to hear and dine with the singer and at the same time assist the South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. And there are still good seats available for the concert (there will be no lawn seating) and yes, they'll take Master Card and Visa. The foundation's telephone number is 645-7791. WELCOME: A reception honoring Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Luskin will be held T h ursday. Sept. 2, in the Orange Coast College Student Center. This first social event of the year at the college is a special part o f OCC's o pe ning activities. Luskin, OCC's new president, is founding pre5ident of Coastline College, and has been with the Coast Community College District 20 yea~. Luskin replaces recently retired Dr. Robert ~. Moore. Planning the reception for faculty a nd staff •are Fran Mowrey, Mary Jane Farmer, CamiUe Hoeppner, Alice Hower, Carol Kleck, Doris Lee, Barbara M~ttias, Dorothy Schrupp, Carmen Smith, Gwenda Watson and Linda Brandt. Learned Ladies starts new year LEARNED LADIES chapter , O range County Center for Performing Arts will begin the new club year Wednesday. Sept. 1, with an 11:30 a.m. luncheon and musical program at Sherman Gardens, Corona del Mar. CLARA BARTON cha pte r, Daughters of 'the American Revolution , meets 9:30 a .m . Saturday, Sept. 4 in the Community Room of M ercury Savings and Loan, 7812 Edinger, Huntington Beach. "National Defense" is the topic for the first 1982-83 program. NEWCOMERS OF NEWPORT BEACH will tour the Frosting House in Costa M esa Wednesday, Sept. 1 at 10 a.m. A picnic will follow. Newcomers may call 548-676 1 or 720-0639 for further information. NEWPORT HARBOR PANHELLENIC will launch the new season with a membership meeting Wednesday, Sept. 1, at 10 a.m. in Glendale Federal Savings Community Room, 100 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach. Shannon Ellis, director of Greek a ffairs at USC. will speak. upet erm You•11 be lookln' good In our perfect pe~ms. reg. •40 Nova Perm; now 12750 ReGIS HAIRSTYLISTS SOUlH COAST PLAZA 540·8888 ISSION VIEJO MALL 1-495-2005 .. ----~ •• 4 I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Auguat 29, 19&2 . ¥' 1tJTHE THAR HILLS -552 Club's hl!ncl (nl left) hohcho for the• western barbecut• Jon L0t•b. right. <.'hJJl!. with M 1 k t' G t• r i n g, 5 5 2 president and V1ck1 Gtmng. 9,.,eateT 9ouc\e '· New b t nec"· features o~n acrv\\c kn\t. th\ck and th1_ w\th {ash\on ,_ or wh1te B\ac" str\pes. s ,M.L f»699 . Re~h.s3S -.. , MOW· • ., •• t pant CoTduTOV \ t "~a e . tt fine cot o So \ass\t. 5 pocket c " or greY . \ sro\N came . 3.\3 t9'' Reg. si4 . . MOW····. TASTING TIME -Will it be the baby sausage in mustnrd sauce or the quiche? Trying out the food at the Chantedair: c:o~::ktai~ party are Sinatra benefit patrons, from le ft, John Mead, Vicki Gering, Judge Calvin P. Schmidt and Michael Gering. PARTY TALK -Chatting at the patrons party hos ted by . Chanteclair Restaurant are, from left, Ralph Yack , Vin Jorgensen, Nora Jorgensen and Dr. R. Victor Gallardo. Summer is ending ·.and we've had a ball But now is . the time . to shop for fall Come see our b@autiful new designs for fall from ~. id~., Tattoo, Lady Manhattan, Esp• 11, Sero, Condor, Crazy Horse, Patty Woodard, Ocean Pacific, LA Seat Covers, / For Play, Sportif, Happy Legs, ., Campus Casuals, Jag ~ with more arriving r-- every day Some say we're hard ~ to find ... Everyone says we 're worth it. 673-4510: ... 3467 Via Lido, Newport Beach (In the Security Pacific Bank bldg., across from the theatre) . I _ _, I ·. . . . . .. • I ,__ __ .....,..~ -~~~~~-·~ . . .. . . . ,, . . . . . . . . ('I Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 29, 1982 Stylish men now thinking. more about footwear A "'" *"Y color chart for men's clothing 1,,1'1 T• Mt ~. lhOe• Whlle. eog1hell. pal• eurgundy. navy and bur· blue, pale pink, pale gundy 1trlpe or pal Black or navy Navy or black Block du1ty 1011. pole gr11y. tern; navy and gold. pale yellow navy with anuill white . }. .,. .. · Fall fashions· schedu led I. MAGNIN : A preview collection of Adolph Schuman will be informally modeled Sept. 3 and 4 in Fine Apparel, upper level. BULLOCKS WILSHIRE: David Hayes' fall collection will be informally modeled Aug. 30 and 31 in the Fashion Island Store from 11 :30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. NORDSTROM: Women's tailored fashions will be informally modeled Aug. 29 at the South Coast Plaza store on the second floor. On Thursday, S ept. 2, at 11 a.m . a seminar "Career Dressing: A Classic Investment" will take place in the Tail ore d Women's department with Betsy Sanders, regional vice president, as special guest. Satur9ay, Sept. 4, 10 a.m. to 3 p .m . a representative will present the collection of Laurel, Inc. doisonne jewelry on the first floor. NEIMAN -MARCUS : lnformal modeling of back-to- school fashions for children and young women •:i planned Saturday, Sept. 4, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m . in Children's World and the Zodiac Restaurant. IF YOU COOK -YOU NEED COOi< FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF ''Cook-Along'' And Information Brochure -Call Arn1•ric·1.111 mt•n ur~ thinking i1tyl~ from the ground up. Mcn'11 footwear 1s more vermitile, mor~ exdtlng and fas hlon-orionted than ever before. For fall, it's smart to plan a s h()(' wardrobe carefully; to make an orderly investment in comfort. fund1on and self-esteem. Shoes say a lot about the man. They say success, rnnfidence, power. At n o time is th e footwear message clearer than during busifleSs hours. With many companies relaxing their male dress codes. executive men are finding a variety of chokes. There are fine quality wing tips. slipons or sleek loafer styles and distinctive ankle high jodhpur b oots. These styles are compatible with hi~hly polished leathers and go right into dresswear. looking their best with well-cut suits. Andre a R osen, fashion director of The Footwear Council, ·suggests tha t men choose their business/dress shoes according to their preferences in tailoring. For men who prefer the Italian look, with well- defined shoulders, shorter suit jackets and pleated trousers, Rosen advises refined, lighter looking s hoes . For m ore con serva tive tailoring - influenced by British a nd American designers -a beefier wing tip or oxford is recommended. l"or casual dressing which can mean anything from sports jackets or sweaters and trousers. to aviator jackets and jeans, the choice of f ootwear is extraordinary. American men have had a long-time love affair with boots, especially the Western version. This fall, the boot has taken on exciting "outdoorsy"· rugged styling, harltlsomely matched to the newest trends in menswear -"Raide rs of the Lost Ark" survival/adventure clothes like bomber jackets in distressed leathers, suedes, corduroys or w?OI pl~ids. These essentially country casual styles are now at home on city streets and include mihtary laceups, hiking shoes, puffed and quilted boots. They're all acceptable for casual wear along with traditional moccasins and penny loafers The Footwear Council advises rotating at least three pairs of shoes to prolong shoe life anti keep them looking their best. Cufflinks returning dote: navy and gray Qr11y White. Ivory. pnlo blue, Burgundy; melon; gray, Gray black or Dirk gray or Black or pale pink. pale dv1ty blue and Ivory 1trlpe cordovan black cordovan roe•. pole Iliac or p.ttern; gray and burgundy atrlpe or pattern: lilac Mlldlum White. eggshell. pale Brown. medium blue Brown Brown or black Brown btown blue. pale melon. atrlpe or pattern: pale dully rose .• p1tlu brown, Ivory and bur· yellow. pale grlly gundy 1trlpe or pat- tern; melon; burgun· dy; brown and gold stripe or pattern; brown and gray ,stripe or pattern Beige/ White. pale pink, pale Burgundy or burgundy Brown or Beige or Brown or blue, pale melon, and beige stripe or cordovan dark brown cordovan pal• lilac. pale green pattern: navy or navy and beige stripe or pattern; beige and -' blue stripe or pattern: brown, tan and gray stripe or pattern: me.Ion; lilac; green and tan pattern Khllkl White. eggshell. pale Rusi and khaki pattern; Brown or Khaki or Brown or blue. pale yellow blue and khaki pat-cordovan dark brown cordovan tern; navy; brown and tan pattern Btu. White, eggshell, pale Blue and gray stripe or Brown or black Dark gray Brown or black 11'11Y blue. pale gray. pale pattern; blue and dusty rose brown pattern; blue. gray and Ivory pat- tern; blue, burgundy and gray pattern t '1.ca<JU T 11W11<-U'd'1"•l Take care to untie your tie properly to prolong its good looks Untying thl· tit'. lhat's tht: kt•y. A ncckt1l• 1s p.·rhaps the most <.-x pcns1v(' inv1·stment a man makl's in his Wl•urmg c.ippc.irel . per squarl' 1m·h. and 1f ht· excrciSl>S care wht·n hl' n·merves i t , he prolongs its life and usefulness. That's the <tdv1<:e of the neckwear coum·-il of Americ<i whil'h claims too often men are brutal to the.· tll' fabric when they come home frurn a gru<'ling day at the office. When a lll' 1s rt·movpd it should be loosl·ntd and then unknotted. as opposed to pulling the end through the knot. Woven t1ei. arc cut on tht• bias (diagonal) a nd !JUlhng the tie will stretch 1t out of shape after a while. Other lie ups· If it's woven. hang it up Therl' art· numerous. inexpens1vC' and attractive· til• racks that are designed so that you can hang up your tics, and still sec what you own It's best if you hang only On(' llf' lo a hook, so they hav<' suff1C'ient room to "breathe" and the Ile on the bottom doesn't get crushed If it's a knit tie, roll it and store 11 m a bureau drawer Start rolling with tht.• wide <.'nd Knits shouldn't be hung. because their inherent stretch will do JUSt that if they're hung up. (714) 759-1414 or 1-800-345-2000 Thi s is the year designers swear that cufflinks will make it big as more and more men's shirts feature French cuff styling. New gold cufflinks come in a wide array of designs, including sports motifs, free f orm. geometric, initia:;, zodiac signs, animals' heads, e tc. Two-and three-tone gold is used to give a dimensional e ffect, and the gold is often polished, or has a su r face textuii ng . Sometimes a ·mix of smooth and textured are used together. Have your ties prnl€'ss10nally dry deaned 1f they're soiled Don't try to w.ash. them yourself, even by hand The interlining. which is compoS<.-d of a different fabric th.an the face, may shrink. Or the outer fabric may shrink Or they both may shrink at different rates. . . . • • ' ~ ~ , ' I . . THE INIMITABLE ROLEX OYSTER. Many have tried to imitate the Rolex Oyster. but there is no substitute for its unique pres.sure-proof design and self-winding movement Neither is there any substitute for the service ~nd confidence we offer. Come see. Shown in stainless steel and 14 karat yellow gold: Man's Da~ust. $2.325. Ladydate. $1 TIS. Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST l'UZA, COSTA M&SA _Fint level, Bullock'• wi111. (71') 761 ·68IO •••• ,II ,. . ' ....... -. -------------~ ---~-._ ---------~-~ ----~ -- The popular oval engraved cufflink in silver appears strong. as does the newest innovation, a real button in either gold or silver. The silver button has 14 karat gold "thread" Ln the button holes. 'It's on the cuff. . ' Smart looking new cuff/inks. that is. Accorqing to the Jewelry Industry Council, new cufflinks come in a wide variety of designs, showing two and three tone gold and gold with small diamond accents. New silver butto11 cufmnks have a gold thread through them to carry through the button look. Tell your dry cleaner where lhe soiled spots arc and try to guess what it was you had for dinner that e nded up on the tie. He'll be able to clean 1t better, because different stains require different cleaning methods. However. a little s team can remove some spots. Boil some water in a tea kettle, hold your tie over the steam and give it a light brushin~. madine's Orange County's Finest Private Health Club For Women Only _J.X1-<:t~ -! COME .MELP US CELEBRATE OUR SIX YEAR AlllllYERSARY . JOIN NOW NO MEMBERSHIP FEE EXPIRES 9-30-12 We've had ·e aucceasful years of helplng ladles all over Orange County be the thin, flt person they have always wanted to bel • FULL'( EOUIPP£0 WEIGHT ROOM • P£A80NAUZEO ~TRUCTION • Al"OBIO CL.A88U ALL. DAY LONG • MASSEVS~NUTRITIONl8T • LIFE-CYCLU • PRIVATE DRUSINO ROOM8 • SAUNA • WHIRLPOOL. • TANNING BOOTHS • TOWELS & AL.L TOILETAIU • MANICURIST MADINE'S -THE #1 W.OMl!N'S HEAL TH CLUB 75·1-3200 . 20l8 Quall •t., NeWPOtt Beach . ... COLLEGE PREP JR. HIGH SCHOOL • Counseling-Academic, Moral Social, Splrltual • Emphasis On The Understanding Of The Necessity For Order And Discipline _In All Areas Of life. • Oceanography-A thletlcs-Muslc • Advanced Techniques In Classroom Design And Scheduling Result In Top Achievement • French -German -Latin 645-9282 Newport Christian Jr. High School GRADES 7 ANO 8 SELECTED OPENINGS AVAILABLE 183 W. 15th, N.B. (Near Hottg Hoap.) . OWNED AND OPl!RA reo BY NEWPORT CHfMSTIAN HIGH SCHOOL ,. ·-·· ......... Antiqu e si lk quilt . Thf! antique quilt co le<.'tion of Marjorie Cooling, left, will be displayed Saturday, Sept. 18,. when Novel/e Hendrickson, past preside nt of the OC chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild, lectures on quilts at the Pacific Mutual Bµilding. Hendrickson points out the intricate stJ.tching on a log cabin quilt. It is made from. the silk used in ball gowns worn by the wives of President Grover Cleveland's cabinet members al his Inaugural ball. Antique dea1ers to show fine arts Forty-two antique dealers from California, New Mexico, Penn sylvania, Connecticut, Virginia and New York will displa~ _fi~e arts and fumJture from Erigland, France and the Orient Sept. 17-19 at Newport Harbor Art Museum. The "vetted" show, .the only one on the West Coast, ranks among the top 25 in the country, -aeeordi-ng to a museum spokesman. I t is the fifth annual show sponsored by the facility to raise operational funds. Some of the exhibitors have chosen to confine their displays to acquisltions created before the industriaJ revolution. Each piece was made by hand by expert craftsmen before 1830. On Thur sd ay. Sept. 16, these exhibitors with pre -1830 designated booths will be vetted • by a panel whic h includes Robert Moore, appraiser of O riental Fine Arts from Los Angeles; John Cushion, former curator of porcelain of London's Victoria and Albert Museum; Basil Jenkins, director, Fowler M u seum of (\ntiquities of Beverly Hills; Patrice Pinaquy, restoration expert from Hu ntington Mu seum of Pasadena; and John A. Gillet Art and Antiques furniture appraiser from Laguna Beach. Hours for the s~ow are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m . on friday .and Saturday and 11 a .m . to 5 p .s;n. on Sunday. Admission is $5 and includes a catalog containing information concerning the exhibitors, special events and feature articles on antiques by experts in their fields. Docents were trained speciaUy to conduct tours through tbe show. The price for t~ is $10 including admission and catalog. In conjunction with the show a series of lectures will be held at the Pacific Mutual Building, 700 Newport Center Drive, across the street from the museum. On Friday at 11 a.m . Louise Beldon of Winterthur, Del., will lecture on "Setting the 18th Century Table." At 2 p.m. Dr. Dericksen Bri nk e rh off, professor of historical art, UC Riverside, will have "Greek Icons and their Russi an Offspring" as his topic. Saturday lectures are "Quilts: America's Folk art". 11 a.m., by Novelle Hendric kso n and "English Porcelain of the 18th Century" by John P . Cushion at 2 p.m. Donald E. Lagerberg, director of the art department· at Cal State Fullerton, will moderate a n 11 a .m . Sunday panel, on "New Thoughts on Old Objects" who will give their opinions on collecting antiques. Lect ure ticke ts may be purc hased by calling the museum or al the door at the time of the lecture. On Thursday, Sept. 16, an invitation party will be catered by De la n ey's and will give participants a chance to meet exhibitors as well as enjoy food and drinks as they visit the booths. A strolling guitarist will add to the evening of festivities. Allen Beck Florist will supply all of the decorations for the entire show. And again thts.11~ Delaney's catering will pro\ride food with luncheon, dinner and bar service available on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. · The advisory committee for the show includes Gay Bryant, Nor a L ehman and Gertrude Thomas with Michael Perkins as c hairman of the museum council. More than 40 committee me mbers are assisting with show details. A Labor Day Weekend Family Event ' . The Up With People Show is an Internationally acclaimed cast of more than 100 young people who sing and dance their way Into your heart, with music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this beautifully choreographed, colorful festival of music. Coming Sept. 5 and 6 to Orange Coast College auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance tickets for $7 available at the OCC ticket office, 556-5527. Tickets on night of performance are $8 at the gate. Event co-sponsored by Orange Coast College and Orange Coast Dally Piiot. -----------------------------------------, I I : SAVE $1.00-MAIL THIS COUPON TODAYll I s. .... S1 00 o .... r r4191111r prl,1011dm1111on ii you f)urch•M your flCkll In 1dYanc• 1 You pay only $7.0011 • Mall to OCC Tlck11 Ofllhe. 270! Fatrvltw Road. Coll• Ml••· Ca 92629 Tlcktl I Info -&56-5527 I NAME ~------------'&..--~----~ ADDRESS ---------------~ CITY•--------llP ___ PHONE - ~kl chee:kl ptyablt 10 'Or11191 Coul College" • I TIClfETS ALSO AVAILABLE AT TICKETRON OUTLETS AFTER AIJOUST 23 I ·------:~!~!~'~"~':.":~'~!'!:.·:..·_s:i::.~:c:~~~~------J . ---!..- t I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 29, 1982 . . A Back to School tune-up at Al's Garage! Boyd is wearing one of \ur sueded poplin slacks of cotton and polyester made especially for us in eight great colors. His outfit is cooridnated with an easy care plaid shirt and complimented by one &ur special all wool cardigan sweaters from Scotland. · ~ You'll find many great items such as these at Al's Garage ... So come by and get tuned up! 56 Fashion Island, Newport Beach Pre-Fcill Back To School Special purchase -Cordouroy sport coats. Originally s 14500 Sole ss9.95 Special g roup of fall tweed dress slacks. Original values to s6o00 Now s19.95 to s29:95. Select group of long sleeve sport shirts s 12. 99 Cotton blend Turtlenecks '6.99. Lorge selection of fall suits and sport coats up up to 1/3 off. "MEN'S & WOMEN'S" cJothing finery South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Westminster 898-1666 5~9-8575 Brea Mall 990-0333 , ·---------·---,--- ' . ('I . I ' '· . . ....... .• ·: Save over $3.00 on Beef Stick~ Summer Sausage. lluv u .1111 II.<'( S111 k • for JIM S!Hl!l and"""' --r.,,... mott• than$. t (JU 111( 1Jw nwl.tr JIUUnJ J•nr\• Ur.,.,\,• ~tt;' 1•·r lh nu a rut IJU""" For P\»n pound \OU hu\ Y.•·11 Ill''' :!!l• tAJ Uw \hl!of''Ul.Kr , ...... llllf>h\ A...rir--1auun ffickor1 farms OF OHIO " WP1J jCIV• YOU • ta•~· nr old um .. rounuy goor:t,_ '"' FASHION WESTCLIFF ISLAND PLAZA Newport Be11rh 1 i th end Irvine, 640-6030 Newport Reerh 642-0972 ~·-· .. ...,.. ... "'-·~· -......... ·---- Wo1Hn'1 A~rel Apropot lack Street Feminine Attire Ivy'• Leigue Lana of ~llfornla The Look Matthew'• The Place Jean llyan The Show-Off Solpee Jelfflry Brett Walker Donavan I Seamana bff J~elry Slutch Wyndlum Leigh Dumonda Home Purnllhlnp ~th Shop Nettle Creek Shop Services Anthony'• Shoe Service Clown Clunen Golden Blade Pamlly I Chlldren·a ~rben Shoe a Goin& Placea Travel Hemphlll'1 Shoe1 1.0CM·PM (103.1) Hugln'1 Shoea That'• Some Body ------L----''-Newport Chlldren·a The thlr Hunten Cathy Jean Plata Pootweu Leed'• Mandel'• Paul Allen Men's Appuel a Shoes lootery Food S clalt Wetherby-1.ay"r pe l Pamlly I Chlldren'1 Apparel At Bue Brook.a Brothera Porty Love The Red hlloon Gifts, ~rda. ~ndles I Statk>nery Hickory Puma See's ~ndlea The Sweet Life &akcry Truly Natural Health Pood1 lle1taurant1 Jasica Place lob Burnt Coco's Al'1 Garage Bl Poco ~ndlfl Bl loberto At Kue Lambs 'N Ivy Fr1nct1can loom Brook.a Brothen larla 'Ibya. (Buffuma) Gary'•• Company Statk>nen The Island Hou" The Look-I Hobbles Udo Buffet Guye Gear Slt1nder'1 Hlllmuk (lobtnaon'•) Phelps Sportln& Goode, Newport Stuff'd P.O.S.H. 'Ibya, Hobbles, loll Sllwrwooda Lugaae a Peta The lltaer Velvet Turtle I>epartmeot Storu lenchley Luapae. Yamato'• Ltd. ,. _ _. The Broadway r.ui. ioy1, ~uc loom kffwnt Statlonen (Netman·Marcu1) lullocb Wllahlre I Hobb1t1 look Stora luuo'1 Wonderful World of Pett Ski a Sports B. Dalton loobellera Doublcdq look l1lop ' . ·- Some Kids Have All the Luck Wee}un Brown Na~y Blue Blacl' A w•nHrlul coll.cf/on of S.•• •hH• tor •lrl• •nd boy•= Jt30 FASHION ISLAND 644-2464 WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th & IRVINE 548-8684 Generra J~ns to< School at the Garage 1 hi\ ono1no1 stone wosh e1en1m ieons ModO ~ 100'\ conon .noogo avea oenim SOii ono comb1oble oo need IO bt9ol< em in ius1 w em on Also teoVeO 1tom Geneno Ot9 '°°' COl10n OUdcMlf knit slw1s. O Ql90I Comblnollonl &ru',§~@; 56 FASHION ISIAND ·NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 , -·-- ~----~----------____ ._.,, __ . . . ' Our New Fall Arrivals Are Now Available For Y our Viewing ... A Most Exciting Collection!! Gene le-men 's C/orhing in5p1teJ bJ cr:1dirion #46 Fashion Island, 640-8310 ;: •' Penny Loaf era -In cla88ic brown or black - always right saddle shoes -in blue & pearl or tan & pearl for campus wear. See our complete selection of Cole Haan shoes. • • I • f Introduces a sea-going tradition. W ith Sperry Top-Sider by Stride Rite.' fashionable styling is only the beginning. Top-Siders are made of top-quality le~ther carefully constructed for maximum dura- bility. Stride Rite~ Back to School Time! See's Cand y Time! "Back to School" usually means an end to summer vacations for adults as well aS the school-age generation. For all gener~5·ons, it's a time of returning to a iliar and happy way of li fe aroun 'Our homes, schools, churches and~mmunities. T he See's Candy Shop s~ing your community is part of this wAy of life. For 61 years, See's has been a place wh ere smiles of anticipation· and happiness begin as soon as you ' step into our sparkling white shop. Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 29, 1982 from our b:y.s· c:hpt. our bz.&. ~lh~ wmdbr11.alvu, ~morhnby O MD"C TMIL ho~ \Ml.Onn9 docron end. cot,t.on popl 1 n shcz t t w 1th kn1tt.czd col \or 600 cufTu and'mmiat..ura. plaid hn1n9 pz.rRict. fbr ecol morn1~ ,. ande\/l'Z.ni~ ~01labMz. 1n~.navy,rad, ~1-aro 1'.tz.Hy grq..a.n. @Eo@@)~@ 44 Fashion Island· Newport Beach · 7141644 -5()70 1001 Westwood Blvd.· Westwood Village· 213/208-3273 cathy jean features "The R oxane" by 9~ In luxurious Brazilian hand finished woven leather, available in Chestnut, Cordovan, N avy, Black , Grey and N atural. Our price just $40. 00 cathy j ea n #6 Fashion Island 759-9700 Genuine hand sewn loafers with leather soles s ... , 4 -s - ll ll ll ll x x x )( x ll x ~ ll ll x JI )( x Tassel Moc cordo brown calf a great campus ta~rite 1 -• ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll x x x ll ll x ll JI ll )( ll x )( )( )( Penny Loafer cordo brown calf 9 10 ll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll x x x JI ll JI JI x ll )( ll ll x x .I 4 . . . .. . . . . .. . Oreng• CoHt DAILV PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 29, 1982 • .. The famous Capilano Suspension Bridge (far right) In North Vancouver is 230 feet high, 4.50 f~ long and spans the banks of the Capilano ~Iver. The beautiful totem pole (right) was ci:1rved by Br itish Columbia Indians and is lbcated at the suspen1lon bridge. The wi1hing ~II (below) also is on attraction at the bridge.-.. .. .. hds By CAROLYN A. CM> ALBO or ... o.., ...... ~ • . Vancouver is a city in transition. A few ... years ago the city was comparatively small with a "diatinct flavor of the colonies. nxlay, w hat with all the glass and steel h igh-rise construction and the immigration rate, it has become a cosmopolitan metrop.olis. About 1,000 new residents pour into Vancouver ever¥ month. Vancouver, Van as it is affectionately known by the n atives, •s situated at the base of mountains facing the open water. In winte r a fur is recommended for Southern Califoi:nians who seldom are exposed to the bone-c hilling wind off th• snowy mountains and the Strait of Georgia, the body of water between' Vancouver a nd Vancouver Island, the natural buffer facing the Pacjfic Ocean. . In summer, be prepared for some of the mart voracious mosquitoes anywhere. It seems a , but a can of insect repellent would pay ds in comfort if carried at all times. sun sets sorrwtime after 9 p.rrl. in the , and the extra minutes of light seem 10mehow magical. The glow in the sky seems to last for s uch a long time, then suddenly.· aee!1llngly wittiout warning, it is dark. · · Some of the more exciing places to see are Stanley P ark, Gastown, Chinatown, the coast put Horseshoe Bay and the mountains. An inte resting day is to tour North a lot to offer the vacat ·ioni~g traveler Another w orth y stop is at the Grouse Mountain gondola ride. The r ide and the subsequent panoramic view are definitely worth the fare. $6 Canadian. Be prepared to spend considerable lime m the ticket line, however, as the operation lS disorg8(lized. ,,...,.... _ Grouse Mountain~'S"'1~$ than 5,09(Lfeet high, but the VJsta lS all-encompassin~1 On a clear day Mt. Baker in Washin~n state ~ visible to the left as is Vancouver Island l.o-the'nght. ln the foreground lies Vancouver. Another scenic trip is past Horsehoe Bay and on to Britannia Beach and Squamish. There are islands in vanous and fantastic shaoes an sizes, waterfalls and wildlife. Scampering in front of cars were squirrels with silky dark fur and long bushy tails that they seemed more like mink. The Harbour Centre consists of a Sears skyscraper with ~ round observation deck and revolving restaurant, a nd two subterranean floors witn several shops and a Food Fair. For a modest fee, the upper levels can be reached by a glass outside elevator. lmmed1ately adjacent 1s Gastown, the old waterfront area that has been restored and refurbished with new and trendy shops and restaurants. Another tourist must is Chinatown, the largest Chinese popuJation outside China, so the brochures sa ... and 1t appears to be true. Vancouver, with the first stop at the Capilano S uspension Bridge, a challenging and fun experience. Driving here at sunset is a soul-satisfying experience. the serenity of the rosy sky, purple mountains and shimmering blue water is rare to find in today's hurry-up world. The e a e' shops with anything and everyth ing m nufactured or crafted by the Chinese people including a mind-boggling array of jewelry an f twear, brocaded clothing and accessories, embroidery and cutwork, and some mysterious food items. Other sights mclude the Queen Elizabeth Park with the Bloedel Floral Conservatory; the Hotel Vancouver with its copper roof, which once dominated the city skyline but now is dwarfed by ne w construction; the Vancouver Aquarium where visitors are situated below the glass tanks holding the sea life, and in nearby Burnaby, the Heritage Village Museum. The bridge is slung between the banks of the Capilano River, and can sway considerably when care is abandoned while walking on it. Of course. there are those who.delight in swinging the walkway, but the handrails are sturdy and secure. This location is ideal for taking pictui es. Next is the Cleveland Dam. The view is straight down the spillway of the dam, but the most memorable lS to the north, over the lake created by the dam and toward Lions mountain peaks. Stanley Park also is an oasis af quiet, with a profusion of birds and animals, and an abundance of rest areas and view sit.es, includlng Prospect Point that overlooks West Vancouver. There also is a tea house with a glassed-in dining area where it is possible to dine with the skyline of Vancouver straight ahead. Downtown, there is an u nderground s hopping mall and a street-level pedestrian mall where all kmds of items, from fur and luxury good to souvenirs ruld food, can be purchased. Vancouver is an easy three-hour drive from Seattle and can also be reached by boat, train and air. The ci ty Is beautiful and the people are friendly. A week here would be well spent and rewarding. A msterda m is ,wh ere it's at! AMSTERDAM. Holland -It's been a wet summer in northern Europe. Raindrops pelt t he crooked canals of Amsterdam. A town where residents complain of seaweed in the cellar doesn't need more water. "Even the streets are kinky," says a passenger from our cruise ship. The Rbyal Viking Star does 14-day trips through the Baltic and North Sea during the summer. (Cost is $8,000 for two and you've got to get to Copenhagen first. It's not a crowd of backpackers.) The biggest flea market goes for a couple of weeks now In the great Dam Square. Kids who've been traveling all summer -backpackers, hitchhikers, straights and flimflammers -a r e e nding the season. Heading back to achool. Pop-top Volkswagens to camping gear. Everythlng'a on sale. "Sleeping bag. $5." "Wet suit and mask, almoet new." T)lere's e no u g h marijuana sm oke floating over Darn Square to put on a smog alert. Amsterdam has been lenient. The word gets around Europe's sidewalk cafes where under-30s drink Cokes. Stand In line at American Express for Money From Mother. Not only for the backpack peek. It._ the fourth most popular city tn JCurope. (After Parl.a, London md Rome.) Not all Dutch are happy aboul the city's popularity. Said the waiter: ''Dlamonda, Delft and dope -that.'1 Amaterdam now.''' He went to New York l~ yean qo. Came .home to WOl'k tn the Dam Hotel. "It Uled to be a nice town. Now there's too many crtmlnala and do addkta." ror the day tow1tt however. lt'• the land ol tullpa and wtndmUla and apple- cheeked boya with ai.lver akatee. AMSTERDAM Population. Jwt over 700,000. Best time of yea r , M ay through Septe mber. The weather ls seldom over 70 degrees. Winters are mild. Hot.el prices are dlBoounted. There's a Hilton, a M~i , Sonesta, and an Okura Inter-ental. Hotels an restaurants add 15 percent service to the bills, and it's built i nto your taxi fare . .But everybody doesn't mind some added change -say 5 percent. Plenty of English spoken. Money haa a raised dots code In the corne r for blind people. Tourists buy diamonds and Delftware. Dutch dolla and wooden ahoea. Not for wearing '"'7 • you put them on the coffee table and stuff them with matches. Much Indonesian - imporu, r e mindina the Nederlanden of the good ofd daya of the Dutch F.ut Indies Com.,.ny. Rain about half the days of the month. Bring a pop-open umbrella. The canal trip by launch: Ancient tabled houaea. The narrowest house ln the world. "I'd be content wlth a houae the width of hla front door," a lona aao coach man aaJd of hil rich md 1tingy t employer. So the bom built hl.m one. You couldn't lie down ln it .akMwaya. There'• the floetu1c SPCA. the animal lhelt.er an a bu'p. It W• craw~ with cata u fat 11 Dutcll merchania. ToUn lalt about an hour. At "'-ht they do the trip by cendlellCht. CanaT brida9 .... ltNnl with blhte. And ln the J\arbor, crua. ahlP9 run ''-'P all fla11 and turn on all the u,h\ina. Land tours take you to Anne Frank's house. To Rijkmuseum. a rich collection of Out.ch paintings. The Vincent Van Gogh Museum . And the modern art paradise, Stedelijk Museum. If you find this infernally placid, bars, clubs and discotheques stay open until the last Dutchman falls onto his genever gin. The lively Amsterdam feeling is called gezeUg. You can get some of it by eating. · "You can eat in a ny language in Amsterdam," they tell you. (A lot of the Dutch look like beach balls with feet. The day begins with a picnic lunch for breakfast.) Erwtensoep is the world's thickest pea soup. Brookjes are bread rolls stuffed with cheese or ham or ahrlmpa or eel or steak tartare. You flnd them on street atanda In the squares. They're mother'• milk to the younger generation. Rljstatfel waa Imported from the Dutch F.ut Indies. Courw after course of sweet or 1plcy di.shes spooned onto a bed of rice. Some sauces are mild. Some could fuel a moon ahot. Ask. (If you for1et, the mashed bananas cool lt down.) Amaterdam fMhkJn note: The rninWdrt ii beck ln Darn Square. Leether fMhbw are big now. Best are rnlde from the eoft hide of the South African hair sheep. Toun take you to the diamond cutten' workrQOma at Aucher'• and A . van Moppet and r.oon. ~ J)een monopoly la 10 P9wer'ful that all ,t.w.l dlmnoftda are ~at appnllal value. rd ~ It'• a cloeed coc pontaon -one· pric:e ftta all. Anwter'Clem Ni tome rep of ~ a wlcked city. . .I~ ! I c 0 _....._.,. ____ _ Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 29, 1982 Tourists can expect to get a little Hawaiian put -on By GEORGE ZUCKER A-leted ~ffl Wrltet The rich tourist lady looked u~11 Maunu Kea, the anow-capped volcano, and aaw that It WU ~ood Oh. drtvt!J'," she gu~hed, "your lL.iwull 1¥ simpl y magn1f1cent!" The young bus drlvt•r smiled and ke pt has eyes on the road, which W04,nd along the eastern coaal or lhc Big bland, Hawail, between Hilo and Kailua-Konu "It'• so lovely," the woman conunut-d . "Thi• beauty of the island makes me feel so good. It fills me with the spirit of -how do you t;(jy it?'' "lt's the spirit of pupule," the bus driver answered. ''Yes,"' the woman said, "the spirit of pupule!" A month later, The Honolulu Star-BuUelin publlshed a letter from the woman, since returned to her California home. She wrote about how much she had enjoyed her 1 lawaiian holiday and wanted everyone to know she had returned to Callfomlu "ftll~ with tlw 1Jplrlt of pupulo " l Th kamulnaa (oldtlmon) got w big kick out at that "Pupule" Is the Hawa11un word for "crazy " Another c:oaat haole (visit.or from Cuhforma) had been lwd. Hawallana love puttina outB1ders on. When the first New England m1asionar1es put the Hawai~a language on paper, the Ulland folk had a ball ~landmar~ with double entendres. ~ an ta century later, a atate commlaalon w uld be created to clean up all the dirty names. There are no diphthongs in Hawaiian. All vowela are pronounced separately. Thua a town like Kaaawa, on the windward side ot Oahu, north of Kaneohe, makes you sound like a stutterer. You say, "K.ah-ah-ah'-vuh." Interestingly, as in some eastern Eurooean languages, the "w" is pronounced like a "v". The The Plantation Village Resort (right) on Maiolo Lai Lai Island is bu1 an hour's sail from the main island of Viti levu aboard the schooner 'Seaspray (below)'. ( \. ) city of Ewa on the northern aide of Oahu IN pronounced "evah." In Hawaiian, the> ultimate oxpletlve for fruat.raOon I.I "auwe" pronounced "aw.vay." Soundt like th Yiddish, "oy veh." You may uM tht• word "Hawaiian" to refor to the Ianauage, but not necessarily to a penion who Uvet there. In that aenae, the word i. Ulit.-d only t.o connote raclal heritage -you must havt! Hawallan blood t.o be Hawaiian. Foraet that you're a dJrect deteendant of the original mluionary .ettlers, or that your family ha• Uved ln Hawall for tlve gen~ration1. If vou're CAucallan, you will forever be known u a r,local haole. '' A penon of Hawaiian ~try la simply called a "Local" man or woman. Hawaiian men express camaraderie by caUlng each other brother. In pidgin English, that cornea out "brudd._.." And then It's shortened, as in "Hey bruh." Later, blac;k men on the U.S . mainland would udopl u .s11rnlar &1luwt1on, "bro.'' Anuth1 •1 stnmge t:o1ncldence: The Hawaiian word thut hu cume 10 mean "bathroom" la lua ("loo'-uh") llll·rully, "pit." Pretty doee lO the Brltlsh slung for the same room "loo '' Gt•t1111g d1 rN·t10n11 lo the lua or loo or whall'Vl·r can he something e lse If you're learninM your way around Hawan. foraet the' usual d1n-t·t101t.'> Tht.-re's no eaat or west or norttJ, or liOUth Ttwy have> no meanJna in Hawaii. • But whcrt•vt•r you are on Oahu, you ~. where tht· Kooli1u Mountains are. rliht? If you· see them 1111 your lt•ft. the sea has to be on youl'• right. And tha t mt•ans Diamond Head ls straJJ)\\• ahead and thl· l'1ty of Ewa is directly behind you. So whl'n you ask directions In Waikiki, a kanaka l'op might lt•ll you I.he place you're looking fur 1i. "JUl>l Ewa of Kaakaua and a little bit maka1 (tuw.,rd the sea) on the mauka (mountain) !.1dt· of tht.-street " AuwP' 11·, l'nough to make you long for South Philly --.. .. ·.• .· ., Beautiful Fiji • 1s now considered the island paradise ... By MARILYN MITCHELL SpecMll lo IM O•lly Piiot Bula! It m eans hello. good day. how are you and 11 is nearly always accompanied by a warm Fijian smile. A country as rich in culture as physical beauty, Fiji is a friendly and romantic vacation destination. A nice change from condominium-crammed Hawaii, Fiji offers varied tropical landscape, perfecl blue lagoons, white sand beaches. warm climate and the friendliest people anywhere in the world. Settled by the British in the 1800s, F1j1's largest industry as sugar cane. That. and tourism are the islands' chtef commerc1al endeavprs The Fijian archipelago is made up of more than 300 islands. dispersed across some 75,000 square miles of strikingly blue South Pacific waters. OnJy about 100 of the islands arc inhabited and they vary m size and geography, with the main islands of Viti and Vanua Levu atcounting for 85 percent of the land mass. Fijians still live in villages, and chiefs rule supreme in those villages. Viti Levu is Fiji's largest island and ('Ont.ams the cities of Suva. Fiji's capitaJ, and Nad1, arrival point for international visitors. Flight time from LAX is about 11 hours with a stop m Honolulu enroute. Try Air NC'w Zealand. It has ser v ice twice w eekly o n Thursdays or S undays. The influence of New Zealand (three flying If you have three days to spare, o Fiji must would be o Blue Lagoon cruise. The boot deports from the port town of Loutoka and visits a network of islands and small reefs not for off Viti Levu. hour s from the islands,) and Austra a is prevalent, due to the popul · of Fiji the citizens of those two lands. Food producta such as · cream and cheese from New Zealand, and wines from Australia, can be found in restaurants and markets throughout the larger islands of Fiji. The cliroate of Fiji is warm and pleasant year round. but rainfall can dampen a day at the 'beach between November and April Monsoons m January do occur. Clothing is casual -shorts, bathing suits and the' local wrap dress or skirt called a sulu. Women stiould wear modest sundresses in town. Temperatures seldom get much below 70 ~egrees Fahrenheit, so forget the overcoat. An umbreUa or rain slicker would be a good investment. There a.re a variety of means to explore Fiji, ranging from escorted motor coach, seaplane, boat taxi, car rental or a combination of the above. lf you rent a car, keep in mmd portions of the King's and Queen's Highway on Viti Levu are unpaved and make for a slow, bumpy but adwenturous trip. The drier climate is on the Nadi side of Viti Levu, and that's where most of the resort hotels are located. No high rise, mind you. Fast transfer by_ boat or seaplane takes the visit.or t.o Wand resorts such as Castaway Island. Beachcomber laland, Club Nait.asi, Plantation Island and Turtle laland, where the movie "Blue Lagoon" WM filmed. These islands share white sand beaches, pretected coral reef lagoons, warm s unny skies and accommodations that range from inexpensive donnitories t.o deluxe villas. Prices range from $28 a night for a bunk in a dorm on Beachcomber Island (meals included) to $3~ a night per person for a traditional bure (thatched hut) on Castaway Island resort. Rettorts Include amenities such aa beachfront bars, restaurants, etc. and most rates include beac.:h and water activities. If you have three days t.o spare, a Fiji must would be a Blue Lagoon cruise. That boat departs front the port town of Lautok.a. and visits a network of islands and small reefs not far off Viti Levu. Departing daily, the three-day cruise ship carries 40 to 50 passengers. Cabins are modest, with two or three berths per room, air l'Ond1t1onmg and shower and toilet. ,.. The cruise includes three meals daily, morning i knd afte rnoon tC'a, a nd e n\ertai nme nt and dancmg nightly Cost IS approximately $260 per· · ~ person. ' lt is adv1!>able to book the cruUlle weU in.'.' advance, parucularly when l'few Zealand and !• Australian v1s1 tors are celebrating school . \ holidays. ' . Fiji is rich in cultural history, and a visit t.Q .J Suva town should include stops at the Fiji. ; Museum and Orchid lsland. Otddes at Orchid · Island present a charming and informaUve ' history lesson " ,: ·Cc West of Suva. on the Queen's Highway (tt-a. ~f portion is paved) as the Fijian Cultural c.enw . ; and Marketplace'. Using an unconventional '• outdoor stage setting, the Dance Theater tr'OUIM1_ • ., perfonns across a glassy lagoon from the viewi.8C .. ; ltan~. • The afternoon performance is trul ~­ memorable, and lends much to underst.andiiag • • the traditions of the Fijian people. r -;, Despite the tropical resorts, the laaoona,'~ beaches and entertainment, it is the f'ijian people:~) who are the islands' biggest COl'l'lll'lO!lty. ;<~~ -~-~ If you're not s h y, approach a group ot,;:~ Fijians at leisure and ask t.o tab their plctu.re.:::~ Most likely, they'll consent -with wide ~-=· and laughter. .• Van.aka (thank you) Fiji.. Your islands a.re ••.• j paradise. .::~ ···~ ~ .. . ::~ New Orient Express recaptures train • service Venice-Simplon ·orient-Express tips wt..: The C>n.nl·El(l>rHI depet'1a IOUlh- bounO from Lonoon for P•11s. Mtlan lll'td Venice on Fridays and Sundays. and nQllN)Ound from \I~ IO LonclOn on S.Md•yt. Monday• and Wednncl1y1 On Tueedaya, ma train rune from Pana to V8"ice, and Mondaya lrom Ver11C41 lo Pa111 er. a40p0v9r 11 permoneo southbound 1nd ~ al no••~ on 111tougn liClbCa co.t: SoulhbounCI London IO Pina. 12SO. London-Mllfon '600. ~Venioe. 17&. London-Vena, s.560 NoMbound, V..-.ic.- ""81\, 175, V~Pwia. 144(), ~ PW, l390 . ._,,.London, '600. p.,.. London S290 0......,--0.--°"""""'-- MHl1: Free on lhe &itiah tnd SMlinll Farry IMll)IOOnls , Olnne< 350 or 270 Fr9nCh franc.a btunch tSO trance on tne ~~ "' PC>l1oon Tipping: Service t• Included on 1N fOOCl Ind baverllge l>IUS Clbln •llendlllll It the pessenga1 s <11scr•uon AKommaoded reeding: Ortant ~. The Liie &nd Tlf'l'IN o4 the WOl1d"a Molt Famov9 lra1n by EH ~. AM- dom Houle 1978 ""81'VMlona: YOUI travel IOtfll, OI ~ 8f1C Eqwau. Su4te 2847, er. Trlda ~ taf, New Vor11, N V 10048, OI 900-223- 1588 - By BE'M'Y KNIGHT SCRIPPS LONDON ~AP) -What's so special about the new Orient Express, famed luxury train now running between London. and Venice? Does it still maintain the wonderful, s toried mystery and intrigue of the London-Istanbul run? Well, maybe. But It's a fact t.hat the can have been refurblthed In the opulent manner of the 1920. when pat w..ahh and hlxury 'were signs of the times. 11le 35 cars have all the art-deco pluahnesa of the celebrated London-latanbul expre... An American , James B . Sherwood, restored the old railroad cars al a cost of millions. l\ was an exdtlng moment for 100 invited peaengen when \he crack traln departed from London's Victoria eta\lon early this awnmer, precisely on time for lta inaugural journey. I\ arrived in Venlce about 24 houn later. The departure wa1 an event. Gues'8, dresaed in fuhionl of the 1920s, arrived ln Rolla Boycet. Liza Minnelll WU a ~tJon In her red-and-aold beaded short chemlle d.re91, t1ght out of the '20., with pillbox hat to match. Guest.a Included notables trom the United Statet, and EuroJ>Nn royalty. Express pulled into Its destination al Santa •' Lucia Station in Venice. Gondolas were • ! wait.Ina to take them t.o hotel.a ~ona the · Grand Canal. Many of the passengers had reed ~atha Christie's book, "Murder on the Orient Express," or had seen the movie. There w11 a feeling that the new train will recaf?tur'e , eorne of the glamour of a pea& en_. WOll.~ YOU 'llELDE7 · , FROM ONLY l·-~69~:· ,..... __ ._._...._,.._...,..~--------------------------.....--~~~--~----~,,_,....~----~~--~---------·-.--..... _ .. I .. ~ jl ,< >'I ·: . . .. ,• •'· . • Orange CQHI DAILY PILOT/Sund y, Augu1I 29, 1982 ITABLE STYLE- Custom tailored suit by House of Tallorlng. Michael Scott Woven Anllne Leather Attache, Excluslvely At Rootens. Carousel Court ~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA Monday through Friday 10-9, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-5 I / , ~ -------------. . r I -· ' ' • •• • SUNDAY AUOUSl 29, 198' REAL EST ATE 03-5 STOCKS 06-7 CONSUMER CLOSEUP 08 ,iphoni11g c·n pital for rnoncy nuJrk~l~ h'1tHJJt•r.'t lo11g-1e r111 honu· lo1111s . A11n ly . ..,is 011 l'ug,~ IJ2 . Recession ? Rolls Royce dealer hasn't heard By STEVE MARBLE OftM OaUy Piiot llatt W o r d s I i k t• 1 11 f I l• I 1 11 11 , -depression and rt.'(.'l•ss1on art• not uttered on the showroom rloot at R oy Carver R oi ls Roy<:t· 1r1 Newport Beach "Our appt>al, you havt• tu n•mcmtx•r, is very. very hmitt>d. A <.·oup ll• of pt'oplt.• m uk1: o d1fft.•n•nct.· in this businPss Nu snobbery inwndt•d, it's Just a very thin marki.>l." v' \ H ere in this small subdut•u world of elegance and luxu1 y. the financially troubl<'<.I world 1s h eld at bay The handnaftl'CI Britis h au tomobile that carrws a Carver's dealership, a modl'St facility adjacent to Newport Center. re<'C1ves 10 tv 12 pcrc·e111 of the• 1.000 R olls Ro yt'l'S rled each year. 1 six-digit price tag a n d .unchanging statdy appeara continues to sell JUSt as 1t al has. Business 1s good e sells 100 to 150 of the thre<.>-lon automobiles each year, making him tops in the country Carver has maintaml'd his fu"St· plat-e standmg for 10 years. What 1s remarkable 1s that 111 the last 10 years the price or a Holls Royce has grown. swelh-d and finally explooed through thl• roof. leaving a substantial dollar gap between it and otht•r lu xury cars. / Carver. a onellmt• Ponttat dealer, sells mor<' Rolb Royc<'s than anyone else in the c.•ountry Last year, while the rest ot the auto ind u s try was ta king a pounding, Carver had one of his best years. This year isn't far behind. "There's really no mys tNy to it," suggests Carver. "Tht•rc an· always new p<.'<>ple in new fll'lds who've made some money and come into the market and rcplal'<' those that have left A standard Rolls Royt'l' was priced a l $20,000 in 1!170. By 1976, the price had crepl up lo $38,000, Now, the asking price I!{ $111,000. The top of the liqe modC'l, th<.· Cornit·he convertible a car which takes six months to build SALES BRISK -Roy Carver. whose Newport Beach dealership is the top Rolls Royce outlet in the nation, says business is good despite the Dally PUot Slaff ~iCM depression the rest of the auto industry is in. Carver poses with a 1923 Springfield Silver Ghost. 'Upstart' California find sour .grapes in • • w1ner1es econoiny NAPA, Calif. (AP) -With the grape harvest near in the fertile Napa Valley, much of the conversation here centers on the fine wines the 1982 crush is expected to yield. But through it swirls an undercurrent of anxiety -talk about the cash problems of the newer "boutique" wineries and rumors about the health of even the old and established vintners. A combmallon of high land and production costs. lofty interest rates. recession -dampened demand and renewed price compeuuon from Europe is squeezing California winemakers as remorselessly as thl' huge presses which pulp the chardonnay, pinot no1r and cabcrnet sauvignon - grapes grown in this lush valley 90 m1lesnorth of · San Francisco. Some vineyards are on the block, some have gone u9der and otht-rs are looking for ~ financing. It should be noted that the California wine industry as a whole is hurting o nly b y comparison with the more robust years it has enjoyed in the past Sales are still growing - albeit more slowly -and many of the bigger, well capitalized vintner s see the current" slowdown as nothing more than a thoroughly expectable blip on an otherwise steadily growing growth curve. "This is not the death knell for the wine industry. But this industry is no different than any other, and even though we may have felt we were, this recession has rroved we're not," 18.iQ,,. Jack Daniell, president o Wilaon-Dan lclJ,' Ltd., a f rnar)<etlng company which handles 10 small .,,. estate wineries ln Northern California. "We'tt looklna at the next couple o( ycan u 'being kind of a cleanup lime," Daniel& aald. ''11\ere'a golng to be• shakeout, •nd then you're ~ to ee.e a re1urgence ln the late '80. and Part of the problems stem from the romance• of the wine business, an allurl' which in the las t two decades has increasPd the number of wineries in the Napa a rea from 25 to abou t 140 and brought the total number of California winemakers to nearly 500. As a result, scores of new and often undercapilallzed 'wineries are competing for a consumer who is both squeezed by the recession and again rhrung with French wines made cheaper by a devalued franc. Figures from the stale Board of F.quahzation show shipments by California winemakers up about 2 2 percent for the first five months of 1982 compared to an average annual increase of about six percent. And w hill' this slower rate of growth has left well financed industry giants in "If you bottle th e quality i s n 't it, and in the bottle, there goes your $20 a bonle real f ast ." reasonably good shape, it has hurl the smaller operators· who are carrying hefty loans with high in terest rates. Daniels. and others. dc.-scribe the winerie:. in trouble as "the upstarts, where the owners have done 1l as a sideline." Many of them. according to veteran vintners, simply d idn't realm:• what they were getting into "One thmg 1 think (the newcomers) did was they put everything down on paper," said Louis Martini, whose family has been making wine here since 1933. "They took a look at a bottle o r wine and they saw Joe Blow selling it at $20 a botlle so therefore they could sell tt for $20. Well, when they came on the m arket they would be a completely unknown label. "And then, when you're a small winery and you make up your batches of wine, every batch does not always turn out perfecL, If you're large e nough and you get a small batch that didn't turn ou t perfcct, you can correct It by blcndine it a nd manipulating It. H you're real small and that's all lou got, there isn't much you can do w ith It. I you bottle it, and the quaJity isn't in .-the bottle, there goes your $20 o boule real fa.st. Or you sell It in bulk and you don't get anything for it. "l didn't realize that eomeone with $30,000 had tril'd to st.a.rt a winery." he said. "I wouldn't even think of trytna to at.a.rt one w ith Jes. than $500,000." -goes for $I tl:l,000 Car v1·r s uys tlw Cor111 c·hl• enjoyl•d only m1><l1·i;t sut•t•t•ss an tlw duyi. wht•n 1l was pricc-d in the $60.000 rurt~t· But whl•n 1l shot pa111 tht• $100.000 murk, Carvl·r nol<'l>, 11!. populanty also took oft W ho buyi. thl'Sl' t>Xpl•nslvt• maC'hint.'S that an· so custo11)1it.'C I thal ea<:h radwtor or glovt• compartmt•nt door bt.•ar:. th<• signature of lht· t-raftsman who workt'd on 1t'! Th<· rn,·h and tht• famous"! No, Car vt•r i.ayi., thumbing through a rostc·r of his <.·ustoml•rs to make his point Tht.•rt• was the altornf'y from Ch1t·ugo, tht• JUnk dealer from Onu.irio. th<• porno book publisher from Wl'i.t Los Angl'lcs 1:1nd th<.' bus1m·s~man from Newport &•;Kh. "It's a c-ross St't'llun," he says "It's not just m·w money or old money or lht• chai rman of tht• board. It's a lillll' of evt•ryth1ng An Americana bus1nt•ss." Carver says tht·n · has been an inc rease 1n tht: n umber o f families that own more than one Rolls Royl'<' and an upturn in the number of persons who trade• rn their Rolls for a new modc•I. "We h ave some ('UStomcrs we'vt• workt-d with for 10 and even 15 years bl'fon• they'vt:> bought. We have others who buy a new model t•v<.•ry t·ouplc of years just llkt· 1t was a dom<.'Sllc car." Nearly ha lf of h1i. customt•rs pay cash whill· the o thers arrange financing that often gt'ts as compltt·att'd and l'rcativc as a real estatA• ventun· What makes th1· Rolls Hoyl't' '" special'! The t·ur o nly gc·t11 In mi lt•:i per gallon and st•1 VIC't' ccn11..•ri. ort• few imd fa1 bt.'lWt't.'11 C.arvc•r, who dnvl..'s a Silvl'r Spur whalt• l11s wtft• µ11•lt·1 ~ .1 19 tHI Furcl SJaliun wugo11 , suggest:. 1t's "un :Jll<.·nt11rn to dl'Uul" that puts th1 • Holl~ Hoy< 1· a cut a bovc. "It isn't . plast1c1z1•d ," h1· .,.,v,, rcadung for tht· word The Rolls Royt·1'. atlually dc•vl'loix>d by u 111011 n.inwd H111l' '"l'ht· !'a r •~ all uu ls la 11d1 ng 111v1 .... t1111•111 ;ind I lit•ll('Vt· m ort• 1.11."J!Jlt· huy 1t r,,,. thot rt·u...-m lhun for lh1· fl<a~h." tw 'il.IY''" adrrnllin~ tluiugh 1h1•11• w:1s um• l'UslOll)t•r· whu ~ul .i 1w1 :.1111ul1n•d ll(·tmi:.t• pllllt· .,howmg tht• pnt'l' ht·'d paid (111 lh1· c•;1r Alo11g th.it line·. Curvt·r d1shk~ tla 1mp1 l'l>l\IOn that tht• Holb Hovu· 1i. a snub vt•h1d1..·. u c·ar ror 1lw d1ll' lit· say .. hi'> ~lei.men 1wv('r Jud~w pot<·ntwl cus1om1·n; by thl· ('(Ir tht·y arrive in or lht• "A c6uple of people make a differen ce 1n this bu 111 ess. No snobbery intended., it's just a very thin market." and another named Royl'l', has its main plant in Crewt•, a town in the indus trial m idsection of England. The C'ars contain real wom.l . s tainless s t eel, lambs wool carpeting. the lx'St in leatht.•r and an odometer that will record up to 1 million miles. And there· an· the slal1sl1t·~ More than half the· Rolls Roy<.·c.-s made since 1904 arc sull on tht• road. The cars retain their value and often appreciate, somelimt•s rather quickly "lt's the finest car in tht• world," says Carver. summing 1t all up ::ipp<·<1r anet· o l :.orn conl· who h:.ippt·ns lo wander o ntu t he t'i.lrp<.•ll-d shuwruum. · · T h l' r <· a r l" t o o m a n y ba r·pfoott·d youngsters who bring bat·k tht·1r parents," says CarVl'r, who still plays salesman and insist:, sdling a Rolls isn't so mut·h d1ffc·n·n1 than selling a PonllCil' or u Ford or a Honda But thl· Hulls Royce world n·mains <t sm:.ill one. Thl' c:ar 1s i.l1ghtly old -fashioned a nd 1s m•llht·r stn:<lmhn<.'d nor boxed as an c><:onomy pat·kagt• • I JUSt hop<'," says Car ver. "that the· Hulls Royce n ever changt•s" Cutoffs bring turmoil Disability b en e fits r e view raising s torm o f protest WA S HIN GTO N (A P) Social Sl•curity's d1sabl11ty programs are rn turmoil, with the governml'nt c:o nduding a large shakeout after years of asking virtually no questions of most of the millions of people on its rolls. S tat e exami n ers ar e rechecking 50.000 cases a month and are ruJing an almost ha lf of them that peoplt.' arc fit for some k ind of work a n d no longer entitled to a tax-free stipe nd f rom Socia l Securi t y or Supplemental Security Income. Th e Social Securi t y Adm1mslrallon susp<."l'lS tha t 30 percent of all those on thl' rolls don't belong there, a nd that this waste 1s costing at lc·::ist $4 b11l1on a year. "It's a mess. 1t truly 1s," says J ohn A . Svahn. th e Socia l Security comm1ss1oner. l nternRI checks show , ht.• c•ontcnds, that the dec1s1ons to end benefits arc accurate in 97 pNt'enl of the cases. But most of those t·ut off the rolls appeal and administrative Jaw judges are reinstating up to two-thirds. Congress, which gave the order to re-examine a ll those with non-permanent d1sab11it1es, has bee n inund a t ed with complaints a nd some lawmakers are having second thoughts about the review proccs.s Bills are pending that would slow or suspend the rt>v1e ws and allow people to stay on the rolls during appea Is. The Reagan administration is backing a House Ways a nd M eans Committee measure that would let people keep benefits while· they ask a s tate agency to r<.'considcr its decision. That bill also would give them face-to-face hea rings before the agency while limiting new evidence that could be brought l.Jefore an admmistralive law judge. For some, the cutorf may be the nudge that gels them back in to the work force. But in a program that serves as a lifeline for some of society's neediest and most h e lpless, m a n y o f the cutoffs create controversy. One case brou ght t o the atten tio n o r a Senate subcommittee was that of Richard K agc. a 49-year-old diabetic from Recd City, Mich . who is nearly blind ln April 1981, he got a crisp form letter informing him that his Social Security disability benefi\s w ere under review In early May. he Wl'nt lo a g o vernment -se le c ted ophthalm ologist for a n eye exam In a t Io n . That doc t or reported: "11. looks like at present nothing more can be done. The patient is a lmost blind for au praC\lcal purposes bu\ \he presence of central vision In the rlsht eye gives him some reprieve ... " Deap l~e an evf'n strong~r opinion from Kage'a famil y doctor, a si.~ agency decided a week later that the former highway surveyor was flt.. for light work and no longer entitled to $459.80 • month In benefits. The Socia l Sec·urity Administ rat10n ratified thl' decision and no tified Kage on July 30. 1981. that his July C'hL'l'k would be his last. K a g e trie d to w o rk as a caretaker m a <.'t!metery. but he· suffered two heart attat·ks last Thanksgiving and died the nt-xt mo rn ing H is physician. Dr Ke ats K. Vining Jr .. bitterly blamed the death on "the stress cause d by te rmination uf his benefits " The state disability agency awarded Kage posthumous benefits for the last four months of his life, but Social Security defends the initial cutoff ... Al the time that decision was made. 1t was cor rect . There was n o evid en ce a t that time that s h o w e d a hear t-re l ated impa i rm e nt ," says John Trollinger, a Sol'ial Security spokesman. l':iince March 1981. when the Reagan administration began th<.> first of the pe riodic reviews Congress ordered, more tha n 212.000 Soc ial Security or Supplemental Security Income d1:.i.ibll1ty n•t.•1p1<.'nts have been t'Ul from th(• rolls The reviews wc·re part of lc:g1slauon enacted 111 1980 that also r e du ced maximum b<ont>'1Lc; ror disabled families and provided incentives fur pt'()pll• tu rt'lurn to work. The• Rt.•ugan adm1nas1ration l.x-gan the· <.>Hort 10 months P.arly <1m1d rc·ports from Socia l St•cur1l\' .ind thc General Anount1ng Office th at 18 pc•rc:c>nl of tht• rt'<.·1p1ents w ere not truly Ul!>Ablcd Recently, the agt-n<.:y said that as many as 30 pert·ent may b<.' ineligible With nearly seven million AmPric:.ins drawing $22 7 billion a year 1n t.<1x-fr<"t• benefits from tht• Social S<.>c ur1 t y and Supplemental St-<:u rity Income tl1sabd1ty programs, waste on t hat magnitude would be a staggenng drain on the system, which has an overall defiC'i l that mounts by $1 7 ,000 each minute. l n tht' r1rsl 16 mo nths, 46 perc<•nt of th<.• 460.125 people che<:kcd were cut off the rolls. Social SC'Curily ofric1als say the termination rate 1s high because (See TAX-FREE, Page DZ) ,.,,.... ON THE BLOCK -An estate sele is under way at the home of the l•te Richard Kafe, where his widow AJTa.nges items for sale. Kage was one o m ore than 212,000 dlsabiUty ~fh l't'Cipienta whose checks were stopped, as a retult of a federal review oi the programs. • " :ev DI Orcuig1 Co11t OAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Augu11 29, 1982 DRANGICDISTSTDBll From Page 01 T AX-FREE TIPENDS WITHDRAWN . • • Here are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, Aug. 27. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. lhl'Y JI l' l'UIWt•11t1 ullrl" 1111 l.lltM.'S most hkt·ly w be.· in 1.•1ror Sut•111I SPl'Urll)' rmyw $17 7 l11lllun n y1·m· t.u nl·urly 2 8 m11l1on d1sublt>d wm kt•1"N and I 7 nu I hon Cumlly mt•mpc.•rli The avt-ruaiu d liu.1hlt•d workt·r drowit $442 a month or, with ti furnily, $8~1 a month 1.1ud1 ta; that p oint to rliht det·111lona In 97 percent of the revwwa, but adds. "that le~ve• 3 µc-rc.'tlnt wrong Thrt>c· perct•11 t of ~00,000 1t1 an awful lot of c.·dl:lt.'11 " pinc hed nerve1. Ht' hi.d been worklnK a.a a cu.t.udlao under ian llli•Umt'd name und u p hony So(•1al Sticurlty number. He plNitkd KU1lty IA• 11 m1!Klcrrwanor und l(Ot o 8Wlpt'11d1'<i Jllll 11tm~n<.-e I i i P"• fill I t•~ J &l h " f•rt; ~ !::~·~··v .., '-••r ~d·l'•rn' (t 41141", f'e1 e I ••• ,., •• ,. " • •••r l'tl•r1u I .... 1 All Al.t:~ U 'flfil U 'I ~· ~ lalil•r In\) 1t•n H) &e"li·lf•w1.f11tl fl 1t"y11 , tno. "''I II ft,.l,J1ror1t l'I. MtllU• l 1 Mui ld•r• 1,,,, bULI• I• C•Pl~tr•n·• •'~ 1'> t'•r\ ~.,.,.~,., f'l"I U Certr'Dn (n"•' llfN t1 (l'l•••ll••lille 'Ht, 16 Cu.la•n• b.r111 1'i Cote .. ,. '"" lO Co\1a bl.t ,..., 21 co .. ,.,.,J, In Mii<> ll Cn•ur• (•'I l'l Co1Wlt11i1\·11\ 111 C~1t1he•n th I )~ Da t•P.Jw•1 lta O•h''""" 11 Da tu.a 1A Dow"•' "-• "'" \•Vf• •ft ,H t '"~ t1TJIN I.IA tM• n" 19 H l'O, In• llT )0 UP Hl('ro llr" ) t 1Jdu,.a·1o l••1• t': Mt }1 ~i., Corri f>ll •• )) h ol•Jt I 1n f• I • l• £'1H C'"t 1"4 ti I )5 Par "••l t-t n '"' )b flr5t U•r f' l7 t l~•)r l'nrp s& ,luoro" •rbol\ \'f Jot' fl•Her I "Ct fJen•r• 1 A•H J, "' \;;<•n•r•I r.i,.. •· Co14•n W ti 1"4"4• Pt.M • rcbllf' t-tHM • ttHA 1 I ·~ . • ~ IJrHtV•l\Ht>•SI '.llJ 4111 Me\l 1n•t t.·~ MJl C ..... t4~rlt•~" ft.11~ H"T" '-b tfo ... "••It~ ""'I A ~1 l•eutron Jn• IMH\J :~ ~~r:r~:i,,,'-' :~: ~ .,_,, L.-•• th I•• lit Vt,.A 'J f l.•S•f' ffr ., l.o\ .M .