HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-19 - Orange Coast Pilot. ~~ ...... ----~ ---~ ----... . DRANGf COAST SUNDAY. SEPTMBER 19, t 98:.> Crash avoidable? Pilots 111~1 y 11ot h ave een each other ., liy llOB E llT liAHl\EH 01 lh• Delly Piiot Stall 'I'll<' pilut!> t•f th1 l\\11 .111pl.1111' t h•ll l'ltllldt·d \IV• I Mil·· ·"•1t1.11. P.JI k Ill Ft1Ulll.llll \.'.illt•\ 1111 Fnt.J.1 y µ111b,1bh rn \• 1 .... 1 .... '"" h 11th1·1. ob:.t•t \'1·1-. ,,,1.I .._,11111tl.1v Wtlll.1111 t\ l'l,11k 1.1 ''·" nld C 0-. t ,1 l\,l 1 •..,,1 I h II II 111 , II 1111 II II ti flii<ht lfl ... ll lll t111 I· I I 11.111d11 tlw ptlni... p111h.tl1h d1d11 1 ..,.,,. I ,ti Ii 111 ht I ," 1',11 .... 1111.., ,,lld l>1•p11t y ( '11r11111·1 Hu k l 'lnw' ,,11d S.1tu1d;iv tho1t tin < '1•..,...,11.1 ''"' ,1 lugli w'111g pl.1111· (wing 1111 t11p 111 t lw I 11"·l,1)o(1· t .ind t h1 · H1't'\ 111 1.111 \,\ .... ,1 lt l\\ \\Ill~ ( \o\ 111g l>t•luw lu-.1 lo1g1•) ()111 p1 t1l1i1bh 1t1ltld11 I ,,.,. 111111 h . .1111\1• II .. nd tlH· 11tl11·t ""()au· prohahl y <"oulcln'l t s c•t• n1u(·h abovt.• it (tlu· ~in ~) a nti tht.• otht•r eouldu"t ...,4•c• rutu·h bc"'lt.n\< ..... "M 1k1•' bllll'lltl It• "' ( •. 11d1 II l ;l ll\lt', Wt'll' kdl1 •d \\ht II l lll'lf µl;.1111· plu11g1·d 111111 ,, I l11111111gtiu1 Bc•;wh nl'1ghb111 h1i<1d Tht• :.t•t'orHI pl.1111 ,1 l \\ 111 t'llg1111· llll 1>11p1 "" 1<1'' h• 1.1 I l µtlo11·d by K11 h l\l1lJ1111\\11 "' lh"<l11nd11 &·,11 Ii 11 1u11wd ·~ii• I\ lo Johll Wa'dH 1\1q1111 I . .t t. 1 los111g .in 1·11gi111 · 111 th1 11oll1 ... 11111 Cl.irk , llf L;igu11o1 N1gu1 I. \\ ,..., fly111g .I .... 1ngit-t'llj.(111•' '" '<I .it l'1• ........ 1<1 th.it ht· 1h,11t1•11d {111111 Par .. 011·-. Air ~ ll1ghl .,. 11.,.,1 .1t thl' j111XJrt 111 01.1llg• ( •Hllll\ "Judging from th• I•''" 1t\ .11111 th1· th·v ..... 1.1111111 \11 111\ pl.1111 .111d tht· v1·rt1C"al anglt· th.it I -..1\\ 111 .i µhotogr;,ph. I \\11uld '·'' th;1t 1t tuok nu t'Va ... 1v1· ;11 t1u ll .ind th<1t 111ulcl11'1 "''I' 111u1 h 111 111"' tu -..11d I' 1 ll W ' ' ,II d I 1 W ;1 !\ h I !> t11ld1•1-.l.111tll11g, h;1~1·d IHI a1't'IHlllL' 1111111 Wllnl'!'>."l''• lh,11 lilt l 01''>.'ll•I \\,I' I !lmlJlll).( .ti tht• lllllt' llf 111[1l.,t11ll o11ld .q1µo111•11tl\ -.\1 LI• k 1t11 11gh1 ... uh· .. r llw B··1'\lh1.dt J'.11,111h -..11d S.1tunl.I\ th.ii .ill tl\11•1 1111 II Ill tht• l 'IK kp1t .... \\I'll' , •·t, p111f 1·,..,11111,d ' "l t ( t li1· 11111 1.,111 111 Ir .id ll11 · t11gl11· ... 1 , ........ 1hll1t\ of h1·111g .• fll'olk ,111 11k111 . 1•.11 -..11i.... -..ud th.11 l 'l,1rk '' ,..., .111 I 'Jlf rlt Ill t•d l 't•,...il,1 pil11t IA ht1 \\(I' ).(t '11 Ill).( I h1<t kt•d 11l1 t (II fl\ tt11 (,11 g1•1 :.! l(J Ill (IH'l!oll .1111111 1111 .1 v o11.t11111l to L..1k1· Tah111 lll'X1 W1·1·k with h ... w1f1· l\lu111k;1 <HHI tw11 -.111.1111 hild11·11 "I 11· w,1111t·d w flv U11 l11gg1·1 pl.1111· "' th1·n• would tk• r11t1111 f11r 1h1 · h,tl,y '-. playp1•11 ," l'a1:-.1111s !>o:tHI "111· w,111\l'd 1·v1•1 y11111• 11• Ix.· 1·11111l1111.1hh·" . l'.11 -.1119' 'j1d th.11 { 't,11 k c11HI flljo(ht llhtl Ul t11r b111t•f IO Wl'f't' 11·tu111111g 111 Juhn W<1y 111• artt·r pr <i t'll! 111g la11d111g' ;,, < 'h11111 A11 prn t P,11""" -..ud that ls1111·r111 w;i.., U11t· .. r 111 ... "nu1:-.t p11,.·au111111rn v" fl1gh1 11l-.t1 u1 t11r-. "111' w1111 Id < ht·• k 11u t t h l' \.\ 1•,1tl1t I 11\11'\o\ I 1·gu(,1tltlll' Wllh tltt pilot I 1111! o ut 1•xo11 t I light ,It 1.11b .111d th1·11 qu11 th1 pilot 1111 Ill<' \\,1\ 111 tlw pl;1111• "I It· w11uld11't g..i 111 u11h•:-..., 11 w;i..., -;;d1·" M1·a11whil1•, I l111ll111g 11111 BVi1ch pt!lt1··· !'MIHI ll W;J:-0 f1111u11;il1• that tl11 ·n · w .. 11· n11 Jt•atlb 111 111JU1'11'!'. .it 1111· 1 ro1-.h :.1 t1· 111 ·•1r a I ti 11tf 11 !11111111111 • II 111ll11· \ ,1 l N1 \\ l.111d ~t11·1•t ... 011111 111 'I .ill)j·11 ,\\•'lllll' ( )rH· 111.111 W.ill h111g II 11 vi-.1011 ,11 11111111· .... 11d h 1• '"'.rid a · wh1111 ... l1111g ... rn1111I" jll'>t l11·fon· lllf t ....... .,llol hll oil •I •.i:I (I Ill I th11ugh1 11 1111gh1 11 .. v1· 111·1·11 .. tr lH k 111 '"ll\l'tl1111g It h.111 to lw· g11111g .ti 1,.,,.,t ;. llHI 1111!.--. o111 hm11 · 1111' 11111d1·n11r11·d 111.111 .... ud '"1'111•11 l ht'artl t h1' h11r11 ·11d11u:-. 1 I .i-.li ,111d tht• wh11l1· 11011"· o.,htHlk 0 Princ e· Hainic·r \H '•'P"' a~ h t> fo lio"" l'a ~k•·I nf Priru ·c·., ... (.n u·c· iu f unc·r al p rot'('"'"'ion lo \-l o na c·•) ... n atlw«lral. Uau~hlt•r <.aroliuc· a nd ... on .\lbt·rt fl a nk him . YOUR HOMfTDWN DAllY PAPIR ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA SO CENTS Oallp Piiot Pholo by ChatlH Start Flo"'•·r ... mark ~ilt· in 11 uni inµ.ton Bc·~u·h ~ht·n· f\.\O 111•·11 plu11~•·cl lo thc·ir clc ·al h~ aftt·r micl-a ir t·o lli~ion . '"From now on, -,hc· will kno\.\ tlw nw ... 1 radiant ... t•n <·ounlt-r of u ll." Rites somber for princess M O NT E-: CAR 1.0, Mo11.11·0 (AP) {;rael' K dly WJ' ~IVl'n <• last fan·well Salurdav in tht- samt• calhl-dral whl•rt· ·h1•r 1.•p1t· wedding 26 years ago turnrd a moVll' qu~n 1nlo a print'<'~ "F rom now on. sh!.' will know the most radiant t'nt'<>untC'r of a ll ," M onaco's archbishop l'U log1tt•d during th1• rt•4uu•m M ass attt•ndc•d by a g.11.ixy 1Jf Hollywood '>tars and roy;1lty H er prince. Rain11•r 111 :.at crumplc-d 1n gn<'r in ht' n ·d velvc·t t•ha1r . brushtng b.ll k h'c11'),, w1lh a blac k ·glovt-d hand To hrs righ t, his daught<·r C<troltnr· WC'pt sof tly , t·ast1ng plllfU( glanC-1'!, lOWord ht·r r;1lht•r At his ldt his ht·ir. 2:1 '{P.ir olrl Pnnc·1• A I be rt look1·d .. 1onilv ahci;id finetlly droppml( h1" fal~' into h1i. hand!. aft1•r n •t 1·1ving Communion S<'V"r<il hours l.itt-r th<· vr1111'(• l1•d h1' 1i.><iplt· al a s..,·1111d furwr.il M.lSJ> h1 · n·4w·:.tt·d ht• lwltl fnr Mo11,H o 1 1•s1dt'11t~ un;1bl1• to atwntl tlw first st·rv1n• 111 thl' 800 st•al t'<:t tht:dr..il ovC>rlooking lht-M<·d1lt>rranean &"<.·aust• of the latt· hour IJE>fon• lht· throngs f1mslwd filing past tht• t·offin. it wa!'. dt'<.'ldt•d to movP tlw l'a:.kl'l It> a pnvatt• eha1x.•I and postptm<· 1•nt11mbmt·nt of tht· bociv 1n a uyµt hl.'low th1• t·;11h1·rlra"1 floor nt·xt lo thrt•t· o f H.111111•1's pn•<lt>t't~•,ors Ttw t•ntombnwnt. dl'l.1\1><! for .H lh1 ... 1 a d~IV , will h1· 111 th1· pn• .... (•11('1' of thl' famil11·s o r tht• HoUM' of Gr1mald1 and lhl' Kc·llv!> 11f Phtlddelphw Tht• funPral . an t•v1•nt or somlwr son1oi anti am·tt·nt liturgy broul(h t together HOO mourrwr' f r o m t h {' w o r I d o ,. 1 • r Hollvwo<>d C'{')c·bnt1c·-.. Eur11p<·.i11 (See' PRINCESS, Pagt> A21 Hundreds killed • Ill refugee s laughter BEIHUT, Lebanon (AP) -.. Christian m1hllam en raided the C'haull.i a nd Sabra P <ilesttnian rdug1·t· <·amps in west Beir u t , k tlling hun d n -<ls o f c1v1!Jans in a mas.-.an·1· that bega n F riday a nd la:.ll'J unttl Saturday Tht· lntt·rnallonal Ked Cross in C; <· n" v J ~ ;.11 d "h u n d r c d s o t woml·ll, t·htltlrt•n, adok'S(.-en ts ad uld nll'n' Wl'ft' killed, while the P <1 I t' ., 1 1 n 1· L 1 b {' r a l 1 o n Org<.1111uillon asser t.cd th1: deat h loll was "111 thl· thousands ." In Wa!:>htngwn a St-n1or S tate 1Jl·pttrtm1·nl uff1c 1a l t o ld rt·po1 tl·r-. thl· United States lw ·ht·v1·d that al least JOO were k1lll'<l with th(· l~l1mate based on AnH·rH·.in Emb<tssy witness <H'l'•1u11t:. <1nd rt·port~ f rom fnt·11tlly "mb:.iss1es in Bl·1rut, <1t'l't1rd1111< l u T he Nl'w Y ork T 1111t'' Tht· uff1ual said tl w as foan·tl lh1· death toll probably W•JUltl IJ4• higher Th<· 1,r;11·l1 f o reign M inistry 'J1d tlw Ch<i t1lla a ttack w a s tc11 r11•d oul l>y gunmen loyal to 1 h 1• I-' h a J a n g e Pa r l y o ! Pn·~1dt·nt-c•ll'(·t Bashir Gemayel, ~lain TUt·sday in a bomb a ttac k It '""ti bral'h troops fired on the marau<ll·r' and ust-d "all possible 1111•;.111..., <111d mt·~urt'S" to stop l he killing But lht· PLO blamt-d lsraC'l for l~a-ma~'WitTl'l> and appt-ak-d for 1nlt•rnal1onal 1nlervenlion Lt t: l a 1 m t• J t h e m 1 l 1 l 1 a m e n slaughtnt·d "every m an . wom an and chtld 1n sight ·· As!)oc1ated P ress newsmen Wilham F oley an d G G . LaBelle v1stlc·d the fo r me r P LO stron gholds of Sabra and C hatilla <ind rl·port.cd seeing a l least 100 bodies F o ley re po rte d seeing hmhs of hod1es s lic king oul o f rubblt" wh1C'h camp residents cl<.11ml•d t hl' md1t1amen h a d bulldou-d after the k illings Foley a nd L a Belle said they saw what appeared to be enure fam1hl'!I gunned do wn in their homl'S. and row s of bodies in the slrC't>t. mQn who a ppea red to havt• bc.'l·n !med up agains t w alls and tht·n shut "The smell of deat h was t•vc•rywhcre." said Fo ley. who SJX'nl two hours m Sabra PLO c h1l'f V asser Arafa t bl.imc•d Israel for th e massacre and appt•aled for mte rna u o nal in trrvl•n tmn A PLO spo k es m an 1n Washin~ton , Abdul R ockma n , ('h<irgc-d that Israel "allow ed the rn1ltt1a to g o mlo the· refugee tam.,_., and massacre every man. woman and c hild in sight " Reagan delllands I sraeli pullout f roin west Beirut A military spok esman in Tel Aviv satd I sraeli t r oo p s su rrounding .the Ch at1lla cam p slopixod fighting that bega n after Christian Phalangist m ilit iame n brukl• tnlO the camp He sard they "prC'vented a m u c h w o r se d1saslt'r." but did nol mention th e Sabra camp F rom AP dis pa t<'ht·, Pn·-.11!1 ·111 H!'.1g.111 1 'I"• '"1ng llorr111 ;-it th!' 111 ..... .., .. l,, of P<.1ll'sl1111an' :ind d1 ... L1111 (111 lsra1•l'-. I l;.1m th.it II I .Ill k1·1·p pl'.H 1• 111 Lehano11 d1•1no111d1·d Sc1turd,J\ th.11 1 .. 1.11 •11 (0 111·.., w1thd1 .1\\ 1nin1 .. d 1.111 )\ 110111 .... , .... t Rf lrlll Thi· p11·..,.d1 nt "'111111.: ,, \\.rllt1·11 ... 1.1t1•1111 •111 u-.111g unusu.dly <;l111n~ lo111gl1o1g1 -...id th" l<.r:lf'lr... ho1d 'l.11nwd t h1·11 mtl1t;11 v 1 nntrol 11f l~·1111t \\111tld Bndgf' R obert Bru'-'i C lass1 f ied C rossword Death Not1{·es Delaplane Ech tonal Pagt' Entertain mE'nt F C'aturin g F ina n cc> Robert GardnN Horoscop<' A n n Landf'r-; M ailbo)( M ovies Public N o ti<'<'S Rl·al E.sta t<' S ports St.tx·k M ark<'L" S tyle· T e l('v11unn Theaters Travel W Pathrr _. -. ,,,. . .. . . l·::i rn 1<~6-FB EJ E5 Cli Afi E l -~ C7 ()I 7 Ali l'7 ('7 At> Et 3 E5 1>:1 5 Bl 7 J)fi 7 {'I tl 14;.i El :1 l'5 Ii /\'2 . . . -·~....:---- I'"" nl th1 k111d o ( 11 .1~• 11\ "'hit h h.i-. 1111\\ t i(' lll rt"<l .. l'l.11 l111ff1n.1b -.;11d tllt'll \lqop!>. 111t1·r.·1·n•·d "'.1 Ph:1l.mR1s t rrnl1t1a .itt.H'k ,11 1inP 11f th1· 1·:imp' .md said ;in inquiry WdS und1•r wa\ to cfp1t•rm1nc• wh;it h.1p1~·nt'<I An ,11lm1111<;1r,1t11111 11ff111.d llOtf'd tlldl tht• J.HI 'l<lt•nt' -.1.111 nwnt did n•>l hl.1nH· th1· t...r:wh.., for th1· killings. nrn h.1d ,111v t•v1<1t•n11· surf<.11·1•d to link lht•m to tht• d1·;;i1h ... nut h1 • s:llll, tr\ h1' 11p1n1on. 1h1· br,.,.J..., "h.1v1• 111 'hould•·r '>{11111 o( tlw lil,inw" l11 ·1·o1u.,, ll:-lw111g 1n Wl'St H1·11u1 1h1·y p111p111t1·rl t o .1:-...,11nw ''''IJ"n~1l11ltt v fnr k1•1•ping th1· p1'ol\t' Thi· nfft( i.11 ~nd lw 1 nlild r1•c:;1ll 1111 o t h 1 • r t 1 m ,. 1 n w h 11 h l h c p11·-.icl1 111 h;11I 'd1·111;111d1·d" a 'ilX'I 1f11 t..r.u h ;it tum W1· havt tndav 'iUn11111mdt•d t h1 · l ... 1 .wli ,1mbass:idor I Mos ht' A1 1·n'i to d1·mand that lht· l'ir;u•h ~ 11 v t' r n m <' n t 1 m m 1• d 1 ;i l 1• I y 15,000 turn out to hear stories LOUISV I LLE, K Y (APl Mic haC'I Parent. one of four modern muses in town for th" Sl'V<'n t h annu ;il Cor n Is land Storyte lling Festival, l'an w eave fa n taSll''S even whilt> d cc1dinR what to <'a t for lunl'h "Tort<'lltnt Bologna1s<'," he ..aid glancing ovr1 a rC'Staurnn t men u "Wow That would mAke ;i g reat n;im<' Let's see. once upon a Lim<'. a poor o rpha n boy naml."d Tortellini Bolo gn81se " L unC'h must w a it as P aren t s pin..'I off a yam about a hu n gry w;uf wandering the streets o f a for away town, peerin g through rc.,t:iurant windows a t the l11s...·1ous food ins1dP Th<' r<'St1val. a prelude to th <' Natrona! Story telling festival on the fir5t w eekend in October in JonC'!lboro. Tenn , was expect<'d to draw up to 15,000 people llll professional and a m a te ur ta le t.cller.; pas.oc; along .i lracl1t1on as old ;is the campfire Thl· reslival bC'gan Wit h a nv<.'rbcmt c r uise along the O hio River It end s w ith tal('S o f te rror told a fter dar k at L o ng Run CPl111'11'1 v Last yl'ar about 4.000 people crowdro<l among the tom bstones at th<' l{ravcs1de story SC'ss1on L<'<' Pt'nnington. founder or the rf'«t 1vnl . sa id tht' 1nt'rC'asPrl intrrPsl i n s t 11ry(C'll 1n g 1s a n 1•m·ou rnj.(111.I;( trc·nd "W1• wi•n· rt•arhmg t he poin t 1r1 Am<'rH'll where th<' mNi1a was tnkmi< nway our 1n l1m;icy, and , t 11 r 1 t' " p a s s <' d d o w n b y g<'n<'rnt1ons were g<'t tmg loilt." PPnnin~ton !lilld "W C'' re try ing t o ~l'l those stories to ld again Ev<'rybod y lovf'A a sto ry, we cou ldn't ge t throu gh llfe w it hout them " I .. . .. . .. .. ~ . . . .. -. . . .. ... ~. ·' , ... w1thd1 ,1\\ ltS fortt·' II 1lfll \\ ,.,t &·1rut · Hl'agan s;11d A f t1• r ;1 :s!'> min 11t1· 1111•1"t 1 ng with S •'<Tl'l.ary of St.111• l ;1•org1• P Shult1. An·ns !'.<.1111 "WI' don't hav1· .in\ ..,t,1t1·m1·11t Wh1·11 .ill tlll' fact' .11 t· 111 WI' ll g1v1· \11u ,1 sl<l ll'nll'n I R1·.1g.111 ..,..11tl tht br .11 1.-. 'hould w1thdrJw to th1· 'p11.,.t111ns OL'C'UPll'<I 1111 Sc· pt 1 I." "'1111 h h,1d lx'<'n nc•g11t1.1tl'<l by l1 S -.p<'(:tal e n v o y Ph 1 I 1 µ 11 .1 h 1 h f 11 r Withdrawal uf lh1• l',dt•'>llf\t• Giving his be t l.1111 1.1111111 ( lr .1g.11111.1l lllll I 111111 t l1t 1'1 l \ Un F1 tday. 1h1· llttth•d Sto1t1·s J<>l!Wd tht• i4 olht•r nnin1r11•-. nn th1· UN S1•1·u111-,.· Cou111 ti 1 .. ( 111td1'1ll l1 tht• 1-.1 ,tl'lt 11111\'t' 111111 \\ 1 ... 1 R1·1 rut .ind 1 all fo1 11111111"d1.1t<• w1t hclraw,tl of br;ll'll 111111 ·' It was th1· fir.I tmw '>tn1·1· th1• .lu111• 198 I lsr;wh h11111l11n~ of an Ir.up 11ud1•ar rl';w1111 that lhC' lJ11111d Stat<'" Jt>llll'd 111 a S1·1'Ut 1ty Counl'il n·...,.tlllll1111 (See REAGAN, P age AZl Hic hit> Barnt'll ~how!' j udgt·~ o lhinfr?; or lwo in llunlinl(IOn n ,'RC'h sumrnf'r surf conl«>sl. Some signt>d up for ('omp.-titio n whieh dosf'!" tod ny. Ex prt•ss1ons of shock came rrom eap1tals around the w orld. T h t· International Committee of tht• Red Cross in Gepe va, Sw1lwrlan d, said 1t "has lea.med wo und('<i J)('Ople w ere k 1Ul."d in their hospital beds:· Radl() M oscow charge d that Israel and the Le ba n e se Christian right1sLo; are "follriw ing a polll'y of g enocid e" against Palestm1ans . (See R EFtJGEE. Page A2) 12 th Annua l 250 conleslnnts I.' ... ~~~ ~ -..!.,:--_ ---;,_ .. _ .. _._•_.=._ .. _ ... #.•.•_-_ ... _._~-·-~---. ~_,;_•--._ --,. • T 9' ...,._ -:::: ... _____ -r-.... -~~,.,.~ -;-~--- I )1 t1llUt1 ( ornt lJAll 'r Pll 0 T /'>Ulld11y 8ep1t1rnbot 10, 19841 EFUGEE MA ~ n a stalt•r11t·nt 1s:.ut·d 111 '1'1·1 I v • I" o r t • 1 g n M 1 n 1 :. t r y kesmlill I\ VI R .. z11t•r M<Ud. "As n as 1t w.a' d1:.1·uvt•rt-il t hul u s aaC're w.1s ~0 1 118 nn, we plted all poss1bll• 111t•J ns aml asures tu stup 1t und prev1·nl cont111uJll1•11. tnl ludin!( the p lil·a ltOn ll f (Ore. t• ag111 ns t l r c m l' t:' I 1.· m t• 11 l :. u f t h t' a I a 11g1 :. t s. <i 11 d o I\ so m 1.· 'Ul>IUIL'· Wt· h.11..J ll> Ul)l'I\ fire lll\ •rn .. 1;12. n t• r sa 1 ti I h •· m ii 1 tar y kl·srnan me11t1011ed o nly tht• ck un Chat11la u t 1n Wa:.h1n~tun lsratd1 bassv µr t•ss .1lt.1dll' Nut·hman Sha1 said krat•ll foreE's "entered t h <· c amps and. u!.1ng forl'l', ·1'\0PJX-d the k1lhngs a nd evl<.'ted -ffw Chnst1a11 1111 II l1amC'n Israeli . MVoPI> sealt"'<.l off lh t• rnmps and rff.Ov1ded prompt mt.U1rnl rl'lwf tu .JWt• wounded .. 1.,.Sha1 cla.Jmed lsral'I rt'pt•att.'dly Miked th<' LebancS(> army to take ,O\.ll'r thl· west Bc1rut re(ugt'e 1c.·~unps. but sail.I 1t rdu~wd tu do .,, "Tht' camps Wl'rl'. a t no stagl·, 1ubd er lsraelt amw <.·untrol." h<· allOid • ""'Folt'y and LaBt.'lll· said soml' survivors said th1.• attackers Wl;'rt' P halangists but o thc>rs said they •bl-l1eved they wt•n• from the 1-n n• * * * I' • ACRE • • • n11la lla commandt•d by Saad Haddad. a renegade> Christian army ma,JOr w ho t'Ontrul<> a zone along the lsraeli border that he c·a lls "Frl'l' L t1b1.1nun " T h r Phalange Party dt•nwd 1nvulvcmenl. The r e was n o comment from Haddad's group. None o f those interviewed Saturday by Foley and LaBeUe. whu v1s1ted Chaulla. said they saw lsraehs in thC' camps * * * REAGAN PROTEST • • • -111ndemn1ng brad folli1wrn~ tht· nia!..-..:1t r t•i. . " Vereen • forin at bowl Uy JlmR v~:HTENST EI N or tn. o.i1r Pt101 e1an l}(·n Vt·rc-.·11, sLi11 1,1 131 11.idwuy und lt•ll'Vllllllll, had 1111 11 v1n~· Bowl uud1t•nl~· du ppm~. • H 1h111~ a r\ll t1t.1h1ng 111 th1·11 -.1·;1ts S111urduy night I h· .w.ng a11d da1wt•d his way through a n11'(flt•y o f Bro..adwuy • MJ11Ki-and 111uVll' h1u. und1·r th<? i.t.Jl'i. 111 the> outd11or howl ..al the Ft·s11vtd of Arli. gruund:. 1n I .u~u11..i lk·al'h v I.' l'l'l'n. d I 1·sst•d Ill bl 1H k l'lotht•li, put his :.ou l and hotly tu tu t'al•h numhl·r and b y tlw ~'<.·ond half of tht• µrow;,i111 hud tht• uud1t·11ct• rwarly buug11•in!( Ill tht· Jlslt•s (Tht• 1·011t.'l'rl w,1:, :a h1·111·f11 for tllt· I .,1gww &·ac h Must·u111 ol /\1 \ ) "W1"11• g11111g !11 rt•<d ly gl't d ow11," ht• --aid <1f\l'r llw firs t half ol tla progrnm thal 1ndudt·d r u111Jlllll bu I lads Vl·rt·•·11 rnovt-tl frc t'ly 011 s1.<.1g1· Jnd down .i r..amµ l11 . th•· front f'OW of lht• aUdl('l\('t' ll•· s..ing "Thl' Wuy You Look Tonl!o(hl" llJ ;.i 1Jhmd1• ~>-yt•ar ult.I girl. rnt-.·tmg hl'r t'Yl' L•i l'Y'" tlwn µ1t·k1r1g }wr u p, carrying ht:r in his <.1nns • .ind dancing with her. I l1s jat•kct was off by the t hird numbt·r <1 rt>t'k 111 '. danl'tn' prc•sl•nlal1on o f I1fo in Harlt:m Vt•n>t.•n I!> a nal1Vl' New Yorker Vl'l'l'•·n. doing ht•<id high k1l'ks, pc•rfunm·d with a fu 11 ort•hestra lwh1mJ him . ll1s drarnat u: t a lt•nt l'a mt• throu!o(h in sut·h numbt·rs as "I Don't Know H ow tu Love.-Him" from "Jt•i.us Christ Supcrstor .. lit• h<id played Jc•su s in tht' mus1rnl popular 1n the> early 70s I ll· l<.ilkl·tl lo tht• autl tt•nn·. ll·l I 111g t ht•m how ht· l'llJl>Yl•d Lagun..i i.lnd W <•S "moving tntlJ OAltJ l't6ot F'tw>to br 'alrlclt O'Donnell Ut•u \.'t·rt>("rl enll'rlains n early full house und••r 1'larry s kit•'°' Sutu r•fo y nighl ut lrvint" Bo"·I. tli1• IH't).{hhorhoud " Vt·rl'l'n <•<.tu;dly hvt-s 111 Nt•w Jt·r&·y in a N1·Y. York -.uburb It w,,., :.11 qu 1t•I du rrng o nl• ro111,ant11· numbl•r that the e r 11·kt•t i. 1·uu I d b(· hl'artl a1·t·11111panvmg hrm W h ii<' l h c re wt• r t· :. o m t• m icrophon e problems that rrut<.ll' Vcr ccn 's vo ice sound raspy at umcs. 1t was a n ight o f "hl·art a nd soul" cntertoinmC'nt. Vc•rL-cn ~ave his all A nearly full h ouSC' ht·ard tum .... 2 held valley robbery • Ill Jo'11u111.1111 V Jilt y polu 1• hJVL• w l't'sl<>tl two A11Jht 1111 r t•1odt'nti. Kusµt•t'll•d 111 r1ihh111g Fu lll·r lon Suv111).(" ,111d l.11,111 , llJ0 20 Brciokh uri.l S t . Vi1u11t.1111 Vullcy. of upµmx1111Hlt•ly $'/:Ill Pul1n· l.1 Cur I L.1w11.•11n • sain l ht• I' .t I I • (..JI I 11· I> I' n n I:-. M.tlu..,.11 tt· :111 • .tlld ('unn1t· Lou M ugn11. :~I . w1·11· pl<.in•d 111 Or<ing1· County yul 1111 su:.p1t·1<m of rnbbt•ry L awr1;11 c•t• ~atd M ~sart1· allq~t·dly t•11tt•1'1•J tht· suvin~s :and l<Jun Jo'rid ... y, pai..M·d a robbt'ry not" and ind1c.·at1·c.I ht· had a gun in his puc:kl'l Mala~rtt•':. auto, w;c, spc>ttt.-0 nearby by Founu.in V<.illt·y poht't• o ffll't•r John M<:Do11<1ltl, <im.I th1• µair wc.•rt· arrestt·d in lht• rnr aftt-r <• brw f pursuit. La wn•nc•· s;;.11d Newport cops arrest trio on drug raps Thn•t• pt·CJpll· Wt'rl' arn·~t<·d and four -and-a -half pt1unds of t'OC·aint· wrlh an c.~umatt'C.I .!>trl't.·t valu(: o ( $500,000 was -.c1u.-d by NC'WfJIJrt Ekaeh poh et· m a raid t h1 :. Wt•t•k at a loca l ;1parlmt·nl Armt·d with a st"areh warran t, narl·oll<.~ 11ff1l'l·rs allegc'<.lly found t h e c.· o t a 1 n t· 1 n s 1 d e a W c·::. t Newport aµ..artml'nt <it 127 11 4lst S l • a <.' ( (.)rd 1 n g tu S g t Bo b H arn!'><m St·c.·n·tury c:1·111·ral J.:1v1,•f' Pt•rez de C:til'llHr of Lhe Un1tt>J N :i t 1 o n s u n n n u n t· t' J ..in ··arr an gt• mt• n l • • Sol u rd a y h..twl...:n lsra1·l and l.Jt•ba11u11 fur Lt•b<inc•s•· arrnv ur1tts tu n HJVt• lr11,>p:. 111to Palt•-.11m.111 n·fug(T t .lfllJ>'> to guard uga1n:-.t furth1·r 11 Ii IS."<il'rt 'S Jordan's prupui.al g1w:. w1·ll 1>4.•yund a µJ;:in adv;111l'1•d e;1 1 lll'r bv 1h1· Un1tc·d Su1lt•S, ~'r.mn anrl ft;rly for tht• 1mm1·<ktH• d1-.potd1 r>f U N ohSt•rvt·n. ll1 th•· S('t'nt'S o f 1h1· 111.1!..-....rt n·' in 1h .. l'h,1trll<.i ;ind s .• l,ra l'omp!> Pt·rt·t dt· ( 'u1 11.ll -..11d t h <i t undl'r tht• br.11'11 L1·h..anon agn-.·n·wnt. th•· L1·h;uw:-K· troops will takt· ovt·r s1·1u nly 1n tht• Ch..atdl <1. Sabra <ind F <1kh.1n1 PRINCE GRACE'S FUNERAL • • • A rr t• st I'd 11 n s us pt t· 1 u n of pos..st·::tS111g c·ocainl' for sail' were· J ohn C1al'l'10. 26. a n d Darn•ll Boling. :l!>, both rt'S1d ·nt.s o f thl' apartmt•nt Bail for C1areio was St't at $2 m1ll1on a nd for &ling <it $500.000. police said. l it-said th1· Lc·hant'l>l' soldtt•r.. C~\1u l <.I E>nlt·r th r t•t• n 1mµs. ~li\·ludrng twu whl'f't• hundn·d~ 11f t'iVil1an:-. wvr1• rnunkrl·d. al I 0 'tfbi today 1:1 a m PDT) 1 J )!rs annnun(t•nwnt taml' .ii " ~&uritv Counnl n11M.•ting v.ht•n · '.fu'rd an p ru p ost'Ci s1• nd 1 n g iJ .1,000 m<rn U N 1wat t•kt•1 ptn~ ~Hl''f.' l o pro t1.•t l tl1t· uvil1an lb~:Pulat1on 111 Wt":.t Bt·trut .:~Q tamp:-. lit• ,;11d tw11 t1•,1111-. 111 U N 11u:.1·rvt·r., th.it 1 t'.ll h1~J S..ihr <• tin S:1tun1 ..... "l11ur11J 111,111v 1 luslt.'n. ol bud ll'' 11f nwn v. 111nt•n and 1h1ldrl'll IO uv1h.an 1 l11lhl·~ who • 1pfA•,tr1'(I ln have• hc•t'n ma''-ltTt•d 1 n group~ of IO w :!O " ;M,esa carrier's condition g ood 1r.rf)a1ly Pilot m·w..,papl'r larrit•r b!a i;on S1nglt• was n•portl·d 1n ~ rnnchtion Sdturd;1y night 1M!tcr und t'rgoing surgc•r v at I loag ~emurial Hospital in N1•wport c.St!ac·h OJ Pohn· said ht' was '\tru1·k ll\. J t .1r FrrdJv mt Eldc•n Avrnut; 1n Costa M·c·sa H t• ~u f ft•rt·d ::i brokl·n I Pg .. 1lTtll <i1n~ to a hosµ11<1I spokt•..,wnmun From Page A 1 royalty govt·rnrm•nt c·nvuys a nd loyal, loving su bje<.•ts o f Monaco. US first l<tdy Nanl'y R <?aga n , Bnt<illl'-. Prtnt'l'SS Diana and Cary Grant were among tht·m . Millions uf otht•rs watchl'<l on tclc·vrs1on in thl' Unllt•d Stat~s and Europe. "Wh,!l a n : w e going tu d o now'.'" asked Lucy Bruno. a ti5·yt>1o1r-nld c leanin~ woman. clutching a rosary 11uts1d1c· the cathl•d ral Abst-nt frum the L'C'remonv or final fart>wt'IJ was tht• third royaJ ch lld . l 7 ·year-old Prr nl'ess S tl'phan1e, hosp1taliz(·d wrth a hJ1rlint• s prnal fraC'turt· suffered 1n thl' au tomo bllt• accident Monday that l1>d to hrr mother's dPath . Fair, a little warmer --~ ..... ~ '.'i.:oft stnl r,, Some mo,n1n•.J clouds , 01Mrw1se tair aoa a hUIP wfjtm~t "Highs 72 to 82 Fair Monday w11h ltllNS 58 lo 6~ I l ·J .. t.;. ~ 11111111 a rv ,,. . El ec111cal crt1w s w or~ed Seturday to 1es1ore power ro ,1.rtou s11nd~ or hom&s and 'l'tu51nesses After a lhundeulorm IJ&cking galelorce wlnd1 lhrew 4pwn tree• and tore bu•ldtngs apart at Grants Pass Ore No 'erlous 1np,r1es were rll Or1ed Southern l.~l1lorn1a C.oaslal and M0t.,msm Area' Fair e•c:ep1 some lace n•ghl and early mornmg low ctmid1f'es~ noa• lho coast A h111e war mer Highs 1n the 70s near the COBSI rangmg IO 80s tn the valleys Lows !>8 to 68 Mountain n1gM 65 to 75 Low• most•y •2 •o 55 mog Na-WM!f>eo Serw;e NOAA us 0.01 o1 eomm .. c• 80 he llorm formed Soulh ol Ashland and blasced up lhe Rogue A1vt1r valley Friday evt1o•no with wtnd1 up lo 65 mpn Tne A11 Oual•ly Management D•stric1 predicts good a11 quality •oday m me flfltlre South Coasl Air Basin Good aor wlln 11 Po11utan1 S1anderd lnOe>. or •2 •• f()t9C8St tor all 11r.,as 1nc1udtng the San Gabr1el and Pomona valleys me1rooo111en Los Ar!Q&les •nfano Orange Counly lh8 San F"ernando ano Santa Clartla valleys cou1111 arfllll Bog Be&• Leke high and low deserts Banning 8'1d lh" ttemel·fltlnOr'!I region Fronts: Cold ..,. Warm wi. Occluded ~ Stallona'y ·~ At Medlo«l High School spec1e1or1 wetcrung tne home Blacli: rornados 1001oatt l••m wete eveweteo from 1he ••edium m1nu1es before lhe winr' ~ rlppecl lhe pr es • Do • off t h e grandstand, said Sgt Swftftny of the Medford Ponce Oeparcment Announcer John Ou1ntan of KMEO 1ed10 u1d the•e w11 a sound like 1nundt1r lit Che roof s1arlt1d lotdtng Dack ltke a p11ncaltt1 In downlowrr MedlO<d • ptaa perlor undt1r conslruCl•On was blown tnlo a busy s1reer hurling 1>1tck1 11nd framing on 111ven pArkecl ca•s Showers and a f ew lhund&rehower s fell on Or&gon Ca tt lornla and Nevada on Satu1dl!ly, bul mos1ol 11 wH l1gM. Iha National Wealhar S•rvtce p ld Rain, wllh -lhundMl10<m1, alao lei! flom New Ma•ICO Into the f••n Panhandle, 8long ll'M Gull Con t end Florlda , and ftom f<rkanu a Into We•• Virgina A•- 1howera were over northern Maine Claar lklel Saturday e•lendll<I ltom W11htngtofl acrou Ch& northetn hatf of the Ro<:ltle•. IN! nor1M<n and c.ntral ptetne end tn10 the norlha rn pare 01 lh• M111tu 1ppl Valle y e110 th• _, .. ,, GrH I l •kM Sunny ell ... -• a.... ll'M oa-1 Soul"-1 al\O much o1 Taxaa Temparaturet a round Ill• fl l llon 11 mid 1•y Sa1urday ranged from 44 et Stull Sle Marie, MICll. 10 98 11 Tvl« Taa.H California Point Conc•pllon 10 tht!! .,._.111Csn Boteler ane our 80 MMM Ov« outer WCllM norlh-1 #Inda 8 10 t5 t..nol1 w1111 4 10 II loot-• loday Ovar inner water• llgnl ver1a1>re wlflda Sunday morning b9comtng _.1 10 M>VlhwMI 10 10 15 knola Chi• 1flernoon Southwell ewa llt 1 ro 3 teet artab .. cloud•ne•• tll•• mo1nino r lhffl aft .. nOOf' ' AOMD re11ngs a1e as lollows Good 0 100 •lflhealthlul for sens111ve p11ople 10 1 200 unheatlhlul lor everyone 20 1-300 and heza rdous 301.500 T P11tpf>raturPS NATION Atoa ny AlbuquerQ11" Au111n Batllm0<e Bllllnv• Blrmlnghm Bismarck BOIS< Boston Brownavlle But111io Burllngron Caeper Ch11l1tn SC Cllercttn wv Chertlle NC Crwyanne Chic.go Ctnc1nne11 ci.vecand Clmt>t• SC 68 •O 72 58 98 H 85 51 76 ., 90 68 76 32 85 '9 71 50 96 74 ~ 56 811 '" 7' 40 86 72 11 55 811 ~ 73 '4 68 47 78 ~ 67 58 119 70 Cotuml>us Del Fl Wltr Dayton Oenve• Des Momes Detroit Duluth El Paso Fargo l'lagstaff Gre&I F•lla t•11nford lielen11 HooOlulu Hou11on 1nonfl(l1ts JM;ksn MS Jacksmlllt!! Kens Ctty Kf1nxv1tt11 lH Vegaa L1111e Rock loulsv11111 Lubboctc Mempl1t1 Miami Mllweutc ee Mpta SIP Na1hv1tte N-OrlHnl N-York Nor10lk NO Plellfl Okla Clly Omahel Ort1ndo Phll1dpht1 Phoantw Pllltburgh Piland Me Piiand, Or• Provldanu 71 60 90 n 70 S8 73 •8 69 46 68 54 63 35 87 63 15 36 11 4 1 13 38 74 •? 75 40 119 76 96 17 70 57 91 70 90 71 70 50 85 63 88 62 77 69 ,. 65 76 68 ,. 89 88 79 65 •9 88 44 75 llO 90 71 90 5e 89 5g 74 3• 78 57 70 4J 90 73 83 52 97 66 11 52 64 'I 76 55 75 46 ~ ...... i?aii ..... -~u __ R_f R_EP_DR_T 9Nctl ZIHN Rania Monie• Nawpori Beach San Diego County Ou1fOOli IOI Moodl)' lvrl l vrl Awg .... I 3 1 3 7 4 2 4 u111a c111no• l lH'f f'Td 11 II 11 II .... A¥9 7 ') 2 ' .... .... 3 3 3 3 ..... 04' SSW SSW SSW SSW Raleigh Rapid Clly Reno Richmond Sall Lllke Sin Anlonlo Seat lie s~reveporl S1ou• Fells SI I out& SI P Tamp• SI S1e Mane Spokane Syracuse Topeka Tucson Tull8 WHhtngln Wichita CALIFORNIA B•~erslleto Ba111ow Beaumont BIO B1111r Bl)'1he Cat•lln1 Cu1Ve1 City Eureka Freano Lan<:Nllr Long Beach loe Angftlet Monrovl11 Monlebetto Mont Mey Ml Wilton NM<l .. • Nawpon Bffch Ontario Ptlm S0<lno• Paudan1 Pato AoblH Red 81utf A.Owoo<l City Sacremento S1ttn11 San &MnarCllno San G1brlaf San Diego San Francltco Stn JoM Sanra Ana S11nl• Barbara Santi Marl• S1,,1a Monie• Ta hoe v111ey fl\Mmal Torr•nca ..... •:·-....................... _._,. --.. .. ----------_u...,,_~--'-···-· . -... •• •-.-............. -••••r• • ..... , .. ~ ... -.. .,1;_..__ .............. _ -·· ·---·-·· 90 63 72 38 63 ,. 91 57 76 53 96 68 78 52 95 68 71 39 71 57 90 73 50 •I 81 •8 65 48 69 •5 90 61 71 59 88 69 73 52 86 611 85 62 8:1 56 67 311 92 611 78 llO 82 66 64 S3 80 83 78 61 85 611 60 87 90 66 8• 611 71 S9 81 50 94 87 7!> ~ 85 62 89 62 113 65 79 60 65 69 71 60 68 69 11 6& 64 69 90 66 8, 68 65 59 74 $8 113 $3 78 93 78 S9 73 114 6' 43 91 62 78 ~ Gr<il'l'. 52, d 1t-d Tuesday night a ft(•r thl• family approved the rt• m o v a I u f l 1 re · su pp o rt t•4u1p1nc•nt. fou r hours a fter it wa~ d(·lt"rmined she> was brain· d<·ad Grat.'l' Ke lly came> to M onaco m 1955. wht•n a Pans M atch edit.or :!!'rilngt'<I tu dnve the Academ y Award winning movie queen from tht' film festival at Cannes 1 o n t• a r b y M o n a co t o b e photograph1..'CI w ith a reaJ prince. Raimer rourled her In fairy· t.ale fa:.h1on. bringing he r back as a bride a year later As s h e stepped from an ocean line r to hrs yal·ht, flowers ra ined down from Aristotle Onassis' private plant• She quick ly lent a ne w air to the tiny M editerranean enclave. which Somerset Maugham once described as "a sunny place for sh ady peop le " I n his h o m il y , A r ch b is h o p Charles B r andt o f M o n a co eu logized h er as "our so good. so noble, so beloved pr incess." In the cathedral, M rs Reagan sat 111 a front row, flanked by Pnnc:t-ss Dian a and French h rst lady Damdle Mitterrand. O ther roy.ahy and nobility filled other pewl> T o one side sat a mix of prc•tc ndc r s to fallc>n th rones, royall y 111 exile a nd assorted nob1l1ty T he Emprf'ss Farah . w1dnw of the s ha h o f Lran, sat nc•ar ro rmer King Michael o f Ro mania P rince Fo uad. son o f Egy pt's late King Faro uk. was next to ex-Qu~n Anne-Ma rie of Gr<'l'<.'e 1 lollywood sat 20 rows back - including G rant, S am Spiegel and Barbara M arx, wife of Frank S inatra . Controversy stiU su rro unds the cause o f Grace's death. a fter her British -made sedan ran off the road on a hairpin tum between he r mountaintop summer hom e and Monte Carlo . Dr. Charles C ha telin and Prof. Jea n Duplay. who treated her . said she suffered a strok e while driving and lost control of the car. Chatelin said a second stroke suffered 9000 after the accid ent sent her into an irreversible coma before h e r ambulance reac hed the hos pital. The docto rs said S te phanie:: told the m she had tned to apply th e handbrake w h en he r mo ther w as stncken but could n ot reach 1t before the car hurtled down a 120-foot ra vine. Grace w as put o n lde- sustamrng m ach ine ry Tuesday . Four hours after her bram ceased functioning. Prince Rainier gave the o r d e r t o cea se art rf1c1al support. A third pl'r sun. V1t·kH· Amburgt•y, 19. o f 2717 Frem1int " Lant•, Coi.t.1 Mesa, was arreste<l on su:.p11•1on of p ossessio n o f t 11ta11H· P o lice said s he was v1s111ng th<· rl'S1dC'nc<.• al thl' llml' tht• s<·an h was mJdc· Laguna OKs sewer work Laguna BE·ach has hired a l'O nsultant to p re p a r e C'ng1nt·er1ng p l a n s for repla c ement of rerou ting o f sewer lines un five streets. .Ja mt·s M M ontgom ery o f l rv1 n l' will prepare th e s pedf1C'at1ons (or the expected $140.000 prOJC'(.'t for $12,500. Pro)l'Cts includ e the rerouting of 775 feel o f sewer line on R1mroc.:k Canyon Road. 70 feet of lint· on Upper R1mrock Can yon Road. and replacing a sew er hne on Cl~rr1 tu:. Str eet . Ramon a S lrl'<'l and l l1~h Driv£' Two nabbed in fraud probe Westminster p ol1l·C hav e ar r est e d t w o men 1n th e s w1 n dl1 n g o f sever a l ar<>a bus inesses and ind1v1duals out of more th an $135,000 throug h the lc>ase. sales or re nt.al or mobile hom es th ey did n ot o w n W f.'stm inster p o lice o f ficer Ear l e G r a h am s aid fr aud 1nv1?st1gato r s con clu ded six months o f in vestigation this Wl't•k with thf.' arrest of Lawre n t'l' OeC' Tasst•ll . 36, u f Anah1•1m and Claude• D B roch. 58. of Stanton Thf'y arc l'h arged w ith gr;ind theft-fra ud , Grah a m said . Grahrim ~aid anvonc· who bf.'l lf.'vt's h1• m av ha.vi' bt•en a VICtlm o f lhrs alleged m o bilC' home-sc.·hcme s hould c11ntaC't Westm inster pohl'l' Something New In Newport GRAND RE-OPENING of the Newport Ski Company ''LITTLE STORE'' * All New Rental Dept • New revolving ski ramp • Complete Siu School Siu p«1ckaReS. boots and poles f€WPORT St<I CIM'ANY ... LITTLE STc.£ 2SOO W. C:-t Hwy. .... ,.,. leech.~ 1114) u1-n n Slits ( 71 4) 63M 144 ~111t"1. SAt Sc/IOOI (714) 642·U'7 $no"" Rfpoft ~t 111dy for siHfll now. on our ,,,., r~W)/Vtrf s•1 ramp! • • Complete /In•• of men 't , led~•· and children., cJothlnQ and l>CCeUorleJ ,., •. o,,.,.,,,.,.,, •1t1r, • .,,,,, W..t • - Democ rat ArCher pulls .,,. Uy Jt<:t 'F Alli.EH Ot lh• 0.11, PllOI ••• ,, 1"1rn11 .1111 .. ·r-.111•1 \1\1 s, lh• '·"' tor t ht· 1:lrd \'11 11.;11·,:.11111.d I >ii.ll ll I M·HI 111 s1111tli ( )1 ,111M1 .111d north S.111 l>1t •g11 101111111·' ''·" l'M•c•11 a n'l~1rd s1·l11•1 It sd n"-'•Htb f111 lht• 11u111l1< 1 111 C'11nd1 d a l t'' c·11t1•11·d 111 tl11• pnma1 y (u h.111111 h11).!).!h11g .! I , indud1ni:; Iii Hq111hl11.111,1, 11 w1 sC>veral 'I.tit• .111d 11.111111 1.tl sp.,nd1111o( rt'\:ords (11 l•1t.tl 111 $:.! 7 m lll111 n w;1:. pou11•d 111t11 t 111· primary 1·ampa1g11), ,111d 11 h." bct:n <.·.il h:d the• d11 t1 c·'I 1 ... •· waged tn Callfo1111;1 Im ,, M'.11 111 th e US Jl n11 s 1• 11 1 Rcpn•st.·11t;1 llvt.·~ But tht.· <.1µp.in•111 lw111·ltl 1.11 ;. of all this rcx'Ord st•tllllfo: 1:.11'1 .111v one uf tht.• ca11J1d.1t •·::-whu ..,,.t o n e . I l · s l ht.' ..J II v l '.• 1 11 I d Democ:r;.it who f111ds hi-; dwm·1·' of w inning 111 tlw -.t.1tl''s 11111sl Republtt·an t.·ongn·:-. ... 1t1nt1I d1..i1111 sudde nly a re vastly 1m 1>r·ovc·d It's bC'e n ;, lung way t ro111 nowhert.• for Ho v "P at" /\rdll'r the poh lll·al S('ll'lll't' pl 11ft0SMJI .it Palomar Cull1-·gt.· 111 S.111 M,11 t "'· the cand1datt' wh11 11111ldn'1 g..t an y rt·Spt_'<.'t /\ftt•1 ;ill. tlu· ral t' bl'('n l'OJH't'dl'd IJy llH>..,I servl'rs lt> th•· wir1111·1; llf tlll' P primary 0 W l' V l' I' , I ls I' It I I I l' I rec:rim1n a t iuns •>I tht· c;up primar y. wun by :u y1o;11 11ld Johnnie H Cn·an liv H:.! vot1·:- s pilled uvt•r tu lli°1 g 1·1w 1 .ii e lection Cn·a n':. l'l1•..,t•::-1 l~O I' c h a lle n g<'r. fon1H·r l'arlsh.1d Mayor Ron Pal k.11 11. \ l;11ml'\t C rean's p nmary u1mlut·t was unconscionable and li1Ulll'h1•J a write -in campaign of his o w11, entirely changing the· t'Omµlt·xwn of th e race. With two Hl'publtl'ans 111 tlw II rac·{', tlw n • 1s a 1t·a l chance of t hC'1r :.1>lt lt1ng the vote ;.in d clC\.t1ng a Dtomoc:rat Also, several . rc '<.·t·nt polls show Arl'her to Ix• a s1·rn1us dwlll·ngc·r w ho is leading. .1t l1·a st .ii tins p111n1 , 1n tht· l'•llllt''I ") l tllhldt•f lll)'Sl•l f tht• rtglil 111.·rs1111 111 tlw nght µLai·<· at the 11ght t111w," /\rdH'r e xpla ined dur111g .111 llltl'I Vll'W "T he w11t1 111 1..111d1da 1·v o f Ro n P~11 k,1rtl \\ill a~-.bt nw 'in winning 1h1• 1•h>t·\11111 111 Novc·m lx•r." Tht• w.1~ J\1 dwr t 1gurt·s l,lw <.·onll'St, l'r l·.111 .111d Pal·kard w ill s plit ... 11m1· 11 f tlw lh·publil·an vuk'.., In .1dd1t1on. l11·1au:w of Cn·a n's nq,::1 tl\'1 1111ag1·. p1t k1·d up during th<• v11·1uus pr 1111a ry, 'h" will g;1t1w1 111a11v vott.•s that nught n orm u 11 y b l' l' I.I !t t fo r th 1-· H1·pulilk1m N111lt'tlll'lt'K11, ArdH'r ud1111LL1-.I h1· 111 Cmdmg (u11d ru111111K f111 h l11 c·11m1>u1Kn d irticult "11'111 a p roblt!in, but w L·'rl' nuaking IL uµ with volunU.'t•rs w .. won't ht• abl1• to ufford TV adH hkt• C:rcun will," hl' 1111ld Arc he r said he SJ)t'nl $2,300 winning hlS pnmury <.'Ontll11t 1ul<l has spent an udditionul $9,300 Ht.' has approximately $700 in hiK campaign war chest, he said. To get his name before the voters, Arche r said he plans w walk prednclB t!Xtens1vcly while l'Umpalgn volunteers go door to dt)(>r with brod1ures and otht>r c.'ampatgn-rclat1..-d material. Ar c h t>r f a ults h is two o pponents for not addressing what he sees us the real issues in th« l'ampa1gn. "I'm unhapµy with the other two candidates because Packard IS attacking Crean ell the time. wh1k• Crea n is apologizing for his primary campaign. As a result, the major issues are not be ing d1scuSSt.'Ci." Arch{'r claim~ T he major issue this November I!> the Cl'unumy, the Democrat SJ Id "My oppon<.•nts are 'yes' votes for the president. but they're not providing solutions for o ur ('(:onomk proble ms," he said. H e c harged that R eagan <.'<.'Onomics have failed to turn the nation 's falte ring econo m y a r o und nd c a I led on t h e govNnme nt tCJ s timulate the et:onomy. If ele l'tl'd , Arch e r said he wuuld work toward ei>tablishing a tax for the approximate ly 150 m ulti-national corporations he d a1ms escape taxes annually. Also, Art h{'r said government s p e nd i ng s h o uld b e c u t . Orange· CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, September lit 1982 ,U • even ID Ro n Packard es pecially t he defense budget and monies a llocated to welfare. Outlining what he terms his "Arche r Plan," the cand idate . s aid he w o u ld lik e welfare r ecipients to b e r equired to a uend job-training c:o urses to receive payments. As for the defense budget, Archer suggested cuts totaling 15 percent. One place would be the $5 billion appropriation for the development a nd production o( nuclear warheads, he said. "We don't need any additional nuclear warheads. we need a la rger standing army," said the propone nt o f the p roposed bilateral nuclear freeze. Calling na tiona l defense •·everyone's r espons i bility," 'GOP' district Archer "'Id ho oppoMi6 tho call volunt1-'l't atmy 11nd would Ilk<.• to Kee 8 rro gram u( unlvt•rHtil ru.it.ionu 1Crvice lnatiluted. Men and womt·n would be n .oqu1rl-d to servti 111 t'lth~r tlw mlllu.ry or aome ot h e r capac ity for thu notion. Ano lht.'r l nul' on Arc h e r'i mind lw the envlr nnment and Interior &'Cre tar y Jusves Wat\, whom h (• would ll.l<e to St•c• "Im peached." Archer. who ita1<l he flatly ''Opposes offshore oil drilling off the California roast, termed Wutt 11 "dJu.ster" who has done more d amage to America's ecofog y than any secretar y of the Interior. "He represen\S a few wealthy oil speculators that want their greedy hand11 o n federal land," he said. On other issues, A rcher said h e: -Staunc hly supports continuing the vitality of the Social Security syste m a nd w o uld wo rk to maintain its solvency. -Supports a second effort to m o v e an Equal Right s Amendment through Co ngress a nd send it back to the states for ratification. -S upports a pro-ch o ice position on the abortion question because 1t 1s a matter between a woman a nd her doctor . As for fede ral funding of abortions for the poor, "if a rich woman can have one, a poor woman should have that opportunity also," he s aid . Describing himse lf politi call y as a moderate Democrat , Archer pointed to the late Hubert H. Humphrey and Henry "Scoop" Jackson . the U.S . senator from Washington, as his political heroes. The father of three, Archer was married in 1957 to hi.a wite Orale. A native of West Virgln(a, Arc h e r moved t o South ern California 19 years ago when he began t ea l·hang at Palo mar College He is a graduate of tbe Unive rsity o f West Virgin ia, wh e r e h e ea rned both•• bachelor's and a master's degHe in poht.ical science. In 1973, Archer was awarded a doctorate from the United StaMa lnternational University in San Diego. ~ Long active in the Boy ~ti. Arche r is an Army veteran wbp attended the Army Command and Gene ra l Staff College in K ans a s . Presently, he 11 a lieute nant colone l on inact~ status in the Army reserve. • • . , Sober up ·with a pill? Irvine firm , l eader face bribe raps R eaction mixed to Corona del Ma r man's product Dally P iiot St•n Photo Jo h n Ma rsella says thi~ pill t!:-1 a ll it ta kt•s to counteract a lcohol. By JODI CADENHEAD of the 081ty Piiot llan A <..-Orona del Mar man daims he's come up with a pill that will a llow a pe rson lo feel sober minutes afte r d o w ning s ix alcoholic: drinks. J ohn Marsella, pre sident of Nutritan, manufacturers also of a tanning pill, sajd nine Sober Plus pills taken with water w ill pracucally eliminate the sluggish effec.·ts of six ounces of alcohol. The entre peneur, who claims t o have spent $500 ,000 fo rmula t ing t he table t , sa id informa l tests show that eight out of 10 people are able lo think clearly and per form rou t ine motor skills afte r taking Sober Plus Th e pil l. so ld a s a diet supplement, contains 824 mg of vitamin B. two ammo acids a nd 76 un iden t ified trace m in e ra ls, at·cording to the manu facture r "Our product will not affect the blood alcohol ," said Marsella. " 0 All this p r odu c t does is s timulate and balance ou t the mo tor senses." The danger fro m drunken drivers could be reduced, said Mars ella. noting that 26,000 Americans die on the road each year in alcohol-related d eaths. "If we can ge t you h ome saf e l y, maybe w e 've done something." said Marsella. Alcoholism experts are quick to criticize the pill, saying that nothing can be taken that will instantaneously e liminate the effects of alcohol. "The pall is for making money," s aid Dr. Joe Zus k a , m edical dir ector o f alcoho l recovery services at St. Joseph Hospital, Orange. "For a pill to make you sober. it wo uld have to be magic" Dr. Zuska said that a drunk person's motor skills t:ould not change unless their blood alcohol level was lowered. Dave Larsen, director of t he Orange County chapter o f the National Council on Alcoholism, said he is afraid that recovered alcoholics will see the pill as a license to drink. "That incenses me," sa id Larsen . "A lot of people with an alrohoUc disease will d ie beh ind that pill. It's going to give people that illusion that they can ge t sober quick." Orange County Superior Court J udge Philip Petty said that it remains to be seen whether the supplement 11ves up to 1ts cla1ms and could ther'eby decrease the number o f drunken driving arrests. "I don't know anything about it," said Petty. "But if someone could drive successfully, then it seems that fewer people would be p ic ked up for d ru n k en driving." A package of nine Sober Plus pi lls sells for $3 .95 a nd i s available at local drug stores, beauty shops and liquor stores. So far, Marsella has sold $100, 000 worth. He thinks he'll make $50 million the first year. Now, that's a sobering thought. LOS ANGELES (AP) -AD Orange County firm a nd l ta president have been char1~cJ with h e lping bribe Mexican o f ficials in connection with petroleum equipment sales to ~ national oil company in t))Jlt country . C.E. Miller Cor p. of Irvine and president Charles 'E. Miller, ~2, of Anaheim were named1n charla f i l e d Friday b y the U .~. Attorney's office. No fla• were mentioned in the c.har'eli· The government charged Chat Mille r aided a n d abetted C rawford Enter p rises Inc. ol Houston in a bribery tcheme Jn January, 1978, "by corruptly using ... a commercial aircrah>to travel from Los Angeles ... to Houston." The trip, the charga said, ~ m ade to further a n offer b Crawford Enter pr ises "to money" that would be "giv~ pro mised" to two "forel1n officials." Crawford Enterprises was Judge takes troubled boy f rorn disabled couple to have been selling turb "°' compression systems to Peme the nationa l oil company o Mexico. C.E. Miller Corp. w described as a firm "engaged in . the engineering and fabrica A disabled t'Oupl£• from Bur na Par k los t custo dy o f th <'lr 5 11'1-year-old son when a judge ruled they were incapable o f caring for the hand1cappt'd boy wh o co n tra c lPd spi n al meningius w hile in foster t.·are Orange County Juvenilf' Court Judge Byron McMillan ordered Robb ie Trav1olt returned tu a pnvate foster home for at least a year. at which tLme his pa.rents. Donna and Barney Travioli, may request another hl'aring for custody "They really d o love thC'1r child -I h ave to emphas1i<> there 's not a ny question a~w1 OO!lty f'l6ot o..i._, ""-... •" "'4ontll y f1t<JfV It 9'(1U •h , ,, I"'' '°"' t'i•Of'' b¥ ... )t"1 ,, ...., ••• , ... , "'t-o"" a""f tl'•\I' l't•r., A I ~1{1 ,,, .fu1•1 their lovc-" <'Ounty social servtces sup<"rv1sor David B11lh1mer said o f thl' parents "B u t we h ad questions about their ability to understand (Robbie's) needs and to provide for those " Donna Trav1ol1 has a spinal deformity that keeps he r in a wheC'lcha1r Hc•r husband h as bcrn d1Jgnos£'d as mentally retarded, family attorney John Cogorno said Thi· t•ouplc, both 38, hve on p ublu. ass1sla nrt• in their two- lx'Clroom Buena Park apartment. Robbie 1s their only l·h1ld The m u nty placed the boy in a fos te r hom e at birth o n the advice of a hospital social worker, Billhime r said . Eight mon t hs la t e r , he contrac t ed s p inal meningitis, which left him blind. deaf and subject to convulsions. "We believe the disease was not the fault of the foster parents -he had a predisposition to It," Billhimer said. "He was born pre mature ly and w i th respiratory problems, not the happy . healthy child like some acc:ounts report '' The Traviolis had custody of Robbie from August 1981 until Janua ry, but Billhimer said he We're Listening ••• Wh ot' dn ~ou l1 kt• ahout lh<' Oatly P11ot 1 What don't you like., ('all llw numbPr lwlo w and your message will be recorded. 11 an ... ntb.'<I :11111 cl1•h\ l'rcd to the appropriate editor Thi• 'amt• 24 hour a ns wpnng service may be used to record let- tn" to lh1· 1•1htor on a ny topic Mailbox contributors must include 1tw1r m1m1· .ind ttl1·11hone number fo r verir1cation No circulation ('/Ill s. plt'.I>;(• 1'd l 11:-~hal 'on }our mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST CIHIKled •dftrtlt lnti 714 .... 2·5t11 All other Hp•rtment• 142_.321 Daily Pilot Thomot P. Holey r ·h ,~,., lf' t I t .. tr •f\rottw,_ (•Ii Jone Amori f ~f'• u""" f M1w l. Ko y S<hvlh v.,,. Pr1t11f1~t ONf 0trfl'C"f0f o• Atfv#U,1\mg Mkhael P. Horvey 0....clQt nl MIJ'l•••"Q 1(" •« uk!hO'lt Thomoa A. Murp hlne fcl1h' Raymond MocLean ( O<ltrnll., K•nneth 'N. Goddard Jr. C>·•e<•o-01 Ope.°''°"' MAIN OFFICE JJ0 WHI .... St, Coote Nl<tM, CA Mall eclctf'ett; h • IMO, Cata Nl<tWI, CA .,.,_ c ... ,, ..... ,.., o..,,.. c .... "''*I"""' c........,. !fO MW\ •-a, llhrlCr•tlOfl\, -lal~ .... verll .. ,,,..,h htr•l11 may a.. reMOOll<• wtttleut -lal ~rmlUIOfl Of COPYt..,.. _"9r. VOL.n,N0.212 was taken from them because his weight dropped from 34 to 25 pounds. Cogomo conceded the parents had clifflculty feed.ing him, but maintained the Traviolis had not ' been given adequate training to care for the boy. d id receive special instruction while Robbie was in a county- run home for developmentally disabled children. of turbine compression 1~ for u s e i n the petrol e\IJ1 industry.'' Miller declined comment the c harges . Crawfoi: Billhimer countered that they The Traviolis have visiting righ ts, Billhimer said, and "we a re not opposed t o his being h ome on vi-sits as of t e n as possible.'' Enterprises previously den& any wrongdoing. ,. ARE YOU A VICTIM OF THE ff) USHY TUSH.f? THEN ••• GET YOURSELF SOME SLEEK CHEEKSI •!Ml OTTIS! I0$1 'PIHllSSlll IU UU$ •I Sllll S•Stl• IR&l l&S Ill II ll HUI It It rlllT &PPUCl&l(I• • UIOllC UICI UllUClll. SLH SIU IC M • 1111 IOU ru u u • I UtH IH tllU•llllll & UUI CU cussu EXD CISE Cl.ASSES -------------~----------,---~--------------- TWO Wiii t •'t.. ••• , .... ~, ... , •••• ' n au •Ct1••11~" FIE~ 631-3623 .... , ' .,.. It.. ,.,.. • ... S10.01 V AlUl ~MO Oi l tl1tf1t 0 •• UNLIMITED USE ll!Ass· WI IOT Tll I UICI •Mutt 8tert By Oct. 1, 1982 -·· -- " • JI ----- 44 Orange COHI OAILV PILOT/Sunday, September 18, 1882 'Microbu1· i ' blamed for Ke,nner nii hap Fatal pla9e crash sleuths have gri.m assignment EJJl'l'VH 'S NO'/'I'.' 'l'llC' 11n-11J1•11t l111JJJH'n' '" lt'C.'Ond.'j, but 1•.,111 /1/1.~l1111Jl tlw t '11U.\t'. uml tlu• /t.•NJ1011s thut 1111Hl11 IJ1• c/rnwn , 11> 1111• labor of wt-e~ and month., /Jt·1t·'.~." 1'11JM•uµ of <1t1t• gnwp of suft'IY s/t>uth:. mid th1•11 probt· 111 tltt· 1'1111 Amt>rtcan crn:.h ut Kt•nm·r. Ln , wllt'rt' w111d shvar lS the suspn:tt'<I < u/prit By KEVIN NOBLET KENNEH. La (AP) Not for thl' hnl\ ttnw, sudden dt-uth obtrudl'll 1m IJ1ck O'Brwn's pt1th Classic boat display set in Newport A display of dussLl' wooden boats, some built mo11• than 100 yea rs ago, will Ul' on view thfough today at Lido Marine Vhtagc m Nl'wport &·al·h ll'he event, which rm~rks the first wooden boat show on the West Coast, 1s produn·d by Duncan Mdntosh, prodm·l·r of Newport Harbor's "In The Water" shows of both p..1wl•r and sailboats. Hours an · 10 am to 7 p.m. A(lmission is $5 tor adults. Cb1ldren 12 and undc•r will be adh11tted Cree. Among the boats on l'Xhibtt is the Yehis, buil t tn IYOti and reported to b.., t hl· o ldest gasoltne-powcn'd pll•<isun• boat m • existence on tht· California coast Another feature 1s the· Jade D ragon. built in 1879. The 8l•foot vessel 1s for sak for $120.000. Laguna to get new vehicles Laguna's rolling stoc·k will be u pgr aded following the acceptance of bids from several ag~ndes for pun:haSt• of vehicles. thrc>11l(h tht• 111muky w1wkulo(1• ul 11 Jc•llllwc "Thl•rt• wus 1.1 d1•c1d body lyl11M rauht tlwn• 111 frmH uf the ml•llH WIJ hud to g1•l lntu," O'Uri<•n mod "We pulled b6ck, went oH to lwvt• xonw Ciutorudt." Three hours lat.er, when 1.1 M.'0t 1• ul hud1c:. hut.I lx>t.·n remowd in black rubbc1 sucl\i., O'B111•11 l'nlmly went back Lo work The night before, thl• !ully-loot.ll't.l Bot!ang 7'l7 stretc h jet h ad wiped o ut a patc•h o{ subdlviHion and 154 lives. Shock watt still .. . ·~· L I Deity Pllol Photo bJ Chatt.e Starr T he police deparlmt>nt will receive a Cushman vehicle with cloth doors for 1ts parking authortty, while the municipal servtct:'S department will ret'(.'1ve a ha rd-door Cushman Cost for both vehicles is $12, l :l I Space age graffiti In addition, two new unmarked mvest1gat1vf' vehicles will be purchast'<l at a total cost of $17,155 And thC' t·1ty agreed to buy a lifeguard J eep for $8.406. It a (lpears the famed E.T. hus la nded and is hiding in the bush es along Newport Bouleva rd near Fair Drive in Costa Mt.•sa. Is ht• c r ying because he-wa nt lo go home, or becau~e he's getting rained on'? Paid Political Advertisement Get To Know The Real Republican Congressional candidate, Johnnie Crean, wants to answer your toughest questions during a half-hour live television broadcast. You will have the opportunity to call in a question on any subject and have it answered on the air. Former "Today Show'' anchorman, Frank Blair, will host this Im portant program. Be an informed voter. Tune in on Tuesday, September 21, and get to know the real Johnnie Crean. Crean for Congress .. Live T. V. Special Tuesday, September 2 J sf 7:30 8:00 P.M. Channel 8 ~, Paid for by Crean tor Congreu, Alan O'Keln Treeaurer 1 Newport Place. Newport Beaoh, CA 92863 llJll'l•Ut.l Inf( lll'I Wilt tt l'l I y thu l h11d ll(IV(•r 111'{'0 1111y1hi11J( hl•l' ll. O 'Hr11•n hucJ. In fuel, ht>'d M.~l'll worM.•. "You 1(01 kind of l'Ullou11 loll," ht> Hl.lld lutt·r "lt'H mu<,·h llkt• a dot•lor You t•un't ll'l II botlwr yuu" llc.•'d touglwnl•d hti; huh· on thl• world'i; wunll: T t•nl'rltc• In Morc.:h, 1U77, when ~82 d lt-<I And lhc nollon't1 worst: C h1ca1to In Moy 197», when 273 die.'<.!. 80 hrrl' he was tor the nnuon's SUC'Ond wor11t, helping to Cind out why. ()' Hrlcn, 56, is pun of the Nnllon11I Trum1p<.>rtution Safety Board's "go teum" in Wushington -crash dc.•t<.'<'t1ves ready to µ<1ck u su1t.<.'llbe und hop a plane al lhC ring o( a phorw or tht• M:rt-ech of a puckt't-beepcr. h was the 9:)rd such call for h im wbl'n lhl• phone rang at his home minuws a flc!r Pun Am1:rkan Flight 7!HJ <:rushed In a thuncforslorm at 4·10 (Jn July 9 T he same mil Wl'nl out lo ntnt• 1Hlw1 go- U>um nw111lit•1" Tlw 111111l11~y lo t.lut·t11111 1 .. upl l1U<'h ill I.I llpt't'tultNl o· Hrwn LS tht• l'Xjll•l l 1111 a11n ult 11y"llto11u., tilt' pum~ und v1dvt•1t Jnd l'Ul.Jh~ •tr1<l w1nn~ rhc·n lht·n· •lrl' 'tpt•t ILtll:.t~ Ill wc•uthc•r , u1rt·rnft, ~truc·tun·, c·nuuwi., l'l1tf1•ty h·ulurc••, malntt.•nunl·t., towc•1 nmlrolling, und w1u11,..,. . ., c·ut h 'K•rvmg on the go l.(·am on u rotnunu UJHIN wath othc•r l'XJX•l l.H 111 th1•1r par t1c·ulor fll'ld. 11110 tlw m1ddlt• of Kt•111u•r '11 madn•'tlS th1·y bw ught their method. Otht•rs hud to :.pruy form OVl•1 tht• flarmng Cud soaklod houM.•11 anti i.tra·t·ts unt.I tars, ru."lh tho stunnc.J burn vwt1nllt to hospawls <1nd then t.ak.c to lht.• gn:.ly hu&im'S.., of pulltng out tlu· bot.lws and purt.s of bodws Thest.• 1mporh'd 1•x 1Jt·rti. had one• tusk. to figure out why th1i. spt•l'tflc plane· w1lh its spt'C.·1f1l.' tn•w on a SJX-t·1fk duy m·vt-r J(ot mul.'h h1ghl1r than most kit.ls t'un toss a baM•hall "W e have a tried and dt-pt•ndable (See CRASll. Page A 7 l Wind warning device readied Tug of war d e ve lops on installation; high cost cited By II. JOSEF HE.BE KT AHocl•19d Pr"• Wrll•r New York C ity sweltered an humcd 90-dcgrce heat as lightning shot through clouds over Kennedy International Airport. On the ground a mode ra te sea brt..>eze gave no hint of the danger lurking in the clouds for the s tream of jetline rs that roared down the approach path to Runway 22-L . Descending through lhc storm on that June afternoon seven years ago, Eastern Airlines Flight 66 hit h eavy rain. a nd then without warning u headwmd thal forced it above its intended glidepath. The pilot t?ased up on the power to avoid overshooting the runway. But just as quickly, the headwind lurncd into a m ysterious d owndraft and sent the jct In seconds plummeting from 500 feet to 150 fl'<'L "Takf"o ff thrus t ," exclaimed F irst Off1eer Wilham Eberhard, calling for maximum power. It was too late. Those were the last words heard on the cockpil rl'C..'Order. The Boeing 727 h1l th1-• runway approJt'h light.'>, plowed mto Rockaway Boulevard and l'aught fart· Only 12 of 12.J proplc survived Last July !:I, <i Bot·ing 7'/.7, l1ftl'CI oCf from New Orle<tns lntt•rnauunal Airport without a hint of trouble. lx-gan ll.'I <:limb t hrough a similar thunderstorm and suddenly began to smk. Pan America n Wo rld Airways Flight 759 was rurbo1 nc· for 25 M.'Condi. l>l'fort' it smashc'll mto a row of singic·-story homl'l> The crash clacm<.'d 154 lives As wtth Eastern Fltght 66, investigators are specul<tttng that Fltght 759 ran mto a severe downdrafl of air l.'alJed by s{·l('nt1sts a "microburst" -that pushed the 85-ton .)C•tlmer in lO the ground. Between the Eastc.>rn and Pan Am tragedies, sc1cnttsts from a h alf-dozen guvc•rnmcnt agencies, universities, and the av1at1on mdustry have probed the skies with anemometers, air pTC'SSure gauges, lasc:n,, and a variety of r'adars in (See SHEAR, Page A 7 l SAVE i0-3031 14 P~t t EDIS! OVER 40 COLORS! FLOOR · Tll.E SAi.Ei SAVEI03 Color Tile has a huge selection, in stock, of floor tiles. They come in no-wax, self-stick, solid vinyl, taricy patterns and they're all first quality tlles. istus we'll cheerfully refund your money on leftover tiles. f00% \lfnyf Tile Reg. S9< 474 1rx1r Sele W 1rx1r a--* OW. Gleu P H54&h Glamorous No-wax Self-stick GAFST.~.A · Self-stick No-wax Tile Solid Vlnyf No-wax Tile Solarshine Tiie Solarshlne • Tile Reg. 89< 71 4 SQ Reg, 99< 79~ SQ Reg. 99< 794 SQ 1r x 1r Sale n 1r 111r Sale n 1r 111r Sele n Reg. , 29 Sele 1't3 ""CW.,.. -~ lodl Gkn " SAVEl53 •• To help w ith your do-it-yourself projects, . '---.---------' we'll g~ you illustrated, how-to Instruction Self-stick Sty11sh. Natco Solid Vlnyt brochures on inst.ailing tile. Also tor your con-No-wax Vlnyt Aoor Tite Self-stick No~ax Tiie ~nlence, we'll loan you special tools to use Reg. 89< r-re"674 50 Reg. 89< r-1 67(SC1 tind offer useful decorating tips -free. ~.::; ..a " ~ ;:;,,,. ~ C " .... -... "' .. ,.,,_ .. ,,.. Vinyl Compcsition Self· stick Economy Tile l~:· I'"· 1IUU"ll Beautiful Luxurious Nafco Solid Pure Vinyl No-wax Tile Vlnyt, No-wax Tile GP' ii 100% vtnyt Seit-stick No-wax Tile Reg. -'CX 304 SQ 1r111r Sale n Reg. 79< 594 Reg. 59< 444 50 1rx 1r Sele w 1rx 1r Sele n Reg. 79< 59~ It' A 19" Sele 5:fl -COurt)Wd fllC·WS7 -.r•Ctllft Save 333 Ceramic Wall Tiie! Ouroble, ldl,,..flred gtaa talsts stains end scrotcha for effortless core. Reg. 1.-49 Sale Save 233 ! Glazed Mosaic Tile! Durable Vlnyf Composi- tion Budget Tile Reg 23< 164 50 ,, •• 1r Sele " ~ Save 23-333! Italian Quarry Tile! lhe unmatched ~auty of glozed quarry tile wtll add style to lK'f'I home Perfect on wolfs, counters and noors, Stain ond scratch reslstont, so it's u sy to keep ctun. Reg 1 29 -1.-49 ,., •• ,,1..... Sal 99~ 111171110, GOIOfl I l//!IJ) E.esy-te><lean, glazed mosoic adds glomo<K to fOytrs, "'-141" • EACH ~=:::n:~~~ 99~ Sale ends Sept. 151 ~Wl©!l Where All The Cholca Make All TM Difference SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER 2101 So. 15191 Beach Bristol St. Boulevard (IU ....... S.) 557-1324 898-3388 Ovtr 575 Tiie, Pa nt and W.lllpeper Supcm\Ol'U N&tlonwldc SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Street 547-7781 Mon.-Frl. M, let. M, lun. 11·5 Buy Now, Pay Later M1'f'IHMi f'mf ~. PUIOtWJZID llJNICl. ~-~ ~uo . Mnt.IM tMY Ylllf'f IH ~ S10llS ' .. ay goodby to Zonker, Uncle Duke and the gang NEW YORK (AP) A womun upp1 c~1t•h1~ an orru.-e dt>sk, pnd tn hand "Mr St>c.·rt·t<try'?" 11111' says "Sir. you'w l~n gl'Ulng ('qlls all mornin#( f~ an 1ruw bird watcht>r Hl•'s UIJ6l'l about lhl• proposed trnnsfor of the Matagorda r£•fugt>" "Whal for'!" ll VOll't.' sovs. ·•He claims it could ll'a~J to thl' l'Xllncuon 111 four dtffert'nt Spl'<'les or North Amem·an birds ... the woman says. "So what? Wl"ll still h ave• millions of pigeons. I run over 'cm in the parking lot all the lime," the• unseen l'abtnl't nwmbt•r says "Pigeons. sir'!" "Birds are bird!>, Mis..., Oemp:.i·y Thi.., 1s what I ml'an by l'X lrem1sm " lntl'rlnr St'C'retary J :imes l ; Watt probably has never run over thl· squat Ct•atlwry <.Tt'atun•s in his Washington parkmg lot But his ('artoon self onc1· d id in the amusing and of\C'n in cven•nt panels of "Doonesbury " But for t hl' nc>i...t 20 months or so. thl• controversial and ou 1spok1•n cabuwt mL•mbt•r will hav<· a repr ieve from t he l'omk abus<· ul cartoonist Garry Trudeau. who hi!!> ,mnoum•t'<I that h<: will stop drawing the• Pulttz<·r Prize· winning s trip nc·xt January su that ht• can g1Vl' himself a "brt'ath1•1 " T he a nnounn:ml·nt stun m·d OllJl' of thl• more l'Clebratcd !>Uhjt'\.'L., Trudl·au ha!> parcxfa•d in the past I :l Yl'a rs "I'm hl·artbrokl•n," fornwr Pn.•s1rlt•nt J1mmv Carter said in a tl'h·phonl' 11llerv1<:w from Plain~. Ga. "Garry....J:r udt•au 1s going to ll·uve us destitute "I've always admirN:I ham and saw him as someone who {'ould givC' a very int·1s1v1• amilys1s of world events." hl· said "Ev<:'n when 1t hurt tu be cn hdzed on OC..'t'<1s1on, I hstL·n<'CI to him. "He par od ied sonw of m y ch t.<r1shl•U tech niq u es 1n responding to abuslVl' Ill'\\ s reporters' qucstmns. l thought I was gNllng away w ith 1t lxx·aUSl' thl' Washington pr<'~" l'orps · didn't pick up on It But Garry did" Rl'p. M11l1cen1 Fl•nw1ck, R-N J .. has lx•l•n immortaliz<'<.1 bv th1• 34-v<•ar-old t·arloomsl m thl• pen and ink person of Lacey Davenport, the intrepid and unas.,ummg t•<mgrl>s.'-woman whost• nose 1s turm.-d up in pc•nnanL·nt noblesst• obhgc>. ''Oh, isn't 1t s:.1d." the· fo1sly Mn;. FL•nwkk said. "I'm so sorry to I~ Lacey She's sul·h a nil'(• woman -so unimprC'SSC.'CI wath h<•rself " Mrs. Fcnwil'k has rwvcr met Trudl·au and d idn't k now beforc•h;ind that i.hl' was to b<: a subject of a cartoon strip ''But t he st rip apparen tly drtvC's my opponents crazy l don't think anybody's going to vote for ml' lx'CaUS<' of La('('y Dav<'nport .. In current "Dounl·sbury" panels, Lacc>y Davenport has d«·1dl'Cl to talk to the homosexual community m her c'Ons t1tuency She tl•lls two m en at a rC<'c·ption that he r husba nd's uncle Or ville, a federal JUd ge in Chicago, has just "come out of the closet." ''That's great' What madl' him do 11'1" onl' ma n says. "High interest rates." Lacey says without missing a beat. "His butl('r tr1ro to blackmail him. and he couldn't afford 1t." Trudeau has Sl't off as many nl'rvous alarms and h as crush<'d 1ust as many toes 1n ""Main characte r s have been trapped in a time warp." "Doonesbury" as Walt K<.•lly's "Pogo," which once madl' the lal<.' L vndon B. Jonnson a longhorn stc'<!r and former Viel' President Spiro Agnew a hyena But m making fun of the nation's and the world's -power brokc.>rs. Trudeau sometlml'S went too far for some of his followers. During the last presidential elec-uon. S<.'V{•f<ll of the 700 newspapers that carry the> strip dedd<.-d not to prmt panels of a <:artoon tnp to "the mysterious world of Ronald Rcagan's bram " The stor y line had "Doonesbury's" dimwitted tclev1s1on newsman, Roland Hedley Ill. leading viewl'rs through the president's "memory vault," a "storchouS<' of images of an idyllic America. with 5-<.·<·nt Cokes, Burma Shave signs and hard-working white people." T rudeau was just as caustic in the Watergate era. when member papers dropped a strip that had radical disc jockey Mark Slackmeyer ending a profile of forme r Attorney General John Mitchell with the remark thnt "cvc•rything known to date t'fluld lead one to conclude that he's guilty. That's ~u1lty. guilty. guilty!" But the controversy did not halt Trudt•au. the Greta Garbo of thl' l'artoon world. A very private person who is married to NBC "Today" show anchor woman J ane Pauley, he refuses to talk to the media The announcement of his sabbatical came in the form of a statement from Universal Press Syndicate. He was born GarrNson Be<.'kman Trudeau and grew up in Saranac Lake, N.Y .. a vacauon land that he once dcsc.:ribcd as a "Christophl'r Robin exist('nce. I was well schooled in fantasy" When hts parents d ivorced, Trudeau was sent to St Paul's School in Concord. N.H. lie drew his first c:om1c strip w hen he entcrt..'d Yale University m 1966. The first installments of "Bull Tales," the forebear of "Doonesbury," a ppeared in 1968. T he strip l a ugh e d a t m ixer s a nd .ca mpus revolutionaries and the football exploits of Ya le star quarterback Brian Dowling, the model for "Doonesbury's" B 0 . Ove r the years. hts amusing and sometimes poignant array of characters -Zonker Harris, Mark Slackmeyer. J oanJe Caucus. 8.0 .. Michael J . Doonesbury, the Rev. W.S . S loan. Jr. and Uncle Duke -have delighted a nd bristled readers w ith their exploits and thoug hts on everything from women's rights to drugs to tanning. But. Trudea u now says, they have:' large ly remained In the mindset of another era "For almo8t 15 years. the mam cha racters have been I.rapped in a time warp, and so find thcm.'lelv~ carrying I.he colon and the scars of two scpnraw generations." h(' said in his stateme nt "It w as unfair to stretch their rormo\lve yean to embrace both Vietnam and preppy." "Garry T rudeau has a lways be<>n more critical of hbnsclf than ttls rt'oders and Ni1tors have been and that Is w hy he is taking this 1abba\ical,'' said Unive rsal pretidl'nl John P . McMeel. "He f~la his chBlactcrs hove not arown u fut u ht" would Jikc to M't" '' .. A'XX~ I l/Elfl!I( GOllMM HIM I'- \ l...a•·•·> Uavt~nporl, a tukt•off on He p. Millicent l;-e nwick , R-N.J., shown with an ussistunt in thi "Doonesbury" strip. Fenwick says she is Hsud to .lo e l..ace y." Luce y was f eaturcd in rc~ent strips . NO DEALER SALES AD STARTS SUN. ASPENITE ... Tougher tha n plywood or pa rticle board. Constru ction grade right for out<' oor as well aa indoor work. 1/4" 497 4x8 7/16" 777 4x8 ,'. 5/a " TEXTURE T 1-11 EXTERIOR SIDING .:.:,. '.·' 11 !~ ' ' • : f ' ; F or a very western look. ' . I • i 1 Very con temporary. ' ·~ Grooves are four inch u on • center. create nice terlure when the light crosses them. GRABER FINE LINE ALUMINUM MINI BLDIDS 55% OFF MANUFACTURER'S LIST PRICE O u r deal comes with a Free valan ce, in matching col or. A rainbow of colors to choose from . M ad e to your special order. 23":s42" BLIND AT 50% OFF IS 242s For d eckin g . patio, wa Ucways. •hower base. Tons of usea. (Life i• like a •hower. One wrong turn and you're in hot water.) SCBLAGE GEOIGIAI ENTRY LOCI 9~F! Schlag•. a great name. (In fact. h• told his m other h• wu glad 1he n amed h im Schlag• b.eau .. everybody call. him by that name.) Antique brua finish. ) SO FT. 1/z" DIAMETER VINYL BOSE When you don't have a hose that's long enough to get to the pla nts, doesn't it make you crazy? And to move one around a lot, pooh. Get t wo and leave them hooked up, Harvey. NO. 500 s;," DIAMETER TWO PLY VINYL HOSE .499 50 FT. NO. 600 ELECTRONIC BUG SNUFFER 399!.25 Attract. and elbninat .. bugs. (I attract bugs, but I miu ma.t of th.m. ) Protects about a quarter acre from flying inMCts. Safe around kids and pets. llOV. PENNY PICTURE FRAME SALE You buy one frame at regular and the second frame that is regularly the same price or less is jus t a penny. SC EN TEX ~ ~ f). 97~. A • ___ ..,.. Okay, here they an: Earthacent pump or Air Purifier. (I do not like car ac:enta, pooh. but you do what you like. Don't you alwaya?) ELMER'S GLUE ALL l V. oz. 19c 4 oz ....... 39• 8 oz ....... 59• 22oz ...... 1.29 Says it hu an anti·cl09 cap (I wish I had an anti · cl09 brain. ) Non· toJdc, white glu• dri .. clear. For wood, cloth, pottery. and other stuff. Uft an •ngine, pull a c•r out of the ditch, com .. with a 8 foot riMl cahl• lift, drop forv.d .tNM .,...., doubla •fety hoou. DURALi TE PADDED PATIO fUlllTU CHAIR 36!i~l CHAISE 72!i!1 ) · P a tio clea rance ao do n ot dawdle, get in early for selection. O..p ch ocolate and plaid comfort. While it laau. CHAPIN SPRAYERS WVUllED ru1m TOP Two at.c;ie w ety lock, adjustable •at'ld, e&nyinc;i str ap. 1'2 1 ft88 3~, 21 aa GAL. '7•11 s GAL. 113S PWTIC co•u:sso All Clean. u p n ice. for UM with m aterialll t hat &Nt cor l"08i•e t o m .tal. ~24~2 ~27~53 BUDGE NYLON FOAM SEATCOVERS ··~ Stylu for 4 door solid back , bench type Mat. or the 2 door split beck, or the coN10le split back . In black, blue, or beige. WOLO ROTATING TRUNI LOCI GUARD ~J:.;i: al.Ma.t lmpouible to pop that trunk look. ( Spuking of can, my wife t. eo •motional ahe c:rt .. when the traffic Ught t. aQainat her.) . . ~ Give more priority to flood control elf orts The Santa Ana H1vN has floode d bofore and It will flood again. It's not a quc•slion of 1f, just a matter of when. The raver at it.s worst l'Un turn. most of \he northern l'ounty into a Jake. Though such !loods art.' rare, there also ts no qu<.'Slaun that anothe r one will com(• ('VentuuJly. T h e r (' w i 1 I b t• a m a j o r diffe rence m Orangl' County the next time sul'h a flood arrives, however th e million -plus people anti billions of dollars worth of property in the water's path. Flood control officials say a great flood on the river today would cause $12 billion in loss<.•s in the county, and more import.antly the loss of 1,000 lives. There arc expensive plans to control the river lhe current price tag is an l'Stimatcd $1 billion -and political considerations plus the hard task o f finding the money (even for a scaled-down $650 million plan) makes implementation elusive. Even if a ·flood control plan were adopted today. officials say it would take five years to begin construction and another 10 years to complete. That brings us to 1997 -and another 15 years of staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. That's too long . W e understand that projects of such magnitude take time. but the enormity of the problem demands extraordinary effort In our recently completed · series on the river, a number of officials seemed aware of the need t-0 expedite lhmgs, but the sum total is still a wait for protection that could even extend beyond the turn of the century. Carl Nelson, dirt'<:tor of public works for th e t•ounty's Envirunmt>nLal Munagt'mcnt Agl'ncy, pcrhupis undcrslat{'d the case wtwn ht> suld thot current knowl edge or the river'• d<'structlvc pot<'ntial "suggests that there ought to be more..• haste in our present planning." Offat.·ials al all ll'VPls ought 1.u u1kc> thut staleml•nt to hl•art. In the meant1mt•, top prionty should be given to two measur<•s that can do a lot to lt.·ssen the suffe ring. One, a system that monitors flow a long thl' river and would give several precious hours extra notice of a flood, already has been, funded by Orange County Supervisors. It will not be in operation .until the 1983 rainy season, officials say. We would hope to see it in place sooner if at all possible. The second measur<• 1s one that mostly must be left !JP l.u the nearly 600,000 property owners in the county's flood wnc -flood ins urance. The sad £act today is that, of the nearly 500,000 homes in the Santa Ana's Orange County flood plain, just 25,000 have flood insurance. That's only 5 percent. County government has taken the slep of authorizing mailing of a warning to all property owners in the flood plain urging them to buy insurance. but that won't arrive until the 1983-84 tax bills are ma iled. Perhaps local governments can get the word out sooner by consjdering a similar mailing. The c hanc es of a major flood happening in the next year ·are slim , but a few thousand spent to warn people that they can insure against the damage would appear a paltry sum if the feared event does occur betwPen now and thPn. Recovery anticipateyl Some cautiou s optimism comes out of SacramentO' to- suggest there may be new signals that the current recessionary economy has bottomed out. Taxes offer the clue. According to state Finance Director Mary Ann Graves. state government's tax revenue came close to forecast levels this last August. This is the first time that revenues matched projections this year. Two months ago, the forecast for August t.,ax revenues was $2 billion. It actuaUy came in at $1.9 billion. By contrast, June tax totals were what the state finance chi~f described as •·a killer" when revenues fell a whopping $185 m1llion short_ Df forecasts. Analyzing the figures the state finance officer said she believes the August totals may be a sign that the recession has already reached its low point. The only question remaining. she suggested. is how long the econ omy will creep along the bottom before the economy begins to climb again. Let u s hope her prognostications turn out to be correct; that the bottom has been reached. the creeping will be short-lived , and bright signs of recovery will be clearly signaled soon. No fair dealing with jokers The Calif o rnia Fair Employment and H ousi ng Commission wants to play a joke on us. Unless its recommendation 1s overturned. a state regulation will take effect an November that deals peclf1cally with the telling of ethnic jokes. Employers of five or more persons could be fined or fac:e Other penalties if they can 't stop workers from repeatedly telling such jokes. ' We agree with Senate Minority Leader William Campbell who says the commission "has made some oontroversial rules in the past but this latest one is totally absurd." We can appreciate that. these ~okes can be offensive and degrading. but is government regulation the answer? 1 The sta te Office of tAdministrative Law. which passes CJn new regulations, has to review • the proposal before it goes into e ffect and we hope that its staff members use their common sense> and reject 1t. One a lso wonders why the Fair Employment and Housing Commission takes on itself the responsibility of implementing such a ridiculous rule. What does it have to do with employment? The people already are employed. What does it have to do with housing? The only connection we think of is that the employees might be under one roof. That's stretching points. But then the joke is on us, as it usually is. We're paying for the activities of the California Fair Employment and Housi ng Commission which would make a Big Brother of most employers. Will it be. "Smile. you're on Candid Camera" as employers monitor coffee room conversations or set up a reporting system. 1984 isn't here yet. pplnions expressed in the spat:e above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· eressed on tnis page are those of their authors and artists. Reader t:omment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone <11•> 6•2·•321. • \ . L.M. Boyd I ·Bumblebees } f Thia year'• bumblebees are not last ~at'• bumblebees. The entire colony, except tor Its queen, dies each year, ,irMt muat be re-created next year. African termites dlg their own water wella. AJJ d~p u 12~ feet, U necesaa.ry. They go down to the water ..i.ble. '·------------------------~--------~----------. Thomaa P. Haley ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot l'ublo-'* Tt.emo. A. Murphlr.. fcl1IOI Jon• A....n f .<«wl••• fdJQI' ...... 1(, ..... ld~OltOI '• fd1!0f Themee McConn Monoe"'O rdt!QI • 1',A)$ENG!RS WMO E~ECTED No7 TO PAY PA~J<IN~ COSTS AT Jo~N WAYNE ArRPORT AN[;) WOULD ~JKE TO BE ~ROPPED OFF AT IMEIR MOMES' MAY STA~T PUTTfNG ON 1'~EJ~ PA~c~urss ... ,. Letters to the editor Telecourse issue still unsettled To the Editor: Your editorial of Dec . 9, "Confrontation Cooled" conveys the impression that all or the recently raised issues between the faculty and the Coast Community College District have ~n settled "out of court." This impression 1s incorrect and unfortunate. Fu'St, the grievance prcx."edurc 1s not a "court": it is a way in which dispul<.'S over contract interpretation can be settled by the parties within the provisions of the contract Itself. The issue resolved by mutual action of the Board of Trustees and the AFT was only one: Were the teachers who had wnttcn the letter in March regarding tcle<'Ourses to be subject to disciplinary actions by their employers? The district had said yes! The teachers and the American Federation or Teachers had said no! The rescinding or the letters of reprimand and the concomitant withdrawal of the grievances render only this one issue moot THE CONCERNS of the faculty members over the comparabilrty of u.>lcx'Ourscs and cla.'iSroom c.'Ourscs have not been resolvt'd At the moment. however, the issue awaits the result of reviews by the four -year trans f<'r 1nst1tutions. The university systems in California are now considering tht' issuc.>s. The results of these investigations wall be the subject of much open discussion. The Academic Standards Committee of the Federation is following the assue closely. The faculty and the union's past record in attempting to achieve open discussion of the priorities of th'.? Coast Community College District 1s clear We mtend to continue this pursuit. The support of the press in bringing su<.'h issues to the public is imperative. We regret that the settlement of the reprimand issue was misconstrued -be assured that the bask educational issues will be heard. PHILLIS B. BASILE President, American Federation of Teachers, Local 1911 Gardner's column R eal asset To the Editor: I would like to publicly thank the J.M. Peters Co . for the beauty of the Belcourt project. The landscapi ng along MacArthur a nd Ford Road is outstanding and certainly a great asset to our community MRS. JOAN DELOZIER Would n ew site fly? To the &htor: This recommendation for a totally new international airport serving b oth Orange and San Diego t'Ounties and part of Los Angeles County has been suggested to Supervisor Tom Riley who relayed it t o his ''Blue Ribbo n Committ.ee." So l"Quch for vested interests and the public be damned. No acknowledgment has been rec.'eived from that group. The location s uggested lies on an alluvial flood plain on the boundary between Orange and San Diego counties, known as San Mateo Valley. lt lies wholly within the extreme northwest comer of the Joseph Pendleton Naval Reservation. It as used only for the production of market produce. · The soil is well drained and would reqU1re very little grading. The flight pattern for landing and take-off would be into the prevailing southwesterlies. The approach is over low-lying hills in a sparsely populated region from the northeast. The take-off pattern would be over the AT&SF Railroad, Interstate 405, and the shoreline. The Edison Company installations are some three miles south of the proposed flight pattern. THE LOCATION of this fac11aty would tie in with service on the Santa Fe (high-speed trains). Interstate 405 could carry heavy freight and passenger traHic, commuter aircraft c6uld move easily north or south to the principal population centers. • The airport facility. on virtually unused public lands. could be prepared and operated for many years with the least poss ible impact on existing communities, an a relatively short period of time. Southern San Clemente would get some noise nuisance. but the number or residences affected is rnmor compared to the very large numbers impacted in the Newport-Costa Mesa area. This would solve the extremely dangerous situation created by the use of jet airc·raft at Lindbergh Field in San Diego. The configuration of the coastline sGggest.s the name "Mae West Atrport," but "San Clemente International Airport'' seems to be more appropriate. WILLIAM 0 . PAYNE Basic budget rules To the &iitor: I know President Reagan has a lot o( highly paid advisers but I think that my experience in money management m1ght be beneficial to him. I have raised three childr<>n on my own. ln the prcx;ess I have hit upon some basJc rules in the matter of money. Anyone can have a balanc.'t.'Ci budget if the income 1s high enough. I startl'd working for m1mmum wage and paying a baby sitter Here are the rules: Rule No. I Don't spend at before you gN 1t. Rule No. 2 Don't loan anybody anything. Rule No. 3 Cut your overhead. No. 4 Don't buy anything you don't need. No. 5 Shop for the best buy No. 6 Before buying anything ask yourseli where you're going t.o put at. Be honest Do you have room £or 1t? No. 7 When you dcf1mtcly decide to spend money, wa1t a week. When things get really bad you can always have a garage sale The neighbors wall pat.ch m and contribute This might be a way of deaning out the Department of Defense stockpiles I'll make th~ signs. Nancy can serve lemonade and cookies and we'll all reap the rewards. LOIS SHUCK • l.ellers from readl!rs arl' u"elc-ome Thi' right to conden.w tellers 10 fit ."J>OCf! or eliminate II~/ 1s resert•ed IA>llers ot 3Q(1 u•nrds or /e.~s uill t>t> glt'en pre/ert'Tlet All 1 letters must include Slgnalure and madmg addrPss hut name~ may be U'llhheld on re qut>st If .~uf11c1ent reason 1s apparenr Poetry uill nor bt' published Letters may tw telephcm1vt In 642 W86 .\'ame and phone number 11( the contnbutor must tw given for IJt'Tl/ICOll/m purpo:ff'S Sur.£ ing judge cools irate citizen By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner, chief justice of American Samoa, is remembered along the Orange Coast as a longtime jurisi. lreque1!t emcee and semor body surfing enthusuui Prior to World War ll, when I was a city judge In Newport Beach, I kept my surfboard in the women's portion of the city jail since that part was seldom used. As 100n u court was over, I would drag that huge monster of a board out to the beach and surf near the pier. This Jed to two odd incidents. Being a prisoner in the old city jail wu an experience in casual penal practice. Inmates s lept nights In the jail and worked for the city during tbe day. painting curbs, washing police cart or cleaning weeds off vacant lots. They were given chit.a to buy their meala in nearby restaurant.a. I HAD SENTENCED A young aw-flnc buddy to Jail for a few days for tome kind of m(nor olfelllle. One day when l finished court I found him washing police can behind the Jail. I tnvited him to aurf whh me. He ~· In about an hour an officer walked out on the pltr and yelled down al my young frt nd t~t hb mother wu calUna him from Paudma and that ahe wu bolllna mad. When thla woman found out that her aon couldn't come to lhe phone bec:a~ he ... IUrftna with the Judp ahe blew he cork. When her eon went lo Jail, w wantANI him 1o 80 1o Jail. She WM a woman of old·falhlontd lcS.e of ncht and wrens Ind if w '°" h8d done wrona the wan'*9 h&m ~ for It Surfine wtth the JMdp WM nc>t Mr Idea of •punllhlDent. Mni locked In • c.ll WU, Then there was the incident of the lrate citizen. One day I was surfing after court when a policeman again came out on the pier and yelled that some woman wanted to talk to the judae about a parking Ucket. A lousy ~ omt parking ticket! Most ~pie juat paid their 50 centa at the p0Uce sta\lon and that was the end of It. Not thla woman. She waa lni"Y· She thouaht ahe was the vk:Um of an injuaUce and she lnslsted.on talking to the judge. So. I paddled In, w nt to the un· Ot'CUpltd women'• porUon of the jail and tiarted to aet dretM<I. Slnce thb WIB s<>tnc lo be a very brtef telllon, 1 just put on a ahJrt, ~t and Ue and left my wet twlm trunka on without putUna on an.y trcJU1tn. ~ or eocka. t went to th courtroom ... t down tMthlnd the desk *hkh ..-ved u a bench, picked up the phoM and told the desk tef'INJ\l to tend the woman ln. I I could hear her striding purposefully down the sidewalk from the jail and clattering up the steps into the City Hall. l could tell from the way she was walking she was upset. I braced myself for the onslaught. The large. imposing woman entered the room. She walked toward me and the collapse was total. Her mouth opened, the blood drained from her face. and her eyes bugged out. She approached the bench hesitantly, almost fearfully. I asked her what the trouble was. She just shook her head and mumbled something about being sorry for having bothered me. She held out her :50 cents. I took it, gave her a receipt, thanked her and she almost ran out of the room. A COUPLE OF MONTHS later, I met her at a cocktail party and in a crazy conversauon that wu at fltSt strained and eventually hilarious, the truth dove loped. i had forgottt>n that the plywood of the desk didn't. go all the way acroa. Thus. as one :ipproached the desk the bottom part of my body was visibl . Thl1 woman had gone Into the courtroom mad ond re11<fy to take on the whole city. When she walkf'd toward the ~nch ahe saw a younc man dretaed from th~ waist up but •ll ahe could aee throuih the ~ were • couple of lone he1ry leas and two larae. aandy feet. She wu c:onvin~ that I w11 naked from the wa.lat down and w11 IOlna lo Jump to my fHt any minute .M ••Poet my.lf to htt. It wu an fftY way lo ~l off an lnte <'itlun. \ __ __. _________ ,.__ ____ = ------·~----..... -----~ .I ~ I ' . • A1 Crash investigators callous, yet mindful of painful task From Page A4 melhOdology,'1 t'xplu1ni1 Tom McCaarthy. the group's leadl'r. "We gt•t IM!t up ond put the thlng lnto operauon. Whul al uikes afwr that la a lot of devouon and hard work." The team bourdcd a FN.ierul Aviutlon Administration plane an Wuhlngton for tht• flight to New Orleans International Atr~rt When they arnved, mOtlt team members quickly found their hotel beds at the Airpoct HlllOn, where a conference room would serve as tht•tr headquarters for the next 10 days. McCarthy 1mmed1atcly drove lo the scent· two miles away. With him was Putric:aa Goldman of the safety board itselC, which always sends one of its own to the bag crash<.>s. Sweaty, haggard rescue workers movt•d eerily through wisps of smoke. hot and steamy in the klieg lights mounted in the debris. The wreckage was a crazy mixture uf the chic accoutrements of flight and the homey fixtures of suburban hfe. Burst leather suit.cases and charre d washing mac hines. Twis t ed wingClaps and 11mouldering ijvmg room couches in ash-filled streets. To the crash pro be v e te rans it was reminiscent of another residential crash , when o Pacific Southwest Boeing 727 met a small plane in flight and plummeted into San Diego on Sept.· 25, 1978, to leave 144 dead. "ll's really sobering when you realize you are responsible for an investigation of that magnitude," McCarthy recalls thinking as he surveyed the plane's broad path of destruction. "We were right in the heart of a residential area and that's the toughest of all," he said. "That's horrible. .. "You've got people there. You've got homes involved. You've got to com:entrate on getting the wrecltage out of there so you don't create a health hazard. "If it went down in a swamp, it would be another problem, but you wouldn't have the probh:1n» uf && c.'Ol'J\munlty t.o l'Orudd,•r." ll m ant that so·tc•m mcmoort would hav to 6&ttt their on~i(.-t•n • lnapl'<·tloN done quickly. The wrt-<:kag had to bt· muvt-d out, th area dug up. The tll'jt morrting they ffmnl'<i out quickly In their blue Jumptulta and bueball·1tyle capt, accompanied by "inte r est ed ponies" representing Pun Am, enginti manufacturers Pratt and Whitney Corp .