HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-26 - Orange Coast Pilot• -... \lJC .• !,..J,.M..., _ _..$.,"'>..,. __ ::::e= ... • • ··~ .............. ·-.... ,,,_ ... •'• • .H..,, •• ••••••••• :/ 0 0 ORANGE COAST YOUR HOMETOWN DAil Y PAPIR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2&, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA SO CENTS turn out .for chain, 19,500 set record t t~~~~~b::~~~~ Delly Piiot Photo• by lM P•rne Coast volunteers laud event , spirit lh J Of)I CAl>ENJI EAI> ot'th• 0.11, Piiot Bl•lf llt·lil111· I l.1.11'( 111 L'o~t.J Mt~ thought tl would bt· ,1 11111· v. ,,, to J.(t•t lwr H 111111llh old son Davtd 11ll11 th1· C:u11111l''-' lll'<.'Ord Buok. so did 24,000 oth1·r JJt'UJ.ll l· who '>howl'<.l up Saturday to form tht· world'!> lu11J<t~l humctn <.ha1n Although tlu· u11l11ok1·n link of h<1nd~ made b v l!l.5011 p1.'<1plt f10111 (;ld:-.....,·11 Stn'<.·t in Villa !'.ark to C ;,11f11 ·ld Av1·11u1· Ill I luntmgton BeaC'h 11·11 'h"r t o f th1· 1·i..1>1'<.'t1-cl 22 null'~. United Way of 111 r.1h .... ml lllt'V b111kl' tht· world r<'<.'Or d St-l in E11gl.111d t ..... t yt-.11 b y 17 .000 hand-holders "It .., .1 i.:n ... 1 ft·t'llll~." !k11d Nt.-rn tl Johnson, 1·,1·1 ul1\'1• \·11·1· pr 1 ·~1d1·nl of Un1t1•d Way of U1.111g1· County "It'!> alr1111i.t 1111n.i1·ulous lo hav(• th.11 rn.111y p;·11plt· nmw uul on a S<iturday n1on11ng 'flat· -.p1ril w:.is c·1·rt;11nly l ht•rt·" Alx1ut 2,[100 IM·uµlt• who showl'<l up m north Or:.ingc· County :.ind anotht•r :l,UOO who hned lht- Sirn~1 Ana H1v1·1 h1kt· trnll m·ar Adams Avenue flt'Vl'f ltnkh.J up w11h th1• main c·ham Sonw (J{'<1pli:.• w;,ilkl><:l aw<1y from tht' event s lightly d1sapµo1ntc·d. b ut the s p iri t o f 1·arn;1radt·m· ;md f1·sl1v11y that brou~hl togeth er fam1111 s, f1 lt'nds and d11ll·ns of corpor ate t·t111t1ngt·1H-. I"• vallt·d und .. r th£· balmy gray -.k11·-.. "I JUi.l th111k 11" .. a ht·autiful thing." said llc·lc·n K 1l'ron, 5:1. t'oru11<1 dt·l Mar ") think tl w ould lw lwau11ful if lht· wholt• world really t'uuld .1111n h.in<b togl'tht·r " Clusll·r-. of Girl .ind Boy St'OU~ and hundreds 11( 1>1·oplt· 1n c 111np;1ny T shi"rt..<. wa1lt'd more than two hour' for tht· ftndl link up that c ame at Am1ht·1m St.1d1um at noon wht•n United Way Campaign Chairman llarrv Bubb announ ced plans l<J r <JIM' $1 :1 mt II run th;~ yl'ar Ch a in was I on~ on t•nthus iasn1 a t A d a rns A vc.•nLw 111 Costa Mesa but s hort on p e ople. J:int· K1rbv. :11. <• C11s1.<1 Mc'SCJ wa1lrC'ss, said sht· w.Js d1~pi)(11ntt·d that more pt'Oplc didn't i.hov. up Offletab had hOJ)('<.I for :!:3.000 (See H MA~. Pai;:e A2) Israel given ultimatum WASlllN(;'l'UN tAI') ll S M iddle East p<'m't· 1•nvoy Philip H a bi b g <i v l' t ht' I ... r .; t' I 1 governrnPnl v. h.11 .11n11un1.. ... tu .111 ul11m;.i1u111 tli.11 I'S !\1.,r 1111 will not c·n11·r H.·1111t 1m1d 1..,1,11•11 fon"<..., l1-.1v1" .1 high Wl11t1 I l11u-.1 0 U1nal ..,.,llf S,11urd.o" T h t w h I I I 11 " u ... ,. al·kn11wl1·clgt•d S.1t111 d,I\ 111~1 lo that thl lrtK>J"" \,\ u1tlol llllt l,11ltl unttl 1-.r .11'1 w1lhd1 •'""' fr11m Iii• city, µn1h.1hh I.it• r 111 lh• w1 .. ·k Tht• Whitt: I-louse off1nal, wh11 1 n s 1 !> l t• d o n a n o n '} m 1 t y al'knowlc>dgt>d that the• Un1wd S 1,1tt'!'> hiJd bc'<•n f u llow1nR ,1 I\\ 11 l 1 .11 k pull\'\ un t rat k om ..... v111g in µul>hl that th1• Ri·a.:.ir .11lm1nt!'>lr«llon hoped Lhl· br;wh~. \\ 111 d 1·p<1rt uy Sund.iy om Lr.ii k t wu ll·lhng n·portl•n. · you would 11111 h< wrong tn a ssumo ·" th.11 ll.1h1t. t11ld l c;ro.elt n ff1c·1.il-. 1h,1l l\1.1r1111·-. v.ould 1111t gu .1!'.h111t• until tht 1 ... r.wlt-. lr·ft 2 U.S. officers killed • Beirut Wi\~lllN(;T()N 11\I'! I"' U ~ n1il1 1.11 y o ft 11 1 1.., ""' \ 111p with tho · l'111t1•cl N.ot111rt'-1111"' I \I r tc·am 111 B1 11 •II "• 11· kill• ol Setlurcl.o\ \\ 111 11 th•·ll JI• I• 1111 ,, mtn('. tlw I'. 111.ig1111 -..orol Thi l'o 111.o).!Olfl 111111111111 •II 1•111 -.a1d 11!1111,1 h 111 \\. .o Ii llq11 •II u n d 1 1 .., t ""d 1 I • t I v. " ' 1111 1 11fflllr' 1111• .111 lr1-.h 111.t)'•I .olld the• ntlu r o ~ 11111...,h • .opt.i111 ,ol•.11 \.\(fl k1llo ·d Thi l1111t1f..'.1111 1d1t1til11d 11. n ff1t 1 r' ,,.., ,\11 f11r11 !\l.o I l.11 l1-. S \\',11 r • • 1 11 I t H. o lolo • -..; I ' and 1\1111\ ~l.•J IL111d.t11 \ l'4rb1111 I• r•I ll• """'<I !\Id l)ff111.il-. ..... 1d lh• 1111 1ol1 111 did not ;1ff1•1 t I :-. pl.111' I•• olo pl11 \ :\1.111111 .., "" p.1rl 111 .1 11111111 11;1111111.tl pt ,I( l'kl't'f'lllj.( 11111 ·1· 111 B111111 th11uKh ~1·1r1·to1r v 11f I It I• ""' < ·.,-.p.11 w .. 1111 ... r g1 r w .o·. 1111111•'<1 ,,.., -...1\lng nf tho ntv 1h1 \\ ht1l1 Jll.t< I I-. ,o J.111d 1111111 ' r11. 11111u , 'Ph•d• d ·"'"'" 1 Ill , 111 l'l ll 111•.1r th• B1 11 ul I 1.1111o1-... 11 t11J.!hW;l\ .1hout n1n1 11111•", ·"1 ,if Bt 11111. th • .oror1••1tr11 • 11w11I <,.J1d ,\ ~pol-.• ,\\nm.on. l '.1 pt Ii< t" \I 11111" ""'! 11 v. ,,.., n111 kn11\\ n "' hto p11l 1tw minl th1·n I '\ t " I\ t r ... h,I\ I b 1 t II ... 1 .. 111•rll'd 111 £3. 1ru1 -.1111 t tht 1'1 1'1 11111 I I 11ol111~ lht (11-.\ ,.\f ,tl1 I 11111 ''·•r Thi· f11n1 · r1-t1·11th t ~t·e SOLl>lf:R~. PaRe A2 t Saturd;oy rught, Whitt• House i.pokl-sm1.m Mark W <'tnbl'rg read a s t 11 t l' m c n t t h a t t h e multtnatmnal force of which the ,. M«nn1·-, w1•n · ,1 t•ontmgt•nt would not c•ntt·r Rt•11 ut unlit tlw Israeli dt•p.lrtUrl W I t ' pt l l t h t• U S l 111\ ti 111<(1 ·11 I t11 l,111d "t.ltJll J fll•r thl' I ' r a 1 I 1 .., 1 11 m p I 1 t l· l h e 1 r '" 1 l h d r .1 "~ .ol t 11ll11 v. 1 n g the 111tt•rv1·n111 i.: Y um Ktppur holid.1~ W1 ·111h .. rg '-<11tl 'N11 prt'< '" d .tlt• had lx't·n Sd lll h.1' ""''II ""' 'J'11r11 Kq1pur lho· llav of t\t111wnw11t. '' M11nd.iy W1·111t11·1 g ..... 1ol ..... uti-.1.int1al pr 11g1t"··' 1111 ;o d.011· lo r tht• braC'h \\'1thdr,1w.ol """ 111.1d1· 111 talks lit•\ w1•1•11 hr .i1 •l1 o>! I 111al~ and I l.1l11t. .1111 1 111' 1 oll1 .. 1gu1· Morns I )r .. "''I 1>1 ap1·1 h.r-. 1 «lurr11•tl 111 Rt•1 rut l•lf t.tJk, 1111 "th1• fin.ii d1·t~11ls on th•· l-.1.wli w11hdr;1w,d .ind lh~· • ••11 tl1,1,1.1t11111 iii th1 full 1•ntrv ·~~ tl11 111ull111.il11111.tl fnlrl'. V.'1 111111 I j.! .... lid 111 1 ..... 11 1 lhf•ll'I l\l111hllY -.po•k1·...,11.in l 11 I ),in -.;1111 JI lt·r '' n11·1 t111g 11f l l.1l11b .ond lll·ll·n~t· l\l trll"t1·1 t\111•1 Sh.111111 that 11 p11rh of ,rn ult1m.1llllll W(•rt• grnw11ll1 ..,.., .ind at th1· SWll' I >t·p.ortmt•nl " "'uru· \\ho .L,ked 11n1 t•• h1· 1cl1·11t1f1« d .idv1sc•d r • p111 t • r.., 111.t t11 put mul'h o I t•d1·r11 I Ill It I .. 1 t1 1 t h1 hi ,11•11 F11rt•1J<n 1Set' l LTl~1ATl 'l\1 . Pa~e A21 fra nk Sinatra tdl~ f a n!!o! tht'y a re bran.· to li!'lt'n to him in tht• rni11 Saturday ni~ht a t I n int· '.\l•·~ulnw ... Am phillH'a lf'r . Sinatra • • s1ng1ng • • 1n rain The l'apae1ty crowd of 5,000 s pec t ator s who turned ou t Saturday night m their w e ll- tatlorE'd f iner y to see Frank Sinatra at th e Irvine Meadows Amphitheater seemed to enjoy his confiden t st yle. although they d idn't offer much applause- lt wasn't because of anyth ing Sinatra did. it's JU.SL hard to clap whil e dul·k1ng u n der an um brella Orange County had n ever cxperil•nccd Sinatra in con cert bf•forc Saturday's ben e fit for the nt'w South Coast Foundation for th<' Developmc•nt.ally Disabled. IL abo mav n<•vc.·r have se<>n so many tuxedos and g o wns dripping Wf'l The r ain nevc•r st.ruck w ith a cr('S('(>ndo. but the wind-whipped mist gradually grew more intense as the performance conunued at the outdoor theater Spotlights 11lumtnalt•d drops from a light rain as the everunR began with M'V<·ral warm-up tunes from L<>s Brown and his Band of Rl·nown By the ume Sinatra succeeded comedian Charl1<' Callas. the ram had causC'd the audtcnc·e to bloom umbrl•lli\!> I ee SINATRA. Paite A21 How will Irvine s olve complexities of annexation? By <;U ·:;"l.l'. ~COTT 01 lhe Delly Pllol Sl•ll Aft1·r 111 ,tl<rd.01111'-( ,, 1•·1 1111 c·con11111 11 lnr11 ..... r 11\1111· 111\ plan1ll'r" lr.1v1 111111 l11ol1 d I II.ti Jnn•·x.1111111 u f ,, p01rt11111 111 1h1 Lagun.1 11 111 ' w1111lol 1-:t 1111 .1t1 addt'(I 1111 nnw f OI th• o 11\ Planrnr.; f11 -.1 1q111111·d lo 1111 !rv1 n1 <'ll' <'1111111 ii th.ii lh1· o1111w\.o111111 11f t.Hli ;11 rt'' 1111 th1· '11 '·.., ... 1111lhv.•1· .. 11•rn l1ortl1·r v.u1llcl I 11· .1 los1•1 B111 th1•v IJl1·r d1 s1 1Jv1·11·tl 1111-.t.ok1·-. rn tlw11 figuring .ind 1 .. -.w ·d ro·v1-.l·d p1 11Jt·t t11111' th.11 111,1d1· I ho 11111\'f' "·1·rl1 1111111· I 1'4 .ill\ ,11 11 .wt1v1· L·nd1 1 llw mun· fl'( 1·11 1 f1g111 "' 1111 .1nn•·x.tt11111 v.1111ld 111•.1t 1 INDEX '\at ional ( :ria.·rium hiqd in~ <'h a mpion.;hip~ "ind up "ith "'•·nior n w n ·.., nH'(' today i11 Co ... t u \l•·'>a . Sport~ ..,tor ~· on Sat urrlay·~ •. , .............. Pnµ.(• n:t lllOrt' pi<·tun·s on E;>. Br 1dg(' !·.:! M.i11lu1' Ali Clas.'>1 f11 ·d !<:Ii !•'ti M11\'11 '" 1<:1 :1 Crn..,..,wnrd Jo::1 J>uhlll' Nolt<'<'" o:~ 1·::1 !)t •;11 h Nnt 11'1 ·:-l·:·I !fr.ii F...;tatC' 1)7 II Editor 1.il J',.~1· Ali SporL.., RI fl F:n I I ·r t.1111fll('fl I El :1 Stol.'k Mark1·1.., I H ;, Fc'ftlunnj.! ('!) Stvl<• Cl Ii Finarn·1· I) 1 :) T <:kv11'11111 B7 Rnlwrt < ;,., d1H•1 Ali Tl1t«1tt•1 i. EI :\ J fortN'llJ>4' ( ·~ Travel Ch ,J Ann Lnnd<'r'> ('~ Wealhf•r A 2 $~l i ,h:IH if t111 l v tho liHfi acr£'s v.1 ·r,. hr11ught m<.1dt· 11l\ lim1Lc; 11 •Ill tlll' •1tlw1 h.111ti. ,, largcr '.! µ11.1 ,1111· -.ph1•rt• o f 1nflucnre ""''" p.11t 11( tlw 111 ~. tlw initial 1111 rt,,.,,, would h1 · $:.!ti million tht· f11 st ''"" Thi• f1n.11ll 1.ol hr 1·;i kdown. v. h1 II• m.1k111~ t hi' wJ(una H dis ,1n "1 -.c•1·m w•ir th\ of ;inn1·xnt1on. dut·<. 1111t t.1k1· 1nt11 .tl't ount t>thE'r "'lll''> !hilt m-.k1• tht· proposal from th1· 11.ic .illy ba'4'<1 K oll Co mor 1 111mpl11.1lc:d 111 n "1h1 v. 11111~1 11( tlw playrrs 111vlll\'t'!I 111 d1c;i·us.,1(1n:-;ihout lhC' Jl4•c;.,1hl1· ;i11111•x;111Con :1dm1t thcrr ,.., ;i11 .1rr .1v 11( p11lit1l';tl p1t'l't'S that '>till w1111ld 111•1·d to ht• f1l to~rthrr 111 tlw puzzlt• S11Iv111g Huh1k'<, Cuhf' might t-w• l':lSll'r K 11 I I ha" pf ll p II S l' d I h c a 11 n 1• x :i t 1o11 Ii s a s l 1· p I fl d1·vf'l11p111~ a llHI lll'r<' offic•(• park on th1• SOU th WC'Sl l'orn cr of Mou I ton Parkway 1-il El T or o Hoad Th111 lo ncl C"urrf'ntly is II W 11 ('fl h :v I ht• R os!lmoor lx•v .. lopm1•nt Co . th<· firm that d('V('l<Jpt'cl LC'l!!Urt• World und sold lhl' prnpt·r Ly to iL'i 2 1.000 tc·nonts One<' 1 nt<>ndl'd to Ix-part o f LC'1surr W orld. t hl' land 111 ques linn in thP a11nl'x.it11111 an•a sphLc; th<· n·llrt'mt>nt rommunit,v but mdudc•:-no rPs 1dt·nt1al un1Lc; It doec;, howt•vc•r, c-arrv with 1t somf' 1mphl'lt problC'ms · F o r o n 1· t h 1 n g . a I !-I 7 4 agrf'rmPnt with tlw £1•llt•r<1l gov<'rnml'nt ~;iv1• Hos.o;muor $4 2 m ti 11 o n n 11 t l o d l' v <' I o p t h •' propl'rt v as a s;if1•ty l'Ons1drra11nn beeau-.1· 11 1s unc11•r a f11~ht patlrrn from 1-:1 Torn Atr Statum The-dt>vt•lop<•rs havC' 1 t•suml'fi IC'~<tl pri11·1•f'd1ngs to rt•mov 1· themst'lvc'S frum that rC'stncuon It m:iv Ile hard<'r lo mt•nd fcnC'f's ""'Ith r£'s1dcnLc; of Ll'ISurt• W orld. who v11•w thl' anrwxauon atlrmpl a <; u lhn•at to lhl·rr autonomy ThC'y h:iv1· unckru1kl•n -;<'nous steps of t hC'lr own lo 1nn1rpor:1t(' as tht• c·nunty's 27th city If lhC'V d o. the IH!l-;u-rr bus1m·ss park si tC' would lw pnrt of tlw 1ww c ity .John LuhrinJ.t, e hairman o f Lr1surt· World'~ Comm11tN' on Incorporation, notNJ in a r<.x't•nt ln trrv1C'w that his group had bl'en C'nns1dC'nng l.'ityhood for thrt'e yC'ars But h<' said this latest anm·xat1on proposal has been a "motivating factor" tn <See IRVINE, Paie A31 < IRVINE / I Ii ~'J o/ " / ' ' ' I ' I I l,. LAGUNA BEACH I PROPOSED SPHERE OF INFLUENCE EL TORO • PROPOSED ANNEXATION Annexing centra l 6R6 H<'r('S would bring Irvin<' $2·1-7 ,639. Add in~ th e 2.'J6'1·-A<'rt' s1JhPrc of influcnc<' ~·o uld a mount to $2 .6 million incrt'H!'«' tht• first ycnr. J I I l I {,' cu1w4•• a a 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 f 0 0 0 • • • 4 p + • ll11t11yo ( 11u1tl I IAll Y I'll<> l 1~wuJ11y Sup1emt1a1 JU 1\Hl:t ~' \• Continued stoTies Israelis stage huge protest M11wH1 y :o..11d 11:. 111111111 'I.' 111•11" would huml ov1·1 1111 •11 p•11>1111111' tu llw I .d>111ll"•t· Ai 111v 0111d 1 ... 1v1 111 a f1•\\' dav", .d1t·1 1~·11111 '' l'\llllpl1•l1•(y dt",11t•d 1d It 11 <11 l'>b • ,111d tlw11 ,11 "" Tlw II S i''.rnl1ot:.'v 111 "1'1·1 /\v1v "-·Itel Ill ,1 ,l,1l"llWlll th,il 00111 '\\.' 11•po1 l:o. 111 ,111 ttlt1111.1111111 11'1. llw tis ... 11i. ,111 · l.1h1• "lt-.1. AVIV. J..1u1l (l\l') llu11d11-.IP> 11( 1h1111'·"'"' ol l"'<111li· 1-111111wd tlw S1 111.111 11J tl1• K111w• " I I ' I .1 I I s .• I II I d .• ' II I lo( I 1 I ' I >o.Jlll •,:.lltH loUll .11(1 llVt'I ll1t• B1•11 UI '"·"'·" 11 · Ill 1111 1111 j.(•''' otldl j.(11\ I 1111111 Ill dt0 lll1lll.,l111l11111 t..1.11·11 h." ,.,,., k1111\\11 Utlo(a1111"'" 111 1111 111lly .,,11d 1110,0(10 Jll't1(Jl1• .it l1•11d 1·d I h1· 1111111·'1 l'1ol111· I •·l lt"·d 111 1•.,11111.1t1· 1111· 1111wd '"'" hu1 1111· 11110111( lop111 •d 1h1• 1 r11wd lhu l .1111 mh••I 11 pr11 .iuvn 11n11·11l 1 ully 111 Julv wh11 h .cuv1•1111t1l'IH ~11 1111111 tt•IP• '111111 d1 t•w 1!\0 ,00IJ '"' 111'1 hua. u JJOf1Ulull1111 11( 11h111ll -I 111ollh•ll S111·11k1·1' d1·111.11lllt•d thl· '''"~""'""" 1d 1'111111• M1111,11·r M1·11111"111·111 liq~lll 1111tl D1•f1·11M' Mt111111t•1 A.11.-I S hu111n. llN w1•ll ux 1111 111<l1•1)1•11d 1·11I Jlllht•tul lllljUll y 1111111111·111111lt11 I 111 tllt' urmy 1111d I h1· KllVl'lllllll'lll dUl'lllK ' .... .,11111glttt·1 111 l11111dn•d<, 11! 11\1·11. WUll'U.!ll 1u1c..I d11lcl1t·11 Ill tlu: W1.1U Ui:lrut P&lt•1111trn1111 1dugl~· 1·ump11 111 ( '111111111.1 1111ll Subr,1 "Nt-vt·r huv•· Wt· lituod bt:fort- 11111· h I.I !tlrlnM or Wrt•ll"h<.>d d1·1 1,11111111 1.1t•1u:o.1111< ,ul'l1 doubt, -.on 111.1. oml <ll'ltru!tl 11mon~ tlw l"lllL.1•11s," 1Jppo:.1 twn Lo.1h111 l '11rl v lt·udl•t St.11111111 P1·ri'!J !ibid 111 hii. addn·.,.., 111 · do11nn·d H1·"1n h;1d 11111 1111t·11·d "t• wrnJ of ~11111w w ol l'tmd1•11u1.1lto11 of lhl' k1ll1·1 ~." 1mJ uak1.~ tht• 1mm1• m1n1•!.4·r. "Why clu yau c_fr·t.( nl•· 1 l 1i1J1 u natural tllblt1>l1·r 11111t1·1Hl uf .11 pollc-y t.luunlA•r7 fo'urnwr Labor Pnmc: M lnbll.C.ff V1t:d11tk llubin ac..Alll "*>1n1•thlnt( h11.11 brnk1·n cJuw11 111 our world at 1nvral v uh.u -." ul)d\t1l'\.0WM.'<.I Begin uf u.1rnl11g tht· lsral'h anny into H1·11'Ul0N polll'(! (of('(.' "I htV(• n111(hl and 1ru11 hc~'(:omt· tit(• i.iilutto11 to th1• Arab-Israeli 1·11nflwt"!" ht• M..'>kt'<.I SINATllA <:()N(~l~RT • • • F'111ally, aft1·1 stll~lll){ 1·1~hl songs. !:ianatra su·u1 k tip ,1 pl.1yf11l vers1u11 uf "Nt•\\ Y111 k N1·w York". ha:. flru1lt• 1'\'l'n u 111111· 1·x11.1 h1.'l:uu:o.1• ul th1.· o 111Hhl11111:.. would lH.· 1111.111Tt'< l Guard kills 7 children, 6 adults "Wl''rt• gt11111t1 1 lll 11 '""'I bet•all!k' tt'!> so wd.' hi• 111ld llw crowd ··Thunk vou '1111'1 ,. v1·1 v bravt>." · · By thal lllllt'. '"' 11111· w." ~•11111"( w argUl' Pl'Opk v. h11 pJtd up to $250 a S<>al Wl'rt· 1111n;ll\ 11-.uly lo leave But to SUK8t•:.t tit.ti ttw u U\\ J didn't S<JV11r ttw -;h111.1.. p1·1 h,q,... I d11J11'l i..•1111\ h1111 tu .. 111p." 11111' IU>o.t'llllt'll 1 .. 11i1w. 111:0. :.Ir"'~" h.111 dr1pp111g -..11d tu tt1Wlh1.·r a:-. thl'V wo.1lkt.J 11u1 "I w • .ntt"ll ham 111 '"'~ '"I 1)111 It Mv Way 1\ woman p.1:.l th1· !>lag1· o f t 1 ptm•111g a ruu11t.l pudd It·~. told ht·r (ncnc..I!> a,.., th1·y re;.u:ht.>d lht• µ.ffklng lot. "'Soml' uay Wt•'ll n ·m•·mt)(.•r tht!> and luugh " By <..;LENN SCO'T'T SOLDIEllS KILLED • • • wa.; tn1T<'<1:>t•d to '.!~H JK 11ph 1111111 I 7 l' o u 11 t r 11 •' 111 c I 1.1 d 1 11 g .I ti Anwr11·ans Al th1• Wh1t.1· I l1 H,...1 ' l 1n ·..,ul1·11I .lkag;rn was po:.111g tor p11 tun"-. .11 a blal'k 111• r1•t·1·pt ton \\ h•·n _r~purtt·rs .1sk1•d him 1t1 ... 11·:w111111 lb tht• d1•a l hs H<' S<Ju1 111• f1·1l "~""'' 1t·g11·t. ' t1ut addt•d. "Th1·y w1·n· 11111 111 any w:1v 1011n1·111•d with tl11 111ult1 11.1t1u11.d !<11 l'I .. ol U S Mat 1111·.., .111d Fr 1•11d1 ~111d h..il1.m 11 nop., pot:,.t·d l1> 1·11lt·r 8c·1ru1 Whitt· I lous .. pn·:.s :1101• M.Jrk Wt·tnlll'rg rl'ad a statcnwnt on b<·hatr of Reagan suying: "Tht• prt·s1dt:nl d11t·ply regrets the tr.ag1c· deaths ol four officers, 11H·lun1ng twu American s 1•rvll't•nH·n with the UN 11h,,i:rv1·r fort'l'S 111 Ll't>anon " Olivia's threat over ll urr11..a111• O l1v1 .. 1 v.1111 -.h1d from thl· 01.111g1· l'oa:.1 S.it111d.1\ Je,1v1ng behind .111 ,1ng 1 v -,111 I SA incide nt . . in1ures three Four pt"11plt• \\ t•11 <ir rc·:-.l1·d l,it1· Salurday n1gh1 111 1·11nr1t·t l1011 . Wtlh tht• Shooltng cllld 't.1bl1111g 11( thn~· ~>0µl<· m S,1nt<i An.1. pe1\11'1· aaJci Polan, s.tid th1· 1·r11111· "l•rt" .11 !J pm , beht•Vl"ll lo tK • Kang I l·lalt'<I left thrt•t• pcuplt woundt•d .1t ZI 15 W Ml'f':1dd1•11 A'l.t N11 other dctatl!:. w1•n · ,1va1l<1blc• dr1ul1·" Jlld gr dV skit'S that drt' t•i..pt"t."lt'<l lu 1 h·;11~ parllally by th1!> .iftt·rn11on. ,1tlurd1ng 10 thl· N;1llon.1I Wc·:ithcr Scrvtl"c By S;.ilurciay night th<' lhn'.•I 11f l·ra ... hing ".1vt•!> from thl• Murm 1h,1 1 v.111r11·d r1·..,1d1.·n1s 11f Surf:.1dt• Colonv h.id all but tl1:-.aµpcc1rcd. JU 0 lhurtlW:-. 'a1d Wavt'!> ;don~ th•· 111.1s1 w1•11· r1·purll0d .as high .ii. 10 ff't•I S.llurd.1), l>u I 1111 ho1111·:. w1•11· damagt-<I. l11gh tl'mpNatun·s alon~ thl· l'oast tocfay iirc l'Xpt'• tt-d tn he· belwt·«'n 75 and 8:.!, with no fon-.·ast of ram The lt•mp1•r atur1• 10n18hl should lw J muggy t:i5· 70, wtth 111w doudi. ('XP<'<'tl·d M onday morning Wll.Kt·:s BAHHK l'a U\P) I\ (>I "11 II g ll ;1 I d Wt• II l II II •I !\ h 1111 t I II g I .1 Ill flag t• I 11 I W Cl 111111mt1111l11·' S .11111 d.1y, poss1hly h1·1-.11J'.i• •1 I ,, , II II d t 11 .. 111d y d1:.plllt'. kllllllfo( 't'Vl"ll I htldrt•ll ,1 11 d ' 1 ,1 cl lt I t ' h 1· f 11 rt· 'u' n·11d1•1111~ to polt11'. off1ewls :.;ml F1v1• ol th1• Vtl ll111., w1·11· hi!> d11ld1 1•11 hv four 1,1 lh1· wom(·n kllh·d .• 111d .. ill lht· ntlwrs, 1•xn•pl a p.i~t·rhy w1•n• knuwn lo him, pul11·1• -;;mJ 0 n l' m c1 11 w ._. ., c· r 1 t 1 l' a I I y w11u11dt•d 111 thl' Jlt~1t•k 011 tw;, homt·:. 111 W1lkt•s Bari t• and n<•arby Jl'nk111:-. Township Tw11 boys n 1 a nag 1· J to 1• !> l" apt' unhnrnu·d Till' gun111a11, ldl·ntd 1t•tl as 40 yt•ar -ul<I (jl'org<'' Ranks. had unt'l' s<.·rvt•d llm1• f11r atll·mplcd re ibtwry &nk:. told thn·1· pohl't' off1t·l'r frn•nds, "l>un't shoo t," as ht• Burning grease sends woman to hos pital l\n lrv1n1· w11man 1-. 1n fatr t•ond1twn t11d.iv <.tt UC lrv11w M1·d11·al ('t·ntl'I. afll·r ... ufft•rmg burr1:0. 1111 ht'r lt•ft li•g and arm S.iturd<i\· wlll'n sht· :.llµpt_-d an <• puddlt· of hurnrn#>( 1-<rt·Js1-. Oran~(· <..'ountv f111· of11n.ili. :...11d R (• n n J w I n t I' r h a I t (:' r wa s attt•mptang to tt•m11v1• a flaming pan of grt'itSt.· frum th1· stove at lht• GrN•k Dt•l1 . 14220 Culver DrtV•'. lrv1111•, authont1es said Thc•rc• wa:. no d<1mage to thC' ri·sUiurant dnd th1• fan• was out wh1•n Jllthorit1t·b .irrtVl'd at 5 µm HUMA N CllAI N TERMED A SUCCESS • • • .. I I o I J 1: v 1 • r v 1111 • I h .i I L ,11 n l' 1 n to t h e n-st.Lturanl 111 1m111 " "'"d K1rh' ·1 wanted 11 to be· d sul·t t·~s fl .," ~r 1 .t1 w.n to prnm11t1• <ommunrty 'iptnt Ch1ldn•n M<1111p<'rt'(! d ov. 11 1111 •nm r('tc: nw·r bank, whll1• ,1d1111~ "Vi'"'~ ,.,fl dr 111k' Jnd ht-1·r- loungt·d 111 th.111' 111 •I" 1111111•0 arm111d IA'<l tllng for 1h1· h11k up "As a m1ddlc .. ag1.>d. sc·m1 n 11no<l houscw1fL• I figured this would be my only way to get m the Gusnness Book .. C'xpla1n(•d H<'lh Cnbb. 43. Nl·wport &al·h Kctl<' Orlow!>ky. :H . llunungtun &•dt'h, who w;is wall.hang hPr HI nvmth old son tak1• has first ,11·~ -;ummcd 11 11p nic·dv. "( JU:.t thought It w<>uld be· fun .. Partial clearing due • Partial c.learmo 1n 1n~ dh~rnunn HoQl1$ on mtO 70s F 8•• tonighl 11roC1 MonOay 8 •Cep1 nogln a•'O morning l(lw tlouos P11111y r1n.101 MonOay alle1noon lfJw' r,~ 10 69 Highs 1n moO 70s { ,' • ·'. .'i II II II ti (II'.\ ltw Ao Uual1ty Managem"'nl 01\lrill tll .. O•l• goOd dll quality 1noay .~ •II a1e3S .,, ll'le Soult> C.oa~1 Au Basm f'i·1t1d d•' w1tn a Pollutant _,1a11oa1d •nde• nt 67 •s lo1ecast '"' thtt ~an Ciabr.ef and Pomona • .i t'\ \ aroo 111e R•ve1$00f'·St1~ fl.-rnatdmo a'ea It l>SI of •2 is P•e<llCte<l 1n all nl"f!' Jtea' •nctud1 ng t'>PfMPOl Id• LOS Anglltes 1n1eno 01 .tnq,. C1·,.mr v lhe Hi>mel r ~~1nnre at ~a San f ernando and Santa Cta111a valleys Bar>nong "'" coasca1 •llQ•ons nigh ano 1ow !"~'"'~ and BOQ Bear lalo.e A0 "40 ra11nos are as 1011ows 'tf')n\I O '00 unhealthful tor NellOnlil w .. ~ ~. N()M US 04p4 of C-ce Unusual SeptflrnhfU t ''" t,.u Saturday O\lftf muctt Pl \..ttltlor" ;:i ano 111e cen11a1 P ~1,..1, &~ remnants o t HurricAnO 011\111.t -spread m01Sturcit OYP.r lhP Wfl''t aheao 01 an app10<1toh•no 1tnn1a1 tystem lemperaturpir, .,, lhP nor\hf\,, Pla1n1 rose rao•cJI) aftPr •·a••., /?lorn1ng lows that d•t•Pi'd onto> thp lros ano 30s from 111 .. 0 11• 01as and Neoras'a into M1nrp~n1;t 11nf1 -·••n Wl!IGOM•n ""'"~'""'" peooie 10 1 200 i", , '"u t 1 r. t Y t J e"' e, ., "t• e ,01 300 ~n o r·a11lf<l~..1• 'll' ~00 Fronts: COid ..., Warm w. Occluded ...- ;-A fpw t"vnder,.orms w11>rt1 uvP1 florooa especially nea• lhfl ~•arn , wes1 coasr A wa1~r~pC1ul "'6' .ntponeo rieor S1 Pe1e1"1urg Showe• ft wete rf'l)Orled 1n lhr Paclllc Na<ll1w851 erio 1111' (tHIHll r-oc" 1es on<1 '\h o w~', 11nt atlundershowers con1tnueo uv ... 'i<enlucky end T 11nn11soWW1 Sk1~s wert-.;unny h Olf\ th• AnzonA OMe•ts into 111 .. 1011111'111 f"e1ns 9nd over Mont4'nn •• remperatu'"' arnun<J H it 0Nl•on el 3 µ m fOT S61urda\ <fangeo lrom '1 d11gr ries a )iovgt11on. "4811'\11 10 100 111 P(llrr ~mo• C1111 For tod•y sno-•s ~nd a 1.,.. 1ftlundersnowers werto corP~ll~ +o<n lhe Pac.1flc N0<1hwMI l\C.10•• )tlost ol lhe 1n1e1moun1e1n <eQ•O• ~to the nollhern Roc kies 11nc •or I hfH n P 1a1n1 Ra•n w&1 ji,)cpe<:leO 10 sprl'IAO ecrn11 '"' f t1en11c Co•ll 11a111s f'Hepl 'ioriP>ern New England snll ~und.-lho-<S -f! on 110<" Int 'fjorld11 ;.. H~• 1n '"• 60s &nil 70s we•t !•dieted l1om the norlhl'trn ree-quer1e11 01 11111 Peclltf oeat ecross lht' no1111ern oclo.1111 nor1f'le•n Plains 11no Mlu lulppl v11i(!y 10 mo11 lf'le East Co.II. In lh<l hogh &01 d 901 lor Ftor101 tne Gull • 11 and the southern ROC~•"S $;1~ the Southwell and above ~In tl'le SovlhwHI de&ent . Allilll>• Alll\tQu~ Amnr111c.1 Anrtil>fag .. AShflv•llt- AllnntH Atluntc (...t, Avstm Balt1mt1tt• 81111119' B1rmlf1yt1m B•sm.l!< ~ Bo•"' Dotre>n B1r>w11,.rcp But1a1C1 But11ng100 Casr>er Cliartsln Sl. Charlsln WV 1..11a1111e NC: Cf\Pyenn!' f'.h•<3QO C1nc.1nn&h Cl,.•11l!lnd Clmt>oa :iC COiumbus Dal rt Wth Oeyton Oi!nv~· Dils "401111•• OettOol Oulul11 fl PsVl Ftiro•n~• Faron r1aosco11 (lr~AI r 811~ 76 46 81 59 81 51 4 7 1 I 61 '1 10 58 67 56 9~ 68 7? 5• ~2 61 75 S6 71 35 n ~s 70 55 88 67 68 53 75 53 79 49 71 6? 73 51 17 52 68 ., 50 41 63 58 66 '.6 79 48 66 55 82 59 65 S• 10 5 I 1\5 ., 67 57 53 ,)t 92 113 60 15 67 )0 81 47 19 ~I\ ._.ertfo1<J Hl'lene Honolulu 1100110<\ lndna~·"~ Jac•s11 MS J&c.•sn•lf!' Juneau Kens C.11y Kno•v1lle l 8S Ve<)BS l•lllll R"'• Los Anoei.,. Lov11v111~' Lubtlo<'.I. M~moti1•1 M1am1 Molwnul.('r Mplt St J' Nasf'lvrlle New O!i,.nn• New V01• Norloll\ No Plallf' Ok111 City Oman a Qflando Pt111aopf11H Phoen•• P1t1aburgh Pt111nd M" Pllend Or" Pro••OC!n('" R11le<Qh R11p1d C•ly Aer>O Aocf\mond Sall l a•e San An1on•o San 011190 Sari frAn Sea111e Shr11vepot1 Stovw Fans 11 47 76 5• 89 76 87 1>8 62 SJ e 1 s~ 82 63 52 43 65 43 63 54 ;e 91 1 t ~5 78 14 62 51 82 ~~ 1• S'i 85 76 St 47 I\' ., 71 5 7 80 60 71 57 14 SS 72 ,. 71 52 67 45 8~ 70 ,. 52 104 82 1.C 5 I 5, 45 65 60 11 49 78 so 16 42 62 ~5 ,, '>3 68 61 91 62 80 74 6~ 58 Ill' 57 19 56 56 111 ~A" /(•11dt~11 ~!wca thl'r ~ Nlgf'll ano morning 1ow r.to;irJ• lj)tend 10 the V81i.yt Movn111ns Ir e.cepl windy at llmu elly HHll humid _,,d COO* Ith 111gl'l1 tn tow 701 net• 1119 ••I to mid 80• lnlend lt..-.... ..... ~-~U ....... R_f R_IP_DR_T ve rnlght low1 !>3 to 83 fllounl.in IHOfl hight mottl)' In i!W eo. ro mid 70t end IOwt 3!110 • heel! heel! lume S.-ila Monlee Newpott Satl oi.oo Covnty ------~ ........ _._._._._._..._ ............................. ~-~~- 811rl ..,,, A"t Mu 8 a 8 8 7 10 8 9 •11r1 oho ~td tO 10 10 10 ..... MH .. , 4 4 3 ..... .... , ~td c ... .... Off S 8SW S SSW S SSW • ~w SI LC>O" SI P lampa $1 St~ Mari" Son•on,. Syrft(U"' toof'•o lu"on Tu"O Wft1t11ngm W1C.01la 62 56 85 72 53 44 73 w 72 51 66 ')9 96 70 73 52 7~ 58 71 48 C ALIFORNIA ,,ppl11 VBlley 86 67 13 7'l 9t 76 89 66 76 53 l~ft~fU qf1Rld l~ertlCIW l)na11mtH1I •l1g Benr '31y1ne &tatinn .:.utvet City ru1ek" Frtt~no l enca~tPr lnng 8"8Lh lo• Angel!'\ Monrovu• Mon1N.,y Ml Wol•o• N""o•e~ Oa~leno Onlerto Paa110f'na Pa,o Robt!'~ R8<1 Brull Af'Owood Cllv Saet11men10 Sal1nn' Ssn 8"rnerd1nn Sen 01brrel Son Fra11c1oco San Jose Sanla An1 Sanla 81rba1a SlocklOn l&hoa VallOly ff\f!ffT\HI Tides rir11 •ow F11 11 hlOh Second tow Second high TODAY t03 80 79 70 82 72 60 SS 71 67 78 6IJ 80 74 18 74 82 , , 6t 59 64 SS 103 81 bY 61 es 12 78 11 69 68 80 60 66 62 6IJ ~ 12 81 1111 70 19 10 66 80 16 8Q 81 7 t 73 68 68 66 64 51 10 I 78 t2 u • m 7 33 • rn noon S 37 p rn Pm rlHt Sun 11111 6 48 Svndey 8 44 a m Moon r1111t 1 11 Sundey 12 3$ • m pm .... ' su1·11·111l1·11·d ul 1t•1 J s1·vc:n hour :-.1:1111fof! IJ1t·1>.wd tn t>lrv1· drab 1111l1tary .,t vii· l0ov1·ralb a11d a f,1\1gue t•ap: tlanki. hand1.J a r1fl{· oul of a window 11! t.1 V<Jt'dnl h11uw whl·n· lw h&d l)\.·t·n hull'd lip ~llK't' d,1wn Bank:-. w;c, arra11.(nt"ll Saturday on f1v(' murdt•r chargl-s, and a prt·l1m1nary hl·artng was ""h's like sorne thing out of a horror· n1ovic ." schedull'd fur C..k:l. ti. Luzl'rm• County U1stm:t Attorn(•y Robert Gillespie said cha rges m the rt-sl of the d 1•at hs would bt• ftl t·d Monday or Tuesday "It's ltkl· something uut o f a horror muv1t•," said G1llt:sp1t• Dr Gt•orgt• Hudock. 1·ounty 1·1,rone1 . d l•st·r1bt•u 1t us the '"wurst tragl·dy Sllll't' the 18Y7 massa(·rt· at Lat tt ffil'f M 1 n1•:.," rl'fc·rnng to the shol)llngs of s triking m1nt•rs h y -;ht:rtff's deputies 1n wh1t·h lli pt:•oplt• wt•n· killed P11l1n• ~Id lht· mouvt· w~ 11\ dllubt, but Wslkl·s-&rrc M;iyor Thomas M<:Laughltn said poltl't' wen· luuk1ng into rl'p111 ts tht• s h 11 o l 1 n g m a y h J v l' b t• t• 11 prnlllptt•d by cl t·htltl l0 U:-.Wd y dtspUtE' Two of Banks" atlor111·vs in t.h1 ' custody cai.t·, J tlSl•µh Ca~pt:r and Jo:-. ... ph Sklarosky, !>atd Bank!> Jnd thl' motht·r of cml· of his l'htldn·n had agr<:<-<l to a t·ustody Jrrangt'rnc>nl. but lhal the woman had not l'Ompltc'<i Joseph Shaver, l'htcf dt•puty l'Urunt·r fur Luzemt• County, said all thl' v1cums apparc>ntly "w<.>r<' 1ntl'rrelatc·d'" to the> suspN'l , ex('('pt for two men A friend~ left, a nd policeman, center , est•ort murder sus pect George Banks after his surre nder Saturday in Pe nnsylvania. GRAND RE-OPENING PARTY of the BIG and LITILE NEWPORT SKI COMPANY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th 7:00 -10:00 p.m. Come help us kick off the 1982-83 ski season with a night of fun that includes free prlzea, informal fashion modeling, beer, wine. refreshments. ski movies and a look at all the new merchandise for th is season. Also in operation will be our new revolvlng akl ramp. $ FD~i~~d se'affm~~~u~ * • Rossignol SM skis $310.00 • Fischer Superlite speed $280.00 • Salomon sx 90 Boots $290.00 • Salomon 737 Bindings S134.95 • Tyrolla 2800 Bindings $110.00 • 6 pr Scott poles $64.ts each • Roffe Parka S130.00 • Obermeyer Parka '95.00 • Niis wlndjackel and pants S1n.SO •CB STA S ka pants S130.00 • Descante race clothlng S100.00 • Environmental photography by Jan Parsons $15.00 • Maser T -Neck $31.50 • 1 Pr . Vuarnet sunglasses $84.00 • Free peeper keeper with every sunglasses sold. • Marceau Sweater and Hat S100.00 5 free ramp lessons S25 each • Serac Down Parka $195.00 • Colmar sweater $64.00 We'll aee you on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th NEWPORT SKI COMPANY unu ITlll HOOW ...... lwJ, ...,.,, ...... .. en•> u1-11n .... . ... STiii noow ...... .., ................ (114) 111-1110 ....... .,.., (714) 111·1144 ........... ...... (114) .... .,.., ....... ,." (JH)Ml·llU .... l.,..t • ~ H op., skip, jump, k ick, re peat Just watching an aerobics competition can wear you out. T hese we re so m e of the 200 spectators wh o watch ed Orange County's first competitio n in the dance-sport. Re ult!' and more photos of the gyrations a re on Page E4. Orano• Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, S.ptemb« 2e. 1812 Al ") L eg endary mayor dies ~ LOS AN O ELK8 (Al') - F orrn c-r Lo11 Ange1t~11 ma yor Norrl11 Poullion . l)('*l renwrnt>t'n 'll ror l1111ulllnM tli1.n Soviet Prc>n1ln Nlkltu Khru11hchl'v and luring the DodgL·l"li bn.ll(•lJMll tc1.1m t.o Loll Angl'll·a from Brooklyn , d lt-d Suturduy ul ugc• 87, h is daughwr s.akl ! Poulson had bt."t.·11 husRICullit.'<.l for six Wl'Ck.s for treatment of an ulcer and to undergo C'Olostomy surgery ut S t. Joseph Medical Cente r here, suid his daughwr, No rrlsu Brundt. Poulson died a l H11lhaven Co nvalescent Home in Orange, where he was transfern-d earlier in the week, she said . Poulson was in his Bl"COnd term as mayor an 1958 when he helped get t h e Brooklyn Dodgers to move to Los Angeles. The city traded away 3 15 acres of city- ow ned Chavez Ra~ine to be th<: team's stadium. The Dodger deal · sparked a bitte r legal fight ,and publk controver sy. P o ulson. la te r claimed that caused him to lose his bid for a third term as mayor to conS<'rvallv,e Dt'mocrat Sam Yorty in 1961. Poul110n. u EWpubUu.n. awrwd hhc California palhlcal c:uroc•r in 1038 In the atale AllM!mbly. In 1942, he waa ok'C·t<'d to Congrt'U, whc·rl' hl• bl·<.·umc· one of th e lcudt>l'N In Callforniu'11 11uct't.11aful fight w h h Ariwrui over Colorado River wat.c:f tic wrui In hl11 fifth tNm In thl' HoUS£• when he was elet.·tt.-d Los Ange les muyor. defe atin g lnl·umbcnl Flet.c·her Bowron. In addition to the Dodgers con trovcr sy, Pou lson madl· waves In 1959 when he insulted Russ i an Pre mi e r Niki ta Khrushchev at a civic banquet. In r ema rks to a tele vision newsman before the banquet, P o ul son r e po rte dly sa id, "Everybody else has been nice w him (Khrushchev), but I'm not going to be." . Re fe rrin g t o his upcoming speech, Poulson reportedly told the newsman, "I'm going to have my fist out there, but it's going to be covered with velvet . . . I'm going to have a long, sharp knife, and I'm going to shove lt all the way i nto tha t son -of-a ... " Poulson did not finish the phrase, the reporter said. At the banquN. Poulson told Khruttwh&"°' "You thall no~bury u11, a nd we 1h•JI nol bury you ." Pou lson lntt-r c laime d lhe reporte r "dl1torted " h i• pro· banquet comment.a. althouan hf conce<h.•d his commenll durlnJ. thl• bun(fUt'l wcrt-"unfortun.le ' KtHu 1 h c h e v Initia lly threatened to cance l hl1 vl1h because of the Incident, but later brushed i t aside by aa{ing Poulson "jus t got out o tho wrqng aide of the bed." Despite the publlclty attracted by the Dodgers and Khruahche¥, the former mayor placed more emphasis on other Caroll of his terms. "He would consider two thlflil most important in hi.a career - his fight to brine water to California and bringing tl'\e Democratic convention to Los Ange les in 1960." said hi• daughter. He a lso was credited with starting the <.'ity 's first refu.we.. collection service, building the c urrent Los Ang e l es International Airport, e>'panding the city's harbor facilities and settling :i bitter public housing dispute. Arrest • ID LAX bomb case LOS ANGELES (AP} ~ Ar'1FBl's L:.os Angeles are&. 48-year -old unemployed Los The discovery was the sec.'Ond Angeles man was arrest e d incident for proble m -plagued Saturday for investigation of American Airlines Flight 75. trying to extort $400,000 from S e vera l hours earlier , the American Airlines by planting a flight's 200 passengers w er e bomb in luggage destine? for one ~orced .to evacuate their °'.C-10 of its planes, the FBI said. 1umbo .)Cl at Dulles Internauonal WaUace Conklin was arrested Airpo rt outside Washington, about 12: 15 a .m. "in the a rea D.C .. when one of its engines w here the payoff was to take began lea king fluid and toxic place," said Richard T . Bretzing. fumes wafted into the plane's special agent in c harge of the cabin. Duke raps Brown, adopts pet SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - R e publican g ubernatorial candidate G eorge Deukmejian, lashing out a t the "no-growth policies" of Goy. Edmund Brown Jr .. said Saturday that state p e nsio n funds s h o uld be encouraged to make high -yield investments -which is similar to one or Brown's pet prqposals. Deukmejian , speaking before 500 fX.'<>ple at a convention of the Caldo rnaa Association of Realtors , said pension fund s should "be encouraged but not mandated" to make high profit investme nts in California's housing industry to generate new capital. State pension funds, which control about $32 billion in assets, • issue currently are limited to ''safe," blue-~hip, low-yield investments. But Deukmejian, echoing a proposal made repeatedly by the governor, said that expandlna the funda' investment bue under "prudent and strict overslaht" would prime the receulon - plqued resJdential coinstrucUon ~ket. Jn a wide-ranging, 40-minute speech the attorney general alao called for a two-year moratorium o n ~w h o using e n e rg y stan rds, which h e claimed woul save $1,800 to $5,00 on the cost of a new home. The a udience periodically inte rrupted his speech wilh cheers and applause. The ·passengent-were-swl\Ched to another American Airlines plane and continued their fli8}\l to California via Ne w York. The flight was to go to San Dieao after its stopover he re. The bomb w as discove:red about 7 p.m . Friday -eight hours after American Alrlln~ received the first call saying i' bomb had bee n placed at it.a terminal at L os Ang e l es International Airport. Conklin was arrested just over five hours later next to a motel in North Holly wood -the site designated for the payoff. Bretzing declined to say if the airline had delivered the ..moni~-~ to the site. The FBI agent said the extortion de mand was made in the first call to the airline and that instructions on where to deliver the money were given in a number of subsequent calls. Bretzing declined to cornmeot on reporta that a wlr~ leadi.na from the timer to the explosi~ had n o t b een connec ted. renderinR it harmleee. Ho w eve r he added th•' whenever an explosive device Is placed in the vicinity of a, airplane, it presents "grave jeopardy to the lives and safety of those a board." Conklin faces a maximum of 20 years in prison and $10,000 fine if convicted in the extortion ~.' Bretzing aaid Conklin is to be a r raigne d before a f ederal magistrate on Monday. IRVI NE P LANNERS CONSIDER ADDING LEI SU R E WORLD T ERRITORY . • • From Page A1 local interest to form their own government and protect against being pulled into a larger city. Would thC' ne w city. with the suggested u tlc of Leisure Hills. be l1k ~l y to gran t Koll t he approvals to ('Onstruct the offlCl' park? Luhring said the decision would be up to a newly-elected city council. but he noted: "We're no t r eal l y looking to 1t for revenue Our financial feasibility is demonstrable without outside income" lndct'd. a recently-com pleted feasibll1 tv sludv on c1 t vh ood offerc'<l a rosy financial picture. Incorporation would provide the community with a greater percentage of local taxes: w hile not requiring any change to its current system of assessing residents for local services. Only a part-lime city mana ger woul d n eed t o be hire d , according lo the report, yet a Mc>nol'\I J-t1Cfl~ U 'IOU 00 'l(.rf "IVf' "°""" O.(Mlor Oy ~ lO o IT! c a11 Dtl"'Or~ • om ano 't'Ov' n. r't _,, o-o~tiVf"t"eo five-year surplus of $2.2 million an income could be anuc1pated. F urt h e rmo r e. th e L ocal Agency Formation Commission should look favora bly upon Leisure World. Luhring. claimed, because o f its "uni que characteristic" as a retirement community Nothing Iii certain, though. Koll Co. consultant Larry Hoffman noted recently t hat the commission, which is charged w ith overseei ng b o unda r y m odifica tions, might r e jec t t'i t y h ood for L eis ure Wo rld because of its relatively small size Its mem bers a lso mig ht be pers uaded to a llow Irvine to annex on ly the 686 acres while a llowing L e is ure World to remain an a sphere of influence outside the city limits, he said. K oll has financed th e annexation studies carried out by city planners. As a matter of policy, the five comm1ss1oners do not a p prove a nn e xat ions u nl C'ss n e w boundaries a r e sensible for expanding city servac'l>S a nd new residents favor th<' movC'. staff members say In th is case. howeve r , a n ne x i n g only t he n o n - residential portion would create an awkward shape a nd imply future membership m the catv. Irvine City Council m<'mbers such as David Sills. have stressed several times pubhdy they w ill not try to annex Lcisurt• World unless attitudes changco. All of the land m Laguna Hills now is under jurisdiction of the county Board of S u pervisors. While consider ing I rvin e annexaliol). KoU Co officials are concurrently filing applications with the county government to designa te their 189 acr es for oHice development. They are sch e du led for hearings next May to seek a change in tf\e county's general We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dail y Pilot-> What don't you lake" C:all the number below and your message wall be recorded. t ranst'tibed and delivered to the appropriate editor Thl' same 24·hour a ns wering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please. Tl'll us what 's on your mi nd 642•6086 ORANGE COAST CIHl"lflf edver1l1lng 714/142-5t71 All other deper1ment1 94 2-4321 Daily Pilat Thomas r. Haley PubCo•h., ond <;h .. t l>Kulov• ()11-cet Jane Amari E •Kiii•"• Edotor l. koy Schult~ I/ 10 ''"ICM<ll iJnd 0..KIO' of Actv .. t1tong MkhcMf , . ttorv.y O...ao ol Morl 1t1ong IC•<cu1oto0n1 .. Thomas A. Murphlne (d1to. Kenneth N. Ooddord Jr. O..ector ol ~Ol<>nt MAIN OFFICE ,. Wttl .... SI Coote llMM, CA ¥ell e41drwu lo• 15e0. C•la llMw CA .,.,_ CooyrleM 1"2 o..,... CM1I lt ... llV>I,,. C-y. ... .._. tlof"le1, llt1t1tret1.,1, Hite< tel "'Mier., M ,,., .... .....," lwr.in ,,.., M rt.,N..cN w1ti.w. -Il l "rmlltioflof COttYrlf!lt-ner. VOL. 1J, NO. - ---------------------------------------- plan from its existing status as open spa<'C. C oun ty s upe rvis ors vote d unanimously two years ago to reject a proposa l to build the office park because of concerns that it would gene rate too much traffic on Moulton Parkway. w hich becomes Irvine C enter Drive at the city border T o Pe te r He rman, c hie f planning aide to Supervisor Thomas Riley. the new double- barreled effort to gain approvals from elltler the city or county is suspect. "l think !they're just trying to play both sides off each other and see where they can get a better deal." he said. Herman predicted that county o fficials won't appro ve an y dev e l opme nt until a ne w agreem e nt with the Marine Corps over the Clight pattern is completed and steps a.re taken to solve traffic problems. Ironicall y. it is the same traffic } problem, seen from the other aide of the fence that has led one Irvine Cit y Councilman t o authorize the annexation studies. Bill Vardoulis said the onl~ protection the city has to ~ against increaaed traffic from widened streets is to assum~ Anyway you look at lt, th control of the land. ~ Koll Co .. Leisure World, the ci and county are twisted up in t land use puzzle like, yes, lik Rubik's Cube. , I ,...----~~~~~---'------~~! ff~~k©r l rtrrm~ : Celebrate Oktoberi~t with our sensational brots. Now'1 your chance to treat younelf to our plump, juicy Brotwurlt llDOked au.p. A delicioul blmd of beef, pork and ipioel. <Alebnte Oktoberfllt with Hickcsy Fanmn.. It'll be the belt-tasting Oktoberfeut you've ever bad. fJI OIUO /IN .&outh l toast !laz• "" i • • • t\•I Or•ng1 Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, September 28, 1982 ••Tlw ICt1H11IHnli prolmhl}' rtw tht• duy tllt'y wokt• UH up. The•y'r.-flrohably ufroicl lo wuk•· ui. u1• u.cuin." Sputnik: A wakening of By llOWARfl BENEOIM' A-lelM ,,_.. Wrl ... h WaJil lwcnly-flvt• y1•11ne 1~u.1m C>lt 'I. lY!\7, when thl• Soviet Union hunilllutt'<I Anwnl'l.l nnd alunnt.'<.I thl• world by laum·h1111-t 1111 unrnunnt'l.I, 184-pound !lllvcr S<ilt•l11tt.• mum~I Spu1111k into Earth orbit. The spat•c agt• wu:. born. and tht• Unl t<'d Statt.>s WU!! bt•h1nd• Pl-c>plt' ucroos lhl· world stuo<l i11 tlw tw1h~ht or early dawn, tht'ir l'Yl'S f1xt.'<.I on the heavens, searl'h1ng for Sputnik's elusive pinpoint of light Tht• eerie beep-b<'t'e -beep of Its radio both fasbnated and frightened Millions wat<:hed that light move al'ross the• sky. knowing man h<td put 1t there and wondering whl•re It could possibly lead Amer1c·a n s we.rt> embarrassed and ternficd. their technology mastt.•rsh01p challenged. The shock galvanized thf' United States to rethink its educational system lo launc:h a counter-challenge that led thc United States to the moon m 1969 to cap a far-out c'Onlc-st for national prestige. Christopher Columbus Kra ft Jr : "The response or this country to the Sputnik challenge is something I think the Russians have reflected 011 111u11y IUlll'h ldlll'l! lt WClkl· Ub UIJ h WUJj tlw 11pt1wnmg of tlw k't0hnolog1ca1 t•><plo!Clllll l would ijUl'Nl tht• Ru~~iuns probably ru1• tlw d11y llwy wokt• us up Thut'1 probably tht.• rN1..1tOn llwy'1t> not muklng morl' 11trldl'll them thl'y arl' today Tlwy't1• probably ufrald tu wok1• UIJ up ugu1n " Kruft. u p1orw1•r In the American Hpace dfort. rc:tirl'<l an August as dlrt.~tor of thl' Johnso11 Spuc.-c Cl•ntcr in Houston ofter (JVl'rst'l'lng the Notional A('m11aulit:s and Spa(.'(.' Administration's first four H}>al:f' shuttle missions. From the voyuge or Sputnik, space tt.oehnology qu1t:kly bl06S0med from a Cold Wai· prl•suge comest into a multib1lllon-dollar market for hardware and services. The technology - t'Ompuwrs, elt.'Ctromcs, materials -has found ilS way mto a variety of profes1n9ns S<Jtl•ll1tes have rev o lut io nized communil'auons and are routinely used to guide s hips and planes and lo monitor weather patterns. mineral deposits, pollution sourc.'CS and forcst and t:rop growth. Military strategies have changed dramat il'ally as the generals and admirals depe nd on space sys t ems for survcillant•c. communications, navigation and t'Ommand and control. Seventy-nine astronauts and 101 cosmonauts have logged more than seven years in space. Twelve Americans have walked on the moon Robots have landed on Mars, penetrated U '9\olo Engineers at Rockwell International claim it will be possible to erect large structures in space su ch as the one illustrated here. The s pidery assemblies could range in diameter from 300 to 3,000 feet. Structura l el..-ments would be fabricated on earth and transported lo low orbit in cargo bay of the pace Shuttle. !----.. announces the first SALE STARTS _TODAY 203 TO 603 OFF FREE UDY DI POSTER with any frame purchase (Offer good thru Sept. 29. 1982) FllE ART POSTERS• FRlllll HI FOIEIT IYI., UlllA IUGI 494-9424 h e space age tht• doud11 of Venut, d ht-d throuih thC' rl11gi1 ur Saturn ond ore probing the• uuwr rt•IACh(•li of th<· a10lar 1y.il•m Today, commN'ClollzaUon of llf)Uc.'t• h1 wklng a mojor upturn, und the Americ-un·Sovlt•t monopoly 111 cndlna. Tht· superpowt'r11 fir(• dt-votln~ mor<: und m<>r\• ot their IJ>Ol't' funds to military project11. and both may bt.• moving toward basing destructive weapons In orbit. To start the second quarter i:cntury, the United St.atea has Its revolutionary and reusable space shuttle; the Soviet Union. Its nC'w and sophisticated Salyut 7 11pace station. When Sputnik was launched, some in the Uruted States saw the event as a "technolog1ca1 Pearl Harbor." The satelllle not only -symbolized the emergence of the Soviets as a technologically advanced aoclety, but demonstrated c:oncluslvely that Moecow had the means to deliver nuclear weapons across oceans and continents to the United States. . ' Ironically. the United States could hove launched the first satellite and avoided the humiliation of Sputnik. A. year earlier. the Army haQ asked permission to launch a payload into orbit by attaching an upper stage tD its proven RedstDne ballistic missile. But President Eisenhower insisted that the use of a military rocket would detract from the peaceful scientific intent of a United States space program. He order ed development of a n e ntire new booster, the Vanguard. to loft a tiny 3-pound satellite In celebration of International Geophysical Year. In the panic that followed Sputnik, Vanguard was rushed to the launch pad al Cape Canaveral, Fla. On Dec. 6, two months after the Soviet triumph. Vanguard labored two feet off Its launch pad -and tumbled back In fiery destruction. Eisenhower unleashed the Army missile team. Six weeks later, the RedstDne with the upper stage hurled Explorer 1 Intl> orbit and catapulted America into the space age and a fierce competition with the Soviet.a. With an earlier start and larger rockets, the Soviets continued to startle with a number of ·~ ''firsts" -the first rocket tD hit the moon. the first to probe another planet (Venus), the first man In apace (Yuri Gli!garin In 1961). the first woman in space (Valentina Tereskova in 1963). Kraft: "It was very much of a shock tD us when Gaprtn flew. None ol us knew how close they were. We were very much upset that they had been able to beat us." Three weeks later. on May 5, 1961. America's first astronaut, Alan Shepard, rocketed briefly across the frontier of space on a 15-minute suborbital trip. Less than Gagarin's orbital flight. but a beginning. John .Glenn gave the United Stat.es its first big lift when he orbited the Earth three times in February 1962. Re plica of putnik I ha ngs in Moscow Exhibition Hall for a ll lo set>. The tiny satellite · ushered in a period that would bring a cold war in s pace. Amenca and the Soviet Union also began cooperating m space in several areas, culminating in 1975 with the orbital linkup of manned Apollo and Soyuz spaceships. The Soviets recently launched an unmanned smaU-scale test model of a shuttle-like vehicle, but U.S. observers estimate it will be at least five years before they can launch a manned version and lhen they believe it will be smaller and less sophisllcated than the American machine. The first shuttle, Columbia, has completed its test program with four successful Clights and 1s ready m November tD carry commercial ca.::go. a prur of communications satellites Military projects have steadily been grabbing larger shares of both nations' space budgets -more than 60 percent ln the U.S . and about 70 percent in Russia. NASA knows what it means to do. It wants to use the shuttle to move settlers intD the new frontier . ferrying into orbit building blocks and construcuon workers to establish permanent space laboratories and factories and possibly solar power stations. Sputnik also spurred an overh.aul of the education system in the United States. Federal dollan flooded into 8Chools to help produce an unmatched generation of scientists and en8fneers Sputnik fell out of orbit and disintegrated Nho became the heart of the U.S. apace reply tD just three months aft.er its launch, but 1ts legacy, the Soviets. it seems. will expand forever. 1 WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN .t ! LAuoARD,.STARBOARDAND j 3 ' GADOARD? 1 For a real challen~. ask that In 11 aaJe. where wet ls like starboard. so many a garboatd was lost on lhe wild and all you hear ls the saumlna wtnd ln the rlaQing shoals of rocks and hardluc.k. A garboard Is the stnske harrnonlzma with bunQ·slzed rain drops 1humplnQ on affixed ne:xt to the keel your norwuter Part of seamanship Is 11 whole new vocabulary-words evolved through the aaes so sailors can corrununlcate with each Other. Sucdnctly. You can leam many of those colorful. descriptive terms alonQ with the skills or saWng, navtaallon. pllotlnQ. marlinespike seamanship. medidne at sea, amateur n1dlo, shipboard cooktna. power boat handling and so much more al the Salling Academy ofOranae Coast CoDeae. OCC's SalllnQ Academy is the laraest oflts ~In the United States. and it boasts a Oeet of husky blue water racers as well as ~'handed Sabots for the neophyte martnu TilC academy ls just one of hundreds orleamlnQ opportunities offered throuah the Community Strvtcu dcpertmcn11 at OCC. Golden West CoUeae and Coastllne Communtty CoDcQc. For your Qlcndar or adlvttlcs. call OCC at 556-58801 GWC, 8G2·771 l Ind C.O.stltnc. 963-0811. It wtll be mafltd to you -not at ~B· e.xptt\M. For more nautical nomenclature, sign up at the OCC Sailina Academy Costs are minimal. as they arc for all or lhe Other community sennce offerings at the Coast Community Colleges . ; ~ J t . & ~ ~ 1 . I 1 I I ' j . f ~ f . ! Oh. vu. the .nawcr to the qucldon •bovt. One hundred.,_.. af:>· lmboard meant left whlJc starboerd mum (and mana) !Wit. In a pk. larboard eound~ . .I ,. Archaeology find key to Aztec empire BY PAUL RAEBURN u ...... w,..., NEW YORK -Eduardo Matoe Moctezuma is an archaeologist, a ICholar and now, much to his surprise, a televiBlon celebrity. Four years ago, Matoe was selected to direct the excavatJon of what may be Mexico's greatest archaeolol{ical find ...-the ~mains of El Templo Mayor, the Great Temple of the Aztecs. Matos knew that it would take yean of painstaking work to uncover the temple and Its artifacts. But he didn't reall~ how interested Mexican newspapers and television stations would be ln his progress. At one point, he was forced to give daily briefings, and his face appeared on Mexican television acreens every night. • He is now touring with the exhibition in various parts of the world. The temple, the most sacred shrine of the Aztecs, was discove red by accident in 1978, when utility company workers were digging in down- town Mexico City. Government archaeologists were called in, and they saw the importance of the discovery. If more temple artifacts were buried under Mexico City, it would be possible to gain a wealth of new information about one of the most highly devel- oped societies to exist in the Americas before the arrival of the European. Matos, 41 , who has lost most of his hair but makes up for that with a large, wiry black beard, says that public interest in the excavation was part of a search by Mexicans for their roots. "The newspapers and television became ver y, very interested in the excavation and the findings," Matos said. Until the discovery of the Great Emple, most of what was known about the Aztecs came from the accounts of chroniclers who traveled with the Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortes, Matos says. The temple stood in the midst of an Aztec metropolis of 200,000 people, situated whe re Mexico City now stands. Cortes leveled the temple and destroyed the city in 1521. Spanish historians described the temple and recorded its destruction. but no reoord was made from the Aztec's point of view. Along with the Incas of Peru, the Aztecs were one of the most highly developed civiliz.a· tions in the New World before Columbus sailed. The ereat Temple was dedicated to two of the most important Aztec gods -Tlaloc, the rain god, and Huitzilopochtli, the god of war and the Aztecs' most important deity. The stone temple, a pyramid topped with two shrines, one for each of the gods, was adorned with brightly painted sculptures and murals. The large stone that had led to the excava· Boaters eye .tax WASHINGTON D.C. -Key members of the House Merchant Mar ine Fisheries Committee have recommended to the House-Senate Conference Committee that the Senate-passed tax reconciliation bill (HR4961), which includes a 3 percent tax on small boats should be modified. The revenue from the proposed tax would be used to increase state fisheries funding under the- Ding~-Johnson program. Led by Mario Biaggi, D-NY, an outspoken supporter of recreational boating interests, and John Breaux, D-La. who has often gone to bat for the fishing in terests, Merchant Marine and Fisheries members sought a middle ground. Their proposal would modify· the Senate ver&on by diverting motorboat fuel tax collections into the Dingell-Johnson program while protecting the two-thirds of fuel tax collections for use exclusively for boating safety and facilities development originally a uthorized by the Biaggi Act in 1980. In addition, the Dingell-J ohnson fund would absorb all import duties on pleasur~ boats and S,,.c/a/ !'Pt. 22 -Sept. 21, 1912 S,..t.1 ..... 6m (lteclll): lUt I am klfl&. Without a doubt Ille most mrcniticlftt of Ill, my iarce discold bodJ. bfllllanUy v11ned 111 llhle. red. e>ra'1f, crten and . words aie inadequate. Set mt 11 Aquatic T roe>ats wtlefe I 1m on Nile 11• It. lftlt "Blue Hectle" lor only 19.99 Or~ eo .. t.OAILY PILOT/Sundey, &.ptemb« 28, 1982 ~' HOW TO GET'~'OFF THE • I J DIET ROLLER COASTER tlt1w n111ny yHr• nl your Ill• hav• l1Nn w••ltd rldhlt1 th• dlttl roltar co.uter'I llow m•nr tllMll have you loel wt ¥tit by d~lv illj( yll\lrMlf of your l•vorft-e foodt. 1larv1ll11n, foc lnii. and atr•11uw1 .. .,C'IN only to - your He""• w1l1hi re11allll'd fHler than you •wt lma11lrwd? llow many 1ulcllf•I blnK•lntc eplM>CJ• hav1 you .. 1M!rl11nc1id In your hypnotic, yet .,..,,~ Lly human. !Uhfl1C• 111 t•nei .... and boring diet ITK!nua't S111l111n b11td 011 epld11mluloiik and blom..dk1I 1tudl • 1how that rnl'I,.. than 96 perc11nl of lh• !*)' pie who (fl) on V1rlou1 dl~ll reaaln lh411r wel11ht, U•u•lly In ex· ceat of what lhe}' Iott DlETJNO PROMOTES OBESJTYI RecttnL 111:lenllflc 1tudlt1 are now confirming the atrlklng ob .... vatlon mada by Or. Dan R Kirkham M\ltral year• 110: DIETING ACTUALLY PR(). MOTES OBESITY I anti r111110L UM th• Htrt r•IOl'lt't 1·0111u1ntrd whfl\ w• l(O otf thlo dltt, l>r Kirkham darlllN:I Ur Mi tra M11huh1h Klrkh•m'• ro worktir al th11 llArt'r ln•lltul-f, hn cundu1•1wt ron•ll11trahh• r--rch on luod end 1kohQI additllon. Or M•¥bu'41h t'a1Jl1inod th•t diet j»'Ol(l'arn• '"''l)Oltu•l~ t'1t M1nt11J1y by ' DAN KIRKHAM, M.D. Dr Kirkham. 1 Newport Stach phy1lcl111. who la currtnlly Medlcel Directer or the llART lnatltut1, it a ar1du1te of New York College of Medicine. hH received 111any ewuct. fM hi1 1ch.ievemen1.a 1n tha medical pro- fe11lbn. He wal bettowed the American Medic.al A•soclatlon AchleY'emtnl Award. Tht LaRoche Award. tha Dun'a Award, t nd ha i1 li1led in "Who'• Who lnternttlonal," "Who'a Who In the W•t," and "Who'1 Who In the United St.au-s · MITRA MAGBULEH, Ph.D. "When we dlet-1.e .. cut down M.P.H. on our food int.ako ind ut only reinforcing the obel4! per50n·~ the amount t nd types of food _ i>f'eoc:cupelion with food Slhe is pruc:rlbed by • given doctor M told when whal ind how much 'welfht lou plan, we lncreue our Lo eat. 19 ;..ell .. ·which foods are mel.abolic efficiency. Our bodies OK Lo pig out on. By dlullowlng manage Lo function very well eerl.aln food• diet pl.tna !Ill with the few caloriet they reclevt' themtelvt"S up 'rM failure When a on •. given diet, •nd they llop pttton la on 1 diet, e/he Is burning the 11.or«t fll. In other miatrtble ind is 1lw1ya looking worda. we. hit • pl1Lt11u and ltop forward Lo the day I/he can eat ~sing wttght. M•nwhilt', alnce nonn1lly again. The "forbidden diets ue meent Lo bl gone on and fruit" effect is probebly the main t<.wplaln lo lhl'lr ov-rw11l1ht pe ll-nl• how IAI atop dff!lif\I <l!W'11 •l\CI fof all le th.y 1urt lo.ilw w111•ht vn 11\f llAH'r NO ml'."r Plto<llCAM 11111 UlllQ\14.' •rid ~11mpr•Mn•IV• ll"JICl'Wm •~'Om ,,., ... 111 lh11 maJOf e•pte'U Ill •UlCl"Hlul .. triahl iu •• I •• 11ulorf lion, ploy-lc1I 1olvl1y. man••• rrwnl nf lnn;ir IN•lln1• and 1111tl1I ~nvlronmt·nLr Uy •ll4lll41nii 10 wl't!kJy ..,11•10n• of ln•lrUCIK•I\, ptrlodu lndlvldual tnn11ullltlon, end • L10111-y~ar follow·up •l thw llART l n1t1\ute, tht PH· tk1panla i...rn how w mall• pl-.Ctt wilh food, hQw Lo ch•t\lt tlMllr ftt mNabolltm Into 1 thin mctaboll•m. how to .. f~ly ttnjoy food• lly 1pplyln11 1"41 prlnclplW of thin behavior and how w •thieve boll n!1ull1 throu1~ indlv1du•lly·Ullo,.d, short, duru1on phyalcal ectlvltiH The fwllng1 e•pruaed by tilt, 11T•du1te1 of the HART ln•lltutt Indicate thll thla rational eolu· uon to welaht problema is lndMdl ,u<lcutf\11 In frttlln1 people ofC tha Diet Roller Coaater "The llART Prognm hel~ me both ml!nl.Ally and physically I b«ame lhe way I wanted LO without the usual frunretrone lhOc11lt'd wllh wel11ht rl'du~ lion:· "Whenever l!lthtor of u& dir~ In 1he pnl. tbe 01her family mf'mber~ alw1yt aulfl'r«i along with us. Since we JOtnL<d thj llART Program n11t only ha\11 our own 111tlng hablUI !,...-• po11t1vely affecC"ed, but t-.; children are 1e1u1lly enjoying "' too. Thia I• iUnnltely 1 rewardl .. fa mily afftlr " Once the patrenu on ~ liART prol{ram realize L dieting 11 irrational, t hey begin CnJOY food, that they hAd for Len were ao dt'lic1ou1 For t ' the war r• over tt Ian-they have their cake, eet 11. and • lose welghl ! off of, almost evl'ryone eventwil· cauee of the peinful binges most Eduardo Matos Moctezuma holds greenstone ty revert• 1.o norma1 111t1nc °' diet.era experience in their weight image of Tlaloc, the rain god. It was found in ~:::~1~~ t::i1o:: ::1,h~~;~~ 1o ... rroru." ' H you wish more 1nformatl~ about lhu llART Prognm. ~~·~ 1714) 752·6061. The HART .~ ttltut.e In< 11 located at 41 IO~~ Birch Street, Swte 113. NewJ>Of'" an offering chamber of the El Templo Mayor. mor-becau• our bodia have THE WAR IS OVER tdapUld to the low caloric Int.Ike Ors. Kirkham and Magbuleh Ret1ch. C. llfornlll 92660. • .I. tion of the temple is the Coyolxauhqui Stone, named after the sister of HuitzilopochUI. Accor- ding to myth, she and 400"brothers conspired to kill their mother when they saw she was preg- nant w ith Huitzipochtll. When he was bom, he took his shield and darts and defended his mo- ther in a battle on Serpent Mountain, his birth· place. He struck off the head of Coyolxauhqui, and her body tumbled down the mountain in pieces. Then he killed the 400 others. • Scholars say the Great Temple represented Serpent Mountain and the Coyolxauhqui Stone rested In front of the temple, marking the place where Coyolxauhqul's body fell. rnodif ication fishing tackle. At the same time, the congressmen called for deletion of the manufacturer's exciae tax on recreational boats and equipment. Recreational boating interests who have been frustrated for three years by not being able to take a dvantage of the federal motorboat fuel tax money which Congress authorized but never a ppropriated. may take solace in the oompromi.ae- bill, according to the Outboard Boating Clubs. "Washington insiders say that it la politJcally savvy to use Dingell-Johnson as a vehicle for turning loose that money," said Joseph G . Nicosia. editor of the OBC Legislative Ledger. Some problems remain, however, according to Nicosia. The modification calls for a 3 percent excise tax on electric trolling motors (opposed by the Marine Manufacturers Associa tion) and agrees to tax at 10 percent a broader range of fishing equipment than is taxed by the current Dingell- Johnson law (opposed by the American Fishing Tackle Manufacturers Association.) It is feared these taxes will aggravate the depressed state of the industry by driving up product costs. . . '\ LIDO DRUGS ....-~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save on Claulc floe Oak Parquet Tiie The ideal choice for traditional and contemporary homes. Pre- finished in our factory for Immediate Installation and made with tongue and groove edges for precision fit. 1te1. 7~ ' :s ., ;, Deluxe designs in lovely earthy ·} ' colors add beauty and durability ~ to floors in kitchens, dens, play rooms and baths. II resists scuff marks, spouing and staining. Just damp mop. Sale 69~FT v~· . ._ mow ..... ~ 3445 via lldo • newport beach •phone 675-0150 Sale52: 54t-139l•C.. ..... ' ... ,. Fish&More~ •2.49 Our fam ous Fish ~ More' has two c:tlspy fish fillets, fresh coleslaw, golden fryes. • and two crunchy hushpuppies. Who could ask for more? 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Cotta Meta "'"' $0\ith of Sttl D141to Fwy tetOI\ Imm rtdco 14i' 15 Jeffrey ~d. " w .... lit 1111'4 °'' a.n" Ma rwy 1 lrvtne '. Rq. 1.49 •••• x ••• f£Pl'Ell l'ATI'tRf\ Save 33%! Versatile Ceramic Tiie Redecorate an entire bath or kitchen In easy do·lt·yourselr ceramic tile. Its permanent glaze resists scratches and stains. and its bulll·in spacers make ii easy 10 Install. '1 Sale 99~ FT Where All the Choices Make All the Dltrerence [)o.Jt. Younelf and Save At Oftr 575 SupennarU Nationwide BUY NOW, PA.YLATER j I I j • • SANTA ANA 2101 So. Bristol St. ( ........... ) 557-1324 WESTMINSTER 15191 Beach BoulHard 898-3388 SANTA ANA 322 w. 11th Street 547-7781 Mon.-Frt. M, let. M, lun. 11·1 • Orange OOHt DAIL v PILOT /Sunday, September 28, 1812 Revenue-sharing funds . f e vel worth . extending ~omc year s ago, Orange County supervisors agreed that one-fourth of the federal revenue-sharing funds received by the county should be chan- neled into county-approved social programs launched by private groups. But In 1978 supervisors ad- opted a new policy designed to phase out county funding of the program5 over a four-year period, with each program losing 25 percent of its 1980-level funding a year until the support ended. The theory was that revenue-sharing funds should only be used as "seed money" to help launch programs until they coultl attract sufficient private fll11d111g. Some programs have sur- vived the funding cuts. Others ~ve not. The initial number of 99 programs receiving county support has been reduced to 48. Of these, 38 a re entering the third year of the funding cycle. This means that, ff the fund re- duction policy is continued, they v!ould receive only 25 percent of t~eir 1980-level funding next year. But the Social Programs Advisory Committee, whic h monitors the programs for the supervisors, is asking that part of the scheduled Oct. I -cut be post- poned for a year. Current eco- nomic conditions, says the com- mittee, warrant a temporary change in the funding policy. Sp<>clfically, the committee would hke to st'C this Jear's fun- dlng k•vcl malntaine for 8UCh ' program as the Huntington ~nch Wome n 's Trunsitionol Living Center, a community clinic and seniors outreach program in that city, the Laguna Beach Free Clink, a rape crisis network, and the Legal Aid Society of Orange County. These are an valuable pro· grams, manned largely by volun- teers but suffering a shortage of needed private donations because of the economic sit"1ation . Supervisor Harriett Wieder 1s reported to be ready to ask the board to adhere to its fund- reduction policy on grounds revenue-sharing funds were not meant to be a Jong-term soun.'e of funding. This is true enough, but the money involved is not all that significant. If the reductions are put into effect. the programs will cost ·the county $911,000 next year. The advisory committee is asking that they be given just over $13 million, as opposed to nearly $1 .6 million received last year. So we are talking about some $400,000 in a county budget of well over $800 million. Given the state of· the economy and the services rendere d by these programs, supervisors would be well advised to postpone the upcoming funding cut. Postpone pro-jections We will never know just how many registered voters in Califor- nia and other Western states w ere discouraged from participating in the 1980 presidential election by early television and radio predic- tions of Ronald Reagan's victory oyer Jimmy Carter, bu\ the esti- mates have run into many thou- sands. Clearly. a voter who has left for work early in the morning and plans to visit the polls in the eve- ning will be less than enthusiastic ahout the idea if he or she learns t~at the bifl race already has been dfCided. : Not only is the satisfaction of ccssting a significant. vote for the president removed, but the Joos of e9en a few hundred votes that might otherwise have been cast can alter the out.come of important state and local issues on the gen- eral election ballot. · Advances in technology and fT\Ore sophisticated polling prac- tices have made possible much earlier election projections, with the result, in 1980 at least, that many voters in westftrn time zones were virtually disenfranchised. This has not gone unnoticed in Washington. ':"here several bills seeking action on the problem have been introduced in Congress. One would change the presidential elections to Sundays, to enable everyone to vote early. Others would declare presidential election days national holidays, with a uniform poll-closing time across the country. Action on these does not seem likely right now, but a congres- sional committee has proposed a nonbinding resolution asking radio networks and television stations to exercise res tr.aint in predicting winners on election days. • The resolution would ask broadcasters to voluntarily refrain from projecting election results before all polls have closed and request the industry to adopt gui- delines restricting interviews with voters Le.aving the polls -a method used to arrive at the early projections. Given the unfortunate effect of such projections in the 1980 election, this would appear to be a very reasonable request, and one the broadcasters, despite their zeal to be first with the news, should be willing to honor. Strike0 hurts fans mostly Somehow the world survived without Thursday night football last week. But the real test comes today: Can churches handle the overflow of football fans with no NFL games to watch because of the strike? Can wives put up with grid- hungry husbands who now must talk to them for want of SQfflething to do? Can the television networks make it through the day without the hype they normaUy employ that tries to make the games more e xciting than they really are? After all. how many nice things can you say these days about the Baltimore Colts? • And won't the restaurants and taverns seem empty Monday night. too? As usual. the public is the loser. Convincing arguments, of course, can be made for the merits of both the players' case and that of the owners. But. in the end, Joe and Jane Fan are lost in the shuffle. Perhaps Newport Beach businessman Wayne Blessman had the right idea. He sued for $200 million on behalf of a million season ticket·holders nationwide. His attorney said , "We wanted the players and owners to know tha t the fans are not going to take this lying down, as they usually do." Opinions expressed In the si>K• above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex· pr'1ssed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Rea~er comment Is lnvlt· e($1 Address The Dally Piiot. P.O. Boie IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642· .. 