-,, l.IOel"ly !thl' '">1 Llttri rnunu·y '",Jt,.111 "tli l.l>S Al 11111lr..ot I.Alt ·~~, L\ltlUtr' ""'" I ll'fUll ·,~ McC.,•b" c .. r14 'JI M•rc-ury 'lAlf, M•1t '">'1 Mt1·r" r,;.,..,-,.1 ')'' Mtcr< s•11' <ln, i1 :r I 60 Mor111f'l1ut"" Int MI .I ' 6 I M31 0•1 I lf"f. H~f 6,' N•tl"n•1 • t Ht• • 6' #A 1c\•8 , • I ltUll t b• li•lJ tf'I "'~ ,.., ,, b•, •wpt '8• l So bfJ Hl!'wporl ,.,,,,., .10-wP• 61 bwpon. fl11 ' 111rwr 6,_ llt'wpnr• P'1 •"• HVPH fJq ,!lew W1rt t • ~f'WW rn •"''"'"' .,. ""' t "" ' , "'d"' , •tl 11 1,.nl•" ti , ~fllll ll C,ral\c• k1n ' , .. Pa~tr i•Jll •• /', P•r•ror'1 P•!i11t 1'01' 1t) Pel"lll '• .. '" ,. Al 11 Ptp•r H'P't 4 .. HI , ... ,. .. ,., ~ ,. 1~ ,.,.1 "'',. 111 . rt1111• 80 lla•pa,.• l•n1 •f i•_, 6 ' 11'11 Jt"'""'' ,.~ ""l 82 ••P· 1'U11J.,,.,. • F;Ulf 81 .S.nlftar r rr • ..,[ta!lt. e• s .. naw• '' 1 -:r.u &.-, J'llc'>n '-; L 111• 8b ~I h"r r•'tf t Y • 81 "'111Hh ,~,.I --:1 I &a Suul h " Mttf'tll OMI 89 !:t•nr2•r•t l c;. ~TIJl• ?O .Sund•" J t • • P., • '}1 .!lhnc Hydt "T•.H If "'H• &"•h• I• •••f#"r' ••• h It • t "'" .,,.~,··· Mewuurt "•• h •ewp1u t •••• h I, 'f I A• (,lre.n1• Htt!llj'JWf' ... " ,. fUl\A"•~lll A11ah•I• ru• 1•r• ''" "•n J11eo I •t• A1\•ll•t II An•n• t • ... ""'" ' "•• 11 'o•t• ""• • ~ .. , ... ,,, .. 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Some 2 3 million Lillnd or d1sablt'd poor pt'oplc get $5 billion a yl'ur m Suppll•ml'ntal Security lnm ml' lx-n<'fits, whltl1 are paid by the T r<•asury, not Soctal St•cunty's trust funds. The admani11tration exp<'<-'Oi thl' reviews to suve $4.7 billion by 1986, but mcanum1.• complamL<i -and pressures in Congrt-s:. are rising Lawsuits have bl'l'n f11l•d to c hall<'ngl• the proc·(•ss. somt• o(fo:1ab h:we recctvl•d thrC'aL<>, and a sta le d1sab1lity office· 1n M1c h1ga n r ecentl y took it:. namC'pla tl• off Lh l• door and tnsta1l1•<l Liullctproof gla~ Thl• dtsab1l1ty programs an: run b y the :.uitcs with fedt>ral funds and o n criteria set by Social Sc'<'urlly Ac.'t'Ordmg to &>n Carl L<>vin , D-Mu:h .. nmt' su1c.·1dC's may b<' linked tu tht' cutoffs Social Sec·unty Comm1ss1oncr Svahn l'om·cd es that m1s t<ikcs happe n . He str<-sscs intl·rnal Sen. John He1n2, R flu.. the chalrm1m of the Senate Spt."'Cljl Committee on AKinK, und uth l'1 senuLoni are trying to hnpc.ttW u 1nurator1um on th(• reviews for the rest o( thi:< yt·ar Groups r e prl-':<l·nt1ng th1· mt•ntally and ph ys1c:ull y handicapped and a coah t1un of labor, dv1l rights a nd scnio1 l'1t1wn group contend that lhl· government has shovt:lt•d so m<tny cases to stale d1s&l..11l1ty determination agcm·1<~ !'>ti7, 000 Ill fiscal 1982, WI lh fjf)ll.000 011 tap for fiscal IY83 that tht· 11•vwws .. are ofwn p<.•rf unctor y. w1th c1 ut ad1·quate medtc::d 1•v1dl•n<:e a nd with ansuHkwnt al l e nt1 o n tu 1nd1v1du<1l problems." Although the review:. an• not a1mt'd primarily at detel'l1ng chc<itcrs, Social St..'t.'unty ofl!l·aals say they have trippe d up a numbe r of them, inl'luding a former iron f Ork t'r fro m Pittsburgh whose family ha:. drawn $48,000 in benefits s1m'• he• went on disability in HJ75 for bat'k a nd head contusions and the office of On thl: Olhl•1 hldl', there's t·o11sldt•rul.>I(· d 1sputl' u bout the n·Vtl·Ws of bcml'f1t'1ar1l'11 itufft>rl ng rrom mental d1sab1litle11. /\ mt•rnu !14mt lust Junuzu·y to Soc·1;d St.'<.'urny hl•ad4uarters by M 111 ln 11• M M oleski , acting din-<·tm uf tht· agl•ncy's regional uff1n· 1n C h1t·ugo, M11d : "in some ins tant'l'S, thl• f1t·ld offices are wm·c-rn1-d th<it individuals whom lht•y tonsadt•r lo bt• 'obv1ou:1ly' dl' .. ablt·d , ba!>t·d upon observed lm.m ff• and unusual behavior and 1nh•rv1cws a t th(• SSA d1strwt o f( ll'l''>. Ill t• dc111(•d " Shl' forwardt.>d a letter Crom Bub Coht·n . tht· director o f W1:-.c·un:.1n's burc.•<iu o f Social S(•t·urlly d1 :.ahd11y ins urance. who t•omµlatn<:d. "The current <Jdjud1t·at1ve c:hmcalt' involving 11wn1.<.1I 1mpa1rmt•nt:. !>{.'ems to be 1Jm• of dt•ny, dl'ny, deny." Cohen 4ucm·d u !>I.Off member a.; saying, "Qu1u· frankly, a claimant has to ht' 111 <i cat.atom<: stupor or be a totally raving µ:.ychotic to be a11owed." COYNE & CLARK Costa Mesa, CA serving the real estate industry, professional firms, amt' numerous privately-held businesses in O r a n ge County • has 1nerged with o ne of the largest of the Big Eight accou nting firn1s 1\ i;:t~~:d' ·, 'ft'l. *'" ""' ,, ,..,,. •rt•h1th1 "'fl ~•~r1 •t•i Pr')o1, .,.,SlJAQ Ir '" •t '1"1\Pi· , flW>\1'.. "'ti" :~ l:H ~=~U~ .. 3UU ··m 9" Terttno)ney J4\ot r'(ICT' 9S Ttot~ftl,. r ... , 96 Te•P·-'' i" n.>H' 'H f,..n•hr,., ff r11~·r QS Tllll tn1'111t THT I 99 tJltr• Hf' JI•" l ... ,,. .. ,, .. M~r1uf 1n11: "'•,.•! ., IO'ltC'IAQ •,11 Nr l01#1'I> ,,.,,, n• , 1':1it.,·"'• HI ) ~ H"'wf ,., "•' ' Or•'"'" I' •p11t •r P"l"C'ti "'I "'",; ... '""' l"•4ttlllfl1 , I l ' ..... I!!• l· ' JI l••n1n1 A P"•I""' Pt fl'\,mtt1,,. Vut•f .,. .. 11 '· tr1 •.-- l'llA °'"'16) u.~a .. o•.ro•~ !• )~ MC j II '" . ' ~ '·'" o • '1 ' rn 1 "" NQ Ir .~-.~~ 1111 l).nn ·'·18·82 9-10 80 1>-11-80 •O·\ 1-~t 9.10-80 ~-10-&1 \00 Ultr•"Y'tt!•• 'lt.T• tOl Va hncl• lhl\lo. '01 Y•r tnt'" VP. 1 ..... "" -II, ....... ,,,,. \ '""!' Pt.1H•r'"' ,_.,,,_,,,. rir .,~K" H fl• i • ., "' ' "1 N•~•Q-1 •1{\ 'I' ~ "t !o,0() ltJ '0 ~t·r ~• Al) IU 'l\IQ- Uf •, ,. •'I • O, 11• ,,.,. 1 1:' '11. 1 ~ "" H, I 1.\l .. 81 ~.e 11.p.91 t.•. •l·)' .~, 101 YTM c,,.,,.~. !/Tiil lr-11'1• Jnc,,;.,. h,, •1\1.f>i•l·t ,, 'I Id ·16 0 I .1~ I ,.,.. O.q ~-11.91 •.8 7-)1-8 1 -•2·)•·•1 • 10· l l·AI 1oa WI:~ l•H J 't Afl•,," ~· II•""""'~,. '",. "'"'"f 10C) VTr I fnf'. "•" ll•w('I 1rt. ••• I\ ,,.. a gl'll f11,.w•r1' I"' f, 'I 6.18 , Iii,' IO.f>f,\ -~O.lt 10 01 106 ~•nt•c IM l ,,_n 'i•r 1•" r. .. .,..... • 1 •~1 r. •• ~·-.o·~ It 06 101 Ve1perr ro wr • •t"•J'"' ... ,,.,,,. ll~ .. -. • .,., 1., -.. l 108 V•&l•'"" ""le. V~I i.. 10~ We•t t.n1-. "'"'· '"'~Ji f\l•t '" Jl••PDr\ .. ,.. fl .... """'L.«"l t' !•••.•• ._1~6-t•1\ ··"'' l. t• •''\.· t •.01 .~1.11: 10.e-i1 oc 68 ~.~ •·lO·ll 6-10·8• •.O 11.11.11 >.~ •1·11·'0 l·J 1 .11 ... 11-)1-61 -i..n• • '"• "•'"'11"1• Na~a.,.. ~.u t 10 Vt l l•r1 rrJ ' '"'' "'" v~i .. , ... 0,., '••"'" rut l•,.lon ,,,.,. 'P• .. "'-~ ,., .. ;,.., l ')fr '. ~o . .. ) '.co • 8. 1 ~ •• ·•I.~ •&1 t t 1 vr11M ,_,.. .. , • ., w•c• 111 Vyn.n'-' ln''1 VI t\ .... ,, ••• '"'~'"" '"' ..... o ,.,.t-. •• ,.c. fllt3r: "·'1 11.f)O • 1. ft > q1 Investors' blessings bust for housing By GLENN SCOTT Of the Dally Piiot St•tt Money market mutual funds. wllh high yields and short maturities, are a blessing to investors but a bust for the housing market. a<'Cording to a leader in Orange Coun ty's finance tndustry. Leonard Shane. cha1nnan of the board of Huntington Beach-based Mercury Savings & Loa n , told a luncheon audience last week that the new money market funds "have subtly but enormously changed the economic fabric of the country." His comments were direc ted to members of CEEED (Californians for Environment, Employment, Economy and Development) during the ~~ing at the Registry Hotel in Shane described the money market fund as a "brilliant inves tme nt instrument" cr ea ted by Donald Regan, n ow secretary o f the Treasury. But he said the system is not rroperly regulated and eventually wll becom e destructive unless controlled. He claimed that allowing capital to be invested and withdrawn so quickly has proved harmful for the kind of funding needed in real estate. "U there is no capital left because it's been siphoned off to the money market," he said, "then you can't find the money for long-term loans." S h ane urged CEEED members, who are mostly buiJders. tradesmen, real eat.ate agents and financiers, to lobby officials in Washlt>gton, D.C., for modified nation~~~omic policies to encourage housing. He claimed artifical supports are nt.'t'ded to prop up the housing marke t because investment funds otherwise will go to shorter -term accounts. But he claimed the socio-economic value of h ome ownership argues in favor of the supports. Specifically, savings ins titutions should regain the credit d1fferentaal that once allowed them to oHer a slightly higher yield to investors 1f the funds were committed to housing, he said. Tax incentives also should be reinstated, he added. Both of those advantages were removed by the Deregulation Act of I 980. he said. Shane was scheduled to speak on the controversy surrounding how s tate-chartered savings a nd loans s hould handle the "due-on-sale" clause in home mortgages. He was more interested in money market funds. At the end of hlS speech, however, he said lending institutions should be flexible in helping home buyers r eceive ~oa ns e nabling them to complete a transaction. Shane said he couldn 't offer a distinct policy except to d eal with each case individually and to use common' sense. The due-on-sale issue came up a fter the U.S. Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that federally-chartered savings and loans could call In loans at the time a home is sold. Thus, new buyers would not be allowed to assume remaining mortgage payments a t interest rates lower than current market rates. Photographic Business Cards If you don't smoke, I can offer important savinas on IUto insurance. Claim your r.w11d from: RAMITT INSURANC£ .. 1 Old Newport 8f¥d. Newport ewh, Ce. 111·1740 C.11 142-5171. Put • lew word• lo •ork for ou. A new AdliefllWIQ ~ Int '(Ol.A" ~ t./ot )'Oii' OtOduclt •13a.oo• 1or 1000 CAAOS t ~ a II l4AlfitC! PRIME OCEAN FRONT Newport Beach duplex. Wiii trade for real estate, trust deeds. Low down , ready to deal on this fantasti c , newly remodeled property. $735,000 Th• W1lllngton Group (7 1'4) 838-3232 ev ... (11'4) S.•·0814 ~.?II~ 9, •99 6~1 1, 112 1,11• •&! ~l:m 19),111 11,6)1 '? .e•o • , ,969 -1•• .,6, • 1 ,bb9 .1, -17& , I •1~ I, 19~ 11.106 -~o• jl! Ernst & Whinney 11},Q~• .,6 '". 11q n.010 • t. 76) ), 162 '· ,,~ 101,8•~ . '.~~9 -!90 1,)6~ .,1171 I ,109 •9• -99~ 10.6•6 Offices: 4000 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach (714) 851-1700 THE SMART WAY TO BUY HOMEOWNERS AND AUTO INSURANCE IF YOU EARN MORE THAN S75,000 A YEAR II your pos1t1on 1n life 1s above average, so a1e your insurance needs Vou ve got too much at stake 10 perm11 1out1ne handhng of your property and hab1l1ty coverage That's why many smart successful people hke you are turning their home owners and automotllle protection needs over to Marsh & Mc Lennan We re specially suited co serve special chents Although we've made our name as rhe world's leading commercial 1nsur ance broker. we also handle a s1gnif1· cant amount of personal coverage ;is well Homeowners and automobile insurance tor a select group of 1nd1V1d uals an the upper income brackets We offer several d1st1nc1 .rovantages over buying this type of protection through other brokers GETl'ULL REPLACEM•NT VALUE Berore we insure your nome. we a1range for a free 1nspecuon and app1a1sal If you need some kind of coverage instantly we can probably a1r ange b1nd1ng prorernon over the phone that wrll keep you covered until your policy can be issued and delivered 10 you And 1t your pos111on 1n llfe makes you a tempting target for damage lawsuits, we can provide you with excess llab1llty coverage of SI m1ll1on ro SIO m1111on at a much lower cost than you m1gh1 expect GET A HOMEOWNERS INVENTORY-,R•• Whether or not you u111mately obtain insurance coverage through us. weC1 ltke to provide you w11h a small but important piece of procernon right now-absolutely free Ir's a Homeowners Invent()(}' An in d1spens1ble 24-page booklet designed to help you ta ke a fast and accurate inventory of your hOme's contenlS There's a place to list every 11em you own, the date you purch<1sed 11. the purchase p11ce and the replacement cost It will help you list 1oom by room 11em by item c111 the valuable possessions you've accumulated 1nclud1ng those arricles of excep11onal value like furs, Jewelry. silver. fine am. and antiques There's even a special section for the 1nclus1on o f photo graphs and receipts Stored 1n a safe place. your Homeowners Inventory could mean a big difference 1n settling an insurance claim should your home ever be hit by d1saste1 This handy booklet is yours. with our compliments To obtain your copy simply complete and return the coupon below We'll see that your Homeow~rs Inventory is sent to you 1mmed1ately Bece1use we·re accustomed to decll rng with policyholders who enioy an atnueni lifestyle. we're not "fazed" by unusual requirements .:1nd big numbers For 1mtance. 1f you have valuable arr. clntrques or collecubles we know ,.---------------------------, how to insure each one 1ndMc1ually for the lull replacement value a1 today's prices We know haw to cover your jewelry. furs. and silver so that rn case or loss you won't be d1sappo1ntecJ Oy subtraction~ for deprecaat1on an PaRSONALtZ•D ATTSNTION BecauM> we tend to insure above ,-,verage hOmes and cars. we give ecfch policyholder r1rst-class crea1menc My 11me ycu call With a quest10n. need. or claim, you'll never be forced 10 deal wrrh a na~less. impersonal clerk 'rt>u'll ask for and !(Ilk 10 yciur own "<:count Representa11~. some- one wpo 1s keenry lnterescttd 1n your needs ana personally resporu1ole '°' seeing that you ~ taken CArt of M•nh a Mcle""ltft, 4400 McArthUt" llvd .. S41ft• JSO. OP 8/,9182 I N•wport leach. CA tlHO Attn: Ci.wry H•nson. Vice "'flld•nt YES, I~ hkt to receive my tree cppy of the Homeowners lnll('ntory I undtrsl.lnd this 24·page OOOklet 1s mine without obhgauon Pleast stnd me my comphmemary copy 1mmed1atery. lltltllf'\\1 ___________________________ _ C~Y--------------Sl"'"------l•11------- •in~~ on.ct' PN>nt'·--.---------- 1mMAT10 CUlllllNT ""'WI 0# Ntr HOMI : 0 uoo.ooo-suo.ooo n USO.OOO-•I00.000 a U00,000. ln•t1uuy1C.ll 11 ..... t ·IUJ •• ,...,.. 'YfNil ~let - .. I I I I . I ., I Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augull 28, 1882 o:J Keeping your monthly payments 'affordable ' • I . By A.OBERT J . BRUSS Ona of Uu.• blgest ob8tacle1 to a home purchailc la thl' monthly mortgagl' p1&yml•nt To keep thcee payrneni.. within an aHorcJ.-blt limit, arrwrt buyers and their realty agenui know how Lo ttruclun• payments, which the buyer can afford. STRl!."TCH YOUR BUlX'.a."T. However, most home buyers strc.tch their budget to buy a home. If 1t teems like you can 't afford to buy 41 home, remember that thousands of home buyera have felt that way before. If they bought homec you can b\.ly one too. It's far better to stretch your budget and buy a home than to continue wasting money on rent. HOW TO KNOW THE MONTHLY PAYMENT YOU CAN AFFORD Most home buyers can afford monthly housing payments up to 33 percent of their gross family income. If the buyer has few or no installment payments, up to 40 percent is affordable. For most home buyers, with a reasonable down payment, this means a home priced three to four times annual gross income is within an affordable price range. CONSIDER THE FINANCE ALTERNATIVES. Mortgage lenders, especially REAL ESTATE llllllli aavtnga and loan auoclatlona and mortgage brokers, bend over backwards to offer many dilferenl horn~ finance plans. A few are good for borrowers but most primarily benefit the Iendeni. Many start out at an affordable Interest rate but with gradually eecalatlng monthly payments. If your lnc.'Ome doesn't k~p pace with lhe increasing mortgage payments, you could lose your home by foreclosure in a few year11. Graduated payment mortgag<.'S, adjustable rate mortgages, graduated equity mortgages, and buy- down interest rate mortgages are just a few of the alternatives. THE BEST FINANCE SOURCE OF ALL. No matter how attractive these mortgage finance plans may appear, don't forget the be11t home financ.-e source of all -the seller. Smart buyers and their realty agents steer toward sellers who are willing to finance the sale al reasonable interest rates In the 9 to 12 percent lnwrCllt r4't.t: runj(\' Motav11tt.J, uni..1oui. i.dlt•r11 will finanet· th•· Mh• ut not only 11 rt·w;cmuhll· lnlf!r<'lit r1o1u-hut on uHordulilt· l4•1 rn!C Tll~ NO PAYMENT MUHTCiA(;f: An exumpll.· of llffordubh.• U•rnl!i IH tht.• "nu µu y11uml morlg611(l'." u1mully a l'«'t'Ond mortgugt· l'urr1lod buc·k by the· 1Wtlt•r Sudt u 11'11rtl(ugt• Ul'lTUt>N mtl>rt'llt until u balloon paym<•nt 18 dut'. uHually In five• or 10 yeani. To 11lu11trutt" 11uµpoSl· thl• flnun<.'l' gup bctwc.>t>n your down puymcnt and tht• 1•xh1ting u~umabl<' first mortgagt· 1s $30,000 If tlw rir!lt mortgagl· payments arc all you can afford, usk the seller l-0 carry the $JO.OOO sc.><.·ond mortgagl' at 9 per<.'.c•nt accrued lnter1·11t (no pay1n<mts) for 10 years. By showing the st.'llt•r that annual at"t·rut'CI 1nterl'st of $2,700 will add up to $27,000 in 10 yt.•ars, plus the $30,000 principal. you <.·an ofttm mnvin<.'c a seller to a<.x:cpl such an offer. The happy rl'sult of a no paymt•nt morlgagt• ts the buyer keepll his monthly paymt•nts affordable And the seller has a "fort.'lod savings a<.'t'OUnt" whil·h builds up a nest egg In 10 year~. thl• f1 n;t mortgage can probably be rerananc.·cd to pay off the S«'Ond mortgage balloon payment THE PARTIAL PAYMENT MORTGAGE A ' VUflUlllJn Of tht• 011 p11yrrw11l ITIUI tg&gt' I• a purtmli puymc·nt mort6(Ujlt• U1i111g tht• ulio11<• l•xumplt• wh1•rt·I the: 9 J.k'IC.'Cl\t lnwr<.•tn only monthly puym<·nt would, be $22~. supJ>08(! you rnn aff9rd to puy unly $1001 pt•r month You then µr1 v1dc 111 yuui pu1 chD.M' offl'd for monthly paynw11L>j Lo th1• *'llt•f uf $100 anlc'rt'tll1 only with the $12:S 1t•11Ut111111g inll't'<'til ,attruin" and, addl-'<l to tht· pnnc.•1pnl I Whc·n the milloon p11yrrwnt t'<m1t'tll dut' an I 0 ycun1, tht-sc•llt•r wall huw rt"t·clv<od $12,000 in $100 monthly 111lt'rc1tt puymcnt.s plus $15.000 an at-cru<.-d inlt.'rt'st The• possibilatit.·s an• 1•ndl(·s·; for uiling th('• flcxlbl1• finum·c tnl•thod to kt•t>p payment ' affordablt· ' WORK W!Tll A CHEATI VE HEALTYl AGENT To use tht>lK· and olht:r innovative rlrumC(•: methods, work with a t'rt'at1Vl' realty agent who: understands today'!> fmancl• ml•thods. ; The smartest agents who art' earning t}w : bigg<'st sales comm1ss1ons are thos<> who bypa& I conventional mortgage: lendt'rs m favor of seller I financing One way or another, virtually any wage earner c:an afford to buy a home in the current buyer's marktt but 1t usually rcqu1Ies the help of a flexible realty agt•nt wh<> und<.•rstands today's finanee methods Realtor responds to 'short-term viewpoint' of the market In response to the article published under "Comment" by Thomas D. Elias, Saturday, August 21, 1982. this buyer would have an income of $44,000 per year to qualify for $104,000 loan. Thomas D. Elias made a very interesting study and disclosed certain facts, regarding the current real estate market in California. The major oversight of the study was a short-term viewpoint. The fact that was also overlooked by Elias was the tax consequ ence of this same "buyer " According to the 1981 tax rate schedule for federal income tax, this same ''buyer" will pay $15,317 in taxes if he chooses to remain a tenant. His monthly payment including taxes and lilsurance would indeed be $1 ,250 pe r month, however , his withholding tax in this bracket is $1 ,276.42. So to shelter his income the $1 ,250 principle and interest payment would be a deduction not a hardship. R eal estate has a lways been the best "long-term" investment. Only since 1977 have buyers invested with leverage and turned a profit q uickly in real estate. The speculators rode the wave of inflation from 1976 to 1980 a nd made thousands of dollars ind1v1dually and millions of dollars collectively. Our economy haS cycles. There are times to buy and times to sell. As in the stock market there are bear markets and bulJ markets. We presently are in one of the hottest buyer's markets since 1976. Prices are level, sellers are motivated and int.ere_:i\ rates are on the decrease for the first lime since 1980. Then there is still the matter of rent. The $850 a tenant would pay for a home valued at $132,000 equals $10,200 out of pocket expense in addition to the $15,317 (actual income tax paid because the tenant has no allowable deductions.) Elias refers to "the average purchase price of $132,000" and the monthly payments which w ould accompany such a sales price. With 20 percent down The renta,l expense can be saved if one moves in with relatives. Free rent like free lunches are hard to come by. Uncle Sam doesn't waive income tax, either you shelter your income wisely by investing long-term in real estate or you pay April 15. TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS I Accumulate 6 Br1el 11 Leather fastener 16 Deihl tllle 21 Bapttsmal water 22 Sumatran beast 23 -donna 24 Arrnedillo 25Wlnged 26MOf"ethan pleasingly plump 27 Beal b8Q 28 French revo&ullonlst 29 Youngster 30 Nabbed· 2 WOf"dS 32 Aasttllood ~Plural verb 36 Nice summer 37 Scottish J)(Une 39 Old soldier 40 Pe11y quarrels 4 1 Hole In ooe 42 lowactty 43 Pub brew 45 Sclsaors 47 Acceler- ated: 2 WOfdl 49 Has Importance 53Comlort ~Haggard heroine 55 Rubbish 59 Mlacal- C\Jlated 80 Mine cart 62 Health re90f'1 63 Of the age: Lat. abbr 64 WOfdl oo a menu 65 Arum plant 66 Lunch and brunch 67 Blocklng. as a plan 69 Develop 70 Bushy clump 71 Appears 72 Cutters 73 Feel blindly 7 4 Cardigans 76 Screen«• 77 Inferior race horM 78 Baaeball ciuba 79Team member• 80 Attired 81 llaclllates 84 Chilling 85 Swa?• fOf a new model 2 words 89 Running tracks 90 Swimming plunges 91 Pair; couple 92 Cuckoo • 93 Printer's delta 94 Tantalizers 95 Coi'roborate 96 Tribe of Ind la 97 Helm position 98 Lubricate 99 Bitter vetch too Inscribe t01Peaoe goddeu 102 Floating 104 Ar11, In old Roma 105 ActOf' Connery 108 Withdraws 108 Vine lru1t1 110 Embat· ra~ 112 Seine 113 Tableland l t6 Sea eagle 1 t7 Batlle reminders 118 Brit. busi- ness abbr. 120 Dutch cheese 124 Constel- 111100 125 Yankeeland. '°' lhort 126 Dlsptays 127 Long-neck birds 129 Bantu 1angvaoe 130 Appor11ona 132 Gentle heat 1~ Regatla participant 136 Swain 138 Love madly 139C~ group 140 Complete MCtlont 141 -cltato 142 Repairs 143 Ove<stulfs 144 Taut 145 Aeries DOWN 1 Bed boards 2 Eagle claw 3 Egg shaped 4 Soak flax 5 Sooner 6 Pebble 7 Cuttom1 8 Unlock 9 -deveau: (calf's ....,_ bread) Fr 10 Intrude 11 Small herrings 12waste allowances 13 Aeady10 pluck 14 French soul 15 Royal dwelling 16 Identical 17 Brazilian river 18 Seraglio 19Aboll 20 Reduces 31 Declare 33 Peet 35 Cincinnati base baller 380u1moded 40 Sewing nnes 41 Gori"a 42 Suitable « Conducted 46 Makesweu 47 Sall con- talnefS 48 Out· Dutch 49 Veal and po<k SO Bow end - 51 Bar1er 52 Guides 5.( Aromatic quality 56 Old playing card 57 Wed eecretly 58 MOfe Inex- perienced 61 Batters 62Web splnne<a 63 Reply: Abbr. 66 Encounters 67 Kiiiers 68 April 151h abbr. 69 Exam marl! 71 Headliners 72 Li1t le fellers 73 FOfest space 75Whlte poplar 76 Freshwater tur11es 77 Deposit 79 Subdlvlde<s 80 Yearnt for 81 Germanic I SEE CLASSIFIED ll!CTION FOR ANSWERS god 82 Grass genus 83 Manse<Vant 84 Heavys-11 85 Jogging gait 86 Cut. ea lumbef 87 Siiiy 88 Baseball teams 90 Underworld godded 91 S8't-ter 94 Sir and mister 95 Baby carrlaon 96Alhb<>M ridge 98 Individual 100 Exhaulla: 2 word a 101 Skating surface 103 Of.'sgp. 104 Dancer Miiier 105 Par1 of GBS 107 Conctudel 109 Harangues· 110Talllea 111 Icy rains 113 "Call Me 114 Wear away 115 Arl gallecy 117 Young pig 119 Succinct 121 Plunges Into 122 Wetchlul 123 Stable ldenlzena 125 EJcplolll 126 Skewer t27 Toothy amlle 128 North Cero- llna college 131 Plowed lleld 133 Guido's note 135Ctlemlcal autfhl 137 Poetic verb 17 18 19 20 WANTED! CLIENTS Who Are Looking For A TAI FllEE way To~~:?~~~ .M~ney Current lnter .. t Rate 11.21% -100\ Guaranteed Salely of P11ncipal -Ho Markel R~ -Ho Current Income Tu When Pnsed To ~neftctary -Hot An Annuity -Hot A Bond FOR MORE INFO. CALL OR WRITE to Increased Sales Is Finding the Right Buyer. Call the Orange Coast Dally Piiot today. 642-5678 The gre<ody spc<.•ulato~ have and will contlnu<.• to face foreclosure So will the invc•stors who stepped up in 1980-81 LO play the 11.·verag<' game but now want to cash In their investments This is an equity building year. The sellers aren't making top dollar, however, when they sell for a moder ate price they can also purchase at a moderat<· prict: Buyers should now, as always, evaluate the time and their own personal situation. Ea(·h transferee to California has to weigh the pros and cons a nd decide lo buy now or wait. Upon considering the tax conS(.'Cjuences of not purchasing. most prudent buyers make the decis ion to be homeowners now. Many potential buyers don't realize assumable loans still exist. Most of the press releasc-s regarding the recent decision only applies to "some" loans. those created by federal savings and loans. The Wellenkamp decision stall stands for state chartered savings and loans as well as national banks. VA and FHA loans have always been assumable at the existing rate. Many 9 perecnt to 12 percent hxed ratt· loans arc• avadablt· with 25 or more years : remaining on a fully amortized loan. i I By m·xt spring we may have legislation enactt.-d : to outlaw lhl'SC' pr~ntly assumablc low interest ratt' loans. Buyers really shouldn't be advised to • wait until the law 1s changed <ind these loans are no : longer ava1lablP. : There JS risk in real estal(', like any other ! investment. lt is not liquid, as the past two years ; have proven. The ingredients a buyer needs today, : in addition to the down payment and closmg costs. is • holding power and faith 1n the future of our: country This is not the time to buy with leverage and 1t ; is the time to msure your investment security with • savings -now that's "holding power." i h 's a matter of vie~mt wh£<thcr this 1S a good : time to buy, isn't it? : Marleen L1tzel : Real Estate by McVay 20951 Brookhurst St , Huntington Beach. CA. 92646 ; Sat. Aug. 28th & Sun. Aug. 29th Noon to 5:00 p~m. -c ~ * LISTEN TO KWIZ-1480 AM FOR DETAILS f •BUY NOW BONUS • Buy Now thru Aug. 29th and Receive : FREE DRAPERIES OR A COLOR T.V. 53DOWN 11fa3 INTEREST* FIXED FOR 30 YEARS From $64,900 BRAND MEW CONDOMINIUM HOMES AT LESS.THAN lOU'D PAY FOR FIXER-UPPERS. Who said you can't afford the but' Town Squart1 air con- ditioned, full:fHture homes 1n tht hHrt of Sant4 Ana offer 2 tennis courts, pool and spa, saunas and sho~rs, private clubhouse with billiard room, fireplace, barbecues.•• l, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS Sales office open dally from 10 a.m. 100 W. Third Strttt !!! 0 Santa Ana, CA ~701 '1P'A%APR (7 4) ,41 4107 •os.c ... •t>OelW\CO'ICC•""'t--"A.)-..tlOI' • 1 • ........~ Q\jfhty Ot ..... ~ by Go'<lt•Cf\ • K~~t #I'd~~ OOll t ... 0..1•1"14J HI< --~--"~--~ .. -....... -...-. ---~.....,.... ..... ,,...,..-.. .._,f.tlilllellllf•llfft<•-- ~ l .~ ~ .• • t\ ... .. ,, I J .. , .. ·! . ' 1 I j I : I " ' ... . •11 '• ... .. • ,,, , , •11 tif •1 •I '1 "I • . ---~_._.._..------· .. ~----------------------- b ·I Or•noo Co11t OAIL Y PILOT /Sunday, August 29, 1982 ~ Crowded home mortgage market gets another . ; , By LOUISE COO K d\11111 .. <t• thut tht• mvl·slor will ttt't Nt\J("k for 20 or JO ..._letecl ~"' Wrllllf ye1.1r11 with 11 lrnm thut 11> paying lntl'n'"' bl'low Another c•ntry hWI llt't'n uddl!'d to thu 1tlreudy markt.>t rutt's crowded field or unconvenllonal mortgagee. lt'a a 'fhl' nt•w mu1 t~ugt• rc~-.·ntly got u buoilt (111111 kJnd of hybrid a cross betw~n a Clxed-rnt<' loan till' Fedeml I lonw U.lDn MurtgaMt> Corp , and tlw and an adjustubll• ont'. broknagt· hou11t,'ti of Salomon Brothcrti uni.I Mt'rr11l The new type of mortgage goes by u variety of LynC'h, Pit:rCt'. Fenner & Smith which annourm .. >d a name11: incrcusing equity mortgage, accelerated plan to rai1w money for the Increasing equity loans equity mortgage, growing equity mortgage, etc. The intcrc."St rate is expected to be slightly bt>low The idea b relatively simple: your payment the raLe on conventional mortgages. ataris out at the same level it would wtth u Jim Kendall, a spokesman for the US. Lcagut• t raditional. fixed-rate, 30-year mortgage, but it of Savings Associations, prc'Clk•tcd, however, that 1t increases every year for a fixed period, usually by 3 would be some time befort> increasing equity percent lo 5 percent annually. At the end or that mortgages bt"t.'Oml' widL-Sprt>ad. Monthly paymen~ time, t he loan is paid off. The extra money is not can jump sharply before the loan 1s paid off, he • interest; it goes to pay off the loan's principal. said, and buyt.•rs trad1t1onally have been more boosting your equity much faster than with a concerned with the size of the monthly payment • conventional mortgage. than with the total amount they eventually will The increasing equity mortgage differs from an have t{) pay If they hold tht.> loan to maturity. 'adjustable rate mortgage in several key ways. The But there art.' advantugcs for the homebuyer . interest rate does not fluctuate only the payment "You can bud~et," said Kendall. "It's a big increase, The life of the loan is much shorter -generally but at least it's spelled Oftt " less than 15 years. You know, in advance, just how Guaranty Savings, a state-chartered savings much your payment will increase. And the amount and loan association in Milwaukee, was one of t.he •• of interest you pay in the long run is much, much first thrift institutions in the country to offer the :• less. increasing equiLy mortgage, Kendall said. T he increasing equity mortgage is attractive to "We've be<-n pushing this fairly hard," said investors in what is called the sa'Ondary market. Gerald J . Levy. president of Guaranty, which ' These investors buy mortgages from lenders who introduced the "Accelerated Equity Mortgage" or then use the money to make new loans AEM about a month ago As interest rates have risen, long-term loans Charles Sandine, a mortgage officer with have bec.-ome k'SS attractive investments. With an Guaranty, said there are several varieties of the increasing equity mortgage, however, there 1s less AEM; payments increase by either 3 percent, 4 PROTECTE D -Visitors "to the Sea lsland con dominium community in Newport Beach are greeted by a 24-hour guarded gat e e ntra n ce to protect the privacy of the residence. The homes are priced from $390,000 to $795,000 and information is available at 673-0474. JX!rt't!nl or 5 pt•r'l"t'lll unnuully V uu rnn poy off \ht.· loun 1n anywhl'ft• from 11 yt•uri1 lo 1;$ y1:1u11 Sundim· stud lhut l'1H1Vt•nlwnal. 30 y1•111, f h<l'<.l rate loun for $50,000 lit tu ' 1 JX'ft'<'nt, would l'UI ry u monthly puymenl, l11r pnm·1pal und ink'rt.>st of JUSt undt!r 'ffliQ a month. Tut.al paymcmui over the hfo of the loan would bt· almost $250,000 An AEM, Cor the same amount with the same intertist rate and monthly payments ru.11ng by 3 percent a year. would start wuh the same monthly payment. By the• 12th year. the monthly payment would be $981; al the end of the• 12th yl•ar. the loan would be paid ofL Total pllymc11t.s would lx• :.ibout $120,000. Guaranty oftt·r~ still :.inotht•r option, however. fixed-rate mortgage• with a 15·yl•ar term half as long as the• conventional loon The monthly payment for tht• $50,000, 15-yc•ar l6·V1-pcn:c.·nt loan is just over $747 about $60 more than with a 30-year loan At the end of 15 yc•ars, the loan 1s paid off Total paymcmts t-qual about $135,000 Sandine and Levy prt'Clll'tt"Ci the nc·w typc.'S of mortgages would be popular. Levy agrt•ed with Kendall that the size of lht· monthly paymL·nt traditionally has been thL· maJOr factor when families c-oru;1der a mortgage. "But that gr<'W out of the psychology or the fixed-rate mortgage, · Levy said As adjust.able• rdte mortgages become.• mon' common, peopll· may prefer a shorter-term loan whtch offc•rs at least some s<'nS<.' of cc·ru11nty. Stability needed • housing Special to the Dally P ilot LOS ANGELES -Ir existing homeowners begin to view their homes as "shelter" rather than investment vehicles, they will begin to help stabilize the industry and revive thl' American dn•am of homeownership, a leading real estate• expert has written in a recently published book on US real estate. · These "Landed gentry," as a result, would look lo financial markets and the institutions to t·onduet investment act1v1ties, said Kenneth Leventhal, co- managing partner of Kenneth Leventhal & Co .. a national CPA firm notC'd for its real esta te expertise. Also, lenders could begin to consider a portion of their deposit base as longer-term f or reinvestment in housing, he said. Leventhal's remarks wen~ included in a new book. Investigation of the U.S . Real Estate, published in German by Kristall and ed1tc.-d by Dieter E. Jansen and Andres Matern. In a chapter contributed by Leventhal. he pointed out that many sucet..'SSful develop<'rs and homeowners have prospered "not as a resuJLoi economic effort, but as a result of abuse of the thrift industry." New Deal legislation established the savings and loans as a way to provide funds for housing and a secure place for consumer savings, not to provide an inflation-proof investment vehicle, he said. Leventhal smd. "It appl'ars that the 40-year New Deal housing subsidy 1s drawing to a close," but lhts doesn't nt'<.«·ssarily have to mean the end of thl· American drc·am of individual homeownership. Lc•venlhal ~aid financial institutions obtain the bulk of lendablc funds from consumers who already own homl•s. If those consum(•rs "would rl'lurn to thinking of the purpose of their home (castle) as fulfilling a need for shelter rather than providing a safe, rc.><.·ei.l>1on-proof, mfl<tt1on-proof investment, then they would turn to financial institutions and other markets to invt'St funds," Leventhal said. Lenders then could begin to count on a longer-term deposit base and undertake "match funding" these deposits by making long term loans. Capital for housing development and mortgages could thus be matched up. Leventhal said the rates of return that would be required to make this scenario work would depend on a number or fat"tors. in particular inflation But return must be high enough to induce tht· home-owning consumer to maintain an investment act·ount at a financial institution, he said . -Kenneth Leventhal & Co., the 16th largest CPA firm m the country. lS recognized for its real estate expertise Jt advises the rountry's largest development companies, comme r cial banks, msurance companies, corporate real estate divisions and the U.S. government on real estate issues. EXCLUSIVE -This custom-built residence at the Bear Brand Ranch in San Juan Capistrano features an ocean vww and 5,000 square feet of living space. Town Square homes open in Santa Ana Town Square 11, a $14 m1111on community of 159 condominiums in Santa Ana. open s this weekend 700 W. Third Street. Following the weekend opening. anyone who purchases a condominium a t Town Square II during the Grand Opening week will re<:eive a complete draper1e package or a 19" color telev1s1on. Developed by Goldrich & Kest and Shapell Government Housing. Inc .. Town Square II ofrers one, two and three- bedroom condominiums. priced from $64,500 to $104.900. The new community features a swimrnmg pool and spa. saunas, a recreation clubhouse and two tennis courts A special financing program 1s available at Town Square II, offering 11 7/1 percent interest (12 Ye percent APR) on a 30-year fixed rate loan. Containing from 757 t6 t 164 square feet in eight differe{lt plans. Town Squar e II homes include private patios or balconies with storage lockers. A saJes office and furnished model are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bear Brand Ranch realtor selected S kyview Really of Mission Viejo has been selected to handle the marketmg and sales for the exclusive custom property at Bear Brand Ranch in San Juan Capistrano, built by Robert E. Osborne Company Skyview Realty will be c oncentrating its marketing efforts on the two custom homes at Bear Brand Ranch designed in English Tudo r and English Country stylings. Each of the residences are on obtained by calling 892-9607. Rebates offe red in Westminster Developer Tony Bartoli is passing on savings from dropping interest rates to buyers in the form of $10,000 rebates on his two and th-ree"-bedroom townhomes near Spruce and Westminster Blvd. between the San Diego and Garden Grove freeways in Westminster. Sales offices are open daily, hours and additional information can be estate-sized one and one-quarter acre ocean view lots and are priced in approximately the $800,000 range. Created by John O'Neill Residential Design of Orange. tht> 4,500-plus square foot homes offer an array of quality features. Bear Brand Ran c h 1s a surrounded by three golf courses. one of which 1s still 1n the planning s tag es. and the equestrian trails which will be included in the community will complete the trail system currently maintained by the city of San Juan Capistrano and Orange County. Plans also call for the construction of the Bear Brand Ranc h Racquet and Saddle Club in the southeastern portion of the community. To view the Osborne Company homes, take t he San Diego Freeway to Or tega Highway. Proceed· west (right) to d~ Del - Obispo, then left on Del Obispo to Calle Aspero and right to Bear Brand Ranch . For further information on these exclusive custom homes, phone Skyview Realty at 831-3000. Orange-OoHt OAILV PILOT/Sunday, Augult 29, 1982 Ill Bois a Series popular A Huntington Beach lcx:atlon just three-fourth11 of a mile from the ocean and a climate featuring sea breezes continue to be two of the biggest factors in the popularity of Landmark Homes, Bolsa Series. a development of large three and four-bedroom luxury homes now in its dose-out phase, aa:ording t.o Blll Walker, sales manager at the Signal Landmark Properties development. "Home buyers at Landmark Homes, Bolsa Series, report that the closeness of the homes to the oc-ean arid the refreshing climate that act.-Ompames such a location are two of the most import.ant reasons they decided to buy here," Walker said. "Many of these people said they thought they would have to drive miles down the coast before they could find an ocean-dose, single-family home in this price range." Priced from $205,000 to $260,- 000, five diflerent floor plans are offered at Landmark Homes, Bolsa Series. They range from a three-bedroom model with two- and-one-hal{ batbs, family room and 1,890 square feet of living space to a four-bedro?m plan with three baths, family room and 2,569 square feet. The two- story homes all have three-car garages and are on lots large enough for full-size swimming pools In addition to a wide range of luxurious standard features - including built-in wet bars, dramatic fireplaces, ceramic tile entry flooring. and balconies off all master suites -a special Builder's Close-Out Package of upgraded features currently is being offered at no additional cost. Th.e sales office for Landmark Homes, Bolsa Series, can be reached by taking the San Diego Freeway to the Bolsa Avenue exit, driving west on Bolsa to Springdale Street, then south on Springdale past Talbert Avenue, turnfng e~t on Littlefield and then right on Old Gate Lane. The office is open from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday a nd from 10 a .m . to 5 p .m . Monday through Tl'lursday. It is closed Friday. MODEL -This is one of the condominiums offered at Casa La Paz m Laguna Hills . Interest figured with taxes in nJind Prospective hom e buyers currently visiting Casa La Paz in Laguna Hills are realizing how low interest rates actually are thanks to an "interest saving calculator" produced by Price- W,pterhouse, especially for S & S Construction Company. down payment ts required tor a graduated payment plan featurmg JO 9 percent (14.28 percent APR) interest for the first year. Thc interest increases no further than a below -market rate of 13 9 percent by the end of the 10th year, when refinancing 1s available Designed to esti~te "effecuv~ marginal after tax interest rates, Add1t1onal financing programs the new calculator is a special are offered with full details asset in these days of higher-obtainable from the on-site sales than-usual interest rates. Fur .. representatives. example, according t.o the Price- W ate rho use calculator. a mortgage with a s tated 15 percent interest rate is effectively onJy 8.7 percent for a couple with a taxable income of $40,000 per year. For' prices starting at $75,500. buyers at Casa La Paz l"lay purchase thei.r new home fr•im among a se lecti o n of contemporjlry one-and two- bedroom ftoor plans. A 10 percent Model homes and the sales office are open from I 0 a.m. until 7 p .m. daily, except Saturday. when the hours,are from 10 a.m . until 6 p.m . For 1nformatioh. phone 831 -5012. Visitors should take the San Otego Freeway to the La Paz exit and proceed sou th to Oso Parkway. Turn right, then left on Aliso Niguel to the model homes. • •1 '. I • ,. .. . i' I I I· . ' I I I DI Otano-Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Sunday Augu1t .,g 1Y82 NYSE ,OMPO ,ITE TRAN 'ACTION CIUOIAflOIO IN(l.UO• , ..... ON .... NtW .... •lllWUl l'ACl rl( .... •otroe on•olf .... (l .. 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I ( • f I .. -p "' --------- Otangt Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augull 29. 1982 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE QVOtAtlOll\•"UUOl tOOUOll 1111 NIW'l'OU MIDWIU '6ttt1C Pl• ~fOll Dlfl Olf AllD (tlfClllllUl \tO(I I •Clt411Ht UO UllOlllO I t flll U\0 O D 11•\tll!I f - 07 -------------~----- Ortmg• Coatlt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 29. 1982 1 ons umer action pane l s r espond to c omplaints 'l'h11n1.1CAP will mukl• r1•cu11111w11tJall1111b ln 1111 cum.'11, you 11hould f1111l lry lO rcaolvl' 8~ LO UISE COOK A(MOi.ted l"feH Wrll•r C ut a WI µc.·'> You C'un µmbubly find -..11111'11111• w1lhng tu li~tt•n to your complu111t .,111J ublt• to luk1· action 1f you know wlwc 1• tu t(tJ und whJl to do A growing numbl•r of 111d1v1clu11I t•ompunlf'S und indUlltry trade a:.stX:CUlluni. urc t•stubhshing spcc·1ul d t•purtml.'nti. and orgun1wt1ons to deul w ith t•ompla1nts Many of lht·ni ft•u ture mt>d Utllon or urbitmlion by 111Cli•µc.•11dt•nt µands or individuals, usuaJly at m.1 cosl 111 tht• t·onsumer Tht• U.S. Off1t·e of Consun1l·r A rfuirs has compill'd 11 l ist o f th1 rd -par ly n·sulu t1 on prograffil> ll's available, al no t·haq~t.'. from tht' Con suml'r Information Ct•ntt•1', Dt•pt 639K. Pueblo. Colo BI 009 SPECIAL! KLEENEX FACIAL TISIUI 280SHEml3° SURE & L-s:::::;:::;::2f"i NA TUR AL •14¥90+ ) ~ MAllSHIELDS TRONOLANE ~ AMSthetlc HlfttOl11told1I SUPPOSITORIES (PU.CW 10) w tu.CREAM 1.99 ~ .,.,,,,,_ JOHNSONtS SWABS New. softer tip' ........ 79C LYSOL Liquid Dlslnfect.t liin--TOILET BOWL CLEANER l ).. -, ,.~99c (jijjl.i.) THERM IS. FUP 'N'POUR VACUUM BOTTLE Easier pouring for added convenience #2221/l ,_3.99 CDNIUMIR uhoul 1·11111pluinl8 n·gurdlng pri<:t.• 01 11t11 vln•, any you r pt·uhll'm with the• retailer or 1ndividu<1I u1·t 11>11 1ukt•11 by u ThanuC AP f1<tnl'I w1 II lw munufol·turN lnvolvt.'<J If that dnc•:m't work, try 0 1H' oj t ilt' JH'Wl'"I 1111111'(<111\l hHIHIJIJI~ u1gun11.,1t11111i. 1i. Than.1<.'AP. 1·:.t.1lih:.l11•d liy llw Nallonul fo'urwrJI Drrt'l'lurs A ... ..,,x 1.111011 Mc)l;l 11f thl' t1ompla1nt groupi. huv1• t lw ll•llc•n, "CAP" standing Cor "Con:.umt'r A1·1111n P1.u1t•I " ur "Consuml'I' Advisory Panl'I" 111 t lw1r 111111ws T hunaCAP tht· "lh.111.i" l'lllll!·:. from i.I Gn.~t·k word mt•an1ng dt·<i lh 1nl'lu11l-s a 10-mt•mbC'r nuttonal parwl , 1w111· of whost• members ha:. any t•onnt'l'lll>n wtth the I urwral Industry, and nmt· f1ve-mt•ml.>(·1 n·g1unul pa1lt.'b. A maximum of two mt•mlx·rs of t••wh n·g1onal pam•I may bt• l'onmoe.:tt'tl with lhl· rndustry SPECIAL!. h111d1n~ on lh1· fU1ll'r11I honw 111volv1·d 111111 un tht.· llw apprupr a:olt• ('AP u1 ~an1:w111111 pt'''"" m11k1nt( the• t•<1111pla111l AUTO<.' A I"'. w h tt h 111 i.pun&ort·d by the fo'onn11llon 11f the parwl WU!> vuluntm y 'l'hl· Nallun.,il Aut111nuh1l1· lk·all'n. fu..<M1dul1on. 8400 F1•tl1•1.&1 Trude• Cummisi.um rt'lt·ntly adupkd Wt'1>tpark f>11 v1·. Mt Lt·un, Va 221 oi, trwi> lo rt•gulal11111s prnv11l1ng slnell'r t·onlrOlli llVl'f tht• i.<>IVt• l'Ul>luOll'I l'lllll1Jla1nl.lo IJy h..iv1ng one• of 11.l! IO UUS tl y IJy 11•4u1ri n g undt•rlukt•ri. to ll'IJ Slaff ffit.'nlbt•J!> <'OrlUlt·l tht• dt·alt'f' lnVOJVt'<.i. lf lh~ t•ustonwri. t.>xu1·tly whal is indudt•d in lht• µr tet· of dispute· 1s nut St•lllt;d w;thin 10 dayi.. tht• u1sue 1s a f um·ral , hut thl' rult· 1:-. stil l subJt•t·t 1., u n •fl•rn•cJ tu un AU J'O(AP pun(·I for rt·v1ew. At t·ongr1 ·~>i1unul vl'lo lt·ust 50 pl·rn·n\ uf the panl•I nwmb(•rs art' • • • . t•1msu ml'f' rt•pr<'st·1H. • .1t1vcs. T hC' parn·l's dedsion is .... "': 1n rorr:nu1rcm about J h.i1wCAI', wrrtt·: b1ndini,t un the· tfoult•r only. the· (·uswmer 1s frl'<' 1:1~ar.w<. AP. l.~5 W1·lb S t · Milwuukt•t•, Wis to takt· furthn s tt·~ 1f he or sht· 1s d1ssatis fwd 52.iU:J. • .. • .. . • , • To find out 1f then• 1s an AUTOCAP in your Otht 1 l AP pum·ls indudt· AU I CX.:A P · arl'a Wrllt• th(· nauonal assol'iallon or t·ht'<:k state wh1t·h h<indlt·s l'omplatnL' .,ibt.1ut n1•w l'ar dt·ult•n.. or lt~·al dt·alt·i~· grouµ:. --'-'---'------------~ SAVI; •1.14 TYLENOL IXTM-ITllD18TH TAllUTI CIARA fer WOMEN ..... COLGATE TOOTH PAS Tl IEQUUI (5 OZ.) or WINTH·flHH GU (4.6 OL) SIGNAL MOUTHWASH Cf.fill·,_ ORAL ·B RIGHT ANQLI TOOTHBRUSH Ideally designed tooth/gum brush 1.19 AO PRICES PREVAIL SUNDAY. AUG 29th thru TUESDAY AUG 31st POLO Anti SHAVE SAVE •1 .00 CONAIRCOMBO DRYER & ~'~~·~',~.~.~ minutes wtlh 1250 walls of drying power and a CURLS n CURLS IRON .... /C012 14.49 • PETITE AM/FM ELECTRONIC CLOCK RADIO •a.3000 HOME SENTRY SMOKE ALARM Contanuously monitors for smoke sm~~ 16 .95 Ballery operated •t11.nt 111 5 00 (9-volt ballery rncl ) tm ''" , 1 #1201~1 • ·:~r~ 11.95 ·~ eo co~s u AIL m Oii OlllC SMS roe 111111 o n OIHCI n llAll flOll I C llAIUACTlltlt ll•TS Ofrlt TO llMU Ill uuns P{t lllOtl PU CUSIOMU OI MOUSCMotO S~VE2oe Features sleep switch. snooze and 24·hour wake·UP system STYLE • SUMUNE AM/1M/TV1/TV2 WEATHER BAND RADIO •mo ~~:~n~~~~fdev~~un~r~l~nd21 9 5 YOUR CHOICE! • u. HAIR SPRAY Ass't ··~:·t19 .. tty IALPll LAUREN LAUREN COlOGNE SPRAY by RALPH LAUREN (.JIN.) YOUR CHOICE! SAVE 24e ...... •U....W TAKE -OFF MAKE-UP REMOVER CLOntS Soll. 1ei11ured & moist 10 hit away make-up 2411 C1§i§f.iS- LANACANE CREAM Soothes 1lchrng & burning lu 1.29 BUGS BUNNY CHILDRENtS VITAMINS Cllew .... •ltll [1tr1 c THERAGRAN or THERAGRAN·M COMBO ..... ...,. •btftC ~:::::=============..::::: I.II~ SAVE soe \;1:::::::::::::;""' STYLE SHAMPOO°' COMDITIONER Ass't formulas to Ill tlle exact needs of your hair ~ ~ , .... 1.99 <A ATTENTION ELIGIBLE MEMBERS OF UNION HEAL TH AND WELFARE FUNDS ANOC•l ted Wllh PrMcrlptlon Health S.l't1C•• (PHS) ------..-BEOINNINQ AUOUST 1, 1812 SAV-ON CAN NOW.l=ILL YOUR PAEI CAIPTIONS AT NO CHARGE TO YOU. ITl l AIY TO HAVI You.-...... IC'"""°"9 "u.ID AT IAV-Ok PHARMACIES OPl!N t:OO AM to t:JO N lllON.·IA T. 10:00 AM to 1:00 , .. IUHOA 't I All HO\.IDAYa llCl l"T CHtlltlTMAI • W• llllldle ... ~ woftl lml IN ........ of IN llll4ell tr111t I~. • •• _, e .... ttie pNrmMf tor fUMfl, '° - -fMd1 wtl9fl ~u ""'111. ( •Nit llftnt lft ,OW ......... Ufltf ,..,....., . '"' .............. . "'*'·----~··•1•~ __ ..,,, ,,., ...... _ ............ ..-n• vMt.IY - r a 111 • .... ...., __ ...._ ..... ..... Mw.-0..Df .. .... f -r ~-----------------------------------------------------------.· Dally Piiat ClASSlfllD Airwave psychiatry causing doctors concern . By RITA BEAMISH AHoclallld ,, ... Wrller L 0 S ANGELES -1' ht• lfl-ycar·old was despondent. All her friends wen· going to the prom, and she yearned to go. too But no one 'had invited her. Dr. Joy Bro wne had som e questions for the teen-ager: Did she have the money for thC' tickcL-.? Yes. And was there a "heart throb" she'd like as her prom date'? Yes. What about a "pal" she could go with? Yes. We ll, the doctor prescribed, "Call the heart throb and ask him. If he says no, t·all the friend apd invite him." Simple advice for a simple problem. but with a twist. Browne offered her common sense prescription to the teen via KGO .radio in San Francisco - with thousands of lii:tene rs eavesdropping on her counsel. Frum prom crises to sexua l disasters. emotional problems once confided in the privacy of the psychologist's office or the confessional are discussed daily over the nation's airwaves o n a growing number of talk shows. But while such programs have proved popular, psychological advice via the airwaves has some m ental health profe!>sionals concerned. They doubt the vall.J#! of these shows. and worry about potential harm. •·r think there is a lot of snap diagnosis, a lot of snap judgment and a lot of pop psychology going out," said Dr. S hervert Frazier, professor of psychiatry at Harvard and chairman of the Am erican P sychiatric Association's J oint Commission on Public Affairs. ··1 don't think the__y should give definitive advice ... Human beings are complex. Nobod y is just a simple person who says one and you say two." said Dr. Alfred Coodley. a clinical professor of psychology at the University of Southern California. Browne. a clinical psychologist. said in an il'\terview her prom recommendation was about the most "directive" advice she h~ given o n her call-in program. And based on the reaction of he r San Francisco Bay Area listeners. that call ''clearl y e licited some thing in people," she said. An insecure 17 -year-old boy called to ask for the girl's phone number. He didn't get it. she recalled. but was told: "If you can think of asking out a strange r. you ~:=i n a s k somebody you know. Dr. Toni Grant is a psychologist who has been dispensing counsel on the air in Lbs Angeles for seven years. Her show is nationally syndicated and she attempts to give insight to those who listen. A 38-year -old man called to empathize. He said he was still intimidated about asking someone for a date. A 19-year-old girl also called. She said she didn't think going to the prom was all that great, since s he and her boyfr iend had THE ORIGINAL IS DACK. ~ MA"K HAMILL HAM150N Fa\D CAANE FISHER P€1H\ CUSHING <Y'Cl ALEC GUINNESS I\ UNIV£RSAL PicfUre "-"' ~"" '-t-.<rdO.-b,. JOHN WILLIAMS GA"Y KU"1Z GEOP.GE LUCAS llllftllt.I Mftl I f, ~ ~>I'll ... , .. ,,, ~ ..,.,. .,,.,,,, --~---------------- ugrec•d to havr· 1h1·1r tu'S l s1•x1.ia l rl'lutiuns that 111~hl. Tf'n~t· at tht• v1·ry thought. :.h•· vom1h·ll und h:.i<l to go homl' "I try to givt• tht•rll Pnough direction to pur~Ul'. hut nut c·nough turw thut tht•y fpd I'm solving tht-1r probll·rn. lw!'a11s1· I'm not," sc.iid Brnwrw. "I don ·1 wunt to g1vC' 1tw111 the notiun thut it's anything morl' than <t cusual enniuntl'r " Critics say it's thl· casual c n t·ountcr aspl't:l th;it r·aiS<'.!> conec•rn "The• mchv1dupl who as t·u llang in 1s <ll'S'-Ttbing frl'qut:ntly a vc_·ry tTUtial problem m his or hc•r lift• -a problc•m that undoul>tt•dly has many c11mpll•x usi:x'l.·t:-," said Coodley. "Tht·n· an.· ul l kinds of ramif1t·<1t1ons that influL·nn• the_• questions tht:y poSl· that may go li.,ck .. ~W or :rn y1·.i1:. rn th<>rr hVt'•>. If they get a n·sponst• afh·r u f l'W m inutc•s rmlw l·o11vt•rsat ion, ht> said, "th1• c·h.t1Wl'~ for that advice being wrong, I llunk, are ~•gni f1eant " L1kl' in:iny ol lwr bruadt·asting (Y.'!y<.:hologisl l'Olh .. :..gues. Browne· pn·f••rs lo dc·S< rilw ht'r c·ff11rL-; as ''1•Juc at1011·· ra tht·r than "advlt·l .... "I'm not d0111g psyl'hotherapy on llw air." said Dr Tona Grant. who has twen d1spl·ns1ng cuunSt·l 011 thl• air in Lo.!> Angl·k·s tor st•Vf'n y1:ars sinn· 1ntroducan~ tht• t·all -111 format ut KABC "What l do with 1x-uple on tht· ;11r as tl'at·h thl'm soml•th1ng about psythology <ind human behavior. This program was no t c:onct'ived as an alt1•rnallvP tu ~~~~~~--~~~~~ psychoth1·rapy," said Uranl, wh1n.w pro~n1m is now nat10nally synd1cutt·d "I try to g1vt· somt· insight . a new way of lhanktng. and in d(Jlng so I try w l'nlighte n and c·ducatt· the thousands of pc.·ople who are listening in," s hl• said At WXYZ m [)c.1ro1t. program dart•ctor Mtchal'I Packc·r saya e ra t1 <:s an· bothl·red bt·cause programs like thl' one fraturmg has station·~ psyc·hulog1s t . Dr. Sonya Friedman. "demystify a lot o f what 1:. going on i n psychology and what as gmng in tht• fiC'ld of psyt+i1au·y " F r 1 e d m a n · s t h r t· (' . h o u r weekday program is No. I with women 11stt•nPrs, a.nd reaches about :HJ0,000 JX'opll· <.1 wel•k, he said. Sel' Airwave, Page E2 ------ edwards cinemas WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY "' Pr1w.1rd<., NEWPORT -0 .. IWPOIU!I NllRNfAA PAL f:OAS IHWY 644-0760 ~ ~I IWI f N JAM~ORff & Me,ARTHUR .. HOME WORK" DAILY 2:00, 1:41, l:IO 7:11, t:OO, 10-AO (R) DAILY t:OI, t:tO, 11>'.IO /llllf!P.~ DAILY •:OO, 1:11 r.r.fit"--1 fJfT rtMfJ AT lllDGIMONT HICH • ~~~.,.~~ l!1 DAILY 1·1-1 7 .. :IO, 10:4'0 "THE SOLDIER" DAILY 2:11, •:11 1:11, 1:11, 10:11 "THE WORLD ACCORDIHG-- TO OARP" DAILY I :•, 1.-00 (1111 (R) "THE HIT LITTU WHOAl!HOUSf IN TfXAI" (Ill DAILY •:10, t :11 "THE SOLDIER" DAILY 2:20, 1:20, 10:25 POLTERGEIST ... ~ DAILY 4:00, 1:00 T.~Ot~m FRI. l:OI, 8AT/IUN. S:IO, l:OS f': :::.~ DINll !! FRI. t.'00, 11>'.30 IAT/IUN. 1:IO, 1:00, 10:l0 "THE SOLDIER" FRI. l:IO, 1:20, 10:15 IAT/IUN. 1:00, 2: .... •:..O l:IO, 1:20, 10:11 (R) DAILY 1~, 4M, l:AI ~~m DAILY~ t :IJO, 11:00 POLT.ERGEIST .. ~ DAii. Y l:IO, 1:00 "RAIOEltS OF THE LOST ARI<"'"°' .. fllACK DOI.IV ITIRIO ET.· ncs lxTf'A· m • • hllll&ITIUAL • Vfllf•Vt• ... l .. ,,,~, D~IL Y 111aG, JIOO, !IO, 1:00. 10:20 ,,0) "HOME WORK" DAILY 1:00, 1:00 1.'00, 7:00, l:IO, 10-AO AN Of'li1CER ANDA G.ENTLEJllAN DAILY 12".30, 2-M 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 (ft) FRI. 7:00, l :IO, 1~ IAT/IUN. 1:CIO. S:OO, 1:00 7:00, t:IO. 10:..0 "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" FRI. 1:'5, 11>'.20 IAT/IUN. 3:0l1,l:.U, 11>'.20 "ROCKY tu" (PO> FRI. l :IO IAT/IUN. 1:10 •:IO lilO °' TRAC19t;t'ay ITIMO ET. ,... ••"""· m .. • • n.aUTarAL A fi#*fJVHU'--.tt\Ht• DAIU 111.; ND l:OO, 1:10, 1MI (H) "'Mf211!~ DA.LY 1111, fM PO~ERGEl91'..!! NILY1tll ...... t'dw.1rdc., HARBOR TWIN HARBOH BOUI f VAAll A I Wll SON <.OSIA MfSA "HOME WORK" ""· IM, l:IO, 10:11 IAT/IUN. 1:IO, 1:11 1:00, 1:41, l:IO, 10:11 (ft) .... ,,_. f'O) 12:41, •:tO, 1:20 nv ~T /N-IMH@ll DAILY ..... NO "THI WOftLD ACjOltOINQ T QAftP" ....... *"'") ttTffl IOLDllR" DAILY1•UO .... ,. ... C") "HOME WORK" DAILY 1:41, a:JO 1:11, 7:00, l :IO 10-AO (R) DAtl.Y 11•.1:11 lll(NI" OF THC oar A1t1em DAILY 1lllO M0,1NO .....,..._, fA1T f/111r1 ., .. :&':""'' • Q~t=''• DM.Yll1t.4111 .~=.~- 631 -3501 THK EXT1'.4· T&IUlUT1UAL '0 THI JUNK MAN" DAil Y 1111. 1111 1!11, 1:11. 9111 + '9tl/IAT. 1110t (I') UTHI UAITMAITIR" DAILY~ ••IQ( f'A DA.LY":' '1Ml .. .. ~ f I -,...... .. ..., -••• !(-----..-............. - Uru11u11 Conti DAILY fJILU I /Sunday, Augu11 29, 1£182 Airw ave psychiatry controversial format Jo'l'om 1-'ugt • 1': J "A)\ you pull lhl· 11h111ud Crum tlll' 1•yc' of t 111\llUllll'I :-!, llll'V muy I 00\1' "' wllli bllllH' IOll)(h qu1•11uu1w," Pm•k1·r -Mild Although 11"·tl1,1 f)1-yl'l111lug1 ... i... dd1•11d 1111'11 UWll t•thll'b, th•·v ... av tlll'y till' ,11 \llTll'S lllll'll'>Y hstt•nmi.: It• t h1·11 n1lll•.1..:u1•, "It 'll'iHl'S 1111.," 'illlll 1.11-. A11~l'lt•' radw psydwl11g1!-.l Dr LJUl't1 ~<·hh·,o;1nKt'I . rl'ft•1T111g lo what sht• l'allc·d "Ut1Plh1l'al und OHl\)(t•rous" 1·x1·h1:.1nw·:-. sht· has ht•ard "It r1·11lly worru·s m1• what hupix•ns tu that 1x·1:-1>11l\111'1-;alll'I') wht•n th1·y hang up tlw phorll' " Brown1• smu wlwn sh1• lwurd 11111• 1·11lh·ugu1· lt·ll .i l'<1ll1•r to ll«wt• h1·1· akohl)llt• hu~ba11d, "It JUSl ch1 llL·d tn<' " Sl<lllon WOH Ill Nt•w Ym k Jlrs ,1 dt!'>(·liaunt•r al tht' bt•gmning ol ~y1·hulog1~t D1 K ,irc•n Blake1"s show telling JX'<>pl1· not tu ull1•rprl'l .1dv11·1· 1h1·:v hl'ar as ix·rsonahwd th1•rapy "What wl''rt> try ing to 1nak1· JX'<ipll' undt•r:-.ldnd is that 1t's a gt·m·ral 1nform.1t1on show .111d 11 lkals wtth problt>ms 011 a surf.1u• l<•v<'I." :.aid program director Bob Bruno But WINZ-AM in M1am1 l'<inn·lt-d a s how featuring a "hf1..,tyll• lhl·raµ1:.t ." altl'r t•onMd<'ring The Retunt of the Great Adventure. PG ~: ·" cosra MISA H roRo JN.l''l I lt'!lo I~,., h ' ''"' ,. ,, ,.. , , It l • ~'941.H H• 1;1'\ ANAHEIM WISTMlllSTlll Pdtill( ' At1dl1eim ,, ,,, Omelr• 819 98~0 oqio•,•• cosTa MfSA t '#lo,,• ft"',,,, .. ,,,, ~·tt~ ruuunoN' • ,, 1 • .. ,. YA *' ,,. 't . ., COS.ta Mll.A .. • ''I' NOW PLAYING 11 IOAO IOU•llMGIOll IU CM . ... A1 -.ue IOAAOO GllOYl OllA- t ....... ,.,. '!)I... ' , •. lO u ut ()AUIGl WISlMl•SUA ' . M l"'" poe1 .. "l1lih• lla.ll·1wr 11"'' '""" .... 11tl 111H·1.1ll1111"l 11i.Hwg1•1 Jdc n1.1y "WI' dl't ltlt•d I h.i l t 111'1\ I 11u Id 111· f 111111 t' 1.11111fw,1t11111' th.it l 11t1ld I~· li.11 k 111 h.111111 11.,,. h• ,aul "W1• Jll'I d11·11t.·d ~·· d11l11 I 1·v1·11 w ,1111 111 "''I I Ill' W.tll'I' .. (;111111 -..11d 'h1 • Wtlllll'' ,1holll "th1• llllll,1tt1I ,," 111 11nl11·1·rnwtl 111 •11pl1· 1111 th1· all . and <. 'n111ll1·y R en AllANUM fltOIH I I 1/1 t.Hr. llllA M~M'•'·t.11 I • \7'f t •'• COSTA MIU lthflj .... , ..... t bJ1 )'.01 GAROUI GROYI .. OllANGI A~\. 1• 1• I' ~1 t ,, 11140 I i1ftJ'0 Wt •1 ,. HI l HJ t OllANGI ... , "''':,., I >-..-. '• '" .. OllAllCC •·1 l11t l t'•lf ''•"'" ' ... ,,,, IJA (It ( •t it t \, 14 JQI I ,,.0 ••SSl$ ACCl"TfO PO• r ... 1s fttOAOEllllNf Theyre aettlnc• little behind in tbelr clauwork. ~ AllAMllM ~ OlllWllM •. ._ ..... ,~··1. ..... ,.,..,.._ . "' .. ~ '''The Chosen' ... • "SIX PACK" (PG) "DIV A" (R) "THE JUllKMlll" nw oq-ect1111 "'.,. '•,..,v• "to.,,~ ~·~lf'telJft~v- ""l> .... C~IOl· ..... "QOf,,...,C,...,,.,. ALL AQ[S AOMITTlO Gtft9'1 Awa ~C:•t 12:4S J :10 l :JS 1:10 10tJS f A ~r ,,,,,,.1 AT ltlDGlMO"T MIC:N 12l 10 2'00 J;SO 5:.467 -r" THI EXTRA· • •• -0:RRESTRIAI ""'' Tf\e Great ~llllNI Q.,I!~ ..,9i!Jl~ year's best!" H It touches the heart ." /,/ ... ~PG, lltllltlt ll9llCI \GISllMJ>) I t! I .... •f UI • ., ~ • ... .... (~ ... ~ EXCLUSI VE OR1'NGE CO U~T\' ENGAGEM ENT SAT/SUN. 1:30 3:45, 6:00 8:15, 10:15 edwards LIDO CINEMA MOH-HUS. 6:00, 8:15 10:15 HEWPOIT IOULIVAI D AT VIA LIDO HEWPOIT HACH 673 -8350 You don't assign him. You uilleMh him. •. Caiiename: TheSoldiK . . 1 h11rK1'CI \hut 1MJ1t1t• f>"lYt'h•,IOJ(Ullll on· h1rt-d mort· for •• "t·l11.1rii.mulll' or 1u·d1H•t1v1• 11uul1ty ahout thl·11~dvt"'I," lhun on tht· h1111111 of l'I t"ll1•11t1ulft. "It '" 1-huw hu11111t•i-."l," lw 111.lld "I'd ht.• lv111~ to yuu 1( I 1owd 1hut do1·1111't rt'<.'('tvt• '\01111· l'•nhldf't ullon," i.1111J W< >H'" Hru110 N11t111)( that lllokt.·r 1'< a lully l1t•t111~'t.I th1•1 up1st with h{•r own p 11vutt· pral'lll't•, tw i.1111J tlw rt•ul qUl'1>llOn COSTA MllA I 0Wdl0' !111'.lol ~·o , 444 OllAMOr C111eo111rn bH ?'1'l l COSTA MUA I dwa10' C111em• (,f111t1 9/9 4141 {MO Pt.Ill' ACCl•llD fD" IHI& IMOAQ(WfNI j CO FOil TME LAHMS - ClTCM TME FU. WITH IUllT AID DOLLY! - 1' .-~-..u THI tHASl TH/111.1.lR l/FTHllD'S Ulm.lll..U ACTm .. • 0'((11 19 CAAS OlSlllO'ffll"' EVERY YOUNG MAN NEEDS A TEACHER. !>hould ~· "Art· W( µ1 ov1<l1ng u 'lt'f'Vll't' and Mrt! wt.• dCJm~ 1\ 111 .m mwlll)(t·nl ,1nd rt"'IJMJMtbll' manner .end I would "lllV wt· 1111·" (',di 111 p111).(1 Jiii' J11d 11 uw .i iomll:ir 1t•lt•v1.,11111 h11111,1l p111111ptt·d A1m•1 llJ1\ Psyd11utr1t· A-.M11111111111 ti ll1ot1·1·-. thtt. y1·t1r tr1 .1dupt n1·w guiul'11111.·' 1111 1tw11 11111r1l>1•ri;' 111d111 and tt·Jev1s11m ·• 11rx•ara11t·1-s r.=========;.;::==::=;..._------~~~~~~~~-. POLTERGEIST [PG] It know.\ .... Ital .H'are.'i you. ·~rJ.'N~r ............ "' .... ·~·~ NOW PLAYIN G ANAHFIM COSTA MIU • OllANGI • WU Tllllllll Ill 111, ..... ,. ... '·l#H If " ,, ' /i~t ('Hl"f' Y,11~ id111dl0 l"~"" W•·.1 f/UJ Ill t.4U1 'f ' ~. I I .. 1 h 17 0 IA(J ~·" 191'. coa u MIU II 10110 OllAllOl f rJA,t"l! ,, "' (' "''' I t1~~icl I l1r.1t ,, I 1t, ,,,..,' • l tllH .,,., •,ft,.0 t ... l'fl' SA MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE· ;IOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" lllW,OllT BIACH ORANOI WUTMINITUI I OA>11'f:S , N""'"''' r 111t'U..1mtt f d"Wdfd~ C•nema West r.'"""'• t,u o, r1n •·l~ 1~·,1 391 3'!3) SAii JUAN CAPISTllANO •BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All P11tormanc11 before S:OO PM (Elctpt Special En91gemtnt1 1nd Hohd1ys) "ROCKY 111" 1•01 12'» LM •lit ..ae I .JO \OJO "HOME WORK" 1•1 ,,. ,,.,, ......... .,. LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll<·IN "THE JUNKMAN" ,,..1 •• •-1• ... , ....... "STAR WAR8" 1"°1 tM OOl.aY ITllllO , .............. " .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN "HOME WORK" 1•1 'al.Alue t.•..,tt "FRIOAY THI 13TM "MIT)" C•I .. .,o t>M1.-M,._.... .. ~.._ "THE HA8l MAITU'I" 1•1 , .......... "THE IOU>tt:lr 1•1 ··- loc1o1ll\' 01 Condle wood 213/531·9110 "THE llllT UTTU WHOflEHOUlll '" n•ar <"I ............... •ROCllY Ill" 1 ... 1 ttMil.Altl:te .. ... ,ACll"t"'I .. ... ..... "YOUNG OOCTOfta IN lOYr 1•1 ft.a, •.:Jiit LJe -WIOKT .-r flll ., .. ~ ..... _,.RIOAY TIC 1J'TI4 l'MT r 1•1 .. ., , ....... , ....... 1 ... ,.C.,IC IH(AlllU DlltYl IN SWI' Mtns \Uf't lll 'OU•tU(a\ U1hOt•t .. , t f HAlllOll ILVD OlllY( ·111 & OllANGl 011111( IN ••• 10 ,,.. ia•u_,.., • IW•tA' ,.,. , ... ~., iu•O•U ,, ........... \fAftu• " I JO IMPORIAHl NOTICl' CHllDR[N UNOlR 12 fRH1 _..,. • .,_.....,Tinin l'OO •hl,Slol."* &toN (Jttfl '' SOIJlrtfO • 'OllA a-.i ~AA "-AOIO I\ •Ouli \ltl.IUli • -0 ''" tlA ""l)tfl """ (;fomQOI AtCl!>SOOt 11>$llOI """" 4111 IOllllllll • <II.! CINt-fl -.. ~ .. Olt "" - ANAHft"" ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN ', .... o. ,, ot Lef'\Oft St 179.9150 ----~llAIOIRI Of' TltE l08T AM" IHI _. "THE LlOIHO Of THI LOME llANOlll" ,,.., c.,,_ l c1 NA •All• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN U~ .. ,.. A .. W••• 0-Cno .. 121·4070 eut ,.,. '•P• LINCOLN DRIVl·IN l•nc:Otl\ ••• We \I O! '"'0" 121·4070 ---f 1J11•.r Al"' T \ "TM l~OIUI" t•I -"VICI IOUAO" 1•1 '1'.UT ~·AT Rll>OafllONT HIGH" (111 -FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVl·IN io" O.