• Boeing Corp,, the lnte rnoUonal AssodatJon of Airline P;Jota, the Independent Union of Fhght Attcnd1.1nt.t1, the Flight Engin~rs Association, and so on. O 'Brien's tlr11t ch or<' was crucia l unmvcrmg the two "black boxcs" mounted an the big .14-•f s tail scN1on. Tht• tail first had t.o be sbifted with a crane. Dozens of charred bodies tumbled loose. But the boxes we re there. And they were black. The bright orange paint designed to make them stand out had been burned off. Each of the two boxes contains a r<.>c0rding that oflen proves vital ln the NTSB probe. One holds a recording of the last.30 minutes of cockpit conversatiol'ft on a rotating magnetic tape. The other. a length of metal foil. holds information from the aircrnft's instruments. The cockpit voice r('COrdcr on this flight was an old model, possibly 20 years old. The magnetic heads were out of line. The last words of the crew w ere also marred by background noise, including the whirring of the windshil•ld wiper. Back in Washingto n, where the tapes were immediately Clown, an FBI team went to work. T h ey tried to make adjus tments for the misaligned heads, but fail<.>d: They tried· to screen out the background. In the end, transcribing crews would face the task of sitting for weeks, trying to listen past the scratch and garble. The NTSB made its first r('<.:Ommendation in connecuon with the crash . Re place the old recorders with newer, more reliable models. No one was surpriS<.>d that. in the picture AP Wlr9'1f\OIO The charre d, twisted wreckage of 727 jetliner framt>s searc hen; who hunt for bodies and eek clues as to cam;e of crash. that began to em erge. weather loomed ever larger as a factor From the beginrung, there was speculation that Flight 759 went down because of wind shear -a sudden s hift in wind direction and speed. They a r e o ft l'n found arou nd a nd an thunderstorms. and a re JUSt as mercurial. "h 's a tough thing to pan down. h's very shorthved and d1minut1vt• in saw It's something we don't completely understand," Gregg Salotto, a weather expert, said Shear fore es aircraft down from glidepath From Page A4 an attempt to learn more about the weather phenomenon one scientist says "is lurking insidiously" along fhght paths "like sharks off shore." The culprit is a particularly s trong and dangerous wind shear -a sudden change in wind direction or speed often associated with thunderstorms but found, according to recent studies. in calmer weather as well. Safety specialists believe s uch shears are connected with 33 commercial aircraft accidents in the past 18 years and have been directly linked to nine such accidents over the past decade. Pilots say some microbursts encountered without warning at low altitudes are virtually impossible to survive. Indeed, after the Kennedy International crash. veteran pilots in a simulator were told to fly through a shear like one Eastern Flight 66 ran into. or 54 approaches, only five succeeded. Yet tod_.y safety officials acknowledge there is little more protection against such shears along airport flight paths than on that steamy New York City afternoon June 24, 1975. Awareness has increased among pilots and air carriers, tr,aining sessions on how to deal with wind shear have gained new attention, and some detection devices, ahhough bmit.ed in acope, have been installed at 58 airports. But critics complain that developmenl of safeguards against wind shear. beginning with equipment to detect downbursts along critical takeoff and approach paths, has been too slow and conse rvative. a iming at a perfected technology whe n an adequate one may already be on hand. The 1975 crash at Kennedy lt1temational led to·an important discovery. Poring over thousands of bits of information , meteorologist Theodore Fujita of the U niversity o f Chicago found something startling. At the time. wind shear was believed to be associated onJy with a broad gust front that was easily 1dent1f1ed . Fujita was pe rplexed that different a ircraft landing within minutes of each other a long the same flight path encountered HEADACHE VICTIMS! WE ARE DOING A CLINICAL STUDY ON MIGRAINE HEADACHES. NEED VOLUNTHRS TH E STUDY Will CO MPOSE THE · EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO CURRENTl Y USED MEDICATIONS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEADACHES. CALL 714/642-1057 8-9 a.m. or 4-5 p.m. Ask for Marilyn FREE SPINAL EXAM l1H •·•· • I , ••• •H·Frl tlar1 St,t. IO Or. Rothenberg will be able t o w i 1h si mple, painless testing. determine the condition of the spine. Early detection of bark pr o blems is the best prevention for furtht>r back ailments. Although wt are arrrphng ~'°' partf'nta, thnc it no ub~a~n 1(t,.r frtt appotnlmtnl. 536-2541 Dr. C11')' H. Roth11ll111 Chlnpracter . 714 Adams St., tbltilcton Beach ,, different winds; some landed w ithout difficuJty. And w hile an airport wind meter showed only a 15-knot sea breeze at runway level. a localii.ed surge of wind mile away was strong enough to bring down the Eastern jetliner. He discovered a downdraft of e xtreme local intensity and short duration and coined a new term in meteorology: the "down burst." Later tests by Fujita near Chka~o wouJd produce as many as 10 downbursts in an area, with many of them extremely powerful but small in diameter. He dubbed those "microbursts." In a downburst, an avalanche of cold air, piled atop a mass of thunderclouds, descends at speeds of 60 mph or more in a path perhaps less than a mile in diameter. As the downward gust of air hits the grpund. it shoots out horirontally in all d irections much as water dropping from a faucet into a sink. An unJucky jet that flies into a downburst Diagram illustrates how sudde n wind hear, ometimes blowing a t more than 60 mph, fo rces plane down from glide path, often c.·ausing the craft to crash. first enc:ounters a headwind that increases the flow of air across the wings and causes the pla ne to lift, possibly giving a pilot the false impression he should pull back on power; then in seconds the plane hits the center of the downburst and is shoved toward the ground . Flnally. m perhaps the most danger:ous phase, the aircraft moves out o f the downburs t and encounters a sudden tailwind that sha rply reduces the flow of air across the wings and again sends the plane plummeting. Fujita -who's called "Mr Tomado"Jor htS intense interest m unusual winds -continued to study the phenomeno{I. In 1978. he monitored 10 downbursts over 45 days of tests a round Chicago's O'Hare airport. This summer scientists launched a close study of such downbursts near S taple ton Airport in Denver and "found loads of them ... many' more than we thought," says James Wilson of the-National Center for Atmospt'ier1c Research. He says the large number -al least 50 during the three-m o nth watc h surprised the- acientists. ''We found there 1s llltle relat1on s h1p between the appearance of showers and the intensity of the winds," says Fujita. "In the eyes of the pilot it may appear to be innocent. That is usually the case." . The scientists also were impressed with the speed in which the downbursts appeared and disappeared with some lasting no more than a few m inutes. This has .made the n eed for d evelopm e nt of prompt dctection a nd notificauon equipment a key requirement. safety experts say. But development of wind shear detection equipment. especially along takeoff and landing paths where downbursts l'an bt> most dangerous. has been short of what pilots and air safety experts ~uJd,like. "The~e no systems installed at airports today which will accurately detect (wind shear) ... phenomena," complained Jack Howell, air safe t y c ha irman for the Aa r Line Pilo ts Association at a recent congressional hearm~ 0 DIAMONDS LIDO DRUGS .............. ,~~ .................................. .. 3445 via lldo • newport beach• phone 615-0150 r .................... .. ATIEllTIOll • I MO~~~~tt~~~ r~~~~RS I ~ I at the next two City Council meetings I o I Mon. Sept. 20th 7:30 p.m. I I Mon. s~~t. ~7th 7:30 p.m. I .. 2000 Main St., Huntington Beach m ................. " . \ Vido Deon • Personal Core ...,, Piii fashion section every Sunday! .. 40% to 50% off ... 7172 Edinger Ave. Huntintton hoch, CA. JO.mco Center) (114) 142-1334 ~ -· EllZABETH EYlER Jtwtlry Dtsigner with purcha~c of l /4 ct~ or larger the ~ctting will be FREE OF CHARGE For your convenience we will be open on Monday' SAl,t; t.:NDS SF.PT. ,'4>th l ( Orange Oo11t DAIL.V PILOT/Sunday, September 19, 1982 • ·--e1n • • on AMERtCAS LARGEST PtANo AND ORGAN DEALE R WIN A N ·Ew S.TEINWAY PIANO For more than 100 years Sherman Clay has.been chosen to represent the Steinway piano. The Steinway is more than a piano -It Is a r tradition, and a long-term investment. To commemorate this Jlne pJano during Steinway Month Mr. John Steinway has personally signed a limited number of pianos designated aa t~e "Signature Collection." REGISTER .NOW~ No PU(_Chase Necessary Fill-Out Ticket At Any Sherman Clay Store Befgre Sept. 30, 1982. All Steinways are created equal Steinway builds only one piano. It is built in several models, several sizes and at various prices. All bear the Steinway name and trademark. There is no second line. There is no lower level of finish-no technical compromise designed to .. bring in an instrument" for a lower price . . . -r· The grandest grand and the smallest upright are built in the same factory by the same practiced hands. drawing on the same stock of raw materials. Biggest and smallest share the same patented features- features which cannot be found in other pianos. . From.beginning to end every Steinway is created the equal of every other Steinway ... wh ich is·t o say that all S"teinways are created superior to any other piano you can buy. WE OF-'FER OUR OWN CONVENIENT FINANCING CHARGE IT lft todaJ'I tl9ht•money market, credit can '-• • proltlem. At lherlMft Clar •• off er our • .,. f6n1ncin1 • . SOUTH COAST PUZA Lower Level Bullock'• Win_g . . MOST STEINWAY PIANOS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . &4&-041& ·. - D1HyPU1t SUNDAY, SEPT. 19, 1982 FOR THE REC ORD 87 Ramsey sparks offense while UCLA def en e shuts down Badgers .. 82. 0 D USC (yawn) thumps Jndiana, 28-7 Salisbury sparks explosion before sleepy second half Bv ROGER CARUON OflM Deltr ,... ..... LOS A.NOELF.s -They put everyone to sleep ll'\ the second half and for a while many had forgotten just how well the Southern Calfomia Trojans mopped up the field with Indiana through the fint 30 minutes Saturday. Even C.oach John Robinaon's opening remarks following his team's 28-7 lacing of the Hoosiers was .. somewnat apologetic statement about how boring the second half was and he told his equad, "Our work paid off, but let's not kid ourselves, it was a boring aec:ond half an<:f it was because of an inability ~ concehtrate. " "Let's don't forset the pain we carried last week," he said, alluding to USC's season-opening loss at Florida. The non-conference triumph before 50,724 1un-baked fans at the Coliseum was a study in contrastl as the Trojans scored a touchdown on its first four possessions, then settled in for the day, QOntent to sit on the lead. Sean Salisbury , the 6 ·5 sophomore quarterback, wu near-perfect In the first half, completing 7 of 8 for 97 yards and two touchdowns. He acored a touchdown hlmlelf from Inches out and Joey Browner's 54-yard punt return accounted for the other TD. Salisbury's payoff pitches were first to Todd Spencer, who took the short pass and with a brilliant move, aped 30 yards for the touchdown. His second TD pus was. .a thing ol beauty, acrambllng and literally firing with an overhand fastball to Todd Dellutri from 13 yards out. "It wasn't a designed play.'' said Salisbury. "I didh't want to throw a pie and Todd found some space and I had the time to get It there." In all, Saliabury was 13 of U for Yll yards. His first touchdown pass came momenta after tackle Bruce Matthews had been ejected from the game for protecting ~ting) his quarterback. On a acramble, bury went out of bounds and then aome "ahovtng and talking" took pl.ace, .ending Matthews Into a duel with lndiana'a Marlin Evans, a 212-pound linebacker. "I love him for it," aald a smiling Saliabury, aUll wearing a flak jacket adorned in the eecond half as a precautionary measure. Sallabury wouldn't elaborate on the "talitng" upect of Indiana'• game, electing to pralh' an offensive line which gave him the time to eet the field on fire In the firat half with his pa.ulna. Matthews, of course , will be back for the Oklahoma skirmish ne)Cl week, but August CUrley, a 6-4, 224·pound linebacker, will not alter suffering a knee Injury with anticipated surgery flnishin8 his senior eeason. The victory, upping'the Trojans' record to 1-1, waa never ~t.ened' by the Hoosiers, who were simply outmanned, almost to the polnt of appearing inept .. Indiana Coach Lee Corso. however. put the record straJght on that matter. (See USC, Page 84) College football USC 28. lndiana 7 San Jose St. 35, S tanford 31 California 28, San Diego St. 0 Cal St. Full~rton 14, Cal Poly (SLO) 10 Washington 23, Arizona 13 Arizona St. 24, Houston 10 Arkansas 29, Navy 17 Texas 21, Utah 12 SMU 31, Te>Cas-El Paso 10 UCLA 51, Wisc:onsln 26 Kansas 30. Texas Christian 19 Nebraska 68, Ne w Mexico St. 0 Notre Dame 23, Michigan 17 North Carolina 34, Vanderbilt 10 Oklahoma 29. Kentucky 8 Penn S t. 49, Rutgers 14 Alabama 42, Mississippi 14 Pittsburgh 37, Florida St. 17 ( Complet• 8eeree P••e .. ) . I Victory is first priority . Just Missed Detroit, not strike, is on Rams' minds today By JOHN SEV ANO Of 1M Dally ,,._. ataff As if the Rams didn't have enough problems following 1.ast week's humiliating defeat to Green Bay and today's confrontation with the Detroit Lions, there will be more, if you can believe that, on the players' minds this afternoon ( 1 o'clock at Anaheim Stadium) than just playing football. With the possibility of an NFL players strike juat a mere 48 hours away, It's hard to imagine the players will have their attention focused on their opponent. AND YET, AT the same time, with one loss already under their belts, it 'hard to imagine the Rams can Ignore this one either. Either way, things, as they usually are with the Rams, could prove to be very interesting as the two teams collide. "Everybody has got the same problem," says Rams Coach Ray Malavasl. "Our players are professionals. though, and they were embarrassed last week. They're going to want to win." Of coune they're going to win to win. but the playera are also gol.ng to want to know where their next paycheckJs coming from. "It's on your mind," aay1 center Doug Smith of the atrike, "but it's not gofn8 to affect my playing. "I'm not playing for management. I'm playing for God and my team. So you .ee, my motivations are not strictly money. It (the strike) ls important, but it's down the line of my prioritJea." "l'M NOT GOING to concern myself with it," adds Bert Jones. "If a strike comes, it comes. I'm not going to let it affect how I pl.ay Sunday." It sounds nice, but players are only human. Prior to last year's baseball strike, a number of pl.ayers admitted their pl.ay tiad suffered because of the cloud hanging over their heads. agrees defensive tackle Mike Fanning. "It can be a distraction if you let it." But isn't this te am always ,filled w ith ' distractions? "IT'S ALWAYS BEEN that way since I've been here," Fanning answers. "It just makes things more interesting." ~ What's interesting will be how the Rama handle the Lions. The Rams beat the Lions 20-13 Tiie NFL bart1alnlnt1 tllble will be basy •ll•ln Monday. ( ... , ....... ) last year, but the year before they were crushed by Detroit in their opener, 41-20. Last week against Green Bay, the Rams appeared to be cruising to an easy victory (they led 23-0 at the ball) only to have things collapse in~ eecond half. The IC* left a lot of doubtl and question m.atP as to just bow good the Rama ~are. The Lions, on the other hand, although their minds wot4d haw to be strike-oriented, too, come into the cont.eet having won their first game (beating Chlcae,o, 17-10). Plua, Detroit comes into the contest with~ almoet fully effident Billy Sims, who ended hii holdout just prior to the Bears game and expecta td be at 90 percent of his form against the Rams. SO, IT APPEARS as if the Rams will haYe plenty to deal with. ::. "1 think they'll concentrate on the game bllt there are so many intangibles involved.'' claims Mal.avast Saddleback's John Marshall (28) can't hold on to pass in the end zone as Golden ~est's Gregg Webber (21) and Hiriam Winn defend. Story on Page 83. "Hopefully, it's something where once the game starts it won't be a d istrac tion," says Jinebacker G eorge Andrews. "It's definitely something that will weigh on our minds, though." "It's something you have to guard against," "I have no p roblems dealing with the situaton,.'' offers Preston Dennard. "When the strike comes, it will happen and I'll deal with it then." That's because the Rams have to deal with Uie Lions first. Niekro shuts out Dodgers LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ron Cey had only words of praise for Houston's J oe Niekro, who blanked Los Angeles on two hits Saturday night In a 2-0 victory by the Astros over the Dodgers. ··~'H e could have beaten ahybody tqnight," said Cey, who had one of the two hits allowed by Niekro. "To realize how tough it is hitting his knuckleball, all you have to do is watch the catcher diving all over the place trying to catch it." Niekro's fourth shutout of the aieason reduced Los Angeles' lead ln the National League West to 2 \Ii games over second-place Atl.anta, which beat Cincinnati 5-4 earlier Saturday night. The winning pitcher for the Braves waa Nlekro's brother, Phil, who II DOW 15-4. "They were big wins for Phil and myself, they were big for the fFly," said Joe Niekro. "Our ,.ther la in a h09pital ln West Vlrainia. he's not doing that well. ~anyway, obviously there's no love lost between the Dodgen and the Aatroe. Houston's Niekro, 16·10, wu .eked who he would like to see Win the dlvbJon . "If you had a brother pitching for one of the two clubs which one would you want to 11ee win?" 1fid the 37-year-old right-hander •ho has allowed only five •rned runs In hla Jut 53 2·3 innings, an 0 .84 Hrned run _.erqe. ' Ray Knlsht end Luis Pujola tluaect homen off Bob Wtlch to •Ci Nlekro'• sixth Ural1ht .-,mpJete game u the Aotro'a t-DODGERS, P ... 8') I ~ Angels have a blast while Royals are being blasted Lynn's ninth-inning single spark s 8-6 victory; Kansas City's lead dwindles to just one game TORONTO (AP) -Fred Lynn has had to watch his California teamates from the bench this month as they try to gain fint place In the American League West and it's been almost as painful aa his rib Injury. The veteran centerflelder finally got his chance to help Saturday and he came through with a two-run al.ngle in he ninth inning to give the Angela an 8-6 come-from-behind victory over the Toronto Blue Jays. "He ran early this morning and didn't feel right. but came to me just before batting practice and said he was OK.'' Angeh Manager Gene Mauch said of Lynn, who cracked a rib Sept. 1. "He felt like he could do it . so he did." With two out In the ninth. Doug DeClnces and . R&ggie Jackson stroked consecutive alnglea and pinch-hitter Don Baylor followed with a walk to · 16ad the basea. Lynn then slapped his winnlng hit put the outatretched glove of loeer Dele Murray. 8-6. "Thia was one we had to wln," * American Le99u• Weit Royals Angeli Chicago W L Pct. GB 84 63 .568 82 65 .561 1 78 67 .531 51/1 l{AMl.U cm ( 14) -HOME (1): Sept. t7. u. n . Allflllll, hol. '°· o.. 1. 2.1.~!.~>••ct•ncl A:= a..it. ft,~ •• 4"1V'• l.O. 21. H, I ~a4. H i.H i O.CIW. (1& -HOM11 (I ·Sept 1.0, U , 22, KllllMt City; . 1, 2, I,~ ..... AWAY (I I! ...,. 11. T0tonto, ... n . t•. H , H. Ttxa. e.t 21 2t It, KIMM Clfr CHtcAiO 1111 -HOMI ll ). t tt11 ti, Ollk~ 8"". 14. H 1 M, Mllw!MOtt, e.t. 11(21.ff ....... 11.'#AY9!i .... IO,tt, 22, II. ,...._ Oct t, I. t. ~IWt& said Jackaon. "Being down 5-1 and coming back is big for ua. It'll help us get back on the right track. were blasted by Minnesota 11-5. In their half of the Inning. singles and advanced on Baker's sacrifice bunt. Iorg scored on . , Moseby's groundout and Griffin :. came home on Willie Upshaw'• • double to left.. "We haven't pl.ayed well the last few games. Toronto didn't just beat us in the first two games; they handled us pretty good." .. Trailing ts-3 m the sixth, the Angels pulled to within a run on Brian Downing's two-run single. The Angels tied the game in the eighth when Murray issued a bases-loaded walk to Juan Beniquez. Jackaon hit hJa 35th homer of the season oft Toronto starter Jim Gott to give the Angels a 1-0 lead in the first. But the Bh.ae Jays came back with three runs Lloyd Moeeby doubled to left center off Angel atarter Mike Witt to 1COre Dave Baker, who had been hit by a pitch. With one out, Al Woods belted his third homer of the sason over the right-field wall for a 3-1 Toronto lend . The Angels 1COred in the thitd on Lynn's run-scoring grounder. Toron to made it 6-2 in the t hird on Wayne Nordhagen'a run-scoring single, but the Angels closed to 6-3 on DeCinces' RBI single In the fourth. Luis Sanchez, 7-3, pitched the final four l.nnlngs for the victory as the Angels moved to within one game of the Royals, who The Blue Jays went ahead 5-1 •in the second against reliever John Curtis. Garth lorg and Alfredo Griffin hit consecutive Strike adds ironic twist to Raiders' plight Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and uked me, but . . . • U it la not the unkindest cut of all, it wU1 cer1alnly be the moat lronic stroke of all if the National Football League players go out on strike before the Raiders fint replar aeuon same here Oct. 3. • It 11 noteworthy that ln the 1t.ru.ule for the ptin~ and spoken word, bueli&U produces four -count 'em, four -sreat pennant racea while football 1eneratea di1taateful copy about the NFL labor dilpute and probable strike. • San Dle10 Clipper owner Donald Sterlinl says he would not take $20 million for the franch.lle and he 18 dead rllht . . . He should hold out until eomebody comes along and offers a few thoueand CMh. • Football writ.en who have switched from the Ra.ma to the Raiders aay there II a feelln1 of cloaeneu In the Raider .,.,._Uon which Mr not eldot In what the late Carroll bloom u.ed to call the 11Ram fam1ly." • Be there a man wi l IO deed who never to h.lmMlf bu "I l~ a team that beata th• apned." • !'or all the publicired aaonY Phyllil Georp went throuch to ,.t the Interview with Geor11a J'ronU•r• for CBS, the productian Wll 8() .xJnda. OI' th_..boutll; of totally lnlipld COD1eft\. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER • Hopefully• the RTD strike wUl be settled ln Umo for the Freeway World Serl•. • Thoee who were IO critlcal of Tom lhnnon'a work on the Raiden' preeeuon telecatta mlght not have been ao unkind If they had known Harmon wu probably work.lJll for nothlna . • And you can make IOn'le mone)' at the nelahborhood tavern bet\lna that Harmon dld not euend Mlch11an on a footbell teholarahJp. • Practice tor the 1wtmmln1 and equeeu-lan eventa for th• 1884 Ol>'}lG~~ GNnM will be htld at the lndu.uy and Sheraton Raort and the fedlltill for the actual competition ahoUJd be IO 1-Wh and adequaM. • It would hardly seem potalble to conclud< manapr of the yar and moat valuable player ln efth« the National « AIMrkan t..cue until the champbllbl.-.,. dedcled. 'l • If you are looking for a collese team on which to riak an occa.aional bob, check out • the weekly spread lnvolvins Ariz.ona State. • Topic of trivia conversation for cocktaQ ~· and dinner partlea: name the nine NFL teams that drafted ahead of the Raldera and pa$9ed on Mam.as Allen. • Bobby Unser aaya the nicest thins about enaln e additives .. t:1at the ctr doesn't eftn know they are there. • If RaJder owner Al Davia really CU"el only about wfnnlna football and not about hoardif\I money, why wouldn't he buy himself a d41cent au.It? • Mlnnuota Twins manaaer DUiy Gardner who wu arrt9ted the other nlaht for drlnkinc and drivlnl hu a team whlch " probably drlvlnc him to drlnk. • If -make that when -the NFL soea on at.rlke It wlll permlt the four areal pennant l'8Cft to pt the proper reepect . • The Houaton OUen are the wont Uttl• football teen\ ln Tn.M. • A.mold Pa1mtt and ... ~ ...... telkl~• about • aolf courae coat1n1 80methinl Uke $200 m1llion for Medford, Ore. For that kind of money you could INl1dcm the town. e If humility WU dynunl~. Howard COllU wouldn't haw --.ach t.o blow hie nGll. .. •• 1 ' (! I ... .. • ~ 0 ... ~ Chinaglia's tally gives Cosmos title From AP dl1patcbea SAN DIEGO -Giorgio m Chinaglla, criticized during the North American Soccer League season as a fading auperatar, scored a first-half aoe.1 that held up as the Cosmos defeated the Seattle Sounders 1-0 Saturday night in the eighth annual Soccer Bowl. The victory, before a crowd of only 22,634 al San Dieao Jack Murphy Stadium, gave the Cosmos their fifth NASL championship in the last 11 Years.. It was the third straight year that Cosmos' goalkeeper Hubert Birkenmeier held the opposition without a goal in .. regulation play of the Soccer .. Bowl. Seattle dominated the game in the early stages, Ct9NAGUA outshooting the Cosmos 8-1 in the first 20 minutes with Birkenmeier being forced to make three saves. Chinaglia, the game's most valuable player, broke up'the scoreless duel at 30: 17 with his 48th post.season goal in six years with the Cosmos. Carlos Alberto, in his career finale after 21 professional seasons, started the scoring play with. a pass to Julio Cesar Romero, who found Chinaglia open on the right side al the top of the penalty box. Using his body to shield the ball from defender Benny Dargie, Chinaglia lashed a shot from 12 yards. Quote of the day Dan Quisenberry, ace reliever and quipster of the Kansas City Royals, talking about the heavy-hitting Milwaukee Brewers: "There aren't any quiche eaters in that lineup.·• Twine' homer• etun Kan1a1 City Garry 011ul1 Tim ~1datr and II Bobby Ml&c,111 llAl"nlned homo runa •nd Gary Ward drov In lhrM runa and ll'Ort.'<i lhn.~ Um to powtor 1 .. t. plac Mlnnc."k>ta w an 11 ·6 victory ov t KaNU City, 1Ucln41 the Ruyui.· ll'ad ovt>r the Anaelal to on ganw In the Amt'rlcan Leaauu We•l &lurday. Al wnuam1, (9-7) wcml tht.1 dl1t.IU\(,'e for thP Twine ... El1e wherc, PHI Molitor QAITTI knocked In tour runt with a tingle, triple and home run, to apark Milwaukee to a 6-4 verdict over the New York Yankees. The Brewers maintained their two-game lead over Baltimore In lhe AL Ea.et with the win . . . The Oakland Ar's swept the Chlcaao White Sox, winning the first game 2-1 and then taking the aec.'Ond cont.est by a 6-4 score. Jeff Barroa1b1 c racked a towering home r In (the fl rat game tor the A's . . . Lance Parrl1b, Bobby Jobn1on and Bucky Dent homered to lead Texas to a 10-4 paunding of SeatUe . . . Scott McGre1or and Storm Davi• shul down Cleveland on six hits as Baltimore beat the Indiana 6-2 ... Botton got home runs Crom Carl Ya1tnem1kl and Gary Allenson in a 6-2 triumph over Detroit. Hor.ner Ignites Atlanta victory Bob Horner'• run-acorlng single II ignited a three-run flral lnnfng and Pbll Nlekro and Gen'tJ Garber preserved the lea<,t with an eight- hltter Saturday nlght as Atlanta beat Cincinnati, 5-4, snapping the Braves' four-game losing streak . . . Darrell Porter homered and drove • in two runs, leading St. Louls to a 6-2 victory over the New York Meta to complete a doubleheader sweep, the aeco as many days. Bob Forscb and Bruce er combined on a five-hitter and Dave G en hit a solo horner in the fourth inning to t the Carda to a 2-0 win in the oj)ener . . . Pe Ro1e popped a two-run, two-out homer In the seventh Inning to carry Philadelphia to a 5-4 victory over Pittsburgh. The win snapped a three-game Phillies losing streak . . . Rieb Gale, making his first start since Aug. 24, combined with Gary Lavelle on a five-hitter and Dave Ber1mu drove in two runs with a single and a homer &11 San Francilco beat San. Diego, 4-1 ... Jerry Morales and pinch- hltter Bump Wills each hit three-run home runs in the eighth inning to key a eeven-run upriaing that lifted the Chfoago Cubs to a 10-7 win over Montreal. Baseball today On thla d•~ In bueball ln 19e8· Detroit'• Otnny McLain became the flnt Amerlc1n Leaauer alnce Phlladelphla'• Lefty Grove In 1931 to win 31 aame1 In • aeaaon when h a boll the New York Yankeea, 8-2. Y1nkce 1luaaer Mickey Mmtlu'a 030th home run moved him Into th rd plac on tht: all·tJme lilt. On thla date In 19~6: Chlcaao'a Ernie Banka belted the last of hla record live grand alaln homen on the year, but the Cube I01t to St. Loula, 6-6 in ·121nn1~. Today 1 blrthdaya: Hall of Fame outfielder Duke Snider la 66. SanFronclaco Giant Infielder Joe Morgan Is 39. Angela catcher Joe Ferguaon la 36. Renner surges Into first-place tie Jack Renner made up three shots !I on the last two holes and retained a share of the lead Saturday in the third round of the Hall of Fame Golf Classic in Pinehurst, N.C. Renner, who matched par 71 on the 7,005-yard, No. 2 course, remained in a tie for the lead with career non-winner Jolut Adam• at 207, six strokes under par. Cartl1 Strange, with a 69, moved to within a single stroke of the I.Op spot at 208 . . . Hard-bitting rookie Paul Rizzo teamed with Lori Garbact for a 14-under-par 130 to take a one-stroke lead after two round s o f the LPGA Team Championships In P ortland, Ore. The veteran team of Sandra Haynie and Katby McMullen was tied with youngsters Sbarron Barr~t and Nancy RublD one shot off the pace at 131. Michael Spinks wins with a TKO Mlcbael Spinka knocked down • challenger Jobnny Davie in the ninth Saturday to auoceufully defend his World Boxing A11ociation light heavyweight Ulle for the fifth time In a bout inl Atlantic City ... Lemlll Gold took the leadl with a quarter mile to go and ran away from the field to win the *400,000 Marlboro Cup at Belmont Park. Favored Timely Writer was seventh, and PerraaJt, winner of the Budweiser, finiahed 1aat . . • Clyde McCulloa1ll, the San Diego Pad.res' bullpen coach and a minor league: instructor for the club, was found dead in hia1 room at the St. Francia Aotel in San Frand.:x>.· He was 65. Cauee of death was not immediately• known. 10 FT. WIDE SCREEN TV -UCLA romps to 51-26 ~in · Ramsey riddles Badsers MADISON, WIJ. (AP) -UCLA'• pme plan waa to aet the tempo early •1•ln1t Wiaconaln Saturday, but the way the Bru1na did It amazed even Coach Terry Donahue. • Tom Ramaey puaed for 260 yarc$1 and two touchdowns and acored on a pair of 1-yard dive11, ~ri'Cfing 14th-ranked UCLA to a 61-26 college football victory over the Badaen. "Fifty-one polnu -that'• n ot bad for a conaervatJve coach," Donahue Mid. ''What ~ tt poealble wu the way we kept Wl9oonain bottled ':'f? in the firsl half. Our defenM played 1pedaC\llarly.' Ramsey completed 17 of 2.4 ~ for UCLA, 2-0. Wlaconaln, 0-2, which trailed 24-0 midway through the second quarter. man.aced only four net yardl on Its firat flve ~ON. "We reali.2ed that with their home field, Lf they could get out on tor. they'd be tough to beat." l8id Irv Eatman, UCLA s Ital' defensive tackle. ''The game waan't nearly aa easy .. the ICOl'e Indicated," he aa.ld. "In the third quarter they were 1Ull in it. They rose to the occasion -for awhile." "Never in my mind did I think they would score 51 points," Wiaconsln Coach Dave Mc<;latn said. "That waa the wont football game we've played since I don't know when. "UCLA la big, atrong and fast," he Mid. "Still, it shouldn't have been 51-26. Tbat'a unheard of. J don't have any answers. If I did, I'd correct them." Eatman and the rest of the UCLA defenae held Wiaconsin'a supposedly strong running game to only 66 net yards. The Badgers had only 93 yarch rushing in their 20-9 defeat by Michigan a week earlier. LB State topped, 36-27 FORT LARAMIE, Wyo. (AP) -'Reserve quarterback Brad Baumberger acored two touchdowns to lead Wyoming past Long Beach State, 36-27, in a non-conference college football game Saturday. Alternating~ach aerlea with senior Craig Johnson, Baumberger led Wyoming on touchdown drives of 66, 41 and 80 yards and scored the clinching TD and two-point conversion with le. than five minutes remaining in the game. FOOTBALL SIZE HOT DOGS 11 oz. MUGS OF BEER Happy HoVf Hon d' Ouewet 4:30 te 6:30 Mon . ..fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger II WIEIE TIE IOTill Ill llllT SCIEEI TY ·= .. :· !: .. .. -· .. .. !"! .. --.. .. ;: -: :.: :· =~ :: .. .. .. .. ;.. ,.. ;! :; !• ·: .. !: == .; .. .. :: -. !· .. .. . -.. ·: :· :· :· =· .. ·= .. f ,. llEE llT,.., I 1111 I' lffflEI 11•tun lffl UTIE lllE Mllll Wide Screen TV ,_,.,,, .. ,,,.. '"" , ....... 7$9-18$4 3901 W. Coast Hwy. Co11Jna HI Mar ~ 'Jnaeio4 'J2e4ta11eant ~ GIANT SCREEN TV 40C HOT DOGS s1.00 BEER Happy Hour 12 to 5 1 ... 3 IWa It. M~Sll 1 ................ Ml-1372 • PREDICT THE SCORE AND WIN A FREE ROOM FOR 2 FRI. a SAT. NIGHT Giant Screen T.V. • Free Popcorn & Peanut• Free Chips & Salsa • 60t Hot Doga On Homemade Buns • Beet: Dollar-a ·Gla11, S.. a Pitcher • Score Contest Each Night 3131 I. lrlatel ~·•ed Al Th• COITA 1111& '\(Ji,o..,~ 997.3111 -~__, & Extra TV'• lor Great Viewing I '"' Le:.=.'::!!:."' hp I Pre-Game Warm Up Happy Hour From 4 P.M. Me-0201 2I07 W. Cont Hwy • 10 FOOT SCREEN TV All Beer During Game $1 .00 Hot Dogs, Chili & Chips , ...... ..:w·"""" ..................... 1 .......... 11774 aro.Just 1 .. St. of 405 fwy. r.-. Y•y c.1 ,_ ,_,,.,,, 963-?JM f 1UCJ(B8Al{D'S ""' 4 • tilTISt8Stt WEE SCRWt TV • DllO GALLEY DECK COCKTAlS • DllO etal CtlESE DOGS ., .......... ., .......... ' IAl-1-flEI 1111 IAl-1-flEI t:•llJ,6E# 71' IEEI FOii Tr'1 .. ,, m:1u: 1•t:o1u." T11•: "'""·1;0" llG SCREEN TV 25• HOT DOGS $1.00 1111 Lin r.11111lu11at A/111 ,._, 4 L.A. RAMS CHEERLEADERS I GIANT 8CMIN TV-e -RAl'FLa PRID8 H_,,py Hour Prtzes a F,... T•co. ··~~···~·~············ • FOIOwld llJ ~II Topptr Show • : ....................• hwy Monday Nitht 6 p.m. te 1130 a .m. Orange Co11t DAIL y PILOT /Sunday, 8 ptember 19, 1882 - A real shocker! I ~ ' ' Vista High shuts out Edison, 6-0 ~ • 81• JOUN SE.VANO O(tt.. o.atr ,.... It.ff VISTA F.dlHOn High Coa<-h Bill Workmun atood moUonllltil on the 2~ yuru lint.•. AJI he ''Ould d o wa1 bltl' down o n h is clipboard and st.are up at the 1ky. A jubilant celebration was taking place around him, but Workman bad no reason to be l u1 ppy. -• rn('unwh11l•, cume In ut 2·0 und hadn't lO$l Ii. last 26 rt•gular- .cnaon gamrs. 1n fact, out.sidc ot last year's playoff defoat to Servile, the last time the Chargers ended a game with a biller taste in their mouth came early In 19•9 nguinst Newport Harbor. · Maybe that's why the victory w~ so llWl.>el for Vista. Edi ton VIiia Yla ta I, l dleon 0 k0ta l>r Olltr1tfl 0 0 0 • 0 0 " V·81acl! 47 FO V ·Blacll 43F Q A·7,400 ( .. ltmatlldl 0 0 ! ! . Ga.me ttellallo• • Rutllat•'fltda 24-80 ~ PaHlflO yMdl 37 • 4 p..... ~·~ ~1 Punll • . 7-38 7 .3 rumbl••·lo11 3·2 1· It you haven't gu"'ssed by now , the Chargers lost. And, it wasn't so much the de fe at itself, but how it h a ppened that galled Workman the most. "The best team won and you can quote me on that," said Vista head cooch Dick Hames. "We're the best footbalJ tenm and we're supposed to be in an off year. Flret down• ~ • ~lit Pana111 .... yaro1 7 ·<12 4.3 lndMdual ""•lllnt • E Q1bb1 4-tor m1nu1 21, Grllrotht 1·211, SlelfllO« 5·15, Bandttulo. ~3. Hombll 1·14 • 11-'t>eyua 10· 10, Sapulvtd• 7. 14, Prtc• 1·3. Gldrl41< 6·18, J Hern1ndtt 9·21; Wllll&mlt Rustle r qua rte rba<.'k Ada m Gragnano (20) Saddle bac k lineba<.'ker Jack ~rris. " Delly Not '1Mlto 1tJ Clwtee in the g rasp of THE PANTHERS of Vista High rudely treated their guests and, in the process. maybe brought a little reality back to the Chargers in winning 6-0 here Saturday night before 7,400 fans. Two towering field_ goals of 4 7 and 43 yards by sen ior place kicker Scott Black In the second quarter provided the final margin o f v ictory . And. both kicks oc.·t:urrcd during the rinal minute prior to halftime. Black booted his first field goal with 54 seconds left. And then, following an E:Chson turnover on the subsequent kickoff, the Vista senio r followed with his 43 yarder with five seconds remaining. The P a nthe r s. last year's undefeated ( 13-0) CIF champion in San Diego; entered Friday night's ga me having lost its opener ( 12-0 to El Camino Real in San Diego). Edison. "As far as I'm concerned, we'll play any team LA (Los Angeles) wants to send us and beat them." "l 'M NOT s ure they beat much ," was Workman's re tort. "We deserved it (the loss). If we can't move the ball any better than that ... " For the second straight week, the Chargers not only sputte red, but almost came to a dead stop on offense. Edison recorded Its initial first down with 9:50 to go m the first quarter and didn't get its next one until 7:55 remained in the game. The Chargers' first, last and only offensive threat cam e in the final period as they started on their own 29-yard line a nd moved all the· way t.o the Vista 14. only to see the drive stall with 3:38 to play. 1.() • lnc1Mdl.lal,Mt6ne i E-G1bb1 5· 12·'0. 37, Novotny lllowolnf 0· 1.(), 0 v Daylll 5.10..0. 48 lncllwfd...i "ac:•M119 E-Nowotny 4-30, °'1110"-1-7 • V WM1tam1 1.11. Poac:ukonlt 2-14: HeuMt 1·9. • Edison its first shutout since 1974, when Ke nnedy (l....<i Palm4') won 13-0 in a playoff contest. "I thought we had 'em," said Workman of the final drive. "~ thought we were going to score and kick the extra point. Bul then, I'm an eternal optimist." : Workman would have to be a fter what he saw. The Chargers finished with only 107 total yards in offense, Sf) on the ground. another 37 by air. Bad snap sinks GWC The Charge r s worked the possession into a firs t-and-10 situation at the Vista 18. but four plays. including a flea-flic ke r whic h s aw s plit e nd Jon Nowotny try to hit teammate Mark Votendahl in the end wne. the ball bouncing off Votendahl's hands" could onJy net four yards and the Panthers took over. They were also hindered by poor fi eld position as of their eight possessions, four started from the 10-yard line or within~ Vista wasn't much better, w1tn only 114 total yards, but they h;ld Black, whose foot covered a lot of ground on its own. Saddlehack takes advantage for 14-6 win The Chargerivstill had one dying gasp. but on a third and 10 a\ the Vista nine. Panthe r quarterback Albert Deytia hit Chris Piecukonis for 13 yards and a first down with 1:30 left. "It is not the e nd of the world," said Workman, "we have a whole lot of teams to play. J. Niekro DODGERS .. • • From Page 81 shattered the Dodgers' seven - game winnjng streak. Niekro, who struck out three and walked none. retired the first nine Dodgers in or<ier before Derrel Thomas singled. Niekro then got the next 13 before Cey singled to center for the final Los Angeles hit. * National League West Dodger• Atlanta W l Pct. GB 81 65 .564 - 81 67 .547 21/2 A RANT A ( 14) -HOME (3) Sepl 24. 25, 26, Sen Oieoo AWAY ( 11) Sep I 19, Cincinnall. Sep1 20, 21. 22. Hout1on. Sepl 27. 28. San Francisco. Sep1 29 30, Doelger•. Oct 1, 2. 3, San Otego DODGERS (13) HOME Ull Sept 19. Houston, Sepl 24, 25, 26 San Francisco. Sept 27, 28, C10C1nn1U, Sept 29. 30, Allan111 AWAY (5): Sepl 21. 22, San Oieoo. Oc1 1, 2. 3, San Francisco. • Special to the Dally Pilot For more than half the game Saturday night, it appeared as if Golden West College would pose a serious threat to Saddleback College's 16-game winning streak and No. l ranking in the preseason Southland J C Poll. Then, disaste r struck. Disaster came m the form of a bad snap w ith the Rustlers in punt formation on their 26-yard line. One play later, Saddleback broke a scoreless lie and went on to win, 14-6, in a defensive s trug~l e at Orange Coast Colleges LeBard Stadium. This was th~ type of game that would be decided by a big play or critical mistake and, as it turned out. the latter a pplied. The bad snap forced Rustler punter Mike P ear lman to scramble to try and get the kick off but Pearlman couldn't C9Cape th e clutches of All-Mission Confe rence linebacker Bob Sebring. Sebring made the stop on the Rustler 14 to set up the game's first touchdown. Afte r a n illegal procedure penalty moved the ball back to the 19 . reserve Gaucho quarterback C urt Be thard completed his only pass or the game. a 19-yard scoring strike to John Marshall. Marshall, another returning all-conference pick. beat his man from his wide receiver spot for the score at the 10:28 mark of the third quarter. The extra-polnt attempt failed, but Saddleback had a 6-0 lead and a big burst of momentum. The Gauchos added a 72-yard, 10 play scoring drive, capped off by a 3-ya rd scoring run by Robert Currie with 14:33 left in the game. Currie. a freshman trom Gardena. came off the bench to provide an offensive boost for Saddleback, rushing for 48 yards on eight carries. Golden W est's o Cf e n se sputtered throughout the game, largely because of the play of Saddleback defensive lineman M ike Copeland. Copeland recorded four sacks as Rustler quarterbacks Adam Gragnano and Darryl Ducharme were sacked seven times for losses totaling 42 yards. * a.ddlebeck 14, Golden ••• , • k«• br OUertM• Sa<1d1&t>ae1o. o o e a -14 Golden w.1 o o o e -6 S·Matthall 19 pan lrom .S.thard (luck ltlled} S·Currle 3 run (Miii« run) GW· Stahleber 2 run (p .. e lalled) ca.me ...... ttce • Forat doWnt 10 Ru9hft..yaro1 38-135 Puaino yttd• 81 Passes 9-17·2 Punts 8-32 Fumbles-Iott 0..0 Penalll•·yard1 8-69 lf\dl.tdwll "'"""" owe 16 36-15 129 14-36--0 9-27 4-0 2·20 S -Gleed 13-'4. AllOfd 9-31. Cume 8·48, Bethard 2· 14, Miller 6-mlnue 2. GWC -Long 12·29. Sllhlabar 12·24, Lamberton 3· 12. Johnaon t-5, Ouch1rme 2-mloua 11, Grogeno &-mlnue 44 lndMdual 'Mttne S -Miiier, 1·14·63..0. S.tllttd 1·3·t9-1. GWC -Grograno 8·24-69-0, Ducharme 6-12~.() lndMclual flec:afvlnt S -M1rshllt1 4-48, Alford 2· 18, Cume 1-21, Glaad l-m1nu1 a GWC -Eaparu 3·411, Sloulla 3-26, Oulchar 2·31; Stahlarbar 3·8, Marlin 1-3: long 1-3 If you don't smoke, I can offer important savings on auto insurance. 1982 CATAUNA PRO-AM RACQUETBALL CLASSIC Co Sponsors: BANK Of NEWPORT. AMF VOIT Clalm your reward from· RA88ITT INSlJtMCE 441 Old Newport BIYd. Newport 9Mch, Ca. 111.n• S,,.clal t. 15, 1912-Stpt. 21, 191 I Tetradan ~.....-: 2.79 An unusual!, quaint and cap1tut1n1 addttlu lo the lquall\Mllllll ltowtftf, I "'" I bad llabrt. I lit• lo brtcl lftd my "'1tation maus it ftf"f unc.omlorttllll !or die 11ciplent ol my d114u1tttna social dtmtallOr II you haM 11111 lhat steftd o for their 11allts, I a111 ch111111n1 Su mt 11 Aqut1c T rOllQll where I •" on slle undtl the """ "Puttef" ltr tlflty 2.1t. VISA. mo w . .-.. a S4t-13'l•c.m. ...... & ... • e If It's got • h•ndles I you'll er•b ..... faster In. D•llY Piiot classlfled HI.tall '42·'671 $1111 000 PRIZE ~UI MONEY Featuring 5-Tlme National Champion Marty Hogan, Number 1 seeded Dave Peck and many other top touring racquetball professlonals. DATES: Thurs. thru Sun. Sept. 30 Oct. 3 SITES: King'• Racquetball Court 14731 Golden Weat St. Weatmlnater, Ca. Phone: (114) 818-9841 (213) 430-5719 TICKET PRICES (King's All Glass Tourney Court) 4-day Package/Backwall Section .. $45/Seat 4-day Package/Sidewall Section ... $40/Seat Dally Tickets $12.00 Tickets may be purchased over the phone with Visa or Master Card . CaH Todayl [. VISA Limited Seatin& Available . . Twenty-one categories are avallable to local amateur players. Winners wlll receive merchandise and awards . Entry deadline for all tourney players Fri. Sept. 23. CO-SPONSORS: BANK OF NEWfORT, AMF VOIT Ducharme came off the bench to complete six of 12 passes for 60 yards and drive the Rustlers to their only touchdown. Ducharme had completions of 17 yards to John Slouka and 12 yards to Mike Bowles to set up GWC's touchdown. VISTA WENT on to kill the remaining seconds and hand "Still. I d o n 't know what happened tonight. I just don't know." The Chargers don't have a lot of time t.o find out what's wrong, either, ~ city power Banning is next on the schedule. UCI • •• wins t-w1ce; Marin-a rolls UC Irvine wiU play ate two toughest games of the week t.oda_y UJ conclude the annual UC Irvine Invitational water polo tournament at Ne wport Harbor High School. The Anteaters, undefeated in the ir first four outings, will tangle with Wasserfreunde Spandau of Berhn, Germany at 11 this morning, then meet Staqford University at 2:50 In the afternoon. Stanford upset the German team that was seeded No. l In the tournament, 6-5, with a goal in the fina l second by Kurt Jensen Saturday. Stanford is · also undefeated in the tournament. UCI d e feated UC Santa Barbara. 8-3, with John Vargas scoring four goals, then came back with an 8 -5 w in over Caliiforna in the afternoon as Peter CampbeU scored four. Jeff Campbell added two and Vargas contributed a pair. The three-day a ffair ends this afternoon with action starting at 7 this morning. · Corona del Mar won three games Saturday to capture the team title i_n the San Jose invitational high school tournament in the Northe rn California ctty. The Sea Klngs WATER POLO defeated Monte Vista High in the title game, 11-8 and won two otl\ers by 10-8 and 10-6 scores over BeUannine and Santa Clara. David lmbernino scored 14 goals in the three games and was named most valuable player of the tourney. Teammate Tom Temple had 10 goals and was named to the all-tournament first team. "We had some fantastic play from Eric Paulse n on d efe nse along with our goalie Joe Roh," said Coach Jim Turner. Marina High's Vikings handed Fountain Valley a 14-4 d efeat to capture the consolation title in the Moore League tournament at Millikan and Long Beach Wilson. Jim Zakasky scored three goals in the win that saw three other players conlcibute two gcals apiece and five rut for one. Marina had come back from an opening day loss to Crawford High of San Diego to take the consolation cro\\<n from Sunset League rival Fountain Valley. The Barons won over Dos Pueblos. 16-14 and· Buena, 12-8, on Saturday to reach the title match with the Vikings. Marina , defeated Laguna Hills,19-12, in Its only other game on Saturday. Mission Viejo's Diablos lost to Mira Costa, 7-5, in a battle for fifth place while University's Trojans defeated Crawford, 11 -5, to capture ninth place in the tourney. "We're still in a le~ stage and it's early in the season.'' Fountain Valley Coach Ray Bray said. "Jeff Young was our most con s i s t ent player in the tournament and Mike Poland played well in goal for us, making seven saves against Marina." NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE West Division W L Pct. PF PA Atlanta I 0 1.000 16 14 Ram11 0 I .000 23 35 New Orleans 0 1 .000 7 21 San Francisco 0 I .000 17 23 East Division Washington 1 0 1.000 37 34 St. Louis 1 0 1.000 21 7 Philadelphia 0 1 .000 34 37 Dallas 0 I .000 28 36 N.Y. GtanlS 0 I .000 14 16 Central Division Green Bay I O 1.000 35 23 Dctroil I 0 1.000 17 10 Minnesota I 1 .500 39 3:i Chicago 0 1 000 10 17 Tampa Bay 0 I .000 10 17 AMERICAN CONFERENCE Wes t Division Raiders San l.Jlego Kansas City Seattle Denver 1 .() 1 000 23 17 I 0 1.000 23 3 0 I .000 9 14 0 1 .000 7 21 0 l 000 3 23 East Division Buffalo 2 0 1.000 37 31 M1am1 1 0 1.000 45 28 New England 1 0 1.000 24 13 N.Y. J ets 0 I .000 28 -I~ Baltimore 0 1 .000 13 24 • Central Division Pittsburgh I 0 1.000 36 28 Cincinnati l 0 l.000 27 6 Cleveland 1 0 1.000 21 7 Houston 0 l .000 6 27 , .. ,.. o-• flaldtf1 ti Atlanta (Chennal 4 II 10 • rn 1 New YOfk Jell It lllaw Eno1.,io N9W Otlfftlt at Ch.cago Phlledalphla at CltWland Sen Otego at KantH Cny C1nc1nna11 at P1111~rgh Oa1t11 ti St LOUii Ot1ro11 •I"-• Sen F1anc1eco et Oanv., (Cllanntl 2 11 1 p rn I S.•111• ti Hou11on w11n1ng1on 11 l emo• Bay 8al1tmott al M1arn1 llhndey'• Qeme G1Hn Bay at Nt* 'l'O<ll G11n11 1Channat 1 II I om l 82 HOUR -~ ALL AMERICAN llUTHDI SILE MHM...ttera~C..t8Me .. , . nus .. Sept. 11th - Mon., Sept. 20th ~ . t ' llOlallllll JOHNSON &SON presents ... NFL , .......... ... Rams over Detroit • San Francisco over Denver • Dallas over St. Louis * Raiden over Atlanta • °'""lay over ( I Orange Co11t DAIL y PILOT/8und1y, Septembet 19, 1982 FL bargaining table • IS • quiet Unanimous strike support expected after Monday me~t/1111 NEW YORK (AP) -Two daya before the anticipaLed vot.t by the Natlonal Football Leaawt Playera Amoclation execuUve committee to call a player atrike aimed at ahuUJna down thu NFL durlna the reaular aeuon, negoUatora we~ atill looking for the key Saturday to unlock the lmpaaae. Afthouah repraentativea for both aidee ln the dispute were ln New York on Saturday, no formal dl1cu11lon1 were scheduled prior to Monday . afternoon'• vote by the executive committee. For t he record, union officlala say It is "premature" to speculate on the executive ,C9mmittee'1 action. 1 , Privately, they aay it Is unthinkable to believe 11the committee will come out of Monday's meetlng ,with anything less than unanimous support for strike. "The committee wlll be asked to review the ~e offer they rejected on Sept. 8," said one player representative who attended Friday1s bargaining session. "How else can they vote?" He requested anonymity. F.d Garvey, executive director of the players union, said that as of midday Saturday he had no contact with the owners group. The first game to be affected by a threatened walkout is Thunday's Atlanta.·Kansas City game. A strike would be the first regular season walkout ln the league's 63·year history. The nine·member executive committee includes union president Gene Upshaw of the Los USC ROLLS. • • From Page 8 1 "The credit has to go to Southern Cal," said Corso, "rather than discredit my team. "It was a matter of physical manpower up front. The difference was the fact they could pressure our quarterback, and in tum run a strong running game.'' The running game featured Fred Crutcher in the limelight, a 5·10 sophomore out of Blair High in Pasadena, who carried the ball 28 times for 123 yards as a surpriae ata.rter for the lnjured Michael Harper. ~tic ~Id ra; Mark Murphy of th W hlngt.on RedakiN, Jett Van No~ ol tht! Atlanta Falcons: Den Jlq tta of the Chlcaao Bea."I: Elvin Bethea of the Ho\llUJft Oilers: Stan Whlto of the Dotcolt Uona; Tom Condon of the KaJ'\IU City Chlefa; Jim Buntin& of the Philadelphia Eagles; and James l..ofwn of the Green Bay Packen. A aimple lnajorlty la aJl that'• nf'eded for a •trike . In what It called a "laat·dltch" attempt to avert a walkout, the unJon dropped lta demand for a fixed 56 percent of groes revenues at Friday's bargaining aesslon. • The union's proposal did, however, call for 50 percent of the league'• $2.13 billion television contracta plus additional monJea. The propoeal, which Jack Donlan, the league's chief negotiator, claimed would cost more money than originally sought by the union, was lmmedlately rejec.:ted by the ownera1 bargaining team. "Their new proposal ls very, very discouraging. This percentage will be In excess of 60 percent," Donlan said. "Obviously they didn't come here to do any reasonable bargaining." · In lta proposal, the union came up with a flnancJal plan calling for the league to sheU out $1 .6 billion over the next four years. The owners' Sept. 8 plan, their last offer to date, called for $1.6 billion over five years. GlaH Plue'" Traah Bag• "Harper got an ankle hurt last week against .Florida," said Robinaon. "It didn't appear serious, but It was obvious on Monday that it was and it (the • injury) just didn't get well. I can't even predict about next week (Harper's availability). 12"x75' Aluminum Foll Aluminum foll 1n 12"x75' roll. Food· storage, freezing and barbec1Jes. 5-Plece SJnk Set 5-pc. kitchen sink set. 32-oz. • refill bottle. Savings! 25-trash bags with ties. 30-gal. Crutcher got the job done, but it waa also done mostly 1n the first half. "We just couldn't get that 'going feeling' that we had in the first half," explained Crutcher. "" Probably the key to the easy victory waa the Trojans' first offensive aeries aa they marched 90 yards in 17 plays, with Crutcher accounting for 36 of those yards on 10 carries and Salisbury oonnecting with Zep Lee for 17 yards and Fred COmwell for 12 yards. "We came out aggressively," said Robinaon. "It was our best drive this year on the first series and Sean did an outstandlng job. But . . . we're a long way from being satisfied. "The only thing I was really worried about today was that we might be pressing tocnnuch." After Salisbury capped the 90·yard march with his dive over the line and Spencer knocked the defender down with a touchdown-acoring move, it was Browner'• time to shine. Browner fielded an Indiana punt and-wenr down the right side for his !>4·yard touchdown play. Later he was to return the second half kickoff 50 yards and he was a big key in the aecondary at free safety. But the play of the game was Salisbury's bullet to Dellutri, a freshman (he red·shirted in 1981), ~ho caught the pass dragging his feet out of the end wne with 7:45 atill left in the second period. giving USC its 28·0 lead. Scott TinsJey relieved Salisbury on the next aeries and the air left the Trojans' offensive bubble, never to reappear. . · Indiana got on the scoreboard late in the game when quarterback Babe Laufenberg led the Hoosiers 81 yards, with Chuck Howard scoring from a yard out. · Flanker Duane Gunn, Indiana's All-American candidate, was bothered with an ankle lnjury and did not live up to expectations. • "l thought Indiana would be more aggressive," commented Robinaon. "Gunn had that ankle and their people (receivers) just we.ren't open." Golf tourney open ' Registration Is still open for golfers interested in partldpatlng in the High Hopes/Mike McKeever Memorial Golf Tournament Monday at Irvine Coa.'lt Country Oub in Newport Beach. . Proceeds of the third annual tournament will go td the High Hopes Neurological Recovery Group Ihc., an organization aimed at helplng victims of head lnjuries re--establiah themaelves in mainstream society. • The $150 per peraon fee coven green fees, a banquet dinner, lunch, awards and special 'tournament mementos. organizen aay. Mike McKeever Is a former professional football player and USC All·American who died from injuries suffered ln an automobile accident. His twin brother, Marlin, la co·chalrman and ~ organizer of the event. .•• To enter or obtaln more information, call Dr. Bon Hendrix ln Newport Buch at 646· 7458. OLD TOWNE MORTGAGE Specializing In: • 1at T.D.'• -Pixed or V.,.... , , • 2nd T.D.'• • .....,... only or 9lftOf'ttud , • lrd T.D.'• -To 11% LTV l * Dleoounted ...._ or C•W••.eton We have competitive rates and place ' over 94~ of our loana. Why rllk a loan , tumdown? l 494-1184 16-0z... Shout laundry tool and 1tatn remcw· 8f f()t laugh ltMll "Net Wt S2-0z.' ReM lofey 'n wnt1• '"' 1111 .... 1 3.00 Stactclng Cube 15"1115" un· llnllhed sta c k i ng cUbe Bedding Plant• Many v111et1e1 to chooae 'from. •Y~P· :t>['[~ ! ·PE'!, I " ' Johnny Roze\ti Seasoneo Yege· S 2 . llble. roll and bult8f. plus dlltl of l(llahn Ce91o• C.lcu .. tor Eleclron1c pttnltng calculator 10·d•gll prmltng ca1cu1a1or Uses 4 AA bell8flel' Of AC (includes AC ed9p10<) ·ea-""*- 'l'I 01 Ortental Ruge Unl1nisheO book case 4. I he IV 8-1 36"1136" Ortenlll·look throw rugs. Add a 1ouch of "Old WOtld" charm 1.00-~-------t Bench VIM Ideal benctl VIM s ::nthal handy 15 Good~ Auortment Braided 1l111lc pony1llll holders and ktddle bar· rett• ' ' f I I l' I ) .. ( ,, ' I J h • -~I \' '' I ( 1 I 1 .-... -~ Slops food from sllelung •-OJ llMWI 2 plaallc m111t1rd· s1 /lletcnup,.,.. Weter HMter lnaul8tton ( ~ "~ • AVAILABLE AT YOU R LOCAL ~.,.<=111.-• ' ' • ... Orano• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Septernbef' 10, 1082 I .Elway's performance not enQugh for Stanfor4 Notre Dame enjoys the night life in 23-17 victory over Michigan; Cal rolls again, 28-0 From AP •tapatclae1 STANFORD -San Jo1e State'1 Steve Clatkaon fired three touchdown paaee and tan for the winninl tc0te S.tW'day to lead the Spartans to a 35-31 triumph over Stanford and win a magn.lf icent duel against Cardinal quarterback John Elway. Clarkaon capped hia 285-yard passing performance by bulldozing over from the 3-yard line with 3:52 to go in the aame. Elway, who paued for 382 yards and two touchdowns. loet to the team ooached by h1a father, J ack Elway, for the aecond straight year. It ~as only the sixth victory for the Spartans in 39 meetings with Stanford. The Stanford quarterback completed seven of his passes to former Fountain Valley High star Emile Harry, good !or 107 yards. Harry hauled in a 48-yard touchdown pass from Elway in the &ee:.'Ond quarter, whlch at the time, gave the Cardinals a 21 -14 advantage. Calllerala 2a, Saa Dle6• State 0 BERKELEY -Linebacker Ron Rivera made two of California's five fumble recoveries in a one-sided first period and the Beans made Coach Joe K"app's homecoming succeeaful by rolling to a 28-0 non-oonferenoe football victory over San Diego State. 12 Pll 12·01 Cans COLLEGE ROUNDUP EIJ Gale Gilbert threw touchdown pa19e1of12 and 73 yarda to Ught end David Lewla and Scott Smith ran 5 and 8 yards for touchdowns. The Bean, who were 2-9 last year, made their aeuon record 2-0 by winning the home opener under Kapp, the former Cal quarterback. Notre D•me 23, l#llolll•an 11 SOUTH BEND. Ind. -Notre Dame, \rylng to erase the stigma of its firs\ losing season in 18 years, opened lts 1982 campaign with 1 23-17 victory over 10th-ranked Michigan as Larry Moriarty and Greg Bell ran for touchdowns and senior Mike Johnston kicked the first three field goals of hls college football career. The 45th consecutive selJout crowd of 59,0'15, plus a national television audience, viewed the first night game in the 53-year pitltory of Notre Dame Stadium. OIJfo Stac~ 31, Mlohlllan State 10 EAST LANSING, Mich. -Ohio State fullback Vaughn Broadnax plunged over from three yards ,out for the go-ahead touchdown in the fourth quarter and ttw 12th-rank<'d ~keye1 rolled on to • 31-10 B!f Ten vk.'U>ry over Mlchl&an State. On a fourth-and-one at the Mlchlaan State 3, Broadnax took the ball, vaulted over the middle of the clashlna llnet, and tumbled down Into the end xone giving the Buckeyes a 17-10 lead with 10 minutes remaining in the game. Pltt11bur•ll 31, Florld• St•t«' I 7 · TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -Plttaburgh defensive end Art Lowery returned a punt that bounced off a Florida State player five yards for a touchdown in a driving rainstorm aa the second-ranked i>anthera snapped a 17-17 tie and rolled to a 37-17 victory over the Seminoles. Lowery plucked the ball out of the air just four plays after a Pitt drive died after reaching the Florida State one-yard llne when fumble• on successive plays resulted in a loss of six yards and quarterback Dan Marino then was intercepted in the end zone. CS Fallerton 14, Cal Poly SLO I 0 SAN LUIS OBISPO · Bob Caffrey fired a 26-yard touchdown pass to John Carpenter and Van Campfield scored on a 3-yard run as Cal State Fullerton topped Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 14-10 in a non-oonference game. Caffrey and Carpenter teamed up for their ••••• ••••• ••••• •••••••• Your choice Old Miiwaukee or Old Miiwaukee Ught Color Fiim for Oise Cameras Color film With 15 exposures per disc. Buy several and save. 24-hr. Automatic Timer 8·dlglt Calculator Old Milwaukee tastes as great as its name. 'c:;,'#.tJ Operation Includes DC $ 2 66 adaptor COtd. "Sumy Maid'' VrtanWI C Pool Doc1or' Ory Add t lb. Reduce chk>- nne1nwal8f l/Mmin~O 100 '1 Petoto Album !~~photo s7 Nvtn-Plu1'" Vila· S 2 fTW\ C With rose htC>t I Timer turns your 1t9hts or appliances on and off automatically. Heavy duty. KMC Credit card size. ultra-thin cal· culator. TeteYisfon Stand Sturdy~ atand 3 Pkg a. Famlly Napkin a 1 OO·Covnt, I ·ply family n1pk1na Ideal lor par- ties and picna ! "Magnetic Page" Phot09raph Album Contain$ 12 mounting ~r­ laeea that can hold P•C· lures up to 8x 1 O" Vetom1n11· Spearmint, pep. permlnt. wlnletgreen. c:lnnomon ~~. 2 ,., ... 2.00 leU foclOrt l!ecote • 2.00 ° YOIMHelCotl 0 00 =:::clO<v • •M"ot .......... ,..,. ••• ~ ~ ~ ....... , ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Framed Canv•• THtured Colof Enlargement a 5x7" ........... 16.87 lx10" ......... t7.17 •11x14" ... S10.97 •1tx20" ... S2t.97 Canv11-texlured c:olOt enlargements lrom F ocel •, KodlK:olor •. Of other c ... 1 neQallvH lndudtt )'OU Choice of CIWOtne ftnleh"' welnlit· COior ".,..,. &eve ., .... .,., .•. ,. ,... -_, .... ._ __ _ 10% OFF Photo GrHtlng C•rda 25 Card• a Envelope• ~ $7.16 • I0., ......... -.... 111. 10 11 ..... Ja ........... 11.11 100 .... -...... -111.10 Diet Scale 1 ·pound Capacity Diel Scale ..... ~ loOtlee aoon· acryt<c/"'f'· Ion. 9·11 ' Ou Pont R99 TM ,..,...11e· Pena Pkg ot2 Med11.1m p1 2 For Toddler Boy'• Boxer-1tyle JHna 01 sturdy. pre-washed. brushed polyester/cotton tWlll San 2-4 SaranWrap• 4 s3 bonus pack For $1ea. Kllfc>aene lempOtl Green or red 2801 • 'l'I OI • touchdown aft."'r ,uat 44 1eC<>ndl of _play. The Tic.hi look their Hrly lead after Cal Poly'a Hayward Williama fumbled on the ~·· flrtl 11Crimn-.c play and Fullerton recovered. The touchdown cam • on the next play. Fullerton now has a 2-1 ~'Ord whit Cal Poly tell to 0-2. Was bln•ton Z3, Arlzon• 13 TUCSON -Linebac:ker Mark Stewart recovered two firat·half fumbles to set 'op touc hdowns aa top -ranked Waahinston methodically built a 20-0 halftime lead and~ to a 23-13 victory In Pacific 10 Conference college action here. • Siewart'a fumble recoveries, one in each of the first two quarters, were followed in short order by touchdown passes by Husky quarterback Steve Pelluer. On the first touchdown, Pelluer hit tlgfit end Billy Rosborough on a 10-yard play and on tbe second, he found flanker Paul Skansj on a 16-yard play. J P enn State 411, But11ers I 4 STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -Junior quarterback Todd Blackledge toued four touchdown passes as eighth-ranked Penn State continued its new air-attack offense in a 49-14 romp ove1 winless Rutgers. Blackledge passed for 213 yards with 15 completions In 24 attempts. He now has 12 touchdowns in th.re& games, the same number of 8COring throws he picked up in 11 games last year. Blackledge is the key to Joe Patemo'a new strategy of abandoning__hia 17-year dependence on the ateady ~g game . Fresno State-I 0, Ore11on 4 EUGENE -Fresno St.ate Quarterback Jeff Tedford completed 22 of 46 passes for 297 yards and the defense stopped a last-minute Oregon drive at the 3-yard-line as the Bulldogs defeated the Ducks 10-4 in a non-conference game. Kicker Scott Darrow opened the Fresno St.ate scoring with a 32-yard field goal at 2:28 of the first half, capping a 66-yard Bulldog drive. That was followed by a pass interception by Matt McKnight, setting up the Bulldogs' second-straight 66-yaro drive and a 9-yard sooring pass from Tedford io Vince Wesson with 30 seconds remaining in the first half. Nebraska BB, New Mexlee State 0 LINCOLN, NEB. -Junior running back Mike Rozier scored three touchdowns and Nebraska ~t four NCAA offensive records, as the No. 3-ranlse;d Comhuskers shut out New Mexico St.ate 68-0 in a non-conference game. Nebraska, 2-0, set an NCAA record with AS} total offensive· yards, with 677 on the ground, a school mark and an NCAA mark for m<ist yar4s gained without a loss. Nebraska also set NCAA records with 43 first downs and 36 first downs rushing. A.rlzon• State 24, Beas ton 1 • HOUSTON -Alvin Moore ran for ODe _touchdQwn and-Todd tt.on.--pamed for another·.as Ariz.ona State'• defense set up three first-half aoores with two fumble recoveries and a blocked punt and the 13th-ranked Sun Devils posted a 24-10 victory over Houston. · Arizona State linebacker Billy Robinson recovered a fumble and safety Mike Richard.ion blocked a Lonnie Stokes punt to get the Sun Devils started. . .• Celerade 12. Was6ln1toa St•te ;,-: SPOKANE -Junior Tom Field booted Coµr field goals to tie a school record and push the Colorado Buffaloes past Washington State 12-0 Jn non-conference action. Field, sidelined by injuries last season. struck from 44, 39, 31 and 24 yards .. The victory was Colorado's flrst on the 1'000 since November 19, 1979 at Kansas. , • It was the first time the Cougars had been shut out since a 7-0 lcm in 1979 to Oregon St.ate. S.ports on TV Teday TELEVISION • 9:30 a .m. (4) -NFL '8% -Scheduled segmenb Include a profile of 49ers coach Bill Walsh. Len Bennan is host. 10 a.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Raiders at Allan ta. , 11 a.m. (7) -BASEBALL -Pittsburgh~ ~t Philadelphia. 12:30 p.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -Scheduled segments include a look at the San Francisco 49cµ-s' efforts to repeat as NFL champa. Hosts: Br~pt Musburger, Phyllis George and Irv' Cross. .,. 1 p.m . (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -San Francisco at Denver. (4) -WESTERJJ OUTOOORSMAN -Seaments on ice fishing,111 Nevada; rodeo clowns. Host ls Ron Hayes. 4 p .m . (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL .- Indiana vs. USC In a game played Saturday. RADIO ~: Baseball -Anaels at Toronto, 10:30 a.wt.·, KLAC (570); Houston at Dodgers. 12:10 p.m ., KABC (790). ·II Football -Raiders at Atlanta, 10 a.m., KU (1070): Detroit at Rams, l p.m .. KMPC (710). M ••• , •• (C*t P•ln) ,.,. temfying experience. Oo you fear a heart an.cic? Do YoU feel afreld? ~AT ... Tm•A•Y has helped thousandt to t>«:ome tree of A.ngine chest peln. Health Care Center Inc. In Huntington Beach It an outpeu.nt clinic which oflers Chel9tlon • Therapy together with a complete program of diet and exercise therapy tor heart disease, high blood prnsure, hardening of the 1rtenes, and related cliwlllion dltotdera. Patients at this center are under the direct care ind supervltk>n of hlghty qu1Hfi.d, ex.per~ and certng rnedQl doctors. ,..... cell tor l'ftOf9 lnformetton or tor 1n eppolntment. Don't put II oft. It mey be the mMt lmpoftef It dtclelon of your lh. CALL NOW 714-914-7748 HEALTH CARI CINTIR, INC. , 8100 BMct1 Blvd .. Me 120 Huntington BHch, CA 82&48 Or1nge Coaat l>AIL Y r>ILOl /Sunday, 8 ptember 19, 1982 Robinwood . All-tar College, high school f~otball scores te be honor d Be tween examining rlly otdlnancca and granting ap«lnl ~e permlu, the H u n t lntiton Beach Clly Council Monday nJaht wlll set u lde a little time to honor a group of bo11 which may baYe put the ci ty on t he map buebaU-wl.se. •The Robinwood Little League All-stars, who earlier t h is 1umme r r o lled throug h an undefeated seaaon '° ad vance to .pie Senior Mlnor World Series, wtll be honored by the council at 7:1~ in the city council chaubers. ·.Manager Ra ch Ulmer and t;:oach Paul Matlock guided the ltobinwood All-stars to a 14-0 record, earning district sectional. divisional and western regional titles In the process. This ls the best showing for an Huntington Beach youth baseball Learn . • Robinwood, which boasted a team batting average of .377 and 1eored an average of 12 runs per game, advanced to the Senior Minor World Series In Taylor, Mich. where it took a 5-4 vic\Ory over Seaford, Del. but dropped a pair of gar to Vega Baja of Pue rto R i o in the double- elimination umamen t. M ember of the team are : Todd Eve~rd, Brian Rochow, Brian Bos , .Keith Ma tlock, James Bu eri, J eff Da rling. Matt Waze ski, Todd Sanders, Scott Har r , Ma rk J enkins, Ricky Van erriet, Chris Ulmer, Mick y H itch cock a nd Mall Hattabaugh. COLL IOI Wtlt use 211. lndl1n1 7 Sin Joae St 311. StanloHI 31 Calll0<n11 :ze, 81" Diego St O Cal 81. Putlorton 14, Cal Poly (8L0) to Freano SI 10. 0141gon 4 SI Ma1y'1 28, Whllller & ColOlldO 12, WHlllnglon SI 0 Noilh11oge 81 24, 81n FienclKo SI 21 A1u1• P11c.1t1c 42. Purnon1 3 C•I lu1t1111111 t I. Humblodl 81 1 C.,,, W111hlngton 28, lawl• & Cllflt. 0 Wlltarnell• 23 W Oragon 19 Simon f11w 20 W Montane 14 Monl1n1 51 2•, E W11htng1on :.>O Chico Stell 46, Sonom11 St 6 S1c11men10 SI. HS, 011 Poly Pom0<1a 1<1 511111 Cl11t1 36. Hayward St. 27 Aoclllee Hawaii 23. Colorado SI. 13 Montana 38, Puget Sound 10 Idaho 36. U ol Pacific 17 Utah SI. 31, Weber SI 10 Wyoming 37, Long 84'ach SI 27 Nav1da-las VegH 49, New Mexico 2 t Idaho SI 38, Portland St. 14 New Mexico 49, Nev -Las Vegas 21 Boise SI 20, Ne11ada-Reno 13 Waahlnglon 23, Arizona 13 AOama 51 3 1. Wellern SI 28 Colorado Col 13 Ha•llngs 8 Mon1a11a Tech 27. Rocky Mountain 7 N. Me• Highlands 3. s Ulllh 3 w New MIXICO 20, ColotadO Millet 10 M ... Col<> 14. S Colorado 13 8oulhw11t Arizona SI. 24, Houston 10 Arkansas 29, N&llY 17 Texas2 t,Utah 12 Texas A&M 6t. Teir.as-Arllnglon 22 NE Louisiana 38. N Texas St 15 Texas Tech 31. Air Foroe 30 SMU 31, Texas-El Paso 10 Trinity. Tox 16, Occ1don1a1 8 SW r .. u St t<I. Nlcholla St 7 E Central u 35. Langston O Lamar 27. Sam Houston SI 7 NE Oklahoma 17, A1k1nN.S Tech 6 P~nhandle St. 13, SW Oklahoma 7 Tarleton SI 31, Lubbock Chrl111an O Texas A&l 118. Cameron 0 Texas Lutheran 24, Howard Payne 20 Austin COi 1•. McMurry 3 NW Loulalana 28. Slephl!I F Aualln 14 Southern u 17. T1X11 Soulhetn 8 MldwHt UCLA 51 , Wisconsin 26 Kansas 30. Texas Chrlltlan 19 Nebraska 68, New Mexico St O Kansas St. 42, S Dako1a 3 Iowa St 19, Iowa 7 Ohio St 3 1, MlchlOln Sl. 10 Mlnne101a 38. Purdue 10 Noh• Dame 23. Michigan 17 Bowling Orean 34, Canl M1c111g1n 30 Ohio u 23, Richmond 14 8 . llllnola 24, Drake 17 Ml1ml, Ohio 27, Norlh~•tarn 13 N llllnol• 23, Kent St 16 W. Ullnol1 29, llllnolt St 13 Wlchlll St. 33. Ball 81. 20 eu111r ,o, o•ron "' WltltobttO 1 , Mutlllnoum 14 Adrian 33, wooat11 13 Alml 21, MICl\lglll Tech 21 Orllld Valley St 44, 61 CIOuo SI HIHld•ll 24, lndl1n1, Pa 7 Hope 48, O.P1ul 7 N 0 1ko11 81 10, N Oekola 3 lennltlM 81 34, c.n1 SI . OhlO 0 Valley Clly 81 7, Jlmtttown 4 WlbHll 28, Dlnlton 7 Youngllown SI 37. TenneaM1 Tech 14 And&fton 28. Blurtton 7 Caphel 44, Merlet11 2 Elmhut1t 57, North Park 0 Hanover 21. RoM-Hulman 14 i..kt FOfMt 14, OllYll 7 Mluourl·Rolll 21, Pllllburgh SI II Mo Weet•rn 17, NW MlllOUrl St 14 N, Michigan 40, S1gln1w Val SI 7 N011hwd , MICll. 20, lndt1n1 Cenlret 7 SW K1n11U 34, 011aw1, ~n 18 T•ylor 42, Defrance 7 BenedlCllnl, Ill 14, CaflhlQI 6 Wllmlngton 17, e.rlllam 7 Monmouth, Ill.·. Up~r Iowa O Benedleltne, Kan 2•. WHllburn 10 Baldwin-Well-3 1. 8ulf•lo 211 Oo•ne 15, Wayne. N•b 12 Cini. Mluourl 10. Murrey St o E lllh\oll 27, Wayne, Mich. O Friend• 2tl, St M1ry'1, Kan. 8 Kal&r1'l11100 41, 1111no11 Col 14 lnOlana SI 13. McN-SI 10 Kno• 17. ClllUQO 3 Mayville SI 10, Olckmlnson St. 3 Prlnc1pl1 35, Concordia, Ill. 27 Nebraak1 WHlyn 35, Wllllam Penn O S 01kot1 SI. 22, Net>r1.1k1-0m1h1 11 NW IOWI 44, Buenl Vllll 7 SE Mluourl 39, Evantvllle 13 SI. TllOmu 55, Mount Senerlo 6 W1lllam Jewell 59, Culvar-Sloclllon 8 Findlay 28, M1nchMter O Ollerblln 23, Kjltl)IOO 1• Toledo 1 7, M arallall 9 Bllhany, K.n. 28, McP~ 18 Emporia St. 24, Blk1< 14 Md-Am Nuerane 12, Cent. MethO<llal 0 Sterling 33, Tabor 14 Terklo 20, P•u SI 10 South Georgia Tech 36, Citadel 7 Miami, Fla. 14, Virginia Tech 8 N. Carolina 34, Vandarbllt 10 Oklahoma at. KenlutkV 8 Wllll1m 6 Mary 241, VMI 12 Al1b1ma 4:Z, Ml111 .. 1ppl 14 Jamee Mldteon 21 . Virginia 17 B0tton Coli.aa 17, Clem1<>n 17 Plltaburoh 31°; noi ldn St 11 Auburn 21, 8 MIHIHlppl 19 L9U 416, Oregon St 7 Ml11l11lppl St 4 t, Memphll St t7 SW Loulllana 31, W 1111&1 St 18 ru11ne 30, Rice 8 N. Carolina SI 30, W•k• FOr••I 0 Ouk• 30, S. CaroOn1 17 0.vldlOll 33, Georg11own Ky ~ 1 Hampdlfl-8)'(1ney 10, M1ryvllit 7 J C Smlltl f&. Virginia 81 9 Morellffd St u . kentueky St 8 SI Paul'• 19. Brldoewlltt Va 9 w Ktttlucl!y 10, Altron 3 Car.on-Hawman 42, 'ranlo.lln 2tl Llvlngatone 211, °'" ot Cotumb11 ti Norfolk SI. 28, F1y•tt1vllle SI 8 NC Cen1r11 37, Wlnaton-Seiem 17 W11h & LM 21, Emory & Henry 16 SIWllllll 32, Mlll11p1 1tl Sll1111Yry St 37. Bowle St 27 AubUrn 21, S MIHIHlppl 19 Ft. V11lley 81. 2<1, Morahou•• O Orambllng St. 31, Alcorn St 14 Jecllaon SI 14, Pral"• View 8 1.ou1111an1 Tedi 411, e Mlcnlgan 12 SE ~oulll11t\I 24, CMll Florldl 14 Tenn -Merlln 17, Aualln PH Y 14 Vtrglnl• Union 28, Hempton 1n11 8 Jackaonvllll SI. 21. Al1b1m1 A&M 13 • Prn bylerlan 1~. MIHIHlppl Col 18 E C11ollna 30. e. Ten-SI 0 Elon 41, Gulllord 8 Gerdner·W•bb 29, Newberry 7 Lenoir-Rhyne 7, Wolford 3 Mlddl• Tenn 27. Lll)fl'ly B1pll11 7 W. OIOfgle 38, MQ" ti W. Catollna 38. M••• Hiii 3 ,. •••• P•rlll 81 49, RulQefl 14 W Vt1glnt1 UI. Ma1yla11d 111 Brown 211. Yale 2 I co1go1a 21 . Lehigh 14 H.,11ard 27, Columbl1 1e Holy Croll 27, MHNChUHlll 14 N1w H1mp1hlr1 22. Bolton U 20 Penn 21 Dartmoo1h 0 Rhode ltlDlld 58, Mtlna 65 Army 26. Lafayette 20 tlllno11 41, Syracuae 10 Princeton 4 t, Cornell 38 !Mlhuno CookmOll 19, How•d.U II Co11r1ecllcul 24, N0<lh .. 11orn 17 "' C w po11 10, Klnga Po1n1 12 Oe<1rgt11own, O C 18. SI Francia, P1 If! Norwk;h 28, 1.ow.u 7 Pac:o •t>, BrOQl!tyn Col 0 PIVIYIOUlh 81 47, Ntc:holt 0 Randolph Macon 36, Iona '" SlonY. Brook •3, Falrllold 6 S-;vJr,llimore 2. Moravlon O Union, N v 28, Rochellet 1 Upaale 30. Ullkn O C111holic: U 24 Fordham 18 Clarion St 25, Kutztown St 20 EdlnbOro SI 29. New H1ven 0 Fr1iij<flrt & Mlll'ahall lO, Muhl.,iberg 7 Lock 'Htven St 14, Bloomaburo St 0 l.y<;Ot1)111G !!.1 SutQuehtnna fl M1001t11n ;,4, Siona 13 Mtrlll 20, SI Petet I IS Morgan SI 52, Cheyney St 30 Ramapo 14, Kean 7 RPI 24, COHI Guard n Shippensburg St 27 Towson SI 211 S Con...ctlcul 57. NY Tech O Ur111nu1 8, W Maryland 8 Well Liberty 30, W Virginia t och 8 Widener 10, Juniata 0 Cafftornl 17, Mansfield SI 17 Frotlburg St. 2• Allegheny 22 Waynesburg 4.8. Geneva 18 Catnegle Mattoo a$. Oro~ Coy 14 0uqU4111\e 34, WUll I J.tt 13 ''°'Ida AIM at. Otl1#8fl 81 23 8 CoM41<.tlClll 6 I, HY fech 0 w Vilglnl• It 3t, w VI Wlttlyn 19 W11all)l(lt11, Pe 4o, rhlel O WorCHI .. f.ch u f"alf1411(1h Oielo.111 0 OrOCllPClf1 II It, 14Jlfllo 81 21 Ctklornte Pl 11', Mllll li.tcl 01 11. ,,. Olckln.on 14, J011n1 H°'*ln• 10 01t1yt 1>vro 64, L11>1non Vil o o.l1were VII 23, All>tlglll 1 temple U , Da11w111 0 COMMUNfTY COU.IGI ~­SlddlablQI 14, uO:djlfl w .. 1 8 SoulhwHtern 42, WM t i.oa Angelfl I Ml San Antonia 28, Cnru1 27 San Ollgo 17, MlraCotl• 3 Gllndall 311, Rio Hondo 7 San Oteoo M-9, 511)11 Bllblll 1 El CllTllno 24, C111l101 17 Paa1~1 48l E111ern ArlZona 18 Long BMch ;s7, LA SouthWN 1 3 Blkertlleld 37, Fresno e Fullerton 37 811111 Ana 0 San Bernaro1no 9, Los Angeles CC 8 HIOH 8CH00l. .._ .... ,"' V1111 6, Edi.on 0 Moet)lf tOhlO) 29. Servile IS Plue X 22. 01111 Hiii• 8 8111\0p Amil 18 Mull 6 Lo• Amigo• 36, 'M1gnoll1 20 • • • Dally Piiot ctasslfled 642-5671. SUPER ·NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CEIIER I IMlllllllUICI nil I I lllCOI • It YI J tlli' 'it •• • •n"'·"f'•" (213) 122 0170 CMt(•""' MUllOI CtOvt ma. o--•• ,.._ ... ._flll'.& •~V\f 1m> m !>410 ~l•IOCll ,..,.,._llf •1·-· .,...._, ... _ l'tilll• ...... _ f ... _,.,._ (1") ""'°" mu•SA JIU SI lmlll ter>•··· "*,..._,..,\, ... ,,, .,.., ...... ~i "'~",, .... .... 014) SSJ.9161 ... 1111 SI mu tlltn( It" ..... _ . (714) Ml •Ml . GARDEN PARK VILLAGE A TOWNHOME COMMUNITY 2 & 3 BEDROOMS NOW FllOI $129,950 WHILE ·THEY LAST 1Q•2 % interest on our last few remaining homes in this fabulous brand new garden-like lifetayle. • Dally Piiot & The Good Sport S K & 10 K FUN RUN a.y ~p Mak" checks payable co nie Good Sport. sa.oo donation (T-shirt and enuyl MllEM"S ~TURI flt undet Ill T·Shlrt Slz~ Youth 0 Adult O SO M O L O XL O I will compete In 0 JO I< 0 SK Run. Octobtr 2. 8 00 & 8:30 am. ·Mlle Square Regional Park WaM!r and AsSllnj)oon ol RlWI In conMOeratJon d tru entry tlCCtptiWlCI!. 1 ne1t0y ror myself, my ne1rs, ~*'<utorS and admln1stralor$, w a111e arry Mld all r~ d c131ms for cir.rNgl's •'"'t tntt ary or Fount11in vaitry. C<Mlry ot Ofangt. Sr.ate of ca~romi.. llll! Good 5'X>tt. °'111y Pltot. ()I i!t'f ottwr Of9i""ll4'll0t\ ()( tndMdUttf auotlllttd Wltl'l O'W' ~. for N"J Md ttW ln}ur.n SOSUltl'M!d Dy mt' In ttws tvtnt 1 wrn OOdlttONfly Ptrmtt lt'lf ''" uR of my ""'"" and p1c.turl'\ tn r>ro."ldCAsU. ~~m. ('tc 1 h.lrtntr .lnl!st and ~·'Y !hat I ' t1n1 ~ny lit and h.Wt '°tndfnely uailWd lot lt'lf c~oon of ltlrS f<'I<(' ~ Fairview Rd. at Avocado. Costa Mesa Open House Daily 10:30 to 5:30 (Except Thurs .. & Friday) ~Q, ~~i:~ R11'1Tf 548-2239 675-2311 ~ 0 I . ' '" MAJOR LaAOUI IT ANDIHQI A-'Mn lMtW W .. 'RllM DIVlllON W L hLO• Kenwa C11y 84 64 Ma .,,.... 13 es se1 1 Cllbgo 18 et 531 5\t S..llle 6t 78 4et 14'-. Oaki.ncl •2 .. 4111 22 Tu.. 511 811 .31111 2!i MlnMe<>le !i5 t3 372 2t UST1NI DIVISION MheuhM II 80 695 llaltlm«• •• 82 5' I 2 lloelon 8 I 87 647 7 0.IJoll 74 72 .607 13 Heolf YOtk 7~ 76 .4113 15 c.....i.ncs 72 7 4 4113 15 Toronto ff 7t 4M 111 ........ kotM .,,....,, T0tonlo8 Bc»ton e. DlllfOll 2 MlnMe<>le 11, KM .. I City 5 llaltlmOf• 5, c...,...,,., 2 Milweu*M 8. New YOft'. 4 0.lend 2-6. ~ 1-4 Texu 10, SMllle 4 T90M1'1 0-. .,,.... (K'-1 6·5) et T0<on10 (ElChllom 0..11 Bolton (Tuelor 11-101 •• Oetroo (R\lcll., 2·51 Cl1v11end (HHton 0·1) 11 Belllmo11 (flenlOen 13-10) Oelllend (McCetty 8·31 et Chlcego (Kooemen&-11) • Ken ... City 1c .. 1ro 2·1) 11 MlnNSot• (O'Connot 7 7) ~ ' • N•w YorJ (Rawley 9·9) II Mllweukff (8unon 1·11 T•xu (HOMyCUtl 5-15) •• S..nle ca..nie 6-12) NeUoMILNaue ... Tl .... DfVtaot. ' W L f'ct.. Q9 ~ Allenll Sen Fr ancleco SM Diego Houlton ClndnnaU .. es .5'4 81 87 $.47 2'h 78 10 .527 5'~ 75 74 603 II 811 79 48e 14~ 55 llG 372 U 'h USTEM DIVISION SI Louis Pllli.delplll• MontrNI Pilltlburgh ~ 15 83 574 81 .. 551 3'1t 19 ee .537 5·~ 78 n 531 e•n 6!i 83 4311 20 57 llO 318 27'h a.t\ltder'• Scotee Hou11on 2. ~ o Clllcego 10, MonlrMI 7 Sen FtllllCllCO 4, Sen.()lego 1 SI LOUls 2..0, New Y0tk 0.2 ~ 5, Plllabulgh 4 AllMll 5, Clncinnlll 4 TedeJ'•O-. Hou11on (laCon 5·8) e1 Oode•n (Ve141nzuela 18· 12) Chicago (Ripley 5-7) 11 MonlrHI (lH 12·11) St lou!s (SIUCMW 7-81 al New Yott. (Zadvy , .... Plt1tt>ur11h (Tunnell 1-0) II Phlladelphll (ChrlllenlOl'I 8-101 AllAnl• (Mehle r 11-10) at C1ne1nn111 (PulOfe 6-11 , Sen Diego cs-10..51 •I Sen Franet9CO (Henwnailw 10..1) AmRICAN LaAGUI Anaele •• -Jn•. C~cMA T6RoNTO •rtilll •rhlll eer-lb 4 1 o o D.a.• a 1 1 o ~3b 1231 ~d 5122 Ae.Jdten • 8121..___111 5021 Oownllltlf 40$1 Woodslf 2"112 Pettltll 0100 8onnlll If 3000 ~pll 0000 Powelrf 1000 R.Ctwli II 0 0 0 0 8etfteld rf I 0 0 0 Lynn cf I 0 a S l'W8ll c 4 12 0 Ottdl2b 1000 Ac*Ndll 0000 l(4lletV .. 0 0 0 0 ..,... dll 2 0 1 1 Sconnpll 0000 WMldh 1020 FOii M 1 0 1 0 IOrO 3b 4 I 1 0 9eniqul r1 n 5 11 1 Qrftftn • 4 1 1 O Boone e 3000 Toi... 34612 I R.Adme• 1000 9-•br ~· Celll0tnla 101 102 012-8 Toron10 321 ooo ooo-8 E-Orltlln. OP-Calllornoa 2. T0ton10 2. loa-c.Mlomla 17, T0<onto 1 28-Moeeby Upehew 2. DeClncu. Downing HR· R9.iecltl0f'I 35. Wbocll 3 S8-W1"0ft0 4, S- 08ek., c ....... • " "•"•ao \', 2 3 3 1 0 Whl Cunla Senc:Nl(W. 7-3) , .... 4~ 6 3 3 0 2 4 4001 1 Gott ~ 5 3 3 3 3 0..... 11;\ 2 2 2 2 1 AL.Jeclteon ~ 3 I I 1 5 D.Murr'Y(l ,M ) 1'h 5 2 2 3 O a.... plldled 10 2 bett ... In 1118 ""~ c..r1le pltc:hed 10 1 llett• In 1M ICI\. HBP·D 8ah< (by Wiii), R AOamt eno C>owninG (by Ool1). WP-Witt. Cuftla, Gott 8K·OelMI. T·3:21 A·20~ Aft99f9"'111M llATTINO A81lHHll-~ 127 15 42 2 11 .331 417 IO 148 2 31 .312 521 es 15t 21 n .302 432 13 121 11 12 .2" 4M .. 137 35 11 .282 5~ 101 180 27 79 280 I 22 47 2 21 .21S 583 ff 141 22 85 .213 483 61 121 11 12 .211 "35 40 109 7 54 250 447 42 111 2 50 .24' 79 • 11 2 7 .228 IO 10 17 2 5 .213 175 23 36 1 11 .200 47 • • 0 1 .170 45 4 1 0 2 156 2000 1 .000 10000 000 01000 000 5,0IO 742 1,383 111 .... .273 ma.o • H -SO W-L allA ........ aw. 54 39 31 2· 1 2.45 == 1 ~.;: 1J: : ~ ~~ ~-: SMc:Nz ~ .. 33 54 74 3.)1 "-52 45 23 40 3-3 3.41 Witt 115'h 114 4e 7t M 3.65 .>c1wt 201~ 211 ,. 12 12.12 a.• For9Cft 21~ 210 M 10 12-10 3.71 Z1M ~ 205 5' 73 1M a.13 fllenllo 152 151 4t n 11.. 4.32 Oofla 71.. 15 21 al M 4.16 Mor9nO 4t'A 65 23 22 3-7 4.74 Corbell ~ • • 30 2·2 5.78 n.nt 12 15 3 10 0..1 6 00 Totall U 4 1 .. U23 455 170 u-45 IM ......... Tillen2 eo.ion 200 * 103-1 10 o 0et•01• 200 ooo 000-2 a 1 "81ney, SIMl!ey (2) end Alleneon; UfOut, lope ct! "10 ,.,,,.,, Pwrllll W-S!an19y, 11 ... l-\JIOUf, .. I. HR-Boeton, ~ (41. Y.,._,,.1 (18) OettOlt, H Jotlneon 131 A-11,425. TwlM ff, ..., .... ~City 000 300 110-5 11 ' ~· 204 301 IOx-11 14 0 -. Hood (4). &Oleiho (71 "10 WlllNn: Wllllltfte end LeudMr. W-Wl!Meme, t-7 l,-91119, 13-10. HR-KM\ ... Clly. Otle ( 10). Miiie ( 10), M""-1•. LMldn« (n, G .. 111 (23).A-Ut4 ........ ,., lillltlMit 4 t 11• ooo aoo 10 11 1 NATIONAL U AGUm Aetroe 2, Dod .. ,. o HOUeT<* Ll>t ANOllLllS Puhl QI ThOfl H Kl'\lghl lb a .. ,.., 3b J Cru1 H HMQ rl loucll• cl Doren 2b Pujola c J N••o p Tol•IA •rlllll .. , ..... 3 0 0 0 Tl\oMN 2b 4 0 I 0 • 40 10 Lendt-... ct 4 000 41 11 ...... " 2000 4 000 Mondeylt 1000 30 o o ouen.,o rt 3 o oo 3000 Oaiwy lb 3000 1000 Cey 3b 3010 3000 8redlty p< 0 000 311 t ATWa3b 0000 3010 ~.. 2000 31 2 4 2 Orta pll I 0 0 0 Beltngr .. 0 0 0 0 YHglf C 2000 8rodl ph 1 O O 0 SekMc\e c 0 000 Weldl p 2 000 Roenc:il ph I 0 0 0 TOI... 29020 Sc-Illy._.... Hou11on 100 001 000 ~ 2 Lot Angtlle1 000 000 000 -0 E·C•y. Welch lOB·HOU•lon 4, LOI Anoetes 2 HR·Knlghl (II, PujOlt (4) S·P\111 ..._,... • " ........ 0 J NlellrO(W. 1&-101 9 2 0 0 0 3 l•~ Wetcm(L, 1~· 11) II 4 2 2 I 4 T-2 Ill A·0 .517 ~ ....... , CNeego 000 00.3 070-10 13 0 MonttMI 204 001 000-1 10 1 8itd, Stein (&I, PrOly (8), Tldfow (7). 1.e • Smith (8) _, Oe¥llt. LArefl, .... 1•J. a. Smtih (I~ Frymen (II. SdlelnOel (91 encl Certw W-TtOr-. 74. l-Fryman, M . S-1.e. Sml111 t 14) ·A-25.171. ""'9TGA* ~!. ..... St. Louie 000 100 001-2 I 1 Heoll YOtto 000 000 000-0 5 0 Foncll, Sutt ... (I ) 8nd T-: Flllelon9, Puleo (t) ano HQOoM. W-Fortch, 15-11. L-Fllklone, 6-10. S:-Su!Mr (33). HR-81. LCMM. or-(2). •CONDO.. ~1, ..... 1 St loul• 020 101 200-1 t 1 New Yorll 001 000 001-2 10 2 KN1. L11R11 141 ano D. PO<f•: r ...... T. Oorl'Mr'I (1). Slek (I) 8nd Bodly. W-t..llllU, 5-3 l -Twr ... 0-1 Hite-New Yotll, 8odly (2), Aejelctl (2). St. Louie, D POflw ( 10). A-11,llOO .,_., .... 4 Ali.tll• 300 011 000-8 8 0 Clnclnnetl 000 010 120-• 1 P Nlekro. Garb•• (71 end lenedlcl. 8#\etro. P111ore, Henle (I). L..i.y (I) "'° Trevino, Ven Oortner. W-P. Nlelkro, 1M. l -Putotl, 8-11 S -Oll'l>er (28). HA- Clndnnell, O.t ... 2 (I ). A-14, 121. ,._..,.. ........... PlttlllUrgtl 000 120 00 1-12 I PNledelpNe 010 110 20x-5 • 1 D. AolliNOf\ Md T. Pena; CNll'-. Mone• (7). A. AffCI (ti •ncl Vlrgll. w-Monoe. 1·1. l -D. AoCllMOfl, 15-11. S-A. Reed (12). HAe-Phffa~phta. Vlrgll (2), Rou (SI. Pllllbu•eh. Medlock (It). A-31.441e. ...................... C• ~~:;;:-c•1 Men'I 35 lllngln -.J«ry VM Unge Oii. Oennil Trout M, 7·8; Dew 8oh4ltlon 091. Jim eo-. 6-2. 6-1 Men'• 40 alriglee -Hotel Ritt• def Jerry Pelch. 11· 1. 1-3. Dick LHCh def Miii• Reb«Mll, ..... 6-2, 1-3 ........ 45 ~ -8oo eu.... def Jim Bueti, &-3. 1-3; Jtm PNttey Oel. S1an Die, &-3. 1-e. Met>'t 50 11<9" -Aon L.Mng.1on o.t Norm SleuQhl. W . 6-4, KJng lM!IOer1 Oel Hel ....... 6-2. 2-e. t-3. Met>'1 55 ll"lllee -P911 Weith def. Ed K-. 2-e. 7-4.1-3, Sem MllCl'I def Rolin Wlllnet, 7·6. &-4. Men'1 IO 11ng1M -Doug Whlllleld Oei. Bob RNH, 1·3. 7·5. Sam Planele Oef 8et'llle CerrOI, 6-3, 7-5 Men'• 85 tingles ·-Tony ProOan 091 HOWWO Peler90n, 1-2, 1-3, 1111 Smith Cle! Doug Wlllllw, 1-2, 6-3. Women'• 35 a1nQ1e1 -Ellen Bryant def. Pet McCebe. &-1, 6-1, Sue Steven1 doet. 0--Wolllama Horne. 1-3. 3-0. reelred Wom.,f1 40 linglee -Merlyn Strew del Suaen AN. 8-4, 1-4. s...tte bowoen Oel Berber• Slletlon, 7 .... 7 ... Women'• 45 11ngle1 -Dorothy Mt11h!.&Mn def Ma<lene Abel. 7·S. 6-2, ........ Peru def a... WlnM&. 6-2, 1-2 Women'I ~ li<>glee -Donne ~ def JMn fldlerdeon, 6-4, S.7, 6-4 . &tw Nel-edt cMI. ,,.,, W8kefletd, 6-2, &-2. Women' I 55 elngl88 -Donl Cler1I def. I.Oii HO<'ton, defauft. Plyeeh"1 Huuey del , OOfll H•men, 8-3, l-1 women·• eo ~ -a.nor H41tbule o.4. Leone Fried...,, l-0, 6-1, Wllrne Bennett del Pal l<err, defMlll . ..., .... cou.i-• UC .,,,..,. T--· ........, ........... UC lrflM I. UC ....._....,,I UC lrYlne 2 I $ 2-4 UC SM\i. Berber• I 0 I 1 •-9 UC ~ tcOl1ftg VM ... 4, P. C""llbtll I, Oodton 1, Rilty I, Aolitirtaon I , UC IMrl8 2 3 I 2-8 c.tlllornMI 0 1 1 )-5 UC lrvln• 1eortng P Campbell 4, J C8'llPb9ll 2. vw~ 2 °"*'-" UCLA 21. S11n Francltco St. 2 Univ. of Peclllc 5. long IHcto St 4 UC Santa Bwt>we t . ,r_ St J USC 12, UC a.n~t W-1r...O. · 8, UCLA 4 Stet>tord 10. uo 5 Celttomlto e. USC II l~ 8eecin St. 10, UCtSen Diego I Sen Frencteco SI S. Fr-SI 4 Sllntonl I. W-1<-* 8pencllu 5 UCLA 10, UOf> 4 USC 5. UC Santa Bwwe 4 Long 8"eh SI 4, Frell)O SI 1 "'°" IQtOOL ......... ,_, .. ,, c ............ ........ c __ ... ...,,1, ...... v..1 Corona cMt M., a 3 2 i -11 Mont• Vl11e 2 I 4 I-I Corof'I• Otl Mu acorlf'IO '"''*'lllno 4, Temple 2. PeuleOn t. llol*te 2, kOl1 I, c_ ... ...,.., ........ 