321 . L .M. 'Boyd/ Finaing a mate • Any woman who wantt to get married can flnd a hu.band, unless 1tje la phyaically grotesque? So contend1 one authority on mental matters. A lot of women pretend tletd like to marry, but l'fally don't ORANGE COAST llibPilat wish to do so, says thla aavant. They prefer to live out that lone-woman· against-the-world drama. "Quite understandable," uya our Love and War man, who monJtora th'\ current crop of eligible.. Thema. P. tWey Pubf•1htr Themes A.M~ lll•IOf ). Jone Amert hlKll•we C dt•or ....... l(Nltlch fdtto<oCll '• (d-Of Thema.McCe1u• ~'"'"' Letters to the editor Page ant spurns women artis ts To the F.ditor: The "Laguna Beach Pageant or the Masters" is a masterpiece in itself. Talk about ''real people!" Imagine. if you can, standing stark still for several long minutes on a narrow foothold in front of thousands of spectators costumed and made up to look like a painting or a statue out of some museum. If you haven't been privileged to view the spectacle which has just completed its 50th year or summer productions, it would be difficult to describe 1t to you. But let me try. In an outdoor amphitheatre, t.'Omplete with symphony orchestra, the stage comes to "life" with the present.auon of art masterpieces featuring live models depicted in paintings and sculpture. The i1lus1on 1s remarkable The careful lighting creates an appare ntly flat picture plane when viewed by the audience. ln the sculpture the models are portrayed in three dimensions often on a rotating base. A narration accompanies each work and explains the art more fully together with some inte resting biographical material on the a rtist. The evening is entertaining and educational. MY ONLY QUARREL with the entire production Is its non'-observance ol women artists. None we re represented on this year's program ( 1982). nor in 1973 and 1975. What do we do about this oversight or neglect? In the last 13 years o nly the work of eight women artists has been shown compared to 222 men artists. This article is written to enlist support for my position that the time is correct for the unbiased recognition of contributions to society and culture that women are making now and have made right straight through the planet's history. It is only fair to acknowledge that much of the art done by women throughout the ages was perishable and domestically decorative and recognizably not suited for portrayal in the Pageant. Another problem in years past has been the limited availability or re fere nce material on women in the arts. Fortunately. in the last 10 to 15 years, a great deal of research has brought to Gardner 's column MAILBOX light the works of enormo~ly talented women heretofore unheralded. Look up women studies in any university library and you will be amazed at the material now available about the accomplishments of women in e very field. This writer contends th.it The Laguna Beach Pageant or the Masters Is in a unique position to forward the education of the masses in the area of women in the arts: that it lS incumbent that the Page a n t be m ad e a w a r e o f i t s opportunity. Any respons ible public forum or presentation of the arts should be aware of contemporary thought. I challenge the Pageant to come of age in the second half of its first ('entury. I challenge the Pageant to not only follow , but to lead the way. Our young women deserve to be exposed to their heritage of art. It has been said that there is no diffe rence between the sexes when it comes to artistic talent, but let us proclaim the accomplishment of our femaJe ancestry and contemporaries. Ferret 1t o ut of hiding 1f need be! DOROTHY E. BAKER 'Unapproved ' art To the F.dltor: Ali Roushan's jail sentenc:e 1s an illuminating commentary on the ability of Costa Mesa's elected officials to deal with unusual problems. Oh. they can ram a helicopter pad down the people's throats, or approve high-rise commerciaJ abominations for the economic gratification of wealthy landown e rs. o r intimidate small businessmen wath coercive sign Jaws. But let an artist attempt to create and display unapproved work and their response IS identical to that of NaZl and communJst tyrants, past and present. Imprisoning artists and destroying art Is not really what American Cree expression is about. RICHARD BROWN Election support To the F.dltor: I read with a great deal of interest . Steve Marble's article .. Agee brands Hummel cfaim lie" in the Sept. 10 issue of the Daily Pilot. • I felt that the remarks attributed to Jerry Collins, an Irv ine Company spokesman. w ere indeed on the borderline as far as truth is c.-oncemed. He probably is right in stating that they do n ot give mon ey to any council candidate a nd that the same is their policy. However, J seem to remember many full-page advertisements apparently paid for by the Irvine Company which certainly i.howed bias as far as the last .rouncil ele<:lion_is concerned. I 1.iod that this is indeed "supporting" and hence Mr. Collins is not being quite truthful. I am positive in my own mind that the majority of the current council was indeed elected through the efforts or the Irvine Company and there can be no doubt that the whole city concept dtd a 180-degree turn thereby I sincerely hope that Mr. Collins m eant that they have had a change of heart this time around and they do not intend to take any side in the forthcoming eJection. ALAN L . BLUM Angels on Ho ndas? To the Editor: I see by the evening paper that Harley Davidson Motorcycle Co. is having a hard time competing with the Japanese imports. Do you realiz.e what comphc41tions this is creating in this country? If Harley Davidson can't supply the Hells Angels with their bikes. what is to become of us all? The nekt thing we'll see is the Hells Angels riding Hondas and wearing three-piece leisure suits. These are grim times ind~. LOIS SHUCK • l.f'ltf'rs from reoderJ arf' wrlcomf' TM right to condf!Tlff' lettns to /11 spocf' or f'lrm1nalf' libel 1s resf'rved l.ettf'rS of 300 u.>ords or less 1L'lll bf' gwen prf'/trefll:e All lellf'rS must mc/udr signature and mat/mg addreu but namf'& may be withheld on re· quest 1/ sulf1c1ent reason 11 apparent Pof'l"J IL'lll not bf' publtshed Uttns may be tf'lephoned to 642·6086~Namt and phortf' number of the conlnbutor mi.ut bf' given /or tierif 1cat11m purposts Inventive diver saved from his hell By ROBERT GARONER Robert Gardner. chief justice of Arneric1m Samoa. is remembered along the Orange Coast as a longume jurist, frequent emce<> and Senior body surfing enthusiast. One day, shortly after World War U, I was sitting in the guard tower at Ltttle Corona talking to lifeguard Bob Moore who later became lifeguard captain. It was a quiet day and we were the only people on the beach. Then we spotted a couple of men coming down the hill with a contraption -a sort of primitive diving bell. It consisted of an old-fashioned water heater, cut off about four feet Crom the top. Holes had been cut In the side ~ it woµJd fit over a person's shoulder. A piece of glMS had been inaerted In the wall of. the heater so one could look out. A rubbel' hOll' ran from the top to a primitive compressor which was hand operated much like the old-fashioned handcarts raJlroads once used "Someone's been reading Popular Mechanics," said Bob. "This I have got to .ee," 1 said. ''I've got a feeling we're going to take part In thts operation eventually anyway." said Bob. WE LEFT THE TOWER and walked over to th~ two backyerd arRnUltl. 'nMy were happy to explain. One man would put the walt'r ht-awr over hit hHd; th• other man would pump air '"'° It 11M l()ltc wu ine«ap1b&.. - l'lnt, however, tM dlvt"r had to put an a pair of boota. TMy wcl'f! canvu Ontl that *'«I a1molt up to hia kneet On .ch boot had been alt.ached a few pounds o( lead weight. He laced up the:> boots and then carefuUy tted each with a granny knot. , "Thaw wlll keep, him down," J Sllld. "Permanently, ' observed Bob. He hod a habit or always looking at the gloomy side of things. The diver put the contraption over his head. Ki• buddy bt-gan to pump and the diver 1i.uered toward1 the wai.r in those socfawf ul boolit. He lookNI llkc Franken.tteln's monster with a h•naover FortUMtely thfre WU no 1urf. wce.d of promptly tettln& knockNI down. M l1cJtled out to lt'I ltttlng out Une whlle hi• h-lend pumped away at th• com.,,...,,. Bob and I didn'' haw to say anythlna '° eiim othir. A dllUter wu obviOUAJy ln th• mak4n1. W. •tt0mpenled tht' diver lnto ~ wa-.r. p.lled him and swam around and looked lnto the glass plate. The diver smiled cheerfully at us and kept walking out into the ocean. The water rose in the heater. It came to his shoulders . . . to his neck . . to his ch in . . . to his mouth . . . to his nose. Then it went over his nose and came to his eyes. His buddy was pumping frantically but something was wrong with their basic theory. lnste•d of stopping at the shoulders. the water stopped at the eyes. Thia presented a small but vital problem. Breathing. :rhe diver was experlencint one or life's verities. One does not breatN! weU with both nose and mouth under water. THE POOR GUY'S MOUTB kept opening and closing just Uke a fish In a bowl. His eyes began to b'-'8 out, . "He's drowning," I said. "I know it," said Bob. "But I have never seen anyorw drown right beforc.- my eyes before -eyeball to eyeball. This Is very interesting." 1 Bob's humane instincu hnaJly overcame hl• acJentific c:uriotity and he pushed the guy over back ward. ~movtd the hot water ~ater and &he two of us were able to Ult him off the bottom and drag him back tD ttw bMc:h It wasn't easy Thole boo'8 tee'l'Md to wei&h a ton. Afwr tM IUY pged out eomt .. tt Wlttr. Bob IUUHled that they i.ke their conU'lpUoft ·hol:M and tat It In the bl th tub. They left and we neftl' •w them again. l don't know to thil day wh.ther tht>y perh•ctl'd their m•~lne or drowrwd a' anolher bNch. .. . . Orange Cou t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 26, 1812 NObility .canbe bubbly In ll 11umroor when Prince William of £naland I.I born and Prine: Orace of Mon.a> di , sPY•lty 11eema much more human. That lmpreaion appll :ti '° Marqull Francol• and Marqulae Son ia d 'Aulan who ara both penonable and bubbly u befha hi.a prelld ncy of the Howie of Piper.ffeldaieck, the world'• Cifth la.rsest expo.rt« of chamPllf\e. They toured Orange County laat week to promote the debut of Piper Sonoma cellars In Northern CalUom la. With the lncreaal11g popularity of champagne and it.s production area strictly limited by 300 pages of French law, the marquis found In 1980 a cool climate and soil conditions in Sonoma County equal to hi.a Relms homeland. He collaborated with winemaster Rodney D. Str ong who h ad a tudae'd t h e m eih ode clwnpenoi!le (gently pressed, not crushed grape aaaemblages). Their first 28,000 cases have just been released to market. • "When I joined Plper-Heidsleck some 20 years ago, champagne-making was still much hke ' a large cottage industry," said the marquis. "Some Industrial innovations had to be made to cover the expanding market. Just as corks replaced straws as stoppers, so today an automatic riddling mach.ine eliminates the back-breaking labor of turning thousands of bottles every day. "I agree it may not be as romantic as hand turning, but there is no reason to believe that a fine machine cannot do a better a n d more consistent job than a man." Son of the Marquis Jean d' Aulan, a hero of the French Resistance who died in World War II, the present marquis studied finance at the University of Paris where he was the school's boxing champion in 1953. He is a competition skier and polo player. Piper-Heidsieck sponsors the Cheltenham Cup of horse racing. A,r. presiden t of the French champagne produeers from 1961-69, d 'Aulan concentrated on sales to the United States. Today his target areas are England , Italy, Germany and South Africa so the couple travels four months a year. His wife as a granddaughter of Count Cum in, the last minister of foreign affairs in the Austro- Hungarian empire. She wears her nobility lightly and was, for several years, on the staff of a New York fashion magazine. They Jive in Reims with their two young children and share the concerns of their more frugal contemporaries. Pilot overpowers ,. Soviet hijacker ROME (AP) -A Soviet emigrant anned with a knife hijacked an Alitalia jetliner that was carrying 108 other passengers and crew members on a flight to Rome Saturday, but the pilot over powered him after the plane landed In Catania, Sicil . Police safcJ there were no Injuries during the 3 ~-hour ordeal aboard the Boetng 727 that had been on a direct flight from Algiers to the Italian capital. saturctav. October 2 9 a.m. to s p.m. ~· Hosp~~~an ~ conference center 301 NeMX>rt BIVd, ~Beach No APPolntments Neeessarv No Charge MUSIC FOR .MOPPETS ) HAS ARRIVID M ALIER IUSIC STUlll • • Kinder Keyboard C/assa a val/able for older Btl(J/nf!ers. Call for a FREE music and piano readlneu teat for your ch/Id 141 1112 II 1·2121 1''or INtallCC', lht•y •pt•nt four y ur» R!ltorina a 17lh l"l'ntury fhet,r-upper, th" Chateau of St Andrt\ d'Herbt-tut, whkh had bctln wtll\habltod for 20 y •ra and ntc'dl'd o rww roor tor 1t.ort<•n1. Anothtr challc-na wu th~ <'llltlf•'I liw. h 11 let111 than 16 t ~t unl• room In width and 1urroundcd by 11 moot "The expc~ wwi consld •rablt> but we Wt!nl 1ble to aave on toxea undtr a national truat prosram that encouragt's tht> prcaervatlon of historical monuments," said tht• marquls. The result.a recently merited a major article In Architectural Digest and d'Aulan la equ ally enthu.aiastk about the swans and wildlife that are accllmatJJlg to the moat. When they aren't entertaining at home lc.>r government officials or business client.a, the couple likes to aUp away to small cafes for "preferably Chinese food that goes surprisingly well whh champagne." But should guPSts drop in unexpectedly, the d'Aulans do have a royal adv.mtage over the rest of us: T he stock in the Piper-Heldsleck cellars exL-eeds 15 million bottles The Marqui Francois and the Marquise Sonia d ' Aulan visite d Orange County to promote their family's champag ne. • ...._./ DONIE FURNITURE . 30'' ALL PURPOSE STOOL I AD STARTS SUNDAY Ii _ NO DEALER SALES _r /. INDOOR/OUTDOOR CARPETING .. e Roll it right out the front door, down th• strMt, to th• ocean and never Mt foot on the earth, S idney. Auorted colon. 6 foot width. c Lii. FT. ALLTRADE 4 WAY CllMPllG TOOL llT -~~/ 397 ~u v-t 60 terminal& to crimp on, aaaorted t~ and abea. You get a combination crimper, bolt cutter, wire cutter, and wiN st.ripper. ROYAL FLUS& BOWL CLEANER C1eana with eYery fluah. Got that ni~ blue color, but no little guy ln a boat in the water cloee_,t. AITBES IS MllUTE FLARES 47~. Keep a couple in the g lcne oompartm.ent, if yG\l pl NU ended you can't open the truN&. What do you know, at i..t, one that ia fully aaembled. Will wond•N never c.aM? Stain or paint to suit. J SLAT IACI DllllG CBAIR WITB RUSI· CAIE SEAT 25~~ I can just ... Simon Roeh sitting in hia offi~ in B.H. A.Ambled and antique maple finiahed. (Th• chair, not Simon.) IATIOl&L LUJllEI ACOUSTICAL cm111 PA11T ·~ The way th• c:elllng auoka thia up you may hawe the be.t special on the J)A9e he re. . MOVILLE FIRE-GLASS Ill nlEI GLASS SBllGLES Twenty yean guaranteed (and then it turn.a into a driweway ). Clau "A" fire rating. Get enough to do the whole roof t hia time, Harry. 47 BDL. ASTD POLY PIO LAUIDRY TUI /fT\ 1697 I uMCi to help my mother do laundry with thia. I thought they were out of style, yet ,.. ..U t~ Mom would like that. llTEIDYIAJUCSPOITAILE EtECTllC All CO•PIEllOIS 125 PSI 128! .. as 110 PSI 16~c-n zoon1 28~-~ I I'M A CHICKEN ~ SLAT IACI SWIVEL BAU TOOL WITB VINYL SEAT 33~~M IJ Br ... foot Nat, bu t don't atay too long and don't drink too much . Auanbled, pNflniahed, antique dark maple at&in. 9x 12 DIOP CLOT& 17.:MJL I would lib to coqr Scott'• m otorcycle with thia and then fill it with ·*a._,, ocean water. (I hope he ~ ...... --put the effectiwe elate of thia ad at the bottom. ) EMEUOI ELECTROllC BUG KILLERS .15 WATT Attract. buga, luree them to their doom. (Oh no, that aecret weaponhuua. goodbye c ruel wor ld. ) UL Liated. Appro:s. range ~ acre. ZS WATT Appl'Oll. range % ac re. IUIPEE GROW FERTILIZERS ~ • ..._ For Shrubs. T ...... and Ewerg .... na. One for Vev-tablea. One for nowera. (And one to~ on.) · I IP"" lf!i I, n.-... ---· ... 1. ' it , 10 LB. BAG 1 I I Orang• Coa1t DAILY PIL.OTl 8undly, September 21, 18H Reg. 12.•. Avellable In over 1200 colora. custom mixed lrM. Non-yellowing, accepts hard ecrubblng. #S400. CONSTRUCTlON QUALlTY 4fT.x&FT. 1/2'' cox Plywood ECONOMY f '2" x 4'' x 8' Studs STANDARD SlZE Furnace cLEAR s1ucoNE Fllt•rg• ¢ Glue & vour 4 EA-Seal ChO\c;e ,,-ao •,,.is $399 • ,crao • , •• 1s • io-u • ,.-ao • -------. ,~ -OWENS CORNING KRAFT FACED R-11 31/2"x15" -88.12 SQ. FT. Fi berg/a Insulation Now Only STURDY wOODEN 5 ft. Step Ladder MtNEAAL ROLL 90-'°;,8 · Rolled Roofing s10~ roo4lnQ f\at'I mineral f9C*S. Quallly made Green EMY U> lnatall. Ttn.~or . THOMPSON'S WATER REPELLENT Water Seal sa~k>n Reg. 12.M. SMll and water proofs· oon· crete, muonry, concrete block. wood, wood Pf(lducta. stone. bride, plater walla. 1Aeg. 15.te. Cut heating and naora11on. Keep YoYr home COOiing costs by using wa'".:! In t~ Wini~ and cut cool In the summer and lfn'Ht. Savea money on stat energy costs at the same = ':'9 A·value rhe greate~r~"1o~:;ra1 taxes. The act Sheet on A-values. ng POwer. Ask LOW VOLTAGE OUTDOOR 6 Light Set s5700 BRONZE F1NISH 3 FT. x 3 FT. SHELF PANEL Garden Window 5 o.eton --. BLACK ASPHALT Driveway $699 Dressing Reg. t .M . Dnfgned to Mal and waterprool asphalt driveway and Reg. H .M . lncudea au1omatic timer. pettdng loC 8Uf'fece., a1ao pro1ong9 n v 1oon. the 11te ot a11 .mace. -POWERFUL OUTDOOR SECURITY Quartz Light s2299 Reg. 31.ff. WHtherprool wide beam MCUfity light leta you Nfely light up ~ In any ...... , THERE 'S AN ... ANGeLs IN YOUR NEICHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 6. &$~ Nor111 Miil& 3t4 0<1119' Sl!Ow t093!i £ Firestone 1166? Cn~n ~311 [ Sou111 St 7800 E1Mgtr Ave 11940 Vt(IOty 3309 S 811.iot SI 10331 M.tQn1!h• 1J999 S wtsltrn 91'!> &.stlint Rel 7314 S Moun111n ?8849 S WUltfn (714) 624 1693 (114) 09 9661 11131 1619991 17141 7~ JUI 12131 44'8 7~81 (714l 847·6o&e (21313 41 II~ 111 4197 181 (11416811034 1:>1)1 )3? ?833 t11 4t 9t0 0~12 111419833844 1?131 ~41 llU ' ' . -,----- SUNDAY. llPT. le, 10H 87 l "oro11a tie / Mar water polo team win tou1·11e y. 85. .Royals' loss inspires Angels The Angels' magic nu1nbe r: 5! They niove 3 ~ ahead with 6-5 comeback victory American League Weat ARLINGTQN, Texas (AP) -Rod Carew a nd the division -leading Angels wer e not wortied Saturday night when they fell three runs behind the Texas Rangers -they knew their closest rivals in the American League West had already taken a loss. four-game lead, maybe, ond perha ps win a couple there. Then we will ft.el a lot better." Dave Goltz. 7-4, got. the w in nnd Danny Darwin, 10-7, ,was the loser, both in rPllt'f. The Angels batted around In the seventh and scored the deciding run when Tom Henke, the third "We knew during batting practice," said Carew. "(Owner) Gene Autry came down to the field and told us Kansas City was gelling beat 10-3 by Oakland. That made us feel good. We knew that even if we lost the game, we wouldn't lose any ground to the Royals." On TV today channel 5 at 3:30 of tour Texas pitchers in the inning. hit Brian Downing wi\h the Qa!l(.>s loaded. But Carew and Doug DeCinces cracked hQme runs lo lead a four-run, seventh-jnnjng rally and a 6-5 win over Texas, giving the Ang~is a 31.1-game lead over the Royals. Texas took the lead with a two-run third on run-scoring singles by Billy Sample und Lamar Johnson. Bobby Grich made it 2-1 with a sacrifice Cly in lhe fourth, but Mike Richardt singled home Bill Stein for a 3-1 Texas lead m the bottom of the inning. Carew said that edge will be valua ble when the Angels visit Kansas City on Monday for three games. "Kansas City as a very tough ba ll club at home," he said. "We can go in there with a three-or Saylor hit his 23rd homer of the season In the Jlanning teaches Edison a lesson in football, 20-7 By RoGER CARLSON Of the Dally Piiot Statt It began raining at the outset of the fourth q uarte r and considering the disappointme nts in terms of success on the field and at th e ga t e, i t w as appropriate for Edison High, which dropped a convincing 20-7 non -league football decision to Banning High Saturday night. A crowd of 12.111. far less than anticipated , watched the Pilots of Coach Chris Ferragamo domjnate from start to finish. It was the Wilmington-based Pilots' opening game of the 1982 season. Edison is now 2-2. "Actually we're a lot better Chan that," said Ferragamo, who watched ha his team roll to a 20-point lead before losing the 1hutout with 22 second s remaining. J on Nowont"ny found Matt Hombs open on fourth down and the ~er went the distance on a 57-yard scoring play. It was, in reality. F.dison's only bright spot on a night d o m ina te d b y Ban ning. wer~ just a better club than we are. "It would have been nice if it hadn't started raining just when we had to go to the pass, but then, we w ere n 't pass blocking anyway." Nowotny. who completed 7 ot 11 passes for 93 yards in the second half, was also dropped for lOSS('S five times as Norbert Poti and Eldridge Avery constantly br o k e through the line of scrimmage. The Chargers we re literally holding on b y the shirt tails throughout the first quarter - the shirt tail of 205-pound fullback Mark Jones, who was buay bursting over the middle on ha ndo ffs from qua rterback Ronnle Barber to the tune oC 60 yards on nine carries. 1lxth lo bring the Anawta back to 3-2, bu t Grorg<· Wright sJngled In a pttlr ot runs In tht.• bottom of t he sixth to make it 5·2. Carew led off the 1eventh with his third homer, chasing starter John Butcher. Fred Lynn greeted Darwin wit.h a single and Ue C irfovs followt:d with his 29th homer to tie it 5-5. Darwin loaded the bases on a single and two walks before giving wa.y to Henke. The two teams d ose out the S(!ries today with Ke n F or sch (13-10 ) s la t e d t o d ut.>l Texas knuckleballt1r Charlie Hough ( 15-12). The Angels then make the journey to Kanllas City, where the Royals will be waiting to try to avenge last w eek's sweep by the Angels a.t Anaheim StadJum. The Angels will close the season with a three- game set against T exas. At the same tame, the Royals wtll be at home to meet Oakland for four games. W L Pct. QB Angela 89 66 .574 Royals 85 69 .552 3Vr Frld•Y'• •core• Angel• 6, Texas 5 Oakland 10, Kansas Cit y 3 Today'• game• Angela (Forsch 13-10) at Texas (Hough 15-12). Channel 5 at 3:30 p .m. Kans as C ity (Ca stro 2-2) at Oakland (Keough 11-18) Game• remaining ANGELS (7) -HOME (3): ct. 1, 2', 3 , Texas. AWAY (4): Sept. 26, Texas: Sept. 27. 28, 29, Kansas City. KANSAS CITY (8) -HOME (7): Sept. 27, 28. 29, Angele; S ept. 30 . Oct. 1, 2. 3 . Oakland. AWAY (1): Sept. 26. Oakland. "I can't think of too man y positive things," admitted F.dison Coach Bill Workman . "They It wasn't until early in the second' quarter, however, before Banning finish ed off its first sustained march, wi th Jones twisting over from two yards out on the third play, completlng a 78-yard march in a dozen snaps and consuming 4:53 of playing time. (See BANNING, Patee 82) Edison's John Thomas (7) and Rich Zumwalt (27) zero in on the elusive Ronnie Barber, Bonning High's quarterback in a 20-7 loss before 12,111. Inside Dodgers cooling off. as race heats up • Freeway Serle s may be more than a figment of the Imag ination . See Bud Tucker's column. Page 8 2. LOS ANGELE'.$ (AP) -Joe Morgan. a veteran of 18 major-league seasons. feels things heating up in the National League West and says the temperature of a pennant race turns him on. expectation by challenging for the NL West lead. Bob Brenly opened the inning with a soft liner tha t shortstop Bill Russell knocked down but then threw low to first. Brenly was sa.craCaced to second and pinch-hatter Jim Wohlford reached on third baseman Ron Cey's fi elding error. National League Weit W L Pct. GB Dodger• 85 69 .552 Braves 84 70 .545 1 • Connie Carpente r s~ts a course record In winning wo men's division of U.S . Nat i onal C riterlum Championship bicycle race In Costa Mesa. Page 83. "I've been a part of some great teams, and I'm proud to be a part of this one," Morgan said Saturday after smacking three hits. the last an RBI single in the eighth inning tha t gave the Sa n Francisco Giants a 5-4 victory over the sk1ddmg Los Angeles Dodgers. "I've said before I tho ught we could come on la te an the sea son ." h e remarked . "I am sur prised that it's a three-team race. though; I figured the Dodge rs would cat.ch Atlanta and I was hoping we would cat.ch the Dodgers." Los Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda, back at the helm afte r missing Friday night's game with a virus, said, "There should be no pressure on us. We're still m first place. I think the players still have con fidence in the mselves. I am unhappy, of course, that we aren 't C hill Davis followed wit h a single-, driving in Brenly with Wohlford going to third on the hit. Morgan's single to right off reliever Terry Forster scored Wohlford. Giants 83 71 .539 2 GamH Remaining DODGERS (8) -HOME (5): Sept. 26, San Francisco: Sept. 27, 28, Cincinnati; Sept. 29, 30, Atlanta. AWAY (3): Oct. 1, e Costa Mesa wins in high school football. Page 84. 2. 3. San Francisco . T he victory moved the third-place Giants within two games of the front- running Dodgers. w hile the Atlanta Braves are only one game back. ''I've been here before," said Morgan, who spent his peak playing days with the Cincinnati Reds during the 1970s. "It gets really exciting now." winning." · Andy McGaffigan . 1-0. the third Giants patcher. went only one third of inning but earned his first major league victo r y with relief help from Greg Minton. who earned hjs 30th save. Russell's run-scoring single in tbe seventh. one of three RBI hits he had in the game. had given the Dodgers a 4-3 lead. The hit drove an Derrel Thomas. who led off with hlS third single and went to 5e<.'Ond on first baseman Darrell Evans'• error on a pickoff attempt. ATLANTA (8) -HOME (1): Sept. 26, San Diego. AWAY (7): Sept. 27, 28, San Francisco; Sept. 29, 30, Dodger•; Oct. 1, 2, 3, San Diego. e Golden West comes up a winner. but Orange Coast shut out by Saddlebac k. Page 83. Morga n. 39, said tha t the young Giants. who got off to an inauspicious start this season. had laved up to his San Franci.9co capitaliz.ed on two Los Angeles erron to overturn a 4-3 deficit in the eighth agains t Dodger starter Fernando Valenzuela. 19-13, in a game watched by a crowd of 49,634 that let the Dodgers set an all-time major-league season attendance record of 3,378,718. Trojans muffle Sooners, 12-0 Oklahoma suf!ers first shutout in 16 years al hands of USC NO RMAN, O kla . (AP) -Coa c h J ohn Robinson said his Southern Cal football team still had to gamble to beat Oklahoma when the Trojans ahut out the Sooners for the first lime in 16 years. Southern Cal delegated an extra defender to IJU&rd against Oklahoma end sweeps at the expense of the pass defense. Robinson said after the Trojans' 12-0 win Saturday. ' The Sooners threw for 168 yards but were held th a meager 43 on the ground. "We got burned last year and we got burned this year again." Robinson said. "We felt like It was 14 good gamble. though. "I think their geulng out of their normal wnning pattern waa detrimental to them." J Oklahoma Coach Barry Switzer, meanwhile, ea.Id breaking the streak of 181 garnet without a lt)utout was slightly less painful because the lOl8 wu to a team like Southern California. "We have nothing to be ashamed of, loclng to USC," he 1aid. Breaking the stclng of scoring games. he said, "is Incidental." Back In th~ Southern Cal locker room, 1968 Hellman Trophy winner O.J . Simpeon sat In a cbmer ligJ'llng autoaraphs and alnna up the wln by hl.t fonner tam. "I've never aeen Okla.homa'1 running game 1tuffed like that." ht> said. 11Any time you can get I Oklahoma to th.row as much as they did today. the odds are you're going to win the football Jame ." RobiNQn called his defense "magnificent," and Simpson said the Trojan defenders alao served as the Sooner running backs' alibl. ''This was simply a day that you can't put on the backs. The backs can't run unless there ls SOm (' room." Simpson said. Southern Cal quar terback Sean Saliabury. who completed 12 passes for 1 ~3 yards, has become the leader the Trojans need, Simpson said. "l think the key Is going to be the Sallabury kid," he said. "l n ever got to play with a quarterback of his ablllty when l was at SC." ,, Salllbury'a performance also drew reapectful comment from former Oklahoma quaaerback J.C. Watta. "He dld a good job. He threw the ball well a eouple of tlmea. I know Coach Robi010n would be happy he'• just a eophomore." Watta, who led th«' Soonera to a 10·2 .eaaon in 1981, aaid the Oklahoma offenae ''played well In 1pota. We 1houldn't have been In the ballcame wlth all them mlltakes we made.'' But Watta alao chalked up the le. u "one of thoee days that nothln1 lffml tu ao rifht I'd -.u them to kee~ their hHdt up . . • they ve aull 8')t • the Big Elg t Conferenct' ahead of them " "Our def~ did terrific job today," S.lilbury tllld. "You've got. to give them a Jot of credit.'' College foot.ball USC 12, Oklahoma O UCLA 31, Michigan 27 Utah St. 19, CS Fullerton O Ariz. St. ~ 5, Cal o Washington 37, Oregon 21 San Jose St. 17, Oregon St. 13 10 Notre Dame 28, Purdue 14 Pitt 20. llllnols 3 Stenford 23, Ohio St. 20 Ken.-• 13, Kentucky 13 Florlde 27. Miu. St. 17 Air Force 39, BYU 38 Clemaon 21, W. Cerollna Miami (Fla.) 25, Mich. St. 22 e P~n St. 27, Nebraaka 24 Wyoming 17, Colorado 3 Boaton Cott 31, Navy o NorthMetem 31, N. llllnol• T~u 21, MIMOufl 7 Mlnne.otl 41, WHh. St . ,, SAN FRANCISCO (8) -HOME (7): Sept. 27, 28, Atlanta; Sept. 29, 30, Houston; Oct. 1, 2. 3, Dodgers. AWAY (1 ): Sept. 26, Dodgera. Bruins rally, 31-27 Ramsey's hot hand inspires comeback ANN ARBOR. Mich. (AP) - After1falling behind 21 -0. UCLA Coach Terry Donahue decided just · to let senior quarterback Tom Ramsey "play loose" and It wo rked like a charm as the Brui n rallie d lo d e f ea t Mic higa n . 31 ·27 , In a n on - confere n ce football battle Saturday. Ramsey, a 6·0, 188-pound senior. completed 22 ot 36 passes 'f o r 3 l t yard s. Inc 1 u di n g touchdown tosse1 of 46 and 6 yards. to keep the 12th-ranked Bruins undefeated after three games while No. 20 Mlchl1an droppc'd to 1 ·2. ''Ramacy played particularly well loday ,' the UCL.A co&ch aald. "He definitely kept uit In th ball game, 1Jnce we couldn't run at air aaalnat Michlaan." Tht' Bruins w re able to run for only 41 yards agalna\ th Wolvt'nnes, but It didn't bother Ramtey "Mlchipn dominatt'd the line of 1l'rlmmaae d@f•nalvoly,•• Donahue said. "Being down 21-Q early in the game. we decided to let llamsey play loose." Ramsey said the key to the victor y was the fact that the Bruins kept the faith. "W e knew we had a good game plan and we knew If we e x ecuted 1t , w e 'd d o w ell," Ramsey said. "Teams have come back from thal deficit before, soJ wasn't worried. . "This is a great v ic tory . F ab ul o u s . I f ee l ju s t unbelievable!" UCLA's go-ahead touchdown In the third quarter was set up by a 65-yard kickoff return by Ookle Williams to the Michigan 3~ following a 48-yard Ali lfaji· Sheikh field goal that had put the Wolvf'rlncs on top 27-21. The Bruins moved In to ecore on alx play• with fullback Kevtn Nelson 1lanUnf( over \he Clnal 2 yards for tht tou~hdown, and John ~·· convt'ralon put UCLA ahead 28·27 for the flrtt Un'IC". II Orange Co11t O~ll V PILOT /Suoday, B•pcemb t 28, 1982 ,..-----------------------------------------------------....------------------------q Carpenter offered ·pact from U FL · From AP dl1pa1cbe1 NEWARK, NJ Nt•w York Eil Giants holdout ttob Carpenter hus ••• been offered u C\mtrnct by a Unlt4..'<i Stateos Football League team that would expirl' in time for him to sign w ith u National Football League team in July, his agent said Friday. The pact offered by the Denver Gold of the tJSFL would expire July 30, sajd agent Gary W1chard. NFL teams open training camp in mid-July. Sources c lose to negotiations say that Gold offered Carpe nter a guaranteed contract worth $350,000 to play the 18-game regular season schedule that runs from March to July. Carpenter, a free agent, CARPENTER has not come to tenns with the Giants. Wichard said he plans to meet with the Giants to resume contract negotiations once the strike by NFL players ends. Teams can't negotiate with players until a new collcct1vl' bargaining agreement is made between the league and the NFL Players Association. Carpenter reportedly want.$ a three-year contract worth $350,000 per season but has been offered $230,000 per season by the Giants. . "I con't afford to lose Income for a full year," Carpenter said during a telephone interview Friday from his Houston home. . Carpenter, the team's starting fuUback and leading rusher last season. did not report to the Giants this year. He said that if the NFL strike is hot settled within a month, he would consider the USFL as his only alternative. Quote of the day "Jack will come in here looking for a big raise." -BUI Flynn, athletic director at . Boston College aft{!r $40,000-a-year Coach Jack Bicknell's team upset Texas A&M. coache d by Jackie Sherrtll, who earns $250,000 a year. Swan'• aeven·hltter tames Phllllea N w Vurk M~l•' rl1&ht ·h•nl.I r II Cr•ll WH plkht'tl !JVt•n· hllll!r and 4*' pt"<i I 0lc1 cJ ~·. UO·OUl .lutrl In th w nth lnnlnai m u"tdu l Steve caruon iand th Phil d 1rh11 Phlllln 2.1 Satu1 dAy tu hl"h.llMht NatJono L<>a.au action Tht! l(M clrui>P\.'<1 tht• Phi.Iii• ~ ~ 11un.ea bf.hind Euturn Dlvlllon-ludlnl( St Loula . £h1cwhcn:, audel WHbtnaton bc.>lt«I u home· run omons t.11 th1't•c• h1t11, kn<K'klng In four runs, anJ Dile Murpby 1100 hol'Jl(ln-d as Atlanta whipped Sun Diego 12·6 The victory moved tht• Bravt'8 to within one game of the Dodaen In th<' West . . Joaquin Andujar flrt'tf 8 thrt' ·hitter tor hit kVCnth 11tralght win, leading St. Louis to a 5· l victory over the tWAN Chicago Cubs and reducing the Cardinals' magi<' number w just three . . . Tim Tolman and Pbll Giner each had a pair of doubli:;c to rropel Hou.st.on to a 3-1 triumph over Clncinnat . . . Scon Sanderaoa Cired a seven-hitter to spark Pittsburgh to a 9.4 victory over Monteal which eliminated the Expos from the F.astern Division race. A's drop Kansas City 31/2 back Llght -~ttlng Fred St1nley II ripped run-scoring singles that ignited two five-run innings for Oakland as the A's sent Kansas City tu411bling to its eighth defeat in nine ga~, 10-3, to highlight American League action Saturday. T)le loss dropped the Royals 3 ~ games ~hind the Angels in the AL West. Elsewhere·, . . . Eddie Murray slammed a three-run horner and Cal Ripken Jr. slammed a solo shot, while Jim Palmer pitched a four- hitter for his 13th victory in his last 14 decisions, leading Baltimore to a 7-2 decision over Milwaukee. The victory pulled the Orioles to within three games of the Brewers in the AL F.ast . . . Rick Cerone belted a tie-breaking two-run homer in the seventh. 9TAHLH powering the New York Yankees to a 6-2 win over Boston, virtually eliminating the Red Sox from the pennant race . . . Jack Morris scattered six hits en route to his third shu tout of the season and Lance Parrish doubled in two runs as Detroit blanked Cleveland, 4-0 . . . Steve Diiiard drove ln five runs. three with a bases-loaded double, to lead the Chicago White Sox to a 13-1 crushing of Minnesota ... Bruce Boc bte and Jallo Cruz homered to back lhe sax -hit pitching of Bryan Clark as Seattle blanked Toronto, 7-0. Union pe881mlatlc aoout eettlement Th prl1u 11> I In tht Jioolh,.11 0 l.1•u6(U~ playt'n' 1trlk• prt p r•d • lUI tJ y fol thf'lr fint ( • lO• f me-. lllll( In 11ltll' d11)'•. hut tl1 union h•udt•nthlJ.1 w1.1,1 pc tmlath. lh..it pruijn: &owurd • iwttl1•1m·11t will be• mutJ<• IOOn f /\s fnns Bl"ron 1 hl' natjon lookc•d tor ultc•mullt w11y11 lo ix•nd th1• flr1l foll Sunday In ff:J Yl'llf!I w11hout pruh·KMlun11I football, Carvey wu" 1CUl(J{1'lfth1g m u W1.U1hlngto11 nl·W• ('Onfcrtm<.~ th t thl Sunday nu.y oo only tht• flnit of many "(1 am nol optlmh1tlt• at ull." £d Oarvt•y, t'Xt.'l'UUV\• (.hr«"Ctnr of tht• Nutionul 1''ootball 1..<.•agut• PluyN'll Unlun awld et l& fl •w¥ ~vnfcrentoe In WD11hlngton "l hav(' told the pluyl'r reprl'l<'nwtlvl'at lht.'rt' hua bc<.•n no 111gn of o t1c•w offor from thl· owntint.'' And Cc•nc• Upt1h11w, tht• l..c.>11 Anguh..':s Raiders l(Uord who l!I pr<'111dcnt of thr union, told repor~rs In Washington that the play1•f"\i would not budg<.> from their <.oentral demands for a wage 11Cult• and crcutlon or onu fund Crom which the players will be paid. Burns clinging to one-shot advantages Ceor1e Burns rappt.'<i out thr<'l' !I corul('(.'UllVe birdk'fi early in his round Saturday en route \.o u 4-under-p:,lr 06 to take a one-shot lead ofter the third round of the Southern Open golf tournament in Columbus, Ga. Bobby Clampett bird1~ two of the> last three holes to stand at one shot behind the leader . . In Kent, Wash., JoAnne Carner fart'<i a 5-under-par 67 LO tie Patty Sbeebao for a ont•-stroke, third-round lead in an LPGA tournament at Meridian Valley Country Club . . Gene Littler shot a 3-undcr-par 69 to go up by five strokes aft.er 54 holes an the World Seniors Invitational at Quail Hollow Country Club in Charlotte, N.C. . . . Mark James of England shot his S(.'<.'Ond straight 6-under-par 66 t-0 cling to his one-sh ot lead in the Bob Hope Sril1sh tournament in Rickmansworth. Lendt, Curren advance at Forum Top-seeded Ivan Lendl of • Czechoslovakia and seventh-seeded Kevin Curren of South Africa scon.>d straight-set victories Saturday in the semifinals oC the World Championship Tennis Classic in Inglewood. Lendl whipped fifth- seeded Wojtek Flbak of Poland, 6-2, 6-4 in the afternoon, while Curren topped unseeded Van Wiolt1ky, 7 -5, 6 -3 at night . . . Ernie Grunfleld, a 6-7 forward, became the property or the Ne w York Knicks Saturday when the Ka.,sas City Kings chose n o t to match the Knicks' offer sheet, the NBA club announced . . . Tim Hacker, a member of the University of Wisconsin track and cross country teams. crossed the finish line first ahead of an estunated 20,000 runners, joggers and walkers in the fifth annual Milwaukee Journal Al McGuire Run. Game to forget for Fullerton By CRAIG ROSSELL tpec1e1 •• t11e o.1tr Nee ,.... .. Pnor 10 aolna on u pueit·aiaffi(· ra.c.llo ahow, Utah Sl»tc Coach Bruct• Snydt,tr f?.UUIC<t lo ~lk with rt'portt.•ra following h16 lt<a.m't PU<.•1f1c <.:oo.at Athletic A111oclullon oponer with Col Stlttc 1''ullbrton Saturday "Wa1m't that bor1nai1'!" tu1kcd Snydc•r, beatinJ reporters to the.• question. "lt was M> frust.retlng, . .ll wtm downright ugly." What more could be ttald? Tht> funny thing la Snydc.•r wu8 thl· wll\nlng coach SB his Asa11·i. d1.·lc.•j)too the Titans. 19-0, before un Cli\lm1.1tt.'<i crowd of 4,750 al T ittm l''lcld. FULLERTON COACH Gene Murphy utJt"'d a few deRCrlpUve 11d,ecUv«;'S himaelf. calling the game a "nightmare," his special tcama unit "putrid," and comparing a couple ot tleld goal tnt~ t.o .. well. you g1•t the picture. To get the particulars out of the way, Utah St.ate took a 10-0 lead at halftime on a 37-yard"field goal by Willle Beecher and a 24 -yard toU<:hdown pass from Doug Samuels to Paul Jones. The Aggies extended the margin to 17-0 when reserve quarterback Chico Canales t'Onnected with flanker Fred Fernandes for five yards and a touchdown in the fourth quarter. . To add insult to injury, Utah State p:cked up its final two points on the ensuing kickoff when Van Campfield took the kick a yard deep in the endwne, took one step out, and then decided to ·down the baU for a t.ouchback. Since he had already brought the ball out it was ruled a safety. But that only tells part of the story. THE TIT ANS WERE held .to minus 1 l yards rushing, a new school rec.-ord (the old mark was minus seven in a 1972 game against Hawaii), were limited to only six first downs, had three quarterbacks throw a total of 27 incompletions ( 15 of 42), and turned the ball over four times. And let's not forget their two field goal tries. With his te .. trailing 10~0. Fountain Valley High product Oreg Steinke attempted a 41-yard field goal. His kick peaked at six feet and landed just inside the 10-yard line. On his second attempt, another 41 -yarder~ S~inke didn't even get a chance to swing his leg. Terry Hubbard's snap from center never got in the air and rolled to holder Damon Allen. Allen was forced to run with the ball and he was stopped for no gain. ln all, the result was the Titans' first shutout during Murphy's tenure. and the first smce a 1919 loss to San Joae State (23-0). It was just the fiCth blanking in the Tit.ans' 12-year football history. Fullerton is now 2-2. The Aggies are 2-1. Freeway Series? It has 'em buzzing "I'm very disappointed with the special teams," sarcrMurpny. And what about the running game? ''Only the films will tell," explained Murphy. "But our running was ineHectlve." THE ONLY DECENT passing attack came in the second hall when third stringer Alex F.spinoza was in <..'Ontrol. But the freshman from St. Paul was only nine of 21 for 82 yards. The area was first settled by German immigrants, gentle people who believed in hard work. the brotherhodd of man and a glass of lager beer on Saturday night. They would be in the least ast.Ounded to see Anaheim in this day and age. Where the com used LO be as high as a cow pony's eye there are hotels and restaurants and shopping centers. There is even a ball park. The first settlers of Anaheim would be particularly intrigued by the stadium. It rises, quite majestically, near the ... railroad crossing where the produce of the orange groves was loaded and sent to market. Anaheim Stadium rose out of the Orange County earth m 1966 and sat there for several years without any particular meaning. They played major leaRue baseball there but the resident team, the Angels, was an also ran outfit which rarely showed any promise of nsing to mediocrity. That all of this has changed and the An&els.are .suddenly s trong contenders in the American League is only part of the story. The significant fact is that the Angels may take part in a magical tMng called the Freeway World Series. Heretofore, th<? Freeway Series was an SPORTS COlUMNIST BUD TUCKER imagintry and highly unlikely figment of the imagination of the journalists of spring. They w9uld talk of the AJagels and Dodgers makJng it to the championships of their leagues in October and meet in the autumn classic in two ball parks about 30 miles apart. There was the Subway Series which involved the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Yankees and those who were around at the time, remember at as more than classical. It was memorable and, in a sense. immortal. There was never anything like the Subway Series. Chicago never had anything to remotely compare. San Francisco and Oakland never ~~e close. BANNING DEFUSING CHARGERS • • • From Page 81 other completl6n;Jfor seven yards. Now there is the possibility that the Angels and Dodgers will complete their respective· plods to destiny and arrive at the same time and the F'reeway Series will become a reahty. The prospect excites normally placid people. Gene Mauch, the manager of the Angels, says~ "tOO much. I'll take any World Series, of course, but to get m it with the Dodgers would be too much." "lt would be absolutely the greatest thing ever to happen to Southern California," says Dodger managef Tommy Lasorda. "It would make history. They would wntc books and erect monuments and all that sort of stuff L:learly, a 1'"'recway Series wall be cause for great rewards. Oene Mauch will reward himself w1thrthe- luxury of a smile. Not an ear-to-ear com eating grin. to be sure, but nonetheless a smile -the first in several yean. Tommy Lasorda will reward himself with a plate of lasagna -the first m several hours. Southern California will reward itself with an event over which to become es excited. This is a sophisticated corner oC the earth and it takes considerable to arouse the population. A Freeway World Series will capture and enthrall the entire Southland but particularly Anaheim where the early settlers would never have imagined it Come to think of it, it has been a long time growing on recent seuler.1. "Alex didn't do too bad for a freshman," said Murphy. "But his performance wasn't good euough for a win." The lone bright spot for the Titans was their defense. Ranked first in the conferenoe and 15th in the nation in rus hing defense, the Titans were impressive, holdin~ the Aggies to JUSt 250 total yards, coming up with three turnovers, and forcmg nine punts . Normally a performance lake that would be good enough for a wm. But with the Titans' offensive machine running in reverse. 1t wasn't nearly enough. Simmons leads OCC WALNUT-Steve Simmons scored 11 times m two games and the Pirates of Orange Coast College went on to win the championship of the Mt. San Antonio water polo tournament here Saturday. Simmons tallied seven times in the Bucs' semifinal contest as they crushed Palomar, 17-2. He then added four more in the final as the Pirates edged the host Mounties, 13-8. Simmons finished the tourney scoring 18 goals in four games. Teammate Roy McConnick, who added four goals in the two games Saturday, also contributed 18 assists in the four contests Only 33 seconds had been spent an the second quarter when Ron Hurley toed the first o( two PA Ts. good -because we're ready," was assistant coach Rick PumeU's pregame oparuon. "We tried hard not to overlook Vista. we didn't talk about Banning. but it was hard," was Athletic Directo r Lyman Clawer's pregame thoughts. Je(( Popkin got Edison possession with just over two ,------------------------------------------- And. the Pilots were on the attack agam m very short order. All it took was another smothering defensive effort by tbe Pilots to force an Edison punt and the Pilots were m business on the Bannmg 24 One play later at was 14-0 and visions of a rout became clearer in focus. ' Barber stepped back and went to flanker Trent, the latter catching his dart in full stride 31 y~ds downfield at the F.<Hson 45 ahd racing the remaining distance to complete the 76-yard seoring strike. . Banning was unable to make apy more dents in the Edison ~mor before halftime, settling for Its 14-point bulge. : The Chargers had managed oril y 39 yards net rushing and ~ing, a first down coming on tlifir first o rrensive d own (quarterback Don Gibbs to Jeff Washington for 14 yards) and a ll~ard dash up the middle with ~ left in the half by tailback Qetek Griffiths. ~ : ~ide from that, at was strictly a; matter of Edison's defense t~g to hold off the multiple gilhs of Banning. :'!Banning had better be very Alboreto wins ·CAS VEGAS (APl • Michele l\ltioreto of Italy pUotftd a Tyrrell ·l'Cer to an euy victor'y aaturday n ~he Caesars Palace Grand Pt>x. while Finland's K e ke R.oebefg drove a steady race In a WlOlams to finish firth and wrap ..ap 'hlJ first Formula One world =bainpionshfp. .Ro.berg, 33 and In his tint year with the Williama ~am. s~ sixth on the 24-au grid nd drove a conservative racc. • And Workman. too. felt his club was ready for a supreme effort. All the ground work had been laid for the big ambush -if overconfidence could take its toll, Banning was in trouble. The only trouble. however, was for the Chargers, who simply did not match up with the bigger and faster Pilots, a team with individuals reminiscent of Edison's juggernauts the past three years. As opposed to Edison's 39 yards'net, Banning's totals were at 220 (126 passing and 94 rushing) at the half. The only laughs the Chargers could get were from &nning's kicking game, whic h was inconsistent at best, terrible in other spots. But who needs a kicking game when you have all of the other ingredients? Certainly not Banning, which w as was displaying midseason precision in its veer olfense. All of the big defensive plays were being made by Hombs, John Thomas, Jeff Waahlngt®. and Tony J ohann. defensive backs and linebackers. It didn't ~et any better ln the third quart.er when, alt.er forcing a punting situation. the Chargers fumbled away the kick and Banning was cooking again at the Edison 22. One play loter Barber went to Eri c M c K ee and the 6-0, 230-pound tight end took \ht pus over his shoulder and mad It look easy ln breezing into the end ione. Except for chai o ne letdown. however, Edlton 'a defenu played superbly In the second halt, holding Banning to nfnt- yardl on the ground and JUlt on minutes left in the game when he recovered Barber's fumble at the Chargers' 43 and after a major penalty set Edison up at the Banning 32, Nowotny, in relief of Don Gibbs. found Hombs to avoid what would have been a second straight shutout loss. * a.nntne 2111, ldfeon ., e-.. itro-w.. Banning o f4 e 0-20 Edleon Q 0 0 7-7 B-.ion.t 2 run CHUfley klctl) B-McK1y 78 PIH from Ba.tar (Hurley klckl B-Mc:KN 22 paN lrom 8arbet (kldl lailed) E-Homt11 57 p ... from Nowelny (Gtllllam klekl Atllf1CllnCe -12.111. 0-Statlettcl I Flral down• 9 Ru1hel·)'atd1 33.97 Paulno y11d1 155 p._ a-16-0 Punte 7-33 Fumt>ln·lotl 2· 1 Panllll•·Yltell e-e8 E e 28+5) 111 9·1M 7.31 2.1 4·20 lftdlfl•11 .. ....... B-Jon••· 15·12; Abro ... 4-te, 81rt1er. 9·10<-mlnut I; Ringo, 2·2: Simien. 3·5 E-Ortlfllh•. 13-27: Steiniger. 1-1. Btlndurlll. 3-3. Homb :M0<·mlnu1 8: Adlk•. t-lor•mlnu1 3 . Olt1t11. 1·4, Nowotny. 7·10<-mlnut 31. ................... B-8erbef. 9-IM. 155 E-Olbtll. 2-6-0, 11. Nowotny. 1· 13-0. It t tMevldulll "' 111tw'"9 8 -McKay, 1·78, Atencio, :r 13. McK ... 3.52, Jonl9, 1· 14 E-Grllfllhl, 5-23, Wuhlnglon. 1·14, Jonee, 1· 11, Htcnltll, t-e, Homli4l, 1·57 Wysocki wins 10-K 1 Tom Wytoeki clockt'd a 29:19 Saturday 1ftemoon to wln the South Cout Claaalc lO·kUometer run et William Muon Park in lrvlne, and In dolna to, bested Sub-4 Runnlna Club leam mcmt>tr Steve Scott. Sc.'ott. 1 world eta. miler from UC Irvine, .ettled for third place bt!hlnd ano\htr Sub-4 ttam member. Rals>h S.tna, out of e>ran,t Coel\ Colit8e $cooU WM clockid at 29;4&, wtilJe Semi ran • 29:32. College football Thi• w .. k'• 8c:tt.dule f'lllOAY't OAMI Cal Siii• Fullerton II Long B11cn St (V111r1n1 S11e11um). n COIOtlelo St II Ui.11. n aATU.-06Y't QAMU WMt Oregon ,,. USC II ColtMUm 'I 30 p m , San JoN SI II ClllfOtnl• Oregon St. II S1anl0td Sen Diego SI. II W11ntnot0f'I Utan St. II Frell\O SI , n Wyoming el Hewell. n NIVldl•LH Vegas II PIClllo, ,, AKtl ... UCLA 11 ColotldO New Mellleo 11 Air Foree K1nH1 SI. 11 Arlront SI . n Weber SI ,, Idaho Idaho 61 11 Monie SI. Montana 11 Nevada.Reno lltlnols St 11 New ~lco SI 8olM SI II NotUllrn Ariton•. n lolllh-• TCU 11 Ark111..a, n HCNllOf'I II 8eyt0t, II T111N 11 A~. n TDU Teel! II Te•u A&M, n N Te11u St •I SMU, 11 8YU 11 T111u·EI PNO, fl Wlchlt9 SI •• w .. 1 TexN SI KW LOU .... 1\1 at EMI T111H SI • n Till• Soulllefn 11 LlllN.r Loultlan• T ean 11 Tlxu•Arltngton n lllffdwe9t lndllnl 11 MtelliOln Noire Owne II ~lelllgen SI uuno11 11 MlnntlOI 1, n AOt'kll SI II Ofllo 81 WllcOtltln ., Putdut NOt1,,_..ltrll II IOwl Okllhoml II low1 St Tu1M11 Kansas , Ehl Cerollna 11 Mi&tourl Wiiiem Mldliglll II 8owllng Or_, lndlenl St. 11 Oralle Oantrll Mld>loln 11 Eallern Mlci!lgan, 11 Ml1mt, 0 11 Kefll St 8111 SI. 11 N0<1Mm IMlnol1. n Western 1111no11 at Nonll«n Iowa. n huttl Nebrltlll 11 Auburn Kenlueky 11 Ctem90n Nlvy 11 Dulce LSU at Fl0tl<l1 VMI II F\lrman Mleml, Fla. et Lou19ville. n Gea<gla 11 MIMlulppl SI. GeOtgll Tedi 11 Noflh C.rotlnl Mo~ SI. 11 NE Loultl.,... n Clncinn1ct at South Carolina, n Memphle S II Southern Ml11~ppl. n Souchern 1n1no1e 11 SW Loulllana. n W•thlnolOl'I St ,, Tan- Tul-at Vllldetbllt. n North C1tollnt SI. 11 Vlralnl1 Wike F0telt It Virginie T ec:tl AtklnlN 81. II Alaoema ·-· w .. 1 Virginie 11 Pttt Henllfd II Army Temple It llolllon College, n L1llY9tt• 11 8uau"41 lollon U. 11 Cornell Colpte •• Dlrlmoutt\ 0.-are II '-"'Oii Connecnleul It NIM HMIC>lhi<I Columt>Mt •• Penn 8'own 11 PtlncacOft M11Md111Mtt1 I t ~ ~ WNtlam & Mlf)I II AlltOlfe Mlt';land II 8YtlloCUM Holy CfOM II Yti. -UnhdOffer 11!~1. 2626 H•rlt• llvll., Celt• Mei• ...... ~, .... ......... • • JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLI GI ,. ......... ... USC over Oregon * Notre Dame over Michigan State * Brigham Young over T • xae-EI Paso * San JoM State over Califofnlo * UCLA o¥er C.IOrado ~=?'--'°"'_. D.U, Not "'""" bJ ChertM lt.n penter set a course r ecord for women in winning her the National Criterium Championship bicycle races H er e sh t> waves to the c rowd a l the fjnish line . ~.,.,..enter Inanuf actures mark Knickman also win at Criterium bicycle races enter. James Roy Kmt·kman, at aren't <•xactly r egulars on the r ts scene. captured their res pective h e U.S. National mpionsh1p bicycle entia Avenue in turday. nt of the two-day by De l Taco- lllt~lanction with the vard of Cars in 1.t-ll ..... ltill u:ike place at ... ...,,...._.s senior cn terium if1Qa.l90 miles) that gets e starling line at drn1ng next to lchool. ~~RPENTE R of ~•M:!Jlll~l a course record 'I)\~ 13-lap women's e of l ·07 .56 She 1s tin1'11t.llillr\al ch am pion and ' ln three world At the present ting a book on \.te ran r ace. ' d to work all the ctorv In fact, he fmai sprint to the '8 double point lap l.n wath 25 points. y a road course as ' Montgomery said. y winner in the 'veteran's division be~:J.l!lfin'criterium racing. r w hen th<'y give lap to the leaders ;\.. more challenging r eally a nacc area done a super job 'l'oda.-.··~ ~~hedule 1 a "' Po~ reo1Stra11on for Del T•l:O" runs 7 45 • m -Del Taco runs pre-race ceremonies 8 1 m Del Taco SK dlllanca fun run begins (3 I miles. 5K) 8.05 om -Del Taco 10K d11111nc;e fun run begins (8 2 miles, 10K) 9 am · 12 30 pm -"Touvelle" ttage en1er1a1nmen1 9 a m t p m -HarbOr Blvd of Cars 1u1omob1le e•h•b•I !I 30 a m Runners award• Ind rettte 9 35 • m -Century 2 t Gold S111 Realtors P'•school "BIO WllMI" ,_ baOitl 9 45 am -Pr••ac:. cer~. 1 .. 1urtno drum end buole corp• pra1an1a11on and Herbor Blvd of Cars p.trada tO 40 am -Harbor Blvd of Cers US. Senior Na11onal Crlleflum Ch1mp1onS11lp (25 laps. 50 moles. 80Km) t 15 pm -Senior man'• awards presefllallon t 30 pm Praoram conck.lded an staging this race here "It is a safe course and a very good one for the spectaicrs to see an event." Montgomer y has won in every type of event this year and at 3_8. has been riding for 13 years m rompctatlon. P h 1 I G u a r n a t' <' 1 a . t h e 6i -year-old Brea electrical engm<."<.'r who thrives on physical fitness. placed nmth an the field of 32 riders. "THIS WAS a tough course today," he said. "Maybe next vear I'll be in better shape to give them a run for their money. At this stage m my hfc:. 1t looks like I'll have to increase my training from 5 1 ~ hours to e1gh l each day. I'll ride another 10 or 15 years, though" Carpenter swept all o f the point sprint laps to fm1sh with a maximum of 40 points This is the first time an the three years o f cr1tcrium com pe t ition ............ ft ... ,_.. HOUIS: SAT .. SUH.. t .. I . . COUHTY fAa HOUNDS --IC1'S PA Y1l..IC*. aM. I 0 nationally that thas has been done Carpenter broke away from the held and held a 15-Se<.'Ond lead after six laps. Sht' increased the margin to 40 seconds over the tough, hilly two-mile course near the end of the race. "I d i dn't want t o leave anything to chance," Carpenter said after the race. "I really didn't pl.an it that way but I was able to get out ln front and stay there. I t'Ould keep a steady pace r iding by m yselC a nd could concentra te on my tempo. "This t'Ourse has a couple of hills and it is tough," Carpenter added. 'Tm primarily a road racer and this ls more like a road course. Criterium courses are usually on natter terram. "I could have fimshed easier because I knew I had it won after the fourth sprint (of s1x) ~ause t h e oth e r ride rs w e r e n 't consistE.'nl. I guess the othe rs thought that I was out or sight so I was also out of mand." R ebecca Twigg . a lso o f Colorado hke Carpenter. finished second a nd gave credit to her m nqueror. "SHE'S STRONG but I didn't think she could get away that far from the pack." Twigg said "The headwind on the hall made the course tougher and this isn't a s printer's coursE.'. I'm not a s printer." Knickman was the only former ch a mpio n a t Costa Mesa to repeat. winning the Junior title with a time of 1:21.58 "I just started hammering and not worrymg about strategy m the middle o f th e race." Knickman said. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /8unda)'. Septamb•r 28. 1982 Ila Pirates Blanked _Gauchos overwhelm Tucker, Bucs By CURT SEF.O~ O(lha D•llJ 'llol llllt Offkiuls ut Suddk•back Colll'Ul' Wkl' ""l'Ut pri<fo In 110 odvaO('t'CI irrll(Ollm1 wy11u•m whkh hu• lx'<.>n 101talh.•tl bt•rwuth ttw Ouucho Cootboll racld And Suturduy naghl, Orangt• Coa~t 01111•6(1.• quurk•rbuck Clay Tuc•k(•r waR ublt• w l'loal'ly' cxumine the system in nctlon with tiv1.1 or six big G aucho linemen pile'(! on t(>P of him Even the return of Tucker, who massed the P lrows' firs t non confere nce garne while rE.'euperalln~ from a broken ankle, wasn t enough to a dd some zlp to the OCC offense. A determined effort by the Saddleback defense, combined with a balanced offl.'n sc poced the Gauchos to a 21-0 victory over the Pirates befort> about 3, 000 fans who braved a heavy mist au night. "Orange Coast was muc h better ofrensively with Clay in there," noted Saddlebuck Coach Ken Swearingen , wh ose Gauchos improved their rt><.'Ord to 2-0 and extended their winning st reak to 18 games "And 1 thought tht'ir defense played awfully well tonight." lnd<>ed, the Pirate defense limited the Gauchos to a pair of Dan Gasser field goals· .and a .safety in the first half, using two goal-line stands in th<.' process. But the Saddleback dE.'fense was even be tte r, as de fensive lineman Mike Copela nd and company made things miserable for Tucker in hi9 1982 debut. "I thought our defense played very well," added Swearingen. * 8eddlebec:k 21, occ 0 kof'a bJ Ou111eu Oranlje Coest 0 0 0 0 0 Saddleback 3 5 7 6 -21 S -Oasaer 21 FG S-Guser 20 FG S -S1fe1y. Tucker tackled In end zone S-Marshall 28 pass from Mllltlf (Gasser kick) S-Gleeo 8 run (pa.ss latled) Altendance -3,000 Gama Stallellca occ .Fttal downs 13 Ru&llet-y1tds 34-i 104) Peu1ng yerds 102 p._ 10·26-1 Punta 7.37 Fumbl•·lo•1 5-0 Pena1tla-y1rd1 9·64 • 15 49-115 154 10·24·3 4·311 0-0 14·183 lndhtldual Ruahlng OCC Swanberg, 5·9; Buller. 3·5. Tucker. 14·1or-mlnua-93, S1aphens. 3·10r·mlnu1-6. Brighi, •·fo r-mtnua-8 . Rumer~. 1-lor-mlnua-I 1: Denham. 1-4. Br119Q. 1·2 S-Glffd. 15-59. Alford, 1 t·40, Currie. 10-Ill. M~tar. 13· 1, Smllh, 2-lor-mlnu&· 1 .. .-vt ..... ~ ....... OCC-Tuc:t.ar. 11-23-1. t5. Denham, 1·3-0, 7 S-MllleL 10-24·3...J~ lodhold11al flecalvlnt OCC-Gldd1ng1, 3·44, O.al, I· 12, Ounh_,,,, 1·9, Hecker. 1·7. S1aph1n1. 1·6, Brl9ht, • l·lor-mtnua-3 S-MerlMll. 5-97. S.,altnl, 1·16, Allor~. 1.9, Bl1111no. 1·15, Btyent 1·13. Currie. t-~ Sevano to appear on radio show Daily PiJot sportswriter John Sevano will be one o f four fea tured guests t on ight (8 o'clock) on lhe Rams Coaches Show hosted by Bob Elder on radio station KIK-FM (94.3). In addition to Sevano. Eider's guests will be Rams linebacker Carl Ekern. the .team's player r epresenta ti ve , Ram s Admin istrator of Foo tball Operations Jack Faulkner and LA Times Orange C.ounty Sports Echtor Marshall Klem. The program will deal with the NFL stnke. "W'"'''' 11tlll mukanl( too many dt.•f(•OJllvt' fX'llUhlt•N (lllt' 0UUl'hfJ8 Wl'rc pt •nullwd 14 tlnww for ltl:i yurd 11), but thu l'N JUlll bt•lng a a arc• 11" 1 v t• 11 n d y o u t' a n ' t compluln too mui:h ahuut thol " Mt.'unwh1ll•. OCC Coach Owk 1'1Jt•kt•r hWJ yt•t to 5<.'<' has Plrowe 8'XH't' 11 toudidown an two games, l'Vt.'n though tht•y curmod o 7-~ victory an their openc•r aguanet Pnlomor lmH Wt:'t·k. "I thought Clay playl-<l prNtr. good <.'onsldi.'rlng (.'Vl'rythlng, · Tu<.·kt•r stud "We JUSt <.'ouldn't g1w him uny lime tonight.'' Tu<.'ker 1an1:.h1"1 tlw night walh nine m mplctions m 23 atwmpts for 95 yards. He was inll'rcept<.>d once. But most of the timl', the Oau<.•ho tk•fcnse never gave him a <.·hant't: to throw. Tuckt>r was dropped beh1nd the Im(' oC scnmmage 13 times for minus 93 yards an rushing alom· The on ly other lam<' ho carrll'd thC' ball on th!! ground, he was held to nu gain. 1~w111 , l1w 11 lhl'y ca n 't block the<m." S.oddleback added a pair of touchdownH In tht> IN'Cond half tht' lirwt on a 20-yard J>48H from <.:ra1.i M Iller to Jobn Maraihall at 7.04 of the thlJ'd quurter. That gave the Gauchoe a 15-0 lead at that stage. Running back Jim Gleed closed out the 1eortng with an 6-yard drive with 1112 minutes rt-maining In the game. ·M iller completed 10 of 24 passes. but the OCC aecondary packed ore three of his touea. Marshall was on the r~eiving end of five passes for 97 yards. OCC's beat pel etratlon Into Gaucho territor y came in tne second quarter as Tucker guided the Pirates from their own 25 to the Saddleback 21, but the Gauchos ganged up on running back Bill Bright on a third-and- two play and Tucker's past on fourth down was incomplete. "W<' rt• playing the best guys we'vt.: got," a befuddled Di<.