~o h wy ot l tooti"uf" Oo) "Tift HOU. YWOOO ltlllOHT8" <ill 962·2411 Ctol "\OU"O N• ',T,..IN~ftli Hl·WAY 39 ORIV! IN "C HUCH a CHONG '™'"GI AM TOUGH All OYER" '"I -"™« lllAIT MAITllt" ••1 ·z~D"(IOI -"lllT WMOMHOUH ... ffllAl"1•1 ttot•·- , A t•At'1• LA HABRA 011111( IN ...................... ..., ...... 17H l t 2 ~ •L'A"4•.I ORANGE ORIVI IN • .,.... NMCMA.lf" '"I --uno c.t.111• 1111 ""' ... . . .... MISSION 0111VI IN .. .. . ~ .. WARNt~ l ~""'IN ··-··· ...... -~ .... " 191-369 3 "ltOME wo..te • '"' -""'lllATI llllOMI" 1•1 ---~'-"' ~ souwo ___ _ "THE .IUNlltMAH" 1•1 --Vlll> CAlll" l"I CMl .. IOl/IOO "E.T. TH9 IXT'llA· TUIMaTIIAL !Nt -"ntS OMAT MUl'NT CANtl" 111 • . . • I • • J l : I i I J z a a SS e caoaJ Orange Coul DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Auguet 29, 1982 VD won't go away on its own: It needs push OEAH ANN LAN U~H~ l tun ~ 17 yt<ur·uld high echool wnlor. A fow wt~lu uf(o my boyfrll'nd lOlcJ me I m1&hl huvc VO Ht-took nw LO 11 frt't" l'lln'1: ut the public twalth d11pu1 lllwnt when• tht•y don't even uae namec, just numbt•ni ~ANN WIDEIS 1 wu ateared out of my wll.5 uf\rl wnnlt'<I to leave, bul u frlt-mJly 11ur1w who notlt.'etl how nervous I was called my r\Umbcr beforl' I <."Ould get out of there. She lookt-d about Mom's agt: and wai. very kind and friendly and mode 1t easy for mt• to ask quesUons. She 1mt1wt•n.'(I them all and gavt• rnt• tome book.leta to read. treated, it w ill only gN wo1 :w 1.111d 1·au!w soml' lt'rriblt> things c•wn dC'nth. After I saw the doctor that same nurse put her arm around me and said if thl'rc was HOmethmg l didn't understand I <.'Ould phom• ht•r. She tht•n gave m e h er telephone number. That woman really m ade me feel that someonC' cared. I will never forget her. I now know that VD must be taken care of by a doctor. It will nol go away on its own. lf it isn't I ho~ this lclt••r will t•n<.'Ouruge othcl"!I who thank tht>y may haw VD to go and gl't tr1.1atmenl. When I asked my boyfriend how <'Omt• ht• wN\l tu the health dt•partrnc nt, ht• said, "I read ubout It In Ann Landers' column tw<> years ago," So than ks from both of us. We owt• you a lot. A GIRL IN LITTLE ROCK DEAR GIRL: I am glad you wro&e to tell your sto ry. It gives m e a nother chance to urge my readers. If they sus pect the re Is any c hance or VD, GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Both vulnerable. as South you hold: +6 1:;1Q82 OKJ10762 +AK3 Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with on~ spade. What action do you take'! Q.2-Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: +AJ54 1:;183 0 AKQ1076 +6 The bidding has proceedf'd: We1t North EHt South 1 ~ Pa11 2 ~ ? Whal action do you take'! AS K OMAR Q.-We play bridge with 11omeone who, when It'• her • turn to make an opening bid, take& a long time 1tudyioc her cards, then pdaes. It 11eem1 to us this is unfair or unethical. May we have your opinion?-CecHla Cohen , Southfield, Mich. !This queetlon hH been awarded the weekly prize.I A. -There is much conrusion about hesitations al bridge. and I am delighted to have t he opportunity lo express my views. lo makt' ii Kam ... In Vlt'W or tht' illegal information that has b~t'n cunvryed lo ynu. ~lh1cally you arc• rc•quircd to JlllSS. ThHe tire many similar c1n·umstancl'S. Suppose that, in a compelitivt> au<'tion, parlner takes a whilt• before passing. When It comes round to you. you are not bar red because pa rtner hesila tcd. However, 1t would be unethical of you tu make a borderline call. Any clearcut a!'tion. howpver, can be taken without any suggestion or im propriety. to •er a doctor at one~. If you don't have a doctor1 look In tbt phone book under "board or health.' Call for dt'lallt and u k It 11n a ppolntme nl 11 OCCCUllr}.'• t>on t be athamtd. VO t. 11 1lckne11. No one wlll j udae you or glvt you a leccur~ on moralllf . The only eoricern II lo make you well. And ll 11 almo11l a lway11 frtltl .. Dl!:AH ANN I du11'l l•X fJll'!i.' ffi)'!WI( v1·1·y wc•ll, but 1 am t>1.·~u;(ing you t-1 r11·1111 m y lt•ttt•r The problem . Wlwn I WttK young I had bt>aullful auburn hu1r. In m y 1.•arly 20s my hair began tu ll:r.w its color I am now upprniwhlng m1ddlt• 1tgc and my hair 111 whitt•. It will 11nt hold:~ curl Hr1d has no shine. My t•yl'lm1ht•s und 1•y1·brows are also turning wh1lE.'. Thili hui; uffrt.'lt•d tht• wuy I fto~I about mysdr to th1.• prnnl wlwrt-I do not <.·arc tn sodahz.e or go out in puhli1· The worst part of thu. i.tory 1s that my c.·h1ldr<m a rc beginning to show :.1gns at an early agt.· that they. too, arl• losing tht·1r h<11r t.'Olnr My oldt>!>t child says he will kill h1ms<•tr 1f ht• turns gray. Taurus: Domestic adjustment occurs Monday, August 30 ARIES (Marc.·h 2 1-Aprtl 19): Lines of l'Ommunacation a rt• "at.·tivatcd" -involves professional supcnors, governmental agencies. authority figures. C hanges oc·cur within organizational lineup. Have re ference ma terial availaWe. Virgo plays key role. TAURUS (Apr il 20-May 20): Domestil' adjustm ent cx:curs; emphasis also on travel plans. educational pursuits" principles oi law S pecial studies arc required 1f you an• to obtain ultimate goal. Family memlx-r will rnak(• major concessio n. Watch Libra! GEMINI (May 21 Junl· :.!O). What appears on surface may not r eflcc·t at'<·uratt• figures. Do somt· rietective work clelvit beneath surface, reject I Utll KJll'llllllll( .1 1111 tUlll 1111 Vltlllllllll!I Will It ht>lp't Plt•OM! Jlll'IWt•1 \l>1111 I AM l>ESPEHATE IN COHTJo:Z, COLO DEAR OESPEIUTt-: IN ('OJ\Tf<;Z· You have lnherlled a genetic• dt:lldt'n.·y and 110 have your children. Vita min• will not help, 110 save your money. l s trontclY rt•t•u mmt•nd t hu t you go to a competent beautldnn 11nd have your hair restored to lta; original color. II can be done with a lint In about two hour!i. Toueb-up!i every rour weeks will keep It natural-looking. The color of your eyelashe11 and eyebrows can be restored, also. I 1lUggest the 11ame for your children. And don't despair, I've been at It fo r 20 years, and It's well worth the effort. fa ulcoh11li!>m rw111111: yuur ltfr'' Kn1JW rh(• t/;inge1 s1gn<1/s t1ncl whiJt It> d o U1•11cl t hl' booklet. "Ak:ohv /1sm I fopt• ,me/ //1•/11 ... 11,.,, Ann L<Jnders End ::.r• .5(} <·1·11rs wllh vow rt'</Uc•st and a Jong. ::.lam ·d. ~I'll ,,c/c/n· ....... 1·11\ 1·/up<' tu /\nn Landers. P 0 x I UIY.'1 ChKilJ.:11. I JI fi{}fi 11 ELSEWHERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF' MY F AVORI TE PLACES. ~. -.o ... g• f •• ' • "'0"1• ~--~··~ , ••• l .• ' .... ,, .,. cydl· 1s high. t·ircurnstam·<·!> turn in your favor . Expr ess yourst•lt in dynam1t'. l'l'Pal1vc, pos1t1ve manner Gemini, Vargo, Sag1t1.<.1rius (X'rsons play important roles. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-fo't•b 18). Family member helps discover story tx•h md -;tory You wm through Q.3-As South, vulnerable. you hold: The Proprieties or contract bridge require that all bids and plays be made in an even tempo. Thus. if the player takes a while before passing. whether she holds one point or eleven, then she is not do ing anything wrong. How ever. if ghe passes quickly with a very weak hand, but thinks for a while when she has a near opening bid and then passes. she is in con- travention of the Proprieties. HOROSCOPI diplomacy person:. who prc•v1ousl y w e re ··· • +1 l:;IKJ8652 0 93 +Kl054 Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What do you respond'! Q.4 -Both vulnerable. as South you hold: +KJ84 1:;18 0 93 +AKJ872 Your right-hand opponent open~ the bidding with ont' heart. What action do you t&ke'l Q.5-Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: Q. -lo • recent qu.iz, yuu held: ... •83 ':-AJ9 +AKQJl0762 You opened ooe club and partner responded one clia· mood. You suggeated a rebid of three club1, saying that the bidding WH unlikely to die there. But why take the chance? Even though Black· wood 11 undesirable with the minore, why not bid four no t rump? If psrtner bids five cluba or five di&mo.oda~ pan. If he bid1 five heart1, you can bid either six dub11 or seven dubs. -S. Bauer. franklin Park, Ill. s upe rficial cxplanatwn:-. Spe'-·1al contrac t or agreement requires study. possible.• renegotiation Wa tch Pisces~ CANCE~ \.iune 21 -July 22): Go slow, lie low, check hcense. lease. k·gal n ghts and permissions. Relationship grows stro nger, coincides with added pressures and respons1b1lallt'S. Time 1s on your side -be thorough enough to deal with various contingencies LEO (July 2:i-Aug. 22): Indarcc.·t approach brings desired r£'sulL<;, Be subtle, diplomatic and utilize power s o f pt>rs uasion Individual who oppo£ed you . will now a1,;tually seek. your counseL Burden will be removed, popular11y 'will increase a nd lo n gstan ding a ss ig nm e nt can n o w be completed. indifferent l'ould now bl'l'Omt· enthusiastic supporters. Taurus. L1 brn. S<.'Orp10 ix·rsons play key roles. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar<.h 20) You gC'l what you ask for -don't requC"st murc• tha n you currently are capable of h andling Cycle h1ghhghL'i creativity, populartty, romant1t· ml<"rc·s~ Define t.cnns. avoid sel£-decept1on Anothl•r P1M.'t'S plays sigmricant role +AQ9 ~Q762 OAKJ4 +102 The bidding has pr()(eeded: North Eut South West 1 • Pua 2 0 Pass 2 NT Pau ? Nol only is she transmit Ling una.ulhociud informa tion to partner, s he is also pulling her partner under a tremend ous amount or pressure. Partner must bend over backward not to be in fluenced by the hesitalio:i. 1-'or instance. suppose that, in third seat. you hold: +AJIOu <:'K109u Ou +x A.-You an~wer this qucs lion you r~elf. After you bid Blackwood and partner s how<; l wu ace.,, you still don't know what to rlo. And look what m11<ht happen 1f partner ,how1 one ace and you elect lo pas' ri ve' diamonds Partner m1f{ht have. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Lunar aspect highlights creativity, a variPly or e xperie nces. (•hangc and "special" relationship with member of opposite sex. Focus also on children. personal IEi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~ magnetism. specula tion and exciting. new con tacts. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct 22): Family member -Ill.JI~ Whal do you bid now'1 Q.6 -As South, vulnerable, you hold: +AQ82 1:;1KQJ872 OA +A6 The bidding has proceeded: North Eaat South Weet 1 0 Pa11 2 <;:> Pau 3 ~ Pa91 7 Whal do you bid now? Look for answers on Mon d&.)'. After two passes. you might consider this hand worth an opening bid or one spade. Thal is a matter of bridge judgment and style. Rut suppose that partner. in first seat. has taken a while , before passing, 1nform1ng both you and the world thal he or she has a near opening bid. If you now open the hid ding. you have a margin of <;afety -you know that part ncr ha'i a rE'asonable hand and that no harm can befall you~you m11{ht !'ve n br able "The most exciting down-to-lh•wlre •ctlon since SMOKEY ANO THE BANDIT •nd the funniest bunc;h of ruc•lt since THE BAD NEWS BEARS." •Axxx "xxx 'KQxx +xx Against ri vt• diamond<;, th1• oppon~nts lead a h1~art and. 1! the distr1hut1on 1<> not favorabh•. you will go do" n Nol a v<:ry good result when seven clubs is ice 1•old! lfrre is a <;Ouncl prinr1ph· to follow· Nrver hid lllark wood whrn you arr void 111 a suit ! talks about security, wants to examine poss1biuues of property purchasE• Be receptive, permit logic equal time with emotional r esponses. Cancer. Capricorn natives play s1gmf1cant roles SCORPIO (Oct. 23· Nov. 21 ). It will be necessary to bt• flexible shake off tendency to 1ns1st there is only "one way " Highlight versatility, inte llectual curiosity and wllhngness to examine various viewpoints Gemini. Sagittarius na tives play key roles. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dcc 21): Check details in connection with possible purchase - focus will be on money. incom e potential. You'll recoup recent loss -you can a lso locate article which had been lost. stolen or misplaccd. Watch Scorpio! CAPRICORN (Ot.'C. 22-Jan. 19). Written notice verifies your views. Your position 1s vindicated, SOUTH COAST PLAZA VILLAGE PRESENTS ·l•T-WTH 0.04_._..._ t KENNr ROGERS ... ~...,_. Wednesday Night Concerts SEPTEMBER 1 ST The Orange Pealers Jazz Band 7:00 P.M SEPTEMBER 8TH The Long Beach City College Jazz Band 7:00 P.M llEIOHUH I tESll• SPICIAUSTS •.• • Beautiful Cabinetry • Ceramic Tiie lnstallatlon • Conan Marble Van11y • Kohler & American Standard F1~1ures fl) 75 ... 0370 • 1oo·s ot Local References j i LIDO DRUGS SEPTEMBER 15TH Band X Dance Band 3445 via lldo • newport beach• phone 675..0150 TV011£lli ~~A UON SHARE~-A DAN1E1 Pf. IRIE r .. llE1ff1 ROClRS ·six PACK ' ~ LAN( • (Riff GRAY llloM., CHAllLIS FOX l-"-· COWAAD s f[LOMNI .... rco WITUR ,,_..Iii! MIOWl. TRIM.IS -• " MlllC MARVIN ""' ALEX MATTER latt!::;....-.:-;;= Oo!oald" ONla. ~[~···-''"''"Ill. llllAllC,I MAI I b ~ -..... , --·--~ :, ~ 11 .1 '1 .--_.,..., 7:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 22ND The Long Beach City College Jazz Band 7:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 29TH Richard Cruse and the DJB 7:00 P.M. South Coast Plaza Village Located at Sunftower & Bear StrMtl S•nta Ana, CA 92704. • (71•) 751-eeo& GOING OUT OF ... BUSINESS SALE , . COMPLETE llQUIDATION 50 to 90% OFF Everything in stock .· t;.1 -,1 :\:I):\' ' l:JO Cl) COUNTRY GOO TO IHOL.ANO M.i TINl1 ho1t1 lhl1 country mualc apeclal lllm.d In England laaturtno K1l1 KrlatOll-on, ~ry LM l -la, Roy OtblllOfl, BoA Car Witty, feot 011>1>1 Ind Biiiy Swan 8:48. CHNSTOPHEA CL06EVP 0 PUAUE Melba M00te. Rob1<1 Gull taume end Sharman Hemaley ere IMtur.0 In I perlonnenc:e of 11\1 hit 81oedW1y mullk:al bU60 0'1 0 .. 111 D1vla'1 play "Purtle Vletorloua " 8.:00 8 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEHWOAb CJ YOUTH ANO THE 188UE8 G) BIBLE ANSWERS .. ROMPER ROOM (I) SUNDAY MORHINO (%)MOVIE * * •;, "The Sl'1 Of Harold Olddleboch" ( 1947) HBIOld Lloyd. France• Ramlde'1 An ambllloua fMlll-e1arter ol the 111201 le1rn1 lhll SUGC8SS t\U I .. ptlce 8:30 fJ FOR OUR TIMES "Living With Oe81h Unlin- 11/>ed BualneH" Marlell• Sanders Interviews Or Ellsa~th Kubter·ROSI, a plonoe1 In the atudy ot deeth Jnd dying. (Pen 2) D SEA&lOtPfTY 8 A08EAT SCHULLER 8 DAYBREAK LA D SUM CU481NE G) CAUFOAHIA P£0f'l£ Cf! AGAICUL T\Jf\E U.9A CC)MOVIE **,_I 'Thi Ft1t1r" ( 1968) Olrk Bogar de. AIM Bates. BaMd °" 1 novel by Bernatd Malemud A turn· o t -tha-c1ntu1y Jawtah peasant os wronglutly Imprisoned tor the deatl1 ot I Cl111dtn Koav (}DMOVIE • • • "TN! Hldeewaya" I 1973) 1ngrld Bltfgman. Johnny Doren Two chll- d1an run away trom home Md hide In ~ York City'1 Metropolitan Mu ... um of Art, where they are t>el(~.0 by a ..Wiied rectu11. 'G' 7:00 8 TODAY'S AEUOK>N D T'HAT'SCAT 8 UTTLE RASCALS D rT IS WRITTEH IJ l<EHNETH COPElAHO • OAY OF DISCOVERY • CARTOONS I YOGAFOAHEALTH 8UNOAYMAS8 Cl) 8EVEH WISHES OF A RICH KIO A fairy godmother tNChea • rk:h boy IN1 money can't buy friends or h~ 1:30 8 URTIMES D WHITNEY AND THE A080T 8 CAMPUS PAOALE: V1EWPOtNT ON NUTNTION • JIMMY SWAGGART • FELIX THE CAT • Mt8TER AOOEAS (R) (I) TV .. L()()t(.9 AT L.EAANINO aJ) OIAECTIOM8 A portrtllt ol the Christian people who Inhabit the Nae Ammtm kibbutz In ISIMI Is Pf_,ted. (R) aTHEWOALD TOMORROW (%)MOVIE • • "Come Have Cottee With Us" ( 1972) Ugo Tog. nazzl. Valentine A mldd .... 11ge<1 , .. coo.onant '°' the ttellan government 1810- cates to a aman country town where ha has been made "8aO of Iha depart- ment 1:00 II SV..DAY MORNING D THIS IS THE UR 8 POPEYEAND FRIEH08 D OIMEHSK>HS Iii LLOYD OOIL VIE Cl) ,CARTOONS 8l ELEC'TIUC COMPAHY (A) (I) LET THERE BE UOHT 0 JERRY FALWELL !BROHUMBAAO (l)MOVIE * * •;, "Seams Like 010 Times" ( 1980) Goldie Hewn, Chevy Chua A IOft·hel r1ed lewyer It lorn l>e!WeM ha! hoj>el8la • ~­ husband -turned· b • n k robbef tt'1d her uptight P<H8n1 nuabend WflO I• ru'1nl'1g for Cetllornla attorney oerierat. 'PO' IBMOV!E * • 'h "Dual 01 The Tlt1n1" ( 1963) Steve Aaav11, Gordon Scott Aomulut •nd Remut. the legendary toundar1 ol Rome. b11tle each other for controt Of the ~I City "'° llMI ~Of • beeu- 1lfvl gtrl HOU OOYSSEY ~·· 'ot Joel Aem-beum, dlll\ of undargnld- U*ll ltUdlal afld Roulla OetMMNu.on, COUfM ()()()!'· dlnatot, Unl111r11ty of Jud11tm, LOI An04t .... O.ttld Cttow, mlfllorlllra economttl Wld mutet of Kuno Fu: Ar. Tom Rap. ttlck, .-ooilll PMIOf, Bl. Ort.mgo Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Surtdoy, August 29 1962 G ll EST M1c:lrn~'1i I sun Thomus, pr 1 n t' 1 p u I g-u L· st co I') d u <.'tor a l l h L' llollywu11d Bowl thts :.L'iJSOn, JOllls a n arr ay of thl•ul nt•cll s t<ir:; nn "Sunday" today al I p.m on KNBC {-1) Aloysius Parisi\, Lo• A~ '" D TOOAV'S BLAa< WOMAN Iii MEETING TIMEAT CALVARY ID FAE~AICK K. PRICE SI ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ THE LAHAYES OJ KNOW YOUR BIBLE (ij)MOVIE • • "Attack Fo1ce Z" ( 1980) John Phillip law. M11t Gibson During Wort() War II, a IOP·i-OC•el Aus· tr11llan atttick unit pene· 1ratN Japanese tines to perform a ct•ring 1escue mission 9:00 U NEWS CONFERENCE D PEOPLE7 Iii (I) OAAL A08EATS fEI SESAME STREET (A) i IT IS WRITTEN (C)MOVIE • • vouno Joa. TN! F<><· gotten Kennady" ( t9n) Pater Strauss, B11b•r& Peri.ms The elclest Kan,,._ dy votunt-• fOf • dar>ger· ous wartime m1sa1on whlCh, II sucoeaslul, would bung nlm bllci< a nero and one step ctoset 10 the White House 9: 16 (Z) ClNEMASCOAE 9:30 II (I) fACE THE NATION D 18 MEET THE PRESS D NEW ZOO REVUE 8 DAY OF DISCOVERY G) THEWORLD TOMORROW 0 KENNETH COPEUND 0MOVIE • * * "Clash 01 Tho Hiens" (1961) Harry Hom lln, Laurence Olivier Myth· IC r>ero Pereeus Is he4ped by 111s lathef Z.Us in a -las of dangerous llSl<s as hi tries to win 1"8 hand of a Phoenlclen prlncaea eg8!MI the WISheS ol 8 va,,gatut sea goddess PG (Z)MOVIE • • ' 5 Flnge<S 0 1 Death ( 1973) lo lleh. Wang Ping. " young Cht.-lluno ru student matters his ar1 to t>ecome a leedlng axpan end national cfl1mpt0n 10:00 8 NEWSMAKERS Guest• John Van De Kamp and his opponent IOf Stale Attorney General George NIChotson D ONCAMPUS Featured a diSGUsston on America's current praoc- cup•tloo with horror lllms 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND D BASEBA~ BUHCH Guest: Gaty Can er. Iii HERALD OF TRUTH GI REX HUMBARD fD THE LAWMAKEAS ~ M AGIC OF OIL PAINTING (ll MOVIE * • '' "Firehouse I 1973) Richard Roundtree, Vince Edwards A young racruot clasries wlll1 a vete<an llre- man when a wave ot su$1>1· c1ous Illes sweeps a ghetto area Qt NeWSCEHTEA WEEKLY MOVIE • • •;, Something Short Ot Paradise' ( t979) Susan Sar11ndon David S1am- 1>1rg Two vounc;i New V01kers learn about love and the v•ciWludes of a one-to-one rel9tlonahlp 'PG ~,MOVIE • • • ' loll Horizon" t 19371 Ronald Colman. Jane Wyatt A kld'1apped diplomat discove1a the H1me1ayan kingdom of Sha119rl-La, a place of eternal peace and 1mmor· tnlity 10:30 8 INTEJIFACE D ARTS OF ASIA 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND D O KIOSAAE PEOPLE TOO Gua111 Rob11t Culp, C()(Mdl•n M~lM!I Rich· ardt martini ar111 upart Chuck Nortlt (A) Iii AOeERT &aiULLEJI • JERRY FALWELL • ()PENMIHO ID MAOIC OF OIL PAIN'TlNO (8MOVIE **'A "A Dey At Tlwl Rae. "" (1937) M.,. Broth«•, Meurean O'Sulllv•'1. Ct\1811"0 and chulng hOI Up1 hlohllght e lflall to the trKti by Or Heotienbuah and othl< unlee 11:00 IJ MOVIE • * • "Murder One• Remo•,ed" (197 t) Jonn Fors)'1he Berbare B1tn A 'p81fecl crtme· goo• 1w1y whoo a &<:h6mlng doctoo muodurs once tor love an<1 then h8& 10 loll 11g11n D ATONE Guest ocror Bud Cort 8 BASEBALL Celilornia Ange41> et Boa ton Ro<1 SOA «!)MOVIE • • • • Tno tnspaclor Gttner11I ( t949) Denny Kuyt1. Elsa L&nChllltttt Ou11n11 the t 8001 in France. a town fOOl doea a conw1nc1011 musquerado 81 u'1 Inspector General fll) MASTERPIECE THEATRE ·01sreoll The Greet Game Oueefl Victor•• meats D1srtMlll and lhelt legendary alliance tekes root. Mary Anne cou11- gaoualy bears tile burden ol a grave 111neu (Pert 3) (R)Q m WASHINOTONWEEI< IN REVIEW (R) ICI MOVIE • • 'Tl>e Baltimore Bui· let" ( 1980) James Coburn. Omar Shartt A small-tome POOi hustler must 111ee $20,000 ond won a big 1ou1namen1 ootore he c;a,, nave e rematch with 8'1 old opponent .• who 11as never lost at any game 'PG' 11: 15 (%) CIN£¥ASCOAE 1 f;30 'fJ ®). TlilS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY Iii TERRY COLE· WHITTAKER ID CHURCH IN THE HOME m WAU STREET WE.EK "Is lhe Worat Ov1r?" Guest Edward Yllldenl, Choet econorntll and 11111 vice pr&Sldenl, E F Huttorl a Co inc ()) PIGSKIN PREVIEW Harry Kafflll holll this tn- dapth anatysos ot the IOP cooegoale tootball taemt ot 81Ch ma1or C0'114W~. l()()l(lng at Iha atar player• and th8 schoOlt With 11\1 oost chances for number ~ 1n the '18tlorlal ctoarn- p.on.a1111>1 !lOMOvtE • • • Thll Othef Side Of TN! Mountain •• Pan II" '1976) Merilyn HUMlt, Timothy Bottom• Form« champion skier Jill Kl'1· mon1, re/idarlO a quadrl· plttQiC by a tragle accident. wrestles with Nit-doubt when a new rove entera h4I< Illa @MOVIE ••••• Toll Me A FM· die t 1980) llAotvyn Oouo· las. Liia KOdrOVll A wUh- d• awn elderly woman, unaware thal she II dying, embarks°" a !Ong 1<><1rn41y to reacquaint h81Mlf wltn her geog1aph1cally and emot•onolly separated ram1ty PG' IZ MOVIE a • Kn'Ohlt1dlfs I 1981) Ed HlltflS Gery Lahti A group Of mo1orc;yt1111 lt•V· el witri a Rooalsaenca 1e1r ano find 111111 the atrugole agaonat evil and 101 Idella ea1sts in mod8fn times also R AFUANOOH 12:000 TALKA80VT PICTURES Iii SEARCH GI COMPUTERS ARE P£0PLE TOO Thie IP«lll looks at the w1y1 a111111 use compular teGhnology to enhence their crealillil y. f:D PAPER CHASE 'Ktng11t1ald'1 Daughter" An embilla111d you'1g woman 11'1dt emuaemant In humilllling law 111.rdenl Jemaa Hart, who 111111ec1. ltd to "8r Qlll PORTRAITS 1H PASnUl "The S.. Captlin' <O) Ct.OW.. WHITE Juon. 1 9-YMf Old boy. tl'1dl hll parlac;I teacher 1no. CJ) POA OOLF "World Sertet Of Ootl" live coverege ot the flnll round from ,,,. F1rea1one Country Club, Akron, Ohio D OVTOOOlll LIF( Mariel ~lngwey llltd htr l•lher. JACk. hunt Chuhr tntdaho 8 OIAECTION8 11Ultl raoe (l•om Dllorl fl•lll.ill (l lMOYte •• -.. .. ,,.,..., Memo- ,.... l tlto) WOOflV .....,, CNllOlla ~ A - -tut dlreotor •-• pereonll grill• .. ha ,,.. 10 n\llla -mAjor deol .ic>ne In 1111 Illa PO tOO D l~DAY I ocatlo<I llva trorn 8ot11 Pow-Day, lo. ArlQlllM 8 MOVI€ • e • '• Thi H•art 11 A L olllly Hunter .. ( IHI) Alan Athln, 80'1dr1 Look• 81..0 °"Iha nolllll l>y CAf· llOfl MCCullltf• A Mnlltlva tlell mute 11 blltlanded oy 11 young 0111 whO undef- 1ta'1d1 nla prlvlle IO<m4Wll • t41'L l'OOTBALL "Pr•-811t1Mln Gau\tt" I 01 AolQ81tl R1n11 vi . Sl•llkt Seenawl.1 .. AOAM-12 ID CRISIS TO CAl818 WITH BARSAAA JORDAN "VOICM Of A Ollltded City" Aaciarn a'1d reclal ~ In a contwnporary ""*'· can town are viewed tnrough tum ponrlllt• ot two Boston c:ommunlllee and dlscu111o<11 by the 1eatdent11 QI!) MOVIE * * 'Down Arganlln• way· (19•0) Batty Grable, Don Ameche Q.Gl PU8LIC PULSE (C)MOVIE • • • No Nuk•s" ( 1980) JackllOfl Browne, Croeby, St1ll1 & NUii Footage ol • ur111 ot •nll-nucleer pow. ftl concer ta held In N•w York City during Septem- tter, 1979, ltlllturlng Iha Dooble Brothers. C111y Somoo, Jama• Taylor end B1uc11 Sp11ng11-.. '•com- pneo 111 this documantery 'PG' t0)AOCKON @MOVIE • • ·~ "Hurry Up Or I'll Be 30" I 1976) John Lefkowitz, Londa De Coll. A B100ktyn prmtar epproaching hia 301h b•nhday feats that he a going nowhere. 1111 he meetl a beautllul ectrau ·po· 1:3!> Cl>·AOAM-12 !R) SPECTRUM at HORSE RACING Live coverage of Iha .Arl- 111g10r1 Mollton mote-and-•· Qullrllll' turt race tor tho- rOUQ11breds from Arllngloo Park. Arllngtoo Hlllghtl, Ill CH) MOVIE • • ·~ ' The Spiral Stalr- ca sa" l t 9 77) J KQUellnt Binet. Christopher Plummer A boaullful deaf· mute I• 1err01t2ed by a my1tlflou1 killer who 1ur1o.1 1'1 the 1hadowa 1<mound· Ing an lklganl mMel0'1, (OJ TOTALLY OO-OO'S One or the coun1ry·1 hOI· tatl n-rock acts sing 19 ~ 1nc1..o;ng lhalf hit singles "We Got t he Beat" and 'Our Lipa Ara Sealed " 2:00 0 GILUOAN'S ISLAND Iii MOVIE • • • "Odds Ag11n1l Tomorrow" !1959) Harry Betalonte. Shatley Winters . Aoc1at prtfUdiu IMten emono the mambaf• of a gang planning a big ~ heist ti) MOVIE • * • Beau J1ma11" ( 1957) Bob Hope. Veta Mites James Walker. gay blade ot 1111 192<>1, 11 eleeted mayor ol New Yori< C.ty ID INStDE BUSINE.SS TODAY "Selllng Hou-For A Uv· 1ng Three euccealul raa1- t0t11 tllk nbOUI Iha big buck• 01 lack ol them In Mlllng homes (J]I GREATEST 8PORT8 LEOEND8 "Wlllla Mays" Hoet· Aeggla JICkM>n (S)MOVIE • •'It "Viva Laa Vegu" ( 1964) Elvis Pr8-lay. Ann- Marg1a1 A Laa V8Q&a awlmmlng Instructor becomes the ob)8Ct ol attect1on tor a 5P0'1• c;er nut ano his tt8li•'1 friend ("Z)MOVIE • * • 'Zoot Sult" ( 1981) Daniel Valdez. Edward James Otmoe In 19"°9 Los Angai.t, • cause cate- bre a..-upts over the fram- ing ot members of a Chtc. no atraat gang 10< murder 'R 2.:30 D SPORTSW~LO Scheduled taped cover- age Of Iha CART Pocono 500 (trom tt>e Pocono lnlernetlonat Spat!Oway. Long PonO. Pa ). aame-day COVOflQtl ot the S~tzer­ land Grand PrlM Formula t euto rtce (lrom Dijon, Fra'1CI) Ill GILLIGAN'S ISLAND E PRESEHTE "Hispanic Merchantt 01 Boato'1" The growth ol Hiapsnlc businattet in t"8 8oa10r1 area ls 1r-o m AUN, AMERICA, RUN Madlcel 11uthorllas end common lotk diecuu the huards end benefits Of runnl'1g 9 GEORGE PLIMPTON MIO-YEAR REPORT George Pllmptoo anelyzaa the IPO'llng triumph• ol the llrtl hell ol 1982 Q!SPOATIW~ A live poet-r-report on th8 Arlington Miiiion from Arttngtoo Park, Arlington Helghtt, Ill D MOVIE • • "Tile tncradtblo Shflnlelng Woman" (1980) Liiy Tomll'1, Chlflal Gro- dl'1 A hOUMwife linda 11 hit d to COfl8 when "'8 suddenly begin• 10 ll>tlnl! tns~ 'PO' i:OO 8 I Wfni YOU 8 MOVIE ,,.,,. CHANNEL LISTINGS Herbart KIC)!Ow hotlt en •••mlnlt10'1 of the 11.y lemlnlst 1eeuat In religion G MOVIE #\ • "Murder. Ha Saye" 11e.s1 r:r.o Mac:Mum1y, MetlOfla Main A publlc opinion er111ytt 1tumbtaa upon 1 hNlbllly 11m11y Wld bee-tnvotllld In ITMJf· der 9 l(NJCT ICBSI 0 On rv 0 KNBC I NBCI I I V 9 KTLA Clnd I " ~mo .KAl)C IABCI c IC1n<'!T'lllf l CI KFMO ICBSI ,,, IWOFO NY .,N Y f) l(HJ TV (Incl I im CWlllSI e KCST (AOCI ( IESPNI e telTV (Ind ) II I Sllowll me> e KCOP·TV (Ind ) • Sc1ot11ont • KCtT (PBSI • IC"bl" N.-Networ") e r<OCE tPBSI t •••it "The Flalh e11.,, .. (ING) Al11 Mort.y, Martin Ko11aok. • ID IUM ()Ul8INE ''Aloe And Pasta" -~ ~ llP«f -· IOI of Iha CART P~ IOO (ft om ttle ll'ClcMINI lnl.,-ntl~ •~ UP•f· l#IO ~ • ..._,. _ - oowetlOI ol tM...._· lend O<tnd lllrl• '°'""* I • MMe HIGHUOHTS 1M1 • LAIC>Hee PAVAftOTTI ti PH14DIUHIA Wlnnw1 Of Ille Opera Compeny Of~ .. , Lueleno PIMltOttl ........ ltoNtl v-. Oom••••• fOln the~--.._ WI • Miii orooueuon ot Puocl- TUBE TOPPERS KN&.' (11) 1.00 "Su11duy" lotl·rv1l'ws With ii hoKI 11f lhl·u t rlL'Ul Slll rll and C'UVL'I ltj.(1 ' r>l ,j lO rrnlt· blC'y<:lt• rnlly KCET tlU> 7.05 "Uroadwuy Pl1ty!-i Wush1 ngw11 " Stu1 i. (rum Uruadway pt·dorn1 ut tht· Kl·n11l-<l)' Cl'nll•r KAOC' t7) H 00 "J o hn Skllllx.'t·k '1> fo:Ust o I Ed L' n . " S l' <.· o n d n f u t h r c· t' po r t <.1dapl<.1t10 11 of till' duS!lit' Aml'rlL'an saga. (P~1rc·nwl dt~n·t u>n advlSt'C!) KNBC (4) lU:OU "Thl' Cursl' of King Tut's Tomb., 1'~v:i MuriL· S;11nt, Robin ElllR star in story about un archal'ologist who d!M:Ovt•rs lhL' long-lost tomb nl'1 llOfY ot IOv• ano lose, 111gad by Gt1n Cetto Menotti (Al 19 IROAOWAY PLAV8 WASHINOTOHI l<ENHEDY aHTEA TOHIOHT A hoat ot ttara trom Bro1dw1y turn the K11nna- dy Ce'1tar 1taoa tnto • cat- •bret•oo ot 11\1 Amerlcen thHlltf. Iha per1orm411't 1nctud1 Dabble Reynold•. Paul B1tlay, Barry BostWiek, Rob«! MorM 11nd meny other• (I) THIS WEEK IN BABEBALL Cf! CALIFORNIA SPECIAL OLVMPIC8 (C)MOlllE I * * "Lady T 8k•t A Chance" ( 1943) Jonn Wayne, Jean Ar111ur A women finds .,, unwlllh1g candidate for marrl8g• white husband-hunting loi lheFar WHI (H)MOVIE • * • ' The Hldeawaye" ( t9731 1'1gtld Bergrnon, JOhnny Doran Two Chil- dren run away ltom home and hoda In N-VOik City'• Matropolltan Mu ... um ot Art, where they 111• belr11noao by • aplrltlO rectu11 'G (.O)MOVIE • I "Hee1tbeep1" ( 1981) Andy t<aulman. Berna- dette P11er1 In 1 w0<ld of the ,,.., future, two com· mltfClBI IObOll a~perllflCe the voclulludes ol f1ra1 rove 'PG 3:30 IJ MOVIE • * * "No Way To Treat A Ledy ( 19681 Rod Stlllgat, Geotga Sagal A pty<:hotlc killer ol atdarty women d1-. In Vl'loua dlt- gulsas end eludae • pe<"!llt- tant detective D HORSE RACINO Covar~ -ol 1"-Arllnglon Million mlla-and-a-quener turl race lor thorough- bre01 from Alllngtoo P1tk, Ar11"2_1on Heights, Ill D (1D) NCAA FOOTBALL PREVIEW The n1110r1·1 prom1,_,1 teams .no Iha IOP Heit- man Trophy cendld11 .. ol the 1982 Collage Football MUOl1 ... hlghllgflted (I) BASIEBAU. llUNal CJ) SHOAT PIQ(8 3:46 (%) ClNEMA8COAE 4:00 0 MOVIE ,._ 0.. "Bewarat The Blob" I t972) Godfray C1m· bridge, Marlena Cl1tk ID MOVIE • * '"' ' Thi MaphltlO Waltz' (1971) Alen Aldl, Jacqualine 811Mt ., MOVIE . • • • "Juarai' 11939) Paul M11r1t. BaCle Davit (I) ST AR TREK a!MOvrE * • "Macon Cou'1ty Line" ( 1974) Jesla Ind Alan Vint, MAll818r (l)PUflUE Melba M00<a. Robert Gull· taume end Sherm•n Hemalay are leatured In a partormnnca ol the hit Broadway muelcat bued on Ossie Davi• 1 play Purtle Vietorloua " 0MOVIE ,.. " • ·ctuh or Tna Tl1a'1& (198 tJ Herry Ham- lin, Llurenc:e Oltvler Myth· oc hero P..-.a I• halped by hoa lathe< Zau1 In • -1aa ot dttng11oua 1111111 " ha "'" to wtn the hand ot a Ph08f'lldl '1 prtnoaa1 llgltnll the wlllhM ot • Vll'lgaful M• goddeat PG' CZ)MOVIE • • Sitting Ouck1' ( 1980) Michael EmH. Zactl Norman two Inapt mob- sters Ilea to South ""*Ice and ancounlet lhe woinan H&igned to klll lham 'R' 4;)0 0 SPORTSWOALO A post-reca report on the Ar11'1glon Mlllloo from Ari· lnglon Perk, Arlington Heighll, Ill 8 9 8PORT88EA f (C)MOVIE • • • "Young Joe, The F0<· gotten 't<annedy" ( 197') Peter S1rau11. Barb111 Perkin• The aldaal 1<.,,,,. dy votunt-• tor a drnoer· ous war time mleslon WhlCll, II IUOClleful. would bring him back 1 hero and OM lllCI cio-10 I,,. Whll•HouM CGJ 8UPUI 80Wl. OF ~ OenWH' Broncot VII Ollc· lllnd Reidtw• •:00 I N8C NfWt KUHOFU • OMATUTPORT8 LmlH08 "Pele Aoaa" Hoel. Tom s.e-• THl8 Ol.O HOUll Bob VIia ........ 11\1 llOUM'• hMllno p141,,1 end NOfll"I Abrllml build• ,,,. t11mlng lor the br_...•y ~'i.•A•a•H i=PMV!eW Hoat Leonard Harrie 100111 II the rnovlM, 1()41dllll •nd lf)MI• _,, coming 119 on Homa Box Office. . (Jt) MOVIE • * "AttaC._ For~ Z" ( 1g80) Jolln Phllllp Lew, Mii OibllOfl Ouftng World War II 1 top·MCrll Au._ tr•llln •lttlCll unit - tratea Jepanete llnM to perlO<m a 0 81lng raacue mlUlon (l)MOVIE • *'A "Mad w eonwoay" (190) Herold Lloyd. F11nc11 Ramtdan An arnbltloua Mlf-1tlr1ar ot the 19208 learn• that euc '"' hu 11• prlee IU6. Pl.EOOE BREAK Reguterty ach.Outed pro gtammll\Q may be delayed due to plaOge bre1k1 El/VflNO t:001• NEWS Nl'1. FOOTBALL "Pr•·S111on Game" Green Bay Pecker• al LOS Angeles Raider• Ill MOVIE • * • "Come Saptamt>e<" ( 1961) Rock Hudaoo. Gina LollObrlglde A mlll10'1alre dll(;()ve11 his caretaker 11 ullng hil lfltta u I hOtel when hl'I eway Iii LUCY COMES TO NA8tMU£ T1111 count')' mullC ap«itll 11111 Lucilla Ball, Bltbera M1ndr8", Lynn Andartol'I. Ronnie Mllup, Archie Campbatt, Mel Tltli1 and Iha Ottk AIOQll Boyt. • MOVIE • • *'"' "Green Man· liorll" ( 1959) Audrey Hep- burn. Anthony Perkins. A young pollt~I retU091 hid· Ing In the v-zuelen )un· gte 1•11• In love with • netlva girl • MOVIE * * "D1y 0 1 The Wot\119" 1 19131 ruchat.d eoan. Rlcll Juon An e•-shllllt llnd1 htmsetl up againat a atranoa band of beardld meri who plan to laotete and 11'1HCI< I &mall town. D NOVA "Anlmtll tmpos1ors" Thi remark1bla form• ol deception ltMd by both predll0<$ and !half klland· eel vlc:llml -IO Ml M aV04d being aatan -- a.1tamlned (A)Q (I) cea NEWff dlTHEAOCKFON> Al.El Roct<lord la ht<ed by en ln1•11•n.ce comp1ny to negot111a 11'18 return ol I l lolln dlamor>d 1=:ewa *** "Eye Of The,..._ die" (1981) OoNld Suther· land, Kati NatliOll'I Whlla 0r1 a remote Scotuah lllland to mM4 • Garmen 1Ubm1tlr11, a'1 Alll1 1PY llnda welter from the atorm In the cottaoa ot • young merrlad couple 'R' OMOVIE * * "Nol>OO)''I Parl...-1" (198 II G1!>4' l<aplan. Ala11 K11t11 Throe unlikely haroet se1 out to bettla Iha red tlpa end burallUCracy of city l'lall 'PG' 8:08. SUfMVAL "Penguin Sumtnlf" D•.-ld Niven narrat .. a cloaa-up look •• the penguln• Of the Falkland taten<11 oft the GOUI of Sou1h America. foeutlnO on Iha ac1tva per1. od wvery ""nler when Iha penguin• brMd (A) 8:30 D ntArS HOLL YWOOO (l)Q!NEWS (C)MOVIE * e I• "The FIKer' (19681 Dok Bogarde. Aler Bet.. Baaed on 1 now! ~ Bern11d M111mud A turn- ol·tl1a·c•ntur y Jewl1h p11nnt 11 wronglully lmprttonad tor the death ol a child In Kiev (l)MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM ANO HUCK Tom Sawyet •nd Hucilla- bll<f}' Fl'1'1 bring b.Ck the IOYI of Illa on 1he Ml•lil· !![>pt Rivet' t:IMI. PlEOOE 9MAK Ragularty lehedulad 11'<>- gr ernmtng may be delayed c:tua to pledQ41 braelcl. 1:00 11~~ Darmy rltk1 hi• Nia In "' att1m9t to lkl • Irland u'1dargolng emar9ancy -oerv (R) !PAUlHOGAH VtCTOffY QAllOEH ThomaOt'I '°""' the Beeton City Role Gerden. QI 90Nf TO TI* WM> A legendary wlllTIOt 811k I Painted a.er tor Nip In r-.1'1Q hie wife whO le being Mid captive by a hOalllttrlbe (Jl)MOW * * * "T,,. Other Sl6a Of ~ MOU<\lllfl -Plfi II" ( 191') M•rllyn HaMltl. 'fltnOthy Bonomi. Former Cfllll\IC)lon lltlat Jiii Kin· rnont, ~ a quadf1. plaQIG by• trlOIC aocldant, -"" wllfl aalf-doubt wtlll'I • -io... tnlet• her 1119, (%)MOYie * • "Only WNln I Lerl" (1Mll ~ Atleneior- OUll\~ •~A "" of .,,... °'°"'""*' ............... .,...... Mllml ........... 11111 IMWl!WAYl'AY8 ... , ..... -" ~~-" A 9-.. .-..frelft DrO.Oway lwr" the ~ dy c.ntw 1t1g1ln101 Ml• alHl llOn °' the "'-IAll lllM111' 1M parlot!NA lnGtude Dabble ~ PH tl 9 t llar 81rry Bottwtck, ~ M- and many OllWI (A) 1 ao I '°°"' ON 8'WT AIN flOftTMIT9 ltil ,,..ff La "GOid fa1r1nga •:00 •(1) ~ .. IUNKP'I P\.ACI l1aphan1a ~ ""' unwitting pawn It\ • Mfflllfl IC'-concocte<I l>y her tong-to.I tett\lr (Plll't ~)(RI • IHTPTAIHMIHT T'HtlWUK ,,,,.,.vi.w. With Jemie lyn l'felier, JlitfY ll'Mt. M .... Haggard, Con'11a Stav- and Ann R4"nk1no 8 0 JOHN STEINRCK'I EAST~ EDEN Cathy I nd Adam'• ,,,.,. rt•g• b1Qln1 10 dl•ln· llQl 111 1Nar Ille bl'1h of their twin llOfll, Ind Cathy 1un1away10work 1'1 a Sal· 1nu bordello (PAfl 2J (R) W•11'1t•I dtecrallon 11 •dvlMd) I rTISWNTTEH MOW * * ""' "Emperor 01 Thi Notti! Pote" ( 1973) L .. Marvin, Et neet Borgnlnl A tougn r111roed guard mltchet Wlta and willa with a cretty hobo determined to hlleh I ride • MOVIE • • "North Counlly" ( 1969) t wo "*'· each Uv· Ing Oii ,,,. land In the remote Al11ka'1 wlldar- neta, lace danget ano adventure with llttla help from modern tecnnology ii) MA8TE.l'P1ECE THEATRE "Dt1J1aell· The Chief" The ao1119 Oleraati 11 etevet.o lo Iha Hou11 ol Lord• Incl taoaa one of hil grear .. t dlplom•lic challan991 - the Suet conillct (Part 4) (RIO IBCHtPS {O)MOVIE * * "The Lagend Of The L C>n4I Rangat" ( 1980) Kiin· ton Spite bury. Chrl11<>91* LIOyd The lone RatlQ4lf a1>d T0r110 pur-their 81ch-an amy, Butch Cavendllll, who hU kid· napp.o the praidant ot thlU S 'PG' MOVIE I> * * "foul Pt•y" ( 1978) Goldia Hawn. Chevy C11111 A tlb<arlan ant1111 t ha tlld or •n Inapt po11c;e datacllva altar the l>acomas 1nvotvl0 In • blUtr• -• ol murdln end kidn1.P91ng 1111mp11. Ci)MOVIE ** * "High RlllC" (1981) J11maa B<otln, Cleavoo Ut - ile. A trio of graady lrlend1 plOt the robbery ol 1 mtt- tton ckMlara from • &out" Am11ica'1 drug dealer 'R' 8:~8(1) ONE DAY AT A TIME While Ann II but)' malllng wedding plena. Betba11 Ind Marie era In LU Vagu wondering If ft'• •U wor111 It. (PAfl 1) (R) DTHEW~ TOMQlllAOW 1:4& (%) C#E'UCOAE 9:00 • (])_ !oLJ'?E a CHtP9 Jon Wld Ponch Afl taamad with two mem1>«1 Of 1ha canine ~trot (R) 8 WILD KINOOOM "World Of Tha Blldl· Maned Lion' Marll'1 Pet· klfll travels to RhoOa8ia. Atrtca to ....i.a I belll· Vlorll Study Of the bled<· maned lion (R) tJ Oft.CHO D MYSTERY "Rumpola OI Thi 88119y Rumpola And The Fucltt Bela!'' Rumpola accept& the delenM of Captll'1 RIK Parkin who I• Charged wt1tt Inciting • rlOt U'1der 8'11- 111''• R-Aat1tlon1 ~ (Perl •l IR) Q !BMOVIE • * •;, "The CurM 0 1 t<lng Tut's Tomb" ( 19801 Eve Maile Saint. Robin Eltt• ~MOVIE • * ''\ "Back Ro1d1" (1981) Salty Fi.Id Tommy l ea Jo.-A hOOkat and a down-on-111a·luck boxe< meal Ind '-0 -· In ... ,Ch ot a,_ Ill• 'A' (JDMOV!t • • "C.nnonbett Run" ( 1961) Bur\ Reynold•. Dom Oalulll V1tlou• oddblll chat..:1er1 ~· 11"1 1 cout-to-<:oaal 11110 ,_ PO' (%)MOVIE ,, • l(nlghtrldera" (1981) Ed Harrla, Gary Lahti A groue> ol motorcyllall t11v- el wttfl a ~.i ... noa flllf and find that the ltfUOOll agelntt 8V11 and tor Idella a.1111 In modern tlmea alto 'R' I: 10 • MAITERf'tECE THEA TM "Ol1tllll Thi Chill" The IOlnO Dt1rllli la aievat.O to the HouM ot Lorda and fllC!ea Ol\I of hta greateat dlplomlllG cllallengal - the Blllil oooftlct (Pert 4) (R)Q_ 9!30 • (I) THE JEFnA80H8 • WOM.DOF aufMVAL I :;::. VAH IMH **'"' "SI IY'll" (1978) c .. Bronaon. J~ ltne 8lua1 A I°""* Oflrna raporter-turn.o-detactlve 11 hlf"ed by 1 ._..,thy fllm lenclar to ~ a Mt ol lflcflmlnetlng ladgar8 ·PG' 1().(IO. (I) ~JOHN. M .. O. Erllle' 1 anQIOllf"tl"I pull Trapper In the poalllon of halo'lng to lll>d I gOOd tur· gtc.I nutM to rep!-her ~ MOYla • • ~ "The CufM Of King 'T1rt'• TOl!'ll>" (!NO) rva Mwta t.int. "®Ill Ilk An ardl...,... wNI .. oo_. tht tono..ioee tomb OI IN llOMdllY pheraofl ClUNI ...itl\ "' (CMltlln pt04ll• dttlf'lftllMld to ....... owned booty.(") g.:,'°" I ..... ~ ~ ....... 11u .............. Ctw"""8 .,.,. ebout ... OwtM-of flwl ... "'"" •91terat• ,,.. ,,...,. rll09 pr opoMI lO CIV!ltl na l""' tilt"> c;i (GJ WOV. t t I' rfcMly The I IUI l"Wi It '1tl fl Alf'r/ ate.I, JoM futsy TN gt~ klllnQI C0"4'-81 I -carno 111e1 l\llCI beet! cloMcl dewn after a -* 01 blllr r I mutOllr a OCCUrrad tl1ar• R CIJWOVll • *"' "8-na l*• Oto Ttmaa· f IHOJ Qoldla Hewn, Cl\l'tY Crt-A IOtt.ftterled" lawyer le totn bet-her l\Oj)llll8 ... hu•D•nd·l urnad·l>•nk rOOber an<! n., uptigl\I pt_,1 hu•banO WhO It 1unn1ng fo r Cattfornl• attorney""* .. ·Pc)· 10:1t• GMATIWlWAY JOUfllNEY9 CW THI WORLD "llla Long Straight" Mlct\MI F11yn 11111• a journey ..:roaa Auetralla tO:ao G LONE AAHOEll "Thi Blade Widow" • WUJ(E.NO IPORT8 WM'..uf' I JIMMY 8WAOO.A.AT IO'M SUHOAY IPORT8 ,AGE 11:00 •• CJ) 0-Qt Hl!W8 Wk.OK..aoow "M'9oQo S•lati" Martin chatlang•• M'Bogo, an Afrtean buHllO ol lmtnenM 1trangth and coureoa. (AJ O WORLD~ • JEMY 'ALWEll (C)MOVIE '" "Nlgfllmara· (1981) S•ifd Stat101d. Sharoo Smith Oeeptta • drug pr• scrlptlon thal I• suppoaad 10 IOOlhl hll hOmleldal tendlrlcllal. • -ety di•· turbid young men '°11tln- uu to commit grl1ly hatchet mu1der1. (ij)MOVI£ * tt ,_.. "The Spirit Stair· CIM" ( 1977) Jecquatlne Binet, Chrlatopher Ptumrml( A l>aautllul deal· mule 11 te<rortzed by a myste<ioua killer who turk• in Iha llhldowa aurround- 1~ en alagMt manlloo U MOVIE * * "Th• tncredlbla Shrinking Women" (1980) Liiy T omtln, Ch1tlaa Gro- di'1 A hOUMWll• flrldt It hlld 10 cope wfl4WI Iha luddenty begl'11 to lhll'1k In 1121 'PG' 11: 11 I C88 NEWS 8HEAJ( PAEVtEW8 R09*' Eben and Gena S!Uel looll at Iha dlanging HOiiywood portrsyat ol homOM•uaffty with ~ trom "M•klng Love." "Personal Bnl" and "Vic:-'°', Vlc1orta " t 1:30 I SPORTS AHAL PACE8ETTEM 8 ABCNEWS • THE F/la! OF THE ·eoe Andy Gibb, Ir-Cara and Chftllia B<lnklay )Oin Lea M1)or11 as 22 "beautlfut" models t1om around the world vi. tor 1he 1111e "F- Oi Thi '60s" (I) WEEKEND 8POAT8 WRAP-UP (II MOVIE * * •;, "Friday The Rabbi Slept Lita" ( 1976) Art Car- ney. Sluat1 Maroo*> (8MOVIE * * • "Rot111co111er" . t 1977) George Segel. nm. othy Bo11ome. ©)MOYIE * • Schlock" ( 1973) JOhn Landi•. Seul Kahen. A mon1ter balle\led to bl • Q*MllC "mtu tno link" Q011on •1ampega ot tar- ror 'PO' (%)MOVIE * * "5 Flngar"t Of Death" ( 19731 LO Lleh, Wang Ping. A YOUf'il Ch'-kung tu lludarll ...... .,. hla "1 10 bacoma • leading expert and n111on11 Champion. 11:4& 8 THE AOCKF()N) f'IU8 8 MOVIE • * a "The Story Ori Peoa Ona" ( 1960) Rita HI)'· worth. Anthony F 1enclOll. MOVIE • * •;, "Stardull Mamo-,_ .. ( 1980) Woody Allen, Charlotta Ramptlng A M.c- catslUt dlrac;IO< t8Cel • parlOtlal cr111a u hi trlea ro make aoma maJO< dacl- llon• lfl hit Nie 'PG' 1t:00D NEWS • 700Ct.U8 G) WORLD CUf' TEAM TEHHl8 Auatr&Ha VII. Ul'llled Slataa (I) IT A.IHMI< 12:*1 D NR. FOOTaAU "Pr1-S111on G•ma" Gr84WI Bey Piek.era et Loa Angelea~ CID*ME • • • Anidi Foroa Z" ( 1980) JOhn PhMllP LAw. Mat Glblorl O MOVie • * "Frld1y The 13th" (1980) Btt.ty Palmar, Adfl. enne Kina. tl:418 NAME OF THI! GAME (C)MOVIE • • "The B11timora &1- lat" (1980) J-Colxlm. Omar ShAfll 1: 11 (I) MOVIE • * "Frld1y The 13th" (1980) Betsy Pek'nef, Adtl· enna King. 1~1~ e e Yt "The Sin Of Herold Olddlebock" ( 1947) Hwold Lloyd. Fr-~. "" 1mt11tlout lllf-etener of llMI 19208 IMmt that -... , .. price. 2:00 I::::.. tlCEHe e e • "Eya Of The Nee- dle" (1981) Oo'1111d ~- 1.nd, Kita Nalllgen. l!OI (JI) MOVIE * • "Deedl't 8laaalng" (1981) Em.t 8otg/Wle, Loi• !Wttlal!Oft A IMflO nightmare l)IOIN lor 1 youllQ WOINlfl ~ ""' merriaa "110 I llrict ,.... low aeot. '"' 1:111 .... t::ao ~'Y"I -...,.. t-• MCMI •• ,.,_ Ho M " (1MO) 1.-n ~ K.-...n ~ MGMlrl. "" 1 .. ~hllheotlOO'tll\t­....................... llilltoowJI """ wl.::'*' •• • ••• ...,... .. OenM Owt lf . O•t• '"'"'•" I ·I I I Please mail this co upon with your check, made paYcible to the South Coast Foundation to: Timothy L. Strader, Benefit Chairman, South Coast Foundation, 1501 Westcliff Drive, Suite 205, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Please respond 1'y September6, 1982. Seat- ing assignments given in order of response. .. 11\VINE MMDWS AMPHITHEATRE Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu11 29, 1982 r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·~·-·-·-·-·-·--i D Please make my reservations for the Sinatra concert . .. • D Star of Hercules, $250 per person I D Star of Centaurus, $100 per person (No LA wN SEA TI NG) 't • I D Star of Aquarius, $50 per person • Total Due (100% tax deductible) ! D I'm sorry I can't attend, but here's my donation to help I the South Coast Foundation's star shine brightly. • I NAME _____________ _ • I ADDRESS ____________ _ • I CITY _____ ZIP __ PHONE ____ _ • I MA STER CARD/VISA# _______ EXP.DA TE _____ _ AUTHORIZED SIGNA TURE ______________ _ ,..-r-:--:·-·-·-· ·-·--· ·-·--· -· -· -·-·-· ............. ,_,_, ...... -· , ...... ,_. __ .,._, ,...--.... ......... -·-· __,,,...,_, __ ·-·--· . --~ .. .-------·---... ..,,._ -----·----·-· . --.. .. I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 20, 1082 A Pui.llc Service or the Oalty Piiot ~~~~BALLET PACIFICA~~~~§ presents 17th annual ~~~~B~llet Alfresco~~~~~ • Saturday, September 4, 1982 at 8:30 p.in. "" An Evening of Dance Masterpieces Irvine Bowl, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, California { LES SYLPHIDES Music by Chopin. Choreography by Michael F okine THE DON QUIXOTE PAS DE DEUX Music by Minkus. Choreography by Lila Zali REFLECTIONS (A USA Premiere) Music by Rachmaninoff. Choreography by Eugene Belokon LE PAS DE QUATRE Music by Pugni. Choreography by Lila Zali BRAHMS WALTZES Musi~Brahms .. Choreography by Charles Weidman TICKETS: $4, $6, SB and SlO. Mail orders to P.O. Box 241, Laguna Bea ch CA 92652. Tickets will be held for pick up at the box office. NO PHONE ORDERS except on charge orders. 714-494-7 271. Box office opens 4 p.m. on September 4. ' I .,. -----------------Enjoy a fund-raising _______________ _ ~~~~~~~~~Cha~pagne ~inner~~~~~~~~ j with en!ertainment by the "Sunset Strings" at the Tivoli Terrace Restaurant (next' to Irvine Bowl) before the performance. You'll be helping Ballet Pacifica while celebrating in a beautiful setting under the stars. Dinner and Loge Seat s35 No-host bar (115 tax deductible) Bar opens 5:30 P.M. -Dinner served at 6:30 P.M . ,. ,. --~----~-------~--.--- Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT I .... . ClASSIFllD Dilly Piiat Sunday, Augudt 29, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's llelp Want ed ads. classification 7100 . UAL ESTATC Att ... 111 .. for SaJt1 AP,.r1nvr'b fOf' S•ft Au~h Pt09ttly llUMnn\ Proput)' ~mfl•ry l..ob t"r)r.11\ Z:on:~~:~'S:f; h °"p~ut ... l'rut1 .i•l.-f'°'*"" to b« M nv•d lniromt" PtOPf't\J lnduun at Propitrh Lo&> r .. S..1• Mol>ol< 11,... Trlr Ptk• '4ou,,tn ()ht-rt Mt>~MI Onnf e Co Prop ~ ~ ~~~~ro~up ftantht.\.•"•rmA.CrO\h lt•al U1•1~ E..-"fi\1" "••• £..1 tilf \4 •ftlf'(I RENTALS tl0W>f' f\IUH\hfll l&ow•• L'ofurn1,h.O HcM.utt •\;rn ttr cnr C'ondom1rui;m, ... 0,11 Condom1n1um,. l/111 , Townhuu'tn >'urn To .. nhouu\ ''nf OupltH1-f.°"ttt ~f'u~l;nl A..,U f'\un 4..,U Unfurn Aph t\irn m I nf ROOM~ Room a Aoar;t ~ ... .-b."4otrh G~tttnmt>\ St..mmer hf'nllil• Vauuon R•nt•h R'"nl.•I" 10 ~., .... Ga,._.,, fUI' Rf'"t Of'hcf'Rf'nUI 8u.suw·~' Rtn1.t lndu .. •n•I R•nl•I ~~·.,: '411nttd M1ac H•n••I' BUSINESS, INVEST· MENT, FINANCE =::::: ~::~· :~:~:=~: ~~~)' MOM) lo Lo•n Monty Waf'Ked• MOf'tf .. :n Tl>'\ ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & fOtnfD AMtOUn<U•rft*f\l' <'H Pool ~1alNrA1C'h t.o.1 6 "'ouoo Pff'°"'-•h• Sor1al C1uba• Tr.v~· SERVICES EMPLOYMENT & PRErAHTION Sthool• ''"'""''W)f\ JobW•nlr•I .. Htlp ~ ;lnlHI " 4; t MERCHANDISE r~~~;tt\ Autunn =::u11~ &ht•n•h C•mtta\" t:qu1pm"nt C..u °""' f\n lu Yuu f\irnttutf' Gu•«t Sate --"'*!Good• l•wf'lr-y l.-'VPSloe) Mat•uMr} Mu.«ll•Mtlll.I-' M1\.C'•ll•~a 1'' .,,tnJ MwMtal tn•trume,,l\ CWfkf' Yurn • .. :quip Pou ~."°' &i Or1t1n~ Sr•1nc Jih et.tM"\ Spw\tn• Goocb Slotf' Rnuur •n1 9., i~ .il':c.•u.th f'1.S4 4!• f" ' BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT Cf'nt'rll 8Q1h M•1nl ~'"'h ftotl.) ~hrtrH' t,tWtp tloat.\ Po""H Boab Rt"nl fh .. rot &a1>.<;o1I 8o•bSltP' u._,.. _, eo.i •. s,, .. .,' s..1 Boat.\,Slon1~ TIANSPORUTION A1rnaf\ c~m~n s .. 1. k•nt £lf'rtf1(' Can. MobOt'Hum""' ..... Cytlts Sc-ootlfrt .. Motor Hm1 s-1~ ktnt Tr"l"nTthf'I l~~~·~1~1!11~.~h C#ntttl A~TOMOBILE Anuq~ n.au1t\ Rttrt•t1on \ 111h1('I_.,, 5Pl'f'h k .,. rtr.h 4Wftf'f'l 0tt'10 rr~h \'afta Awto 1 .. u.:1t1JC AWCf"' W t1Alf11 AUTOS, IMPORTED 0f'nutt AU11 Konwo Aw<h Awl1Attt .. 1,., •MW C.tpn ~ I ~=~~~I" ,,., Hun•1t1 Jow•r '""'"" Kum..nnlih•,. t.dlllor&!ION ··~"" Mtt{•i1"' kfln, =gl! ()illl Pa.nl••• ~=-~~ Kt Hult Molh RA) t r ltO\tt Sub ,. .... SulNtv Toy04• Tr1umt>fi V6'U:••••n voevo AUTOS, NCW ~·tJ.!!!~!f .•...•.•... !{~I!!!!.{~' •. ~~'.'....... !'.'.~!!! .~ .. ~ !.'.~'. .. .. . . '!.~~~!!.~0.'. !.•.'!.... .. . !'.~~~!! .~~'. !.'.'.' •.••... '!.~~!!!.('.'..~'.'! ....... '!.~~~!~ .~0.'. !!.'! ...... . a, .. ,,, IOOZ 0 •• ,,.1 IOOZ 61011'1 JOOZ (;111111/ 1002 a,,,,,,, JOOZ ,,,,,,,, JOOZ .••••••..•.......•..•• .•...•.••.....•...•... .••..••••............. . •......•.•••.•....•.•..•••....••.••..••.•• ·•·•··•·•···•·•······· EOOAL HOUSING OP PORTUNITY '"'"'""'• letfotr All real estate advarttsect In lhls newspaper Is subJeot 10 the Federal F'alr Housing Act of 1968 OOMllt •P RISll Charming 4 Bdr 2 B• trt·le11el w/IOrmtl dlnlnQ & l1mlly rm. Blooming gardens surround pool & patio Priced to sell promptly w/exoellenl owner llnenclng Full price $195,000 . 751-3191 C::. '>I I I l I -t-' i'Hr ll'I I~ I 11 ', which makes II Illegal Io 1 :Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii edvef!ISe "any p1eferen-1• STBLUFF '\ BLUFFS Spt.'(•tucular 4 bdrm, Cum rm. 2 (lteplaces Lusk 1 level home. Oven11z~ lot with large pool OnJy $339,000 llCLHlll TIE OPH MOHH 1·1 LAii. By appt.. l••llltffHtd Olty IEST llY. Lovely 2000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2'1h Style 0H4t baths, fam rm , wade greenbelt, near 014t CttHa ••I lat pool. OnJy $249,000. UICLllllll Tiii WI. tllat•, HW I 14na 4 Will lease option. By appt la tHllllHn pin OPEi 1·1 HIE ILIFFI O"OllTUlllTY Just lis t.ed-lront row view. Lowest prict-d "E" Plan 3 Br. family room $197,000 Assume loans. Submit on own. 21H5 Vista Ornada $315,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ILUFFS LEASE 2 Bd.rm, water view, $950/mo. 140-0020 71C-1171 ca. 11m1tat1on or d1acr1m1-It•• • 2100 ~. Ft. nation based on race. ffftH • 1200 ~· Ft, color. religion. sex or O L 1•0 t O r1attonal origin, or any I et & I fa•llr r•. Walls tf 2H1 I I ' I 1271,000 1la11 •rl11 t11t4Hr HJa, r, • tW I HRM 1 STORY 1ar4eH l1tt skrflt 2001 laJa, I •r, 1 IHel 1111,100 Fast escrow possible. Large assumable rte••· 11' YH1te4 2111 Vitti l••r"8 4•r w/lu4 1111,000 loans. Close to schoolti and shopping. ••111•1•, Hll fleors, Only $150,000. intention to make tny such preference, llmlte-12101000 loon or discrimination." Rey Mt0ar41t1 Rltr. This newspaper will not 141· 1121 knowingly accept any ~iiiiii;::::::1 HtrlJ tfflole1t ttlar TERRIFIC TOWIUIOllE lttt water apt••• I•· HELEN 8. DOWD S pa c 1 o us 2 s t o r y t ow n hom e. Hlat .. tl•t•• 1lau. woodburn ing fireplace. Huge master PIHi.le ter••· ~ff•r· llULTOllS, 110. 144-1111 suite, sunny patio plus community pool. advertising for real es-~ i~~ rate which Is In violation OPEi Ill 1·1 -ol the law. :: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil H ULlll OOYH ::: •UYFHIT* •• at 1110,000. 1 11 Spa, sauna and tennis. Assumable lo<.1n.s. llarl1el4 C•r••• ''' lt•r J02Z C111•• ''' #11 10al Only $129,900. Call ··•••••···•·•••·•····· .•..•.••.....••......• l~ ERRORS: Adverti-BOAT SLIP. private uui sers s hould c heck beach Lite and cheery 3 A.SSUME 10'!1. Financing llMI h I d d II d bdrm, 2 bath home hlOO tue r a s a y an Fireplace. Price reduced only t olk to ocean. 1111s uoo report e rro rs Im· to $525,0001 CASH COLI CWNEWPORT property Is loaded w/ i: mediately. The TALKS!! Or $200,000 REALTORS potenllal Lge beamed MOO down & setter wtll carry u u l , c ... 1 "••· LR/ w/FP Only $329,000 z:ioo DAILY PI LOTas-TD 2.,1 0 c ...... "111., ree. ~ 1SI 81 1 '• or 1 BEAUTY ANO THE zlm' s umes liability for years. Submit all oltersl &75-55t t BEACH Rere 5 BR 4 Ba ~~ the first incorrect Owner/Agent 673-9187 ---------~-·custom, perlect 1or the 11~1n~s:e:r~tl~o:n~o~n~IY~·--·=o:r:6:7j5'j7:0:60iiiiiiiiiiii~i l•lha 11/Htl 11111v executive. Only t blk 10 •• •• •••• • ••• • ••••••• •• ocean. Super value at JIOO 2400 $41, Ft. $735.000. Call Georgine ~ g08111 for S•le of CUSTOM HOUSE 11 558-1809 = ........ •• .. ••••...... Excellent financing $539, l--------- l.IOO Re.I Ell•te ooo SPYQUSS "2S • •••••• ••••. ••••• ••••• 675-6921 5 Twin Lakes Cr. = Geaer•I IOOZ OPEN SUNDAY 2·5 1100 ••••• ••••••••••••••••• OPEi llSE Sii 12·4 5 Bdrm Soulhport. Va-:::l REDUCED SPYIUU llLL au HD cant & reduced to $459, ""' Undeniable value. This 2 Bdrm 2 Ba plus dbl 500 •W> $12,6001 property takes the lau-gar. lovely patio. stan· ::~ 4 Bdrm 2 bath custom rels for amenities and dard size lot owe II· CAMEO SHORES ,a,., home with pool and comtor1s, plus a drama-nanclno. $325.000. :;:i sweeping view of tha tic fronl row view of E3J I e Dramatic 3 Bdrm. 4'hbe. oso uppe1 Back Bay and city ocean and city lights. ora uanc Pool, view Pvt beaches. :~~ hQhts! Seller motivated! Four bedrooms Pool realfor $495.000 leasehold. ·~ Now only S197.500-call Spa. liberal financing 710·1411 :~ today! 646-7171 S625,000. ft/] 10~1 /? (2/ --:z;;::>. . ~ 1~~~1~31~·~71~0~0~~ -=,.=,._.='------1~(,21 JTIU/U~ THE REAL ESTATE RS WHY RENT? ,,.;.,.,. 1001 REAL ESTATE 644 ·6397 ...................... ---------Rent money pays toward OOUIFIOIT C • ST1ra1 a home & big tax break. • • l!;Alo I t 11._1 Charming beach house, I. 714.1'. So. Coast Plaza locatlon • •• •1 II lrg R-4 lot. Best location a. L w/W.side price. 3 Br 1'h Ytry Little hw1 2 Bar & den, 1'h blks Ba, l•H•••I• HI Ba home on a lrg lot w/ Call John 549·2969 or OWC. $598,000. Ken ISi TO of $60,000 fully R-V access Assurne Kathy at 675-l4l6 673•5410 Coast Prop. assumable. Owner will 11 •1. 515 1st Call for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii carry 2nd TO also 3 more details. 631-7370 • OCEANFRONT • Bdrm !amity home. good ~ 631-7088 IAY WlTllAllT 400+<-t>ffl buy on beaoh' loeetlon. --OW-N·ER AN w/UlllE HAT By owner. 640-7990 XIOUS. Aslllng $124,900. R14mo•" •• 1100,000 f !!!~._ -~!! !!!! .. !.~~~ 1c•a•11'15l1401-r1 1~s-;1 ":iiiT.1~1 TERMS!· TRADJ T 10\,..\l. R[;\LT\ Bid your price & terms 10 flt your needs Prime Prestigious Linda Isle duplex, 10 down, 10 price, prime lagoon bey loca-buy par1 or all. Darrell, lion. Guarded gate. all o wn r / a gt RE I M AX llAIDOIED amenities. over 4000 sq 759-1221 ft. Appraised recently at ---------IAllliAHll $1,700.000. Take over •FULL OCEAN VU• Harbor View Homes 3 $560,000 In notes. This Is 12%loan Jasmine Crk Bdrm 2 bath Monaco on a must sell now sltua11on Owner 901 640-1515 fee 11n<Jt Assume exfs-Wiii consider leaser •t• COIDO LOT '"'"' I t t d II option, trades tor In· ~ with 2'~ baths, 2 car encl gar & yard. $5000 down and pymt assisted prog. ram. Call Rick Owner/ Agt 964·6171 beowttH 0•1411 Huge 3 Bedroom condo with 21;, baths. Custom drapes, lots of extras Almost 1795 sq.It. Three patios. SPA BBQ Loe•· red on prestlglou5 East-side Costa Mesa. listed 01 $192 ,000 Call 979-2390 CleH Tt Tiie Plaut Beau•llul 3 Bedroom condo now sitting vacant and seller needing quick ~ale. 2•;, baths, fireplace. Pool amenities. Lovely end unit. Ideal location. Priced at jus1 $139,500 Can lor oetalls on llnan· c1ng 979-2390 171-2310 3707 S. BRISTOL SANTA ANA Tarbell, HE\IJ'()l(S MESA VERDE $235,000 81.ted&n the. wttole fa. mlly with swimming & SBO Beautiful 4 BR home features. lge sparkling pool & huge custom family room fake over low 1n1eres1 loan. Hurryl 111110 t ng et ow ra e an seer come. comm'I, reslden-With 3 Br w. Ba. frplc 12.71~ wlll carryl Reduced to a.1 L ~ sell at $214,000 • call llal properties or large ~wner. 646-8586 ln11••• • ••• IEW LISTlll :: 1oda I 646-7171 yacht or joint venture. S•••lt fair tffer This lovely pool home ..w Home+Guest+lncome features terrific llnen-OR TUii ;:: Leave medss7a3g0e with owe 1st . Flax. Terms clng. 4 lge Bdrms, new Freshty remodeled spa. llO.IO answer a . call 509 Acacia CdM nr bch paint, near parks and ctous 3 Bdrm 2ba, large ~ 1~~~~~~jjif~i::S4:2:-4:300::24~h=rs~iii:: sch o o Is 0 lier ed at 11!'60 ' • Spotless Vacant Duplex s 139.900 OW NER"S master bedroom. 10' )a· "°"5 llYEml'I IELm Huge 5br/3be+<Jbr/3ba ANXIOUS For an ap-ouzzl 1st TD at 12% · :~ 3 Br 2 Ba great house-440K ownlbkr 645-7048 polntment 10 see. call $94,000 Asl\ong S 159 •111 LIDO ISLE 500 2817 San Juan Ave -~ great financing, 1st time •1•10• VIEW 540-1151 .ITST ... 111 n n n Woll trade for larger lOOlll buyer or investor. Don't Sausalito Lusk home on h d 1 I co e ::: miss this Only S 103·900· CllTEINUllY fee la~d. 3 Br. 2 Ba. llv & u~::1s~· up ex or n "' :: ~~-~3e7~. ~U7583~ell OPEi HI 1·1 oln rm. 1g ram rm , all w •• E. IH• I Oe. ~ 12• Y1a ...... 801 amenities. lg tree lot. By l7•·1100 "°"' ~ '"' Owner. $299.500. ---------• = 2 story llvlng room, oak 640-7007. OCEAll VIEW _T_O_l_l,-,-,-.-E_S_T_l_l_Y_ -floors. sl(yllghts. muter ---------suite with fireplace & OLD CDM $231,000 2 Bdrm, 2 ba, condo. Full with low down & low sundeck. 2 lldrms. dining So of hwy, R-2 3 Br re-amenities and sec gale. payments you can meke rm. con11erllble den 11-model. Liv rm opens to No qualifying with $6000 this Costa Mesa cu1le TRADI T IO:W. REALTY ,.11~ brary plus studio $645. pvl backyard. Move-In down. 1 0 . 7 5 % Io an yours Newer 2 Br 2 Ba =: 1 _________ .• 1 000 with assumable fl· cond. Greet terms, Must program avallsble. Call home wlfrplo, & formal ~ IEAT nanclng sell. Della, 631.1266 . ..,,t 9R L~6h1.710 w n er I Ag I <Jin Ing Seller Is moving. ;;;; -• .,... call today Agl Wanda 9010 THE HUT L HOO PH MO. 544-1955. 669-1616 = and enfoy living In one of awson TRADE $20,000 dwn for 8 25•1, $15,000 down $139,900 our many oeautlful pool "' Interest In property w/lax full price. E-stde house. 'loo homes. All 1n excellent Realty Company your boring Income pro-shelter benefits Owner All brand new except ''"" locauons and ready for perty or outgrown fesl-occupied or Investor's loundallon 2 br. 2 bs, ::: family enjoyment Oitte-d!lnce wllh large equity position a11all. Call Rich country charm. a deco- mo rent tocalions. dlllarenl l~~~~~~~~~~I for this neat rustic and owner/agt. 964-6171 rator's dream Oak eabl- >1•<> prices Something for I-roomy 4 Bdrm 3'nba •---------nets & entry. brick ~110 c 11 1 home with 180 deg WATER'S FINE planters & porch: new »1ai everyone a one 0 our t o p s •conve rt-oceen view In walk to No Quatlfyl~~ 3 energy saving bltns. 0400 Real Estate Protesalo-beach. Corone del Mar bdrm with rocll pool In n a Is 1 or de ta II a . ibles*rnotor location .• ,95.000 lee. 1 111 .. t lrplc, lge deck oft mstr 546 2313 .,. coun ry se ng .... us suite Mvch more See et l()iu • h o mes* la wn 144-1211 sell Ask tng s, 11 .9oo 136 walnut St Open sun COLDWC!U. BANl(C!RO Sharon Exner 645-0303 lllE USLEY PRESEITS IN U&UNA BEACH OCUI VIEW OOITEIPOllAllY Short walk to Victoria Beach with 2 Br:! Ba. patio, de<•k & (rplt'. Grt•;1t tt·rms. $325,000. TRY TRADE OR LEISE OPTIOll Spanish M editer roneau ho111 e w /:i Bdrms. family rm w /frpl<:,. lrg l>lUdy, generous work.shop. wane cellar. wN bar and view decks. $595,000. Call Mikr Easley 497 -33:3 I 497 -JJ,Jl LISTlllS IY IUSEU JEllllllS Wt are prH• t1 HHHC• the retur• of 8isela JHkias t1 eur •••P•rt l t1ch offict. IELOW IAHETI In Harbor Ridge Casa Blanca M odel 3 BR. 3 BA. two s to ry w /view of reservoir Tak~ over high (irst T D . P r o f e s s 1 o n a I I y d l' l' o r a t c d throughout. $450,000 HH I IEDIOOM POllTOFIH MODEL II llAHOR VIEW. Extra special and only a few built by Bren. This highly upgraded two story home shows just like a model. NEW PLUSH Carpet, modernized bathruoms. s hutters throughout $450,000 anc:l land. Separate In-law quarters. · TURTLE ROCI HIHLAIDS. Pacifica Mo<i<.'I on Park with view of mount.ams. Two story. 3 BR, 2 1h BA. decor ated in earthtones. Fireplace in the master bedroom. family room and living r~m. Seller most anxious $3 10.000. SELLll& AT LOSS! Take advantage of this "steal" in Harbor View Homes J BR. 2 BA Carmel Model. Remodeled kitchen & professionally decorated throughout. New carpet, paint a n d wallpaper Automatic watering and lighting system M ust sell fast' $249.000 incl. land. ~ tilfiti ~fdq~!i~::· ~. . . . ::~;;;:;~h~•~e 4 ~;;::;::~~rn~:d~ ;, ~ bdrm Warm country br. lge lot. view of golf lfW um•• II *g arden c a r ts trench decor' 8 reel course Fruit trees. AS· Sil HUT STlllTER COllOS [n Northt>ast •M IRVllE TEIUCE Model A's*••• IY OWllER dream come true. Just sumabie llnanctng Agt. Costa Mesa. Brand new 3 BR, 3 BA with •1,... See lhls exceptional •typingtables CdM duplex. best loci '174·500· Bkr 848-0709 497-2336· extra lg master bedroom. Choose your :;: home! Recently redeco· h Iba • Pride of ownership S5000 MOVES YOU IN OWIER/HEIT carpet now. Lg fenced back yards. feels •1111 r11ed with cream color W ee rrOWS Great assum tlnanclng. Wiii gamble with you on Assume lge VA loan al lik h Sell ·11 h 1 th ~·l)I carnats. plantallon shut-recreat ion a l S32'11,900. t-942-8580 Interest rate fluctuation 9•HI 4 2 f e separate ouse. er WI e p WI •• ... -S ,.,.. br. be. sm. rm, f' $ "9 500 $1"4 500 :~:,: 1ers & wood floors. II h89 ve h icles*golf l ._ .. II OIM & move you In w/ 5000 torm. din. sunken llv rm, mancing. 1., • to ... bric!\ planters. e sperk· •• ~ caah. New luxurious AIC, cathedral ceilings. 2100 ~~ llng pool and separate carts* model 1 blk from beach. Best t65-0 sq II. (nol counting 5 Q 't. s 1 8 2 '5 0 0 . w•·T ' •·uT LOOlTIOll [r1 the City of "'11 spa, Ask for Natalle(agt). t rain s *bikes buy In COM. $195.000. double garage w/eleotr 549.5172 • n ~:; 673-6571 or 675-6000 Zellner Investment Corp. opener). 2 & 313 Be ---------1 Orange! Next to GG and SA Fwys and 99~ OPEN SAT/SUN 1-s *pianos•cars S.9-9213. Joy condos. Next to a1 1 U .1% Ill. NU. h · T h 3 BR 2'n BA ·-1•11 S II T f · t shopping & theaters Mesa Verde/4Bdrm. spa s oppmg wo story wit ' !~IQ · • 811fHt a orr re ngera Or"S \4UST SELL home w/unll, 631·5055 or 642-2000 decorated in earth ton es. Presentl y •sk a t es•••••• 2 ... _ h By Owner 557-2472 •~,1 ... u u~l"'U F t1()a...aS: wide lot. blksto.,...ac . S205000 0 s t/S t d ( $695 00 s II V" .n .. 1~~,....~~'-J~~--~~~,..~--~ ----------I Meke offer.873-9208. VA REPOSSESSION 4br, · pen a un r en e o r • e e r .,ry ;i.,1_ 3ba, pool. $6000 on 2032 Swan Dr, C.M motivated. Assume high First TD. :::.: uEcuT1vE ':z':' S«:ll4llA-&f..~s· -$136.000. Agt 546-7739. a12,ooo ••1 $94.500. ~~ RETREAT -----""°"'~------~~~~B~~=~~ •••o ••. MACIAl-lllVllE llEALn i g~~~: !?~ar~=-1~ •::"•~:, ~ •t ULLHI PYllTI ~f~~~~~ ~:;,: [~~!: 144-1200 "1Q In the Harbor View Hilla ....... -. '"'"-."' Xlnt Terms $134,900 h d b 1 11 1 1 irm area. Unbello1111ble ca--i.. .. .._ "' -Owner/Agent 979-t906 an some r e rp c, fJ~ nyon view, greet for lhe " A IC B E R Monticello TownhouH. ~t',,8e 1~e~a~e~rg~~~r r;~ llOStess who loves to I I r r I I $79.999 by owner. 2BR Mutt a e 11 As A p entertain In en lmpres-_ . _ _ . _ t'J~BA. W/O dahwahr. 646-5680 """ slve llome and surroun-garb. dlap, etec garage. 10 FEn DI TllE IAY c~ dings. Good financing I 8 E E. T A 0 cornm. pool. UJllAll SAU package. Call now., I I I r I 641·9•36 ••If o .. ,.. IM11 546-2313 _ _ . . _ . Mesa Verde • 1 aty 4 l!R LeeH opt1on'1, Clo .. to 2'~ bt. owner will tall THE REAL ESTAT&:RS I R U l L A p foreclosure. 3bd 2be 98K 10% below apprillHd Spaci ous bayf r o n t ho m e professionally decorated with private pier and floa\. 4 bdrms .• formal din ing rm .. family rm ., b reakfast nn. and hobby rm. Large bayslde deck all In brick -room for a pool. An cxc:ellenl value at $985,000 Lli. Daly Plot A[)..VISOR 642-5678 = ml -= OPEN HOUSE SUN 10AM -Frff country brtaklMt, := Trebuco Ct nyon. call .u Jack at Tarbell 1or ell• :: rectlone. ~30-eo30 ;::liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• .. 1 .... Ulllllt : 2 llOIY ll bdrm, 3 batt -h~ wl1h covered pallc "" and microwave 011an Flexlble termal Owner Utletad llnenclng. Only $125.~Call 919•5370 tod•{ji ""' \ f >I/, I t i F I f • ' I . no 2nd. Agent SuHn I I I r I -9_~_7_24_9_______ velua. C1my 1ub1tantl1I _ . _ _ . 