HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-23 - Orange Coast PilotORANlil CDAIT YOUR HOMITOWN DAILY PAPfR fHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 198:.0 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Irvine teachers stage protest over contract Disabled athlete • • lfl SWlin By PHIL SNEIOERMAl'o Of the OallJ Piiot StaH AmpUlC'\.' tithll'l(' Tom C:l,ir<lv who work-. Jl a llunl1nglon Beach sporting good~ <;ton· -..11cl he plans to ~·l off l<tll' 11111;1> on a 21 -mllP s wim from Cat;tl111,1 Island lo C'.1hnllo &•al h n1 .1r ').111 Pt.'Clm For {'l..rd\ .17 thl' .ith!. 111 1hal11·ng1· ..... 111 1.1p ,1 ln11g d1ff1cult cim11 hJlk l1•m1 lh• d.•V" ht• spt>nt a::-,1 o,u1od .. d µ.1twn1 ;11 .• Utah Vc·u·r<111" /\dmin10,11 ..tt1t111 hospital •·1·m not -.uppo-.1d 111 ht work111g uul at all t1l(l;1\,' lw "'''" Wt>dnc·sdav "But I'm g111ng 111 anyway I'm too nPrv11u::-not le•·· CI <1 r l.l v. who 1 1·., 1d1·., 1 11 FullC'rt•m; sp1•11t "><11111• lurn· 111 1h1 surf at C11r1111.1 d• I M.1r SI.ti• &•ach on W1·d111·0,d.1\. prt·p.irtng mC'nklllv .ind 11hvo,11 .div for th1 s wim Hl' s.i1d ho pl.1110, lr.1v1·l Ill Catalmd i..1 •• nd t11rHght plung1· into lhl' "',11t 1 .11 .1hout H pm and arnvo· ,11 ( ·.1h1 tllo &0,11 h h-. noon Fnd.1v Clardy "'·"' P'''l'-'n·<I t•• 111.1k1 the swim on• w·,1r .1g11 hut 111uld not arrangt• for .in 1·"4·orl ho;il 111· fear<·d th.11 th• • ur r1·nl .,..,.. ,m might lw 1.ill1 d ,,ff .... h1·11 h1<. prPs1•n1 1•-.1·u r1 1111,11 d1·v1·l111wd St>nou!> 1·11g11w 1r1111hl1 1h1.., w1~·k lh1th1·r th.111 d1·l.1\ 1hl' f1•;1 t <tgain. C:l;,nl:-"'"d 111 ha., n ntl'<l a boa L for $ I 1100 11 .11 T11111 P" n v him on tlw -.w1n1 A forml·r pol1u· off111·1 ;111d Navy frrigman, Cl;1nly wa~ hct liv a car during a sk11ng 1•x1·ur-;11111 en I 9 7 4 11 1 " r 1 g h I I c· g w <1 ); am p U la t t• d cl I t hr• k r1 I' I' M ovemC>nt in hi-. l1·fl l1•fo< v. "" permanentlv 1mpa1n'<l After a J)<'rto<I of cltoprt~<.1on tn the Utah hosp1t;1l, Clarclv -;lowlv battled his way bal'k to Rornl (See GllTSY. Page A2J Dall, Piiot Pholo by Ga'J Amb<oM Ampul <'r T om Clard y plnnrwcl lo -;wim l o San Pc•clro from Caralina loclny. Kidnapped Viet girl, 11, rescued -INDEX-- At Your SPrv11·1· Erm.1 Aumh•"< k Bt"1n1'"-" Cav.tltadt• Cl:t!'.<;1f1t'<I ('11rn11"' A4 m ("4 ~I fl2 IH H IM1 D4 Afi 7 ·- Krdnappt'rc; wh" h('ld ;i V1~tnamese 11 y{';ir olci t•apt1ve for 27 hours n•portedly had pl;ins to exC'C'ute thf' Sanl:l Ana ){lrl 1( po lit'(' I ntervenecl, ttf f IC"t' l"'l -.a Id a f t e r r P s <· u 1 n ~ h t· r I a t t• Wednt:'May Anh 0<111 Thi Nguyn w11c; fnund bound and gaggC'Cl, hut unharmed, 111 a bc-cl room of an Ana h<>•m horn<' Five pPrsons were arrMtt•d 1ndudinR a man 1ta nd1ng gunrd ou1s1d" thi• bedroom who wa11 ovrrpowt'rro by poh<-e. OfftN>M ~Id Nguyn was grabb<'d by lwn ml'n TuE'Sday while walking to school Polle<' said t hP k 1d na p()"rs latrr <'on tactt'Cl th1• g1rl'1, rnnlht·r. 1fomRnd111g 200 ount•t•-; of ~old for Lht" girl's safe n•turn 0 ff 1 c· e r s 11 a 1 d t h <' m o t h <' r foll1JwPd thf' kid nappl'rs· iruit.ructlons on whC'r<' l<> take th£• ransom late Wrdn('sday whtll· police followed her car OffiN'rs said they were about to g1vi> up when 9 t•ar began fla.~h1ng tls lights at lht• vehwlt• hl-'111R driven bv the mothC'r .. -... , ' l)i·,1th N11111 , . ., 1-A.lctor 1,tl F.n I l'r1 .111111 wn I I lor1N·11p" Ann Landt•rc; M1lVlt'S Mutwil fo'untb Publ1t• Nntu'C'-; Sports Dr StC'inerohn Stock M;irkrLc; Trlevuuon ThcatC'r!l Wealh<'r World Nt•ws •• #.., -• ( '11 7 H:.! H:l Cl1 7 C4 m-:~ <'I :J 82 C5 8'i C6 7 A2 AJ . _ . ., .-- • OallJ Piiot Pholoe bJ Richard Koehl•• In inc· 1 ... adtt>rs pn•s idt·nt Ban Graham exhorts ini,lru<'tors durin~ c·onlruc·t prott>s l . By GU:NN SCOTI or lh• DallJ P1101 •••" lrvinl•'t1 lt·al"ht·rs, a/\ prom1St.-d, lwld un unusual fucully uuung W1•d nl•i.duy, walking in :.i Jong llf't)('1·~111n ov1·r l 1ty !>ldewallu; t.o 1 all uttP111H111 lo llw11 cont ract lll'f<Ull!llllll\..'> Th1•1r mill' It.mg p<trdd{· ended al Li.1h:.1dt· M1ddll0 &·hool, the !>Ill' of tlw l rv11w U111f1(:d School D1~lrwt":. bo;ud nwt·ting. whcrt' tt•a1·ht-r '>pok1~man 0-dn Graham told tru:.tt•t-s th<it greillt•r effort8 .,h,,uld hl' m adl· to lOns1der llo,11 lw1 ~· 1·m1ct•1 ns "It 1~ 11C1 'l1·1·r1•l that the l{·ad11·r:. r1l..ikt• tht· prograini. WC/I k , ' ht• -.;11d "Jl '!> O(lt the prolo(ram..., that m.Jk1· th1· wachers work " AIJl1ul -!IHI of Lhl' tcacht·r~. by C.: r a ha m'., t • .\.t irn OJ t 1· , rn 1· l a t Vt•11i.1du M1dJh• St:huul to make th1·11 publR· man·h to Lakt"S1de. with n·pn·~t'ntallvt·:. from each .sd11.;o) t;.irry rng hand rni.tdf' signs to 1d1•11t1fy 1h1•1r 1·ampuSt'S. <.;rah;1m 1:-. pn·s1dent of the lrv1m· TN1c·h<·rs Assoctallon, lhe barga11ung group for thl' t.cachers 111 lht·1r 1·011lri.11·t wlks H e noted lh1s 1s th1· first t1mt· in the tl1stm·t':-. I 0 yt•<irs that teachers ltoJVt· KOn1· ti1 work in tht> foll without " 1·u11lrac1 11 u w 1• v t• r . d 1 s t r 1 c t Sup1•rintt•ndt·nt A Stanley Con·y . .iddrl·ssmg the· crowd of 11·,11·ht•rs during the board m1·t'l1nR. noted that lrvint-IS only om· uf l!J d1~lnc·L-. in tht· <:ounty thilt have• yl'l ltJ sign contracts Both Cort'V and Graham I ce TEACHERS, Page A2) Waste plan due change By ST EV6. T RI POLI 01 the OallJ Piiot Sleff A propo~I thbt woulJ alluw the transpurw lion of rnd1uac·t1v<.· wasll'S on thrt•1· maJor Orang1• Cou nly frec•way!:o may be changl·d IJl'f11r•• 11 ,., put 1r1to (. f f ,, (" l I I ... .. Ii 11 n ... 0 r s .... 1 I d Wc-dnt••,da-. ThC' propu .. <11 parl of .1 ... u:itew1de plcm wa'i author1-d by tht> California l11ghw.J'>' Patrol with a'ss1<>tarH"(' from SlJl<' 1ransport;ll1011 off1nal'i ;1nci the· 11Ul l<•ar powf•r indui.trv It calls for UM· of 1h1· San~ A11,1. Cost:c Mt'S.1 .ind H1 vNs1df frt·1·wav-. .• ill r11<1d" th.II run through hl'<1vtlv popul.111'<1 an•a.., cl!> roul1·~ for tr Ul k .. 1.111 \'lllK lh1 m;1H·11al-. Though d1•11s1•I v p11pulat1•d .ir1•a" w<'l1· not fdv11n~I hv thoS<· wh11 d11·v. up tli1· pl.in-. populat11111 w,1:-. Jll::-1 11111• f.i1 IOI uwd 1n drawing uµ tlw CHP"c, final propo-..11, .wt'ord1n~ to l>an P arkC'r of th<' C:HP Othl'r Two held B y PHIL Sr\EJOERMAr\ Of th• Dall, Piiot SreH Fount.1111 V .tll1•\ polt1·1· hd\ 1· arn,..t<'d two nwn v. h11 .tlh•g1'<ll> tnc.cJ lo n ·nl a h-. ,11 f11u1 lx'(lrc•om homl" 111 lfi d1ff1 ·r1·111 H·n,mLo, t11 obtain $1 700 111 pr1·l1m1n.1n paynwnL-. f r11111 I oil h Ofhl"f'r-. -..11d tlll' tw11 .1lh·1-:1tll;. werl' working .1 f,m11lit11 .,. l11•n11 that tws into th1• 1 urn·nt -.hort,1.1(1 of rt•ntril hcHJ,1ng .ind 1h1• prC'va1 Im~ I 1t)o(h 1 cn L., Plan·d 111 ( lr<1ng1· ( '11u111y .J.ul on susp1e11111 of gr;i11d thdt fr:1ud anci l'rtm1nal 1·1>110,µ1r;wv wc·rt• Garv Hwhard. :rn, of Hon.in. Mon.t. ant.I Allt-n I. C.1rlson, :.rn, of ApachC' Junctm11 . Anz. Fountain Val11·v polit'<' Sgt V11 D euts1·h sa id 1h1· two WPft' arrcslt•d Tu<>~clav afl<'rnoon whllt· ll1t·y wert· 1·on1·lud1111o< trans:ict1ons with st!par.111• prnsp1·tl1vr t1·n:inr .. at two cons1dC'rat1ons inc luded road safety a n d the ability of raids to handle t r uck s carr ying the materials, he said. Th(' plan. which has attractC'd crit1<.>1sm from almost all of thC' .Jrt•as 11 affec·ts, was a1mpd al finding thC' "safest. most fcas1blC' routc'S'" for moving thc• malt>nals. ParkC'r said Though ml'd1cal and industrial rad1oact1vt• wastt' will Ix-among those• carri ed. the biggest potential producer of rnd1oact1vt• wast£' lcx·ally 1s thC' San Onofrt· nuc•lt·ar pow<'r plant Material from that plant had b 1•C'n 1rans port<'d into San 01r·~o County and across thC' dN.<>rt on fnur 1980 tnps to a disposal silt• In lllinlll!> 0 f f 1 c 1 a I s o f S o u t h <· r n Cali f11rn1a Edison Co . which op1·rat1•s the plant locatt>d JUSL ~lulh of the OrangP-San D1t'go l'11u11lv l1nC', said W('dnt-sdav I h1·v ~nt1c1palf· n<• ..,h1pmPn t' from 1h1• sill' until lhC' C';irlv 19!:10s , when on -site waste -.toragc· ureas lx-<.•omC' full Aft1•r that llml', said Edi.son's nudt·ilr ful'I supply manager, John Ladcs1l·h. as many as two shipments o f w aste per week could leave• tht> plant by truck Lade>srt·h strcssC'd, howevt'r, that Edison c urrrntly is leaning t.oward a plan w remove all 1ts wastc·s from tht• plant by rail. a pr~·c-s.' that 1s faster. cheaper and would require• only about srx s h1pmC'nL' c1 year Parkl•r said hc•arings around thl' stall' arc• bringin g local C'(mc·i>rru. dhc1ut lhC' CHP plan to light. and that thosl' concerns m<1y altt•r tht• plan Pvl•ntually "Wt• n•rt<unly don't think we how· <I mnnopcily on knowledge th:it"s why we'n• holding the h1·armgs:· tw s::i1d At a Los Angc·lcs heanng last wc·t·kl'nJ. Oran~iW County Rep. .J r-rr v Pattl'rson , 0 -Garden (.;rov;._ w;i.., amon~ lcx:al Pl'<>Ple ISH NllKE. P aite A21 Ill Valley rent scam • n·c;wuranLo, nc·ar 0rdni.w l"11unt'r Atrpor1 OC'utsch said offllt·r i. founJ that th<' two m1•n t.>alh larnc·d bu'>int.•ss l"ards bl'anng thl•1r photograph and the samt• phon-. name David R Hall I It· ...;:1111 tht' m1•n posst•ss1·ci d11cum1·nb 1nc111a11 n g 1 ht• y It ad !< <' t up "pp 111 n t mt• n to; to mt' l' t I Ii pru:.pf'tltVC' rt·ntt•r-. at 1h1• 11•-.1.aurant Th t• two m I' 11 had <'ti r l ll' r r<·nhod a Fountain VetllC'v honil' w1th four bedrooms. a pool and f1rPplac<' and thC'n had plaC'«d a 1wwspapN ad offcormg to rC'nl the horn<' for $695 pN mnnth. which 1s s1gn1f1l·antly hrlow lo{oing ratt>s. DcuL'il:·h <>aid The· mc·n allC>g!•dly sc•t up ;.i p p u 1 n l m t• n t s w 1 t h I fl prospE'<'llVC' tcnanLo;, urging eal'h to bring a cash1C'r's eht'(·k for $1.· 700. which tht•y said would l'OVC'r fcr..i and l.1-.1 month"s rt'nl, plus !.t't"Urll) ant.I kc•y dPpOSllS , cll '\'llrdmg tu Ot·u t.sc·h Tht' two i·ven employed an ,1ns wf'ring St'rvl<'f> in Anwna to fwld l0alls lo lh1•1r "of fice,"" he '<I Id Sl'Vt•r..il pruspt>ct1v{· tenants "''t•n· .. kl'pti<.·al of th(• low rent, hOWt'VC'r, cind t-ontactro Fount.a.in V<1lley 1x1liC'1• Aftc•r rt'l't•1vmg :.everal calls dbout tht· homC'. officers nrrung<·d to mon1lo1 the n•staurant transactio ns . Police arrf'!.lt•d t he two rnC'n after con f1rm1ng that they wer e fl'n t 1 ng t hi' sam e h ome t o d1ffrrC'n1 JX'Oplt'. Deutsch said. I IP s;i1d off 1c·ers rt'COvered the clepoML~ and found that the men WC'rC' carrying 16 S<'parat.e rental c•rmtracL'> and 16 kC'ys that w ould not havl· workl'Cl at· thC' Fountain Va lll'.V h<>rnC' HB nian to face niurder trial B v DAVIO KUTZMANN O(th• Dall, Pllol lleH /\ ll un11ngton Bt'aC'h man <1<'C'US<'<i of hal'kmg lo drath his l'StrangN'I wife and hrr motht'r in their Sunnycrrst Drive homt• in Junt' has bt'i.'n orckrro to stand trial on death JX'nalty ('hargt'S o f murder. roblx-ry and hurglary F ollowing a nearl y two-day prt'l1m1na r y h ea ring . W est Orange County Municipal Cou r t Judge William L. Mock ruled Wcdn<.'Sday th('r(' was sufficient C'Vident'C' to o rder defendant Rene' f'lo rC'a Oayro. 4 l. to faC(' trial T he slender mt'C'hamc's he-lpcr Is ch argPd with two counts o f murder, two of robbery and one of burglary H C' also faC'l's multiple special c1rcum stam·r allC'gauons which could lead lu 1mpos1llon of the death penalty 1f he 1s convicted. Judge Mock o rdered Oay1-o to be arraigned Oct 4 bt-fon• Sup e rior Cou rt J udge Luis C arden as In Santa Ana The de fe ndant will continue to bC' held w ithout bail a t the Orange County Jail. Dayco ls accUM!d of killing is estranged wife. Shirley Dayco, 27. and h er mother, Aml'l ia Harbulak. 65. June 14 rn the Huntington Beach ho me whcrC' the women lived w ith the DayC'O couple's th ree young childre n The defendant WQ!I arrc8ted in • Rosanto &•al·h , MC'XICO, two days <ifll'r pollcC' d 1scovc>red thP mutilated bodtl'S of thC' women m A bl'droom of thl' home at 14952 Sunn ycrC'St Lane The threc children were found unharmed w ith Dayco in M e xico. Police.• confiscated a number of bloody knives, including a meat clcavC'r , f r o m the t runk of Dayco's Pontiac Fi r e bird aut.omobllC' A ccording t o t es t i m o n y Tuetlday. the (;lefendant's sister- in-law said Dayco confeued to her J u n e 14 that he killed hla wife, apparently becau.e ehe was Sl'eing another man. The witness, Ltn Carabas of l~e DAVCO, P~ Al) ' ( • I . TEA<~HER S MARC HIN(,. • • IJl'lf l'l'd lhut fll'l(Ul ldtlllfl:> tlll!'< :.u 111111 1•r w1•1l· m udt· 111t111· d1 r1 11·ul1 l•v th t-s t1.111 · L1•g1slatu11•':. d1-.•1:.1ur1 1101 h• off1·1 II 1· w f u 11 d I II I( r ti r p u It I I t 1•du1·at1<m "Thi· boa1 d h us askt•d 11w 1t1 cxpn.'SS rt.s µndt· unJ 1·011 fsd1·m·1· 111 tht• work you 've• Junt'," l'ur1•y told th•· t1°ut"hl'rs, most of t lwm standing 111 thl· ;amnwd 1m'<.•ll11g r.oum "But Wt' .1n· 1·11gagt'<.I Ill un ~versary prtJ('\-s.<. undt•r tht• l.1w ~lied t'Oll('('llVl' burga1111ng " ........ . :;· Corl'y, sµ1:ak1ng 1n nw<.1sun·d '1and respectful tum•:.. said ht· w<.1:. <oneident huth s1d1.., could n •.it h ~ fair agrt-cnwnt Graham said thl' ka1•ht•r walk was organi:w<l prunanly to prnvl· tu the lrus tl'e:> that tl'at·h1·rs <111· :.upport1ve or lhc·ir rll'got1.it1n1-t ,team's s wm•t• Ht• su1d th1·y ubo 'wantc'Cl to druw uth•nl1on tn tlw l"ll111•111 pl1ghl 111 l..'ald111 111 11·" t•dul·11t11111 11ysto·1n, wliwh hl' twtd • 111 w11e·h1Uy 11nd1·r I 11w111'\'\I N1').(lllllll01 s for hoth i.tdt•s Ul"l' s llll d 1st"ussm~ ~·vl·111I IS."lu1·:., but tt'ltt.'.hl·I ~ and 1Hln11111s t rators agrt'c-that tht• pnnwry 0111• h" tlw 11mou11t of lltTll' tt•adll'ri. should s1)('nd 111 dussroo111s t"adl day 1"ou1 th lhrnu~h s1xth-grud,· tt•at ht'r:., l.it"(:aus..• of lo11~l'I sd1ool day:;, ar1· being askt·J by Lhl• c.h~trt<.'l lo spt·nd :W5 minute:. rn the dassroom Th,• tl'aeh1°1'li want that school day rcdut•t•d tu 4!75 minutes. the samt> as for otht•r l l' a <: h t' r s T h l' y d a 1 m l h e redu<·llo n would nul cut 1nt11 what tht·y call "quallly lime" For s e v t• r a I y ,. u r s, th l' classroom teal·ht.•r 1n lrvrne hic. taught the 275 minutes, with o ther programs making up th,· rema111d1•r .DAYCO TO TRIAL. • • San Diego, S<t ld Dayt'O l"tHl\l" to he r home al about 4 a m . ..ind told ~r he had a "b11o( problt•m " ~\ were with him, Vt•ntur.1 .!.aid. and Day<..'O hurriedly pa<·k,•<l h11-. belongings and left. ··1 askt'd him wtwre h1· wc.i:-. i:!omg As far ii!> I know, ht· JllSl s a id !>IHlll·Wht•rt·,·· tht• Wlllll"~ S<lld .. . . , Not as sad a s it appears T hese pups look sad but it's really a case of loo ks a re d eceiving . The dogs arc Shar-Pe is, m e mbe rs of a ra re Ch inese breed characterized b y loose-hanging skin. The pups, part of a litter of five born in July, share a baske t at home o f own ers Kirk a nd Connie T arrier in New Albany, Ohio. AP Wlrephoto Acc.·onling Lu tht· woman , tl was thl' <·ustorn uf mt•n from tht• Phihpp1nC' Is lands wht•n · shl· <llld Day<.'u grew up Lo b<•at and kill their wive'!> 1f tht•y wt•nt out Wllh olher llll'n Dayt'O and his w1fo had lx'(.011 separatrtl about a month Dunn~ that llmt-, thl' ddc·ndant ltvl'd with a fnl•nd and h1:. family rn Temple• City Vl'ntura 1d1·n11r1"d " m<.·a1 d l'iJ\'l'r !>1!11.l·d by pnltt·l· from Dav1-c.>·.., car as bt•1ng 1111<' ht· had 11Wr\C'd I' 1 11::. t • 1.· u tu r Br v d 11 Brow 11 Jlh·gt·d that Dayt'O took th« mt•a t dt:<iver from V<•ntura':. homl' and d111\ 1· to llunt1ngton & .. ac-h to kill h1:. wif,. Bradley backs drilling limits Thal frwnd, Paulino Yt·1HurL1. test1f1cd Wl'dncsday that Dayt-u c1ppart>nlly ldt his homl' tht• n I g h l 0 r t h l' s I a y I II g s a n d rl•turm•d 111 the 1•arly mornmg hours with what appcar<.-d to b4· a blood stain on a shirt .slet•vt· and u bruise on his fae<:·. The defendant's Lhrt'<' 1·hildll0t1 The burglary churgl' <.1ga1nst Oayrn involves his allegedly l.irt•ak1ng into h1:. c:.lrangl'd wtft•'s hou~· on June 14 <ind tht· robbt:ry coun~ all{·J•W ht· stolC' tht· t'Onlt•nls or h1s Vltll1TlS0 purst•S Jfle>r he kilkod th1•m NUKE WASTE POLICY. • • routes 1s reachcod, Parker said. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Los Angel es M a ·yo r T o m Bradley, whost• 1:ampa1gn for governor has re<.'<'ived lukewarm support from l0nv1ronmentc.thst.s, say:. h1"l l protct:t st•ns1t1 Vl' purttons of thC' California coast rrom uil drtl11ng llowev<•r, lht• Dt•mol-rat said Wt·dnt•sday h t· would a llow dt·vc·lopmcnt a long tht• 88 pcrn·nt of tht• t·oasl thcit 1s not t•n v 1ronm,•ntcilly s1·n::.1 t1 Vt'. a µ o s 1 t 1 o n t h a t 1 r k 1• d a rq1n·st·ntat1vt• of the· nation's lar~<'Sl eonsE>rvat ion orf:(anizat1on Bradley, who leads Rl·publtcan state Attornl'Y Genl'ral Gl'Orgl' DeukmeJ1an 1n rl'<.:cnt polls, S<ltd <he Interior DepartmC'nt's roast.al l1:as1ng prop<>SCil would amount to !l "wholt>Salc g1 vt•away"' o r ;.ibtJUl a billion offshun• al·n -s "Sl'(.Tetary o f lntt·rwr Watt's proJX>sal to put up for salt· <Jur most pr cc IO US fl•!>OU rt•t.· I billion at.Tl'S or offshurt• tracts is. 1n my JUdgml'nl , a mos t 1rn .. s pons1ble proposal." ~a id Bradley rn a prt'SS c·o nfl'rt•nct· at 1ht· Cliff Hou:)(.• a:. fog ::.hn1udl-<l SC"al R0<·ks tx•low ··wl' a re n ot opposed to all o rfs h o rt• oil drilling ," he explaine d . "To gtvf> you an t•xample. I think only 12 pcrC'cnt I) r th(• w h 0 I<· c ()as t 11 n (' 0 r California has bft•n round to be> l'llVlronml'ntally s1:ns1t1 Vl". and th<.·rdorc· must lxo pn>lt.'t"lt'<.I It 1::. that n •gion we're most Cfmet:rm·d about·· As k ed if dnlling sho uld bt- p e rm 1 t tt· J 1 n l h <' t1 L h er H H perC'enl. he said. "Yl's, we havc no Ob.)l't'llOn lo thC' rC'St or It " Bradlt·y said he· suughl t<• protl'et "'only 24" o f tht· 16 :~ trat·ts proposed for development in Southern Cahfom1a as he "led tht· f1gh L" against o ffshore drilling thl'rl' Th<: <.·andtdat<: dedinc·d to SJ:>1.·c1 fy wht>rl' ht· would allow drilling and where hi:' w o uld oppc>Sl• 1L. but said thPrl· w ould be protc•Nc•d areas all along the stat<•'s 1.000-milc· t'Oast Env1ronmE"ntahsts hav<: been w;i1t1ng for Bradley lo ta ke a poSlllOn on ofrs hor<: drilling and on the· so l"all<·d Bo ttl e Bill 1111t1o:111vc on NuvC'mber's ballot. expressing o ppos1t1 o n to lht• t:urre nt plan If the CHP t·hangt-s its plan as a result of thl' currl'nt round of hearings then• will be m1>r1· heanngs in Lht• affe('lt.•d art•a:. before a h nal dc'<."1s1on on m •v. Even wnhout t hanges and that was characterized by Parkl'r as an '"unlikely'' poss1b1hty no nt•w plan can go into l'rfc.'<.'l unul ,1l least the beg1nntnl( or nl'Xl y1·or he said Blasts rock E. Beirut before swearing in GUTSY SWIMMER. • • BEIRUT. LC"hc1non (AP> Explosions rocked C hrist1a n - po pulatl'd e,ul Be irut today about two hours be-fore President Amin Gl'mayel was !>Worn in . Authont1('S Sdtd the blast.s werl' at an ammun1t1~n dump and rad11'5 reported a t least :Hl p<.'Oph• W('rl' lnjUred hl·alth Hl' has part1np.11l•d 1n local s wimming <:ontesb Jnn <.. om p e t £' s ea c h w 1 n H· r t n ,, handicapped sk11ng toumahwnt l lt· work' 1r1 lh1· d1 v1n~ .ind ski l0qu1pment dl'partnwnt-. at th(· Sport Chalet s ton • 1n Huntington Beath J ht• exp losions Wt'rl' at an f :o a .'\l<t I Increasing 111gh c1oud1ness High• raoglng lrom upper 70s 81 the beaches 10 80s 1ntanel T OOIQ"1 vanable 111g11 c1oud1ne'5 low s 8~ 10 70 Frtdlly Consider able high cloudiness HIQh• rang•no lrom upPf!t 70s a1 be&Ctlll9 10 80s tllland Over Ouler toe~l81 walttts nor1hwest winds 10 to 20 knols "'"" 3 10 5 fool c.omb1ne<1 seas chtereulng 1on1g111 arid Frtd1y Elsewhere llghl varrallle winds n1g h1 arid morning hours becoming soulhwesl 10 wesl 8 IO l 6 kno1s tn ahernoon and evening '10urs today e nct Frtd8y Soo1hwes1 swell• 1ncre85'ng 10 2 lo 4 leel Dy lale IO<l8y conltnutng 1rvougn Frtday Ca lifornia Ocean·tronl proe>e'ly dwellers 111ong south·leclrig beaches were warned lo prepare for high we"'" toelay, Frldt1y and possibly lhtOVQh Ille weekend 11 llurricane Olivie doesn't die down lht! National W&11lher Service aald The hutrlcene "'"' 1811 1)48Ged 'll'f thel -•her S4!(VIC4! aboul 750 mllat south ol San Otego on Wedne1d1y. dec1e111ng In lnlenllty u II moved toward lhe !wtet and norlhWll'SI 111 14 knots. slild weetner service spec•ahst '°' 11e<1 Thompson ti• tald 5·10·8 1001 breekers along aou1h-lac1ng beaches -e ecpec ted 1od1y end Frtday noting 11111 some erea1 e•pecled lo be hll Me Senle Morioce l ono a.ect1 end M1l1bu ··11 Olivia tl•lls out and degene<•t .. lnlO • lrapot:al Slorm ln.<e wtll be I &IOw I UbSldtng 'Tl\omplon Nld Sul II 11 s11ru moving more nor1h ... 1rd as • tturncene. lllen •I wtll con1tnoe the w•v• •tllon through lhe weellend • Ottvl• -m<Wlno 111 me•lmvm ~· of 110 knoll wllh OV•IY w ind• up to t25 1ino11 II WH e~ed 10 deCIMM In lllltlnllty 8!1 It ~ over Coidftf wll .. S he MIO "Now It the lime tor persons ~II OC>etlf'l·lront PfOe>e<ly tr.et 11 eubjeet ro wave dllfTlllQe 10 beQln 1•1no Pf'Ole<;llV9 mMturet," I~ w••fller aervlc• 11td In 1 •llterneni today. Hlgll tldH ., LOI Angelo tiarbor were tor11c1111 for llllt an«noon et 4 7 '"' Mor• log and clovdlnfft -• lorecHI tllrougnout Southern Cetlloml• tllrovgll Frld•y wtlll scor~:;:.!em~elurff In lhe 0. ...... 0-1 V•lley ootlft• Ytt/Mty --Tile IJtOll 111 loe AngelH on Frtdey ah°"1d be l9bout 90 with 9 5·10•101 re• WU\llet f~"' a..un1.in.:w. 78 I II . , High clouds aue w1lh 11orlh!lrn Clesort n1ghS ltom 9!> 10 tOO and low desert hoghs 01 100 to 108 l r •• ~ •• ~11111111ary Mur.•1 0 1 111e nation tlad mtld 1emperatures and bnll1an1 blue slues WednMd<ry '"e last lull day 0 1 summer as ii sl•ong "'g" ~,..,.._.,.... preuore sy,.em "eiO 11~ POS•lron ovttt wes1e'" Ar'-an,a.s ElsewM>rf' no ... eve• a h"9et •ng 1ron1a1 zoo .. and a se"es ol ""1!<1" s10<m centers oft the East Coasl kept lhe norlneMle•n quarle• of lhe n11lt0n under lfl•clo. clouds and coe>f lemoerttture~ A111n s11ower' lf'll on pans o f Vtrgtn•a Maryland Pennsylvania ,..._ w .. ,,_ ~· R•in ~ Snow t~·.;J snow.rsB Flurri.s~ eo and riatthern New England Forl N()AA US o.c>t QI C-c:. M e a de M d o o 1 1 he mos l i..:.::..,___:~.,;;,,,;..:;_.;,.....:;_~--===:--:::::--.--::--::-::::::::::=-~:':':'"-=::-=:-:-~::: mo-stur• w1tn 1 :;>J inches in a su Front•. Cotj ,... Warm ..., nour pen()Q end"" at '2 pm EOT A solJP'IPrn e \tPns1on or the l ron1a1 t one allPctt ng '"e Nonntoa'' b•ougnr .. 1df'SP•ead cloud1nen And thundt'•,hnw.,rs to 1ne Flurod a Pen nsul ~ A l"un<lerstorm we•t o l Fo rt Laudcrelale prpduced wino gusts 1"81 1oppleo lrees A band ol cool atr along the 1001,.,ern edge 01 l"e high preMure 'Y•tem brougM 1ecord lows lo• 1ne date lrom 1,.,e mid JOs 1n10 lhfl low SOs. 1n Paris ol Alabama Georg•&. Te•llS Arkan s11s M1ss1ss1pp1 Lou•s1ena f'ln11da MtSsoun and Kansas lemperalutes around 1,..e nalton al J p rn EDT ranged lrom •8 d90rees al Jol11\llown. Pa to t03 al 'l'umB Aroz and Palm Sprongs, Ca ht For lhu1sdey ctouds enc! ,,howers were torecsst '" New England end lhe northern mtel A1lan11c slates '"'Ith scattered lhunderahowe•' In the southern 11afl o l l'IOtld l! and s o me clOud•nest With " lew shoWfl•s tn the up~r Great Lakes and '" partt of JIM! oentrel Rockies Highs In lhe ui><>e< 50s and •ow 801 predtcled rn no•lhern New England 1n 1,.,e '!Os tn tile Ato Grenda Valley 1n I"• 80t elMWhere 1n the Soulhwesl end 1n lhe Greet Saam. aoolhern P1a111t end Gull Coeat. and 1n lhe 60s and 70t etsewhe<e T e nLJU'rll t 11 r e s Albany Albuqve AnchOrtOe 61 53 80 56 56 4 t Atlanla Allan1c Cl• Ballrmore Boise Bos Ion Bullato Ch11r1~1n SC Charlstn WV Chortlle NC Cheyenne Chicago C1netnnat1 Clevel1no Clmb1a SC Columbus Dal rt Wlh ~nver ~s Moine• OelrOll Dululh fl Paso Fauoen~s Harlford Honolulu Hou11on lndn11pl1s J&eksn MS Jacksnvne Juneau Kans C•t)I l H VllQU l1111e Rocio. I OS Ar>Qetet lOUtS\ltlle Memp1111 Miami Milwaukee Mpt1-S1 P New Orleent New Yatk Okla Clly Om1h1 Orlando Phtladphle Phoenl• 69 41 63 80 61 56 78 46 !>8 55 61 52 80 70 62 48 1 t S4 7g 48 81 •3 63 49 54 40 7!> 35 60 •:> 79 50 83 •9 68 4 1 59 46 65 35 86 59 SJ 42 61 54 90 70 88 ~7 80 46 74 42 63 66 SO' 4 1 Tl •2 100 6e Tl 48 80 87 63 48 69 48 88 74 80 45 69 • , 73 59 86 55 76 46 10 •5 79 70 63 57 t07 81 SURf RIPORT . P11tsourg11 Pllonct Me Piiand Ore Providence Ra1e1gh Reno So11 Lake San Antoruo Son 0•"90 Sa11 Fre11 Se11tlie SIOu• Foll~ SI Lou" SIP Tampa Spok11ne f OPflktl Tucson Tulse Wsshlngln WIChll8 CALIFORNIA Apple \/alley BaketSlteld Sers low Srg Bee• Sl'flhe Cataline Eu•ttll• Fresno Lenc11te• Long Beech Los "n~ln Monrovia Monterey Ml Wllaon NMdlet Newporl Ueacn On1ar10 Palm Springs PeNdena River Side Secr11mento S111n11 Tides TODAY Second Mgll Second low ~ft az Ftrat h•gh '"IOAY krt S"'1 jlffi lwel ...... ._.. First low 9Nctl A"I .... ftrd AY9 Mia Olr 8-ld 1110h Zuma 2 3 t2 t 2 ,,.. SecOlld low 55 49 57 53 18 52 61 56 n 59 82 38 64 59 61 56 114 66 61 52 86 56 10 46 68 •4 18 73 71 45 ,, 35 99 76 76 <16 63 60 75 •2 96 52 95 63 99 67 81 38 t06 88 71 56 62 50 93 57 98 53 93 61 90 66 102 57 66 54 85 83 107 70 76 63 99 80 IOt 68 97 82 99 59 87 5t 7' 55 6 t2 • m 7 46 • m 2 •8 pm 11 07 pm SAf'lll MonlCe 2 3 12 I 2 11W Newport Beech 2 3 12 t 2 IW S11n ~ Covn1y 2 4 12 t 3 aw Sun Hit IOd•y 11 6 •9 P m rl-Frt<lay el 8 42 • m Moon rt-today el t2 •2 P m . Out!Ooti for F'rldey 11\Crntlng 90Ulhelrly •-'I Oecutonll br .. k .. I s to ..... Of! PoMd aoutll •lcino ~ I Ml•" It pm .. ........ • . -. . . . .......... _ • , 11 arms depot wherl' tht· U 'ba.nese anny stored tons of Suv1et-made rockets hauled out of Pa lesllnt• L1berat1on Organ1z..Ltt1o n centers 1 n w cs l Be1 ru l , prosl'CU to r General Assaad Gl·nnanos snid Military off1nals said tht-r1rst explosion was sN off whc•n a shell being unloaded rrom an army truck went off. causing a cham rl'act1on For a bout an hour, th e area resounded with exploswns as people ducked tor cover trom the whizzing rocke ts and several buildings were> on fire. A woman w ho escaped tht> a re a w as st• re a m 1 n g . " T h l' m1litary, thr• mil1Lary. why do they put it among tht: p<'Oplc·''" Germanos tuld rt>porll'r:. thl' blast occur red cit an army dt·pot in the al-Alx-d Squan• near th£> Si n el ·r1 1 re s 1cient1a1 neighborhood of east Beirut at 9·45 a m. (J 2:45 a m PITT) Thi· area as near the G r<'t•n Line that d1v1dc-s Beirut into Moslem and Christian sectors. Gcrmanos said 28 passers-by were hurl bul Chrrst1an radio statio ns gave the names of :rn peopll' 1t said w ere injured Storekeeper M onte Pries is wearing our pure shetland wool argyle V -neck sweater. The return of a classic, whrch features a four color diamond intarsra knitted with primary colors of navy, carnet. grey or yellow Bank Amencard/Master Charge Wntcliff PW.. • • E.arlil•r, pollt'l' reporl.(.'d .. several'" woundt-d but said there Wl're no tlt0dths Tht• l'Xplos1ons SC'nl a blaC'k <:lo ud o r smokl' billowi n g skvwar d :rnd debrts scattered ov(•r Cl wrdc an:·a It was not 1mmC'd1atelv dear what t.·aused th<· <·xplo~uin Lebanesl' radio s lat102s said ci vil defton se workers with loudspeakers blared ;,.,arnmgs to p<.'opk• tC'lhng thl'm to slay off slrt'<'l.S around the slncken area as ambulanC'l.os cohvt'rg('Ci to lreat the 1n1urlod .1018 Irvine. N'wport B'ach. California, Phone 642-7061 • ii I I '" - NATION Inflation rate 3.3o/o W MW I Nl:TON (AP) F11llt11g food u11cJ ijUlll>l trw prin·i. ht·lu 1nfluuu11 to un unnuul rate• or :1 3 !Jt'f'lvn\ in August. the Mmallt:1it rt~ 1n four month:s, the govcrnmt'rll su1d toe.hay PriL-es modenttc.J ~ross the bourd, exn•pt fur m ed1l'UI can'. the only l'Umponen t in thl· Labur Dcpurtme nt's Cumnum·r Prtl'(' J11d1·x l h ul hllli rltM•n aiubliu.ntiully 1·vc.•ry month thltc y1·lir Lorg('ly rt•KpUnbtlJlt' ror A u g u i. t • s O :i f' c.· r l ' l' 11 1 bt'uKOnnlly adJUSll't monthly 1nc1 t•t.1M· wc.·n .. tht' (I 1 pen.-ent dt·c·llne posted for gosolint.• µnc1•11 und tht' 0.:J 1wrcc.•nt foll Ill f1x1d l'OSl::l. Railroad s trike ending WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan says he signed leg1slatwn ordering s trikin g railroad c.·ngineers back to work to "prott"Ct the JOb..'l of our peopll'." but sull thinks the goverrunc.•nt should stay out of labor -management negotiations Within huuri. al t1 . .'r tnt• dC'l·r1.'l' hccaml• luw. union o ffu:1uls said th1.•y would l't1mply, thus ending u four- duy strike that had shut most of thl' nation's rail system Thl·y !><Ud they 1.•xpccted most striking e ngineers to resume work al the beginning of tht'tr next shift Raise nixed for military WASHINGTON (AP) Ll'gislat1on that would authorize a 4 percent pay boost for m1.•mb1.•rs o f the armed forces has bt.'l·n lUrned down in the House.•. Wednesday's 214-llHi vote on lhe measure. wh1l'h was brought to th£> floor undt•r an C'Xpcd1 ted proC<:durc that STATE pt•rm1tted no am c ndm1.•nts. w.1s S;i short of the two-thirds murgan neroed for approval. The bill must t'lther be n'<.irafted by the House Armed S1.·rv11.:es Committc.-e or St.•nt to the Rules Commillt"l', which will set procedures und1.•r wh1l·h 1t may be cons1d1.·rcd again Belushi hearing s lated LOS ANGELES (AP) A county grand jury will begin hearing testimony Tuesday in the d rug-overdose death of "Saturday Night Live" comic John Belushi, the L os Angeles Herald Examiner reported today But the newspapN said ll was unlikely t hat grand Jurors wiU be asked to return an indictment Bills now law SACRAMENTO (AP) - New laws will glVe tax breaks to computer software firms and World Airways, require prisoners to work for time off sentences, and enable banks to buy shopping <.'enters. Other bills among the dozens signed Wednesday by Gov Edmund Brown Jr require the Public Ut1ht1es Commission to monitor large WORLD I nstead . the H era ld Examiner said, prosc1.·uto rs decided to go before t h e grand jury hoping to force reluctant witnesses to diS<:·uss events leading to Bl•lushi's death The 33-year-o ld comedian d ied o f a dru~ overdose M an•h 51 n a bunga l o w behind th e Chateau Mar mont hotel in Hollywood. ullhty construction projects, forbid chtldren from riding an the back uf trucks. and acid two Legislature-named m1.·mbers t u th e Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. In addition. the Democratic governor signed a package of c rim e bills at a press l'Onference an Los Angell'S Soldiers suspicious? TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - A Tel Aviv newspaper today quoted two Israe li soldiers stationed near the Chatilla refugee camp 1n Beirut as saying they susp ec ted Pales tinians were being massacred there but Wt>re tcld by superiors: "It's all right. don't worry." The H aareti. said its reporter was approached by the soldiers outside the camp and told that on Thursday evening sPveral Palesunian women ran out of Chat1lla crying hysterically that their children wer e being bu lC'her<.-d. Quarantine set SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) The army quarantined a mud -covered neighborhood strewn with rotting corpses following a flood which da1mC'd at least 313 hves there Int er ior M1n1 st r y spokesman Orrego Candray. explaining the army's action, said Wednesday that t h e d ecomposing bodies in the Montebello neighborhood has caused an outbreak of a viral 1nf<'c·t1 o n known as parvov1ros1s. Horse center planned By ROBERT BARKER Of Ille Oellr ...... llefl A 25-acre equ"at rlan cente1 will be ready to lod1e honies lr Huntington Beach's Central Park by Jan uary, accord lni to thE center's designer a nd preside nt. T h e facility is expected tc accommodate about 1 ~0 horset with an eventual capacity for 400 Eddie MiUigan , who say11 he was a jockey in the 1940s under contract with e ntertainers Harry James an d Betty Grable, userts that his goal will be compatibility with surroundings. "The horse hasn't been a good neighbor in many cases because' or the lack of education or its owner," he said Tuesday. ''Problems l'a n start when people buy a horse for their 12 or 14 -year-old dau ghter. T h ey bnng in 10 tons of hay and haul out five pounds of manure. "The areas can look dirty and messy and have flies and the ('1t11.-s can have problems." Milligan says the facili ty wiU be developed ''in a country club atmosphere" of Central Park at Taylor Avenue and Golden West Street and will have hookups to other trails. He promises that stalls will be cleaned twice a day, manure will ~ speed ily removed and there w ill be a strict control of files. Millig a n , 5 1, president of Better Built Enterprises lnc. in San Otmas, says he expects the bulk o f his business w ill be provided by town house and condominium owners "who have always wanted to own a horse but never had the opportunity." He says h e has d esigne d equestrian facilities in the City of industr y and South Pasadena . Irvine s uit on Bee Canyon seen as wedge The Irvine Caty Council's lawsuit CiJed th.ts week to block development of the proposed Bee Canyon landfill doesn't have to reach a court hearing to satisfy city officials. M ayor Larry Agran said W ednesday they wou ld be satisfied 1f the lawsuit spurs the Orange County Board of Supervisors to authorize what he t e rmed more m ea ningful discussions about opuons for the dump site in the foothills east of Irvine Said Ag ran : "More than anything else. we're hoping to ·direct the county's att.ent1on to the need to explore the new technology, which they've been so reluctant to do " The lawsuit was filed Monday in Oran ge Coun ty S upe r ior Court. The 10-page petition asks that county officials prepa re a supplementary environmental impact report based on increased residential development in the Northwood area since t h e origmal document was completed in 1979. It also seeks assurances that county o ff icials comply with their general plan and the state's laws on canceling agricultural preserves. The suit contends that the 725 acres a re pa rt of a n agricultural preserve that can't by law be immediately disrupted. The County Counsel's office can respond in writing to the su it's contentions, and the n a hearing will be set to echedule legal proceedings, said Irvine City Attorney Roger Grable. M eanwhile. A gran n oted . officials from both sides may try to neg o t iate a n out-of -court settlement. We're Listening ••• ~.., i:,.o•y u v•1v oo """' ~,. .. ~ OAC)e' by !) JO 0 m C.• I C.-fli•" I Om •.no VOV' coov *II o.. a.-.. .....,,_., What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don·t you like" ('.tll the number below and your message will be recorded , lran~cril>Ni a nd delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ' ll·rs to the editor on a ny topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verHication No clrculatlon calls, please Tell 11!' what 's on your mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST ClaHlfled edver11tlng 714"'42·5111 All other department• 642-4321 Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Haley P.l~•<llt>r O<w1 (h1el f •ecut"e OH>e"' Jane Amari ( •ecv11•1 £d1to< l. Kay Schultz Vo<e Prttodt<lt and 0"9C'OI ol Adv.,t11ing Mkhoel P. Horvey o.,.c:ror o1 ""°'' "lllO tCwcllio!IOtll Thomae A. Murphln• Ed••u- loymond Moclean Cont•°""' Kenneth N. Oecldord Jr. O.re<IOt ol °"9rOloOrll MAIN Of'1CE De W•tt ... SI • CMle Meu, CA Mall -IO• IMO, C•I• -· C:A .,._ C•yr ..... 1• Or..,._ CM" l'WlltM"" C~. No -• -le•. lllvtlret'°"t. .... .,. .. I I'll-.. • VOttlt•-tt ..... lfl m., .. ....,_ .. w"'-'! -1e1 ...... 1,t1o11 of <WY•ltillt-r. VOL. 71, NO ... _ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurtd1y, September 23, 1N2 8 Dogs gain beach Laguna Beach councilman Robert Gentry (right) was surprised Tuesday when friend Gary Burdick brought the councilman's Old English sheepdog "Thumpe r" to the counc il m eeting to s upport expa nd~d hours for canines on the beach. The co unc il ruled dogs could be pe rmitted on the beach during winter. TV show pleases Crean Congressional candidate polishes image By JEFF ADLER ot ,.,. o .. •r 1111o1 ltefl S AN DIEGO -Republican congressional cand idate Johnnie R . C rean and h is campaign consultant Alla n Hoffenblum seem e d p leased a f ter their un p recedented live h alf-hour television show aimed at vot.ers in the 43rd Congressional District went off the air, The Tuesday nigh t s how , which featured Crean answering ques tion s telephone d in b y viewers, was designed to counter w hat Crean and image -maker Hoffenbi um believe is Crean's negative image among voters. "F rom wha t I saw of it . it appears we accomplished o ur objective -to show an other side of J ohnnie Crean up close and live,'' HoHenblum said. S m iling . C r ean alao was jubilant in the studios jwt after the show. ''I think it we nt great," Crean said. "It was a lot of fun." Crean a ppeared calm as he art iculatel y ans w e r e d 13 questions. 11 of which w e r e phoned in by viewers, during the carefully orchestrated broadcasL Q uestions rang ed fro m t h e con duct of C r ean 's primary campaign to the anti-handgun in itiative. Proposition 15, to abortion. About 30 question s. w hich were St'reened by Hoffenblum behind the scenes. did not make their way to the candidate. T hose included legal iza tio n o f marijuana and gay rights. Hoffen blum explained, prior to air tame that q uestions would be selected based on what he perceived to be viewer interest. "The more provocative, the better,'' he said. The half-hour sho w , which pre-empted Tic Tac Dough on San Diego's KFMB-TV, Channel 8, was seen between 7:30 and 8 p.m. in San Diego County and portions of south Orange County served by cable television. It was hosted by former "Today" show anchorman Frank Blair. T h e s prawling 4 3 rd Con~resslonal District includes portions of south Orange County and m uch of north San Diego County. Hoffenblum said cost of the production, including promoting the show throughout the district, was $50,000. On the other hand, Crean's write-In opponent in the general election, Ron Packard, qnceled his s c hedu l ed campa i gn appea.rances Tuesday night and paid $53 for a room in which to hold a news conference shortly after the.broadcast concluded. "I wasn't sure whether I was seeing 'To Tell The Truth,' 'The Price la Right,' or the 'Johnny Cash TV Special'," Packard sa.id. Th e man wh o l oal th e Republican primary to Crean by 92 votes called the production a "blatant attempt by J ohnnie Cr ean to try and buy credibility with money." He added that the cost of the show, amounting to what Ae said a congressional candidate earns i n o n e year , was "almost immoral." Crean told report.era he was not surprised by the questiona because he has heard them all during his campaigning. "It's my job to know what people's issues are.'' he cornnented. Additionally, Hoffenblum said Crean had rehearsed the show, including possible questions, three tin;les prior to airtime. What the pubhc saw was Crean repeating the themes he has streued since the primary. that h e is a "no-n o n se n se Republican u s ineuman..,... committed to reducing the sbe of government. As he has since the primary election, Crean again apologiz.ed for the tenor of hjs primary campaign saying he regrets the tactics h e employed. While ·t he broad cast was airing. C r ean 's Democr a t ic oppone nt Roy "P at" Arche r ope ned h is h eadqua rters t o anyone in the d istrict who · wanted to watch. Conductor-arranger Pete King dies Pete King, a mu.sic arranger, composer and conductor who or che strated such movies as "South Pacific" and "Camelot;• d ied Tuesday at his Ne wport Beach home. He was 68. Services for King will be held S aturday at 1:30 p.m . at the Church of the Hilla at Forest Lawn In Hollywood Hills. King was the conduc tor- arranger for Fred Astaire. Pat Boone, Bing Crosby, Vic Damone, Doris Day, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Lawrence Welk. He recorded more than 25 record albums with the Pete King Chorale and the Pete K.injt Orchestra and had a lengthy list of movie credits Including "Dr. Doolittle," "Flower Drum Song," "S tate Fair " and "B e lls are Ringing." A native of Greenlield, Ohio, King began his music career u an arranger on the Fred Allen Show In New York City. · He was the musical di.rector for Paramount Pictures, workilllJ on'. "The Godfather " and "Day ot the Locust." King ia survived by his wife," Marylla; daughter, Loui8e King; son. Charles Dudley King, and a granddaughter. t ' ~·· . . • Or 111g• Co111 .. DAIL v PILO T/Thuraday, Soptemb•r 23, 1oea ------ 1 GI loans may include condos a_.il mol>ile liomes DEAR PAT: Can a veteran uae bla GI bome loao to bu)' a moblle bome or coodomlolum? I'd alao llke to know lf y..ou bave to make vour own loan arranrementa. J .F., Huntington Be1cb Veterana can use the 01 loan to purchase, construct, alt.er, improve, repair or refinance a home, This includes the purchase of condominiums and mobile homes, with or without a lot, according to the Veterans Administration. The loan applicant ls required lO make his or her own arrangements through the usual financing channels, then VA guarantees up to 60 percent of the loan to a maximum of $27, 500 for home loans, and 50 percent up to $20,000 for mobile homes. The current GI home loan interest rate is 14 percent for home loans, 14.5 percent for home improvement loans, 16 percent for mobile home loans and 15.5 percent for a mobile home and lot, or lot only. eH<.'<'llvc Aug 24. 1982 late income tax changes DEAR READERS: California peraonal Income tax rates for 1982 will be indexed by 9.3 percent, atWrdlna to the Franchl9e Tax Board. The tax ratet, atandard deduction and personal and dependent exemptlon1 are being revised to retlect the full change to the California Conaumer Price Index. Mllllon• of California resident.a whose taxable Income waa unchanged or lncreued slightly will pay lower state lncome taxes when they file tax return• next year and taxpayers whose income kept pace with inllation will pay the same or slightly higher taxes than last year. The standard deduc tion for single taxpayers will Increase from $1,400 to $1,530 while the personal exemption credit increases from $35 to $38. For married taxpayers, the standard deduction increases from $2,800 lO U ,060 and tho ptl'IOnal exemption credit lncrcaacs from $70 to $76. The board d tt'd the example of a married couple with two children whOIC lnromc for both 1981 and 1982 wwi $25,000. Tht!lr 1981 state Income tax would be t033 and their 1982 tax would be t467, 'a reduction of $66. Their Income tax would be the aame for both yean if their 1982 Income roeie to t26,328. Because of Indexing, the 11 percent maximum atat.e income tax rate wlU apply to a married couple'• taxable Income In exce98 of $48,400 for 1982. In 1977, before the legislature enacted Indexing, tax.able Income above $31,000 was subject to the 11 percent rate. Three fact aheeta: Indexing examples and values; Calllomla cumulative tax benefit from indexing for the 1982 lncome year; and 1982 tax rate achedules are available to readers-who send a at.amped, aelf-addretsed envelope to At Your Service. I!' • Earned incom e tax rules DEAR p AT: Wut ...... e11rrnt , ... for earaed Income creclU Oii federal &a1n? K.L .. Newpor1 Beacll Internal Revenue Service aay1 earned Income credit la baaed on a 1Udln1 IC:ale which varies wlth the amount of Income. For exampl~. at Income levela of $!),000 .or I.eta, the rate I• 10 percent, but H income levels increue, the percentage rate ot the earned income credlt decreases. · A '"Got a probl~m? Then write to Pat, •\..l Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • getting the 11./Vwers and action you need to sol ve ln11quitle• In • government an d bu1/neu. Mall . . your questJ<>n1 to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, O.ta Me,a, CA 92626. As many letters u possible will be an.rivered. ( ) Son's book reveals dark side of William ·Saroyan image By LINDA DEUTSCH LOS ANGELES (AP) -In the gallery of American literary icons,.. William Saroyan seemed an uncomplicated figure -a mustachioed , avuncular Armenian writer who loved Aram Saroyan people and chuckled at their foibles. But now, a year and a half after his death, Saroyan's son has stepped from the shadows to tell us the image we saw was a fraud perpetrated by the great tale spinner himself. Aram Saroyan's shocking, "Last Rites," an unsparing memoir of his father's dying days, has unmasked the author of "The Human Comedy" and "The Time of Your Life" as a t ormentor of his wife and children, haunted by childhood fears which paral yzed him emotionally , an angry , unforgiving man. "How well I know the black poisons o f his soul," Aram Saroyan writes at the out.9et of a book which has been compared to "Mommie Dearest," in which Joan Crawford's daughte r , Christina, revealed the horrors inflicted by her movie s tar mother. Bllt "Last Rites," is more than a'1l expulsion of anger. It ls the story of a son's determination to understand his father's demons and to make peace. In the end, it is a healing story. "As long as I've been alive," Aram Saroyan said in an Interview, "I remember people coming up to me with stars in their eyes, saying, 'Oh, you're the son or the famous writer.' •· ... At a certain point, you really want to believe what everybody is telling you about your parent -you want lO be part of the group, part of the gang. For years, I was trying to go along with everyone else." Then, he said he admitted that everyone else was wrong. "In the case of my father. there he was -almost 180 degrees opposite of his public persona." ,Saroyan seu .hls book as an enhancement of his father's literary career -a view of the real man whkh will bring new readers to his work. "He lost the attention of a hell of a lot of people as his career went on by promoting the image of the Santa Claus ol American literature," Aram sald. "No one could quite swallow that." But Aram has been asked new Interest. It already has." For the son, who has struggled to carve a literary identity of hia o wn, "Last Rites'' was a breakthrough Into the literary mai n str eam after years of · obecurity. "Last year was the first year I pretty much made a living from writing," Bald Aram who lives in Bollnas, Calif. with his wife, Gallyn, a painter, and their three "How well I know the blaclc poisons of his soul," A ram Saroyan writes at the outset of h is boolc. on the early life of hia mother, the former Carol MarcU5, now Mrs. Walter Matthau, and the friends of her girlhood -Oona O'Neil and Gloria Vanderbilt. "It Is aet In the 1940a and it'• about three debutantea w h o married famous men ," says Aram. "The main thrust ii the romance between my mother and father.'' Although neither Aram nor his aiater. Lucy, haa received a penny from their father's $1.3 million estate, the 800 baa beaun to see a dillerent lecacy. It was in April, 1981, when he whether it's proper to disclose children, Strawberry, 12, Cream, learned his father was dying in his Cather's dark side now. One 9, and Armenak, 6. "I reallz.e now that tomehow or other I've inherited a vocatic:m.'' said Aram. "I know that I learned a lot from my father as a writer. And at the very end of his life, he showed me the deeper part of . himself I'd never seen before . . . . He dld give me that, and I can't imaeine anyone giving a more healing gift at the end of a life.'' his home town of Fresno, that critic accused him of parent "This bot>k has gotten better Aram decided to write his assassination. Aram disagrees. reviews than I've gotten o n thoughts and found "it was like a "We all know that Fitzgerald anything I've ever written," said torrent unleashed . . . This book w a s a n a 1 co h o 1 i c , t h a t Aram of the work which poured was like an emotional unclothing Hemingway took his own life. out in a rush of emotion in April of feelings I didn't even know This just tells us they are mortal and early May, 1981. were there." men, and It make a t h ei r -----.:::.:.;.c,:..:..J~ t •-~ ---1-have"11incex.v111nleted a 11ew --~'rn-hopln•,11 A , Its publication, he said, was a ac 1evemen more remar-u1e. r e tharsi "I' _____ ... f' d book, a straight biography of mv "that my book will encourage ca 8 -m w iuu.cu to m "People have not really been father and his work," he said. ''I people -no matter how difficult how relieved I am. To have all lnterested In my father's work In don't talk about him in this book their relationship with t h eir the cards on the table Is a relief the last 20 years," said Aram. as my father but as William perenta may be -to approach and a release.'' "Making him a flesh and blood Saroyan, the writer." that final pa91&1e and try apin. I Ironically, the 38-year-old human being will cenalnly spark He also has a acn!enplay baaed was amazed at what happened." • Robnsons WARM·UP! Brrght. firecracker colors: red. plum. teal. royal. New shaped·UP details: snaps. drop shoulders. pockets Now. that's what we call fashion play In soft cotton/acrylic fleece. From fllewport of California. Snap-front iacket to wear-over-bare (or slrp a T under) S·M·L. S38. Banded bottom pants. S·M·L $29. Robinson's Sport Shop, 130. To order, call toll-free 1 ·800·345·8501. ,.,'1' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurld1y, September 23, 1982 Rob1 osoos - HOMEMAKING· SALE • . 6 MORE DAYS TO SAVE 20%· 60°/o CREATE AND PRESENT ·YOUR SPECIALITIES IN STYLE ' YOUR .CHOICE S'll=.:::...=..99~- oUR CRYSTAL GLASSWARE Reg. $15 each. Here are the pieces that add the fine· finished touch you want to garden brunches. or luncheons planned weeks in advance. Choose: OUT 3-plece salad set with Lucite· plastic servers Set of 4 individual bo.wls. Set of four dessert dishes. Set of four 1cer liners. or a set of six corn cradles. From Jav1t Crystal, all in their own gift boxes. all at 20 % savings Why not wrap up an extra set for holiday giving? Hurry, sale ends September 28. Robinson's Gift Housewares. 28 To order. call toll·free 1·800·345·8501 . "199 COOL WICKER SERVING SETS I • You'll keep e summery mood year 'round when you serve your best In our wicker from Coffee Imports. Wicker tray. Reg. $16. Sale St.II. 10·pc. place setting with glass plates, bowl end mug with matching wicker holders, plus a wicker placemat and napkin ring. Reg. $20. Sale S8 .... Mug set with four 7-oz. glasses. Reg. $16. Sale "·"· Sale ends September 28. Robinson's Housewares, 62. To order, call toll·free 1·800·345·8501. ' ' SAVE 400/0·60°/o PORCELAIN ON STEEL FINE ASTA COOKWARE Set your best table. This the beaut1fu1. fine-quality cookware you won't want to keep hidden in the kitchen Our elegant Oak Leaf Blue design, 1n porcelain-coated steel with classic brass handles and knobs. Collect the open stock pieces you've been wanting. now. Hurry, sale ends September 28. and quant1t1es are hm1ted Reg Sale 4 qt. covered stockpot . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 · $39.99 2V2·qt. teakettle . . . . . . • . . $75 $39.99 10· skillet . . . . . . . . . $57.50 $22.99 3 qt. covered casserole . . . . .. . .. . $70 $41.99 8 • buffet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 $23.99 1 'h·Qt covered saucepan $55 $29.99 Robinson's Housewares. 62 . To order. call toll-free 1·800·345·8501 . 32%·53% OFF BARWARE SETS ., . From Leonard Sliver, a gleaming 24·piece set with eight each of the sizes you'll use most 14 oz. beverage, 16 oz. cooler and 121/t oz. on·the·rocks. "Allure," In its own gift box. Reg. $25. Sale $11.19. And from Riekes Crise, on·the· rocks ind coolers In sets of four, In your choice of three styles: Bubble, Sham, Corona. Each In their own gift box. Reg. $15. Sale se.•. Sale ends September 28. Robinson's Gift Housewares. 28. To order, call toll·free 1·IOO·MS·ll01. Every bride who registers In any Robinson's between now and October 30 will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Gulde (white quantities last). ; , • • ~ ~ r .· , • .. 8 Orange Co"t DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, 81pt1mb1r 23, 1N2 Pare nts rally to sa ve los t s chool programs Well aware of the fact that o student who has not learned to read will be able to master very little else in the school curriculum, 300 families and one generous anon ymous donor have raised $45,000 lo res tore reme dial reading program s in s ix e l e m e ntary sc hools in the Ne wport-M esa Uni!ied School District. Remedial reading was among the p rog r ams cut from th e financially ailing school district's budget last year. So parents took matters into their own hands and formed the non-profit Newport-Mesa Schools F oundation to raise money to restore lost programs . Their ambitious goal is in t h e neighborhood of $1 million. Wisely, the first gift of $45,- 000 was earmarked for the reading classes. It will be used to hire six part-time r eading specialists who will work with a total of 200 students throughout the year at the six sch ools. Fund-raising committees were established last s pring at each of the sch ools and 300 donations, rongtng from $1 to $ l .000 eath produced the tlrst $30,000. A donor who chollc to remain anonymows a ddcid $15,000. T he funding cuta that lutv.t hit so many school dhstrJcts In the wake o f Proposition 13, court rulings and dwindling s talP budget allocations, also h ave r esulted in sharply c urtail ed offerings in the areas of m usic and foreign lan guage instruction at the elementary school level. While restoration of remedial reading deserves a top priority, it is to be hoped that, with the good offices of the schools foundation and the generosity of concerned citizens. other desirable classes may be restored in due course. California has lagged behind s hamefully in t h e amount of personal income channeled into the sch ool system , now rank ing last in the nation. Thi~ eventually may be remedied, butfthe chlldren can hardly wait while the state plays cat.ch -up. Efforts like that o f th e N e wport -M es a Schools Foundation and similar groups in other communities can help fill the void. Flood insurance hike Fountain Valley City Council members have no choice but to approve an ordinance that will not win them any popularity contests. By Nov. 17, on order of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the council must adopt a new flood plain management o rdinance that will r esult in sharply increased flood insurance fees for most homeowners in the community. The city tried, unsuccesfully, to appeal a federal map that places 95 percent of Fountain Valley under two to three Ceet of water in the event of the type of flood that is likely to occur once every 100 years. So now, unless the ordinance is passed by Nov. 17, banks and savings and loans will not be able to loan money for the purchase or construction of homes and the city i tself no longer would b e reimbursed for flood damage to city property . W it h t h e new flood management ordinance in effect, people buying homes in the Fountain Valley flood plain - that is most of the city -will be required to carry $75,000 worth of · flood insurance at a n annual cost of about $280. The present minimum coverage required by the federal government is $35,000, costing between $88 and $160 depending on when the policy was purchased. It has not been established whet er present homeowners will ave 'increase their coverage to l clai lif for protec tion that is ed y the federal gove rnment event of large damage The ordina nce additiona lly will require new buildings in the city to be placed on a pad a l least three feet above th e flood plain. in the interest of escaping future damage. Although a so-called 100-year flood seems a remote possibility to most of us there are pictures to prove, and those who re member, when vast areas around the Santa Ana River w e re inundated in ear lier floods before today's massive development took place. Much has been d one to control the river since then, but nowh ere n ear enough, in the eyes o f flood·· control authorities. to safeguard the present population. The insurance hike will be a bitter pill for Fountain Valley homeowne rs, but it's medicine tha t must be taken. Beach protection a 1nust Laguna Beach and Emerald Ba y, b oth beac h -oriented communities, have good reason to look askance at a proposal that could result in a greater discharge of sewage polluta nts into the ocean off the south coast. The two communities are among seven participants in the Aliso Water Management Agency (A WMA) which was formed a decade ago to construct a $100 million regional sewage treatment system that u)timate ly would serve 45.000 acres in south Orange County. Now AWMA is seeking to take advantage of a c hange in fede ral regulations that would eliminate the need for upgraded sewage treatment at an estimated saving of $400,000 a year in operating costs. Th e C l ean W a t e r A c t originally set a goal of 85 percent removal of suspend~ _,oHd in sewage treatment, but Congress has reduced that to as little as 35 percen t , prov4'ed it can be established that higher pollutjon levels will no t harm the ocean environment. Five members of A WMA, the Irvine Ranch Wate r District, South Laguna County Water District, Moulton Niguel Wate r District, Los Alisos Water District and El T oro Water District have voted to spend $100,000 for the preparation of studies that could lead to a waiver of the higher requirement. In fac t , equipment for the expensive ·•secondary" sewage treatment already has been constructed at the A WMA facility in Aliso Canyon, but the agency management says that meeting a lower standard · o f treatment would result in a big saving in operating costs. Laguna Beach and Emerald Bay, both schedui,d to hook into the treatment system next year, opposed the cost-saving project on grounds their valuable sh ores could be damaged. There is cause for concern. South coast beaches too often _ _have had to .be elosed becaw.e--0f sewage s pills resulting from breakdowns in-treatment syste~. • There sho uld b e no d owngrading of A WMA 'a treatment capability unles,, it c.an be very positively established that the risks are minimal. The beaches are a treasure for I nland communities too. Opinions expressed In the space abOve are those ol the Dally Pllol . Otner views ex· pressed on this pa;e are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Pllbt, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 . . ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot 1""911\l'OM •wry ll<tf ti llW YHf •I JJO Wnl ll•Y ~I ~·· WW -h< (.,,,_.,.,,,. It lie. I MO C4"~ -W, (.A tftJt Thomo1 '· Holey Publ•th•r Thomas A. Murphln• Ed1•0t Jane AmClfl h.cutrvt fd1IOf larbora Krelbkh fd<•ouol Po~ ld·IOf Thome. Mcc.nn MOllOQ~ (d IOI I .:1 .. :m.N CMi'T "«J.J GIVE J.IOOVERNGWC8 s\ Ob\NCE WORK r ... Letters to the editor Trash diggers n eed to unite To the F.ditor: Auld Jang syne could best be used to describe my emotions, for that's what you conjured up in your article of last week, "Tras h d iggers clean up." Schooled during the great Depression from beginning to end, dig we did -had lo if you we re going to g o to the Saturday matinee at the Cosmo theater where the admission was 10 cents. Had to dig up quite a few Coke bottles and several pounds or newspaper for that amount. Now I know Mr. Frank Madden of Smiths Food King in Ne wport Beach and he's not only a capable manager of that store but also a gentleman and his rendition as to what is coming down in this trash bit is good but with omission. Not told is how come produce items wh ich are thrown ou~ are not first offered at reduced price. Well, it doesn't take a brain to figure that out. Let's just say il is n't good busin~. Something else: Mr. Madden and the other store employees would just love to be able to take cast off produce home themselves, but Smiths says "verboten." Some of the rnraket employees have let their jealousy out by hassling the "diggers" which is like saying, "If l can't have it neither can you." I think the manager is good in matters of public relations knowing that the cliggers also spend a few bucks m the store and there the matter rests, 8XC'ept that-a brick wall was built behind the market to put the throwaways in and diggers were quick to figure out that someone forgets ldlock the gate quite·often. Well, Reaganomics, and the way I see it us trash diggers had best Corm an association! WARREN G. ALTHOFF Pa rking ploy To the F.ditor: Last week's council meeting produced another study to solve Laguna's long· running pennanent parking problem for the downtown area. As a member of the council-aJ?pointed Parking Task Force Committee I reviewed. along with other members of the community, several sites (including peripheral sites) that would best ser ve the downtown busin ess community, which supplied the funds in the first place. THE VOTE of the majority of the coundl. (Gentry. Bellerue, and Minkin). to go-against the advice of the Citizens Parking Task Force, the city's staff, and lhe paid professional parking consultant to select the Glenneyre site, and to ma.ke up their own minds on what was found to be an inferior site at the city employees' and sewer lots: i.e. flood control cha nnel , Edison easement, question of parcel ownership, vehicle ingress and egress to the site, is beyond comprehension to anyone with any planning background. If this ls a ploy to use merchants' and businessmen's funds to supplement the city'1 past failures to provide low-cost housing and to provide the festival with an ucem~en eel that the business community is ~ing taken again. TIM HOWELL Citizens Advisory Task Force Parking and Transportation Committee Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce A irport site To the F.dJtor; Your edltorlaJ on Sunday, Sept. 12 took on SCAG and the subject of a new airport site rather caustically. Y o u 'r e agai n s t El T oro and prtsumably Pendleton. Chino Hills and' Long Beach 1farbor seem . out of the question. Wha.t d 9e& thll leave - Newport Beach? Let's conalder your reasontna on El Toro. Studlet of El Toro have embodlt'd Tom Rlley'1 approach which la you can't interfere with the Marineta and/or their mi•lon at El Toro. You •Y the Marine Corpe hu ~jec1ed the idea (of joint we) soundJy. SLnct when doet the Manne Corpe make top-1.-~ poUlkal ded.ttonl? h ll quite obvtOWI our efforu mutt bt 1t hfgh.-r levels. Unfortunately our MAILBOX Congressm an shares a reluctance to upset the Marines and this is another hurdle in the path. YOU SAY THE Marines have always been good neighbors. This is interesting but not compelling. Then -"SCAG es1mates that El Toro population alone would increase ... " ''In that same pe riod the M ission Viejo-Trabuco population is expected to climb . . . to nearly 200,000. And this is the arena in which SCAG would locate a new international airport." So future population growth must not suCfer the etCects of airport nc»se. dirt and traffic? What about the present problem for Newport Beach? You are certainly entitled to an editorial opinion but I don't see the need for an acerbic presentation of partial data. · Th_e fact that the airport could be physically accommodated many times over at El Toro is of consequence. The fact that the added jet noise might be • proportionately slight and impact an area that now 1s less populated than that presently under the flight patterns is of consequence. The fact that the present airport was n.ever tn tended as a jet port ts of consequence. The fact that Newport Beach people and property values are affected is o f con sequence. You ment1oned none of these facts -and had no suggestions other than that SCAG's proposal wouldn't fly. Maybe it won't, but a lot oLpeQple m Newport Beach would like to avoid any growth in the a1rport. Supervisor Riley's efforts to keep the noise down are greatly appreciated but how is air travel growth to be accommodated? Any solution will h .a.ve....poJH-te-aJ problems and it's easy to criticize any of those proposed. Do you have any suggestions -or only criticism? PAUL RYCKOFF A irport fan To the F.ditor: Reading your Thursday edition of the paper I immediately noticed the article concerning Allan Beek's fuss with John Wayne Airport and its related airplane noise. I happen to enjoy lhe availability of having several air carriers in my area. It is just a short four-mile drive from my home in Newport Beach and I have used the airlines on several occasions. It does trouble me to think of the airlines being forced o ut of th e 1mmedlate area and relocated in Beek's propcsed Santiago Canyon. Personally I would much rather hear the roar of a Boeing 737 or Douglas DC 9 Super 90 than to hear the sound of a teen-ager's "hot rod car." Perhaps we should move all the residents who own such cars? J ask the people of Newport Beach who feel as I do to please spea.k up and keep the aJrport named after the ''Duke" right where It is. After all. don't we all love airplane noise? GREGORY LOUIS S HWARTZ ' J Costa Mesa" calling attention to the matter. A letter was sent to the council expressing a unified motion "that the Joint Associations Board of Costa Mesa has taken a stand of being opposed to a helic'Opter landing pad being allowed in the old McNally School site (where a savings and loan headquarters was to be built) and that further this as.50Ciation (five homeowner s as,ociat1ons) is opposed to any further consideration for any helicopter landing site an ywhere within the boundaries of the City of Cost.a Mesa." THE LANDI NG site was approved for the savings and loan and with "tongue in cheek" the council made a stipulation that approval of a helicopter landing pad would be onlv for a 30-day period to see if it met all their standards. Now, this "thirty-day period" is after the entire facility is completely installed. Several 1euers were transm ittecl following this to the City Council reminding them that the letter from the five association members of the Joi nt Association had not been acted upon. It was estimaied that these associations represent about 7 ,000 homes or about 21,000 persons. There was no _!'eply nor an y action. The Norlh Costa Mesa Homeowners Association decided to take the matter one more step. Using their own funds, they sur veyed 2,108 homes ~ing residents how they felt about the tter of heliports being constructed fo take- offs and landings within the city o Cost.a Mesa. The return of the survey card was strictly voluntary with th~ residents_ even furrushing their own stamps. A surprising 21.06 percent return was received which is an excellent random sample of opin ion. It indicated 87 .2 percent opposed to heliports within the ~ity . The completed survey was presented to the City Council There has been no move to adopt an ordinance and it has been since 1980 the first request was made. The citizens of Costa Mesa have done their homework, studied it and know the answers. I think the City Council has faJled the test. How do you feel? DA VE LEIGHTON I President. North Costa Mesa Homeowners Association Un e thical To the Editor: Tom Wood is a city employee. It is highly unethical to use hun m his official capacity as city attorney for Costa Mesa to defend political inan1ttes committed by the collectivast clique on the City' , Council. If our local petty politicians are too incompetent to resolve lhe Ali Roushan affair without jailing the artist and destroying his a rt. let them wnte letters in their own defense and stop w45ting city employees and taxpayer dollars on sclf-servin~ political rtackery. J.P. PALMER D elig hte d Copter foes To the F.ditor: .:r~the-F.di~:· ~~:;;:::::::-n::;:::-::=-=---:~l~w;as~ thoroughly delighted to read the ; The problem of helicopters flylng over f Tom WC>QQ. (9osta Mesa City the rooftops of~orth Costa Mesa has Attorney) in the Sept. 12 Pi ot re Atr- been a matter of major concern to and, as you called lt in your editorial, his reaidenls and the homeowners "ridiculous jail term." asaodation that represents them. In 1980 My reaction to said editorial was "U communications were sen\ to the Clty Roushan doesn't like our laws and Council of Costa Mesa calling this to refuses to abide by same, why doesn't he their attention. Adding to this concern iO back to whence he came?" was atill another letter directed to the But Mr. Wood succinctly gave the council in September 1980 pointing out Cacta, whkh. 1 would think. one would that the problem was not just North chl"Ck before editortaUzJng. Coeta Mesa areaa. but other a990clatlons · KAY PEX:AUT representing College Park, Halecrcsl· Hall of Fame. Mesa Verde and Wtst Side Costa Meaa also joined together throuah the "Joint Amociatlons Board of l.c>ttna /rom rtodtr1 art Wt'lcomt Tht right 10 condtn&f' lt>1ter1 to /U apoc4' or chmmott llbt'l 11 rtstrv(!d f.ttteri of 300 ut0rd1 or ltn will hf glvtn prtftrfflct All lttltra mu$1 mcludt •fOftC11MTt cntJ mailing addrtsi but Mmta ma11 bt wtlhhtld on rt- qutlt 1/ 1111/fcltnl r•aaon 11 opportnr Potl'll wtll not bf PMblUhfd LfUtr• mo11 bf ttltph'1fttd to "2 .,.. Na"lt al)d phont ru•mtH'r o/ tilt cOftl ,,bufor "'IUf t. gfllt"ft for l'•ri/fCaJlort Jl"'r'J>OHI lllllY Ill How dfd we F &om the decede of \ht love·ln to the ~de of t.M brtek·ln? DIZZY -....... , ... _. • ., ........... :J '::·· ..... -·-:':'''• .. -.. .... ...,_ ... -ti 0... Oett-r .. IMI ' r Orange Co11t OAIL Y PILOT /Thurtdty, 8-ptembef a~. 1982 'Oil weapon' may backfire on OPEC · nations WASHINU'l'ON 1'ry tu fl"ht back your lt-arw· My llOUt'\'\11 wll me tlu• Arub oil rountrlf'lf urt• In d<.-.:p \roublo, and ani unllkt•ly to pull out of It any tlm<l soon. Somo an ly»l.I even l{O ao far wi to prt'dlct \hat OP~ tht• Oracanlzallon ot Pult'Oleum Exporting Countrlea is on the verice of collapse A contldcnllul White House momo I've S<.'Cn put the situation bluntly, and with undlsgultwd satisfaction: "The oil weapon has been laid to rest once a® (gr_ all The Cart.el ls dead. R.I.P." a ump\lon that Kina Oil wuuld rel&n 1tupremt• lndeflnlt~ly. Suur<:t•• told rny llHUt'late Lucutte Lagnado thut Saudi Arublu 11 prooobly the OPEC nat.lon that haa boon one or thti hardHt hlt by the oil glut. 1''or the SCludl princes, oil rcvunues 11pttll thl' dittertnc.: bctwttn rule and ruin. The Saudi royal ramlly ls In a terrible bind. For ycun It. has placated Ila 11ubjcct.a by aharlng 1<>me of the desert kingdom's oil wulth In the form oC social welfare program11, hospitals and how.Ina. Given th•• tu,truvaaant Hr8tylu or the-Saudi prltH't•llnat• and tht•lr r.-Unu1.tt1, this hWI lwcm tho only way the royal fQmll y t:an 11laVt' off rt•volutJon and t•naure lta own 1urv1val. ,... ..- NOW THE MONEY la. no longer comlns In at the old rue but the Saudi.I mutt 1Ull t.vnlinue their 1y11tem of larg(!tl8(!. The Suudl govt1rnmcnt rec::cn tly announced lt1 budget tor the coming year, and It shows an Increase or several hltllon dollal"!I, even thouich It la obvloWI that tht: wuntry'• urw ICJUl'('t' of mcom oil IN produclr1fi druatij:olly lt>N N.'VOnue than It Ullt.>d to. Th(I aowrnmont do1•1n't dart• lt> n•ducu lt11 dom1.•1th: Pxpendlturt: , for fcur of revolution. 'fhc::r1.•'1 un ad(Jltlonel, macubre dlJemma fact'<! by the Saudla: The Ir1m- lr q war pok'll o threat to the Soudl regime the longer It t'Ontlnuf'8. Jf lron wins. It• radkal MOiilt>m revolution could topple the Suudl regime. Yet supporting Iraq Is costing the Saudis more than they cun ufford, wh11t· rl1k1na tn Ayatoll•h Khorflt•lnl'• wruth. • Ort tlw othur hond, ttfl lon.i wt the wor 1.'0ntmu"'ft, thl' Saudis can 11e1J more oil, rt'lh•vt'<i of 1..'t.lmpct1tlon from lran and lroq, which uri• tou buKy lightlnai to pump uil. In faet, one wurt.-e •uml: ''If Iran oncJ Jruq wert> to 11top flghttna, Saudi Arabh• 111 Clnished." ln any cul'. om.: thins aeernt cle-.ir. OPEC's ont"C-vaunt«.J "oil weapon" 11 begannang to look more like: a cop piatol evtiry day. ' , REST I N PEACE, Indeed. What makes the demi se o f OPEC'a stranglehold on the Western industriul countries particularly gratifying la \hat il was brought about by the s heik s ' Insensate greed. New hymnbook drops some old favorites By using their "oil weapon" as a gun at the head of the industrial nations, the OPEC sheiks not only helped bring on the recession that has cut down on their JACl_AIDERIDI onetime customers' n eed for oil; they forced the victims of their monopoly to find alternative forms of energy to run their factories and heat their homes. Fuel-economical automobiles have replaced the profligate gas guzzlers that enriched the desert despots The result has been disastrous for OPEC. as illustrated by the sheiks' sales to their most important customer, the United. St.ates. In 1977, U.S . oil imports from the Middle East totaled 3.7 million barrels a day, or 20 percent of this country's oil consumption. During the first quarter of 1982, the United St.at.es bought only 1.1 million barrels of Middle F.ast oil a day, or 6.9 percent of our oil needs. OPEC has responded to the worldwide oil glut in predictable fashion: Individual members of the international cartel have broken ranks, selling oil at the best prices they can get behind the backs or their monopoly partners. The reason, of course, is that they have to. Not only are the OPEC countries in danger of being undercut by non- members like Mexico, which is desperate for revenue from its oil resources, but they need the income themselves almost as desperately. Like Mexico, the Arab sheikdoms have committed themselves to ambitious development programs that were based on the now-unte nable If you're Catholic, Jewish or -not religious at all, you probably don't care, but the Episcopalians are putting out a n e w edition of their traditional hymnbook and they're taking a lot of old Cavorit.es' out and changing the words to others. • I'm not an Episcopalian either, but I'm int.erest!'!d because when I ~as growing up we used to sing two hymns in school every rnorning and I got to like th.em. I don't know the difference between an Episcopal hymn and a Presbyterian hymn, if there is any, but I thJnk the Episcopalians are making a big mistake dropping some of their best numbers. "'THE BAT.TLE Hymn of the Republic" is out of their new hymnbook, for example. Can you be lieve that? There won't be any more singing: "In the beauty or the lilies Christ was bom across the sea, "With a g lory in His bosom that transfigures you and me." · · I couldn't be more shocked if the Vatican announced the Pope wasn't Polish. • They're also cutting out the hymn that begins: "Once to every man and nation Comes the moment to decide." The reason they give for taking this Top Twenty hymn off their list is that they think it s uggests God only gives people one chance. Apparently the EpiBC..'Opalians don't like the idea of not being able to make a few mistakes in life. The mistake the people who run the Episcopal Church are making here Is in analyzing the religious songs. I'm sure any serious theologian who studied the 600 hymns in their book w ould find a lot of things In the words that don't make any sense at all, but a hymft doesn't have to make any more sense to be moving HEADACHE VICTIMS! WE ARE DOING A CLINICAL STUDY ON MIGRAINE HEADACHES. NllD VOLUNTlllS THE STUDY WILL COMPOSE T HE EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO CURRENTLY USED MEDICATIONS IN THE TREATMENT OF HEADACHES. CALL 714/642-1057 8-9 a.m. or 4-5 p.m. Ask for Marilyn They coll It a "no.wall'' car wax. aaya ltdoe1 onycor In ISmlnuteaorleu. (So. I'll 90 ln1lde. and let It do the car.I Spray 1tull. 317 18 oz. #T-15 POLY SHELL SPRAY POLY SEALAIT The Poly lanallct aweorbythla. Some aay the 4 77 combining properliH of polymera la be11 for today' 1 llnlahH. Whal do you 1ay? ZIP WAX CAR WASH GlvH you a a bin• a• you I 2 7 woahthecor.Look.doche car once with lhe heavy duty wax and UH thla to 18 OZ. k"P It up. #T·75 18 oz. #T-570 COLOR BACK FDOSB RESTORER Bring• back the color. great for old cara. T·210. COLOR BICK mtYL RESTORER DD PROTECTOR For all vinyl Cop•. Al•ofor ln1lde leotMr, rubber. pla•tln. T ·274. YOUR CHOJCE . ft97 ~ 160Z. lfOOCAW SAL.CS AD STARTS THURSDAY. GOOD THRU SEPT. 29TH Thanks for books and peoa and paper. thanksfor wood to build our homes.for .firewood to keep us ~ than rock music doew. The beauty of a hymn is in what It does to the •r,lnt, not the brain. I have probably sung 'Rock of ages, cleft for me" a thousand times and ANDY RDDllY 1 love it', but I don't heve the vaguest idea what it means. There's just no sense pretending that hymns have a lot of lnt.elleetual content that stands up to close inspection by historians. scientists or even theologians. The Episcopahans are dropping "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands." Come on. 