•k , Tucker said . "If t-hey cun't block "I thought our defense played rea~ well but I'm disappointed we can't move the ball," added Tucker ·"We had to throw the ball almost every down '' Rustlers corral Santa Ana, 27-15 By ROBB MUNSON Specl•I lo Iha DelfJ Pllol It was a reunion of sorL-. for ex-Edison High football players Saturday night at the Soni.a Ana Bowl as Golden WE.'lit took the field against the Sant.a Ana Dons ln a non·t'Onfercncc rommunaty college game. No less tha n 13 ex-Edison graduates participated. but m the end lt was a non-Edison player who decided the fat<' for both sides. Golden West running back Richard St.ahlheber rushed for 191 yards and two touchdowns as the Rustlers defeated the Dons, Z7-15 With the score 13-6 an favor of Golden West and only 50 5«'0ncis remaining in the first half, Stahlheber took a patch from quarte rback Adam Gragrrano and raced 73 yards into the end zone. And then just four plays into the second half. Stahlheber took another pitch and ran down the lert side of the field for a 6 1-yard touchdown, which gave Golden West a 27 -6 lead . "(Richard) S tahlheber h as great speed." explained Rustler Coach Ray Schackleford. "Our offense line did a great job for ham. and if we can block so that he can get to the outside then he will do things like h e did tonight." Santa Ana decreased th e Rustler advantage in the fourth quarter whe n Don quarterback Phil Cooper hooked up wath Joey Little for a 24-yard touchdown pass with 12:17 remaining in the game Cooper . who prepped at Edison , finished the game by completing 23 of 45 passes for 238 yards and two touchdowns. Cooper also hit Eric Ory on an 18-yard touchdown pass an the second quarter. Ory had four receptions for 55 yards. while Llltlt' had five for 82 yards. As for stler quarterback Gragna no. he was 7 for 14 for 107 yards and a touchdown. James McCE.'e had 4 catches for 67 yards. "We did some dumb things," added Shackleford. ''We had some penaltid that could have cost us the game. But we did a lot of real good things." Golden West, now 1-1, scored with 12:47 left ln the first quarter after a Marcus Porter Cumbie recovery gave the Rustlers the ball on the Don 29 yard line. Tim L ong burst over from one-yard out on the Rustlers' fourth offe nsive play of the gamei to give the Rustlers a 7-0 lead. From therE.' the Dons began to march from their own 20 yard -ttne. Coope r c!i d some nifty passing d uring the drive. completini< five passes. * Golden WMt 27, ....... Ana 11 lcOfa bJ 0--. GOiden W•I 13 7 7 0-27 Santa Ane 0 e 0 t -15 GW -l.ono 1 run !Gr-lllelll GW -Long '°"pea 1rom Clr.gna:no (lllQI blOC~ed) SA Ory 18 pan from Cooper (paH faltael) GW -Sllhlhaoer 73 r11n (Gra«1 kick) GW -Sllhlhab« 61 run (Gra«1 kldl) SA -Liiiia 24 paas ltorn CooP« (Tlll9y kdl) SA -Safety PaarllNn •lapj)41(1 OU1 of and zone Allendance -600 ( .. llmaled) a.ma ....... ~ ow F1t1t downs 11 flu9'"'9•yarda 49-Ht PUS!ng yard• 107 PH-7-15-0 Punts 9-37 FumbleS-IOtl 4-2 Penlltlff·Yllfdl I 1-103 ~lllwMfte IA 18 33·85 238 23-46-2 8-34 3-2 8-41 GW -Stehll'tebef, 20-191, Lono. 11-S4, Greon•no. 7-13. Ducharme. 2·for-tn1nu1 14, Lamberlon, 8-23. Wanztatt. 1·2 SA -Coope< L, 4-7: Prawl, 4-9. COOi* P., t2-17 , johnson. 11-54 , Gomaz. 2-for-monut 2 lndlYldiial P-lng GW -Gregnano. 7-14-0, 107. Oucllarrna. 0·1·0 SA -Cooper. :13,..5·2. 2311. Gomez. 0-t-0. 0 ltldl•ld11M "•call'lolf GW -McGee. 4·87. Espllfu. 1·18. long. 1·10. Pruoll. 1.12 SA -llllla. S~2. Ofy. 4-55. Jonnaon. 4-39, Coope< L 4·20. Tassin. 2·26. Reilly, 3-13. Prewl, 1-4. Daily Pilot classifieds work for you. can 642-5671 for quick cash sales. 1982 CATALINA PRO-AM RACQUETBALL CLASSIC Co Sponsors: BANK Of NEWPORT. AMF VOIT $~a 000 PRIZE ~ I MONEY Featuring 5-Tlme National Champion Marty Hogan, Number 1 seeded Dave Peck and many other top touring racquetball professionals. DATES: Thurs. thru Sun. Sept. 30 Oct. 3 SITE: King's Racquetball Court 14731 Golden West St. Westminster, Ca. Phone: (714) 898-9841 (213) 430-5719 TICKET PRICES King's All Glass Tournament Court 4-day Package/ Backwall Section $45/ Seat 4-day Package/ Sidewall Sectlpn • ¥. $40/ Seat Daily Tickets '12 Tickets may be purchased over the phone with Visa or Master Oard Call Today! , Good Seats Still Available CO·SPONSORS: BANK OF NEWPORT, AMF VOIT J L Or•nge Oo11t DAILY PILOT I p1emb1r :u,, tG82 I Mu tang run, run, and run Eagl wom n captur titl Carson slams doOr By RICHARD OUNN lpMlal to ""' o-, ,.... &nlor running buck Wully Ur unt ru1nbhod fur l30 yard• and dant't-d for Lhrt't' wuchdown1 u ht• led the Co1tU. Mt'88 M w.uantctt to u 22 lO victory over Loli AJ&aml\Qs, Suturday nlghl ut Wt•Kt••n\ lll~h School Grant, along with junior quurlt'rbuck St.·ot Hagey, l'Omblncd for 19~ yurd& ru!ihmg to buckbone the Mustang offonsc. Costa Mesa got off to u du1mul st.urt, down 10 0 al the end of the first quarter, but bount·t'<.I back strongly to finJsh with a commanding vll'lory. Costa Mesa, winning for the first time this season, nl't.'t!OO to throw only once the entlrt• st.'C..'Ond half. The Mustangs used a gooq running attack, and w~re able to hold pc>MeSSion of tht> ball most of ttw second half. "We were moving the football very well in Lht• second half on lhe ground, so we i'ust kept on running," said Mustang Cooch Jim I agey. "I felt we played with good poise, and 1t reall y hel,x>d us, not committing a penalty in the SC<.'Ond half." The Mustangs drove for 17 first downs. and actually at<.' up the clock in the fourth quarter Th<:'y held possession of the ball the entirt.> quarter, exc:ept for the final two minutes. With 3:02 left in the fi rst half, Costa Mesa scored its first touchdown, one of three I-yard runs by Grant. On tjle last or 1a plays, opcnmg up the final Football scores COLLEGE WHt Arizona St. 15. Cal O Utah St. 19, CS Fullerton O San Jose St. 17, Oregon St. 13 Washington 37. Oregon 21 San Diego St. 26, UNLV 23 Santa Clara 26. CS Northrldge 21 Fresno St. 25, Weber St. 9 Lewis & Cieri<, t3 E Oregon 3 llnfleld 41, W Wethington 21 Mou. Colo tO, S Vteh 10 M<l·Am N&LBI-24, Coloreoo Col t4 Pugel Soun<I tO. Heyward St 9 .s;ai-ro1t, Mont 17, W Montana 1a:· 0 •ben1 Washington St Pacific U.Cl Occl<lentol 32. San Francisco 6 O<egon Tech 21. w 1ne.-11e 7 WHtern St . Coto 47, N Mex Highland• 2 I Aoctilff Air Force 39, BVU 38 Wyoming 17, Colorado 3 Colorado St. 28, New Mexlc-0 St. 17 Montana 36, N. Arizona 35 Montana St. 17. Nev ·Reno 10 Cal Poly-SLO 15, Idaho St 13 I Iowa 17. Arizona 14 Weate<n St . Coto 47, N Mex Htohlan<la 2 t lenotr·Rhyne I!>. Pre1byie11an 1!>. tlo Nor1olk St 7, Ellubeth City St 3 Wrtttent>otg 17, Buttot 7 Auat>org t3. Bethel, Minn t3 ho Catleton 20. Mac:aletle< 7 Chadron St 17. Montana Tec;h O Concordia. Ill 24. tfflnola Col 14 Oana 2t. Walmer 7 Elmllurwt"l9. Carroll. Wla 7 Franllhn 2S. Saginaw Val St 19 Guatav A<lolphut 27 Hamhne 11 Franll"n 29, Sagtnew Val St 16 Hilts<lale 28. V1tparalso 0 Mano""1er 1 t Earlham 9 Missouri St 31. Empone St 6 NW Iowa 44. Doane 14 Ottawa. Kan 14. Mc;Prieraon 7 Sawanoe 23. Pnnctpta 13 S Oakoll Tech 13. Black Hiiis St 9 Wis Stout 27, Wla Whltew1U11 24 6 Mktwfft USC 12. Oklahoma o· UCLA 31, Michigan 27 Pitt 20. llllnola 3 Iowa St. 35. Drake 10 Kansas St. 31, W1ehlta St. 7 Northwestern 31, N. llllnols Notre Dame 28. Purdue 14 Stanford 23. Ohio St. 20 Wlaconaln 36, Toledo 27 lndlana St. 17, Ball St. 0 Miami. 0 . 35, E. Mlchloan O W. Michigan 24. Kent St 14 lndlana 17, SyracuM tO Minneso ta 41, Washington St. 11 Cincinnati 57, Youngstown St. 3 Ar1<ansas St. 35, S. Illinois 30 Alma 27. NE lllinott 1• 81uttton tll. Taytor tO Capital 3S. Otloo Westyn 12 CaM Western 14, Jofln Carroll 7 O.Paut 39. Row-Hutman II Grand Valley St 35. Cent St Ohle> 12 Han<Mlf 7. Defiance 6 Heidelberg t 4, Denison 0 Hope 49. Ot>e<lln t4 ltenyon tll. Wooller 8 N. Mlehlg•n 50. Mletllgan Tech '11 Sioux Falla 25. Yenkton 24 Wabaall 17. Albion o Emory & Henry 21, Georgetown. Ky. 20 Beno<llctlne, Ill. 18, Notlh Pa/1c 8 Car1hllQ8 8, Mllllkln 3 Oonoordle, Moor 39, St Otal 1 t Oekota St 24. Dakota Wtslyn O Hiram Col 21. Carnogi...Mellon 19 llllnOll St 25. Wayne. Mich 0 Minn ·Duluth 51. SW Mlnonota 13 Moorohoa<I St 38. Semkljl St 23 N E MINouri 27. W IHlnOla tO OllYet Nazar-19. Olivet 13 Wllll•m Jowett 49. Cent ~letO N.Coloredo 23, S 01llot1 St 14 Lonolr·Rhyno 15, Prnbvt«tan 1$ Nori<* St 7. Ellza~h City St 3 Cortetat1 20. Mocatoltor 7 HlllllO* 2S, V1tporal9o 0 M1oeour1 Vol 14, Welhbufn II NW MtMout1 St 3t, !mporla St 8 ,.,w low• 44, Ooone 14 1 Ott-Kan t4, McPhofwn 7 S Dakota Tech 13. Bleck Hills St 9 Wittenberg 17. Buller 7 SouthwHt Arkansas 14, Mississippi 12 Houston 48, Lamar 3 Baylor 24, Texas Tech 23 Texas 21. Missouri 7 Texas A&M 3 8, Louisiana Tech 27 SMU 16, TCU 13 SW Louisiana 31 , North Texas St. 14 Ouacn111 27 Texas Lutheran 16 Sam Houston S1 19 SW Oklahoma 17 Adams St 24 COl<>tado Mines 14 Cation. Mont 17, w Montaoa Ill Colorado St 28 N-Mexico SI 17 South Alabama 24, Vanderbilt 21 Auburn 24, Tennessee 14 Clemson 21, W. Carolina 10 IQiike IS 1, Virginia 17 Florida 27, Miss. SI. 17 Maryland 23. N. Carolina St 6 Georgia Tech 24, Memphis St. 20 Miami (Fla ) 25. Mich. St. 22 VMI 69, Cent Fla. 0 Virginia Tech 47, Wm. & Mary 3 Wake Forest 31 , Appalachian St. 22 N. Corollna 62. Army 8 FIOflda St .. 24. S Mississippi 17 Geo<gla 34, S. Carolina 18 LSU S2, Rkle 13 Louisville 28, Oklahoma St. 22 Kansas 13. Kentucky .13 NE Louisiana 33. Texas· Arlington 16 Angeto St 28 A.tcorn St 9 8ethune·Coo kmn 38 N C•rolin1 A~ T 23 8r<lgwater Va 14, M.atyvilte t3 Centre ~ wasn l Lee 21 Gulllord 13 Hompden·Sy<lney 10 Hampton lnat 14 ltv1ngatono 10 J1mea M e<11son tS E TonnesNeSt 10 ~entooky St 7. Kno•vlllo O Newberry 8, Davidson 7 Ran<loll>h·Macon 12 w Virgina Tech 7 W Kentucl\y 33, Austin Peay t5 Eaat Penn St. 27. Nebraska 24 Boston Coll. 31, Navy o Colgate 21, Cornell 6 Connecticut 17, Yale 7 Delaware 35, Pnnceton 17 Harvard 31, Massachuset11 14 Holy Cross 28. Dartmoutt 12 Lafayette 53, Columbia 23 Penn 20, Lehigh 17 TOWllOn St. 22. Buc«nell 18 W Virglnl• 43, Richmond 1( Rutgers 10. Temple 7 Boston u. 48. Maine 45 Brown 24. Rhode Island 20 COMMUNfTY COLLEGE Non·Conferenc:. Saddleback 21. Orange Coast 0 Golden West 27. Santa Ana 15 7 Fullerton 16. Citrus 9 Cerritos 13, Long Beach CC Palomar 29. Alo Hondo 6 Atverslde CC 20, East LA 7 LA Harbor 27, Grossmont 12 Santa M onica CC 24, Phoenix 14 Pasadena CC 53, Edwards AFB 6 El Camino 28, Ventura 0 Santa Barbara CC 17, Los Angeles CC 6 Moorpark 29, West LA 12 LA Valley 21. LA Plerce 20 MlraCosta 10, Hanc:ocil 7 San Diogo Mesa 25. San Otego CC 18 Mt. San Anton io 22 , Glendale o S acramento CC 31 , Compton 19 HIGH SCHOOL Banntng 20. Edison 7 Costa Meaa 22. Los AlamllOI 10 Catson 35, Miiiion Viejo 21 Eltht-man Newport Christian 38, PaMdena Poly 25 lJCI men finish fourth FRF.SNO -UC Irvine's men's and women's cross country teams had their hands Cull Saturday at the Fresno State lnvltatlonal. The UCl men's squad, which finished In fourth lace with 114 poln tl, were led by junior Mark ~welu, who flnlAhed in 13th place with a lime of 31:21. Artlonl, wl\h 31 point.a, Uni.shed first. In the women's division, UCI was eighth with 209 ~nta. 1 ,suaan Z.hradnlk, in the 31st spot, led thl' rvln<' women with an 18:48 clocking. Stanford won wit~ a team 1COre of 19 points. .. Aliunilo , 22-J 0 quurll•r1 (.jumt *•Ut'\'l loU In f1om th l yurd llnl• «> pull lht• Mu11t4111tt• ahrad 1-'olloWl ng thl' lk'Ort·, Pt•tt•r "&. hui b'H ul\sltfo kick try wuii llUt'<: ful. nnd th(' Mu1tungH n •1e11lnl'<.l 1tw ball on tlwh own 40-yard luw with 7,:\0 lt•h tn ttw ~11m1'. T ht• MUHllulgK th<•n wt•nt 60 1urd1 on I l pluyK, to *-'t>rl• th1•1r final tout'hdown (1runl 1J11lh.J «illln on o hlll•bul'k ploy from ttw om• 'l'ht• C riffln11, ru11hlnt( for only l~ yord11 In tht• lk."<.'ond hulf. did not l'Omplcll' u pa!lll In thl' htalf t:llht•r. Thc>x_ t'Ould only manag<' a Wl'llk running game, und <.'<mvcrt un on<' tint down. "I thoul(ht we W\•re going to get blown uway uru-r tht• way thl.• dl.'fon&<• plnyl.'C.f In tho first half," HugC'y sa id "But we did rn~ke some kind of comC'bu<.·k with our offl'rnll' later In thC' game." Coota MHa 22, Loo Al 10 koro bJ Quart°" Coate MOH 0 9 0 13 22 LOS Alam1toa 10 0 0 0 10 LA Lewis 16 paaa from Cardiel (Du9ourdlou klGk) LA OuBour<llou 33 F~ CM Sdlutb 36 FO CM-Oranl I run (klcic lellO<I) CM Gr1n1 1 run (run l1llo<I) CM Grant I ru11 (Sc;hurb klek) Attendance 1.SOO (nttm11oe11 Oeme llatlltlca CM ArSI Clowns 17 Rus11es-y1rd1 5 t •21 1 Passing yards 7 4 LA 10 26-114 83 * PaalOI 7·14-0 Punll 4-311 FumblM·IOll 4.() Peno111e .. yor<11 2· 15 lftdfvlclual "ual\1119 5·t6·1 4·29 2·0 2·18 CM Chanl, 33· 130, H•O•Y. 13.95, Span.a, 3. to, Oefoo, 2·11 LA Conboy, 7·57, Ern•n<lea. 12-62 Car<li.I, 5-5, Nickl, 2-0 lndhtlcluol Pafflfta CM-Hege.,,, 7· 14·0, 74. LA-Cat<llel, 5· 14· I, 83, Nlcil1. 0·2·0 lndlvlclual "K9Mntt CM-Engllall. 3·32. Grant, 2·23. M1t100. 2· t9 LA-Lewla. 2·39. Ortiz. 2·29. Schipper!. I· 15 3.97 Colt rally pa t Diablo in 35-21 win Th~ Eatanda lllMh wtmu•11'1 vol11•ybn II tc>um 1w1•pt t hrou"h tour r ound• nf cumpl'tltlon S turduy to coptur<.• th<• Orange Co u n t y t o u r n u m t' n t u t Wel!trt'llnttcr I llMh. The> Eagl<.'11 c·OpJ>l'tl ttwlr duy Iona effort by dl1po1lng of San Cll'mt•ntc, l ~-6. I ~-9 In tht> championship t'Ont<.'ltl. ' • T h (I w h 0 I l• t l' II Ill J l d exceptionally well all th'" way lhrough," pralSNI Estancia hcud coach Joe Wolf. "They rovC'r<.>d the dinka and oll the hard hits ... and they hit tht! ball a ton." Wolf applauded thP. work of hitters ltmy Hatht'OCk. a junior, K e lly Horgan a nd Shannon Rieden, both seniors, and junior Michelle Lazorok Wolf alsotaald the team got excellent blocking from Jane Ferda, Kathy Hall, Gena Garrett and Janet Tomi. SenJor Carolyn Scroggs added stability to tht! back row. Hathcock was named to the all-tournament team , while Rleden was ho nored as the event's MVP. f.t!]RRY WHITE 101N0111f1,...t MlSSlON VIEJO Detp1u• o t tnc pa111na aame by Klau1 l.t-hf'nbauer, the Mlulon VI jo High Dlable» found thl'nu1Clvt .. on the lOlllng end o f a .cort• for the flr1t tlm in 17 gumt11 whe n they were defeated tty the Corson Col'ts Saturday n laht, 30-21, bcfore 4,000 C•n• ut Mleslon Viejo. The Dlabloe are now 2-1 on the season. Leit.onbauer got Mission Viejo rollng early, completing passes of 6 and 20 yarda to Fred Coler late in thi~ llrst quarter, the latter giving the Dlabloe a first down. Four plays later Lelteobauer connect ed again , this time finding Roger Brown on the 20, who took the ball In for the ICOre, giving MlJslon Viejo a 7-0 lead with 13 seconds left in the first atanza. In the sec o nd .J>erioct Leitenbaue r was at 1t again, hitting thr-ee of four passes, including one of 33 yards to Joe Brick that put the ball on the Carson 1. One play later Sean i~~: •• 1.5 7 Varner acored from a yard out'° alvo th" Dhabloe a lt~ ...marain with 4:54 r malnlna In the fut( half. • Clfaon II, M1M1CNt Vt.to 11 ...,. tty 011 .... Cweon 0 t4 1 14-M MIMIOn Vlojo 7 7 0 7-11 MV Brown 34 '"" rrom t.ottonbo.,., (Johneon klGk) C WijlOO 4 run (80IO<IO klell) MV Vwnot 1 run IJonnt0n kid!) C Mitter 84 ktckotl reMn (8010tlo kick) C Solla 30 lurnblo relurn (Solork> kick) C Woalllngt9n 23 run (scMorlo klell) C TllOfnH 8 run (SOIOllo kick) MV Coler 22 pan lrom Lollonb1uor (JohnllOll kklk) A110l'ldenc:• 4,000 (n ttmatO<IJ Oomo l l•llttlct C , llV Fir-I <lowna IS 13 Rulhff.y91da 38-229 31·50 P .. Mlng yat<la 89 148 p..... .. t4.() 9·20-0 Punt• 4.31 7-42 Fumb..,.lolt 2·1 1·1 Penatuo ... yar<la 11·85 3-30 lndlwlclual "uaMfttl C WHhlngton. Ill· t02. ~llton. 8·30; RoblnlOO, 7_.9, Thom ... 3·29, Acc>tll. 1·14 MV -Brown, t3•38, Henriquez, 5· 19. V1tnot 5-4, LoltenoaUO<, S.10<-mlnua 9 lftdlotlcl4'al '-ant C-Waalll"ngton 8-14-0, H MV-Leltonb-. 9·20-0. 149 lftdl'ridual "9catwlftt C HOider, 3·53. Mcl<ay. 2.21: Miiier. 2·7. Mv-COlor, 3·37, B1tck. 2_.2, Brown. 1-34: l<uytiel\<llll, t·S, Varner. t·5 0-Cedar• Dutt Mop Or Sponge Mop 'Power Strrp' cellulose sponge mop or cotton dust mop with swivel head "Boxed-Edge" Piiiow• Polyester/cotton ticking. polyester hll· 1ng. Hamm'• or Kamm'• Special Ught 8Hr 6 pack. 12·oz. c:tns. "Brewed 1n the True Sky Blue Water Tradition." Soundealgn Modular Stereo AM/FM/FM·Stereo receiver; B·ttack tape player, full size BSA profession- • al-type record player. 3.97 Rave "' Soft Perm 1 appltcat1on Reg .. extra curly Get manulacturer·s coupon for Rave shampoo (up lo $2 off) w1lh the pur- chase of Rave Soft Perm at Kmart. ggc Wlndex Spray Window Cleaner 22·oz Exira.strength glass cleaner. KodaColor II Color Print Fiim 2 28 135/24, or 110/24 car· trldge ASA 100. Your I choice Dovolop And Prlnl F~t·or Kodacolor· II film. Size• 11 o. t 26, 35mm And NU'/ dlec· Rogut.r Procea11n9 ,2 £1p.................. t,97 15 Eap ..................... 3.27 20 £1p ............... -.-·2.97 24 E1p, .................... 3.57 38 £19 ..................... S,97 C·41 PtOCOH Fiim Kuetorrwit4" Oevolopl09 And Printing 35mm euatom c>tOC•H· ~ gw11 you 1u11 tramo a· p11nt1 on glony paper, tn lu•urious ~ c191 pack1g1ng Nego· tivea 1n prot1c11vo •lffv• Savo 12 E•p ..................... 1.97 20 E•p ..................... 2.97 24 E•p ..................... 3.57 · 38 E•P· .ft ................. 5.97 a Daya Onlyl "On-time" Fiim Developing Service Print• back When We Say Or You Don't P'y :JSmm lull frame only. One pnnt each on <M 1!9ndltd-l1n11h ~par. Our Reg. 4.5/-4.96 3.66 Classic Turtleneck Tops In fall shades You'll love the versat.Jlity of these flattenng tops, fashioned of easy-care spun poly· ester. In a bounllful array of colors f0< fall. I O·Cedar Angler Broom Witt\ plashc bris· 2 I 7 ties. Get the dirt other brooms miss. • 111114 ,,,,,. .,.,,. ., .. ., 1Ladles' Bikinis • Ladies' nylon btk1n1s 1n sizes 5-6· 7 II· lustrallon represenlatrve of style. I 5" Olag. Meas. AC/DC Portable Televlalon Includes adaptor cortl for DC operation. AM/FM radio. Also runs on "O" batteries (optlonal. eJCtra). Jr. Boy's PJ's Polyester wtth Smurf screen print Sizes 4.7 Pajamas For Men Coat·style top. pull. on pant Cotton/po. lyester &·DAV TIRE SALE KM78 -"OUR BEST" BIAS.PLY BLACKWALLS .. Our 'Reg 35 97 • 6001l12 Plus Fl;. T 1 43 Each 54.88 10-month .. ttery F111 rntny U S, IOttlgn Clll and hgrlt trucll• TOO Ot tide WWlll • Orenge CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, September 28, 188~ HI Penn St. winS thriller -over ·Nebraska·, 27-24 Elway-led ' tanf ord upsets Ohio St.; Northwes.tern finally nap lo ing treak From AP dl1pa1cbee STATK COLLEUE. Pa. Quat,•rbot•k 1'odd Blackledge tou~d u 2-yud touchdown puu to backup light ''nd Kirk Bowman with four llCCOOdi left in tht• gamt· to rally e1ghth·rtmkt-d Pt·nn St.ate to a 27-24 VIC'tory over se<.'Ond rankt'CI Nebrasko Saturday The Niu.any Lions marched HO yards on 10 piny& after Calling behind 24-21 on a l ·yard touchdown plunge by Nebraska quarterback Turner Gill with 1:18 to play, capping a 13-play, 80-yard Comhuaker's drive. T he Cornhuskers were trailing 21 -17 when NeU Harrla lntercept.ed a Blackledge pass In the end zone to give Nebraska possession a t the Nitt.eny Lion 20 The key plays in the go-uhead drive.• wc>re of 13, 18, 11 and 13 yards from Gill. St•nlord 23. Ohio St. ZO COLOMBUS, Ohio -Quarte rback John Elw$y's passing led Stanford 80 yards in the Cinal moments, giving the Cardinals a 23-30 nationally televised college football upset of 13th-ranked Ohio State. . Elway. the total yardage leader in major rollege ranks this week , connected on four of six p asses In the 1 :38 a fter t he Cardinals had intercepted Ohio State's Mike Tomczak in their own a end zone. COLLEGE ROUNDUP m Elwuy compll•ted tht.' whlrlwincJ flnl1h by throwing 18 yard!! tu split end t:mllc Harry, u Founwln Valley High graduatt•, for the winning touchdown with :J4 seconds lefl. Stanford safety Chorl e11 ll utchlng11 intercepted a ptAss by sophomore quarterback Tom1.:zuk In tho Cardina!Ji' end w nc with 1:38 left. That was all Elwuy needed, hitting four of six passes for lho entire 80 y«rd11 in 64 8(!(.'t)nds to give Stanford Its second victory In thret• games this &eason. Arlzan• St. 15, C•I 0 BERKELEY -Jimmy Will iams and Mario Montgomery made key defensive plays and Todd Hons threw a 43-ynrd tol..\Chdown pass during a 12-point second quart.er, pacing the 14th-ranked Arizona ~late Sun Devils to a 15-0 Paclfic-10 victory over California. Arizona State, 2·0 in the conference and 4-0 overall, has allowed only two touchdowns t his season. Linebacker Vernon Maxwell and safety Paul Moyer, with four sacks apiece, led a hard rush on Cal quarterbacks. Pitt :10. llll11alN 3 CHAMPAIGN, Ill. An awt•i.001(• l'llUiburRh dcft.oN(), 1parkcd by Ouw Puuuol1'1 lnt<'H.'t:pt1on tlnd \>~ yurd toudu.Jown I Uf\, h.'<l lhe thlrd·runkc-d Panth1•ra to u 20 3 victory ovc•r I Uth runk1'<I I lllnol11 Pitt atoppt>J tht' Ullnols runrung aiuml' t'Old, und sucked quortcrbock Tony to:o»ein nfnt-unwt1 an<.I lnwrt-epted flv~ passc•s to l'Qntrol llllnohi' usually potent af•rlal ottack ff'aNhlnl/lfJll :J1. OrPllOn a I SEATTLE Sterling I hnds run fp1· three touchdowns. two of thc•m in thl' fourth qui1rt<'r. and No. 1-ronked Washington strugl(l<>d from b<.>hlnd twice to defcoat winless Or<•gun, 37-i I . In a Pol'if1c 10 Conferc.>nt'C game Hinds capped u 76-yard, 10-play dnve curly 1n thl? fourth quarter lo pul W!ington m front for good with a 14·yard touchdo un uflt>r th<' Ducks had moved ahead on a 22-y run by T!'rrnnc-c• Jones NatrP Dame 28, Purdil•• 14 SOUTH BEND, lnd. -Phil Carter ripped off second half touchdown runs of 6 and l<J yards to lead 10th-ranked Notre Dame to a 28-14 victory over wink~ Purdue. 68~. 44 ~ach 2.97 14"5 66 Pot • Men's Crew Socks with Soft Orlon Soft-on.your-feet socks of Orlon acry- lic/stretch nylon. Soltd colors. Fit sizes 10-13. Sale Price s1 . Blc Butane Lighters Eas_y-action llghteJs with ad1ustable high-to-low flame. Conveniently dis- posable. Thousands of lights. 50-cout Trnh Bags Filly leak-proof plastic-line•s C.Onve- n1ent roll pack. 19.97 Haunted HOUM '" Game Certrldge Oh, scary but IE"2EAK• -you'll love ot ' . ~~.:~n~ Ga,.,,. Cartridge Dr•vl' yourself cruy U:aiN() · with run li-~~!? Game Cartridge Woth a kttle lucll you'll wlnt Video Computer System TM Exciting entertainment• Complete W1th console, 2 joysticks. 2 paddle controls, Combat Game P1ogramTM Features true-to-life sound effects, difficulty-level opltons, on-sc:reen scoring. In col r on color TV. °""" 91'""' 11'09'8 t()l(t -·'""' Modern N' Full Depth Planter Full depth contamporary plante1 De- signed to fit grower pot inside 1.97 Two-Pack Blank Cassette Tapes Each tape has 90-mmute record time Liquid Lysol Bowl Cleaner d1sml ects 16 Potted African Vlolet1 Hybrid Rhapsodies 1n assorted colors. Velvety green leaves Indoor plant 7.77 ggc 300-ct. Bruiser Sandwich Bags Of clear P.lashc. Fold· 'n-lock top 6 YI "x5 Vv • size. Ott, Lube, Fiiter Ofter For many cars, Hghl trvc:k1 e lncludel Oii change (With up to 5 qta. IOW40 I( m111· Otl) • ln1t1ha11on of one K mart• oll ltlltf e ChlllM lube (f1t11ng1 ••Ir•) L.-. lflCWIO ~l*taor-11•tllf• TV SPECIAL On Sale Thru =~18.88 H.D. Muffler lnttalled Size• for many U S "" and Hghl lrvc:k1 Welded syetema excluded Sun.-Mon. 0 LIT TL UL S[ T11u1 1 47Each ... • Kol Emergency Fu•• Kii• A v111oety of IUIO fuse• Ind fUM puller for many Ame11can •utomotlllel 30-Gal. Metal Trash Cans Deep corrugations, lock seams, and raised bottom for strength and durability. 1 27E1ch • Sale Price 12·Y Emergency ftalh•r• 2 or 3·11tmtn1l 1ty1t os>e111" turn t19na11, l'la1ard hgl'lll. Shop 11 K matt' 3.97 Eveready Energizer Light 'N BatterlH Oeh.1xe metal flashhght. 2 alka· line ·o· cell battenes. CunN, who g1Alm'<J 1~4 In 27 ruah , •UlrU-<t hi• l.11'.'<uult llm• 111 tlw third quurt.er with tht• IK'OI 11 ~ 14· Joi nfkr Sc'Utl Cumptx•ll hod llht'<.l l'urdu • lnw the lit• with o pulr uf M'COnd qu1trlc.'r t.ouchdowp J>ll~'li '"'orthtu•;-.tt•rn 31 •. "I. llllnulN ti EVANSTON, Ill. Ricky F.dwardic rac€.od for 177 yurds In 2U carr1l'5 and scored four touchdowns and quarterback Sundy SchwMb t'OmpletL>d 16 of is passes for 212 yarda and two touchdown• at Northwcst('rn snappt?d its record college losing streuk at 34 games with a 31 ·6 non·t·onf<•rcnt'O victory over Northern llllnois. F.dwords, a senior, tied a school mark with the four scores, whrch also were the first touchdowns ol h!S career. He cuught a 20-yard pass from Sc.'hab in the opening quart.er and then K'Ored on runs o f 2, l and 80 yards, tn tying th<: school rK'Ord hE>ld by Otto Graham and Mike Adamfo. "'larlda 27. MINS. St. I 7 GAINJt~SV l LLE. Fla. -Lor<:nzo Hampton scor<.>d thret! limes in the fourth period a pair of 2-yard dives plus a 69-yard run -as fifth-ranked Florida cam(• altvc after a sputtering first half and defeated M1 ssiss1ppi State, 27 -17, in the Southt'astcrn Conferenc.-e opener for both teams. CdM· claiins. tourney title Dave lmbcrnino tallied s ix times and senior teammate Tom Temple added two others to lead the Corona dcl Mar High men's water polo team to an 11 -7 victory over Santa Clara in the championship game of the prestigious South Coast tournament at Newport Harbor High. "I'm really pleased," exclaimed Sea King head coach Jeff Sutes. "David is playing unbelievably well. He's Jiving up to his billing." lmbernmo, named first team all-CIF as a junior, also scorc.>d four times in CdM's 8-4 sem1fmaJ wln over Tustin. tn the final against Santa Clara. the Sea Kings WATER POLO jumped out to a quick 3-0 lead aft.er the first period and were never caught. In othl'r tournament action, Tustin defeated Sunny Hills. 9-7, for third place honors, while Newport Beach downed Villa Park, 14-4, for fifth place, and Long Beach Wilson whipped Foothill, 11-5, to take the seventh spot. Unjversity finished the tourney with a 3-2 recwd after splitting its 1.wo games Saturday, losing to El Toro. 3-1. before outlasting Valhalla, 12-9. Newport Beach romped past Foothill, 12-7, before drubbing Villa Park in the fifth place game. Leading the way for the Sailors were David O'Donnell, Grant Stanley and Colin T homson. O'Donnell scored seven goals In the two games, while Stanley and Thompson had six each ln Uni's wm over Valhalla. the Trojans were led by Scott Washboume's three goals. Corona def Mar, now 11 -0 overall. opens Sea View League play Wednesday against Saddleback. Sunset runners sparkle at DH By TERRY WHITE 8p.cl1l to IM Delly l'llol Sunset League entrants fared well at the eighth annual Dana Hills cross country tnvit.ational at Dana Hills High Saturday. T h e event featured 49 schools from the Southern California area. Orange County was represented b)' Estancia and Woodbridge in the Division II cl~ification, and Costa Mesa, Edison, ~ Toro, Founwin Valley Marina and Ocean View in the Division m class. The top area finishers in the D1vis1on Ill bracket were Jim Smith of Marina, who placed third with a lime of 15:03, and Ed Gould of Fountain Valley, who ended up fourth with a 15:13 clocking. Viking head coach Mike Mendez was pleased by Smith's showing. "He hung in with the leaders the whole way and finished up strong. He didn't Jet up at the end," he said. Fountain Valley coach Bill Thompson was also happy with Gould's effort, but was displeased with his team's running. "l thought they looked tired and sluggish They didn't look good all day." he stat.ed. F.dison High did well in the Division Ill girls races. placing competitors 6-7-11-14 in the top 15 runners. The Chargers were led by Leslie Pr-du and Shelly Vandermolen, who had times of 18:13 and 18:15, rcs~tlvely. As a team, the Chargers placed second in the overall standings, accumulating 61 points to Tustin's 52. Charger coach Ruben Chappins thought his team ran well, but felt it could have done better, "I thought they were capable of splitting up the other teams individually," he said. Sports ~ on TV TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -A one-hou~ edition with Brent Musburger. Phyllis George, IrV Cross serving as hosts. Also on the sh ow will be P!lt Summerall. John Madden. Hank Stram and Roger St.eubach with interviews of players. coaches and others in connection with the NFL strike. (4) -' NFL 'It -Len Berman and crew bring an· update on the NFL strike situation. 10:30 a .m. (2) -FOOTBALL -An edlt.e<l edition of Super Bowl X VI followed by~ ~ntlus104 of NFL Today. (4) -CANADIAN FOOTBALL - BrlUsh Columbia at Toron to. 11 a.m. (7) -BASEBALL -Baltimore at Milwaukee. ' ' t p.m. (4) -CANADIAN FOOTBALL - Calgary at Edmonton (joined In p_rogress). 1:30 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - USC at Oklahoma. Tape delay. played Satu rday. 3:30 p.m . (~) -BASEBALL -Anaela at Texas RADIO BaaebaJI -San F rancla.-o at Dod1en, l p.m;. KABC (790), An&ela at Texas, 3:30 p.m .. KMPC (710). ... I. I 0 1et11u• OCU\11 DAILY PILOfl Sund•y. Septemb r H . 1982 ~ . . "' " MAJOR LEAGUE ST ANDINQ8 American Leegue WllTW'AN DIVllR>N .lln9el1 Kon .. • (.11~ Cn•~•lll.l s .. 1111111 O•t.tw111:t le•.u w l 811 ti(> "~ 1111 d•' 1l T~ 111 6~ 811 bl 94 Mmnt-."uliil ~7 9/ U IUAN QIVlllON M1lw""""" 91 61 Ban.mot o II~ b!> Buston 114 10 0.110<1 78 7!> Cleve111nu T~ 18 Ne,. YO<~ T~ TY '"'°"'" 11 a.i 8 1h1td•r•1 lco11e A119el1 b t. .. ., !> Nn Yc.>tk ti 80'!-ttCJO 4' Del•O•I 4 Clt"velAnO 0 Oakla110 10 l\dnt."s (.11~ 1 8a1umo1e 7 M1lwuu"-t'V l Ch1c .. go IJ M1nneso1w I S~~lllfl 1 1 O<Ulllo 0 Tod•y'1 O•m•• Pel. ~14 ~>~J &J.' 4ftT 411 J9J 110 0 8 l 8 I) r Ill ,, 11 A1t9el1 tF Utun l:l 101 ~I I'''" fltuuglt 1!>-121 n C1rve1ana ll!J1t.1•1 11 111 ut 01111011 tWllco~ 11111 New York 1Gu1dt) 14 IJ at F,to"hm ( l o"•JI 9 flt IB~::~·~~~~ ((.;otSllllO 11 101 31 (.IHCHQO Ball1mor11 (0 MJrl1n•1 14 11) u1 M1tw&ut.11e tCOl<lw•tl 17 I I I Ksnsar, C1ly iCullllo ?·71 111 Ou•tund \K•ough f 1 18) loronrn 1S11cb •5 ,.,., i1t Sut1Ult1 U:tunh15ttu 12 111 NATIONAL LEAGUE WESTERN DIVISION W l Pel. 0 1 a!> 69 ~!>2 Oodge11 All&nta 8• 10 !>•!> I San Franc•6CO San Diego Houston Ctnc1nn.a11 8J 71 ~39 2 77 11 :>00 8 73 81 414 t2 57 97 ) 0 28 EASTERN DIVISION • oo 6S sat St LOU1S Phlladelplloa M ont1ed1 P111st>.Jrgn Cnic:ago N<!W YO<t. 84 70 54!> !> ' 83 71 S39 6 • 80 ,, ~19 9 • 68 a1 •39 n 61 93 J96 28, l •lurd•y'• lc0te1 Allanla 12 San Diego 6 "-Ye><• 2 Ph1IM)~pf1111 I Monlreat 9 PollSburgn • St Lo<.11s 5 Cn•e<•go I Houslon 3 C1nc1Mal1 1 Saro F•anc1sco 5 Oodg•11 4 Toder'• O•m .. San F•ancosco 1Bre1n1ng 10 51 al Dodgen tHooton 3 6) Phr1aoe1pn1n (Denny O 21 "' N11w York !Ownbey I 21 P111tourgn 1McW1th3m' 7 81 •• Montreal flea 12 91 San 01e90 1Sl'low 10 SJ di Allilnta 1Camp 11-101 C1l1CdQO fJ@r1~'"' 12 ISi II $1 LO;•s tRMmussen O I\ Housto" (Ryan i r, 11• ~1 C1nc1nnw•1 1Snor1ey 7 1?1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Angels 8, R1nget1 5 C ALIFORNIA TEllA8 •b•hbl ebr hbl Downing II :l O 1 1 Wrtghl cl !> 0 1 2 Car-lb 5 I 2 I Sample It 5 1 2 1 Ae J.ckaon '' s o o o Jot>naon Oh J o 1 1 Pellot ~ 0 0 0 0 "'""h rl 4 0 O 0 Lynn cl 3 2 2 0 SuoO~rg ~ 4 0 0 0 Benoquez rl I 0 0 0 Ste.n Jo 4 1 I 0 OeCin, ... Jo 5 I 2 2 HollellM ID 3 I 0 0 B•ylOr on • 2 2 t Ro<:Mrdl 2b • I 2 1 G•ic:n 20 4 o t 1 °"'11 u 2 1 1 O Fol1H ~020 BBeit pn 0001) Boone c 3020 T011nonp1 0000 TolalS 38 6 1' 8 101•1• J4 5 8 !> Score by Inning• c;.11l0<n1• 000 10 I 400 6 Te~u OO;> 10? 000 5 E Re J.lc~son OP Ca olorn•a I T .. as I LOB Cahle><n•a 11 1~.as 6 2B S1eon JB Sample HA Bayle>< 1n1 Car.,,. 131 OeConetit 291 SF GrK.h Caltfoml• ~ H A IA 9110 Z~n 5 7 5 ~ 2 2 G04tl1W 1 41 ) 1 I 0 0 2 T .... t:lulCl'lef b I I J l !> Oarw•nlll071 '· l 3 l 1 t Hen'e 0 O O O 1 o M"aoett1 2 • O o O o 2 Butcher pdt.hed to ' oathtt m fhe 7th He"~" po"ned 10 2 bAll('" 1n lllto 7111 HBP Oownono lb~ Henkel f 2 •2 A 13 210 Angel 1veregH IATIINO Al A H HR A81 Pel. Ao Jackson l:l5 15 •6 2 •9 3•1 C•r•w 501 6• 159 3 40 317 O..C1nces 553 90 •67 211 96 302 Lynn •SO 87 13• \8 62 298 Downing !>99 10• 169 28 83 282 Re Jact.ton 509 88 138 3!> 92 271 Bayl<>r 586 75 1!>5 23 89 26!> Ben1auez 1a11 2• 49 3 24 259 Groen •83 71 12S 16 63 2!>9 Boone ·~· •2 111 7 55 258 F'ol1 •62 •• 117 3 54 253 Ferguton 61 10 19 3 8 23S Clark 85 II 19 2 7 22• Wo•fooo 179 2• )7 I 16 207 Kelleher •7 q 8 0 I 170 Burle SOI\ •S • 1 0 2 ·~ Scon•e•s 10 0 0 2 100 Adam~ ,, 0 0 091 Penis 0 l 0 0 0 000 To1a1s ~ 300 780 I •SS t7S 727 215 PITCHING IP H 81 10 W·l fAA rfa.stier 69 5• J'I 36 2 I 2 •5 K1son 135'· llJ 43 82 10 s 199 Sancnez ae• 88 33 ~· 7.3 3 2~ Steorer 21' HI 10 13 I 0 3 32 Aase 52 •S 23 •O 3 3 3 •6 Woll ,,,,, t70 •6 81 8-11 3 57 Fe><tc!\ 223'• 217 57 73 IJ 10 3 62 Jonn 21211 227 37 63 1312 3 77 ZaM 290·, 220 65 11 17-8 388 G.,.ll 7811 76 30 •1 7.4 • 23 Attnko 152 1 182 so 18 11 ·6 • 55 Moreno •9 I SS 23 22 3 1 • 7• Corbell 18 71 35 31 1·9 s 08 Tlant 29'1 39 8 30 2·2 s 16 Curtis t2 t 7 3 10 0.1 6 00 Total, I •O• I 376 HO 695 89 86 3 82 YankMt a, Aed 101 2 New Vo" 001 010 310 6 11 Bolton 010 010 000 2 II I Aawtey •no Cflfon.,, E'ke••••• Burgmeoer I 71 Apon1e !1 t and Allenson W Rawley 11.10 L EtkerSley 12 13 HR New York B•IOon1 121 Ca•on .. 1•1 A 33 ~6S T~t1 '· lndlen1 0 Cte•ela~d 000 000 000 O 6 o 0.11011 012 000 10• • 1 1 Heaton Reeo 131 Wt!llol 181 .,,,, HHM!Y M0<u1 ano PamSll w Me><••• 11 16 L- Hfflon 0-2 A a 358 Orlolft 7, Btewan 2 Ballomote •00 000 21U 1 8 I ~~waukee O 10 100 000 2 • O Palme< •no Nol*"' Oemp.-y llukovtell MeClura f71 O..na•d 18) h1lerl\I Ill) ano Simmon• w Palmer 1~-• l Vulcov"h 18·5 HA1 Bat11more E Murro (30). Rlc>lcen (251 A SJ 568 Whtie lo1 1>, Twine 1 MtnnftOla 100 000 000 I 1 C111CAQO tSO 030 40• 13 12 I 0 Conne><. 0 C~ 12> Poceua t8) ltllle \81 •..0 l•udnllf. Hpyl H1tkey 181 Etc.arr'!>• (Ill •11d Fttk Hiii W tinyl 17 1!> L-O'Conn0t, 8 a A 9.846 A't 10, flley•I• a Kan .. • City 200 0 10 000 3 s Oot•nO 050 oso 00• 10 13 2 l •O•lllfd. HOOCI 161 Botelho 18) '"" Wat11an, K•n9m1n I Undarwooo (3) Owa1t1n~o 181 •no Kt1tney w T Unci-ooel, 10·5 L Leonerd, 10·8 HR Kan .. J City. M•rttn f 121 A Ill 913 Maftn«t 1, Ill.le .Myt 0 f oron10 000 000 000 o e o °"".. 023 001 10. 7 • 3 LMI. hnleMY (f) G11rv1n (Tl. 0011 (8) Ind erc:.oo w -11 Cl111k. & 2 L L .. t 11-1s H"• SHlllt 801:Mt1 1111 J Cru1 (8) Iii ,. .,. NATIONAL LIAOUI Qlents a. OodcMfe 4 UN PAANCltCD L'bl ANGaLH urllbl M•lllll t O.v11 cf Mt>fg.,. 20 tie!' rl • 12 I l at14Jh I.I .1000 4 11Jlioehl(;t.'I 7000 &0 I 0 Ruuall.. 1033 I\ Sn~m tb O Maltey ab C.an1 lb Leon .. o It ll•o•tile 11 Bt••lly c l aMUI.., II BAii p 1avalll11 MGO•ll j) W11111tn111 Lll1 Mtnl011 p JOll!;at..,H •020 3 0 0 0 Qu.,r .. o rf ~ I 2 I 3 I I 0 Otrvey lb • 0 O 0 & 0 2 I Cey 311 !I 0 I 0 0000s,1oec;1•1. 3000 6 I I 0 Ye11@41' C I 0 I 0 2 O O O lnomat GI 3 3 3 O 3 0 I 0 MOfl(lly 1.111 0 0 0 0 0000 8r10ley Pl 0000 o o o o r. • .,., ~o o o o o I I 0 0 Vlle!lJla Cl 2 0 0 0 0000 fnrllt• 11 0000 1n13l1 380 120 On111n 1010 Nt.ortlr p 0 0 0 0 To11t1 3841!1 4 k ore b' Inning• $Jn fldlltl!ICO 011 000 t20 b Loa Ar111•1<11 00 I 0 It 100 4 E Evant AusMll, Cey OP LOI AngalM 1 LOB·SAn Fraro~1"n 11, lOI AngelH 10 28 Ruuett leon11e1 :18 Cv1n1, Muro•n HR-Gu9'1ero (321 SB M0<g1n (22) l90<1•rd \ 16) S-leMUl8r \111len1ue4a I an f'••ncloc:o IP H fl IA•• 10 Barr 6 1 3 ) t 7 l••elle '> 3 1 O O 1 MCGAlllQM>CW IO) '\ 0 0 0 0 0 M1n1onc6 301 l 3 o o 1 t lo• At19•le• lllnzu .. a(l t9 13 Fe><aler 7' \ 10 ~ 3 .. 1 '• I 0 0 0 I N&Oenlr I I 0 0 0 I WP ll•lerttuel;s A·•9 6.34 PB Sc•OICla T 3 18 ...... 12.~-· San O•ll(jO 113 010 000 8 t2 2 Allan111 120 40 I 04• 12 !2 0 E1chelb11oer. We11n f8) ano P1r1g1ey. Stn•lro W M00<e. 3.1 L-Elche4W119t. 7-t4 HR San 0"'110 T KflMntdy '(21) :"":i~~3j"un1ng1on 110) Murpny \381 A1lroe a. Aed1 I Houi.ton 200 O 10 000 3 10 0 Cmetnn111 00 I 000 000 I 4 1 LaCou. leC011e (7) ano Kn1e:111y, Scnerr••, L1J1ley (81 and Van Goroer W-laCou. 8-8 l Scherrer 0-l S laColfe ( 7) A ~.11114 Cardin••• 5, Cube 1 Cti1cago ooo 000 001-1 3 SI lOulS 001 300 Olx-5 11 1 Noles. Proty (41, T1d1ow (611no Moreland. Andujar and PorU1t. W-Andul•r IS-10 l Noles,11-13 A-37.56 111.poa I , Plfal" 4 PtllsOu•gh 000 010 021 • 7 2 Monlreel 201 200 40•-9 10 2 S ••m1en10 Guante (41. N1em1nn (Ill. Moskau (8) and Pe"•· Sanda•aon ano can., W-Sanoeraon. 12-12 L-Swmten10 8·4 HR P111sbu•gll. Mort•ton (31 A JO 419 Mela 2. ,..,,... 1 PM&OtlQNe 010 000 000-1 New Y()lk 010 100 00• 2 C-.non Altan\orlll>O 18) .no V1t9ll Swan •no Bocny W Sw•n I 1·7 l Ca111on ! 1. ~ ~ao HA Ph11aoe1pn1a vugtt Ill Pomona Felr IAT\JADAY'I AllULTI ( 171h ol 11-day mMllng) APALOOIAI FIRST RACE. •· • lurtongs 1 win ln1u" (S1a111ngs) 4 00 2 60 OOllOle Beal !Cruzt 2 80 Noble Oueen 1Bu•ns1 AISO r 8G4ld Noble Kt OOllOI• Jell• Sand "IMta• s Paoe Two Time 55 SS lllACTA 12·•1 paid $ 19 SO OVAATUIHOftlll llCONO A.ACE. 350 yards Re•• Easy Je1 Two (Hartl 3 60 Ahn Ju Te \Creage. t 260 240 280 :180 3110 luck Coun1ry P•t1Jh veoo IA•mst•onot At so 1 acecl E uris Cats POl<Cy T'"'e 1171 THIAO AACE. 350 yards Won Monday (MolchetO 11 •O 6 80 S •oO Bog W•n• 1UurnS1 35 40 IS 20 U<lld lrt tne Purple fKan11t 8 40 Also raced Mon11s1•e•k•• Tonto Uno Beduino Cooys Pop AequeSI • C11•n1. Studio O.we ·Roc~y Oeck 86f Time 18 10 SS EllACTA I t-81 paid SI 660 50 THOflOU0"811EDI FOVll'TH AACIE. 6 luflongS O Snannessey Sloan 1S11><ttel 5 60 • 00 3 00 Money r..tanaiget (Stallings) • llO 3 80 Ba•ney \111ta !Blact.) 4 20 Al~ raceo St91>p1n Out Bourbon ana Btu es Yu L••Oll Gene 01hlld 's PflnGe. K1ng1 Fleet Tome I 12315 f'lnH AACl . 6 tu••onos Montan• ChOl~e 1Aam.,~I IS 60 6 40 3 20 H•"9 Man (Blac:l<I 4 80 41 80 My HIPPY ~tng IEslraOal 2 60 AIM) raiteo Jenet1a·s Bou l<OIOb Country Aecesston Coron•do E•P•Hs. lancH V11ten Tome 1 12115 SIXTH RACE. 6 furl<>ngs Most O.plOmahc (S1t><ltet 8 60 1nsnotmr Fau1t 1Mene1 Honeys Cross (Hansen\ Also raced TruGO Round Head Royal lmPOSle< W•< Ac:ll 520 •20 aoo •20 4 90 Mr F JO Tome \ •12 5 $5 UACTA \:l-61 p11d $12050 IE VENTH AACE. I It 16 m.1es Sully s Encore (Bll!Cl< I 7 20 3 60 PIOJntyllffl (Ortaga) 3 20 Warm Vllen11ne 1Es1•60•l 280 280 360 Alto laud Me l'ab<>IOUI T ov AtltSI Concept V••n GIQfla Kol Tome t 44215 EIGHTH RACE 6 l\Jrlongs Jim Tae (Hansenl 8 60 4 20 J 40 HO C11oy (Ctliz) 8 60 4 40 Nova P81k 1S1b1llel 3 00 Alto r•ced Ba•Q••n Flatn, Pueblo Pteuure, 0 Gtay Moon Runnef Jlfecl Fox Rooge O f11cn ,...,... I 1 I $5 EllA (J_.) p•ld t140.5Q. NINTH AACE. 1 1116 motu M1yen (Menel 7 60 3 80 3 20 Black Bullet (S•blll<I) 3 40 2 80 Mr Mc MooH INOQU<ll) 6 40 At.a raoed Regal Spotl Random Wind L•tlO Solll•roo. SltMltf ,, ... Tome t 45 315 TIUTH AlllCE. Cl furtong1 lll(;lor1• Peafl (BlllCkl I I 60 Jenl\Htf (Can\pasl Sllafont O•ay Oawn (Nogue1) AllO r~ Teteputy f'ty A .i.nny Honey Aa<11an1 Dawn Sa•IOtl SwMlte lime 1 11 115 t.S lXACTA 13·11 p91d S21000 ELaVIHTII "ACE. I • m1tea Summer er-(HenMnl 16 40 5 20 Sari t OrHmer (Menal 2 IO 3 60 240 4 •O Ry(Campasl A llO ••C•O In The Commender. VanQuttlt Time 1 50 415 Aye F'tencl1 TWIL#TH "ACl. 1 9/ 16 m!ltl .Ilene Icy Blatt (Sflfl(•J 12 to 5 20 4 00 Ooc11>lflll A•ono 10.1111111 '20 a eo Aeltlalatk (Rond) 6 20 AltO •Keel Oyna1t1C Joy Oama ol Splff, On The Ptowl e,clullve ChOIC•. 8ebllO, Oon• Bye 8ye Time 2 40 316 M lllACTA 11·3) paid S 110 00 Allandll!Ge 18.250 HollywOOd '•tk IATUfll>AY't flHUUI {t1el Of u-nltlll -lfno) PIAI T flACI. One m4t. OIM &rent 811t9f (KueDterJ t 00 4 40 • 00 Grit N (lhtne"I • I •O •.20 8<Y.811 N (Flollll'I) t 00 Alao rKeO R81:e Cl!ltf, fu1l•ht fllOQ41 0-Of Ou , LUClly Cllfd A, Don C.,a 11111. r Ill Al:'f' Chtfltul HIWll ~'7x.3f AC10.21 pe1c1 ur 10 H COMO flA 11,. ni». I"' • M•••• 0 (lltllflllllfll'\I ti Ill I 00 •IO llot .. 1'"'•1111 ••) 4 IO All ll•j4!1lot1 IP\•-I • 7tl 41111 ••t •II ol• f •j1e111t1v11 111••• ''"II••• I •Ill• •••• llwll.,. l•qu1to1 la• 1'.1<11• ' •• 1 ..... 161 J. l•O flACI One 1111 .. t•• 11 ~llf•lll•• 1t:10(jl11111 • 40 4 w 3 44> l (1111'1' 1'•11.,u \lcKlllt t 00 Cl lO I 11y•f laJ (let ~•rl -:UO llilw 11•4KI kun" I.oat! l.•~· l>uh••"• Yc.1111111 Mlllltm 611ow O•nt • A Ju11 • 811 ..... 111-a 111 .. 4>1\e/111• llw~u • IJl1(1.&J1t lltt,. I toll I~ U l•ACTA fJ ~)I'"'" S 14 I 110 POUflTH AAC:I l>•WI 1111le 1·•~• MM-k l1'~al \A11<1 .. 1><1111 • 10 J 80 160 Ueo1 oooeo I O.eom.t 1 4 ao l 00 Uttnl" p.,,, lll•U•nll1l1Qh•ml J 00 AliO 1111.•0 Anlly ttenley l'•le1 M .. lat Jo-• "'''' 011w1J111 Drc>o-11110 N Alb• lun•. 11, .. M•r111e O••r••• !Imo I ~T 116 flPTH flAQI, 0111t onlle !>A<,• f t1lllmoolo (fl•rkur) fl 00 J •O ) ()() Double Gff N IAn<J1111<1nl 4 40 l 00 Abt11 Uoto (C• o01111n1 1 oo Alto rtQ•O IHgh Mc.111<11 Tnt w ••• llcot111n Lu~h fl•v•ll Ml•ll•C T••PQ•I Oot.ny WAiie<•. n.,.ovn1 N Time I~· U~ *3 UACTA 12 II Pll•ll SJ 4 llO SIXTH AAC:I. Omt m11to ., ... ., MllC. AOtO.(SPttOO•I I• 20 8 00 • •O •t tm't Male (Kuttlletl 14 4'0 8 80 ~.,on C"'P (Rt11.1111) 8 GO l ' Aleo rac:ltd N1nd1n• lHder Suncl•nca ' t 8r..-a1 N NO<Oel Trya. Ye&ldO s .. •II N Braoeuo 11..,. I !>0 11~ .. UlllCTA I 1 91 paid S&-19 ~ ll!VIHTH llACI. One mile pac:e Game ShQw 1Bey1e .. 1 12 20 6 40 Dottclo Hano-(Tremblay) 3 •O "411rr1C•N Sllannon (Blk., 1 3 60 300 3 60 Aleo r•C:•d Hutlhl\ Rutt Ml:Klf'l'\8 Mte>le Jr11t 1/1111 Rlltl lime I 511 M IXACTA I~ 41 P••<l S 11 I SO flOHTH AACI. One m11, poc~ ltopard (Aci..,men) 9 80 2 80 ' •O Mr Jim Bob \Hend.itton) 2 20 2 •O Dentll ($tterran) II ao 2 110 2 fO Allo r •c•d Cr a1g Oel Cowboy Spu1, Magrtut Alm111ur11 Sma•I Koala ilrne I 50 415 NINTH AACI. Ono rplle paC41 Mljt1ll1: Oar"'tr (Steethl 43 20 18 00 1 60 Ste><my Atlack (Bekttr) 7 20 • 20 Socllhtl (8t1yle11) 3 00 AllO rated Tlmv Squore Bar0<1. R1n1bllng Koda. D•llu Spur Game Robbi• Gel Happy, Raw Hanove• Time 2 00 a UACTA ( 10·8) paid $565 90 '2 PICK Sill p .2.1.5 1.101 paid $2,225 60 wollt 15 winning llCkell (h•e notset) $2 Piel< S•• con1ola11on Plld $38 80 with 287 w1nn1ng llCk•ll (IOU• ho.HS) S2 Piek SI• .cralch con1ola11on paid $22 20 wnn Ill!> wtnntng llC ... •11 (lntee notHI. °''" ICrDIClll TENTH AACI. Of\e mile POU Cool G•y (Aubin) a ao • oo 3 80 Ovt•d•te Lt<I (Sdn) 9 •o 3 80 P11nce AaKll IP•rkerl 5 60 AllO ••c•d M1n111•• h•PO•I Song A. Common Collon The Gent N PHuOl<I Sledgen•m,.,.,. K•nse1 011 Time 2 02 115 A lllACTA 12·3) perd $113 •o Allendtnce 11.478 WCT tournament (al lflt69Wood) ..... ltlnal a1,,. ... 1•111 Lendl (C1tcllOSIOVlk•ll def Wojlek F1ou (P o••nd). 6 ·2, 6·• Ke•ln Cun en (South AfrlC•I def \Ian Wlnotally IU S) 1·5. 0·3 lemllln•I D-~· Andy An<1r11w1·0•ew G1111n fU S I d"f Alcl!y Mtyer·An•nd Amrltrtj IU S I 6·2 8-2 Ktvtn Cutrell· H*"'k Pflflllf IU S I def Sltve M•tle< V1n Wtnlltky (U S I 8-2 • II-• TrenNmetlcan Open (8' ..,, fu1nchco) lemlflnalllnolH Jimmy Conno< 1 IU S l cMl Sandy M•ye< IU S J •·6 6·2 8 I Jonn McEnroe IU S I def E1101 Telltc.11er IU S) 8 3 6 4 CMure P•IKe Grand Prix (If LNV .. M) Anull1 of Seturdt1y'1 CaeHtS P•l•ce Grand Pr1~. w1111 dttv8<''1 home country. lep1 comp1e1u 1ne winner 1 ave•aoe IPffd •n mph 1 Mtchele Atborato 1111 Tytttll 011. 75, 100 I 2 John Wa11on, Northern l••l•nd McL•ren MP·•B 75 3 Edd .. CIWlever Unll.O St•tn T atbot· L191er JS 111 75 • llitaon Protl France Renault AE·30B. 75 $ Ktkt Ao1oa•g Finland W•lllarru FW-08 75 6 Dern Daly trtla..O w-••ams l'W-OS 14 7 M•rc. Surer S""Uerltnd. Arro-AS. H 9 Buen Henion EngiAnd Tynel! 011 74 9 Ancl1ea d• C.S•"• llely Atta "-182 73 10 B<uno G1~ llaly Alla Rom.a 182 73 11 Mauro Balch Ano.• A4 73 73 12 Aupet1 KMQan England ~rch 821 13 Raut eo.s.i. B•u11 M•rch 821 ell AT~ c:;::n~;o Wlnkeltlock Wl!ll Gllfm•ny 15 Nikki lauda. Auotria Mclaren MP-'B 63 18 Tommy Byrne lrt land Theodore TY 02 39 18~1 3 f•••k w.,wl~k England To1em1n 18 EllO d• Angilllt llaly. LOIUI 9 '· 28 19 M•roo Andrew ~,,.,. 126-02 26 20 N .. son Poquet Bruit B••bh1m BT·50 26 2 1 Atne Arnou• Fr•nce. Aenaull RE·308. 20 22 A1e1:11do Pa1rn1. Italy. Brebhtm BT·SO 17 23 Ntgtl ManMtll, En~tar10. lOIUt 9 I. 8 JS21~. ~tc;QUH Lalltte, ••n:-e hlbol·l•gl•• Aob1110 Oue.,a•o. Co1omb1a. Enllgrt Nl81, ""'"draw p11or to race wltlt 1no1ne ,.,,., .. Patrick hmOay Franc• F.,rarl 128-C2. wotl'ld•ellr prior to ra<:t Wltl'I Pllytleal 11tmet11 Old Dominion IOO llMUP (al Manln1Yllle, Va.) the 1t1rllng 11n1up lor 1001•{1 Old Domtnton 500 G•and N•llonal ll°'k car·- at Mt111nt••lle Sf)M(lway will\ Otlvet. lfteke ol Cit •nd Qualolyll\Q 8PMd It! mph Oveflllict ,._ .... , I Rick, Audd, Ponllte. 89 132 2 H••rt Oanl 811<1t 18187 3 01ut11 WallllCI. Bul(k M 51$ 4 f any Lel>Otlt• c;,,..,,ot.1. 88 329 S Geoll Iodine, Pon1111C. U 148 8 8o0t>y A••ton. CMwOlel. 18 115 1 8'1ddy ...... PonlllC. II 020 I M0tgat1 SMc>lterd, lulcll. 87 9115 II Hell lor!nett, ford, 81 N S 10 Oht Mttcta. Chtwottt. 17 HI Owlllle4 Ftld8J 11 JOe Aullman, 8u1Ck ... 073 u o.te E•fnlltl•dt, F0to. ee 11• 13 1111,h ltnot.)' 8u10 88 708 14 Tkft AIClll!lond, Buick. 88 902 h4ttfterf'0"9ft (ll C~Oal "-'"'"""... 6.t~ .au fl>l>Dy C ,.,,.lltll 0, -fl <A /01 .Jol\ti l ovglll 11 NI 10 ~.l l<ln H•ei-1 1017 U JO• Hal l<illon tll I• 07 JO• Ut1y HlllbowU 141 08 61 20~ ll•o°'e H••fll"' IV 10 IO 70:; JOhll ~llMI• 1 I 81 61 20~ 1 .,,. Rini.... 01 11 eo 20• Andy Uffl\ 611 It H 211~ willy Arn11111mu 6t 10 1111 20~ lance Te1181!*'.~ ·~ I.I H 20t J'"' l llClf1>• 70 ., 81i 208 B1H C•llH 09 70 GT 201 lltle '"""" OJ 11 88 ~07 Mt .... M'Cuttwon 87 70 TO 207 John Coo~ 60 1 t T t 2011 c1110 a.ci.. eo e1 12 2oa Joe 1nm1n ISD 10 10 :roe '"''Y A11tli11 00 011 10 :108 Tiffi NOflll 10 II~ 119 208 Jfllln M•l•alley 71-71-84 2011 I OU O•AllAM 10 71 68 209 Joe H•g.. n I HICI 209 f'lltl HMntOO 70..tO 70 209 Lorry HallOll 12 67 70 4109 f0t1.a1 '•••er 61 70 71 209 T1n1 Stmpoon OG 89 7il 210 Ch1rte1 K1 _ _. 10 118·12 210 Lindy MUllM 68 70 12 210 Antonio Ce<d• 12 117·71 110 Oeor9• Cadle 12·611·69 210 Dav• Eocnelt>e<get 74 61·88 "o OoUQ lawell 71 71 68 210 Rlc:l'lllfd Mu• 11 70 80 2 10 4tten Miiter 72 69 70 211 Matk M1:Hutly 71·70 70 211 Sc;ott Hoell 1111 72 70 21 I Bill Btlllon 71 71 011 4111 K•"ll Fergus 12 68 7 t 211 SMlmy RKl\6tt 7 I 69 11 211 Howud '""'rf 12·1 I 61 211 ROO Cuti 87 73 71 211 Larry M1za 70 88 73 211 Hube<I GrNn 6810 14 212 Frank con,,.. 10 10·12 112 Gary Keen 72·67 73 2 12 wooey Blackburn 66-75 7 I 212 Mark 0 M•••• 11 10 71 212 Jim Ne41ord 73·68 7 I 2 12 JC SnNO 11·70 71 212 Mike Booker 70 71 I 1 212 Pll ltncl11y 12·7 I 611 212 Dan Ponl 70·72· 70 212 Jim Simona 70 70-73 213 Jim Booro1 611·7 I 73 213 Tommy Armour 11.71.11 213 Biii Bergin 76-66 12 2 13 Grlfl Moody 69 73· 71 2 13 Gary McCe><O 7S 68 70 213 Buday Ge.rot .. , 72· 11 71 2" Mtcneel Burke 73-68· 73 214 Ed Fl0<1 72· 7 I 71 2 14 Claren<:e Rose 73·611·12 21• Bobby MllCllell 72 70· 72 2 t4 T.,ty Mauney 74-68 12 21• !A.c:nHI Br•nn•n 68·7& 71 214 81au Baugh 74 69·71 21• Ptlw Ooel.,,,._,,, 73 70 72 2 IS Bob Byma11 74·69-12 2 IS Cnaflas Coody 11.11-73 21s Steve Mtlnylc 77.70.73 21!> Tom .i.nt<ont 67-7$. 73 215 Bobby COie 74.97.7s 218 Tom Jonet 89-11.11 211 Ttm B•auch 71°717S 217 Jack _,on 72.11.14 211 Ma•k McCumbt!f 73-70·7• 217 Geo<~ lli•clle• 71-71 76 211 JA<ty Hearo 70 12· 76 2 11 Jim Barbe<' 70 73·74 217 l<ennyl<no• 71·11·76 218 Jml>enl 7271-76-218 Mike s..tkv•n 73 70· 16 2 19 Roge< C11v1n 72 11 18 219 Ron,,.. Btao 71·12·77 220 R .. Cato-• 7 I 72. 79 221 Doug Bllc:lt 11 ·06 00 LPQA tournament (•I Ket1I, WMh,J JOA,,,,. Ca•-88-7 1·81 Pally SllM!lan 88·69-119 Barbara B .. '°"' 68-611 70 Donna Caponi 73·69·86 Sandra Haynie 10· 1 t 88 , Kathy Whllwortn 811·67·73 Oaie E9g•hng 7 t-70-~9 Jan Stel)Mnson 71·09·10 8ttbata MeA""t 70°70-70 Oonna wnue 61 70·13 S.tn Sotomon 73.10.f18 Nlll\Cy l.opa;z 68· 12 • 7) Sendra Spomcll ea.911.74 S..aM MU.•1t1.. 71·70· 7 I JO Ann WMllam 71·61·74 C.tny MorM 1 1-n.10 T--H-73·12·611 J!Jfty Ell11 75.99 11 Sh•ron 8afre11 70· 1'· 71 Pal Br .Otey 1? 12· 1 I VMan Bto .. nlee 11.10-14 SanOr• P•lmer 1• 10· 72 Judy C1t11< 73 73 10 S•M• BerlalocClnl 73.73.7' RObo" w111on 11-74 n B«t.y Peanon 10·1 t 76 Sally ume 88 73·78 JI ... lOC' 69 12 16 Cindy LincOln 61 72. 7 a Lynn Adlmt 7) 71 73 0.00le Skinner 73 77·12 HOlllS Stacy 6'·16 73 s,_,,,.,.. .. rV*IQ 69 73.75 Mltlene HIQlltl 74.74 611 Vic:k1 Tibor 74. 73. 70 Betty Ktng 73-13·71 M•ry Dwyer 70·7 ... 72 Conn•• Cn111.,,,, 7 I· 7 S • 72 Beth Oenitl 1t .13.11 ROH Jones 72·7&.70 Snelly H•mhn 71·7&.71 Cathy M•m 72.73.73 Watet Poto COllllMUNITY COLL.Eat llh. IMI Anlefllo T_._, ~ Or.nee C-1 17. 'alom•r 2 206 206 207 208 209 209 210 210 210 210 211 211 211 212 212 213 21• 21~ 21~ 21S 21S 216 :116 217 217 217 717 2 I 7 217 211 211 217 2t7 217 217 217 218 218 2t8 218 218 218 Palomar 0 2 O o 2 Or •1191 CoHI S 1 3 2 11 Ora1191 Cout ocor1ng $1 .. oenz 1 &own 1 Bronn1c111 2 Al¥H 2 McCormick 1 Sommons 7 L-• 1 H"""ll\I I S..12er I Chlmptona~lp Oranoe Coaal ta, Mt. 1111 AntOftlo I Ml San Anl-2 I 3 2 8 O•anoe Coell 3 s I 4 -t3 Orang• Coeat 11:or1ng &•own I McCo•mock 3 Stmmon1 4 L1w11 2 SllOWTonlk• 3 HIOH I CHOOL 8oulh Coul Tovtnamenl Newpof1 HMW 12. l"Mllllll 7 Newoort Harbor 3 3 5 I I 2 FOOIMI 3 I I 2 7 Ne..,porl 1-l••bor ac:o11ng 0 Donnell • Stanley 3 Thomp-. 3 Del \lttte 1. O.V"" I Newport H•fbo< 1t, vi1a '••k • Newr><><I 1-f••bor s 3 4 2-1' 11111• p.,~ \ 0 2 1-• Nawpo•t Harbo• 1c0<lflO Tnornp1on 3 0 Olnnt113. Sllntey 3. l1 .. 10t1 I lut.oat.y I 0.Vto .. 2. Jepoe t II T e<e a, Uftl•at•llY 1 EtToro t O t 1- un .. .,,eity 0 I 0 0 -I Un1-111y .corrno Soloman I U!t1""9llf 11, Valflalle t V•lll•lll 1 2 3 3-9 Un'-ttl)I 4 ' 3 3 -12 Ul\!,,.,IOl)I ICOf'"O IW11ell 2. Wttht>ourne 3 P•eclarQMI 2 t( Walfll>O\lf ... I Solomen 1 COIWl¢tl I tllul)Kk I Cetat1• 41e1 M¥ I. T11111ft t T111tln 0 0 2 2 4 Coton• oat Mtt o • 1 3 e Coron• oe• M•• acortno lmb•r"lno •, ,...,,,,. . CIMlm,.tMl!ltl Cer.ne ttel Met 11, leftlt C•• 7 S•nt1 Clar• O ' 3 2-1 Cor~ <1e1 Mar 3 ' a :i-11 II Merit M1tlln, 8utek. H 190 ~ Coron• a et Mer t1:oring tmt>e1111no II. T•mpte 2. &coll t Morrow l '•llletn 1 11 Kvt. Pt1ty, Ponllto, 87 984 17 Aicfltld Petty. Pon!llC, t7 ... 11 JOdy lillclity, .,Ofd, 87 •B 1 111 l •k• 81*N!, Pontiac. 87 348 20 Joe MIPlbn. ,Otd, 88 90S 21 Jllll<l'Y Mllllt, CtMvro4et, 88 toll 22 Jimmy Hen1!e)I, Buick, 80 7~7 23 Joe P'lfld•. l111Cl<, N 70! 2~ 0 K Ulltch, l ulCk, H &311 21 811clcty Arrln{llon. Ooav<J, 88 161 H lllonn .. lnom .. fllOlllUIC, 1$ 111' 27 81m Aid. ChtWoltl, U 194 II Derl')'I Sage, ClleYrOltt. 16 677 ;>O fliell ,...._ ChtWOlel. U 3511 JO C«A O/don. llllldl . ., ·~ a1 lllon ~4.1.ildl no tPMO - • Cou.IQa UIC 121. Ol&l•holft1 0 l cOf• "' Oue1lw• 10Ulh,..f• Lal 0 I O II 1~ o+ ••110m• o n a o o U!lt: llef••ana I .,... Ire'"' &-l"•'r lk1H llliltt\I) U'lf.: S1m11111111 117 11• .. lt11"1 Wl•I• 11•••• •••'-ell A 7ti 001 T .. 111 11.11e11u VIC fHll Lluw111 t 1 Ru•llel Y"' dt Ill 10 I PHt•llg ytud• 15; fle1u1n y110• 42 ....... 111'~0 Punta 8 •1 ~umbl .. •o•• 4·~ f1111tAl11ft y111cll 0 66 llml OI PO•MH•(ll1 :10 ~:I lndtwldual l 1at11llC1 Okie II 18 'J 168 JO 1J •·1 o •e ~, 0 JM n31 llUSIHNO Goutne•n C~t. Crulcl\111 H 92 11111>11~"' 1• 65 OklDllUfllll w l.ODellal 7 24 8111\I 7 2<1 PASSING "louth•rn C.at !ll llltlu1y 11 tl>·O 86 Okl•llOm• Pnolpl ~ t7 I ICIG RECEIVING llnulht1rn C•I !.11llmU111 i -14, W1r1 3-t.7 OhlallOma. Co11~1 3 07 W ledblllllf 1·28 UCLA 311 Michigan rT ICOf• bf 0..allltl VClA O 14 14 ·3 31 Mic.11101111 1 17 l 0 21 Mll:ll·R~ 9 run (14311 Sheokh klCk) Moen-Smith II run IH•1•·Sl'Wh~ll kK.11) Moc.h C•ll•f ) Pt•• lrom $rT11lh , ... ~ Shelt.h l.OC;kJ UCLA·W•lll•m• 4(1 p41• from R11m,,..y fl ,.,, lllCkl UCLA R•mMy I run (lM .. ICkl Moch FG HaJ•·Sheokh 41 UCLA Towns.ell I> P•n 1tom R•m'o' 41 .,, ~"kl M.c;r1°FG Ha~·Sll<11U1 48 UCLA NelJOI\ 2 run (l ... t.oe;t.1 UCLA FG l8'1 26 A 105.413 TH m ltallallc• UCLA F'lrll down• n Rullle1-yord1 • 44 4 I Paas1ng yards 3 11 Return yardl 59 Panas 22·31 I Pun ls b-;J• Fumbtes-tost 2.1 Pen1ll1e1·ydr<h 5·•6 Time 01 Ponoss•on 31 •~ lndlwldual 81allallco MICH 19 44°18• ,,. 5a 14·31-3 b-U 20 3 26 28 II RUSHING UCLA. Aemsey 17 monu• 21 Netaon 12 15 Bruno 7·2• CepllOUA 6 20 Wiley 2·3 M1cn1g&n. A"k' 27 ·98 Sm•lh 10·66. Aogo1s 8· 11 Carte• I 9 PASSINO UCLA Rlm"'if 22-36 1·311 Neul\e1tel 0 l·O 0 M"hogan Sm11n RECEIVING UCLA Townntt 1-108 Carney 6°83 0 W1t11em• 2-57 Cf'11noua 2· 10 N .. _ 2-11. Wiley I· 18 Ser9mann I 17, Bruno 1·1 Mocn;gan Carte< 8·173 AIU 2· 13 Beal• 1 19 ~nus 1· 12 Dunaway 1 • Roger• 1·3 Utah SI. 19, CS Fullerton O k0t• bJ o ........ Ulllh SI Fu11e<1on 3 7 0 9 0 0 0 0 19 0 US-FG BMcl e< 37 US-Jonaa 2• pass hom O Samuelt \8eechel k°'WI US·F••nandaa 5 pau hom Canales 1 BMcllet klek I US·S1tetf CMlphelO down.HJ t.oct.oll 1n own ...0 ,.,.,. A-4 750 1eshmllecll TffM llall1lle• ua F1rtt dawns t6 Au1nes-y•ro1 54· 129 Pat11"9 yards 12 I Return yatOI 45 p-12·28·3 Purtle 9-•0 fumblff-tott 3.1 Pen111 .. s-yer<11 6·35 Time ol Poueu1011 37 19 lndhtlduel 8•l•ll•llc1 Sf' 6 21· 11 191 •5 15·4'·2 9·38 l·I 9.75 2241 RUSHING Ulall Stale. A<11m1 17 63 fur,,., 13·58 f'ulle•1on Lew11 6·23, R•n<I•• .. 4 PASSING -Utal\ Stale 0 Samuels 8-1!1 1-811 C•natea 4.9. 1.32 J San•u&I• 0· 1· l·O Fullenon, C1fl1ey •· •;i· 1 88 Eap1noa 9·2I•1·112 All<ln 2·4-0·21 RECEIVING Utall Stale. Fernande• 4·32, Jone• 3-4 t 0 Neil :1·3:l Futte11011 l ... la 7-88, York 4 69 How Top 20 Fared I wu.n1ng1on 13~-01 beat Otagon 31 21 2 NeO•H~a 12· 1-01 1os1 10 Penn State 27.74 3 Poll '3-0-0J bHI ll•1noci 20-3 4 Altoema t3..0-0l beat Vande<b•ll 2•. 21 ~ FIOfld• 13.()..(11 oea1 "'41u1ssiP01 S•••• 27-17 6 Southefn Metnoo11113-0·0t ~.,, le·u cn .. 1111n 116-131 7 Gf'o•g•• 13 O·O oea1 Soult• C••ohn• 34 18 8 Penn Stile 1•-0·0J oea1 Ntoro•• 27·2• 9· A1lo.an111 (3·0·0) beat M1U1111pp1 .. 12 10 Nol•• Dame 12·0-0) b••• Pu•du• 28 14 I I NO<lh CerOlo"e \2• 1-0) beat Army 62·8 12 UCLA !3·0·0) belll Moch;gan J 1·27 13 Onoo Stete 12 1·01 1051 to S11nlo•d 23 20 t• Amon• S1110 t4-0-0I beet Cahlortto• IS 0 15 WHI lltrQlnll 13-0-0) 0 .. 1 Rtenmond 43 10 25~;, M1am1. Ft• \3· 1·0J oe•• Mlc:lllg•n State 11 THU 12·0·0) beat Mlt-.<1 21·0 18 Sovlh4ltn Cal (l!· t 01 IH!et 011,111hom• 12·0 19 llhnooS 13· I ·0) IOSI 10 Pill 20·3 20 Mtcl\oO•n ( 1 2 c1) IOSI 10 UCLA 31 27 HIGH SCHOOL Npt. Chrl•ll•n 38, Pauden• Pofy 25 k019bfQu.,t..-e Ntwl>Of1 Cnrt111an 14 8 8 8 38 P1MC1ena Poly 1 8 0 12 2!> NC -Fr-oct.S«t 25 rumble re1u1n (,,.•• ••11.ol NC-Ou.c:lo. ~ run \Ou<clo. runl PP-He"ng 35 tUf\ (Koelt9'1 kic;k) NC -How••d 2• peu from Stu•n (Fredertd<-,,. .. rrom S1uerl) PP e.. .. •ble 7 rvn (lllCtr l•oled) NC Frede"Ckson 28 pau f•om Sluar1 (Fr..,..ock_, put lrom Stuart) PP ltndul 35 pan trom Hllf•"9 cpess l...tedl PP H .. ong 20 run (pass fa·led) NC How•rd 4' pau from Slu.,f (Fredette~ son pat.a from Stuen) Wom•n'• wofleybell COLU:OI 8VUT~nl Contolallon l emfllnal• UC INtnt oel lllln041 Stale, 15· 11 6-15 l&-12 Coneolallon Fln•I UC 1rv1ne df'I Lono Be~h State 16 13 l!I 16 16 12 HIGH SCHOO\. oraneec-~-· ,.,., E111nc11 def Canyon. 11· 1 fl·S Et Toro def lfV\n41 I'· 10. 11-5. Fo;in1a1n Valley del LOI AmlQOt. 6-11. 11·7. 11..J, Otna H~ll det &anti An1, 11.2 12· 10, NftPOt'l Harbor del Gatdell O•ova 11-&. I 1·9, San CltrMnla def l • Oulnta 11·5 11·5. Mii .. Oel Oii Y HaDtL 11-4 11·6 WHlmln11 .. °" o.anee 11~1 11-s c--.i1ono_....,...- IN111t 0.1 Canyon IS-3 lot Am1QOt def Sanl• Ana1 16-8, L• Ouonl• Oel Garden G•-10 ... I.I H•bta Otl Of11199 15-10 c~ .. lllHINh LOI AmlQOI Oii lfvW!e 1$-10. l a Outnt• del l a H1bta 16-t C.._..l*!,lf\M l a Ollt1111 del 1..01 llimlgOt IS-. c~~· bltl\CIA Git fl TOrO 11•7, 11 6. o.tl• Hilt otl fOUlttlln Vllfle\I. I i.e. I t.7 San CletMl\lt o .. 111ewPOt! Harl>Or, e-11 11.1 ll·f . M•tt• 0.. dtf WHt<l'ln1ter, I 1 8 2·11, 11 I. Cl!Mft ......... tp 9-lllMle hianc1• 011 Dane Hllll. 10· 12, I 1·4 11•1. l tn C .. mtnte cltf Mtltf 0.0. I I ll, T·11 11·2 Tlllrct~ Meltf 0. clel OINI Ht1(1, 15 1 I ~"-........... bt1nc:lt Otl San Cltmltlit 16-6. 1' 9 Mtwf1191'1 Cllrletlltfl t--• NtwPOr' C11r1111•11 O•l ~oury 15.11. If· "l 15-t tcllll'llC>!Ol!tlliP) I.)") ..io eiwi.1lan ~ Otanot L111n..1111, 1t-1~. 11•12 11-8 (11\tfd ~) Wllllllar Chtltltl ll d tf WOOdCr .. I t hfttlltfl IM, 11-t 16• I (hltll ~ D•p w• f\1111"1 Af'IJ.1.1.AMOWG.l!Mw,_. .. _II)-II "''II.., II ~. I•• J• i...n.10 •11 m..: ~aref 14 1 lo bh I t .,1. • I .,._ ... ...., 6 ........... OAlllY 8 LOCKlll (New,..1 .. Kh) -1~1 ijonlji.•e l 11 '"""'u I'> Llll"'u l•I 711 nt•1..~•,•t •J re,.~ f 1t1 tl t•t•d , .... OANA W"""' 1111 .,'II""• 7~ '"'-" •.ti t.U<•lv 1114 <h•• •v<.il •I I(>(~ 11•11 I ~.,.,. t (411,,.t'lhh HAL 81AC" 1111 ""'"''' 11 Mn4l Dun \,(i b•.11111<1 ·~ noto(kttt~ ~ 6' uljl•n )10 rU<.~ lloh 16 1.•J ... u b•H J) b•1raotudt 3 •~11911.,•0 1•ar11•I -tlO •"lllM• 16 ··~"'" '10 NIYOv1al JOO ..... ,. C•O•~ .. no qu1111l ""'' Misc. N1Uon•I Crtlerlum Chamotonahlp WOMIN'I OlllltloM (13 l•pe -2' mlle1l I c·,,.,,.,. C1Mf)tfll9f (8aulder CUIOJ •O llo•fllt I 01 ~(j 1courH re,ord) ' ~"41< c.a I .. >Oil ICOl<.J< ado Spr1ng1 COio l 14 ) flo11l>@lll Ot••t IBoQll• M J I 12 4 l4•nnM1 North Ile Jull•I 1 5 Oaooral1 $hu•nwty tl<1ng Bu<hl 1 6 A•lltC'a Dt11Ql11C1<1 l~•nl• Crutl 6 1 J..:que llflldlay C..CJ10<aC10 Sf>/•ng•I 2 a Bell• WIM Stollen Stll lfllle C11y1 9 ~d•Q•••I M•o• 10.•nQ<O wl I 10 Hl/101H9Q?1s ... 1 IH•<ll) VIHAAN'I DIVlllOH ll l•P•· '2 mlle1) Junot .. Mc.n10-, Ol•r111lt1<) VA) 2S atJ1n•· t JO •:1 I OO•e M•fCer fnd••n•POh• 1no 1 1•, i Mlk" Ce1m1n1 Sama Barb81•J 14 4 Er.c. HonM (loom11 Cati! I 10 .. 111(111\H f tnltty tlono Reech) 4. • AlOtpn G11eW1t.1 (H1•d0<KIU SeoKl•I. 4 7 Jom Cushing Mur•ay INO<th Holtywood) 2. 8 :>1c~ Siewall 1Nt1wbury p.,i.1 I, 9 Phil :>uern1tt1a 181••1 I 10 Neil Krng Roc;not1~• Moch I t JUNIOR'S DIVISION ( 11 lap1, 32 mll••) I Hoy Krht~m~n IColO<ado Sp,.01111. 30 '01n1s 1 ~I S8 ~ O&Yc l ell•ort (lo• AngtllOll 17 3 Mo~• J11nsen \la Cratcenlal. 12 • Oa•' 5, • ..,., t \Newbury P.ark). tO 5 Jnme• Urbonas 1Solor1do Spungt) II. 6 C.1a1g Stnomma• 1San JoHI 7, 7 M1~e Pu9h oMclean Ila ) • 8 Bobby L1v1ng11on tA1vera11c C1lil ) 3 9 John Brown (Sen O.egol ~ 10 M•ll Oo•al 1Stera"'41f\IO) Cro11 counlry COLLEGE Freano 11•1• ln•ll•llonel MIN 1 "i•'•'• fUna11acneo1 30 2• 2 B•rner Uuat1;1~1 30 32 3 G11t18"\ IS1an10101 30 ~o • rnomes fl'rHno S1 1 JO s ... 5 !Nooda IA,.1onat 30 58 6 An111err1 A111one) 3 I O 1 7 May 1Ne,,.da-Reno) 31 02 8 Stott IStanlO<clJ 31 03 9 Dugan An1ona1 31 08 10 Oolo•e• 1Aro1on11 31 11 Oll\llra 13 Au<i!M IUC lfYlf\lt 31~~ :i ... !Nhlte&•O<H tUC lf•1nt11 31 SJ 28 PonvOJlat UC ltv1ne1 3 I !>• I eam ''orea 1 At11ona 31 po1n11. 2 St•11loro 58 3 fra.no S1a111 86 4 UC Irvine 1 U 5 Navede Reno. 111 6 Neveo•·l•J Veoos 126 7 San Jow Sl•t• 186 8 St Mary's 7~4 WOMEN I Wol"V IStantood) 16 33 2 Hopp 'Sten10101 16 3~ 3 Planter 1UClA1 16 311 4 JICr.tDI 1S1anlc.rdt 16 •I s Locke Staf'le><d) t8 46 £ Pelt.,s-Stern \Amone 511 11 04 1 Lyons 1S1a,101d) 17 09 8 S<anne• 1Sac•amen1c. St 1 17 20 II Ooeno A111on• St i 17 2 1 10 Muon 1S1anl0<d) 17 41 Olhers 36 Zahr•dnolc 1UC lr.,n•) 18 48 4 I R•ngt" tUC lrV1ne). 18 59 49 c .. _,. fUC '""""I 111 2• fNm KO<•• 1 Stanlo.d 19 pOltll& 2 A"zone $1•1" 10 3 UCLA 76 4 Cat S1a1e H•l'W••O '17 ~ UC Santa Batoara 178 6 Ne•ed• Reno 1111 7 r,-"' Stat• 208 a UC'"""" ?09 HIOH tCHOOI.. Dan• Hlll1 11\•lt•llonal MIN DM elon HI I Gu'""'•' 1P1sa<1en•1 14 29 9 ICOU•M re<.oro) 2 Ha"'\ E ... ,,,,.,.,..,1 14 SO. 3 Sm11n !Mar na1 15 Ol 4 Gou•d IFoun•••n Valle)' IS tJ 5 hr>e" IEI 10<01 1~ •6 6 M•llanl fEI 10<01 15 20 7 Btac~ IM ...... 15 34 8 Hllfgen•"""' 10••nge1 IS 40 9 Cunningh•m 1£1 Toro! 1~ 54 10 Woll 1Rottono H•"SI 15 55 It R .. a 10.enge Gtenl I~ 56 12 GOOd IC'.Osl• Meut 15 511 ,3 Sprag1e tll•H•> ta 00 14 Hernandez tOrange) 16 01 IS 15 Mc8ean 1Cos11 M~I 160111 Teem ScOIH I Ora~ t tO 2 M•ll,.an 112 3 Et Toro 114 • rounto•n "'"•' 120 S Maron• 131 Di.telon II 1 Storms IToHtty P•~ll 14 ~3 Harungton (Mora Coetar 15 13 3 SIO<•• (Hllwlhe><n•l 15 t9 0. • Paten.on 1Haw1110<ne). 15 19 3. 5 Gonate1 (So P&~ 1 t5 2• 6 Mor• 1Saugus1 1!1 :111 7 B11011dge llot Alloel IS 33. 8 M1111 (So Past tS 3• 9 Kllfna (HaWlnotne) 15 34 8 10 W1M IAllif'glOn) 15 37, 11 Auboo (Hawll>a<nat 15 42 12 GOO<lin (Mtta Colla) 1S •3 13 Cam.-•no11 (HG"'111drnel 15 45 14 R1cha1d (Arhn91on1 15 47. IS Slau<lt! (Rov Poly! IS 47 f..,,. ScOtea I Hawthorne 40 :> Mt<• Cost• go 3 LOI Allot IJ I, 4 So P•-176 5 Dan• Hiii\ 1a• Otlflalon I t Ru boo \$1 Jol'ln 8osco1 IS 17 2 C.AfnPOl tlllCIOt Va11ey) IS 37 3 wn.1-.d ($1 J'ranc:11l I~ 43 4 Oonzaln ICOllCloella ll•ll•yl 15 52 S S•tv• (Coachella ll•ll1yl 11101 6 Mlrl•n llllCIO< \la!leyl 16 09 7 Madrid (SI JM#\ 80M:O) 18 15 • "••deck (8atltO•l 18 19 9 Ad.,..,,.&n 11/>C\O< llllley) 16 20 10 Motrtl~ IG•hrJ 16 2 I I 1 Timmerman 1Bolsal 16 2~ 12 Oumtul tS,,..man1 16 25 13 McG<Of) ISi f'rtncls) 16 25 14 Pl111¥>• 1eo1 .. 1 16 28 is o.nn11 1Bar••-• 16 28' THm Ste><ea I SI John Boaco. 7• 2 C011Cn•lla ll••tey 8 t 3 voe10< v.,..., 89 4 SI Ftant•t 94 5 C•postrano Valley ISS WOMIN Dlwt11on 111 I 8tak8Slee (\/"II) 17 17 2 MH!e< (Tutlonl 114 1 3 Fleagle 1tu111n1 11 S3 4 eaoe• llloat•t 11 58 ~ Scall tTullill) 18 O• 8 Prell 1Edleon1 16 t3 7 Vartde•molen (Edt1on) II IS 8 Stahly \01•ng• 0""1118 24, 9 BUCk (El Te><ol 18 27 10 B11t1nes 1V•1t•) 18 29. , 1 Whitt 1Eo11on1 1a 32. 12 H1nrtcl1a (Molllkan) 1a 33. 13 • Hamngton (Ro•hflo Hills) 19 33. 14 Snyd•• !Ed•sonl 1& 33 I~ 81goe1t (El TO<OI 18 34 Taam Scorea I I u11111 5l 2 Eduton 61, 3 lllSlt 11:1 4 ROlllf\O Hlllt 109. r. Millll<•n 132 DIYl1lon II I C•1t1ve1a 1M1r• COllll 17 2~ (COV•M record) ~ White IMtta Co1ta) Ill 18 3 Cooenour (Ar1111g1on1 18 25. • Hl(1en IDan• Holla) 111 28 5 Henlt IMh• Coslll 18 34. 8 Ehrard IArhnglon) 18 31 1 Amy (H...,llOte) 18 38 e Hopk1nt (Mora t;osla ) II 43 9 Me~v• ILOI AflOll 18 46 10 Muon IMtra Coltll 18 '1 11 °"'"" !Dani H1ft1l 19 41. 11 0•1\1 IM1Ulon Viatol 18 SQ 13 80llf\g 1S•ugu11 19 $1 14 Thompton (S•~•I 19 01 1'> Oooo IArhnglonl tt 02 THm Scort1 I Mlft CHI• '8. ' HaW!ne><,,. I I I 3 Atlon@lotl 114 4 ~ Holla 13S S BeYt<fy H >t 171 Dlmlon I 1 .SOwer• 1voe1or va11e11 •• 47 ~ Helm L •oun1 Htlltl I e SI 3 S wee111y Cep••l•t l\O V•ll•yl. 19 37. 4 Pew lhn MlllCOll 20 JO 0 Megen llllCIO• Ill '-YI. 20 ~ 6 Bellet (CIP'tltlllO Vally) ~ $0, 1 "m1111 (Sllermen tna•enl ~ $9, I .. tan• ll'lermen tnd1•11I ti 01 II ltoya (\/~tor v•nty) 2, Ill. 10 God~uect• 11.•oun• H~••>. fl 20 tt•M Kores 1 L•o11ne HMi.. 11$ oornt• ) Vtctor 111111..., 10 3 C11f)l1tr•no Vl l'*'f, 92. • lttern.111 lnd•An 102 .• 8111 Mtttot l)t 11:00 (Cl MOVll • • • "R•turn Ot A Man Cali.d HorM" ( 1078) Rleh· lfd Harrie, o ... Sond«· gaatd An &nglllll lord r•tUtnl 10 Arn«1ca wt!«• n. lfftna lhat the Slou• lncl.,n1 wl\O lnll .. t.cl l\lrn Into lllW tribe lwtY9 io.1 tllelt rnodMI pr-to Ir~ (f)MOVlt! • * e • 'MOIGOW OoMn't Bellev• In TNrl" ( 1980) Vera Al•ntove. Aleael B11alov. Tl\r" country glrla wlll\ dllttrent gollt end valu.1 mOY9 to the big city to l>UflU. their ambl- lk>nl . II: 15 ( l) MOVll! * * "All Tile Marblet" (1981) P•t., Falk, &in Young A hutlllng, wt-. cracking man.gar ~ hll two i.mai. wresti..1 IOWlltd tl'le lop. 'R' 5:30 8 FOA OUR TIMES ··~Ion In NIO*rla. Tradl- llonal Woral\lp" R9llglou1 lead9r1 and educatort of OM of NIO*rl•'• ethnlo group1, the YorubU. di•· CUN their bellel1 •lld pu1c:- tk:M. (Part 3) 5:46 m CHAJSTOPHER CLOSEUP a.-oo 8 CAPTAIN ICANOAAOO D MUSIC ANO ™E SPOKEHWOAO D CAMPUS PAOALE: '11£WPOINT ON NVTRfT10H CiJ YOUTH ANO TME ISSUES ··su .... 1va1 A• A Option" m NEWS «I) ROMPER ROOM ()) SUNDAY MOANING ®DIRECTIONS (Season Premiere) "Equal Right• For Women· Whil Now?"' M.,llyn Berger hosta an examlnauon of why the ERA died and Wiier• the women'• mo-... ment 11 heacs.d ~ ETI:R.NAL LIGHT ··Or Abranam Josl\ua Hn- chel Rellislted" In oelebra- uon ot Yorn l<lppur, Cart Stern a 1973 lnterv1-wtth the late Jewllh theologian 11 presented IH)MOVIE • *'.It ""HHdln' F()( Broad- way" (1980) Rex Smflh. Vivian Reed Four young, talented and IQr.cl per. f()(mers go lo N-Yortt CHy to llUOitlon tor a Broedw9y 811&#. ·PQ· ~a MMNDIPfTY D AOeERT SCHUL.LEA D GROWING YEARS Ci) VOYAGE G) 8PEAKOVT @) PUBLIC PULSE ~AGRICULTURE U.S.A. 0MOVll! *'.It "Rock 'N' Roll High Sc:l\oor· ( t979) P J Sotes. Vincent Van Patten A budding ao~rlter at \lone. Lornb1rdl High triel to get tn. RamoNs to record her music while "*' equally ambltloua friend PUfSUM Ille tcnool 11Mt1- throb 'PG' 7:00 IJ A8AAHAM RATTNER 0 THArSCAT 0 l.fTTU AASCAL.8 D IT 18 WROTEH fJ KEHNETH COPE LANO G) DAY OF DISCOVERY aJ WOOOY WOOOP£CKER ANO FRIENDe fl3 YOOA FOA HEAL TM (1J S~UM a! SUNDAY MASS CC) AA SHOWCASE 1. 15(?) MOVIE • • ·~ '"Lion 0 1 The Oetef1" (199 t) Anltiony Quinn. OllY91' Reed A hard·rldlnO Bedouin ludef rnial• Italy'• anempta to occupy Libya f()( 20 years. ·po· 7:30 Cl WHITNEY AND ™E R080T D OAYBAEAK L.A. m JIMMY SWAOOART t1ll MISTER AOOER8 (R) Cl) TV_. l.OOK.s AT LEARNING 9 FACIHO LIFE WITH CHESTER HO\.TON Q!TiiEWOALO T~AOW (C)MOVIE t • * "I'll Cry Tomorrow'" (1955) Susan Heyward, Richard Conte Actr ... lll- llan Roth llNOQIM wtth •!Goholl1m end 1 fading car- (H)MOVIE * * .. H8fry"1 W•r .. (1941) Edward Hemnann, Geral· dine Page A llMall·IOWTI po11man c:omM to IM aid ot hll _,,, who -the IRS bllCk tax ... 'PO' (J) HOU. YWOOO Hollywood repor1er 81" Harrie 11"-I• up-doN rfC)Of1t on the P80l)le llnd -11 wNctl are malllng news In Ille prOOuctlon and ot•mor cec>ltal of the movie lndvetry.' 1:00 9 8UHOAY MOfNNO G ITIANAL LIGHT "Or. Abral\em Joetlua Hea- chel ReoMtt.a·· In Gelebr .. llon of Y om Ktppur. Catt St•n'1 1973 Int~ with CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KN)CT IC8 SI D l<Po!BC (NBCl 9 KTLA (Ind I .KABC (ABC) a KFMB 1eRs1 D KHJ TV Clnd l • KCST IABCI • K TfV llnd l • KCOP TV (Ind ) •KC T CP8Sl , e icocc IPBSl • MLftltOM IYW'HOftt AMO LION ~INOONOMT '~~ ....... Olli 911 the lfJl'Wlt Of IMI -JOMllh ~llOff ~H .. 11\lelll l'llCl(e1 IMlllflflt IN lelll• ITIOl9 IVl'IPllOnY OtoMllr• OOl\Clucttld ~ lltQlll Qomy lulon• atld hlOhilollll of pl"''" """ , .. ,."-''• rt111rr1 to the ooncert ... • AMMIOAH caova........., "e.c.Otourld To TM eon, 111t1111on11 Con~llon" .MCMI *"'"A lepwate P~" I tt121 '""• ltevenaon, JOM Heyl When a Pf"9P tel\Ool lludenl IUtlefl 8 Plllll)'llno fall, hie room-· m•t• ., .. , ... w1111 Illa own OUill IMllngl about ti-.. ~l..'