2nd to qutllfled buyer •I Ill Niii OPEN SA.TURDAY 1•! I R H U S T H Goll courN vi-. Mutt Cell •QI Erny Burellla _ I I I r I l,.~:·.:;:~:; :.nae!! ~!"~1as.ooo with 1~ __ 11_1w_13_1_3_: _oe_2_.a_a_9_,_ "., •111'1 llOI"-~ djtf_, MULLAN R!AL n mr em Tll tut " ~ a broch~ of -twuneiracl beaut. e11otlc pool a ~r_T_O_ll_T-.,-v--. ldaa1 fcif tf11W'81. He SM'! out 540·2980 Hk for LOfl & et a p Into H t w •II. .. ,....,,r-..,1'......,lr-""l--.lr-t b~~.Otptl )'(XI CM leM IUOflll IJVlll ~~~·;·~~·m2 r':nR :,::~: In thl1 4 bdrm home with S119,500. 831-801 t l C R 0 T E R I • '--fatnlly rm, fncd ~•rd and r r'I I I I -~~==-7·~ =-~1 ::1:n~O~~ e"C'I ----1135,000. 0111 919-5370 1 • ........ ;;-.;-'"' --r-r_,,r.._.,r--r ...... r -r-r-r_,r---1 .. now. • •R I I I I I I I I I I I ! --.&.m.....,." .............. ,. - •• Dally Piiot cta11lffed'" ads. can M2·S671 (714 \ 873-4400 (!13) 628·2121 The Hatbof Area's Loncnt Eatlbhhtd Real Estate Company 11..:\JllJ()lt ~~~!!! .~~~ !.'.'! ..•.••. 1 ~~~!!! .~·!. !!.'! ...... . ~!!'.~t.•.J ••..•..••• !.~~~ 9!!'.~1. .. t IO~~ FRENCH CHATEAU As h•all1n•d 1r1 H><J;~y·~ Styll• Sec:ttcm 7 Muir &•a<:h C1rdt'. CdM ESTHER TABAK SH~TZEN REALT Y IU-0303 f'REMIUI LOClTIOll NEWPORT BAY This 1s not Jus t a Lido Bay fron t , it's 85 ' plus an adjoining pnvall' bva<:h, across the Chanm•l frvm the former John Waym· Estate Pier & slip fur l<irge yac:ht. Exceptional blend of traditional & conll'rnporary design. Just under 8000 sq fret All wood vaulted c •·rl1ng & so lid b e ams throughout. 4 BR including a lg ma s tl'r s uite w /c;tudy and wond!:'rful patio f or bay viewing Guest s ulle. maid 's quarters, and auxiliary BR. Plus a 4 car garage WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER THE ESTATE AT SIX MILLION S IX HUNDRED Dona Chichester 644-6200 (S65) THE Tlf' Of NAUOll ISUllD Remarkable in every way This -beautifttl handcrafted home. built of sla te and sto ne w /frcnC'h doors and windows. Solid oak floors uvers1ded din rm-light houSl' s tudy, mas ter s uilf' w /inl1male balcony deck with bay view & fpk. ·7 secondary BRs ca rriage house $ti,OOO ,OOO Fee land Barbara Aune 6-H-6200 (S6fl) EX CLUSIVE HARIOR RIHE II IEWPORT IEICM Elegant F rel\ch Manor h o usl' in guard gated community o f Harbor Ridge. Just completed in fmest detail & 'eraflsmansh1p. Magnificent views of Ne wport's Bays, 1~ands & night lights. 4 BR. fl SA. 2 fam rms & library add to the presugious & el~nt lifestyle this home offe_ps. Realistically priced at $ l.82'5,000 incl. land. Owner will assist w /financing, Tom Allinson -Terry Hanes 644-6200 (S67) POOL -VI EW + CHARI. A lovely Dover Shores h ome. 4 BRS. formal living & dining nns plus a Jg pool & spa. Extensive use of parquet flooring and skylights Owne r financing available . $750.000 incl. land Larry Dyer fl44-6200 (S68) UIDER THE llHET! One of the lowest priced Deauvilles m Big Canyon. This 4 BR home is hght, airy & in A-1 condition The beau ti ful pool . s pa & J g ., entt>rtamment patio are perfect for those warm summer days ahead. $619,900. Easy lo see, so Call T o m Allinson or T erry Hal)es 644-6200 (S69) JISllllE cud -OCEU VIEW Rare l story. 3 BR on w ade greenbelt close to pool & spa. large patio with view of ocean. large assumable loans. 24 hour security gate. Tennis courts & 3 pools. $421,500 Maxine Propp 644-0200 (S70) IHTLED II TME TREES Beautiful location opening onto the park, Contemporary plan in Turtle Rock Campus view -2 BR plus den -You'll love the open feeling & hardwood floors. financing. $162.000 Mary Welsh 85!}-434:l (872) IAIE YllR PLA•S TO llVE IOW Into this freshly pain ted 4 BR. 2 BA home in Greentree. Ideally located, perf~t for family living. Low as5ociatlon fees with all the amenities. P riced b e low the market & with assistance from the ow n er t o h elp with financ ing. " $162,000 M a r y WelBh 855·4343 (572) I ITUTlll Ml Wha t a great place to get •tarted with this 2 BR home wlthin wJlking distance to the many comm. 'ienters offered in Woodbridge. Pri~ to sell at $106,000 Gilda f'l3hor 855~4343 ($73) • I ---------. ---------______ .......,_ -----------·-----~ -------------------------:--------.... t'I Orang Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augu•t 29, 1882 Japanese tattoo customers grit and bear it VO KOJIAMA, Japan 1API Tucked a wuy in u s mull 11huv In u nurow ulh•y or th111 olcJ 11ort r lty, the nla!lh'r urt11;t known ui. "lloriktn" work1> ut his 1:rurt . c re u I In K 1 n l rt t• u I l' , l' o Io rt u I 1rnllerns l hut ortt•n borrow themes from Japan's anc1l·nt urt or Uk1yoe wood bloc~ printing His "cunvu1;" 1s tl'i e human body, 11ometimes virtually all or IL: he is one of Japan's surviving tattoo artists. The s h eer expanse or a Japanese tattoo is one thing that sets it apart from the Western ty p es a hula dan cer , a 11'.l i l i tar y e mblem or a s nake-entwined dagge r labeled "Death Before Dishonor " • • 1u.·r~11n or strcma wlll." All J upunmw l utlool!1tis wear dt11l1t n11 thurru1clvc11 bccuutu.· cllcnl11 would not trust one who cl1dn 't , Ohw adu suld 1n un tnll'rVH'W 11 1• worked us an artist and tcucher here. Ills JO forme r studt·nls work lndcpcndenllv Traditionally favored m ostly by a r lisu n :1 , l abo r ers and ntminuls u nd o Hiclully bu nncd ror man y years .I a pnncse tattooing rcn\alns my11leriou~ a nd gene r a ll y r I andcstine T h ert: a r e no publi c l y advertised "tattoo parlor s" where one tan dro(l In for a h asty heart, anchor or gi rl friend's name, and ma ny health s pas and hotel s wimming pools post signs reading, "No Tattoo Wearers Allowed." The J apan ese ta ltoo love r may be covered with elaborate designs from mid·thigh through the torso and down the .arms, with the chest . st ocna.ch and . abdomen left untouc•ed; giving 'the errect o f a tr-ad itional Japanese happicoat . which is worn partially open at the front over regular clothing. Some say the tattoo taboo comes from the Confucian code of ethics, which holds that It is sinful to defile the body. "I think it is largely because the tattoo was used to identify criminals in fe udal times." said Yoshihito Nakano, 36, another Yokoham a tattoo master known professionally as "Horiyosh1 111 " Some artists e ncourage the full -bod y tattoo. called "soshin-bori." which covers the skin from ankles and wrists to the neck. Either way, the main design such as a s amurai warrior's face is usually on the back. with details bo ldly fl owing ac ross the body Each segment on a part of the body is related t o t he o the r s to present a cohe rent whole. A s ingle tattoo may take months. or years. to complete. de pe nding on how o fte n the customer can bear the pain of having needles imbed the colorings under the skin. Most can tolerate only an hour or two at a time -long enough to cover 10 squa re inches, Horikin said. That much costs a bout 10,000 to 20,000 yen ($42 to $84). "The process is very painful and requires great p~tience and perseverance on the part of a c lient." said the 47-year -old artist , whose r eal name 1s .. HUMAN CANVAS -An a ncient warrior fig evil in this design derived from 18th century U koyoe woodblock prints, a traditional Japa nese a rt form, needle-printed on bodies. M its uak1 Oh wade .. About 70 per c ent g i ve up hc·forc completing a tommon patte rn tattoo. bnly one or two pt•rcent go away with a full ·body tattoo " ll owever. he said. once a tattoo is finished , "the client leaves wfth a n attitude of confidence because he has e ndured the painful process. We tat too artists a nd we arers regard a tattoo wearer as a Show children how to escape Originated as an ancient 1:1nd primitive religious practice, the t..attoo was used in J a pan's f e udal period to punis h lawbreakers with a black ring a r o und the a rm fo r every offe n st" Howeve r . b ecause suffering pain was a way to s h•>w sincerity, it a lso became a m eans to express faith o r loyalty Today's artists try to m aintain dignity for their cra ft. When a client vis its a mas ter the first time, he or less commonly, s he almos t always has an introduction· from a friend or another client. · A mas ter s ometimes will reject a customer if he does not like the person's motives or character AP Wh99hot09 SKIN COVERED -A full body tattoo, such as modeled by maste r a rtist "Horikin ," can tak e years to comple te. depending o n ho w often. the custo mer can bear pain of pain ting ncec.!les. J <1pan 's 230 years of fe udal lie s;.od som(' wear tattoos as isolation, offic ials de creed .. 3 sort of talisman. or a symbol tattooing a n objectionable , o f d efiance." while others lower class vice, a nd banned 1t s1 m ply cons1dt·r the designs lest Wt•st ern..er:-lh1nk attractive J etpdncsc were barbarous Ohwada s aid the quality of Ironically. lhe law applied tilllootn~dl.'t cnoraledduring the o nly to· Japanese. and the outlay, years. when ofrtcia1s t'rilfts m ans hip of J apanese c·•>nftscated manv masters· tattooing fascinated foreigners, dt>~•i::n boob <1nd pr0tnts He now --Frustrated firem_en ask parents to help avoid tragedies Usually. a traditional design is chosen after long discussion . Ma n y are der ived from the woodblock pnnts popular in the 18th a nd 19th centuries, and some Japanese tattoois ts are ser ious about keeping Ukiyoe a li ve through body a rt, despite a lack of sod al acce ptance. In the late 18th century, the J apanese tattoo blossomed into a p ictori a l art under the influence of Ukiyoe. inc luding some hig h society owns sevt·ral hundred originals t ypes . hy Kuniyoshi <1nd uses th~m for · Tattooing was legalized again his designs . I PITTSBURGH (AP) -Dr. fi ve percent of the fatal tcres occurred in homes. and in many cases, children were the cause, off1c1als say. crawl to the door and open it if it's cool; or to keep it closed if it's hot a nd crawl to a w indow to either climb out or wave for help. Russell T. J ones, fighting fire with know-how, wants to stop children fleeing house fires from seeking deadly refuge in their closets or under their beds. Jon es, 31 , a clini ca l psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh, says most of the more than 3,500 American children who may die from house fi res this year do not know what to do. About 29 percent of those killed were under age 5, thl' NFPA says. Twenty-five percent were between 5 and 13. Another 7 percent involved those 65 and up To simulate a real fire, doors are heated with hairdryers and tape recorders are used in place of alanns. "1 think it's because of a lack of training, lack of awareness, not knowing what to do in case of a fire. not having practiced," Jones said. "P arents should be doing this, or educators. But whoever does it . it s hould be done systematically.'' Most of the young victims were found in closets or under beds. Frustrated firemen and anguish ed parents cry. why didn't they try to escape? Jones began studying the problem of (ire safety 10 1976 while a medical intern at Brown University. He conducted his initial research there, teaching preschoolers how and ·wpen to make emergency telephone calls to the operator and checking their memory several months later. F or th e blind , Jones reproduces at the schoo l the crackl e of flames a nd th e intensit y of heat they might encounter in their be drooms. Ot~erwise, his techniques remam much the same for each study group. Jones has found that people generally don 't panic when confronted with em erge ncies. sucK' as fires. "But with c hildren, the probability o f engagi ng in non -adaptive behavior may be somewhat higher than with adults." ne s&.id . J ones teaches the very young, the very old and the handicapped what to do when fire strikes. For the past five years . he has concentrated on saving children as young as 3 years old. In 1980, the latest year for which figures are available, 6.505 people died in fires across the country and 30,200 were injured, according to the NationaJ Fire Protection Association. Seventy· After joining Pitt in 1977, J o nes started working with elementary school children. Ln school classrooms remodeled to r esemble bedrooms the youngsters learn evacuatto n procedures They are taught to J o nes has found that m ost youngsters forget much of what they've ~n taught after several months without practice. ' Neptune Societ) "" CAl!MA T!OH BURIAL Ill T SEA 646-7431 Our literature tells the complete st ory o f our society. ",. .... ~ ....... p-~-,.~, ~ r McCOIMIQ MO•TUAatfS-, Laguna Beach 494·9415 • Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495 1776 H.Utotl U""N-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa s.l0-5554 ,_CIHOTHIH HU .. OADWAY MOttTUA•Y 1 rn Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 .. ., DEATH NOTICll BRAY EDWARD FRANKLIN BRAY , a resident o f Huntington Beach since 1925, passed away Friday August 22, al Palm Harbor General Hospital Funeral services and arrangements are pending al Pierce Brothers-Smtths M ortuary 536-6539 FlCTITIOU• 9U ... H NAmaTAT'l•NT Th•. foll owing per eon It doing bullneN U: "We tell the parents to practice 1t. And we also have the children teach their brothers and sisters, a kind of buddy system," he said. POOLIC "°TICE FICTfTIOUa eUIMa& NAME aTATEMINT (The following person Is doing bu&lneas 11~ ADVANCED SERVICES, 1882 Lengley Avenue, No 41-0, Irvine, CA 92714 OA NIEl LEWIS SHEL TON. 2740-A $eger1Ctom. Sance Ana, c.-. 92704 Thia bV'"-• le COfl<lucCed by en 1ndtvldual Oenlel L SM!lon Thlt statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Orange County on Augutl 12 1982 F1t6212 Publlshed Or1nge COHI Cally Pllol, Aug 15, 22, 29, S.Ot 5, t98:t 3599-82 P\8.IC NOTICE Plitt.IC NOTICE FlCTITIOUa •UllNeH NAME ITA TSMl!HT The following peraona ere doing business u : THE PEN ANO PULPIT PRESS. 3187-A Airway. Coit• Miiia. Ce. 92626 The Compoelng Room, Inc. (1 Calllorn11 corporallon), 3117-A Airway, Co1111 M-. Ca 92628 Thlt bull,_. la conoucted by lln lndlvldual The Compoelng Room, Inc:. Art Griffin. Pretldent Thi• stacement wat hi.d w1111 tl'te County Cle<k ol <X1noe County on August 5. t982 ,,M711 Published Ornengo Cout Oally Piiot Aug. 11, 15, 22. 29, 1982 3491-82 B & 8-DOC'S SWEEPING SERVICE, 8$1 Sandarwood Avenue, ' LI Habra, CA 90631 '1CTITIOUI IU ... H ..._.TAro.NT The following pereon. .,.. doing Plitt.IC NOTICE TERRY l BROWN, 851 SandalwOod A--. La Hab<a, CA 90631 Thia~ .. ~ed by.,, lndlvldual • Teny L B<own Thia ltll1emanl WU filed with the County Cl«tl of Orwnge Coun1y on AUQUlll 20, 11182 ,.,..... Publl1hed ·Orange Ck>ast Dally Piiot, Aug. 22, 29, ~t''5, 12, t982 3737-82 P\8.IC NOTICE ~tu-H N.U.ITA,.._NT The lolloWlnQ .-.on• .,. dOlng ~-SOUTH CO A ST CO N· ~--CLAUS ENTERPRISES, INC. db1 PACIFIC POLYMERS, INC .• 15702 Container Lane. Huntlngtort Beed\, CA g2949_ CLAUS ENTERPRISES, INC .. a Callfornl• corporation, 15702 ConllMer a.-, Huntlngtort a-ti. CA92M8. ™-~ .. oorlduc:ted by a corporation. ci.u1 Enterprl-. Inc:. C.H. Cl-. Pt ... Thi. 1tatemen1 wu'ni.d wltll lhe County Clertl of Orange County on Avgvet 18, 1892. _ ,,.,.. Publl1ll.cl Orang• Coaat Dally Piiot, AMQ. 22. 211, Sepl. 6, 12. 1te2 3739-82 FICTtTIOUI aUtMU NA• tTAnwNT The lotlowlng per1on 11 doing bull-u: 0£SERT CENTER RESEARCH LTD., 3801 W MecArlhur Blvd., ,907. Santa Ana, Ca. t2708 Shirlene R Pierce, 8 t 6.t La e.rca Clrcle. Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708 Thia bvalMM hi conducted by an lftdMduel. ShlrleM R. Pl«ce f hll atstamenl wu tlled with the County Clerk of Or•llQll County 011 Augua1 5, 1982. ,,~.,., Publlahed Orange Co111 01117 Piiot Aug I . t6, tt, 29, 1982 a&1M2 after World Wa r II . despite its lie estimates Japan has about unsavory associations Ohwada 10-0 tattoo artbl:;, but many live and Nakano say these still exist, underground. -Kun iyos hi Utagawa ( 1797-18611. a famous woodblock artist, is credited with playing a key role, producing hundreds of vivid illustrations of folk heroes. perfectly s uited for tattooing but they stress that not a II tattoo Several years ago, he began wearers are gangsters exchanging information with ·Mos t of m y c lie n ts are talloo artists and fans outside art1~ans or labore rs. a nd they Japan, and 1s the founder of the don t belong to ·yakuza · "Tattoo Club of Japan," whose ga n i,:'>t er o rganizati ons,·· 1,400 members are mostly in the In 1870, tn the early days of the Meiji Restoration that ended Ohwado soi<! .. They a re Cn1ted Slate:-and Western persons of ~ood character ,'' Euror>e Gold. fingered by spectators KEY WEST. Fla. (AP) -When Mel Fisher put his treasure on display a month ago. he insisted on an exh1b1t for people who Like to feel and fondle gold Housed in a clear plastic case, with an opening large enough to insert your hand, is a four-pound bar of the metaJ that was selling last week for more than $300 an ounce. "This gold is dazzling , beautiful; it s h ines forever," Fisher said. "It has passed from hand to hand, generation to generation. And it won't rust or ever turn green." Fisher found his pot of ROid at the bottom of the sea. treasure lost for 3 112 centuries after two Spanish galleons and six other shjps sank during a violent hurricane in Sept.ember 1622. Fishe r and his clivers have recovered $40 mil- Nil.IC "°TIC( lion worth of treasu r e so f ar from the w reckages of the Nuestra Senora d<! Atocha and Santa Margarita In February, that treasure went on display here 10 the city where h is compan y. T reasure Sal- vors, Inc., 1s based. F1Sher hopes to show 1t around the world soon. The tall, bespectacled man w ith thinning hair thrives on answering questions from visitors al the Martello HistoricaJ Museum. He likes to reach 10to his pocket and pull out a six-pound. floor -length golden chain He pla('('S the chain over lhe neck of a woman visitor and says. "I'm tired of carrying thtS Why don't you wear it for a while?" That cham is worth a half-m1Uion dollars. P\8.IC NOTICE Plitt.IC "°TICE FICTITIOUl llOttNEta '1ClTTIOUa M.l ... as FICTmOUt •UatNCESI FICTITIOUS BUllHESI NAIN! ITATl•NT HAim •TATJMC:!HT NA• tTATUffNT NAME STATEMENT The lollowlng persons ar• doing The lollowlng pereont are doing The following peraons are dofOQ The following pe11on I• doing .. buSIOMa ••· butl,_ u : business as: business as: HUNTINGTON HARBOUR S TACEY M ORTGAGE & \Al ASSIST -U·SELl, \Bl B.D K ANO ASSOC . 5222 LIFECENTER FOR WOMEN, 16857 INVESTMENTS, 3990 WHterly ASSIST ·U·BUY. 11 13 Bel<er Street. Royale, Irvine, Ca. 92714 lgonquln, HunC!ngton 8Meh. CL Piece, SUit• 200, Newport Beach, Suite E, Cosca Mesa, CA 92626 W1111am R MHdOWI. 5222 NMltb of Coata ~-ll\C (I CA 92MO. .. SAFEGUARD ~F\OPERTIES, Aoyale, lrvlne, C1 92714 aHfomla corporation>. 21115 ReOlllll O.A. STACEY & ASSOCIATES, INC .. I Calllornta COfPOl'lllon, 1113 This business Is condue1ed by an Road, Bulldlng O, Costa Mau. • Calllornla corporallon, 3990 Beker Street, Suite E, Co.ta Mesa. Individual lloml• 92e27 Weeterty Piece, Sult• 200, Newpon CA 92828 Wiiiiam R MMdows Thll bu.U-.. conduc:ted by a 8eech. CA 92eeo This business ,, CondUC1ed by a Thia lllt-t ... riled with the ·atton Thl9 ~ 11 c:onooc:ted by 11 c0<P<><lllon County C..,k or Orenge County on NAUTILUS OF eotpe>raCIOn Larry E Walc:hman -'uguat 5, 1982 COSTA MESA, INC G A S t 1 c a y & Safeguard Properttes NM792 o-Bennetl, AaaodAltw 11\C ~ Pvbllshed Orange Coaal Di ii) Pr~t Gwy A Steoey Thlll Slatement WU II tin the Pllol Avg 8. t5. 22. 29. 1982 Thi• 1t•l-t wae tiled with the Thia 1tatemenl wu ll!ed wltll the County Cle<k oc ~noe n1y on 3'193-82 ly Clerk ot 011nge County on County Clertl of Or1111941 County on Augusl 12. 19112 -nun•tc NOTll'r ugvfl 5, 19112 Augu•t 20, t982 F1M217 rUUL II~ F1Mm F1MICM Publllhld Orange oaat Dally -----------Publl1hed Or1nge Cout Delly Pubt11lled Orange Coaat Dally Piiot, Aug. Hi. 22. 2g, Sept 6. 1982 FICTITtOUI •U8IHl!la Pllol Aug. 8, 15, 22, 29, 1882 Piiot, Aug. 22, 2g, 8ept. 5, 12, 1g82 3579-82 NAMI aTATIMINT 3555-82 3704·112 The following p11r1on 11 doing -----------1 -----------buSinesl as. PU8llC NOTICE PUBl IC NOTICE ~nnou• .,..... 1t-01aM NAm tTATDmNT '1CTTTIOUI _, ..... The tollo."lng pereon Cs doing ..._ ITATl•HT bull':rsfcoAST MOTIVATIONAL Tiie lollowlng parwon 11 doing buU--=~ ci. 1~:Z::ON'ovla. Newpor1 MONITOR AUDIO SYSTE\48 Mlchael Jame• Hall. t834 5021 Rldglea, Buena Park, CA IMne Newpor1 8eactl Ce t:zeeo 90e21. mi bu~ .. conducted by an J.A. ADAMO. 6021 RldglH, lndlvldual Buene Patil, CA 90821. Mike Hall · Thia bua1-le conducted by an P\8.IC NOTICE AMERICAN MULTILEVEL FICTITtOU• llUllHIH ASSOCIATION. tOtt 8rioao Otllt9, NA• ITATIMENT No 107, Costa M .... CA 92827 The followlng peraon 11 doing LEO OABOUB. 220 Nloe ~. bu9lneall 11 No. 209. Newpo<1 BMctt, CA 92M3 NEW VIDEO EXCHANGE 1:"11 ~le conducted by an lndMdulll 10081 Telbetl Ave , Suite 200 Leo Oeboub Founleln \/alley, CA 92708 T fl RONALD OE PINTO 7704 Ills stat_,I wN led wtlh Ille • County Clerk of Oranoe County on Raplda Ortve, Huntington BNch, C" Avgu•t 12. 19112 92648 ,, ... Thia bull-11 conducted by an Publlsl'led Or1nge CoHI Dally• lndivlduel ROl1ald De Pinto Piiot, Aug 15. 22, 29, 8ept., 5, 1N2 J.A. Adamo This 1111emen1 wu llled wl1h t~ 3597-82 Tiiie aCat-1 WU nled with I lndMdvel. County Clerk of Orange County Thie alatemtflt wu Iii.cl wllh the County CM!fk of Or•noe Coun1y on Pl&IC "°TIC( County Cteni of Or•noe Counly on July 23. 19112 . ~ 16, 1082. '1t1171 IC~1111 '1Pl11 Publl1hed Orange Co .. t Dally FICTITIOUS .U .... H Publlahed Orange Co .. t Dally Piiot, Aug 111. 22, 29. 8epl II, 19112 NA• tTATIMDn' -----------tPllol, Avg. t8, 22, 29. 8epr'5, 19112 "31-82 The IOllowlng per.otie -dolftg --.,. 111\T'M'r 3847-12 , ___________ bullneN ... Augutl 12, tH2. IA&.TZIHCHlOM IMTH & TUTHIU WISTCUflll CHAf>tl "27 E t 7th St Cotta Mesa 6 .. 6·9371 STRUCTION COMPANY, 4000 Birch SUMI, Suite 113, Newpof1 Beed'I, CA 82710 ,._,,, """-PUBUC NOTlCE p EN N Fl El 0 H 0 ME S • Ml.JC ll>TIC( -~AC=nn=ioue~~.~U'!'!l~l~.~ .. ""'!""--I ----,,._--IC-NO_TICE____ UPLAND, 15411 Adama. Sulla O. "°""°"' ..,._.. MAim tfAW C0.11 MMe. Ca. 9292t . ,_Cl MOTHlllS IMITHI' MOITUAaY 627 Main St, ~ntlngton Beach S36-6539 ·-- KENAUD CORPORATION, e calllomla OOfl)Otatlon, 4000 8Wcfl Slteet. N9wpot1 Beech, OA t:zeeO'. Thia butlMM la ~ by I OOfllOI' ltlon. Keneud 0<>rpof811on Gayte !. Post, Pree. Thll 1ta4_,..t w• llled wfttl the County Clefk of Orange Coumy on Augual 18, 1912. 'MAm ITATW PtCTITIOUI WM The tollowl119 peraon 11 doing ..cnnout WH ITATIMINT CW Pennlleld 0..llopmenl. lnC. ta Tlie tOflOwlnQ pettont lfll dOlflO MAm tTAT-.T bUelneM w. NAm tTATDmWT ~AWAL '"°" Callfornla corporation), 1141 ~~A \IENOCNO SERVICE ~~ ~ ~.,. '°"" lr~l~.,.:N~~~eg: ~ ~ l*'Oft• 111 doing "~~TINO ::;ee. Suha O, Coata ~. Ca. INC., 811 t Le Z1pat1111 Circle, INEA. TEOH IHTl"PAl8U, 82MS. COAAL A!IF 8POATSW!AR, .U..... NAm Ctrllornla DfMm H-. lno. (a Fountain \111119)', CA •270f. 1~0 Adema, Cotta M9A, CA QINI "llRA~PAAD, 17~·8 ,lltl'I. Newpofl Beacll, Ca Tlla tollowlng per1on 11u OaHfornla cotporallon), 1841 ARTHUR \/. ZEIGLER, 9711 La tff2t. 2904 lr04ld I"-'• IMah, t2M3 wttlldflwn 1_1 i llmlled partner trom Adema. SulM 0 , eo.ta -..... Ca. Z#411Mla Clrda, '°""''*' Valt9y, OA .IAMH A .•ITALIAN'?,;.,J .. H1 CA ffte3, '-°"'• 8•edley Oortman, 2400 tl'IA 1>11rtn.tilllp opwatlnQ un<1et Illa 9HH 82,ot, fl\llwton, Coete MeM. OA nu7 Thia IMltlMM la~ II)' an W. Oceentront. ~ &etcf\, Ce. flc lllloua tiualneu name or Thia bvtlneat •• oonauotecs llY en THl!RQA M. lllOL£A1.t771 WAYNI 8. HUNTlA, 1002 lndMdUll. HMS CANYON C"UT RIDGE V£NTUR!, unlnoorporet~ llHOOlatlon otn.r ,...,. &A ZlcNM* Cltdl.. Founlltln V'lll9y, .......,_. Clrda, OoN Mw. CA ~ Pi.re QMl*d S oott A. a .. comb•, 'I 1 o' 2830 1 C11 bOI Road. Su lie 112, tlllln • P911Mflhip, Publl•h•d Orenjle CoNt O•llY CA t27ot. nt2t. • Thie• WM fW11 Wlttl thl Mlmou Dr .. Ctir1a0ed, Ca. t2009 Uovna Hlllt. CA t29Q. Pennll•ld 0.11elop111ent, PAClflC v•w Plot, Aug. 22, 28, a.en. I , ~..1...t~ ..... ~ \/tnelnO ~ Tlllll bumlnele la ~ II)'• County Dr._ County on Thia ~ le oondue1ed by • flle llotltloue t>11elntu name Inc. ~ ..... ,..... ,_ """ ............... ~ 12, 1111. ~ ft1Walper1tw'lhlp. 1t1tem4lnt tor 1M pet1f'llltef\lp wu JameaL.~ _, --MIM V, z.io*, 1'Nt. ~A. ......,_ • ,,_.. 1oot1 "-a.oomtie llled on APtt 2t, 1Mt In tM ~ ,,..._,, (:emlt.,y M ortuart Thia .. ...,,..,.,... flllCf with !tie Tlllll •11mt111 .. ..,. wM IM _.... •• .,,, Thie etatement -llled With the 01 Orenge. "'NO. '·1N007. Tiiie ,._...,_,.,.. flletCI Wlltl - Chtpe..0-ernaCOtV ( C.111.42 -5J11. ) County Cln Of Onnot COlln'1 on ONlty '*'-of Or-..~ Oft • ~ .... en-rte... ~ ~,,, ..:!.Orenoe County Pf\ c 0 . D.\LY ~T. c 0 DALY OOunty °*"QI Drtnoe COWnty on 3500Pac1ficVleWOrt~ Pul•fewworda ~20•19'2• ~IO.ttea. -a -~ ._. T"UITIE. 17 Co,,otete ,.,,,. ~4•1M2' --81 ,_ ,,_ ....._...... -,,_ OrM.......,,. INoh. CA t2MO .. _. New:voo ach • to work for You. Publl•lled Orani141 CoHt Oall't l'ublltlled Oran.ill Ooeac o.11y Publlefted OfMtt Coe•• oa ll"ubllel'lld Oreno• Co11t oaiuy Publl•llld Orange Cou c Dall Pvbll•h.cl Orent• Co.at 0.MY ......... _________ ~~ .__ _________ _J PllOI, Auo. 22, 29, sept. I , ~~~ Hot. Aug u. "·sept. 6, ~~,~~ Hot. Aug , •• 22. It ..... ~I Not Auo. 11, u. "· tept. :~.:~ PllOt, Auo. 111, 22, 2t, -· ~~~=2 PtlOt AUO •• 1a. 22, 29, 1"fa.o..a ' ~--,--~-------~---------------~--~~-----------~---...... --~ ...... ------·~ -------··---- 01ango Cooat DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Augua~ 29, 1982 ~'.!!!! .{~.!.'.1!....... ~'.!!f! .(•.'. !.'.1!... .• . . ~'.!!!!. {'.'. !.'.1! ....... '!.'.!!!! .('.1.!.'.1! ....... ~~~!!! .('.~ !.'.'.'.. .• . . . !{'.!!!! .('.1• ~..... •• • • '.'.'.~!!!.('!. !J.'!... .. . . '!.'.!!!! .{'.' •. ~'.' ......• 1 ~'.!!;! .('.~ !.•l! ....... ~'.!!;! .~ .. ~ !.•.'! ..••... fl!~'.~~( ....•.... .'.'!, ~.~~~~{ ......... !.'!l f.t.~'.~'.{ .••••.•.• .'.~1 ~.~'.~'.L ........ !.~~~ @!~'.~'.{ ••••••••. .'.~I ~!.~'.~'.L ........ !.'!l,9!.'.'.~'.L ........ l.'!~ ~~'.~'.L ........ J.OOZ •;!,'/.Z,1 1Ha •;!,?.'!• /IHI OPEi IUIHY 1·1 114 M1r'11otd, CDM _, ................... 000 208 1tth atrMI, fJ•nln1ul• .. _ .... , 1211.000 l20 le•w.,d Cemeo lhor .. CDM ......... . ................................ 1476,000 2904 w. OC••nlronl .................. OU. MM,000 117 Merine, 8•1 I• ......................... taM,000 1S2 loulh ••rfronl, l•I I• ...... 11,SN ,OOO 2127 lndl1n lprlng1, Newport ... 1831,900 2137 I . Ocean llvd., Panln1ul1 '344,500 I02 I llrMt, Penlneul1 ........ ....... Mlt,500 2405 CllN Dr, Newpo\'I ................. 1120,000 10I Turquo1 ... ••I I• ...... ,.,......... SNs.,ooo 421 Plrat1 Aoect, Npt H91• ......... AAl,500 #11 Monlpelller, Hlfbor Rldg• $2800, mo O t aeachcomber, J11mlne CrMk .......................................... 1410,000 NEWPORT BREEZES-COOL AUordeble prlc• of 11711,000 a owner nHlble on 1erm1. 1nve1t now In thl1 3 bid. 2 b1. hom• before prlc11 go up. Submit an oHerl BLUFFS-WITH FINANCING Upgreded 2 1lory condo. Four bldroom1, 2 ~ b1th1, f1mllr room p lue lug• encloHd p1tlo. End unit. 1110,000. 973-teOO. MUST SELL-RED. $249,000 Appelllng 3 b9droom1 plu1 den cot1191. Owner oul of .,,, •nd 11 de1peret• to ""· Wiii help flnence. Drive by 404 '0th II. 11nd cell for det1ll1. On N1wport 11. COUNTRY FRENCH CORNER Newly decoreled In/out with gourmet kitchen a quellty eppllene11 a cuetom detall1. 3 totel bedroome • nice yerd. s .. 2291 Redlend1 Or. $241,500. BALBOA l~LAND COTT AGE Llttl• old fe1hlonld hou1e on a good lot zoned for duplex. Both for Juet lot price. 204 Op1I. 12tt,OOO. C1ll 873~800. BA YSHORES-FRESH-FRENCH A .,.. '•ct tredlllonal country French 3 bed, 3 ba, ham• with large country kll•.hen. Brick pello1 a all em1nlt111 for outdoor llvlng. OWC llr1I T.O. Ple1M lff •nd 1ubmlt. $325,000. GIANT PRICE REDUCTIONS No. 2 w11 13911,000 ............ NOW '340,000 No. 3 WH 13111,000 ............ NOW $255,000 Ho. 4 w11 $52:5,000 ............ NOW $475,000 No. 5 w1a 1419,000 ............ NOW $350,000 Buy one or 111 ... owner mu1t move lmmedl•t•lr. Wiii negotl1te on not11 carried beck after c01t1. JASMINE CREEK-END UNIT 311 a..chcomber Open Sun. Quiel cul de uc: In pr"tlgl guarded-11ate community. Profe11lon1I dec:Of' and l1nd1eeplng. An •••umable loin on thl1 3 BR, den, w/cu1tom •P• reduced to 1410,000. LIDQ ISLE-40' LOT New on merket with Sunny South patio find remodeled end new decor. HlfdWood noor1, •••did glaH, gourmet kitchen In lhl1 2 bedroom plu1 den. Priced under merkel for quick Hie. A11um1ble loen1 ind OW help flnence. S438.SOO. SHORECLIFFS CORNER REMODELED sw .. plna cOf'ner loc:etton with complete remodel a redecoreted 4 bed home with 3 be. + 3 cer garage. S.lter motivated a wlll IHMloptton or help nnance. s .. 320 Seaward on Sun. 1·5 P.M. $475,000. BEAUTIFUL BACK BAY-VU, VU In • private 1lcove coiner In Newport. Cuetom 4 b9d. 3 be .. f0fm11 din.rm., fem rm~ 3 flrepl~•. wet ber. Private pool a 1pe. 8peclou1 a luxurlou1 wl hlgh be1med celllng1 In llv.rm. OWC 111 1t 10.15% APA for 30 yHr•, with rHsonable down payment. $539,500. LIDO CONDO-ON WATER a.curltr bulldlng with 2 b9d. + den on one level. Bolt 1llp awellable. Owner wlll le1M, 19111/optlon Of Mii for '5115,000. L•••e: $2500. per mo. OCEANFRONT -LARGE LOT R·4 Lot wllh 3 u nltl which can be remodeled or town do•n. OW cerry Flr11 T.O. or 1ubordlnete to builder. '640,000. 831-1400. LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC Spira! 1telr1 and profe11lon11 decor throughout lhl1 1pec:lou1 4 bed, 4 bath home. Perfect for the f1mllr. Exl1tlng eHumable loln1 of $382,000 q eftectlve 12.3% lnterHt 81IM pric. 16411,500 fM. BEAUTIFUL DESIGN NEW HOME F1bulou1 2 1tory cuatom with the ftneal detlll1 a 1menltln In Coron• chi Mer. ac.en a Jetty VU. from rooftop 1undec:k. Lovely gerden1 314 Merlgold IM9,000. VIEW, PRIVACY, SERENITY On bluHa above 8ay11de Dr. lf'ee. Seldom 1vall1bl• on 1 quiet St. Commanding VIEW ~ 81y la llghta. Wood1, wermth a Ill 1menltlff 3 ct.ck1. Executive retr•at with 2 bed. ,. din. See a Submit. ~.ooo. Drive br 2215 Pectnc a call. LINDA ISLE-10'.4 CASH! S.1utlfUI corner property with the be1t In decor throughout 5 bed. + ell main 'entertaining room1. Plerl allr. for 3 boet1. OW help nnenoe 1a 11% w th 10% c11h down parment. A large horn• for famllr llvlntt a 1dult •ntertalnlng. 11.315,000. 131-1400. BA YFRONT GflAND AND SPACIOUS M1ln be)'front locetlon, pancKM\IC view from thle 09er 4000 ~· ft. realdenc.. Pi.r for two 55' yacht1, larg• Ind open 8 br., matd't qi,. a S'h be, ~kitchen, den Ind me1tu 1111te wllh vl•w a ~. owe TD •t 1211. Int fot 4 1 .. r. wnh $400,000 caeh. f .. lend. 11,795,000. BAYFRONT-BALBOA ISLAND VIEW P1noremlo Vu from ltlla 2-1tory home on WATl9' at the twnlna beeln. I.Moe 4 bed. home """ .,..,.,. Jew 3 boeb + 1 b9d. ept. CM be u94Mt • 1 atng .. famQr home or wlttl rentel unit. 8uperb locellon. t1,IH,000, Open 8un. 1·5; 1U lo. 8eyfront. 8UILDABLE &.OT 8HOREOLIFF8 IOdOO. Gorf90U9 v ... olf 0c .. 11. Jettr. Approved plan1. Owner m•r flntnce. om. bf 211 lvenlno Caftron a call lot det~1.aoo.ooo. WAHRFRONI ftO ME.S."t 10 \I 11 llC' '•tr• Mf'•t••· l1n1.,..,.' \f •• ._,,... •t U .lfl .. 1·-ll•t 'lio .. ,.,., ..... N1-1400 Jt,\ -........ 4.,. ·-f•loll4 17..oo --------i!i!!ll!llllllll!~~!l!ll!!l!l!I'• •I•• I M S• t • • • • • • t • • • •;, • • t • • • • • • • • • • • t t f • • • • I BIG CANYON ID YOU WAIT Tl 111TUL" ' IOlfHU ",~~L~1 ::o:aio'' FORECLOSED HOMES llLLlll •11" llLUI '°" OlflOIC SALE 0 h B k WATERFRONT w ... 91111:'111011 N1>w ,,1 1 .. 11w wned by t e an l ;,. .• ,, U\\ IH t I lt1.1H• UIM, to!..l1Jh "'' l11\ ( ,,., .,, ft•.: \ ·.-uyun ' fllw"I tu111u I 11 1 "' 1 lot 1lrt11c UHh t l\tl i l.auuuw ,-., c.11 fo1 1111p1 LORETI A CURCI Call 844· 1367 I .. 1111 I v I 1 \ I I I 14 4..J II ,, I 1 I ' l ru l I 111 .11,.hqo 1h1 1111111 l' 'I\ I' 11 .i \I II'° 11 I i 1 I k M1111r11l•l \•111 1•••1 Xi 'I'" •, lllt J ll;\, f.tf11 I Ill 111111 111114 I Ill 200 n . HWrORT IAYfRHT BOAT ON THE BAY. PLAY ON THE OCEAN Spacious. open & sunny all view home w/panoramlc decks, on huge p1lme lslanc1 Point. +docking & prkg galore, +you own 1he land. + owner financing, all for $965,000 Open Sat/Sun. 11-5 4028 Channel Place. Newport Island. Newporc Beach 673·0202 TERRIFIC HOME Prof. decor, warm 3 Bdnn, farn rm, big kitchen, high beam ceilings. f1r<.>plac.-e +-a large private manicured yard. A real value at $375,000 and you own the uu1n--..... Open Sat/Sun 11-&-12 18 Keel Dr, CdM Patrick Tenore. RE/MAX, o:H -121iti. 1':xl't'l lt•1H L<x:a lions Lo uown paynu.•nts. l U/162-44&0 Otntury 21 E111ery A'\k for lfondl' Johnson RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT? IHVI NE 111 Ot.·Nfic•ld th(! poµula1 pl.m :! Lar k:-.plll 3BH 2 1 1~ BA. p;tt111, :! ta1 g;11 Low p11l't..'<.l $1:1:1.~oo I 11 '1'111 1 l1·rnl'k Htugt · a t wu yt•ur n<.•w :!HH I >t·11 upgr<.i<.lt'<l ho111t• Ptts tur al \'II'\.\ $.WH,0011 COST/\ MESA Thrc·t· (:i) lurgl' lo~ \\ llh t·x1-.t1ng hu1m· or um lb each ront'CI (Ill Ii llt'W 11111 l.'i 0 1' C.'Ondos. CALL FOR INFORllTIOll 840·8258 SHlTZEN REAL TY • llt .\1tlt ·11 twl •Comm<·rcial • lndustnal LIDO ISLE Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm .. 4 baths, den 3 car garage Romberger design. Radiant heating, 2 patios. Built In storage plus many amenities. on 60' lot. $675,000. ATTENTION HORSE OWNERS Charm on a huge lot across the street from Newport Beach. Room f or horses behind custom ranch home. Good financing. Owner anxious. You will love t~1s one! $299,000. LIDO ISLE Decorator's d elight Is this country French home. Gourmet kitchen, French doors with oak throughout. De t ailed wallpapering. landscaped patio. Owner may consider trade. Incredible 'financing. $595,000 I L\ UV Ill~ t:uuntr y SO 1>r1n· n·dul'l•d $40.000 111 J>rt'lltl"1ou11 Tu rt ll·rol k , KOJ l(t'llU~ :4 Bd 2 1"t Bo. pool 11tu-d yurd. IPlll NOHE IHIAY 1 ·a I PIRPU IAll Cull 11gt•11t, 1'on1 M11rr11> l,.1y fH:ld RE/MAX !'i:)!l Y<iOO HW EHL.All Firs t llll1e listed. C rm' g nr. nf'w 2 sty. archttt'CtUrlil ~~\. 4 bdrms, fam. rm Qualtty des1grt~od ~ecor throughout. ~1gned fo r gues~arters. Priced to sell $595,000 Seller nee. No loan fee 213 OIAMHD I IAT I SH 1·1 WISE SEWR rRICEI TIUS TO SEU Unquestionably the best buy in Big Canyon Four bedrms. and family room. lmrna(•ulate throughout. New carpets, drapes. mart)le entry & da-or E lectronic s...'<.'urit) systern. Wet bar. 2 hreplaces. 3 car garage. Artistic poc>I and spa. Priced n ght a t $695,000. Gate guarded area. Call 644-4910 for permission t-0 entt'r. 14 IUHIH TllEE Ill.() OrH SH 1.e Oii 118 CHYH IOLF COURSE Builder's own personal residence. Not lhc awragt· speculator built home The architectural design and meticulous attcntton to detail reflect the owner's dC'SlrC' to c·reate an unusually high quallly home built to please the most d1St:rimmaung family 5 bedroom.<:, 6 V2 baths, plus all the amenll1£>S one would ant1c1pat.e. $1.950,000. Owner financing. Owner Wiii C•rry 11t No Belloonl Tim• and lnterHI negotleble. Cu1lom 4 bedroom, 3 b1th1. 42 II dock. Dr1metlc 1lrlum and dec k. UH,000. BKR 213-592-1832 714-495-3897 Co10111 ''' /1111 102 lrvla. 1044 ••••••••.••..••...•..•.................•...• SELLER IS PURCHASING condo. neodt ta11 aa1e on thla ado1 able Ea111ld8 3 BR 2 Ba coun11y 11y1e wlCh quarters above ga- 1ege Aak<ng S 165.0 O Financing 11 oood Cati agt 642-6368 CHARM, GRACE, PRIVACY E Side 3 Br 2 Ba condo, pool & tennis crt Only S 169,900 Abl Mllllllen BUILD )WILL TRADE New 3Br to 5Br homes lor yours 11 '1o% flAed rate 1fnenc1ng lor 30 yrs Pr ic e ra nge $220 .000-$ 2 80. 000 499-5254 lor onlo El 1011 1032 ....•........•........ A DUCKY DEAL H ,100 DOW• SIH TOTAL PYMTS Spacious 2Br + 2 lull PLAN 4 111 I urlle Rock • bdrm a. 2'. t>a on one level Proteu1on<Jlly decore· led Bnaulllulty landsca 1>11d t>eck yard. patio cover Tr111 1s a must see 1>11101 e dec1d10\I on 1ny· lh1ng etse $233 900 TUllTLEllOCI ILEI Tr•nfer farces sale A spotless 4 bdrm Glen· neyre plan In a great lo· ca11on only a short walk 10 pool and tennis Re- duced over $20.000 tor last sale Existing 1s1 lfi usumabte al 10 15•1. NOW only $288,500. H4·l211 ~ ba1hs located on the -------- waterfront Perfect for Llf.8111 IHd UHi bachelor & friend The • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • sound 01 ducks al your Call Emerald Bay Ally • door & cool water spla-we 11 send you a 1111 or shtng on ihe rocks Un -dva1l able homes w/ believably priced al $89 amen111es tn Emerald Say 900 Assume $84 400 1s1 494 1840 2 ILOOlS TO IEWPOllT lllliM -$221,000 T 0 a C I 3 '• E ·C ALL 4 rnagnohcent Lag units C harming 4 Br. & f room. 2 brick ~·\\'.•''"""''• lrplcs. pa11os S475.ooo r1replaccs, country tc hen, quiet l~~~~~~~~~I Rab,ohn Powell R/E res1dcnt1al area in you g development !'!!.'!!~{'!X~!!?:.J.~~t :~~~~: ~CHOOL DIST by Buccola. 10% dn. ner carry 10 yrs. INVESTORS 13% 1n1erest is here ror Ul -11tli PL, c.•. IPEI Ill 1-1 s5ooo down and s200 this 4 Bdr 11 • Ba cul-de per mo nega11ve cash sac for only S 112.500 llow for a 3BR 1ba sgl Bk 960 9609 EL -SPYILJSS lem1ly delatch8d home r ·----- Two s'\o ry ntuc k et 5 Br. with Call Rich Ownrt agt WHITEWATER .. 964-6171 d hi I h bC'aut1rul Su e t pool !Mrrounded by r~~s ~·gbdr~ ~0~4:~ .·. L"ld Q Rea lfy 14,000 n.-d bric . Tastefully decorated DEYOMWOOD glass home 1oca1ed 1n a • • R&"M* of Costa Mesa WATERFROllT~2 STORY Under $600,000 HARIOR RIDGE Large lot, best Vll'W, best value, best pr1v:wy OllEO SHORES REDUCED Block to ocean, $82!1.000 f<.·•· HARIOR VIEW HOMES CUSTOM $295.000 rC'e, 2200 ~ fl I l1·v1 ·I 5 11.UTES TO DCUll OR an Peninsula Point. 5 HH SI 111,.,1111 fee. COIDOIUllUll 2 BR. 2 1• U.1, $1i0 11110 •• ~.u111.1hl1 financing OWL' :lncl M.1kt· .111 oHcr. TWO --ONGS GERRY &. CHRIST A THE STARNES COMPANY 760-1397 673-7761 PElllSIU HOMES 114 W. UY OPH SAT 1-1 Prize West Bay bayfront Shpll for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrrn. 3 bath S 1.200,000 Ocean & ieuy views Marini' room. 1 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq ft. $1.385,000. 01·Panfront LllO ISLE llOMES lOI VIA UH •HI OPH SUI 1-1 Prune Lido Nord bayfron\ 5 bdrm 5 : bath Lge LR, 2 boat shps Sl.500.000 }<.emodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath -+ large· n rm 0eam ce1lrngs. furnished p3l111<'1 $420.000 Liii& iSLE l&YFROllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm 5 bath. plaHoom. dark rm. den. Boat shp Now SI 000,0011 IA YSIDE PLACE Spectac\Jlar bayfron1 dpll< 2 br. 2 ha up, 2 !Jr 2 b;1 dn. 2 boat spa~ Redured $1.500.000 . CORONADO CAYS Coronado lslan<i cust bayfront hit 85' boot dock. Plans avail Now $370,000 w /tt>rms ILUFFS COIDO Slngle siory end unit. expanded, upgraded 3 br, 3 ba on largest gr~nbelt, lako. $250,001) BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy,.d,. o,.~ .. N B t>7S t>l61 20% DOWll COROllA DEL 1111 UlllTS l!:xcelle nl location south ur lh<.• hwy just a few blocks rrom lhl· beach. Popular rental propC'rty earning $1450 per month H1•dur ed to $229.000 Owner will ht•lp finance with 20% down. (7141 873-4400 (2 f3) 828-2828 The Harbor Area's Loncest Establshed Rul Estate Company 11. \Ill~< )It throughout with wallpapers and Execullve fixer-upper, 4 qu1e1 neighborhood lea· • 6 7 3 '"7 'l jQQ Br 3 Ba, 3 yrs old $259 tu res sever al decks & ~~ shutters. Shows like a ·m<fdel horn~! ooo Bkr. 960-9609 pallos ror easy outdoor L--~--=::...=--====~'------,.1 Many upgrades. Seller will fina n ce. i·8-•• -,-;-,,i-,-0-,,----IMng Assumable rinan- I J!'lllll()U~ §()LI JTIOIW§ I llEWPORTS EXCITIH NDIES -The one is a kadc.-r' 5 Bdrms. 3 rireplact>S, unhm1ted Vt<'W f rom Spyglass Sunny, cozy, t•Xct I 111g, prat·t1t·al $!J:l5,000 w1 th $200.- 000 down LOWEST PRICE rROVH -View home will go at non-view price ir buyer has cash. L easeh old and priced accordingl y . 4 &lrm m H V Hills. Inte resting view, only $295.000. A listing of Dottie Vale ntine PRIVACY HD OCEH VIEW -Hard to find Broaclrnoor, exp;mded 4 Bdrms, gourmet I k1tc ht•n 1·i..tra l~1rgt m;.ister suite. $450,- 000 L H L:"I QL.E PERFOR\L\:"C E Current Saleable Solution• .J!. Tranaactiona Last 30 Days li Volume Last 30 Daya 3.0 mil. U~l()U~ tiUM~S REALTORS. 675·6000 2443 Eut CoHt Highway. Corona del Mar JEAN E. COLE, REAL TOR PRESENTS: CORDH DEL MAR: Seuth tf Ml1h••r -just tn• ltlock to th• lltach. Relax i• tlltt •11l1t, •t1ctful, •rlHt• 1•r4t1 ••tl•1 ltv•lr 11• tf a kid, ••aciou1 twt·llt4rot• ht•• •• 111 txtra wl4o lot. Well ,rlo .. at $410,000. ad th• ew11r will h•I• fiHHt. Gall fer .,,.1atMlllt. JHllllE ORHl1 Ro•t•hr t11r ''"l111s ttb -"Whtrt tltt IM•& Is 1reat, I btw I live there tot." I'• 1•• 1111111 •r ••1 wtll ltoattcl PIH I: this Is tllt ltr11 throt-111 .. rot•, ta•ilr rot• I ftr•al 411111 rot• tll H t11 ltt1h •••• Htal •ltw, alt11 tt , .. 1, elnltt111, Hllll O"RTS. "Prloe4 t• 1111 1t SHl,100. 0111 ,., a,, ....... t. llYESTOllS ... l TIEITllll PLEAIE1 II WllTIIH: eerier et la41tJ I lnrff1, (111• It .. ,,.,.rtJ). Tw1 14fHHt .... wltll ef4tr llt•H ~rf11l11 la HHllHt llHMt, 01 rt•Hlt tt 0·2, lrtaf •fhtfl1f, hltr Wiii ffHIH, 111 ... Submit down. $760,000 incl. la nd. clng Seller w111 1rade . .. ~!~! .......... !.'!'!~ down 5330,000 HHOll VIEW MILLS -IUIE YlH Quiet, park-like setung. R m for paddle wnni!'. and pool. Great for orchard. Cul dl• sac st . J bdrms, fam. rm. $379,500. 1211 IEY WEST, ODii oru SH 1-.. HIE UU,HO -VIEW FllH Earth tones lhruout 4 br. 2 'h ba, family rm, dining rm 2,378 sq.ft. View of Pavilion. n1t.e IHes & Catalina. 1251 SIRFUH, CDM UT I SUI 1-5 WESLEY I. TlYLH CO., llULTIH 21 t 1 s. ....... 1. lifft .... , HWPOllT CUTU, I.I. 144-4111 r: GEORGE ELKINS CO 1111 ltlAir.llAR WH IEWPORT IEACI OPEi H• t-1 REHCEI noo,00011 Exquisite custom wood and glass home. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Featuring three bedrooms. plus a convertible study; spacious family r oom, beautifully landscaped garden. patio and pt>OI areas. Off- s tr e ct RV parking . Large assumablC' loans Call J oyce Dabolt or Don DeThomas. ,. llW HILJH llEVISITH Outstan ding bayfront home in Coron a dt!I Mar Character anrl warmth reminiscent of the East Coast Th 1s superb property reatures four bedrooms. rive and ·a -half baths. and a billiards room Outdoors. a private bnck and wrought iro n trimmed cour tyard. p l us a fine bays1de patio. Marvelous view of bay. Pier and i;lip. Pnced at $1.700,000. fee, witn excellent financing available. C.all Linda TagltRnett1 ·--........... 759-91• #2c..,_ ... .._ ... .,...c ...... Rr$10fNtlAI RU~ £STAI£ SlRYICES ... """ tl4t,lll Bright & cheerttn Broadmore home ln excellent condition & location. Many cuatom built Ins. Attractive covered patio & yard. M any decorator touches. 1st T .D . It usunable. BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Ba hme. approx 2900 sq It Nr Meadowlark Goll Course. S236K, 11 ·..,•1, loen avail up 10 St 70K also w/lake back 2nd 846-0450 1---~~~--- 'tit~r :\.~!·4., CLOSE TO OCEAN 1114) 4'4· 1177 No money down no'--------qua111y1ng -own your 1581 Brook Sc. $249.500 home on our unique 678 D1amono St $595 shared apprec1s11on 11-000 Armt>ruster Clur· nanc1ng We have 5 man Brown Co homes in Hunl Beach 3 •94-8595 BR 2'~ba. 1600 10 2 tOO -1-U-Cl-2-0-0-Y-l_R_IS_ sq It Payments run s 1200 10 s 1600 per mo trEI SHIH t-1 Call Geo Brooks al 714/891·5556 ue o,tlH er Sile 4% CASH or? 3Br 11• ba. starter home No quah· lying nee. super lerms &40-5<778 Dennis 4 BR 2 Be, $103.000 Pr1. ced 10 sell 10391 Mai kal . 995 ·1 444 or 497-1037 MOVE IN NOW We'll close the escrow on 10 days Assume my 9'1r% VA & 11 7% 2nd St021 mo 4 bd + 2 Slry $142. 0,00 own/agl 842-258 1. 548-8365 North Laguna, whit-a ter view early Cahlornla Spanish 2 BR 1 112 Ba hardwood lloors French doors. lorma l dining. lplc new country kit - chen. 111ew deck Lovely decor unlimited e1<pan· soon Brea and assumable 12% loan New listing. $347.000 Easy to show• UCUMA IEACll Exclusive nelght>orhood overlooking Emerald Bay 3 BR 2 ba. plus den and 2 lplc's 1n a woodsy Selling $110.000 8SSU· mable and owner may ass•~t The 101 alone 1s wor1h 111e hsted price "A 4Br. 2B1, pool/tac, 1 ml co STEAL $299.000 bch 2 1052 lndlOO Agent Hollie McCormack 962-0293 '•94·46H or 494-7551 RHli•flllJ FANTASTIC OPPORTU-BllJJ.•r J04Z NITY· CRESCENT BAY •• •••••. •••• •. ••• •• ••• Foreclosure lorces sate • .,, ..... WtterfrHt OPEN 1 30 to 5 30 16392 Sundancer Ln 5Br 3'~bll 40 11 boat dock •000 sq II Spa 4 yrs new $849.500 Agt Dlanne Rec1or 848-8080 ------~--!!!'..~! ....•...... !.'?'!~ brand New tiomes & Condos. no money down while they last (7141 546-9522 Agt LJIEFRHT WDIH 5 Br/3 Ba, sol lam del below morkel value. ~auC•lul spilt level ooean view home Ocean tide or hwy Great assumable 1rnanc1ng Agt. 497-2338. EIEHLI HY Owner s pl1ns have changed · mus1 sell Wiii consider exchenge ol- ler s Fabulous Ocean 111ew This is the only front row toe avail on the Ocean side 1n Emerald Bey Offered al lot value -$1.470,000 carol Ta· tum Reallor 494-0029 dream home Poot. jac . -----------lake views. Fr doors In £•'1,•H HiJ/1 I OSO Mbr 10 view balcony & • • • ••••• • .. • • • ••••••• many other amenlllea. MIST SELL Asking $410,000 Ownrt Nellle Gall Ranch. luxu-Ag1 re1ocat1ng 842·0162 rlous new cuscom home. or 551-6829 for detaus Hiiitop view Big houee on aaaum llnan Big rooms 4 car gerage. Horse properly Wiit WHllRIDIE trade your house or ?? Hare's the lleel you've $595.000 l>"'1 lootclng lor LoweSI JOSH I 00. rrk:eel Avalon on corner 7141-759-0706 o t A C . ---------:--:-upgr1ded/lmmac .. mo-£1'1.•MI lli•••I IOSZ vino co Europe, must sell • • • • • • • • • '·• • • • • •• • •• nowl Auum1ble lln1n· VILLE DE CERISE clng ol s 118,000 A lleal BEAUTIFUL II S 133.900 By owner OLD WORLD 857-2045 TOWNHOMES 2 BR condo. $86,500. prl· by Howard "'41111 Co ceCI to Hll. 14878 Gol· lrom 5159,000 den Olen 497-1037 495-324• 760-0297 L!!l3T~~2 ~~~~om• !.'.'!r.!!.~!! .. J.~? plut land S.. 10 tppre---------• clatt 1177,800 owner IPT llllTS-YllW 714·85 t-31133 Thi I hl~h levtl IO\ "" 10 T •.... -rHL ll ... lt privacy rom the 1CrMt. 2 .-..... • • Bdrm I,.., b•th•, n~ roof Cu1t6m Athelton mOdtl. and copper plumbfng tl.lpet la,,decaplng, hl rd· Owner reoepllve to 111 wood 110011. F1ench ofter• 1397.500 dOOfl, 1huHert. 12911. 142•1200 900. Oyt. 774-7500: Evs/wtcnds. 997 .. 927 j PETE 11 HUI IHIRTc ''De Lt•1t" ,....,.. tlirH hlratsh.. 111h, ''" •••tr'• nft, •tttlaHl1 ffrtplMH1 lltlltlftl lafftaffll ... ,.,, ...... , •• '"'· '"'''" .. ,.. IPNl11lfTY lets •"' ,.._1t1at hr 11 Hlh -HHtt, IN NEWPORT C•NTIR knoc1t• 0""' wh•" you ' BARRETT . .. REALTY •••rt•t1t1, ttt. lall '" ftll ••t11t1. P~• r~~~!~nid~·~1~ .... , win Itel• fllMtt It lll0.-0, 644-9060 rMGh the Orenoe Coetl ~~~~~~ • • l , I r , • ; I : PlfASE CALL IAN (. CUlr ,,.,.,~ IMa-&871 ·~::c:.~::.~i:".:1 ~~·-·-·--~~-I --~-·~!1!'~ ___ 1,_i _4 -'-7-..5-5511 or 640-5793=~~!!!!!~!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~-..J ~f·ff1f __ _ l '· ~---- .... Orange Coott OAILV PILOT /Sunday, Augutt 29, 1982 '!.'.!!!!.('.~ ,_._,_. ••••••• t'.'.!!!!.~'.~ !~.'!.. .. . . . '!.'.!!!!.(•/. !.'.'.' ....••• l'.'.!!!!.('.I. !.'.1.'....... '.'.'.!!!!.~'.'.!.'.I! .. 'f 6' 9!~!1. I.'.'.{ !l!I.'! ..••• '-'!!m!.ftl!~ . .J.'Af !'!!mt.fff1i. .. !.Ojf ~!1!tt!!.!tf!~ •.• J.Ojf ~·.r!rr.!.ft~r>. .. '~' l'Mt/i1f6Viiaf~ ~;:!.';!.~~~:: ... !.~~ VIEWS NEWPORT HGHTS LOWHI prlc• .... pro SPAIH .(N JO cllUIC, DOYIR lllOllH TlllRIPIO NOMI Prof d.oor11•d, warm :i or. 1 n . o R . ,. n . n10 kltoh . t\lgh t1a1m eel 11no•. t1p1c. pl111 • p1lv••• ltg manfcur•d yard w11 3 car 011 A 11el 11alu1t al S375.000 111d you ow11 tho lend P111tok f enore, lo• new ouetom home on 11~ 1011 Open Sell Sun 1·!. :ii 10 VII Gi n Aen)O Ow111rl1g1 -UTIHllll HW LIW PIUOI p.irly, •I th• lluch or ... IOI relit" or lhi REDUCED $7~.000! OORGOOUS CuVt' PH Ill OllYOI ~:::n ;;~;,.~~; 1,~~'1,°cf ~:·~, ;'1'~1 f9"~'"~1~~0 "~1r Cod with POOl,.. rind 1-'AM llOO M day'• ma1ke1 Gr.at po. 114 96-0 3!HO neal11Hi<.· SELLltM S A vs SUBMIT (l>w1uv1llt•) 4 BH A I <.-c:mdltlon with ttntlal Petl11,I IOt '"" 1!7&·:S041l or &13·2&&1! 1u1 Chluy Orlv• 4 6r O•n. Formal Otnlng l\oom, 2 Fl1ep11c11, l oar garsoe pl111 11<0• Hubby Hoom Poof tlad IOI, b .. VI 11nd1c1poo. Owner wlll llHlll 11 II· n1nolng Oritv $420,000 HARBOR RIDGE 1101 LlOO lllh ~'LOOll 0 1''1''EHS1 BAJHiAI N PH I CED AT v11tw Pool Spa. PRICt!:D TO SELL 2~e~ol3~00" coup le UIUIA MILLI 6Mulilul ?<IX64 3 l:JH 2 UA. Igo ltv111g uncJ 01n1ng u•t111 K11c11on open 10 10111 r "' Corne• lot ~40 !>931 Opef'I Sit/Sun 1-5 Roblnaon. Aeallor ., ........ , 12-4 View ol ocHn and oily llghlt 3 Od•m. 2'1\ 61 plu1 olllc;e 2 trplca Jodell• Model RtCIVCJ9d to $595,000 Wu~rfronl Co11<lo ADULTS ONl.V Ss:-·UM·ul16r Vltiw t7611.~00 $550.000. t: NOW Only $0 HJ,900. Subswnuall y lulle •mall 3 br tingle Ju ..,1• Ll'"'TEU Sl>ARKLING ~ •<lrootn undt•r 111u1 ket! Mu11t be In escrow by :11081y.5c00on~og1 08~~~"2101~ " .., St•l.)tl'rnlwr lst. SEE NOW' Call T<>m • 11 " ~· " ., honn · for $:i~O.OOO PLUS a jat'l•flL Allinson. li'l-1 llWO VACANT LOT for $260,000. BvLh YIOTOIUll OllAllM 1 ""w "1"011" Mmet ~? Wm Coll'. 8rnkt·r 141·1141 Brend New HOn'llll & ~~~~~~~~~ Condot, no money down 3 ST TROPEZ i1lnl t/Uyt Ult rat•lll pl'opNLlt•:i huVC! spectacular vit·w11 und AT Tll IUOll , '-' "c" , o ri t $ 18 !I tlnunc1ni MAHAi lllYIH RULTI o u 1•1 fl o o 1 n g n e v. 646·66 •2 w"''' I hey IUI ( 7 U ) 546-9522 Agl. _ ••(IOI II 1•1 1211 cus1om Olds wo1ld -CUSTOM LOT NI • • Charm & qu1111y S365 live Ill Newport eeach tor -ooo. 552· 17 14 S t9,000 1 norm 1 ba in 1101 OOllWALL H 5 Br llghl, brlle, sectud11d OCEAN vu. op•n bale, 011vu1e <;Omm ve1v An ottering ol complel& WESTOLIFF ARBOR Hill 2 level Eat ate size 101, spac 2 BR 2 Be. sec LUH/OPTIOI c I ea n Mus 1 s""' privacy, convenient IOOB· NEW LISTING Oroal v)ew ol ocean end ehopplng. echoo11 ell undergrnd pkg Und111 DOYER SllOREI 675-2742 . ·------- i~, Merrill Lynch ~Realty lion, and excellenl llnan-1 11 " w di near by Owner muet aell mkl. Onl" $200,000 Agt 3 B 2 FABULOUS FINANCING! c ty gr.11. Ill aubor • & wlll finance Whal • , r ba. pool. RE DUCH olng. located In on.i ot Owner wlll carry 181 TD note Wiii build to aull dealt Agent 646.1044 !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! 714-759-0120 Pl•ya RE. 673-1900 Newporl Beaches more 4 Bdrms and 3 bath$, BOB HALLEY, REAL TOR d 1: eatabllalled areas This CA~L 5414.4455 Pr 1 c e 1 8 u c 11 0 n • FEE LAND, Wa1ertron1, llHH w/A,,rd P1111 llltlla cuatoro bulll 3 Bd Bdtm, Include mother-In-law, _________ $249,0001 make oller Owner will finance 90Yo or OUSTDll IUILT pier & slip Custom fer 14411111 I::::::::~ DoutllC! Wide L811CUI IO· C&led '" a 5 S1111 Oreen- leat P1u~ Pr1me e"d unit w11h lots ol prrvucy 2 bd1m$, 2 tHllhS 8118 ched sunroom & 2 car CBI PO• I Ret.uced to $38.000 subm•I 1e1ms family room home Is only unit tsnd mas1er bdrm l1"'r11t Ll,.t ltlt L H • etso may leaae. very allr!lollve 2400 aq 11 NEWPORT Hftf$ hOme $975K. 646-0523 suite. Great locale 1' • 3 bdrm home In New· • 4 ooore to aandy beach 7•,. years "New" OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 Mt•• With Deok URIEIT lit 01110 port's Upper Back Bay. Assumable 111 T o 2 bdrm house on P&nln· OPEi ltllllY 1·8 1222 Sussex Choice toe. Xlnt lln. Prtn IN VERSAILLES/NEW Oreal value 111 $299.500 s 1<19,000 81 1o 5•10 & ·sula. Plans lo• 1200 sq It ••2-1200 142-1200 only Own 673-7673 Se<:urlly, pool Reduced 642-6446 owe 3 yrs nu, 3 Br, 3 BALBOA ISLAND addition Only S225.000 Oii 2091 ltltw MirLtfl price because no realty ---------I Ba, upgraded Ollk coun· 12Yo financing. $50,000 ,. ,. .. fees! $120K. 631·2916 lry kitchen. formal din, BAYFRONT down 117 E 361h SI Urgent sale· Cogdo. 2 8 U S 1 W E I ..... O I : .... ·.' • bdrma, 2'h be Xlnl loc. 3 Br 2 Ba. lam rm, pool. BEST If+. l FF !amity rm , c ose 10 •· • Ill•• o. S llO.OOO. Sl2.0.:>0 On. many amenlllea $178, schools. Rusty Gulnlher, Silt IJ OwHr 111-1100 Payments $947.50. Call 000. Owner. 548·6665 OPEi IAILY t-1 agt 631·1266 1 :::::::::::::: owner 714-661·<1616 ... ,T LllTID-FEEI 4 +Fil + POOL SH0,000 Full'''°' w '',OWNER DOYER SHORES ... + 1 II ,,,, ••10,000 fl11101.. eslclll 3 br, huge yard, --------Pa•k Udo Adull Condo 3 111 .. YI t GI ..a I • top cond. N1 park & .Lu,Fs .l•IAll B llYFllDllT • I I 11•1 Exceptional custom bu111 S 10' llYFIOllT n r pool, near hospital, 3 Bdrm. 2 yrs new , w /Roses. Frull 1re11&, schools ec syst Prl· H 0 I •nd You own 1he land 2,000 beach $145,000. Owner I L O 1 lla-1110 ced for quick sale. ave y ur own per o 1 U'f • ea•e pt, shows like mode. super Dog run·. ~raat oll-street d k I D Sh Sq II 3Br lam rm 2·~ w II help Agenl 846-1044 • .,. 0 oc n over ores • • · tocelion. excellent flnan-pkg. Only 320.000. Ruth I~======== AFFOIHILE Large sunny bayslde Ba. wide Greenbolt, nee1 10 llOIEY IOWI 1,.1 Ult WHkttll clng, covered deck. pul-Laurie. Allr 646-4360 AOUL T MOBILE HOME terrace 3 Bdtm and la· pdol. Far below market BY OWNER 401 ltrfll Stir ting green $315,000 ,._ _______ .. PARK ON THE BAY 1. mlly room. Well cared for $245,000. Wiii lease op· I .... .. • tit o w n er / A g 1 C a l I i• and expandable Seller l~~tlo~n~·~B~k~r~6~4~4~·6~3~66~~ WATERFRONT OPUC •'•• • I 760-6816 Stroll Tt TIH IHohl BIG CANYON 2,3 bdrms ·w1111 1 and 2 wlll help finance PVT BOAT DOCK SNlrf flH, llt1fftr From this neat 4 be· ba A LSO RENTALS ao1 • h S Take ove• gree1 loan, wlll 1 .. 1 llll , .. ,. l111 OPEii HOUSE $25,000 10 $68,500. 300 tt1 tar IEDIOEDlll carry over $200,000 • • -· 1t7S Vista dtl Oro droom home. 2 bathS. E Cs1 Hwy Urill 1. New· OPEi SUllDlY 1·1 SEAVIEW'. Elegant & w/NO monthly paymenll 2 Bdrm, lee land, 2 yrs den. formal dining room, 11 Rut Vtrtt port Beach Bkt .42 tr.200 c h a r ml n g Hamp 1 on $665,000. 675·0652 new. bacl\ bay view, prol. llreplace. Lovely B11ghl 575.3347 ·v model, fabulous views. VERSAtL[ES CONDO BELIEVE IT .. deoorated, reduced to Shores hOme on large lot 0,1 l1t/Su11 11-1 Ill OlllYOI j PETE J BARRETI . .. REALTY deco•. spa. p111 comm $265.000 with $40,000 w ith 2 patios Lots of 3 BDRM . 2•;. BATH wtpoot & tennis lacilltles 1br/1ba, so. exposure. OR llOT I down. Owner wlll help 11-spae6 Seller wlll consl· Appro>< $235K Broadmoor Plan IV, 4 br, 5495,ooo Open House view ol ocean. Suble1ra· It's easy to own 8 home nance. der lease option will\ $6, Assumable at 12v, 2'h ba Greal view On Sal/Sun 12·5. 1903 nean prkg. sec entran· to Newport Beach! ONLY 110-1111 111·1011 000 d own Priced al $499,000 Own/Bkr cul·de·sac S765K Yacht Colina 544.1017 ces, outstanding pool/ $25,000 down end 88• $196.000 (JU) 410 2110 644·49041754-7724 lTTIUOTIVE FIHIOIH AVAIL. *04111 DuflH Ne•1 10 Begonla Park I Ocean view 2 & 3 tit· drooms •SHYitw/111 Mltr Fo1ever view ol ocean & mtns Spa II sota11um Open tor e•change * Mltr Vu So111net J\ D1 \ h111n u1 Special lea1ures + prl· vale gardens and decks I larluu· l nVe'llrt.t•rll L'o CALL JO-ANN DORAN 111·0111 I -~!!.C.~ l!!t!!!'. .. !.~~g ~~(REATM . ' PORTFOLIO PROPERTIES. IN( BLUFFS CONDO bohH&• Po11ibl• Duplex on· the sand 30th SI NB Newly remodele-0 1n and oul 3 br . 2 ba upstairs 2 br 1 ba downslaHs Mrn 10% down owe balan(;e et 13 9% for 5 yrs Great for summer 1enlals $735, 000 Arm11age Really 714-544-2464 ---- ~~~~~~~~ PORTOFINO 4Br. 2''>B11 + 900 ass um Sand•• loan. Seller 19 llexlble, 3707 s BRISTOL IEWPOIT llEHIMTS 3 Bdrms. 2 l>llths. t s1ory clubhse By owne• $96, sume $75,000 • 30 yr &la tll-2HO • bonus rm, t11 e land 642-6149 motlvaled and will carry 1 SANTA ANA 1·RADE 3 Bdrm 2 be. pool, lge charmer End unit on Older Duple• nee• 45th st NB 3 br 2 be upstairs 2 br. t •,, ba downs1a11s Will sell as 1s tor $700. 000 or will build 10 suit tor $675.000 & up (plans & approvals Oblarned) Ar m11a9e Realty 714-544-2484 Remodeled 3 Br. 2'~ Ba In Beyshores $299,500 L.H. S169K fee conver· slon. Ren-al 199 1 261 1 Circle Dr. 6~·62 16 $347,500 760-1290 Newporl Beach Open balance A spacious 2BR lot. $350,000 By owner wide greenbelt Beaut•· Eleganl 3 Br & den, House Sal Aug. 26th 11 condo with communlly SMOPPlll OEllTERS 646·1514 fully remodeled palnled Buying and selling at a reasonable price·lhat's what classllled 1s all about. 642·5676 couri1ry style home 10 5. 2031 Yacht Defen· pool an1d,.8f_a1.2s11121.soo. cr...I.Q~*-~'1·11, for resldenllal 01 Income VERSAILLES Penlhouse 1 and papered iool French doo1s. bay win· der Broadmoor See· ••--fl« (l,.,. property In Call!., Ari· bd condo Bes1 locallon $176,000 leasehold dows. hrdwood floors, 3 view. 3 br, 2'1l Ila. view. M.l1m zona or Hawaii. t 1% II· Fountain Court Fur• Chtshlrt R.E ltplc's, very lge IOI owe gale guarded, decor a· CD lty nanclng +cash flow. Ex· nlshed, Only $125K or 111-1111 total, 5% dwn. xtnt 1oca· ted Tennis. pool. spa ~ -nea cellent Orange co. ioc bes1 ofler. owner. lor 1~~~~~~~~~ lion $179,900 Fee land Ask ing $44 5 ,000 t-Full price $600000 and appt call Sal/Sun 1·5, 1: Ctmtttry Loll Housts lot S•lt By Owner 631-2134 (71<1)644-2167 ' • I-3.3 Million Agl ' 631·5064 or 963-2529 SIPEI llCl HY C7.ft• 1500 Housts for S•lt H I S J B t S l I S J I/. /, S J H l VIEW COIDO ... c c"view 0 MEMc) •.......••..•......... •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~~!!! .. ~' .. ! .. ' ......... ~l!!!! •• ~t •• !.! •••.... I !!~l!!!! •• ~Z: •• ~! ......... ~!!!! .. ~': •. ~! ......... ~~!!!.~~'.!.~'·'••••••• IJ.~~!!!.~~t.!!.'!....... 3 Bdims.. 2'"' ba. spa. P~IA~F~ARK NB 2 Plots • F-1!'.~~ .. L •.•.•... .J.~q~ F-1.".~'. .. L ........ J.~q~ ~!.".~'. .. L ........ !.~!~. ~!!.~'. .. L •••••.•• J.~q~ ~!'.~'. .. L ........ J.~!~I ~!!'.~'.1L. ••••• .. .J.~q~ ~!!'.~'. .. L .....•.• J.~!~1 ¥!!'.'.'.'.L .••••••• J,Dg~ ':'e~I~~; 1?~~;,';;1~~11!vaTi:: I r:,o~~g S ~~i~53~gl<e 01 ' ble. Asking S297 ,000 •DOVER SHORES* This custom lvan Wells designed home wa5 built with executive · entertaining m mind . Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of the numerous features are: Sensational view of Fashion lsland & ocean, pool & spa w/outsidc bar, 3 car garage. compleLe security system and of course formal din ing. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE. *BAYCREST* 12 1, financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This horn(' features 3 brs. fplc, large lot & fee land! Lowest price at $26t>.OOO Call 759-150 I or 752-7373 for a ppointment to view, *HARBOR VIEW HOME* Monaco Sensational 3 br home on quiet street with pool sized yard. 11 .25% assumable financing!! Priced at $223,950 fee. Call 759-1501or752-7373. *HERITAGE PARK* *93 FINANCING •.•.• When you tak<>ov1:r existing 1st Trust Deed on this absolutely beautiful PLAN 4 This forme r model features 3 Br, 2 1f.i Ba· & extensive upgrading. Only $139.800!1 759-1501 or 752-7373. *11 3 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder closeout!! Extremely spacious t.ownhome featuring 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to seU now at $149,950. CaU 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *STEPS TO BEACH* T his sensational beach· cottage features an ocean view and sundeck, existing 1st T.D. $110,000 is payable al $400.00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offered at $165,000. Call 759-1501 or l52-7373 for details. ·- *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Pool Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm, skylite. lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *CLIFF HAVEN* *OCEAN & BAY VIEW* Unbelievable VIEW ·from spacious 3 br home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club & Channel. $675,000 FEE with great tenns! (714) 759-1501 or 752-7373. ~ *153 DOWN* *PRICE REDUCTION* Beautiful PLAN I in ·wooDBRn:x:;E LANDINC located across street from LAKE 112. Features 3 br & formal dining. Owner assisted financi ng a l 10%!!! Only $244,900 on FEE LAND. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ' ~· .... NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2870 San Mlguel Drive Newport Beach, CA 12880 (714) 759-1501 - . *DESPERATE* Owner says sell it!! He will finance this six year new home for ZERO INTEREST!! 3 Br. 2 'h ba, plush carpets, ceramic tile, parquet entryway, the works' $20,000 down and It's yours. Priced $20,000 below market @ $1 39,900. 963-567 1. 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach REALTOR MURDERED This could be the headline next week if we don't seU this spacious 4 br home near Huntington Harbor. New decor inside. Seller moving out of area. Asking $125,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •TROPICAL *PARADISE* You must see this backyard to believe it: pool. waterfall. Koi pond & malibu lights. The house comes in threes: bedrooms. fireplace and ovens plus a wine cellar Sacrifice: $185.000. 556-7035. *ABANDONED* Artisl's chalet w /panoramic oce1m view aH the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market 963-567 l. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $765/MO Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/only $8.500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556· 7035 *TURN A FROG* [nto a handsome prince Spacious 3 Br 2 Ba home w /dble attat·hed garage. Needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,500. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *53 DOWN* Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder wilJ finance at 12.9% and pay buyers non-recurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. . *OWNER DESPERATE* Must sell this cozy custom home near the ocean in "Old 'Town" Huntington Beach. The soaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylighis and th~ ro~~mtic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at this pnce. Secluded patio/courtyard witb low maintenance yard completes the picture. Sacrifice for $171 ,500. 556-7035. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. Real Estate 963-5671. *$45,000 TOTAL FEE• Licensing School. Walker & Lee Real Estate (7 14) *BELOW MARKET* . This Mesa Verde beauty is at least $10,000'low at $124,900. Cozy country kitchen. a brick fireplace, and fruit trees at back add up to irresistible charm. 556-7035. *NEWPORT RIVIERA* 3 br, 2\1\ ba, family condo located on greenbelt! Assoc includes pool. tennis & clubhouse. 759-1501 or 752-7373. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 1032 Adam• Ave. Huntington leach, CA 12148 (7)4) 511-7039 A g 1 6 3 3 • 2 6 5 0 0 r Commttci•l 673-6649 1 •• !.'.~!!'l. .•..•• J.~qg WESTCLlfF . 3 Br. vacan1, open. 1216 Devon Ln $239,500 H Fredertck. 631-1266 """°"' OFFICE ILH with side lie tor 60' boat 6 year old bu•lding One of a lund 5,000 sq It Great terms HPfR TAX SMELTER '* Fii llYHTOlllll R San c1emen1e pride 01 Lido a'Olty ownership, modern Spa-673-7300 n1sh style 4 unll apl I~~~~~~~~~ house wl1h ocean-hills & I~ goll course view. Close 10 everything. only 3 Co114omiaio1111/ years old & shows hke fow1Jioa111 J 100 NEW' New owner could • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • ••• • • occupy 3 bdrm , 2 bath 3 BA 2 BA S C VIiias city & ocean view apl. If pool 1ac $93,950. as· applicable & rent \he sume 10 ,•;, Ownt other 3 apor1ments for 213-990-0451 Income Sefler will help finance & SAVE buyer Do1lut1/ 1housands ol dollars! U11it1 lot Silt 1800 AEOl:JCEO setting price is • • • •• •• ••••• •• •••• • • • • way BELOW current re· SUPER TAX SMELTER P 1 ace men t cost r1 1 FOR llYESTOIUll Principe ls ONLY11! Call San Clemente pride ot owner al (714) ownership modern Spa· 642 0138 nlSh slyle A unll apt • house with oceen·hllls & goll course v•ew Close 10 every1'\lng, only 3 C••illlHO 1011 years old & shows llke • •••""" •••• • •• • • • ••••• • NEWI New owner could S600 mo. pay1T1en1 tor 2Br. 2Ba condo 9•;,o;. VA occupy 3 Bdrm, 2 bath loan. asking $94.500 cny & ocean view apt II \e 6 38 applicable & rent the _6_1_·3_o ______ , other 3 apartrT1ents for ~!'.'~. f.!A'!!'.~ ••• !.~~! Flrs1 (lme ollered Hide&· way In this romantic 2 br. den. 2'h belh plus olllce condo & walch the deer. pier & ocean all at once Private & maintenance free $256,000 Gate no 43, 21801 Ocean Viste income Seller wlll l'lelp finance & SAVE buyer thousands ot d ollers' REDUCED selling pnce Is way BELOW cu11en1 re· placemen! cos1111 P11ncl· pals ONL VIII Call owner at 1714) 642-0138 Dr. Open Sal & Sun 1·5 -"-------- <199· 1771 Ownr/Bkr. I IEW COHOS 2 Bdrm. 21.otba , tow down. 10•;,o;. flnan avail Call Rich Owner/ Agt 964-6171 To place your message before the reading publlG, phone Delly Piiot Cluslllect, 642-5676 Housts /or S•lt Hoasrs /or Slit ············••·····•·· ..................... . BIG CANYON TOWNHOME COf«>O DIVORCE SALE , I Musi sell-owner out of slate 2 bdrm, cathedral celling, 2 bath, oyerlooklng golf I 1 course. 3 balconies. jecuul. lennts. pool. wet bar, tinted glass. llreptace, lols ol ( I mirrors. 2 car garage. exotic landscaping. much more. Immaculate condition 1 Assumable $130.000 mortgage Reduced I 10 $249.000. W ill accept ca1s. boat. diamonds In lrede. Broker participation I I Invited. ·21 Canyon l1lanll Drivt I . I OPEN DAILY 3-5 & 7-9 759-9051 1 I ••••••••••••• • REDUCED $27&,ooo • • Ill GlllYON'S IEST IUY • • 6.000 sq.ft. of fAmll:y living, • e e nter tainment facilities for • entire family. 5 Bdrm, 7 baths, • p l us maid 's qu arte r s .• • Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacullis, • • 18' bar, soda fountain, complete • sauna room, enormous play • room. gourmet kitchen , 3 s ub e e &ero relrtg. and many more • • amenities. $699,950. B y appointment with Marei Cooper e • 644· 7844. Seller reserws righ t.5 e • ~~pt best offer. • • ·::':r:.8'~-· • • LIH llDLn lll·llOO ••••••• .. .. ·-~~ -----------_. ------·--~-~------. -.. .. --- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu11 2G, 1932 ... , ltmtt.l1t1ttt1.ll.ff 1H1 ,.,,,, ~mt,""1P/IA" .. '-"!ft.:~·~:J &fm.ffh."'1!« .. ~~!ft!.VH1.~'1Artv. §~'!f!Jr!H1.'!A~ .. l'.~f!.V~!nrllt.,. .. !'.~•!t!.¥~!11~.'!A'!. .. !..-.~.~.1 1:~:,~M.:-11ot~r=· ... 4l!tfr" ..... ll.tf hJm.hltr.. ••• I.~ ft!!f.mH.; •••• ll.11 fnlf.llftf ...... IMf 9'!!f.lf!fl •.••.• tM1 ·=,.. 'M' !mait .•..•.••.. 1M1 ftl.~!l.'1t~« .. ll.!I ~.'.!r.!!.~!! . .11.!r t 1 I I O o 10 ' Ill AD UMOI" DANA 01llghlfllt It Ill', ~ I•, 1.IAil W/Ol'TJ~ l1el\a~. 4Ir11•, dining I Ir, 2 b• on 11' '°'• w/3 •• r.~''n'••••••••••••'°n• ~ondo 3111, den, W-1 t>lt. Npl Cr"I vl-111 I 81 1-303-li?·HU l'OINT Hom11 fOI HI• OOlllOt. I .,.1101. fplo,. TO fllUMHAH '"'· fdlo, lro yttd Nu car 011 Olu• OUffl tlov· 4 '" 2 81, or4tnr lno, no .......... lrJ)IC, pool, lat/ 1 .. t/llC) Plitt •.11200/l'llO Agtnl CIH• IOH. 01r. VerJ ne•r b1ytront. Will ind ... what Int.. orplt, d11pe1, p1ln11<1 ... SH 2'830 81nt1 An1. s:>e••· '850 & S.O 10811 TIWllHll 1780 mo 40&-8148 840·8208 IMITlll ...... Vrly lt<t8. Avllll 10/20. rHI ~0111111 Option II ln1ld1 l out 18110 Inc. DO NOT 018TUl''8 Tit· Bulherd 81. 042·Trtl3 Brand n1w n1v11 OCCU• .. , J '" ,,. • •• , N c · 28 d I MITA Ill& 1 .. 11/1 Cell wkl\da. O?e,.ot t4 lod1y I prlCI to l)llrchUI g11dlr\1r t?ll-1034 NAN TI . It 7 8 mo /.'--' 1 pied 2 bedroom. 2 b•lh. "''" M ~·•1 ..... f!.~. ewport ·"'· r up•• ••••••••• • • ........ • •• l0t lull Y••r Oorgeou1 2 88 1 8228 •n•• 1 1 2 ••••••tt• •0 .., ....,NT condo Altuh get. dining 3 n-r unfit, tl84,050 .. ,... & :5 Ir :5 Bt ilr A/C f! t ide 2 Br I Bl I nod • _ .. •••••••••••••••••••• !rep 101, Ctr g11r1g1 HOME I' n ""' lfll 000! ttnnle, Clbh· 4 1h1'Q'.&,unll1 c1s 101 •••lfl f•1•l••H IO · ' ·0 ii · • ,. I I .J•'Jf LIAIElll E•c tlltnt loo1t1on, 3 Bdrrn & 4 8drm 1896 iy wtid G Tl 12'"" • ' ••••••••••••••• ••••••• ,,,, •• ,,. 1 1 t850 aq ft n9W con ot. PlllO, encl. Otr•o•. OtW ,,,., , ., ;,• IOtOH lh• •treat from 10 1776 FenGld ytrdt & ... OOH • ""· . . .. ,,,., ,,., ' .fJIM •.••• W•············· hi Y••r II complet9CI carplll d11p11 P•lnl ................. •••• 3 Bdrm ~llCh.cl hOmte I k With v CIOll 10 . I COOdlfO(lll 10 Intrepid to !::nlta, aoned fOf oon· r. ...... n~!' ..... .r •• ~l ~. Point, ,. bf, 2 ba, 2 1utom1110 qu1lllk:1tlon 11 No Piii. 115211/mo & .. : 2 s:o~/ 1 '" ~., cin :p~' In lllCll1-nt ., ... Avella· :h:pptng ~j1 ut1 of ~~~~~~-K~t6~2 g0~ w 11 du o o .. 18 II O. 0 Bwrk•Allr/ll4e.9960 C1il111 for VIAALY or ~f10001, P•t~~\·si~0oar . lnturl<l.JCHANCE;OFA cur Alto duplu on 1 1 m~.m lr~~ ·bch' bl• lmmed l•l•ly . Woodbridge amenlllet. Agent ,notee 213/Ht-7837 · WINTER (tntal1. A1gl~ 1 Imo. • Lt FE Tl El 1131-110116, W.aloe S480 648·6442, 4~7~68 · 1800/mo Oil 1 y11r ltlM. S.Ot 1 • 18i81mo. John 3 8A 2 8I apllt ltvll. NS ~POr1 8 .. Ch 2 on I IOI. ProperllH 8711 .... 000 l!flf#ll Ill #If Jiii 1142·2000 770-50.29 1 Flv• 0111~11 to Choo.. lld· t037 condo. 3 gtrllQH. pool1 1 blk from ()c;Hn t2 X Cl11n 3 BA 2 81 lplo :"•••••••••••,••••••••• OC.AENTALS 2 SR t IA duplex ptvl 8~11ty galed 3 br, 2)t ba from. WI rt th• onH to b d C d 2 ftrtNf# l11c• Jiff Clott tO HOtO Hoep OroM. W•ll m11n11ined. ptllo. gar. winter 1800 Split 11v.1 2 8r·den, bl•· t·llbr'a 1200 10 12000 patio 380 1eth Pla<:41 e. & den twnhM Pool, ttn· 1 ... -· wood ;1bg•1,,..,gn ~~c .... .-................. $788/mo. e11r. 4411-7332 Walk to •hopping Bkr. mo 875 3883 mtd Cllllng, $795/mo. 7110·3314 Opafl 7-d•Y• H•ll 811Hlll22 nit v. ml 10 blllGh.1850. ~ ut. .... hrld a, tor,y r. II. II . OC·AENTALS ••YI ••••• 213·306-1828 ' • 'T01'A Ao•cla. 840.elllt ' ' Agl 41>8·6980 i '"""' IJC rp C, groat IOCI on 1·50r't S200 10 $2000 Bayfront home 1v111. now 1500. Coll•ge 2 BR 1 BA, Spot11t1 EHlllde 01111. R f S700/mo. 676-717 t 760·3314 'Open 7-dlye Lullury Newport Terrace UIY MlllY $ t300/mo 1ummer or. L.,ge 6 Bd Home. dining Itta, fncd yd, aer. 'chtd 4 Br 2b1 . Nev•• 11 1111 JZJI t:i IV Wilnut s uare Condo 2 Condo 2 br Eatru ctn bt had 1al1ly by winter yffrlyl 3 Br 2 Ba. Corona d•I Mir v•ry ettan. Chlldren OK. rented bttore. Ownar ••••••••••............ 551·3000 BA lbaq gar comm EASTBl.UFF: 38'· 2ba Quiett Only $806 mo purch11tng th•M exclu· Aleo 1n1ertor nome 3 8r 2 780·8708, 875-2 t44 no pot1. :t13.47t•187 t parllcular, 2 kid• ok, no HOME FOR AENf IHfl 1,,.11,,1 Pk .. , 1.,11,. P 0 0 1 UPP~, u n 1 t Avail Now I 1100/mo. 837.2686 t lvtt: LUXURIOUS 81 $900/mo. By Ownr Ntw CdM Hm 3Bt 2'~8t b1wn 7 & 8PM wkdyt pelt. no amoklng. 4 Bt $760. Ftn<:ICI y.,d, $560/mo 875.7171 1_.....:.84.:..:0:...·00:.:...:l.:.9·:.::8.:..31.:...·.:..08:.:3~8-f;:;::::-::-:;::::-;;-:::-:::-;=::;-;:-4·PIU, Nwpt, 359K. 780·t977 tr pie, $3000/mo. 3 t7 $050/mo. c111 6""·721t, garage. Kida & pllt wel· RllT&LI · Newpon ShorH 3 8, 2.,., ()c;eanalde 3 rm w/pool. lg SMART 15 unha, E/Sldt p 0 1n 11 t11 a . c 1 11 $325. Coll1gt/dUPIH, agt come 645·2000, •o•nt, 1 to 8 bdrme. tlarllng 111 3Br. 2Ba Condo, encl pa· 811 2 btock• 10 beach. patio, bll·lna, $480 0 .M .. 720K. CHARMING Wl1ttr I "rlf rt1tal1 64Hlt81, 9·6. M·F. newly reconditioned, ' no 111. 1650 to' St 96 tlo, pool, $725 mo. clot1e 10 achoo! & tennle. OC·AENTA LS 750·3314 ~as·~~ B~bcsceot~.o~k~: awall. ll O-S1IOO '' IOW VIEW ~::Oac~~~~d ~.~o~ :~ 11111 a HR• HHll•1t•• 882·28811 982·6683. IEWPllT IEllllT1 831·5384, 782·t020 ••· Lire Yeeoe lltr Htrbor View Hiii• , br, pelt. 2t3-47t-18'11 btwn Kida/pelt fine. Thie flat lf11t 3110 L•1.11•• l111i 3Zll Lease WHlcllfl 3 Bdr, IX· 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Prlvat•. ·-• •-1 ••oo lla·40t2 2'h bl, l1mlly rm. bonu1 7 & 8PM wkdY9· muet be Hen, hU 2 ·····oc'R'i'rA"Cs'••tt EMERALo'eA'v.··3··9;·; Cell cond. lrg well _8_4_5_·9_0_95 ____ _ _ ,,,,,_, •• rm,gardener,$1700mo.AENTTOOWN·.N-2Br bath• pluehcarpe19 • N 811.lrplc.brlckpttlowlt/l la nd acped yrd w/E¥tbJull48r.$1300mo, ...................... Ill... C ti 840 6204 moet 0•PPIC4. $600'1: 1•5br's s2oo to 12000 $ 3 gardener. sec system to mo. Spllt level, Ru1ty Wll'f UITI l1•i1111/1 3101 a • . 21),ba, condo. C•ll Rich. B"t 839·8t00 lee 750-3314 open 7·d•y• :f8~2255.1 600 2 1 I $1100/mo Nr perk & Guinther agt 831·1288 No qualllylngl No down, •••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAI VIEW Owner/Ag! 9e4·8171 NA BCH 2br w/lg p•lio schools. 833-1290 ----' ----- 1800/per mo. Fallbrook Oceanfront winter rental. "Old" H1tbor View Ste· E'slde. 3 er 2bl , lam rm, 1410, 2 II 1111 CO"" kltch kid ok s4so • 3 Br 2 Ba . ocean vu, W 1111 3 B d lflce 2 Br 2t>a houae, Newport 8.6 view acres at t0% fl· 2 br, 1 ba, compl retur-Walk-In kitchen for Moml OC~AENTALS 750•3314 $825/mo. Arch e .. ch estc r, en. 0 · Hll Mo to mo $700 No n1n. $160.000. 759·2968 blshed. G.,1ge, washer/ llqn. 3 br, 2 bl, patio, living rm, eep dining rm. Gar*"e for Popsl Yard & H ~ 1 5 • A v a 11 9 I 1 2'" Ba. 2 car gar, garde-do01 6'12-7404 hoge yard, beamed 'tel· Drive by 2687 Elden. -• 2 8 d .... d ner. no pets S998 --·------daya. d r Yer U II I p a Id llnga, frplc. Lullury homel $9QO, !142·2191 gardenl Won't IHt -hur -r con o, ... asey ecor, 't573 CAMPU5Dl:IRVJNE 63 ·9212 aft 3PM. 1-637· 1458 or 648·5026 HARBOR VIEW corner 1-0T&OIW 997-3970, 8 lo 5. $1400/mo. 760...()883 ryl Best .Ally 539·8190 trplc, cloee to beach. Modern 3 Br. 3 Ba. pano· 5 '/J 8 , h 0 me n H 2 BA di 1 g Dix 28r 1 '~Ba Twnhae, lee s595t mo. Mike Crow, Woodbridge-on the lake 1 1~ ILIS llDI IAY s t800/lease. Open Sat/ nu Ulll :a~~. gar. S500~ ~en~~: LUXURY 3 bd, prvt com· l 'ltBa, patio, no Piii. ANOTHER houte Eaetal-Agt. 642.1423· 645'3178 Executll/e 3 l)d, 2 ,,., ba: $~~b~=.·2nf3~~:~;,~: Avall 9/1. Lux. lwnhM Sun. 644-0937 •Til TllTll 548·5133; 646-7171 munlty, S l660 mo. s535 mo. 545•9848· der for $400. c;ptd. bl· TOTA LLY c;uatom hOuael Many Extr11I $1400/mo $950/mo. 1s1.1as1 & aec:. --------Fabulous view! Room tor 675·274o tennis, spa. · aw/ Una, E·Z terms. Kids? 3 & huge den. chefs kit I ea a e . 5 5 2 -9 5 4 9 . HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 3 br. 2 ba, 3 car alee. ILIFFI TOWlllOMI horses and tennis. Terms ~!l.";'!~.~e_t .• /.~~f 111¥111 TEllllOI l.~~~~g1~~~i.2~0w $r;:;/,~ Call Beat. am. fee. Formal din , plusn decor 551·2193 or 987·8857 Nu 3200' tux hm on blull gar . mulll;level, trplo, 38r + den. 28a, Pool -trades. Owner/Bkr Emerald Bay, p\11 beach, 3 br 2,,., ba. $14ooimo OC·AENTALS 760•3314 •539·8190* stone lrpl, finest , area. 2Br/dbl gar Good area 180 deg. vu 01 harbor, cathedral celllng. skyllte. Frplc, wash/dry, bit-Ina. 731·4444 or 731·5t15 pools. tennis ~ourts, C 11 N 1 644 2999 1st & dep & you re In. 5695. Avail Sept 27th. surf. mtns. 3br, 3ba, patio, Incl. water. New 2 Pa1loa. 2 car garage NEWPORT LOTS• oceen view. 3 Bdrm, 3ba a an, 8!· · SHARP 2br, 2b1 w/jungle Co~ta ~eu'a finest 4 $500. Rentals A Us collect 7141272.0097 sS~~~J~:.Xo. !~~~7~;.~a. crpl. No pets. Comm. Beautfl, Quiet Greenbelt 2 adjoining $89.000 ea. & g u e 8 1 h 0 u 8 8 NEW 4~ 3'118A patio, pool, kids ok. I> rm u . newer car· 537·8970 pool,. Agt 549-7962 $1000. 1 yr l&e 640·2098 BAY VIEW. 2 car-garage $475. pets, lVt baths, werm 2 Br. 2'1t Ba. garage, lrplc, L / 1 I 1 0 4 631-4179 $1800/mo winter rental $t500 mo 10 mo. So 01 OC-AENTALS 750-3314 frplc. lovely kitchen, SJll MOYES JI commty pool, Sl50/mo ::'r o~bC:.58oecc:,'a': :u. CHARM· Expanded 5 Br. BLUFFS CONDO · 2 Br. 2 ""-11/""11•,,. cr71,4/S75292-00004/7mo yrly Hwy673·1148 . double garage, fenced Well-kept 4 rm p!ex + Broker 842 -0851. 855-05t7.5<14-2170 3 car garage. HVH. Ja· Ba . Greenbell nr pool. ,.,. '" -~------NICE1brw/utllpd,lgba-yard . $700's. e.,st garage Bel l Alty 552•3388 cuul.loadedwlfrench LlvlngAmw/frpl.Olnlng lnNtf7. ZSSO -E-m-er-a-ld_B_a_y_3_8_r -v-le_w_1 C11l• ll11• J2Z4 kers kllch. now $330. 539-6190 tee 539·8t90 tee Beaut. 3br c. home. win dows. skyll ghU. Am -pvt patio · dbl gar •••••"""• ............ qul•'I st., s 1200. em' ~atd' ...................... OC·AENTALS 750·33 t4 2 br. 2 ba. Cathedral eel· lnctedlb city ocean $ 1600/m o 640·2 5 . S950 Call J0Caro1 (Agl) ~ ~ MOllL lllWI IOMI 3 BA, 2'" BA. cond''· din, • + 2 1121 fl II I Patio U 644-9060. S •• LUIS OllSPO earR1ty494·1840 LANDLORDS/REALTORS patio, dbl gar, blt·lna. • ' I Ii ng vnirm. . n· view. $1450/rno. 2807 ,_,. __ __, ______ I---------• -Decorator perfect. spa-Fast tree tenant provl· w / d rec 18 c s 7 o o Just right for lam ly. a lverslty ark. 1796 mo. Alta Laguna. 494.7 or lease or lease o Ion, 2 BA remodeled hse w/ 00Uln LeagAunaonsand,lw~~~~r.2 clous2bdrm,2'~ba,new dera.BESTRealty 546-7390 644·7298. major appliances, nice, a75v2a·1Slo..hm.::~Q7~~~:l 38A 1'11 ba, 2 car gar. $1500/mo 5 Br .. rge gar, 1'1t blks off sand. · ulll pd .. av~ I ·to Cape Cod. Pool, Jae, rec. 539·6194 • plex. Best Ally 539-6190 yard, sohoo sh ping $725 yrly. Ask tor Biii, Has: NO Smog, NO 6130. $1500 mo. Pvt pty. area, pvt patio, balcony, 28r, tea, garage, nice tee SUPREME 3br. 2be w/lg ·~,:~~·s~/;~~~·9~~~~t8 nearoy. Agent ·1044. 631-1268 Traffic; Uncrowded Bea· 213·795·2937 wine cellar & lge garage. 2 Br condo, 1'/"oba. So Cat yard, wshrldryr hook-up, ~ar. spa, bll·llJS. 5675. --------ches & Lakes. INV.EST In --0 t II Pfza erea $525/mo no pets $550 mo 2208 Condo, avall 911 · 2 Br 3 BA 2 8 h Sk II Harbor View 5 Bdrm So-om UTIS/OOUI YI your famlly'S future. l/eWNll le•ti Jllf ecora or wa paper, 982·7521 or 979·196S 0 Pla-~tla 645-7S8·3 1'1tba, frplc, pool, mature C·AENTALS 75-0·3314 a ome. y ne mersel wlr/Vt back yard I.YEST •••• .-;................ dr11perles and more. wv ad u 11 8 n 0 Pet 9 Or , 111ew, gar. $950. Ma· 2 master bdrm suites, LIDO ISLE · 3 bdrm, fam S 1 0 5 0 I m o C a I I dys, E/Sld~Ouptea, 2 br. 1 be, 5575/mo, '1st/last & dap· T ~~!::r~~ ~~n~ ~ ~,.,c ba~ rlon Milne Real Estate ~:~1~esf~~7~~a•E[:~: dble gar .. decks. spa, all II SLO County! rm. 4 Ba. $1700 mo. 548-2239, 10:30 to 5:30 llPlll 111011 lge fenced yard, 1 car 968-5577 alter <1;30. Alla 844-9060, 673-8589 494-8558 759·0619 xtras. $795. 964·3488 OCEANFAON 2 bd pm. LANDLORD NEEDS big gar. 840-5195 2 br. w/g.,., stove. Chlld Ll•HI H/111 JZSO Ill I IOW VIEW Pwa rm, MESA VEAOE-38r 28a tall write Off aaye rent Spac 3 BA 2 Ba condo, & small pet OK. $650 mo. Rane/lo San Joaquin .. , ................... Blulls 3 bdrm, 2 be, good 3 br, 2 ba lrvfne Terr A 1 Ba S7oo · Biii $800 mo. 111 +see dep: hi 4 BR 2V. B t h Townhouse on golf SOUTH LAGUNA Char· locallon. greenbelt, REAL ESTATE Grundy,Ailr,675 Gard. Incl. Avail 9·t5. ~us~om pool h~useaw/ ~~v1~~t!.cs'9~aJ·~~: 536·7979 course Splltlevet,2br& ming· 2 bd 2 ba. bch some vi ew $1150. ~~~:ne~.141080{9m~o~~~ Jim Galkln each. apt., refer .. utlllll 751-3642 c/lefa !(It. Formal din, 642_4371 or 960.4395 Exec. 4 Bdr 2 ea. tamlly den, 2'h batn, A/C, view. house. walk to bell. lrg 844·6368. 0 0 0 n e 8 7 5. 1 5 <I t . 441 Mareti Street on Penln 100' fro huge llvtng room, natural rm. trplc, bonus rm. nu SP75. 754-7900 daya; pr11t yd. slngle car gar, P 673.22<12 San Luis Obispo ca beach. $325+ depos l'hlnklng ol a new home rock frpl designer decor 3Br, 2Ba. Cape series crpts/palnt $996. Opn eves & wknda 559·421<1. on canyon. $995 mo. call eople who need QeOple -------- 93401 ' 642·79t8. lor spring? See the many thruwt view patio, ....... Condo, lrplc, g.,, pool, Hse Sat/Sun 10-5. 2052t Liie-Option. 3br. 2 ba. 213·670·3511 ask tor should always check the 2 Ill 011te• II••• jl I 'od · 1 1 ..,. J II 2 t3 374 5922 tt Service Directory In the (805) 541-4831 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil\ stings n ay 9 c ass· nowt VSO. quiet, no doge. $600 mo. Montsuk Cir. 98~·9597 SFA. Woodbridge. $875 u e or · • a on Balboa Peninsula. LllO ISLE ed columns. 6'12·5678 Rentals A Us 537·8970 Refs. Nancy 497·2t49 or 645·3 .. 47. mo +option. 552-8484. 6. QAILY PILOT $1200 mo. 963-4759 , A. w. Fraser 28A 28A Obi Gar. Patio Hoa111 l•r Silt Ht111t1 lor s.1. Ho111t1 tor Silt .... H 111 Silt Ho111t1 for Silt Ho111t1 lor s.1, ...... ,,, 11/1 8100 El Camino Rea.t W/0 No Pets Winter ••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Atuoadero. Ca 93422 $895. 873-7965 lOOZ G.aer•I 1002 6111111/ 1002 6111111/ 1002 C.111111 1002 0111111/ 1002 Gt1111•/ 1002 l:tHt•I lOOa --~(8~05~)~':!6!6·;;:9:69~8:__11~~~~~~~~1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••• --------Beautiful home lor quail· ""-I I •t 1 tied persons, gracious II· v• I " I I vtng. $2500/mo lse . .. !.'.~!'!. ...... !.~"!! 675-1530 OCEANFRONT duplex, So. Oregon Coast' winier $750. 2 Br 1 ea. lrpl, gar. 640·4111 U Iota• V. lorH HUIFllOIT /Pe•I•. ltrH•I • lt•ll•r 2 story, 4br. 4 bathe. di· ancrl'ASTURt:. Coasfi nlngmr,g111nrscr--. W Hwy frontage. St75,000 hot tub. mod. kltch, 2 ca with $40K dn -oalance e,l).cl. parking. Avail Sep1 at 10'10• 15, 675·7650 IOJ/247-2171 At the Beach Ocean & ~~~~~~~~I Volleyball. 3 Br 1 be, new STEAMBOAT SPRINGS. cpl, new paint. avail Sept COLORADO. For real t5, 9 mos lse. $845/mo. estate Info on this world John agt 631-2242 famous ski area. tucked away In the spectacular BlllH Ual11•idetl Colorado Rock tea, call •••••• • ••••••••••••••• T o I I F r e e IJ..H11l 3UZ 1-800-525-5508. Colo-~••••••••••••••••····· rado West Real Estate. RENTALS ~•e•n F•t•I Yearly•Weekly·Wlnter. 2, C ~ / 1100 3,4 Bdrms. •••. '.~!!!............. JACOIS REAL n FALLBROOK 1.31 ac. gcove. 160 avo· cados, 3 Br 2 Ba home nr lake. St31,500. 4.22 ac. 160 avocado & fruits trees. contempo· rary home 2t50 s.f., 3 car gar, In lush tropical setting overlooking lake Reduced $48,500. Must sell for $ t98,600 5.21 ac. avocado grove In 3 parcels, 700 trees, 17:00 s.I. near new home lrg gar, great view. $245,000 MISSION REAL TY 714-728·8410 RANCHO CALIFORNIA 5 acre parcels adl. ex· ctuelve homes Views. From 40K. Xlnl terms. Own agt , 496-7076. 676-2040 Buying and selling at a reasonable prlce·tllat's what clatsllled Is all about. 642·5678 PROP MAllAIEMEllT 111-1113 llrllr Ille• lst/Y• 3 Bdrm wllamlly rm, fireplaces. 3 car gar, apa, security, comm. pool and tennis. Excellent views. $2800/mo. Submit. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 at 19 Montpelllef. lall1 .. 111./Yltw Charming 3 bdrm 6 den. Furnished. 3 car gar. Close to South Bayfront. $2200/mo yrly 1 .. 11tere /Ylew / .... ,. 3 Bdrm. great location. Large & airy. S 1250/mo. Npl/Moblle/Furn. Drive by 700 Lido Park Or. No. 6. call for detalle. $700/mo. · WattrfrHt l .. H 111·1400 ·11LIOA PEIHI. DUPLEX OCUIFROllT 4 bdrm up , 3 bdrm down duplex. Great area for s umn:ier rentals . All Investors must see. Only 5 years old. Best buy on the oceanfront. $700,000. WEST NEWPORT 4 bdrm & 2 ·bdrm duplex. 2 d oors from wide beach & excellent surfing. The best In rentals. Owner will lease back 4 bdrm upper unit year-round. Mke offer. $310,000. IAtllA PEJlllSIU 2 llOISES II 1 LOT Peninsula Poin t , fantastic location. This super d4Plex Is only 8 years old, % bf(jck to sand, va\Jlted ceilings, private patios, priced for a quick sale at $325,000. ULIOI PElll. llPLU Fantastic location & fantastic terms . 4 bdrms. 3 baths up; 3 bdrma , 2 baths down . Fireplace. 4 car garage, sundeck. Price reduced to $450,000. lido RealtY 7300 NEWPORT BEACH ~ ELEGANT BAYFAONT CONDO In lhe Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms+ den, 2'12 baths. fireplace, private beach. ,$8~5.000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Setter packing , looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar. several eating areas and views flt to kill. $495.000 . EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skylight windows will light up your life when you move into this 3 bedroom, 3% bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of L111da Isle, this 5 bedroom, 4 1.h bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of living space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 2112 baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller will carry with 15% down or will consider trade down . OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller will carry at 12.5% with 20% down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Ca1alina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. , LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These lwo bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% down. $225,000. ' RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. • HARBOR VIEW-MINI EST A TE T ry AITD or trade on this 6 Bdr 4 Ba Harbor View home with over 'h acre. 2 frplc, skylltes. French doors, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dally 1-5. Submit any offer. HARBtl •s··-·., ~OR FAMILIES Submit all offers on thl~ O&D I 1 1 home with financing and fireplace. $310,000. NEWLY LISTED LUXURY HOME WITH 35' BOAT DOCK S pacious 3 Bdrm, famlty rm executive residence on Trinidad Island, 'Huntington Harbo,. Aaaumable 1st with additions seller financing available. $399,950. NEWPORT GLEN-PRICED TO &ELLI Juat 2 ml. to th9 Orange Cty airport, this 2 Bdrm light & airy upgraded townhome features additional den + uee of pool, tpa &. BBQ. $120,000. 8.AN JUAN IQUE8TRIAN RANCH "The Hunt Club" e bedroom, 81A bath home with pool, tpa, 4 • fireplaces. owe. • 1.aoo,000. ' , J HARBOR RIDGE "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWN! Assume $564,500 at 11.75% on this 3 bedroom, 21/:z bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,~ "LUCERNE MODEL" WIT TEAMS! Seller will carry an AITD ~f $519,000 at 1 .75% for an extended term for a quallfled buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 3'h, baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $850,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL.,' FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller will consider t rade on this 4 bedroom, 31/:z bath home w ith 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocation. $775,000. MAGNIFICENT CUSTOM MANOR" Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble fireplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the masfer bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room. 3 additional bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this like-new 4 bedroo m , 21Ai bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000 with excellent owner financing. CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that will rlval all others. Seller must liquidate but will consider a joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE! Located on an unusually large lot. this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property or seller will carry at below market rates . With 6 bedrooms. 7 baths. projection room, wine cellar, family ~oom & large kitchen. $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIA.AMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 s q . ft. home with spectacular ocean end night light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000 . LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedrooms, family room and 3'~ baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $595,000. EMERALD BAY COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home has a large patio With sp,, custom landtoaplng, famlly room and full use of recreational facllltlet. Try lease/option or low down. $825,000. . $517,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spectacular 2 bedroom ocean view home with awlmmlng pool and additional eetler financing. $650,000. WALKING DISTANCE TO RECREATION Charming 6 bedroom, 4 bath home tn exclualve gate.guarded community with UM of private beach. $700,000. JUST LISTED WITH COUNTRY CHARM A 8 bedroom ocean view r .. ldence with maid'• quartera, formal cllntno end eeverai ffreplacea. $790,000. J \ I· ' ' !':ttf(.VP/P!~'H!!. .. ,__,,,.ffflA .JMf • Wrat, I~ N l'amlly room. tld·I063 EA8l8lUFF Exeo. hom• II br ~ bi d011. !OfMOI dining, 2 frplt. gard•n pat io , 11260 mo 642-0360 Sharp 4 er. comm pOOI 11196/mo Have other• Agt. Fred Teno111, 113t-12118 Of 831·2711 BLUFFS LEASE 2 Br, watOt" vu, $950/mo Agt 1140-0020, 760-9678 3 br . 3 ba Big Canyon, wallpapo1 thruout. golf course view. $1400/mo. Agt, 842·1183. WHTOLIFF LHM 3 bdrm, .Kint COllO Large well lend101ped wilh gard&11e1 Nr Pit an<l achla. Sec ayatem. SI, 000 mo. 833-t290 l11tlth1ff L111• 111" 4 bdrm, 2'n ba S t300 . Avail. Sept 9 Oays 833-4785, Ev. Wknds 644-2224 Lg 4Br, atepa to beach, Newport Shores. comm pool/tennis. yrly, lamlly S 1195 mo. 645-3370 a1t 5PM. , Nwpt Terr condo 3 BR 2'h ba, no pets. $725. Pool. •II tacit. Agt 646-2389 Bluffs area. 3 br, 2'h ba condo, 2 car gar. w/elec. open6r. 640-9350 wkdys; 760-8398 eves. Waterfront 4 BR lam rm. 3 ba, 40 sUp may be avail. $2080/mo. 673-4666 NEWPORT CREST Agent has 2 beaut 3 Bdrm condos S 1000tmo un- 1 urn . $1200 rurn 645-0295 So. Coast Plaza/SA 3Br 2'n ba duplex, 2 car gar. Air, yard S700 Incl water. Agent 957-0222 Waterfront. 4 Br 3 be , $2080/mo 40 It boat sllp avail. 673-4666 ICEHFllOIT 3 Bar 2 Ba . furn or • unlurn., yearly. Excell. • location $975 962-9597 ~ or 645-3447 . BEACON BAY 2 bd. 1 be, prvt bch & tennis, $650 utlls Inc Id, avail 9/0 t. 675-9826. 3 bd. 2ba, ape, $900 mo, 1st & $600 securoty total move In cost. 645-5735. BRANO NEW · Lux condo, 3Br, 3~a . gooa loc. $1200 mo. 675-4333 Bluffs 3 br, family, 2'1t bath, S 1400 mo Agt . 6'44-6368; 644-~0 Marlter Yltw Mt•H Somerset model, 5 BR 3 · Ba. no pets. non amkrs. sreso mo Avan ~ms2-. ·1$\f&j Westside Twnhm 2 • master bdrms, 2'1rba, 3 yrs new. S730/mo. Kids ok. sml pet maybe Avail . now. John, Ag1 63 t-2242 '.3 Br. Weatclllf. mo. to mo. $1250. Agt. H. Frederick, • 631-1266. 1218 Devon Ln SHI• h• 3ZIO -•••...••.•............ Lge 4 br. 1'1\ ba. din. rm. newly remod., big yard, .. gardener. $750. 834-15'47 dys/5 ro-62'49 C•-'••'"'••• U•l•1•J1iH 31ZS ••..••..•............. Lux. 28r, 2Ba, S.C. Plaza, Vu, AC. pool, avaJI 9-1. $575 mo. No pets, Sher-ry or Donne 979-2390 dys Garden Grove. New 2 BR 1'11 ba, patio, gar, S550 & S 100 dep. No pets. Craig, 545· 1370. GG. Orangetree condo, $500. 1 Br & loft, tennis. pool, stream. NO pets Avall 9/1. 553-1141 3 br. 2 cba. deluxe condo. Lrg. p1110. pool & spe. child o.k. near SC Plaza, $665 mo. 213-96'1-2666. Imm. t bd, nr So Cst Pl, A/C, F/F Relr, Pool, Utlt's Incl. Sec G ts. .$440, 964-2198 1 bdrm. luxury condo. Enc garage. Areplace Pool, spa. micro-wave oven. dishwasher. Tiie kit ch and bath. Walk In clo- sets. Secluded patio ta· clng running stream $525 P8" mo 642-740.C Of 979--0269 Santa Ana area Warner/ Fairview. 3 Sr t 'h BA, 2 story, nr SC Plaza, AIC, crpt. drapes. pool, lacz. patio, dbl gar w/opener, non·amkr, no pets. $700 mo. 714-534-7029. ,,,,,. ... ,,, F•rllidH 3SZS ···············~······ Rancho San Joaquin, Model Townhouse In. Ir· vine. 2 bd plus den, one the nlcut In the deve· lopment . $825/mo 728-2148 0.111xn '""''•" 1100 • ······················ . 3 BR. 2 Sa, Bal Pen, un· furn. 1aoz. ocean view. $1 050 . no peta . 213-737-7272 deys. ~l!l.'!~!!. !~!~.'!!ti; ..,._, l1h8' 31H ....••...•............ BAYFRONT. Winter. 2 BR 21>a, 1 car gu. All ap· pllancea. $860/mo, 873-372<1. 673-<l 108 fmM.~'1.!le..I!.~ ~ View, bHutlfully furll townllou... frplc. cr'w:.r''°· lltl/mo.., lacil*Of grO\lnd flf, ,pvt ~ pwklnt. '9fr1Q, lftlcrow1ve, •Y•IJ. 61f1'1t _C~. Orange Cooat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augu1t 20, 1082 2 Bl!DROOM 1577 E. Ocean Blvd . Penln Pt, NB 63 t-t400 $344,500 Sun 1·5 •343 N. Mountain View, Santa Ana 546-2313 $108,000 Sun 12-3 101 Scholz Plaza (Versailles) NB 631 -1400 $149,000 Sat 1·5 2308 Clltf Or. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 642·5200 $397,500 Sun 1-5 31 Silkiest (Woodbridge) Irv. 857·2045 $133,900 Sat/Sun 209 19th Street, Penln, N.8. 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Marlne • ..Balboa Island, NB 631-1400 $254,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 752 W. 20th St., Cos1a Me,sa 631-7600 $105,000 138 Walnut St., E-slde, C.M. 556-6996 $139,900 581 Brook St .. Laguna Beach Sun 1-5 Sun 10-5 494-8595 $249,500 Sal/Sun t2-5 313 Onyx, Balboa Island 673-4062 $325,000 Sun 12-4 3101 Sea view, Corona del Mar 558-1809 $329,000 Sal/Sun 1-4 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN 4 Rue Fountalnbleau (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $350,000 Sun 1·5 512 Redlands, Npt Hgts, NB 760-8333 $199,500 703 St. James Place, Newport ech Sun 1-5 644-6200 $295,000 Sun 12-6 104 Via Palermo. Lido Isle, Nwpt Bch 631-1400 $439,500 Sat 1-4 408 E. Oceanfront (Balboa) NB 673-5410 $598,000 Sun 12-3 1829 Port Sheffield (HVHms) NB 673-7761 $295,000-fee Sun 1-5 461 Abbie Ln. (E/Side) CM 631-8011 $179,500 Sun1-5 * *827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1-5 •11 30 Rue Fontainbleau (BigCyn) NB * 19 Curl Or., Jasmine Crk, Vu. CdM 640-1515/1-728-5t51 Sat/Sun t2-5 3 BEDROOM 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669,000 502 I Street, Penin Pt, NB 631-1400 $438,500 # 19 Montpeillier. Hrbr ijidge~ l'JB Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 631-1400 $2,800 Mo. Sun 1-5 33 Mainsail. Corona del Mar 546-2313 $350,000 Sun 12-5 3018 Ceylon Or., Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139.500 229 16th Pl .. Costa Mesa 675-4333 $155',000 11 Rue Ver1e, Big Cyn, Npt Bch Sun 1-4 Sun 1·5 (213) 470-2880 $499,000 Sa/Sn t 1-6 •2031 Yacht Defender. Seaview, NB 644-2167 $445,000 Sat 11-5 587 W. Bay St., Westside, C.M 759-9100 $109,900 Sun 1·4 *2298 Redlands, Newport Beach 631-1400 $248,000 Sat 1-5 * *21 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) NB 675-6000 $695,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 1218 Devon Ln, (W.cliff) NB 631-1266 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $124,900 Sa 1-5/Su 12-4 ·' 1901 Yacht Maria, Newport Beach 646-7171 $339.500 • Sun 1-5 1614 Santanella Terr, CdM 646· 7171 $249,000 Sun 1·5 315 Iris. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sun 2-5 3 BR plua GUEST 2211 Water1ront. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $469,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 2405 Cliff Drive, Newport Bch 631-1400 $820,000 Sun 1-5 124 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, N.B . 675-4562 $645,000 Sun 1·5 #39 Beachcomber. Jasmine Creek CdM 631· 1400 $410,000 Sun 1-5 15 Rue Fontaine (Bg Cyn) NB 760-8333 S97&.ooo 14131 Klee, The Colony, Irvine 644-6200 $169,900 102 Via Koron, Lido Isle, N.B . 644-6200 $686,000 1607 Cornwall (Weetclltt) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-6 108 Turquol9" Balboa leland/NB 631·1'400 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 **305 N. Star (Dover Shore•) NB 6o42·5200 $526,000 Sun 1-5 ~65-4 Sunut Ridge, Laguna Beech •94-1177 Sat/Sun 1·5 DIRECTORY Knp lttl• "-dy dlr-e<tory wltlt you tttl• WHlaettd H yow 90 tlova•·"""tiw. All HM locotlot11 ll•hd below •r• d .. ~rib.d lft CJ'Hter ctet.it by ltd•trll~ eftewhere lft to&ty'• DAILY "LOT WANT AOS. htrcMu •ho•IMJ Of>"' "-te• for HI• or ,..... -..,.d to lltl tvch l11f-.tl011 111 tttlt coNIM •u h S•t\lrdoy Clllld SUl'ldoy. 3 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 4 BR plus FAM RM or DEN 2611 Circle Dr. (Bayshores) NB 645·6218 $299,500-L/F Sun 1·4 * 1472 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 642-2510 $695,000-fee Sat/Sun 1·5 2268 Golden Cir (Upr Bk Bay) NB 642-6446 $299,500 Sat/Sun 10-6 619 W. Bay SI ., Westside, C,M. 759-9100 $115,900 Sun 1-4 1863 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 759-9100 $365,000 Sun 1·5 * *38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-7060 $525.000 Sun 1·5 19crJ Yacht Colina, Newport Beach 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 * * 1036 Polaris, Dover Shores, NB 646-0523 $975,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •3264 I Adriatic, Monarch Bay Terr . Laguna Niguel 494-1177 3422 Sagamore Dr. (Hunt Hrbr) HB 644-7020 $399.950 Sun 1-5 *2007 Holiday Ad. (Baycrest) NB 645-8100 $289,000 Sun 1-6 10261 Wesley (Mer. Grdns) Hunt. Bch 751-3191 $179,000 Sun 1-5 215 Walnut St .. Newpor1 Beach 675-6670 $172.000 Sun 10· 1 1218 Key West. HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee 21 1 Opal, Balboa Island Sun 1-4 675-6000 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 451 1 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $885,000 Sun 1·5 * * 12 Beac6n Bay (Beacon Bay) NB 675-6000 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . 62 Drakes Bay (Spygls) NB 644· 70~0 $495,000 Sun 2·5 · **748 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isl, NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 * 15 Carmel Bay Dr, Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 $595,000-Fee Sun 2·5 1515 Cumberland (Westcllff) NB · 540-1 151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 *512 Rockford Pl., Cameo Hghlnds, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 *204 Via ·Eboll, lJdo Isle. N.8. 673-7300 $595,500 Sa 1-4/Sn 12-3 1718 Port Westbourne. HV Homes. NB 759-1501 $223.950 Sat/Sn 1-5 14 Rue Oeauvllle, Big Cyn, NB . 631· 7300 $599,000 Sat/Sun t -5 *8 Monterey Circ. Spygls HUI, NB 631-7300 $435,000 A Sat/Sun 1-5 616 Marigold. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1301 Dolphln Terrace, Irv. Terr, NB, 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **308 Morning Star Ln, DoverShrs, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2307 Port Carlisle, Newport Beach 675-6000 $229,000 Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 320 Seaward, Cameo Shores, CdM 631-1400 $475.000 Sun 1-5 **2804 W. Oceanfront, Newport Bch 631-1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 1459 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores, NB 644-6200 $465,000-LH. Sun 1-5 * 1452 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, N.B. 644-6200 $465,000-LH. Sun 1·5 9451 Gateshead, Huntlngton Bch 963-6767 $315,900 Sun 12·5 2124 College Dr., Costa Mesa 759-9100 $129,000 * 10521 Newport Ave., No. Tustin Sun 1·5 759-9100 $275,000 Sun 1·4 1589 Skyline. Laguna Beach 494-1177 $255,000 Sun 2·5 760 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-9060 $575.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 *21052 Indigo. Huntington Bch 962-0293 Sal/Sun 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216.000 Sun 1·5 959 Sprlngfleld (Mesa North) CM 645-0303 $150,000 Sun 1·6 3133 Kerry Ln (Hiii of Fame) CM 6o41-8629 $136,900 Sun 1·5 421 Pirate Rd., Newport Hghta, NB 631-1o400 $249,500 · Sun 1·5 2 127 lndlan Spring•, NB 631· 1400 1639,500 418 El Modena, Newport Bch 559-9•00 S•35,()()Q 638 Ful,.rton, Coete M ... 559·9400 S295,000 Sun Mi Sun 1·'* 311 Costa Mesa St, Costa Mesa 759-1221 $199,000 Sun 1·5 2807 Ebbtlde, HV Hills, CdM 644-6200 $515,000 Sun 2·5 * 1801 Antigua Cir, Baycrest. NB 644-6200 $424,500 Sun 1-5 1010 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $325,000 Sun 1-4 · 434 Begonia Corona del Mar 644-7211 $595,000 Sun 1-5 2032 Swan Dr., Mesa Verde. C.M . 557-2472 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1222 Sussex (Westclill) NB 642-5200 $237,000 Sun 1-5 * * 633 Bayside Dr .. Water1ron1. NB 756-6505 $1 ,050,000-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5 114 Via Ensueno. Marinefs 'Pt. SanClem 759-9100 $875,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 **542 Hrbr Island Dr, Prom. Bay, NB 759-9100 $1.200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewlnds, Newport Beach 644-9060 $375,000 Sun 1-5 133 Via Undlne. Lido Isle. NB 644-9060 1007 Tiller Way, HV Hills. CdM 644-9060 $349.000 2015 Windward, Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $349,000 ' * 1 Rue Valbonne. Big Cyn, NB Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 2-5 673-9060 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Winged Foot Ln., Big Cyn. NB 644-4904 $785.000 Sal/Sun 12-4 678 Diamond St., Laguna Beach 494-8595 1590,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 427 -16th Pl, E-Stde, C.M. 644-4910 $229,000-Fee 1251 Surfline Way, HV Hills, CdM Sun 1-5 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Ad, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 * 1412 Santiago (Dvr Shrs) NB 63 H266 $318,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 •3165 Bermuda, Costa Mesa 631-1266 $150,000 Sun 1·6 4912 Corkwood (Univ Pk) Irv. 760-8333 $240,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 222 Via Palermo, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $389,000 Sun 1·5 937 Azalia, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $182,500 Sat/Sun 10-4 * 101 Via Florence, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-5 d 8 Rue Villars. Big Cyn. NB 640-6137 $775,000 Sun 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $585,000 Sun 2-5 1749 Port Hemley Cir, HVHomes. NB 644-9060 $395,500 SuA 2-5 **319 Morningstar Ln, Dov. Shrs, NB 644-9060-FEE Sat 1-4/Sun 2-5 4931 Loriann, Callf. Homes, Irv. 759-1501 $138,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian, Hrbr Ridge. NB 760-1900 $1 ,600,000 Sun 2-5 * 1132 Ebbllde, Harbor Vu Hills 760-1900 $695,000 2021 Port Bristo! Circle. NB t Sun 2-5 760-1290 $347,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 * 1244 Polarls Dr .• Dover Shores, ~B 631-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Big Canyon, NB• 631-7300 $850.000 Sun 1-5 * 1924 Leeward Lane, Baycrest, NB 63 1-7300 $939,000 ' Sun 1-5 1530 Ani1a Lane, Hrbr Highlands, NE 631-7300 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1944 Flamlngo Dr., Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, NB 675-30o48/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Dr. (Dover ShoresJ NB 5o48-5647 $'420,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 I BEDROOM * •108 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isl, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1·5 * •219 Via Lido $oud, Lido 1e11 760·}900 $1 1995,000 · Sun 2·5 5 TWln Laket Cr., Spyglut, CdM 760-1488 $459,000 Sun 2·5 * '*4028 Channel Pl, Nwpt Isl., NB 873·0202 $965,000 Set/Suri 11-5 . Set/Sn 1-5 -·----.-..-.. 1 5 BA plue FAM AM or DEN *35 Goleta Pt (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $795,500 Sun 1-5 * 117 La Rama, North Tustin 731-3777 $89!S,OOO * * *29 Beechwood (WClbrg) Irv. 551 ·6829 $410,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *2752 Bayshore Dr. Bayahrs, NB 759-9100 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2157 Miramar, Bal Penln. N.B 673-9060 $395,000 1520 Highland Dr, Westcllll, NB 644-9060 $455,000 Set/Sun 1·5 * li9 MUir Beach Cir, CdM 631-7600 $2.2 mllllon Sa/Sun/Wed 1-5 * # 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Adg) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * #3 Muir Beach (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $2,295,000 1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $260.000 Sa 10-2/Su 1·4 * 1,12 Winged Foot, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $699,950 •35 Aldgellne Dr, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,650,000 * 70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon 760-1900 $1 ,595,000 14941 Rancho Cr., Irvine 979-5370 $159,900 * 1608 Galaxy Dr, Newport Beach 631-3550 $849,900-fee Sun 1·5 * * 2500 Bayshore Dr, Bayshrs, NB 631-7300 $1,650,000 Sun 1-5 * *401 North Star, Dov Shrs, NB 548-1188 $1,495,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 ' 6 BR plUI FAM RM or DEN * 1848 Newpor1 Hills Dr. E .. NB 644-7020 $495,000 938 Via Udo Soud, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 233 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 2-5 7 BR, pfua FAM RM or DEN * 110 Via Trieste, Lido Isle, NB 631-7300 $875,000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM *300 Cagney Ln # 107. Versailles, N.B. 631-2918 $120,000 Sat/Sun 11·6 2 BEDROOM 1973 Vista del Oro, Bluffs. NB 760-8816 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 100 Scholz Plza Ph. 10 Vers'ailles, NB 631-7300 $259.500 Sat/Sun t-5 * 1738 Westcliff Dr, Westolf. NB 673-7300 $119,000 2 BR plus FAM RM or D!N 21801 Ocean Vista Dr, So.Laguna 499-1771 $258,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 3 BEDROOM 1984 Vista Caudel, Bluffs, NB 760-8816 $315,000 685 Vista Bonita. The Bluffs, NB 631-7300 $229;000 *2428 Vista Hogar, Bluffs, NB 673-7300 $124,500 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 2645 Vista Ornada, Newport Bch 640-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 117 Rue Vlllars, Big Canyon. NB 759-9100 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 TWNHSE/CONDO FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM •25 Canyon Dr., Big Canyon. NB 759-9051 $249,000 Dly 3-5/7 -9 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR plut 1 BA 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 ,$309.500 4 BR r.lue 1 BA * * 132 S. Bayfron , Bal Isl.. NB 631-1400 $1,595,000 Sat/Sun 1-S I 8R plu1 3 BA 509 Acacia (Oceanside of hwy) CdM 645-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 HOUSES FOR RENT 5111 M plue ,AM ftM or DIN 1930 Port ChtlMa, Newport Bch 644·09G7 $1800 ltaM Sat/Sun 10-45 4 8't ptut ,AM "M or DIN 1939 Port ~ Pl., N.8. 8o44·8053 Set/Sun 1.f .. : •• ft. _J • Orange Co111 DAILY Pll.OT/8unday, Auguat 28, 1882 ~~~1~7A!1!ou~!J Fllr..'. h!1ltt ••••..•• lhampoo & llMm clM n Ooior brlgnt1ntt1, wlll orp11 • 10 min. blHah Hall, 1111/dln. rm1•11; 1.g room 11.50, couch t 10, cl\r 10. Ouer. ellm. .,., ooor. Ori>t ~air 16 yra up Do work myHll "411• 831.0101 f1..'.'Hf. !!m'~~!~. flll.•.1('!f •••••••••••• l:~~11.c •••••••••••••• !~!f!(~~.l!f! ••••. ~~!!!f ..••.•......... , HAULIMO & OL!AN·UP IUIOlll • •••L p t laby11t1ln11 In my hom•, nr Victoria, C M 149-1482 O.C0t11or 1t)'ll Int, baa, m1n1a11, llbrarl... high •1)'11 r11Nd panel wall• & c.lllng Lkl &38·2388 ... OWING • CLl!AN UPS YdelgerlO" Prop mgl -rut O• Moving Low ,Hr"11u111n 1 g L1nd]!l2~_>1ng7 l3l.o9ll31131-oeea tor I~ Pro1 ... 1on1t thal r1111, f1n1ullc wrvlc• '°'. 30 day Id r ,... t90 tlmply dOMn't hav1 Ille 51111 wide. Vlu • MIC .JeMa.'• Oatdlnlng OARAOI! OLl!ANO'i:il'? time, i nd lot 1veryon• ln1ur1d 843·1462 C1I. 111 lhe .... , h!tt~'M.fftt~ ... JAYI "IPl!AKIASY" Prof llarttndlng 8"11 Ally occlllon. Prtbt bar ,,...,,,, c ... n-upe, lfM trim a We wilt n1ul •"'•Y your conc1rn1d with 111tu1 T· 137, 124 malnt ..,11 640-9030 IUnk free lor tn. uHbl4t Flat dMlgn '"· 13 per aq ---------N.tT ..... UffllY .••••.•............... •KATRINA'S L1Ve·IN t1•pre. dally m.id MrV, olllce ol11n1ng, crpt clMnlng 936-2110 111 , 0 w. w • )' • 0 0 n II WI Wiii .. 11 •• co•I , J ,. " Atlllea Lla4tutlec 409-3404 plua 20% 1a9.14oe Po .lW.]'.C ••• !!.~~ ....• EXCEL CAAPPl CAFll! TrM trim, gen. clnupe, •UH H•l•f. loll 6120 &.Ibo• lllland, Nunu Au'1 ror l\ome aemenl work. fr .. nl. •• , ••••• ••••• • ....... 926e0 car• avail lmmed , luUy 1·819·76U/621·81.C 1 18fhHI hmln 00 NOWI bl hr laa4re Your Dally Piiot SefvlOt Dl~IOl'y ...•...••....••....... JICk 84.iHlngton Own_,/OC*ator C11pol, upllOI, llfH rug cl .. olng. Wotlt gult frM Eat 840• 1771 ~'-~~1!~1. ....... . Clll 54g.10Q4 tn)'1im. R08J~'8 CLEANINQ --------ln1 838·5883 Vick II , a.rllh . I thoroughly J...,.l,.tl•I 1·921· 1000 R•Pr•~l1tlv1 141-MH, eat. au 11!!.-.~'!!!l. ~!!!~.I! ••• ApPli.d, ,._lppllld, guilt., ln1ured, llc'd. 4 I '891. 730-1900 ''" Mllma111. ~~a!.~'.'! ••••..•••.•• REAL ESTATE RMldenUal/Comm'I 673-1\}19 OENERAL BUSINESS SERVICES Help tor 1m111 b\ltln•M 1 phon1 call away Rec· ordk11plng, lex prep, 8u•t1111u counu11ng 4\l&-1255 f !~~~!/.~~'!!!!!~ •...• Cem1n1-M1eonry·Block Wall•·Cuet work lie. f!.~J]'.~!.'!~~-~I....... #381057 Rob 547-2883 Ceblnell 6 Carpentry Concr111-am111 or tge Small job• & Repalre tcbe, Remove, replace or FrM E1tlmalo1 84!5-2003 _r_e_p_al_r_64_5_·_8_5_12 __ _ KITCHEN FACELIFT Orlvea·Pat101•Walk1 A 1 ti I I kl NO JOB TOO SMALL IS y ng IX It no I · ""r-ISi 53•.2•"'7 enen cab wlr"I wOOd .-~ " "" Save HS nowt 842..088 1 CAii' Cui Doore replec.d, dOOfW1y1 added, French, 1n1ry. ou•tom & l f\terlor Ml-11128 anytime. fll lllQ .... ~ hOUN 6'40·~857 •••••1••• •••••••••••• • L•wn·tr .. ..ntub ln11an Col"lpl111 jenfll'·t•I '" TrM lrlmtremoval Jo.n'• Cluntng Service vlcll. 1rat•,1d 11a11, L•wn MIJntl AOIOlllllnQ HOUllH·APll·Renl•I• bonded & one. Unlet11r) Frll Hllm•I• 848.0085 OfflOtt &•O.t287 8y11ama o f Npl 8ch. 860·1200 D""'•JI OUALllY WEEDING & TIRED OF llASSLES? ·•1•••••••• .. ••••••••• M1101 Rtmimber Iha 3 Ouellly oleanlng help 11 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC R'i : ReHonable, Rolla-_,,., __ ,_1 _R_11_1_1l60_·_74_52 __ Rep1tr1, 1m1 Job 191<: 11 yr1 111p. Bud S52·061e ble, Rick 41}7-3070 OIAL·A·MAIO Ouallly & -S-,----0----~t Serv NrA1 Your Phone wa111exturea-Acou1Hc mmoni ardenlng -1361148 5"40·4000 H111g·T~teel itud• Cln-up1, lawn care, full --------- Lie. 380944 1·532-55•9 ~~: rllld mtlnl HOUNciHnlng, IX!)«,,.. DRYWALL TAPINO llable, Englleh 19ffklng All Texture• & Acouatlc GARDENING SERVICE 642·61128 free eal Kevin 875·9088 CIH n-up1, tree 1erv 6. HOUSECLEANER hauling 641·1098 Piie wtlh IXl>'f 101m·5pm ~~!~!~~!''·········· Yard Malnl. & Cle1nup Sod. aprlnkt111. roto, Ir" rmvt. drainage, hlll· 1tdl "''•di ng Brian 586·2253 ~~!l.N!. ........... . Ylllt WILLI ----------• ..................... . -,.--~-.-,-----1 Cu .. •tn HARBOR TRINITY PRE· IJHlt/HJ .. ml ••• ,-.-••• -,•·••••••••••• SC ... OOL o•y C •RE •••••••••••••••••••••• Bllf'f.••• ·····················o ' n ,. ,. c c Driveway•. Ptrl<lng Lot oor n1ng ng. remodel, CENTER. Coate Me•• ELE TAI IAN-Prtced ••• ·• •••••••••••••••• 541-07021838-0403 APT & HOUSECLEANING Relleble, exp. rel. Hrly For a lr11 tact •l'IMI. c111 Herry Weate, Allorney at Law. 553·0290 ,., •• 957.3341 • I ' •• ~!!,!1 ••.......•.... Houaecleen ng, OO<I pre-BRICKWORK: Smell Jobe parellon & •hopping by N-port Co1111 Meae couple. Xlnt 1oc111 ref• lrvlne Rel• 975.3175 642-5937· Repelra, Seetcoallng, c1bln111, paneling, ale. Opening Sept 13 full right, lree es1lma1e on Ber '• Maln1enenc1 Serv S&S Aephll 831•4199Lk: Painting, cemenl. Rel1. and ,.., day care. 7AM 10 t1rge or 1m1111 jab•. P umb-etec-01rpenlry Jerry 648"'4413 6PM. Regtater NOW lie. 396621 673-0359 Painting Cell 98-4-5231 Dan Hallberg Grading FREE HTillATHI Corner Baker & Fairview. l.IC'O ELECTRICIAN HJREO HANO, Will t1ct:~~,;o. R::~~mo Reasonable ptlcee: lall. 556-4335 or 556-7787 Oval work-Rees rttee TRAVELI Many dlve<ee proleulonat work 2 cerlllleo pre-school tar.. free 191 Tom 63 t-5072 chores Wiiiie 842•3491 Brlckwork-1mall or tga ROOFS • DRIVEWAYS custom work 1001 No Job chars w/llcensed day ElECTRICIAN CALL HANDYMAN JIM Custom home cleanlng & job• 100's local ref• low.ti price guarlnleed loo 1m1ll or too blgl Ca· care 'l'r & full d1y 1v1ll Sml fob1/Rep11lre. Lie M1lnt . plumb-repair, comrlate meld aervlce Since 1969 845-8512 Don't well Vic 875-7794 blne11, kitchen r1modet CM 645-2209 233108·C· IO. 5'C8·5203 painting Ree/comm'I Pro · bonded & Ina & II I • d 1 "'3• ""57 5.,.368 un1c101n Sy1tem1 ot Npt v lrl•• llHk lttll Al,.111.n n 5':..,e cba,rpenb ry .. ,. 'Greveya.rd Shilt' lie chlld RESIO/ COMM'L/INO "' ""'"'" / _. 4 8ch 850· 1200 -• ••••••••• -••••••••••••• elect/ .,.um u tnett Cltll, lge f .V home, c c I ALL TYPES MASONRY p:r:::4:!·: '1~~ .. c~:i!i1~ ~~~1~r~:::1~r1 d~ ~~j p I en I y o I •22' PT 0 rm I ~~ y~a78~ ,m~1o:'e~~2\ Pl~~~'Zr;ln ~e"a~~O !'.!!!!!tJl!I ••••.... •. t'-L_tc_3_4_1l_47_9 __ 8_3_8_·3_8_t_2 bual. tnltlal con8'Jllalfon Call Brad •I $6/nflo 841• 7 **NORTH STAR•* Electrlcat • Tiie Reeponslble cpl, mid 30'1 Iii fr ... 553-0290 (l1C) 171-HIO C .. tr•tl•ll G.Ht•I Electrical Conlractor R11le Don 968-0149 tooklng 10 llouteall 11111 •• ~!!~f .............. . ----------1----'--''-------1 ••••• • ••••·'••• •••••• • lie New service 220 B I' 1ummer We'll care tor • ABC MOVING • •t~lttl•t. Mesler cralt1m1n epoctal· REMODELI AOO-ONS clrculla. 24 hr 6.c5_4174 .... ~.'!'A•••••••••••••• pl1nta, houee. etc Cell Oulak, Carelul Sandee. ••0• :1·,·11••tt•t;t••;1•tt•1•,•1••• ty, remodellng 8 finish. 6 Carpentry. Llc'd 25 ----------1 DUMP JOBS l<en Haven, 760·6078, Free estimates 552-0410 • • 499·3105. yrs exp. lrwln 548-2719 f•r•il•ll ••fl•i•i & Small Moving Jobs rats 1vall. llc'd, bonded agency HARDWOOD INTERIORS Custom ram o d 1I1 • C~~~o·:n··;.:eir°nj::1•n•g:~·u•rn' Cell MIKE 646-1391 f•l•dll Ih~'1_Ht *A-l MOYl•I* c. "g!,~~d e~~y~~ing Addtllot)a-remod'1-doore additions. free eat Qua-& tnlttlors-Ai[' Ro~elra __ H_A_U_L-IN_G_·_G_R_A_D_t_N_G __ , .DE°StaN·coNSULTANT0 ~0~a~~~,~~: :~~11~~~·• Agency. C•ll 845-3746. Palloe. Smlll lObl, 100 Illy 2nd 10 none. Bandel Call for est 644-5294 demollllon, cle•n-up. R11/cornm 6 boat do-C-Ompollllve R111et 760-2685 5-46-8854 Const Lie 418 570 -----·-----1 Conae111 & trM removal. sign. ASIO dealgna<: es No overtime 730·1353 lnlanl IO 3 yrs. my C.M. 546-•271 fhnt I• Quick eerv. 842·7638 degree fleH 6'$5-4782 ~~~14:io~ h;5:~~3ellc. ff!l!.1.1!!!!!!........ • ........... ' ... • ..... !.!f............ PROF SERVICE Oeelgn proleealon1I. ISIO, s;:~~~~~sc~~~~~~ ----------• No StaemtNo Snampoo lie. 306888. Remodel, TIEES Haullng • yrd clean up restccrnm 1p1ctallst CO. LI<: T124"'438 llP'l IAIYllTTlll Stein Spocltllll F1tt Add'na. Ceblnets Topped/removed. Clean OuiCk & Clean free esl 847-2378 tor tree con· Insured 641·8427 C.M. anta. 6-48-5759 dry. frM ail 839· 1582 646-8586/845"'464• up. llwn renov. 751-3476 873-0548 1Ul1. WATCH US GROWi !~!~!!~I ............. . PIH Pll.Tlll by Richard Sinor. Lia 2806~_. 13 yra of happy tocat au11omere Thank you, 83 I 44 10 Cullom work, ln1 & ••I. flc'd 20 yre In atll. rel• Hiit b (7 14) 521·8012 1111 530PM L BATES PAINTING SPECIAL! Ext "SOI ~00. 2 lly S5SO 845·9383 CANYON PAINTING -14 yr1 tn 0 C Satiate !Ion guar 494·'4641 QUALITY PAINTING Extllnl, reas rates Lie 8348278 536·2368 EXTERIOR PAINTING Custom work free 111 R1111 + tine tn1 6 s111I· nlng Steve 547·4281 RALPH'S PAINTING lmla•I. Reu rates Rel free est 536-9898 Plllnllng our lamlly lr&dl· 1lon for over 100 yr1I lntlexl. Lie. 346252 l'ree HI 661·3998 OllTDM PAllTIH 25 yrs up lie. 403941 Bonded. Ins Reis. Cotor expert 963-0911 Dick Biii's Painting, lnl/ax1 Flesldlcomml 6 Y" exp S Cst area High qual & ma1er111ts. Lo price Free 1111 Refs 496-5 717 OUALITY WORK • nael, reas . honu1. Rafe. lie 287 107 Dave ea.. 1045 l!!.l/~1. ..•.••...••••• .. •I • a I r I -P 1 I n ti n Q , ROOF R!PAJA re•ldentl•t·commerclel 8PfCIALIST' 1211·118& Compl111 lnt .. lll Kitch• Fr• HllrnalAI n0-2726 1n cabinet rellnt1n111g 6. 667·42&~ •• !r.~1 ••...•••••••••. PAINTER Nl!OS M081LE Sl!fMCl WOIU<I 30 yre l•P. Int/ ~.n1IPMw 1era.11 1111 Acou11tc c1lllng1 NB/CM 642·11561 l~ 388780 Fr11 Ml Oav11 P11nt1ng 847 & 1118 ~~!!rJn!~~~ ..... Al11m Co IL~'d) ~Ill 1y111m1 lor no me ,~ .. ti•• b\lalnlll See 1Utv9)' ••'•-.••A••••••••••••• •ttlmate ftM tJ.45 .. 5081 Far1n1ng 1111.,1or OetJgn HANOINGI S TRIPPING l•tl•k/ltl VI .. MC Stoll 845-9325 .,-• • • • 0 •••• • • 0 ••• • 0 •• • • 8EFl\/1CE 6 REPAIR ASA PAPERHANGING Van Oppen1 Service Co 1 yra 100111 e..p Guar (7 t41 83e-4000 w ork Prlc11 ttarl al '''/ 18/roll Alec 979-0863 • • ..•••.•......•.....•.. EaPet 1 w1lleoverlng In· Ctiuek For T1141 Work 11111a11on Ree• prlc•• Fr" flt Oya 840·5188 Con1ullan1 A11lgnm1nt Eve. wtin01 e75·St00 _5_8_1._8_590 ______ 1 ftH '-"'" 111 C111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••• I LOW RATES S Cerllltld Houee Sitters Tree !rimming & removal, Bonded S 11 /day (every all cl111nup1 & mowing 3rd wll lree) 631·1234 55'C·7017 !!!!~!~.!'!~~!~t ••••.• Coneulllllon & Hend Mada frames 40 years E11pt1rl1nce. 646-5141 r1~~!!!I.~!~{~ ....•.• ED'S PLASTERING Neel patchN, lnllexl Re11uccos 645·8258 PLASTER PATCHING R1111ucco1 lnlle111 30 yra Neat Paul 545·2977 ~!."!~!!!'!11.•!r.!! ... ROOM ADDITIONS Honesi,Rellable & Rele· r41noes JC&B Const. Lie. R347877 974°7665 llPEllH TIH IUV101 "Tree Work with 1 Con· science" Trimming & rtmoval by Howat d Doi· loll P 0 Bo• 3-4. Coe111 MUI , Ca 92827' Pn 842-1932 .... ~'.~~ •............ Moll aub~ll. K-14 011yl ev1 S5 & $ 10/nr Mr Morg111 845-5176 !!~~!~ .~!~~~!f ••••. "l411 Iha Sunahlno In" Call Sun1hlne Window Cle11ntoo. Lid. 548·8853 20•1. Monthly OllCO\Jnl LET US MAKE YOUR WINoqws SPARKLE! Salli gu11r 83\l-5337 Remod 6 additions. tree design & est Ouel 6 tow r111H S1ev11. 752-9~6 !!!~l!~!!!!'!f •••••• IHlial. Computer word procea- • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • ••••• sing Fut, accurate lef'v Huber Roollng-all types Reas r111es Nolary Free New-recover-docks pkup & delivery Len. Uc 1141 t802 548·9734 761·1314 ~~~~'!.~~'!! ~e.~'!!!~!!.!~!1!!~ ~1!;~~!~.'!l!!~I!!~ A,.,;~;:~::;,,,, . A,.;1;··:· '" A'1'~:~:::.,,, ~.~'!! .••••..•••• !."!!'! ~!!'.! .. 1!.!!.!~!!.'.!J.~ ~!!'.W!.!t~~~!!.!.t. ~.'!'.~·.'!.!! •. ~!.'! ..... . •••tl•it•• 111,,,..11 lt•li 3111 c.,t• ,,,,. 31Z4 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ~.~!~.!••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Lg bdrm, pvt beth, pool, OtAtT MllllMATES Female roommate to ahr MALE TO SHARE Jt •A 3140 •t•0 "••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••• •It.. 1111•' JIOf .. t Jt A Jiii garage. wl d , no •mo· Hat"beeullfut homes In 280 2BA lownhouse In NWPT SCH CONDO •••••!!'••••••••••••••• BEACHFRONT RENTAL 1 Avallable nowt 1 Br. tar· •••••••••••••••••••••• H••tl•JI•• • .'.'!r.! •••• ~!••••••••• king. $300fmo. 518·8058 Lagune-Oane Pt 10 strere N.B. I block from bth. 1146-4224 ISTAn llYl•I bdrm, and 2 bdrm port, pool 6 teundry No 2 BdR 11011 1. no pets,S6y0rl0y, lf•d 3140 NO FEEi Apt & Condo Employed, non-emoklng !g~_o1,o9~ up D nay mNd0.~~nulbll.drr11m,erfu.rrneq .. S300Call Good eddreu (E 81ull, W I n I er O t ye a r I y pets $•25/mo 931 W In ry llC I, deck, •••••••••••••••••••••• rentals VIiie Rentals. F N OCC ,. ,. ,. " Be1ulllut perk llke aur '" · resp. em "' · Dave 548.0343 N B.), quiet, for mllure. roundlngs. Terraced _6_74·1573, 6-48-5902 19t'1 St. 548.041}2 875-0349. 1Br, expensive llv rm wt 675-491 2 Broker S225, S50 da(> ll57-83ll0 I R t buey e.uc Pvl ball't. pool. Sunken gas bbq, C.•t• .... JIZ4 _$3_2_5_· _B_ll_Ch_e_tor_a_p_t.-3-3-3 .. ,... lrplc, ref rig, gourmet kit ''' HlllYI m Laguna stach Motor Inn ., ..... • :Shr 2 br. 2 be C.M. apt. $ 3 0 0 ' n 0 n -• f'll k r ' eperkllng lount11lns •••••••••••••••••••••• E. 21st C.M Apt B·O 1t•l•••I• 3101 & din rm, gar. lennla. 8 C Con1ac1 largest Gay nlo.ly decor, fully furn. 844-0369 (•VII mostly) Specloul roomi. Sepa· 1U.2 II, I U . 645_65890 6o45-Sl03 •••••••••••••••••••••• pool,j1C,clbhse,cioseto NEW glted 20 Town· 9 5 N Pacific II Hwy Male female service In $250/mo + ,_, utlts. --------- rill dining area. Walk-In Newly decor Gaa pd, 2 bdrm, 2 ba n-ar dpt~ beh $550 mo 536-1980 ~ou~TT~IL2L:G3E B~O~~ ty~~~~~lc~.«;,hav~t·~~ So C1lll 540-6716 645-931}() all 5 WastcllH area, pool, wtd. cloHll, home Ilk• kltch-encl gar, dwshr, pool. Spacioua 2 Story 2BR l'l'r yrly. Mlturo non-1mkrs, TOWllOlll RlllTllS Be l600·1800 sq II ol winier r111os. 494·5294 f rmmle, $300/mo. ullls 2 F 10 shr 3 bf, 2 .... ba ~~,Y~~-r::29otmo en & cablneta Walk lo bbg. Adullt, no pels BA. pool, pvt patio, ur-no poll. $750 X 3 2 br ,..., be, $550 pure tu~ury Garages. pd, Nwp\ Snores, NB CdM dpl11. 1011. 1240 --------- Hunllnglon Center. 642-5073. port, children 01(. no 2131799-4195. 257-9792 3 br 1,.., b•. $600 spas In every home • Laguna Beach, 1118 coo· area, nr beach 845-2547 mo Sue 759-1174 Male 35·•5 lhr 5br, 2ba I Bdrm.furn, $505 PETS, $475/mo. 2310 or (714) 673-3988 Opply for opt to "'~ master suite. d i ning king, parking erea Nr S hae nr SC PllLtal frwy, 2 Bdrm·furn from $605 Sama Ana Ava 845-30171----------_, bus . 4 9 4 • 6 I 7 8 , NB. 1 blk lrom bch. 295, Foml pvl room & balh, Spa 1225+ahar• uuta. 2 Bdrm-Townhouse !um, or 213-375-8107 $425. I br. ullls pd. 417 E Call 545·3367 room1, wood burolng 540-7158 F/non-smkr, 2 Br condo. compt household prv. 641_4943 f om 1875 ._..8 11-.lfJIU Bay 811lbo11 No pol a 1 & 2 BR. M""s bcn livinn, llrept11cea. micro-wave 675-0563 Metlsaa CM S290/mo. '.~ ullt. ---------' ~ ~ S3951mo. 1 Br 1 Ba. en· 547· llSS """' ... ovens, private patios 6 Furn room for rent. Ptlv •----------"'31-04 1" ••1F -1n ....-... nomo No"''· UllllOM-lreel ap••T111m ciao garage lndry rm •----------~., round, 4so 8 up, y11rd1,g11rdanar provl· home, kllch prlv Me111 M/F' lo 1hr 3Br apl, N.8 v c ... mo • ., ~·~r LA QUINTA HERMOSA -pallo/ yard s'mall pel ok' VEARLY RENTAL no pets. 22012th11. 219 ded Elegant living only v er de Are a wk $320 mo + •,; u tll M/f prolea1lonal 22-30 lo ~~.:;,~11d8~,1~. clo:.'if~ 16211 Perklllde Ln, 1 blk Beautlfutly la(ldlcaped avall Sept' ' I bdrm $500 Cpla, 15111 SI. 15 minutes from Fashion 6 4 2 . 4 5 4 8 , h 0 me 575.7797 shr 2bd Iba apt In CdM. 642_3277 W. of Beach, 3 btks S. 01tden •P1•· Pool & Spa. TSL Mgmt. e.42·1603 drapes 675·6606 •·c-O_N_0_0_3_B_R_.-,-,..,-B-e-.-.n-. 1s111nd. 7 minutes 10 S.C 549·98•7 1----------Non-smkr. S300/mo + ---------of Edlngor ... 847·5«1. Covered perking No side lndry rm. $850 Ptaze or 0 C Airport __________ ,Shr 2Br, 2Ba. pool, jec, ulll 11111111 + dep. Mlf lo shr 2Br, 1Ba apt, .. •-·-a. 31'~1 pets. $550/mo. 2 Br 1•,; 81 Sml 28 1b11 gar apt. Bay 536 3978 8•7 •437 Juel •••' or Newport Unturn. room av111f now, +So,,L cs,,•, ~1~9 .• 508$2240 mo 760·8238 eveelwknd $385 mo. Incl utll & car· -...rt-• v Bach $410 10 1415 Townhouse, balcony, In· vu, gar 8'>. WIO, $600, w • or '" "'" · beach apl, N.8 . Empt n u """ . ""'I 875-0282 ··-·""••••••••••••••••• 1 Sr. 1485 to $470 dry rm, car port, alt bll· 1}79-6371, h 673-8276 WALK TO BEACH Blvd. a 90• 01 San Diego only $100. 675-8319 Reap female non-smkr 10 Fem wenled 10 shr nice _ .. ;,__-·--------THE 2250 V~ard Ins Avall Sept. C.ll•I ,,1 ll•t JIZZ Bacn.Jor, 11ove & ratrtg, :3 t~39~ :4~g ~r:1n:e -0-0-0-d-•d_d_r_e_s_s_(_E_B_l_u_ll-i, ahr turn 28r 2Ba nr bch 2Br apt $285 pr mo & S350 + utll, fom lo lhr hM 540-9626 or 2·4905 TSL Mgm1 642· 1603 •• •••••• •••••• ••••• ••• all utll• pd, &350 mo Ave., Colla ~ N.B I. quiet, for mature. S300 All utll lncl:d 111t & ~ 11 ~~~~ "a4~r :o"8," r • 8:/~le·8~1J79'f1"iJll· S~1 2 Sr 1 Ba. $425 $530-$540/mo. 2 St 1 ea BAY View, walk to bch, lg S36-797f busy exec Pvt bath 1u1 062-5000 eves arner • pel Y H~ooo 3 Br. 1 Yi ea $'4 76 1 11ory, lhag «Pl, drp1, newer. 2 bd, gar . no •-.--A-11-,8-01-,v-.-3-e_r _2-...,-b-•-. Non . 1 m k r s 3 o o Prol snr 38r tux hm 1245, SUPER 4 br, spa, tennis G.r••H l•r li•I 4lll g Laundry lee , pool patio, trplc, beamed oil· pet•. S800 6-44-128· apll M . trplc. 111ct g11r 8"44-0389(evosmoelly) .,., uttl Emplyd , no court•. ltpl, $275 mo ••••'••••••••••••••••• LIFE'' ~8-9556 12-7PM. llngs, enclld garage 2 er, den trptc, patio, $615, 842·289)' Compt lurn, WHhlng emo ke, Lag H iit• 759·1428 Limited acc•11. for eto- TSL Mgmt. 842•1603 11apa to beach Sll50 · COUNTRY CLUB LIVING done. TV lncl'd Working 831· 1198 fem roommate wamod to rage only Hunt Ben "'l!!ltfi---· $325. ulllltles Incl Sm 1 Oerrell 759-l22I, agent. lrri•t 3144 IN NEWPORT BEACH men. Reas. 536-a544 F 8 1 1 1h11re turn Ocean Fronl downto wn l 50 t mo YEAA-ftOUNO FUN: '"' -=-.e bd. 1682 N-port Blvd, RE/MAX •••••••••••••••••••••• A 10111 environment ---------Ml shr • ' hse, rv ne, wlntar ren111t. Lag Bch _9_60_·_1_19_7 _____ _ 'UllL' .. _. OM 831 7392 Woodbridge condo. 2 1 ROOM unlurn prvl en-$290 mo + 'I• ulll Ml-Avall 9115. $325. Single car glr.,.,., etor......, Soclat Acllvllle1 Olrec 1or •fre1 s .u n d • y Brundl•BBQ'1• PanlH•P1us .,.,. -DHI 1•1•1 3126 bdrm. 2 bl. $600 mo. ~~!'L~~'r c~:';.u;r:~.~~ trance Iller• batn. 1150 cheel 551-2255 l-240-7005 efl 6 PM only, North ~ta M-Be11utlfut garden 1p11, Clean 2 bd, encl g1r, w/d •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-8920 al1 8 0< wknda clubl'tou•• end l\eallt mo. lat & la11. $75 aec. & Fem. to shr 2 br c .M $60/mo 5.48-7214 Patlceldecil1. HMt petd. nookup, patio. 2 people. 1 Br, lrg k11, ullls pd, 1450 •P•. 8 tennl• courti, 7 cleaning. 648-2042 house w/seme. $225, Mlf 10 ehr CdM l'toute: 2 --------- No poll 2 chlldr•n _,_ $475. 642-0481 mo 496-8804 enl. ' .. IHd 314 pool I bull . f be Ill,''" & dep. 642-3251 roe bf'I , I ba. frplc, MJn. Ollitt ••• ,., 4411 much more Qft(AT ftECllEATI O N : come. 0 ag •~I.~••••••••••••••••• I a. c °rM h10, t noasl d em. nr hi beaut spa.. cJectc. & 'ndry 3 bf~s from •• • • •• • ••••• • ••• • • ••• • 2 Br 2 Ba $5e5 REDECORATE 2br 1 Sludlo. ·~ btk to beach, a rport, .-H on •en clou• mastr br, wt prvt lnl'I etewardeu wlll shr beach $360/mo, ullls Ul0111Yl ArTll 398 W Wiiton ba duplex w/s~ o•· B•alhtt•• unturn $385 Incl ulll Con111nlen1 eno~ or be pool, 11gn1 uee of kll & l\lrn CdM epl gar 911 Incl 875·1721 tRVINE Phone •n•w•- Tenn ls •free LMIOMI (pro & pro ehopJ•2 Healll't Clubs•Seuna• HydrorneSNge" SwtmmlfMl•Golf OrMng Range 81!AUTIFUL APARTMl!NTI: 631·5583 or 642 .. 905 rage, $530 559-1 ... f 3140 L 11 a e 4 9 4. 2 7 9 7 • ::. ~~~r~~ tplt ,':! gar S37Smo 968•5082 1400 675-5148 fem 10 el'tr 2 BR 2 Be, ring, cont rm, ulll pd, Leroe 2 Br. 1 Ba wllh 3 Br 2 Ba, blHn•. 