1 Coron• cMt .,.., 2 a 4 1-10 ~ l 1 I 2-1 CotOf'll del Mer tco•lllO. tmi>ernlf'IO 4, f""'"8 4, 'loofbOurrow 2 c_ ... ...,.., ..... c..,.1 Coron. del MM I 2 2 3-10 •111t• cw. 0 2 2 1-I C:O.Of'I• det Mar -1"0. hntlernlno t 1 f""l)le4 ...... ~T-= C .. La..._,_ > .................... , ,,....,, Villto . 2 4 I 2-t Wllnvl 4 I I 1-7 Ml .. IOf'I Viejo KOflnt. leo"9nlltln I, ~1.~t.~1 ......... ...,., .. Piece Uf'li"""111, Cr .. fofd I Cr""1ord o o 2 3-6 u.v-111r 2 6 2 2-t 1 Unlvettllr teorlng S Waahbourne 3. 8artlell 2. K WMhbOurne 2. Schabet I, S<.hupak 1, COlwock 1. &o111ec1 ... 1. Merifte 11. wtUM Hille II Legune Hiiia 3 3 2 4-1' M11rlnl 4 3 7 4-lt ,M.,1ne ICOflng HOplllnt I . lallMky 4, Spenovleh 2. Denney 2, &0111er1on I. Wero. 1, e.a1g I, A. Lynch 1. • L.egun• Hiiia acorlng. Cofnln 5. looUI 4, Cromen 2, "-*o 1 Mn".~:g;.:::z ... ,~13 ....,_ toe .,_, bonllo, 1• ,,,.,..,..., 54 rOdl IWI, 22 ~ 15 tt u,ut1...i. DAVSY'a LOCHtl ( ........... , - 127 anglerL 22 l>Onl!O. J4 cilllCO ..... .... rnedl ..... 71 roc:lt fWI. 21 ...cl Ma DANA WMA11P -221 anglerL 111 .,_., H bonito, 4 hellbul, 1441 mecll•el, IOI roc:lt 11111, 4 ~a#. 32 tcUlpln, 43 ...__.llMd. SIAL •IACH -131 engtere. 21 barrewde, 14 t>onllo. 22 ~ l>eae, 3 ~·. 100 rock ""'· 15 -"' beee. 42 eculpln, 12 whit• 11111, 5 ellffpeheed. (llM .. ) -t4f •netere. •• bonito, 750 meck.,_~11 3 und bHJI, 15 8C\lf91n, too qi_, ntn, 500 while croell«. a~ c:roel<• COU..-QI UICf1,......_7 --.-.,o..w. ~ 0 0 0 7-1 Soulhern c.i 14 14 0 0 -21 IJ9C.Sellat>ury 1 ""' (Jorden kid!) USC-Spencer 30 PHI from Salltbury (Jotdwt klc:ll) U8C.J "-!M IMlt rwtum (Jorden kle*I USC-0.llutll 11 PHI from 8 11 .. bury !Jolellf'l ICIC*) 1"6-~d 1 "'" (0. 8mllh k!Glc) A.acl,724 T_ ........ ... ""-dOWne 10 AutNe-1.,0• za.11 PIMlng yerda 121 l'lelurn ywoe 0 p-1~1 'Puni. 1-41 F~loel 1-0 ~.....,.,da 4-17 Tlmlof P~ 21:11 ..,...........,. RUSHING -lndlene, .,_.. 1:M3, WMll 1-17, Howerd 1-11 8outMm Cel, CrvlcNr 21-123 Lw..a4,~WI. l ePAISINO -lndllhl, LeulenMtt t ·10-1·121. South.,n Cet, Sltllbury 13·22..0.171, T1nllw 0.2..0.0. RECEIVING -fndlelMI, MoNlllb 3·15, Gunn 1·21. Sellen 2·15. Sou111«n Cel, ~ 4-el. I.le W3. eor---t-27. ... ~ ..... .... 0 11 ...... Ml .. , t-11 au• ~ .. Uftt ......... ,., • .... .. OilfWt ... 0 • 'tll -17 7 t 11 -H g., I run CT'411n •1 WwKlofllewl l 1un (Tobin klOll) '-"'OJ~ll LI fQ JGMlof'I U ~ I ""' (fOOfll lilCll) ~··•rvlli .. P IO ltOl!I Olllon (l Moll'OOfl*Y J-''°"' Olflotll Wycl•l"Ull I tllfl (Tfflf'I klOll) LI·"°" I run(~ klQO Wl'O-l~betVer I IUll (9-Nrllf NII) Ll ·l'owler 1• P•H from OltlOf'I (OH• . ....,, •·11.144 FltJlt downa ~r.,01 Pu.Ing yerdt Aeturn 11101 p ..... • Punta FumblM•lolt Panett•·y.,dt CP 17 52-IO 174 ti 11-27·1 6-31 3-2 11·115 UO 2.IO 2.40 2.IO 2.20 2.40 uo 2AO Otange Coaat OAILV PILOT /Sunday, September 19, 1982 Pllrl"H "ACI One m• I*• eoi. '$''°" ITOOdl 61 oo U eo 10 •O '"'• • • IAIWll 21 ~ It 70 lalllmOll ""-I I to Alto tac.cl OMmoNI .. ai>PY VllW fief., o. O.an Pol'11, fflCllel e11.,oer. 'uN Podull Tlnle 1M0 • HACTA t' 91 "9IO 11 002 00 SIXTH HCI. One mite ~ ... ~ Oougal (AlldeltOlll 10 '° • 00 • 20 l lOfmt AllKk (04111.,) 14.80 6 80 Motdel Try111 (flMth) 3 10 Aleo ••Ced Aeron Chip, l'etllm1n10. YH ldO. ICOllll h Loch, Meo Chermer, a...\d.,_ apw. ""-'• ao1c1 Time. 1570 ee IJIACTA 12..t) pelO '364 00 MVI~ llACI. One mill~ 1t0011tllld '""'* IOlll 30 eo 13 40 • eo Antty Henle'( ,.._ IM-1 14 ~ I eo TllU<t>er GIOll9 l&.oneol S 40 Ateo rec:ICI P•1., Oneoin lk" Merine. Alb• Tl~. Tim'• M•I•. t M Rowi. fabien '-"Oblll. Timi I 6, 116 . .. UACTA (1·11paidaaeo00 llOH'nt MCL One 1111\e p- Bune H--(kVieMI 6 40 4 00 ) 00 l11Pf>Y Ulldoe (Kueblt<I 6.40 3 40 R•Yltl Clt1tlon (9 .. ll.llfgeonl ) 00 Al90 'lad Gentle Miat , Nllde H-. CA180IYt NWrH llACI. One ")lie P- MeKenne (And.,tOlll 13 20 9.00 , 20 0111 .. Spur (SllMlncll) 16 40 10 00 s1111Pom• CllOtce clleytMt) e eo Aleo rllGed o.t Hapoy, Aalntllfno Kidd, TorplOI Knlghl, M•IH llC Dl f'IC•r. ftme 9QU¥• Blton. Bt..,,,.r, Rea Hanover 'rime. I 50 416 A IXACTA (2•51 Paid '351 20. a ll'tCK IOI (l-2·2..e·2·2) peld 1311,1211 00 wtlh one wlnnlng llcUI (11111 hot-) $2 PIQI 81K coneotellon peld $8,837 40 wttll 1wo wlnnlnf llCl\911 (f!W hor-J nm llACI. One mile pp PIM Ship (Aubin) 2• 20 11.60 6 00 Kone COUI (BeylMa) • ao 4 40 Yount Miiiion (Hwdlej 3 00 Aleo r-Southern Rhythm. Cepteln Plldero, Kelly Viva. Hamtth Aeo, Stanley Thor. Time· 1 69 315. A IXACTA (4-3) p8id l llO 20 Altend.,_ -t ,962 ·°"*'··~ COl.UOI Tllen c.ii..i. .. , __ , (el Cel Me f'llllef!Oft) '~·· "-"' l'OOI ....., POOi I -UCLA Oef, UC Rl--.ioe. 16-2, 115-6; ArlZOM 81111 def Ft.no Slete, 15-12, 16-1. POOi 2 -UC S11nte Betbwe def Ce! S111e Norlhrldge, 12· 15, 15·6, 15·5; Cal 81111 Fldler1on clef. New MexlClo 8111e. 15-11. 16-11 Poot 3 -Vlah Oei Arbone. 16-10, 4-15, 15-10: ~dine def Long BMcn 811te, 1r.-t. 15-11 Ct:A11taUoft Owwt ........... UC Riwrllde bye, Uleh State Oel Long 8Mdl Stele, 15-11, t -111, 15-11: UC llVIM Oii. New MelllCo Slele, 16-7, 14· II. 15-12, FrMnO Stete def. Sente Clere, 15-1. 15-8 Cen11t1tlorlt~ UC~ Oei Ftuno St•t•. 15-13. 3·15. 15-t. UC Alverelde def. Ut.,, Stele, 15-8, 16-7 C ....... ltonC~ UC Rl....,llOI 091. UC llYine, 15-t, 154 c.__........,~--. P9C)91rdtne def Cel 81all Futlerlon. IM. 14-11. 15·7. UCLA d ef. c.-1 Sl•ll NOfihtldge, 15-t, 15· 13. Arlzone Oii UC 811111• 811b1<•. 15·8, 15·8, Arizona S llte ci.t. Utah, 15-7, 15-11. c,._.........,. 9-HIMM UCLA O•f. Pepperdlne, 15·5. 15·1. Atlzone °"' Attl.ona 51•1•. 15-10. l!>-9 l'Mnt"-~lne def Afttone 51111. 1!>-5 c.__.........,. UCLA cMI Allzona, 16-14, 11-14 All-tournernent i.wn: 8e¥ Ud'tOfl (UCLA), Anita Mou (Arlzon•I. HHt111r Portie• UVIZOna Slale), J<lnl TICllM (Peppetdww), U.. Stuck (Arizona 81118), Motl vlluebt9 pleyer ..... ,_ lle4Nprey IUCLAJ ltlOHSC~ Or-. c-tJ c.._.1. ,.... '"'"' °"' ~"" ...... , Pool One -I Dane Hiiia. 7-1. 2 l • Quint•. 5·3~ 3 Founlltn Valle y, 5·3: Un/llenltY, 3-o; Foothill, o..t. Dene Hlltt, la Ouinta. ,_,. v-., edv-. POOi Two -Newport .... bor. 7-1. Loe Amlgoe. 7-1. Edleon. 4-4, ~. 2-e, TUllln, 0.1. Newpof1 Herbor end LOI AmiOOI .ovance. POOi Thr .. -Irvine, •·2· Oa<Clen Grove, 8 ·4. O range. 6·•: M8'1ne , 5 ·5. ~eno Vllley, 4-8; W•t•n, 141 IMne. Gerden °'°"' _, Orange edvence. Pool Fout -&tenda, 10.0, Mii• Del, 6-2, ~ v-. 5-5; Senta ARI v-.,. '°'· Mt11lon VleJo, 2-1: Bru-Ollnde, O·I. Ellanc:le Md Meter Del edvenc:.. PQOW'hle -WMtmlnltw, M : la Hebfe, 5·31'\ Canyon, •·•: San If e go, 2-e. lo1 Alwnlloe. l·f WNlmlntlar, le Hetwe end Cenyort edY-. Pool &• -SM etern.nte. 6-2. El Toro, 6-2: ~11 An•, M ; Hunllnglon Beech. 5-5, Ketetle, 3·7. RancllO Atamltoe. 0-10 Sen Clemeo••. EJ Toro end Sant• AM edvenc:. Eatencle o.t OceM View. 15-11, 15-1, def. ~. 15-3. IM , Oei Mt- VlejO, 15-1, IW; def S1111a Ane Vtlley, 15..S, 1$-7, Oei MllW Oii, 16-5. 15-7 ~ou.1-="' .._.(LY) ............. (14'-aV .... > ... f...,. eoorea. I. NeYedl (Reno), S3, 2 UC !Mne, 47, 3. Neved4 (Lal Veg11). 71, 4 ArllON 8t11e. eo: 5. Oranee Cou1. 111: 1. Univ. of Set1 OleOo. 1• 1. o.mc. Mey (...,ede-Aeno). 1t 10 a, 2 hb•Oulu :.-:o•O•·Aeno). tt IS I . 3 T'-'l*lft < •Lu v..->. 1t f4 o. 4, A...t11 (Ut Irvine), lt.H .2; 5. Scllwen !Ar11ona St.), 1t 21 I . I . Arend• N•~•d•· l VI. It: 44 I : 7. PreOere ""'Ida-Renal. 1 .. 48.4. I Soot! (UC !Mne). It 41 0: t . Tlnuelu (UC•lnllne). 19.41 3. 10 C<oea l...,ede-Aeno). 1e 50 o wo. .. TIMI tcorft. 1. Orenge Coaet. 35, 2. UC trvln•. 40, 3. Cl8'emonl·Mudd, 71, 4 Neveele !W. Vegu), 75, 5 Univ of San OiaOO. ISi, I WMUer. no ICOte. ' I ~ (Cler-l·MVOd), 18.31 S, 2 0.Vetll (Ot.,. CON!), 1t 10.3; S Newing (N•vede•lV). It 12 8. t , Zllll (Orenge Co11t1. 1t.11,t ; 5. Vollmar (UC lrvln•), 1t·aU: I. Zllllr.Onlll CUC lrvtne), 111•43 3; 1 Cu11111 (UC lrvlnt ), 1t 51 I. I Oull• (Oren~ CoHt), 111 55 I, t Rlnt., (UC irme), 20-ol •. 10. H-. IOnnve eo..1~ 20 15.0 HIOl4 ICHOO&. ...... ,,.~ OIVISION I (8•nlo111 -I Ol1n1110 (IC.elelle). 15 41, i M .Mdoetoe (l8 Jotdenl. IS $4; 3 Her1'1t111ton (Mire Cottll), 11 10, 4. WOii (Aolllnt Hiiie). 11.20! 5, £1plnoH (~no). 11:16. T•m ecorM: 1 Mire C-.., 61, t LI .lol'lllll, ea, a. l<etetla. 14 OMSIOH ll(lenlOrel -I, CNl(llut~), 1a-1a ~ ~ 2 c.tt-re.-~» U !JCI, S ~ IMoYOI. 1t 00. 4 Mon••• (A,,oyo). 1l: 1e: a ""''Ou•• (AOHM••OI. 1e; 17. THm I COrH 1. .....,.., to. 2. Arroyo, ee. a ~. lot 1>1v1a10N 111 ISMiot•• 1. c~11 llo<.olh Hiiie) 1• M . 2 lleynoldt (8oulll .... ),1811.)~~1111.• 0o'8dO (AlllCllO), 11·21: I . Hiii <VlllaltCMI. 11.n ""'" toDfel 1 ~-·· ' t1; 2 (I hgun(lo, 141, ) ~, IH . • r Pius X topples Dolph!n~_·_ By RANDY TIFT ,... OfttllOelfrNet ..... Defenalvely, at lea1t, Dan• Hills High held ha own Saturc»t aftemoon apinat what DolphiM football coach Don Doual•• tenned a "much more phyaically talented" Phu X 1quad. ~ ha.\ Dolphln., however, were unab .. to mount many aoorlna threata .. ihey fell, 22-6, to the WarriorL Dana Hilla held a auppoted.ly potent Warrior running attack tp only ~6 yarde for the game. Only twice did Piu.e X move the bfiil.1 farther than 24 yards on any poueaalon. One of thoae included an 88-yard pus play early in the fourth quarter. "We held them defensively, .. said Dougi., whoee team fa!Ut 1o 0-2 In pre.eaeon play. "We were a completely dilferent team from laet week, but they just stymied u.e offensively." Mike Germain, a recelver1 accounted for Dana Hills' only score on a 7~yard breakaway run in the third quarter which trimmed the ecore to 16,6. TIMt Dolphins could muster only 110 yarda in total offense. Standouts defensively for Dana Hilla were J .J. Halsey, who made two key fumble recoverits and contributed three sacu .. along with Dan Vise, Kurt Knauer and Tim Champieux. Dana Hilla' lone touchdown was set up when Sophomore Chris Oliver Intercepted • Warrior pau In Dolphin territory."' Then, on a draw play. Germain scampered up the middle and zlg-r.agged 75 yards into the end zone. Douglase' greatest concern after Saturday's loss, more ao than the ~·s outcome, is the fact that Halsey, Knauer, and quarterback Matt Cooper all left the game in the second half with Injuries. First reports indicate lb.at Halsey has a break in his foot, Knauer, a dislocated shoulder. and Coope r (who returned briefly), a sprained ankle. * OH 7 34-61 49 4-1$.3 ' 4-33 1-2 4-30 OCC women run to title Orange Coast College capturecj first place in the women'• division of the Nevada (Las Vegas) invitational cross country meet and UC Irvine finished aecond in the men's and women'• divisions Saturday. Kim DeVitas finished second in the women's race with Sue ZUua 'fourth and Kathleen Dube eighth for the Pirate women. UCI's women finished in the fifth, seventh and ninth placea with Kim Vollmer pl.acing fifth. Mark Reulu placed fourth in the men's race wtth Don Scott ln eighth and Sam Tinuelas in ninth plAce. On the high school scene1 Eugene Cruz of Burbank High won the Division n men'• race for aeniors in 15: 13 to estab · course record and be nam outstanding athle te of t Woodland Invitational meet. I.Aura Cattivera of Mira Htgh won the Division l women'• varai ty race in 17 :41 to set a coune record and also be named MVP of the meet. Irvine High tied with A.rroy~ in the Divi1ion II aweepauk~ competition and the Irvine women finlahed third in lb~ dMllon. Moeller comeback tops Servile, 29-15 KINGS MTl..LS, OhJo (AP) - Sophomore running back Hiawatha Ftancbco da.ahed 60 and 47 yard• for a pair or aecond·half touchdowns as undefeated Cincinnati Moelter came fro_Lbehlnd lo topple Servhe 21"'1'3 In a hlah echool foot.bt.11 pme Saturday. Servlte. playtna lta fl.rat pme of t.M 1082 1et11on after pmt.lrW an 8-6 ncord laet year. lC!d 16-n aher three quartert on the at ... nath of a pair of lS-yard touchdown paue1 hem q~ Steve BeUttllin to wtde ...aYtt Brian s.mo . .. .. Orang• Colll OAILV PILOT/Sunday, September 19, 1982 IARLI IKI' 2 TOYOTA ClEARA CE · SALE 2 Door Sedan, 4 speed transmission, bucket seats artd fully factory equipped (476445). Front wheel qrlve for you mo\mtaln drivers. Ecooomy, reUablllty & quality -you get It all AND at super savings! BRAND NIW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fulty factory equipped. (271211). All the performance, economy & reliability Torota Is famous for! Don't miss this one! s 5 speed transmission AM/FM stereo, Door mats, pinstripes. wheel well moldings (805816} Don't mla"\tll1 one. s . . BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed v. ton model with 4 sp9ed transmission & a 2.4 lltre engine. (053974). You'll J-U-M-P for joy at this fantastic buying opportunity! Fully factory equipped & ready to roll! s BRAND .NIW 1982 TOYOTA4x4 PICKUP 4 speed transmission with multiplex radio. This car hes window package & much more. (050332). 577 TOVQTA • . ·1966 Hattxw Blvd. LOWEST PRICED NIW·CARI , SPORTY WITH GRIA T FUEL ECONOMY! 0111 TOUGH TRUCK! A TOUGH TRUCK READY FOR THI DIRT! SEE US THIS I SATURDAY, . SUNDAY MISS ITlll Thinking of sel~ng your car? If ao, please consider our TRIEX eyttem. We will sell your car as you wovld but consider our pfussesl We will advertise, qual· tty all prospects, take trade-ins. have available financing & do all peper wortd When your car le eold aff you do ts stop by and pick up a check! Cell our TRIEX representative to list your car today! 714-646-9303 714·540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY I 11 1111 IU•IY UNI LlfTllll Economtc.I 4 cyt. engine, 4 speed trana.. alf cond .• stereo cua.. p-. steering & brakee, rear window ehacM' .....,........,. ... N6de. outl (43413F). • • $5699 1111 TIYOTI OlllLU 2 IMI Economlcal 4 IPMd with air cond .• 1tereo cauette, exterior trim package & morel Very clean & completely original! (347YBK). s3999 1171 TIYOTI -mu ...... .., .. The ultlmale Toyota with f\111 powe<, air cond .• stereo. CnJIM control. Ult wheel, alloy wheel• & morel {IMXMN). Don't ml11 this one at only s5999 11'11 TIYITI ClllW Wllll Popular 5 speed trans .. a ir conditioning and AM/FM stereo tape. (245WAN). P.oom lor the whole family at the low prtc. of just s3399 1111 IATlll 1210 Believe it or not! --~--~~---~HA! s2999 · ~~. -----------4'!: ~-.. : 4 door. auto trantmllllon. radio & heater. low mllet. Exc:eplionel car In & 04.lt. (189PSU) 11• llDA .. 121 lllPE 5 speed, etr cond., stereo, alloy whffls & more. (195ZUV). Don't ml11 this one for only $5999 I ,:~ .. r--.• ----.: : •"""'-Jr 4-,.~.. -: American Airlines 1Wt rt --Alf-10oono --0011a1 I I i "'" 2 ,;i,rKm TO : via AIDICAN AIRLINES 19'"'0""'_ .. ____ 0f .... _Of _ ~----------ti ~'1,, ~~".:~~"':;'~.:.,."',!"'::w":n': I .\,,,.,fl(.,_ Aot•Jf\ff Mvtl he\11 ••1-0 ~"'•nent 0t ff'• •--oe •• y-. or -0t -Ho._ Aolo"C, :-·-... ·-----... ·-" ..... ~ ~ _ .. _...,. t •J0/12 1114 TIYITI llllLU IPllT OllPI Economlcal 4 speed, ate. AM /FM tape. Mutt see to appreciate. (t21KXZ) s2999 I ''"'~-•-------: ,..,,..---------I I A---------1 ,,,_,. _______ _ t I OMler 1 rll)r....,111.,. ____ _ ------------------------ (714)646-9300 . costaMesa Ez=~----~1714) $40-946~ Open·Wtekdlp 8:00 1.m.-9:00 p.m., S.turdlp 8:00 1.m.·8:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m.·7:00 p.m., Ser~ and Parts 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Mot*y.frldly, Sltuntly 8:00 a.lft.!4:00 ·, ••. , lodY Shop Weekdlya '8:00 1 a.m.·~00 p.m. Cll 131-4432 A t'ASlllON ~t:c 'l'ION m· Tm: OttANC;t-: COAST lMILY PILOT Kimberly Rothwell uses lace and roses to create the setting for an 'Elegant Ladies Luncheon' Junior League dish,es up entertaining . I R.S.V.P. I 65 Newport Harbor Junior League members 4 Chairwomen I Year Research/Groundwork 2 Years of Collecting Redpes, Testing, Reteatiug, Critiquing Combine all of the ingredients a nd blend with members' dedication and the creativity of an artist, illustrator a nd floral de1Jigner, marketihg a nd financial ideas. Fold results gently into R.S. V.P. -a unique cookbook· and complete entertaining guide. Details on parties ranging from a barbe<:ue to an elegant ladies' luncheon arc included in the spiral-bound book. Et.ch chapter covers a diHerent style of entertaining. Detaila are given for invitation designs. menus with recipet, suggested eerving pieces and centerpiece idea11. Cbarta outlining time schedules -from aending out the invitation• to Ian.minute pre,,-ration . And testing takes on a new meaning. Junior Leaiuers tried out the ideas, trying each part) three of four times. Every detail n·as carried out and then hours were spent critiquing the re ult . Kristy Lynch and a committee resc>arched a nd a nalyzed the po ibility of having a cookbook published in 1979. In 1980 Mary Jo Winklema ~n headed thr book committee, testing patlies were organized a nd four chapters were completed. Judy Solsk y and Kristi karrnan took O\er u c<H'hairmen in 1981 and were in ~harg(' of the loi.t ix chapter& working with editoria-home economist, Martha Johnson. Grap~ic artist Bill Taylor and illustrator Michael lfobson. crea ted the chapter divi ion peg~. Junior League member. Mert"dith Mood) of Irvine. a fourth-generation Californian and third-generation league me-mber. providtd the pen-and-ink drawinp throughout 1he hook. Robert Frifdline, designf'r o( Floral Decor and Interiors of Laguna Beach. donatf'<f hia timr and the ccnterpittet pi<'turcd. Thia year. Kim~rly Rothwell. chairman, and . Sharron Paul, admini trative as i lant, Lynda ~hea. markcling. Celcsle Dcnnerline, distribution, and Marly Chapman. finance and their committees c•ompletrd the projCC't. N. ·.v.P. i publi hed by F rye and mith and will be marketed nationwide after its debut Sept. 29 at cirnan-Marcu&, Fa hion Island, at a 7 to I 0 p.m. kickoff party. A buffet featuring delicacie from R .. V .P. \\ill be st>rvcd along with wines furnished by ~1ira o;ou Vint yard . Copies of tht 114.95 book will be sold at the party ot 20 percent di8<'ount. Ticketll to the <'t'lebration are 115 per perton and rt>servations may be made by calling the Ju 11 ior League at ~40.1450. Profita from R .. V.P. will be rtturned to the Orange f..ounty community through projects 11upported by the league -C hild Advocate '\t'" lt'tter. Oisa11er Prtpaffiioesa. Child or • Parental Emergency ServkH (COPES) Orange County Marint' Institute Gallery at Dana Point, 1he lea~ue's SpNker'a bumm and the Natural Iii tor~ ltt:tuno ~M-e. " • C'I Orange Co11t OAIL Y PILOT I By VIDA DEAN Of Ille Delly Piiot lteH ~ . --> What luxury! ---....-T_;.l_was in Lancomc's lnstitut de Beauw ut a s fft Avenue, uth""Coast-PlaUA. - .... Mb-' face had been cleaned thoroughly and I w&S relaxing on a massagt• tablt> with a mask on my face. My hands had bL>cn massaged and creamed and now they were in plastic mittens covered with warm electric millens. When "my ship comes in'' I will have this done often I thought as I was about to fall aslct'p. Then Khadijeb Helmy, the esthctician, said, "Most American women think tha t getting facials is very fancy, but most European women ~nsider it their duty." "O_h, is that right?", 1 answered. "Yes," she said, "I have a lot of European women here as clients. They come In regularly. It's just the natural thing for them to do. Their mothers had regular facials so they just grew up that way. "Good skin care with regular facials can make you look 10 years younger. "Facials can enable you to put off plastic surgery and they help delay the second one." Then, Heln)y explllPed that tf your face is extra oily the treatments wiU help remove the oil. Keep the pores Crom being clogged and help prevent pimples. If the skin is extra dry, the On the cover . Kimberly Rothwell has decorated the dining room of her Corona del Mar home for a Classic Ladies Luncheon as outlined in R.S.Y.P. Yellow . _. roses tied with white and yellow satin ribbons form the centerpiece and a yellow rose is attached to the napkin at each place setting. For her table she used a Venetian lace cloth and napkins, Baccarat crystal, Minton china and. silver by Wallace. The menu suggested includes Pimrn's champagne punch, avocado with caviar, spinach salad with spicy oil and vinegar dressing, poulet with artichoke, coconut dipped bananas, croissants, chocolate cheesecake and cinnamon coffee. Photographer~ Charles Starr, Daily Pilot staff. Irvine Women's Club sets appraisal discussion IRVINE WOMEN'S Club will meet Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the University Park Association clubhouse, Sandburg at Lexicon. The speaker will be Bernice Jones who will discuss appraisals. Members are invited to bring personal items for appraisal. For information, call 855-4065 or 857-1682. SMEDLEY CHAPTER No. 1 Toastmasters Club members will meet Sept. 23 for the first of an eight-week workshop called speechcraft. Cost i:; $8 and reservations may be made by calling 6~7-7618 or 775-5123. THE LUPUS CLUB, sponsored by the Or ange County Branch of the Arthritis Foundation, will meet Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the community meeting room of Laguna Federal Savings a nd Loan, 2535 North Tustin Ave., Orange. For information, call 547-5591. TOWN AND GOWN members of UC Irvine will host a coffee reception at the home of Chancellor and Mrs. Daniel Aldrich, 1392 Galaxy Drive, Sept. 20 at 10 a.m. For reservations or information, call 760-1333. IRVINE-COAST Republican Women's Club' members will meet Sept. 21 at 11 a.m. at the Shark Island Yacht Club, 1099 Bayajde Drive in Newport Beach. For reservaUons, call 551-2528. Cost ls $8. SOUTH PACIFIC Chapte.r of the Orange County Performing Arts Center will meet Sep&. 27 at 10:30 a .m . in the fireside lounge at Promontof5' Point. For Information, call 675-1043. 642-5678 Put a /cw words to work for you -in the DlilJ Pillf .Sunday. September 19, t982 Your face nee.ds special -pampering ' . r nourishing creams can work better lf the CSttad l'clls arc removed and the skin Is fed. Once-a-week facials if one has the Ume would be great Helmy said. But a woman who takes care of her skin at home and follows the • program which is outlined fol' h er afle,. a treatment at the lnstitut de Beaute could ben•?fit from a once-a-month facial. Ideally, the best time for a facial would be on a Friday afternoon, Helmy safd. And then if you don't have to go out that evening or the ne xt day you could go without makeup and let the skin rest. Helmy, a native of Iran, received h e r esthetician tr!lin lng in France a9d was later trained In the Lancome method Qf ·skin care in New York. ' I would guess that I have had at least a down profl"Ulonal facials in my life (a llttlt? short ot onl-e a month). The Lancome one had many of t~e same 1tepa as the othera the makeup removal, deep cleaning, mask, nourishing, etc. Th~ main diflel't--rH .. <t: In the lnlnt<ome tn•utmt.•nt wm1 a step callc.>d dry malOSllg(•. Whtm your fa<.'t.' and nf'Ck Is cleap, stt•um Is spra~<'d on the areu and Ht!lmy ma88Ugc11 the area without uny added creams or oils. .. She. genl.ly manipul<1tes the chefks, neck und· forehead with palling and pre~mg around the eyes. . The dry massage, Helmy explains, helps with the muscle tone, blood cin:uh&l1on and drajns the toxins lrom the lymphs. Later that day, I was talking with my d0<.·tor and asked him about the "draining of the lymphs." He says the ly!'llphs drain naturally very slowly all of the time. What the mai;sage does Is to s~ this process. Arriving·h·ome, 1 looked closely in ·nre mirror. Besides the nice clean skin, rqy face appeared to be firmer and the eye area puffiness was gone. The estheticfan warned that · unless you understand the muscles you collld do more harm than good if you try any massaging on your own face. "There are some areas where I don't even try it on my own fac..-e, because 1 can't get my Mory Jo Winkleman, left, ond her committee researched the idea of marketing o cookbook in 1980. The format wos expanded to a complete entertaining guide. In 1981 Kristi Shorkman, center, and Judy So Isby were co-chairmen heading up the committee os work on R.S.V.P. continued. Members of N'ewport Harbor Junior league and guests will celebrate the <ompletion of R.S.y.P. Sept. 29 ot a kickoff party fro"l 7 to 10 p.m. in Neiman·Marcus, Fashion Island. ~ynda Shea, left, is the marketing chairman for the book o~d Kimberly Rothwell is the 1982.S3 committee chairman. With the league members is Tim Parker, '(ice president and general manager of Neiman·Morcus. hunds In th<.• 1.'0rn.<el J>'1t1lt1on." llolmy say11 women cun allo cut down on puff1n<'88. around the cyt-s b,y limiting the amount of eye crram or moisturizer they uae. A gc>Oa m1 .. ChcKI iilie says Is To upp y l <l crenm 1ift.cr thl' skin has been cleansed and lenve on about 20 minute!$. Then you blot It with a tissue to remove the l'XCCSS If you 1ttill have a lot of puffinC:'S.'> in tho morning (of c.'Oursc, some is normal) you apply h only on the check bone below the eye area and at thC' corners ot the eyes. Helmy only usc1i t1s:;ut•s on the face and neck for blottlng. For the removal of any product she uses cotton (the kind made for babies with the red cross on the box is good). "The cotton is more sanitary and tissues are bad for the skin." Helmy also stressed that women should pay the.•Saffie atte ntion to' their necks as they do to their faces. "Cleansing and creaming shouldn't stop at the jawline." The Lancome salon has been in Saks since the store opened. It is one of \he two the Paris- b~ company has in California. The second is also In ·a Saks st.or~ in San Francisco. Besides facials. services offered ar~ waxing to r emove hair, eyebrow shaping, makeup application and makeup lessons. DIRECT FROM E~~ST COAST The most beautiful Christmas store in all the world ~ CHOOSE FROM THOUSAtiDS OF MANUF. FABRICS ... BUY DIRECT. • IN-HOUSE DESIGNER • SHOINROOM FACILITIES SPECIALS! Sl~ECIALS! 'Custom Drapes and Bedspr1eads To Match SELECTED DESIGNEn PRINTS SELECTED ANTIQUE SOLIDS DECORATIVE FABRIC HOUSE M-F 10-5:30 WED. 10·7 SAT. 10-5 18 085 EUQID @ 405 FWY. FOUNTAIN VAUEY 963-5659 Orange County's Finest PrlvB1fe Health Club f._or Women Onl~1 _j. x J-'(~. ·;,k COME t4ELP US CELEBRATE OUR · SIX YUR llllllV'ERSIRY • JOIN NOW NO MEMBERSHIP FEE EXPIAU 9-3CM I We've had e aucceuful,yeara of helping ledlea all over Orange County be the thin, nt peraon they have alwaya w•nted to be! • FULL y EOUIPPID WllGHT ROOM • MAlllUSl..fitOTflllTIOHIST • PIMOHAl.IZIO INITfllUCTION • Llff.c:YCLU ............... • ~ Cl.ASSU ALL DAY LOHO • PIWATI ~.........,... • SAUNA . WHlf'IL'°°'-• TOWll..l l AU TOlllT...U • TANNWG 900TH8 • ~T MADINl'I -THE #1 WOMIN'I H!ALTH CLUB 7514200 20ll Quell It.. NewP,Orl llMOh • is opening soon in Newport Beach Come late September, we'll open in fashion Island, Newport Beach. Plan now to come see our "fairyland" ... a fantasy of magical animated scenes, scores o( decorated Christmas trees, and a non·pariel collection o( over 100,000 holiday ornaments from 60 countries of the world. IDQr®rigtnal filQristmas~rr Opening late September Fashion Island -Newport Beach .......... -.... tlll!ll ._.... ... • "' ., ... .-.-.11 • . . Orange Co It DAIL.Y PILOT/Sunday, Sept mbor 10, 1982 ('3 ' lf · ~ t v''. r)j.A Pete Perr.in, Julie P earce, ue Myer and Dr. Mary Kruse, from left, previewed ''The Dange rous Stra nger" film a t the NB Ebell Clubhouse. Lynn Juhnke, Jo Ann Valantine and Ann Weis Costa Mesa Juniors, welcomed to NB Junior Ebell coffee b y Carolyn Matthe ws and Norma Ella Vo ra n , 93, Wa lte r Chadburn, 90, and Clara Pratt, 9 1, cele bra ting a t a birthday par t y in their ho nor. By VIDA DEAN 01 the D•llY Piiot 8t•tt Two hundred sc.•venly four candles arl' JUSl too many for onl''<:akc. So they had three btrthda.,y t'akl's Saturday at the Regal Estates Clubhoust>. Costa Mesa. to celebrate the birthdays of Clara Prall, 91: Walter Chadburn, 90, and Ella Voran, 9~. The party was hosted and planned by Fred Bice and Milt and Lutie Cycan. Ice cream was served wtth cakes after the more than 65 guests had dined on a roast beef dinner. A trio, "The Skipp<.•r and his Crew," composed of residents, provided the music for dancing. Pratt was born July 3, 1891 in Hiatville, Kans. She came to CaJifornia in 1918 and has lived in Orange County sincl' 1956. ''I've always loved to travel. I've been to Hawaii, AJaska, Canada and Mexico. When I was 80 I drove from Costa Mesa to Florida. But, I don't drive anymore. I had to give up my dnvcr's license when I was 90. Now the doctor tells me to walk a lot and if f'm not tired, I do." said the celebrant. "I play a lot of bridge <tnd I sttll do a little crocheting," the onetime stenographer and saleslady added. She is the mother of two dau~hters and has five grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. "He's still active and can beat me in a foot race," Jim Chatlburn of Newport Beach said of his father, Walter. "lie aJso enjoys gardening." A native of Netherf1eld, England, Chadburn was born Sept. 13. 1892. He moved to Winnipeg. Manitoba, in 1915 and camt• to the U.S. in 1950. the last 20 years in Costa Mesa. Chadburn was a machinist before his retirement at the age of 70. Besides his son, he has a daughter living on Vancouver Island. Voran was born July, 14, 1889 in Fergus Falls, Minn. and has lived in Cali fornia since 1957. She was the mother of one daughter, no~ deceased, and has one grandson, Gary Weden of Newport Beach. At one time, Voran had a farm in Minnesota and acted as a substitute school teacher. Also she was quite acuve m women's groups in her church and still attends church regularly. Later on there will be another party at Regal Estates. Clara Ott 1s 95. but missed this party. She's m Northern California visiting her granddaughter. NEW MEMBERS. Orange County Chapter of USC's Town and Gown Junior Auxiliary hosted a lunchepn in the Corona de! Mar home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Acuff to welcome new members to the organization New on the roll are the Mmes. Albert Adams. Vincent Alvino, Don Fitch. Thoma Foster, Russ Kidder, William Sanberg. Jim Stonebreaker, Peter Wall and Jeffrey Wilson and Roseann DeLuca and Debbie Hunsaker. The auxiliary raises funds to provide scholarships for men and women attending use. CIVIC LEADERS NIGHT: Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer and South Coast Repertory Theatre board hosted a civic leaders night at the theater. More than 500 government, business and oommunity leaders were present for the reception and a performance of "All in Favour Said No!" They had an opportunity to meet the Irish playwright Bernard Farrell, who was introduced by David Emmes, producing arltstic director. · Edelha us.-r. Trio · cel·ebrotes 274 George Hoag, right, cha ts with Nora and Cha rles H este r I Baldwin a nd Ma r y Reinho ld, le ft, with Vicki Gering and ~ike Gering, preside nt of Ho a g's 552 Club Joining Mayor Schafer in the reception lme were Senator PauJ Carpenter. Assemblywoman • Marian Bergeson, Costa Mesa Vice-Mayor Donn Hall and Costa Mesa Councilwoman Norma Hertzog. Mayors Jackie Heather of Newport Beach, Marvin Adler of Fountain Valley and Gerald Mullen of Cypress were among the guests of honor. MIKADO: Lyric Opera's Mikado performance tn Irvine Bowl was a near sell-out. Guests arrived early and pknicked on the green to st.art the evening. Association Irvine Orton welcomed special guest Yaeko Terasaki. T okyo Disneyland ambassador. and mayors from all over Orange County Enjoying the musical evening were PhylJ1s Littlejohns, president of the Opera League of See Party Wrap, Page C4 You'll be lookln' good with our guy/gal perm sale specially priced this week at *3000 ~m"°" &':Delilali 546·7186 • years-a lot of longeVity" Marcella Porter , Gladys Gardiner, John Porter with Administrator Michael Stephens at Hoag celebration Toastmistress club schedules meeting NEWPORT HARBOH TOASTMISTRESS CLUB will hold its next meeting Monday, Sept. 20, al Balboa Bay Club. Persons Interested in attending the 11 : 15 a.m. luncheon may call Allana Pflschner at 548-3289 fnr f11rth1>r n .. tPll .. Judge Paul Egly, retired , will be guest speaker at the 11:30 a .m .. Monday, Sept. 20, luncheon of ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN LAWYERS a t the Medical Ass.oclation conference center at 300 S. Flower, Orange. Rosie at 540-5400 is taking reservations. NEWCOMERS CLUB OF IRVINE will meet for luncheon Tuesday, Sept. 21, al 11 a.m. in Orange Hills Restaurant, 6140 Chapman Ave .. Orange. Reservations and further information on the group may be obtained by calling Lois Bruns, 85 1-0736. Jazz organist Rosemary Bailey will present the program. • EXEX::UTIVE WOMEN INTERNATIONAL, ORANGE COUNTY. has scheduled a Tuesday. Sept. 21, dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Reuben E. Lee, Newport Beach. Charline Berg, 731-7711 , ·may be called for more information. , SOUND OF MUSIC CHAPTER, OCPAC, will hold its first meeting of the new year Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 9:30 a.m. in the home of Kit Toth, Big Canyon. A French picnic lunch will follow the business. Supervisor Tom Riley will be guest speaker at the noon, Wednesday, Sept. 22, luncheon planne d b y C OL. WILLIAM C ABELL CHAPTER. DAR, at the home of Mrs. Earl Corkett, Balboa. Saturday, Sept. 25, is the deadline for of'>taining tickets to a 60th anniversary luncheon, , fashion show and card party planned by OOST A MESA WOMEN'S CLUB. The Oct. 1 celebration will begin at 11 :30 a.m. in the clubhouse, 610 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Alice G umulinski at 645-1437 may be called. THE NEWPORT HARBOR JAYCEES will host a House of Design in Newport Beach from Sunday. Sept. 26 to Oct. 24 as a benefit for Childrens Hospital of Orange County. In association with the 14 CHOC guilds, the J aycees will sponsor tours through the new Harbor Ridge home which wiU be furnished by 20 Southern California designers. The home will be open daily , except Mondays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . with extended hours on Thursday through 8 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door for $7.50, with presale ticke ts a nd group sales available at reduced rates. Further information may be obtained by calling 675-9333 or 997-4818. Debussy Chapter, ORA.I'JGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER. will hear about the progress on the building at a 10 a.m. meeting Sept. 21 in the W.R. Little home on Paseo del Campo. Judy Rosenthal will present the program after which luncheon will be served. Huntingto n Beach Chapte r No. 857, American Association of RETIRED PERSONS, will meet Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 12:30 p.m. in Murdy Park Recreation Center, 7000 Norma Dr., Huntington Beach. Orange County Chapter, S IGMA DELTA CHI, will celebrate its 21st birthday Thursday, Sept. 23. in the meeting room of Harvard Community P a r k, Irvine. William .Boyer , 768-3631 or Glen Stadler. 768-5938 has more information. SOUTH COAST J UNIOR WOMEN'S CLUB will hold a wine tasting party Saturday, Sept. 25 at Fountain Valley's Green Valley. The event will we lcome new and prospective members. Further information and tickets may be obtained by calling 968-6271. ' Dr. Richard B. Byrne, associate dean of the use Annenberg School of Communication, will be guest speaker for the Thursday, Sept. 23, luncheon of the TROJAN GUILD OF ORANGE COUNTY, at Tivoli Terrace, Laguna Art Festival grounds. A membership brunch for current and prosp ective m e mbers will be h e ld by NEWPORT-OOSTA MESA AAUW 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25. in the Fellowship Hall of the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, 28~0 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. SAKS FIFTH A VENUE: Adolfo's fall '82 collection will be presented Sept. 18. 19 and 20 in the Designer Salon, upper level. A Ralph Lauren makeup artist will be in the cosmetics department from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m. Sept. 23, 24 and 25. NORDSTROM: A te n-day Savoir Faire promotion in all departments of the store will ~gin Monday, Sept. 20. BRITT'S OPTIONS: On Sunday. Sept. 26. during the brunch and dinner fashions by Costa , Mesa designer Britt will be modeled at the Bouzy .Bouge Cafe, 3110 Newport Blvd . t. ROBINSON'S: Tea room model!~ of all trends for women will take place in the Lido Buffet of the Fashibn Island store from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23. ' f. MAY CO.: Shelley Kern will share h er •1 secret of short chic at a beauty and fashion , seminar In the South Coast Plaza store Tuesday, 1 Sept. 21, at 6:30 p.m. The fee is $7 .50 and : reservations are required . The seminar will : feature the newest fashions for the woman 5'4" : and under . Refreshments will be served and door ! prizes awarded. Reservations may be made by l calling 546-9231 ext. 2644. I • • • DAIL v PILOT /Sunday, 8epttmber 18, 1882 Sandpipers get read y for black tie ga la I "The TrudlUon of un English llunt." l Thill'» the nam of the Ol•t. 2 black tlo gain plannt>d by the Sandpipers of Hoag Momoriul H01Jpit.al Presbyterian and Bulloc:k'1. For a preview of the fundral8er, which will be held In Bullock's South CoHt Plaia, 150 guests gttthered ut the 1tore Monday evening. And it was all very BrlUsh. The British Vice Consul Jim Mcintyre came Lrom Los Angeles, 12 models showed otl the Allen Solly menswear collection, bagpipes were played and guests nibbled on cheese and other hors d'oeuvres. , Frank Simon, chairman of the Bullock's board. was host for the evening introduotng Candy Jackson, benefit chairperson, who modeled one of the 30 gala auction items donated by the store, a Faberge sand frost fox jacket, Simon also Introduced the fashion presentation, explaining that the Allen Solly wear began in Nottingham. England in 1744. The clothing concept has been redesigned to combine classic styling with L'Ontemporary flt and color. Funds raised from the Oct. 2 benefit will be used to purchase a thiee-dimensional device which measures the exact amount of radiation a patient is receiving. -Committee memt:sers involved are Kathy White, president; Jackson, chairperson; Terry Lungren, Patti Estarbrooks, George Hoag and George Kowei. The Peter Duchln Orchestra will perform during the gala, while guests dine on smoked turkey stuffed with game sausage dressing, New York stripper with Perigourcline sauce, deviled quail---eggs with caviar, potted pork with toast pate de compagne, raclette of cheese, curried shrimp, smoked salmon , plus other gourme t delicacies. From Page C3 Laguna Beach, the Norman Smedegaards, Mr. and Mrs. Thurl Ravenscroft, Connie and Andrew Morthland, Ruth Ding, Floss a nd EdwaLd Schumacher, and Mrs. George Lawler. {)th~rs include d we re Lee and John Childress, the Gary ana Robert Schaars, William Keith, Mrs. Walter Stalder, Rear Adm. (Ret.) and Mrs. Jacob W. Onstott, Mrs. William Shields. and Harry Willats. THE ROARING 20'S : Hap and Marily n Byers had guests scurrying about looking for feathers and other Gatsby-type costumes for the party hosted in their Lido Isle home. The hosts tented the patio with a spinning mirrored ball adding atmosphere. The tables were decorated in black and'white with centerpieces of silver candela bra on mirrored squares adorned with gardenias. "Our guests," said Marilyn, "were a mix of the young and beautiful and the older but wiser." They came from Michigan, Marina del Rey, Brentwood, Palm Desert and of course Lido "' Isle. ----------. The guest list included Messrs. and Mmes. Richard Read. Ha rry Bihler, J ohn Fricke, Malcolm Ross, Russell Padia. Preston Pyaetta. Hugh Swanson, Robert Johnson, Wally Wolfe, Bruce Kay. Jack Weise, Ed Sundberg, Pat AS SEEN IN GUMOUR. Candy Jackson mode ls auction item, a Fa'berge sand frost fox jacket, for Frank Simon, head of the 26 Bulluck'.s stores, left, and Jim Mcintyre, British vice consul. · AB guests arrive they will be serenaded by the Chapman College Choir and the J onatpon Dysart String Quartet. A silent and a live auction will offer luxurious prizes including the fox jacket, antique jewelry, ~ d iamond ring. Cartier Marriana Cox and Bob McDonald celebrate a CHOC party Suzy Riley, center, is in charge of the auc tions at the Sandpiper Oc t. 2 f undraiser. With her at the 1>review party are Laraine Eggleston, left, reservations, and Kathy White, president. desk clock and countless other items. Laraine Eggleston may be called at 760-5917 for tickets which are $1 50 per couple. safety program. Julie Pearce. chairman, and her co-chairman Sue Myers, said the program Is geared to youngsters from kindergarten through third grade. They showed a 15-minute color a udio- slide presentation "designed to teach children about dangerous situations and people and how to react in emergency situations. The club's goal now is to presen t the "Dangerous Stranger" program to all of the elementary schools in the district and then to the private elementary schools in the community. "This is a n education program widely needed in our community with the increase in juvenile victims," Pearce said. SETS SAIL: The Admiralty Club has arrived. • A coUeclion of Balboa Bay Club members dedicated to supporting Childrens Hospital of Orange County, the fledgling group held its first fundraiser recently -a beach party that, appropriately. was held on the beach. Dave Colton, president of the Admiralty Patton. Mike Howard. Jerry Greer. Don Tippett. Club, ~timated at least 800 persons showed up J ohn Martin, John Byers. Mike Shute and Tom for the evening barbecue and dance. and Susan Utman, Nancy Long, Dr. and Mrs. Proceeds, Colton said, will go toward Sam Mayeda, Mark Byers and John Devine. purchasing a specific piece of equipment for the hospital In Orange. He said his group took in -COFFEE-WI"i'H A PURP0SE:-'Phe Junio·-----$ t5";000 at"ttre'*ngust event bt1 t that exact profits- Ebell Club of Newport Beach invite.'<! principals have not been calculated. of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, Dr. The Admiralty Club's next fundraiser is set Mary Kruse, director of Special Services, Officer for Qec. 9 and 1s to be a Christmas tree-trimming Pete Perrin, NBPF, and members of the Costa party that likely will be held at the Balboa Bay Mesa Juniors. to a coffee to tell them about a Club. . - QUAUCRAFTe S HO• S TORES MHltr Chara• • V1:11 SOUTH COAST PLAZA • FASHION ISLAND ·' Anohel"' $hopplfte Center • lueno 'art. Cent.r • Hvr1Hn9ton C:•nter • The City Shoppln9 Centre . . , Snug Harbor (right) draws h •uvy traffic. T h e Old Mi ion Son to Burburu (below) is the queen of the Francl can mis ioni;. I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, September 19, 1982 Santo Barbara continues to stay in touch ~vith _yesterday By PAT NEISSER Spanish charm pervad<.'S Santa Barbara with its street names, red tile architecture. and beautiful homes and gardens that stretch from the yacht harbor to the mountains. This seaside city faces south on the Pacific Ocean. Palm trees fringe its beach and green parks dot the calmest stretch of the California coast. Although the Spanish explorer, Vizcaino, entered the channel on Saint Barbara's Day, Dec. 4, 1602, and named the region after the saint, Juan Rodriguez CabriUo, a Portuguese navigator, is credited with the discovery of the channel in 1542. For those who enjoy lovely scenery, historical sights, good food and relaxation', tum off Highway 101 and en\er the city by the sea t.h,at1s watched over by the "Queen of the Missions .. You can fly, drive, or take the train, or even bus it to Santa Barbara. Throw your bike on the train or in your car, because there are more bike trails there than anywhere else, and you can see the area on a bike. For rentals. phone Open Air Cycle. (805) 963-2524 Marriott's BIJtmore Hotel, longtime Landmark, deserves special mention. F.ach room at the hotel, now run by Marriott, contains an annoire, with a large color television, plus a drop down lighted desk and refrigerator. Thick towels, silky sheets, huge bars of soap add to the luxury, as do cosmetic samples, including tar remover. At the foot of Sta~ Street is the ancient Stearns Wharf, built m 1872, but rustic shops are new addillons. Nearby IS the largest fig tree in the nation. Native to Australia, it was planted in Santa Barbara in 1877 by a pioneer family, the Moretons. It has a branch spread of 160 feet. A severe earthquake of 1925 destroyed most of downtown, so committees were formed to control the rebuilding of the city in the "Santa Barbara style" -a combination of Mediterranean, Spanish, Italian, and· Mexican, and the red UJed architecture. The adobes in Pueblo Viejo were restored and now this 72-square block area has the look and feel of an old Spanish town, with arcades for walking and resting. no high rises, and usually, a bright sun looking down on the parks. The museum of art h·ouses a variety of sculptures, orient.a] and fine American art. El Paseo is a picturesque shopping arcade reminiscent of a Spanish town. It is builLaround..the adobe home (1827) of the famed De La Guerra family, wtuch was the cen ter of old Santa Barbara's social life. Around the comer is the Crena Adobes. Formally, a name of a California don, it is now an antique shop. Nearby is the old presidio. . The lobby is warm and friendly with antique tiled floors and fresh flowers everywhere. A hostess, sitting next to the front door, will organi:ze your stay if you wish. There are shops, beauty salon, and an excellent dining room with entertainment and dancing. Old California is still ali ve along El Pa eo Worthwhile is a tour of Mission Santa Barbara. Founded in 1786, the mission ls perhaps the stellar example of California mission architecture. It is the only one in the chain that has been continuall y in the hands of the Franciscans. Twenty one acres of handsome old oaks, yews, bamboo, junipers and blooming flowers make this a restful haven. The famed private Coral Casino Beach and Cabana Club is across the street on the beach and is for guests of the h<]llel as well as for members. Ther are badminton courts, croquet games. a putting green and a pool on the hotel grounds. Down at the harbor is the San Ys1dro's West Beuch Inn with 45 rooms two saunas, hot pools, and swimming pools. 'lou can ride a horse from the ranch to the beach 1f you have that kind of energy. Father Virgil Cordano, pastor, has lived there for the past 30 years. He ls very much a part of the city and master o{ ceremonies for the annual fiesta. He'll tell you stories of the old days when 4,000 Indians lived in the village nearby and worked for the mission. · Since Santa Barbara is only 140 miles, (2 ~ hours) from Orange County, you could spend another weekend in Montecito at the famed San Ysidro Ranch. Montecito, adjacent to Santa Barbara, also has magnificent homes and fine restaurants. The best way to see Santa Barbara is to follow the chamber of commerce's guide to the old city and Landmarks. Start at the Santa Barbara B1lt.more at Channel Drive, and contmue along the ocean to Child's Estates and Zoological Gardens. This small zoo with its elephants, jungle cats, mcinkeys. a prairie dog village. exotic birds and a children's pet park of tame animals is perfect for all ages. A sealarium With porlhol<'S for underwater viewing and a wild west playground will k<-ep you busy for hours. Two blocks north o{ the Mission is the Museum of Natural History with its exhibits of the animals and plant life around the area. If you feel like takmg a drivt>, follow 101 to route 154 to San Marcos Pass to the Cold Spring Tavern. This old coach stop is now a restaurant and bar, and sitting beside the old stone fireplace Is relaxing and pleasant. The San Ysidro Ranch lies amid 500 acres of rolling ranch land, and has superb views of the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez Mountains. Tennis, badminton, croquet and stables keep things from becoming dull. The Plow and Angel restaurant on the ranch is open to the public and has fine food and entertainment. Nearby is the Andree Clark Bird Refuge with a lagoon and gardens. a foot path for joggmg and bikeway along th.e lagoon. and as East Beach are green parks, volJey ball games and swimming. Santa Barbara IS laid back, with magnificent vistas, and excellent lodgings. Pat Neisser is travel editor of Orange Coast magazine The Royal Palace of Belvedere is on OCC's travel series, 'Armchair Adventures' An armchair trip to beautiful Vienna "The Roman<-c of Vienna" is the title of the t irst presentation in Orange C'oast Col lege's 1982-83 t r avelogue ser ies, "Annchair Adventures." T he film will be screened at 8 p.m. Friday. The series also inc ludes "Scolland," Oct. 29, "Lure of Alaska," Nov . 18; "Mar k Twain's Switzerland," J an. 7; ''We Swedes," Feb. 18, and "Euro pe':; Mint Countries," March 17. The prcigrams begin at 8 p.m. In the Robert B. Moore Theater, on the Costa Mesa campus. Season tickets are $15. OCC Gold Card ho lders (senior citizens) can purchase tickets for $10. Slngle admission is $3 for adults and $2 for Gold Card holders and children under 12. Tickets are on sale in the OCC Ticke t OCfice, located in the college's Administ r ation Bu11ding. The oHice is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets may be purchased by phone. using Visa or Mastercard, by callinr, 556-5527. Tickets will also be sold at thP door. "The Rom.mce of Vienna'' was produced a nd will be presented by Chris Borden, w ho has produced travel-adventure films around the world. "A century ago Vienn~ ruled a European domain that was second only to Russia's," Borden says. "It was a domain with 11 languages a nd as. many inhabitants as the n could be counted in all the United States. "T oday Vi e nn a i s as magnificent as in the pasl, but with a t'Ontcmporary fl avor." To thousands of American and European travelers, Vienna is special because one doesn't have to scratch too far beneat:1 the surface to find the Vienna bf yesteryear s tiJI alive and still l?eing enjoyed. ln addition to Vienna.• Borden also captures on film the musical sounds that have immortalized the citJ for more than 200 years: the wa ltzes of Strauss; the melodies of Schubert; and the symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn. 'Just which Plymouth you talking about? Escape to hiti PLYMOUTH, England (AP) -Plymouth wu Slr Francia Drake'• port. It'• the port the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from. But the average American tourist who vlaita Plymouth won't arrive or leave by tea. It can be done: on the ferries that make the runs between Plymouth and Roecoff, In Brittany, and Santander, in Spain. But Plymouth 11 in Devon, and moat American travelers will be stopping off In Plpnouth on itineraries that Include little coutal vrnq. like Blbb9icombe; the fashionable .eulde re1ort of Torquay, with l'9 umitroplcal Yefe\aUon; Exeter, with ita famoua cathedral, and Dar1mool', the wild set~ of Conan Doyl~:.. "Hound of the Bukervilles." So they'll arrive In Plymouth, the buttllng naval d ty, by car, train or tour bua. U you look around, you'll find• number or ~tha. There'• the Elizabethan and P ilgrim Plymouth, down by the waterfront, in the district known u the Barblcan. You can wander through the Elizabethan House and the Merchant'• House, and take a harbor launch to Drake'• laland, an old fortreu with tunne1' and guns. . You can stand at the Mayflower Steps, where the PUarfma embarked. The Pilgrims, it will be recalled, orlainally set out f rom Southampton, In the Mayflower and the Speedwell. But they had to tum bac)l, first to Dartmouth and then lO Plymouth, becau.e of fears the Speedwell wu W\Raworthy. Finally. the Mayflower set out alone. Oppoeite the flah market In Plymouth la the place where the Pillrlma spent the nlaht before they aalled. Their namet are U.ted on an outalde wall. Not so ~ktely known, perhape, la that some of th'-! American prlaoners captured in the War of 1812 were held in the Plymouth area. Two officers killed in a naval ensafement In that war ar~~urled In St. Andrew a churchyard In PlynlVUth. There's a memorial service Heh year for theee Americans of the War of 1812. Uphill frctm where the Pilgrims tel out are the Citadel an.d the Hoe, or hut. Sir Francia Drake la said to hdve completed hlJ Jame of bowls on the Hoe bcHore he set out to take care of the Spanlah Annada In 1588. People still bowl on the IJ'fffl of the Hoe. Often, they're dreaeed ln traditional White. .. ~ While you're ~oe, you'll also want to climb Smeaton'a Tower, fonnerly the F.ddyatone Llsht which stood on treacherous lllddyatone ROck aouth•touthweet of Plymou\h. lddyatone Rock atiU hu a U,ht. but what you ma,ht call THE ll1ht was moved \0 t.M Hoe ln th• late 19th eel\\~ r 't 01.11111" c:u11a1 l>All v I'll lll/~1111duy, S ptember 19, 1882 You can drink the water I but the beer's even better By STAN om.A.Pl ANt•: GERMANY ll Ii. d11·1· aumme r 1111 w 111 S1111th1 11 1 Germany. '1111' pl111 1111· 11111 of the Bltu-k 1'011•11t 111t· 11111 uf hikers. Ttwy Wl•,11 l1·11llll'1 ... 111111 ... -Ledt-rho'lc•11 lll'ld u 11 hy leather suspcml1•1 ... with u l''" Vl 'll bone .ornam<'nt 011 tlw c·111ss Ktr np They carry rul:k11uck.-; full of sausages anti botllc•s of ll1 1•lsf(11u wine and flasks of kh}oj·h 11111t.l1• fiom Block f\Jtc•sl d11•111t·'> They walk dt\t1•11rtl111·d l y , 11topping to listen wlw11 th1· ~u11I<• pblnts out the Vll'W of llll' l lt'i.'<llP church spin·s 111 th1• d1 o.;l;1111 villages. The to urist hllll'"lll 111.111 111 Freiburg s1ghl'cl arut 'imd "Oh, yes WC gt>l 111 ;111 'f Alllt'l llilll tourists her c ·"They art.> rnvi.lly lat.l1<•s 'l'lwy arrive in a b1~ to ur lius. n ncl llwy • ask me, 'Can yuu d1111k thl' wall•• h ere?' 'Wlll'r1· 1 .. 11 I liu.> .01m postcards?' Tlwy wrilt' po"lt anls ail day. "I say to ll11·1~1. 'Woulct11'l you like to sec thl' Cutlll'd1 .11 '' Tlwv say, 'No, I alr1•,1cl y hil Vl' ·a .postcard of 1t.' NL•xt day Lht·y gl'l Up and have mfft't' and 1(1'1 hal k on the tour bus t" Sw1tn-1 l.111d. "They say: 'W1·1l. llOW Wt·'v(• done Freiburg.' " ·ifhe German t'IJllntrysit.h• is all ~een beech ll t•t·s anti pint'. 'l'lw beer is spll·11did The• tr:ii11s 1.11c.• .full o! Germans 011 hulict.1y T lll'y h ang out of tlw w indov.s 1111d huy warmwurst with 111ustm d a sort of hot dog. They arc w1•1l dn·ssc.·d. i111d Ill the dining car. th1·v tip w1·ll There's a ::.µar kh11g l1t1l1 1ra111 that runs from F1;mktur1 down to Freiburg 111 tlu \,tllo·v 11f 1111 Rhine' on tht 1 lpo 1 I tli1 HI ' t Forest. The t'ars <ii 1· 111 wlv \\ il'>lwd The cush1vll'> ,Jl'l" fn'...,fi L1111t· color phowgr,1plis of tlw (;<·1111.111 countrysidl· a11• hu111• 1111 1 ht walls. A wa111·r 1n .i -.;t;11 dwd white c:o:.il c.·omc·s d11\\ 11 1tu• aish• and servt•s n1ld I >111 lm1111d1·r b eer . Th 1 s u n 11 v g 1 c• 1· 11 countrys1dl' rusl11· ... l1\ 1111· •>1w11 w indow. The Bl.ll·k 1'111 l'sl m a kr•s thousands o l c·,,r \.t'd w1wd1·11 cuckoo dol'kS L1tth l ltwl w11ri<. men c:om l' nut of 1111· rlol'k, 'l'lwv whistle "llm\ U1' I \111 " 01 little pensanl p11 I ... h11u11n 1111 sw i n gs a 1 t h • · .. 111 I •> f 1 It 1 pendulum l'tll k., ,.; \\ h1sll1· t ht> time and 111 t lo w11od 1 11 nw11 march in and mH I 111111-:to; r C'St·t their wa14'hl~ l•> c ,, 1111.011 t1n11• I got on th1.· lr.111\ 111 Fr;111k1urt. FREllURG, G!RMANY f 1 tiburo " lhe gattwoy town to tht uluthorn Schwarzwarl th• 11101 ~ fo r ts I It'' been a unlvor\ity tow11 w1ee I '457 • G 1•a t walking country In th• wooded mountalnt to thn east. And you can take a coble-car trip ta the top of tho Schauinsland Mountain '4,200 feet. You can drive the mountain. tao, but with over 1 ~O t>ends In tho road It's a choocoy ride. But hotel In Fr•lbvro Is the Colom b l. f o r Block Forut atmosphere, one of Germuny's oldest lnm is on Oborlinded Squuro -Zum Roten Boren. For gourme I cooking, it's the Zur T raubo, '4 1 miles down tho Offenburg rood. .111d when I wa lked out of my hotl'I the town had a Sl rubbt.~ 1 IPan look The f1rsl time I saw Fra nkf!,lrl was a 1.·ouple 01 years aft.0 r fh e war The s treets were fuU of n.1bble. No building was left over one story high. The w hole ruiea had Ix-en crew cut by a dozen rnas.'i air attacks. The RAF raided by 111ght. American bombers t'am<' over in waves by daylight. The huge . railroad station was roofles.9. Tl\e city was smas.'"ied. Headl ess statues s tood on p<'dcstals scarred by shell fire. 'I soy to them, 'Wouldn.'t you like to see the Cat h e d r a I ? ' They s a)' , 'No, I already hove o postcard of it.' Tottering walls of apartment ho uses hung over blocked-off streets. WhC'rt' 1w1st<'d gmJen. snakl>tl out of a great pile of fa llt•n buildings, a German girl in an oversized soldier's greatcoat tned to sell one razor blade -her · rnmplete stock. Evt<rythmg was on tht· bl.ll·k m:irket if you had mo1wy /\ couple of c·igarellcs for thl· wa1t1·r was bl'ner than a monc·y lip It was bleak and deprc>sStng. It was lN!Jble. WhC'n l rode this lmc lx•fort.• I sat 111 an Ame rican general's private tram. The side of tbe ll Ut'klt Wllll llltt•rt•d With l'Ol'll llhUt f u II of l'1.t n non Ii ht· II ho ll'll OvNlur11t'fl lc1t•o111011vc•11 ru11ling uwuy • Wt• W('l\l tl111111gh ICIWllK Wllh whhillt•s M:l'1•n111111j( 1<;v1·1 y town tlhot up fllow11 uµ. Mcdlt•v:il l<'rt•llH.rt( w1.111 hit budly u 20 minute.• rnid by /\m1•rlcu n b omb<' I s 1111 N1)V11111lwr 11 , I 0 14 "Thc>y dt'slroy(•tl inor.: In .io 1 minutes thon wt• l'ould n•pufr in 20 years," n 1-'rt•iburg roan sauJ with u sigh. "There will! no war plont hc.•r(• 1111 dumuge but in t h <' c> n d l h l' y b o m b t • d cv<•rythmg " We had a flrst-class lunt'h on the general's train. The waiters had been in th<' Army serving German gene ra ls. They kne w the corr(.1(,•t procroure right down to the heel cltt•k. l came bat'k to Frankfurt a .couple of years later. It was Saturday. Frankfurt workmen were working all day. l\t night, th<'y worked under floo dlights . They worked on Sunday. They worked Sunday night. The corner where I'd bought the razor blade had been cleaned up . T h e rubble was gone . Streetcars were running on new tracks. A new building was going up. Thr<.'<' years afu•r that I h ad a h ard lime f i nding m y way around the new Frankfurt. The rubble landmarks we re gone. The damag ed building walls I 1<1memlwred l couldn't find th<•m They wc·rc new stores The bla1.·k markt•t was finished. The• tram goes che kety-chck down LhC' valley of the Rhtnf' The fields are barbered. The sky 1s as blue a.s a kitten 's eyes. We wh1stlt'd toot-toot through ltttlc cuckoo clock villages with tall, thin churl'h spirt.'S. Whatever happ<'ncd to them once has been e]eancd up. The blown-up rubble cleared nway. The houSt•s und buiJdings rebui It In the styl e of old Uermany. Already they are softened by the passing of time s11'lC1:.,the war. A golden patina forming, ond a few hundred yeano from now, nothing of the explosive frightful years will show at all. Backpackers from a ll over E uro pe and the U. . rm~•·t in the public square in Fre iburg, Germany to buy fresh fruit in tht> open-air marke t. T OUT AND SAVE! SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY ... j 4"""'.. J ••• ,..,.,..,,,,,,,. ~e1• PfJr. •• • .. I • • ........ ··~ ~ .... .....-... ••• ••i.-•'"' .. , ...... NEWPORT BEACH ..., r.;,,U..os •·• S ;Focu...AJWil"-A. 1N11n .>."tW.,..,,,.,-J!I'" ••YG •Ht •--.ic. M .... J ~· cmn1~l u.mt YitJIUli ......... ,K:M~to(lll • M~-MIA.P •<> ......... a.. .. tr...if"l ~·-t . JOHN -..;.--~·"',.,.... i I I WAYNE ~ AIRPORT ' ~ i I ---,~sh Hof'e Jlut ..,_. ....... • -.. l!WP. ":;::" . . . . . . . • .... ~.. 1 I "loll,... iii. _,""" .. ' ...... ....,. ..... -·-· •U:J'Jt CORONA Oil MAR • ID lt.tGiM' ... ,111 CO••\H c,.l'f-..0, .. ~ ~' ... ~ .. ,,. _._ • . \.., ·~·;1 . . \ . t-,14. 4-r -;IJ~, Cl'WVlRS • .u .... . . " llMNE IUSTAURANJ UGEND ·-•C.C--·-o.w. ---~°""' ·-~ ·--·~~ ·~ --·--·-...... -.. MalDcl¥ Mow "°" d'o.www .. ,-~ ·-~ lAJCE FOREST ..... _. -~ ~ • .. .!'~7'!11 -· ,.. Showering the bride can turn ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS : What 11 ltw proper etiquette rom-emln.g bridal aihowtira? How man y ahould.be liven? I think thlai bUllnet11 of bridal 1howen hu aotw n ou t of hand , and "busJneu" la C?xactly what It hu beoome. l have been under the Impression that only the cloeest friends sh ould give a ahowc r for thl• bride and that'll relative 1hould never do l'.I<> Pleue rush your advice. I've just been Invited to the aeventh shower lor the same btide und I am -FEELING FLEECED lN ALABAMA DEAR FEEL: Only close 1rlends, never relatlve1, 1lloald 1bower tlae bride. At for the Hmber ol uower,, bow blgb ls up, boney? WMD ooe considers tbat eacb 1bower m ean• 1 lilt, I would say tbree abouJd be tbe llmlt. lace tH same people are uaaally Invited (and dley often ma1t give a weddln1 gift as well), die lao1te11 abould aaggeat tbat tbe 1bower 1tft1 be simple. q Allll UNOEIS DF..AR ANN LANDERS: 1 am a happily marrwd woman with two chlldrt•n. My mother Is u kmd und loving p<•rson, and I wrwuk to her al lcust once every day. T ht.• problem: lf she s hould tclcphon<' mt• and 1 am not al home and she doesn't know w here 1 am, she calls my h usband ul work w Inquire This annoys him and I have askL'<l her nol w do 1l, but she does anyway. Last evening my h usband and the children and I were at my in-laws' for supper. My mother caUcd and asked why 1 hadn't lot her know where I was going. She said she had · Taurus: Go slow and be a 1 Monday, Sept. 20, 1982 ARIES (March 21-Apri) 19): You could be lnvolved in controversy. Some friends, associat<.>s exh ibit a "jealous s t rea k." Avoid givi ng impression that you are flirting with someone who "belongs" to another. Clarify statements, verify financial claims and get views on rreord . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Go slow, he low, be diplomatic and permit others lo ex pr~ opinions. Be a good listener, keep an open mind. be willing to make intelligent concessions. Agreement is s ubject to negotiation. Heed suggestion made by loved one. GEMINI (May 2 1-Jun e 20): H ave alternatives at hand. Current situation is subject lo change. Someone makes promise that appears shining. bright, but is not likely to be fulfilled. Dig deep for additional information. Basic tasks can no longer be ignored. CANCER (June 21-J uly 22): Relationship is more serious than you might imagine. Emphasis on personal. involvement, emotional responses and long-term implications. Focus on money, love, creative endeavors and a shakeup of status quo. Wat.ch Capricorn! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Know when to get "off stage." Means don't linger when deal has already been consummated. You are capable now of striking chord of universal appeal. Refuse to be limited by one who lacks imagination -and faith. Wat.ch Aries! VIRGO (Aug. 23-S e pt. 22): S ubmit numer us ideas, for mats, concepts . Means UPHOLSTERY 11 ,. • 1 r res 99d S... 1922 HAJIOI IL VD. COSTA MESA-SU-115._ ·~ THI ' '. !!.'1:! ,.. COHDmOHNI) tOlAll WATll HU..-.,. __ So I< 117'~7 ..,_ ~ Stwta 91 Y-Door 4Ct11 Slore -v-Area) COSTH.-SA 641-1289 uu....,.... ....... MISSION vaJO 495..()401 • 1HDRDICDPI nighilght versatIUty, humor and willingness to be flexible. S hort trip may be necessary to complete mission . Keep options open, analyze call or message. Review instruclions. LIBRA (Se pt. 23-0ct. 22): Synth esize available data: pieces fall into place if you are persistent. Money is involv<.'<.I and you could be a "big winner." Intuition is active, probably on target and at your command. Cancer, Capricorn, Aqua rius persons figure prominently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Barriers .are removed, there is cause for celebration and you receive invitation to "unusual" social function. Circums tances take sudden turn. favor your efforts. You sul-ceed by making direct, personal appeals. Wear bright color8! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1): Look behind scenes for a nswers to pe rplexing problems. Unorthodox procedures are most likely lo succeed. Define t.enns, avoid scattering your forces. Hospital visit could pay dividends. Carry a gift and wear a smile! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J a n. 19): Utilize powers of persuasion. You experience a variety of sensatio ns -scenano highlig hts romance, change. travel and dialogue with one who means much lo you. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. ANNOUNCES . 21922 ~ c.,111·-" ts-... llrwy .... ..., "'-'·' SOUTH COAST PLAZA CORRECTION In the ... ,. September 11th advertising section, there la an advertlaement for a waaher and dryer pair #11511 and #13511. The lluetratlona for this pair _.. trMapoMd with the lluetratlona for another waaher/dTJer pair #11211 and #11511 appMrtng Of\ the NIM page. We slncerelJ regret anJ Incon- venience thl• mar cauee. GRAND OPENING SALE CMM INTIRI ITOCK 01' I Sears I BOYi AND OIRLI CLOTHING: llZEI NEWBORN TO 14 A "cUUou• BHlftHI Name Statement flled wff" tM County Clefll la YaNd fOt ttY9 years aft9' wfttc" tlfN contlnUl"9 ltuelnH .. S MUlat teflte. ,ubtto.tlon la MOHMry on.tr If '"er• •r• c"•n .. 1. Cell the L .... Department at tlle DAILY PILOT for lnfermatlon •n• MC .. NryfonM. '42-4321 ..... DAILY PILOT Swat Fame Cherokee Alao Young Juniors For Glrle FEATURING FAMOUS BRAND NAMES LIKE: lzod O.P. Polo Brittanie Jordache Le Tlgre Sergio Valente Health-Tex Rob Roy 4 DAYS OILY: wn. sm. 1"' m1 uT.11PT. "" ------------------~---· I Grand Opening Prize Giveaway I I 111 Qrend Prize: 10-8~ Blcycle I (,..0 ...... ..,. ....... , •• 2nd Orend Prtze: 1100.GO Gift Certltlcele •1 Next ThrM Winnen: ISO.GO Gift Certlftoet" II Plue Addttlonel ''" OIYHwe,. Of: ,. I 200 Llttle Folk lhop T•lhtrte, IOO Poetert end llOO look Covere I Name Phone I I ~ I I Addr... City Zip I I Dfawtno e aturdey, 0ci. 1et11 • I WIMer Need Not le PfeMnt ·---------------------· MMmO. TH• CLOWN APPllARINQ SAT .. un. 11TH Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, September 19, 1982. (:7 into a downpour c.·alll-d oil ovn lowt1 und ww. worried sick J told hl·r I w lah<'<l 1ho would 1uop tr-.cklna nw down lhut It wnN unnoylng. Sht> twcmmc highly U!(ilLll<'Cl aruJ hun8 up on mt1. The nut morning w hen l f hont.td her ht• wu vt:ry abrupt Whot MhouJd do? Thia hM hap(>(•n1'<l b<'lon • und Ii. sure lo ha ppt•n ugoan FRAZZLED IN N Y DE AR F RAZZ: Accept tbe fact tbat your motbe r'a compuhilon to track you down 11 not mere curlo11ty -It 111 ruoted In a patbolog,cal fear that 1he cannot control. Telling her off wop't help. The woman 11 sick. Make an effort to let her know Where you •lte COIDI• It COl t l you nothing and will be a great relief to her. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please referee a heated discussion (light) a t the office. The quE'StlQn ls this: Shoul~ an Invitation to a fund-raising function Spt.'C1fy the contribution •peeled Cor a couple or on individual'! listener AQ UARIUS (J a n . 20-Fc b. 18): Domestic adjustment ts highlight1..od; talk of money need nol create emba rrassing situation . Be fra nk. diplomatic and state views In forthright manner. G ift collfes from surprise source. aids in beau tifying ~urroundings. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 ): Plan ahead in quiet. definite manner applies especially where travel 1s concerned. Focus · on spiritual values, communication , publish ing and education. Intuition is on target, you sense w hat should be done and you are capable of doinjl It. -M"t" '1 . aPlllU• I llml IPlllWm ... • Beautllul Cabinetry • Ceramic ]II• lnstsllallon • Corlan Marble Vanity • Kohler & American Standard Fl><h.lret i • 100's of Local Relefenc:es i 7M-el70 The ina1 rll'<.l pt-opll• In our office:! th nk "L'Ouph.'" 11 juHt fine-. Thi• •lnglt• ont'» (n w r m.arrlcd, dlvorcc.'<i or wldowl-il) think h 11 lnftultlng to oo uk~ lo c'Om<' us "a t'Oupl«" With to many people living alone thl'S<' daya, why must anyont> kx• l'XfX'l'tt.-0 lo rind an escort" So far I have nevl'r IU'<'n this probl<>m In your column, which 1 rarely ml!UI. Wha t do you say? -DIS MAYED AND INSULTED 1~ • lDAl lO DEAR 0 . AND I.: I agree wltll those who feel the contribution request 1bould be per person. However, almost all fuad·raillDI dlDDera specify coup lea because (1), moat o/ the folks on tbe llata are married, and (%) tbe: 1 party planners go for tbe top dollar but will ' · gladly cut the price In half for d nglea wbo want to a ttend. ~}.-):,,,~-*-'A~, 1w ASHLEIGH cil}@~~IYJ' ~ BRILLIAN-r: ~---... l'M NOT YET D ESPE RATE ENOUGH T O D O ANV TMING A.BOUT THE CONDIT ION S WHIC~ ARE DRIVING ME T O DESPERAT ION . DIVORCED? rune Alone does not heal all the wounds DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Help, SupPort and Gwdance for any divorced or separated person Six Tuesday Evenings Sept. 21-0ct. 26 -7:30-9:30 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Newport Beach St Andrews Road al 15th St. Across Frocn Newport Harbor High $15.00 Registration For more infonftation coll: 631-2815 9:0().5:00 Mon.-Frl. A Lecture Series by C)ean 9nan.e 1n Fountain Valley Winning The Age Game (How to stay young ... all your life!) I. Winning with my Beauty Secrets tor mature skin MON. A. Capture, care & maintain a lovely complexion 9-20 B. Makeup techniques to look younger C. Body Skin Care ... things no one talks about 11. WinnT'ng with a New Attitude toward aging THUR. A. If you didn't know your age ... how old would you be? 9-23 111. Winning MON. 9-27 B. Stress & tension : The enemy of beauty C. Life cycles/Identity crises/Sex appeal . with Nutrition and Exercise A. Body Age Makers: Arms, Back, T u~my & Hips B. Exercise is for life (the right kind!) C. Eat & grow younger (3 simple foods) D. Your posture tells a story . IV. Winning ... Habits to become the Ageless Woman THUR. 'A. Body Language -How's Yours? 9-30 B. Wh y act your age? c. Smoking & Alcohol -What price on aging? V. Winning Hair Styles and Wardrobe MON. A. Hair ... three "MUSTS'' for the ageless woman 10-4 B. Fashion ... Friend or Foe? c. Three ways to avoid looking matr only '80'o.~ (~). •20Wtt~ Lecture times: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. i C1 LJ\'U (714) 964-5242 ;;/~ :./II afte, ® Magnolia & Talbert (Southwtst Corner> ... • 8 Orange Coaal DAILY Pit.OT /Sunday, Seplem~r 18, 1812 vQRBA LINDA PlACENTIA Sanra ~., , ..... _, ANAHEIM ClAADEN GROVE WUTMINSTEll .... : . . ·'.. : ' . .. ·. • ... '. • I • ·, : ·.·:· ::::-:--.;: ACCttl ll()fflf•ltO ... l tllAt\ , ......... c .......... . t .... .,. ''" ... o-.. ... . t ... -........ 0.-. .... . •0.. ............ 0... .. .. • •• ~ ........ o...t .. .. • • ..,,,.., .. ,...°"4-.. .. , ... ,.... ltfiMt °"''"" ........ 1111 ....... 0.., ..... ......... 0...-.... to .,.,., ... 0.. ...... , ........ ~~ tJ C~ ..... ....._.., ... ~ ...... ...., .... ............ ~ .. , ...... ...,....~ ................ ~ .. ,,,....,,. ...... ~ ti ,...,_.._....,.~ ti '""' .............. 0.-.. ..... .. ............... ..,0..,.. •• tt ................. _. '' w ............ . NIWl'OllT , MACH SElTING A WORLD'S RECORD IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVENT ... SOME ATHLETES TRAIN FOR YEARS WITHOUT GElTING CLOSE. BUT YOU CAN REACH THAT GOAL ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1982 WHEN ORANGE COUNTY GOES FOR THE GUINNESS 'LONGEST HUMAN CHAIN' RECORD. BE PART OF HISTORY! SHOW UP AND "LEND A HAND! SANTA ANA RIVER BIKE TRAIL SEP I EMBER 25, 1982 9:30 A.M. (FINAL LINK-UP 11:00 A.M.) I Sponsored by the United Way . . FREE GUINNESS RECORD CERTIFICATES PRESENTED TO ALL PARTICIPANTS · ~ . -~ .... ·- Dilly Piiat SUNDAY, SEPT 19, 1982 REAL ESTATE 03-5 STOCKS 06-7 Market An•tyal1 Ouw Jon~ .10 lndu'llll lit • .. 111111 1•10.12 High 130.41 c1o'i~d 11:12 ::,,,,, We k ly --10 k activitie for Orang• lounly firm are revi ewed in ia bl • on Page D2 . ----~~~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bigger hoom 1 of IRA deposits still to By LOUISE COOK At-ieted Pf..-Wrltw Americans haVl' dcpos tted b1lhons or dollars In Ol'W laX· sheltered retirement accounts since the start or thl' year, and the big boom may be• still to come. The Econom1t• Rl'{'Overy and Tax Act passed last year makes it possible fQr all workers to open an Individual Retirement Ac- count, setting aside up to $2,000 per year and deferring tax on the original Investment und the inte rest,._unlil thl• money is withdrawn. . Eligibility for IRAs previously was limited to people who were not covered by otht•r pension plans. There are no overall st.Bustics on the number of ind1v1duals who have opened IRA at'l'OUnts sm<.'e Jan. I bel·ausc• thl'r<.• h1 no single source of anformauon. You can start an IRA -or, If you a.re self-employed, a similar , tax- deforred Keogh plan at almost any financial institution, including a bank, a savings and loan association, a credit union, insurance company or brokerage house. There are numerous types of inves tments available - rertaficates of deposit of varying lengths, stocks, annu1tiC11, mutual funds, etc. Figures Crom individual groups and federal agencies. however. provide some clues about the new al'<.'Ounts. Donna Chapman, a spokesman for the banking d1vts1on of the Federal Reserve Board, sa·id, for Idea heard -'round the world By GLENN SCOTT Of the Delly Piiot Sl•tl Nol a dozen years ago, electroniC's innovations at Hughes Aircraft Co. kd to what seemed at the time to be significant improvements in their' popular entertainment systems for commercial jets. cxampk1, thot IRA and Kl•Ogh dS!po1it11 in commercial banks alone have grown from $8. 7 billion as of Jan. 21 ·to $14.9 blllion as of June 31. ASA Banking Journal, a publication of the .Am<•rlcan Bankers Association , says 11 percent of 1,900 households con ta cted in a su r vey commissioned by the ASA suid they hod opened an IRA m the first six weeks of 1982; 5 1 percent or the remalnlng households said they intended to start an at'COunt by the end of the year. Reg Green of the Investment Company Institute. a trade association representin& mutual {1Jnds, said the amount deposited in IRA accounts in mutual funds -Including money-market Earphones that plugged into armrests al passengers' seats were becoming more reliable and the metal decoders hidden beneath seats were smaller and Light.er. Da vid R icha rdson and Phil Ross, from funds and oonvenllonal ones - rose from $2.6 billion at the end of December t<J $4.1 billion at the end or May. The number of at•counL'I, hC' said, has risen from about 500,000 to over 1.3 million. "h's been a very grotifying increase," said Green, who said that the institute expc.oelt.'<1 ubout $20 billion a year would be deposited m all types of IRA accounl.\I ovor the next Ccw years. Gl'C('n said that the flurry of publicity about the new ac"Counts caused a surge of deposits during the first quarter of the year. Th<' deposits slacked orr during the second quarter. a trend .h e predicted would continue through this month. H e predicted a boom 1n The reason: Researchers were devising ways of combining electronic components to shrink the size of the devices and increase effectiveness. . Hug hes, de monst rate comfo rt o( lighte r head sets. But in the shockingly brief lifespan of microelectronics. 12 years ago might as weU have been the MiddJe Ages. Hughes officials announced recently they are marketing a new entertainment system from their Irvine microelectronics plant on Campus Drive that relies on no wires, bl half the weight of previous models and wtll cost half as much. · Its key feature tS a small, black headset that dangles below the chm from cushioned earplugs (so not to muss the hair). It offers 16 channels for passengers lo select music or movie soundtracks. The channels are carried on an infra-red signaJ beamed from overhead transmitters. The headsets hold a tmy electronic circwt- board four limes smaller than a little-finger nail that decodes the digital multiplex signal into sound. Researchers in the Irvine plant have worked on the system for almost two years using the company's defense-oriented expertise in infrared technology as their basis. They intend to publicly display the system for the first time in earJy November at an airline electronics engineering conference in Brussels, said David Richardson. product line manager. ''This 1s really quite a breakthrough as far as we're concerned -and the industry is concerned,'' he said. A leading manufacturer of entertainment systems, Hughes has its current wire-bound system on about 600 wide.bodied aircraft. Marketing oilicials,....however, beeam.e aware of its limitations. he said. One bad connection could knock out transmission to a row or more of seats. And airlines are increasingly in need of light.er loads to save fuel. Richardson irreverently termed the existing stethoscope headphones "torture tubes." They are awkward, he said, because they are gangly and need constant cleaning. Some airlines simply throw them out after the first use. Low-level infra-red rays were the answer. By applying lessons learned in other Hughes tinkerings with infra-red, researchers discovered they could by-pass seat-to-seat wiring and accomplish tht:ir goals . he said. They even built a mock plane interior inside their Irvine plant were they could study how the diffuse rays would bounce through the plane. The entertainment system 1s not the large5t project undertaken at the closely- guarded Hughes plant in Irvine, where 600 people are employed. Only 22 workers are actively involved with the system. But Richardson said they are enjoying It. ''It's been extremely exci~g,'' he said. "We've had abeolut.ely no difficulty finding engjnee.rs to wo_rk on the project. I~s certainly something new and diCfercnt." Phil Ross, marketing manager, explained that a critical step was finding a means to send 16 channels on the same ray. It was done, he said, by measuring each of the varying frequencies. assigning them a digital "name" that can be stored in the tiny decoder and caUed up when different c hannels are manua lly selected by the passenger. He said Hugbes appea~ to be the only com pany that has d evelo p ed the sophistication to market s uch devices. Said Ross: "The company has always been in the fore front of techno logy . . .even back when Howard was fooling around with airplane construction." Current entertainment systems sell from $50,000 to $100.000 each. depending on the type of aircraft, he added. claiming the new systems wiU rost haJf the price. They will be ready for use m m!d-1983, he said Af f ordahle housing goals reached Doubt that affordable housing exists in Orange County? Well. in just over two years, independent developers have built and sold over 1,300 affordable units. with another 1,000 units coming on line Old Trabuco Highlands community in El Toro 1s o ne answer to the many questions about what affordable housing is, and how buyers can take advantage of it. Since the 1979 creation of the Orange County Housing Element, eve r y builder in unincorporated areaa of the county is required to offer 25 percent of the homes built as affordable. Pacesetter Homes designed Old Trabuco Highlands to be a complete community of all affordable homes rather than having 7~ percent market and 25 percent affordable, but the process of developing such a project is even more complex than standard project.a. The rationaJe appears slmple at flrlt. The homes must be priced so that people earn ing 120 percent or less of the median Orange County income can afford them. This means that the builder muat operate under very atrlct budgets and margins. · Pacesetter Homes participated ln the Orange C.ounty Revenue Bond Program to provide below market financing 1or their buyer.. When the program is ~ as a aource of loan Cunda, the pen.-entage of IJ'Oll Income that loet toward principal, tnt.erest, taxes, and lnauranoc payment.a it .et by 1tandard lendJna policy. To date, there has been no ,, Anordable home was "tax break we needed," aa y Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ellsworth. &l.'baldlzed construction loans available tor affordable projects, 10 the burden is completely upon the developer to finance and complete the project wlthln the bud,et their dictated aales pnces wru allow. The Revenue Bond Prosram is not aublldlied. To raiae money tor the flnanclna need• of affordable buye-rt, tax exempt revenue bonda are aold to lnveat.ors. The procttda of these boncla provide 30 year fhced rate mortgase• for the affordable buyer under the rounty Prosram. "The cooperation of t he County or O r a n ae h e l ped enormously," •t.I* Landon M. Exley, executive vtce-prealdent for P~tter. "Some peopl~ MVe que1Uonf'd whether the a{fordable housing process Is too time-consuming and wasteful ol government funds. but the builder pays loan points to cover all the costs of the bond program, and the need for housing in this county domands that these measures be taken. "If anyone questions the value of our efforts. just ask the new buyers what ownin~ their home hes meant to them.' Rigid guidelines have been established to insure that those who need housing have the opportunity to buy. The Lotal household income must be enough to qualify for the loan but no more than 120 percent of the median family income of Orange County. The buyer mutt occupy the home and In eorne cues cannot have owned real e1tate within the last three yea.r-.. "The sales staff manages a complicai.ed aeries of qualifying procedures and sign-offs requ ired by the Housing Authority ,'i adds Exley. "The provtalon for anti-speculation apd alfordablllty includes a signed atat.emf'nt by everyone Involved that the requlrementa have been met." Some buyt'l"I can't believe that the unlta are priced at only $57.- 995. T h ey think there are tddltlonal coet.s and "up1". The 1&le1 people have to con vlnce them that thla ll really t he prlt>e. Homeownena at Old Trabuco Hlthlanda have nothln1 but prtlM for the project, and the Pl"OJfaM whach hat allowed th4!m to become property ownera for the flnt time". "ll'• th e amartHt thtna I've ev•r done," beams Elizabeth (See AFPORDABLE, Paa• DI) • come? .d<.·5~11.11 an the last qu1irt..r of th<.' yt•ar, howt·v••r, us pt.•uplt• i1tart thinking llbCJU l tht' lll('Ollll' lllX bilJ due n<'Xt April Tom Pnrlmmc·nt, au t"<,•onom1st with tht• U S. League of Savings Asso<.'iations. agrc<:d that tht•rc was un initial flurry or deposits, follow<Xi uy a fo ll-off tn lnlert"lit. H r noted that pt>oplc hove until April 14, 1983 to make deposlls 1n IRA and Keogh accounts and still qualify for a deduction on their 198:! fodl!ral incoml' tax return. Parliament said he had no figures ort total IHA or Kc"<>gh d(.'pos1ls al savings and loan asscx·mtions Only an md1v1dual S & L , for c x a nip h '. k nows whether o deposit· in a 21·'2 ·Yt.>ar c.-eruf1catc of depoS'it 1s part of an . tttA \accoun t or la almply a rt•gular <.-erllficatc purchase. Thcl"\,' b1 one type of depoe1t - a "wild card" certificate whlch has no interest <..-eillng -which la available only for IRA account.a. According to Parliament, about $12 billion worth of "wild-card" certificates have been purchased for IRA accounts, including $3.7 billion in S&Ls. Parliament said S&Ls have mixed feelings about the mAs:: "They're happy to have. a product people are buying, but tt's exJ>(:nsive money,'' he said, explaining that the interest rates paid on the new a«'Ounts oft.en are higher than the rates the thrift institutions are charging on outstanding loans made several years ago. Book ticks off management's secret strategy By JOUN WNNI FF AP lualnen An•lyat NEW YORK Wtth one of the biggest hypes of the faU season, "The Ont' Minute Manager" has arrived at bookstores, a parable proclaHJ'IC'd in advance by its authors as a sure best seller and hailed on the jacket as "a gem." What book reviewers and professional managers think of it might be less glittering. but the authors say they aren't very concerned about that. They have carefuJJy managed production of the produl'l. Thc.-y'vc designed it to sell. "Real well -500,000 hardback copies at a minimum,' said Kenneth Blanchard. Ph.D .. one of the authors. "Bigger than that." his ro-author, Dr. Spencer Johnson, corrected. "ln the first calendar year." Most best sellers run their course In a year's time. The authors of "The One Minute Manager" believt:' theirs is a classic that will sell for many years. "We think it is the Jonathan Livingston Seagull of management," said Johnson. ln subject matte r it is unlike Richard Bach 's gull. --This b ook is -~iiiiiiiii .• about the three a; "secrets" of 6 management: ·.:....r~::::ic::;;;:i establish and 1' communicate ' management goals, then keep ~on course toward them through one- roinute repri-• •~"~ ........ mands and O"le- minute prais - ings, whichever apply. of those ....l you expect lo -carry out your orders. Physically, it does resemble Bach's book. The allegorical form suggests that precious universal truths are conveyed. It is told simply. clearly. And briefly -in about 90 pages of text. some pages t'Ont.amin~ just a few words. Manaj(cmcnt of this production is a story in itself. C.opies of the original manuscript were given to 250 executives. attending l3lanchard's" management seminars. Each was given the same assignment: What would make this the best management book ever? The responses were noted; improvements were made. "That's what we caJl wr1ting for the market pl.ace," said John.son. Though not directly involved in business. the authors, both 43, arc men of business acumen. Blanchard is a professor and con sultant, Johnson. a physician who prefers, he says, to help people throught the written word. He has written many other small volumes. most drawing morals from the lives of great people. Dreams of a huge best seller were roused aft.er thousands of copies -20,000 in all -had been published and sold by the authors them.seJves. generally to seminar attendees who 10Ught to share knowledge with employees. • a "' In f act , '-' incorporated into the book is the message that a manager who uses its techniques should be certain that underlings ·u n d c rs l a n d what h e is about. And the best way lo do that, of rourse. as with o copy of the book. The authors convlnc«! publishers that here was a book with a future. They obtained endorsements from executivee to back up • their claims, and they obtain ed permission to use th ose endorsements. They're now part of the end papers. • Publishers oompcted for the book. The authors aigned with •• William Morrow and Co. aft.er it agreed to an unusually tarp • flrst printing of 100,000 hardback copies. and promised to agend &t least $100.000 In promotion. • Sy thls time the paperback houses were excited and blddlna • tor reprint rlghL1, evM though Morrow had not 110ld a hardback copy. Seventeen In all showed Interest, aaid John.son. Soon the -. paJ>Clrback rights will be auctJonl'd. •1 "This ls a good glh.'' e.ald Johnson, e>eplalnlng that maNglna lan't a skill rettricttd to butlnetljt declaion·mak~rs but ii Involved . In being a &ood worker, parent, or profe11Jlonal, or simply ln being . an effective peraon. That's an enormous nGarket, and JohNIOn and Blanchard lni.nd to expl01t I\. , And th~ •1& price. lan't that hlah for a volume 1>f l)f'Obably°' l~.000 words? ''I think It Is well worth tt.'' ea.Id Johnson. Added Blanchard: "If you 1•~ eornethlna for nothtna they · don't think It'• important." t. Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Stplember 19, 1882 •lllNGE CDllT ITDCll II re lirm ur6 tht• 1Ucw k mnr k«-t actlvh ie for the week -..ruled Frlduy, ~ ·11t . of 1mbUdy tr uded Orun~e County 17 . Du la provided by ewporl ~t•t·uri l ieK Coq>. I 1n11 • ..,, tl UI ' ' --..---• I HAUIT l't'l .. 1Pr1.. • "•' '" ',",',',,.a,D IPDUI ••IT llleo ")9 "o,.eho'i•• If\~ Niii r.o "" r .. i. ( ., ~ IUI Ill M&l IMll l l.4. M• ' 0 h u•I•• '~o• U llll 61 loloofl hh ULt r .. 11ert•4' Cuel e *-•• lnh•l pr..,oot M th. H WIAQ /,H 1. ,. i1.•o II, 1 J . ··~ 0.11 1,., II, • ··~ ~.I 1.p.11 l•il•li t" • , 1•0 ~ .... U lll MIAOOUU TIH LOCATIOI Ot •I010t•l' CMAllOI t 111 l\O(l't ::rr:~~.: .. •ft ~!:l::~:r ~::1::!:, .m :~:\0 Pu l roOd r01l&11rool H IDAO 11oJ2 "·II '*·DO •c • t.I '·I' 17. ''·" •·1~-u '·m ················-············-····-··············-······ ......... . Orv1 Dl too .. ry H llO&Q "· 11 • 1 •• .11. \ . ~ tt • ., VI Alpha llloro AU41 {J t Al l .. CO••· ALI ) u er. 01••· lDOI ii u er. 14. fV U TMU ,, 1 :::~: ~:;~~·l Arr• n T uertaon '', ne Aller. Tll•r••l 9 laker Intl. 1110 :~ :m;:~wr::~ •m ti Brtd1tord Pd. 11101 aH ~~t::~:.!";i. l~Los ( I '' C•rl llAr ofter CU L I 16 c .. ,,..... Coro. CITll 0'l Ch .. •P ... 11• CU S I Clllu na ..... -19 Cot .... n Sye. ,lo eot ... bt• ~.. - "2'1 Coearco, lno. CM"O "~ 22 Co.pro. C..ro Ctl'H l3 Co•ln1lon COYT• Jf' C11011un llool CUSH ~~ Oatepowar OPI,. 16 Oalalron OTU n o..t... uni• ~'19 Downey Se•. OSI. l l,9 1100, ''"'· rte l lO llP llloro. llPM _-)I lldorado .. nk ru>I otz .,., .. Corp DILi ' 0 J) SYolutlon Too -1 'l• hoout . Ind. tit l S Pe r VH t ""· "'' .)6 Plral Aaor.P. lT r 1uor Corp. )8 r 111orooarbon 19 Por Belter L. ltO Oenerel Auto. 111 O•neral f er•. •2 Ooldon v. H. tAKft ru • 'CH ' PaTR• OINA O'N:I OWH I •l OrutwOllHoop OHi U Hollonotloo HILi •s Hori l •I• Ban~ HUB •6 Hao Ho& ltll HHCA "1 l•P'"l•I Pot. INPI •8 ~fl• Tool\. UL£ •9 Laa. HI l lo Ul L.OU SO Luor Proo. LUR SI Liberty "•ti. -H Lion Counlry ORRR H Loa Alo•lloo LARC S• Lulbtr ... d LUTHU SS MoCoel>8 C<>rp. - S6 Mercurr S.•. ".st. S7 t'lcro 0.n•r•l -SIJ Mlcro•••lcon. "S:CA .,..,,.. Anlht l• •••port kaoh lrwlno AllOtl• levpor'l leaob Newport lu oll lr•I n• Ortnl• ~::r:r~.::aah &n1hela r11! l orl0• II• J111n Cap An•h•l• Anohol• .... port .. 1011 Cot ta Mt•• 3-nt• ln• lnat.el• 0Pon10 hwpor\ •••ob. "'' l•••Ofl .. woort l&&O 3a.nta Ana lr•ln• Anollol• Co1t a Ma11 Santa &u h wPorl k aoh Tllolln S.n\a &no lr•lna A.na.t.ela l ewport. a.1oh Santa Ant lrwant L&IUM ll1u&l L&1uno II 1uol An&hOI• Tlltlln S.nta An• S.nt• Ana lrv\ne An•h• •• $Int• Ana L•1una Hi iia MIOllOn YloJo L&1uno HI I la Jrv lnt Hunt. •••ch Lo1.,na Hill• Loa Al a•Hoa Coat.a H••• lrw ln• Muftt.1. Beaeh lrw ln• Senta Ana DC BUSlllll 100rOft09PWUr ,,. Jlo"nf -.. ' •Y•· ..... ou ,001\to 11r011. ldw\\ "I· TY 11o1.vo~11 Dolal "••Ill\ Pion M-bltl , ' tloo,, l 1n\ 1n1 ~n~!,:"::~r •. lonlllna S.rv I 01 St•Uon1 rro11n rood prod. =~~f::• D••. t.oane '••t. food• Ma.tn•\la tape frda. 11t1. VoO<I clooro .... , .. ...olllno toolo prdo. S.•ln11 A l oon 111 ll Ury oyo. on1r. flealth oar• ac•· Ko.1 bwl ldtro ladlo i Tol o. i Tran • Power suppl r at 1. Mloroproc•••or aya. Sc>eo. eleo. 1y1. 3utlf11 & loan Eloot.oy1.i owlt ohoo Mtorowa•• count.era .. ·-··· ll•ot.rOftl oa Co•puur a t1. Motor fkHI•• S.•ln1• i loan UI040 ... UIDAQ 1411)&0 OTC KU OTC •. oo .so ,,,. . .IJ ::n 1.00 OTC 1,50 1.6, NYH ao,n tl.H OTC 6.00 6,00 U SD&O .U .U usoao 1.u l.H uSD&O 1.06 1.00 OTC 1),,0 11.00 IUD&O u9D&Q M&IOAO OTC OTC OTC US>AO llASDAO WUDAO UllD40 HllD&O U9DAO IUD&O &51 l~.19 ... ·'' 9.15 .n J.00 7.1S 11o. 7S .. , 3.15 '· T5 . 9• LU ~.00 15,75 ·" ,25 9,25 . x 1.00 I .DO 16, I) ... ), T~ •.1~ ••• 1.81 s.so &31 f, I) l.1S USDAO ll.00 1J,,O OTC a.x 1.n IUD&O 17. 7S 17. 1S ore .11 .I) UI ).50 ).SO n n 8.1s e.aa Tl th lnouroooo IASOAQ 11. TS 1 •. ?S Ho .. , on1r. • oon>l. llYU 11.88 19.00 '1uo~ooarboo olaa\lo• USD&O 6.SO 7,00 Prooul oonorota HASD&O 2.U 2.U Nlnlooaputor .,.. H SDAQ II, I) ).61 Coep.,hr cll 1phf lor. USDAO ,25 .lS Nobl l hoeOI UC 9.U 1.15 Operate hoaplt.•l• 'ower Conw 6 Laaera hn1<ln1 Health Ci r• 011 produol lon Paoeatiker Tereln•l • ,,._..,. aer\'lcea trr. Sclen\lt'c lnttru. llonll tn1 Vlld 11 rt park b oe Track tntr••tnoua Cat.het.tr fleal ••tat• • part.. S..•lft&• & loan Mloroeo.put.er Sc1 l•a S.•loonduotor Of"d•. NTU 8,1) I.TS usu&0 •.oo •.so NASDAQ 5.7S S.50 NASDAQ 2J, 75 lo].SO U SDAO . )8 . U U SDAO ¥.61 s.1s U SDAO 4.00 9.00 USDAO O'N: NASDAQ U SD&O U SDAO OTC &.U OTC OTC s.~o •6.00 llO 1).50 .09 .... '·)I l. lS 1.1• , 6.oo 11.00 NO 12.00 .06 •.DO •.JS 1.2~ l. 19 • ,,. o .•• 11e 10.111 •••• (0. "l I C (1,90 • 7,1 o.ot -'iJ a.o, ••• , (0.091 • '· . ), 16 11e o. n NC 11c o.n -•• , '.01 _,,,, o.n • 2.11 '·'' ·"·' O,l) llC (0. \51 11C o. n we 10.0)1 WC O. II • ).l .18 . 9.. o .•• • •·• 10.n1 llC 0.10 llC 0.01 •c <0.011 WC (0. 11) .10.0 . •.l .•6 • •.2 0.67 -•• ' 1.)0 NC 0.96 NC (0.011 •c 1.2\ • '·' (l.90 •.o ,_,._., • • t -n-•1 . 1:1&:1: 10.9 ta-1 •• , 2. I II· 1-h • 12-11-ao -11-11-81 ••• 9·)0-l l a.o 1z.,1.a1 6°)0°8 I 5.• 10-10-•1 •• 9·10-11 ''·' 11-ll-ll 10 • '·' 11.1 II I 10.) 1·)0-U 10-11-11 •-10-•' ll-Jl-11 •-10-•1 11-)l-IO 11-ll-ll 19,2 s -11-u -12·)1-ll s • 9-)0-11 )·ll-11 •-10-•1 -11-11-81 -1 l-), _,' 19,0 11-)1-91 18.T 9·)0-91 '·' 11-11-11 18.~ 6-n-U 10-11-•1 1.6 9-lO·tl • U-)l-11 • 1.6 (l,951 -•.1 J.8) 6.• • 7.7 .6• 10,9 12-11-11 10-11-h 1-ll-12 11-18-1' 8-01-•1 6-l0-8' S·ll-U llC 1.•~ 1.9 -IJ.' o.os Ti.6 I C (0.261 - -I. s • 7.6 .11.' -•· l -I.' •IS. 9 • ll.' HC ·'' o. 16 0.09 .01 o.o• o. J6 z.12 : u 0:" llO co.2SI -II.I 1.10 -)J,' (0.01) -18.0 1.)9 llC (2.0J) 9.1 19.l 61.1 11.0 1'.6 •• 2 9-l0-81 11-11-81 11-11-81 6-30-61 9-)0-91 •-11-81 12-l•-•• 16.7 12-l•-•• -ll-Jl-11 -ll-)l-81 10. 9 9. 30.81 6-10-11 a.9 12-31.a1 -12-ll-ll llC (0. II) ll-ll-ll • f.t 0, ll 16.9 9•10-·l 16. ln \\.~~I l,l)O• I, •• , 61,•11 9,'21 0 l,1110,000 11.911 9,10 •LH-16,lo6S •• •06 aoo,6a6 n.•6, u, so~ 1,•111 ),017 1),161 11,679 H,•I~ u,•21 lt,•01 9,•s• 6,2•) 12. 7•9 '". 116 )6. u• 10,6]1 19 ,519 16,0 I• ), ''" ll,167 11S,1Sl 126, •6• 6.00.J9~ u.2112 )7. 106 11• ·"' IJ,419 59, 100 •.H• 1150 ·T•O 690 -15 6ZS H9 7,&IT -2,U• 7S1 JO _., ·11• -1a, •oo 1, 162 150 1,691 2,201 1,BJ 2,66• -),199 -l, Ill 159,n• 2.70 I, ]llS 12] -901 -S29 blo lwpll .. I Ila•. • 6~ lltw,.,rt Corp. UllP' 66 l 1wporl lleol Nllll 61 Wowporl Ph&re ""'" 69 h• WurlJ Co. Wlllll 69 .... , ....... J. ..... 10 oaH lot oon 71 O.nl•IOlot l OMNI :~ ~::mo·~~=~'Pa1 H Pv1rrorO Pott ,,,, ,H '•nn h o. ~Ort "AC 16 '!per Hydro P3UI TI ~rooloy Co. POC ' · It Prlntronl• rh1• 79 •up•r\ Ot nl. UM 80 0 lndutVlu HI I 1 lop. he...,roe HAN 11 San/ .. r Coro. SIO I) Sunawk Oil H .U 0 SI l looo Iyo st.cl • h 311 .. roru l 3LY • 86 3'oltft Int'!. Sii 87 3o•lh "· •••• "°" U Stondtrd Loa . ST6L• 19 3Loftdord Pao. srr I 90 3ten1 Htdro. STtlM 9 I 3'1odlow, lao. $1111> 92 SytlOftUlo• • • 9) Teohnolo17 Nllt '!MIT' 91o Toletllo Coao -95 T .. p.Stlk TDIP 96 Tranotorr• b THC 97 1'11) :~duet. T~TI 99 Ultra lltdlo•I - 99 UI lrooyol .. o ULTI 100 V.lonola Bon~ - 101 Vorco lnl '•· YIC 102 VTM Corp. vr.c 10) VCS 111\1 VCSI 10• VTC,too. "" 10~ Venha lnll. v1n 106 llOl~oroorp WP I 107 Vtll°"n 011. VOCL 108 Vtotlonda Ill, VISA 109 VI Ila rd Co. : :~ :;~~i:i; ~~w ::111 lr•l"o ~:r:r~.::m ... u 4n• ~::r.rA,!!m lewpor\ loooll An1hol• lnaht l• r ounlllft Val I . &nah•I• t~r:'~n:•••h lnehtl• "ewoorl looon lr•lno ~rHa 'n• lrvlne Newport 1 .. u lr•ln• Newport. l eaoh T"olln ...... Par~ low110rt hoon Ylltl Sonu &•• CotU 114101 San c1 ..... u C.r4tft Oro•• ltn~•"• OTC l~.oo '~ ~ p.~o LU on091 , ... S.1wlp. H !IDAO 1q, y\ Clot\, eeaour, lnttr. UID&O 1.0 DfWI •rar. H !ID&O , ••• 1.U ,, .. ~~:1m::!:rn:tm:· :::~ u: I. I) l. ,, o.n Mfl • CT SCannara lanltl"f I.lee, notr. • oyi. 011 • au 011 IM 0•• llolar HH~I•• Sr•. Ho•• Conatri..ot lon CO•pw\er prlnt•r• Control& PlroplaoH l o\all rurnltwro J0Jott1 le1n rer• luo. Ttlopnone llyot • 011 end a .. llt1 lftio1rno4 Cl rt ltOl>llo lloe<I• Drlllln1 \ooh & •4· ~;~~:f oyo ooep. Koae aonet.ruot.loft Vat.er r..o•a l d&• "'• '•-rlu~ ... Pro4. HS>AO 6,1S OTC a.oo JfYSI 11.2~ WAllD40 . ll l&SD&Q • )I NAS04Q , )9 ITlll ~. T5 6.00 a.oo 11.00 ,ll . )I • )I 10. ,, USDAO 2'.00 l ).15 HSD40 1,00 1,00 nu 9 , 25 9.2' f&llD&O I. ZS I. SO usao 10.?S 12.so OTC ).oo l.oo USDAO I. 50 • SO AH ).50 ).SO ll'fH it . 88 20. ll UllDCO ).6) J,,l OTC ). TS ,. 75 nu 8.oo 1.aa U S>&O 7. I l 7 .OO u !IDAO 9,00 a.rs An•ft•I• PrOJOOl .... ootlwar o OTC llO llO 2.00 . ,. t .. IH "°'rllotln1 s. .. 1001 U SDIO 1 . ,. .}8 lrYlno Co.pvl•r 1Nrpb. •<I· OTC lAIUM Mlllo ll•clloa l IHtr .... nlo U S>&O ·" Mtwport l u oh 01 l a lot H p. a dr, U S>AQ z.,o Oran1• Clo1n1n1 l •plUI> Pr. lfUD&O rounlaln hllt f lladlo1l lnnr. OTC llO 1.00 lr"•1nt rullerton Drane• lra•1n• An•h•I• l ewoort l ttoh Oudu Oro .. Tllo\ln •ewPOrt loaoll ~nta Ana 'ounla ln Yet. :~~r:~~o~••att lln11n .. rln1 i Conlt knkl•I 011 tlolcl toola • oq . Di1, Aron, PlaM lln•lro. Ru ouro1 Rooo•ery Pr•l l hl torwar41•1 011 and Ou HS>AO 1.00 OTC 10.00 MU I 6, )8 U S>AO .SO U llD&Q .6) UI S.6) U SDAO , 19 Coepul&r oontrol loro ASI 9, DO IH loonduotor d .. looo U SDAO 1 .61 IAnlllna IUDlQ 2.75 l•roopaoo/Mmrln• Prod OTC 1.6) 011 and OH U SDAO • .88 Auto Porto l Aoo. n u 1'.00 .u l.lS llO 1.00 6.SO 10.60 6.?S .6) • TS 5, )9 .19 9, )&, •. )I J, 1S 1,6] . 81 15.00 o,o, llC 1. ~· • ~.9 '-'9 llC 0.01 llC (0 . IT I • 6.6 (O. Ii) -1.• 0.02 •c o. ~a -1.0 •c IC •20.0 •1).9 IC llC 1. l • 11.611 . ll .ol o.•9 0.0) 0.11. llC 1.76) • J .~ •·to llC (0. l)I llC (0.6•1 -1.s .as -1 .I 1.17 -•• ) '. )8 llO .11 _,,,g (0.69) llC (. 71) • 1.1 a.oz -•o.o 10. 30) llO -llC !0.19) -1.1 o.•~ • s.o \.72 -2.0 l.01 •26.0 (0.2~1 •19.0 0. I) -••• (0.66) NC (0.0l) • •.2 1.01 -s.• 10.0•1 -c .61 •c o.o -7.9 (0. 19) • 1.1 2.92 I&. 8 9,' u.o I .\ I J.O 11.1 18.0 11.1 z~i\ 100,,0 ,O'.o 11-11-11 ,_,,_., 1.11.0 12-)1-•• •-10-•1 7-11-11 ,_,._,, )-)1-0 12-) 1-e' 11-Jl-ll 11-1S-81 •-10-81 9·10-8 I •l-)1-81 ,_,,_., J-)1-U l-ll-U 6-10-1? II),.) 1-11 6-Jo-l 1 11-)1 •• 9-)0-81 •-10-81 ... 6'3 ,,, 11-11-11 .1,191,159 -11-ll-ll J•,JIT -•O-Jt-81 •. ))6 9. J 11-11-11 11,0•l ).l )0 )0-11 ll,.)) ~.9 1·21-11 19,789 •• 9 J-21·12 2-71-11 9-lo eo n.o 12-11-80 -•O-Jl-ll 9-30-80 6·]0-81 "·' l-)•-11 6.' •2-)l-ll ), ' 11-)1-ll s-11-81 s.e 1-11-a1 -12-)l·ll -10-l•·BI 9,] 6-)0·81 6-30-11 •.o 12-ll·B• 12.s 12-11-ao 1-11-81 5.1 •2-)1-91 S,,S6 5, 715 9.•99 6H ), 711 ),1Z• 118 n.•sa 16, JBO 19). 722 ,, ,6)) 2,890 12),9Sl '16 20 . )2~ n ,010 • ', 76) ),162 '. 2•s 202,0S 111 J, 100 • _, ,'10 ·H\ 91 '.009 1,667 '>5• ..... 10) -1, 118 -l'lO '· 1•0 ~. ,., -·· )00 ·~· 606 6fl 1•• ·I ,OIS ll), 116 -6•9 -1,111 l.160 '·"' I, 710 6~1 -1,Ut -7'1 -so _, ,669 -25 -)78 1,•IS I ,199 21,)06 -so1 na -1 ,sn -390 1 ,6S2 -•71 , • 2¥9 19• -99S 10,6•6 ... ·--. ·-··-·-·· ........................ --------·------··--------------------------·-----..... --....... --.. ----.... --......... --.................... -* --............................. -· ........... .. IP JOU VOllLO Liii ?O U CIUI H llPOIT HCOllTUS co•P •• 110•T11Lt WDl31.ITTD •THI OHllOI couwn S?OCI uron· o• llDIYIOUAL u ron a 01 1'111 .\IOU COICPU IU CALL (71') 95T-1081 (&S POI J IPn l'I L. llLPATllCI , PIUIOlllT) 4 (0) llDIC&TIS TUT H llPOIT HCUIJTIU co•rouno• u s A PUI LISllC llSIUCK •iron &YU L&ILI o• THU COMPAn ht•n•l•• errort• •r·• •d• to •••u.re Lb• •oo"raor a M t.l•llfl••• or tb• d..at a oont.•ln•4 ln tb••• t able•, whSoh are b•••d oo 1ou.ro•1 b•lS•••d to ff relSable, IN\ '"oh aowraor aft.d t l•l lne11 ar-. not 1uaru\eed .,,4 •ewport S.oi.ir1 t.l•• and thl• new1-paper aotllM 110 llabllllJ ror HJ I H oouraoloo or W1l1•1111u1 ot l b& data pu•ll1hod ller e. C..pllod •1 Ann Jonoay. K .. ID1 UPC 11 .. HlltlUD -----------... -.. -.. -.... -. -.. -----.... --.... --........ -----......... -----... --.... -...... -..... ·--..... -----... -..... --. --.. -......... -..... -..... -... ------.. ---.. ----..... ---.. -... --- General Employment E nterprises, Inc. of Huntington Beach named Vernon S. Cobb or Huntington Beach manager of Business Men's Clearing House Agency, 2130 Main St. The agency s pecializes in t h e placeme nt o f engin eering pe rson nel. Cobb h a d been mana g e r or the company's Fremont office. 'Ihe Board of Directors of Micro General Corporation of Irvine named Mar lin L. Echols vice president-sales. He was dealer sales manager.for NCI and was with Pitney Bowes. AFFORDABLE From Page 01 Morsch, a 26-year-old first-time property owner at Old Trabuco Highlands. "The COit la not much more than renting, but it's mine and It's just what I wanted." is please d to announce that the bank 's assets have increased more than four times, reaching over $21,000,000 in only 90 days of banking operations. Jim Ellsworth, a young accountant. speaks for ·himself and his wife when saying, "We debated moving out of central Orange County to find a little more space, but after looking here, we realized that the drive was certainly worth a slight increase in room." We wish to thank the 250 business and professional clients who have made this growth poss ible. Most o f their n eighbo rs are young professio nals who ne eded this k in d of opportunity to get started. For addi tional infor mation regarding the bank and its publi cly traded stock, please call Mrs. Kinsley at 800-472-8529. Ellsworth expressed some concern for the resale restrictions which are part of the Revenue Bond Program. For 20 years, he 1.8 required to sell only to a nothe party tha t m e ets the e ligibility requirements for affordable housing, and at price dictated by the percent increase or decrease in the Orange County median income. .. L'i.. Ll6ertg N11/lon11/ Ban.I -"Restrictions may complicate a resale, but with all the people 1 know who would love an opportwtity like this, I don't think there'll be a problem. But, it's already working at a project two blocks from here, tha t contained 96 affordable units." One Pacific Plaza, 7777 Center Aven ue • Huntington Beac h, California 92647 (7 14) 895-2929 FORECLOS URE TRUSTEE SALE Yes -we can handle your foreclosure regardless of named trustee on Deed of Trust STAN-SHAW CORPORAT ION (714) 542-5811 Profeeelonal Exceltence Since 1N1 s LEA RN MICRO-COMPUTING ATTEN_D A DATA WORKSHOP BY THE DATA WORKS A series of small, up to the minute conw_uter worhshoM, de- signM for those interested in getting ahead. Topics discussed: (0001) ABC'S OP MICKO·COMPUTERS (8~pt. n _.(, ~o. 'f.IJ.:SO ,,., fJlJ (0011) WORD PROCUSINO IN A NUTSHELL (VCI. 6, '1. '1·8:S0pm) f JlJ (0111) MONEY MAKINO WITH THE COMPUTER (Oot. IS, 14, '1·8:80 pa) IJIJ Series discounts swill.able. Limited Enrollmen t. Member FDIC and Federal Reserve Mom says, "San Marino Savings is big enough to be safe ... small enough to be neighborly." A 1 Son Marino Savings )!Ou get: I. No minimum or charats on your lnttttSt butlna checklna accounl 2. h cc chech l . No charges for overdrafl\ Will You Be Ready For The Coming Boom 1n Real Estate? •. New Broker Preparation Courses From The Real Estate Institute Meet State Requirements • Low Cost Convenient • Fast-Trak-Trainlng AHi Eet•t• Leg•I AepKtl 6·30-9 p m Tuesdays & Thursdays Oct 5 to Dec 9 (nine weeks) Finley Learning Center 13521 Edwards St Wes1m1nste1 RHI Eat•t• Economic• 630·10 pm WednHdays Oct 6 to Jan 12 I 13 weeks) Mesa Verde Learning Center 2990 Mesa Verde Dnve Costa Mesa RHI Eat•t• Appr•IHI 6.30·10 pm Wednesdays Oct 6 to Jan 12 (13 weeks) Peterson Learning Cen1er 20661 Farnswo1th Lane Huntonglon Beach RHI E•t•t• Fln•nc• 6 30-9 p m Tuesdays & Thu1sdays Oc1 5 to Dec 9 (nine weeks) Robtnwood Learning Center 5172 McFadden Ave Hunllnqton Beach All CourH• lu1t $95 Heh -Compare 111e pnce with thal o( Real Es1a1e schools Preteg1s11a1oon S11ong1y adV•sed as eo1ollment is hm.ted Mell Regletr•tlon: Call the Re111 Estate 1ns111ute and I01ms woU be senl 10 you In Peraon: You may register et any of lhe above locations or at lhe College Genier. 10231 s1a1er Ave . Founra1n Valley Telephone: (714) 963-0811 Ask for Dr. Chet Platt TH E REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE CX::l'.STL!N~ CO'AMUNITY CULfGE Clasalfled advertlelng is your best choice for help In selling the Items you · no longer need. It's Qu ick and lnexpenaive. 4, The simples1, faircs1 lltA Jllon for your rcrlremcnt 5. Pay6 you 1.4'7o above: 1hc in1c:rc\1 r11c th at 1he U.S. Trcuury bHh pay Call for more lnlonn•tlon .nd lou1lon1 nHrHI you -7141960-3786 llllJ Plllt / ~ oa .. 1tled a · < 411... ~ ~ N E WS from all over California ts rounded up each day In the Diiiy l'lllt I ............... Get lour money to San Marino Savings 200 'A l'\I ~ ut\I H1•1t".1) Nt,.put1 ""4h, <'1 t2Ml 11141 .. , 411), '" "'' tolcll.,tll '•-.dcna, '• "J°' UIJl.441 •""' . llll ltuo11nf10r1 °'"' <\.an M111110, ( • Iii IOI flfl1 'IY' •'M •• , Wt.c llt•trl~ a.l\llc••rd l\40f\1tk llo, C1 toMO Ull) 729. 7)0 ' \)1 11 Nntth C'1lfl"l11f i'l\t t•ltt1J1k, (. 9110, UI II t \fl 70H ,. 't f 1)111 hill lt®k••td l • ( rNtlll•. <. •121o1 t11JI ld IMO' phon9842-&e78 ~ .... ~ fl • l .. .... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, September 19, 1982 •• 'It 1 J ~~:~~.w~k~~wll~d~•• i::~~tment ho~~~~.~~~·:~~;::~~=~~~:~~:~~~~:~~-' &o aevea open boU101 at bomH for 11alt1. We llked Mlllllli 1lvln1 the teller a "wraparound" alt.lnclu1lve tbe leate? It'• all very confa1la1. -R1tll 8. four of tlaem and aaked the a1ent1 to tixplaln the morlllle't -Ronald C. DEAR RUTH: See r,our attorney. It you hav .. mort111e fln~nclna available. All four a1cnt11 11ald , 10und reuon for rctua na to rent to 1 i ubt.enalt. we would have to rdlDMnCt' the exl1tlna mort~aae• umuunt of c:Hh. ln1tead, 1 look for motivated, DEAR RONAL.0: No. Nuver, never, nt'ver u11e your lease allow• you to do IO and the orlstnll at a "blended lotere11 t rate" around 13 percent 1 a wraparound morta111gc If the exl1t1ns flrat tenant then continue. to be obi .,8 • .-..1 tor t..__ ;:...._,.a.. ·-' B II d f h t I uruduu!i ~ lel'I who will h lp flnantoe the we. SI...... • • KV ... ~ wlerea . ut we app e a ew moot 1 aagu o 1e a f 1 d 1 e·-mortuane haa a lcaolly enforceable due on aale But I( the pro-..,.. aub•-...... t •-qualltl ..... , ...... n v..&• h b h I o mot vote ae Jen are vacant houaca, divorce, • • • ,,.......... """..... 111 ..,,,. u•"' ,,_ mort1a1e oa aoot er ou11e at t a t ntereat ra te d h Job t d 0 _ clau.e. cannot unreuonably withhold your CONent to oa. ud we re turned down (not enou~b income). When cat • tran1 er1, an retirees. nctlred persol'\IJ, A wraparound mor•a•ae la just a 1ublltllute for subleue. , • I ' .. v 11.• h by the way, have given me excellent finance terms -a • told bow you recently bought an Investment home bt>Cnusc t ey want •ate Interest earning• from llr1t mort!age. For example, 1up~ a home has an mana~ment la Albert G. Lowrv'• "How to M HW you• ew wee.a •10 on a ta a• ow you h a aecond mortgage. 1t "Wrape around" an exlltlng By the way, an excelle nt book on pro~ Ith 9 I t t t II Clnnnclng the sale. .....--w percent nterea ra e mor gage. ow can we exlatlng • 0,000 first mortga.gc and the aeller agrees Real tale Succealfully in our Spare Tim ' do that too? -Craig L. Kt.oep looking. Be pcn1lstent. When you ~ a to lend the buyer $40,000. That •40,000 can be (Simon and Schuster, Publlaher). houlfe you want to own, and there 111 an lndlcallon aecured either by a aecond mortgage or by a $90,000 * * * I DEAR CRAIG: 'J'hc reason most homes don't the seller may be rpotlvated to finance your wraparound mortnaae (•~o 000 plus •"'o 000) sell Is poor financing Homes wh1<.·h S(llJ usually purchase, make a written purchase offer on terms But It the tu:i ~~aie lender ~'enf~rce Its DEAR BOB: I have been told I have a term I orrer either affordablt• seller financing or a bargain you can afford. Until you make an offer, you'll due on aale clause, the wraparound mortgage wiU lllne11 and wlll live le11 tban alx monllll. Al IO ~rice in return for a cash sale. never know If the seller will accept your terms. be wiped out If the fir1t lender forecloees. Although over U ,000,000 of property, I want to arraqe I When I buy rent.al houses fur investmmt, I P.S. Don't be discouraged by a realty agent , the wraparound lender receives the borrower's orderly dl1po~ltio11. My attorney 11)'1 my sole lie skip the homes where the selle r np(•t.h. o lar~e who tells you Che seller needs a bundle of cash. payments and uses part of that money to keep up my ion, would b e b e tter off lnberlt1a1 payments on the first mortgage, a wraparound prorertlea rather than my giving them to lllm u ' mortgage la not a good way to thwart a due on sale Aa underttand It, If my ion Inherit• my proper Vl.lla Balboa £1·re • cla use. be get•. baala "atepped up" to market valae OD J ..J conscious * * * day I die. Do you agree that lnlaerltance 11 bet14t than a gift? -Joe H. -• Villa .Bal~. a bluff top townhome t'Ommunaty in Newport Beach, oCfers homebuyers onC' of the ~l lire protection systems in the arelf, ac.•t:ord ing to an o fficial o f the Newport Bca<.·h F i re Department. Speaking a t a ml'l'l1ng of thl· V1llu Balboa Homeowners' Association, Inspector Al Haskell of the dl•partrnent's fin• prt•vt•nllon burl'aU nutl'<i that the t'Ommunity's dev<.•lopt•rs. Verswllcs A:;.<;()(.·1ates, have provided an above standard f.>'-lt·kagt• of the Cire-retardmg features for the safety of r<.~idcnts. Among thcs<.· an· smoke dNt'l·tors, sprinkler systems, non-combustible insulation, fin• st•parutiun d oors in the publit• hallways and spt•<.·1a l fire- resistant doors tu ind1v1uual. townhomcs Anotht•r advantage ci ted by I luskcll was t'lt· fal:l that the d evelopers maintain on-site supNv1sion of t he property. "You are fortum1tt• that the bualdl•r 1s on thl' site, responsive to homeowners' nc.-t_ods and w11lmg to CO<.tperate with th<.• l lom1.'UWncrs' Ass<x:iauon m k eeping systems a t the r ead y for t·onsta nt orot.ection," Haskell told thl• group So sophisticated 1s the fire protection system at Villa Balboa, ac:uvauon of one sprinkler w111 immediately 'flash on the t-entral <:ontrol panel m the lobby and sound the fire alarm throughout the building. Sprinklers release 50 gallons of water a minut(• into lht' fire-affected art•a, Haskell pointed out "lt would be almost prohibitively costly to duphcate this fire protection system m an individual home," he noted, adding that fire spnnkJcrs are proved to be 98 percent errcecuve Smoke detectors m Villa Ba I boa hallways automatically acuvatC' the fire doors which will hold the most virulent flrl' for ont· hour, llaskell explained. Doors to the townhomes also off<>r one- hour fire protection, ins tead of the 20 m1nute doors required by build1'l1g codes. Haskell pointed out that sprmkl<.•rs in each townhome are separately controlled. so that there is no danger of water being released 1f a fire IS in another area. The 453-un il Villa Balboa townhome community, at 220 Nice Lane, Newport Beach, offers a variety of townhome plans ranging from one bedroom. one bath to two ..bedrooms. l wo baths. plus family room, and from 894 to 1,794 square feet. Builders to hear developer's talk EPAC Development President Rick Doremus wiU address the meeting of the Home Builders Council of the Building Industry Association of Southern Califorrua Monday at the Airporter Inn in lrvine. "Meeting The Needs of Today's Buyers" as the theme for the discWiSion which will also feature such noted developers as Peter M. Ochs, president· of the Fieldstone Company and E.A "Sandy" Sandling, president of the Carma-Sandling Group. The meeting, which will focus on how several builders are successfully moving product in today's marketplace and how they are planning future products. The event will begin with cocktails at 6 p.m., and dinner, the annual election of directors and the panel presentation at 7 p.m. State senator plans realty talk "A Tough Industry for Tough People" will be the topic addressed by State Sen. John Seymour at Tuesda y's m ee t i ng of the Apart m e nt Association of Orange County at The Hilton at the Park (formerly The lnn at the Park) on Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim al 7:30 p.m. Seymour alsc will preside as the installing officer for the 22nd lnstaJlation of the AAOC board of directors. 1 Formerly mayor of Anaheim from 1978 until he assumed his seat In the State Senate as the representative of the 35th District, Seymour also served on the Anaheim City Council and as Mayor Pro Tern for four years. NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PILOT for Information regarding the county requirements for using a Fictitious Business Name. 642a4321 EXT. 332 DAILY PILOT DEAR BOB: I own an apartment hoaae. All townhomes Ceature fire places, utility r ooms, -my printed one-year leaaea aay "Sablettlng 11 Many have panoramic coastline and ocean vtews. prohibited wllboat tbe owner'• coaaent which will .DEAR. JOE: Yes. If you give property awai before your death, your son'soasis for the propertf is the lower of its adjusted cost basis to you or I~ market value :>n the gift date. But If your aoi inherita the property, his basis Is the value on th• day of your death. Your attorney is correct. ; Priced from $129,000 to $350,000, Villa Balboa not be unreaaonably withheld.'' Several time. my compurtmtmted baths, walk-in closets, storage areas tenllnti have found 1ubtenaot1 who are obvloualy and outdoor decks up to :100 square focl in size. 11n1ultable due to Inadequate Income, bad credit, or he Best of Lemon Heights. At the top of the most prestigious area in the Tustin Hills is La Cuesta-a private, gated estate of four custom homesites. This most unique a nd impressive hilltop site has been developed by Michael Mahoney and John Lyttle. Every lot offers you incredible panoramic views of Orange County's rolling hiJls and city lights below. • The enclave is extremely private with estate grounds large enough for inclusion of your specialPool, spa or garden setting. Use the talents of Michael and John, who have designed distinctive luxurious homes for each lot, or design your own dream home. Only two lots remain, each priced at $575,000. If you're searching for the ultimate setting to build your once-in-a-lifetime home, call today for an appointment to personally tour the La Cuesta site with Michael or John. The home of your dreams deserves the magnificent surroundings of La Cuesta. (714) 731-1155 Ml ' , • ~ , . • • • • • . . • . 'I • ' • ' ~ t : ·. ·1 .. ·~ "#<' t! J: r• . ~' '" 11 II 1 THE ORANGE COAST The first Sunday of every month, the Daily Pilot presents an expanded business section with everything you need BUSINESS OUTLOOK to know about business in your community. If you're in business, you need Business Outlook. _ _... __ f ti 04 Orang Coaat OAIL.V PILOTJSund•v. September tG, 1ea2 . Realtors build char~aCter D ep ressed m arket training ground? Tht> c:urrcmt downtr1•11d In Uu real est.ate markt•l cu11 we•ll ~·r-vt• 1U1 a training ground for !IU('t't'Hll. This In eti!SenC<' ts ttw view ()( William 0 , Thagard, pre11idcnt of Sant.a Ana-based Walker & Lcc, Inc., who attr1bu1RS the ongoing sales su<.-cess of his real estaw firm whose sales, while down. have not dropped as sharply as those reported by the California• Association of Realtors (CAR). In rt<.-ent figures released by CAR, sales in the same a reas covered by Walker & Lee were off 34 percent while those reported by Thagard's firms only dipped 17 percent for the same reporting period. Thagard attributes this to a 10 perce nt increase in sales produc tio n as a r esult of consolidation of several resale offices and the fact that these . -offices are staffed with Walker & Lee's "best people ." "This has enabled us to be more productive while operating with a lower expense base," he said. "Our production ls up in a poor n111rkPt b ecuu sc lh t• mo11t prof\"'-'llonnl agt•nl.li pt'rforrn kx'lit In t.his situation," ~lh.I Thutinrd. "They know how to s tructure su<.'t't.'88Cul deals because of hard work combined with strong knowlt.-dgeablc mnnugcm1 und a training program second to none." L oo king to the future, Thagarq said, "While resale ac:llvit>:. has lmpr.oved since 'December, WC don't see much improvement in the housing market before 1983;-although re- sale activit y, if significant e nough . will help th e beleaguered home building industry. "If resale activity does improve by significantly more than 20 percent this year, we at Walker & Lee foresee the return of a viable market for new homes. ., 'llfhis means 'that prospec~ive new home buyers are becoming able to free the t>qwties in their previous homes," said Thagard, adding, however , that a greater reliance must be placed on new m o rtgaging tools 10 enable· 14 homes released at Canyon Creek With o nl y f o ur l')o mes remaining available ·in the fifth phase, an additional 14 reside nces have been released for saies as the opening of Phase VI gets under way at Canyon Creek, the exclusive gate -guard e d community of luxury single- family homes in Irvine. community during the opening of Phase VI, take the Sf.lnla Ana Freeway to the Culver Drive exit and proceed north on Culver to Bryan Avenue. Turn right on Bryan to Yale Ave nue, then left onto Yale and proceed past Hicks Canyon Drive to Canyon Creek. buyt•r11 w quuhly for o rll'W ho111\• purd11111(.t, Thl11 111 trUt'. he RI.lid, bt'<.·uu1w buy<1r11 won't h11vt• the "lurgo bundle of caMh" from the sale of their prevloU11 homt'f! because in order tu sell, $0 many scllcrfl art! having to curry mortgagt' paper. Thagard also is pri'Clictlng:· •A slight escalation ln rt!Sale activity for the remalndf'r of 19R2 l:Sut no ·slgnifkanl rl'ffurgent:e Jn the new home market. •A rise in new ~ousing starts as more builders make an effort to provide affordably priced homes such as condominiums and to wnhomcs. Walker & Lee Is predicting 140,000 starts for 1982 -a healthy increase over last year's 110,000 s tarts, but far short of the 315,000 the State Departme nt of Finance d(."Clares is needed . •That because of the lead time to con struct new houstng, an improv~ resale market will take time to have a positive impact on ne w h o m e construction. Therefore. builder8 won't begin to .e njoy th e e ffec t of a n improved market much before 1983. •:Construction .oI a ffordable housing will be the cente r of building activity," said Thagard. "Not only is this type of construction a ttractive to both the builde r and buyer , it typically is constructed orr less expensive land. such as in-fill sites, which 'pencil out'." Too, Thaga rd sai d , the developer is frequently granted incentives s uch as zoning law e xemptions that allow higher densities resulting in lower costs. T his is a seal~ mo.del o f the "ultimate equestria n esta te" waiting to materia lizt! for $2.8 million on fo ur acres at Coto de Caza. " A 'Bonanza ' for horse lovers The ultimate dream equestrian estate ls waiting to materialize for $2.8 million on almos~ four acres of the exclu sive Los Ranchos FBtates area of Coto de Caza. The property which borders on the site chosen for the 1983 Junior Olympics and the 1984 Olympic Mode rn Pentathlon events is owned by Hatch Bros., Inc., and will be sold only if the bu yer agrees to the plans developed for the site. "Of course, if the house was too big or too small we'd adjust the plan, and we'd customize the interiors, but overall we want the purchaser to agree lo our concept and plans.'' said J e ff Hatch, himself ~ Coto de Caza resident. "This house is somewhat m y own view of what th e Cartwright house looked like on Bonanza," said Hatch . According t o Hatch. he envisions a celebrity owner who loves horses and who finds the p rivacy of Coto de Caza .desirable. Scale model of the property has been built and is on display at the Hatch Bros. office near John Wayne Atrport. The 6,200-square-foot house itsel! is·desig ned with the elegant informality of a national park lodge with f ive natural fireplaces. a nd a 37x40 living room with an open beam two story high wood truss l-e11ing. A 140-foot veranda runs along the living room side of the house. Offer ing a c h oice o f two bedrooms plus a den to five bedrooms and up to three full baths, the homes at Canyon Creek feature from 1,750 to 2,900 square feet of inte rior living space. Among the floor plan variations are interior atriums, a library loft and, in two of the models, downstairs d e n / bedrooms. In addition to formal living arid dining rooms. all but one plan has a family room with a wood-burning fireplace. Direct access if provided to attached two or three-car garages, e ach equipped with an automatic door opener and two remote control transmitters. Huntington/ V ~Hey realtors aid medics In spite of all the amenities for luxury living, it is probably the horse facilities that will ma ke this home a dream come true for To yisi t this excl u sive Officers of t~ Huntington Beach/Fountain.Valley Board of Realtors have announced the staging of another fund-raising event for the benefit of the cities' paramedics units, an event that attracted nearly 1,000 people last year. The party. to be held inside the Huntington Center mall at Beach Boulevard and the San Diego Freeway on Oct. 30, will combine a Las Vegas night and Halloween costume party theme. Tickets at $15 each will include dinner and a variety of party events, dancing and Vegas-type casino games with toy tokens. will be available shortly through the board-office or through your local realtor who belongs to the board association. The event, which raided $10,- 000 and $12,000 net in the last two years res pectively, also awards participation with drawing or door prizes in addition to the wide gamut of fun events. Travel Travel of Fountain Valley, in conjuction with American Airlines. donated the grand prize: a trip for two to Hawaii. Additional prizes include and the fun of part1c1pation in the future owners. trips to Dinsleyland, Las Vegas, Las Vegas type table games for The horses live almost as well Catalina Island, Knott's Berry fun. A'lcholic beverages will be as the humans in a double Farm and th e Har 1 e q u In available to purchase. Costume breezeway barn with six stalls, Playhouse, There are s teak attire for the event is greatly including a foaling s tall, tack dinners, burglar alarms for cars, recommended. There may also be room with carpeting. jewelr y. shopping sprees and a c hance t o mingle with Ju s t like Sou thfork o n exquisite pe rfume to be given . celebrities fro m the s h o w "Dallas" there's a bunk house away. business industry. only at the Ranch at Coto de The board of realtors still Caza , it's a ful l mode rn welcomes additiona l prizes or Additional information can be apartment. o ffe rs of labor for set -up, obtained by calJing the realtors' The re even is a grandstand manning etc. The event will last board offic.-e at 847-6093 or the overlooking the riding area with from8p.m.tomidnightandwill, chairlady for the event, Maggie a full roof, indoor/outdoor in addition to food and prizes, ShaHer of Allsta te Realtors at ca rp e ting and wired f o r provide live music for dancing 962-9311. telephone and stereo. :=--.......::"---"'==============:-==================== l Title leuth pand Max i1num (•011trol of r ealty d eal off er d Vo u ' v t• f o u 11 d o n u t l r u ct 1 v t• pro(>(•rty 111 Uouallon, uml 1111 your market rt:it"nrch l11dkult'li it wlll bt· 1111 ou\lt.andlng silt• fo1• u 111uJor pru.)t-t·t. The opportunity for u llUl'l'Clisful devC'lopment ls ·undt•mubll' und thl• time lO act 1s nght now However. thert• lb u m11.1w oU. .. wdt• in your path: your lul·k of knowlcdgc or the area. Vou'vl' lx-t•n to Houston only to see the propt•rty und you arc not. Cam11lar with the local laws and customs involving real c11Wlt! and you don't know the people who can guide you through thc transaction competently. One wrong i.Lt'P could result an a costly dcluy or cvt-n squelch the deaJ. To h elp major dt>wlopcrs, property owners, builders and attorn eys involved in complex or "foreign" tr ansactions, the Orange County division oC Title Insurance & Trust (Tl) has formed a full-8Crv1ce center, Ticor Title ServK-es (TIS) Bruce R. House. v1t'l' president and manager of the Orang!• County division, said the TTS center can handle the mmplete ra nge of title and escrow services for major properties located not only in Orange County but anywhere in California as well as throu~hout the Unitl>d Statt-s. "ln organizing our TTS center, we've put together a team of highly ~ qualified a nd experienced title and escrow professionals," Hous e explained. ''They arl' in a position to guide a buyer or selJ(•r through every stage of the transaction involving title and escrow services " The TTS operation involves a nationwide network of full-service title insurance c·ompunics affiliatNi with Ticor Title Insurer:>, Tl's parent company. "Through this nl'lwork, we can work directly with title and escrow professionals in nearly every location throughout the Unite d States to handle every phWM.• ur lhl• tlllt• and t'lll'row work from our ~unlU Anu II tll \'(l,.. 1l OUllC.' lilU Id, Muxlmurn ~·onli-ol of u lrun~wthm. whctht•r It be.• lor l<l()ul prupcrty or fut onl' located l•IRt•wlWrt'. itt tht• mnjor oflt.1rlng l)f TTS, expluln1'Cl Murgt• Cunn Hy. 't'I vl~'l' prl'Sldcnt and rwwly nppolntr<l munugl'r of thP 1'TS ct.>ntcr here. "We can )U.'('p clt>St' wul.Ch on nil fatcts of the trunhllt'lion to bt• sure 1t closes pro pe rly and in a t-iml•ly Cashion." TTS has bt-L'n urgnn1zed, su1d House. Lo keep pal'l' with changing cond1uons aff<X'llng land transactions. More and more developers and property owners orP t•xpanding their ac11v1t1es to other parts of Cahlorntu and other st.at.es, to take advantage of lower l and prlc:cs a nd morl• l'OOpcrdtive attitu,St•:> on the part of loc al governmental agenci es (•lst•where whic h are encouraging proper development. "Even with today's high interest rutcs, there a rc seven.ii areas that offer profitable opportunities," House explained. "To take advantage of them, a developer or owner has to be ready to move bt!yond his traditional base oC operation and be abJe to l)p<.•ratc in new locations. Being able to do so can make the difference between merely surv1vtng or goin~ on to prosper in good times and bad,' ht• said. "This coo rdinated ser vices operation can even bf..nefit our clients for maJOr transac tions in volving properties in Orange County," Hollsc said. Tl has always had the ability to handle comp li c ated and .. out-of -town" transactions, House emphasized. "But in forming our TIS center, we're making a major commitment to be In position to handle these types of transactions as they bec:omc more <.:ommon place in the months and years ahead." House prices eyed Kenneth W. Agid and Phil M. Hove will address "The Future of Affordable Housing for Southern California" at Wednesday's meeting of the Sales and Markeung Council of the Building Industry Association o f Southern California. To be held at the S heraton Newport on Birch Street in Newport Beach, the evening meeting will begin with cocktails at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Also to be included in the evening's program will be the election of the 1!:18J board of directors for the Sales & Marketing Council. lnstallauon of the offwcrs and the board members w11J take place a t the annual MAME (Major Achievements in Merchandising Excellence) Awards which will be held Nov. 10 al the Century Plaza Hotel in Orange County. Those interested in attending should call 547-3042. Meeting tickets, which will include dinner. are $20 per person for SMC members and $27 for non -members. Seating Is limited, so advance reservations are requested. • • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sund y, Septomb t 19, 198~ D .. THE SMART WAY TO BUY HOMEOWNERS AND ·.AUTO INSURANCE IF YOU EARN MORE THAN S75,000 AYEAR ,, yow JIO\l(IO!l lfl hff> I\ .tbovt• .tVt'ltit)l' \Cl ,HI' your 111\urdnCt' 11t-t•<1\ Yrni'vt• 1101100 much <11~ltike10 fJ(•1m11 re 11J11nt· t1,1rillhn9 ot yow p1ope11y .mrl h,11l1flly l.UVl'ldgt• 111.tt\ wl1y rn,iny \lllclrt \U(Ct'SSful ix·ople hkc• you drt· 1urn1ng tht-11 home- uwr1t'r~ rtnd tiu1omob1le pro1ernon 1 wt>d'> owr 10 M<tr~h P. Mc lrnn.r111 We're "JWtt..illy \u11t•<110 ~erve spt•c1,11 clients Alli 1ough Wf''ve mdcJe our ne1mr as It If' worlc.I \ lt'c.Kllng cornrnprc 1JI 111sur .111c t' IJ1ukt•r we ;il~o l1t1ndh• .:i \1grnf1 c ,1111 .ir11ou111 o f pe1~on,11 tovera9e .:is wt II Honwowne1s and e1u1omolJ1f<' 111\ur,1nc 1• ICJI a ~elect group ol 1nd1V1<1 u.il' 11111w upp1.•1 mcome br.K~ets We (>(lt-r \C'vt·r,11 dl~lll l(J clCIVCllll.l<Jl'S OVf'( l1uy111cJ 1111\ 1yµP o r pro1i>cc1<m 1t1rouyt1 oHwr t1rok1'1\ GET FULL REPLACEMENT VALUE Bc·c.HJ\r' we re CICCUSIOmt'd 10 df'dl 1Pq w11t 1 pohc yh<Jlders who en Joy .:in .tltlt11•r11 1111•\lyl<• w< rt• 1101 ··1t11c·cJ IJy lJllU\U,)f rt'LfUllC'rTlf'fl(\ c-trld tllCJ 11Ufl11.Jers f-rn 1m1,mr1· 1r you have v.lfu,111lc• <111. .t1tt1q1w \ or collernble-.. we> know ll<JW (0 lllSWC' PCIC/1orw1ncJ1v1cJucilly Im tilt' lull rt·plC1CC'rne111 Vdlue ell 1udc1y s p11ce\ We know how to cover your j('Wf.'lry furs and SllV<'I SO lh.tll 1n < .1se o l tos' you wont be d1sappo1nred tiy suhllclCllOm for deprec1,111on GET PERSONALIZED ATTENTION 81•c<iu\<.' we 1t>nd to insure .1t)Qvc· .ivt•r ..tqr hOines and l <11~. we '91W ''tiCh p<Jhcyholder ftrs1 etas~ 1rea1men1 /'v1y 111nf• you CCIII w1tn "'qut's11on. ru·t.·d or cf,um you·1111ewr be forced tCJ <k ill w11h a nc:1rnele'>s. impersonal ctc·rk You II .isk lor ;ind lctlk 10 your own Accoun1 RepresenlcltM.'. somt> or 1c· who 1\ keenly 1rnerested 1n your rweds c1nd pt>rsonally re\pons1ble tor \1'('111~ [h,lf you e1re (dken c-ire or Bt>fort• we insure your hornt· W(' -<1rrangP lor a f1ce rmpernon .1rtd c-1pp1<11~<ll If you riet>d some k111d o f cow1c1ge rnsrantly. WP c.m prolJ.itJly arrange b1nC11ng pro1ewon ovl'r 1he phone tha1 wrtl keep you coverc·CI until your pohcy c .m be 1\\lJPd <Ir 1cl <.le~vrrcd to you And 1f your pos1uon 111 Ille> m<tkl'S you a tempung 1a19e1 lor n.imc-1~,ie lawsuu~. we c<111 provide you w11h exces!> 11c-1brl11y cover aye of SI n11ll1on to S 10 m1ll1on ac "'muct1 tower< mt th.in you m1gnt expect GET A HOMEOWNERS INVENTORY-FREE Whe1her or not you ut11mc11ely Ol)!~111 1mur.mce cove1c1ge 1hrou9t1 u ... w<'d likt' w p1ov1de you w11h a small bul 1mpo1tclf11 piece Of protl'Cll01111Cjtll now -tll1sotu1ety rree 11'\ ,1 Homt-owners lnwn1ory An 1n· 'Cl1spi•ns1ble /4-page booklet dl'\1ynecJ 10 hPlp.you t<1ke a fast and i!Ccuri!w ~- 1nv{'n1ory ol yo ur home~ cor11erm ,---------------- rtwrr•\ ,1 plrlU' ICJ 11\I t'Vl'IY tlt'lll fllll <1w11. tlw cl.tie you JllH< 11.t\<·d 11. r/11· pure 11<'1\I' p11re <1nd 1111' tl'pl,1t1•1111•111 UJ\I It Wiii t1t'lp you 11\I IOIJlll liy r<Jo111 111·111l>y11t•rn 111 llw v.1fu,il11t· JJ<l'"'\WJrt' you Vt' ,1c1urr111l 1t1 ·d 111clurJ11 111 tt1o~e cilllf It·~ ot t-x<1•p!1<J•i.tf V,iflJ( ifkt• ft11\ jf'Wf:'lty \tlv't'I Ill It' ,tff\ <illd <illl1qU1•\ Thf'll'\ l'Vt"ll d \Jlt'(l,)f wr 11on Im rl w 111< hJ~l<>tt "' p11utci ry .1pt1' ,111cl rt·n·1pl\ Srrm•tl 111 .1 \dft · pl.tel' ye;ur Horn1·owrn•1\ It 1111111my coulcJ mc·.ir1 <1 tJ1g <11ff1 rc ·11c1 111 \f•ltltmJ c:ll1111\Ul.tll(t' C.lcllln \l11111h l.y1 •LJf t IJl!ll' evet tw hll l.Jy d1~1\11•t T/11~ l1,u1d, l>Ol••lt·l 1\ your\ .:..1111 our c omplm11•111) T<J olJlrW 1 Y' JUI Uipy ',!mply < ornplt·11 .t111J wturr11111 ( llLIJlOfl IJl'ltJ\11. Wf."JI ,1·1• (11.tt ,()UI HCJlfll 'OWi I I\ fllVf 1?{111, I' _:,N'!I ~ ' you .111111• drd'' I, t ---------, Marsh & Mclennan, 4400 McArthur Blvd .. Suite MO. OP 9119/82 Newport Beach. CA 92660 Attn: Gary Hanson. Vice President YES, ICl hke to receive my tree copy or lhe Homeowner~ l11wn1or 1 1unaers1ana1r11s 24-page OOOklel 1~ mine w11hou1 ot>hgcu1on Plt>.1w ~··,.11 me my comphmen1a1y copy 1mmea1a1t>ly N VI'---------------------- ~ l '" '-------------------------- ( '·------------'' "' ----- •• "" p, '---------' .... .,, ESTIMATEO CUllllENT VAlUf O' MY HOME U00.000-US0.000 US0.000-U00.000 000000 . In" hurry?Call 714-851-5112 10 requnt your booklet now ---~==-=============== ( ., 'I ,. • ,., .. ,. ·~· .. " • # ... -.... i· '· " I• .. . -,.. ................... ... ... .... ... .. . i~ r l ' i. ' I ,. j• • ,. I• I I •' ' I· I , . ~·· :.\.! '\i ti p;l ~ l!~ ~: ~lo. •l'tt I M 1 Utt ltlle It"° m; •" •'< _, 1 !t 161 ... r.: M t lo .... 9!J ,. •• '''" .. "' • 1 ·~ ,,._ ,11 M Iii '-~ 1Me ' .. ,.. ,,, u ., .... '"" .... I •"""' Pl! I) M t' JOle ts· t tl'w pll el 1110. IV1 )'lo. loi l\o O'. ·"·· ,., 11 "''° .. I.)"' ' I• "I'll It at t IM ijJf'! Ule U t , .. ···~ ,, ,, ,. ......... "' fl c;.1ly 1 .. ' JIG n le ft\-1 ..._ • >' AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE Q\IQUtlfMl"•t4\let tUllUO .. fMt llUltOll MIOWUt, ,.(.,1( , •• 10\1011 OlflOlf ••D (UIClllllAfl UOO U(MAllOIUlllltitl'O•ttlllY tMa OtOUDtll\ftH&t - Oranat Coaal DAILY PtLOT/Sund1y, Stottmbet t9. 1982 81 l11ue1 Trade 1,110 ~'1 DI Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 19, 1982 .. • • \ When peOple put their trust in the Sears Financial Network, th ing.·but speechless. 9' I love it. I thin~ it's super ... we're just not downtown people. Ifs all rtght here. ~ -. I 9' Quite helpful ... told us what was informative to us. Gave us a couple of different ideas. ~ 1\11 I/ (°(I r/lt'ltf1•r ' ' 9' I feel comfortable ... ! feel at ease. They were very helpful. Explained a lot of things to us. ~ 9' I think people trust the Sears Financial Network because they know Sears. ~ ~~--,;. I.. • . ~ \lfln/ 'l/11p/11.., The Sears Financial Center is now 9Pen in the .South People are talking about the Sears Financial Network. Because now, the financial services you and your family need most are together under one roof. The roof of the Sears store ln South Coast Plaza. Because people-even people who make a good ltvtng- need good, sound advice about their money. And they need that advice simple to understand and easy to find. Real Estate. And Allstate Savings for your savings and loans. You're lnvited to see exactly what these companies can do for you. And tell us how you feel. The Center Is open for your convenience during regular Sears store hours. Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m .. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m.-5:00 p.m. l'br further Information: If you can't visit the Center (tts at 3333 Bristol Street. Costa Mesa, CA 92626). And perhaps most of all. they need ft from people they trust. That's why Sears has started the Sears Financial Network. With Allstate for your Insurance needs. Dean Witter Reynolds for your investments. Coldwell Banker for SEARS please call (7 14) 540-3333. Fl N 'ANCI' L L The Sears Financial Network. Because ~ A today. the best place'for your future should be N FJWORK with friends you can trust. Allstate At Sears. I Dean Witter Reynolds -coldwelrBanker Allstate Savings Alltllll' tn1uran~ Com~nln Homl' Ofn~. Northbrook. IL @ISfAl't, (tMbll< k and Co .. 1982 I , .) { I 'Endangered Species' thriller that focus e s on characters By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of"ttM Dell1 "'°4 It.If Governme nt conspiracy the mes h ave vadltionally been a minefield for movicmakers. Though launched with the best of intentions, such cinematic muckraking can easily blow up In the (ilmmaker's face. Conspiracy movies must be built on a paranoid premise. The government may be covering up a fOlltical ~!nation. Some renegade CIA agents 11'\&y be planning to blow up Arab oil (ields. Or maybe-some visitors from out.er space are hiding in I.he basement of the Pen tagon. Even if you can persuade the audience to buy the creepy.. prem1se, there remains the challenge of creating three-dimensiona l characters to wade through the t'Onspiracy soup. Too often, these films are populated with naive pure-hearted heroes and soulless bureaucrat villains. , Considering all the potential pitfalls, the wonder is that the latest conspiracy film. "Endangered Species," 1s quite an enjoyable oHering. It's an engrossing reasonably credible thriller that succeeds primarily because d irector .,.Ian ~udolph keeps the focus on people, not »arano1a. , The main characters in "Endangered Species" are neither saints nor social crusaders. They're flawed everyday people who have so muc h ~ifficulty keeping their own lives in order they ijarely have time to solve a mystery that's plaguing their community, a Colorado cattle town. It seems that dead cows are turning up on the range. oddly mutilated. The incidents arc variousJy lamed on cult groups and even flying saut-ers. The overnment couldn't be r esponsible because all emical and germ warfare tests of this sort were alted in 1969. Or were they ....... ? Jobeth WiJliarns, who appeared recently as the mother in "Poltergeist," here portrays the town's sherirf. She strikes u perfect note In a role that eas}ly could have 1Upped intb cllche. Her character is tough, demanding respect without uttering strident women's lib-isms. Yet sht! stiU retains grat-e and fem ininity. Straying into her town is a burned out, New York cop played by Robert Urich of television's "Vega$". Urich also avoid s the ster otype by tempering macho character with just the right touch of vulnerability. These two fina lly form an uneasy alliance after turning some familiar plot gimmicks Inside out. Urich ·goes to Williams' resc\Je when she gets knocked around during a barroom fight. Instead of expressing gratitude, she scolds him for punchlrig out one of her townspeople. Lat.er she shows herself capable of throwing a solid punch when Urich attempts a shower stall seduction. While this rock y romance proceeds, the audience catches glimpses of scientific experiments being conducted on cattle. The scenes are made even more eerie by Gary Wright's spooky electronic score. z__ In the screenplay by dineetor Rudolph and John Binder, based on a story by Judson Klinger and Richard Woods. the villains remain off-stage most of the time, fielplng them seem more credible and more dangerous. The film's final 20 minutes wiU have most moviegoers biting their fingernails, though the very end of the movie may leave some 1unsatisfied. If "Endange red Species" has a major flaw. it is that the mystery of the mutilated cattJe is never adequately explained. Though the filmmakers say 10,000 mutilated cattle have been found since the ban ~n germ and chemicaJ tests was imposed, the audience is left suspecting that maybe some branch of the government hasn't come clean. ClASSIFllD Ro bert Urich Jobeth Williams ~Just Hooked on Country' offers 65 country favorites jy JOE EDWARDS S traw," "Wabas h Cannonball," ''Wildwood combined the big or<:hestra with the beautiful recognize the song." rlated Pr ... Writer Flower," "I Can't Stop Loving You," "Orange melodies of country," Coleman said in a telephone The orchestra used traditional country music NASHVILLE. Tenn. -S ixty-five of the Blossom Spedal," "Jambalaya," "Th e Games interview from Atlanta. intruments like fiddles, the orchestra members may rtest country music songs of all-time have been People Play," "I Never Promised You A Rose The lush sound, and the absence of country call them "violins." steel guitars, banjos and rded unde r the leadership of a man born In the Garden." "Rocky Top," ·•Under the Double F.agle," music's pervasive cry-in-your-beer lyrics, help harmonicas. "The whole shebang," Coleman said. ke ly hillbilly hotbed of Paris, France. "You Are My S unshine," "Green. Green Grass of make the album appealing to non-country fans. Coleman, who has conducted the Atlanta Pops Conductor Albert Coleman. a French-born, Home," "Your Cheatln' Heart," "Don't It Make "That's the idea." said Coleman, who Orchestra since 1945, began the project by picking ~ ssically trained a rranger, assembled his You Want to Go Home," "Young Love" and. prevlouslr, conducted the orchestra for the "Festival the big-sellers he wanted on the rerord. He then 5-member Atlanta Pops Orchestra and recorded adding a touch of patriotism, "Battle Hymn of the of Music' concerts featuring Chet Alkins, Floyd discussed the project with Atlanta music publisher e album "Just Hooked on Country." as well as a ~public." Cramer and Boots Randolph. He did a similar Bill Lowery. who added some material and single by the same nam~. The project reflects a trend in the recording album for RCA Records 10 years ago. obtained permission from the copyright owners to The album is a medley of 65 of the all-time industry to release medleys. Similar recent projects "The hard part was being restricted to 30 use the music. f.fivorites in country music. The single, which was have included medleys of Beatles' hits, swing music, seconds for each song," he said. "I listened to the Some of Nashville's finest musician s - released earlier this summer, includes 17 of the 65. classical music and the "Stars on 45" medley o r igin a l record a nd tried to use the same harmonica player Charlie McCoy, steel guitarist The 17 are "Tennessee Waltz," "Turkey In the featuring songs of various Top 40 singers. "I combination of instruments so the public would Lloyd Green -joined the orchestra. • "" J"" •. ... Soprano J essye Norman lives in London "IT'S A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING~ 10 FEET TALL" '""'°" ""'o Cdwn~VitlCl 1 .... 830 6990 "01111111l '"'*"""e 63• 2SS3 -AHA-.d •lWP'Olll llACll I ow;110, """'oar' CttnQ 6U 0160 WlllMIUllll (OIOflll~ c.ntN WtKI 891 lt3S ...... Pac1lc s OI M1Q1r Oo•e '" 6 J • 936 t UlllAfl.,ltl ... SAO la..,oll• OrM In S23 9310 ..0 ,...._, ACCU'Tlf:O '°" fMI r-..oMM.MOfl -, POLTERGEIST It knows what scares you . ilQji .............. _" NOW PLAYING COIT a MU.A ll Tllll. CMIA9lf • Wll 'flllU T Ill ld•n ••o• C.M,.. ld•.,.,S-W<• AMCOI--lfW-C.....WN 1~1 •ti• ~II ~HO Ill OJ•O 191 39lS COITA MIU """" OllHOl ld,. .. O. c;.......c.-llf Cd••~W-lllQfC_... UAColtc;....,.. ·~ ''' '1 '1 \St OU~ fl• >911 FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN TO MALIBU . TWO'S COMPANY ... BUT THREE 'S A PARn SLIMMER l9VER.S •• ONOl'f 9'11(, .......... Colot 117 l«'<'hnl<'*>< • Cit '191 ~ ..... "-'• "''*'""• .... ~~ 111EBEACH GIRLS Still another Norman conquest By JEFF BRADLEY world of French opera and chanson, ideaJ for her A-C.tect "'"•Writer silvery voice which covers three octaves trom E-flat LONDON -The scene was a packed Royal below middle C to E-flat above high C. Albert Hall, the occasion a BBC Promenade festival To Wagnerians, she is the answer to a prayer. performance of "Th e Trojans" by Berlioz. The Not since Kirsten Flagstad and Birgit Nilsson has singer in Did o's death scene was the .black French baritone Pierre Bernac al the University of American sopran0 J essye Norman. Wagner's orchestration and still sing with beauty. Rapturous applause filled the hall, turning it She performs Bach io Boulez an-d brings a into yet another Norman conquest of Europe. "Ravis hing , grandiose, luminous and Marian Anderson-like sincerity to black spirituals. voluptuous" were some of the words critics found to He r lieder recitals at the Edinburgh Festival are describe Miss Norman's portrayal of one of French legend, her Haydn and early Verdi recordings a hit. opera's noblest heroines. Voluminous in size but statuesque and graceful, For a singer born 36 years ago in Augusta, Ga.. this great opera singer rarely appears on the stage where as a teen-ager she took part in civil rights and won't make her American opera house debut sit-ins, Jessye Norman's achievement in a 13-year until November when she sings the "other" Dido - career has been extraordinary. Purcell's -in Philadelphia. Her debut at the New Critics and conductors recognize her as one of York Metropolitan, as Cassandra in "The Trojans," the most idiomatic exponents of the shimmering See J essye, Pa e E3 ~~~~-'-~~-""~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -· CNTA •U f-lAll HU.fl llllnn.lll '1cAc1_01 ... 1o lt•• .. C--C-,,...,,.,_...v~ l\lc•'lf• C11'111t tl!IO t1t•t•1 lltl~OO HtWl\'ltOlmolft COSTA... ll TOllOfO,.•O• --ClryCf<lt• C714lllt >et3 ft••f\ltl'IGl~'91'U ~·~11 )MO l11'1t l•9H1 ~A.NU 6CCl•T1e f.Otli fNft l ..... t'"'fil c:~=:~ , ... .. c .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 19; 1882 Handicapped fish ~ gets big break BJ NANCY ANDERSON c...., ........... HOLLYWOOD -If madman Garry Marshall would make a movie about making a movie, It would be a rtot. "Youna Doc\01"1 In Love," a comedy which 1•ve him hil Initial opportunity to direct a dlealrical releue, la funny. . ··· "I wu very naive," he says, explaJning how he happened to cut the headl off the players durlJli a ecene. : But he was a1IO unprejudiced which explains hpw he became (he thinks) the first in movie hJltoey to hire a handJcapped goldliah J Since Marshall is the fellow who cooked ur, I ;,~;.!:'·:n:;~~le~:~ ~~~1'¥h~ha· ~~~P~~J~~ ·~llU~ a thina or two about taus . ! :-:~: In "Young Doctors in Love," one was produced ; ;b5f goldfiah bubbling in an IV bag. I !• : : "For two goldflah we had to have a goldfish : .. Wranaler." Marshall relates, still marveling at the J ~~uirement. : ,;:: The wrangler pointed out that one fish was l ~ed. ~ .. ?::·. 0 It didn't have enough fins or gills or : ~1hing," says Marshall, "so the wrangler didn't ; ~t the flah to work. ' ~!:~ "But I said, 'I always hire the handicapped,' * I inliat.ed on ua1ng that fiah, IO I thJ.nk I became ~ flrat person In movie industry to hire a ;\ltftdk:llpped goldfish." . ;:: Among others hired by Marshall for his spoof ()t; daytime television dramas and other medical ·Showa were Michael McKean, Lenny in "Laverne aod Shirley," Sean Young, also being seen with ·~n Ford in ''Blade Runner," Pamela Reed, .Jl'aivlor Negron, Hector Eli:zondo, Patrick MacNee, ~~'bney Coleman, Harry Dean Stanton and a gaggle :-ot;genuine soap opera stars. : The soap stars, including some who play ·doctors and nurses in their own shows dropped in ·on Marahall without warning or IChedule, taxing , · hia powers for improvisation to the fullest. "I never knew who was coming or when," he ·says, "but when a star from a soap opera scene I ! "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" _....,l~~OtlCl'M'OCIV :I .. ,. •• • w•r••••nereus, •n~ •1t1M8Hn• Ill• •n~ I r ...... n~ •• •••nyene." ...... .,.. .... aew.na•• •-u-iqoecteollrew.,.... ... Fonydo '1 ltreftSlM -..,...,. In hk llMl!ty to cruc.e _.it.at re.ally talce off In t.riiltfl ,_ ... •••-"cvn. L A OA-..1' NeWS ,..._ ... __ , ___ , CH.NllU CH.-uM. l A T-• Exclutioe Engagement NOW SHOWING UA CINEMA COSTA MF.SA• 714/540-0594 ...... •• 10 ""' ..... u •• 2..41. 4 •••••••• 1030,. Meet the new Felix Unger By Al.AN L. QANS8£RO c....,....,hMM HOL.L. YWOOD WhU "Sam y MIUer" lives on In rerunt, Ron OW. will be: back thll (all u Felix Unger In "The Nc·w Odd Coupl •," on ABC. and h vow11 thla will be a dlfforent Felix than audlcncm have thrilled to on the at.age, screen and provlou1ly on TV. "He'll clean but hf" won't wear an apron or carry a feather du.ter," Ron said durl"g a lunch break from work on the 1erte1. "We're not going to 1pend time bemoanlns the demise of his marrlase. He's solns to devote hlmsolf to establishing new thriving relaUonahlpe. "We Intend to show hla vulnerablUty but he won't be whining. He:u be active aa opposed to passive." While other 1tar1 often wait a year between aeries triee, Ron decided to plunge lnto thls new one right away, for several reasons. He aaw it as a chance to be top banana, to take advantage of his • career momentum, to work with aeries executive producer Garry Marshall and to be involved In the behind-the-1eenes creation of the series. Ron has been with the project since April, helping to choose the writl".'S staff, the direction, Mike McKean in 'Young ; ~~~~r, Demond Wilson, who portrays Doctor . . . ' # Felix-is atlll a photographer, with the emphaais- on fashion magazine work. Also, Ron would like the show~ up, t'd put In a scene for him." . aeries to offer black men u "bright, succeaaful, Or for her. middle-ctaafl J>eople, not men who end every "Since I don't watch soap_ operas, I didn't know sentence with man.'" who they were. I'd make up a jOke about a doctor for Ten years ago when Ron came to Hollywood, on.e actor, and he said, 'But I'm not a doctor. I'm a his a-gent told him to "stop speaking so well," lawyer.' because he was black with a voice suitable for the "So l'd atop puu.lns th• 'D's' and the 'T1' at the end of my wordt for audhJon•," tw recal*S. "1'htn when I 1ot the job I'd put them blClc ln." Life off the 1et la a homo in th Hollywood HW.., whkh he'd Uke to enlarse with Midlt.lonal 1pac In the baacment. lf not workln1 durtn1 baleball eeuon, Ron can ~ found at the Dodaer gamea when the team LI In wwn, It'• Ukely he'll io.e his voice more than once durina a summer ff'91'1 cheering 10 loudly. "Thi• aerlet 11 a real challenge for me," he uld. "The Involvement In creallna th .. character, In molding him ls very exciting. In a way, It make9 It harder work than 'Barney MUJer' wu the I.pt few seasons.'' Barbara Eden haa no aerieta in the air this ytiar, and word is she has aepa.rated from her huabfu\d, Charles Fegert, Barbara is set to appear In the NBC version of the Harold Robbins book "Carpetbaggers Part ll" after flnilhing her national tour of T'The Best Little Whorehoiae In Texas." AB he has done in the put, Bob Hope will kkk off NBC's fall season with a·~ aatlriz.lng -you guessed It -the fall aeuon ii.ell. Patti Davis (daughter of Ronnie and Nancy) guest-stars In an epiaode of ·"Roma.nee Theatre," a syndicated serial which debuts thla fall. She'll play an American woman who give. aid and love to a Polish defector. ''Dallaa" star Susan Howard really likes Texas.. She's builditlg a home on a 65-acre estate right _ outside the namesake city. Of course, she'll be with her husband Calvin Chrane. "So I threw away the doctor joke and made up cream of stage roles. a lawyer joke. ,------------------------------------------ "When Pamela Reed came on, she was totally wrong for the part of Nurse Sprockett," Marshall goes on, "because the part had been wri~n for a "Life of the Party," a TV movie starring Carol Burnell and Lloyd Bridges, leads off CBS's fall season. Carol portrays -woman who recovers from her own alcoholism and opens a halfway house. Valerie Perrine type. "But when Pamela read, she was the best.'' Marshall calls her a totally professional, iotally discipUned actress whose professionalism confused Negron, paired with her by the script. Negron, a loose uninhibited actor, seldom delivered a line the same way twice, as Marshall remembers. •BARGAIN MATINIEIES • Mond1r thru s1turc11r All Perfornutncu before S:OO PM (fJce,t l,edll bflttflllflll •11411 HtMays) LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK IN ...... A.OVD: ntm WALL" 1111 ·---""' ___ _ 1U11M11t LOftM" 1111 ---~CMOR.•"1111 --- LAKEWOOD C U~TIR SOUTH w••• "' ·~LOftU '1111 ----.aACH QlllLI" 1•1 --- focully at Cot\CltewoOCI 21J/111·9llO -..ocllYr---..... ~ ... ---- ~AYTMS~ PAlff r 1111 •• ------ .. ........ _.. •• _...., ... ut ___ ,,_ 111.,0fllAllT MOllCE! CMllDfllM U•Olll IZ fflHI -_. -Ila !In Ill. J:lt • W.. ta. Ill& w ·M Clllfofl .... -... Cllll 11..o .......... .. .. ... tM ~ --MXISllll'I ,._ -11111 Nll-.Lt•llU CM.ft -•• Ml - ........... d ... ANAHEIM OlllVf·IN ·-"·'~" l,._MIO II ..... '""'' BUENA PARK o~ •I ,., " I ·~ a • .. "t LINCOLN OlllVf IN ''"co•"••• ••• 04 •ftO'lt I 121·'°10 l''·"M•"'' to~ o .. eo ,...,, o• ., __ 111o 1 _ .. _ 10CllYr ... -"STAii TMK • TMS WlllA'" fWll .......... cafl- I f62•J .. 1 CINI JI - 0.-lif ... lf-I - .._~llloOIOtl J . __ .. _,_.,._,_a __ _ "tlOCICYr4111 -., .. ,~., ..... , ........ ... _ ...... LA HAR~A , ",, ~ --·--·--.,.. .... ORANG( : • . · '• ""~"7-1 MISSION ""'\' N .. . . - WARNfiJ ~· · " __ ._ ....... . "WORLD ACCOMHNG TO QARP" C11> !IN. 1:11IAT/euM.a:al,1:11 . U8T WHOIU!HOUal" I'll ,,.. ... .,... IAT/IUN. t :U, MIO, 10M 1NDAHGIRI INClll" (R) PN.1:11. ......... IAT/IUN. 12*, l:JI, 4ciO. 1:11, ...... "INC HON" PN.1+10 IAT/IUN.M t+tt(PQ) "THE INCUBUS" PN. .. 7:IO. lt11 IAT/IUN. 2:C10 Ml.Ml 1:a.1:u (R) ....... ._ ''FAITTIMEIAT-WttOW. AIDOE~IOH"..., PN. lrtl. 1:11, •11 IAT/IUM. ,,., lr11, ... IAT/euM.1:11, _, .. 1111 "M0mWORI(" ., .. 1e:11 ,,.. 1lel, .. ••1-----------r-•-A_T_l _ll_IM._UI,,.... 10:ll POLTERGEIST_'! ,,._ _. IAT/euM. ....... T.~O•~· ........ IAT/IUM.1:11. lrtt. - '"THe INCU.Ua" PN.•r=--IATllUM. ....... ... (R) E.T. TDbftA· 'haaaTalAL Orange Co11t DAIL V PIL.OT /Sunday, September 19, 1982 • GOif N ON BllDGf he l worried o ver new tiIDe UY CHARI ES It GORCN ANO OMAR SHARlf. By JERRY BUCK A~Telew ... -.rli.f ths.• d&ua&hWra feel. Wo'vu only brwihc..'<.I on that " .. ... ... . f .. .. • Q.1-Ea'>l W1•.,l vul11..r11hll'. u South you hol1I. + 10762 ' Ii 0 1186 +KQJ73 Thto l.ildd1111( 1111~ fll'OC'l'l'cl"J. North •:Ht South I • Uble ? Whal 11rt1on do you tuk1•' Q.2-Neilht•r v ul1wrahl1•, ai. South you hold: +KQ10973 1 AH 1..1 KOJ2 +7 l'11rlner u1wn11 th1• hulcfinl( with on1· nv trump \\.h,11 do you rt'SJ)unJ·: Q.3 -A~ S1mlh, vulr11•rahl1" you hold: + AQJ 1074 '· 7'J. v AH +Q93 The hiddinic ha' pr1wl'l·d1•1Jo North •:ut South "ut 1 NT Pa1111 3 • l'as11 4 + Pas11 4 J>u11 4 • Pu11 ? What act ion du yu11 t11k1•'.' Q.4-A., South. \1tln..r,1hl1" yuu hold. •AQJ5 Jl063 7 +AKQ9 The bidd1nl( hu!> prm·,·1·d1•d: North •:a11t South I : 5 " ? \\'hat do ) 1111 hid n1111. ' Q.5 -Nl•ith(•r vulnerahll'. as South you hold: +KJ93 l;'J OQJ105 +AQ98 The blddinl{ hn" pr<><:('t>dt>d: West North East South l 0 2 Q • 3 • ? • preemptive Whal action do )llU take'! Q.6 -A!-t Soul h, vulnt·rablt'. you hold: •AK83 A76 . A965 +93 Thl' b1ddin.: has pron·t·dl'd : South West North East I + Pass 1 NT Pus ? Whitt nrtwn 1fo you tnkt,'I Louk fur 11n~w1•r11 on Monday. ASK OMAK u. -t'or the umpteenth lime, we han been theated at the local duplicate clubl l.ael nl1ht, we casne acro11 a pair who u11ed Ru1lnow lea~•· I.e., they lead the lower of touehln1 honora. A1aln1t my four heart contract, at the third trick a defender led the jatk of dubs. I asked hl1 part· n~r whether they played Ru1i1lnow at that 1ta1e. 0l'!lplte the fact that the partnrr WH looldn1 al the queen of clubs, and knew that the lead had not been from touching honort, he eald that tht!y did. As a re1ult I misplayt'd the hand and went down in a contract that should have 1uctf't!ded. I han been rau1ht thl1 way a number of times and am fed up with it. What can I do about it?-Shocked in St. 1.ouls. IThiii question haa ~en awarded the weekly prlie.I A. -1 havl• dee1dt>d to discuss th•~ qu1·~lion bt•caus1• lht're is l'.,n,idt'rable confusion 11bout wh:ll you are entitled to kno"' about lhl' mrthods of yuur opponl'nto;. This case is lyp1n1l. Husinow leads normally art• ust·d only on opening lt'ad, hut can lw u~l'd at other l tml''" as Sl'l'ms to be the c.1 1' ht'rt'. Therefore. in lht•ory. thl' lt>ad or the jnrk or cluhs promist•d tht' queen. The <>ppont'nt.s had an ngree· ml'nl ahoul that, and you are 1•nl1tll·d to thnl knowlt•1ll(1• Whrn you µlu y ltu,.lnow lt111d11. lhoui.;h. you mll(hl 1111111 h•11d t h1• Jt11·k front J x in t h1• 11ult. 'fh1• h•u<ln·, p1lrln1•r, who wa" luokl111< 11t th1• lfUl'(!n, kni•w thnt lh•· ll'acJ wu lrum 11 .. hort 11u1t. lluw1•vt'r, hr i8 nnt rt•qulr(·d hy the 1.nw' of Cnntroet UridK•' ~u n•vt·nl hi11 own hultJinl( lo you by telling you t hat 11 wu' from u -;hort ult 1111d I h11I , hy inf('rt•n1·t'. hl• h1•ld th1• quN•n Con ... itln tht· 11n11laf;OU11 situation wht•rl' you play no r mul lend-i nnd vou lrad th«> quC'cn of a suit against a con trarl. •Usually. that would show the jack, t>ut you also sometime lead the lfUecn from a holding of Q 1<. If pnrt ncr happens to hold the jack, he knows that you must be lending from a short suit. However, he is not obliged to It'll declarer this. Here's 1111other case. Sup pose that the Rusinow leader lt•ads thl' jack and declarer holds the queen. Now it is declarer who knows that tht> lt>ad is frt>m a short suit while t hl' leMer's partner is in the durk. If you were• declarer. arc you suggesting~-lhat you should tell your oppont'nt that his partner does n't hold thl' queen'! Per haps you asked the wrong qut·~tion. Suppose you asked: "What do you under stand from your partner's IC'ad'!" A rull and correct reply would have been. "Either he holds the queen or he is lcaclinic from a short uit!" 1..QS ANG!t:LES Nancy DuUlwl l11olna to hav<' 11 late-Ute-boby on ABC'• "Too CJOllC for Comfort," but th t'N not what'• 1lvln1 hftr the jhll'nl 'rh1.1 blt•J11l•d l•vl!nl wlll take plact' during a ono-hour 1pcoe:lul on Thur.day, Sept. 30. ln the ™Ping, they ore pruit tha~ und mother and baby nrt• ran · Jn thl• M:rillll, MlllS Duuault atars with Ted Knight WI the P'f'\•n\8 O( two grown daughl.t'J'll who hve Ln the apartm nt below. Kni&ht frett ovt>r hla daughlens 1prcadl11g their own wlna1, and the baby will add a new c'OmpllcaUon to theft lives. What h8$ Miss Dussnlult worried ls the new Thur&day night time slot. The show lJ about to enter It.II third season after two comfortable veat11 on Tueeday which ABC dominates. Her worry seems groundless -the day of the interview "Too Close" was No. 1 in the ratings - but Insecurity is part of an actor's baggage. ''We're top-rated, but you never know what's going to happen," she says. "We're going into our third year at a new time, on a new night. I'm worned, i.ure. Tuesday night was so secure. Now we're at 9 o'clock with a new show in front of us and a new show behind us. "My father keeps telling me I should go back to school to learn a job. Maybe he's right." "They keep telling everyone I'm 43 and it makes me mad," say~ Miss Dussault. "Come on, give us a break! ln television nobody grows old. l said I hope none of the girls has a baby. I'm not ready to play a grandmother yet." Miss Dussault is keeping mum about the sex of the child. "People keep asking me, but I haven't let on yet," she says. "But it's going to be hard to keep it a secret . "We're using twins, and they can only be unde r the lights for 30 se<.'Onds. I think the Lights hurt their eyes. We have a nurse and a social worker, and she's got a very big s top watch." M~ Dussault savs she didn't know-where the idea came from for her to have a child. "Actually, I was thinking myself about whether I could have a child at this, ahem, late age,'' says the actress, who is divorced and has no children. She is engaged to Valentine Mayer, a stage manager she met when she did "Side By Side" on Broadway. "I've always adored kids and always wanted one, but they'r e r e ally a lot of work and responsibility." She says she thought Muriel was holding up well. "She's going through the usual frustrations of being fat. We did a show about the working woman having a child. I think we should also get into how MIM Duauult ha. 11prnt much of ht'r CAJ"t'ot'l'Ff\ the• at gt', on and off Broadway. Sh wa_. reaiular for two y •uni on "The New o.ck V n Oykt• Show'' and oppe1.1rt-d on ABC'• "Good Morn.kaili Amcrh:a" with David Hflrtman. :-·:; She'11 al10 o ppcuring on C BS Cabl • In "Singing" with Karen Morrow • Early thllt seuon, 11hc'll be Jn on of "The Low Boot" apecl Lt from th • Mcdlt.<!rr n ean. "l have never bt.'t'n 10 relent! n t.ryins to ttt a job rui when 1 heard about that trip," ahe uya, C·( bought new -clothe.'$ and thought positive. My agent said there were no openings. wl "Then he called and said there was a part wilta eight lines. I grabbed It. Later, they expanded tht' role. Harvey Korman and I play jewel thlewa, Emmett and Ella Stok es. I was quite loud aW4 trashy and wore Iota ol jewels and foved it." Folk hero Marvel Comics, which. brought the world 44Spide r Man," has launch ed a h ero o f another kind in a 64-page comic book detailing the life of Ka rol Wojtyla, better known as Pope John Paul 11. ,: :•. •!. I' : .. -~ ~ .. ~ f l ' TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVZZLI ~ l • .Jessye makes Norman conquest • From Page E1 .. evoluuon of the spimual, in Paris th. October. ~ Critics often praise the spirituality cl .ACROSS : 1 Military .. g<eetlng : 7 Unpleasant· • Vat. 14 Views 20 Narrettve 21 Flatter 22 Pu9Me fOf'Wal'd 2• Neuter ; pronoun • 25 African : gazelle • 29 PN!lpplne : fort 27 Attending 26 Of the dawn 29 Wire servtc. 30 Gist 32 Sluggers 34Web • tplnn41r1 ~ 36 Bef«e: • Prell11 l: 37 Petty !!! quarrel 39 Rental agrMmer1t 40 Freelrom germs 41 Bristle 42 Eternal 44 Broadway • llgn: Abbr • 45 Expensive : wraci • 46Map : direction 47 Bllhop'a headdress 46 Minh birds 50 Instructed 53 Betrayers 55 Break suddenly :i 57 Rocky hill 58 loe, In Berlin eo Sea near Borneo .. 61 Breaks 65 Declare again 68 Wonts hard 72 Putaon c&rgo 73 Comet forth 136 Body 18 Plural 75 USNA grad. OfQalll ending 77 FOi' atwaya, t37 Footb&ll 19 Beginner In poetry l)Olltlon: 20Waat.. 78 Hindu red 2WOfdl lightly powder 139 Oklahoma 23 Aa.pataguS 79 Depot city I talk I 80 In that place 140 Beholdl 31 Romanian 82 College deg. 141 Cry from coin 83 Eng. courN Tabby: Var. 33 Small pie 114 Layered ... 1•2 OaytHMk: 34 Boulevlfdl acak• Comb. t0tm 35 F«oe 115 Trios 143 Arla, 36 "H«iry IV" 87 Smalt. In ueually ctaaractw Scotland 144 Akron 38 Tout 68 Ear COmb product 40 Big -. IOl'm 146 Act« Asner Calif. 89 Danube 147 Solid fat 41 Localize trlbutar; 149 Round of 43 Copper1 90 Does a applause 45 Precede c<>bbler'• 15 t Magazine 47 Moths job managers 49So: Scot 92 Member of 153 Briny 51 Steamy a Hindu 154 Timber 52 a.tween: sect: Var cutting Prelh1 93 L&Mf areas S4 From, In beam's 155Retmburses Bonn relative 56Agelnllfe 95 Just bought DOWN 59Saun - 97 Af-Mane 98 Blackboard 1 Attack 61 Downhill akl 99 Hurled 2 WOfdl races rocks at 2 Elec. 62 Natural 101 Syatem currenl abode 103 Lett a will 3 Pot COY« 63 Mine 105 ~al tribe 4Weatern ""\'•nee 107 Label State 64 More 108 Arrest 5 Dravidian Intelligent 110Campus laogu8lQ8 66Japanete bigwig 6 Overfoya coin 111 Painter 7 Succeeds: 67 Plead 115 Scoffed 2 words 69 Odin'• 118 G!wle 8 WOl'thlp brother 122 Plumed bird 9 Stic.. 70 Retlgloul 123 Poetic 10 WOl'ds on a recluM contraction French 71 Sffnked 125 Plowed field menu 74 Nice 126 Cashew 11 College deg. aymmer 128 Tear-ay 12 Storenousa 76 Prec>ared, 129 -the mark 13 Withdraw llpecatll 130 Seasoning 14 Pltt1burgh 79Tltle add«'• pta)'9'1 81 Eyea. In 132 Ragea, 15 Fatm taall Edinburgh old style 16 Hlatorlc 114 Fattgu1. 134 Ske1ch periods 2 WOfdl 135 Plural verb 17 Stater 85 Palm of the SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOA ANSW!A8 hend 66 Part of HRH 87 A8llign ptec:. 119 Leglltatur• 90Ad - 91 Smoothed out 92 nn.cs 94 Thul M Oernp 97 Auto- grepherl 98 Flight 01 etepa 100 MafOf: Music 102 Fuel 104 Solldlty 1oe Not to mention· 2 worda 109 Advantages 111 Floww t')artl 112 Luzon na1lvt11 113 Canadian lndlan 1 f4 Anger 118 Bitter vwtch 117 Trail hazard 119 Scarlett's home 120 Eluder• 121 Bundlel again 124tm~ 127 Sway 130 Hltpanla 131 -Gay, WWII plane 132 Ignited again 133 Mean 136 a.tel nut 137N~ vlc:tOfY 134 Plumbing complaint 141 Bad: Pref. 143 Elt 145 Greek letter 1411 OlphthOng 150 EJCdamatlon 152 Grandchild: Scot. is scheduled for the opening of the 1983 centenary season. Miss Norman lives alone in an elegant me ws house not far from Harrods department store in London's exclusive Knightsbridge quarter. Houseplants. stereo equipment and a baby grand greet the visitor , as does Miss Norman's infectious laughter. After studies at Howard University and with French baritone Pierre Bemac al the University or Michigan. SU<.'CeSS came with a 1968 singing competition in Munich. "I was very lucky because they let me win." A three-year contract with the Deutsche Opera in Berlin ensued, her first role being one of Wagner's Teutonic maidens. But returning from a recital in FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE G Al.L AGU AOMITTl 0 Oefte<•• Aucl>encH ' ~ AUACMI ~mo ~"-°'"-"' 0 •• London, she suddenly decided the Leonoras a nd Vitellias ahead were wrong for her voice. She squirmed out of a renewed contract and settled here. "It was a great risk. M y pare nts thought I was mad to leave a place where I had a job." Choosing her appearances with care, an international career soon bl0559med with a repertoire stretching from contralto and meu.o parts, to those for lyric or dramatic sopranos. "I stay away from labels. It's very funny my voice. You couldn't say it's a small voice, but it won't carry over anything no matter what." Born into a mlddle-dass family of five children , aU of whom went to college, she retains a love for black music and looks forward to taking part in "Great Day in the Morning." a musical on the her singing. l "I'm ill at ease singing something th~ doesn't have an element of truth In t somewhere. I'd be saying. "Come o~ Jessye, you're just leading them on. vc+ don't mean a word of this." , ! One of her earliest m emories is (jJ' segregated 1950s Augusta. <t "I couldn't have been more than Si years old and at the time train statio~ were segregated. I always wanted to sii where it said 'white.' There was alwa.n a little bit of the rebel m me." :~ She doesn't have much time for playing rebel now. She relaxes wit-t) yoga and Chopin's piano music, likes t.o go shopping or take walks on London's Hampstead Heath. : The story of a weekerid after a night at the opera. A Glorious Uproarious Love Story. STARTS FRIDAY at specially selected theatre~ , 1 J ·1 I • Orange Co11t DAil v PILOT /Sunday. 8tptember 18, 1982 • I .----- M__, 0 '8Yillv11n et.,. In Peul Oebonlle Ml'llllMn· tal CO/Md~ about Ill• hc>Oaa. --Md .... owlea of tout tlOwly .... ,.,. In • lfllall ~" •-In 1122. .MOYll t •'· .... "DMth Valley" (1112) Paul laMll, Pel« 81411ng .. lay. A New YOfll )'OUflOll« I I I 1a ..,,, to Arizona 10 v1e11 hie moth« Ind 1tumblN aerOM • _ ... ol grtaly mUfdara. 'R· ecoe cc:i MOva * * * * "Robin And Mwl- lln" (11711 s-Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An Old« • •• lllld ..... Robin Hood r~urn1 from ball.. to Sll•rwood Foret! to recWm Illa balOWd Maid Marian. """'° hM eni.reo a convent Ind tMlen ,_ YOWl'PO· 1:20 CB) NOT N€CU&AA!lY nte..wt Comedy tk•tcMI combine wlll'I ct...ic film Md ,_. IOOIAQ• In •n otfb .. I, Mllrlc ttlk•otf. 1:30 8 FOR OUR TIMf.8 "R•llglon In Nigeria · lalam" talamk: INden end aduceton dflc:uM Ille I'll .. tory end lnfluenoa of lllam In Nigeria. (P"1 21 $:46. CHNSTOPHER Cl08E\Jf> 1:00 8 CAPTAIN l<AHGAAOO 8 MUSIC ANO TME 8POKEHWON> 8 CAMPUS PAOFILE: ~POINTON NUTRITION G YOUTH ANO TME 18SUE8 "Oo Nelwo<kt H-A Futu••?" • NaW8 • ROMPER AOOM Cl) 8UHOAY MOANHO QI OIRECTIONlt Tile ...-olutlon of llOa9ICW and key theologk:al and ethical dlmenlklntl ol no.- pic41 care IOf' tile termlnallly IH are trac;ed. @ MOVIE * * "St. Heierle" (191)11 Art Carney. David Huff. man An eo-rear-otd man refu-to ... ve Ille """' ,_, •ft• • geotogilt l)fedict• • ~ dlMl- 1•. 'PO' • lk3() I 8EAEHOIPfTY "°9ERf ICHUU.EA -~YEAM I VOY~ WATCH YOUR MOtnH !!! PUil.iC PUUl -~TVREU.8.A * * *"'• "Brian'• Song" (1171) Jamee Cun. Biiiy 0.. Wiiiiama. Two lootball pt~ ahare • ""friend. al'llp untN cancer a.ims one ot 111em (%)MOVIE * * * * "Gl9I" ( 19511 Meurtc:. Cl'leYallar. Lealle Caron A tomboy being Qroomed by ,_ aunt end grandmotl'ler Mta out on l'l4lr °""" to catc:ll • man. 7:009 TOOAV-IAEUGION 0 THATICAT 8 UTTl.E A~AL.8 8 IT II WNTTEH G KEHHETH COPE1..AHO • DAY Of oasoovaw • EM£AOINCY ·~HEM.TM QI SUHOAY MASS (C)MOYIE * * '"The Aftl'I Muaat_.' I 197g) a..., Btldgee. ~ •• And•-· O' Ar1agnain 111\d Ille nv.. Muekat-. become Involved In anoth- ., plan to blOOk 11'141 M lnlantloN of Iha lllf\i,!er Cardinal AlcMllau llgalnat tile Francil erlltocracy. 'PO' 7:aG. L.RT1MU 8WHITNEYAHOTH£ A080T I DAY9MAKLA J/lf#MI'( IWNl4AlfT nLIXTHECAT • MllTIJll AOGIM (A) CJ) TV .. LOOK.I AT ~ 0 ,AOIHQUfl QITHIWOM..D TOMOMOW Cl) WIO(Y W0N.D CW JONATHAN WIHT'EM OYMI: Atttt; onmth. •:oo I tuNOAY MON•«J Tiii •THI LR P'ONY!AlfO ,...,. • NMONAl o..•10N1 . . I U.OYD OGILVIE CARTOONI • .. 1• °""" CONl8 ._ WTIMATIONAL ... ~ HWIHUGHTI PerforrnllnCM by the 12 top-rinked drum •nd bugle COtl)e ._ In ,,,. U.8 . and CMllldl ~·· Ing tor Iha WOtld ~ ploneNp In Montreel - Geel. THINMUQHT -..v~ CHAtlll LISTINGS ,f • ICNXT <CBSI 11 • l<N8<: <NBCI fi • l(TL.A (Ind,) ·~8C (A8CI • • K"IAI (C8SI e l(HJ TV (lflO.) •KCST (ABC> e l(TTV (Ind.I e l(COP· TV (Incl I • ICCET tPaS> '•KOCI l_.15> ' John For ythe co-hosts Emmy Awards with Marlo Thomas tonight at 8 on KABC ( 7). C8) IAlllTH, W1NQ AHO FIN IN OONCl..-r TM Juz·funllofoc:ll group oomblne ·~ 11nQ111Q wttl'I ~ c:lloraogr• plly Ind llMtly "*"" etfectl In • performenQe I~ •I Ille Oakland Coll- Mum In Oaldand, Cellfof. nla. Cl) MARK TWMI ~TM; THE PIRATU Tom Sawyer Ind Huek ... berry Finn come upon more axcllement when 11'141\1 decide to run -av and becOme pWllM, DMOVIE ** "TM Hazing" (t9n} Jett Eaet, &tad O.Yll. The tnembera of I ptMllgloua college fraternity attempt 10 l'lide the dMtl'I of I pledge during l\Ulng. 'PG' e:ao O OOYl8EY Gueell; Or. Vernard Eller, Pf~ of r•lglon at tile Unlvafalty Of la Vafna, dltc~ I'll• '°"'' ·-11 conv1c11on tor tamng 10 regltter for tile draft; Dr. GaddV MICOregor, ~ I-of rellglon •I USC, lalkl al>Out I ..,... Ile le ~Ing on "H<>w 11'141 Bl!* .,.. Written end TrW*nittad " • PEMt.£7 G MUTING TIME AT CAl.VAtfY • fflE.OENQ< K. PRICE Cl) THE LAHAYU ! =YOUR ll8l.E * • "Blonde Vanu1" · (1132) Marlana Dletrlcl'I, Cary Grant. Wilen 1 wom- en ,, ... 10 IUPPOf1 ,..., .... Ind ...... Chffd ... ,_ ~le"'·...., effort• letld 10 lln lfllclt allelr. t:oo D MEET THE PAES1 8 IOTCWA.M.L08 AHOEl.E8 • Cl) OM1. A08Ell'T9 9 rT•WNTTEN (C)MOWE * ~ "Slnbed And The E)'9 01 The Tlget" (11771 Pllrldc W1yne, J-S9'f· mour The duhlng '*"o ball ... ~Illy CtNlurM Ind I deedly tiger IO remove tile CUfW tl'llt keepa I young prlnOe from Ills rlgl'lllut pl-on tile 111rone ·o· ®MOVIE * • "Tile ltlehman" (1178) MlchMI Cf alg, Robil'I ....... In A proud trl11\man ,._to y'9ld to Pf<>Qr-....., ,.