'Episcopalians! First thing you know you'll be telling us there 1s no women were admitted w the priesthood Santa Claus. There's nothing more m the Episcopal church. Now, church religious than Mahalia Jackson singing leaders are going even further by' "' that song. , eliminating references to sex In the hymns. Where a hymn uses the word THEY'RE ALSO dropping the one "brother" or "son ," they're changing It that befflns "God of our fathers, known to a word with a neuter gender, like of old.' You probably remember the "disciple" or "chlld.'' refrain: "Lord God of hosts, be with us yet, At the meeting where the changes were approved, the Episcopalians had an Lest we forget · · · lest we forget." argument over whether or not to leave That was written by Rudyard Kipling, 10 the patriotic hymn "My Country TlS and the Episcopal fathers don't want it of Thee." h was left in but I lmagin~ the around anymore because they say it has people who didn't want it were sixth some racist lines in the fifth stanza. I say grade English teachers who said there drop the fifth stanza and leave the hymn was n o such w o rd as "tis" In the in the book. No one ever sings a hymn all dit·tionary. the w ay down to the fifth s tanza anyway. We'U close today by singing the first Several years ago, after a bitter three stan zas of ·•onwa rd Christian argument in the church hierarchy, Military Personnel " Limited friendships distort view of life Thoughts at Large: -If all your friends and associates are millionaires, as President ~agan's seem to be, then the feedback you get Crom them is just as narrow and distorted and divorced from reality as if the only peop1e you saw were terrorists and revolutionaries. is disseminated, then· power becomes more equaJly distr1buted, but if the knowledge is concentrated, then the power become dangerously oligarchic. than "public o pinion," o nce w e understand how "opinion" differs from mere prejudice or sentiment or· sell· interest. -I am convinced that inside every pompous personality there is a wistful -Reforms lead to changes in Institutions, and these changes breed new abuses which then require reform, and so on ad infinirum. IYDllY HARRIS -1 have never asreed that one pil·ture is worth a thousand words, but it is certainly true that one slogan can blot out a thousand thoughts. -There is no substitute for quality: sci-called "warranties'' on small home appliances are nearly meaningless, because it takes so mucti time and trouble to send them back for repair or replacement it is less vexing simply to discard them and buy another. core who is frightened that any show of friendliness will be taken as a sign of weakness. -A title does a disservice to a painting. by calling attention to ita subject rather than to the underlying treatment, which is of first importance. -The axiom that "knowledge is power" cuts both ways: if the knowledge -There is no more misleading phrase With $51000 or more in Gibraltar's Rock Solid. ----!Ute Cash Management, you 9.40°/o earn high Money Market Yield rates on the entire amount 10.00°/o -with instant liquidity. Rate compounded daily and fixed for JO days. Balances under SS,000 still earn Sh%. With over $2,000 in Gibraltar's High Yield Checking Plan, you ..._ _ ___,, !Ute earn high Money Market 9.40°/o rates-and enjoy unlimited Yield check writing convenience. 10.00°fi, Each day we automatically sweep each dollar over S2.000 into our High Yield Plan. Balances up to S2,000 cam sw~. Rates are compounded daily. Jnd fix~ for entire month. • With $500 or more in Gibraltar's Rock Solid Chee.king, you pay nothing-we pay you 51,4%-and you write as many checks as you want. YieJd 5.47o/o This low minimum bJlancl' ml·.m~ Yl)U pay no monlhly fl'\'\ .rnd r.1m the hrl(h· est rate allowed by IJw -rnmpoundl.J ·daily. You also get our Cht>cl.. Gu.ir.1nlt.'l' plu-. OvcrJr.ill Protection, when you quc1lify. Nott: Rock Snlld Ch-.d .. 1n11 .mcJ th<• hr-.1 s~.000 m I h11h) wld Chtddnit .art ln~un.-d by the FSLIC Bt1l.1nu ... ovt'f \2.000 1n I l11:h Ylt'IJ Chfd.r~ and '111b.tl.incei.1n (.;i,h M.<nt1):t!nwnr .m· .... '\un'll by U.S Govrmmmt .u1J AKl~Y Sc-cunt1t" Th.~· Jr•• O\lt .,Jvtni:• ocrounls nr d..'J'O\tl& a"'I thtnforr not '"'""-ti h)• ''"' I SI I( You name it. Gibraltar has it. Cash Management. High Yield Checking. Rock Solid Checking. It pays to check• with Gibraltar. We help·you manage your money, your taxes, your future. SAVINGS . ' cozu tn them. thanks .._, for vtoU"-and cellos .._,.......,1 and gutta rs. 'Tl"ees glue us a lot. Don ·1 la Ice themjorgranted. Pleote be careful HUNTINGTON BEACM: 191 Hun~ Ctr. I (114) 898·9666 LACUNA HILLS: 2426o El Toro Rd. I (714) 951-.8454 R.JU.f.R1all: ~ W. ~Ave./ (714) 811·6101 NEWPORT Bt:ACH: 2?00 W. Ccmt Hwy. I (714) 6.31-2611 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: 31817 !Al Obitpo St./ ( 714) 493.500 SANTA ANA: 3925 S. Bristol St. /(714) 979-7SWJ ft Santa Ana FaehJon Squatt/(714) 8.'M-0711 A trttwtll thank you. .. .. . ; Orange COHl OAILV PILOT/Thuradav, 8tptembt1 23, 1882 U.S. n'abs wandering California fugitive on Island A t:ulltornla luwyer who e njoyt'd a meandt1rinai 23-monlh South Paclflc crullc whlte federM I authorlllCI 1ought him to lace drug charae. i. being held In prt.on In llt'u of ball of •2 m1ll ion The f overnment rtnally found laa Hunter on the atoll of Vanu Atu in the New Hebrides Islands, where he wa1 apotted by an alert policeman who remembered the name of his 44-foot sloop from an International police aler\, Assistant U.S. Attorney Kenneth I. Wlrfel said, In New York. Hunter was deported from Australia as an undesirable alien and was arrested when he landed at Honolulu. The "urban mountaineer" who failed in a bid to climb the 853-foot Transamerica Pyramid is free on ball, awaiting word on whethur h e'll have to face felony charges connected with his stunt. District Attorney Ario Marital discord probed The cause and effect of marital discord will be examined during a seminar at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, Oct. 1. Titled "The Fragile Edge of Intimacy," the session will (UJl from 7 to 10 p.m. in OCC's Science Lecture Hall 2 . Admission is $5 Seminar lecturer is Dr. Charles Leviton, an OCC associate professor of marriage and family life, and a licensed marriage and family counselor. For information, phone 556-5880. Singles singled Coastline Community Coll~ge will present a lecture series entitled "Seminars for Single Adults: Facing Changes" on Wednesday nights, beginning Oct. 6, at the Unitarian Universalist Church auditorium in Cost.a Mesa. Lecturer is Jim Smoke, a writer, lec- turer, counse \pr and singles consultant. He is the author of "Growing Through Divorce" and "Suddenly Single." For Information, call 963-0811, ext. 256. :~ IHI ' ·. !!.ti!:! AllCQNDll- tolAll WA19 -~ llA'l'H900M --~ '" ,.,,~, SerVICe T-Sl_,1 el Y°"' Door (Cell 8100• --Y°"' AIMI COSTA MIKA 641 -1 289 U26N9wpMllnl. MKMOH V1IJO 495..()401 2"22 c-w.. Cep1t11 ... ca-... ......., ... -., "'-'·' BURSITIS IS A BURSA INFLAMMATION A bursa 11 a small uc. filled with a alippery Duid. lt la located between two body parta that move upon one .another. They occur In RYeraJ par1a of the body and eerve the ame purpoee N a beArin•· The buna near the ll1amenta of the ahoulder joint 11 a frequent pain aiU11er. Re1t and trHtment are uaually ~ulred to ~uce .ne 11\0ammallon and enable the buru to re1atn It• 1llppery quality. You can •vw )"OW'Mlt • lot ol fututt pa1n by vUIUJ\I your Doctor. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE lTS when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without e charp. A 1J'e9t many rely qn U1 for lhel.r needs. We welcome ........ fOC' delivery llUVb and cbarp ""'°""'"" • Smtih aald In San l''ranch•·o h,.'d makt.• u 4.lt·~l11lon thla wet•k about whNh1•r to p11.> charg ogalnat Ron BroylH, who poelt'<l '3,500 bull a day after ht• waa boo ~t•d for in Vl'll t lgl1 lion n C t •' hrn y mullc:lou1 ml!l.C:hlc•f , misd11mt>anor ~1ttpusslng and reailstlng or delaying arr1•11t Act or Cary Grant and actress Dina Merrill ore among six people President Reagan says he will appoint to tl\e board of trustees of the J ohn F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Reagan so1d hl' also was appointed Allee H. Hanley, former vice president of the New York Securiues Co. Inc.; Alice S. Marriott, vice presidertf of the · Marriott Corp.; Donna Tutt l e, a California political consult.ant, and Mn. Jack Wratber, vice president of the Wrather Corp. Three Orange County. writers received awards at 11111/FICll .. , lhl' HN1clt·1"H l>IUt""t/Hun l>ll'go Su1t1• U111v1•ri.1ty m11ijUl11w urt t;lt• W11h·ri.' wol kshoµ. Ftnn 1111"'"' In tht' puultsht'tl category wwi awarded tQ. Lola Olllebaard of Laguna &•ach, Instructor ut Suddlcbuck Community Collel(l', for an urticle t.hut ll(JpcurC'd In the ,Los AngelC'll 1 lml'S. SecorW pl1H·t> in the publlsht•d cull'"ory wt•nl to Dorothy White of Costa Mesa, public affairs wnter at Santa Ana College, for on article that appeared in Orange County Dawn magazine. Ann Wells, fn>efonl'<' wnter of Laguna Niguel, received second place In the unpublished cat.cgory for an article that later was ac<:epted by the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. The General Assembly ol the United NaL1ons, opening ll• :17 th nnnuol u1HNl011 , t•lt'<.·ll'd llun1eurlan communhn lmre Roll•f ua pmildent l lollul w1.11 chost•n 1ho1 tty t1ftl'r thu 1t•111lo n woa C:llflVt'llt'J thll Wc.M'k by the outf(oln.i prt.'llltknt, l1mat T. Klttanl uf lnaq HollMI ran u noppolo('d A U S. medical engineer and u German physlch1t havt> been 1olcctcd as the flrat non-astronauts to ride a space r hutlle. Byron Lichtenberg, a scientllt at the Masaachuscus lnstitute of Technology, and Ulf Merbold of West Germany will fly with a Nutionol Aeronautics and Space Administration crew on the Spacelab I mis.slon, space officlala announ ed in Huntsville, Ala. The luunch is scheduled for Sept. :iO, 1983. Lichtenberg and Merbold were ch osen from four s pecialists in training at the Mars hall Space Flight Cen t er In Huntsville. 'l'hc· othtJr two, Wubbo Ockel1, o Out.ch 11d nU.t, iand Mkbael Lamp1to1, o telt•ntlat Cr o m the Unlvtonlly of Callfornlo at Bcrkclt•y, will work on the ground 1upp0rt c:n ·w 1md 11e:rve a11 alternuu• puyloud 11peclul11t• if u ml•mbcr of the Cllght crew hi unoble to make tlw u-lp. Thl• nt•wcst vc•rsion o( lhc• California State University's mosl widely distributed publication went to readers this fall with a CQver designed by Cal State, Long Beach senior. Bonnie Berk's drawing or a windswept tree against a sea-blue background was chosen for the CSU 1983-84 Application lnfonnatlon from among 55 designs by students on various system campuses. Berk, a s tudent In vis· ual communication design. resides in Fullerton. Organizers who put together a testimonial dinner for Labor Sec retary Ra~moad Doaovb Ny they •. c•xpect a. many .. 7&0 people wlll att~nd the •~-per-plate c•vcnt Oct 13 In· WUhln,ion. Pr-.i1ldt'nt1al advl1er Ed Meue, lnt\'raor Secretary J 1me1 Watt, N ... w Jl•rsoy Gov . Thoma a Ke an, S('n. Paul Laxalt, H ·Nev . u n d Corrnl'r Treas ury DOHOVAlf &oeretary Wiiiiam Slmoo are lu.ted a s honorary co- l'ha1rmen. Orgaruzer Steve Some said that invitations t.o the dinner e n t 1 t l e d " A T ri b..u t e to Raymond J. Donqvan." were malled three Bays after special prosecutor Leon Silverman issued his second i:eport in which he said he found "Insufficient credible evidence" to link Donovan with organized crime figures. ures " . I om • n1oder11 lri h n1u. ic THURSOAV,8EPT 23. 189t f a11 don't even k11ow who 'Danny Boy' i . CAVALCADE 82 IHI COAIT AID THI caum COMICS 86 e :a llugh Mulliga11, Page 82. ~\ ~ · Rd. a 10 waves drown out • -worries THAT SURFING SOUND: Sometimes we just don't realize how lucky we are living along this coastline. We're all close enough to get down to the sea, smell the breezes and listen to the soothing sounds of surf rumbling against the beach or pounding into spray upon the rocks. It's a peaceful sort of thing. Comes now some reports to suggest that all of this ocean tranquility has been discovered as a possible re placement for rock music and blaring stereo radiQfS. I"-'. A ccording to recent --------~!'. wire news dis patc hes, TOM MURPHINt~/ ~~~;~!0k~~u~5°~~ below San Francisco, has been recording the sounds of the ocean and p laying it all night long. That's all. Just ocean sounds. Now here's an FM radio station that really has come up with something di(ferent. ACCORDING TO THE sta tion's general manager Frank Spinetta, they tried it a couple of nights more or less as a gag and star ted getting e nthusiastic listener response. Insomniacs, thrashing about in their beds, can simply tum up the volume and drown out all the car noise on the street or neighbor hood battles with the surfing sound. Ocean sounds broadcast betwetfu 10 p.m . and 7:30 a.m. have become such a h it that KMAH has refined the art. Spinetta reported, "We"ve now made six differemt recordings of the sea's song. In one recording, we had seagulls, sea lions and foghorns. But we took out the sea lions because they sounded like pigs. "Then we took out the seagulls and got a call the next day from a listener who demanded we put them back in." Sounds of rhe sea will lull some people to sleep right away It all sounds like a grand idea for people who want to escape the blare of everyday life. ·You have to doubt that any station serving our Orange Coast would pick up on the notion of running ocean recordings all night long. FOR ONE THING, residents of Surfside or El Morro m obile home park who woke up in the middle of the night with all that ocean sound around them might figure they'd just gone awash . You have to suspect that ocean sounds wouldn't be too popular as a soother with youngsters who have'grown up along our coastline. They're used to hearing the ocean all t he time. They relax better with acid rock blaring from four separate loudspeake r systems. They do their homework to that kind of racket. I IT'S AMAZING. You wonder if their brains are going to absorb all that learning before their ears blow out. Some folks who really do live near the ocean might not find the sounds of the sea so soothing. They're used to that. They might need a radio playing something that would remind them more of real life. Maybe one of our local radio stations could come up with an all-night broadcast that would be nothing but sounds of the San Diego Freeway during rush hours. Or, for those West Newport residents who miss the good old summertime, you could record the sounds of screeching tires and falliqg glass, so they could drift off into normal slumber. FOR MASOCHJSTS, you could offer old play-by-play recordings of Ram football games. Obviously, it's tough to please everybody in the sound department. Alternatives considered, however, the ocean sounds better every night. P3rent spur March -of Jlimes By JODI CADENHEAD of"IMD ... Hotlt41ff MarUee Stockman of Newport Beach can atlll remember how frightened ahe felt when doctors aald h e r 11 -m on th-o ld son Chrlatopher had hydrocephalus. That was 10 years ago. "I had heard of It only through wome n's magazines," recalled Stockman. "And the.only thing I could think of was big heads and death." About two out of every 1,000 infants born In the United States have the disease that occurs when normal circulation and reabeorptlon of fluid produced ln the brain is blocked. If left untr ea t ed , the aocwtlulatJon of fluids can result In s w e lling o f the h ead, d eterio ratio n of t he brain, retardation and sometimes death. FollowinJl surjlery to burst the problematic cyst in the brain, Christopher has led a ne ar normal Ufe. A slight coordination problem doesrft stop him from pursuing such active sports as flag football. "I still get a knot in my stomach when I think about him possibly getting hurt," said Stockman. "But from the day he got home from the hospital our philoeophy has been t.o let him do everything he can." Having dealt so successfully with her son's illness, Stockman decided in 1974 to organize a s upport group 'for '}:>areots of hydrocephalus children. She turned to the Orange County Chapter March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation and r eceived a n e nthus iastic response. Likewise Claudia Colton, 34, of Laguna Hills became a March of Dimes volunteer after her daughter, Amy, now 6, was born one month prematurely. Although It is difficult to detennine an exact link between Amy's prematurity and current m~dical problems, she has suffered from asthma -and has Celebration of suds DeHy Piiot Photo b1 lM P•JM Christopher tockmao helps his mother Marilee preparc-March of Dimes lecture. been highly susceptible t o infections. said Colt.on. She joined a March of Dimes- s p on s ore d progr a m that m onitored the physical and mental progress of children born early. She also volunteered to visit parents whose babies were hospitalized by complications from low birth weights. "When you're told that your child is probably brain damaged at birth, you have a great deal of anxiety. It turned out Amy wasn't," she said. "But parents need moral support." In many ways the two Orange Coast mothers mirror the new image of the March of Dimes, best known for its successful fight against polio before the Tom Facon, president of the Laguna Beach Exchange Club, primes for Saturday's Oktoberfest at the Festival of Arts grounds in Laguna. German bands, German food, beer and booths will highlight the fund-raising event from 4 to 10 p.m. Admission is SI. Salk vaccine was discovered In the 1960.. "Some people atill think we're the polio foundatloTI ," said Dorothy Sutherland, executive director of the Orange County chapter of the March of Dime9. ''They don't know we work with birth defects." The March of Dimes has raiaed more than U20 million for research and education atnce 1938 for a long list of birth defects, Among them are splna blflda, cleft palate, club foot, cyatic flbroais, PKU, Tay -Sachs, h ypothyroidism, diabetes and sickle cell anemia. Throµgh the Walk-A -Thon, golf tourname nts, Mothers' March and fund-raising efforts the Orange County chapte r raised $649,000 last year. The March of Dimes, that began with a plea from entertainer, F.ddie Cant.or, t.o find a cure for polio, was the first grass roots charity organization of Its kind. Ironically, the agency that opened ita first Orange County ofCice In Cost.a Mesa in 1960 has retuntt!d to the city following 21 years in Santa Ana. The doors opened t oday at the R ea Commun ity Ce nter , 661 Hamilton St. When the rent went up in Santa Ana, officials b.egan searching for a larger office, said Sutherland, looking around at the new 5,400-square-foot office. Sutherland said that 1,700 or 7 percent of the babies born each year in Orange County suffer from some birth defect, of which 80 percent can be prevented through pre-natal care or helped lat.er with medical treatment. "You don't just want t.o save a life. you want to save a child for a good life," said Sutherland. Recently Ma rch of Dimes volunteers began going lnto grammar sch ools t o assist s tudents i n accepting handicapped classmates. (See MARCH, Page 84) • Brothers hold two campus' reins Dr. Lee aev n By SANDIE JOY O('tt.o.llJPleCIUft The Stevens brothers' aphere of influence over higher education along the Orange Coaat has doubled this fall. Dr. Lee Stevena haa been president of Golden West College in Huntington Beach five yea.rs. HI• brother, Dr. Larry P . Stevena, haa taken over the top administrative poat at Saddlebeck Community College with camputet in Million Viejo and Irvine. The Saddleback chancellor aaid, however, hia brother had "very little" to do wlth h11 declaion to 10 after th• se~.000-a-year poet. Some 30,000 ltUdenw-attend the 14-year-oJd college'• two campuees. Being chancellor at Saddleback la "a good assignment, a good addreaa aa they say in the profelllon." He added, "The faculty and ataff enjoy a national reputation for excellence ln many progrwna. It'• at) innovative creative dlltrlct. "It's al10 ln a growlna area which the large majority of communhy collelft In the United States can't NY anymore becaWlt' th•y've maxlmlted out on the number of atudentt they can aerve. "I'm told by the year 2000, another '°·000 to 100,000 people wm call this area home," the chancellor said, .. and I find \hat exdtlng." Larry Stevens, who came to Saddleback from Washington , where he was president for 1even years at Tacoma Community Colleae, also waa aur actc d because of the school's proximity t.o the beach. Stevens and hJa wife Pamela have re nted a house near the achool'a South Campus in Mia&lon Viejo, Just over the hill trom Laauna .Beach. Stevena waa choaen for the S.ddlf'beck poet from a field ot 60 candida1". H e au cceed • Dr Ro bert Lomblrdl, who had ~n chief ' ex«"Utive 1t Saddleback for more than hall its history. Lombardi left the college In May t.o become vice president ln charge o f a new division of Datascan, a Los Angeles-based computer firm. The divUJlon he's heading la based in Irvine and Involves d evel opm e nt of educational software programs for computers. At Saddle bac k College, Stevena said one of hia biggeat challenge. "Is to pre•erve the qW111lty of programs and eervlt'e9 to the biggest number of 1tuden&a we can, 1tven the fundlna reetralnta that are on ua." "I have a lo t to ltun and (See STEVENS, Pase B4) ----- •• Orang• Ooe1t DAIL v PILOT /Thurtd1v. September 23, 18H \ ,: ossipers lonely; bright folks discuss ideas ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: Anyone who haa read fiyour column regularly, u 1 have, muat be keenly •.aware of the gMtt number of lonely people In the ;:world. I wonder if thoee people have any Idea as to ·:Why they are lonely. Several years aao you wrote a umn llilting ctwacter and personality tralta that ke some people l~aa popular than others. It .-would be a great service if you ran It aaatn. I loet Cutat column when my wallet was stolen two years !:ego. Thanks. Annie . -BORIS FROM ;:BRONXVILLE · DEAR 8.: I have a woaderf•I rlpt a.rm wlao baa been widl me H years. Her u me Is Carmella De Sutl. Sile kaowa wllere everydllu 11 la Ws tofftce, lacludla1 colamaa I ct1ld1't Dad la ltt ':years. Carmle weat 1tral1bt to die rues &Dd loud ~ . Allll WIOllS tbe oae you want. Here it la -aad tbe tbanll1 10 to ber. ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: You receive many letters from people who are lonely. They wonder why. Yesterday a woman I work with complained that no one Uked her. I sat down and wrote 10 personality and character traits that bother me most. . Strangely cnouah. of tho 10 \raita, thlt woman ha.~ .,.ve-n. I hope you wlll prlot my lla ll might help tome of th06C lonely people see themselvet1 wt others tee them. (I) A compulalon to show off knowledge. (2) Exaggcratet ao much Jt la almost the 11AJne everybody. Maketi m~ wond r whaat she la uy""° ubou\ me behind my back. · (9) Saya thinp in anger then triee to amoot!J, things over with a gift. · "' (10) Always flahlng for compliment.a but never g,ive11 any. -WATERTOWN. S.D. ~ 1IS lying. •• (3) Moodlnesa. Warrn and Crlcndly one day. DEAR ANN LANDERS: A long time ago yo\4; cold as lee the next. printed a few Unes about petty people who gouip,. (4) Boeslneess. Muat run everything. ,, u compared to great people who discuu ideas. (5) Unreliable. Word la no good. Please repeat it. I have just taken a job where there (6) Chronic complainer and invet(lrate crepe._• is so much trivial garbage paaaed off a• hanger. Gloom-and-doomer. conversation, it la driving me nuta. Tiwlk you. - (7) N08y. Asks a lot of questions that are none BINGHAMTON (N.Y.) HEEBIE JEEBIE.S of her buQ1ea. • (8) Cfoaaipy. Knowa everything about DEAR JEEBIES: I tblak you are ask.leg for tapricorn gets praise '· . ' POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT tbe foUowtag -wbJcla I am glad to rerun: · BriJ.bt people talk about Ideas. : Me locre people talk about tllln11. $ Small people talk about otber people. ;; DEAR ANN LANDERS: For years my wife )las been telling me that she ts going l() get a cat t.O keep her company when I travel. Last week she did it. The only problem ts the cat is 6 feet. 2 Inches and plays the drums with a rock group. What should I :Ji'rtdaf.t September U . ,· ARIES (March 21-April 19): Results :come from inquiries fnl¥ie nearly two months ago. :Waiting period is finished; green light Clashes tor ·direct action. Lines of conununication are opened, h ravel route Is clearly defined. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emotional responses dominate; you'll have c hance to renegotiate agreement. Focus on money belonging to others, on fresh start and on •chance to gain great.er independence. Search will be inaugurated~ GEMINI (May 21-J8ne 20): Direct appeal brings results -if you avoid any display of arrogance. Be a good listener, be considerate of idiosyncrasies of one who controls funds. Maintain low profile, realize 'hat yoµr tum will come in very near future. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cloee ueoci.ate engages in soliloquy which represent.a pent-up frustration, if not fury. Key is to be understanding, .flexible and to realize that humor can IOOthe savage beast. · LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Emphasis on change, speculation, intenaified relationship and need for 'instituting rebuilding proce.. Member of opposite sex makes demands, many of which are justified. ~ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Boundary lines are drawn, terms are defined and pertinent material is identified. Streamline techniques, institute special services, obtain professional property appraisal. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focus on faini.ly relationships, domestic adjustments, purchase of art object or luxury it.em. Short trip may be necessary to complete special mission. Taurus, Scorpio and another Libra figure prominently. SCORPIO (Ott. 23-Nov. 21): You'll locate what had been lost. millina or stolen, You'll tee attuation 'in light of reality. Tom aside rme-colored ~., e 1; bE aure you leave no room for telf-decepdon. SAGmARJUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Thia la your power-play day! Lunar, numerical cycle9 point to pre.ure. challenge, responsibility and the obtaining <>f aolid results. You1l be given more 1esponsibility, bave chance for promotion and a relationah.lp will teach its zenith. . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Nagging ;doubts diaappear; you'll have backstage view, you'll :f,e rld of burden and you'll have amurances that :itffort.s are appreciated. Cycle la nearing a peak; you'll make dilcovery which verifies put YM!ws. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Some of your moat ingratiating qualities surge to forefront. .• ,,.,, By PHIL INTERLANOI of L.aounaSeach I "I warned you not to order in French." • ; I HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Powers of persuasion are heightened; you'll win your way, get your way and make others like it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): By following through on first impressions you invite success. Take initiative, heed inner voice and di.splay aenae of dln!ction. Superior Is Impressed and will make room for you in more suitable, profitable situation. Watch Cancer. ONE THING 19VE LEARNED. IN MY LIFE IS THAT YOV CAN'T 1..£ARN MUCH IN JUST ONE 1..1f:"E' GOif ii 011 BllDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable: East deals. pionship at the recent Sum· mer North American Cham- pionships. - do? -WORRIED IN' MEMPHIS ' DEAR WORRIED: You can shave It before you tell It again. Tbe laat time I beard tbat gag I kicked the .rats out of my cradle. • Can drugs be a friend in time of stress? If you>' keep your head together can they be of help? Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on , Dope," separates the fact from the fiction. Get it" • today. For each booklet ordered, send $2, plus a o1. long, self-addressed, stamped envelope_ (37 cents post.age) t.o Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 0061r. T JOUI HEALTH OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN No drinking s afe NORTH +K QJ Q K954 o A 10642 •• Looking only at Che North· Soulh-hancJs. you would want to play in a heart slam. However, it would take an unnatural line or play to make your slam. Most likely you would lose a club trick and a trump. However. Ed and Joyce Landau or Wayne. N.J .. ended up in six apadea via the above sequence, and Ed·proceeded to make it! Since East had entered the bidding at the three-level missing the ace of his auit, he had to have al least six clubs. And he had shown up-with four spades a.nd two diamonds. Therefore, he could have at most one heart.. ---dnri WEST EAST •7 •10932 Q QU o 10 0 J973 0 Q8 •Al0542 •KQJ973 SOUTH •A8U4 <:I AJ7tt O K5 . , The biddinr: Eut S..U. Weet Nerth Pua I • Pua ! O 3 . a ~ a NT 'NT Pua 5 Q P ... 8 + ..... p.., p.,. Opening lead: Ace or •, You should learn Crom your mistakes. or ao we are told. But somehow It aeel':'ls almost indecent to profit Crom them. This hand la from the Life Muter Pairs Cham· West Jed the ace of dubs ud aMl\ed to b.la ai.n11eton trump. Declarer took dum· my'• three hicb. trumps u West parted with two clubs. Dedarer came to hand with the king of dlamoncb and drew the lut trump. Dummy stuffed a diamond and Weat let go another dub. Now declarer led a diamond to the ace and ruffed a diamond, and when Eut diacarded a club on that trick, declarer had an inrerenli.al count of the hand. In that event. the hand could be made only if Eaat had started with either a singleton queen or singleton ten of hearts. Declarer cash· ed the ace of heart• and, when the ten dropped from West. he continued with a low heart. to the nine. When the fineue 1utteeded. the slam wu home for 23111 out of a possible 25 matchpoint.s. H•w •• ,.. ct.o.e tbe ~tt .,..._. l..d? Cbrlea G-.a lllM t~ dawer. Fw a cet'Y .. "Wlaalac Opelllq Leada," ae•• 11.85 to "Gena-Leed.," care of till• Mwapaper, P .0 . Bos %59, Nonr .... N.J. 076'8. Make elMeb ,.,.w. C. New• ,.,.... .. ~ .. j ·~ DEAR DR. STEI HN: 'm collf .. ed and I .. do1't tla1Dk you'll bla e. I'm preput aad my 1 doctor teUs me not to take alcolaol at all. My best ·· frle.d 'a doctor , one of tbe beat obatetrlclaas · aroa d, tella laer, "It'• all rtpt to take one or tWo ~ driaU a .. )' -bet DO more!' ! I'm Ht aa alcoHl-lover, baa It WHJd be alee ti ~ I COtlld laave wlH wltla my dluer u4 oeca1ioaal ~ cocktail at a party. Wlaat do yo. aay'! -MRS. E .• DEARMRS. E.: Want to know what the ~ National Institute on Alcohol Abuse thinb? ''The safest choice is not to drink during pregnancy.'" .. Lately. there's been much scientific and public · awareness of what's known as the fetal alcohol syndrome. • The risks of maternal drinking are serious ~ complications such as deformities for the infant .• Taking three ounces daily is con.,idered by many to f• be a high level of consumption. : I agree it's safer not to drink during pregnancy. 1.: Some findings have shown that taking as little as':· one ounce per day -or even once a week -may ~~ increase the risk of spontaneous abortion. ~I • Irish say goodbye _ to 'Danny Boy' ·!i t·. :·; ~ . . i .. EAST DURHAM, N. Y. (AP) -The most popular aonp in Ireland these days att not Irish 90r'8' at all, but the down home Nashville IOUnd of I good old country music. "Mother Machree" can't hold a candle in J.he auld 9C>d to Dolly Parton, and the greenest jukebox lyrics you beer any night in the nnerald 1al.e have nothing to do with the hilla of Killamey or the vale of ~voca, but emanate from the Johnny Caah recbrd1na of "The Green, Green Gru1 of Home," a be.t aeUer on both sides of the troubled border. Although I have observed the phenomenon myaelf in many hours of job related pub crawling in , all of Ireland'• 32 counties, my authority for thla diaturbint trend in Hibernian mua1cal taale is Al Logan, the Belfut crooner who regularly commutes to the Catskill Mountain• in New York t o reacquaint the fmmiB:rant aona and daughters of Erin and their offspring with their roots. "Country mu.a.ic la emotional and sentimental," Logan explained aa we both waited for the breakfast bell to tound in a lovely green glen of the "lriah Alps," u the northeast comer of the Catakilla Is called. HUGH MUlllGAN MULLIGAN STEW ''And the lriah are an emotional. aentimental people. They like their aongs limple and direct, tugging a bit at the heart •trino and maybe telling a story -a aad story, preferali'Jy." The atrange thing la that the lrlah both at home and at>ro.d have adoP.ted auch country favorites as "One Day at a Time.' "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree" and "By The Time I Get to Phoenix" u their own. while giving "Macuahla.'' "Danny Boy'' and ''The Roee of Trafee" the bum's rush lnto ethnic oblivion. The younger generation. the colleens ln particular, don't want to hear about "Delaney's Donkey." "Courtin' In the Kitchen" or "The Cottage With the Honeehoe O'er the Door.'' : .. They suspect there Is something degrad.in1t;·j about the women ln th1a and don't care a hoot~ whether Paddy Reilly ever gets back to~. Ballyjamesduff after all his gallivanting. : Their tastea in lriah mu.sic, when the country •. ~ western repertoire finally runs down, seem t.o . center on maudlin latter-day rebel songs like "The ·' Boys Behind the Wire" and a new wave of always ., welcome raucoua dri.nlcing .,ngs like "Would Yout' Like Your Old Lobby Washed Down." · Both in the lrlah Alps and in the Wteklow out.aide Dublin I have come acroa young IrUh. entertainers who d idn't know the worda to~ ''Galway Bay" and "Danny Boy." You'd have thought rd aaked them to play an early Haydn Opera or an obecu.re Kyrie in Gregorian chant. . Al Logan, who croons like Bing Crosby in alight Antrim accent and has been told he looks like ~ Perry Como, has kept up with the times but now and then aneaka in a John McCormack favorite OI' an immigrant aong like "The Mountains of~ Mowne" or "Phil the Fluter's Ball" out of respec:t.' for the great Irish compoeer Percy French. Vacation book plot was too weak ~ hia personal favorite. ii ''The.e Are My Mountains, ' and when he ainp it nowadays audience doesn't know whether he la lavishin lyrical love on the Catskills or the Mounta.im Mourne beck home. Logan has become a aeuonal fixture at Gavin'a' Golden Hill Hollle, one a couple of doaen authentic: • Irish-American ''houae.," u the hotela are 1tiU . called, amvtna every aprtna and leavtna ;.t after · Columbus Day for a wtnt.er round of enppmenta in whatever clube and ban 1WJ aurvive in Belfast. :• Today ii a big day ln my life. _ I finished readln1. "Warm Bodies in the ';Yukon.0 : It'• a truh~sleuy tlOWl of puaion and raw J.:0Urace eet in A1aaka wildemela that I atarted reading on a vaca . ln 1979. : 06vloualy, 1 don't retld aa fut aa I Wied to. IT WAS ONE OP THOSE book• that wu tuppoeed \0 make the whole trip. It cen.J.nly pMaed ;n the requJ.rernenta I •t for aucb a book: , 1. You can take UM~ anywhere. ~ 2. There are no worda in It over two syllables. : 8. You can eat, watch TV, work croaword ~and carry on a phone convenation while ru·~ ,l"ledtnl It. , 4. It wW not brube your chest when lt faDa on U WMn you nod off, (-• .,.,,,, Bodie. ln .,.. Yukon'' WM perfect. The ~lnwoman at the boolutore aald it waa 10 ~--that ahe couldn't even l'°P reed.inf It to .. t..19\ alone to aleoep. .__.·,.-1.wted the book on the plane. It bepn. 0 Btth p..-~·r * blanket of animal f W' wltb ' ... llMA IOMIKI AT W IT'S END CrJ&hwned eyes. She nao uwcr been with a man before but aomehow u Brad Stuart looked at her from aao11 the room of the abandoned cabin, she knew that wu about to change." 1 doted off and didn't w.ake up until the atewardesa waa tollln1 ua to prepare for our landing. I took "Warm Bodle.'' with me to the beach, to, the beauty shop and to public ptrka, but never got beyond the flnt pap. IN THE SPRING OP Hit, I got lt out aoin and vowed to fl.niah It. Somehow the torrid Tove ~between Belb.Abd Jbd dkln'.1.llt'Dl \0 doJt fot" me. Maybe it wu \he peanut butt.er that atUC!k the pages together that brought too much whole90l'neness to it. If yt>u're a reader, you don't want to admJt that a book owna you. ln the fall of '80, I put lt by my bedside and vowed \0 rad 10 J>AaeS a night, whkh I did until Christ.mu. Unfortunately, it was the ~ 10 ...... Every nl&ht rd fall aaleep over them and forpt what I had read and have to start all over again. Thia year, I took "Wann Bodiee In the Yukon'' with me on my vacation .,.in. There would be no more foollni arou9'd with lt. I would flniah J.he book! I wu within 30 pa1e1 of the end when a woman with a. floppy hat aat down in a chair next to me. ''Oh," she aal.d, ''You're' readln1 'Warm Bodiet In the Yukon'." I nodded. "I loved the endtnc.'' n aaJd, "Sotnehow I never expected Beth \0 ctve the baby away and So back to CMich tc:hool on 'Lona Island after Brad dJed.'' "I take tt you've reed the book," I aakt, elallnc the.....-. "No, )Mt uw the movte." "The Catlkilla do remind me of the Mountains of Mourne," Lopn confelled. "Green and pur-pR, 80C'Ol'dina to the mood of the clouda, and wtih a lot better weather. At leM\ it doesn't rain all the time, but I calft stand the wtnter. I'm not a mow penon." Lopn -na in clubs on both the CathoUc and Proteatant atcte. of the eo-aa.lJfd peace line until the violence and th• bomblnct left most of the n!Ptllfe • '° the tenorlata and the ftr. bripde. By then, the I people had become so polarbed no OM ventured on alien turf for a bit of retr.hment and mUllc. "A man mn:.~" to me one day in the BelfMt. al~.'' Lotan , "and laid \0 me, 'My..._. wu a ...-t fan of youn u.nUl IM found oui ytM& were a CathoUc.' I~ to Mr lt WU UM Jolinl lftY voice OI' IOmethlnl:'' 8b'°9 ~ Caiholb an no -... required to .. l fish on l'riday, it'• no lqftl•r poealbl• to deWmint who ii a '"left footer" OI' a ~el aMpper," uni-a DonnybroolJ br..a out whm the t.rld atrta. up '"nM Boys ,.hind \ht 'MN." ' 2" Jt4"" 6' 9ellle~ ouoll~~ ·~•d• 79! • A ~ purpose lumber fOf most light duty prok'cts around !hf home Of Shop surtacrd on four sldfs 114 " 1C 4' 1C 8 ' SANDED SHOP Plywood •&'!.!' SllOP us first tor ~ your plywood neeas The lanJeSt seltctlon under one roof tor your max· imum convenience 2" x 6 " CONSTRUCTION QUALITY Douglas l=lr ,,,--. . --- 10FT. •••• 14FT. S4•9 12 FT. SS~~ 16FT. S4ee er• stamped Surfaced on tour Sldfs ~~~~~ .. ·~~:-=--l--n:r. MtLCFINISH -ROUGH SAWN CEDAR oo• •orred flencln~ · 79EA~ Rt9 ,, 19 ROUCJI' ~ mtureO , .. l •.. I 6" ROUCH SAWN cedar ,.enclnll 2" x4" x s· $ t ••-~ .. RAILS 4"x4"xs·•••• POSTS .. LoncJ iastln9 n wntlitf res1Stant '°'a~ IOOk. •lldlllfl 1:1 ... P•loooor "'9. 1169.99. Al atumtnum mff'5lble Siding -OOOr. lnduOfS al 11¥11· W¥t and smen. #11161 6 FT. BRONZE RNISH PA no DOOR ltEG. $18f.tt ......................... .. 1 GAUON come111 .. -•·!' "'9 12. 99. moose from an assortment Of tate Winter -earty spring bloom· Ing plants. BIC ROUND IFT. LONC ,...,.,. co,,. &Ofl• , •.. "9. 1•.99. Creat for Dulldlng aml ftnelnO. plantef Dolts and gffttral lan05caplng. PLANT NOW FO~ SPR\NG BLOOMS . WIDE ASSOfnMENT l=all 8UlbS ~1&9! TYPE 1000 26" WIDE ,., .. ,.,,,,,.. ,..,,.,. "'9. 15 29. To119h, Shit· • terprOOf panffS that • s 9 9 come In Wfltte. 91'ttn or EAC dear 8 FT J.2 oz. H iOFT. .... 12FT. REG.16.99 REC. '7 99 .... STEER ' MAllURE •• 1 CUIJIC FOoT •Her Wlonu,,. ••! lt!I. 69<. luY now and SM. Wttd ffff THERE'S AN ... -.111aa IN YOUR NEICHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 6. GENIE ~­. I ,. . / /,,,._, -?-=-'' DELUXE SCltEWDlflVE C•r•ge ooorOp•n•r -····· Reg 1159 99 115 HP direct SUNllntt *"" Autommc light oeuy and ~etv rMrSe ICS850l880 CENTURY CUSTOM MADE s11ower ooor • ru• •nclo•ure• ChooW from a wide setfCtlOn of stl1fS. alSO av~ in many dlfftrtnt glm and mtUI COIOr'S. All ShOWef 000rS & tUb enciosures an eapertty musurta and tnstalfd bY our f~orf tK111ltmnS. 4 l'tUC ,.. . .,. ·~,,, -···· "'9. 117.99. With U amp ClrtUlt Dreaker. ontott swttch and 6 toot "°"" cord. #90P54-6 REGULAR PR\CES suBJECT lO SlOCK Ofll HAHO 20" ELECTRIC I.awn Nlower -···· SAVE s20.00 "'9 1i19 99 ffat\lffS a smtv "°"" cut. Off. Side ~. front baffle ana ~-4' ""9ht ad)OStlTlfnt #3009( l=lbergla• II II Ingles Rf9 110. 49 lldl Wirf buy asphalt s111• wtlen YoU can 9't fibfr9laSS fOf IUSt penntes difference AvallaDlf In Autumn BnMn. DfSfrt Tan, 5"'5U W!lttt. •9'!11 ADJUSTA,VA nt ••"Cece .. ooor .,,,,,,.. , •. , ltfg. 19.99. "safety Contain· mtnt" ffatllff meets al tallfor· nla Cedes. IP728C.. 12260 E 0,rvty &55 Norlh Mills 344 Orange Show 10935 E F1rest011t 12962 CMproan 2317 £ South SI 7800 (clinger Ave 22940 Vtciory 3309 S Brtstol St 10331 M.tgnolt.t 13999 S Wtsttrn 977S 8Hthnt Ro 2314 S Mountain 2114t S Wttittn (213) 4'3·6953 (71 4) 624·1693 (714) 889·9661 1213) 888·9991 (71 41750 3441 (213) 428-7561 (71 4184 7·6066 (213) 349-8850 (714) 979 8181 • (714) 687 2034 (2131 ~M833 1714) 990 0212 (71 41983 3144 1111) M7·1'U I .. f I I Fabric Fair's I talk outlined A IC!Cture on th«' lndhm &U'u and weaving. of Guotem.ala und the od~ nt Moxkan it.at.et of Oax.oco and Chlap.111 will bo on of the rcuturt-0 pr01t"nt.atlon1 at Or ng<' Coott Colleae's 12th annuul Fabric Fair. The (aJr lie scheduled 7:30 a .m. to 4 p.m. Saturd1&y, Oct. 16, In OCC't Chemistry Building. Adml•fon 11 '8, and pt.'<>plo may come and go throughout the day. Ticket.a are on sale In the OCC T icket Office, located In the college's Admlnl1tratlon Building at 2.701 Faltvlew Boad, Cotta Meta. The offlee Is open we ekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., an d Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Ticket.a will alto be available at the door. Under the theme "Fibers, Fabrics, Fashions and Furnis hings," the (air will include 101 lectures and workshops, and 4~ exhibitors. Titled "Native Arts: Oaxaca, Ch iapas, Gualemala," the Indian arts lecture will be T extile expert Gordo n Fro t presented by prir.e-wlnnlng author and lecturer, Gordon Frost. He has assembled one of the world's largest collections of Guatemalan Indian art, and spends several months each year in Mexico and Guatemala. Frost's lecture wlU be presented al 9 and 10 a.m. For Frost, a UCLA ecQnomlcs gradua~. one of liCe's biggest thrills is travettnr'l! 1n..---+-..,_--"". dusty trail and discovering some thing (hopefully, a weaving) you've never seen before." Dr. Larry Steven s is in his second week as chancellor o f Saddleback College. H e chose the job because area d emogra phics r•ure a growing sludenl T he dust y trail Is in Guate m a l a and southeast Mexico where Frost has spent the last _ 16 years traveling and amassing an extensive collection. MARCH ... i ,rom Page 81 I "Some of t he youngsters are ~ra i d o f b r aces ." said th erland. "We try to make t em see that these are things tl;.at help." ! In addition to the education programs, the March ot Dimes otgani:zes groups for parents of childre n with sp lna bifida, h!Ydrocephalus a nd Do wn ·~ 1 sjndrome. !The agency a lso s ponsors 84veral health tests for infants t)Jroughout the year. jResidents can al.so participate i11 the free "Ask Our Doctor" p rogram that offers advice on bitth defects, nutrition and the eUeciA oL S,peciiic drugs and venereal diseases. ~or more information about -~y March of Dimes program call ~~1-8700. 1 -RUFFELL'S ! UPHOLSTERY t ............... s..e body. Mind having your house made ghostly? Although the Orange County cha pter of the March of Dimes has moved into a new home in Costa Mesa, officials are looking for a house to haunt. Af te r four yea r s o f enter taining trick-or -treaters at the Orange Coun~y Fairgrounds, volunteers have had to look for a new place to fill with cemeter ies, guillotines and scary mazes. The spirits are hoping to find at least a 20,000-sq ua r e -foot bu ilding to haunt t he e n tire g hosting month of October . P roceed.s-g.o-t.o-l.he.-Mar-Ch -OL Dimes. Anyone with a building for lease can call the March of Dimes at 631-8100. The major portion of h is collection is a STEVENS • • • From Page 81 colorful a rray of Indian textiles -all hand· woven by Mayans in the southw~l portion . of Gualemala. The weavings, along with ceramics, dance masks and jewelry, arc remnants of what may be a dying culture , according to t he 39-year-old collector. understand about the California Frost's primary interest is In recording the scene but, so far, I do nol'lind 1l a culture before it vanishes. whole lot d i fC e r e nt fro m "Guatemala is changing, through radio, Washington," he said. television and Western clothes," he says. "I f~I~ there was a cause to record the culture and its S peaking informa lly in his, art." new office on the school's South Frost returns to G uate ma la a nnually to Campus, Stevens said, "Afte r scout out new pieces for hLS coUection . ~raveling seven days on the job, I don't by a four-wheel-drive vehicle, he negotiates the have many pronouncemen ts to back roads of the mountainous Guatema:an make about anything. highlands, exploring primitive villages. "I expect to spend the fi rst six When he c.Jiscovers a particula r arlicle of months assessing the Saddleback clothing or r ug that captures h is fancy, he s i tuatlon and the second six "establishes a rapport" with its creator and then month• putting into place afl bargains for it with cash . administrative orga nization to help me maJ)age the district for The weavings, which are produced both for the board." ceremonial and functional occasions, are a coUage of vivid purples. greens, turquoises, maroons, If h~ makes-any-charrgera·~-~e11ows-and Teds: Figures resembling-monkey , S addle back, Steven s said he chickens, deer and birds are seen throughout the doesn't expect to begin them tapestries, but Frost says no one knows for sure until next summer. what they symbolize. ! 1922 HAJIOI ILVO. f 05TA MESA -541·11 5 .. Irr IATl8 All ! Fall Show ~of Fashion \And Music • Exciting showing at • Huntington Center of ! the new look for Fall. F~i. 7:30 & Sat. 1 and 3 1 p.m. Presented by t fashion consultants jWanda & Ricki. Song, I dance & music revue 1 Sat. 2 p m. and Fri. 7 1 ! t t p.m Hosted by Ricki Howell. f • ! . l I I • ~ I -1: I : Jj L ' YOUIS! 1'hat'1 right! thOM tay, fcnhlonoble, aad pcwocatlve men are all available for you nowl And to cele- braM, nothl119 1... than a party will do. lt'1 on a~raph party and you're lnYfted. So come on down and join the fun, meet the modela and get your calendar aut09raphed with a kiss. It all hap- pens at I. Dalton lookMller In South Coalt Piasa on Saturday, September 25. If you can't make It you can ~ a calendar for yourMff, a friend, or 01 a Christmas Gift tool Send chedt or money ~ for $6.95 + 50c postage to "THE MEN OF UCLA, P.O. Box 2 .. 190, Westwood, CA 9002 ... flllNAWING LA· l ·IOT llCLIM·IOCIB' o.-"'9 Wil .. Hold Oct 17 To.. -Net .. '1-l• WINI Everything Must Go 40o/o to 50% Off • Jewelry • Skirts • Handbags-• Blouses • Sweaters • Pants • Blazers • Jeans • Wool Blends • Dresses (Sizes 4·20 ) • Cords • Casual & Holiday Dresses • Velvets • 2 and 3 piece Suits Now Open Sundays 12-4 DRESS AFEi\IR 848-2242 ' 19093 Beach Blvd. (at Garfield) Huntington Beach Open: STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? . According to Callfornla Bueln•H and ProfH•lone Code (Sec. 17900 to 17930) all pereon• doing buelnesS" under a flctltlou• name muet file a statement with the County Clerk and have It published' four tlme• In a newspaper serving the area In which the business I• located .. The statement 11 required by law and Is neceesary In prqtectl ng your buslneH name. Most banb require proof of filing to open commercial accounts. The DAILY PILOT provide• both flllng ar\d publlcatlon servl~s. We have all the neceeeary forms and maintain a dally service to the Orange County Courthouse. DAILY PILOT 642-4321 ~ ... • • Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 Sun 12-4 ' Singer make ste p hail Cros by po ·t $ l <JO,<H>O b o11d; lnwy cr JJro tt•st. David Crosby LOS ANCF.L.F.S (AP) Hock 1tur David C.:1011lJy wn11 r<>ll'111ed on $100,0llll bull Wod no8duy from rounty jail. whl·r~ ta.• •ponl thl• night ah cr a judgo ordl'rl•tl ham confined for 90 du y11 for d 111lurblng lhl• pt•ut·1•1 the.• shcnH'aa dc•pu.rtmc.>nt lill.lld. "A $100.000 npptoul hond wa11 posted at. Cu lvt>r City Mu11idpal Court, a nd he ls out," said s her1ff'11 Deputy Jim P lalis. The 40-year-old mc.>mber of the rock group Crosby, S tills & Na s h was tak e n in to custody Tuesday immediatt·ly after a sen te ncing h earing before Culver City Municipal Judge Frank Troost. T he judge also put Crosby on three years' probation and fi ned him $200, and us part of the probation ordered him LO undergo periodic testing for d rugs and to pay any c1v1l judgments s tc.•mming from UC/ Fine Arts the• Nuwm\.M •r, HIUO, l11t1dt•11 t ul u f 11t•11d'!f t'l11t<lonumum m ' (.'ulw r City. At o i;1•parut<.< lwurl11~ low Tlwi;duy uhNnoon, 1'1 oc1:11t .'it·t C:1 0>1 h y'11 uppt•ul bond ut $I 00,0UO C:ro~by o tiorncy l'l'lt.•r Knl•c:ht aald he wuai unobh• to fr<e ' hls du..nt u11tJI W<:d n •11duy because of the tlmo log In pulling the case Into thl• l'Omputcr ut t'Qunty jlll I. The singer originally had. been chnrged with two coun or battery on two women who filc.>d a complaint clahnJng h e h ad struck them But t he c h tirge was r e dut'ed to disturbing the peat-e, and he plt•adt'd guilty m J une. A war rant for h is arrc11t was h1suc<.I afte r he did not appear in court July 29. He was taken into custody Sept. 6 a t the Ir vine Mt>a d ows Amphitheater after a t.'Oncert with colleagues Stephen S tills and Graham Nash. Joseph F. Chow, M.D. Is pleased 10 announce lhe opening of his office for the practice of DERMATOLOGY dean named Dr. Robert Garfias, Connerly a m usic professor a t the Univer sity o f Wash ingto n , has been appointed dean of UC Irvine's School of Fine Arts. Skin diseases. skin cancer and surgery. Acne. warts. motes. cysts and allergies. Garfias is a scholar specializing in international ethnic music forms and has written on music in Korea, Burma, India, Romania, Spain, Mexico and Venezuela. He is recognized as an authority on "Gagaku," the court music of Japan, according to UCI officials. A Chicano, Garfias is fluent in Spanish and speaks Japanese, Bunnese and Romanian. He assumes duties Oct. 1. succeeding acting dean William Holmes. Clayton Garrison, founding dean of the school, returned to teaching an d research last year. Ga rfias, who grew up in San Francisco's ' Mission District, received his master's and doctoral degrees from UCLA and has been a faculty member at Washington since 1962. D1ptomate. Am. Board of Dermatology Fellow Am Academy ol Dermatology Dey or Night Care (71 4) 752-5858 3S5 Placentia Ave # I 02 Newport Beach, CA 92663 {\•~-St1l()!-s ®l!l morlb <nart ®f four New Borlb 1J1 asqions He is a member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, the NauonaJ Council for Chicano Education and sits on the folk arts panel of the National Endowment for the Arts. lry CIH•i•1 *••d lro•i•8 Laundry I 494-4044 I liot-11,1 ''"''" FDR THf Rf CORD Births HOAQ MEMONAl HOSPITAL Mr 21 Mr. and Mra. Brent Llljeatrom. lrvlna. boy M r and M ra. Jamee Bono , Huntington Beacll. boy M r and Mra Dexter Godbey, N9wpof1 Beach, girl Mr and Mra Allan Windham. Coate ~. boy Mr and Mre. Rober1 Ruuell, San Clemente. boy Mr and Mra. Wtlllam Felney, Newport 8each. girt Mr and Mra. David Hutching•. HuntJngton Beach. boy Mr and Mra. l'nl hony ~onlo!eone, Hunllngton Beacll. girl Jfllt'/ 22 Mr and Mrs Oav td Perry. Hllfllinglon Beach, girl Mr and Mrs Andrew Bowden, Santa Ana He6Qhca. boy Mr and Mra Canoa Romo, Cost• M ... ,glf1 M r and Mr1 . Robert Lant , Founlaln Valley, girl July 23 Mr and Mra. Steven Berg. Irvine, girl M r. and Mra. Donovan Perkins. ltvlne. boy Mr. and Mra Craig Barto, Coat• ~.glfl Mr and Mr• Oeondus Carothe<I, trvtne, boy • Mr. and Mrs Richard Stakol Laguna Beach, gtrt JvlJ 24 Mr. and Mrs. William Wetla, 1rv1ne. boy Jiiiy 25 Mr and Mrs. Gery Ouerawald, ~ Point, girt Mr and Mra M1cn1el Farra. Hllfllinglon Beaen. boy Mr and Mra Joel Imp, lrvlne, glrl JlllJ 2' Mr. and Mra Wiiiiam Gomez. Sant• Ana, boy Mr. and M rs. Jamel Farrier. Newport BMch, boy Mr and Mra John Prlee, Orange, glrl Jiiiy 71 Mr and Mr• Richard Brown. Hllfttinglon Beech, boy Mr and Mrs James Kelto, trvtne, f.~. and Mr1 David Prince, Huntington Beactl. boy Mr. and Mr•. Merrill Str1chan. H11ntlngton Beach, boy J11t1 • M r. and M ra. David Ovorl k, Newpor1 BMch. boy Mr and Mr1 Duane Fair. Costa M-.glr1 Mr. and M ra. Danlal Barro. ~AMc:b gld Mr. and Mra. Robert Ogle. lrvk'la. boy """2t Mr. and Mr1. MlchHI Gayar. Balboe. glr1 Mr. and Mrs. St8Yen 01v11. Colli M-.glr1 Jfllt'/IO Mr. and Mr1. JoHph Wal1ha. Coal•~. glf1 Mr. and M ra. Br11c1 Stuckey, IMne, boy Mt. and Mr1. Rober1 Mel-. IMnl glri MJ l1 Mr. end Mr1. Cornell lllftc:u. Cotta M-.boy Mr. and Mr1. Gary Hine. Co111 Mwa. glr1 . .. Mr and Mnl. MlchMI Dllnn. IMne. boy ...,.,, Mr. and Mra Howard Gad, Laguna Beedl, boy MfWt 2 Mf and Mra. Wllltam Plekel. Dane Point, glr1 Mr .. and Mr1 Gong Wong , Huntington 8Nctl, glr1 Mf. and Mra. ThoMM Sctlnlkler, Huntington 8aach, glr1 M r anl'T:'.* Lolh a r ~. PMwpott 8eacll, t,' I nd Mr• tiielcha•I Moore, IMna, boy Mr Ind M re. Gerald Nlltf , HllMlnOIOl'I leach, glr1 Mr. llld Mnl. AM Memattan. CO.II ...... boy Aug11el 4 Mr and M rs John Boyle. Huntington Beadl, boy Mr-. imd Mr• Ronald Osbrtnk , lrvlne, glr1 Mr. and Mr1 Wllllam Overton. NewpOft Be&ch. boy Mr and Mra Richard Lambert Costa Mesa. gtrl Mr. and Mra Anthon) Kutscner. Costa Mesa, boy Augllel 5 Mr and Mra Wllllam Shaler. Huntington Beach. glr1 Mr and Mrs Wiiliam Laldll\lt H11nltngton Beadl. girl Mr. and Mr1 Earle Wolfrom, Newport Beach. girl Mr. and Mtt MiehMI Welntlef~ C-~ilT.bOY Mr. and Mts Rlchatd Strack, lrvlne. girt Mr and Mra L awrance Nye Newport Beadl. gwl Mr and Mrs Clinton Hubbard, trvt .... boy Aug11et I Mr and Mrs Bruce Tammettn, San Clemente. boy Mr. and Mrs Bradley Oelschlager. Irvine, boy Mr. and Mr• Ruuall Shurllall. Santa Ana Helgh11, glrl Mr and Mra Danni• Rudolph, Costa MM&. boy Mr and Mrs Earl Lucwlck. Costa ....... glr1 Mr and Mrt James Rawson. trvtne. boy Aug11et 7 Mr end Mra Robert Lopn, Huntington Beach. girl Mr and Mrs Robert Carley, lr111ne. girl A11911et I Mr and Mra. Theodore Bernaz. !Nina. boy Mr and Mra John Tr.cy. Corona Oel Mat. boy A119111t t Mr and Mr1 Brant Browning lrviM. girt Mr. and Mrs Darrell Cardell. Coste Mesa.boy Aug11el 10 Mr and Mra Stephen Crooke, lrvtne. boy Mr and Mrs George Straight. l~ Baac:h . boy M r end Mrs Sam e Rossiter Irvine. boy Mr and Mr1 Gary Groom. Costa Mesa.boy Mr. and Mra Oennts C11tetlano. Costa Mesa, glrl Mra. and Mra. Mlchlel McKay. Coate M .... girt Mr and Mra Harvey Chin, Irvine. boy Mr and Mrs Lary Westman, Costa Mal, boy Mr end Mra Katth Rima. Cos1a Mesa. bor Aug111t 11 Mr and Mr1 Jam81 Brook•. Huntington Beach, boy Mr. and Mr1. Oanlal Rodriguez, Huntington e.actl. girl Mr. and Mr1 Thom11 Wllllam•. Huntington 8"<:h. boy M r. and Mre Waller Gerlach, Coeta M .... girt IMl lMON COfllMUNl'TY HOI PfTAL """2 Mr. and Mr1. Richard Brevo. Irvine. boy NIJ 5 Mr and Mrt Eric Spangler. Irvine. boy Jlllr • Mr and Mrl Charles L1Fllimmit lrvtna. twm ~ 7 Mr and Mra -*•Id Nelton, lrvlM, glr1 NIJ 10 Mr. and Mta Mlch .. I Gomei. lrvl,,.. boy Mr 12 Mr and M11. l(ennelh 80ltlllng, INlne. boy Mr and Mr:"td'!ard Pro1Mr, NewoOt1 e.act\, ~ Mr and Mrt't°:'JM lit Wtt U>r. HIMlllnQton e.tctl. 1 ""' Mr. and Mra Alohard Handy, Newport Beach. girl Star sEav1cEs main/a;,,;,,9 1~. S1a1uj & A mLi C1flCC1 in Your .JJo,,H> :J~al 'JOU ntuir• METICULOUS ClEANING & MAINTENANCE BACHElOR-ETE SERVICES ERRAND SERVICES Stravv Hat p1zzA e ExrRA ToPPINGS SP-CIA& ------------------·-----····-------$5.99 llY LARliE ORllilllL ~ Straw Hat p,,,,. I With Your Choice of Extra Topping• Otter gOOd Thurs. lhru Sun. only. Llmll 3 Pln aa per coupon. Not good with any other offer. Good at lollowlng locallon onty: COSTA MESA P~~:;,"e ';g;> 187 E. 17th St. -. faster service Corner of 171h & Orange 631-1992 ------·······-·------.-.-.-----~~"""""~ '4.99 ~ With Your Choice of Exlra Topping• Offer good Thur•. lhru Sun on.ly Umll 3 Plzu1 per coupon. Not good .tth WIY ot'*' offer. Good at followlng loc;atton oniv: COSTA MESA P~g:;,"e '~g;n 187 E. 17th St. ._. faster service Corner of 17th & Orange Expire• 9·26-82 831-1992 -----------·----·----········------· Offer good Thurs. thru Sun. onty. Limit 3 Plu• I* coupon. Not gOOd with any otn.r otter. GOOCI a1 lollowlng loeatlo(I only: COSTA MESA Phon. from hom. for 187 E. 17th St. .. ,.,,., MrVIC• Corner of 17th & Oran•e 1 1 Ex , .. e.ae.-ea - AU 111 111 All n1 Ill ALL Orange CoHt OAIL.V PILOT/Thurtd1y, Septemb« 23. 1912 MERVYN starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best $election! • 1n our Huntington Beach store women's sportswear NOW 93 JUNIOR CAMISOLE TOPS . . . . . . . . ......... 1.98 201 JUNIORTANKTOPS ..................... 1.98 89 JUNIOR LEVl'S9 PANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 21 LARGE SIZE PANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 83ACTIVEWEARCOORDINATES .............. 3.98 nJUNIORCOORDINATES ..........•...... 3.98 92JUNIOAPANT8 ........................... 3.98 51 LARGE SIZE PANT TOPS ................... 6.98 32CASUALJACKETS .......... , ........ 6.98 1 e LARGE SIZE SWEATERS ................... 6.98 71 MlSSES' 8ENDOVER9 PANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.98 42 JOG SUfTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.98 81 MISSES' BENDOVER9 BLOUSES .......... 11.98 53 JUNIOR SKIRT SETS ...................... 11.98 29MISSES'PANTS ........................... 15.98 152 JUNIOR JOG SHOATS . . . . . . . . . ........... 98c 83 FASHION SHORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 3.98 MMISSES'COORDtNATES ................... 4.98 33 BENDOVER9 SKIRTS .................•.... 6.98 women's dresses NOW 47MATERNfTYTOPS ... . ................. 6.98 30MATERNfTYSWIMWEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.98 20 JUNIOR DRESSES . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.98 43 JUNIOR DRESSES ....................•. 14.98 42 MISSES' DRESSES . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 14.98 lin NOW 50 TANKS TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie 31 SHORT LOUNGEWEAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.98 85 CAMISOLES, HALF SUPS ...... · · · ......... 2.98 21 CAMISOLES, HALF SUPS ...... · · · · · · · · · · · 4.98 71 BRAS .................................... 4.98 45 SHOAT LOUNGEWEAR ........ · . · ......... 4.98 23 SLEEPWEAR . . . . . . . . .• ..... · · · · ....• '. ... 5.98 53 LOUNGEWEAA ........................... 5.98 47 LOUNGEWEAA . . ...................... 6.11 women's accessories NOW 188 CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS ....... · .......... 28c 54 HAIR ACCESSORIES ....................... 48c 74 MINtATURE F1UGAEE FRAMES .............. lie 31 WOMEN'S BEL TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... lie 87TAHKL£0TAA08 ......................... 1.11 94 WOMEN'S TEE SHIRTS (ACCESS. DEPT.) .... 1.98 57WOMEN'SBASEBALLCAPS ............... 1.11 63 WOMEN'S HEADBANDS AND COMBS ....... 1.11 51 MULTl-PHOTOFAAMES ................... 2.48 93 STRIPED TEE SHIRTS (ACCESS. DEPT.) ..... 3.11 31 LEATHERCHECKBOOKWALLETS ......... 11.98 9LEATHEAHAND8AG8 ................... 12.11 infants and toddlers buys for boys NOW 49 BOY'S TANK TOPS .............. , ....... 1.98 29 BIO BOY'S SWIMWEAR .................. 1.98 59 BIO BOYS' CREW NECK SHIRTS .......... 1.98 79 BOY'S BASEBALL SHIRTS . . . . . . . ..... 1.11 92 BIG BOYS' PAJAMAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 56 BIG BOYS' PANTS . . . . . . . . . . . 5.98 49 BIO BOYS' SHIRTS ....................... 5.11 52FAMOUSMAKERFASHIONJEANS ....... 7.98 45 BIO BOYS' BASEBALL JACKETS ......... 8.98 47 FAMOUS MAKER JEANS . . . . . . . . . .. 11.98 buy.s for men NOW 27 VESTS .................................. 48c 29 BEACH SANDALS ....................... 1.98 117 S. SLY. SPORT JERSEYS ................ 1.11 57TIES .................................... 1.11 35 S. SLY. POLYESTER TEARY SHIRTS ...... 2.11 21 FAMOUSMAKERTEES .................. 2.11 158.SLV.CASUALPULLOVERSHtRTS ...... 2.11 211 PRINTTEES ........................... 3.11 55 SCREEN PAINT JERSEYS ................ 3.11 73 NYLON LT.WEIGHT JACKETS ............ 3.11 85LSLV.PLAIDSHIRTS ........... · ......... 4.98 31 S.SLV.LUXURKNfTSHIRTS ........ _ ..... 4.11 83SHORTS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 3t POL YE8TEA TEARY VELOUR SHIRTS ..... 4.11 178.SLV.OENTLEMEN'SSHIRTS ........... 4.11 83S.8LY.POCKET£DSHIRTS . ...-~. ~~~·· -· 4.11 25 S. SLY. PLAID JEAN SHIRTS .............. 4.11 33 KABUKI ROBES .................. · ....... 5.11 21 GENTLEMEN'S JEANS .................. 5.11 41 DRESS SLACKS ......................... 5.11 23 YOUNG MEN'S COLLARED SHIRTS ....... 5.11 99 MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS ............... 12.11 49 SWISS ARMY SHIRTS . . . ............... 11.98 shoes for the family NOW 20 UTI'LE GIRLS' DRESS SHOES ............ 4.11 27 GIRLS' TENNIS SHOES .................. 5.98 9 CHILDREN'S TENNIS SHOES .....•........ 5.11 20 MEN'S HIGH TOP COURT SHOES .......... 5.11 25 WOMEN'S DRESS SANDALS ............. 5.11 30 WOMEN'S MUSHAOO_. ....... _. . . . . . 5.11 7 WOMEN'S DRESS SANDALS ....... _ ....... 5.11 50 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES .......... _ ........ I .II 50 WOMEN'S SANDALS ............•....... 9.11 30WOMEN'SDRESSSHOES ............... 10.11 40 WOMEN'S DAESs SHOES ................ 13.11 20 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES ........•...... 11.11 20 MEN'S ATHLETIC SHOES ................ 24.11 10 MEN'S CASUALS ........................ 2$.11 5MEN'SATHt.ETtCSHOE8 ................. 29.11 for your home NOW 37APRONS .........................•..... 1.11 51 KITCHEN CURT AJNS ................•... 1.11 NOW 33 ACRYLIC VASES ........................ 1.11 i~~~··•--::.: .. :~::::::; ... 5 ... --f~;~~:~:7;~;.;.;.:: .. ::~ 24TODDLEAS'PANT8m':::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1:11 ~:g=~~~~~:.o:==·::::::: t.: buys for girls NOW 71 TU9E TOPI ................................ 4lc 11 llQQIRLS'TANKTOPS .................... lie 27 GIRLS' THONGS ..............•.....•..... lie 43 GIRLS' 8"°"1"8 ......... , ................. lie 2tGIALS'IHORTALL8 ..................... 1.11 17GIAL8'TEE8HIRTI .... · ................. 2.11 27 OVERALLS ......• • .............•.........• 3.11 •1 PRETl!Hsw.weAR .................... , .. 0 4'llGOR.l'PANTI ................. ~·. . 4.M 31COVIRUPI .............................. 1.11 118IO GIRLS' IWIATSHeRTI ................ 3.M 23 VINYL TAaLECLOTHI ................... 3.11 71 KING llZE SHEETS ...................... 5.91 31 ACRYUCWAITE8ASKETS .............. 7.11 11COMFOAll!M ......................... 15.11 JUST SAY "CHAAOE ITI" .· Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams Ave. at Brookhurst St. • 963-9731 .. ! I • . 0 0 4 4 I r •• Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT IThurlday, Stpttmbtf 23, 1182 I ,... ____ _ THt: t'A '91 L \' ('IR£l'H ~'Mork Bennett · chased me all over the playground, grabbed my hot, pulled my ponytail . and socked my arm . I think he likes me." ~:\R.'9:\Dl'IKE by Brad Anderson "Why would the barber be calllng me? ·It's not my day for a haircut!" Jl'DGE PARK•:R Akoss 48 Type 'f 49 Throat WEDNESDAY'S PUUlESOLVED 1'8.111e area SO Girl s name qsalad d1sb 54 P1tS1dtf 10~ 57 NZ n•hve 14 eNent 58 AnthrQPOids I tlcil 59 Alley 16 olll dance 60 Entett81ner t7 ooel eg 61 Aene 18 t man 62 Jostle ~ *Ofdl "63 won Is ktn Wt Twt•t 12 and DOWN I E•Plott 2 Chest sound ~~~~~~:+:+:of 3 Stare v l T A 11 o 4 8flglll fig/It V II U II I S 2 words • T c " s 5 Judge 24 Keats w()(k 41 Title 6 Sweooer. 25 B11wt out 43 Nenst 7 Otver 26 Pronoun 44 Rule 8 Up Preli• 27 Health foo<I 45 Steff anew 9 M1r1led 28 Roof edge 4& Decamp 10 F1u1le roells H Mo\inteln 47 Tnmmed· • t t ProdUUt haz111ds 49 Single· Prell• 2 WOfde 30 Fung• 51 - -bit 12 Biltt!j 32 S1tvll09d 52 Golf tlUb ll Goodt 34 F0td ~ GotalP If ~of 35 LOOl&e 0¥« 55 High PMk Troy'a 37 &rd M Otcllhalld •bduef~ 31 Ek~ 57 'wt day 21 AnttG_oriltt 40 Atm1 -Sutti• . . ,. ... . ~ =-. .. •IG Gt:OllG~ " • ' f I r by Virg il Partch (VIP) "Btf0'9 I dtcldt what I'll buy you thla y11r, what'• tht dlfftrenct bttwffn ch11p and frugal?" by Harold Le Doux THAT'S PJ6HT, TONY' ~E THAN THAT, I DON'T THINK 'YOU'RE SAFE ! I WANT 'YOU TO GET OUT OF HERE' 00 IN HIOtNG1 l SEE ev THE OL' WRITI NG-ON THE WALL IT'~ TIME TO ~HECK MVSELF INTO THE Fl.J NNV FARM SHOE ~,WUEPeW wu~~1tfA4~ rOJR (CWAA ~ -..11 I'LL l-41RE YOU AS OFFICE BOY---DO YOU W'ANT TO START NOW OR TOMORROW? '().) ~uLD'VE ~EN II l'Hlto:T't' '/EAR.-:., k~.' Wf:LL1 fVERVTH1~0 Cl-IAN!Or:,/ t-r'=-N.A"ft.Jli:AL! oi-Jf COULD £:\JEN 5A '11 ''r'OU SHOULD'VE- SE.EN IT WHEN THE DINOSIWRS WE.<e HJ!~~ ')-~ ... , ~ ----------\ WMENMl VOU RECEIV'i A POSTCARD FROM A L0,.6·LOST SROT~ER '(OO'ltE 5UPf05EO TO r:ALL OVEK BACKWARDS ..• ----..... , --- b Charles M. Schulz I ALWAV5m'TO 00 n4E Rl6MT TMIN6 . by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmtller THEN TOMORROW MORNING I CAN GO QN STRIKE FOR ._.IGHER PAY NO ~E L~NG FOOTBAU. ~m&! NO~D 1b c.R.q ! •·u ANO AlU>ROINU 10 M"i CA~E. C~RO, 1\1t IJOfll l fR£E l lt£.£.5€&JR,(,£.R ~ WHICH ONe ARe YOU ReFeRRING 10? I - by Kevin Fagan NCXa> t'M ~ Ci GUO I DION' 'f \/JIN 1"E. ~OME COMf'llfE:R ~ by George Lemont MY' SON , 1"'Hf: POC1"'0R , OR MY SON , "fH5 L..AWYJSR? Or•no• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurldey, 8ept•rnber 23, 1982 - Atito importers 'are driven' to more television · ads NEW YORK (AP) Tht tc1levtalon 1erwn II fuU of "We are driven" O.tauna, 11Help me Honda" Hondu and "ultimate drlvlna machine" BMW1. So where are all the U.S . automakere! lncl"ffled by 2~ pcrunt over th Nmct period In 1981. Mt'anwhlle, thv four laraicat µ.s. carmakt-n wcr •pcndfn11 . only t ~rcenl more on th Ir TV advcrU•lnfC. Unh aalea of domeaUc can plunaed almoat 33 perc nt tn Au(luat, while importa roee 1.0 percent, livina forellf\ maken a 32.7 percent ahare of the U.S . market -thelt hlahett ever. Ullf\8 reblwe \o 1Umulate Nlee. Th.at meana uatna adv~MJalni that can be plat.wt and cl\aftled quickly; ada that focu1 on particular prlc offer• rather than the quality of appeal of a partlcuta r CllJ' the kind of lnduttry Wt!' all tact!d thl• yttar, we nCC!ded to aiut thtim out v ry quickly," h ufd. T~h:vl•lon flll better with tho iCJalt ut forelan carmakl'n, who are u1ln1 their TV aad1 to lntroductt line• and tUU' proi«tlonilt 1M.'t\l.lm4'nt. the Kt>ntucky StaUJ Capitol thl1 month, •lgn1 proclaimed: "The people who g ave you Peul Harbor are now 1tvln1 you Oauuna, Toy o ta• and unemployment." "There'• be n 10 much bad will between UI and Japan on the llaue or trade that the Japanete companle1 are attemptln1 to preaeverve their lma1e •• manufacturers ot hl1h-quallty, fuel-efficient can ," aald O.vld Eisenberg, a aecurltle1 analyll who follow• the au\o lnduat.ry for Sa,nford Bemat.eln & Co. Inc. in New York. Tho \op 13 foretsn car ma a~nt Sl09 million on n twor and rcgtonal TV ad• tor th ttnt half of 1es2, compared with about $87 million for th ume period In 1981, according to the Televlelon Bureau b Adverttaln1. They've 1ot ada on televl.aJon too. But forelan carmaken are the ones with record lncreues In their TV budaeta to pre.aerve their ima1e a1 well H their market ahare, analyata aay. "W~'ve had to put more of our advertlalna Into n cwapapera bec:awe wo need a medium with a quickt>r turnaround Ume," aaid Bob Bierman, 1POkeaman for the Ford Dlvlalon ol Ford Motor Co. JapaneH carmakera, whu account for about 75 percent of the Import morket here, hive been under preaure by C.Ohgreu to limit export• to the United States where poor car sales and fac\ory layoffs mean tough Umes . Detroit'• four manufacture a pent $17~ million during • th 1am e period, up from S 7 million. . For the flnt half of the year, torel1n car TV •4vertlaln1 So while there may be a Ford In your future, u the ad1 aay, Ford would Uke to aell a few rtght now -and like other U.S. automakers It'• cuttina prtce1 and "We'd prefer produc t advertlaln1 to 'tlre aale ' -.dvertlltn.r, but when faced wlth Al a "Buy American" rally at "To han1 onto what y~ got, I thlrrk yo u've got. advertise more," aaya anal Alfred -Nelaon, wbo followa auto induatry for A.G. Becker Walk this way Wendy Graddy, 5, tugs on a rope as she tries to get Zonka r eady for his performance in a pet show. Wendy, daughter of Jerry and Rosemary Graddy of Conway, Ark., tugged and commanded until Zonka, tutu and all, f oUowed her lead. Lunch-box sales prove 'big 1JUsiness' for kids NEW YORK (AP) -It was exactly two minutes before noon at P.S. 3 in Lower Manhattan, and qukk as you can say "What's for lunch?" there they were: Strawberry Shortcake, The Fall Guy, Smurfs, Superfriends. and Pac-Man. These are among this fall's new, raised-metal faces on school lunch boxes -some current te levision favorites, a few from the movies, one from the video arcades -that are '"I thought il was cute" staring back at hungry school children across America. And if these third-grade pupils are at all typical, youngsters await the fall lunchboxes as eagerly as parents once looked forward to car models. Shana Gattens, 8, gets a new box each year, costing about $7, and on th.ii particular day w~ toting cantaloupe, saltines and Kool-Aid in h e r Strawberry Shortcake box. "I th oueht it was cute," she explained. Classmate Colin Dwyer was sitting nearby munching on a bagel and 80me peanuts from hia new Pac-Man lunch kit, wishing aloud that it contained his favorite meal -leftover Chinese food. "I really love video games," he said of his choice in lunch boxes. Two American companies compete in the achool lunch box market: Aladdin Industries of Nashville , Tenn., lµld King-Seeley Thennoa Co., of Norwich, Conn. The oom;.tition for the hearts and stomachs o 9Chookh.ildren is 80 fierce that both comp.nles refu.e to aay how much they earn from sales, how many boxes they sell, or how much they pay for the rights to put characters on those boxes. But Richard Corbin, a spokesman for Aladdin, says business has been strong for two school years, and the single biggest reason has been the appeal of the newest characters. Pac-Man leads the list of stars in the 1982 Aladdin lunch box lineup, along with Annie and Heathcliff, the cartoon cat, and The Fall Guy, a TV show about stunt men starring Lee M a jors. They join other recent favorites-lik~ The Dukes of ttr.,,.,..,,.,...,.,t-,-t--9<_.. Strawberry Shortcake and Sesame Street, and hearty perennjals like Mickey Mouse and other Walt Disney characters. Hopes are also hjgh for a kit based on "E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial" due a t Christmas. The hottest new characters in the Thermos line are Smurfs, says C. Woodrow Browne, product manager for the sc h ool kits division . Garfield the Cat, G.I. Joe and Kermit the Frog are also appearing in 1982 for th e first time, joining long- standing characters from "Star Wars," "Peanuts" and the Muppets. For whatever social historians want to make of it, all this started 30 years ago when cowboy Hopalong Cassidy became the first character to appear on a lunch box. Eight-year-old Jonathan William Van Gieson was seemingly the lone holdout among P.S. 3's lunch box enthusiasts. "1 have a Mickey Mouse box," he said, "but I hate to bring it \o school. It's too heavy." He's switched back to brown bags, for keeps. OCC air prof honored CAP plans citation for Newport woman Dolons Valencia of Newport Beach, an Oranp eo.t c.oneae profe.ar of airline flight attYloes, will be honored by the A.Ir Foree QvU Air Patrol for leadenh.lp ln ael"Olpeoe education. She will receive 1n award during the Pacific rqion aerospeot education conference ln Sen Dieso next month. For aeven yeera, Valencia haa been a ooordlnator and lnatructor for A.Ir Form-spomored loe!'09J>8Ce education programa at the c.c.ta Mea college. Clu.e. and workabope have been offered In apace fllaht, milltary aviation. dvtlian aY1a1ion, alrporta and careen ln educaUon. Going Into Bualneaa? Three years 1go, ahe received tn "Order of Merit" from the World Aerospace F.ducation Organization. A member of the OCC ataff 17 yeare, Valencia originated the college's flight eervic:e program in 1965. She alao developed Orange Coast's travel geo1raphy and aerospace workshop Pf'OIJ'8JN· She la author of two flight 1ervlce textbooka and haa written article• on transportation and education. Vale ncia waa one of 12 found- ing employees of AlrCal, and prior to that aerved u the Ullatant director of aviation for San Antonio Intemational Airport. M2"4321 hl.m DAILY PILOT Cut 33010 59!,~ •Battery/Record LED •Special "Sleep" Switch High-style recorder features Cue/Review. tape counter and variable monitor. Records off-the-air. or "live" with built-In eleciret mike. Auto-Stop, pause, battery/record LED. #14-1000 I Tandyvlslon"' One by Radio Shack 199~~ • Atuches Emty to Any Color Television • Poker/Bleck)Kk Cartridge Included • 38 Exciting Game Cartridges Available Through Most Radio Shack Stores • Amazingly RHllstlc Action Year 'round fun tor the whole family! A powerful 16- bit microprocessor produces the finest sound effects, music, color and high-level resolution. lnc~udes two controllers with pushbutton keypads and a special rotating disk, two keypad overlays; instruction book and owner's manuar. #58-1000 Bass-Reflex Speaker System MC·1401 by Realistic" 43010 Off 3995:915 . Each Each Handsome Genuine Oiied alnurVenHf Flft AM/FM Cassette Recorder Mobile CB Radio TRC-427 by Realistic SCR-3 by Realistic Save12995 190 2~9s Save •&o 79~ 139.95 One Week Only! 00 Minutes 90 ~lnutes "Home hi·fi'' to go! Two-way speaker systems. Auto-Search, LED outpuVrecord-levellbattery meter. AC/battery operation. Always drive with a "companion"! Switch tor instant aooess to Emer- gency Ch. 9. LEO indicator warns of antenna problems. #21-1534 ..ne Reg.139 Reg. ;J;Jeech~ each ~ Special-formula oxide for high out- put, wide frequency response. With hinged storage case. No limit. #44-802/603 #14-n2 Batter•" e~•·• Willl mounting 11trdw1re Low-Cost Compact Radar Detector* Road Patrol XK by M1~ronta • Save•10 6995 fe1s Spots movin9 and stationary speed radar at extended range. Warning flasher and audible signal. Only 13/~H high! #22-1605 'UM mey be uni.wtul-cll«k With autllof1t1e1 Cut 29% I 6-Band Portable Radio OX-66 by Realistic 3-26 MHz shortwave In thret band1, VHF-Air, FM and AM. Automatic AC/battery swrtchlng. #12·187 &def ... •.it• AM/FM Stereo Car Cassette By Realistic Save•&o 11995 1~~91 One.third off! Digital quartz clock shows time when you play tapes, frequency when radio is on. Standard chas- tls fits In dash of many cars, most trucks. #12·1889 Wt\h movntiog l\ardw•r• 3--Statlon Wireless Flt' Intercom Al required by l•w, new bu1ln••••• ualng • Flctlt1ou1 lueln ... N•me muat regl1ter thet n•m• wttJ' "'9 County Cterk. Call the·DAtLY PILOT liGAL DIPMT'MeNT for for'IM and further lnfonueton. Check Your Phone Boof for the .... Allll StoN or DMler Neemt You A DIVISION OF TA.NOV COAPOAATION PAIC!$ MAY VAP.V AT INDIVIDUAL STOAES ANO otAL!At ' l .• Ora1iu• Co11t DAil v PILOTIThurtdly. 8tpttmbef 23. 108 ''60 Minute !14.ooiball high , ~ut it ' • top ratings LOS ANOl!:Ll<:S (l\l') Pru footbull, tui .. c1u1on 1111nruptt•1l for the ru-.it tmw hy u ph1yl•l'lll' atrlk.t.-. lll'Ort-d hlU 111 tlll' td1•vi1mm rUUl\l(ll ran• uy WllUllllM thri•t• spota In tlw Top IO Ill tht.• Wt-t·k • cndlng s~pt . 19, uccordmg tu figures Crom tht.• AC N1l'lst•n Cu ln the nt•t works' pr1mc-11nw competition, mt'tmwh1le . ABC finished In first µluct.' for tht. . second time in three we1:ks, fi nishing ahead of CBS, which fell to a distant second plact i despite having the h1ghest-rutt.'CI , 11how of the week, "60 Minutes." ' how' cane 1 d huuttt•hold11 JX•r uvt•rogt• v1ewH\~ IHlllUll• Tht· M11ml11y n1l(hl ~lHflt' wo" lWl'OIHI o v1•rnll in tht• Nh•IM'll r11t111K• COS' rl'l(lo11ul Kaffit'li wt•1'1' third anti CBS' \'w1tf(t1nw shuw w tu; fourth. Anut wr ABC grunc hrnshcd 13th Sunday '11 1<:111 111 y Award prot(ram on A liL' f1n lsh1•cl scvl•nth. lt.H t'Omp1Hition un CBS was "Seven Bridl.'s for Seven Brothen;," a pilot movie for tht• new scri1•s of the same name. und tl-ie 1.-onu·mporary family drnmo fm1shcd an ninth plUl'l' In the ratings. 1'1tl..-iUurt\h K d," Nll<..', und "t'BS I k po r tll, l' CIB lll'H' nn• thl• 1 O hlt(ht'tlt rutl-tl jjhUWH. Arc hi left out of Gloria's show Bf;VF.1\LY llJLLS (AP) C11rroll O'Connor wws M'lllt'<I at hh• rC'autnr <.'Orner tt1hlt· 111 thc• Olngl'r Mon c:ofl-w twn llul Llndt·n pu~·d by. ' • H t• y . C a r r o I I • ' • 11 a i d tdevl•lun' Bar n <·y Mlllt'r, pointing too waist-h11<h bru~ r~1l bc-foru th<.• wblc. "b thut t.u k<.'<!p you in, Or otht•r J)(~ph• out?" "Nellh1 •r," lf'l(..vlsiun 's Arch1c Bunker n•pllro. "But l will say that ll keepi. the u utograph scekNs o\ a dl~tum.'-' wlwn they ask for my i.ignatur1·" O'Connor, who owns thc· Ginger Man with fellow actor Irishman Patrick O'Ncnl, was in a mcll(ll(y mood -for the most par t . Sull)' Struth<·n gou aolu ui. Ardlll''ll d<.tUKhtN It M'f'n\!1 lh~t lht· prudU<'N'S of "Gloru1" rn d1• no c•ffurl to M ·k O'Connor's odvlt.'t' tJn t)w Khuw Nor dad tlwy ucc t.•d<.• tu hllJ •u6("l'lSt10n that the scr1e1 be l(ip1•d <•I Metromt·dra Studio . wh f4• O 'Cwrnur hu8'!~ud Archie Bunkt•r 1n thl· ('1Jrrt•n1 M.'rit11 and the• pH•vlOWi "All m lh<' l<'amjly." ABC's opening Monday Night Football game, Pittsburgh vs Dallas, grabbed the highest rating for a season opener since the seriet began an 1970. ABC said it -iso had the highest viewlng•f ecord for the entire ·~ r i es w i t h 2 0 . 