111 & WALK0T0°BEACH0~ 493.7137 or 494·5410 1owmou-. 2 rooms, 1175 .. Coat• F 25 plus. non smoke. CdM 1p1 1337 mo actry 11rv1. etc Aleo garage. dlw laundry rm depoall $650 631·3537 1tov1 6 relrlge, gaa & 1540 . S1000 Maae Aval! 9 /l Call prof 10 Shere 3br. 2b• 833·9887. 673-1775, deek 1p1c• &150/up. $"495 CNptox, 2 br. 1 ba. crpte. water paid $30 /(!lo •r.Ntt J.•1i Jlf Several b~ Ind 1 eny1tme 850-9160 house on 8111. Isle 673-113"0 540·9745 Also lrg 2 Br 1 Sa 1490 drps, gar . patio, clean. 538-71l79 ••••'°;•••••••••••••••• Bdrm unfl1 laa1ure tine B•ltll lllllll 4100 675-5216 f rmmle 10 lhr 3 br house, -450--aq--11-$-1-.00--pw--eq- Avell 9.1 645-8625 Nr achls. No pell $525 2 bd, 1 be, ~ mite from llJ, ..... Vltw designer furniture end ••••••'••••••••••••••• f to inr 3 br, 2 ba apt, on E/Slde CM $22.5/mo. all II • 4001 Birch .. N.B. Don't wall only 1 large 3 Br avall with 2 Ba., P•· llo, In quiet trea. large pool. $675. 645-3381 or 875-5949. 548·723'4 beecn Avert Sept Arches at Otd Newpon ~s.sorl4tl Move In lo· IUUll lltTIL Canal, NB. $320 total. ulfll I n cl. Lorene Agonl 541 ·5032 Nr Ulth/Pornona, 1 Br 1 988-4218 Blvd Large Bachelor llPI day or r1M~e tor •um· Wkly rentata now ''"" 675· 7500 Chuck 549·3421, 548.,.927 1617 WHlcllff, N.B. 258 Slngte1, 1 & 2 Bedrooma•Furnlstled & Unfurnlehed•No P111•Models Open dally 9 to 8 B11. upalalrs, O/W, car-•----------1550 775-1141} ev mer monlha. Smartly S 105 & up Color TV I 4000 .. 1 t .. ~. M&lt•ER'S WALi lurnlshed mod1l1 or:uin Phonea tn room 227 4 Mature. reap person lo Young Profesalon111. open ° sq. "· 1 · '""" · porl, waler pd, 1 chlld l 1 & 2 b fW h 1 $750/mo 3 Br. 2 Ba. en· dally N......,.,., Blvd. CM snr 3 br 1wnhae, Tualln, minded male Mele• same Agent 5-41-5032 OK. no pets $450. Agl , ge r n "ap s, clad garage. walk to ~ .. .,.....' •"OOI + •L 11 C 11 I 2 bd 2 b I I 01kwoo .. ..... .,.,.. .. . '9""'11 .... / ... 880 lrvlne I "'•5 2000 frplc, dlshwllShet, encl. · 848-7445 ..-mo ,.. ut s. a or rm, • rv ne PINE BLUFF APTS no 80· ~ • ger Nr Huntington Her-beach, yard/balcony On "8mboree Rd II Ann. 542·2860. home Gerega, yard. 1 Br with Iott, a 2 Sr, 2 Specious 2 Br 2 ea. nu boU. from 5475. Cnll-Won't tut. call for appt. San Jo1quln Hiii• Rd 8 EA C H AR E A Non-1moker. S31l5 mo 81 Chltd ofl , on lhe apts, drapes, good E/ dren OK. 8o4Q..680T TSL Mgmt 642-1603 144-1100 1,1. IOWFRHT Incl ulll 551-4255 eves Blutta, patio, view, lrplc, side 1oca1lon. $"475 See•----------$ F nonsmkr lo lht 4 br, 633·0450 days 9flCf ger .. o .. 1tov1. di• Mgr. 141 E l8lh St, no Reali•1t•• B••tl•t'• WTILlfF 84/Wk 2'1'r ba 3rd llr apt· lrptc. 1----------1 nwashlr, spa, 1.ldry rm I '""' Jl~O •-Jl~O eunroof, btlcony, lndry, Fom 10 lhr 2Br, 2Ba CM S600/mo 4-,.,,.. .. .. it w Spacloua 2 bdrm, view. Relrlglrator-Mald-Pool don Yrty s275. 111. 1811 g 1pl, non-1mkr. $225 mo _Ns_;,,._M_r_c2_e_r _2_e_._63_N-:-·~-1-~-: _2 ~-~-~-.. -~-~-d-'~_:"_k_'s.._"°_4_0_~_'_! , .. F ... K ••. e ••• n •• n •• e •• b. ·u·n· .k •• p .. o •• ...;;r·""·t·""'·""?.·..;.·...; ..... ;i· ,_~_1e_·_~_~_.!'_1_~_·1_N_o_po_1•_,_C<>e_N_~_._:.._=' __ '_~_~_T_1_5_5 •·3-~-s-c_6~-3-~-'4-~4-:-N-Y-. -M-v~e; ~:n~~ io:: Lag Avall approx Sept. 1st I OAllllf'-YILUll Yearly on !he t>elCtl. hOlll Ammie needed to corn· furn 28r 2bl $400/mo. $4 50. 780-14 18 or Lgo 3 br, 2 b•, crpl, drps, Isn't that the boat 1 bdrm apt 1400 mo. room, kltch1ne11e & plel• our trio. 8eau1 NB Over 3 0 prof pref. WESTCUFF BLDG Nf WPORT BE ll(H , .• A-., •• ' • ••• ./. ... c.........,. ~=---... ./'(-.(', .. __ .1 --"-""' .. Ca11 Mr Howa•d &45 610l (81 16th) (714) 6.<\5-1104 ............ / ... 1700 16th St. (Dover at 16th) (714) 642-5113 548-8675. cerporl. Nr OCC. No Avail Sepl 111 Welk to 1hower, 1280/mo plul Baycrell hm. $435/mo. 497-7019 ~ta. $550. 751-38116 that won The Amertca·s Cup rn 75? eeacn 673-6522 sec oapo11t. 2308 w Av111 now Call Lind• Roommate to anr 38R ---------. c~ rv'"\ f"/ _ . Oc1anfron1. Newport 559-9400 or 842-8610 houee In H 8. 1230 plus *HLID tmOll* 2 bdrm, l'A ba flreplace Olshwutier, prlv patio. 2 bd, ,,,., ba lownhouff. Oar No pe1a S520 mo Gar, Prv Pa11o, No Pete, 5'13·5478 Quiet Imm .. S5501mo _ 1 "-' ~ 1 br. w tetove. relrg. end Betch. 873·4154. utll. lll/IHI. 64a-8453 If you re not sure whO (or wl'ldl) Kenn)'wnkpon parking. I.COO call 1----------$325 mo. femal11 non-from t room 10 3 roome. f 675·0612 ell 5 •111 B••H 411S emokar to anr 2Br apt on CdM, tam to ellr IMlaame from 11. 18 • IQ. 11. No wou. 00!1 l eel ~ you re not <lh.•ne •••••••••••••••••••••• PenlnllOle 875-3811 tge beeu1 3 BR (l'ondo, "9aae requlrld. Ad(. Alf. OCEANFRONT Dix 2·4 Br, B y week or month. 873-7873 Dix 28r, bltn1, gar. no Piii Step• to send 1526 mo. Winter. (213) 4'46-9220, 446-4750. WllTWI YILUll 1 6 2 Br. apt• 11va11 .• poOl, ape, tndry rm, no pete, lmmld ooc:upnncy 1 Br $440-1450 28r $5 15. Call tor 14>Pt TSL Mgmt 645-8122 BAY TIMBERS Lg Bechetor, frplc, no Spaclou1 1 Br lrpk;, pool peta, •111>• to 111\d. '300 &. more. 648·9883 mo Winter. (2.13) 44&-92~ 446-476<> Nice 2Bdrm 2 bl Moel ' utU pd 622 Hemllton SI. Lov1ty 3 br, 2 bl, gar. S526tmo ~6.0.C77 Step• to water. Furn. or unlurn Yrly. Daye, Deluxe 1 BR upper, 6 7 3 • 1 8 8 9 , ( 2 1 3 1 painted, patio, 1315 & 665-0921 la11, credit ref 646-1893 Kennybunkpon •S one of 14 rJ1st1nct1ve1y CONDO 14>actou1 3 BR, 2 PV1 rooms Loving c are,•----------port 1 2 172 Ou 1 1 BO, N-Cerpell, .. BA, frpt, denwr, lndry bit. dle1s. rural 1r1e 24 Slra0nht f 10 snr 2 bd apt pv1 ba. HP llv rm, lga " nn. pon 14 01 .. erent apartment floofl)l'1M .ti 5'awino Volla<Je 'V BR, f" Walk to OC*l1t-Call AM. 833-3223 No Pets. 00 in H nunmon .... h ~-00 v 11..,,.. • , It h<>Ollup, 3 c11port1, pool, nr. c1te 559-7107 or w/F 35 plu1 $230 plu1 'll ,,. 5'C8-1929 u ·-y· ""'ac ,,.,awi 1 -,,. '• g resu p r v t p 1 I I o S 7 8 5 731·,247 ulll 548.()608. Aval iOt l . 30a~ trt•, Eucullv• 011tc1 1ult1, ul toully pe™>lli!hzeoprot~I planning 851 9 .. 22 EVI, 673·5802 cor~ 01 405 F-,....., 2 Br 1 Ba. no pe1S. 1 eml T r • " · 1 ... ,, •-•t·'i ~·-Need responllble Mlf to ·~ .. , child $550 10 move In A ~:no~~~ot~"!'?"tu~nddfseli~': 2 Br 2 Be from 1625 No ••••••••• '!! •• ~ •• ~.~ 1hr 2BA IBA 1p1. nr Balboa la home. 1250. Hert>o< Blvd. Take OV9r Opn 10.1, 26129. Avall ~.,...,, """'"' ,,. ~ v ... .,. pell AcrOH lrom Npt 1 Br.~ 4, IGl'OU the UCI, Mike 552·1592 111, IHI & $100 HC. leaae. lllOO sq.ti at 90t 9/1 1752 Creetmont nesueo m a fortSt With ti.bbllfl<J bfOOllHll<J qu.et BGn Goll CourM Office llffft from tile bHcn 986-84791213·8a.-3107 It Call 751-8101 POOOs. cooled"" natural ocean breezes AOCl 10 •-1 "·4 5•"' ••55 $2951 •1"' .. ,,.. Pvt room & bath, hou ... i_:.;:..:.._:._...:....:.....:_:...:......:....:..._l:.,=---:--:,--:v-:-'.1::-1--::0:".f:':'f:-I -1 Bd, 1 Bl duplex, utll v:1 '" • ....., .. ., Wk. " ..-;,uvo hold prlv. fl!r. bctt No ulll Prol F lo ahr 2br, 2'/•ba rounta n • ey C• Paid 1375 mo. $825 lo lllal tennis couru. ~wimmi09 ~ •J«OZZI and A t ...._ 11 b "'hi Waikiki. t>llt 10 ............ 2 br $260 H.8 538-0794 N B condo w/11m1, spooe, 2500 eq ti at eo. a coovernent lo<.tl11on neAt ~"9 and crou rom .... oc • r'V h "':':"50' 1425 + u1111 631·2535 • It. Good 111po1ure, move In. Ag1, 875-1&42 ,,,., & airy 2 Br. plllo. lndry pent ou11 apt,.., Imo. Pvt room & bath &. •n· good parking, Tllber1 & Sparltllng clean, 2 bf, 1•/, emp~,ment and youve901apl«eanyonewo11ld rm 1 720/mo yrl y . Min. 1mo.75\l-1385 trance. Nr. Goldenwest Mlf 25+ to ahr 2br, lba. 9 rookhurll . C e ll .. .... t7!5. u111. paid. A•· proudly c.ill hOmt (Even Kennybunkponl) ll68·6283 •· C II $250 H B nr SC Ptau, pool, tennl1, 751-6191 " ...,, One af\<l 1wo bedroom. 0.,.. ana twu b.ltn 1----------... 1wpor1, evall now. o •oe frig. 2 emalt Chlldren ok, 1~ 2 Br UPP« condo. w111 Steps to beach. 127 341h 638..079"4 1220. 1188·2077 1---------"°f:t' ~nmen~ffomS'>l500 cllll Or,fcloot, 11aae/ SI . 3 Br •500 wk •----------.. 3 400-900PLUS140Q1q.lt 19 Wallace. &42·4905 option $6 . Avall 911. 873-6410. Agt. can help you m"1 many 1 f In Hunt. Sch. 1200. 11, parlltng, pelloa Spaclou1 2 Br. 1 Ba, on QWJn 848-484•·..,.. 640·8902 i---MUlf---'"-UIT---of you< needs. 642·587e 848-5317 873·1003 979·1656 · ~ d • New In town? Cl1111fl1d r lo thr br houM w. 1 M. PenthouN Be)'front Sul· Oupto• 2 & o4 Bdrm avail. no pet1 MSC 8J1.e155 PENTHOUSE. Security, ...... PHl ... 11 Ea11slde, ne1r 1Chool1, Jll~n Hun11 '"" V>I •Jf E111cutlva retrell. 1 Br 29r winier 1850, yrty LlllRJ OllHS 1 bdrm, *""5, 2 bdrm, t 15555 H Vt.._• -..... ... C pool. •pa, gym, $850 2 e1ry 4br, 4 bl. dining. $850, oC Sr winter $900. -.._ •·, "'-" .. _., ..... :•Pool. g1r No un11t191on '-r ....... ....,n11119to• """'r A 842·8888 or 84&-A217 giant TV IGf_.., hot lub, yrfy 1 1200. Acroea from " .. "' -.. , r..a " ~.., < 714> 998-996' rnoc:l«n kltcl't, 2 Cir O" c>e1en. 5304 S.athor-e, Frptc, elegan1 Fr1ncn pe11. &42~70 from mt '»II Olf90 FrHWI)' O•IVI! non~ on 8t«n 10 YIAAl y Ava It now 10 91 1 5 , 851 8070 wlndow1, AC. In home E I Id f Bd It McfldOrn !Nn~ Of' Mcf'~n to s. .... 1no \l•lllOt a cro11 11r111 lrom 875-7850 • MCUrlty, 2Br 291, 1Br II• • rm, 1m1 •----------1 br condo, ti.aut tum, 1Ele & ll\ldl0t but cozy, tote of natural furrt9Ung< m 111111t • °""1«»•ty10 AM Iii cMt. bllCh , 2 bd, 1 ba, F•dtlN •••lali41$1 NC g uard, pool. epa, lBr & et\ldlo 'rncl Wlh</ w ood. Rent $310 wa1her/dryar, carport. •••••••••••••••••••••• a•una, 1 111rc11e rm. dryr, al10 lnclud .. pvt 851·9522 #41 _e_7_3_·9_S0_8 _____ LK, ARROWHEA0·21ty 1950/mo 875-9"4-00 club w1t1nnl1 court1, Newer lg 2 bdrm, 1 be. .,lllltllllii~~41J~ill!litlljii•l•i•i••ii•ij•j• 2 Br, 2~ be, den, upgrt· new 48r + Iott, 28•, 2 2,3 Bdrm winter ranlal• gym, poole. jacuula. prlv p1llo. bullt In 11ov1 I d.O, '896 mo. trplc1, 2 balcon111, Cl· on N---Pltf1lf'l. '626 llUMa. bffutlfully deco-and dl1hwul\9r. Encto· ~ AP J\JlftE~ 840.5324 1Shedlpsra1t ~Nllngor'thaol8ohroTrV• . .... .,.,.57 .. ._ 1 .... 2 rated clbhet & much Nd gar. Ample partdng. ~ 11p .... gt, ..,.. .... . mot1. From 1450 mo. Lero• y'ard ar••· 711 ~EJ\SnG 28r, 1Ba, 1576 mo. yrly. 12e5/wknd. $31}5/wk. STEPS TO 8CH, 3 Br & Incl• mo1t utll 100 Congre11 St .. Coat• VI~ carport, ec>t•. drp1, open $595/mo, 622·tM1 7 ._ .. ,. .... 21 ...... ...... S ~ beam1 I 1 f8 W Balbol 1---------1ngl. (213) 285·3110 • -.-..-. · ..,,..1 ,...r I. MMa. 213-711~7813 (213) M!l-2542 PALM SPRINGS LABOR aeo-64i5, 817-308&. ~~~urSunflowar & Ultl pd, f br, S300/mo. An.tt--... DAY New Condo I er ~ 281 lb&.~ blk ) Oul1t Patio nr bch. ~.~~'\) lu CIMalt 1111 allepl 4. PoOI. 14>&. ten· to bctl. Vrty. l&OO/mo. 2 bdrm, l'A be. 2 11ory Sept. 1 & 111. &.4-ei58 Offk•~ o.ltY •••••••••••••••••••••• nle, avall. •;r.lme $50 AQlnt. e1~ 1'1191 a '550. Mo. AllO blCMlor. t 8drm l3to Utll -Id No L ad I & ·1 I . II , er. pvt diet!, old WOf1d day. Owner •-seat wflnd&. l380 mo. Call after a:30 pell. Carport. sea w. UXUrtOuS U t 1am1 y 1v1ng tn an ~ ~mw, ~o::= .. UWll Wint• Flental. t, i & 3 PM. aeu L181111 Bey. 541-1018 nt>W country \etting, 1, 2, & J Bdrms. 14to Conltlaf~eUpt llautlfut 1 I r. 2 !la. bdrma H9WOOt1 Pentn-967·2140 A It' I 1··""' c 332 e-·· Ln Condo at t."9 Whlllt 1n eula. ;.1y1 "-! &late 2 Br. I~ la., frplc, pC)Ot, 1 Bdrm. Laundry tllC!ll. No m('n teS nc uue: . ,...,..., , ~ 8-h Aelot1. ITJ. ttoO epe, enec'*I g1r1ge. No m~. Wt1llide. 848-43H * Rel.IGa$ R4'nge * T 01 lollgrttnbths Newly decor•tld. fully ~ .................. " 1 ..... tll re· ta. A v a II n 0 w ' ..... D' I. h td' I • Patiolsundeck ... ,. .... UM equipped. Specl•I Fall '::,".="mo. 1vvt2',.uw.· 25/mo. '31-<tt84 N1wly decorated 28r • l~nWcl$ er ISpo~d •••••••••••••••••r.";°;'f ,., ... '73·0211 . •• , ........ • • L j ' II I s br. 2 be. delu•• oondo. i.,--------~ • • 1it o~B 1 . • 2 , br. 2 1>a. dllu• ooncto. ~~!i :~'iro 0 ~·~:~ * Drapes/carpeting " dun< r'Y iac It ts Lrg. patio. poot, •P•. °"' 10 cance11a11on wti ot flf:l)l41.__. Lra. p1t10. pool & •P•. 547•287.c •Rtcreatton room •Air conc11t1on1n~ Ofllld <*. N94lr ac pm.a. 11u 10 t i •. 111111 . t bdrm winter ""'''· cf'IAcl o.k. flMI' SC Plua.1.,----------1 Comt i.. ... -, ...................... f~L-W. sees mo. 213·"4·2181 IM5a00r/,•u"·· ,a,•tP••.•.cad~! liCf'Oel It. lrOM IMch. Mee mo. 21a-tl4-2aee. e.u1111.11 3 8" 2\111 IA, No ,..... .. ~ • ..,.. v• Ull'>l Ktn.1"'" ... ,.. •t2 8eNltof1 Ot • .ittlln " 8 2 8 ,_,I d "11, 1676 lit, IMt, MO. Y• 1-IO f0 ThuMtf IUft In lrvilf. Ult: ._t ... 7_1-_a_ao.---... __ .......,,~ •...... .,. M" .,, r •.• ,·oo· ':!:..!• ~·' • Hl-1189, 548-04H, ......,. .... ~..--.... -QllMl8I. """' 955-2022 Gl ~• .. ••••••••;.-..; ll!AO~"l'OHT WINT!" a.. QM1H a.ti 1 If. 1 la. petlo, g.,.g..1--------1 IAITllDI OM. '1111111 ....,.ALI llClt lcf\1 001 '9f WHITI ....,,__ 142Slmo. Huge t bdt"m, 3.::0 prlY fum. room a belll. Ulltl.. to Mey, 2 '"· °'., M , .... 1 OllllllM Ad • 'o ti• t t H. o I 5 1 , petlO. Ho pMa. mo. lilllli•lli•llliiiliiliiil!I•~ I .,,.. J~tte .• ~ 11 ,.,. n •• '! r •mo de I• d • Ce1 Ma-M1t ~ 1614178 :=:::J 171-~ 71• Ht••••. t I I . ' ' ~ I• I i L I i .. t'I Orange CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Auguat 29, 1882 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH 8AVl!R8 Seti ycur no-I ger-needed Item• for o .. h. If It d rt II, we'll run It another 3 days FRE . One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real •tate or commercl1I ada. Call today for full detalla . ...... ~ ••• ., • ..,... 11.00) 3 ~nAY8 INES~ CLA881FIED&642•5678 OLLAR& ~~!~ .... ~.~I!' ~~.'!!'-'-'· ~!!tf! .1!.!f .. , .. ,,.,.,,; l*-.'IM'!!'. .... !!!.f '!!.'I.!'!!~!!!. .... !.~ ff !'II..'!~!'!!. .... !.~ttf ¥!ll.!Y!!1.'!. .... !.~ '.! ~!ll..'f!!'!!. .... !.'.! Soallng Oown? St1n1no ·coeta Me .. • ltlfMW/ NurM '• Aide -111 poe1.IApt Manaotf oouple, ••· ..... ..,.,PIT * 0111 * facp *Mkend r~ttonttt !~'f..'!.~'.~-·1·1.(fj !•.'1 .• '!.'!'!I. .... !.~~ Medl<:al Recept onlat Retell SalHperaon, for out? Lower overhead Move-In Allowance •--1 I •1--~ tton •• oompanton. perltno•d for 100 unit Want ••P•f 'CI non· vLNT •a11r dt""'nd•· needed for reel Ht11e eoo. 2QO -•1 ._ Chauffeur 0< alCle to ti· garden 1p1, Coeta M.... I ... c " " y, ,.. c:ompany In Ir Int & melntlln lm90t, otttce at rtlall °' olflc:•. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• dtrlw or Ill 54S.t380 5780 plu1 bonu1 l)lu1 amoker or ne1vy Al bl• .ICLNT oppty Job C v '" oph1h1lmology )(Int olllldren1 1tore, uper working ciondltlon1 only PIT.· F/T. Pellte 1111-eancv Cen1er, !!Kee 1.1 407·15132 Alu11•1••••I• 5100 , Payable W/81legard •ubi-ct to a11111 oe11 WHa. Call Suan, 1111f• In NewpoH nr Air· Comm'I °' bull olllce w/ ••••,;;y";hj~·R~oinQ°:••• R1ll1ble lady w1n11 PIT IPI 642"4907 wkd~I-8yt: good at problem HELP WANTl!D PUB _6_3_1_-<>_2_1_3 ____ _ Hunt Bch. 548-3769 M1rc11le,.CM. 642·4714 * 1111 TlllllH S1le1, PI T, Ret1ll Fabric port, fully equll)ped & r,llone & 700 aq 11 01 y1rd jSplrltutl) work, 1n1urancie, PBX, 81by1ltter needed tor 2 yr 's~ovut'ig, h:~IV)cng•, b'i~:Yt H 1·1111 Ill Piii AITllTSI 1telled for every bull· n C.M on Ptioentta Jae~ 71 .) 1515 •. 1178 Otn off. Lore 754-11581 Old girt, Npl Bcll ar ... full d •• .,_ 1 1 Vo r orlglnal 11 t 111 need I di ltle " " ...-II Mo F I 630 3482 8· 12 hr/wk • flexible. ..,.gerp • rom u • rt ·QUI Y ::!~mo. ·1,~mv ~37: 1260/mo. 045-3332 Practlc:ll nurat. llvt·ln. 5';'3~032t r · • · 640•9193, e.30•15:30 Liii Pubttc11ton •rlwork may be u1ed In * S t ore. Ana (71 4 ) 772°4471 ~o~~;~·~o!~d ~~:~::: SALES PERSON wanted 113$-9976 Attractive 1000 iq. II SCRAM LETS Newport ar ... Local rel1, ------------------COUNTER HELP our nation wldt 1r1 - ..... ,_ 1 E tll aeperat• olflc:• bldg wt • 957-3063, )(109 Banking Bulldlng Melntenanct. ••· PI T, Mon.·Frl. Super m1rket1np allort. Volume Job 1ublecl to evall wlexper, 10< r111all •tore, HELP WANTED PUI Lafuna Bell, plrt·tlme _.,..,. 1eee. 0 ce ltnced yd. Can be uM<I ANSWERS want 1m1ll ept complex per only. 40 hr wk. Call Sandwich, CM 1545-4867 U IH 0 better 111110• Prime airport local• on for llghl mlg s526 mo. TELLER 8 7 5 • 0 1 O 1 b t w n 8 • 4. gr1p111 It our bu1lne11 MacArthur Blvd. Price 8 7 8 w 1 8 t 11 c M Embark • Dtblle ~~n:":n:.,1t c:=:,i:;;n!~~ Mon·Frl. RMume & rel• Otlml HLP For deta111 call Mr. Mar· H1-IHI Ill 1-4_9_·_155_00 ____ _ Excerpt• from Sal .. '9duoed. Muit _, 644-0344 Plural • Tllruall tlon. 821·06411, 4915·6308 required. Ma1ur1 per10n C1t11er11 _i_in_86_7_·_60_8_9 ___ _ --- 4 -9- 7 --00-3-4 ---•ApproK 2,000 1q II 1tore, Knot~ • Reel or Senior Accoun11nt de1tre1 PIRT-TllE * Ill DllYEll * •IYlt rt1taur1nt · Rec:-frHI lfflot "" publtcat1on RnlllED1 llllHY IAUI Looking for utra fn. CdM dlll'IUltt, AIC. ample ~hole• IOClllOn, air SKA EBOARO I I Cla ... 11 r""". Great 8•1•n. qu11b1ll • htallll club, In ····ri•l•••ac•r pkg utll pd 2855 E Cit w Bl d Thia friend or mine 11 1 perman1n po111 on H Fldtllty Federal 11 Ht· ..., -, Irvine Evee & Saturday• ~h • . · · cond , Newport v at travel egeni Ha llu controller or ??? Ht1vlly king a mature. e.xperlen· + Benefltl. XLNT Oppty 973.0538 9 to 4 For qu1I ty Oenlaf Prac:· wy, e7$.0900 Harbor (7 14) 674-1921 come up with IOme very expef c:omputtt or m•· ctd teller ror our SHI J~ IUbject to avall tlce In CM Mature, ••· Looking lor petlOn&ble. come? Try Part-Time neat, enargetlci per1on IAIM, Tueed1y tllru Fri· day. 9 AM to 12 Noon Ible to grow wllh a well Apply PENNYSAVER, e111blllhed Co Min I yr t660 Placentia Ave. rellll nureery MlllnQ •ii· Co111 M .. 1. AMI for Mra. per req'd ,:111rne Star- 200011qttoffloe91>-for Olllflllll dlffe<entldeHfortravel nu11 Congenlalnon· BeachOlflee HELPWANTEDPUB HOIUTIHULll per'd, perton1bl1 IM. Cl · avail now 825 He put out • bnx:t1ure or amkr (213) 675-01561. Six month• teller expe-la1-Hll W PI T, FI T, 11lnt comm, 631·1420 W. 1ttll St, Cotta ~IM Olllci .. combined wlltglll ... 866-6148 I S & "'· ---------k .. 1 o hundred vacation r enc• In en L or ~cerptl from work In OC. Mu1t have Furniture mov~ 2•+Jr• 645-S830, ••• rs w o r s .. op • 8 orage b ---------C I B I I bl'-·) I I -" Nonhrup area Lg overhead door trips you c1n 111<1 y HouHkeeplng and coo-ommerc al Ink • r.. I It pu .... 1 on ltlr or color, wlll 1raln s5111r 10 91.,1 M ST ting 11Jery SllOO to S1,1_w_11_11_• ______ _ 200 per mo Pd hOlldayt UL.II ---------• acceu 2 man from Lido _s_K_A_T_E_B_O_A_R_o ____ k ing 1ervlc:e1 In 111-quired C1lll0<nta Corporation N · 840·5249 have xlnt driving rec0<d SUNNY Newport 8Hc:ll 111e Call 845-4800 Hk SEMINAR FOR WOMEN change lor prlv11t room Oualllled candlc:llt .. ere 11bll1htng new operation * DELIVERY * MUST be r1ll1ble. clean & vecallon1. Hoapltllllu -water w ork• Supply llon tna 1vell Interview I Ptitlo Office. 833 Dover, tor Vicky or Anna $20 per per10n and bath 845-1433 encouraged 10 call Brian tn Orange County art1 cut, polite, hardworking Suite 2 . $308/mo ---"--------1 Ticket Oeadllne Sep 1 Miiier on Tuelday, 8131 XLNT OpportunltlH 100 * lllYEI * 11 you do not meet these by appt only. C-'I Tue Ina de/outeld• II~-., eo n C a ll El1lne tllru Fri 1146-7441 (714)534-6325. 031•1094 l•'••trl•I lt•l•lf500 C .,. 9 1 Nurse, no smk·drlnk wlll , •• d d d ,1 1 all ~2-725 for In o live-In, care for elderly or (2 !•) ••e. ,271 high lncoc:tudlng tupervl· Neat Appt1rance, Cal .-n If '· on •PP Y 1111 IPlll OI• N••B••-;:9•7•5••B•lr•c: .. 3•6•60•••,:; •---------·• sick (213) 860-0768 • ... • 1ory, PI T and FIT or Lie . Rallabl•. Starving Ac:tors Moving LLOYDS NURSERY NURSES AIDE, uper IOTH/LH&L ., " ... Complete training prov!-S2501wk, Job sublecl to, _c_o_. _67_3_-<>_8_5_3 ___ _ Attr.c:Uve ruatlc upstairs 11 or , .... MIA zone £•11 I I•••' 5300 B J W. 1-~ 1100 flDELITT d d M M ·-only, for 3 to 11 and 11 Part time, experlencie to 7 1111111 Competitive required 675-0200 salary, ucel. benefit• _S_E_C_R_ET_A_R_Y_, F_R_N_T_O_F_C Mttlng. We auppfy dMk, Agent 541·5032. •••••••••••••••••••••• .!.'I. •• !!'..~......... 83•1 73•9 s u r r • Y av1Ell General Help, earn up to 1er y • .. H LP WANTED PUB. $400 week liking tnap ::C-~~ & $9~~ "',:~ S750 up 2160 II. lndu· AHtllflll Jr, FEDERAL Cullter, PIT, morning• la 1·1111 IH 111011 In your area. Ama- pr delll. Clll 64<1-7211. 1trl1I • OHIC8 18101 Re-FOUND ADS EApandlng Newport Call Barbara for 1ppl E1ecerp11 lrom teur photographers ne&-dondo Ctrcle irM & T Beach credit c:ard co lawlt11 I Lett 540·3280 1111 publlcallon dad, P/F time. no ellper 2000 1q It w/500 1q II Huntington. Beach hos opening In their IC· A11tel1tfet or .. lllng req'd. Write to and good working con· Adv Agency. Good ty· dlllon1. ConvalH cent ping end phone voice Ho1pr111 NB. 642-8044. euen1111. Sllorth1nd 1 11orage, O.C. Airport 842-2834 ARE FREE counting dept. App11. CASHIER/HOUSEWARES Dental IJnlv&raal, P. o. Bo• 310, a r •a . S 2 O O O 1 mo ·~ canlS must 111ve 2 yr1 Equal Oppty Employe< Salee. Exper prel Apply Experienced RD.A. nee· Montebello, ca 90640 32 OPENINGS 11111m11 lllll&IEIHt TUIHE plus. Opportunity to •d· vancie. Salary ciommen· aurate with e•perlence Call Carol, 10 1m-12 pm. 557-0642 8151-8928 1200 sq fl . front olc:, lge college acctng & 1 yr ----'-'--'----'----'----at 1Crown Hardware, ded for Orthod ontic ---------• rear door, $425 mo. 629 Call•, prac1lc111 ellper. 10 key Banking 3107 E Cat Hwy , CdM practice In Minion Viejo IHEUL OFFIOE ..... , IUOI Terminal Way, C.M . adding m11ch touch, cat-1&11111 area. 830-3703 Private Offloe ..• S495 5 4 O • 9 3 5 2 d a Y s. 142-llll cutator. Contact W. Sel· Circulation Office trainee: typing, fl. ting, good phone voice. Busy olllce. Call Judy at HOJnAIY /UH Brench Olflce ... $75 646-0681 eves. b y , M 0 n • F r 1 , au111an1 to controller A~tng Servlce ... $40 II--' rt ll rt 8AM·4 JOPM 759.7900 See today• ad under 752·6408 •• ,.t • ''' Accounting. o 11 1c:e /1 n du a tr t at ACCOUNTS PAYABLE EL IOIUO IQK llll llml 4,000-14,000 sq It. All Loat PASSPORT Immediate opening for a ..... , WDI A/C Hvy Pwr and Ugh· 1 ____ 64_2_· _11_0_6___ mature. dependable, A/P Banking COMPLETE EXECUTIVE ting. Xlnt lor R&O and Loa1 Blown from truc:k, clerk tor high volume re- 0 FFIC E SERVICES low rllU 720-0821, caned arm chair, vie tall grocer Mull have FROM Sl65 10 s985 1_2_13_·_9_2_7-_4_40_4 ____ Mac:Artllur/San Joaquin m inimum 2 )'rt peg UNEX~ELLED SER· Plecentll/17tll St, 1500 or Jamboree. 760-3870 board •yatem ti1perlen· ce Job entail• m1lnte· VICES. ENVIRONMENT, 1.1 lnc:I ottk:e $450 mo Found· Parrot H B area nance of purchase and STAFF 646-1164 dys, 645-9543 Ca 11 to I den t 11 y disbursement Journal• THE HEADQUARTERS eves 2131630-6378 Good ulary, benellte, COMPANIES ,1•/U1.oa1 l••l•l• W••IH 4100 Found. M white Germ and opportunity to ad· ,. • ••• ............ ....... Shep(?) puppy, rraendly. vance with lhlS growing SO.LAGUNA.3ArChB•y 2 Responalble. retired Herborl Hamtllon company Catt 631-4672 2 Sul1N avall. Gd. Hwy Adults (M/F) wish to rent 548-3710 lor Interview Vlalblllty. 497-2351 ~oub~let H:;i1•01: : :f •-F-O_U_N_O_._P_e_n-ln_P_t--• .., Accounting ,...,.. PLW 964-6110. grown kinen. greylwllte ASSISTlllT TO 234 Eat 17111 SI. CM HELPI Artist needs sl\Jdlo tiger 646-2085 COITllOLLEll 600 1q fl. to 3800 sq sp conaerldlle Garage Found: Kitten, Orange & we are 1 growing IUC· ft·S1.05 ~It, U111 & I•· or' unused rm or ? Wille male. Norlllwood, ceasful commercial bank nltorl11 Incl. See bldg 640-4039 Irv 552-4809 with corporate olflcea mgr 645-.3l20 FOUND: Young cat. lem , loclled In Laguna Hiiis •2500 aq.lt. lnduatrlal unit ltll•n1/l•n1t/ Balboa Penin Pt. Call 10 We are looking lor 10· wltll 325 sq.'1. ol oltk:e + Fl•l•ff Identify. 675-3584 meone with a BS In 5000 aq.ft. upllall cov• •••. ••••... •• • • • •• • • • • F d P b ...... S 1 Bullness, emphasl1 on red & fenoed yard I I oun : ure r...... pr nger accounting Mall'lmum •2!001 !q9000JtL lnd~s111r1111 •;,;;;:,. • .,. 5115 ~:"o:'.~~~:,~;,~tc~~~~ ,.,.,.2 years public: 1c· unit wt.. aq. . o ••• ••• •• :;, •• •••••• Identify. 536-0405_ counting experience or t upgraded oltlce. American Prol. Mkl now year tn public and t year •2400 1q.fl. lndultrlat expanding to so. Call!. Lost . .Or!llnge and White, 12 in lodutlry Banktnq de· unit with 1500 sq.It. of seeking 5 qualified pe<· wk old mate k l lten strabte. You wlll be rH· upgraded office. Have sons In mkt & mgmt. Call 645-2601 Orange, Mesa ponsible tor SEC repor- tub-leue tenant lor 1100 r 0 r t n t e r v 1 e w & Del Mar ting. llnanctal statement tq.lt. of otlloe apaoe II ( 7 1 4) 2 4 o. 7 o 2 4 0 r Fellne Mother and 4 new· preparation and analy1ls, dealred. (800)654-6730 budgeting and caa11 ml · •Motivated owner Is borns found near alley nagement ready 10 make 1 deal START NOW Loc:al Am· oll Wallace. nr 18th, Call 714-751-4700. Prln· way Ol1trlbutor ollars C M Thia potll•on ollera op· c:lpel1 only. oportunlty for good ear-•-F-ou-nd-.-F-e_m_aJ_e_M_aJ_a_m_u_te_. poflunlly lot adv1nc:e· TELLERS Heritage Bink llH ra- pidly become Orange County's largeat Ind .. pendent bank. Al a r ... 1ult of our e1ecellent grOW111 and prograu, -have 11Ccetlent opportu- nltl .. av1ll1ble for Tel- ler• We are 1eeklng Teller1 ror our N-port Beach olllce Thell poaltlons require a minimum of 6 month• ei1pe(lenoe. Al Heritage Bank, you wilt en1oy an excellent salary and beneft11 !'AC· kaga. Find out about theae opportunities and be ~ par1 of the Herlt!!je Benk team by catting our Personnel Oep8tlment or apply In person at: HERITAGE 11111 l 21 ••rtti htlW It haMI•, U 12101 (114) 111-4111 ----------.1 nln g1 You p ick tile Approx 1o yr old On ment. competlllve com-'"'"9 .... , houra. we trsln, lor Lore la St In c M pensallon and excellent Equal Oppty~p!Oyer Otta tulle overlooklng Interview call 960-5651. 986-1702 benel11 1. Cell Carol Ne•port Harbor. Lut Small Fimtly Bullneu lor Tlluyn1, (714) 830-aSOO * Ill 1111 * 91>eee iveltlbll. Appro1e Sale Auto Parts. For In-11n••ll1 5350 EL DOI.ADO llll Wiii train. Pertonable, 1 ooo aq f1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 714-IM5-7l00 Io rm JI Ion · C • 11 COEDS -Would love to Equal Opportunity salary+ llpa. Job aub)ec:1 714-963·2064 p•""' with you. Call Sue Empl,,.,_ MI F to avall. -., -•-· HELP WANTED PUB. llfll UIUlll l•ntl•UI or Kathy a nyt i m e . •-... 1 e.xeo.&ilteelnci.recept., t>. 1 Jt. IOIS 2131804-3233 _,..,, Ul·llH HI 1ec'y ••rv•. cont. rm ..••• ~Ar.!.~.;, ........ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml IHH IHfr•eftr Excerpts from kit., mall llandlg. Res· "TA.IC BENEFITS" UIU I YIOll'S New 11udlo In Newport 1111 publlcallon ponalve 10 your butlnesa H'lgll Tu Bracket In· PHOTO MODELS .A,rt.a Ellperlence nee· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil neecla. Adi. 405 Fwy In veator wanted tor very ESCORTSIOANCERS ded Top pay A1k for llST PllT-1'191 F.V. lndlv, oles. Mo/mo. aalect tho rou ghbred OUTCALL 24 HRS C1ndy .... II TIWI ltom '325. 1163-6445. breeding & racing ope-... M 20l Home 535-4154 ..., Ion Work 892-7737 Be a tei.pllone promo- Sm olflc9 nr Hoag Hoe-rat · 1-::::::::: I tlon cl«k 10< local new-plt1I, 1ome warehouse (71') 644-8074 Ii Aides spa per. Private desk, 1pace av111. Cheap 1lt•n WUIH S030 SUNNY'S E1eeeut1ve Certified Aide end an casual attire. Only requl· 642-1822 •••. "'•• ••••• ••• •• •••• Stress-Reducilon: Aide A.s1t111nt tor active rement 11 a good phone NWPT BCH EXEC SUITE Wanted, F1rianc111 Backer Olfioe-llm-outcall retirement home In N.B. voice and Iota of enthu· Full aervlce, reH ralH to help e111bll1h glaaa 831•6377 11:30 pm to 7:30 am slum. Xlnt loc. 752-6408 blowing 1rtt11 In Laguna 631·35515 Hourt studio. 497-0783 --.-.-L--0-1-,.---• Mon-Fri. 5.30-9:30PM Olllce/ Storti Butlneaa *** l I l II TAL Sat 9:30AM·1:30PM tPeoM for , ..... 500 & 11•if!:1,•l, fttll lfl ti p I needs kennel help & b•· 184.00 10 atirt. 1250 eq.ft. Top loo.. ' S03S an • ar or Iller. par1/tlme. Muoi be Alter 111 weell, lhlr• In Harbor Blvd, lull No. •••••••••••••••••••••• Open 24 hr1 a day evellablt morning• & Pllf1nerthlp prof111. Beilcw St., CM. lnq, mgr I.II. Unu"' 7 days a,»llek weekends Ask for Jane. For Int.mew. 645-8100 ••rkllt 0., lie. Jacuzzi. Saun-. .• Locate 754-1033 (8-6pm) call alter 6PM Jul.HI It•/·' ~,.SO Speclatlilng tn lat & 2nd as well as Tourist• lPllTllEllT ••· 1"2·1111 ~ """" TO' 111 1949 ~rlcard, Amer· ,. ~:.-.•••••••••••••••••• • nee ,,.... ican Express. Olne<a. All Fan111tlc opportunity tO •12 ......,tlful executive office Robt S1111e< NH/.,,.. welcome 7 141645-3433. with growing company. • llllt• plua warellouM In RE Broker 8d Realtor• 2112 Hlllbor Bl. CM lmmed opening for -11 ~~~~~~~~~ preatlgloua detlan cenltr 642-2171 545-0611 groomed apt mgr cbuple oq Redhlll. 17f6 tq. rt. W DOW S ••• , 11 di• 250 unit comp•-1e Bindery Position. Trsinlng 6 75-3882 lrom 1 o.a ·. I HA .... for TO s DITIC ~ ... . d I 644-t5St lltt 6 " RE Loan•. 10K Up No Apartment + Miity. Ex· 1ow1r management n ....-----"--· -·-·-Credit Check. No Pen-1•11CEIS pr'd only 1135-5526 printing M'lop. Newport ..-.,. Beach 644-8233 <:>ELL Idle 1t1m1 with a 1lty Dennison & AllOC APT MANAGER Mature --------- Otilly Pllo1 Claalln.a Ad 573-73 t 1 ~ laolltltr /lacllt· couple, exprd. 21 untta BOOKKEEPER , l .,_-. ltrttft J8rtfts, H.B 1 Sr 1pt plus S600. un"'." .. 'f, .. rnt/ ''r:'~','.'f,l•.rHt/ The Last ltrraL, M&-3166 Mature. 8 11our1 per .. ,. .. " Have eometlllng to aell1 week Veterinarian. • ••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• •• • •• •••••• •• •• • •• 1a1-11at 111-11a1 CIUalfied Adi do II well. 644-8180 8-15 PM lul1H11 ,.,,.,,, ~f!!!Ul!f'. SOii n. .. ,,,..;,.. 5005 Pretty Country Glrl, 27. ••• ·. ••• • ••• •• • ••• •• ••.-;cl';.••••;(•••••••• • desfre1 affluent older .-,_,.----~-~--·-------man. Lynn. Box 1412. I ~ ~~tf~ ;;:~~;:z:~ ~'-~~ Beach Wayne 0< Slllve ii:., b y a p p t. 1 0 • 9 P M ~ Deat•rs and 549•2511 Dlatrlbutors Wanted for IOOllE IROTllERI H d LI h C Need two rlMfVed Mat ome an D t ommerclal Uck•t• to Sept 3 ll'low 81 Energy M1naqemant System ~:~~~ ::::~~w•. c•11 CAN SAVE 20%-40% ANNUALLY ON UTILITY BILLS · Look •f the futures of this outstanding product: J • ~. • 100% Satlafactlon Guaranteed • Euy lnatllll8tlon htNMJ ,.,.,,,. ,,,0 ...................... ...... lllTUIWI &oor1 for Women 497·5125 (bet llarn~loml r1•"1 UJf .••.....••........••.. Round trip L A. to AUll'lta, tat clau. SHO value. teeriflce S600 catlh v .. lld IOf 1 yr. 551·7100, 973-348' Jeff ~.lltr!'!f!l ••.......• ~..r!~!~! .......... f!"..t!~!!! .•••.....• lt•Hll I ldHJI I Blll•diH 100J /.,lntlJH 1001 .....•................ ........••.••••....... Now what do I do 1 ,,.l l ~I I dentity YOUR · VALUE T·O ANY Bu1lne111 ldent\ly YOUR VALUE to a Relatlon•hlpl PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY $20 We "Train the Trainers" Become .... , tr.antna 1n Loe A,..._ Wed., hpt. i • ltheM t • 1111 Thura., hpt. 2 • PheM It • 1121 FOf Information & reMfV•IJOn• phone (714) M0-1211 . • Quellfl .. for Energy Tax Credit • •nvestment 100% Covered by Product ·~ 11H !1ll..'!.'!'!!. •••• l'.'1f !4.°Kl!.'!l. •.•• 1.~ft ....... -::':::r: ••••••••• I • Buy.lleck Agreement f';~_,_, __ l'H_ .. _____ ......,, • I C.11 ot. Write I ~ tc:ONO-TEK;INC. 1a1 I, ,_ lrown Tnlll. e.dotd. T1( 180:t1 Now EnroltlnQ: No enr011-men1 re.. '31.tOM Incl riot IUnefl ......... ua hl!.Jlll!!l. .... !!!J D!DIOAT!O LADY f or lllde to Sr. Cft._,..1._x,".'.t ,.,., 12 yn eJ(per. IJCMllC, c.r. It htlcpr, UV. oui. Dlily/Wlc'Y-...... .,.., Me. WOOde 111-1331 • CAREER OPPORTUflTY . E1celenl Mnetitj Plin ~.nun Product AGENT SlfERVISOR Hl THU, a t1w , .. ., .. ,,,., .. , .. 11 ... 1 .... , .... ,,.,., .... will ._,11 ,.,lloatlH 11 th 1,r111 et 'U, ht , .. m... euU•"• ftr ,, ..... ,.,.,. ''"· ci82Pre·dlwn delivery supervision requires ear- ly morning i ork ache· dule. IHTlL lllllTUT Do you want a career In 842-5830. Ortllo utlllztng 111 your 1---------RDA sklll1? E1eciel wage & Government JOBS. Many benellll. 640·0121 IOb1 avalleble In U.S. and Over1eu. For dlreclory, HITll call (3 12) 888-4347, e1et llDLWlllt _J_-1_9 _____ _ Newpor1 Center Dental Hardware Siles PIT, 1eml Group continue• to retired type, Apply In grow Ple11ant. busy, per1on. Crown Hard· Hllbllalled otttce needl ware, 3107 E Cat Hwy. a front office per1on, CdM al10 1 cllalr1ld• a1111.1--------- 11n1 Thia 11 1n opportu-IUl Tl OLll nlty to work In a prog· IUUIU resalve, lntttesttng env1. M v c M A 11 H B ronment 640-1122 · · ·• n ·· · ·· G G. locations. Sal11y & Dental A11t11ant, lull time, comm. to $25.000. 48 hr tront & back olllce ••-wk Incl. eves & wknds. pertence, RDA X·Ray lie 859-1983 req .. Hilty open, ben• IELP WUTH $14 400 to C.F.0. of Npt Bct1 Fin. Svcea. Firm. Cllallng .• 1 Re1pon poalllon. Good PER 'VEAR typing, Incl •l•tltllCll, OllllU S/H llcllla & 1plltude for 110 UPll IEOllWY ~~rr1~:~~1~?"· req'd. ~~~ng Minded Peop1a 1---11-0-1-n--U-Y-- lf4.llM Full time lor Newport Call Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed Beectll Jew1111 T1mple, exp 851 ~12 3 4 or PUT TIIH Evea and/or weekend•. Reaponalble ldulta, over 21, with out1tandlng, 11- tracuve per1on1Jltlta to work with youth (lgH 10· 14). Call 2·5PM, 642-4321. Ext. 348. EOE 552-06311 llORnUY 1111. N-port Beech area ..... 1 GET A T•Nt PUT TUil 642-8680. eves & wknd1 ... ,.. c82Re1pon1lbJlltlH In-673-3403. No u p Ideal for atu· OlllllLlll elude overaeelng dlllrl· dents & homemal\era En1oy working with klda. Work with nonprofit health agency In Co1t1 Mesa. Must hive above average orgenlz1llonal 1klll1, typing ablllty & telephone per1onallty $950/mo + lrlngt1 631-8700 (Fri & Mon 9:30-11:30 pm). llOlnAIY/llllPT. button 1gent1, opening Oen111/Front Olfloe, plea-Up to S 10/llr. Have run. Work evenlng1. We sretn new outlets and directing 11nt, bu1y t1t1bll11led tmmed openings. FT I you 10 become 1 youth collec11on tuncllon1. office need• 1111. front PT. Compt. training. Call counselor. Call 2·5PM. Newspaper c rrcul1tlon olc mgr. " day work Mr. Fuller, 964-3457 6'42-4321, X346 New lln1ncl1I co. 1111 polfllon avlll. lor Secra- llry with good lyplng ~Illa & organlzlng abll11y. Salary commensurate with exper. 631-&887 nd .al I week CM. 545·7580 l~~~~~~~~~I 11 •• exper ence 11---------•HOSTESS M/f:, wanted-lo 1: plua 10 ipp-ly, aubmlt IEllTlL tfO HOln. earn eactra income & PAYROLL resume to: 548-15588 participate free In e Reataurant chain Corp * SEClln&llY * DISHWASHER-Morn or 11;ghlr effective lo cost, Office In Irvine need• Good apeller, phone vo1-PEI SOI MEL DEPT. Ill TODAY •••• ... 11110 llttHlal• Otlffenla, '22tt Equal Oppty Employer CIRCllA TION MANAGERS ltflHll •allJ HW· .,.,., b ..... , .. . ,.rt ........ ,. ..... .. ,,.fe11ltHl1 It "' 11•1•• .. ,, ..... ., ... PHftfnt will .. ..... ,, ••ltr ••• .,.,. ..... •tft•tl. 011111• ••1re1 ,,.. terr... Salary tt•· ..... ,. ....... ,.... .... H4 • ..,., ..... . Te .,,.,, .... ,, • ,. ........... .,, ,~ .. ,. ....... . PlllSOlllL HPT. Ill TlllY '· ..... 10110 llt1tl1lt Oallf. 11201 Equal Oppty Employer IUltUl IMMEDIATE OPENINGS f 0< entry-level Ille c:lefk• Shi month IUlgnment In Newport Beach Work 8 30 to 4 :30. C all 762-9109 for 1ppoln1- ment. "'*rell " TIWOllUY RlllOICH INC Clerk OLERI nPIST OREA T WESTERN SA· VINOS I• th• place to atarf yovr career with • Oynernle, growth orient- ed nnanc1ei 1n1t1tut1on Thi~ lndl•ldull will work In the Loan Document Department. Outlet In• ev1 Applw btwn 2-4PM amal group hlblt relrat-exper payroll supervlao• ce, Ute ty---. XLNT Sa-, nlng class tor weight to lake charge or rea· ... ~ 3421 Via Lido, N.B control. Rel• avall For taurant payroll Knowing lary, Job subject to avall Oomettlc Info call, 835-3371. Once computer psyroll Is e HELP WANTED PUB • LI 1 11 k & For All must. Salary commenau· H1..fMI llE vekl n ou1ae e1 eper4. ----·------1 r1te with ability. Call EllClt'Pll ftom coo ng, c ean ng, INSURANCE 549·9322 T L.C Kevin 545-1241 UMP -uTI •---------• ll1t publication brr 1113 12 .... PM ... ·-· ..::.11 * PHOIE sausliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ---~•• lllllTllY Educallon Minimum 2 r.,:• e1e,_ * ""' HAL ESTlTI BRAILLE Should be amfflar with Wiii train, may go on RVS COB and Medical Full lime • reel estate K-' hours. good phone voice. cenM dftlrable but not TRANSCRl~R ~~~~~lt~~"i~~;:;-c~~~ ~~ pay Job tublect to necesury Bu•y South men1urate with eacper ....,LP w•NTEO PUB. Laguna OfflOe, Colc:!welt s aci< I/ t,_, ""' " Banke< Call Susan Roe S6 64-$8 26 pe< r c~~~:.1'7•98301 ~,Area. la1-llH Ill I o r a pp o t n t men t . bHr,tl frt• 83 t..083& 0< 499-1320 Part-time position, 10 l•J hH' .,., ... , lht ,e.iltlffll llour1 per week, 10 Oa~ Entry Petton ne&-SERVICE STAT~N months per yt1r, M ~ for aecond shift, 3 Production. packing & ATTENDENT have Library ol Congreu pm-midnight. Mull be 111ndllng 1101lery, full· P1r11t1me. evenings & Clf'tlltc.te or completion lbl p c t E II 11 kl certificate from e braille respon1 e. aid om-I me. ng • IPH ng weekend•. Neal •Pile•· trlnt<:rlptton c:ourM pany benefits. Salary pert. Apply rn person: ranee & handwriting commensurate with ei1-Crystal Creation• Appa-Apply In person: 2590 • 11 b perl•nce Cell Kate, ret, 711 W 17th St .. C.M. Newpor1 Bl\/d, C.M. ,..pp c1tton1 are elng 549 8909 _ __: ___ ;.._ __ _ accepted dally 111rough1--·------P/l lfflOl JI UST UIPPIH IUH September 15 Plea11 Ulll llDlnlllY Sm. N.B. olci. 631-8.U3 Full time • Immediate ~r,1~;nc:~t1on al Room ~:t.~:r~119:~1'1~~ 71~~ PIT Person dreu ahop In yMr•use' ·pll~vp•,,:;:,'~/,my uu";.s3 --N.B. Women's clothing ~ • -need• exper Legal Sec'y, 544 2470 .. Xlnt company benelltl. ll~ Kint t~pl~, dlct•n"one & el(p nee • ' ..,er-0 i ~~ l i , lllOrt an I mull. Salary _;;..e..._______ 549-9671. EOE·MIF/H r.:.• j ,., ~ ....... g ualll ed appllcanll onty. J. open. 640~960 n /Tlll HOEn. TE A c HER -p RE . ~0. ~-:._g. LIVE IN VEGETARIAN Eacperlence prelerrad. SCHOOL, tmmed lull· •• ... ~.-_ ' COOK & maaHuH to Templeton'• Beeuty Sa-time employment, ben• ,.,,.~ • • --live In beaut. Lag Bch Ion. Co• I• M •I• fits Harbor area Info ~ home and do llte houae· 833-7600. 540 1919 Neu.... keeping 4t4-8014 Kim __ P_U_R_C_H_A_S_t_N_O_I _____ • ______ _ 10251 Vonctown Ave ~unttngton Beach. CA Callf0<nla 92646 (7 14) 964.3339 Equal Oppty Employer ntlllll PUT TIME Tellphone 1tla1 & llghl * llCllllST * LIBRARY CLERK II delivery. Apply 7711 W FIT. Jo6.rney, good pay, II PllLIO LlllMY 19th St, Co11a M .... Ste XLNT oppty. Job aubjec1 H. to IYlll. HELP WANTED PUB . ta1..... IU Excerptl frQrT\ 1111 publlutlon Admlnlllratlon need• to Tele"9eH Slits , 1111 40 llrlWlc temp. 6 mo. FOiiow up, no cold calla. po1ltlon Knowledge or PIT Cma M ... ofc. For I n v 0 I c I n g • A I p • Info, Call 1131-7200 Ask MC'llcl.,-lcal 1kltl1 I ,,._ for Mr Cllf90l'I. M1lnten1nc:e/ Gardener, ceully Ananciallbudget -T ... -~-..-..--s-.,----Be 1 carrier coun1tlor 1 •0 background de1lr1bl• .... ~~ " I I pra er over .. yre. for E••n B"" M,...._, by tile or a oc11 new1p1per, Newport Center loc -'ll ~~, No uperlence ntCH· apt complex. upenence $7 .88/llr. Call Nancy, beach. $300-S 1000/ aary. Work only 12 hour1 neceuary 548-t568, 640-2124. _wee __ k_C_a1_1 _53_&.-_7_5_1_1 __ • ~k. $75 10 11art plu1 _12_-_7• _______ 1--------- 1ddltlona1 lhar• of part-MANAGER -F0< 1m mo-IUl llTITI Ul.D Ttl•:ltff• hhlttn nef'ttllp'1 profits tel, couple. In Pal m Why not try lime lharM Nee •d lmmedlaletyi> A I ld"I for 1tudent1 0< ho; 1 real lun obi Springe. Salary + apt. and make 10me money rnemaklfa. Houri, 3•9. Manaoement oppor1unl· 556-1098 10< 1 change? 751·3191 tit• For Interview ct ll liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii No Mlllng Airport ., ... =~:;~~~PM. 542·5678, Management R:,fhf: .~ ~':rl~: ~:ci!4::;w:,~:, ~-~!: lttlt• lar .. fl polftlon, Mon-Fri. Ex~ t06-0151 hHtthe llaretary T r~ prefefred, Call for ---------for Travel Firm. Word 11.t, fllltH eppt. 844-6070, Aak 10< TOPLESS MODELS Proceuln~/Computer ...... YHr 0trffr _Ka_ti. _______ S75 DAV • PAID DAILY ., no exp nee • 821-2563 exp. helplu . Npt Ctr loc. Start your new career on lllOEPTlllllT Call Jean 759-0193 our 3rd shift, earning S4 TOY STORE E1e1cutlve SecrellVt Up to $4.50 u ~ be-GENERAL OFFICE EXPER ONLY come more e.xp d. You lnternallonal control• S•l•'.t ~uhlerlng, 11oct1 to PrHldent and Ice-wlll be promot•d to company with heldQuar-FAO i:;cnwarz 1!!'>4-11501 Pr•ldent of fut growing mgmt. & eupervllOfV le-teri In lrvlne It llMi<tng company In San Cl•· veli. Call: 714·537_,.MO lndlvldual w/tJCOtltenl n'PtlT mentt. Mull b• proll· Interview• held every taltphone peraonallty. Part time, 3 afternoon• clent typ111 with 1kl1l1 Jn Wed. 7 ·8 pm II 111 Del ablHty 10 type 50+ WPM p t r w e e k • C d M . dletephone, Vydec: word Mer, coat a M••• and and handle generll otllct 055-3004 proc:eulng. Computer =r Th~ eam-noon at dVtles Good oompenae· ---------background llelptul. ti k d "I n'PtlT N k 8 I N Ce1. Hwy .. Ulg on p g. an wor., ng on-1mo er. •try Bch. e o. &. condition• In 1 grOw1h N..ci.d pert/0"'9 In our open. Re*encea requl-1~~~~~~~~~ company. Appllciatlon1 Coell M9M oftlct. Clll !'M. lm!Mdlate opening. I: 1*nQ ecctptld thraugh 10-4, '942-64849 elude llllng, preparing Cell for eppolntmenl. MARK~ Sept. 3rd at Grl1wold VETERINARY HOSP . ::'n~~l~t:~~·:.~~u;1_t<_.,_hy_,_7_1...,._1_•2_....0 __ 1__ t.1111U Controi-, 2803 Barranca n .. d• one PIT A.H.T • phonea, c:Mdclng docu· Experience In ¥tcteo ae1ee 111111111111• Rd, I~. CA -615t-4000. and l•O ktnn.i ••al•· men ta and Inventor.... l •Ytttmt lnttalttllon. Receptlonl1t tant1. Ottll 831· 1030. TYPtno of 40 wpm",.. Exe.II. .. & benefle.. $1P!4i!~9 entry level l>Otlllon IOf WAITER 0 " WAITAESI quired. C.it Vellrlt IOt lntemew energetic reoenl high needed et Mt\lfY.....,,,. IC>l)t .... 2.1144 achoOI graduate. 8otnl 8elcl'I Ho'91 ,._.,,.,.t We onw oornpe1niv.. -1"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-offloe ~*'°' PNter • larltt, (SIOO/mo.) and II II DPQlllOI red.' IM wtll tr111n Oood :~1:•.:.o=n.:: •i1c:euent tt.n111t1. l'or •typll'\<ltables ll ... ID typing .. IN required. "°' contact Loll ~ • lnterll4ew appointment, Wheelbarrow$'-APOQW!tmenl 01Mte olll 487-44T7 Celt betwMn t :00.'4:90, • ca,_. ()p9ot1u..-J In Keo II k • U It ta Mof!day """ Ff'lct9)'. recreational • Young ~ ~ lyt1tem1, ino. 752-1500 Vthlcies*golf ~ lq"91 OppOftunlty Im· , •• Iii • Ill .... ..,.. c•rts•---1 j714) ...... I~ ~ Self .. artet wented to (114) ll .. 4HI ., .. """""' .. ,111111 -org•nl• enct ldm......, ... ._. tralns~lkes I 1&1• · ~ ,,..,..... ,.,,..,.. ,.. "''-•planos•cars Mutt haw fXper. Hourly l'or bu1y 0111ropreot10 m•n•nt poelttoft.J! .a' , .,. nee. 161·4ttt olllH. Min. typing H time ~ llllllfy ref rlgerators w,M, DOo4 ~ ~'" to •••rt. Lltfl1 01 .. 1 •... nu1 *skat-•••••• MllWe counter ~aon, tudt, U Mon,,rl l!IP. dut .... ,.._ IMd llftW , ,... •i:ll PIT. Harbor CIHn•"· detlted1 non """'"g enf r-.rne to AIJ, "°' ,._ a»4l66 ,..ltl\lrent 9"111l"'9f, ;!!!: Coeta ..._, CA 1-800-433-4005 (117) 2'1-1410 He11th Oriented Call 494-4044 . UI-( @ 1 ... 7SH.W II.""~ P'ftt'd. OM U1-MIO 10'4, ~ l'lat, flO loll C.... Miii. Cf, Meofleft~•euto. MICGr• ~ ...-~ = k~ r.-Ooot) r,,.....,·i ~~·=~1 I ::·~~ ~~ r..: n;; .... .., "' m. ' ~M'41i!P7 -, ~ I~ --~~ l ... -..IASll I cum• "-teurtlrltlll01 WHt .•• 1 D=:llot ... -. -··--ll..!-~~Mfl!!?~~;._!:..,J~==~!!IJ~~~~tl-...:!"~'•~•~~~!!!....,e.t;t W. ~ Hwr. N. Qazzmed M. ::.~":: I ,. .. --___ , ____ _ .. . ~ 1 ' I f I ,I • I I I ---- .. n · iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliN~m.~mL. ... : ... : ... i.IMti. ~ii~;.:;a'1~1 n~~~IM~~~:----mw.m~•w,,,~~n---r--=====-.,._-::::::::-~'"-.=:---:=:::::::::---_.:.~~-.~ Orang• Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, AUilutt 2'9, 1~82 DQ ,_ UTT\.I Cu•lom t111111 c111IHt, 11111 ti!rl • a.M ~ ~ .... "°"" ~. e11 ,., .. ""'" ... a " llft. •• •••• :-.Y.r... • •• :-;;n •• • ••• rr;;i OWM HOim 1260 o"'9f Ul-4401 I M••• n• 1011 • mu11 NII lrnmecll COOOI blown ~.'!/: 'r ~ l •»"•I ~. oond. 118 th >t/" . t-:~ ')j ••• ~!.tffl~!~ ..... #.fll~!!!!!!~~~-~1~13~~!!!!!!~ I ·J\ 1y ~ ' ' IOW Ht/n . "o"~~P 1011d 0111 d1111. ' 'r l "\-<t A•dwood ht decklno 5• wide. 11 new, 'it •AGFIC MICllOWAYI AllTINllA •AUM IAt.I AOI HOW • • ~ ) , \ 4.10• long, aleo rectwoOd prlol t 3115 846-4005 CLAllMD H CITYI .• , '-, fenclng C.H Jim Ot Ken 4 ~ lurtlngton, On U r---,-A,-,.-,,-. V/llf--1 H I •ILOW anytime. '715· 1'11 water bed, new •it prlol ~ " Orn1ment1l Iron Cornet & 14116 080 148-•005 C.t• • .,. •Ingle 2001u~8n 'a'e•aH King u Stearn• & Foeter l _____ -..!!~! ____ _J •••• ~ •• , .... #••••••••• p1net1. •• . .,.. 1 "ln1plrat1on" m111re ... F IO 0 lu11 down plllow lop, CALL CLANCY ESTAT! 8AIJ Antlqu.e, urn · c lh•. d•k. 711 ' C•I• •UJ handcranld lnaldl, OtlO t1bl11, ch1t11. mirror•, waterb•d..1... 1.0Y'· b•d• ............... 1.,T.... 1100 w/1111 lor 1300. 631-09A.& rug• blk•• ml i o . ••c. 2912 v"TIIOI Rd Black amok• P1,1l1n. 7eo.eooe ..., $5-I SOO s.1 a s n M11e. 1 yr, $1150 obo ---------'•••---••••••••••••• g.ep 500 H et 0 1u Big Garage 8•1•. Furnl· 957-0607 Set of Old r11htonld woo- CdM m. u r 111• lure, Appll1nc:e1, & Iota did bdrm furn, dbl bid. llllJHll••H., l•Olrl A .._,_ MM · of hou11hold goodlH n..., IHI s1ea, 876-5810 •••··········:.r.a.•••••• •• ~ .... rw •••• U.~':' and other lunque. Sat• '::A.................. Ill L... IALIW11 Pu. Cnt• #n• Sun, 11:00 1117 2134 lei "•4lt11t ll111 Xlnl J'''' Bdrm Country llllllttll NONE FINl!AI F•oloty w;::·r·;~ ... S~;jb~~;d~ ~.~~u:,•I St C M SlgC~~~~~7~rSI~. ::.:~y~c~~~~·.=: Cullom h15'. lutO, I UlhOrlHd OIH rence Atari .. ,, FrHzer, s11• <;l!ev•I ll'Wrror. dHk, ohr, hHt, Ian, water, llghta. Lut 3 drn nowl reo, O.ltun truck pans. FREE LEMONADE Golden Retrlellef puppies bookthlll, dre ... r. 2 nll• 17500 orig S2000. You * * houtenold ltem!I, drape1, 811/Sun 2048 Pomona with paper• lor ..... Only •I• n d 1• 0n1 y & 9116. dlHHemble. 875·0695 8HI M leotlon or mo11 clothlng, 1ho11. king Bk• & magi.sc to S2 $175 535-2494 876·2515 1~ YOU HAVE THE fNI· mak" of org&nlj, LMlll bedapread, lhffll, gul-=·~~,!10~1;~.' • Min gray poodle, 3'A yra DMIQner corner bide, $60 TIALS OF Spkr1 & Rhythni unite. lar, mucho goOdlfl Sii needa good 10111nn home ... •"1·2857, ·~2-1133 Ill LIQUIDATION & Sun 9.5 48 t Broad· . .., "" ,_ Lui caHI Some pc>pular way. su~~~G°eNiXL~6 ~f:~he right family. Elayne ~::d·~::.:rc~.:·= LOWREY & WURL.ITZER 20' freezer. aurfbo•rd, 495 E. 18th Cott• Me1a 29drms. den, dining rm, cover with hor'" hMd & model• •t our dealer IC>yl. lg men & women'• corrMtr of Irvine Of Many SHIH TZU A.KC PUPPIES, 1111 rm, refrlg 8re1kf111 lnlt1111 or CHO. Error, COii. (714) 845-2471 ctothea, olls & watarco-~~',!•1~em~1 • ~1ne11e fi,':,m~01/~~-FG~~r ~::; tbl, 6'4-4085· 780'°213 co11 S26. sett for $15 to lr1aa a PlaM ..... , lore. 2 c:.mplng colt, '80 a ....,, 81'1 que I, rugs s2oo 539--0925 White French Pro11lncl1I lucky perton with I~ 217 E 17th 81 , C.M. Ford Van ae1t1, More etc trlple drHaar & nlghl lnltlala Call 840-8709 1598 Ponderoea St ••• 11.,1.. ,,. ,,, FtH ,. r.. IHI 111nd, double & t lngl• _e_ve_s_o_._ve ____ ~ l•tll•• .... IOH •• , I s 8 8 I I ,,. • I •••••••••••••••••••••• matt re .... a t>Oaaprtng1 M ber hi I u 1·-·1 -~··· ••••••••••••••••• .., n awap meetl •t 12 • 111 ••· .I ~l•t 15 Mos. Span/.Collle male. with lramu, brown !Myl em • P n n • ..,.. .. Y SCUBA GEAR Sun 8129, SAM t lll ? lh BJ (••u lrHk· Hsbrkn. Shott. lie. Xtnl armchair & toveaall Athletlc Club, Newport Cornp!Jle, $300 c.. • .,.,, ...••.••...••.••.••... '2,981 hl•tf II•• ... 11 r,..,., 141tte11 THE WORLD'S FIRST HOBIE DEALER Hobie Dana Point 34 1~5 Coast Hwy., Dana Point (114) 411-1211 38' Scarab 79 White with sunburst $\ripe.. on trlr, gar since new . 370 hp. 4 bolt mains, $69,500 3404 Vil Oporto Stitt 4 Newport BtKh 171-11H Baby Items. gun•. gou j ., ·1 A I ) w/klds. 642-4174 h1nd-c11111d Mulclan J9!.ac8h9,. P"Vl308P1rty, S800 (714) etl2.()9()7 clubs, toolt, & mlac 325 8111 I ••I• coff .. lable whit• vlnyt 1 __ ~ __ ........ ______ 1----------l ~ E. 23rd. CM. FREE ICE H f.JOH Asllectlonate fem T11Nler/ Floral & Danish occaslo· Cheapl Furn glass sliding Ice Hookey gHr, compl IH11, 1•n t IHO S.ll,_,,dl IOll lf•l•1qtl11/ ... &:;•/ TEAi hep mlK. 6 mot. Lovn I h Tbl I d .. .., "" 9-13 yr old sso ••••••••••••••••••••••••• "J':':'............... ltHlltl 11$ I ,,,- -.-_--,-.-.... -...... -,--Mon/Tuaa. Atari, desk, k I ds 4 9 4 • 1 0 1 2 . p"t'ctucrerla ait b•'rd!mlpln& .~111• w5a5!her109• d8ryer, water 64"4·89t9 . . .... IPUSll C11rn aellboMd by lnlln~t , •••• .. •••••••••••••••• •••••••.!f!••••••••••-.. ,,.... •~ pric.dlnoood eon tlon 300 M w thlrb 2 x 7 Inner of har1c1er Kraa .... o.-..-. ~ .ema 1 rt -. .. &"ti -~r -1• 111 dra...-, bookl. (tel ll & 540-1777 Ga""" · " • "" · u· W C I "'I •97~ •~•12 '80 IT1"5 v h di Elcq let baby carriage & Mii help). hula costumes, Free wood storage lhed. 548•3088 · John Wayne Tennis Club ;:Pc H 1c 9 011 Parade. 17' Xlnl 875·5115 bike idnt cond $550 Sh Uc pldl J loYeSUt,orn1te lronbect allver, mite. 820 Geneva you haul or tear down. · Famlly Membarehlp, Aedl d.~c1°2P'87* 00 bay crul11r. 12500 or •--•ll 080. 636·0015 or eyr1111 .u : IAP9 w/bresa. old batkltl. (oll Bch/lndy} 646•5324 BH utltul leeded gl111 &900 Incl. H1n1f er. .... • 1 bltt olllf 173-1077 _,,, •· 11 968-0597 Coupee ... lo c hoo .. teak deck dirt. wicker & •-If j bookc1te/deak. Prea1-1·340-1264, cfll collecl. BRANO NEW GOLD 80 · · IINki 1110 froml (006TH ) (8tk. ratlan, many collect .. w•••• Ill Germ slit Hair male. Gd beck rocking chlllr. £x.. -----~---1 Penn RHlt. $376. 23' Pleroe Arrow, flybrld· •••••••••••••••••••••• Kawasaki 900 Z I 1976, A~!:._Prtc.e 1t1rtlng • tools & houllhold llema ••'••••••••••••••••• •• 1 h d h t F 1 bee cetlenl eondfllon. Ra1to-W•ter Pump l'~HP 8rlgg1 ge, '70, Volvo 2110 hp, Sllp1 111allebte, Corona Kint c9nd, low mllu, 1 •f 11,1111 & misc. Sat/Sun 8-6. 365 OT~gNH~~~~c°~~~ELI~ ~:.;her ~S·4n7;3 ,. nablet 859·9879 'most1orra121"soPo. 6rt~~!eae'1 g11 714/844-1007 JC Ira fuel, bait lank, del Mar area, SO pr ft. many e11trat. Must .... E 19th SI C M • .. ., 4 Mens laro• O'Nalll wet cu1tom Int. a ovr, trlr Peg g y o r C 1 rrl e Sao.$1600656·6491 · '· · Appl,llKtura1,drs+Free1ogoodhome,2yr M RUSTICOININOTABLE llXl l nd l 14 900 6'2-e580 9552 .. 73 k..., t-GARAOE SALE . 273 Al· mite. 584 Monterey Dr.. Husky/Germ. Shep. ml11, WITH FOUR CHAIRS Moving • Frigidaire gaa ~: n co . 548·20l7 ' ' • w -•' 5· ft•J/•11 ft•n l 1110 bert Pl. Sat & Sun 9.4 Laguna Ben, Sun 9-5 good wt klds, affactlo· SIS0 ..... 720-1021 dryer. yello, very clean. --------~27' Chrla twn 283'•. ball 41 Ft. IHt... •••••••:! ............ .. R I I & I 631 6676 $150. 642-3589. PRt••o 5p<>1un 11nk fl· .. fl•"-S"' ooo '8 7 Oeela 16'. ref rig. • r g like new, tbl Moving Hie. everything no e • --•FT SOFA .., "'...., · ... ........ "" Excellent Newpor1. Har-1 1 11 1 11 1 cht1, mllC. furn & many must go, Wllnut pool BASSEn HOUND mall. 7 Choe Brown Xlnt Cond Ctarlnet S 125 Sew ma· w~i~~;f45· ~=-~3S2 8 4 2. O 3 5 6 • bor toe. N"r Pub lie ~=eiifc o Se1s(;,e or c:'.i'. extraa. table¥." sllle, Sony Be-yrs.old Owner trllftatrd 185 .... 720·1021 chine $476. Frener $50. --------~ Dock $15,000. 55't·2326 See '' Newport Dunea T ~EODORf ROBINS FORD i .o .. ~a· .. ,~.'- < 0' I A .... I'" b•, J ( YARD SALE Sat /Sun l1mu. etereo. Wshr/ must find gd home lor HVV WROUGHT IRON Air cond. S30. 9766 Em-WAVE TOOLS 30' Hunter cel:>ln cruiser, •O' Npt Bch meorlng Aquatic Park. A Section. 7-4pm Tops, books. dryr, Kg & dbl bed, clo-Fred. 492-8243. LOUNGE & CHAIR mon•. F.V. SURFBO~"D. Siio, new c1nv11, bottom w/18' Inboard dlnk e. or call AnswerAd 676. -.53-8-Ndlblk------_..._-.-- plenta, clothes. misc ::;,es. ~~'';:''i,~u5"!be[ & Adorable baby rabbit•. w 1 1 m 11 b 1 e Furn. doll nouee S75. va-5'48-2017 don• 8/82, 2 b04lt o-. 0 111 Incl. I l 0 ,500. 642-4300, 24 hrt 5 P ... cpe~ Ni;;;·~: goods. 605 Hamlllon, sc o .onng-free 10 Oood home. Ctn-S)00.720·1021 nlly tibia $25. eu ut. SCUBAGL\R mull 11 111 s5 ooo 545-8734 A •-• 1 '3'190 2131512 Ttt C.M. ton (Upper 3 Arch Bay) wood armolr $200 St ... terlk, Ilium lank, 2 1·09e.f888 Ill. fpm. •I• -me., •tll . ·1 So. Laguna Beach dy, 540·8644 ... "''" llH41IHI 875-3260 regulatOrl a ecc.ee. BC. 17' BOSTON WHALER. Super 40 11 inoor.no wtth 'At~••utln HOO .............. POOL TABLE. king mat· 496-5847 Snoopy • a genii• com· •••••••••••••••••••••• All xlnt 1260 111. 248• Monteok. 100 hp, Evin· 18 11 lnb04lrd, WPlf loc ...................... . 'sressro1'11kllRt1'!.ble1n'14ucl1h11loirns •. w•!ntl ..... j panlon tor child or edult. VE LL OW SHAO CAPT h.,.,t leHlt Santa Ana Ave. CM. rude, low ht1. Kint cond R •duc e d S 2 5 0 0 to All Chevy truck e>ane 'it _!!!llF1:rcs000w oody WI· • ,., • 3 yr old M. Beagle, Good qu•llty. 12x1•. y I OI• I $4600. 545-8734 t on lo d l eael. Rblt .,..... '" · mite. 2955 Mindanao, •••• •••••••••••or•••• 640•2314 sec>. 648-888& •I I I • •-Mid diving wet eutt; Kini $ 9 8 5 O • N ° Ir• II• r transmission from S 185 557_..515. SaVSun g_5 Oar.age Sile. Sat/Sun Hrt·~ cond. S50. 2484 Santa 645-0413. PIER up to 28' S150/mo. & up 554•1650 1t2t Fotd Model A T_, Baby Items & clothes, Free male puppy Lab-J-!7. •-• NE....,.ORT 9 C F 7 18' 1 100/mo. Marcu1 s.cs.i. 110.000 I ' 3702 P k L -· -I· ....... H. ull Ana Ave. M. • 4 Carver 25'. mint cood. Chan--' 67" •145 ...... bOd St d ' _......., IHI , ... •Hf oys, • c. It n Springer Spaniel mbt 9 E •••••• ·······d········ Famlly. R8181eable. 1900 Loll of equip, wfll "''or ..... ....... ,, ... ol y u '"·• ........ -Lido Gar--Sale I 636 wk s b I k & w h' ngeoernent.,.. wedding or bell offer 751-8375 I. tr ...... 8f S.58tt .__,,_..._ ._, pro ec1S. •7o to 2 Imp Iota~ .. AY8rltl, Clothlng,oouchM.dlnlng -..-8 641.7524 ring eel · cost Sl 400, n• .,...... ..... _ _., &Oomettlcsmc:.ra,llt• S55CI0.97M18t. rm table chairs 1724 Via Lido Nord, NB 9-6 never worn, S 1000. llJ~lllaH•• ••.,.••••••••••••••••• Boaton Wt1111t, 2 yra Old, BY OWNEf'I · trucka. Near 10\111 SS ---------f 1J411n S~t/Sun 10.5 ial/Sun tnclds 2 bunk Free male Lh818 Apso, 4 842·5937 ...... ,-~ •~ nll mllla 11', 35HP motor, alnt 30' Dock, power or full Save Money SS · no funk. 'et! Ced Conv. Oflo ewnw, ' beda. wUhefl dryer yrs. old. to OOod nome. '50,000 Clftlfled rublll 6 ••• '!'~ ••• ~ ••••••• ~! Mul1emptyby 1129 ge.-oond. $3.000 firm. (7l4) down mitt. S l60 mo 2nd olllce aervto• nda front end, •..-PI GARAGE SALE UUll l&LI U T/HI 675·3656· eapphlre. Belt ofr. over Chrl1Uan mllllonerlee en· rage M l of mite. C~. 840-1282 "15-oe52 213-944-8452 ~~h~h::;~·.~~~ SAT & SUN 9.5 1930 Pon ChelMa. NB Klltens. Free to good $5000. 6«-7007 routl to lndla nffd beby MO-MTa 11· 8oston Whaler. 15HP Doell for 26' bOat w/39r, PAINT & lite body work, 71•1112-1163 2016 Arn0~!dv, behind MOVING SALE • every-horme. 1 wnlle, 2 grey ti-Mtlf'l't eppx fct l·VllS2 clothll, •tc. 675-483t rr. Wit Evlnruo e elec •t•rt. 2B1 dpl11, Nlwpof1 C-up to 50% off your body • =iiiiiiiiiii..,iiiiiiiiiiiiil thing tacrlflcedl Must ge s. Barbara S4~8012 diamond rl • epr. 17100 Power mo-r and edger M J ' &1200 Firm. 845·2101 II S900 mo. 81&-ael3 shop ell 9111 538-9832 5t ~~~. ~ ~~ '13·0~. • Hll: end tables, foot-ev/wknds lk &3200. ~t·9278 PIP wanted, running or not. • ••••• ~ •• ~•••••••• *lll'fll WUUI . 1..,.rt leaf U, (2)L78· 15 Champion Ff· 54t-154 I ~deo gag;,e $S25. El~lrlc locker, bike, ges BBQ, Adorable furry 6 week old '' L 1, .. 1,, 887-3939 Sanyo COior VCR •200. 9• Tender, fully equip-lJP TO « It reatone whltewall1, gd ---------ryer $1 · tereo .75. mite. Fri, Sal, Sun 10-4. kittens. Need gd. home nit#• . " ~ TE New. 11111er uHd New $350 th 173 ~·2• head. $40/pr 546-5633 1949 Wiiiy• Jeepat•r .. Kld1 toys. _ciolhea. die· 7304 W. Oeeanlt-on·t, 561-2-135 . •••••••••••••••••••••• WAN 0 lo buJ TOY S100,...a-lor '600 ped, 6 h.p. Evlnrude mon . ._.. .. AH12L.~ xlnt runn!flg hea, booka. records. N.B. · Waete• .... TRAINS Lionel, I ES. A. • 631•7717 eve. 875.01gt , Sf800. BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: Super Sllilltf70=15 ·con-a . i 4 0 00 obo. :~u~t~ ~~.'~ C~M~~~;·--.. -V-l_l_l_l_l_l_E_S __ !~!~/!!!! ...•.... !~!! Wnttnt 11441es F. 644-e829. Sanyo Stereo, a tree« & 1H11, bat ~s:~.=i~r~&9~~· x1n1 tr~}.s~':· S35. _~ __ 7_6 _____ _ Tustin Ave. belw 19th & MOVING AWAYll * * * * lllTIWHml lf••lt1l CUMtlt player. 4 apk,. Ciutn "" Mon-Fri ' '11 MERCEDES 20th). 6 rms 01 furniture, Incl I BUY 31792 Camino Capl-l••lt••••ll M3 $300. 492~73 •••••••••••••••••••••• Extra Large Car Top 4 cyt, rune fine, t>..c c..n , antlquea, appk:11, lots 0 ttrano, San Juan Cepl-•••••••••••••••••••••• 40' Viking for Charter SLIPS avall. Huntington Carrl8f, S25. ottw. 875-8972 Good used Furniture & tlrllfto Fishing, dllllnll & •n· H a r b o u r e 1 y , 960-9678 Ganige Sale, Sun, 10.6, other good atulf. Sat Appliances-OR 1 will NII ,.93•1023 YAMAHA Bu e Amp .,..,. I 1fM1M 11rteln m1n t . C a ll 7 1 4 . 8 4 o. 5 5 4 5 •• 69 P '82 OMtt 88. Tl,000 orlt.l Clothe•. book•. mt1c Sun 9-5. 2100 Sanllagc or SELL for You Head with 1 double 15" M2·2791. 8441•7786. orsche Perla. su1-ml. good cond. 11~ haehld 1tem1. bunnies & _o_r._______ llAmlS AIOTlll 11fMj/a•rr 1111 PV t PHker cabinet ... ~flt!!!!.......... ~~sion60& Int. 557·8640, 09011111 '41-0110 blrdL 2<44 l(noK s1 .. CM Gl•st COlllCtlblH, bike ... .... • .... ,,, ••••••••• ,............ Fender Bau Prectaton ...., Hll ... ... ...... • MOORING 60' N8 main • 1 '55 Ch4rlly Bel Air wwn. THIS IS ITI All kl11d1 of louver drs, embrolderec • ••• 'Aedll l arm aew' &2915 Gulter with case llOd IX· •••••••••••••••••••••• Nlwpof1. 714/631-3600, ch• n n 11 . $ 1 2 6 11\ o Trailer hitch tor '78/'82 Et 350 rlbfl eng. run. lllM. 1unqu1 & goodl•• Seti llnena. old book• & ts Queen Bdrm"'· almoet l ~~.'e.:'~!JJ'5nd and tr1t • Ill In excellent 3t' Rich ardt on Spo rt 4M-4eocl 549-4293, 957~7. Camino 5000 lb• $100 and mefly extru . S11t0 Sun 9-3. 20121 Orchid, edlOont. Cast Iron pll new. all sortd hatdwood oondltlon. AIMt. ~ 8. AMllnO S.t N II tonight or 7 On 40' Sllp for pwr or NII v./ 536·657 4 090. 142-904• d.,., Senti Ana Hgta (off Ir· l1r1. Sat/Sun Holld•1 ash, 2 drN, 4 m1r1, .,. llllfflla,..I "" 111-0171, 1.... $l 9,000. (213) 9 ll-6431" 70' Schooner w/lklpper, let·down mitt. Balboa 3 BLUE VAN SEATS With 831-ICMO -· Oeof91. vine & M ... ) Rd. " Bayport. N.9 111olre wlth light bridge & ...................... Wiii trade ~o 8C Sect reduc.d r•tll. Up to 16 C0"91. Avau now. Flelll· BA s E s s 9 0 a' I '89 OLDS. Cutlau 840;. ~Mtle laraa:t S-. :µ EJal~ Coves Sal/Sur mtr behind b•d . So A~~h m~og~l C:,~ Kulno 8 ch. PA-Mid. 125 17 •• res , ASE. RIY.rllde people. S.r. 846-4005 1>11. e.&5-8l00 536-8574 conv ••eel. cond. "'" Set/Sun g.s. Many anti-9.~ You Name 11 . We'vi beau1111.r1 • must 11e to 6 ecord°'pf 4 ,'5 00. watt RMS, 2 Peevy cebl-County for ... or power ,..,, I.JI ""~,,.-I pwr s2eoo. l44-a2&. quH, oak furn .. orig Collecled It Gas BBQ appreciate. N-&5100 "J~C" t1b~~AM t'FM nett w/15" apeekers & bolt. 833-0013. Approx. •••••'•••••••••••••••• ltJ -""A•lfl ltt Iii• Tlfleny lamps, hehtd ekll.11ereo,c:lo1hes.etc wlll5811$1950.96e-143e. ttereoradlowlth8trectl horns 1450/flrm. '50,000. 1t'~bll C.t. ~w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••tM PORTANTNOTice" 'll T-1111 Items & much more. NEWPORT HEIGHTS McCarthy Oak Victorian & r9COtd pllyet·S75.00: 842-8155 INFLATABLE SEVYLOA teq tunrlM H iit . Like 4 X 8 ft Cullom llete pool TO READERS AND EKc1ptlon1I car, Star Corner of 1801 Sandal· 450 C•tallnl D< lcorM Desk. Cost $1900. Sec. blltlroom "marble type" PA System, Allee, QSC, 10' ANTEC Never UMd. new 12500. 175-t181. table $500. PlelM call ADVERTISERS mitt "beby" blue. Owner wood & Redwood, bet Broad. Shlrta, few ant $1200. 645-1410 link In I door & 2 dra-Tapco, lnclydH mlll11. 1100. 53t-a574 CAL 20, IPlnl\Mar, Oen-760-6234 11199 The price of Jtem• Id· for 20 YH rt hu lu•t Baker & Adams. W. or qun, turn, toye. blcyc~ Sit.JI l&I c:.t>lnlt plu• mlletilng 2 $1750. 644-~605 •--M--'~ 01. 8 hp 0 /9, eatrll, Ctaulc 18' Runabout, lllrtllld by vetlldl d completed lovlng rea-Hllrt>or Blvd. (bOyl) door wall c abinet & _,., --xi S3eOO 142-e5e0 .. , torlllon. Alklng SH ,000. King sz waterb•d with "marble type" wall lhelf, Drums (Roger1) 4 Pc, La/-•I HJI nl. . 103e-Hackercraft '5500. Cert In the . ...,,lcte cluel· EKCll. fnvetttnent. beaut. headboard w / ell for only S100.00; Dyno snare. 2 cymbal ••• ":\."""•••••••••••• LAID IALI (213) 438-0880 fled lldverll51ng column• 41M51-M98. l~hted mirror: 8150 mat-bl ,20 00 1tlnd1, I high hat, Zlld· 12· Apollo lnflalable, I W-1&.ILI .,... does nol lnctuOe eny ·• .L ,. A ••ll• · 1010 horse anket-· : II• a Pal • b-' + Save big buckat 26 new 1 ' --1 .... eppllcab'· t•w••. 11---... '41 CedMl1c Model 11, ... Hf••• 11• l/r.• •tt1 c Ing oak night table. 11 1 r I • • r I d In g h • t llnh d a.eOC"ff'floOd .,, d 1978, up to 25"1), wood ~ _..,. I 3 I J--·-• Jet 350 ,..... ,_ t f "'1 ~-ft"""'' • .. tt I f ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••• Only 3 mo1 old. Coat (tm•lll-&25.00, n-car • ., ware. eon . floor & treneom. alt ec-• u...., or d1y1 n '"""""" . ""''· IU rans er ees. nine• .,.e,.en• •. m nt or g, AalJJ.•H 100$ Kenmore washer and over 11000. Sacrifice lloor mete (•)·'"20.00.· 1673 3 8,_2., 2 6 5 7 . 166 2 . CHI. HOO. 551•1993 the O'Oey elngll handed hra, mul1 ... to appre-cherges. fees for air pol-aule, radio, 83,000 ml . .... ••••••••••••••••• dryer set. Xlnt cond. S 4 5 0 c 0 m P 1e 1 e . • -vvv ch1mplon1hlp1. Fully clatel Tandem trailer tutlon control device $16,000. '4~1 $295. 547·2918 730_6286. M W 14 Inch light alloy 2hp Elg ln long 1h1fl IQOlpped. · S5400. 848·5778 • c1rllflcallon1 or dealer ----- WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL 11751 Wet1mln1t•r Ave. ELECTRIC DRYER 0000 ---------rims (BMW't) tel of All Bra11d N-Equipment_ 7'Mlp Elgin both $200 ' The l.a9er Store documentary pr•p1ra· 1964 8uldl Speolel. Lflce · CONDITION. S95/obo •ust lake Oasltl ;t!,..~i~ie'e~ob;.'tict:~: =~~~e,x,:~~:! ~!~ 551~1"3 . 824 We..1~.!l~· C.M. ,, .. n»tt•tlM llon charges unleu ~pewpia?.~~0~206~8· ':!ii Call 720-0282 PRICES START AT: Sota dlal tlrea 19 110 HR witch 1280. Dean M•rk-5 Scoop FI G Custom r •••••.,.••••••••••••••• otherwise specified by ' Beds $197. Sot• & Love 14-$f00.00· 8201 lev Pro·M1g aoouatlc BAIT TANK. $295. 28' Clualc Sloop (Ludera c •• ,.n, ..,. the advertiser. 