~ ... leMll\et .. .,,,....,. by rnotoni.cl tr 8111P0'1•11on. t:aO I 'A.Ce THE NATION QINn.'12 DAY OF Ol800V£RY THIWON.D TOMOMOW w::-=v OONl.AHD -~ ... "Jedi And The ~ It.ill" I 1178) Anlmeted "" ~ur-rourig boy dlmbe • giant l>Mnei.11 to • meglcel kingdom go¥• arnad by•~. IY!'_,,_ car g1an1. ·o· 10:00. HEWIMAl<IM G\Mt1t: Carol He11at and ~ McCatt~. cendld.lt• for Ueut.,..,,t Governor. 0 HR. fOC>'T9AU. Loe Angel.a ~ •• AUMta Flllcont •..ov. *" * *" "The Aoed To Rio" ( tMn Bing Cfoeby, Bob Hope. The ._ of !'Ml lnU9ldanl telte • turn tor tile beC1-1tter tt.y atow _,,,on an_,.,.,, I MCKTOIMa HBW.O °'"""" MXHUMeAll> THa lAWMAl<IM Co,,Hpond•ntl Lind• Wlf111eim« and Colli. ~Join Paul Duk• '°' lln 111>-lo-~• .um- "*Y of eonor...ioner actMtlal. • CA&..POMIA WOK W ...,,_ (J) NP\. fOC>'T9AU. 0.-.. ~el St lou- la Cerdlnele a NP\. ftOOTIALl SM Dleoo Ohllrgan 1t I<-.. Qty Chllif9 (l)MOVll •••i. ''Brien'• Song" (1071) ,,_ ea.n, 8Mly 0.. Wllle!M. ""'° footblll pl8)'ln Iller• a ,.,. ftltnd- 11"9 untll oenoer dtllnt -of them (%)MOVIE • • .,., "Tiie Oc•aoon'" I 1NOI CNd Homa. ._ ro. °"TV Ill Z·TV '"'HBO ICJ ICl,,_mll• I (f) IWOR) NY , N.V. ~ IWT8Sl 1t IESPN> 1t 1 l!ftowtlma) • Spoc11Qt11 • lcatM•NIWl""1-ll) \Ian Clffl, A WHlll'ly young woman l'llree 1 retired mattlll llftt c:hwn- plon 10 ptotect '* from tarror1tll tr'alnad by tile ~lenout Nlnlf CUl1. 'R' 1()-.30 . IHTEW'~ 8 IDT CW IC.IOI AM ~TOO G~t1· Jod .. Foetar, Mitt Diiion. dMI aetr ... Juli• Inna (Jold, Rupar! Holmet, tkln care ••Paf1 Kathlyn Kllngar, PIVCl'loiOQltl Or. LOf'na Sarr•, vetarlnarl11t1 Dr. Herb Tanur. (RI I l"IOHRT ICHULLER JUll('( FALWEU ONNMINO • Tl4! LAWMN<EM 0 OMATUT IPORT8 &.mlH08 11:00 9 2 WTTH YOU (7) (10) HIHALL Pltt.11><1rgl'I at Pl'lll&delpllla. • MOVIE * * •;, "Love In A Goldlltl'I Bowl" (1981) Tommy Send1, F•blan A pelr of co119Qa etudenlt apandlng a ptetonlc vecatlon at • l>NCl'I "°"" .,. lntattupl· ea by • oonluMd Coas1 Guard-. • MA8TEAl't£CE THu.TM '"Te111m.n1 01 Youtl'I" Vara, lneplrad 10 become a Wlftlme nutM, IUfYlvel Ille drudgery ol l'let train· Ing end loc*1 lorward 10 a Chrl11m11 reunion with Roland. (Patt 2) (RI Q ID HUMAHITIU TMAOUOH TME ARTS (C)MOVI! ***'it "Brlan'a Song" (19711 J-Cun, Biiiy 0.. Wllliernt Two football ptey.,1 ....... ,.,. frlenO. ehlp untM cenoer c:111m1 oneoltl'lerll. CONIUMEA RUOMI PMIEHT8 "TM F..tlng Fine SllOW" n.i. edition ~ on l'IMltll·relatad prod1K:11, lncludlng low-1odlurn loodl and O'Var· 11'1e-coun· ter ~Ila auppreaan11. CtMOVIE .. • .. "91nc:Y" ( 111111 Rob- ert Mitchum. LN Majora The ,_ 1'1418<1 of e major American advertlalng firm -• GN!dten"1 breakt11t Otinlt CMlpalgn to trll\M'llt aubllmlnel polllleal -M09' 'R' 11:30 8 NF\.'l IUT EWA Jonn F~• narratM • loo6c •I IN NFl'e 1111-tlme Q!.MI ~Ind QOKMe. • DN!CTlOt«t (a..on ~afnlere) 9TIMY~ WHfTT~ -~INTME HOMI • HUlllAM'TIE.I 1ltftOlJOH THE MTS ®MOYIE •• ~ ''The Looney, Loo- ney, Looney .. 8unny M<llM'' (19811 Animated. VoloM by Mal Ilene:. June FOf..,, ,._ INterlal .. blended with old In ,,. c:ompkllon of c:laMlc F.rltz Freleng "Looney Tun." featuring 8ug1. Deify Duett, Porky Pig, Yoa8fnll• Sam, TWMlll P .. Ind oth- •r• from tile c•rtoon Mr1el 'G' (l)MOVI! * * "Hang11 11" (1M0) Danen Mc:Gam, Robert VllUfhn Rllll Chait 11 a MCl'et ~t lnlt .... l1tlon lnvHtlgll• tile C*IM of .... .., •• , 11116- den deatructlon. 'PO' t1:48 (%)QHPt~ NT!AHOON 1t:OO I THM.e ITOOGa ~IUAU. (Nola: Starting lltM IOf' AIC't baMball 00Yet11Q8 la WtJlaG1 IO Ch"'09). I:=" • • ~ "On The Rllllere" 111151) Denny Keye, ~ Tl•rney An Amerlc:ln lmperaonat• • Francil n.ro wfllle entartlllnlnt on theRM«e. • P~CHAlll "The Man In The CM!r'' Aftar lngrat11tlng lllf'nMlf with fellow 91udenll, • pwapleglo ttucMnt turne out to be I f'lllllter llt m•nl!Mllellno otttw• In order to D9f wflet he .,.,, ... • UNOINTAHDINQ HUMAH-...YIOR "tMnen~" (D)MOW * * • "Loet Horl1on" I 1'31) Aoneld C01met1, J-wy.itt. A llldNCIPecl dlpk>mel dltc~ IN HllNl•ye11 Ill~ Of .._..,."" a .,...,. of ........ ,... Ind llM!or· ttllty, CZ)MCMI • • • " • .,,. Min Who Woutd .. tune'' ( 111•1 ._ Connery, ....... Celne ..... Oft -*"Y ~~~ TWo "*" ........ IO ~ .... ,.... ... ..... ot • remow. ~ ~lnOdOl'll ~· "'°I ~r~• WM.D.WU>~ Of'AMMM.I "Llnllt To M#'I llMI" How do Ohl""9 o-t tllonO with HOtl othef? • IMOIMTAHOIHO HUMAHllHA~ "Tiit .,_,,, .. CC)MOVll * * *"' "The HaflOlno Tr•" ( ttot) Oar; Cooper, Marie 8cllel A doc10t llllla 1 men Wlllllt 'MCWIO a 91tt Ind .. llmoet lyndled by • drunhn f'llOb .M()Vll * ** "I TO 5" (IMO) J-'oncll, Dolly Pat1on, • Thrff wo1lllng women ••I* aoalnll tllelr eublu· oeuon by• ma .. chaum111 boM.'PO' 1:00. CJ) ""' P:OO'TaAU. 1111 FrllrlClloo 4hrt 11 °"'* lroncoe • WllTMH OVfOOOMMAN • THI WUNITPI G H&HAW Ouett1; A•y 8teven1, 8cetm.n Crolhwe, Th• MllllOn Oollat Banet. • ADAM-11 • TH! MAUX ARTS TRIOAT21 Tilt Internationally ac:c1a1meo trio oetebr1t" lit 25th 1nntvar..,Y with a program of BNtl'loven compolltlonl • AMfMlAH OOV!MMl!NT "Velu.a 01 o.mocrllG)I" fl':::,., TME PM88 ~IH OOHCEn' Videotaped 11 London'I Odaon HIM, 11'111 P«IOf'm- ance by one ot aoul'1 t>tg. OHI IU1*"111rl leel\IIIL_ many or 1111 1'1111. 1:aoD ATON! Gueel: KIOf' Judd Hlrlcil. 8 f ·Tl'OOP • ADAM-12 ti!) AMINCAH GO\ltAHMENT "Oemocr1tlc: Proceaa" 0 T'HllWUKWITH DAVID~ ~=:rPICKI 2:00 9 OIWOAH'8 l8l.ANO Glnlgan meet• Dr. Borla B•llnllott Wl'IO -IZff him Into obeying I'll• avt11y command. G MOVIE * ~ "M....ilna A9alnJI Tile Son Of Herculee" ( tff5) Rlc:l'lard Hanlaon. LIM Gu1on1 • MOYIE * * * "Wl'lo II Hiity K..._man Md WITy II He Saying Tllo•• T•rrlbl• Tl'llnu-Al>Oul Me?" (1971) Dullln Hoftmen. Barbar• Harrie. .., MOVIE •••• "Tile Man Wl'lo ShOI Liberty Valence" I t9&21 JamH st-ert. John Wayne. • IN81DE IUllHEll TODAY "W-In COfporatlont· 8'Nklng In" Two lamale OOf'Pe>rel• nec:uu-and • ut'lfvetlity profeaaor -- CUM 1"8 preparation end entry of women Into Al'Mr· lean corpor atlont tlD INTROOUCIHG INOlOGY (llMOWE * *'h "Tile Cfltlcal Litt" ( 11711 Lloyd BrldQff, Rob- ert WIOf* MOVIE * * "Tlla Piiot" I 1980) Cllll Rol>9neon, Diana BM•. A plloC turnt to Clrinll Ing to MCIP* the ~of .... II*· r1ege Ind "'* m..t .. tlon of l'llsQlr-.'PO' (O)MOVll *" * "The Man With 8ogar1'1 Fece" (1110) Robert Secc:l'lf, 01Ma Hue- ~.A man~to c:11enve "''~and pll)'llcal IPP*W.,_ lo r.Mml* .. ~ Idol. 'PO' Cl)MOVll * * 141 "Key To the City'' ( 1t50) a..-Gabta. Loretta Young. A ~ rnMt Ind ... In IOYe •t • may«t' convention l'l4llCI In 811n Frandec:o 2: 15 CD MOYIE * * ~ "Sarlel" ( 1h0) Mar· lln Mull, Tllaeday Weld. A llepplly metr'Wtd Marin Oounty COUpM -IPUffad by tl'l4llf trendy neighbort lnlo expl()(lng eltemetlw '"99tytN. 'R' ~-INltOHT A~~ and Ille wf .. I-I GOnfllGt of veiu.. ""'*' grandlattw eomM to ttve with tl'l4lrll. • ~N'S 11&.ANO • Tiii Mae Wl'Tl4 OAVIOMN(UY • PMMNT'I "Couplll I Pat .... " !mer• culture I marr••1u bet-peopla of letlno and non-Latino heritagaa "'' dltCUIMd, (P"1 21 ·IHT~ 9IOl.OGY o~ CC>~ ~ 14 "llnbed Alld The Ey. OI The TIO.,.. C 1tm Petric* w.-. Jene e.,.. rnour. TN~ hero batu.e UMMHy cnetur. Ind • dMdly -to -the-~ 11...,. a )'Ollll9 ~ from 1111 ttofltflil pl111» on Ult throne. ·o· eMOW * * * ... "Ro«lln And MM-.,, .. ftl78) '-' Comery, AuMy~.An-­ .... ~Hood ~~Mette to lllarwood florut to ,.... .... Mlo\led .... Merlln. wflo .... .,,..,.... _,.,.. lfld ..... ..., ---. 'PO' .. ,~cmn.. * •" "M•rtan Tfl• l'lfale" ( 1tt 11 lttve ....... Y .... ~ A 17tft.....,twy .._. .................. "" ....... .....,._ 1=--·••11 a... ~ • llTWll DM ~ l ..... WCY .. llllOWll •• "LAlllll llM I &;;" ".., L.lllle, ~ .... TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Seven Brldca for Sevun Brothtm1." New dramatt<.• aeries with mu.t1fcal hlghUght.!11 premieres. KABC (7) 8:00 -"Emmy Awards." The 34th cdlllon o f awards honoring l!Xcl!llenoo ln wlcvt:ilon proll(rammtns. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"TrQpper John, M.O." $t3nley cr3ck1 undqr the preH ure of being deserted by the rest of th~ hOlpital Ran~. KCET (28) W:OO -0 MeJody of o CJty: New Orleans." A film on the sights, sounds, people and music or the festive Southern city. t..uale ~ NP«ltad from '*" "'811« end rUN Into • number ol dllftc:ul. llM In trying lo find him . • OM.WONM Wfl.K IN IWVllW tlD ou.GNING HOM! I~ llt INTMTAIHM!HT THllWl.IK Rl90tt1 on Mlet)' In TV Ind IHrn production, Ille migration of ahow buel- -KllVlty from lie Vegu to AIJMtlc: City, tile dlllh of Merllyn Morvoa. Ind diet and ..... c:IM l'llb- 111 of Ille .. ... 3:44 (%)MOVIE * * "WKiy Wonka Md Tile Cllocollle Factoryfi (1171) G-Wiid«, JllClc Albatteon. A world lamout ~fecltion.r ofterl I Ill• time IUPC>l'Y of candy to tile ltve winner• ol 1 ,,_,. l'lunl. 4:00 8 NCAA ~TMLL Indiana flghtltl' Hoollert II USC Trojana 0 IUHOAY Loce11on live lrom tile Rencl'IO Oap F ... 1a at Andre'• Pico Adob•. Sepulveda G MOVIE •• "Jannlf«" (19711 u .. Pelillln, Bert Con")'. A '°"*'Y hlgl'I tc:l'lool ltll4anl. t•aHd •nd torm•nled marcllffaly by '* e1ua- rna1ae, -tile 1COt• wllll l'ler IUl>afnaturll ~ ... • MOYIE * *" * "The Big Sleee>" (19'e) Humphrey Bogll't, leuf en 8ac:ell • MOVIE •• •;, "Submatlne Com· mend" (11511 WIHlam Hol· din. Mency oi-,, • WALi. ffMET MEK "A Fall Of Protlt1?" Oueet: Betton 8ltg1, managing dlrec:tOf', MOf'gln Stanley & Co Inc (R) D DUeONINO~ INT"ENOM Cl) WILCOMe'. BACK. KO""" IBMOYIE * • * "I Wiiii The Line" ( 1170) Oregory Peele. Tu..cteyWlld <IDMO'M •• "Cennonbell Run" (1911) Burt Reynolda, Dom OeLulM Var'loue oddball cllarac1•• compel• In a eoatt-to-c:o&11 euto ·-· 'PO' (Q)MOVI! ** * "Kflg Kong" (19331 Fey Wray, Ro0ert Arm- 1t1ong A mot*r-epe bait... an army wNle trying to ratajn poe-lcn of• women captive (l)MOVll .... .._.1>41epa .. 11911) Andy Kaufman. Betna- dett• p.._, In • WOfld of Ille NII Mure, two com- mercial robotl ea~ the vlQlaaltudM of '"' IOYe. 'PO' 4:30. WAaHINOTON WEIK llH~~OHOV FA.Ce THE NATION .:::~ ••• ~ "et.alt• Morant" (1HO) Edward Woodward, Jade Thompeon ,._.,.,... 1111 COntetlptecl to llgllt on England' I tide In tile Boer Wer dacNje to llgllt IN a-ouerlltee on lhalr own t.,me, 'PO' .MOVll •• ·~ "Brien'• Sono" (1171) Jemw ea.n. Illy o.. w..,,,._ rwo tootbell ~ """•. ,.,. ~ lfllp until CMICer cleime -of them. leOO. HA"'Y DAVI AGAIH eOMATaT~ ,....,. "P•ul Hotnuno" Hoet: Howltd COMll ...... UNE "The Eoonomy And The 1Madc1" 0-.: Rewttnd JeaM Jeckton. (Part II • n. OU>"°"" lob Via llwt .... ~ In Iha meMer bedtOOf'll *IC Nomi ,..,,_ "'°""" 11ow 10 oon.truct kltoNfl Clllllnltlo. (A)Q (J) 'lil•A•t•H CMt1M .. ..,,. he hect • gtMI lln\e In T Ol{yo, " lie could only~ wt\M lie did. uol=-NIWI LAV..&,._... &CClt#Nff Frank find Edna D9f met· l'*'GMCNIWI UC:TO•hdmC TO•~ WMICY WON.DQf' JOMATHMWM'IM . .... ,.,.., Cllrtltlll. (J)MOWll • *" .,,_ ~. L-. !"Y ............... ...... ('9111 ~. v ..... ., ........ .... ,... ............ . .......... "' ... •:1111111f/I ....... ,.. ~ .. ~ TINI" fMtvrlfll htl. Deny Dlllll. ,.,.. ""' , ....... ..... ,...... ........ .. "• -.,. .. ........ -... , ..... •• ''lweetlttvclll•r" I t8711 Robar1 ll'llw, 0- vieve 8ujold A darfnO, bewdy ~ Ind .. notMIOU• ct• rnMC up wttl'I an oe>Pl'...ive oover· nOf' In Klng1ton, Jamelee, and do their l:MMI to thwart him. D wtLO, wtLO'WUT • WNI Ind GOf'don attempt 10 flam • Ilda of coun- ttrlell cunanc:y. • A OMAM OAUEO WALTOllNeY • MOVll * * '-' "Pony Soldlar'" (1152) Tyrone Pow•r, C•m•ron Mltchall. A mount .. a1tempt1 10 quell tile l'lot tampare ol 1 ttlbe ol rebelllou1 Indian•. • TM! llHOL.E DAD The problamt facing tile toto 11111« and llOW tl'ley ca.n be ~1 wltl'I eflecuve- ty ar• fOCUMd on. flri) t+al/A "TermH•• And T•I•· ICopee'' Or. Philp Morri-'°"· Pf01"eor of pl'IY91Ca 11 MNMClluMlt• lnatltula of Tecl'lnology, ~II e l)fovocettve commentary on I Ila nature of clYlllza. ~~ 0 TME AOCKR>N> Fll.U A PtOllllUI• hlr• Roc:klord to lnveetfOet• mv-tenoue dNll'I ll'lrMll directed 11 ...., st:.r~ **"SI. liel«tl" (1911) All Carney, a.Md Huff. man M 80-)'Mf-Old man r.i-to ... ,,. Ille Mnllll ralOf'l •It• • geologl$t l)fadic;tt I YOICanic dieu- lar. 'PG' (Q)MOVtE ••• '" "Brien"• Song" (19711 Jamee Cun, 8llfV 0.. Wltllam•. Two football pt•)'9ta ........ a rare lrlend- el'llp until canC* dli<M one ol tl'lem. Cl) LAl'F-A.-TffOH A comadlen l'IOel and lour comic cont•t1n11 wllo cornp•t• agalnet ona lnOll'ler .,. 1Ntur9d In Ihle ~ad comedy game "'°"" 0 MMY MAMLOW: IN THIAOUHD Menltaw perfotrni • ..i.e. lion of hi• 1111•. lndudlng "Mandy," "I Write Tile Songt," '"Can't Smile Wltl'IOul You" llnd "Copa. cabana." Taped at Pitt .. burgll'I CMc Arena. e:aoo.-wa~ 8 MT\MDAY MOfMHQ PAC llflEVIEW PAlff'Y Olde 0"1c ,_... ~ of A8C't ,_ Seturde)' morning ~. with ~ clal Cl""'lt Henry Winkler Ind Merty lnoefa, • TH! MUf'NTI Gu.at: Julie And,_ . • MUSEUM The Weltera Ar1 Gallery In Baltimore, Maryland 11 fM.. lured In I took al Ille dally aetMt... of II\ .,, mu-. um (l)Qt.-wa CC) MOVIE ••• '" "8'111\'1 Song" ( 1171) ,,_ c.an. ~ 0.. Wlfllarne. T'#O loolblll pteywn ""'• • ,.,. frilnd.. ehlp until cancer c::lelrnl oneof tl'leln. 7:00. CJ) to MtHVTU (Seelon p,..,,,.,.I 8 a THI ITULEANIO THI ll'fTTIMMQH 100 A ··~-Old boy IMrna •bou1 .....,. and dlaclpttne when Ile .. l'"'POI Wiiy ldoptad by tile PlttlCb-gl'I 81 ...... (R) I PAULHOGAN Mf..vafWAN G~te· Ch"1ott• Rae. Elizabeth Dole, Oii Garerd, Dr. Edgar Berman. • MmMM.IJlllS•TEH "Perle" Aubln1teln dlaculMI ""'* with Ctltk: Benard Oevoty, •ttendl a Pfhl•le concart by oellltt Peul TC>f,..._ llnd ott.. tldvlcla to a young eo1o laeigul. • VtCTOIW GMalN 8otl 1'-*"9 IN N•Uonal Arl>otatlllft In W_,.,..on, D.C. 9 OUl«:mCW PMVIN1lOM fNI PIMc "-"'O IOc*• .. the _,... 111<1 ~ tlon of vloltftoe, (J)~ * * '.4 "Tiie OctttOfl" (11to) cnuc. Home, 1M V111 C'-f, A w .. lthy )'OYfl9 wOfnan lllrae a ,..,,.. mertlal am e11am- p1on to prot9cl her ffom terrOt'lli. trained lly "'* ~--aull. '"' flit. A NIGHT AT THS ...... ...... ClrMM ,,,.... • IMNM-tfle --IOoi .. tlle Mtll Nn1M E1M1y A-a I fllOQ'9 ON IM'Mt PORTMITI .. MITa8 "The..,..•" 7:40(D)OLD M*MlnMOll ... (1) .... -f'OttllWM~­TM ,. ... , .. ...,_ .................... a,... ..... _,... .. .................. ,.."' ......... ........ ~ ...... ... ....... "' .. _ . ..,,. .., '"'" ~ Ill ~··o1c1 ......... "°°" I"> e INTPTAIHMIHT T...eweM "'8por11 Oii _.,..~ In TV IN lllfll Ptoclucitlon, Ille Mlet••lon of .,_, bu ... ""9 ICIMty lrOf'll Lu Yagle to Allanllo City, the clMlh Of Mll'llyn Monle>a, 1114 diet find ..... lllb-"'of IN 1tar1 • ltAfY AWAN>e John '°'9Y!"-end MerlO Tl!Omu hoat 1111 '41h aot- tlon ol 1111.. ewardt llo110r1no ••cetlenc:e In lllNMaion PtOOfllmlT!lng, to be 1e1ac111 trom tile ,_ dene CMc AUdftorlurrl. Q ·=MTIH * * * "The Ilg lteec>" ( 1811) lllOW't Mltc:t!Ufn. 8at11ll Mlltl A retired ten- «11 ..... prlvat• eye Pl'llMo Mwtowl 10 ln.,...Ugete a .., ... of atranga -It lnvOMng 111, two dlugl\o ,.,. eMOYW • * "Yullon Satwl" (18711 ~ • .,., The •ltuogM f()( turvtv• among l>Oth human and lnllnel lnl'llblt· ante of tile vut Yukon ,., • rltory I• axamlned. • NOVA "Tile Science 01 Murder" Scllntlll•, llW tnlOI'* ment !>foleMlonal1, dOQ. 1or1 and convicted murd- .,er• cHacu11 Ille rMllt ... Gm=~ TH!ATM "Te1tamen1 Ot Youtl'I" o.v .. tltad by Roland'• dNll'I, Vafa Hvclt• II l'l4lr -Qlel to nurllng, ehe return• to England deter· m ined to marry l'l•r brolher'1 Irland Vietor. (P1rt 3)(RIO 9 !MMY ~WAN>I John fOf'lytlle Ind Marlo Thomll l'IOll 1"8 3411'1 edi- tion ol tl'IHa award• honoring exc.ilence Jn t~ PfOQlemmfng. to be 1.iec..1 live from tile Peaadena Civic AudllOf'l- um.~ ~ "Ttle Flftl'I MUlket-" ( 1978) Blau Btldgea, UnM>- 1• Andr.... D' Artagnan and tile Tl'lrN Mullket-• t>KOme Involved In enotl'I· ., plan to block tile evil lntanllon1 ol Ille llnl1ter Clll'dlnll Rk:1'14111au agalntt tile Francil arlttoc:tllC)' . 'PO' ®MOYie ·~"End .... Love" (1911) 8toolla 8l'lleld1. Martin Hewitt. A 17-yeet-dd'I oOMlatve IOYe lor hie 16- YMt-Old girlfriend ....,_ to parental contlk:te and trag- ©r~ • • • "Outland" (11111) S••n Connery, Peter ~. A 1PK8 manila! lnvaetlgat• a rUll ol mya.. latloul death• wttllln • • mining co4ony on one of <'Jr~ moona. 'R' ** "Tile ~ Lagoon" ( 11801 BrOOke Sllletdl, Ctwiatopller Atklne. T'#O caateway Clllldten grow to ~-on • remote, Soutll PIClflc lelend and .. ~tile penge of litlt tove. 'R' CtMC>Vi. * • "Looker" (tllt) Alb•rt Flnn•y, JemH Coburn. Tile mytterlout dM1111 Of I ....... of~· tllul modell Involved In • new advettlelng project -blltnad on tile ptutlc eurgaon """'° oper•tad on tnem. 'PO' l:ao 9 THE WOfllD TOMOMOW l:OO 0 QI MOVIE * "Marl Of SIMI" (1MOI LH M•jort, Jannller O'Nllll. • WILD l<JHGOOM G DR.CHO -~ THIATM "T"t•m4111t 01 Youth" OeYeatelecl by Roland'• deeth, Vara devol• al l'let -glee 10 ""'91ng; ..... ratutf\9 IO England ~-· mined to marry Iler bro11'1er'1 Irland Victor. ""~ "Sergeent Cribb. aorn. llllng Old, Sornetl'llng N•w" S•rgeent Cribb IUIP9Ct• tl'let an old man llN fllf*n vtcllm to • mer· rlag .. for-prollt ec:l'leme. ~~ ••• .,., "The Man WhO Would 9a King" (18751 S-Connery, Mlc:tlael CelM. BIMd on IN '1()()' by Rudyard l<lpllng. TWo Btltleh aoldlettl aet out lo c:lelm tile rlc'-Ind ~ of • •.-no!•. legendety klngclorll. 'PO' .. ~9(1) AUCI •WON.Dew IC.#MVAL I:::.. YAM IMPI *** '"t To S" (1MO) J-l"onda. Dolly Petton. Tl'lree· wol1Clnf WOf'Mn ,... llgalnat IMlt IUl>JU· ~by• ma eNll\llnWt .,_,,'PO' to:OO. Cl> l1WPP JCHt. M.D . ltllnlay llHdtl Ufldet tM pr-. of being~ -r:byt~=- ....... NMIW ...OOV Of' A CffY: .WON.UM '"'9 tYPll Of lMI .,. UMCI 10-...... ~ ltll!Ol'IO elld COl'o*IPOfll ~ .... ~(~ -~'-WO A~ lanllly la fof- IOwecl cM"8 "'* llMMY "-.,..,... ... In '111119'"' ""°""' "'* r...ct--t In Oltlttel Ollie. (C)MCMI **•" "TM HMflnt T*" I tllll Qlry Ooops, .................... a ............. .... ... ................ ..,. ..... ... . ~...., "'rClall .... ..... ~ ........... .. 1111 fill 1 If/I ... ,. .... .-. .... ............. _,.. --11 f' .......... .i H_.,d, Olletlle "'-" .>Ofw'f'/ LM wl ~ ,J Delteri (QIMOYll * • • "The OINr llot Of The Motln .. -,.,, If'' (11711 .. .,. .. ....... Tllftotlly lottome. '°"'* Cllaf'llplotl ... .., ..... l<ln- ll'\Ofll, rendlnld e QUlldrio .,... lly. llaglo ....... ....... with ...,...,.. "'*' • -low .,,..,. lier .... (t)MOVll * • * "Oulllnd" ( 1111) 8Hn Con11ary, P•l•r toyM A ac>«I* nwlNI lnveetf081aa • rlell of mya. llltoul dMtlll wltflln • rnfnlnt oolotl'; Oii -of Jui:>fl•'. f'llOOlle ..... 10:a0 D LOH1 MNGM "Crime \fl Time'' • WUQNO "'°"" ~ I ..,, .WAOGAln' 10:41 tuNOAY 8'0fn'I f'Aa , 1:00 •••Cl) a a NIWI • WIU) IC#tOOOM "Opeta110n o.n....·· (Part 21 I WON..D VlltON Jf.MYfALMU ·~PMVIOll ~~ ''NeOt~ Ye. Hew ......... co'· (li) MOVll! • • "Cannonball 'Wn" I 1118 II Burt Reynold1, Dom Oel.ulM. Varloue oddball et111racter1 COfl'IP«• In 1 CONMO-<OMI auto r-. 'PO" 11:111:..~ 11:30 ll'Ofrrl P'1NA.l. l'ACam"UWt A.ICH!WI ...we • TV OUAATEMACK.1 Cl) WUl<IHO SPORTS WRAP-UP 0 MOVIE *** "Herlow'" (tff5) ClrrOI Beker. Martin 881-aMov. *'it "The Myet•loua Two" ( 1112) John FOtl)ltlle, Prle- c:llle Polntar DMOVIE * • ""91nc:Y" ( 1911) Rob- .,, Mitchum, lee M•fora • Tl\e ,_ heed of • majof Am8flcan adll8f11aing firm u-• cl'llldren'1 brNl<lllt drink campaign 10 trenemll • aubllrnlnal polltk:al -00~ ••• ,., '"Serial'" ( 19801 Mar· tin Mull. Tu.adey Wiid. A l'l~ly married Marin CcMlty ~ .,. eputTad by their trendy ~bort Into explotlng .it~ lll•tylee. 'R' 11:48. TI4E AOa<FON> F1LU G MOYIE •'it "The Myel•IOul Two" ( 11121 John f0f'9Y(lle. Pr19- Cllla Point•. 8 MOVIE • •~ "Puraull" (1972) Ben Gau.ara, E.G. Mlt· Sllfll 12:00 • 100 ewe • oum. a..a.tlTI • TAUICWTM! ~ "Oecof' A P<at1)' pollQeo woman votun'*«9 to be Ille bait In tile hunt f()( Ille '"KIMlng Kiiier." 'l>_~TAR TMK (C)MOVll **•'it "8'Nllar MOf'lnl" I 1980) f(hward Woodward. Jacll Thomc>aon. (D)MOVll **~ "Or. Hecikyl & Mr. Hype" (ttlOI ~Read. Sunny JohNOn. MOVIE • • "Hear'tt>eape.. ( 191 t I Anay l<eutman. Berna- ~ta ('etere. 12=*'. MOVIE • ~ "L.awtaee Frontier" 11t351 John w~. Slleila Terry t2:40 C8) MOV. • * "The lrllhmeri" ( 1178) Mld\aej Craig, ROl)ln Nev· In. 11:,46 8 NAM! CW THE GAME Jiff Oillor'I tl1M to 11tove 11'111 • lrwnecl 90Clety doc- tor It r....,, 11n lncompeitent kllar 1:00 I:;;:;: AFFAl/M ··~ "American Gigolo'' (IMO) RicllMd 0.., L.eu- ren Hulton. A e.-ty Hllll gigolo bacomee Ille prime IUlj:)ecl In I rnutdar '"- Cf)~' * * * * "Gigi" ( 11511 M-lca a-.tlar. lAllle Caron. A I~ be1nO groomed 111 Nr _,. Ind granomothet Ml• out on ,_ own to catc:ll a men. 1:20 CJ) MOVIE ••~ "Galuy Of Tarr()('' (11111 Edward Albert, Erin Moren.. 100.NEWI 1i41 ATONE Ou.at. pe)'ClllOloOlet Toni Or ant. 1:IO CC) MOW! • '" ''The spllt" (,.,JM\ 8'0Wfl, '*"-' Cattol. AfW pulling off • b'O rOb- t>ery. a gellCI '* "°'*' dividing Ille mOl'*Y· t:OO I AK HlWI 1:11 N1W1 a::n ~ ··~ "8MNnt ....... ( 11111 1<rl1ten ftlt.,, Matthew Oold•by. A '-\IY·l>rMtNng ~ II.., 9tlll1 tlMI ~ atudllfttl of I ~ A/Mt• io.n l\Wl lllhool. 'ft' '*I TODt\Y'l • ICMON 1:41 .... UO MCMI • • ..The .. LIOOOll" '11tol 9'ooll• ........ OWte•OClhel A'"'9. ... I .:v;.: 'kl-. • • • • ..,.,. Tiii DNll" ftl71) ~ .......... ,.... 'M:llillat. (J,)MOVll •• i. "Tiie OCllatOft .. C1MOI Olllll1I Norrta. L• : VM Ct..f . 1:111.:::AOI . ..,.. ,..., ..... 0... .... 11.-· ..... ..... I la 1, A-. ..._ I ..(ID ... ·-.,...... &.919" , • ., ................. ._,, DEATHS ELSEWHERE • MANHA 'M'AN, Kan. (AP) -RHcoe EUia Jr., 62, a proteuor o f a1ronomy at KanHI S~te Unlvoralty alnce 1960, h.u died of natural caU1et1. MIDDLEBURGH, N.Y. (AP) -J•1dce F. Walter 81111, 90, a New York appellate judge first appointed to the bench Ln 1930 by t.hen- 0 ov . Franklin 0 Rooeevelt, has dJed. STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) -Jo•• J . o•eoueu. 61. executive editor of The Hearst Newspapers and director of Hearst Feature Service, has d1ed of cancer. EAST HAMPTON, N .Y. (AP) -Jobn M . Olla, 89, honorary chairman of Olin Corp. and board chairman of its predect:ssor Olin Mathieson Corp., has died. DALLAS (AP) Toddle WyDDe, 85. a well known oilman and investor, has died. Wynne was chainnan of the board of American Liberty OU Co., whoee lnteretta Include oil and a••. real 1ta \e dov lopment and hotela. HOUSTON (AP) - Ben Ta•b, 93, a philanthropllt who chaired the couqty'• charity hotpltal bOard for years and donated 35 acres of land to start the University of Houston. has died. "°""°"' ........ MA* ITA ,_.., Th• 'ouowtno pereon 11 Clolng bue!MMM HAHA'I , ttSI 1-* a.y ~ (lneoll .., a1eso "C"I. NewPorl leeon. CA tatecr. AOIANNA MYATl.I! BOTILLll'I 1101 ldmore Avenue. Rowland He!Ohtt, OA 11141 Tlilt ~ la OOl\duCled by 1111 ~ ~M lorllllf Thie 1tatemeint wu flied with the Colln111 CIMI ol Oteftge County on 8991.1, tNI. ,, .... Putlllahed Ot1no1 Coaal Dallr lttlot. lept. I, ta, ti, H 1 IN2 317t·U l'talC t«>TICC F'ICTITIOUI llU .... H NA* ITAT'lmNT The followlng l*IOfll aJo d()lng buW-u. CAMPUS ADVERTISING, 3122 N ~ W V 0 R K ( A p) _ g:,r,=a 8;'J~2, Nawp0<1 Bffcn. Lo•I• Waldman, 90, a New Landmark 1n1eraat1 Inc: . a York City labor lawyer and ta111ornl• corpor11 lon, 3822 one-I detlmedlsed\ate Socillll.lt party g:m:'~asgu;~t t, Nawp0<t e.acn. ea r, · Tlllt bull!IMI 11 conducted by 1 eo<pc>raUon. TULSA, Okla. (AP) -Llllldmllk lnt1<e1t1 Inc William E. Broa ... llrst, 93. a Or. O.nnl1 A. Frett T I Pr .. ldent u I s a o i m a n a n d Thia atatement wea llleel with 1twt phil&nthropiat who donated County C~k 01 Orang• County on money to more than 20 Sep1amt1er 18. 1982 colleges, died . · F117MO Publl1hed Orange Cont Dally ----------Piiot. Sept. 19. 28. Oo1. 3, 10, 1982 4088·82 "8JC t«>TICE ftCTITIOUl.,.._11 NAlmaTAT'EmNT l'talC t«>TICE The tollowlng pereon 11 doing ftC11TIOUI au .... 11 bullnnl u : NAMC ITAfflffNT WOODCHUCK L TO, 1836 The following person 11 doing Whllllef Ave .. e-.t, Coal• ....... Ca. bualneta al; 92827 AUTO EXTRAS . INC . a Steven MlchHI Boda. 8922 Callf°'nia corp0<atton. 17450 Ml Trac)' A,,.., Garden Grove. Ca Cllllwood Clrc:Ae. Fountain Valley, 92641 CA 92708 inJ.:!t•I,,_ la conducted by an GENE GRANT. 1812 W. Balboa SI-M Boela Blvd., Newpor1 Beach, CA 921163. Thia llet-I m ltled with the Thi• buelneN la conducted by a c«POt•tlon. County Clar1' of Or9"Qe County on Auto EJtlru. Inc. ,IG11Ti0UI eu ... u NAMI lf~'n .. NT '"' ,....."" ,., ...... MC4't ..._.._ llMOAATNIY UCHTA"IAI. l&flVte11 11111 c ... t ~wer, l~ta .. ,, ~ LafUMt Ca. tM11 1111an Palrlela MoCarln•r. 11M1 THI• floolt. Or .. '' 11. So Laguna. Ca 92877 1'111• butlntt• 11 COlldUl.lacl by ell lndMdual luul\ MoCatt~ Tl\lt allletnenl wtt Iii.cl with the County Cl4Wk OI Ota~ Counly On &tpltmblt t8, 199' ,1 ....... Publlehod Or11nge co .. 1 01111 Pilot ... 19, "· Oct ). 10. 1112 6087 .. 2 PWLIC "°TICE 'ICTITIOUt IUl*U8 NAMI ITA11•NT The IOllOwlng l*tOl\I -OolflQ bvllntaa .. WILLIAMSON WINOINOS , 1133·H Monrovl1. Coat• Me ... CA 92027. PETER BALDWIN . 1073 Corona Lina. Coat• Mau. CA 9262' JAMES A WILLIAMS~. 636 w. Baker. No. P-t03. Coal• M .... CA 92828 Thia bullnaa• 11 conc:luoted by a limited p11tn«ahlp. Peter Baldwin Thia ... ,_, WU ft141d with Ille Count)' Clfrll of 0tanoa County on 5-plarnbar 8, 11182. f1110N Publl1htd Orange Cont Dally Piiot, S411>t. t2, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 1982 3~2·82 NIUC NOTICE FICTITIOU9 IM.llMH NAM« ITATaMENT Tile followlng per.on• ate doing buslneaau: THE GARDEN ANGELS, 363 E. 18th. Unit F. Coale M .... CA 92827 Penny A. Cobham, 383 E 18th. Unit F, Colla Mesa. CA 92627 Ol1na ROH Vlnc:ent, 383 E. 18111. Un ll. F, Colla MeH, CA 92627 Thi• buatneaa 11 conductllcl by a general pertnarahlp. Penny A. Cc>bhem 'Sept 8, 1982 Gene Grant, Prealdent ---.. -11111-..,.-,.,-TICE----Ftf70D Thia statement wu flied with lhe , ""=""" Publl1hed Oren1:_ Cou1 Dilly County Clerk of Orange Coun1y on Thi• 1tatemen1 WU 11141<1 wilh Iha County Cla<k of Orange County on ~tember•t, 1982. FICTTTIOUa .UaMH Piiot Sept. 12. 19, . Oct. 3, 1982 Septembe< 8 1982 NAME 8TATEMllNT 3935-82 ' · F1t1021 ,1 .... , Publlaned Orang• Coaat Dally Pilol Sept 5, t2, 19, 26. t982 3177·82 The following jMrton le doing -----------1 Publlahed Orang• Coaat Dally bue1nM1 u : "8JC t«>TIC£ Piiot, Sec>t , 12. 19, 26, Oct 3. 1982 B&J MASONRY. 110 4 Ut 4035·82 Slr•t. Newport Beach. CA 92683 FICTTTlOUS ....... Plm.IC t«>TICE JAMES A. BUCHANAN. 110 Naa. ITATl•NT l'talC f«>TIC( 4111 StrMt, N-porl Beach. CA The following Plf.onl ata doing ---------------flCTITIOUS 9UllNHI NAME ITATl•NT 92663 buSlneu u : FICmlOUl llU8INISS This~ la conducted by an ( t) THE PRISTINE CUSTOM NAME 8TATE•NT The following peraon I• doing buslneM .. lndlvldual COACH WEAKS (2) PRISTINE The fOllO'tWlng peraon la doing · J-A. 8udlllnan COSTOM COACH WERKS. 225 Afth bull~ as GREEN LIGHT. 2142 Paraona Str .. t. COiia M .... CA 92827. Thie statement wa ftlad with the Street, Huntington BMch. Celllomll APP LIE 0 II IS UAL S. 1 3 7 6 County Clerk of Or8nQ9 County on 92648 Logan Ave .. Sulla B. Coat• M .... ANDREW FRANK GREENE. 2142 Par.on• SlrMt, Co111 Mesa. CA 92827. September t. 1oe2 Richard S. Thorpe, 18391 ca. 92626 F1.... Oxboro. Hunt1n11ton Beach. Michael Allan Hood. 18652 Publlahad Orange Cout Oally Callfornl1 92648 Sima A,,.. NO. Huntington Buch, Piiot, Sept. 5. t2, t9, 26, 19S2 Cfelg Whitney Thompaon. 1 t2 Ca 92649 Thi• bullneu Is conducted by an Individual 38&0-82 2111 SlrHt, Apt. B, Huntington Thia bu11nMa la conductllcl by en BeKh. c.iifomla 92648 frldlllldual Andr-F Greene Thia allletnent WU flied with the County Clllk of Otange County on s.c>tember 1, 1982 "81C f«)TlC[ Thia ~ 11 oonducted by a MlcllMI A. Hood ----------genetal parlnenhlp. Thia statement WH tiled wllh lhe FICTTTIOUI ., ... as Rldlatd S. Thorpe County Cle<k ol Ot1~ Coun1y on .. .._ ITA'RlmNT Thll atal-t waa llled with the Sept. t. t982. F1MA2 Publlahad Orenge Coaat Dally Pi1o1, s.p1. 5. 12. 111. 2e. tH2 3&eo-82 The tollowlng peraon 11 doing County Ci.ti of Orange County on F1..., bull.-u: Septembet t8, 1982. Publlahed Orange CoHI Dall)' AAT RESOURCES 858 WHI ~ C. wtUOH'T PilOt Sept. 5. t2, t9, 26, t982 18th St .. Coet• MeM. CA. 92827 A...,,., .. Uw 3876-82 f'\8.JC NOTICE EdWard A. Chattin, 21119 Tuetln .......... l ............. A ...... Coal• MMa, Ca. 92827 100 Gletwie,re FICTITIOUS llU ... H NAME STATllllNT Thia bullnees la conducted by en .....,_ IMdl, CA. atl1 lndMdual. (71A) ..,....,, Plm.IC t«>TICE FICTTTIOUI au ..... The following per.ons ere doing bualnHs as Ed'twerd A. Challln (7M) •1.-NAMEITAn.NT F197'Ua The following peraon II doing (a) SALT CREEK SURF CEH'rER lb) SALT CREEK SURF & SPORT, 27241 J1tdlnn, Minion Viejo. Cllll0<nl1 92892 Thla at•t-1 -tllad wtth the County Olwtt of Orange County on ~ Orange Coast Dally bualnMI 11. Septembet 8, t982. Plloe. Sept. 19. 26. Oct. 3, 10, .~9!~ SYCAMORE BOOKSTORE, UI ,~ Production Pl-. Newport Beech, Publlahed Orange Coaat Oally Ca. 92880 Wllllem Dinnie, 27241 Jardin.. Piiot Sept. 12, 19, 2t. Oct. 3. t982 ftllJC ll)TIC( Stuert B. Wahlberg. 3 t 2811 3939-82 FICTITIOU8 .,_.. Schmidt (P.O. Boa 502). Slllletaoo, Mlallon Viejo, CeUf0<nle t~ Pltrlela Dinnie, 21241 JtrdfnM .. ---------------=-• MAim 9TATUmNT ca 9257~ DllJH llTICll Tiie lollowlng pefaon ta doln.g 1~,*-1• conducted by an MIUlon Viejo. Calll0tnle 92692 Thia ~ II oon«ictecs by en lnOMOual Wllllem Dinnie ~ aa: Stuarl B. Wahlberg . NEWPORT IMAGES. 4670 Plllk Thi9 llatement Wll liled with the ----------• Newport, Newport 8each. CA County Clefk ol Orange County on Thi• alltement WU Iliad wllh Ille County Clerk of Ot1nge County on SPRENGER RALPH ARTHUR SPRENGER, resident of Sunnymead, •CA. Paned away o n September 16, 1982. He ls survived by his wife Irene, mother Erma Sprenger, children Donna Swanquiat, Marsha Mindell. Sherryl! Ml eynek , 4 grandchildren Kevin, Lis, Leatv'nd Benjamin and brother ~raid Sprenger. Graveside services will be held on NPnday, September 20, 198t°'at ll:OOAM at Harbor Lawn Mount Olive Memorial Park, GQNa Mesa. ln lieu of flowers the family requests donations to Congregation B'Nai Tzedek of Fountain Valley, Ca. Services under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 54·5554. 9~AVIO PAUl. REINHOLO, 4570 September 8· t992· F1970M Pll1l Newporl. New$IOf1 Baadl, CA PubllllleO Orange Coal! Delly 92:! bu"'-la" oonclucted by l>lloi Sept 12, 19, 29. oct a. 19e:i lndlvldual. an 4033·82 September 18, 1982 , '191M1 Publl•ll•d Oranoe Coaat Dally PtlOt. Sept 19. 28. Oct 3, 10, 1982 4094-e2 0.'llO P. Reinhold C 111nTU>t Dll-t.r lllnflC( Thie ltlttment wa Iliad wilh the ___ l'taJ ___ ""-'-~---____ ,._~--""----- County Cter11 of OrlnQI County on FICTITIOUI IU .... S FICTITIOUS ........ September a. 1982. F1-N.U. ITAn.NT NAm STA.,....,. .,,_ The lollowl .......,. The IOllowlng peraone are doing Publl•hed Or1nge Coast Dally bualneu aa: ng perlOl\a .,. ~'V bullnesl .. Piiot. Sept. 12, 19, 2e, Oct. 3. 1982 LOV-U PROOUCTS. 2909 w .. t CLIFFWOOO, LTD., 27285 t..aa 403 ... 92 Pandltlon Avenue. Santi Ana. CA RemblH, Sulla 200. Mlaelon Viele.. ----------.. 92704. Calllornla 92691 PU8UC f«>TIC[ ROBERT ROMAN. 38 t VIiia Richard R Slenton. 272115 Laa Saye, Newport Beach. CA 92MO. Ratr)blu, Sulla 200. MISll<>n lllajo. NOTICE OF DEATH OF Lou LANE. 2360 t Park c.i.•r;:. ~9~•rton. 8409 ut1ea OSOMWORTB c.m1oe. Calet>ua. CA. A .. c MARIE J, 8 AON RODERICK, 1820 s.w Ao1enu1. enc .. o ucamonga, AND OF PETITION TO Vermont, Port1111<1, OR. ca~~?;n~:i~~ la conduQted by• ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Thia bull,_ 11 conductllcl by a a-ai partnerahlp A-llHSt. Mmlted pwtnerahfp. Rlcllatd R. Stenlon To all hein, beneficiaries, Thie aat!:::'1w~:, with 1119 Thia atatamen1 wu Iliad With the creditors and contingent County c1er11 of Or•nge County on =:m~kt:.' ,~ro8 County on c r ed It 0 r s 0 f M a r i e J . September 8· 1982· F11'7012 " H 0 D I I • " • N D A L L • Bosomworth and pers~ns Publl•h•d Orange Cout Dally HAltfllNGTON who may be othe rwise Piiot, Sept 12. 19. 28. Oct. 3. t982 A Prefe ... onal Law Corpot•tlclft interested in the will and/or 3940-82 4211 MMAr111w ~•cl. ...... 1. estate. PllllJC f«)TIC[ P.O .... "'7 A pet.It.Ion has been filed 1----------......,.,, ....... CA ... ~"!N!"l'e-p-tu_n_e..,._oc~ie-t-..,.-~llby Frank M. Boeomworth in m~:~=· FtmQ ~ the Superior Court . of The lollowlng ~raon 11 doln" Publlthad Orange Coaat Cally CIEMATIOH 8UAIAI. AT llEA Orange County requesung ~ aa: ... • Piiot, Sepl 19. 26. Oct. 3. ~0;4~~ •646-7 431 • that Frank M. Bc»omworth GRAPHICS PLUS, 254 1 S. Our literature tells the be appointed H personal Main St .. Santa Ana, ca. ~707 PlllllC f«>Ttc( complete story ot our representative to administer John JoHph Coute • 183 E. FICTmOU9 ., ..... ............., J 22nd SI., Coata ,,._, Ca. 92827 ...........,,T the estate of Marie . Tlllt bullMD la conducted b)' an MAMIE ITATE•NT ,__c..11 , .... _ _..._ Bosomworth (under the 11\divkllllll. The lollowln9 pereon 11 doing ~!!!!!i~~=~~~=~-'llndependent Administration ! ~onnJQMC>hCoula: bu~~ 00 REPAIRS , t747 ,_CINOfHIH 1&1.•0ADWAY MO«TUilY 110 Broadway Cost• Mesa &42·9150 11.UTl ... GBON SMrTH & TVTHtll WISTCU.. CHAN\ •27 E 17th St Costa Mesa 6•&-9371 ,_CllaOntml INITNS' MOITVMY 627 Mein St ~nt~ach PACMC'8W .,_.,..ALrAU CenJl'-rt Mortuary CNi>el--0-ematory 3500 P.c1fic Vlfr# Drive Newpol1 BeKh $44-2700 NeCCMNtal MOOU.uall LIQUna Be-.eh *"'IMtS ~ .. Sen Juan C.piatrano 4t&-1ne 0 ?f F.atat.es Act). The petition ~a~t~~t!: Anahel111 Ave . Co111 Mua, Ce is .et for hearing in Dept. Sleptembet a. 1982. 92627 No. 3 at 700 Civic Center F1110M Farhael Naanehranl, t5522 116 Drtve, West, In the City of Publlahed Or•nfia coaat D•lr ~~g:ruff Ave .. Ballllower · C1. Santa Ana California on Pilot Sept. 12. 19, 8· Oct. 3· t99 TN• bualnete 1a conducted by an Oc1ober 13, i982 at 9:30 a.m. • 3eaa.a2 lndivld\1111. IF YOU OBJECT to the NlJC f«)llC[ Thie .~~=~=r:.th the granUnc of the peUtlon, you ,.. _ _,Clerk of Of•,,_ Count" on hould etth t the ITAnmwt tW ~NT """'"' -·.,... ' s er •ppeu a Of' UM Of' Stptemt>er 18, 1982. hearing a nd atate your ll1CTITIOU9 l4l ... SS ...,.. F1'1M4 obEtlons or file wrllten The lollowlng pereon• have Publlahad Orange Co11t Dally ob tlona with the court abendootd the uea of the tlelltloul PllOt Bec>t. 19, 28, Ocl 3. 10, t982 h h l y bualnaaa name: 4 t41-82 be ore t e ear ng. our BL.ACK ROSE 8UCKLE co . PUlllC t«>nCE appearance may be in penon 341148 C-t Hignwey. Wt• tSI, OC' by your auomey. Dana Polflt, CA 12t29. FICTITIOU8 llUelNlll IF Y 0 U AR E A he FlotltlO\le Bulln•H Name NA• 8TATl•NT CREDrl'01t or a contingent ralarred to above wH lllad In The followtng pel'tone are doing --"'tor of the decl!raed ""'" Orange County on February 4, bu*-11· ~ J-1982 UNDER THE AAINBOW TOTS muat file your c1a1m with the ALICE J. HEMMANN, 34114 8 GYMNASTICS. 2t25 Collagt court or present It to the Coaa1 Hlghwey, Oen• Point, CA Avenue, A· t 1. Coe ta Meu. personal representative 92t2t. • Ca111orn11 9282t ~s::;.lnted by the court WAI.LY SUTHERl;ANO. 34114 CarOl)'n A Cedy . 2521 f .... ( th 8, Coaet Highway, Dana Poln1, CA Sunflower, ,..a, Santa Ana, our mon'"" :rom e 92t2t. c.t1t0tnla 92704 date of flrat l11uance of Thll~-oonductedbyo Robert w. Cady, 2521 )eUen M provided in Sect1on eenerel pwtnentllp. Sunflower. A-8. Santa Ano. 00 o{ he D-...L.-,.. ........ _ f A11oa J. Hertm.llM Callfornla 92704 7 t ..-.vu.t.e ............ 0 Thll 11a1tment -11114 wlttl the Thie~ .. oondUGled I>)'. California. The time for ~IY ctertt of Orange Collnty on oenet .. p.annerenlp. filing cl.alma will not explr@ September a, tta:z. Carolyn A. Cady prior to four months from 't•* m. ... tamtnt w• fifed wlttl the the date o.f the hearing Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally CO\lflty O*ll of OJanoa COUfltY on -~•~ bov Pllol, a.pt. 12, 11, 2t, Oct..~ 1.e2 ~btf II. 1982. ..,__. • e. w11.a2 ,..,.._ YOU MA y EXAMINE ,Utlll•tl•d Of•noe Cool! Oalty the (lie kept by the court. If PWlJC ll)TIC( PtlOt, .... II. H , Ocl '· tO, 1N2 you are intererted In the '9CTmOUI .,..... 40t342 etat.e, you may file a req\MIJ\ NMm ITAT'llmfT "8JC llQT1C( with the c:ourt to receive Tiit ~ l*'IOnl •• doing n:nnoue .,_ .. •P•Clal n otice of the ~ 1uNo INTEAPRIHI. ..... ITA~ Inventory of fttata aueta tUl3 awra. ,.oun1111n "*"· CA TM tottowino pettOl'I I• oo•nv and of the pet.hJona, accounta oarot. ~ ... and report• deacrl~ In NHUNG THI PHAN, 11H3 MI c HA IL.. 0 u. T 0 M S e c t I 0 n I 2 0 0 0 f l h • SWra, Fountalll Vr/W/, CA t270I. acM'.INI, 111 w 11ttl 11 . .1. 1u1te fllUllN W PULLI ... 1141 0-10, C.1 Mtta, C. '2111 CalifonWI Probate CocM. ApJll•f'I W•y. Lont IHCll, CA Mlcflllal J Hulfm. ,,, Vlc1ona a ......... v~:i.t:••· .... 1t...L eo.ta.:=· ea. eaeu Ne1u A Tlllt ~ Jo condYoted by a lt9 Ill CIClftduded .,.. 111 '" w. •• ... ""'""'*1'=n.. Ptlen ......... ,.....,,_, Hutl* Su ............. CA tHeJ Tllll etetement wea llltd wM ttlt Tllla 11111 "°" wet llad .ri tt1t {7le) IM-l171 ~ CIM of Or.,. COUfttY on CoYMy Cllf\ of Or-..~ Oft Pub11ahed Or•nr eout '-· 1. 1111. 1 .. umMr 11. tea ~ PUot.. Sept. l • It, 2&, Put111"'9CI 01~ C~ ,ullllefled Ofaftle C..:.': I Piiot, ...,._I. ti. 11, M. 1M2 Piiot '-• tt, M. Oct. I. IO, 1Mf 418&-82 ~ 40tt.aa . Doctor goes ape Dr. Hal Humbel, radiologist, shares in the laughs as he leaves hospita l in ali~as, handcuffed to a "g~rilla as part of a prank by the doctor's wife to celebrate his 50th birthday. A costumed frie nd napped the cuffs on and spe nt all day with the doctor. Landlords optimistic Real estate investors see bright-future By JOHN CUNNIFF Al hllMM AM1y1t llWI AUlYlll buyer tended to purchase 1 structure protected by warranties on the roof, refrigerators, heatin& systems and other component& He was protected from defects. : I Today, with little n 4:\f - NEW YORK -As an investor, you miflht lament having failed to exploit the great opportunities in real est.ate during the 1970s, when down payments and interest rates were relatively low and prices were doubling and tripling. Syndlcators of real estate partnerships, who have been raiB.ing billions of dollars during the dark days of recession, seldom. express such regrets. Some say, in fact, that opportunities are even greater than in the 1970s. of The Robert A. McNeil Corp .. one of the largest syndicators of public partnershipa. Now he has formed Allen Cymrot and Associates in Palo Alto, to promote private partnerships, with 30 o r 35 investors each putting up $75,000 or so. construction on lhe market, the buyer must be thoroug~lf­ famlliar with existing structuret and their components, or else run the risk of being wiped out wit.Ji expenses. ; Allen Cymrot agrees, but with one exception: The possibilities are more significant now than in 1974, he says, but n ot for amateurs. The marketplace, he argues, has changed. Success, he says, demands professional skills. Correct or not, Cymrot's reasoning offers an insight into the thinking and expectations ·of landlords . Cymro t is a professional landlord; he has participated in the purchase of perhaps $1 billion or more in rental bulldinp. That kind of money usually is raised by inviting Investors, through stock brokers, to participate in syndicates. Public offerings, registered· with the Secur I ties a nd Exchange Commission, might invo lve investment units of $10,000 or leu; private offerings, to sophisticated investors, can be many times that. They will seek garden-style apartments in certain Sunbelt cities -cities in which incomes are high and rising, and rents are far below what, with proper manage m ent, they might conceivably become. Says Cymrot: "The country lost five years of rent increases because of overbuilding." Now there ls underbuilding. He believes that for many reasons amateur investors, many of whom made fortunes from price inflation during the 1970s, can't compete in the markets of the 1980s. For one thing, he says, lenders increasingly are more active in the deals. Many of t.hem want a piece of the action -through profits from the eventual sale or from cash flow, that Is, t.he excess of rents over costs. Some want to lend only for the short tetm, others for long terms. Jt gets complicated. Cymrot believes the condition of buildings Is another factor loaded with peril for the amateur. • M oreover, inflation isn't ad ally to the degree it was a decadt ago, when unforeaeen expe~ could be paid for by refinancinC the ever more valuable bulldin4 at low interest rates. You can't de> that anymore. t For those who successfull~ raise the money and buy th proper structure, however, t.her are huge advantages, Cymro believes. He's counting on it. Because of competition in the 1970s. he observes, building were often bought at relative!· high prices. Moreover, they ofte had vacancies, which preven rent increases. Today, buil · can be purchased at discounts And the vacancy rate throughout the country are at o near all-time lows. ~ He lists several other reaao ~hy he thinks it's a great time an vest: I From 1977 to 1982, Cymrot served as president and dJrector In the construction The rapid-growth of the ovel'l age 30 group: the inability of 85 percent of new households ~ afford a new home: and th ability of these households 1 9 7 0 s , w h e n afford rental units. And the ne'Y( was plentiful, the deoreciation laws. I SF airpor.t noise suits limited ! New law will bar civil actions in small claims courts SACRAMENTO (AP) - Beginning next year, neighbors of San Francisco International Airport will no longer be able to bring civil suits for aircraCt noise in small claims courts. grants to small public airports. But Assembly Speaker Willie Brown , D -San Francisco, amended it during the last few days of the August sesmon. suits in small claims court fof $750 each. They have won 111 o the suits, but the Airpor Commission has appealed thel"(I all. The b l ll signed bl Gov . F.dmund Brown Jr. stll allows s uch suits in Superior Court, but th.at is more expensive and time- consuming: Lawyers aren't allowed in small claims courts. The airport, although operated by lhe city of San Franciaco, is located in San Mateo County. The residents contend airpor\ noise ruins their sleep, healtK and property values. The new law would forbid suits as long as t.he airport is in compliance with state noise standards. The bill , AB2909 by Assemblyman J ohn Thurman, 0 -Modesto, originally dealt wit.h Residents in the Daly City and HHJsborough areas have flied more than 400 noise nuisance State law formerly allowed tht residents to file noise nuisancr suits m small claims court every 100 days. The upper limit for such suits has been $750, but wal raised this year to $1.500. ' Seminar to discuss • marriage "What KJnd of Person Makes the Best Mate For You?" Is the title of a three-hour seminar being offered by Orantre Coas t College 11 community service office. The session Is slated for Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. ln OCC's Science Lecture Hall 2 Ln Costa Mesa. Adrnlalion is $5. Seminar lecturer is Evelyn Oelunaa , a Newport Be.ch marriage tnd family therapist, and a hypnotheraplat. For inform ation. phone ~~6·&880. Nurse qualifies Collen O'Connor of Corona del M ar araduawcl from Kaber Permanente'• School of AnffthMla for nunea, havlnt earned bo'h 1 maner'a de1r•• in l\Ul'Mc from c.a Seate. ~.o.!'.I ~Be• ch and ~ '°qualify • a omiftlid ~ nune ~ , Survey shows 4,327 families have inadequate housing Marines seeking housing at base Marine Corpe otlicials have announced plans to request authortution from C4ngress to build 272 enlJated and 28 officer family housing unita at Camp Pendleton. A survey of Jan. 31 indicated there were 4,327 military famlllet livtng in the Ocftnalde oommunity. Of th.la number, 831 were conaSdered to be IMn1 In inadequate housing for reuons such u commuting distance or 1ub-atandard living conditions. OCC offering 115. courses for youth Youn.iatn11 between 3 and 17 will have a chance to enroll in 115 cow.. offered at Ora,,. eo.t C.0U.. in CoN M-\hla fall. "CoUeae for Kids" incJud• cl..... ln aJp lan1u•1•. ball•t, Spanllh, creaUve wrltln1. twnbJlnc. piano, Afro-Halt.Jan danee. b\&l&neaa. call~ph)t and developmen~ readl"I. a... bel'ft a.. 26. o.t II •IO '° NO. M09t ~ ar. ... '° etlht w..a .... meet Seturdaya. ~don a. aveUetate at me Cammun.1'1 hmee offtft, tn the coll•I• AdmlnlatHtion bulJdinl. rar 1n1ormet1on. ce11 ue.aeeo. Writing t taught l "Writing for W orJ. How to Write EffectiJ Letters. Memos an~ Report•" Is a lectur coune being offered Golden West College i Huntington Beach. Belinda K . &lisle. writing consultant fo business and industr will teach ~he cours Tuesdays'-Sept. 21 an 28, from ' io 10. p.m. Adminiatration 209. ReglatraUoo fee ii $2 Lecture set by urologist .... Or . Stephen i Auerbach, a Newpe.r Beech uroloatst, wn t.he 1peeker at a 2 p. meetln1 toda~ of th t..,una Hilla chap~ o the UnUed Oatom AmodatJon. The meeunc will be-l confttenat roomt A & (basement level) Sedd1ebadt CommunJt Ho1pltal, 144& l VI r.uMa. 1AcuN Hilla. • .. .. Cl ASSIFllD . ~ h ..... ., ••....... AH reel .. tate lldYeftiMd · In thl• newapaper la • aubJect to th• Federal Ftlr Houalng Act of 1968 ·' which maha It Illegal to ldvertlM "Ill'/ pref.,en. • ct, llmltatlon or dl1Crlml- I c:=. <..,ft l ( 1 ~pq(1Pt H11l '1 n1t1on based on race, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii color, rellglon, au or INVESTORS .. national origin, or eny BECOME A PARTNER =~~~~;;;Jlllll~;::. '·'Intention to make an~ With me lf'I ,.,., 28r. 2B•~ : eucn preference, lfmlta- .• tlon or dlacrlmlnallon... car gar condo nr S. Cat ~· ~ Plue. Xlnt tilt advanll· . Thia newtpeper wlll not gH, amall dwn, smell knowing!)' accept any negative. No tenanLhH· , lldvertlllng for real .. 19. alts High potential yld . • t• Which Is In vlolatlon ol What more could )'OU the law. •ti< lor? l arz 54S-2S3S . 11111111 Advertl· sers should check their ads dally and report errors Im- . med lately. The DAILY PILOT as- . sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect .. Insertion only. ...... 1t11a1. ....•...•••........... •HI 111•1• ~;;;;·········;-;;j ~······siPEi······· 00110 SALE Condominiums, town-hou111, all 1lz11. One, two and three Bdrm units, priced from $70. 000 to S 115,000. Excel-' ·• 1ent locatlon1. Different financing. Gr .. t oppor-tunity for nr1t home or Investment . Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS 0111 APPEAL PLll Tiie roof, vaulted Ollltlng- 1, 3 Bdrms & a family rm, poeelble RV acceu, prl· vale patio, 1prlnki.r1 & more. Only 5 >'fl old In No. eo.ta Mesa. Anan- ctng ~able. Diana Plelenpol·Volpe 559-9400 WANTED ... IAYFIOllT OR DCUIFIOIT W.E/TUIE Linda Isle Perfection By own er, Free •nd New on market: 4 br. 3 \.li bath, single Ciear Wiii trade down h h I M k ' lor neat Orange Co story ome on uge ot. oy t.a e up to. 11ou11. My property 11 100 foot yacht subject to approvals. Now located In lnternallonal has dock for 4 boats of 40 ft. Back yard Resort Area of Beautllul · h I d I h I d · J L• Jolla Shores 'Ir block wit awn an us an scapmg. ust to Beach and Tennie remodeled by A .S .I.D. decorator . Club, a moat prestlglnu1 $995,000 with $175,000 down. locallon. 8 elegant, 1pa. • clous 2 bedroom apta. Arch1tectura1 Masterple-WISE SELLfll PlllCEI TMll Tl SELL ce Designed by Selden Unqueilllonably the best buy in Big B Kennedy AIA. Award Ca F bed d ( · 1 winning Property; quality nyon. our rms. an am1 y room. material• and work · Immacula te throughout. New carpets, manahlp rarely seen. drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronic Permanent Aesldenta · W ba 2 r· l 3 lush la ndscaping secunty system. et r. 1rep aces, flagstone patios. PICIOl<i car garage. Arustic pool and spa. Priced wood floor•. raltld frP<:a right a t $695,000. Gate guarded area. and much more. Walk to Call 644-4910 for pennission to enter best beacll. shops. bus. · Fastldlously maJntalned 14 HHIH TllEE II. IPH HI 1·1 by engineer-owner who (most regretfullyl mu11 IEW EHUll OI IALllA ISUll retire S 1.800,000. Ow-ner wlll carry 552-3087 First time listed. Charming nr. new 2 sty, -architectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam. rm. Cele ., Quality design and d ecor throughout. CM Ne.,..n.~ Designed for guest quarters. Priced to .....aa.n. ~· sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 175.5511 . 211 llA•Oll IPEI SAT I HI 1·1 ~- .,. IOHEI '1·1 lllVllE llUYHSln PAH a Ill WOOllllllH Detached 3 br. 2 'h ba. home on PATii HIE greenbelt near community tennis and J Ir, 2 la, 4n I pool. $114.000 m assumable loans and atrl1•, 11 ••l•t HI-you own the land $140,000. 4•·•ao. lell1hthl ua.,uwu4'r a41. OI llC CAIYH COLF COlllE lwHr aHltH, HJI Builde r's own personal residence. Nol "llLU" at 1171,000. 1 the average specuJator built home. The l lltttrwH4 arch itectural design a nd meticulous IPAOllll attention lo detail reflect the owner's NYll ... El desire l o create an unusually high 4 Ir, fer•al "'''f quality h ome built to please the most r•, t .. llJ r•, 411 discriminating family. 5 bedrooms, 6 'h ,,a. traat 111osthe baths, plus all the ame nities one would Ill••• I• ,,.stlsl•H anticipate. $1,950,000. Owner financing. ... ~rlllH4 .... ., will 111•1• wltll f1111· lllYHIE THRACE -SIPH FEE llY 0111. Offere4 at Charming 3 bedroom home with lots of Hll,000. 410 lier-extras. You own the land. Great family 1111 Star ll home. Pnce reduced $45.000. Beautiful llPIJITIOATll large com er lot. Walk to the bay. Balboa om 1nu Island, and Fas hion Island. Owner TOWllHIE motivated. this could be best buy in the .... O.r11a 411 lar Terrace. $320,000. Financing available. elllar•, Hw J .._ 4 1141 ~DIE TllUCE, C1f11UT/HI1·1 . Sunday, September 19. 1982 LIM llLE HOIES 101 VIA LIN IHI IPll Ill 1·1 Prime Ljdo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath Lge L.R., 2 boat slips $1 ,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm beam ceilings. funtished, patios. $420,000. PEllllULA HOIES . 1411 W. UY IPEI UT 1·1 Prize West Bay baytront. Slips for 2 boal'l, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1 ,200,000 Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath 3700 eq fl. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. LlllA llLE IAYFIOIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. UYSllE PUOE Spectaeular bay!ront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces!. Reduced . $1,5<?<),000. FAllll&llS UICI New 4 br, 4 \.i ba, custom French Normandy F.aiac.e l.2 prime~ hilltop. $1.250,000. IY&LOI Fee simple cott.age on quiet Descanso St. (tn Flat.a). $145,000. OlllUll GAYS Coronado Island cust. bayf ront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avai.l. Now $370,000 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )~I !\oy\•d• U• '" "'-!\ <')'~ <')II;' A(SlOfNfl41 AfAL f SlATf SERVICES IPEI 111111·1 FAST ESCROW • Calh plu1 shopping center 10 trade In Orange Co. Agent. 8-44-9513 •• t ......... ,, .. fa•llr r•. Walls ef YfEW -LJIE A ••EL -IPYIUIS I 11111 1trl11 Ht4eer Two stor y Nantuc k e t 4 br. with 1ar4111 lite skyllt beautiful Sun.set pool surrounded by 14,· rH••· 11' u1ltd 000 red bricks. Tastefully d ecorated otlll•1•1 ... n • ., •• thro u g hout with wallpapers and Haro effleltlt salar shutters. Shows like a model home! 111.t water •Jtf••• I•· Many upgrades. Seller will finance. 111ate4 tlltt4 1la11. Submit down. $760,000 Incl. land. CHIU IEL llU SJOt,100 Excellent close to the ocean location. Spacious 2 BR home with a 2 room guest/rent.al. Extra wide R -2 lot. Owner: financing with 25% down. See Nancy at 315 lris MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY MANSION . Superb construction . uqulalte decorating. 8000 aq/lt, 2 acrea. spectacular vi-I Seciu· ded lemon Height• . FIHlltl• ,.,... ... •• ,., .. 1110,000. 111 ••rl1•1411 North Tustin Hiiia. area COLE OF NEW-au rround ed by other rvn1 2 ILICH Tl IEWPfllT 11111 -1221,000 Charming 4 Br & family room. 2 brick fireplaces, country kitc he n , quiet I residential area in young development b y Buccola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. ore•. t 11tatea 12. t50 MALTORS 000 2111 L 0-• "•'· •••111 "IEW Ill llet Al4erette c-.. , ... -• LI -IHE Hiii Af81tor/Oeveloper 175·5511 Quiel, park-like setting. Rm for paddle 73t-4.,.4 731-51t5 tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul -------liiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii de sac st. 3 bdrms. Cam. nn. $379,500. 1211 an WIST, Cl• "" Ill 1·1 Fll ... ELIYllll Le gune Canyon, 4/5 acre. 11751<. 3'/• A, 13SOK Bkr Hlllle. 494-4674 AllMUlllLIAI ........ No quellfylng . yet you can mOWI Into thi. Pf'lde of ownerlhlp neighbor-hood w/utmoat 1peed. Boat & RV acceu. country kitchen w/rock lrplo, 3 Bdrm1, 2 tull Betha. s 111 ,ooo. Call lmmedla1ely for cM!alla. Diana Ptelenpot-V°'91 559-9400 llWll 11W um•1 a..utlM • ll6rm 2 betll home Wlf\ W91114n lltor .. ... ...,., ... dlnlno, ·"° flr-..11~. prl"ate •P• twround.CS wl\h wood ~ TI* OM tPent· ltt. Priced to aell at S 142,tOO. Call todayt M-717t . cars*bikes• *skateboards· trucks*baby carriages•tea carts•tr ikes rol lerskates" walker!> toys •wagons•••• scooters• hot rods* coupes• trailers*hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes*lawn mowers*limos •corPorate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• • typingtables wheelbarrows* recreational vehictes*golf carts•mocte1 tralns•blkes *pianos•cars ref rloerators •skates•••••• Hiil 1211,000 -YIEW HEE Earth tones thruout. 4 br, 2 'A ba, family rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq. fl. View of Pavilion, night Ughts & Catalina. 1211 llllFLllE, OIM UT l H• 1·1 WllLD •• ran• "·· IULTHI 2111 la1 "•••• •ms 1•14 IEWPtlT OUTll, I.I. 14'· .. 10 ':::~ '0«:~4llA-a£,_S. : ._..,QA, .. ____ _ ·=~:.'".::!'": ....,..._ .............. "' -......... __ HOCRAI I' I' I I I SREHRY • 1 r 1 1 1 N I IC 0 V E I I' t I I I N J 0 R U I' I I I I th~: ,:be.,.,.,=:~: I 9091, "lometlmH !fa T E C 0 A l Haler to bl good to I I I I' r ~elMtMnltl••o _____ ...._ beVOOcl --." r•11DI 01'~ j l!$:::.1?"t~ 'p---· •=-r r r r r r r r r r J CJl •llllllll! WLm •1118'1U1111l1• UHi& HL llU 1171,000 Traditional custom home. VIEWS the canyon & the white water o( Little Corona. Highly adaptable floor plan for a la rge or s mall family. Excellent finanr ing. Just reduced! See Carol at 226 Poppy NlllSIU UH,000 Count your steps to the bay -It's that close! This NEW 4 BR country styled home offers the ullimate in quality of craftsmanship. "Extras" abound make this a very special property. See Lyleen al 1600 E . Balboa lllAl•HI UllH VIEW 1140,0IO Wat.ch the boats & the sunsets from this newly redecorated 4 bdrm home In one of your most convenient & very lovely areas. Owners will consid e r a trade. Submit. See Carole al 260 Lighthouse Lane. UMlllMIU 1711,000FU View the boats & sunsets from th.ls exciting 4 BR executive home. Remode led with elegance & quality. Feature• private en tr)", pool. spa & private access to beach . See Debt at 4621 Gorham IALllA ISUll llH,MO Substantial reduction! Prime Balboa Little bland baytront. Two 3 BR unlta both with full water view. Owner says "tell". Will tailor flnanclns to buyers needs. See Suzie at 215 E. Bay Front &al.. 11 ....... Superior bayfront localion! View of main turning buln & city lights. Pr ice includaa plane, permits & coeetal approval for 531~ aq ft. 2 1tory home. tnc:ludlna wine cellar & garage. A dream come true! See Cynthia at 748 Vla Lido Nord IN 11.Wl'OllT C•NRR Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Want ed ads. classification 7100 . OOEAll, HlllOll, LIHTS, VIEW I $550,000 includes land. Uug<' assumable loon. oou• VIEW LOT Harbor Ridge, private large . TWO ITOllY WATEllFllOIT Boat slip, $695,000 indudl-s land . Good Cm. llQ CAIYOI LEASE McLain condo + den. 2 1,.cJ ba. $1100 mo. I UH£ LOT Room for RV or boat s torage, Montego 4 BR, $265,000 ft'l'. CHIO, 1111,100 FEE 2 BR 21 / Ba, assume $60,000. OCEAll YIEW COHO $239,000 fee. Assume large 1st TD. ILOCI TO IEACM Cameo Shores, $825,000, fee land. Consider lease/opt . I HllMS, PElllHU POllT $449,500 fee, large assumable. llHE EITEITAllllEIT HU $295,000 fee. Ha rbor Vww Homes. aie. .. TWO ....... oNGS Hilt• CRllSTA THE STAINES COMPAIY 160-1397 673-7761 CllEO SMOllES DCEAIFIOllT F'tn<>St location with s pectacula11 white waler view . Ideal family home • 3 bedrooms and baths plus servant's quarter fonnal dining rm. and famtl y rm. Custom built ,quality home with built -in wine vault, hobby rm . solar heating, wet bar and much, muc h m o r e . Motivated seller m oving out of st.ate. Price rt'duced to $2,500,000. CORIO DEL Ill lllTS We feel this is the best income buy in Corona d el MarU Located just a few blocks from th<> beach south of the Hwy. Earning almost $1500 per m o . Reduced in price lo JUSt $229.000. Owne will help finance - so bring in your deals. FllllllClllli IS TIE IEY With only $28,000 you can move into thLS shQrp Bluffs "C" Plan • the one with 3 bdrms. upstairs and 1 more bdrm. or oHace downstairs. Located near the pool, a terrific home for entertaining! The full price is $279,500 L .H. and the fmancmg is 30 yrs. fixed rate. DOVER INDllES llYFlllT Would you believe 60 feet on the bay with private pier and float for $985.000 L .H.? We have it in thls love 4 bdrm. home in exclusive Dover Shores Formal dining rm. plus a breakfast rm., family nn., hobby rm. and a big brick bayside patio perfect for entertaining or sunning. This is a great family home n ot far from the private community beach. 11·2 COllOllA DEL IUll Well built 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with firepla«> located south o f the hwy. near the park just a few blocks from the beach. Room to build 2nd umt on this fulJ size R-2 1.,t. Owner will finance at 12% Interest with 25% down. $240,000. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SHTll lllTA All High visibll!ty comer location on Segerstrom. Nicely landscaped tilt up bldg. approx. 15,300 sq. ft. with 5 tenant Well maintained. Just 4 yrs. o ld $1.040,000 attractive terms. WEIT DIST& llSA 20,000 sq. ft. tilt up building divided into tour 5000 sq. ft. unlta. Located on 1.4 acres. Owner may finance l!O submit tern\$, $950,000 p<mlble condo conventon. (714 \ 673-4400 (fU) 621-2121 1lle Hert. Ar11'1 Lonct1t btlllllMd Rell Estate Cempany LIDO llYFIOIT COIDO LIWHT PllOI 2 la 1471,000 2 Br. den, 3 bath with boat slip & jumbo loan assumable at 12~. IPEl llllH 1·1 IH C· 1 Ll411• Part lrlwe LIDO ISLE IPH llllAY 1·1 111 Yla llJH 3 Br, family· rrri, study, 2 story high ceilings. skylight, 45' lot $425.000. 1-1 111 Vo• l11Jo • Ncwp1111 BrACh • 67.S·-l.S62 ESTATE llZEI -PlllYATI IEWNIT UHTIH Lg spacious family home in traditional Calif. Spanish style -Built around a courtyard & a pool on Lido Isle, 7 BR, 6 BA add to the lg (amily livability. $1 .250 ,000. Tom Allinson & Terry Aune Hanes 644-6200 11111 11111 COIHllJlllll T o tal security in this beautiful luxurious condominium -Bay & city view, underground security parking, Pool & spa. Magnificent e ntrance salon w/crystaJ chandelier, Pool nn & deck area to private boat slips. $759,000 . Barbara Aune 644-6200 un AT TH IUH Fii HIEI 1100,000 Great street to street lot w/magnificent view of the ocean & Dana Point. Just steps to one of the nicest beaches in North Laguna. This 3 or 4 BR h ome has good assumable financing. $599,900. Maxine Propp 644-6200 IAlllll llllE ESTATES llllllll Reduced to $100,000 b e low appraisal! Owner's loss 1s your gain. Beautiful "Miramar" plan with ocean & city lite views. Elegan ce for l ivi ng & ente rtaining. 2 BR. gourmet kitche n & luxurio us master suite. Now only $450.000 Anita Schandel 644-6200 TtlTUllOI llLLI Lovely 4 BR President Home in the hills of Turtle Rock. The backyard is picture perfect with a c us tom spa you won't beUeve. Kitchen has new appliances. Owner will lease option. This is one you don't want to miss. Priced to sell at $295.000. For infonnallon call Pat Aden 855-4343 IEIPIUTIOI SAUi Lowest priced home in Harbor V iew Hills. Lusk built Sandpipe r model Includes the land. 4 BR, 3 BA, (am rm. 2 fireplaces. 3 car garag e . Some TLC and creativity will put money in bank. $299,000 Sharon Smith 644-6200 IUOllH H•E II IUOIUT Plenty of room for the family to grow in this 4 BR. 21h BA home. The massive stone fireplace in fam rm-dining room is a delight. Low mainte nan ce yard w/mature landscaping & a great indoor-outdoor living area. Location -close to school and shopping. Owner will lease option or assist w i the financing. $269,500. Ask for Pat Aden for lnfonnation 855-4343 ll&lllfltllT •Ull Ill IAIYH condo. Highly upgraded 2 BR, 2 BA resJdence that shows like a model. Security gated , community pool. spa & tennis. Formal dining rm w /mirrored celling. Dramatic step down liv rm. Excelle nt financing . $205,000 Furnished $215,000. Suzanne Shuler 644-6200 SIEFllLI ..... HUii 11na11 <:.oiy 3 BR is loca\4.'d in tt\e heart of Northwood with all the 4'1U.enJUcs of an uaoclatlon. It It .nao walking distance to the achoola & 1 hoppln1. Only 1149,000. Gilda Fl.sher 8M·4343. ITAITlft -What a areet pLlft to aet 1t.arted wlth thl1 2 BR home within walkinc diatance t.o d\O maJ'I=· ~ntera olf•red ln Wood Priced Lo •ll at tioe,ooo. G J'laher 8&~·4'43 Orenge Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Septemb9r 19, 1992 E7 ~.~I.*-...... ,.~,ffl.{I!~~''······· ~~!!!!.~.~'! .•..... !~flff .~!!'! ....... !~tt!!.~~'! ....... !~!ff!.{~.!~'! ....... !~!!!!.{~~~'! ....... !'.!ff!.{l!h!! ....... ~•m.~~11 •...•.• !~ml!!.~'1 ...... . '11lr.~t •••.•••.. l."f ,,,_~~~{ .......... ~~I ~ ... ~~{ ......... !.'M ~~':'. ...••••.• J.'.f. '!tll!l~!!iiiiiiiliiiil.;.;~;.· ·;.;·';.·IJ;;;·;.· ·;.;·~· ·;.;·~· :;.. ;.;!·";.··;.;'.ii;";.;·;~~~~·~;.{;.;··~··;;;·;. .. ~..:....;··;;'-'~·'. I f!i~~t ........ !.I.ti '1!~~t ........ J.l.f. ~~~~~ Piiii .. ·'·~ IHI llllAY 1·1 -Topea, Mboe lel --·---=000 -.......... °'·· ...... , -,000 1tMlt ...... Ceftdoe, ltenM --Pht ............ _ ...... _ -a.c•Dr ....... ttt.---.ooo 114 =Id. CbM -,000 = ... ..,.,c;..4T .:i. ~:..:.: ... :.::: 10M I ...... INYd, l'enln ~ a1,4IO,OOO ... IOhoomber, ....,.,. .... C.-, tl71,000 ... W. OoMnfroftt, Pentn -a111,ooo aao .... erd. COM U UllllT1 rtotn• ....... ,.,000 101 Twquolae, .... let _,a;ooo 1m a. OoeM,'""'" -*"'4.IOO 1141 .. OoNn. ,..._ ... -== ID01 Ktnee M, ClltfNven - -..... Ln. Pefttn ... -MOl,000 EXCLUSIVE 71 UNITS On elmoet I eoree W/ttfMMfY end open .,._, pool a rec. arN. top Coat• ..... Loe "' Newport. Welt malntelned, never vacant. Lt• 2 atorr twnhM unite w/I bdrm• a petloe. C ... few ftnan. detella. L .. uaUfNlble In. '" lend. M,I00,000 NEW LAGUNA ESTATE EXCHANGE 'rtvacJ, arMMrJ, c:loM to eA on almoat 2 acrH. YI••• of hllla, ooHn a llghta. Trt-le'MI home with .. nerou• lllMf'lltlM, all main enetertelnl"I room• + 4 bed. AH new a nev.r Uv9d In. Regulatlon tennle court with llght• a fanc:lng. OW IXCHANQE. ,. .... be Inventive A Mbmft l2,IOO,OOO. LINDA ISLE-10% CASHI a..utfful comer ptopeny with the beet In dHor throughout S bad. + all meln en....wnlng rooma. ,_,,..._few I boell. OW help flnence @ 11~ with 10% Mah clown peJMMt. A 1-119 home tor t.nltr llYl"I a edult entartelnlftl. S1,ltl,OOO. 111-1400. LAGUNA 80PHl8TICATED-£XCIT1NG TotaltJ Dffvate grotto pool ~ bf ftMl1y ii., 9Cfe of~·· 8epere ....... watertel a apectecuter VlEW. A unlqUe "Chrl9 Abel" S bed. + d9n home. One of • kind paradtMI S1,200,000. 111-1400. VIEW -VIEW -VIEW Tarrlftc locatlon and l•rt• home with forevet .... tor Oftly ... ,JOO Oft ... lend. Or Hchenge tor amaller home Off lncofne unit• In thl• area. Lari• 2·•tory, S bedloom plua ...... famltJ room, dining room ptua 3 c:er gM .... Aaaumabta loen. Term• flexlble. OW ..... /option. LOCATION YUi LOCATION! Remad1l1d 2 ... tory home with c:lau up YU of a.y, boatl, OCMn end night ........ Entert81n enforablf from tMa 3 be dl"OOfll, famllJ room phn ptlvate petlo. Owner ...... with good fhwldng ....... ,_ lend. LIDO CONDO-ON WATER lecurtty bulldlng with 2 bed. + clef! on one le'MI. ao.e atlp .. .....,... OWMf .. ...... ..... ,option cw ... tor ••.ooo la.aw. moo. ..... mo. •'"' , .. ,,,,u, .. ,,.,,,... •. , l.ITTLE 18. DUPLEX Two unit• ftMf a., a bMc:Me. 4 end 2 111 dr90l'Aa ...., '91\ted aummer/Wtnter. "11.0GO. 111 Ctyatel. ln.elOO. OVERLOOKING EMERALD BAY ~t "Whitewater" OCM1t VllEW8 from dale cuetom c:ontampottWJ home ..... ......., ..,... + , lll*oome.. meld'• ......... 4Vt be.,....,_ ............ ~lftet kitchen, tormal din. rM. at9d ........ cerrJ Flrat T .0. at 10% lnterMt. Cal fof detalla. ... ,000. 111-1400. BAYSIDE COYE YU CONDO 8ea11Uful dec:oretor coordlneted Hacuttft retrMt wtth WOIMMIM YU of ••r, boat• and nl9ht llghta. 8old completely furnlahed thl• 2 bedroom home ... clef! end dlnlftG le perfect tor the ~ Thle WAfERFRONT wunftr often boat a11p ......... end pool. S417,500. SPYGLASS -PASTORAL Skrllghta, atrium + two patio• and putorat VU of hllla. Open and wetl-plenn9d • bed. home with tamllJ room 1dlalnlng kitchen, a '°""-'.,... rOOftt. FledlliJ111\Melfto: t•.000 OCEANFRONT-RED $411,000 Excallent ftnendng .......... F.,..., w from tMa oubtendlna ptopeny ftMf el .... ectlon. W8"'.., M02 w. Oceentront end cell tor datalla on thla Duplex. 111-1400. CLIFFHAYEN-VU, YU-TERMS LMM/optlon •trade down tor"""-or ......_ ......_ YU with two 2 b1droom .... °" ...... lot. ,..,. '°' ............ ..... ..... Md pool lndudecl In lllfb. lubmlt ........ ..,,... .., 2I01 ktnee Roed, Newport. 111-1400. SPANISH DUPLEX -CdM Wei pttoed A only I lllooka le Ooeen. Charmlnt older home wllh 2 bH. + newar 1 becl. unit over 4-cer .. , .... Duuated a ederable. ~ BIG CANYON CONDO OWNER A8118TED FIM.!MCINQ on tMa eunnJ end unit with Yu from "9FJ room. Wrap-around deck, a bed. + 291\ be. towatr den and luaurtoua ,....._ ault•. Communltr faolllll•• of pool, •P• a ........ -... fORECL08URE-GREAT STREET °"" "' -............... ...., tntM Awe •.• Mxt door t• NeWpott. OrNtpotentlal-........ -......... Hpand thl• I bed. I b•. A '•"'"' =~rhood. Cell for detalla. Trr MIACUl.ATa HOim CHHnleRt to New,.rt a eheppln•· LM99,.... .. .., ................ 1er••••· Tw• bed + P•tl•. New :pl HI Df9" bf -Q' p1n., C.... ••• A ••II ter flnanel"I· t1ta,MO. .,..... NEWPORT CONDO '71,IOO "' ... ,.... ..................... "' ... ,...,. .,.,.... ................ ,"' ee.u,Mre. AttrMttft 'Hflalar ...tl c ....... ..., ,..., ... WATERFRONT HOME ·''' M•. \l.1'11H .. .................. .._...,,._. ....,. •• C-ll•f• llll ....... A••· -----.,.~ l"'4IOO ~Go-c... ..., ... ,., ................. Wiil a0111r11 Ad c.INowlMMt11 _ ,_, l.11111.l'*I lml/lft'I.. •n--.... -.ua .... , Wiii oont icttr 1r1d•n1 ua~§a'oC.-wn, a11vm ALWT • ILL w ••••HI Huoe bttlkM I ldrm, 3 anvtNno of value k>f ctwn low 1r1..,..t ioen.. baih, MWty ren10d.ied naymant on H r 11• 3 Mrm home. aa.o 4 BR, 3 8A, 2 1\y, 1erenr La1una Beach WU 119Af 1-4 1 "t '" :i11 · ,r .... T-• ..... ,.; ...... ,· lloine wltll pooll ,., 0Wnlt/bkr.14f..: 11-17...... -...... If lt's got COS, Portaflno, el eaance, appralsal Ill N L.91... ooo aMUrnal>M 11 1~ ,. 11 ' Aft, wheels, •4~6.000, u kln1 '460,000. &lier w/a.11\ .Choice overelzed lntlde lot. ~~!~c':rf::O::..H:. *lnlLAll you'll move on buy-down with early eterow. Offer 8p1clou1 home built around 64&.1111 IAY a OCIAN v11Wt1 • It faster In a on price & terrna. very privet• patio with •P•· e bdrm. 2"' battle, ,.,..,._. Dally Piiot llWI tnlU LIW llTllllT bdrm• lncludlng maid'• & 5 :,·~~ ~~,.,·~wug~~ classlfled Oreate.t terms on 4 BR, 2 BA beauty ln bath•. Looking for new owner TO tatuoot ad. Call Cotta Msa. Huge backyard. Pride of with wherewlthlll to update to lftll ..... •Uw.T* 642•5678 and a ownenhlp. Thll home will aladden your mllllon doller category. .., IW f rlendly ad heart. $186,900. Owner wtll ..... t With fl. nanclng. lmpt111lve two •lory home. Lovaty bay view. Four badroomt. Pool In front covrtY111d. Prto. redu~ I 160,000. Wiii cont ldar 11111/ option. 1560.000. 111·11• INI Ml 1·1 -ROIH' Mf'llln RHltor 38 IALIOA OOVl!S, 3 Viser wlll bdrm • 2 bath. AEDU-help YOU CED TO ... M .8001 turn your UT ... , rt wheels Into IUUll/.... h •11M11t• cas · ALAN L. ADAMS C9dlllecl lo Oo-c.;ane Whele-1M Fad Roll ·em off the rrwicet With I CIMelfled Ad Call Nowt 642·5878 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ADAMS FINANCIAL GROUP CORDIALLY INVITES YOU ANO YOUR GUESTS TO A FINANCIAL WORKSHOP How to plan for your taxes Instead of reacting to them How to Invest with pre-tax rather than after-tax dollars WORKSHOPS ARE SCHEDULED FOR 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. ON Peoc>ll wllo Med P~ Tllll'I wllal the DAILY PILOT Sl!AVIC! DIRECTOAY It Ill aboutl Ult 11&.1 wtll l&Y YllW INllHIAYl·I HI ftlllllA Imagine 6 bdrma, 4 baths, formal dining room, steps to Nord Beach & playground on beat street. 3,650 sq. ft. of good llvlng for only $575,000 with e~cellent financing. Ult l&YPlllT IHI MINY 1·1 121 ftl L.91 IM Completely remodeled elegant 2 bdrm home plus study. Also features pier for large boat plus si:nall boat. ldepl location on quiet end of Island . Only $1,850,000. Ult l&YflllT C ust om cou n tr y Eng llsh bayfront home with pier and sllp, designed by Internationally a cc lal med arc h i tect . 6 bedrooms. 6 baths, gourmet kitchen, formal din rm, security system. $2. 700,000. • l&IYH TUTI .... ,. .. 1 Elegance 1t>ound1 from tll• 1econd you p111 ttuough the Inner o•t• 1urrcxindlng floral bou· queu and 11ep on1tllhe Ille entry which I WMP9 you Into 1ndo0r-ouldoor IMng I t 111 f!nMt. FM tU· ring box-beamed c.W- lll'lQI . country rr..n lace c:urtaln1, antique Amerl· can Oil\ fireplace, Franch doore. m1tr tulle w/UMd ~ bricil flreplace.1225,000. Fab\M>ut flnanclng Call ,,,. ,o -Dl1"9 Pletanpol-Volpe 55S..9400 UCEnltw. l&llUlip 2 Bdrm 3 bath Laurel Point townhome, upgra· ded throughoul. Seller motivated and wt" con- 1ld1r •II offare. Priced b elow market at only $128,900. Call todayl 548-7111 SEPTEMB~R 21, 1982 RIVERSIDE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM 3581 SEVENTH ST. SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 AND SEPTEMBER 29, 1982 3 CORPORATE PLAZA DR. Lido Realty 673-7300 Real e.t1ter1 1lg c RIVERSIDE, CA NEWPORT BEACH, C~ R.S.V.P. 714-760-1515 H•S..ft. of CUSTOM HOUSE. Excellent financing IS5311,000 . JUST LISTED IN BLUFF AREA Fee land, priced to sell with 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths, spa, patios, security. $269,000. Ask for HaJlle Strock or Cindy Pelletier. ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO In the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms + den, 2'h baths, fireplace, private beach.'$825,000. Joe or Al Cefaratti. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $22A,OOO IN FINANCINGI Seller packing. looklng tor offer on thlt 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, flreplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to klll. $495,000. Hallle Strock. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Unda Ille, thla 5 bedroom, 4'A bath residence featuree a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious ba~de brick terrace and approxJmately 4500 tq. ft. of ltvlng space. Sllp and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller wlll help finance. $1,450,000. Lois Egan. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambllng ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 2~ batha, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller wtll carry wtth 15•~ down or will conSlder trade down. Joanna Hendrie. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. home with spectacular ocean and night llght views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000. Ed Eacano or Judy Jordan. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This wetl cared for 4 bedroom, S bath home has lmpreutve city and Catalina sunaet vtewa plua good uaumable and seller financing. $465,000. Ed Escano or Judy Jordan . LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25•1, down. $225,000. David Hlrec:hler. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, thla duplex with 2 two bedroom units has Hiier financing with reuonable down. Juat a few 1tep1 to the sand. $235,000. David Hlrec:hler. HARBOR VIEW ESTATE One of the largat lots In Harbor View Homes with over 'h acre, gorgeou1 pool, spa, Kol pond, 8 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 fireplaces, lkyllghtt and French doort. $495,000. Fee. Open dally 1-5. Submit all offera. Stephanie Burnt. FAMILY HOME IN BAYSHORES Charming and apactou1 on large corner lot, fee land with 3 Bdrms, famlly room, 3 Batht, wet bar, bay wlndowa and Frem;h doors. 1495,000. Ask for Belle Chale Lee. EQUESTRIAN ESTATE WITH TENNIS COURT Ruatlc ranch home with over 1 acre plus panoramic vtewa, 8 Bdrm, 8'~ Ba,~. apa, tennlt, and 1t1ble. 11,500,000. Ed Eteano or Judy Jordan. UNO•STRUCTID VIEWS OF CAPO VALLEY Englllh Tudor 5200 eq ft home with 5 Bdrm 5 Be + pool & spa to 'be ,conatruoted on 'A acre lot. Can be tallored to buyen special Meda. 1895,000. Ed Elcano or Judy Jordan. CUSTOM VIN LOT-8UILD TO 8UIT Try a JOlnt wnture Ob this .821 acre vtew tot wtth equeetrtan tratl llCCeN. 8eNer wtff tubordlnate or trade for other ,...dentlal or ~ propetty. '230.000. Ed r or Judy~· NIWPORT llACH 875-8921 ARBOR LAKE "BRIARCLIFFE" PLAN Private 2 Bdrm 2 Bath home, den, fireplace, mountain views and seller financing. $175,000. Ask for Lois Egan. "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11.15•;. on this 3 bedroom, 2~ bath gateguerded home convenient to the Hatbor, Newport Center and airport. ~ featuree panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city tights from large decks. $695,000. Ed Escano or David Hlrec:hler. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller will carry an AITO ~f $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a quallfled buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 tq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 3'h baths, large decks, 3 flreplaces and family room. lncredlble views. $695.000. Ed Eacano or Judy Jordan. · ' "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Aaaume exl•tlng 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25~. fixed or seller wtll consider trade on this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 large decks. private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city llght views. Seller relocating. $775,000. Ed Escano or Jim Sellers. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Spectacular ocean and city light views from this 4 Bdrm 2'n Bath home with gated entry courtyard and spa. $525,000. Fully asaumable 30 yr. 9¥.•t. 1st. Ed Escano or Judy Jo!dan. CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot with plant for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home wtth no houses behind or beelde It. Create your "eetate" that wtll rival all other1. Seller must liquidate but wlll consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. Ed Escano or Judy Jordan. CUSTOM 1,500 SQUAfm FOOT RESIDENCE! Located on an unusually large lot, this panoramic view home can be traded for reeldentlal or commercial property or seller wlll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms. 1 baths, prolectlon room, wtne cellar, famlly room & large kitchen. $2, 700.000. Ed Escano or Judy Jordan. 1..UXURY VIEW CONDO Sp8C(ou1 with 4 bedroom•, famlly room and 3'n baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir leke. $595,000. Al or Joe Cefaratti. TRY LOW, LOW DOWN See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba 2000 sq. ft. home with large redwood deck, fireplace and vaulted celllngs. $231,000 a11umable long term financing at 10.38'/e fixed. $379,000. Ed Eacano or Judy Jordan. TRINIDAD ISLAND HOME W/BOA1'DOCK Drametlc executive 3 Bdrm home with gourmet kitchen, family room, flreplace, and wet bar. $399,950. Alk for a.tie Cha1e Lee. COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large com.r lot~ thla 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hM a large patio with apa, cuetpm lendec:.ptng, f1mlly room and full uee of recreetlonaJ facmtlel. Try teue/optlon or tow down. 1825,000. Aod Daley. 1117,000 ASSUMA•LE AND IELLER WILL HELP 8pect110Ular 2 bedroom ooean view home with lwlmmlng poof and addltlonal Miter financing. 1850,000. David Hlrtchler or Rod Daley. WALKING DISTANC• TO MCMATION Channing 5 bedroom, 4 bath hOme In exclu9N9 ga~ communhy with UM of private beach. 1700,000. Davtd Hrr.ctt1er. UACH AND COUNTRY CHARM A • bedroom OOMn YIM relldenoa wtth maid'• quartera, format d"*'G n -.,., ,.,...,... •1t0.ooo. Aod ~ . ' t f!8 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOTl8und1y, September 10, 1oea • Lease, 2 Bdrm 2 Ba $1000/mo. l~·OOIO &IT. 110-Hll I U~l()IJI: M)LUTKN§ OPEN SUN 1-5 _ ·llllT LllE VIEW -Beat from Irvine ·Terrace. 4 Bdrms, pool and owner will , finance. Only $600,000. Leasehold. OOUITIY FllEICH Gated courtyard pool entry leads to this elegant cstm 5 Bdrm w/ outstanding city & ocean VU . Dramatic Mstr suite w/His & Hers sitting rms, 2-sty domed foyer w/ leaded glass windows, oak paneled den. separate maid's qtrs, tile sauna. perfec t ror• the most discriminate. OHered 2.2 million. Owner will assist with financing. #9 Muir Beach. CdM. Vee Stinson. !JeERE II UOELLHOEI -3 Bdrm in Harbor '.View Homes, pcrffft condition good , assumable loans. ree title, $219,500. 1 . PRIOEI IUlllT 01111 IHRFIELI -3 Bdrms, 21A baths, immaculate. Air oond. Patio, financing under 12%. Priced below competition. $149.500. l&YFHIT, SHl,000. 10% APR -Tennis. boat slip, flexible seller , 3 Bdrm -3 bath owner may consider a lse. Option easy to see. CUSTOI UIDEll l llLLIOI HOH I OHHIES Victorian on the Island 3 Bdrms. 3 baths. new and vacant. Beveled glass, rock.J.ue place and different! at $595.000 Spacious 5 or 6 Bdrm w/pastoral and city lights VU. Opn beams. gallery, formal di.n, library, spa & sauna. Every amenity + gourmet kitchen & 4 car gar, elec. gates. Owner wiU carry 1st T .O. $995,000. #8 Rocky Point, CdM Jeri Hunt. 631-7600 REALTORS. 675-6000 244S U.t Coa•t H1thwe11. CorCHUI Ml Mar WE ltAVE $1 OP' THE BEST LISTINGS IN TOWN 200 Wftlclff Dme, Wt. 206 ,.._,.._.17141 Ul-7600 *HARBOR VIEW HOME* Monaco Sensational 3~home on quiet street with pool sized yard. 11.25~ assumable financing!! Priced at $216.000 fee. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *FORECLOSURE* Take advantage of excellent pricing on this 3 Br home w / 12 V. assumable loan. Bargain priced at $152,000 with VA terms available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *EXQUISITE* Contractors own home!!! Smashing 3 Br home featuring used brick and wrought iron, skylites, atrium, shake roof, and extensive use of mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w/assumable financing! Call 714-759-1501 or 7141752-7373. *SOMERSET* Excellent family home in desirable HARBOR VIEW HOME featuring 5 Brs. professional landscaping & extra large lot!!! Offered at $285,000 w l 11.2% assumable loan. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *5 STAR PARK* $48,500 TOTAL PRICE For this smashing home in one of nicest parks in area. Two large bedrooms. formal dining & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 759-1501 or 752-7373. *EASTSIDE COSTA MESA* Lovely 2 story home on cul-de-sac featuring 3 Br and pool-sized yard. Priced at $187,000 w/owner assisted financing available. Call 759-1501. * 11 3 FINANCING.* 103 Down Payment on this builder closeout!! Extremely spacious townhome featunng 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to sell~ at $149,950. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm .. skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sa.Je ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * $1,279 PER MONTH* *TURTLEROCK* is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T .O. apadous 4 Br executive detached home. Featuring fonnal dining room, fmly room and fireplace. Only $212,000 FEE. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ' *153 DOWN* *PRICE REDUCTION* Beautiful PLAN l in WOODBRIOOE LANDING located acrma street from LAKE #2. Features 3 br & formal dlnjng. Owner aalated financing at 104'!!! Only $242,000 on FEE LAND. 759-1501or752-7373. *COMMERCIAL PROPIRn* 25 Yr. flnancln9 2 br house & studio zoned for art studio, gift ahope, antiques, etc .... ! Owner will carry financing for 25 years. Only $136,000. Call 769·\~l or 752-7373. LORETTA CURCI Call 644-1367 a1M011 no,ooom Exquisite custom wood and ·glass home. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Featuring three bedrooms, plus a convertible study; spacious Camlly room. beautifully landscaped garden. patio and pool arcds. orr- s tree t RV parking . Large assumable loans. Call Joyce Oabolt or Don ~Thomas. presents Ill.Ill PllllSIU NllT lllllW llW lfFERlll H you've been looking for a special kind of home, note th is: 2 story with balcony and veranda across front with view of passing boats on bay. 4 Bdrm and 2 baths upstairs with bridge to two more-b<lrms and bath over 3 car garage! Formal dining r oom, laundry room, fireplace, hardwood' floors are a few more amenities. All this for $334.900. Call for appointment to ELll&ICE II Ill CAIYH Two-bedroom and den "Dover" model de<:orated w ith ex<.>eptional taste. Dramatic high-ceilinged living room, and latge private o utdoor areas. A treme ndous opportunity to own in Big Canyon. Only $405,000, and the motivated own er will finance. Call J ohn Merrill for details. see. (i) --., ....... ,. 759-91• • • • •• uc.,. ..... .... ,..c-. PET BARRETT REALTY ,.. .,.,, I '' ' • ~. • ... ~. f-t .. ' . ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY!!· If you have not owned a home In California in the past three years you may be eligible for Orange County's Revenue Bond Program. Now for a limited time money . Is being made available ONLY for first time buyers and ONLY In the city of Huntington Beach. The loans are a 30-: YEAR FIXED RATE wi th payments and qualifying based on Ill lllTEREST RI TE IS LOW IS 8.&%!! If you've been considering buying a horne but have held back because of high i nterest rates, don't let this opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and Income restrict ions and the tot al funds available are limited so act now and call us 'for complete details: 556-7035 or If that line is busy, 963-5671 . Here's an example of one of the many properties that qualify under this program: 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with community pool, spa & tennis. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. Sales price: $95,000. Down payment: $4,950. First year principal & Interest payment Is a low $700/month. .• , NEWPORT IEACH OFFIC! 2970 Ion Mljuel DrlYI Newport leach, CA 12tl0 (714) 711-1101 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You." HUNTINITOll IEACH O"'C! I032A .... An. Hlfttl ...... 111111, OA 12141 (714) .... 7011 I • • --... ---· "1)H ,,,,., "" .. ... 21• ... ''· •••••••••••••••••••••• ltflee • 1211 ~; Ft. IW l&YFHIT h L_. 1-11 0 5 UNITS Mii iOi' close 10 ., •• • lot velue $340.000 SH0,000 CASH T ALKSI Prine. * only 845-9922 Agt 11111 YHll 109' .... On th• golf couru t Cuatom beeutltul 3 Bdrm Deluxe duplex • i.rma 0 flt your budget Own 1111 home, many, meny u -Of' part Darrell ownl agt Ith. $278.500 with 10% REIMAX 759-1221 down owne< wlll carry at -------12'1\% lnter .. 1 • ., ...., ..... lttr. 141-llH DRASTICALLY REDUCED EXCHANGES BAL ISLE E11cellen1 H · Prec:ioua gem atone• tor aumeble ttnenelng. trade. Wiil trlde preeloua Charming 3 Bdrm eotte- gem atone• for Reel ge. Perlec:t lor r•aldence E1111e. Wiii eonalder or rental. Remodelad. enythlng ol reHonabl• 3000 blk location. value. For Eumple: lli-4000 _ Autos, Yechll. Painting•.~ bull-pp 831~188 • RV'1, or equity In going ~ ltelEst1telHIM Wented, In pl~. N--------- poft H•rt>ortCoat• MeN BIG nncM unn~r atlL All lnqulrlel conft. U'rLn ~ dentlel Mell repJIH to SI, 100,111 Ad. Ho. 1020. Delly Piiot. Most apeeleQ,1\er VILLA PO 8011 1580, Coata on SPYGLASS Hill -~~A ... ~~·~C~A~9~2627~~~ Tennie court or 8 ear :: garege paulble on ed- lolning lot .... "' .. ' '"' •....•..•............. CONDO. 3000+ sq ft, top quallty, xlnt loc 3001( Owner 840-7990 '"' Hftl 4 bdrm plu1 1 bdrm Pll,oot 111 '"" '" OPEN SAT & SUH 1-5 14 •"'1 , .... Alk IOI' John or C11ey 111-1242 ~~uni)()\\ lkalt ·' "'9 11t11.. 11-1 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llilHm IULTlll M .... El 50' So. Bayfronl llPLD 875-28~ lmmeeulate 3 Bdrm, 2 1c ~~A"'.'"'M-=E~o-=s.,.,.H~OR=:E::-:S,-, "-by-ow..,....--1· bath own1r'1 unit enc net, ocean view, 4 BR, 5 apacloua 1 bdrm rental b d Pool l.c 2 both with lofted b .. rr I 1, en, • • -tbera. H-roof. Cit· oelllng1. lrplcl and •Ver) P•1. dtepH. $595.000. prlv•1• pool. Localed or Buyer u1ume ht et one of Cofone del M11'1 7Ye%. Down peymenl pretlle1t 1treet1. • S 148,000. OWC 1400, block1 lo llllle Coron1 000 al 12% IOI' 10 ~I. Beach. $298,000 780-1734 '"-1211 *SAYE 211 * ~"II[,[[ nAIL[Y f.. ASSU(IAT[S Prloe goea up In 2 wk• when lilted w/r .. ltOI'. 4 -.-.... -•• ---- BR 3 BA w/ oc:anfbly -- view. G,..l t.,m1. Clll 1•8l•Hll llf1 1sg...1010 Open sun 1-5 ···;·00~NFR·0;.;:; ... SPYIUSS "S.lffl,.rt" 5 Bdrma. 