7 m i 11 i 0 n Both CBS and NJ3(: shared the ri ve least-wnt<:hed shuws for the week: "Mr. Merlin," CBS. "Moonlig h t,'' CBS. "Fathn Murphy," NBC; "Streler and the "60 Minutt'I," u ruung of 25.:l ruprl'liimtlng 21. l million homC'fl, C BS . ASC M o nday Night Footbull, Pllt.oiburi£h v11. DaJlaa. 2'1.9 or 20 'l mill.ion, ABC. c.as_ NFL Rt•glonul Footbull Guml'I, 23.5 or 19.6 rnllllon, CBS; CBS NFL f'ootboll P01tgame 2, 23.2 or 19.4 million, CBS; ''Too CIC* for Comfort." 23.0 ur 19.2 mllllon ABC, "Three'• Compnny," 22.8 or 19 million , ABC: "The 34th Televi1don Academy Awuds," 21.6 or 16 million, ABC; "Hurt to ttart," 21.3 or 17.7 mUUon, ABC; movie -"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," 19.7 or 16.4 million, CBS; "M-A-S·H, 19.0 or 16.2 million. CBS. Carroll O'Connor Wha t made h im less tha n mellow was thenandllng o( the new series "Gloria.'' in whkh "lf Wl' were ot the same 1nud10. them T 1..'ould pay un oc-caaionaI vlalt lO 'Gloria' :ind Sally l'Ould t'Omc on my show," he lj.IUd "But th ey d ccld l'd to work at Unlvunol. 1 would have been willing to move out to Universal, even tho ug h I 've been comfortable working at the same place a ll these years. But they don't set.•m inu.·r<.'blt.'CI." I HI 1RSDAY EVENING t:00888 HEWS 8 CHARLIE'S ANGELS 1J WILD. WILD WEST • S.W.A.T. • HAWAII FIVF..11 9 OV£REA8Y GIJ89«: Bobby Sh<>rt (RI Q '1!) HUMANITIE8 THAOUGH THE ARTS "Fiim Not Juat Th• Greel E~" Cll C88HEW8 3 N8CNEW8 (C)MOVIE • * • \'o "The Hanging TrM" (19591 Gary Coope<, M*'le Schell A doctor kllle • man wt1lle rescuing • girl and la .. mot. lynCl>eCI by e Of""'*«> mob U O e DICK CAVETT Guest. Walter Cronkite (A) Im) GROWING YEARS "Prena1111 C>evel09men1" Cll3NEWS CID WHO AM THE ~Tl AMO WH£Al DID THEY GET 18 ICI08? Henry Winkler hOtll thll took •• the Oe8ol1 lamlly • whO 1\8"8 opened their llOmt end IMlr he*'11 lo handicapped children. 0MOVIE *. * ·~ "8'1en'• Song' (1tT1) J-c..n. 8lly 0.. Wllllema Two IOOlbell player• Mier•. rare friend· lhlp until C*tl<*' claim• oneolthern 7:00 8 C88 NEWS D N8C NEW8 8 HAPPY OAYSAOAI~ D AaCNEWSO IJ.._TM£.aAlNT • M•A•S•H Falha< MulCahy wtltes a pre-Christmu leltet home lohilalslet • 3 JOKE.R'S WILD •• llU8IN08 REPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A llfOllte ol TV commercitl star Morris the ce1. an out,. ooor aoventure courte IOf giving 11ue1en11 conll· Oence (Q) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORAOA "Visitor From The Grave" An Amttlcen heire11 wllO wu Involved In a murder t>ecom• convinced that lhe vlcllm'a ghoel Is Melt· ~reve<IQI {Z)MOVIE **"" "U1ban Cowboy" ( 19801 John Tl8volta. Debra w~ A b~­ lar worket wllO lanc:IM hlmaell a modern-day cowboy felll In kMt wtth • girt he mMll In • Pol)lller courtll'J'·and--tern bat 'PG' 7:$0 8 2 ON THE TOWN • FMlured. a IOllP ope<e -. convention, e visit with • Dodger pllcht< Fernanao ,. Valenzuela, a IOOll et tome weekend ~away peck. : Ga FA.Mii. Y FEUD ~-· LAVEAHE & SHIRl.EY •:_a COMPANY ; !lhtrley becomes con- ; vlnoed that Ille WU edOPI· • ed. • w •A•S•H • Aa soon 1a Frank 11 In j cherg41. Hewl!eye lk~• • c:arnp, rune a blocltade 10 ! • llr>d Trapper and wet· I comes • ,_ aurgeon : •• Cl) TIC TAC DOUQH • • MACNlll /LE.HAER •.MPC>f'T •• ,AW\.TY TOWEAS J. 8Mil attempt• 10 convert Fewtty TOW9ra Into• gour-r. tnet'• peredtae, (Pan e 01 '8) ,.CID IH8IOE lliE NF\. • • Cohoels Len Oewson end f. Nldl Buonlcontl pr-• !=Nghllghu o1 the previous CWM11'1 pro IOOCbell action i and Int.,...._. wllh pl•~· ~_,,.., Romantic Vivien Le igh sta rs with Wa rre n Bea•ty in T enne ee William ' "The Roma n Spring of Mrs. Sto ne'' to night at 8 on KCOP\ Cha nne l 13. l:OO 8 ([) MAGNUM. PJ. A n-s corrHpondenl arrives In Hawaii. IUPOOS- edly to cover • routine sto- ry but actuelty In IMfeh of an lnternlllonel .......,, (R) D QtFAME Wt.Me 1 he tchOOI .om1nt1· tration Oeel• Wlth Boeto OI Education 1napector1, Le<oy trlel to ~ rid ol • gun b•oughl home from prison by hlll brotht< (RI 0 MOVIE • • • '>t "The ThomH Crown MW'i (19N) Stew M~, Fll)l9 Dunewey. An tnsU<anoe 1rw.111ga1or tells In loYil with a _.lthy crook U ®J MOVIE The Cneap Oetect1ve 0 MOVIE t • * -WllllMI For-The' P rosecution" (19 57) Tyrone Pow.r, Marlene Dietrich ·eue0 on 1ht 110- ry by ~Iha ChflllMI The Oelendanl t wile -IOl.laly harms him wnn her ltl11· mony in hll murder trial ID P.M. MAGAZINE A llfollte of TV commercial 1tar Morris t~ Cll; an out· door e<lventure cour .. for giving •tuden11 conlt· Clance ID MOVIE • • • "The Roma n Spring 01 Mrs.. Stone" P96tl Vivien Leigh. W1trtn Beal· ty A woman glv98 up an uooromlsing ICling caree< lor a .., ... &! rornanc:41S In Rome al) U.S. CHRONICLE C*'1 W1 AllorO Retire· ment?" Thlt look al CUI· rent .eupport •vatem• lor the retired elderly lnetuOel 111amples of a11ernetlvet 10 Soclel SeaH1Ty IUCh llS tnnov•tl•• mortgage errengemenu end 1ncr....O emptoymenl ltD SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Eberl end G- S111te1 l'loll an lntormellve IOOk el Wl\11'1 ,_ II the movln C MOVIE • • 'h • Adam'• wom1n·· ( 1912) e..u Brldget. Johrl Milla A wrongly lmprlt- oned aallor etternpll 10 win his , ... a .. by marrying en lnlluentlel woman ©)MOVIE * • "Agency 11118 I) flot>. "1 MllChlltn, LM Major1. The ,_ heed ol • major Amerlcen .Overtlalng nrm ..-a C11lld1en'1 brMklut dririk camp1lgn to trlNtl'lll aubllmtnel polltlcel mee- 00~ •• "Htngtr 18" (1980) o .. ren McG!tYln, Robtf'I Vaughn Reeearchera a 1 • MCl"et go"81'nmen1 ln•lti· latlon lnvHllg•t• Ille C*-of e Mletlfle'I "'6- 0tn dellNCOon 'l'O' 0 SAMY MAHllOW: IN THEAOUHO Menllow per'forma 1 telec· tlon ot hll hit•. lneludlng 'Mandy, "I Wrl1e The Songs," "Can't Smlle WllhOul You" and •·eope. cebene " Taped 11 Pin .. burgh's Cl\llc Arena UO 0 JOANIE LOVE8 CHA CHI Chach1 aoon 1eg11t1 hlS auggesllon that Joa"141 spend more tJme at the cotl9ge to help •lltv1att ,,., hOrnealekneu (R)O ID OOOCOUPLE O.C.t 114111 the d..Ollne 1111ers aller commuting l\imwtf to writing a bOOk tI) SNEAK PMVtf.W8 Roget Eben anO o- Siallel hOlt en lnlorm•tlw look 81 what'• new at the movies '1!) SEAPOW!R 9 EHTERf AINMEHT TONIGHT A IOok al the 11181t Ill l>Onlew!OeoO- ff MOVIE • • • "Foul Play" ( 1978) Goldie Hewn, Chevy Chile. A tibrat1en anllall IM .id of an 1nep1 PollC8 detective afler the becomM lnvotved In a Dlurre .., ... of murder• end kldnepplno attempt. 11:00 IJ SIMON & 81MON Riclc •nd A J ere hired by A J 1 OIO g1rllrlen0 to 1ecover some ato len entiquea (Rl 0 Q! GIMME A BREAK When the Kanlally home fa 1obbed, the Chief la une~ to hll\dle the lltu•tlon bul Nell UllM the day. (R) D MOVIE * • * "The Man WhO Loved Cal Dancing (1973) Burl Reynold•. S•r•h Miles An OUllaw fall* In love with the IOle --.Ivor of • train hla gang robbed ano must outwll his cohorts to en1u11 ,,., escepe QI MERV GRIFFIN GuHts Chrtatopher Mayer. Byron C,,.,ry, LIM Hertman, 8111 Rafler1y Oavld McCNnllck &i) IAEl.ANO: A TELEWIK>N HISJOAY ·Freedom 1924-1949" The Rec>ubllC of lrelano eatabtlahed •11• the cMI war taata lh1ough World Werll '1i) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament 0 1 Youlh" o.v ..... .o by Rolend'• OMlh, Vera devo111 alt hat -glea to nura;ng, ~ returns 10 Eno1.na del•· mlned 10 m•rry her brother'• friend Victor (P•tl 3)(Rj 0 (I) HlW8 f"PNMITIME III MOVie ·~ "The Ktensman" (1874) LM MaMll, fllchlrd Bur1on. The llhttlfl or • Southern lown 11 c9u0hl belWMl'I the Ku Kk.t• l<lan end lllolent lllCllll ltnllona when • bltck m•n la eccutedotr• 'R t.30 D TeACHlM ONl.Y 019"*'• remat'k1 on Pf .. mental ee• ere quotecl OU1 of conleKI In the *ClhOOI newspaper (RI CHANNll LISTINGS ' OI LOOK AllVI MOVIE * * 'I Could ~ HtYe So Wlltl Aft)' Men Who . • KNXT CCBS) :; N8C INBCI l(Tt.,.4 (Ind.) AM: <A8CI • KFMB IC8SI • KHJ·T'V (Ind I liti<cn CA8CI 41' KMv (Int\) •• ltCOP·lV Clnd,) ... KC:.El', IPBSI • -.OC6 4f''51 . ,. 0 On-TV Ill l ·TV 'It) H80 rc1 (CIMrNJC) fJI IWORI NY .N V lfrt IW'TBSI ' CESPHI 1•> ISnowllmel • soo111v111 e l<'.:•111• New• NtlWOfll ) wa1 ao Llltlt "90erd 'Of Ill)> Hutl>end" ( 1'131 Car• ~ Cerldl, Andrew Oun• cen. 10:00 8 (I) KNOT8 lANOINO Kwen end llllmee lpOI Gery and A~ Ill • tunefl- lltN IMtor'.\lllOI\, Ind t.eu- , • r .. ""M (o ~d <"I •a HtU. anwl'f kl.JD the l>odY of ,..,,.0'1 deoe.-1 19'1* .. ltolan, and~,..._ aome ol , ,,., fallh tn the ulmlntl tw- llG• ~\em, (R) ea•• NlWI • I REMEMef.R HAAl.EM "Tow•rd FrMdom: 1940· tlHl5" H1tltm'I polltlcl of j)fOlest •nd p()lltlcel lffd· ere, the etlec:ta of World WM II end the commurw- lfl aooial growth Into the 1900s ate tlCMllned. (R) '1!) ODYSSEY "l(ey To Th• Lind 01 Siience" Th• my1111tlou1 hlerogtypt11 on the Egyp. tlen monumen11 P'ovlde Ille key lo undet•llltdlng tilt In ancient Egyp1.(RIQ (C)MOVIE • * • ~ "Brian'• Song" ( 1971) Jemea Caan. Billy Dee Wllliema. Two lootb41lt player• lh*'• a rift lrtencl· llllp until cenc.r c:Mllma one of lht<n . COJMOVIE * *** "OrOlnwy Peo- ple" ( t980) Mwy Tyler Moore, Donald Sut""1and. A guill-fldden t"'1·8Qe< trying lo pul hi• Hie beCk 1oge1,,., • .,., Ne brother'• OU.th ltld hla own allcldlt a11emp1 reacn. ou1 lo hie comp1--.1 Ill,,., and hi• COIO, rtMrVeO mother. 'R' (S) ROMANCE: STOl.EH I.OW (Parl 2) OMOVIE • * * "ZOOI S11ll" I 19111) Denlel ValOG, Edwtrd J-Olmo.. In llMOa Lot Angeles, a C.UM C4118- brt trupll over lhe lrarn· Ing QI rnemW. Of e Chica. no street g*"O tor murder. 'R IC>-.30 II) IHOEP£HOEHT NETWORK NEWS ttJ VIDEO JUKUOX ($)MOVIE e • "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980) Brooke Sl'lletd1, Chrltlophet AlklN Two CMl•-Y Children gt-to ~on•·remot•. South Peclllc l8lend end Hperienoe the pangl Of II rat lo"8 , R' 11:00 eeawaa NfW8 8 SATURDAY NIGHT HO.I Jadt 8'Hnl G<MSll ., SantM• ""' 0 MADAME'S Pl.ACE ___.A A grelelul pettent a.votes hlmsetl to H•wll~ White Radat tells in love and Kltnger matrlel by llhorl· wave rllOIO ., 8TAEET8 cw 8AH FRANCISCO A young dttecllv• aa.tgnec:t to a murder ceM. appee11 10 h•ve !fled end c:onvtc1ed a Chicano eua- P8C1 In hi• own mind flil 8U81HE88 AUIOAT '1!) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Duncan conctuoee he le ovtr'WOfked and unoer· ~Id VtJMOVIE * • "AH The Matblea" ( IMI) Peter Falll, &w1 Young A lluttllng, Wl9.- etec:klng INNQet ~ his two femalt wrMtltrl towetd the t09. 'R' CZ.l MOVIE • e e ·~ "The Man Who Would 88 King" ( 1875) Seen Connery, MlchMI Celne Baaed on lhe llOf'I' by RU<lyatd Klpllng Two 8'111th IOIOler1 Ml out to cletm the~ end poww of • rttn0te, legendary kingdom 'PG' 11.30 II Cll QUINCY Oulnc:y Ol9coYerl lhet t 1urge on'1 ln•deq11ele lacllltles -• r-c>onslble tor the dHtha of • prlrelighter ar>d e chef. G Q!TOHIOHT Hoat. Johnn)' Carton. G11t111. David er--. Bob~er. D O MCNIWI NIOH'TUNI 0 YOU ASKED~ IT F .. tured: "ChlntM Blcy- clea Thal Climb W•llt" end "The Monlley Who Thlnkl Ht'IA Boy " 8t THE.IURMONI Oeore• 1n1roducH hit young cleril to the loyt ol CIUTIPlnO ID CAPTIONED AIO H&W8 (C)MOVll • • "\Al'• Oo " Ageln" ( 191$1 Sldneoy POl11er. 8111 Cotby A mllkmen Ind • rectory worll• engage 1n betting and hypnolltm 10 rel• lund• lot their fOdot, 'PG' 12:ooe IHTll'ITAINMIHT TOHIOHT A IOOtl II the leleet In hOtM llldto a-. • MCMI • •~ "The 011n And TM P11lpll" (1174) MltJoe Oortner, Ealelle Pattonl A lugltlW OUfll'l\MI POMt .. 11111in.en1 prtect.. G MCMI ' ·~ "Moollllt•" (1170) Aloherd roan. 1onny u. Ion A lorrMt Hui IMflt I IU~UflOu• 11M In ~loo II rlldtd by • benO Of Hid hofntlf .. TOBE TOPPERS CBS (2) 7:30 -2 On The Town. ~teve ' and Melody visit a soap opera convention and. interview Dodger pitc:her Fernando Valenzuela. KTLA (5) 8:00 -"The Thomas Crown Affair." Steve Mc.Queen matches wits with Faye Dunaway in this crime caper movie. ABC (7) 8:00 j "The Cheap Detective." Neil Simon's spoof or private eye fht·ks fills in for the sch eduled pro football game tonigh t. KTTV (11) 12:00 -"San Francisco.'' Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy head the cast or this earth-shaking movie from 1936. • MOVIE • • • 'h "San Fr•nclaco" ( 193111 Clark G,abte. Spen- cer Tracy A B.,bary Coaal gambler and hi• boytloocl P411, now• Pfltal. have dll-ltfenl ,_ IOf conc;ern over • young tlnOtt. II) LOVE. AMERICAN 8TYl.E "Love AncS-.rne FrKtureo Flbule" Robert l><Mk• his leg on hit~ "Love Md The Heevy Sel' ROM anengea e dlte l0t ,,., dllUghter Alme llJ) MOVIE • t \'o ''Partner• In Crime" (19731 l ee Grent. lou Antonio A judge and ,,., aaelttant UM three pleylng eerd• lo help ltncl .,.. arnnul.K'1 hidden loot OMOVIE • • 'h "8111 Fr1tnda" ( 19751 Richard Halch, Doug Chepin During a trip 10 Caltl0fni9, an emollon- ally d1111etMC1 young men trtee 10 oe.iaroy Ilia bell In.net's reletlonllllp wtlh Ille glrtlflen4. 'R' 12:06 (0) THE CEJUMG NEED8 PAINTING, OARUNG 12: ,. CS) MOVIE t 'A-"0..th V~" ( t982) Paul Let.tat, Peter Blfllng• ley A New Yori< yOungaler •• Mr\1 10 ArllOne 10 ~ fl I tnOffiit and alumbi.. ecr0ta e _... ol gr1aty muroera 'R' 12:30 8 3 L.An NIOHT W1TH OA VIO L.ETTEAMAN G~ta· actrna DMne comedian Oon NovellO ~Fred•. • COUPl.E8 • t.OVE. AMINCAH 8TYU "LOYe And The Unaleady 5141ady" Ernie thlnka th•t he would hit• to "*''Y Steffi "love Ano The Cfyln Cowboy" Cleyon Potll Oecidee to marry ~II Ann. 12:40 8 Cl) MCCLOUD A .,,,ell-town aherltt llOlda McCIOUd reec>onelble lot ,,,. ~ of • C.1tle rua- ller 12M Ca> MOVIE *'A "0..tt. Velley'' ( 1982) Paul leMet, Petet BilHng .. tey A New Yotk youngaler le tent lo Arllone 10 Ylllt i.1a molher end 11\imblea 8'l'Otl a ..,... Of grllly murder'a 'R' 1:00e MOVIE • • • "Wuthe ting Heighll" ( 1939) l.eurence OUvler. Merle Oberon Sued on Int llOf'I' l>y Emi- ly Bronte. A rich young woman lorMktl the 10"8 of • ..,,,.,., 10 merry a aoc:lal equal • MOY~ • "Plen 9 From Outer S~" ( 1959) 8e1e 1.ugoel, Mon• McKinnon UFO. eonllllnfnO lttenot lnllabl1· anti ll'Oll'I an lrinown plenet ln"9de &rth MOW! ••-.. "Tullpa" (t981) Oet>e Kaplan. Bernldette Pettre Wilen M llilll In 1 IOW, e tulCldel men trtea to ~ the contrect he put out on hllnMtl 1:11 C1ND1A100M 1!11> D a Nee NIWI OVIMIQtfT D NIWI (C)MOva **._. "Mid Mt•" (tHOI M.i Olt>eon. Joenne Sem- uet In 11'1 Autlrlllle ~ IM ooMoo-dl•lMt Mure, the lriendl anCI lemly of I 109 highwey pursun policemen become the targell ot nC1111lc mo1orcycte gang R OMOVIE * • • • lilt Tin Orum' ( t979) OavtO Benntll Ai\gefe Wtnklet A emall boy with unuaual POWete of perception re(ecta pohtlel. hUJ'Oan c;ompanton1111p and even aOullhOOd .. nd w•nCI· .,, abOUI ht• country Ou•· •no the 1umu11uous ye4111 01 1111 NUJ feg.lme. r .. u.uiy banging • toy drum 'R Z>MOVIE • • 111 "The Octegon · ( 1980) Chuck Norris, Lee Van Cleal A wHllhy young woman h11e1 !I rttlfeO mart•el 1rt• Chem· pton to PfOltc:I he• lrom lt<1or1111 1ra1nect by lhe mpterlOus Ninja cull R' 1:46 IS IMOVIE • *'" 'Lunch Wegon" ( 1981) Cendy Moora, Chu<k McCenn A trio ol bteuttee run IMO trouble lrom compe1ttor• White • l)fovtdlng 1Ulltnane8 10 hungry conllrUC11on work· ,,. 'R' 2:00 G» MOVIE • • • "A Wo man a Secref 1 19~91 Maureen 0 H ... e. Me!Yyn Douglu A women ahooll Ille linger .,,-, heT1t1o-to rnn • l11mou1 2'158 NEWS 2:30 Cl) MOVIE * • 'Cr880ing Ter1or 1 1~) Vic S•v*9' Shan· non O'Neil A hor111>1e, 1ndellrucllbte monsttt trom anothat planet I>'• Mnll a men-to men kind NEWS 2:35 .. INSIDE THE NFL Coho111 Len Oewton enc Ntelo. Buonleonll llf"'"' t.tghllghl.I OI lhe j)fiWlOUL weetl'I PfO IOOtball llCtlon anO 1n1enilew1 wllh pt1yer11 ar>d CO*Chefi 2:45 IJ MOVIE • t V, "OM 01 My W1Yes 11 Mllsing" 11975) Jlletl IUugman, EKHbelh Mhlty A MWlywed toe18~le'1 dlt- eppeeranee put• • tmall- town deteeuve on the CAM 3:00 (Cl MOVIE t t I.... "BlooObfOlhefl C 1978) Rlcli8td Owe Totiy LO 819ncO A young m.,, d•rM 10 bfMk 1am1ty 11.0· 1uon by working In • hoepl· tel wa1d for children 1•thlf lhan 1n the heevy cooatruc· tlOn buslneN 'R' 3:0e8 MOVIE * • ·~ "Beloved Enemy' ( 11138) OevlO NIWn, M.,le Oberon Love 11•nacend1 bitter pert)Mn 11,,.. when an lrllh patrlOt dlacovera ht tovn en Ellgll•hwOMM during lht .. rly '201 3: 15 ( 8) MOVIE * * "SWMt Sugar A young "'°"'an la tor~ to wor1I on • plantallon. deep In the )Ungle 'R' (%)MOVIE • • "Blonde Vanua" ( 1832) Matlerlt Olettlch, c.,.,, Grant When • wom. an ,,.... 10 8Uj)j)Or1 "*'"'' and ..., Chlto while ..., l'lutband la IM, hat eftorte le801o •n lillc:ll 11t11r U t (b)MOVIE • • • "looking 'or Mr Oooelber" ( t971) Olen• KMton. Tueeday Weld A aocilally reprened achoolleeoller Htka •-co"'*'t by tr~uenttno JOHN DARLING 11rigle1 bars and luring ver- IOU• men Into one-night llandl 'R' 3:48 G» MOVIE * • 111 "I Met A MurOerer" ( 1939) Jame• MHon. Pamela Kelllno W""1 I henpecl\ed '*"'"' finally yMllO• to 1ne lmpulM ol klll· Ing hla nagging Wilt. ht llnOa lllnCluery trom lhe lew with a young girt 4:000MOVIE • • "Sitting Ouc ka " ( 1980) Mlehaet emu, zach Norman. Two inept mob· lltrl llM 10 South Amt<IC* ' • an<I encounte< the women aHlgnecJ 10 kill them R 4:45 C MOVIE • • • "How I Won The War" I 1968) Michael Ct•W· 1010, John Lennon Ovrlng WO<ICI War II, 1 group ot bungling 8rfUll'I IOIOltfl 8HI 81Slgne0 10 bulld an •lhlellC helO behind eMmy ll~a In Northe<n Alrlee 10 that the edvanclng Brlllll'I forces will have a place lo play Cllektl ($) t.AFF·A·THOH A comeo1an host end lout comic cont.esJan.11 who compete egaln11 one enother are featured In this uncenaored comedy g•me show Il l MOVIE • * ·~ 'The Looney Loo- ney, Looney Bugs Bunny Mov,. I 1981) Antm•leO VoouJ by Mel 81MC. June Foray New mett<1a1 fa blended with Old 1n this comp1lat1on of c1as11c F11u Freleng "Looney Tunet" lea1u11ng Suga. Dally Ovc:k Porky Pig, Yoeemne S•m. Tweet11 p,. •no Olh· era from th• c er1oon -•• G' f 'ridatf• Da11• ''"*" .ffot•i~• 6~ 0 *. • Zool Sult" ( t991) Denlel V81dtl, Edward James Olmos In 1940• Loe Angetn, • cauM celebre erupt• over lhe tremtng or members ot e Chlceno allMl gang tor murcler 'R' 8.15 l * * "Oeeth Game' ( 19771 Sondra Lodi•. Sey-"'°"' CU$el While 1111 wile II ewey. • man ln•lttl two attractive 19"l·lg8 girts 1n10 his hOUM tor the nighl, leler discovering that Ille young ~llM ere hOmlclOtl menleCI 'R' e:ao 11' • • "Ca111e Annie And L1t11e 8r1tchea ' (1981 I Burt Leneaal.,. JOlln Sevege Two tough outlawa pick up a pair ol 1"'1-ege gins er>d tall• them elonQ on their .OvenhKes 'PG' 7:00 $) • • • '" "Brlan'a Song" ( 1971) Jll'llM Cun, 8"1y Dee Wiiiiama Tlo10 lootbell pleyera llllM'• a rere lrlendtlhlp until cetl<*' cl•lms one ol tham 1!30 0 * t "JKa Md The Beanatelk" (19781 Anlmel· ed Ari advenluroua young boy cltmt>a a glanl bean· atati. to a m.glcal kingdom governed by • greedy, ~nntcal giant. ·a• 7:41 (l.J •• ·~ "The Scarlet Etnprees" ( 1934) Marlene Dietrich, Sem Jalte A Rln· aian Gr.na Outte h*' • llOtmy r ... tlonahlP with 1111 wile. WllO QOM on to becOmt known u Cell1t- rtne the Gr .. 1. 9:00 I CJ * * "The Laa1 Gtralle" 11979) SuUll Anapech. Simon Wwd The true 110- ry ol Betty MO Joel. l tll18-Melville, wtlO tried 10 uve • hatd ol 9Hlfu t'30 CD ***"The Huck· lier•" (11147) Clerk Gable, Oeboreh Kerr Upon ace.piing a p()litlOn With an edverttstng egency. • man OllGovwt Iha\ the entire rnoci. ot oowatlon run• etOQ11reln to hi• MnM ol mor•la and v• .... D •• * ~ "HMlllend" 1111111 Alp Tom, Conchete Ferrell A renehtr end Ille hOuHkt e P•• l•c• lhe rlg<w• ot 1ron11er Ml• 1n 1810 Wyoming 'PG' 8:41 ) * * • * "The Con· torm111" (1971) Jeen·Loull Trlnlighent. Dornt11tq11e Sanda Oirecled by ht· nerdo Ben~ A llfll!O*• ophy pr~ tlr~ 10 ll\tlntaln -""" blanc. ol notmalcy emld 111e tenon of FUcill Italy 1t11937 'R' 10:0011) *"\"8randed"(18S1) Alan l•Od, Mon• Fr ... man A group of I~• utt a young man IMv lour><! In th9 woo. lo fool • weellhy rencher lnlo 1>41ffevlng he .. hi. iong..io.1 aon Cl • • •1 "Roct.thow • I 11180) Paul Mc:Certney anO Wlnga. This r«:otd of Ille band'• U,$. tour lncludN performances 01 ".i.. ," "B•n<I On The Run." "Siity i..o... Songs" and tome old S..lle ballads 'G H * * "Greased light· nlng" ( 1917) Rlcherd Pry<H. Beau Bridges Aller w orld W•r 11. a taxi driver becomM lhe ""' bl*Ck Champion In the hlllOfY ol the race-car clrc:uil 'PG' Ii )** 'Ac:1ion Of The Tlge(' (19S7) VM John· M>n. Mertine Carot AA Amtllcen adventurer'• peth etosaes that ot e glamorous temate 11:30 0 * * * "9 To 5" ( 19801 JllOI Fonda, Dolly Parlon TllrM working wom•n ret>e4 *Qelnll their eubjU· g81H>n by • male Ch•uv1nll1 l>Olll 'PG' 12:00 0 •• '" "The Devil'• 04• cipt•" I 19591 Sort lan<:aa- ter, Kiri< Douglu 8aMCI on the pley by Georg418er· nerd Shew 0unng the Amer1Can RevOIUllon, a po1111ceny lnditterent colo- rnst II c.ptured by the Brit· '"' wt\() "'811eve him 10 be • rebel le*"« C., * * * Death In V.,._ -( 1971) Olttc Bogarde, S~VWl• Mangeno OurlnQ hil atey 11 8 plu9'I V- 118n 1101111, en eo•no com- PO"' encountetl e young Adonla WllO t>ecomee hi• ldeel ol melchleee t>eeuty H) * * * "Rolletcout., .. ( 1977) 0.0.ge s.ow. Tim- othy Bollonl* A M'-ty 1n1pector de1per•tely ettempll 10 find the extor· Uonlll Who II plenllng home<nllOe eicp!oe!WI 1n 1Vner1ee'1 INdlng arnutt• ment perka 'PG' ••• "TheHunltt 11979) St-~ Eh W~ ~ "'P,apa'' T ho<aon IMda • Oang«· OUI Ille U a rnod«n-day t>ounty l'IYl\ler 'PG' ._z1 * * 'MtMn Md How· wd (1980) PllUI LeMel Juon Rot>wd• An O(hef. WIN unknown gas et.Ilion •llenclenl ct.Im• to be the rtghllu4 heir 10 H-ard HughH' bllllon dollar .. tale 'R' 12:30 CD * * '" Flight Com-mend' I till 11 Rot1er1 hy- lor, !Wth HUSMY A ~t -M h4 ~"In a rough-and-tough nave l tllght aquedron 1:30 0 • * * "The Other Sloe 0 1 The Mounltlln -P9tt II" I 1978) Merilyn H•SMU, T1mott.y Bottum• Fonner chlNTIPt(ln ...... Jiii Kln- raont, renoer.o • qutOrt- Ol90IC by a treglC ~t. wrMtlet _.th Mlf-clOUbt when • new ~ ent.,. her ftf• 1:46 ( t) * * "AH The MerblN" (1981) P .. e< F.-. Burt Young A huclling, wlM- eteclllng ~ pulhM 1119 1'iwO lemM wrtlt,.,.. tow.rd lhe top. 'R' 2:30 K) •• "Looker"(1981) Albert Finney, Jam•~ Cobufn The mytl4tloul OMtha of a Mrlee oC ~ tlful modela lnYOIYeO In • new .OVettlalng Pf0'9C1 .,, blamed on the pl••llc surgeon whO oe>er•ted on them 'PO' 3:30 . * * .... "8'leo'• Song" ( 1971) Jamel c..n. 8Jlly Ott WMleme T- loott>.il ~ lhefe a rare ln.ndllllp untM CllllC*' cle!m• -of them. 3:48 1"V. "Death Viti/le(' (1H21 Piii.ii l.eMet, Peter 8MllngaleV. A New YOfk voungatet le sent to Af'l- .rona 10 ..tell hie moti. end llUll'lbliM ~ON t aeritt Of (lrlely murdett .... 4:00 II • • • "TllM t.lmlt" ( 1951) RICl\Wd Wldmtt1(. Rlcnerd Be.Mtltrt An ofll- ctr ltoM poMlblt C()!.H'l- mMllel '**-of 9'11- Cle!ICe thet he ,..,,..... ln!Omlallon to lhe ~ whlle In a POW camp by Armstrong I Betluk ·-' --- ·' THURSDAY, 8 PT, 23, IQ82 BUSINESS C4 STOCKS CS ENTERTAINMENT C6 addleback l'ollese put 17-iame football --win Blreak on line aturday against OCC. l~3. ~ Ro.)!.al sweeP-_ -for the Angels_.... By C\JRT SEEDEN or-.~ ..... , .... The cameras and microphones zeroed_,in on Reggie Jackaon In the Angel clubhouse Wednesday night, which didn't distinguish the night from any other this seaJOn. But for the first lime this season, Jackson founct himself embroiled in a controversy of sorts when his hard slide into second base resulted in an angry tirade from Royals' second baseman Franl< White In -rh venth inning. With 51,273 looking on at aheim Stadium, not to m ntion a Southern California le vision audience, the infield littered with players from oth teams with guess who as caught in the middle? "I didn't want any trouble. 1 asn't looking for any trouble - they're (the Royals) too great of a team," Jackson said of the play. Indeed, Jackson didn't cause much trouble for the Royals during this important three- game series, but hls teammates did. Amerlcen Leegue WHt W L Pct. QB Angele 87 65 .572 Royals 84 68 .553 3 QAMHMllANNO ANCMl.t I 101 -HOME 131 Oc1 1, 2. 3, TellU. AWAY (7)t &.pi..23, 24, 25, 28, Te.-: &.pt 27. 28. 29, l(fneu C11y. "~ ... CrTY (10) -HOME 11r s.pt ar. 21. • A,...ie; s.c>t ao. Oct 1. 2. 3, Oulllnd. AWAY (3) Sep1 24, 25, 2t, Oeltlend games rematntng-for;both teems. Getting home runs from guys like DeCinces and Downing isn't new, but a relief' stint by Dave Goltz to save the victory for start.er Tom.my John was nothing short of brilliant. Goltz held the Royals hitless over the final 3 ~ Innings, retiring all 11 batters he faced to help John earn his 13th victory against 12 defeats. And just lo make it a perfect evening, the Angels set an all- tirne season attendance record. A total of 2,672,377 fans have witnessed Angel baseball al Anaheim Stadium this ye.ar, and the Angels saved some of their best ball for the last three days. Reggie J ackson slid in hard a nd long in ta king oul Kansas City's Wednesday night, Doug DeCinces powered a pair of home runs and Brian Downing rifled one over the left-field fence as the Angels scored an 8-5 victory for a thrte-game series sweep and a three-game lead in the American League West with 10 "We had a real vocal crowd tonight," offered Downing, who is rarely vocaJ about anything. "That's kind of unusual for here. It's just like playing In the (See ANGE~. P atte C2) Fr a nk W hite a t second., c reating a r huba rb and White's exit from game. 'I He hopes to -stay out of harm'.s way Jim Gordon's aim i s to avoid crashes at S atur da y's bicycle race By HOW ARD L. HANDY Of It. Delly Not 11eff When he faces a field of 100 riders at the start of Saturday's Junior Natio nal Crilerium Championship bicycle race in Costa Mesa, Jim Gordon of Huntington Beach will have one thing in mind. He will be trying to avoid any crashes that might occur in front of hlm in order to sprint for the lead and pick up points during bell laps o( the 32-mile event that gets under way at 11:40 on Placentia Street. "I really don't know how they will start the race or if they wiJI Sffd anyone to the front," Gordon says. "The big problem in starting at the back of the pack is that there will be lots of crash es and you can run into them. - "In Manhattan Beach earlier this year , I started in a field of 142 and got caught in a crash at the first tum and went down. There could be a lot of squirrels (riders that aren't used to riding in a big crowd) in this race and they could knock someone else down with them. "ON "THE first couple of laps that's what you have to watch out for.'· Gordon classifies himself as a sprinter and prefers to ride in the velodromes such as the one in Encino where he is undefeated. But the race in Costa Mesa is a different type and he will be using a road bike instead of a sprinter that has only three gears and no brakes. "I'm a sprinter and I'm not in training for a distance race," Gordon says. ''I really don't train for this type of a race. I don't ride more than 150 miles in a week." The r ace r o ute ··- race. With applied pressure, especially on the lap JUSl after a sprint, the endurance rider hopes lo drain the sprinter. In the Costa Mesa race on Saturday, the sprinters are expected to fare better lf they have sufficient fitness and endurance lo aurvtve the post·srrint crunch and accumulate points. •• hope to win a couple of sprlnta early ln the race but I don't plan on going for the first one right now:· Gordon say6. ·•If I do go for the first one, it will be because I am in a good position at the stan. • "I've ridden against most of the guys who will Dack Ho wser be rn the race before and if the endurance guys decide to push it the whole way, I won't be able lo Dan Quisen berry sprint as much as I would like to." B 1 d Gordon didn't race in Costa Mesa In 1980 or oya s 0-lv.D 11--a..~1981 burhe dtd rldC!" trernn-me tWO""prevTous years:-' He finished 10th in 1979. National Criterium Championship He has won the s l ate track sprint b championship. the l ,000-met.er time trials and the u t n 0 t 0 u t junior omni champ1onsh1p. Last year he was second in the nationals in Pennsylvania. To the riders, the sprint laps are bell laps and a ~~~;.~to start that lap and ~et them know it is with 10 to PO GORDON DOESN'T have the time for e competition on Edison school teams but says he almost made the track t.eam. "We had a race In New Jersey. though. and that blew it for me." He's a 16-year--old junior and hopes to make the U.S. cycling team in 1984 to compete in the Olympic Games. The Junjor race at 11:40 is one of three set Saturday. The Sprite women's national criterium is at 9 o'clock over 13 laps (26 miles). The Harbor Blvd. of Cars Veteran's race is at 10:15 a.m. and is for 16 laps (32 miles). By JOHN SEV ANO or .... Delly "°' ,..,, Like a hunt.er stalking a wounded prey, the Angels went out to finish the Kansas City Royals Wednesday night. And, while Gene Mauch's squad didn't deliver the final blow, it left its victim in an extremely critical state. In bicycle racing jargon, a spri.nt.er combines speed with quick acceleration and aggressive riding to produce a winning fonnula. Good strategy is to work as little as possible throughout the race, except on sprint laps. ---.:· The two-day event will conclude Sunday with the Harbor Blvd. of Cars U.S. Senior men'• national criterium championship for 25 laps (50 miles) beginning at 10:40. Prior to Sunday's fJnale, the Del The Angels' Magic Number is now 8 following their 8-5 triumph Wednesday at Anaheim Stadium. In sweeping the Royals, the Angels bettered three of KC's top pitchers -Larry Gura, Dennis Leonard and Vida Blue -who came into the series with a combined 40-25 record. On Saturday, the Junior race is over 16 laps with sprint laps on laps 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13 with double sprint laps on 9 and 16. Only the top four ride.rs gain points (5-3-2-1) and for double sprint laps (10~6-4-2). al the end of the race. and not the one who finishes in front necessarily, will be the winner. Taco 5K and lOK runs will be staged at 8 and 8:05 along with a Big Wheel race for pre-school children and other special events. This means that the rider with the most points ENDURANCE racers try to burn-off the sprinters by keeping a fast pace throughout the Placentfa Street will be blocked off in the V1clnity of F.stancia HJgh from Wilson to Adams for the event. Admission is free both days. Padres still same old spoilers, 2-1 SAN DIEGO (AP) -With 10 games left and trailing by eight, the San Diego Padres know their role in the fading days of the National League West race. "l think we can be spoilers, mess up some plans," said outfielder A L. Wiggins after his 10th inning sin.gle gave San Diego a 2-1 victory over Vle division-leading Dodgers Wednesday niaht. l>adrea' Manager Dick Williams knowa it would take a miracle. "We 're only delayin g the inevitable. They (the Dodgers) are going to win it," said Williams, who fielded a crazy-quilt lineup that was mlaalng the club's five top run • producers. "We were shorthanded, but we didn't lack for desire," aaid Williams u lhe fourth-place Padres tripped the Dodgen for the tee0nd night in a row. San Diego did it with out Terry Kennedy, Slxto Lezcano, Garry Templeton, Lula Sa.Wat, and Ruppert Jones. Four are nunlna injuries and Jonea hu been benched beau.aae of a battlne &lump. Despite the loH, the Dod1era continued to hold a three-game lead , 1 Netlonal Leegue Weit W L Pct. GB Dodgera 85 67 .559 Braves 82 70 .539 3 ~t"11MANNO DOOGUlt (10) -HOME 11)' Sept. 24, 25. 28, Sen Frencllco, Sept. 27', 29, Clnclnn11t, Sep1. 29. 30, Atllllll AWAY (3): Oct I, 2, 3, Sen Franel9co. ATLANTA (10)-HOME (31 &.p1 24, 25, 28, S1111 Diego. AWAY (7); Sept. 27, 28, 8111 Fritneltc0, Sept 29, ao. DodeeR; OCI 1, 2, 3, Sen Diego. . over second place Atlanta. Wiggins, once • bright URht in the Dodger orfanizatlon, got the game- winn er of Los Angeles relief ace Steve Howe. "l wanted a chance to redeem my- ~U." said Wigiina, who set an all- time record by eteeling 120 bales at Lodi ln 1980. "It feeb lood beattne a team you once wanted to play for," 11ld Wlaint. •lf was aurprlaed they brought Howe in," uld Wldfw. ".l couldn't. underatand why he (t..asorda) did • that. lf he had looked ·at the stat sheet. he would have seen how much better I 've done batting right-handed." Wiggins. who is hitting .333 from the right side, lined a 1-2 offering from Howe to center field lo acore Joe Pittman, who had led off with a single and moved to second on Broderick Perkins' sacrifice bunt. Defending his strategy, Luorda said , "I thought we had a better chance if he was hitting from the right side, where he doesn't bunt." Besides, added Lasorda, "How many RBla does he have?" Colleges eye Sundays Pro f ooiball T~ void may be filled MISSION, Kon. (AP) -Regular scheduling of colleee football on Sundays is a pouibiUty If the National Football Lea1ue player strike continues end there are no NFL t='• a National Collegiate Athletic latlon official said Wednesday. "We have had disculalona with all three networks -ABC, CBS and Tu.mer (Wl'BS)," aaid Tom Han1e11, uaiata.nt executive director of the NCAA. "But the eventa ol the last week had brou1ht all dilculllons to a halt, for obvioue reMON." Hansen said the NCAA could now take a better look at Sunday football, followin1 the NCAA'• recelpt Wednt?aday of a atay of an earlier decision lh•t Invalidated ita football televialon contracts wllh ABC, CBS and WTBS. . Hanten aaid before networks could receive permiulon to move 1amea from Sawrday to Sunday, the l3·member NCAA Football TelevUdon Committee would have to dllcull the propoul. u· more televised sames were requnted by the net.works, Hanten 11Jd approval from t he 22-member NCAA c.ounoil would be nece.ary . .. KANSAS CITY, meanwhile, has few numbers of late that are positive. Not only do the Royals trail the Angels now by three games, they have abo lost seven in a row. tying their longest losing streak of the season. "We just picked an inopportune time tor all this to happen," said KC's designated-hitter Hal McRae. • "We're in a lot of trouble, but they still have to win some games." or course, the biggest number facing both • teams Is 10, which just happens to OOl"reSpond lo the '• number of games each side has left. "We've g()t our backs to the wall now, .. admitted Royals Manager UfCk Rowser. "We wanted anything but a sweep . . . but they swept us. "I think we're going to have to win every ball game now or we're out of it. U we had won only one game here we would have been ln pretty good shape. A.a it is, we have to count on wlnnlng 10 In a row.'' WHILE THE ANGE~ play Texas tonight. the Royals enjoy an off day prior to their three-game eet with the A's in Oakland. The Royals then return home for three with the Angels and four more wllh the A'• before saying IOOdbye to 1982. · "They've §Ot to Tote and we've got to win, That'• about it,' aummed up third bueman ~ Brett, who went throuah a frustrating 0-12 eerie.; "I thousht tut nfaht wu important unt!J t came to the ball park tonight," added Dan Qullenberry. ·:1 f~red all we had to do wu win thfo 1arne and we d be ~lame out and ln ,.,..S ahape. 1 never \houiht • t lOllnc and~ tlarft ht-hind. "What do we ha\te? Ten aames left? I \hink U we'rn 10&n1 to win ll yte've Sot to play .900 ball Chi n!lt of th" way. Tht way I tee It l don't ~ dwy'll do 1ny WOl9 than 8-4 the reat of tM ~1· 11 we to 9-1, all that would do ii ti~ '--• U.. 11'1ftll ltute don't look P>d .. (See ROY AU, P .. e CU -. • Cl Orange Ooaat D~IL.Y PILOT/Thur1d1y, 8ept•mber H , 1982 J:lart has pneumonia; . fund establish e d PASADENA -Todd Hart, tht> ,. 19-year-old aophomore defensive bttck from Long Beach State, paralyzed from the shoulders down bccuuse of a third-quarter "injury ln the, 49ers' game agalnst UCLA Sept. 11, remains In serious condition despite presently fighting a bout with pneumonia at Huntington Memorial Hospital. "The crisis 1s over," says spokesperson Donna Swift, "but it's still a day-to-day situation." . Ahhough Hart Is In a sitting position, ' attempts are being made to plocoe him in a "stroke chair" to make it more comfortable. ' The prognosis remains vague with no • change in sensations and no movement below the shoulders. As for the pneumonia, it was an-ticipa\ed . because of the surgery and cireumstan~. and is being routinely handled · The San Juan Capistrano athlete, an All- Orange County football player for Servite High ' School, is expected to be relocated at a r. rehabilitation hospital in the next two to three ' weeks with Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colo., S harp Memorial in San Diego or St. Jude in Fullerton atop the list of potential sites. Meanwhile, the Todd Hart Championshjp, a fund to aid the young football player has been "set up by friends of the family and boosters of the Long Beach State football program. ' The fund will be used to hel p defray ~----...... --------------------....---~ Brewer• expand lead on Idle Orlole• Mike 1ldwtll lhrt w 1 luu1 II hlll.r fur hi• cw nth run1ttutlvt· vktory and 8t1 01llvle clrovt• In twu ruru with a hom r and a doubl<t to ll!Ad Mllwaukce lO a 3-1 vJctory over Bottm1 Wt'dnt'llll(Jaay nlMht 'l'tw Bn•wcra' tWvcmth victory In tht'ir lu•t l•lght ainmc1 lncrt-Ht!d thl•lr Atnt•rlcun l.A-&igut• f.(ljjt ll·ad tO 2 t,.., 11umt uvl·r ltJ('Unct-IQ('f" Rall lmurt•, which wu rained out of ti.Ii ganw with 0..-trolt ... Bruce Boclue collect(.'(! three hha and Todd Cna belted a two-run homor to lead Seattle put Chlc•ao. 8-4 ..•. Right-hander Rick Sutcliffe and reliever Ed Glynn comblnt'd on a two-hitter and Mike Har1rove acored three times Md had three hit.a as Clevelund blank ed New CALDftLL York, 5-0, In a game caJled after seven Inning• because of rain Right-hander Steve Ba ker pQsted his first major-league victory In more than three years, blanking Texas on five hlta until the eighth, ln Oak.Jand's 5-3 triumph over the Rangers . . . Dapiaso Garcia, the fourth Toronto batter to walk in the 10th Inning, forces! home Lloyd Moseby to give the Blue Jays a 3-2 victory over Minnesota. Astros beat Atlanta sixth straight time Pbll Garner'• run-1COring single Ii in the eighth innlng lifted Houston to a comeback 3-2 vict.Qry over Atlanta, sending the reeling Braves to their third straight defeat and further damaging their playoCC hopes. The Braves, who have lost six straight games to Houston the past 10 days, took a 2-1 lead into the seventh before the Astros rallied . . . Tommy Herr singled home Tito , expenses of Hart's hospital anq _~i.c~~· ~--t Donations may be mailed to the Todd Hart Championship, P.O. Box 241, Santa Ana, 92702. Landrum from second base w ith one out In the eighth Inning to give St. Louis a 2-1 win over Pittsburgh. The win boosted the CardiJ'lals' lead in the NL East to 5'h games and reduced their magic number to ·six Renie Mar tin, ~-H'tnilfla two-hitter or seven innings and Miit May and __ __, Jobnnle LeMaster provided .· Quote of the day · "We have. territorial rights to Red Grange. He's 81 y~ars old and Jiving in Boca Raton, Fla. %'ll use him on· third- and-one situations." -George AJleo, coach of the Chkago Bliu of the United States Football League on the USFL's rule about territorial rights in signing players. USC-Oklahoma TV package off? • The NCAA regained control of liege-foot.ball telecast.a-Wednesday_ when a three-judge panel in Denver Ell] granted a stay of a lower-<X>u~ ruling , that overturned its television agreements, which jeopardizes a deal that would allow Channel 11 to televise Saturday's USC-Oklahoma game live. This ruling is also now under appeal by the inde ndent station. At least 45 television stations are affected . . . ~ National Football L e a g u e , ~b u o y e d b y ~urances it would receive at least $30 million in television money even if no games are played the next two weeks, called off tonight's Atlanta- Kansas City game in Kansas City because of the players' NEWtom strike. Even if games for the next two weeks are wiped out, the NFi:;-will reportedly receive the money it nonnally would have gotten from the three networks which televise games . . . Cleveland Browns• tight end On ie Newsome says he'll switch to the fledgling United States Football League U the Browns try to field a team of free agents during the strike. Newsome contended that such action would constitute a lockout of the players and he said that if that happened, "I'd be gone back home to Binning ham and the USFL." . . . The striking San Francisco 49ers' players held an informal practice session at a nearby junior colle~e a fter running into another striking union s picket line by some campus workers at Stanford University. °",._,. run-scoring singles to give San ·Francisco a 2-0 win at Cincinnati . . . Chris Speier drove in a team-record eight runs with a bases-loaded triple, a three-run homer and a single as Montreal dumped Philadelphia, 11-4 . . . Ron Gardenblre collected three hits and drove in a run while Scott Holman earn~ his first major-league victory as New York defeated Chicago, 5-2. I Lakers extend Alley's contract P at Riiey , who replaced P aul Westbead as head coach early last season and guided the Lafters to the NBA title, has signed a multi-year • contracrcb coa~h the team, 1t was cmnonnN>t'l--1 Wednesday. The club did not disclose contract terms although reports have indicated it will be for two years ... The Detroit Pistons acquired center Tom Owens Crom Indian&; in exc-hange for a 1984 second-round draft pick, the club announced . . Detroit Tigers' outfielder Glean Wilson remained hos pi ta lized Wednesday after collapsing before Tuesday night's game at Baltimore, and doctors said he was suffering from acute muscle strain of the lower back . . . Allen.dance at llllUY major-league baseball games this year is running at a reoord pace and already ts the ThtTd laTgt?st~as~n count ever, Commissioner Bowle Kubn'1 office said Wednesday. Through games of Tuesday, attendance at major-league parks was 41,626,971, an average of 22,083 per game and the all-time attendance mark of 43,550,398 was set In 1979 . . . Mille Sullivan, a winner in Columbus in 1980 and a loser In a playoff there last year, heads the field this weekend for the Southern Open golf tournament. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball -Angels at Texas, 5 p.m., K.MPC (710\ • BIGGEST LITTLE .CHILI COOK-OFF IN THE WORLD Admission $3 . ANGEL W EP IT • • • From Page C1 MhJw~t In Chlcugo " Spt> klna of thl• Mldwc'llt~ thl' An11«ll hovt• •omc• unflnhllwd bualm._ to ullend to m•xt w k u thll'C f4llml' rt•mut<•h with thti ttoy4.ll» In K.1u\IM.UI City whl<:h tht.' pluyN'll IMtY won't oo tuk(m Ushtly. "We don't want Karuiaa City to get any clC*!r to ua. WC?'re not aolnai to let down (It ull,1' tho 10h--1pokt-n Oownlna staled alter the game. OeCI~ picked up four RBI on the night with his two homcn ancla eacrllke fly. His 28 homen thil season ties nls career high, and his doubl dc>K' Wednt.'lday night marked the fifth time thls 1eason he has hit two or more homen in a game. "We knew we were due to explode. We were talking about it before the game," Deelnces said. The Angel third baseman and his teammates had come up against two tough starters m Larry Gura and Dennis Leonard in the first two games of the series . "The c rowd was very inspirational tonight," DeCinces added. "I just wish they'd cut it out with those beach balb. It's very distracting." There were plenty of beach ball,s -and fights -In the stands Wednellday night, not to mention the little brouhaha between Jack.sOn and White. At that st.age, the Angels were holding on to a precarious 6-5 lead. Bobby Grich opened the seventh with a sin gle and J ackson followed by forcing _Grlcb...aL..Mc«>nd J uan &miquez followed and hit a ball deep In the hole at stiort . U .L . . Washington flagged 1t down and threw to White at second. Jackson came in hard, knocking the Royals' second baseman to his knees. The two exchangt.'CI o tew wordt, but then Royalll' Clrtt baseman Crea Pryor ra'ced ovtr to Jack11011 to complain. That brought everyone on the field, including players from both bullpena. Informed that Royals' Manager Dick Howser called the play a cheap shot, Jackeon countered: "I don't agree with him. l don't take cheap shots. The ball was hit In the hole and 1 was running hard," "Jackson slides hard. He only knows one way to slide." a~ded Angel Manager Gene Mauch. John, meanwhile, with a 12-4 lifetime record against the Royals, was shaky nght from the outset. He allowed a first-inning home run to Washington and another by Amos Otis with George Brett aboard in the third inning. The Angels took a 2-1 lead in the first when DeCinces homC'rt>d with Rod Carew aboard and then made it 5-1 in the second on RBI singles by Downing and Don Baylor and Carew's RBI triple. Angel rookie Rick Adams collected JUs first major league hit in the fourth inning and it lJlayed a part in the Angels' sixth run. Carew followed the rookie's hit with a single of his own, sending Adams to third . DeCinces then followed with a pass1ble third homer of the mght. .. Uc ICIUkd for o IUC.Tlf~ fly Tht Jlnyal• lin11ly banl1h1-d John tu th(• c:lubhouae ln tht> 1lxth on ai1na1<•1 by Olli, Hal Mc Ruc., J ohn W11thuu und a ground out by pinch-hlttt•r Si,•ve Ilumrnond It w1u Gohz who retired Hammond ond tht-n >Ct 10 Royal• he faced. "All through the aerie• we werti excited bu t wa stayed within our8elve1 and kept It loge\hcr," Gollz Ibid. "Thiat'• what you're going to llC<' from this dub all th<.> way throuah. · "I was relaxed tonigh t . My fastball was moving and dolni what I wanted and I was puutoa It ju1t where I wanted,' Goltz added. Speaking of relaxing, the Anaels will have liule llme for it. They boarded a plane early this morning, rolled in to Texaa around S and were set to open a four-game series with the Rangers tonlRhl. * ANGIL NOTH: Cefl1er.fleli0« ,red I.,_ .,,Mdy amemng from cr11eked ,,.,., lnjur;d hit enkle TuHdey nlgh1 whlle miking 1 acec1ecu1er cetch 11 tile fence on 1 lounf>- • Inning drive by A-Oti.. Lynn -not e ate11e1 We<lnHdey night . TIM Angela hive ennoullCed thll Ill thf" g-from K•n•H <Aly MJ1t week wot be teleYIMd 11119 by KTLA. Chennet 5 The lml)O(lllllt --beOIM Mond1y night, end g1me time 11 5:35 (ffST) Heh n~hl . . A little more lh•n 1 2 mlllion televl1ton vi-• tuned In 10 Mond•y nlgh1'1 OjMIMr with Ille Roylll, whk:h Wll telev1Md llve by KTLA But the Angel• end Roy1J1 pl1yed aecond llddle to the Oodge11 end Pldr .. wtlo d1ew ebou1 I.& million viewers lor lhllr geme from Sen Olego which WU 1elevlHd by KTTV TuHdly . . Angel Meneg« Gene Maud! 11111e-ll'\Nfted veteren l tne "91*o Into tne at1r1lng 10111100 for the lou•-o.,,,. --In T•KU. Renko ( 11·6· will pilcll T11u11d1y night 1g11n1I Mille MHon ( 1-1) ti•'• repeecing llllh Witt Renko"• lasl lllrt WH becll on Aug. 29 In Boston . The w~un, which Royel1 r1lleve1 Oen Q rr ellOwed Tue.deylnlght waa the f111t by the former Orenge Cout College ttenOOUt In 1111 i..t 11 outing• spenning 11 lnolnQ• OulSetlbetry owns live car-uves ovet the Angels Tt1Y11 q11e111on, whO was 11141 lut 1wtteh-l'lllting Most Valuable PCeyer In l!M Ametlean Leegue? ~ Thi Rovlb Vida Blue beclt In 197 t ROYALS DOWN AFTER SWEEP . • • From Page C1 Maybe not. But Reggie Jackson who, like Brett, went hitless in the series, but unlike Brett, didn't go unnoticed, may have sparked a flame under the Royals. The collective opinion of the Kansas City squad was that Jackson had given teammate Frank White a c 'leD'J> shot-during-a-foree-pJay-1tt-seconi an the seventh inning. After an inning-opening walk to Jackson, Juan Beniquez followed with a ground ball into the hole at short. Shortstop U .L. Washington. who made a good play just to reach the ball, whirled and fired to second, hoping to force Jack.son. IT WAS APPARENT Crom the out.set that the Royals had no chance for a double play . .Jackson, however, went in hard, fl,ying over the base and into White's legs. Both benches emptied immediately, but cooler heads prevailed and no fists were thrown. White fimshed the inrung but in the top of the eighth, couldn't take his regular tum at the plate as he complained of soreness in his right foot., Jackson pleaded innocent to all charges af~r _ -the contest had ended, but the Royals weren't as kind. "It was a cheap shot and I'm surprised he did 'it," said Howser. "l"ve never seen Reggie do anything quite like that before. If it had been a double play, that would have been one thing. But all it was was a force out. "I'm sure he was frustrated because he hadn't been hitting in the series, but I thought he had more poise than that." Brett had a terse "no comment" regarding Jackson's actions, while White himself was brief. but to the point: "It wasn't a very professional thing to do. Other than that, I have no comment." SO, WHILE the Royals may be wounded, they're still snapping and biting. Like Quisenberry, who said: "I know Mauch will kin me for this, but rm still hoping things will happen like they did for the Phillies in 1964 (whC'n they blew a huge lead in the final weeks), or like the Yankees in '78 (when they overca..!!!~ tl~d.iciLt.o cdg,-C-Bos--lo--..._ ____ __. "lt looks bad for us. but there's still hope there. StilJ. it's going i.o take• one of those miracle rallies." College UCLA 2 over x-M1ch1gan x-Oklahoma 2 over USC x-W4Shington 24 over Oregon Nebraska 4 1n over x-Penn St.ate ------t---l Pittsburgh 611 over x-lllinoas x-Alabama 29 over Vanderbilt x-Florida 5 over MlSS1ss1ppi State x-Southern Method 1st 23 1~ over TCU Georgia 9 11'1 over x-South Carolina x-Arkansas 14 over Mississippi x-Notre Dame 14 'h over Purdue x-North Carolina 25 'h over Army x-Ohio State 6 over Stanford Ar1wna State 6 over x-Califorrua x-West Virginia vs. Richmond, no odds x-M1ami, Fla. 7 over Michigan State x-Texas 6 over M1SSOuri x-Denotes home team. (From Harrah's Sports Book, Ren~) College football I ATUN>Ar BQAMll .... Utlh St 11 Cel Stllte Full«ton Arlion• St 91 Cll Sen JON St. et °'egc>r'I St Bo1M St. et Peclllc. n Nevlld•L .. Vegu el Sen Diego St .. n Oregon It Withington Tu ... EJ PllO II Hewall. n Cel POiy Pomon1 It UC Dlvte, n Ce! Stete Nortl'lfldOe It S111te Cl111, n Sin Francteco St. II Whlltlef tloclllM lowe II Atl%on. Air Faroe 11 IYU Wyoming et Cototlldo New ._..lllco St 11 Colored<> St Porlllfld St. II ldeflo. n w .. 1ern CeroHn1 ll Ci.mean vrrgfnl• at Dulre MlulMippi SI. el FIOt1d1 1<enM1 et Ken1udry Aloe et LSU. n Oldehom• S1 et loulsvtlle, n North CetotlM St. 11 Ml~ G4IOl'gll T Kh 11 Memphis St Mlelllgen St. et Mleml. Fii Army 11 North Cerotlne Tex ... A1lln(lton 11 NE Loute11n1, n G«>rgla 11 South Carotlne, n Florldl St. et Southern MleelHlppl. n ~trll Florldl It VMI Wlllllt'n & Mii)' at Vltglnle Teel\ Appelecfllen St. II Wike Fof•I .......... JOHNSON SPONSORED BY IUJBTllGT-01 BEACH-ELI AID STUUI DISTmUTllG Cel POiy (SLO) 11 ldeh<> S1 .• n ------tlt+----ff~.,.,, Mrone1' ~ Mlllilllppl et ArilenMI, n Llm9r •I Houaton. n TCU 11 SMU. n MINOOl'I I I Texu. n &SON Open To The Public Fer tllelr Maior Curitie1 -laa•ica,~ Ckil•re• • * * PLUS * * * . THE BEST CHILI COOKERS IN .THE WORLD ----- - ----· ------- SEPT. 2s·, 26, 1982 at 10480 TALBERT AVE.• FOUNTAIN VAIJ1EY, CALIFORNIA CORNER OF TALBERT & WARD I • Ctatl•ana lattrtalaant * C.."1 ..... • D1a1la1 • 1am.. a ,.... .,, .... , ... a Drlu • ra .... , .. , * •111 C•IH p.,,_ ... 1111 • ••· Wn•ertal C.atnt ti • hu , ... Actl.ttln * lttt Dr1Ula1 C.atnt . . • ltty lltty TttllJ W•ar IWal Catnt . ' ....... IJCLA II MloNgln fCMnnrli a ., 10 • m I US0110k~ Pitt •• lllinole S~ecuM II Indian .. n Orlke et IOwtl St Wlchlle SI 91 1<111 ... SI Wllhlnglon II. et Mlnneeol1, n Notthem llllnOle It NOttllwMtem Purdue et Notre OerM St11nford II ONo St (Cf\enntl 7 II ' I m ) T Oieda et Wllcloneln lndler\I It II ... It Y~ It II Clndnn1t1. n h•*" MIONOln •• Miami, 0 ArtllMN 91 11 louthern lltlnole Kenl.St •I W•tem M~ .... Vendetblt1 II All«*nl fenneMM II A11~ Loulllane Tedi et Tell• AIM, n 8eyiof et Texu Tech. n McNMM St. It Weet Tuu St • n .... NebfHkl et Penn St (Ctlannef 2 II 12 '5 pm) Melne •I Bollon u .. n Rhode lallnd 11 lfown T owt«i St. 11 ludlnell llleyttt• .. Columllla Colgate et Com4lll Prtnoeton 11 Oelew-M~l Ill HWVWd Dattmouth 11 Holy Cfoea Bo.ton Colle09 1l Nevy Lehigh et Penn Ru109fl et Temple, n Rlchlnond el Welt Vll"otnl• ConnectlclUI et Ylle LINCOLN MERCURY »• H•rlter 11¥4., Ce1t• Me,. ...... • presents ... COLLI GI ,... .......... Nebraska over Penn State * USC over Oklahoma * Notre Dame over Purdu• * UCL A over Mkhlton .. lritiham Yeun1 eYW ~ ' ' "' " MAJOft L•AOUI aTANOIN.QI Am«lo111 LMeW W••TllflN OIVlllON A"flla KAM11Ctty C11tc;ego S..ttte Oallland Te•H Mlnneaot• W L hi. 01 87 8$ 61l! 84N8633 19 7i 523 ,.,.. 13 11 413 13·~ a. .. 421 23 80 92 3113 27 51 95 376 30 IAITlllN DIVlllOH Mihor ... ~M 91 8 1 5119 89flfmor• 88 83 583 2'\ eoe1on 83 1111 548 a 0.troll 16 14 603 14'> Cleveland 74 78 •93 111 New York 14 71 417 t 1 TOlonto 71 81 487 20 Weclnee.s., 1c- ....... I. K1n1&1Cllr6 Detroit 11 811t1m01e, pPd 111n Ci.v.lend S. N-YOik 0 17 lnnlnga t •tn) Ml....,.~M 3, Boeton t Toronto 3, Mlnn4HIOta 2 I 10 1nn1ng11 S..tttel,Ch~., Oo llnd 5, Tex11 3 Tocltr'• 0.-. ""94111 (Wiii 8·5) 11 Te•11 (Muon 0· 11 n 0·1), n Oe11011 \Petry IS 81 11 81l11more (McGregor U -12), n Chtugo IKooamen t0-6) •I S$1ttl9 (Moore 7-t I), n Only 01me1 tchedulld N1Uon1IL1agu1 WllTlllN DIVlllON Oodglft AU1nt1 Sen Frencleco Sen OleQO Houston C1nc1nne11 W L l'cl. GI as 67 ss11 U 70 S39 3 80 71 530 ··~ 11 15 so1 a 72 80 474 13 68 95 371 21 .. IAITEllN DIVlllON SI LOUii Pht11o.tpl111 MonlrMI P•ttlburgh ClllCllgo N-York ea 114 s111 12 119 643 s·~ 11 70 536 5•, 711 72 523 11'' Ill 84 U 7 :'O 68 92 3111 "" w.o~, • 1c0t .. San o..go 2, Dode«• I ( 10 1nn1ng11 N-YOik 5, Cl11Cllgo 2 Monlreel 11, Phdadelphl• • Sen F•anc..co 2 Cmc1nn111 o Houston 3, AU1n11 2 St LOUii 2 Ptttllburgh I TodaJ'• Qamea New 'l'Oth CLynCh 3-6) 11 Chicago (8110 9-12) San F1 e nc11co I Lao.er 12· 11J 11 C1ncinn.111 (Putore 8-10) Ph1l1d1lph11 IChrtllenaon 8· 101 1 1 Mon1r .. 1 (Roget1 17-1). n P1Ulburgl1 IClndelena 13·&1 11 St Loula (FOltc:h 14-8), n Only games tcheduled AMERICAN LEAOUE Ang.ti I , Aoy1l1 5 l(ANI AI CITY CAL.,OflNIA llltrhbl .O rllbl W Wllll<>n II 4 0 0 O' OOWn'm<rtt ~ 2 3 ~ Wahngtn .. • I 3 1 C••-lb • 2 2 1 Stell 3b • 1 O O OtlClnc.M 3bJ 2 3 4 0111 o1 4 2 2 2 8•)'1o< dh 4 0 2 1 McRH dh • 1 2 0 Grk:l1 2b 5 0 I 0 White 2b 2 O O O Re Jcl<an rr 3 O O 0 Concepeoon 2b 1 O O R Cl•rll rt O O O O W11h1n c 4 o 1 1 S...lquez ct 3 1 1 O Mlf11n rl 2 O O O Boone c 3 0 1 0 Hammond r12 o O 1 Adame u 3 I 1 o .JOlln.on lb 2 0 0 0 R Jcl<an ph 1 0 0 0 Gmlmoph IOOOAolfM 0000 Pryor lb 0 0 0 0 Ryelpll 1000 Tot111 35 5 I 5 To1111 3• a 14 a ._. lty lnftlftt• Ken1&1 CUy 102 002 000-5 Cettlornie 230 '°° 02•-8 E-R Adami.~ OP-KlllNIC•ty I C1hlorn1• I LOP-U Wuhongton McR11 . Beniquez 38 Cerew HR- WHhlnglon 18), Oolt 111) Oowntng 1281 OeClncu 2 1281 S -81n1qu11 SF-0.C-.. l(en-CltJ Blue (. 1S.H) ArmlltOl\Q Tul11 (elllornle "' " llElllllO 1~ e s a 2 2 3'~ 3 1 I I 2 3 62210 t::, ~~.3:3-12) i~ 8 ~ ~ 6 ~ H8P-81ylo1 (by Armllrong) T 3 02 A-61,273 ........ a. Red lo• 1 Bolton 000 010 000-1 4 1 MltweukN 011 000 01•-3 1 0 01nm1n ano All1n1on Calowell and Sommons W-C•ldwell. 17· 1 I L Denman, 2·3 HR1-8011on Steplelon ( 14) MllwaukM. Ogllvot (321 A-24. 1 r.o lllue "-1• l, Twin• 2 T0<onto 000 000 110 1-3 6 I Minnesota 200 000 000 0-2 s I Clancy ano 8 M1r11nu, Whitt, He,,...1 R Devol f 101 end 8uteu Lauaner w -C11ncy 14-14 L-Hevena. 11-13 HR-T0tonto 8 M1r11nez (81 A 3 11711 lndlltM I , Yenll-O c-ano 010 101 2-s 9 o ~ York 000 000 0 0 2 1 \Game callld 1tt1< -H1n1ng1 due 10 rllin) Sulctotte. Glynn (71 •ncl Husey Ale•l<>Cllf Fr uier 17 l ano Wynegar W Sutclolfe 14-6 L-Ale•enc>er 0-7 A tll 1122 A'•'·"--, l•••• 000 OOo 030 3 0 0 Oultlnd 000 320 OOa S 10 I Smithton, Fatr 151 and 8 .lotl<lton, BAl<er lleltd (8) 8fWI Kaatney. W-Bell•. 1·1 l- Sm1th9on, 2·' S-8-d (10) HR-Teue. C11><1 (II A-13,509 ........................ Cllocago 301 000 000 4 10 I S.•111• 320 010 02~-I 12 2 Dolson. &ni111w (61. L~ (II eno Ftsk. e. SIOOdlltd, Vancle8erg (7) and Swwt W-8 Sloddard, 3-1 L-Oouon, 11· 13 s- Vancltkg (5) HR1-Clllc11go. Kemp 11e1. 5"11 ... Ziak 1201. M C11llH012) Boehle I 11), T en..z (15) A-5,057 ....... c .... uo ooo ooo • to 1 2 G 2 Pedtff 2, Oodtet• 1 LOI AN~LH IAN DllGO al>rh bl Mr h~ Thom11 2b 4 0 0 0 W1ggtn1 Cl 6 0 I I Auueu IS 4 0 I 0 Boilllta 2b 4 0 I 0 llahat II 4 0 I 0 Richl101 11 4 0 a 0 a,..,.,o ct 4 o O O Deleon p o o o o Q.,....y lb 4 0 I 0 Kln"41Cly c 2 0 0 0 Cay 3b 4 0 0 0 s ... -c 2 0 0 0 M1tlhll t1 3 I I 1 O.Vecqia 11>4 I 1 0 Roenlck rt t 0 0 0 Lefebvr 31> 3 O 1 0 Yllgl< C 4 0 2 0 Hlf'lllltw rt 3 0 I 0 S Hoo.w p 0 0 0 0 Gwynn rl 1 O 0 O RluM P 2 0 0 0 P1Umll/l 11 3 I I I MoralM ph 1 0 0 0 LOiier p 3 0 0 0 Nlednlt p 0 0 0 O Perk1n1 II O O O 0 SclOSCll c 0 0 0 0 Total• 35 I 6 I Tol•ll 34 2 8 2 lcoH by lnntno• Loa Angeles 000 010 000 0-t San Olego 000 010 000 1-2 One out wllen winning run tc:O•ed E-Wlggln• OP-Lo• Angtlaa I L08-lo1 Angelfl •. Sen Diego 7, 28-Ru11e11, 8evacque, Garvey, Lelebwe, Yeager 38 -'l'Hger HR-M1111hall (6) SB- Rlch1rd1 (27). S-Parlllnl. Loe ""9•11• II' H II I" 88 10 A&ull 7 5 I I 2 7 Nledonluer IL.3·3) 2 I I 0 4 S HOWi 0 I 0 0 0 0 Ian Diieo loller 8 S I 1 0 8 Deleon IW.8-S) 2 I 0 0 0 I s Howe PllCn.d 10 I l>&ller In Iha IOlh T-2 38 A-26,1118 Pomona fetr WEDNEIOAY'I MIULTI 11•111 of , ... ~ -1ne1 OUAt'T£ Ill P:NllT llACI. 400 y11tdt TOP Em Up \Smith) 111 •O a 00 • 60 Dos Rojos t8ard) 4 llO 3 00 Call Me Rey (Pauhne) 3 90 Also raced Frosty Value. S1mpt1 M•n Have 81111e. Spectacular Bid. Shrewd N RICh. RinO AcJems Time 2040. • EXACTA 12·8) p11d $207 00 IECOUD llACE.. 400 yerdt Oupllclte Tauott tHert) 8 40 3 80 3 00 Oupes L•ltle Beer (Bard) G 00 3 <10 llenture Folkt !Cfeagerl 3 20 Alao raCiiiF'~Too. tleMrt Kirk, M111y Moon, Jungle Ptey, Al• Hoat. Rem Up ro,,,.. 20 21 THJllD llACE. 350 yarda GolhlnkrlCll (BrOOka) 51 00 20.20 8 20 My EAiy Vtelory (lonkl) 7 40 8 60 Big llc:ll (Hat1) 3.4() AllO t llCl9CI T n8" s Ramble<, Runnln Sia, 0 11111 Roc~•I. See Troub le Run, Supe<aleeper, Haw I Oar>Oy Tlml 17.GI. 91DACTA 17·61 P81d $1,108 00 ntOflOUOH911EDI FOIHITH llACL G lutlOng& ~ Treil (Han-)? oo •.20 3 •o Tulll't DMM (Mena) 4 20 3 20 NICOll'a Girt IE.alteda) 4 4() Aleo raced 0e1erm1nec1 Leno Anet TM Dawn. Eur Play. Bettllng Bunny. Luclly Lynn And LN Tome 1.11 215 F1f"TH "ACE.. I 1116 mtles HIOuehl (S1bllle) 9 llO Rtve1-(S11111ngs1 1o11-Mn011()fthlt CRoncll Ano-_,~ ~·w111r0; P Old Trooger. Sunnyt!Opl G11r Ttme I •7 315 lllTH llACE.. 6 lu<IOngl 4 20 300 320 260 3 20 T-W+llle N111111 (MenaJ 11 eo 5 eo 3.20 Guarded Gal (HlnMl<I) 8 80 <I llO Eecorl I Joy tStalllngl) 3..00 Aleo reced Ms Royal T . Timely Bell. C.Onn .. a.ti LllOy Draine Time. I 12 415 S$ EXACT A (7·21 plk! $251 50 ll~NTH RACE. 6 lu11ong1 $tl(l'tllbanll (Warren) 6 60 4 20 3 80 Counlry Vllvet IOrtega) 5 20 4.20 8111 Rat (Estrada) 4 20 Alao rec:ed Val .. y Clown. Bombay Gin. Pro'9 Im~. Cnud, VlltllCle 8l0 Time. I 11 31$ ltGHTH llACL 6 lurtonga "-•' JoM (OIQOllO) 13 00 7 20 6 40 Powerful TllOUQlll (Spencer) 9 00 I! IO 811!• e.ct<y (White) 5 <10 Alto reced Sulfmt, Rulle Knoll, Ju11 • OMt, GeMant Heidi, Bold l ike Timi 1 12 215 M IXACTA (6-3) paid 5'1!13 00 *NTH llACL & lultonga Ou< Prota Clll (McCrmlll 31 60 12 60 6 40 M••• Er.ate.tor (Bornbel<I 43 20 10 ao Cerol 1 Dream (8urn&l 10 60 Tvne 111 415 ftNTH llACE. I 1116 m- Deeuvllte Oewn ISbll) T 40 3 80 2 10 Soonled Mwc (Hensen) S llO 3 •O 8ulfOOe Premlcl 10rteoe1 3 80 Tome 145 115. • UACTA ~I paid S 100 SO ~ "-"-1-vll mlla Awe Thnll COrteea> 30 IO 7.40 4 20 Grtnje Reina (Sibille) 3 20 2 80 PIUlie'a Double (H-) 8 llO Aleo r-a Qoe1ng Ttendl, J.O Muon. t1111 Tecnptat. T-lane. Olote ~ 'f-1.46 115 TWIL.nH llACE. I 111111 m11 .. OWier F0t TWo (HntnJ II 00 4 40 3 60 Chill ArtQPNn (~I e 20 4.IO -eome Alto (Remlrn} e eo Allo ••cad. Pep Reily, El Clovf, Ten Downing. GtH 1 Maleh, Reel OonqulCk, ......... _.,....,. F1buiou1 Eddll. CIMrtdfor19lllOlf ··• •• -.• Time 2.42 8/6. IAnlHG • IXACTA (2·~ 1118.50 Aa 11 H Hll "81 l'ct. •t•-A•~ , 1 Ao Jac:kaon 132 111 •5 2 111 341 ... _.., ·-· C•r-480 13 1M i 31 .311 HoffYwood Parll O.Cinc.. 540 II 1'3 21 114 302 wtDNloAY'8 M!IULTI Lynn 444 8" 130 11 12 .293 (llltl 8' D-ftlallt '--• -tine) ~tna 517 103 1ed 28 111 213::.---..;;.:Flfln;•.:,,T,;:"'-"Ar.C«.~· =r...m='-"irzl"--.:;;;;--;;~-~son 40911 131 :B 01 -n; • 300 2.-0 eey40r • 12 ee tn 'e 13 .ae 1 0oc:1°' Rou IH•IQ 5 oo ' eo Grldt 578 70 ISO 22 85 .HO TM l'uNI (F'tllonl 4 10 ~ 1as 23 48 2 21 2511 Aleo tact<! Howdy Scoot, L~ll NtH Boone 448 41 113 7 55 H3 Mon1t1r, Bolero c11111. Strenge Mtg.le, Fol 450 "3 112 3 51 2AI Frosty~ And)'S Clvoe, Jlll>f Aftelr T WFWj1U9Qf1 79 I 18 2 1 221 Time 2 02 315 ltfof1g 1711 24 37 1 18 207 I) IXACTA ( 1·31 01M1 $28 10 K....,.., 47 II 8 0 1 170 llC<*O llACE. Ont mf .. lrOI lkHIMOn 45 4 1 o 2 1H Ceder OloYlln (Ridlmond) s ao 3 ao 2 eo Sconill(t_ II 0 I 0 1 111 oi-Dulle (FIKO) • 20 3 00 ~!~' \., 1g ~ ci g g ~ Mr Joi 8 ICltlt) 410 Totlla 5 tll ~~ll 110708 273 ~r~~:!!:.."'~:!i.~'~'t: -.... -....., ... ••• RE Todd, NoClll Victor, N ... ...... -..... -Tlrna 2.111 3/$ IM\ 54 3t 31 2· t 2 4S TiflllO RAct. One mHe PllCI 1=~ 1: ~ ~ t.; ~ ~ Hlllbllly HMwn (Sllfl) 11 40 11 20 4 10 21~ II 10 13 1.() 3 32 8-HIU (G<undy) II 00 I 00 5 40 43 8ellt Joloe (P11t11t) 3 40 2 •S U ' 3 46 Alto tllC4ICI. HIPPY Hunllr'IJ, lil«lly kotoh, 2fa35~ W .. ~~ ~~ 1~~o : :; Peter Lo 8, Oot1la 8 utler, Coo1 Hlgnt. 2t•~ 213 13 7517-t 3 78 ¢ond101811r,Se1111'""* Tln\e' 2 02 1111 21'('4, 227 37 13 13-12 3.71 11 IXACTA ... ~I AalA I """ 00 162 1641 •• T1 11-e 4 32 .~, '"'"' .... 78°" 75 21 40 f.4 4 <12 P:OUtnM ltACI. Ont mite trOI 48')i 611 23 22 3·7 4.14 Mnnttfty JllCIQll (lg111N) 3 60 3 80 3 20 21~ 70 35 50 t·• 5. 18 '"'" Imp Imo (Tl.,.) 11 00 • eo 21* »II I 30 2·2 I 71 hrften Count~ (A411erMtll) 4 IO H..-, KlSOn Sencllei Stelnlr A-Forldl Wiit bhn Jol\n Aellllo Gottz Moreno Corbell Tlllnl Curt It TQ!lllt ™ I S I 0·1 5.'1 AllO rtOed· 01nlon, YI•• Fttmero. 1,37N I 351 483 171 17-415 3 12 Pllldl«O Pat, SI .. £mr;>Ortr, 9"-S lltllf, 8t119 8owl Til!tat 2.02 """ llACI. On. mltf ~ 11-* MW11 (8ttMtttNn) 4 00 '00 2 IO Ill Cllrtll II.wean) 4t 00 J 1 00 llOltll ~'' (O«donl 7 10 Alto rlOllll Ol«y N, l<tnwOOd Clllr .... M~t '•· klllrld Popcorn. Meola 0.-, C8MClioM o.-. llWOtne "' a CIO\llO T• 201 1ft I* IXACTA (10-7) Ptld UC)) tO atUM llAct Ot,. lllN I • A•l>Jre w-"• ll1tlll•l"11M•I •II.I 'IO I IO A•H!y • .,..,~.., tA,..,""'"' • 40 • ro l vront l•1~eH IOffllf• ... I • uo 411•0 ••~•II " I Ktng 1t1lh1>n Hero C11111mocl11y Ar.Cly• U1111I• 14•••• ..-, .. , OU.,,.,. .... A.oo ...... 101 I 6 • IUC:TA t• J1 !illd no to NYINfM IUC• Of\41 ...,,_ p-~ry l•111Longo1 l to ) ao '20 HA41Qy ~ j01uMvl t IO :I .0 Hewt 10 le \C•oghenl ' 40 Al10 1~11(1 ln016ft ...._..,l\ltll fl••t Dolly lo AKy AllH 1111'4>~11 H-lllllOvlt, Ut"1ew1y I~ UltM.t. COUCH1 ,,_ 161 •1• M IUC:U 16 11IHllU ·~·00 llOHTN flACI. One mlle 11411.41 Wlftle/IO IPlerCl l 11 00 11 40 4 00 D•bee Hit I~ lt<;O) I ?O 4 00 O.y lttk (l'11k11 I ' 80 Al.OJKt<I Ho1et111d 8ret. RKy F\IQ9f\I N, Moody 81ua N 8pty 8em, f •mo t"no""'. Captatn l(nlghl N 0..tly LOtO Time t &t :t16 NIN1H llACI. or .. ml .. PfoC• 8 C C011nt (VAJlt110l11Qtlam1 &20 300 ,00 °"t1to11hlp (Gouncjy) 3 40 3 40 W•ltl<O (Kueblll) 3 80 Alao raced Qeiry JUlllOt, RanN 1 Gold, Ov.,111u1, Kat1)11a, Home Cht nce , Arlefflofe, Andyt Skipper Time I ~7 416 ., IXACTA (I II P•ld S30 30 ** ,ICI( llX 17 to as 1-•1 P••O U 41 40 wtlh •~ winning llGktlt ltix llOI-) 12 Pleil Sta COr\101111011 P•IO u )0 wllll 1,n1 winning ll~kttl (11v1 hOtHll 12 Pi<.k SI• l(.r•IClt COlllOllllOn Plld a 16o 20 with lo.II w1nn1no 11Gl\•11 !'°"' "°'-· one 1Gf11t111 3NTH flACI. ()i,. ml .. p- 01 11V1 (KueOlltl 17 20 8 00 4 00 Id• 8Yfd (Aolltll II 20 Cl 20 GotCl\e<:Olllfe<I (L0ngo1 4 40 Alto ••C•d M• G11111m 8•11 Jamee R11y1hm, Penewe Bey Hllar1ou1 Brew, Froatword L C"1 Byrd. Sl\atvld .Nntor Timi 201 IJ IUCTA (10·71 peld '232 60 AlllManc:e 8 4112 WCT Cl111lc (t i lntllWood) "''' llou,.d llnalle M••k Oltkton IU S ) def Harold Solomon lU S ), 4-6. II· I. 6-2. Bulcll Waite IU S del Gulllt<mo VII•• IU S ). 11·3. 8·4, Ivan Landi (C1.cho1lov1kla) def Trey Wellk• (US). 8-2. 8-2 IKond flo11nd lfngle• Kevon Currtn 18outh Alrlct l del J •y Lap!Oul tU SI, 7-8, 11-4 Terry Moor (US) dtl R8UI Ramirez (MHIGO). 7·8. 11·4, Wo)llll Flb&k (Polllr>O) def Tom Gullk:loaon IU S ). 6·2 11·4, 8111 Scanlon (US I def Tom Cain (U S I. 6-4, 8-2 M1n'1 tourn•m•nl (et l en P:rendacol.. hcOftCI llound •Int Jimmy AtlH (U S I def Chip Hoop., (US I 11·7, 1-3. 6-4. JOlln McEntoe (US I del M0<rt1 S1tod1 (US ). a.1 8-2 Sandr M•yer lU s I °'' Jell Borowoall IU s ). 7-!. 4-6. 7-11. 811111 THCher (US I del Roscoe Tenner (U S I. 11-3 7 ·S EllOI T ellecher CU S I 0.1 M1t.1 card cu s 1. 3.e. 8·3, &-3. Jtmmy Con11or1 IU SI Clef Tim GutHckaon (U 8 ) 1-e 6-2 Martini o.,.n (•I o.n.we, lwllHolanctl flr•I llounct llnolN Votes G1ru1111ia IU S ) del Adr11no P1n111e 11111)11 8-4. 2·8. 11-1. Oarntr l(eretic 1w111 Germeny) del 811111 Terociy (Hungtr~J. 7·5. 11-2, Tn11iry Tuluna tFrtncel del Heinl Gunlhe•dl ISwllterland), 11-1. 6-4. Jim Gurll!ln tU S) def Guy For94t (France), 11-0 7-5 Orand Prl1 tournam•nt (•I llorde1111,,renee) lec:ond llound llngle• Anor .. GOIM&.(&..adorl 411. Gtbflel~pi tSpttn), 6-3. &.•. Otego P11u (Ecuaelor) Clel Henri L1con11 (France). 6-3, 7-5. H•n• GllOem9!ater (Chllel 0.1 Cllt1t1opne LINQe 1F111nc11, 6-0, 6-3. Fernando L.uto• tSpeln) 0.1 JOH LopeJ MHSO (S~n), W . 7-4. 35 OrH• Court tournam•nt (ti Newport, Ill.I.) a-lerllNlllnflN Colin O•blt~ (U S ) def 8111 C1111man !U S I &-4, 11-:t, 8u1c:ll S-agen IU SI del Oe<lni1 TrCMll (US). W . 6-4. Ptl Cr.,,.., IU SI del Town..,,d Giibert CU SI. 11-1 11-2 John Hugh11 (U S I del MlchHI Dahm (US),7-811-1 Heth school women Mettfte12.~M&111orl OeLul IM) def Stet'*. 1-2. <Ill Gtytey 8-4 oat s.t>lluen T·S Cteua (M) won e-o. 6·3, 11-2. Alberll (M) lotll 3-e won 11-4, lotlt , .. Dollblff • Hllttl·Sl.,.,t'4tlcl !Ml toel to Turner·Btac• 4.9 lo61 to Tulley-Rebbltl 3-9 .,., Shea· H••llng• 6-3 LOOIO-NgllllrO IMl won. 6-1 ll·:t,O'.;'l uq-14MlttliMid(Ml~~ won a-1 Water polo COMMUNJTY COL.LIGE or-.. c-1,,,1~11 n Ot•nge Coltt I 2 2 4 2 2 13 SMl<llat>llCI< 6 1 2 I 0 2 -I I Orange Cout acor1ng Slatbanl 1 Brown 1 Alves 2 McCormlClo t. s1rnmon1 1. Sell- t Saddlat>ec:k ecor1ng Bo-• I Diewetow 3 HuOlf 2. SlmOYICll 1. Ratel I HIGH SCHOOL Newpetl Hertlof 14, El T0to I El Toro I 3 I t-8 Newoor1 HerbOI 4 3 3 4-14 El Toro •coring Popp I Wflaon 1 WttOom 2 Young 1 S.,,_ 1 Newport Hatbot 1eorong O Oonnetl s Slentey 2 Jel>OI I T'hOl»P90tl 5 Tlf\gllt 1 COl'ona def ..., 12. l •t-11 2 COione del Mat 5 2 3 2-12 Ealanc:ie 0 1 I 0-2 Coron• det Mar 1co11ng Tempi• 3, P11111en 2. Scott 2. lmbernino 2, L~rrow I, o.olncl I, 5"ly I &ttndt eco:lng IN!Clonll 1, Fenley I Coate MHa t, U.W-111ty 7 Coeta MM4I 2 4 O )-II UnlYeftlty I I 4 1-7 Cotta M ... ecorlng. Cllaaen 5. "91\by • Unlv.<ttly ecortng ll1111e11 4, Scfllecter 1, S WttllbOurne 1, Collclt I LM AmleOI tA. ,auntlllll 11 .... 12 Fountain VAiiey 2 3 5 2-12 Lot ArnlQoe S 3 6 3-1<1 Fou111&ln Vtlley ¥0f'lng' Juan 4. Copt a, Oerv.nant•n 2. 8tnotr 1, MOMur• 1. Moor• 1, 811U111Qtrtner 1 4"T'8 u°.:o i:..~hl -2s lltlQllt9 U b&M, 4 l\aitlul~ 61 mackerel, 2t rod! 11111. 1 ~. 1o 6CulPon OAVIY'I LOCICllt CN1wt1en 9-tl) - 47 l nQlftl I I tlftrlelldl U bonllO. 17 c&lleO ba.. ''° mlCkatll, 117 roe-lltll 7 MM 1>4111 DAMA WttA# -IO tllQlltt 111>tM. 141 1naduwe1, 11 roe• 11111. 2S lll'lltilll'llld, M ~. a1 11e11 .,.., llAI. alAC:M -t01 uo11ra 17 l>•rr•c;11da, 10 l>Onlto. :ie o.llC'o btff. 2 ll&llblll, 21 11'11Clu1rel, 40 tack 11111, sa •end .,.... " IQl!pln, • llifllt• lltll ,..,.., -7 MOit<• 4$ bOl\llO, 1 heiOUI, $00 llllCll.,.., 8 Miid '*''I IGUlpln. 200 wM• croa .. .,, 110 q-""' IAN 01100 (MHI U11•1111) -0 anat.r• " l>Onllo, I e .. IOO 11.... 1 hellbllt II yellow1en, 1 11tMpthUd. 11 aeuloln, 57 mltc4111-• .. ' Orange Cont DAILY Plt.OT/Th""d1y, 81ptember 23, 1892 Cl Streak on Gauchos risk skein against OCC By CURT SEEDEN O(ttM Deltr f'ffet la." 'rhc.> longct1l t'OUciuu.e football 11tr •eak In Ow n11Uon eroudly own.-d by Saddlcb•ck Collea~ and now at 17 -will be> on lh linl• Suturd.a ,y nlihl whe n -Orunge Co1J1t College ond the Oouchu. aict together. Coach Ken Swearingen'• &quud, which flnl•hcd the 1981 StllSon with IU'I 11·0 n:ua.rk and opened the 1982 campalen with" 14·6 decision over Golden Weet. is still ranke d No . l In lhe Southlund Community College football poll. Golden West, meanwhile, will try lo get its offen se In gear Su turday night when the Rwtlers travel to the Santa Ana Bowl to face the Sant.a Ana Dons. Kickoff 1s at 7:30 for both game~. H(•re's how things shape up: Orange Coast at Saddleback The Gauchos won their opener with the Rustlers with their defense. and in particular, the play of d efensive end Mike Copeland. Copeland, a 6-3. 215-pound sophomore. recorded three sacks, two blocked punts, nine tackles and ca u1ed 1 Golden Wot fumble. The Oauchoa went on to hold the RU1llera to minU1-flve yards rwihJna and ju.1t 122 yards of total ofleme. Saddlebac k Coach Ken Swearingen expect• another defeNfvu battle Saturday nJght again.at the Plratet, who pulled off a 7 -6 victory over Palomar in their opener Wt week. "They're exc.t'leni on defenM, olthough o!fenslvely they played poorly agaln1t Palomar," Swearingen said. "Palomar has a good quarterback and they kept them from getdna a touchdown." "I'm very lmpreased wHh Saddleback, but not becawie ot all the streaks they have going," adds OCC's Dick Tucker . "Thoae kinds of thing, really don't mean ver y much . The important ingredient is the quality of players you put on the field, and Saddlebac k has excellent personnel." Sophomore quarterback Craig Miller fits into that deacriptfon for the Gauchos. After a sluggish first half against the Rustlers, Miller wound up completing 9 of 13 passes for 65 yards. The Gauchos also receiveg strona efforts from tailback Bo Variety of action for area yachtsmen By ALMON LOCKABEY Delly Pltot 9oellng Wrtt~ Sailors will have a wide choice of action this weekend in either small boats or ocean going craft, with four Orange County yacht d ubs providing the menu. Lido Isle Yacht Club takes the spotlight in small boats with two events. LIYC will run the Pacific Yacht and Balloon Club's Sa11 or the Sabots Saturday and a regatta fo,r-Sailors over 30 in Sabots and Lasers Sunday. Newport Harbor Yacht Club will cater to both large and small boats with a one-design regatta for outside classes Sunday, and the S c ho c k Trophy fo r Lehman-12s. also Sunday. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club will send Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yachts into action Saturday and Sunday with the sixth race of its Angelman Series. Capistrano Bay Yacht Club stages the fifth race of its Ocean Racing Series. with a race from Dana Point to Newport and return on Saturday and Sunday. In other areas of the Southern Cahfomia Yachting Association clubs will either wind up their summer series or be starting their full series for various classes. WHKIND SCHEDULE Lot~leecll Cabrlllo BHch Y1chl Club -C1brlllo Mtlea No 7, Sa1urdey: Matlnel•nd Sulff end Fall O,,.Detlgn Serlll. S11urd1y. W"1 Coat Y9cilt Club -Slngll-htnd«I race, Seturday. little Ship• AMI -lnvltallonal S..ln •3 (WQOden Hor" r-J $11no1y. Sentalllonlcelay Redondo BHch Yechl Club -Slngl•· handed race (PHRF) S11urdey; Girls on the Buoys (Women'• Racing Serlet •I) Sunday. C1Jllomla Yecnt Cklb -lnllef1ed Enduro race (Hetrla Seflet) Seturday. Wlnd)1mmer1 Yacltt Club -Jolly Roger "9Q1tt• tlmid4t 1lnd ovttlde-~I Saturdey. Sunday. Ian otaoo Coronado Yacht Club -L•-/Sallboatd Circuit (lnlllta11onal) SatutO.y; Vanity Slngi.. handed,_ (handicap) Sund•Y· Coronado C.ys YIChl Cklb -Frank Hall Serlel (PHRF) Saturdl'J', Sunday. Min ion Bay Ya chl Cl11b -Oeuy-18 lnllll9tl0nal. s.turclay, Sunday Oce9nelde Yacht Cklb -J•NUP Serlet (PHAF) SUnc11y. South-tern Yachl Cl11b -Fall Sarin (handleapl Sunday Sliver Gate Yac:hl Club -Sliva< Get• Tt!Mgle (IOR) Sunday; Rof'llOn Setlet (SOHF) Sunday. ~MdlNMd s.n1a Bwbara Yacht Club -F911 Settee (PHRF) Saturday; Fall Serlel (oenl•bowdt) Sund•y SC hock • Anac:.pa Yacltl Cklb -Sctjppt-Klllanbutg Serlet 18 (PHRF) Saturdal, Sund9)' __ ._P .. 1e._.rpoln1 Bay Yecltt lub -CrulH to -a.y, -S.turd1r,&tldly. wins Sixty four women in six classes tumed out for Newport Harbor Yacht Club·s Li'l Old Ladies regatta Wednesday. The regatta was sailed in Naples Sabots, Dagg erboard Sabots cind Windsurfers. Rcsull'J: -NAPLES SABOT A (111 -1. J-8ct1oc:ll, Newport Harbo YC, ~ Ptmele l)ndley, Stn Olego YC, 3 Jene Kinney, SOYC: 4 lie between Ari-SlmplOf'I, SDYC. and Phylllt OreylOf, NHYC NAPLES SABO T B ( 131 -1 Slllrley Brunnet, Alemltot Bey YC, 2 Kar1111 Blwet. Bahl1 Corinthian YC, 3 Barbett Kwnmer., SOYC ' NAPLES SABOT C (8) -I Bonnie Mlnu1r SDYC OAGGERBOARD S ABOT A 11 1) -1 Cl•11dl1 Walnet. Del Re y YC. 2 Mullyn Gall1•1oray, King H"bor YC, 3 Liie N1dl1r. DRYC OAGGERBOARO SABOT B (8) I Julie Podolny. C.fllorr\11 YC WINDSURFER (I ) -1 Belly Allman , SOYC 2 Key NC>flh. SDYC Channel lllandt Yecltl Club -OrMt S abot race, Sunday Oilers take on Huntington Beach High's Oilers battle 1981 CIF Central Conference finalist Los Amigos tonight at Garden Grove High in non-league football with a third straight victory the winner's reward. Coach Greg Henry's Oilers have already put away Corona del Mar (24-7) and Los Alamitos (10-0), while Los Amigos outscored Los Alamitos (20-10) and Magnolia (35-20). Kickoff is set for 7:30. The Oilers feature an !- oriented attack around the OCC, Sailors, C.11 642-5671 and a friendly ad-vlsorwm help you turn . CdM, Mesa · • win r.ourwheels ntocash. <.:urry and wtdt-r Marshall. Iver John "Curry I the fHlt'S\ player I've 1een In a while. He'• • tremendoua brcakawuy tttte.t,'' T\.lckcr cauUoN. " On Mars.h.all1 "He la almply one or the bt'at community colleae wldd recelvera In the country. Ke'a a big-Um prospect. Marahall LI'° smooth, ond he has p.at spe«.'<1 and excellent hands.' , Offen1ively, OC.C will have to improve on I ll 47 yard1 total offenae ataUstlc ln their opener, but they'll probably have to do It witho ut the service• o f aophomore quarterback Clay Tucker. Tucker, sidelined by a broketl ankJe just prior to the season, was an uniform against the Comet.a but dLd not play. "Right now, I'd say that he probably won't play," Tucker aays o( Clay, who is his son. "He's not 100 percent yet .lnd we neded to have him around later in the year when the garnet begin to count in the South C.OUt Conference standings.'' Instead, Tucker will once again go with freshman Greg Denham who completed 9 of 20 passes for just 48 yards against Palomar. Golden West at Santa Ana Despite dropping his opene~:. Golden West Coach Ray S h ac kl eford Celt some satisfaction in keeping pace with the touted Gauchos. "I think it may have opened some eyes a little. I guess a lot of people thought it was going to be a rout," Shackleford says. The Ru stlers s truggled offensively against the Gauchos. but the Rustler defense kept the Gauchos out of the end zone until a third-quarter mistake gave Saddleback the break it needed. "We had one turnover in the whole game and it made the difference." Shackleford admits. Shackleford divided the quarterback duties between freshmen Adam Gragnano and Darryl Ducharme in the Rustlers· opener. Gragnano completed 8 of 24 passes for 69 yards whfle Ducharme was 6-for~2 ior .b1l yards.--._ "If anything, that game made me fee l even better about the quarterback situation ," the Golden West coach admits. "The lack o f more completions or yardage was not the result of bad quarterback play." Sant.a Ana, meanwhile, was routed by the Southland's No. 2-ranked team, .ti'uJlerton by a 37-0 count. "inexperience was the biggest factor in our loss to Fullerton ," says Santa Ana head coach Dave Ogas, "along with the fact the:• Hornets have a great team." The. Dons start. ei.gh..t-h freshmen on o ffense and it showed last week. Los Amigos run ning of junior Danny Thompson, while Los Amigos' lineup includes 10 starters from 1981. Also tonight at 7:30 at the Santa Ana Bowl is a non-league matchup between Mater Dei and Los Altos, pitting the solid ground game of Mater Dei against 6-9 quarterback\ Mike Smith of Los Altos. Mater Dei is ranked No. 8 io the CIF Big Five Conference an4 Los Altos is No. 3 in the CI( Southern Conference. Each is 2--0 after lmpresslve starts. Orange Coast College rallied to take an overtime victory from Saddleback and Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa opened Sea View League action with victories to highlight area water polo activity Wednesday. OCC fell behjnd the host Gauchos 5-1 after one period, but behind the sharpshooting of sophomore JC~P~: WATER POLO Steve Simmons, who tallied seven 409i., the Piratel were able to take a 13-11 decision in overtime. Simmons scored a patr of goals ln the fourth quarter, as the Pirates overcame an 8-~ deficit to get even, then added Uutt more goala In the extra aesalon to help OOC aeal It.a third v1C10fy wtt.hout a loss this aeuon. Orange Coast la 11e.heduled to becin play Friday ln the Mt. San Antonio Tou.mament. On the hiSh echool level, Newport Harbor cased to a 14·6 wtn o~r El Toro, Corona del Mar stopped &tancla, 12·2, and Cott.a Mesa outahot University, 9-7. Dave O'Donnell and Colin Thompaon each 9COr'cd five timet1· in the Sailors' win. Me.nwhlle, Corona del Mar jumped to a &·O advant.aae •l~r one period tn upptnc ha overall r«0ro to 6·0. Tom Temple led the btlanced attack with three 8o.tlt, while Eric Pmulten, Rkk Scott and David lmbernino had two apiece, and .,.U. J~ Roh atopped alx ahott. University acored four 1trai1bt l(Oa.1a ln the third quarier to Ue Co.ta M ... , but die Mwianp ~ to ~"9 the Trojan.. TOYOTA Speed WHk .....