11 k I S 100 5 -C 8 I I ' GARDEN GROVE 554-6103 Sear. Ken--re Wither/ s • ' s 167 9 I d. , c 7 ••• 1 ~ N ' I I ••• , ''" •911-4'10 '"" e • • hoodma 2 . Ir· i ullar pick-up w/caH ell 141.,._.1001 • w P • P • -"·••111 ISIO --------- moat new. wtll aell lor r 0 r m • d o n • · hure mlCl'ophone AVON red 1tlf1 v./motor · • '79 C Shell I 111«1 ••••••• • ••• • •••••••••• · "' Dryer, Almond color. al· Mattresa and Foundation 50 s Sl /0 80 873 65'47 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-CA" SACAI FICE ·e• Ellqulsltl Victorian baby *395 Set. 066-1436 Sets, Twins 177, fl.Ill $97, ~ttl ·S20 .00. Call PE 585 w/cue. cord mount, good oond $396 LIDO wltrl A-1xtre11276 beet 't': S200 or b I Claaalc 1989 Chry11er Mue1q GT Conv '-1. c:.rrlage S550. ---------1 Oueen $147. King S167. 642.0138. adaptor & 111nd $100. OBO. 846-4005 . 87~11 873.·9487 of 9e2 5~53 . or • stre1Ch Limo, xlnt eond. eond. 11"5. Cam . .,, 842•7726 • • WANTED * * 3 pc hving rm tablet $67, -·---549-1076 uk fOt Bonnie: _ ' r. • , I S.11 offer Call Mr Smtih Hurry, ceH 982·77tl Of M UST SELL UPRIGHT FREEZER 4 Chair Dinette Set S97, • u. -I.............. HOBI 14, 11111 new, In' #•IMI" I/In 1J4fl .851-061 1 861.0140 Good cond. S46-0659 bunk beds with matt 8 10 20 long. 36C P'r It. Manin 0-28-12 11rlng, w/ No 30•1. seoo .. 1 No garage, w/lrelter. 11300. •••••••••••••••••••••• •;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;:;::;::;::;::;:::;;;:;;:;;;;;- DESPERATElll Womena 10 tpd bike. SNrl Free Spirit, 11lnt cond. H er $85 OBO. Antq matching Ml of 2 dr-rs & ladles v anity 11,ble. CIACA 1930. S 1,000 for entire eet Or wlll contlder Ml· Hng M91fltety. Hu ~ In lamUy for yeara. Rlc- ...ion lore. aelell Wiit consider bell offer PIHll Cl ll 5•11-0678 eve. "nllque Singer oak 11- wlng machine, S 126. cuh. 875-e-024. $177 775-1491 anytime. hardcH•. Kint cond, 32 $700. etl1-t317 ,.. D•y• 548· 1IO1: 11111 VESPA MOPED. good WettlnghouM Washer 111011n """'° SAFE $700. 957·8281 (213)430..U30 cond. Only S200/ofr. Good Cond, s75. 1959 Harbor, CM •• IMli..,. .._ __ ,,_..,.I ,..,. hwt IHI 32 ' Cl I C I I 876-4712 57~4646 Ill..... Maje>( model 1712 Wll•• 1 &1&1 ..... •••••'•••••••••••••••• e11 c ru Ing ---------FrMZet upright, lmperlel $200 (714)882--0907 ~~•I Ml Claulc 1a• Lepatrllle Sloop Excel cond Suitt :e2 PUCH·MAXI, brand hvy duty oommerleal 27 Antique Walnut 8<1rm Set, HO TRAIN SET ••• •••••••••••••• CentUf)' tMiy bOlt 4 cyt Flnland Ul67. Cvttom n-. nevw UHd. $450. cu ft Uke new $650/best dresse<. chelt, lull bid. on 4114 flJwood, Kini OESKS FOA SALE Orey. $3600 87M181 • lnlr. Luke SI S 11ov1, f40-6801 IMw "'90· Desk• and matching · · VHF, 8' gl111 dingy. -.--------=---631·2226 $500. 841-4t30 eond, S3 31·2133 chllrl 1 ..tftflce Pf'\c• GrHI fllhlng bo•t. 18' Menyextru. Oelperefe · 70 MOTOBECAN!. Un· GE ef ..... bot1 I Sola Striped grn/yell & NEW ATARI VIDEO I I $550 Replacement Alum 10HP Mete. heevy muet Mt!. 121.000 "' bet def 100 mllet, ,,.. b• s 1~s:"'K•n~r~ee;:~ beige Lo11e .. 1t & ctw. COMPUTER SYSTEM cott S2300. CALL DAWNI duty 1111 bid trlr. Xlnt ofr. 8TJ-8311 d.,.. k•t•, '400. '40-1101 dryer. '50. 642·7502 B<oyhlll. S225. 141-4130 1115. 731·2133 9-&pm M·F 833-8600 cond. $14t6. ft0-1450 PA1911 leave m111., Apt 11ze refrigerator. ma-Rattan Bentwood rocker Men'• Roller S1Cat11 Deak. black metal with 11 ft L.-MliLCAAFT SABOT •79 l u.tukl FZ50. Utlder nu 11 d •fro 1 t. s 6 s wt green cushion. 170, az UD. I*• ,_, I 16. wood grain formtce top. 9lt by Udo &Np Ylrd. 4 AIOOED F~ ~ING ~50 ml~ ~:,renct ,_ 841-1197 call 841-4130 731·2133 Mad• by Steelcue. cyl Inboard. Cnlr tte. 2 Mite, IOtt of tMIC. ... · I Whlrlpool Dryer, elec1rlc, real Arch ectl e9ll .., ........ .... F... -60 s o G 9, It T Plnb-." ··-~ .. i-1 150. 648-8480. 11"" ttMlon. 8lmW top. 1700. • •• _.1., VESPER emen ~ •• I $75 Wood Desk St25. "Aace Car" Ulld Royal Bond COpler p~~.c·v~~.!.:.!'~ 25 ft MecG,,_ 't 1 lrtl• peolal, 7 0 1nllet •92-6873 646-5181 6'2-5937 XJnl cond S600 _,. -• •-.._ 7 • ..,... ,only, oo.<>d .. ,_, $490 Antique Roper gu 1t0111, 641•1010·(Anll.; around Bey boet. In eit· let, .5 Hond•.1..!~~··· 0 8 0 $51·138• after $125 c.uh. Colcftpot Atfrlg $225 HAND CARVED T EAK Allletlon-Marlne cellenl cond. U SOO. Elloellent Cond .-ow. 8:30pm. 675-e-024 M8)111Q, Speed Queen or BAR. New. natural nntlh. Comput $50 Wo•d dllkl plus ml1c 731·7900, or 131-47&4 tr Sfoop, 1dnt cond .. WI -.7-g......;M_O_T_O_B_E_C_A_N_E_M_O-I· ..., ~ E I , Frigidaire wuner S99 ea. mirrored tnetde. HOO. e.&2-5937 office equip. Reuonabte -· wltncl.. lreller. RHdy to 1111. PED . roual b::f.•~d r ll'I ... ••,.. 548-8872 553.0175, 841..()154. prleed 875·9137 1 1100 714-648-9003 ' Sol Bran, •nllque Carpet Sale. UMd & 2nda, BOSTON WHALER 1SW • oond. Ju1t tun . . t TS..0397 New gu 1tov1 .. never TABLE. round w/4 ch.irt. lat quallly. &4.99 aq yd. Sm dllk·IOP Dennlton •O MPH Jonneon, IUP« 2'J' ll• 840·<4065. uHd, white, plloll1u. Caned back, IOlld, St•ll & P•:ll & lnttlllallon. eo1 pier. Good cond. cond. wl trlllter. rnuet 1111 ..... , e, ,..1 ..... , dinette,+ -.7-T_P_u_c_h_M_•ll-1-.,.-0-P-•-d-1. •9lllYILY* $350. 641-8378 $400. 536-3438 11111. Lrg Ion. 831-5543 260· 6'1-1010 Tina 497-3331. ;t,y eiC1'u~ 19900. Pvt Perfect condition, un6lf ll11tll Piii 1 yr old Reing, 25 cu 11, ANTIQUE walnut dining Ho1p . bed . elec .. w/ Ulll l&LI A·Bftltol 38' C.C. Connie party 873-eote warranty. 8'rg1ln at ,Mlktl* & Oollec1lbl11 Croeley, froef tr ... $236. rm t1ble/6 Chllrl, 11500 trapeze: wh11lch1lr. NOMI 1• •FIOI w/ellp Compi.tlly NM· 7• SABOT ... ,.,.. _'3.;..;..;.2_6._5_<4_8-3088.........; ____ 1 FW IAlllT &U· 1098 • matching china ceblnet w 111t er. crutch... n blth•d, loeded. 16000 ""'7VV U & S300 857-'lAll7 99e-1225 1e11PMEIT D.1>.-0.W. ""· (714) lml'n1C.6~·7~Ult ........ -Jn/ .. 11d New M•rchan-Moving Frigidaire gu -v-7 ~ .,_ .., ·-·, .. Boat picture ads provide dlM dryer,~low very clean Twin llze ct.I bid. .... •--XeroK 3100 LOC. IBM e 15-0 l48• 631-112 ,,..,.,, fllf .. ·-• • 50 .. $80 -·IUMN eon.c11ng sei.c1r1c IBM '78 25' ,._...._ ,._ .. __ .... LIDO 14' ""'8 .,., ... raoe ...................... . • -rt e1 . 2..,,6f9. . Xlnt condition. I ~ tomethlng ~I-, SO U8 ' ""'""'' ...--, .. ,. equip. # 1419, •xcel f971 Hulk)' 125 MX. In I .... te I,,., IRetrlg 11 cu rt. no frost, 714-963-7920 l\.tl I 30" high ceramic Mernoty . PL 2 ooo bridge, VH,, "°"· dlnGY. oond. 12115. Greg perfect condltlOftl Mul l ... ~ Loe Alem1t01 AecleTrac1t , a11001do, Kini. S175 Near ..-browncordurcy h o rae. Only t 75 . Chalra. 1 n •• bee L.oeclld. 114•000· (H 4> 64 9 ·1414, de ya. Mll forONLY $400. o.11 ::.-...;~-ir.·.;.,.;.i~· .. ·:.•1;i. 2 13 780-3'40, 431-1381 842-t571 sole bed, $175, CC>tlllnl &40-8109 Wlllwkndt. :f:bi.~~~::;: 5144422 873-7072 ewe. M#k 11 f45..203l • .tt .. no FREE PARKING On llH waler bed, e c.-na fen br ... ~ AntlQue H•ll Stand Ind 811 Aly 2468DA IHO. 14• HOBIE CAT, 1075• 1n1w1r, PIHH"flHp 28' Ericton Fully~ CNlM. Antique tolld Mahogany I llY APPUUOIS drawe,., compl. ~00. ut-4. Wood bli d11 4 Oii P11n11nge AllO Mtec w/o trlr, foecled. Mu•• 1150 trytno,..~ ~. 8 11 UHF ~ cowr-. dr .... r. 7 drawer, w/ Lei 957-8133 6764 340: f40.00et tullp llg_ht1, 0011 125o, Office ll•m•. and ctlelr 1 •II 1 1' · 1 OO 10 f' · 557-te..o. 911·1180 •:.:.eel c0nc:."i0ft'\'"ie.aoo · ml r r or. S 2 9 5 0 9 0 . oi.11w1en.r. portable, 5 S.aullfUI French Prov. di.. M lot Mt. 652--0709 meta. 1,.;K4-:::::;::IM::::::8~-----l::a:;:;:-:;;-=::7=::;;:;::1 123...at? 94&-4005 cycl•t, flarveat gold 8 nlng room auhe In Qw. <Cl" toUnd table, <C met• 20t 2 M~~~~ON #212 't2 DotMtt, 11 ft CC, ... m.~·· r::.m:~; --~------·•---------------........,• ANTIQUE & MISC. FUA· mo rift, n.rn1 Plff. S 150. rywood tnoludH OYal cfllng round '""ct!••· b9tg!MI. 11 Hf'~ &41-1111 NfTURE GARAGE SALE f42-t571 llbte (u tendlnO to H 11 .. utlfully flnlahed In 752-o322 08 HHd. Gee-..enllff i---------1 • Mahog Regency din "'-In IOJI lnchel), t•ble pedt. bUf-polyuruthen•. mvtttpl• ,,_,. t raller. In n llr new. "'1nCM 1e Cat. Jdnt oond .. ••t. 8 chrl, dropl11f. mi:................. ,.,, 8 uphl. chaltl. Al In 11 .... ~'·· ptCnlc Ot 1:::............. .... $2900. e7a.el3a nu trlr, '2375. 83t-3138. ,...;~::::..:=::-::::':"'l:~~__; .. f1 Mo dern Ao .. wood 8oy'1 3 epd 8ctlWlf!n l 50. u cellent condition. o Hd t ebl e 1110. Mtr'1hll.. .. ........ ,_ ... __ a_•_•------1 °"8erl bdrm eutte. Pool U1ed but good oond. 11•95. ~21 640-17S8 AKC S9rl"99f' ~enlele 31 " ...;-..,.. .. lOrrt OWNIA tACIWICe 21ft tbl I" IOlld •t•. 2 tier 548·142t. King tin -•bed. nllt\I-lrotMr ICH800 Knltflnt ... 1341, now 1190 ooncl • .._.I. •.-o .... 4, ~ l?IH, incl 1--....-....-----u MlhOQ tbl. Sectional w/ 8CHWINH loy'e ~" Var· rel Solld Otllr & 0. • 'MNh. P11"ch Cltd 10 Ametlc,n Pll 9ull, .._ An. A'91. ....... Mr,~ ...... Hurry ~fil~.·a~·tl~t~~~ ~~ 1:.,.~1JC1nlcond. =-~~97~ Pllt•~· .. ~~~1 ~t1~~2::aw '#H MWUl"'T Lft'°C!Ta tt• ll1'..t4GU -HU o r 1'i;T"A1u1ta /{ve, CM. • ·~ · · 11'<40 now ..... PL\18 • r• wltrlr. t:-"--~==---:----t---;.;.;;;..;.;;;..;,;o. ___ ,, 54~ MOIObleane Ontnd Jubl· ESTATE SALE: 8arowk ~ MANY• ~N! PIT1 ON fft..1' ~Int ....... tit LANt UTHI_, I~ re- .... , .. ,, .... 12 IPCI lourl(IO bike, ~~:n~'·~r~~J·="-·c H~fl qu111ty llkt MW SAL.I. AL.I. INCL.UOI ~..,~, ~.~·· "°° 010. :n:::t!.~~ ..... ~. hardly uHd. !11tr11. I 11'". '°'' 14.ta'• Wiii out ' '"(~VET !XAM Pfu•·~~~~~·-~-==--tr.:~~~~--:"!'.:::::::'f,..:..:.:.,::;~~::::,.;~i.---11 HAAIOAA"EA Mutt •I lmmed '376. m ne cape, fHO~t.rwe t200' e? ' 16~ DISCOUNT ON"tM1 ti'&;&...,.. 'IO L ...... •IWlf= AP,.LIANC! 8ERVtcE '715-2153 · ~II. cfYlf,m ~· • l-OMI. ITO"I MIACHANDtU. ....... Uftall1 .... , M '11 >Ont..... 110 We Mii '9COnd., t=· BCHWINN 10 SPO G :· ,,:.:.-Jot"~"'.":.o"'!:.~ Ul•lft1 .... J OdOt It .. ltltcl NII, :~ Xlflt >ClrM ... ol,lflOI_!!!!~~~ '!f'latlo9L M .30n CONTIN!NTAL, S76. ;;llOI'. 'Atmott ~· ciew ... OWi. YIM ' !!' •11 .. ,'T ,..,, ....... ~m MPNQIAATOA u1 ... 2ee dr .. 17 elf. 1&41. . 117·1tH ,,.,,., ~ ~ .. ~., -.: ~ =· xfl'lt.::071 Glrl'1 toh'Ylnn BHch new 811n_,,.. Otrt. t , ''" TtP••rll•r Liie• tlfr.!.n.frltll.llJI ~ /=.t 9"11. ~, ... crulHr, tao. Boy'• 4foldlngcrn,•.,OMI _. t 'tOO ~ ~ -.nm..., .. llTI .., ~ • O.L 17·1oo .. llo•t ••lo•• '"'" .. " l ploe -· •t41't ..._, "'° u -· 11100 " -l,f, w-' ... "':"';ii .. •1i.i' !-1•~=·~ t o-.pct, 930. Nw'ly,,.. 113', All a for 1111. a 4. ........,., of..:....... , ..,.., -,,__ ~.;. llR.., r • , ·-.._. b~ NO. IMl-30et '31·2411 I . . . _.., . t•Lt. ldi; Item• with•"""' eometMng lo Mii? 1 llY ...... .._Ji ... Wfltl ... "'°"'°"'"°'~' 1 HclMt U,.... ~ ~ C1w1f1-A a... et ............ do It --'I. 'I -· 9'MI08 ""'""' f f -~Id, Idell fOr apt, .,.... • ..., ..., ---LM H141N .... . H74* IMO. 17Mf 0' set your oourae for t• Mtn wfth a Dally Pllbt boat ,toture ad. Each Saturday, the 0.Hy Piiot wlll offer you ad "909 that not only dNCrlbel your bpet, but pictures It M wetl. 'the prlc;e It guerentem to buoy your eplrlt• -141 If we take the picture, lfWt ~ '40 It you provide the .,....... fo.-1 2 column 3" 1d. For fUrther oet1ll1 _.,.,.how OaUy Piiot boat p~ - oan work '°' you _. .. echedule YoUr ad, Oii &42·5e78 end -HW' ...., L ... . . Orange Coul DAILY PILOT /Sundoy, Auguat 29, 1982 !': , . -: '1! LIV PIOllP • btr OIMl1 with V8fY low i ; ""'*· (1805407) A9du· ' -S to ~ 13311 • BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 19202 Beach Blvd Hntlngtn B<:h 962-0829 Muat H ll t975 Oateun ll'IC*up. Great condltloo ... w tires, 1hock1 & t brtlk ... Aaklng 12400 Darlene, 492-3327 or J . 831-4875 : 'll TOYOTA : longbe<I Pickup, vary , -.n. (1P311260) l 'J. 13118 l .,-.Ill tl°AXEY TOYOTA * '-19202 Beach Blvd • .-Hntlngtn B<:h 962-0829 LARGEST JEEP DEALER ~ In The Welt ' ~ Hu Used Jeept f ~E:re JHp CJS. Rane· , with ott road tires & I AM/FM '4 IC0\19871 $4989 ~ ''7' .1.-p CJ5 Renegade . ' with. PIS, tllt wheel, AM/ FM c .... ott-toad llret & ~1.Loml. (178XWA) $5989 •'8 1 Jeep CJ7. 4 apd, PIS. AM/FM t1ereo, low ~kPM9931 $7989 OVER 50 JEEPS TO CHOOSE FROM IUllE OMIT 1111/~P/IEIAILT 2524 Harbor Blvd., CM 5'9-8023 645-7770 'll CIEYY Longbed Pickup with eux. tank. (1 M15933l S21l& 91LL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beech Bl11d Hntlngln Bch 962-0829 '77 FORD C750 Heavy duly van. 22' boll, one ton Utt gate, aid• doofl & roll up rear Many extras. G-rantaed new engine, drive 1raln, Mlch1lln tlrea. , $11100. pp 840-2076. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOii llEI CAllS AUIUIRI Nml0/111&11 2480 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Mt-4100 Mt-141'1 WE IUY OLUI CAlll All TlllOIS CONNELL CHfVROLET :1~ ll.1rl• r II' I "~""'~'' !>41>-1 lOO llllUYll Top dollar• for Sports Cara, Bug1. Campers. 914'a, Audl't Ask for U/C MGR .llM 1111111 YtlllWAIEI 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 WAITED! Lale model Toyotn. Volvoa. Pickups & Vans Cati ut todavl Earle Ike fOTOf A·YOl YO " ............. . c ....... .. " u .. uu .. u 0-•o 1 > WI llY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FIH IPPUIUL Col"IJller-PeLltl9 01m1UT 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH HJ-1111, 1'9-JU1 ; "t1 VW pick up truck, t lllH•I LX. Blaupunkt Doll , AM/FM 1ter110. S7200. Top ar "4-4386 UL.11-SllVIOE LWlll 83 1-2040 495-4949 UllLHAH IMW 28402 Marguerite Pkwy Mission Viejo (Avery fall off 1-5) Open Sund11y1 SaleS-Servlee-Leastn 'II 120111 Are •ere! Nice Selectlonl • '76 2002: 4 apd , sn/rl (917PVB) * '79 3201. auto., AIC (54677501 * '79 3201: 4 sp<I . toa- <ledl (776YPCI * '80 3201; 5 spd , snlrl (659ZOK) * '80 5281; auto , snlrl 1486ZOJI IH-S1l1 208 W 111, Santa Ana CIOS<fd Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES & IOI llcLAREI lllW Sates-Service-Leasing 850 N. Beach Blvd LB Habra IU-UU Open Sunday aw11011m•s DLIHT Sates·Servlce-Leas1no [{](CARVER !{_ lli R_ ¥..1 ·Iii\ 1\V ~ ~VII', .... ~ ., ,.,,. • '·' "'*"" "' ...... '\J •4 •,.\.U ..,., ... 1100 ... ,.. /Int 1100 ... ,., .,,, 1100 ••••• i •••••••••••••• ~ •••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• i •••••.••••••.••• HUNTING? Before you buy, compare our savin1s, selections & service . '80 280ZX. T-1op, 5 spd, ale. xtras. Deaut sllv/ gray, GL Pkg Take over tease pymta (2 yrs) Bl $335 or buy outright $9850 846-3618 '78 8210, 2 dr, 4 Spd. AIC AM/FM 36 plul MPQ, w h l . clean S2950 983-9365 DICK MILL.ER MOTORS I h .,, t'I ', A tf \, ! t I r.. I I ~,I ,1 lo l! 78 Spy0er conven. 5 1p<1, red, gold pinstripe, good cond. runs xlnt, 45K $5000/obo S.2·4352 'lO S.t S.14tr 1H 1 •00 Cc 6Hc 98.ooo orig ml Reg gu. Mint cond S1400 494·8948, 861-5037 after 5 PM ••• ,. 1111 ...•...•••..••..•..... •••• 111n111t We cen helpl Before you buy, cheek our unbeala· ble eeleotton. saving• end eervlce today! UllYEllSln Ulll I IEIYIOE 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 140-1140 '11 AOOOlll Air condlllonlng & at•· reo ( 102TXAJ Reduced to BILL ~~1Y8T~YOTA 19202 8each Blvd. Hntlngtn Bell 982-0829 Horida, Toyota, Oa11un, all mak88. 1 199 does It No tat or 1u1 No det>o- 111 No UC f.. De41Ye(I tny ...... buy• any oar OV« our coat, AU Severt Leutng. 834·0180 '80 PrelycM. 28,000 ml, 111 e11trH , anrf, c opper. part. 1 7000/obo , 842-8156 '81 MBZ 380 SEL Ork blue/tan Min 14K ml, $42.l:>OO. 673 3238 or wkdys 644-644 ·79 Mercedu '30050. turbo, 46,ooq miles, ele- gant cono . $22,500. 673-7118 "I DEALER IN U.S.A. IC1YCARVER I0.15-IOCE ~.w.eJ.'f:t '"-'~'tMfC, ~86/lt<tt IWJMl:i ~ ClOS(O SVNOAVS ,,,. 1160 •.........••••....•••• LUSE A 1112 WI too ""'° • "'" $345.42 . per month plus ta.x 48 month closed ,nq lease on approved cre- d 11. Co,st-$16.3 75. $652. 15 caah required Come In and ask lor de· 1111111 (169241 IEACM llPOllTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 112-0100 CONNELL CHEVROLET .:>U<lf.1•'•"'' : < I f-.1 \ \1 ~ ' \ 80 Toronado, Oldt, Incl eunrl. ·low wholea11e book. 498-6601 '79 CUTLASS LS, V.t., • auto. AC. 451< m l, !>46-1 200 '68 Wrecked rlghl side. ____ .;;___.....;;==-i $3900/0BO 645·7202 8 U G , r u n s 8 r e e I .89 CHEVELLE T8frl $900/0BO 5"9·1 47 4 CR SEDAN $900 -.6-9-0ld--1-8_6_l-u11_u_ry_Md_an--'. '64 BUG, rebulll eng nu 642-8065 Aebl1 eng & tr1n1 $995 brake•. t"ea. clutch 79 Chevelle. 4 spd, asking 551-1440 S 1500/0BO. 556·5110 s2ooo Catt John, -,-;.-,-.-----H-J-1 leave message. 552-0328 •••••••• ••• •• •• ••• •• •• ·72 BUG Good cono .. $1 550 549·8457 '70 VW Fattback '12 Chevy Luv w/shell rl9W paint, xlnt mecn. cond., lots ol, itras. S2.800 642-0452 Btt. 5. '14 Pinto 2 dr adn, Mint 1r11n1portatlon, ltlck 1hll1, radlo/htr, very cleen $1450. 548-3555 Needs help $500. 1980 Cl'levelle, AfT, A/C, All 8 pm call 646-8520 AMJFM. t9K .snl. $4100. ·74 Pinto Hatcmbk. xlnt '74 Super Beelle 15,000 548-4321 cond, orig owner, AM/ ml on rblt eng. New paint Ci Ill llZS ~-~\~AC, St600/olr. '81 Pontiac Oran Prill Cpe All optlont, aunrool Asking 1 9500. Mr Gutt•" 540-2500 ·77 Flreblrd Formula 350 IUIO, Mint cond, 101 ded. brown11an, mu11 He! 53099/obo Mull Niii PIP, ~8-7268 1976 Ventura 2 dr. air. 6 cyl N-paint, llttfY de- pendable $1350 CdM 760-8160 Aal11 0,,f/ •······•··••·····•···• 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI (978VNI) s9395 1977 CADILLAC SEVILLE (468259) s3995 1912 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (1EALS451 $15,995 1980 CADILLAC ElDOIADO COUPE (917ZEM) $13,995 & upholstery. Amlfm .••• '!!.•••••••••••••••• 1 __ 5 _______ --1 _s_2_1s_o_. _960_·2_8_23 ___ 1 '69 Chrysler 300 All po-11,,. .. ,, I 1912 CADILLAC 'll hltltlt .tit, wer, good cond Lo ml. ••'.-.••••••••••••••••• 4.,p, 51850 Ask for Fis-!~000. 551·8296 atte< 8 'll AIUIDW CIMAllON SEDAN ke, 548-7245 Super Sharp with many "AUTOMATIC ftANS. 72 VW Super Bee11e, Mint CHtJ ... t.J ff30 utrasl (226XZLI AND SUNIOOf" ...................... 12111 mectlanlcat. n-Urea & '66 Lincoln Continental, (tCRZ4581 trans $2300. 497-4153 fine mechantcal cond BILL MAXEY TOYOTA $}0 995 '7 1 Campe< Need• paint. Needs some body & trim t9202 a..ch Blvd. Auna v8fy well S 1895 w o r k · S 4 9 5 I 0 B 0 · Hnttngtn 8d1 902-0829 ' 213-592-2110 642-7033 •nnuar 71 MB 250, Sun Aool, laHII 1111 1973 THING. mini cond OtmllOAI. Station wagon, VII, 3111, AIC. Au lo. Orig. •Int •••••••••••••••••••••• $3000 or bes1 Ott8f Days o• ..... , IUll HI 73 000 t b a/ 1912 IUICK "PAIK AVINUI" 4 DI. SIDAN (1DTT550) cond 1 owner $5400 Sales-Servtee-LH•lng 966-5232. eves & wknds s2mobo 642•7500 auio. s1~.P:~1D40 c. 75&-0650 UllUUOI _83_1-_9_38_1 ____ __, 72 280SE auto. A/C, 111&11 'll lfmE ~~!!!. ........ "-~! '11 'I' ler .... ... 11ereo. 1111e new S695o H1-2Mt 4tt-•t'9 1 owner. iow m11eage. 15~~·t!''0• rs'~~~519 Stl,995 pp, 642-7776 ---------• new paint. mint cond. IEW 1112 '11 HO SL '12 lllAll II /I s2150 obo 499.111e2 7 .000 miles, wlrtt wheel&, $38,000' 213-832-8979 flltJ 1411,,.4 '70 Bug. orlglrial p11tn1. COIYmElf 1111 ••ltlllJ + taa runs good. $1450 MB '73 450SEL cln sharp Cap coat S5405, r&ll· 642·87 t 7 white s 10.500 OBO dual $2432, 101111 of pay· ·71 vw new engine Mo· $500 63 1· 1428 mania for 48 month• vlng oul of stale MUST $5616+111.ll (1189731 SELL841-0316 COMP E-MlllOEIEI Over 00 new & uaed Mere es-Benz. Come In & c Ider oor leaao at· r gements or long term a. magnon CONV -U72 Orange SUPER BEETLE. $38~ orig o wner 714-847-70"0 . BELOW fAGTtlf lllYllOEI nctng · House ol Imports. Inc. J OIAL213or714 637-2333 MBZ IOOSEL's IOOSL's 714-95&-8306 o .. ,. ....... ,.,.,.. o.,,.,.tt .. '78 MB 3000. xtnl cond . yellow $13,750 Pvt Pty 964-5152 ·71 280SE. mu&t sell $2000 S 1800 snrl, pontiac / subaru Harbor Blvd al fair Or tn Coata Mesa 549 .. 300 549-1457 r,r..~ ............ 1.~~¥ 'll CllEISIDA Loaded with auto .. po- SllMlflng, air cond , ste- reo. etc. 1884U2(S) 13188 BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 19202 Beach Blvd Hnllng1n Bch 962-0829 Backer radio. 673-7462. '71 Toyota Stallon wa. , . gon, Aun1 good. xln1 78 450 SEL Dark blue, cond $1050/oller very claan POiished al-641-2820 or 836-6724 loys $21 ,800 2131425-4673 '82 Toy Cellca, every op- ·77 Mercedes 450SL. n-tlon s9.ooo radlal 11ree. xtnt cond. lo 7 t 4-760-1393 W.U, IEIYIOE 01 LWlll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EX PEATS UIU:llE YILYI 1968 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 000 ml, fully equipped. 18450. 873-2282 daya or 875-5487 eves/wtlndl. f~.·~~! .......... "-~~ '67 COUGAR, all orig, ax· eel cond. fact. mant trans $1700 S.._6829. ~.l! .•.••...••• Y.~! aa-taoa 140-Nll •11 ... ,. c-..,1., 19111 Ber t one Coupe. Best otter cash only t>lue. loaded, $18,900 or ____ 6_7S-_1_153 __ _ b e II o II er O • y • f•r' IHI (602)987 ·968•. eve a •••••••••••••••••••••• ieo2)943-6606 '11 ESClllT Priced to Sell (1BOAt 131 ml S28,500 6•5-7430 '69 Corona. parting out Aatll UIH 1 •• 1 aoQI Call & Iv msg •••••'•••••••••••••••• $317& e31.1591 lfatri/ IHI 16,000 ml. auntf, tap,, -.7-9-C-A-ES-S-1-0-A---1-1-1 •••••••••••••••••••••• BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beech Blvd. air, whtlblue. $21.900. · mua IHI • Come In & see N-port 975-0348 1891• e•cel cond. nu ttrea, Beach'• llne11 Mlectlon Hntlngtn 8ch 962-01129 $6000. 536-0973 MBZ Beeutllul 1982 190 --------- SL Rad, w/black. Both frl••t:' 1111 tops. Factory papers. •••••• ••••••••••••••• Comp. hl1tory For apt or 'll IJffflrt Info S1eve 833-2926 29k ml Excellent mech MQ• 1144 co11d ~·fal~!1~0 ······················ ---------'79 MGB. 5 spd O<', AMI '84 Triumph Convartlbl• FM Cau. XLNT oond. Sport• 6. Oood cond 857-2395 $1500 obo. 968-11143. '67 MOB. Mint cond. N-'73 TA6, nu eng a clutch, paint. S2550 644-4605 xlnt con<!. Hard/ 1011 '79 MOB, white, '1K mt, t: p .,.10 S 4 0 0 0 I 0 Ir wire wf\eels. xlnt co"d _s_a..e ______ _ $4500 499-42117 '78 Spitfire Low ml, 1n Ht 1141 ;3~0J1<;'52~~~:7 In/out ... ~.... ... . .. . . ... . . ---·------'72 Peougeot, 4 dr, new Im, 79 Trlumpn TA 7 con..,.,1, b r a k • t • st• r t • r . white, 25,000 mt, 11lnt $950/obo 552-3519 aond. Elltended werr • I ii 11$1 AC. AM/FM CHI, 11, .!!!! •••.••••••••••••• 000 . 561 -2193 or MEISTER POllOllE/ Alll 13831 Harbor Blvd. Garden Qro.,. 'lf.t!C.lenlet 552-9549 Y.~.'!!f!! .•••. !~!f '8 1 BAJA runt gel. H50 Of beet offer 983-588e. of pr11vlou11y owned Por1che'1, Audl't and Volk-11Q41111 ..... 4"5-E. Coast Hwy N-port Beach 573-0900 AJIC IHS .•.•••..•.........•... ••• 1112 '71 FORD Maverick. Oood cond. 3 n-tires, econ. saso. 494.3211 '77 T-BIRO, eMcet. oond . loaded. priced to Hit $800. below blue book. $2960. 962-0592. '71 TORINO. Driven by llttle old lady. ONL YI 521( r(ll PS/PB. lmmac. tntr. 2 minor dings. $1500/0BO 545-5873 . Ulll '76 Gran9d1 Ghia. 11lnt condition UIT111 ...... S2600. 8T3-2o691 10 '711 RANCHEAO GT, auto T ah f trant., p/1, pl'w. p/aeell, I ttlt rt• tilt whl, am/Im ttereo/ All optlon.tli~" coiore t:/.e. S4 500/ob o available. uwy, while _a __ ·2_3_5_7 ____ _ Mlecllon IN\1. '72 COURIE~ truck, gd. =........ con<!. economy. r Ol&ll 125001oeo 5.a.91&• M /.lllP/lll&ILT _...,.. ______ , -2824 H1rt>Or Dlvd .. C.M '70 L TO 049·8023 848-7770 Beet Ofter ,.It• Hll 842-0548 mOfnlnga. • • • ••• •• •••• • •••••••• • '69 ford Van, 8 Cyl. eJC· IH 11 ~11en1 cond. s, 1e& 0r ,,.,,u Hf .......•.............. '7 4 Flreblrd 8 cyl, Off« Good Thru Monday, 8-30-82 - '_'_8_5_o_'_b_•_• _' _o_'_' •_r-1. NABERS 542·5080 att 8PM. _ '14 ., .. 4 ••• ., •••• Y'ADll l \(' All pwr, 9 paN, 8 Irk, '-~ ,i 4 / • 57K, $2000 842·8583 2900 HARBOR BLVD. GRAN PRIX 1971 BH1 COSTA MESA condition. nice runner, 540-1860 radio. FMIAM t tereo $2800 obo 545-9248 J •••lllilllilililil• Believe it or not! It's a short drive to HAWAII! Watch the Dally Piiot all during September for automotive ads containing the coupon below! W11 2 RCUD T9 T1C«tTS TO HAWAU via AMERICAN AIRLINES BllllQ ""' touPO'I ,., ...., -or ... -o1 °"" ,_"' -~·" °"'"" s., ... ,..o. 10 Q\19111) 10< or•wino "" '"'' .,._,INp IOI 1 l'AEf •OUftCI ltlO fletittt 10 HAWAII .,. A,...r~•n Aw-. I.tut• ,,..,.. "llilO 1>9'"'•,..,,I dt-• "'** and t. 1e I'"' ol "09 Cl -Ho Aulo Agency Nol/Mn0<•.,, -n "-....,.,_Cl --_,, quUfy or... •• "" .. ~ llJ0/12 ! I I I 11•'iitlaaa '71 Squ1reback, need• dllferen1111, I 7 60/ofr 148-3194, 845-37 48 '71 Hond• Sedan 800, run• wpll. good ur ... • 1100. ~-0272 1ao 924 Turbo, 10~. ·ao '70 vw Bua. reblt eng. for tlle llroeet i nd beet bit ofr • 638·e9"8 Hleotlon o t new end 1'1--la lfff uaed Buick• In Orenge :r.:::••• •••••••• •••• Oounly todayl '74 Mll'k Ill, 78-.000 ml., l ;_-· I ,,._ I I °"""'' _..91.. • 'IO AOOOAD I.)(, Oreen. 024 Tak• 011•r l•HOt n••O• 11\lnor lfYOrk . htchbk.1. aterao, u cel plu1 q,•t St,000. S 1 8 o o Io b o Aon oond .. •6~50. 801·1270 ___ 1•_1a_2_s-_1_eo_a __ l _03_1-... eoe_9 _____ 1 pp ·771~ 924 111nt cond., ~I· ·10 Convenlble1 lat\ Of the low H760 Of bll. Linda tr~ conYWtlblea, •N new 'll ..... a..tr• LJ 844•tl41 Mon-Tu•. mac;h, ~600. 84~ 93900. 948-1114 '" 8 ·ea t 12 ,..,oa. XLNT. 72 VW'8uper IHtl•. STUCK WITH A thtu-out. Abtt Ena. New (I aunrf, AM"M OIH, AUSTINO HO..OA C er b 1. t7 I 0 cf I~ b o ci.an. QOOCI oond. IUOO Mike offer. ~tl17 148·1410 76t-0101 ' . .. --······---------·----·----J Im.mac oond., fU11 power. , .. ,,,.,. riew urea. eto .. M\111 .... 18500, firm. t7M974 Thi• 11 tht tlm• of year for ttM belt ·12 Mark 4 Lino. 00111 auto buyat Tue edvantege of thla' •I .. o...,. c.-. x1nt n.tMlnO condition. opportunity to win 2 round trip 2121 Hart>cw ~. MOO ,,........, ticket-to Haw•ll via America" coet~ Ml&A '18 Merk IV. xint oond, Alrtln-* ALOHA SERVICE. 111-llH :r,.:.w~== ,...._ ____ ..,.... ____ _. • , • ~E~E, T~IS . JUST CAME FOR YOU •. I RE6RET THAT l1VE NEVER PUNC~E'D A. : CAT IN THE NOSE! I RE6RET THAT 1'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO 6ROW A BEARD! AND I RE6RET T~AT t'VE NEVER HEARP FROM T~AT LITTLE 6EOR61A 8EA6LE SINCE I SPILLED ROOT SEER DOWN MER SACK! NANCY OH, DEAR·--1 HATE TO LEAVE THJc; PILE OF DIRT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDEWALK ,.....~.Ille. I t SUNDAY. AUOUIT 2'. 1•12 • H CIMJI \ lt/ t,,LJ I J 1 tL }'I. I 1 ~ ' •1 I'-t I~/ ,,, , * . . ' 1 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A LUNCHEON ON WEDNESDAY ••• RE6RETS ONLY'' ·, MY WALK IS Dl RTY - -(LL ____......_ SWEEP IT, TOO .. YOUR 11111111 DlllY PIPll . . I I ~AVE LOTS 01= RE6RET5 •. I REGRET I ATE TOO MUCH PIZZA LAST NIGHT .• .. ~ i I f I J I REGRET T~AT I CAN'T 60 TO THE LUNCHEON BECAUSE MY HEAD J.4URT5 -........._ By Ernie Bushmilf er I MIGHT AS WELL DO r"'?---T~E SIDEWALK WHILE I'M AT IT • GARFIELD ® by Jim · Davis IT SEEMS LI KE I'VE 0EEN LO&T IN TMIS JUN~LE ~OR PAVS W IT~ NOTHINC'1 TO EAT 1'" EAT BERRIE~ BUT TM(~E'!> Nu SUGAR ANP CREAM WHERE.'5 A FOUR-STAR FRENCH RE.STAURANT? WHE~.~ou NEED ONE DR. LIVINGSTON, 1 PRE.SOME . 6 ... . '; . . DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham HAVING MET D. B. AT THE COFFEE SHOP, TONY I5 MORE 5PECtF\C ABOUT THE REASON WHY SHE SHOULD NOT GET INVOLVED WITH HIS FATHER --f/f112.0J. r::> /f~PB~~ • ... l3t.ssNOM AN C¥4.DAN' •.. PHIWI YouR F15H 19 .. 1 DEA~ SCN. WHA:r WANNA co )OU iHINK SAVE we'D CX) Wm-I rr? HIM / ~IJDGE PARKER I 00 APPRECIATE CHARLEY 15 THE ONLY WHAT YOU TOLD ME , ONE I REALLY KNOW ... TONY ... elJTI'M 5T1LL BECAUSE HES LIVED AT CONFUSED A80UT . THE HOUSE FOR MANY LUf;\E ! DO YOU KNOW YEARS! HIM? I t'\NOW WKE BY REPUTAT10N! HE'S BEEN ARRESTED AT LEAST TWICE ON SU5PK.ION OF MUROER ... NEVEA CONVICIED! THIS TIME IT'S GOIN010 BE DIFFERENT! THERE WEAE WITNES6E5! ~ Bur "bU CANT KEEP n; DEAR. <l <J <I • . ·. ·. ANO LUKE tSN'T 100 : SMARl; OR HE WOULDN'T : ee IN5\5TIN6 THAT HE BE REL.EASED ON BOND! ,..._..,..,...--....-r~ w~y E~~~RnE . Hl;JH~ ! so~ IF wr I'N\ ON Ml.) ooN.) rve GOT 10 ~5H OFF ... 10 A DRIVE.-IN ffOVIE. ! ~ - _, ...... - MOON MULLINS WELCOM~ To S~,AN<iRl ·LA, l<I TTY-· C'MON, I1LL ~fV~YA A 1DUR. ·-,-~...--­........ - WHO CAN EVER. Rl~GET GE~E KELll,> OANCJN& HIE> WPIJ OOWN 1HAT Q1l; 5~EET IN A POlJRIN& RAIN ~ -rHANKS -· DoES TH IS . MAKE ME A SOCIAL CLIMBE~?· DOCTOR SMOCK· eoy,1-r ReAL.-L..Y eu<Ss Me ... 1-r" AIN'-r" FAIR/ &Y -rt-te -raM6 r.'M A ReAa... ooc-roR, AU. ""rHES SICK PSOPLE! Wl&.-L-'Ve . e>eeN 'TAKE5N ! ' , ' I:'LL -O:LL QOU A Uf1LE. ~ AC1UAL.l4> 'THAT WA5Ntf REAL RAIN IN 1HA'f SCENE! 'fHEQ U5ED A DOUBlE J by Ferd and Tom JohnSbn of-I, you MEAN 'TH' BASEMENT! IT'S PERFcCT.' I 5P~ND HouRS ,AND HoURS UP HERE! / By George Lemont WHA"'f''S THA-r AL-L.. Aeou-r? ;r C'UNNO. eu-r ~'AA AN IN"T"'E!RN SHRINK, AN' :x: CAN sse WHISRS MY' MONESY'S GONNA ee Cb.MING FROM/ ... .-l~~ > J u ID B & ~e ,, ' " qUIK, VOCK! err ME -ro A Pl!N1l51'! LL SSW ±& Q2d 1-f Altl"r IN M¥ MOU"rH' rf'S IN M¥ HANt7£ A "9a& •rf Ml! NJ' HI% 1tx11'H It SrlU.. 1N1Ml!IR! ~ S·;t<F > J &a a CAN YOU TIUIT YOUR IYllf ,,_.. ere •t IMtt 9'11 •ttter• ...................................................... ...-aty CM jw fltMI tMmt Qecll eNwtn wttlt ..... Mltw. ••1-*l•llPA>>O•f t ~t1 0.1 l llMA"•••I 1•-,.I PA>>a11 t 1ua.ie111P •t •"HIS r ,.,...,..,''I"°~ t 6u1n 1w •t uf>1S I ~>u•,.11•0 I KNOW AN OOLE WHEN I SE:EO~E.-\ ME.AN;lRAT ... WA8RLMOST A LEER~ ,, I ~WltrnDtrr WetlDrrfl@. • -------by Hal Kaufman i e COUNTll POINTt Dell,. ...... , .. Why It your htlper weerlng urmuff• and a hMvy overcoatf" MIMttr1 "Hl'SI NCMA RGEO FCOL OCUTS." Rterrenge c.e~letttr SQUARING ACCOUNTS A person has '50 In the bank. He withdraws It as follows: Wdrl. Bal. S20 leaving SJ() 15 leaving IS 9 leaving 6 6 leaving 0 '50 SSI Where'dott thee•· tra dollar CMlt from? Give up? Who uys the wlthdraw1I total must equal the balance total? If he first withdrew S40, the ~lence would be s10, and If ht withdrew th.It SIO, ttte Mlance would be 0, for a full balance total of just $10-not sso. ,,.clng for HnM. Don't talct ""' tto Hrloualv, folk1. "Ill!> PIO> .... , ... ,"' '·'tf., e Murky Stat•I Late In the'"'°" a ba~ll teaM r,\ hH played 1.0 game• and h.11 Wen SI more games tha,, v It lost. How many hat It won? "'°I~ .. .,, e NanMO.mel Addlett.,..t.cemple,.then.m~ef ti• counfrtea: t. wey. 2. ey. >. pan.4. den. s. pal... rk. -·ew11eo • 1.0.N ...... , • ....,., ' A•-"'1 t A•• ... N I • Rldd ... Me· Th Ill Whlc.h enlmal II a MCret agent? The plotter·put. Which shows do cobras attend? Snake prevl.w.. Wher• do jellyfllh 99t their jelly? From OCHn currants. 3. 7 .b a:o ·' ~ ·•0 ra 9',? II AIR BREAkl Something Mems to be froubllng our kite- fly ing trtend ebove. Add missing lines to complete scene. ' ""--~---"'-·------~ H!RI!, HlltEI Apply fttt foUtwlng colon neatly to "'tt ........ , strHt acene: 1-Red. a-Lt, Ill.,., >-Yellow. 4-Lf. INwn. s-Flesft tones. 6-Dll. ,.,....... 7-0ll. brown. a-Lt. ,.,,. ... ----·-SPEU.BINDER -·--,. -r SCOI I ".=':'' for Vi1n9 eJJ.,": . -! lettett... word~ to ,_ two Corrtf .... word1: . \. l'INUMBRA ' -· .... . ~ .. . THI•""' t ,_..Heh tor eu ' ..,._ et ,... .....,. or fMf'9 . ..,. ................ .,,., .. .-. ... tint. potftlt. -" 'lh&illq ' .... 0W9Allv9 .. ll!HOd by Lynn Johnston WE.LL,HEH ··· NoTREALL'/i 1 ITOST ' I\ r . • I I I- Bv tA6AN s-.:s GORDO . - ---------------------~------:---~--~----------- W"E.N 'f~E. '1klE.~E.~ ANO DlR.feAG.~ la>Al1' A M,NU'tl., 8'd\)6E rf MA~ Mt LOOK OAO .. , "'"" A•& i>O M1Atl1 A~ A ~CORlf'f 6\lARO, IAlUR,t1& A~ £.~ flt:~ 1 1'.-A1 'S A~ \MPot\1'ANf !>££ ME, 1'.tE:f LL 5A'f 1'0 ·ntE.M~ELVE.S, II Wt BE.'tff.R '1E'f' OUT OF ~E.R£ ... 1"~1' L.OOK~ l.l Ke. ~ 1'006~ GOP { '' AOVAN1'AC,E 1' "AVt \ A !»&GURlf 'f 6UARO M\lSf Au.>~'lS f~\NK ~O \ ~ l LEA~E rOR WORK, l PREPARE. M'fstl.~ DOWN 101'"E. 4SMA\..LE~T 0£fA\l-.1'MEt.l \ K~W &'M Wai '°OR. MN S\'f\lA1lON 1\\A't M\l~\tf ARtSE ! LAV 1r OJ YOLJIC REEL'S FO~A : -.sPELJ..! SAJ..LET ck.vc.sres DO MVE· ·~ ·1 . . By Gus · Arriola by MacNefly AAD~' iite. CcttOJWE ... I t .. THEm YOURSELF Sena ll'le ~IOn. an .~ IO "NII<.'' Flt'llily Wf/tlllito/, &41 ~Ave New YMt. N y 10022 We'I t8'f S5 IOf ~ CMIS!ions Sony, we can't answer Olhefs FOR KENNElli S. HUNT, diJector. Of- fice of Fbght Operations. Federal AVl4bon Admimsttatlon How does a pilot know whether hi8 or her aircnlft .... enough tpeed on the rumnv to take of .uely? -C.l.. Kokomo, Ind. • • Engineers compute a decision speed for each takeoff of a large aircraft. This helps the pilot determine if the aircraft can be safely sto pped once II has started down the runway. In some cases. the Ski/led pilot con abort takeoff. pilot can abort a takeoff if he or she en· counters a problem After reaching the deosion speed or higher, the pilot is taught to continue the takeoff. which can be done even if a oitica.l engine falls . Knowing the decision speed 'and the specific problem encountered during the trip down the runway helps an ex· petienced pilot decide if it is necessary 10 abort a takeoff . FOR KlM FlElDS, Toone on TVs The Facts of Life What wM the me»t ernbarrllMing thing that ever hap- pened to you on the 1how? -A.R .. Tyler, Tex. • Owing one scene I got the hiccups. l tried holding mv breath, along with all the other remedies. but nothing worked We redid rhe scene umpteen times. and I ruined it every time with my sally noises To top at all, I gave one fmal, tremendous hiccup, tripped on FROM TiiE .. ASK" EDITOR PERSONNEL PROBLEMS: C4noU O'Connor. star of Archie Bunker's Place. was at the opening of Broadway Scan· dais of 1928 in Times Square and com- pared show business of that era to what 11 Is today· "They had fewer producers and more performers The problem with the entertainment industry today is that we have a surplus of producers whale per- formers go begging." ... When actress CoUeen Camp. now serving as assooate producer of Anne & Joey. an upcoming movie, was rold that a pretty blonde extra had not shown up for a scene about to go before the cameras. she did not panic. She was all smiles "The best pan of being a producer." she explained. "is that you can hire anyone you want So I hired myself. I knew the pan and I saved money and Lime " . PERSONAL TOUCH: A question readers frequently ask is whether celebrities answer thear own phones We can't speak for all. of course, but dunng the last few days. among those who Lifted their own receivers were Katharine Hepburn. luac Aatmov. Doris Day. Burt Bacharach. Lynn Redgrave and James Coco. . Which brings us to this story· When Horseless Carriage Carriers (trans· porters of antique and classic cars) were shipping Uz Taylor's auto, the driver of Y" -·-- the truck called the actress's. -Y home to confirm pick-up my naghtgowry and fell flat on my face ii: .,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--1~ Taylor details He expected to talk FOR DONAlD T. REGAN, Secretary of the Treasury 1lw U.S. la said to ~ almo.t a ttillion dollars In ddn. To whom do we owe money? -P.M., Pttuburgh, Pa. •Among those who hold the public debt are in - dividuals. banks. companies and state and local governments This debt as Incurred to pay for govern- mental services. such as defense, education. highways and agricultural programs The Interest on It will total $115.8 bUlion in fiscal year 1982 g FOR ERMA BOMBECK, humor columlst/author You must ~ In great demand aa a party guest. How many functions do you attald a year? -G.J .. Bmnerton, WMh. • ActuaUy, I'm never the life and soul of a pany because I'm not a funny lady In the flesh . I find it very hard to be amusing in person It comes easier in print I can't ever seem to ad lib Instead. I spend a while • thinking about what I'm going to say PR O Brian C. Mueolo, n1al lawyer, member. Criminal Trial Lawyers Association of Northern California The una nimous-verdict rule has proven to be workable and Just Where guilt or innoc-ence is to be determined. a method which utiJ· lzes the collective opinion of 12 In· divlduals selected from a aoss- section of the community will most effecttve.ly promote justice To allow less than a unanimous verdict will attach the stigma of guUt to an Individual. with the effect of diminishing the extra degree of scru · tiny that results when unanimity Is required. to a secretary but. instead. got the superstar herself He was so dizzy from the thrill . he almost fainted and hasn't been the same since Pr1TER PATTER: Friends of the late Mae West. who died two ~ars ago. swear she made contact with them in a seance and gave a rundown of her acuvllles in the hereafter. She is. they say, Involved with a half-way house. and PRO Ano con Should Jurors In a Criminal Trial Conttnu*! to Render A Unanlmou. Verdict? (Ouesllon slbnllted by 8ob Scny, Slnla MIN. Cllll l $elld ..... ol ,.._,~,•I ...... ID "l'ro & Cell,• ,._. W1110Y. Mf A119., NN M. N.Y 10012 _ .. ,.,,, ............. teaches new arrivals to adjust to life after death . Comedian Frank Gorshln brags about his ability to master tongue twisters but admits he's thrown ' by the title of his latest film now playing in Europe - Den Tuchtigen Gehbrt Die Welt . When it's released here. later this year. It'll be called The Upper Crust. . Stella Parton. olle of 13 (four siblings, in· eluding Dolly, are e ntertainers). says the brood steers clear of each other's affairs "When we get together. we never talk about our work. only family matters It's the only way a big family can survive." CON L Brooks PattG'IOn, Oakland County prose· cutor. Ponoac. Mich A two -thirds majority should be sufficient To expect the prosecu· tion to obtain a unanimous verdict places too heavy a burde n on It. And a verdict based merely on a SO-percent vote conflicts with the American tntdltldn of Justice. A two-thirds majority might have overcome the Injustice of the Hinckley verdict. h also would lessen the possibility o f a "hung jury." The requirement.of a two·thirds major- ity verdict Is fair and satisfles the ends of justice e 1982 FAMILY wt.EKLY. All rlghte l9MQl9d. Henry Kissinger had grea t power. So did Nelson Rockefeller and J. Edgar Hoover. But, alas, where have all the powers gone? The T he powa of ctment A.F.L. C.1.0 . President Lane Klrlcland (right) looks small when compared to that of former teamsters' union leader Jimmy Hoffa. Gradual Decline An_d Total Collapse of Nearly Everyone BY MICHAEL KORDA 4 • •AMIU WIBQ.V, ~a, m2 ecently. fAMll..V WEEJ<LV asked me to draw up a list of the most powerful peop&e In America. Alas, a sad fact quickly became apparent to me: The list of movers and shakers Is not at all easy to draw up. In fact , there are very few powerful figures left In American life. Oh, to be sure. President Reagan is powerful. in the sense that the Presidency Is a pololl'erful office . But when you look around Americl.I for powerful persona.lltles, there's a strange vacuum. Nothing better exemplifies this than the recent resignation of Alexander Haig. When he became Seaetary of State he promised to take charge, but he always lacked Reagan's who'ehearted backing -and was forced to share power with all the President's men. Only a few years ago, you could point to certain key figures who had Immense personal power, and didn't hesitate to uae It ~ for better or for worse. Henry KiMtnger had great power. So did , to name a few examples, J . Edgar Hoover of the F.B.I., David Rockefeller of the Chase Manhattan Bank, Averell Harriman as eminence gnse of the Democratic EstabW\ment, Nellon Rockefeller as Governor of New Yori< .... And onJy a few years ago, some Southern governors ran their states like feudal esatcs. Senior Senate committee heads struck tenor In the hearts of PraidentJ. Union leaders such as George Meany and Waker Reuther -nadonal power ftgura -we'C courted by Plaidcnts. F°' that matter, when he was alive, Jimmy Hoffa not only ran the t~msters, he was the t~msters. In the SO's and 60's the media world was also full of powerlul men: Henry Luce, of the Time/Life empire, the heads of the major motion picture stud1os (not for nothing were they referred to as "Czars') and, In television, men like William S. Paley, General David Sarnoff and Frank Stan· ton .... The list th~n would have been long. Everybody knew that Cardinal Spellman wielded absolute power In the Archdiocese of New York (and over much of American Catholicism). lf you wanted to buUd anything In New York State, you had to have master builder Robert Moses on your side. U you wanted to run for office In New York , you went to pay homage to the Democratic county leaders. If you wanted to run for the Presidency of the Unhed States, you journeyed to Chic.ago to seek the blessing of Mayor Richard Daley. In business, the same was true. Henry Ford II ruled the Ford Motor Company Uke an autocrat. Harold Geneen's control o ver the l.T.T. empire was legendary. Juan Trippe ran Pan Am with an iron hand, just the way Charles Revson governed Revlon. Men like H.L. Hunt or Paul Getty per· sonally controlled bllllon-dollar oU empires, and even the heads of the Mafia families were well- known figures, wielding absolute powers of life and d~th In their circles. And not so long ago, teachers ran their clas.ses; generals (or sergeants) ran the army; polloemen were feared and obeyed: co1Jege presidents were respected figures, remote and awesome -and so on down the line. America was ruled. In effed, by authority figures . . AD that, In case you hadn't noticed, has gone. The shortage of powerful figures on the American scene Is no acddent. h Is the result of a long pro- cess, the comequence of our fear of power and authortty, the seeds of which can be found tn Lyn- don Johnton '1 dedlion to fight a war In V\etnam wtthout admitting that he was doing '° and In Richard Nixon's abuM of the White House. A whole generation -two generatk>F\$, In fact - turned 91nJt the very ldeo of power. That theN were lnjuldoes and abe:msdon1 goes without saying. There ii no doubc, for example, that It wa1 wrong th• women Vol'll-e Nied by men (and largely excluded from being authority ~es themselves), that blocks had little or no power over their own lives, -or-that the 'POiice all foo frequently abused their powers. There is also nothing admlrab&e in the corruption of power that led Johnson to drag the country Into a war or Nocon to use the powers of the Presidency for petty, personal revenge. or the C.1.A. to act as if it were beyond the laws of the land. OT major cor- porations to engage In price fixing, political bribery and the cover-up of product defects and safety pro- blems. There ls no such thing as a golden age when we look to the past. However, the oonsequences of our flight &om power are just begtnnlng to be ev\dent -and perhaps calamitous. The huge social and political revolution that took place in the 60's and 70's, in the name of democracy and equality, by and large succeeded In dismantling the more obvious power structures of the. land. In the wake of Nixon's misuse of the Presid~. the powers of the Presi- dent were severely limited. At the same time, cor- porations were subjected to a barrage of laws and regulations. the two great political parties were radica.Dy tran.sfonned and the powers of teachers, pol;cemen, judges and almost an the conventional authority figures were greatly diminished. Power, It was felt, had led to abuse. 'Therefore. \&le oou.ld do without tt -not only could, but must. Everything mUSf be sub;ecttothewillofthepeop~.~ in open debate. Corporations found themselves besieged by consumer acttvlsts, stockholder sutts. regulatcny agencies, Investigative reporters, minori- ty activists, women's lkationists. Policemen were stymied by new interpretations of the laws of evidence and the rights of aimlnals. Even prison administratoTS had to deal with a convict popula· lion that demanded its "tights,... as if a prison sentence had never been intended to punish In the first place. As a country, we went from the "Imperial" Presidencies of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson to the Presidency of Jlmmy Carter. who seemed to feel he had no power, except that of act· ing as the National Sunday School Teacher. It was symptomatic of our national flight from power that, when President Carter wanted advice and counsel1 he did not seek out the nation's authority figures, but went ~mto the heartland .. to take counsel from fact<xy workers. wot'king mothers and college stu- dents. asking them to tell him what he should be doing. lhe notion that it ls precisely a leader's )ob to lead and a commander's job to command fell vic- tim to our passion for suppressing authority, with the predJctzlble result that we were unable to exer- cise power at an and found oW"Selves Ignominiously bargmnlng for the Tetum of our own people held hostage In Iran. Our European allies naturally con- cluded that since America no longer cared to ex.er· cise Its power, they had better hurry to make friends wtth the Soviet Union. Ow dependents, such as the ~-appalled by what they Interpreted as Amertcan weakness, adopted hardline polldes of their own. We abandoned ~dly" governments In Central America without a struggle. applauding the new leaders of Panama and Nk:anlgua despite their open anti-American policies. Even President Reagan . who came to the office .in tmge part because of Jimmy Carter's weakness, seems uncomfortab&e with the role of power figure. It is not difficult to imagine that Johnson, for all hls faults and ego ,problems, would have known how to bribe, bully, coerce and flan.er the Congress into pMSing the budget. He knew that the Presidency involves, among other things, arm twisting, flattery and logrolling -it Is not a purely ceremonial role, or a four-year appointment to lecture the citizenry of the United States on economics or morality. Somewhere a.Jc)ng the Une, we ceased to believe in power, and as the 1970's became the 1980's, a srrange phenomenon was notx:eab&e. As the power 6gures died or retired, they were not replooed. This dearth of power figures c<>Ss us dearly. It Is one of the major reasons for the decline In Ameri· can indu.stry. The modem chairman of the board no longer leads, he follows . He doesn't Identify with his company's product. he a~ for it. Again and ~aln. committee-rulea companies make wrong decisions that are catastrophic for themselves and for the rest of the economy -the perf ec:t examp~ being the automobile industry, which was so buw asking people what they wanted that it failed to notice they were buying lt -In the form of Hondas, Toyotas and Datsuns. The airline industry collapsed for much the same reason -through the sheer inability to understand what the public wanted. A leader would have gues-sed instinctively and backed his hunch. 16 Henry Ford did when he lntroduc.e.d the Mustang, as Juan Trippe did when he committ~Pan Am ta buying billions of dollms worth of ~747's while the plane was still on the designers' boards. Edwin Land. founder of Polaroid . did when he decided that people would buy an instant camera. despite the fact that it had never been made and the film didn't even exist . . . Because so many businesses have been ded· mated by Japanese competition (where are the American optical industry. the American steel In· dustry and the American automobile industry, for God's sake?), American corporations looked to Japan for management role models and came away with the notion of Increased worl<eT respon · sibility and participation. This is, In itself. not such a bad Idea. but it Is no (continued/ r w hile former Secretary of State Kissinger stayed chse to Nixon and held onto the seat of power. Haig couldn't bridge the gap betWeen h imself and Praklent Reagan-and so resigned. MMIU' WHKLY, ,......_a. 91 •I -GENUINE QUARTZ/LCD CALENDAR WATCHES • Your choice of men's or ladies~_model. • Genuine full-function Quartz/ LCD unit. • So powerful it is accurate to an incredible three seconds per month. • Built-in lifetime computer never needs windin1-ever. • Built-in light for ni&ht viewing. • Desiper band and case-your color choice of SIL VER or GOLD. ( fhe \111'1 P•t\\ l·rful .md -\l.drate Genuinl' <)wutl I CD \\ atch \ uu can Bu~ for Onl~ 4. 95 J .;, ,, ... -~ T "' .._.. • . ..:;,~·· ··~ .. . .... . I • ,.,. ~ , ... ~~ -----------------------------------------------------~ SEX COLOR PRICE ITEM# QTY. Men'• Watch Gold 4.15 20710A Sliver 4.• 207208 Gold 4.15 20730C ladlet' Watch Sliver 4.95 207400 Add only $2 ahlppfn9 a handllng no m11tter how tarve your order. TOTAL $2.00 Total of S enclosed. (In NY add sal~s rax.) Or~ to 11ty 0 VISA 0 MASTER CARD _ Ellpire Card# Date _ Addresa -------------~ CltJ---------------- 020700 TOTAL: ( ) State 7Jp c. ••1 o-..cu ~<" ' ~ ... ~ .. J ·-----------------------------------------------------Otlucc.t. Goldfleh a Lord. Ltd . 1200 Sh.tmet Dr , Weslbury, N.Y 115e5 (lllOWD (continued) substitute for leadership and the use of power. For, in fad. when we ex- amined Japanese Industry, we saw what.we wanted to see, not what was there. Japanese cotpOratfons certain· ly draw their workers into the management process, but not into the leadership process. Most Japanese companies are nm by a smgle. power ful, authoritarian figure -a leader. ln short. He sets the goals and the policy, makes the major decisions, decides on the big risks and oppor· tunlties. The workers are then drawn into the process of rmpkmentrng those decisions. Their advice is welcome on matters of cosr saving. efficiency , produetivity and product quality. l1 Is not sought, however. on the corporation's decision to design or market a certain prodUct, o r to com- pete In a new area of the world. or to invest capital in a given way. Amencan corporations came away from the study of Japan with the.no· lion that workers should help make decisions, thus further d.Uuting the power of management, and without understanding that the Japanese system is still authorltClrian at heart and paternalistic -far more so than ours ever was. even In the bad old days Japan's success has come In large part simply because Japanese business leaders have made courageous. farsighted and daring deci.sM:>ns -and because they have had the courage to put long·term gains before short-term profits There is no m agic to It. If the Detroit auto makers had decided a decade ago to take a few years of lean profits and nsk everything on buUdlng smaller. more fuel-i?fflclenl and higher quality cais. they might not be where they are today. It was not that things were happening so fast that they couldn '1 see what was going on. Tue Volkswagens. Toyota.s and Hondas had been around for a long time, and people didn't .start buying them in large numbers all at once II was a gradual proces.s. which auto industry leaders ought to have observed and reacted to . That's what power is about, aher a.D. h Isn't a process that necessarily has to hwt anybody, and It doesn't necessarily have to be hostUe . Power is merely the ability 10 make decisions, to take risks, to lead, to get things done. Whho ut it. nothing happens. There Is stagnation. We no longer want to be led. In· spired. asked to make sacrifices or told what to do. We have given up the draft. thus severing any connection to the military for most of our young people. except the very poor who can find no other )ob and join the regular army. Of course. mUltartsm and war are bad things. but Amerk.ans have always felt prepared to fight when It was necessary. lnaeasingly. some of us no longer feel that onytliing is worth fighting for, Including national survival. Obedience and duty have become dirty words. If the world were a safe place, there might be some justification for this attftude. But it isn '1. and probably never will be. It is sensible to fear power, and question it. It is not sensible to abjure power. The Germans -always a bellwether in history -overthrew the Kaiser in 1918 and turned against every symbol of the po~ that had lost the war (or begun it, In the Ailied view) Fourteen years later, terrified by the spectacle of a nation over· whelmed by inflation, unempk>ymenl and politlcal Impotence. they put Hitler In power. T here ls a lesson to be learned from that. If we refuse to deal Wlth the realities of power. sooner or later some~ll come along to impose power on us. Our own nation, while less unhappy in its history' than Germany, has many examples of this. In the South. after the Civil War, "respectable people turned away from poUtics, not only because or their hatred for the Re· construction. but more Importantly because the political leaders of the Old South had led the region into a war. then lost 1t, with catastrophic results for most Southerners. Power. therefore, passed rnto the hands of a new breed of politicians who founded the long. baroque tradition of South· em political corruption and bigotry. We cannot hope to have effective leaders if we tum away from power. or refuse to let lhem exercise it I am not sure we can hope to produce educated chUdren. for that matter, without restoring at least some of the dignity, authority and power of our teachers. or that we can curb oime so long as judges refuse 10 exercise their power and the police are reduced to Impotence by laws that carry the rights of the acx:used to absurd lengths Cer- tainly. we cannot hope to defend the country so long as we won't allow anybody to lead us. and we are unlikely 10 rectify the obvious and oitical decline in American prosperity by trying to hobble just those en trepreneurs and business leaders who might have the vision and the cowage to take the big risks that are needed to reimngol'ate the American economy. Oil shale, for example, may not be the answer to the energy shortage, but It's an essential breakthrough. and only a visionary entrepreneur Is likely lo attack the problem of producing It cost effectively -It wiU not be done by commlnees, or by the big oU com· panles. who se major objective is to ral5e their shareho lders' dividends. (C011llnwd) ,, HIS EXCLUSIVE NEW ALBUM America's # 1 Country Singer! 'EDDY ARNOLD THE MAGIC OF EDDY ARNOLD Ma~ The World Go Away Anytime What's He Doing In My World You!' C heatin' Heart Bouquet Of Roses For The Good Times Just A Little Lovin' Cool Water SiJdeen Tons Cattle Call Tumbling Tumbleweeds I Really Don't Wan t To Know T um The World Ar-ound S treets of Laredo EDDY ARNOLD rs o ne of those ar11s1s who can truly be descnbed as a living legend! From Henderson, Tennessee to the Country Music Hall Of Fame, he has devoted his career to bringing country music lo m1llrons of people all over the world .. The Ambassador of Country Music ... Eddy Arnold has reached sales of over 70 million of his recordings! Eddy calls himself "a Heinz 57 Singer I sing many different kinds of songs which mean something to many different kinds of people " And that 1s exactly what he does. in his familiar warm and mellow way, on this truly magnrficenr collectton He not only sings the greatest hits of his career, including BOUQUET OF ROSES and ANYTTME. but a selection of more all rune ravontes such as YOUR CHEA TIN' HEART. FOR THE GOOD TIMES. and TENNESSEE WALTZ. It's a collec11on you and yours Wiii always treasure. The Last Word OFFER Will NOT BE REPEATED In Lonesome Is Me We urge you nor to m1ssou1 on this remarkable May The Good Lord ofter It you don't en,oy this album more than Bless And Keep You any other you have ever owned and play 11 You Don't Know Me MORE 11 won't cosl a penny. 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I CHARU IT: U MuterCard Diner's Club tio-t to OIH C1t1lol of llllt 111ts •nd tnlt• n Am•rlcan!ipnu c C•1'1• •nch• 0 VISA IOllS (Zll9"$X) Our Polley I• to pnKH I I Acc't No. all O<WI ,,_,uy, Crtdlt cerd O<dto I l!I PfOCHH d llPOll trtdlt IH<'OVll. 0.. £lip, Data lt Yt notified P'O!nPtly. Sllitlnltllt llMrt• ( Enclc1Hd 11 S <~A rn. •dd .. 1 .. t••> fled •ltlllft IO dl Y\. I --------------C H.H.t. IK, 1112 ----------------• 11()_,llft lconunued) It may be that the problems of the nuclear-power industry will eventually doom it as a maJOr energy source (though many beUeve it is our last. best hope). but so far the industry has not produced a single persuasive. crusading. determined leader as lts spokesman. And without such a spokesman. the nuclear-power in - dustry hasn't a hope of solving its problems -or taking the offensive against its critics. Without the leadership o( men such as Robert Oppenheimer. Edward Teller and Vannevar Bush. the atomic age would never have dawned (forget for a moment the question of whether it should have been allowed to). They led . Inspired and. above all. preached, persuaded, fought. Without the leadership of Admiral Hyman Rickover. we would have no nuclear-powered submannes -he used his power unashamedly The space age. by contrast. produced no such leader. no single powerful ad- vocate. The result? A space prt>gram that has been whittled down to the bare bones. To succeed. every enter- pri.!le needs a leader -one who knows the uses of power Those who are not willing to delegate at least some power. will eventually lose their own -and their freedom People who cannot toke orders. are In no position to give orders when they themselves are placed In positions of authority We have gradually a:ansformed our sys- tem of government into a town meet- ing of 250 million people. In which everyone has an equal right to pre- vent things from being done. but in which no one person can eff ecnvely control or begin anything. It is for this reason that our prob4ems seem so Insoluble -the problem of atme. the problem of the economy. the problem of energy. all these problems are by definition Insoluble so long as we shy aW?ty from giving anybody the power to solve them. What ls wrong With children being taught to respect teachers? What Is wrong with peo~ being taught to respect laws? ls there anything wrong-- with a President "descending Into the arena" (to quote Theodore Roose· velt) to fight for his programs In Con- gress. lmtead of trying to rise above the fray as If he were afraid to lose his dignity and stature? The great American virtue used to be getttng things done. The rest of the world found us, by and large. un- couth, money minded, undisciplined, deftdent in cultural lradltlon and given to vio&ence and boasting. but It was generally assumed that when It came ... AAal!ILY WU'lll.Y, ~ 29. ltsl • t to doing things -building the Panama Canal. making steel. automobiles or airplanes. growing food or going to the moon -we were uniquely gifted We had the re· 50urces. the money. the eneTgy, the know-how f.nd. above all , the powerful. bitious. hard-minded leaders to p all these things together and tackle great enterprises suc- cessfully. how 10 get·things done Our specialty has become consuming. not produc ing . Maybe it's time to rethink power It may not be such a bad thing l'3WI after all' IAJ Today it is-the Japanese who know ~ ,., f .. -) --- . ., .:J: r--------------1 a-.a-.. ... I e.1.147.M 5. ........ ' I Nw..~-----------------1 I Addr-M~-~---~--~----~---1 Oly s.-____ Zlp ___ _ o.y.,,. !'tow l"iO I lyu ~ METHOO OF PJl\YMVO I I 0-·~ or Mor"'ll ()rdoo I I ~ ..,._._,_ ....... I I VISA &.-:~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~------~----~0-1 ·a....----· °'""'"'---~---- No Yo FM OCV. I ......... '?Its. 9!> lar""" 4-pc. ... -. 01''-J $31 'IO,b two '-pt .,._,...,,~~ ....... _..~w.,.. D t--. '10.-.. ::i~u.c.1_.,.._1 I 2 j STQN£\IN!£ I -~ S 12 9!> lar""" 4-pc. JM<»_.. 017 U!> 90 lot two 4-pt ~-...o1-............... .-t..1ow " ,..,. c:..don r Cool s-'i1 c.ounoy c.,.,. U...~~-....,..,...,pw. s--.-....._ordw91•....,_ 0o-::.=-~1Dardortarm Alw ...... up1D• ..... loo~Olloo -:r,;~,...::z ~-.-usA Aoven•Mm•n• New''Willpower D~et Tablet" 'l'hat Can Make You S • in 45 Day:s ... Even H u Cheat!!! ~ OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! Have you ever trir<l to lose weight? Then you know that at takes a miracle to really o vercome a weight pro· blcm. And you\.