4'A bl fWdue.cl to $459,000 5 TWln Lake Cr. CALL 780-1488 400f<-bel1 buy on belch! By owner fS4o-7990 COZV 2 bd hOUM cioM to beh. $275,000. Open Set/Sun 1-5 5-44-1281. Ctn•• ''' .. , JIU . •.........•.......... PlllCE IUSIEI 1100,000 Whlt-atw view. C.-n.o iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Shore• home, 4 Br, 2700 aq ft. FM lend. Pool, pY1 beach ICCffl. HIQh U• aumable financing. Aa-klng $599,too. Tom Ba- a anew. PUOI LntfJ twt ,...., ... , .... .,, ... , .... .. .................. th hu•. Ler11 •.1 • ... •• • ...... • R&"M~ ., ......... ,., .. .. ,...., peel .., ..... -.~Fu-u.--=oc~EA-H_V.,.,.U-.- M•ltrHt ... .., C>Mlet egt 840-1515 ertel•••lt~..,. 12%1oen Jumlne Crk ....... '""94 G '-LIT ""'" ., Met ., With :t &. 1~ ea. "1>4C. --..... 9y C>M1et 84WSM ""'·--.., ...... , ...... Home+01111t+lncoMe owe 11t • Flelc. T9fme 509 Acacle CdM tw bCfl Spot .... Vecent Oupl9ll Huge 5br/3be+3tw/3be 440K own/a.llr 84S-704I l'.~!!!!.{'!. ,. .. , ........ . ~lf!~.tf!!t •••••• J.~41 llUI .. • ldrm 2b1 e11.ovll11• hoarne In lovely MHa Vtfde OUltl cul· CS.MO 12% l1n1nciln11 avlll. Lit• I • a1111m1bta toa11 179,toO. Oah 119-1'10 Or ong Co 11 OAIL Y PILOl /Sund1y, September 18, 1982 I' I ~~!!!!.{•.'.!.'.'! ••••••• «~!!! .{'.~!.'.'!.. •• •• • !'.'.!!!! .{ .. '. !.~'.' ....... '!.'.!!!! .~'.'. !.'.'.'. ••• . . . !'.~!!!!.~'.~.'!.'.'.... ..• !'.'.!!!!.{'.'. !.•.'! ••••••• ~~~~.1!!.1.'.~' ......• fft!f.!f!ff •••••. /.'Af fr.Jt.lfftt •••••• J.~f •• .. •1l•1tt• IHO !~!~! ........... J.Oj1 !~{'!! ........... J.~1 !'!'.'!! ........... J.~f !f!m!!.fH!~ .•• J.ljf •• " • IDlm 111 AAA ti 1001 FIMAMOIMI :.i e1 condo. low.it Plleed 2 OWNEAIAOENTI w111 JUST REDUCED " ...._ .................. .... 111 town ... 600 14t7t 1aorlltcia WoodbtldCI• a.......TI m lfMIM lbr/2tll rancih 4 bf, 2 be, IOWMI PtkACI In 3 Id rm ho ma w I • OOf100 3 9" 2'-' b -•-wrrww I etyte home wllgt ,lfd. town I 103K 10311 1t1rtct1v1 ~ wttk to O~ Olen 497·1037 hob.,y room aoo'o7.• lllOO 11¥11 on Qulel lttHI 119. Mllllll, 49'·1037 ach0011, poot1, a tenn11 l1bftHt WM4klqt •um1bt1 loan1. 1142 . Yllll 600.0wner 541·1430 --HTllWI cou111 1144,800. ror Obr,3ba.pool,Jao. 800. ,,tno on ly luttdet h .. 01191111 gain llYNOI II .. Ptrttltllrt ~!00~~rt•g~:n~~~~~ 1~1 Owr11r1ag1 801-0820 114•·8128; 752-0147 $20 000 probi.m1. wtll i.a .. with PHOll l&LI 2 1tory, 2 bdrm 1'.\ bl I IOt.OOO tr lou need. fUllTLEllOOI llYlll lalYll ftfJf, ~ 1114 •PlllOLllHI * ~llon lo puron ... Wflhln 11,ltl llWI bu ch .Condo o o . op call L.. 859 400 OrHI femlly home, for ••• ••••• ••••••••••• • .... w 111 monlhl II TOOAV'I 3 IPIG~I bdrm•. 281, Pool, u11n1. w•IOhl fl1e' mdt w/I Jltrl lfg lot . # 1 ,._.. \ f >I/. / 1l F If Don't mlM t~te beet buy In Newport H-40hl• ' 8dtm.1. 2 bllh I 1 wt Jaol tub) l"lm rm, open• to COVlrld wooo deck 2 • llreplac.ee. MIJllmutn ptl• vacy Ind tleetronk: otrt• Vary attrect1111 tlnanclng Dy owner • 12%. llYllYAlllll II• Ownw wilt CONldW :ino PRICE. N4tw 2 or' Br, 3 wlfrplc& lo 2catg.81~ room, aub parking apa on c;ul d•·•IO ac:rou S.. It tOdlyl Convenient LJllT 11 ~tor 3 yre. 3 Bf 2 bl Ulfllll h C1~n_do0-atc ,_! I,~ Full prlee It 11,900 ()W. Oc;"n tn1d Pier Vl.ew ltOfl\ Plrll Pat11Ct plan IOClllon, qulel CUI da • t" \ ,,1 .... I'•' Ill& ftm Eatteta.. 1188,000 Agt amen t . ._ real""'''""' ner deeperata muet NII Ullecl II 180,000, 85, tor your temlly wl 48dr, .. c. en u cepllonally 8-415-9254 L .. N /Optlon or purcna-nHI door to 111 ahop-ASAP PIHll cell bkr 000 under merl<el AU IRYIH t 12l IOO 2,11 Ba. huge lemtly rm. nice 2 Bdrm Md d•ll end 2345 18th St. N 8 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 Sale by Own« 1142·2171 lteutlfutly rwnodelad 8 ---------1 H $138,900. Comr.l•t• ping, theatere & tran-831·•5117 or 831·22411 cH h or new lln Oreat ' ~ dining & llYlng rm• plua uni\ Fenced patio, air IOrm plua huge famlly •Y ,,. llWI remodel plu• add llon 1po11at1on opp'y tor IOmaone whO Adorable tterter me In AIC Ownai Hy• "Sell condlllonao, community room. featuring French 58A 2 ~b 11108 /1 Country charm throuo· 714-831-8058 or 3 Br 2 ea, low down 11150 c an 1c1 fut. Agent lovety nelghbo1hoodl Ell-It". 1238,IX>O. Opn Hou· PoOI All for 1139,600. door• and wmdowe, ell , 1 8~.•oo. ',heu"'• 'tn ·, hout. 138 W1lnut 81.. S..2-2000 pr mo. Ownr/Agt open to 531-11100. Aek tor Jlrn cellent tlnanclng avolla· •• Sun 1•6. 18891 Ant-IPll llllAY 1.4 OPEN SlM 1-5 new kllc:Mn, profMllo-• " .,. S h o w n b " • p p t ---------1 111 off.,., 842·0772 R"'h-'m•r bl•. Min" amen111e1 In· nally tend1c1ped front OWC b1t1nce. Prine 588·&908. 784°18'48. B~ --------'V ., • c1udlng a'1rutt lrH1 Cell loch Agt. 582-7500. 142•1200 :! ~i:.''Q::::*C: ~n~le5~u -11390 & owner f~~w~!rl~1r.~!~n ~.'!~l~!f! •.••.. /.~~ N~l!!~.~· a'oO~ no 979.5310 WOODllllDIE MUI '1IW con1ttna thruout. TERRI-MESA VERDE 4 BR iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil utumablt loana Spec· 3 bdrm, 3 be. cvttom vtlillt quaqfytng own your Stuhed to I 145,000 FIC Ft~ANCINO AVAi· Pool, epl. nu cptlpnl l111lfltHI laculu new IPMkllng hOma with 3 car gatage, home on our unique Owner I• dHperate to PETE BARRETI .. l y .. ......, ..... Profeulonalty dec«atad 3 BR, 3 full balht. MC>a· rate muttf~lte. LUCll'· nt Mdt home le elegant •t>ove dncrlptlon. lt95 000. LABLE. A1klng 1239, S1114,900. 7M-&835 In euperb oondtUon pool & IP• mllle thla 3 2 flrept1cH 10% dn •hared appreciation fl-aetr thlt delightful Wat· ooo. FOf.,, appt 10 .... throughout. Thi• 3 be-b<, 2 ba, homa 1 ttfrlllc Owner will help flna.nce nanclno We ha ve 5 mlngton condo w/2 hug• call e.40-1151 Need 1 huge 2 Br. 2 Ba. droom home 011111; berglln. Fantuttc llnan-S238,000. homee In Hunt Botch. Bdrm• & Ba. Lovtl) I~~~~~~~~~ New OrlHna Condo, brick llreplece. Rich pa-clng. Wiii not lut tong II 54&-7044, 11111-011112 3BA 2,~bl, 1600 10 2100 MUST SELL greenbelt locetlon back· I· frplc:, pool, clubhM, walk nellng In th• dining 11ea. $139,600. Open houaa Ii 1 I Vi JI I03fl eq fl Peymenll lrom Leaving country, $50,000 Ing to gr111y park & the to ehopt? Drive b'/ 1741 Lovely garden•, lot• of Sat. 12-5, 979•72118, .~!J!.~.J! •• ~ •• ~•••••, $1200 10 $1600 mo. Call under market. Pacifica, financing 11 a "10" Le11•-------~ Tu1Un, Unit 22A. Call fruit trees. Ideal locallon • llRI Nil Ill G B M ua ehow you this beauty lllULI UY 1173_3313 for eppl. cloee to ell. Liited 11 Laroe 111um1bte VA 8% ,. eorge r ook• on Turt111ock 3 Bdrm. 2'~ .. 01 •52 7500 •.v.. HERITAGE . . REAL.TORS OlllOI H lt1 lllH4 1129 000 Clll 978•2390 loan, 4 BA 2 Bf on quiet Priced under markatl thru Fri, 7 14/119 t-5658 Bl. lomlly rm. lrg yard, " · " -AWARD WINNER 1 ... WI IHOT&OIW ' cul de sac. Nr ehopplng Lagre qu1llly hm w/3 centr air, lotmal dining. TUATLEAOCK Hll.LS oc.en views 3 bdrm, 4 ··--mu , I • I al " I & fwy. owe 12% 2nd TO balha. temlly rm, etc, kitchen nook, lrg utll 3 .Br 2 Ba. comm pool & bl, kit wlconvanlenc.a. Big Cenyon condo w/3 bdrma. 21h bl. Owner will cerry ·all financing with good quatlll•O buyer $325,000 10K down on ..... op--ff • Ill with 20% d\olln Appl only. $195,000 Submit on II· lff/at 1044 hobby room Opn House tennla $30,000 dwn or I tam 1m. lge garden, pl· tlon or 15% down on • 4 Bdrm, pvt courtyard Lov:r 3 bedroom ranch s 13-l,OOO By own•r. nanc:lng. Open Sund•~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Sun1la~ t.5. 5 P.uri)le wm lr1C1I 979-8888. agt 110. rotmal <STI\. rm. toe llv H ie I OWC batence. Warm count"' French etyl nc:Hn4tnu Tip Top ••2-2178 1-" Lake Parle 3 br. 2 Dr.tarn Sage -•1 agt lor dlrec rlT' Quiet cul-de-1ac ' POOL & SP'" Ideal to-.... "17088 Gr~11at St. rm. 1905 aq It Od ... .. • kMp your PAYMENTS decor. Alkl~ $174,500. 1 ,., 1 S C _.. aum 1011,. Low dn tlona Toni Norris· FOREOLOllRE $812.QOO. By owner 111-1100 under 11300 P&I. Hlgt\ty Broker 848-0 09 c ation c oee o . . 2Br tba, recently remo-lllln R E 11611,500 1042 13,n St, Llyfi.td 559·11•00 Slll.000 dwn buye beau· 873_.411 upgtaded townhome w/ -V-.. -A-E-PO_S_,s.,.=-s-5-1-0-N-4-b-I Plaza. Submit ell oflera doled on an A3 lot. Bull· • • tlful Woodbridge nome. !~~~~~~~~~ • ~ol I tennta. D•ll• " "' r, 1nd the teller wllllng to dtble. Forced ••le. Hl·IHI 538·754'2 I· e 3ba, pool, S6 O dn. ---------Call ror detalla. Ask tor Call emerald Say Ally _ , 1131-1291 1135,000. Agl. 5 7739. llstan Call tor more d•· $150,000 owner flntn-B••ll•I'" THTLHOOlt Jan we'll t end you 1 llat ot 111.-.... ...... Spactoue 3Br + 2'ABa, redwood p1llo & epa. h1nd1ome brick frplo, xtra lg 2 car gatage w/ wine c.llar or datk rm. Mutt tell ASAP . 64&--5880 FNIOLllll TIWIHllE End unl1, skylighll, llre- place. waterfall & 11ream. community pool. •P• & tennis. Low down and lntlfetl. Hurry, 1111 141..0IOI COLDWeu BANl(eRO 11.,.% ASSUMABLE VA S&r. 2Ba. l1m rm. St43, -t~-- . 900. 28117 Redtande ~~~~~~~~~. C .M . 831 -04411 :: 782-5111 Jim. , .. ,., ...... , MESA VERDE ONLY S 15,000 DOWN 48r, lg tot. 111um1ble lo1n1 . Stu -Agt 497-2338, S40-3668 3 bdrm, 2 bl. Sep. din rm. Covered patio. Adame and Harbor, near everylhl~OOO tells on termsl S 133,900. clng. {)rive bv, but do not • iuo [UjJ 1179·2390 dlllurb. 130~ E 2111 St H J'" Sig uvlnge. o wner. WllOObfld••c evellable homes w/ 2131318-&863 en k •••••••••••••••••••••• home plul land 3 BA/2 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij "I 1menltle1 In Emerald Sey 1 ln••IM• l•H _____ u_c __ 1~v OWNER 4 SA • Ba ea. s1n.ooo 851-3933 TIIE lllEI OOltOO Rtahlj 494-11140 ASllOCWD FAMILV HOME on the nme. a.pproK 2900 iqll. • ....... LE Lo•ll NO LAGUNACOTIAGE ~ I 10.ll,. Ea1t1tda, 3 BA 2 Ba plue Nr Meadowlark Goll - --lllVIAIU :iSl ·JOOCJ P11ce Reduced I Low -------- Large corntl' lot wlth AV bonus room and in bath Couree S2311K, 1 t'A% IWIER IEIPERATE FllA10118 lt?lthrnnu 1'~">·'"1"~ down Ownr Motvd PHL ... ( access Home ollera • over gar•. Large ten-loan evall up 10 Sl70K. Wtt41trl4&t Est1tt1 Beeulllul 1 Bdrm end Apprvd plans tor expan· l•i•t. l•td ltt bedroom•. maatar be-old yard. Room for AV. If also wltake back 2nd. Dix condo. Outttanding unit on the weter. Deco-TURTLE llOCI alon A·2 101. ocean vw. Cu 110 m 4 B D & FA droom. Super c1 .. n and you Ilka that counlry 945-o45o 3Br, 2·~ ba. Lincoln mdl • rated In aarthtones w11n IROIDllOOll Arn Miiier, agt 770-2169 Hiier anxloue to buy leetlng. call and m1k1 an For llrat ttme Buyers. on prestigious East Yale ahu1111r1 thruout Many o;looklng,pvt :°°1· gr ... another I Cycle l o lht appt to '" thl• home. N-program. 2 Condos Loop Tennis. swimming, extras Aaaume current Plan 3. 4 bdrm. 2'11 ba. lllllARI lllE 'ng rm or Ida. ueet beech. Call for Inform•-Devi n Real E1111a . 1 Br. I atory +furniture. leke recreation. excel flnancl"" and owner wlll Triple garege Nfe:e well In Laguna Beach. 6000 hse has own llv rm wllplc: tlon on lllf'ma ev1lleble. 842-83118 S71,000 achool St74,000, only consider carrying 2nd kept property Close lo •I ll . old , elegant . & king sz bdrm Darting $12• 950 Call park and pool $227,500 E kllch & ba Great pi(g for · • · · UOEUllT TIRlll 3 Br. 2 atory 129.000 dn 659·7058 TD Asking $118.900 lmmac .. very uropean. g"' Reduced 10 1320, lll·HH S 110,000 Call 640· 1151 Ocean views thru-out OO. Ruth Laurie. Altr 3707 s. BRISTOL In foreclosure. Thia 4 Call "68·2297 Agl t3y Owner. well located was prlQed at $1 2 mll-=:~?.~n:'.hc:n r:;. BY OWNER 3 BA 2' .. ba ~r:y•i;:s~~0;e~1:~ ._:1i:n1etEJ ~~·v~~4:' rn~~g~:,o -84-~-.. -3.-~-~-e..-.. -5-;.-7-:-~-- had for very 11111• down. house. 2.000 eq.lt., 2 for lnvntment purposes ~t if .1~!f Should not be available ' I • f __ .. d 3 di ~~~~~~~~~~I Cuetom 3 Bdrm water-Agt 754-1202 po•. ''"""" yr . yrs or av1ll. for lmma ale alter Sept 20. Serious Old Wi t k II P I d tront home w/plef & allp. . I e ama er occurancy r ce 81 Inquiries 714/494-9373 •••• llUln hOUH/condo or truat 1c1ua mld-1981 purch•· FORECLOSURE SALE. FEE Appralaecl $1, 125, 3 Bdrm condo, exoeltent deed In trade or wlll di· 18 prtoe ot S82,600. Ow-Immaculate Woodbridge Fantutlc buyl N ·end. 000. Sacrifice at only loans. Neer new. ptlcedl acount for c11n down nor wlll help finance Avalon 2 bd. 2 ba. A/C, Immaculate. spacious 3 lt99.000 AUYmabla tet for quick ula. Agt payment. 1153,000 1155·2033, 759-1071 Ka-corner lot $16,000down .. 5.,3,. ....... ft...feu'""". br. 2 ba. frpl , lam/ and 2nd. Open houH 754-1202 7~527 dye/ava ren & TO Pay 857·20•5 " ' '°""'"'",,. ""'"'" kitchen plus 1 br guest Sun 1-5. 1036 Polarla, 1 Tarbell, RL\IJORS BIRD - ------------apt Assume loan. Owne< 6'C8-0S23 B111n /11 S1/1 B••H• I« S1/1 PIH1tl for S1J1 Hoa111 lot Silt HoHll Uala11i1Ad carry 2nd. $259.500 Peg -------- ••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Allen. Rltr . .49.4-7578 IEllOl.ll ....... ,., Wt HHlll ,., Silt ...... ,., ~,, ~;;;;i·········i-iiz ~.-;;;;·········i·o;2 ~;;;;i·········i·ooi ••••••!.!,•!·~·········· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CIHtll 100 C.Ht1/ 1002 C.Htll 1002 CtHtll 1002 c,.,,./ 3ZOZ --------1 SEAVIEW -elegant & • • • • ••• • • •• • •• • •• • • • • • • • • ••• • •• •••• • • • • • • • •• .. • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• • •• • • ••• ••• • • IUOI llllE charming Hampton Mo. Tiny "Historic" cabin on del, fabulous vlewa, 0.. prime lot. 3 blocka to cor. epa, private comm beach. S 139,500. w/pool & tennla facllltlff. TIREE UOll UY $485,000. Open HoUM Private oceanfront com· Sat/Sun 12-5 1903 Yacht munlty. 3 BA 3 Ba. den Coflna 644-1017 $60,000 below market. $299.000. TIP IF UIE N-custom 3200 aq.tt. 3 BA 2'1\ ba. sweeping ocean views. skylights, Oak cabinetry. stained glass. spa. $495.000 HUT VIEW 3 BA 2 ba. super oc.an .--. take over S 150.000 financing Owner wlll carry too. $2 tll.000 4M-lH1 llllle leO.ra ... RE IWIH HIHUTll Make an otter on thl• • bdrm condo In a quiet & private locatlon End unit. 1112,000 NICI SLJSllH •• .. on theae 3 but1d1bl• loll Including plan• Permit• ready to be pul· led. $149,950. ..... a......_ ~-Ct-• 17141494-1177 llYSMOllES 2 br c harmer In geteO comm. Frtnch drt open on huge sunny p1t10, plans to expend. 236K. Terms. Ownerl egt. 831-6476/851-8300 , ........ AY&IUIU OCEAN VIEW from SN- view community. e.autt- lully appointed 3BR apa home. Guarded gatH with tennis & pool•. CdM DUPLEX: Ocean vi-3 & 2 bdrm unite. Prime locatlon and In axoetlent condition. JO-ANN DORAN lll-1111 '~CREATM PORTfOl.10 PROPERTIES, INC Completely Remodeled axecutl~ 3 Bdrm 2~ba. formal dining rm. huge lam rm w/wetbar. 2 frplce. spa. $260,000. Owner wtll buy down to 13%. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 CRESCENT SAY DRIVE 2297 Redlands Of. Custom 5 level home. at 23rd. ocean side of nwy, great 750-6565 or 544-9858 auumable llnanclng. Owner/Ag..-it Pr I c • d b e Io w m kt --1-IT-.-Tl-1-1-1-1-- • 97 ·2338 Stu·Agt • 540-3666 Back Bay area. 3 Br. 2th Ba 2500 aq. It Securtty WSI 0"11111 gate. p1lv1t• community. GREAT OCN VIEW. 2. $395,000. 5% Down. Witt 000 sq ft. 3Br. 2Ba. lam consider trades, etc. rm wlwet bar, lg llv rm Armitage Realty w/beamed celllnglfrplo, 714-544-2484 ANXIOUS $5,000 dwn • U I llllf •-S 1650 mo. tor 16 mo • ..-1 OCEANFRONT. 2Br. Reduced $20,000 to huge deck, wlk 10 bch, $1811,900. Remodeled, very pvt. $5.000 dwn pooJ. beach 5% Oown st 850 mo. tor 36 mo o w e. 5-48--6677 ANXIOUS. Ownar/agt WATERFRONT BV OW- 4114-1096 111 Sun NEA. 40 tt bolt tllp, epa. llAIDOIED ~:d14:d.p8~v;_1~:m., Cu• tom ocean v I e w iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hOme. 2 Br. spa, So. La- gune locatlon, atepa to beach. Steel It lor $275. 000. o.rrell, agt Ra/Max 759·1221 ~!!~~.,!!!! .... !.~t STOL Laguna Hiiis 4 Sdr home wlS78,000 VA. 10% loan fully usumabta. Flrtt of- far ot 1115.000 taha It, Bob Younker 831-12118 ~iiii':i~iif i'i1 BEAUTIF\JL OlD WORLD TOWN HOMES By Howard Mark Co. trom $159,000 41115-3244 780-9355 ......... y Wiii conatOer trading anything of v1tua tor dwn !>•yment on 2Br, 2Ba. OWnerlbroker. 541-'492 BIG CANYON OPEi IDUSE 11 llH Ytrtt 0••• S1t /l11 11-1 3 BDRM -2'A BATH 3 CAA OAAAOE APPROX. S235K Anumable 1t 12% $499,000 Own/Blc.r (211) 411-1111 PllOE IEllOEI ........,., .... '°' 12 yr• -amortll9d over 30. No loan co1t1. U1tta ctiarm & location. 1 ......... " ... ....... 111-1411 WUTalff FM land • low w/gd ae- eumabll In, Charming 3Br wltg office/Oen, 2 frplce. Conllder !ride fOf oc untta. 84&-74011 Open Sat/Sun 1-4 1337 Su ... x Ln. Remodeled 3 81. 2 ...... Wl.TOU.f In Bayehor•. $2tt.500. L H I 18tK ... con..,.,. Choice tocatlon. 011let 11on. 2111 c1rct1 Or. 1,.a, walk to echool1, ll48-42111 lhope, l)ltk1.Beltprlct ---~--~~ & term1. S Ir 1¥• 8a. "1Tm MUI =mll leaH option • ..,.. H ...... ,,......... Ftrof. ~llt.cl, werm 3 r.~· -·, ....... " I. 0. ,. :,,. ........ ,.,... . ... '"' ·"·· khah .. "'*· -• *9 .......... ~ WALK TO OCIAN 0" IAY •rom lhll I ... ......... ~­.. "''''"'"'...., ~, ... Loweet "Iced lft .,..., e111.too. oev111 "-•' ............... ~ a ,,..... '""""' .... lJOlr ..... ,.,. VU. tt Prl.000 Mf VOU "" tM t9"CI T~ ,. ,...1 .. I I •·a Orango Co I I DAILY PILOT/Sunday, s ptemb•r H), 1982 IN A QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD Great for ratsing Kids-a comfortable home wilh aU arnenilies -2 frplcs, 3Br. family rm -built-in kitchen with best appliant'eS -2 'h Balhs. Beau tifully landscaped with sprinkling' system in -Lemon Grove - Sports C.ourt -room for horses & pool on the spacious 2 acres of useable land. Great financing $469.500. ln San Diego's fabulous North C.ounty Call Narcissus at 481 -9094 or 756-2908. CORONA DEL MAR 3,000 sq ft of' elegance with Ocean View from both levels. Some call it a m ini Versailles, we sa y It's the best Jasmine Creek has to offer. 2 yrs new. Assume fin. Priced below re placement cost of $440,000. . OPEN SUN. 1-6 32 Mainsail 640-1212 Owner/ Agt. 200 FT. NEWPORT BAYFRONT BOAT ON THE BAY. PLAY ON THE OCEAN -Spacious open & sunny aU view home w/ panoramic decks, on huge prime Island Point, + docking & prkg galore, + vou, own the land. + owner financing, aU for $965,000. Open Sun. 11-5. 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island, N.B. 673-0202. BALBOA PENINSULA POINT R-2 NEW LISTING -first time offered in over 50 years! Lovely old 2 story 4 Bdrm home in good condlUon. Hardwood Cloors, wonderful front porch to sit on and see the boata go by. Plus, 2 separate bdrms over 3 car garage. $334,500. Call for more details. PETE BARRETT REALTY 642-5200 . . SPYGLASS CUSTOM OCEAN VIEW SEUER SAYS SlEMIT All OFFERS!! Ope n Sunday 2-6 7 Muir Beach Circle, CdM PICTURE YOUR HOME ON THIS PAGE · HIT PICTlllE ILllM SUIDI Y, OCTOBER 3 TO RESERVE SPACE 640-6259 975-0303 CALL 642-5678 SHATZEN REALTY g,.,,, /or S•l1 H,.,,, /or S•l1 H1.s11 /or S•l1 .,.,,, /11 lal1 · ,.,,, for S•/1 .........•••..........................••.............•.............••.••••••.••.•••••.••.•••••••..•..•........ !1.'!r.!!.~ff~ ... !.~¥ ~!.?.!!.~~!! .. !.~! !!!!r.!!.~!~ .•• !~. !'!!r.!!.~!! . .!.'!! .'!!r.!!.~!!! •. !.~~¥ v 111 CAIYOI v v Four Large Bdrms "" Wrep-eround pello with lush lendacaplng "" Dramatic Ill/Ing room lreatment "" Lerge master Bdrm wllh golf courM view v Ollered al $725,000-fee. v 21 IH .... , v .,.. IH41J 1-1 142-1200 UllH Y1IW 4 bdrm, 3 ba, family rm. formal D.R. lmmect. poa. ..alon. $389,500 Agt 759-1078 eves IEST 01 LIDO Lge new cuatom home on 1'h lots Open Seti Sun 1-5. 210 VI• San Remo. Owne</egt 675-30481873-2556 2 14r• Fini C•"• on Newport Bay with slip Total security. $495,000. Call AM M r•. Gort 714 -631-2'4 82 . 01 714-323·7517 New On Mkt S.nt.4 •"' Y1ewl Execu11ve Portollno Ell· pended temlly rm w l llreplac:e. Endoaed entry. 3 bdrm plua bonua rm and loft w/bath. Extra large lot. Beautiful pallo. FM land. Open Set/Sun 1-5 2182 Port Durnen . Sea wind JOANN AKERMAN Coas1al Ar .. Prop 87~70, 875-78118 • •• • •• •REDUCED • • • : $275,000 : • • • Ill ••• , ... llll .. , • • 6,000 •q.ft. of family living, • e enter tainment faciliUea for • • entire family. 0 Bdnn, 7 baths, plus maid '• quarter.. • e Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacuzzll, e 18' bar, IOda fountain, complete • eauna r oom , enormou• play • • room, gourmet kitchen, a 1ub • • sero refrta. a nd many mort • a menities. $69 9 ,900 . By • 1ppointment with Marci~ • e 644-7844. Seller reeervet rishte e • to accept best otfer. • • .... .... ,1.1 • 11-PllT • 1.111 •n 111-1• • ••••••••••••• DOVER IHOllEI EXCLUSIVE DOVER SHORES W1tll ........... .., Yin t-441 Galexy Dr!Ye 4 Br Den, Formal Dining SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION Room. 2 FlreplacH. 3 $695 000 FEE car garege ptua luge t Hobby Room. POOi llzed This outstanding value features fabulous ~~n~~a~:ii ~.~~:~'fie~~ pool & spa. Large 3 bdrm, family room, nanclng. Onty s.t20.ooo. formal dining, plus much, much more. Open Set/Sun. 1-6 111 Roblnaon Realtor 10% cash down payment ls only small Ml-N4l part o f excellent financing on this WANTED ... IHFllOIT tr OCWFllOll FAST ESCROW • Cllh plua shopping cent« to trade In Orange Co . Agenl. 8«·11513 WllTOUf f 12HHUU GREAT FAMILY HOME Owner financing avail•· blel 4 Bdrm, 3 bath, ex- tra large kitchen. Ad<*S room oft mut« bdrm, a b ig p lu• Near beat achOOI• 1237,000. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 1112 WllT .... BRIGHT, LIGHT AND JUST RIGHT. S.tl buy In neighborhood. Ofamatlc decor, large 4 Bdrm 3 bath, high b .. IT*f Cel• llnQa. 12SS.OC¥> • OPEN SUNDAY 1~ 1111 .... IU j Pr Ti I B.~!'HI r I RI Al I) fantastic offering. IPlll UT /Ill 1·1 1412 IWIY 0111 ,, ............... ., ...... ll BAYCREST BARGAIN I;-ove ly Fre n c h Provi n ci a l 4 bedroom 3 1/2 bath executive home. Just t educed $20,000 to $365,000. Assume low interest 1st and owner will h e lp fina n ce. 63 1-7370, 549-3546 . TRADITIONAL REAL TY PILI SPllll&S BY OWNER: New custom built home for sale, exchange or trade. Located near presdgious Canyon C.ounty Club area in Palm Spring,. 3,400 square feet of luxury living with 3 bedrooms and 3\11 baths. Pool and jacuizi. $475,000-fumished; lst TD of $425,000 at 15%. Call weekdays only: (714) 540-8331-Broker cooperation. A PETE BARRETI .. REALTY Gorgeoua 3 Br home w/ pvt yrd, putting green and meny extraa. Try 10% dWfl For detail• call P • I ...rt'k Te n o re . 760-8702 Mn •HI lll•lf •.....•......•.......• ~ ..... ,. ,.,, "" ••.•...••••.....•..••. A RARE.OFFERING ON FEE LAND Lusk built 5 bdrm. 3 bath family room. Remodeled. kitchen. Thls former model has new pool, jacuul, anc;f huge covered and carpeted outdoor en tertainment area. 3 car garage w ith added attic storage and security system. $389,500. Open 631-7300 Broker CORONA DEL MAR Open Houae Sat & Sun 1-6 818 Marigold .. An e xtraordinary contemporary residence by the sea. 3Br, 3 \ll Ba, roof deck with \flew. $370,000. COLE OF NEWPORT 875-5511 ~~.f'HP!~!~'!a .. 1.-~.---------"!""'~~ ...... """'!'------..... -----------------------------------------------.---------------~ .... ~----~'""'"--""""'!'!""'"°" .... -!"----,_.--""'!!'!' __ """""~--.,...------., f1!!~. ~ ...... /.~ff • If He. blllne, d/w, cpte. dt•P••· trplc, db cat 8.,, PoOI. t HO/mo HI llnll An• Av• Cail 21313711·1101 •381. TwnhH, nr s"Ci Plue, 8 A Pool, •P• ow 1780 mo No pell 762·11822 111&111 LANDLORD doetn't oar abOYt moneylt Saye 11111 lhla 3Br 2~ Ba cullom poot hO<.IM, gourmel kit lorm11 dining, rock ltpl dealgner decor thruout Many more EXTRAS '360 UNDER M,t.RKET rental•·r-ue 537-897 3 BR 11/a ba dph1, SA Hgte, lncd y11d. g11, $630 mo 2020 1 B Birch S t 833-1927 3br, 2'~ba. nr new. lone yard. trees Call ah 4 $800 840-50 10 SUPER SHARP 2br 2b wl patio, pool, kid ok $475 OC·RENTALS 150-8314 •1110 USTSll(• 3 Br Clean & quiet. car-I pets. drapes laundry h oo k -up . yard, garage Water paid No Peta 181 S1n11 lsebel 960-3989 2 Br, 1 Ba. 2652 Santa Ana Av• ir4 $450 mo 851-8228 3 BR 2 6•. '"' acre fenced, CM Westalda Fplc & much more. $600 mo 771-3938 Executive llvlng. Mesa Verde. lmmac cuslom 3 bdrm, den, tam rm. spa, sundeck. 2 patios. g•r· den room. ceramic tile kitchen, more Isl lime offered Muet quality S 1215 mo Approx Nov 15. Owner 754-1648 3Br 2'hBa Twnhsa, lrptc. pallo. pool. etc. $795 mo. 963-3018. 548-5128 Eastslde C M 1 & 2 bd houses Encl yrds. from $375/mo agt 675-1642 3 br. 2 ba Cape Condo, quiet. xtn1 loc Clean $760 NllllCy 497·2149 3 Br, 2'/a Ba. frplc. 2 car gar, nr So Coast Plaza. comm pool & spa S775 980-3296 E/slde 3br 2'~ba lam rm, frplc, yd, enclsd 2 car gar Amenities Incl Jae. tennis. pool Avail 10-15 $700/mo. 1st. last & dep. 646·669 t or 645-3028. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Oen yard. 2563 Elden. S525/mo. 831-3671, 675-2860 Executive Bluff Condo Like new. Bullder'a MO· del. City 11\hta and Ocean View 1200 per mo. t>42·3893 3 br. 2 ba, lrplo. Quiet loc Mesa Verde Xlnl cond $850/mo 675-9400 3BR. 2'/aBA CONDO 2 yrs old S 129,500 10<f. dn Seller wlll buy down Int r81e Rick, bkr, 831·6741 Clean 2 Br 1 ba. encl gar. yard. no pets. SSOO mo S48-e680 Condo nr So Coast Plaza 1 Br. pools, tennis. Ja· cunls, (On the ore•nl ssoo. 545-8293 Eastslde Condo 3 Br 2 Ba. frplc .. clean. pool S850/mo 545-6685 EASTS I OE 2 Br 1 Ba. t car gar. lge yard, $650 673-0168 2 Br. 1 Ba. yard. frplc. bonus room $525/mo No pets. 831-3671 or 675-2860. 2563 Elden 3 br. 2'/a ba, lamlly rm, dble gar. $900/mo 2567 Elden. 642-2191 EAST SIDE 3 br. 1 ba, gar $850 673-0168 3 Br house w/pool. S C. Plaza aree $750/mo Linda Hert 63 1·1266. agt 3 + 2 $625 Nice decor wtth plush carpe11. mo- dern kitchen. yard. flat. chlldren welcome! Pool too Maoy r1ntal1 at BEST 539-6190 coat Live here 3 Br $490 per mo. Room tor All park· Ing lrplc & a chefa kit· chen brighten It up, kid• pets great Hurry! BEST 539-8190 cost CLOSE TO NEWPORT Fenced 5 room home, cozy lrple, dining rm. lull garage! Kids pets are fine . $5 00 BEST 539-6190 COST $546 3 Br. Mom'• bath for prfvecy & beth for kid• 100! Hurry! BEST •539-6190* COST House + garage priced et S450. Large 5 rooms, ample room for every- bOdy. In I Y«Y good lo- callon. Kida. pell are no problem. GUARANTEED SERVICE BEST COST 639·4l 190 ... ,.,., JZll ....•...•.•........... $760, cozy cottage. 2 br. 1 ba. fenced big yard, pa- tlo & p(syttouee Garde-n«. water, trUh pd by owne r . C~I (213)87~888 llt. g . ··:::'•• '"' ...........•....•..... Sharp 2 BR condo, 1 llV. alt bltn1, pool, 1550 mo. Call 540·1 156, Hk for Dtve 3 bd, 2 b• houte with fnod yd, nr p ark a ect1001. $750. 840·4041 or &H--Oe21 111« e p.m. 3 8', 2 81 newly pllnttd/ eleen, f1ne4M:I _yerd. Nr M1ono111 a Ot rfltld 1100/mo. 11"°'9 gardener "3--67M. •It. 291, orctnr 1nc1 rno rno. Re I E1tate -the CO.Wt• Oran1 et Place HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 1096 Gypsy Moth, Huntington Bch 846-6621 $117 ,000 Sun 1·5 20 13 Miramar St., Balboa Penln 544-1281 $275.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 56 Chardonnay (Wdbrg) Irvine 760-8333 s 149.900 117 Marine Ave (Bal Isl) NB 63 1-1400 $254 ,000 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 2 BA plut FAM AM or DEN * •35 Balboa COv6$, Newpor1 Bch 673-1999 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 827 Via Lido Soud, Udo Isl. NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1-5 * 1536 Serenade Terr (Irv Terr) 631-1400 $230,000 Sat 1-5 3 Rue Fontainebleau (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $405,000 Sun 1·5 376 Broadway, Costa Mesa 631-1266 $148,000 Sun 1-5 * •633 C-1 Lido Park Dr., N_B. 675-4562 $475,000 Sun 1.5 **992 Bayside Cove W., Npt Bch 631-1400 $487,500 Sun 1-5 1577 E. Ocean (Penin. Pt) NB 631-1400 $344,500 Sun 1·5 3 BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11-5 11 Rue Verte, Big Canyon, N.B. (213)4 70-2880 $499.000 Sa/Sn 11-6 3064 Klllybrooke Ln., Costa Mesa 545-5736 $133,000 Sat/Sun 10-4 1218 Devon (Westcliff) Npt Bch 548-5508 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 870 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $312,000 Sat 2-5/Sun 1-5 3 ~5 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 3415 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 7 Surfside Ct .. Newport Beach 751-3 191 $131,000 Sun 1-5 2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $124,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 109 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt.) San Clem 759-9100 $465.000 Sat 1·5 458 Costa Mesa St. E-slde. C.M. 759-1501 $152,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr(trv. Terr)CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee SatJSun 1-5 * 204 Via Eboli. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $550.000 Sa 1-4/Sn 2-5 314 Marigold. Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 703 St. James Pl, ClittHaven. NB 644-6200 $295,000 Sat/Sun 416 Carnation. Corona del Mar 631-1400 $569,000 * 15 14 Ruth Ln. Newport Beach Sat 1-5 646-717 1 $234,900-fee Sat/Sun 1·5 1824 Port Stirling Pl, Newport Bch 646-7171 $214,900-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1901 Yacht Marla, Newport Beach 646-7171 $339.000 Sun 1-4 11 Rue Verte, Big Cyn, Npt Bch (213)470-2880 $499.000 Sun 11-6 2109 Yacht Grayling, ,Newport Bch 675-231 1 $372,500 Sun 1-5 * * 1418 W Bay, Penin Pt. N B. 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1·5 •445 E. 20th (Eastside) CM 675-eGOO $465,000 Sun 1-5 3 BA plua GUEST APT. *4801 Bruce Crescent, Nwpt Bch 548-6677 $199,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 3 BA plus FAM AM or DEN 2297 Redlands Dr. Newport Beach 544-9658 $260,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1472 <lalaxy (Dover Shores) NB 642-2510 $695,000-(ee Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1036 Polaris. Dover Shores, NB 646-0523 $899,000-Fee Sun 1-5 * •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 673-9187 $499,500 Dally 1-5 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beach 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2687 Redlands, Costa Mesa 631-0448 $248.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 6.44-9060 Sun 1-5 1337 Sussex Ln, Weatciltf, N.B. 6-45-7408 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 1807 Cornwall (Weatcllff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1·5 1301 Dolphln Terr, Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **308 Morning Star Ln(Dover Shra)NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1·5 602 King• Rd~twport Beach 760-8333 •150,000 Sat 1·5 2801 Harbor Vltw Or (HrbrVuHlt) NB 760-8333 1585,000 ., Sat 1·5 1883 Breemar Way, Newport Be1ch 759-9100 1385,000 Sun 1·6 --- ' DIRECTORY ... , ltM1 "-'dv directory wlttl yow ttih w..tl-..d •• yw '° 11et11 .. ti.tW) All tt.. t.eet'-t• ll•"d ..... .., ere docrilMd I,. 4JrHtff •tell Aly 94\<ri'*I tt.•wlle,.. No , .. Y'• DAIL'( PILOT WAHT ADI. retrNa alrowlfl9 °""' IHMI••• for Hie or ""'t _.. ~ .. ll1t well IRf-.ffol'I i.. ttih c°""""' Hctl S.twdey 111d Swtdoy. 2345 16th St. Newport Heights. NB 642·2171 '225,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 t042 13th St, Huntington Bch 536-7542 $168,500 Sat/Sun 11-4 1218 Key West, HV Hills. CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 2642 Vista Ornada. Bluffs, N.B. 759-9100 $209,000 Sat 1-5 •318 Signal Hill Rd, CllffHaven, NB 631-7300 $250.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 190 t Galatea Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 644-6200 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2298 Aadland Dr (Backbay) "U3 631 -1400 $248,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2405 Cilff Or (Npt Hgts) NB 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 26 11 Circle Dr .. (Bayshores) N.B. 645-6218 $299.500-l.H. Sat/Sun 1·5 32 Malnsa1i, Jasmine Creek. CdM 640-1212 $440,000 Sun 1-6 35 Harbor Ridge, Newport Beach 832-8800 $895,000 Sun 1-5 3422 Sagamore Dr .. Hunt Beach 644-7020 $399,950 Sun 1-5 7 Bitterwood (Wdbfg) Irv. 675-5511 $178,000 Sun 1-5 616 Marlgold, Corona del Mar 675-55 11_ $370,000 Sun 1-5 111 Via Dijon. Lido Isle. N.B. 675-4562 $425.000 1218 Keel Dr .. Newport Beach Sun 1·5 63 1-1266 $375,000 Sun 1-5 39 Beachcomber (Jsmn Crk) NB 631-1400 $375,000 Sun 1·5 1541 E Ocean (Pen. Pt) NB 631-1400 $470,000 Sun 1-5 502 First St .. Penln. Pt 631-1400 $438,000 Sun 1-5 108 Turquoise, Bal Isl, NB 631-1400 $575.000 Sun 1-4 4 BEDROOM 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1007 Tiller Way. Hrbr Vu Hills, CdM 759-1010 $329.000 Sun 1-5 760 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-4208 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 9 Sun River (Woodbridge) Irv. 760-8333 $299.000--Sat 1·5 1112 Westcllff Or (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun t-4 * 132 So Bayfront, Balboa Island 631-1400 $1,300.000 Sat 1·5/Sun 1-4·30 2001 Kings Rd (Cliff haven) NB 631-1400 $39"'9,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1024 E. Balboa Bl, Peninsula 631-1400 $1,450,000 Sun 1-4 209-215 19th St Condos. Peninsula 631-1400 from $255.000 · Sun 1·5 **2804 W. Oceanfront, Penlnsula 631-1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 4 BR plut FAM AM or DEN 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv. 552-7500 $238,900 Sun 1-5 1124 Dana (Plaza del Sol) CM 645-0303 $285,000 Sun 2·5 *3165 Bermuda Or. (Mesa Verde) CM 646·8100 $150,000 Sun 1-6 * 1776 Orlole (Mesa Verde) CM 63 1-1266 Sun 1-4- 410 Morning Star Ln, Npt Bch 675-5511 $675,000 Sun 1-5 14 Morrow Bay (Spygls) N.B. 760-8333 $595,000 Sun 1-5 3814 Topside, HV Hiiis, CdM 640-5560 $3 12,500 Sun· 1·5 * 1837 Seadrift Dr, Irv. Terr, CdM 640-5560 $478,500 Sun 1-5 418 El Modena (Npt Hgts) NB 631 -1266 424 Belvue ln (Pen. Pt) NB 631-1400 $409,000 t501 Keel Dr., Corona del Mar Sun 1·4 Sun 1·5 644-6200 $299,000 Sun 2-5 633 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 675-1852 $1 ,050,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644·9060 $575,000 Sun 2·5 2609 lighthouse Ln. HV Hiiis CdM 644-9060 $640,000 ' Sun 1·5 1848 Port Sheflleld, HV Homes, NB 644-9060 $329.750 Sun 1·5 12 Rue Verte, Big Canyon. NS 631 -7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5 * 11 Carmel Bay Or., Spygla Hiii. NB 631-7300 $625,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 1*1700 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 831-7300 1550,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Someret Ln, Westcllff, NB 631-7300 5416,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1924 Lffward Ln., Baycrett, NB 631·?300 $339,000 Sun 1-5 1115 Hlghland Dr., Wn tcflff, NB 631 -7300 $300,000 Sun 1·5 1530 Anita Ln .. Herbor Hghlndt, NB 631-7300 $299,000 8at/8un 1-5 J *4 Rue Blarrltz. Big Cyn, N.B. 644-6200 $850,000 Sun 2·5 * 17088 Greenleaf. Fountain Vly 542-5808 $195,000 Sun 1·5 * 1851 Breamar Way, Newport Bch 631-3755 $329,500 Sun 1-4 3105 McKinley Way, Costa Mesa 545-7447 $139,900 Sun 1-4 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hills 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 2-5 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $1,600.000 Sun 2-5 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1 .5 1142 Dorset, Costa Mesa 63 t-7370 $126.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1244 Polaris Or., Dover Shores, NB 631 -7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaiy Or., Dover Shrs, N.B. 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4931 Loriann, Callf. Hms, Irvine 759-1501 $137,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 421 Pirate Rd. (Npt Hgls) NB 631-1400 $249,500 Sat 1-5 1948 Port Chelsea, Newpor1 Beach 646-7171 $330,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1010 Sandcastle, Costa Mesa 644-2135 $325,000 Sat/Sun 10-5 * * 542 Hrbr Isl Dr (Prom. Bay) NB 759-9100 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •8 Winged Foot (Big Canyon) NB 760-8333 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 114 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt.) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis. CdM 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •36 Rue Grand Ducal (Big Cyn) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 1222 Sussex Ln (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $237,000 Sun 1·5 222 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB -642-5200 $795,000 Sun 1-5 2515 Windover Dr., Corona del Mar 675-6000 $429.500 Sun 1-5 213 Diamond. Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 644·4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 2162 Port Ourness, Newport Beach 675-7698, 675-6870 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 113 Pearl, Balboa Island 675-286~ $365,000 Sat/Sun 10-5 2 10 Via San Remo, Lido Isle. N.B. 675-3048/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward (Shorecflffs) CdM 631 -1400 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 644-6200 $1,825,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 BEDROOM * •4028 Channel Pl, Nwpt Jal., NB 673-0202 $985,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 2912 Carob (Eastblulf) NB 844-17"42 $249,000-L/H Sat/Sun 1·5 " 2912 Carob, Eastbluff, Newport Bah 6-46-1044 $249,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **108 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 675-61&1 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 1038 West Bay Ave, Bal. Penln, NB 644-9060 S 1,050,000 Sun 1·5 2724 Mendoza, Mna del Mar, CM 831-7370 $159,000 Sun 1·5 * 1808 Galaxy Or., Newport Beach 6.4&.7171 $849,900-fM Sun 1·6 * 1524 Antigua Way, Newport Beach 648-7171 SU9,90C>-fee Sun 1·6 I 8R p1ue PAM RM or DIN * 1219 Emerald Bay, L9QUna Beach 494-1177 call for eppt. Sun 2·8 ***29 S..Ohwooct (Wdbrldg•) Irv. 551-6829 $410,000 Set/Sun 1·8 #9 Muir Beach, Corona def Mar 831-7600 12.2 minion Sun 1·5 #I Rocky pt, Corona del Mer '31·7800 1111.000 ' *3 Muir Beach (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 *1 Muir Beach Cr (Spyglass) CdM 640-6259 Sun 2·6 1885 Boa Vista Cr. (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1 151 $239,000 Sa 1·4/Su 1 t-2 fl 1 Rue Valbonne (Big Cyn) NB 760-8333 $725,000 Sat 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1.995,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 p 35 Aldgellne Or .• Hrbr Ridge 760-1900 $2.650,000 1990 Pon Nelson, HV Homes, NB Sun 2-8 759-1501 $285.000 Sun t-5 * 14 Rocky Pt., Spyglass Hiii, CdM 631-2242 $3, 100,000 * #2 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1-5 1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $260,000 Sat /Sun 1-4 8 BEDROOM **215 E. Bayfront, Balboa Isl. 644-9060 $895,000 Sun 1·5 938 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $847,500 Sun 1·4 233 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N B 673-7300 $575.000 Sun 2-5 8 BA plus FAM AM or DEN * 1848 Newport Hiiis Dr E. NB 644-7020 $495.000 Dally 1-5 7 BA plua FAM RM or DEN * 110 Via Trieste, Lido Isle, NB 631-7300 $875,000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM #61 Lake Pines (Lakes) Irv 540-1151 $118,900 2 BEDROOM Sun 1·4 100 Scholz Plza PH. 10(Versallles)NB 631-7300 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2277 Pacific Ave., Costa Mesa 673-7300 $107.000 Sa 9-3/Sn 10-4 2277 Pacific Ave .. Costa Mesa 673-7300 $146,000 Sa 9-3/Sn 10-4 *1738 Westclitt Or .. Westcllff, NB 673-7300 $119.000 Sun 1-5 * 1063 Dover Or .. Westcllff. N B 673-7300 $145,000 Sun 1-5 2 BA plut FAM AM or DEN * *633 C· 1 Lido Park Dr, NB 675-4562 $475.000 Sun 1-5 * 1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv 642-5200 $139,500 • Sun 1-4 3 BA plu1 FAM AM or DEN 2645 Vista Ornada, Newport Bch 640-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 B~DAOOM Fairview & Avocado Rd. Costa Mesa 548-2239 S 137,950 Sat/Sun 11-5 1085 Stonebrook (Seablu1f) CM 645-0303 $134.900 Sat/Sun 1-4 ~OBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 BR ptua FAM AM or DEN 300 E. Coast Hwy Unlt 113, Npt Bch 675-3347 $60,000 Sal/Sun 1-A 2 BEDROOM 890 West 15th St., 1'79, Nwpt Bch 645-8744 Sat/Sun 1·5 De Anza, 300 E. Coast Hwy (291) NB 675-8843 $55,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 •R plua 1 BR 316 Jr!), Coron• def Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2·5 3 8R plua fAM RM °' DIN **215 E. Bayftonl, Balboa 111. &.44·9000 $895,000 Sun 1·5 HORSE PROPERTY FOR SALE I RDROOM 18671 Eunice Place, Tuttln 880-1980 * POOi * * Waterfr91't * * * Waterfront a Pe>Ot Sun 1-e ' - ... I ~~m.v~t,1~~~ .. ~t!!ft. 'lh.... • •• ..• • • • •.•••••• ~11.~fi ,,.,... "':.'::!.~ 'U';":' ,,. ,,~·"''•-' ~-.. !!!tl~t.. ~~'1!.lf.P.e!.1. .• ••••la11t• "'"'"-.~1!)1 .... 11!.l ...,,,!•,. .__, ._.. 1.i ••• ~iliff .................... ..:n:71':':T ............ ~.~!~.Ir .......... lli~'l~.'f ........... "~.:."' D!~IRT ca N_.. "A1111< Hew,0111T, .11 ••••••f,•••••••••••••• llOMI! ,014 RlHT ••••ffi•••ttt••••'"\' -m!f. • ...... r.o1: .. ;,rf.nftf •• ,.,.r...•:: lal .,,.. ••• .... ':'::'r •••• r~ •• 'S' fall r av wll l wllnd1 lllf 2 bf, 2 b• wl.ml)I. ... 11! JJ41 ••• • • • -.4-'lfr.u• .Htf rr.'1171 ."S"fr.r.,, ••• /!-. .U~ ~ti 11. UH • I I La.ti ~... ,., YI.I nuMe, tpl, m-• amtnlllH Incl, tennl1 l-g• OUllOtn 3 bl' 2 01 3 8drm, neo '•no•d Hllleld. ••tOullve nome. ~ .. , Hlrl>Ot &nop·o. roo-.... j ~. 8!AtkORE OAIV 2 ., H6-t' 10 w 0 m I n 0 " • , 3 I GOlldo. dt>te 011 )Un• too. yard a g•r•g• Kid• & t>CI, .av. ba, rmty rm. !Vo .a..--.. • ..,. my, ole•n 2 IA 1 It, •••••••••••••••••;;-•~• lb•. ., '1001mo ytl ---Hontmllr U10 tMI utti. 10,0 + eec nata pe11wt1comt S4f·2000. rm, l>Or!UI room, 3 frpl, ''IDDD ~-u.-..8 b••m• no P••• 2t>Clrm.11>1.•l'l'I01ttoe. 8'2.J92 'I lt•l'1I ff Uml111 720-atU 848 4042 Plf' Ag111t, no,,1 .. a. Jiii ~~~~~~~1~!J-::: .. AlllT9ll'fl ::21~o3:2~" ~:1~ Co r.:i!r;~ .. ~~rn; II Ind IStept 10 l>Hotl, 2 ldtm Di:C',j~j~;,j~'ti;.'~;i. Wiii 9"',--2-b-,-. _1\_0_l-~--w-1 6111 3 &n. :> Ba, fP Walk lllllMll If• d111er Wlllt end 111111 uHUllfUtl'f llndtca~ed ___.:_ ' •· 2 oval !'' IQ8, 1525 ~ tH POntlbll "•mlll empt llt)etel M 0Wt 30 I "'~h ~ h '"80 ••••'"••••••"••••••••• · LIFE'' ,.,den 1pt1 POOi & P• 21 .. bd a den 2 b• lrpl 17• 2 2 p ... ~--'-..._.. 1 ....... Pol l""'. a' p6110 .. 1.1tc:m 'poutt, NICI! Cnn w/pttly "'•llO pickup M1·771'1 11, __ , ......... 1• NO...... .,f:;.,'!!0duplea, pvt Ylfd ' ' ' ' ... 4 111 8PM 0·31~·10 lllera IU• _,..,.,,..., ._..,, .....,,..."• 1 .-....,_ ,.... ..,..,, ... lndry 110011up, tennl• a -x 2 adrm Piomonio-4t7·Sl96 644 1094 o'J.~~~~~~ ~:C,l~~4 4 0!'ao:P:eJi!:. rnc~:; Y'-All.ffUNO PUN! ~;,~ t:tt~g 840·1169 ;r.,~eo.37n,5 b Cl h ~~~:' mi: o:!~ (ui. T~nr•· over· P-111-l-h11--"'-~-.-Ca-1_1111n_e HOMES FOR RENT OC·RENTAL.S g 1td•ner ' wet er. .Soc Ill AcUvlllH 11260 V1nguerd 2 GR, 2 beth, ylltd, OI'•· lronl 2 Br Of 3 8t N•wly 00111 poo . 11\0 fffU• view pvt Dtlh. etll lneJ 3 6 • Bdrm. S725 10 t· .. bt 1 $"""to 12000 '93·2448 DI r 1c1or•'r•1 MO·H2t or '42-4006 g•· frptc, dl1hw11har, 3 Bdrm 3 DI Apll A~all 1amodel«S Can be IUt• '"'· CUttent pl\OIO, pet• utll l300 036-0794 S•oo F d d & "' ,;vv a 1••A ._.. HH lmmao11111~. 1800 • 7 . .. .08 1on11 bl~kground to --------- " •nee yir 1 750-331• ()pl(! 7-deyt I I A. Jiii ~~.:lo••• llOony """• ..., ...... ..., M25 Wlttf peld 2 kid• ~~· 141"44 1' 1 P 0 8ox 36·8 . B1lbo1 At1p s>erton to •hr ocn 041egH Kt5da 620P0 111 .~.! ...• !•••••••••••• ,. l,Arge 2 Br, 2 8elllil 5el OAADIN AITRIAT 2 Bt Ok Frpto, dl1hw .. her. B11chlront wlnttr 1entll ltllnd, Calll 92882. View hM, NB 139.& w/ welcom•, 45• o Newpon 8hOrff3 Br 2..., 5yre new 3'8d1m, 1~be. ,.llltlea•PtUa 3HW.Wlllof\ w. Ba Conde>, ov1tle» i•r•o• 8'5-11000 Oct·M•y '408 Seuho BA 2 8 ....._ uUI Non-emk1 87&·1<>92 Ag1n1, no 11 Bl 2 block1 lo beech, OUl•de•iac, llldt ok. mUOllQ ft ,fllor,e 131-55'3 or 642-4905 klnn .....,.., IPI & tunning 'f 9 1700 ,. ... 2 e ••-,.t apt w/ clo11 to IChOOI & 1tnnl1 I .. ..., """' gent, no M 11· 2 '· Imo " Uf view lllT' 211·36 'ti F TO 8HR APT ON 8CH •W IUOlt 982·6883. 725/mo, 11111 .. 1 1300 "I c "I AT Io N 3 Bdtm ;-.;;;; M2& brook. •Int oond. No 01,11e1 1 Bd1m IPI, ulll pd 1800. Ulll• p1ld. C1n bl Approx 1375. '842·4~00: 12110 MO 011.1295 Lerge 1 bdrm. I be d1p. Avell 1011, Heidi T • n I .. I 1•1 E 2' 1 ,• 648 2408 pell. '8110/mo. 848·14112 4 bl"• 11om b~lch f u, n ,I •hod , 2• hra No 518 MOAN & EV" EASTBLUFF E h 97~2"""' n I• r re e " · I • ' Or 041·2880 " 114/"44•0&1• " ' . '" Condo Community pool. •ec ome """' LeNOnt (pro ' pro 1'400/mo. 207 Ch c1go " " apa, llC gate USO Pl' 3 br 2 bl din, torm11 MacAtlhur Vlll•o• ' 8r • hop). 2 H ••I I h Spacloul 2 Br. 1 Bl 1425. •EASTSIDE, 2 bl, 1 ba, 1·985-il95• Wiik 10 t>eaoh. Yr•z CIHn Fln1ncl1lly rHponelbJ• Fem hll 2 bl •Pl IO mo S38-4040Agt dining, 2 lrple garden Condo. Walk 10 1hO~· Club1•S1un1• 3 Bt. 11.t Ba. 14711 . kld10" P11t?l596 Utll 2 b 1b 1860 I F1me1a 2~39 iotlllf•& ltl1tewll.35 up l1il0+ petlo. St2 50 mo 1 147" ,140 Hd L1vndty fee .. pool. .." 30 Frelhepllllavel3bt,2'1' r, •. ·ope• oc1uton1tH01tea1,45' '"'ulll&.48.oeoe 3Br. 28a Condo. pool. dbl 842.0360, 857-4828 P no "· 111 Y romNNge• 1148-"5 ... 12-7PM. pd 8"1•4 2 Agl. b•. lrplo, encl gar DIW, 645·'819 M I S II d 11-'" I 0.,..,..., S795 mo 1687 l sec. Adultl p1al. Heidi Swtmmt~•Ootf • "" r:•sT•toE .,.16 842•28,.7. YllW ••f, 0 or· 1 01 oc '"" n Fem. 26·35 non·tmkar c -..-E tbl II 3B 2b A all 979 2390 OflYlng All\OI ""'" .. .., • ..-Newl)Olt. h .. Ctrtltll air, Townhou11 ctou lo enyon Ln 979.5991 ~·o Wu s Id 0 0'1 m yo • I • I Au',, u l B•c"•lor 1 B•. W I t•clu11Ve Clltt Or .,... hHI, 2 balhl, lhOWlr, occ. CM 1325 . .,. ulll RIGHT FOA FAMILY 640·9019 Arnie or W11t•/allll Jlfl APA•UMINfl: ~lfleld .no-.lgeyd.$275/rno 2~h,2:h~=~o.$~m~r 181ge I Br Fantnllc kl1Ch•n. Ill electrlc. 842·1801. 5 complete room1. 2 lull 831.0830 ask tot Elelne •••··.··11••••1•,••0••m••••••• SI n o I e 1 , I & 2 p•-y ·-· 673.0168 979-7829 oc11n view. $800/mo PIHH 11nd tHuma, -P-----3----bllht, Hcure g1t1ge Bldroom1•Furnltllld _. _.. •• 2Bt 1Br, 1425 mo W led e y 1 8 3 2 . 3 4 0 O currenl pholo. pereonel erk Newpon, t>r twnl'I· K I d . I 5 2 5 BEST IACI lit 3 t>qrm houN, 2 "' ger 6 Unlu1nl1hed•No 8Hullful gudan ap11. Bachelor 13711 mo B I 972·0171, Wknd1 & EYM background lo P.O. Bo• ae. FI F, vu b1ck oey, 539-8190 COST Lux twnhl on Univ Or Corner. RV 1.c:o .... 1540 Peti•Modelt Open Plltoa/dtclict. No pate. 2 497•2338 5,.0-3888 Stu ••I •flH 942.1284. 35-B. Belt>oe lllend, c .. pool, tennl1. apa Jen $400 2. Br. Neu bt1c:h. 3br, 2 bl, 3Cit11r. •Piii 968•7581 dilly 9 toe. ~h~:~: ~; .. 15'40 Decorlled apecioua 1 bt, •• !!!!~~.'. ..... .1!.t WATER FRONl lrg 2 bd, 2 Ill. 92862 - 76 - 9 -.00- 4 -8-·----- lemlly unit ready. Now level. No Pilll. 950/mo C1a'1•JtU•al • OllcWOOd 2 Bdrm. 2 B1lh1 $585 1 bl, CONDO. Sec. bldg, 4Br, pool, IPI. ba, lrpl, enlty, med. car N.B. e;1rylhl30 you'd PltlllllTt•Y ".,. kids are allrlght. Cell egent 649-7962 U•litallAH Jiii 1 ... ~tl 398 w. Wlteon AC, blHn ippl, wld OYI· $1500 mo. ,..._ 0.,, lrg petlo, small boa1 w1n1 bch, S 25 + 11.11· Lu•. 2 br, 2 ba, 1rplc, all BEST 539·6190 COST LIDO BAYFRONT naw 4 ...................... -. 831-6683 01 8'4.~·4905 let. carprt, patio. nlfoP•'•· 492-4353 lo 15' 1950. 111, 1111. + aec. + v. ulll Call 1m1nltlH. 1342 + ..... 3 er C do S C 1 .... -....... 17 .... _ -.. 2298 631-36'8 bldl:30AM or .. 1111. Non-1mok1r • ... uge 3 Br $585. 2 Ba. Br 6 Ba $2950/mo. · on neat o. .. .. ,_... nr S.C. Pl~a mo. ..... . .,,..,. · ~ ,, Pl I & I I I --..... /.. TownhouM 2 Br. 1•1. Ba.. Ill 10:30PM. 675·9534 11mlty rm. dining rm. Cell 831·3871, 675-2860 au. crp ng b I• ne, t .. ,...., • frplc, pool, ape, aUaohed 656·2394 IYH & wtcnda. L •• ••.•.•.• •• • ••• •.t.• •.••• J.1.4,1. Llgh1 manag...,..enl dullea ---------BEST 539-6190 COST overlook• 011enb1lt, 880 Irvine. '' ..• _ .. -,·· Larbi 2 Br 2ba In COfon• __________ ,HarbOt View Homes. Car· pool1, sp11 & clubhouae ( te h)d g1tege. No pita. Avall Sp1clou1 1 Bt Garden Oc.1nlron1, MIQnlllcent tor red ........ rent lor tell· daJ Mar. So. of hlghway. C.t••n Ill 11•14310 •BRING THE KIDS• met Mdl 3 Br, temlly rm. avall. Security gata at t now. H26lmo. 63 1·~9t14 Apt Pool & iec All ulll 4Br S1750 mo red cpl 2BR apl, ulll pd. 1350 mo 673·9102 ••••'••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2 Ba allows pets LHseSl150 644·6977 S650.C111979··823fev11 (714)&45-11<M 1550/mo 2 Bf .,., ea pal~Nopeta ' 497-20A2-Sml beach .mot el ---------E Sio. CM llngll on pYI t 0 o 1 R • n 1 1 s It at e1ull1 3 br. 2·~ ba. tam & wltnds .. .,.... hM'11t. Townll~M. balcony. In: 195:4J=•A~e"!.pt 5 Large Studio with kllctten -6-'-5_·_0_44_u ______ X!r~PI~~· !~~~'::. °fm: ~:· ~~··:~~~~°'~ S5SO/mo rm. greenbell. pool 101angetree Condo, $475 1700 16th St. dry rm, car l)Ott, all bll· drenlng room. I blk Baylront 1 Bf apt Ill ullla Eveel wknde 840-8910 Av ell tor the flrat or Oct $ l400 mo Agt ~4.o 134 1 Bt & loll. tennle. pool, (Cover at 16th) 1n1. Avell S191 D••• l•l•I 3121 I> each $ 4 2 5 / m 0 paid, $450/mo yearly Dan• Pt oar•. lronl drl· BEST COST S39-6190 0 (71:41 642-5113 TSl Mgml 642· 1803 ••••••• ••••• ••••••• ••• 497· 1955 673·8222 E"lJ) F. to Shi lovely C.M vew1y, clo11 to beach OVER 4 ROOM HOUSE 4 Bdrm 2'h be In l1vln1 ;~~ ~ ~4~ N p 11 t VACANT 2Br, 2Ba, Cit· ----J------I home w/ .. me. $300 mo $70. 873-3313 $300 rents I + small Terrace. 1 Yll' lt1t• • $530•$540/mo. 2 Br. 1 Be porl, $525 mo TINY RUSTIC COTTAGE Verlllllea r 1 Br MCutlty utll Incl 545-3369 S 1600 mo Avell 9115 2 bd. 2.,., ba. 2 car ger. 1 11ory. 1h11g crpt, drpa, 542•3597, 730.71115 Nr bch. g dwntwn, llngle. condo, luxury 1menltlea Single cat g11age In Cotta f1hlld ~ay~ P8\1 may~ Aak lor Kalle Roberta. Iota/storage, Nt Harbor ~allo, lrplc, blamed eel-n 0 d 0 0 1 , I 4 s o SS65. 493·0379 Non 1mlcr 4 BR hae. 11191 Me ... complllely enclo· • oo a ence J~ · u n 1 q u e H o m e 1 , HI Sch and Oakwood Megnlllcenl view. 2 bt, 2 nga. enclld g11ege. 1 Br. ge11ge, near oce1n. 760-9657 OCEANFRONT 3 8, 2 Ba. 10 beach. S350. Md le5/mo. 761·5266. Dll·ln applns A· 876·6000 Apia. 545·3674 di, bl, ltplo, 1ennl1 cte, fie. TSL Mgmt. 842·1603 very clean $390/mo. tge unit, apectaoular 876-3231 0'11'•111•1•1 ~~oo RANTEED SERVICE 6410 5 56 lluna. ~ool. welk to 2131402-2857 See at 111. .. .. BEST 539·6190 COST Harbor View Home. 2 Br. • 1 · evea beach. 1100/mo. 01 1325. ulllllll• Incl. Sm. I 24662 Cordoba Or Apt lllrtHtl lt•l• Jlfl ocean view. Welklng 2males10 ahr uni 3 BR 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• den, 2 Be S 1100/mo. bd. 1882 N-port Blvd, A •••·'"'"•••••••••••••••• dlatance lo •hopping & ba apl, 'A blk 10 ocn 1617 Weetclllf, N.B. 256 /mH 3244 _64_0_·_8_16_9_o_r _8_3_1·_3_9_85_.--1~r..'.'!!~~!!.!~!~.'!!~ ~73~3~k~. r a 1 • 1 v•11 · CM 631·7392 -.-· -,-,--,------1 Nr~nia~s~'v~~tA!t~~.ndo ~~Fart'~ ~l~~~'n ;:~:~ $275 & 1325. 673-9127 ~~o:>°5'~~32111. floor. •••••••••••••••••••••• Huge beach·cloH 4 br, 3 I /H.t /.I ' 3111 Nt 18th1Pomone, 1 Br 1 •• •I•• ,676-4912 Br~er 110001mo. 673-4483 M/F ahr my Eat. CM hae, -=-------- SUCH A DEAL 2br 2ba tg ba dplx. btl·lns. S900. yr .! ••.... !.~~•••••••••• letlltfrtlt &,t 81, downetelre, O/W, '"'' 3140 ---------~1 pele o k. 11undry, etc. •llUU IFFIOES* gar. spa, bll·lns S575 1se 0c1 1. WINTER 9 mo. 3B1. 281. 1 bdrm, winier rental carpon. water pd. 1 chlld •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. 1 ba. $575 ye1rly 1350/mo 646-7673 From 1room10 3 room• OC·RENTALS 750-3314 (213)376·•5091396·6086 I fully turn, 3td hae lrom $426 lncludln~ ullllliH OK, no pelt $450. Agl .. Delulle poolalde xtra large Steps 10 belKh 1116 W F 11 18 11 No . N 1 • 3 7844 1 1u5 2000 2br 2 be bltn1 dawtlr Balboa. 2 room• tor tllll, Isl and rom • eq. · LUSESU Harbor Ridge teue 4 Br 3 So Bey s 9 oo mo 5'~ ~:301· v • ' no ee. ~ • 1'A0mllet be.en Nope11: 213·1!65·2S42 tut req'd. Cell bel 6 end te.M r41qulred. Adj. Alt· 3 Bdrm detached homes In ucellenl ere• Avella· bte l mmed lately. $800/mo on 1 year lease. Five others 10 choose lrom We're the ones to call for leases \V\H\dbrldgc RcalrlJ 551 :IOOO &9?e fhrr~nr• Plrl"''·'"'"'' llElfTAU 2 to • bdrms. starting at 5800 to S 1395 Ba, beaut decor, 3600 ft, 675• 1030 • STUNNING large 1 Br. $500/mo. 536·8362 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING 9 PM l)Ottet Inn 2172 Ollpont. pool. tennis. guard glle l•IM. Winter rental• Gardin Apt, pool & rec IN NEWPORT BEACH S1ep1 from Beach. 2 960·8968 Cell AM 833-3223 $2500/mo. Bob or Dovie ri•i•HI• ,,01 now 1vallabll. Call ltH. 710 W. 18th St. TIWIHlll lllTlll A total environment bdrm. 2 be, fireplace. Mllute F 10 shr CdM apl Altpon etH • Exec. Sui· Koop, Agt. REt MAX •••••••••••••••••••••• .IAOMS IULn * 2Br. 1Ba. NHr So. C. 32 bb1'·1~~t>ab1', SS555075. apartment community on $6765350 6202 2111 SI . In exchange lor cooking let. From 225-450 eq 11 759· 122 t Small 1 er. carpets, dt•· PllP llAll&IEIElfT Plan, S.A. Luxury Con· ,. the Upper B1y. Prlv11e • 4 • & 11 haewk 644-5319 SI per IQ II. M1ny x1111. NE w po RT c A Es T pes, refrtge, 1tov• 1 11 ... 1111 do, w/pool. 1550. No Oppty lor opt. to buy clubhouse and health Bachelor apt, quiet and · Call 557·7010 CONDO·Beeut, 3Br. N-S4251mo. 875-6068 pell. 633-8974. 545-3367, 957·1413 spa, 8 lennll c;ourll. 7 prlvale, no pet$ lllNllllLE IUl.1 'Founlaln Velley Olllce cpl & pllnl, $1000 mo. Wlnte1 Ren111 3 Br. 1V. Oc41inlront. Deluxe 2 .bd. 2 BR 1 BA 1 1 WHIWI pools, cloae '0 butlnesa, · S400. 63' 2299 Prote--lon11 In mid th. Ir· space. 2500 ...... fl. 11 604 6'45 0295 j 2 be. $1200/mo yrly In· • • rp c, pool, alrpon, Fuhlon 1111nd. ... """ Agt. • Ba I c er o • ,., o e. eluding ulll. 752 ... 68. gar, 1395·A W. Baker. Spec. 1 & 2 br. lovely Convenient shop a on HUIFllllT lies aeeka upgrade year· I It. Good 111po1ure, BAVFRONTCONOO $700/mo.Slepalobay.2 673•0881 No peu. chlld o k . plnea & 11re1m1. aec. slle. Unfurnlahed bachl· 3 bdr,. 2 ba. gar great ly Newport lodglng. On good parking, Talben & 2 BR 2 Bl. uneurpaa~' blks to beech. 301 Ed· 1525/mo. 841.0763. gates, entry by phone, lore. 1 & 2 bdtm bdrm loc. Winter • or nt1r lht weter with B' o o k h u, •I. C •I I vi-No Pilla Sec. bldg gewater (Coronado •I Beeulllul ooean vu. 2Br. 2 BR. 1 BA. old houae, no lge rec 11e1 Incl gym. unlll lealure tine de· comp1tlbll roommlle(I). _1_5_1_ ... _19_1 _____ _ $1500 mo B1yl1onl) Roblneon brlghl & alty. M11u11 peta, chlk:I OK. All ulll pd. pool & •P•· 846•6591 signer furniture and ac· Bachelor. great loc M/F G11-oe 1 must. To 400-900 PLUS 1400 eq.11. HOLLIS B WOOD ALTA Reel1or S.8·5647 only. $650/mo 631.()174 416 H1mllton. $535 llTITI lMll cessorles Move In today yearly $600 Incl utll. Phone Pentho\IN B1ytron1 Sul· 675-8676 Oc:eenlronl & cloae to AveJI now. Winier renlel, 841.0763 Be1ulllul park·lllce IUt· or reserve for summer TIL •c.t 142·1101 en aw et ad •5l9. te, parking . plll oa. HARBOR VIEW HOMES . Small 1 & 2 Br Apt1 1crou lrom bellch, 2 Br. roundlnge Tetticed monlhl Smarlly fut· 642·4300 24 hrs. &73-1003 3Br. 2Ba. din rm, lg kit, $350-$750. Vtly & wtnllf 1 Bl new carpete, dra-Brend new Condo 2 9, oot. Sunken 011 bbq. nlstled rTlodeta open dll· $ C.i I 3111 Roommale w1nled. pro· --.-11--1-P-.-.R-----675 5102 06 Ba. 2 cir garage w ty •• ,., •• I 1 .. ,F --big "d, $9"0 mo Agt · · pee~ water peld. 48 . 1p1rkllng lountalna. · • •••• onal ... quill 1 " 8 h 1575 opener, wood burning •••••••••••••••••••••• · • ' AUr11C1lv1 ruttlc upa1el11 551-6130 .w inter Rentals Bach, I ee~ ore.525 3p21u01411-& lrplc, vi-of alream & Spec:lou1 rooms Sepe-On Jamboree Rd at 1 Br, pvt dick. old world ctnk1lc•lhmu141c.hnon· aetllng. We eupply detk, bd and 3 bd wtth ocean cur I Y · • w • 11 r fa II a . s 7 8 5 . rate room• Separate di· s charm apectacultr 1mo •r. • are br ouae ..... _, co..i-.. You IU"'-llUT YllW I v 1 'e w 5 3 5. 6 7 8 6 , 648-9463. ....2•13,,,,, nlng atee. Walk·ln clo· an Joaquin Hiiis Rd ooetn w, walk to beach In C.M. '350 mo+'"' u111. .... ,.... ,... C I & ---------· vv v• ••• 1100 5'4"'3810 ply phone, & $95 pr mo atal na mta. Hunllng· 1 676.0318 OCEANFRONT 1,,., Bdrm. Ml•. home·llke kitchen&. • $495. Contact Mgr at 1p1 __ .,. ________ pr dffk. Cell 64.4-7211. ton night llle1. New, de· 8 16501 $395/mo. 1 Br. 1 81. Apl. cablne1S Walk to Hunl· ----------• C 332 Encino Ln. lu>ce 2 bt, 2 ba, secu1. VIEW 2 br. plue o•r. 1 91 e. mo. winier Cerport, lndry rm. Sub· inglon Center 2 Bt 2 Ba from $525. No _________ , AVAIL •••HIATILY llU nm1 gate, brick trplc, yatd. block from bch, winier •chelor, slepe 10 mlt on pet, balcony. can 2 Brm unlurn, $575 pets Acroea lrom Npl 1 Br. lrplc, alove. relrlge. No pell ldHI for ho· renlat. S650 mo. 313 E t>Mch. 1500/mo. wtnl1t for appl. Ben Goll Courae Ottlcl across from ocean. To •hr wlprof malure lnrrtlt llAOI neymooners $850. SM Bay Ave. 873·2502. 8A~~~rJ'RTY H~~-~~10 TSL Mgmt 642·1603 2 Bd~n7ur~~Se"~.ouee hre 9-A. 54S-4855 $400/mo. 661·1192. :.~:n:i~:=y. ~he~~[·~:~ COMPLETE EXECUTIVE 1st then C:lll •B 103 Yearly 'i't bile to bcf1 ltg 1 ... ,._Ill No pell Utllltles lr11! Avl Sept 15/0cl 1, yrty condo In N.B. Harbor OFFICE SERVICES 't573 CAM"'51)a:IRVbfE SUNSET BLUFFS, cor· br o'ar. lndry, pello, no B11ullfull 8echllor Con· --· LA QUINTA HERMOSA Sleps It beech 2 BA 2 Ba. IH•I 4000 Ridge area Pref 2 flnen· FROM S 165 lo $965 ne< of Vlclorll & E. Pa· pets fully equlp'd, lat. do, pool. 1p1, weight Eaeteldl $625/mo. 2 Bt. 18211 Pal1clldl Ln, 1blk 1750 mo Call for appl, •••••••••••••••••••••• clally tHp M/F. Pool, UNEXCELLED SERVICE· Turtlttock exec , 2 cllic Ave . Co111 Mell 101 $625 673-9327 room. underground 1'Ar Ba TownhouH, 111 W ol S..Ch, 31>111• S 675-0124 ask for Katt N.8 pYI home, kltcn prlv. 1ennle crla. apa, 3Be. S . ENVIRONMENT, mnlers. den, 2'Ar ba. 842-8808 844·8722, ' · prkng. S575 phiaellCtrlc l>ulll·ln1, lndry rm, car· of Edlllglf. 947.5441 ----------• non-smoller. $295 completely furn, U111 Incl. STAFF $1350. Rite 6<1<1-9060, 551·6822 FURN DUPLEX: 3 9, 2 Ev•• & Wknds pon,yerd/belcony,smell ----------l'h B•ock lo beach. 2Br, 650·1991or631·7215 $600 mo 553-06« Al THEHEAOOUARTERS 673·8589 Newly remodeled 3 bt, 2 1 8a 917 E. Bllt>oe. Wint· 213/433·5106, Mon·Frtj rs~ O~. t 842 1603 Ul•ll Wll.I bright & airy. $700 mo NEAR BEACH lrg m111er Gllll-Ohet Ot 760-1645 11C~/MIPIA1N-tl1ESl1 ----------• ba, 1950/mo 2 bt. 1 ba. e' or Y t I Y. 11~PM 714/538-7701 gm . • Ltg 1 & 2 BA townho\111 yrty 968-8283 .. _... ~ 3 bd Available Now Gar· S 7 o o . S 7 5 o I mo apts. encl gat, frplc, .,_.rm, w/prvt bllh. uae Fem only to shr lrg houae ----------d111er No Pets $930/mo 1750/mo. On 1he Penln-673-5745 Of 349.-4524 hteefre•t/fltwl NEW BAEED APTS. hoolc-upe. Me1r Hunl 1BR OUPLE.X ol kll, pool, female pral. nr So. C Plaza lrpl, den SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay 831· 1615. 493·7766 sula Steps to ocHn Outstanding 2 end 3 1 Bdrm w/IOft. Frptc, rec Hrbr from 1475 Chit· STEPS TO BEACH 968-5082. & wetber, lndry, no peta. 2 Suites avall. Gd. Hwy OR.NOE TREE CONDO v, I y / w I nter . O Y • 1 llYflllfT bdrm, 2 be, ldry, frpc, &room., pool,ldJacuNz:zl, gu dr111 OK. 840.8807 $400/mo 642·6970 $90 & up with '"llchen,S ·::2:.:8::5.....::.95:.:7~.0::.8:.:9:.:9:._ _____ v_111_b_n_11.:..y,_4_9_7_·2_3_5_1 __ "" • 675·3132: eve 646·5710 1 bdrm. rvlvete parking 1 1 ... ,. •1"• w1 •1 P• . o pe11. " -18r. air. relrlg Incl, no d b "ti U 11 P Id l>a • wnter . .,..,... .,... 393 Hemllton , C.M . 2 Br 1 ea. ga.reoe. 2nd fir. Lov .. y 3 bdrm. 2 be, n-weekly, Oceanlronl Mo-Rmmte to ahr trvtne hOU· •2500 tq.l1. lndu1trlal unit pate. Avall 10.1 $'485 View 2Br 2Ba Condo lu· 1 an eac · 1 1 · Stepe 10 aand. 2Br, petlo, 845--4411 btlcony. llove. OIW. cpls, drapea and •P· tel. 675-8740 ee. Motl amenities avall with 325 1q.h. of office+ mo SS 1·255• xury amenlllea. $600 'mo I 5550 Mo 752•9511 winter 1600 mo. 3312 ----------1 $550, $300 MC dep. Call pllances. Steps to waler. ----------· Ot nHrby. S260+utll. 5000 eq.11. ~" COYl- 3 B, C.mbrld,... townhou· 8yco 84S.22S1 Wlnterl yrty, apac 3 bf, 2 SeaahOfe Or. 673•4243 S395 • 18R. reftlg, no 697•5688 111 5 2 1 3 • 5 8 5 • O 9 2 1 o t LAllU IUOI 857•1668 red & lanced yltd .. -b St I b h pell, 2 •dull• pref. 731.C 873-1889 .. ,.. ... 2400 ft I d ' I I ... pool Avall 10/lS. VIEW 4 bd, 2 'i'I bl, •. eps rom HC . OCEANFRONT38R2BI w 181h 673.•7787. R • aq n UI ri S850 548-6196 c:omnty pool & 1ennlt . Ocean & bay view from OCEANFRONT 4 Br & 3 Wkly rentals S95 up oommete wenled, unll with 9000 sq.ft of i"lrded gate, grdnt, sundeck. Musi_, $650 lg• unit, apecleculat 1550 2 Br 11,.,ba twnhM Br. 2 be each lrptc1 Color TV. lree collee. •25ot mo. Cotta Me.. upgraded offtc. -1950 oc11n view. Walking • · Call George 8A2·6381 2•00 11 1 d 1 1 1 DEERFIELD lovely 2 bd. 1500mo 844·2145 winter , yrly dletance to ahopptng 4 Poot, patio, no p111. S1650/ $1450 1e1peCll· heated pool & 11ep1 to · · •" eq n u1 r1 2'1. ba. lownhome S72S. 67S.520'4 Newpotfe final retlll.I· 831·2177. 841.0574 vety ocean Kllch's avail Fem 10 ahr oceen view unit with 1500 eq f1 ol 552.-0431 aft Spm <IBr. 3Be. 2 lty. Beck Bay. 3 4 Bd 2 PROPERTY HOUSE 985 N. Coast Hwy, condo. No Sen Cle· upgredtd Office Have din rm, tndry rm, frplc, or rm, bat II. r • n II. Furn I 1 h • d · CIOll lo bNCl'I, 2 Bdrm, s G.1 842-3850 842'1010 Laguna Beach '494-5294 mente nr twy, pYI rm & autHMM 1111*'1 IOt 900 Woodbridge 1 yr new l'IOmel 3 Bdr. 2 Ba. gar· dener Inc no pets $875/mo, 1 yr Call Agt Lury 957·8400 2 Br. 1 Ba Condo . $585/mo Commty pool, 1enn11 Ask for Sharon 559-6800 rm tor bOlt or RV grdnr.I complete wllln1n1, S1100/mo. 87~63 $490 mo. Crpte, drpt, • K UlllY tu bilh 2 pool•. s260 mo sq ti. ol office apace 11 $925 mo 894·31 j9 dishes, utlla 673-4586 WINTER RENTAL. 2 & 3 pool, g1t No p111. : ~~~&8:~,1~~~ti NEWPORT SHORES Oii· Slngle room tor mllure Incl uUI il9e-S436 dnlrld T C-11••• ''' #11 31U Bdrmt, Newpor1 Penln· _84_2_-4_4_7_o ______ , • l\1•dcn l1ndsuo1no pleit. 2 bd, 2 be. dwn1tr1, ~;:·~s.:~7 Hta $200 •Mollveted owner Is II TIE WI II •••••• •••••••••••••••• eull. Pity• Reel Eatela. large 2 Br 1 Be d/w, In· trpl, dw, 2 car gar, pello. M/F to 1hr tum 28r, 28a r••dy to mike 1 deal. Balboa Coves executive Ocean view. beiulllully ST3-l900 d, y rm , W 1 11 d •. • Orsnw1111tr' & 8801 S 6 0 0 mo . IO en t _W_A_N_T_p_v_I _r_m_&_b-.-,-h-.' •Pl . pool. llC. $395 mo. Cell 714·751·4760. Prln· home. 2 & den or 3 lutn townhouae, lrplo, 1490/mo. Av•lt Oct 2nd. • Jog to Buell & Sllot>t 675·H>42 Nwpt/CM 101 working _1_n_c1_u_t_n_. 5_4_&-_09_29 _____ c_IP1;.__l_1_on.....:.l)I_. ----- bdrm. All opening lo pool & Piiio. 1895/mo A,.tl•••ll 645-&e25 NEWPORT Penlntula 1 senior c:H. non-emkr. no wanl fem. Bal lale hee 11-1 ••••u11 garden. patio overloo· 673·0896 ---------$ 3 kit B 10 1 6'42 2970 fl $350 + rm; --king wa18', 2 l1p1c·1, g1s D•lru•l•Attl YILU OOllHYI t>d. 1 t>e, 4 5 mo. ullla · Y • • • 1 ·~ ulll Lndry, Ellec. Sultn Incl. rlCIPI. fire rtng. ape. etc. etc. Btche!Ot Apl. no ktlchen. •••••••••••••••••••••• pd agenl 675• 1642· lPM P 1110 • 0 1ra0 • · Yd· aec'y 11rv1, cont. rm., WOODBRIDGE ESTATES Maybe furnl1hld, slip tor $385/mo S15 ..... Begonl• •• ,,,,, 311 SpaalOUI E.Sld• Apia. Ou1llfy 2 bdrm, 2 bl, Ye11ly. oceanfront 2 Br Room '°' $175 mo. Liie 875'"'792 PM kit., mill handlg. R•· • "Adami" 4Br. 2~Ba. boll av11t1bte Only In bactc-()pen Hou11 •••••••••••••••••••••• Encl o-r. pauo. d•hWlhr u1>1lelt1, no Pll• 17671 $725/mo. 1 Br. S495 housework for board Penln toe, prol mall to lllr 1pon1lve to yo11r butl· central air, deck, trplc. $1995/mo. 751·2787 Sal 3-5. Sun 11·12:30 1 br. MOBILE HOME. ml· & •love. Motl u111 frM. Van &tren $525 Call for near oce1n Broker Pref mature woman. 2Br·1BI apt. nr 1ennl1 neu need1. AdJ. 405 atrium, rncd yd, $1075 da~.968-6103....a Glorla 2131355·1597, ntmvm 1 mot rent. Nkll No pell 11>1848-5924,960-1347 8AS.3683 960-8820 cn1 $320mo.Yr1yCflllg Fwy In FV lndlv ofc1. mo 642-6394 .I.I.""'"' lc•t. Kim 979-9538 ~:...:S~lm Spring• 1 BR, 1 PlflOl'I 1435 Nice lurnlehed room In _63_1_·3_4_9_5_._e_73_.0_300 ___ Mo/mo lrom S325 2 bd 2'h bl Pllk front I 1•), br apt, nt beach ~ == .. 2 i:= ., ~~ ...... u.,,.. 31~0 •-:!,'-•1•• ··~o Cotla Mesa lor worlllng F SAN CLEMENTE. 41 _9_63_ ..... _4_5 ____ _ condo 'Ii mt' to UCI No VCeondr••0 111,•711 00 21moB' 2 Ba W inier S500/mo 212 ,.,...__ l l ' Jiii 2323 .,,,...__ • c•• fi .. -d _,. par1on. not under 30 bell 1111, lrplc. view, w/ Nfu(PORT EXEC SUITES M I 67 .. "130 _. I U ~~· ,,,ve "" •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• pets 846-2850 bkr Btok8'7S9•0120 arguer te .,... ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 842·7605 Ye a r • S 1 4 6 I mo . l1m $270 492·7343 Fu aennc.. te8S04'1able T I ocji G I le IBt, 2 Blkt lo bc:h, ulll Studio apl, Balboa l~d. 546·560il rat .. Xlnt toe. 752·8408 un., ien. an1as1 Gl1mourou1 B1y1ron1 ' + I $460 aunny, cute & am111. Lall, •lllMJ IH4te.,. Kennebunkport? ---------F. immle, 1250 mo .. utMs view, 3 BR, 108 wrap-Condo Approx 2500 sq ::.CO'. 67:f.;~0;v ep. $350 yrly. 673·9224: Loe blctl w/fple, pallo & • Room 1" 4 bdrm 2 ba pd. Nwpt Shores. N.B. EltOlflYt llltel arOYnd deck. a1rlum. no 11 2 Br + Oen, 3 Ba. 842•3580 cerpon. 1400• No .,.1•. Isn't that the boat houee. washer dryer area, nr beach 845·2S.7 p111 pou lee/opl s 1 C .. 31,.~ .,.., Kitch, etc 122s. $20 de· For le11e, 3 •dl1c1nt ooo' mo Ownr 18 01' Undergrou~d ?irkong, "f .!!!~.~!~ ....•...• '!? 2e1.1pt.gareg1.Nol)ill•. M ... Pines, 549•2447 that won The America's Cup in '757 poslt only MIF 10 •hr 2 Sly 3Br. executive 1ultH Top 844·512S· 840-1238 elevator ..,ve cl. CASA DE 0110 S750/ 221•~ C I 2 B 1'L B N t fD 642-4172 2'hBa CM IPL Non· floor of p,.111~1ou1 ad· · S 1450/mo. "tar~ mo " ore · r · ,. •· 0 P• •· I'?"' rr~, amkr. $250 mo. Incl utll. n I 1 1 ' 2131395-3511. $'450/mo for 2 ~·· -.;..-:;.-r~ .._. dren . .,.e1u1 u v 1w. TlllTUllCI Schwelcklfl eally ALL UTILITIES PAID 1 5 5 w . 1 8 I" s I If not wno ( wna ) Ke ""'' ~-rt Beech Condo room. Im· 111. 1111 & dep. 645-3438 Highly upgredl(f. Reclp.. 3 bdrm, 2 ba. lrpc. __ c_1_1_1 _0_1_ve_84_5_-_e_1_44_~ yovre sure or I nn,~n...,... med. $195/rno. 22il 19th llOnl11 MrVlce provided. C .. ,... ~ _1'4_&-_9_50_7______ w.ts. oon·1 feel bid-)'Ol.l·re not alOnt SI HB, 960•8639 eves Fem roommate to lhr •Br. Suite avalltbl• lndlvl· atrium. wetb•r . o•r. LIM llU om pare belore you r-'•••I• .... * l..a. II l<.tnnybunkpOn IS one or 14 dlst.inctJ\lfly 2B• ocnfronl. Non·Mlkr. dually 01 ••• group. AH'n pool Walk to bu• 4 BR 3 B & .. _ 11400 renl Cu11om d11lgn .. .,, _._ ,.... a .. _ H8. p1lv. bdrm end ba lor S235 mo 548 1667 =~·mkl Great cond. mo 222 ~II p';;;mo, ~~·'::,r~!~e::o~r~!~: ;-bc;;~~·;b~•;:,:;•0;; ruih Coul ~·4a;-: ~:.:,~~::=~s;;=~l~s~:~ S~;s·~~~·S4No cook l·R-m_m_e_tt_~-e-n-led-·-.-M-1-F-.-1-0 rlcs:;o~t~::"frn~I: 633-8887 evenings. 875-7168 ded wl1h phi1ll lendlCe· ~ly ~~:'s;:O n,r31mkra. _.,._t,._c_J_1_•_t_• _____ ·, of totally Plf50f\lbtf0 pmfes.sionat plaM!ng ,__________ ahr ti.au! 3 BR hrne In 111 d PI•••• c 1 11 , _ It L J'•~i 3 BR 2 Ba. dbl cer gar. ping. No pet1. 213n""' •1,,,5 267 .,7,.2 .. _... ~... 1 2 Tht ktncl of ltttntion )'Oil O@SefYt Btllll 1'lllll ~Ill lrvlne. P\1 be. pool, 141C. (714)760·1818, Newport w1,••• •t• ... bltne, !pie, plllO, grdnr 1 er Furn a515 ••-• • ·• • Upgrauvv du,.....Jt vn I. perl ••••••'••••••••••!.... lplc & much more. II Int· Center • : .. :AR•B••o•R••oc••"r,•::,•F•Ro••N•T• incl S900 50· 1232 365 w Wlleon 842·1971 or (714) 673-3986 I br. 1 b•. bit-In kit., din. . A ect l>lenO of nature and ltvtng-etHl1d pte111 cell, "-ta M ... 1 ~ 2 room Nu 3200· lux h,.;,• on bluff. Oya. 848· 1677 Elaine B • c h • I o r Y • • , I Y rm, lgl llv. rm wllrplc, 1 nestled In ii fortst With bibbllng bl'OOks and Quiet 8 £ I C H I R E A 7 14.752. 7 93 3 (II m)' ....,. ""1 DH• l1i•I 31ZI 1340/mo. Ullle paid: cer encl. get 1595 + ponm. c®*J ll'f Ntvral ocun breetes AOC! to " n 540•2536 (ofc) Leo 1ull11. From 75tmo. 180 deg vv of llarbor. 2 er 2be luxury condo. Nr ••••••••••••• •••••• ••• 1350 tee Smell pet OK •"•t t-nls cou ... • SW1mmt""""""' a ""'"'UJ •n<J •--------·--Utlls lncld. 779 W. l91h 1ur1, m1n1, 3br, 3b•. se-beech All 1mentll11 Super 1 Br. 1 Be VIiia, 675-9562, 848-1319 957-0701. agl · .... ""' ..... ·-y,......,... ,-v u $84/Wk Amil wanled: Meture, SI. 651·8928 eu rlly. 11un1. ape. Moat beauulul com""'ex. counyard, very prl11e11. Clean 2Br. 1Be, Piiio. 1 convenient locatron near-SllOPPlng ano rup fem tor 2Br 2b• -"' s 5 S525. 8du11ful 1 t>r loll & e.........,ment and ""'''ve""' a pllCt Ill"""" would Rel-ator·Mlld·Pool · I . Newpon Exec llilte 2 min $1800/mo 496-7009. $745/mo Harry Patel. N o pell. ii O/mO. seoo mo. ' .. .,,..,, iv-,,... 1-·~ ""~ ' N.B. •Pl. 215/mo, I 0 Air 1 h I di 2 1 3 / 2 7 8 . 8 4 o o 0 r 673·3313 963-1031 evea/wtlndi. den. 1'A be, pallo, lrpt, proudly all home (Even Keneyoonkponll Nwpt Blvd & Wlleon 11111111 642.0'422 ' m por .. n v 213/670·3008 D••m celling, l>Ullt-ln1, "--.... IWO..... ~"two ... th Coat• Me" 54f·976~ olflcea In • luautloue B " vr"' a,.., ...,,.room. one 11"' ""' ----------1Be1utlful Cd••-Np. 8 . enllqve l lll1d bu1ln111 EMERALD BAY. 3 bt. 21----------1 •• ,,.,,,. • ••• 1 BA. yrly. upper gar, lndry fl(), no pell.. ... tsf Mt .... ba. 1800 IQ. 11. 1rp1, brick 1..,.rt ltlcltft IHfll •1~0 unit, CIMn & "''· dick _54_0_~_338_·_. -------• ~'Pl· ,men romndt Y2•3a0rly ~ t0tc depo11t. condo . po o I, J • c , anvlronmanl equipped 'I Ith $1600 3 bd 2, b 1 ,. .. w/ch1nnel view 1•3• 6 • c1anfron1. $250/mo, 111 & 1 .. 1 plue wltil TI11, W.P .. ane ..,.,., P• o. w •P• rm. " •. Pf v11e. ••• •••••••••• •••••••• • • " " •a:z5 va.rw Nice 2 br 2 QWI N 1 p o I B 1 1 c II ~ 213/878-2255 Obll g1r CIOll lo beach llTATI LMll Incl utM. Open Sun. 3302 ba, t>*'.'frpl, b.m C.... 11~ ....... , -~,·q 87~154 r MC. dep, ,t()..()$24 lrg conference rm. tote of ••5 ""95 .,_ 11 ' k 1111 Mwcu1 813-19'3 "' """' ...... ,, $225 N"' "All, .. ~kb""' perkl"lamo/mo or teue 3Br. 2•L<•-. 2 ~-1 0.,..,... ,... • .., ..... 1u1 ii par • • eur· • · ....... bUtlt·lne, g11, lndry ,.., "" ....., -., I om 1• d--" ... _ ,..,. -.... -T _.,, Pine Knol MOiai °" eo.11 Compl. lutn., Incl. "tll. ' "• -... wt opnr. lncd yd. ocn Bluff• Condo . Lq 4B1, ioundlnge •tt•c•d l.Arge 3 BR. 2 ea. "ro· l11G,nopett.540-8338. Hwy. NB. St•P• 10 873-4302 ,118PM • 1.250 Mov.tn...,..ice view Avall lmmld S950 3Be. Grffnbelt, S1100 pool. Sunken 011 bbq, balcony, garage. reft · 2 bdrm 2 be ~tan No 15555 HunonqtDn Vllllgc IMlt HunbnQtOtl lltlCI' CA ocein. Wkly ratu. 833·9978 mo. 497·1051 mo 760-9110 Agt •P#rkllng lountalnl. No P•ll. Ye11ly H 0. •• • t 1t~) 898-Met 945-04'° Fem roommla n11ded, -----.------Sp1Clout room•. Sepe· 780-1713, 1153-1778. pete, 600 mo. Avell . rrom Ult 5111 Otego 'IWWl'f Clf1\llt nonn.,,, 8Ncn 10 1011, blaul. Npt town· _..,_._ *"" Ifft AHi 3 Bdrm 2\t Be. comm. rel• dining .,.._ Wlllc·ln IOlt. 549-35H M(f~. ltttn -on Mcf'°°'" to Sttwtl'IO vu~ IEEI l PUOEI ho u u , 4 e, 3 81, •• ,., 11m1 2 bdrm, 2 be. tenced pool, 2 cer ger1g1, clOHtl. t\ome Ilk• kll· C...• ~ti M•• ••-2 br, t tn ba, tr~lo, pvl *"25/mo Oya ...... "...... With f ~IO" $9001 F d T hen & blnel Welti I •. ---FUmblltngs IYIJIM • ep., $1ly 10 AM Ill Ou.lie R111onebl1 ,.,... Kii· ... --· 1111 0 r ... yerd. lerge covered p.. mo. 1• enot1, c ca •· o •••••••••••••••••••••• ~lllo, DW. gar. o pete. e~ 67• 7"77 ,.,. .. , room kllc .. I 0 S '"31 12'"8 or "31 2711 Huntington ,._,_ c:henetln , .............. ,. mild ·-... • ""'' • • "• • I o. ulet I. Wither, v • " v • "'""' -· w•-520. 634 Hlmtllon. ...~... I I I & ......,,d .., .... df)'lt. Avell Oc1 1 1450 Agt 1 Bdnn·furn, 1815 -•5• 643 8'478 r-1 ••ff ,,,,,,, aervlce, Z channel mo· Nawporl Beach rmrnte ..vr• at• .. .,. ,...v- Mo. 075-9060 N p I C 111 E•ec No 1>911. UUllll .. lr .. I Mocilrn 18r apt, c:.tpor1 --·-------11nal -• VIH. SANDPIPER MO· needed, M/F, 1260-mo. ~.naov'aMll.11~16 ~.·~IQ'tll ew or 1 · .. LA QUINTA HERMOSA or garage for t•llr•d tmmed Occvplncy, 2 bd, TEL., 1H7 Newpon Blvd, l.aurle 846-7310 ..... • -·-1 8fn•ll hM, 2 bd1m1. 1 b• condo. Elegint & cJHn. 162'1 Parkllde ln, 1 blk lady. No Pit•. no 1111rs. 2 b•, 111121 tvno room ~ an •R~S CM 64&-9137. 8 .. , .... , ..... , ,........ .. . dllltld71•4~~ .. 1 • trpo. '880 mo. 4 BA 3ba, no Pit•. LN. w. of 8Mcill, 3 blkl s. Up 1 o I$ O O ( 2 13) with frpl. 1550/mo .~"'" ~ 1' 1 a ,Tllfl.~ I " .,.,, cu ..,.,.., ilplO ,,_ 1eo.1478 s 1101mo. Aot. Carten• °' Ed1-... e41.a...1 2111.21140 Mon·Frt "'" 1'41·4908 ~O LE•SS'1G ,.,,,,.,. i..w141H •2eo + u1J11. ,,,.,. 10/1. -.. --------- 87&-1111 .. ,...... °' .,, d• savs .~ ·'~·YI··~~~ ······················ 81'"'4143, 1s2-1osa _ .. ,,. -·-Chermino 2 br. 2 be s ,,. • ..... 1141 iy "'"· 2 l>d, 2 be lownllou•, e. LI<. ARROWHEA0·211Y . . ' Pifer'• lAlnOlnO IMOUI\• L.Agun• beiflClll llOull on 811 v1-3 B1 2..,. Ba ••• 'I!!'! •••••••••••••••• so. Of HWr deluxe 4 Br 3 •Ide, 4 'tr old, yd new •er+ toft, ae., 2 RMMT ~ed trg 2 br, CN a'"' cholG• eaec lga lot In c.nyOt1 1 blk to d•n. r1mlly rm, oceen L.uwry etUdlO, ., .. HIO. ae, 2 trplcl, 4 cer gw. MOO/mo tte-7300 dep, lrPJc1, 2 blKont.1. C.· OUl)litx. fully f\lrn, ~ 1ult• OlllCH tor rent. ~ •• W•t St. S876. c 1 t Y 11 g ht• "'I• w • phoM. meld MrV, IP•. 11•50tmo. Qerrtll, own/ 1111 101 Dick: 840·242t Anart_. • !Nldrll celling, oolof TV. to bet\, 13a&. 111111 Inda. Hatl:loor or ~ vtewl. (2 18)8 70·3 5 I 1 or 11550/mo 64'""48 1130 wtc. 4tt-3018 egt, Rt/MAX 75t-1221 lvet, wtcndt ~.~~~ 81pa 14 North lhot• A¥1111 l0/1 11~. Mo/Mo. s.cnt.,lat W • (213)374-11022 SIUdto-Nwpl Hgt•, Oceenl1on1, megnlllc~t 21A. pvt oar. •tlrf. uc>P« DetuH new 2 81, 2 Ba OfflctOptno.lij UU/wkn~ S3'5/wlc '"" 30 ehr II• 1evl1h ~ (714) Me4&H Ot a Br. North end, ocHn MOO mo No pet• •Br, •1860 6 lit, l teO. dpta. Av•ll alt ttso. g1r•o•. t·plc. dl•fl Luxurious .tdult & fam1lv livins tn .Jn all IOH/mo S 2·M3• 1wnt1M .,,.,., WOf1MO (213) 692-151' vie'#. 494·5841 111 8 I 642·7404 497·~2 HOO, 213·0t·1fU wuller IOU/mo country Stiling, t, 2. 3. )'BdtmS l.ak• Tlhe>e on wet• w/ '9fn.~bte':m-, Otfloe/ltorellu1ln111 wkndl 49'-st-41. 8Mcn hOuM. I or 2 lldr, 2 •810HT • 80U"'0 OF wkndt u1.e1Sll. No peta. •-n111•s Include.· t>Olt dock. Alt lbe axeo owr1ookf I ,,mo ttwootcl ... 9'1eoee tor IMM NO & ea. 2 17001 • " A~ """"' ..-hm . Compl furn ter11 oo . ac. tell•, 1HO IQ.ft, Top 100., La.a•• .ilb Jiff F ~~.,QM, 631 1~ SEA I Br, frplo, Olt, 2 Br, 1t>a, ICIUtfl of hlQho ' •R"l tG,•\ R,•no~ •lot lollmeenbtlt &62·2115 or eve1 eto. NI/CM a,... from Herbor Blvd, jult No, ~";;";••••••••••H•o r enot1, • w In I et S 1' 2 8 m o . wey, f>vt entr.,.,., peflo, Ht l .Q, Pl~, lrg 1 lr1 ~· " ·• n"' ,.. 97~ 1 l 1178. 780-tcMf War It .. CM. "'4, "IO'· HOMI P:OR RENT Of 831-2711. A01. 49'4·518" garage. 81~1t. IW• req. patio on •tream. poo~ * oi~hwti~her•disposal * Pallot~undtck ...w1oo !~'~~c dll:rn•. Bluffa 1plll•lev11 4 8dr, ALMOST OCEAN~ HOO, e76-3'4t •Pa:.,!!ourlty . tOu .... 1 t II I HUI~ -'i:1':" I lllr, t'it ~-··-------- -· Klct9 6 :;. .J: poo1, attoO MrM attf\-tt>r. 1141>8 hou•, 1171 wefll 10 '°"· 2 bdrm 1 no--* OraptVurpetlng * Uu'"'rv 11c 11 H lM~ Country cauo1 occ ~:.: would Ilk• to •II••• "99:.~a ........... ._, n tone1 Auely Quln1her, mo. 2br, 1 ba duplex, ti., frpe, l>al, a... fnC I~._,,. ........ Nloe...,. * 0~rt.tllon rOOnl •A11 <On<iilionin~ 3 lllr. Iba. Mn .• wlfl'plo. Oct 1 14 . • P'••tlfl«H'• oto ,, ... , me ........ """' .....,... • o 11g1 '31 12ee. 720-4772 ....... ~-. ,-N"'-Qolf MMll & • ....,.,... ' • .,,. Mnltoe rlallj """ .: • ' ITU. IOtl\ turn. prtlt19, oar 1778 17...... ~· taaO. No,_, (Oft Rt ut ftOW few ... MIK1ioft. Tllit W. Del~, wkly ' mo1\thl'1 '-U•UIY a M/f 10 llW ...,..... 1111. 11tl Cet .... ..W. 1111 W~!i,~3·:~·.:~:.$~. m~..::.~r..onlY ~1':..TJ!P'Noln "9' 11 1 I Y•~to11,,.... ... lft ...... C*' rttu Call Morll . ""'" I bt, I be, ._, N~~..: """1 •••;,;;;;:;~a;;;... ,,._It*, ag1 Ul-12M The ta1t•t drew In tM 1'4-,.,., "'-5 ' 'peta. .:... ~t~ a·7&:.r.~ ==tor Nftt 1 =~ ":: W ,_ =·· ~ ~•bdrm. ai.. aiL.L Idle 1tem1 with• Wiit . 1 OallY ""•' OVtl'T 2 Ir 2be. frJ*,eo VICltofie "M1 • 1 i •• ~T"l~411111riii~Wlll llr ....... •i.A..il 10.11 *""",.,.,..,I"· ANMIM .. .._. ... .... ....... CIUlllDfft Jee Deity "1lo4 CtMltlled Ad, CtMllltled Ad. C.-T~ of tMy, 10r1G term lflO W ...._ ........ ~ to t•M. olto/woetl. I" k-. lllNlll>..... ~ .... wl:r. ..... tnOD. Af t71-~ 1 '4Z-M7L 141·1111. "'° 11f..1MO !;::"°'="= WiM==ML=::::C=::A..::::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;::....-.. __ =::;;:=====:::....:...;.J.:llO=="=·=·==J===::I::•=·=·='*:;::• "'"='°"=*'=:::::::::£.il''•iiiilli•ii!o·..;;Dl~1-:-.-.·'411-~ 1own S 1150. 411•.&1130 ) ·--- fil ' ~!~.'.~!9!0\P!1 fC>f. 30 day ad In the IAIU PtLtT lllV10I •IOTHY 00 IT NOWI All fer IH4ra V our Delly Pllol SeMc41 Directory RepreMnt•Uve 141·Hll, t1t. U2 M!.8..~'!!M. f!!!'!A! ... Applied, re-applled. juar., ln1ured, llc'd. 41 891 130· 1900 free 1111matea. ~~'!!!!~r. ~!!!!~ •••. 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, affordable, e11entlal An1werlng Hrvlce, 11cretar111 & bu11n .. 1 Mrvlc ... mall boll renlal, word proces· ling Tel1x-Fac1lmlle. order entry. pagera-lease buy, dull apace rental. ANSWER NETWORK 780-7320 (Ilk for A.V.) ~'~~~!·!.'! ............ REAL ESTATE Realdentlel/Comm'I 673· 19111 Ar1·Antlqu .. ·Jtwelry Appraise & Liquidate Michael Hein 953.0717 ~~~!~ .............. Driveways, Parking Lot Repair•. Sealcoatlng. S&S Aaphlt 631-4199Ltc Oen Hellberg Grading & Paving Co. Roa/coml. Lie 397804 8•2·1720 ~!!!!~~1.' ••••••••••••• Olvor~Support Change All Femlty Mauera Alt'y Koflroth 846-4375 • Small ottl~. Nwpt Sett, 15•12 (18'4 tq 11). good loc., frM prkg Suflable for retlrtd bulinellmon, lnv•1orl, bldra. Furn. or unlurn. Q.R. Capltel, Inc. 64()-8811 EJtec:utlve aullea, lull ..,. vice, greatly reduced, no , ..... 754-0274 *'" mo. 11m1* 881 Oover Or. Suite 14. Nawport Beach . 631-3851. Or nge Coa1t DAILY PILOTl8unday, Septomber 19, 1982 t'I lessianal Service Direct ~!!!'!1 ..•....•.•• 1 ~r..'.~!1 .••••••• fN!t.f.•.'!. •..••••.••• ~-~~~{~ .•...••••..• 1 ~~!!{•"·············· ~~!!!!!~--!!!f •••••••• lnlant to 3 yr•. my C M SMmpoo • et"m clMft Meeonry, C811*11''4· con· 111111111 WUTll CLtAN•UPS OAAAOts. !loiN'eH~lng home. 8 l1t de~ Lie Color brlgh1ener1, wht Cfttt, add'nt. Int ext , •• Mowll'lf, tdlitng rtklng ANYTHtNOI CALL Quellty work. re~on1I· eec 19053 754.9 38 crp11 -1 min. bl .. ch mod l lc'd. 648-0781 IWHP ~\ , ..... time: RANDY 842·7841 bleeJ!ood refe Ca UP'I IUYlfTTI• Hall, llv/dln. rm1 116; avg .. Hll• 1M 845-137 5·363115'8 ... 8311 room 17.60. couch 110, !~~!~!~~~!!I ........ C.M llM. 149.5799 chr IS. Guar. ellm. pet •••••••••••••••••••••• FINESTKINO ~~~~!~{'!!!I ••••..•... •KAT"INA'8 : LIVE-IN odOI. Crpt repelr. 15 yre OAl\Ol!NINQ CIHn•u111. ROBIN'Eo CL!ANING 81by111tlng In my home, exp. Oo work myHll. hekp,., dally maid eerv, 1m 1ano1<11i;>ln/• monthly S8fvtce • a thC>fo11ghly ....... " ., LIH·I• nr Victoria, C.M. . Rel1, 53.1 ·0 10 1 office olHnlny. crpt mtlnl Ntll O• 87115 tlHn hOUN 540·0857 F 1c1demlo lllS will do 842·6482 cle1nl11g, 635·2l Cl -----hlhld CihOIH IOI rm ' Lovin\ home, '1N 3 6 ur.· No Steam/No Sharnpoo !'!!!!'!I. !.'!r!!! ••••••• K&D LandMJlpe M1lnt Joan'e C1.1M111lng Service brd or hM•ll. 640-3533 F/T 40/wk, bet.la I Stain Spec:lallll Fut R .. ld/Comm Cle~in·up. HOUN.l•API• Rental• tehl, CM 556-3822 dry. FrM .. , ~9· 1582 IT YHl IHYIOI I.lie heultng 548·2489 Olfk:41t 540-1287 JHll11/1J -------...................... Weekday• altar 3 tlll? EXCEL CARPET CARE Pereonal, Qualified drl· CLEANUP·kAULINQ TIRED OF HABSLeS? Complete Jtnltor .. I MM· WMkeod•. days. nlghll. Jack Buffington vtt• IOI your dey 10 day LAN08CAPtNQ Oualltf cltanln~ help 11 0.1. ltt.lned 11111, bon· overnight. Lie BHC13M Owner/op1111tor errand•. Shopping, dr Don 41111·3408 tierel tali 960· 462 ded & fne Unlol een Carpet, upl'tol. llM rug IPPll. Church. •IC All SK;t•m• of Npt Boh Call Irene 558·•211 MAINT & DESIGN Cileanlng Work ~ar needs met By hour or Dt>erlln Landacepe S.rv. DIAL·A ·MAIO Ouallly & 8 ·J200 Wiii babyllt at my home, FrN flt, 645·1 71 day •9•·5857 Serv Nr A• YOYr Phone U O/wk Area' S.acll & W1ltten agreement on S35/tA6 8311·0680 f~~~~!~r .......... f~!~!!!r .............. !'.'1!'!~!! •••••••••••••• mo. m•lnt 844· 1246 Adami. 538-3 93 --Yard Malnt. & CIH nup. CHAMPENOISE DRYWALL/ ACOUSTIC Cullom home cl11nlnfc & Sod. •Prlnklart, roto. ~:'.~7..~!!!~~ ....•. Fine Cate1lng In lh• old Aepalrt. 11ml Job spec 11 !'.a.~!t!!~! ••.••••••••• comr•" maid aerv ce tree rmvl, drainage. hlll· Pro . bonrtod & Ina. PllM IPIOIAL IH world lr1dltlon. 8"5·9858 yr11 exp. Bud 552·9582 Carpantry • Maaonry Unlr;tean Sy1tem11 of Npt tide weeding. ,Jlrlan Rooting • Plumb.log 588·2253 (halrcul not Included) f!!!~~!l.~~'!!!!t ••.• Woll te11ture1-Ac:ousttc Bch. 850· 1'200 Heng. Ta1>41·SIMI studs Drywall · Stucco -Tiie Linde Shain 979·5861 l!~!~~!l •••••••.••••.. Cement·Meaonry·Block Lie. 3891144 1·532·5549 Remodel J.8 848·9990 01Jeltty HounclHnlng Walls-Cuti. work. Lio. w/ a peraollal touctt CM. llHltltaI Car1>41ntry . Cablneta BRICKWORK. Small foba IHl1, ll•laltH8tl/ #381057 Rob ~7·2883 ...................... Plumb • Oraln CtHnlng lr11, NB Beth 850·0933 Newpo<I. Coat• MHI, luftff EU:CTJ\ICIAH--P1Jced CKl-Pattoa-WllHl1 Electtk:el • TU. HOVSECLEANER • trvtne; Refs; 875-3175 ........•......••••••. right, Ir•• Htlmate on Boet Cabin• cteened C•· NO JOB TOO SMALL Rel1 Oon 986-0149 Good rel1 NB & lrvlne FrNlll 638-2807 large or small Jobs prel. Gladys 541.0702 I v lrtel-11• .. ·ltHt ter for trips. A· I ref'1. UC 396621. 673-0359 Gen contrect'g. malnt, ALL TYPES MASONRY 642·3047 or 8'48-4840 Desperatel Patio work LIC'O ELECTRICIAN plumb repair, palnt'g, B&M Hou1ecleanlng I Lie. 349479 838·3812 Free dnlgn. Lo prtc .. mobile home Mrvlee. Reaso111bl• Call Benlo ,.,,.,,, 1t1nff• Xlnt refs. 497 • 73!>.t Oual work·Ae11. retet Jim 536·1111571536-3684 8alboa 1111al'ld 675-3810 Custom Brk:k·Stone Ci/I' C•11 FrM u1. Tom 631·5072 . BIOCk·Concret•Stucco .................•.... Bachelor s Heecleanlng Refs. Free 111. 549.9492 IHSIW.L •.••.•................ ELECTRICIAN H•tinH FIHll & laundry Serv 1(1ron. OP BuallleH "Doctor" HARBOR fFUNITV PAE· Sml joba/Aepelre. Lie. . ..••••............... 540-2616/850.0892 Book1/ Data/Word SCHOOL. DAV CARE 233108..C· 10. 548·5203 HARDWOOD FLOORS !!!!!~f ............... CENTER. Cott• Mau. Beautifully cleaned Housecleaning by exp. lo· Proce11lng Openl"cfi Sepl 13 Full LIC'D ELECTRICIAN and waxed. 832·4881 eel couple, work done by •A-1 MDVIII* 90 Min on·alte vlal1 and '"' •Y care. 7 AM to NEEDS WORKI -ourselvesl 673·7227 Top quality. Special care S50 extra time 125hr. 6PM. Register NOW Lie. 418988 642-8023 In handling. 25 yra eiqi. (7 14) 645·5979 ~-?!!~•.( ••••••••••••.. HOUSECLEANING Corner Saker & Fairview f!.~ .... !~ ............ Competitive A•IH 556-4335 or 558-7787 DUMP JOBS Honest & Dependable No ov8ttlme 730·1353 f~~~~!!~~I. ...... TREES & Smalt Moving Job:1 .Brande 962·2690 Loving Cert. birth to 4 ·ABC MOVING· Call MIKE 648-1391 Qualllled tt1kpr1, From KITCHEN FACELIFT yra 20 yrs exper., reaa Topped/removed. Clean $80 per wk Quick. Carafut S8fVlce Reatyllng existing kit· E·Slde. CM 831·2410. up, lewn renov. 751·3476 HAULINC.·GRAOINC:. Also crpts, Low ratet 552-0410 646-6838 drepea , blinds Chen Clb" w/rtal wood. Simmons Gardening • demolition. clean· up. 857·6195 STARVING COLLEGE Save SSS nowl 84 •ddl· Childcare wkdya, cred. Cln-upa. llwn care, full Concrete & tr11 removal STUDENTS MOVING tlon1, lrM detlgn & "'· teacher. Orgenlzed r,y· comm & rHld malnt. Quick l8f\I 642·'.1638 FINNISH WOMAN CO. Lie. T124-431S Qual & low rates. Steve, 646-6684 looking tor housework. Insured 8'41-8427 vltlH. t>.M. 646·4 t , PROF SERVICE 752-9556 l1ffaH I IH Hauling • yrd cleari up 548·6027 WATCH US GROWi GARDENING SERVICE HOUSECLEANING CUSTOM wood patio co-Uc. 306888 Remodel, Clean-ups, tree aerv. & Quick & clean Free est ve<s, decks & tencee by Add'na, Cabinets. hauling. 641-1096 Pate 873-0548 By Scandln11118n Ladv ~'!~~~·" .~!!!!~~~ .••.. RANDY 841.0622 S..6-85861846-4644 exp'd. 648-217 I Landscaping Malntenan. HAULING • student ttas Nurses Asa'1 lor home Experi.nced Cerpenter ADO'NS/AEMOOELING ce. Lawn & garden care. ~e lruck. Lowest rate. Housec1eanlng & ca11 ot care avell lmmtd .. fully Aemod.·•dd'n.pat101 Plana. Llc'd. Georre clean up. Ken Jones, rompt Call 7511· 1976. elderly. good & relleble. 1111. 538·5863 Vickie, 78().2885 546-8854 Pllmer & Sons 848· 814 538·1810 rah. Thank you, J<>hn refs. 549·9383 1•921-1080 . ., SAVERS 'v for your motorcycle DOL.LAR DAY DOUGH ~ ~ • for !Merchandise under •1,000 . Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-refundable. Extre llnN tUIO) 1 .i 4111 !!'!!T.!!.~ .• !.~~¥ m!.~.!.'.~~ .... I.~~ ~!!!.~.!!.~f .... !~'! !~1!!~!!! •.••••.••• 1 '!.~11..~!.".1.t!. •..• !.~~~ •••• !~!••••••••••••••• s20.ooo to $40,000 to Lott· Dog, fem. Gold red Sc•Hu j Bebysltt8f, mature & rup N.B. 3975 Birch. 1000 1q. loan for 2nd Mortgagee ~Ir. me~ u . No t1g1 fQ(JND ADS /aiftaclita 100$ peraon needed lo baby· 11. MIA zone. Agent 780.o909(213) 8611-1415 Charlie . Meu Verde •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 my home wkdy1 541·5032. ""· 5411--2031 MAPLE AVE CHAIS rtAN 645-5507 aft 3PM. ln,.rt·lJ,,..t !!1!!1 •• '!f~!!!. .. !.~t IUOILIT Af~E FREE :,~:!?i~gL ~~~d ~,.