-.~ -Dht TnKk-lhrtlr Tf'.lltlt.._..r SUPER MIDGETS NMRA T .Q MIDGETS ,... .......... ,,..,, s.,t. 24, • , .... 24thA...a AMA NATIONAl 20..lAP HAlF-MllE lkk ~"' ... , s.n.--~,. s.,e. "· • ,... • ,. ..... S,.Ca.I llACO.CIA SlllES Ill MPll SPllNT CAIS ............. ,.. ............. ,.... \ Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Thurtd•v. &tpltmber 13, 1912 It's for the b e rries 260 lose jobs PSA SAN OJF.GO (AP) uonal dcclln In air el and the rece ion being blamed tor lhe layotfa of 260 Pacific Sout.hweat Airllne employeca, lncludfng at least 20 pllo1.1, a company 1pokesrnan aald. ., "lt.11 partlr seasonal a n d pa r l y be I t - tl gh t.e n Ing In a bud economy," PSA apokesman Cecil Scaglione said. Layoff notices were sent. Monday to 20 of PSA's lH2 pilots and lhe rest of the furloughs will be Implemented gradually the next few weeks, airline officials said. In all, about 7 percent of PSA's 3,600 workers will be affected by the layoffs, the first since the company furloughed 9 percent of its labor force in September, 1961. PSA typically lays off eome workers in the fall foll owing the peak traffic periods of the summer, Scaglione said. Since last year, the airline has had a hiring freeze in effect, which has helped whittle PSA's labor force from 4,000 to 3,600. Scaglione said that as workera quit or retire, they are not being replaced. A lone tractor makes its way along what will become rows of strawberries on 300 acres of la nd a lo ng Irvine Center Drive near the a n Diego Freeway, fumigating the gro und in preparation for Oct. 25 pla nting. T he berries wi ll be planted in strips of ground now cover ed b y' plastic. A February harvest is a nticipated . The union rep - resenting the pilots said it fears that eventually as many as 75 of their members may be laid off in this job reduction. "We understand why PSA has to do this. We are disappointed, but we realize it is a fact of life," said Jim McCollum, an Airline Pilots Associat¥>n spokesman. DC BUSINISS Western Peripherals, a division of WESPERCORP, Tustin, has promoted Gary Pyles to director of international marketing and named Phil Lagestee national sales manager. Lagestee was with Direct Inc .. Sunnyvale, and is a former vice president of marketing for Wilson Laboratories. Orange. Diversified Securities Inc., an investment firm with eight offices In Southern California, is doubling the size of its Lake Forest office. The offices, located in the Aspan Plaza at 22706 Aspan St., Suite 703. are managed by Larry A. rter, a vice president. E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. has relocated its Newport Beach office to larger quarters at 660 Newport Cent<:r Drive, in the Pacific Mutual Plaza Building. The telephone number remains 644-9111. Weapac Investors Tn11t, Tustin has announced its intention to distribute to shareholders proceeds, less operating expenses, of the sale of properties on an "as sold" basis. Such distribution should constitute capital gains and a return of capital, the company said, noting that while property sales are a product of the market, a four-to-six year selling period is anticipated. The board of trustees of the California-based real estate investment trust maintain the value of Wespac's holdings represent a much higher per- share price than reflected m the market price of shares. Tbe Hammond Company, an Independent mortgage banking firm, has moved its Orange County loan organization and processing center from Newport Beach corporate headquarters to a Tustin building it jointly developed and co-owns. The branch occupies the ground floor of the Spirit Building, 145 W. Main St. The firm's corporate headquarters remain at 4910 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. Th~ data systems division of Pertee Computer Corporation, based in Irvine and CBR Systems Corporation, Colorado Springs, Colo., have sJgned an ~ment under which Pertee will provide PCC 2000 microcomputers for CBR's taxwriter tax J~tlon system. Pertee estimated the agreement could generate up to $200 million In revenues for the companies over the next five years. National University's continuing education program will present a workshop on "The Mid- management Peraon" Oct. 2 at 9 a.m. at lta branch campua, 2112 Buliness Center Drive, Irvine. There ii no charge. For infonnation, call 957-6285. Anaheim, from Troll Development of Garden Grove and Far West Savinga. The sale price was $297 ,344. Alan Pekarclk of the Newport Beach office of Business Properties Brokerage Company represented both parties. Telecommunlcatloa1 Design Corporation of Orange has been retained by IBIS Systems, Inc., Duarte. to evaluate is telecommunications needs and design a communications system, Baslaess ud Profeaalonal Conaalta.nt1, Inc., headquartered in Los Angeles, will open its 10th office in the Southern California market, its second in Orange County, on Oct. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jack E brbart will be the franchise owners for this office at 4020 Birch, Suite 104. Newport Beach. A retail software st.ore will open Saturday at 3621 S. Bristol. Santa Ana. Thia will be the second store of Los Angeles-based Softwalre Centres IDternatlonal in a projected franchise chain of over 200 stores. Norma Evans, sales manager at the Gene Autry Hotel Palm Springs, has been appointed director of sales. She was direct.or of sales and marketing for the Sheraton Newport Hotel and a vice president of the Newport Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau. ....,.,. I ""'91yl J Ll-J IUDllM ; ~ .. "~""' 6 8~Pt 1 4-rol I F•tMd ' Crtnet t 10 IM«ll II Swl.M\9 IJ Yh ..... U ASlr _. Tt•on u lloll~ a ~:.~0v II Ow!Cr II " ~.,,,_ 20 ~tit DOWNS L..e~t a;- J\11 I 114 -J 6V. I ~ Ill , >16 S.16 ,_, -.. ~ -1\oo 4 -Ill 2 -\tt 4 -"' IV. -I -tl2--=-I» 44 -\II ,,. -~ sv. -\II 4111 -~ Aclv-161 21 Allft!Alft Oe<llrwo Jl2 tJ MCI t ,.. "' llV. -I IOV. -f'f ?Jiit -2 2>16 ->16 UrK'*-d . • • .. . • .. .. J, '" » Pvlltrn Total IW..S .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 1,)U d.4 Tlpt~ Sh -V. =~.:::·:::::::::::::·::: 'li I:~~.:' Tot•I WIH . ... . . ~.4n.'IOO 11 Mor-ee • \I) • -\I) Renters get refunds SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -About 3,000 San Francim> tenant& forced to pay an Wegal $76 non- refundable "rental fee" ~ receive $125 each under la partial lawsuit aettlement. 1~~~~~~~~~~~- rt&IC NOTICt Nil.IC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUI 9U ... ll 'ICTITIOUI llU ... H NAME aTAna.NT NAm ITATE•NT Tne loUowlng pet'90l\I llrt C101ng The lollOWlng ptf90nt trt CIOlng ~-l>u~U DONN.AS' SOOKKEEPINO INDUSTRIAL SHEET METAL. SERVICE. 837 Wtel Slt¥tnt, Suitt 1375 LOG911, C:O.ta Mtu. CallforrN. No. 12, Str1te Ane, CA 112707 92626 OONNA L. SECK. 837 W Wrey & Sherp. • Cetllornla St9Ytna, Suitt No. 12 Sente Ana 00tpotatlon, 1375-C Log9n, C:O.ta CA 112707. ' ' MtM. Callfornlt 92826 DONNA McCLELLAND. 835 Thia l>utlnMI II conducted by 8 WHI Stevena. Santa Ana, CA COfpotlllon 92707. Wray & Sharp Inc. Thia bu*-' II conducted by a Jon Sl\trp, general ~1ntrs111p Viet Prttldtnt Donna L Btck 5'1M130 This •l•tament WU Ried with 11\t Tiil• 1111-t ... llled with the County Cltni 01 Orange County on COUflly Clerk of Orange County on September 21, 11182 August 30. 1962 '1f1'a7 F1 .... Publlahtd Orange Coeat Dally Publlahed Orange Coaat Dilly Pllol. Sept. 23. 30, Oct 7. 14, 1982 Piiot, Sept. 2. II 16. 23. 1982 4197·82 3857·.82 P\B..IC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI 9U ... ll NAME I TATE•NT The following peraon la doing ~ .. : THE WEST COAST ACAOEMY OF 000 TRAINING. 740 Amigos W1y, Sula 4, Newport Beach, Ctlltornl• 921180 P\B..IC NOTICE ~TITIOUI _, ..... NAMI ITATQIENT Tl\t 1ollowlng ptftonl art doing butlnNaaa: PROVO AMERICAN RACING. 525 Vlcto<la, No. 92, Coct• MtM. Cellfornla 92827 Judy Ann Salley. 525 Vlete>N. NI.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUe IMlllNlll NAmlTATEmNT The followlng pereon la doing ~ .. : SEW WHAT? INTER· NATIONAL. 177 Rlvtralda Ave .. Sullt 0, Newport 8Mdl, t;A 1126e3. SEVOI AKSOY. 8880 L•zan• Cout1, Fountllln Valley, CA 92708. Thie ~ IS conducted by an lndMdual. St11Q1 Akloy , -"" Ml.IC NOTICE flCTri'IOUi .,_.. NAmlTATamN'T Tiit followlng peraona .,, CIOlng buel""8 ... NEXXUS OF SO. OR.ANOE COUNTY, 35do W. Moot9 A,,.,_, Senll Ana, CA 112704. TNJ INC , a Ctllfornla corporation, 3500 WHI Moore Avenue. Santa Ana. CA 92704. Thia bull,_. II conduc:ttd by a corporal Ion TNJ Inc Thia ltll-t -llled wtth lhe County Clerk of Orange County on September 21. t982. Thomu C. Wllllema Thia ai.t-1 WM flied with the County Cltf1t ol Orange County on ftt?M1 Stptembtt 7, 1982 Pubnahtd Or1nge Coaat Delly f1- Pilot, Sept. 23, 30. Oct. 7, 14, 11182 Publlahtd Orenga Coaat Dally 4151-412 Piiot, Sept. II. 16, 23. 30. 11182 -~~~-~~~~~~ 3teO-e2 l'tB.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI 'llUl9mU Ml.JC NOTICE NMm ITAlW....,. flCTmOUI .,_ .. Tha following ptraon It doing ..._ ITA~ t>uain.a u : The following P«ton9 -dolna PACIFIC SANDS, 1760 bualnMau: '\ Monrovia C·2. Coi11 Mtaa, CA MUNCE I TOOO COMPUTER 92827. SYSTEMS, 4000 Siren Strtt1.'Sultt ANN M. WEISS. 778 Scott. No. 114, Ntwp6r1 BNdl. CA 92MO. 44~Coste M .... C'-1l2627. WILLIAM D. MUNCE. 250 E This butt..-II oonducted by an 16th S•~ Colla M .... CA 92827. lndMdual W I L LI A M D • •T 0 0 0 , 8 4 Ann M. Waiaa EloleNdt, lrvlnt. CA 92715. Thia llllemtnt wu llled wllh the This butlntN la conduc::tad by a Counl}' Clerk of Orange County on oen«al plrtntrlhlp. Stpltmbtt 21, 1982. W. Munce ftt7MO Thia Mat-I WM filed with the Publlthed Oranga Coaat Dally County Clttk ol Orange County on Piiot. Sept 23. 30. Oct. 7, 14, 11112 Stpttmb« 7, 11112. 4152-82 ,_, -----------Publla"-d Ortnge Coul Dally rtllJC NOTICE Pilot, 5-pt. t , 16, 23, 30. 1tl2 Vlc:kle Lynn Man. 740 Amtgoa Wey, Apl 4, Newport Stich, Cellfornle 92660 No 92. Colle Meta. Callfornle 112827 Richard Frank Ct1tro. 525 ITATE....,. CW MANOOl..wT Vlc:torlt , No 92, Coat• Mt1a, FICTITIOUICWeu':.C::, .._ rta.IC NOT1Cl 3t10-t2 Thia l>u.W-II condueted by an lndMdual Vlek1t Lynn Mtrll Thil aa1emen1 <Alu llled wtth the County Cieri! of Oranga County on AUOUSI 30, 1982 F1...a Publlallad Orange Coaat Dally PllOt. Sept 2. II. 18. 23. 1982 38se.-82 Cehlornle 112627 The followlng peraona heve ~ COURT flCMt TMa Thia buelneM It conducted by a ,bandontd tne UM ol the llctltloua aTATI CW C~ FCMt llrnltad ptrlnttlhlp 8elley :>ua"-8 nama. THR COUlfTY cw OR.- Thil st~ -lllad Wiii\ ll\t OELANEY SASH & OOOR. C.. .... AD 111'11 County Clttk ol Oranga County on _N<;: .. 17100 Giiiette. trvlnt. CfTAnoet Stpttmbtt 21 11182 welilOfnle 112714 In the Mau., of lht Adoption ' ,1t7'1M The Fictitious SualnHa Name Petition of SHAWN THOMAS Pui;>llalltd Orenge Cotat Oally rttarrad to above waa llltd In STANCHFIELD. Adopting Pwem. PllOI. 5-pt 23. 30. Oct. 7, 14, 1992 Orange County on July 111, 1982. THE P£OPlE OF TWE 'STATE OF 4182-82 Flit No F· 1113572 CALIFORNIA Warmington lnltrlora end to JAMES JOSEPH JAYCOX: Pt8.JC NOTICE P\B..IC NOTICE '.>ttlgn, • Cellfornla corporetlon, By ord., of thla cov'i!J:! ere -----------__________________ 111100 Glllttlt, lrvlnt. California hereby died. to appew -the '1CTITIOUI .,..... '1CTITIOUI llU..... n714 ludOt pr..idlnQ In ~t e of NAlllE ITA~ ...... ITA,.._NT Thia bu*,_. -oonclucted by• lnia-COUft on October 16. 1N2. al The following l*'IOftl llrt doing Th• followlng ptraon la doing ::o<potlllon. 8;45 a.m., !Nin end ttwe to alW>W l>ullne.. aa: ~ u · Warmington Interior• cauM, II 1ny you have, why the MAGNUM WEST INDUSTRIES. SACK SAY INTERNATIONAL petition ol SHAWN THOMAS 3•478 Wlndapun Drive. Huntington MARKE T IN O : 8 ACK 9 A Y and Dtllgn STANCHFIELD I~ tht edoptlon of Beach, CA 92649. WATCHES; MOTORPRINTS. 3657 .wmlam s. KrellM. JESSE JAMES JAYCOX. )'OUf mlnof RONALD JAMES SHARP. 3476 Slrch Strfft, Suite 505, NewpMt Stctttary aon. atlould not bt Qf'W!ttcl. Wlndspun Drive. Huntington Bellch. a..cn. Celllomla 92660 Thia llatement -flied wtth the Dated: AUGUt' 1t. 11182 CA 92849. Thomaa Edmund Wood. 393 ::OUnty Clttk ol Orange County on LEE: A. 8AANCH, LINDA SHARP. 3476 Wlnd1p1.1n Sey View Terrace. Coate Maaa. ~ugust 30, 11182. Otrtl Offlt. Huntington BMch, CA 1126'49 Callloml• 92627 l(INOEL • ANDI"'°" 8y: Welter T. King, This buSIMM la conducted by • This butlneta 11 conduc1ad by en L.8WJ9f9 Deputy Clerk geoerll penntttlhlp. 1nc:11Vldual. toOO MecAtttluf -.cl.. ..ITllllAN a -.La8 Ron.Id J. Sllatp Thoma• E WOOd rtl'lttl no. • ...,,..,. .. a.- Thia a1attrntnl -Ried with tne Thia 1111-t w .. hied wtth the ,..... ._ t01t N. ....._ ......, County Clttk of Orenge County on County Cltrtt of Oranga County on ~ leect\, CA ._. W.. 19 September 21. 1982 Augult 30, 11182 P\lbllalled Oran11• Co111 Dally ._..AM, C .. 1 11111 ll10'I ,,ITMI ,tlM97 >i10t. Sept. 2, II. 18, 23, 1982 (7M ) 1M4t11 Publiahad Orang• Coaat Dally Publlllltd Orange Coeat 01llr1----------....,c;;i~ Publlalled Ofangt Coaet Dally Pllol, Sept 23, 30. Oct 7, 14, 1982 Pllol. Sept 2. 9. 16, 23. 1982 Went Ad Help? Piiot, Sept. 2, •• 1e. 23, 11182 422&-82 3854-82 &42·5e78 ~ • Orange Coast CoUege In Costa Mesa will offer a workshop. "What's Happening In Orange County?'' on Saturday at 9 a.m. h 'wUf be conducted by Au Coil and Jane Ballback of Coll, Ballbact and Slater, a career management firm. Annualized Rate *Annualized Yield Nell Sllakea of Mi11lon Viejo has been ap pointed aales manager for Hidden Moaatal11, e1tate homealte development In San Juan Capistrano. She has acted as aales agent and broker for 1everal custom lot projecta ln touth Oran1e County, and la a principal In her own real eetate aalee and t;rokerqe firm, Sky Vlew Realty. EOCOM Electro•lc Sy1tem1 of Tustin, hu delivered to Atari. IM. what lt aaya la the fint ta.er plotter controlled directly from a CAD/CAM . ,_.,. • j I Wfftbe' Conl.JtacUon of Anaheim haa [:f!:;9 • 4,848-equare -foot buUdln1 ln the ...... c.en ... 4560 Elltnhow.r Circle. I 1811117to 31 clap, Minimum Bala11111 Act today on this high rate. account. Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This $100~b fu~ei~Llt up to Jlllstali S8Vlllm Y ~~•i.-..a ..... o1e.s......,.o..a.._1n ....... e• ... ~a Le.. •AwdllrQIA\JIOI ... md:eJ:w at 111tdpllidpll ... ~•---r111111ndmm b'a,_ Fedlrll .........,._......,llWinellMlpwltJb• MitcaiL .. • --,,. It 8 Savings and loan -becomes hank SAN DI.ECO (AP) -Federal approval of Point Loma Savtn11 and Loan't convortton 1nto • commercial bank 1Jgnala the way other tnsthudoru may aeek more power ln the chan1tng financial market. , "Thia la the flrat tJme a aa_vtnp and loan haa ~verted to a bank ln the laat l~ years," Point Lorna'• president Tom Stickel Ald Tuesday after the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency announced approv&I of tho Bank of Southern CallfomJa. 2 steel mills to close BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) -Bethlehem Steel Corp. saya lt pl.ana to dlapoee of ti. two steel plants on the Weat Coast In an effort to concentrate on modem1%ing Ii. F.ast.em at.eel mills. . Company Chairman Donald H. Traullein said Tue.day that various ,!)ptions are being consldered to diapoae of the Loa Angeles and Seattle plants, Including sale of the mills. Trautleln said the nation'• aecond-lugeat steelmaker will cloee its Los ~eles plant, whJch ia running at a loea, by the end of this year if lt'a not soJd. It employs 1,100, 400 of whom are on furlough. Oil seepage halt sought SANT A BARBARA (AP) -An effort to capture natural gaa and oll seeping from the ocean floor has been launched -or rath er, sunk -by ARCO OU and Gas Co. T he project involves lowering two huge steel pyt"amids on a 220-foot-deep site about a mile and a half off the coast where golfball-aize gas and oil bubbles emerge from geological faults on the bot10m of the Santa Barbara Channel. lMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS ...,.,.. 1 '8'wet Inc J AmAlfft\ WI 'R·' f I ) u '!" I lfCSUii Ill tE~ ,.,~, " .. ,Flftct ,,~e 11 U WC.11 IS 8e9' 54#1 I• Tai.,_ 17 WllllDCio II T""° Pel 1t Am Molon 10 MllalCP llJI ICNPl\erm 22 Wfffl 5"11 u -.aP!flrt tf UMDtll 11 g~ GOLD COINS Hf:W YOflK (AP) -PrlOM late T~ ol OOld -. eotnC*td -~·pr-. llr ... u a11d. I ltOy Ol , $4.4.60, I.Ip StUI" . ..... ...... I lroy OL. '4'7 76. I.IP ttUO. ....... IO !'Mo. I 2 lr(ly OL. 1634,60. U11 StUO Aw. 100 OfOM\, .tl02 ltOy OL. sas3.25, Ull 110.ft. ~· Oteli·'-11 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI ~ n """. • ... (I (litJ '"""'.?; m Jn 19SJ 110 • NEW YOAIC. IAPI §ef>. n METALS l -y J21 :Ill !IS m SI J NEW YORK l4PI -Spo1 nonlettou1 ,_.,_w~ Ce~ 70'41·72 cenll a pound. US _._llOna ...... 25-29 -·· • pound. ZliftO 40-42 owrt• • POUnd. ~ Tiii M 2834 IHI ... 'W8'11 compot11e lb ~ 1&.n -.11 I pouM, HY lllllrowy IS40.00 Pat .... Platl11ul!I' S340JIO·l3• t.00 Uoy o..onc:e, NV SILVER NEW YORK (AP) -H•ndy • HlrM•n fllWr 19 IAO. up IO 400 GOLD QUOTATIONS 9r""' -~ "-a-eo wortd...., Pf1Cee w~ Lendon motning 1111ng IH t SO. 11p 11500 L•'"'-alletnoon nalng IU3 75. up $17 2S Pel1a .n .. noon fl•lnQ 1436 78. up u SI ,,9"111Wt fl1llng 1444 N . up I IS ~ :rwtch Ille 1nemoon llJtlng 14•5 50, up s1e ao bkl. M..a so .. ...a He11dr a Mar"'•" (only dally quol•I S4Q 76. up 117 :ZS ~ (only cs.-, quot•) ... ~ 75 up 117 i& .,...._. {only Oe.ly QUOlel lell<keled 145 94, up • ,. 11 SYMBOLS d Hew )' .. lty low II· ..... )'el"t 11.gn U1~ OI .......... noted tllel OI 01-I are .,...., .. cMOUfMmenll beMd on tt>e 1.,, q 11.,1u1y or 1am1-a nnuat oac11r111on Sp«oll CM ••lfl O.•tdeflda Of ~It "O' dftlgneled et 'llll"'-' ate -Ill-"' Ille IOl!Owlng IOOlnotet a AIM> e<tre Of e •ltH t>-An""el •Ill pi\11 tlOCk d1v1dend t•LtQu10111ng d1v10•nC1 ~r9<1 Of paid 111 pr9"(l1ng I) montht •·OtcttttG CM paid allf't s!Odt d.Vldet\CI or 1j)411 up j•Pa•O llltt .,..r. CIMd611<1 Of!lllltcl dtlt«ad Of no .C:llOrl ltlltn 11 tat Otvldtlld .-1.ng lt•o.dlf«I "' pM 11111 .,.., ... eccumutet,... ,,_With dt'ttdendl In .,,_. n.Hew ,._ r-0.Cl#ed QI pet0 WI pt~ U l'flOflllK plljt II~ dMdtnO 1·11'..0 In tloel< tn Pf.CedlftQ Ii l!IOftffla. Hl_,,.tad C•tl't ,.etua on IJ~ Of 11-ditlr""'t- d•I• ••U •d,.ICMnclt Of t•·119hlt y·Ea-dt..otnCI .i>O ..... 1t1 1\111 l·S•ltt Ill lull Ctd C .. ltd wd•Wllen Olttrlb\11ecl -When •nutd WW•Wllh wa111n11 •w•Wlll'IOUI w•na1111 •d•• l!'-clottribllllon P [ ""O Tiit PttCt Of a 1tod1 0 I mulll()lt OI Pit Iller• -""'llt·dttrvad llY dNld>fl(I thf 111 .. I 1)·inor'llll -fl~ llgvfe onto IHI ..... PtlC• ....... ~ ·:·:~ ':!~ !::~ . I . • • I • _j ... ¥----•• __ ,. ,.. Orang• COHt DAIL.Y PILOT/Thurlday. September 23, 1882 As fall guy for 'Dukes,' he's the Best By JERRY BUCK A#T ... ...._Wrttet LOS ANGELES Joml'tl Bcftt believes that In his role aa Sheriff R()fi('()e Coltrane on ''The Dukes of ijauard" he's been kicked around more than any other actor. "In the 3 'h years I've been on the show," he said, "I've landed in the pond countless times, Callen in wet cement. been hit by explO&lons, bad garbage dumped on me, had. sand dumped on me, been squirted by fire hydrants, and run lnto haystacks." Best's regular partner in getting dumped on IJJ Sorrell Booke, who plays Boss Hogg on the CBS comedy-adventure about rural Hazzard County. ,,.,, "Sorrell la such a pleasure to work with," he said. "l think we're psychic. We each know what the other will do. We work for the laughs of the crew. They're so terribly blase. If we can make them laugh I know it's working." It's a knockabout, slapstick partnership !or Best and Booke, somewhat like Laurel and Hardy. Interestingly, Booke tralned at the Yale School of Drama and Best has his own acting school and is a m.uch-in-demand dramatics teachn. "It's strange. I've spent 35 years in this business playing rapist-k.iUers and I wind up doing comedy." Asked about the success of the series, Best replied: "It's the ingredie nts. You've got a grandfatherly figure, Denver Pyle, who gives it stability and honesty. You add three beautiful people, Catherine Bach, Christopher Mayer and Byron Cherry. Put in a Laurel and Hardy to play the cardboard heavies. "I don't mean to compare Sorrell and myself to Laurel and Hardy. They were master actors. But I think Sorrell and 1 have been inCluenced by the masters. I think that's why we work so well together. We're both from the stage and we both studied that kind of humor." He said, "It's a cotton candy show. You don't have to chew it. But it's very palatable." Although they work well together, both work differently. Best said, "Sorrell knows in advance t!very move and nuance. I come and just let it fly. I think it works because it's unpredictable." Best will writ.e his first script for· "The Dukes of Hazzard" this year. "I got it in my new contract," he said. "I wanted to write one very badly. I wanted another creative outlet." He has a number of outlets. He frequently directs at the Florida theater owned by his good friend, Burt Reynolds, and has starred in several plays there. He did rewrites on "Hooper," "The End," and "Gator" for Reynolds. He's written the book for a ml.asical about Nashville called ".fukin" as in /'ul<.e box and LarTy Hart wiU write the music. And or the past 14 years he's had his own theater and school. Best abandoned Hollywood in 197 I and didn't return until 1977. He became artist-in-residence at the University of Mississippi. He also founded the Mississippi Film Commission and the Mississippi Ballet Theater. "Burt Reynolds brought me out of retirement with 'Gator'," he said. He a.1$0 quit "The Dukes of Hazzard" for six episodes. This past summer, during the time John Schneider and Tom Wopat quit the show, he held out until he got the ronlract he wanted, which also calls for him to direct another episode. When he's not workin.g Best spends most of his time away from Hollywood. where he owns two homes. He also owns homes in Hot Springs, Ark., Florida, and Indiana. He recently bought an island in Florida. He said, "That's the gypsy in me. I'm home wherever I hang my hat." LUXURY THEATRES It WO Shows Only 6J.4~SJ/~~r S ~ Alf ~(!] 11ft J 1ZO l iJI 7 all 10i10 l iJO 1:10 S:ZS 7:10 l :JO ... ,, •• ji)ljsl21~ 9212/"g.-=-) ~~~m lfT'THEEXTRj\·m •RUCl{Y a • I. 'TE.RRESTRIAL J tJI 7:H TIM TI!lftl (") I 110 Jlll 1:40 7 :45 h at l :U ''Ill l :!O 70MM Ho ,,,_.. 111;1ijtiju 1qu16l6J911101~~) SUfiflCIM·"SoundDlr«I oJour(ortooloOr .. lnQloltlttyl'Of- ~ • CllON& 111111m11111w.• m Phu Nl1llt Slllft (") ICDotr ...... Toot 9o• Mur Drive-1n1 pen 7:30 Nightly Cl:"ld•en UncH1 11 f Rl E Unlen Noted I I Rock wasn't soli<l HOLLYWOOD (AP) Rock Hudton uy1 a lot ot rubbllh hu been printed over the yeara about how healthy he WU, ln•wad, Hudso~ 11a1d he got n o exercise, smoked h e avily and drank a lot. "I'd really get rlppe<i " he aald. 11Wfien-you'~e been working hard on a television series you look forward to that drink at night.'' Young fans of the movie hit "E.T." show off a drawing of the title cha racter on TV's "Good Morning America" show. From left are Jason Williams, Maryann Newman and Eleda It caught up to Hudson la.at year, just as he was beginning work on a new series for NBC, "T he D e vlin Connection ." In Novembe r he was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Hospital and underwent heart bypass surgery. N ow 20 pounds lighter. he is back ~t wQrk o n hi s show . Although he still smokes, he says he feels like a different man. Manning, who were invited after writing of their interest in the flick. Fines delayed • ID fatal copter crash LOS ANGELES (AP) - Postponements have been given Warne r Brothers and three individuals who are appealing $5,000 fines levied upon them in connection with a helicopter crash that killed actor Vic Morrow and two children while The deaths occurred July 23 making a movie. during filming of a movie revival State Deputy Labor of "The Twilight Zone," a Commissioner Francis Bacon said popular old television series. the hearings have been The children were working at rescheduled "for a date and time 2:30 a.m. when Lhe law forbids to be determined. such work aft.er 6:30 .m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~--'~L-..;.._~~~ NOW PLAYING ..... ll T-l-'-IUCll wtll•talH 1.1• "°•ft no •Oll i. ..... 5-> ( ... --cu.· (h,,. c:...-.. 'l/ilf'(I l:OITl Mii i.. ... ~,·-1)11'0• ~· ttN •t• 1tu •-11MT9111UC11 -u.--.-c.-..... ~ UIO>tt tH UU ... )tll wur-n• ,_,t.c:,• "'•• n'> ..... ... )6tJ c .. u .... u.--c.. ...... s .. 21tt :!:':.w-•C-. =1> .. ~ . ..,....,....,., U •OHt tlftllt CXJI--· l111110•4M4tea:t,,.te•a..-..1........-.,I ~ ........ . t UU ' 1 I 'I I It "Fall" into my AUTUMN ART SALE! You and your friends are invited to Join me for an afternoon of art. Recently, I moved my studio . . . Consequently, there will be many items on sale ... graphics. originals, frames. cards, etc. " SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1982 SUNDAY, SEPT. 28, 1982 ·, 12-4 PM 12-4 PM (!,.,,.u, 'KUtt -~""41 17621 Birch Tree une Unlverelty Park, lrvlno 17U) 55SH619 •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday, thru Saturday All Perform1nct1 before 5:00 PM (bc.,11'*'91ffltllllMnll1114 Holid1y1I ....... ,., ........ ' LA MIRADA W ALK IN "llMOA..a.MD eNC•a" ''" ------ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN ...... P\.OYDI TMI WALL" l"I --....-·----- "8UlllllEI LOvaM" (Ill ---1«ACH GIN.I" .. , --- LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAI•"' /ti Oii AntO 211 614-9211 "aUMMlll LDVIJUI" !Jll _ ....... 11lACH OAa" 1•1 --- \O .. uooo or lo••crant tt4-2400 locwlly 01 Condlewooa 211/111·9110 ·ntS ... , UTT\.I (II) WMOMHOUlll • nu•~ ---• "MIGHT ....,.. I'll ........ , .. "INOANGIMD lf'EClES" 1111 ____ ...... "flOCllY r .,.e1 --..,..,OX-.,.e1 --- "AllDA 't' TMI 1"" '"'" r 1'11 ... ------ rAClflC TM(AHU OlllVf.111 , .. , •ms 11-.nC• rtvt tut.al Vf• , ... Ut af "AUOll l lVO OlllVl·lll & OUllQI OlllV(·lll t •• tt JN U UililM• • t~t ,. .. , ....... -" ................. . -... -,.. • ., Ill ..... _ ...... o. IMPORTANT NOTICl' CMllOllfN UNOUI 12 JllH! """' ,.. w ...... nn fll. 1• • Sol. Sill.. Ila•• N oi.A -• fOUjl All CM -1$ 'IOUll ll'IMIJI f loll ... WI 11M110 "'111 -'ICCU$Clllt l'GlllO< ---... _. •• Al.I. I»'! ~atOll .. - A~-.A••ll I__. ANAHEIM DIUVHN •••• ..., •••• l•,,,...,. ,, 11f•tll0 CHtl 11----'---·----.,.--~"tlOCl('t' ... 4"1 ·~ LOVllM" (Ill --... TAii TMK It THI WWIATM "MACH OIM.I" 1'11 °' KHAW' (Ml C1"'11-t"'I••- ~ I ,_.A , ... W• BUENA PARK OlllVI IN lll\CO•ft A•• WeV Of aM>M 12 ... 070 • 1l1N -.1 ... FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVf IN So• Di•OO ,....., QI ·-·•Vl•I (to I t62·2 .. 1 4 1 V"t ll. HI WAY 39 n111v1 IN ·~111.01tt11r1111 -.... ACM OlflL8" t•I c•"-"llOC1I y ... I'll -.., UT Tillllll AT lllDOl.llCltlT HtOH"' Ill) ttMH-.... ~· .. lA HABRA ''""' "' ___ , __ , ....... l7MM"I - ~ .... 1. T ~ TMI IXTllA ftllMITlllM. •!NI ..... ..,.. c .... ,. 1v~·1 .. 1 ""* IMCIMUI" (Ill -"IVIL.,.,.ll" 1"1 -~ .... So "' ""' .. •G<O.t lt-• 19t•369-3 ...... '1..0YO: THI W.AU" 1111 -•ltANAIMI" ,,., :t<tt .. '°""° •IMCMOM" !NI -.... All lkAMO" !NI Clllfll- OJlANGE 0111111 IN .. f' .. •"91 ,,.,. • ..... c ...... 614-9361 ... . . .. MISSION (ll/IVI IN ... . , . • ~.::c .. o.u .... '--..... .............. .. rT'S A MIRACLE THAT WIU. LUVI YOU Fel!UNG 10 Fin TALL" 11111110• WllJO 10.,Mh V1t j<1 I.,., llll 11•~0 OllAllGt C1~fOulnt &l• ?~H _,_.,,.... •lW,O•t lllCll t a .. Ma ~ ....... 1 '"''"'' ... A ij/l>Q WllTMl .. U• • d ••UCh l 1, ""''4 Wf' ' aq1 1GJ\ jiJI!tjiihi " .. ,, • • OAMl4K P .. ,lot Qt~, 1Jr,,, 1n OJ• UO j l .. Ta Fl .,.l•H l1AO l flol•.ot °'"'I~ >lJ 9310 I r- Way to go Actor Paul Newman gives singer Yves Montand a hearty embrace after Montand finished a one-man show at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. 'Inchon' inches off to a slow start LOS ANGELFS (AP)-"Inchon," the Korean War movie financed by the Unification Church of Japan, is off to a slow start at the box office despite a $1 million promotion campaign by followers of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The $48 million film starring Laurence Olivier and Jacqueline Bisset took in only $2,326,112 at 1,291 theaters during its first weekend of release, said MGM-UA spokesman Richard Kahn. That amounted to $1,802 pel' screen. By comparison, this year's box office winner, "E.T . -The Extra-Terrestrial," attracted $3,351 per screen at 1,253 locations last weekend for a $4,199,333 toW. After 101 days in release, "E.T ." has collected $253.5 million. In 1eCOnd place this past weekend was "An Officer and a Gentleman," which took in $4,061,544 at 997 theaters, or $4,074 per screen. "Inchon," which was financed partially by Moon's Unification Church of Japan and which lists Moon as special adviser, kicked off a splashy moviegoer sweepstakes last Friday. Among the sweepstakes' 3,500 prizes was a Rolls-Royce automobile with $100,000 in the glove compartment, a 16-day trip to the Orient and televisions and cameras. . Moon followers -or "Moonles" -have passed out flyers at air~rts and train stations urging people to "Go See Inchon'." But apparently the pitch isn't working yet. MGM-UA has little, if anything, invested in "Inchon," whlch the studio picked up from One Way Productions after the movie was shopped around for nearly 21h years. One Way Productions is paying an estimated $11 million in prints and promotion costs normally borne by the distributing studio. "E.T.' doll brings suit CHARLCYI'TE, N.C . (AP) -Universal City Studios lnc., producer of the movie .. E.T.-The Extra-Terrestrial," bas filed suit seeking ~ prevent distribution of dolls it contends are unauthorized replicas of the little alien creature. The studio and its licensing agent, Merchandising Corporation of America, filed suit Mondau in U.S . District against Keith Stewart. They are seeking a court order to prevent Stewart from manufacturing or selling the dolls or other E.T. items. The stocyof a weekend after a night at the opera. UJCIANO PAVAROlll IN A Glorious Uproarious Love Story. ....... ,.. AfllllJmllllb lblllMllBlS•lal•I ... , .. ,... .. -..... u ... bt .. -Jll ....... I.alt ..... .. .. 11••• ...... ~ lllJ-tst 1ap11111111111111~P111-....11•mm "*"" Im RIM 1i.w 1t .. J Dflll ..... --QM!M'J¥!" .• .:.·.~-llllZllA STARTS TOMORAOW AT THESE SPECIALLY SlLECTED THEATRES .,..... .... ~-Town C.. (71417St •114 C!ly Ceflw (71•) U• 9212 l•--nP011M1.,,11 I 11 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thured1y, Septem~r 23, 1982 ('1 AD ST ARTS THURSDI Y NO BEILER SILES Can you bellovo thi1? The 14" 1lzemovo1 50% more atr than tho 12". Paya to got tho big one. Sorry. we can't in1tall on llat rool1. tile. or metal rool1. 12". TWO 12" 1697 INSTALLED 14" 2397 6497 TWO 14" INSTALLED 7997 PRESENTING Al lhl1prtco1hf' could aflord to throw you through another one. (Don't let your bride read 1hl11he may talco It Hrlou1lyl 2'4" x 6' 8" ...... 1497 2'6" x 6' 8" .......... I 5 97 2·' 8" x 6' 8" .......... 16 97 3' O" X 6' 8" .......... 1797 6 n . 9/ 16 X 4 TIGHT KNOT DOG EARED CEDAR FENCIMG OAK TAMBOUR BOARD 19aa " ' ."' • , ,. ARTISTIC BRASS ~t·~ ·i~ LAVATORY FAUCET 1 ZJ ~· WITH OAK RANDLES Pretly 1nouy. Not the lcind youput intheback 4997 bathroom. This one m'1ke1 people think yol.l're in the #SPL chip1. Poll1hed bra·~, lini1h. MONARCH CEMENT MIXER 17777 #llXW f or work even up to driveway• th11 l1 the right 1ize. Two cubic loot capacity. wet. lnclude1. wheels. pulley. motor mounting braclcet. and lold-away hand la. G.E. Vi HP MOTOR 4997 .. -.r HENRY WET SURFACE PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT You can even aeal tho leak in the roin(which 11 lhe only time we think a~ul It. right?). 11 oz ............. 8 7 c QT ................. I 5 7 GAL ...............• 3 97 SGAL .......... I 7 7~ - DORO SUPER GLUE 53t 3GRAMS SUP-1 A little drop will do It. Hold1 ton1. Be carelul don't want to 1tick that door 1hut. we need the little houH with the hall moon. BLUE POLY OIE STEP POLY SEILllT 3s~EA . Cholm ot liquid ol poete. I oa. One e11tpUcotlon and whoopff It'• time to ma1... . No matler how tight tho lcnot1 are one will fall out and you will got to know your nolghbora la1tor. Make them pay hall. ' .. ,. . . WALNUT FINISH BENTWOOD ROCKER 3377 -·· You put it together. 11'1 eo1y. (Spooking of easy. I got a kid who ever 1ince he wa1 old enough to worlc. didn't.I - \ ,, I SLEDGE HAMMERS Ju1t what you need If you ore to fix anything. The bigger tho proolem. the bigger the hammer. 6 LB. 8 LB. 697 797 All ball bearing drive 1y1lem, 4"x36" bolt. 6 Inch dl1c. •1, HP motor. tilt table. boll 11111 and loclc1 In any po1ition. #BOS 636 ARMOR ALL Keeps the now look and 1upplene11 in vinyl. loather. rubber. 4 oz ............. . 8 oz ............... . 16 OZ. WITH .SPRAYER ........ .. 149 333 32 oz ............... 4 77 BIBI STRAIGHT SCISSORS 59•EA. Next we'll Hll thread. Ju1t kidding (he alway• 1ay1 that when he gripe• about aomethlng.) Everybody nHd1good1cl11ora. If\ a•aorted 1l1e1. QUllER STATE ZOW/ 50 WT . c:: ~ MOTOI OIL aa•QT. Do you know we. ••II tone more oll than th• ga11tatlon1. No big deal . Ju1t co"'pare th.• prlce.Jn1tant .. ..,. • Thi1 l11ho1 curved loolc board. grooved (Is that redundant?). for doalc loce1. 1oblo1. pancl111g. etc. 4X8 4 # x #8 BLACK & DECKER I 7" STRING TRIMMER These 1tring trimmers hove put the old blade I typo out 10 pasture. They won't cut your 3aa 1hoe or chip a way tho walk or houae. #8201 DOUGLAS HOSE REELS WALL MOUNT 16 8~23·867 CART TYPE 22 8~3-863 Keep• the hoae high and dry. !Speaking of dry. ii you drlnlc to lorget, forget it!) Double rlnga. olwoy1 ready lo u10. GROUND COVER FLATS Gozonlo. Potentllla (whotta great name) lrl1h Mo11. Ivy and more (And it'• tho "more'' that g'9t1 you doe1n't it?). • 77 FLAT MURRAY 20" RED BMX 59aa #35614 Now that the booch'l1 empty who need1 one? Kidding. mob. .., \ • ('I Orange Coa1t DAil. Y PILO f /Thur1day. 8eptemb r 23, 1882 S ounds of the sea lull listen ers of r adio s tation SAN FRANCl~CO (AP) noln"! l.IMWn lo lhl• •oumJ ul Turn on tht1 radio and U.kt1 J.our SplnolUI, fi nt'ral m11n•a r ot thu nuthln~.' '' ...aid 81>lt'lullu. "Wo eana on tan cx'tMU\ 1'rultMi. Stu eml.AI 4-yt•U·O d 1t11Uon, which 111 1old, ·t oy. th1H'8 o w,on<krtul do It, and 1t~n3 11 almoel a ownC!d by Mtinlo-Atherton lllah Iden. If w1 • dllln't pluy u11ythl11". bretl2e. h\IOmnla o It, and they &hool, where Splnt•tt• tt•ut·hcs thort''d lw nothing tu worry 1lee~lke boblcs on a tectntly t'\lnvnunlcatlon.11. oboul, no hW1Mlt>t1 with money und rock boat. 14"our monlh• oao. Splneuu pro.irammln~ ' " Thf''re all tuned in to 8Y.1 on rl'callcd In an an\crvlt>w, "it The ldt'M o ( rN·ordlng ond reoched a point where things uiring the Ol't'Un "Ulmc out o( lhc: the M dial -KMAH , a were really bad, and everyone clear blue aky," Sfilnella suid. 100-wall communlly radio wai really di1COuragl'CI." "One nJght we pul t Qn and wt• 1talion In Menlo Park that treat.I ltstenera to the s~uawk of Tht-n h e saw a Colorado h~ft it-on for two or thrro days. 1ej'ulls, the bleat o foghorns ne wspaper with a sroof ad And we storted getting phone an the crashing of the waves touting the virtues o a non-calls, then letters. We sold, 'Hey, against the shore, every nigh t exl1$tent radJo staUon that didn't maybe .there's something to !rom JO p.m-to 7~ a.m. broadcast anythln~. lhls.· tt It was an Idea born of "It said, 'Tire of lalk and When ttw <1tt1til)n di'K•ovt'rf'd Igor Stravinsky USA 2c - ""1th• llkt•d th Id a, KMAH band m1.111c. broadcaatt of t·ltfc ma t• 11lx dlff~rf'nt r«'Ordln"11 of council mMJtJng11 and otht•r publ c lhC.• llt•U '11 IOO", 1ervlce1 lot an uudlonco "In oil«' record Ins, Wtl h•d 1trctchlng to San Ramon. krota awogullJt, 1ea llon1 an toahorn11 San Franelltco Bay to the eut, But wu look out the aea Ilona and San Joac to the 80Ulh lx~'llUll(' th~y IOUntk-d hkt> pip, . h can't crack San FranclliCO, und w u didn't need 1ea pla• though, a problem Spinella tlontln~ln our OCE>an," Spl~t\a said. " o took out the aeagullt hope• to rectify by rallln" the and gol o call thl' next day from a 1tatJon'1 antenna, which 1ita JUSt 2B !ee.t off the ground. llslcner who dernandM we put them back In.'' Sin ce the station began The sta lion, mann ed by broadcasting the gentle song of volunteer1, received fundin g the ocean, it has received about Crom a varrety oraour~es. Its 20 tellers and an average of two other programming Includes big-or thret: phone calla a day from apprt'ICiaUvc U1wnen1. "Th~y Hy It'• really 1reat bc~au1e lt'1 tan 11\erna\lv• to evc~lna elae," Splneua aald. "T ey put It on In tht boc~ound, and theh can relax and Vl' thll 10und t at cut.I out all the noise and IOUnd of can on the street. We've had leuer1 uylng, 'Don't you dare uike It off.' "We're the only 1U1tlon I know of that ~rogram1 for people to sleep," e .aid with a laugh. ''J'he only problem la keep~ \be. penion awake who hat to lit ere all night." HARDWARE Where Friendly Service is a PamilJJ Tradition Ne w st amp AP Wlrepholo Sat. & Sun., Sept. 25 & 26 -Bargains From Every Depart111ent- v 1goro Evergreen Food 5-lb #5-9-9 Reg. 1.99. Now 99¢ ~~~'::/ T he U.S. Posta l e r vice wi ll i ss u e a s t a mp honorin g composer Igor travins ki o n Nov. 18. Arab culture chair founded . .. Tel Aviv Universily has estabhshed the Dr. Ire ne Halmos Chair in Arab Language and Literature. The chair was endowed by psychologist Dr. Irene Halmos, ll'lngtime supporter of Israel. Dr . Halmos, a resident of Leisure World in Laguna Hills, said she is enlh usiastic about the project because of i\S role in strangthening the relationship between Israel and the Arab people . "The Arab peoples have contributed so much to the hislory, languag, and lite ralure of the country," Dr. Halmos said, "and we're oHering them a place to come and study their roots." Mel Jaffee. chairman of the Orange County chapter of the American J:o'riends of Tel Aviv University, called the endowment one of the outstanding achievements in the one-year history of the group. Recipient of the Halmos Chair is Tel Aviv University Professor Sason Somech, chairman of the department of Arabic language and litera ture. which he helped found in 1968. The chair will enable him to continue work begun with Egyptian literary figures. In addition. Somech will conlinue his research and collaboration with several Arab authors. and develop methods to expose Israeli students and the people of Israel. to the expression of Arab literature. Pessitnist s miserable see • winter CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -Remember the miserable winter of '82? Some forecasters sa-y the coming winter will be even worse - even though predicting the weather that far ahead may be more art than science. Today is the first day of fall. and everyone agrees that's a sure sign cold weather is not far behind. But coming up with a more specific forecast depends on whether you subscr ibe to the sunspot theory, the volcano theory or simple intuition. Hurd C. Willett or Massachusetts Institute of Technology says the prediction of a cold winter is "almost unanimous," but National Weather Service forecasters are. to put it kindly, skeptical of Independent colleagues' prognostications. "In principle, it may be possible to predict this far ahead," said Donald L. Gilman, chief or long-range forecasting for the weather service. "The real question is: Do we have the tools now to do it?" Gilman doesn't think llO. If the weather service put out a winter forecast now, he' said he'd lay odds that it would be 52 percent correct -not much better than flipping a coln. To a forecaster, winter 11 December, January and February. The wNther service holds off its winter prediction until late November. Gilman says it averages about a 65 percent reliability. Willett, a profesaor emeritus at MIT, is one of a few meteorologists who make very long-range forecasts. lie puts his faith in sunspots. ' "My forecast ls for a very cold winter this year, with the coldest weather In the eastern United States and not so cold In t he Far .. We1t," he said . "A very cold winter would be 5 or 6 degrees below normal for the average of the winter." He expect.I Anuary to be the n ippiest mon th, with temperatura 8 degrees below normal ln parts of the country. Last year the temperature ln Chicaio hJ t 26 below zero Jan. 10, the coldest ever in the Wlndy City. When th e Cincinnati Benplt played the San Diego Chargen for the Ame ric an Football Confer•n ce tit le In Cl.ndnnatJ, the temperature t10od at minus 9. Before the 1euon waa ove r, Flor ida 1Uffe red throuCh • devutatin1 treeie and ,.,u ol the Noi1.heMt .,i 2 feet of 1nOW in April . Vigoro Tomato Food 5-lb #5-1 0-10 Reg. 1.99. Now 99¢ Vigoro Vegetable Food 20-lb #5-10-10 Reg. 3.95 Now 1.99. PLUS other a~sorted garden products greatly reduced! • PAINT CLOSE-OUTS! • DREMEL TOOLS 2~ OFF! •BIG SAVINGS ON ASSORTED LIGHTING FIXTURES! . •EXTENSION CORD SAVINGS! • BANANA LOUNGER DISCOUNTS! • AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Limit.ed Qua·ntities • All Sales Final ••fl• fttraff•r• Chairs, tables, loungers. r or less UL rated 1-A; 10-B.C. Effectively fight all common household fires. Ideal for 811 kitchen, garage and basement. reg. 17.tl #40002 41 ....................... 1zt.ltl . ......................... 114.M .4()31. console 1Uto1natlc AFT color tv • MX/300 chaul1 • 100• In llne metrlx tube • Contemporary 1tyt1ng • GrMn LED channel d•tPl•Y • Swivel bue 14950 Reg. 799.95 prof11Clo111I t11oh 11tl olf 7 W' circular saw from Bleck end Decker. Gives extra cutting capacity with suoer comfort and 99 handling ablllty. Reg 65 99 1 'A H.P. motor. #1228-46 Aust Treatmen • Destroys old ru1t • P<event1 new ru11 Ju11 brush It on. No more ru1t, but year• 01 protection. 2•• SKUI 196535 reg 15.99 699 9 5 •••••• ,,111101 ''"'" Sturdy all-steel construction. reg. 1.75 a•• #189019 r111tl11 •• 1 f111t •-1t-11 I llllt1olll 01111-1.t at 1l11t 11tl111! 1rtlflol1I t1rf Convenient ua .. both lndoor1 and outdoors. Available In green and brown. 6 feet wide. 2• I Ree. s.n .... _ .. • th• ·:J.eminine :JinerY :J.or :J.aff Bfeckenridge Campus Casuals Patty Woodard Maggy London Joanie Char California Girl Jonathan Martin Stuart Lang and much more /EAEnDIPITY c.c ....... ......... 1040 Irvine 1Ave. 631-0350 chantelle PAllS Veta's INTIMATE APPAML. INC. /11Je /If fl/N( A t'ENUI.. /\'t "''u#T •EACH CA v.•u u 642·1191 \ ·Sea shells to wear by the shore. Or anywhere else. Any t ime. Smart and sassy in 14 Kt. Gold .. CHARLES H. BARR Acc,...._G_ _ _,.! L .. ., ... , for the 17#1 & .,. .... W..tdlffpt .. ............. GOOD LOOK 'lmclitional design, natural shoulder styling and Shetland plaid combine to complete this classic: look in men•s sportswear by Corbin. Fea· tured now at Halliday'sl Club tie by 'lalbot. WeMcWf Plua, 1104 lrvirle Avenue, Newport Bffch. CA 93860 • (714) 646-0793 Or1nge Co11t DAii. V Pit.OT /Thurtday, Septemb•r 23. 1992 The one you'll want to go with everything for fall. A wool crew neck with an all-over fancy stitch and soft gathered shoulder, in natural o nly. Westcliff Plaza I 028 Irvine. Newport Beach (17th and Irvine) (i l4) 642-7061 Visa/Mastercard • • • • omes am1es. \/ Westchff Raza 1132 lrvne Ave. .,._~...,. Q Newport Beach Cahf. 92660 \/ 714 -631-6008 • Teens •· • f,~thony·s Shoe Se rvice • Bank of Am erica • Charles Barr Jewelers• Crown Hardware• Dr. Lou Elder• Hair Handlers Salon • Ha~liday·s Men's C l~t~ing Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Chante~ •Hughes Market• Mes Amies Tee ns • Nancy Dunrt Antiques• Newport Balboa Savings• Paper Unl1m1ted Sav-On Drugs • Serendipity • St"rekeeper • Storekeeper for Her • Veta's Intimate Apparel• Wes tcliff Clea ners • We stcliff CC?rners • Westcliff Shoes• • Xavier's Florist .I ., .. ' I bl Laguna festival planned A festival ot "Ar'-ln Motion" w ill l)e stjlaed a t M ai n Bt'och Park in Laguna Beach on Saturday and Sunday, featuring more than a doien dance, mime, exercise and ancient <.-eremonlee. T h e free dance serlee le presented by the clty'1 Art Commlseion and the A r ta Commisalon Alliance and runs from 10 a.m. w 3 p.m. both days "on the green" at the seaside park. Spectators were invited t o participate in several scheduled events, with demonstrations and teaching offered to the novice. The schedule Saturday ls: 10 a m -Yog•. Oal'l\on11111ton end ! .. Ching 10·~0 • m -lnne1c;onnecllon dence, demonstrlllon al\d IMClllng 11 05 •·m -The Wind Oe11ce•a - Foott>ag and F1111>M { P\alC M>TICC MltC M>TICC MUC M)llC( Ml.IC M>TIQ'. ;tOfifi&i 1Uiii11 M... GC•tn •ICffftOW ~H I MAM1 IUtt .... f NOTICI °' YWUITH"I I M.1 NOTICI Of TllUllftl'I IALI NAMI I T&T_,,, ~o:::w1111 i*Hfl I• dome YOU AM ~':',l:.r UNOM A YOU AN :f'~, UMMIJl A .,_,~ l611t,.oi1t'I*-.,. OC*1Q 0 0 "0 HA DI L ... A " DllD OI HUIT DATID AUOUIT HID Of T..U.T DAT8' NU IT coLt:ur. VllW a CHl"<>fl"AOtlO OHICf',' 45 fNt H...l 1111. UNI.Ill YOU TUI *I. UM.lit YOU TAICI ACTtoN W•teo"1IMI ffO H-:X,,~1°c.,.~Z '•Cllle Coat! Hfthway, •uua C), lh1TION 'TO 'ROT11C,.-Y0Uft 0 ....OTICT YOUR "90f'ltt'n', Drnre lulla t~ ,.._POtf .. lloth; Co.one ....... ., <:A 1212• "'°""rv. IT MAY N IOLD AT A IT MAY .. ICH.D AT • "'91.tC CA ' OAAY "AUi. IAAANOIKI, 'UllllC t~l.•YCMl•IOAN I.All. IP YOU NllO AN OAAY Wf'ICOMH UO DC . 1601 H•v•ll 1'1114•, "fawpo1t H ltlAJfATION Of', .. NAJUM .... UNA.TIC* M '"' NATUltl Nftpotl C.m11 Oov• lkil•e HO IMcll CA 82"3 Of' THI HIOCllDINQ AQAINIT Of' THC ""OCHOINO AOAINIT Nell.POil 8Nc.h CA tMeo . Tiiie OutilltM .. COflCIUCled by an YOU, YOU tMOUl.O CONTACT A YOU, YOU lttOUlO CONTACT A JACK 01.D+iAM 600 ~· lndlllld'* LAWYltl lAWYU. Gem., Onva Sulla -1&0 Hawpo11 Oa1y P'eul Be11no1kl, On the 15111 dey Of OelOl>lt. 1to2, On OetObe1 I 1812, et It 00 ~II CA fl7Mo ' at Illa l\Ou1 Of It 00 • 11'1 ' •• Illa 8111 • m ' \/ t ~ 0 u Cl 0 8 L ~ v I c [. Mll(f MIYffl HO Newpori Tlllt tlatam•lll w• lu.d wilh lhe •• , .. ,"'''~or Ille,..., COUl\ty COAPOAAflON .• Calllo1nl~ Canlt• 011ve Sulle ·~ Newport Couflty Clefk ol 01e.noe County on Cou1thOVN. locttao et 100 Civic: corpo1111on ... duly 1ppo1n1ed Be~h CA tiMO · l~em~ 7, 1812 c.tl••• Of1Y1 WMI, I011n.,1y "nown T1ut1 .. under end pu11u1n1 111 ltAUl P~lll ~(fl MO Newport '1MN1 •• 100 Wail 0111 Strfft, allu•ted in OMd or T1u11 1ecordad S.01e1n~• Ctn1t1 011v1 Suite '1&0 Newp0t1 .. ubll1hed Orange COHI Oelly I II a C 11 Y o I 8 • n I I A n a , 10, INQ, .. Inell Mo 1:112i bOoto tk41Cf1 CA fieeo ' PllOt, Sept 8, 10. 23. '°· 1812 county o l Oran9•-' 8111• ol 13137, P•O• 140 or 0111-c111 SiAN SOlOMON llGON-POfl r----------":.:.n:.:•.:.•..:•:;;" C 1111 or n I•. C 0 H TIN t N t Al Aeciord1, UKUtld by N WPOAl Oen I er Duva Sulla i60 Nawpgft PUBllC NOTICE AUXtllMY COMPANY, • ca111om11 PARTNER s H 1 P . A o •,, •, • • e.~n. CA 0;000 • corpo1aJJon, .. T1u11 .. undlf DMd hrtMlllllp, •• trut101' In th• otltce A L w A NA MA K E R 6 0 0 f'lCTITIQUI IUtlHltt ol Tru11 dated Auou" at, 18' t. Of Illa Counly Racordat of Or1nge Newport Cent11 Olh11 Sulit e~ NA• tTATIMINT '••eeutao OY·~ Koechel-end Counw • .s11a .ot Calllom1a, Will. "'-wpon ~.CA G2ieo · fha lollowlllp pe11on 11 dolno Lui11 .. t1 IC~, wt\O a1a m.,tled Sl!ll AT PU8l1C AUCTION TO GERALD lAfl.AMMf U~ lln ... u lo Heh otllar, 1nd reco1dad on HIGHEST BIDDER rOA CASH Oroedwlly Sulla 116!> Sit\ b.ago SASINI, 2U31·J <i1ece l•n•. Sapl I&, 1061, .. ln111uman1 NO (P•y•ble ., time Of HI• In llwlul CA 92101 • . oetl ....... CA 92020 17170, In BOOk 14718, Pege 1263 ol money ol 1~ United SlllM) •I th• LOUIS MALONE 600 NIWl>Ofl RICHARD L JACKSON J.... Olllclll RKQfdl, County of Orange, antranee t6outh) lo 011noo Counly Cantar Ome, Sune '200, H-pO<I N~. a C1llfo1nl1 corpo1et1on, C1llfornla, Olven to Hi;ure 811 old Cour1llOUM. Glly Of 811111 Ane, Bec1eh, CA 112660 '31·J G11ee lane. Cott• M ... , lnd•btednt11 In llVOI ot Bank of C1lftorni1,allllght.tllleandlntarffl RICHARD OLDHAM 1017 A Q2020 Ame<ICI Netlonel T11111 end S1v1ng1 conveyed lo ind now held Dy II Klngabury D11ve Haahvtlla Thi• bullneH 11 cooduclacl oy 1 Auoc:tellon, a nallon11 b•nklng under Hid 0.od of Trull In tha tannH ... 3721~ · • POflllOn UIOCllllOn, by IHton Of the bUMIClh p1ope11y tlhlltld In Hid County MARK HEMPHILL 4204 S Alch1td L JICktOll Jr of I~ Obllgatlon1 HCUrad thetaby, and Siila dnc;rlbad Al 8apulva<11 Blvd Cutve; Oly CA notlee 01 wlll<:ll waa 1ac0<Cled on Loi 7 of T1ect No 300, 1n tht U0230 · ' Alcha1<1 l Jeckton, Ju11e 2. 1912 at 111111umen1 No county ol Or1nga, tlata ol DENNIS G TYLER 4000• ,.. •2· IHll13 ol Olllclll Record• of Catll0tnll u Pit mep 11CO<Oad In MacArthur Blvd . Sulla' 1000,. Thi• 11a1-1 waa 111ao wtlh tlla Hid 011no• Counly, Ind m0ta 1hait book 4, pegaa 11 end t' ot Newport Baacti, CA 82MO nty Clatk or 01•noa County on 1 thlff monlh• hive alapMd tine• MllCllllaneou• Map1, 1n lhll Ollie:. ol ALAN H WIE NEA 4000 tamMf 14, 1812 IUClll racotdallon, will Mii •I public the County Rei:otder ol Hid county Mec:Allhur BIYd Suit•' 1000, '1thlt aucllon lo lhe hlgh .. I bidder for and lllle Of CalllOtn<a !ffwpon Becacll CA 02660 PuDltah•d 01anga CoHt Delly I cull ot • ca11111t's Check d1awn on The t11aat 1dd1au end oth•r Tiii• bu.11n--. 11 c:onduc:ledtby a llot, Slpl 18, ,3, 30. Oc1 7, 188' • Slit• °' na110n1I benk. • etll• °' common ,,.SIOnlllOn. II 1ny. of llMt o-•I panneiamp 4046-112 lad.,•I c:radll uoton Of • 11a1e °' rHI p1oper1y dHcllbad obo'fa 11 Alan H Wiener, Gen 1------------led.,al ..... 1ng1 •nd io.n lllOCllllOn purporled 10 De 23211 Newpo11 Pitt • flta.JC NOTICE ldomic11ed In thts 111111. (payable 01 Blvd . Coat a Mesa, Celllornl• Tblt 11111eman1 wu tii..d with 11141 1------------11me ol sate In l1wlul money ol Ille 92626 Coun1y Cte•k of Ori~ County on I I 25 e.m -StrelhllYan Scotttah 0-•· demon1111t10n and ttaelllng 12: ts p,m. -Gordon Grey'• Pipe Ba11d and Hlghl1nd O•nc:at•. 12·40 p.m. -Th• Siient TrNtment -• mime spoclal W1th C•Pflce Rothe. I p m . -African H1lll1n EnHmble. Balinese dancers will be among the pe rformers at the two-day HArts in Motion," scheduJed at Main Beach Park. l'ICTrTIOUI IUllNlll Unlled Siii• ol America) Wllhoul The u n<11111g n ed T 1 ullea September 15 t082 NAiii 8TATIMINT covenant or w1111nty, upress or dllcl1lm1 any llab1H1y tor eny ' 1'1'741>2 The totlowlng person fl dolno I mpl(ad. aa 10 ttlfe. posHsslon or tncorrectnesa ot 1111 "'"t add•H• u " Offlc:e• bualne" aa ~ncumD11nc11, the lntere1t and 01he1 COfllmon destgnatton II k tNOIEl a ANOERI C>ff M 0 S PR 0 DU C T 8, 4 4 2 EI conveyao to end now hold by Iha 1ny, lhown holeln ' 4000 Mac:Atlhut llvd. Modena, Newpo11 Beech, CA Hid trullee under Hid Dead of Slid u1e wlll be made, but Tenth l'loof 92683. T1u1t. In and to Iha lollowlng without coven1n1 or w111anty ,..wport .. ach, CA neeo ROWiand Hervey Trinidad Staal Orum Band. perl0fm1nce end Inching. 2'.30 p.m. -Tlla FHllval ol N11ton1 -Ballet Peclllc. 12 45 p.m. -The AI0·8-and 000 BM• -C1th11 RIQby Gymnu1ic. Academy 1:30 p.m. -Ja.u D•~rs. Inc. Lagu na Moulton Playhouse, will be the p rogr am announcer. H ealth food booths w ill be provided. MICHAEL DAVID SHERWOOD, do11;rlbed property thualed In IJ)I exp1ess 01 Implied. regerd1ng tltla: Published Otange Coaal 011fly 442 El Modena, Newpor1 Buell, CA Counly o l 01ange, Slate 'bl possession. 01 encumbrencH, to Pilot. Sept 16, 23, 30. Oct 7, 1962 92663. Collloinla, lo wit pay Ille 1ema1ntng plinclptll 1um of 4 tOS..82 Tiii• bu1lne1111 conducted by 1n lol 168 of Tract No 7100, 1n lhe lhe note secured by Hid [)Nd ol 3 p.m. -Tll Chi Ch'uan, Shaolln Temple Meditation exercltH, demonllrellon end teaching. 2 p.m -flla Sllanl T1fftmenl -mime epoclat lndlvlduat City ol Irvine. County ot Orange. Trual. wlln 1n1eroat thereon, at M1cn1el D She~OOd St111e of Calllo•nla, as tllown on a provided In said nole, advancea, 11 This tlllemenl was filed with the map r11eo1ded In bOok 324, pag&s any, under the 1erm1 ol said Otecf Pia.IC NOTICE 8TATaMINT OF WfTHORAWAl. ""°"' PARTNEftl""° Of'EAATINO UHDlft Sun day's even ts include: 10 a.m -Fun Thlno• to Do FOf You1 Body, wltll Zehave, per10tmaitcas and teaching. 11·45 • m -Thi Wind Oanc:ats. 2·30 p.m. -Tiie Glmbdu De.nee Sulla, Lot An""" CllOfaoQ<ap11et1/DaflCl8'1. County Clerk of Orange County on 44 to 48. Inclusive ot m1soell11neous ol Trust. lees, cha1gas 1nd September 14. 1962 m1p1, In lh• olllce of Iha counly e11.panees of the Tlullff 1nd of tho Noon -Sa111ra B1d1y1 C'Lova ot Ill• Aris") Balinese Dane.,.., mu11e11 P<O(jMllon Ind pert0<m1nce 3 p.m. -Cerlbbaan C1rnlve1, with the R'Wanda Lawis Dence Co , performance end Hmbo IMClllng. Specators were asked to bring beach chairs and light clothing if they intend to participate in some or the teaching events. 1'181402 1ec0tder of .. 1d cou111y trusts c1e111ed by said Deed of Publl1had Orange CoHI 01lly Exceptang therahom all 011. 011 T1u11. 101 the amo..o111 reaaon1bly Pt101. Sept 16, 23. 30. Oct 7. 10112 tlghlJ, m1naral1, mineral rlghll, estlmlled 10 bo $164,582 35 flCTITIOOI •USINEH NAME T1111 tollowlng p111on hi• wilhdrawn .. a general panner 1,.om the Par1net Ship Ol>lf lllng under lhll llclltaou1 bu1lneu n•m• ol JBS INVESTMENTS at 4000 MacAflhut Blvd . Suite 470, NftWp()(t Beldl. CalifOfnll 82880 Doug Rowe, director of the __________ 4_06_9_·_12_1n11u11I gas r1ght1, and otll•r ThO bonolldlfy under .. Id Deed Pl8.JC NOTICE hydrocerbon• by wttatsoever name of T1u11 heretolora axaculad end known lllal m1y be Within Of under delivered to the unde111gned • l--~,-IC~T~IT---IOU_t_IU_.._--,-,--lh• P.,cel ot land he1eln1boY• wrntan 0.Cllfallon of Dalaun and Youth held after chase NA• ITATl!MINT daac11bed 1oget1111 with the Demand 101 S ele, ind 1 written Tn. following P«ton• .,. dotng perpeluet rtghl ot drilling, m1111ng, Nolle• of Oeetaull and Elecllon to buW-ea: ••Plo11ng end ope1a11ng therefor Sell. The undetalg,...O causeo .. ,d THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE Ind alo•l11g In Ind removing lhe Notice of Oellull and Elaction to Tiie llcti11ous busln••• name 1ta1emen1 10< the p1rinen.111p wu fllao on f'•t>rulf)' 14, 1980 "' I/Ml Couoty of Orange 37111 S. Tln\Mf Sttfft, Sanla Ana'. .. me from Mid lend Of lny OI'* Sell to bo rac:orOad In lhO county A 15-year-old Santa Ana youth has been arrested after leading ·ce from two cities on a 100 mph hase that ended in Seal Bea h where he reportedly plo ed the car he was driving into a n oth er vehicle, police said. accident at Seal Beach Boulevard a n d W estminster Avenu e resulted in r:rUnor injuries to the young driver and the driver of the second car, Jeff Wright of Lakewood. hours while the debris was cleared. Seal Beach officers said it is believe~ the u nnamed 15-yepr-old stole the car in Santa Ana and attracted the attention of Westminster police by speeding through t hat city at a high rate of speed. Cehlomla 87207 land Including th• rlghl to lllllete lhe 1eal Pfoperty ii IOcated Rici! Zepata 3718 s Tlmbw wllapllock Of dlrec11onalty dflll and Oil• Soptembet 7. 1982 Str-. Santa Ana. CelllOfnta 92707 m•ne t1om lends olhet th1n tl\Ole \/EA Du GO s EA v 1 c E Miouat cne-. 37111 s Timbaf heretnobovl described, Oil Of oa• CORPORATION Str991, Senta Ana. Caltfomti 92707 wellt , 1unn1ls ind shalts 1n10, as said T1u11ee Thia buel-,, condwted by a lhfougll Of ICfOSI Ille eub9urt1Ca ot by Cr1s11n1 VtllOI• genetll par 1*1hlp, tno land her11nebove desi;rtt>ed, 401 N Brand Blvd . • 422 M~/\* ChAllW 1nd lo bollom tueh whlpstock.ed Of Glendale, CA 81203 Thia 111toment wu llllO W1th 1111 dtrecllonally drilled wells, lunnets Tel (2131 500-24115 Full Name and Address or the Petton W1thd1-ano Jam•• S Sllln, 1046 la Mirada Laguna 8111;11. C•hlOfnla 92880 /t i James S Sla.n 1'1JDQ Publtshad Orange Coasl Dally P1101. Slp1 2 0, 16. 23, 1962 3882-82 ounty Clark of Otllflt• C<>unty on end •h•llS unde• and beneatll or Publlshed Orang• Coul Dilly ·Officers said the Tuesday Police said they were forced to close t he intersection for two Augull 30, 1962. ti.o;ond lhO •••••la< limlls theteot. Pilot, Sep1 16. 23. 30. 1982 1'1tM01 i nd 10 1edrtll, ra1unn11, equip, 4101·112 ...PuDll•h•d Orange co .. t Dally ma1n1a1n, 1epa11, deepen 1nd PilOt, Sept 2. 8, 16, 23, 1082 opera1a eny such wans or mines Nil.IC NOTICE Pia.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUl lNHO NAME STATEMENT 1------------,3$39 .. 2 wllhout. how.var. lhe rtght 10 drill. Nil.IC NOTICE ------------mine, llO•a. Upl0te and operate FICTITIOUS IUllNllS The following pertons are dOl"O • • !Jusiness Care rev1s1ons inked 1------------PUBUC NOTICE 1h1ough the surt1ce ot the upper FICTITIOUS 8UtlNHS 1-------------500 laet ot the aubsurlace of the NAME I TATIEMfNT Dullness •• OAVIBON ASSOCIATES. 18430 AG GR A\/ AT I 0 N EL I M· B<OOkhu1t1 Slrfft, Fountain \/alley, INA TORS. 1190 W I 5th SltHt, CA 927011. Spice 49, Newport Beac11. • sem1nars ~cheduled SACRA MENTO (AP) -T he gover nor has signed into law major revisions to California's foster care and adoption programs that will affect at least 30.000 children. NAMI STATE.MINT 'ICTITIOUI 8UllNE88 land he1e111above described, as Tiii following pa11on II doing NAMe ITAffMINT rese•ved In llM! deed from lhe trvlne bullness as: The tollowlno pe11on IS doing Company, a Wast Virginia THE CONCERT FACTORY, 11nest H :01poret1on, rei;ordad Augutt 7 '714 Pt•~•nlll. Co••• Mesa. REGAL ENGIHEEAINQ, 11160 1975 1n Book '1477, Page 14 oi Cettf()(nt• 9~627 abcock Sttaet, CoSla Ma11. 10ltlc111 Records Tiie addreu or JoHph Jonathan Yukei:h. •llloml1 92~27 other common detlgnallon, II any. OA\/ID A. PETERS, 16430 CllitO<nla 92663 BrOOkhurst Strfft, Fou11111n V11tey, CarOiynn Cam. 1190 WMl 15111 CA 92708 Stlff1. Spec• 49. Newport Beech. This business 11 conducted DV a California 92663 llmlleCI p1rtn.rsn1p Mlf•lynn Wllka1ton. 1190 W The Small Business Admin istratfon will present three seminars in October f or small - business e ntrepreneurs, owners and managers. Gov. Edmund Brown J r.'s offi<..'e said SB14 by state Sen. Robert Presley, 0-Riverside, and AB1695 by A.ssemblywoi:nan Gwen Moore, 0 -Los Angeles, will go Into effect Jan. 1. 16036 E Ma1llnton, Whlttlar, F11nk A Lub1ellcy. 000 ol the •eel p1oper1y ducrlbed CaJ1f()(nla 80604 ogwood St1HI. Co1ta Man. •b<MI rs pu1ported 10 be. 3762 F.,n Tlllt bulin.t II conducted by en tornll 821127 Street. lrvlna. C1lllo1nla; lhe lndMClulL This bullnMa la conduGled by an und.,Slgnad TrutlH dl11C11lm1 any Joeeptl J. Yullaell llabl1111y IOf any lncorrac1nau of ,,,. Oavld A Pe1111 15th Street. Sp•c• 49, Newpo11 Thlt siatement was filed with the Beech, Cahlornla 92663 County Clet'k ol Orange County on This bust,_. 11 condUC1ed by a September 7 1862 general Plll'tnatlhlc> 1'111150 l;lfOl)'nn c .. n Publlthad Orang• COHI O•lly '"'' llll-1 Wll faled With 111e Presley said his bilJ aimslo keep children with their natural parents.. reducing the referral to foster homes. Tille 11•1-I wu llted with Illa Fr..VC A l..ubAmlly 1dd1e11 or othe1 common County Cte<tc ot Otenga Coun1y on Thia •t•t-1 -tiled with Illa daelgnetlon. " •nv atiown n..-atn s.ptambar 7. 19112 ty Clarll ol Orange County on II Iha elOf ... ld PfOf)ertY hH no F1._. lembar 14, IN2 · ,1_ "'"' aOdreu or otller common PllOt, Sept 8, 16, 23. 30, 1862 County Ctetk of Ot8'19fl County on 3980-62 $ef>lam1* I , 1982 ------------~ F191511 They are designed to provide information on Reunion set personnel. fi nancing, k t · d The South Ga te High m a r e 1 n g , rec o r School claa of 1942 will keeping, legal aspects, hold ita 40th ~·-•on on i n surance and site ~.:uiu location. Oct . 9 at the H yatt The programs will be Anaheim, Anaheim. held on Tuesddys, Oct. Further Information 12. 19. and 26, from 7 to may be had by calling 9 30 t G Id evenings at 827-1193. : p .m .. a o en, _________ _ W e s t C o l l e g e . NI.IC flOTlC( Administration room•------------ 209, Huntington Beach. ·~~A~• For information call The to llowlng pe"on 11 doing 836-2709 or 891-3991. bull~E~ATIONAL TAAO£ AMO Co-sponsors are t h e CHARTERING. 3 Cedaroten. trvlna, Service Corps of Retired Celi1orn11 92714 Executives (SCOR E), trv1na~~1::;·,! Cedarglen, A 'c t i v e C o r p s o f Aleh.,d Pal~ Executives (ACE), the This a111-1 wu n1e<1 with,,... S m a I l B u s I n e s s ~~~~. ~~.anoa C<luflty on Administration and ,,.,.. Golden West College. Publlahed Orange Cou• Dally Pilot. Sept 9, 18. 23, 30, 1882 393&-82 OCC offers l"IC=.=.. • ~ NA.Ml ITAT'lMINT I k The lo1tow1ng pa1a<m i• doing ta S on ~C"iFIC MICROWAVE ANTENNAS. 1701 Pomona, Costa M .... Calllomla 92627 ma tu r • g Aober1 Sl\llgaa, 1324 SMctn1 ID Orlva, Corona def Mar. Cahl0tnl1 92625 A lecture series that explores the trials and triumphs of life's middle years will be offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Tiiis bu~ It conducted by 111 lndlvldual Robert D. Sturgea This 1111-1 WU tiled with Iha County Clark ot Oranoa County on August 30, 1082. F11M01 Publltllad Orenga Coast Oelly Piiot. Sapt 2, 8, IS, 23, 19112 31141-8a Mt.IC NOTICE Publl•had 011ng1 Coe1t Delly •••r• dallgnataon. dl1ac:tlon9 a to llOW 10 l\8l.IC NOTlCE P11bhlhad Orang• Con• O&lly ------------Pilot, Sept 2. 9, 16 23, 1082 Nil.IC NOTICE Plot, Sept 8, 16. 23, 30. 1982 Publltllad 01anoe Co111 Dally loc•I• tuch prope11y may b• 3918-82 llot, Sept 16, 23, 30. Oct 7, 1082 obtained trom the a.naflcl8')' under ----------------------4039--·-·1_2 H id Deed of Trull, al whoH F'ICTITlOUI .,..... 3892-62 ACTTnOU9 __, ..... 111.._aun....,. NlllC NOTICE Pia.IC NOTfCE Pla.IC NOTICE 1eques1 the aa1e 1s 10 t1e conc1uc1ed, purauant to I written raqua ll Tha IOllowing persona ere OOong bullnau.. 1------------WILSHIRE CONSTRUCTION, FtCTTTtoUI IUllNEIS N ... IT • .,..NT The following person• 1s <101no l'lCTillOUI au...... .Ubmnted, within l9n d .... lrom.,,. .... ITATEMENT ll•tl publle:ltlo11 of 1111• Not~. to INC . a Cahlomla ~llOf\ 1035 NAME ITATEMIWT Whlltlet. SI.Mt• C-11, eo.i1 M.... Tiie following person ts doing but1nMa u FICTITIOUI llUllNEll A UT OM AT ED ENERGY NAMf tTA~NT The lollowtno pa1son I• doing tui:ll Btneltc:lary 11 Iha following t 11 1ddres1 BANI< OF AMERICA CA 921127 butllnaa U NOAM PARKER, Prasld4Hll, HOUSECALl 525 V1ctor11 SYSTEMS, 15877 Mt Jack1cm, The lollowing person is doing FOUflllin Valley, CA 92708 buelMM U FAEOERtCI< BLAU JR , 15077 SPA MECHANIC , 2450 Ml " Jec:llton. Foun111n Valley, CA Newpo11 Blvd , Coall Mell, COUNTRY FRAMERY, 23771 NATIONAl,J TRUST AND SAVINGS eury Aoed. El Toro, Calllornll A s s 0 c I A T I 0 N • L 0 A N 2217 Lorr Lene, Santi An1. CA StrHI. Sune 029 Costa Mesa. 92706 Cel1t0<n1a 921127 92708 C.HfOfnla 926211 Th•• bu"'1eN I• CondUC1ad by an Thomas Andy Richey, 1527 2$30 ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT NO Alllfd LIOyd Walln.,, 8294 E 4327. FORECLOSURE SECTION, ood1boro AYapue, An1hat1n, 45 SOUTH HUDSON AVENUE, STE\/EN l JOHANNES \/tee Donald 0 J a i;kson. 525 Ptalident, 22711 Oiango A~anue, \/actor11 St1Ht. Suite 029, Co•t• Individual. Newpolt Blvd Cosll Meta, Fraoericlt Blau Jr ·C•hloml• 82627 al1fornll 82807 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9110 I. Cosll Mau. CA 921127. M .... ClhfOfnla 92627 J E F F A E y s E L s T E N . This business It conducted by In Tiiie bu"'*8 I• CO'ldue1ed by 1n The unpaid balance of lhe note IVklual. MCU(ed by aald 0Mc:t ot Trull. W11h Sec 1 a11ryl T11a1 u ra r, 3 20 8 lnd1Yldual Nabt•Sk•. Colt• Mesa, CA 82626 Donald 0 . Jacltton Tllil at1tamen1 wu ll1od wtlh the Tiiis buslneu 11 conducted by an C<luflty Cleft! of Orange County on lndhlldv•I Slptambet 21. 11182 Thom81 A A>elley F11794e Tiii• atalement wat filed with the Allard l . Wallner 1n111a1t thetaon. u p10Vlde<1 1n Mid Thi• s11tement wu lltad wltll the note. 1dv•~••· II e11y. under 111e nty Ctertc of Ore.noe County on term• ol said Dead ot Trust, tember 14, 1082 Including I•••· ch11g11 and 1'1'7'177 expenaes ot the T1ualff. aa ol the Pubtl•ll•d Or•ng• Cout Dall)' d••• of the lnlllal publlcauon of the Hot, Sept. 18, n . 30, Oc1 7, tN2 Notice ot Sale. 10 wit· $103.847.34 This bustn891 la conducted by a Tiit• 1t11emen1 was fllOd wttll IM CIOtl>O'lllon Counly Clerk ol Orengo County Oil Publl1hed Orano• Coast 0111y County Clark or 01111g1 County on Pflol, Sept 23. 30, Oc1. 7, ,., 18112 Sep1embe1 IS, 1082 W I l S H 1 R E Augu1t 30. 1082 l'ttMOI Publl•h•d 01anga Coatl Dilly P1lol. Sept. 2, 9, IS, 23, 10112 3840·82 4176-12 Pla.IC NOTIC£ '1CTIT10UI llUtaNl'.11 ..._STATl,_NT The lollowlno paraon ts doing busl-.u: J l .H OIOITAl, 10548 Angil A~, FOUlltaln \/alley, CA 82708 JAMES LEROY HEil, 10548 Ancel Avenua, FOU111al!\ Valley, CA 02108 Tiiis bultnMI ii condUC1ad by an lndllllduat J-L Hell Thia 1111-1 W81 flied ""'111 Illa County CMrll ot Orange County on SeptamMf 7, 1882 ,1 ... Publilllad 0.anga CoHI 0111)' Piiat. Slpl 8, 16. 23. 30, 1912 38TM2 Ml.JC NOTICE ,1914n Published 01ange Coast 01ily Piiot. Sept t6. 23. 30, Ocl. 1, 1082 4088-62 Mt.IC NOTICE 4().4042 Dated Seplembef 10. 1062 1-----------...;I CONTINI NTAl AUXll.IA"Y rtaJC NOTICE COWANY l"ICTITIOUI ~H 1--------------4 41 a.~ AH. Ith 1'1. NA• ITAT'lmNT F'ICTmOUI IU ... H ,.--'8M, CA 11101 CONSTRUCTION. INC Jeffrey S Elatan. See/ Trft Tlllt Slll-l Wll !tied wllll Iha County Cla1k ol County on Septemblf IS, 1982 l'tt7eQ Publislled 01111ga Cout Daily Pilot, Sept. 111, 23, 30, Oct 7. 1912 4104-112 T11a lollowlng par1on 11 doing Tiie = •TATIMIHT r.--~;"::.nt ~~· \/ ASSOCI TES 18"430 ~ •· ng peraons ara (21') sn-«liO Dll-IC Mrllnl'C A 1 A • (A} COS OF CALIFORNIA, (I Publl1hed 011nge CoaSI D11ly --~~'"---~----""-'-'"11;---'t~~o:I Sir-. Fountain Valley, A S E S E A V I C f'llOI, Sef>t 16, 23, 30, 19112 f'lCTITIOUI •U ... H DAVID A PETERS t8430 REPAESENTATl\/ES. (I 4100·112 NAMllTATIMINT Brookhurst Street Fou111.k, Va11$y EA G l EWIN 'G A 0 J US TI N Pla.IC ..,,.~IC·E Tiie IOllowlng peraon1 are do.ng CA 827011 ' • C 0 M P A N Y , I 2 2 3 6 B a a c "'" busin.s es This bu-.. condvcillO by • Boulftlrd. Stanton. CA 80680 LEGAL NOTICI s A I l I N G s p 0 R T s 8 llmllld pMl,,...shlp CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION NOTtCI M ~ICATION Fotll MONOGAAMITIW ENTERPRISES. Oallkl A Peler• SYSTEMS, INC • a Cellfornl "I LOC ATION OF NIW .. OftT 2000 Newport 81Yd . Coate M-. Thll atat-l was filed With Ille cotpMallon, 12235 BHch Blvd,. HA .. •OUft NATIONAL IANI( CA 92627 Counly Clatk ol O<onoe County on StlfltOl'I, CA 80680 T" u • T 0 I p A " T .. E .. T . JOAN MICHELE W0008UAY, s.ptembet 7. 1082 Clelmt Admlnl111e1 Al"PUCATION N0.12.13-07..,, 2630-A N-port Bl11d . Newport ,~, ystetn• Inc NoUhutlon .. heraby gl...,, lhlt BelQh. CA 821163 Publlahad 01anoa Coaat 011ly T....... Hit Luria,~~ ~Pree Newpo11 Harbour National Bink HENRY PAYNE THAYER Ill, l'ICTITlOUI 9UllNlll Pi:Ot, Sept O, 16, 23, 30. 1982 ·-Ital-I Wit.,_, ""''h I 2344 Eett Coetl Hl(lhway, Newport 1938 S1nderll11g Clrcl1, Costa N.,_ eTATl•NT 397M2 ly Clafll of Of~ County on Baacll, CelWOfnta 92660. hH !!lad Mesa. CA 92fl26 Tiie 1.............,. ............ .,. dol"" temt>er 7, 1802 an IPQllCatlon wttll lhe Comptroller This bv•lnelt la condu<:teCI Dy a --""' ...-·-·-··• PtJBUC NOntE •1-ct 1111 Currency on S.plembef 2. ganlfal P•r1n1111111p bualneu u · Publl1llad Or1nga Co .. 1 Dall 1082, u ~119<1 in 12 CFR 5, In Joan M WOOdbury CAL·CO IMPORTS, 36 I It FICTITlOUt •ut .. 11 . Sef>t. 8, 10, .23. 30, 1882 Illa Comptroller's Manual for Thlt Ital-I waa flied wilh the B.ach Road, Cac>lmano Blecll, CA NAMI 8TATIMINT 39714 Nlllonal Binlla. fOf permission 10 County Clark ot Orange County on 9282c4· F •• LY TRUST Tba followlno parsons ara d°"'Q ratocata the Tru1t Department from Sef>tember 15. 19112 AlLINAN A ... I · ' t>uslMu 11. • PUii.JC NOTICE 23« Eall Cout Hi0llw1y, Newport "'7• 35 I 1 I BHCh Road, Ceplelieno M 0 0 A E El EC TA IC A L Btacll, C111tomt1. 921160, 10 180 Publlslled Or1noa Co11t Delly Beach, CA ~21124 CONTRACTING. 2781 Saturn FICTITIOUI 8UllNlll Newport Center Drive. Sultfl ''" Pllot. Sept. 111. 23. 30. Oct 7, 1812 ary Calllnan StrHt, Braa, CA 921121. NAiii 8TATIMI.._., Newport BHcll, C1lif0fnla 02680 4045·82 Tiiis lllltmant w .. filed wllh Ille ROSCOE H. MOORE, JR., 1630 The lollowlng per1on 11 dolno Any paraon wlllltng 10 comment Pl&JC"NOTICE ACTl'TIOUI •U ... 11 NAME 8T.4TOllENT Tlla lo1tow1no person Is doing busl,_u THE COUNTRY TRADITION. 274 9owtlng G1Mn Or1v1. Costa Mesa. CA 02626 MARTHA JEAN Tl£TGEN, 274 Bowling G!Mn Drive. Coal• Mesa, CA 8M26 This bUtlnul It conducted by .,.. lndtllldua.1 Martha Jean Tietgan Thi~ ll•t-1 w .. lllecl With ~ County Clerlc of Otenge County oo Auguat 17. 1982 '1"'71 Publl•ll•d Or1nga Co111 Dally PMol, Sept 0, 16. 23. 30, 1982 3964-81 PUii.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUI au ... H NA• 8TAru.NT rna 1o11owino '*-' .,. dotno business•• BONNIE BENTON, LIMITED, i:.!~~ ~A~~~~~~ Blvd , Sutt• •..a. OA\/10 I( LAMB. 6 St. Tr~. Titled "The M id dle Years," the series meets on Friday evenings, Oct. 1and8, from 7 to 10 p.m. in OCC's Science Lecture Hall 1. CouAty Clerk of Orange County on Roenol<a, Pll<*!tla, CA 92870. °""'*'as; on thi• appllce11011 mey Ille '1CTITOUI ...... Augutt 3t, l982 ROOGEA LYNN MOORE, 6723 E.P.t. PROPERTIES lfO. 4100 comments (n writing wltll tlle NAlllll 81'.ATllllEfT ' '1"'74 f'tcull)I, LaKfW(>Od, CA 90712. Bl1ch St .. Newport BHch, CA ~tonal ~mln .. trator of Nallonal P'UBl.IC NOTICE .......,pon Bffch. CA 02880 ACTITIOUa 8U._H MEHRDAO AASSEKH. 20132- NA• I TATl•NT ~~:..t••cle, Huntington Beach, CA • Series fee is •a tor single ad.mission and $12 for couples. The followlng 1>41fl0n 11 doln, Publlth•d 01anga CoHt 0111r Tl\le butlnlee le con<luctacl by • 82MO, Slit• 100 Bank1, FoJ'r1--.111 N1llon11 Bank bot1ne1a u: Piiot, s.p1 Z3, 30, Oct 7. 14, IH2 oar-at p1r1Mf&lllp E . P . I . GE H E A AL Ion, Steuart Slrwt T-. Suite ~1l'0:-2t0.278n1w~•:t1hruun11n1:r-===::::=;;:.----=:!!:=~ ~""R':'Mt>Otl. Jr. PAAlHCA&MIP, uoo llif~,..., , , Tn. lollOWlng Plfton• are dotno J 0 H N M I N A f\ 1 8 5 5 2 CYBEATEC!nf~HS' ~,rt;i';; 8tYd • Sllllt jo40, ll...tne. SlrHt. Sutt• 103, Hunt1notor PllllJC NOTICC Till• •1•1-t was fllad wttll tne Newpon BHCll, CA 82660, Suite Fianateo, Cal1tomta 94105, w11111n e..cn. CA 82648 County Ci.rte of Oranoa County on 100 21 Otyl Of Ill• d•t• 111 1111• EDWARD l. MURPHY, 22081 l'1Cm10U8 -·· s.ptamber 7, 1082. Thi• bullnnll I• COndUClacl by. publlCatlon Th• non-conllde11111t Coron• Lina, Colla ~•11 CA Tiile bu..,_. 11 conducted by 1 821128 llmtted parlnet'lhlp Series lecturer 13 Dr. Aodcport I.JIM, Hunling10!\ 8"ch ...._ ITA.,._NT ,,_. ~al petrtnatlhlp portion• of Illa appMc:lllOn .,. on CA 926411 Tiie tollowlng pereon la dotng Publl•had 011nga Coatl 0at111 E P I G • n • r 1 I Ille with 1111 1agtona1 admlnlttt'llOt CYNTHIA C BLAKE. t 1411 OM<! IC Lamb Corona l•na, Coll• Mau. CA This 1tatM*lt ~ t'*I wtth Ille Donald L . Donohugh, a physician and author of the book, "The Middle Yean." Tllla butlnMI It oonduCtad by an ~ •· Piiot, Sap1. 8, ti, 2!1, 30. 1982 Gllllt'stito u Plll1 ol the publlc; file Thie Illa 11 lndMdu•I E.....__d l =: FLASH co .. lff w .. 1 tllh 81 ., 3977-82 ......... JIM'Me E LoOlfl av1ll1bl• IOI public 1n1pacllon 91ae County Cieri! of 0r9nga Oouriiy on ERNEST W WALLACE. f52311 $et>tambet 7, 1812 Ventda, ll M11ada, CA 80638 ,,_ vw.. NewJ>Of1 e-h, CA 82M3 1------------• '""' tlll~I wu hied with Ille during raglllw bu1JMU hOUra. Thie llattmant ... "''" 111a STUART KARL . Ht w tllth l'Ull.IC NOTIC( •v Clattl OI O•anoe County on Dated September 14, 1N2. County Clark Of Orange Countr on St::..~ leadl, CA 82t63 1--~=~~----.;.;. ___ s.ptamblf 14, 1082 AJll. Mean ... Thlt bu"-8 te COnducted by a Publl•llad 01an9e Coast Dally general pat1nattlllp Pl4ol, Sept 8, 18, 23. 30. 1912 F or in f o r mation, phone 556-5880, 8eotamber 21, I 2. ,_ ~ 19 conducted by en f'tCTmOUI eutMtt ,1tnll VM PNe.. ,-..,.,.. ~ 'WJ'N7 1nc1Mc1Ua1 N._ ITATI...,, Publlthed 011nga Coatl 0 111\' ...,._ .............. ern.1 W Wallace 3976-12 Tllla Stal-I -fltad WOh Illa County Clafll ot Orange County on Seplamblt 14, 1882 Pubtllhad 01eng91 CoHt Oafly Stu«t ICMI Tll• lollowlno e>areon 11 doing Pttof, Sef>t ti, U. 30. Oct 7, '1882 Publltha<I Oreng1 Coait Delly PllOI, Sef>t 23, 30, Oat. 7. t4, 1982 Thie 111tarntn1 -ftltd 'flrllh the bull-• 4102·9'111>tot;8eot ti, 23. tH2 4183-82 COU11ty C1et11 of Or.,. Count) on THE Ot6T STORE, 1100 W. '°8742 ------------1 Seplamber 21, 1N2, Pacific co .. 1 Hlghwey, Newpott "8.IC NOOCE "8JC M)TlC( r191MS Belcll, CIMllO<nla t2Ma 'fCTITtOUI .,_11 Publltlled Ot1nQt Co11t Del~ Lao O•bOub. 220 Nlea L.,,_, ~A=::r· HB student Mt.IC NOTIC( '1fnlf Publl•h•d Orenge Co111 01lly Piiot . ...,, "· 23, 30, Ocl 7, 1812 4043·62 .... -IT"'-Piiot, Sept. 23, 30. Oct 7, 14, tN2 No QOe, ~ hlcll, CalllOtnl• T t PK1'"10U8 ....... ••I( Mrllftl'r d t -,.,_, 4184-U t2"3 he ollowlng par1on 11 dOln NAMI tTATIMINT .--"""'"' name 0 post ~o~ne per1on la dolno Jiiuc NOTIC( .nJ~,..... le Conducted by Ill ~ .. 0 p A Fl I( IN Q. l 0 T bll~o!:.owln9 pateon ,, ·001ng .-.CTTTIOUI .,..... .. Robin -Star Merrill CRYSTAL 01.EAR POOL Lao Debotib MAINl(NANCI!, 771 louth ludtd (Al lllUSIVI CONC[~I; (8) ..... ITATIMl.NT daugh\~r of Norma E'. ~~i:...~=~WllUt. Ptc111I!JPU1,1 .. ~NTll Thlt ttltemenl WM llltd Wlttl Ille AY91'tua, No 34, 8 1n11 l'ne, CA TH• MAGI • (Cl THI! MAO I The fotlowlno peraone -doing 1 f ff I -,. County Ciani of O<ano-Colmty on 9270., 1!Nrt!APAt8ia: D) O!NEFIAL ~:-MA , (II 8EVl!AAGE Merril 0 unt ngton OOtdon Allatl .....,.., ft2.4 Tha followlng perton It dOlng September 7, 1012 JOH L I EANAL, ??I South CASTING: (El EL MAOO: l'l MACHINE AEPAIA, 13142 01rdln Beach hat been choecm Cl!Htnut Ava 1111•. Cott• ....... b'*"-.. ,,,..... ~,~--· No 34, Settta Ana, CONCJPTS IN AOVEATISING,,_ 330.1 Gr ova l lYd., Oardan Oro¥a, CA bv c.i Poly Pomona at. c~c:.:::,, ~ .... an PAA~:E~~~.~.At~O~ b~v~T. ~~ Publl•ll•d Orange co .. , Dally Thll butllneH " H•rt>ot 8111d., Sulla K•1, COiia HMO. " .. , Piiot. a ao1 8, ,., :13, 10. 1H~ lvldi.t OOlldllcled by.,., MtM. CA H IM JON KUIN'l!DmY 3117 ICl"••ney, stude nt re preM!n tatlve lndMdWI. 2IO, N9wporl llHc:ll, CA 82MO. 3931 12 Ind ... ,_ L --· HOWARD KllTH MOAGAN, CAM•...._.., CA .... f JI d h I Q A ......_.. AANOAU. lUOINI T"llOLU, .._. _,_ )ti T""'°'d W eo.t MaM. CA ,,., --'"" or co e1e an sc oo T1111 ttatament wee 11tect wt111 tile 11 Hetltiioe, '"""'CA 8a11•. I D•llY Piiot Th• ••11tn1tn1 ... lllad .i.lth ..,. t2tn "1· • MA"C w 1001cou 11 1213 relatJona lunc:tiona. County Cl«ll of °'anti Coumy on Tiiie ~ II cond~ted by • I uff'-. ~t)' ~7 ot1~ Covnty on Thi .. ~ 11 ~ad ny 1111 ~O:: ~~1ao by • $ h e W fl 1 rc f e 8 (I n \ lept. f' IM2 fllnli.ct '*1ntl"ltllP C a ._.. _,.,""-• ,,.., , lndMOual et -.... ,_ ~IT•~ WOf'tlfor '~ HOwWCIMotoan 119'* I*~~ / educational ln onnatJon Pu11!19Md Ottn .. COlllt 0.lly Thll etatelMrlt "" llltd W'flll IM -":-:-::~Mfr, Tiiie Nlemenl 11N11f11tC1 "'"' 1M 'Thlt ~ WM Iliad tlllll IM oonc.mlnl the echool at "°'· 1ep1 t, 11, n . •· tM2 eounty C*1I ot °''"" County on yeu. C.H .....__ ........'.:.. "!-.. • , eowniy Claftc °' o,.,... eountv on County e19r11 °' 0r-.. Colltlty on care~r cfa yt ol\ hlah ,.,,..., ._"""' 14· ••ea ,"7171 M2·5'71 _.........., -'-' •• '* a..•--11. 1111 .chool a nd community ~..., )'CMl-.W.:: Put>ttlflld Orang• Coatt 0 111w for.ck ~"!!!.Id, °'••"r coa11 0111y ""t>U•ll.O oranoe co!~r ,.1111118'""' 0 ,.1199 coe~":)' a>U• aunpu-.. " ... t42.lf71 P'flot, lap!, II. 23• !IO, Oct 7• t98' • C•sft ...... r....,, ..._.., ' I • t • 30, 1~ ..... flllOI, ltot ti, U , 30 Oct }1·,.!f!! ""°'· lept 11, 23, 30, Oct 7 ttta -4047-ta -.. ....._ ~ ... , I ' FICTmOUI au ..... NAmSTATilmtn Tiie IOllowlng l*IGM et• OOina-• blillneU ... • THE PEN ANO P\l'-PfT .'RESS. 3tll7•A Al,.,,ey, Cotti M .... OA 921211 THf COM,OllNO "OOM, INC • a Cllllornla corporet1on, 3 tlf·A Alnlrty. Coeta Mee•, CA tme Tiil• bllll-.. conduo1elCf by • Cl>rf)Oflllon. Tiie CCll!IP09fn0 Aoon1.. •·1110 -lM.llllll HI.I MO ~ttA NOYIO• ~O ONOllOM ~ '4-IM1tw He ..... 18/IMW NOTICI 0, 0.,AU T AM O 10 WHCJM If MAY CON PIN JUOtlCMf Notto 11 1111elly 111v111 to 1na TO 111.L. UNtOla DtlO Of' ''W.9' ~eQll11•• ul MAGIC ,.AN, IN(; • ~TA.In "°'~· Del1ww1 c:orporatton l11n11e<11re. If' 'tOUA ll'lllMlllTY It lft whoH butlneu f dd1nt 11 tO PDlllCl.OIUl'I llOAUl l YOU 'rtncitco ltt .. t, City llllO Covnly AM ot tl•n F1111~11co. Stal• o r MHIND "''°"" 'AYMIJf'tl1 fT Ct lllOl"la, 11111 e bulk trentlet It MAY M aoLD WlfffOUT ANY •l>OUI to be mlOe 10 MAQIC PAN COURT AClllOtll INTlllNA110NAL. INC .. 1 C111tornta ANO YOU MAY HAVI. THI corporatto!'1 Tran1!1111•, whoH LIOAL AIOHf lO DRINO YOUR a<ldtMI II 00 ~11ncl1CO Street, Clly ACCOUNI IN 0000 ITANOINO BY and Coun1r. ol San Franclteo, Sitt• PAYING 4Ll 0,. YO\JPI PAIT OUI 01 Calll0<n a l'AVM!NT8 PLUS Pl!RMITTID fhe PfoO«IY 10 bl llll\119fted It C08ll ANO EXPl!Nl!S WITHIN IOcattd 11 33'3 Btletol S11 .. 1 (£·II. THRl!I! MONTHS FROM THE DATE Co111 M1u , County 01 01ang1 THIS NOTIC' 011 OC,AUL l WAS S111e of CalllOfnl• RECORDED THIS AMOUNT IB Said propertr It dUC•lb•O In ,30,910 47, AS or AUGUST :13, gen1ral we. Al llOCll In lrtellj 1982, ANO WILL INCPll!A8 UNTii. n., ...... equlP"*11"'°OOOowlll0 YO UR ACCOU NT BECOMES thtt tMltu11111 bull-known M CURRINT YOU MAY NOT HAVE MAGIC PAN and IOClleCI •• 3333 TO PAV THE ENTIRE UNPAID 8rl1tol Street ll"-1), Cotti Meu, PORTION OF YOUR ACCOUNT. Countr. or Orang•. Siii• ol EVE N THOUGH FULL PAVMENf c.lllOfn WAS DEMANDED. BUl YOU MU T Tiie b ulk tr1n 11er Wiii DI PAY THE AMOUNl ST.