.l'O" CZ)MOVll • • • 14 "Th• 8 oarl•t tmpr-·· (18G4) Mll'MM Oletric:ll, Sam Jaffe. A ~ ...,, Grand Ouk• Me • Vincent Price stars with Doris Karloff a nd Pe te r Lorre in the horror movie com edy hThe Raven" today a t 4 on KHJ, Channel 9. llormy relatlonllhlP ._.ti\ hit wife, who OOM on 10 beOome known M C&the- rlne the OrMI G C ANADIAN 'OOT•ALL -Calgary •I Edmonton. 1:ao a . F-T~ •• AOAM-11 the late Jewllh theologian 11prHented D POPl!YI! 'NO fRIENOe D Pl!ASONAL OIMEN8IONS G LLOYD OGILVIE ., CARTOONS fl) ELECTNC COMPAHY ~ LET ™ERIE 8IE UOHT di JfMY '"'-Wl!U. 8 REX HUMBAAO ($)A HTTEA PL.ACE A young girt IMrn• that '* gr actuation lrom college mark• her ne11t 1lap In life. 0 CA0888Afl 8:30 8 OOYSSl!Y 0-t. ~. Cl\lwtea E. Mlt- ler, C.M., 19cior of SI. John., Seminar;. carnar11. lo D PEOPLE7 fJ MEETING TIME AT CALVARY m FREDERla< K. PRICE fl) El.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) Cl) THE LAHAYE8 Qt KNOW YOUR BIBLE ())STONED Scoll Balo llatt ., an lntro...,ted 1--.ager who rnona to drugt to mall• lrlend1 0MOVIE • * ··Batt,..ter Galac1ic:a· Conqueat Of The Eanh'" 11980) Loma a~. Kant McCord The Gelacilc:a rffcilM E.erth CloMly put· au.d by a Cyton attack fOfoe intent on destroying the planet. 9:00 0 MEET THE PflE88 D 8E8T~A.M .. L08 ANGELES fJ Cl) OAAL AOllERT'8 fl) SESAME ITAEET (fl) i ITl8WMTEH e:*I I Cl) Niil.. TODAY NFl ·ea Ci) DAY~ Ol8COV£AY m ™EWOAl.D T~ 91 l<flMTH COf>£LAHO Q! NEW1CENT8' WEEKLY .,.,/ (Cl MOVte It* .. l el't Do It "9aln" 11975) SldMV Poitier, 8111 Colby A mllllman and • lac:lory work• engage In bettlt>g and hypnOtltm to rllM lundl l0t Ill* lodge. 'PO' (hJMOVIE • * • ··Foul Ptay" ( 197111 Goldle Hawn. Chevy Ch•M 11 llbrarlan en""' 1 lie el<! ot an Inept pol.ca dttec llv• •ll•r ahe t>ec:omet Involved In • blzane Mrlet ot morder1 end kldnlPPlno 11tempt1 MOAHINO'S AT 8EV£H M1Ur--. O'&.llllvan ater• In Paul OtbOm'a -tlfnen. ,., comedy •b0u1 '"' llopee, dream• and .-.. OU.-of lour elder1y .,. •••In • amen Mldwellem townln t922 t:4&m MOV1E * ·~ '"Death Valley" ( 19921 Paul LeMat. Plt9f BUllnge- 18)' A N..-y Oft! younget9f II tenno Artzona to '11111 hi• mother and •lumblea llCrOU a Mr1es ot 9fllly nwrdetl R" 8 MOVIE * * * .. Montieut 8-1- <:alfe'" ( 1948) Boo Hope. Joan Caulfield 8&Md on Ille boott by T.H. Tlltklng- ton A barber attemc>ta to maintain 1111 olttenoe lfl Ille COUrtl Of !<Ing Louil XV of Franca a BUT Of Kloe ARE PEOPUTOO GU4lat1· Cathy L .. Ctoeby, Ben v .. ..i. ,,_ c:.ta. 1un1or tat>M 1enn11 Cf1am91- on• a.an o·~ and Scott Butl«.(fl) D HIEAALD ~TN/TH • MXHUMeAN> • CAA'TOONI • ntl L.AWMAKIM Corraapondent• Linda Wenri.1,,,.,. an4 COltle ~I join Paul OuQ fOf an up.to-I~ tum- mary ol OongrH•lonal ectlvl!IN. ID CALlt'OMIA WUK IN AE\lle'W I MUT TH9,,,... 10-.ao ~~ .lf!llt/lfY '"'-WIU. • ONNMINO 0 On l V Z l •TV H HBO C ICIMmllJf l ,,1 tWO~l NY , N V 1J'I tWTBSl I IESPNl ,. (Sflowllmf'l • Soo1110111 • ICebh! N•~ N•t-rk) I TH« LAWMAXlM 9 C 0 L L I 0 8 HMNOTM 'OOT•ALL -use al ca MOV1I Oklahoma (t•pe delay ol • * * • "A Night At The ~ pla~ Saturday). Opete" ( 19351 Mini Brotll-G AMINCAH .... Allan JonM. A O'OUP ~ 01 uny ehlpboard ttowa. "The Conttlhlllontl Con· ~ IOlally dllrupte en ventlon" opera compeny whlle In evMov. ~=:MIAT • • °" "Star Trell -The • * * "I'" Cry Tomorrow" Molton Plctur9" ( 1079) ( 1955) Suaan Hayward. Wiiiiam Shain«, Leonard Rlch.,d Conte. Aclr-LM- Nlmoy. TM IOfmet com· llan Roth ltruog... wtth mander of th• u.s.s. •lcOllOllam and • fading Entetpt1M NUMmblM hit c:9r-. Old cnw and Mia on on a ©) CHAAUE DANIE.LI mlaalon 10 find Ille myalert-8ANO oua ......i retpOnelble IOf "The S111aloge eonc..rl" the deatNCtlon of numer· The CMtlie Daniele Band oua Federetlon tt*""'Oe. l)«forma -of tMlr hit.a ·o · 1n 11wt concan tac>ecl at me e MOV1I Saratoga PerlormfnO Alt• • *"' "Pony Expreu" C•nter In Saratoga ( 1953) CNr11on Helton, Sprlngt. N.Y. Ahonde Fleming. A pelr of 2:00 • GILUOAN'I l9LAHO cowboy IWoea .help to D MOV11E eneure 11\at the ma11 ooee **"'"Ten little 1n011na·· lhrougl\. ( 1075) Ollver Reed. Etke SI MMTIEAPIECIE sornmer. THEATAI! • MOVlf "Te1tamen1 01 Youth" • * % .. The Unclero<ound o.v .. tatecl by Roland'• Man" I 19741 P9ter Or-. death, V•a dtYol• 111 1W JIM;k Klugman. -gial to nurling: Ille e MOV1I returna lo England cMI•· * • • .. The Story Of Wiii mined to merry her floger1.. ( 10&2) Jane brother'• friend Victor W'(rMn. WMI Roger. Jr (PW13)(RIQ lil JNTAOOUC..o 9 HUIWITIQ ltOLOOY ™ROUGH THE MT8 Cl) ~WOMAN 8 •A•E•ALL -Wono.r Woman betUee a Baltimore •• MllwlUll... oi-n1 oor~ lor 1ne IHe 01 a 11: t5 CZ> CHAJllE.I CHA.M'LIH valuable doul>M agent c:ep. . TALKa wrlH... lured by tli. Mula. "Mary St..iburgen" QJI THIS Wt.EK wrTH 11:300 TIMYCOLf-DAVID~ WHmAKER (ft) VIDEO .ucaox ' -• CHUACH INTHf --+--,f•l MCMR HOMI! ••• "The ~· • HUNAHfTD (1961) Alan Uldcl, EMMt TtfM>UQH THE ""78 Borgnlne. Two men (C)t.ICMI ~ tO ...... "°"" • * •• "Aobln Attd ..... ........ wtM .. .. • an" ( 1978) s-i Connary, ~ lleela A.J.idr9'f ~n A.n <*let 2:30 • ~N'l Ill.AHO and ....._ Robin Hood Two Auealan Cl08l'n0tleutt '9IUl'n1 from bellle to ~ on tli. llland. Sherwoo d Foreat to 8 OIMCTIONI reQalm hit beklYad Maid • INmOOUCINO MMtn, who 11u entered 1 llOLOQY CO!Went 111'\d taken '* CID MOW voww 'PG" **'""Contract On Cher· ® YUTERYIAI\ •. 1.. ry SttMI" ( 1877) Franl< TNt retr~lve of the Slnelra.. Verna Bloom. A per10d of anti-war pr~ pollceman d•vlHa 1n IMll, Iii. actvancement of unorthodoa plan lot brtno- Qvll rlghtl. the bWth of ~ ctlmiMlol IO juatlce ''OooMebufy'' encl ··s.... uo. MOYll! me Street," Rldwd Ntxon **~"Now AtttJ F_ .. and Wood9iod< ~ (1934) Shirley Temple, an In~ wtth aatronaut Gery Cooper, A thW'a Pf• &zz Aldrin clou1 young daughte1 CZ> MOYll! bolhef• Ill• conac:lence * * "The 84'd Sitting Into , .. ormlng. Room" ( toe8) Rita Tulh-• THE YOUNGDT lllghlltn. Sir R.llpl\ Alctlatd· .~ • .-... ton Strano-efleota pie-~ gue tM 20 IUrvlvora ol hit-COHQN!81~ lory'• lhor1•1-' ~ • INTAOOUQNQ llOLOQY AFTlANOON '2::00. THME ITOOOU • llAIOt • MOV'llE •• ~ '"Alo Rita" ( 1942) Abbott and COll•llO, Ket(>ryn Orey.on. Two meti becOtM 1111/0Md wtlh Ille Nut IPiel who have lnflllrat911 a randl. • PAPUI CHAii "A Matt• Of Anger" A bl•cll atud•nl with • ~ nollon of her "°"" almoet ruin• '* .... ~ • UHO€MTAHOIHQ HUMAN 9fHAV109' "Con1clo1.11nen And Sleep" cm IUPEMOWI. °' MIQT'IAU. Th• wlnn•t1 of IHI monlh'I IWO g.,.._ don Iii. unll0tm OI an allen IC>Ol'1 and meet on tile ti-. kltball court In • toume- tntnt Pl8)'8d lo benefit tilt U 8 Olympic Training Cent• (l)MOVll * * •,.. "H11rt11nd'" (1Mtl Alp T0tn. Concnet1 Ferr ... A rancher lflO 1111 houeekHptr flee the ttoor"a of frontier ... "' 1t10 Wyomlflg ·PQ· 12'.aG D WILD, WILD WOM.O Of'AHIMAt.I "MonkfYI Of Koelllma" TM lllfftlly r ... tlonlhlpl Of wlld MOllll• .,. •ludlad, • UNOIMTANOINCI HUMAN 194AWM. ""'*" ····-Of eon. ~·· I~ ••~ "Tulip•" (tHt) 0.0. I(..,,, ~ ........ wtlefl .. I ... In to¥e. • IUldfll man 1n. to C8"0ll Ille contrlOI he DUI out on~. t:ooe 'OOT•ALL -An •dll•d 8'1tlon of luP•' lowt XVI followe4 tly • oonc:lullOn of NFL. Tooey, ()) 8TAATNK Klr1I, Spodi and ~ are trapped In the put trom wNch ra!urn to tli. ,..,_, ,,_,. o..th I'll ENTlftT ANoilENT THelWllK ~ on tlwt Emmy Award•. the ,_ 1811 TV teHon, "The Empire Slrlkn Back" on radio. hOIM video ""'* and bla ck ac101• In toap C&.r.:V. • • • "Loet HOfllOn" 11Hn Aona1e1 Colman, Jlrie Wyatt A kldNC>Cled diplomat dlKOY«• Ille Hlm•a.,,an kingdom of Sllangn.La, • place ~ ...,,,.. si-111'\d ll'rwnor· taltty. .MOVll ·~ "Rock 'N' Roll Hlgll 8GhOOI'" (1979) P.J. Solee, Vlneent VM Pallan. A budding 10ngwrltar al Vlnoe LombarOI Hlgh trtee to get tM ""'-to r-d '* mualo while'* ~ ambllloua lflltl4 ~ tlle IOhool '*'1· UllOb. 'PO' (J)MOVll * •'it "Chu Ctiv A.rid The Phllly flMll" l1M1) ......, Min, CatOI lumelt A.n alootlOllo fOf1ftlf bMeblll ptayw and • koolly ft,... ant.nllllw beCoffll P*'l • '*''"'•~lomalce money by Nlumlng a Iott ' llJlt~. "PO' t :IO I LAIT °' TMI lllM.D CAUIONM WB1< 1H MVllW • 09Clr• .. NOMI ~-i=-.IUNOAY. l.ooauon Ol1d11one'1 "-t-.rit, ~. l:=M()Ym * * * "The"--'" 11"'1) ~' 'rlee. ,..., i..or,.., In a tll~ 111Q111f1 C*ll•. lhfM "'~ ~· tor power 0¥9t ..cfl °""" """' • ~ IUI-• IMlt p!Oy. • MOVll •• "Cfulw 11M TerTcw" (117tl ._ ...,_,, Hl'llll 0'9rlen • MOVll • • 14 "Calll McCall" Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, S•pl.mt>er 28, 1982 8f TUBE TOPPERS < KCOP ( 13) 2.00 "Tht.• Slory of i WIU Rogt.•111" Wtll Roalt1n1 J r portr.-yt1 hit toa••ndury f inhc.ir ln lhia blogrPphlcAI --mOvic wtth Jonll Wyman. KTL.A (~) 6:00 -"Aunl M.Dry ." Jt?an Swpll'lon ploy11 an elderly woman whc> tnkc..·s <>wr lht• <.'Ouching o( a kids' balcball kum In lhls TV movie wlth Martin &1- um. ABC (7) 8:00 -Mott Houswn. 'rhe premiere episode of a new pollc • drMma starring 1..<.'f' Horsley aa on lndustrlull11t and part-tima detc.'CUva. Nli(.; (4) 10:00 TV's Censored Bloopers. Another batch ot goofs, break· ups ond out.tukcs Crom the video ar· dilvc , hosted by Dick Clark and Tony Randall. ( 1tHI J amH Garner. Met• Wood • WAU. fTflUT WUK "Mot A Pun~· OU418t: Diana Temple, 11io. pr .... dent, SalOmon Brotherl, lnc.(R) G DUIONINO HOMIE IHTINOM ()) IAIC SIVAMIO'I c~ • di THArl IHCNDlk.ll (s.Non P.-mi...) Faa- lured • man outr-a horM. 1 woman M'lf¥M bell'O burled In an av• .lanc:n.: a maintenance man ~ • mllllonalr• live tlmM OV91; Ille r..utt• of tli. llGlloleral\lp Gont .. 1. Q!MOVIE * • * "Walklng Tall, Pan 2" (1975) Bo SY9nton. Noah e.ery. !C)MOVIE • * "lat' a Do It Aga1n·· (1975) SldMy Poltl«. Biii Colby. A mUkman and a lactory worker engage tn baning and hypnOtllm 10 r&IM lunda tor their lodge 'PO' MOVll! **"' "Spl\ln1f· (tll81J Frani< Langella, l....,,. Anne Down. A ruth .... bl~ market antlQulttM ring attempt• 10 llop an Egyptologltt from dlac:ov· erlt>g the wllerNboulf ol a prklelMI llatue 11\e WM petmltt.cl to view. 'PG" 4:301J NIWIMN<~M 8 8'0MMIAT • WAIHNITON WOK .. MVllW <"> ., llGNNI WJlH <*DY Cl) FN:e THe NATION O M.OW! • * "Look.,.. ( 1981) Albert Finney, Jame• Coburn. The myeterloul OMtha of a..,.._ of~ tllul model• Involved In a MW 1d11ertltlng project are bl1m.cl on Ille ptaatlCI surgeon wno operated on them 'PO' 5:00 9 -1'Aee 'nt1 NATIOH a HA..v DAYI AGAIN Potal• 1ub1tllu1e1 IOf Rldlle on • blind date '"-' le vlill to Mr.~ '*"'• lllullnele e GMAlWT "'°""" lLOINDI "Jim T ll)'tor" Hoa1 Pt1U4 Hornung. • FWNGUNE "Tiie Problem, A Stain- man Writing Hlllory·· 0.-t: Or Hanry Kl ... Ing«. lil TH6t OLD HOU91E Bob VIia and Nor-m A.t:>r am t-doM'I Ille panelltng In Iii. b-1 rec room; uptlalrl. Ille -ll"Cflen count• lope -lnltllecl. ~~Wl'H KUno-t• vtGtlm lo Ille peculiar beheVlor d 1119 40nw1 pet'IOMlif. <ti NlWI COUNTRY MUllC U.8.A. Roy Cllltk hOllte a rOUllng oountry rnullc ._,Ivel lrom hi• hometown of Inde- pendence, K-. that lnc:lud.. auc:I\ country· WNtem or•11 u Merta Hae91td, OlarMe f'lctl. Johnny LM and Lacy J o.non <JV Of'IHINO DAY M~ A rwvtew of tlle blzwr• Ind llgnlllc:ant h8CIC* ~. of the NFL'I put 40 opening Cir' .::.~•.cl • • "MeMn Ano Howard .. ( 1980) Paul 1.eMlt, Juon Rotlard1. An Olh«wlM uni-.nown g••' 1tallon atlendMI c:lalme to be the tlOf\11111 heir lo Howard HuotlH " billion dollar •tat•.'R' 5:30. C8I Nl!W8 • LAYBINl&--.rt' &eof#Nl't ·1 <ti MC NIW8 MOT~ WllOOMI MCI<. KOTTl:ft lVINIHQ t:oo·=NIWI ••• "Aunt Mary• (IMO) JMn 81.,,..IOC\. Martin 8alMITI G AAOUHOTHI WON.DIN 'lt Olen Cempb9ll '-ta • ~ tOUI' ~ tM Knoa· "".. World'• Fair With OUlll• Jwry Lee~ Mid MelCW1•. • MOVll • •"' "Coufaoe °' '---..... (1Me) Elllati.111 Tay· tor, Frantc ~~ e ..ov. •• "Mauomblqut"(ttM) ll-CodvM, H~ Knlff. -~THl....­IHTIM THI MA • P«NA "The ICiellOI Of MutOat" lclltrltlet•. .... Wltorc. "*" iwotm1~ '°°" '°" and oon¥lc* !!Md-..,. ~ the ,.., ..... Ol fnUntftf .:J:i 1=~ '11.D When ~lotd II m!Malt• anf't~lly ....... ao.,,t•. II• t1eoome1 ~"'. plOI to,....,. "' ,.,..,... "°"' her ,.,.. Mncl 1:..-e • • • "The oi... loltom Bolt" ( IMe) Oorll Day, Aod Taytot A phY9fGlll bec:omae In~ With 1 gill wllO DOMa ... In«• maid '*1·tlrne <BJ MOVll * * "H11ry'• Wer" ( tH t) Edw11d H11rm1nn. o.,.,,.. dine Page. A emalt.lown POiiman COfTIM lo Ille aid of hll aunt. who .,... '"' IRS bacll tu.. 'PO' (Q)MOVM! * * "Agency'' ( 199 I) Roi>- _, Mllellum, LM Majora. The MW hMd of a maJ« Alneric:an advenlelng 11m1 u-• children'• brMkful drink campaign to tranamlt llUbllmlnal poll!~ -~.'R' Cl) "AVWI T All . THEATAI "The Tai. Of TM Frog Prince" Robin Wiiiiam• llar• In • lanutlcal t ... ~ I priflc9 who"I IUflled Into I trog by a wl1c:ll'• tpell. e:ao G Hl!WS COHf'l!MHCI! Gueat: Governor Jerry Brown, Dlmoc:fatlc Candi- data lor U.S. Senate. • Pl!<>Pli'8 COUftT • MT. ST. HfUHI: Wtf'f THIV DIED The pollc.... P'ooadur• and )ucsotmenl• of aden- 11111 and goyern"*lt olfl.. clala conc:ernlng Ille erup. lion of Ml SI. H.i.na In M1y of 1990 wn.te llO !*>- pie died .,. quM11oned CllQ!NEWS Dwovie * • "Agency" ( 198 t) Roi>- .,, Mltc:hum, LM Maton. The ,_ head ot a m1for ArneriCan advenlelng ~m -• Chlldr.,,·e t:>realclut drink campaign to lranamlt .. bllmlnal poll1~ -ugee. 'R' •.aa C%J CHAN.a CHAM..uN TAU<IWITH ... "MiSt..iburgen" 7:00 8 IO MWUTU G CHft FOllowlng a traffic acct- dent. Jon mil1all• a OMI man tor • df\ltlk drlYer and erreets him (Al • <ti IW\.aV'e IBJlW IT 0.-NOT1 ts-i ,....,,.,.1 auo- boecoplc: Photography, OMth ril.. 111'\d rin.att, weltd .. ~ •• ~ mar1l'• "'bOO 1*191e'' and ,.,. __.. of rnwolc .,.. exl)lor9d: Jac;k Palance -hOetl. • MT\M Ml9IHITDf •. ,., ..... Rublnaleln 'lftlta a apecl•I torett near ~. •Ilene!• a S*· lonnanca 11 IM JaNMlem MUllc Cent•. and !all• a tour of tile city wt"' Mayo< Teddy Kollac. • VICTOfn' BAADIN Bob ThOtnaon beglnl to hlltwat hit W8'm -ther Grope. (1)8TRAWMMY a Olympic: medall•tt Toiler Cranston encl Peggy Flem- ing lier In tnla duzllng, 1111'11 .. y-lllled loe 111\ow. (%)~ * *'it "The Oumball Ral-iy· ( 19781 MldlMI Sllt..- iln. Tim Mcltltlre. A gwn- ball mac:Nne .. the 9'and pttn In a,,..., York-to-Loe Angalee c:ar ,_ wNct1 brlnga e* aortt 01 uriy charactere onto th• nation'• hlghwaye and bac1t roada "PO' 7:ao G~IN PA8TUI "Oraeneyw•· 8:00 • (I) AACHta IUNKUl'I PlACI! (S-PremleHI Mr, Van Aan••l••r convlnc:ea ArcNI to join Ille boyt for • night on tlle town •I • llng6tl Club G aBrcNGHT~ A.n acoentnc. ~ ITlfliM. .... CllangM "' undwCoY· ., cop'• ld.n111.-ind DeqllMthl him • lututlltlc car to lllCI him In Illa queet for lu•lloe. 8 IHTUITAlftMINT TH•WDJ< Report• on t,,. Emmy Awerd1, the new Ill TV 1111on, "The Empire Slrtk• Bedi" on rlldlo "°'"* ~ e--i blac:lo: actor1 In 1oap 9aMAnHOU8TON (Pr9mlere) A conglomef•t• held and parMlme dllt*> llYe II hlr.cl by a young -lo dear haf ot 4:1\ll'OM ttlat tlhe mllfder'td lier bldmautno. billlOfl.. ...... ttl«. •IT ·~ • MOVll • • "Ct\I ... IMO Terror" (1071) ,_.,, M*nel. Hugh O'lftan The OllOOvery ot "' lnclel'll MroopNeua tum• • Car1t>bean ptee.. ture cr\Me Into • "'8M• mere. .MO'M ''Wiid Prlllrle" (19711 Leny JollN • P«NA "Llvtno MaetllftM" Tiit _. Md relNl'llatllt dle- COYetlM of I NW O--•· tlon ot ~ e1119c1 natutll ~ PfOftllM blntfll• and ~ ; •:.:;;=rr~A)Q TMIATM "Taelamanl Of Yowttl" Vw• • """"'° tltto tM 1111 " • front .. ~ "'° .....,,.. to """" ~ OWl'lleN, ,,.,, •II,_.,.., (QJI MOWI • • ,_. ' Ultll l>Mllnt1• I IMOl lllum O'HMI Ki18 I~ ~Hldlol Al ~ Clrt'lO, l"'o ,_,. ... Qitt1 conipeta 10 ... ~ •" 11 .. firll to IOM "*' womi· I .,.. (~ICAMILOT lilettard Hertlt. Met ..,... 1att and Ald\ard Muani 11111 In L1111et and L-'• ClllNIC lltoeclwty ""'* .. taped at Ille Wini• Clef • den Thellte In,._ Yortl CO)MOVll • * • '' "Heartland' (lff1) Alp Torn, Conc:Mta Ferrell A rancl\ar and 1111 houu11 .. p11 lac;a th• 11gor • ot Iron I.let Iii. Ill 1010 WromlnQ, 'PO" • 9M9Vll * • .. HN11beepl" (1981) Andy l(aufman, Bern•· dell• Peter•. In a world ot '"* nMt Mure, two OOl'll-~·ciat robot• •JIP*flenol tile lliolalltudea ~ 11111 IOve 'PO' l:ao 8 ()) OLONA !Premiere) Gloria 11an1 1 ,_ life for IMWMlt and her '°" Joev Wh4ln 111e tak• • IOb wor111no lor a .,,..,,. lown \let9flllarlM D THI! W°"'-0 TOMOMOW t ;OO 1J Cl) THI JUflMOHS (S•Hon Premiere) George'I tougflttt oom- pe11tor 118111 a pric;. Wat that could tore. .1enenor1 Cieanett out OI bulllnNI (Partt) 8 WILD IUHOOOM G OR.CHO Cl MA8TEN'I~ TtiEATM "'Teatamenl 0 1 Youth" Vera 11 plunged Into the hell ol • froot·Mne holpltll and ualgnecl 10 llUfM wounded Germana (Part 'HRIQ G M'llTIAY "S.,gunt Cribb: Horlzon- t 1 t Wttnen'" An underworld l\OOdlum 11 lound unconac:lou• lllld badly bMten ,,.., tailing Scotland Yard he wtt· 11-..d the murder of hit gangller boll (R) Q (%)MOVIE *'I\ "Death Vllley" (1982) PaVI LeMat, ,,_.., Bllllng1- ley AN-York y<>ungller la _, to Arizona to v1111 hit motller and llumblet KfOU a Mrlee ol grtllly m1.1rd111. "R' t:30 II Cl) 0H£ DAY AT A TIME (Seaton Premiere) Barba. ra get• •NW. nervoua on the -other Ind Merll't wedOlng. (Pert I) • W<WDM IUfMVAl. ·=-VAMIM~ "'Strano-Behavior" "fl' 10:00 • ()) TAA'""" JOHN. M.O. (S•Ho n Premlar•I T11pper'1 ••·moth8f·ln· llW, bel\eYlng h9 IS 11111 married to lier daught•. bring• • puallng medical caM to him, and Oonzo poeat .. • nune for • week. U 8TV'I CIHIOMD kOONM Tony ~ and Lynn fledof•... jOln Oldl ~ for a IOok at more funny ltubl, goof• and break~ -lnlended tor public VlaWtng. (R) ll::Snwft IECAMIEM ... Gavin Maci..ocl 111'\d Mor· gan Fairchild tall• a r......,.. Ing look at wllat 11U become of IOfne of OUI' llllOlll• .,.,. 0 WON> FOR TODAY • NIWI IN AIMIW • t(IMm)V C8n'Eft TONIGHT "'A s.lule To Duke" Sarah VeugNtl. Joe W.-and Other jazz OfNll pey I l98dal tribute 10 the late 0tcn..1ra !Md« llnd eotn· PQI«, Duka Ellington. (Al Qi!) IOUN08TAGe The Bleat•• ere jolf'9d by WHiie Olaon Ind Cart p.,. klna In a ,.,,.'**' GOii· oen. (C)MOVIE * * ~ ''Amerlc:lon Olgolo'' ( I 9801 Alclllwd Gere, lJlu.. ren Hutton A a-ty Hiiia glgolo beGomN the prime 9UIP9CI In • mwdar ln- ~tlon~ *'!r "Death Valley" (19821 Paul LaMat, ,,_.., BIHlnge- ley. A New Yori! )'OUllOet• It ""' to Artzone to ¥tell hit mothtf and e1umblel actON 8 ..,... of grtlly ~der-. 'fl' 11'.a() G LONE AAHOV. "°"'11< Of Watw" ·W&KDC>~ WM/I~ • ./lllllVY SWAQQAA'T c&J NOT NECUIAM.Y THEHlWI Comedy elletd!M CXlmblne With dllNic lllm Ind - 100190• In an offbe•t, Ntltle 18111-0ff. ,. (%)MOVll • • "The Bed Sitting Room'" (tHe) Rl1a T\lth- it>gllam. S# R.llpl\ AlcNirct- _, Strange .ttec11 pl .. 0\19 IM 20 ~of hfa- 1ory•1 111\ortNl -10-.4'. IUNDAY POMt PAM t1:00eGe(J)@8 NIWt e ~KINOOOM "Tlwt MICIQull Of Japan" Mart111 Perto In• joint one ol thl world'• toremo11 euthOl'ttl• on prlrnelN to ttudy • unique ~ ol "'°"'".,,· e MNCA'I Wl9Nl. .. IUT WWO'I UITll•IG? ""°4111: Carol '---· ''"' MooMyham. Ou.11; Efrem ZJmbellet Jr.. Dean JoMt, Wiiiem htnat. I AMY ,Al.Mu. ~"'IYllWI ..... OabW and .,...,.,, l.yone IOolt at Pllll Maaw· elev'• "Tamp .. 1" and "Tea "(R) • COLLIOl ,001MLL "'8HUOHTI "N1br .. 111 11• '•nn Slate"' CH)MOVll • • • ..,°"' ,..,,.. ( 1t71) Ooldl• Hewn. Chevy C?laM A lltlrerian arllate tlle lid of .,, .,,..,. Pollot datactlve a lta f "'' --lnvoNM Ill • tlll---Of~ and ltlclNOcllflt 8"9ftl0tt. :~·=1 =::-NW. ,MWllW MIO,__ THI~ TV QUMTIMACIM Hltllr ... (lo(~ (I)~~· WMlt-1.W OMOWI **'1'"T"-Y ClllMTO~ L .. VeQM" (1Mtl ~ Lockwood, like 8- QIMOVll * • 'flaall Gordon The OtMt•l AOYelllut• Of All ' ( tH21 AnlM•t.cl <O>M<W• * * "hJI Tlwougll A Win• °"'11'' (tt72) John "°'man· lately~, A fV repon. .,., Malgnmant 10 lhOw Ille .... wtlh wlllc:h pr1va• cy can 11101al9CI lurn1 llllo • pettonal obMMlon Wllh (i}'~'A' ••*•it "H••rlland" (tOllt) Alp Torn, Conctlata Fert.. A rllltdtfll and 1111 hOUlekNper lace th• 1ioor-1 of front• Mte WI 1910 W)'Of'l\lllO 'PO' 9 MOVll *~ "0..th Vtlley'' (1982) Paul IAMat, P .. ., 8"11nga- ley. A New Yor11 youngll• I• _, to AtllOC\a to vltlt hit mot!MW and llumblN acro11 • MrlM of grlfly rnurder'I .. ,.. 1t:459THI~ FILO • MOV1a * * "FINI\ OorJon Tne Or ..... t Ad-lute Of AN" ( 1042) Animated • MOVll! **"'"TM OMIM" (1970) Ry1n O'Maal, CharlH Aznavour Four marathon runner• "•"" to Rome to compete In tile tOllO Otym-PIC•. 12:00 " 700 CWll G) OUT'IEA UMrfS A radio eno1,...., 1eun Ro1>er11on1 •Jll*lmentlt>g with a 3·0 TV reo.!Yer tunM In a being from Andr011'141da Cl) 714 DAYS THAT CHAHOED ........... Nancy Olck•1ot1 ,_,., .. thll dociutnenlllty wNctt trac:H the Watergate Scandll l~om IM brMll·ln on June 17, 1072. lo PrMI· dent Nixon'• rNlgnallon two yea11 later and lnclude9 lntll'Vlewl with Gatlld F0td, John Slrlc:a, Jonn Ehrllctlman lll1d Elllol Rlcl\ard1on. ct)MOVIE • * "IA4'• Do " "911n" ( 19751 Sidney Poltl«, 8111 Coeby. A milkman ano a factory worker engage tn betting 111'\d hypnotllm to rlllM tUfld• lor lheif IOdge. 'PG' (Z)MOVll! ••• ,. '"TM Gumbel! Rej.. ly" (1078) Mtd\MI Sarr• iln. Tim Mcintire. A ll'Jm- ball machine la tne grand prize In a New Vorli-to-Loe Angalee c:ar r-wtllc:tl brlnot .. IOf'Ui of zany c:haractere onto 1h• nation'• highway• •Ml badl roede. 'PO' 1aM8 ~Of'T'MI~ °*" Fwr.. in-iQoetN tM ...... boMblr>g 6eatfl d 1111-trtc arti.c 12:58 ® MOV'llE * • * .. LOOIUl'lg For Mr Goodt>ar"' (19n) Dl.- KMton. TUMdey Weld. A •oclally • 1ep1ened 1c hoo1teacher ••aka eaclt-l by lr9Quentlng alnglea bart and klrlng VIit· lout men Into -.nlgtlt llencb 'R" ':OOO MOVIE • • ··ea1u..1er Ga1ac:11c:a: ConquMI Of The Earth" (1980) Lorne Gr-. Kanl McCord The Oalactlc:a ...chN Earth cloMly pur. "*' by • Cylon *"-* force lnlant on daatroylng tn.planat. 1:10 THE THW> NlW YOAK 1110 LAfl'F <>A' flober1 Klein hotlt a com- edy tl'lcr#down IMturlr\g flY9 of Mew York't belt lland-up c:omlc9. ,._,.., live " the Copec:abana t=*>8NIWI 1:458 ATONI! Gueet: 8laM ~. ,._ Maryllr'Oll pr1Nl ~<ti MC NEWS (C)MOVIE * * * * "Robin And Men. an .. I t0781 s-. Connery, Audrey Hepbutn An Oldtf and wt.-Robin Hood return• from 11e1ti. lo Sherwood ForHI lo t9CIMTI hit belcwd Maid Mattan. who hat enl...S a conv.n1 and , • .,, '* vows 'PO" MOVIE * * .. ......,_, And HOwltd" (1980) Paul L.U.t, JNon flobarda. An otllerwlae unllnown gu 11a11on attendant daltne to be Ille rlghttul heir to Howard Huoh••' bllllon dollar ., ... _.,.. 2: 10 (I) MOVIE **~ "Sphln•·· (1Ht) Frlf\11 L1ngella, LMley· Anne Down. A rut,._ blaclo: mertlet ant!Qutt• ring allempta to lloCI tf1 EgyplOioglet fl'om dleoov· .,tng the whereabout$ of • ~ •telUa ·-~tedto ~. 'PO' 1:111 N1W1 221 =Y'I NUCMON * * * * "The Tin ONm" ( 1919) Oavlel a.nnell, Anotit Winkler A 11M11 boy With~ ~of ~Ion .... poltlloa, llumtfl compenlonlNp and ....,, ldulthOOd Md ...... lt'I IOOVf Ille oounlry cl\lr• l"O 1119 lumuftvoua ~ of the Nut regime. ~ benglfte • ~ *""' ·w ll411 N1W1 "°° NIWtMAICaM S:1t MOW ** "Harr)''I Wer" (1M1) IOWWd HemMr.in, 0..8'- c:llM P... A ernall-1- poatmen _.,,.. to tlla lid of hll aunt, ..---the IM badl l&lN 'fllO' t'..IO • INTWl'ACI •:• Cl) OHAN.a CHAMfllUH TAU<lwrrH .. , "M~ l*"bufOen" l :IO Ct) MOYll • • ... "ll1tte C>ettlfle9" ltMO) Tal\#T\ o·....., Kn. r, McNICllof Al ._.,. ~ .... ...,.... ..... ~to_M'O .. .. ll'lellrlltolalt ........ . IV. 'A' ¥ I V W W W V W Q W # U V 4 ~-....r _.,,.. r ,.. #11' r .. Orang• Coa1t OAILV PIL<?Tl8~nday, 8eptemb« 21, 1812 • IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR C R OR TRUCK TODAY FROM EARLE IKE TOYOTA, YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE MONEY TO BURNI All OF OUR CARS " .. TRUCKS ARE CLEARLY , MARKED WITH DISCOUNT PRICES FROM THE FACTORY WINDOW PRICl • e e NO INFLATED PRICES I SEE THE '83s HERE llOW & Ln us TAKE YOUR ''DISCOUNT ORDER.'' . . FREE · CREDIT CHECK jUST COME · 1N111 · BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL 2 Door Sedan, 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (474743). Front wheel drive for you mountain drivers. Economy, reliability & quality -you get It all AND at super savings! s OUR LOWIST PRICID NIW CARI BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (269565). All the performance, economy & rellablllty Toyota Is famous fort Don't miss this one! s WORLD'S BIST:SILLING SllillSI BRAND NEW 1982 CELICA SUPRA- BLACK PACKAGE Automatic transmlaslon, AM/FM cassette w/graphlc equalizer, carpeted floor mats, pin stripes, wheel well moldings & rnor9f (038888)$ , BRAND ME• 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed 1h ton model with a 4 speed transmission and front disc brakes. You'll J-U-M-P for joy at this fantastic buying opportunltyl.Fully factory equipped & ready to roll! (055811). s BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA4x4 PICKUP 4 speed transmission with multiplex radio. This truck has a window package and Is fully factory equipped. (051040) . . s IMPORT CAR OF THI YIARI ONI TOUGH TRUCK! A TOUGH TRUCK RIADY FOR THI DIRT! . . Thinking of selling your car? If ao, p'8ase consider our TAIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise, qual· lfy all prospects, take trade-Ins, · have available flnanclng & do all peper WC>lttl When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Can our TRIEX representattve to list your car today! 714-646-~3 714·540·9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS IN ORAll&E CDUNIYILI 1171 IATlll 12104 ... Autometlc tran9m!Mlon, new paint, r•dlo, heater and an exceptlonal ~atlon C8tl (1UPSV). '2999 1171 TIYITl OlllLU 2 Hiii Economlcal 4 1peed with 1tereo cuaette, exter!Of trim pKkage & morel Very clean & completely onglnall (750XNY). s3799 1111 IATlll 1210 4 d00<, auto transmission, radio & heat•, low mllel. Exceptional car In lout. (189PSU) '2799 1171 TOYOTA ..,.. ....... ,,, The ultlmete Toyota with full power, air cond., 1tereo, c:Tulee control Uh whee.11 alloy wheel1 & m~rel (tMXMN). Don't min thl1 one at only t5999 1171 TOYOTA COIOLU Wllll Popular S 1peed trans .. air conditioning and AM/FM stereo tape. (24SWAN). Room f()( the whole family at the low prlC41 of just s3399 OMll<'t '9j)f-la1M----- ---·-------------------- TOYOTA · 1966 HarbOr BIVd. costaMesa (714)646-9300 ~ic:~,.,,....17141 540-9467 -· ---- ~ l"AHtllON REC'TION OF T llE OK ANOF. COAAT DAILY P ll.01' t<'lehra11i1f? .5~r!P:r onnil'ersary aboard tile Pan'/itJll (111een New ba·by celebrates first birthday in 'Style' By TOM MURPHINE D•llJ Piiot Edllc>t Creating an entirely new section for a newspaper seems much like expectant parenthood. There is excitement, curiosity about how the newcomer will get along in the world, some fear, some pain and finally relief when it arrives. It was much like that one year ago when the Dalty Pilot finally had Its arrival in the new Styte section, born Sept. 27, , 1981 . Long before the first Styte section was published, however, mon,ths were spent In research, planning and development. Publisher Tom Haley proposed the section and numerous bralnstormJng sessions were held with executives Mike Harvey, Kay Schultz and members of the editorial staff. ' What would the content be? How would It be themed? How would coverage be handled? What would the front page look like? What advertisers would be served? It was decided that the new Style section would venture into areas of community coverage where the Dally Pilot had lacked concentrated coverage In recent years. Fashion news was one of those areas. Additional social aod civic events coverage was planned. Weddings and engagements news would be Included. Meanwhile, Marjorie Fendet and members of the advertising staff were contacting managers and owners of stores and shops who It was felt would benefit by having their advertising messages Included In the new section. Additionally, It would be necessary to prototype one entire section, so the publisher, editors and advertising directors could actually see If they had what they thought they had. Bea Anderson, a long-time Daily Pilot editor of society and Ufestyte-type sections, undertook the enormous chore of creating the first prototype with assistance-from Tim Petersen, staff artist and Lee Payne, chief photographer. The job involved hours of work; trying one layout, discarding it and trying another. · We had decided to build the Styte section with a vogue type face, In an effort to give the· pages a llght and airy look. ., We had u~ the vogue type years before, so the pr~uctlon department was asked to pull out the film strips, print the type and give us samples In the Editorial Department. There was a delay In getting the (Continued on Page C2) I \ • • Oranoe Cout DAILY PILOT/8u"d•y, 8eptemw H. 1912 'looking Geed' still leeks geeei-ef-ter a year Jiy VIDA DEAN OflMhllr ........ · Happy anniversary to me and "Looking Good." Wo ~ now one year old. ·:· This column flrat appeared in the lnau~ral l11ue of Style -SeP,t. 27, 1981 under ita first tiUe For M.ilady'a Beauty." I thought that waa a bit stuffy. Solt ran irlthout a name until Nov. 15 when1it was renamed ~king Good." And lt haa been good fun looking back t>\fer aome of the co~wnns of the past 52 weeks. :;: It has been fUn to tell you about newdroduct.s on the market, the ideas on makeup, color an · akin care that have been offered by a lot of experts, and it haa been rewarding to hear your manr comments after a particular column struck a nerve, as it were. I have been able to re~ew books including one on how to make your own cosmetics and how someone made them for you and became very wealthy, how to exercise as you travel along, and many many others all with helping you to look good as the goal. I recall one column that was the result of some library research. I thought you 'might enjoy knowing about the many books advising you how to make yourseli river. These tips ranged from the 10-day makeover, the ibc weeks makeover and one that sUgges~ a life's career bf making yourself over. :· I have written about diets. And there are books, tiooks, books on diets. I think my favorite on that subject l& "Diets Don't Work." ;: My very first colunm dealt with colors that were in ~n at the time. It read "Remember that you are Unique. You are not like anyone else on earth. What is 'in' for you is what looks best on you." I still believe that, but certainly it's fun to know all about the new products. It would be so dull if we never changed makeup, lipstick or perfumes . • • . Giving birth to VD~ And how about the one that advised you that you could put Crlaco on your face? That one might just as well have been in the food section. It said you can use ahortening on your akin, mayonnaise in your hair, soda as a deodorant, oatmeal as a mask and milk for bathing: A dermatologist told us to forget expensive creams and to use soap and mineral oil. And then one of the largest cosmetic and skin care companies told us just the opposite, that we should have products that are formulated for our particular type of skin, and they even µse fluid from a rooster's comb to fight aging and to increase the acid in the skin. In at least three columns, skin care people were quoted as saying we should cut down on the amount of cream we use; women often tend to use too much, especially around their eyes. Ar¥i in columns with men in mind, I wrote once there is nothing than can be done to stop baldness and then along came a claim that there is too something that will stop baldness and graying hair. All you do is ru~ your fingernails against each other with a quick rapid . motion as if you were buffing the nails. They called It reflexology and said men should do that three times a day about five minutes at a time. The miraclo won't happen overnight, they cautioned. And there have been eome really funny tlpe throughout the year. One was to eoak your feet In •tJ'Oni tea to ke!ep them from looking white and dry. Another was to pour club soda over your hair alter a swim In lhe ocean and then soaking your hair In mol.aturtier while wearing a. plaatic sack over your head ... well ... it WWJ hair stylist Steve Eiaenbeill' tip. Then in a far out column came the Information about tattooing eyebrows on where no eyebrows exist. After talking with the tattoo artist, I decided that was not weird at all. It was aerious for people who for some reason or other have no eyebro~s. and this was a helpful idea that brought much response. One of the tipe I diacus.1ed was the one on .applying mascara as Richard Stevens suggested. I personally have continued to use Makeup Artist Stevens' advice. The mascara is applied from the end of the brush to each individual lash, after you dot off the exooss on a tissue. He also advised that two light coats last better than one heavy one. He also warned about oily eye makeup removers: If your lashes are oily, the mascara will not adhere as well as it might, and it will flake off. One thing all the experts we interviewed and wrote about have agreed upon is that we must take speCial care to protect our skin against the sun. Dermatologists, plastic surgeons and skin care companies alike have all warned against getting too mucb sun on the skin. So a year has passed, and we've had. advice to cover us from head to toe, and now a second year is about to begin, and I'll have a lot more to tell you. I wanted to remind you of all you have learned by reading this column, and I hope you'll be like the little boy home from his first day at school: His mother asked him what he had learned and he replied "A lot of things, but I've gotta go back again." a new baby called 'Style' From page Cl samples. "What's holding them up," aomebody asked. The answer came back, "The production people have pulled out the film and they're swabbing it down with cotton aoaked in alcohol. indoors at South c.out Plua under a stained glua rotunda lkyUght. Like most photographers, D6ck had 90me doubts about the light quality on thoee indoor shots. It nagged at him. TODAY, A TRADITION BEGINS We are pleased to present Christmas, 1982, at ''The strips were too dusty to use in the phototypesetting machinery ... " TI\at gave us a pretty good noUon of how long it had been since we Wied IOdal and fashion kinds of type in ~ Daily Pilot. Prototyping of the section oootinued to be built and modified as numerous critiques were held by the pu.bllaher. editors, advertiaing staff and.company executives. Meanwhile, long-time Harbor Area dvic leader and comm~ty activist Nora Lehman was hireO to become first Style editor. She had most recently been a 90dety columnist for the Orange County Register and previous 1o that, had covered civic events for the Newport Harbor &aign. Nora attacked the problems of developing an entirely new newspaper section with enormous talent and vigor. Not the leut of her problems was to create a achedule for tile aection cover. It had been determined that the Style Page One would feeture a civic or community leader in full-~ color photography, modeling latest fashions of the eeuon. Nora had 1o line up the oonununity leaden for models, select the fashions with all the wonderful cooperation of the s1orea, bring the models in for fittings, then select the location for photography. When you finally gathered together model, editors. staff artist, photographers and equipment and set out for the photo site, it waa almost like a Hollywood outfit going on location. ·"But we d o n 't have any Hollywood-type trucks," chief ~otographer Payne comelained in the early going. "Uae station wagons, then," the editor grumped. It's hardly a aec:ret that newspaper phowgraphen believe that editors ~ho aelect locations for very ex.acting c9lor photography are almost oblivious to the photographers' pmblema. CoJor content, background, llghtfna mid shadows and whether or not the DbotOQl'aphel' needs an 18-foot ladder io achieve the ahota, muat all be ctlnlldered. Prhe-winnlns Daily Pilot photographer Richard Koehler produced our flrat Style cover. Newport Harbor community tetider end Oranse County native Gay lfiryant w• our tint model in gowna tiy Adol1b from Saka Fifth Avenue at SOuth CoMt P1ua. · O.y w.. an at.olutely marvelous peraon In · her cooperation and Jlatience on that first cover effort Koeh1e.t 6nt photosraphed a full fMbJon show with Nora's help and ~ pbot.ocrapbed Gay for our cover AMUICAN ASSOCIATION of thuveralty Wo~n. Luuna Beach branch, will bear a df1eu11lon of etectian .__ Oct. 2 at 9:30 a.m. at the Luuna HUia BaptJat Church, 24 512 ,.ouUon Parkway. For ~call 831-1988. NEWPORT HARBOR Alumnae I Two hours later, Koehler and Nora met Gay again, this time outdoon at the "Ram" 9Cul ture in South Cout Plaza P ark. thia time Gay waa wearing a red knit cardigan by Adolfo, trimmed with gold-lame on i:ed, WQDLOYel'..A side tie. bJouR with matching pleated culott.et. It was windy by then. and the Ucbt WU getting tricky. -Koehler ~ aome more and took -more photographs. The results were absolutely smuhing. Gay Bryant wu posed against ·the backdop of the contemporary 9Culpture in interestinl shadows, her hair just touchea aligbtly by ~ wind and the dazzling Adolfo outfit clinging to her lovely figure. Just stunning. TI\at was our first cover. There should be a sidenote here that Koehler's other indoor pictures of Gay Bryant alao turned out exceptionally well and . were ~ later· in another Orange Caat Publiahins Company newspaper, the Irvine Mirror. Since that first cover, every Dally Pilot photographer, including pho1o chief Payne, Koe hler, JSatrlck O'Donnell, Gary Ambrose and Charles StarT, has each produced at least one Style rover. Since then, Style coven have often expanded to include whole families. and even men. Alter getting lhe entire effort launched, Nora Lehman left the newspaper ataU and the veteran Orange County social ediwr Vida Dean has capably taken over the helm. Vida haa added features and modified others. Weddlnf!c!= engagements, for example, such a popular item and created 90 much volume that theR reports have been moved out of the Style lection and into \he daily paper on a regular basis. Two other editon have oootributed heavily to the evolution of the Style lection. Sunday Editor Carol Moore was involved in layout. design and typography from the v ery early stages. She aupervtaed the eectlon, followed up on production details and even contributed 9eWf'a1 key a.rticl• F'¥r one period she n o t only supervi.led il. but produced Style. Jimmy Johnson, who edit. the Daily Pilot's Weekender and televiaion sectlona, alao bas contrlbuted s(&nlflcanUy on a continuing buis. He does the Style tayout ana de9lgll eech week. From that vantage of the Dally Pilot naff and its editors, the parenting of Style -Uke any I::°~~ Md many Joy. and a But like all parents, W@ work and hope OW' Style child will grow and prosper in the yean ahead. .. Wqr ®riginal fil4ri.atmns ~nrr -G -r-and Opening! The most beautiful store in the world is now open in Newport Beach. Come see! ... It's a wonderful, wondrous store, devoted in its entirety to the magic that is Christmas SEE Our 1982 Super Scene: ''Oscar", a life-size animated e lephant. Created expressly for The Original Christmas Store. $75,000 SEE Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, an animat- ed scene children (of all ages) will adore. $8,500. SEE Our beaut~ful Baro- que Doll House. $25,000. SEE The fabulous col- lection of "teddy'' bears from 'round the world ... there's even a teddy bear tree! SEE Bugs Bunny and friends in happy animation. $7 ,500. SEE Over 50,000 pieces of mouthbown, hand-painted glass from eight countries. SEE Stained glass creations designed and created by artisans throughout this country. Many made ex- pressly for the Original Christmas Store. SEE Old -fas hi o n ed books, ornaments and icicles like Grandma used. · SEE An a nimat ed scene from The Wizard of Oz. $5,000. SEE A fantastic col- 1 ec ti on of unusual toys and games. SEE More than 100,000 holiday ornaments from 60 countries of the world. SEE Hundre ds of tradi- tional pyramids and nut- crackers and music boxes in a varietyof colors, sizes. styles. SEE More than 8,000 DIFFERENT ornaments selected by us from more than 60 countries. SEE Our e nchanting assort- ment of Sa ntas, from old- fashioned styles to straw. Just walk through the doors. You 'll feel transported to a land of enchantment ... a "fairyland" of twinkling lights, happy holiday sounds and the scent of fresh pine. Over three million peopre have visited our stores in Orange County and Beverly Hills. Whr ®rigtUUi why. -Q14ri~!!!!~~~tnrr (Across from Brooks Brothers) .. Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 2e. 1882 Cl .- Publisher Tom Haley thanks Nora .Lehman for her part in starting Style. And then he gave her roses. JoAnne Mix joins in the birthday toast 'Cover Girls' Norma Hertzog, center, and Penny McManigal with Saks' Billur Wallerich, left: 'Style' By VIDA DEAN Of ttle o.ltJ Not •ten • cru 1ses "Crui.sirrg with Style" the invitations read. Now if the guests' idea of style is caviar, champagne, flowers and gifts, the invitation lived up to its promise. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Style section of the Daily Pilot, guests boarded the Pavilion Queen for a two-hour cruise around • the harbor. Many of the guests had been featured on the color section covers so when photographer Pat O'Donnell asked the group to pose for a picture they reacted like pros.' Colored st.reamers were tossed from the deck as the "queen" ventured out into the water for the party. And since it was a party, the speeches were kept to a minimum. Daily Pilot Vice President Kay Schultz welcomed all aboard and introduced the planner. Susan Wingard of the Marketing Department, and other Pilot employees who · have been associated with Style and the cruise - Tirn Petersen, artist, Janine Fiddelke-Arp, F.di tor Tom Murphine, Carol Olson, Marjorie Fendel, Danielle Trower and Pricilla Riggs and the new Executive Editor Jane Amari. And then, Schultz introduce<l Publisher Tom Haley, who presented bouqueta, verbal and floral, to Nora Lehman, Style's lirst editor, and Vida Dean, current editor. The speeches completed, guests had the opportunity to dance to Glen Wenke's music and to visit the buffet table piled high with crab, quiche, mushrooms, caviar and assorted hors d'oeuvres catered by Chef John Gallant from the Tale of the Whale. Female guests departed the cruise with tote bags bearing the Style logo and male guests were . presented with logoed mini tape meatitres Uul._ golden case. SOCK HOP: Committee members are hummfna the Beach Boys 1963 hit "Be True to Your School" as they complete plans for the Oct. 1 "sock hop" auction at Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar. The gym will be decorated with a photo trellis for guys and their dates. To further carry out the '50s-'60s theme the walls will be covered with Beatles and Elvis posters and pennants. Abo planned are popcorn and snow cone wagons, wine and beer carts. The auctions will have bargains galore. Guests will dine on hamburgers., hot dogs, tacos and piz.z.a and for dessert there'll be loe cream sundaes. The Rumble Seat Sound Company~ will provide live music and a,T..tke box will be hooked up for those oldies but gOodies. Chris McKinley is chairman o f the fund-raiser and is being assisted by Kathy Applen, Hyla Bertea, Donna Devine, Judi Dutton, Mary Godber, Trudi Kern, Caren McDonald, Kristi Skarman and Pat Collins. Proceeds from the auction will go to the echool endowment. Last yew: the annual benefit netted $44.184 for the 16-year-old school. FEED YOUR BONES: To raise funds for establishing a natural history museum in Orange County, the second annual "Feed Your Bones" party will be held Oct. 10 at Cano's Seafoods of Mexico, 2241 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Margo Stuart is chairman of the benefit which works this way -40 percent of the total dinner and drink receipts of anyone dining there that evening will go to the museum. In addition to dinner, attractions at the party include a display of fossils found in Orange County, a "museum store" where people may purchase fossil and mineral jewelry, plus the awarding of prizes. Vicki Stack, co-chairman. is urging people to invite their friends for dinner that evening anytime between 5 and 10 p.m. So, here's a chance to dine out and help get a museum started at the same time. Stack also said goods and services are needed as prizes. Dinner reservations c~n be made by calling 631-1381 and donations can be made by calling 640-1541. An interim fossil and artifact preparation laboratory has been established in the community center in C.O.ta Meu with equi~nt financed by a $10,000 grant from the ltvtne Foundation. Further information about the propoeed mu.um can be obtained from Stuart at 545-8967. . FIRST NIGHTERS: Among the first " ntghten 1eeing "All ln Favour Said No!" and promUed, "It's going to be an incredible season" by Fzic Wlttenber1 and David Emmes were the James Rooeevelta, Dot and Ralph Clock, Tim and Rhonda Parker, Tom and F.nuna Jane Riley, Lou Allred, Barbara Aune, Lydia Himes, Mr. and Mn. E.H. Clark Jr., Gayle Post, Steve and Susan Perry, the James Meyenona, the Torn Brittons, Twyla an4 Chuck Martin. And the fun of bel.nc one of the firat to .e a South Cout Repertory Theatre production la tncreued by the fact that show time lt a half an hour later (there'• plenty of time for dlnner with your friends before) and a{terwarda there'• a r.ception and a chance to meet the perfonnera. The firat nlahtera holpltalJty la provided by 8CR'1 five IUllda -Co.ta Mesa, HuntiJliton Valley, Inland, Irvine and Newport Bellch. GLAMOUR AUCTION: Thlt 1hould be a aood one. The Lido We Workina Committee of ihe Orange County PhU.harmonJc Society la bllek See Party Wrap, P..-C4 into its second year with bi.g Party Peggy Reinert and Werner Escher cruising with Style Fashion talk, no doubt. Jan Vitti and Shelley · Uitzetter from Bullocks Wilshire Michael Miller with designer Britt Kathleen Lauren, marketing director Fash ion Island and Shelly Irvin modi he's Orange County's Finest Private Health Club For Women Only COME HELP US CELEBRATE OUR Sii YUR llllYERSIRY JOIN NOW N01MeMB!R8HIP. FEE ' IX""'8 t-30-a We'w had 8 eucoaMful years Of helplng ladln •II OY9I' Orange County be the thin, flt persc-n they have atwayt wanted to bet • l'UllY lQUIP('t:O 1WL.IC.HT "®M • MAallUll.Hun.ITIOMeT • PINONM.IZID INIT"VCTION • Lft.CYa.D • Al"°9IC Cl-MIU AU. DAY LONG • PfWATa DMlllNQ M>OMI • MUNA ·~ • TowaL.8 & AU. TOll.ITNU • TAHMMCI 9001"1 • MAMC\INIT - MADINl!'8 -THI! #1 WOMl!N'I Hl!AL TH CLUB 711-3200 ~ GW11 at., Newport •11all -:. Rogue Hemley, Dec. 27 cover Model, and Nordst'rom fashion coordinator Sue Ellen Devericb ... ·. ·! ... ·:- I ..... I Or•na• Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, a.Ptemb« 28, 1N2 (}'rom P1A6e C3) tt work af\er a ye..-oft and rHdy once aaaln '° :.c.ap the Glamour Auction . • ; The Sept. 30 auction otferlna handmade '.2.bJectl wUI bqln at 11 a.m In tho Lido lale ~lubbouae. The 3~·member committee and :suesta wW make ailent blda on auch alamour ;ttema u a Moeet buket, copied from tho one ·Prince Chari• and Princela DI uae '°transport :the little prince when he vlalta hle-grandmother :tn the palace, ,old leaf place mata, hand finiahed ':pWow ahama, blanket covers artd many more '9urpriael. : Lllncheon will be aerved and then Robert ::Guaaen helm Jr., patron of the art s and - ::community leader, will handle the vocal eeament t=of the allent auction. : Gloria Mooney and Pat Smith are ln charge ::of the allent auction. C.OOrdina'°rs of the party .;lnclude Mmes. Stephen Dingle, F.arl Hardage, ':&nd Kenneth Lieber. · Lut year, the committee, having logged 25 ·;yean of aucceaful fund-raising events for the ·OC philharmonic. voted to take a year off and ;have each members contribute $100 to OCPS :'.instead. Paul Elmquist, husband of then "chainnan ~jorie Elmquist, hosted a celebration honoring the committee for its years of hard . work. So they are all rested now and ready for }hUI year's event. JUST FOR FUN: To. thank the membership for their efforts this past year (they raised '4ff.· 000) the Adoption Guild of Southern Orange County held a "just for fun" beach party at Emerald Bay. Jeanne Brownell apd Barbie .Hinchler were in charge of the party and they invited the mem bers lo wear jeans and sweatshirts and just relax around the fire and listen to the musfc of Guitarist Eric Henderson. La.st year the Holy Family Service support group was under the direction of Hinchler . Taking over the reins for '82-'83 will be Sara Reagan, president. Assisting her will be Mmes. Paul Marx, Richard Steiner and Robert Short, vice presidents; Steve Hopkins, treasurer; Ted Rokos and Phylis Carpentar, secretaries, with Hinchler as parliamentarian. Committee heada are Carline Steiner, Erline Garn, Patty Andenon, Nancy Pettijohn, Bobbi Stabler, Dolly Russell and Jacquie Jackson. The guild Is well known for its annual tennis tournament held in May. The event ia considered the largest charity tennis tournament in the county. This year's chairman will be Nancy Short with Wynn Wilson as co-chairman. PARTY WITH AN UPBEAT: "Earl Williams is a great musician. He can play almost any instrument," Allee Meredith said. "At one time he was with one of the new Ink S~ts group for seven years and he played for Nat King Cole and Sammy Davis Jr." Williams was receotly at the Huntington by the Sea Mobile Estates Clubhouse in Huntington Beach w here Meredith resides to entertain the residents at one of their potlucks. Eighty-six were present for the dinner and for dancing '°Williama' music which continued for more \hall two hours. DEBUT: The Huntington Harbour Cancer League I.a expecting "Debut" '° bring in over $28,000 to the O~e County Unit of the American Cancer ety. The league's fund- ra.ising evening of dining, enter1ainment, fashion and dancing was held in the Anaheim Marriott with 446 attending. A live auction was also conducted with trips, dining opportunities, gift certificates and nwneroua other prizes going on the block. Saks Fifth Avenue, South Coast Plaza, . preaented the fashion show with members and guests aa models. GETTING ACQUAINTED: The party at ·RIO in Orange served two purpoees for the more than 350 gueats -a fun evening of food and music and the opportunity to get acquainted with the rehabilitation center. Food tables and bands were situated in areas about the center and aa guests moved from area to area they learned of the work done there. "It waa really a great evening and gave the people a chance to famillariz.e themeelves with the service offered. We just broke even. We didn't do it to make money and the food was donated for the party. A lot of people don't know about the services RIO provides for the physically handicapped of all ages," Mary Blake, committee member and community relations director said. . AT THE RACES: The 14th season of the : Oak Tree Racing A.s8oc:iation begins Wednesday :~t Santa Anita Park and ends Monday, Nov. l. < The social highlight opening day will be a · J;uncheon in the directors room and the racing :highlight will be the $60,000 Autumn Days Randicap on the turf. Adoption Guild hol·ds beach party Leal Laule (left ) and Mary Blake, committee members, watch as Duncan Stewart a nd His Friends (Jean Tandowsk y,' piano, and Swede J ohnson, guita r ) get the RIO party going. 'This group was so good. They r eally set the mood for the evening,' Bla ke said. Sampling the. cheese and wine at RIO get-acquainted pa rty are (from left ) E la ine Basmajian, Mitzi Smith and Pa tty Clar k. Oak Tree president Clement L. Hirsch and his wife, Lynn, will welcome guests who will include Messrs. and Mmes. Harry Rinker, John Mabee, J oe Harper and Robert P. Strub. Other Oak Tree directors are William T . Paacoe ID, Harold C. Ramaer; Bernard J . Ridder, Dr. Jack K. Robbins and Loula R. Rowan. They serve without compensation on the board of the association which runs the thoroughbred meeting and distributes all profits to thoroughbred enterpri.Ses relating to research, development, care and breeding in California. More than $2 million has been distributed to projects including an equine hospital at Santa Anita, equine research at Cal Poly, Pomona; U.C., Davia, Washington State University and the Race Track Chaplaincy of America. Charitable enterprises will also benefit from~' three charity days with all profits t o be distributed by the Oak Tree Foundation. Guest models Virginia Knott Bender (left ) and Elaine Red(ield with Saks rash ion director Billur Wallerich (right) Home to·ur plans now .completed Five Huntington Har9our homes are listed on the 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, home tour planned by the HH Republican Women's Federated. All the homes are water oriented and represent Trinidad bland, Humboldt llland, Admiralty Ialand, C.oral Cay and an oU-water home on Admiralty. Jayne Clave ls chainnan of the fundraiaer and Haydee Tillotson I.a her co-clWnnan. They have deacrlbed the homes open for viewing as: "today'• interpretation of a tum-of-the-century opulent mansion with many genuine antiques; a pride of ownership home that has been completely remodeled and relandacaped from a home that waa in total diarepair; the castle, a well known harbour landmark ls completed inside with the authenticity of medieval furnishings and decor; a magnificent custom construction with rare beauty of simplistic design, and the hoapltallty houte, which alao oontainl a trophy collection of birds and an1mala of museum quality." Read y to model the Saks fashions are Supervisor Harriett Wieder, League member Nancy Kasabali and actress Deana Martin Debut's fashion sho w co-chairmen Sally Fenton (left ) a nd Jean Zimmerman (right) join Ardies Reis, president or the Orange Coun t y Unit, Leonard Lady, HU Cancer League board president, and Marcia Lough lin, past president. Arra ngements for the Sept. 2 9 biennial h ome tour sponsored b y the Huntingto n Har bour Republican Women 's Fed erated have been the responsibili ty of (from left ) J ayne Clave, chairman; Betty Holden, president, and Haydee T ilJotson, co-chairma n . Algonquin, or at Gi GI for Hair at 16045 Bolaa Chica Road, Huntington Beach. ~ -: ::: ... ~Guys to dress up for char ity Light refreahments will be served at one of the homes. Ticketa may be obtained by calling 846-9705 or 846-4801. They are alao available at the Boardwalk Cleaner11 ln Harbour Mall, 16851 Committee members as11stlng with the even t which raiaea funda for education, 8Cholarahips and club activities are Bet ty Maya, Loil Fultz, Marian Quire, Harriet Linn. Nina Hull, Mary Ciddio, Betty Barton, Betty Terry and Betty Holden, club president. ::: Supervillor Tom Riley will h08t the third :!annual Gentlemen' Fashion Show to benefit the ·:statera of the Society Devoted to the Sacred ::Heart Thur.day, Oct. 7 in the grand ballroom of ,;She South Cout Plaz.a Hotel ·~ A cocktail reception will begin at 11:30 a.m. .:rith the fashion parade following the noon ;.Juncheon. ;;: Paul Salata will provide humoroua ::C:ommentary aa the county'• civic, aocial and :0busine9a leedera model the latest fuhiona. ;:: Relervationa may be made by calling Sl.ster ::~udith at 751-6335. .. .•. ;:; "Breeze into Autumn" ii the theme of the ·~1:30 a.m. Wedneeday, Sept. 29, faahion show ~~ by Our Lady Queen of Angela ln the ~ewporter Reeort. Faahion will be from the May ~· ~ T h e do nation le $25 per person and .;..rvatJona may be made by callln1 Barbara ;.Johnlon at 760-8505. '•' . .,. ~. NORDSTROM: Today at the South Cout :~ tt.ore petite and larp..alze women'• wear ~ be ln.fonnally modeled from 2 to 4 p.m . 1n :rwn Square. ··: A ooli.,e o01lectJon of Slater Max, Robert : '\'id Marton and Anne Greene cleslcner aowr» will be pre9ented Friday, <kt. 1 from ~to 3 p.m. in the Gallery department, second floor. A .eminar on career dJ"ftSing will be held Saturday, Oct. 2, at 11 a.m. on the second floor ln the Tailored Women's department. SAKS FIFTH A VENUE: A traveling collecUon from New York featuring de&lgna by a.car de la Renta, BUI Blua, Halston, Geoffrey Beene and Adele Slmpeon will be modeled from noon to 3 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 27 and 28 ln the Designer Salon, upper level. .. BULLOCK'S: The fall collection of St. John wUi be ahown Sept. 29 from noon to 3 p.m . at the South Cout Plaza atore'a faahion gallery. ROBINSON'S: The new looks in accet90riea will be preeented at a 1 p.m. Thunct.y, Sept. 30 eem1nar ln the Fuhion Iala.nd 1tore. On the ume d ay from 1 to 4 p.m. ahoe deatan conaultant Stanley P hlUP'Oft wtll pneent hie fall collectlon and tea room modelinl of fall trendl wtl1 take place in the U do Buffet from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m . BROADWAY: A "l'OCUI on J'atl" faatdon ahow will be twld ln the Faahion 1l1and l10n on Thur1day, Sep t . 30 at 12:10 p .m . ln the S porttwear 80 department. The show wlll preview fall faahk>na by well·known deti&pen. You deserve it Treat yourself to the new Fall Fashions in lingerie ..... It'• time /or tlte 1-14'• to atep out! Petite Ma. ck offen••• ,...t ..... 0 tNari}I clotlMefor ·~··· ....... "1 Suitable attire Evan Picone's refined classic tailoring is for every woman from careerist to charity activist, says Rosemarie Troy, fashion merchandise director, Bullocks Wilshire. The Surgery will help man's chest problem DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last night your column had a letter from an 18-year-old male . with gynecomastia (enlarged breaata). My husband had the same problem. He n ever enjoyed sports in school, wouldn't camp out with friends and refused to go swimming in the swnmer. I never knew about this problem until just before we married. Alter five years he decided to aee a doctor and find out what, if anything, could be done. After a complete physical by an endocrlnol<>Rist he was told the problem ~ .. a hormone imbalance during puberty and that aurgery was · the only answer. He found a plastic surgeon who had done this type of thing many times. He said my husband had the most advanced cue he had ever teen. but he was sure he could help him. Six months later my husband thanked me for enc:ouraging him to have the operation and said his only regret was that he didn't do it 90Qller. Thanks for giving that YOUQI fellow aucb good advice. -WIFE Ol" A HAPPY MAN Dear Wife: You teatlmHy wlll !!:se acwrqemmt te eckn • laave lite"'°' . . nub fer wrtdq IL Th hllewtq lener • dte same nbJed may be ef vane te mm wai. are &akla1 va11 ... DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently you· printed a letter from a youn, man who was dbturbed becau.e bia breaata were grad~y becom1na larger and WM ~bU'ra.ed about hJia feminine appearance. You adviaed auraery, which my doctor aaid WM the belt IOIUtion to the problem. Do you believe there la any connection between enlaraed female bnMt8 and the intake ol Valium? -QUES'nONER IN LA CROSSJ: Dear Q; ~ .. fte Luce&.. Brtll* mHieal jMnal, lllere II .... fft4ettee dial ••111•• 4Het ef Vall•• ea• l•ere•H t•e •tnl• lnel • Ille ...._..,,... Ull ea ... male '\reuta te IMk ........ ,. . A no-1JOnM• approach ·ro how to deal with llfe1• mo1c dllflcult and mo.st rewardln6 amuwimeoc. Ann Lenden. boMJft, .. ,,,.,.,,.. -wmc 1o ~,. .nu JlftJlalW you tor~ or ilJI' www. Send~ NQUMC 1o Ann~ P.O. Bo. 11111'5, ~ IIJ. IOdJJ, endmbW tJO cents and • lofll, 1c.m~. •ll-addrnHd en~. styles are known for their good taste, timelessness and fine tailoring. The wool blends of the suits make for easy and comfortable California living. <>reno-CoMt DAILY PILOT/lundty, leptember H. 1N2 MoMay, September 11, 1111 ARIES (March 2l·Aprll 19): Unl.llWll IOdal function domlnata 8DefW"lo. Accent on pleMUte prlndple and contact with a~ Aquarius. \'ou'U win friendl and lnfl~ people. Expcut view. ln POSlllve, humorous manner. You mlaht · wln popularity contest. · TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You'll be lfven additional taalu, caah to handle, more re1pon1lblllty. Become tamlllar with licenae requlrt'menta, buttaucratlc proceduret. What appears an lmJ)C*ible lltuatJon will not last - you'll aurvlve with flying colors. GEMINI (May 21..June 20): Be ready for tall, chal1engell and an opportunity to dlaplay creative capabllltlea. Lunar emphaala on communication, travel, abatract principles of juat.lce' and higher education. Member of opposite .ex playa key role, provides inspiration. CANCER (June 21-July 22): BuJc domestic •djultment occun ;-remodellng takes place, , you'll beautify surroundings. Surprlae gift · hlghlights ..-enarlo; One cloee to you hu saved for rainy day and there might be reason to celebrate. Wat.ch Libra. ' . LEO (July 23-Aug'. 22): Be re<:eptive to aubUe trenda, clues. Accents on legalitleS, public relations, wllllngnea to be patient. Key is to play waiting game. Truth ii not what it might appear to be on surface. Know it, be perceptive and realize that delay is temporary. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Avoid sensationalism; stict< to basic courae, achleve tasks In responsible manner. Older individual becomes ally, will lend benefit of experience. Focus alao on pets, dependenta, employment and diet. Capricorn plays key role. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): People respond to your efforts; you now are capabl~ of locating universal theme. Penona you respect will 1eek your counsel and offer to become allies. Pereonal magnetism aoan. members of opposite &ex are attracted and make no aecret of it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): New approach ~ -property dispute will be settled in your favor if you take initiative. Longstanding transaction ia actually completed, whether or nut you are aware of it. Get ready for new start in new direction. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Logic combines with· intuition -you make correct decisions. timing is on target and many claim you are inspired. Lunar emphaaia on short trips, relatives, viaita and an abundance of energy. Cancer, Aquarius penona play key roles. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Element of luck rides with you; 8en8e of abandonment works _to your advanlage. T,ensions 'dialolve, a more relaxed attitude attracta people in l>osition to aid cal.&9e. Money picture ia bright.. cash Clow will resume and you'll get neee.ary funding. ' AQUAJUUS .(Jan. 20-Feb.· 18): Unorthodox prQCedure1 are necessary -some penona deliberately hold out., wait to .ee bow much ·you'll take. Shakeup la due, you can· be at oontrola ii de1ennined, willing to display couraee of convict.Ions. You a.re going to wiJ1. PISCES (Feb-. 19-Mar. 20): c.ommun.icatJon "'I received from one confined to boapital or home. Be receptive enough to take direct action. Someone U1 trying to tell you 90l1lething -for your own good. Answers are behind 8Cenes, you'll have to make special effort to eee ~ superficial c&.:imt. '· ••11nm1.-......n ... • a..utlfUI Cabl'*'Y • C«•mlc Tiie 1n1tall1tlon • Co<lan Marble V1rtlty , , .... 270 • Kottler l American Standard Fhttur" i ' . 2960 • ~ llllc* ...... """ ....... c.tJ IJlna • 100'1 of Local Refwenc:ea I '~~ .. ~ft, B rker i Looking for " • . you'IJ find it at Bidwel 's Bidtique . See us first for your fall fashions featuring: Campus Casuals Patty Woodard Tattoo . Condor LA Seat Covers Esprit Happy Legs Crazy Horse . . and much more "Solle sap wt' re llard le find bwt ~ SIJ' ... ,. worth ..... 34'7 • tw. ..... lMt .... ............ ,73-4510 ' . . .. Otano• Oo11t OAILV PILOT/Sunday. September 2e, 1882 C~uising .into roug_h _w_.a_te_r_~~---.iW;; ~-~ICllAEL CARLTON '"' Travel Columnl1t The greatest ship·building fre nzy since the United States rebullt the Pacific fleet in World War II ia now in costly progress. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being thrown around like Rockefelle r d imes a s cruise lines build what they hope will be the most po pular and financially rewarding $flips on the sea. · In orde r to fill these new ships, the Cruise lines IAternationol Association estimates ~hat it will be necessary to generate S 1 million in new business each day. In o .recession, they'll hove their work cut out for them. Perhaps the shipping lines know what they are doing; perhaps not. Whatever the o utcome, the fact remains that more new ships are going to be plowing their bows through ib• waters of the Caribbean, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean th on ot any time in recent histo ry. There will ·~ so many ships we may hove to hire marine traffic controllers just to ha ndle the flow. Sir Francis Drake should hove had such on ormodo. The two new ships which hove already entered service this year -the Atlantic, Home Lines' sparkling $ 100 million ..n~ in this waterlogged race for control of the seas (and the' tourists' wallets) o}ld the similarly pTiced Tropicole of 'Carnival Cruise lines -ore typical of the new ships. Both are portly ma trons, large and brood-hulled to get in a s many cabins a s p ossible. The graceful lines of ships of old are, alas, g one with the tide. The Tropicole represents o complete break with tr:adition and hos the look and fee l of a Hyatt Hotel afloat. Externally, there is not on old-fashioned line on her. Internally, the designers hove accepted few of the traditional ship limitations: most outside .cabins hove large windows, not portholes; the use of interior space is extremely fluid and untraditional, and most state rooms are alike, just a s they are in a Hyatt. ' Tho Atlantic is a much more t raditional 5hlp one• you got past her shape and spaco·age technology used to conserve fuel. There aro 180 cabins deluxe, and two other, smaller, basic cabin sizea. You have the choice, at a similar fore, of a deluxe room low in the ship or a standard cabin more conveniently located higher up. The Tropicale began service In January and since then she's sailed to the Western Caribbean and, thi1 past summer, to Alaska. From now on, 1he'll be. base~ in Los Angeles most of the year, sailing to the Mexican Riviera, with the exception of summer Alaska excursions. The Atlantic, which hos been cruising from New York to Bermuda since April, will begin Caribbean service out of Port Everglades on Oct. 26. Two new hundred-million·dolldr ships competing for passengers in one season would make most accountant~ reach for the red ink. But, dear friends, the Atlantic and the Tropical are just the beginning. , , In October we'll be seeing a concept Jin ship travel new to North America: the European·style ferry. Scandinavian World Cruises will introduce the $ 100 million (that magic figure again) Scandinavia on Oct. 2. She will carry passengers and their cars between New Yo~k and the Bahamas, where travelers will connect with either Miami or. Port Canaveral on smaller ferrys. One o~ this winter's genuine bargains is the rate of only $918 plus $64 to S 104 in port taxes for a family of four traveling with their car between New York and Florida on the Scandinavia. The parade continues on Dec. 5 when the new $140 million Song of Norway begins sailing from Miarni to Nassau, Stin Juan and St. Thomas. Then late next spring the $150 million Nieuw Amsterdam of · Holland America Lines will enter service, soiling from San Francisco to Mexico and from Vancouver to Alaska in the summer. Next winter Sitmor's new Foirsky, another $100 million entry, will soil out of Los Angeles. Further down tbe tine, Prlnceu Crviaes will Introduce Its yet·unnomed S 1 'O million ship In late 1984, Camlval Crviae lines will christen throe new ships, osting S 150 million eoch, in 1984, 1986 and 1988 and Norake Cruises, a ~w firm hooded by a former president of Norwegion·Coribbean lines, will give vs two ships, costing $34 million each, in 1984 and 1985. The Norske ships are small and luxurious, with a construction cost of $300,000 per room compared with the l95,000 to $125,000 for conventional ships. .. If that weren't enough, R~yal Viking Line's Royal Viking Sky is now being "stretched" In a German shipyard, receiving a new 93-foot ·midsection. Next spring, the company will give the same treatment to the Royal Viking Seo. And, of course, we hove the world's largest posaengor ship, the Norway (the old France) bock in service after o S 15 million refit. Industry observers say that some of the new ships will be replacements for older, uneconomic ships, but companies have been loath to retire their present vessels. And, when one company announced it would retire a ship, as Holland America did with the Statendam, another company snaps it up. Instead of retiring gracefully, the Statendam will sail as P.oquet's Rhapsody on Nov .. 2,1. .. At a time when cruise lines must offer discounts and "fly-free" programs to fill their staterooms, when ships sail holf·full into the Caribbean sunsets, the entry into the market of so many new ships so quickly seems insane. The main beneficiary, of CC?!:'rse, will be the passenger, who con get a truly good deal if he (and his travel agent) researches carefully. Industry predictions say 4 million people will be toking cruises in 1990, triple the number who cruise today. If the predictions are correct the new ships ·may succeed. If not, the gentle blue waters of the Caribbean will run red and the ships of the '90s may all be named the S.S. Bankruptcy. • Cruise to Ensenada for entertaining weeker:id By PAT NEISSER "weekend cruises ·are few and -for b e tween, but they hove special meaning for those on a tight budget, or a tig ht time ' schedule, and ore especially ;; helpful fo r first time cruise passengers. Western Cruise line is the only :. 'major shipping line to have a specific weekend or four d oy cruise down to Ensenado. The Azure Seas is a beautiful sttfp, handsomely furnished and •JJceedingly well run. You may , choose the two·day, three-night weekend sa il which leaves Son Pedro at 8 p .m. Friday, arriving at Ensenodo Saturday morning at 10 o .m., emba rking aga in SUftday morning and returning to Son Pedro Monday morning. Jhe other option is to toke the four-night three·doy cruise which t,oves on M o nday n ig ht, returning on Friday. If you only hove a long weekend, by all m41Gns toke the shorter cruise . You'll be swamped with activity eoch day, or ·you can relax. The 20,~ton Azure Seas, all 603 feet of her, carrie s 780 p•t .. ngers In 390 staterooms. Ratel per passenger for the short crui.. run from around $350 a · person for on insi de cabin to $555 for a more luxurious ,9Ut5ide tobin. All cabins have large windows. There Is so much a ctivity aboWd ships the cabin Is often uMd only for sleeping, so the need for the more luxurious cabin la not there. On this doss ship1 the lmportonc• of one's cabin Is 1U9ht, o.,d the savings ore corttkteroble.' n.. Mvre Seen ttoa as r.1vch Ocl6on en molt cruise ahips that The Azure Seas is a floating resort that or£ers both short and long weekend cruises to Ensenada. , Azure Seos three1 da y ·weeke nd cruises. Leaves San Pedro Friday at 8 p.m. Rates from the Emerald Deck (deck '91 01 $350 to $520 for the deluxe suite . Returns to dock 9 o.m. Mondoy. exlro. Meals served in cabin or a t snack bar ore included. Parking of cars a t Son Pedro with valet service a vailable. Phone 213 -834 .3 123 for info. ' Four day cruises. Rotes from: $4 00-$555 per person. l eaves Son Pedro 5 12.m. Mondays, returning Fridoy morning. · l:nsenodo restaurants: El Rey Sol. ph. 1-903-39-8-1733; Hussongs lo Cueva de los Tigres. The cruise director hos lists o f othe r Ense(lodo re$tauronts. All meals ore included in price. Drinks ore 5oil for ma ny more days. ·A complete moving resort, it offers so much activity that some pauengers never leave the ship in Ensenada. Cabins ore furnished in shades of teal blue and orange, with plenty of storoge sp0<e for two people. Telephone, radio, bathroom with sink, shower and toilet, twin beds and o deak odd up to o comfortable room. The stewards are friendly and available at all times. They wlll bring you frult1 coff" or onythfng else you might wont. When you board the ship, let ttte Jhlp penonn•I know whether you prefer to dine ot the late or early seating. Otherwise yov'll be eating dlnner at 6 p.m. lntMd of a more recnonabte 8130 p.m. The fi"t evtnlng out you'll ·be served buffet style, so time is not q proble9'1. e>v.reating could be. The food is well ptepQred and the variety enormous. Cosuol lunchet ond breokfaats ore served buffet ttyle In th• Cafe Miramar, so you haw o chdic• each doy. Service in the main d'""'9 room is e•eltent an4 e,.n 9911 ore .,,. to a tum. En'91tal""'"' 1s continuoua on the A1ure Seat' three n19ht clubs, five cocktail lo unges and the oll·night disco. The Co sinp is always hopping when the ship is . at sea, and slo t machines ore available a s well a s heavi er octio'\ ot the blackjack and roulette tables. Western Airlines hos developed a fly /cruise tour with the Azure Seas which not only includes the cruise and flight, but a lso a three-day two-night la nd tour as well. You'll meet guests from Alaska and Canada, Solt lake City and the East Coast. Starting January 17, the Azure Seas will stop at Son Diego as well as Ensenodo on her longer cruises. Shore excursions ore planned for the 9 o .m. to 4 p.m. stay in Son Diego. Ensenodo may not be a s glamorous as Puerto Vallarta or Mazatlan, but this city of 200,000 offets the visitor a large array of things to do. A tour of the old Hotel R/Vlera del Pacific, now a cultural center, gives a fascinating look at the '20s. Built in the late 1920's by Al Capone and run by former heavyweight boiting champion Jack Dempsey, the Riviera was the "in" place for Hollywood's jaded movie set. Magnificent cedar wood from Indio, inlaid wo0d furniture. tile floors from Italy, and tllH from Emperor Maximilian's Palace in Meitico City, gold leaf ceilings all contributed to tfie magnlf kence of this •l99eont casino and hot•I. The depreuion ended the hey~ of th• Riviera, but now It's beln9 refurbished, and tourist• wfll enjoy ltl luicury once mo,.. A fol cry ffom th• RMera, He1uon9• hos long drown 1Qdtt'lfMf\ ond other bro~ souls into its noisy and cavernous bar. If you enjoy wall to wall people, you'll love the atmosphere. Hove at least one beer. before you sneak next door lor the best sea food tacos in town. For fancier food, El Rey Sol is still one of the best places in town fo r fine French cui sine in a Spanish atmosphere. For seafood extraordinoire, toke a cob to Lo Cvevo de los Tigres. south of town. Their abalone steak is just one of the fine d ishes on their menu. Don't miss the amazing lo Bufodoro, the f omed "blow hole," Post the olive groves and well irrigated fields south of En s e nodo , this natural phenomenon hos delighted visitors for years. The food stalls nearby sell Mexican doughnuts (elongated deep fried delicacies), called Churros, and beer, in case you haven't alre-ody eaten yourself into a holding pattern aboard ship. , You may eat aboard the Azure Seas while In port, or stay in Ensenoda as late en you with ond try out the many restaurants in town. • Wandering around the Ensenoda port it fascinating. Cotton is the moin export crop, but tuna f lshing is blg busine1s en well. Your travel •nt wiM be 91od to give you infotmaHon you need and book yow pasaage, or write to1 Weatem Cl'ut• L'"9 Inc. 1220 lluayne a&vd P.Q, flOll2, MiatfM, fJ!ftda 1~ . Dilly Piiat SUNDAY, SEPl. 28, t982 STOCKS 04-5 REAL EST ATE 06-7 low rebound i pri dieted for the real e. ·tale indu try J after price · stabilized in July. ee Page D6. 0 6ffice-bUilders . . • running on etnpty The buttressed, modem towers look empty because they are empty. The Warmington Plai.a -the multi-million dollar office extrava~anz.a on the edge of Costa Mesa has everything it was designed to have except for tenants. It has .become the business world's easy-to-point-lo <:'Xamplc of how the offic.'e building trade has gone sour. The plaza has all the elem<mts of a s uccessful offic:c c:ompkx. It's adjacent to the Riverside Freeway and just minutes from John Way ne Airport. It's attractive, with a three-acre lake stretched in front of it. It was built by one of the county's most respected developers. But it's still virtually empty and has been for months. Commercial developers in Orange County agree that there presently is far too much office space in the county and that some builders stand to get hurt because of the glutted market. Many admit privatl!ly that they are scrambling to fill space. cutting deals that would have seemed out of the question only a few months ago. "Right now companies are worried about surviving," said a spokesman for a majqr Orange County developer. "The last thing they're thinking about 1s relocating or upgrading." As a result, leasing agents are signing t'Onlracts that guarantee as much as a year's ftee rent, frc..-e parking and various tenant improvements. One major company that recently' moved into the top two and a half floors of a Newport By JODI CADENHEAD and STEVE MARBLE of the Dally Pilot Staff ,'-- Beach office building received a 25 percent reduction in rent and free parking that cost other tenants $15 a stall. Officials from the Robert P. Warmington Co. insist the tide now is turning in their favor and say it is unfair to single out their project as a show case of a growing county phenomenon - empty office .space. Developers along the Orange Coast concur that the market for office space has slacked off while construction has raced on at a break-neck pace. Although various words are used to describe what has happened, the bottom line is that there's a glut of offke space in Orange County, partic-ularly along the coast and the Jo hn Wayne Airport area. According to the lat.est survey conducted by The Newport Economics Group, on€ out of every Cive square feet of office space in the county is vacant. Adding to the dilemma is the projection that the number of finns seeking oCfice space in 1982 wiU be at its lowest point in four years. Surveys as recently as-August showed that 20 percent of all the office space in the county 1s vacant. Developers say that in good times. a 6 percent figure is acceptable. The result is more than 5 million square feet of vacant office space in the county and the prevailing feeling from builders is that, for the moment at least, the market is badly out of whack. ...; . From 1977 to 1982, the amount of ofCice space in the-~ounty skyrocketed from 9.7 million to nearly 25 million square feet. "Everyone kept building and building," suggests o n e economist, "and nobody looked around to see that everyone else was doing the same thing." Most experts say that the glut is the result of overzealous building and the current economic slump. Dennis Moore, vice-president and head o( income producing property in Southern California for Bank of America, blamed the office vacancy on the economic climate and overbuilding th.at , oc-curred in the late 1970s when home builders unable to get financing moved into the commercial market. "It was the only good deal," said Moore. "Everybody got into It if they were experts. No one knew what was going to happen." Spurred on by the number of businesses that relocated from Los Angeles to Orange County in the early 1970s many commercial builders thought thal there would be no end to the profits to be made. "You could almost say there was a herd effect, hke sheep,'' said Ed lndvik with Coldwell Banker's leasing divlslon in Newport Beach. "People see a good thing and they want to get Into it." Newport Center, the jewel of (See VACANT, Page 03) Can autO~alion regain shoemakers'1ootliold? By JOHN BARBOUR ~ Newe ... tu'" Wrtter Used to be that the first day of school was haunted by the luxurious smeU of new leather, or at the very least the smeH of newly applied polish to old leather. Today, if there was any scent al all rismg from the freshly-shod feet of the American student, it was likely that of a ure factory. It is part of the revolullon in American shoe habits that today's schoolchildren wear the same canvas and rubber )Oggers they wore all summer long. New ones perhaps, often with designer names and costing as much or more as the sturdy brogans of yesteryear, but the same scuff-proof, no-upkeep athletic shoe nonetheless. Americans bought more than 200 million pairs o f rubber -fabric footwear in 1981 , for instance. But what worries American shoemakers is that over 65 percent of them were made abroad, and most of these In highly automated factories in the Far F.ast. It is not just this encroachment, with whkh the Americans cannot compete, but also the invasion of foreign-made leather and vinyl shoes in the American market. The market Is lush. In 1981 , some 225 million Americans bought some 950 million pairs of shoes. That's more than four pair per man, woman and child. The American penchant for shoes rises and falls over the years, but always stays well ahead of the number of available feet. The great majority of shoes are leather, all kinds of leather. And the shoe market must compete with other manufacturers for leather - luggage, gloves, handbags and attache cases. It is as if the American were compelled by llOme moral ethic to consume every last vestige of the cow. Cowhides aside, the American purchases the same items -from shoes to suitcases -In imitation leathers, plastic, fabric and the skins of dlvenie creatures such as goata, sheep. hogs, deer, hones, mooae. reptiles, aharka, water buffalo, eels, kangarooe, elephants, ostriches and other exotic denizens ol the earth. Most of those coet far more than cowhide. While cowhide leather haa increased 221 percent In price since 1967, shoe prices on lhE: average have only doubled. The use of chHper foretan labor and cheaper products Ilk<" joggcni has helped keep the price down. For all of their shoe-madness, the Americana are a poor ninth In the shoe-race consumption -l - Retired gym hoe were probably replaced by more sport-pecific neakers. tally. Even the Ruaians are ahead of them. The French and Swiss each buy more than five pair a year, and the American totals are also outranked by the Austrians, Belglana, F.aat and West Germans and the Czechoslovakians. The American presumably makes up for the deficiency by buying cars. The Italians, the acknowledged master shoemakers in the world. sell twice as many palrs as they keep for their own use. They consume only 2.69 pairs of ahoea each a year. At least they did In 1980, accordlna to atatlatlcs compiled by the Footwear lndU5triet of America. That ,pedal poverty should come as no surprise. Even the Bible asked, "Who lJ wonae shod than the shoemaker's wlfe?" Certainly not the statlatlcal American who 'spent $19.3 billion on foot-coverlnp In 1981. Yet, the shoemakers' trade &l90Clat1on uys, that la not enouah. The American Industry, betel by strong foreign competition, •tllJ operat8 out of largely antiquated plant.a, uain1 equlp~nt that it Often a quartt'r·ct'ntury old. So~ 300 planta have cloeed thlee 1960. The survivors are about to start a new industrial revolution. importing robot know -how from Japan, and modernizing a viUage industry that has changed little over the years. It could also alt.er the S<X'lal structure of shoe to,·ms around America. and simplify the design of what Americans wear on their feet. Things that won•t change so rapid,ly a~e American fom. habits The industry is trying to make Americans more shoe-conscious, so that they will buy seasonal shoes and shoes for specific activities, business, dress, casual and leisure wear. It would please George Langstaff, president of Footwear Industries, if Americans bought 95 million more pair in.1982 they than they did in 1981. "We would like to sec the American change shoes more oftcR. So many people wear the same shoe day In and day out for years, literally as long as the shoe lasts, and many of them will last for years." , But if that is so, who buys those 950 mllllon palrs each year? "Women have always had a love affair with shoes.'' says Langstaff. "They buy shoes for more occasions than men who tend to be staple in their approach to footwear. Women are much more fashion conscious. "Besides, the right shoe8 make their legs look good, and legs are a very important aspect of a woman's dress." Indeed, in the category of shoe classified as non-rubber by the Industry -not made of rubber and fabric -women apent aome $7 billion in 1981 on 340 million pair. Men, on the other hand, spent far Jess on fewer than l~ million pair, most of them in the mlddle price range which ls now $35 to $60 a pair. The male shoe staple la the wingtip brogue or the penny moccasin. h may not be fhe same shoe Mom Utted them with for echool, but th~bear a strong l'e9emblan<."e to the •hoet they bou t when \hey (irat exerdaed their freedom of ch . So .. ya l.Anpwff' who owns 60 to 70 pair hlrNelf, aome of them old beat-up clodhoppers he (See FANCY, Pas• D!) Dreu leather boo11 c01tlng se•eral Hundred dollan top the winter line al exclu ive New York 1hoe ealo_.. 1 .. • •' )>! -=· •, C• .. •• t' ,. 11.• , •. ... .. •• •• •• :· \ Orange Ooatt DAILY PILOT /Bund1y, September 29, 1882 - -- fJ? Wall Street has a new address in Newport Beach. Vol.Ir fastest link to Wall Street has just opened a nf1f' offloe at 1301 Dove StJeet. And that's where you'll get timefy, up-to-date lnY&Stment lnfonnatk>rr, because the name on the door Is Bache. Come in for a visit, or call 752-2280 and see how close you 819 to Wall Street. A double tax break for Californians only . No U.S. income taxes. No state income taxes . TAX-FREE Federal taxes. State taxes. The more you make, the more they take. But, now you ca n k eep it aJJ. Payable monthly When you inves t in the California Series of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund, you keep everything you earl). Nobody takes a penny of it. Not the State. Not the IRS. It's completely tax· free*. And th e current yields are attra ctive. 9.95% and that's after aJj sales charges and expenses. And there's no management fee. We think that you'JJ agree that the California Series of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund scores high on aJJ counts. All of the municipal bonds in the fund are rated in the ca tegory A or · better br Standard & Poor 's or Moody's. Becuase it's a fixed portfolio you'JJ i • know exactly where your money is invested. And, because it's diversified, your risk is reduced. You may redeerh or sell your units at any time without charge or interes.t penalty at the then prevailing market price. If you 're a Californian in a high tax br~cket, double tax-free income may give you a lot more spendable income. Write today for a Prospectus. It 's free and without obliga tion .. Just call or 1 mail the coupon. •It.flt t£1ff">rt;t• '"' •""""' fl'lfr~111-f•u ""'r •''"' ,...,, .. ,.,M •H•llf•I ,.,.,.,. • ..,.._ flht4f'f# It~ •'-r rttl+I~ ,.,,,..,,.,, ,.,.,. Ii,,.,....,. "ut. flt•H,,., HI ,..,,,,.,., •• ,.,..,._, l'•'1J~ 1f1,.,f'V. fl'U-r I"' ••ii •I "'-rl'f,.M~f ~I IOI! lftrlfilifl•I ••fr• rtf•'I'• •f J 01' "·'"'";' ,,,., '"''"'",,.,,tr.,.,,, .. ,.,. ,.,., ., lltlU IM D'4 ,.,.,. • .,.,.._,. .. , llfl t1""4tt" ,,,.,..,.,.,.._,_.. •• ..,_ 1,.;uttfH'fl N •• •If,.; r• ~ •t M • Nl"'O•rM-fl te ... , ••• •f t-.,, •tit.,. 1M .rfHI'°' lo .-•• • ,,,_I'#',.., t.~ .I lb f'l,..PN'*" ••• ..,. ••MM Ht ••• """' Ut ••It• tlti. • ..... ,.,,. .. ,.,., h ,.,,,fl,.,,, ,,,,. ••h •• ,, ., ,., ....... fff'fl ., .,.,,.,, ,,,..,_.ft ff ., .... , ...... , ,. •'•"• .,,,.,. , ..... ------------------------------------------ShHnon/Am•rlcan Exo,.... Inc. 550 HrNport Center Drive, Sult• e N.wport S..Ch, CA 92660 (7UJ ,.._Ma •Attn: Ralph Llnzmfller lnl!Nt"*'t EJC«:utW. ..... Bound f(J)r New Horizons --" DRlllECDllTITDCll Here are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, Sept. 24. Data provided by Newport $ecurltles Corp . . . I , .1111 111 t I I I ..... .. , .. HAIOUUT•I W AflOI llfl.,n '1'tl•t ,,.... I OJ•lf•ot•H co..ir a• "' '"" DO •nPVr '"" 111t• I , ti• 1tl t I• tOOI '• . "•"· ....... I 411•• C•tt. : =~:~~·· ' ._ •• ,. ••·C>•"I . , .. , , .... , ... ,., ... " ~\ I l••r, h •fMl •UOI ALI &001 AITllU 'ill'' g lotof 1•\I, ICQ : t ::;~;:~·r::~ •rrL :; ::: t:~:~· .::: ::.:; ti c. ......... . a ~=~: .. !:'~::: ~:~ a ~~::::::11i.ft1t tMU 1, CehM• .,, lO C.l~•ltl• 1il•. • l• C:-.reo, 1 ... t:MI") ~~ ~::r::t~·" tr.~. I• Cw•.._.,. &hot cu-. 1~ hUNH" D,V. " Deuv... DTH 1f lie\• DU'll• Jt lkttt .. •f 1111• OK lt l lCO, IM llr Jet .,, .... ,... .. .... J' ll•or••• .. "" a..Dt )I faiilll•• Co,., .. Lr• JJ 1Voh1\to" Te ·ft· • )ti h •N t . IRt. tfl H ,.,. V.at. "" rvr )6 ''"'' &aer. P'. '"" )l rs~or (or• rLa • JI ri~.,...,.,.,.n re••• ,n r or htt.•r L. r1n• 'O C•n•f"• 1 •MtO. llDI • 1 Oe,,•r• I T•r-11. 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Conetrvetlo" Coep-vt•r Pf"l•t•r• Coac,.•t• ''"•Pl•o•• ••t.•ll 'wrnlt-vr• JoJOb• h en ,,,.. t..t1. Tt \•ftKMM 8'•t. Ot l ••4 O•• 11r, lau1"'•"" c,,.. -.&1• ftOMt Ort ll tn1 &.ooh a .... ::;~ !:f IJ• O'-P• Mo-. oon•t.r ... ot to" V•ter f'"~nl da• Mf& '••rto•t •d 'rod. U3DAO 6.00 OTC 1.00 llTll 11.00 =~:: :a IUl>AO • lt .,,. 10.11 6.so a.oo 11.0 . ., ·'' .1• .. ,. WUDAQ l). l~ 1'. 00 U3D4Q I .00 • t~ •n• t .1'! 9.1~ U ll>AO l.~O 1.6) "ll>'° 11.~o 11.so .. ;: t~ u~ UI ).~o J,)I ITSI 10.)9 ••.JI IAll>CO ).l) 1.6) O~ 1.TS 1.TS ITSf 1.H t.6] MUDAO 1.DO 1.00 H 3DAO t . 1' I , 00 or o. lb or • "° 10.151 • Ii, t '· •O ·l~~& '~:~~J ·~ " 01) • ,,6 10. II I I( o. 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II· l·l l ....... ••• •-10.11 •·lO·ll •.o 11.11·•• u., llo)l·l l 1·1•·11 '·' ll·)t·•· "-':' '::m I ••• , •;:m 0 , , I00,000 i;:m ~l:~l: •.•06 roo,u• ,,, .. , If·'°' 1.tll t,Otf "·"' ,, ·'" l l,•H IJ,•n 1t,•Ot ••• ~6 6.1•1 u .1~• ·~1. ,., , •• '1• :':m 1Z.ot• ),tu •1.•u ·~.n) ., ..... " 0u:m 11, 106 u,,4t• .,,.,, \t, 100 u.~u ... ,.~ H.•tt ''··~ a,161 ua },08) .. .::~:l ,, .~:m 161 T ·'" t0, 1~0 .n::z: ~~:m •.ttl "· ••9 10. l6f •.'67 ltt •,06' , •• •II 1Z:m 7", l •l •.SH J,O•t in nS,0)0 ••.n~ U,100 ",001 1, ,., JO,,., '" 'J.011 ''· ·~1 •• 1t1t •• ,. )It. )11 •.H• U,O•l n:m ~.~S6 s.us ..... '. ,., 1:m ... FANCY FOOTWORK'S EXPENSIVE • • From Page 01 hates to part with . One revolution has already overtaken the American market in recent years. The athletic show has boomed, the jogging shoe. the tennis shoe. the basketball shoe. the boating shoe. Americclns bought 80 million pair last year. But for American shoemakers, it was a mixed blessing. Korea, where the shoe industry ls highly automated and workers make 90 cents an hour, is a major supplier of joggers. Korea put 43 million pair on American feet In 1980 alone. The huge Korean plants can satisfy almost any appetite at low prices. One plant outside Pusan can turn out 100,000 joggers a day. It Is indicative or the problems American shoemakers race. ln 1968, American producers' share of the domestic market was 642 million pairs of non-rubber shoes. In 1981, it had fallen to 375 million pairs, less than half the market. In Taiwan. shoemakers earn only 85 cents an hour in clusters of little village shoe factories. Last year they sold 144 million pairs of non-rubber shoes to American customers. The average price of Taiwanese footwear, ready to be put on the boat, is only $4.31 a pair. The average price of Korean-made non-rubber footwear is only $7.09 a pair, rel1ecting a great.er percentage of leather. ,,,., ·':m l,60 l.:n ,., . m~~ t,ou ... ro1 1,t to ,,. ••••• •so ·!•O uo • 15 us . .. .MU TH jf ·Ill ·ll,tQO ' ..• , JW '·''' 1.10• ;:m ·l.•19 ·1. ,,, 1\~:;(! ', )•'S UI ·901 ~s1' l, 11~ SH •66 1.m Hl JOI 111 u • .. 1 I ,lit -a• -1.m ·lOl .,. JU •.no s. 199 l,H~ 1•• 111 1. ,,, ' -t ••TO ·HS ·U '·°" '.'61 SS• '·'-' ·>. !~l -~o 9.1•0 \. 1•1 ·•.100 n• 6ot. 619 H JI• ..., .01s I)), ll6 -··· .1.111 ), lAO '·"' , .'10 O• ··:m . .,. ···~~ ·'1• '·'" ,;:;:? ·S•z .d:, _,,. '.Ul _,,, •.1;z .z.•n ...... The average American consumers may gasp when they realize they pay five and six times those prices In American shoe stores. Those prices are only the start. They are called fint cost. "First cost overseas ls just what you pay them to put It on the boat." explains Peter Mangione, vice president of Volume Footwear Retailers of America. ''In addition to first cost, you have the price of ocean transportation, insurance and duty to get It here. You also have far different financing arrangements." Stitc hing m achine is pa rt of automa tion tha t will increase American shoe produc tion a nd ma k e it m ore com petitive. ln the 1''ar Ea.st, an American retailer has to put in his order as much as nine months in advance for large. numbers of shoes, and put his money with It. Not only ls his money outstanding but h e is committed to buy. "There is a tremendous fashion rilk," Manstone says. work basis. The average pay comes to just over l.5 an hour. Nevertheless, for large volume buyers from K· mart to J<Jnney, from Penneys to Sean, the low price paid at a forci1n plant still makes for po~ntial profit. M09t of the big retailers and many of the small ones depend on a mix of foreign-made and domestic-made shoes, but the numbers of domestic shoe makers are dwlndlina. The big manufacturers, auch as Kinney, who have aurivived are plannll'\I to automaw to lower costs, Increase volume. For many, It la a 10-year operation. At the Kinney plant In Palmyra, Pa., one of a dozen In the small town.a of tM Keystone State" and West Vlrllnla, 280 men and women tum out eomethln1 like 31200 ~n·a 1hoea and bootl a day, aome In vtnyl, mo1t In ~r. TrylnC to make an ...embly Uno out of aome 200 hand and machlne opera\lona l1 a nearly hopele11 tuk. The btatches of piaru of lhoee proceed down conveyor beltl or •~ pulhed In cart.I from ~ ttatlon to the next, but the work ii done by the h•ndl of men and women workJna on a piece- •• U all available automation could be put in tomorrow, the production of the plant could be i.ncreased by 10 percent, 320 pain of shoes a day, says Claude Lewis, Kinney's executive vice president. But ocr in the distance is the poaaibllity of computeri1ed stitching and robot-assisted put- and-take for the paru1 slttamlinlJ\8 lhe U1embly line. At the higher end of the ahoe aca ;.are \he 'Cashion shoes, made in Italy, Spain, SwJuer'land. In the men's category, ltalian ahoei are expenaelve, highly~stylited, hith faahion footwear. They orten run over $100. In the women's category, Italian ahoce feature-expensive, fine leathers and craftsma.nahlp, altho~1ht the Italians also mako modlum priced w0Jnen11 u.ndallzed shoes. , Some European ahoes with 1pedallty le.then can run as hlah u S600 a pair, af thouah mol\ IOp names run about •160. Such fancy footwork apart, the dOU1ht1 cowhide reian• 1upreme with AIMrtcen ehoia. And, aay1 L1n11taU, whatever th• nwnber indicattd. "If you took the·~ nwnbir of daya you wore a~. and divkled It by the.-ol the ehM. it would probably br Oll9 ol the a.mt values you ~r boutht.'' ' , . I \ Or1ng1 Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, 81pt1mbet 28, 1982 DI .VA CANT OFFICE PACE TURN TO GLUa' IN COUNTY . r • • Health I raud crusader From Page 01 tht• lrvlnu (.'ompu11y'1 orfll'l' empire, ha1 on offlt·r-va<'ancy rata uf unly ll Pl'r<·,•1H, 1u1y_11 Rlchurd Cunnon, un lrvrnc• Company vk't• prl•liirtunt. <..'nnnon VC'n tul't'li th11 t t ht• :w j)ef'(.'(.!nt Clgure ln 11urvey1 ml(lhl be mlalt•u ding. Hl> saya the amount of vacant of!lc.'OI lB due largely to !he fact th41t o number o f very large J)l'Ojt:1•1s were completed at the same tJmc. He says the rule of thumb for developers Is to allow 16 month11 , to "lease up" an offlc.'C' site. He cautions, though, that the Irvine Compan_y like other landlords Is having to take on tht? u sed-car salesman role by making deals to woo tenants. Periods of free rent on long-term leases is the most l'Ommon. Roger Kelley. an assis tant vice-president of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance, says the glut, so far . has not affected his firm's recent move into the office building business. Pacific Mutual completed two seven-story office towers in ~ Newport Center last spring and is constructing a trio of three-story office buildings in Fountain Valley. hits remedies RIVERSIDE (AP) William Jarvia hua a collc..oetion of health devlcff wh<»>e lmpuct on their uaera' hcrnlth never quite matched the financial health qf their lnventoni. The r e ls un Oscilloclael, A collection ol electr c circuit.a that supposedly healed by vibration; an 'Ellie Mlcrodynameter, with which one became healthy by gripping two upright pc»ta lor an eleC"trkal crharge: a Funk Ema na ting Device, which pu rported both to give health and loca.te oil : and a Spectroc hrometer, which supposedly cured a patient by .playing colored lights on him - provided he was nude and facing north. · The devices are from other era.'> but Jarvis, as h e'ad of tne California Counci l Agains;t Health Fraud. is a crusader against what he say~ a re the mo d ern eq ui va l ents of yesteryear's quackery. Jarvis divides quack therapies • into two categories; the costly and the ·deadly. • "We've leased up 72 per<.:ent of Newport Plaza (in Newport Ce,nter) but we do believe there is an oversupply of your typical office buildings in Fountain Valley." Kelley says Pacific Mutual has not yet landed any tenants for the Fountain Valley structures. Officials say Warmington Plaza is designed as a "world trade e;enter" and admit they've taken some time finding the right tenants. Leasing for five floors of the 280,000 square feet is to be a nnounced shortly. Health food stores often ~e ''specialty foods . . . and tH illusion of health," he charged i a recent interview. And J arv is characterizes as "cancer quacks" the people who. claim cancer can be cured by natural means. Bill Fawe,-ett, a spokesman for the Robert P. Warmington Co., claims that Warmington Plaza is a "special" project. . "Sure it's stood empty but there's always been a long-range plan. This is designed as a world trade center and we've taken some time finding the right tenants." Fawcett says his firm will announce soon that five floors, or 80,000 s quare feet of the Warmington Plaza's 280,000 square feet. have been leased. He says a major hote1 and an inn also will be moving in. The plaza, Fawcett says, ultimately is to have 2 million square feet of office spa~ at a cost of n5o million. But Fawcett admits that his boss "is not a fool '' and will not plunge h tadlong into further construction until the market proves itself. O ne troubling trend, observers say. is that the number of firms absorption rate of office space migrating from Los Angeles to has remained very constant over Orange County has gone from a the years. He agrees, though. steady flow to a trickle. that the supply has outdistanced Cannon estimates that 10 years the demand. ago, 80 percent of new office "It's just a case of everyone tenants in Orange' County were saw the green tight at the same relocating from Los Angeles. time and started building." Now. he says. it's closer to 20 Strader claims that the real pe~~t.reason. a number of estate market for office space goes in four-year cycles but that builders agree, is ho'using. It's too in 1978 the market did not take expensive. its normal downswing. Kelley says w h en Pacific .. , Mutual moved south from Los And because of that,' he says, Angeles 10 years ago he was "!t was viewed as another green looking at a home priC'ed at $46, -l If~ h .t a.!' ct ever Yo n e kept 000. Now. he says, the same buildmg. home is going for $250,000. Strader suggests that 1982 is a Tim Strader, vice president of g~nui~e d?wnswing Y.ear and the K 0 1 I C 0 . , says t h at mix~ m with the ~ion and a manufacturing firms that once n at 1 on .a l e 1ect1 o n .. the would have moved into the office repercussions are more obvious. acreage around John Wayn e The Koll Co. has roughly 750.- Airport now are heading off to UUU square feet of office space places like Arizona and Utah. under construction in the county. , He says t he labor pool in -Strader says nearly a third has Orange County has dried up. been pre-leased. Strader contends that the· AJthough officials for South Pllll.IC NOTICE Pllll.IC NOTICE\ rtalC NOTICE Ml.JC NOTICE l'lCTITIOUS 8lJSIHESS FICTITIOUS ....... HAMIC STATIEMt!NT NAm STATamNT The lollowlng persons are doing The lollowlng !>e'Sona are dolng 'bualneas as: buSlness as: CAMPUS AOVERTISINfi, 3822 WILLIAMSON WINDINGS, Campus. Suite 202. Newport Beach, 1133-H MonroYla, Costa M-. CA California 92660 92627. Landmark Interests Inc , a PETER BALOW IN, 1073 Caltlornla corporation. 3822 Corona Lane. Costa Mesa, CA Campus. Sulla 211. Newport Beach, 92626. Calllornta 92660 JAMES A WILLIAMSON. 635 This business 1s conducted by a w. Baker, No. P-103, Costa Mase. corpor at1on CA 92626. Landmark Interests Inc This buslnesa la conducted by e Or Dennis R Frau limited per1nershtp. PreSJdent Pete< Baldwin lllCtmOU8 ......... MAim 8TA'TDIEn Tile loltowlng pe<son1 are dolng bullness •: LOV-U PROOUCTS. 2908 West Pendleton AYenue, Santa Ana, CA 927a.. ROBERT ROMAN, 381 Vista Baya, Newport Beech, CA 92680. LOU L ANE, 23501 Park CerrltOI, Cal•b•SU. CA. RON RODERICK. 1820 S.W. Vermont, PMland, OR. This bullnest fl condu<:1ed by e llmlted pannerlhlf>. Robef1 Roman BTATIEMCNT OF Aa~NT OF UN OF FICTITIO&Je euetNEH NAME The lollowlng peraons have at>andorMld the use ol tile llctltlOus buaineu nl!rnl BLACK ROSE BUCKLE CO , 3't 1848 Coall Highway. Suite 151. Oan1 Point, CA 92620. ha F1ctttlou1 Bualriesa N1me relerred to aboYe was filed In Orange County on February 4, 1982. ALICE J. HERRMANN, 34184 8 Coaal Highway. Oana Point, CA 92629. Coast Plaza Town Center in 1 Costa Mesa say that 80 percent of their 1.3 million square foot d evelopment is leased. they admit the market is soft. "Real estate is a high risk. high Joss si tu a ti on,·' said C hase McLaughlin, a representat ive for C.J . Segerstrom & Sons. "Since the mid-70s the rates had been up so it appeared there was no risk , but certainly there was a risk . You see so many empty buildings. It's visible now." M cLaug hl i n said that Segerstrom executives saw the glut coming to Orange County last year and decided "not to build buildings unless they have pre-leasing. We're not going to build buildings with em pt y offices." Jerry Klein, partner in Jerwel Enterprises. builders of the One Pacific Plaza office complex near Hu ntin~ton Center, said 80 p erce n t of t h e 100,000-square-foot office has been leased so far. He added that the compan y ·~ -THI . ~\ !!!!:! A• co.e!TIONNO tolAI WA-NIATINO IAf---54 '" 111•51 hMce T-919'\I •I Your 0oor ICel Store -I Your AIM) COSTA MBA 641-1289 152' New,ert llf,,4, Mt$5'0N WJO 495-0401 21922 c.mi-c.,.i.-.. (-Diep-, ... A_., ...... ) still plans to go ahead with the construction of another 100,000 square feet of development next spring. M ich ael Ober.st, project manager for Curci-England C.O., deve~opers for the Sakioka land in Costa Mesa, said officials plan to begin the first phase of the 1.3 million square feet of South Coast Metro Center in Marc:h. "I think it's just an economic aberration," said Oberst of the abundance of office spae,-e. "W e'd like to pre-lease." especially in this market," said Oberst, admitting that no tenants have yet agreed to Qiove into the future complex near South Coast Plaza Town Center. Most real estatt: experts expect the oversu pply will eventually be corrected as the economy improves. "What we've been through has been unn,erving/' satd Klein. "There'll 1Se some caution . But afterwards developers will jump back in with both feet." "I've seen so many needle&$ deaths and tragedies. It's just th~ most horrible of all of it. If you take J>f:Ople's money, that's one thing. But to see young people, ,childre n. die -that's really tragic.'' He is also critical of dimethyl sulfoxide, an industrial solvent sold as DMSO in health food stores and vacuum cleaner repair shops -but not by doctors or pharmacists. Its devotees claim it relieves pain , even severe arthritic pain. "It'll do that," says Jarvis. "No question." The question is what else it does. He s-ays DMSO fs absorbed very quickly through the skin, taking anything else t h a t happens to be on the skin along with it, cr eating a ris k of infection. It has also been shown to cause eye, liver and kidney damage in laboratory animals, he says. It does relieve pain, but is not licensed for sale as a drug._ Learn All About MICRO COMPUTERS Attend the This statement was liled with the Thia atatement was llted with the Thia statement was meo with the County Cieri< ol Orange County on September 8. 1982. WALLY SUTHERLAND. 34184 t------------ ABC'S OF MICRO COMPUTERS County Clerk ot Orange County on County Clerk ol Orange County on September 16, 1982 September 8, 1982 F197MO F1170l3 Published Orange Coast Daily Published Orange Coast Dally Piiot. Sept 19. 26, Oct 3. 10, 1982 P1tot, Sept. 12. t9. 26. Oct 3. 1982 4086-82 3942-82 F1170S2 Published Oranae Coast Dally Pttot, Sept. 12. 19. }6. Oct. 3, 1982 39'40·82 8, Coast Highway, Oana Polnt, CA 92629 This bualness was conducted by a general par1nerahlp Allee J Herrmann PmLIC NOTICE Pml.IC NOTICE This statement was filed with the County Clerk ol Orenge County on -----------Septltmber 8. 1982 Pllll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aus1Ness I F1cTITious ausrNES& FICTITIOUS aua ... aa NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT NAMf STATEMINT Ft55117 Published Orange Coaat Dally Pilot, Sept. 12. 10. 26. Oct. 3. 1982 3911-82 The lotlowlng persons ere doing Tile lottowlng person la doing The following pertons are doing business es: buSlness as business as. t----------- -taJ SALT CREEK SURF FRE.01 00 REPAIRS. 17'47 (11 THE PRISTINE CUSTOM Pml.IC NOTICE CENTER (b) SALT CREEK SURF' & Anaheim AYe . Costa Mase. Ca. j:;OACH WEAKS (2) PRISTINE 1--F-l-C-Tl-T-IO_U_S_B_U_l-IN-,.-5-S-- SPORT. 2724_ 1 Jardines. Mission 92627 CUSTOM COACH WEAKS, 2215 Filth " VleJoW. ~11a1 ltloron11a 92629722• J d Farhad Naze<tehreni. 1!>522 ~s Street. Huntington Beach. Catllornla NAME STATEMENT . 1 am nnle. ..1 ar 1nes. Woodruff A Ye • Bellflower. Ca 926,.8 The following pe<sons ere dOing M1Sa1on Viejo. California 92692 98706 Richard S Thorpe, 18391 business as If vou don't smoke, I can offer important savmgs on auto insurance. Claim your reward from: RABBfTT INU~HCE '41 Old Newport Bfwd • • Newport .. ech, Ca. 131-7740 DA TE: Sept.29 TIME: 7 PM LOCATION: 3304 West MacArthur. Santa Ana (3 Blocks U.s1 of Harbor Blvd.) COST:Sl5 To Resister Call (714) 960-2786 or 533-0372 Patrtcla Dinnie, 272'41 Jardine,. This business IS conducted by 811 Oxboro Huntington B h CLIFFWOOO, LTD •• 27285 Las M~lonV~~Caltl~~a~~2 l~w~u~ · Caltlorn~~~! ••c • ~m~as.~~200.~u~nV~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Th!• business IS conducted by an Farhad Naze<1ehran1 Crelg Whitney ThOmpson 112 Callf~;~~~~2~91S\lot~.' 27285 Las 1-dMdua~llll 0 1 1'hos Slatement was llied w1lh the 2 1st Street, Apt 8, Huntln'gton Rambtas. Suite 200• Mis.ton Viejo. Pml.IC NOTICE Thia state~:;,, ~".~ ellled with the County Clerk ol Orange County on Beach. CalilOl'nla 92648 Callfornta 9269 t County Clerk ol Oranne County on September 16· 1982 F This buelness ts conducted by 8 James E Bar1on. 8409 Ullca .,,... · "' 117M4 genefal pa1tne<ship R c -.-temt>er 16, 1982 Published Oren~ Coast Delly Riehard S Thor""' Avenue. ancho ucamonga. F117Mt , .. -Calilornla 91730 P I h 0 C 0 I Pilot Sept 19. 26. t 3. 10. 1982 This s1e1ement was 1118<1 With the This bu•tn-s Is ~Anducted by 8 uD 15 ed range 0851 81 y 41' 1·82 Co c•~ 0 C • --Pllol. Sept 19. 26. Oct 3. 10. 1982 , unty ""ft of range ounly on general per1nerllhlp 4094-82 Pml.IC NOTICC Septembef 16. 1982. Richard R. Stenton -----------i---.,.~=~.,..---.,.--t---1 FRANK C. WRIGHT Thll statement was ltled with the FICTmoua eus ... as AtlOfMJ et uw lounty Clerk of Orange County on NA• STATEMENT lovthw"I llenll •ulldlno September t6, 1982. FICTrTIOUS 8USINES8 The lollowtng persons .,. doing IOO Olennerr• A H 0 0 E s • K E N 0 A L L ' NAME 8TAT£MENT Dullness 81. &..tune heel!, CA. 12Ht HARRINGTON The lollowlng person Is dotng B & V CLE A f\11 NG MA I N· (714) 497-4433 A Pro'".ion.I Lew COfpoHllon busl..-81: T E NANCE Se.fl Vt CE. 5 4 8 1 (714) 151.... Mec:Arthur Bouleverd1 GREEN LIGHT. 21'42 Parsons Vanguard, Garden Grove. Ca. Ftl7Qe lull• 105 Str .. t. Costa Mesa. CA 92827 . 92645. PubUttled9 Otange Coast Daily P.O. 8o• 1317 ANDREW FRANK GREENE, VIVIAN ANN WHEAT. 5461 P110t, Sept. 1 , 26, Oct. 3. 10, 1982 Newport hec:h, CA 12t10 2142 Parsons Street. Costa Mesa, Vanguard. Garden Grove, Ca 92645 F117M3 CA 92fl27 BARBARA lEE RASE, 3529 Publlahed Orange Coast Dally Thia business is conducted by an Tiiden. Orange. Ca. P\llt.IC NOTICE Pilot. Sept. 10. 26. Oct. 3. 10. 1982 lndMdual. 1'1lis busl..-s ts conducted by a FICTITIOUS eu ... ea 4142•82 Andrew F. Green. o-at partnership. 1'hlt 111tement was flied with the VIVlan Ann Wheat NAM! ITATIMl'NT County Clerk ol Otange County on Thts 1t11emen1 waa flied with the The follo'Mng persona are dolng Sepfembe< I, 1982. County Clertc of e>r.nge County on buslneaeuNo:~· THE RAINBOW TOTS FICTITIOUa au..-.. Ft~ Sept 23. 1982 NAME STATEMENT Publlahed Orange Coasl Deily Ft•t47 GYMNASTICS, 2025 College T'he lollowlng persona ara doing Pllot.Sept. t982 Published Orange Coast Dally AYenue. A -11, Cos ta Men. buslneasu: 3860-82 Pilot, Sept 28. Oct. 3. 10. 17, 1982 Calif~~~a ... ~~y6n2&A Cady. 25" t KIM ZUNO E,..TERPRISES, ---Pllll--IC_NO_Tl_C_E-'"''""'"'.._ 4261"82 Sunllow"'er. A-6. Santa Ar1'e . ~~~~~.Sierra. Fountain Valley. CA POOUC NOTICE Catllornla 02704 NHUNG THI PHAN, 18283 FICmtOU8 •USINE88 Robert w C ady. 2 5 2 1 Sle "' t I v II CA 92708 NAME STATEMENT F1Cm1oue .u ... es Sunflower, A·"'. Santa •na. rre. oun an a ey, · AMI " " REU8Ef\I W. PULLEN, 5341 The tollowlng peraon Is doing N •TATl:Ml!NT Cellfornla 02704 Appian Wey. long Beach, CA bUSlness as: The lollowlng person la doing This butlnfM le conducted by a 90803. M IC H A E L ' S C U S T 0 M butlneu u : O-tel partfl!'thip. -1 b ·• I d SCREENS, 711 W t7th SI., Suite GRAPHICS PLUS, 2541 S. Caro.,, A. Cecty •nl u .. nest I con UCled by a 0·10, Costa Mesa. Ca. 92627 Mein SI., Santa Ana. ca. 92707 Thia 1tatemet1t wu fifed with the limited part~~~l\hl Phan Michael D. Hughe1. 731 Vlc1or1e John JoHph Coute', 163 E. COonty Cieri< of Ofange County on This statement waa lii.d with the St .. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 221'1<1 St .. Co111 Mesa, ca. 92827 Sep\lmber 18, 1982. County Cletk of Ofan"e County on This buttnesa 11 conducted by an T'h11 bu'SI-11 conducted by In '117Ml Sept. 1• 1982 " lndMdual. lndMduat. Publl1lled Oreno.• Coa1t Dally ,, .... MlchHI Hughel John JOIMIPh Coult' Piiot. Sept. 10, 26, OGt. 3. 10. 11'182 p Thia 11a1-t waa llled with the I Thi• 11atemen1 wu lileo wlln tne 40t>s,.82 ubll•h•d Orange COHI Dally C()unty Clerk ol Orange County on county Cleril of Orenge County on Pllol, Sef)t. 5, 12, 19. Z6. 1082 Sepllmber 18, 1982 September 8, t982. F1WOM -----------3030·82 F117M Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally rtRIC NOTICE Pubtlahed Orange CoHt Dally Pilot Sept 12. 10, 26, Oct. 3, 11'182 'ICTITIOU9 •U-ll Piiot Sept. 19. 26, Oct 3. 10, 1982 3\'lle-82 NAMI eTA,.._NT FICTITIOUI BU ... H _________ 409 __ 1-_82 PUBllC """TICE The IOl!Owlng l*IOnl are doing NAMS STAftMINT "8.IC NOTICE "" blltineN et: The follOW1ng persona .,. dolfi9 ,ICTmOUa IUa.... 80FT·Cl!LL PRODUCTS, 200 l)ull~~l~·oRNIA PATIO OOOR, P1CTTTIOUe .,..... NAMa ITATIMEn CAvenue Del Mer, Suite 2015, Sen 1623 Alabama AYe, H11nt1no1on NAm 8TATnmNT The followlng peraon la doing lemen1e 92t72. Beech ca 92648 TN lollowlno ll•taon II dOl'10 bllll,_ ... RICKY R. RIVADENEVAA. 1&5 w. THOMAS ALLEN OEGUEl..l.E bueillell M: TROVCO. 760 W. 17th St., Co111 PllHnlcla, Ian Clemente CalllOfnla. ll82 Snowbird, Honllngton a.eeti ART AESOURCES..1. 858 We11 M ... Ce. 92627. 92872. c e294e tatti St., Cotta M ... , 1.;A. 92127 TROY H. CLEM JR .. 3052 RICHARD C WEM .. ER. 9217 •·RUTH 8 OEGUELlE 8112 l!dwwd A. ONltAn, 2189 Tuatln NHlall Rd., Leoun• 8eacf't, Ce. CM~1,!.~92C7l0rcle1 • '°""'llln Vellty snowbird. H~nunoton leach Oa. Av.., Cotta M .... Ce. '2627 92851, • ""' ...,.,... TNll ~ II conduc1ed by en Thlt bvllneae le conducted by an Thlt l>utltleN 11 conducted by e 92~!· bvllnest 11 conducled by 1 tndMdual. ln<Jlvlduel. 119'*81 ~"!'dtlfllp.w---... a1 pertnetll>lp • Edwerd A. ChalHn Troy H. Clem Jr. .......,_ ~ C. ............. .,.... T 0. Gt Thie ltatement WM filed With the Thi• •t•t-1 WU llted With Ille Thi• l lltemenl ••• 1118(1 with the Thlt 1taf:n.n1 .:~led With the County Cltl'k of Otange County on County Clerk 01 Orangt eo..tnty on County C*1I of Otenge P°""IY on County Clefll ot Ofanot Co\M1y on ~ 8, 1912 Septembet' 23, 1982. hptembet 23, 1912, ltQI 17 1982 ,,.,... ,,.Ml ,,.... ' . ,;.,.. fl'ubll•Mcl Oreno• 00 .. 1 Delly Publl•h~ Oranoe COHt Delly PllblleMd Otenot C:O.. Detty PHot, Publllhed by OflnG9 CoMI Delly PloC a.pt, 12, 19. 28, Oct 3, 1982 Pilot. Mpt 26. OCI 3, 10. 11, 1H2 8tpt, 28, OGt. 3, 10, 17, 1M2 PtlOI, Sept 28, act, 3, 10, 17 • aeat-12 • 42 11.a2 •2et·t2 0 .... 2 Pml.IC .NOTICE P\llt.IC NOTICE GET STARTED IN COMPUTING AND .SAVE s111 TRS-80 MODEL m *'"2 sees Reg. 999.00 • Track lnveatmenta • Games for the Family • Learn to Program ~ ------=-"=..--=---=-=--=---~=--------• . . Save $111 and get down to aertoua bualneu with your own computer! Or use It for fun·fllled game• In your lelaure time! Keyboard, monitor. and 16.000-Character memory-all In one beautiful desktop unit. Learn to program with our easy-to-read manual. or add an optional caaaette recorder to UM a wtd• variety of ready-to-run programa. Eaally exJ>11ndabl• to our deluxe 2-dlak bualneu system. Klad1e/haek A DIVISION OF TANDY C~PORATION PflUCES MAY VAAV AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE . COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER ., ... ~c., Sale Enda 10/31112 'I . ' f • I • I I J l ' \ y AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE CIUOUftClll\tljhllO•lU nu11•-•11•w•DH ... O•U• PA(ift( , • ., ••UOll Dtllltf H I lltl(lllHfl OOt• U("Alllt\ AltO 101111 Un Ult U\OH D llOflitU " Ora Cout DAIL v PILOT l8und1y, Stpttmbtf 28, 1082 .. I ' I e c • •• Oranoe Coal\ DAILY PILOT/Sunday, 8epttmbef 29, 1882 State housing spurred Village · homes offered Slow rebound predicted as prices stabilize LOS ANGELES Callfomla'• hou.lna production lncreaHd asaln In !uly while borne prlcet 1tabllized, poulbly 1ipaUn1 eome relief from the rece911onary pte9IW'e which haa artpped the real eetat.e lnduatry, reporta Security Pacific National Bank. "How,ver, we expect thl• industry to rebound elowly and only after the national economic recovery la well under way," eaye Paul O 'Brien, 1enlor vlce president and the bank'• chief reel eetate officer. Buildlns activity climbed in California and throushout the nation. U.S. houai.ng unit permit authorlzatioM topped the one million mark for the flnt Ume ln over a year, with a seuonally adjusted annual rate of 1,103,000 units. This is a 19 percent increase from June. O'Brien attributed much of the increase to government-subsidized hoµsing for the elderly and the handicapped. California contln'ued the accelerated building pace started in June. ~ on the national level, much of the activity stemmed from government subsidized projects. Anticipation of the new energy standards also spurred hou1ln1. but thoee 1t1ndard1 have b ee n postponed . Komebulldina ln California roeo 16 percent fn July to 10&.•oo unH1. Th~ nine-col/nty Southern California reilon poeted a eeven percent monthly rise In residential buildina permit.a to a 1euonally adjusted annual rate of 67,400 unlta. Permits roee 13 percent ln Northern California to an annualized 22,600 units, The moet dramatic month-to-month gain occurred in the Central Valley, which posted a 3' percent Jump to an annual rate of 21,700 units. Home prices remained at.atic ln July In California and the nation. The average cost for a new or ,existing single-family home was $77 ,300 nationally, while California's average home price stabilized at $126,300 In July. Of the metropolitan areas, only Loa Angeles posted a monthly price increase, registering a 9 percent jump to $130,400: San Franciaco's average price dropped to $123,- 300 from $148,000 the previous month. The lowest prices were again posted in San Diego at $112,200. O'Brien cautioned that average prices may fluctuate greatly from Opening in Niguel lures 400 faniilies More than 400 families visited Serrano Creek Villas in northern El Toro and Vista del Cerro in Laguna Niguel in its opening 48 hours. . The two condominium projects by the Carma-Sandling Group, specialists In quality at- tainable housing, opened Sept. 11 for presales. Although there were no finished units, no deco- rated models and very little pre-publicity, 27 con- dominium homes were sold in that 48-hour period. Primary attraction at both projects is the special financing provided by the Orange County Bond Issue program for families with household incomes up to $39, 120. Under this program monthly payments can be as low as $683 (P & I) on a 30-year. fixed-rate mortgage, fully assumable to the next qualified buyer (subject to the rules of the program.) At Serrano Creek Villas buyers can select from two-and three-bedroom floor plans with one or two bat.ha. The 125-unit development is priced from $79,950 to $91,950 and features a community pool, spa and ch~houae with lounge, kitchen fa- cilities and storage room. The homes have an impressive list of standard ametUties that includes cefltral air oonditioning, oak kitchen cabinetry, wall-to-wall carpeting, drapes. interior laundry areas. built-In range, oven and dishwasher all cofor coordinated. Some units are also equipped with upgrades such M micro- wave, mirrored wardrobe doors and tub enclo- sures. Vis1a del Cerro is a 60-unit condominium de- velopment located on a ridgetop in Laguna Niguel and is priced from $82,000 to $94,000. It too offers a choice of two and three-bedroom, one and two bath ~· The condominiums feature central air condi- tioning, forced air heating; kitchens with micro- wave, built-in range, oven, dishwasher, oak cabi- netry; wall-to-wall carpeting. drapes, mirrored wardrobe doors In the master bedroom, and com- munity pool and spa. Vista del Cerro c.an be reached from Pacific Coaat Highway or the San Diego Freeway via Crown Valley Parkway to Golden Lantern, BOUth to Paseo de Collnas, left and then right to Vista del Cerro. The sales trailer is open daily from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m., 495-2854. Serrano Creek Vil.las is reached by taking the Lake Fon!lt Drive exit left from the ~ta Ana Freeway to Old Trabuco Road, tum left., then right on Canada. 'Ille sales trailer is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 859-6718. · Topic: Learn how buying your office building, may c~f less than renting. Conducted by: Fred R Shapiro, partner Kenneth Leventhal & Co., C. P.A., international public accounting firm. Date: ~ptembcr 29, 1982 Time: Continental breakfast served at 8:00 am. ~minar from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. Place: 2825 Temple Avenue (at 28th St.) Signal Hill R.SY.P.: 213/932-9080 on or t>.for• September 27 THE ORANGE COAST month to month. Moreover, durlna rece11lonary period•. fewer homee are belns aold throu1h conventional flnanclna and thh may akew price averaaet. "In an unuaual role reversal, while homebulldlnf Increased, California's u1ual y resilient nonresidential conatrucUon eector .posted a 23 percent month-to- month decline In July," O'Brien uy1. Thi• decline follow• exceptJonally high activity levels in June. On a yeaJ'ly comparison, July nonresidential permit valuations dropped 19 percent from July 1981 to $736 million. "The 34 percent monthly drop in commercial construction renecte the aof~nlng demand for office •pace In the 1tate," he .saye. "New office space construction had accounted for the majority of nonresldenllal construction over the last two years and was spurred by the extremely low vaca n cy rates In many metropolitan areas." Pro1pectlve home buyel'I currently vilit.lna Caea La Pu in Lquna Hilla are beln& pretented with an opportunity to a et In on the "around level" of Country Village, a new master- plan ned community being developed by Shapell lnduatriee, Inc. In corpo rat i ng af proximately 690 acres o countryside near the lnteraectlon of La Paz Road and OIM> Parkway, Coun fry Village is estimated to have approximately 4,200 homes of mixed-product type (the first being Casa La Pa:i) as well as a commercial site, two 1chools, recreational faci lities and an abundance of a:reenbelts. Industrial valuations in California jumped 19 percent durlnS July to $98 million while no'nreeldentlal remodelings decreased 14 peramt from June. Exterior of Country Village condominium in Laguna Hills' Casa La Paz development. Model homes and the sales office are open from 10 a.m. unU1 7 p.m. daily, except Saturday, when the hours are from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. For information, phone 831 -~012 . It al I adds up at Cedar TAKETlME TOAGURE ITOUT Glen I st<>P on al Cedar Glen The hr$l IOO peopie tllal new pockel ca\Cu- thiS wee11end W11t~~ts to make'' as easy lator pac;esettllf,.....,.,,, Glen to add up tor yoo as possible tor...,.,..,.. . ' • 2 bedrooms, 1V2 bath condominiums in El Toro • $95,000 .to $97,000 • SO/odown • No closing costs Includes air conditioning, carpet and flooring, Leveler blinds. 30 year fixed-rate loan. no prepayment penalty, fully assumable. Q ~ ··-b """" G~ J j .. ,,_ D•rect'°"6 From the San Doego Freewaf- tal<e lhe El loro Road ollramp Drive not1tl on El Toll~ f;ioad LO the tntersecltOn c:J, Trabuco ~ Follow 91gns IO models (714)586-4910 ~ -- BUSINESS OUTLOOK The fir~t Sunday of every month, the Daily Pilot presents an expanded business section with everything you need to know about business in your community. If you're in business, you need Business Outlook . ....J. • • \ t " • New Clemente homes popular Palacio del Mar, a communl\y of alnal -family luxury home11 In San Clemente, hu enjoyed a brbk aalet pK"e for the put 30 dayt, where five new hornet and three Iota have been aold. "We've had ao much lrafflc over the patt month that we've had to call ln b8Ckup aalet people Jutt to handle the overflow." uld Joy Ridgway of l.ingo Real Estate, which is managing salea for the property. Ridgway attributes the lncreaaed salet pace to a atepped-up adverUalng program which preeenta low Interest rates and alternative methods for buyera to help finance their new home, auch aa a trade-In program. Other factors contributing to this sales auocess are reduced prices and low down payments (or homes in a location which overlooks the Orange County c.'OaStllne. At present, four homes remain for aal&-1 at Palacio del Mar. Two of these hornet offer two bedrooms and two one-half 'baths while the other two homes feature three bedrooms and three baths. All of these homes are designed ln spilt-level floor plans and include unusual amenities such as obeervation decks and retreat areas. Homes are priced frvm $295,000 and buyers may save up to $75,000 off the original price as alJ homes have been reduced. The sales office is open from noon to 6 dally. except Monday. To reach the community. located at 304 Via Colibri in San Clemente, take the El Camino Real exit off the-Pan Diego Freeway and proceed south to San Gabriel. Turn left to San Pablo, turn right and then right again on Via Colibri to sales entrance. For more information, call 498-4282. Orang• Coaet DAILY PILOT/Sundav. September 26, 1082 Artist's conception of new S 1.5 million Irvine CorP?rate Center planned for Irvine Business Complex Irvine Corporate Center development started Construction has begun on Irvine Corporate Cent.er, a $15 million research and development facility located 9n Oyer Road in the Irvine Busi- ness Complex, according to William L. Hamm, se- nior vice president and partner of Equidon In- vestment Builders. Uti,lizing the present industrial buildinl( on a 6.3-acre site, Irvine Corporate Cent.er wiU be con- verted to Include the addition of a second floor, a glass facade with dramatic two-story entrance. solar bronu windows, full air-conditioning, up- graded insulation for energy efficiency and addi- tional parking apaces to achieve a 4:1 ratio. Designed by George Seitz and under con- struct1on by Equidon Contrac tors, the 117,500-square-foot project providt.>s up to 58,750 square feet for executive offices with the re- mal n Ing 50 percent floor space allocated engineering or research and development activities. A 24-foot high bay also affords flexibility for potential light manufacturing applications. • County industri~l projects now offering leasing option Situated at a prime intercept location to the. Newport (Cost.a Mesa) Freeway and wilh conve- nient access to the San Diego and Sant.a Ana .. freeways, Irvine Corporate Cent.er will be one oi . the largest single-building facilities in this rapidly- growing Irvine complex. Slowly but surely new industrial projects in Orange County offering space for sale are beginning to broaden their marketing approach to include bath leasing and selling of space as strong competition and decreased market demand inhibit sales activity. According to David Dickey of Market Profiles, at leasl seven new developments in Orange County LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD P. LAUFER -EMPHASIS ON - • Personal Injury •·Medical Malpractice • Chapter II Filings • General Litigation • All Civil Wrongs 412 North Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 494-8591 Will You Be Ready For The Coming Boom in Real Estate? •, New Broker Preparation eour ... From The AMI Estate Institute Meet State Req&*eMenta • Low Cost Convenient • Fast-Trak-Training Reel Eat.te Legal Aapecta 6:30-9 pm Tuesdays & Thursdays Oct 5 to Dec 9 (nine weeks) Finley Learning Center 13521 Edwards St Westminster Real Eatat• Economlce 6·30-10 pm Wednesdays Oct 6 to Jan 12 (13 weells) Mesa Verde Learning Center 2990 Mesa V•de Drive Costa Mesa Reel Eat.te Appnlleel 6·30-10 p.m. Wednesdays Oct 6 to Jan 12 (13 Weeki) . Peterson Learning Center 20661 Farnsworth Lane Huntington Beech RMI lat.te finance 6.30-9 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays Oct 5 to Dec. 9 ( nlM weeks) Aoblnwood Learning Center 5172 McFadden Ave. HuntlnQton Beech AH CoureM luat • MO" -Compere the price with that of Real Eslate IChools Preteglstratlon strongly edvlled at enrollment II ~led Mel Regletretton: Cell the . RMI Eelate lnllltute end lotmt wlll be sent to you In ,...eon: You me~regllltr at any ot the abOYe IOc:atk>M 0t at the College Center. 10231 Sletet Ave .. Fountain Valley. Telephone: (714) "3..0811 Aak fot Dt. Chet ptatt ... • • have made this change in marketing approach in the last few months. This is one of several flndings of a survey of Industrial and office developments under construction or recently completed In Orange County. The survey was conducted for California Land Title Insurance Company by Market Profiles, a Costa Mesa based market research firm. "With lhe continued slow industrial sales market, several more projects are expected to follow sult in the upcoming months," said Dickey. -...,'.'The trend toward selling versus leasing induslrial space is one which has developed as a result of high land prices. However, an over-abundance of developments have attempted to sell rather than lease space." • "Industry's high demand for such compre- hensive, well-situated buildings m Orange County prompted Equidon's decision to complete this re- habilitation quickly," st.at.es Hamm. Occupancy is sla ted for early 1983 with Coldwell Banker (Ne~port) serving as leasin~ aRent. ' ' I ' • I . --._ --.... --------------------~ -------------------------------~-----------~--------. P 8 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, September 29, 1982 I • ,. .. ·. . $21/2 ~ItLION-IN VENTORY 19·82 _ OD L --- CLOSE __ ·o T El --· -------UPTO ----- factory rebates _J -. -• --on Selected Models--.. Californla.'s largest Volkswagen dealer closes out all remaining 1982 Isuzus and Volkswagens. Drastic discounts on every model. .--. NOTHING HELD BACK! -. ' ~Convertibles ifQuantums if'eampers ~Rabbits -· ~Pick Ups if'niesels ~Sciroccos ~Jettas . , ~Vanagons ~All Isuzu Cars & True~ . OVer 40 Executive Demonstrators On Sale At LiqUldation Prices . COME Il\T OB CAI·L TODAY - . . . ie,11 BBi.OB Boux.