~:: IAIYlrTTll O I 11c•11 n du• tr ta I Vng c:ple 111k1 growlh Slue and white atone sm lndlv c1an11 Open Matu,. woman Of colt• 4,000· 14.000 aq fl. All capltal lor ••l•b. buSI· Loel vie Calver; Chapel CaH•. enrollment child care 91 lludont. llve In or out, A/C Hvy Pwr and Light· neaa. $10,000 for 3 yr1. or Spire• at Harbor Bl 1v111 &.-e..-33.t occ. babyalttll\g N.B. Ing. Xlnt IOI R&O and low 20•;. Int. Ouat. Investor• REWARD. 546·7206, 142-1111 Refs. 844-6887 r a I... 7 2 0 . 0 8 2 I • 01\ly. _a.._8_·2_1_116_____ I••· w .. 1" 101$ 213·927·«04 833·91061557-8807 Lost dark grey 6 mo. melt -~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Jtat•/t WUIH f $100,000 Needed tor 1 yr. KITT E N . VI c ;:o;;;;(j° young female gray BABYSITTING my home •••••••••••••••••••••• High return. good credll Fuller1on/181h. St. C.M Sheepdog mix so Coast Hwy & Tuatln In IAIYlmll Needed tor lnfan1 In our ttome. Perm/part time 648-8023 !~~!~~ ............. r~r..r.!~~!!! ....... ~!!'!".~ ••••.••••••••• ,. PAll'hll ••BAY.ANT'S'** AOO"NQ A£PAIR9 bio:.!cherd 81nor Lie WallcOY9rlng Rtn'loval 8Mtll jOl>I 0 IC lrM .. u. 2 4 13 yra ot heppy All Tyl* 842·1M3 mat ... Celt Tom a C"®k local cuetomert 542.03112 Thank you, 831_.4 10 ltl C111 ktfl•• cu11om wo111, 1n1 & ••t. · ·c;t~,;~~;;;~.~;si1~;;;· . .............•..••... llc'd :10 Y" In aria. rel•. Bondll(I $ 11/d8l, (every MOBILE SERVICe Herb 521·8012 aft 5:30 3td wk lree). 83 • 1234 RM<ltNlltlNew ~Milt N8/CM 84M1552 Bill'• Palnllng, lnllt•I f!!!!!~.!!~~!'!I •••••• R .. ld/Comml Cl yr• up !t!!#!!!! •••••••••••• 8 Cit area High QUal .. Coneultttlon & Hand m111tl1l1 Lo price Fr• Made FrlmM 40 y .. J. SERVICE & REPAIR e1I Reis 4116-57 I 7 E11petlenee 840-5141 Ven Oppene S•vlce Co 838-41188 QUALITY WORK • nHt, , ..... hOnftl Ref a Lk: r!~!!!.t~.t~!~ ••••••• "'' 287107 Dave 118'4-1045 ED'S PLASTERINO ..•••............•.... Low111 r1111l Prompt, TILE INSTALLED Nttt patchel. lntlexl All Kinda Guaranteed n111 profe11lonal1. 15 AHIUCCOI 645·8258 yr• exp. 848-568+ Reis JOhn 840-1121'1 PLASTER PATCHING Kttch bllhl tntrlu CUSTOM PAINTING R .. 1ucco1. lnt/ex1. 30 cuatom & comm lnt/ut. Auld/comm. yra Neat Peul 545-2977 FrN HI. lie. 644·47118 Fr" 111. 8'40-2082 15 yr• exp. NB/CdM~ I'm !!~~~!~I. ............ Cu11om Ceramlc Trre email, my price• •rt work. ''" "' 875·5 100 ATLAS PLUMBING & or 548· 7283 Glen or 1m1111 Aon 673-6477 HHtlng, •g_eclallzlng tn Ctiuck INT /EXT PAINTING repair• 84 1888 &-WALLPAPERING HIU 141·1121 ''" ltmc• Cuatom work. FrM 111. •......•.........•.... RNI. Steve 5•7-4281 Water Heeter Spec:lall I LOW RATES S 24 hr plumber Ile Tr11 trlm/ramcv. cteer llT/m PllllTlll up1, mOWlng 654·7017 Ouall1y. Dan 8•5· 7220 PLUMBING REPAIRS R1plpe-Replace-dr1ln1 r.-.~·!!~~ ............. Swanao" & Son Painting Fr .. "'· AMI, reliable Complete ext. 1 ttory 845·2811 Coeta Mo11 home from $3115. lndlvl· Moll IUb~ecte, K· 14 duel rooms from $<46 + Day/eve 6 & 110/hr. m1tarlela. Refs, Ins. ~!!!~!!~!~I. ••.••..... Mr Morgen 845·5176 Lie. 20534 1. 631·4870 J.D. Horn Refinishing ~!-!~!!.~!~~~!!I ..... AnllquH, kit. c1blnel1, r~~~1~~ ............. fine painting. 6•5.0664 "Let the Sunlhlne In" Far1hlng Interior Dtt~n Call Sunehlne Window HANGING/STAIPPI G .. ~~'---Cteanlng, Ltd S..6-8853 "Vlla·MC ~· --~-Mon~~._ "~ Huber Roofing.all 1ypes. ASR PAPERHANGING New·recover-deck• tnt/ut R11ld/comm'I 7 yrs local exp. Guar. 648-9734 FrM HI 20% montttl) Lie ••11802. dfacount 844-•798 work. Prlcea atert at '8/(0tl. Alec 751·7027 ROOF REPAIR CRAIG CLEANING CO SPECIALIST $25-$185 AHld/comm'I. Int/ext Exptr1 wallc:overlng FrM ntlmate 770·2725 Sc:reen1. mlrrOll L•ddll lnatelletlon. Aeu prlcet. vHENRV ROOFING"' work. Owner op11 Con1ultan1 A11l9nm1nt Shak .. Shlngla..Comp. 648-3089 581·8590 Lie, 415232. 548-6213 Paperhanging, 1trlpplng, People who need People IMF PHILEl1 painting xlnt work. lg or Thal'• what the 1mall Jobs, reuonebte Oont rerool, repair 11 DAILY PILOT rat .. • Refs. Fr•• HI I fraction of the coat. Clll SERVICE DIRECTORY Brendan 968-7427 L" 857-2890 le ell about! I DOLLARS DAYS LINES 3 3 . CLASSIFIEDs642-56 7 8 !'!.'l..~!!.~t.~ .... J.l.~' 1!!.'l..Vf!.".~t.~ .... J.l.~J !.'Jl..'f.~~:~::f.J!!•1J•,. OllnUTlll llllll. UlllTUT FltlT llll OLlll tor voter r1glstraUon Ori· Wanttd. WPtl' aaslltant. E11perlenced preferred, ve Pays S50·$100 dally c:andoaJI 25hraaweek. FI T. Flulbl• hours. l'ald twice weetlly. $200 837·7112. contlC1 M11gle, Sutf Ind 750·11128 750.5594 DENTAL OFFICE MNGR Sand Hotel. 497-«n OWllHM Ulll Efficient. Enthu11a111e & Fii M Bl·llngual c:lauroom organlzad;, w/blekpng Are you adventurous. 1lde1 (Spanish) needad axper • dy wk. 546·3000 n11d money, & love to by Huntington Beech Dentel/Front Otflc:e, plea-travel? Cellfornla mark• City SehOOI Dfllrlet. Sa· uni, buey eatebllshed ting company h•• 10 lary, $5 67 per hour. office nM<I• Hit. front openings IOI Sharp. mo. Written Int 10 be given. otc mgr. Exper neceas. 4 tlvaled hlgh·IChOOI gr .. Apply: 20451 Crelmer day work week. C M du•••• to travel 7 Lane. Huntington Beach. 845-7580 Nancy Western Stat11 & de· 28 yr old alngle working Sacured by 1st TO on 642-4755 Pkw; & .co5 Fwy, M v. NB Refs. 645·8646 ---------male n11da reasonable real estate. PP 842·11723 llttp~tr"' 1 _ ... Ml-Clllm at O C. Anlmal SHARE N.B EXEC office one bdrm apt. Non· • -• IA Sheller Furnished & copy m•· drinker & non-amoletr. Lott 11114 White tam. fl --------1 Companion/Aidt/Girl Fri ambulatory. lie• PIT Joyce 662·2338 Ive msg Babysitter /HouaekHper f?r my CdM home & 3 children, 14, 12 & 20 mo 8:30·5.30 Own transp Refs. Dependabll 675-J901 llfl.4-8888 monatr •te 111 exciting OENTAL ASSISTANT new product Training CONTRACTORS Xlnt opportunity for e•· program paid. Above parlancad ROA Busy. 1verage earnings. trans pleuant Lag11na Beach furn. ,.turn gvltanleed office FuH or part time I For In t er v lew ca II 40..·11761 646-3337, 11-4 PM thru chine. I 100 per mo Have relerencH Mike "'iJ!:/."' fr•lf mo Blue c:ollat w/wtllta. Los~ Chow, reddl1h In 657·~83 979·2699. I 503$_ REWARD. VIC Merlne<'s ColOI, So Llguna atee. --llWNIT----.-ll-1_1 __ -----------1 •••••••••• ••• • ••• ••••• Pk 6A8-11H>3 499· 1817 R-ard. F I .,, __ .. ~ s • la1ian11l•n•I'/ ,-··'l;;l;-tAffl-fl-Found amelt black 6 all· LC'1ST Tiger kitten. re· u I """" .. ..,. uo191 •:-•• :... •-••t 0., llt, I •••If •-w.•• 1 .. ,... ..._ ver Terrier, F.V. •re• "'erd, Brookhurstl Ind¥· --·-• •••••••••••••••••••••• Spec:laltzlng In 111 6 2nd 983·8685 r11polla. HB. 988·8666 Sfl25 .... 0Qean View Jadatll TD'a since 1949 1:hlld'1 heartbroken. All you need tor one !f. ti l!l SOO Robt. Satller NH/CM Found: ladles' w11ch, on monthly feel ,.. .. R ~ e k 8"' R approx. 917/ 82, N.£1. LOST Fem. SIAMESE Cit. 8'40·5470 ••• "••••••• •••••••• ·"'-ro " u nllora Call & ID. 842-6585. small. I 100 rewerd vie/ ---------Rettaurant • MaJor 6'42·2171 S•5-o611 Ford Ad 759·1379 ~·!1..Vf !!.'.t!. •••• !.'.~ u.1 •. l11lrl. Part .... Fut. eccurata typist. (IBM, Electronlc 75) 01. ganlzetlonal ability Pho· rie skills. Bookkeeping exper d11lreble. Top Near O.C Airport. 604 per Orange County·hlgh WIDOW HAS SU for TD'a FOUND: Smell grey le"' 11 plus. Prlvete anlrence. volume-all 01 part. Mr. 8 dog. lrvlne Blvd Sept Ample parlllng. Includes Webber (714) 75•.0598 RE Loans, lOK Up. No 15, Call 648-11114 l1tlf••I• 5310 benef111. $1200/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 714-835-8448 Cfedlt Check, No Penal· utllltles. Mika Crow, Agt. South County Arcade-I)'. Dennison & Aaaoc. 645-3178, 8-42· 1423 1oc1t1on & machines or 873-7311 l11lan111•1.J USO locatlon only Sll&-26951·M-o-no_y_1_0_1_o_e_n_t_o_r _r_•_•I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~lmone ot T Oft'\ _. I T I ,...__,. •-· Found. Lo11g haired SI•· maH type Htmelayan Vk: PoPPY • 4th, CdM 840·5138 Retail store at 2850 .Avon. • -·' • rus ..,...,.. ...,..ns l885 eq. It. plua 8 car Own your own Chlldreo • 714154~930. Loat Red headed Amazon garage. 941.9777 F11hlon ShoP. PrHtlge RE loans available lat & Parrot Lake Par!< lffJI, Fashion can open your -· • HB. REWARD, PleeH 1 DEO lfFIOH/ doors to • btautlful and 2nd T.O. e. Up 10 90"-call 988·86•7 . •;•1••tr highly prolltable bull· L.T.V. Tailored to flt your FREE HYPNOSIS CL>.SS "" -nesa Children'• f11hlont needs. Al, 964·7975 In Ston•mlll. 8eautlful are in grt1t demand In Improve )IOUl' 8811 lm1~1. COEDS • Would love to patty with you Cati Sue Apartment Manager 0 r K 1 1 h y a n y 11 m e . Ouahfled Couple to m•· 213/804-3233 nege 13 unit apt bldg In Liii& I YIOll'I Costa M ... 111rtlng Nov Re1·1 760·1418 ev11/ wl<nds PHOTO MODELS Appllcatloni now being ESCORTS/DANCERS liken for lull time oflioe OUTCALL 2• HRS l)eftonnel typing 10 key 111·1201 & some i1gttt boolek••· reception area, oftlcea, today'• market. We wlll Aaat•act•t•ft/ Tues, Sept. 21, 7PM. For werehOUMt. C.M 1778 aq save 30-40% on the tnl· luua.U/ r e 1 • r v a t I o n • p h . * * * " ., 79•. a15.3a82. 11a1 opening of yoor ••o-•-.._ .. ' _9_a.._.a_8_1_11____ ltl1nt1"1 Parlor ping required Petd me· dlcel plan. vacation pay. Apply In perton only, no phone eel~ 2300 Harbor Blvd Coal'i MeH 1144·95311. re. Pr9111ge Fuhlon cen •• ~~~~.~!~~•••••••• Found: Black lAb rJuppy lq / td oil s 01>41n 24 hr• e day C..•trd •I offe< thll un ue oPP<>I'· Aa••••ct•t•ll flOO w r c •r •nt•J Ana 7 d1y1 a week Apt Manager, couple w/ I la/ f41S j tunlly for S l8.500 For •••••••••••••••••••••• & 161h CM. SA2-or.79 Jacunl, Sauna Locals experience for 100 unit •••• !! ••• !............ complete details and • lfal U lts11fatM1 Found: fem. Dobles ml· 11 well •• Tourl11S. gerden apt., Co111 Me .. 3200 ti lndu11r111 apec:e I beaulllul colored bro· 760-0~ •td blk end bm Male BankAmerlcard, Amari-Salary + bonus + •Pl w /comm'I trol'lt191., chure call anytime Me. eodcapoo. Male mix blk can Elcpr•s, Olnert. All 842-4907 wkdya. Randolph St. CM . Batker(209)582•5131 SCRIM LETS Lab Fem. end male W91come 71•1646·3433 548· 1853 Atle for Gor· /arnmt•I ft • Borzoi Shapherd mlit 2112 Harbor Bl. CM V ASSEMIL Y V don or Roger. ~ I SOI ANSWERS Dalge. Mal• rrilll Sh•· $6 • 17 hr Fun benefit• >Nda8 fw • Relaxing mU11go by ltn· Comm'I beach location. ••• "••••••;'•••••••• phard lrl. Mlle Collie mix nl• pro• lrom Laguna Call 835-4449 2707 N 10111. 8'48-8844 lnv11tor for preHntly Invoke • Junior Rhodeelan brn with blk by •pp t . 1 0 . 9 PM AUPAIR llve •1 t"9 beach, rented well located Locate· Oldlah muzzle. Numeroua Cite 548-2817 ell achl & 1oma wknd The Sawdust Corp. I• aollelllng bids from con· tr1C1or1 lamlllar with IM Sawdust F11tlval IOI the conttrucllon of 1983 BANKING S a w d u I I F e 1 I I v a I Oomutk: TELLER Part· YI•• ground•. For 1p1cfflc•· tlons & Info, call Allde al 4116-7004. All bids mu11 be received by 10·2·82 We are currently lntar· OlllSILlll viewing for • Teller People needed 10 1raln (plr1·11m•I who wants 101 as CounHlors 10 aid be Patt of our growth I others In dl91r"' or with problems. This new Selected lndlvldual technique rHull1 tn a sl\Ould hive a min of 1 -u and happy peraon. yr. r8Cltnl experlencie In All welcome to apply. au phases of commercial Contac1· Oilflellca Cent· banking teller tranHC· er. 774·0121 ~IWHn Hons. 9•30 AM end 10:30 PM t.A on 1hru Fri, Sat 9:30 Our eucoeaa In the lndu·1 AM 4:30 PM 11ry allows us 10 proo(lde hlgttly compelllfve 11lary CRT Data Entry People, and benefH1 tncludlng Mull type 80 WPM, fl .. Medlcel, Denial, paid xlble 1hlft1. Spanleh vacation and more. apeeklng • +. Please call 851·9303 Uk fOI Bev In Pe11onne1. ()Cini pay) MOTtlR'S HELPER NEEDED We ere offering thla po- sitive live-In situation to• mature lndlvfdual with the lnler•ll and un· deretandlng II taku to help with the cer-e of our I year old. We also Uk tor aul111nce with the ballO houMhokl rnpon. slblfltl11 tn return, we otter lovely accommod•· Ilona In our Newport Beach home. and • ta· lary b•Md on your desire and exp1rl1nc1. For more lnlormeuon we In· vile you to call (213) 1141·8781 INTERVIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONL V CISTOllAI An Equet Oppty Emplyr Ml f' P1eue Call Personnel Dept 7 14-7 80..flOOO ~ .::Bank ....-of ~N.·wport Night Custodian needed ---------by Huntington Beach -.11&1-111t1m City School Olslrlet. Sa· Senior Security Guard lary, $1187·11478 per wanted lor Condoml· monlh. Written Int lo be nlum. Relerenc11 and glvan. Apply: 204S 1 Eicpedenc:e Required . Cralmer Lane. Hunllng· Call 875-610t, Mon-Fri, ton Beech. ~-8888 8 am • 4 pm c~~~.!~~~~ v111nSPEllSOI epx soo a.I., 1500/mo Wanted: 50% partner/ Broech • Sherry blk and wht. l'em. ml11 8each. Wayne or Steve Brl1101 SA Small '" I /a,a11t/1/ OrangelrM condo. Take TO OURSELVES and klttene. 644·3858.1---------t lt•t•/ 4500 all tu & depreciation There'• an old Hying Newport Beach Shetler. Jone Slllwell'• · supervision of 12 vr old ~~~~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ben4tll1 for monthly ne-that I find to be very true. 125 Me .. Or . CM SINGLES DIRECTORY glrl for prof women. Lt with hotpltaJ equip. mtr. $8 hr. Sever11 openings. Mu1t havt good phone Small IM. Call 835--4449, VIAITEllElllV pereonaflty, expetltnce 2707 N. Brleto. 6 day-1. 1750 up. 2180 ft. lndu· atrial • Oltlce. 18101 Re· dondo Circle #M & T Huntington, Beach . 842-2834. a-11ve & tml equity down It goes. "Sometime. 11'• Found: Dark Calico female of Club•. 14. 957-8279 hHkeeplng, cooking. b • • • d on •c t u a I eallef to be good lo lo-ATTR I d f rm/board & em Hlary mld-1981 purch ... pr1Ce mebody ""than II la 10 cat. 11'~1--~~1 yng e Y •k• • • _6_7_5_-_2_12_9_ev_e_•-----1 p • I d . II 5 5 • 2 0 3 3 , b • g o o d T 0 fluent Older man, Lynn, Automotive 759-1071. K11en OURSELVES." Found a medium alH Bx 14 12. Placenlla b Ion de dog. VI c . ,_92_t_7_o ______ _. Warner/8611Ch ., .. Cell Dancer• lor Bachelor C • r r I• 9 6 S • 2 4 7 3, Bachelorell• PertlH. 847-81129 738·1536 or 550-8531 IMMEDIATE OPENING I In llllng & conelderable CdM 873-44113 13.50 hr plus grMt tips ---------Bclf r .. teurent. C.U to-typing. Resume to: Bo11 llOlfW lffltll d a y S m a I I t a e 11319. ltvlne, Ce. 112713. 835·440. 2707 N Oay~~end« W11n1td ........ I er1s1o1, s A "'°'one del MM. Fountain Vllttfff mortoa· 973.a2•1 .. & .. r K h gt company .. •king Boollk~ lor chlldrena · " '~ "' 11 Y et1C1row oHIOet 10 prooeea store. Retail s.ioe. ~ DECI< HANDS toen eacrows. S•l•ry & Req PIT. PETllE MAR-FUH time lot:>~ • ..w-c:ommlHlon, Rewardlllg Fri. or 848-4187 P11ent1 welcome et Interview. IEIEIAL lmOE Sharp per1011 tor front office. Typing, flllng & heavy phon.a 675·11800 Gtnlf'll JOBS!JOBS! 28 openings tor depts LOCAL FIRM STAFF POSrTIONS $1,175 NO EXPERIENCE Netded In aome depta t•MHIATI 1ta111 Call lor Appl 714·848-•535 GROOMER WANTED fOI Ftl & Sat. (po•lbly Sun) for NB pe1 thoP. M\111 be ~per. a rellabte. Non-"'*' · &40-0091. ...... , ... ....., .,. ,.. ..... ...,, U ~ ere f'H leech you how you cen make • min. llletlme Income of 15.000 mo within 12 mo. An •11- clllng opp'y. C111 tor appt. 084·2992. 083·5592 ...... H,.,l .... r• lor woman axeovtl~. 4 days per '#Mtl. Noon to Clpm Englleh epealtlng Good drlYet. Refs. p.,. rnantnt poeltlon. Call d1y1 e•o-0224 • .., .. , wknd• 140.•309 FOUND: Approx 10 mo. 8lk i..b, male, hMbrkn. Vie NB .,.... S..e..8055: 541·11'111 CllEW .EE.ED CHE:, C.M. 842.,.71• ral po11tlon1 open. Xlnl car.., opportunity. BOOKKE~PINO/ACCTO oooortunlly. F« fM Info Al!SIOENTIAL HotleU/Hoat neadeO Ex.perlenctd MIF. non· F 0 r mer m I I I 1 1 r y Mature peraon. Bkk.pg I _c:a1_1_ Jo0h_n_03_1.ee_20___ MORTGAGE SERVICE Apply after 5 PM. The A1t1 lenlot Writer 1moker, hHlthy, for experlance ... plu•f ~C1. muet. 1.IOhl typing, v"IEOI .,....... I Jo.!'.." .. ~ Cornerstone cai.. 3000 ~._;..;..,_;;;.i •·F-ou_nd_: _Y_ng_fem--ce-1.-,-5·• ~:,~ ~~11M!.~~!/S~~ Many benefit• •nd e•· gtl Friday, NB. Stan 15 I 12.50 hr. Wiii train. -.,-~,-,-,-,n---c:-o_m·-.v.v.-D-em_o_n-·' :~~!6~1~'.·~~': M-. mo. Male klllen whl• wt '"um• 10 "crulH", Bo• cepttooat growttt po1tnt• h r • C • I I M • F r I • l.oolclnO t0t hatcl 'll!Of'ktf. "'" •• 111 --------- •Pot • • 5 4 8 • 8 0 5 5 : 8787. L•gvn1 Niguel, Ca. tel. Call Sef'vlce M•n•Otf 1 2 : 3 o • 2 . pm o n I y . 0111 13"5·4440 2707 N itrate toya .. g • PM)' • i lllTlll/ lllT 5'48-1949 · Roy Levy '31-7227. · · pten No lnVMlrMnl, no ...--.....-----1 02877 549-4300 •a.-u Wll h 8'1ttol. 8,A. Smell fee. detl.....-y. FIM kit .. trtl· S5.50 hr. Wiii "•In ':r.:= ..e:it" .:!~:.'tac:! HEl.PI 0.Wled bnkrpt & a -··;·lllM I II.aim SAUi nlng. Fle11lbl• hre. Caul :;~c~4~:·~~u2'1"~·7 c~~ r a ble . 6 4•·8056 : homelMt. Metaphyllcll I magnon 13 hour minimum, ~[!TOO., al~!.!tO~~ ~~~5orConnlt lrlalol.S A.Mlllllfet 648 1949 mom w/kld• 4&6 mat ._.. '""" "' """" , .. ,... • mow by 9/25, need 28' ~~/~. A~ ~ ne11 for oolot. wtll ''"" F'-.lt ...,..,n RESIDENT --===~=;--or bn• rlTl or? Mod .. 1 ..._ Unified k"°°1 DI-U A.•2--" MOn. ...... . ........ _ •nm1--atrlct, Food Servlc;ea, .....,..D ~• '"'women a --• ·---,...--..,..----1-:;-~_t:_1_3_depo_s1_•_1_C'*Y __ ', pont1'ac 549 .... 00 ! __ •1_a_1_P_1_•c_•_n_"_•_· _c_o_ .. _• o.n1t1·Cfltlftlde. PIT AM. ::,. ~~ !t ~:,,'~.,!~·tnd"".:'d " ....., Meet 780-3273 exp ADA, 4 dVI pr wtc. •~ .................... , .. _.... I C Found Fem Golden Lab. lft#IMJ I luly piMMnt office, Nc>t tr\'..,... ,....,. ... ._ .,....,, Hotel 1655 O OHi n1lx, vie Mag11olla/ •--6m ••H H•tbor Blvd•' l'elr Dr IAlllll Ct 840.0300 M .... .,... Hwy, Ltgun• 8HCh 4 'Vort<t°""'"· H.B. 186-2502 •• ~~ ••••••••• !"!"... In Co•t• MM• Faahton lllMCI r.tlll "°' r, F I 95nnvm; dayat'llltc. t Ml -S pm . • ' '- .. -p DENTAL A8818TANT "-*"''I for FOOd hr-hper Pref. Aft~V In l'OUNO • GOiden Relrle-.... •a•--1 re. otltlon avtlltble IOI ,. ' _,.,., •• h Have your bHn Htr-vie•• nteclto by Hunt• l*'tOfl to LOUIN • wr Ml•, about 12" high, P.,IOMI, q1.1alllltd com-Par1/tfmt or fUllltlme In an txtcutlv• 011 ler. ohlng lor 1 rawtrd lng ~1ton heOfl City khoOI vto. Vlotewla & Pla09flll•. panlon dr1ver1 for 11our cttent1' hornet -..ulr• £xpr. •• bank teller or wtlere °"' ~ D I a I 12 .. _.. .. .......,. day 10 oa fd • ...,. l\ead cuhler E 0 E cttMt Y 11r ct. lltry, 4. Hos /Hos ,,_.......,, Y etrt n I , menta: mlrnlTlull'I • 20 • ' ' alft experUH Wiii b• JM1f hOUf, Wrl'19" t• 19 t tess 9hopptn9, Ooctor'a ytttt: 2 yeera COiiege or e.w.507o UMd & ~?If IO, wt be QNetl. ,At>ply: 2045' D II Piiot •PPt•. churc;h, e1c:. All chlld care •KPtrlence. CHILOCA"I tn'll1• you 10 Join "' a Ortli'Mf I.Me. Huntlnt-• For Gourmet ,._..,.,,,, C'•auylf•-s need• met. By hO\lr or 1 Valld driver'• Ileen" ~. ~ WOiW ellef• In the growth of ton ...,,.._ M4 IHI hparlence recivlr•d ,_ dev 49..,5157. Pr~ 11t11ne hr· 10 cHdewe In my '*M. "* oenno defttet oft101 WtMae H°""9 Ml *'-c.if for worll for ._, MU ¥lee A'lf/flC'/, tMfe Via T·Tll for 1 >" a6d ~ )Ont MMfftl lncludH Of a:opplnt rltfll 1 ._.L .., .. 2 ... Uu. ,..,11 z:T•y•;••••••••••rf:!~U ~!•,~MIHlon Viejo, have Aela & Ctr NI med.,_ It• If ...... ,_.-....•__,.. t • . .!:. . -.. ., atH. (11•> Ul·t•U. Md. N • ... ltol D-~;c;;e;- & _.. fltOUNO TAIP hby•llt•r, Mon• Thur a '* ,._.. ... ,... = ""--.To ... • .., quklc J::!o '9 '!!I!! nH, !In varied, my 1liiiid ttte ii• uln. edt ...., ....,. .... Q .. MMm J:'... • J~M!J;Q~~l~~~~Qg~l~~~~:JJ!!l~!~Q!"'!~"!"'!·:;.;~~=~~·~~·~w~TI~~~~ ~i;.~1 Npt 1011 .1 ::,..~.:~ ..,....~.,~ .. ~·-~"-._ \ .,.. U1111uu t;Utt•I UAll y Pll OT I ···''··'~~'.~ .... !.~ .. Hot 11oo1111 l'l•"h"' 1 all lob or ~•••II•• at t4a-1<1aa HllRPR·llH·lll full 1;ha11)11 fur NS W• twlrt hm I I ni 11111 t •Pk P.ng ow11 , •1 , "'' 842 6001 tiOUS(WIVf •, MAK[ U< I ltA SH Call J111at ~"fl 1141\ t Oenlal Hygloul•I r •f"' I 11anc1d 11nu •-1J11111J"O dullea prelnr'll < ,,.,,. Meee t-819 WOO lllSURANOE Co1nmerclat111"1 ~1111111 por1on nooc.hl<I l 11111• tlenco "''"'"~~11 1 y 840-8084 ln1ur11nce /\t Ca11rom111 C•~u111ty tt I.lie, we provide yu11 woll• all leads lrom eK1~t111g eccountS, so 1t1e1e, NO COLO CANVAS~tN t• Thie mea111 tile l'rc 1pect1 are Gre•~t wll " marketing our 011ht1111 ding Ille pollcte~ 111 NI dltlon. we at<Jo prchhJu these eKcepllonal '" 111 lits ' EKCellent gut.1•·"'" C>CI salary/ comm1~ ,, 1 • Office Spece • Secret&•ll'I su111•1•rt • Bonuses to ti\ ''' premium • Medlcot. <1111.1 11 1-•••1 alon ' EduCAllOttBI IS .1~111 1" II you hevo prtor '""" ranee e~porlenLe w ,, I s1rong satt111 b<11<.I\ 1 ground, th~ Pr ""l'"l '' Are Greet lor 11r1 eicrtt11111 I and lucrallve cnretH w•tl1 I Celllornta Ca~uolty II Liie Cell or wrllP 1 · .. 1 •• 1 Hutton Wobster at California Casualty & Lif ,1 200 S. Man " chester Suite 300 Or ange, CA 92668 .. ( 1 1 4 ) 937-01 30 EOE INTER I 0 A 0 F SI (, N SALES Need 5 Art & Acc;ns•• rv desion consullant, I' r ur FT Wiii train 490· t 461 Legel SccrNi:Hy Ctrpor1t1 to S 18,100 Mery Hicllle AgPrn.y 19762 MacArthur ntvd Irvine CA 640 29:2U LOH OFFICERS Aggressive NPwpo1 t 1 Beach lmn seeks rnot1 . 1 1 vated tndllolduats Tern torles open Must hove R.E Lie He•bo1 f'ncrflc 955-0073 -----lose weight & m11ke mo· ney, for complt'lte dt>tans I call Brennan M1ll19nn 845-1856 IUll WAITED DON QUIXOTE MOTEi 2100 Newpo'I Bl\Cl COST/\ MESA MAINTENANC'J' Full time. n11•1lf 1111 $12 26 per hr YI • portunlly For , .. ,. i• ·110 can John 631-66:>0 Managemen t 1r1111.ee. complete tram1ng 11ro· gram, $300 wk 1-.~r Salt 761-2406 Manaoement Utotem Markets llc111t. Trainees I 111111 Your Career Siert yovr new cMe"r or1 I ovr 3rd shill. earning $4 Up lo $4.50 111 you b•" come more ttxp'<I v,,,.._ will ba promotttd l •J mgmt. & aupe1v1s"ry ie. vela Call: 714 537 4840 lntervlew1 held every Wed. 7-8 pm at 111 !Jet Mar, Costa Mesa on<I every Tnurs 9an1 nron at 1390 N Cst Hwy LllQ Bc:h. E 0 . E Marketing Ml'ntgen '"' CAREER 3t Open1no~ ¥.'!I. .rt!.'.'.~ ••.. !.'.fl! W 11( I llll r• I e111ta 1111111 I"" t 111oe 11 you •rn 1lrta11 1 on1rtou1 I ~.'1.!!e.~ .... !l. ~!1.: ........... 1.~~! UIO 00 'WHlll\' P•J• WIMALAVM4 kltlan1 oh«ll• (lulty ouw•nlt8d) C , A blua .... 1. pl. WOfl>.lrtO part Of lull lllM I ttl~ 1~ 040 1790 111111• 111ou1r 111 tyulng ••~-.....;,__: 1111111 111auan1 ph11na µeraun1llty & KNOW 9Alt 60A HI toll A&P Mo11110 11411 0114 t al Mme Wttllly P•r · ...-- Che<lca ma11ao <ltreetly to a.., IHI PART Tiii llLH """1111111 ljv111lablt di 111un•l1t11t110 pr~>dUi.t• In 111 v1 ••/ th"•• In y11ur ""'• 4t h1 Wiii train fl~fllhl 11111 PART TIME ( Y'1~ 111111/(11 Wllflkerld• llf''l't.ll 1,lhle 110ull•, ov•r J t wllh 1111tijl11111ll11Q, Ill tr1H.111111 µ111101101111ea to WIHk WIJll yn11th (11081 tO 14) 1..1111 2 !.PM , ti4J ~121, f1t 3~6 COf PART TIME OOUHllOH I ••Joy ,,..111k111u with klOI w .. 1k ''"'"''"ll~ We tt1t111 ~n11 111 '"'"""" 11 youth "1111 ul " C,111 .• ~l'M 1144! ~J<'t ll.f·lb 1 It\ I( At I lff 111\1'\' SfAFF PHYSICAL THERAPIST r <•II• 1t11111 Vlllh > <.;um111u 111ly tt1>1p111111 T1ourH8 I 11111" prot'<1111ty hll, a l ull I lt•ll• M 11 11 r1 I t8 110 '> ()rtp111 ) pos111on IV·"'""'" l(lr 1111 n~pe "'''" l I l1y•o1l AI Thllf!I 11.1 rtrquirt'' 0/1/BS w1lh 1·3 ye.11~ Arp&ntlnre µrefer- ' Pd "' 1111 •Jtult' rort> ho- .pit"' M11• t t•o (;rilllo1 nto 1t'l11~(otti"f! W• ""' 1 J ' tt•cellent '•" f ,J,t..J1td111g bf1 - I "ill ~ 1tn(l o1 IJIA,\~flrll Jn1 11 wor.,in'J ~r1v1 '" ,..,t f'h rt ~ CCU feel I r1 r I {)lfo(t> Al OA•AOI IAU ADI NOW C.LAHtrllO IY CITYI HllUOW '"'-' /d,., ......••..•.••••••.... UHll SALi Sit/Sun 8·4, 114 Co111111 C1111 /11111 .•.....••.•••••.•.•... Sat/Sun Amarlclln Anll· quff. ""'"1 ~·· 24611 Norae, 8411 01142 c., ... ,,, ,,,, ••• • ••••••••••••••• ··• Foa•t•I• V11/1 ~11/Sun 6-5 800 N•r<ila-•• •• •• ••• • •• •. ~ •• •••• SUI, (;cJM (In Alloy) $AT ONl.Y 8·4 Fountain Alll>y thlnga. Cloth•• •• Valley HIQh 8CllOOI 611110 0 II Crtbl, •lrollers I OIQANTIC Oar•g• .. ,. twin ere Ar1t1quea. hall 10308 Nlgtf\lngale. r11 ttee, Bonnet drer. dbl Orookhur•t 11nd 011rfleld breas b6d. Mlec every-988·4640 thlng you ltlltn ••omt Oltlcie r.lf, ••••••••• ,•-••••• e~y WldnHClay llltt AdOflble KNlhOl\d l'UP· 1m1nedla111y NO ••P•· pltt AKC r .. g. champ r .. ll,. 118C88Hry N1llo 11"'11 •M. lF. 5 wk• Rt· nal company Do yo111 Hrv1t1on1 & pre .. , .. wo1i. rlgllt In tn. comfort 11111 soot and eacurlly ol your own hon,. Oe1a111 and appll• eatlon mailod Stll'ICI your name •n<I 1ddreu 10 American rldtUty Com· pany, Hlrh'O Dept. 77, 1040 Lona Sllr Or .. N8"" Braunflll, l'X 78130 ,,,,, .. -''" ···········~·········· ~-.. ~'J ... ~~ ..•••••• 1.0.0.. WESTMllllSTfR ABBl!Y ftH ,. ,,. 104 ................•..••. Nndad maturt ltdy wl OJneroua leleura time 10 provide alltcllon lor a A.KC reglettttd CU\I aging MaltaH pupplet, Raf rtQ 7511-0008 llTIHI I PIPPlll Pet zoo 'n' Plante Too 2330 Newporl Blvd, CM FRee PETS 831·8350 .-,NTIOUE:' MAl.L Abandoned kl1ten1 nHd 117 51 WHtm1n1ter Ave. homes. Mora Info t!ARDEN Q ROVE Call 648-1305 -~~--Patio Sele 6' sofa (like newl. cherry wood hutc.h st81BO cob . am relrlg . 10 spd A111e1gn bike, misc turn & hsl\ld Items Set/Sun 10·5 2711 111 Av !'!~!{~!~~.!·.~~t... 554•8100 F0r1ot1d10 g oo1d ho9me F napt1lr "I h ---.,, Rel Lab, mo•. '" • wlltr tater. Antique quilt, vmy nice. thotl apeyed 494-3088 ook t•ble, bltcnH atudy $150 ---·-------• unit. Chair I . furn , CIO· 875-91188 or 64i?·0129 HAVE MERCY ON ME. 8 thing, ml1c 1032 l.1k• beaul kl1ten1, nd lovlng SI Sal/Sur1 O·Sl)n'I /\nlfque Cradle. unu1uel & hOme. now 497-5926 ah fine $475 6 frri•• 675-9688. 940.0129 ---------• ., •••• ...._•••••••••••••• . --6 LOVABLE Klttan1, 8 YARD SALE • CloMd ovr Antique OelrOre• · boMtled ~·· 2 C11ftGo. store Bad/beth llnan• mirror & carved teet. __ 54-5087 Co111 M111 ········~···········'· 2 163 Krispin (Harbor & • BAY CRUISING • PARTIES • SPORT FISHING 714·673-4860 Eve . 557-3273 Victoria) Sat/Sun 9 5 Antiques & Goodies ?4' woo d 1;dd;r p1no pong tablo. TV 15 x 32 x 4 pool lncludtng 111181. S 125 Many other Items Set-Sun 2203 Raletgh 1how c11e. gon<101u: b •au 1 S 8 7 51 0 1 r '-" Great Dene and part .;?,"' /,, .'1/11A'IJ. · J;,; ~~."~~~.om ~wm ·~m~~d2~~~=~====~~~========~~~~~===~;:;=======! boxes. bags • an below Antique Barber Chair. Lo v ab 1 e 1 g e dog -: cost CASH ONLY 9 comple1ely rn1o~d. &S6-3A93 f•r-111Uf IOSO llJu1llUH8I IOIO llhtl111111.H1 IOIO 1111 IOl1 ~5et~~~~7g_t_o_n_. trvlne ASN2~000U.E63S1T·600V4E7 Oxlotd -Fr_ee_t_o_g_oo_d-ho-mo--. -lo-.,-a--' ;;~;,~·;·~~~:~~:::·c~~~ UiWiii•ht••• ;g~·1·s;;;:;o~:;tdj;t;;;, C~~k~·;5·;:~1~j·p~~~j;; ble mhced breed, good cab , furn • din HI. 8 10 20' long 36¢ per 11 & tO" tabh1 HW, S200 AKC, buff & party color Sot/Sun9-4 3 Famtly 114, Universal, Early 1900'1 wl1h ktda. M . 1 yr dlahes. etc ()68-2645 175•1491 anYttme oe George 831-54711 S 150 • S 1 7 5 SAT/SUN 1739 Labrador 11 14, • 18 Park Vlsla, (oil porcelain. Gu. S2''5. 893-7793 evs 7141759-0747 evet Dr Maple dining bootn Stonacr88k North In 641-5959 HHllOARI Spa equipment. healer. Ave tbl s4ootbst olr Desk/ Woodbridge) Spinet iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiai-m!Klllens Have sholl • wlll KINGSIZE. dark wood ' pump, filter & btowe1. ell chr s3o. boy's 10 sp<I Plano. 19· Freeze1, rw1n1· deliver EKcellent cond $ t 75 tor $650. 6<66-8028 Bdrm sel, Stereo & *MONTHLY* 760·0150 66t-8517 bike s2o. Clothlno. hou· speakers, Antique desk/ 'AllTIQUE FAIR -R--/S_h ___ I -· h•41Hlrlal l14tr svhold 10¢ to $500 chair, couch, 6' bookca-n e tr op m •. pup, 48" table lamp, entq. gold S BIG BLOCK se. heedboe•d•, 11amed Antiques & Colleollbles needs good home. leaih baae. off-white shade. Wtt,tr GARAGE SALE art, misc 1ppllances. *FLEA MARK trelned&46-5151 S35 642·1155 Model866 Neernew(25 Sat/Sun 16-19 Oorsel cryetel. etc • hrs on clock). Cost $9, 3•b65 cocklall table w/ 000 • sacrifice tor $5, ~!r~~e.:.Vi~~~n~esa ET* !~!!'/!~!! ..•..•.• !.~~~ marble top, antique wnl-500. 963-0363 YARD SALE Sun 9119-, ~.'.'!r.!!.!!~f~•••••••• Ne • u _ .. M he di eieeut ornately carved te bese. $50 642· 1155 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil y.,4 Salt w .. 5"" 8fC n • 1111lnu1 coffee lable, 48" RNO GAME TABLE IOl•I OIT jewelry. queJ1ty & costu· I • ... • • •'4•60. $75 845-8746 Walnut/formic•. $100 OF IUSl•ESS s•Lf me. else typewr1te1 clo· c101111no book•. •P· 111. ot. •• -4!,• -842·1 t55 • ~h~~-~res;;~~· ~r:~:"e ~~=n~~~IS~~78 ~~'tJ~~ ~~I~ ~~1:~;4~;~t/1~: 'l~ *I BUY** Ur.>lque er1111·1 or archl· l114wh• PlllH Ave CM. 8· 12 Good uaed Furniture & j tect's desk. 9' long, w/ New wal •plnet S 1500 2011 011ii11 Cl SATiS'iJN"9~ 4pm UHE OAl IESI Ai;pllances-OR I will sell Ille drawers & shelves. Used antq whl~ $1400 710 I S •.. hore Or Anti-or SELL tor You $125 646-8181 Housenold goods and ~ Anllqve 3'~x5 $200 new restaurant suppl.es que wood tables & chrs 80_0591 alt · 4pm l\ASTEllS llCTIOI Beautiful dtcorator·a pine ••• ludy #i1t1JIHIHI Wutld 1011 WANTED SPintt or Con· aole Plano. &52-7712 H e·LPtt ~;:;; ·.;;,; s;;,; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Meet space 11 oc lll•wla/ha·FIHr F11lrgrnd1 Nd products Price reduction on Grand to sell Any tdeaa? P11no1 & many other ae- 714-631-3570 lecled pianos and or-Sat/Sun Cor Orange Many quality hovsehold 1461·1111 IU-1121 & bran baker's rack. Alto sex and 21st Items CIOthes, loola. etc Antique solld Mah. dres-~ $900 Sell for $325 Clar1net qena $350 s 11 s I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I PLUS WlMTEDU 12~ API F1tttry i'iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ;;~5w3~o m~~~oo~aflt' L~~~~v w':'1'~~.°w:.·~~·~:: -C-h-lld--090/_T_ee- 4 n_T_e ___ L .. -... -w-1-th-I i~~~:!,. 0 ru•.hll Warner . -----I /I f b d $100 .,. """ F Btll. Wuttd 1100 Btl'I. W1 IH 1100 A JjHtfl 1010 6°f~1~8ay or er mattress, $t50 Slereo Premier drum FOUNTA IN VALLEY OOMMUIUTY HOSPITAL $200 $200 $95 WASHER & GAS DRYER f llllOlll 'tll I/IQ Good cond Reaa price Save l00'1-0wn Iha Besl ~·~utn"'I ~1121~e't'08 I ••• •••••••••••••••••• ••• •••• !'. •••......•••• 1/1. •••••••••••••••••• ___ Bench. S50 780-0920 I It :Irr ,., Shlpplnl) & recelvlno HARBOR A t •111 "ft 801.lt Sales-Men & Women Trainee position for buay APPLIANCE S~~ICE I ll'J flll•JTlllf Mi101ll111t11S 964--0332 Org•n & Plano Cenle< t•111 ,1 Cir>rortunlly I "~ rflr Iv' r 'M FtWITtN• .. rJv 175 opera- tor n11' I yr f1•f.•P• $6 50 hr tr S Inc 2230 So 011po'1 t !>r . Anaheim 'l 17 0~'..11 r 0 E P /time Mornincs S '~ µlem1m1 your Income hy cloorog 1nt11rea11ng 1e- t1>pt1011ri "111ns work on t>Ph 111 "' na11onsl com-~·or11e' $<1 hr qusr plus tui.rolive bonu1 Incentive programs Sllll'S e1pr µrr>v but will l•B•n the 119h1 person For Inter· view cell ,.,., Kruk at 545-5776 REAL ESTITl HUS N8"'d :? e~P8r people in commttrc11)t en<I lndu· ,11101 real est&le fQr suc- ce~,1111 nnd growing lttm n·~r wo,~•no condn,ons 1n NAwport BPach , 1416~6 ~051 n .. _,,pr fJr 15 1 tyr1ng so wpm 1 , •un~ r prl'I for µtusti t~ 0 0 111 " ror 'P~t Ci44 <'507 CAREER OPEii HOUSE COSTA MESA NEWPORr TIJESDAY <;FPT ? I 1982 I.All MISS KELLY 846-0303 <.au tO<lny a11<1 Qet all the onswNS lo wh&t 11 lutura tn re~•C!enual neill Estate s11.,~ cc ·_1111 mean to yov I r c• "'' 01~on C :>ld..,.ell Bani< er f•e~""" s•g 2no HARBOR Bl VO (.r ST/\ MfSA C A f,?627 CllEW ll&•&HRS & growing lntar-connact We atll recond., guar Les 957-8133 Spacesever Captain'• Bed Dr1war1, cab. bed. 111 In one $40, 557-6448 01rec1 sates eKP requt· phone compeny Mull b8 appliances 549·3077 Oak dining room lablt & 6 re<I Must be a stong re-strono. l'lard·worklno upl'lolsttired chalrt Xlnt Formica Dinette with yel· cru1ter & able to travel person willing to do a I IUY APPLIAICES cond $£t00 548-2063 low naugochelr1 (4) Uka Call lOAM-1 PM only Mr SHIPPING Les 957 -8 133 s "'" DeNaro 894-0565 DEPARTMENT Flll•llflllE·IEW new 1 · 7-·8310 '73 VW 11en, 36K $2200 217 E 17th St, CM Small cash reg S•O Used comics. records, 141·2471 Desk $35 paperback books. Tne1~~~~~~~~~~ Cod A Ph $50 Otr8C10ry HB 1160-5888 I~ • one 1---~------7 II Concert Grano Plano. Roll away Illes S25 /llolic•l Collector's Item. 1901 Oroan sc»<r. LeSlle $99 l•1ta•1at1 IOl3 Kronlch & Bach. Rare Snarp dependable per-Wuhe1-0ryer-Refrlo. PRICEf; START AT· Teele Bar, handmade. •••••••••••••••••••••• Golden Mahogany SALEIPHSO• son 10 boK & ship car-Dishwasher-ANGE-Top. Mattress 4 Found 1411 Open1 10 5 It. $400, YATH MUSIO 00. Hallmark Gift and Party Ions of plates 30·40 hrs overstze oven. Stant11ony New lai:tory aealed 760-8310 3028 Coaa1 Hwy, COM YAM AHA Bua Amp Completely rellnlthtd and rutored. Mull play to appreclalt Sacrifice $9000, must 1111 . 213/598-6424 Shop Must be experlen-wk S tart S6 oo Call hood. 4' long, Copper10-Twin SH-full s97 -(5 blks E ot MacArthur) Head with a double 15" ced and wllh a desrre to wk<lys Mon-Fri 548-5139 ne $250/obo 548-4984 Oueen SM7-t<lng S167 Solld Oak Cap1a1n ·1 140·1020 PV speaker cabinet All I rain for manager poSI· S S 5 alt 5pm Sofa Bed• ,197 Chairs. reflnlthed S50 1~~~~~~~~~~ In uceltent condition tlon. FULL TIME. Tues hoe alee. 2 •35 hra. Whl 1 1 O G Sola & love 1eat St97 H . -I '1·000 • lhru Sat Huntington exp only Hrly & comm . r poo ryer · 89 DISCOUNT FURNITURE 760-8310 TABRIZ PERSIAN RUG! 131·0111, 1·1Pll 2 Boaendorfer Qrand Pia· Beech Ares 962_8910 xlnl oppty. Children• Needs couple small BeSI offe1lakes 111 ~~~~~·~~~~~I nos for Sele Prltet 11art Bootery 644·2484 Mr parts. $30. 846-3433 1959 Harbor Blvd King Sz bed. •lightly uMd., 640-8688 = at $2000. 493· 1198 SECltnlRY/f Mille COSTA MESA 631"8809 w/fr1me Alto Su. Yamaha, xlnt ---------IEC. ___ r ------$135. 760-8310 Shopsmlth with bendsaw cond $250 Goo<! tor Wt1rlltztr s,111t Min 8 yrs hvy seeralarlal SNACK BAR WAITEDU Creoen~a. Spinlsh Me<llt and sander attachments. atudenl 842-4764 5850 963-72 e11per req Challengmg Cashier /Food Prep WASHER & GAS DRYER 27lr43 • lllle new. $100 Llvlno room HI (6pc). $500 540-4728. 45 position for someone Opening and closlng Good cond Rtaa. price 644-6579 Earthtone1 $350/blt ofr ---------Sax11phone, Yamaha Alto. llroltltr Petitt unusually bright & skll· ahllls. Mature Seacllll 964-0332 1'solld wood dlr Ing table ox aprg. llke n-. $200 Mobile Phone. direct dial, new P<1 $650. Hcrlflce led F0t long hrs & hard Country Club !>38-8866 673-4466 Lido memo r Y . S 2 6 5 0 $450 831-0318 evenings Uprll)l'lt w/bench work -offer salary 10 52 In. Claw and ball 1>9-997-4251, 838-6207 S700/oflet 760-9555 524,000 P8' yr, pension Telephone SOllcllort nee-Upright 21 ell quick free-deat1I Walnut and a.sh N&w lull·llZ• maltreu Mt. ---------BUNDY flute w1tn mualc S CHI I hind ins. bonus program ded Flr1trata Retort Co ze freezer. comm·r quill· OC1egonal $250 $85 New queen size. ,Magic Island GOid llfefll· etand $175/maka otter .t!!!!'!I •••••• ~ •••• ~ • an ~aan v'"w If""''. Excellent werklng condl· ty $200. Wknds/eves 644-2770 S100 750·5832 me memb&rehlp $750 840-126-e SAILBOARD " ~ "' ,__ T 83 2 ---and current dues $200 ---------·• re not the best please 1811 uons op compann-1-1 4 1 Penn Houae c '1arry 4 Couch Herculon, brwn 675-8589 DRUMS 4 pc ell htrdwr Comp I w/mast, rig & your smartesl under-llon Catt Jeanne or Kim Tappan mtcrowave w/ poster bed & canopy $85 Nau~ahyde brwn ----------• Greet for beginner S200 1811, $450 760-9257 chlltlenged troend sboul 9-6 9 --OHS probe. never used retail lrame $600 Sulla tor rect•ner $3 548-2687 Orl11t1I 11111 _6_7_5_·_54_6_7 ______ ,'·s-,-.-,-,,-,-,-,-,,-.-,-,-.-,,-- us NON·SMOl(ER Col· 4 4 $500 $275 842-9006 over $900 Llk1l new DINING room table g 6 T ebrlez 9x 12. perfect tins & Assoc . 567 San STOCK CLERK S 875-9688. 840-91:>9 charrs Ilka naw cond con d 6 3 1 -7 7 8 8 Serious High school stu-'" 1095 Nicolas N B 644 5771 F II t' Ill t t WA HER/DRYER stack---. '"'2 ""'"'5 . dent <lestres an lneJ4)8n-•••••••••••••••••••••• · -u .me. w rlln. op •d apt unit 220 volt Dining set Bassett ' pc custom padded $1200 I ~ """"' 1 ou•LtTY 11 5 11 GLASS SHOWCASE SECllnlllY pay, >1lnl opportunlly For · :. .. s S350/~ow 1250' w/carveo credent• lOn1 873-2512 -0-1S_P_LA_Y_EA_S_E_l_S_--c1-rc-a ;s";~21a1"' ct 0 ·Good cond $95 FULL-TIME, need uper lee Int o c all John 675-8462 $350. 644-1033 I 1910 SOLID wood. • 536-7532 631-6820 --1 F • IOSO 8' . II E h 0''"'' ,.,.,,.,, .. person w/lull aecreterlal1----------WASHER g DRYER Mt 10 f1 eolt QOkS eofa ~811181 at•d•lf apapx ' ta ac 1 ' ff. J ,. skills, Incl computer STICl/IAIL ROii . Y· wllooae cushlo~• Gd 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• easel holds 4 paintings. bai••l•I IOIS l 1 to, knowledge. to• aerospa-OL(•I tag. alee. pet1ect S350 cond 5 .. 00 84._103:i CRIB Bebyllne, portable, adj pos1llon1 $110eaor ···~'··~··•••••••••••• BiPJ lt11H IHI " 531-8799 ' • ·--ioodcond all5S"" 499.5100 Royal Bond. xlnl coples.,••••••"J.•••••••••••u • ce dlSI, by airport. K R """ SL Anderson Co . Inc Csll Newport Beach R/E REFRIOERATOR Klno box springs a.no 25 875-2963 ---------$13115 Mlnollo 101. Ilka J Car Ster99, AM/FM P I (7 ' Firm R11pon1lbl1 for S75 maweu Good CO"d SECTION·L 3 TIFFANY'S Club Mem-nu $995. 662-0484 cau. , .. , forward 18· au a 14) ..,49. 1343 proc1111ng mall, lhlp· $70. 546-2826 " pc mo· bershlp $350 wind APS. auto reveree SECllnAIT ping receiving supply 831·5963 -darn, natu111 tuture • 857-2030 Iv msg 8 It conference teble tor $ t30 642-4764 Varied Ou Ila• Good oroe'11ng, lnven"tory re· MAYTAG WHher & Dryer, LARGE SOLID OAK 98'"x128 .. 81 new, eecrl· Artlst'Sl0ral11nn tllt top tbl office 175 HEATHKIT HW08 spelling and typing with cords. E.Jlperlence help· bronze, good working B BEOS .. S400 flee $500 974. t t35 w /st o o I . !"3 6 x 3 4 • • 760-6310 HAM RADIO, $130. dlciaphone skills 1 mull fut Salary open Call cond $300. 780-8310 or bsl olr. 84&-5079 SOFA Trad. Hunter l)reen. approx). $50 857-2030 SAVIN COPIER 220 Complele 631•5519 Able 10 handle pressure 553--0940 Refrigerator, Ilk• new. w/ TWIN BED w/cu11on~ print w/1prlcot & beloe. Iv mag. Good worldng order In busy medical d11trlbu-$ icemaker. $400 Or best made spread. complete (BARKER BROS) 92 ... 3 $400, COLOR TV. Old conSOle, tor olllce. Huntington UPER SEC offer 841•3153 w/chest S50 631-8818 mos otd. 111crlllce $450 Dl•hes. Poppy Trell Pro-499-t325 btwn 9-5pm works $5017 Bch atea Beneflls, sala· for friendly office Bu1y aft 8pm 97 4· 1135 vlnclal, blue, compl your wkdy 540-4614 n"" 11 bl c 11 bl phones. mag publlaner GE electric dryer. 2 yrs 1----------set or xlras. 646-4712 ry9 & -1•2°8 8 41 e2·665 11 wn Good Hlary & benellts old $175 CHINA CABINET antique Btll Trad W1lnul china DESK gray, •olld wood. Pl 994A Home Compvler Full Size M orse divers lormlca top, $501? Sot1were and lnelruc· · -873-9172 I !)Iese front SSOlmalle cab, gtua door. match Call Kathy 1179-3666 offer 631-8818 al18pm bullet . fine cond vSECRETlRY v Telephone Salo & lite Relrlg Side by side. Ice 494-7346 S 1500 mo. Type 60 wpm. delivery wori. Casi\ paid maker 31x31. 5"8", S200 CHAIR Edward VIII Mike w<>r'k independently Full daily Apply 779 w l9th. 957-8178 548-6480 o 11 er . mu• t I a 1 t bener.ts Call 835..t449 Ste H, Coste Me1a • 631-6618 alt 6pm 2707 N Brlstol. s A 1----------Relrlg, pertect cond. 2 yrs ---------Smell lee HLEPMO•E old Mo111ng . mull sen Dining room set tbl Almond cotor, ieemak« 60x42'" w/4 dire Incl 2 Btl W •IN 1100 IOLIORORS S200. 675-3296 wknds & t8" !Mia & p8d1. bullel ••• 1. •• !.............. alt fi9m wttcty1 62a 10" 12drwra. 4 dr) SECRET DY /IECEPT. We need good people to•--------• $300/obo, 548-4984 alt set up 1ppolnlmen11 Else cook top, oven. 5pm Adv agency Typing 85 from our Newpoo 88ach hood, Thermador, gd --------- wpm. llCC\lracy a mull office In Iha ivenlnn 1~ cond S 150 873-4466 H•• IHI 1 110 Good phone vOlce Ca-... ~ L d "\ 8 couch. pele yellow, ~treen & orenga plaid. xlnt cond $200 5· C•>UCh. black naug•nyde. >1tn1 cond $t00 7G0-06 I 1 011 Furn. Musi sell, Lanter Word Procanor Deak. Chalre. Fiie Cab. Stor cab,. palnllng1. Oriental Carpet 644·9800 helmet on stand $350 540-4614 ttons S230 64IS-2374 843 w 15th. CM Sers 548--0135 MINI( Ranch Stroller • dark brown s~ 12. excel cond $950/bat 644··654 t ••• HU"•S ••• by .. My Balloon Never Lands .. 536-9947 Boat picture ads provide ~15 400 ~~Q•Jt110ppty~ nF ~FAV" TIONtST nee I ded will call from our U .. Top Dir' Mrkt"g Firm N"WPQ't Peach olfoce, no I , 0 HOllda~ Inn's new tre'i/81 ·--' _0 ________ 1 Good oond, less then 8 r 0 • am . 1 2 pm ·-old 839 es•" 557--0642 club elary + commit· Waaher/Oryar combo. mos · • ..., S-EC_R_E_T A-R-Y--G-e_n_er-1l_o_l_c_.' 8s3t o3_n31!0 ba~tnr u1,PMC e II Lad Y Ken more. good -8-al_l _&_C_la_w_O_a_k_t_a_ble-. 4-2-.. cond $150 673-4486 round w/leaf & 6 chrs Cta1 Ht·~.,I Nlca furnhure and -P· pllances 714-240-2148 lend <1evalopmen1. nvy T 1 phon S Lido S1000/bat ofr ~1596 phones & typing SH or e e e ales equiv req M1t11;• non-Earn Big Money by lht Relrlg, Westinghouse, Bleck OnentaJ bdrm 181, Antique Meh dining Mt. smkr Send resu"me & beech. S300-S 1000/ fro1Mree, lcemaker. 111 secllonal aofa. gas mlscr mint c:ond S800 Haw FOR SALE Gold Mem- btr1h1p to Magic Island Ch.lb Inquire aves. Bob 540-6050. s 1tl00/0BO For Ille GOLD MEM· BERSHIP 10 Magic laland Club $10001080 Inquire eves Bob 540-8050 open1 2 b<anch office, exper n« Will tr111n Hrs full benefits for hrloht 3 9 P M 6 4 1 -O I I 9 hard workar5 ?-4PM salary req. to: PO Box week Call !>36-7511 new. $295. 873-4488 gerage Items. 552-0701 Whirlpool rafrlg S400 Solar Panela, all cont10I· 7006. N.B. Ca 112680 TOPLESS MODELS l.ldo ~1_7_____ led equip for hol tub 01 Reouires No Exo v RUlll CLERK V' Call S un M o" l uls I ~·, hr Wiii troln lull be· Wed. (714i 964-6354 I """" Goll A35 4"49 S75 DAY • PAID DAILY Wht Prlnceu Furn Mt. l.g Formica Dining Table, 1 PI · $ 1 2 0 0 · S(CIET a•y II•, no •KP nee • 826_2583 Olbton Side by •Ide relrlg drsr w/mlrror. night 42K52 ... with (l) 24 .. leaf. 213-28&-2230 2707 N Rrl'ltOI SA "" "' 12n WJtlrlpooJ.wasner stand & deak S4 0 . good cond $35 I MECHANIC, exper In to sm11ll fM reign oars, full llme. l._. .. ____ miiiiiiiiiil Secretarial poaltlon in V Tl&YIL S125 Frigidaire washef 759-0716 evet 960_5844 Set 12 volt RV power te- actlve Newport Center $75. New M1y1ag Por1•· ---------velere w/conlrol panel Realtor'• office. Fronl ........ l .. TllOTH bl• dllhwahr $200 . IOFA·IEI ... Iii 1-0 seoo. 642·5054 c o n t a c t V e e . "ALE" 714·492-9311 San Cle . ' " ADVENT URE ortlce po1ltlon requlree $6 -$7 hr EKcltlng poll· 54&-8872 Cash. 548·8027 • .'!!!! •• •••••• •••••~• Ha1vy duty tow bar w/ good telephone voice, tlOn Full btnafltl Call •·R-~-,--------·1 WAuTEO E:•nr'd ltmata llghta. S85. mente area Medlcal tran1crlpllonl11 Work at home Current a)(J>81'. requlrtld In M11dl cal Reoo<d• Dept Must be proficient In 1111 ph& ... of medical dictation 788 -85 00 M r tAM·5PM MEDICAL FIT Fronl office pollllon MIHlon Viejo 495-1080. V' llllT TRllHE 4 opening•. Wllllng 10 1rawt. Safary open Cell 05-44411. 2707 N Brl1tOI. S. A Sm1ll feo ...... ScMty Panly now hiring lot faahlon 1hows. Ewp'd pretal'rad. 548-8444. CM. Mold Maker In 1nwoa1ment catting 714·931-3001 Nanny nttdtd, aid 10 mother w/clllfdren & 11ou11. Live-In. Am & bOlfd & monthly ttlpend 40 & OVtf ptaf«ftd. ref1, non-trnkf. 840-5321 .....csect )(·Aly Tech and '** olftct lllfltlant fOf Orthop.cslc Olflct with llmll•d llctnH. PIT 131.2200 I t TRAVEL S 8:15-4449. 2707 N Vlrlges, lg 19 cu tt frost Waterbed. ktng u , corn-,. typing, .H. & appeeran· f-only S235. washer plate w/healar 1 150 rldlf 10 faod·leaee clat-842-6054 ca. Real Htata expe-Brlllot. SA small IH lg 5 cyci. only $95 Q a. 'w11nd1/e11ea 831 1241 ' ly. mll!Hfl reg Arab 11 I Oyt• rlenca h11lpt111 but not llPESmlll Apptlanca1 13191 Har·•----·---------1 geldlng Movable corral Solollu In-home gym " euentlal. Prefer tocal eoy·1 Ml, butcher block. evall OC only Prat SA Comp! wotk·ovt Men & Leading Publlcallon Firm resident For lnttrvlew Comp/Edit Syuem bor Blvd, Q.Q 537-~33 Orenar, dHk. bkCH, Hta Call Lou 979-5839 women. S390. 2101 now has lmmtd opa call Mra. Oul'll Need• lull uma trainee Open Sun 11--4. low d!IW91 1100, wknd/ 111 12 noon Orange .-.ve. C0tn 211t, nlngs for Quys & Dolls Mull have schooling 01 ,,., 83 t· l241 CM Fri/Sat whO wovtd llt..e lo travel WesltJ I , TIJftr Ct, pravloua tmploymanl In APPLIANCES Jfflfl 1110 --------while they wo rk In US Re.ltora 8A4-4910 this llekl Mull know how Clo1lng warehouH, ,.._ W1terbed. king 11. w ••••••'1.•••••••••••••• BeeutlM Sola and Lo+ m11)or ClllH ' Den11er to rHd ln11rucllon1 and frlgt, wuhe!s, dry8fl all healer, n-matt. I llnat, 00tgeou1 1 4ct marqufM ffll. cr .. m blellgrouna, Houston. Nt>W Yori<, etc v SECURITT lnatrucllon manulla. II COii $150 873-5012 cu1 RUBY 11900 floral prlnl New $1,000 on • r11ndom Itinerary QUALIFIED Speti., Co-Qardan Grove .-.pp11ance e4o-ae88 Sell 1575 H 2..SlOB Yov must be neet. alnglt V'lllRIS vera area ol Type>.itor, 13101 Harbor BIYd. l' IWA I fnttUI .-H-.-,-.-.,..--1111 Wedding er.a, 9-10. long & be abta 10 re .. vt Im se-s7 l'lr. DOE Full ~ Stat Camera. Prooeuor Oard8f'I Grove Cruahed vel\19t, nnd, •••••••••'•••••••••••• white, Otlg $175, now med All eKpente• pd 2 nellt•.1raat hr1I Call and be fem Illar with 537-8333 Ilka MW, 1200. 845·7711 For ~t S 1 2 5 l I k • n • w wk on lhe Job training 8 3 5. 4 4 11 2 7 0 7 N chemlc111 and metnte· Open Sun 11·4 El-oan1 din rm chin• & '9tMI htrt 418 411., 759-0.51 ev/•knd• P1rogh~!m All tr•nup fur Brlstol, S.A. Smart toe nence Some drMng, re-!~~~,~~~~~~~I table l'l/8 chalre & 2 IVM 8/8 Grldlnn of all ............. WEDOINO DR"SS com• n • .... High ••m lngs & quire olean llCenM ~I 111 i ,-..... 12 PICll'I l3000 ·.. .,.,..... '" caaull working cond SERVICE SALES • Xlnt A""••ranct Company .,.,. H II-....,9 ..,.. 2• • low ratae. Call afler 3 plate with all ecctn k h I "" •••'0••••••• •••••••••• .,... ..,..4 PM 548"'4H7 ~ ..... , S""'" •-•1 tor ••"". ma .. thl' an Kint oppt)I growt opptyw am mfgr, t>enellta Days . .-,pply In PEUGEOT 10 d ...,. .,.,.., qioo ......., for a cttreer oriented In-mech exper. Spaniel'! Ptreo.'I .-,lttt 11.-,M a.. men'a bllca: 21 1~·: •• Formal Olnl119 Room, m.-#llHJJ•aH9I 1#1 Size 0. "3·8291 dlvldu11I Previous job• helpf\JI, 111lld Calll Ori· lary comman111r1le l'lllh me Xlnt cond 1170 obo. pie, a chalrt. labia, chin• •••••••••••••••••••••• Spld« Pienta 6 C~ d•allng with people 1uch 11ar·1 lie. good driving upeti.nct 1I017·R 8ky 494-4747 L-a 8ch I 1&450hu10tc8h0• !!~•74c3o7nd 8UAPLUS JEEPS C•ra • Ct11r1i.a. 25'·S1. o.cc<. 11• F"ast rood & Wt•llr••· rtcOtd 842·22511 P•rk Clrele, Irvine (II ,,.. ....,. • eo.11 Many Sell tor Un· roc1t. 848-4U2 11ng hftlplul. but nor nee SERVICE PERSON -eaa .. ry ~ 541·2231) Schwinn Varelty 10 19d. Crib, Jenny Lind 11.,18, dlf $80 00 FOf Into Call Fo1 per1on11 lntar view _______ .._. 1100; SR 10 tpd S35. mall bum..-f.•d• L'IL• (312193HN1 Elcl. 2230 ... ITU UIO contact Mt Oaro')are Maturi Pll'tOl'I with O-· llPllT 531 032& .. ~ " ft ... ••1" T F 0 net•l lcnowtedge ot tlecl• • n-. S100. t4 ·4038. SURPLUS JEfP8 Cira· M 1>911 o at ""'""'" • ue-rl I AM•SPM lflCllrcloperformovltldt Oood tyr.':111111111, FIT, Piiat. Plllll 750•9955 / -wv ce In ,,,. P<>Ol J apa ;~:.~ :0•:,/~8ure·~·{~; 11 h1111no a .. 11 on uMd ntT• 11111 ~l5o~YF::"ln':: ~;,j :;~~.t-:~~.~~~:~111 SALES ASSISTANT': ~c:::~~i1~: ::~: ~n~ growing. For lnllrYlaw blkM, 8•11Sun.2809 A. :.~i~o~~~t=~ 1311)1'3MH1 Elct 2230 eftO!M, •t20. 831-66111 STOCK. pletaMt PttlO• a fut growing company call All.on, 541-~271 ~~5~f&%' Blvd .. N.B. a, P1on1c, d lnet11 or AOl.1.U\ I K.-.Tll 8 Rlk*i .... on i111 49 nallty, good appear IOI' 1n an •xcltlng fndutlry. w 1u,.1181 I Waltlfl 01191 ca1<11. 8..vtlf\111)' ttalned Man'a ea 11, MW. Domio yd·•to 1·row 10. 12H Mallh8""1 WOl'n"1'1 /\p• Should be raaponilbl• ta yr With !Ji~. Apply fl'l l.JJllaf In brown Mth. with po. nlon '75/obo. Hf·HH pr. PP. (714) 833·335~. g11ret 111 rHhlon ltltnd s with a good HnH of peraon, 11ee Newpor1 •lnN& lfil lyurtthan• flnlth. 1135. l<lng N w11.,btd, tofl, evaa t42·tU3 ay wk. No nlghl• Xtnt hYmouf. "7141841·96&4 Blvd. C.M •••••••••••••••••••••• 540-H» oalt din tbt, Pentb Oii• a Alm M8IOn Tt•IP•,.lne worltlng cond1 Ptrrn ---llW •1 In PP refs Call MIH Ptlrk:lt Stvetat poaltlon• °'*'· WAA£HOUSE • O , .... ... mere. PIOflMf tl•r.o, -u tl tor coal 7ff·1201 Full or P·Tlme Var\oua Full 11mt . HYtral potl• Redwood 2,1 O.Cktng,1 llld9cli.blt.lmatct'llng H 7 .. a3t. S4t·~ 133-'362,9"1842·t7U 8 h If t a. MI n Im um Ilona 01*1 )(fnl oppor• 4·20' IOftO, tlto rtdWOOd • banc.n.t. tieautlfully fl· ICI IAATll ....,... glrta, ,.N8.-,LL MACHINf t110ll 112.80/hr '°' ,. .. tnfo. tunlty '°' '" Info cell fencing Call Jim or l<an I n4tntd wtttl ~ne 11n3\-t I 4 UMCI I lf!Ot cono. H&OI? lllve eomelhlng 10 Hll? ~fltd Id• dO " well C.i1John831-M20 _ Jom'931·e.20 ___ ! •nY11me. 775-1411 I flnlah, 1110 M0.11H ltlO l MO ..... ,IOI &4Q.4t14 . , • ' 28' Erlc1on Fully equ1pP9<1 cruiM, 8 sall•. UHF. comp111. COYMI Perfect condition $18,500 123-4547 Set your course for fast aeles with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday. the Dally Piiot wlll otter you ad apace that not only detcrlbn your boat, but ploture1 It H well. The pric. 11 guarantMd to buoy your eplrtta -S-45 If we take the picture. and only s•o If you provide the picture for a 2 cOlumn 3" ad. For furtl'I• detall• about how Dally. Piiot boat ~t~ ad• CM WOric for you and to echedute your ad, call 842-6171 and • for Sally L ... JI ·' • ""~L-·u"':.~,.,urt!1Ateff A.age,!. 1.•• .11.'!! ... ~'!l. ..... ~!f ••• "':!".t.fmr:... •••• 80 lq T.-11. ~ u..ci •••••••• '"';';;....... .... Top Dolar BIAUT"Ul.16" lllOA Co-1410/obo All e a •llL U&"el '°' rv. a yt wrn1y. ,, ... wknda, 1a 1S)402·•Ho &nay r..,iicaa, Pickup•• Paid ,., .. ~·Open 81.tn. ah. coup11. 4 10 ohooH TV JoM'a 146-'7M .,,,, Ill froml (OOIUI) (8tk '°' Vovr C11I a· TV ~l>IMI for 21" TV ,.; ,, H 0 A30t31. PrloM •tarting ., ...... I ... matching e· Walnut 1t ••••••!'f••••••••••••t till 11,1111 U..tl1·•r••'J re o oa1> 1 100 nt. SUPI avail. Hununoton 2121 Hart>Ot llv . 144-4671 Har b our 8 • i · Cotta M... 540.5~ AMlFM Padlard a.ti 1 1 4 • I 4 0 • 6 5 4 • Pn1tnlul'fl Pfic.t nl1h modern cab. 4". _u_e._1_1_ee_._____ Id f ...... 126. 144-1579 ""' ..... 1 ........ or •• 11 ~i Pa or any u._. car ..., .._ .,. ..... -.. (foreign or domeatle) tal·down mHt Balboa 1n OOOd condition eov.t. Avall now Fle•I· S.. Ut Flrttl ble, 945·l lOO '63 Stud•btk•t Champion Sllp1 ev•ll. CdM .,... 5 PHI OP• Nie• oer ... I .... If St/It. c all Curle 13760 2131502·1702 f • 118 714·11515·2473. Wkdy11---------LmJ .. fal 8·5 ltt4 lt•ta ltt"tll ••~·~"•••••••••••• 1046 Ford Woody WI· ••till lfJe BOAT SLIPS AV~ll.~Bl.~: gon, 1 13,000 •••••••• •••• ••••• ••••• Newport 0..Ctl. 25 • 28 . WANTED · 30', 40 ', & 45' Call d ••od 1 • T ALUMINUM CANOE 842-4844 lrom 0·5 . l929 For ,... e" own 675-0797 Mon-Fri. Sedan, I 10,000 '11118 I l,111~11 llh II t 1~1.1 \h•,,1 \411 t~UI KAYAK Tad l.eMr Dock 1Pece 1v1llable up 1043 Studebalie< Avanu, MIOl\Nt caah lmmedlllety UMd $300/0BO. 10 38'. $ tt.50/11 Ardell. $5500. 875.e 16 I for your vehicle Do· 873-4622, 875-5487 842·57~ 1050 °"'mouth 2 dr wgn, me I tic Or IO rt 1 On ---------,.M_A_R_C_U_S_C_H_A_N_N_E_l _ .• -ld-e-i •II n;.;,'mecn & alee 90% 651•6285 Otano• Co •• DAIL v PILOT /Sunday. September 18, 1982 117 .. '.'.'.'.!!'!r.!!~ ....... ~,_~,.!,~ ...... ~ ... w.!~r.!! .... 11.ff ~.'.'!!1.V.'fl. •••••••••• ~ ... w ... t ........... . fll!.' ••••. >. ••••• ll~ !~ff~ ........... !!.~f ~~!............ ·· rl!.'/lff ••••••••• !!U ~!fM!t ......... 11.t •13 c i prt ve H MPH, •13 M1Jd1, good oono LUii A IHI UAI Tll WlllT r,:s~/g!rP wlrblt •no. '"''· AIO. AM,,114, r.ie e.a.ooo '"'· prtc.cl 10 Hl1 tff 1'1111 • .... llLIOTIOI ft4..0641 Xlnl Cond 11 850 11200 848 1707 $345 42 . -----1 1142 7&06 ~. 11tnt cond, a'1to. of t10t•d~t ,· 1~ m~~-·ao Ghia, •tPa. 4 •Pd. ale, -a 1 ·•r. moonr1, to ml, 11100 • ge • 11 act n .. out.-n .,., pb, blecitt, wh1t1 Int ·11 hla, V6, pa, tunroo . .. camorntal '"111 tod'""I 8 1 •1< new 1lr11, Int Xlnt 4t7·:SHO pet month plu1 taa ·• 1.1p1r c Hn 1.. ml 12""" 87" 3881 -... MOntn OIOHd I nd llAllll Mull ... to apptlC. P/P 1\Bl~RS l>ll .. L1\C: CLEARANCE SALE! """ ... 'II Mato• ")(7 08 11 ... on approved er.. o••ILUG 18200 l42·•77o Tuea· O.llH ITM Loeded, w/11t1im, dlt Cotl·I U ,376: -'rl •••••••••••••••••••••• llllCIC 076-9;,t07 16&2 1a ca1n re,ulred 2000 Harbor Blvd -----1977 CADILLAC - 1 COSTA MESA •14•.; O•IOlnel Ownet 53• COUPI DIVILLI • .._. '74 RX4, 4 dr, 4 19<1, ale. Come In tnd NM Of CS. 000 actual, V9 a auto· '····· 8•1• 1080 oa1111n 2oosx. xlnt cond Orig owner, ac· ceptlno bldt. Wiiday• PINN cell, 751·4220 Mlch1lln1. good cond. 111111 (180241 140"1110 me11c I 1000/0BO (fJt4TJfl') 1 1200 876 HH 1uoH 111Po11ts ·"'·74ll7 s5995 848 00119 8tr .. t '82 Ced l!.ldo. blk·blk·blk, 9 4 '-" Mu 1 ten O c p •. ""'"" .... 1140 NEWPORT BEACH Cabro roof, ttnr Int. 6 1tralght Call! Ct r. 11050 --················,··u····· 712-0100 w•y •PllMHt. cr1.11•• lncld. R•HY't plClk &. air 1979 CADtlLAC · ......... no cont, wlr• whl•. dr IOCkl, QOnd I 1100 without ILDOI ... DO COUPI We'll lhow you OY_, ·100 leMt• 1111 trnk opnr. AM/FM, 11.111 49M 1373 ' -"" ~ &. Ulld Maroadeao •••••••••••••••••••••• wrnly, 6100 ml. PP. Siii, (634042) Benz. Coma In & conll· Stlat-Serv1Qe•Laatl119 005. 1140·11827 '07 Mulltr)O OT S}0,99~ dtr 0'1r laH• arranoa-UllLIUOI '76 8 dV Mini cond. All v~ clean a ::'.~~gor long term fl. HUii ' t11ther. All option• , ____ 11_.s_1_1_1 __ -1 --- HouM'ot Import• Inc H1-2CMO 4tl·4HI 100% financing. $23115. Oll••••llf llJS 1971 CADIUAC 01•1. 213 or 114 142..()955 •••••••••••••••••••••• SIVILLI '75 B2 10 Oood cond. _ 11676 or neerHI offer "'&37-2333 '12 Sllllll II/I '71 Cad S.Vtlle fOf ••le 1 ·73 Old• Sit Wgn, 11111 (978VNI) f•Hr 1,.,,,., OWMf )(Int cond le500 :::::· ~2o!°C~f"A:::. • sg995 Call 957-1759 1111•Htflitr +111 _4_99_·_3_45_5 _____ ••r •702. 842·4300 24 IHtt, .i.11•••tt II• to 21 II, St50, tlto j renovation A bHCll * * * * * * * '72 D1t1un 240Z. l.lka lfmH H# aide up 10 19 II $100 claulc . $3500 OBO W11t ft sell 1 HIT new. 14100. 845·5532 •••••••••••••••••••••• 573·8145 1 1 4 • 8 2 7 • 6 t 3 4 : Don't went 10 111 by Early morntnga or late Marine Elec:lrlolan IHI ,..,,.,.,,, a 1 213-305·3351 olc phone o r deal with _•_v_en_1_ng_•----,..- De1"'nlln1tall/Repalr ~· ,..... • . t 1 7 F 210Z 2 + 2 QJtu ~""k, .. 40•2520 Ev • IOIO 89 Coupe DeVllle Con· • renge peop e ree '81 0 111un • __ ,_ .. _.,_._.., ____ 1 ••• ".; •••••••••••••••••• vert;i:lasstc, orig owner, •PPf"•l••I. 0&1'mln• Gl., approx 14,000 ml. Ctp. COii $6405, r••I· ·eo Cpe d• VIie, lltum• hra dual $2432, 10111 ol P•Y· exJ1ll119 low monthly lea· -.7-2_T_o-,o-n-1d_o_E_x_cet-c-on-d"."'1 menta for 49 month• H 01 for Hie. V. good $5'18 +tax. (118973) cond .. lo ml, loaded w/ New tlrt1. $500, a. magnon .. 11 ... 550..0789 720·tl01 '1 t 01tl.a11 Ouwert )(1nt cond. P/P 873-393<4 1912 IUICk "PAIK AVINUI" 4 DI. SIDAN (10TT550) 1Ht1, #11/H 16' Speed Ski, traller.1 $2400. 642-6495 845·6730 T·top, cover, lou11et1, r..1.-ial 1130 1-00hp Johnson OB. .41 Cedlllae Mdl 81 * * * * * * * poly-coat, bra, blk, lll<t ••• ~:~-.•••••••••••• St500/0BO. 845·1517 2 dr fastback. mint, orig. A I /. IH new. 112,200. 976-0677 pontiac / subaru ·et Old• Omega. Take over leaae ASAP. Moving out of 1tate. 645-3782 $11,995 Brand new 1083 Evl~rude IH.IJ SI HH Auto radio 83K ml .,_!!1 •• '!I!.~......... '78 DATSUN 280Z •uieHdP. 0,~2tb5o. •crd..111 010 11u.,g ••••• c ••• ~~'!.f!........ s10,o0o. 84~-m Alfi lt•H 110 40K ml. iclrN, 16500. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 548-14•7 Turin (work) 673-1434 DRY STORAGE '29 Model A Ford rep car 74 Alf• Romeo, 4 dr, 4 cyl, --------- Harbor Blvd •• Falr Of In CottaM ... 549.4300 54t-1457 1910 CADl\LAC ELDORADO COUPE r-73--0 -meg_1_H_1_1...,ch_l>_lcit...,·-1 (917ZEM) (home) 642-4910 wlrumble 1eat, green & 5 spd very clean 30 ., I 11"• Monthly boat alorage. black 3000 or"' ml Xlnt ' 8 7 •fllll -f I" .. ..&. Ill hi 81lef 1nu alze, 24 hr MCUfitw, cond' Fun t'VO drive I mpg ' $ 3 S ••••••••••-•••••••••• ftNll 1 ~ Runt good, 350 auto, p1, S} J,995 ate. 1595 548-4987 ... ,., , , 714·960· \208 ••a-E Mm'• ~eo·'·T•::::.·.·5·.:~·.·::.::,·.·. vw PORSCHE AUDI by Shatp. LTD. like new. free launching 1 $16,000/obo 645-5553, --"''""" .,.... ....... aac $1300. PIP llWPllT Hiii 631-lt55 '74 Spyder. xlnt cond llLf &ll*IZll dlel1, orlglnal owner 445 E. Coest Hwy ll•I• llS •..••.....•••.•....... '74 Pinto, 4 1pd. new tires, xlnt cond 1950/beet ol· 557 0509 I L I I I new lnt/patntltl'P &. Urea, FEll•••i s.4oo. Call 752-7919 Newport Beactl . 1111 Ila 1r r. 1917 Model T Touring $5100/ofr 6145.9353 nan 873--0900 Beaulllul old wood/bronze II. I Car. runs. very good •..,ea / wk n d a . or IULlllllPl COtolla '80 Wagon. Auto, t982 CDV. 11,000 ml. 1tll 0.11•• Merrlm1n blocka lnclu· l'"'"-0110 ~And. Almost orig. Incl. ·~" 1115 dw• air cond 29 000 ml Xlnl Good tran•p $900 OBO -"" .,.... ,v ~on·d .• ~.ooo· or t>fft of· mini Oold/lan. Owner I v • ~:t~h 4bl~~·,, 61-~~~ ~~~ ~~-u~~~~·7 01ter1 t•· A '1 11011 ~~~ ter. 875:4523 x f err• d . I 1 3. 9 O O 975•4594 ,., 554·80e2 ditto and many Other ash flUINtlllffa ••~••••••••••••••••••• . 9e2·1609 172 Pinto ~ta Wgn, auto, and teek alngla and •••••.,.••••••••••••••• 55 Hudson/Nash Metro· 10 l•tll IOOO T•r'-• Vi U. 1110 air, $495 double ahlve wlre/ro~ lltltn•N Iliff 1140 polllan. rare. ••bit eng, 28.000 mllat. fully loaded .!. •• !'!!f!! •••••••••• CAnnl•I llZO 875-3089 or 675-0121 block1. All In eJ1cellen1 ...................... $800. 063-5272 aunroot, gd cond. Like '79 450 SEl., Blk·Blk, 50, ...................... IHO condition wllh bright Wanted Vetpa Mo tor '88 MUSTANG CONY new S 13,400 OBO. 3100 Weal Coaat Hwy. 000 ml, new Sentra llPEll IEnLE SEE US FlllSTI 11f!H16 V"'nl• .. •• """'In·• trom ICOOler. Pay up lo $300. u n 6 • 5 • 8 2 1 1 E v • 9 • Newport Beach Whls, W/P 7 tire•. Re· •• ••••••••••••• •••••• ~ '"' "''V .. 675-6398 "Ground P nHtor1· .. 642 9405 S & '72 VW. ll)nl mec:hank:al, Wt have a good selac· '81 Sprt Fury, excell the KETCH KIM which tlon" • 857·98&4 dtyt. • cent erv b•ke tob, veru clean. New llrH I tlon ol NEW & USED 1ran1port11Jon. rune well ..,.....,.. St L n••& 200 1100 tlawlau $24 ,250 • wu wr-.. ..., on u· _. 6 cyt Champagne lntr '80 4ooo. AIC. S'unrool, Fllllll 769•1600 Alklng $2200. 401-4153. Chevroletal $450 960·l5036 cla. 14 In all. $950 fOt the )()nt cond. 845.-0327 E m b • r 0 I o • X 1 r Stereo, lmmec. $6450. '82 4001 Au1o, $89.500 ---1t'J• •A•Mp 875-8711 dlyt 9.5 MOPED. >Cini cond. Pkg 1 rt 111 1 H 111 ...,. .,_., 2-dr 11 cyt llr gd tires deal w/11.1rn slg, helmet, '49 Wllly1 JHpstar, xlnl ·ao 3080TSt. $36,500 m · sun · JI r 10 ml •Int cond Mull · • · · · AVON Red Stan dinghy d M I Ill lllW 1112 '74 Dino Spyder $29,500 $22 ,500 tekes Call • e 11' M. k .. 0 f r • n ew p 1 1 n t . s 6 2 5 1912 FORD MOOIL A HPLICA "LISS THAN 100 O•IGINAL MILH'' (lACl.989) s9495 1912 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (1EAL545) s15,995 Offer Good Thru Monday. 9·20·82 IOI. Ed RIChlrd•on . 714/866-2215. 831·2991 '52 4001GT, 172,600 Muat sell, 75 450 SEl., lo '81 Ven""on dht cam..., I a magnon . - with mtr mounta and ~:2~56~~1• s55o obo. con · ~.~75 •••••••••••••••••••••• 714·968-8306 7t4-640·4752 to tee 1•738..c)487 • 652-7044 alter 8 p,m. :~:.~~ •11·~ s295 · -1=98::1:..:v::e:..:s..:.p_•_M_o_p_ed_._g_ood_-1 .. -1-1-T,...o=-=R:-:-1 :-N-:o=---=o-:r=-1 °''"111 1'''"''"' wm~~:e1. .~::~~11y in '71 411 11111111400 pontl3C /subafU ·~~.~~1~~~d2 :~~k6 cc::: NABERS ---------1 condition. $.400. CONVERT .. all option•. Otr,lrlffll large 5 bdrm Anaheim Reblt eng, auto, new $306. 645·7578 New. never uMd extra 10 83l-8349 11ored for yeera Oor· ,11 •otlTll . home. 533•4242 brakea,em/fm,run1xlnl, 1112 OlmtLn y• \()II l A(~ M11lln gait With dellch. geoua cer Absolutely • 32 mpg. 541-0777 OE Ital/at IHS '-,/ ., ., , hook & I In e $ 9 5 . PUCH Brand new moped. must sell. Beat olr over Sliver, Ian tetther. am/ ·74 230 Mercedes eJ1t11 CUii •••••••••••••••••••••• 646-4005 $750. 2101 Orange Av. $2500. 497.5373 9at. Im caaaette. 4,000 ml. clean, 1 owner Good '80 VW Rabbi! dal, AM/ 4 door, loaded. t>eaullfut '12 FlllElllll 2600 HARBOR Bl.VO ~o Com. 2111 St CM. Fri/ 1s~o IALU·..-,YIOE $.40,000 925·8000 mechanlCll $7,000 Prlv FM CHI, 1nr1, AC, au• • JI e cut I v e c. r . .... COSTA MESA . ~.'!cl!!'!;'. .... ff.W.. Sit. r!!'.~ ............. ~. LU•• "'' f1ZS ply. 548-4690 =ks~-~9:5896 Mull (520217223) , ......... air .... ,., 540 -1860 Cle11lc 18' l.•P•trake '80 Peugeot . Mdl t02SP Toyota '78. AM/FM Ste-53t-2040 405-4949 •••••••••••••••••••••• '75 240 Dsl Super clean. I 12121 .. ., •• , lilt •••• ' Ceritury bay boat, 4 cyl, (xlnt Cond) $300 reo cassette Small lllll.lllOI IMW *FAN.TASTIC*' New rbU eng Many IX· 'll IN OllYllTIILI Below Window Stlckerl rel Ir• Y wlletls. ••111111111111!1••• Orey. $3500. 875-8161 Clll 673·$463 camper shett $2175. 28.402 Marguerite Pkwy tres Call 759·0553 Better than new. In 110-llWlll .......... (H1111) Aolfl Uitd 23 ft Cuddy Cabin, rigged #tl•tqtlfl/ 87 3-66 18 ( .. v~~tVleoff~ ") * FIATS * '78 280SE, brwn, A/C, r1ageppt andontu.mu9!~.be2100'""l.~ Dove/Quall Sta. 1211 ..... .,+tu ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• for flah~ng, ~~~ ~=~~· kt.111• llSO SPECIAL PlllCH&SE "'o~ Sunda;" tlJGE so.£CTION stereo. alloys, $15,500. Mess and w11i;'a1urn c:all. NEWPORT BEACH Cap. Coat $10.750. resi· ·~~n~ro~:.~~~~.~~ln~u~ depth 11 der. · •••••••••••••••••••••• N-.52 J_,., CJ'•. l8 to -E-O_,. P.P. 7~1713 HMIH dual 15300. total ot pay· , TrtJler. 8 cyl Volvo out· ·77 RM eo ~.. ~ ,." nnu1 'll I ,._ menll lor 40 month• uphot. xlnl. Bucket 11111. drive. $.4950 873-8540 Good condition 1225 choose from. lncludH fllalJ RKllllltlanH '77 450 SEL, 4 dr, tnrl, Ill -" '10 llOIZl $11,085.12 + llJC. am/Im. lull pwr. $1195. 644•5215 winch jamboree packege Pltth 67K ml ex~I cond, $17. Metalllc blue. white Int 848_0768 -28' Carver '77. SF, FB, ---------r and much more. ooo 548 8733 and top. Am/Fm cHt. Sporty 2 door Chevy with 28Kn, new custom strn 'll 1110 SAVE THOUSANDS Salea·Servtce-l.eestng FIAT SPl>ERS & · -· · Fully restored. Shown by moon roof. touwee, am/ rm, loaded, lo hrs. fin '225 lllllE CtUT 'H 1201'1 Art ltrel f••f X l/9's '80 SLC. $/blue w/gray appt onty. 17.050. Im itereo/ tape. air avall. $30,000. 98.4-4820 gOOd Cond, . a WILT Nice Setecllonl "" velour lntr. 13.000 ~ 558-1116 c ond .. atyllzecl •IHI evea. 844·5216 ~l!iJ~lvd .. CM * '16 2002: 4 apd .. an/rt ::r .. ~1~~ ;:-~~~kc::' 1f:.11iooo '87 vw, >Cl.NT Cond, All( wnD:1~01)u10., con10le. I 79 Whaler 17' affordable Jawa Speedway bike. •x· 54t-8023 1145.7770 l917PVBI or 642-6971 , .. bit, 12100 fully equlp'd Maritn cell. cond Mull ,.. to * ·79 3201, 4 spd., toe· 548•7174 flahar $9 OOO 876•446 1 appreelate. 1 1500 0t bat •74 Chevy Luv PU, new dedl (118XDH) '78 SLC. Ivory w/lobacc:c a magnon · • otr. 778-35116 ork•. ctutch, r1dl1tor. • '80 5281: euto. snlr1 Interior, 86,000 rrllH '77 vw Bug Convertible, • 195 t Boat on Whaler. runa good Dependable (488ZOJ) Best olfar over $20.000 While with Black Top, t3'h' 40hp w/etectrlc ·75 YAMAHA 250 Dirt $1600. 645-8153 • 'ISO 3201, 5 apd., !<HI· I 644-5403 Clean. $8500, 988-7474 a. magnon pontiac;mru 12 POITIAC 11000 Automatic. air cond., tilt wheel, a1ereo (2055&8) 1112 •Httlfr +tu Cap eott $8038 78, Re· alduaJ $3617 .44, total ot paymentt for 48 month& $576040 + tH 11.,1,' c11m 11111, fully Bike. RI.Ina good, 5400, dedl (231ZVRI or 846-6021 t• subar equipped, w/trlr. '5400. all 6pm, 942·2641 '71 Chevy v. ton 4WD PU, • '10 833acl: loaded '68 250S( Cleulc c~ pon laC/ u· 12 POITIAC .12000 845-5918 ·75 GL 1000 Fully !<Hided eng. great, body OK. ps, l5555346) Btue-grty, auto, 1nrl 'IO 11-..H 0.lf 23. CtHalc Biy l.euncl\. w/CB. Great cond SP~600. ~~~~~~~~~8ck , IH-1111 '75 FIAT SPIDER red, w/ le750/obo 073-7504 12,000 ml, ucellenl ~~~~~~~~Crin·~~ ;~~1,"i; Harbor Blvd at Fair Or lnColta Mesa 549.4300 6"9·1457 a. magnon pontiac / subaru 115 hp Volvo, teal• IO. S 1900/bst olr. 6-46-7963. 208 w . 111, Santa Ana wtre wheels, excel cond, ,64 MBZ 230sl. cond. $8500. 644-2408 Harbor Blvd at Fair D• ( 5761351 Relrl~, cocktatl bar. ·75 KawUkl 400cc, great '80 Toyote 4x4. m1.11t Hll, CloHd Sunday leavtng atate. '11000290~0 Dark blue w/whlle top, 'TO YW ''ft• S1T00 ,.491~p300oata5!49~57 1111 ., ..... .,+tu B It I h I I $6600. D1v1 494·8124,1---------.,..-1 lo w b ook. · Euro model . 4 apd , "' ~ "' e au u up o 1 ery. running cond. $450 ' CHOICE INVENTOR" 760 1""• "•O· 860 • C t $9350 Resl $20,sqc>. Cell 673-5511 873-6874 evea eves 494-7969 VOLUME SALES' · .... v. $9500/obo. 673·7504 -----------i '78 Chevette, xlnt cond, d~:I ;::32.59. 10181 0 Harbor Blvd at F1lr Dr '79 Y ... 750 S I I '74 Courier, 66K ml 4 &· . '72 550 Spyder. reblt eng '80 Meroede• 450Sl., 14 '64 Bug. ret:>tl eno, Pora-mu1t ••II. Sacrifice pewmentt 19916.32 +', ,..'en ~S~•5!! ... 1~ .. 1 22' •llOUFT Wlnd•1:,~. Cl.Ill~:,. apd, xlnl oond. $1795 & altern11or OOOd MPG. 000 ml mull 1111 pp Qhe p11n1, Centerline $2295. 675-8866 , ~ -.-..vu .. ,... .. ., 6428717 $2300/offer.559·155 t 548•8492 rims. new r e d la ta .. 80 Citati on . 2 Dr . tax. 1--------T-:::.n:r;:,H~:,f,:; ;.T~: Mint $1500. 830-75-40 '77 v. ton ~ge. PU, V8, I 0 I II c L 111 E. "' ' 11Z --------$2600/obo. 675-8057 Hetchbtl. Air, P/S, 4 spd. a magnon 189 FIREBfAD C~NVER Ml canvu. t80 hp In· llllUOIUTE c PS PB .!.'-.~•••••••••••••••• llZ ''14 UOC '78 Conv. VW l.o mllet, Xlru, $3800. 495--06t6 I ~~"~,"~r':!! bo ard Herculea eng .. YAMAHA, 200 cc, etec.-=t:;:l :.k~. AM/FM lllW ·MIU llmllt Dark grn~·!xtra clHn, N-tires & bfk1, am/Im llZS a 11500. 407.5373 compl. oone over. Full tric 1ter1. ONLYI 3000 atereo. At«lng $2600/bat Sale ... s.vtc.l.eulng We can helpl BelOl'e you good ~31:;:' 1ter CHI. Mint. cond . f~.J!!•••••••••••••• . subar .71 TRANS AM. 14500 option pkg. With dock. ml. 1646. 545-0223. olr 838-5021 850 N Beech Blvd. t>uy, chedl our unbeala· $7900, w/$300 rebele. '81 C hry1lerTown & pont•'lc/ . u 403cu In , A/T • P / $3500. MYl1 Mii ASAPI ·75 H d 380 8 I d fS• l a Habra ble Hlect1ort, uvlng1 •• 1144 _6.;.;il-::::;5"':::;7_7_7_2 _____ 1 Country Sta Wgn, tulty IV windows, ~M/FM cass 873-3•11 on a P · V1a1 1 1 122·1111 and~ todeyl •••••••••••••••••••••• 1970 vw Conv. Xlnt cond. loaded. lo ml, $7500. Run 1 greet B 0 b Muat aetl Lo mites •• ••••••• •• • • •••• •• ••• IYEISITY • 7 • •• o B n • j • • t 646-,._ Open Sunday II .. "" · ru r • New paint. Rebll e ng 538-8118 Harbor Blvd at Fair Dr 551·6970 79 SKIPJACK 20·, 111nt *550· 8382 , .. 0.H ltt -•• .a1 .. I •••vin good mll11ga. 2100. 15500. 720-0742 -----,...,.....,,...,...,..~'.""' In Cotta Mesa -----------"' t $10 H a 380 deMrl equln.. Sola bed, 2 hi back tlllll lltm•s --_..,. 751·9195 or 84'4·4157 '77 COtdoba, 116,000 mt.. ..,.9 • .,,.,. 5'49-t457 '80 Pontiac Grand Le 600"."84~~8;x ru. ' :e~ big tank. Run"1 Hata. wetbar, Icebox. ILIEST 2150 H11bor Blvd. • 0 '80 Sclrocco. auto. Moving must sell St850. --"-,...-..vv,--~~':":".:~-1 Mana. 4 dr VII, euto, elr, Wa-.I ~oo d . $450/oller Cloaet.Cupboardw/ COSTA MESA 79 MOB,Whlte,33,00 Beatoffer. Xlnl.869-9334 '85CONVERTS300 PS,PB.Exoetlent $3950 _,5 2·"•95. llghts. 2 teblea. $900 & 5•0 11•0 ml. wire whla, tape deck 644·1318, 851-8833 •78 C d 1 Good cond. Runa -11. Aak for Joe -.. • .. )( Int con d . $ 4 5 O O. Of ova, very c etn. Muat lell 644· 7902 •32-8374 13 tt Botton Whaler In OBO 499_4287 '76 RABBIT Air, am/Im. Lea Int 0 good condition. lltlll Bt•H, ~/t/ 642·2201 STUCK WITH A Looks & Runt GrMll $3300. 7611-7868 213-441·5385 lf•tllltl•fl f/fO Sales-Service-Leasing RUSTING HONDA It../ 1141 $ 2 2 0 0 I o b o •••••'•'••••• ••••••••• A W. 1-~ •5&.11 1 Maka otter 646-9177 -:r.••••••••••••••••••• 631_.615 C.atl•••lal "'' 28' 1Wn dal. Sklpjack. Pilot Rent· 26' motor home •Ill •• .. ~ "' IY"IV CARVER 1---------r'68 OPEL AS IS Rabullt •••••••••••••••••••••• houM, redar, auto pilot, alps 8 l\ilty loaded ' •••••••••••••••••••••• l'l...11 '70 ACCORD UC Sliver. ang. new tire• $350, •97 BUG. new eng, paint & ·74 Clutlc Mark IV. Un Loran VHF. de9th IOUn· &45-86 18 (Paul) WE PAY fl"'.\l.S fl"XC ·Bt\fW root rack, cualom mag 759.9541 ev/wknde uPhOI. Asking StlOO/ofr Cont. Blk/81k. New tlrn, d•. trtr, l>etter than iww. ---------..,,,, .......... , .. ,.._., ,.,., wheele, 831-1744. "•S-2547 (Pal) paint, cn.rry cond. 111 557-4751 aft 6PM. 79 Roblnhood 24' well TOP DOLUR ,.._, 11• ,. -.. ------,,..,...---....,.--,·72 MANTA 1100 gd ,_ $2500 atHla 11111 one al I'd many lux St9 ---------1'75 CVCC. auto, nilvy bod". need• poulble •t• ....._. O. D 5"'7 3534 ·59 c'!.~.ft 28' ~~ 87s_.48t " · FOii ISEI ClllS '78 BMW 3201, snrl. nu blue. 4 ,_ tllet $1800. heed work, SSOO/OBO • , ... , llY an• " • or .... """ bronze paint, am/Im, air. Roger, 850-1732 itys 567•1456 all 5 New eng. brakM, paint, _H_2_41_M ___ ___,~~ All 5PM 631-0948 IMllllll lUI 11&1111 Int detailed, run1 gOOd. top aod aide windows Ctntllf "'' 2111. OOOd condlllon NIT1AC/Sll&ll EJ1ec. tran&fer • must ·t2 amall cla ulc ctr. l•••HI 1141 840·4410 •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 APPOLO 25' Cebln 556-0451 81 Hll. $7550/obo PIP, 48mpg, good cond . •••A••••••••••••••••• "11-111• '81. Burgundy, 4 apeed, Crulaar. Flybrldge, loa· 24g'l,~;~~ESAd. buil. 079-0730 $1850. 844-4700 Peug, '79 604, every op· !~.:: ..•............• ~ air, leather. power, llu· ~ w/equlp. Hunt. Har-f11/l1n f11nl 1110 ••1.••00 '7" 3201 _.. I ~ .. '81 PRELUDE 5 ap. AC, tlon, auto, aunroof, etc, #1 ftfye heler mlnum wheel1. Gor-b or 11 1p . 11 3 ,000 . •••••••_.-•••••••••••••• -~• 1 " · rvv. mnt c....... 1 x1n1 cond 10 mllea 11•• ml .... •13 ZE F ••1.1••7 84K ml. AIC, am/fm 11ar atareo c•. "· 31K m. $8900 OB0 .. "3"701". . I If ........ oeou1, .... ..... • • 7141594-5422 17t.;' TRAVEL·E ully - -c I' •• 11. s 9 0 0 0 . $7600. 845·8733 ., ... ... • 1111• •• , 9 0 0 . p h 0 n • '80 17' Botton Whaler. contained. excel cond, --------, 846-2088 1'77 Honda Civic stick,'""'' 11SO --714/840-9133. Monlauk. 100 hp EvlMJ· 11800 · 54 5- 70lla WE •• , I 7 1 K m I • 1 e 0 0 ...................... SILi~ SUYIOI '8 1 Val, loaded . yellow, de. 19750 obo. 8464153 22· Al)O Trallet. alp• M . CWI 0••1 '87 Clualc· Sha.rpl 4 door, &11 lU... d s • 000 $35 0 Aft m-"' ..... 2000. n .. n1 gr-II 957-5178, 548~80. MEISTER t>eautltul con . 1v, . •• , lllT lullw loaded 0 or Ill TllOll .,.._ nv -OVERSEAS DELIVERY .... c17• -c I~ ••• I b Id c. 11 Mu at 11111 Beal offer J. 11, .. _., " 1611Jotlnaon110 $1600. 844-8793 aft &PM 750-1877 or 831-0000 .Y.'!~!••••••••••••••• POllSCME/llll EXPERTS l-IW-r•-,-----H-3-f 873-2100 A •---1 , '6 1 BMW 3201, anrf. air. '10 XKE Rd1tar. orig. ow-13&31 Hlfbor BIYd ···u Ill ···"'················· .,. .-nff, lrtl ner , gd cond. 2 1op1. Gard.,, Grove -'76 Dodge. A/C, auto, lrM4 .... , •2 I AnftNtln HOI i~t<J ~~r> ml, $12,000/obo l40-5244 lllff·ltnlH YkYI PIS, P/B, AM/FM Cua Anxlout OW'* wan11 ofr. •••••••••••••••••••••• • · .74 White )(J 8. aunrl. l ~a-1968 Harbor Blvd. 12000/0 BO. 845-9510. Bkr. 648-4005 PAINT & Ute body work, 1112 1MW •-I COST• ues • movlng. mua1 .. u. Xlnt " "' "' fi d IHI ... ,, i.n IOH :: :.1.Bfir:.:i~ -==:::::::===:::::::;:r==1 3231 Convenible. Black cond. $1,600 . C a ll 714 111-2313 ........ MO-Mil .'! ••••••.•••••...••••• •••••'•••••••••••••••• •1 liiii bp•7!01•· 5 apd. BBS plu• 552-3807 Po,.cha '77 91 IS cpe, '70 242 Vot\IO ><Int cond. ·~~!dO.R3Dn~verlck11,-.· ~. 18' Hobie Cat. yellow w/ 320! RIMS & 14750 C 11 ....,., ..... ·-~· leq. aunrlH Hiit. Like Brand ,_, ilocl(~S.tOO... .Top dofftt,.-for Sport• 714-9a&-830t 611•10 ft/1 1134 S·R air oond. >Cini paint 50,000 ml. • a $850 494-3211 -. *"""". 97• •1•1. s.t of 4 · 120-0281 Cart. Bugt, Cempat1, htfMll .... -,. .... •••••••••••••••••••••• Int. 112,500 lor qulQk 540-1542 or 548-0480 ' ·-" -~ ..,..... v "1 ~· a .. "'I' •• 11• '74 VW Karmann Ghia, 1 a I e . 8 4 2 ·Cl 0 7 1 , t3 Falcon, 4 de, xlnt Nn. • .. a. ........ • ... ti 88 Votvo. white. 4 dr, 4 nl"" cond. 1375/0BO 1A11f WHEE\..8 4 US MAOS w/2 Aalt for U/C MOR __,,.,.... y1llow. llr, COMPl•taly 7511-1800. cyl, allck thllt, $1500. ..., 751 • 9069 2 .. utl oar. 1375 firm Ooodyaar tire•. 125· • llAIUH '8T BMW 1000 Super r•torad. Bra. lhee,.-ln, 1975 011S PC>rKhe Targa. 552..0u:5~7!9 _____ ~;yi""jo.;;;t;.-;.;.-;&-;;;;;r 418-2503 · · H eh . e75•54e7. Llk• YkllWAlll thape, rtt>ulll engine & Best offer. 142-41 4 . Choe: erwn, iclnt cond, ~-'11 Flatt• 4 cyl, • apd, ---,...,-....,..-,...~--i ____ . _______ I 11711 n~n ......... trant. 12200 . obo, .. -~-f'/~ lnlMde & out. Runt pet· 73 l800ES Spot'lt Wgn amlfm 1ter Call, llll"ll 24' COLUMBIA. E11ce1 1 ----. ..... ., -H . f .. k •i• OOO C II R4Mt, ale. llelllO, c .. "' S2950 4SIW40t cond, new Dodoer • ..ita, A•• #t i.i. HUNTINGTON BEACH 548-e903 ••••••••••••••••p••••• act "' • "· • l4IOO/obo. 8:03-751M "'"'' · • eng. '8500. 841-1105. ...................... Ul•lllO 1078 BMW 3201. Mint hi 89 hW • Mr. Hammer, Mon-,rl, I '70 F1lrmon1 4·dr, auto IMPORTANT NOTICE Cond. S"n .. f. Alloya, am-. Ptn (714) M2·t470 A•'--~~ elf, PS, PB, Nlc41. $2495. Trade 1077 32' lone NII TO n"'•OERS •No • " ·-· 1 f 7 l. brd ....... ~ "' WH•TU! New Paint, 111500 ol>O '12 TARGA me1a1Uc pew-••••• 'I ••• ••••••••••• 632•63 4 boat or V·• ....,., AOV"'RTISERS AR 873 7•2 7.,. "170 In .......... ....,. -• .__ __ , IHJl------...,....~·ll Ha. Ult s.29 000 OWO "'" l.•t• model Toyo11a, •5 '" ....,.... _ ter. ten tr, ...,.....,_, .... _._. '74 l. TO Wagon, 71,000 · ' The price of Item• ad· loy•. Boa• 1t•r•o. •II •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ~ dam-oee-1oe 1 .-....._.. ..., vehicle dell-Votvoe. Plckupa' Vana. '78 BMW 3.0 SI, R•·bll ti I 3•"" I Come In & -.._. rn . tome --~· 18' T cat w/trlf, trade,... ~i:" ..,;'Yehlcte ctaul· Catt u1 today1 Engine. clean, loaded. °" oni. •~rm. _., ,m · BMch'• nneet ~ Runa great. 350/betl dory or wlnd1ur1e';, fled adW11talng oolumn• 110,200 Obo 7&0.0020 =~c:,'(,'."'S:1.::2~• p VI of pravlou1ly owned Off.,, 540...4()t3 (213)'34-2730 Ron dota not lnQlude any •77 2002. 1Clnt cond. 50K HI 0 f:i Portche't , Audi'• and ""'-'-IHI •te C•'"mbla "I' M'"ll ~ w.t,fl~. rnl. tMto, BBS whit, ale, f>OI YOlll ••-'••' • • • .1.1,f.I. Volk. ••••••••••••••••:::.:.•• ....... • " • tranttar tea1, Inane• Iota of xtr ... &5800ob0. Nllh'IAIM. .... ., .. • • ._ " '88 2 door, r-.w r ...... 0t. Load.CS In gOOd CJondl-ctwgea. 1 ... IOI air poi. ., •• ....., •• , 831.ta52 -n 1 II .. llllll.tS ...... •Oii !"ufflara. atan.,, alter• uon. 112.500 Aft 5PM lvUon control devlca c .... -.. ••-to ctlooll frOtn ---natOf, -Mw IN 6 631.ot48 C*1lflcltlont or dM* "',.._,,., ...... , •• , 1111 -ntl •.. ~ As low H $4Ht (Hr "'5 E. Coaat Hwy l.a ndh lop. A1t1 . 16 mf la.I. doeu"""'•'Y prep1ra• Oood condlUon. Auto fAGUrfl 13801 Newport 8MCtl lftPO· ...... 9'2·70Sa. 1HO Muclr•oor U . tlon °"0'0•• un••:• WI Ill vane. AIC, l"ereo C.... 1m •t.Cllt•GM1UM ;':9~T~.~ 873-0800 .__ MM Tr.._, "'°'<If, VHF. Xlftt. ~~-''*'''*' y USED CAM & 'MUCKS tfleeptlltn ... , GOY9fl, dla .. =· _..... .. ,,. Hll ~':.':.':"'A·••••••••z.r.;'l 17.000. ~25 .... _.. COME IN°" CALL F<>f' All tr Wh••I•.-I.lo •• UZll ILO ---•••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Mon'900 ..... """"' ~~~,..,,....,...,~~-1.__, #I Pm llflMll&. IOOW"' ..._...... -· Ill II Qond, AC, now tlrH. 2:~~~~::.•=. ~............... ~-,,,;; ., ll.111 5 ..,.:r."'.i, aond.. AMI .. ~~~~! fot tho lafgeet and baal llM. tT:MllO r.= -·•te ~ .... dware '-...... _ • • 'M -eo ... ,,_, 14111 • ...,....,.. " ~ 'IO'-. w-.-· ~~..-INnor;: 1tat1'IACH .... vo. _,,. ·-root •• Ci•vMY1_.... IMMOU 146-Tno --~~toml. palrt & tl"llhlng. **mlft** HUNTINOTOtUIACH a ..,,, .__ n• AIO '3Wff4. 21a.m-7• .. , .... 7, 141-1111 ":~~.LT magnon ...... -::i:.· ••••••••• ";'C '72 Mon1eoo .,. Wgn. 11' l11•1pt...... • • .,. W&Y Newport • •1 D(AlfR IN US.A, MO. em va. *'' OOfld. '"" 14911lf:•• lmmoc. =....:-=·::'A-;; unte MIM ~ .. on a tl'i.otOO 1111e.air.,.c..., '"'°""oft. IM IOll .,..~~ .. _000_·_'~'-'_>4_•~··~"-3_' .. 1 ~·=::r:• ":1,11 '"· ~,::·.::i::.:·,~·.,.: ftl!l ............ 11.!f roitiac Mt taoo' ~ ~..t"· llll• ......... B _. .-cwnor ..._ 112 . Dally "Joi CIH1lfted ·u Ceprl. ale. affl/rnt 111--• """"""· Celt 1 ....._ 1 1 .-••tit.._._.,.. tH1 hr Model A. ~ ~ .._..,.. c aateU•. evtof'l'•Uo, H9fOor llWd •'*Dr -..::;.~-.:i:-.:~,, •-1t0rr .ftHft. IUH. ,.. ~---.-. ''°·000 ... •1'MM9'Ml~lt 1:,0:. cones. 11000 lflOoefla._. -.....,. IN Ml.,-.;, .. -'~------=--~=-• =·==.·Mt .".'~~-=~~ ~r~~:~~~~ , . ., ~~fllly ~. • ·n :~.:::'IN '"' ·14 ••• , '"d•. •'"' ·~·t-!;~;·oi·.;~~ ·~ --=~.· .. 1:oee0·;;_: .. : ~L .. l •tlH: day1, --·--.. Delly'"•' CIHtlfl•d I tllMf, lo'"'· lrtOO. ~··--,......., ••n• ........ , Ull. ~,":.· ·~ ... ...-.. !!'11~·--•• ..... -. 1 1 Me.CM ...... 11 Nt-1111 •lflOO .._. CMJWZ),,f',no.Mll JIO.OlftJ .... - ( I Believe it or not! It's a short drive to HAWAII! Watch ttre Dally Pilot all during September for automotive ads containing the coupon below! Ml 2 ROlJI) TRI' T1CK£TS TO HAWAII via AMERICAN AIRLINES .,.,. , ... c_, 111 '""° '"' <11;.,e ono u• °"' ,,.,. 0r llMNI 011 ~'"'II &.l>ttmt>« 10 qu1~tr IOt Cl<t•"'O Dy 11111 .,..._..,,., '* ) MU r<MIO ffCI -IO HAWA• ,. """' ...... Alti<lff -· ,, ...... o.c1 M<ll'\4!Nlll Cl!•• ... ~-119 ll yri Oleot., ....... Ai/10 ~1 tl'llol!M"'Ort Or -~ A ....... .....,..,_ OI --ttlar .,._,, °"" ""°" .. ._...., l •l0•'2 I I I I • • ,:.::· __ CMI_·=================:===·= I • • ' ,.,_ : I 0...•,...._,...... J L .......................... . Fl .. . ,. A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT • • • - ( OVBB OUB IBVO~CE COST, WJUI.JI! THE SUPPLY '·ABTS, IS "I.I. YOU PAY FOB ARY OF THE FOl.x.oWIBG: ®NEW 1982 DIESEL RABBITS , ®NEW 1982 DIESEL JETrAS . @NEW 1982 SCIROCCOS @NEW 1982 V.W. P/Us . @NEW 1982 DIESEL CAMPERS AI.I. RIJMAIIfilVG ISUZU CABS AITD TllUCKS Wit.I, BB SOI,D l'OB 01tLY 3% OVBB OUB lit VOICB COST. Invoice does not include any factory 1noent1ves to-the dealer, or dearler installed options 1f any. Naturally, tax, lloense, documentary, pre-delivery inspection, deta.1l and co-op advertisers fees are extra. Off'er ends 9/-'/82 . l.YOLKS ; ie;r~1 ~~1~UT.-VA:'fD1 BUBi:I~· BP'~B ~. ) . . 14ERE'S ~E WORLD-FAMOUS 5E~6EANT-MAJOR OF THE FOREIGN l.E610N 6UARDIN6 FORT ZINDERNEOF WITM A PAWFUL OF MISERABLE KECRUITS . AND DON'T EVER COME NEAR FORT ZlNDERNEUF A6AlN !! NANCY IUNOAY. HmMal• 1t, 1ttt ·II CHOI " At\d then apreared upon the .scef\e ff\eol\ly man I hove e'ler met .•• withou.t a sinqle redeeminq \lirtue save courage.'' WMAT'S TMAT? TM ERE! IN THE DISTANCE! SOME- llUN6 IS MOVIN6! •'Beau Geste" YOUR HDllTDll DAllY PIPll -,~~~~~..-: ......... ~ AND KEEP I A SHARP LOOKOUI! ·vou'RE SORE I CANT 6ET '<OU 50METHIN6? JUST TELL ME MOW I CAN 6ET 1-tOME WITHOUT PASSING FORT ZINDERNEUF. .• By Ernie Bushmiller ...---------------... THAT HANDSOME BOY I MET YESTERDAY SAID HE'D PHONE BUT GOT TO GO TO THE STORE BEFORE IT CLOSES · AUNT FRITZ! IS NOT HERE--AND I JUST l<NOW HE'LL CALL TODAY WHlLE IM OUT ' , I GARFIELD ® ALL rM GONNA oo IS START PETTIN' AND JWB8\N• MIM WJTM THIS BAA OF~INMV MAND •.• Yo_U KNOW WHAT A POOL MOG HE 15. by Jim Davis By Hank Ketcham ... ~E·s GONNA GET RIGHT OUT AGAIN! ~l.JDGE PARKER _...J .................. ~W~H~Y~OO;::::-~YO=-:U~F~E~E~L-.r::::::::-~~ WMEN TONY PAS6MO~E THE NEED TO GO TO INFORMS D. B. THAT THE HOSPITAL 1 YOU HIS FATHE~ I& IN -HAVE NO BU&INEEe . INTENSIVE CARE · WITH. DENNI&! WITM A HEART ATTACK,-.. eAM OR\VEA QUE6TIONS HER DEOelON TO GO .. TO THE HO&PITALf TONY I& A FAIEND! HE NO MATTER WHAT ELSE SHOULDN'T ee AT THE DENNIS IS, HE'5 TO 'S HOSPITAL ALONE AT FATHER ! A TIME U~E THIS! ~· 1 l -• Dear Westview Band Al.unpd, As you know ... -. The Scapegoat Marching Band ha.s been selected to participate :1n th.is year's Tournament of Roses Para.de in Pasadena ! ~ MOON MULLINS AH, I LIJ<E ,A DfaY LlkE T~IS ! 1 1-lk'E IHE CLOU~S UPIN IHE-- We would like to encourage any alumni, who wish to join us on our victory trip, to sjgn up now for our special tc;>lir pack.age! IAP!mP/ TAP! I LIKE IHE AIR! DOCTOR SMOCK FOR MO~S tNF'ORMAi"tON ~ ON -rH1s exc1-r1N<S New it MS:.'"IHOP OF excHANGe ... ' " . Cl) i ~ ~i <::/> I 0 4 ,..HA"T"'S WHY :r AL-WAYS· CARF{Y '"IHIS ... • i'ir8t, let me tell you what your five-thousand-dollar fee will cover ... Ferd and Tom Johnson ' - 1 LIKE IHE · SUNSHINE! ... "I MATE CH~WI~ <5UM! By George Lemont t""r'S CAt...L-eP CASH/ C-A-S·H.1 .. I l . 1 -I -.r---· -------~~~~-~~~ ·--------------------=-----...,.........,__,,..,.,....------------~ I ,. .. . ~ ... 9 -19 . ) .. ~·~~ ·' ~ . '''---... -~ , .... ...._ ... _ ..... WF:. l\JE:f;P HIM •• He'S SOME!JOP'{ E:Vl:RYol\JE CAN L.OOK rowl\l orv. CAN YOU T•UIT YOU• IYllt ,...... IN 1t leltt 111 •IHtr· ............................. -................... .... "6dlty Cllt '" ............ ,a.ell ......... """ ........... . ,.. ......... "' ............ -...-0 ····~· •t ••:> t e..1111w If .... ,., C 1uue111P If I.Wt ... i 6'11111w 'l 'l'll"'S 'I .-... 1110 OHFOf\-*1@~ SAKE,L~DYf (f FORGET \T ... (CL\C~) e Wl'-LVIMIDr"ftl..e .... lu .................. -- aftd I Wll Mt ""._.... '9llMll ...... _,., ... I ........ Illa=" _,., • HOW DO YOU MIMU•IUPT A..,.,_.. tw .._. ml.-lnt I ,.,._..., ldHI -.19ht wet dlYIMd '°""' yeera .... J'14t ~ lftd by -"tm MIN "'"'9 to ltl'IOW. ""'" NY9 ci,.~ IM M NY9 llMllvlMI 1t1tur"• ~· .,.,. ""' ..... to tlvt Hie,.,.,., .. I try• MNlwt yew chttt • •• ,., • te"tll ••hll•· tltn of i:M"Mtt\. 1t1tt. level _ oJ b.e brffttboM. Divide by • tour. Squert the rei'>ltlnt t19vre. Now, m1.1ltlply by your htltht In lnchtt wltNut than. Otvldl by p , Ind ""'9 yeu ,,. -"' lhould hlvt been. · ....... ~ ...... ,.. .................. . . .... .................. ~ .. ,. .. ,. .... , .. , ...... , 1 e Nia.t ...,,_, I IUl'ftlld ~ wooden nlckelt et . tTve Clfttl llCf\. ,e • ...,.. et """ for 20 centt. HON ""'°'.,.... .,._, IM-ID NIWll Ullll 11 ....... lllt Mr ..... lat H 1'U un find at 1N1t • dozen of them In this plcture. ON THE NOSEi , .......... taint .... wtly ..... ._ • ., 1mv•l"1 ""91• ,_...._ t-Lt • ......, ,._-,.11". 4-Lt . ......,, ,_, ......... t-U • .,_.. 1-DL "9wn. 1-ee&. tNt"· by Lynn Johnston ..-------- f ' GORDO A61MPLE . WA-,' TO ~ 6~/e> TO WATCH ACAT''' • 9-19 . SHOE lN 1UE tnaST a: emat · =~HE~ ~1U1Gt&S~. -~ t rr~ REALL'I aJf£ '°'ow ~e '6 fAKl~b rr ~ ~£RIOUSL." ! Gu$. Arriola by MacNelly ---~r=---...... A~Cf (;COD~ ... A 1JMnRJL, ~~ CIVIC \t)tCE . September 19, 1982 Almost from the moment man stood upright, he began to complain of lower back pain . . . . THSTI YOURSELF s.tld Ille ~IJon. • • ~ 10 "Alli." FMllly WMll11, 141 Lalf'IGIOll Awe~ New Yoltt, N.Y. 10022. Wl'll HY 16 l0t pul)I,.,_, ciu-tl0tl9. Sony, -can't -OC-.. FOR DR. VALERY A. PORTNOI. dlrectcw of gerv.itnc medicine. George Wash· lnglon University Medical Center ,.. the eldetv pope&emon lnae•••· wll the'« be • prob6em IUr-=ting dodon to ga1llUk: malkine? -D.S .. ~ N.Y. • Yes. The most attractive medical field appears to be surgery, particularly c.ar· diac surgery and neurosurgery. These areas are associated with dramatic break- "More doctors needed for the aged." throughs and high Incomes. But med~al students need to learn a system of edu- cation thzit stresses the satisfaction gained from helping the patient when there Is no dramatic answer to his or her problem. Students can find new challenges in practice for the elderly by moving away from the strict model of caring only for physical aUments by also treating social and psychologk:al problems. FOR SWOOZIE KURTZ. star of 1Vs Loue. Sidney What ~ you mc.a abollt IMng In Haw York City? -N.C .• Fon Smidt. Artl.. • People who shout. No one yells as much as a New Yorker. I'm always running to the window because J hear shrieking. Then I see It's only two people talking at the top of their lungs. The ones who should talk. don't -like bus drivers. Ask them where the bus is going and there's dead silence. FOR GU:NN SCARPEllJ. Alex Handris on lVs One Dov al 0 nmc Your lhow a>nOtlt• a~ -how do you '-el~ clwrce? -N.P., Ea.ton. Pa. • ThankfuUy, I have never had to deal with such a thing. It seems to me that If two people can't get along. they should not stay together. Maniage Is not forever. but a couple should do everything to work out their problems to avoid breaking up a happy home. FOR CIARA R. .I CK.SON, mother of beseba11 star Reggie Jackson How doMiy do you loOow your eoft'I cmell'? -P.S., s.v.nnah. Ge. •I see as many of hls games as I possibly can. but l . do get nervous when I watch him play. I am always worried that someone will do him harm. J give him ad- vice occasionally. although it's o n matters aside from baseball. I always remind him to aay his prayers. FROM 11iE .. ASK'" EDITOR TALL TALE& A roDing stone gathers no moss and In one particular case, doesn't gather years either. Mk:k ...... summed up his recent birthday bash: .. , thought rd have a huge party on my 39th birthday, Ignore my 40th and hope eveiyone else does too." ... Rk:hmd Harrte's long and checkered career Is filled with many hard-to-believe tales. This one, he says, tops the llst . While touring with Comelot (to be aired Sept. 25, HBO Theater) he played at Wolf Trap Fann In Vienna, Va., In front of an audience of picnickers. .. We did matinees outdoors. which meant brilliant sunlight, instead of low, mysterious lighting. As we acted our hearts out, the audience chomped on chicken wings and potato salad. The worst part was hearing the running dia- logue -'ls that the same Richard Hams from the movies? Look how old he's gotten.' l felt like shouting back, 'Hey, you don't look so hot yourself."'