-.ffO c.onsummetlld on ()( •"• Ille I llh ABOVE. dly o r October, 1982 II Banll ol AnER THREE MONTHS FROM Atnertca NT&SA. Parhkl• B<ancll, THE OAlE OF RECOROATION Of Eacr-Dept . 1030 Ttr1vll S11ee1, THIS DOCUMENT, WHICH DATE City tod County ol San Fr111c:laco. OF RECOROAT ION APPEARS Sl•I• Of C1lll0<nla. H E R e 0 N u N l E s s T H E So fer It known IO lht OBLIGATIO N BEING lrenalerff, 111 buslneu nam .. and FORECLOSE;O UPON PERMITS A eddretHt uMd by T11n1lerora 10< LONGER ~ERIOO. VOU HAVE Ille t11rae v•att IHI PHI. II dlfflftnl ONL v THE LEGAL AIOI-IT TO STOP from lht above 1r1 Tr1n1l11or THE FORECLOSURE BY PAVING conducts butlneu 11 14 other THE ENTIRE AMOUNT DEMANDED locllk>tlt, known u Mlglc: Pin, In BV YOUR CREDITOR the Stitt ol C1lllornl1 end alto TO FINO OUT THE AMOUNT ope<tlN Proud Popovtr 11 4405 La YOU MUS'T PAY. OR TO ARRANGE Joll1 Vlf1109. Drive In S in Diego, FOR PAYMENT TO STOP THE Callfornla FORECLOSURE, OR IF YOUR 0•1114 Sep11moer 10, 1982 PROPERTY IS IN FORECLOSURE MAOIC PAN INTEANATIOHAL, FOR ANV OTHER REASON. INC. CONTACT· Tr1t1•fer-A N N A M A R I E M U R P H Y Htrold P'etdlftlft Vft tl AHt. lee. 801356-0 . c:/o WESTERN LOAN MAOIC PAN, lHc,. Tren1feror SERVICES. I 1301 w Ol VMPIC Rlctlerd D. Jtqulth, 'lie• Pree. tl B l V b , l 0 S A N G E l E S , T,_, CALIFORNIA 90064 (2 13) 820-07 I I PuDllthed 011nge Cotst Dilly IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, Pltol, Sep1 23, 1982 'l'OU SHOULD C ONTACT A 4232·82 LAWYER OR THE GOVERNMENT ------------AGENCY WHl&H MAY HAVE Plel.IC NOTICE P'ICTITIOUI IU81HfH HAMB ITATEMEHT The lollowtng persons 110 <101ng business u 8RINOERSON PROPERTIES II. 19700 Falrc:hllel, Suite 3SO. Irvine. Calll0<nll 927 IS Gary l Bllnaerson 195 Emertld Bey. L1gun1 Be1c h, C11110fnl1 9265 I Rlc:hud B Fontaine, 14701 Cherrywooct Lene . Tustin. C1lllornl1 92680 John D Pierce. 199 I Pon Edward. Newpo11 BellClh, Celllornla 92860 Thia b\1111114111 Is c:onducllld Dy a gen« al partnerall1p JOlln 0 Pierce. Generll P1r1ne1 Th11 1111emen1 wH flied wttn the County Clerk of Orengo County on AuguSI 30, 1982 F1"3tt Publlthed Orange Cont Dilly Piiot, Sept. 2, 9. 16. 23. 1982 3895·82 Plel.IC NOTICE flCTTTIOUI llU81HHS NAME STATEMENT The lollowl119 persons ere doing bvtJnnsu B UG PACK PRODUCTS BUGPACI( PERFORMANCE PRODUCT. 3S80 CldlllllG Avenue, Co1111 MNI. Cetlfornla 92626 OEE ENGINEERING. INC , 1 Celllorn11 corporllion, 3560 Ct dlllec Av1nue. Coste M11a. Calll0<nl1 92628 Thie bvllness is being conduc:tld by • GO<porttlon By Edward C Fulton, PrHklent Thia t1111m1n1 fll1d woth lhe Counly Clerk of Orange Counry on Sepltm~ 21, 1982 INSURED YOUR LOAN llEMEMMR, YOU M4V l.OIE l.EOAL RIOHTI IF YOU DO NOT TAKE PAOMPT ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT LOS ANGELES TITLE ANO TRUST DEED CO. l1 now duly appolntld Tru11ee under a Otld ol Trust. dated June t I. 1979. executed Dy ALLAN MEKKEl.SON and VIVIAN MEKKELSON, llU1b1nd Ind wife H TRUSTOR. to MC4lre obllgallons In levo1 o l. ANNA MARIE MURPHY, .. Benellc:llfY. Recorded on July 18, 1979 H Ooc:umenl No. 192U . Book 13230 Ptge 1344 ol Olllc:ral Rec0<ds In lhe olllce of tile Recorder 01 Or1nge County. C1llto1n11 detc:•lbong the tend therein 1s more fully described on said DHd ol Trull. 1nc:lud1ng t note lo• the 1um or $30.000 00 fh•I the benel1cl1t 1n11re111 under H id dud or tru11 1nel the obllg1Uons MCured thereby 111 presently lltld by th• Beneltc:lary Th1t 1 breach ol, end d1f1ull In, the obllgatton for which *81d deed of trust Is MCu11ty has occurred In thll the p1ymen1 Ills not beet\ made of Failure 10 mall• Ille July S. 1982 Pl'f"*'ll ol pronctpa1111dl0< Interest 1nd ell su1>sequ1n1 p1ymen1s. 1og1th1r wlln 1111 ch111ge1. impounds, 1dv1nc11. le•es. delinquent peyment on MnlO< 1ten1. 0< H....,...,,11 II eny A08ERT R. WAIS11UN AllOfM1 el law Thal by re11on lhe•eol. lhe pr11en1 Benellc:l11y under such Deed ol Tru11. has executed 1nd dlllverld to seld T 1utlff. • wrttlen 0ec11re110ti or Oef1u11 eno Oetnano tor 111e. and 1111 Clepo11ted with aald Trustee. MJCl'I Deed ol T1u11 Ind 111 the c1ooumen11 evldendnQ lh• obllgettons eecur•d tl'l11eby. and l'laa declarld •nd <loes hereby <lectare •JI sums tec:ured tl'lertb'( tmmff(llllety dut 111<1 peytble and "tnw1 hH eteeled and doe• hereby etec:t ..,. Lont -..Ch 9ovle111td ..... Otfloe fo• .,... LOftt IMch. Calltomle IOI07 Publl•h•CI Oreng• Coal! Daily Piiot, Sept 23. 30, Oc:I 7. 14, 1982 4228-82 rta..IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aualHEH NA ... IT A TEMIENT Th• followlng persons art doing butlneu 11 FULLER TON ·GILBERT INVESTMENT COMPANY, S05 Nortl'I Tuaatn Avenue. Suitt 150, 10 c;J1UH Ille trust pr~ty lo be 10ICI to nt11fy 1he obllg11ton1 MCV•e<I tner•b'f 01tad August 23. 1982 Los Angel4M Tiiie Ind Truat Deed Co . ., Tru11ee By: Cll~o Tiiie tnsurll'IOO Cornpeny. tgenl 0ott11<1 A Steven•. AU11t1nt 5ec;ret1ry Published Orang• Co11t Delly Piiot. Sept 2 9 16, 23. 1982 3U2·82 P\a.IC NOTICE Stnla Ant, Ca11l0<n1a 92705 HARM>ll OflANOIE COUNTY O I( INVESTMENT COMPANY MUHfCPAL COURT a Callt0<nl1 kmllld partnership SOS *1 .ltmboree .._.,.,d, Norlll Tullln Avenue. Sulla 150, P.O. llo• 2510 Sant• Ane. C1H10<nl1 92705 Newport l11c:h , Ca lllernl• Robert H Grtnt. T11l1lee Of lhe 12M0-1M7 Robert H. Grtnl Revocable Trull PLAINTIFF· DAVID WARREN irn •t1bllthed Nov1mbe1 9, 1973 by d DAVID Ro.._.. H. Grant. TrUSIO<, 33 Harbor ondMdual olll9 bullnell H """' WARREN & ASSOCIATES l1l1nd, Newport Beech. C11ilotnlt DEFENDANT Al RABALAIS and 9~tchtrd l Owen. 3t423 S DOES l·tO .• ~. CoHI Highway, No 28, Soulh c-~ ~ l..aouNI, Calilomll 92617 NOTICEI Yov htwe Ileen 11Md. f1111 bulineta IS conduc:tld by a f?le eoun m•r decide 1galn•t '°" gentt'll p1rtnershlp. without '°"' ~ t!Mrd lff\Mt 0 K INVESTMENT CO , J'OV retponcf within JO de)'I. Read I Calll0<nl1 the lnfotmellon betow. llmlled P•rtneral'llP 11 you w1111 10 ~ the edvlCle or By: George L Argyroa an a1torn1y In thll ma1111 you G-•l Penner thoul<I do so promptly so that your Thtt 111temen1 waa hied.,.,,, 1118 l!Nrltlln rHponse, If 1ny m1y be County Clertt of Orer>ge Covnly on r11ec1 on ume =tmbef 21. 1982. AV I 8 O I U •I e d II a a Id o C,.,::-!".~:~ dtM1nd1de. El hlbuntl puedt .......... 7000 dedOlr COflll'I Ud. lln tueftencla • _.... -.-Ud. ~ dentro 4000 MloeArtttur 9o41tntrd de so di ... tAe la lnfonntdon qve Nawpen 1Mc11, Clllfomle HMO elgut '1'7t21 SI 0 Uated d•••• aollc:llar et Publl1hed Orange Coatt 01lly :onsejo Cle un ebogado an esle Piiot, Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 19112 t tun I 0 , deb 1 rt 1 h 1 car Io 4227-82 nmeo1111men11. de HI• m1ner1. ----.---'"_Mn_JICE ____ tu r119U1Sll eecrlta. 14 hey 1tguna, r~ nu ouede -regi1trada a tllml>O ---FIC-TTTIOU ___ l_llU-... ---.-1--I TO''THE DEFENDANT A c1Vil NA.• ITATUllENT compl1lnl l'IH b••n filed by the plttnlilf IO'IMI OU II you Wttlh 10 Thi roaowtno P9f'SOSl' ere dol~ fffend 11111 llWIUll you mull witnln ~u· , , (A) DIRECTORY OF DENT Al 30 dlyt tlttr ll'llt aummon• 11 SERV CES' (B DOS 843" B MrVeCJ on yov, Ult wnn '"''court • I • I • " OIH ... rtlten r11ponte 10 the comptaont Avenut, Huntington BHCh, C~ unlew yov do tO you1 default wlll 92647. . GARV T SCHMIOT ODS INC I>• 1n1e11d 0" appllc.tlon or ,,,. · • plllntlfl, •nd this coun may "''" • Calllo1nlt c:orpo11t1on. 503 S t udgmenl tgeinll you 10< Ille rlllel ~ Rold. Newport 8Mc:h. CA aemlnde<I In tne complllnt. wl11Gh GEOME WESTON M"OOOX ~oulO result In g11nl1hment or .. ages taking Of "'<>nlY or property t900 E I.a Pllm• Ave . No 205, or v111er 1erier raqu111ed In Ill• •nlll«m. CA 9280"5 Thi• butlMtt II c:onducrtld by 1111 comptatnl. unlnc:orporeted 11aoctat1on othlf DATED August 10, 1982 then• partnerwhlp ~:tlfaon, • tno. G.,'( T Sehmldl DOS By. O. Mllltaont, Thia llet!:f!.: ,r:,d~r.~ lhe PAVID W~N a AllOCIATH COunry Clerk ol OrllflQt County on = =Antlw ._..,ll'd, Seottmber 21, t982 P.O. ao11 19MJ ' Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Thur1d1y1 8tiptlmber 23, 1892 DI I ftalC ..OJICC "'*IC fClltCC MUC NOTtcl IWCMllANT NOTICI NOTtcl OI' TIWHll'I "'-1 -Ml.IC NOTlCC YO\JJfi IN WMA' ""°"' A 0110 YllUlt ~TID Mel U. NOTI B QF D ATll OP ~:·~on~t \c:JA~l~ .lLEXANDftU OATEJ AND If MAY a1 10&.D AT A flUM.tG 0 P P E T I T I 0 N T 0 IAL.•9'.IP' 'IOU ~to~ ADMINf Tl!:R £STATE ~~~HI :..~ .. ~~:..o !/'1." CASE NUMRl';R A·llHll " YOU" P"OPl~TY II IN L_ .._.1 ... IU ,0 .. 101..0IUlll llCAUll YOU f.I .... fll ... . A IU alHIND IN VOUlt OUALINOION lilNANC14l NOTICI CH NONDllCRIMINATO 'OtteY YOU 'IOU tffOVL.O OONtAOT A To all ht1lrw, l1t:rwflctar N , LA WvH \•r tt \I r1 u u , c u ll l I fl 11 t• n t NOTICI °' T9'VITll'I UL.a (•ttodUona 1.md JX'tllOtll who NOftC[ ~s·~.~[!:~~IVtN 11111 lnay bo ~thl'rWltct lntrrt*tAtd on W•dn••d•Y lltplelllb•~ ,. In thti will ur ratah• of 1Ha, •I 900 o•i.tc>cik e m ol .. ,~ All'XDnurr v•toJ· ul11..1 d•y, tn tll• 100111 111 11ldt 101 known ~ Alux Oaltt c:onduc:llllQ Tru11 .. ·1 Salle, wllllln A g:uoon hu ~'('n tllt'Ci the OlllCU OI RfAI. UTAH! .. AYllllNtl IY MAY II IOLD I UWICU INC, u duly 11ppo1r>l9d WITHOUT Al.Y CIOUAf ACTION, fruitH unde r 1111 lollowlng Ind ~OU m1y hive Ille "'911 •IQlll lo Oete•ll*I ci..4 ot 1r11et WU,L Hl.L btlllQ rout ec~oulll lf'I good •ltnCllllQ A f ,.UILIC AUC' ION ro TH! Di jll ylnQ II ol ro111 PHI dltt HIQHlll llOOIR fOJ\ CA•H l)lyfMllll PhH p-.u;lh-4 CO.II llld IP•Y•ble II Um• ol .... In 111•1~ tJI*'.._ w11~ 1111• mo"lh• hom mon1y 01 1111 Unlt•O ltaJH I all tllt Ollt 11111 "Oliff or de11ul1 ,.,.. right, 11111 1111d lnllfttl conveyed 10 r.C(lld.0 Thlt amouot It 148:J 00 1111d now held b'( II unellf Hid Deed A• or Auo1111 17. tllU. lf•a wlll or Tru1t In 111e propeily 11e1t11111"" 111oreau unlll your t ooount CIHGrtt>.o Al YO ITUDINYS Th(! &yt Ctw1r &·hool ot Ounae C.ounay, cdb.> All American &ya ChorUJ adn1lll 11ucs nta 01 any r-.1 .. mlor, 1\llllt•rwl und •thn1t· Clrliln w au thl• rtaht1. prtv1lt'jlet1. prvgnima, and attMUl,. a •ncrolly lttOtdt'd ur mad~ uvulla'blt• to 1tud1'11ta 11 thr 1rd11JUI h doce not d li1<•rimln11t.4' cm tht' ba•I• of '"' , L'Olor, NltlUJ\111 and ethnl orla ln In admJnlltration of ltt cducatlunal poHclH . admlulona, pollclta. IK'holar.hlp an(I loan proirama. and a1hletl<' and oth r .chool admJnil~n:d proacrtma SECURITIEI ICRVICI. IOcal.O ,, by t'nylO Oot•J In ~he l>tComtl cu11tflt Vov m•y no1 t1av1 TRUITOR BARRY I. ACID Ind IC> PIY the "''"'-un~ l)OtllOf) or Ml!ll8SA l RllO, hu•D•nd and your 1ccoun1. 1v1n 1houQl'I lull wlla PIYIM'll wH Cl..,,1nc1.a. l>IJI you IU! NE" c I An v MI 0w19 T mull ~y lhe tmOunt t lttlO abOYe PAClf'IC P'INANCIAL, INC , 1n I-• 2020 NO<tll e.~1y. Sutll ~. 1n Su~rlor Cuurt ur Orantit' 111e c11v 01 811111 Ana. County ot Count y r equtilllng that Or~, Slllt or C1l1t01nte, L • 8 0c.nylll" Ga\('} be apPQlntrd :::::or~~~ot.n.c~,":uty1 .~~~~n~: u pt4l'IONd rcpl'n('nt.atlvc• w Tru11M unoet 1nd pureu11111 10 Ille 11dmlnillter lho t'llUllt.• uf the ~ow11 or HI• conterred In 11111 dt!Cedent. Atte1 thl• monm• l•om the 0111 GO<por111e>n For Info P 0 Box 1~27, C~ui Meu. C A 92626 (7 l4) Na-7800. NM.IC NOTICE Ml.JC NOTICE ot 1eooro111on ot thlt document Racor~ Jltly 111, 1911 11 tn11r CwtilCh e1a11 ot fte0t01t1on IPllM" Mo 18641 111 bOoi. t4 14 t, pege 11e hetaonl. uni ... 1111 ObliflllllOl'I ~llO or omc1a1 Rtc0td1 ltl th• otl!Ge of torec:loffd upon permll• • long., tl'lt R.eorC11t 01 Orenga County, l)!lflod. you h•v• or1ly tn• leO•l 1!0111 u td o .. o ot trutt dHCtlbH 11'1• tC.01IOI VOU AM .. H'AUL T UNDl"Jt A OllD 0, TRUIT DATIO DCTOMA 17, 1-. .,...... Y°" TAKR ACTtOM Td PROTICT YOUR PAOPIRTY, IT MAY H IOlO AT A lil'UM.IC IAU. •YOU .. ID AN DPL.ANATM* M THI NATURR Of' THI ""OCllDINO AOAINIT YOU, YOU •MOULD CONTACT A 1.AWVIR. cet111n OMo or Trull axec:utld by The pt>tltlon r c quc1l• ~~~~rnf,eAf8~~~~r80r;.~ a_u_\hodty to admlnt.t{'r the 11u1t>eno 1111d wile. rec0<de<1 July 1. e 1 l 11 t " u n d e r l h e 1901, in look 14 1113 or Ot11ct111 lsldept!ndt'nt Admlnillrallon Rec:o•d• 01 MIO Counlv. •l P11oe of Eawtn Act A h arln~ on t341, Racordtr"• tn1trument No . h 1 921 by ttHOn or a brucll 0, lhc pt'lltJo n well be . e un d•laull In payment °' oertorm1nc;e October 13, 1982 at 9.30 a.rn. or tne 01>1tg1tion• MC11red thl••!1Y· ln Department 3 locawd at tnclvdtng th•I b11ach or C11t1ull. 700 Civk Cen ter Drive W e11, Notice of which wH 1ec:oroed June C i r S A 4, tll62, H Recordtr'I lntlrument ty, 0 lln\Al n il.,, No 82·191634, w11.1. SELL AT II' YOU OBJECr to the PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE granting of the petiUon, you HIOHES T BIDDER P'OR CASH, 1hould eilhcr appear at the t1wt111 mon.y ol 1he Untied Stat.., h t'arina and stal e yuur 0< • c1tlll1t'1 check d11wn on 1 " '"" °' ne11e>nt1 b111k • 1111• Of objecuons or rill' written ladelal c:1edl1 union, g; • ""' 0< objections )lfi lh lhe court ledera111vl11Q• end 1<>1n a11oc:ta110n before the h earing. Y our d0<nlclled in thla 1111e. 111 p1y11>1e et appearance may be In pel"80n the llmt ol Hit. •II right, 1111• Ind lnterHI held by 11. " T1u1tH. '" or b y your utt.orney. thal reel p1ope11y 1lluale In Hid 1 F Y 0 U A R E A Co11nty 1ne1 St•I•. deac•tb•CI 11 CREDITOR or 11 contJngcnL 1°''°t'~1 59 or Troc:t No 10370 " creditor of the d~-eU<.-d, you per map 1ecorded 1n eook 472. must hie your claim wllh the P1g11 19.20 (1nc:lua1ve). court or present 1l to the M1~t1neou• M1sn.1n the olfict 01 personal representa l lvl! 111e county Reco1d1t 01 Hid a ppoln ted by the cour l cc;i;!Y 11, .. 1 •ddreu 0, o•h•• within four mont hs from the common d11tgna11on of 1111 rHI dale o f first issuance o f properly llerelnebove described II leU.el'll BS provided an section purported to be· 3 Werm Sp11ng. 700 o f the California Probate IN~~-c:•::~;1~11gned hereby Code. The time for filing <1ltcl1 tm1 111 tteblllly ror •n) claims will not expire prio.r inGO<rec:tne11 In Hid 11ree1 lddt"' to four months from the date Of other c:ommon dellQnation of the hearl~nou<.'«I above St ld Hie will oe m1de wtthout Y OU M EXAMlNE w1rr1nty, 11tpreu 01 lmplltd, A reoerdlng 1111a, po111111o n, 01 the file kept by th~ rourt. If 1ncumbr1nc 11, 10 uttaly the you are a person anleresl<.'<i p1tnclp1I btlanc:• ol Ille Noll 01 In the estate, you may me a otlltr obllglllon tec:ured by Hid i h h t • Deed or 'f'rull. wllh intereat •nd req~est w t. t e cour ,o 01he1 suma 11 provided 1nere1n. receive special notice of the plus advtncea. If eny, under th• filing of lhe inventory o f terma lhertol •ncJ '"'""'on such estate assets and of the 11dv1nces. ano plus'"'· ch91QN p etition s a ccounts and Ind •llP"'-ol 1111 Trvstee end or • . lh• 1ru111 c:rMled by Mid Deed or reports de9C11bed in secuon Tru11 Tiie 10111 1moun1 ot H id 1200 6 of the Califor n ia obllg1t1on, tnc:ludlng r11aon1bly Probate Code. to 11op the loreclOtut• by l)tyTng IOllOwlllQ prepeny. NOTte• TO CRRDITORI th• entire 1mount d1mande4 by 1.011 1e and 18 In etock 12 or o' aULa TRAN.,U ~ «IClltOf th• Ntwpo11 OdCh ,.rtet, rn fllf"Crti ca.a. 1101 .. 10? u.c .c .) To find out Ille 1moun1 you mutt 01 Nawpo11 &etch, County or Nolle• 11 ht•tby g1va n t o pay, Of 10 IH11f1C141 lot PIYrntnl 10 ()f~. 8 1111 ol CllllOtnla, .. I* ortdllOrt ol 1111 within nemtd etop th• ro11c:IHure. 01 II you• mep •9CC>fo.<I In 900k i . Peoe 28. trtn1l1<0f(•) 111t1 1 bulll 11anete1 11 property I• tn torec:I0111r• for any Mlec.11~ M9')1, !fl the olftc.t ot 1bo111 to b• mada on p11aonel othlf reuon, con11c:\ ANAtttlM the county rtc0tdtt ot •aid county pr°'*1y '*tin•lttt Offc;t1bed HILLS PLANNED COMM UNlfY Exe.pt 11111 l)0(11on OI eal<I LOii Th• nam•\•I eno butlnen ASSOCIATION, PCM RE.ALTY ANO conveyed 10 the l.Ot Angtlll 1ddr ttl o tlle Intended MANAGEMfNT, Agtnl, 23728 lnlt•u•b•n Aallw•y Compt ny. a ltAlltflf<>f'(•l •re: Bl•ICl\tt Olive. El Toro, CA 112830. co1pora11on by OMdl reQOfded In PATfS86AIE FRANCAISE. (7141 7H·7201 Book t03, Ptoe 351, o..dt, t nd In INC .. a Catllornta Corportllon If you hive eny <1~1tlon1, you BOOk toe. Ptoe 24.4, 0Md1. Pte rra 1<e1r1we nt, Pru • and thould COnllCI • lawyer or th• "YOU AAI! IN OUAULT UNOEA George Matti, s.o .. M 17 Newpol1 gove1nmeni.11 •otncv wlllCh may A Dl!EO OF TRu&T DATED, ...... Btvd • Newpon 9Neh, CA 92883 htve tnturld you• lotn UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO The n a me(t ) and bu alneu llemember, YOU MAY LOii PROTEC1 YOUR PROPERTY. IT tddre tt or 1111 1n11noeo LIQA.l RIOHTI IF YOU DO NOT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE trantferM(tl t tt TAKI ""OWT ACTION. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION BEATAttE SCHNEIDER, Ooln~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll 0 F THE NATURE 0 F THE bu•ln .. t u "THE MOUSSE TRAP purtu1n1 to Artk;le IX. Section 7 OI PROCEEOlNO AGAINSJ YOU, VOU Thlt the propetty pe111n1n1 the 01a111allon ot Coven1n1t, SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER " hlWllO ta c;!etc:rlbt<I In genertl aa A Condllton1 and Reatrlctlon•. 320& W Balboa Blvd , Newp0<t Btktry and It toc11ed 11 3417 r41Coreleel Aprll 28, 1977, In Book 8aach, CA N-p0r1 Blvd , Newp0rt S..c:l'I. CA 121119, P1ge1 209•327, ol Ofllc:l•I '"(If•'""' 114d•••• or common 92663 ReC!Of'Clt, Otano• County, CaUlornle. d11lgn1tlon la thown tbove, no Tile butlnet• n1me uMO by the I b111cl'I ol the obllg1tlon OI wtr11nty Is glv1n 11 10 Ill H id 1r1naliro1 It PATISSERIE p1ymen1 ol 1ueum1n11 hu tompietenea• 0< GO<•ICIMU)" FRANCAISE oecurrld No11Ce ol uld breach ond The oen.tic1ery under Ukl OMd Thal alld Dulk t1 1 n 1ler 11 lien w11 flleO IOI record on July 2, or l rull, by '"'°" ol • bfeac:tl 0< 1nten<11d to oe contommllld ~I the 19112 11 lnt11ument No 82-2312011, CltllUll In the obHgltlOnl N<:urld olfle4 ol AAV LOPIN ESCROWS. ol aald Olllclll Rec:o rdl No thOftby. here1ol0<• e KIOlllld and 166& South 81ookhu•t1. An1helm. p1ymen1 ol past due 1moun1t l'laa Clellvtrtd 10 Iha unde11tgn1d • CA 92804 on <>' elllf ()(;tober 12. oecurrld T11erel0<e. the Anll'lelm w1lt11n o.ci11r11ton 01 Oeltull 1111d 19112. H 1111 Pt en n e d C ommun It Y o.m1nel f0< Sal•, and written notice Th• nam1 and edelren o r th• A11oc1111on does l'lareby el1C1 to ol b1e1ch 1nd or etac:llon to cauM person with whom al1lmt m1y oe sell or c1u11 to be sotd. tile the undersigned 10 sell utd fifed 11 KAY LOPIN, 168S South IOllowlng deacrtbt<I rtal property 10 property .to talltfy H id obllgatlon1, e iookllurtt, An1hllm, C1lllorn1e utttl'y the obllg1tlon end th11 .. lter the undtttlgntd 92804, 1nd 1ne IHI d•y lor 1111119 Lot 211 ol Trtc:t 7587 H per map cauMO tueh no11ee 01 Dretel'I eno ol iclt lm• by any c1ed1to1 an ell be rec0<dld In 8ool( 378. P1ge1 21 lo 11ec:tlon to be Rec:o•d•d June 3. October 8 , t982, which 11 th• 2S, lnc:lualve , or M1acollo neou1 1982 11 Instr No 82·188988 In busln ••• d •y before lh• Maot. In Ille Olfkl• ol the Ot•noe Olliclll Recotds consummation date 1p1c1lled County Aeco1d1W Seid n le will be m1d1 , Dul ebOve The rac:0<d ves11d owne<s or lht without c:ovenenl or we111nty. so ler e• It ~nown 10 111CI prope<ty m0<1 c;ommonly known It eKprff• 0< Implied. regerdtng lllte. Intended T11n11ere1(1) n ld 6861 Avenue de San11•00. po1Hnton, or encumbrtncff, lo intended T11n1feror(1) uted 1111 Anshelm. Cet1101nl1, ta Ronald Polo p1y lh• remelntno prtnc:tp1l tum ol 1o1towl119 aOdtttonol buflne11 nemea 01ted: Sepllmbef 8, 1982 tht notl(1) MGured by Nld Deed ol ind eeldrHSH within the 1hr .. ~m Hiii• PMtnn.ct Trull, wllh lntlf•SI .. In Mid no.I• ~ .. ,. IUI PHI None Community Ateoclellon. provldld, a<1v1ncea, If 1ny, undtr Ottld Slplembet 111, 1982 Linde WHtftll th• 1erm1 ol u ld Deed ol Trull, Beltrk:e Sctinaoder aTATE Of' CALlfOflNIA) 1-charget I/Id 111pen1M ol the Intend.a Tr1111l1tee COUNTY Of 0,_AHQE I Tru11M and or Ille 1ru111 crutld by Pul:lllthtd Orange Cout 01lly ti .. Id OMd of Trull. Polol, Sepl 23, 1982 4200-82 On S1p1emb•r II. 1982. bolo•• Said aeMI wlll be held on Frldty, NOTICI CW TltUITWR'I UL.I T.l .Nt.MW7 NOTICE IS HEREBY GllllN. 11111 on Wadnetdty. Oc1ol>ll' 13, t982, at t 00 o'ctock 1.m. of 111d Cley, In lhe room Mt •aide 10< cond\lc:tlnQ T IUllM'I !elet. within the olfloN or REAL EST A TE SEcu.-1T1E8 SERVICE. IOClled 11 2020 Nort h Broldw1y. Sull• 208. In ,,,. City or Santa Ane. County of 0tll'IQ9. Stall ol Cttlfornla , REAi. ESTATE SECURITIES S~VICE. 1 Cl lllornlt c:orpo11llon. " duly 1ppolnt1d TrullO. und1r and purtutnl lo lhl power ol 1111 conl1fl1CI In that certain OMd ol Tru11 exec:utld by SAM A BUSH Ind MARY G GUSH, Hu1blnd and Will, Ind PHll.0 H BIRCH, 1n unm1rrle d ma n. rec;ordld October 17, 1980, In Boole 13794 of Ofllc:l•I Aec:otd• of H id County, 11 page 1832, Recorde<'s ln1trument No 27770, by , .. '°" ol 1 D•M<:h 0< delaull In p1ymen1 Of p11ro1menc:1 of th• obllQttlont aec:ured thereby. lncludlng thll breech or C11feu11. Notice of which WU tlCOICll d May 28, 19112. U R1corC11 r·1 1n 11rum1nt No 82·184918. Will SELi. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIQHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. lt wtvl ITIOf'l4l'f ol the Unltld SlalM, 0< I caal'ller"t clltck d11wn on • et•t• °' natlOnll Dtnk, • allt• or lede1at c rtdlt union. 0< • a111e or federal .. vino• an<I loen Htocl1tton domlc:lled ln lhlt 11111, ell p1yable al 1110 time Of 11111. 111 rlglll. !Ille tnd 1n11rHt held by II. II T1u1lee. In lftll rtll property IJlulle In Mid County Ind St11e. deSC:•IOed H IQllowl Htlm•l•d lees, chug•• 1nel IX!*\ ... of tl'll Tru11ee. •I the time of 1n111at publlcatlon ol this Notice , la '30,064.70 me, the unde,.tgned. a Notary October is. 1982 11200pm.11 the Petitioner Denyse Ga~j. Public In end Jor u1d State. Chapmen Avenue ent11nce, 10 the f)lfaontlly IPf)Hred Linda WHthlll, Ctvlc C1nt1r Bulldlng. 300 EHi NOTICI Of TRUlftl'I 8All P\a.IC NOTICE Loi&. Btodt 2 OJ T•ec:t No 27 ol 111• 8ovlell1rd AdditlOn to Newl)Ort H1•oht1. 11 lhown on • MIP thefeor rac:orelld In Book 11. P1g1 28 ot Mt1c11taneou1 M1pa, record• ol 111d County, CallfOfnla. Th• 11reet aeldrtu or oth• common d11tgnallon ol th• rH property hlfelnabove deterll>ed It purportld 10 be 3228 Cley StrMt, Newport Beech, C1llf0<nla 011Cld ~11mDer 8, 1982 l & B FINANCIAL CORP , 1 C•lltornta coroor111on. ta Trullee, By AMI E1111e Securities Se<viOe. 1 Celttornta c:o< p . Ill Agenl By ISEAl.J 0 J MOfget. Ill P1Nldent 2020 N. 8roedw1y, Suite 206. S1nl1 ANI. Celll 92700 T et. 1714) 953-6810 Publ1th1d 011no• co .. 1 Dally Pllol. Sept II. te. 23. 1982 3971-42 P'OUNT AIM V Al.UY ICHOOL DISTl'ICT MOT'IC• cw ADOf"1lOH Of' MIOUITI°" 0, INT .. IT TO LEAH l"""-UI DIST9'IC'T MAL PftOHfn'V 9IC» N0. 8>-'2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH.AT lHE FOUN'TAIN VALL.EV SCWOOL DISTRICT 1'111 dec;l111ad' ll'lal the IOllowlng rHI propef1y Will not be needed IOf c:llllfOC>m pufl>OM6. StOflQI atM (ll>PfOltlmllllly 9' a 9'1 In Bulldlng E 11 WetCllOw SGl'lool loc:eled tt 9191 Pioneer Drlv1, Huntington Booc;h. Ctllf0<nl1 Tne Boud ol TrusteH ol lh• Fount1tn Vtlley Scl'lool Olttrlct reaolvu to leeM tM ltGlllllet ao 1ndlcat1CI above undef lh• term• 1nd oondltlone 1t11ed In the Aeeolullon ol lhl Boetd, Affotvlion No 83..S The minimum monlhly lt11e p1ymen1 10< the twm of the lelH tllall not be Miii 1ll1n S2S.OO Pof month Tht minimum monthly leaM p1ym1nt lor subffquant perl0d1 mey be l<fJulled by Ille Consumer Price 1ndea 1nnu11 1ve11g1 reflected 11 IM end ol Ille leaH period ,. MCUrlty depollt may be requi•ld prlof to OC:CUl>lnCY No c:ommltelon lllall bl ~ tny lic:enMd rNl eslal• bfol<er tn 11111 11gud, 1nd the re al'l•ll bt no dtducllon trom 1ny propoHI tn dtllfmlnlng the highest ra1pontlble bidder. Su led pr09ot1ls 10 leue H id pr()941f1y mu91 be r_.119d by the delegated olllctr at Illa Fountain V1t1ey School Olatrtcl Educetlon Cenle<. 11210 Olli S11eet. Fountain Valley, C1111orn111. 92708, no ltltl' thin 2 00 o m Sapttmber 28. 1082 Btlore 1cc:ept1ng any wrltlln propo11l1. Ille dtl1g1led otllctr thlll c:all lo• orel bidding. Any p11son who h•• lltrttolora eubmitted a writlan bid m•v tobmlt 111 oral bid 111ci:Mdlng by at leHt five perc.nt 11'11 htohdt Wftllen bid T tiylghest r&l90fllib61 tllddet lhaJI be required to 1aecu11 the form of ...... IUCh fOfmll hu 11otetol0<a bffn 1pp1oved Dy lhe 8011d 01 Trual-Tl'll Board or T ru•t-ane.u l!\lk• the detlll'mln1tton u to whether to leue H id flClllllet With tin ( 10) d1ya '"llf receipt ol Dlda. tnlormatton c:oncttntno 1111 proposal thould be llddrMMd 10 FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT, 172 I 0 Otk Sar tit, Fount.in Vlllly, Calllomla, 92708, (1-14) ... 2-MSt, Att8'111ot'r" Naomi Meland Oltld OtlfCI Stpt«nbll 2. 1982 f~V...,lclloot Dltlr1ct 8oW of Trv1t- '-• D. WMI Clettl of IM herd Publltl'leel 0 11n11.• COHI 01lly Pl!Ot, Sept II, te, 23, 1082 31H18-82 Levin & Levin, Attorneys I known to me to De AHi. Secret1ry c11apm1n Av1nue. In th• City ol Loen No. 1M00111·J for Pet I t Io De r , 5 2 4 t of th• corporation 1h11 .. eculed the Ore119• T.I . No. 1-M22t Lampson Avenue Oarden1lwlthln tn11rumen1, known lo me to At th• t ime ot 1111 Initi al BUTTERFIELD SERVICES. INC Calif I t%145 be lhe person who aaecuttd the pubtlc:etlOn ol thl1 notk:e. Ille total u duly 1ppc>ln1'4 Tru1tee under Grove, oro a wtthln Instrument on 11e11111 ot the amount 01 the unpaid b•I~ or 11>e the ro11ow1119 Clncril>ld deed of The undersigned her1 by dlact11m1 111 ll tblllly tor 1ny 1ncorrec:tneu In .. Id 1t1eet lddr-°' other c:on;mon designation Pubhoht'd Ou n11 .. Coal! Oally c:o1po1a11on rne1e1" nemed, •nel obligation ffCUred by Ille above •ru•• Wit I SELL AT PUBLIC Pilot. Sept 22. 23• 29. !&82 1cllnowledg1d to me 11111 ,uc:l'I ducrlbed dtlel of truat 1nd AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST __________ _.!,,.l¥ ... n ... -l.,,2 corporellon 1s1cuted Ille within Hllmated coall. exp1n1H. 1nd BIDDER FOR CASH (p1y1ble et Plel,IC NOTICE instrument OU•IU-"' to 111 By-l•wt 1dv1nce111 s 121.388 4 t time of Hie In 1""1ul "'°"9Y 01 Stld Hie will be mtde wllhou warr1nty, 1 apre11 or lmpOed, ••girding 11111. po11e111on, 01 1nc:umbr1nce1, to 11t11fy 1111 prlnc1p11 belan~ of the NOii Of olh•• obllg•llon 1ec:ured by 11ld Deed ol Trurt. with lnt1rHI 1nd other 1umt •• provided the rein ptu1 1dv1nc1s. It 1ny. undlf 1111 11m1• thereof ll'ld tnt••I on IUCll adv1nu1. •n<I plut 1-. Chlfgeit ll>d ••penMt of Ille T rult• and or the lrUSll c:<H lld by Mid Otld OI Tru1t The 10111 amount of ••Id 0Dllg1tlo1J. 1nc:ludlng •Haonably 11t1m1lld lee•. c:harg•• 1nd expen-or the Tru1IM, II the time ol ln1t111 publlelllOfl or 11111 Nottc:e. '' $43.277 40 • 1(-01170 NOTICE M IALI OF PIEAL ""°""TY AT PfllV A Tl UL l No.,....,, .. In the Suf)lflO< Court of the Stile of Calil0<nl1. IOf the Counly of LOI Angeles tn the M11111 or th• E1111e of FLORENCE 8 PENBERTHY, Oectuld Notlc:e 11 hlfeby given thll lh• unclefatoned wlll Mii 11 Private tale. to lh• hlgh11t 1nd bHI b lddtt. 1ubj1ct to c;onlltme llon of u ld Superior Court. on 0< titer the 5th Cley ol October 1982 •I the octlce of BAIRO tl GIVENS. 815 So flo- SI . Sullt 1900, l.OI Angeles, CA 90017. County ot Los AngtlH. Sitt• of C.Ufomla. Ill the 11gn1. 1111e and lnt-1 of tal<I dec:tued II the IJml ol death lll'ld 111 Ille right. lllle and lnl«HI lhal Ille Miii• of lald d •o••••d h11 1 c:qulrtd by operatlOn or 11w 0< othtl'WIM other than 0< In •deltllon to lh•I ol 111d ~uect. 11 lht time or delth. In 1nel to all 1110 CM111n rNI oroPtl'IY 111ua11d In th• County of Or1ng1. State of Ca1llornt1, pullcululy cMilcr1bed u IQllOWS, te>-wtl 1.ot 23 In 8loctl Two of Sec;llon Two, Bltboe lll•nd" "tttOWn on • MIO 1ac:orded 1n BOOie e. oeoe 3 t of Mlecell1neous Mape, Rac:ordl ot 011no• County, C1lllornl1, more commonly known 11 11 4 RuDy Ave . BaJbO• latend, CA 926112 Pr099r1y will be told "11 It ·· Term1 of nit c11h In ltwful money of the Unll•CI StalH on c:onllrm1110t1 ol tale. O< plf1 catn 1nd b1t1nce evld1nced by note aewrad by Mortgage« Trvtl Deed on th• properly 10 told Ten percent ol 1moun1 bid to b• dapoelted wtll'I bid Bid• 0< offer• to be In wrilll\Q and wlll be 1ec:etved 11 th• 1lore11ld orftce 11 any time •Her the first publlcellon hertol 1nd belor• dat• or Hie Oiied thla 1Stn d1y ol S1pt., 1982 C EUOIM G"'9n1. EJlecutO< OI Ille Wiii ol 1116 Oeotdenl eAMO 6 QIVINa 111 .. ''""' ··~ lull• llOO LOI A,....._, CA to017 (111) ...... 100 Publl•h•CI Oang• CoHI Otlly Piiot, Sept. 22, 23, ~9. 1982 • 158-82 Plel.IC NOTICE STATl•NT Of' WITHDRAWAi. llllOll PAATNl9'1HW ONMTINO~R FICT"10U8 Mll .... H NAME The loflowlng pe,.on h•• wlll'ld1awn aa •general partner Iron; Ille partnerlhlp ope<atlllQ under 11'11 t1c t1 1to1.11 Du etnen neme or CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATES OF COSTA MESA. 1170 81latol. Sult• ICMI, Cotti M .... CA 92829 Th• flcllltoue bu1ln111 n1m1 1111~1 IOf Ille ~nerthlp Wll llltel on Augull 10, 1978 In th• County of 0r"'OI ,0991. l'ull Name 1nd AddrHt ot the Perton WllhdrawlllQ BETTY JEAN HARMON, D.C. olllct, 4992 GrH11c:ap, lrvlne, CA 9t714; 1503 So Coul Of •• Cott• M .... CA 92628 8alty J H1rn;on Publlthtd OflnQt Coaat Diiiy PilOI, Sept 23, 30, Oc;t 7, t4, 1982 4221·82 or e , .. 01u11on ol It• Botrd of To dettimln• lht opanlng bid. the Unltad S111es) all •'Ohl. tltle Olrect0<1 you miy•caJI (7 l4) 584-8333. •nd ln1a1 .. 1 convtyeO 10 end now Julll a. WlUlln-Oii• S11>tember 14, 1982 lletd by II under Hid Deed ol Acct. Ho. ~7517002a) BURLINGTON FINANCIAL T11.111 In the property h...-elnarter ALI.EN AHO PLATT SERVICES, INC. de.crlbt<I (f,.) 712•7474 It "Id TruttM. TAUSTOR PHILO M SMITH ieoo Mec:Arthur talvd. By T O Sl: RV t CE JR. 1nd REBECCA ANNE-AU lutte 175 COMPANY. SMITH. husblnd tnd wile u jOlnt .... pon ~h. Cel"omll egent ''B'E~aEFICIARV BUTTERFIELD ea10 By Chr11 Tt.11tu1, 0 AllotMfl lof AN~IM .clU.I Aalstant Secretary SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATI N I D C 0 .... U N I T V Recorded Febt'ull)' 24, 19112 at ,. LANN "'"' 3833 Cimino Del Rio lntlr No 82--0e3980 01 Olfldll AUOCIATIOM South, Publlthed Ortn~Coaat Oen~ Suite 204 Reco1da In 1ne olllce ot Iha Pi S 2• 30 7 8 04 Record« of Ortnge County, Mid lot. 991 ... ' • 14, 199 S•n eteoo. CA 9210 .4 4 dHd Of llUtl d11arlb01 lh• 4231·82 ' Tel. (7 t4) 644·8288 IQlloWing Pfoe>er!Y ----.. -n-• •c_NO_T_IC_E____ Publlth•d Orang• Co111 o111y lot 5 i nd the IO\ltherty 19.00 ruuu Pilot, Sept 23. 30. Oc:t 7, 1982 tell ol lot 8. Block 21 ol T11tt __________ 4_1_93_·_8_2, No. 772 In 111e City 01 Newport NOTICE OF DEATH OP P\a.IC NOTICE Beacll. county of Orenge. s11t1 M A R T H A A L I E N E or Ca11rorn1a. •• per map recordld NOTICE Of' TRVITH'I I.Ali In 8oolt 23 Pa;.a 5 Ind 11 Of M cFARLAND AN 0 0 F T.L NO. ,..... Mlacell•neou• MIP•. 1n Ille olfle4 Oelld. September 20. 1982 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, 1 Celllomle COf'PO<atlOn, u Tl'\lllee By OJ Morger 111 President P ET IT I 0 N T 0 AD · HERITAGE COMPANY ESCRO .... OI Ille County Recorder or Mid MI N I S T E R EST ATE SERVICES. INC H duly eppolnll<I County EXCEPTING THEAEFROM (SEAL) 2020 North B101dw1y CASE NUMBER: A·ll5015 Trull .. under lhl lollowlng th• IOUthlfly te.00 IMI or lot Suitt 206 ... To aU he lrs, bene(iciaries, :~.sc~~L~~~~l~~~NW~c'; ~E~~ S YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER Senti Ana. CA 92706 creditors. continge nt HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH A DEED OF TRUST DATED P1.1bll1~:a'61r~n~~~~1 Dilly creditors, and persons who IPayt ble •I ume 01 Hie in ltwlul ~~b;e•'YA~~·16~82T~N~~SJT~g¥ Piiot. Sept 23. 30. Oct 7. may be otherwise intereswd mon•y ol Ille United States) •11 YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE 4197-82 i n the will or es late q f · •IQhl 1'110 •nd tnterut conveyed 10 SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. 1F ------------ M artha Alu~ne McFarland, ~~:= 1~':°he °r,:~~~ r:!n= YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF fltll.IC NOTICE a lso known as Martha A delcrfbed· THE NAT u RE ° F TH ( ------------ M cFarland, also known as TR~STOR JOHN w FICK , • ~~~CEl~bNuGLOA~AJ~~~c~ou_. CPn7200 Al. M F I d M lh marr-.. man LAW:!ER NOTICE Of TitUITE.Et' IAL..a 1ene c tr an • ar a BENEFICIARY EVEL VN ASTI e Ad11reu 4 HI 62nd Street. Truetle'I Ho. 11112 A. Williams. Alle.ne Williams widow 1nel DARLENE DUNN. a Newport 8e1Gh, CA 926eJ. "(If a On Oc:tobt l 14. 1982 ., t 1.00 and Martha WUliams. m1rrled woman, 1t 1olnt 1en1n11 ilreet eddrtn or common em FIRST AMERIC~N TITLE R d d A 27 1980 INSU RANCE COMPANY , a A peUtlon has been filed icoi e uguSI · 11 de91gntllon It thown •bove. no ca111orn11 eorporetlon aa Truttee by· Crocker Nalaonal Bank lnll• No 33880· In book 13718· wurtnly It given 11 to 1" or Svc:ceuor Trutlee 0< SuDIUtull<I · K ti T p~ 1223 or Ot1ic1e1 Reco•<I• In the completttlfft 0< eor1eetnea1 ·· Trutlff. 01 lh•I ~-rteln DHd of by Nancy A. ea ng, rust olf1<:e or the Rte0td11 01 Ortnge The .,.,,.,k;llfl' un<IM ea1<1 o.eo - Officer In the Supe rior County. 511<1 deed o111u11 dOIC•IDft o• Tnisl. by rHtOn of • br-..c:h Tru1t iucut•d by EIL EEN I. 1 tow ......,.. TURIN. 1.n unmvrled _.,, u to Court o f Orange County Ille OI •no pr.,.......,y or deteult In th• obllge t1on1 an undivided OM-CIU•rtet Inter"! r e questing that Croc ker Lot 52 of Trec:t No 6983 tn the llcured lll•••by, he retofore MIKE TURIN.'" unmarried min• • . Clly 01 lrvlNI, aa Pof mep recorded i11tc:Ulld and d..._ed to the Nauonal Bank be a ppointed 1n book 2& t p1gH 23 10 28 un<Ser111Qned a wrtuen oac111111on and iecorelld Septtmber 11. t981 as pel"llOn.al representative to 1nc;1ut11111 of m111Ce1taneou1 m1p1. 1n 01 Oef•ult end o.in1111d ror saie. " lnstniment No 21271. In llooll ad-1n1•tcr the estatl' o f the the olltee ol the county recOfdlf ol end wrlllen notlc:e ol breach i nd 111222. Page 1304, ol Olllc:lll ..... ~ d t 1 1 th Record• of Or1no• Count y decedent. . H~O~~t IN DEFAULT UNDER A ~nde~.;~o;:, ~I :.~~~ Calllornlt, and pureuant to that The pet1 l ton req u e1 ll DEED OF TRUST OATEO JUNE I, to .. u.fy aald Ol>tlvallont, and ettteln Notlee ol Oet1ulllhtf~ authority to administer the 1980 UNLESS YOU T Al<E ACTION ther••fle< the undarsigMd CILIMd ;~:,~~!~~' J~;. 8~? i 9~ ~~:. ~~ e • l • l e u n d e r t h e TO PROTECl YOUR PAOPERn'. IT Mid nollot or bfHCh and of ,...,..,_, "-~ds of ..... County, will nd ,. ... _I · ~AV BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SAlE elec:lion 10 111 ~Old M.ry t9, ""...,. ,_,~ ...., lndepe ent nuJll mstrau on F YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION 1982 .. 1na1r No 82°173053 ol under and l)Ur94.lll'll IO UICI Otld OI of Est.ates A ct A lieanng on ~ F T H E NA T u R E 0 F TH E OlfiC!lal RICO<dl Trvtt .... at publlc IUC:llon '°'cul\, the petillon will be held on PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. vou S•ld Hie Wiii be mlde, but l•wtul money of the United Slit• ot October 13, 1982 8l 9:30 a.m . SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER wttl'loul coven1nt 01 wuranly, ~n:~•Tr:i::"~~ ~ ~lt!O: In Oeparttnent 3 located al s~';:t'_;g~~!1~:..!::CA19471 ='.:!~.'":"~~::~~11~0 n11ton1t b•nk. • 1111• or fed•r•I 100 Civic Center Drive West, '"(If a 1tree1 addr•st °' commo" pay the rem11n1ng prlnclP1t tum crl<lll union. Of • 11111 0< leder•I City of Santa Ana. d11lgn1tton IS 1hown ebove, no ol the note llCU•ld by "Id Otld uvlng• a nd loan n1oc;la tlo.n lF You O BJECT to the w1rr1 nty 11 g tv1n 11 10 IU ot Tni11. w1111 Int-I .. In Hid domiellld In thlt 11•1•. al Ille main • , . complelllleU 0< c:orrectneul note provided. adv-. If tny. 1ntr1nce 10 Flrll Am•rlatr1 Tiii• granung of the petiUon. YO\I The t1aneflc:i11Y under H id Deed uno.r the 1e1ma of Hid Deed of 1neurana. Company localld e t 114 should either appear al the 01 Trull by reason 01 1 bfuc:h °' Trvst, •-. c:h.,.geit 1111d upen-EHt F1l1h StrMt, In the cll't of Santa hearing and state your idtllUft in ,.,. obltgttlonl MWrld or the TruttM tnd of the 1ru111 Ana. Cel1lornla. .. 11\el r!vM. tltfl objecllon1 or file written •1111eby, 11«etolo1e aaec:u11d tnd ~:i:'4:i.b!.tu".! :on ~.:.C,rv;; = ~;~9:~:!'::tr0:0~T':: ob1'ec tlon 1 w i th the cour t ldtllvtr•d 10 the undt1tlgn•d • Octo..., 5 1"•" 11 2 oo pm ai tn th• property 11tuattd In 1110 ~tllen 0ec1.,1t1on of O.lault and ....,.. • ..,,. · · ·• before the h earing. Your Demand l0< Sale ano wrhten nottce the Chipman Avenut entrance, to County and State deeeribld u · appearance may be in person ior l>IHcll end 0j •lecllon 10 ctuH the Ctvto Centet 8ullelln0, 300 1.01 15 ol Tre1:1 No. 21192. as orbiyourattomey. hht underelgneel 101811 uld Eaat Ch1pmanAvenue,tn1heet1y t11ownon1M1pthe<eot recordedtn ..... bit tlon 01 Ot•noe CA Booll 98, P•o•• 4~ a n d 4 •. l y 0 u A R E A ~°'*''Y IO lltltly ....... 0 g• •• At th• • time ol tl'I• lnlll•I Ml1Gell1neou1 M1p1. rec:orO• OI CREDITOR or a con•lnacmt •nel lller .. tttt Ill• und•••lgned pybllGatton of lhll notice. the 10111 Oninge County. Calitomte • N to ~.. ~Md Mid "°''" 01 Dreecll 81'<1 °1 amount of tl'll unpaid !*•nee of ell lded one-querter lnler•t credltor of the dece ' you ialac:tlon to be A1cordeel June 7. 111• obllgatlon MCurad by th• =~dunPAvMELA l GORDON. •n mwn file your tlalm with th~ 1982 H tnll• No 82· li3038 01 abo\19 deac:rlbed deed ot trvtt unmarried wome n 11 10 an court o r presttnt il to the K>f~~~ ~:Cl!111 b• m•d•. but and •tlmated °"''· • ..,.,,.... 11ndlvlO•d one·l'l•ll tn1erHI .. personal repreaen lal1ve wlll'louc covenani 01 wurtnty end ldvanc. 11 t11t.ot232 Ten1n1e 1n Common I t d b th u t 1 ' To detennlnt U.. ~ bid. Tiie '"'*' eeldttll or other • ppo n e Y e co r ••P• ... °' lfn9iied, regarding 11"· you "'"" Gell (ft41 937-offe d 1 ti or tald within four mon ths from the POtMHlon, Ot encumbtancH, 10 Dii~:-',.1191111 i 1• 1e&2. :~~~n1, ~·Id~~ tie 204e date of flrat Issuance o f P•Y th• rtmtlnlno prtnctp•I tum 01 au'TTS"'•"° MRVICll, INC. Pt1om• Or Ive, coatt Mau, I t•A "d -..a in section tM not• aec:u1.0 by 11fC1 0..0 ot Al Ml4ll Tn1t... 0 11 e ..:1'1 u provt """ Trutt wfll'I lnlttffl .. In Mid nott • TD 11111v1'l.1 COMPANY " Otnl• 700 of the CaUfomla Probate provided. 1cv1nc ... 11 1ny, undtt =' · · "" ' St.kl .. 1e wot be tn•dl wtlllOUt Cod T h I f (ill 1 ,.,._.,. t T 1 c;ovtnenl or w1r1tnty. ••Pt .. , 0< e . c t me o r ng fM 11rm1 ot *' d .,.....,.. o tut • alMtolft M. "9tllell, AMt. IMIJ. lmplled ... to title. PotlHllOft « cla.tmt will nol expire pnor '-· "'"'"" '"° ·~ 01 1~ OM Cit) ...,__ WMt, tnevrnbf•-10 Mtrtfy the \11\PllCI to four months Crom the do~ Trullee and of Ille 1""11 CtMltd by or...-. CA -blllnW due on the note « note& t th h ~ deed bo Hid Deed ol lrvtl Slld tale will DI (114) ...-tee:ured by Mid Otld of Tt\111 10 o e t'& no • ve. he4d on Friday, October I . 11192 •t Publllhecl 0r.,. eo..1 Dally wit 1142.006.112 p1ue ,,... tOl!Owlno YOU MA EXAMINE 2 00 Pm . •t the Ct11omen A~ Piiot, &es>t t. 11. 12. 11112 H llma ted 001{1, H pe nt .. and '117a2 ""'"* Ce&lfot1* llt11*-...S Publltl'l•d Oren11• Co111 Dilly Ttl! (;141 .,._111' Plel,IC NOTICE Piiot, Sept 23, 30, Oc1 7. 14, IN2 Publttl'led 011nga Co11t Dally 'ICTITIOUI autlNlll ------------ P\aJC ftOTICC 4224-112 Piiot. Sept. 18. 23. 30. Oc1 7. 1982 NA• aTAnmNT K01m -----------4106·82 Tiit fOllowlnQ perwnt are doing ,ICTl110U8 aUS_.I P\8..IC N0TIC( -----------I bual~E~STAT E PLAZA, 1400 NAMI ITAfOCt(T Nil.IC NOTIC[ 8111101 8••••t Nor111, Suitt 245, ™ lollowlng pe<aont •re Clolno P')CTTf1()UI MlllHIH NAMSITATW•NT Thi folloWlf'IO Plttonl trl dolflO ~-I MPORTED CAPS ANO COVIAIS, 412 S. Lyon Sir-. Santa AN. CA '2701 KONZU INTERNATIONAi. CORP • • C.lllOfnla corporation, t5701 Chemleei Lene. HuntlllQtOfl a.en. CA 12G49. Thie bull-II concluc11d by I oorpcpt~ .. Kon1u 1n1e 1n111onal Corp. ....... Rlcherd Clleng, Vice Thll lllllelneftt _... tlltCI Miii Ille County Cllrlt of Or enoe County on leotM\O.. 7. 1.., ,~ Publl•fled Or•nr co .. , oa11y Pllol, 1eot •· 18. 2 . ao. 1ee2 INt .. 2 butln•• •· l'tCTIT10UI 9UIMH Newport Btach, CA t2680. BOX SPRINGS COMP.ANY, 760 ...... ITATl•NT WILLIAM K .• OAllrS. 1400 8•-•r s1r111. Coll• M•H. c •. Tf'lt tOllOwlnO '*"°"' ••• doing 8rl1tol St North. Suitt 245, 92121 b\ltiftttl N Newport hftetl, CA 92680 LI tNDUST.-IAL PROGRAM • 1.100 LANOSCAPI! 2117•,t A FfU!D WAL TEAS. 11U t912. 7U ltkt• 11rH t, Co111 Mint• Streit. Co111 Mata, Riverview Drive, F'1llbroo11. CA Mete. CA t 2121 Cllllomll 92827 12028 O L V MP t A INll 1!8T MCNT An1c:lelo Leone Ill 2 171'h Tlllt Dull-It oondUCled by I OOMP4NY, 716 81-er ltrHI, Mlntr Strael. Colli Mtta, ~al part,_. Coeta M"'· CA 12628 CallfOfnla 92827 ~ I<. OrM Ttll1 bl.illnl•• 11 condu011d by a JOMPl'I E. Model, 2ae Walnut Tiiie '"""*" Wit ltlecS W'lth Ille gener11 pertnetlfllp 81r .. t, Coll• Me ... C1lllorn1a County Clttll of Ot•noe Courtly on L E 1 ,, o u 1 t r 1 • 1 cne21 &ap11mblr 2 1, 1112. ,,00,.m.ien Thie bl.lllMt•" COf\OllCttd by . ""°"9. KINDAU. t~ Llnllltlltt P1op11llH. ~ .. =::1t.on.111 MA-WllTON Oen ,._,, Jee11 D .ltnklnt Ttlle tt.temenl -filed With the A ,,.._ LMr = .£. -Tntt lfat~I -fhd Wllh the County a.tr ot Onnot CouMy on ... ~O. -Courlt'; Clefk of Orange County on AUQV1t ao. 1t11 ,...._ ......... ..._,CA -a.ptwnt>et I . 1M2 ,1rm1 ,Ubllllhtd Ottnge CoHt OeUy "ublltlled OfenQe t.-1 Da11y Publlalled Orenge Con t Dally Piiot. Sept. II, 9, 18, 23, tllf2 Piiot, Sept H . icl, Oct 'T, ~·t·..!.'!! '"°'· Stpl ti, 23, 30. Oo1. 1, IM2 3e5e·U .. ,.......,.. 4107·12 the me kt-pt by tho 00\art. If 1ntra nca 10 th• C1v1c: Ctn1e1 3UM2 1~ 11 the ttm• QI tl'lt tnltlll you are a peNK>n ln~tt.'ltt"d l ulldlnp,. 3oo EHi cniom•n publ1C11ton or thl• NollClt of Seit< ln the3t.ate, you may me a AT,~ii,n 1~c~1Y0~1 ?~~'1~1~1 PtaJC NOTICE 11.eao.31 .. i h h IC NOTICE TO PAOPlA~ OWNEn rcquc w ' ' • cour\ to PubllCtOOn ot 1111• noltoe lh• IOlal , TITOUI .,....... YOU AAE IN DlFAUL T UNOI" A r~lvr 1pedal notice of the 1mountoltlll11npel<lbll.1111Ceof the ..... .,Al"DIRMT DIED OF TAU8T , OATEO flltna o f the In vento ry of Obllo111on MCu••d by 1111 above l'ha IOlio-11\Q ~ton• .,. CIOlllQ SEPT MIER 14, IHI UNLESS t h CIHCrlll•d Otlel Of ttull a nd butlnMI ... YOU TAKE ACTION TO PAOttCT eatate a11et1 •nd 0 t • Hllmalld COtl• ••P•nMt. ano PROUD AMIRlCAN RACINO. VOUA PROPIEATY, IT MAY 81! p e\ltlon1. accounts and adnnc•• 11 Ut.070 05 To 6211 VictOtla. Ho n. Cottt Mwa. SOLO AT A PUILIC IAl.l 1, YOU ttpoc11 de.crlbed ln le'C\lon ::w,~~)~";~OIO,'f°"'mly CA ~~Jy ANN I .A ll.CY. 526 NUD AN EXPt.ANATION °' T'Ht l 200.6 of th(' Celltornla Oiied Stpttmbef 9, 1M2 VICtOt'la, No 12. Co.II Mel•. CA NATURE OF THI flAOCIEOINQ Probal.C! Code H•llllTAOI co•,.A•Y HCROW 9H21 AOAIN8T YOU. YOU I HOULD p llllon ..,mc:H.1 IMC. f'ICHAflO rRANIC CASTRO, C0Jl~~%~ ~..:!" t•. 1tN e ~r: ·=· T,D. ••lllVICI COMltANY, 06~61~~.le, No. ta, Coela Meea, f'f"ptt'r AMlfltCAH TITU Crocker NatJonaJ Bank .. •vc• " ~~ A. Kea•• .. •, "-A~ Thlt b\I..,_. I• c;oncNcNd by • tN8UAANOI COMflANY, ..... ANt. ........ , llmlte<I Oatlnwlhlp a Callforllle COfs>O'ation (ker OM Cl ........ w.i JWt ~ Bolllty ~°"'°" L••he M De Va~~ 0.-...CA-Tl*1tm_t_Nadw!lllt~ 1141M! 'lfnl..,_. A f pfd (114) ...._ ic-1Y c.11 of Orange ~1y on len.ta A CA llJW ~~ or~ll•er._:. ,.11D11111e0 Qfan~ Cottt Oelly rs.pltl'llber ll t, 1"2 Tlll.JTt4'r'.:t"•::t ... ''•-~I ,. .. _..llh Pllol, l8'>t 11. 23. • 111240ff .. 2 Pullllahecl Or•n& co!."l:=r . ,.ubllat144 Ol~tt 0.11'( I .._. I ~ ....... ,.llot ltOt 1.a. JO, Oc1 1, 19U flubll•hed Ora119e Coatt 0.0y lhOp at home II'• ... y _., S..,I 13. '°· ' '· ti, I • 4\14-la ~. -t H . 13, It, 1U2 with CIUtln.d a.2.Hft .4Ul4Q ., ...... D ·I ot1nge Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Thur191y, 8ept1mw 23, 1082 .,.....,....0 Precarious job Construction worker is supported by crane's -cable while guiding a st-:el beam intc.> place during construction of a retaining wall for a Portland, Maine, fishing pier. The pier is a multimillion-dollar project. Reye' s syndrome link eyed Warning labels sought for use on aspirin bottle WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan administration, concerned about the suspected link between aspirin and Reye's syndrome, wants to put warning labels about the c hildhood disease on aspirin bottles. recovering from viral infections. Between 600 and 1,200 cases occur in the United States each year. Between 20 percent and 30 percent of these cases end in death; many others result in permanent brain damage. Griggii told the committee the procedure for implementing the warning -label program - publishing the proposal in the Federal Register, allowing for public comment, printing of the final rules and providing time for the industry to change its labels -probably meant that it would not go into effect. until ne xt spring or summer. In the meantime, Health and Human Services Secretary Richard S. Schweiker proposed that the government use public servire announcements to issue an official warning until labels are· ready. Schweiker's proposal drew immediate criticism from some quarters, although it appeared to be well received by the subcommittee. In addition to aspirin itself, many prescription and over-the- counter drugs -including some popular cough and cold remedies -contain salicylat.es, or aspirin, and would be subject to the proposed label changes. Label changes "take time and we must address products already in retail stores and homes," Schweiker said . "We 'have to alert' parents as quickly as possible." R ep. James H . Scheuer, D-N.Y., said the announcement "may be based on a flawed study and is clearly premature given the conflicting opinions from scientific and medical experts." For over-the-counter drugs, the proposed label would read: Available data indicates the risks are greatest for youngsters under 16 who have chicken pox, flu or other viral infections, Schweiker told the House Energy and Commerce oversight subcommi tt ee, which is Dr. Joseph M. White, president of the industry's Aspirin Foundation of America, criticized the data used in developing the proposal as "poorly developed" and "badJy}lawed." "Warning: This produc t contains a salicylate. Do not use in persons under 16 years of age with flu or chicken pox unless directed by your doctor. The use of salicylates to treat these conditions has been connected with a rare but serious childhood disease called Reye's syndrome." examining the issue. , R eye's sy ndrome is characterized by vomiting and lethargy which may progress t.o deUrium and coma in youngsters "There's nothing that woajd prevent the government from changing its collective mind if the industry were to come up with new data now," said spokesman Bill Griggs of the Food and Drug Administration. A slightly shorter version would be used for prescription drugs. DIATH NOTICf S SPENCER Spencer was a clerk u\ 'the NELLlE I. SPENCER of Balboa Post Office for 25 Angelus Oaks. Ca passed years before reunng to her a w a y o n M o n d a y , home ~oua Mesa, Ca. September 20, 1982 at after her husband passed Redlands Co mmunity away. She loved her garden Hospital after a short illness. and flowers and was a long Mrs. Spencer was 91 years of tune member of the Cost.a age. She was born in Long Mesa Bay Cities Branch of Beach. Ca. on August 2, the California Fuchsia 1 e'g 1 . She was a 2nd Society. Her love for her generation californian. for flowers extended to a great the past 13 years she has love ,for all living ~hings, the madeherhomewilhherson animals and birds and Albert Spencer of Angelus especially to her many Oaks, Ca. Bes[des her son friends in Angelus Oaks, she leaves a daughter Hat.el Redlands, Yucaipa and the I. Pinkerton of Bethesda, 'Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Maryland and a brother area. She will be sorely Frederick Vaughan of missed. Funeral services will Angelus Oaks, Ca. Mrs be held on Friday , Spencer's husband, George September 24. 1982 at Spencer, was a well-known 2:00PM at Pacifit' View builder in the 1920's and Memonal PllJ'k, 3500 Pacific l 930's in the Newport View Dr., Newport Beach, Balboa Area The fam-Ca 92663. Pacific View ily moved to Balboa in Mortuary directors. 1918 and later to the Cost.a Mesa area an 1933 Mrs. IALTZ IHGEllOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCUff CHA'll 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646·9371 "llCE •OTHllS SMITHS' MOITUAAY 627 Main St HunllnQton Bttach 536-6539 rACIAC YllW ...-..OllAL,AAK Cemetery Mortual\' Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newoon Beach ~·2700 McCOIMIC:S MOITU.UIH LaQuna Beach 49"4•9-415 Laouna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAHOI uw ........ T. 06.IYI Mortuarv • C.rreterv Crenwtorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Meta 540-5554 DEATHS ELSEWHERE ATLANTA (AP) -The Rev. JollD Malroy, 53, a crusading priest who led efforta to reform the Rom.an Catholic church in the 'Southeast, died Monday. PRINCETON, N.J . (AP) -Emmet J. Haallea, 61, a profeaor and journalist who aerved as a speechwrit.er and aide to President Dwight 0 . Eisenhower, died Sunday. Hushes, who also tau1ht at Rutgen UnJvel"llty ln 1970, wrote books about the presidency and foreign policy. MIAMI (AP) -Tlleodore Glb1oa, 66, a civil rights actlvl1t ln1trumental In wlnnin1 court-ordered deae1regatlon of Dade County public tchoola, died Monday. Clbaon wa1 an Epilcopal priest and head of lhe local NAACP chapter ln the turbulent 19501 and early 1960.. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. (AP) -Jolm Tow1111ley1 56, Yelfowstone National Park Superintendent, died Sunday. BllJhroo01 list · -warns tipplers LOS ANGELES (AP) -Taverns and restaurants in the San Fernando Valley are supplementing their bathroom decor with a new pitch against drunk driving: a 13-by-20 wall chart that informs you w hen you've had enough. Across the top, the black-and-white graph lists weight in blocks from 100 to 250 pounds. Down the side are 10 blocks representing on e to 10 drinks. Match your weight to your consumption. If the corresponding block is red, you're probably over the .10 blood-alcohol level thl\t signifies a drunken driver to California authorities. Motorcycle patrolmen have begun distributing the charts to bars on their beats, said Deputy Los Angeles Police Chief Dan Sullivan. "It's an educational program," he said, "and I expect you'd refuse to post it only if you're in the business of selling drinks to drunks." The United R estaurant and Lounge Association, which represents about 50 Valley taverns and restaurants that sell spirits, paid $400 for 1,000 charts, association co-chairman Jerry LaRocco said. LaRocco, who owns the Nine 'n' Easy bar on Sepulveda Boulevard, said the association adapted the chart from one used by the California Highway Patrol. Innkeepers who serve an obviously intoxicated guest can be cited by police and fined as much as ,1.000 by the state's AJcoholic Beverage Control Board, which susp e nds the license of r~peat. offenders. Yoga class scheduled "Total Yoga Experience" la the tltle of a work1hop being offered at Orange Coast College ln Costa Mesa. The worklhop la slated for Saturdays, Oct. 2 and 9. from 9 a.m. to noon ln OCC'a Student Center. Workshop fee is $8. Workshop instructor is Judy Olson, a certified teacher of both Siddha Yoga and Hatha Yoga. She teaches at several Southern California colleges. Singles invited An ex per I me n ta l • worklhop wUl run from workshop tor singles 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. In OCC's designed to h elp them Fa cu 1 t y Ho.use . re-dlrect thelr lives wW Rei[iatration ls $10. be offered at Orange Workshop director ia Coast Colle1e In Costa Alyn 8artlck. an OCC Mesa on Oct. 2. h u m a n 1 e x u a 11 t y Titled "Deal1nln1 LNtructor and a \herap11t Your Own Lile -A.a a In private practice in Slnl(le Adult ," the Newport Beach. ....ca•or._s la4•0AOWAf MOITVAIY t10B~•v ColtaMeH 8'2·0150 l Local. county. state. national and international events come to your doorstep llilJ Pl.Ill in the bright. light and lively ,, ' ' .. : ClASSIFllD IHI llt•t• ..••.•.•.••....•...... CLASSIFIED INDEX le Ptac1 Y11r a•. C1M .,.. ....... the Comple .. Orange COa1t ~tPage 642·5678 .... ,, '" ,,,, I HHlll ,,, ,,,, H ..... ,,, ,,,, •.•.......••....••........•••.•..•....•.•... ·····•······•·••••···· ~ MOUSES FOi SAU :3E~llM ::: 10\IAL HOUSING 0 .... 0 .. TUHITY a,.,,,, IOOZ ,,.,,,, IOOZ a ... ,,, IOOZ •••••••••••••••••••••• :.!!.! ••••••• , •••••••••• ·················•••._!....• l!:.=.zl\l::~t l:'n BRANO NEW "H .. rt ol l\:l'!'\.~1.w.1 1• Orange County" Town· o. •• ro1.1 :: PllMltlttr'I letletl hom•• -Luxury 3 bdrm i:IT0<0 1o.» home• beautllully d•· rb~!!:'~•ll•> 1(0)4 All real eelllt advertlHd 1lgned, quallty ~Ill -and ~.liu<ll tlttt In lhl• new1papu le financing nollrillat you !!::: r,1::h ::;: F~~l~~~~g·~~t ~~die:~ ju1t won't btllevel Cell ....._ N1 1 ,.., now Brandywyne Pro· Mi•::! v.!;:: 1 ... 1 wlllC:h m•k .. II Illegal 10 penkls II. 531.ee70 ~r.;:.,.e..;:-1• tdvtrtlM "•ny preferen· 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil """'~••l•P""'"" :::: c:e, llml11t1on or dltcrlml-1• •••Jfl,...* ..,,., ".. 1• nation bated on rec•, --• ~:~~. :::: color, rellglon. 1111 or Ult IL" • ,.11,.,,..1., ,.. nt1lon•I origin, or any ·-· t••LY l·I M-llomo• hi• 1100 lnttnllpn 10 mall• eny rs • REAL ESTATE 1ueh preference, llmll•-38 BALBOA COVES, 3 A<ru1• lor '"" 1u tlon or dltcrlmln1tlon " bdrm -2 blth. REOU-A..-rt,,,.~•· ~·•• 1.o» CEO TO $499.5001 a. .. 11 "'~'" ·~ Thie n9Wtplper wlll not UT lllYlllTTI t".:=:. ~:,,.., :: knowingly 1ccept 1ny Tll II ~:".=.~~~1,::~!'> 1ei 1dvtr1l1fng for reel ""· HU. /IWI °"'*'" "~'" ~.1• ::: le whk:h 11 In vlotatlon of iiiii*i:tilil-~1~1~tili*iii~ -••IOf M.,14 IU the llW. •-l'r"4>frl) lndllMtiol '·-·•> 11fli ~il':!'r•1• ''" ::l 1111111 Advertl-leal ht .. • tfflH w_.. o. •• ,. M•_, i• wanled. In pla~. New· ~.,~r· .. "'r." ~ sers should check port Harbor/Cost• Mesa 0.111 lll':• ~.u~·· -their ads dally and arH. All lnqulrlee conll- LllO llLI IOIEI Prtm4' Lido Nord bftyfron\. 5 bd1m. 61A bath. Lgt! L 1l , 2 hont 11llP1 $1.~.000 Hl'rriodcll-d 3 bdrm. 2 buth I lurgc rec. rm. beam l~llrng11, furniAhL'<.I, pullua. $420,000 PElllSUU MOIEI Prize Wl'llt Bay ooyfrnnt Sil~ for 2 boa14 rc>modelro :I bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000 . Ocean & Jelly views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 *I ft $1.38~.000 Oceanfront. LlllA llLE IAYFllOIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm. den Boat slap Now $1.000,000. IAYSIDE PUCE Si>«:wculur bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces R.cduced-$1,500,000. """'hd , • .,.,., C.ro•H ~ dentlal. Mall repllH lo :!:l ~:!:; ~~~~:;•• _, report errors Im-Ad. No. 1020. oe11y Piiot. FAllllAllS llAICI IEMTALS mediately . The PO Box 1560, Coll• New 4 br, •H"J ba, l'USl.Om French Nonnandy 5 ~f~$~~ = ~t~~~ [;~~~iy ~~; ~M~e·~·~·~C~A~9~2~6~27~~~ Estate I 2 prune acrl' hilltop $1 ,250,000. ~=:::::~:::: t'~;· = the first Incorrect LIQllDATIOI AYALOI +:::=::: r.::· = Insertion only. S 15,000 own. auume Fe<' simple l'Ott.ag<' on quiet De&c.anso St. (in O..pl••" ~.. ~ low lntereal lo1n1. Sharp Flats). $145,000. r~ .... unr -3 Bdrm home. $240.000. ~:, ~!~·:;,, "' = BHlll Ill Ii/I Fred Tenore. 631-1266, COllOIADO CAYS Room• t00t •••••••••••••••••••••• i6i3i1i-2i7iti1·iAigiti. iiiiiiil Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat 'r.:r.jjM~O:.~" ICM IHI 111111 dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/terms. Gwu Home• ':_: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i;...,,,,.., K•fll•I• :. ••• ,,, 1001 V.tilioft Mtftteli UW •• • •• •• • ••••• ••••••• • • ~~~·:. '1.;,~:;:: = --------· ~~~;::~.. ::"": UITILlff lnlM1no111tr1111 uoo Thie lovety lamltv hOme BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•d" Dr·•~ N 8 675 6161 t;.•g " ... .., ::: "" tu•t been painted In lllWPllT TllUOE w...-R"'"" -& out Vacant & rNdy 10 Exc:.tlenl flrnmclng. Neel I MAPPllESS IS IUSIMESS, IMYEST-move In It hu 5 bdrms, three bedroom condo. 172 100 MDIT, AMAMCE 3 bathe. lemltv room on Prlvllcy and view of plfk ' EXCHANGES Precious gem 11008$ tor lrade Will trade precious gem atones for Real E111te. Wiii consider 1nythlng of re11onable v1lue For Example· Autos, Yechta, Palnll"9•· RV'•. or equity In going buslnelMS. pp 63Hl166 corner lot, near park for and city llghta. Submit Living lri F1lrl1ne Gar-:::::::~ :i: the klddlH Wiik to otter. Sl36,900. dent, In a lo\lely I story 2 ::::::::::: ~.:,• iou echoola, llore & tannle ti 1 llOO Bdrm condo. In 1 park· M_,,oi.o.a : club fanlft41c fln1nclng.liiiiiii:::=·~~;; Ilk• Ntllng Yoo'll entov "'-• "•n•t<I' -$232,000 the apaclou1 rooms In 11.n, .... Tu• -me qulel tetllng. Good AMNOUMCEMUITS, .... h• • 2lOI S.· Ft. financing 1v1ll1ble PHSOMALS & ltfk• • 1200 S.· ft. 5415-2313 LOST & rouMD h Let 1201120. ~~::" ~ Lido Realty 12':;°°' THE REAL ESTATERS , ... ,First I••• Guarded g11e cornmunl· / ty Neer Soutll Coast PllZI 1 bdrm, 1 ba Condo $79,999 For i..,,.._ !OXIC 300 P..-.1.• Ulol 6 7 3-7 1111 YllH !iot"tal C'twt.• ,,_ --..;....""'"'-_.;...._....;.... _ _., Tuwd• Sol~ SERVICES ~"lf't l)tr4H"t0f) EMPLOYMENT & PRErAHTIOM Sthooh lnt.tr..c"ttOll J~w • ._,,,,. llolp l ....... "4•, M£RCHAMOISE AUTOS, MEW -1~~~ LOOK 11»> For our new regular :~ weekly fHture IOIT SHOW- IOA :1·: CASE -Every Salurday In Ille ~ 0111y Piiot Clanlfled• : l~~-~~~~~~~I WANTED ... IOU -IA YFllOIT 011 OCUIFllOIT Aa ... er'I hllcM FAST ESCROW -CHll ----llf7) ""' -D I - 2 bdrm. 2•;. bl, den plus lhopplng center to Condo. 2 cer g1r1g•. tr•d• In Orenge Co laundiy ll<>olt-upa. Walk Agent. 644-9513 to Pool Stun• Conv 1<>-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cation S 119.000. 111·4'14 : I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• I 111.1/WSl "'*' EASTBLUFF TERINA MAGNflCENT COUNTRY MANSION ------CONDO. 38r, 2•;.01, dlh...,,r. frplc, dbl oven. comm pool 833-9187 dy1, 7511·1318 eve1. .,. Owner/Agl. 3%. Open ~ :H:M::S:•:t:/S:u:n:2:·:5·:::::i -to1' -- Superb con1trucllon -1xqul1lle deeoretlng 8000 eq/lt. 2 ecru. apectaeular vl9WI SeclU· dtd Lemon Helghl1 -North Tu111n Hiiia. are1 1urrounded by other great n11tea. $2, 150,000. llek &14erett• Realtor /Developer 731-44"44 731-5115 -•1 -••• Classified ::;1 --., --IUJ t9ll ---.., -... - works for you .. "'' when you :. ~"~·-... ,...," I -you'll 1r•b ..... fatter In Dally Piiot claulfled ads.can '42·5671 wanf to .. .,. ---"'' 9'>PL AfSIOEHllAl AUl fSTATE SERVICES IWE .. IES -11¥111 1211.000 Pric e d to sel l 1_Beautifully landscaped with a gorgeous pat10. Hardwood floors 1n family room & kitche n . Don 't miss th'n> sunny bright 4 bedroom home. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 OCEANFRONT -REDUCED! Beeutlful cu•tom wllh "pride of own.rshlp" care a detall. Two 1tory 4 Md, S1/a ba. Owner wlll help finance. Super Nnd 6 Na BEACHFRONT. Now MM,000. Walti bJ 2I04 W. Oceanfront 6 cal for detalte. "A J £RI RO'\ I li0"4~ ~. l'i Ill \I llllC' l tlft .......... . ,, . .,.. . ..,.,, 131-1.00 JU '4..r....,. '"' ··-·.l·J 173-llOO RrSIOI NllAI Af Al fSIAlf SfAVICf S PflllllLA lO' UYHllT Probate sale of $1.400,000 cash. M1nimum overbid $70.500. Court date 1017182 5 Bdrm home, separate lot. tx-ach. dock for 70' boot. Marcia Bents. 644 -9060. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 1 "iJ.Hit:'e;.'"'m ~ r t r r r I 1 ~,~'#!Hjeir ''1n" I I I I J I ..... LITI ........ 111 ............. 11• . • -the COmplete Orange K~~!!!.~~~l~1!....... 1P!~!.'.!'!1.!!.'!.'! ..... ,_._~!!tf~~!~~ .. ,_._~m..¥~!11~.'1!'!. .. !-.~~!.V,l!'1.{'!ti ..... ~1!!!,!!.!t.~4.'A ~,!'!1,.'1.!1!.aJ~ ";=:!w ll'ntd IHI Cnt1 #tN lfH "•Uf ..... IHf 1•11•1 ,,, .. ,,. "'° ,.,._, lilul 1111 lutl•rte• I IHli llfl ,,,.., !'!m!!.~ .. /.~f. •••••••••••••••n .... ~ ················•····· ••••••••••••••••••••-:1 •• ,. •• •••••••••••••• ••••••····•..-•·•'······ •••••••••••••••••••••• -.,,A JHI •••• ••••••••••••••••• '•alual• 1111 l'!..11 ,,..,. JIM llYMll ••••Miii 4 Or 3 I• Den. Otn "'"· •• •• ••• ••• ••. •• • ••••. • HatbOt Vt4'W' Hom411 2 11. ••••••• •• • ••••• •••• • •• Nicety turn , mini 1 lft. r:: ••• •• ••••• ••••. • ••• •1111 ,., ...... ...... 6111111 5 Unlit aid• c M gar No°'" 11100/mo OC-ReNTALI den, 2 •• I 1100/mo I/Niii ' Br Ctr I• drt• MO bldg ctoM to boh 3 I It all you P•Y w'*' you flllll l&LI Cullom oc11n view 0 WC Mall" MnN 11 2 2 1 Co r •I 15bf'•1200 10 HOOO 1140.81811 or 631·39H P" r e frtof" •'tove "490 7f4·&57.0212 1 21 ac;h •viii now tal!eovw 1J1laung loan on 11,IH llWI homa, 2 Br, •P•, 80 La· 16% on 011r 97114313 '1313H·3$11 750.33,. o1>1111-d1Y• H .. __ ..... 1 4 ... .. s.t25i mo 8711.IOea :!:..,6 ~J' 3m• 2':: tht bright d 11 guna 1oc11lon ll•P• 10 ----U041 ..,.... .. COM Uf," •-y -1111 I ,. • n , I 3 IS)telOl.t• bdrm•. 29•, buch 81HI ti for S215 wt• /11 IM1 ll!f ,,,... Sharp 7 BR condo, 1 aty, b• dpl•. bll·lna, sooo. yr w 3 -.... c . M In q 7 I / 3 0 ~~::~3·~. !~~~nt,1• wllrl)IO 612 c.,9'1rege 000 0.ff•ll. IOI ~'M••' ••••••••••••••••••••• lfll•Hll JIOT 111 bltn•. l)OOI, S650 mo IM Oct 1 ~~,.,~r.~i = be":ct?. Furn rent.II• by wMll Of 8411·8stt, IM&-1103 Full price 111, Ow· 760,1n 1 IY IWlll • •••••••••••••••••••••• Cell 11 .. 0~11aa, Hk for (213)3711-4ll09139&·80H Oc:Mn & bay..,._ from monrh A01671J.'170. ~~:;·~~= I~ :.,~:~ ~~A~~~!~. ";,~1t' :: 1 '~ IOtl In Hunlln"t:!n On lh• btlCh, 2 Bt lux 01ve HtrbOt Ridge IMM 4 Br 3 _,ndtek. Mutt ... 11660 2 br, 2 ba, lrplO. M76 mo &~•t.:. ~~ ~!t~' C~~· lt2UOO. 758·1501 or 1131-4587or831·22>411 ffUlflHT e:~hp;:i11~nc~:: H~y ~~"=h~;:i0~ue~t HOME8FORRl!NT 81,ba1ut.c1Mor,3500h, wlntlr , 0110 yrly. yHrly 81tpt1obetch& 1148-9060 7U•7373. New mobllt/modul1t ae-• n d w • 1nu 1 • Oct•ntront 0.,,1,8.,112 . ..3 & .t Jtdtm, 1716 lO ~,:,.11tnmon.1•~0gu81'ordoog~t11e 1176-11204 Newport Pier. 2000 ---------11111, VI 1% Lid dlr couege. lrplc. on pvt "' " 1800 l'tnCltd ytrd• a 125<.v D >b • Court Av. ttl, '"t & NC. Lrge 28r 1 ~ be, dl•h· .. br. 2 bl on quit• cul-b ch . L •a•• I• n d 7t.t-t)60-2411 ~3094 011100 Kid• I Pll• Koop, Agl. Rl!/MAX Winter Rental No pet•. (213)812·2095/ wither. g a r . P•llo • ~ Walker G Lee lllVUam PUI O.taaht<I 3 br, 2~ ba home In lrvlne on grMn· belt "'" aomm tenn11 & pool 11 14,000 In 111u- m 1 b l1 loana 1nd you own the llnd $140,000. 144-4111 dt•Ho nr So. Cont SllOOtmo. 11 !4% Int. ••••Ill•, Df1111, C••'•ltUI lta.i3111 welcome. 50·2000. 7611·1221 2 bdrm.,,.• b•, d= 1166· .. 130 $525/mo. Open Delly Ptu• OWC 12% 2nd TO 1115,000. 499·31110 .,.,,, 1400 •• r.~••••••0 ••••••••• Agent, no IN. HARBOR VIEW HOMES . ~:r:~:: ~obi:.!:. 1576~ Junior 1 Br. 'l/trllllltt, on 111114 Anlllelm Apt D. w/20% dn. 1134,000. 8y 1t11.111l/l•11l 1081 •••••••••••••••••••••• liouH for rent Jn Capl· Nr OCH aharp 2br 2b• wl 3Br, 2B1. din rm, lg kit, 7 l 4 -II 7 5. 4 1 4 2 , co u r 1. I 6 4 5 I mo. _ll-4_&-_3_2-2-9----- owner. 11 .. 2•21111 ··v,·L·L··E··,·rE···a·1·· .. ·,····E·· PALM SPlllllll t•~a~hfi~::'1&·s!:1'ok~ per. Piiio, bll·ln• 1.420 big yd, 1150 mo. Agl. 21~7tt-0038 213/817-32112 d•Y•. Lge, ~ l BR :roc,.a111 •MNaB'llerde h3 br, POOi. T I cay ow Ne A N • w s 8 1151 m 0 . M 1 r y OC·RfNTAl.S 750-3314 551.0130 2 bd, 1 b•, pool, etepa 10 213/3117·6900. ::;.1:l~;~t11: ~ aec:. tpa. Hut. ome. A•· BEAU IFUL ullom bull! home for .. 9 3 • o 2 O 2 J e 1 n 3 br 2 ba MWIY painted/ llUT YllW b 1 y , b ch. & f 1 rr y HUIPltlT aum. 1311K 545-990.. OLD WORLD aalt, tMch1ng• or lradl. 601 .... 188 ctein ~ed ytrd pell c t II & t H I 1575/mo WINTER LEA· ?S c 377 F1r1pl1ce. pool, dl•t\· "'" LllTll By ~~:.~~i~~ks Co I ~c::~~ ~:ru~~~:"~r~: c,, ... ,,, ,,,, ,,,, f,~<J N·~1~i",;:11rnfi 0Q:: IO~ 1n~~I u::.··~t:;:: :1~~ ~. 1811 •1111• ~~--:: ••• ~::'.': ••••• ~ o:=-ft~o!iloe,'!J: Flxtr upper 3Br, 1¥<oa rrom 1159,000 area In Palm Sprlno• 3, •••••o ••••••••••·•·"· de 1163_579e IWl• 2 br, 2 ba, 11eur. 2Br. 1·~B1. blk to beh, '680. 1157•2.,.1 on R2 tot. 'l/1can1 SIP 495.32.... 760-9355 .. 00 square f&et ol lu•ury 2200 aq h, 3 bd, 2 b•, 2 n., · ~111. brick frplc, ytrd. c.,.,,, Iii lbr 111.1 view. 225 L• Paloma $105,000 Century 21 I Ill/Ing wllh 3 bedroom• car ger. 2 11ory, crn of Juat tlghll Nlctly done 2 o P•I•. ld11t for ho-•••••••••••••••••••••• S525 mo 837-7018 ... Gold Co111 R11ltora. 111,,Ntl lt•tA IHI end 3'1t bathe Pool •no 8ayald1 and Hetlotrope. br n11r 1h• b11ch. Al• n•ymoontr•. H60. SM OcHn 11t1w, b11utlfully 2 bdrm, 1 b1. (Jin rm, 5 .. 11.1168. ••••"°••••••••••••••••• J a cu 11 1 ~ 1000 873-5823 or right ror famlty Only lat then 0111 #B103 lurn. townhouH , frplo, Alftta••lf Mt•• 'l/erde Aero•• BY OWNER FINANCED WANTED ... 75.000·lurnlthed. let 80-8503 $400 Ital SUNSET BLUFFS, cor-pool & patio. '8115/mo, u.1.,.ld# from t<:hl. FtnOld yd. ~ $5000 buy• 11 In COila ... TO of S..25,000 at 16¥• All new 48r. 3Be, ftplc, 119·1110 n., 01 Vlc1orl• & E. Pa-1173-0896 •••••••••••••••••••••• cer ger. Pool S521l. Meaa. 4 8R 2 Ba. 13% & IAYFIOIT Ir Celt weekday• only lndry rm. g111ge unit. BEST coat Open 7 d1ya clllc Ave., Coat• MtH Bach Apt. So ol Hwy. No •JM. Ill••' "" 831-0303. 831·6560 • $137,000 Cell Friend & OCUIFIOIT (7 14)540-1133 f Broker close to •II $1150 mo. 842"8808• 1144"1722• kltch. $385/mo. 515 i~ •••••••••••••••••••••• t BR, new paint, cp11, lgl Don Pfaff. 842-0797 GOOpe<lllon L.. 7 5 9 . 9 6 7 0 0, a •• + PML 551"8822 8egonl1 In b1ck. R•I•. 2 Br. tpt. gerage. No pell drapu. d/w, no Pill. Brllld n-home/lnhma. FAST ESCROW • CHh 673-4565 Flat $550. Kida & pell H Tll WITll 979-11538. 213/35$-.1597 S7501mo. 227'h Corti. MOO/mo. 22es Miner St. No money dwn or to dwn. MESA DEL llAR plua shopping center ro OITlll RnRUT 2 Br 2 ea Condo. 2 car BEST coat 5311-11190 B1IOO. Covtt tllteutive 213/395-3511. 1151-2175 Agl 630-7742, 24 hra Unbtllt Ible ta I trade In Or1ng1 Co. 2 C I a home, 2 & den 0, 3 Cf1t• #IU J114 .. , ... _. ---------v rm• A 6''4 9513 .... Approiilmattty 20 o•r•g•. block• to hOOH lhl• b g " rm •••••••••••••••••••••• -111 211. Ill UFHl&lll ow e 111. RtlnOd 3 br, 2 gent. • acres ocean. w/d . relrlge .• hornet Pool, 1001 S•I• tor bdrm. All opening to OASA IE 010 ltti 1 I• "'1 • • 11111 PlllllR b1, f1m rm . Owner AllGLUTE STUL v t Bdrm mobile home $895/mo 6.t0-532.. le.Ids. Ftet $450. BEST garden, p1t10 overlQ.O· ••••••• !.!'•••••••••••• Newly decor o .. pd, C MMKS11 deal. 720-1101 .,; secluded, private. ,. .. • ..... 639-6190 coat. king watlt, 2 lrp1c·1. gu ALL UTILITIES PAID 2 bdtm, 2 bl new.r dplx. encl gtr, dwahr, poot, neo1~r.d'°fno~~:~~~:':i Ull•I ~::O:,O:' :u~~n~o~~.:~ trees ~~!!f.!"!!!! •••.•• tf.~! Move In nowt Cult 2 br nr fire ring, apa, etc. lie. Comp1re be lore you yrty. Mature non-amkra, bbq. no pell. 842-5073. S .... Ollered $230.000. SUCH A OEAL 3rm w/11t beaah. h•• built-In Maybe furnlahed, llltp for no pell. $700 X 3 2 Br encl ad p1llo, d~er,edo C1fnyooodn. Won-LIW llTllEIT Lii 'ion:!_ !1'enyF exdtr••11· Try terms. utll·pd CO"' kltch S325 apple•. !lated et $470. boll a111tl1bte. Only rent. Custom design 2131799---4 1115, 267·0792 up1111r1. Avall 10·1, .... u UM o "" ind Own1t wlll help llnana1 ,...,wn. or eta •call .... Cell lor det1ll1. ., $11196 /mo. 751-27117 features. Pool. bbq. or(714)073·31188 ... 95/ 329 U I llltv wallpaper. New g1rage. euper 4 Bdrm. eKClllent Pat r I ck Tenore , QC-RENTALS 750.3314 Kids llnel Thie unit won't days. 1188·6103 '""· cov'rd g1r1ge, surroun-0 S mo. nver5 .., Also. an extra lot tor areal Onlyl132.sooceu ?60·8702. 142·1200 OllTI llEU last.BEST539·6190co1t J,I, '"""' ll&•t. ded with plu•h tandaca· ~~Y~O:y,Bg~r:,.:•;e:~~: 5!&.0::e~~g.,"' horee, mini-orchard. or now 979-5370 ' • ..1 I I • M Meredith G1tden1 Exec , ping. No pets. •-poaslble new bulldlng?I ••• rea ••• Home .. Br. plus bonua, 3 Bdrm 2 ~ Ba. comm. 1 Br. Furn S515 No Piii. YHrly $11 O. COURT-Lg 1Br, 1B1, enot Asaumable lat T.O. end Oecoretor perfect, spa-cul de llC lonnla neer pool, 2 cer ger1g1 , 385 W Wiiton 842·1071 760-1713, 553·17711. gar, W"tlldt . No Pf'I. a wllllng aeller. Cell M1ty clous 2 bdrm. 2'Aba, new beach 's 8 5 0 i m 0 $900/mo, Fred Tenore, lt.,trt Vflla.t a..a. Cll••• Iii #u 3I SW> mo. 830-ttll4 Rlcherda 832-3910 or ':Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Cape Cod Pool.Jae, re· 8 .. 8 •8·022 days 1131-1288 or 831-2711 -a .,.,. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br M e•• det Mir, 759-9100. Aaklng $110, 10 1~;;;~;;;;1 creation eree, pvt patio, 988_9747 eves. ' Agt. Beautllul landlClptd Jr. so. of Hwy delWll 4 Br 3 patlclng '""-· .,.OO/mo. 000 ---------ILlffl ua111• 1: balcony, wine cellar & lge 1 bdrm with patio. a.. Ba 2 lrplc• .. car gtr ..,... TRIPLEX NEAR I .. • ger1ge Oecorator well ,,.,.. 3144 Newport Creal. Exec. 1nd Wiier plld. Ltrg• s1.450tmo. Oetrell, owni _1_5_4_-0_5_ee_. ----- BEACH & SHOPS You own the land. 2·000 ••t•ll, 1 •1a1, pap11, draperlea and •••••••••••••••••••••• condo. Elegant & clean. recreation rm lncludH egt. RE/MAX 769-1221 Trtller ror rent 1 Br. S225 Country hou11 with 3 sq 11• 3Br, lam rm, 2~ 011n1 1100 more. $1050/mo. Catt LUSESll 4 BR 3bl, no pell. LM. g1mea, spe and pool ta· 1 111 $150 dee> bedroom a end 2 be-Ba. wide Greenbelt. near ••o•••••••••••••••••• 5 8 2239 10 3o 5 30 S 1100/mo Agl Carlene bl T 1 t o1 QUIET 2 Br 2bt frplc ao Pua u •· MC. • pool. Fer below merkel " • · : 10 · 3 Bdrm detached hOmea 675-1771 · a. enn ' cour '· 11 • r h 1 t ' t760 No children or dog•. 133 droom back units each $245,000. Witt lease op-OITl•I tRIVI pm In excellent eree. Avall•· teyball court. J1c/poot. o wy, ong 1tm. E. 18th St Space .. 2. GEORGE ELKINS CO 759-9100 with laundry room. tlon.Bkr.644-013.. Checkllout2brwllg ble l mmed l euly 811 'l/lew 3 Br. 2'h Bl Cell mo.979-1340 C.M btwn~Bl¥d RIUOI YIEW ShOwa lrue pride ol OW·1:~~~~~~~~ 1U &OHi gar, patio, lg yd $450 $800/moon 1 yelfleue den. l1mlly rm. ocean 111.00ll mPI Tl HUI & Superior. Beat model. Newport nerahlp with fireplace, Well loclltd IOP quality OC·RENTALS 750-331.. Five othera to choose c 11 Y 11gh11 1111 w "·•• •ei'•t •1·•~ Ltr""" 2 br 2 bl frplc 1·eom--p1-r_ec_dec_c--2-.... -2-.. -. aundecka end g1raoea. grove planted In Grepe-lrom We're the .......... 10 $1550/mo 6 .. 5-8&115. .,. T• ~ -p • • • • "'· -· Te<rece. Lrg 3 Br 2on Bs 15% down or trade for 111.IRE IT fruit and N1vels Excel· Nlee 3 BR 2 B1, den, Meu -·•f for....... v-~ St .. 1 N 1 H 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• miny imenlllea, view. ltplc, ger., dlap., OW. townhomt w/lront loca-T 0 . '• S 2 .. 5, 0 0 0 lenl production history del Mar, grdnr, no peta. .... u .. o-wp g '· Supe< 1 Br 1 B1. 111111, 1825/mo. C111 Anthony $525. 1175-0073 """ • '"""° -L~ 8'4-7020 v~ ,!' ~. ·;;.,.,,. '" .,_,,., ""~ ~" mo '""' Mom• Co [~iJ'll•odbrld• • "'° -· No..,, <ounywd. _, "'""· ••Y' 042-67'7, .,., • -vlly Bdrm aulte & loft. Ultl RUL UTAR Ou1111ndlngtubenellts. ll-41-t324 ,t: 842-740-4 No pets . $450/mo. wknda631·"30 C11t for lln1n<:lng de1ell1. Newport Beech for only $2 500 000 Manage lkailtU Be di hOu 1 2 Bd 2 673-3313 2 bdrm. 1 ba, flrepllce. Full price $131,000 •-.--1-.-u-11-,-1-0-,,-4 $118,000 with en aasu-·1 ·11 b'· • Cetlont11l12brw/lg .. ~ 2 "· ors ,'· .. id-,._ • • ,, ... O"· FencedP1tlo. Opbc. 751-3191 1 ••• ••• r• ~-~ mable 30 year loen. Ow-men ave 8 "" g1r, bek~a kltch ••90 SSl ·lOOO .... ur otr 700 mo au1,.flt• -••• IU ., $5115/mo, lie. bldl• up •••••••iiiiiio"" ..... ne< is motivated. ttexlble , 17141673·4400 oc-RENTALS 750~31 .. 1tt118•11•nra pi. .. -.11.111~ Fred Tenore, 831-12611 ,,.ti 3140 •••••••••••••••••••••• to golf courae. Opeo and open 10 111 Oiiers. 121 )I Ut-HH or 631-2711 Agt. •••••••••••••••••••••• hOUM Sal Sept 25, 10 IEllOTill I Specious 2Br 2''t be OR LANOLOROSIREALTORS HIT&LI Weatcllll 3 Bdr. S1250 EITITI LMll 9'e8tiBJIU AM -2 PM 710 Jo111n. 4 Bdrma, 3 b1tha, huge condo. wilh garage an'!! HARB Feat free lenent provl-2 lo 4 bdrma, stifling al Clltth111en 3 Br, $475. H. Beautiful perk-II kt aur· ••••--flm rm w/lrplc, lormal carporl. community pool der1 Cell Best Realty $800 lo $13115 Fr· .. -lc·k . .,.1 .... 1•12,aa di T d .... _,_.,. EISlde dut>lt•. 2 br, 1 ba, -••• YIEW dining rm, aparkllng pool and apa 539-619.. ...,_ -. ""' "" roun nga. errsce Beeutlfully t1nd1c1ptd lg• pvt y1rd w/p1t10 a -& .. I 1••-1•11 ••YflHT -••LY pool. Sunken gaa bbq, garden aplL Pool & Spa. gu BBQ, .. .,. '6501mo. sp1 ,.. reel buy n • -6 QC-RENTALS -'""" aperkllng l ount1ln1. p 11 I/deck N ..., 548 84115 -1111,000 grtll neighborhood. 1·5br's $200 ro $2000 Quiet 11cluded 5 Br. Sp1clou1 room•. Sep•· B!c~or L J1l):'~15 1-.-·------- Condomlnlum. 2 Bdrm. HURRYI Bkr. 8411.--4557 \ l>l\1 '1'"'''' 750-331.t 0pen 7·daye aHc hOme. Spec:tKUlar rate dining arH. W1lk·ln 1 Bdrm. MllS-"470 E eld• 1 Br 1b1, pool, $145,000 of lln1nclng, B ti t 11.rrbor lnH·~lmi·nl l'o view. lrplc. applnce. gar· . cloeets. home llke kit· 2 Bdrm S580 I au n dry. No p • u . eecurlly, pool and '111111 •• •f t• I It• 2 la, d en er . $ 2 2 0 0 I mo . ctten & cabtne11. Welk lo 225o 'l/::'tard 1385/mo. 833-7190 or Bilbo• 1menlt111. C1ll ,.,,i IHO Frplc, r1nge, y1rd, gare-675-7873. Huntington Cente<. 540•9 .. 28 0, 2_..905 11-48-111 .. 7 now. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------••••I l1l•t1 ge, no pets. Private. 1 Bdrm-rum, $515 " 1---------H TIE WI BEST OEAL IN HARBOR • a. ••oo $800/mo. 111. plu• sec. 8LUFFS-Olx 3Br, ,om.a, lg No ""'ti. Utllltlel freel 3 BR. 1'A be. $475 mo. Ul'lllllC>Ul:tiC>MI: I "F I RIOGEIBeaut.3Brhome •Xt••••• -68 8 s dtn.formtldtnrm. ,....... 3Bdrm,2B1th1 S625 Patlo,garage,Nopets. I ala trtt tllrt with Inc red, view In •••••••••'•••••••••••• only. 4 W. 1 th. I. 1 1600 mo. 64.._ 1905 LA QUINTA HERMOSA 151 E. 2111. 548-2408 lat & tut. 6-42-t308 Real ore, 875--8000 2 11ory. 2 bdrm 1on be Trade lree-cleer 3Br, 2Be 41111-1817. 18211 Panclllde Ln, 1blk 1---------•--------- ,.,._. 11/1•1 I OOI ...................... CHARMING REMOO. 3 Br+lolt Trlde/lee opt. lor duplex or unit. 673-8586 beach-Condo co-op ~':~~~~~et; ~e~d: home. Anaheim • com-1 BR TRAILER. Private, 't523CAMPV5J)a:fw MO'l/E IN NOWI ltrge lu· W. ol Beach. 3 blka S. Specl0\.t12 Bt. 1 Ba .... 25. MbLflelll .• Pool. uuna. wei ght 6'2_7745 plete refurbish · Hme ytrd. no pets. Utile paid. xury condo. $895. 2BR. or Edlnget ... 847-54 .. l. 3 Br. l'A B1. $4 75 . room, aub perking. ---------tenant 10 yra for All $'400l mo + ••curlty. 1 bit ... 637·2$88 evee. ,__ .... a. 'Tfl L1undry f1c .. pool. f&aY IPTI .- Oce1n and Pier 'l/lew. 2 Mr• Flra O.a•• LA, Orange, S Otego, .. 99.1817 3 bd A111llab1t Now. Ger-Br 2ba, 11000. 2818 -::1.";!~.~"! ••• t.... 5 .. 8-95511 12-7PM. Btl\ltltul garden apt• .• Uatld 11 Slll0,000, $65, on N-port Bey with llllp cot1tal areaa. $&0.000.1---------1 ci-. No Piia $930/mo C1rob. tmmed. occup. Luxury atudlo. free HBO, $550/mo. 2 Br. l'h B1. Pitlo9/dtcU. No peta. ~ 000 under m1tket. All T •• (7 14) 988-2645 or Eastalde C.M. 1 & 2 bd 831-11115; 493·778& h 1 T Clhlldren W96come. ceah or new fin. Great o111 MCUrlty -95,000 385-5511 hOu-Encl yrda, from ---------• 6 .. o .oo It, El1ln1 Pone, m1d ""'· apa, ownhou11, bllcony, in.-2 Bdrm l'I• Bath• SS-40 llJNI opp'y for aomeone whO Cell AM Mrs. Gori ---------1 1375/mo tgl. 875•1642 3 Br Cembrldge townhou-831-0&311 1130 wk ... 90.3015 dry rm, car port, all bl1· 2 Bdrm 2 Ball!S $586 ... ,.,.. ••I• IHI ctn act 1811 Agent 7 14 • 6 3 1·2 4 8 7 , or Trlde my frM /alter RE ee. pool. Av1ll 10115. 'lllC1orla Beach IP1. 1 bf, Ina. Avtll Sept. 398 W. Wllaon •• f;.9.; •• ••••••••••••••• 531_11100 Aak for Jim 71 .. ·323·7517 property tor late mdl mlr 3 Br. 2'~ Bl. frplc, 2 car $850. 648-6196 W&mn--S500l mo. Incl. utlla. TSL Mgmt 842-1603 e3l-5S83 or 842_..905 ".1•1.u "'IT home 988·2845 gar. nr So. Cotst Plua. _, -Rig'*"* IEWPtlT m ........ & $775 Super dell 3bf 2bt W/a/C 2 BR, plu• den, 3 BA. (805)259-1251 Nt 18th/Pomona. 1 Br 1 HM Gorgeoua Cepe Code •---------Trede .. loll, 2 IOll Mia-comm ,......... IPI. · .n1, plllo, lg"" ••25 b1yvtew •2000/mo f Bl, down111lra. O/W, 1ul _.,,, Cuatom. Ont of the II· lllll Tt HW Fllll •Ion Lakes CC , Pllm _ll_&0_-3_2_116______ 0C:RENTALS 7~14 yeerry. oi,n; Cf\fchelt« .. f!!r..d J.Mj 111 carport -t• pd 1 dlUd •••••••••••••••••••••• neat.--hOmea 1nd 1o-No money down, no Try S20K dn • S1400/mo Springs aree ptua mem-12 Br 1 B1 Oen y11d ---------84'4-t200. OOEAN•F•RONTDi;2:;•0;. OK. no' Pf'• S4s0 Agt., 1..,~·Y~~. "::e:: cation• on the Poln1. qualllylng own your 38r 2ba . huge lot t>ttllllp. 2 lots CrMtMne 2563 Elden S525/mo. W••.. .... 114' B k th nor.. 5 .. 5-2000 S .. ~.. B home on our unique Owner/Agt. Prlnclt>•I• I kl L k 8~1 3671 •7«2••" ••'••••••••••••••••••• Y we e or mon · 213/ .. 02-2657. s .. al "'" lepa to_., and 1y ahir· .. ippr-litlon fl-_on_ty_._98_2_·88_9_1 ____ 1 area over oo ng 1 1 ~ • '""'" """ HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 873-71173 STUNNING large 1 Br. 241162 Cordobl Or. A~'~ Ocelndentl•l'l/lltw. OuEtet 1'1ell-1 n•n'"""ctng. w~. hiue 5 ~gloonryh0ufor19d~~-.!!!!,· EHcullve Bluff Condo. Nu3200'1uxhmonbluft. Gerden Apt, pool & rec A :·~ financing. $530,000 homea In Hunt. Beech. C M ., .. 535-5011 ·--...,,,._ ~ "" eg. vu 0 ''""'• ... _,...... ... ~--re1. xce en • COITllACTORS Ill .. _. , .......... .,.... .. Like ~ ........... , M"· 1 •" d I h .___ THE tree 710 W 18th SI. BR 2 ................ ..,.-.: ~# Open HouM S111nd Sun 3BR 2'~ba. 1500 to 2100 det. City fights and surt. mtna. 31>r. 3bt. ... * 2Br 18a. NMt So. C dern. '545 542-3597 °' 1·5. 1531 EHi Ocetn aq II P1ymen11 lrom $179.900 •••l•ll Ocean 'l/lew. $l200 P9< curtly, nun•. •P•· ~~~~~~~~~ Pfau, S.A lullury Con-730-7165. ~ esog.. Blvd Bulldtr/Agent $1200 to $1600 mo. Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• mo 642 3893 Sl600/mo .. 9&-70011 trbor 'l/lew Hornll, Por· ··~ooo do, w/poot ... S5SO. Notvlf'/ nlct 1 Br, quiet st., 673-1169, 675--4668 George Brook•. Mon ror upenslon. located ., F •.. _j • EMERALO BAY 3 br, 2 fl 4 B 3 B g pell 833-897 yerd Rel• r-'d. sse5 lhru Fri. 71"1891-55511 In N-porl Height• are1 ~-~~!!! .. ~!~!!~~••••• Clean 7 Br 1 ba, encl ear. ba 1600 sq, It. frpl, brldl d10,n~' 1,,~1.! .• 12001· /gmATo·. -.. c.,,., 11/ #11 ion T bl 1 d 1 1500 1 1 h s 800 ....... " • LIFE'' 2 BR. 1 BA. old hOUM, no Incl utll 67-4-14511 ••••• •••••• ••••• •••• • • llf IT llllT wo enume t o1n1. ,,INI y5e .. r8_;.::~,. Pt s; mo. pit o, w I 1p1. 1 . C1ll lh 6PM 760-0589 P41tl, ctllld OK. All ulll Pd . .. a.. H y ttf For more lnlormetlon call J O .,....., 213/876-2255. • 15 H 11 ,53,. bd. 2 ba. OQeln view, •• ••r er Lrg 3 Br 2 Ba coodo. Dorothy. Own1Ag1 l1•l•HI• I 1 LIDO ISLE: 4 Br 3 81 & '" Im ton. "· dlh wshr, etec tppl, lndry Hom.+G~1+1ncome Great Huntington Bch t1•/ttl IOOO •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSIDE Wet41 0.Yt Area d«I, Sl400. 222 'I/le Pt· ~-ROUMD FUN: 841-0783 rm. $650. 496-4179 OWC 111 . Flex T1tm1 loclllon Frptc. 2 car g•· ,. • Oceanlront hOUH, winier 2 Br 1 Be, I car gar, lge 2 bdrm, 2 bl, ltnCld lermo 875.7198, ,Socl 1I Activities Brand,_ Condo 2 Br 2 1---------- 509 Acacia CdM nr boh r1g1, & A/C imong 111 rentel. Furn Lge 2 br, 1 yerd, S650. 673--0t88 yard, 1.,0• cowrecl p• 1----------D tr• c Io r •Fr e 1 Bi. 2 car glrtgt w/ BHll•slN Spoll ... 'l/•~•"t Ou"' I t • be, pello, W/O, lrplc, 500 HARBOR 'l/IEW HOMES S u n d a y U --· ...,ex many " ures .... uume lu a-.. ,. 1111 w Oceanfront 635•5088 2 Br, 1 Ba, yard, lrplc, tlo. Oulet 81. Washer, opener, wood burning J.M l I Huge 5br/3be+3br/3be 11t. owe 2nd. 631-7370 •••••••••••••••••••••• or 997_3970. bonus room. s525/mo. dryer Avall Oct l $850 3 Udrm. expanded Car-8rvnch•BBQ'1• lrplc, view ot alrHm & •••••••••••••••••••••• • .... OK own/bkr 845-7048 or 5 .. 9-3546 CYPRESS cove. new No pa ta. 831_3671 01 Mo. 675-9060 mtl mdl 'llltw. N-ept. P1rti.a•Plus w 811, 111 11 . s 7115 . 0ttux1 poolside xtt1 llrl1' 4B 4Be bee 111 I 1ew 1500 •If. S 1200/mo. Call muell more 2b 2 b bit d wfl 10% IOWI ho;;,e. Llsred $ .. ~o.~ ~.'.'!l!!?.!!~!! •• !.~~! 675'2860· 2563 Elden. Smell hM. 2 belrm1. 1 b• Agt. a-Hiil 842-8070 0 .. EAT 662"1309· ,.;·mlltl.~No~t~'. ?i;"=/=i. '~":i' !fi :ls.~~~e~y!.3 ::~~2 L:~ 1sBL1~ s I~~~. lam 3 P?~1~~~:.w1~~~,~~· frpc. S8fl80~f416 ~~.'!.!!! ....... /.JM ~!~~IE•~ V,'!. ~: ~=: :i!~ 1,!~· :;:~~ ._s500 __ ,_mo_. _536-83 __ 6_2 __ or perl. Darrell own/agt. -Bob Linde Herl 631-1266, Charming 2 bt. 2 bl s . MacArthur 'l/lllage Bech. Leaona (pro & pro mlt on pet, belcony. Call WlllLllE RE/MAX 7511-1221 •-· rJ,. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. IOI Lagun1 belCh houM on Walk to ~. "475. ahop)•2 Health for IPPI. Spaa. 1 & 2 br, lovely -.,.. t Ba $ 700 m o Biii IEW CAii OH lge lot In e1nyon. 1 blk to 111 a S-'00 NC. Adult• Clubt•Saun1• TSL Mgmt 6'42·1603 ptn11 & 1tre1m1, HC. Ill 0111 1227,000 '"'•• IH4 ••• ~~!!'!~! .... !.~!! Grund'y. Ritt, 675·6181 le4•1 ,,.. .... beacfl •• w .. 1 St M75 pref. Heidi 97t-2390 ~=~· lllTAIT ., P:~·,•ec: ·::z. ?Xcr.h:~: So. or Hwy. 3 Bdr remo-•••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br/pool S908 tolel mo Bteutllul home for qua!I-121' 3 7> .. 6. 7 O-3 5 1 1 0 r 5 yra new: 3 Bdrm, 1~ba. OrMng RtnQt Eutllldt $825/mo. 2 &. ..,..., a ...... 846-11591 del, on R-2 101 Hurry, ' lied 1 Oec:or11or pertec:l, •P•· (2 3)3 -51122 cul·dl·llC, kid• ok. .....,.... -Dell• Flick 1131-1268 TllTUllll ILll pymt plus 111oclet1on Pe<10n1. gr1e10u1 I· ctoua 2Bdrm. 2 'hba. 81 AU T' 'U L t'h Bl. TOWtlhOuH. 111 Tl•- IQl • • dues. ($73/mo) Clollng vlng $2500/mo ... Pool, )IC, recre1tlon 3 Br Norlh end, oee1n $685/mo 111/laal 1300 A~A .. TMINTa : I buUt-ln•. lndry rm, Cir-ma WW-,,. .. .., ftrttl lalt coat &PC>l'Oll $1700 As-675-1530 erea, pvt patio, balcony view .. 114-5841 alt II & dtp Aval! 1011 Heldt Stnglea. 1 & 2 port,yard/bllcony.amall Beautllul petk·llkt aur· CHI• #IU llZ4 A 1pot1111 4 Br Olen-king $79,900 493-2 117 Outallndtno 1 & den. 2 & 1ge garage Oecorttor wllnd1 .. 114·58-41. 1179-2390 Bec:troom..Fumiahed Pt' OK rounding•. Tert1ctd •••••••••••••••••••••• ,_,..,plan In 1 greet to-B d k 1 1 2 Ill"'",._ d ,.,_......_ d 1----------& Unfurntahed•No TSL Mgmt 842·1to3 pool. Sunken gas bbq. -y •et .... .._,. -... , ,,_, •·t•"'• • IUn IC or or w ..--...-. r...,... ... 111 2 Bt ' Ba COl11gt Cllfl c..1..i.1... p I M d I 0 f ,. cation. only• lll'lort walk '!:'! •••••• ~.~ •• .'~..... peraona S7501mo '" 1 more. S 1150/mo. Uutl-Mellon g11 rlllOI' gar . • •• o • • pen NEW BREED APTS 1p1rkllng ount1tn1 SBA. 2'Ab1. 11108 al f, to pool Ind tlnnil ~ ., .. 111 .. ,.,, yt Lola Miiier, 1 g1 II•• p1fd C1H 5-48-2239 dener ;..fr<--A 111'10111" TsnldN 3411 dallyt to& Badl. & l Bdrm w/lolt. Spacloua rooma. Stpe- $189,500. Anume In, dUC»d ovet $20,000 for •uo a1 • ., 1 12•• frOO'I 10 30 to 5·30 pm , • .,. " . •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 L • rate rooma. Sepwate dl--OWC b1l1nce Pr ine ru1 Mlt. blatlng 111 l• Flt W1 11 ...., · "" · · W 111 111 ' • S 11 5 · ........ ..... laWOt From '385 Frplc, tee nlng area. W1lk·ln c:to- on 1 y . 5 4 4. 8 3 9 o & auum1ble 11 10 75% •••••••••••••••••••••• Oc11nlron1 2 Br 1 Ba 2 Br 1 B• $575/mo Gt· •94-0IS4 On bu• llne. LWI 2 bdrm, ,_, Prof. larM room, pool, flCW:ZI, gu Ml•,~· klteflen &. 838-11651 NOW ONLY $288,500. LAllll llLLI gartge, pello, no Ptll rage, f1oced Ylld. 813 Exec lamlly hOme. 1tep1 dec'd Llnena. dl•h•• ..... ,... ;11~11~~!~:~0~~ 8':1· Cl~L Weltt. 11 Hunt-144-7211 BeeulifUI 2 .. x&.t 3 BR 2 Includes ullla unlll June W 19th 8411-7545. t0Vlc1ort1Bctl.Or1m1110 King bed Flrept1ce. ....:!.. ..... ,... 845-4411 lngtonC«lttt. SIPEI OPNITllln 12100 llYES YOI II Bulldtf 11.. caplt11 gain PfObltme, wtll ltue wtlh option 10 purct\111 within 15 month• It TOOAY'S PRICE. New 2 or 3 Br, 3 81 Condo-1/c • lull amenllln. Greet locetlon next door 10 111 •hop- ping, th11ter1 & tran- sportation. 714-113 1·5055 or 842-2000 Two lndlvldu1I hOUHI. highly Ul>Ofaded with M- petate Ylfd•. on R-2 lot. Owner• 111xiou. Ind wlll carry the 1 at TO. Allclng 1 1-45,000. Call 6-40-1 t&f ~HERITAGE Rf Al.TORS CIWIE Piii By owner I 110,000 In aMUfN!bte toana. Speo. taaulu n1w •Ptrkllng poof & epe make 1111• 3 !>f, 2 be, h°'fl& • tarrfflo bargtln. ftntMtlo llnan- CinQ, Wiii not t1at tono It S 139,1100. Oi>•n hou•• 81VSun 1.5, 11711--7215. Get GREEN CMtl fOf WHITE ~t· wltfl a Clallfftld Ad ' c.11 ... 2-6871 BA,lgellvlngtnddinlng Sll25 & $575 /mo 11411·11255 whlll water, co1111t VIEW. HC gu1rd Un· ......_, 28rmunlum,$575 1rea. Kitchen open• lo 6411-2510. Smill 1 Br. houM. lrplc. 11lew1 38r, 3Ba. d1n, CS.ground g1r. Ldry rm. 880 Irvine 1395 • 1BR. rtfrlg. no 2 Bdrm Townhouse fem. rm. Corner 101 Fully tum winter rental. ~25 utll• ln<:ldtd gourmet kl1. $1550 mo Wiik lo bHchl 111115. (at 16th) pet•. 2 ldul11 pref. 731.C unlum., M50 5<!0-5937 chtrmlng 2 BR 1 be 751-7718 675-9702 dye, 4114-0022 ..,_52_s-_1<&0_5_____ (714) 645-1104 w . 11th 873-7787 No Pt'•· utlllllea fre11 ...,.. Bob .__ ..... ,.. LA QUINTA HERMOSA 1 _________ 1Ltve In Newport Beach tor cottage, 2 houeu to 3BR. 2\o'iBA. n11r new, · · C.alMlal1•1 ..... ,....., • CloM to beadl, 2 Bdrm, 16211 Patlcllldt Ln, 1blk s10,ooo. 2 bdrrn 1 be Jn ~;:cre..;ncl porch, •gt tned yd, tr-. 2188 Ml-Nforth 3Lagun1 -wa12•r· l1al111ldH '411 (0017~r1a6tth16Stth.) PS•oooot.m~o,. rc. 'NPto•· Pd•'P,,•· w. or BMdl. 3 blk• s. /Jn ~IG[L QAIL[Y 0. ASSUCIATES PUI 41 In Cutwrdlll 4 bdrm•. 2'A be. Ltrgt ytrd. Gr .. t lnv111ment Call today won't 1111 long al $158, 000 prlvlle comm Vtr'f • nor St. $800. 840-5010. ront Br cottage, It •••••••••••••••••••••• ... of Edlngar ...... 7-54-41 altan. Mull -BHutllully a completely Be. lrplc, aundedla, ga-3 Br. Condo neat So. C. (71.4) 642-5113 842_..47 875-2742 lurn HCtuded 28r, 2'h8a 2 BR t Ba dupl ... pvt rage. oll 11rt111 parking., Plaa. crptng & blt·lna, L • .. I ...__ llUlllU WALi Condo, pool. tennla. tpa P•tlo, new paint, S545• S 2 2 O O I mo . 0111rtook1 gr11nbell, ft 1 e4J ••--• Lrg 1 a 2 BR townhoual OWNER -trvlno The Incl Ocean view. Sl200 mo. 833·8162 7'4/'4114-5045 awn.r. pooli, apaa l clubhOuM Lge bl!Clh wlfplo, patio&. apta, encl J"· l rplc, roves, betutlful 2Bt, 11 8 1 Winter renl.te c1rport. 1 .. 00. No pete. 2B1, dbl eer gartge. mo. yrly Agt A•k for FAMILY a •• SHI 1111 • •cur ty g 111. M ... Pines, 649·2-'47 hook-up•. .., Hunt. S8o.ooo. s11.ooo down. C87o3n7n3001 • 8 • 8 • 87 2 3. Obi ba111. '''OI kltchtri, £DHI BJJli 3n1 t8!2n~~J 1179-92..31 IWI 'iiili"'iiM.Calln , .. 2c. v..,.., N'"""'. 2 .... 2 ~;!:·0~~~;. Chll- 832·0199 • all the kld1 are OK. S.. ·•'•••••••••••••••••••r----·------" "' ~, ,... "' 6. i J, "'' lhla It BEST 539·6100 HOME FOR RENT EXEC. RETREAT In New· ,. .. MAN_., ba, belc, lrpl, bttm eel· Qu1llly 2 bdrm , 2 be, HUl•IHT •• ~.t ••• .'A~~........... coat 4 Bdrma. exec. home. port 8ch. 1 Br penthOu-HM1ll ltng, bullt·lne, gar, lndry upeti lra, 00 p«a. 171171 N-mob01/mo<1u11r ce-2 bd. w111< 10 beech, llW...,T ••u ••-sooo Ftn<ltd y1rd & g•· ... Security, pool, ape, r1e, no petL M0-633I. van Buren 1525. Call '°' der COl11Qt, frplc. on pvt $1150/mo Oat-Jun1 '113 r---rage. Kida & peta weloo-g ym . II 4 2 • 8 8 8 I . Buutllull BIChtlor Con· 1Br, upl11lra, no pata. 1Pt 848-5024, 900-13-47 bch. L ..... and $500 mo. 1nclud11 utll'a (2131 CIOH to beach. Full 4 me. 545-2000 Agent, no 84._.287 do. pool. 1p1. weight i vlil oet 1. $370 mo. 352 2 bd 1 b encl 11 in•1o Int S65,000. 11119-2H3 rma Muat ... todly & fM. 1---------room. underground 'l/lctorla. 645-8l81 • .,7r~, 'c'"--... oar81 ~ 4119-3818 rent 1t Ill A ...__,_ ... ..,. l)(k~. S575 p4u1 tleclrle. ... "' mo . .....,, .... HM1to '" .. Vl1h, Jll ~fall •111--Ev 11 a wk n d 1 Nttr Htrbof &hOp'g, roo-Slattt~ "'1-3152 NtwPOr'1, on 81ulf. 2 br. 2 Btllfl U•f•n/IAH 3••••••••••• •••••••••• ... ·,~:·;_-.::•;••••:;;,;, 213/433-5100, Mon·f'rl my, ct11n 2 BR 1 Ba, 3 Bdrm. 3 ......... ,, •..-1•, ba, lrplc, 1100 aq 11. ·~••••••••••••••••••• BEST Open 7 dlya COii BR 2 b1, b11u1, tge -•n-••-..... ....... ..._ ---------• UPQtadH. , ..... 000. By G.lttll Jiii B 1 th kid 5 2 condo, 111 amen1t111. 2·~~:,·••3·:.~:2••:.!•::,:_••• 11-tPM 7141538-7701. b • • m • • n ° 9 •ta lmmedtttety. H OO a .... mtlYITllt ownef, 831-7111 •••••••••••••••••••••• r ng t e. rma. Children & pete OK """"· -.... ...,.,. on OCEANFRONT llrQe mo-$4 10·S420. TSL Co. $825. Wiier plld. t kldl IEITALI blth, hll o•rage. Fl11 28582 Guldl1n1. 111s: w ater. ltOOO/mo a dern38'.2 81 t>lc>Pt'• 6'42·1to3;842·1278 ok. F'rplc. dlehwathtr. =~ ~= lan..l11•11Y llH Y•arly-Wttllly-Wlnltr. 2, ~~~~ed:O:t' BEST 1166-6432 f:J>_~~~o, Av1ll now. Av1tl. now to June 14. 2 8(2baduplal(.pl/1ytrd. 91r1 g1. 545-2000 llnenclng Only $127 500 •••••••••••_.•;;c...... 3 4 Bdrm• • Ii .... l Stoo. 87).M4() se&o/mo. Agent. no..._ Call now.' 0711-6370.' • 8-PIU In BIUfta, N.B. Bii '.aaoou IULn a + • It 1111 .!!!r.!! ..... ! .... ~!..,... Slept to Mnd. 28'. Piiio, 845-1759 O\li.t 1 ldnn lf)t, ulll Pd. owntte unit la lllrt lge. Mulll-femll'f attuatlon CALL NOW 1br w/bch ,,..._ ,111 winter H OO mo. 33 12 OAAOEN R!TAEAT 2 er. 4 b lll• from beach. \ f >I/, I ti/:' If Iii.% lat. se551<. Submit PllP Pet Is OK, tool Muat tent Piiio •••••••••••••••••••••• Stlthore Or. t,,_....243 1\4 Ba. Condo, ~ MOO/mo. 207 et1ic:.oo. ~~· 720-1ese C>wntf/ 111aUlllEIT I aoont BEST 53g.91110 CO%Y k11ch lg yd "425 111ng poof, 191 •running t·N5_..N4 . ' . ' ...... . ,.,,.....t. .. coat. OC-RENTAUJ 750-3314 Winter Atntat 3 Ir. 1\!t OCEANFROHT a BR 2 1&. brook, idnt cond. No --------- Apt, dupltxH tor Hit, 171-1171 IEaatlld• 2 bd. 1 b1 hOuM, OC·RENTALS :1'0o! 1 c:r g. r e 0•2 IQ• llnll. •P•Ctl CUll f Pete SSSO/mo 847452 2 = i;c'"1' :=°' "'-:*.tt7 -,__--... -...,.----,-HI--• poalttv• c1111, a111 lt•• ... -·e/Yln g1t1Qt, fncd y1rd. l•un-.1·5bf'• H OO to •2000 blll• t':ob!:r.~':ic,. ::r::_v~:•;h~..!.:f.'ktnl °' M 1-2eeo tu~. S::, mo.'l::.113:. ':':'l.r.: ••••••••••••••• _s_11_1wn __ • _54_0_-_1CJ_5_9___ _.. dry hookup 1500 mo. 760-331.. open 7-deya t co d t • ........... .,.,..... o.Gorttld ...,._,.._, .. 1 bf cetlon Lg• 1 •try. "" EASTIL FF Ex.c nome eylront). Aobln eon r1n u ,urnllhed . 11M,CONOO.hc.bfdo, from bt1oh. OloH to Unlurn 3Br In gr111 to• o .. pd ..... t 075-1842 lJ 1••• er oron1 o • • ... ._t r 11U·1 ..,......,_ · 2 bdrtn, 1 bl , m1nut11 ........ UY UCllllE ... AWA"D WINNIA 160,000 equity In Hl(l!I· OGt4ln ~. 3 bdrm, 4 lngton Harbour conCfo bl, kit. w/oon~ f or Co1t1 Meu etH 11m. rm, loe oarden, P•· unite. C•n ldd auh. tlo, fOrmll din. rm, lge II~. 714/e-45-.1155 .. rm, Quiet cul·dt•H O. r.~~'"'."",------1812,000. 8y owntt. PLEX. 1.6 llmee groee. 87~11 CM. Sl lH price 1 115, ~~~~~~~~~I llOO C4) 2 bdrm• un111. cacs111ee1 to Go-c.rta Aot. Ma-1166 Whatewr the~ ~on 4 pib•, ~ Roll 'em off "'9 .. by Aidt. 8o Ctt Plate With t Clalllflld Ad Great price, gre1t 1trmt Call Nowt °"2-M7t Bllr. 97M383 11260/mo D1•1 ltl•t Ulf 3 bf. 2 b• dtn, formtl Aelnor &4t-H47 t HOO/ , 81~ AO, btt•ln appl, w/d oul· tranep end lhQC)I '41$, Ptlll. Pt/Wleftr ••••••••••••••••••••••!dining, 2 .rrpl•. garden Oc .. nlront & CIOH to. WINTER AENTAL. 2 & 3' .. t.c.rprt,petlO,nopeta, 720-084-4, 7~et t Lne .. Br. f1m1ty rm home llAOI •n&U I pt t Io• t 1 2.e0 "'o 8m1ll 1 • a Ir. Aptl, I H 1'9nl "' 9 .C. Plue. S?OO mo. on bMUlllul len•. Aval! WITH FIREPLACE, 2 842-0350, 157 ..... H . S3I04780. Ytty & wtntW. .:~~IY:it: Eatal:~1 6M-2:t ... tvM a wllnda 2 .:.~ ~:i-·.:.-. = wtnl1t month• only. Ptr• bdrm, 2 ba. t 700 f*'r'l\O. LIDO BAYFAONT new 4 &70·0102: 117$-1900 Specloua 1 Br. Otrden Hr beact1 1202 Hale Or. llally furn. 11100/mo. Avell now. Call Peggy Bt. 5 la. ln60/mo. -..,.,-ty--. -,..-btll--lo_bdl_lrl __ 1 -Y..-ty--1-lr-. _tur_n_w-/enclld--::; ~~~~·All utM 11'-M0-37•• • lnfrttt/P11n.. ..N-5MO 931-3811. 875-Hto br. 09'· IMfY, pttto, no 1er1ge, no ptte. HOO. e1 Puerte Meta 2 Ir t be. mt to be~. Otlv• 6y 1811 l •Y•IO• M f H~ VIM Ha"-·· pet•.·-~. ,ecautp'di. lit, 7s..eeot. • ..... , M-'-A-..... t. -. ~ ......... , Dr. lot dock, 38r, f•m Or• amll ... ltl O"llng mtl Mdf " Ir t ..,_rm. le9' .atf. a7'-tS21 '""' _... ...... ..,... ~~·, _ .. _, ......., · rm Ou minding too. t,.. CttnC>lflll "bug" ''* LMM .,;80.'M 77 · .... ., ... ,.,.... 1mrnedta11 oociupancy, g,e.1w.,, 1 pm · • A11111 now S3000trno VMr If you M¥e a -• ...., Out1t1ndlnt a and i MeM Vttdt ~ I •'* l ptrkllftt H f 1.,. Wlltftrtllt.... per tll1t'1 not oentno tuffl ~ br, 2'h ba, f11m 1 bdrm, prtw1te l*tt1'11 bdrm. 2 b•, klry, free, er a I L _,,, ,., ... , ""'*'•.,...-.no,..., •• 1 1..-utld, Mii It now with • rm, grH nbett, pool. end b .. 011, Utll ftalcf NI, t get MOO/mo, 91, frpto, blt·lnt. no pel e dlw, ..._,, 1116/MO -• -ci~ Ad. 1 •1.oomo.A9f-....o~. IUO Mo. 111.1111 ooowter l40-4n.. ..wmo..,.... M l·"'' l 01 Ot•~Q• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, ept1mb•r 23, 1082 lessim1al Se1-viJ:e DirBct ~.'~{'!!!t. •••••••••• Infant 10 :I y11, rnr C M homt I hr day. Lio MC 19063 764·0231 f.'!r..t.~m!f~ ....•.. EXC!L 0 A"P!T CAR[ J.oti. Durttngton Owflef/09«1t01 Carpet, uphOI • ., .. rug 0111nlng WOtk Quit FrM Eat 046· 1'171 ..... 11, . .......••.....•...... •KATRINA'& 1.IV!·IN htkprt, d1Uy meld MrY, 011101 cl11W1lng, arpt cleaning t35'-2 t f_o __ ~~.f •••••• : ••••• UIHllM W&ITll Mowing, edolng, raking. aw .. plno ''" .. 11ma· ~,.l!!'.;11.c ••••••••• -::: •• 1 ~~~~!1!1!1 •••••••••• 1 r11~1!~1 •••..••••••••• PROr 8!AVICI! Mllti.d ooupi., pflOt ···1 flll P&llMI !!~!!!~,.·J':!!~ .....•. EO'I l'LAITERINO Neat petc:hft, Int/ext fl!~/1!! •••••••••..• HRVIC & MPAI" van OPC*\t ~Co 138·•66t U9Ullng -. yrd c:i.1n up Pl' >Ont r•I• Hou• or by Rlchud 81r1or I.le Qulek & c:i.an FrM 111 apt, Oot-API (611) 7110044 13 yrs of heppy 873-0648 eot-2080 1oce1 c:u1tom1u Rttluceot 141·1251 ~ER PATCHINO R1ttucco1 lnllext 30 yre NHI Peul 645-2977 DO IT NOWI h• fer l114r• Your Delly Piiot 8er11loe Dlrec:tory Aepr-ntltlvt w -1t11, eat. au UP'I UIYatmM C M 1r11 040-6769 '" 646-5737 ~!!!~f. !!.rr!1'. • •••• • filNl!ITKINO Bab~lltllng In my homt. ,, .... I " YHR ... VIOi OAROl!ININQ ci.an-up1, n lotorl. C •• "''"' If. "" landec:aplng, monthly r , "" ••• •••• •••• • •• •• • • ••• Pt11onal, qu1llfl9" dtl· malnl Niii 042·8'1911 042·8•82 CHAMPENOISE Viti tor your day to day Lovl home 1 3 & up Fine Catering In the Old tllt&nd•. Shopping, dr. K&D Ulldtc&Pe M•lnt FIT'14oiwk,,_. btl.litt'. world lr1c;fft1on 0'45·9858 1ppt1, Clhuroh, 110. All Ru ld/Comm. CIM n-up. ec:hl. CM 550·3622 f!!!!~!/.~~'f!!!!..... ~::d:9~;~8~.v hour or Liit h1ullng, 648.-2489 Mature llC1an11d babytll· C"'110l·Maaonry-8I001t CLEANUP-HAULINO llr •or day wOflllng mo-Welle "uit. wor ... Lie. ._,I/ LANDSCAPING h I •• F I I -u " ~:1::••••••••••••••'9•• Don 498.-3•08 1 HAULINO 11udent hH f em 24 In 111cnano• tor 101 truck Low111 rate rm & board wfll hou•"" Prompt Call 7119• 1978 or do hou11olH nlng Thank you. John. _6_7_6·_:t_2e_1 ____ _ Cl.EAN·UPS, GARAGES, , J••/l•r/•J ANYTHING I CALL ••••• ••••-•••• ••• ..... RANDY 042•7047 I Coinpltll j•nl1or111 "'vi· 011, trained 111tt, bon· Heullng & yd olHn•up. dtd 4 Ina Unlc:ta1n Trte trimming, g1rao• Sy111m1 ot Npl Boh clH n•up. 8ob 860·9844 660-1200 I era on Y mOn· r n· #381057 Rob 647-2083 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC 1----------1 !anti to 3 yre &64 Wkly Rt""alrt, tml lob 1-.., 11 MAINT. & DESIGN B•t1H/Hllaf 042 0726 Orlv.1.P1tlo1-W1lk1 "" d ~ Oberlin l.andteape Slfv ••••0 ••••••• •••••••• -NO J08 TOO SMALL yr1 Hp. Bu 8112·9682 Wrllltn agrMmtnt on ROBIN'S CLEANING f!l.~~~~!~1 •....•.... Yard M•lnt & Cltanup. l•ll•lll l1mt11 FrM 111. 638-2007 Wall tut"rM·Acouatlc mo. malnt. 044•1240 Service -a thorough!~ ~~~~~~~~~~I •·•••• ... ···-:1·o·:u········ DHperetel Pano work. Hang·T•pe-Sttel ttud• GARDEN WORLD c:llln hou••· 5"0-08 1 •~11•'t•I C1"'~• • " Lie 389944 1·632-65•9 J ....... , c111ftlng •--·•-_., "'' ni. OP 8"tln111 "Doctor·· Free design. Lo prlc:ea. Full Service Oarderilng """' ., ~ ........ Sod, 1prlnkl1r1, roto, trff rmvl. drtln•o•. hlll· 1ldt weeding. Ihlen 686-2283 :••••••••••••••• •••• Book1/ Date/Word Xlnt rtfL 497-735.4 •'Hlt't1J z.o Bernel 048-2922 HOUN1·APll·Rlntal1 .. ppli.d, re-apptfed, guar . .,, '' OHlcll. 540-1287 lnaured, He'd. 414091. Proc:eulng ClllJ' Cltf •••••••••••••••••••••• 730-1900 ffM Ptlmatet 90 Min on-11te 11lllt •••••••••••••••••••••• ElECTRICIAN-Prlctd f!~!.~'.(!!.rr!f!!...... TIRED OF HASSLES? ~!.'!!!!!l.~ffl!~ ..•. ~ OFF FIRST MONTH Otpend1ble, tllOrdl blt, a111nllal An1wtrlnf ••rvlce. aacretarlal bu1lneu aervlc11, mall ,Qc>x rental, word prooea- 'ilng. T•tex-F1c:1lmlle, order entry. pagara-... n buy, d"k SP-rental. ANSWER NETWORK 760-7320 (Ilk lor A.V.1 ~,~~~'!.'~ ...........• REAL ESTATE Resldentl•llComm'I 073-1919 $50 extra time 125hr Chlldc:are wkdye, cred right, free llllmlla on NHd work done? Call Ou1l1ty clHnlng help I• (714) 045..6979 teacher. Organized e<:tl· large or 1mall Jobe. Joel Palnl, yd c:ln-up, hartl Reis. 960-7452 llil,ll• vltlls C.M. ~S-4057 lie:. 39002 t . 073.0359 hauling, dlllv. Reis. DI· cuitom home c:lffnlng & ••• AEMOOEVAEPAiR··· 2 dedlc:atad prt·IChOOI uc·o ELECTRICIAN ~bte. 540-0338 c:ompltt• maid 1trvlc:e Flnlth work & door !eact1or1dw11":..d5•Y2~'· Oual work·R .... r1t11 .,.,.._,. 0~~:eenbS~a~:~. ~1'~p'1 hanging No Job too big ~ & lull ay ~ ... v.. ••Free •II. Tom 031·5072 ••••·'"•••••••••••••• ....... 850· 1'200 1 col It Carpentry -M.-<>nry ""'" or email Mika 631-0371 Chlld care n lege par ELECTRICIAN Rooting • Plumbl"" area 2 yrs & up & 1 hr Sml )obt/Repalra. Lio. ... Ouallty HouMc:leanlnsi C1t••ltf. Full or pt time. Carolyn 233108-C· 10. 548-5203 Drywa.ll • Stuc:c:o • Tiie w/a peraqn11 touc:h. CM. •••,.•••• ••••••••••••• 646-7281 Rtmodel J.8. M0-9990' lr11, NB 8elh 850-0933 Ramod & addlllon1, lree 1__________ LIC'D ELECTRICIAN design & est. Qual & low "•••tl"'l•tl "'-•11•/ NEEDS WORKI Carpentry • Ceblnefs HOUSECLE"'NER r,111 Steve 752 9558 "' '' • ' -Plumb • Drain Claanlng ... · ' • ••••••••••• •••••••••• Lie 416968 6"2·8023 Electrlc:al • Tilt Good ral1. NB & Irvine CUSTOM wood petlo c:o· 1,.1, l1ff•11 I ltl Rtlt. Don 906-0149 pref. Gl1dy1 541.()702 119'1, dec:ka & fences by Llc:~d3268'n16. ~aRbel!!'...odta.el, #Mt,llli•• 8& .. Houa-•eanlnn RANDY ••1 "'"22 ,.. v .., ,.., ••••••••"'•••••••••••• Oen. c:ontract'g, malnl, .., ""' .. '" • .,., 640-858616•5 4644 TREES plumb. repair. pafnt'g, Reasonable. Call Senti Experienced Carpenter -mobile home service 8alboa l1land 075-30 to Ram0d.·add'n-p1t101 AOO'NSIAEMOOELINO Topped/removed. Clean Jim ~38 9957/53"30. 8' 760-2665 546-8654 Plan1. l.lc:'d. George up, lawn renov. 761·3478 " • .,. '" !~!!!!1 •..•......•... 8RICKWORI<· Small job• Newport, Coate MMe. lrvlna Rel• 076-3176 v lrltk·llff•·SttH ALL TYPES MASONRY I.le: 349479 838-3012 Cuetom Brick-Stone Block -Conc:rete-Stuc:co RtlL F./M eet 5•9·9492 !!~!!~t .............. . *A·1 llYlll* Top quality. Special care In h1ndllno 26 yra exp Competitive Rat11 No overtime. 730· 1353 ·A8C MOVING· Quick, Careful Service. l,.ow rate1. 552-0410 Ar1·AntlQUH-Jew1lry Appraise & L(quld•t• ~lchael Hein 853-0717 Pll~ & Son• 646-7814 TIE IREll IOlll JACK OF ALL TRADES Finish & rough carpentry. Call Jack anytime, STARVING COLLEGE cabinets. rm addltlona. Muonry, carpentry, con· L1wn·tr11-1hrub lnttall day or night 675·3014 8ac:helor'1 H1e<:leanlng & Laundry Sorv. Karen, 540-2818/650·0892 AJ•ll11l 8'46·7228 . crete, add'ns, Int/ext re-Tree trlm/remo1111 HOUSECLEANING STUDENTS MOVING .. ..-................... C h ri mod. Llc:'d. &40-0781 Lewn Malnl/Rototllllng H•t'fllfH f/Htl Honest & Dependable CO. Lie:. T124·436 pr111-1y1, Parking Lot .!!1!.' ••• ! •• !! •••.••.• 1-S-T_A_N_8_U_R_IN_D_U_S_T_R_l_E_S_ FrM Hllmat• 648·eG85 •••••••••••••••••••••• Brenda 902·2090 ln1urld. 041·8•27 Repairs, Sealc:oatlng. Shampoo & lltam c:IJan. HARDWOOD FLOORS WATCH US GROWi Thenk you. 03 t u 10 Cu1tom work, Int & ut, lk:'d 20 yre In art1. 1111 Herb 621·80 t2 alt 6.30 QUALITY WOAK • n11t, rtaa , hOnltl Riii. Lie. 281107 Dave 9a4· 10•8 Lowut r11u1 Prompt, ntal prolt11lonal1. 16 yr• exp, 848·6884 CUSTOM PAINTING lnlleKt Reaid/comm Free 111 Lie: 6'64-4798 15 yrt up N8/CdM. I'm emall. my price• "' 1m1J11 Ron 673-6477 INT /EXT PAINTING & WALLPAPERING Cu11om work Free Ht Reas Sttvt 547-428 t Swanson & Son Painting Complete e11t. t 11ory homt from $395. lndlVI· dual room• from S.-5 + mat9'1ala Reta, Int Lio 205341 631-4870 "'' •..•••••..•........... TILE INST ALI.ED All Kind• G"atanttld f !~~~!~I..•••••••.••• Rel• John l•0.9217 ATLAS PLUMBINO & Kitch l>llhl lt'llfllt HHllno. •Ptel1t11lng In • cv11om & comm. rtpalra. 845-1088 Fr" HI. 8.40·2002 H ILL 141·'1121 Cullom C t r1mle Tll• Waler Huter Speolall wo111, frM "'· 875-6100 24 nr plumbel elo or 648·7263 Olen or PLUMBING REPAIRS _Cnvc:ll _______ _ R1plP•·R1p11ce·dr11n1 f tH i.mtt FtM ••t R•••· ,.uabtt •••••••••••••••••••••• &45-281 I COlll Mell llPlllll ~!!!~!!~!~# ..••••••.•• J D Horn Relln11111ng Ant1qu11. kit ceblnala, Unt painting 6•5-060-4 Tlll llHlOI "TrM WOl'll with • Con· 1c:11nc:1" Trimming & remov11 by Howard Doi· lolf P 0. Box 3-4, Coate .. Meaa. Ce. 92827. Ph ~!!.'!~I. .............. _8_4_2_-1_9_3_2 ____ _ Hubel ROOllrig-111 typea $LOW RATES S Naw-rec:ov1r-dec:k1 Trff trlmlremov, c:l11n Lie #4 t 1002 548-9734 ups, mowing. 654-70 t7 ROOF REPAIR SPECIALIST $25·&185 Free nllmett 770°2725 '!. .. ~ .. '!~~ ...•....••... Moet tublectl K-14 1•Mtl•• RHF PlllLEl1 Day/eve S5 & s 10/hr ••,.-••• A •• ••••••••••• Mr Morgan 0-45-5170 Farthing Interior Dellon Oonl rerool, repair 6t HANGING/STRIPPING fr11C1lon ol the coal Call WI '•• CllHI•• VIie-MC SCQll 645·9325 lee 857-2890 ••• '! .................. . ASR P•PERH•NGING "Lii the Sunlhlne In" " " ROOFING REPAIRS Call Sunlhlne Window 7 yrs loc:al up. Guar. Small jobs o k fret fflf· Clffnlng, Ltd. 548-8853 work. Prices start el m1101 Call Tom & Chuak 20% M hi 04 1 $8/roll. Alec: 751 -7027 542-6392. ont Y ac;oun ----------1 lnl/ut. Auld/comm'I Experlwalleoverl ng SetH•I Free 111. 20·~ monthly 1n11a11111on. Ao11. price•. •0 ;;c,B1L.e·seRvice·.. dlec:ount. 644-4798 Consultant Aaalgnmerit Resc;reens/New ec:reena CRAIG CLEANING co 561•8590 N8/CM only 042-9552 RHld/comm'I. Int/ext Paperhanging. stripping. Scrten1. mlrrora. Ladd9' painting xlnt work, lg or S./11 1 work . O w ner oper am all fob a. reasonable ••••• ••••••••••••••••• 040-3089 rates • Reis. Free est Solar Conaulllng, ayattm• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Brendan 968-7427 trouble lhootlng, pools. S&S Aephl1 63t·•199Llo Color br~hlenara, wht Gen'I c:ontr. Property Simmon• Oardtnlng -Beautltully cleaned Eloise'• Houaec:ltanlng lmprov. 99J-1811 (8·51 Cln·up1, lawn care, lull end wuld. 832_.861 Quality work. reapon•I· l•tll•• S.nltll Dan Hallberg Grading c:rpll • I min bMMc:h. comm & r11ld malnt. 1-----------ble, good rtl1. Cell ••••••A•••••••••••••• 1•• I 1 •I & Palling co. R11/ooml. Hall, llv/dln. rmaS15; avg C11tM WH4lrn1kl~ 040-688" B••lh• 6•5-36311548·~838 Nur1t1 A11't for home •• ,.-.~ •• !!..! •••••.••. hot w1r, apace htallng Naturel gu. deregulallon Is hert. Optimize your ayatema efliclency. Alto new ln1t1llatlon1 Lie: 405S.4 631-2430 To place your ~ befort the r11dlng public:, phone µc.397804 6•2-1720 room $7.50: couc:h StO: ••••••••••••••••••• • ----------••••••'-"•••••••••••••• c:art avall lmmed . fully ••8AYANT'•** ~ c:hr $5. Ouar. ellm. pet Kit. romOd, ceramic: tile. GARDENING SERVICE DUMP JOSS Cleantng. no Job loo big lnl 538·5803 Vlc:kte , Wallc:ovorlng Remollal An.1H1.I odor Crpl repair 15 yrs c:ablnets. Call now, lrM Clun·upa, trM ""' & & Small Moving Jobe or 1ma11. Exp, rtll1bl1, t .921.1060 All typos. 642.1343 Dally Piiot Clutltltd. 042·5678 ••••••• •••••••••••••• ••P Do work myself. "'· 6"2-0881 h1uling. 041·109e Pell Call MIKE 6"6-1391 rel1. &8/hr. 957-3341 ---------Iii ,, 111 ---------AUTO ACC~OENT7 Rell 531-0101 1--------------------L1c:'d nurse d11lre1 p111 .,, ~~~~~~~~~ No rec:o11ery • No IM. Keep en IY9 on prlcea the L1nd1c:1plng M1lnttn1n-HAULING-GRADING It you want your houH duty. full or p/llm• toC ••••••. ••••••••••••••• Ha111 aomethlng you want _ Alt'y Kolfruth IMa..375 No Steam/No Sh•mpoo a11y w1y-be a reguler c::e. Lawn' & garden c:ere, damolltlori. c:lt&Jl·up. REAlL Y CLEAN. CaJI yr1 expr 831-9282 or certified Houae s111 ... ~ Jo Mil? Cluallltd Ida do Read the Qualllld ec:1 .. tor Stain Spec:tallat. Fut c:la11lllad reader. c:111n up. Ktn Jon11, Concrete&trM removal. Linda, 009·0318, Good Call An1wtr •d 723 8onded. S11/day (e<1ery It well I C all N OW, the be91 ~la tn apart· Qualfled Ada 042-5078 dry Free tit 839-1562 042·5678 538-1610 re1'1. Quick MfV. &42·7838 Ret1. 642-4300 24 hr1 3rd wk free). 831·123-4 042-5078. mant rentllS. 642-5678 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS tor Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item LINES l • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (Non·Nfundeble. latra llnM 11.00) CLASSIFIEDs642-56 7 8 ~ ... ~'.'!.!(~~.'~.!.~. ~!!!.~.!!. .. ,t .... !.~~· '"!'~1 SJH 26 yr old slngle working Loll. Chow, reddlah In •• !.~~~·!!.' •••••.••.••. mite needs reaaonabla c:olor. So Leguna 11ea. AT Ytla IEaYtoE oria bdrm •Pl Non-.,.99-1017 Reward PerlOflel ueHtled c:om- drlnker & non-smoker Found· Black eel on VII ' q Have relerencee. Mika Udo ·Lido 1111 panlon drivers for your l•I Eitlfl-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place 979-2699. • 64g.2005 d•v to day errands Shopping, doctor'• A ....... ,.11 A'lll•t•ll A-..rt•••ll B•lt/I #•ltll 4111 l••llll I• lll•ll 4311 Ollitl •••Ill 44111 Olli~ l1•t1l 4400 l •ll• •/l•..,,I'/ Found· Lh111 Apao Mele, 1pp11. churc:h, etc. All ,.... ,,_.. ••••••'••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• n grey, wht Son Juan nHdl mer By hour or . ,.,.,.;,," u.1.,.;,.,, D.J1111i1llN •• Co Ftmal• to Illar•"''"""· 1017 Wfftctlll. NB. 250 I btt •Jltlt It OM li•Htl C1p 11 Hid C:Ol lar dly 494-5857 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ptne Knot ""°' .. on ut 1225 mo S40 deposit to 4000 ,q tt 1at. flOOf' 1 s.7 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• 7141523-4627 ~U6 IHell "'' ..... ,, ••d JUI lu Cl••••I• Jl11 H w Y • NB S 1 • P' 1 0 mo..,.. you lrito tum. 2 br Agent s. 1-5032 s 00 6" 56 l 1d•111 ltllHll I :m•••••·~•••••••••• ·•·•~••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• o c •' n Wk I Y r 11 ti. apt Mull be re1pon1I-Olllc• to ah ore Pre•ll· n.N1t111ihf SOOS Found Loving •1rlpld O· la1tnttl•• 10IS Studio, V. bloc:k to beech, ·~ 81oc:k to beach. 28r. 1 Br. p\11 deck. old world 04S-O•"O ble, quiet & non-lmOker. *HLIXI tfflOll* gloua Newport toc:allonl ••• -..tt"; ••••• ;'•••••••• ger kltttn Wiit pawa. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~furn. $375, 111 mo bright & airy. $700 mo charm, spectacular IEEI A PUCE! H.8. 964-1240 momlnga. from 1room103 room• lmmld occupancy $275 Aeataurent • .Ma)or c:heat 8olsa Wait· MAPLE AVE CHRISTIAN 'Illy + $500 d eposit '(fly 968-8203 ocean vu. 'Wlhl to beech From 11 18 1 IQ tt No mo 833-25&8 Orange County-high m ln1te• Mall area SCHOOL IN C.M Re-••••· 49•·54 19 or S.-95 CootlC1 Mn• et •"I Re11onabt1 r11t1 Kii· Flnanc:lally re1pon1lbla ...... _ I.-... 'dJ •1 v-•·me-111 or part Mr 8 893-8409 "ltterln" K 2nd nr1da W-· y .... c·--... .... 5 3 -requ r...,. " .. r· 2500 .,, ba11c; olc w/ ""' . • • • • • 493-7137 .,It to belc:h "7 -n C 332 Encino Ln c:henlttff, phonee, maid Female 2 · 9 year1 to porter Inn 2172 Dupont 8 0 C Web* (71•) 754-0596 Found YOU"" wht kllltn, em lndlv cla1ae1 Open -------'----2 br, l ba, S650 No pell. 11rvlc:•. z c:hannal mo-lhare lvxury 2 Bdrm. Fun Call AM. 033-3223 1tor1g1 Y Airport ... enrollment c:hlld care r....., Billi JISO 045-1819 1 Br. frplc:, 110\l'f. ralr19! vlH. SANDPIPER MO· Promontory Pt. Town· $ 1 5 O O I mo Tom South County Arc:ade· red COiiar 1 blue eye, 1 evall &4&-433" ::'A':··••••••••••••••• acrosa from oc•• h 1 k 1 Alrpon ere• • Exec Sul· 851-8928 loc1t1on & machines or grMfl 559-5934 1 8r. 1 ea. 8eeutllul Light manatuWnAnt duties ••""/mo. "•t-1192. TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd, ouae. 0"" 00 1 poo 586 2695 0 S •-•·-a, t-n11 c:ourta, for reduc::e;r~;;;·,°' retl· _.,.. .,.. CM 045-9137. Trevel opportunllu tM. From 225-450 IQ It. 1 ••·FREE loc:atlon only • Fourid mell ltl1ten 4 mo Jli1 WulN T 1 " _,, .... A I fl • / &.N lnc:IO Ref's. blldlground S 1 per IQ It. Meoy 11tru Simone or Tom old, short hair. Tlgtr, •••••• ••••••••••••••• • pool, •P•· $525/mo rid c;pl 28R apt, utll pd. ,ar ••• •II• I• V1t•ll•1 l1•l•l14ZJ req'd. Call Anawer Ad Call 557-7010 A11y·1. CPA'• & Prof 5 Serlous young lady d991· 832-5199. Sml beac:h motel I •t u.1.,. ''°' ...................... •741, 642-4300 24 hrl. Ntwport C•nttr Exec !!~!r .• "!~!!!. .. !~~! :~~88~8 ., ... 9•1 . r .. room & b• Nwpt In II 045-0440 •••••••••••••••••••••• Like Tahoe on water w/ or wrltt . po. box 35·8. 400-900 PLUS 1400 IQ. It Sultts. fully stalltd. uchlnge tor hOueek ... ~!.'!t!!!.f!~!~ •.. 1 •. .f OCEANFRONT 3 er. 2 BL SEAWlll boat docll. 48r 3ba exec e 11b0 • 1111 n d, ca. Pentnouat Bayfronl Sul· handle all your oollneu *~C:tiC:u~~:J~~: 1°F_ou_n_d-Kl_11_e_n-. _3_wk_• _Ol_d_,1 ping 042-6149 ,..,. meg. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo lge unit. spectec:ular VILUIE h m Com PI I urn · 92882 ~~3-f~3k ln g , pati o•. needs. lndlllldual olflc" Sac:ured by 111 TD on attll need• mo.thar & Liiie In htkkpr/atde. full rental•. VIH1 Rlt'ltala. ocean view. Walltlng 6 5 2 • 2 11 6 0 r • v t 1 Mo/Mo. M 4·7109 real estate. PP. 642-9723 0~8.,11,,.°'"6 •. can 1 keep lime Depend . hardw· • 07~912 Brt*er. distance to lhopplng & New 1&2 bdrm. luxury 975-0311 Female 21·30 ahart m~ 9vo-""' kl"". Loe: rel. 675_6999 N · 11 • t ap11 In 14 plene. 1 Bdrm apt. Non-amoker. Colla *llm -... •* IH .. tfft l•ltts $35,000 needl<I for 3 yrs. ··• ewport 1 nes .. res au-lrom S5•0. 2 bdrm from l1•l•l1 I• li•ll 4300 M ... Apt, haa pool ate. -For 1a11t, 3 1d)1c:tnt Loin 1-ured by 2nd TD !Found Huiky type dof _s __ a_1...,0_P_n _____ _ PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS ranu . Urifurnlahad ••• ••••••• OC Airport arM Prof ~ Ilg face wht w/grav SlOOO/mo.673.,.493, $615, Towriho"" from M";i:•35:;; 111r .. 5br, 2b1 $282.50. 75 1·6134, · · · · 1xac:ull11e 1utt11. Top onprlmelrvtneproperty. w . · , r.•l•rm••I $665 + pool•, tannla, ... e nr S.C.Pl111/Fr""'. 545.2$91 environment, lull eervtoe, floor or prtlllglo"' ad· 16% Int. 720· 1597 or whl muk. vie: Stn Juan ··""'··~"••••••••••••• 2 t?drm, 1 be, $575 yearly. aterlall• pondat OH ,.., _, or no lrlllt. lndMdual of· d tH eeautllul view 771-2997 & M.V. 661-0707 M I W, IN 1100 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING St'"" to balc:h 11 t6 W wf kl' & h II Spa S225+shara utlla R11p. quiet mile for lg. flees or delk apace. 150 rl hi · d .... ., __ . .!.'/. •• ~•••••••••••• · ..... • · · or coo no H ng 041-4913. • Ptrin. Pt apt. 075.()328 IQ It . 3500 aq It. 1 MO. Hg Y upgra ...... .._,... .. • Found Pet 81rd, Co111 ~ NEWPORT 8EACH Batb08 paid. From Sen Diego I O I tlonlat Service pro\lldld. tw•iJ!:I."' • 1111 Mua, oall to Identify. ltrtMt lllfneteh ft;~Otll environment 213-865-2542 Frwy drlvt N orth c1ff Roommllt wanted M / • 1 wkday. al day FREE. 769-8978 Sultu avallabfo lncuvl· I S03S 545-0798 Experienced only need ment community on 1----------Buch to McFedden to atra""hl. no-emit.. &250 + weellende. duelly or 11 1 group •••••••••••••••••••••• 1---------~1 1-•y. 714-075-8955 U B PI Steps from Btac:h. 2 -v u•-... I I ••nLIR Fo .. nd Jac;kat w/1tt 01 ...,, pper •Y· 'vltt bdrm, 2 ba, llraplac:e S • • w Ind V 111 • g • 1h utll Oya 042·$<t~6. 1tt Want Working, m etura HU -Ideal for Branc:h olfloe or • , -~ · --------- houH end h111th 1030 202 211t St. (714)81l3·5198. 6PM 042·5020 woman. non-1moker 10 Attractive rua11e upatllrs pertona In the Flnanc:lal l•rflac• 0.. IH. keys. Rol'' Palm & An1. Serv Plant olc N.8 flta. 6 tennl• c:ourta. 7 075•5404 I 4,,, 2 BR 2 81 N-#pt apt w/ ahare home. &300 mo. aattlng. Wt eupply dltk, Field. PIHH call (714) Speclelltlng In tst & 2nd ~!:,:fy'·545~79~alt to ?.r,'p:;::!,,':;''ot!~= poOla, c:IOM to bl'llMU, ----------1.!!."!! •••••••••••••••• view. fem, 25-36 :.,., Utll lnduded. 5"8-88"3 apac., c;()911r You IUP. 700-1810 NEWPORT TO'a llnc:e 1949 elrport, Faahlon llllnd. -•••ir1tllT ' 1y ........... & &"5 CENTER W .a.al •--.a • rt 1 M•ft.,_ C -~ 190 & up with kltc:hen, Approx $375 642·4300, Slrigle man w/yr old son P ..... ~... • pr mo i---------Robt Sattler NH/CM •-Ill -... p1 men .... _,,~ onvenlent •hog• on 3 bdr,. 2 bL gar. greet WMl!ly. Oc:eanfront Mo-24 hf'a. No. 510. to lhr tiouaa In CM. $200 P< desk. Call &«·7211. RE. Broker Eld Realtors Lott 9/ 10 eoron1 d•I OueHtlld Couple to ma-e: .. ~~,~~~epl~ loc: Winter tel. 675-0740 Rmmat• wented, M/F, to mo & ahr utll. 648-10.1 2000 1q ft w/500 IQ" WE~n::n:··· 6"2·2171 S.5--0611 Mat Baac:h. REWARD! ~.1~:::'.~!:1~"20~ towntiou-. Bec:helor. gr eat toe:. Ultu llAOI atv belut 3 8 R hme In Elderly gtntleman Miki itoreg•., o .c . Airport tfFIOI IPAOI WIDOW HAS$$$'°' TD'• i----9-55_._13_8_5 ___ 1 Rel'• 780· t• 10 evet / $S40 • & lOOO yeerty Mfll .. lrvlna Pvt bl, pool, Jee, ac:11ve reflnad ftm. c;om. :; 1~:928 2 0 O O I m o · RE Loena, tOK Up. No Found 81~nl Sllmfft Wkndi. 8""'11 tMlchelofa end 1 TIL • ..-1•2 111• Wkly rentals 1.,.5 up. lplc: & much more. If Int-panlon 10 ptua. to 1hr 1_________ .,.,. Credit Checll. No Panel-neutered male 1-.--11--1----.. -_1 - Bdrm unttl lut"re tine •-· " • • Color TV. tree ~off••. e r1111d pit••• cell, pleeunt Lagune c:ondo. SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay From 200 s/l to'""""' s/I ty Dennison & Anoe:. &42-0100 ... pp c:at on1 now """ng dHlgner furniture and EAST 8LUFF • Sptcloue heated pool & tlepa to 7 14-762·7933 (hm). BrHllh/Amar. pref. Min. 2 Sult• evall. Od. Hwy 0.1k apec:a. aec:rat1r1a1 873-7311 t·L-0-1-1-M-,-S-11-1-p-La_b_m-lx-.1 tlken tor lull time ol'llce ~. Move In to-18r, pool, quiet, pleuant ~-·n. Kltc:ti'• •Vllll. 5A0-253e (ofc:) Leo expen-.... 49"-4183 ett. Vlllblllty 497-2351 evs All often conald• W II Ch Mor1g.,,_ bl~ll 1111 dbl d-claws, pareonnel, typing, 10 key di)' or reeerve for eum· arll, no peti 1555 mo. -5pm i----'-------rtd 1 pur ue -·-... & tome llghl bookkee-mer month•. Smtrtly 6<f4•4787 985 N. Cout Hwy, Reap person to 1hr oc:n ....---------.,... SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arctl 81y or 2rid or 3rd TD'a REWARD 897-389e ping required. Peld rne- furnlshed model• open i---------Laguna 8eac:h. 41M·5294 \II-hae, N.B &395 w/ M/F to ahr hat It bell. 9 2 Suites 1vlll Od Hwy For 1n1orm1t1on call (71•1 97S-06•4 ''"••all JJSO dlcal plen, 11ac:atlotl pey dally. t 8drm· Ou & water pd. Pvt lurri room/bath. "'"· Non-amkr. 075-0092 mo. 111. completely turn, v111blt11y. 497-2351 Stu or Aou •••••••••••••••••••••• Apply In pereon only, no Stove. relrlg No P•t•. Young man, student or F to ahr 2 br, 1'A ba apt, 1250 mo. o73•7957 i---------142·1114 h •tHt••t•t•/ phone 01 111 "Kirk On Jamboree Rd •I S4 tolmo. Avall 1018• day emplyd. Clean w/ 20-27 nonamkr Walk to S AN CLEM : bell hu, llPll 1111&111 1---------1111•••/1/ UllA I Y1tll'S Jeweilf1," 2300 Harbor San Joaquin HUii Rd. Agl 548"1188 rel1. $195/mo. Lagun1 OCC. S237 50 + dep. deck. lrplc. Chlld? 1270. Exec. S"ltw tnc:I. racept .. 181/1111 l••l•J f4S0 H l l f ,,.., PHOTO MODELS 8fvd. Colta M .... t( 144.:1100 Ollullt 2 8R, Medlterr•· Niguel •95-9637 IV Oc:t. 1. 6Aµ892 Judi 492·73"3, 641·3385 :rty ,:::;v~.~~7~'. r:.: ;.~;;,j~;;;~;·2·6soA·v~n~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ESCORTS/DANCERS ~I Manager, H1ndyman ~ nean Newport, S500 mo. Quiet N B erea non Petti N-port 3 br twnh· Fem to ahr beaut 4 br 1ponalvt to yo"' bull· 1065 1q. It. plul 0 cer Aa.,..,,. •• ,, SJOO I OUTCALL 24 HRS & wile for Cotta MaH i':ir 2 8a trom 1525. No 042-4387 • · ' • M F ' k b · t 1 · B k n1,.,..0 041•0777. •••••••••••••••••••••• 111-021'1 c:ompleK, over 40, apt ~•· Ac:ron from Npt 1moker, pref. meture 11, I , vu bac: ay, home.I. rplc:, pat o, IC nan netda. AdJ. 405 • -• II I la lr-.e.1H 1~~~~~~~~~~j~l~ld~_!8~16~.()~4~47~-----0olf CoYrM. Ottlet WESTCLIFF. 2 bd, 2 bl, fem. $350 Incl. ulll. p5o9ol, ta8nnl1, •P•· Jan Bay, •250. 6•8-8155 Fwy In F.V. lndtv. Olea. C.•••ttl•I • ·~eoJrJ4•TI I· nc . . 9 ... 546-4855 lrpl, pool, $650. No Pata. 5"8-7852 7 ..OO• M/F 10 lhera turn .. 2 br 2 M o/mo. from $32!1. *** A/R·OROER ENTRY 831 5596 903-6<t45. •••1111 441$ Old Bl·~"'-, Where Are Mfn need pereon 111111\ 7..,, Stpt 15/0c;t 1, vrly • Kit plvo, Chrl1tlan Home, ,. ........ ""' bl 1pt, pool JICI. $375 •••••••••••••••• ~ ~7V• lff ,. , rl • "'itepa tr blac:h 2 8A 2'Ba, tclUlfRllT M 1tr119ht, Nr Bell, Lag Lux. 2 br, 2 be. lrplo, all lncld utlla. 5•8-0929 NEWPORT EXEC SUITES c~·~;., btac:h loc:allon, You? Love Always. Ch• lft II I Or = :!P~k:n~.~~t~: &750 mo. Cell tor appl. Yearly 2Br, ~BL &750 8c:h. '325. •99-2280 amenltlaa, &3 •2 + ~ M/F to ,11, 3 bT, 2._. bl Eull aervJc::e, rt1eon1bt1 apx 500 1.1 •• &500/mo ryl L. Wright. Open 2• hfl • d1y 10 computer. Xfnt ~ 075-0r.14 Ilk for Ka\e mo, Agt 031-8018 Large bleutlf\il room with utll1. Non-1moker. Nwpt Hgtt llM, $210 mo. '11"· Xlnt loc. 752•6408 total 840-80"4 SCRAM-LETS Jacuizi~·r.:n~ooalt 1111, OC Airport area LOVELY 2BR, 28A. 28r Iba. Frplc, etepa to private beth for rent near 015-9534. + utlll. 648-0910 Costa Meu 1 Of' 2 room 1150 eq tt Easy Aooeu. 11 well ea Tourlatl. Send ruumt with pay '}, blk to bc:n, w/d. gar. oc:n. 1650/mo. Ref•. req. kb•, tac:hh. Light ,"~·,,rm. & Nice rHp working lam F/M to lhr 2 br apt, C.t.A., u'u11'1'1''1nc' tdr.o7m7" Sw76. /~0111' S..173 ,dasllyu.pa1-r51'0$r7. OOC/.~o. •NSWERS Banlt.Amtrlcerd. Amul-!2KP020'0 350 Leer Ava. CM No pat1. Yrty &700/mo. + 6"2-7005, 1·337-9274 c e n pr v '9•'· need• tame to ahr 28r. a.II ameriltlta, &290 + •}, • • "" n can Exprtu, Diner• All • utlt. 815-1700. CLOSE TO SCH. 2 br, 2 &300/mo. Call 008-51· 101 on Penln. &300 mo. utlla. 75"-1340 St. 851•8928 O 4 2 • 2 4 3 4 · d • Y' Mosque . Chalk -•come 714/045-3433 i --.-1-11-1-.-1-U-1-1-.- Mak• yvuc ahopplng ... b•, oar, 111' tut ' 2 blk• COM BEACHI Incl all utll 073-9129 Stir 2br/2'~ba c:ondo, CM, Newport Exec IUlll 2 min 904·1294 IYM. Surfy. 8urMu 2112 Harbor 81. CM The bell IOtl In town Call ..., l>Y ue1r1g thl Ody '525mo. days 03 1•3473, Furn or untum, prlY ba. Karlt'I W/D, git, FP. 1295 + from Airport 1111 lndlv 803 W 10th St Cotta SUCKS Rltaxlng mauage by ltn· 'Piiot Cluaiftld Ada. 04~300 -& Sutl. wlttltptlont. Full kltc:h Reap fem tow 281', 28&, utlla. Joan 04._9926 olllc:n In • luxurloua Miii 1,440 IQ 11 tox 12 C1bbll to b"mbllng to-nit pro• from Lagune right •w18'f ·~-~ prlv. Oar1g1 apac::e, &250 CdM. '326 mo.+~ u'". 1nt1qu1 fllltd bualneu olllc:e. bllanc• thop rtlgn tourl11: "If you'rt 8Hch. Wayne or st-11·1111 ~ 1144 Mo. 720-1775 EV 78()..3873 Male UCI grid atudent 1nvlronmt nt equlpptd arta. $4 tO/mo ht & going to try and epeak 1 0 9 p M l4·H en hour. Expe- ••• M/F w/kttehln pr!Y, 1220 "'R_o_o_m_m_a_t_e_n_••_d_•_d_S_o_. ~~;~o2.,!,•~~r.i;i:; ~~~~w::. ,:\~f.~;j ,_11_1_t._c_1_11_M_a.93 __ 5_o ___ :'i11':~Tuci~~ ~ten :J9.:/,f I -~·::~::. •1:b~·~~:~~ ~ t\PABTBE~ 1 ~ ulll. No drlnker1. C11 Plaza arta. $235 & 'A towntlouae In UnlY. Prk, parking. mo/mo or ..... l•'••ln•l -----~~~~ 01nc:ara tor Bechtlor/ Away 1717 e. Llnc:otn, · ~ · .,. • "°' CM. MS-.SO.U utlla Carport. ~9·6289 Irv. &275/mo. ea. Daya from $375, cteek •"ace l••f·-1 4•11 Wll I 1•18' 1111 B1ehtlor11tt Perlin Anaheim. Fee "'0.., LID .as9"1G '250. Move In al~ance .i WI ••••••••••• ••••••••••• 73~8 or 658-8538 1---.-•• --------.-.; ~ ~"~·YI··,.~ ...,.,. ...... -76t .2010 • ..,.. 562-0310 m-9911 N~a~3i75"ai:oti .. ;c>oo·~-_, .... _ Mlll/Femell 3 bdrm ept em to lhare N.8 . Condo, 2 Fem. roommta needed. ---------11 MIA aon• Ag ant Au1tr1111ri Lady. fair. 41 3 yr Old git! and 6 mo Old clo .. to b1ac:11. Vtarly fully turnlahed. non· 1 11ou11 from bell. on llAITlfll 641.!IQ32. fNllln ADS yrt, Int muatc, humanity. 1111., need rtlllbla I*• ...... 1237.50 pet mo. amllr. 1250 + /1 utll. Penln &200 mo, 111 & •WNIT....... 1---------1 VUl1U Seeking coml)ll'ly of Int· son 10 care IOI ''*" In 1100 dip. Avail Oc:t 1 A v a II. fmmad. Don i..t. 073-2140. -••" $760 "P· 2160 ft tndu· ARE FREE trHllng m1tur1 mete. • 1 .. · 2270 ... Wlth uae ot r ..... tptlon, at-'·•. ,.._....., 18101 R~ PO.... their Irv n• .. ome. on • Offln()ptft DMij 831• ........ 1-83_1_.oa_1_5_. --.,....".""".:'~~ 100C __ EA_N_S-IO_E_o_l_B_ll_boa_""1. cont. room, kttch. pMM, d~·;do "ci;; •• •M & T 'fs~':.0C::t:~ .... c.: Wed lal ~5. Call'Deb- luXiJtlOUS adult & family l1v1ng in an all .,,.,, •1111 41• Fam. Aoomlt• 24-30 w Blvd 2nd 11ory houaa. MCr1t1rta1 & word pro-Huntington, B .. c:h 92126, oieulfl•d Ad _b_1a_._1_s_2 .. _12_3 ___ _ ······'··············· 2Br dPllll. E. Side C.M. &231 mo. plul llA utll. ceealng. Miii & mM89 842-2834. Cal: •167. BtbY'ltltr wno lo-c:M-ntw country setting, 1, 2. & 3 Bdrms. IHI All llTll 1225 "'~ u111, 131-21'6 lob 115· 1106. 12 to wv. evell, Ml>trtlll~ If •--------Ul·Hll --------1 drtn, 18 moa. girt, my Amenities ln<;lude: Wl(fY-rental• now 1v111. ''"' to 111 trl-M condo mldnlgnt. cte11rld. Call: Judy, .. .,ert.&ar,ert w1111e m••• 28 auk• ~. fllx ""· 131•786, • 1106 & up. Color TV. ' r 1 ', ___ ....,... _____ _, 714/780-0100 Olllctllndu1trl1I ~~~~~~~~~1 lrl«ld 21·38, t>utef'I '* Rt-t JC11s R.\nge . * T o1 lo11greenbths Phont1 In room. 2274 Non,,nkr prl. S2!IO. ~ utll ILUFFI: I want to llllt In --------4,000· 14,000 •q "· All -&40· 1482 IAINi Id I ..... p . I nd k NIWf)Ort 81Yd. CM. ._8 ...... __ 1164_9_· -------8 11111• • rnHI F 36+ blCllllYe "'""· lllll ..,. AJC H-:r ,..,,, and L~t· Found young '9mllt gray Part/llrnt or Mlftlrnt In 4* Dl,hwtlshertd1~posa • 3110 su cc . .. ... _7445 ·-nonamkr 10 find lovely vtct, 11""1~ rtdUOld, no NO s 1 0 Oltttll •= ,_... • J 1 '"""' Fern to lhr .,.;M,,, tMIPlf IOI condo & wre ,..,1, ...... 1~.0214 Ing. Xtn fOI and h .. pctoo m 11. 10 eon~ .. iion l'I Batbl o1i.n11• homtl. Requlr• * Orapeslcarpeliflg * L;iun<irv 1nci ilie~ clt•n. _,, loo Newport "44.01011 4IVt ........ o,e ................... --,. .. a . ., 2 0 . 0 e 2 1 • Pkwy & 40& CFwy, M.V. M c·,-v I 8 .. 2 4 ~.t•::2~""':'0::. ~ · -~· i · B £AC H AR £A c87o.n~_..o3 I 3 0 0 mo . ..__, .... ,..... • ...,. ,...... 213·tt7-4404 Olalm at o .. Anlmt l " ,_ 1__ ... * R~ntation room *Air C'Onu1I on1njl .,......, lu~ "1'''-'4111 It piue. Private entranoe. 1--------,,-1 ..:s::.":.:";;.:1•:.:..r ______ 1:;-;:031:=-0-:-7-01~:':':7:-7.:::'.:''"7:'I ohlld care axperlenoe Comf ltt us no. for bttt •tlon. TDt W. $84/wk Fem ao ahr lg• ievlah ••• •••••• • ••••••• A"'911 PMIClno. lnoludlt f!f!fft •••••••••• !.~.. OO!DS • w ould lov• to Valld driver'• 11c1n•• ' ~ YL-..l..... In Din• P1 fafl9'· front drl· U1t11t• Mike ~row, A.gt l tOf• 0¥19' fOf Aent Found Bright blue back party w/you. Call l\111 or Prot.ulonll llttlnt hr• Y• toop IO 10 ,..,._,,Run lrvlnt. can: Aefrtger.. -Meld-Pool twnhM w/retf). WOfklnt v.way, clo .. to .,.ec:h. 146-3171°. 142·141S OOe1 M..a M5 mo PIClc co,,lalnll'IQ belch Kllhy anyllm• (213) 1llCe Aoency. aHM VI• ~ ..:J & Wiiton ~~==i'r:! 1._1_10_._1_1_3--33 __ 13_. ___ ""1 ~ I ~ti. 13;.oe21 • t~• & 1.evt1 In front of 904~32)3 I Vlento. Mlu fo,, Vl•lo Coeta Meea 6414765 iert•lt Pool, Jae, 1a1t.e, 2 ~ earao-. '40 Tr•ct• your Old 1t11ff tor 81'1'1hh'• M111t11 l11ket _.. Pl.ft _9_s_1_~------eto NI /CM ., .. ta75 M per month. new good I .. w i th a Have 10n11thlng to N II? on 3 2nd 8 t , N . I . 1.0...0..6 784.()611 Ctllllflld act. t42·M71 C\ullfltd ad:I do I\ W911 67 ... 1370 t4Wt41 J ' .. Orange Coatt OAJLV PILOT/Thurldey, hptembet 23, 1092 "11..,M'll. •••• 1.{ff INl..,M'M •••• 11.'!f P!/t..!'1'!!1. •••• 1.~ff -.,H.'!1. .... 1.'... ~~I!!.'. ............ !'!.'!!!IP.llM ••• l!!tf !~~ ... ll!ff .,,,, ,,..,,.,,,,, 111111,""' ~/ :l IU""111 IHAIAI •lllm aa.. -........ ,1'14 IHf. 1110 lngll•ll lldtbo.rCI. £STATE SALE SEPT 2"{28/29 •• !fi!!l!!. ....... l!M .. W-J ......... ~ .. !!l'!!!ft ......... . ' ~ • • r •111 "• • d • l•nlor I uflt)' Ower• 1~1111•11·--l'ett lllntl I I ·fllti .,,., ~ "'"'°11 • lette, •b\I, -I M111M v.atrld#I WANHD •llP 1or 40' -...... ' ·•OfMGm•·T In m~ tionw wanleo tor Otlndoml •••11•• -"''AM entt• •• 17&0 IMI 3001 CJIMjgn/lnttlll/'*'*' tr•W1•r t•lot OHm ~, If~ wllll• Momml• worlle nlum "•l•r•nct• eno fl\IOf WOflllnf --11'11114• •••·301, Old l:H•H NCA Cean J\e-Cle Ptr lt1rt 1t•er 01w ·~ Mt·HlO lv '""4 M'.1.-10.,.. · t OVP••· to • en• :U::i4l' hf•~ "' ~··~~~or.·=~• I ~~o~ v;·r~'::: T•••11none 1.1 .. a""iiie lll••••:Wif•'• MOO PllK't•: ~17 South Orlll\le, · nu. Ana ;;;;, .,,,., • . !!!' ~~) 1::!~kt~~ • '"'. 4 pm. COllnMlor. 0•11 MPM, ~.~,~:" l:c' IM ~lnOt 'l'lmt.•. ff.SO AM. lll a PM. ~~~· "" ~.'11.t'!!.W!... •••• _, ...... ·,~Y~~''O~~~~=:-ri t lllYlll.-M2·.UI, 041 et;'H~• MM "· lMlltlM llftlll Antique furnltur~ ltummul11, Conn. •a b:i,~ ·;i;w ... i;; DRY ST(IAGE Ghltdren, 14, 11 & to mo Oen vcw "''' the bNt PASTI UI' Mull be GOOG 1'1LDllll-.......... Orgon, Ch k kt•rlnti ~ GrrmJ Pio no, I with ovfltf NMr _, u- 1·ao.1.30 Own tt•nlCI tob• ln o C'? c111 t'9ht with O.t•ll• ,,,T Temp .......... ...,... China. dolls, l"lg. 8 clock.I with c Jt:ndor, qulti.ct neturll QA1 • ... Montl\ly t>o11 1torefie· Rell OependOle. IWIY lhtu Jan Wiii ''"" Non-..... ... .... H, IPll prlmitlVl .. lln"na and lota mort• aoodl . ,., thin t>llllM. Cot\'lpj fllfY'f ...... 24 hr MOllt ly, 116-390 t lll 1111 Wotk tv•nlnOI In New· Ovet "')() r.eme lncl\id....,, ' w/'J OH boltl .. jloc1lly If• ~ .... _.... • &:O~oee:Pf~~ ~:,t>!; port 111c11 lut wMk AeotnaMue1e Machi~~ MC or Vlaa OK. eve1r1bl•l 0110 0011 .....,. ... .. .,._,__... ~!* Atl ·~=:::it Blvd, St• l&·et. Com· out top'*'°" ~I In a• Wutllllet 1010 Juke Goll, llUI --11078. now IUO. ph '111 ...... , Ir. fHIOOOIU ROBINS FORD ~'J6L HAIA',.I l l ;J (OHA Ml\.& e.• l f)(JIO The beet ...,_ to WOtk p 0.. hour• end btOUQht home 2 s Aoll top dffk1, ...... ,, 831·3280 11k lor Jell a CeH right;;;;: 11-118 hr. Jobe Right rn«c. lfll, .... 1390, C•ll 133-3"'140 •11., •lt1 llte c1blntt1 r;'°ri'cy Sol & H v m I Jonee '&3 Studebekef Champion 1H..a111 Awey 1717 E Lincoln. P/tl I I 1 PM hall ... , w/rounc1' mlrtor !P!!'!!~~ .•..• : .• ,.~!f 0 : 0 d °:V:n d'ff':o n n _Rec_0t_d_l_ng_F_•_11w>mt--t.,--o 144-t110 8 p111 cpe. Nice c11 180·1100 I* lhlh. Pldc Anfhti"'· ,.. Supp:!n1 :~1!!!. TOPLE.89 MOOBL8 & c:ebllVed Jlon•1· Hooeltr Bl!AUrn'Ul WIOl<IA di· ltOO/C11n 988·9081 lo HO It. Chmlronlo• ' _________ , '3760 2131692·1712 )'0\lf tlouu. WIU trtln. FUhlon model pert Ume by dol11411 ln18'•tlna 1.. f76 DAY. PAID OAll.Y c• n•I•, h ghboye, Mdl 1oee 1'4r l\t'tlf COit ,,..,~,,,,,. •~..1 ..... __ ... _ ... M•nr oc>tnlna•. Job• 110/tlouf. c1n 557·2438 lePhone HIH worfc on no up nee • 12e.ael3 dreutra. Ht• 01 ct1r1, Afnt t~ble, OI ... ':f96• Accepting bid• on boets • I 8 7 5 • ·,, 11 a;. 0 0 . ••••• •••••••••••• ... • --- :Yih Aw•" 1r1 e. Lin-weet1d1ye9toa. behell 01 nellon•I oom-Plue many other Item• c•pt1ne Chllra ml t o Item•. Cout eat 3280 Ilk ,0, Jell #11f111lll.lkn llfl ti•& l'ord Woody W•· A _ .. !. ,, TYPIST/AEOEPTIONIST nol ll•ted ~ 567-3t 111. Comm. College Diii JOnM. ~..................... OOft, 113,000. n. nw-m, ... tf111i111 Itel Wtdtrt penlee. S. hr ou•r plue Mio Mid• ekllled pereon Ame11can Wholeaaler1 Moving; entlquH, chin• &&8·6764. 82 Puoll Mo·Ped. 100 Beeuty 811on h .. Ol*llno The belt Job offer In the lucreu~ bonu• ln~llve to 1n1wet pllon.e. hind· & Auction Company etb furn din 111 S rt 5•1 M C 1 ,.,,, '""' Hfl mlt... M60. 1929 l'otd ModelA lown for h•lr 1tyll1t. Aent•f. ~. c111 rtallt away. piogreme. Slit• ••Pr. le cotr11, type v•1lou1 824 So. Mll(lnOU• dilhU. 110 ff8•2846 ' 1u bp•td c ov 1' •••••'•••••••••••••••• a.e.oee20 a.dan, 110.000 64Q..e023 n2..-i11 • prev, but wilt tt•ln the repone. flllng, ind nor-MONovre • In, good con~ e 1n11c: 1e• L•Pllrske Need IPP'Olt 200 people. right peraon. For lntlf· m•I lmt deek dullel. OC (213) 359·8&08 l ' Hfl I ITTlllU I t50. 941-9739 Century b1y b01t. 4 cyl, ,,.,.,,,.,,./ tH3 81uoebellw Aventt, tlllT OIPTAI.. Herctworken Gell eern view 0•11 M• Kruk 11 Airport Aree Oood be-o ml E11t ol P•uden• Ctuehed velvet, Hnd, llllltllH-ll Orey 13500. e75·&1t1 hlfn 1111 l&soO 875-8181. Cen ~OU lllft to work •t 16()() WEEK lO START 5•5•5779 nefltl. Apply AUTO· ott 210 F....,. Ilk 1176 846·7711 '!'· ~ .................... . 11 Jo PHOTO CO , 300 Leer .::.!, 1 new, WHIH 1111 Wlllll 78 SUZUKI 250 RM. VetY '84 MUST ANO CONV. the •••In Celll. right NoeltPlf.WUltr n. b• P•rtlttttl1t/lntr Ave CM DINllllO room tebl• & 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• 13 It Ootton Wl'l1ler In c1e1n & v•r y 1111. "Ground Up AHtdrr. •w1y'1 :t'' Aw•y 1717 E I.In· Sr. MAO bu)'I( wAh ••-· ~l',U•#I 1011 ch•lre, llke new cond Wlllll good condition. 1460/080, 148· I 185 tlon" • l11..a111 'Anllhelm. FM. ~nte'~~J,'!?,nl1c1bc!,~_· W&ITll/WlfTllll • ••H•:R••8•0•R .. :R••;t:•••• cullom pldded 11200 OLD COSTUME JEWEL· 213·441-5385 Din 8 cyl Ch•mpmgne lntr,. llMt 14M tt... • ..... Y.U.J ...... ~. .,.., "' ,,... with car IOf wicker bu• " " ""' 873-2612 RY. Don't throw It ew•Y •7.. M E DURO Em b • r g IO e II 1 ''~ Ila.&. ..... llon buyV!g needed. Full ket IUnch eervlce. 9•30 10 APPLIANCE SERVICE . I'll buy It, 75t·8876 IUY "'' .. YA AHA N 7141884-2215. •• ll I H .... lltfft --••• IJ procurement cYCle duti.t t:30 PMJ. Mon· Fri. Eern We Mii recond • guer. Antique MUI. dining Mt. 18 11 Johnton 1/0 $ l500 2600T. •lnl cond. Y•, 11'1 trve. Jobe :fn' looking fOf 4.4 exper. end reeponelbllftlM. S•· 1150 to •HO wkly. Mutt •PPlllllCft. 540-3077 mint cond. aeoo New 1111/11/ 873•2190 $800/obo. 6-'t.-8001 1958 Bentley 8 1. 111"1 Away 1717 E. ltnco n, prote11-ton1l1. We ape-18ry commeneurlll wl be neet, pereon•ble, I llY ........ _.1 w87h3~51p10o701 relrlg 1,.00. lallt••••ll IOl3 ,75 t<ewuld ..ooec. OtNI rnectt cond Meny ~ An8helm. F• el8llze In,_ program•. expr Excel. benefit• pkg enatgetlc. 979-0747 11 l" "'"'""~57•58t"S , 'ft •••••••••••••••••••••• ler .... running cond 1450 patta. Need• paint & ; 'a·'2· ndOMTO'P/AAM, OEM. 111 lndudlng health & dtt'ltal 10 AM for Appt. • ,, Formlce Dining hble, 20' elec. Ovtt~. lmmec 873-8474 evw, work 17500 873-481G1-Bookkeer.! '-lneurene., tuition relm· Wuher-Dryef-Relrlg. 42.s2", with ( 1124 .. IHI, YAMAHA Bue Amp. cond , Ilk• new. 54&-8858 &;41.1 • 05 Hudeon/Nuh Me1~ Cell John CUMCll bureement progrem, Waltr ..... &~lers over DllhwUher·Freeter II o o d con d ; I 3 5 . HMd with • double. JI" tllul 75 Honda, ioe.. polllln. ,.,,, reblt ~ Put time Re t1ur1nt, eM.-9090 paid vecatlon a hOltdeye 18 yr with ex . Apply tn Xlnt cond 846-5848 960_5844 PV •C>Mker cmblnel Au ........ ded. 1lmo1t new cond. 1760 993-5272 hours, waoee negotiable, RESIDENTIAL Send reeume to: pereon, l7 8 Newport In n c•llenl condition. To prime eportllahing In S995obo. 831-0523. C811 lor eppt MAC MORTGAGE SERVICE l .. kmann Electro-Blvd. C.M O.E. REFRIG ERATOR mHt llffl 11,000. Ihle notably trou~lrM '80 K_ ... kl tOOO, 1000 f IQH/ lid.., llS~ 875-2588 ""'lies FREEZER $75 111-tlll 1·.,. 27' 81yllner. Sllp lnclu-•••••••••••••••0 ••••1' ...... ll.111 ~.. WAREHOUSE 842 2546 $50. 780-0920 d·.. I M rl on Uk ml, V•tl• l811lng. + + +. LARGEST JEEP OE.ALER 800KKEEPER/P8'1 time, 33051 Oelle Avltdor Full time, ••ver•I POii--""' a • n• • $2700. C•n't ride, mu•I In the Weet • MC'f, w/voueher expe<. Exr.rlenced preletred, San Jumn Capl1tr8"0, Uon1 open. Xlnt oppor-WHtlngllouee Washer & Kll•ngtlon''nm,·teelreeu11•.Yc'"om' p1\°' .. Suephone, Yamllll Alto, Mead, 30 mtnutff lrom Mii. M•,_ 873·3149 Newport builder . F/ 'Flulbl• houri, C.ill.92875. tunl1v. For'" Info c•ll Dryereet.St25. Pd 1850 Ill Lu lllQU llrlp. Steeot deeper•lelyneeda 63 • ....... cont.ct M•rgle, Surf •nd ATTN· M Franke • 8 le HI like new 1 yr n-. • aaer Ce 8, Wolery tine feeture In-• GIHmlno new Honda ye>Yr JEEP . ........., Send Hotel, 497·4•n cau '493..8824 John 83 1·8820 42•2546 $800. (7 14) 984·0238 · S450. 83 l-0318 W>itnlng• eluding MercrulNr Po-C87SOF IUPlf epon, blk Highest Ooltar Paid • Bookkeeur Full end PI T. 8oerdlne E.O.E/M-F-H 1260.00 WHkly P•Y· l,rlalat frHltf Chllde/Teen Tuk 8•d DRUMS .. pc. •II llerdwr. _, $24,500. Pleeae call Sec. SIOOO. 842-0955 C811 G1ry Orey -': I"~ Kennel WOfk, In L11g N llW. UTATI •H •1 check• (fully goeranteed) 150. 642-2S.6 with mattretl. 1160, Or11t fOf beginner. 1200. Owner. (702) 293-738 t . '79 Yamllha 125 Enduro, 111&111 Ol&ST Mull be capeble of guel. Mu11 be over 18, -working P8rt or lull Ume 780-0920 876·5487. 1981 801ton Wheler, 1175 ml. 01111 cond. 1110/.IHP/UIAILT h•ndlln~ Oover,nment Ne•t. & dep•ndable, Need 2 exper. people In at home. Weekly pay-Gibson Side by llde relr~ Serlou1 High ec:hool etu-t 3 'h' 40 HP It I Mu ' I 'a• S 7 2 5 . 2524 11,arbOf Blvd CM. ~~~~~~lo~:~ur;:Y:o'1~ 1131-0880 ~~~1";!!f~,.~:10:n,~~: ~:i~~0~a1:~~9g':r,~: =~~~: ~~~;:11~~ :::~:~ S: f~~c~ :~ dn~18f'~C::: ::':! d~~'_:t~;~n~~: $5400° 080. ~S.5111~ '' 559·8349 549-8023 845:1no Mull be HPerlenced. General Office, typing, ce11ful •nd growing firm. every Wednesday. Start $75. New Ma)1eg Port•· 760·0611 '73 Honda Xl250. good 1982 Chev Bluer. Shq,· PIHll cell lor 1ppl. light bkkQ. Mature, Opp-Beet working condition•: lmmedl•tlly. No HP•· bl• dl1hwehr $200. 8' Couch, pale yellow. 963•2187 OllRIS cun 22' cond. Run• great. $450. wroom n-IOf whleQlt. 493-1548 8-5 d811y ty for expended poeltlOn. In Newport 8e•ch.' rlence nece111ry. N1Uo-546-8872 green & orange pleld. Olti1on, Fender, Oulld, Winter epectel. ~etre-845-0177 eves. P.P. 844-1865. den, Submit reeume to: 1011 7141846-5051 ; nel comp•ny. Do your Frlgldelre w11her clean ·Xlnt cond. $200. ROl•nd, lbenu. Peavey, kehull,allnewpalnt.tull Y•meh1 '81 SR185, mint 631"2321 ·evM. • 0111111 Brloeo Drive. Ste t 11• Recepllonl11, tight typing,• work rlghtln the comfort White. work& greet $95: 760·08 t I Y•mahe, Soni, Shure, c11nv11. 180 h/p · 1nbrd cond. 95 MPO. 1800. '70 Toyo11 land Crul~. FUhlon llland 191all Ito-C.M. 92827 good telephone manner and MCurlty of your own Cell 645-9970 At<O. Excel. geer. Muet Hercule• engine, compl 845-0490 with Chevy 283 Ena. re. Po9111on evttlllble fOf GRAPHICS ASST. Detail for ple&unt lrvlne ottloe. = :::: ;~·~;Upright lreezer. 20 cu It. Ad',~:,~,~~':~ ~d Mii. 6"&-3804. gone over. Full option .74 Yamllh 380 dirt blk Tru·Trak1, Sit top, M1111y en executive cuhler. of production & 1ome Starting $800/mo. ex~ name and lddr••• to· p-cond. s1oo. 12500• steal It •750. 1U61,.1 •·•alt• .. , .._ pkg. $3800 w /dock. • e Extra•. Need• worlt. c-pr •• b1nk 1-•1~ or '"Ping FI T Temp lhru I d I 11 b II -· • "'""' •-...,. • M u 1 t • e 11 •SAP. on 3 rell trlr. Good cond. 12250 obo "'•5 •2<>9 ' ...,. • .. -I • • r e,nce7 • u en• ••. Amerlcen Fldelltv Com: .. 94-5-419 675-9998 ~·' ,., •••11 •73.3•e1 " s 8 0 0 . 9 7 5 . 2 2 7 3 . . .... -u • he•d ca1hler. E.O. E Jen. Non-1mkr. apply 55 8 55 • ,.. ._., v .. 644-5070 10·2, 540-0868. 3303 • . piny, Hlrl'S'l Dept. n , R1lrlger1tor. Frl,ldalre. ThomHvllle Butet l0<m1I •••• •~"•••••••••••• 545-4tSt fr1til · f CHILDCARE Herbor Blvd. Ste E5-E6, UITllUIT ~~:~n~!:~~;r,3oNew x551 1~81 1:,_ond . 300 . din. rm. toe china. 111>1e P~~11~ ~o:~:~· ~~c~~~:. ,.,,, "'1 HH '73 Y1mah• Enduro r~~~;·.·10.·;.;,.;;;~4$..l,: Aellabte, m•ture women Commerce Perk, CM. Now ace.ptl"& appllc•· "" & 6 c helra , St 500 a1ooo. Call 942•31oe. •••••'•••••••••••••••• 175ce, lo m11eage. reo c•••etle. Sm•ll toctllldcarelnmyhome, GROOMER WANTED for Ilona for dey US PER-Wiii Pltolllll REFRIGERATOR 558-6033 1 •• 1 18' Hobie Cit, yellOw w/ $300. 63l·«89 camper 1hell S2175 T Th ' 1 o4d M I Fr1 & s (possibly s ) SON, p/tlme CASHIER & IBM •Y•l•m 61430 or like new, lroet-lree. ,,,, -teq. auArlee .. n •. like M I 550 98 673~18 -orR 1 Yf& C · NUIB · •t. un dey BAR person. Apply 4 large dlnene or game •••••••••••••••••••••• new $2500 675-8181 11meha Ill m • 1 1.1 ________ _ h•ve e I •r. lor NB pet lhOp. Mull be In pereon btwn 3•5pm. 8/450 opet'llOr neecs.d lt85. 693-90G0 l8ble ch•lrt. 81•dl NIU· PARROT · · $1800 obO Cell '80 Toyoti 4ll4, mutt -l tree. (71•1 875-9494, e11per. & rell•bla Non-333 8eyllde Of. NB w/knowledge of Ille IP-WHIRLPOOL WASHER g81lyde with walnut trim. Umbrell• Coctc1too 18' T Cit w/lr1r, trade for "3-9571 avee $8800. D•Y• 494·81~ Evee emkr. 840-0091. pllc•llon to Hrve H & OAS DRYER Excellent cond. $50 uch Young, $5-49. 882-7637 dory or wlnd1urler -._._ .... ., •·•ri· av" 494-7969 __ -·-· O I Ae$taurant marke11ng NC'y for pre-l200 SET Of !Mst otter. (213)634-2730 Ron ,..,._ •1 'I - for :9;~:'1on dr1» ;:: ;:!l()fl to help w/ SG~i~:~~~~l'S :""~"~~'.'~ &42-9618. 842-5749 al1ernoon1 P~J.·F:!:'1::':; ,!';!: lllST SILL .!.~Y.~!!!~f! .••• .'.~ ·~~u?.~.c ~~lr~=~·d:i ve. Pays S!Sb-t100 deity. cere groomllli! & love 01 Now hiring fOf Plrt-tlme nle or Sendy 976-0403 11...,./H IOZO Sl11411le m1tt1box aprg1. X-731·8130 1980 MacGregor 25 For Nie· ·re Lindy ~or tank•. iclnt eond $3995:,1. ~::_1'= ~~55,.. ~lm~o~~o=g~d &c!!: openings et IOctllon neer c.,, 1 hlfl ... ,.................. long, ~~;=~ev!30 2 Budgie PerekMll w/2 Trailer, motor, VHF. Xlnt. home, lips 8, ,.., beth, 963M58 Compenlon, cook. 1111 h1kp'g, lof • women, PI T. Mull drive, non- 1mkr, Npt 8ch eree. 10A~,-8PM call IM0-5073 per wl •nlmet1 helpful O.C. Alrpof1. Mornlngd &I ••••'-•••••••••••••••• EU~E .. c;>kT. 210-•P•,ed cages, $20. Pr. $7,000. 536-0325 s'u1b2·,.!J.."8'5o7. "''.'3151 cont.1~.-:-7-2-F~o-r-d-::'.R_•_n_c,...he_r_o_•--.:- lnlor (714) 549-7281 art Afternoon lloure. I .. c.n,,, ''' #u men I "' e, 1 Inch re-~aple dreHer a mirror. 882-7491 28' Alberg Cutter SJHboat ·"""'· --•hell. Mu1t Mii $12 3p.. eopplementll Income fOf •••••••• .. •••••••••••• me. Xlnl c:ond. $170 obo. S 150. M•rllyn, 7-~m Rent· 28' motor home .. k 873 "'14 .. '"'· home-m•kere and etu-MOVING SALE S•t "12"', 494-4747 l.,. Bch. d COCKATOO with """'•· with lllP In Sante Barbe-· • ..,.,. ..., • • o -.. wtt ye, 752--4500 X4 1. -• r• Pflced fOf quid!.... lipl 8, II.Illy lo•ded. 1-,--S-----R--t UllHlllll dents. Our progre111ve 900 See l•ne. ShorH chwlnn Veralty 10 apd. 2 pc china cabinet, $150. 1900 or !Mke ofr. sS900. 80519e6-t8e1. . IMS-lle16 (P•ul).' 7g5oodc, ~~2, ~ ... ~ un Newporter Inn Salon. growl"i! oompany otten •Pll, CdM. Clothe1, r• 1100 SR 10 apd $35. 882-1244 ,......, ""'""' P"1lal lollowlng prel'd. opportunities IOf edv1n-COfd, N•v•Jo rug, Mlec. ; 538-0325 ~~!!~ "xtfo";. wkdy1, 111111 "" lail ... dl IOll RENT: '78 Lindy motor New ttan1, bra ... e 840--4740 cement b•sed on your "'·-...................... home, llpe 8, ,.., bath, haut $1800 oeo COSMETOLOGY Job perlotm1nc1. PIH-..wll #tu EW bike p1n1 for 20": QI--. 11z.e flot•tlon bed, AKC M/F, 8 wk1. red/ N-Mll(lnum 370 wind· tub, 1terao. Hit cont. 645-4533 •: A"thetldan•. uper. re-ti est/ tit sant working condition•. •••••••••••••••••••••• unleeet. Po-Ille forlls. l300. Marilyn. 7-•pm bu 11 · I 150 • 12 2 5 · eorler, rainbow Mil. Coel S3001Wk. 857·0435 ,48 Chevy PU. Good quired. Skin care & la· Weller/•••• Mu1t be 18 •nd over. -·· •rn Toughneck. Turney wkdys, 752-4500 X4201. 6&2·1'446 ev $1166. Must Hll $850. ""' ..... -claJs. Nell Tech. l 'Eltrel Apply In person 2-5 pm, •WM" crank•, many more. Info 873-3600 ••ttl rune, needs eng wof • BHuly Center, at Lido Vou ctn t>eltev. It or not 2300 s. E. 8,19101 Every Sund•y. 8•m-3pm. & prlcet: 559-0395 Camel cotoied velvet Free: Shepherd ml•. 21 ft. Good condition S460. 545-9579 111 6P._ Merine Vlllege. NB, but C811 first Santa An• Height• Orange Co11t College. couch a mllchlng love-young male GrHt w / IHll, I/ill 558-048t llll T•-• "'' 673-4552. 171·1111 (Next 10 McDonlld•) Felrvlew a Arlington. aletgh 10 lpd, 25" Ira-..... Blu/gry plald love-kid• 5-48-4152 ..... _,, H111---------1 , •• St8lt 11 $50·&85 ahllt equaJOpportunltyEmpl. Coeta Mffl. Adml11lon me,28"whla,alloytrame 1111. Walnut a cane •••~•••••••••••••••• f'llllttt,,. f11nl 1110 wi th c amper •h•IL OllllQMI average S.-•I Plf'IOtl• free 10 b.uyere. Seller a whle, tip lhltters, grHt rocker welnut t•ble. ll••H I n-,., llH Slips 1vall. CdM ., ••. •9• ........ T.~....... 11800. Arm 673-6618 Peop!a Mlded lo tr•ln needed to etert rlghl Salee. Eat. cheat, gel!lch ReMrvelf0nt/ lnlo. blke lor big men. Almost Matching Ken more ••••••••••":':t ••••••••• $9/l t. call Carr ie 1~ TS~~ S~ XJ:: '71 Chev'(, ton PU.,._ 11 CounHlore to •Id 1w1y 11 nlceat Orange & sllm. Eern $3000/mo. 56&-5880 new.11811.640-5545 waShef&dryer.Pll LMlle Sohmar coneole. vertlCel 714-955-2473. Wkdys &~ll-5.a:..4•9528 Ill••· ,.WD. PS. p other• In diet,_ Of with County Lounge. Jobs Supv poaltlone •veil. Schwinn Beech Crul-alt 4, 9'79· 1532 pl•no, nd1 reflnlehlng 8-5 Good buy, mu1t ''''~ problem•. Thia new Righi Awey t717 E. Lin-Dick Hudy 831-2801, llAIT SALE $50 4 poetet King •lier bed. 1500. 548-6823 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: llf f«nn, IUll 11300 Bert 873-6828• ::r~~·h:;~1~ coln. Anallelm. Fee. 950•9239 Fri 78'"-41, Set 1--4. LOii 84'4-8829 evening• n-bl1dder •nd liner. ... ....... ...... Newport e.ecri: 25', 21·. , A#HNllH Hll '73 Ford pwr-dump. oe. All welcome to apply. llllllPl•llYl·ll tales of 8"tlquff. OYll mtrrOf IRLS blk•. light weight. Value $800, $250 obo. $875 548-7272 30', 35'. 40'. & 45'. C811 •Aim•&•;.;·~·;;,;~ 1T. •t8ke bed. 4 apd. ~ ContlC1: OlaMtb Cent· Full ctllfgt for NB... It's Exe:.:.... S12. M14ctlrl115, IOt• wflh hind brlk". $5-40. 8"2·7266 ·~ 842-4844 from 9-5. up to~ ott your body tr1n1, VI 133 00'.': er. 774·0121 between terlrt. hm. & F11m. mull llml• of old dl1hu, etc 882-2123 Colon.Ill OretMr. Mirror. fr.!!!~.1!.'!!! .. :'Z'.i:? Mon-Fri, lflop •t. 8111884-0332 557-0058 •:J~ 9:30 AM and 10~ PM tpk Eng .. own ctr, ref. We need .. 1ea peopte. 25c·l5, llnene a l•ce, GIRLS CRUISER cn.1 Nhe St•nd & Bed S di C 70 Dock epece avall8ble up .f w ~ f Mon tllru Fri. 811 9:30 842-5001. Open terrltorlH your 50c 10 $5 more ml1c F .-..: ... 50 _..,,, P1 11 ng 5•r•rr• 1 7cm 10 ..... Sil 50111 Ardell Whtie Beje m•o•. '"' ,.. .. ,_ own houra. e.,n BIG 1824 Monro' ..... c·· ~ .. 2bl-k2•1·23"'° '-·-· -• """ •k s "'' •lomon 72 ., ..,., . . . . ~~~b .. ~ 8ofrlug.5!-' -k•. ;:-··········E···,·a··,······ AM •:30 PM prolltl. Sell to ••ta-.... ... .,., 8"2·7268 u I. d t I ••• 0 n 842-5735 ,,_, ... , li -~--.. ~ - *• -llllUllCE bll·...,. .,.~s. ruh & Tree1urn, Tole Desk -Iv•• & lntervl-S 1 1 0 I b • 1 I o If er M'"RCUS CHANNEL· ...,._, 1----------1 For d;:'~, .. ~:;-Pl•nt. Commerclel/personel ..,_, _,_ thing• to paint, Chrl•t-ltJ/"111, chrt ·oark venMr. Od 9e2-0993 t; 10 28 tt: 1150:· ~ TIP AAI 1 aa · ., Wiii pereon needed. E•P•-IMO PLIS mu It~. Mlac. •78 E. ll11trl1/1 IOIS 1 h 1 Pe s • 1 a 1 1 5 elde up to 18 ft $100 .•• '.'!!../!!.~........ ......,..~ Fu" & pt/time. trllln. r lence n1cuury. lit Hll 18th St CM. Fri. S•t. ...................... 960•3745 OUllE OOlm 673-81"5 Fiii ISEI CllJ,: ~~!6 •. ~:_•1tN~wy. s. 8404084· Sain/Job placement r• Sun 10-7 IOW llo/n. C•lll King wtrbd, new IHI Wffter't Side Tie Pier, B•lbo• 1M,.~:~~~.::S0~~ lUI --1 C O Interior gardener, PIT, cruller• needed !Of Heed FANTASTIC INDOOR Redwood 2x8 decking, m lllreu, liner. hlr, llfW Island, 20-22' Mii praf'd. ADVERTISERS ~/m&ll' • ounter person • ry mul1 have exp. working Hunting Agency. Exper PLANT SALEI 470 E. 4-20' long, lllo redwood hdbrd, s150. a..1.3285 •aaa 21 I •1""" Nr ocean. 1175 per mo. The price of Item• •d· 81..,. • Cteenere. Full time. Ex-w/lnlerlor pl1ntec:•pes. or non-exper. Jull be 18th. St. C.M. S•t!Sun lancing. Call Jim or Ken .....,... • 111 Rel• req'd. 673-283t vertlMd by vehicle dee· 2•eo Hwt>or ~··•'-' ~·2~540~ w 111 t rl In. 649-1«2 rnotlv•ted & like$$. Cell only. M)11me. 776-1•91. Lux. klng·az -terbed. It ,,.. t tt I lerl In the vehlcle cluef-COSTA MESA • • Ll&I tfFIOllll todey for Den Frink 3197 College Ave CM FROSTED BATHROQM blue velvet, m1tchlng lir. "".Tr• Private Selbo• 40' 111p, fled edYer111inQ column• Mf.4111 ,_, Counter pereon, m•lure, Aggreutve Newport (714) 556-1172 Sit-Sun 9.4. Clo thee WINDOW (SLIDING), ~~~~~~~·,.~~· Jiii Feeturlng weapon• of 811 ~o;~·~ .10~ :1,' / ~ :1:•f: doH not Include any Ml· 1411 F/tlme, no exper neoan. Beech firm aeeti• moll-llln/....._• g•lore, women az 10 & 3114', $25 642-9618 er11: Sword1, cotn1, w•r 673•2484 tppllcable tbM, llcenM, WE 10. 308 Old Newport Blvd, T -.. -. 12 Men'• n 34 pant• 8' Couch. cllr a collee eouvenlre. an1lqun end tr1n1ler feH, lln•nce NB. Contect Donna. Vlted lndlYldu111. errl-Earn up to $1500 per . . SLIDING GLASS $ lhOUHndl or collectible s s ct11r ....... ,_for elr pOI· CLW aa•s·.·. tortes open. Must have mo. Part time, Must be IUlll IZ 42. •l•o BBQ, 8'118' PATIO DOORS tet>le. 65 for 111 LIP AVAIL. Huntington ---"" --R.E. lie. H11tbor-Paclnc mature. 559_9043. leave ahop v•cuum, mlec . us. 842_9618 842-5838 Item•. Orenge Co. Fllr-H 1 r b our 8 1 y . lullon control device AMI TllCll '• 955-0073 hlhld 1t1m1 ..., ground•. Co1t1 MHa, 7 1 4 -8 4 o • 5 s 4 5 • cenlflc1tlon1 or dHler "" lltllllATtll · Menage y••t. .... • C•• 1 10# Jt..,~'1. 1010 enter gate 3A ott Arllng-846-7786, 840-4097; documentery prep8r1-·;·: Publl1hlng firm nr JW MAINTENANCE SALES PIT, ellcluelve I• --•••• I~!!!•••••••••••• •••••• ••••••u••••••• ton St 2 13-'431·3764, 8-9 PM tlon cr.erge1 unleu Airport IMk• • bright Full time. minimum wetry boutique. Oeye & Bede, couch, -dre11ere, Radio Shack, compl com-o:~Jv.1·:f~lllqulM Stand new Pool Tabl•. olhet'# •• epeellled by lndlv to 111111 Credit Mar $12.28 per hr. Xlnt OP· nlghta.. Clll lor appt. Ciro tv, relrlQ, ate. Other mlec puter syatem, new, In 840.eee8 )(Int Beat offet Classified Ade 642·5e78 the edvertlMI. w/cotlectlon1 a gen ofc porlunlty. Fo1 lee Info Jewelry, 5-49-15"2 Items, 2211 Senti IMbel, box ... TRS 80, 18K. ••-780· l97J dutle1. Thi• c1ndldll• cell John 83t-6e20 •••--Ill Sat 8 tM 4 tended basic pwr com-21' Inch 14K ropm chain 1---------- ehould hive a pleaunt MAINTENANCE PERSON __._ OVING S e puter, dl1c drive yit/ with V. ounce nugget. SURF80 ARD phone voice, 1ccur11e H811mark 0 111 and Party M Al • 1011 of controller. Une printer. Ill $850. pp 831-11278 Robert Auou1t 8' 10" typing & e wlH~ to • full or part·tlme poll-Shop. Muet be experten-goodlee, FrllS•I 11·5, 784 cmblet & eoltw111e lnelu• round pin. good cond. leern. Exper pref. but wl" lion. 1 Mostly night WO<k. eed. and with 1 dftlrl to VIC1orl•. Coet• M... ded. $1800 MW. Sl.000. lliutll,.,.,, Ml S 150/obo 545-8558 tr•ln. Cont•ct Deana 841" 079 Ira.In for mane""" potl· GARAGE SALE -SAT 831-472t, 648-t030 •••••••••••••••••••••• t--------- Hunl 54M83-4 ••ltwlsl lion. FULL TIME: Tun ONL y 1t 3387 Fud\111, MIW• 211 --Full ~th wal ault Wo- CRT 0.1• Entry P--le. ...___.Inn 840-'4740 thru S•t. Huntington S.W ol Bear end Sun· n... IHI 8 to 20' long 36C per It men 1 custom Hood. ~.. ·~...,,. e.ecri Ar• 962-81110 flower In Coit• M••• •OA···•••••••••••••••• 775-1491 enY,tme glove•, boot1e1 Elc Mull type 80 WPM, fte. MASEUSSES -Oood 1150 812·27"7 ell 8:30 xl bl• 1hlfts. Spenlell working conde. Good lfOlfllll ~·~.:::;:•ee.m c.-llUT PJllllU SURPLUS JEEPS. C•rt • pm wildyt . 8"d wilnda d IPMklng 8 +.~cell pmy. 8AM-12 noon. 2112 FULL-TIME, need exper "" Boata. M•ny Sell fOf lln· d1y 851-9303 Ult for Bev In Herbor. Coll• Me... person w/IUn eecret•rlal /mat 2 moa. old. $300 d.,. $50.00 For Info c au •--'-------- Peraonnel. ()Ont pey). (714) &45-3433 1klll1 Incl computer •••••••••••••••••••••• CALL 408/226-815& (3121831·19e1 &t 2239 ll•t•, ltn•u••I, ..... ~'/I If~ llnowtecsga IOf -ospa-lie: 3871 eat ... Culver-San JoM. CA SURPLUS JEEPS C Ju mJ -MM MEDICAL FIT Front office ce d"at, ...; ........... K.R. dlle Irvine. Fri & Sal 9 to •re· • •••• •• •• • • •• •••• ••••• The ....__, Job like It, . Ill Ml I VI J " w7 .,, """' E Boats M...., Sell , ... Un· 1 •-·~ 11 lu II e I"' ..,_. pol on. "on • o Andereon Co., Inc. Cell 5. "9ry1lllng mull 001 · -·, ""' ~~ or. rn ur ...., right ewey. 495-1060 ,__ ________ llH It f•1 IHI der $50.00 FOf Info Calf '111 PI e •'a c • 11 11 .... 111 Paul•(714)5-49-13"3 e'removlng -~hlng ... ••••••••••••••••••• (312)931-11181Ex12239 750-0121 • Men'• Prtv.te Club needs liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil goH. Child• cloth••· Ab•ndoned kitten• need 111,IM ,.., tt ltert lock• room allend•nt to llOllTAIT I.I w I ck er • • n t I q u e 1. horn ... More Info. LIYI IULLMll rv. 11111, Take cherge people operate lhoe •hlne m• • 1Jltln9-lotl. 9-24 a 25. 8 Cell 548-1305 Send eomeone you love '-1•1 Iii-1-• needed to •newer thl• chine. NHt, •bUllY 10 Secreterl•I poeltlon In Rlmrock. a beautiful bouquet ol 30 •• !.~'!~ •... ::: •..•• ~~ ed. Benefit•°"°'•' Jobe deel w/peop11. non-ectlve Newport Centtr i----------lg lovable female, Fr. helium balloon•. Perfect BEAUllFUL 20" RCA Oo- Rlght Awrt f717 E. Lin-emkr, r1ll1bte. ·Mon.Fri RHltor'e office. Front Wf.UI ,.,,. Brlerd ,to home w/fncd for •II OOClllona, Great IOf TV. 2 yr wrnty. $148. c:Oln. Anaheim. Fee 7-9 AM, 11:30-2PM. office poeltlon requlrte •• ••••••••••••••••••• yd. 498-2585 •114PM. d1c or•tlng Id•••· FrH dellverY Open Sun .. I. ••-..11 1 ti-Al7. PM. 7~-7903 Aak fOf good telephone voice. ISTATI IALI 2 14 mos. 010 t<lttlu. 673-4419 Tl/ John'• 846-1788 --typlng, S.H. a appe111n. Furn. 10011, lttme from ce. A••I elllle expe-the •0'1/S0'1 Ere. 370 brother•. Free to good 3 Pc Ht Amerlo•n Tou-BHut M11gn•vo11 ConlOle Don't believe tlll• ed. ...U rlence helpful but not Flore. In llley, Ftl, Sit. home. Cheryl 842-3881 rtattr luggegt, Incl lo one Stereo. AM/FM, 8 Irk & Don't ~~;~~1~· I Sctnty Pentyinow hlr1ng 1111nt1el. Preler local 9-5. or 980-2228· w I w h • e 11 . S f:Z 5 . tm lbl, top oond 190. 10 .. , 11 II'• for re•I. for tuhton lhowe. Exp'd. rHldent. For Interview.---------Free kitten•. 6 week•. 631· 19113 648-4308 Company need• 8W(OX preferred. 648-6 .. 44~ -e::'~ IOuhTI _._.. It· !'!fr.!!.~!!••••••• •d0<•ble. DOG RUN • 10 ft Cheln SL Cer St1teo, AM/FM 200 people to train. Be• CM. "'' • .,.... • EV'et'f1hlng trom Antlqu. 642•7225 llnll tence .• 1350. c111. IHI lo1ward rt· deck hend on • com· Needed X·R8'f Tech end Aealt~ 644-4910 to Hobby M1teritle. OAM Derllng "Benji" like M. 642·4402, 842-8029 wind APS, •u10 l'IWfM, ~cl81 lllhlno boll. Y• bed! off'loe utletanl for to &PM, •t8 Sante An• dog. Beaut. wht F. Spitz, SOiar P•nele, •II control· $130 642-478" II 1 true, ••rn blwn Orthopedic Office with ltl II .... Ave NB &42-2281 AKC, 873-8389. ,__. 1 1 $200-IOOO per ehlft, llmlted llcenH. PIT.-· r • • ' _, equ P or llOt tub or Tl 994A Home Computer Jot>e Right AW8'f 1717 E. 831•2200 Nice lrvlne ArM, 14 per • M.NJ hnlihltt llH • p • $ 1 2 0 0 Sollwue •nd lnetruc- Lincoln, Anthelm. FM. •---------• ~~~~:~I e venlng1. ••~•••••!!•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 213·2111-.2230 1'°'11. 1230. e.48-2374 DECKHANDS ..... IWn A.11 .. H ,,,, **' BlJY** WeddlngDr .... 9·10,long Sony remote 20ln 3 w•y Full lime top ~ ..,._ Exper'd only for Conv.. ltnltt lteffM • • ••,...••••••••••••••• White, Orig. 1175, now 1yelem1 tor Europe only ,.1 poaitione ope;,, Xlnl i..o.nt Ho1pltel, New-llhdMt Good uled Furnlturt & S 1 2 O • L I k • n • w . New 1750. t73-3&82 oppor1unlty, For,_ Info port Beech. Good work-Coron• del M.,, p.,t *llmLY* ~~~~ wlll 11111 759-0451 av/Wllncl• B/W TV. electrlc & bitter/ cd Jotln 631-t620 It'll condfflont Excellent time avet. 3 PM to 9 PM. .,... FIJI ... ....,1 •-Sal/Sun. Wood working operated $39. DELIVERY • beneftta. Come Md be• Mul1 have preYIOYs u · A 1 .... ,_ • ,,.....__I..._ -·-_.,.... mlChlnee. toota. lumbar. 975·'158 18 for LA .. = r.:. :.ei~ Our Ulm. Plf, St•rt Immediately. nfl...---EA ·M-;.;-K·ET-...... m..atn flatdWar• bulldlng m•t••---------1 llomea. 3 AM-I AM. l-"M•m.H.;-;aa-l...:,87:,:S-::;:22~71:_____ M I llY ftllltlll tlele 842-9271 1135 .. ,, I,,,,,., Econ car Nq. No ootleo-.... ..... S.-11 POllllonl open, UMd MetotwndlN "C3" Whittler AYI. c M, L.J_,., llone. 1•00·1480 mo n you •• • "tall• Char• Full or P-TltM. varloue ';;.ht IA!;..._ LM 9574133 New 1111 log, complete: ••• ~:-'"°'-.•••••••••••• '*"' bOnutMe. ~7 o•" ptreon who c1n 8 h 111 e . M"\ n Im um , .. ,__..' e. ~.,,v .. <>.ii dining room tllble & e eend, cryat.,., trey, log ...,,, Hlf ...... "8111/--handle • v•tMr ot otttce s 12.60t ht. For F" 1n10. 1:, ;1:;.1t111-n"ii ue>t1ot•ter.d °".., .. x1m Ho. 556-9033 •••••• •• ••••••• ...... ..._ ...... rWIOlno f(om .... call Jol'ln &31.e820 cond. '800. 5-4a.toe3. Ametlean Pool1•blt' ec-KAYAK T8d .....,, ~::'a fl/CA. nooreplly to telt •nd SNACK 8AR ....,..1_.. cauoft.. coin opp MSO 8~3~::,0::~~7 recc> dutt.., =In wrl• Cuhler/Food Prep. PAIC!8 START AT: 080 Ce" &3 1·36eo lfter l---------Oent~. "IT AM. trnoA to: ~,. o,..t 0"•"1-~ •nd "IOelnn M E R R y G o· M ti ..... _ ..... __. 2 00 15 fl llberglHI rowtno •"P· ROA, 4 • pr K "'•rlcan M•d • Ir,:>, .. " " .. • • • r... ,......,.,. • .., · dory 1500 tta·••58 1uwy ~ oflloe, Hpt 1228 I!. Balboe Blvd. •hlfte. •tut•. 8eeoll N9W fectr.fun...iect i--..,,B""'E-LT,,,_V-IB"'"AA __ T_O_A __ ottlce, 1e2.en2 ~ Ctr. "40.()300 N.9. 12111 Country Club. 53t-tMI R(Mll) Twin 177-197 Ilk• new. 17!1. ---ITOCI( Ct.IRK Outen l14MOng 1117 M2·12M '78 lrttlell S.1011" Ovt- .DENTAl AllllTANT few r911 •-,ull Om•. wiU train. top UftDS£S Sota led• 1117 boud Motor. Sliver Ot1ho oto. ~ • .,._ lvee and/or weet11nd1. P•Y· xll'lt ~unity."°' flUft Sof1 & IOve ... 111tt 011 petntlno by M1rla, l1t-c1ntury 4~HP, Xlnl perpret, N)Aor....,.._ ~llllbte eduffe, owr ••• Info oell John ..--.. •-..a.. DISCOUNT Furu.ttUAI! 09. '60. cond, reo•nlly tuned, t1f.-'400 11 wttfl ---.. _ _.___, ----. 11""" ........... ........ Ml·12M ... 90.131.otl4 tt.C.iw ~iii;e't; 831·ee20 111..,..,., coeTA'M'we3'1~ ----~-----·-.;...--------1 OINT'AI. AllllTANT wotk wttll youtll (eg" More MmlllM.,. oattlnO fllfllbltlon c.nt•. lkiotll llfl. l&I& .. ,., ,,.,.,....,, ... ~ '°' •. 10· 14). Call 2-atrM ..,. ~ "llU8" 11111 11. Green ltreet. l'AIA-Sotlcl "'°" dlnlnO teble. M~ u.. of ... ... ,,. ~ f'Ol', "'9r, Ma-4ttl, bl. Ml. Eoi )'W. If you~ 1 '*"" De.NA. 62 In, Clew Ind bell Pl-feotlltlH. llOOfl'lrm ..................... . ~, !! .. ~~ ~ , ________ ,.. per lhal'• not a•rnno • tATUN>AY 1-10 dMtll Wllrwt end at1 rat-MM 9oat C.bln• oe.anec1 c.. · .--... -· -.-Hfte IOINdWiQ to ... ? '*II. ... " !'OW wtth • IUNDAY ,.. octllOOMI SHO. tlf for trlpt A-t ref'•· .. .......,. O'a11Wld .... ito ".... c ... ltled Ad. ....l170 ... lclt "9IM ...... ,. Mt-ICMT or ••• tUO Boat picture ads provide 28' Erleaon fully ~lpped crulM. 8 ult1, UHF, compUI, covwa Perteet eondltlon s1e.soo 123-4517 Set your eourM for f11t nles with a O~lly Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Dally Piiot win otter you ad apace that not only dMcrtbel your boat. bu1 plcturee It • w.tl • The price 11 guarat\tMd to buoy your aplrlt• -$45 If we take the picture, and only S40 If you provide the pto1u,. for a • 2 column 3" ad. For further detatt1 about how Dally Pt!Ot bOat ptcturw ad• can WOfk for you and to echedule your ed, can 142·5871 and ell( tor Salty LM. COMMfll CHEVROLET X.>)l,1 • I . "'I \ ~' !146-1 20 ... llYll ,. Top doll1r1 for Sporfi C1r1, Bug1, Cempe;1, 914'1. Audl'I Alk lor U/C MGR •' ..... YtLllWllD 18711 e..ch Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEA°" Ml·ntl WllTEI! '1 Liie model Toyot••. Volvot, Pld!upt & Vant, Cell us 1odtyl .'11118 lt.11 ll!11 Hhd l'1,.,1,1 \11••11 ~lll 0,Lltl -·-· . Hlgfttet celh ~~­lor your nhlclt, 0 m11t10 or tore11 661-8295 DI Or1no• COHt DAIL v PILOT /TtH.1red1y, September 23. 