•vA•», a~an•&m• BB"CB Ma-aooo ' . I • .. I J .r ing could wind up royalty • In 'The Quest' By JERRY BUCK A#T .... lelofl Wrtter LOS ANGELFS -Perry King seems to be prophetically named. In hia ·new ABC televlaton 1eries, "The Quest," he CQ\.lld end up aa royalty. King stars as a sports photographer who is one of four people selected to compete for the crown of the postage-stamp kingdom of Glendora in this new comedy-adventure. It's sort of a jet-age joust for King w~th his co- stars. Noah Beery, Ray Vitte and Karen Austin. All play descendants of a Glendoran prince who emigrated to America, and a series of contests have been set up to determine who will inherit the throne. If the throne remains vacant, the kingdom reverts to France. "I've been asked to do series many times," says Kirul. "but this ls the first one that seems to contain all the elements. Well, I did a pilot called 'Golden Gate' that didn't sell, so I've said yes twice." What are those elements? "First," he says, "do you like the part, the person you're going to play? I also wanted humor. Not slapstick, but realistic humor. I wanted to move around and not be on a sound stage every day. I wanted a show where I wouldn't be the only star. And l wanted a producer who would treat us right so we could have a sense of family. "l didn't make a list of those things," he says. '11 didn't want to do a series with a uniform, and I mean that in the larger sense. You can get trapped into having an audience think of you as only one thing. This, more than 'Golden Gate.' contained everything. It comes down to what you can envision living with for five years." The series is a romp of comic races and chases and scrambling to be first in the quest. The two- hour pilot movie was filmed partially in France, and they plan to return to Europe for more filming. Juanita Bartlett ("The Rockford Files") created \)le show, and it's being produced by Stephen J . Cannell. "Most of my work has been straight dramatic.'' says King. "I did 14 feature motion pictures and three mini-series. So I'm pleased to be doing something humorous. "My character, Dan Underwood, is a world- iraveling photojournalist and a very competitive man. Oiiginally, he was a white knight. He was clearly the obvious choice to win the quest. But I "ONE OF THE SEASON'S HAPPIEST SURPRISE.5." -Charle• Chemplln, LOS ANOl!U!S TlMl!S MISSION VIEJO Edwards V1e10 Twin 830 6990 NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE Edwards Newpon Cinema Cinedome 644 0760 634 2553 WESTMINSTER Edwards Cinema West 891 ·3935 000 H.llU AeanlO..,..""' ~·l P erry King proudly parks himsel atop the motorcycle and sidecar he built while filming new TV series. · thought he was too ~rfect. I talked to Steve and Juanita and we realized there was nowhere ·to go with that. We put some kinks in to give him some personality. Every now and then he'll do soruething badly," he says. The scory of a weekend after a n igh1 at che opera. NOW PLAY ING AT TH ESE SPECIALLY SEJ..ECTED T H EATRES 1 COSTA MlSA ORANGE Edwards Town Center 714 7St •ta• Ct Cente1 714 63• 9282 10 maJor awardS lndudlng ttte HUCO fOr science fiction I~ I •.••• I 1 • \\ ' t I '\ I I It ~ , ... something of himself in his roles." "My approach in this is the part and this is me and I want to bring Dan over here. Previously, I always brought myself to the part. I think l should do more to put myself into' my roles. Even Laurence Olivier, a great character actor, always has King, who is separated from his wife, brought his 12-year-old daughter, Louise to the interview. See Perry King, Page E3 POLTERGEIS I It fcnows whaJ scar~s you . ............... _.~ NOW PLAYING UITA MllA Cl TIM ...... •WUT•IQTUI i:otT•MIA u .... ,., .. 5•0 ,. .. coau•u ... -~ -··--•U•S•S U.,.O\ C.-.. c.n.... Efw-S-0.C• AMC Or-.... Ell•.,.•tll Ctt<N Wd WllT-lU ,,..... Ml u •o 63/0HO ... 3US , .... ,,.c-..c.-.1 .. "'""' ..... "0n .... Ill JHl "' '"' -~ .. , ... , ... .,,_ CT"8I -OMl9I ~ c"".aw-•c.i..... UA CllY c.-.t ·~ U ltllll u .. h ~-..,., U• )0 0 fl'l•ll11 ·-U• otss U • H ll ...uJTilll , .. ,_ ... Dance with a bear? •...UAC:C:•rt••••.,... • ......-.. #TJ UH lll DISNEYLAND HOTEL'S W ow! Two sensational days and one Disneyland Hotel, the official hotel of Dance with a bear ... wander through a laze on a tropical beach ... make a splash in visit a wine cellar ... see the Dancing Waters show ... and ride the monorail direct to Disneyland! Plus one day's admission to Disneyland Par~, including unlimited use of all rides and attractions except shooting galleries. Dinner in our water- front Shipyard Inn or elegant Oak Room. A drink in one of our lounges. And, best of all, up to two child ren can share parents' room for only $?9.50 each, and that includes everything the grown-ups get. (Kiddy cocktail, of course.) ~~ For reservations and information, see your travel agent or call Walt Disney Travel at 71 4/5 zo .. 5050. Disneylan4 llotd . ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA ... .. . l Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/8und1y, September 28, 1982 *'40 years of mal-riage Jessica Tandy 'and Hume Cronyn doing something right 8y JAY SHARBUTr "°'_.,..., , NEW YORK -"It didn't 10 wttll," Hume Cronyn uy• wryly of hia flntt dat.o with Jfflkla Tondy. "I made what 1 thousht were 1ome iUTiualnaly dlaparaaina remarlu about the Britlah - which ano (ound fatuoua." But eomcthins went rtaht. On Monday, the C&Mdlan·bom actor and the ledy from Londo n wlll celebrate their 40th ~versary, latt.er--Oay Lunia atW sharing the at.a.ie aiis well (all their Uvea. Five yeara ago they were Broadway'• acclaimed old shufflers ln "The Gin Game." On Nov. 11. th~y're returnlnaz playing Broadway together again for the 11th time since "The F'ourpost.er" In 1951. Their new joint venture la "Foxfire," based on the best-selling Foxfire books about Appalachian hill folk. The Cronyna portray a wi.se old married couple, with Keith Carradine essaying their aon, a country mu.sic star. . Susan Cooper co-authored the show with Cronyn. H e's written short stories and the screenplays of Alfred Hitchcock 's "Rope" and '1Under Capricorn," but only now, at 71, Is he getting.around to maklng his Broadway debut as a dramattst. He and his wife estimate they've appeared together in 17 plays, not always successfully, he hastens to add: "Anyone who lasts in the theater has a lot of flops. About one in 10 succeeds. "You're lucky to have one come along every five years. We've certainly had our share of failures. But nobody remembers those. They only remember the things that worked." "lfheir longevity as a famed husband-and-wife acting team has given them two peculi.1ar croeees to bear -although they carry the load with grace and good cheer marked by gentle, affectionate intramural needling. They're forever asked if they fight much over st.agins. role interpretation and such, and how they've stayed married ao long. "I don't know that we fight much," says .J ENTER THE YOU MAY -A NEW ROLLS ROYCE ) , o . PLUS $100.000 IN CASH OA ONE Of : INCHON . • niE THOUSANOS Of OniER PRIZES. * .1,. -----*' MILLION OOUAR • :.:::::;:'--::.-:;-....... ~:_: .--:.:.:"" · SWEEPSTAKES ;.-: =.:..~..:.:.:;.-:-'"-:- IMA ~-· HO •021 GNTAMlaA [d11tlfOS ..WOOi "•'" .,, "°' GNTAMUA ff•-Sou!• eo. .. ,,.,. ,,, 11ll NOW PLAYING ur-~eue11 , ......... S-• (doo•tll ~ C...t ~II SllO •t• IS" ·-11•T••.te11 ....._. 10"-"""'"V'"' C.-• ~ l•f OJO 6342SU '""· -, ..... ,. "'-· c;.,_, Sl-o. ..... ~~ 1 06S~ 6Jt 1110 (110•AMll.r.cct"T1••0-• .... •~•ll IAlfTAff.,_ 5110l..!Mlra600r ..... HU014 wta.,...ra f,,,.. .. a.-w .. , 19• ltU eP,ewntecion 001--1 Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn ..• a marriage made on Broadway Tandy, taking up the first question. "But we sometimes disagree. It's very dull, really, but we really get alo~ frofesslonally well." She sighs. Her eyes twlnkle. • wish we didn't. It'd be ao much nicer for you reporters, wouldn't it?" Her huaband took up the long-marriage query. "That's the single most popular question we face See The Cronyns, Page E3 ••ARQAIN MATIN•aa • Jl'oftdQ tltru let11rday Alf Performenc•• MICHW 5:00 PM lhcettt ,,_... r ... , ....... .., ...... , "AN OflPICU AND • A~..r . .,.. ~=."Jl.:ALL" ... ---~~'- LAKEWOOD C ENTER WAlM IN ~ PLO'tDI 1'1tl WALL" " ·-------- "INCMOlr-_ .. __ _ "AlllTYVIU.llt: THI llJOeMMION" 11111 ----- 'acwli, 01 Calldlt•OOCI 211/H1•tll0 woi='1&:~ ----. -..eNf INl'T" .. --- "'THR LA8T l Am:NCAN VtRGIN" 1111 ------'"Cl.OCKWOM ORAMGF11111 ----- NClflC TK(ATIO Dllln·• 111H MHTI llVI( __ ..._._.,. ......... llAlllOll l lYI DlllYf.111 6 OMMl lllm·lll ..... , ..... ,_,,_ ···--···-"- """• &>!1 y ANAHEIM 0'11\ll IN ,_., .... ~ .. 17f.9llO _,._ ---------------------------------_,,_ ........... , BUENA PARK D~1~1 '" UM-----l2M010 ----......... LINCOLN OlllVt IN 1. f1tl~ ca11•cnoee ~ NU 0. """ .. I. 1'1tl DIE lllHOfl " CMtll- ..,,...,unu ...0 •ID"'l,.• TUM" " , __ " ...... Of'"°" -nw.T" ... 121-401o ~ . e1.t1m•·'"I ;rm~ :Jl:..7 .... -.. lfW\' et-Clol fH·2411 Clllt·ll - - ....,, ....... ]I OOr-Or ... ff-.. _____ _____ I lfl•J6tJ ...,_ ~"' -..,.. f'\.OYDI_,,. WALL"• "ftL8 ..... "' ~ ... Clllt • " -""°°9CYr• I .,...,. ,_ ":;,. _ _,. .......... ··lllOllllll . . ~ ' LA HABRA ·" ,, " --·--·--171-1162 ... - O~ANGE (ll/IJf •N -~· '"'" •· -... ~TM-P• \ I• II WAiJNfR ' I " Cllll•lllOllllO •MWfYWILU • '"'...,... __ -._.,... ... r ,,.. Cllll·"- ..-3=....., -"\ln'UaMl.1111 ... ...... ~ ... f-.. ~-/P'JMTSm Alto Tiie .... ,mHt•r (PO • Slumlter ,.,, MHUC•• THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN mu~: ~~.r::;.•,", Drlv.lns Open 7:18 WMbitfhta/7:00 Weekends * CltiWrea Uldtrl2 Fru U..ltss Noted • • - .. . ... • Cronyns eel bi-ate 40 years It a try. ''You 111usl 11• Pr. likl' l'l.1t0h othl•r. thul'" at11~W1iruint You can r1c..l1• uut tht• •~t..a, and H you c..lo, you'rt• Id f'><J~'t'l you'n • ijr11ng to . Then. wh1•11 you hil o ~-IM>u're not ~oing to ~Ay, 'Oh t working und throw the UllltlD>ut." ia!I the bl'lll•f thut 1m1i.t O.•Pba represcnl a lot.al of 106 g experien~ an classtl·al eoter.' 'l'N.-~i. professJonal acung debut dway debut an 1934, as a Burgess M e r edith's "lfippcr's Holiday " She. -~·--h theawr as one of ''The Iris" an 1927, c·a me to y<•ars lall'r in ··The St-p1irsal ly 1and WJC~lht•r, lht>y'v1• unw -d qullo • t~w u'rdlLI and honc1ra, Including hla 1904 Tony •wurd .. Polonau11 In "Hamlet," and hflr two ·runy I In l 78 for •"r hu uln Ci1un1•" ltHl 1tw flMjt, In 1948, WI tht.• orljilnul Blurwh<> DuBois in Tt•nn'-'•llN• W1lll1otm11' "A Slrt'<..•tcur Numt.td Dt .. lrl'." She's uppeart'd In moro lhun 100 plny11 lndudlng 8roaidway'a "Jup1lt'r Luu~h».'' u 1940 wblC'llU 1hc dr,YlY callt "11 r·eROunding flop" lthough 11 • whcrt Nht· fll"5l met a bodu1tage visitor namt'd I luml· Cronyn. llt.•'s acted in or dlrc1:h.'d about 75 p layg, and ha11 Mppearcd In 18 films to the 25 his wife: hall made, Including th(' rl'Ccnl "Garp," In whh:h they worked together. They thlnk of themselves as "theater people" first and foremo:n.' But lhey llrs t emoted together In film, in 1944 in "The Seventh Croes,'' teaming up again two years later In "The Green Years." with Cronyn, two years younger than his wife, playing her fother. Those were what he calls "the pa1my days or film," when both were under contracl to major studios as •·useful character actors." Good money, but they wanted theater a n d their stage collaboration "sort of evolved,'' he says. The place was the ACtOl'S Laboralory Theater in Hollywood, "n~ht tx-hind St•hw•b'• clru111tort·.1' ht• 1tty1. lk din'\ t«"d hi• wife In • on awt pl1 y "by 1 rt>latav<>IY unknown playw1 li£hl, 'ft•nnt ~-.1 Walllams " "II<• wa. n't n·lutlvt!ly unknown," Tandy lnsiHta. "Hf''d don<• "Thf• OJ Mt.•nUJ(<•rw · " "Sorry," her husband murmuni, duly cha UJM.'<i. "Not really unknown," ln a;my event, hu 11aya, thu\'lJ wh<-rc1 and how the tl•um ot Cronyn & Tandy began aa one of thf'&tf'r'B most onf(oln1t marital oont'Crrui. Their ne-w-ttffort. "Foxtlr<>," has taken tour ycW"t to gel to Broadway, happily delayed by thl• ttU'-"1ess of "The Gin Gamt-." 1'<.-chnk1lly ifptttklna. Cronyn say1, "Foxfire" Isn't an adapl'3tlon. He and co-author Cooper. who first brought thl• books to his attention, d~·ldt:d "to U8e the sense and idea of thl• books, cr<'ate composltC$ 6f these charactc•r11,' '' In thE>m. Tandy smiles when asked iC 1hc'1 ever tried playwr1ghting. "Don't stir her up," her husband cautJons, with great affection In his voice. "She acls good. Let's just leave it at that." "I'm sometimes good about rewr1 ung a little bit," she says. Cronyn smiles. "I do a whole lot of things, and I don't do any one or them as well as she does acling." . ·~ : Perry King stars From ... m E i 'The Quest' • 1n "Lou*5' ~to a French school and she helped • ith my French fop t'he pUot," . "Working on the show I don't get her too much so I like lq spend time with her as I can." b y, King res tores ol d motorc particularly those with sidecars. is a 1938 BSA motorcycle with a •MU-that he lracked back to the Bettle AJamein 1n North Africa in Wo r'll t I I. "l used ll in ·A Differen .' My idea was to wreck it in~ said I d1dn.;t regret 1t even though thre<> momhs to put 11 back tdaiJth .... e Kinb~tly rode a motorcycle and sidec6r ~Quest,'' but he wouldn't rent tf\e, ~·one of has cycles "l J•1 of guHty about that beca ~ ad a hard t1m<> finding some in says. "But even when yoo'f here watching they still tend to hem up." King I' t grandson of Maxwell Perkin ' lhe editor f o r Ernes t Heming .,F. Scoll Fitzgerald and Thomas Wolfe. P erkins died several years before King was born in Alliance, Ohio. "I have such respect for writing to the point that I could never take it up," he says. "l regard .writing as the ultlmate art. Maybe someone in this generation may write. My brother, Maxwell King, is an assistant managing editor on the Philadelphia Inquirer. My brother-in- law. William Porter. as editor of the Times-Argus in Montpelier, Vt .. and anolher brother-in-law. Frank Phillips, 1s an investigative reporter Co r th e Lowell Sun In Massachusetts." a King has two movies opening soon, "The Class of 1984" a nd "Killing Hour." He also does the voice of Han Solo on "Star Wars" for National Public Radio. "It's wonderful doing radio because you don 't have the t ech n ical requirements of fiJms and you can play long scenes," he says. "Another thing. you're stripped of all your tools as an actor. AJI you have left 1s your voice. You can't do things with a look. It has l.o be the voice. A pause can be very important." TDDAT'S · CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 73 Unadorned lntOl(lC81e<I 37 Concerning Indians 74 Clergymen 139 Thal girt 38 Thailand 106 Plrt Lal 1 Skirt feature 78 Cupid 140 Seed 39 Ocean 107 Egress s Scapegoars 78 Puts tn a 144 Beholdl movement 108 New star portion box 146 f\lnda 4 1 Miled's son 110 Baseball IOSmall 81 Antlered 147 Earth 42 Gold cloth tesm wagons animal goddess 43 Miiitary 112 Author Vidal 15 01splay 82 Wagers 148 The ones acronym 113 Too badl 19 Slur over '84 Range there 44 Loki's son 114 Ice-cream 20 Shoettrlngs cresta 153 Wading bird 45 Plural verb treat 2t Scallion's 88 Leading 154 Chopping 48Clog 115Golf relative srrap lool 48 Tempo mounds 22 Red or 89 Door part t 58 H•metin 50 Favorite 117 Seine black tit Eden pest animal 119Makestace 24 Fido'• frlet\d d...iler 157 Guido note 51 Unloek 121 Rlt.zy ~5 Hail: Lei 93 Any Frencll 158 A planet 52 Palnlut 122 Moslem 26 Preserve. 1n mayor 159 Slop Naut 53 Healing name awey 94 A. Sor C 160 Succln<:t lamp 124 Feel11ony 28 Catcall 96Cron t82 Plumed bird 55 Empllaslze 126 Bargain 29 Metal onetell 164 0111o city 56 Penny Dutch 8dml111ure 98 Plltlippine 165 Pubbfewt 5 7 Fi>fk prong 127 M1tncu- 30 Weterva~ dwar1 1118 Conc:tu<fed 60 Irish 1a1ed 31 Sun deity 99 Semitic: t87 Challenges nobleman t28 serpenl 32 Hindu 90Clal dialect 168 Sketched 61 Luxurl1te sound order 101 Hl1torlc, 63 ltallan 129 Make 34 Chlnne petlOdl DOWN coin t>eheve porcelaln 1030btatMd &6 Laundry 131 Yes.In 3ST-nt 105 Catgo unl11 1 Narrow machines Mo.cow contract 106 Author's opening 67 Wasted lime 133 Orool)ed 36 Ano-"we~" 2 In perlOfl. 68 M11eaw1n 134 Exclamation 38 Brace 109 Stupefy on TV 89 Built 138 Blackboard 40 APf)le Med 1 1 1 Showered 3 Notion 71 Inactive 138 Atternoon 42 Woolly atlectlon 4Wlltte1nt 73 Sew loosely Plfly 46 Fatl\er (on) 5 Trumpet 74 Chinese 139 Assigns 47 Complele 112 Covar wtth blaat waxes pt ace• section gold 8 Volcantc 75 Serlou1 140 -Na Na 49 Peaceful 113 Perform overflow 77 Sewing llnea 141 Sm1tt state 116 Pan of a 7 Hole In one 78 Building 1rmadllto S4 Knowlr19 nerve cell 8 New Eng. wing 142 Verbal SS Caviar fish 118 Prepere State 79S~lety 143Garden 56 Account copy 9 FIM pagew0<d llowef entry 120 Plural 10 Flgure 80 Feline 145 Beasis ot 58 Train stallon ending outline 83 Yes, in burden 59 Additional 12 1 Swimming 11 One or any Santander 1 '7 Merriment 60 Powerlul sit• 12 Tea .. SI 85 Spanish 149 Samton'• particle 122 Century 13 C1ptured 1unt 1011 61 Take place plant 14 Nosey 86 Silkworm 150 Hefaldk: 62 Author 123 Red or Parker 87 Ory. es band Ludwig Green 15 Detaaled champagne 151 Hobos meal 64 Gutl·hke 125 Serpents dec1llvely 90 Exists 152 Ouestiontng bird 128 Anll4H 18 Pllff0<1llon 92 Country exetama· 85 Engltsh Mil 129 Level 17 Spenllh 1ar 95 Have status lions &6 Telegram aurfaee 111 Courts 97 Sgt • lor one 155 Plowed 67 Tap or 130 Declared 19 Blllt< vetch 98 Bellicose field tango 132 Short )ICket 23 Bakery god 157 Ml1ealcul1te 70 Tennyson 133 JudlCIOUS purchue 100 Revolve 161 Helm llero•ne 134 Gets up 27 Oeedly viper 102 Soapy po.It Ion 72 Teachers· 135Dance1tep 32 Part of milk bubbles 163 Fla '1 gp l3 7 Fooll1hly 33Seaeagle 104 Western ne1ghbor SEE CLASSIFlED ll!CTION FOR ANSWERS Or1ng1 CoHt DAIL V PILO.T /Sunday, September 28, 1982 GOIEN ON BllDGE av CHARLES H Gone N ANO OMAR SH ARIF Q.-My partHrt teU mt that. aa rHpolMler, I mutt aJ.ow a major tu.It re1ardle11 ol ltt quality. However 1 your bookt 1tate that a biddable 1.alt 1hould be •• sood a1 Q·J • 10.x. Whoee advice do I fol· low?-R. Simon, Cherry HUI, Pa. Lo nnd a bid other lhan • ra ae JI you open on cJub or one diamond. etpeelally JI he hu only three.urd 1upport for your 1ult. IThi1 que1Uon ha1 been awarded the weekly prize.I A. -When it comea to open· log the bidding. 1you should not bid a major suit unless it is at least as good as the suit s hown in your question. However. you might have to open a minor suit that is con· siderably weaker than t hat. For example, suppose t hat you hold: The aame re1tricUon on 1 biddable suit doe1 not hold true when you are reeponder. Suppo1e lhat partner open1 one diamond and you hold: +Qa cv>J••• ¢ AKa •Kua If you are roinr to 1up- pre11 a four-card major suit, your only gQOC! bid ia a Jump to two no trump. de1pfte your 1haky spade holding. •AKx cv>Qxxx OJxxx +Ax You have an opening bid in any system in the world. However, your major s uit is not biddable. and your minor is even worse. If you were playing a weak no trump, that would be t he ideal open· ing bid. But since tnost peo· pie require at least 15 to 16 points to open one no trump. that also is ruled out. Now if opener haa the hand shown above, he will surely raise to three no trump. You will have to do some mighty fancy guessing to make that contract. You have to tell a white lie somewhere, and the solution is to lower your suit require· ment in the minor rather than the major. Partner knows that minor-suit games are unattractive-who wants to contract for eleven tricks when nine could be available in no trump, or ten in a ma· jor? As a result, he will strain You have missed your 4·4 heart fit! Note that four hear ts has far more reasonable play. The op· ponents might even lead a trump to cut down your ruff·· ing power, which will make your contract a cinch if hearts are S.2. On any other lead, you still have several chances to collect ten tricks. The only way to reach a heart _contract is to respond one heart to partner's one diamond opening bid, even though your suit doesn't quite measure up to the criteria of a biddable suit. You have to be fl exible in this game. ,H::!1~. ::u. AC=~.:![.. DEATH 1111. Cll NAME ITATIMENT NAME ITAT~-NT Tile lollowlng per1on 11 doing The lollowing per1on 11 doing 1>u11nes1 as bus1neu u . NANA'S. 1131 Back Bly Rold MARILYN REGIS • llAR {Snick Bil Bldg. "C' ), Newporl EHJ£RPFIJSE. 1120 Adami, Suite Beach, CA g2660 250. Costa Mesa, Ca 92828 ROSANNA MYRTLE BOTILLER. MARILYN REGIS KILEY. 1114 t909 Edmore Avenue, Rowlond Fairhaven Lana, Costa MeH. 92626 He1ghll, CA 91748 This business 11 conouc1eo by an Th11 bua1ne» 11 conducled by an Individual. tnOlv1dual Marilyn Regll K11ey Rosanna M. BoUller This s111emen1 was n141<1 wllll tile Tl\11 111temen1 wH filed w1tll the County Clerk of Orange County on County Clerk ol Orange County on Sept. 23, 1982 Sept I. 1982 '1M142 F1•55 Published Orange CoHI Dally PubllShed Orange Coaat Dall~ PllOt, s.c>t 26. 0<:1 3.10. t7, 1982 PllOI. s.c>t 5, 12, 19, 26, 1982 4232·82 ________ 3_8_11_-e_2 Ml.IC NOTICE DRAWERS L JVlEN (LEE) Ml.IC NOTICE BRAWERS, resi d ent of Laguna Beach, Ca .• pa.saed away on Sert.ember 23, 1982. A native o Belgium it.nd· 'I resident o f L aguna Seach for 42 years. He ls IW'Vived by h is daughters Elizabeth Spen cer and Car oline V an Thlllo both o f Laguna Beach, Ca .. also 8 grell'\· grand c hildren , 1~ grandch ildren and 3 great· sreat-arandc hildren. Mr. 'tcTmoua au ... 11 Brawe n will lie In atate fH:TITtOU• •UllNE•• NA• •TAT&MeNT d h C h 1 NA• aTATeMENT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing to ay at t e ape of ni. Iott 1 1 dot buslneuH: M cCor mick M o rtuary, buelneH .~• "t pereon • "II IN TERIO~ OIM ENSIONAI. La5una B each. M au of McCAlllTNfY IECfllETAIUAL DESIGN lSSOO Tuellfl Vllfege Way, Christian BwiaJ will be held HflVICl:I. 31108 c-1 Hlgh••Y· TU.l~u~.:~~BETH THURBER on M onday, September 27. lull• 401, lo\lth LeewM, Ca. t2t77 · 1982 10 OOA M S luHn ltatrlcl• McCertner. 15500 Tu.ton V1llege Wey Tuslln at : at t 31M1 Teble flock Or., c211 So a 92690 Catherine's CalhoUc Church, l.*9ul'll Ca 92677 ,.;,~~u':i'"ness 11 conducled by.,, 1 L a g u n a fB e !-~ h w i t h Tlll1bul1naa11 conducied by an Susan Th .. ,~ ntennent ollowmg al the 1nd1vtdua1 '"' ...... A I C Susan McC•rtney This statement wH r.fla lowtth Ille Ices o n e m e t e r y T11<1 1111ement was hied with the oun1y Clel"k of Orange County on McC.onruck M ortuary. County Cieri\ ol Or•no• County on tember 3, 1982 Seotemt>er 16 t9112 ,,MIV '1t7t4S Publlsll11d Orang• Cout Di lly Publllhed Orange coast Dally PMot s.c>t 26 Oct 3. 10. 17. 11182 P110t Sept 19. 28 Oct 3, 10. 1982 4270-11:> 4087-82 Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE flCTtTIOUI 8UllNH9 'leTITIOUI 8UalNHI N4ME STATE•NT NAME STATEMENT The folloWlng perlOnl are doing The following pet1on 11 doing business as: bullneu .. THE GARDEN ANGELS. 363 E. WOODCHUCK LTD. 1835 181h. Unll F. Costa Mesa, CA 928211:;::===:;;;;;:;;:;==::;;:- Whlltler Ave • C-4. COiia Mesa. Ca Penny A. Cobllam, 383 E 18tll, 92627 Unit F. Colla Me&ll. CA 92827 Steven Mlcllaal 8oda. 11922 Ot11ne Rose Vincent, 363 E. Tracy Ave . Garden Grove, Ca 18tll. Un11, F, Co1t1 Meaa. CA 92641 2627 This butinets 11 conducted t>y an Thta buslnesa 11 conducted by 1 lndMdu1I ral pertnerahtp S1even M Bod• Penny A Cobllam Thi• llatemerit WU filed with tile This statement WU hied With the County Clerk of Orange County on Counl)I Cieri< ol Or•ng• County on Sept 8. 1962 September t, t982 '117a3 ,, .. , Publl1hed Orange COHI Dally Publ1tlled Or1nge Co11t Dilly P110t Sept 12 19, 28, Oc1 3. 19112 PtlOt Sept S. 12 19. 26 1982 3938-32 • 3877 -82 Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE ACTITIOUI _,..... FICTITIOUS ........ HAMii! ITATOKNT NA• STATl•NT The tollo11¥lng person 11 oolng The loltowlng per1on 11 doing bust,_. .. 1>u11neu 11 A UTO EXT RAS I NC a SYCAMORE BOOKSTORE. 881 CaJlloml• COfporauon. 17450 Ml Production Pt-. Newpotl BeKh. Ca. 92660 Cllttwood Clrcle Fountain Valley. Sluarl e Wehlb•rg, 31261 CA 92708 GENE GRANT, llll2 W Balboe Scllm1dt (P 0 Box 502). SllWfedo, Bl'td , Newport BNch. CA 92663 Ce 9'2S7$ Thi• bualneH la oonduclect by a Tllll bustneu I• conducted by 1n corporal Ion lndMduat Auto Elltru, Inc Stuart B. W1Nber9 G-Gr1nt. Preatdent Thll at•t-1 wa1 hied wUll Ille Thia llat-I was ftled with Iha County Clerk ot Orange County on Cownty Clerk 01 Orange Count~ on September 8• 1982 ,1'10M Sepiember 8. 1ff2 .. Publlslled Orange Coa11 Dally F1tm1 .. 1tot SepL 12. 1e. ~6. Oct a. 11111:.i Published Or1nge Coaet Diiiy 1---------493~ Piiot. Sept , 12, 18, 28, Oct 3, 1962 4035-82 Nil.IC NOTICE ,ICTITIOU8 _, ..... NA• aTATIMINT • Ml.IC NOTICE ,H:TlTK>Ua IWatMIS Th• tollowlng peraon 11 doing NAMI ITATUHNT bullMH aa. The following perton 11 doing NEWPORT IMAGES, 4570 ll'Wk bu•lnea u Newoori, Newport Be•ch, CA B&J MASONRY, t 10 4 llt 2660. Str"t, Newport hacll. CA 926a3 DAVID PAUL REINHOt.O. 4570 JAMES A BUCHANAN. I 10 P1rtc Ne-pot1, ~ Beech. CA 4111 Stt"'· Newport Beach. CA 92MO 112663 Tiile buaineu II condwcted by It\ Thll butlll .. I II con<luC1.0 by an lndlllldual lndtvtOull Oavtd P AelllllOld JamM A BuGllanan T1111 1t11emen1 w" filed with 1119 Thll at•t-nt wu tiled with the County Cieri! ot Oranoe County on Covnty Clerll ol Orenge County on September 8, 1982 September I. 1982 ·~ ,,.... Publl1hed Oran9e CoHI Dally Pubt11hed Orange Co111 01lly Ptlol, Sept 12, 19, 28. Oct 3. 1912 Piiot, a.pi a. 12. 111, ae, 11112 4034~ IALT'l IHGHOM SMITH & TVTHIU WISTCLJff CHANL 427 E 17th SI Costa M esa 646-9371 P'tHCIMOTHMS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St HunhnQton &ach 536-6539 'ACllK: ¥t1W MIMOll.U,AI• een.tery Mortuary Ch1pel-Crematory 3500 Pac1llc View Drive Newoort Beach 6"·2700 *COIMtCa MOITUAt•~ Laouna Beach 4!M·!M15 L1Qun1 Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 49!>-1776 HAllOl L.AW..-MT. OllV' Monuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5SS4 ,..c1•onm1 liLL•OADWAY NOl'TU .. Y 1 to Broad""•V Costa Mesa 642-9.150 3eee.e2 P\lllJC NOTICE r-----:::;;m•-.. i:-----. Ml.IC (!OTICE PlCTlTIOUI llUllNlll NA•8TATDmNT ftC1lTlOU9 llU ... H Tile IOllOwlng per-ere dol!!Q HMlll aTATl .. NT bul i"4U at Th• •ollowtng Petton II CIOlllO SUITE ARRANGEMENTS, 41 butlMM I I Sea lalend Or , Nr-por-1 8eeotl Ce APPLIED VISUAl.S, 1315 926$0 Logan ltve , Sutta 8 , Cotta MN&, S A M A N T H A L I 8 A C1 112821 BRANSFORD '7 8H ttllnd Or MICl'l811 Alltn HOOd. 1&652 Newport BHCh 92MO Simi A ..... •D. Huntington Beach. l!lAINE OEAE,,N, 47 th 81., Ca t2t4t N41wPort BNGh Ca HMO. 1 hi• bu!Mneu I• oonducted by •n Thi• bu!llMM I• conducted by • l•1dlvMluel ~II "'l'*'"'P Mlctlael A HOOd Stmentha l rlt\.tfOfd Tllil llalemtnl WU 11'9d with 1119 Thlt ltlttl'l*lt wee flltd lli'lth tht CO\lf'll) c.11 ot 0ttnQ9 Cot.lflty on ooun1r Clettl ot Or.noe Cownty Ol'I ._, 1, 1Ma hill U . tM2 ,,.... •ttfMI ,vtlhehed Or1ng• Col\t 01Uy Publl1hed Oranve Coaat Oall_y '"°' hilt. I, 11, It, II. IM2 PllO Sept H. OC1 ~. 10, IT~..!_tll "----~-------~-~~~~----------......;;;...~--' ~T6-f2 •uv-ta ..... ....o..._--..,..~~-~~J •' 1 I Orange Ooa1t OAILV PILOT/Sundey, September 28, 1982 •• Dellr Pllot•ll•I•• .. , Chertee ..... After everyone warmed up, team from Super Nautilus of Costa Mesa squatted and kicked even though exhausted . . =· :Pance:r:s ·dampened, but their spirits spring on lb SANDIE JOY 0(. tflo DeltJ Plloe I ten The>' didn't look like they w~re doing rain dances and it "!asn't on the schedule. Nevertheless, 40 young men an9 women who'd been hopping Jip and down in Fountain Valley late Saturday afternoon e nded up doing just that. As the drizzle began midway through the county's firs t ' • , • .. • , .. • • t • • aerobics competition, the brightly c lad, already -wet fr om - perspitation performers kept right on moving -smiles on their faces and all. Sponsored by More For Less, a new aerobics outfit conceived by UC Irvine graduate s tudent Sharon Green, the competition drew 10 four-member teams of professional aerobic dancing instructors to the o~tdoor soccer ' • fudge De bbie Sowersby liked most of the ... :tjams including Irvine Nautilus, below • .. • ..._.. stadium at Los Caballe r os Racquet Club. All the. teams came equipped with lots o f imagi n a tio n, enthusiasm 1,md, most of all, energy -necessary ingredients as they perfor med original routines under the watchful eyes of judges De bbie Sowersby, Richard K ing, Joe Miller and ArceU Ines. As is characteristic for aerobic dancers, they did plenty of II hopping up and down, back and forth, side to side and ever y other which way including some steps on all fours and some pretzel-like poses. It was all to gain the judges' favor. The teams, some of them all· woman groups and other mlxed groups -and none with an extra ounce of apparent fat -were judge d on origina l i ty , sync hro nization , le adership, endurance, strength, flexibility, c)Vlrisma and entnustasm. Walking -or, rather, hopping away with top honors for the day were Roberta Riddle, ·Kassie Fenske, Patti Robinson and Jack Inman of Exercise Express in Mission Viejo. What did they win? The title of Orange County Aerobic Cham pi ons and lots of perspiration. The Super Nautilus team of C herina Gib!)_pn, Jan Rhodes, Toni Noda and Mary Blagg of Costa Mesa took second place and the Diamond Har Nautilus contingent placed third. ~ For their perfonnances before the 200 spectators, Fountain · Valley's Lorri Monty, Chris Vukoje. K athy Brereton and Dennis Young were judged fourth and the Manhattan Beach Women's Club fifth. Terry Greene wa1 Dorothy •~d Troy Morrie the Hon in Newport Nautilu1's routine about the "Wizard of Oz." l Orang• Co11t DAIL y PILOT /Sunday, 8eptemb9r 28, 1982 Ea Champs p-,ish pedal power to its limit .. Coursing through Costa Mesa Heavy breathing and the whir of shifting gears were the only noises sometimes Saturday as racers in the 1982 Na tional Criterium championships negotiated the steep curves of Placentia Ave nue . James Montgomery . of Virginia l~d the veterans' pack into a turn, above, while other competitors waited for their event to start. Roy Knickman kept an eye on his closest rival, and Connie Carpenter, right, who won h er third title reca ps the race with Rebecca Daughton. -=.'!..•-... -... ./ ' --• ClASSlfllD llllJPUll Looking for a career in sales? Sund1y, September 2e. 1982 See today 's Help Wanted ads . . classification 7100 . ---·-1 ~. --1- . . . ·~ -- CLASSIFIED INDEX I E fate-the Complete Orange COost Market Place Te l'IK• Ytur Ad, C1ll 642-5678 '"' '''''' 11 .. ,,, '" '''' .,.,,, ,., '''' 11,.,,, ''' "'' ••• ,,, '" '''' ,,.,,, '" '''' .,.,,, '" "'' a.,,,, '" '''' a,,,,, '" "'' ······················ a~~;;;i·········i·ooi ~;;;;;·········;·;;; ,~;;;;;·········;·;;; ~;;;;;·········i·;;; a~~;;;;·········i·;;1 il.-;;;;i·········i·;,o: c;-;;;;i·········i"OOi ii;;;;~i ··········i;;i HOUSES FOR SAU O•M••• Bollloohl o'ld 8albrM P•n.11u1ul• Ct.,..UrHQ ... , h C°QrOO• 4•1 \tel Ctal•lllH• """ ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••r •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ------:...:.....·_ ~ ----. . OM• Pvint F.IT0to rountatn \ •H•) ........ ~'-" hf•t" lhlM W u"• tw••" l...&it11Nthll' Ll1wu ~ltl\HI Ml.UHWI \•·~ ~-E:'~t::;" See, ... ~(_ •i" h fhl.I s....ta AIU s .. J&ech • SotAlt L.,._,..,. V."trnuul4'f Mottllll .. tfOfN'\ '•I" REAL mm At'rc•ct: ,.., '°41f' A,..,.;mt"l' fOf "-'"' &t.c:llt Ptupnh a.-1~u Pr09trt\ (Ctrwlff) lMh l,.. ,..,. ~=.:!:'..!:'~~:'' O\;fittu .. l flllh "-•If' Ho.dft •• bf> MU\td IM'Oft'W Propn\' lt'6\,.tt11I Prop.ri, ·1...ou lut '4ft' Motlillt Unlt 1 rlr .. ,. Mou.fttn ._,,,.,nt Muu" ~:f( ~t\lt>tp~ilP °"9 ol ~., .. ~rup "aMM• t••tm' ~ht~u Rul t:ltalt' t,u ·h•na• Mot Ealall! \4 •nlf'd RENTALS HOUlh rurnuhfl'd HOU.tt'1o l nturnhi'lr<I Houu., t-\un uc l'nl Condom1n1un1'tl ..-vrn tU1•m1n1um" t nl Tt>'illl l\twki\.ra • l.i' n To1an.hol.i,Hlr1f l>\iplt'U'\ ."'" Du&>ltllt-' l'nt A.,u t\un Apo l-nh.rn Aph ""'" tH l nl Rou1n' ROIHn • Bu.rd Hoc.th Mot•h CMint. Uomt' ~"""""'' """'•'" \ .ret.on H•nt.h Rt-M•h h1 "'•tt• c;., .. tt fot Rt>nt Oftln Rt"nl•l lw11M'\·• R~nt.1 l~lr.alJhf\t•I :::j!-..nt.f'd Niu Mlf"tlt•I• BUSINESS. INVEST MENT, nNANCE :::::;~;~~~.:; ::::::=:: ~~:'~ \ MOM> to~•fl Man..> V. antf'd• M011.1•a•' tn" ANNOUNCEM[NTS, msoNALS & LOST & fOUNO A..nnoitiirw•tr14'nh C•t Pool lAtlll l'libhrf"\ LOot' ........ Pt-rt.onelt.• k f'tftolt'l11t..• T"rav,t• SERVICES '-'r,..•«<t-Uirf't-ltH') EMPLOYMENT & PREPARATION Xh&.;h fn,thiChon Job Vt •nlf'•l • Ht"lp 'ltal'ttnl \t ' t MERCHANDISE Anttqi..f" ~l•Mo Auitt~ t:t:.'!; 'I •tr u•h C•ftW'ta\.. f:t;UIP"'••V c ••• llot> f)'ft lO \ou l'\irrutwt ~at•Cf" '-If' llorw. ~(·OUl.J' Jr-f'lr\ '-'"ntoc~ 'thff\•Mt\ W1wtll•IW'I-""' Ml.ll't'tl~' 'A •nl••I lil\U.fra1 tMtrt.1m .. r1t Offtcf" t Utll 6 t q.,.1p p .. , P16ftO!r, • l>tl •"' ~•tn11 ~.,tun .. Soot'"" (,()oJd\. ~ou Rr't•ur •"' f1., ~~·r.o,u .,,. , '4 .. ,,.., BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT t.tftf'f•I 8o•t' M•1n1 ~n,,., Ilk)•• \hnnf' t qw1p 8oah Prn.u "'1•h Rfllnl c h•rl•r Ito•'--''-•' 8o•h '11pi. l>vt k 8o•h~·~· l'otlh \(., ..... TRANSPORT A JIDN Alrtr•f\ C•mprtt ~•r Mt>'ftt Eif.nrit I•" ==·~:':re:' S«-YOt""" Motor Um\ 'wl• H•nl Trat1~n y,., .. 1 !:.:~~,~·~·t~•fh AUTOMOBILE Gterr•t Anl.lqt,,lo(, \. l•\.'to R.f'«"rf"•ll<Ht \ .. ,.11, • §poirh K.~" ko'"I • wrw. u,,, .. :rwt.Ji \'..at. AWl,..L.-ou'" ~~"•fttM AUTOS. IMPtlRTCD ~iHMr•I ""• Kumre ~""· "~''"tit.ff'• llMI> l •6'f• gr.- o~u"'" t'f'f"t•tt ,,, .. Hon<t. J.-. ... , Jrttnn K•.rm..l\ri i"""'" lAmbarOltftii )h•d• lih!rtt"dt·• tt.n1 lll(; MGB °"'' Pa1Uc1• Peutt"Ot ,..,.,.h .. Rro.vll Motl.a KO)U fto\f•r s .. ., f,t:,. ToYol~ Trt-."'pti \ol*.t•.aua Votw• AUTOS, NEW ~ .. :~: t A J --1111 ... 11. ::: tffltt • 1200 ... "· :~;: I• Ltt 1IOl1f0, :~ IHG,000 ,,... * ::~ EQUAL HOUSING MIU Yllll Ill 1 ' llN OPPORTUNITY On th• go lf cour1• .,.. lff . ::;.: Custom bffutllul 3 Bdrm ll'lttlll :~:: home, many, many IX· HYll llMll :::. tru $278,600 wilh 10% 4 Ir, ftr••I '''''I down own., wtll carry et ::::. h"llshtr's lttlo11 12'1\% lnt4M'Mt. r•, t .. lty r•, 4t• 11 All reel Hlll8 •dve<llHd •• , ••• .,,,., lttr. s,.. .,.., ...... In this newspaper I• Mt-7121 ltt•t II ,rttllSIHI :-::; tubl&CI to the Federel ========~ MllltMrltff4, .... , 1>" Fair Hou11ng Act of 19e8 :-:_:; which makes It Illegal to eao •/LWI _..._ wllf lttl• Wfttl flHI• uw advertlM "any preleren· ..._.. .,.,._ tl1,, Ifft rt' at :~~ ce. 11m11at1on or dlacrlm1· EASTBLUFF TERINA Ill ,001, 410 ltr• 1v1 nation based on rece, CONDO. 3Br, 2""8•. ;~ color. rellglon. su or dahwahr, trptc. dbl oven, 1111 ltlf LI ,,.OJ n111onel origin, or eny comm pool. 833·9 t87 llPlllTIO&Tll ~S ~~~·hni~~;,.'r~n~:.k~m~:'.~ ~~~.?1~9g-t~33!!. -;:.an om 1nL11 1w1 lion or dl11c1lmln1tlon:· HM Sat/Sun 2·5 TIWllll I :~ This newspaper wlll not ======== II•• 0.rtH ••I Mar ~ knowingly accept any .... , ••••• a 14r• 4 advertising !or rasl eala· MAGNIFICENT I• .......... ,, ... ,1,., 1e which 11 In vlolatlon of . fa•llr r•• Walle tf 1E1·t-heiilaiiwiiiiiiiiiiimi COUNTRY ., .. , ,.,,.. .. .... , .;w •• ,.... •••• •k•llt ;~ UllOU1 Advertl· MANSION rtt••· 11' tHlt•• ~~ sers s hould check ttlll•&•r Hk flttn, ~ their ads dally and Superb con1tructlon • HtrlJ tftltltll aeltr :.: report errors Im-uqu111ta decorating. llet water aptt•, I•· ~: med I a te I y . The :g!~.!~:: 'Vi!,• ~~1~ ••fltt4 ff at.. 11111. !~ DAILY PILOT es-dad Lemon Height• · Fleallllt ttr ... Ifft· :~ sumes llablllty for North Tu111n Hiiia area ,.. et lll0,000. 111 1ui the first Incorrect surrounded by other Marlatl4 :~i:: insertion only. great estates .~... $2, 150,000. '""' --------..... """"' ...., Aeellor/Developer •'>l<I a •• ,,, 1., 1.1, 131..,.444 131.5115 ••.•••...............• COU CW NOIPORT MAL TOM ,,., ,,,,,, ~ • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • •• •• Brand new homeltnhma. ~1• fhHt•I I OOZ No~ dwn 0r lo dwn, = •• ••••••••••• ••••• •••• Agt. 83&-n42, 24 hrt .. = 2 IEDROOI 1u11 SH,000 Foreclosed and the len· der seya sell 11 quick! Reduced lrom $80,500 10 S59,000 Great starter rn:, home or good lnvHt· 'l."1 men t New paint. new ~ carpets, many eictre11. ,...., Call 5416-2313 ).f,~J .... THE REAL ESTATERS hm ;~~ llRlllll PlllCED Sgl tevel detached 41 Br home. famll y rm w / ::,•1~ walk·t>eh1nd wet bar. "'" sall·claan L.1tton oven & ;:: microwave Ca refree ...io front yard Only S 135, -.» 4150 Seller mollvetad. =: Cell Glen Hellwerth = 559·9400 ..... ... ~ .,,,., .. \ ...,;"i ..... ~I~------~ "JOO _,,,, .. ,.., Hll ••• THE REAL ESTATERS ~~: 2400 ••• ft. ~ ... HYEl IHlll Prestigious home totally upgraded end ramode· led. Four bedrooms. 01. nlng room. Oen with 10' bar. Sparkling pool. Ex· traordlnary financing . $550.000. 111·1100 C:::. <,f I f ( ' -f"" ~ '41 JP! P ' 1t ', llU I . c-1 Mwr, c..-.. 1 ... 115·5511 N••• •••rt1 ., .......... ' •u.1. For ClllllrM-d Act. ACTION CaU A OAIU '1L.OT AD-~ISOI '41·1471 . me of CUSTOM HOUSE. ::~ EJc ca 11an1 II nan c Ing 1-;::~=~~===::L.:=====;::=::;;~ .,. $$539.000 I 1 ·•• 67s-6921 GA'ZEK•-. ... ..... ... ..... EXCEPTIOllL HRHlll t---'-----,...---8 u ~ y • l'Oll \" "' .:~": . J-..._.,. 1• ,-l ) ' • ~7111)0 1yt !7.~~ ~~~~ ~: ~ :~ 2 Bdrm 3 betll Laurel •• Point lownhome. upgr•· ~ dad throughout Satter TO d~•• OU •f'\\Og• , ,, SV'°'dO)' 'l'Od ..-ch I~ .. , .. ~ "0 f ,.,....,...,..,, .t vo.11 Zocto0t °''~ , .... motivated and wlll c;on. sider all otters Pncad ! .~ below mar ket 11 only 1 S 126,900 Call today! ... ~ 646·7171 1•11 .,, ... tltf '"~ 't1.'\.I ··~· ,,:;, ,.r. .. , THE REAL ESTATERS ~~T:~·~ ~-~'" <"'•11 ll •> ~ tHJ'• ~·-·"' ~r .. ·.:,'~ ;;.:; BRAND NEW "Heart ol tnr Orange County" Town-~;: hOmH • Lu•ury 3 bdrm ,;o, homea beautttully d•· t='~~ .• ~ . . . •w, ·-· .... .. .... ' . . ...... ... ~. ,.~ J ~ •• •1A,.• '"·-· .... •"'"• ...... 4 1 , ........ ,, . ... ". 1••-,. , ,.. ....... ,,l .. , ,. . ,. ...... ,.,,_. .,,,. ··~ ...... ~~ .... n•• .... .. . . ... ... . ...... . .... .. . .,_ ···-..... ... .. , 11 ,.~ . ... .. ........... 11,_ ........ Oltill•U ""' '-'"• tJI• • ,., .... ··o-~· ., ....... ,. ... _ .. '-" ..... "'-" "0-..... '•C..• ... ...... v;,.-.,111 ....... \l~1·I '''°"' ""'-.... .. ~ .., . ..., .... ... _ ..... \itfllll' .. .. ,...,. .. .. .,. .o.o .. ..... ., .. ...... ·-111 ....... -~ ...... \ ..... ."""" .. '#119 ... ~ ~JC...! ...g}i'\ohttW t 1Nt\iltUf ~J~' signed. quality built · and 111, financing now that you "'" lust won't belleval Call ~;~ now Brandywyne Pro-1o::o:.:::.:.:..:.:::i.-..:..-....;;;;.......,.-.....;::.....-.....1=.1<.1iww ~~~ parties II, 531·9870. ... ti., "7"2 "7'6 Y1•1 tn• 't11l *""""'* IAT ILIP tpll NIU 1·1 38 BAL.BOA COVES. 3 '::~::.· S@ ~c4llA-4f.~s· ::: -----I-h OAT I rouNt 0 !:;:--:.!4 ~ ":!i.: ~ 'JtOfd\ .,,f'lf ~· el eoth !ft ft1 ...... "' ~,., •· bdrm · 2 beth REDU· -.,' 1 cEo_!oT 1t1"'9!:.~ I c u P E H 1 I ~ -nwsrn . I I' 11 I I . ... ,. IUL TM/twlll ..... ••ll·t11l * I T R u 8 E T I §'~L~ .. ,~ .. ~"~"~ •• ~ 1 1 r r, 1 "'" $15,000 dwn, a11ume I HU g U RO I = low lnte< .. t loan1. Shatp I I I' I I -3 Bdrm home. $240,000 . . . _ . . . = Fred Tenore, 631·12&8, = 831·27'1. Agt. I G u L N 0 E I = UYOlllT ....... I I I r I MlddlHOed man to wll•: -L.ovely Fr. Provlnclel 4 "I gueH I'm glld 10 be 00- :;: Bdrm 3'~ 81 executive I L I H 8 0 E I Ing 10 thll pany. I'm 11th• tru home. Jull reduced S30. I' I' I I I ·egewherelenJoY•--·" 000 to S355,000. AllU· . . . . . . L.ltll• MIH Mullet .. t on • Tuflet. elong oeme 1 eptder end reed In th• Delly Piiot CIUllll•d Mc:lfon 1t>ou1 Miu Mui· tel'a T'uffel end bought It 10r S0.115 Yo.J cen Mii your tuflet end 1011 ol other thing• t11touoh Delly Pllol Clu1llled Adi c.11 8-42·5e78 me low lnler .. t lat and ow'* wlll Mlp finance. I H O J 1 0 E I O ~ ..,. ....,.~1 • .......,. 831.1310. 549-3546 I I r I'' I .... :: ::i.:-~ 'Z."1 = TR,\Dll 10\,\! ~I \I I\ , .. \4 ·------• ;F,i·.·,'° I' r r I' r t I' I' I' r I •;r.111111 •1111 ..... Lift .................. 11• CJL4L£'A4N.&.ASNSN.£M4AWI HO n. llWPllT UYFlllT BOAT ON THE BAY. PLAY ON THE OCEAN. Specloue, open & eunny all view home w/ panoramic decks. o" huge prim• 1111nd Polnl, + docking & prkg galore + you own the land. · + owner llnenclng, all lor S965,000. •028 Channel Place. Newport laland, Newport Beech. 673·0202. Open Set/Sun 11·5. lllYIH TllllllOE ••• Fascinating spilt-level home. Nothing monotonous here. Beamed celling. French doors. Shutters and levelors . Three spacious bedrooms. Den and family room. Property tn top condition. Low maintenance yard. Bubbling black spa. Can be purchased ............... $575,000 Fee or ................. $440.000 Leasehold Open Sat-Sun 1-5 711 K-Thanga Drive 111-llOO IHIH IPIOTAOIW IOUI Y11W Unique custom home: muhi·level five bedroom, 4 'h bath. plus spa. Dramatic entry with 17' fishpond, atrium and skylights. Panoramic ocean view. Maid's quarters. Security system. Possible LEASE/ OPTION. $865,000. Call Sally Shipley for further details 'llAllSE On the ocean in The Shores at Laguna ,Niguel, a gate-guarded community. Newer wood~<lelasL contemj)orary with great wannth. Four bedrooms, three and one-half baths. Stairs to private community b each .... and the view is awesome! $1 ,450.000. and the seller wlll finance. Call Susan Trivison or Marilyn Hill. -® ·--&# ., •••• 759-9100 •2 Coo-pot .. • rift. ~ • .,..c.....,. NEW CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME $64-0 000 llO< K HIR JU n {J)~T Ql ltl \R~ \ "1 l~ TO LllXI \Ill .\Cf 3 L.\llC.t" BlUROO\I''. 211 0.\111" Tour Thi• Magnifittnt <'lutom tfomf' OPF.~ Tt ESD.U thni l :\OA \ I :OCMi:OO 603 36th STREET NEWPORT BEACll ~"' '"'"~ rnf11rmat11m C'<>lllA.-t CANNERY VILLAGE REALTY !'1I0 301h s.,,..., :-;,,.port Roo1rh, C.. 112(1(>.) (714) 673-3777 F11111rn1 0011011 Ill llR Terrific location Sotalh of the hwy. only a few blocks from lhc beach. Well bulll 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with fireplace and beam ceiling needs some T .L.C. Full size R-2 lot with room to build apartment rentals. Priced right at $240.000. Owner will finance at 12~ interest with 25CJ. down. (714 \ 873-4400 (2 f3) 628-2828 Tht H1tbof Am's Loncest Cstabhhtd ltul bt1t1 Company 11.. \llll( >It OOIH, lllRIOR, LllMTI, VIEW $550,000 tndudL'i land lluge asfumablc• loan. Open Sunday l-5. DOIAI VIEW LOT Horbor Ridge, privutt• largl'- TWO ITllY WlTHFllOIT Boat sliJJ. $695,000 includes land Good Un. Ill OllYOI LlllE McLain condt.1 + den, 2 \I', bn: $1100 mo. X LlllE LIT Room for RV or boat storage, Harbor View homes 4 BR,,$265.· 000 fee. OOllO, 1111,100 FH 2 SR 2 Y, Ba, assume $60,000. OOIH VIEW OOllO $239.000 fee. Assume large !st TD. ILOGK TO IHGH Cameo Shores, $825,000, fee land. Con sid er lease/opt. Or exchange 0th.er real estate. I llRMI, 'HIHULI 'OllT $449,500 fee, large assumable. HIE HTHTAllMHT AllEA $295,000 fee. Harbo r View Homes --TWO --ONGS CiEllJ I CHlJSTA THE STAINES COMPANY 760-1397 673-7761 lllOllTEIL Y OIE OF THE IEST llYS IROUID immaculate "G" Plan on corner in newer Bluffs on FEE land. Private s pa , & security sys t e m , near community pool, large balcony & patios. Priced to sell below market at $269,900. Call Hallie Strock or Cindy Pelletier 644· 7020 LlllO REIL ESTATE e Peoc>le who M9d people ahOtJld llw•ye cMck the $4M'Ytee Directory In the DAIL.Y PILOT Get GREEN cun for WHITE aleptlant• with a CleSllHed All Call &42·5678 UIUTllH HUTE -Stately Georgia COTonlal o02Tacres.o BR. 51h BA. dimng & family. Pool. riding ring & s t ables. Substantial price reduction to $1.85 0 .000 inc l uding land. Martha Macnab (Y69) IEl•TIFIL Cl,llTllllO ESTATE Over I acre on quiet cul-de·sac land. 4 BR, 3 1h BA. custom built California rambling design 40 foot pool. View s to the sea located in Capis trano's finest h1lls1de area. Room for tennis court $998.000 George Grupe (Y70) FAMILY LIYIH n ITS HST Spy glass Ridg e . Large & Spacious 5 bedrm. family rm home on quiet cul~de·sac. Estate sized lot w/Newport lights. bay & ocean views. Owner will assist w /financ tng $750,000. Tom Alhnson or Terry Hanes.(Y71) JUlllH HUI WITJI YIEW - Popular Plan 3 on wide greenbeh w/view of ocean from living rm & patio. FormalOining rm. lots of patios & large mstr s uite . Gr ea t assumabl e financing. $399.900. Maxine Propp. (Y72) HWHH lllVIHI HLHI OHIO Upper bay 3 BR & den. Master suite & private balh, lg rtoor to celling FP t.n !iv rm. Enclosed lg private patio.Pool & tennis. Exciting financing. $129,900 Call Tom Allinso n or Barbara CaUihan (Y73) ,. ... n••utu ""-HI 3 BR. 2 bath duplex 1 ~ blocks from the ocean. Fantastic investment winter or summer rental~ $260,000. Low down and owner will carry AITD. Sharon Smith (Y74) t11nn• Mountain view, tri· level , 2 BR, family r oom townhomc. Coiy livint room, fireplace, handy gourmf't kitchen. Aaaumable financing. t174,900 Barbara C..lllhan BLUFFS * EASTBLUFF Spet·t.acular 4 bdrm. Cam rm, 2 flreplatu Lusk l level home. Oversaw lot with large pool Only $339.000 IHLHI .. Tiil UH. By uppt IEIT IUY. Lovely 2000 sq ft 3 bdrm. 21"1 ba ths, fam. ,.m .. wide greenbelt, near pool. Only $249.000. llOLHlll Tiii Liii. Will leit!te opu on. By appt IPH 1·1 1111 Vista Oadall, J ''• wltw SIOt,000 2111 Ylsta ••rH4a a ,, 2~ •• H UH,000 12141 Viste Elfr .. a J ''wit• ft• 1411,000 2111 Vista lera•• I'' 2~ h faMUl0,000 2001 lajt J "'' 1 ltwtl 1111,IOO IOO Pltra J '' wltti lad 1211,IOO HELEN 8. DOWD REALTORS, lllC. 144·0114 RfS10£NllAI RrAl fSIAlf StRVICCS COLDWELL BANKER INVITES YOU TO I SPECIAL PREVIEW OF EXCITlll HOMES TlllY IETWEEI 1 • I P.I . II 111 CllYOI 11 CHERRY HILLS 115 OllYDI CUSTOM 11,0H,OOO Abso lulcly BEST BUY on golf course Gorgeous 4 BR. lrg tam roo m featuring the finest 1n amenities. f'renl'h doors. crown moldings. sk y lights. Reduc·ed to $1 ,095,000. Owner financing. Will trade for airplane. 4 llYERIESS UIE Ill CllYOll HH,000 A ver y special home with a very spec1aJ locMi1\ l o speciaJ lot . 5 S -U _:.J, s pa. Fre nc1 _.,..,, ::.. p arquet fl oors, des1gner fixtures and charm galore! 4 WlllED F .. OT UIE Ill CllYOI SlH,000 An e xpanded Plan I.5BR Bea utifully dl><'OratC'd Immaculate. Owne r will finance with 20% On. M a n y thoug htful & decor ator extras New appham'('S. wme rack. m o ld e d doors & c u s t o m bookshe lves. I RUE VILURS 111 OAIYOll SHl,000 Reduc:ed m Big Canyon. Gorgeous Versailles wath golf course view & lovely privatl' yard. 4 BR include extra large masl<'r su1ll•. Den with fireplace Extr<'m<>ly motivated seller 1 RUE lllRRITZ Ill OHYOll Sll0,000 Jus t listed exclusively with us and made availabl<' to show today only. A 4 BR Deauv11lc• end umt with every t'Oncc1vablc upgrade. all in exqu1s 1t C' tas t<'. L ook s ltke Arch1tectural Digest! 20 RUE IUID VALLEE 111 OllYOI Hll,000 Dean<' Deauv11le Superb location overlooking th<' 18th fairway. Thls dra m atic 3 BR family r oom townhomc has it all. Huge master suite. glass enclosed pa tio fo:" outdoor living. 11 HERllTllE UIE 111 OlllYDI SHt,llO Brighi & chc<.'rf1,1J Broadmore home in ext-client rondit1on & location. Many custom built ins. Attractive cove red p atio & yard. Many decor a t or to u c h es. 1s t T .D . is assumable. 30 RUE FOITllllLUU 111 OllYOll 1411,000 Over 2000 Sq Ft of perfection. Deane ''Bordt•aux". 2 BR, lar (le famil y room. kllchen & 3 baths. EXtremely private e nd unil location with its own pool. spa & fountllin plus gorgeous landscaping. 20 RUE IRlll DICIL Ill OMYH Utt,IOO Exet'pl1onally beautiful Dover 2 SR plus den w/Frcnc h doors, crown moldings. magnificent patios pl~ mountain view Out s tanding tWUmabltl loon. IN NEWPORTCENTSR 644·9060\. Orange Cout DAii.. Y PILOT /Sunday, September 28, 1982 t.:1 ~~!!!!.~.~'! •....•• ~~•!!!.~'.~''······· ~~!tff .{t!.~! ....... !~ttft.~!\'t ...... '-~'!ff .{I!.~{~ •••••• ~~!ttt~.!.~1!. ...... '-~!!ftW.~'! ....... !~m.<+.~11 ....... '-~•fff .~!~''······· ~"''-~~· ...... . f!.ttt~~J. ••••••••• J.~I "-"-!~~{ •••.••••• !.'-fl f!~!~~{ •••••..•• /.'.ff '1!t!'.~l. ....••••. !.'.fl ~t~~{ ......... !.l:f f!.".!~~{ ••••••••• !.~I '11.t~~< ••••••••• /.l.f, ~ ••••••••• /.~ ~ ••••••••• J.l.f, f!.'t'.~'1. ••••••••• J.~ I Rf blot NllAI Ill Al I SIAll .. , RVICI b Pl~t .. •U 10' IAYHHT Probotc.' i.olc.• or $1 .400,000 llUlh M inimum overbid $70.:>00. Court date 1017182 :'>Bdrm homl', &eplirutc lot. t:x>ach, dock for 70' boat. Marcia Bents, 644-9060. · IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 Classified works for you when you want to ~ ... Colet worthy &Co. ... 2$4$ !A,TISL:Uf'fr OR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 840-0020 lllffl IUmtl 3 Bdnn, 3 Both, r.unlly rm, expanalv• view "E" Plan. Mint oondlllon, eecurity 11yatem, lrg usumable loans. Open Sat 1 ·~. 2645 Vista Ornada. $310,000. 3 Bdrm, 3 &th, family rm, poolside "G" Plan. Designer's home, lrg living rm. You own the land. Open Today 1-5. 2400 Vista Nobleza. $319,000. WTIUff OIUllPlff Spacious Lusk built 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home. Formal dining, full air, service porch, courtyard entry, quiet cul-de-uc location. Move-In condition. $216,000. Appt. only. You don't need • gun to CIH•lll•d Adi •r• th• "drew l11t" when you 1n1wer to 1 aucceuful pl-en eel In the Delly gerege °' y1rd Niel 11'1 • Pilot Went Adel Clll now ti.uer way to ten more I 842-5678. peoplel ------- Pe.te Barrett Realw presents IAYfHIT llTITI For the true traditionalist who wants t'he llnest! This mafniflcent brick residence features; 6 Bdrms, p lus servants q uarters. Enjoy superb vi.st.as of the bay and ocean.· Besides the sandy beach, there Is also a private pool. spa and sauna for your enjoyment. Brochure upon request Ann Peters. • 642-5200 --· *WATERFRONT HOMI & SLIP* Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br, enormous living & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with assumable financing. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *BUILDER CLOSEOUT* * 11 3 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder closeout!! Extremely spacious t.ownhome featu(ing 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to sell ~ at $149,950. CaU 759-150 l or 752-7373 for details. *FORECLOSURE* IOUIPlll1 lllT llLL 3 br, 4 ba. 2 yrs new. Designed as home or duplex. Asking $650,000. S ubmit any offer. Open Sunday 12-5. 4911 Seashore, Newport Beach. Ill••• llYll IHP 111·1221 • • •• : REDUCED : • • : $275,008 : • • • Ill UIYll'I IEIT llY e 8 6,000 1q.ft. of family living, • 8 entertainment facilities for • entire family. 5 Bdrm, 7 baths, 8 plu1 m aid's quarters . 8 8 Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacuuis, • 18' bar, soda fountain, complete 8 sauna room, enormou1 play 8 • room , gourmet kltchen, 3 sub 8 • zero r~frig . a nd many more ... amenities. $699,950. By.; 8 appointment with Marci Cooper 8 8 644-7844. Seller reserves rights 8 to accept best offer. • • 8 OPEi llllAY 1·1 e #I ... El fllT • LIM llUL n Ill· noo • •••••••••••••• UDY WllTIU, IN With over 20 rr•. lll~lence, Harry announced the o~nlng o hi• own firm In January. For the PHt 13 yra .. Harry wu with The RMI Eatatet• •• uleaman, ofc. mgr. & dlrectOf' of training & exec. Vice Pr ... In addition to lnatructlng RMI &tat• at OC COiiege, he alto 11 author ol MVeral of 111 cour .... A Hletlme membet of NB/CM bowd ol Million Ooflar Club, he ha• won 109 MIMman of the v-ar award• & wa1 on loell & 11a1e board eommlttMt. He'• • membet or Nwpt/Hbr/CM. Hntg Bch/Ftn Vly & lrvlne board• now. Herry elao worked In Banking, Eacrow, Tltle Ina .. Mortgege Banking (making FHA & VA loana) & owned hie own REAL ESTATE Tu Serv. bu1lne11. For real aervlce & experience call 54i-1400. IOUIFllllT Owners moving to Hawaii and must sell their lovely oceanfront home on Brighton Rd. In e xclusive Cameo Shores. Designed by Harold Zook this beautiiul home opens to the outdoors from almost eve'ry room. The view w1 th waves crashing on the rocks is just spect{lcular. $2,500.000 attractive terms available. (714\ 873-4400 (113) 621-2121 The Harbor Art1's Loncest Establshed Real Estate C°"1)any ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY!! Take ad vantage. oi exc_ell_ent pticing_on_thiL.3 BL.home-.wl...12~ --- assumable Joan. Bargain priced al $141,500 with VA terms available. If you have not owned a home In California In the past three years you may be eligible for Orange County's Revenue Bond Program. Now for a limited time money Is being made avaUable ONLY tor flrst time buyers and ONLY In the city of Huntington Beach. The loans are a 30 YEAR FIXED RATE with payments and qualifying based on Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. •DOVER SHORES* . This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w/e xecut1ve entertaining in mind. Quality thruout, from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany panelled fmly rm. Some of the numerous features are: sensational view of Fashion lsland & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w/outside bar, 3 car garage. complete security l)'Stem & of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence. call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE! *EXQUISITE* . Contract.ors own home!!! Smash1ng 3 Br home featuring used brick and wrought iron , skylites. atrium. shake roof, and extensive use of mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w /assumable financing! Call 714-759-1501 or 7141752-7373. *IAYCREST* 12 Y. financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs .. fplc. large lot & (ee land!! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. *NORTHWOODS* *ASSUMABLE LOAN* Beautiful executive home on large professionally landscaped comer lot. 4 large BR. bonus room & fonnal dining! Only '249,900!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *COMMERCIAL PROPIRTY* 25 Yr. Flnancln' 2 br house & studio zoned for art studio. gift shops, antiques, etc .... ! Owner will carry financing for 2!> years. Only '135,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *5 STAR' PARK* $48,500 TOT AL PRICE For this smashing home in one of nicest parks in area. Two large bedrooms, formal dining & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decora1ed 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm .. skyUte, lush private courtyard, fplc., & auwnable , financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For qulak sale ... call 759-1601 or 752-7373. * 10o/• FINANCING* *CALIFORNIA HOMlS* Completely remodeled 4 Br home. Featuring greenhouse window, French doora. built-in bookcases & parquet floors!! Reduced to $137 ,500 for quick sale. Call 751-1501 or 752-7373. • All lllTEREST RA TE AS LOW AS 8el%!! If you've. been consi'derlng buying a home but have held back because of high Interest rates, don't let this opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and Income restrictions and the total funds available are limited so act now and call us for complete details: 556-7035 or If that line is busy, 963-5671 . Here's an example of one of the many properties that qualify under this program: 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with community pool, spa & tennis. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. Sales price: $95,000. Down payment: $4,950. First year principal & Interest payment Is a low $700/month. NEW~RT JEACH OFFICf 2870 San Miguel Drive -Newport leach, CA 12llO (714) 711-1501 . ii. AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You.'' HUNTINGTON IEACH OFFICE 9032 Adoma A•e. Huntlngtoa llecla, CA 12MI (714)111-7031 . ' all "9dlande ._ ....... ___ .. _ 1141.000 D-211 1tttl at --ffom =.000 ae~LaM -• ICI01 klfttte M ---IOI "t" 8l . .... MllCltflDt --IOI • ..,...,,'" 11.~ 114~COlll .000 111 Cryei.e, .... .. 1171.000 10I TUt.,..,..... II 2IM w. OoMftfront -.000 1 .. 9er9Mde Tet ----no ... W.,d, "'°'901Hf9 --11.000 m ~c .... w -·-···-Ml7.IOO 112 •• . t ........ _ .... _ 11,J00,000 m Udo wtt Dt. ,., --·---· M4'.000 121 Udo ,wit, C4 .... -.... -·-·-· ...... 117 llettM A.-, .... le .............. t:IM,000 421 "'•t• M ... -....... _ .................. llael,IOO 101 8eholl ,.... #217 ............... •1•.000 t21 Via Onleto, Udo .................. 1111.000 1024 ......... '•In ............. 11,.480.000 411 Cernatloft, COM ........... -......... .000 1117 E. Oceen. ,.,_In ....... -...... a.M,IOO 1141 E. ()Men, '9nln ....... -·-· S470.000 · Ull& 11L1 -UH,IOI • f•bulou1 VALUE for only •ts,000 and owner flexll>M on term• and condition•. lubmlt exchange• or term• or CA8HI An exceptional WATERFRONT home on the la9oon with • private 2-atory realdenc• for entertaining ~· group• or delly living In 5 room• + formal living room, ler1• fam11r rm. with at..,..n ber on the water, •paokMI• patio a mi.ch more. Coll for detoll• a lnoet now before the prlcea go U,. Pler/Mlp for letge rocht. IAYFlllT-llllOU SM OIOI IO' boat ellp beelde a beaut1lu1 brick patio garden on c ornor. Orocloue WATERnONT hofM wtth lelge .,..., .. eulte + S famttr bedroom•. Decoretor omenHIM a ,..,, •-"• for _,.,ment of recreetlon on the water and dallr IMnti. 11,450,000 fM • , SHOTAOIW •II New exclu1lve Laguna •••ch'• flneet Chrle Abel hofM on YI ec,. wtth fobulou• VIEW. fncredlble landecaplng with Pffvl!t• pool end ..,__ A Uftlque S bed. + den home for the particular burer. 11,200.000. LIN llU llAllATIO lplr•I etalr• and prof•Hlonal decor thrMghout thlo epectow 4 bed, 4 beth home. ,.rfect for the famllr. Exl•tlnti oeeumall4e ao.ne of SSIZ..000 ~ •tt.cttve 12.1% tntereet. ..... prtc:e --.... LMATill Yll LMATilll "-'"Odeled 2·•tcwy hofM wtttl doM-up vu of ..,, .,.., .. OCMft and night lghta. fntettaln enforobtr ffom thlt I lMclroom, tomllr room plu1 private patio. OwMr flexlbfe wttti good ffMnclng. -.000 , .. land. IALllA II. WH HPUI On quiet Little l•land near ••r a .. echea. Two etcwy 4bd. a 2W. uni .. w/XLNT retttel record. FleJlbfe term•. 1571,000. Walk by 111 Cry•t•I a call l71-elOO llllEOUffl Olllll-lllllllLH IWHplnf conwr locetton with comptete remocMt a redeocwoMd 4 bed hofM wttti I be.. + I C# ...... 8ellet' mottnted I Wll ..... /option CM' help ftNnce .... 820 .... .,.. on aun. 1·1 , .... S415,000. tlllT PUmAU "· .. Ownet' wlM trede ttlle 4 bed hofM on a private lane. Remodeled a move-In decor. 14C11,000. Walk by Q4 a.IYU9 Lane a co11. OUFF.,Ya-YI, ¥1-TDllS U..foptloft -Incle down .., ...... .,,....., hofM. VU wtttl two 2 bedroom unlt9 Oft ...... lot. "8ne '°' hofM ... lueet hOUM end pool Included In pttoe. ubmlt. ... ,IOO. Drive br 2001 klnti• Roed, Newpotl. AM400. llYILIPlll1 LUSE/IPTlll DrM by 1as kpeflcw a co11 tor ....._. .....-a beet --= 5 reeNlentW COftdoe or poHlble medical complH. Aeklng tssl,000. PnmllU n POROT Immaculate, edorobte hofM. Juel etepe to ber end beech. fa09ltent flMnctng on thlt 2 bedroom, 2 bettl plu• den, patio home. Drtve br 1117 EMt <>c.an end caM IM4,ICIO. ..... ..... ~ ..... hMNM ond ........ from'"' IMne room, den a ,......, euete + .,....,.,_ct dectl. oWner .. •ten to al °'*9 .... Wiii carrr loan for quellfled burer. 1215,000. UM400. ULIU II. OITIAll Cwte Mttte etcl hOUM Oft a na lot, IOMd tor .,.... •. DrM :fa 3r. a':'* and oe11 tor ........... llPLU---.. A well-priced Income propertr In • vacatton Mttlnl ...., tuft ai, eun. Good ftnMIC"lf· -.too. ,.,,... OAIWlllT -IUU Lovelr I IMdroom home on Newport ......._ caneL ow ••cMnte a cone .. , .. otters. 11•.000-DrM by IM and IL a call •• ,., .... n ........... TltMty ln ... """9l In ttlle I bed. 2 M. ' home wtttl RY etor .... Alf cond. Quiet at. 11•,000. UM400 Ull fMUT-UftlNIU Mo••·ln, lm111eculet• a coordinated dee« In/out. CloM to p.tr a '9ftM. -~~t paHo a lawn. OrMt tlMMlftt. ., ..... ..... , ftUAIUll .... lpecloua I Md a I be wlt8' flexible ftMMlfttl, OWNIR MUaT llLL. t141,0llO UM400 • WAHR! HOl\T HOMl .N IU \I lllH" ~ .. ,.... ....... ~.\\4-.....,. ...... , . ...... ··-... .. "'.,.... ..... . U1·'MOO c.-.. to Qo.Carta ~ .... ttieroct "°' ·-Oft tho IMrtlet """ a Cll 11tfled Ad Cal NOwl ........ .,. ... •ri• ... --. .... •• Orang Oo11t DAILY Pll.Of/8und1y, 8epttmbtH' 28, 1912 ~'1tf t .(~. ~'.'....... ~~!!!!.(~•. !.t'!....... M~!!f! .{~ ~1!....... '-~!ft.{~.~'.~ .... : .. ~Utt.(~~!,...... ,.~•tt!. ~let...... .~m .... · ..... · ... ~~~!!f.{~1• l~'-'· ..... · ~~!!!! · ~~ !.~'! .... ··. ~~!!f! .!~•. !.~1.' ...... . ~~~~t ........ !.Oj, f!!.~~~L ......... '.Oj' 9!!.~~~t ........ !.'M P!.-.~~~t ........ !.':f, ~~~~t ........ !.'.fl ~~{ ......... JIM ""'4M.1111 .. J.~ ~.¥.!.~ .. !.~ff ff!t!'..~t!lln .. !.~~ f.'!!~.~, ...... l.~1 \\ I . I I I \ TAYLOR CO. HI :\I. I« 11\:--. '>1111• l ~l ·ll i &1111 I &0111 or LIH llllHHY fll Yffl nHSlll -AT H OllT ExpanaUVl' Vll'WN ovt•rlonkin~ 1>lu>-h country l'lub grClundH m111ntnhll'd by others at no l'XJWn11r tu yuu 'J'ruly u prestigious hnml' lc.><'uh•d on u priml' s•\l' overlooking Dag Cunyo11 t'oun\ry (.'luh You hll\ll' l'Urnl'U ii Now t'llJOY 1t. CALL fo'OR l'Ol,OH HH<ll'lllllU: li-H -Ul t() Linda Isle Perfection New on markN. 4 br. 3 1 ~ bu th . ::.mgll.' story home on h1,1gt• lot. Muy t:Jkt• up to 100 Coot yal·ht sub~'(·\ to app111vab Now h as dock for 4 boaLS of 40 ft B;wkyard with lawn ancJ lush lanciscupmg Just r e m odele d by A S I D dN·orutur $995,000 wtth $175.000 down IHIEH HRH: HST HY UI Ill CHYOll Unque!>taonabty tht• bcl.t buy tn Big Canyon. Four bedrm:.. and family room Immaculate throughout NC'w caq wts, drapes, marble entry & dl•t:or Elc'(·tron1l' security system Wet bar, :l llrl•plal·cs. 3 car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Prn:ed right at $695.000 Galt• guard''CI arl•a. Call 644-4910 for ix·rmisswn Lo c•ntl•r 14 llHIH TREE H . OPEii SUM 1·& VIEW -LIH l MODEL -SPHiUSS Two-s t ory Na ntut·kM 4 br wi th beautiful Sunset pool surroundt>d by 14, 000 red bricks. Taswfully dN·orntt•d through out with wallpap<•rs :.llld sh utters. Shows like· a modd homl•! Many upgrades. Scllt•r will finanC:('. Submit down. $760,000 ind. land. lllYllE HIYHSln Pllll 3 H Detached 3 br. 2 1 i ba . h ome o n greenbelt near community tcnnt!> and pool. $114,000 tn assumabll' loans and you own the land. $140.11011 llVllE TEllUCE -SUPER FH IUf Charming 3 bedroom hump wit h lou. of extras. You own th<• land Great family home. Prare reduc'<.-d $45,000. Beautiful large corner lot Walk to th<' bay. Balboo Is land. and Fashion Is land Owner motivated, this could be be::.t buy in the Terrace. $320,000. Financing available. 1141 SHHHE TEllUCE, Cllll SAT /SH 1·& IEW HIUll GI llLIOl ISUID First time listed. Charming nr. now 2 sty, architectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam rm. Quality design and dcl'Or throughout. Designed for guest quartc•rs. Priced to sell $595,000. Sclll'r finam·<' No loan fee. 213 llllllHD OPEii SH 1-& 2 ILICIS TO IEWPOllT MllN -$221,000 Charming 4 Br & family room. 2 bm·k fireplaces, coun try kitc hen , quiet residential a rea m young developml•nl by Buccola. 1()% dn Owner carry 10 yrs. HIE $211,000 -VIEW FllH Earthlones thruout. 4 br. 2 1 _ ba, famtlv rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft . View o-f Pavilion. night hghLc; & Ca1.alina 1211 SHFUIE, Cll SAT I SH 1-& HHlll VIEW MILLS -NUCE YARD Quiet, park-like selling Rm for paddl<' tenms and pool. GrC'al (or orchard. Cut de sac st. 3 bdrms. fam rm $379.500 1211 In WEST, CH OPH SUM 1·& WESLEY II. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 2111 SH .lt1~ul1 Miiis Reill IEWPOllT CHTH, I .I. 144-4910 tnlllTHln knocka otten when you UH rt1ult·get11no Deily Pllo1 Cl1ullled Ad• IO reac:h the Orenge Coatt m1rke1. Hive something to sell? Cla11llled eds do 11 well Whet a Wonderful World of Shopping, right at your f1nger11ps everydayl Dilly PJ101 Classified Ads To Pllc:e your ad, c:all 6Al2·5678 end let a lll•tn LIYlll IPll llllAY l ·I aoo OAIHY LAii # 107 Newporl Beach condo 1tt floor 1 bdrm, 1 bath. llke new, beautiful pool & 1pa aro11. Assumable lonn. Priced to aell $117,000. WEITOLIFf OllDO OPEi IUllAY 1 .. 1 1131 WHTOLIFF Priced to sell at $ 119,000. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, pool, wolk to shops. M ove In condition & vacant. DOVER VILUIE OOIDO OPH SUlllY 1-1 1011 DDYH llllYE 2 story, 2 bdrms. 2'h baths. dining area. fireplace. bar, double garage. large pool & clubhouse. Walk to shops & market. Asking $139,900. LIDO ISLE· WITH POOL OPEi lllllAY 2-1 101 Vil FLOllEIDE Beauti ful custom built 4 1h bdrm, 3 bath home. First floor opens onto pool and patio. Second floor opens onto balcony. You must see this delightful, dramatic home. We invite comparison. $595,000. LIDO IAYFROllT OPEi SUllDIY 1·1 821 Vil LIDO SOUD Completely remodeled elegant 2 bdrm home plus study. Also features pier for large boat plus small boat. Ideal location on quiet end of island. Only $1 ,- 850,000. Lido Realty 673-7300 PEllllSUU HOMES 1411 W. llY OPEi SIT 1·& Pnw W{'Sl Bay bayCronl. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath Sl.200,000. Ocean & .Jelly views Manne room. 4 bdrm. 3 bath 3700 sq rt $1.385,000 Oct>anfront LINDA ISLE HYFROllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom, dark rm, den Boa...&up~ ,000,000 BAYSIDE PUCE Spect.acular bayfront dpbc 2 br, 2 ba up. 2 br ~ ~ dn 2 boat spaces' Reduc.'t.'d -$1.500,000 FAIRIAllS UIOM New 4 br. 4 1• ba. custom French Normllndy Estate I 2 prime ac hdltop. $1.250.000 AYALOll Fee simple cottage on quiet Descun.so S t . (ln Flats). $145,000, COROIADO CAYS Coronado Island c.·ust. bayfront lot 85' boat dcxk. Plans avaJJ. Now S370,000 w/terms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )4 1 Say\•d~ Dr•vr >.,j 8 bl~ l:o l')I Ctau1 fled Ad· Visor help ~!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~~==~~~~~'.-y_ou~~~~~~1- Phone 842·5878 SIMPLY OUTSTANDING Charming Ayres-built home In Northeast Anaheim. Near shopping, schools, arid a regional park. Three-bedroom home with delightful floor plan. Excellerit corner 101. You muat aee and compare. Call Carol King for a showing. BA YFRONT BARGAIN Only $895,000 leasehold Prime location In gated communlly. Quality home with five bedrooms. pier end slip, great views Try $1,996,600 fee. Good financing 11 available. Cell Marilyn Twltchell OLDE CORONA DEL MAR • On the bluffs overlooklng bay and ocean. Cultom·bullt home. Archlte<'turelly dnlgned. Magnificent views Beautiful woods Handsome aP90lntment1 Abundant cloaet and storage space. t60 tt. front1ge on OC41an Boulevard. For more details. call C1thryn Tennllle SPECTACULAR VIEW Two large three-bedroom homn. PLUS teen retreat, PLUS secluded studio • all on one bluff-top lot In Corona det Mar. Remarkable view of bay. ocean, and Cat1lln1. Auumable 1st T.D .