. .. SHORT SlVFF: Actress Rhonda Sh.. goes to Madrid at the end of the month for a starring role In the ftlm Call/omla Cowboys .... An.M.rgnt explained why her maT· riage to Roger SmMb has swvtved for 16 years: "We don't take each ocher for ~ted and WC don't raise our voices at each other." ... Sly Stallone, star of Rocky m. believes In being on the safe skle while Ann·Margret trawling across the country to promote hit 61m. Guard- ing him and his mutcles are up to ftve beefy security men .... FOOD FOR THOUGHT: One out of every two RU551ans ls overweight. reP<>fts a Sown nu- trition Institute director. "Too many people are too fond of cakes and pastries," he says. "This habit of eating Is becoming a national disaster." ... To most people cold quaU en aoute a la gek? e means a gounnet meal. To Tony May, co-owner of New York's Rainbow Room. It means a colossal headache. The headache ts trying to figure out how to Inject the goop without mutilating the body of the btrd. The solution: a hypodermic syringe. But a doctor's pracription Is needed to buy the needle, as May found out. He went from one pharmacy to another with his "tale of the quail" trying to grt the tn.arument. Tony flnaJly ran tn· to a doctor friend who vouched for his lntegrtty. He got the hypo and the guescs got th«tr bird. PRO Senator '°"n C. Danlonh !R.·Mo .), chalrman. subcommlttH on International Trade PRO AND COM CON G.,y thll••w. Mnlof i.Dow, lnldtute b Inter· Yes. If negotiations to remo ve for- eign barriers to trade do not suc· ceed. MiUlons of U.S. households rely on trade for secure employ· ment. Trade Is one-eighth of our economy. Foreign barriers to trade threaten U.S. )obs and reduce our growth by limiting exports to no· dons such as Japan, Canada and Mexico . With stronger laws to counter unfair foreign trade practices, the U.S . wtU be In a much better post· don to negotiate for free trade that Is fair to all parties. Should the U.S. Bar lmporta From Countrlea with Trade Barrlen1 Against Ua? MtioneJ Economlcl No. Th• American consume could be hurt ti we bar Imports. And foreign countries wouldn't necasanly dismantle their own trade bemers. They might Invent nW/ berrien agalnlt Amntcan ex· ports. The U.S. anady hill many bwrtcn ..,. lmpo111. Should ~ countrta llOp ~ our computert bec:aUM of our trld• rettr1ctk>N on tcxW. Imports? Our world lead.rs can do batter than copy the wont featura of uch othc'a trad• laws . • C 1m MMtl't WUKLY. All t1 ~. Warning. The Surgeon General Has Determined lhll Cignne Smoking la Oengerous to Yow Hllhh. COA-Heattbteak Sting Heattbutn? ay John e. Gtbaon TRUE OR FALSE? 1. People who are romantic during their youth stay that way for life. 2. People who otslike animals may also have difficulty loving people. 3. Men enjoy it when women Initiate romantic relationships. 4. A love affair gone awry can ruin your dlgestlon. ANSWERS l. Folse. Investigators at Utah State University studied the relationship between stage of ltfe and romantic at· titude. Young newlyweds, the re- searchers found, believed strongly in the magic power of love. But as rela- tionships progre.ssed and the couples had children. belief in the power of love decreased. Interestingly, the study showed that once children were grown up and gone. romantic atti· tudes rose again. 2. True. In an Oklahoma State Uni· versity study of the relationship be- tween affection for people and aff ec- tion for dogs, subjects were rated on their feelings for dogs and divided into a low-affection group, a moderate-af- fectlon group and a high-affection group. The Investigators then tested the subjects' capacity to feel affection for others and desire to receive love from others. The researchers conclud- ed from their flndlngs that low af. fectlon for dogs ac.companles low af. fectlon for people Some support for this was also found for people report- ing low affection for cats 3. Fa~. State University of New Y<Xk and University of Wisconsin Investigators made a study of men's response to dates Initiated by women. Though most of the male students surveyed reacted In a very posldve fashion to the prospect o( a woman Indicating that she would like to go out with them, the Investigation re- vealed that "female initiation of dates elldts some degree of negative effect among male recipients ... and few of the female-Initiated relationships were maintained." To put It differently, a man likes to be the one who takes the lnltladve and expects to do so where aff aln involving the opposite sex are concerned. And though the Idea of a woman approaching him for a date may prove flattering to his ego, when It actually occun he's quite likely to ftnd this reversal of traditional roles vaguely disconcerting. 4. True. Studies conducted at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine demonstrate that the sexual and emotional tensions result1ng from the breaking up or deterioration of a FAMILY WEEKLY, Seclt..,.ller It, 1W • & love relationship frequently resu!t ln stomach problems. The researchers note that such gastrolntestlnal com· plaints are a common response to life stresses end that, among such stress- es. tensions resultlng from problems in a physka) relationship are particu - larty common. They also point out that unless the bask problem (the sex- ual tension) Is Identified. efforts to resolve the symptoms are un-rJWI likely to be successful. illJ Mrt-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ °" .... ~z-.11o-~~- lbml Olds ~ mDftliY ....... ct...,.1 MEntOD CE AWNEH1! ......., ct.. oods SM> 00 o °'-*«flfDMv om a.-. c-t a Vl!fA c-..c.sHD.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mloftt :'119'_.._~~~~~~~~~-~( I I I 8 • l'AMllY WHK1.Y, tepwmoet 11, 1112 New therapies, including a controversial wonder drug, could help 75 million Americans cure the ancient agony. By Nancy Josephson I I J he pain In my back began one day about five years ago, a deep, penetrating ache several inch below my right shoulder. For the life of me, I couldn't figwe out what had caused It. Was It the overhead smash on the tennis court. or the reach for the Wheaties on. the top shelf of my pantry? All I knew for swe was that the pain had me dose to tears. That day, I joined the ranks of the roughly 75 million Americans with back problems. Nearly 10 mUllon of them go hobbling to doctors each year In search of relief for back pain. and some 1.212.000 of these patients characterize themselves as having acute pain In the spine, neck or back (usually lov.ier back) . pain so debilitating that they are forced to stay home from work and take to their beds for days. Sufferers spend literally billions of dollars seeking relief. visitfng family physk:tans, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists. neurosurgeons and chiro- practors. All thls back pain puts a strain on the economy as v.ieU: An average of 10 workdays ls lost wtth each new case of back trouble. and American Industry must thus write off a staggering 93 million work- days a year just because-of these ailments. Why do our backs give us so much trouble? k.- cordtng to one theory, It a.II started several million years ago when one of our hairy ancestors, Rama- ptthecus. was off foraging for food. His search of the ground proved to be futile. and then he hap· paned to spy a ripe piece of fruit hanging from a tree. Stretching himself up from his rounded. fow- legged position. his belly thrust out, he reached for the &ult -and ha Immediately felt a twinge at the base of his back. Many of us have been bv\ng In patn ever since. "There are a lot of arguments about whether man was built to stand up," says Dr. Michael Walker. dJrector of the stroke and trauma program I at the National Institute of Neurologic& and Com- municative Disorders and Stroke. in Bethesda. Md . The plot thickens as we take a look at how man continued to evolve through history. "As hunter· gatherers we apparently did a lot of moving, walk- ing. maybe even some long-distance running," suggests Dr. Kenneth Casey. chief of neurology at the Veteran's Administration Hospital In Ann Ar· bor, Mich. Once we became farmers, he adds. long periods of rest were followed by long periods of In · tense activity. The resuh of this activity was often strain to the back A slmOar set of circumstances affects many of 1,1s today. WAny time you engage in weekend sp0rts or do work around the house when you're not used to It," says Dr. Casey. "there's likely to be a case of strain " Our weight can also be a factor In determining what kind of shape our backs are In. According to Dr. Hugo A. Kelm. an orthopedic surgeon at Co- lumbia Presbyterian Medical Center In New York City, the typical patient with a back problem Is a middle-aged man or woman who Is 20 to 30 pounds oveiweight. "They're really In here because they're soft and saggy," Kelm explains. Eighty to 85 percent of the padents. he says, belong to the overweight·underexercised group. Mental stress can also play a role by causing the back musdes to become tense. "Stress Is a signift· cant factor Iii back pain." says Or. Kelm. "Most people with lower back probk!ms have some kind of emotional stress In their bva." To fuDy understand why backs can ach., tt helps to be famlJlar wtth a llttJe anatomy. The back is truly In groulty tTactlon, the wdght of the trunk and legtt «tttches the lower apfne, rrllevfng preuure. a remarkable instru· ment. designed to sup· port the top half of the body. Yet tt is really nothing more than a !JOUP of vertebrae lashed together by a series of muscles and ligaments sweeping down In a graceful $-shaped curve fro m the base of the sl<uD to the small of the back. Between each of the vertebrae are discs, tiny gelatinous substances supported by fibers. with shock-absorbing proper· ties of their own. This marvelous structw-e al· lows us to bend. stretch and move freely. "It's ex· tremely tough but flexl. ble," says Or. Walker. If we don't treat it properly. however, II can become vulnerable to injury. The most common type of back ailment -In· valving 85 to 90 percent of those suffering from loweT back pain -Is strain. a direct result of Injury to the muscles or ligaments. "One might fall on one's back and bruise a muscle, or suffer a strain from lifting something from an awkward posltion," explains Dr. Casey. The muscle begins to tighten and the resuh can be a di.sabling spasm. similar to a swimmer's aamp. gelatinous substance pushing against the nerve squbts or oozes -and the results can be incred.ibly painful. It, too. can be caused by major exertion, such as lifting a hevy box. You're espedalJy prone If you have a "basic weakness In your disc SlnJC· ture," Dr. Walker says. Another type of back problem Is facet joint syn· drome, a condition In whk:h the aljgnment of the joints of the vertebrae has been thrown off. It ls ta caused by trauma. including continuous overexer· lion or a whack on the back. Affecting 80 percent of back patients over 60 ls an arthritis-like disease called spinal stenosis. It's caused by wear and tear on the bones and joints of the back, but according to Dr. Kelm. It Is a perfectly treatable condition. More serious back problems In· dude congenital defects and tumors, but these are not very common. Persistent back pain usually requires a visit to a doctor. Dr. Keim believes that fancy diagnostic methods aren't necessmy much of the time. "Ju.st a history, a physical and routine X·rays of the spine wtll tell you what's going on with 85 to 90 percent of the patients," he reports. "You don't have to do very sophisticated tests." H a routine physical turns up nothing. doctors sometimes tum to more elaborate diagnostic methods. There Is, for Instance, the CAT scan, a three-dlmensk>nal X-ray giving detailed close-ups of the ligaments, bones and nerves, and the myelogram. a test In which dye Is Injected Into fluid-filled spaces around the spine. This dye. visi· ble on an X-ray. allows doctors to see lf any abnor· mallties exist . -actors agree that if the back is allowed to heal properly the first time, you won 't have to worry about it "going out" repeatedly. In time, the back seems to heal from such an In· Jury. but addltlonal strain or stress can make the back ''go out" again. For 31-year-old sports publJcist Thomas Menitt, the lntial ln)\.try to his back occured while playing sandlot footbell as a teen-ager. Flfteen years later. he td1I suffers periodically from pain. Alter strained mutda. the altpped or herniated disc II the next molt common back dJlorde:r. lM tmn "slipped dilc" Is roly a mllnom.r. Nothing actually slips; ratha. accoJdlng to Or. l<etm, the Mott doctors ~ still conNJVadve when It comes to treatment. For tpralns, the bat cures are b.d mt and tifM. Often thae ello work for herniated discs. SorMttma. pmons with herniated d1ICI .. put Into gravtty lumber traction. b\ this procedure, the patient II fastened ioto a spedal dght, padded vest, attached by atraps to the hud of a tilting table. When the table II tlked upward, tM weight of the pmon'• lower tNnk and ... llntCha out hll Of her Jo..-..,in. and the painful p...ure on the dAlc: Is rta..wd. Moch.-alte"Ndvc, In c.a tnvoMng ( contJn .-1) \ BACKACHES (conlln~d) the lower back. Is to Inject cortisone into the troubled area. This drug may temporarily relieve pain by reducing inflammation and lrrltatk>n . For more serious cases, it Is nee· essary to remove pan of the problem disc Doctors cut into the back, remove the roof of the spin e, retract the nerve roots and take out the ''of· fending" portion of the disc. Dr. Kelm maintains that a chiro· praetor can successfully treat facet joint syndrome with careful manipula- tlon. Spinal stenosis, which is aggra- vated by obesity, can often be treated with exercise and proper diet. "What you've got to do is get patients 10 firm up and lose weight." Dr. Kelm says. ''They must spend 40 minutes a day taking care of their bodies." A new. controversial treatment for herniated discs employs the drug chymopapain, which Is extracted from papaya. Administered by injec- tJon, the drug works by dissolving the offending disc, thus making surgery unnecessary for some hard-to-treat patients. The procedure helps the back return to a healthy state. It has not yet gained Food and Drug Ad- ministration approval. but it is available in Canada and many Americans travel there for ITeatment. The results of tests done on the effec- tiveness of chymopapatn will deter- mine its future here. Though rest and time eventually heJp most back pain sufferers, in the meantime there is the pain 10 contend with. Aspirin. warm baths and a healing pad can off er some relief. ls it true that back pain never goes away completely? Doctors agree that if the back Is allowed to heal properly the first time, you won't have to worry about it "going out" repeatedly. "Pro· bably the most Important thing." ad- vises Dr. Walker. "Is for the patient to rebuild the back by proper exercise so as lo strengthen the muscles and ligaments 81!~ provide the pro· raw. per support. 111.J PROTECTING YOUR BACK By keeping your back strong. you can protect It from strain and Injury. Here are several muscle strengthenlng exercises from How to Core for Your Boele by Dr Hugo Keim . I 0 i Jucnptna Jacka. Slowly, rhythmlcalty. stal1 wtth 20. GraduaUy lnaea91. , tcontinwdl a• -... ... ~ WRIU.Y, ~ It, !tu ' :--FAST PAIN RELIEF ~HEADACHE /COLOSI 800V ACHE /N£UltAlGIA AOvel11M Men1 A Miniature of The United States of America's Saint-Gauden's $20 Gold Piece 100% SOLID GOLD*-$20 A n Official Gold Issue of The Columbia Mint, Washington, D. C. in Solid 2 4 Karat Go/~ ----- You now have a rare opportunity to possess the world's first and only 100% SOLID GOLD ( 24K T) Miniature $20 Gold Piece. lltls miniature of The United States of America's Saint Gaudens $20 Gold Piece is minted from hand engraved dies onto a 100% SOLID GOLD planchet of 24 KT Gold -there is no gold purer than 24 KT Gold.• Each is jndjvidually minted to capture the exquisite fuU 3-<iimensional relief of this the most beautiful of all U.S. coins. Each Gold Piece is guaranteed and certified to be -100% SOLID GOLD -the highest quality gold. and each will be clearly mint-ma.rited with the purity of its gold content -24KT.• And each brilliant PURE SOLID GOLD Miniature $20 Gold Piece is presented in a specially designed collector's case, accompanied by a serially numbered Certificate of Authenticity and a historical account of the Saint Gaudens gold coinage. AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME nus finely minted 100% SOLID GOLD (24KT) Gold Piece is available exclu- o;1vely from The Columbia Mint -one d Arnenca's private mints -Washington. D.C. The current special price for this Solid Gold Piece is now $20. Due to the extreme Ouctuations in the worid market price d goki, this price can be gtW1Ulteed only until October 31 . 1982. Therefore, you are urged to order yours now whjle the opportunity is before you. W• YOUI Mlt11llU1t GclO Piece 1n a Sohd 1' Kt Gold Frame SA TIS FACTION GUARANTEED If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your 100% SOLID GOLD (24KT) Gold Piece. you may return it within thirty ( 30) days for a full refund. There is a strict limit of five miniature 100% SOLID GOLD Pieces per order. However. you are reminded to act promptly~take advantage of the c-urrent special price of only $2 ~this price can be guaranteed only until Octo r JI, 1982. • 24KT = 1 OO'Mt PURE OOLD 22KT = 91 .67'1b gold·6.33'1b other metals 14KT = 58.33% gold·41.67'1b other metals 1 OKT • 41 .67'1b gold·58.331'1b other metals r---1 VALID ONLY UNTIL OCT. 31 , 1982 ~-- ~ The Columbia Mint, Inc. Jno 0 Y05 Sixteenth Sircct NW .. Washington. D.C. 20006 LI.. Plcue send me (limit5) IOOClo SOUOOOL0(24KT) : Miniature SL Gaudent Gold P~s) 11 S20 each plu.s SI . etch Q ror Fint Class postap and hand1ina. A Lio xnd me I 4K T CC Gold Frame(•) at SIS. cacti plus SI each for poatap and 0 handll~ U I 1t11 not aatitfied I may rttum rny oro.t •llhln JO daya for a full refund. Cl I am enclosint my ,.mittancc for l or 0 Clwac S io my 0 Mastercard 0 Vt.a Cl Amencan E•pms Cll'd • ___________ _...,.__ Stptu~----------....,....,.---IC'lllrlt ..... -"' ._.. ID ....... N1mt ______________ _ may call TOLL·FREE Addrm -------------- - Credit cara cnaro• ordera 1 ·800-345·1328 City $111« Zlll-P -- L....--------'-AM-·_10_PM_e._1_1em_n_me _______ e:._M!._~---------~~..!'!-~..!'.:::!-..J .. - • i ~ j ! j ::: •ACKACHD (conllnutdl Situps. With hands clasped behind the head and knees bent. lean for· ward. touching elbows to knees. For starters limit yourself to ftve or six. Push up9. Starf the conventional way or. If It's easier. from a kneeling position. Do four or five and build up graduaUy. Rwming In place. Raise feet six Inches off the floor. Every 50 steps. stop . do three scissors jumps. Add five steps and one or two scissors jumps every fifth day. Toe touches. With knees straight. bend toward the floor. Swing six inches to the left of the left foot. next. swing six inches to the nghr of the nght foot. Raise arms upward. arching your back as you go. Do this five times starting from the left. five times starting fro m the right Warning: These exercises a.re recommended for people with healthy backs. not for people ex- periencing back trouble . PAIN-RELIEVING EXERCISES Dr. Keim suggests simple exercises you can do if you have back pain. They should be done every day unless the pain increases. In that case, reduce the repetttfons or stop altogether. Lie on back. arms at sides. knees bent Press small of back firmly on floor. tightening muscles of abdomen and buttocks. Exhale slmuhaneously. Hold for 10 seconds. relax and repeat Lie on back, arms at sides. • knees bent. Draw knees up to chest and hold firmly with clasped honds. Relax and re· peat •veral times. Also. repeat exercise a few times using one leg at a time. lillMll.Y WHKLY, ~It, 'IN • 11 -_____________ ......;;;..__. Ad ... "IMlllt.nl Oear Your Home of Mice, Rats, Roaches and Other P$ --and Keep Them Out! PEST-PRUFE"1 is a home- size version of the commer· clal pest control device that's safe for people, pets and the ecolog)'. Try it in your home for 30 days. · fhe) don'I call them pnts for notluns. The bu1s ind rodents of this world can make life mrxreble Traps, sprays ind poisons M:em to ha11e httle efrtct and pro(ess1onal u1ermina1011 don't come chcllp But now )'OU can ehmmalc troublnomt ptSll ind kttp 1hcm out thanks 10 new uthrason1c PEST· PR l: FE The electronic PEST-PR UFE uru1 dOt"Sn't lull rodents or uuecu n repels 1hem. Earl> labor&· 1ory rnearch showed lhal ultrasound wu cfTcc· tive tn mod1fY1n1 the bch1v1or of nuoe and rals Aa commercial clltcrminaiors tieaan usm1 uhruomc sound to con1rol rodcn1s. other studies 1nd1ca1cd 1hat oert&Jn frcqucll(1CS affened 1he bcha"1or of 1nJ«ts. too 'low, professional pnl control com~nits acknowlcd,r lhc uufulna\ of uhrasonic' 1n conuolhna cen11n rodent. and inst cn l '11\'ERSIT\ TESTED The heul o( th11 new, electronic m1"'el " • special quart1 cry11al spuker. h enables rES I· PRl'FE 10 emit uhrasonte 'ounds thll only pcslt can hur ThC'\c uhrasomc frequencies ·auack" the 1ud11011 ind ncn.ous S)stems of rodenu and ccn11n ins«1' caus1n1 pain and discomfort The pnts uc forced 10 abandon 1he covered area •nd will not return "-l'llk )OU continue 10 wr PEST· PRU FE A lt1d1n1 un1\eUll)' tnled f'l:Sl ·PR l.i FF u 1b,olu1el) ~fc fo r humans and ptlS And 11ncc 1here arc no po11onnu\ chemical•, 11\e crolOI.)' 1s no1 harmed in the shah1est The ultrasonic ou1pu1 " aboH the hca11na ran~ of humans and hou\Chold pcu, so PEST· PRl,FE 1s sa(c for U5C anywhere It v.111 no1 1n1crfcrc v.1th an dectron1c bur&lat alums. fire or smoke dclector. TV ttccpuon or other elec· uonic equipment SET VP A 9ARRIEA TO KEEP PESTS OIJT THIS WINTtR. When )'OU rct your PESl ·PR U FE you'll beam 11> noh« 'omc rcsuhs in 1 ft..., da)". lft two to 11'lt wcckJ your infcsta11on will he chm1nattd. Then con11nual operation of your unit will preHni funhcT nesuna and 1nhab1t111on1. Even with colder weather •P1't01Ch1nj. you can kocp pests rroin comin1 Indoors at lon1 ._, your PEST·PRUFE 1s rn operation • .lt.;ST PLl'G IT IN. There's no installation with PEST·PRUFE. All. you do is ph.1111 into any 110.Voh AC nutJct. The sohd-tllle cltctrorun and quan1 crystal speaker require only S w11u of pov.cr )UJt pcnnin pct month -and it's ma1ntcN1noe ftoc. Put PEST·PRUFE anywhere; horn«, apart• mcnt, Store, warehouse, or fac:tOf')'. It's the perfect answer for fKilihes when food Is nottd or han· dkd JUCh u ICtlook. hOlpltall, and Ni""'& hofncl. Pt.~T·PltUF£ la ~ 6ft ...,...., MW. .... Roadta c.,...., AMI Ctkl... ~ ..... W1tnhp ........ ...... . .... ..., .... ,.. PEST·PRUFE"' o -11 Md &trlObtrialH- '"~ Jt;..llrtp«t UH Ilia bl«l. jitdslf wltlf lmaltd filvw jfltt. -'#Nhlrn oNy J·11\• x r .- Jy,". Wti1ln ilbofl1 OM pound. II v.111 rcptl pesu from 1rus that arc d1fficuh 10 JC:al·off such llJ pra~. farm ou1bu1khnp, bo•u and uca11on homa One un11 protttu 1n area up 10 2'00 cubic (ttt IRING SPA("[ ACE PEST PAOTlC"TIOS TO YOlR HOME. P~.S 1-rR LI .. E 11 s111c-of·the·1n ccchnolol)' Until now. commerctal uniu used b~ professional pnl con1rol companies cost up to S200-but lo\l.cr cost •ohd·,tatc componcnu allow PES I· PK UFF to 11vc you the \amt pest rcpelhna pov.er for only $49 9S Cplus S2 8S 1h1pptn1 and han· dhnal ~o• there'> no nttd 10 empt\ ITIC1.li) 1r1~ or huy p1mnnou, chemicals 1g.111n and aptn TR\ IT FOR lt DAVS WITHOl"T RISK. We urae you IO If) the PEST·PRUH :: un11 for .lll days If you don'1 1« proof that 11 is the mos1 1d\•anccd. d licienl pnt chm1n11or l\11la blc 10- da). return 11 for a complete. no-quibble rcfund- 1nclud1na return pos11ac You are protected by a nnc-)car manufaclurtr's w11ren1y u 111.cll as Shel- burne·, 2~ycar rcpu1111on for umfied eu11omeri HERl'S HOW TO ORDtR. To order, 11mpty send your check for $49.95 plu• S2.RS sh1pp1na and h1ndlin110 the Shelburne Compan)' at our addren below. Credit c.ard holders can speed their deh\tf) by using our toll· fr« number. (Md roidmlS she>uld add .s<; sales tu ) L.;~;l~t~je AU Other times Cllll ( ... ) 121-2616 Maryland raidcnts e.11 J6l-4»t Get ud o( '*"" and Ill~ •rthout usina masy trapt or poisonous chtmicals. l.tt PEST· PRUF£ cltar your home prompt•y and crrtt- ll~ly OYdcr one today and try it for• full month 11 no obhption .. By Marilyn Hansen rom the sun- drenc hed hills of Spain's An- dalucia re- gion, during a time span of more than 250 yeas, a dlsttngulshed family, the House of Pedro Domecq, has ~own and prospered In the industries of sherry, bran- dy and wine. It was in 1952 when the seventh-generation Pedro Domecq established a new branch ln Mexico, and since then the family has played a leading role ln the rebirth of Mexican viticuJtwe. Our host today Is Michael Domecq. son of that very same Pedro Domecq. Born In the United States of an American mother, Michael was brought up in Mexico but educated here. He fives in Westchester County, N .Y., With his wife, Molly, and two lively children , Chrisdna, 51/2, and Peter, 4. Recently Michael started his own wine and spirits lmpodh 19 company, Domecq lmportan Inc. It was natural for him to be In· Wrested ln this Reid and. linoe his ~aduadon &om American Untwntty, he has been working his way up th• ladder ln varied aspects of (COl'tdtll*I, ----~----"-----_. ~qoneNeeds a Litile Comfort. A leisurely cruise on a paddle- whcd steamboat ... the perfect time to enjoy the companionship of good friends and the smooth, mellow taste of Southern Comfort. Try Southern Comfort with Ocean Spray~ C ranberry Juice Cocktail fo r a crisp, refreshing taste combination we call the "Scarlett O'Hara." Scarlett O 'H ara Pour !Jigger (I'/, uunn.:s) of Southern Comfort over ice cubl'S and fill the glass with On-an Spray• Cnnbl·rrrJuice Cocktail. Add a wcdgl' o flime am enjoy. U>mfort Soutllem Comlon Cofp. ec>-!00 Pl'Ool l~•. St Louil, MO 13132 C 1992. the business. Michael and Molly love to entertain In a casual, comfort- able, frequently spur-of-the- moment manner. ''Often after a day of saUing [Michael was a national sailor of Mexico)." Molly says , "Michael will say. 'Let's bring these people home for dinner,' and sud- denly I'm swept up Into a par- ty. But l lind it a challenge to prepare for a lot of people. so I really en)oy It." Molly (nee Florence Staunton Peck), a descen· dant of the fo unders of Charlesto n , W. Va., ls now becoming Increasingly In- volved in the fledgling Import- ing business. "Michael and I came to the conclusion that the best way to spend time together ls to live, work and . play together." The Domecqs planned a brunch menu for FAMIL v WEEKLY. using recipes they themselves •e')Joy se~ng to ~sts .. "I I~ -a 11]$nU com- posed ~lngs that I can mafeahiacf;,f time." ex·• plains Molly. We present the. brunch menu, selected wines' -Privilegio Riojas from the! Rloja Alavesa region of Spain' -and several recipes from Molly's collection. A variety cl. delights to be sure that! weaves together the flavor, color and texture of the Old World -Spain -and the New World -Mexico and the United States. SUNDAY BRUNCH At the Michael Domecq'a Carnpcrispt Prom• Codctoll Prlmao Mwhroom 8ltlqw Molly'• King Ovb Quiche Peplno Molded Salad Sour ~ DfB Sauce Pan &paiiol Three Nut Pound c;;atc Goldat Frvlt Compott Spanl8lt &poe.o Pl1~ JtlO Wlllre TalHe Wlrw Riolo Ptfrl9ffo 1916 Red...,.,,,, RtoJo r , Amtlodtw 8nnfy • Sponltlli ~ - CAmPAIGN PIOmlSE COCK1AIL 111\ ou. of your fawrtt• llque .. 1 oa. lemon )We• 1 teupc>on granulated MltJU Qw.ct champegne 1. Place liqueur, lemon }ulce and sugar In shaker or blender with l/t cup cracked Ice. 2. Shake weU or blend. Strain mixture into a 10-oz. glass; add 3 Ice cubes and fill with cham- pagne. Maka l drink (continued) ' \ I ~l!IU1!.D!nwe!!na!!ftaranJ1r1.n1~uuHUus1111BM'..--nnnnn.~~mftlrauua!lft!rliWUluiinU1U1inm~1 °' ,-4 ti !~ E2ll02 '['['{'['[ Ins u ·1i 'I !ff!Ji . I I ~ 1>tt1mERO mustutoom BlSQUE 14 cup~ buae 1 smd °"'°"· chopped Ya cup chopped celery "4 lb. mlllhroonM, t&.s l mecllunHbit poea10, pnted Md diced l cupwaw 1 IUllpOOn Mk, Of to tMC« "4 t....,_ freeh, mtnc:.d thyme, or li4 t.-poon dried Pb:ti h9hJy ~ white ~ 2~mA "4 cup tteevy crum "'~~lhcny 2 IUllpOOfM 10V Nuce Sour aum lor ~ 1. Melt butter In a 6-to 8-qt Dutch oven o veT medium-low heat Add onion and celety. Cover and cook unnl transparent. about 10 minutes, snr now and then 2. Stir in mushrooms and cook until softened. about 5 minutes Add potato, water. sah. thyme and pepper Increase heat and Simmer until po121to is vety soft. about 15 minutes. 3. Puree the mixture In food processor or blender until smooth. stopping occasional· ly to E"ape down Sides of the container 4. Return m0tture to saucepan Add mUk , ere.am. sheny and soy sauce Heat through. but do not boU Serve hot or chilled. garnishing each serving with a dollop of sour cream. Molen 6 to 8 servings PAN fSPANOl 8 .--dough hard roUI 2 garlk ~ peet.d and epltt 'i4 cup~ oU 1. Slice rolls In half. lengthwlse Rub sur· face of each half with cut clove ol garllc. brush with obve oil 2. P\ace rolls, cut side up, on baking sheet. Under heating element of broiler, toast until golden brown, about 3 minutes P\aca in napkJ.n·lined basket and Mm1e hot Make. 4 IVVlngs PIPtNO mot.DID SALAD 2 1-w..il)Ot· (2 ~) ~ed ..., 4 C\1119 llOmMO juke l taiblelipoon mtnc:.d h9h bMtl. or I t&llpOOrl dry b..el ..._ 1 t1til1111can '-' Ji*ll 1,4 lil9llpoOrl TllbMco --Ya 01P chopped '*'Y .,... cup chopped .-pepper Ya 01P lhndd.d tMTOt Fr.ti b..el ~ IDr .-rnWi 2 c..--a.. OI' J'OIW' 1,4 cup Mtpped • -- 1. Solten gelatin In l cup of tomato juice. ,.AMILY WllJ<LY. hottf'l!Oef ti, 1tl:t • 11 Bnng remaining 3 cups tomato juice to a boU in a nonalumlnum saucepan Tum off he.at and add tomato Juice-gelatin mixture: stir until dl$solved. about 1 minute. carrot Into the tomato juice mixture and let cool to room temperature. center If plate Is wet. Garnish with d usters of fresh basil, or overlapping cucumber sllc:a. 2. Add basil. lemon JUiee and Tabasco ; mix weU Stir In celery, green pepper and 3. Pour Into mold and place In refrigerator until set. To unmold, dfp bottom ol mold into hot water until It drops out ea.slly onto a wet servtng plate. You can slide moAd to 4. Mix sour aeam with d111, tum Into a wrvlng bowl and use as a sauce for the salad. Maka 6 to 81a1Jlngs (continued) Let the Campbell Kids brU!hten }Our Christmas · and your wall all year long. There's nothing like a couple of happy kids around the house to cheer thin~ up dulling the holidays. So brighten your tree with a Campbell Kids Ornament. Or put a Campbell Kids 1983 Calendar on your waU and evety day will seem like Christmas with these lovable kids hanging around. And here·~ a healthy bon us: on the back page o( the calen· SOUP IS IOOl lfOOI dar you'll find money. saving coupons for de- 1 icious and nourishing Campbell's Soups.· So send for a couple o( kids to sptnd the holidays with. And start the New Year off bright. r -- ---iiiRn 'iiOWro-oiit.ii --- - -I o a••m.c.11 t•1,t.OOolusanytwo(2)Clmpbell'sSouplabels. I 0 1·•m.o-1 vt Sl.95oluunytwot2)~pbeU'sSoupi*ls. Ororder._.tM~DillO'rn+ ANDo.-••fotS2.95 11.1\d any thrtt (3) Cl~l's Soup ~Is. I wWI IO ordn tht lollowllla. I QUAA~ --~mpbtll Kidt ~ltndln11115l OOuch TOTAJ.$ __ _ I --CampbtU Kidl~nt1111t SI 9h~h TOTAL S·---1 --Sctl111<:1mpbtll Klcll CUtndar~ Om.amtnt111 $2.95adl TOTAL l --- 1 I haw mdOMI --(11MIMleof) 1.U with achedt Of lllCICICY ordn b S---~: Cli.tldu 41 Om.IM!lt .,. th1Pelfd lflllllllt ly and wltl amw 11 Jlfftt'tnl tlma I °"' ..... '... ...,°"""' 11. ,. _ .................. anew. SIND 101C"""9IU.11111.P.O. ... 8U:I. m..,. IAllTM I MlllM--------......,,,,......,......,~MM....-.~,---------- 1 Acbulc-----------Acic"------- . I ,I I l I I l I 1 I I I . 1 9-OI' lCM.dl qllk:he pllllry .... "" Clllp -..wo= .. ""Clllp .. 1._. 11 'I' ,, c °" COIDltad• 1 Clllp ...... AIMlia KIDtl cnb ... 1 Y, cups Swill OI' Grv.wt ~ ...... "" ~ chopped oNon o..b ~ FJUDd white ...... 1. Line unbaked shell with foll, 811 with rice, beans or pie ~11. Bakeat425°for8mln- uties. Rernow foU and weight matertal; cool. l. In blender container, combine ~.ml<. 8!P and oom- ltarch; procaa until smooth. Add cnb meat, cl\eel8, onion and pepper; blend al low speed 2 or 3 seconds, just to combine. 3. Pour mlxlunt Into baked pas- try shell; bake at 350° for 35 to 45 minutes un111 top is puffed up and goklen brown. Remove from own and aDow to rest 10 minutes before terVlng to firm up the CUltard. Maka 6 to 8 /frat-courte #Nlngl, or 4 enl!W tenlfngs THiii NUT POUND CAKE l ........ ,__ ................. GI' ... r' ... ................. .... ~ .......... IY, C11P1 ...._. lllht lllVMI .... ,. Clll' .. 1 trr fCli9.-a..w.c:t 7•" I _......, S"4i CllPI ........ ,.... .... 11 a • ..._poMill' ._,,, ea• ... .... ' ............. 1' JCC19~alW 1. 8ullllr a 1()-lnch tube pen and Inc bottom wllh ......s paper. Butte top of pepir. Coat bottom and ll6des of pen with fine dry brud aumbs. I. 0q> nuis coer.ty by h.nd with • sharp c:Mft knh. place In bowl and Mt llllde. 3. Sep.Ml .... PSec. 411111 whim In ... bowl, yolca In .-bowl. S..411111 yolca~ wllh forte. 4. In .. bowl, Ultr'9 tlectrtc mix.. Cl'9MI bua. and -tiogedw und Mfii; edd yolca Ind beM .. ~ c-d \anal mix· "'" ii .. and !Wy. lbout 3 n*iutlll. 11•f'AMILYWlllU.Y,l41i1 .. 11, - 5. Mix milk, vanilla and 4 table· spoons brandy In measuring cup; set aside. Sift flour, beklng powder, salt and nutmeg togeth· er; Mt aside. 6. Alternately mix sifted 6our mixture and mllk mixture Into the aeamed butter mixture, ~ and ending with flour mixture. Beat at low speed jwlt until smooth. Pour batter over chopped nu~. mix well by hand. using large apoon. 7. With clean beaters, beat egg whites until foamy, add cream of tartar, beat at high tpeed until stiff peaks form when beaters are slowly raised. 8. Fold egg whlta Into batter ua- ing a firm but light hand. A large, Bat wire whisk worb well, here. Tum batter Into prepared pan. 9. Bake on center rack of slow oven, 275°, for 21/t hours, ex until cake tester comes out dry and cake springs bod< vtlhen pmMd with finger. . ' 10. Let cake cool In the pen on rack for 30 minutes. SprtnlcJe with 3 tablespoons brandy. Tum cake onto rack and continue cooling for 24 hours. 11. To MrW. llice thinly wtth serrated knife. Cake stores wd In ~tor for several days, If wrapped In plastic film and foll. lt can allo be &oz.n. Moira 24 Nn1lngl Note: This rec:tpe ls from "I'wo In the K.1Ehcn4 " a Cate1ng lel'VlcAl<OOldng ~ locat.d In VJhite Plains, N.Y. GOLDIN flUfT CC>mPOn lt*I IDCM• ....... or..,. -·~-1 Clllp- Y, ap ..... . ...... ~ ! ........ ... 1-.. .... "" ICllPI,.._.~ .............. l. In medlwn 1a1apan, com· bine orange ... .... and wei... Heat to bollng, stirring until IUglll' dlllolvet. Reduce hut and boll uncOYenld ,2 fntn· um. Add brandy; alow to cool. I . Peel oranga, remoYlng al white membrane. Cut aollWtle Into roundt and p&.c:.e In t.ga bowl. Sction fPIMlfruit Into bowl ~ OfU1811. 3. QUllNr pineapple length. wlM, remow peel mid center core. Cut qi--. Into V.·trich tt*k *-:layer owr~ •• Spfnlde !Jiii* ~ ... Pour brandy ¥UP ~ Ind. CCNS and C"'8 until nracly eo ..w. Mil'/ be medc 2 daya b9be Ml'lllng, M""-JO eo JZ ~ OIAHGE FLAN ~cup sugar ~cup- 8ee. l cup eugm 21h Cupl «ange )utcc 2 taMpOOne .-r.c1 orange rind 1. To make the caramel Heat l/4 cup sugar and 113 cup water in medlum·sue heavy saucepan. Stlmng unttl 1he sugar dissolves Boil miXlure wnhout st1mng untll It ls a deep golden caramel AJ once. pour the golden caramel Into a 1112-qt quiche or souffle dtsh. tilt and rotate dish to coat bottom and sides 2. In large bowl. u.smg electnc mixer, beat egg$ wtth l cup sugar until light and slight ly thickened. Stir in orange juice and strain the mixture Add orange nnd and pow 1he mixture rnto the prepared dish. 3. Set the dish m a large baking p.1n filled With water to a depch of 112 inch. a -water balh ·· Bake In a preheated 350° oven for 40 10 50 m111utes or unrll a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. Ult out of water bath and let cool in the baking dish . Refrigerate unul well chilled. 4. Just before serving. loosen the sides of the mold with a knife and quickly tum out onto a WTV1ng plate with a raised rim to hold the syrup Thls dessen may be made l or 2 days ahead of seMng Moku 8 tenJrngs SHEMY TO THE RESCUE Ho« peppel'I ~ •md • ._, pmat ollYa Garik cb.w Gin.-rooc [)yy Fino .Mrry 1. This recipe ls a method of prewMng cenatn foods. artfully and memorably. us· Ing dry Ano sherry. The foods will keep In· definitely and will take on a unique flavor EXTRA! EXTRA! for all manner of eadng and cooking uses. The sherry Itself will become flavored and can be added to soups, salad dressings. marinades. what-have·you. 2. Small hot peppers· Slice ao5'wiM, place In a ,ar and ·cover wllh dry Ano sherry. 3. Drain brine from jar of manz.anilla small. green pitted olives. replace with dry Ano sherry. 4. Peel whole cloves of garlic. place In a jar and cover With dry Ano sherry. 5. With vegetable peeler. peel chunks of whole ginger root. place in a Jar and cover wtth dry F'ino sherry Makes ad Infinitum amounts Suggested sherry: La Ina . pale, dry Ano sheny. BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL FROM CHIPS AHOY!. THE '16 CHIP' COOKIE! '16 Chip' Magic Moo and 16 personalized pencils ... only 53.95! CHIPS AHOY! the delicious '16 Chip' cookie offers you special back- to-school savings! For only $3 .95 (includes postage & handling) and two Pufchase Confirmation Seals from any packages of CHIPS AHdY! cookies you get a '16 Chip' Magic Mug iru116 personalized pencils. The Magic Mug is fun to use! Tilt it and watch 16 chocolate chips magically appear in the CHIPS AHOY! cookie . Tilt it back and the chocolate chips disappear. Our 10 oz. mug is also thermal ... keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold! And, it's top rack dishwasher safe! The '16 Chip' Magic Mug comes with the perfect back-to-school supplies ... 16 personalized, eraser-tipped pencils In assorted colors with No. 2 black lead. See Order Form below for details. For more special savings use the 16e store coupon below and treat your family to CHIPS AHOY!-the chocolate chip cookie with an aver- age of 16 real chocolate chips in each cookie for lots of chocolate taste! r-----------------~:~-----------,:---s Av E 16C POC"llOC ol CHIPS AHOY . 16C Chocolate Chip Cookies 11 MllTIUlt Co\fPOll •be,..._, IDf lie .... !!!'~"'*',Ou~ wn olllt"""* Air, . ~----ITllill--...... ~ ~ ......r .... -::~r-=-~=: a ~ ~;.,c:,.ft~:=:r;-o: ;11 8 • IO'llCY 0t a or Wllltt 111111 pro!Mcl, ,.. 8 ~Of W.. GOOf Oftlf 11 U SA Call! ¥111'9 Incle "" .......... .,..., Inc 'O ... 17'4. Cllllloft. ~ CC ... ~=CNll GO_.,'"""*' Pl' putCftMit ~ I _, ..... ~~000 l.0?2'tlt J6C SS/1082 -----------------------·· ------- lflAMIN!ft[ 8 m; "t•". 0 6 mg. nte011111 ff per cigarette by FTC method ...... IO/I •a., Vt-'"'o u to .. • I AdvertoM ment Cutting · Phone Biiis Down to Size By Rndreo Pawlyno U ntil recently, the Bell System (A.T.&T) had a virtually un· challenged monopoly on long· distance residential calls. But now. In the wake of a flurry of lawsuits and Federal Communications Commls· sion rulings. competition has arrived. Four new companies -Mel Tele· communications (MCI): United States Transmission Systems. Inc (City-Call), a subsidiary of lntema· tional Telephone and Telegraph (I.TT.). Southern Pacific Comm uni· cations (Home Sprint). a subsidiary of Southern Pacific: and Western Union (MetroFone) -are offering long- distance service at rates as much as 25 to 50 percent less than Bell's . Residential customers who sign up for service with these companies are charged for the long-distance calls they make, plus a fixed monthly fee. call from New York to Chicago placed on a week night during the 5 P.M. to 11 P .M. time slot costs $2.69 with Bell. Bell's four rivals charge the fol- lowing: MCI ($1.59); City-Call ($1.47); Sprint ($1 27): and Metro· Fone ($1.67). One thing to look into when in· vestigating the new services are addi· tional fees and charges that may cut Into any savings. MCI and Metro- Fone. for example, tack on an extra $5 and $3, respectively, for calls made away from home and charged to the home number. The other two companies offer this service free of charge. With all but Metrofone. you pay a monthly fee that is added to rhe total of your calls. MetroFone charges a flat $10 monthly minimum that is applied against your bill. Calling hours, too. can vary during the week, but all four companies provide 24-hour service One thing to look into when investigating the new services are additional fees and charges that may cut into any savings. which ranges from $5 to $10. Before you can start saving any money. however, your long-distance calls should be averaging about $25 a month with Bell. "That's the bottom range for breaking even. lf you 're not already spending $25 a mon1h . then our service isn't going to be worth your while." says Michael Hughes. public information manager for I. T. T .'s City·Call. Subscribers to any of the four ser vices also need push-button phones. They're necessary because they emit the musical tones that the computers used by the new services need in order to route the call. Dial phones, however. can be converted by adap- tors (available In electronics stores for about $35). Here's how the system works: You first punch si.x or seven digits to con· nect into a computer switching center. Next, you feed in your personal aulhorl.z.atlon code -another five or six numbers. Finally, you add the area code and the telephone number that you 're calling -10 more digits. When comparing rates with Bell, the following example illustrates typl· cal differences in cos1: A 10-minute And,..o Powlyno 11 o fnelonce1 writer •~clol· /zing In comumer o/foin on weekends and holidays. Another point for subscribers to consider is that the number of places served by the companies is limited. Most of their interstate long-distance traffic is concentrated In high volume. urban areas. Sprint and MCI serve the most cities, about 220 each. Also, all four companies offer only limited In · trastate service. In terms of quality, the transmls· sions provided by the four alternative services are steadily improving. In the past, users reported that there was oc- casional static and that voices sometimes sounded distant. Representatives from A.T & T. state that their service Is still superior. Says Paul.a Horii. district manager, media relations: "Only Bell provides service all over the nation. And some· times the competing services' adver- tised rates don't measure up to Bell's rates. Our 60 percent discount rate for certain per1ods may be cheaper than the competttors'." Many consume~ are at least testing their new options. "At the end of the month, 98 percent of our customers do not canoel, so they must be~.~ reports ,.MCI's Gary Tobin , whoM company has grown from 60,000 subscribers to about one million '111 In th41Mt two yea!'1. aaJ AdWrti-1 CUBIC ZIRCONIA JEWELRY OPPORTUNITY ONLY$ goo A PIECE CUBIC ZIRCONIA SETS BRILLIANCE WITHIN EVERY WOMAN'S REACH. THE BEST DIAMOND DUPLICATES IN THE WORLD TODAY. • Ong1nolty sold t0< more than 140 .00 per 1 carat -through our opportunetv P'oS14nl YoU ?Wr, only $9 00 for 1 carat. --~;-::: ... --... -. .t--w•t• e'\t ...... tO ·~ t•••••f • full ~ hend·Cut tcKcts -guaranteed agamst chipping, b<cak1ng, or loss of tl$ b<llhant COior mm , ............... ., ...... --<""'91'°9W1'Y 1m11 ............... ~~*"·''·' ... M t>drt Of e netiOnel "*'tctin, OC)QOrtlnty proyem to •low mote e>c~ to own ano tr«esi.¥e th« woncfs best 1 terllt dllmOnd dupfteatc, -heYe been euthorlz:t:d to send to tll rcedr" whO raponct to tM Pf09(em maognifltcf't cuble znonie j«welry fOf <lf'I\' $9 00 a Pl«CC pkA posta,t and l\lndltr,9, All cub< zirconie stonu arc indillldutll\t hend- cut end hend-polisned to br1n9 out tt'c Kln- tillet1r19 bc.ut'f Of UCJ'I ot the tkets °" ~ stoM. Eech ot the S8 fecets -pl.IUd on YOUf cubic rttOl'lle oectty • tMy -t:Mced ' urM a*< aKOflle .......... ..,_ lftctrY -1111 •• ' )_City S.n #~Oly Son #6--~ ~ #7_0ly S.it #l--Oty Son •9-0ty Sw •10_0!y 'Ultet~ lflrcoMe.,....... ... , •.• a... ••< )-City ' <•et (tw} Cll.ek ...... ""*' ......... ~ tt ( )_Qty ~ orcxnns IM corrll)lctc -drOOc ol cubic tlf<c>fU Jewelry -t nns. t pendent on 16' S Chlln, end 1 !)tit ~td Mud tllf· on e 1 caret diomond All °' the (UOIC Jlf· con1e stone) ere 9uerentud not to chip, ~-or loM tnc1t bt\I~ ~ he~ poccc Of cubic rlrconle jewclrt IS brend new, dll'Cct !tom l'nlnlhcturcr, and Wiii be eccomp«l!Cd 1>y • certlllc.atc of eutncntlC"Y and 1 wntttn 9uerantH . Due to antlcipettd pncc incrc.a on ttlc Mnct-cutttns ano poltstW15 ot ttw (vbk ilm:an11 1torc.1 ...._ * tNc )'OU Pt<• "°"' Qrdlr ~ lftldnl9"lt NoY 1~. 19$9 Money rctunckd llTWMdliltel)o if not Ck• l19hted l'lnSI. I will pey the tOCOtl ~CIOc Pf'Ct ol IN(ft -l&ll $24 ( , __ Qty St11t ·~ St11 •6.-llty 5'11 •7 -0lv $11' ,..._°'V $1zt #~ SIH • 10-0IY 1181 trn Cf'dcrlrl!I bcfote ~Nov l~.1919 ---lndudc • '4 -· "*' ftoM.ln9 hUrt pandlnt dWm ...... tlft. , ............................. .... .. .... ~ ........ , ---· ............. ··-------------------"*""------------------Off~------------------..... ·-------• ~·••CCIWl.O llO ~11 >OJ. UOOU>COU!llfl'l'MI GMC>f"OH '°'" 11\lO f AOv"en1Mmen Ad .. r11Mment JOSEPH PETER PHILLIPS KNOWS YOU! HE KNOWS YOUR THOUGHTS He understands, for example, that there are certain things you desire -things that you feel you MUST have if you are ever going to know happiness -and yet with the passing of time you're beginning lo wonder if you will ever really see them. You may not. of coyrse . Simply wanting something badly doesn't necessarily mean that you will get it. To be certain of success. TWO things are required : Desi re AND Belief. COULD YOU USE A LITTLE MORE CONFIDENCE TODAY? SEVEN YEARS AGO A MAN NAMED JOSEPH PETER PHILLIPS WAS IN THE DEPTHS OF DESPAIR. His problems -physical. financial and emotional -seem~ overwhelming and he came one day to realize that he was never going to make It through ·natural' means. What happened then may best be described by these words taken from one of his poetic writings: And so with prayer to Him above and through the printed page. he sought and got the counsel of the sage of every age. On one main point all had agreed. each one had showed him how: when seek ing answer to a need. Bebeue that 1t s here now BELIEVE! In his search to find a way abo11e his condition. one wo(d kept popping up. "BELIEVE.'' said men of wisdom all down through recorded history, and you can have whatsoe11er you desire. It sounded good. Phillips became convinced that there was a power In bellef and he was determined to tap 1t It became an obsession with him. What he soon learned seemed to contradict everything we 11e been taught concerning obtaining that which we desire. Struggling, he came to find. was NOT the answer Arter all. 1f a person truly BEUEVED for instance. that success were Inevitable. why should it be neces.sary to struggle and strain for 1t? There is 1n all situations. Phillips observed. the Chaser and the Chasee; the Hunter and the Hunted. Run after a goal, be It happiness or anything else, and it appears to nee from you. Relax. however. and simply BELIEVE. and that which you want will come to you II will 'fall into your lap · DO NOT GIVE UP! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Would you hke to be thin? rich"> popular? Are you seeking love? peace of m ind? happiness? Do yo\J desire at last to be free of those fears? Are you in need of a healing? Is 1t your wish to be made WHOLE again? to walk in the sun once more? Well. It's oll possible. You can have it all with BELIEF Indeed. it has been proven time and time again. As Phillips saw the little understood. yet very real and limitless power of belief working in his own life. using printed letters and mailing lists he began to share his findings with others around the country. Very soon, testimonies such as the following were literally POURING IN· TtLo month.~ ago I wanted to die Noo.• f find rny~f lool(lnq f0tward to tornOITou. I like m1.1!.f!I/ ft ~ wo11ckrlul I nt'l ~' I\ neu I could E'flJ04 llfe th/.) much fl s cl~ though 11-c CONE AUVE AGAIN Mr!> S W , Sag1n<Ju• 1111 to think th.JI f hdd txm l1wly from LJ.Jttl. tou.'ttk "*>u• moriey I.) com1nq m from all directlOf'lS ft.) JU.)/ likt· mag1C Im n°' d/ratd anymorE' I dOn t U""'!/ about the futuno l>«oU!it' f KNOW evaythmq s tpng to be all ngll/ . · ~ I ltti blue ex dJscouf ag«J I gtl !JOt'I lf>f rm. our and re.tel them I am 1mmedlatey li/1«1 E B To{:H!ka. KS Arnold ,/ SpnngfH!ld, IL R Brown. PfuiMetpllla. PA • .hnnings M Can/Oil. Ofuo U you re interested. there ls now available a book contllining the best of Phillips' confidence-building letters written over a seven-year period. In AIDS TO FAITH. Phillips not only tells you to BELIEVE in order to get what you want, In simple. step·by·step ways. he show you HOW to believe. We at BUTTERFIELD PUBLISHING fee l there is no need for hard sell' or 'Hollywood-hype' concerning this book Indeed. we believe that word-of-mouth itself -friend telling friend -wlll soon cause AIDS TO FAITH to sweep the nation. If you'd like a copy we suggest that you order now as this lid will not appear In this paper neict week. The sooner the suggestions in AIDS TO FAITH are put Into prllctice. the sooner you will come to know (as Phillips points out again and again) the miracle-working truth found In the words of Jesus in Mark 11 :24: What things soever ye desire ... BELIEVE that ye receive them. /..ND YE SH/..LL HA VE THEM. AIDS TO FAITH is also available on cassette tapes. In your despair you've cried out to God for help to free you from your m is.ery. This could very well be that help. Don't miss It. A Personal Word from Joseph Peter Phillips f fully belleve that tills bOok will be a hdp to anyone who rud$ it If !JOtl all! di..UtJti~ In any w.!y. ~. I do llOl want your ~· Simply retum the unddm4ged Ol'ckf within I 0 dl!y!i for 11 fuJJ refund -no que.sl/ot\$ &Sl«d. r 1982~~tf:'~ - -•• -• • TO il\VOIO DELAY -PLEASE ~NT • -•••• I I I I I I I I city na~ stat~ I AIDS TO f AITH Boo6'. S9.95 each .. I Cahfomla r~sidenls add 60C each lot salu ta11 I AIDS TO FAITH. Cuwtte tapes. •23. 9' per set zip ................ ·---- I Callfornla residents add S 1.44 per set for sal~s tait • • • • • • • • • ••.•• ---- 1 I Total . . . , . , • . • • • • , • • • . • • • • meke dloeck or 9Cftd I01 I money order P91 ... IO: BOTT!RF1ELO PUBUSHl...O ............ ···---- I BUTTERFIELD PCJllU8Hfl't0 S.. 418 ...... CA9U20 What to Do When You1 Pet Gets Ruff By Sounders m. Bridge~ Jr. G enerations of law students learned this maxim: "Every dog gets one free bite ... Translation: A pet owner is liable for his pet's actions only if the animal's prior behavior has indicated · that it might cause damage. But in recent years. due to new statur~s and subtle changes in old pet laws wrought by years of coun deci- sions. the old rule hasn't always been applicable. In most states. pet owners are now being held to a harsher stan- dard of knowledge than in the past. The "one-bite" rule has become the "one-snarl" rule. Under today's laws . pe1 owners must monitor all the habits and traits of their pets -not just obviously dan- gerous ones -and act accordingly. Take the case of Pluto. a friendly a nd affectionate golden retriever In Pennsylvania. The dog's owner was not terribly alarmed when Pluto wel- comed an elderly neighbor one after- noon by jumping up to lick the vlsttor's face. but unfortun~tely this caused the neighbor to fall and frac- ture his hip. Pluto's owner had to pay the neighbor $5.000 in damages. The owner was found Bable be- cause Pluto had been excessively af- fectionate with visitors on other occa- sions. Is your pet's breed naturally ag· gressive? Does it growl at pedestrians? You may be found negllgent if you fall to keep it under control. This does not mean that you must anticipate every possible act o f your pet. In Iowa. for instance. a court ruled In favor of a farmer whose pet chicken Saund•~ M Brtdgn Jr I• on orromev ·~ciol· talng in dull /lt19otlon flew through a neighbor's glass win· dow. stating that a flying chicken was a phenomenon which no one could be expected to foresee . Many pet owners don't worry about liabUity because their pets are always gentle and well mannered. But, warns Dr. H. Michael Maetz. a veterinarian and epidemiologist at the School of Public Health of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. this is a false sense of security. "Any dog will bite and any cat will scratch... Dr. Maetz says. "This is their natural reac- tion when startled, frightened. or ex- cited ... Whafs more. your pet's behavior and personality are not the only bases for liability. Many jurisdictions have o r- dinances which require you to keep your pet behind a fence or on a leash. Violation of such a law is negligence per se. meaning that you will have to pay for any damage which results re- gardless of your pet's prior behavior. In many states. an animal that leaves its owner's property is treated as a trespasser, making · tl'le owner liable for damage the animal causes. In 1976, King, a German shepherd who lived at a lakeside resort in South Carolina, wandered into a neighbor- ing house just before the owners left. Unknowingly. they locked King in- side. Before they returned a week later. the terrified dog had demolished the lnrerior of the house and King's owner had to pay $5.000 ln damages for his dog's trespass. There are. however. measures that pet owners can take to protect them- selves from liability : Ask your lawyer. local bar associa- tion. or legal aid society about the laws In your area. Then obey them. Don't keep a wild animal as a pet. Only domesticated animals (animals such as dogs. cats, fish. horses. etc .. customarily kept by humans) are proper pets in the eyes of the law. If a wUd pet causes damage. the owner Is liable . regardless of how tame the animal was or how strong his cage. Check your Insurance coverage. Most hom~owners Insurance policies provide liability coverage which may protect you If you are found llable for your pet's acts. If your policy does not protect you, your Insurance agent can sell you a personal liabillty policy. - And if your pet has ever snapped at anyone. don't give It the chance to do It again. Even In the days when every dog got one free bite, no dog Fiii ever got two. l&J ,AMILY WHKLY. a.ptemOer It. f9U • a . WOMEN'S wal« •Ila •'"""v •t2's ltlghn at Great for your acttve Ufe. Inverted front and baek pleats give the look of a skirt with the comfort of pants. Elasticized waist for puU-on eaw. Machine washable Polyester Doublelcnlt. TEAL-67, PLUM-85. BROWN-60, GREEN-73, CAMEL-57, BLACK-40, NAVY,70 or RUST-64. MtSSY sizes: 8-18. PETITE: 4-14. WOMEN's waist: 32-40. FOR FMT SATJVAcnOH OVAIUUtfUD P'ERSONAl. • O• #0/llEY llACICI SERVICE CIC COmpMI~:::~= 24 hovn •day IE w11h l/°"f purchaM 7 cl ... • _.11 -at any tlnw. fOf any CAUl60tl7'7-5GOO ••--)\al•etumtt to dwwwe °'"" o.ty "' '°'. ful, fut ,.111nd r·--------·--------------------1 l'QtcA FQICJ t"OtcC I ----J Ml-Petite W-a'1 Color# Qty Prk• : NAM£------------.... --+--~~--+--+--+-----! : ADO.tft-..-1 I ' C1TY l----+---+---+---+-+----1 • STAn _____ _ AM USPAH-•- ':: IA/VISA ::JA.E 11.fftwoor_. ___ _ AZ.,. ..... ,,., .. ---- £11doee4 II t ___ _ :::! 14o-..... tOOf ... _, .... ................ , ......... . -'•e ..,,.~ -Solv -" \e-9"' our popular ang 11~··• .. 0lt-~ ....... lodWltll yOut P<lftl\Ms-at afty tllM, IOUl!y ,, __ ,,,__11io ... 1ot• 1111.IUl,.fuM FOR FAST PERSONAL SERVICE 14 ho1111 • -., 7 tier•• .... CAU (602) 747.5000 ~--.... Clog oatyS1995 ... lightw~t, perforated to let your feet breathe. 1 w· cork wedge heel with long-wearing rubber sole; wonderfully walkable, eush.lontng your every step "through the busiest days and nights. CAMEL, NAVY, WHITE or Rf.D. Women's fuD & half sizes: 6~·10 N. 5-10 M. & 5~·9 W -------------------------------------------------------- "PMC am ~TY ..a aio... WMTl .. I f11AV\'·1t CAMll. ... ..... ,." ....... ..... _______ _ Sweet chutty. Is giving goodly? Noc according to 19th century British humonst Horace Smith. who cracked that ''Chanty begins at home. and mostly ends where 11 ~ns" Maybe so back then. but in today's enllghtened America. thousands of U S corporations are giving Horace the lie. ln fact. last year corporate giving totaled $3 blllion-m~ thon pnuale foundalions goue-and a recent survey shOINS that business IS upping its charilllble conlributions by around 15 percent In 1982. Helping h•nd•. With Uncle Sam cutting back on funds for social programs, the private aed.«'s lendlng a hand-In the all-Ammcan spirit of volunteerhm. A group of lruiurance companle. Is backing nationwide projects ttud range from education on dru!t abuse to ,environmental protect.Ion. ln Detrott, a J81bllc uttllty has put up funds to bring food wppUea to the hu~. Over 70 corpo1•· Uou In Dallas are helping support day-care centas MWt repairing homn for the elderly. The Ust goa on and on-and stretches as wide as America. ''I'm not quite sure how to use that donanon from the circus people ... Pltchlq In. At Mobil. we' re channeling more of our donation dollars into programs for the poor or disadvantaged. Spec~I Mobil grants provided deanup and play· ground jobs for hundreds ol Inner city teeMgers in New York, Chicago, and Dallas this past summer New York City also goc a big push when Mobil supported a summer-long spor1s program in the publlc schools for 50.000 kids. We're backing drug reh.abllttaUon programs; pr0V1dlng services for the handicapped. aid to the dderfy. and funds to help keep private schools In Inner city areu operating .Join the b.ndw119«>n. How? By getting llO'J and llO'lf company Involved. You can donate money, ol coune. But equally lmpor· tent an products. That offk:e furniture or daktop oomput.a llO'J'rt thlnklng ol replacing could ftnd •new lute on life In a volunteer organization llke a day-care c:eruer or a home for =-· the elderly. Comparua can aJ.o encourage employea to .-........ .. glue <i tlwm-'oa" by donating time and energy to worthy caUM1. It .U prows thlit whlJc voluntttrism can be me:nsfw. It needn't be expenaiw. "T'11e ~1t1t:• ea Ple-'tSent Reagan put It. "coma from the hNn:• It'•• fact: Despite a nine percent drop In prollts in 1981. U.S. corporations Increased their giving last year by 11 percent l Moblr --------------- When Babes Play Beethoven No strings: Averoge tots con .coJe musical heights. By ffilchoel D'Antonlo T he student was not accustomed to perfonnlng In an auditorium un der the gaze of 80 observers, and. therefore. felt a llttJe btt nervous. But as he worked hls way through the tests, he became rnore confident. Flawlessly. he matched chemical compounds such as hydro· gen fluoride with their proper catego- ries. "That's an Inert gas, of course." he explained . before movtng on to diagram sentences with the ease of an English teacher. What young Dylan Leber was dis· playing for his audience was the skill and knowledge of an average fourth grader who )ust happens to have o special Interest In science and has a supportive. encouraging teacher. He's like any other fourth grader, except that he's 3 years old Md his special teacher Is his fa th er. They have joined the accelerated learning program at the Better Baby Institute ln Phlladel· phla. The lnttttut1 offers revolutionary t4• l'AMILYMl.IU.Y.lwl ... tt. ..a teaching methods that help young children of average Intelligence learn more and learn faster than ~perts once believed possible. Led by the grcmdfatheriy Glenn Doman. the Bet· ter Baby Institute is harnessing chU· dren's rage to learn and provtng that babies are a lot smarter than most people think . Set on a rolling estate In Philadel· phla's Chestnut Hlll district. the non· profit Institute has been pioneering research OQ early education for more than 20 years. Part of an umbrtlla group called the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. It operates a f uUy aca-edlted school wtth students from around the world, spontors roearch and ho5ts seminars for teachers and parents. The Better Baby Institute grew out of Doman'• past work with brain· lnjOred chUdren. A medical ther..,._ by training, Doman has developed programs bued on M ntmy stimula- tion which have helped to!M chlJdnm NCOVft from brain lnjur1es. Some of the children who ere edu· cattd at the Institute, or taught by per- fcondrl ""'' IOO's • Only 1000 sets offered in our special sale of original U.S. Mint °"'Y ·-per -t!ll/ K ~ Kl within the n .. I 15 dllya. you will .._ive llOllOMltfy FREE • lllMCial unclrcui.ttc1 BICENTENNIAL EISENHOWER OOLUA with Heh -Mclefwd. SOLID SRVER OOUARS may never have a better opportunity to own this 90% silver U.S. Government nt Silver Dollar Numismatic Collectors Guild is releasing tor sale only 1000 sets o 3 each at a special price of just $59.00 per set. In addition, investors who call or write within the next 15 days will receive absolutely FREE a special Bicentennial Eisenhower Dollar with each set ordered. Each set will contain silver dollars of different dates. handsomely mounted tn a dustprool presentation case and accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity attesting to their very fine condition and silver content ot . n344 troy ounces of pure silver Right now our catalog price for these historic and beautiful coin sets 1s $98.00, but in this special sale we are offering 1ust 1000 sets at a special low price of 1ust $59 00 Act now .. this supply will not last' Due to the scarcity of the solid silver Liberty Head Peace dollar. we must llm1t our supply to five sets per customer. Orders will be filled on a first come. first shipped basis. Full refund guaranteed within 15 days 11 not delighted. Exclusive agent for this offering~s Numismatic Collectors Guild. Inc . dealers 1n rare coins for O\ler 35 years. Members of the Retail Coin Dealers Association and the American Numismatic Association. A WORD OF ADVICE: The value of a coin 1s based on its date. mint mark and cond111ori We guarantee all our coms 10 be Onginal U.S Mint Issue rn very fine cond111on. containing the appropriate signatures. dales and mint marks FREE SPECIAL OFFERt ~~~:~~r:~LLAR With eactt com set ordered wllhrn the next 15 days, Num1sma11c Collec- tors Guild will aend you absolutely free the U.S Mini 81cenrenn1al Eisenhower dollar This historic dollar commemorates our Nation's 2001h Btrttfeay and 1s no longer m1nled Each coin 1s mounted In a handsome grit case and is aocompan1ed by a Certll1cate of Authenticity. r;~~~~~~;~o:;-~~~----------, 1 35 WIMt 36th Stiwt, N9w Yott<, N. Y. 10001 fTIM HO. 2003 CHAR8E'Mr. -VIU ;:: MA&TfRCARD Pleaae Mnd _ aet(s) of 3 "llberly Head" Peace 0 AMERJCAJI EX'ftUS :J DINfRI ClUI Sliver Dollars a1 $59.00 per Mt plus $4.50 p.p., C .. 11 ,. _ _,.. Ell4111llot Oltl .......•••••• I hndl., Ins. (Umlt 5 sets per customer.) Eacti 9411 11 "" ... ,. no. accompanied by a FREE Eisenhower dollar. I r-1 ..,.,-...-I _,I--.-I -.,Ir--rI-Ir-TI-.-I "'TJ"-T"I .... ,-......I .... I_,l I enctoee :J ctleci<. 0 mon.y order, In the amount of S __ Now York residents please add I sales tax llplbtrt ...•.... -. . . • . ....••.......... l N~ ...................................... ·• .............. . :::~~~:. :'· ......... .-.. :· ..... ~~~· ....... ~::::::: :: : : : :: : : : ----------------~----------- BAllU lcont1riuedl ents who have been trained there, play the piano, vloUn, horns or drums' as early as age 4 . understand math at 3 and begin r~ding by 2. Outside the classroom , on the playground. the "better babies" master obstacle courses, climb ropes suspended 20 feet In the air and run track and field events. And from all signs. they love it. Other programs on early education are being offered across the country. Some of the teachers, like those at the many Montessori schools established in the U.S .. use certain techniques of Doman 's. Many universities. such as the University of Maryland and the University of New Hampshire. al.so have early-learning centers. The secret of teaching tiny children have spawned new ways to tead reading and basic math. Researcher found that very young childm couldn't make out the small letter printed In most books. But whet words are flashed boldly and pro nounced dearly. as they are In televt slon commercials, ~ven 1-year-old can understand them. And while ab stract numerals are too difficult for th• very young to grasp, the staff at tt\4 institute found these babies could In stantly recognize the number of dot printed on a card and use the dot sys tern to do basic arithmetic. The teaching met.hods employed a the Institute can be used by parents a home. Even before a baby Is able tc speak, parents can hold up word: printed In three-Inch-high lettm or Doman: "Every kid Is bom wfth an intense drive to learn.'' to do extraordinary things -from playing musical Instruments to speak- ing foreign languages to creating works of art -is understanding their passion for learning, says Doman. The institute's school and seminars deal with all children. not just those with high l.Q.'s "Every kid Is bom with an intense drive to learn.'' Doman continues. "Bur it's an indis- criminate drive. He doesn't care what It Is. He'll learn anything." The first step, Doman told a recent gathering at the Institute, "is arranging for kids to win." Shlnlchl Suzuki. the reknowned Japanese muslc teacner, uses Doman 's principle to ensure that every student's first lesson Is a success and to feed their hunger to learn. Each Suzuki course begins the same way: One by one the students amble onto a stage, bend down and pick up a violin. On cue. the parents. who are required to attend the fttst class, ap- plaud wildly. "The kJd gets the m~ sage that 'H ey, this Is pretty good,"' Doman explalns e)(dtedly. With that motivation, virtually all of Suzuld's preklndergorten student1 leam to play the violin. At the lnst1tute. key dlsooverles large white cards and say the loudly and clearly. If the baby Is to pick out one particular word. he she will invariably choose correctly. Parents are the best teache Doman believes. because they ha the most Interest In children an because children enjoy their attentio The bebles aren't the only o who benefit from the les,,ons. JoMJ) Delpino, a parent from St. Ch~l Md .• who attended a better ~ seminar, found that It changed way' he Interacts with his son. Nathar "We sit down and I show him ~ reading cards about five times a day he explains. At age 1, Nathan d~ speak yet. "but he knows the worCl and can pick them out already." ~ his father. ''I feel like I'm dotr1 something meaningful with. my son~ Crltk:s of the program -and thel are many -argue th'nt the ~ games. e>tel"cisa and math pua:k steal valuable pLa9\1)ne from chlJdm And they predict that adv children will have difficulty when '90 to traditional, alower•pac schools. Doman's most reknowntd attic pediatrician T. Berry Brue.It fconun AdvenoMmt nl · P•Wtrat Q~ v~ a,,,0, 'u/JP~ Prices You May Never See Again! BobLM Bob LM wanta you to try hi• profea8'onal quallty producta at prtcea you can't '"lat (to prove hla producta are the ----------•------, very beat). Vitamin aupplementa retain full potency for • YMI. Even tf you have a aupply on hand, tt'a a good Idea to buy at these low prtcM and pocket the difference. VITAMINS BY MAIL FROM FREEi:: ALOE VERA SHAMPOO IF YOU WANT TO TRY SOMETHING BeTTeRI The precious A.V. "Inner Gel" ls extracted from the mysterious Aloe Vera plant and care- fully combined with protein and coconut oil to rlY8I the most expeneive atwnpooa ltYlllt- ..,._ In America. Yes. your hair collects minute amounts of dirt and air pollutants that build up enough residue to giYe your hair a real beating. Bob Lee's Aloe Vera Shampoo foonula contains ingredtents that fight the effects of dirt. air pol- lutants. and weather. to give you natural hair oonditiontng whieh may be ~by fllr then ~r p.wnt ahM'lpool --~--------------- SPIRULINA 500 mg. Tablets TM,,.."'.,~ rMrieflt lot Y-dl9C. 9 100-4.50 50 Tab .. t.a 2 .4 200-8.50 400-16.00 Hith Fiber BRAN 100 tor 69¢ 5'I Ml THtet1 SOO for $2.99 100•8 so TABLETS $335 COMPLEX 100 TABLETS ..... •00 ~ EAC>o <Y 8 • 8 2 8 6 ... 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I AUALFA GARLIC DOt.OlllTa , ..... OIL TAa.n'I ~ .......... ... ~.\ 38' ~·· •oo 43' 500tMlt9t811 " -~ 7ge ·-· 1,000 Wbtets u ... 500 fOf 13.19 1,000for11 . 71 ~!!? HIRaAL KELP DtURaTIC ,_ ... ~·s37C ·oo s1• •oo 35e '-· ,_. 1.000tor13.49 500 '°' $5.99 1.•terS1.M NATURAL VITAMIN C ~-=-.._. Htpe I AT FANTAlltCAllY LOW~ °"'~"~ ••w -WO *"'° ,_.., 100 69-95• 1.39 1.95 500 2.98 4.49 8.59 9.39 1000 5.49 7.99 12.49 17.95 -·-~Y•TAM,f". E CAPSUlU S4l'.l +OO•t> Jao•u -•u t QOO IU 100 98• 1.89 2.99 7.19 500 4.85 1.99 14.81 37.91 1000 9.49 17.59 21.49 H .15 r-----------------~-------------~--~ OU YIUMl ....... DelJILVZ·8038.J41,.,.. st.. "-w, rA 17Ut Ytsl Kllldty Niii Radio COlltrol'-1 RKecarta) GZ44119tl) tOf l"-.-,.1i...i>1e tow l'lllNT M..: pnct ~ '9.11 e1111 $2.50 11111PC111111 •lld 11811dll11& Oft full mouy llK' _tuarantte. Alto plu11 tfl· Al>Olll&I __________ _ close lllY FrM Qrft tlS'~li) wltll ...,, Old.,, SAVI -I Ord« T'#O tot Jut Sll.U PlllS CITY $4.50 llllpplftr Md lllMlffll oe ume lltDlltJ ------------be, a-IN. E11elo.-dl• (l'Ar".eddsalntar) c:alAIM m 0 Mltriua [aprH a O MntltCiro 0 VIM Q "1>1neri Ch• 0 C.rtt llendlt Acc't Ito.------·----- STATt 111'------ D Chee' llert •nd Hfld SO. tor suDscrlption to our c1ta101 ol flu a llta •"d lullloo (ZllttlU). 0-policy I• ID PfOCeM 111 orderi ~ly, Credit card 0tdto '" proctUed upotl ~it fllP"MI. Otlays llOtlhd P~IJ. (.qi. Dlt1 Sltlpment 1111ra11tffd wt1111• IO dlya. "---------------e H.H.I. lee.., tm--------------.1 YOV'J'E SEEN TRIS FAMOlJS CAR FOR ALMOST THREE TIMES THE PRICE! THE RADIO (WIRELESS> CONTROL PORSCHE .4 IUCING MARJ'EL ••• AlJTHENTIC IN EVERY DETAIL! Not $49.95 ... Not $39.95 mi~sgss . TltouNnft sold lw'20. • ~av.· l..Olla. 3 v.a • Wide • F .. Colcw lllllpla mid RKllll SCrtpes • SGlnWy Cnfkd Body • UllMlinaWe Low Price • Fw wwd, Renne, Left" ltJsM T--. Veen, All From RemoCe Dll&mlce • Completely Wlrelem, R.uo CoMroW nNAU..Yl 111& rancr GJFI' for all 1.-. Now at thla euper low price )'OU'U want to of'dw M¥eral at 1"11 sr--•ma Aad ll'• a natural crowd pieMef. So, ftll out end..S hudJ oouoaa t.oct.,-. Old vm.ge Shop -. ... f1111 ~---------SATISFACTION CUAllAHTEEl>-MAll COUPON TOOAY1 ·--------.. u~ uw, -..""'·3136.,_..,.. ...... .._.,,.., 1m1 l'l .. 11 f1llll --Pf$. ~ Ute GltltllM lNthtr "Wl ... TIJI lroew"(•l for Ille atllllllll low price NAME -----------°' .141St Sii.ti pr. ph11 '2.IO posU.t allCI ban-(pleiM Pfhll) dllna Oii t.it _,.-.:ii 1111r"'1M. Alto tnelotl my frt1 Gift wltll mJ ord« (MS4Slll). ADOll£SS -----------0 uw -• Order two pei11 for )list pe.oo Pl• SS.00 ,OSl.f&I aad hallClllll °" UIM C:lrt ------------__,.., ..,utN. ---4>'1· lllel (V2711111) litl--Wldtll-- ~ I,_ (1112719"1) SJ11 __ Wldtll_ QIAllll m 0 AMerk.M [ajtrKS . 0 YIU 0 DIMn' Cli9 0 Cart•lla.clle 0 lluttte.rd Aec't Ito. &p. Dell --- STATt Zll'---0 Chee-.... llld Hfld so. fOf a yur'1 IMO· K tlptlon to ow fvll-eolor call~ of 1111• 5Mts (M2Stl92X). OUr policy II to proca.s ell orders prGmSltlJ. Credit e111d ordt<s trl pnicei•ICI uipoa credit ~I. Otlap llOll· tied ~t11. s111,,_t CV1r N1t .. d •111'111 60 days. GENUINE LEATHER JUST$19.88 S...e ll.76l 2pn.138.00 . a..~,_,~ . Pr.-:.MSam Wlllt • Dw9lbll Molded Sola, Hell • fWnbced Heel F,,_ Gilli . Up ToASlOV•I Order WitMn n. Next 10 Daye a Aecefve A Fr" GffU aua (conunued) With Doman s methods, Tony R<*n tmches Elrnbeth, 9 months, to~. author of a series of leading books on children. Quite bluntly. Bra2ehon wonders lf the better baby program "isn't more for the parents than for the children." The program establishes a learning structure that could lnhibtt a child's natural abilities. he theortzes. .. When a child finds out things on his own, when he makes the discovery, it's much more valuable." By the time the children reach sec· ond grade, Braz.elton says, the head stm1 the better babies get Is erased. And Bmzelton warns that tntense early education can have some serious negative 5'de effects later In life. "You can teach children at an adult level, and they will respond to please the parents," he c:ontinues. "But later on they can develop negmMsrn toward their parents and tehool. I think If you want to five chlJdnm a head st.-t, you should give them a safe, well·rounded home llfe. That's enough: Doman, who only now Is becoming accepted by traditional educators, says his better babies are better stu· dents In regular 1Chools. 'They can read a book when the teache:r wants quiet and, because learning has been so, much fun for them, they pay very dose attention. They want to learn. I don't think teachers could want any· thing more from their students." Ac- cording to Lee Patttn90n, dJrec:tor of publlcatlom at the Better Beby In· stttute, l.Q. tests on students at the school prove to be higher than the nonn. "Our 8-year-old.s are doing the work of 11 ·year-olda," the aays. In • study published In the Elementmy School Journal in January 1982, children 5 to 7 years old who were In the program between three and four years had a median l.Q . of 167 ... An l.Q. of 100 to 110 Is usually one of the top scores for a child In a regular classroom," Pattinson adds. "We adults have been terribly mro- gant about chlldren for too long,'' Doman says boldly. "We think we're smarter than them. We're not. We're just older. If you sent a 30-year-old Rhodes Scholar and a 2·year·old to Italy and told them to learn Italian, they both would. But the 30-year-olo would sound Uke an American speak· tng ltalJan and ·the 3-year-old would speak perlectJy and wtth the accent of the province he bved In." The evkience at the lnslttute seems to support Doman. The chlklren there are happy and show every sign of be- ing normal. They show off for v\sttors and sometimes misbehave. But they seem to revel In their classes where, Instead of the ABC's. they learn the difference between MOZMt and Beet· hoven, between Renoir and Rodin. Slowly Doman'• phllotophy and techniques are filtering Into the edu· cation establishment. More and more. his seminars are filled wtth teac:hen who want to know how they can bet- ter mod"* ·their chlldren. Many at- tend the semtnan In Philede.lphJa ot videotaped preMntatk>nl which IN shown around the country. But It seems It will take many years before grade 1ehools and kindergartens 1'111 catch on. .:I 'AMILY wttKLY, ._..,.._ 11. tp:l • B I 0 J First of the Harvest ALMONDS Mouth-~, premium grade new crop sbd1ed California NonpueiJ Almonds ... quality and aa.-)'OU won't 8nd Jn SfoftS! Rushed to )'OU cmp and lmh lo~ wrap, 100% ~ . • . . to plme. 3 full pounds only Sll.95, prepaid within USA. OJltr bpitw ll ·.JI .JI.I ........................ .. • 0 PIHIW nuJJ __ J.pound plt,gs. N~u· 0 ~""FREE 1982 Catalog. • • <:mp 6/Nll«I Almonds @ SI l.9j «Kb, 0 Hrrr Is my cb«lt ur m<>IWJ' <>rt/Ir • • prq>aid u·l tbln USA. ~nd: for S • • --pltgs. Roa.std Salt«/ (A2-695) 0 °""Kf'1'1)1: 0 ~ 01'W7ERGtRD • • --J>ltgs. Roast«/ Unsaltwl ( A2 ·<i'J9) # .. • --P/tgl NotumlAmmnds(A.1·698) Exptrrda1' .- • l VISA & MASTERCARD: Phqne orders tolf.free 800-23>4070 (from catif 800-582·39'13) I • • • . \~ . • • • \DlllD.\ "' • • UT'\ JHl'l pt • : 5300 Disrid BIYd., Drpl ID3. WmMd. CA 9330'J : : ••••• House of Almonds ••••• : PURE & SIMPLE ~ ........ ...,C_., Ol_.,ordet '°' 1- (Adf .... ID '°' ....,_,. IMO CA. CO. 0 0.. ILMl.,A.W~ ....... CMlfe "'Y C MN...ew.i :J VISA 0 AINttcM &...,... Ooodn.tu. __ _ a.. No ---------,,., ....... """cee.... , ....... ()Olaf .... 100% cotton turtl•necka flt u grMt H th•y fffl. Shoulct.r ... ma have 2-way stretch to spring back Into thape. Ribbed cuffs and gen«CX1s fo~ collar a,. Lycra• -retnlotc.d. Soft and ab90ttlent, theff knit• 819 !*feet tor apotte or lelsu,.. weer. MachlM Wathabfe. c.oeon: Camel, fU'tY, Whit•. tHtl'a ateo In 81.0. WOfMf'l'a alto In Aed. lllle: ...,_,, SIMl\JXL. Women'1 SIMIL 111.9 l)09tpald. AdlllMA"----------Ci t y, _________ _ ..... ____ _..,. ..... ----- ~•lleclte•8enP:r-'9oo• "'"'.....,_.. • ~ • 0..1911 • .............. • 0...0 • Wlltll14I010. DC. I I • I I WHY ANIMALS KILL THEIR YOUNG Infanticide -the killing of newborns -Is a wide· spread phenomenon In the animal kirlgdom . Now re- searchers are looking into possible connections be· tween animal infanticide and child abuse in humans. ComeU behavioral biolo- gist Glenn Hausfater, who recently organized an inter- At Rome's Lo Rota foundling home. mothers disposed discreetly of unwanted offspring. RACKING UP A HIT We 're talkfn' ~11 Kluszewski, Campanella Talkln' baseball, The Man and Bobby Feller The Scooter, The Barber and The Newk They knew 'em all from Boston to Dubuque Especially Willie . Mickey and The Duke The author of that wann. infectious song is a former Detroit Tiger minor-league pitcher named Dennis Min· ogue. who later changed his name to Terry Cashman and is now known as the Balladeer of Baseball. Cashman wrote "Talkln' Baseball" last year and has ver's retirement this Sunday and he's even branching out Into pro football tunes. Cashman; best known for writing the 1967 hit "Sunday WU! Never Be the Same'' and producing Jim Croce's albums, says that "Willie. Mickey and The Duke" came to him ln a I I To/kin'~: Cmhmon. 'flanked by Mantle. Snider. Mays. just come out wtth two albums (National and American League) of the lndlvldualb:ed versions he penned for 24 reams. plus a few new b&seball cuts. He unveOed an ode to Coo· perstown at last month's Hall of Fame inductions. he's written a tribute for Bet· ttmore Manage Earl Wq. IO 8 FAMILY WUKU', ...,._ 1t, im flash after he saw a recent photo of the three. The memories came rushing back, memories of his 1950's New York boyhood and arguing on the stoop about who was the best center fielder of the day. "The song only took 20 minutes," Cashman. 41. told us. ''And 20 years.'' national conf erenc.e on the subject. says ln many cul- tures. lndudlng 19th-cen- tury Europe. infanticide was done to increase spac- ing between chlldren. A baby was sent off to a wet nurse with the implication that It was not to return . Smilarly, In the anJmal world. some species kill the young to decrease competl-1 tion for resources. For In- < stance, some female spiders ~ eat the eggs of other spiders. :: With lions and certain monkeys, an outside male ! enters the group and kills unrelated newborns. Thls could be to lnaease his own chances of reproduction. since a female won't re- enter the sexual cycle while she ls suckling an inhmt. Hausfater says research· ers are studying this pattern of unrelated males killing newborns to learn If the "absence of kinship" factor can help explain the high rate of child abuse found In human stepfamllies. l!XBCS PLAY A ROUND Don't get teed off at your boss, tee off with hlm. It seems that going golfing ls a great way to score points wtth the big guy. A new survey of Fortune 500 chief ex· . ----- ecutlves finds that 81 percent of them play golf and. of those, 71 percent use the game to conduct buslnes.s. The survey, by the Dunlop Sports Company. reports that over half (54 percent) of the C.E.O.'s set aside time to hit the links during workdays. with 83 percent prefenlng to golf with executives from their own firm . It seems. though, that these corporate honchos are far better at planning than putting. Their average handicap ls 19. which places them In the mailroom -not the board· room -of the golfing 1.VOrld. QAWNQPAIN Each year. many Ameri· cans experience false angina -chest pains not brought on by heart or blood-vessel disease. Now a doctor at the University of Texas Health Science Cen- ter says that sometimes the cause ls reaUy an ailing gallbladder. Cardiovascular physiolo- gist Dr. George Ordway ex· plains that when the gall· bladder becomes Infected or diseased with gallstones, the pain Is usually feh ln the abdominal region. Some· times, though, pain travels up nerves to the spinal cord and is feh ln the chest area. leading people to think. In· correctJy, that they are suf • ferlng from heart disease. BIRTHDAYS (Sun.·Wed.. Virgo; rest, Ubra) Sunday -Twiggy 33; Paul Wllllams 42. Mon- day -Sophia Loren 48. TuacS.y -Larry Hagman t--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----t .51 ; Bill Murray 32. Wed- LATBWNCH T he world of Capitol Hill If rife wtth tales of expense· account padding. Here's a classic example from gossip maven Diana Mcl.ellan's delectable new book, Ear on Washington: One succe.ssful lobbyist turned In his gigantic monthly ex· pense account as usual. Listed among Its Items was a $50 lunch with a local official. Unfortunately, the boss happened lo be looking over the expenses that month. The name of the offlclal caught his eye. Hadn't he spotted that same name In the obituaries a while back. in fact, a week before the lunch? Snipping the 00. from an old ~. he dipped It to the expense account and Mnt It back to the lobbyist. It came rtght back to him. The word "Lunch" was heavily pen· ctled out. In Its place: "Flowers." nnday -Debby Boone 26: John Houseman 80. Thunday -Ray Charles 52; Bruce Springsteen 33; Mickey Rooney 62; Walter Pidgeon 85. Friday -Jim Henson 46. S.aurdlv Bmbara Wahm Sl. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined rJtat Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh. Kings Bod 100'1: 10 mg "ter:' 0.7 mg nico1ine-K11191: 11 mg "tlf:' D.7 "'I nicotilll IV. per ciglr1nt. flt Report Otc'.81 ,, I I I I I I I I --.................. =_ ........ ..., .. , S' ............. ~ ....... ~ ..... tin. .... ......, ... ,., ...... a..r. ---.. ............... -' AM. ...... , .... ....... ~ .... -~ -·~ w fll .......... n ... ... __ ... ..... U><>KIXG I (i()( )I). !W1B fEf.LIXf.1 ll BE.\l TIR1 .. ~318" I I ~~ ~----na..-....... ._-.._...., I _'tak~ _ a1~~ 4_ fbr $1 with membersbipinTheu-;;;;·Guild. : r The Utera.ry GuOcl Depc. FR 370. Olrden Cicy. N.Y. 1 "'30 I lkrt's how TM Utttary Gullcl worb: I P\t-8C<'qll my applkec-for l'llCftlbenlllp hi nw L.lmil!l' o.111d _, tcftd mt 0ie I You cbooet ftoat a wide ta•• of to, bcotC mien. After I • boob w_llc* .... m&cn I~ pnrlled 111 lht baac• below. lltll -Ollly Sl.plw clllpp111 I your mcmbcnh!p's. acccpced. you set your 4 book5 for -' heftcll1111 • ..\ho. wlld "'>' FR£E 1c>1e .,.._...,Id!,. mmt '° l«s>-~''I doft' """"'" • only SI. plus 1h1pp1n1 and handlin1. If you are not com· nochina. they will be shipped IQ you au1oma1icaJI)' If you want an allemate. Of no book. return the order form nwtced whh your preference by the date spttified. You alwa,ya h~ at least IO~ to mak.t a decision. Ir you I nwmbn. I aptt to tht mnnbenlup plan._, dcsc-rlbed 111111 .. ed alld 1111dcnland tllai I lletd I pletely satisfied return them within IO A-and we will ooly buy• mort boob. ec reavlllf low C1Yb pr\(cL ~ I ...,. them. • -1· !'llOIT.: Ml .......... -,. $a I I'...._ nr. _...,............. ~· your membership and you OM nothina. an unwanted select loft bcc~u-you ~ ~ns INn IO I ~er ..t ••~ ...,., 0 I \'M ~~to...,. a•••--• n£E 1Ul'E dlys IO malce a decat.ion. ~um n •our ... bet' of boob a year. Only buy 4 more expen1e. There i• • •= and handlina Mr I during your membership. after whkh you m.y ... dwJt on all boob alb The Oulld offen ~ I cancel any time. About e\'tty 4 wttn ( 14 times ita own compkte. hardbound cditioM. aome- M.. c PkS Pnnl> a year), you'll be offered one or two m1in time• aJ~ In •'-IO ftt epecial prellCI aad Mm I selection• alona wish owr IOO uchin4 aher-MM members ewn ~ 1'ddtn ,,..____ natea lhrouah your (ru copy of Tht U1erary Wldl dM ~ 91 IMf')' •I•[ .... IM acy s.. __ llp I Ouild ~azinc. In addiuon. up to 4 times a ....,...., ,.. l'fftlw ~....,... ..._ ~~ _.., <..._,1 )'Ur, you mtr rttelvc offers of apecial 11elcc-......_ Uae them to acquH'C val~ booU I Membcn ~"'us.A. alld c-.i. °"~ ~ ~ I Ilona. al~ ac d15Counts off publishen ' 11 •"'*antial N¥inp .coif• table \'Olumn. wlll be ecmc.d fJonl a-sa.....,. offer cllffen lli,tlll) °''°"' _J prica. If you Wllnt the iie1«1lon<1) (caaured In reference WOfb. chlklrtn'11torie1. cook L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the m.,ulnc, or the spttlal sclectlon(s). do "pnkn auldea, and ewn Claillcs.