1882 l&Ul-IDYIGE LIUIH 831-2040 4115-411411 Ulllll&OI IMW 28402 Margu9flt• Pkwy Mlulon VleJo (A..-.ry Ellll Ott 1·5) Open Sunday• MATCH THE NUMBERS ON T.ME MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES 0 ATLAS CHRYSLBt.n YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Cosla Mesa Tel 546·1934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway oll Harbor Blvd Complete • body shop Sates Service Parts Seiv1ce Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5 30 PM and 8 AM to 5 P M on Saturday • IEA CH IMPOll'TS 8A8 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752·0900 Call us. w" 0 the r < 1 ·'" • ' 11 ta Rr""PO P'ugeo1 Saab & M ... s.Hal 1 THEODORE ROllMS FORD Modern sales, service. parts. body. paint & tire depts Competitive rales on lease & dally rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Colla Mesa 642·0010 °' S40-&211 • JOHHSOM & SOM UMCOLH MEltCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 54~5630 57 Years of !roendly family service -Orange County s oldest Lin· coin-Mercury dealership 0 SOUTH COAST DOOGE 2888 Harbor Blvd Colla Mesa Tel 540-0330 .. v HIVICe li>aC•lhlls. custom van conver11ons MIWrORT IMPOITS 3100 W Coast Highway, Newport Buch. Tel 642·94051540· 1764 Tho Fecrar1 HeldQuarter~ NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 At the triangle ot Jambo<M. MacArthur & Briatol behind Victoria Statton Sa.les. SeN1ce. Leasing & Parts We make great deals• IOI LOMGrRE rOHTIAC 13600 Beach B lvd Westm1nst8f Tel 892-6651 Or1nge County s oldest and tergest Pon11ac dealership Safes Service Parts ·------.-0-Dml Mlllll flAT/LANCIA-MAIERS CA.DU.LAC "Probably the towest priced Fia11 in Southern Ca1tt0tnia" 2600 Harbor Btvo Coste Mesa Tet 540-9100. Orange (Localed t mile rlOfth ol South Coest Plaza County s Larges! Cadillac dealer Sales Seiv1ce Leas· near Main St and Warner Ave 1n Santa Ana ) 1ng 120 W Warner Santa Ana 557-2132 • DA YID J. rHILllrS IUIQC-'ONTIAC..MA%DA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Allele Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 fD CHICK IVERSOH rattSCHl·AUDl-VW - 415 E Coast Hwy Newport Beech 673-0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County with these three great makes under one roor1 • ALAN MAG HOH rONTIAC·SUIAIU 2480 ~rbor Blvd . Colla Mesa Tat 549-4300 Sales, Se!Vtce. La111ng Mr GoOdWrench • Cl.AHtC AUTOMOlll.11 7&5 Newton Way, Cotta M .... Tel.131·1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIALTY" XK 120'1 I 140'a I 160'a I !·TY.PM I XJ'a e• -S.vloe -Aeltoratlona Off Placentia bet)lwMn 17th I 11th In Cotta Meea • SAHTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street. Santa Ana Tai 558·781 t Your Or1g1nal Dedicated Datsun Dealer • . MIRACLE MAIDA we·.,. movedl Our new location 1s 1425 Baker Street. Costa Mes. Tel 545.3334 Stop by & v1s1t our brand new showroom and see why we re the II 1 Mazda dealer 1n Soutn.,tn Cahforn11 Sales, Seiv1ce Parts and Leasing • AMAHllM MAZDA "~o.c...._..,..,_ wllll ""~-"-c...·· 60t S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim 956-1 820 Just north of Santa Ana Frwy on Anaheim Blvd Call us 11~t1 WE ARE HARO TO FlN~UT WORTH tTI • SADDUIACK IMW /SUIAllU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy . AVfKY Pk'W exit Wt ofl84' what no bank or lease company can 1 Expertly 1tlffed. moat moderrraervlee l part1 dept • 2 One of me Soutn11nd a mo1t 11eparleneed aalft & leasing staff, 3 Elimination of the middleman bY' l••lng dealef direct 831 ·2040 M1111on Vleo 4"·4fM9 FOR FURT'HER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP . • ' . I .. COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-6410 Sen,.ng Orange Counly for 16 years 1 Mite So 405 SUNSET FORD, IHC. (Horne of Wtlhe the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd Westminster Tel 636-4010 OIANOECOUNTYVOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd . Garden Grove Tel. 530-9190 Exclusively Volvo to cover ell your Volvo requirements New•Used•Seles•Laaslng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop Freeway close In the heart of Orange County at Garden Grove Bt\/d. & Brookl'turSt o~ COHMRL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd • Co1t1 Mesa. Oller 20 years seiv1ng Orange County! Sales. lea11ng, NrV1ce Call 546·1200, special perts hne S46·9400, body shop llne. 7S4-04C" 0 ROY CARVER ROUS ROYCl-IMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Newpcn Beach 640-6444 Sales, Seiv1ce P1rts And Leasing a COllMllll DeLILLO CHIYllOLET W '(Formefty Groth Chewo!etl 11211 IMcl't Btv• .. Hunll1\9ton ee.eh New . UMd. Salee. IAealnO. Par1a . S8Mee Come by and '" our Huge Inventory! 84 7.e<>87 &4t· 1 --.. __ ,_. __ _ r111msoAY Sll'lt MUI II} I l 'lhi Obstacle course Surf er mane uvers around metal structure about l 00 yards off Huntington Beach shoreline. Divers are using the structure as a platform as they attempt to repair a leaking water line leading to platform Emmy~ an offshore drilling rig owned b y Aminoil USA. Disabled athlete • • ln SW-1111 By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tt. o.lly Not • ..., Amputee athlete Tom Clardy, who works at a Huntington Beach sporting goods store, said he plans to set off late today on a 21-mile swim from Catalina Ialand to Cabrillo Beach near San Pedro. • For Clardy. 37, the athletic challenge will cap a long, difficult comeback from the days he spent as a suicidal patient at a Utah Veterans Administration hospital. "I'm not supposed to be working out at all today," he said Wednesday. "But I'm going to anyway. I'm too nervous not to." Clardy, who resides in Fullerton, spent some time in the surf at Corona del Mar State Beach on Wednesday preparing mentally and physically for the swim. He said he plans travel to Catalina Island tonight, plunge into the water at about 8 p.m. and arrive at Cabrillo Beach by noon Friday. Clardy was prepared to make the swim one year ago but could not arrange for an escort boat. He feared that the current swim might be called oH when his present escort boat developed serious engine trouble this week. Rather than delay the feat again, Clardy said he has rented a boat for $1 ,000 o accompany him on the swim. A former police officer and Navy frogman, Clardy was hit by a car during a skiing excursion in 1974. His right leg was amputated at the knE?e . Movement In his left leg was pennanently impaired. 110111111 IUU / llllllll llllO OHANGl COUN J Y C Al If OHNIA 25 ClNTS Coast colleges., <;BS sign pact for TV courses Communications giant CBS • Inc. and the Coast Commmnity College District have signed a $2.4 million agreement to produce and market fl ve television courses targeted for colleges and universities nationwide as well as cable television companies and videotape distributors. Repreeentatives from the local college district and CBS hailed the contract Wednesday as a landmark agreement linked to the revolutllon in video technology and the growing market for adult education. The pact comes at a time when Coast district administrators are embroiled in a dispute with some faculty members over the quality of television courses. The district includes Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, Golden W est College in Huntington Beach and Coastline College, which offers classes at numeroU'.$ locations. The district also owns KOCE Channel 50, located on the Golden West campus. The district is deacribed as the nation's leading producer o{ television courses. These have been used by more than 900 colleges and universities. Under the agreement, CBS I.a Investing $2.4 million to cover the cost.a of producing the five telecouraes. The district will provide personnel tp design, produce (at KOCE) and help market the counea. The couraes to be produced under the CBS agreement are anthropology, photography. cooking, microcomputers .and marketlna. . Accompanying text.I and study guides will be printed by CBS Educational a nd Profesalonal Publlshing. The courses are to be compl eted and ready for marketing by September 1984, according to CBS and the district. Coast a nd CBS wlJJ share equally in revenues derived from marketing the courses to colleges and universities. CBS will derive a higher percentage from sales involving cable companies, secondary school placement, video cassettes and video discs. "We'll both make money," Coast district Chancellor Norman Watson said. He contended that the district has never lost money on any teleoourse produced. Ray Ashton, vice president and edltor-in-chief of CBS' College (Set COLLEGE, Page AZ) Waste plan due .change By STEVE TRIPOLI Of ttle D.., l"llot lteff considerations included road safety and the ability of raids to handle trucks carrying the mat.eriala, he said. A proposal that would allow the transportation of radioactive wastes on three major Orange County freeways may be The plan, which has attracted changed before it is put into criticisi:n from almost ~ of the effect its sponsors said areas It affects, was aimed at Wednesday. finding the "safest. most feasible The proposal, part of r'\~utes"fo_rmovingthematerials, statewide plan, was authored b)_' ~ arker said. the California Highway Patrol Though medical and Industrial with assistance from state radioactive waste wi.ll be among transportation officials and the those carried, the biggest nuclear power industry. potential producer of radioactive It caJls for use of the Santa waste locally is the San Onofre Ana, Costa Mesa and Riverside nuclear power plant. Material freeways, all roads that run from that plant had been through heavily populated areas, transported into San Diego as routes for trucks carrying the County and across the desert on materials. four 1980 tripe to a disposal site Though densely populated in Illinois. areas were not "favored by th06e 0fficia1 s of Southern who drew up th e p I an s California Edison Co., wh.ich population was just one factor operates the plant located JUSt used in drawing up the CHP's south of ~e Or~nge-San Diego final proposal, according to Dan County hne, said Wednesday Parker of the CHP. Other they anticipate no shipments from the site until the early 1990s, when on-site waste storage areas become full. After that time, said Edison's nuclear fuel supply manager, John Ladesich, as many as two· shipments of waste per week could leave the plant by truck. Ladesich stressed, however, that Edison currently is lean.ink toward a plan to remove all its wastes from the plant by rail, a proc:ea that is faster, cheaper and would require only about six shipments a year. Parker said h earings around the state are bringing local concerns about the CHP plan to light, a,nd that those con_cerns may alter the plan eventually. "We certainly don't think we have a monopoly on knowledge -that's why we're holding the hearings," he said. (See NUKE, Paie AZ> Two held in Valley rent scaID Fountain VaUs.Y police have arrested two men who allegedly tried to rent a local four-bedroom home to 16 different tenants to obtain $1,700 in preliminary payments from each. Officers said the two allegedly w te working a familiar scheme that t.ies into the current shortage of rental hous ing and the prevailing high rents. Placed in Orange County Jail on suspicion of grand theft, fraud and criminal conspiracy were Gary Richard, 36, of Ronan, Mont., and Allen L. Carlson, 28, of Apache Junction, Ariz. Fountain Valley police Sgt. Vic Deutsch said the two were restaurants near Orange .Coun(y Airport. Deutsch said officers found that the two men each carried business cards bearing their photograph and the same phony name -David R. Hall. He said the men possessed documents indicating they had set up appointments to meet 16 prospective renters at the restaurant. The two men had earlier rented a Fountain Valley home with four bedrooms, a pool and fireplace and then had placed a newspaper ad offering to rent the home for $695 per month, which is significantly below going rates, Deutsch said. first and last month's rent, plus security and key deposits, according to Deutsch. The two even employed an answering service in Arizona to field calls to their "office," he said. Several prospective tenants were skeptical of the low rent. however, and contacted Fountain Valley police. After receiving several calls about the home, officers arranged to m onitor the restaurant transactions. Police arrested the two men after confirming that they were renting the sa me home to different people, Deutsch said. I After a period of depression in .__ the Utah hos ital, ~Y slooJa batt e s way ac to k arrested Tuesday afternoon .L.-.--·•:...-,.., __ r a .. A~ ... • _..1 .. • while they were concluding "•••p~•t-tit8~1ann'9U-to-&Wlm '41-----a.--r~a~n~a~c"""'O'fiW with separate San Pedro from Catalina today. prospective tenants at two The men allegedly set up appointments with 16 prospective tenants, urging each to bring a C98hie•'• check-(~ $1,- 700. which they said would cover He said officers recovered the deposit.I and found that the men were carrying 16 separate rental contracts and 16 keys that would 00*--Mve-worMd at . (See G~V, Page A%) Valley to increase trash pickup fees Fountain Valley home and buslne11 owners face blghet monthly trash. collection fees beginning ln Ociober. Romeownera currently paying $3.98 per month for refuse collection will pay $6 .97, bealnning Oct1 11. Commercial and industrial charges vary a«ordlng to tht' size of the refwie blrw u8ed and the number o( pickup•. But city comptroller Howard Longballa .. ld the commercial-Industrial rate• are increa1ln1 by an average of 11.6 percent. effective Oct. 1. (Thi.s percentage does not include the new county gate fees.) The new refuse fees, approved Tueeday by the Fountain Valley City Council, ref,lect Increased charges by Rainbow Disposal. which contnlete '° plck up local trash, plus the lmpoeition of gate fees at county landflllt and transfer atatlona where the> trash I.a taken. In the new rwidentlal charp, $3.80 wlll .10 to Rainbow (up from the pf'e9ent $3.40). INDEX I At Your Service F.rma Bambeck Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Death Notices . F.dltorial Entertainment ttoroecope Ann Landers Movies Public Notices Sporta Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Televi.alon Thea ten 'Weeth« World Newt , A4 82 C4-5 B2 04-8 .86 04 A6-7 C6·7 B2 B2 C6-7 D2·3 Cl-3 B2 c~ B8 C6-7 A2 A3 Valley home. Shell blast 'like atoni bomb' • MARTINEZ (AP) -A bla?.e with flames shooting more· than 500 feet high from a Shell OU refinery explosion that police say looked and IOWlded "like a small atomic bomb" was under control today. Windows in ,at least four homes a half-mile from the maaaive complex were blown ou' by the force of the explo1lon Wednesday nl1ht, accordlna to police In Martinez., 20 miles northeast of San Francisco. Bulldlnas were ahaken for several mile• around and the blast was heard elfht mllea away. No lnjuriet were reported In the k'ddent and pollc.-e credited the "excellent work" of the Shell firefighters in bringing the flames under control quickly. A small fire C01'1tinued today as the raidue of oU burned off, officials •id. "MOit of the refinery I.a kind of automatlcally controlled and most of the operaton are quite a distance" from the scene. aald Shell spokesman o.n Glaze. Another Shell official, Joe Sneed, uld the explosion aps-ently OC'CW'ftd In a piece of equipment called a catalytic: feed hydro treater, which removu lmpurt\Jet from oU. The s-n of the plant where the blut occurred proce1K1 .,me 80,000 barrels of light oil each day, he said. Witnesses said a brilliant oraJ\le fluh lit up the sky at 9:~ p.m.. followed by an enormous rumble and fountains of flames. "I saw the light of the exploaton before I heard l,!..'' Mid Martinea senior patrolman Chuck Steele. "lt wu lJke • snall atomic bomb. It wa1n't mu1hroom-shaped but It WH hup. The flamea were at IHlt ~ tQ 600 feet h1-h, w.-y over the iowtr whJch,lt 100 feet. And there were clnden or .,a like fireworks." 8tftle Mid a d"5' theriff told hlm he'd belt\ about (lee UFINERY, Pa1t ) . J 1 .. '\ High scho,QIS forum topic A community forum on\ the future of area high schools will be held Satwday from 9 a.m. to noon at Marina High School cafeteria. 15871 Springdale Ave., Huntington Beach. Trustees of the Huntington Beach Union High School District will b e asking community members how the distric.t should spend its •A four-week program on women's fashions featuring advice on how to dress according to one'• personal style, will be held Saturdays at Golden West College. Fashion consultahta Waneta Ha rlow and R ick i Van Hoorebeke will conduct the sesmons from 10 a.m. to noon • A lOK run and 5K walk are scheduled Saturday, Oct. 9 in Huntingto n Beach. Proceeds will go into the attempt to. preserve the Bolsa Chica marshlands. The two events. sponsored by the Amigos de Bolsa Chica environmentalist • Capt. John W. Kinnier will relieve Capt. James R. Wiilia ms as commanding officer of the ·seal Beach Naval Weapons Station in ceremonies Sept. 27. W illiams will go to Wave watch . . continues Seal Beach officials kept a close watch for heavy waves in the Surfside Colony throughout the night and today as Hurricane Olivia posed a threat to the troubled area. A city spokeswoman said homes have escaped flooding and damage. She said the threat seemed to be easing and that the city was informed this morning that the hurricane was losing intensity. Nevertheless, heavy Navy equipment was reported moving sand In front of the expensive homes that have been threatened by high tides starling ::everal weeks ago. money and, for priortUet1 for school programs. Decisions wll 1 affect students at Edison, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Marina, Ocean View and W estmi nster comprehensive high schools plus Wintersburg continuation high school and the guidance center. in Administration Room 13] on the Huntington Beach campus. The first session Is scheduled this Saturday. Topics will Include dresalng for body proportions, building a wardrobe and basic modeling skills. Registration fee for the four -week program is $35. organization, wlll start at 8:30 a.m. at Bolsa Chica State Beac h at Pacific Coast Highway and Warner Avenue. There will be a $10 entry fee. Registration statts at 7 a.m. the day of the race. Washington, D.C. as director of undersea warfcµ-e systems after commanding the. station for 23 months. Kinnier has been assigned to duty in Washington for the last eight years. NUKE • • • From Page A1 At a Los Angeles hearing last weekend, Orange County Rep. Jerry Patterson. D-Garden Grove, was among local people expressing opposition to the current plan. · If the CHP changes its plan as a result of the current round of hearings there will be more hearings in t.qe affected areas before a .final decisJon on new roulP.S ls reached, Parker said. Even without changes -and that was characterized by Parker as an "unlikely" po&ibility -no new plan can go into effect until at least the beginning ot next year. he said. Beirui blasted before ceremony BJCJltU'I'. l..ub1mon (AP) - E.xploalona roc:kt>d C hrlallan· populated eaat Beirut today about two fiouni before Prettdent Amin Otmayel WH 1worn In. Authorities l&Jd tho bluta were at an ammunhlon dump and radJOI reported at leut 38 people were lntured. 'l'he expl<>11lon1 were at an a.rma depot where the Lebanele army atored ton.a of Soviet-made rocketa hauled out of Palestine Liberation Organization centers in west Beirut, prosecutor- General Aasaad Germanoe said. Military officials said the first explosion was set off when a shell being unloaded from an army truck went off, causing a chaln reaction. · For about an hour, the area resounded with explosions as people ducked for cover trom the whizzing rQckets and several buildings were on fire. A woman who escaped the area was screaming, "The military, the military, why do tht'y put It 1.unonti the• JX'<>PI<'?" Germanoe wld reporwr• the bwt oc'Curred at an army depot In the ol-Ab..'<:1 Squ&&re near the S l n e 1 I'' 1 I r e • 1 d e n t I a 1 neighborhood of ca.al Beirut ..at 9:45 a .m . (12:45 a.m. POT). ~he area ls rfear the Green Line that divides Beirut Into Moslem ond Chriatian secton. Germanos aald 28 pa88ers-by were hurt but Chrh1tian radio stations gave the names of 38 people It said were Injured. F.arlJer, police reported "several" wounded but said the~e were no deaths. The explosions sent a black cloud of smoke billowing skyward and debris scattered over a wide area. It was not immediately clear what caused the explosion. Lebanese radio stations said civil defense workers with loudspeakers lSlared warnings to people telllng them to stay off streets around the stricken area as ambulances converged to treat the injured. ~\ •' Continued stories COLLEGE TV CONTRACT. • • Publishing divi sion, said population studies indicate the traditional college age group. 18 to 25, will decrease by 15 percent by 1990, while the number of adults over 35 will increase by 40 percent during the period. He said this older age group is demonstrating a strong appetite for continuing education. "People are getting' much more serious about spending some of their I e isure time in learning," he said. Ashton said faculty objections to television courses have occurred elaewhere in the United States and said he is not worried about reviews of Coast television courses. "I happen to think the Coast district is one of the best in the c ountry from design t.o marketing (of telecourses,)" he said. Phillis Basile, president of the American Federation of Teachers chapter representing full-time Coast district instructors, said the group has no specific objections to the CBS contract. But she said some Coast teachers remain conce,rned about the district's diversion of attention to nationwide televisibn course production while cutbacks continue In classroom instruction resources. Basile also raised questions about how many credits would be granted for television~ that will conalat of 26 to iO viewing hours, plus written assignments, testing and instructor consultation. REFINERY BLAST. .. -..:. 500 yards from the refinery when the force of the explosion "bounced him back against the wall." The deputy was unhurt, Steele said. "A lot of buildings all' over town shook." Steele said. "But -the oniy damage we heard about was a lot of windows broken in four homes about a quarter-mile from the refinery." GUTSY ... Delly Piiot l'tloto bJ U.. ~llJM Up, up a nd away Cathy Gilchrist o f Laguna Beach , shown swinging in the sunset a t Laguna's Main Be1tch, lefi)ls a to uch of action to what a ppears to h~rwise deserte d playgroun d. With the sun selling earlier each day, Cathy's summer re laxation will .soon he a m emor . .,,.. Crash victiill wins case against bar A former Orange Coast CoUege student from Costa Mesa - seriously injured in a traffic accident in 1978 -has won a $1.88 million judgment against an Anaheim bar which served drinks to the driver of the car which struck her bicycle The verdic t in favor o f 27-year-old Michelle Daily was reached Wednesday in Orange County Superior Court Judge Leonard Goldstein's courtroom after a day of deliberations. that Kano's Restaurant and L o unge in Anaheim was negligent for serving drinks to Richard Morris, the driver of the vehicle which s truck Daily's bicycle from behind Sept. 15. 1978. .J The at'Cident occurred at about 2 a .m . as Daily was riding home from her pb at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. She suffered serious leg injuries which her attorney. Charles O 'Reilly, said would still require costly medical treatment m commg years. High clouds· due health. He has participated in local swimming contests and competes each winter in a handicapped skllng tournament. He works in the diving and ski equipment departments at the Sport Chalet store in Huntington Beach. Though it was substantially less than the $3.5 million which Dailey sought , her attorney said the award was a "reasonable amount.'' The jury, after hearing five weeks of testimony. determined O'Reilly also said that his client's prospects of~finding employment were damaged because the leg injuries. though treated through corrective surgery. led to ~urvature of her spine. Coasta I lncr•Ulng high cloudln•n. Highl <9n,g1ng from upper 70. at lh• beach•• to 10• Inland. T onlghl 11Wiabl9 hiOI\ cloudl,_ l O w I 6 5 t O 7~ \ F r I d a y : Conald•rtbl• high cloudlneu. High• ranging from upper 70. •t bMCri. to 80s Inland. Ov•r oul•r co•ll•I wal•ra nofl1-t wind• 10 10 20 knot• with 3 to 5 fool combined -decrHtlng tonight and Friday EIHwh9fe, fight varl•bf• wlndt night and morning houra becoming '°"1"-' 10 _, a 10 f IS knob In att.rnoon and ev.llng houra today and Friday ,SOUlh-t aweflt lncTNtlng to 2 10 4 twt by 1a1e today continuing :inrouon Fflday. 1Calif o r n i a Oceett.fronl 'prop911y ow.tleft alOf'll 90UUl-flldng bMdMMI -· wwned 10 ~ IOf' hlgtl -today. Friday and ponlbly llrougll the wetelend If Humcane OIM• dOHn't ·die down, the NalloMI WMth« s.mc. uld The tiumc--teal ~ by the -"-t«Wle ltboul 750 mllH .outh ol San Diego on Wedn••d•y. dac;rea1lng In lntent!!Y • It moved towwd th9 t and non"-1 at 14 knoll. Mid -the< Mrvtc. IC>9l;lalllt ~ - H9 Hid 5-10-8-foot brMker• alOl'IJ NUttt-f~ bMcMI -· upecied 1od1y 1nd Frld•Y, noting IMC ~ .,_ exp9Cted to t>e "' .,. &ante Monlc:a. Long 8MetlencS~. "If Olhlla 1lall• out •net d9ge1Mlf-lneo • tropleal •toml .,,.,. .... lie • ~ IUbelldlng, .. ThelmQIOn Mic( "Bui If It 1111111 mowing more northward H I ~"*'It wMI oonllnue IM awe acllo" through th• encl." . OIMe -mOlllng et mulmvm epMda ot 110 knot• with gut1y wind• !'fl to f25 knotl. II wH _,....., '° .,.... In Int.,., • " ,....., ...... ccMdar ........ he MIO. ''Now • tile !Ima for per.one wtm ooe.n..fl Olll ~ llMll .. ~eo-. to~ lelliio proteeM ,_,,_, .. llle weafllet aetwl•• uld In • ......... todey. Hll h tide• 11 Lo• An9elH Hlll>Ot wefe fOflCH t !Or thll ~ ..... ., ... .... -.... e11••~o1Gdl.ii ... _ ... foreceet ftlr~o..t lou111ern c.....,... '"'°""' ,,ldey wfftl ..,..,.,ehirft '" Ille .... °""' v~ ~--, ... ~L"A~Ofl ,,._, Ille ...,. IO_. H-to·t=r~ ""'" '°. with nOf'lhe<n iieMrt high• lrom 95 to 100 •nd tow d9Mr1 highs of 100 to 108 L...-... HllnllnOton llliffl Hunt::T:...., ..,,.. ""-Jelly 40ttl ,, Newpott 22ftCI ... Newport ..... --.. e:: .., °""""* Pier ,,......, (T·"'-'l :=. 24" , .... " 3-4" .3" 1·2" ..... " 24 It 24" 21" I· " f-3 It .... ..... g:_:,d fair ,.., po« po« fOOd fOOd ·~d .. A ..... T-. .. ee . ., .., ., . ., ... ... ... .. .. Rein& Snow £:!» Showers. Flun'les Tides 05 70 IOIJ 12 51 03 ISO HM 00 70 11 ee 107 70 &e 04 52 a 12 ,,.,, 7·411.m. 2:4t p "'· 11:07 pm litn "' .. toda't II .... p mu tteea ,,...._ It '''' • m Moon ""' todlY •• 12:42 p "' • aouJ:.'OW: HIOfl Tide 2:•• p.m.i Low Tldt 7:4t 1.m.1 IWlll Olnlctlon .... 11 11 p.m. • Storekeeper Mo nte ~es is w earing our pure 1'tetland w ool argyle V-neck sw eat er. The return of a classic, w hich features a four color diamond intarsia knitted w ith primary colors of navy, camel, grey or yellow . 81nkAmtric1rdJMnter Ch1rgt V.Wldlff~ • • 1028 lrv1M. Ntwport Beach. C1lifomi1. Phone 642·7061 .... • • t ) Orange Coaat DAIL V Pll.OT /Thureday, Septambef 23. 1982 HB Al NATION HB man to face murder t1'ial Inflation rate 3.3o/tJ WASHINGTON (AP) Fallin& loud and aiasollnt- prlcea beld lnCll1tlon to an annual rate ot 3.3 pert.-ent In August, the 1mallest rlae In four months, the government said today. Prices moderated acroes the board, except for medical care, the only component In the Labor Department's Con1umer Price lndt>x that hu risen 11ubst.antinlly every month thl11 ycM. Largtly re1ponslbll' for Augulil 'a 0 .3 percent seasonally adjusted monthly increase were the 0.1 percent decline posted for gasoline prices and the 0.3 percent fill.I In food costs. Railroad s trike ending WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan says he signed legislation ordering striking railroad engineers back to work to ''protect the jobs of our people," but still thinks the government should stay out of labor-management negotiations. Within hours at ter the decree became law, union officials said they would comply, thus ending a four- day strike that had shut moat of the natioa's rail system. They said they expected most s triking engineers to resume work at the beginning of their next shift. ·Raise nixed for military WASHINGTON (AP) - Legislation that would authorize a 4 percent pay boost for members of the armed forces has been turned down in the House. Wednesday's 214-186 vote on the measure, which was brought to the floor under an expedited procedure that STATE permitted no amendments, was 53 short of the two-thirds margin needed for approval. The bill must either be redrafted by the House Armed Services Committee or sent to the Rules Committee, which will set procedures under which it may be considered again. Belushi hearing slated LOS ANGELES (AP) -A county grand jury will begin 'hearing test.imony Tuesday in the dru~-overdose death of "Saturday Night Live" comic John Belushi, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner reported today. But the newspaper said it was unlike ly that grand jurors will be asked to return an indictment. Inst ead, the Herald Examiner said, prosecutors decided to go before the grand jury hoping to force reluctant witnesses to discuss events leading to Belushi's death. The 33-year-old comedian died of a dru~ ove rdose Marc h 5 in a bungalow behind the Chateau Marmont hotel in Hollywood. Bills now law SACRAMENTO (AP) - New laws will give tax breaks to computer software firms and World Airways, require prisoners to work for tame off sentences, and enable banks to buy shopping centers. Other bills among the dozens signed Wednesday by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. require the Public Utalities Commission to monitor large WORLD utility construction projects, forbid children Crom riding ln the back of trucks, and add two Legislature -named members to the ' Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. In addition, the Democratic governor signed a package of crime bills at a press conference in Los Angeles. Soldiers suspicious? don't worry." By OA VIO K TZMANN OftM Diii~ ""-1 t 1an A Huntlnatun lic1tL'h m•n lll't'Ulll'CI or h klnti to Uf'lith his l'ltrunait-d wlft. nd her moth r In \twlr Sunny('rt.'ll Dravu home an June hi.ut bf'\·n ordt•rt-d t.o awnd trial on death J>(•nalty ch~rf(l._ oC murder, robbery ond burgl¥/Y· Following ca nurly two-day prellmlnury ht:uring, Wea\ Orange County Municipal Cour( Judge William L . Mock ruled Wednesday there was aufticie:nt evidence t o order defendant Rene Florl'n Dayco, 41 , to face trial. The sJeodcr mechanic's helper Is charged with two counts of murder, two of robbery and one of bl\rglary. He also faces mul trple special circumstance allegations which rould lead to imposition of the death penalty if he is convicted. Judge Mock ordered Dayco to Prayer pays dividend? SANTA CRUZ (AP) -As Stanton Powers stood and prayed, the automatic teller machine continued to add. He watched his bank balance rise from $1.17 to $1 ,600. Early the next morning, Powers had $4.4 million "Mr. Powers' very simple contention is that he prayed for the money and his prayers were answered," attorney Marcello DiMauro said Wednesday. "If you (God) can turn water into wine and bread into fish," said DiMauro, scrambling the Bible a bit, "you should be able to put $4 million into somebody's account." But officials at the County Bank of Santa Cruz say they're not ready to accept the conversion of a Santa Cruz artist on a Social Security disability income into a millionaire. Bank president Reese Davis says his lawyers are investigating the incident. The night of Sept. 7, the 39-year-old pen-and-ink artist peere'd at his balance in the automatic teller, "And before hi! eyes, it Increased to $26 and $201 and $600 and $1 ,600 while he was st.anding and looking at his balance and praying or meditating.'' DiMauro said. Powers went home, but unable to sleep, returned to the bank at 5:30 a .m . and "discovered his balance was an excess of $4 mlUion,'' DlMauro saad. A bank officer suggested that Powers -not God -had punched tn spurtoas deposils. Powers denied it. "If the money belongs to the bank, I'd like to see them keep It," DiMauro said. ''But I'd Uke to see them prove it." b(• 1H1 ulw1wc..I Oc·t 4 bltori· Supt•rlor C:ourt J uc..l.it• Lula Cordt•fl" In S1rnt.-Ana Tht• dttCNtdttnt will i:ontlnuc to be.> held whhuut ball at th Orange County Joli Duyt'O 111 ot'('U~-d of kllllna Is l'lltr1m(lt•cJ wlfo. Shlrlt•>' Day\.~, 27, unc.l hPr mother. Amcll'G Harbulak, 66, June 14 In the Huntington &ach home whtirt• th<' wOml·n llv\-d with tht' Dayco couplt>'t thret' youn1 chtldren. The defendant waa urrHted In Rosa.rito Beach, Mexico, two days after police (llacovercd the mutilated bodies or the WQmen In a bedroom of the home a.t 14962 Sunnycrest Lane. l'he three children we re found unharmed with Day''O In Mexico. Police confiscated a number of bloody knives, ineluding a meat cleaver, from the trunk 0£ Dayco's Pontiac Flrebird automobile. A c ,·ord1na to tutlmony 'fu<'!ldoy, the df'(t•ndunt '» 1111Wr· In-low aald Dayco <:onf t• ~ tu hM June 14 that he killed hit wlCt•, &ppi6rentJy be<.'owic 1he was IK't'lna another man Th<> wltn\'11.11, Lui C&ar&abaJ ot San Dlcao. anld Day~ c~m t.o ht•r home a\ about 4 a.m. and told her he had 11 "bll( problem." According to the woman, It waa the custom of men from tho Philippine Islands where ahe end Dayco grew up to beat and kill their wives It they went out with other men. Dayco and his wife had been separated about a month. During that time, the defendant Jived with a friend and his family in Temple City. That friend, Paulino Ventura, testified Wednesday that Dayco apparently left his home the night of the slayinga and returned in the early morning Make-believe disaster While it a ppears this .. victim" is dead, she got up a nd walked away following a multi-hospita l di aster drill at Dohen y State Beach P ark Wednesday. The county £ire d e pa rtme nt a nd (our south county hospitals, a long with 76 student volunteers, responded to the cena rio o( a plane crash o nto the c rowded picnic area . TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) - A Tel Aviv newspaper today quoted two Israeli soldiers stationed near the Chatilla refugee camp in Beirut as saying they suspected Palestinians were being The Haaretz said its reporter was approached by the soldiers outside the camp and told that on Thursday evening several Palestinian women ran out of Chatilla crying hysterically that their child r en were being butchered. Police rescue kidnapped girl massacred there but were told by superiors: "It's all right, Quarantine extended Kidnappers who held a Vietnamese 11-year-old captive for 27 hours reportedly had plans to execute the Santa An.a girl if police intervened, oCficers said after rescuing her late Wednesday. Anh Dao Thi Nguyn was found bound and gagged, but unharmed, in a bedroom of an Anaheim home. Five persons were arrested including a man standing ~uard outside the bedroom who was overpowered by police. officers said. SAN SALVADOR , El Salvador (AP) -The army quarantined a mud-covered neighborh ood strewn with rotting corpses following a flood which claimed at least 313 lives there. Interi o r Ministry spokesman Orrego Candray, explaining the arrrl¥'s action, said Wednesday hhat the decomposing bodies in the Montebello neighborhood has caused an outbreak of a viral infection known as parvovirosis. Nguyn was grabbed by two men Tuesday while walking to achoo!. Police said the kldnappen later cont.acted the girl's mother, demanding 200 ounces of gold for We1re Listening ••• MC)t>dey-FnC11y II ,,Ou 00 no! -"°"" -or ) 30 o "' c111 o.fute 1 pm and "°"' copy '11111'111 t>e ._.,...,eo SM_,, •no Svno1r 11 "°" oo r.o< =~ ,r::.. c:.: ~. ~=y"'...11C:.: -~eel What do you like about the Dally Pilot? Whal don't yoµ llke? Call the number below and your message will ,be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answerin1 service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors mu1t include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation t'alls. please Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 ORANGE COAST ClHtlftH tdweftlltftf 1141142-1171 Daily Pilat Th•ma1 P. Hai.y Pub!•"-ond Ch .. t bteVi••• Oflteer Jane Amari f•KUliv• Ed1IQI' l Kay Schulta Viet r1t1;denl ~ ond 0..telOI of Ad•er111~ MkhMI P. Horv•y OweefOf ol Mor••t"'V IC• c.iiol IOl'I Thomas A. Murphlne fd•IOt Raymond Mad.eon Controhl Konnoth N. Gocfdatd Jt. 0...ctOt of ()eerO!tOftt All other d9pe'1rMnt• M2~321 • MAIN CWfla •w ... ~M .C•t•-.C• Mell .............. c .... -.c ... -. c ........ ""Or ..... c .... ~'*'"" .. c-. ... -· ...... '"'*' ... " "'" .... ' "'""'., ... VtnlM-11 Mrtlll "' .. M r.Mll( .. wftMWI Nt<Mll .. mllttlell ef <tltYtlelll tw- VOL. 71. NO. - I! l the girl's safe return. Offit'ers ~aid the mother followed the kidnappers ' instructions on where to take the ransom late Wednesday while poUce followed her car. Officers said they were about to give up when a car began flashing its lights at the vehicle being driv_en by the _mother. I Police said they arrested two men who told authorities where the girl was being held. After the successful rescue, Sant.a An.a officers said they now believe that the' alleged kidnappers had been stalking the 11-year-old for several days. believing that her family was wealthy. huu,.. with what •r,s-•rid Lo a,.• blood It.Min on a 1h rt 11..w and • brub<• on hi Cacn The defond•nt'1 thr~ children were with him, Ventura nid, and Dayro hurn<'dly p&i.eked hJt belongang11 und Id\. "l aaked him wh ·re he wu golna . . >.. for aa I know, he jull aald somewhere," the wltneu aald. . Ventura • dentlfl d a meat clt'uver 11el:r:ed by police from Dayco'• car as being one he had owned Prose(·utor aryan· Brown alleged th.at Dayt'O took the meat cleaver Crom Ventura's h~ and drove to Huntington Beach to klll hls wife. The burglary charge agairut Dayco involves his allegedly breaking into his estranged wife's house on June 14 and tM robbery counts allege he stole the contents of his victims' punes Bradley to fight drilling S A N FRANCISCO (AP) Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, whose campaign for governor has received lukewarm support from environmentaliala, says he'lJ protect sensitive portions of the California cout from oil drilling. However, the Democrat aaid Wednesday he would allow development a long the 88' percent of the coast that is not environmentally sensitive, a position that irke d a representative of the nation's largest conservation organization . Bradley, who leads Republican state Attorney General George Deukmejian in recent polls, said the Interior Department's coaalal leasing propaeal would amount to a ''wholesale giveaway" of about a billion offshore acres. "Secretary of Interior Watt's proposal to put up for sale our moat precious resource -l billion acres of offshore tract& - is, In my judgment, a mo1t irresponsible proposal," said Bradley In a press conference at the Cliff House as fog shrouded Seal Rocks below. "We are not o pposed .to all offshore oil drilling," he explained. "To give you an example. I think only 12 percent of the whole coas tline of California has been found to be environmentally sensitive, and therefore must be protected. It is that region we're most concerned about." Asked if drilling should be permitted in the other 88 percent, he said: "Yes, we have no objection to the rest of it.\• Bradley said he sought to protect "only 24" of the 163 tracts proposed for developmen t in Southern California as he "led the fight" against offshore drilling there. The candidate declined to specify where he would allow drilling and where he would. oppose it, but said there would be protected areas all along the state's 1,000-mile coast. Environmentalists have been waiting for Bradley to take a position on offshore drilling and on the so-called Bottle Bill· Initiative on November's ballot. HO C:I Consumer cost ratio declines By Tbe A1~lated Pre11 Con•umer price• in the 1..09 An1elt-•·Oranac CoWl.ty area edaed down ln Augutt, coeled primart)_y by declining mortsage, food and appat11J cost.a, the U.S. Labor Department Aid ~y. The aMual lnf~tJon rate dipped t.o 5.2 ptrcc>nt - It.I loweat level In nln year•, 14.id Jim Wurth, a researcher for the Labor Department'• Bureau of Labor Si.nda.rda In Los Angelea. Pricee were down by O. l percent for the month and 0.3 percent for two monthll, he said. S t ock split approved The board of direct.ors of Naugles Inc. of Fuller ton has approved a 4-for-3 aplit of the &ompany'• common a tock. . The distribution IS payable Oct. 29 to shareholders of record Oct. 4. For the year ended June 30, net income was $2,· 375,000, equal to 85 cents per share, vs. $930,000, or 37 cents per share, in fiscal 1981. Naugles Inc. operates a chain of 122 drive. through restaurants in California. Nevada. Utah, Missouri, Illinois and Kansas. Glendale cuts l~an rate Glendale Federal has announced a drop in it.fl mortgage lending rate to 13 ~ percent on single-family home loans. This move reflects the overall trend of declining interest rates nationally. Fluor sales decrease Short interest sales of Fluor Corp. of Irvine stock decreased between Aug. 13 and Sept. 15, the New York Stock Exchange reports. _ A short position is taken when an invest.or expects the pri~ of the stock t.o drop. Fluor stock has increased from about 12 to about 19 the past 45 days. There were 187,855 short interest shares Aug. 13; on Sept. 15 the total was 106,905. Takeo ver bid delay ed NEW YORK (AP) -Allied Corp., the latest big gun in a crowded takeover battle, put on hold its $2.3 billion bid for Bendix Corp. today pending further discussions with Bendix. Allied took the action in light of Martin Marietta Corp.'s purehase of 44 percent of Bendix stock early today, said spokeswoman Christina Pagano. A.Jlied entered the contest Wednesday saying it had sealed a friendly agreement t.o buy Bendix and said it wanted to swallow Bendix's takeover rival, Martin Marietta, as well. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS GOLD COINS DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORKCAPI Fl,..I Ool·J-1~. lor w.ci,. seo. u. ITOCICS JO Incl °tT.n :r: . .m'1 ~'rr,-~ 2D Tm 376..20 •.n _., •.11-2.» H VII 111.61 111 tj 1U 12 1....._ O.a '5 Stl JM.CM M 1S JS7.tl lff S.-t.• lnclU1 11.-..ao Tr a1I l.l'f7. * VIiii .. .. . .. • • .. • .. • .. .. 1,0.7,100 '5 St~ 11,10,«IO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Sep 22 wr.~1 ANil • oo NEW YORK IAP) Sep. U Mv..oit ,_J. Oe<llNlll .., """'*""" llS Tot.i i -m ...... """' Iii .... -. J METALS Pr .... c:-ii. -MO ,,. 111 NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonterroua ~ .. pric. today ce,per 70"·72 c;ent1 pound, lJ S deet1n1110n1. Lee4I 2$-29 -'la I pound Z1M1 4(µ2 c.tta 1 pound, ~ T'lllH2MIM«e11W .... ~~ AllMllMR ~77-tl 1 pound. N Y ...,_, '340.00 Pit llMll. ~~I 00 troy ounoe, H Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .. -. . l H/f' Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, September 23, 1912 .. JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE OUR ~ . . 15th ANNIVERSARY Thursday, September 23rd you're Invited to Join us In a double celebration. The 1983 Cadillacs have arrived 'and feature new levels of performance and styling refinements. Of special Interest is a state of the art BOSE/DELCO sound system custom designed for each car's Interior and offering startlingly lifelike reproduction. ..... . Additionally, we at Nabers Cadillac are celebratng our 15th year of seNice. Stop by tonight and help us celebrate. ' IT WILL BE OUR ~RE TO PROVIDE COMPLIMENTARY CH.AMPAGNE AND HORS D'OEWRES FROM 5:00 to 9:00 PM. 2600 'Harbor Blv·d., . Costa Mesa . . (714) 540-9100 • (213) 587-8266 r a•• , 0-t HIP Orange Oo 11 DAil. V Plt.OT/Thurld1y, September 23, 1982 PllllC NOTICl 110 &udt•nt Tl ... HC)flCI or TlllUl1H'I H.&.I I ..... ,.. namt•c to JlO t YOUUllNMfAVUUNDIRA DllD Of' f1'Ulf DA'l'•D AUQlllT Rutun S\ar Merrill, duuaih t"r uf Nornm 1<; Mt>rrlll or lfontlnglop Rcal'h, hu ~"m l'h~n by Cal Poly Potnonu WI u atudent r(•pn•11cuitutlvt for colleal· und 11cho1JI rclationa funl·tluf\li. ·~ IHI, UNLlll YOU TAU A1;;flON TO 'lllOTIOl YOUR ltflO'lflTY, IT .,_AY ta 101.D AT A llUIMJC IALI, Ill YOU HllO AN UPLANAflON 0' THI NA.TUfla 0 ' THa 'flOCllOINQ AQAINIT YOU, YOU IH~O CONTACT A ::iif~.~z·J~f.~~~~.'~··C ll 1 SIFllD '*'UNI.He 't TA.I ACTtON WHr0111ll• OIO t'••IHJrl C11nla1 DHD °' TIWl~Al•D MY ., (;0llf6( v1rw I ilO Oerr TO TIC1' Out! HIO,lllTY, Otlve Suntt HO, !ii•w11111\ u .. t h IT lllA ea 90lD U A ,UM.10 CA ' '""'· , y OU NllD ... OMtV wr•COMIU •• 600 H'l.ANA ION OP THI NATUfll Nl\llpo11 C•11tei Otlve, 'lull• 160 CLASSIFIED IHI fil•,. OP THI PflOC:laOINO AOAINIT ~poll Oudl CA e:reao ••••••••• n ••••••••••• Y~!.YOU IHOUl,,D CONTACT A JA(;I( OlOHAM 6eO N9wpof1 LAWYIR. On 1t1e,1&1h day of Oolol>et. t9U. •• 1111 hour or I I 00 • m . ti the Im '""' e<\11111C41 or Ille new County CourlhOvH , IOOlltd 11 700 OlvlC Center Ortvt w .. 1. formwly known H 100 Wtll llh 81f .. I, li111tted In 1ne C ity 01 8 1 n11 An•, County or Oreno•. lute of C1lllo1 nl• CON f INUO AL AUXILIARY COMPANY, I CAHfornla COll>Ofltl<>n, II TruttM \lndtlf' Deed ot Trua1 d1ttd Augual 28. 1981, LAWT•R. Center 011ve.lu1111 160 Newport INDEX On Octolltr •. '"'· al 11 00 D•~h CA 92&eo • m Vt,_OUOO IFAVICl Mii(( ~avert 6110 Newporl CORPQl'IA llON, 1' Callfo1nl• Ctnltr Orive. 81111• O'\O N•wporl She will present l'<iucaUonal informulaon t'Oncemlns the 11ehool at career day1 on blab 1chool and community college cumpust'8. =-------------1 ••teut•CI by George Ko•ch•I •M l llJH IDTICIB ~~~~:i~:r:r:~:~~!:~r~ 17870, In BOOll 142 It. Ptge 1283 of OttiClll RecOl'd•. County ol Of•~. C•lllornla given lo H cur• 1n SPENCER · I lndel>tednen In favor or Bank ol NELLIE 1 SPENCER of Ametlel N1tlonel lr11at end Sevlr'IOI · At1ocl1llon, • n1t1onol 1>•t1klng Angelus Oaks, Ca. passed 111ocjellon. by , .. ,on or tilt b• .. cfi a w a y o n M o n d a y , ol the obl1g11lon1 11tCU1ed 111er•1>y, September 20, 1982 at nollce of which w11 rec;orded on Redland s Commun1ty1Junt 2. 1902, 11 1n1trumtnl No .., e2.186813 ol Olllcl•I Record• ol n.osp1tal after a short 11ln~. Nld ()fang• County, and more thtn Mrs. Spencer was 91 yeans of three mon1hs h•v• al1paed atnce age. She wu born in Long •uch 1eoordat1on, wlll NII at py1>11c Beach Ca o n August 2 euctJon to the hlghHt bidder tor • 9 ' · • c1Sh or a ceshler'• check drawn on 1 8 1 . S h e w a s a 2 n d 1 11ate or nat1on11 btnk • 111t• or genera1ion Californian, for ttderal credit union or 'a •tt•• or t\\e past 13 years she has federtl 11v1ng1 and lotn Hsocl•tlOn made b er home with he r son dM11ctkl<t In thl1 tlate. lP•vablt •• S 11 ne ol sale In lewM money of the Albert pencer of Angelus 1..n11eo Stttiw ot Amerlctl wlth<>Ot Oaks, Ca. Besides her son covenant or werr•nly, expreas or ahe leaves a daughter Hazel lm~lled, es to title. possession or I. Pinkerton of Bethesda encum1>rancn. lh• lnt .. reat M I d d ' ~unveyeo 10 end now held Dy the ary an an a brother said trustee under said Deed of Frederic k Vaughan of Trust. In end 10 lh• fotlowtng Angelus Oaks, Ca Mrs descrll>ed prOJ*IY tlluated In 11\e Spencer's husband George County ot Or1nge. State o t S • Caulornla, to wit pencer, was a well-known Loi t86 or Trect No 7 too In the builder in the l 920's and City ol lrvlne, Coun1y or Orang•. 1930's in the Newpo rt State of Callfornlt, "shown on a Balboa Area. The fam -map recotded In boolc 324. pages \ 1 d B I b 44 10 48, •ncluslve of mlscell1neoo1 Y move lo a oa 1 n mep1. in 111e olflce of the counly 1918 and lat.er to the Cost.a recoroer 01 said coun1y M esa area in 1933 Mrs . Excepting 111eretrom •II oll 011 Spencer was a clerk in the rlghlJ. m1nera1t, m1ner•I r1gh11, B Ibo P Off• na1ural ga:s rights, and other a a ost ice for 25 hydroctrbona l>y whalsoever name years before re tiring to her known that may be within or undet h ome in Costa Mesa, Ca. the parcel ot land her111nabov• after her husband passed dUCrlbld together with Ille Sh I ed h ard perpetual right ol Clrllhng. mining, .a.way. e ov er g en e1<plor1ng and oper•llng lherefor and flowers and was a long and storing In and removing the time member of lhe Costa 11me rrom said lend or tnY other Mesa Bay C ities Branch of la~d Including lh• rlgh1 to h C 1 · f · F h · wh1p9lock or dlrecUonally drlll and .l e a 1 orn1a UC SID mine trom lends other than those Society. Her love for her here1n111>ove detcr1bed. oll or gu Oower:s ext.ended to a great wells. tunnels and thefts into, love for all Livmg things. the through or ecroa• Ille subsurl11et of animals and birds and 1ne 1end herelna1>ove descr11>ed . and to bottom such whlpstociied or especially t o h er many d1rec11onally drllllld wells. funnels ,friends in Angelus Oaks, 1•nd shells under and benealh or 'Redlands, Yucaipa and the 1>eyond the utwlor hmlls tlltreot. 'Newport Beach/Cost.a Mesa and lo redrlll, retunnel. equip, . maintain, repair. deepen and area. S h e will be sorely opera•• any tuch wells or min•• miSsed. Funeral services will without, howevet, the right to drill. b e h e l d o n F r i d a y , mine. atora, ••Plor• ar\d operate September 24 I 982 al lhtough Ille surface of lllt upper • 500 feet of Ille aul>turtaee or Ille 2 :00PM at Pacific View 11no herelnabove ducrll>eo. es Memorial Park, 3500 Pacific reservro 1n tilt deed from lllt Irvine Vlew Dr., Newport Beach, Compeny. a Well Virginia Ca 92663 Pacific Vie w :orporauon. recorded Augu1t 7. · . t975 •n Book t 1477, Page 14 of Mortuary directors ,Olflelal Record1 The 1ddr111 or • other common Otelgnellon, If tny, DEATHS ELSEWHERE' " :ATLANTA (AP) -The .Rev. Jello Mulroy, 53, a crusadin g priest who led -et!orts to refonn the Roman· Catholic church in lhe Southeast, died Monday. PRINCETON. N .J . (AP) -Emmet J. Hugbes, 61. a professor and journaliat who served as a speechwMter and aide lo Presidenl Dwight D. Eisenhower. died Sunday. H ughes, who a1lo taught al Rutgers Unlvel"Slty in 1970, wrote books about the nreaidency and foreign ~licy. of the reel properly Cletctll>ed •boYe Is purport.cl lo be: 3782 Fern S1ree1, lrv)ne . Callfornla; the underslg.ntd Tru1IM dltclelm1 any ll•l>IHlty tor any Incorrectness of •h• addr••• or o ther common dellgn•tlon. II 1ny tnown herein 11 the aforesaid prOl)ef't)' hu no street address or other common dOSIQnllJOn, d1tect1ona es to hOw t~ toc•te such properly may be obtained from tilt Benetlclary under utd Deed of Truat. ti whoa• request tile Ill• 11 to be conoucted. pureu1nt to • wrlll•n requelt 11Ut>mlt1ed. vnll'lln Jen d•ys from ltle lirtt pul>hcatlon of thlS Notice, to 1uch Beneficiary at the rottowlng edoren BANK OF AMERIC A NATIONAL TRUST ANO SAVINGS A,SSOCI AT IO N . LOAN ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT NO 4327, FORECLOSURE SECTION, 45 SOUTH HUDSON AVENUE. PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 l he unpaid l>ll•nct of lht note secured l>y se•d Deed of Tru11. with .,tetesl thefeon. as provided in 111d note advances. 11 any. unoer the terms of said Deed of Trull, Including fee•. ct1erge1 and expenses of the Trustee, es of the Ott• ot the initial publtcallon of lhe Notk:e ol Sele, to wit S 103.~7 34 Dated September 10. 1982 CONTINtNTAL AU XI LIARY COW ANY 45 S. Hudaon An. IMh F\. peudtna, CA 11101 Joan c. c ... IE•·Oftlclo Agenl 001porlt1011. H duly tppo111l•d 0.-Ch, 1..A 92Gf0 Tru1IH under end p11rt11tnl to PAUL PHJI ~LI\. 600 Nowpor1 o.ed Of l1u11 recorded Stpltfflbet C11111ei Drlv•, 811llt 160. Ntwport 10, tHO, u l11t1r No 12$2~. bOOk 8e11~. CA 92600 13737, P•g• ''°· 01 Olllc••I 8TANSOLOMON IJ(i()Newl)Oll OKOldl. 4lll~IJHI by NCWPOF!T c.,i1., On.._. Sulit UO, N.,.,potl P A A T N E R 8 H 11> , A 0 1 n • r a I BMcll. CA t2"60 P11tne111'11p, tt lru•lot, In Int Olflet AL WAN AM A I( LA . 6 I 0 or tilt County F!ec;order ot O••noe Ntwport Center Dllv•. Sult• 1150, Cou111y, 81•1• of Ctlllotnla, Will Ntw~ort BHCh, CA 921100 SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO GERALD LIHAMMC. na HIGHEST BIDD!f\ ,ion CASH OrOtdway, 8ull• 111111. Sen l>lflQO. (payable •I llr11t of H .lt In ltwlvl CA 92401 money of the U11lt.cl StatNl •• tilt LOUIS MALONe, 500 Ntwl>Ofl enl<lnct (Soulhl to Orange Coun1y Ctnlet Drive. Sull• 200 Newpotl old Cou•tllOuM, cuv of Sant• An•. Otcach. CA 92660 C•lllornta, tll right, lltlt and lnterttt RICHARD OL OH.A M. 1811 conveyed 10 and now htld by II Kl ng 11>11 r y or 1 v• Na 1 h viii•. unde1 .. Id O••d or Tru11 In the remlnave 31215 prop.,ly lltullltd 111 Hid Counly MARK HEMPHILL. <1204 S tnd State dMCrlt>ed •• Sepulveda Blvd Culv11 City, CA lOI 7 OI TrllCI No 300. In th• 90230 counly of Oflng•. •t•t• ol DENNIS 0 TYlrR, •OOO C1~tornja. H IMi' mt0 recorded In M1c.Ar1hur Blvd Sult• 1000, l>OOk 4, p•gu t t I nd 12 ot N-por• 8Hch. CA 92IMIO MIKtft•neous Mtpl, In Ille offict of AL AN ti w I ENE R 4 0 0 0 th• County Recorder of tald county MacArihur Blvd • Sulle 1000, and 11e1e ot Ctllfornla Newport Becac:h. CA 9~660 The street tddren and other This busine11 1a conducteo by • common dellgnatlon, If •nlfrt of lh• general partnorthlp rHI property dt1cr11>t<1 •!love 11 Alen H Wiener. Gen purporled lo l>t ?321 Newporl Part Blvd , Coat a M•••· CelUorJll• T1>11 atatem.nl wat llled wilh lht 92626. ' Counly Cterll of Drenge Counly on The unde,.lgntd lruatee Seplember 15, 1082 1111ct1lm1 eny ll1bllHY ror any lncorrectne11 ol th• etteet •ddreu and other oommon deslgnellon. II any. ahown lleteln '1174t2 Law Oltlcet KINDEL & ANDl!RBON 4000 MacArthur Blvd. Tenlh Floof 1Mwpor1 Bffch, CA t2MO Published Or•nge CoHt Dally PtlOI Sept 16, 23, 30. Oct 7, 1982 4105-82 Said sale wlll be med•. bul wllhout covenant or werr1n1y, express or 1mpfltd, regarding lltle. po11es11on. or eneumbrences. to pay lhe rll!Nllnlng prlnclpel sum of Ille 11ote secured by 111d Deed of Trust, with tntarul lhareon, 11 l'tltllC NOTICE provided In H id note. advancet, II 1--------------eny, under Ille term1 ol said Deed 8TATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL ot Trust, feu. chargu and FROM PARTNER8HIP·OPERATINO eapenses ol the Truatee and 01 Ille UMOER truals crHled l>Y HIO Deed Of FICTITIOUS IW8M81 NAME Trust, tor the amount reasonat>ly The following ptraon h11 11111ma1ed 10 be S 164.592.35 wUhdrewn u • gener•I P•r1ner from The benthclery undtr u lo Deed Iha partnership operellng unoer lhe ot Ttuat heretofore executed 111d flcltllous bus1ne11 name of JBS delivered 10 the und11rs1gn11CI a INVES1MENTS at '6000 MacArlhur wrlllen ()ed11a11on of Default eno Blvd .. Suite ·470.' Newport Buch, Demand 1or Sele. end • written Cellfomla 92660 Notice or Oeelault end Election 10 Tht llclltlous bu•lne n name SeN Tile undetllgl\90 cauMCI sa.ld Slatement for the partnetship was Notice ol Default a11d Elecuon to hied on Februtry t•. 1980 In the Sell to be recorded In the coun1y Counly of Orengt Where the real prO!>tflY ts loceied Full Name end Addrus or lhe Date Sep\ember 7, 1982 Person Wnhdrewlng VEFIOUGO SERVICE James S. Stain. 1046 la CORPORATION Mirada, Laguna BHch, Cellfoinla as said Truatee 92680 1>y C11111111 Vlllol• 401 N Brend 91\IO . •422 Glende!•. CA 91203 Tel (213) 500·2485 I sl J•mea S Stein F1ml3 Pul>llthed Ortnge Coest Dall~ PllOI. Sept 2. 9. 16, 23, 1982 3882-82 Pul>tlshed Orange Coast Oally Pilot. Sepl 16, 23, 30, 1982 4101-82 Pta.IC NOTICE PtB.JC NOTICE FICTITIOU8 aUSINHS NA.ME 8TATl!MENT FICTITIOUS au..... The following persona •r• oolng H~ 8TATl!•NT txnlneu as DAVIBON ASSOCIATES. 18430 AG GRAV AT I 0 N El IM · Broo«h<lral StrMI, Fountlln Valley. INATORS. 890 W 15111 S1r .. 1. CA 92708~ Spece 49 . Newpor t Beach . DAVID A PETERS, 18430 C1111tornla 92663 Broo«hvrtt Street, Fountain Valley. Carolynn Caln, 890 West 15th CA 92708. SlrMI, Spau 49. Newport Beach. Thfl bu~ It conducted by • C•lllornl• 92663 llmlled 1>911nersnlp Mtrllynn Wllkeraon 890 W D9Yld A Ptler. 16th Strtel, Space 49. Newport Thl9 tlet_,t WU flied with Int 8Nc;h, Celllomle 92683 County Cl«k ol Orenge County on Thlt buelnMS 11 conduc;led by • Seplember 7, 11182 general pattnershlp f111NO t;erotynn Caln Publlthtel Orange Coast Dally Thi• st1temen1 wu flied witl'I lhe Pilol. Sept 9, t6, 23. 30, 1982 County Clerk of 011ng• County on 3980-82 September 1, 1982 PtB.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llU8"CS8 MAiiie STATl!....-r F1"51S Published Oreng• Coast Deily PilOI, Sept 2. 9. te, 23, 1982 3892~82 PlmlC NOTICE Tile totlowlng pettont are Oolng bullneta as: 1---,.-CTITIOU---.-IW-8-IH_E_S_S __ Tiff WILSHIRE CONSTRUCTION, N.AME aTATEMlHT INC . a C.1110l'nla corporation. 1835 Whittler. Suite C-11. Colt• Meu. The followjng peraon It doing CA 924527 bu-.. NORM PARKER. Presldenl, HOUSECAlL, 525 Vlctorll 22 17 Lort Lene Santa Ana. CA S trttl.. Suitt 029 Coste MHt 92706 Celiforn1a 92627 STEVEN L JOHANNES. vice Don•ICI O J1ck1on, 525 President. 2278 Orange Avenue, Vlc1or11 StrHI. Suite 029. Coile Costa Mesa. CA 92627. Mesa, Cellfornla 92827 J e F F RE v s e L s T E N This 1>us1ness ta conduct.cl 1>y en S e cr e I er y IT r ••surer, 3 208 indMduaf Nebfuka. Costa MtN, CA 92626 Donato D Jlldo.M>n Thlt buSlneu II conduct.cl l>y. Th<S tllttmenl WU f11td Wllh the corporation County Clerll of Or1nge County on W I l S H I R E August 30, 1982 CONSTRUCTION. INC. f1tMOI Jeffrey S EJsten Sect Pul>tlthed Orange Coest O•lly , ' Piiot. Sept 2, 9, t6, 23, 1912 This atetamenl w .. llted With the 3840·82 Cou 11 t y CI ark of County on ----.,.-.,-,1-C-NO_T_l_C·E __ _ Sei>teml>ef t5, 1982 l'"uut. Ftl1* Publlahed Orenge Cout Delly FICTmous IWSINESS 30 Oc 82 NAME STATEMENT Pilot. Sept t6. 23, • 1 7· 19 The toflowlng peraon II doing 4 104·82 butlness as MIAMI (AP) -Theodore dlb1on, 66, a civil right!! activist Instrumental in winning court -o rdered d-esegregatlon of Dade County public &ehools, died M onday. Gibson was an Episcopal priest and head of the local NAACP chapter in the turbulent 1950s and early 1960s. 1213) sn-eo10 n11n•1c NOTICE Pul>lished Orange Coest D•lly1 ____ ,.UU\.o __ . ______ _ THE COUNTRY TRADITION. 274 Bowling Oratn Drive. Coat• MeN CA 92826 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Wyo. (AP) -Jobn Townsley, 55. Yellowstone NatlonaJ Park Superintendent , died Sunday. ' IALT%1flGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WHTCUff CHAPll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646·9371 NIClllOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUMY 627 Main St HunttnQton Btiach 536-6539 PAClftC YtlW MINOll.Al PAH CerretetV Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drive NewPOrt Beach 644·2700 McC09MICS MOITUAlllS Laouna Beach 494·9415 . Laouna ~11ts 766-09.33 San Juan Cap1s1r3no •95·1776 ~ LAW ...... MT. OUYI Mor1uatV • Ceme1ery CrerN torv I'-' I~ 4 •I ... 1625 G11ler Ave . Cotl1Mua M0-5M4 .-ct•on.1 ~llO .. WAf MOITUAIY 1 tO Broachlf&V C:0.1aMeu · '&42·91$0 ' I I , Piiot. Sept 16. 23. 30. 1982 FICTITIOUS IWSINESS 4100-82 NAME 8TATElllENT • Plait NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Of' APf'UCATIOH FOR RELOCATION Of NfWPO"T HARaOU" NATIONAL BANK HIUST DEPARTMEN T , Art'UCATIOH NO. 12·1Ml7.-?. Not11lcation la htfec>y QIVen that Ntwport Herl>our N•llon•I Bank 2344 East Cont Highway. Newport Beacll. centornl• 112eeo. ha• filed en applleittlon with the Comptrotltr ol the Currency on September 2, 1982, as specified in 12 CfR S, In lht Comptroller'• Manuel for N•tk>nal Banke. for penniMlon to re4ocate the Tn.111 ~1111,.,..,1 from 2344 East CoMt Highway. Newpor1 Beach, Cellfornle. 92680. to 180 Newport c.ntw Dflve, Sull.-'tn Newport BMc:h, C.lllOl'nl• 92MO Any person wl.Slllng I~ comment on 11111 eppllcellon may Ille commenll In writing with the Regional A0min11trator of Nlllonel Bank•. Foortetnth N•tlonel Bank ~. Stouall Street T-. Suite 210 t, One M1r1<e1 Plaza, Sen Frencilco. CeNforn1e 94105, Wllhln 2 t d1y1 ol the date o r thl• publlcellon. The non-conlldentt11 portion• or th• iipplleetlon are on n1e with the reg1on11 ecsmln1t1retor .. part of the public Ille Trv. Ille 18 evelteble for public Inspection dunng regular ~ houfl Detecl Septaml>M 14, 1982 AM. Mce>ougel Vice ..,_ a Trutt Otftoef New..,n Harbow Nettoftel .... Publlahed Orange Cou1 Deify Pilot, Sept 18, 23. 1982 4097-82 MllC NOTlCE f'ICTITIOUI IU ... H NMm ITATftllNT Th• ronowlng ptrton It doing bullneH98' The fdllow\ng per9001 are d~ng l>uSiness es, SAILING SPORTS & MONOGRAMfT fW ENTERPRISES, 2000 Newport Blvd .. Cotti Mesa, CA 92627 JOAN MICHELE WOODBURY. 2130-A Newport Blvd . Newport BeKh. CA 92663 HENRV PAYNE THAYER. Ill, 1938 Senderllng Circle , Cotti MeN. CA 928245 This buslnes1 Is conducted by • gan41fal pertnerthlp. Jotn M Woodbury Thia stelement w .. flied with the Counly Cle<'k of Orengt County on Sec>tamt>er ts . 1982 ,,., .... Pul>llshed 011nge Co•tt Dally P110t. Sepl 18, 23. 30. Oc1 7, 1982 4045-82 PllJLIC NOTICE F1CTITIOU9 eu .. •as NA• ITATIMlNT The lollowtng pettot'lt .,. dojng bullneM ... CYBERTECH SEARCH, 1148 Corona lane, Co11t Meu CA 92826 CYNTHIA C BLAKE. t 1"8 Coron• Lene. Cott• Ma ... CA 9'626 ERNEST W. WALL.ACE. 15238 Vtnedt, LAI Mlrtda, CA 90638 Thia l>UllMH 19 conducttd by a general ptflnerahlp Ernttl W Wallace This steternen1 .., .. toed With the County Cle<k ol Orang• Co;i.nty on S.,tembet 14, 1912 "117111 P111>llshed Ortnge Cotll Dell)' Pllol. Sept 16, i3. 30, Oct 7, IH2 4043·8~ PlBJC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI aUBIHHI NA .. ITATaMIHT The followl"O ptfMM'll Wt Ootng riuaw-u MARTHA JEAN Tl&rGEN, 274 Bowflng Green OflYt, COile Mest CA 92626 Thia bustneta It conducted 1>y an lnd1vlduet. Marth• Jean Tletgen Thia stetemtnt waa flied With tl\e County Clerk ol Orengo County on August 17, t982 '111$571 Pul>llthtd Orenge Cout Delly Piiot, Se9t 8 , 11 23, 30 ~882 3964-82 PllJUC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aUltNlH N~ ITATEMENT The follow1ng pef'IOl'IS .,. doing ~u BONNIE BENTON. LIMITED, 18552 Mac.Ar11wf Blvd • Sulla '640, lrvlne. CA 92715. 01\VID I( LAMB, 5 St Trope?, Newpofl Beach, CA 92660. MEHRDAD RAS9EKH, 20132 Viva Circle, Hu111ing1on Beecll, CA 92846 JOHN MINAR , 18552 Mac.Annur BIYd • Suitt u o. 1~. CA 92715 Thi. buslneea I• conduct.cl by • limit.cl per1ntlf'llhlp. David K. L•mb This lllltmenl WU llltd with the Coun1y Clerk of Orange County on Septambtr 7, tH2 "1*'2 Publllh•O Or1ngt Coa11 Dtlly Piiot, S.,t 9, 18, 23, 30, 1982 3976-82 P\alC NOTICE f'ICTmOUIM.19 .. H NAMI ITA Tl.•NT The fOllowmg oe<tOnt llft doing bull,_ ... TH! PEN AND PULPIT PRESS, 3117•.A Alrw•y. Co111 Mite, CA 92628. • THE COMPOSING ROOM. INC., • Ctlllornl• corpor1t1on, 1187·.A Airwey, Cottt Mttt, CA onu. Thlt bull,_ It GOndUCted by t COt j)Of tllon • The Cornpotlng Auom. (A) ILLUSIVE CONCEPTS; (Bl THE MA GI, (C) THl MAGI ENTERPRISES, (0) GENERAL CASTINO, (El EL MAGO, (F) CONCEPTS IN ADVERTlllNO. 3303 Hltbor llvd .. Sult• K·1, Cotl• -.. .... CA92e2e HOWARD ICllTH MORGAN, 3t 1 Thetford Wey. CO.ta Mfta. CIA 02127. An Orlllln, Pr.., Tl'lll lllttmtnl ..... flltd wtlh the County Cltl'lr ot Otaf\99 Counly on leptemw 21. 1H2 CAI BMA, 181 BEVERAGE MACHINE REPAIR, 13t42 Q.,dtn Groot• Blvd . Oerdtn Qrovt, CA 92840 JON KENNEOV, 3f17 Klllfltnty, Ille Cott• M .... CA e2e21. MARC WIOOICOM8f, U 13 ROw!Mld. Senlt Ant. CA Thie bu.W-It ~ueted by In ~ Tllta t>lltineM It c:Gr\Ouettd by 1 een«ll l)tfln«lhlp Ho#•d MorOlot\ Jon Kennedy flllt 111'-lt wttfllld Wfltl Ille Thie llllefMlll -llied Wtlf\ Ille COUllty Clttll of Ottntt 00\lnlY Oii Coun1Y Cttr11 of OfflllOt Coutlty Oft _. 10. 19t:Z. • . 1ep1emt1w 111. ttaa, ,,.,.... ,,., ... Publl1lltcl Ort~t Co .. t Otlly 'ublitlled Ortnte COHI Otlly Piiot, Sept tt, n. 30. oc1. 7, IM2 Piiot --· 11 23 30 OC• 7, 1982 4103-12 ' ....,.., ' ' ' IOto-12 ' p .... CAPMTI a KAIDM . .....,. ....... .., -i::-.c.. °' ....,c • .,1 .. 11• "'Ubllthtd 0 '91\0-CCM11\ 0•11~ '™· hot U . 30, Oct 7, ti, 1M2 4230-12 SCIYICES .... I i.11 IW 111111 :m llllt lMI I ... , ... 1• 111111 1: ,.,. 1011 11111111 llllt ,. u• 111111 #11111 ,., ,,,, Is ..... ,,, ,,,, ..... ,,, ,,,, ........•....•....•.•....................... •·······••·••••····•·· IOUAl HOUSING OP,ORTUNITY c..,,,, 1001 0.•111/ lOOZ ,,.,,., lOIZ ••••••••••••••• ••••• •• !!.!•.•••••• •••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••u 8AAND NfW ··He•n of Oreno• County" Town- ' 1.11 .. 1 ....... llom.• • Lu11u1y 3 bcltm 1• '•" 1 "'1•11 nomH b"ulltully dt· All rtll ff111t tdvertlMd 11 d In thll newep~., I• •Ion.a. qutllty bu 1 ·in flnenclng now Intl you •ubltCt 10 ltlt tdtral lu•t won't b•ll•v•l C•ll F1Jr Houelno Act of 1"9 now Br•ndywyn• Pro- wnlch mak .. It llltQtl to 53 9670 tdvt1tllM "&fly prefaren-1iiptf1iiii'"iii11i• iii1i-iiiiiiii ee, 11m11111on or dlecrlml· 11 n1tlon bHtd on rect, *IAYfltlT* color. re1101on. ••• or MAT IUP net1on11 orlOlft, or any tnl t••Lf 1•1 lnttnllon to m1kt any • LllO llU Mii Pr1m11 Lido Nord bllyfront & iifnn. &'-'\ bath Lf!l' L.H., 2 boat ahps Sl,500,000 . Rl•moc:M1-d 3 bdrm, i b:Jth + lllrac-n<e nn. tx•am <~·1hng:s, (1Jrni1hrd, ~llo!J $420,000 PEllllllU MIMES Prlw Wl'tlt &y' bayfront SI~ tor 2 boots rl'modc-1('(! 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. wen pret•r•nce. umll•· 31 BALBOA coves. 3 10 tlon or dlscr1mlnallon " bdrm -2 bllll. REOU· IXIO CED TO '409.5001 Ol.'l'Ull & jelly views M.mnt> roo1n, 4 bdrm. 3 ba1h. ;j700 sq.ft. $1,385,000 Q.~.ntront 1»» Tl\11 newepeptf will nol &IT lllYlllTT1 JE: :d:~~f~~ 1:'~:!1t1:r.~ aUUll/IWlll LlllDl ISLE IAYFllOllT :;:: 11which11 In v10111lon ol *llt-1117* Luguon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. 1.io the lew. ~;;;====iiil durk nn, den Boat slip. Now $1.000,000 :l:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili -i;iie I •••• I Ad t I 1111 f1t1t1 tfflH I ver • 'iWenttcl, In pltce. New· sers should check 'port H11bOltCost• M•t11 their ads dally and lfH. All lnqulrlM confl· IAYlllE PUOE -UIJO n» -mo Spe<:tacuillr bayfronl dplx 2 br, 2 ba up. 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat spaces. Reduc.'ed-•l,500,000. --report errors Im-dentl•I. Man rapllea io Fllllll .. 11 ••11011 Ad. No. 1020, Delly Piiot, " """ mediately. The PO Bo• 1580, Costa New 4 br. 4'.-\ ba, custom Jo'r1.mch Nonnandy ~ DAILY PILOT as-Mett. CA 92827 FBtate I 2 prime al·r{' hilltop $1.250,000. _, sumes llablllty tor = the first Incorrect LIOlllATIOll AV&LOll : Insertion only. S 16.000 dwn. 111ume Fee simple cottage on quiet Descaruo St. (in ~···--------•i1 low lnterell lotnt. Sll1rp Flats). $145,000. -1• 3 Bdrm home. $240,000. = Blalfl ffl hit Fred Tenort. 831-1266, 0011011110 CAYS -•••••••••••••••••••••• ii03iiii1.i2i1i1i1.iAigmtiiiiiiiiiiil Corohado Lsland cust. bayCront lot. 85' boat -•HI llt1t1 dock. Plans ;wail. Now $370,000 w/terms. ::: ..................... . •:11111 1#•1111 IOI U» ••••••••••••••••••••• :l: ---------·1 BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR ••Ill mo .,,JO t.1611 WTILIFF 341 l\oy\•d" Q,.,,.. NB 67~ 6161 --Thie lovely femlly home llU Juel l>Mn ptlnltcl In llWNT THUOI !o~ 1~~~~.&5r .. bd~~1,0• Excellent tlnanclno Nett I HlPPllESS IS three bedroom condo. 112 100 3 bathe. ftmlty room on Prlveey anll vie'ii/ 01 p1rl< ' lOlt comer lot, neer park for tnd city llghll Submit LMng In Felrlane Gtr- icuG the klddltt Wtlk to olfer. $136,QOO. den1. In • lovely 11tory 2 ~•• ec:hoola, llor• & tennis Ill llOO Bdrm condo, fn a ptrk· = ~~:2.~Htlc financing. i~~==·~~~~ji :i~! =~~~·11:o;i~~,:~1~~ 50» ---------i th• quiet Hlllng Good •••• • 1100 ~. ft, llntnclno 8Vtllll>lt lffl•• . 1200 ~· ••• 546-2313 h Let 1111120. · S2IO,OOO THE REAL ESTATE RS * EXCHANGES Precloos gem llOOM tor trade Will 1rtde predous gem ttone1 for Real E11tte. Wiii contldtr tnythlng ot rtHontble v111ue. For E1C11mple: Autos. Ytchlt, Paintings. RV'•. Of equity In going t>utln-pp 031-81116 14eal First .... Guarded get• cornmunl· ly Neer 8011111 CoHt Plaza. 1 bd rm, 1 bl Condo. s1g,99g For •lU Ylllll Put your •cMrtltlng mee- 011 1ne goll courea. •• wtter• lhe reeder• Ill ••z• 89Pt. "Wfur-• Ou'HUWf Cu1tom tseeutlful 3 Bdrm ..:•~rje.i64ii2i-stiii7i8 iiiiiiiiiil.liiiiiiiiii._iiiiiiij~ home, many. many ••1 . 1ru $278.500 with 10% down owner wllt carry al £MPlOYMENf & ,_EPAUTION 12',I\% lnter111. LOOK :0.-ftooh l"\ltwuon Jo«>Wef'll'ft" For our ntw regular weel<ly fHture ler ltCer•le, IHrJ Ml·ll21 ll•IP '"•"'"" M .. I IOIT SHOW- • • • MCICHANDISC -:,~ CASE WANTED : Evtry Stlurday In the '" --llJIU l~Oe~l%~Pl~lo~t C~lual~l~led~·~ UYFllllT Ill 1: OOE&IFllOIT = la h11r'1 hllpt FAST ESCROW -C11h -2 bdrm, 2'.-\ be. den plua shopping eenter 10 = Condo 2 ctr guag•. trella jn Ortnge Co -lturidry hOOk-upt. Walk ~t 644-9513 = ~t~' $ ~:r.~~ lo-iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5 '"'-"24 MAGNftlCENT ., = l&Ll/LUll'""" COUNTRY ... EASTBLUFF TERINA = CONDO. 3Br. 2~8•. MANSION -dlhwat\r, frple. dbl OYel'I, comm pool 833-9187 dye. 759.1318 evu. llOIO liO» -------tm ti~ tlJll :::' ti« tlX .... - - OwnerfAgl. 3%. Opan Hse Set/Sun 2-S. Superb con11rucllon - uqulslte decorating 8000 sqflt, 2 acres, 1pectaoular vlewl Seclu· ded Lemon Htl0111• - North Tutlln Hiiie tr•• 1urrovnd•d by otlltr I gtell lllllH s2.1so.ooo 110• aa•er•H• RealtorfDlveloper 731-«44 131-5115 Classified works for you when you lflt'sgot h•ndlft 'YOU'il tr•b ..... want to .. _,. faster In Deity Piiot clauffled at11.C.tt M2·5'71 AESIOENflAl AUL ESTATE SERVICES IUltt lltllH -IRYlll 1211,000 P r iced to sell ! Beautifu ll y landscaped with a gorgeous patio. -Hardwood floors ul-<Cl!llily room & ~tchen . Don't miss '!his sunny brignt 4 bedro6m home. • r IN NEWPORT CENTER ....._ 644-9060 \.. OCEANFRONT -REDUCED! 8eeutlful cu1tom with "pride of owMtthlp" cere & detall. Two •tOfJ ' IMd, 3\la be. Owner wlll help flnence. 8uper eand & ... 8EACHFRONT. Now 1115.000. Welk br 2I04 W. OcMnffOf't I cell for detellt. \\1\ 11 RI R0!'\1 liOMI ~. l'C Ill \I 11111' l •\.n ' t ..... U•' , ............. ~ .ti\ w...-.-..... ..__ ........ 831-1 400 97s-pGO AfSIOOtllAt Rr Al rSIAlf SfRVICES PlllHIU 10' IAYfltlT Probate sale of $1 .400.000 cash Minimum overbid $70,500. Court date 1017/82. 5 Bdrm home. separate lot. beach. dock for 70' boat Marcia &nts, 644-9060 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 '=~=· sec ~i\ ~-a. r.~s· ------...... ~t ~'. ~ •:::r:~-~: . '~-........... ,_ _.._., r. I I' I I I HAkCl I I I I I I' l -· .... r.....,;rll...;U.,_Y....,-S_L.,._-cl • C•t>lltt 10 1>11m1>11ng '-'9n 14 I j I ; 1ourit1 •11 Y041 •t golnt 10 try ... __. • ...._ .... _ ... _._.__._ ' and tpeek my lal'IOUaot. It II I COit en ••tr• 11 .. -·" l UIAl\U[ . ~'=~I ~:1 :1::1::1:: ! r:-X::.1..; E: I IHJll S DA Y S l I' I I MUI It ,• 1 l'Hl:i ~igger plan for Laguna Canyon eyed By STEVE MITCHELL o<u..e>.-,Not ..... The Irvine Company has submitted plans to the county for a Laguna Canyon project nearly twice as large and with more than twice the homes proposed a year ago. In its Laguna/Laurel Canyon plan, the compan y proposes building as many as 3,600 units on 2,150 acres along Laguna Canyon Road between the San Diego F reeway and El Toro Road. Plans for the project were barely in the hands of county Environmental Management Agency officials before Laguna Beach submitted a list of the city's concerns. The homes, ranging from affordable units to luxury custom homes adjacent to an 18-hole private golf course, would dot the canyon acreage. Plans call for low and medium density development of homes in Laurel Canyon, along with a commercial center adjacent to the proposed San Joaquin Transportation Corridor. Another center would be Disabled athlete • • in swim By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O("tt.DelJNot8'.,, Amputee athlete Tom Clardy, who works at a Huntington Beach sporting goods store, said he plans to set o!f late today on a 21-mile swim from Catalina Island to Cabrillo Beach near San Pedro. For Clardy, 37, the athletic challe nge will caf)..Jl~g. difficult comeback from tile days he spent as a suicidal patient at a Utah Veterans Administration hospital. "I'm not supposed to be working out at all today," he said Wednesday. "But I'm going to anyway. I'm too nervous not to." Clardy. who res ides in Fullerton, spent some time in the surf at Corona del Mar State Beach on Wednesday preparing mentally and physically for the swim. H e said he plans travel to Catalina Island tonight. plunge in,to the water at about 8 p.m . arid arrive at Cabrillo Beach by noon Friday. Clardy was prepared to make the swim one year ago but could not arrange for an escort boat. He feared that the current swim might be called o ff when his present escort boat developed serious engine trouble this week. Rather than delay the feat again, Clardy said he has rented a boat for $1,000 o accompany him on the swim. A former police officer and Navy frogman, Clardy was hit by a car durin~ skiing excursion in 1974 . Hi s right leg was amputated a t the knee . Movement in his left leg was pennanently impaired. located near the golf course, west of Laguna Canyon Road. And while the land area and the number of units proposed are much large r than originally proposed by the company, a spokesman for the development firm said the project includes much more public open space. Richard Sim, vice president of the company's community development division, said plans call ·for phased dedicauon of l; 151 acres as public open space, including ridgellnes and hffii;ides facing the canyon road and in Laurel Canyon. When that Is added to the 158-acre golf course, open space and rec reation land would amount to about 61 percent of the development area. Sim said developme nt could begin in two to three years, depending on approval by the county and the economic climate. "In any event," he said, "We anticipate it will take a minimum of 10 years and perhaps as long as 15 to complete the planned community." But before development begins, the cQmpany must prepare an , l.Aall&l/ ... mll OllANGI-_ C OUNT 'Y C AL IFOJiNIA '2'> Cl NTS UQUNA/UUML CANYON 6 1 RECREATION -... ...... ... ' Leisure World .,,., Hot ... Irvine Company officials propo e to build a maximum of 3,600 units on 2 , 150 acres in Laguna Canyon. ' environmental impact re port. Public hearings on that document and the project are tentatively scheduled for mid- March. The company discarded a "golf village" proposal s ubmitted earlier, with officials saying the plan waa not economically feasible. I Laguna Bech council this week ~nt a letter to oounty officials outlining concerns it has with the project, and iuues it believes should be included in the environmental report. Specifically, it wants ElR to evaluate the effects of traffic on existing roadways as well as the (See CANYON, Page Ai) Laguna offering to buy four-acre post of lice site Laguna Beach council members agreed to offer the U.S . Postal Service $1,025,000 for a nearly four-acr e parcel In Laguna Canyon owned by the service. The Pos tal Service has declared the 3. 7-acre tract, near Big Bend in the canyon. as surpl us, and gove rnment agencies have firs t right to purchase the land at fair market value. City Manager Ken Frank told council members Tuesday the surplus land ia one of the largest single pieces of flat acreage in the canyon. He 1&id the city could use the land for a numbe r of things, including possibly a night-lighted adult softball field. That option would allow the City to move softball activities from Riddle Field and remove a long-standing battle between the city and neighbors near that field who complain of noise and bright lights at ni~ht. A second option offered by the city manager would see the city use the land for a storage yard. 'l'hat would enable Laguna to consolidate two current 1torage yard s and sell the valuable property where the city'• rolling stock and equipment are presently 1tored. Combininl the city and achoo! dlatrict storage yards bl al.so a possibility. · A thi'rd alternative would be to construct low-cost eenior citizen housing on the site, although a zone change would be required to complete that option. And, the city manager said, the flat parcel could be used for peripheral parking or a parking structure. Frank said funding for the property could come from several sources, including $770,000 from the city's open apace fund; $202,000 from the unconunitt.ed balan ce in the c'aplta•l improvement fund, and $53,000 from the park-In-lieu account from developers. There are problems with the purchase, Frank warned.-For one thing, the purc hase would e liminate the reserve for Sycamore Hills, a 522-acre parcel purchased by the city in 1976, for whic h Laguna s till owes $7 million. (See POST, Page AZ) Waste plan due change ~-. .. .;_.;;,.;....,. ... -" By STEVE TRIPOLI Of"IM 0.