• and seller wlll carry balance Prk;ed at S 1.500,000. Call Sharon Cotllna for details BEAUTIFUL POOL HOME Large four-bedroom home with pool, sp1, and a delightful view. Handeornel) landtca~ grounds provide'm1rvelou• leellng of privacy at the end ol a quiet rul-~MC 9tautlful area of expanalve homes In North Tustin A supetb famlly home Prloe<l et 1595.000 Pleaae call Dion Sehmehr. PlllOll llllMT 11111 ltllPllLt 3 fkfrms, 2 Ii\ &th1, lmmaculaw. Air <:uncl. patio, flnuncinK undor 12% Prl('c'tl bc•low compcllllon $14H,OOO. IAAllD OlMAL/FAEI All OLIAR - Cutt• dean, 3 Bdrm with dock tor 2 boots. Owner flnoncc<.1. Prk·~'<i :H MAI $575.000. I TllE HIOll II lllYllE -4 Bdrm 1mrnac .• nl•w uppliunces, plus n!r c.·ond . Cam room, nice street, super financing. $199,000. OLEU 101111, HIT LUI - Jasminl' Cree k single level 3 Bdrm t-ondominiwn, lush patios, spa. assume loans -less than 12%. $369,500. U,._IVUI: fi()Ml:i REALTORS. 675-6000 2443 Ea1t CoHt Hl9h'"'a11. Corona del Mar WI:: llA\ E $1 OP TllE BEST U STINGS lN TOWN 11/HI Ill,., I OH ,., ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ,,., ••• ,. 1111 CHARMING REMOD 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• Br+loft Trade/lee opt. for COZY 2 bd houM close to duplex or unit. 873-8585 bch. $275,000. Open HHOEI II Two unl1• near bayfron1. owe Reduc:ed SAIOKll $310,000. Prine only 6Al5·9922 Agt. BAYFRONT WIPIER Newly Rebulll Luxury! $1 8 mllllon. Owner 1n- xlous Wiii diecun terms Ind prk:t Cell 873-1833/675-AIOOO Find whll you want In Deity Piiot Cluslfleds. Sal/Sun. 1-5. 6"4·1281. NlllllU NllT Gorgeou1 Cape Code Cullom. One of 1he 11- nest new homea and to- ce t1on 1 on 1he Point. Step• 10 Beach and Bay Ocean View. Quiet rnl- d1ntlal area Excellent lln1nclng. 1 530,000. ()pen HouM Sal and Sun 1 ·5, 1531 EHi Oct1n Blvd. Bulldt r/Agent 873-1169, 87~8e8 In a buydown or discounted mortgage a ree ts pa1d to the lender to reduce the amount of interest to be charged on e. new mortgage. The amount of reduction in the i nterest. rate desired and the anticipated term or the loan determines the amount of the fee ~rt.am banks and savings and loan lnstltut1ons offer the buydown plan Impact on buyer • Managea.ble monthly payment e Can quahry WlLh a lower Income e Fee m1gM be sizable buL can be paid by buyer seller or any Lhlrd parLy • Portion of fee p81d by each party 11 negoua.ble Impact on seller • Offer Lo pay all or parL of l ee makes the properly more sa.lable e Does not have t.o provide private financing e Receives &JI pr0ceeds aL closing ~ ................ ~ .,. •... ....... ,., ....... , BETltR THAN A NEW HOME t!!:'"a.r.J i~0::: ~:~~·~~:J~~, T"••LY lllnLll nit Jae .. uni 1no1» family room •nn eoty fl .. ' ~ng MlnutH 10 l>Mcih 1eptn• Mother In law lllllLT I llllllUI A:~C::: 1~~ '!:~ ~y qu.,tto Ul4lt •lllin9 IO llYAITATillLY ATTIAOTIYE owner Jeo.3111 ~~.~::S' .~~ra~10c:c,"c:111e ..... 1 .. llJ I .. ..,_ 1117 llmtn •, •¥111 ftlUll", Oii Cu1 opean Cuti a on 8pygl111 Hill 01t1t lell'nt olfer9d 12.11,. , .. ., .. tt AMIUmt the high ba1Mt4 IO•nl Plu•h 2 beoroom c:ondo F 1rep1ace, IQVtlly <le<.or lhr°"OllOut Cozr. den Pool fac;llUltt Don I mJH outt S 13Al,t00 Haro 11 a mtrvolout opportunity to acqult a "better than new" homt• In u lovely prcellac community. No waaltlng for grau to Jl'OW Or lrcel lo MlHUrl', und no bli fancy now houi<' prit't' l•ithcr! Thia 1or1ieou1 custom masterpiece 1ltuated acrou from a delightful park ls jU1t 2 Iona block. lo Balboo Buy uwults your admfrotlon. OPl!N SAT/SUN 2 6PM 7 Muir 8e•eh Cr • CdM HATZll IULn 8AI0·0259 or 9b-0303 C11t• #e11 IOZ4 ...........•...•.••.•. EAITlllE ITHL lllLY 111,000 DWI OltH ,, ...... , Lovely ranch 1tyle home 1u11 5 mint f1 om the beach Flrt1)1toe. l'IHted SPA Tv.o p1110 room•. 1torage 1hed1 i nd 1011 rno• t Proreu 1onafly l1nd1c1ped Mu•I be ... ,, to apprtclllt v1lutl Priced II lu•I S 114, 750 Ranch 1tyle with l''rcnch C.l.avor: 4 bdrm, formal dining rm. 1kylit ccilinga. family nn, hide-away loft & sparkling pool. Offered below replacement <.:oisl ot $478,500 (you own the land), over $2~0,000 aaumable loan at 11 ~. WOW! AHUm• VA lot 111 of 197.500 •I \t 50% and lake over and or new one ~ely 4 Br plus fa· mlly rm Mint COlldillort Job force• trantflf Call now to -Diana C1p-e!!· 531-1288 tlt-2110 3707 8 BRISTOL SANTA ANA &IPau&.PUll LntfJ tw "4r11t1, ... .., ,..., .... ft let, ....... ""'" t•t •••••· L1r1t ., ........ ,., ... , .... , '"" ...... 1rtll•••ll~rh•J· .... ..,... . .. .., tin • .,. ' Mttftl .. ,,,,. fer '"' tr ....... .., ... ... H • .lntUJI .... . Open Sat/Sun OCEAN VIEW INIT&llW UIOI anLE 4 Bdrm, pvt courtyard Werm country Frenc:h decor Atlllng S17Al,500 Broker 848-0709 LAUREL PT TOWNHOU- SE Assume $82.500 12% 30 yr 111 $30,000 12% 2nd 3 Br 2') Bl . mtny up- gr adH, xln1 toe $132. 000 Owner 8Al5·310 1 If IWIH HSI MESA VERDE home 4Br, E T I 2ba, den wlwtl ber. pe· LOW llTH S L I 110. bllln &BO. S 132 .000 Ownar v.111 help finance LOW llWI •uper 4 Bdrm, e•cellent 7141754•5485 area• Only $132,500 Cell 1-------~:-I now 979·5370 . \' f >I~ 1111~ • 11 Eeal•lde Colla Mesa. 10% down poulble. 2 Br. with dbl gerege llp-Tp p shape. 6Al3·0697. $550,000 FEE Open house Sun. 12·5. ------Cu1tom, upgraded, pro-138 w11nu1. OollhouH VA REPOSSES~ION "4t>J., • Ht Alf' .\ N 'f[ ~f M( t"if') feulonll decOI' In Harbor E·t ld• $itO,OOO leau 3ba, pool, lo V., lo dn View Hiiis. Huge low Int-option 2 br. 2 bl. frplc. $135,000 Agt 548·7739 trHI Haum1blt loen1. fenced, brl c:k entry, IEll YlllE Pride of ownership. 4 wood deck. more S ~9. BR. f1mlly rm. formal di· 9 o o 7 5 4 _ 1 8 " 8 4 Bd pool hOme OwMr .IUI• mtl nlng, 3 fireplaces. 556•8998 • motlvaltd -super clean ,.,..., ...... ..,_ Gerry Of Chrl1ta, POSSlt>ll 10% dn $135 r: .... ~ •.•..• , 873-7781 or 780-1397 EASTSIDE. C:USI bit, 3 BR. _ooo __ 8"_5_-99_22_A.;:..01_. __ --2 Ba, lam rm, worklhop, 11J , ... , hnlal tlYfflE TIRUOI s189,5oo 20% dwn. IY IWIEl/I IHI ...... ,..., .. ... $1115.000 OWC et 12% 478 W1lnut Approx 3200 1C1 ft, 3 ba, ............ w~~ ...__., a-lat TIME OFFERED PllC8 Open Sund1y 2-5 2 c:er ger. Santa An1 ....,. --.,... 714-548-3374 Hgtl ecron lrort1 Coun· ..... ..__..._0 ltt• Thl1 neat 3 bdrm 2be ---------' try Club 1Al!lt< 540-8082 ...... .._ with uver 1800 sq 11 w11h UHi. YI I~ Lt&ll rltr 11t1, ,.... I lovely pat101 and gu-• br, 2 be on qule1 cul· IESA DEL IAR ''"' fllt t1ul1 ::~t= ~~~ 1~~": de-u c nr So Cout Unbellev1blt 19tm11 ltllrft. lH ... ... 12% Int. 7 yr ltrm. A Plaza OWC 12% 2nd TO OWC 1s1 Remod 3 br, •--~ 1_. ._ wl~I. dn $13Al,000 By t~. be, fem rm Owner -• I 1llft .,... ,.., leaMhold estate. Priced owner 8A12-2178 need• a deal Probate ....,, .... r/ktbr to NII In fee. ---------1 Bkr.120-1101 .I.I L•ls tfe•eet. f44.J 211 •Mesa Verde 3 br, pool, --------• .. •P• Bt1ut. home As· S 101 IELOW .,,..IHl ...... ,H , 1111 ftr ... , , • sum 139K 545.9904 3 Br, 2'\ bl. near new JIST LISTH condo Priced tor fut t Fl11er upper. 3Br, H'•bl H ie AHumt loan•. AOI JIM I, lttt ltltter ' ' on R2 lot. Vacant SIP 75Al· 1202 MO-lllJ iTl-1111 · $105.000. Century 21 --E-0-1-m-1-u-•• -E-- • Harbor View Hiiia • Al BR 3 BA wlvtew9. Call 7511--1010 0.,.., Sun 1-5 Etlatt Sale: Cape Cod dntenl cottage, 2br. 2ba. 549-3112, 113-4725 •WUJ A cozy 2 Sr cottage 2 block• from Big Corona. oniy 11ot.ooo. e. aerteen -Bfolllf 97S-2373 OI' 7~740 lntlTllITT Lge preatlglou• luxury home now und., con- 11ructlon 1100 SpygtaM. Oppor1unlly for agent wi111 c:llent1 who wan1 their new Cullom tit· ganct to reflect them lllone. 873.-1133. 1221,000 So. of Hwy, 3 Br r9fTIO- deled home on R-2 lot. You won't believe It for the prloe. Aeaumable n- n an c Ing . Della, •ot '31-1299 TRADE .... your boring Income pro-peny or ou1grown rtel· dence with large equity for thl1 neat ru11tc and roomy 4 bdrm 3'h bath home with 180 deg ocean view In walk to .,.ac:h Corona del Mar IOCltlon. REDUCED TO SA175,000 with 11.75% Int. 144-1211 /Jn lljlG[L UAIL[Y E. ASSUCIAT[S Gold Cont Rea11ora. -" 5Al8· 1168. Roomme1e w1nted for 2 Br, 2'"' be condo $2000 down end $800 per EmlTlllHS month tor lull tax write· HLlllT off and 20"/o property IEU YHIE 1pprecletlon No quail· Beautlfully remodeled 5 lying Cell 964-6171 or 532·2865 Bdrm plut huge f1mily --------room. featuring Frenc:h d00<• and wlndOWI, 111 new kllctltn profes1lo- n11Jy land1caped front and beck W11h exttr1t1ve use of brick Oualify de- corating thruou1 TERRI· FIC FINANCING AVAi· LABLE -.A•k1ng $239, 000 For an eppt to .... cell 5"0-1151 LAUREL n . 2 ISTI lllTES $13 000 dwn on this E aide Cape Cod 1own· house Obi gar. spa & pool OWC BH1 buy Call 0 11n1 Ceppal 631 ·1 266 or P11 771-0660. egls Opn Hse Sunday 1-AI 2520 Poplar Ln CAMEO SHORES. by ow-D .. 1 1•i•t JOZ• R 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS ne<, oceen vi-. 4 B • l~~~~~~~~!ITrade one of our new bl, den. POOi, Jae:., 21: 3-5Br hom11 for yours wetbara. New roof, car-PteltrtU It. 11 •w. 30 years lfud pet, drepH. $595,000 3 ... rm. 2 b• s-. din Prtee range $220,000 10 Buyer auume UI at "" v,.. S280 ooo F 7~% Down payment r m Covered p1110 · urnl•hed s 148.000. owe S•OO, Adam• and Harbor. near models open Al99-5254 ooo at 12% for 10 yeara. everyth1~ s 135,000 for more Info 1:::~ J11r ltftr ;~;;:3 !!!!.!~tJ:iir-·1·~~1 ~~~~'.n=1 OPPORTUllTY HllOTIH I 509 Acacia CdM nr bch 12100 MOVES 4 Bdrms, 3 balh•, huge •FULL OCEAN vu• Spotless Vecanl Dupte.x YOU II lam rm wlfrplc, formal t2%1oen Jasmine Crtl Huge 5br/3be+3br/3be dining rm, sp1r1dlng pool Owner egt &40.-1515 «OK own/bkr 6"5-7048 Bullder hH c;1pltal glln & IPI A real buy In a problem•. wtll leaN with greet neighborhood 41' ... Lit SELL Idle Item• with a oollon to purchue within HURRY! Bkr 848-Al557 With 3 9'. w. e.. lrplc. Delly PllOt CIUllfi.d Ad. 15 month• et TODAY'S B I By awn.. &49-85te • _ .... _2_-se_1_8_. -----1 PRICE N-2 or 3 Br, 3 .. , .,, •• ·-Ba Condo-al e * lux ••ti 1040 HH1tl /tr $1/t H••••• l•t S.Je •11m t.t .. ,. B••H• l•t lilt amenities Grell Joceuon • •• • •• • • •• • • • • ••• • • • •• • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• ••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••• •••• •• ••••••• ne•t door to .n shop· BY OWN EA • BR .. 8• C.nrll 1002 CIHlll IHZ t.anll lOIZ t.ut•I 1002 ping, 1hH1era & tran-hme, ipproll 2900 sq." •_!,.•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• spo<teUoo Nr Meadowlerk Golf TREE LINID ITRllT Beautlfully decorated three bedroom hol"IM with .._,arate quarter• for teenagers, mother-lri·law, or guetta. Terreced yard h• petlo, ~ol pOl'ld, and waterlall. This home fa a "must see" lor the ramlly that wanta the Newpott Nfeetyle. C.11 Joy Holk4tl' for e showing, THE PRIVACY OF EMERALD BAY An urban sophlstlcat1011 kt)'not• thla OONn View property In private Emerald Bay. The tiendaomely styled thlee-bedroom home, ptua con119rtlb.tt den, la Ideal for the busy professional couple. Asking $635,000 and with a eubttantlat down payment, the seller will e11l1t with llnanclno. Furnishings 1"19QOtlabte. Ca• Joyce Oabolt. COUNTRY ftOADI Leave the city behind Two bedroom comfort with a ~. new noon, 1nd ,_ fencing. Work In the city If you must, but eecape to SIMlr.00 t t tM end of your day. Thia oak-shaded cottage features some very lnter .. llr19 financing that might make It your perfect escape Mary Richards 11 the peraon to call IOf detlh. MAKE UI AN O''"' The seller Is motlvatt<I erid ready to lltt9" N.wtt four-bedroom home on 1 priva1e quarter acre, just • few block• from the Old Plait ,In Ofenge. FMtUtet apa, f1m11y room. torrn11 dining room, central air: room lor RV, pool, ort? Laro-•latlno nrat T o. OWner wlll aaalat. Dr111lc price rtductlon for CASH TO LOANI CLOal·IN TUITIN CONDO 714·531·5055 or Course S238K. 11'~% 8"2·2000 loan avail up lo S 170K. also wltaka bt c:k 2nd CDLLE&E PIRI -84-s-o-450 --- 8)' owner $110,000 In M1Um1ble loan• Spec:- tacutar new •P•rkllng pool & sp1 make lhl• 3 br, 2 ba, llom• 1 terrlllc bargain F1n111tlc flnan. c:lng Wiii not last long It 1139,500 Open house Sat/Sun 1.5 979-7295 tl TIE Wll IHk Ftrttltslft 2 story, 2 bdrm 1'.\ ba btac:h -Condo co-op Pool, s1un1, weight room, sub parking. Oc:tln and Pier View Liited al $180,000, $85, 000 under merket. All "I llllM••LE caah or new fin Great • -opp'y for someone wno 1111,000 c an act fut Agent Canyon view, cul·dt·HC:. 531·8100 A•k for Jim apx ...., 1c:. Sale price _R_lg;::..h_e_im_er_. ____ _ S 118 ,500 O w nr. 931·3213 Eltt11th• ,, ..... ,, .. -.-.-1-.-000--4.-1-,-.-,-1 _, New ll1llng $37,500 10 •r euume s 132.500 loans. 3 Br. 1.,.ba. c:leen. wH Gorgeou• trl·ltvtl. A!Br, S124K,nowS11AIK.Kelly Agl 957 -8507 or Ownl Agt 831 -8040 983-9101 841-8833 -------- i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 4 BR 2 Ba. S 1031<. OWntf TllPlll IWllW Deluxe OWnttl unit has 3 Bdrm•. 2 blthl, llrepl1· ct, and encloHd yard Two 2 Bdrm unit• Com· plttt complex Let your 1enant• help make PIY· mtt11' Call tod•~ ....... mu•t Hll now 10381 M1lk1I 497·1037 IUOl•ll lTlllT Sy owner-Model llomt SpeclOUt 3 br, 21~ bl. 2 frplc1 2 car gar. Some owner fin IYlll. $179. 500 By 1ppt, 552-7272/636-6185 Stifter Home " Bdrma, 2b1 12% fln1n •vaH .....,.....,...,.""""...,~· Vet• c1n buy w/14000 .. SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTION Centrally locettd two-bedroom and d.n home, 81noit 1tory tnd unit In park•llke aettlng . Large aseumabte loan. po1alble own.t-Mtllttd ~. tnct OAl!A T location, make thl• t perfect starter home. Priced at only I N ,600. Celt ~ King todey. dn Agt '91-1529 Seller Is desperate Absolutely must sell. Deauvllle mOCS.I In 1xclu1lv• Big Canyon. Handeome French doors throughout, high ctlllng1 have all been plastered wflh amooth finish. lmpreulve two-1tory entrance and IMng room. oak-floored kitchen and lamlly room Luiturloua muter suite, arid large brlek ltrract. The home Is vacant, and waiting your flntl 1ouch. The/rice has *n reduced to 1650.000, and the Miier will carry papel'. C1M Trudy Stubblelltl APFOM>AIU HOMI "'°"ltTY Cozy two-bedroom, nHtltd lrt the oekt at 8~edo Cenyon, Wonderlul _. of woo4 and wallpaper. New gar11g9. Aleo, #I extra tot for rior., ,,..,....CIMnt, or.,_... new buUdlf'l9'1 Aaaumable flrat l'.O .. tnd • Wlllfr19 Miier. Mery Aid\.,. Atl(lftsl 1110.000. The firm with the Beverly. Hiii• /Palm D•••rl conllectlon . : 759-9100 #. 2 Corporate Plaza" f ' ....... LOWiy 4 I A pool hOmt ... , atreet In w.e .Orio °"""' MOlilna Nortll Cell Mary Jo, 9~5·1111 Or 7U-ot11 ......... 4 l drm , 3 mllM ftOl'n '*°"· Ntw ~I. ml• oro &M mor9. 1111.000 • ~ tt•.ooo "' 1cM1M llu. l •t·0 70t Or Ul-0111 ,.,...."" ·~ .......... .......... = :::.. i:,,·~~ .. Orengo CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, 8eptember 28. 18&2 I .. ~f!f!.~!.'.1! ...... , ~~~!!!.'!!.~.#! ......... '.,!!! •• ~ •••• .' ....... ~!t!.~/~I~ ....... ~~!!!.{'.1.!.'.l! ....... ~!.~'!!ff!~ .... J!J.f !!fff!f.!ffltl/r.~ IHI lllatt ,. .. ~~.¥~.1'!!~~.'!, .. ~m.,,/1.1.'!~~~ •••".,,.. •111l11lfll ffl.!ff.«'li! ... .J!.ff ,_....,, frm. lllf ,, • ..,, .,,, Jiii Ml IHllY 11.. 'oh"w'c"''~.·~-~ M•t .. !!.~+~~/!. ..... ~I!., .. -.., 'IM'"'•• ,,44 • .,._, IHI .,,.._,, IHI p!!U•M "llW .-.-..rn ...... , ••••• ••••""0"•1••0 •• •••• 1'1011t ltMtN• "'"'"" -·-r110.1f .. ~IM1 38•, 20. r• • .r:.;i;t .............................. 1 ... . .... nrrr .................. rr.............. ---• -11111 ,.,.ttctioi \t'• On llir lft·O ll home An1h•1r11 com· I DR t ft• h1J1l•11, '"' Ul*ITIAL AA••• ••y ~.':·111\·0~• 1;1~· ~V"' 1 IUI AITI• •W , • , o .. u1 1 n. P11no oc ¥11 fib AlttMt LH• p111e re1u1bt111 • 11rn1 ~'tSi~.~•lnt. uo LUlll :t.,.,... 141 '"'• I PllllOLllllll lllllllT Ill lge IOI wlrOt)tn l\lf pool 23 10 l •nt• An1 A,... CM L~~·~rat~o!."a'"'D/~••0•. I 10 4 bd11M, 111111 •I •• •• • 1.1 .. ., ll••,J 1111 J IP'• A .. umf t2~ In 10 1 bClrm townhomee 4 Gd °H•b• 1lngt1 tam ,.,... lo t1•1• .. ..A •••••• ,........... Nh Or\ Miit. 1211$.000 ~· • bd R .. COlllal 11111. 180. .• ~1 . ..,,,....... ....,.. II " 1 ••• 't •••• , a .. rrn 1nc:.. 17 1 • 1 t. 1 ., 6 .. vw,.,, 1111 qutec ,,..""'""' VILLI 11 011111 Ullla ltlll Ovrn/Agl -4121100 11 (II • x ffOMl At .) .. " •• 4 .. or llood cJ011 to acl\lt / Ouurded gau.• (.'t>nlmunlty tn J lunllnt(ton l[AUTl,UL Vlt•w oC <X.'\'an anti city lfuht 3 u.lrm, ENGLISH 1um1 101n1 or 1>fenC1 0~·55l f •no P • I I 1 & I mo tfur'bour WUll'l Vlt•W ftvm prut•tkally OLD WORLD o ui Price 1630.000 Cett 21311147 3437 every roum Bc•uch Cur hock yord JtJ' TOWNUOMU 2 1 ~ lw flus utfu't' 2 tlr1•pl1wt·~ Jutlc>llt• TUDOR ESTATE Wtl.fl•H llllLn 11111/1 ? OR w/w carpet•. drpe, By Howard Mark Co M-'"I c l Tro"'•7 •11 Ill 11t• •••••••••••••••••••••• relr"', r•""t, P•••o. w•• .. boat dock. L••t• ncor m•w home• ovC'r 3200 from $1&0 ooo uu, ' .;J ,~ • • • "' .. ~-.. " " " M1tlr1t11 I Pt. dt .. llC tt· 11 .. HI f•ta/1•fl tm tlON lo l>u9 I lhopt, sq.ft. Rt'd till' roof 4 BU (im·I hU.Cl' 405-3'44 780-036& OHTll LIT .. IHllll MILL duotlon IO •••••••••••••••••••••• Wlltr 6 o•rdelltr Plld ma11t«'r bdrm a1u 1tl'), 3 Un. Cnmlly rm, 1111.00 1121,000 100~ LUSH l1IH1 $415 plu1 taa1 01u1 M form~I dinlng.,.·m w/wclbnr, 2 fpk'~. &J>tl AHum• $612.00 on 2 GrC'ul vlt•w o ( OC::>t•nn urul city hijh~ Will 01111 6000 a I 01 exqul :~;!r~~~':i ~·~°c:'uf.: 111/•1111 '101 ';;:'~le~~f:11 945•35t 3 ++. Luxury li ving ul Its bl'!Ct $771'>,000 :g~do 2 ~~.:4~0~~11~~ subordinate will bulld to suit ~:.~11:,~z· /.~.~~rn':~c. s1n1a Arla As>prox 1&, ();~~;;;;,·ti~~·a~~·;i~t~; l•I 2 ll•rfl 0, .. , 't513CA"""l>l·l~INE Seller motivated. Suag<'ISt UOOK down. now ownf/Bkr 648·0492 HI ULLIY, lllLTll 144·4411 c1ng "''"•blo Pilon• g~~ ~: •• ~ 1~iu:~~:1~~ ~'::1;~11~~r~,~~~:ic~SoJ N• sc P1ua 1n SA $460 3 bd AY&Jlebte NO* Gar-HAL llTlTI If LICIA Alltlll IWHI Llnfio 4118·4960 Alk for t1nan11 ~rldt o f ow· w Oc1111lront. 836-6068 mo No pett 546-11147 dener No Pell 1930/mo 114·111·1144 4 Bdrm, 2 ball\, ramlly .wat orJoy --'";•ntp 11.040,000. At· or0t7·3970 Aedec 3 BA ,,,., b1, I• 831161&.493·7780 -----------------·! rm. 2 trplc•. •p•, gu •• Tiii wan• IPYIWI llU.. , .. JH• lrllCllVt ltrm•. 4 Bdrm, baylront wldook. encl )'&10, range & rtrrfg. Sup11r dHI 3br 2bll W/a/e •Htl•slN Im 1044 880, patio, dbl g11. Prlv111 pier end floal on Ntw ll1tlng, undtr mk1 CH/ttraH l011 OOITA IHA 14000/mo yrly or $3000 clllldrtn & pet• 01< 101. pallo. lg yd $025 •--· 10f0 •••• -!!_••••••••••••••• comm POOi 6. plev• Ail&Clou180' lol, Delight· 48r Ttedtwlndl Tlke ••••~•••••••••••••••• 20.000 IQ. It tilt up bldg winier, Av1ll, 10/J, 1 700 878-TOWN C. OC·RENTALS 750.3314 _.... Lu f t W ..... 1... ground AV parlclng ru1 11ngi. level home, 2 over $228,820 foen• 11 2 Ur/ooot, S90t! 101a1 mo. dlvldtd Into • unl11 Lo· •,•, PllOPE•TY 548·1295 Coftoo Ntw 3Br. 1..,.,..111ft. •••••••••••••••••••••• • 11• ••••'•Ct 1145,000 •pectou1 patio•. 3 Bdrm• $24110 Pl Oodltyl ol pymt plu• 1uoctat1011 Cited on 1.4 acr11 with "" " " .. ,.. " Ollll Tl IOUI 5 br. 3 ba, 0001. lac. HD•cum 6 Horn Re •nd privacy lor all 8tlllf upgradffl $495,000. Agl. dutt ($73/mol Cto11ng amp11 perking No tong IAUlllE•T 3 Bdrm 2ba E'ald• condo ce hookup Pvt patio No money down, no Ownet/agt 561-6829 404·8551 receptive IO you1 llnan• 9&1·8507, 963·9101 coet 1pproll $1700 Ae-tarm IHHI 1950,00 111·1111 Oulel. JC ·IOc;, clean Decora11d Mlcrowl¥1, quelllylng own your 0 clng netdtl --king f ?9.900 493·2117 owner will lltnanct I 7 4 0 I mo Nan c; Y a le, $825, 780·8400, llome on our unique BY WNER ll1wao1I •1e• lHI 101 ... ,. 1·y•• LI. 1135 PEMBROKI: IMOPPlll OllTlll 497-21411 857·9447 .. d 1 11 11 Oelu~• condo, Nortll · ••••'••••••••••••••••• -•, 11 .a _ 1••0 L•'I.••• IH"'&. 1141 ---------.... ,. appreo • on • wood 1 Br. 2 stfy, AIC, IHI llll&Y l·I Appealing 3 Bdrm, 11m 11. • ,... -High vl1tbllHy cornef on •• •••••••••"•'!•••••••• M•u Verdt, lge 4 bl'. 3 bt 2 bdrm, 2 '~ ~atll, park nanc;lng. We have 6 FIP. Piiio. utll rm. Al· rm home Planked h11td• •••••••••••••••••••••• Wtll 10th Street Fully TrtHure leland 1 Br tral· ax.c home. lam rm, 2 lronl condo J\ mllea to home• In Hunt BHch. aoc pool, tennle Cteen. DOYER SNORES 142·1200 wood lloore. brick lift· IOlfTY INIJll occupt•d 1trlp center l•r $395 Ocon vu lrptc1 UCI No pe11. $900 mo. 3eA 2',.ba, 1900 to 2100 mOdern, qu,lll, haopurl· placee. c;ompletetv 11• Roommate wanted tor ahowtng t n excellent 2131433-9991, 436_2878 846·2850 ekr aq 11. P1_ym1nta lfom ierock Rid 11 mOdea.d 1111cnen, Frencn 2Br. 2"• be condo. s2000 rtr\lt1I return Owner wur MmO •uLTY 110 $1200 to 111100 mo Call lrvln• Pacltlc OPlan I. 1441 GalHy Drlvt doore, elo 1284,900 down and $600 par llnance $477,000 L H lllWHtl IHti 3111 " .... 2 BA 2 Ba, cpte, drpe, encl George Brooke Mon Hlgllty upgradaO 28r Wm Hazw1n11e1 & Co. mon111 l0< lull tu write· 171•J 67l ••oo ••••'••••••••••••••••• gar. 1 750 No P•lt thru Fri, 7141,891-5556 2ba, den IO% down or 4 Br Den, F°'mat Dining 445.5555 or owners et oll and 20-% property ., • .,., LIDO ISLE • 3 txlrm. lam lllT llULn ...... Ill _&_7_5_-eeoe ______ _ lnhl• 1044 ............•.•••.••.. lllUST SELL Leaving country $50.000 under market Paclllca- T u r tt ar oc k. Lrg yrd Centr. air, t0<m1t dining. kitchen nOOll, lrg ulllily· hobby rm Opn Hae Sun 1-5. 5 Purple S•oe Call agl for directions. Toni Morr ts-Layl l e ld. 559-9400 RVM~ lselopt s 268,600 Room, 2 F1r1plac;ea, 3 642-3 103 appreciation No quail· 121JIUl·JIJI rm.4Ba.$1700mo W0008AtOGe -48f 0 .,.n l toS Sat/Sun ear garage plua large 9 0 lying Call 964-8171 or H•RBOA IO·llHTALl ....... UO Adam• Mdl on e tde ,..... 27 Suniig"' Hobby Room. Poot atzed Y Wl)lr lmmac._ulale "' 532-28M .. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. etreet Parftct cond No I b D Br. 2'"' Ba Tile Blull 1 B $700 B 11 Own/Agt 55 •1006 ot, eaut. landac;aped C 01a.11 •iii ••till • mo 1 RHTlLl•ll•H 110 Ptt• Avail 111 Oct 15; ---"------1 Owner will asalil at 11-REDUOTIGI ondo, xlnt tchools • " Iii• Grundy, Rllr, 675·6161 ·•• Sl100 mo 10 nanclng Only $420,000 \ $175,000 Make oller ;;;)jj;•B;;;;;•••••••• Beeutllul home for quell--GOLDEN PROPERTIES .UE 0. S ·LE Open Sat/Sun 1-5 exqul11te 3 Bdrm dll· 213/541-3792 ,,_... l II TOTAL .............. 1201 762· 1589 • •Rqblnson Real10< slgntr llOml In Htrbor fll~l}I 1100 ""' persons. grac ous · ClauM In 11111 lreely as· 141•1147 View Reduced 120.000. IUVIEW l&llUll •••••••••••••••••••••• 11ln11 $2500/mo tee aumable $163,000 toan now $249,000. F11 land 180 o•o 111ew, IHded Utt•& MILLS _6_7_5_·_15_3_o ____ __..... at 13% Trade your pre· 1860 P0r1 Wheeltr. Oon g11u . oak floors. out-Beautllul 24X84 3 BR 2 Outstanding 1 & den, 2 sent llome Low down or OCUIFllllT IOIE Sun 1-6. Joyce Waltre, door llrepll 3BR • great BA, toe llvlng and dining £111 /11 l•I• ZZOO Ba. sundecll. fof 1 01 2 ??? Tllla quality home Is IALIOA PEllllUU 631· 1286 home By owner 3% lo area Kitchen open• 10 ••• • • ••••••••••• •••• • • peraons. $750/mo tse 1 the l.OWEST PRICED bkrs. $42 1,000. Sml lam. rm. Corner IOI IY OWIEll yr Loi• Mtll•r . agt Turtteroc k l~ome w/ II you want sand at Illa down 644·6699 540-5937 1•.., 1011 In Hun11ngton 631·1266 POOL & SPA 111 only lront door -you will have Stach CA on 2111 be1.1---------s 285.000 It here Sit In Ille living 11 RUE YE RTE 0 n I y 2 · at y I n Pa Im Fully lurn winter rental, GOLDEN PAOPEATlliS room In lront of Ille lire-a11 CAIYH Springs. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba :~e~ Pacill~C~T'~ ~V:V charming 2 BA 1 Ba 752-1589 place and look out to· SELLER ""' w/glossed-ln addition 714•960.2411 college, 2 houses 10 en TllEI 1u FOil llLY $40 We have llst1ng1 lrom all the services lor one low price! Delly updotes UNIVERSITY PK, 38f, 2'h 8a, lam rm, llv rm, lrplc;, micro oven, 2 cer garage, lndry rm, relrtg. Pool, jac $1295 mo 552-81147 ----------1 waro Catalina and the O,H l1t/h1 11·1 !l's a dolllloua,. Oulal i---------beac;ll, encl porch. agl WOODBRIDGE $1100 Spec 4 br. 2'/t ba, nlcely l11nd11cap1d, lam. rm, lrplc;, patios. Lake, 0001 & te nnis. 640-1327, 559·6186. ore 720-7373 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PRICED shipping lanes Four be-WAllTS TRADE Lovely 3 Bdrm. 2'h baths park, c;lubllous-. heeled COSTA MESA 6285·3607, 360-5465, OILY AT .._ IELOW MAHET Orooms end two baths. Executive condo In Ntw· home willl many amenl-pool. Jae;. S29,95C. 617-3585. 1111 ,.ILICATIOIS L •-a. J"'~I tlR WEI OllH leunory room and two port Blull1 Will trade for ties Aaaumable $235K 1-328·4984 eves/wllnde PleH ,,,,.,.. • •1.••• _ _,. "'"' WtllAIU ~~~a;~~~1:0~ :~1~0$~~: car garage Priced 10 deaert property. othtr (approx) at ONLY 12%. OCP111FllOIT fer H 0.1•H <>;:,T~.rr~~1 ~~~.11~~u~'!:; ... H:CRBOR.OCEAN.FRC)NT FlllAIOlll 000 Call Sall 552.0129. sell Ona ol tile out11an. r11ldentlat or Income Full pr lea $499,500 -Permlta can be Issued In ulll ·until June 1575/mo 537 8970 Nu 3200' fuJC hm on bluff. Beautiful 1 Bdrm a no 551•3000, agt ding lots In -tile 11r1111 properly Gron equity Own e 1 /Bk r Ca 11 New mobile /modular c• 45 day• Some eub0<dl· 646-2610 • l80 deg. Yu or llarbor, unfl on the water Deco-Nice open llome -perlect a pprox. $60,000 Ca ll 2131470·2880 dar cottage. lrplc;, on PV1 nation avellable. 1675, I---------i---------aurl, mini, 3br, 3ba, 119• rated In urthlonts wltll [Uj 1 •or beach enltrlalnlng. Pela Jonnson 831·12116 bell LeaselendSSOOmo 000 Own/Agl Western IHli l.l•ll•I 3116 ALIOST IEW curlty. sauna . spa shullera lllruout. Many "''''ltlhrldCj\' GoOd mvestment Let us CONTRACTORS m ~~~~3~1~nl $115 ,000 A E Flnanetal 833-7800 ········""············ Condo 3 bdrm, 2·~ ba $1800/mo 496-7009 extras. Aasume current l\c,1ll1j !ho~;~~ 1~~! ~~~:.~: (will c;o-operatal 2 ,:5~·,,:0~1~?Ju~a~. Poot. spa fireplace $750 Old charmer. vltw, 3br, llnancing and owner will ·,:-;f .14100 for you $675,000. $ 1"fl,100 N::::~~I~~ ~llu~~ 2sqbf,lt2 llt11la/a, Jh111I, Includes Utll s (2 13) Mo Homa 979-2898, llrwd llrs, lrpfc, d.Ck Nr consider carrying 2nd 1•2 llOO fllltl z~oo g99.2953 840·5010 bHClll lo wn $1075 TD. Asking $118,900. If.""•"'"" 1·~ .. , Ir""' • • Upgrades $44,000 By 'I' 494 6930 Call 5-40-1151 --------lllFfl UlllAll tor expansion Localed owner. 631-7111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Clean. quiet Clleerlul 2 Br, __ • ______ _ IHSATIOllL HIE 6) You own lhl land 2,000 In Newporl HetglllS area --------PALI SPRllltiS a ..... u.1.1ai1iH rear llome Loe yard, gar EMERALD BAY 3 br 2 ~HERrTAGE REALTORS WllllRlllE ClllO Country French ch1rm, 2 Br 2 Ba, 2 car gar. Greet locetlon. $139,500. Cell Toni M<>rrla-L1yflald, . · ... •.• RVM* PLIS llHT MOISE aq II, 3B•. tam rm. 2'"' Two assumable roans eri r°oW.,~E,R,. · '~~e --~T"; BY 0 w NE R . New •••••••••••••••••••••• $500/mo. oap Owner ba 1800 sq It lrpl brick Ba. wide GrNnbelt, near For more lnlormauon call Cullom b 111 home lo C.a11'1 311Z 979-3227 patio, wtth spa S 1600 In University Park lor pool Far belO* market Oorotlly, Own/Agl bdrm/2ba. Obie 011 Up-aaie. e11cn~nge or lrtOar •••••••••••••••••••••• Nr So Csl Plaze Sllarp 2131876-2255 ~~~2T~~~~n!-~ BIRD $245,000 Wiii lelM op-114/111·1000 grr:~~~eltS6:;~.~io ~~ Loca19d near preatlgloue REITlLS Oaen unit Tenms. pools. 2 Br 1 Ba cottage. Cllll Sun 1•4 lion Bkr. 644-013'4 832-9199 Canyon Country Club Yearly-Weekly-Winter. 2. spa $385 Inc;! relr1g & Mellon. gas r•nge. gar· B. Eilerlsen Broker • ~=====i1i:i\ii ---------1----------1 area In Petm Springs 3, 3,4 Bdrme. water lmmed oc;cup dener, relrlg AYall 1018 ASSOCU11ES Ii WHTOLIFF Lovely Mob Home Aesa· 400 square teet ol tuJCury JACOIS REALTY 957-0222 w 111 1 a s 8 7 5 675·2373 or 72o..0 74o llLAll'OltS By owner. cllolce quiet lea, lrylne GrOYll from llYlng wllll 3 bedfOOma · 8 s 8 · Ll'l.IH l11~i 1041 IEl.IEVI IT location 3 bdrm. 2 be. $65,000 Anita Agt and 3'n baths Pool end PROP Sharp and claan 4Br 2ba, 494-0154 On bus line •• • • • • •• • ••• • • • • ••• •• r-,-r-al_S_U_l_l_O_ll_l_O-=-. IR ltT ... Pool home. 2 ffP, feneect ,_55_2_·4_8_98 __ ...__ __ 1 J a c; u r z I IAIAIElllEIT Gardener Inc: $850/mo Exec lamlly home, steps LWE OPTIOISI ~ '(ou can own • llome In yard• Reduced S20K. 'AttH•• ,,, ,,,, IZOO $475,odo-lurnltlled. 1i1 Ph 546·9950 10 VICIOflll Bell. Dramatic GREAT OCN VIEW. 2. II Ill C&IYOI Newport Beach fOf only priced tor quick sale. •••••'•••••••••••••••• TD ot $425.000 at 15~.. 175-1173 Easlllde condo, 3 br, 2 wlllta w111tr. coutal ooo sq 11. 3Br. 28•. lam Owner says sell and Ila $116.000 with en HSU· Asking $240,000 llexlble. Spectacular 360 degree Call w1ekd1y1 only· I---------ba, den. trple, 2 car ga-views 3Br. 3Be. den, rm w/wet bar, lg llv rm wlll carry a good AITD on meble 30 year loan Ow· Call 845-7534 view 20 ec;ras horsa (714)540-8331 Broker l•llf•• rage. $825 545-6685. gourmet kll $1550 mo wlbeameo c;et11ng11rplc, the entire financing. ner 18 mot111111ed. llHlble ranch S Barbara Co c;ooperallon 11•/11111 JZ01 E/Slde 2 bf, g•r , RV/ e6v7e5s-987o0b2 Oys, 494·002~ ANXIOUS $5 00 d Three bedfooms. two and open to all oflera, VERSAILLES 10•' t 1 t O g wn 9·97,._•43n4e ras ~nar, Nlm"E 0•1u FLOWI 3··a·d·r··2·B··.·.·y·a·rd··. •n·o·pe··,·,·. cerpo t l 55otmo 1st 1 1550 mo. for '16 mo · eno one-11111 batlls. up-S p ac;lout 2Br 2'/t be .. • • " 1111 &r ~ac 229 Santa Nortll Laguna water- • ... •DO DOW OCEANFRONT. 2Br , graded carpels and condo. wflh g&1age 11nd PENTHOUSE 1 bdr,prl-1---------3NEW HOUSESlnLake avail 10/1,$1000/mo. leabel 631_8283 tront 3 er college. 2'/t •• I I huge deck. wlk to bell, lloorlng. balconies over· c;.,porl. c;ommunlty pool me toe $15.000 dn. Ow· '-•ti 111f!t!f. 1350 Elsinore 179,000 eecll .l.R. P•IPElln Ba trplc;, sundldla, ga- COST vary pvt s 6.000 own looking tile canyon In a and spa 1 ,.,. 7211 ner Wknds 1-5 PM 0••1d••••0•••1• •• •••5••••• 12% lnl $18,000 down, ••••tEME.., Daa• 111•11 ••• rage. olf 81,4191 parking. $11150 mo for 36 mo good locetlon. Move-In _.. 631-5084 Mon-Fri er upeJCnMr 4 11111 letTOatlo4001mo Rent -• "' •••••••••••••••••'!.".':·. 1 2200/mo llYS IRYlllE COi· ANXIOUS Ownar/agt ready Soll neutral tones 714·983·2529 NB. 3 br, 2 ba upatalre. 10< $500 Hch Rent c•n lll-1113 ar•ct ••n••t 714/494-5945 Owner. 111 h $325 ooo 2 br. 1'"1 ba downs1a1r1 be a lsao aleoll Alell "" - -.0 494-1096 ar1 Sun roug out. • IEWnllT IEll..,I Wiii sell as te for $700. Agt.' ..... _6171 · N-4Br, new paln1, dbl T Rlgn1 ol F0<d Road and "' ..,.... WI H FIREPLACE. 2 J.a1.H• Billi JZSO Lovely upgraded 2 Br tOEllfllllT ciose to pool and every· 443 Fullenon Ave 000 0< will build to ault garage $950 mo. Winter bdrm, 2 b• $700 ~mo •• ••••• •••••••••••••• condo In aenaatlo nal ,.._ mobtll/moduler ce--thing Underorouno •e· $ 3 3 5 , o o o . w t 1 I lor $875,000 & up. (ptan1 fl•• li111/lat1"1I 1_6_45--_8_78_7______ Avail now Call Peggy HOME FOR RENT wooded loealfon. Low dar cottage, lrpk:, on pV1 currty oertilng 1---------IKCllang1-1ubmll 48r, & approYal• ob1•1ned) o., .. nil• Z4SO c .t I ·-&. ••11 496-5660 4 8drm1 exec; home lnternl, low p11ymen11 b c; ll l e • s e I a n d 132-1100 PHl ... I 38a, ••O II Ying qlrs. A rm 11 a 0 e R •a 11 y •••••••••••'•••••••••• .!1.1!.!~~!.:':'.~~':'!.". •• Charming 2 br. c;rpt1 4 $900 Fenc;ed yard 4 o•· Amazingly only $86,000 $600/mo 11 '>'4 •nl lt1lt, letst ht 0 p • n Wed . Sun 714·544·2484 Kone Hawaii Condo, 4 Houee lor renl In Capt· drapes, bll·lna, vaulted rage Kids & pets weloo- Call Peg or Wendy, $85,000 499-3816 Cualom 4 80 & FR 642-5140 anytime or DupleK on Ille sand 30111 wlo1. alps 4, owner $14, elrano Pallsad11, 3 Br 2 celllngs, dble gar . Ian-me 545~ Agent, no 559-9'00 t---------6) o'tooldng PV1 0001 Orff· 1148-5754 btwn 12 & 4 a1 NB Newly remodeled 500 ~8-1966 ea Clllldren & pel ok. ced yard, $650/mo on _,_ .. _______ _ CHITRY fHICll iJ I k'"• G t In and out 3 br 2 ba "-1 ii C•••'1 S 8 9 5 I mo M • r Y lea·-497 3511 '· M.' J JZ5Z 111lMnoll~'!' ~ ltv ..... rm w/~,....,. VIJ ---•• 'I.•.• •• • ••• '•.•.'·•••••••• SllOwcase llome 3 BA 2 _ v-.. ...,.. LEASE/OPTION upstairs 2 br , 1 ba lt1NtlY ZSSO !.,91~ ;880 ~ 0 2 J e e n ,, Ba, Frenc;h doors. gar-& king a bdrm Derting do•n1ta•rt Min 10% •••••""••"'•••••••••••• •-""'--------lmmac new 3 Br 2 Ba. Adult community, 2 Br 2 den window•. 1kyllglll BIRD lctlch & bl Gr111 ""g lor .-.. ,_._ In • "" ytar ... down owe balance .• , FALLBROOK C····· , .. , .. ,, ,.... wallpepeftd, 1900/mo ea den dining rm 2 TU&TLEROCK HILLS 3 8t 2 ea, comm. poo1 & tennis. $30,000 dwn °' I will trade. 979-8866. agt WOGlllllHE Slashed 10 $145,000 Owner Is d11pera1e to aell thlS dellglltlul War- mington condo w/2 lluge Bdrms & Be. Lovely greenbelt loeallon back· Ing lo grassy park & Ille llnanctng II II "10" Let ua show you this beauty Agt. 552-7500 TURTLEROCI Greet lamlty home, ror- mer mdl wlel11r1 lrg lot & spa on cul-de-uc across lrom pane. Plrltct plan IOI your lamlly wl4edr, 2'h Be. huge tamlly rm. dining 4 Hvlng rmt plu1 A/C. Owner HY• "Sell It". $238,900. Opn Hou- M Sun 1·5. 18891 Ant· IOctt. Ag1. 552-7500 ... I llmYATlll Fantaa11c; buy In lovel)' neighborhood Exceltenl llrwic:lng. Only s 127,500 Cett now. 979-5370 .\f :-Jll 1lA·11 n I ,t. o ' t~ O f,t( t, • \ OC*tn view 1299,900 0,1, Rldu~ 1o"'320. x~% toa';;I Call ,;;. 13 9% lor 5 yrs Great ror .:: •••••• S...~~ •••• !":!~ Call Meg 493-8812 pal101. pool. Jae. cl~b- IOEAI YIEW • 000 Rutll llurte. Rf1r details \ltrsalltea Pen-tummer rental• S735. Detuxt 2500 IQ 11 CUiiom All new 4Br, 3Be . trptc. house $750 oreter long Cllarmlng. llght end airy 4990C'IAnS 8"'6~80 thouse. lovely Ylew. M · 000 Armitage Really llome on 1 22 ac wltn lndry rm. parage unit, f!!~!~{~J~!~./.~~1 term lse 1161-3830 3 BR. lots or Spanish Ille, IU'.Al.rollS •rltOEll c:urlty g1111. pool, gym . 714-544-2484 avocados & Yl11w1 Ex· crosa lo •I S1150 mo. Nice 3 br, 2 ba, c0<net tot lli11/1a Vi1i1 3Zf1 dec:ks, •P• 15% down 5 eslclng $129.000 Ownet SURFSIDE CIUllVI MorfO Hiiis area ls• 759-957o or BH·lna. crota. dfape1 .••••••••••• -, •••••••••• S2l9,500 TRADE ORAltiE I SEAVIEW -•ltgant & mottvetld. Mak• otter · PVT COMMUNITY S225.000 1_8_73 _ _._56_5_____ Avail Oct 1 $675 Ow-3 BR 2 ba, beaut, lge TOP Of Liil charming Hampton Mo· Agl Rod 38r, 38e 3 levels. ocean Two commttc111 1011 on 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo. 2 car ner. 542-5808 condo. a ll amenllre1 New custom 3200 sq It 3 AVOCADO RANCH Oel. labuloue views, d• lll·•AAA home tor •ale New. >busy 11 • bike I om er age 2 bl k t 1---------1 Children & pe1e OK. BR tOf, •P•. private comm ..vvv $25 000 down Owntr . r g . oc s o 26682 G $ 2·~ ba. sweeping Trade orange & avocado / OOI & t 1 1 111 1 j • . downtown $120,000 octan. w/d, refrlge B I uadlana 775. ocean views, skyllglllS, ranch 78 ac; val center. w P enns ec t•• 1 £ • carry balenc;e on con· MISSION REALTY $895/mo 640-5324 ••I •flH 966"'6432 Oall cabinetry, slalned 4 sap parcels Sell or 1485.ooo. Open House • ; tre<:teo sale OAC Brkre 337 E Ml11lo F lib OOk IHti 3Z40 ---------glass. soa $495,000 trade all or part 10< llome Sat/Sun 12·5 1003 Yecht I cc e p I ab I• ( 2 1 3) . n, a r OUtET location 2 Br 2 •• •••••••••••••••••••• 111,,,..11 '-•ti JZll WOlllCOVE lnNpt,Laguna,Mlsslon Colln9644-lOl7 596-5847 or (71 4 ) 1141121·1410 carger.1 block 0 lo OC·AENTALS ••••'"••••••••••••••••• Elegant 2 BR conlempo-Viejo. $1.200.000. Bob or IOYEll IMIHI , ' ' ._89_2_._08_8_1 ______ San Lula Obispo County b6;5~g5~0. $1000 I mo 1·5br'• S200 to 12000 CALL NOW lbr w/bc;h rar J et a le bl k Dovie Koop 759· 1221 c 3 ' .~ 750•331'4 open 7·daya co'PV kltcp11 111 tg 10 "d ••2• y, u w oc s ualom Bdrm water· C•••ffllY £111 A Ver U t C ., ' -" from beach Rustic set· lronl home w/pler & allp Fixer! Cllllllaven, 'I• ac;, ., Y n qua u11om Nice 28r 1'n ba In dpla Sllerp 2 BR condo, 1 a1y, OC·RENTALS 750-3314 ting, ocean view, spa. FEE Appraised Sl.125,• view to nature c;tr. Xtnt ••• ~~!! ••••••.• !.~~ View Home In lh• City ol Living rm w/lrptc;, sun-all blln1. pool, $650 mo $314,500 ooo. S•crlflce at only pot ent 1a1 1 9 5 K. 2 cemetery lote. Pac;lllc ~an Lu~2~~sro 4 bds. deck, gar, ao ot hwy. Call 540-1168. 111< lor llUH OF UCllA 1899.000 Assu!'Tleble 111 5"'8~360, 494-0395 View. s1200 or best 01• ba • O with $650/mo. 3231/a Lark· Dave OC·RENTALS 1·5br's $200 lo 12000 750-3314 open 7-d•)'I Wood end gles1 condo, 2 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimj and 2nd. Open houae fer ••1,.7505 XLNT llnanclng. Call Jim epur 536· 1453 wkd~ i-B-tl_l_3_B_R-.-2-B-a.-F-P-W-·J-k a111 S 5 038 p .,.. Ga I k I n , a g I ( 8 0 5) • EASTBlUFF E h BR. 2 Be. ocean view. P-IUlllO VIEW un 1· 1 olarli, DOYER SNORES 544-3918 or write lor Brand spanking new eve· to bell, parks, tells. BBO xec: ome walk to beach ano town Trade view propeny for 8"'6-0523 C1•a11dlJ brochure lo p 0 Box rywhere 3 bdrm. 2'1t ba. pll, $850 Im pou, 3 br 2 ba den. fOfmll Large spa $249,900 non-view or units Tlll• BEST OEAL IN HARBOR IAJFROIT lllNtlY 1100 3018. San Lule ObllPO, Garage patio. $1,000 644-1094 dining, 2 lrpla garden 414· 7151 home Is located In po-RIDGEi Be1Yt 3 Or home I IHI • • •aftl ••••• ;,;;•'°'•••••••••••• CA 93403 mo. 607 Iris Open Sal P 11 1 1 0 · $ 1 1 5 O m 0 "' _," HOMES FOR RENT 8"'2-<>350, 857-4828 •Hiit loO.r•eck RE pular Newoorl Height• with tnc;rtd vltw In hHr WUI .. YFlla.. and Sun 641-4868 or 3 & 4 Bdrm, ,725 10 $397,500 • buy a View presllgloul gait guarded -_, BEACH PROPERTY 777-2233 LIDO BAYFRONT new 4 OPH Sii 12·5 lodayt c; om um n S 4 6 5 M 0Htl'tr Tr ... i. OFFIOE llH Cerlabad's llnesl loea---------$800 Fenced yard• & Br 5 8• $2950/mo 1ooa y11 IP• Ir. 142-1200 8•2·7745 PriH Rt ... tt.11 w1111 aid• u11or 60 bOat ~:& ! 1b'':u~0 11:;:. 'r~: f!!!~.!!~ ...... !!~1 !~~~~~. K~:5~2g~~· '31-se11. 875-2860 3 BR * gueel quarters -LHl•H. Y1IW 11,411,000 6 Y9lt old bufldlng Ont wood townhome 3 er 3 SUCH A DEAL 3rm wl alf Agent. no 1.. Harbor \II-Homes. Cer· on lge IOI Sequestered • ltw 11 ·~..a.ff e, I t/I .,._ 1 I Of 11 kind 5.000 aq tt Ba. rocl! lrptc;, vaulted utu-Qd COty klldl $325 met Mdl 3 Or. family rm l .'• , , •• el I ••-1 • Gr .. t termt b QC.RENTALS 750-3314 Nf BCH aharp 2bt' 2ba w/ L .. M Sll50 8"'4-6977 ~ e quttt 11" llde over-5 Bdrm. O betll noma lteert FIH1 lltalhr Hm ceillnge. decks . oar, patio, btt-ln1 $420 OOklng tile popular with tentaellc ulaw •••Jt"f1 1••1111 .... &Olar. aecurlty, landsca-OllTl IEU OC-RENTALS 750-3314 LOY81y 48r 2 8a,Ctpl,l/a WooO Coves Area ol • -.--,...... Yll'd & patio OWC A t 93 1 ~300 ...-l•••I -.., •• lt•t lltg. 2 ear gar. numerous Laguna This c;llarm1ng l~~~~~~~~~I OIO • 2nd $185,000 Agt ., 3 br, 2 be, newt)' painted/ I 1 1 b k I ocean view llome Is 1_ Open Seturdey 1·5 Calvl-Sllullz & Alloc Oe<:ora10< petlect, apa· clean, lenc.c! yard, pell ru 1 lfeH, 1 rom c;onYanlantly close 10 AISOLITE STUL 001 King• Aoad E•APSllT,BOL~nF s'a1t>d. S2383baK.· Li'do Realty 1 1•2 1121 ctous 2 bdrm. 2'M>e, new ok Nr. Magnolla ' Git· Cltll Or Gardener No beacll 4 town Good as-.--• "' • Cape Cod Pool, J'°. r• lleld $700/mo Incl gar· pets $ lOOO/mo. Avail 1um11bl1 ltnanclng. plus Gorgeous 3 Br home wt llTATI •1111 2915 C11tla 720.0290 ~•filf, F1t••, CfH tlon area, pV1 pallo, den«. 963-5786 Oel 111 Collect -al- Mller llnencing maka tllls pv1 yrd, putting grffn Beck Bay''"· 3 Br. 2'A VIEW 6 73-7300 balcony. Wine cellar & 1g1 i---------1 ter 5PM. 805-928-2918· d T Ba. 2500 sq. ft Sec:urlty ... "'!~~~~~~~~ l11n1 ZTOO Meredith G•rden1 EHc: miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml llome one you won't an many 1111raa. ry gete, private community OPEN SUNDAY 1•5 J: •••••••••••••••••••••• garage Decorator well Home 4 Br. plut bonui. Blulle 3 br, 2~ bl, tam want 10 mlu $425,000 10"!. Own For dltellt cell $395 000 5% Dow Will lerge 3 Bdrm 3ba on FIXlll·FARI paper. dreperlH and cul de aac; ten 11 r m. greenb111, pool. nST lllllTI 8111 Wldmore. 551-8700 ~~-t;1~i k Tan or •. c:on.i• Ired ... et~. view tide ot 321 Kings COMlll'L 0-2 9 plu1 actH Murrieta, more S 1050/mo Cell b ••ch 's 8 s"o i :;.•~r S1400 mo Agl 8"''4--0134. Sluter or r1tlreman1 MACNAB IRVINE REAL· Arml1ao• Realty Ao $883,000 • alter a Prime C.M. loo. 4000 IQ lncld1 2,000 1q 11. larm 648"2231 I0:30 10 5 30 8 4 8 • 8 O 2 2 d • y 1 , 4 Bdrm 2·~ ba In Irvine home • 2 Bdrm and 2 TY 714-544·2484 down . Miier will carry It bldg. 15,000 tq 11 PfOP hou11. t11ge barn, gar, ,_P_m________ 968-9747 II/ff Terrace . 1 ytaf lease. beth condo. Fenoed gar. ,,., ACRE ocean & mount· balance. SUBMIT . Bkr. $1000/mo Inc. Sal1/Ren1 S 15,000 down, $16"'8 per Ctleck It ou1 2br w/lg $1500 mo. Alk for Katie den p111o. On "ullt cor· · I Ill I llUT n""1598 720 IV>"'2 T 3 Br 2 811 condo, dbl gar, nar Juat few dOort from aln Ylew Country tell· An 648·5719 or 8"'5·9950 ._. ·vvo mo. 0111 f>rlce $175, gar. pallo, lg yd $450 Roberta. Unique Home1, poOt. t13·4.500. ~!'::'• ~~;,ci~~~,~~~~; •ii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :~:9~i~8. ~~~~g:i.~~ OCHIFROllT nn IOI llfllH 000. 702·~62·8777 OC·RENTAlS 750-3314 :!:~, ,~~~~~e~:~i~n Ln _6_7_5_-eooo _____ _ #1 PAlllll private. $243,000 By Iii pool, b11ch. 5% down By own«. 3 bdrm/2 be tFFIOE lllLllll IHI 111111 I Ir. 2 la. 3Br. 28•. 2 tty, trptc , Harbof Vl9ew H$omt. 2 Br, .... lm&f 1·4 owner 494-6128 WllTOUff owe. 548-&e77 W11t Newport. $825.000. FOf IHM/tele 7800 IQ lxd•••• ZIOO Frple, ranoe. yard, gar•· scrffned patio, dsllwthr. dtn, 2 • l IOO/mo lrvtne Orovt1 1122 11110 6802 W Oelanlronl It. National Servlcu •••••••••'•••••••••••• ge, no pats. Prlvete auto 1prtnklua, lawn 840·8169 Of 83l·3985. IC2·1200 1200,000 GREAT FAMILY HOME. AlmOdllld 3 Br. 2'.41 Ba Open Sun 1-5 6A5·5430 Group, 646-5051 W&IT DEG. GHii $800/mo. 111 plua MC. Mt'I 9441 Por11mou1h. t-11rbor Ridge lease 4 Br 3 A PETE - BARRE TI REALTY "'ICE HllOTIOI Owner llnanclng evall•· In 81)'1hor11 $299,500. IOTlllll H-lf••'••l•l•••·J BHcll 1r11. will tradt only. 848 W 18th St. S950 mo. 539·3319 Ba. bilaut decor,380011, .pl.••• 1... blel 4 ..... 3 b th L.H S180K '" conver-"'" "' / Income propettr clear In 499-1617. 1---------1 pool, 1enn11, guerd gate -• ....rm. a • IJC• alon. 2811 Clrc;le Or 3 bd wit .. """' Pa.,..,..nl• ·-·&.•••n 1100 s 8 d c wmFIU $2500 Bo ,..;. . .Lo. 1ra targe kl1cllen Added .. ,...,.,. , .. ,_ I••• a n t rn a no o , Call on thl12br w/lg Imo. bor.,.,... .. 141 Wttlltr room 011 meeter bdrm, a i-~-&-_6_2_18 ______ 1 __ s_2eoo __ 1_mo_. _64o. __ eeo_~ __ 8i;«;c;;;~.·;::_;;·.·,:::. ~}1150/mo Income. &/or gir. baktrs kflch So490 31 bdrm2 plu1 Adtn. llred· Koop, Agl. AEI MAX Outetendlng whilt waler bl pl u 11 b t IEST OI LIDO 11_ ··• Y'' .,. acre country 11111e. OC·AE..,...ALS 7 ..... 3314 Pact, car ttache 759-1221 Ylewa c:an b• youre 10 0 ut "' r 11 '"'"' HWI email. cl\ermtng 3bd 2ba 3200 eq II Old Engllsl\ "'' """ $750 ---------enjoy from this t111ge fa-1c:hools.s237.ooo Lo• n-cuetom home Ullll RINI 1189,500 o wnr/tgt Tudor hon1I Can anu· 1 BR TRAILER Private, 760-1334 B"YFRONT CONOO, ~~~~~~~~~! miry home In a prime ~;~~ ;;~01a1·; on 1 '~ loll Open Sell 2 bd luxu ry c;olldo . M4·5215 m • or 1 o d c a 1 h yard. no pet& U11ls paid bee Home nt bcfl. 48t, ~.!A ~oe~1~nS::-::. 2 BR condo, te0.500 ~O:r!~~ =~i::,.~.~ BRIGHT, UGHT ANO ~~01~~~1a Sen $450,000 M0-9605 1"-1111n/ 848-4582 or 823·0105 :::.~~':110 + 11curlty 2U•. gatdnr, bn cul-de-$1500 mo o•nar mu11 Hit now room, Ylew dick wllh IP• JUST RIGHT Best buy In 975·304811173-26541 WALi TO IEADI fl•lft "I« I.Ji 1111 Trade 4 lot~ 2 toll Ml•· llC, avail tmmld $950 HOLLIS 8 WOOD Al TR 141178 Ootden Glen & owner aallatld tlnan-netgllbotl\ood Dramatic: •••••••••••••••••••••• elon Lak•f cc . Palm OC-RENTAlS mo 676-7673 6754876 497-1037 cl Cell t decor. large 4 Bdrm 3 ....... wttlt '1twl 2 eR. 2ba 6 den 84Nlu• llPll Tll llllnll Sprt""s er11 Pfu• mem· 1·5br'1 5200 to 12000 B ti no or more.,.,,.. h IO &ecutlve Portollno. Ex· tltut cond Community ~ip, 2 Iota Crtslllne 750-3314 open 7·d•Yt H •ftf• HARBOR VIEW HOMES . NIOE llllOED n111111 1&99.000 b•I • "ish t>etmad eel· pool, ape & uun•. Good Fii lllYllTlltm a 1 1 1 L .,,.,., "fl 3er, 2e1. din rm, 1g kf1 . • 2• 000 11,;P:~ :=AV 1_4 pended ltmlly rm wt ttrma 11:19,000. San Cttm1n11 orlda ol <f1 over, ool!dno •k• Cteen 2 Br 1 ba, enc:t gar. •••••••O••••••••••••• big yd, lt50 mo. Agt , llrepf-!nclOMd entry .,., ltf/lel l·I owner-ahlp, mOdtn'I 8P&· regory or wn PIY· yard. no ptll. $500 mo. 2 bdrm 8roadmoor Con· 551·f130 on 1111 t>eat VIEW pro-142-1200 3 bdrm plua l>onu• rm ntal\ 1tyle 4 unit 1pt n'llnt Otl hOUM. N-port, 548·0680 dOI Security ,Oil• --------- petty In the 111111 of Turtle Ind loll w/bath Exira Oorner 8eaecapa end houM With OCMnlhllla 6. C M area 835-5011 Aeroea trom blue Pllcillc • flf WATI• Rock 3 bdrm1, 2'/t ba • large IOI lklulif\11 P&llO TICOl)detog•. S..wln<I goH eOUrM view CloM iAellanijl Equity In YOUR IEW WE Oii F10tl\ HOO PIClllC Moon 814boa Covts uecut1¥t library, t1rg1 temfly , .. ., Ololl...., , .. land ()pen Sal/Sun Ill.Lii WMI, ILTI to everythtno. only 3 llM or condo 10< Tuftll-le•tl Ire.. .... AMlty, 848--28j0. nome. 2 & den or 3 room. Moat room• 1\1111 "--o. -· 1·5 2182 Port Our-MM 171·H71 y11re old & 1how1 llkt rock Hom• Equity soo. O.Cor11or pert.ct, IP•· l'-4-•Jff bdrm All opening t o unobetruct•d VIEWS JOANN AKERMAN NEWI Ntw owner could 000 Good Hlumabl• clout 2Bdrll'I, 2~b•. ""'' # 111rdan. patio ovtrlOO• Appreciation potenlfal 171 41 4f ... I I 77 Coaatal ArH Prop BEACH HOMel 1' .. blOCka occ:upy 3 Bdrm,. :1 1>1111 loane Poot, jec, reoreatlon •••••••••••••••••••••• king weler, 2 lrpc'1, gas excellent. 1~~~~~~~~~1-......!8~7~6-~88~7~0~, ~67~5~-7~11~0'.!e_ to tn• water. 2 BA. net<11 city a ocean "" apt. 11 GOLDEN PAOPERtlES 1,.8, pV1 p1110. t>tlCOfty -' LEAllSll llrt ring. •P•. ate. 11c. i---------ll~ llWPllT ITI • lllU• "'°'11. IM IOOll It appllcebl• a rtnl tne 752-1589 ' IOe g•r•g• o.corator 3 Bdrm d•llchlCI "~· Maybe furnllMd, lllp ror L•'l,•H Hlll1 IOSO W•••• 61111 IOH Ille priel. $189,500, Call 011\tr 3 aputmenll IO! wenpaper, drepetle.t and In tlC.Clllenl ., .. Avail•· bo11 1v11tablt. Only •• ••••••••••••••••••• ••'••••••••••••••••••• Fllll 841·0308 Devin R11I Income, 8tlltr wlll llelp mott $1150/MO, Ullll· bl• lmmtdlet•ly S10t6/mo. 181·27f7 NELLIE GAIL RANCK-ftlJST SELL! l111u11ous nc., 'ustom homt • Htlllop view • Bi& house. ~a rooms • btc yard • rout-tar aar•a• • Ho1$t prOPttt1 • Will trade you1 house or 111 Wt will dt1l1 J59~.ooo ..... I •-«ULTMlllM'f• ~'6!2:::~ h~~i:>~~f. -1-•-t•-1 -·------1 :~:~::n!,9:,v~o~,~~:~ For ~d Action ;~:,pr6~30~:1&~·:!~9 :~:':.~::'. \~:h~~.... 0l:i: ~~~~ i;l.t. Own1r/A,1. Pr nclpal• ,,. c1 ••• ,.1. 1071 AEOUCEO Hlllno pric. Dd Plot .. er 1 B• 1•1•1mo. G•· lfom We'll Into"" to \£no.., • W"""-1"1 WorlO onry. H2· 1t1 •••••••••••••••••••••• or •29• ooo oo la ~·ey y .. _, ~ call tor........ .... ~ ........ --------CYPAE88 cove. n1w 8~Low"currftit ltci4;,.. rlge. ftnctd yerd. lt3 IJ'.. 01 8hopplnQ, right at 5 Bf, COf'net IOt, n1xt to •Br. 411, ~tfvl view menl 0011111 Pr noipalt lftVISQR W 19th. 60-7546, ~I ~\odhrldtc your !lnQlftlO• •YVtd•YI grHnb•tt. vi-. t0<m11 home. Ll'1ad $450,000. ONL VIII Oall owner •I NI" 846 HS& •·· ...... Dtlly l'llot Ctaullled dlnlflt . 9Jln ht/lun f/i owner IHll,000. (714) 2 I ~· • Ad• To piece YC>Uf ICI. 1-derti '"° '°'1 ,,..._._ M70I ..._, ,. ..... __.......... 642·5671 31111. lo , '"" new. .s~1 ._... cell 642·5eTI Ind let I -... ,. • ......__. a .a4 -•111 "'4:d ~. ,,.... 211t Mt-• • "'""' Cl ................ .. •14-1MO evee IOI> ~"!'W ner tt MOO l'O-SOlO 1ru110 """'"'"l•~t Y® ,..., .,.,.""°' ,...., r.:. t , ,, .. I ·' 4 a o 5 • 1 \ t'I Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOTISund1v , 8ephtmber 29, lH2 ....... ~_, ,, ..._,......, ~ .. ,._~ ,, ,...,,...,, .,,,,.,.,, · Aiw,...,, r1.•1.tM. A!''"' 'I.ff ,,. .. ,. ..... ,_,1 .,,....,.. .. ,,; ~.fmm~ .. ~'JIM ••• -;r:mn":I OTtt."l'm' • .,.ir:zmm ..,.-'~ == ,,.,.,.,,._ 1 1..;. ·;.;. ;,,,·:;:,;.;.:,, ,.,,...,,/ ,,, .. ,,,/ .__t AMM JMf l•tn11t1I A.a.A l.'ff • .• mr.::r;;:". • • ••••• le.f" •• • • ····~· ! •• .. nr ••••• • • ••• ··•• ~~,· •• ····•.in t>Ott doc ••r sci. •• i..r I 11.U J!!.I I IHH :."elf':1 •1"111T•••l'••• ,.._,._..J.a tNf •••"it'"ii· •TJJ71\•t •• f!».f• lllMa _UM if 1.aa ... A.a.l .IMa ~•• ••• •••~f ft m Ce mp I f WI n •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••••,,•• Ot•mouroue l•yfto111 •• : • .-:o:rm ••••• 11.'1~ JUnlOt t Ir \lerMl"'9 on r.o ••• :l"tt'f••••••17."IJ • • •• ;...... ... :7P.7TI'.r.:;"."l ... 17.ll I.OH fO 8'.t1 " bl' "J • 12 ·2 t 11 0 r 1 _,., A.••••~••tt II# .,.,....,, /.I OOndo APP'O• ltoo IQ Oc••nlrOnt & CIOH to 0 0 llf' I I 4 • , "'. 1 .,, .,., 2 ldfm. MllO Vwy ~ 1 "· qVlt4 ''~ 1..t41une Cliff °'..1.. 8((0.. ., I>. 0., 1. t •• •I ,,. 03 ti •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fl I Ir .. Dtn, a la lmlll t & t Ir APll I tillt1•Ul1 dl~t, mo Ctplt, Olpt, pool, ~trO "''• l•Q'd ISi• from lll•w'11.;01te I br, tH\mo J.ye e3t !147:) UndttOtOUnd PtltftO, MO 13tio t160 Vrly I wtnt..-211t/H1·HOO o•r No IMll •O·UTO ~ utll 114 1451 p. I I Cl . 111 , 1110 OAll ... .)00 9Yttl & Sun ' PALM DHfAT cc NE:W FINALLY AVAILABLE I eltvttot A11cll Oot I 6'76'1101 -._ ,11211 v-. Niot 1 bf .. 3 bd J b• ~•n 11\ew tH 2 1411 Hr w home, 9'1•. metie tf480/rno ~ty --.... _, _, I, bMm I . I .;.......r lncf ' nrly, oc•tllfrOflt, 8f lafl ,.,, ,,k/Wflftdt lchweickttt ,_,,.,. Winter/~, xtre toe S Df, ''' w1111et rcntal HOO :~.b:.':.it!~: 11.,,.,,:.; ~!"=· 4M '11t r; o::~~~~~:r~·,:~;n~ 1110/mo Ht-1111 SOBER PLUS Cell Dew M&-1144 I be ''" trom bMdl mo Aol 131·toll fac no pe11 840-WI --roeo llH 481 ltt7 t Ir ~ly MH/mo IAll UWlll N••POtl Ct•ll heo ~ :u!, = = OI<* 1 Ir, ... t;tlt, 10 Mnd 111' t ltl n .. ...... "" lfoker 641•3913 Buullful I '" a IA 100% N61lurul Dt.-wry Supplcm nt that oonoo t 191ge111 & ctMn w ln tcr. uso yrty. e430tmo Vf1Y 1'116710 •11e,,'::f:.'t 13',o:J~d :::c::,0°~':!/oliJ~!:J 1d8:c~~Pf~~Oc~4~m£ fllLINOCAAMPED? condO 11 the w11ulef 1n h t•lp11 11utH'r yuu up and pr vtint 4 1111 3be. nor·· l.ee. 17&-11204 •11 I Vlctari.. 645-<lt8t Onl'/ 4 unlll '2 81 w/cltn Utll pd. Non •mltr, no :~·:.% 1p::10 ~=~~ Ka1111Poll Dffcll AH0t1 hAngoVl'f 1 Pl.ldWf(l' uf II t.alll w .3 9~ + ::~~:~0· Ao C•rltrle Wlnttr F*ltal WINT R AllNTAL8 now OAl'IOtN "!l" T 2 • No pell From '728/r'llO Pttt ~30 Ill ec>m 1421 t711 °323t ' ~·:.~p::c~::?~1 l~~r. $1 hnndllnM und J)OflWgt'. Whok111d & 8 VI 3 8 .,, ... e 2 bdrm. 1 bu, d~---•111"!.able Pl-In IV. It Condo. OWlfOo. c.ii M1·84• 1 _ Studio, unfurn1111ed. '.\ Older 2 Dr ,,.. blk co llNI r~H e73·112t 1 d11trtbutor 1nqu1rle1 Invited Nutrllan •• ew r •"' • OlllSOI ·~ blk to..,......, • • .,..... king pool till 6 runnlnQ • 61-.... _ bloek to ~ retrio. 15&0 ' 1 1 1' C p 0 Bo 761:1.. N Bch Ca 92660 den. lemlly rm, ocecn or Dey No pelt 1!71 IAIM...-r btook. ii1n1 oond No ••-fr-110111, necr ehopptng: 17• !f'0 0 Y~ Y5 Ulll nc MAUI KIHEt 18r oceen O X ~. Pl • city llghte view 1t4 ·6 7 5 • 4 14 2 , lla.1111 pete 1650/mo 1•1·'7452 ltMt "ff epcclo111 '376t m o .,.., t 1 vi ew . lua UO dy 7141760-841:16 S 1550/mo 1146-ee&5 213·7113~30 ----=.,,------,-.,.,..,,-I or 141·2800 •••••••••••••••••••••• 493.7157 6 '494 3M2 Comp! 1edec 28r 2be 073·8210 dye, 673-2493 ""!!!!!!!!"---~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------Otlu•t poOltldt •Ire lerge • ; WHlollll 3 8dr' S t260 2 l>d. 1 bc, pool, 1tep1 lo OCEANFRONT. two 3 BR, tmmedlete occupency, 2br' 2 be. bltn1, d•wl'lr' unt11Ual IOe rme. block to -lt•llll II Sh" 43 OllJH l1at1/ 4411 Cllfttlevtn3Br.f875,H. bey , bell. & ferry OM28R,cvlnow.l'rom MHI Verdi IPICIOlll 2 1•.;mllHbffcll.NOl)llll W•••••n11 ''''• bc:o :··~9 °:1•· Yrty NB OCEANFRONT,elp. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fr.cltrlck, IOI &3 1·1288 1576/mo WINTER I.EA· $100 mo Wlnttr Cull Br 2 8 ept II ge $500/mo 1130·8312 ••'••••••••••••••••••• e · 42• 1 8, 1360 wk 873·8210. M/P to 11\r cor,dO. oeten Exewllvt 11111 ... full -- l&fflllf YUllY SE 87~-1871 ev11, 1711-<4371 trplc. b~'.1ne, 'no1~~te' Well' Uf \1~;1m11,81~nn~:~~~':,~~ !AST OLUrF TWNHSE • 1ve1 873-24113 view. emtnlttH, '375 ~ o;:~~;;:-c'· no Quiel Hctudtd 6 e r 175·209 SulMeAM 2 8t 2 Be Ovet $576/mo, 54e.eoot. Spec. 1 & 2 br, lovtl)' pool, •P• 1626/mo 3Br, t~Ba, 2 cer S.,eoe. l••l•/1 ti"'" 41IO mo •nc:t u1111 6'2·4091 ---·------- txec llomt. Specteculcr 2 br + ger. 1 blk from pool. )IC ' ltflnll, .... _. $325 Bech ev•ll 110• plnH .. llrtem•, H O. 131-6199 n ° P• II I 7 5 m 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport luxury condo, IMt nttt ••• ......... fr ........ ,,.pine., ner-bCIQt\ Winier rent cl 010•• to beech, •11111 s5•• 2 Br +um .. :m E 844•10•0 .... IATI WUTlll Attv '''•"'Ill ~ .. .,. Wllll $100 845-75&5 ...... ..... • ... A 1011 .. ,30 saoo unfurn ~" gc1e1, entry by pllont. 8 PICIOUI 1 Br condo ' '" ... d•ner $2200/mo $600/mo 313 E -Y v • ., · 21et C.M lnq 78130 le I 1 pt Hll, bscllelor plu• Proleulonel mele 25·35, melt non 1m0ker 1550 e75·7873. 873·2602. 875-1120 !!!.0 3 .. 11.'1• tut & H C 845-8689. 845-1103 oe rec ires nc gym, overlooklng llreem, u1 11 Pref cteen quiet non•tmOktr to •ll•re 752 0«2 di. 840·2434 Ollie• to ellort Prtstl· ., .. v " .. pool & IQI. 848·8591 trM•. tennl1, pool. l•c per10t11300 $548-4358 "llk•·new" 2 Bdrm ' 2 glou. N-port loc•llortl BLUFFS·Dlll 38r, 38c, IO CHf•• ,,, •• , JfZJ OCEANFRONT Lne 38, Sharp 2 BR 1'it bu, pa11o, 3 Bcltm. 3 Ba APt• Avell HOO. 831·5t90 beth Sen Juen Ceptllrl· Xlnl 2 BR 2 811 apt, CM, fmmed. ocwpancy $175 den, formel din rm •••••••••••••••••••••• • .... ger, no ptll $475 lmm•dletety t800 & OCEANFRONT no condo Flrepte9e , good erea. c;crporl, lndry mo 833·2588. $1500 mo 844-1905 A~!:iN~~ o::,r:~. ~e'r !976~';03 _A4v~18 u3n: $48-9950 se25 Wettr paid 2 kldl • 1,. t Jiii Ltro• 38r 2be, S876tmo POOi tacuut & only mi-1290 Incl utll Bel 11AM, 2500 ,11 beelc 010 .,.1 38r. 288, ooeen view lu· Avtll 1011. 875..eo81 540-3773 I.roe 28r t•~ bl, dleh· ok. Frptc, dl•llwHller, .. '!!r.! .... ~!......... Aull furn 1173•083• nu1H 10 the beccll & 548·8902 atorage. By O c Alfl>Ort xury duplex, 1 house to . wuher. ger, p1110 gcrege 5 4 5 ·2000 NO FEEi Apt & Condo 540-3773 0 1n1 Point Herbor Fem , OCHnv1-c;ondo, $ 1 6 O O I mo Tom bc:ll. w/dbl ger, rt~r~ &. f~!!~.!re ...... 1.~~~ la• Cl .. t•lf 3111 $525/mo. Open Delly AOtf!I, no lee rtn1a11 VIHe F*ltate Oceenlront 1 br. wlnltr. S290/monlh ptu1 '" of Cepo Bell, nt Frwys, pV1 851-8928 frplc, 1975 mo 840-9 19 ClU IE DllO •••••••••••••• •••••••• 1984 Anellclm Ap1 O, Quiet •1 Bdrm cpt, ulll pd 675-4912 BrOker S650. 730·0 t04 ev• & ,,,. utttlttes. Cell Gerhard B, & e 1 . 2 p 0011 , ---1-.--,1 ........ 11-----evee 84t-ee66 txt 2222 2Br. 1'hBe, blk to bch. 5_.6'"3229 4 blks trom beach wknd1; 833-3743 dys II (7 14) 831-2040 or S2 80tmo tncl utll. • dey. ALL UTILITIES PAID view. 225 Le Petome Flreplece, pool. dish· S400/mo. 201 Clllcego. tBr 1 btk 10 Bey 4 bc:h. (714) 498-97611. 496-5438 ~~!·;0,f~~·:,:,. :~~~ MOVE IN NOWI Large lu-$625 mo 637-79ie walher. pV1 petlo X t.o 1·985-4954 '435 mo yrty 673~210 Male 35-45 sllr 5br, 2be FEM TO SHA APT ON Sultn, fully slafltd, xury condo 1695. 28R Compere before you Duplex, 1u1ge t Br. recs.-Oard.,, 2 Br. on E/eldt, 28r 28• condo pool nr or evee 873·2493 · llH nr SC PluclF"""Y BCH $250 mo llendte 111 your ~ Extru. 837-2888 -· r,ent Cuitpom 1dlblblgn coreted g1111ge, welk S580 551-2841 bch .h..,.,..,.,. 0$570 ~ COUNTRY CLUB LIVING • •••II Spe S225+111ere ut111 87S-1205 '*Ida. tndlvldu11 olflctt. eaturn oo . Q, ' S 2S '-............ IN NEWPORT BEACH 84l 4913 3 Br 2be, S1000 2818 cov'rd gerege eurroun· IO beech shops 4 · Olllt 9711·7828 A totcl envlronm•nl •••••••••••••••••••••• • SHARE CONDO Mo/Mo. 844-7189. Cerob. lmmed occup, ded wtth plu•h tendtee-2131378•3119. 2 bdrm. 1 b•, din rm, 2 sm bdrm beach •hack, 7 apartment pommunlty on llRIY ti Tiii Ill Roomm11e w1n1ed Ml Beaut new fully lurp. En-bHltht hftn II• 0 • 9 0 1 9, EI a I n• ping. No pete. Meu Vet de. Acrou blks from pier, gee & wlr tilt Upper Bey. Prlv•te In San Cltmenttl Near atrelglll, no•smk. $250 + joy tee. pool. lrpte, pteno. d) t3t·oe3a 1 Br, Furn $515 A,.tl•••ll from tclll. Fenced yd, 1 furn 1400 mo. 636-7838. clubllouae cnd 11111111 NEW 2 Sdrm. ept with 1.\ utll 0.,.• 842-6448, aft wsllr/dryr & pcrk Mull =~~cl~1~!:· e~l~ee~"i'o"i! l&JFlllT 385 W Wiison 842-1971 Dal11•/1AH ~!1r-Oo30•3r. !.,_0105~ .. ~525 . 2 bdrm, 1 be, mlnutt• •pooP'i,~c::';'t~ ~~~:!.:, ='.·:~~~g~'j'~~.d~~: !IPM !142·52820 "'-· ~:n~~~:~n1~4/·;~b~;O~ floor or pr .. t1Qlou1 ed- Cute 1 BR & den concge, hw,.rt Yllt.&t lfh •••••••••••••••••••••• ..., · "" · .,_ from beech Close 10 det rool c;arport• for 2 Lerge 2 Br bl In ..,.,.one mo Cerot 548.eao3 dreH Besutl1ut vl•w. ntw cpt & pelnt. t cur Beeutltut lendtcaPed Jr t.l.NI 1 BR. new pelnt, cpt1, tranep end shop• 1485 ~~:!·nl~~1111~0~~·~d~ cars public tennis court• del Mer. So ol lllgllwey Hlghl'J upgrcded Recep- ger. S875 mo. uni or 1 bdrm wt111 petlo 011 l1ai••fll• 3111 dtepH, d/w, no pell. 72().-0144, 720-48111 •He Unfurnished beetle-4 golf course rlglll be· $350 mo 673-0102 Fem, tmmec. non smkr, to 11oni.1 5erw:. r.ovided· $900 furn. Lve mag lor end weter peld. Lerge •••••••••••••••••••••• S400/mo. 2285 Miner St. lors, 1 & 2 bdrm epta end hind property. wclklng Resp person 10 sllr ocn snr 3 BR condo nr SCP Su1t11 avelleb • lndlvl· Judy at 848-7171 recreetlon rm lncludea 2 bdrm. 2 be ntwer dplx. 851·2175 1~::.·n: s!::.0;:2J~~~ townllouHs dlatll\ct to S111e P11k & vi-llee. NB. $395 w/ ~~~;,,:15~11~·~::~25~!50 ~'::1r0r08,!~~ J:i:~ Harbof' vi.tw Homea, Por· g1mes, spe end pool te-yrly. Melure non·smkrs. !II Ill at1d IHI, SIOO dep. Avell SS40 . 11000 beach ... CIOH 10 •very-utll Non·srnkr. 875·8092 endat ble Tennl1 cour11 vol-nope11. 1700X3 111. • •. 1011 Several becllelort •nd 1 thlngl $475/montll. Mate 23-29toellr28r 181 person1 ln Ille An tolloo, 4 Br. ~ Ba. 011-teybell court, 11c/pool 2 13179o.4195, 267-97112 Newly decot. G11 pd. 1198-3662 Bdrm unl1s feelure fin• Avelleble October 15 & Shr 3brl2be CdM. lrptc. CdM llH, $240 mo + Field. Pleut cell (7t4) ~::e!rtl~~7~~~';o. Cell or(714)673-3980 encl ger, dwellr, pool, dealgner furniture end no pell Cell owner et $280+ utll1,pref 10/1 ulll Oc116 1140-2715 780-18111 NEWPORT lll ... l' • • • • 1 BR, yrty, upper bbq. no pell 842-5073 2 8fl & den, 2 be, lplc. eocessotlet. Move In to-(7 t4) 842-0138 675-4843, 752-1038 CENTER. DO SLE 4 8 3 Bl• Ind Ilk I I & M/F 1llr llM. $180 mo +1---------LI I . r "' unll, ctetn & sale, decil 2 8 r enc I'd p 111 o ' ry up, tnn t ape dey or ,_ lor tum-1 Br pV1 deck old world F to Sllr 2 br. 1 'h be IP1, "• uUI Non smoker only WESTCLlf f I I den, $1400. 222 Vie Pe· IMll• lthl 311f w/cllennel vl•w. $515 upitetre. Avell 10· I. Nt beach. 2202 H-Cr mer mon111a Smertly cll.irm apectaculer 20·27 nonamkr. Wclk to C M aree 850--0907 "'..~~~!~.".L''.:!" • tenno. 675·7 188. •••••••••••••••••••••• Incl utlt. Open Sun: 1·5. SA95/mo. 329 Unl'IUflllty 714·9eo-37A5 turnlllled mOO•I• open ocean ~ wcrk 10 beech OCC $237 50 + dep lll1W9lllt HARBOR VIEW HOMES S~C::ey!r:.\~,:·prl~~::: 3302 Marcus. 673-1943 Dr. See Mcneger "S ". 2 Br I be, ml lo bell., dally $495. C~llCI Mgr et apt Oct 1 645-4892 Wlllll lfflOI lfAOI 3 B<lrm, expanded Cer· No pell. s•50/mo. tBr, yrly w/n11..,... 548-()648 ewe. newt)' pelnted, $400/mo. C, 332 Encino Ln. Park N-port. 3 br twnll· 2 M/F to 1hr ocn front _ _, mdl v•~ ""~ I • -..-53• 1388 ell 8 ,.,_ On Jamboree Rd II 8 38 11 R I ,...,. · ....... ''""""' 09 · 873-3313 SA95 mo. 2 er. M••• del Mer. ·.,. ,.... San Joaquin Hiiie Rd 1.,., 4,,, H . M/F, vu b1ck bay, 4 r, I oma. e I a 1800 •II $l200/mo, Cttl 645-5882 par111ng apece $400/mo, ** Spcrkflnn 28r 1bl IC4·llOO •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, 1ennl1. 1p1 Jen must Avell 1011 8111 Ftom 200 sit 10 1400 s/I !>Mk epece. 1c:1ry eve All 011«1 consldtted Agt a-Hitt 642-8079 ... ".I''• . $90 • I II kl 759-0048 640-0944 2 er OC»ln tront ...... Nd 754-0588, upper, encl ger, no pet1, ... up w 1 tcllen, , ---------I • bd 2'.._ ............ eotn·· •---31~1 . ,..,. $515/ ----'-"' Oceent t Mo-1---------•· .. • "' ""'· ........ •••~••••••• •••••• ~. relleble Quiet bualne11 Tr Iller tor ren1 1 Br 1225 d/W, t>etcony mo. 2 Br 2 Be from $525 No .._., · '°" Nllltl'THJ Niil Nwpt ept on bch 28r. lBa, F0t 1ntorm1t1on cell. munlty pool. tennis, man UYIH couple. 873-8880 or plut utile. $160 MC. dep. 842-2097 pell Acro11 from Npt tel 875-8740 Lull. 2 br, 2 bl, lrplc. Ill pool, nr tennis erts 1315 Stu Of ROii i~:X,~:~4-~~~-· eeautllut perk·llk• sur-873·3971 ~o ~~~r~ or8d~•· ~~ Lg 28r Trl·plex. gatege. 8c11 Goll Course Of11ce Ullll IUOI emenl11H. S342 + 'h ~7~-0~g 631-3496 or 142-H14 ------..,...---,--1 roundlnge. Terreced , Pl • . p•llo. $600 mo. 1209 llre 11·4. 5'15-4855 lllftl Ill utlla. Non-smoker r---------i------------ 2 BR 1 Be llee, 2i,fbttll fr pool. Sunken ges bbQ, C.t1a• I•/ #M UIJ C M. btwn Newport 811/d. Florida. (213) 493-1855 Alll Sept 15/0ct 1, yrly Wkly rent els $05 up 1_11_7_5-_9_6_34_. _____ Rmmete to sllr 28r Ilse. WllTMllllll beedl, ger. refrlg & SIO-1p1rkllng lo untelns ···············~···· & Supetlor. ''' IESEllVE m lllPI ,, belcll 2 BR 2 Be. Color TV. lte• colfee, Roommete needed So H.B 1230 mo + 'A ulll Deluxe office or store ve. $700 mo lnclds ell Sp1c1ou1 rooms Sepe-2 Br, 1bc, IOUlll hlgl'I· Compt redec 2 bf 2 bl S750 mo. Cell tor eppt, heeled pool & e1ep1 to C11 Pt12• "" S235 & 'h 111 & lu1 848-8453 apace. "2801900 Ml ft. utll. No pell Catt Tom, re1e dining.,.. Welk-In way. PV1 tnltenoe, petlO, frplc. ger .• dl1p ', ow· BetutHul & pa<k like wtlll 87~124 esk for Kite OC4ICl'l Kl1cn'1 evall. utll• CarPO<l 549-8289 l·s-11-r-11t_t1_l_g_e_p_1_, ,..M,_1-tr-&1 1430411200 Ml ft 8eect\ 835-5445 cloH11, home l~~lt · C~e7~8 Aefa reQ $525 87S-0073 '!'~-:C:' r;i::io .,., Block to beech, 2Br. 985 N. Ct>ut Hwy. eve. beth, s11clgllt. m11e. nr ~t 8~!_!~~ Ocean view 38r, 388 hse. chin & cabloete, 10 . E/Slde duplex, 2 br, 1 bc, •C~~~ Par:lng brlglll & .iry. S700 mo, Legunc e..cn 49~5294 1-F-em_t_o_Sll_a_re-N-.8-C-o-nd-o-. Hunt Herber, J325 mo Cent:'r. pr!,;;~ location . .; S1860 mo. Hunllngton Center. l&mlN APT lgt put yerd w/petlo • •S •-·-A t yrly 968 8283 O I 1 N 8 n I II I I II d non _8_4_0_·8_9_1_0~-----1 97"-8889 ~ .. ..,.. "1••. 859-8e53, 840-5100 1 B<lrm-fum, S515 ' • .. pac;..,.,.. p 1 • u e . . eree. no • u y urn s e . -• ~ """"" ._ No pets. u111111e1 rreel Rm w/belll, no kit. No X!: ::~ 0. at. $550/mo. •Dtnlog AtN Becehlrool winter rentcl 1mok1r. pret meture emkr $260 + II utll Sllr 3Br Co et• Mase Beach houae. 2 Sr.var. LA QUINTA HERMOSA peta,Rtta.POM!bltfum. 11rWatklnCtocets Oct·Mey. 2914 Oceen-lem 1350 Incl ulll Avall 1-ru-med Don 11ome.J1c,9tc S35<1mo $700/mo 3 Br 2 Sa, g11 16211 Parksld• Ln, t blk Open S•I t2•A. Sun E'slde 1 8, 1be, pool, *liomt tlt!e ltltcl'lem front 2 8ror 3 er Newly 548-785~ 631-0815.-+-.,. util 6'41·8985 $895/mo to mo Fred w 0, ...... ..-.,3 blltsS 12-5 515'h Begonle leundry No pete . 1 blk 10 Hun11ngton ,_ .... ...__.,. __ ...... fur· .,.._,, (213) 35 .. 15"7 ... ._..._. ..... ..... 1(11 ptlv, Chrl1ti.n Home. Fem 30 lllr lge levlsll LIDO ISLE 3BR HSE Tenore. 101 831-1266, of Ed~. 847-5441 "' • S315/mo. 833·7890 ot Center. traneportetlort & nllhed 7141544--0814 M s1ralgllt. Nr Bell, Leg twnhM w/resp working Non-•moller. SAO<> + '"' ......, l&Y YllW 631•2711 Oceentront Studio Apt ntn Tf 111&1 848-1947 lrwyi. Beachlront winier reolel Bell S325 4119-2286 ftm unbel+eveble room•. ulll CltOl 675-9449 . Waterfront Condo-28r, Pool 1485/mo. l.11ge 2 br. 2 bL lrplc. 3 BR, l 'it bl, $476 mo. mLrn•s FIEE Oct-Mcy. 4409 S.11110-La bt llul wtth overl~lng brook & WI· l·M-.-,-u .. ret-.-,-•• -... -F-to_Sll_r -21 Euc tulle w/AC. 600 Ml ,• 281, beeut1t111 be)'front, Cell 5411-8347 meny amenities. view PaOo. 011.,,e. No pell. ""' re. 2 Br. $700/mo 3 er roe eut room terfell. Pool. Jee. I eke. t>r. 2 bu NB apt, 1215 + ft w/bllll & ger. $400 •· MCUrl1y bldg $1025 mo. 1825/mo. Cull Anthony 1st & 1111. 642-6388 1800 Ullls peld Cen be prlvu1e beth lor rent neer etc. NBtCM eree S276. 'it ut111. 842--0422 mo 675-3600 Ottict eulte on Hewpof1 Hlfbor Approx 1000 eq f1 714-MS.7100 .; 873-7205, 631-2482 ~1.~~-~!!.t •• !.~~! deys 842-5757, eves & ; =~ From:~~ fu rn t 1 h • d ~:~~1 ~1o;~i'!~1;;9 16 760-8045 Share tum. exeoutlVe offl· '. Nwpt Hn1• 2 br home, Luxury studio, lree HBO, <Mtnds e3 l-e630. , "' QUINTA HERMOSA 714/544--0614 $300/mo Call 1166-2951 Empt..._. F 10 ehere lo-N Bell • .., fl~ ..,.. v,_ ~ •• ,, ,,, ••• , 43$1 ce . pl ' copy me· Cape Cod ctllfmer. S811S phone, meld Mrv, spa, COZV 1 Br houM. lrptc. ~I: -=mi 16211 Perttlidt Ln, t bfk Wilk to beecll 'l"rly Cleen 2 blka COM BEACHI :%~u•~0~~.!~r •; • ••• ,.. ............... c h In I , S 1 0 0 I mo . mo. 548-4380, •94-0395 $130 wk. 499-3015 POOi. 4 nee1. empld, non Fm&.Y IPTI • w of Stach, 3 blks S 2 br. 1 bu, S8!IO No pets Furn or unturn. ptlv ~. musl Ilk• children 5275 SINGLE GARAGE Cenlrll 857-&363 ·. e1utt1 eplll·level 4 Bdr Vlc1orle Beech a$)t 1 br emoke F•m. No pet or 811utllul gcrden ep1• ot Edlnotf 847-5441 845-1819. w/telepllone. Full kllcll 848-2071 eve: 731-7711 Legune. neer Melo _T_wo_sm_at_l_offloe __ tu_l_tes_w_/ .: POOi. $1200 M/M. Eart~ $500/mo. Inc l,. ut111: Child. '525 ltue. 111· Petlot/decks. No pete. 2 WALK TO 8EACH: B•· WATER FRONT lrg 2 bd, 2 Pflv. Gflr~ lpect. $250 deys J anet 8 e. c; II . s 8 5 I m 0 . eome werellouae ~ : ton••· Rusty Guln1her. (805)259-t251 lest. aec. ll40-4ll99. children weloomt. chelor. 