~ probably rried everything from "starvauon programs and painful .cxcrci~ to weight reduction clinics" with linle or no results lf you arc tired of the yo-yo effect and concerned about your weight you may be interested m a new "will power diet tablet" now being offered to the public by The Health Enc-rgctac Corporation. This unique tablet was sp«1fically developed by a group of leading nutrmonists solely for the purpose of helping people who have med other methods without success but arc very serious about losing weight. lt should not be used by people who only need to lose S or 6 pounds or those who arc not highly motivated. It contains a blend of ingredients that have been scicn· rifically formulated to supcr<harir-your energy level and, at the same tame, dccruK your hunger. Why can these "willpower diet tablns" help you suc· cttd when so manv othCT systems have failed your Bccau.e, in a world full of gimmicks. it's a major breakthrough. A weight loss plan that works o n your hunger biologically .ind f»YChologicall y. This powCTful comb1nat1on of tablets as being sold wuh a weight reduction program that has been pro· tcetcd by U .S. copyright law . Together. th~ clements arc ao effective that the company refuses to advcniae the results! "Why should II" says Leo Oaboub, President of The Health Enerank Corp. "If I start tellina people how they can lose up to 7 pounds in the first 48 hours and then conunue to blast off their excess body fat faster; even if rhcy were running 14 miles every day, nobody would belitve me anyway!'' Therefore, instead of making dramatic claims or tmpfV promiKS like thi,, Mr. Daboub is offering a lqally binding iron-clad gu1ranttt. The guarantct is simple. Herc is the way It worka. I( you order the product and use It as directed for a trial period of <JS-days, you must be 100% sausfir<l with your rapid weight loss or you arc cnmlcd to a refund of DOUBLE your cnurc purcha~ pnce. There arc no exceptions. This guarantee lS 1ro n-<:lad and legally bin· ding, regardless of your current weight level or how long you have been overweight. All that is required is that you follow the simple instructions and give the reduction pn;>gram an honest chance to wo rk for the full tnal ~iod. Ho wever, because of the narurc of this special offer, we can only guarantee delivery to the readers of this publication who respond within the next 10-days. After that, orders will be fl ied on a "first come first served" basis as long H supplies last. Herc is something else you should know. Even though The Energetic Weight Reducuon tablets art' quite powerful and effective, they arc 100% safe They can be taken over prolonged ~iods of time. As a matter of fact, this as one of the very few diet aids that a U.S. government panel of medical and SCtcntiflc ex· perts approved as an acuvc ingredient for appctnc control and weight loss. Besides, It 1s not required to have a warning on the label! But. more important, Energetic Weight Rcducnnn has worked wonders for overwcigh1 pcoplc ... peoplc who had given up all hope of ever losing weight. And 1t can work for you coo-as you watch the bodv of your dreams emerge. Now, with our reducuon program, you can: • Burn away a maximum amount of fat in record time. ·• • Look fantastic in clothes you only dreamed of wearing before. · • Improve your 5Clf.1magoc and aclf·confldcncc. • Feel more cncrgetic than ever as you dramaticall y tr1n3form your body. • Put an end to 1nawing hun~r panp. CAUTION As )'OMT we1gh.t bcgaru ro plumm.tr doum, )'OM should we )'OUT good ~c and n.or kt youn.clf become too thm. fr u wry amponanc co cal profJC"rl;y. Bcf(]Tt namng any ~ight loss program )'OM Jhow.ld amsult )'Ol'T physician to be sure )'("" are 1n l'IOI"· mal ~h. Now then, as you might imagine, this is one diet tablet that docs not come che11p. The price is $19.95, and California residents must add 6% ($1.20) for a total payment of $2L15. However, if you arc serious about lo11ing weight, you should remember rhat thi~ is the only diet product o n the market that is baclcc:d by a OOUBLE your money back guarantee! No one e~ offers this guarantee. Weight Watchen doesn't; Schick docsn 't: nor docs Gloria Marshall, Lmdora , Num·Svstems, or any othCT group, plan, book. or program ... But we ac The Health Energetic Corporauon do. because we know our program can work for you! le 1s easy to order. All you have to do ts write your name and address, and the words "Willpower Tab lets" on a piece of paper and ~nd it with your pay· mcnt to: The Health Energetic Corp. Dept A·290 1011 Bnoso Dr. 1107 Com Mesa. C A 92627 That's all there i6 to rt. Your order wall he acnt promptly by mum mail. By the way ... lf you prefer. you can dial, toll frtt, (800) 854-6917 (Calif. residents a ll 7 14~S48-2271) and charge your ordtt to your CT~t card. Just give the iPrl who answcn the numbcT end expiranon date of your , card and the name of this publication. P.S ... lf you're pl1nnina • vl11t to the Lo& Anaclca area, fttl free to purch11e your t1blet1 direct, rls}lt over the counttt, et our addrC"U above. Office hours an: 8 1.m. tJI 5 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. . , · The Thieves of Silicon Valley Each year, the Russians get more than $1.5 billion worth of high tech, through dummy companies, espionage and simple theft. By Ernest Volkman ust after dawn one morning this summer. two squadrons of Is- raeli jet fighters roared in out of the sun just peeking between the heights that line the Beka'a Valley in Leba- non. The crews of Syria's Rus· sian-buUt SAM-6 (surface-to- air) missiles, the best in the Soviet arsenal of weapons. swung into action. With highly sophisticated radars tracking the zooming fighters, the Syrian technicians fired their missiles, confident that their advanced weapons would blow the Israeli war- planes out of the sky. But the Syrians had been lured into a death trap. As the Syrian radars switched on, the Israeli jets fired new, I advanced American missiles l that homed in on the radar ~ fconlin~d) FAMILY WUKLY, Augutt 21, l9'2 • t 1 I - SIUCOll Vau.Y (condnlittll Wr/liam Bell (left) was jalJed for selling the secret of our quiet radar to a Polish spJI. beams and blew the missile sites apart. In a few minutes, the Israeli )ets and their American-made weapons comp.letely destroyed all the Syrian missiJe batteries. American military officials took some satisfaction In the performance of theb' missiles against the much-vaunted Soviet rockets. But only a small number of them realized that this American superiority could be short-lived. For, several thousand miles away from Lebanon, in the Silicon Valley, a section of northern Califor- nia dotted with factories and laboratories, and the home of the U.S. superweapon, the Russians have already found the secret of this weapon. How could the Russians possibly have obtained the counter to a new sophisticated American weapon developed In Silicon Valley? Simple. The secrets of high quality eJectronlcs produced here are stokm. traded, bought or sometimes just plain given away. There are nearly 1,000 American companies ln· volwd ln every aspect of the electronJca Industry, especially microelectronics, in the Silicon Valley. The area represents what is probably the most im · portant American military resource In the world, because mk:roelectronics forms the cutting edge of America's military superiority. And more than 600 firms in the Valley perform classified work, notably in the areas of missiles, satellites and radar. The most avid customer of the confidences concerning this classified work: the K.G .B., the Soviet Union's intelligence service. h has mounted a major effort, centered in Silicon Valley. to steal American military technology. According to current estimates prepared by Congressional oversight committees, the Russians manage to obtain more than $1.5 bil- lion worth of high technology from this country each year. That's where Willi.am H. Bell comes in. A radar expert with the Hughes Aircraft Co .• a leading mili- tary contractor that has a large radar-development complex in fJ Segundo, Bell was privy to one of America's deepest military secrets. He knew of the method American scientists had devised for hom- ing in on the radar of Russian missiles and for deveJoplng our own .. quiet radar," which could go undetected by the enemy. The result was that Rus- sizm mtsslJes could now be countered, while ours remained safe. Because Bell needed more than hi.s engineer's salary provided -possibly due to persona) finan- cial ~ms -he sold the secret of the quiet radar. The buyer (Mariam Zncharsky, who BeJ1 met while playing tennis) headed up Pola.moo, a Po lish- American trading company, and was an officer In the Polish Intelligence service. The F.8.1. later nabbed both men and, although Bell wasconvk:ted In 1981, the damage had already been done. Al- most certainly, the secret of America's quiet radar ended up In Moscow. T he BeU case attracted public attention and caused a renewed concern throughout the American technical- scientific community. particularly In Silicon Valley, about the hemorrhaging of American secrets. At aerospace and military electronics companies, a marked emphasis on Internal security emerged with Silicon Valley firms inviting F. B. I. officials to lecture them on security measures. And public-service announc.e- ments were aired on locAl lV and radio st.atlons, warning those who work In the Valley that "un- scrupulous Americans are helping hostile foreign- intelligence services:· The 1V commercials fea- tured the stem face of Efrem Zlrnbalist Jr., who used to star in the okl F.B.I. television series. F.B.I. officials find the new concern laudable but note that leakage of defense secrets In the Valley has been a problem for some years now. They blame much of the problem on lax security and a general lack of awareness of the Intense drive by the Soviet K.G .B. and other Communist-bloc intel- ligence agencies to steal American defense tech- nology. Among the more damaging thefts: • Top-secret laser mirrors, sold by an American businessman to a Soviet spy. • Mllltary computer parts, shipped to a dummy ftrm In Canada. then shipped again to the Soviet Union. • Top-wcret naval guidance equipment Ulegall placed on a Polish ship and later 901d whole to Molcow. • Mllltary helicopter parts made ln Connecticut. sold illegally to a British arms dealer who planned to sell them on the open market. • Advanced integrated circuits shipped to a dummy outfit in Austria, later winding up in the Soviet Union. These and other losses form a very long list, a list that underscores how the cream of American tech· nology finds its way o ut of this country and often into the Soviet Union. It seems no accident that the Soviet Consulate in San Francisco, just 30 miles north of Silicon Valley, has a t least 14 K.G .B. agents as members of its staff, according to an in· formed source at the F.B.I. And of that number, the F.B.I. adds, eight are experts in science and technology. "1be:re is certainly a major effort on their (the 1 K.G .B.'s) part," says F.B.I. Inspector Deputy James E. Nolan, Assistant Director, Intelligence Division. "Tile Soviets are very systematic and highly organlz.ed , and they devote considerable ef- fort toward obtalnlng.~erlcan military technology. Now, this lsn 't just collection by their intelligence service; they use many organs of their Government to collect the lnfonnation. Their Intelligence ser- vices head up the clandestine effort, but there Is a great deal of Information collected by other Soviet organs. For example," Nolan explains, "American business puts out an astonishing amount of infor- mation via the telephone . It also transmits much tn- fonnation electronk:ally via the te.lephone system. What's broadcast is capable of being received ~ Nolan is referring to a growing Soviet effort to ferret out American technologlc.tl information and other kinds of secrets by tapping Into the United States' vast telephone system. The bulk of all long- distance transmissions In this country now moves by microwave relay, which means entire exchanges can be tapped by simply recovering a microwave signal. The Russians then run the recorded signal thro~an advanced computer, which plucks out matt of particular Interest. Ir nically. a Soviet computer performing such a task' could be wholly or in part the product of theft of Sllicon Valley technology. Soviet emigre engi- neer Joseph Arkov, who now works in Los Angeles, told a Congressional committee last May that the Russians steal American technology not only to keep apace with American military k!chnology deYeJopments, but also to save money. The Russians, he adds, "do not attempt to duplicate Western technology, but they prefer to place into use the technology they acquire." They will actually steal several copies of a machine, using the excess machines for spare parts, ac.cording to Arkov. an one case. the Russians even tried to return stolen equipment to the manufacturer for repair.) 0 btalningAmerica. . n equipment hasn't been clifficuh. During the height of detente ln the early 70's, when broad Soviet-American comme.rdal agreements were signed, the U.S . began selling billions of dollars worth of equipment and technology to the Soviet Union. The proviso was that none of It would be .. mtlttary- related," meaning anything that would Aid Soviet mJlttary effort. But that ohen proved a sllppety definition. For example, In 1974, our country agreed to help bu1Jd a truck assembly plant In the Soviet Union. Moscow stipulated that no mUltary vehicles would be built at what was &ater known as Chmt<>pho Boy« In co.otody' a uau~ng •71 the Kama River Plant. But U.S . intelligence dis- covered that R\lSSans began manufacturing axles for anti-aircraft guns there. Furthermore, trucks built at the plant transported Soviet troops during the Invasion of Afghanistan . Tiie Commerce Department received the task of overseeing sales of U.S. technology to the Soviet Union. But the department has proved Inadequate for the job. Desaibt119 its compliance division (now called compliance office) as "understaffed and poorly equipped," Fred Asselin, an investigator for the Senate Governmental Affairs permanent sub- committee on investigations, went on to say that "In certain instances, [tt was an) undertratned and unquaMied Investigative unit." Transfers (overseen by the Commerce Depart- ment) J<b>unt for more than half of the leakage of Amerlcan technoJogical seaets. The committee's findings of slipshod and Inadequate work by the department alarmed committee members. Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia feels Congress should con- (eo11t1n well 1-AMflY Wftl(lY. A119119t al. M2 • 13 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ) 9 mg · 't1C 0. 7 mg n1co1in1 av. P1f c1g .. tt1 by FTC method. ::::; SIUCON YAU.SY (continued) I J ~ ~ To help stop the leakage of secrets, Utah s Senator Garn adoocates strider monitoring of U.S. technology soles to the Souiet Union. sider legislation that takes responsibility for the oversight of technqlogy transfers away from the Commerce Department. He'd pref er to shift it to the Customs Service or perhaps an independent agency. a proposal already put forward by Senator Jake Garn of Utah. "The Soviets have become so sophisticated at obtaining American technology that they know precisely what it Is they need, right down to the model number of the desired equipment," says Senator Nunn. Sloppy security at some of our larg- est aerospace concerns has also aided the Rus- sians. Convicted spy Christopher Boyce, a clerk at a large aerospace company that had deve.loped a supersec:ret spy satellite used by the C .l.A .. de- cided to seU secrets o( the satellite to the Russians. The fact that employees of the company routinely held parties In the company's main security vauJt - where the company stored blueprints, technical specifications and instruction manuals for the satellite -made the work easy. C oncemed over this laxity, the F.B.J. about 18 months ago reorgantzed its "awareness program," which fea- tures F.B.I. counterintelligence ex- perts speaking at defense and de- fense-related Industries all over the country. The goal is to create greater security for sensitive and classified military technology. "We've spent a great deal of effort o n that program," says Nolan, "We've talked with thousands of defense contractors. Our major task Is to help them under· stand that they must be alert to all kinds of vuJner- abUities that the Russians seek to exploit. We tend to think in this country that o nly specific secrets are vulnerable ; actually. It ls Important to understand that the Russians are interested In euerything. However Innocent or unimportant It might seem, If It has any relation to what they're after, It's ex- ploitable. For that reason, we tell peo ple that they must be especially alert during such things as visits or contZlcts by Soviet-bloc people. None of these Emtc Volkman II the author o/ A l..«gecy of Hate (Franlclln WOIU} and II o frequent contrfbutor to tAMll.V WWLV The F.B./. s Nolan warns that we "must be alert during uisits by Souiet-bloc people." contacts is innocent.'' I f Thls was Ulustrated in 1980, when a group of Rus.sian aircraft industry leaders was taken on a tour of American aircnlft plants. The Russians had worn shoes with special soles. allowing them to pick up metal shavings from factory floors. The shavings, taken back to Moscow, were then used to copy new American alloys. The Idea. according to a July 1982 repor1 by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. Is to "ride piggy- back'' on American research. Thus the Russians make shoncut breakthroughs In critical areas. most of these having strong military Implications. Ac· cording to an agency spokesman. the Russians em· ph~lze stellltng secrets In technologkal areas where the Americans are considered far ahead of the Soviet Union: semiconductors, solid state elec· tronics, mlcrQelectronlc.s. space technology, sur- velUance and detection equipment and communl cation equipment. Senator Nunn: 'The Souiets know what they need right down to the model number of the equipment. ·· And for that reason. the Russians direct much o f their effort at Silicon Valley, where most of our elec· tronic marvels are developed. Industry leaders in the Valley (and elsewhere) are "extremely cooper· alive" with the F B.l.'s awareness program, says Nolan. Despite the concern within the industry tha t overreaction could completely dry up foreign mar· kets, an overall consensus calls for some kind of tightening up. One sjgn of this tightening up. Operation Ex - odus, a new, joint F.B.1.-Customs Service plan that seeks to stop the illegal shipment of sensitive tech· n'ology out of this country. Teams of highly trained agents at specific ports are assigned the job of spot ting technology being shipped o ut under disguise. or to dummy addresses for transshipment else· where. The teams have scored a number of sue· cesses. including the arrest of a Rritlsh citizen taking o ut Sikorsky helicopter parts in his luggage. The parts were believed headed for South Africa o r Moscow. (At the same time, the F.B.I.. in an ABSCAM-type operation using bribes, arrested several Japanese on charges of trying to steal ad - vanced computer technology from I B.M ) This crackdown makes the Russians E!dgy. Re centJy. Senator William L. A,rmstrong of Colorado complained during a Washington press conference about this theft of American technology by the Russians. 'The Soviets," he said, "are depending on us to continue to supply.them with the rope untll they have enough to hang us." That remark drew an outraged reaction by one of the people standing among reponers : Igor M. Makarov. science attach~ at the Soviet Embassy, "Sometimes I wonder," Makarov complained, "why here in · ,this country you are trying to keep telling lies all of the time!" A week after Makarov's outburst. American fishermen recovered a Soviet sonar buoy off North Carolina. Close examination revealed that the buoy used precise replicas of electTonlc chips pro· duced by a big electronics concern In Silicon rawt Valley. l&J I ! i · Inspector Kea So01eti01es Gets His Man ' By Peter Garrison " A Sherlock Holmes of the lonely heart set, this private eye reunites lost loves , parents and children . He71 even track down the girl you worshipped from afar. don't believe that anybody who cares apout someone should go to bed crying." Lloyd Shulman likes to play with fate. In a world where every commodity has a buyer and a seller, Shulman ~Us what's swely the most priceless item of all: What Might Have Been. Shulman Is the private detective of the sentimental. He does business out of an unmarked buUding In a part of Los Angeles situated about halfway between Skid Row and Hollywood. In- spired by a radio serial -Mr. Keen. Tracer of Lost Persons -whK:h aired fro m 1937 to 1954. he chose the nom de gue:rre of Mr. Keane. Tracer of Missing Persons. The people he finds aren't exactly missing; rather they're misplaced. like a book you never finished reading and now can't find. They're people out of the past. ghosts who have haunted his clients sometimes since childhood. or who have been nUsed from long dormancy by some dlsap- polntment or loss: a death, a divorce: the last kld- leaving home. or a sudden recognition that you're getting old and none of your dreams has come true. Sometimes natural children or parents, separated by abandonment or adoption, seek his aid. as do those looking for friends or lovers of decades ago; or, In some treasured cases. search- ing for a high-school classmate that they adored from afar. "ff you know where your uncles, aunts, parents, 1e • FAMILY Wl:lKLY; ""Oual 21. 1112 e . I I I children and friends are. then you're a lucky per· son," Shulman says. "But for every so-and-so many people for whom everything's O.K .. there's somebody who doesn't know where his brother 1s " Shulman. a gray-eyed, bearded. slightly portly and very voluble man who somewhat resembles Peter Ustinov, used to Investigate deadbeats and insurance cases; but he found the impersonal work unrewarding -"The Bank of America doesn't CMe whether you find the guy or not" -and so ir1 1975 turned to his present specialty. A passionate match· maker. he relishes h1S successes. They're often easy: People are extremely unsophisticated about getting infonnation and are unaware of the kinds of public records. such as deeds and marriage licenses. that can provide valuable dues. Shulman sometimes finds out with a few phone calls what his clients helplessly puzzle over for years. B ut at other nrnes the work becomes diffi- cult: The trail disappears into some bohe- mian subculture; women often change their names when they marry : records are oocaslonally destroyed by fire and flood . Claim· ing success In 90 percent of the cases he handles. Shulman charges in proporoon to the difficulty of the search: an average of $500 for a basic phone search and up to $2.500 for a case requiring more time-<:onsummg phoning. writing and perhaps even tracking the rootless in person. Sometimes he locates the lost one in prison or In a cemetery: other times living or working only blocks away from his client. Are the missing persons always glad to be found? "I only want to know about the good ones." Shulman says. and those are the ones he likes to teU about. A widower who had brought him a 1939 snapshot of himself and his dazzling date at his senior prom kept talklng about what a beauty she was. After one of his searches, Shul· man brought them together His client re- turned later with a picture of himself nlghtdubbmg with a middle-aged. overweight woman who wouldn't tum many heads. And he was still talking about what a beauty she was. "He was looking at her current pic- ture," Shulman says. ''but he was still seeing the grrl a1 the prom " Then there was the man who wanted to see the redheaded girl next door that he played wtth as a child. He couldn't remember her name. JUSf 1he nickname Red. But through question- ing folks from the man's childhood neighbor· hood . Shulman eventually tracked Red down. Shulman's In- stinct Is the deciding factor for which cases he should ref use Just to be on 1he safe I skle. though. he demands a lot of per10nal lnforma- tion from his clients. If they seem reluctant to give it, he demurs. Most of his cases flt a few tried-and-true patterns: it's clear enough where the people stand. Some requests. of course, seem,. odder than others. One man wanted to locate the fa th er of a gtrl he had dated as a teen-ager, back in the dreary Pennsylvania hill town where he was born. He was a part-i1me grease monkey In a Soc.ony (Stan· dard OU Company of New York) station then. with fingernails that seemed ir· revocably black. One night. after a date, he and the girl were necking in the living room of her house. h was 1:00 in the morning: the famUy was a.sleep Or so they thought. Suddenly the father. a burly and sour- tempered mill worker, ex- ploded out of his bedroom. He setzed the paralyzed youth by the hair and dragged him to the front door. WDon't you eW!r come here again!" he shouted. "You're worthless You'll never amount to anything, and I never want to see you near my daughter!" Obviously humiliated, the young man never dared to contact the girl again Soon afterward. he moved to California, where he prospered. Now middle-aged and armed with the information Shulman found out for him, he drove back east to the same Pennsylvania hill town and went -as 1t turned out -to that same house. P.vMing his white and movies have influenced peo~'s perception of private investigators. "If It's not the style of a Rockford case. or a Sam Spade. with a murder and $300,000 in missing diamonds, then most people think a private investigator's not Interested. They assume an investigator's not going to be in- terested In finding an old girlfriend, for example " But this private eye IS interested. In fact. he loves 11 "You're worthless." said the father to his daughter's boyfriend. banishing him from the house. Years later th e boyfriend, driving a wh ite Rolls Royce, returned to the scene for a visit. Rolls Royce out In front. he knocked on the door The father answered. The visitor Introduced himself and inquired after the daughter. And he did "ot leave before he was sure that his ldenttty had fully dawned upon the okf man. The girl still lived In the same town, was married and had children. He did not call her. Shulman employs a sWf of seven and keeps a small warehouse fuU of telephone directories. Ap- parently the lone Inhabitant of a no-man's-land be· tween dattng servk:es and private investigaton, he tirelessly publicizes himself In newspapers and magazines The trouble. he says, Is that televlsk>n Shulman sees his typical customer as a man in his 50's -"but maybe." he says, "it's just because that's what J am." It's an age when people start to look back at the past and wonder. or want to tie up loose ends What's surprising. the 53-year-<:>ld Shulman says. is that they assume everything Is the way they left It decades before. That ls often not the case, he has found. "The way things are , every- thing changes," he says. "I ~n. diseases being what they are. and the divorce rates being what they are -my motto Is, check back Into every- body's life every 10 years, because It's likety r!ll to have changed." IAJ "1uilll.Y W£ll0,Y, AUO\l*I II. 1ta e 11 \ Califo1nia Scenes Whet. to Go, What to See, What to Do Ah. Wilderness! Gras.s Lake In Pfumm National Forest near Johnsville. High Countty By Ruth W. Aunatrong A golden bright summer morning Is an Ideal time for a hike through the High Siena. Just a three·hour drive from Sacramento, or an hour's trip north of Reno or Lake Tahoe, 74 well-maintained trails snake through the Plumas National Forest In the northeastern part of the state The paths run up sunny, brushy slopes, across open ridges. through dense, damp forests. over meadows speckled with flowers. and along streams and lakes. You can view miles of valleys and mountains In all directions A favorite trail in the Plumas National Forest begins near Gray Eagle Lodge. crosses a low ridge and drops down to Smith Lake. a pretty bttJe body of waler. One of more than 30 natural lakes in the Lakes Basin country (all part of the National Forest). Smith offers good fishing for rainbow. brook and brown trout. On most of these lakes, you can fish from the shore or from small boats. Old Gold Road. a paved stale highway, goes south from the little town of Graeagle to the heart of the Lakes Basin country. From the air. the land· scape looks as though Cl.IJ>S fuU of water had been tossed across the basin In aU directions. making small lakes wherever the water splashed. The larg- est: Gold Lake. where you Cat\ rent boats. Within a 10-mlle radius of Gold Lake lie four Improved Na- tional Forest campgrounds and seven or eight mountain lod~. Ruth W Atmatrong hoa wrttten 11110 trouel boob 19 • FAMILY WEEXLY, AUQ..,.I 29, !Ilea A trail to Mount Elwell, the highest peak m the area. intersects the Smith Lake trail a few hundred yards east of the lake From Smfth Lake. a trail continues over another ridge, down Jamison Creek to Plumas-Eureka State Park. Markings on the big pine and fir trees are grown over until only a dimpled sc.ar shows. But that's enough to let an ob- servant hiker know he is walking on a trail blazed over 100 years ago by gold miners or lumbetmen. The trails most used by visitors begin at Plumas· Eureka State Park. established to preserve the his· tone mining dlstrlct and town of Johnsville. Even this remote country, north of the Mother Lode country. was touched by the 1849 gold rush. P lumas-Eureka State Park swrounds Johns· ville and includes old mines. forests. fishing streams, lakes and a campground holding 67 units with tables. grills, food lockers and restrooms along Jamison Creek near the park headquarters. A restored bunkhouse where minen once lived houses the present headquart~. and a state museum In the bulld!ng displays arttfacts. min- ing equipment and photographs from the earty days. The park headquarters and museum remain open all year, but the campground closes around Oct. 1 On Highway 89. In the valley below Johnsville where the middle fork of the Feather River runs, lies Graeagle, an old lumber company town. Most of the houses on Main Street are painted red and white, as they were In the days when the company owned them. Today neat yards. flower boxes and Hansel-and-Gretel decorative touches announce their Individual tlwnershtp. A few hundred year- round residents endure the showy winter months, but when warm weather comes, the town fllls up. Graeagle represents the resort and recreation center of the area. serving visitors who camp In the national forests and .stay in the mountain lodges of the Lakes Ba.sin country as weU as those who tour Graeagle. Al the south end of the village: Graeagle Meadows, a resort/retirement community of con- dominiums on a large wooded site. The waters of the Feather River run through a golf course, with fishermen and golfers sharing the paths. Condo rates for two run from $210 lo $240 for a minimum of three nights, or $315 to $350 for a week River Ptnes at the nonh end of the village has dean, modem motel rooms in addition to cottages. For two, a stay In the cottages runs from $273 to $308 for a week and from $34 to $39 a night in the motel rooms. Feather River Park Resort. also at the north end of the vitlc1ge, features rustic cabins with house· keeping facilities surrounding a nine-hole golf course. Rates vary from $45 to $59 a day for two Graeagle also has two outstanding restaurants The Graeagte Restaurant serves home-cooked food and is In the same building as The Knotty Pine Tavern. Olsen's, nestled in a gable-roof home on a low hill surrounded by forest. offers a superb con· tlnental menu. For further information on the High Country, write: Plumas-Eureka State Park, Johns· vtlle Star Rte .. Blairsden. CaUf 96103: Graeagle Meadows, Box 344, Graeagle. Calif 96103: River P\nes Resort . P 0 . Box 117. Blairsden . Calif 96103, Feather River Park Resort, Blairsden . rawi Calif 96103. IAJ Your Guld. to Upcot1tlng fv•nta Aug. 24-Sept. 6: State Fair. Saaamento Sept. 3-5: The lntemational Street Fair. Orange Sept. 3-6: Mariposa Counry Fair Sept. 4. 5: 3rd Annual lntemational Festival of the Saws, Santa Cruz Sept. 4,5: l l 7th Annwal Scottish Gathering and Games, Santa Rosa Sept. 4-6: Sausalito Art Festival Sept. S.12: 29th Annual Capitola National Begonia Festival ·' Sept. 9-12: Gold Country Fatr. Auburn Sept. 9-26: Los Angeles County Fair. Pomona Sept. 11. 12: Artichoke Festival, Castroville Sept. 11, 12. 18. 19, 25. 26: Oktoberlest. Big Bear Lake Sept. 12: 6th Annual lntemaOonal Food Fair, Ventura Sept. 14-19: 42nd Annual Santa Cruz County Fair Sept_ 16: Mexican Independence Festival, Stockton Sept. 1~19: Lodi Grape FesttCial Sept. 17·19: Bluegrass Festival. Grass Valley Sept. 17-'19: Monterey Jazz Festival Sept. 17-19: Siena Mountaineer Days. Oakh~ Sept. 19: 16th Annual Peddlers Fair, Folsom Sept. 20-26: Transamerica Open Tennis Championship. San Francisco Sept. ~31 : San Mateo County Fair Sept. 25, 26: 6th Annual Russian River Jan Festival, Guemevtlle Sept. 25-0ct. 3: CabriDo Festival, San Diego Should You Buy Ttavelet's Checks? '\._....• ' are whether or not a given traveler's check lssuer has a refund office near where they'll be ttavebng, and how quickly their checks will be replaced In the event of loss or theft. Most -·_,.__ large traveler's check lssuers have offices in ma· jor cities in the U.S. and abroad (ask for a list when you buy your checks) and usually they Issue replace- ment checks within 24 hours after the loss is reported. When you purchase Do you know him? MoJden warning cust.omet$ your checks, you'll get a receipt or "sales advice" which ln· dk:ates the amount purchased and the serial numbers on the checks. This form ls a proof of purchase which you can use to replace lost or stolen checks. You're advised to keep it separate from your checks. U you don't and it's taken, you can still get a refund, says Joseph LaPeruta of Thomas Cook. but It will probably take longer than usual. Be prepared to supply the date and place of pur· chase. The commercial Is enough to In· still fear in the heart of any traveler. A couple on vacation discover that au their money and traveler's checks are missing. And because they didn't have the adver- tiser's brand of traveler's checks, their trip has been ruined. Ju.st how convenient are traveler's checks when you're on a trip -and how easy is It to replace them when they've been lost or stolen? Generally It's ~ that traveler's checks are safer than canytng a large amount of mo ney and, if you're traveling In the U.S., a lot easier to cash than per· sonal checks. "As people recognize the dangers of carrying cash, It makes sense to protect yourself with traveler's checks," says Robert Gibson, pres!· dent of the National Foundation for Consumer Credit. Yet, Myra Waldo, world traveler end author of Myra Woldos Trallel Guides, says she "doesn't bother much with using traveler's checks" because her credit cards and cash seem to work for her. "But If you plan to be on a long trtp," ·she says. "or will need more than $500, then it's a good Idea to get ...t..-.. uNm. The standard chmge at banks and ~veler's check offices is 1 percent of the total value of the checlcs pur· chased, although It can be as high as 2 percent. But et some banks there Is no traveler's check charge for customers who have e certain balance . and some branches o f banks offer 'them &ee to atl. To find out where you can get the bat rate. check wtth your trawl agent. Two questions travelers often raise What happens lf you lose your tta· veler's checks on a hoUday or week· end? Most lssuers have toU-free, 24-hour, seven-day-a -week phone numbers for reporting loss or theft. LaPeruta also offers an interesting lip for those traveling to foreign locales: "You will save on exchange rates and seMc:e fees If you purchase ttaveler's checks in foreign currency." He notes that this is most convenient for people traveling to only one country. Before you buy your checks, try figuring out how much money you1l need for your trtp. While you don't want to run short of funds in a strange place, you do want to avoid paying for unnecessary checks. If your plans Include travelmg to rural areas where tnsveJer's checks may not be readily cashable. cash some ahead of time when you 're in a city, Gibson cautions. And once you've returned from a trtp, he adds, It's smarter to depo!it leftover tnsveJer's checks in an intaest-bear!ng savings or checking account than to save them for your next trip. Waldo suggests that you purcha9e traveler's checks in denominations of $20 and $50. "In Larger denomJna- lk>ns, you may be kdt with e lot of~ fore9"1 cunency that you don't rwt want," she says. ..., • missy •petite •women's 1()()% "' "" "" ,,.,,;,,,,. , .. ,,, ,., $19~! and petite c;uR~ women's slightly higher at $21.95 Sophisticated blouses. in a brilliant array of new fall colors with that special glow that onl~k can give, fashioned for the woman , ---ef'foday ... in sensuous silk! Anely detailed SYLK lines are accented with precise topstitching (quality you would expect on blouses costing much more!). Button barrel cuffs. Pair one with an evening skirt. or brighten up your daytime separates with these beautiful classics. [)i:y clean or handwash separately. In jeweled. shimmery tones of EMERALD· 73. SILVER GREY -36, RED-48. PEARL ·--wt'fITT-30. or SAPPHIRE-69 #FD8SH: Mjsses sizes 8-18. #FD8SK: Petite sizes 4-18. #FD8SL: Women's sizes36-46 tfOR FAST PERSONAL SERVI~ 1.4 HOURS A MY• 1 DAYS A WEEK <..All 1602) 747 sooo I ltA1q• Ordn• (~~~ ~ 0 t.0 U ... U .U O.Q..O ~ If you''• not completely delighted wtth you' purchH• -et any Ume. fo, any fl!aton-just fetum It to us for a fuU. fut 1efund -----·--·····---·-------············--------~-------·· :Jl'tFnTEta , .. _ .... , ....... _ ...................... _ Catoc...MCATA&.00 ~~_,•ll~oteat .... _ .. ..,._ N.U.------------~_ .... __ , _______ ~ CITY -----------~ atATI 19'-----r O..• .:J ~ TO:U Net.. M1V1SA .JM. ...... 0... MXlOUft'• ..... ,." __ ID.Mft ~ ··--------""""RmQ"' IL. Tlicutl.Alllllliitlnl u-... •~-~ r......••-----........... , . ...__ __ ;. ... HE'E"'S JOHNNY ANALVZED I wanna tell ya, Johnny Carson's JOkes are so political .. How poUticaJ are they? Well. according to the Universrty of Florida's Herb Press. who analyzed three months of Carson's monologues for his master's thesis in communications. roughly one-third of the 515 jokes were about poli- tics, partleularly the Presidency. Carson's sec· ond favorite tar- get was the weather. fol - lowed by celebri- ties. Here. Dolly Parton was tops with nine jokes. Press thinks Carson's political barbs serve a purpose in American society. MHe acts as a catalyst in the public opinion process," Press told us. u A topic remains in the publk eye as long as he jokes about it." He notes that <;aJifomia Senator S.I. Hayakawa recently blamed his decision not to seek reelec- tion partJy on Carson's persistent JOkes about him. And by the way, perhaps already worried about 1984, the White House, says Press. has requested a copy of hLS thesis READ IT AND WOP What does it mean when a person wants to -in- deed, needs to -oV but simply can't? Several emotional factors may be involved. Or. I Stephen Schwartz. medical director of Philadelphia's /\. Northwestern Institute of U i Psychiatry, to4d us. He or c: she may have been taught j to keep a stiff upper lip, to /\. ~ hide emotion. Or he may U i be so upset that he fears losing control if he begins to ay. Or he may be In such a state of shock or depression that he doesn't have the energy to ay. He couJd also be suffering from something psychla· tJists call "Isolation of affect." In which an individual pushes either the feeling of sadness or the cause of It Into the sub- conscious and fails lo link the two. "One man came In to see me and said he felt sad. but we couldn't figure oul why," notes Schwartz. "Later I asked hlm to come back for another sessk>n on Thursday. The man then said, 'Oh, I can't. Thursday Is my mother's funeral '" People who can't ay may develop such symptoms as he.ad.aches. asthma. heart palpitations and stomach prob- lems. "Emotions have to go somewhere." says Schwartz. "The human being is like a pressure cooker. He must let out steam a little a t a time, or else the whole thing blows up." 70 • FAMILY WEEKLY, A.II 29. Im FOR TOURISTS ONTHl!RUN h's been f*runnmg gag for years (even Jimmy Car- ter joked about i1 while visiting the President of Mexico), but traveler's diar· rhea , a.k.a . the Aztec two- step, Montezuma's revenge and tunsto, is no laughing matter. Almost half of all U.S. travelers abroad come It almost seems as if they're rolling kid stars off an assembly hne these days. Ricky (The Champ) Schroder begot Justin (Kramer us. Kromer) Henry who begot AUeen (Annie) Quinn Who'll be next? "If you want your child to be a million- aire. you're better off buying a lottery ticket. but he or she con make 11," says Lea Bayers Rapp. author of Put Your Kid in Show Biz. Her daughter, Liana. 13. has already ap- peared m the films Rog11me and Going In Style Rapp began by J~St tak mg 6-month·old Ilana to a modeling agency, and she's convinced you don't need connections to land a job. WYou can be a Barrymore (like darling Drew of E.T.] and still not get a part if you're not right for It ... Liv- ing near New York or Los Angeles does help, but ···-· .. A dog's life indeed. Almost half (44 percent) of the peo· pie in a recent survey said that of all fan_iily members, their pet gets the .rriost recognition. in the form o!.a touch, ~k. word, smile. gesture or any act that says, I know you re there " Only 18 percent answered, "the children." Additionally, the study by the University of Maryland's Ann Caln found that 8 percent of those surveyed feel closer to their pet than to any other family member. down with the condition which. besides being un· comfortable. can be dan- gerous But now the good news. Plans aN underway to be· gin testing a new vacdne against the ailment. A doc- tor at Washington D.C.'s Waher Reed Army Institute of Research reports initial progress toward a vaccine that would attack the of- fending bacteria and keep them from adhenng to cells lining the intestine They would then pass harmlessly from the body. Rapp says people can travel aU the way from Maine to New York for a one-day audition She also told us that those pushy stage mothers are disappearing and that a few have recently cost their kids paru. The new pheno- menon -stage fathers . .. They can be even more obnoxi ous than the women," notes Rapp~ In a similar '1udy at the University of Pennsylvania, 80 percent of respondents said they talk to their pets as people. with 28 percent confiding in them about the events of the day. BIRTHDAYS (All Virgo) Sunday Miehael Jackson 24: Ingrid Bergman 67. Monday - Fred MacMumiy 74: Ted Williams 64: Elizabeth Ash- ley43. Raymond Massey86. 'Leaday -James Coburn 54; Arthur Godfrey 79; Buddy Hackett 58. Wed- nesday -Lily Tomlin 43 Thursday -Jimmy Con- nors 30. Friday -Kitty Carlisle 67; Valerie Pemne 39. Saturday -Henry Ford 65: Mitzi Gaynor 51. , .---MAIL THIS ORDER BLANK TODAY! ·--· • : Mldllpt .. Ill Ct.. hilt. IC ... 1• "*"'· .,.. .....,, ...... • • • • ==I':' .:.::sAlll"::.lde~':· ~K::: ,:,· f~~ ~: • ll ... . •m ' l'lllllT IWl'l ..... ---------------: 11111. • • MIDIDI ------------------: em ________ STATl ___ _,,,. ----- ,: cat . .. 1'1111 r:a'f Ill noalt("-... CIO tot $2.511 • 100 1w $4.MI 114 119ffoodlto oo f0< n .• · 20 for Sl.1151 124 c:-.. (15"" $1 .•• JO fw SJ.I& llt llllld lt,.:lallos Cl fO< U .H • I fol '3.a5J ... .... , ... lllllltt SJ.,.-'-· tlJ ~_. (2 lot S7.7S) 712 Oritfltlll ,_,,ft (I tor Sl.M • 12 I• 11151 251 Dll>llllle ""''"*h <) f0t s 1.11 . 10 to; u .as1 131 Dlrllllft Cl lot $1.91 .• for u .75) I 701 CllMI-(I fof $1.H • 16 few U 151 121 ... '"'1 1r11 13 '"' S2.98 • • to• $S.7Sl 3~ 0.-t.I Tr-(15 fo< $431 • JO fo< $1.75) JOO ,.,,._. "9dc• en fo< SJ.ti · 50 !or S7.7') 1)4 0-tf 0-"""· Sl.N • 2 to; Sl.UI IOO C.ltrldo 11 ... SPn1u. SI 91 (2 lor 13151 301 led ri.w.t111 O.C.-. Sl.M (2 10< S7.75l 700 "-·tee-SUleKfl. 701 CntMs ..... c.t-<:r ' f ... is. 7~ '" 6 for S O.ts 707 llt9pes. Wll ltk llla&an )04 11• ...,,, Tr-.·s l.N (2 tor S11Sl 224 t._hl YI ... UM 12 fot S7.75) .. fonytllla MMat tl6 lo• U .tl • l2 lot 17 7S) 714 11..-..nn 12 kif U.ta · 4 tor S1.7') l07 ~ Molly C) 10< SJ.ti · 6 for S7 7S) .,. l_,,_ Ja-Ye., "'111111 II'°--. IOJ ""'l'"fl ----, ... , ~-· ... C2 fGf Utsl 751 ,.._., 1 ,., • n ts 12 '°' u .15) 200 Clnlll°" -· 110 for '' ·" • '° '"' u .as1 213 ''"""' lllyrtM (20 for $1.91 · 40 for SUS) l)t ,..'"" Min (I tor $1.tl • 12 tor S115l 202 Footri.11 llf""'s fl f0< '1• · I lot $7.75) '31 •--t Twllpt 15 for st.ti · 10 for U 151 501 Traill"' CO.nlnla •/bH~tl. S2.tl (2 tot u 751 217 Swwt W1115-IS lor SI.ti · 10 tor $11$) ltl 0....• of Tl1t llllltt Twllp' (I lot SI.ti! '°' en.,i,.. s... (4 lot Sl.50 •• !of ll.tSl 204 c,..,. ...... (I for 11.30 • 12 "" S2.IS) m Mlftlatwre ._. PIMb, ..., u.•~ sn lllolllvre ._. "-ta. Yellow 12 lor U .75} 1•1 lrt«~llll Tull'9 (10 fw $UI • 20 !of $J,IS1 • ,.,, Dulifo lrla II ordtr recel...i bJ 0c--. I " I) o, • ••• l SU< of ""''"'"" If -.. totall $1.00 ~ 011: . 1111 "'"" O.Wt ..... (Jlvt I Slit crf a.411~1. I I If .,., '°"'la S,10.00 II 0111 Altl-... ,. U>ln I Stor of 19'111 ..... ew I • I 1•11 I "'"' Deht .. -.,, If -· 1111a11 n• oo • 601 • . .. ,. ~ ~lltllt (ptld I Slat of le91~ • .... .. ,Alll•llllolYI. • ~r tetlll• S lLOO a o o1 •-llUMt --plllll SUO IDwlrU .. potUfe -._. ........ ., ....... "'• • U 1111 o• "" tttdtl canl. ,. .. Sl.50 lllOlt· ~ t. •• •I• lfMI ~MOii~. = poa,r.t•, lllCll· titr. 1Mo1ow w111c c It ca '" "*"' m ' IO IN bill .. ooo, "'9Cllt cm ......... -IL • .,1,111... Gel•. m1'llMY C MH~nl 0 YIM c--... ::J Amettc.. llpnu mM. • . ~ ... tCMlf-~~~-~---~-----~ ""'°"'----'-·----------------------------------- An Ocean of LiYin1 fAlot' CUSHION MUMS -10 f• s1. 98 Glint balb of Oanunc color to set )'OU• I~ lbl11e• Thtw h1rdy M1clli~ nurwry l'Own 1oot diYislon ptr· ~111111ls t4IM to )'OU 1n 1n assortment of m id IOfltOUS colors ... r~. yellows, plnb. purples, bfona, etc., as no1ilable. Provide hlndsome folllet sprint Ind wmmtf. Lale summer, elCll pl1nt drtnclles itself with muses of 1-2· blooms. A marnilicent spectacle wtitn in bloom •lonr w1lks or dtives, for lin1nc bof'dtrs, or 1etent rows. ------REMBIAND TWPS 5 f• Sf.98 flit onlJ tulip""'*' 1fte the Dutch Muter! Fe lures 11111. sinale cu alobe-shlped blooms .. Ho land Imported, 1~11 cm bulbs. Striped, s!ltall blooms In sparklin1 sortment or mixed co H tvlillble . co,. ..... li.-4) 4 for SJ.SO lluged and carelret, spreads rapidly In sun or "'* The lush. semi-ftergreen follaae erupts In mwiw clusters of star-shaped, fiery red blooms. w y.cro•· 1na. senuhon1I 1n rock g11Uern, "trfll>. ble spots". slopes, shldy areas where IJ'W won't aro". Hardy Michiaan nurs. try arown. plant 6 .12~ apart. Bloom year 11ter JUr without repl1ntin1. PARROT TULIPS 6 for SJ.98 "'..m'• "'"" " 1a.:zr Staal o ..... , Yelin, Wlllte Bia. bnlll•ntlJ colortd blooms of sm1sh· 1111 color' These hl"'ly deco11tlve Foot-11111 Mum~ •re eas1IJ 11own on almost any soil, Pfodoct an lbllndanee of spec- t1CUlar. $howJ llowers. Bloom yur lfter year w1thoul replanting. We ship Polled, hardy rooted cutt1np. one tach red. ,ellow, white Make 1or1eous cut ltOlf· ers, uch sinale bloom a 1•1111toc star fire of vivid intenst color' fl"<ftlP " """"' ll'OWll pett<lfllal. (11110t "*"i.111. lulli•n Ot1'St '""''""" fo11111 <I-hid •1111 N lHl of p y. -~l•I bloom• In 1911td <olan TraMIOlllH -· ,,,,.,..,,_ 11u• 01 r0<k 11nl1M lato 1 rolllnc H• 01 color 11111 '""""" ,...,r M· tort l1IMl1<1Pt Hanlr l·Ytlr plenb. ~ plant \PfDcl\ to 12 loc~u at l!ltlllrity. These are the ll1111boJ1nt p1ly colored tu. hps with the IJ11e fulhered blooms t~I so closelJ resembles • p¥rors lleld. The colors ate blends of wlbrlllt rtds, rellows Ind bi-colors "1th lrffn shldiflc. fllUntirlf lhems.lvt1 ltOCI 111 uc>rilfrt 16-ZO"' st.I'! SWEDWIWAM 5 '• 11.91 lfllllf M 111 Hf'IY Mllllllltt flowtftltd lblalt wltll flncy, tvnecJ. .... tooltlld blOOtM of brlllllllt. atrlklnc color • . . "" wllttt. ''""*!t _pl... Md '" ttle colon In bttwaen, ,.,.., will spreld Md bloom ,.. lftlf ,.. wlttlollt l'WPllnt· lf!I. Wt sltlp 12 DMtloM <Dl8"t!Mls ~ tot .... ,. tills flll. will ........ ""' lllrt Mll!lllMf. MINIATURE e .. lc• •' 194 ., ,.,, •• Yes, !!,~ R~~!~~·!!y lul out 1nd 0011t into bloom Indoors with m1ny doll size roses u colorful. soft ind delltat1 n large outdoor varieties. Seldom crow over S.12 inches. Can be transplanted utdoors. 2~" pot Sile plan(s. will JTOW ever ra.t9t11 ..... 1osn llounsh tnche1te r preference on ordlr blink. TRAILING GARDENIA 12.98 l•utl\._.i,..11 ri....llfwl. CC:...tflla •adiuM~ lb la11t trtMIJ .... flt Illa-lrKtfvllJ --l~e ... ,.,_.., foloaet tllat ca-11 ..,. alld ·-"" Ill• h••11111 ... ~.l "'"'" , .. _.... .. for llOCIOor C•INlt. It& P'lrf-ld lr1f'9Me lllk the "'°"' " llt _., White no.en C-11-ID blooM fof u 1oo1a u .,,,. -111&. SAVE 20~· ON CUSHION MUMS ltOW TO US( THIS COUl'Oll: I• otdtr to 1n1ac1 •ow cuS101t1111. tllls coupon .,., IHI us.d to d-.turt "ll)t on )'011f purwu or CuVlion MUlllS, provided 10Ut or~r IS postmarltd 110 Ular !!Ian OCtobt r I. 1912 lnd1t1ll your 11loctlon1 on flll ordtr bl••-. lou l 1111 order. tlltn •ul>trocl amount due from couPO"' you ,.., .. onctoud All 11<1rc11ues covered br "No h ult" C..u ant H . Order youro nowJ otter l.Qllrft ~ 1, IMJ SAVE 15 ~ HOW TO US( THIS COUl'Oll: In ot~r lo en11tt new c11.1toin111, Ulla -r1111 ti. uud lo deduct IS. Oii your pure""" of l11nclllna Tulips, provid· td your order 11 pos11111rUd "° utor Ill•• OCtObor I, l9U lnd1utt rou• Hltetions on tilt ordtr blank, tot1I tllt ordtr. lllen 1ublrlct • .._,.t due fro"' CO..POns you 111 .. 1nc10st<1. All pUrtllUU COvtrtd by "No f1ult" CW11•1te. Order yours llOW1 • l.Qllrn kUMr 1. 1112 less Than 8c Per foot! SO FEET ANE PRIVET HEDGE·sl. 98 25 rooted, certified healthy. last gro•ing plants to make 50 feet of neat. dressy hedge. Normally grO• 2-3 feet first season. de· vefop quickly into dense compact hedge •Ith shiny green leaves Landscapes your property 1>eau11lullyl Can l>e formally shaped second year Highly decorative, plant 2 ft. a~lormal pro- tective hedge We ship the species best tor your~mate Llg· ustrum s1nens1a or Amurense. Al this tow price you can attord all you need Send tod.ay ! 50 ,, .... -17.75 100 "• ... $14.'5 SAV~O~ ON PRWET OGE ltOW TO USC THIS ln or~r 1.o 1n,g1 ,..., "'' • t~•• CotfllOll "'"1 bt uud lo dtduc 20' Oii yo.ir ""'"'"" of Pnwt Hedi•. ~­ro.ir order h llOllNrh d llO utar Ill•• OC:too.r I 1912 lftdlUtt your Hle<tloM on Ill• order blin-. rot•I tht or~1. l~tn sublrocl alftOUnt dut from COUPOM JOU II••• enc-. All puulluu co.ortd bY "No f1ull" C..111n1t1. Order yours llOwl Oft• Ltllr• ~ I. 1112 DWARF RAME BUSH· S1.98 Outslandlnc Sj)K1men. ltuonymus alata compactal. A show.sto1>1>er late fall when its handsome Ioli· aee turns bnllianl fiery cnmson Very hardy, grows 5.0 ft.. may be pruned to desired heicht Also known as Bumina Bus/I HOW TO UU THIS COUl'Ofl: '" Ql'lltf to anrKt ntw C'uttomtn,lhll c°"pon "'fY Dt used to dtd~t 25' Oft your .... rd\1'4 ot DrNfMfllll lrttt. pro.Id td 1111U1 order Is ooslmlrted no 11tt1 Ill•• OctOO.r I. 1912 lndluto rour ltle<tlon• on "'' ordtr bun-. toul !111 010.1. then lubtt1ct amouol dut ''°"' tou-• you h•vt tr>etoHd. All PUrthuu co•tr•d br "No ftult" CU.rantH. Ordtr youn _, tff• ..., .... tdloMr 1. tta "King of Evergreens" COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE S1.98 ,,ic.a ~"".,.'' Stately •nd mattstic. ideal SCJttimen fOf lrwn pfa11tingl. R1diant yur.rouno colo11ng may range from areen to blue green lo silvery.blue lncruses prop- erty value yt11 after year. Already 3 years old, 9-12" transplants. Truly a showpitce Colorado Blue Spruce will be the focal point of your landsupe ! ompare Dur Quality! 50 FED GOlD£N FORSYTHIA HEDGE '3. 98 OM of lht mosl v1v1dly colorlul of 111 orn.amtnl1f slllde tree\ 8t1u1llul 1ed flowt" 1n ,pr1na, then 1n fall le~u turn scarlet •nd aotd. Very se"'1ceabfe 5"* tree Gnnn 60-80 feet ViaorOll$ Golden flowenna fonythla. lfOl"Sythia vtrieliesl denk>9s rap1dly to heifhts of 6 -g feet may be trimmed lo desired siz.t. Bursts forth early sprina with INndrtds of aolden blooms. Offer brings 16 plants. mahs 50 feet rtlract.ve, strviteltlle lledrt ..tlen planted 3 ft. apart. The shrubs. hedaes and trets offered In this fl"'I fall stle are nurstf} crown from wed or cvttlnrs. well rooted. certified healthy In state of orirtn. They are 11. rudy 1·2 years old, 1-2 ft till, never transplanted. Enrereens are as indic.ted In individual listinc. ~ ror arowttt ability in ex· tremely hot southern ell· mites. Puch trees are 2.J reet tall. E rery Order Sets Free Plantint Guide! fl'IO(lt• of proftsslonll ~n-thtlvt In 1tmott eny tOll tnd In Wdy loutlons wlltn other IVlflrMM do pCIOrly, Good rlcll """ ~ all rt" 'rOUlld. ,_. yur1 old. &-12•. Utvally hard to &ti tnd 111111 prlc.d. Oftly $1.50 -your choice of IJ!lfl&flt or Stlrtldltlll Stfld ywr °'*' todly, 15 ORNAMENTAL TREES Hty s411 Belutit.I B1o1--. Lqe 6lldell fnitl PEACI TRE~2.15 -IUUTA ¥.UI'" - Delilhtfully fr1111nt In ""1111 whtn Ille bel4llllul ptacll blos. soms ldorn the brandies ... lllen come ttle bi1. ~juicy, aotdtn peaches tMt aft so 1ood for utlns off tM br•ncll, C11111lnc. pies, etc. fMu 2-3 ft. ar•fttd trets """'" to atllldlrd ordl«d J111. Dbtrt• Is the world's ltld. Inc CO!Mltfclal lltldl. 1 "" dtp1nM1t arower. An 111Wl11t N!pl" for trees of this sire. You C111 lllft J'OUf OWll Ofd\trdl Miii '°"*' today. FREE BONUSITEMSAT NO EXTRA COST Set Oi&r Blank for Bonus ntms Automat· te1llY Sent With Your Ordtr Every lltm In This J.Pagt fall ~llntine Sale Is Co~red By Our "No fault" Guar1n1ee1 free Pl1nt 1n1 Gulde Included With be1y Order' RED ROWERINCi DOGWOOD-S). 98 (Cwtw1• flo,.;H '"'hro B1iH11nt decorative s.howinece tutures clusters of ~ • piM or red flowers In sp11ng, followed by llamina scarlet luvrs 1n fall Grows lo JG.JS II height Amazin& low pnce. M111 coupon today. BLUEBERRIES 2 for S].98 Yes. now ~ Uft p1~ 111111 blu•rnn r1Cfll rn your 01'n yard Jerse~ v111tty producu numer· OU5 11JCMl1~e clu,ler5 of blut, firm, swret lustlOUJ berriu Cit ·"" fresh with cttu l or tee crnm. or m•h pies . you'll love 'em' Mich111n ""'"'' arown-2 requ1rtd for cross. poUlnalion AMERICAN HOl.l Y ] Pia.ts f• I). 98 Csoedtlly bt111tlM In winter when lack of C10lor turns your 11114scapt dllll Ind dr Mi. That's wlllft American ltoll't II... foalerl, fllfty 11owt •1111 atlsttnlnc lustrous foll• .. lftd otr1 l•llt bflll!t reil berries. Heavy bt¥1n& .. ,.. pllnb arow to 20 It. PYT• mktel llelpb. Beautiful 111 year 'round. ' J'OW Ofdtr '*'' ······---------------·-------------------~ i SAVE 15 ~ .~ SAVE 20~ i : ON CROCUS : ON DAfFOllLS : : HOW TO USC nus COUl'Ofl: I• o•d•• I HOW TO US( TillS COOl'Oll: lft order : 1 to 11trect new cu•tome11. 11111 co•-: to 1ttr1et MW cuato111tt1, 0!11 co-1 1 inay IN ustd to deduct I 5t °" your 1 llllT be used to dtd<let 20< on your 1 t Pll<dlaae ot-Crooa. ptOYl<Md JOlll-_ Pll~ of Oatlodllt, 1116"~ ,_I" 1 order Is postJN<Ud no i.ttr tlllft 1 order 11 postJMrMcl no later tlllft 1 I OclOOtr I, 1912. lttdlUlt '°"' Hite-I Octohr I, 1912. lndle1t1 your ............. ..._~ 1 lions on Ille order bla11k, to\11 tilt 1 llOM Oft Ille onlu blank, tobil Ille 1 l order, "'" aulllt'KI -nt d ... 1..-I I ONM I, lllen 1..0tr1Ct tinount due frotn I t cou-'IOU h .... -loMO. All POI<· I I c-JO• llrf9 MCtoud. All pur· I 1 dlasu c-ed llY "No nu1r• ..,_,. 1 1 c:N&ft co..,ed llY "No flult'' Golar· 1 .,._,,,_, P 5 l) f o r~.E~., lllll.llS~2 I Miff, Ofder ,.,..,...J:::, I I '"'"· Of'dtr ,.,..,.. _, • : lftw ~ I, 1112 : : .,...,., ..... OdmW 1, 1112 I -------------------· -------------------- FLAMING MIX ASSORTMENT . < BARG~IR PRICED-101> for 's4.9S':.-l00 for only .S9.7S Tulips bloom In all their graceful 1plendor and brilliant color in spring ... but they mual be planted In falll Our once-a:year otfer features healthy, hardy plant.Ing stock bulbs (2Y• -3~ clrc.). priced ao fantasllcally low II ts truly amazing. Belter yet, you get a be-autllul flaming mix assor1ment: brilliant reds. glistening whiles, bright yel- lows. deep purples, gorgeous two-tones. etc. Best ot all, you pay only Sc a bulb • SO lor only $2.50. 100 for "4.95, or Qrder 200 fo r just $9.75 and really eave! Al this u~ beatable low price. you'll want all you can get. Easy planllng instrucliona included with every order. Send todayrie will rush your order in plenty ot time tor you to get your fall planting selecti ns in the ground. EVERY YEAR THEY 8 OM AGAIN ... Without Replanting I Tulip• are so popular, of course, becauae they bloom year after year without ,... planting, no need to take them up. OIY&n proper aoll, care and with normal growing condltiona, theM bulbs will dewlop Into larger alz.e bulbs the first year's plant- Ing. In l11et, -guarantee many blooms next spring, normal bloom the second Ma- son and many years thereafter. Don't pua up this o~·yea.r offer if you like to -•ch tulips grow and bloom In breattrtaklng color! See coupon for additional bonus item1, FREE of extra coat. ....... ----...... FAMOUS "NO FAULT" GUARANTH -FAST SfllVICEI Every item you order is protected by our famoua "No Faull" guar- antee. Each selection we ship Is exactly as advertised . . . vigorous and healthy, tagged for eaay Identification, -11 pactted lor anlval In gOod condition. We guari ntee prompt 1hlpmen1. no waiting around -k after -ek for your order. You must be satisfied on arrival or you may return within 15 days ror .full refund, lncludlno any postage you tent. Every aelectlon must devel0p and llourlah or we wllt replace II free (3 year llmlt). Plantlng instructions In- cluded on. all selectlons.'Don't pan up Ihle once-a-year otferl ~iE =.:. .... T:.~i:t.~ of ..... ''llllllU" .. ,_.,_I .. II ..... MN* i.w. fw..,..... ..._, ... fall ......... ,.., ,., .. AT m Dru COST = 1: :1.:,r' .... "'" - flEE -6 PINK DEBUT .. '·t y DOOBLE HOUYHOCIS 5 .. $1.91 • OH of th• brl&htHI sprlftl t1ower1, tU ......... llrllllllllt pl• 1C¥1tt. ~ OI~· -· 4 c.11. ""'"'). "" .. l•llO(ttd. '"" IQ19"""....., tlltall DUTCH HYACINTHS 3 for $1.95 uelelle "'-· aofl ,e.tet "'lud cotott, dtllCfltfllil7 ,,..,1111. llollaftd •-rted, (,.... ~-cite.). Addi n-rlety ID ,_. ..,111 p ....... I // DAYUUES 3 .. $2.91 CARMTIOllS -• for $1.91 Mldll ... lllfAM) '*"' tlln, Ill-._. •1oeM1111 Clnftedl• .. rletlea ._ "' • .,. 111111 .,.,., of ........... ...,..., ,.... .... at 1 "**""' lew ,itce fof ftll lllMtllle. Arrwll• ,,.._,..,..,.... C9tof, MtOlll ''°"'""· ""'' '°"' ll'ftr -1 MICHfGAN BULB COMPANY, 195() Waldorf, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49550 ~~tio!..SUr of FIH-6 AWUll llOlY , ..... -...ia.t ..... nu c•ten of tlltw• !VI, Yfwtf r•• "°'"" Ott 12·lt ..... (4-5 CM.). l•,trtff frt• ......... f-wlttl·l4.00 Min, ... ,... ..... , • Siar of .... ...... .......... ~ HOW ·ro ORDER _,_~ 313676• GEORGE DUKE CHICMJO'S • l fl'OC I DREAM ON ~.IT'EST HITS. -• "' ............. 313668* ELVIS COSTEU.O 1--1 ..... ~°" ALMOST et.UE 313577* WEATHER 306241* TIEOOOAS 312330• __ .. 1---1 REPORT 1 ......... 1 GREATEST HITS (.!!!iD TU>NUOl:Nl GllEAT OOl'llZOS 305268 CRYSTAL GAYLE CONWAY TWITTY 304196• Charlie 0.-.S Band ca.-.. THES£0AYS 5°'Jlhem Combt 1.-c) FUUMOON 304329• DOHWIWAMS 304253• EDDIE RABBITT 311456 I~ I 8elewe In ¥ou lurM'l HORIZON ~ ACtOC STAT\.ER eAoTHE.RS RUPERT HOLMES 310060* --MARSHALL. TUCKER TAICE THtS JOll l llll.Mlfe( BACK IN BLACK tOTH AHHIV£ASAllY Pattners In Crime ~ ANO SHOVE IT BAHO"DEOtCATED" 314419• HERB AL.PERT 304394• GEOAGEBENSON 304378• ~~ 309427 AllllUPPU' , ... 1 FANDANGO c-· .... 1 G1Voe Me 'The Night ~ ....... ,....,, ..... °""" r-1 "" -,,.., fOll lOO'I 314005• POCO ,_TllENATAA 298596 EAGl.£S MACDAYIS' .... 1 l.!!(6] Under The Gun Crimft()fp..-., ~ THElOHG RUN GREATEST HITS JOE STAMPLEY 311985-MERLE HAGGARD 309690• BARRY MAN!lOW VARK>US ARTISTS ENCORE [!BJ 81G CITY 1-=I °"E YOtCE 00.WOPGOlD. -.1 309674• MOEIAHOY 312025• MOLLY HATCHET 309989* CARPENTERS 309841• JOHNNY M'l'CHECIC MICKEY OIUZY 1-·-I ENCORE 113 Tse No Prisoners (li'iJ M.-In Anwtca 1-= I ENCOAE TMnMTllol-.11> ... 312017• li!J PICK YOUR 11 FAVORITE ALBUMS FROM OVER 260 RECORDS AND TAPES.~~ 308015• RMPNCE ~MjlOQMID r--1 "_"° ___ -'Ill> -- 300095 Electric Ucht Orth. 293670• ON<M>GE BOYS [ .. ~ EL0'1 GNatest Hits l~ H'WE AllfWED 300525. THE BEST Of ALST£WART 308494. l1UJ1-1 EDOtERA88ITT rtme PMYCH G!- 3~a· :..!!!!!:!!. _.,_..., ••~U')llllt.CIU lotC'tl fO~-~ BtUY JOEL GLASS HOUSES GINOYAHNEW NIGHTWALJ(EA COUNT BASIE ON THE ROAD 1HE_,.OI -----· 314393• JaSPECIAl. 1 ... 1 SpeNI forcft IWt8ltA IT1l05MO'l GMATEST HITS 301549 BOZSCAGGS 'cou~.1 MIDOUMAN EMllYl.OU HMWS AoeeslnThe"- 313064• KIENNYAOGERS U!i!El GIDEON 308127• [iii] 277954 ('iiiCi] STEELY DAN AJA AL.JMR£AU THISTM: 30H25 • GEORGE JONEii !..cl ENCORE CAAOLEKING ONE TOONE ·--"ARTHUR" ·~ BILLY JOlL 52NOSTR££T 3..1 1.287•~ RUSH 3 91 7 8 9 Ell.it Stage Left 311001• ~s 391003~ ----.. .. 306597·396598 EAGLES f .. '\Jlltl LIVE 313221 * SHIRLEY 8ASSEY 393223 ~GREATEST HITS 31361 9 TitE WHO 3936111...,. I HOOUGANS _,,,, .. I ____ __ ---------· ~-~------ C:......~• T.-~ P.O. .. "" ............... e11n -. rd .. eo .,,., out" .,. CU>-90 rn> endomlQ ~ a< ~ " you .. "* .,. occ-6ona1 record or._. ~ rt I °'*tot 11oo(hi'•1C tor"" s inlroducaoty ~ l!-_•tor you prefer not to obhgate yourseH to purcnase nine I ~11111 ... ~-:_igJu::-;.;"Wt""i~~b.~ .JDOCe selections. ...or II you canool1ind 11 selectlons you I ..-.or..<-,...Club (lnll:m) c1ur1ng.,. COfNnl1 ..._,___, I want right now-here's a perfect opportunrfy to "try 1....,cenci11....,~1p .. .,yllmli"""dolnV., out" the Club on a 5')ee131 lrial-membenhip basis! I ... ~ ....... of,.,..,, I a a .. I Just fill in ht special "llUll ......... INp AcJplcal6on" I I I I I ' •I the right-and we II send you ANY 6 records or I L ------+------4--------i tapes-ALL for ority 1c plus snipping and handkng In I exchange you s1mp1y agree 10 OUy as lew as lour selec-I I ll<>ns (at regular Club priCes) during !tie coming lhree I SOClll'flElicTIONS'"TH!l~Of'~1--~ I years Thorik 0111-only lour se1ec1t0ns and you have _ • ._.~ c.-.... J,...T.. ,__. three wnole years 1n which 10 ouy lht'm Ana mats all I ll'fllMIMUSCAL•ITEREST•<--): Plh/2E I the1e IS ro ,,, I (81.1tt1mp,1yslrN'rnr1tne><;1>f1om1111~odltJgt><y/ -f As a trial member. you II entoy all 01 the benefits of reg-I UE.mrl.1illMln92 r..,Hlt97 .... ci..1c.111 ular membership a!. de!.Cllbed on the preceding page-I UC-*JS(noree1~1 .ma•1noreeo ....,_, but wothoul any tenglhy commrtmenl you may cancel u• at any 11me a11er buying rust lour rnOle selections So 11 I n-·--------------:---::--=---you d prefer 10 enroll now under this soec1a1 get 1 n• PrrntFQ/NMn" '" '"' LntNlt'"" acQua1n1ed 0Her-ma11 lhe special apploeattOn today ' .._ ----,,.._.._ __ togelher w11h only Sl OO(that s 1¢ tor your 6 introductory I '------ selection!. otus 99ct for sh1pp.ng and han<J1ong) Read I Diii .,z. ______ _ the ad11ert1sement IOI OOtaolson how the C:ub WOlkS r 1111111 ... A~ (Qoeci-)U YCS 1 ,IO ll•llW lltl$""9tnot••-,,,APO FPO Aluu 1Uw11• Pue<loRc;o ~-.rt-Your~ on.: you m.ay 11/so I ,..._..,...,,.,,<#f~",0'""''""''-olltlt cflOOM your llrw1 .-cflOO right now-lllld -11 gMI II to you I ~,.._,,,s -Oll-•.,..Olrom lofe>nto tor up 10 70'% on regular Club prices (only $2 99) Enciose pay-ment now and you·• ~ II wtlh 'fOt1' 6 1ntr00UC1ory MlleC-I O ,..__., ____ _ bona Th• dlscoont puretlaM r9duces yoor membership • • 1ft-. """'*"' ' -_, obllgatlOO ll'Mllldiltety-you·1 then be required to buy ,., 3 I ..-.0 -..,._... °' IUI 1 _, more MIKtiOnt (lnSteed of 4) In tne next lh<ee years Just I Q:'~)':i.."C=::.1• ~ chedt box In application and Ill In the numoet you want I ~:::...:....:.:_...:..__....:...-;:::::====:::;------ I ..a/2FI L-___ __,11'94/QI Hef'9 'the 'Go6cl Boa you we M9fl on T'J -use 11 lo 991 an elltta .election ~------------------,. I •H ,, 'ff l1 • l'H1 If IJ 1'. 'Ht,\I l\H •,,fq ~l'-,H'I' r I • '~ ;, I ' I '' I ' I• f J j • 4 ' ' ' •,' I