-, Net ..... A proposal that would allow the transportation of radioactive wastes on three major Orange County fret!ways may be changed before it is put into effect, its s pon sor• s aid Wednesday.,. The proposal , part of a statewide plan, was authored by the California Hi1hway Patrol with aulatance from state transportation oHicials and the nuclear power industry. It calla for use of the Santa Ana. Costa Mesa and Riverside freeways, all roads that run through heavily populated areas, as routes for trucks carrying the materials. Though d ensely populated areas were not favored by thoee who drew up the 'plans population was just one factor used In drawing up the CHP's final propoeal, according to Dan Parker of the CHP. Other considerations included road safety and the ability of raids to handle trucks carrying the materia.la. he said. , The plan, which has attracted criticism from almost all of the areas it affects, was aimed at flndin* the "safest, most feasible routes' for moving the materials, Parker said. Though medical and industrial radioactive waste will be among those carried, the biggest potential producer of radi~ve waste locally is the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Material from tha t plant had been t rans porte d into San Diego County and across the desert on four 1980 trips to a disposal site In Illinois. Officials of Southern California Edison Co., which operates the e_lant located just south of the orange-San Diego County line, said Wednesday they anticipate no shipments from the site until the early 1990s, when on-site waste storage areas become full. After that time, said Ediaon'a nuclear fuel supply manager, John Ladesich, as many as two shipments of waste per week could leave the plant by truck. Ladeslch stressed, however, that Edison currently is leaning toward a plan to remove all its wastes from the plant by rail, a process that is faster, cheaper and would require only about six shipments a year. Parker said hearings around the s tate are bringing local concerns about the CHP plan to light, and that those concern.a may alter the plan eventually. "We certainly don't think we have a monopoly on knowledge -that's why we're holding the hearings," he said. (Sff NUKE, Pa&e Al) Two held in Valley rent scam Fountain Valley police have arrested two men who allegedly tried to rent a local four-bedroom home to 16 different tenants to obtain $1, 700 In preliminary paymel}ts from each . _Qfflcers said the_J,wo alleg_~_y were working a familiar scheme that tiet into the current shortage of renta l housing and the prevailing high rents. Placed in Orange County Jail on suspicion of grand theft. fraud and criminal conspiracy were Gary Richard, 36, of Ronan , Mont .• and Allen L. Carlson. 28. of Apache Junction, Ariz. restaurants near Orange County Airport. Deutsch said officers found that the two men each carried business cards bearing their photograph and the same phony name -David R. Hall. He said the-men po_~ssed documents indicating they haa set up a ppointments to m ee t 16 prospective renters al the restaurant. The two men had earlier rented a Fountain Valley home with four bedrooms, a pool and fireplace and then had placed a newspaper ad offering to rent the home for $695 per month, which Is 1igniflcantly below going rates. Deutsch said. first and last month's rent, plus security and key deposits, according to Deutach. The two even employed an answering service ln Arizona tO field calls to their "office," he said. Several prospective tenan~ were Sllepticlirof the low rent, however, and contacted Fountain v alle.y police. Afte r receiving several calls about the home , officers arranged to monitor the restaurant transactions. Police arrested the two men after, confirmi ng that they wece r e nting the same home to different people, Deutach said. Alter a period of depression in the Utah hospital, Clardy slowly battled his way back to good (See GUTSY, Page AZ) Ampu tee Tom Clardy planned to swim to San Pedro from Catalina today. Fountain Valley police Sgt. Vic Deutsch said the two w e re arrested Tuesday afternoon whUe they were concluding transactions w ith separate prospective tenant• at two The men allegedly set up appointments with 16 prospective tenants, urging each to bring a cashier's check for $1 ,- 700, which they said would cover He said officers recovered the deposits and found that the met> were carrying 16 separate rental contracts and 16 keys Dial would 1 not have worked at the Fountain Valley home. Crash victim wins case against bar AformerOrangeC.oaatCollege 1tud,nt from Co1ta Mesa - aerloualy injured ln a traffic accident In 1978 -has won a $1.88 million Judgment agaiNt an Anaheim bar which 1erved dtinka to the driver of the car which 1truck her bicycle. The verdict In favor of 27-year-old Michelle Daily wu ~ached Wednnday in Orance County Superior Court Judie Leonard Oi>ldawin'a COUrLr-.-.m after a day of delibeTatJont. Thouah it wu 1ubetantlally letl lhaii the $3.6 rnllllon whlc:h Dalley 1ou1ht, her attorney said t.he award was a "reasonable amount.'' The jury, after hearing five weekl of testimony, detennlned at Kano'• Reataur~nt and ounge In Anaheim wa1 gligent for •rvtna drink.I to lchard Morria, the driver of the hlcle which struck Daily'• lcycle from behind Sept. 15, 1978, The accident OOCWTed at about 2 a .m . at Dally wH rldtn1 home from her Job at the South CoMt Pl.au Hotel. She IUffered •rlo)I• le1 lnjUrjn : ' lllDEX At Your Service F.rma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Clualfled Comics Death Notices Editorial En t.ertalnmen t Horoecope Ann Landent Movie. Public NoUces Sporta or. Steincrohn Swck Marketa Te1evtlkf\ Thftten' WHther World Newa A4 B2 C4-5 B2 04-8 B6 04 A6-7 C6-7 B2 B2 C6-7 02-3 Cl-3 B2 ~ 88 05.7 A2 A3 \ ~ Shell blast 'like atom bomb' MARTINEZ (AP) -A blue with flames ahooti.ne more than 500 feet high from a Shell Oil refinery explOlion that poUce say looked and .ounded "Uke a smell atomic bomb" WM "'*r control today. f Windows in at 1eHt four homes a half·mlle from the ma.Ive complex Went blown out by the force of the eap1oelon Wednnday nt1ht, 90C.'Gll'dlna to po1lce ln MarUnesl.. 20 mllta northeast of San 1·rancl1co. Bulldlna• wert-1haken for teverat mllea around and the blast wu htard el1ht mllH away. No lnJwiet wen ~ In the acc:tc1ent and ~ cridhiid the "excellent work" of the Shell firefighters in bringina the f1amts under control quickly. A amall fire continued today as the ~ ol oU burned off, officials •Id. "Mott of the ~finery ii kJnd of automatically controlled and nat of the operaton are quJte a dll1ance" from the 11Cene. uld Shell 1pokarnan Dan Glue. Another Shell official, Joe Sneed, said the explosion appanmUy ~in a piece of equipment called 1 catalytic feed hydro treater, which remow. lrnpwitiel fnim otl. The pen of the plant where th• blHt ~ proc.'llH 11 tome 80,000 barrels of light oil eech day, he said. Witnesses said a brilliant orange fluh lit up the ak,y tt 9:3$ p.m., followed by an enormo"'8 nunble and fount&lna of flames. ''I saw the ll1ht of the l'Xploeton beforw I heard It." aatd Martine~ senior patrolman Chuck Stftle. "lt w• like a llMll atomic bomb. It wa1n't mu1hroom-shaped but lt was hup. TM nun. were at leMt ~ to 800 feet hiah. way ov.- the toWff which ll 100 feet. And there were dndert or sparb like flreworb." told him he'd ---* .... Steele Mid a c19eit lbertft C ... RBJl'INDY, ) ·; Laguna ·Moulton ·sets workshops- The Laguna Moulton Performance Work.shop in Laguna Beach la accepting applications for persons Interested in taking classes in I' acting , musical theater •Preschool story time for youngsters 3 Vt to 5 years of age will be offered In October at Dana Niguel Library. Each storytime lasts a half technique!\, or &tafle mak~u~. Classes are eight weelUI an length' and begin the week of ' Oct. 11. For information, call 494-0743. hour and the session runs tor 10 weeks. Registration is free and begins Sept . 27 . For information, call 496-5517. ,. ------- •The Laguna Be.l\ch Panhellenic Association will meet Oct. 6 at the home of Robert Jensen, beginning at 11:30 a.m • Students, teachers and parents of St. Catherine-St. Nicholas school in Laguna Beach are preparing for the annual Festival of the Hills carnival Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Featured will be family fun, camlval games, a white •Registration for fall recreation classes through Laguna Beach's department of recreation continues, with most classes beginning Sept. 27. Some activities this fall include calligraphy, astrology. •An outdoor book sale will be held Oct. 14 and 15 at the lobby entrance to South Coost Medical Center, the proceeds from which will go to the hospital. Hard cover books will be 'Short cut' proves. .fatal A 21-year-old Laguna Hills man, reportedly taking a short cut by running across the San Ojego Freeway in Mission Viejo, W,as struck by a car and killed late Wednesday, police said tdday. Daniel Danker, California Highway Patrol officers said, dashed in front of a 1<>uthbound vehicle near the La Paz Road offramp. Officers said Danker was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver o f the c ar, 45-year-old Harcourt A. Morgan 111 of San Clemente, suffered minor injuries in the mishap. The sorority group will hear a lecture on flower arranging by florist Gae11 Swltier. For information, call Elizabeth Phelps at 494-6679. elephant sale, boutique booth, bake sale prizes, barbecue and $3.000 in raffle prizes. Proceeds from the tax- deductible festival go to support the school. The party will be held at the St. Nicholas Catholic Church grounds, 24252 El Toro Road. ceramics, guitar, sailing, tennis, yoga, karate, dancerciz.e and jazz. For a .listing of all classes, and their cost. pic k up a brochure at tile recre11tion ::tepartment. 515 Foresl Ave. sold at paperback prices and buyers may select from more than 5,000 books donated by community members. The book sale will run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. NUKE. • • From Pa~e A 1 At a Los Angeles hearing last weekend, Orange County Rep. Jerry Patterson . D-Garden Grove, was among local people expr,ssin~ o_ppositlon to the current plan. If the CHP changes its plan as a result of the current round of hearings there will be more hearings in the affecled areas before a final decision on new rout.es is reached, Parker said. Even without changes -and that was characterized by Parker as an "unlikely" pos&bility -no new plan can go into effect until at least the beginning of next year. he said'. Beirut blasted before ceremony .. Bl':IttUT, L bunon (AP) Explo11on11 rocked Chd»llun- populated caat Beirut today ~bout two houn before Preeldent Amin Oemayel was 1worn In. Authoritleti said the bla1\AI wure at an ammunition dump and rudios reported al least 38 people werq Injured. The cxplQstons were at an arms depot Where tht! Lebanese army 1tored tons oC Soviet-made rockets hauled out of Palestine Liberation Organlz.atlon centers in west Beirut, prosec utor- General Assaad Germanos said. Mllltary OCflclala aald the first explosion was set off when a shell being unloaded from an army truck went off. causing a chain reaction. For about an hour, the area reaoundt'd with <'xplo11lon• 81 pt"Oplc cJuckt.'CI for rover lrom the whlizlna rocket• and 1uveraJ bulldlna• Wl'n: on fire. A woman who escaped thl.' area , was 1cr camlng, "1'he mlllt~ry , the military, why do they put It among the people?" 'I I Germanos told reporter» the blast occurred at an anny depot in the al-Abed Square near the Sin e l -Fil realdential neighborhood of east Beirut at 9:45 a.m. (12:45 a.m. PDT). The area i.8 near the Green Line that divides Beirut into Moslem and Christian sectors. • Germanos said 28 passers-by were hurt but Christian radio stations gave the names of 38 people it said were injured. REFINER·Y BLA·ST. • • From Page A1 500 yards from the refinery w,hen the force of the explosion "bounced him back against the wall." The deputy was unhurt, Steele said. "A lot of buildings all over town shook," Steele said. "But ·the onJy damage we heard about .was a lot of windows broken In four homes . CANYON PLAN. • • From Page A 1 proposed transportation corridor, which would bi.sect the project. For instance. were the multi- m i 11 ion dollar corridor not constructed, how would the company alleviate traffic congestion? Other concerns expressed by POST. • • From Page A 1 the council include flood control in the canyon, the effect on the view for motorists on Laguna Canyon Road and whether the public would have access to open space l!lJlds. They said the EJR should oontain a cost/revenue analysis of public services, grading impacts, and should explore alternatives which would feature "a less intensive development pattern. including a reduction in residential densities and commercial development." Up, up and away Cathy Gilch r ist of Laguna Beach, shown swinging in the un et a t Laguna's Ma in Be1tc h, lends a touch of action to wha t a p pears to be a n othe r w ise deserted playground. W ith the un etting earlier ea ch day, Cathy's summer relaxation will soon be a m emor . But, the city manager, said, that would not be a problem until the fall of 1984. He also said that public purchase of the land would mean a loss of property taxes on the property. Walter Gilbert dead at 76 In approving the offet to purchase the land, the City Council also authorized the spending of $2.500 to obtain an appraisal of the parcel. GUTSY. • • From Page A1 health. He has participated in local swimming contests and competes each winter In a handicapped skiing tournament. He works in the diving and ski equipment departments at the Sport Chalet store in Huntington Beach. L ong-ume Laguna Heach resident Walter LeRoy Gilbert, a carpenter who helped bu ild many of the batten board houses that dot the city, is dead at the age of 76. Gilbert died late Tuesday at South Coast Medical Center after a lengthy bout with cancer. Born in Buffalo, N.Y .. Gilbert moved with his familly to San Bernardino. As a teen-ager. he used to drive down to Laguna Beach from the family home for the dances at the old ballroom, where Main Beach Park is today. working for a variaty of builders in town, including the Taylor Brothers, who built many homes • in Laguna. He was, at one time, financial secretary and treasurer for the South Orange County District Council of Carpenters and was a past member and officer of the La"una Beach Elks Club. Of his courtship. friends recalled he drove up beside Floy "Billie" Gilbert m Laguna Beach at the oomer of Beach Street and Ocean Avenue and asked if she'd like a ride downtown. She accepted. even though already downtown at the time of the Invitation. High clouds due He moved to town in 1925 and worked for "Doc" Malo at Malo drug store, which was located where the Aaron Broth el"I art center is now on Coast HJghway. Later he became a head caretaker for the th en-new Emerald Bay Hom eown ers Association and a car e n ter, Gilbert is survived by his wife of 52 years, a sister . Clara Johnson . of Paradise and brother-in-law ''Doc" Blacketer. of Laguna Beach. with northern OeMt'l hlgh• trom 95 10 100 and low d-1 l\lgtla ot 100 to 108. Naahllllla 68 N9w Or1Mna 73 N9w Yorll 86 Norfolk 70 No. Platt• as Oleta City 78 Omaha 70 Ot1ando 79 Phlla<lr.la &3 Ptlo.n. 107 Pltttbur~ 55 Piiand, • 57 P11and. Ore 78 Provl<letlu 81 Raleigh 72 Reno 112 Seit lake 84 S811 Antonio 81 -hell Shr:-r.r. 74 Slou• an1 70 St loul1 68 St P0T11n9a 78 St Ste M1tle 82 Spohne 71 SyracuM 81 TOl)elca 71 Tucton " TlllM 78 Wutllngtn 85 Wlchll• 78 CAlll'C>Mt!A Bekel'alleld 81y1he £urella ,,_ Lanen!• ~~ Mont•.Y NMcltee -. Oalcland Puo Aol>IM Tides 42 eo eo .20 so ,02 54 55 ... 68 .12 63 ·~ 82 43 .01 53 .37 55 57 .211 48 40 5e 52 48 48 60 68 .02 33 60 M .31 63 72 57 52 .12 58 95 70 108 12 51 93 eo " 5t 90 70 11 .. t07 .ro 58 94 52 1:34 p.m. 9:32 p.m 11:12 a.m. 7.48 a.m. 2.48p.m 11.07 p"' lvn -'• tOdey 11 I 41 p.m .. ,... 'flder llt • 42 • "' Moon ,,_ ~ .. 12:42 p.m., -" "p.lft Store keeper M onte Pries is w earing our pure shetland w ool argyle V -neck sweater. The return of a classic, which features a four color diamond intarsia knitted with primary colors of navy, camel, grey or yellow. BankAmerkardlM•tter Char• WtllCUlf Plua ' ·- Walter Gilbe rt 102& Irvine. Newport Be•ch. California. Phone 042-7061 1m111111111 I IHIU~l>A '( St I' I I Miii II .'I l'tll.' OHANCa COUNTY LAl 11-0HNIA ;•, ('f NT ~ \ ' ., Irvine teachers stage march ·over _c_O_n_tract_ Disabled athlete • • ln S WlHJ r By PHIL SNEIDERMAN e>rttie o.-, "°' ..... Amputee athlete Tom Clardy, who works al a Huntington Beach sporting goods store, said he plans to set off late today on a 21 -mile swim from Catalina Island to Cabrillo Beach near San Pedro. For Clardy, 37, the athletic c hallenge will ca p a long, difficult comeback from the days he spent as a suicidal patient at a Utah Veterans Administration hospital. "I'm not supposed to be working out at all today." he said Wednesday. "But I'm going to anyway. I'm too nervous not to." Clardy , who res id es in Fullerton, spent some time in the surf at Corona del Mar State Beach on Wednesday preparing mentally and physically for the swim. He said he plans travel to Catalina Island tonight, plunge into the water at about 8 p.m. and arrive at CabriUo Beach by noon Friday. Clardy was prepared to make the swim one year ago but could not arrange for an escort boat. He feared that the current swim might be called off when his present escort boat developed serious engine trouble this week. Rather than delay the feat again, Clardy said he has rented a boat for $1 ,000 o accompany him on the swim. A former police officer and Navy frogman, Clardy was hit by a car during a skiing excursion in 1974. Hi s right l eg was amputated at the knee . Movement in his left leg was permanently impaired. After a period of depression in ~thwe~U""tah:.u'::-"'!'hos ..... puilt.-...al,7'Cl"""":ard~'j.wal1UU..OW1UJly~-JAh.11rrn1putee Tum Clardv-nlann ed to swim lo battled his way back to good ; r health. San Pedro from Catalina today. Cras h -victiJD wins case against bar . ; - A former Orange Coast College student from Costa Mesa - aerioualy injured in a traffic accident in 1978 -haa won a $1.88 mUUon judgment a,galnst an Anaheim bar whic~ served drinka to the driver of the car which struck her bicycle. The verdict in favor o f 27-year-old Michelle Daily waa reached Wednesday in Oran1e County Superior Courl Judie Leonard Oolcbt.eln'a courtroom alter a day of deliberations. Thouah it waa substantially lem than the $3.6 million which Dalley aought, her attorney " said the award waa a "reasonable amount." The jury, after hearing five weeks of testimony, determined t hat Kano's Restaurant and L ounge in Anaheim waa negligent for aerving drinks to Richard Morris, the driver of the vehicle whlcJi atruck Dally'• bicycle from behind Sept. 15, 1978. The aoddent occurred at about 2 a .m. aa Daily WH rtdtn1 home from her job at I.he South Cout Plua Hotel. She suffered aerloua le1 lnjuries. " [ INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade ClUJlfled Comia1 Death Notices F.dltorlal Entertainment Horoecope Ann Landers Movies Public Notices Sports Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Tt'levialon Thea lt"f'I We•ther World Newa _ _.. ___ .a..~~~c A4 82 C4-5 B2 04-8 ~ 04 A6-7 C6-7 B2 B2 C6·7 D2·3 Cl-3 82 C5 88 06-7 A2 AS - Irvine teachers president Dan Graham addresses instructors during contract protest . By GLENN SCOTT ()("!fie DellJ Not ..... Irvine's teachers .. as promiled, held an unusual faculty outing Wednesday, walking in a long procession over city aidewal!<. to call attention to their contract negotiations. Their mile-long parade ended at Lakeside Middle School, the site of the Irvine Unified School District's board meeting, where teacher spokesman Dan Graham told trustees that greater efforts sh ould be made to consider teachers' concerns. "It is ne secret that the teachers make the program• work," he said. "It's not. Ute programs that make the teachers work." About 400 of the teachers, by Graham's estimate, met at Venado Middle School to make their public march to Lakeside, with representatives from each school carrying hand-made signs to identify their campuses. Graham is president of the lrvine Teachers Association, the bargaining group for the teachers in their contract talks. He noted this is the first time In the district's 10 years that teachers have gone to work in the fall without a contract. However, district Superintendent A. Stanley Corey, addrt!fWng the crowd of teachers during the board meeting, noted that Irvine is only one of 19 districts in the county that have yet to sign contracts. Both Corey and Graham (See TEACHERS, Page AZ) Waste plan due change By STEVE TRIPOLI Of lhe Dlllty Nol ..... A proposal that would allow the transportation of radioactive wastes on three major Orange Count y freeways may be changed before it Is put into e ffect , its sponsors said Wednesday. The proposal, part of a statewide plan, was authored by the California Highway Patrol with assistance from state transportation officials and the nuclear power Industry. It calls for use of the Santa Ana, Costa Mesa and Riverside freeways, all roads that run through heavily populated areas, as rout.es for trucks carrying the materials. Though densely populated areas were not favored by those wh o drew up th e plans population was just one factor used In drawing up the CHP's final proposal, according to Dan Parker of the CHP. Other considerations included road safety and the ability of raids to handle trucks carrying the materlala, he said. The plan, which has attracted criticism from almost all of the areas it affects. was aimed at findlnft the "safest, most feasible routes' for moving the materials, Parker said. Though medical and industrial radioactive waste will be among those carried , the biggest potential producer of radioactive waste locally is the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Material from that plant had been transported into San Diego County and across the desert on four 1980 trips to a disposal site in Illinois. Officials of S o uthern California Edison Co., which operates the plant located just south of the Orange-San Diego County line, said Wednesday they an.llcipate no shipments from the site until the early 1990s, when on-site waate storage areas ~ full. After that time, said &:loon's nuclear fuel supply manager, John Ladesich, as many as two shipments of waste per week could leave the plant by truck. Ladeaich stressed, however, that F.dilon currently ls leaning toward a plan to remove all its wastes from the plant by rail, a process that is faster, cheaper and would require only about six shipments a year. Parker said hearings around the state are bringing local concerns about the CHP plan to light, and that those concerns may alter the plan eventually. "We certainly don't think we have a monopoly on knowledge -that's why we're holding the hearings," he said. (See NUKE, Paie A%) Two h e ld in Valley rent s cam Fountain Valley police have arrested two men who allegedly tried to rent a local (our-bedroom home to 16 different tenants to obtain $1,700 in preliminary payments from each. restaurants near Orange County Airport. Deutsch said officers found that the two men each carried business cards bearing their photograph and the same phony name -David R. Hall. He said Officers said the two allegedly the men possessed documents were working a familiar scheme indicating they had set up thattiesintothecurrent shortage appointments to meet 16 of rental housing and the prospec tive renters at the prevailing high rents. restaurant. Plaoed in Orange County Jail The two men had earlier on suspicion of grand theft. fraud rented a Fountain Valley home and criminal conspiracy were with four bedrooms, a pool ancf Gary Richard. 36, of Ronan, fireplace and then had placed a Mont., and Allen L . Carlson, 28, newspaper ad offering to rent of Apache Junction, Ariz. the home for $695 per month, which ls significantly below Fountain VaUey police Sgt. Vic going rates, Deutsch said. Deutsch said the two were The men allegedly set up arrested Tuesday afternoon a pp o l n t men ta w Ith 1 6 whU~ey wer~oncludlA"g -prospective-tenants, ~ transactions with separ ate to bring a cashier's check for ,1,- prospectivc tenants at two 700, which they said would co~r first and last month's rent. plus security and key deposits, according to Deutsch. The two even employed an answering service in Arizona tb field calls to their "office," he said. Several prospective tenants were skeptical of the lOw rent, however, and contacted Fountain Valley police. After receivi\lg several calls about the home , officers arranged to monitor the restaurant transactions. Police arrested the two men after confirming that they we re renting th,e same h ome to dJfferent people, ~h said. He said officers rJ!COvettd the deposits and found that the men were carrying 16 ~t.e renjal __ co~ and nn<eyithat would not'have worked at the Fountain Valley home. Shell blast 'like atom bomb' MARTINEZ (AP) -A blaze with flames shooting more than 000 feet high from a Shell OU refinery e¥ploelon that police aay looked and sounded "Uke a amaU atomJc bomb" was under control today. Windows ln •t least four homes a half·mile from the massive complex were blown out by the force of the explosion Wednesday nl1ht, 1ccordln& to police In Martinea, 20 mllea northeast of S•n Fr•nclaco. Bulldlnga were ahaken for teveral mllet around and the blaat was heard t'llht mllet away. No JnJuri• w.re reported In \he acadft\t and police cndited the ''excellent work" of the Shell firefighters In bringing the flames under control quickly. A small fire continued tod1y u the reektue of oU burned off, offidals aaid. "Moat of the refinery la kind of automatk•llY controlled ind moat of the operatora are qu.lte a dlttance" from the tcene, aald Shell apokesman Dan 01.az.e. Another Shell offtclal, Joe Sneed, uld the explosion apparently occurred ln •piece of equipment aalled a catalyUC feed hydro treater, which removn lmpur1\tee from on. The pert of the plant where the. blut OCCW'l'td proclll II 80ftW 80,000 barrels of light Q,il each da1. he aaid. WitneHee Hid• bl'dl ... t oranp fluh Ut •the *1 at 9'.35 p.m .. foUowed tiy an enonnout rumble end foun\aina of flarnel. "I aaw the li1ht of the explosion ~fore I heard l\." Mid Martinez senior patrolman Chuck Steele. "lt WM like a ...U atomic bomb . h w•1n't muahroom·tha~ but It WN hu,e. The n...-. wwe at .._ 300 '° eoo ,_ ....... way Otl« the tower which 11100 fe9t. And there wel't' dncMn tf .......... Ulr.e tireworka." Steele pld a de told him he'd ..... (8" REFINERY, ~ F , ------ ''"' Ora e Oo81t DAILY PILbTIThur1da ·canyon plan doubled lb STEVE MITCHELL or .... ~,......., The Jrvlno Company h aa 1aubmtued pl&N to th county for • !Apna Canyon project ne.rly twice aa large and with more• than twice the homea propoecd a year ago. In ltl Laguna/Laurel Canyon plan , the comeany J>ropoaes bullding as many u 3,600 units ·on 2.1~0 acrea along Laguna Canyon Road between the San Diego Freeway and El Toro .Road. Plana for the project were barely in the handa of county Envlronme f\tal Manat1_ement Agency oCficials before Laguna Beach submitted a liat of the dty'a concerns. The homes, ranging from affordable units to luxury custom homes adjacent to an 18-hole .private golf course, would dot the --eenyon acreage. Plana call for low and medium density development of homes in Laurel Canyon, along with a commercial center adjacent to the proposed San J oaquin Transportation Corridor. Anothe r cente r would be located near the golf course, west of Laguna Canyon Road. And while the land area and the number of units proposed are much larger than ,originally proposed by the company, a spokesman for the development firm said the project includes much more public open space. ·' Richard Sim, vice president of the company's community development division, said plans call for phased dedication of l; 151 acres as public open space, Including ridgelines and hillsides facing the canyon road and in Laurel Canyon. When that is added to the 158-acre golf course, open space and r ecreation land wo uld amount to about 61 percent of the development area. Sim aaid development could begin in two to three years. depending on approval by the eounty and the economic climate. "In any event," he said, "We anticipate it will take a minimum ... LAOUMA/LA\MIL CANYON \ --LIOIMD 1A I 1 1 k~~J~~1~ly / 1 2 MEDIUM LOW DENSITY / / / / / I I RESIDENTIAL 1 .. HIGH DE~SITY ( RESIDENT AL \ 2 0 COMMUNITY \ COMMERCIAL 5.0 OPEN SPACE \ 5 1 RECREArlON I -·- \ I \ I, 1A 1.0 Leisure World Dellf l'tlot lilllP Irvine Company officials propose to build a maximum of 3,600 units on 2, 150 acres in Laguna Canyon. of 10 years and perhaps as long as 15 to complete the planned community." But before development begins, the company must prepare an environmental impact report. Public h ea rings o n that document and the project are tentatively scheduled for m1d- March. The company discarded a "golf v illage" pro posal submitted earlier. with oHicials saying the plan was not economically feasible. Laguna Bech council this week sent a letter to county officials outlining concerns it has with the project. and issues it believes s hould be inc lude d in the I environmental report. Specifically, it wants EIR to evaluate the effects of tralfic on existing roadways » well as the propoaed transportation corridor. which would bisect the project. For instance, were the multi- m il ll on dollar corridor not constructed , how would the company alleviate traffic congestion? Other concerns expressed by the council include flood control in the canyon. the effect on the view for motorists on Laguna Canyon Road and whether the public would have access to open space lands. Blasts precede ceremony BEIRUT, Lebanon (Al') hplo1lun1 rock•d Chrt1tlan- po pulated eaat Beirut today about two houn before PrHldcnt Amin Oemayel waa aworn in. Authorities aald the blaata were a t an ammunition dump and radla. reported at leut 38 people were injured. The explo1lon1 were at an arma depot where the Lebanese army stored tol'll of Soviet-made rockets hauled out of Palestine Llbera1lon Organization centeni In weat Belru-t, prosecutor- OeneraJ Aaaaad Germanoe said. Military orrlcials aaid the first explosion was aet off when a shell being unloaded from an army truck went off, causing a chain reaction. For about an hour, the area resounded with explosions as people ducked tor cover lrom the whizzing rockets a nd several buildings w~re on fire. A .woman w ho escaped the area was scr eaming, "The military, the military. why do they put It among the people?" NUKE. ' . From Page A1 At a Los Angeles hearing last weekend, Orange County Rep. Jerry Patterson, D-Garden Grove, was among local people expressing opposition to the current plan. U the CHP changes its plan as a result of the current round of hearings there will be more hearings in the affected areas before a final decision on new routes is reached, Parker said. Even without changes -and that was characterized by Parker as an "unlikely" possibility -no new plan can go into effect until at least the beginning of next year. he said. Up,-up and away Cathy Gilchrist of Laguna Beach, shown swinging in the sunset at Laguna's Main Beach, lends a touch of actian to what appears to be an otherwise deserted playground. With the sun setting earlier each day, Cathy's summer r elaxation will soon b e a memor . Riley answers ·Irvine dump charge TEACHERS MARCHING. • • From Page A1 - Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley has taken issue with Irvine city officials, saying the county government has "aggressively" pursued options to develop landfills. But Riley noted Wednesday tllat every 9C'e08rio conceived for the co unty's solid waste management program has atill required a new dump site. The s upervisors have c hosen a 725-ac:re site at Bee Canyon. in the foothills east of Irvine's Sand Canyon Avenue, for the landfill. County leaders such as Riley. whose supervisori;ll district includes Irvine. bave bee n cr iticized b y city leaders for falling to nurture more tee h nologica 11 y-advan ced systems of waste dispasal. The Irvine City Council filed a lawsuit this w eek in Oriln1e County Superior Court In Its most serious bid to stall the landfill development. Riley, however. noted that a consultant hired last year by the county to examine alternatives. such as trash -burning co- genera lion or resource recovery systems, advised that landfills are stlll the most economical course. Supe rvisors followed the "normal process of public hearings" before choosing Bee Canyon in September 1979 as the next site, Rll~y added. On a more condliatory note, the s upe r visor said county administrato rs are seeking to extend the life of the Coyote Canyon landfill, a dump west of UC Irvine and on the outskirts of the city. Bee Canyon is intended to replace Coyote Canyon, which Summer hack Coastal lncr•Hlng high cloudln111. HIQtle fllnQlllQ lrom uooer 70. 1t th• b1ecl\e1 to 1101 Intend Tonight: vvlable high doudlnett Lowa 8 5 to 70 Frida y Con1lderebl• high cloudlnna Highs ranging from upper 70. at ~to 80t Inland Ov•r outer coa11a1 water• nor11-t wtndt 10 to 20 knot• with 3 to 5 1001 combined -o.ct...ino IOfllght 1nd Friday El•~. llghl v1rl1bll w4nda night and morning hourt becorM1a -U-t to .,,.... s to 18 knots ln eft•noon Ind -"'Cl houri today and Fr iday. ~t ....... lnct'eulne to 2 lo 4 IMt by .. ,. todey continuing tlwough Frtdey. Lalifornia • OCMn-fl"Clnt Pf°'*1Y dw9llet't llOng eou•MlldnO bMCtl9 -• -'*' to .,,..-. tor lllgfl --today. Friday and poHlbly tflrough ttle Miik~ II ~ne Ollvl• doNn't di• down, th• Na1lonel W•IW ~ Mid. The llurTtcane -IUI pleoed by the _.._~ about 750 mllH aouth of 81n Diego on W•dh .. dlJ, decr=J' In lflt~ • 111"0*1 lM w.t Incl ~ II 14 l11not1, Mid -th« MMce tpeelall1t Allen f'hompeon. He Mid 6-to-.. loot brtlklfl llOng~~--· ••p•cted tot11y 1nd Frld1y, noting INt -., .. expacted to 119 Nt -..,_ Molllce. Long 9Mdllltd ....... "If Ollwl• 1tat11 out and ...,_ ... lnlo • troplGll 9'onn .,.. .,. ...... ~ ... ~--. ...... ltlt1W19 movln9 "'91'1 northwartl •• • llur1toaM. """ " • oomtnue ""' wive a c tion through th• ~·· with northern a--i highs from 115 to 100 and low da«t highs of 100 to 108. ~ -moWIO at mlJdmum .... of 110 lcnott """ pty ::::.=to 125 knot•. It WM to oeor... In lntenllty • • .,.... owr ocM<* .....,.., ........ "NOw II • t11111 tor Pl'tonl ..... 1111 ..... ~--· .................... ._ ...,. 111--.. ,,....., .... ..... ,, _ liiilliii.-~U--R ___ f l_IP_Dl ___ T wuflltf Hrvlo• HI-In • i.T__.. ........... *"'· LlleMIM [ • .,.,.. "''" ,.,._ •I Loe Ang•le• lolumlnflon .._,... 2-3 ft H•ltof ftfl foreoMI for thlt """'~ Pltr 2-4 ft ....,_. 4.7 ..... ..... Ma llllww Jeny , .... ft ~ ... -• di ... ... 40ttl ... """'°" 3 " tot..-• thtoUf"ovt loutllefn HtMI It ....._, 1·1 ft GelfOf'MI .,....,. l'rMler wt111 9llboe Wedll M ft _......, ......,.,"'. '" "" ,........, \AIUnl 14" LGI Mflllil .,_ 0... y_, llMDr HolloW 14 It Ml II ···--· ,......... l.Sft Tiie 111111 'WI "91 ~ eft 1111 QallllMI ,.._ 14 ft .__ ........ _. .• ,.. T........,CT...,_I 1-1 1t ...... T-. .. .. ' 17 •1 17 17 .. .. .. .. .. ............. ," ....... , .......... .-...::T-:: · .. '""°" ... ...,.'NI 1: ... p..111 .. '--Tide,...,. 111., ...... °""""" ........ .. -···· NethYllla N9w Oflean• New York NOl'tolk No Plane Oki• City Omaha Orlando Phlladphlt Pho«th1 Pltttburgh Pti.nd, Me Pt .. nd. Ora Provldencl Raleigh Reno Salt l.ak• 8"' Amonlo S..1111 ShrlYePOf'I SIOu• Falla St Loul1 St P-Tampe St Ste Mari. Spolcane 8yr-Topella TucilOn TlllM Wlllhlngtn Wldllle 68 73 ee 10 88 78 10 711 63 107 55 57 71 81 72 82 s.c S1 ee 74 10 68 7S 92 71 81 71 " 79 98 79 CAUP°""'A 8ekataflald 81y1he Eutella F~ l.ancle1er ~~ Molli.ray ~ Olki.nct Paao Aoblel Tides TOOAY 42 80 80 .20 511 .02 54 55 54 68 .12 53 .20 82 43 .01 53 ,37 55 57 .H 48 40 56 52 65 48 48 50 68 .02 33 so 53 .31 53 72 117 52 .12 58 115 70 108 92 51 t3 80 " 56 'IO 70 I I .. 107 10 51 ... 52 seoono hlQll 1:i4 p.m S.Cond '°" 11:32 p.m . 5. 12 a.rn. 7:45 a.111. 2·4'plll 11-01 p Ill tun Mt• IOd•Y II 1•41 p.m , ,.... ''*Y ... 42 • "' ~,... IOdfl'I' at 1~1.42 pm., ..... '1 p111. is projected to last from three to six years. "With all thoee plans working, I'm not sure what the board's reaction would be about looking for a new site," Riley explained. "I think that would be a repeat of what's happening with (John Wayne) airport." The city's lawsuit asks that the county prepare a supplemental environmental impact report to take into consideration the growth of residential a reas in nearby Northwood since the Bee Canyon studies were completed t in 1979. It says about 2,000 residents have moved into the village, which is about 2.5 miles from the canyon, the last three years and another 7 ,000 are e xpected before growth reaches capacity. agreed that negotiations this s ummer were m ade mor e diffi c ult by th e s t ate Legislature's decision not to offer n e w fund ing f o r public education. "The board has asked me lo express its pride and confidence in the work you've done," Corey told the teachers. most of them standing in the jammed meeting room. "But we are engaged in an adversary process under the law called collective bargaining." Corey, speaking in measured and respectful tones, said he was confident both sides could reach a fair agreement. Graham said the teacher walk was organized primarily to prove to the trustees that teachers are s upportive of their negotiating team's stance. He said they also wanted to draw attention to the Storekeeper Monte Pries is wearing our pure shetland wool argyle V-neck sweater. The return of a classic, which features a four color diamond intarsia knitted with primary colors of navy, camel, grey or yellow. Bank A mericardlMHter Charge W.lldUf Plua current plight of California's education system, which he said is woefully under-financed. Nef{otiators for both sides are still discussing several issues. but teachers and administrators agree that the primary one is the amount of time teachers should spend in classrooms each day. REFINERY. • From Page A1 :mo yards from the refinery when the force of the explosion "bounced him back against the wall-" The deputy was unhurt, Steele said. "A lot of buildings all over itown shook," Steele said. "But .the only damage we heard about .was a lot of windows broken in four homes . 102& Irvine. Newport Be1eh. C1lifomi1. Phont 642-7061 • lltUHSOAY . Sl I'll Miii II.' I 1'111/ Obstacle course urfer maneuver around metal structure about I 00 yard off Huntington Beach shoreline. Divers are using the structure as a platform as they a tte mpt to repair a leaking watt>r line leading to p la tform Emmy, an offshore drilling rig owned by Aminoil U A. Disabled athlete • • in SWlnJ By_JqllL SNEIDERMAN ---9{the Delly Piiot Staff Amputee athlete Tom Clardy. who work s at a H u n tington Beach sporu ng goods store. said he plans to set off lat.c today on a 2 1-mi le swim from Cata lina Island to Cabnllo Beach near San Pedro For Clardy. 37, the athl<'llc. c h allenge will cap a long. difficult comeback from the duys he spent as a suicidal patient at a Utah Veterans Admin1strat1on hospital "I'm not suppost'd to be working out al all today," hl· S<J1d Wednesday "But I'm going to anyway. I'm too nervous not to " Cl ard y, wh o r c.•sides 111 Fullerton, spent some ume m the surf at Corona del Mar S ta te Beach on Wednesday preparing mentally and physic-ally for the swim. He said he plans travel to Catalina Island tonight. plunge into the water at about 8 p.m and arrive al Cabnllo Beach by noon Friday Clardy was prepared to make the swim one year ago but could not arrange for an escor t boat He feared th at the current swim m ight be called o ff when his present escort boat developed sen ous engtnC' troublt' this week Rather than delay the feat again. Clardy said he has rented a boat for $1.000 o accompany him on the swim A former policc o fficer <ind Navy frogman. Clardy wac; hit by a car during a skiing excursion in 19 74 . Hi s ri g ht l eg w as amputate d a t t h e kn ee . Movement In his le ft leg was permanently Impaired . Dally Piiot l'tloto by Gary Ambro .. After a period of depression in the Utah hospital, Clardy slowly battled his w ay back to good health. Amputee Tom Clnrdy p lanned to swim to an Pedro from Cata lina today. Crash victiID wins case against bar AformerOrangeCoast College student from Costa Mesa - aerlously)njured in a traffic accident In 1978 -has wo" a $1.88 mUIJon judgment against an Anaheim bar which served drinks to the drive r of the car w,,lch struck her bicycle. The verdict In favor o f 27-year·old Michelle Dally was reached Wednesday in Orange County Superior Court Judie Leonard Ooldsteln'a courtroom after a day of deliberations. Thoush It wu 1ubstantla1Jy 1891 than the $3.~ million which Dalley 1ought, her attorne y said the award was a "reasonable amount." The jury, after hea ring Clve weeks of testimony, determined tha t K an o's Restaurant and L o unge In Anbb e lm was negligent for serving drinks to Richard Morris. the driver of th~ vehicle which struck Delly's bicycle from bf>hlnd Sep\. 15, 1978. The eccldent occurrt'CI at about 2 a .m as Dally was riding home from her job at th«! South Coast Plaza Hot.cl. She suffel't'd (See CRASH, P11e AZ) INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Death Notices F.d1ton al Entertainment Horoscope Ann Lander11 Movies ..Public Notk'CI Sports Or. Stclncrohn Stock Markets T'clevlslon Theaters Weather World Newa I --- ·' A4 B2 C4-5 8 2 04-8 B6 04 Aff·7 C6-7 8 2 B2 I G6-7 02-3 Cl-3 82 C6 B8 C6-7 A2 A3 ClllA lllA 1111111 OHANGl COUN l Y C A L IF OH N IA ]5 C ENTS ) Banning project called '2nd Newport Center' B)'. STEVE MARBLE Of IM O.Uy Piiot lteH Critics of the Banning Ranch development in Newport Beach have charged that the proje<:t lB only a first step toward building anothe r Newport Cent.er. Mike Johnson, a west Newport resident and foe of the Banning plan that comes before ~lty voters Nov. 2, said this fact and others have been deliberately hidden from local residents. He ch arged vote rs ha ve not been informed of whu t t he Banning development will bring to the wes t side o f Ne w port Beach. The dt'velopmen t would cover a 75-acre wedge of the 500-acre Banning Ranch. The rC'maining 425 acres are adjacent to but outside city limits and presently dotted with oil wells. Newport Cen ter is the largest s h opping and prof ession a l complex in Newport Beach . Hancock Banning owner of the oceanview ranch , responded that development of the remaining 425 acres is 20 years off. He said it would be "preposterous" for hLm to begin planning that land at this point. "If that's what they'd like me to do," Banning said of his cntics. "I think it's a pre tty da mned irrespons ible thing to ask." "It would be foolish to spend half a million dollar developing a · 1>lan for that land ... 1' Banning d e nied tha t he 1s pla nning a second Newpor t Center and ~id it will be years b e f o r e h is fi r m ca n t·ven dete rmin e how the remuining 425 acres should be used. "It would be foolis h to spend ha){ a mlUi~n dolla rs developing a plan for that land when you'd have to redo the entire thing in 20 years," Banning said. Richard Nichols, an opponent of the Banning project, suggL-sted that the remaining ranch land should be annexed by Newport and that residents should be shown a master plan for the entir e s pread. The a c reage stretches from the Santa Ana Ri ver to a point near Hoag Memorial Hospital. Nichols charged that Banning is taking a "piecemeal" approach to developing his land. "That's certainly not true," retorted Banning. w hose family has o wned the property three generations and once used it for ratsing s heep. "Th is is the sin gle m ost comprehensive plan ever put together for West Newport. It is not pu.•cemeal not by a long stretch," Ba nning said o f h is 7~-acn• project He charged that l'rtt1cs have trk-d to mislead vot.ers by raising issues he claims are "straw men." Ba nning siu d he can "only laugh " a t the• suggestion t hat developers an Nl'wport Beach get favorable treatme nt from th«: City Council. "lf anything," he said, "1t 1s just the other way around." J e a n W a t t , a n o th e r. o f Ba nning 's o pponents, said a majority of the council lives by a "double stand<ird" which favors d evelopers and ignores traffic and other impacts developments will have on reside nts. Watt said council membe rs "sho v e the r eal and future impacts (of a development) unde r the rug." Ne wpo rt Ma yor J ac k ie H ea the r . a s uppo rte r o f Bannlng's proje<.'t. said she has· heard "this double standard talk before" and takes exception to it. "There is no double standard," she responded. "Each project that m mes before us is judged equally a nd is judge d on its m e r its. Pe riod." The fate of Bannang's 75-acre project, approved by the council last spring. will be decided by city voters. WaSte plan due change By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 the Oallr Piiot Ii.ff A proposal that would allow the transportation of radioactive was tes on three ma jor Orange C o unty fre eways may b e ch anged be fore 1t is put lqfo e ff ec t , its s p o n sors sa id Wednesday. The pro p osa l, part of a statewide plan, was authored by the California Highway Patrol w ith assista n ce from s ta te tr.ansportallon officials a nd the nuclear power industry. It calls for use of the Santa Ana. Costa Mesa and Riverside freeways. all roads t hat run through heavily populated areas, as routes for trucks carrying the materials. Thou gh den sely populated a reas were not favored by those who dre w up t h <' pl a n s popula tion was just one factor used in drawing up the CHP's final proposal. according to Dan Parker of the CHP. O the r considerations included road safety and the ability of raids to handle truc ks carrying the materials, he said . The plan. which has attracted criticism from almost aH o( the areas it a ffects, was aim ed at finding the "safest, most feasible routes" for moving the materfals. Parke r said. Though medical and industrial radioactive waste will be among those ca.rr1e d . the biggest poten tial producer of radioactive waste locally IS the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Mate rial fro m tha t pla nt h ad been tra nspo rted into San Diego County and across the desert on four 1980 trips to a disposal site in IUinois. Off icial s o r S o uth er n Cali fornia Edison Co .. which operates the pla nt located just south of the Orange-San Diego County line, said Wednesday they anticipate no shipments from the site until the early 1990s. wh e n on -s ite w ast e storage areas become full. After that time. srud F.dison's nuclear fuel supply manager , John Ladesich, as many as two shipments of waste per week could leave the plant by truck . L ad es1ch stressed, however, that F.dason currently Is leaning toward a plan to remove all its wastes from the· plant by nul, a process tha t a;> faster, cheaper and wou ld requ ire only a bout six shipments a year. . Pllrker said hearmgs around th e s tate are br ingi n g local concerns about the CHP plan to light. and tha t those concerns may alter the plan eventually. "We cer tainly don't think we have a monopoly on knowledge -that's why we're holding the hearings." he said . (See NUKE, Pa~e A2) Two held in. Valley rent scam Fountain Valley police h ave . arrested two men who allegedly t ried to rent a local four-bedroom home to 16 different tenants to obtain $1.700 an p relimina r y payments from each. Offi cers said the two allegedly were working a fam1har scheme t hat ues into the current shortage o f r ental ho u s ing a nd the prevailing high rents. Placed in Orange County Jail on suspicion of grand theft. fraud and criminal conspiracy we re Gary R ichard. 36, of Ro na n , Mont., and Allen L. Carlson, 28, of Apache Junction , Ariz. Fountain Valley police Sgt Vic De utsch sa id the two w e r e arreste d Tuesday afte rnoon while they were concluding tra n sactio ns with separate prospective tena n ts a t two restaurants near Oran ge County Airport. Deutsch said officers found that the two men each carried business cards bearing their photograph and the same phony name -David R. Hall. He said the men possessed documents indicating they h a d set up a ppointme nts t o m ee t 1 6 p ros pec t ive r e nte r s a t the 1"cstaurant. T he two m e n h a d earlier rented a Fountain Valley home with four bedrooms, a pool a nd fireplace and then had placed a newspaper ad offering to rent the home for $695 per month, which is significantly b elow going rates. Deutsch said. The me n allegedly set up appo i ntments with 16 prospective tenants, urging each ·to bring a cashier's check for $I.- 700. which they said would cover first and last month•s rent. plus secu rit y a nd key d e p osits. according to Deutsch . The two even e mployed a n answenng service m Arizona to fie ld calls to their "office." he said. Several prospective tenants we re skcpucal of the low rent, however. and con tacted FountaJn Valley police. A fter receiv ing seve ral calls a b o ut t h e h o m e, o ffi cer s a rran ged t o m o nito r the restauran t transactions. Police a rrested the two m e n after confir ming tha t they w e re r e nting th e s am e horpe to different people, Deutsch said. He said officers recovered the deposits and found that the men we re carrying 16 separate rental contracts and 16 keys that would not have worked a t the Fountain Valley home. Shell blast 'like atom bomb' MARTINEZ (AP) -A blaze with names shooting more than 500 feet high from a Shell Oil refinery explosion that police say looked and 10unded "like a smaJJ atomic bomb" was under control today. Wlndowa In at least four homes a half-mlle from c.he massive complex were blown out by the force of the explosion Wednesday night, according to police In Martinez, 20 mllea northaut of San Francl1co. Bulldlnaa were Ahaktn for several miles around and the blast wu heard olaht miles away No lnjuriet wtre r.por~ ln tb act'ldent and pol~ <ndilfd the "excellent work" or the Shell firefighters in bringing the names under control quickly. A amall fire continued today as the r8idue of oil burned off. officials said. "Most of the refinery ls kind of automatically controlled and most of the operators art' quite a distance" from the ~ne, said Shell spokesman Dan GSaie. Another Shell offlclal, Joe Sneed. aald the e xplos ion apparently occurred ln a piece of equipment called a catalytic feed hydro treotcr, which remov•• impurities from oil. The part of the plant whert" the blut occurred procc1K1 1e>me 80,000 " barrels of lig ht oil each day, he said. Witnesses said a brilliant orange flash lit up the sky at 9:3' p .m.. followed by an enormous rumble and fountains of f~mes. "I saw the light of the explosion before 1 heard it." said Martlnei senior patrolman Chuck Steele. "It was like a small atomic bomb . It was"'t mushroom-shaped but lt was huge. The llamct were a t least 500 to 600 feet high, way owr the towtr which Is 300 feet. And t~re w~r. cinders ar 1parkl Uk• flreworkl." StHle Niel, •• &Ii' IMriff cold htm he'd.._ about (he llEFl.Y, ) · .. , ·~· 0/N Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, leptember 23. 1081 Colleges, CBS sign TV pact Communlc11t1on1 atant CBS lnc. •nd thcs Cout ConvNnnJty ~olleae Olatrlct have 111ned a ~2 .4 mUllon 11reement to 'produce and market flve l-elevlalon coursea taraeted for colleae• and unlveral\lea 'hationwlde al wml .. cable ~e levl1lo n comp nle. and vldeOtape dlstribu . Repreeentatlve. from the local 1 p,ollese district and CBS hailed \he contract Wed nesday H a landmark agreement linked to the revolution In vld~o ·technology and. the growing market fot adult education. ~ pact comet at a Ume when t district administrators ~ embroiled in a dispute with aome 'faculty members over the quality 'f>t television courses. : The district includes Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, Golden West Colleg.s:_ In Huntington Beach and Coastline 'College, which offers classes at numeroua locaUona. The dittric:t allO own1 KOCE Channel oo. located on tho Golden W at carnpua. The district la deecrlbed u tho nation'• loadlna producer of televl1lon cour1 a. These have been uaed by more than 900 colleges and untveraiUee. Under the agreement, CBS t. lnvea\lng .2.4 million io cover the coeta of producing the five telecouraea. The dlatrlct will provide peraonn~l to design, produce (at Kt>CE) and help market the counes. . The c:.ouraea to be produced under the CBS agTeement are anthropology, photography, cooking, microcomputers and marketing. Accompanying texts and atudy guides will be printed by CBS Educational and Professional Publishing. The courses are to be completed and ready for marketing by September 1984, 8.QClOrdll')i to CBS and the dlftrlct. CoHt and C.BS will ahare equally In revenue. dorlvcsd from markettna the coune. to coUeaea and unlvertltlc.>t. CBS will derive a higher percentaae from salt:. involving cable companies, aeconduy achoo! placement, video cuaettea and video diacl. "We'll both make money," Coast dlatrlct Chancellor Norman Watson said. He contended that the dJatr1ct has never Joa\ money on any telecourse pf'Oduced. Ray Ashton, viee president and edl\Or-ln-chief of CBS' College PubHshlng division, said population studies indicate the traditional college age group, 18 to 25, will decrease by 15 percent by 1990, while the number of adults over 35 will increase by 40 percent during the period. He said this older age group is demonstrating a strong appetite for continuing education. "Peoplti artl a ulna much morct aecloua MboUt 1pe.ndlna IOmG Of thl'll' lel1'urc: time In learning," ht> INlld. Alhton Mid (1«.:ulty objectiona to televlalon cour1c1 have occurred elsewhere In tho UnJl«l Stat.ea awJ said he la not worrlod about review• of Coast televiaton C.'OUl'9C8, "I happen-to think the Coast dlStrict ls one or the best in the country from design to marketing (of telecourses,)" he said. ~ · Phillis Basile, president ol the American Federation of Teachers chapter representing ·full-time Coast district instructors, said the group has no specific objections to the CBS contract. But she said some Coast teachers remain concerned about the district's diversion of attention to nationwide television course production while cutbacks continue In classroom instruction. Project expan.ded for Laguna Canyon Seminar explains new tax laws A seminar on new tax laws will be presented Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at the Newporter by Fox & Co., a Newport Beach public accounting firm. The tax laws are a result of the 1982 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The two-hour seminar is designed to give businessmen an overview and understanding of the latest •An influenza immunization clinic free to persons over 55 years of age will be set up Oct. 2 from 9 a .m . to 5 p.m. at Hoag M emorial Hospital in ., Newport Beach. I The vaccine will also be •A Newport Beach home that has been decorated by 20 interior designers will be open to the public Sunday through Oct. 24 to raise money for Children's.Hospital of Orange County. The House o1 Design. located at 23 Ridgeline Drive in the Harbor Ridge community, is presented federal tax legislation. The seminar is open to the public and reservations can be made by calling 851 -1088. The aocounting firm is also offering a pamphlet that details the tax law chan,es. A copy can. be obtained by writing Fox & Company, 4000 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 40Q, Newport Beach, 92660. administered without charge to persons suffering a chronic illness. The clinic will be in the , hospital's conference center and is sponsored by the hospital and the Orange County Health Departmeot. through the Newport Harbor Jaycees. Tickets are $7.50 at the door or $6 in advance. The house will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p .m. a nd on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p .m . It will be closed Mondays. For information, ca lf 675-9333. By STEVE MITCHELL Of the Dettr "'°' ,Stan The Irvine Company has submltted plans to the county for a Laguna Canyon project nearly twice as large a nd with more than twice the homes proposed a year ago. In Its Laguna/Laurel Canyon plan, the company proposes building as many as 3,600 units on 2, 150 acres along Laguna Canyon Road between the San Diego Freeway and El Toro Road. Plans for the project were barely in the hands of county Environmental Management Agency officials before Laguna Beach submitted a list of the city's concerns. The homes, ranging from affordable units to luxury custom homes adjacent to an 18-hole private golf course, would dot the canyon acreage. Plans call for low and medium density development of homes in Laurel Canyon, along with a commercial center adjacent to the proposed San Joaquin Transportation Corridor . Another center would be located near the golf course, west of Laguna Canyon Road. And while the land area and the number of units proposed are much larger than originally proposed by the compan y, a spokesman for the development firm said the project Includes much more public open space. Richard Sim, vice president of the company's commu nity development division, said plans call for phased dedication of h 151 acres as public open space, includin~ ridgelines and hillsides Summer hack Coastal with northern dften highs from 95 to 100 and tow deMtt higl11 of 100 to 108. U.S. summary Albany AlbuQue Amarillo Alhe¥llla Atlanta Atlante Cty Auttln Baltimore 8llllnga Bk'mlnghm Bllmerok 8oiM &o.ton BrO'#NV!le ~on HI Lo f'rc. 61 54 .09 80 59 83 55 &4 37 69 45 &4 58 82 55 81 47 78 60 72 43 10 45 78 60 51 54 .. 83 so 52 87 N 83 48 80 80 82 42 .06 71 48 79 46 .12 61 40 83-42 54 49 .60 75 45 60 48 .06 79 58 58 47 83 58 68 54 59 51 16 65 47 16 81 77 49 so 60 74 43 81 84 .05 70 41 90 78 78 80 80 37 74 42 13 58 71 87 89 44 100 14 71 60 83 42 .01 81 89 69 48 16 77 .04 eo 44 6t 54 •~ SURF RIPIRT t .. ..... ,.._ ...................... ~ .... .. . . ' .... .... °=' ,.., '"" poor = :::: = . ...... T-. .. .. 11 t7 t1 . ., 14 ... 14 • .. Nalhvllle New Orlean1 New Yori! Norlotk NO. Platte Olda City Omel\a Ol'lando Phlladphll Phoenix Pltllburgh Piiand. Ma Piiand, Ora Providence Raleigh Reno Salt Lake San Antonio S.a111e Shreveport Slou• l'a111 St Lovl1 St P-Tampa St Ste Marie Spoune Syrac:uM Topelta Tucaon Tulsa Walhlngtn Wlehlta 88 42 73 60 68 60 .20 70 59 .02 88 54 76 55 70 54 79 68 '12 63 S3 .20 107 82 55 43 .01 57 53 .37 71 55 81 57 .26 72 48 82 40 84 58 81 52 86 55 74 48 70 48 68 50 78 68 .02 82 33 71 50 81 53 .31 71 53 " 72 78 87 85 52 '12 78 88 CALll'OlllNIA Bllktrallttld ' 95 70 106 Blyt~ Euralla Fraano Lancaattr LOIA~ Mar;tvllle Monterty Need ... Otkl81'1d Paeo Aoblu Tides 82 81 93 '° IHI 51 90 70 91 ee 107 70 M 94 82 6:12 a.m • 7:46 a.m. 2 . .-p.m 11:01 p,m lun Mii today at 114' p.m •• riMI llridflY 11 t;•a a.m Moon rlMI IOdty It 12:A2 p,m,, ... .i t1 p.m . facing the canyon road and in Laurel Canyon. When that is added to the 158-acre golf course, open space a nd recreation land would amount to about 61 percent of the development area. Sim said development could begin in two to three years, depending on a pproval by the county and the economic climate. Up , up and away "In any event," he said, "We anticipate it will take a minimum of 10 years and perhaps as long as 15 to complete the planned community." But before development begins. the company must prepare an environmental impact report. Public hearings on that document and the project are tentatively scheduled for mid- Mareh. Laguna Bech council this week sent a letter to county officials outlining concerns it has with the project. Cathy Gilchrist of Laguna Beach, shown swinging in the sunset a\ Laguna's Main Beach, lends a touc h of action to wh a t appears to be an otherwise deserted playground. With the sun setting earlier each day, Cathy's summer relaxation will soon be a memor . Specifically, it wants EIR to evaluate the effects of traffic on existing roadways. NUKE. • • From Page A1 At a Lo6 Angeles hearing last weekend, Orange County Rep. Jerry Patterson, D-Garden Grove, was among local people expressing opposition to the current plan. .. .. · If the CHP changes its plan as a result of the current round of hearings there will be more hearings in the affected areas before a final decision on new routes la reached, Parker said. Even without changes -and that was characterized by Parker as an "unlikely" possibility -no new plan can go into effect until at least the beginning of next year, he said. Wave watch • continues in Seal Beach Seal Beach officials kept a dose watch for heavy waves in the Surfside Colony thr1>ughout the night and today as Hurricane Olivia posed a threat to the troubled area. A city 'Spokes woman said homes have escaped flooding and damage. She said the threat seemed io be easing and that the city was informed this morning that the hurricane was losing intensit y. NeverJ heless, heavy Navy equipment was reported moving sand in front of the expensive homes that have been threatened by high tides starting several weeks ago. Storekeeper Monte Pries is wearing our pure shetland wool argyle V-neck sweater. The return of a classic, which features a four colo r diamond intarsia knitted with primary colors of navy, camel, grey or yellow. . . BankAmerlcard1Master Ch1rgt WetkliffPlau , CRASH. • • From Page A1 serious leg injuries wbich her attorney, Charles O'Reilly, said would still require costly medical treatment in coming years. O'Reilly also said that his client's prospects of finding empl oyment we re damaged because the leg injuries, tJlough treated through eorrective surgery, led to cu.rvature of her spine. REFINERY. • From Page A1 500 yards from the refinery .when the force of the explosion "bounced him back against the wall." The deputy was unhurt. Steele said. "A lot of buildings all over town shook," Steele said. 1028 Irvine, Newport ~ac:h. C•lifomia. Phont 642.-7061 • --------=---------------~--.___; _ _.:;. ______ _ 111111 Cllll llHIHSOAY. SI I'll Miii II ! I l'IUJ Obstacle course o.i1y Piiot Pfloto br LM Perne Surf er maneuvers around metal structure about I 00 yards off Huntington Beach shoreline. Divers are using the structure as a platform as they attempt to repair a leaking water line leading to platform Emmy, an offshore drilling rig owned by Aminoil USA. Disabled athlete • • ln SWlnJ By PHIL SNEIOERMAN ()('the D•llr Piiot Sutt Amputee athlete Tom Clardy, who w o rks at a Hunting t o n Beach sporting goods store, said he plans to set off late today on a 2 1-mile swim from Catalin a Island to CabriUo Beach near San Pedro. For Clardy, 37, the athletic c hallenge will cap a long, difficult comeback from the days he spent as a suid dal patient at a Utah Vete rans Administration hospital. "I'm not supposed to be workmg out at all today," he said Wednesd ay. "But I'm going to anyway. I'm too nervous not w." Clardy. who resid es in Fullerton, spent some time in the surf at Corona d el Mar State Beach on Wednesday preparing mentally and phys1caUy for the swim. He said he plans travel to Catalina Island tonight, plunge into the water at about 8 p.m. and arrive at Cabrillo Beach by noon Friday. Clardy was prepared to make the swun one year ago but could not arrange for an escort boat. He feared tha t the current swim might be called off when his prese n t escort boat developed serious engine trouble this week. Rather than delay the feat ag11m. Clardy said he has rented a boat for $1,000 o accompany him on the swLm A former police officer and Navy frogman, Clard y was hit by a car during a skiing excursion in 1974 . His rig ht l e g wa s amputated at th e knee. Movement in his le ft leg was pennanently impaired. Alter a period of depression tn the Utah hospital, Clardy slowly battled his way back to good health. Amputee Tom Clardy planned to warn to San Pedro from Catalina today. ·Crash victiID wins • case againsi bar A former Orange Coast College 1tudent from Costa Mesa - 1erlou11ly Injured In a traffic accident In 1978 -haa won a $1.88 million judgment against an Anaheim bar which served drinks to the driver of the car which struck her bicycle. The verdict. lrY favor of 27-year-old Michelle Dally waa reached Wednesday In Orange County Superior Court Judge Leonard Goldstein'• courtroom after a day C>f dellberaUona. Though lt waa aubltantially 1e1t than the $3.5 million which Dalley 1ought, her attorney said the award was a "reasonable amount." The jury, after hearing five weeks of testimony, determined that Kano's Restaurant and -t.oungc In Anah eim was negligent for serving drinks to Richard Morris, the driver of the vehicle which struck Daily'• bicycle from bf.hind Sept. 15, 1978. The acddent oc:curred at about 2 a .m . as Dally waa rldlna home from her job 1t the South Cout Plaza llote1. S~ suffered (See CRASH, P11e At) INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade, 1 Classified Comics Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Horoecope Ann Landers Movies Public Notices Sports Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Television ThNters Weather World New1 .. A4 B2 C4-5 B2 04·8 B6 04 A6-7 C6-7 B2 B2 C6-7 D2-3 Cl-3 B2 C5 88 C6-7 A2 A3 ·- OllANGF C OUNTY . C ALIFOHNIA 25 CENTS Bannillg project called .! '2·nd Newport Center' By STEVE MARBLE OflMDellyl"llot8tMt Critics of the &nnlng Ranch develepment in Newport Beach have charged that the project is only a first step toward building another Newport Center. Mike J ohnson, a west Newport resident and foe of the Banning plan that comes before city voters Nov. 2, said this fact and olhefs have been deliberately hidden fr-0m local residents. !-le charged voters have not been informed o f what the Banning development wiU bring to the west side of Newport Beach. The development would cover a 75-acre wedge of the 500-acre &nnlng Ranch. The remaining 425 acres are adjacent to but outside city limits and presently dotted with oil wells. Newport Center is the largest s hopping and professional complex in Newport Beach. Hancock BannJng owner of the oceanview ranch, responded that development of the remaining 425 acres is 20 years off. He said it would be "preposterous" for him to begin planning that land at this point. "If that's what they'd like me to do," Banning said of his critics, "l think it's a pretty damned irresponsible thing to ask." "It would be foolish to spend half a million dollars de veloping a plan for that land . . " Banning denied that tie is planning a second New port Center and said it will be 'years before his firm can even determine how the remaining 425 acres should be used. "It would be foolish to spend half a million dollars developing a plan for that land when you'd have to redo the entire thmg in 20 years," Banning said Richard Nichols, an opponent of the Banning project, suggested that the remaining ra nch Jand s hould be annexed by Newport and that reside nts s hould be shown a master plan for the entire spr ead. The acr eage stretches from the Santa Ana River to a point near Hoag Memorial Hospital. Nichols charged that Banning is taking a "piecemeal" approach to developing his land. "That's certainly not true," retorted Banning, whose family has owned the property three generations and once used it for raising sheep. "This is the s ingle most comprehen sive plan ever put together for West Newport. It is not piecemeal -not by a long stre tch ," Banning said of his 75-alTe projecl. He charged that critics have trit>d to mislead voters by raising 1SSues he claJms are "straw men." Banning said h e can "only laugh" at the s uggestion that developers in Newport Beach get favorable treatment from the City Council. "If anything,'' he said. "it. is just the other way around." Jean Watt , another o f Bannlng's oppo n ents, said a majority of the council lives by a "double standard" which favors developers and ignores traffic and other impacts developments will have on residents. Watt said council members "shove the real and future impacts (of a development) under the rug." N e wpo rt M ayo r Jac kie H eather, a suppor te r o f Bannlng's project. said she has· heard "this double standard talk before" and takes exception to it. "There is no double standard," s he responded. "F.ach project that comes before us is judged equally and is judged on its merits. Period." The fate of Banning's 75-acn! project, approved by the council last spring, wiU be decided by city voters. Waste plan due _change By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tlM DellJ PMot at.ft A proposal that would allow the transportation of radioactive wastes on three major Orange County freeways ma y b e changed before it is put into e ff ec t , its sponsors sai.d Wednesday. The proposal, part of a statewide plan, was authored by the California Highwdy Patrol with assistance from state transportation officials and the nuclear power industry . It calls for use of the Santa Ana, Costa Mesa and Riverside freeways, all roads that run through heavily populated areas, as routes for trucks carrying the materials. Though densel y populated areas were not favored by those who drew up the plans population was just one factor used in drawing up the CHP's final proposal, according to Dan Parker of the CHP. Other considera tions included road safety and the ability of raids to handle truc ks carrying the materials, he said. The plan, which has attracted critici•m from almost all of the areas il affects, was aimed at finding the "safest, most feasible routes" for moving the materials, Parker said. Though medical and industrial radJoactive waste will be among those carried. t h e biggest pote ntial producer of radioactive waste locally is the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Material from that p lant had been tra nsported into San Diego County and across the desert on four 1980 trips to a disposal site in Illinois. Officials of South er n California Edison Co., which operates the plant located just south of the Orange-San Diego County line, said Wednesday they anticipate no shipments from the site until the early 1990s, when o n -site was te storage areas become full. After that time, said F.dison's nuclear fuel supply manage r , John Ladesich, as many as two s hipments of waste per week could leave the plant by truck. I.:.adeslch stressed , how ever, that F.dison currently is leaning toward a plan to remove aU its wastes from the plant by rail, a process that is faster. cheaper and would require only about s ix · shipments a year. Parker said hearings around the state are bringing local concerns about the CHP plan to light, and that those concerns may alter the plan eventuaUy. "We certainly don't think we have a monopoly on knowledge -that's why we're holding the hearings," he said. CSee NUKE, Pa1e At) Two held in Valley rent scam Fountain Valley police have arrested two men Who allegedly tried to rent a local four-bedroom home to 16 different tenants to obtain $1 ,700 in preliminary payments from each. Ollirers MicLthe two allegedly were working a familiar scheme that tics into the current shortage JJ r ental ho using and th e · · S>revalling high rents. Placed in Orange County Jail on suspicion of grand theft, fraud and criminal conspiracy v.tere Gary Richard, 36, of Ronan, Mont., and Allen L . Carlson, 28, of Apache Junction, Ariz. Fountain VaUey police Sg~. Vic Deutsch said the two w ere arrested Tuesday afternoon while they were concluding transactions with separate prospective tenants at two , restaurants near Orange County Airport. Deuuch said officers found that the two men each carried business cards bea r ing their photograph and the same phony name. -David. R. Hall. lie-&lid the men possessed documents Indicating they had set up a ppoi ntme nts t o mee t 16 prospective r e nte r s at t h e . restaurant. The two men h ad earlier rented a Fountain Valley home with four bedrooms, a pool and fireplace and then had placed a newspaper ad offering to rent the home for $695 per month, which is significantly below going rates, Deutsch uld. The men allege dly set up appointments with 16, prospective tenants, urging each lo bring a cashier's check for $1,- 700, which they said would cover first and last month's rent, plus secu rity a nd key de posit s. according to Deutsch. The two even e mployed an answering service tn Arizona to field . calls to their "office," he said. Several prospective tenants were ske ptical of the low rent, however, and contacted Fountain VaUey police. Afte r receiving several calls about the home , officers arr anged t o monitor the restaurant transactions. Police arrested the two me n after confirming that they w e re r e nting the same home to different people, Deutsch said. He said officers recovered the deposits and found that the men were carrying 16 separate rental contracts and 16 keys that would not have worked at the Fountain Valley home. Shell blast 'like a tvni bomb' MARTINEZ (AP) -A blue with flames shooting more than 600 feet hlgh from a Shell Oil refinery explosion that police say looked and IOUnded "Uke a 111\811 atomic bomb" waa under control today. Window• in , at leut lour homes a half-mile from the maulve complex were blown out by the force of the explosion Wednesday night, ac«>rding to police In Martinez, 20 mllea northeast of San Francl1co. Build Ina• were aha ken Jor aeveral milea around and the bJaat waa heard el1ht miles away. No In.tuna w.. reported ln the flCClden\ and police credited the "excellent work" of the Shell firefighters in bring!~ the flames under control quickly. A small fire continued today as the retidue of on burned off, ofCicials uld. "Moet of the refinery la kind of automatically controlled and moat of the operatora are quite a dlatance" from the 11eene, said Shell apokesman O.n Glare. Another Shell offlchal, Joe Sneed, uld the exploel6h apparently CX'CUrred tn a piece of equipment called a catalytic feed hydPO treater, which removn 1mpuritle1 trotn oll. The put of the pl1nt where the· bl1ar. occurred proce•• aome 80,000 • • ' barrels of light oil each day, he said. • Witnesses said a brilliant orange flash lit up the aky •t 9:35 p.m.. folJowed by an enormous rumble and fountains of flames. "l saw the light of the explosion before l heard it," aald Martinez senior patrolman Chuck Steele. "It was like a amall atomic bomb. It waan't ' muahroom-shaped but it waa hup. The flames were at reut 500 to 600 feet high, way over the tower which ls 300 ft.>et. And there were ci.nders oc •PIU'ka like flreworka." St"le Nid a :al lh..rtlf told hlm he'd tJ.-~l (9" REFINERY.~ Oranoe Oou• OAIL y PILOT /ThUrtdl)', 8eptemb« is. 1882 NB Dow Jones Flnal Cunsumer cost .. ratio declines By Tbe A11oclated Preti Con1umcr prke1 ln the Los Angele1-0r•nge County area edged down ln August, '-'OOled primarily by declining mortgage, food and apparel coet.s, the U.S. Labor Department said today. The annual Inflation rate dipped to 5.2 percent - its lowest level in nine years, said Jim Wurth, a researcher for the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Standards in Los Angeles. Prices were down by 0.1 percent for the month and 0.3 percent for two months, he said. Stock spli t a pproved The board of directors of Naugles Inc. of Fullerton has approved a 4-for-3 split of the company's common stock. The distribution is payable OcJ. 29 to shareholders of record Oct. 4. ~ For the year ended Jline jo, net inco~was $2,· 375,000, equal to 85 cents per share, vs. $930,000, or 37 cents per share, ln 'iscal 1981. Naugles Inc. operates a ch ain of 122 drive- through restaurants in California, Nevada, Utah. Missouri, lllinois and Kansas. Glendale cuts IQan rate Glendale Federal has announced a drop in its mortgage lending rate to 13 ~ percent on single-family home loans. This move reflects the overall trend of declining interest rates nationaJJy. Fluor sales decrease Short interest sales of F1uor Corp. of Irvine stock decreased between Aug. 13 and Sept. 15, the New York Stock :E)cchange reports. A short position Is taken when an investor expects the price of th~ stock to drop. Fluor stock has increased from .about 12 to about 19 the past 45 days. There were 187,855 short interest shares Aug. 13; on Sept. 15 the total was 106,905. Take o ver bid d elayed ~EW YORK (AP) -Allied Corp., the latest big gun ma crowded takeover batUe, put on hold its $2.3 billion bid for Bendix Corp. today pending funher discussions with Bendix. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS ANO··DOWNS r Pu. Up 17.6 Up IU Up 111 Up I0.4 Up IO.J up 11 Up 1.1 Up 10 Vo U Up U up ... Up p Up U Up SJ Up U Vo U Up s1 Up SI UP St Up 4.• UP 4,8 Up 4 • AMERICAN LEADERS MOAl.S Ntw YORK (AP) -Spot nonterroua met.i ptieet lodey- Ce ppe r 70'141-72 c:enu pound, U S dMllnallOna. Leed ~29 -.11. pound ZlltC 40-42 centa e pound. o.IYered n. M 2168 Mftllll w .... ~· lb All•lll-16-n c.nta 1 po\INI, H Y ....._, ~ 00 per"- ~ '340-13-fl 00 ~OJ OU1100 N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS j ... .. . .. . , ·I I