110111 & retrlge, bl, trpl, entry, mtd. car Mo. 720-1 75 EV Fl 11 · lb• 494-3<>44 Nwpt Bch neer Hoeg >. lgt 831· 1288, 720-0772 w •-··"' 3••1 Lovely 2 Br 2 81, ne•r 2 8drm l~ 881111 S540 a:o:,• & water pa Id. ger . lrg plllo, small boat M V d I 1 nencla Y reapone I Costa Meae oarege. S50 Hosp. 842· 1822 • ..,_,, -• 1 • 1 111 " 1 • comp• 1• Fem1le 25·39 yecre to 3 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ·•Model Townhom• near •• -.-.r.;;•••••••••••••• ~:"~~98~r un um. 2 Bdrm 2 Batl'ls $565 Imo 536-7979 to 15' u1111 $950. 111, beeut muter tulle a llY lhere luxury 2 Bdrm Fun Sele, easy 1oc111s 4 .: -t•. 3 Br 3 Be. trptc, OCEANFRONT Dix 2-4& · 631.3sll~W or W~~905 WALK TO BEACH 1 Br !alt. MC 675-2298 rm, full bctll. ln·I-qtrs, Promontory Pt Town-Cebflllo 548·9~16 ·, upgredu (900/mo, By wtek or month Quiet 3Br. bonua rm. w/llow 1375/mo. 2 bdrm, t bc, $550/mo. pv1 ent , pr1I prof or llouM overlook• poot -: 751·2"'42. 673-71t73 1950/mo IH. Geragt. 2 Br. 1 ea. 3 yeer• Old, 538-7979 yeerty. Step• 10 beech. re11red quie t ,.rson w/ Tre11e1 opportun1111 Ollitt l••l•l 44IO : laa Cl•nlf 1111 Greet toc:atlon 759-1243 bit-Ina. 01y1 1157-25e5. WALK TO BEACH: 2 Br. t 1 l6 w. Balboa. refs $450 Incl ,u1111 inctd. Ref's, beckground •••••••••••••••••••••• , · •••••••••••••••••••••• THE Bechelor, 2 rooms, penly 955-2845· etove & rtfrlge. Smell pet 213-865-2542 556-6033 •IQ'd . Cell Answer Ad 1617 We11clltt. N.8 . 256 · 2 lilR condo. 2 Ba. fptc, turn. 2 blkl to beech. lmmed oocuci-oc:y 2 er 2 ok S450I 0 $36-7979 IOWFlllT M/F w/ld1clleo prlv, $220 a741, 642-4300 24 hra. to 4000 IQ fl. 111 noor · den. wetbcr. gar. 8-11 '450 mo: 873-9208 e S575/ Children · m & •.; utll No drinkers. ot wrl1e • P.O. box 35-B. 1--"..;:.oen_1_54_1-_50_3_2 ____ 1 · eurl lllew St191 to bch w!.corne :0p.11 N-3 br 2be, gerdtn ept. 2 3 bdr. 2 bU ger great CM 545.5045 e 1tbo1 t 111 n d . C • S750 mo 492-1619 ''GOOD 2 Br. So of Hwy. Clean. Clf'l)etl a drepn, dlah-pvt petlos. own w/d loc: Winier 92682 ,,. •llllU "'""* IMJ•U ~e09~Jm0~;:;.15o"a~~r •Hiier. stove, 5 pley-llkup. lenclger.S875 eecll•lor, greet toe Me!=~:!"" Femele 21-30 s 111re my ~~::~~~1'°.!r~o 3Z I LIFE'' 648-3178 grounds, planned ac:tM-Dee 840-5~ yearly Qlose 10 beech. Yearly ep1 Non-smoker Coll• tease requlrld. Adi Alt-•.. ~.e!':~~! •...... t "-I••-· ., ... '*:..~Ilk 10 lh~ng1& S425. l BR 1 B•. pello. Tll •c.t M2·1IOI leeM. 1237.50 per mo ~2eaa82.A5p0t •. 117u61poo1.813e1~. pO(let Inn 2112 Dupont Exec, hlllsidt home, tge 4 -·-"' .... ecll.,.,.s. comer o. Fer· lndry rm, •II bllns Must S too dtP A all Oct 1 .. .. Call AM 833-3223 br, 2"' be, 3 frp1cs. YE.Alll-ROUtC> FUN! ...................... view & Adami Optn .-e e . TL S Mom 1, EAST'BLUFF -:Si>KIOlii 831.2270 Steve · ~5-2691 ~-'"'."'""---=---=-~ beeut.).c&yerd.Sl550 ,Soclet Actlvltlu M°""'Set 9-5. Sun 1t·5. 642·1903 1Br,pool.qutet.pteuen1 __ .::...:...::.:.;..::...::.=.:.:__1;;:=:--:::-:1.:;-;::;:.;:;-;:-AJrPO<l cree · &ec Sul· 881-n17 DI r •ct o, •Fr e • ._...8...,B.All 557-4785. aree no pell S5$5 mo Choice locetlo n, pool, Reep qule1 mele for lg t" From 225-450 IQ. n 481. 281. frplc, 2 ~ O•· rag•. blln1, good loc. , Av•ll Oc1 1 $850 mo. · Incl grdnr/wtr & trHll. 4113-2448 ... ,. .... "" •..................... 5 yrs -. 3 Bdrm, W.ba. cul-d1-11c . kids Ok. '885/mo l1t11u1 $300 dep, Avell 1011. Heidi 971>-2390 Sund• Y ~ u '--u• ..,,, 3141 -4787 · beeu11ful Bu1111 Fem Penn Pt apt 876·0328 S1 per IQ It Meny J11ru BNnctl•BBO's• lPllt•lll MeN Verdi 2 Br, 1 Ba. ::7................... 844 prtl. e ll prlvti•oes, cit 6 wkdly ell dey C.JI 557-7010 P ................ 1 d crege, Ilk• new cond. Large Studio wtth 1111Cl'len Deluxe 2 BR. Medlterre-1250 /mo, non·smkr .,..ends 1---------i -·-..... Beaullfully tan 14:ape<1 951 714/"*" 23"" d t oom 1 blk $500 •"" 900 PLUS 1400 .,. It mucl'I "'°'9 g11dtn epll Pool & Spa. mo. ""4 " .., reu ng r ' nMn Newpo<1. mo, 548·2733 Senior citizen wlehee ~tllOUM BeylronlSut-01111! AT P1Uos/deck1.Nope11. Sherp28r.110uee,1tove. b••cll. 1425/mo 842-4387 umetollve ln &sllere te , perking , petloi fll!C"l!ATION: Beehetor $410-$415 oerege. No pell. S500. 4117•1955 28r 1be Frplc. 11ep1 to Quiet room, Bay St, C.M expenses. Approx. 873·1003 T • n n I •• Fr•• 1 Bdrm. $485-$470 541-1377, Have aomethlng yOU went ocn la50/mo yrly. Reta. =~ui:'~.~ mo $260/mo. 548-8843 1--..,..,.,"""'.'"---:-:-7:-:=-"""1 lesions (pro & PfO 2 Bdrm. $580 to M1t'1 CtUllfled ed• do 842-7005, 1-337-0274 lfll lfAOE .. •ho PI• 2 H • • 11 h 2250 Venguard Lero• 2 Bt, new pitnt. It ... I. 842-5871. PVT ENT & BA for quiet Slnglt men •/yr old '°" Allrac:tlvt rustic upet14ra C1ubs•s.un&• 540-9e26 or 642-4905 cerpet $525/mo Stu B ,_ II I I 1' to lhr hOuM In CM $200 W _........._ d9lk Hydr"""•-4'7·2338 or 540-38M. •u::it•• ••t .. ffU on·t •go pto ess one mo & lhr utn 648-1041 Mttlng • _,..,., ' -··---..-•---"40 ..,,, 3140 Rete. $225 Beck Bey i--------apecc, copier. You eup-SOr~oGoll 3 Bdrm, 2 Baths $625 t Elf 1425/mo. ~••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• &48-8!I02 SAN CLEM: bCll 1111. ply Phone. & $95 pr mo lrlvlng Range 151 E. 2111. 542408 Bec,,..ot $380/mo, Stu ••• •• d k r pie Chlld7 $270 pr deelt Cati 844-7211. Wt have 1111ll1bl• Im· medle1ely for subteest two 1ulte1 on 1111 811' floor with penoremlc view ot ocean. l>*:k bc) 6 gOll coune A IJ)lcloul 3-room sul1e flnllhed In Wllllamtbu'i atyle at S2.500 Ptt mon11'1 Le111 1erm 01 12-24 m(lf1tlll AllO I 2.500 9(1 tt eutte flnlahed to your ac>eeffl· c1t1on1 Allowenc• of $18 psi Ren1 et $8252/montll. LICH 1erm 2-5 ,..ar• Cell PROPERTY CORRESPONDENTS 11 780--0618, or -ua et 1140 Newport Centet Drt- VI, Suite 870. ,.,,,. '"' ....•••.....•......... New 2 Br. Condo n•er Rencti Mtnlt1 & Fnwys, c11ll•drel celllngs. w11ll•rtdryer, pool, clbllH, 1p1, geted UC• CHI, S650/mo. leaH preferred. 844-1784 d, 032-3134 n a E A u T t f U l .... ,. 3 .. ,.. ~ .. 97 2338 I Irvine turn rm, lu.11 llae Jecdl :.9'2•73•3 •• 1•33•5 A ft A" T 111 NT.: Spacious 2 er. 1 Ba, '425. ....., ....... ~ .. • K b . k ort? prlv. In •>1CNnoe tor light u .. .. . ..... " 2000 sq ft w/600 aq ,, $Ingles . 1 & 2 3 Br. 1 ~ 81 1475. Nr. S.C. Pine, lrg 1 Br enne un P • h0ueekeec>lng l 11t 4,,M Fem. 10 shr be1u1 4 br 11or1g1, O.C. Airport~~~~~~~~~ Bedroorna•Fumlehed Laundry Ice., pool. petlo on atrHm. poot. Isn't that the boat ohlld·cert Mull have home. trptc, p1110. e~ 1r1 • S 2 o o o I mo XJnt H.B toe 1100 Ml ft, 4 & Unfurnlahed•No S.CS-9.558 12·7PM • fc I . • • cur s 4 5 0 . that won The America's Cup in 7 5? ~ Av.ii now 857 .... 993 Buy, $250. 548-6155 851-8928 pvt othces. ltoregt .,.... Pe1i•Modete Opan ownhouM 2 Elf. 1'1• Be., ._7_0-_eo_55 ______ , Mstr bdrm wlbeth, tully M/F to 111111 turn . 2 bf 2 l--..,,l~tu".""'.'"-Ol~ml==---i Ille & copier •r••· Piil deify 9 10 8 trplc, POOi. ape. atteched Eutsldt trtpte11. 2 bd, t e f()''"~ turn. female, full kl1 PflY, be ap1, pool l•c S375 llWPHT 11111 r•troom, gym & MU(ll O.LWIOll gerege. No pet1, Avail bl, g1r, carpet, drepe1 If...,.,._..,.. su-_..._ (~ ~t) ~n""'•n"""rt S 2 O O mo + u 1 I I lncld utlts 548..()9211 on Pf9m1811. A." 11\lts pd. Ill now. la26/mo 631-4084 $580/mo 848-280e ,~ "" "'" ''" .. ,.., "' 7 -.....,. 549*8877 COMPLETE EXECUTIVE 80tl 1q It. 846-1351, ..... was.dOn'tfft!lbld-Y<>\l'rtnotalone. ---------Fem29tolllr28R1V.be OFFICE SERVICES 848-,985 ...,..,1111 $550/mo. 2 Br. 1'it 81. 3 br, 1'.\ be, dblt ger, Kennytlunkpon is one of 14 Wtinruvt~ N 8./Bluf11, PV1 bf & be. HB condo. 15 min fr bell, FROM $185 to U65.1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C.. I I ............. /It Townhouse, belcony, In· frptc , patio. S695 crtfemlliPlrtmfOt ~at SNwlncl VIA'Of kit. & lndry pnv . Olf , pool, Jee. Dye 540.g1eo: UNEXCELLED SERVICE-I' = • ... • dry rm. c;er pot1. ell bit· 5«-5939. 846-5971 ·1n ...... _.,,__ lleac:h. Suwlncl VIII,,,_ IS . rt5Ult ulils Nr POOi Nonsmkr Berber• ...... 848-9884 s . EN v IR 0 NM e NT. .,,. .... hraluM 1411 880 lrvlne "" Avail Sept, ............. _. -S2t0 780-9717 STAFF &Ylll. ···-•••••••••••••••••••••• (at 16th) TSL ..... ml 1142·1603 Spactout 28r '435. ell bl-of lotal!y ptl'SONU1tctprofewoNI ~nruno 1---------FIM to sllr 2 bf a$)I, c M. THE H"'"OOUARTERS ..__..... ...., tln1. upptr or lower. The klncl of ilttlntJOn ~ Rm In 4 br, 2 be llouee, 111 amenlltts. Stl90 +'Ao ...,. t588 IQ, ft . ta.174 mo.. __ ,...... (714) 645-1104 $530.&S'°/mo 2 Elf. 181. t9e2 Meyer Pt. 842·31112 ~ kit . WHMl/dryer. llC ullls. 754-7348 COMPANIES 915 9(1. ft. S591/mo. Lu• 2 bdrm, MW. Prof. ~ ..... /.. 1 t sh I d I . A peffect blend of Nturt and IMng-S22 .. + S20 d c M 114/111 ... 11 625 IQ " '435/mo. dec'd. l.lnens, dtelles. ' iory, egcrpt,crp . eeeutlful 2 Br. 2 81 ne!tled1n aforestwithblbbll""t>rOOkSlnd '~•1tt .... 2'."~172 ep. • Shr2br/2Vrbecondo,CM.·--------:--I ....... . 00 16th St. petlo. frplc. beemed '*'" 1 . .., ..... ..,.. _,. ·-520 eq. h ....... .,mo. King bed. Flreptace . (Dover at 16th) llnge tnellld gerage townllOUM, frptc, pet o. l)OOC2S, cQOled t"1 NtUf11 ocun breeUS Add to W/O, ger, FP. $295 + SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay Ask for Newell Of 0111. VIEW. 1ec guerd. Un· TSlM ...... 1 842:1603 lndry rm. good too. ttlatttnrvscourts.SW1m1T11""~•ji('l)uJ .OO Ownbr&be,t6rn.condo ulll• Joan646-9928 2 Sun .. 1vall Gd Hwy dergrOIMld gllf. Ldry rm. (714) 642-5113 ..... $580/mo. TSL Mgmt. ... ,, •• t I 0 s c p I ez I . ' Vlslblllty 4117·235 l Welk 10 becclll '9115. Nr 18th/Pomone, t Elf 1 842-8221 842·1803 a conlltNfnt IOc.ation nur SllOPPl"9 and $275/mo Judy 754·779e Chrlettcn F In 20 • to ehr 1-------~-1 -625-7405 _ B•, d own1t11r1. O/W. ~end you'~ 9CJC • plaCt .nyorie would beeut. Nw~ twnllH. • •2500 1q f1 lndustttet unit ~';.:;J;;. .. !1.¥. ~~::n -~:.·?.[£50~~~ ~pn:,~:t~~';p!• =~J:~~~ :i~f.~: !:;.~~~~~.~; ·~~ ~;,~:.;-;.:.: Lido ea 3 Bt. Condo ,_. So. C. --............ STUNNINQ 1110• t Br. • · · ~~HI J~on Vlll.tQf Room wlklt prlv $250 mo, unit with 9oOo IQ, ft of Plaza, cmtnn & bit-Ina. rw_.--~--• Garden .I.ft,,..,.,.. & tee S435-S450. $105 & up Color TV. Utll Incl tit & lut "'""'cded ottlce. 67"7300 .,. ... 1 ITM1ll ,.,. """" TSL Mgmt. 842-1803 Phonee In room. 2274 ... 2 •• 11 ..... '"------~-------' onrtookl l re•nbe I , arM. 710 W tltll. St. Newport 8tYd CM. _..,.. __ ...... _______ •2400 IQ It lndu1tr1el ~'. 'r.'our~ybhou9eg•te OCEANFRONT llfOt mo-* 2Elf. 1ea NMr So. c. ::~~·:.~g!.8:'.~~: I 848-7446 Mele UCI ored etudant unit •1111 1500 sq f1 otj~~~~~~~~~ •• ..,, Cell t7M231 ~ oem 3 er. 2 ea. No '*8. Plan. s A Luxury Con· frptc. lndrv lac. Submit E•-"'-, ~ ....... ....~ ,..8 =--=E-A~C::-:ff::--A-:--:R::-:[::-:-1 nttde 2 fem rmmte upgredtd ot11c1 . Hev• I a.... I 1111 H# :"::'.:'.:.... "s900v111 .• n,~w....!~n June 14. do, w/pool, 1650. No 'I 1~ HuotJnOton 'c"1 ...... ,.,-:::. . ..,.,. ""'," if1QIO!l ......... ..,. " 20-27 to ehr t)Mut. 3 e r tut>-teeae, '11eoan1 I tor 90011 .! ........ !'! ••••••••• • ..,.,..,,_ v ...._..., t '""'" •974 on .,.i ......... ~ 1ownll0Use In Unl11 PJk, eq.ft. o o ce si>tce Retllt 11onr •t 2650 A'IOfl, EXEC. RETREAT In N--. pe ,. _,,..., . TSL Mgmt. 842·1803 F'rom the~ OieOO ffWNIY Otlllt nor\n on 8Ndl 10 $84/ k • Irv. $276/mo ••• D•v• dtelred. 1005 IQ. "· plU9 • cer Pof't Bell 1 Br penthOU-WINTER RENTAL 2 & 3 2 BR. 1 BA. old llouM. no ""'•u,.. Mc,.ldmn, lt*I...,. on Mtf~ to S..W1no Wll(jt w 759-2078, eves 552-0310 •Mo\lvcted o wner •• geregc. 841..S'T71, ee s.cu·rt.., ..,..,,. .,.1 Bdrm~.N-~ !~In-pet1. Chlld OK. All u1t1 pd. , '"e....., .,.... 1 h• r:''° Fllmltn""" ~ ......... ,_ 1111., 10 .\M td O\ISk ~I ~!~d·!A•wldll'!,.,.ool OCEAN SIDE ol Belbo•, re•dy 10 mike a deel. ....__ ,..__,,. __ 14:, , 8 '4'2':7'i ti '. euta. ..... y• .._ ~·-1•. 415 H1mllton, S535. ...... ....... ~ "'• · ".,.. • ._... ....,_.. " .... ,. °"' • -· Cell 714 751-4780. Ptln· ,.....,..,.,...., .., .. _.. ..... egc 2$7 8'73·1900 841-0783 frpto, DW. o•r · 1175. ll!la!'!!illlliiiiiiii;;:;:;=::!!!!:!!!l!•lllllE=:!!!!::!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!21 Costa Mtta 541-11755 Blvd 2nd atory llOUM clpelt ~ Nter Bal~ 8ey C411b =::::=:.:... _____ lv:::;;::-;-a;-;::=--;:;;i:;:;:41--;=.:=-=;;;;;--;;;:;:::;;::;:;--I 8•Cll wltrptc, patio. lnlft ~~ '-'-1144 S235 mo ptua Sl4 ulll & eo.at Hwy Stan4 ~ .. ....._,. hnilW Yi~~· 1 8:i'o"=t:~= 11111 R -$400. Pool & •pa No •••••••••••••••••~ UYUI •••••••••• Pine Knot Mott! on Cout Bob 175· 1106 12 to ..... l&IUllH '215/month. ......_7141 -;r::.-::;-:. •• •• • ••••••• 1 ' ...-2 8r. 2 Be, 2 ctf g111-~· II . 2 8 5 0 H • , I I . iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij'*'l!llMJ~j~iiiil H. y' N 8 s I. p • I 0 midnight. Exec Sult• Ind. ,..., ' •-•--~ ,._ -...... 9 ""'47 :nlE"1'S oceen Wkly rate• 1 A..-a·--'·J 1aa..-I" , wlopener, wood burning ... ~ ap.a•· 145..0440 Reap. M/F 25·35 to ehr eec'y ••rvt, con . rm . .,._ u-5'M •••••••••••••••••••••• ........... ~ frplc, vi.w or ttreem & NHr Herbor Shopping, ,.,..,., .... l'a /'aft • • lo"ll}I, unturn, 2 bf, 2 ba, kit , melt handlg. Pl•· l••lal1 Hfl 2untt.,)8'.2 8e .. Onton Oullttndtno 2 and 3 ••ttrt•ll•. From S716. IM 2 8A 1 h ~O LE&~Q~ViG~ 1111 l M•OlllPt Promontory P1 . N.8. tpon11vt to your bull••••••••••••••••••••••• w•ter. 1 1000/mo & 88~1309 roomy, c n • ·" "'9•·" r-'" ntu nHd•. Adi. 405 Comm"! b .. ctl tocttton, 1900/mo Avall now bdrm, 2 l>a, ldry, frpc, i----· -----1 b •em•. no p • t • • ReHoneblt rat.. Kii· '400 + ~ u1111. Lve meg ......, In l'.V lndlv. ofc.. •P• 500 • f., UOO/mo 7eo-1917 bal, 2 g111. MOO/mo. S1, S395tmo 1 er 1 ea. Ap1. S415·S425, TL.8 Mgmt. Cfltnettec, phonM, meld AlllOtl 87$-0204 M .. C:1rno. from UU total . ...._....4 -------.,.---. 000 wtnt•. ~714 Cerport, tnCSry rm. Sul>-842•1803: 842·127t ~ .. ~. z chtnntl mo• M/F roommeta went., to ~1445 LIKE NEW. 3 bd, 2 bl. .-r Tim mil Of\ .,.t. btlcony, Cell VIH 8ANDPIPER MO· lhaf• 3 bdrm. 2 l>A dpOt. ' l t50 eq ft. E ..... ~ Frpt, PMto, 88Q, Wiil 10 fO< tppt. c.,,. .... Jll4 Off'ic"n... ... a.: TEL, 191'7 Newport 81Yd, In CdM 4 bike to~-Ooe11 Mitt 1 Of 2 room a.e dell)'. t-5 t700o'"""M b • • c ti . SI 2 5 I mo fum. rMI• by ...-Of TSL Mgmt 642· 180G •••••••••••• •••••••••• VJI".""'' .,. .. , CM l4$-ll l37, 1288, ~ utK '7to-ffSt •ullee. From '75/mo. 173 1 Superior· · - e1s.5313 "'°"'"· Agt 115-8110. 1435. 1IA1 ee apt. fplc, Luxurious adu1t & ~m1ly llv1ng In an all ul111 tncld. 179 w 1ttt1 8 4 2 • 2 4 ~4 ... d • v• · .., le11••"• ..... t..,::'=:,~. 2 er ~:;,~m1r~~bft~•0 :f: ~ country ~tttng. 1. i . & ) Bdrm\. un.':' R:~!:13w:, ~!n~~fn s1. as1""28 914-'1'294-~ Iii ~119 31th. 3 bdrm, 1"' 81 TownhouM, tll 642·tl03: 842-9411 Amtntltt~ Include Wkl" ttn1tl• 0 5 up NI on !ht bey, bllct bc:tl Newport EMC 11111• 21 "':" WatrW •••••••••••••••••••••• M50 bultt•int, tndry '"'· cer· , '330/fT'IO e7a.252t ff om Alrporl 1111 nCI v lnNI 4 .. 8'NI 1 •·~en-Apt-110e w. e.lbOa. 2 PGf1 yard/belc:Ony ema11 1 & 21r. '" up~t apt, •Rtl (j,h Range •Tot lo11weenl>t'h~ Color TV, lrH coffet, office• tn 1 tu11ur1ou1 •••••••••••••••••••••• p •. I ' , e Ir I oe. • t 0 H b d f m . • '6 0 ' D 0 II y .,.. Ot< . L~· no ,,.... ,..,, • * p . nd k netted pool &. 1tep1 to Shr Ill• condo. l>etutltully entlQUO lllled bu1ln•1 1150 up 11 eo ft lndu· S.15/mo. 875-SOM 175-4t30 TSl Mgmt. 642•1903 & S4H. '31· 111 * 01,h\hl~her d1~~I clllOIW t<: OCMn ~Hch's •veil tutn, Ill tmenltlee + g111, •n11lronmtnt •Quipped 9'Nl. Ofl'loe t8101 At- R I " 8 t"' II * Or~..v.·1carpet1no •t ,1undrv tac1l1tie<. 985 N. Cout Hwy, nr 1515/409. Prwf. !Mt'", w4tl'I Till, WP • ana MN .. dondo Ctrctt IM I T Winter ente " r, .... 2 br, 2 be. "9!C. 71 mo NEW 8Rl!EO APTS. ... Nat ,,. 0 r >' n Legunt hech. 414-&214 non·emkr, vcry clten. 1ro confcrenoum, 10t• oi Huntlnttoo. leech. 1 • • ' c •' '• r • O • · ~. 81• to bHdl & a.etl. a 1 ldml wlloft. ••••o•••••••••••••••• * Rt>tft',\llOn room •Air concl1tionin~ • 61,. ._ ,.1• ~-S400 ~ 941·1•02 Lv r,er11lnQ, mo/mo °' ..... 141.2134 1700/mo, IMPt to beY. 2 New-po11 Pier. 2009 From 1315. ''Pie. rte 1 8' Qllf-OC.,,.., ooaan. tm,u1 rrr:l-.. "'90 rom '378, dtt« IP9Cle•----~--- l>lc1 to blieOh. 101 ltd· COun Av 1•. l9't e eeo. t'OOf\'I PoOI jeCuOI. 09 very clHn "'Olmo. C°"9t Wt US now for bt'4 •11on. Til!f W, • ••oa•••• •• •••0··~··· ,,,.......;;-' .,.--~-:"!"'.""~~~ U&O MOiie kl llllowlflOt Automollve 0 cer .,_.. ocweter (COtOftado tt No pM.1 (213)112•toll/ & .,,,1., ~ No pet9, 2131402·115'7 SH It ••Mo. ~ lun In lMar C• LI( A~"OWHo:;A •clll I' eflf 2bf/2b• Woodt>rlO-f»."Tt ..wt .,.... tot "*"• le1fro.:i·.::7blnaon .._...130 3U H•mllton. C .M. 24eal ~Or ~ y .._,.'°10 ' : ~ 41t +loft, 2lt. 0tcionOo.dlltc1~.1Sa5 bocly & pain,, or RlollOf 146-44 A ffptea, 2 bttconlM. ce-MCMtOO. 6624316 •M1 1111. ..nl* u ptlolat•ry buelneu. luyfn9 •nd ..ntno a1 • 11 · iMOr11 oelllnO· Cotof TV. i--------~2\4-:-111 Oo1* or ._,... 14 • .,._,....,..., _... T'8de yoyr Old etuft tor tM90fltl>lt pt~tl\et'e sits • llR, teftl,, no 2 IA :a 8a, '*'POf'l, mo-ltp1 t• NOl'lh ll'lofe lnr btM.ft. """ 3 'r· M • • p 0 , 1 I•• 0 " pr•uor. uu1111 .. ,.,., ne•AOOdl .. wltfl • whst c lutlll•d 11 alt ,,....2ecNfttpr9' '1..C clami.1141.1414117 or UHlwi.nd IHll•k b4a, 2 t'Y hOUM. NIM. -1..-1 t '71/moCM ....u14 er•••• tu-t111 .oout. 142""'71 w. it1h, en.n11 no-1188 Ho doge ""'"'°· 112.-1 lee: ,., n1.aao .... 'I , """''"' .. !~!ti ........ ~.~ .. N I 111 lltUI 1000 Ml II MIA 101\t AQtnl 141·60 ~ Or•no• Co11t OAILV PILOT/Sunday. s plember ie. 1982 1•'3 t1 Or1n11 Coast Matket Place fttffft •••.•..••• 1.~ff L--....;..,.;,~.....;o.;;......,..:..;. _ _;.,;.:,,.....;.....__...:.....!.-----------.....:;.--....:.--__.~~.:...;...._ _____ ....... _ __,":"'::'::--~~~~ L111ge ltoreo• O•r•ge 1tU1 a1Jbo• B~ Cl.uJI & Coatl Hwy Steurtl HOO/mon1h 1146-7S. I l1at'11 WHIH 4100 ...•.................. 21 yr Old 11ngl• wot111ng m•I• nHd• fHtOnlblt one bdrm •Pl Non· drinker & non-1moker Hive relerenct1 Mlkt 979-2899 l11/a111/ln111/ fl a IHI .........•............ l•H1la1al ... '!lr.!!!!!!l ... !.~!¥ Liquor Stort, Balboa laltnd 122.000 month grou $110,000 plus In· ventoty Owner will carry pttt 876-t407 •fl 5 30 ••::::t."' r,.,, I S03S · · · · ·i:i: unLiR. • · • • 1 ltrt111t Ot. IH. Specl11tzln9 In 191 & 2nd TD'• 1lnce 1949 Robt. Stttler NH/CM R.E. Broker Bd Retllora 642·2 '71 545-0611 WIDOW HAS $$$ for TD's RE Lotna, 10K Up No Credit Check, No Penal- ty Dennison & AHoc 673·731 I Witt purcnaae Mortgages or 2nd or 3rd TD's (7 14) 975-0644 3rd holder of S25K note bttrlng 20%, due In '83 Notice of deftult filed Aug. 18. 3900 1q.lt, 4 BR 4 BA, ocetn view. Dtna Pt. Isl & 2nd TO for S210K, home tppralsed S385K, w/sell note & continue foreclosure lor Int ptrty 714-493-5072 A..Hut1•1al1/ l•n••"•I ,,.,, , 1 .. a1 .•••••.••••........... AaalHtlal•ll 5100 ...................... llal •• l11JlratlH 780-0$04 PUILIO l•YITED OPEi 1ttlSE AT FAMILY FITNESS CENTER 1600 Adams, Costa I Mesa (next to post ofll- ct) Hl-4404 Stt/Sun 9AM 10 6PM Free fitness Testing and tour. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Pumice -Butter Quorum -Lounge Mobile • IO<llne BORING TIME M iddle-aged man lo wife: "I gueu I'm glad to be going to this ptrly. I'm ti the tgt, where I enjoy t BORINO TIME." ,,.,, ' ,, .. , S300 •....•...•••••.•....•. FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: U2-Hll Lost whit• female ctt w/ yellow eyes, Brootthuf'st & $pelntcker eree H B She 11 deal II found detd or tltv• please call ~-4864 Found. Kllten, llger slrl- ped, 4 wht paws. blk collar Vic Bty St betwn 13th & 141h. N .B . 873-7585 Found young Germen Shepherd In Hunt Bch. ~4053 Found. Mtle Boxer mix I Whitt, brn spots 3 yr. 842-7293 Found Grty CAT Broolc- huret & Bushard, HB 968-8732 Found· Tom cal, grytblk, wht Itel Vic S A.H . Friendly 549-1355 Found: huge turtle, corner ot Brotdwty & Sant• Ant. 140 Magnone •8. r1n1•'1• 5350 ...................... UIN I YIOll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCALL 24 HRS 111-0201 *** ltl1nti1 P1rlor Open 24 hrt t day 7 d•y•. -k Jacuzzi, Sauna Loca11 et well ta Tourists. BtnkAmerlctrd, Amerl- can ExPf-. Diners. All welcome 7141845-3<433. 2112 Harbor Bl. CM Otncera lor Btchelor / Btchelorette Ptrtlea 738-8538 Of 558-8538 ...... ,. .. -:Ti ,... •• ConverNtlon th Barbi MC /VIS A 2 4 638-0701 I COEDS • Would IOYI to party w/you. C•ll Sue or· Kathy tnytlmt (213) 804-3233 ,,,,...i l«ftn1 "" •..••••............... AT YM IOYIOI P..-.ontl, qutllfltd com· penlon driver• for yO\lf dty t o dty trrtnd1. Shopping. doc4 or'• 1ppt1, church, etc. All need• met. 8:; hour 01 day. 494-5857 ,,,...,,, 1Mt1"tln 1HI ••··••·•·•··•········· l'Al·8CHOOL I OAY CAA! M19 .. Alft Chrtatltn In C.M ~ttttno 2·PttK. 81n lndlY CIHMt O~ ()c1 4ltl ..... 4334 HOUSES-FOR SALE 2 BIDAOOM 2013 Miramar Or .. Balboa Penln. 544-1281 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 289 Del Mar. Costa Mesa 631-3787 $127,500 101 Scholl Plza #217(Versallles)NB 631 -1400 $149.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island 631· 1400 $254,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 200 1 Kings Rd .. Newport Beach 631-1400 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-7300 $340,000 Sun 1-5 138 Walnut, E-slde, Costa Mesa 754-1648 $139,900 Sun 12-5 552 Hantlton, Unit E2. Costa Mesa 759· 1501 $117 ,000 Sun 2-6 113 Ruby, Balboa Island 644-6200 $595,000-Fee Sun 2-5 2 BR plu1 FAM AM or DEN **3425 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 644-9060 S 1. 700,000 Sun 1-5 30 Rue Fontalnbleau. Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $495,000 Sun 1-5 20 Rue Grand Ducal, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $399,500 Sun 1-5 11 1 Pandora (lrvlne Groves) Irv 642-5200 $139,500 Sun 1-4 **633 Lido Park Dr (F-1)Lldo Pen. 631· 1400 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 621 lido Park Or(C-3)Lldo Pen. 631-1400 $560,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 992 Bayside Cove. Newport Beach 631-1400 $487,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••827 Via Lido Soud, Udo Isl, NB 673-7300 $ 1 ,850,000 Sun 1-5 1536 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 631 -1400 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 Baruna Court. Newport Beach 751-3191 $215,000 Sa 11-4/Sn 12·4 1577 E. Ocean Bl .. Bal Penln. Pt 631-1400 $344,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 19 Curl Dr .. Jasmine Crk, vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12·5 **2804 W. Oceanfront. N.B. 631-1400 $695,000 9072 Adella, Huntington Beach 963-6767 $179,900 209-215 19th St, Peninsula, NB Sun 1-5 Sat 2-4 631· 1400 $255,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 376 Broadway, Costa Mesa 631-1266 $14S,OOO Sun 1-5 2190 Bosque Sprgs. (Brgh1n Sprgs) CM 979-2390 $134.900 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 11 Rue Verte, Big Cyn, Npt. Beach (213)470-2880 $499,000 Sa/Sn 11-6 1543 Serenade Terr. Irv. Terr, CdM 644-4910 $320.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *228 Amherst Rd., College Prk, CM 979-7295 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 2221 Vista Dorado, NB Blutts 640-4289 $210,000 Sun 1-6 19861 Potomac, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $125,000 Sa 12-5/Sn 12:SO 616 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $387,592 Sa 2-5/Sn 1-5 314 Marigold. Corona del Mar 631 -1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *503 W. Edgewater. Penln Bayfront 631· 1400 S 1.750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Sa 1-4/Sn 2-5 33 Malnsall, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $339,950 Sun 1-5 1108 Ridgecrest, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $162,000 Sun 1-5 458 Costa Mesa St .. C.M . 759-t501 $146.500 Set/Sun 1-5 3415 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 **6802 W. Oceanfront. N.8. 645-5430 $625,000 Sun 1·5 468 Abbey Way. Costa Mesa 760-8333 1195,000 Sun 1·6 1860 Prt WhHler (Hrbr Vu Hit) NB 631-1266 1249.000 Sun 1-5 3 aR ptue OUllT AftT. *4801 Bruce Cruoent. Nwpt Bch 548~6677 1199,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 I ... ,._ fAM RM Of DIN **38 Bl lbol Cov .. , Newport 8ch 873-8197 1419,500 Dally 1-5 ' DIRECTORY **319&5 Coast Hwy, So. Laguna 494-1177 $995,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 1531 E. Ocean Blvd .. Penlnsulq Pt. 673-1169 $530,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Key Wast, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 747 Balboa Ave .. Laguna Beach 499-1320 $299,000 Sun 10-4 **748 Vil Lido Nord, Udo Isl, NB 644-9060 Sun t-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ** 1036 Polarls, Dover Shores. NB 646-0523 $899,000-Fee Sun 1 ·5 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beach 644-1017 $485,000 Sal/Sun 12-5 1940 Whittler, Costa Mesa 631-3213 $118,500 Sun 1-5 20 Rue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $675,000 Sun 1-5 ••748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 644-9060 $1,650,000 Sun 1-5 **301 North Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $450,000-L/H Sun 1-5 *2320 La Linda Pl., Newport Bch 549-1400 $237,500 Sun 1-5 2611 Clrcle Or. (Bayshores), N.B. * 1472 Galaxy (Dover Shores) N.B. 642-2510 $695,000·fee Sat/Sun 1-5 870 Sandcastle, Corona el Mar 644-9060 $312,000 Sal/Sun 2-5 502 "I" St, Bal. Penln Pt .. NB 63 1-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1..s 2405 Cliff Dr .. Newport Heigh1s 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2298 Redlands Dr., Beck Bay, NB 631· 1400 $248,000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 1301 Oolphln Terr. Irv. Terr., NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-5 * *308 Morning Star Ln, DovShrs. NB 631-7390 $985,00 Sat/Sun 1·5 1824 Port Sterling, Newport Bch 720-0505 $214,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 711 K-Thanga, Irv Terrace. NB 631·7300 $575.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2109 E. Balboa Bl (Penln.), NB 760-8333 $675,000 Sun 1- 4601 Camden Dr .• Newport Bch 759-1221 $895,000 Sun 12-5 1135 Pembroke, Newport Beach 645-5555 $284,900 Sun 1-41 32 W<lngs Rd .. Newport Beach 646-5719 $683.000 Sun 1·5 3422 Sagamore Dr (Trln Isl) H Hbr. 644-7020 $399,950 Sun 1-5 1003 Van Dyke, Laguna Beach 551-8700 $425,000 Sun 12-5 531 Traverse (Del Cerro) CM 979-2390 $154,900 Sun 1-4 476 Walnut Pl. (E/slde) CM 548-337 4 $ 189,500 Sun 2-5 120 Shoreclltt Rd .. Newport Bch 644-6200 $495.000 Sun 2-5 3216 Ooean Blvd .. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $1,500,000 Sun 2-5 102 Via Koron. Lido Isle • 644-6200 $685,000 Sun 12:30-4:30 *452 Broadway (E/Slde) C.M. 631-8011 $197,500 Sun 1-5 1718 Port Westbourne. HVHomes. NB 759'-1501 $216.000 Sun 1-5 4 8EDAOOM 443 Fullerton Ave .. Newport Bch 6-42·5140 $335,000 Open Wed-Sun 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 594 Marquette Clrcle, Costa Mesa 642-2178 $134.000 Sat/Sun 12-2 19 Hermitage Ln .. Big Cyn, N.B. ~-9060 $749,750 Sun 1-5 2518 Wavecreat. HV Hiiia, CdM 644·9060 $379.000 Sun 1·5 1641 E. Ocean Bl Bal Penln. Pt 831-1400 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1·~ 225 VII Orvle1o, Lido late, NB 831-1400 '576,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 *1024 E. Balboa Blvd .. Bal Pen. 831-1400 11,450,000 Sat/Sur) 1-5 501 AVoeado, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $350,000 Sun 12-5 4 IA plua FAM AM Of DEN 1007 Tiiier Way (Hrbr Vu His) CdM 759-1010 $329,000 Sun 1-5 133 Via Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch. lrvlne 552-7500 $238,900 Sun 1-5 30422 N. Hampton(Chrtr Terr)Lag N1g 494-1177 · $235,000 Sun 1-4 315 Calle Dellcada, San Clemente 492-2100 $265,000 Sun 12-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn. NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 #8 Rue Vlllars. Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $775.000 Sun 1-5 II 1 Rue Blarrlta, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $750,000 Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis Ln. Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 1-5 1255 Somerset (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $355,000 Sun 1:30-5 1112 Westclllf (Westcllfl) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-4 * 1837 Seadrift Or (Irv Terr) CdM 640-5560 $478,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 510 Allso. Newport Beach 759-1221 $350.000 Sun 12-5 1441 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1222 Sussex (Westcllfl) NB 642-5200 $237,000 Sun 1-5 2901 Harbor View Or. (HVHls) CdM 673·7761 $550,000-tee Sa 2-5/S 1-5 1733 Por1 Barmouth (HVH) NB 673-7761 $265,000-fee Sun 1-5 424 Belvue Ln .. Bal. Penln Pt. NB 631-1400 $409,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 421 Pirate Ad .. Newport Hghts, NB 631-1400 $249,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, Shorecllfls. NB 631-1400 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 101 Via Florehoe, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 * tt 1 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 644-7020 $ 1 .895.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4931 Loriann, Cant. Homes. Irv. 759-1501 $137,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 509 Evening Star Ln, Dover Shrs, NB 631 -7300 $980,000 Sun 1·5 * 1244 Polaris Drive. Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte. Big Canyon. NB 631-7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5 232 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 631-7300 $695,000 Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . 1118 Somerset Lane, Westcllff. NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2162 Port Ourness. Newport Beach 675-7698/675-6870 Sat/Sun 1-5 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760·1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Udo Isle, N.B. 675·3048/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 •3 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg), N.B. 759-1221 $1,500,000 Sun 12-5 I' 1 Toulon(Hrbr Rdg) Newport Bch 760-8333 $675,000 Sun 1-5 2048 Prt Weybridge (Hrbr Vu Hma) NB · 760-8333 $359,500 Sun 1·5 410 Morning Star Ln .• Npt Bch 675-5511 $675,000 Sun 1·5 16662 Mariner Bay, Huntington Hbr. 831-9944 $775,000 Sun 1-5 1718 Prt Barmouth (Hrbr Vu Hms) NB 644-7020 $310,000 Sun 2-5 • •3571 Myrtle (Conege Pk) Irv. 645-9161 $176,000 Sun 12-4 • * 178 t7 San AaphHl1 Foontlln Vly 848-4557 $209.000 Sun 1-5 2839 Alt1 Vista, £-Bluff, N.B . e..4-e200 s29s.ooo 4 Rue Bl1rrltz. N~ort Beach 644-G200 1850,000 Sun 1·5 Sun 2·5 *2078 Phalarope (M tH Verde) Coata Mela 844·6200 1235,000 Sun 12-5 11 AtPen TrM Ln. (Univ Pk) lrvlne 675•2373 1225,000 LH Sun 1·4 •4521 Gorham (C.IMO Shor") CdM 644·80e0 17d8,000 Sun 1-5 t •3165 Bermuda Or (Meaa Verde) CM 5~9 1366 S 150,000 Sun 1-e 5 BEDROOM * * 708 VI• Lido Nord. Lido 111. NB 875·6181 $1,500,000 Sun 1·5 2912 Carob (E.astbluff) NB 644· 1742 $249,000 L/H Sot/Sun 1·5 **4028 Channel Pl., Nwp1 lal .. NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 ,4 Winged Foot. Big Cyn, N.B 644-9060 $795,000 Sun 1-5 **219 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isl. NB 760-1900 $ 1,995,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 5 BA plu• FAM RM or DEN 1661 Pegasus, Santa Ana Helgh1s 540·8062 $145.000 Sat/Sun 8-5 **401 N. Star, Dover Shrs, N.B. 548-1188 $1,450.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 * * •29 Beechwood (Wdbridge) Irv 551-6829 $410,000 Sun 1·5 1930 Port Chelsea. Newport Beach 494· 1840 Sat/Suri· 1·dark * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1 ,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *3 Muir Beach (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $1 ,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1885 Boa Vista Cr (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1151 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 901 Kings Road, Newport Beach 631-1400 Sat/Sun 1-5 *. 1038 w. Bay. Penln. Pt. NB 644-9060 $1 ,050,000 Sun 2-5 • * #2 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1-5 •7 Muir Beach Cr. (Spyglass) CdM 640-6259 Sat/Sun 2-6 1990 Por1 Nelson Pl. HVHomes, NB 759-1501 $285.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2201 Alta Vista (The Blutts) NB 631-7300 $389.500 ~ Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1800 ,Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $429,900 Sun 1-4 *35 Rldgeline Dr, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sun 2-6 14941 Rancho Cr .. Irvine 979-5370 $159.900 Sun 1-4 I BA plua FAM AM or DEN S.5 Windsor, Laguna Beach 494-1177 $599,000 Sun 1-4 41 Goleta, Spyglass. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 61 Lake Pine (The Lakes) Irv. 540-1151 $118.900 Sun 1-4 11'300 Cagne.y Ln .# 10-7(Vefsallles)NB 673·7300 $117.00Ct Sun 2-5 2 BEDROOM 1063 o6ver Or .. Wes1clilf, N.B. 673-7300 $139,900 Sun 1-5 * 1738 Westcllll. Westclitt, NB 673-7300 $119.000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 685 Vista Bonita. The Blutts. NB 631-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado Ad .. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $129,950 Sat/Sun 11-5 1085 Stonebrook. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $134 ,900 Sal/Sun 1·4 3 BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $146,950 Sat/Sun 11-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 IA plu1 1 BA 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 3 BA plua 2 BA 416/416'n Carnation, Corona del Mar 631 1400 $569,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 IA ptua 1 8A * * 132 S . Bey Fron1, Balboa Isl. 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 4 BA plua 2 8A 116/116'A Crystal, Balboa Island 631· 1400 $578,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 aR pfut 3 BA 509 Acacia (Oceana1de of hwy), CdM 845·7048 $<440,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUM FOR RENT 2 HDftOOM •8 Summerwalk. Npt Terr., NB 837-2686 $696/mo SaVSun 11·3 * POOi * '* Waterfront *** Waterfront & POOi - ·I Or•no• Coa11 DAll.Y PILOT/Sunday, 84tptember 28, 18861 ~ - -~!/!fl .••••...•.. ~l!l!!.hr.Jn •••••••• t.llttHlltl lfe1t1/ ~.~~~~ ............ ~~11'!~~ •••••••••••• ~~~!!!!~~~!!f ........ ~~!!~1 ..... , ......... r~~~,~~ ............. ~~r! ••••••••••••••• ···········'·········· ~~l~A!8!(N°!r Lovl, home. -r. 3 & "f.• lhampoo & tl"m cJMn STANBUR INDUSlRllS Glmmon1 Oat<l•nlng Oen con1r1c1 o. malnl, HOUHCL~Ntr\ ·ADC MOlllNO• Papernanoino, tlrlpplng. MOllLI IUMCI! 'f/T 40/wk, 0.1 /a I Color tir1t11tnara, wilt Oen'I contr Prof"'"r Cln·uPI, lawn care, lull plumb repair, palnl'g, Good rel• N8 I Irvine Quick, Careful a.Mc• palnll1 11lrtl work lg or ReacrMna/N-KIMnl 1Chf, CM a&e-3021 crpl• • , min bleach lmprov i91 1111 ( ·Ill ce>mm I rHl(I ma1111 ~I) .. tioma ..me. pref Oledyt 641 0702 LOW 11111 6511 ·0410 1ma11 Obt. re11on1bl• N81CM Otlly fot2·HU lor a IW.baby111 lull or part-Hall. llv/dJn rrn1 l1ll: avg --rr .... 1 648 6484 Jim S38-otll11636·3814 ---ei M HO\INC .. anlng STARVING COLLfO[ r•I•• A1t1 FrM ltl 30 day IC! 11m1. Mon-Fri, lunchH room 17.00, ooucn 110, f.~~·!:1!'.~!!t~~~!~f. -OAAOENINQ SfRlllCli JACK 0' ALL T"ADH R1 .. on1bl1 Cell e.n11 STUD!NTS MOlllNO 8rtt1dll\ 908°7427 ,.,., pto~ldld 2 r,11 • up Call cnr Jll Ouer •llm. pet .•.••••....•.......... In 1he 1(11, ramod, oeremlc ftt1, Clean up•, lrM earv & Call J•ck •n~lme, e.1bo1 lf1111d 676·74H CO Lie T124-438 &olat Coneull~, eyeteme IAILY Cher 641·3 08 Odor. Crpl ,.pair. 15 y,.. c1bln111. Cell now. lr11 hlulll\g, fotl·1000 P11a O•V or nlQtll 76-3014 8aCh .. or'1 l"IMCIMnlng ln1ured 84 t•8427 ,~~~!!~~!~! ....... lrOllbll thOOI ng, l)OOll, up Do work my11ll MIT fM11ure llcanttKI babylll· A1t1. 1131·0101 •11. 042..0H 1 L1nd•c1p1no M11n11nlf\· UCI 11uo1n1 llOOllflO. • Leund~ 811v Kartn. WA'TCH US GROWi '/' •DAVANT't * * not wit, •P•~ n1aono lllYIOI 111 tor Clay workl~ mo Nllural Oll, detegu11oon 1n1r• only Mon-rl In· EXCel':CAAPET CAAE ,,,.,.,,, ce, Lawrt & ~ltden Cit•, wndwlter .. n. cerpentr'f, &40·28 81860 08911 E11pr'd, relltbla, IO COii, w111coverlng Removal •• "'" on11m111 your llHGTIH Jack 8ulflngton cl••n u! 1n Jonu, •lee. Exp Rob 013.2201 anywhere. f=rM eat Ga~ All trPI• 642·1343 ·fanl• lo 3 yre. 1611 wkly ..•••................. 530-t6 t rtl'I . HOUSCCL8ANINO 403·2382, 2131335·838 1y11em1 11 lclelley. Al.o 00 IT NOWI 042·0728 Own.,/opar110t •l<ATRINA'S. LlllE·IN 2fS VAS EXP DUNHAM Hon111 & D1pan<11bte ,,, c.,, new ln1t1llet1on1. Ltci C1ttng Molner wlll baby· Carpet, uphol, 1111 rug h11Cpr1, dally matd Hrv. UllHlll WUTll HOME IMPROVEMENT 6rer1de 062·2800 t~.'~!!~1. ......•.....• ..........•......•.••• 406644. 631·2430 ... ,., .... ,. cte1nl~ Work guer ottlc• 01aan1nV, crp1 Mowinp,, e<l~lng, raklrtg, Aemodellng • Odd Jobi Cartlllld Hou11 Slllar• 111. In her nome. Under 2 Fr.. I. $411• 177 I c1 .. n1110 69·21 8 831-11530 anyume Ficc.111 .. HOUMkffplng INT/EXT PAINTING ~'!!"'~!!!! •.•••••••••• Your Delly PllOI yr1. C.M. 631-8788 f~.'!!f!I •.• , •••••••••• aweep ng. ree 11lim1. e lurnlah v.cuum & 6 WALLPAPERING Bond Ml I 11/dt'r (every S.tvloe Dlr.ctory -'"· 045·5737 1Upplle1 Kitty 041°41170 3rd wk treel 631· 123.4 SERVICE 6 REPAIR ~~~!!l!~I ....•..•.. ¥!!!!~1. !!.'!.'!! •••.••• •. ,, .. """ Cullom work FrM 111. R1pr-11tlve CHAM PE NOISE FINESTKINO •...••...•.......•.... Cteartlng no Job 100 big ~·· Stave 547·4281 !!!!!!!.!.'-·~~!~ ••••.•• llan Oppen1 Swv~ Co. HARDWOOD FLOORS 838-488e 14!·H'H, eat. 122 Ouelllt.d lndlvldual went• Fin• Ca1111ng In the old &T YIUI IHVIOI GARDENING Clolrt•UPI, or 1m111 bp, r1ll1ble, Fiii PlllTill bookkeeping, your otc 0t WOl'ICI lrldlllon. 645-11858 Par•onel, Qu•llllld drl· •m lartdacaplng, mor11nty O.eutllully CIHne<I rel• $8/hr. 057-3341 bio;lchar<I Sinor Lie ED'S PL.ASTERINO 111• min•. Betty. 842-5088 malnl. Nell ~2-0795 an<I waxld 832-4881 Neal pllchH, 1nt11x1. . ••••.•...•........... f!!!!~!t'.~!'!!!!!! ••..• ..,.,, for your Clay to Clay II you wan! your nouee 2 44 13 yra of nappy TILE INSTALLED ~ ... ~'!!!!.f!!!!-.t! ..• NEED HELP? Analy&lrtg, arr1n<11 ShoPPll'IO. dr K60 Lendacepe Malnl-~~!!~·"·············· RE ALL v CLE.AN, Call local CUllOmtlf'I. A"IUCCOI e.t5-6258 Alt Kindt Guaranteed org1nl1lng, bookkae-Cament-Muonry-8lock apple, church, 110 All RHld/Comm CIHn-up L•noa, 889·0318, Goo<! Thlnll. you, 631·4410 PLASTER PATCHING Jo'1n 840-9217 Appllld, re-applied, ~uar .. Ael1 ping, bartklng. blllt. Wall.Cull WOOi Lie nH<I• mll By nour or Lii• naullng, 548·2•89 HAULING-GRADING Rell Ra11ucco1 lnl/tal 30 ln1ured. llc'd 41 8111 548-41155 •381057 Rob 547-2883 day 494.5957 d1moll1lon. cl11n-up Custom work, lrtt & ••I. yra Neal Paul 5'45-2977 l(llCh bllh• tntrlH 730-1800 lrM ntlmttlt . CLEANUP-HAULING Cortc111a J trM removal HOUSECLEANING llc'd 20 y11 In area. tlfl cu11om 6 comm ~~'!!!~l.l!r!!!! ••.. l•d•n• l.mc.1 Drlves-PlllOl·Walka !'!7.'!~!! •••...•••...•. LANDSCAPING Oulck IOIV 042-7638 Goo<! ret1 Exper·o Hert> 52t·8012 eh 5 30 !!~!!M~t. ............ Free 911 840-2082 .....•................ NO JOB TOO SMALL Don 4911-3408 979·0756 50% OFF FIRST MONTH HltlO&LL Free Ht. 536-2807 DAVWALL/ACOUSTIC PROF SERI/ICE QUALITY WORK • nell, ATLAS PLUMBING• Cu11om Ceramic Tiie R1p1lr1. sml Job 1pec 11 MAINT & DESIGN Haullng • yrd clean up 7 DAY FULL CLEANING reu .• none11 Rall Lie H11t1ng, 1p1c111111no In work, frM Ml 875-5100 Oepen<11ble, 1lford1ble. GP Bullnesa "Doctor" Ouperatel Pillo work yrs. HP Bud 552-11582 Oberlin Landscape Serv Quick & cieen Free •II Guu1nte1d AHi RI· 287107 Dave 1184· 1045 repelra 945, t888 or 548°7283 Glert or es11n1l1I An1w1rlrtg Booka/ Da11/W0ta Frff daa1n. Lo prlcea written egreement Ort lllble Rell 875..()9• I Cnuck 11tvlc1, ••cretarlat Prooesalng Xlnl rels. 97-7354 Wall 1u1ures-Acou11lc 64•· 1248 873..()548 Lowett r1111t Prompl. HILL Hl·llH mo m11n1. butlnHa eervlc:ee, mall 90 Min on-1111 111111 Hang· Tai>e·Sleel llUdl HAULING • tludartl h11 ~ .. ~~!!!'!!~'-········· • nell profeulon111 15 Water Heater Special! ''" 1.mt1 box rental, word prOGes· $50 Hire tlma $25hr. C'111 Cui Uc 369944 1·532-55•9 OARDEN WORLD lge truck Lowaat rate yrs exp 848-568• 24 hr ptumbet llC .•......•••.••••...... a Ing Tele11-F1c11m111. (714) 645-5979 ........•............. Full Service Gardenlrtg Prompt. Call 75~ 11178 Martlld coup11, prior ex· $LOW RATES$ Chll<lcere wll.dy., cred. EJ1cltlHI CUSTOM PAINTING or<ler entry, pager1·le1se ••i/1111 teacher. Orgartlze<I acll-.•••..............•.•. 2ec Bernal 848·2922. Tne11lc you. Johrt per Xlnt tllS HOUH or 1nt/e111 Resldlcornm. PLUMBING REPAIRS 'Tt1e lrlm/remov. cl11n buy, delk aptQe r41ftlll ..••.......•..•......• Y1lle1 C.M. 645°4857 • ELECTRICl ... N-Prlc1d c..,,,, ,,,~;,,, CLEAN-UPS, GARAGES, •PJ-oc1-Apr (518) Free est. Lie. 844·4 798 Aeplpe-Rept1c1·dr1tn1 upa, mowing 554.70,17 ANSWER NETWORK REMODEL/REPAIR rlghl. tree Hllmel• on 88 ·2088 Free "' R111, retl1ble 760-7320 (Ilk tor A.VI 2 Oedlcaled pr1-scnool ····················~· ANYTHING! CALL 15 yrs exp. NB/CdM I'm 845·2811 Colle M"a Flntsh work & door teacher1 wlllc day care, large or 1m1ll jobl Need work done? C111 RANDY 642-7847 House Mouae for Renll smell, my prlcee are '!~~'.'!~~···~········· fl~~~~·!!! •.•..•••••.• hinging. No Job 100 t>lg Lie 396821 673-0369 Joel Paint. yd cln-up, ~!!!~!!~!~I ••.•.•.••.. ·~ & lull day. 845·2209 Care lor house & yard small! Ron 873-8477 Moat M.1blact1, K-t4 or smell Mike 631-8371 heullnt Clellv. Reta. 0... Haullng & yd cleart·up. ELECTRICIAN aicp'd. Magan 045·8912 01y1eve 5 6 $10/hr Ar1-Antlquea-J1welry Chll<I cere In college park Sml Jol>1/Repelrt. Lie penoa te. 548..0338 Tree lrlmmt11g, 3111ag1 Herbor Patn1lrtg, quel J O HOtrt Reflnlehlng f~!~".!~ •••••••••... clean-up. Bob 85 ·9844 !~!~~!1 .............. A11tlquH, kit c.bln1t1, Mr Morgan M5·5178 Appraise & Llquld111 area 2 yra & up $1 hr 233 108·C· 10 5d·5203 work, tree eat., cell 111 Michael Hein 953-0717 Remod 6 eddltlone, frff Full or pt time. Carolyn !'.'.~!rl'!~~ ••.••••.•••. !{~~!!!!~~!!!f •••••••• 6PM. 873-5168 line painting, 845-0684 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN BRICKWORK· Small Jobi. !!~~!~ .~{~~~!~f •••••. ~!1.~~!~ ••••.•.•••••.• dealgn 6 est. Qual & low 648-7281 ~'!.'!~I. .............. rites Sieve. 752·9556 c •• ,,.~,,,, •• ,,,, NEEDS WORK! C11pentry • Masonry ROBIN'S CLEANING Newport, Colla Me11. 11r..ti•1. "Lei the Sunlhlne In" Lie. 418968 842-8023 lrvlrte Rel• 675-3175 .. .... . ........••.• Orlv1way1, Parking Loi ···········'·········· Roofing • Plumbing Service -a thoroughly Fartnirt~ lnlerlor Dea~n Huber Roofing-all 1y~. Call Sunshine Wln<low CUSTOM wood p1t10 co-Repelrs, Sealcoatlng. vers. Cleek• 6 fences by "·"· ............ ~~!!!.~!~ ............ Drywall • S1ucco • Tiie clean houee 540-0857 Cullom Brick-Stone HANG NG/STRIPPI G NIW·rlCOVlt·dlC I Cleanlng, Lid. 548-8853 S6 S Aephll 831·o4199Llc AA NOV 841-0822 Lie. 306888. Remodel, Remodel J.B. 846-9990 Joan'1 Cleenlng S.rvlc1 Block-Concrele·Slucco lll&a·MC Scoll 645·11325 Lie u 11802. 548-9734 20% Monthly Olacounl ~!!!!~~I! ............. Ad<l'n1. C1blne11 TllEES Cerpentry • Ceblnell Houses·APl•·Ren11t1 Reta Free ea1 549·9492 ASA PAPERHANGING HtF PIHUI! lrttlelll. Reald/comm'I. Finish & rough carpentry, 846-8586/645-4644 Toppe<l/removeo Clean Plumb • Oral11 Clea11lrtg OHie" 540-1287 7 yrs local exp. Guar. Oont r•rool , repair 11 Free 111. 20% mortlhly AUTO ACCIDENT? ceblnetl. rm addltloos up, llwn renov 75 t-3476 Electr1ca1 • Tiie ~!!!~r ............... dlecount. 84•-4798 846-7228 AOO'NS/REMOOELING TIRED Of HASSLES? work Prices llltl II trecllort ot the co11. Cell No recovery • No tee Plana. LJc'd. oaorra Tll IUH IOHI Reis Don 966-0 t49 Quallty cl11rtlng help It *A·l llYlll* $8/roll Alec 751·7027 Lee 857-2890 CRAIG CLEANING CO All'y KoHrulh 848-4375 f ~!r..'. l!!r!~! ........ Pllmer & Sona M6· 814 here! Reis 960-7452 L1wn·tr ... 1hrub ln11111 People who need people Top qu11tly Speclal care E11perl watlcoverino ROOFING REPAIRS Real<l/comm'I Int/ext The 1111111 drew In the No S1eam/No Shempoo Muonry. carpenlry, con· Tree trim/removal should always check the Quality HouHCl1anlrtg In nandllng 25 yfl ••P ln1t1lla11on. Reas prices Small Jobi o k tr11 1111-Screens. mlrrofl ~der Wot. . • D•lll. Piiot Stelrt Spec:l1ltst Ful c:rete, ad<1'n1, tnt1e111 re-Lawn M1lnl/Roto111~ s.rv1ce 01rec1r6 1n 111e W/I personal touch. CM, Compellllve Ratu Conaullanl AHlgrtment main Cell Tom 6 Chuek work O w ner oper Cluatflecl Ad 84 -5e78 Ory Free est 839-1582 mod LIC'd. 846--0781 Ft'19 Mtlmlla 548-5 DAILV PIL T Irv. NB Be1h 850-<>933 No overtime 730-1353 581·8590 542-8392 846-3089 ~.l!~~!~! .......... ~!ll. .'!!! '!!. ••.• !.'.'!! !!.'I..'!.~~'!. ••.. !.~~ ¥!.'I •. '!!!1.'!. ..•. !.~IA ¥!.'!..'!~!'.'!. .... ?.l.'!'! !~'!..'!!!~'!. .... !.'.'A !•!t..'!!!~'!. .... !.'.! '!!.'I.!'!~~'.'!. .... !.~!¥ ¥!.'I •. "!!!~'!. ..•. !.'.~ ¥!.'I.."!!!~'!. •••. !.'.'.f Appllca1lon1 rtow belrtg Domestic IWlllHIU Pllreltaslq/a.yer RNtauranl J1il Wulff 101S taken tor lull lime oHl<le BANKING Chll<I Care n..Oe<I tor 22 Management Petaon'\91 Meyernot'1 -Prlmery ..••..•.•.••........•. personnel. typing. 10 kay mo ot<I. Pret E Side CM MOTHER'S Newporler Inn Salon •····· .. , .... Sr M AO buyer with ••· Supplter ot o<>Od tooo 10 Voung married man wtll TELLER er11 848-7350 Panlal tot1ow1no prel'<I WOIT1Yl per lrt aleclronlc com-<lo gen.rel hlndy work 6 some llght t>ookkff· HELPER 640.4740 11••· TraiHH -IEOlllTU ponentt and/or labrlca-the lrvlne Corporal• Call 1ve1 6 wken<la, ping required. Paid me-Part· Tl•• CllGIUTHI llon buying needed. Full Communlly rtaed1 an 972-9525. <llcat plan, vacation pay for voter reglttrlllOn drl· 111111 STYLIST .. II• YHr CtrHr for Eng 6 Teen, Mktg & procurement cycle dutlel enthualu11c. r91ponllble Apply In peraon only, no We are currently lrtter-v1 Paya $50-S 100 dally NEEDED Moll111led ll'fllSI neede<I Sllrt your new car-on Sales. Acero & Finan, art<I reaponllb:Ut1e1. Sa-employee for counter Serious young lady Cleal-phone cells "Kirk Paid twlc• weekly to foln progressive nlon our 3rd lhlll, eernlng $4. Date Proc, Bnkg, Ins 6 tery commen1ur111 w/ 111es. lood prep, and res room 4 ba Nwpt In Jeweler1," 2300 Harbor vtewlrtg for 1 Teller 750· 1828 750·5584 We ere oftetlng this po-Saluy. comm &. vac. Up to $4.!>0 H you bt· other areas. C.21'1"1Plete eicpr. Excel beneflll pkg dellvarlH . M-F. 8·3.00 exchange for nousekee-Blvd. Cotta Mesa. (parMlme) wtlO want• 10 tfllve llv•ln tlluatTon to• Mgr, 540-8889. come more exp'd Vou Tr1lnlng Pro'o/lded. M1m· lncludlng he1llh 6 denlll prn. GOOd diTVlng recoro ping. 842·6149 Ive JTllg. be part of OYr growth. COSMETOLOGV mature lrtdlvldu1t with wtll be promoted 10 ber Grp est 1961. Call ln1ur1nc1, lulllort r91m-neceanry tor dellverlea. Apt Manager, Hartd)'!Tlan Ae1thetlclan1, uper. r• 1he lnt1re11 and"un· HEALTH CLUB I N -mgml & tupervleory le-Pat Ehrhart BUSINESS buraement program. Call MIF alter 1 pm. live In hskkpr /aide. Full 6 wife tor Costa Meu Selecud lndlvldual quire<! Sii.in care 6 I•· Cleratandlng It take• lo STRUCTOR M.11 Wo· VIII. Call. 7t4·537-4840. & PROFESSIONAL paid vacation 6 notldaya. 557-6232. time Depend . herdw· complex, over 40. apl should have a min ot 1 Cllll. Nall Tech L'i:.tr1I help with the care of our l'nen's Club. OAM· IPM. AGENCY. Newport Send resume 10· king. Loe rel. 675-6999 ll'lcld 875..0447. yr recent. experience In Beauty Center. el Lido M·F, $-4/hr. 770-3200 Interviews held every Ree1eu11nt Salopn all phases of commercial M erine v11100•. NB 1 y91r old We aleo 111c Wecl 7·8 pm II 1t1 Del Beach. (7141553-8191 L11km1nn EllClrO· MEAT SLICER ano Por-Apl Mgr tor N-10 unll tor 1S1l1t1nce wlll\ the .... t1 ....... Mer. Colla Me11 and ------Opt Ice lion control person to Former SUPERIOR condos. Costa Me11. t>ankll'lp· teller 1r1n11c-673-4552 bHlc househol<I respon· every Thurs 9 am-noon PHYSICAL THERAPY 33051 Celle Avledor opar111 Hobert Sllcer. COURT Clerk seeks PIT $350 credll toward 1715 t1on1. GOlllELlll albllllies. lrt return, we •Walter /W11tre11t 11 1390 N Cat. Hwy., Lag. Sen Juen C1pl1111no, E11p1r. Pref'd bul wlll employ Tues thru Thurs, rent. 8•2·4907 wlt<leys Our success In the ln<lu· People nH<lld 10 train ofter lovely 1c<:ommod1· You can belleve 11 or nol Bch E. 0 E Calll 92875 treln. 0:30 AM lo 6 PM, pref. In Leo Bch AIR-ORDER ENTRY atry allows us lo provide 11 Counulora 10 aid 1lon1 In our Newport but call llrat STAFF ATIN: M F1ank1 Mon-Thur. 8 AM to 1 PM •97 ... 718 Mlg need person with othef• In dlatres• or wt1n Beech home, end • ••· 7'12-1111 Call 403·6824 Sunday Apply 10 AM to nkJhly compellliv• salary lary based Ort your Clnlre ..... .,, .. E.O.E/M·F·H Kind, lntenlglrtt prac11c11 good typing ano 10 kay an<I benefll• lncludlng probtama Thia new end experl1nc1. For S11r1 et 150-$85 thlll Newpor1er Inn 040-4740 12 or 2 PM I~ PM. nur11. exper per1on11 1kllls to make 1ran1lllon M1dlcal. Oen111, paid technique resull• lrt 1 average. Several perlOl\I PHYSICAL IUl llTATI 1&1.11 Lori'• Kitchen 77 S. care 720 -0779 , to computer. Xlnt t>ene-vec:atlon an<I more. well end happy petlOn mora lrtlormatlon -In· needed to 11ar1 right Marketing Menegament Harbor Bl. (Harbor at 875-3704 1111. OC Airport area All we1com1 10 1pp1y. vlle you to call (213) away et rtlcHI Or•no• Need 2 exper, P90l)le lrt Carriage Ot.) S...A. Sano reaume with pay INTERVIEWING BY C0rt1ac1· 011ne11c& C4"'1· 9•1·878t County Lourto• Jobi CAREER THERAPIST commerclll and lrtdu-Companion, Chaulleur, An Equal Oppty Emplyr 1trl1I 1111 Miii• lor IUC· Aestaurll\I Hp. lo 350 Lear Ave, CM APPOINTMENT ONL V er 774·0121 between Righi Away 1717 E Lin· Nur111' Aide lor Day 92626 9 30 AM ll1d 10.30 PM M/F coin, Anaheim F11. oesslul and growl~ firm CATERING Service Work Call 549--0373 Please Cell. Mort tnru Fri, Sal 9:30 31 Openings Fountlll1 I/alley Commu-Best WOf'ltlrtg con lllon• neeos lood preparation tlSSElllLEllSt •DIUYERSt Hol Rootera wenled. Call In Newporl Beech WOfk1t1. $4 per llr. FuM Male, exp'd, dMlrea poll· Pereonnef ()apt AM 4·30 PM Bob or N1vltle II $15 400 nlly Hospllall Trauma 7 14/646-5051 time; 5 AM-1:30 PM. tlon es nur1e1' 11011 The bell Jot> In town Call 714-760-6000 CMml PHIH Can you llert the b1S1 642-7222 Canter presently hu • Lori'• Kitchin 3077 companlort 957-3083 right -av ~ job• lrt 0 C7 Call right lull llme, Mon-Fri lllTllWT Harbor BL • S A _ X149 112-1111 For dry clHrtl~ plant -•Y lfflllPl·UYl·ll (8 00·5:00prn) po1111on Now acc.plirtK appllc•· 9711..()747 Fun & pl/time 111 1111rt 112-1111 US Top ~ Mrkt'g Firm avatlable for an expa· FrHlance Tour Director $4-$9 an hour Expe-~B.mk 30848 COHI Hwy, S Exper & trainees welco-Full charge for NB w1-open• 2 branch ottlcet rlen<:ed Physical Thell· Ilona lor Clay us PER· RETAIL SALES desires pl/time llve·ln rlenced and tralrtee• :Ji of LagunL 4119-11185 me All 1n1111 111111 11t1n nm & Fam mu11 Full blntlllt tor brtghl. pi SI SON, p/tlme CASHIER & Exper vl<leo sale• per· position: hlltpg. compa-n1ed1d. Jobi Rlghl S7 -Sl8 hr Jobe Righi ai>k E11i1 . own car, r•I hard WO<ker1 Clay BAR Pl"IOtl Apply aon. waoe. comm 6 t>e-ntort or childcare Away 1717 E Llncoln, ~'\\port GMPU Away 1717 E Lincoln, 642-5001 Requires BA/BS wtlh 1·3 In paraon blwn 3-5pm. ne11u Call ll1l1rl1 646-9136 Anaheim fee to mllnlaln 1m11t Palm Anehelm Fee Insurance }.~~~t~n~ tXJ?. years experience prefer-333 Bayside Dr NB 842-1944 EOE Sprl"tl Hotel No axper reel In an llCIJ1e care no-Reslluran1 '!!.'I..'!! ... ~'!. .... !.{~ ATTENTION M/F rtec 1td work aquell ELECTRICIANS Al Calltorn1a Casualty & apltal MuSI be Callf0tnla sen c11F SIPlllH AOMIN ASST to Prea ot nice 11p1 plut 111 Overteu aNl u . S. Many Life. -provide )'OU wHh Wld (714) ~-5354 ragislerecf Sauca £xpertbe • mu&L JUl.SUYIOl GUYS & GALS 875-9581 jobs 1vett1ble. f:«-lnk>; a-ineads from .,,111~ MAS'EUS'SES • Good N~I Ad Agen cy , t.lllUDEUt _ (312!.!_88-4347 Exl 309 -weoTfer ert 111cellen1 t-P'asltton-on b .. u1Hul .. ,., .. wonc-w11n 1e<>n. 55 PM. develop ore The t>eS1 place lo work CIDrr ....oJbeta .. ,_ worklrtg oonda -0-0lfO Monterey Penlnsula Be-aclence" Trlmmln&,&• procedures, xlnl ph akll· TRAVEL Cell rlghl IWIY-CHHIUTHI ENGINEERS/TELE COLD CANVASSING pay 8AM-12 n00rt 2112 salary. oulaten<llng be· neflts lnctu<le health an<I removal by Howard I· 11, Mklg/A<lv exper This meant th• Pro· Harbor. Cotti M111 nellta artd a pleasartl ClentaJ. helpful, malure. alable HI-pro hll tmmed ope-172-1111 Pubtl1nlno firm nr JW COMMUNICATIONS apee'ts are Greil wn1n (714) 845-3433 mo<lem working envt· loft. P 0. Box 34, Costa work history, 851-9780 nlnga lor 20 lh1tp guys 6 $60-$100 per Shlll. Pick Airport 11ek1 1 bright Oversets and U. S. Marty merkaling ou1 ou1111n-ronmenl Please contacl Call Mlet'tetle Sulll111n Meu, Ca 911827. Ph your hours Wiii lreln. lndlv lo 111111 Credit MOr Jobs Avellable For Into· ding life poflci.1, In ad-Men'• Prlvale Club need• our Personnel Office at a.t2-1932 Admlnl11tatlve AHlatant/ gala. tree lo travel coast (3121 888·434 ..Workere lockar room a11en<1an1 to THE MAR SHALL 10 coaal. Slngle. 18 6 Meny opartlnga. Job• w/collectloo• & ge11 ofc dfllon. w1 1110 provl<I• GROUP Secretary. Court Victim/ over. Frff to 11111 Im· Righi Awly 171 E Lin· dullea. Thi• candld11e Tne t>eSt Job ofter In the 1nase excepttonel t>ene-ope1111 •hoe 1hlne me• FOllTAHI Per.onnet Service, lrtc Selllrtg anything with a Witness AHlatance Pio-med Wiii be demon11ra· coin, Anaheim, Fee snould nave a pt11san1 paper Call rlghl away. tits chine Neal. abllltr to P 0 A·t , Ooa111 6 Lin-Dally Pllol ClaMlfled AO gram. Admlnlstrellva du· ting new product. 2 wks Beauly Salon n11 opening phone voice, accurall 772-8111 d111 w/people, non· VALLEY coin I• 1 almple ~ltllf . llet. dlreci cllenl conlect. Need approx 200 peopMI tmkr. relleble Mon·Frl . Xtnt cleirlcal & organtza. pd tr•=· average eer-tor hair atyllll R1n111 typlno a • wllll~nes• to Hardworkllfl can eam • eiccellertt oua11n1e1d 7-11 AM, 11 30·2PM, co1111m C1tmel, CA 1131121 Ju11 call 842· 78. 1lort1I ekllla req'd 2 rtlrtQI per Ml & up. 6.40-6023 l11rn Exper pre but wMI $500 WEEK TO START 11l1ry/ commlallon 5--7PM 752· 7903 Alk tor HOSPITAL (408) 825-5700 Call 750-8955 or apply Ir If rt Con1ac1 Deana • Office Spa~ "Free 10 Appllc1n11" Ullle Mias Mulf•t 111 on i years exper. $1200 plu1/ 12192 Chapman Ave .. Blllrtgual ln11rucllon1I Hurtl 54Q.-483-4 No 1xper. WIU ltllrt. Jobi • Secretarial MJpport At 17100 liuir::lld $i W•rnet Tullll. along c1m1 a mo. Xlnt t>enelit1 Apply Rlhl Away 1717 E Lin· Gar<len Grove aides. Verlous language-• BonuHa 10 16% ol Molal d•lk clerk•. $3.75 Fountain alley aplder end r11d lrt 1n1 via reeume by 5PM s. T1mpofary, "on call" MHtMl•l/IHlr~ c n, An1helm Fee premium prhr Fu11Ume3a,,..2 C1llf0tnl• 92708 For Clllllfled Ad Delly PllOI ClaHlffed 10...-a2 lo YSP Inc. 2803 WYllTTtl basis, $4.34/ hr Apply The belt Job llke 11 Ill FN•t1I• YalltJ • Mec:llcal. dental. pen· nllH, PI T t IAM·3PM (71•) 96&-8091 ACTION Mellon about Mllll Muf· Royal Palm Or. Co111 t r••r ol<I needs Irvine Unified School Dt-rlghl -•y a Ion dally 1157-3083 C1N I ftl'I Tutti! trtd bought II Meaa. Ca 92826 'G11ndma" In my hOml atrlel, 2941 Allon, lrvlne 112-1111 ••'11,• c..,., • EducallOt11I u.1111ance O..lty Piiot tor $11 95. You cen Nit Mothef'I Helper A lo'ollng Equal Opportunl1y Aert~I• lllttnltten wnlle Mammie work• 556-4900 121,000 , .. , •• •••rt Looklns or 4-6 exper. Employer M/FIH AO-VISOR your lulf1t an<I 1011 ot approx 25 hrt per wk. proleH on111. W1 1pe-If you n1v1 prior trttu· mature type lo 111111 ~2-5878 o ther 1111no1 1nrouon Eltperlenc1d only need 840-2240 •IOIT ClPTlllt T1k1 charge p1opl1 clallz• In rt-programs, ranee exp•rlance or a mother 2 wlldyl w/5 Ptastlc Dilly Piiot CIHtlfl1d apply. 714-875·8955 nHdl<I 10 answer this I.a GMP/ARM. GEM. Isl ttrono ••••• back-moa boy In lrvlnl name. ll&Cllll tnl.ATMI Ada Cell 642-5078 wnmn Can you 11111 lo wont at ed a.net111 galofal Jobs Aets 851-1138 AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR tne best In Calif. t19n1 :Yiht Away 1717 E Lin· 6 2rtd TO'a ground. the Proapec11 lmmldl111 openlrtga on I Ex par Apply Irvine 3 yr o4CI girl artd o mo old eway? n, Anll'telm Fee Cell Jol'ln Cvaadl Are Great tor an exciting Needed X·Ray Tech and Qtlvtylrd lhllt '°' "II· Clubhoute . alster need reliable per-llt-1111 96-4·0090 Ind lucf al Ive caf llf' wll h back office a111111111 for ""* or exper. Injection PREITlllllS IPM-4 30PM , 11k lor aon lo care for lhem In CUSTOMER SERI/ICE & RESIDENTIAL C111tornl1 Cuually & Orthopedic Office wlln molding machine oper •· • • JusUn. 754-7500 lhelr lrvlne nom1 on ••• MOOteSIOO General Clerical Job MORTGAGE SERVICE Liie Call or write Peter llmll1CI 11c1n11, PI T tort Excellertt ben1fll1 AllUL lllPfTlL Wed S1I $35 Clll Deb-I• 1 H Mw tlllft open. wlll'I nosplUI Gener1t Office, typing, Hulton Webster 11 031-2200 Include: Pli<I Major Mid. FlttH11IFaaMMO. ... r ble 752-3123 v ... 11'1 1rue Jot>1 R~hl = mfr Mull l'lav• llght bkkg, Malvre, Opp-Danial Lite Ina, 1hllt Looking To Add To Our Steff In C M ne.<11 lull Um1 Away 1717 E LlrtCO rt. phone peraonanty. ly for 111panded po•lllon. Califoraia Nur11. llc'CI, dHlrH p\11 bonu• premium• ano k1nnel person. Mon tnru experience In llllnY: & duly, lull or p/Ume 14 cr1Clll union prlvll~ea. Anaheim. Fee Submit reeume to· 10 11 Fri. Cell blwn 9em-6pm. To piece your menage con11det1bl1 typing. all Brlo10 Drive. Sle 11 I , Casual~ I Uf1 yn aicpr 831·11262 or Good. clean workln~ QUALIFIED 548-37114 t>etore lhe Per~k!;Pt~!ranl. 117~7785, Ml< tor Allee C.M 92827 Call Arttwer •Cl 723 cond. Mull b• Englla AEROBICS -FITNESS 1udlng public, 200 .......... ~2""300 24 htl speall.lng CIMCO, 265 Ate you plartnlrtg a move? ph<>ne HIH IUlllt lllllW. OFFIOI lilt• ... lllllHY POHi Brt oo• Ave , C.M . INSTRUCTORS Claulfted Id• wlll point Dally Piiot Don't believe 1n11 ad. you In lhe right direction Cluslflld, M2·5678 hoora, wages negotlable. Don't call Mont ewey. snarp peraort' tor front lrH1•, O•. llHI Full/time. Ellpertenceo. 548-4460 to find th• home you Call for app1 MAC olllc1. Typing, flllnjJ Ikeda NUrHry. C.M. Call PRINTING-DG t 75 ~·· THAT'S SOIE IODY 8,.S.2500 772-8111 heavy phonff. 875·9 {t1•)tll·l1H need. 842-5878 10 11e II II'• for rell. eoe tor appt, 646-5782 tor, min 1 yr exper. .SO Bookkeeper Comperty l'leedt approx General Office l•nHl .. H hr. TPS. lnc. 2230 So. 77 FASHION ISLAND 200 people lo trlln. Be 8 Interior ger<11n11. PIT, Dupont Or .. Anen11m AGENT deck nend on 1 com-Newpert Be•oh CPA tlrm mu11 have eicp. working Exper'CI Ortly tor Conv•· 1137-0531 E.O.E. NEWPOIT MACH M ust b• oapat>le o t lucent Ho•g1111 .. N•w· nartdllng Governmenl merclal 111nlng boll. Y11 hH lmmldllle 091nlng wllnterlor ple1111c1pH port Beech ood Work· PllllOTIOI SlfERVISOR 11'1 lru1, earn blwn 5411-1442 quarterly returns and 1200-$500 per 1hlfl lor permanertt lutl/Ume Ing COrtdltlOrtl Ellcetlertl Packing & hen<lllng ho-compul11l11d payroll. Jobi Alght Awey 1717 E. 1ecr111ry 10 work 11 a .. Lill IFFIOlll t>en1flts. Come and be 1 11ary Full time. Eng. Mutt b• 1xp1r11nc1d. Lincoln. Anaheim. FM. 1te11n1 10 Hcre1try ol Aggreulv• Newport p1r1 of our teem •P••klng preferred "' OPPORTUNITIES Ill Pl111• call for appl partnafl 11 well H .... Beach tlrrn ... 111 moll· 042-8044 Cry•llt Creation•, ... ••• 493.1540 a-5 deify llOIUTIH IAUI crelary 10 Accou"llno IN USA TODAY. a new general interest S1rvlc11 Deperlmen1 VIie<! lndMdull1. T1trl· OFFICE/GENERAL 631-5414 national daily newspaper that wilJ begin OllllER PIT, FI T, 11lrtt oomm, Dullea wtll lnclu<le typtn~. 1orle1 open Mull hive lnler•lllrtfi poalllon tor , /ti•• ltr1l111 Electronics & Communications work In OC Mutt hl"9 R E LIQ. Harbor·Peclflc publication in the FaU of '82 h as position FUlltoo l1land r<ltall ato-llalr for CIOlor, wlll I rein tlltng, HrOiclng, llfflll I 055-0073 1n 11ar1, rtlalllgent •P· $upptemanl your lrteome re. PoalUon evalllble tor & 01n11 gertllftl ottlc•. pllcartt Ma cGr•~or How Would You Like To •.• available for Agent Supervisor art axecutlva ca1hl1r e.t0.5249 Eicc1ll1n1 11lary com-MANAGEMENT Vacht Corp • 1131 II· by dOlng lnterastlno t• • t..ffm A Ntw SkJll E.xpr u banll taller or DENT AL OFFICE MNGR men1ure11 wllh ••P•· Doub .. 'fOUt Income Wllh centle. Cotll M ... lephone HIH work on • ~lop LtMWlhlp behalf of netlonal com-Pre-dawn delivery supervl.sion requires n1ad CHhlar. E O.E Etflclel\I, Entnullullc & rllnce 6 1blllly P.....,..1 Iha moll prolllabll end PART TIME POSITIONS, panlll. $4 hr guar pllJI • Miki' Nl'W F'rltndl early morning work schedule. 8«-5070 orgartlzad .. w/bkk~ working 11mo1pn11a avcc••eful m11k1Un9 high lncom•. Call Mr luctauve t>onw lnctnUYe • Eam Exll'I Mont'y HS Cet 61119' exper 4 dy wtc 648-Phone 752-8018 b11. 9 6 company rormer Am· Cepobllnco 9M·81 11 progrema. 81111 111pr. • Enjoy Rqrul&r CMllan Life 11 way Olrecl 011trlbulor R esponsibilities include overseeing Rap petaon to help w/ D1n11t-cnetralde, PIT AM, now wllh Old• World• PllT-Till lllLP prev, bul will ltlln lhl care groornlZfi f. IOYa Jf up. ADA, 4 d'ft pr wk. GENERAL wlll •now 'fOU how right pettol\. For lnler· W• oner .•• distribution agents. opening n ew outlets my long hi red cat . Bui)' pleNan1 office, Npt 831·8001 l4·H lnr. No exrc Nee. view call Ma Kruk al ' • t:xt'll!llt'nl Ull"ftl' OpportuniU For li S and directing collecti.On functions. Some krtowtldge & •x· Cir. 040-oGOO NO All hre 111t11 on or 11u-645-5778 Oreduate or Eqwvall'nl News paper cir cu latlon and n l ea per w/an1ma11 l'l•lptul. DENTAL ASSISTANT tor Maneget111t1t I Salll den la • T'Nllnlnt f'0t Pt0plt With No lnfor (714) 549-7281 ett Ortno ofc, cihllrllda, ax-EXPERINCE! .11111.1.1. M tll i.ty E>c Ptrtenicf experience n eceasary, management 3PM. per pr1I, RDA or ellglbll. TUll/RWt&lm 191-4811 , .. • A l7 or ~oc w 3~1h birthday experience a plus . To apply, subm it OlllFFEUl/Llll 11711·1400 O.C. Mtrkatlng Firm now Learn !xecuUYe ~I-E11cerp11 fforn tt11 Pub For Ad Action • ~nlnp or Prior S.rv~ resume to: Up lo S&/nr. Wiii lralnl hiring tor compan'r 1t•lf I ttno tor Eno • Teen. Have aometnl~ you want lndlvld~h po1lt1on• 28 Immediate MklO & Selea, ACCl'g I to Mii? ctuel led •d• oo E.xclllng Car .. r Op~1y, For Ad Action opanlno•·Yrf./ Flnen, Oltt Proc. 8nkg, 11 wall I Cell NOW, Cal a SOUND tNTERESTINC Persomel Dept. Eam more • you leltn. Ina & other area•. Com• Pick your llre. Or .. 1 for $14,400 plete 11alnlnO rrovldld. e•2-aere. CALL TODAY 979~7363 USA TOOAY Student•. Cal a Oppty lor QUI ra11rff, Th• fHIHI draw In tilt DaHy Pilot (between 8:30 e.m.~:30 p.m.J .1111 I.I.I. re~antry, l ot11111 m•· WHI ••. a Dilly Piiot CWDY 9'11NO HOT . ~ 1t1no cer11r c111n~1 CINtlflad Ad ~I Todly P .0. Box 6970 1111 .... e11 , .. Daly Piot r·il el Exc:arpt1 from 11•1 Pub. (7 141 848-4d3&, 24 nre. Memb., Grp e11 11 1 M2·&f18. AD·VISOR Cell Jack or Pet E.llrnet1. LaltJlla Nicuel, CA 92677 CHILD CARE. Opar or AD· VISOR OOllERNMENT BUSINESS l PROFES· Mort lernlllea are Qeltlrtg --··-· 2651 Newport ltvct. Olller'. MOii !Ml flrt. 4·& I JOBS StONAL AOINCY. N.8 . li'ia c.mpl:;\ "l>UO" Ihle -C..to MetO hrs day to tlelp mother 642·5678 Marty POlillon• avellable 5$3--8111 ~· If yO\I rtt 1 elm• 642·5678 111 ·•ABg wllll 2 rou3'3. children. 1n us f. Over ... •. 'or 8ELi:'idiilt1rna Wiii! • pat 11111•1 not ot1t1n1 :1 =====--Raft. 142·9 -Dlrecan (312> .. ~ ... 341 Ullld. ... " "°"' wit" • "'-UICI blb'Cll Ext !·I Dell)' PllOt CIAM1"9cf Ad Clutlfled ~d . • --. I t l \ Orange Oout DAIL.Y PILOT/Sunday, 849Ptem~ ae, t982 1'6 ~.lfM~.... .. "'8.!tl,.., .......... !ftl .. 1.1/f!'.~~....... . ........ l!'!ff '111 ............. llJl ~.-.,.!'IP.'!. ..... · i!!J w Ul.Ult1••fHMI • 11111 .... --At>ywlnlan ~ KlllAM Clet1IO •I' t ao1lr1t.• ,.f.'r.,,; •• , ......... . ~:.':'"...:::~:..:.••ir: Mit;::.;;;;F mATE W -IPu.!{21/29 •41 "•1 ~·~-r.:r7l:~ &:;"''3::&~c;:.~.?'· '~O:n~:t'~9'dt~: •lea wllll fl elr t•r c•-a... a...-~ llfWNI :=:·•• 111·110. Hit IUIO" W,,ll•• All equip 14100/orr IHlllOn• and mod4"1nt NITI~~ -~Or ... , San Ana :=10;: ;:.7~14111"1 .u.-aa-.. •• MM """· •O HP, .,.,,,:_ .... _N_ .. ______ _ HPt h•iful Aw.•v In '1111 w..ni. ..... All9. PS.co: ~17 South Alli"· ... U:r.;' .... ':'".r.:"r.:7.';l ·~ oeo 146 5111 ... ,,, f•~ ,,,. r.•IC>i\ IHI• •lural GA1'0IH CM0"8 Ttnw. a.ao AM U> 3 PM. We6ofll .. llCl9 ~,. Oonwey VPl1"' Pleno ..... • •• • • ....... . ~:~0 4111 II li~~5 ... ;';' ~~~Antique rurnhur • HummC!ll. Conn. n.~711-111• h-~MO~~ .... "'"II' DRY Sl(IA(l ._ NIAM tAU &et NOW Or11n, Chlck~rlng ~ Grand Plano. H 1 L 11 / Winter apeetei UIQ9tr•· Monlhl>' boel .,0,999, ClAI,... IV cm1 China, dolla, ft.,g 8 docka with calt-ndar. '"9 J MflPM~• ow .......... ....._ II•"""'· IM new pe11t1, lull eny loll•. 2• hr MCI#~. tt's E1citi1r ••ow prtmiuv, ... uncrw tand lot.1 f!lOn.• guudl wni :.O~ · "'6 ... 1.1112 =~':vi~~= ''~ _. we nffd ••II• ~II MC or Viaa OK. t Pf ~ llfa.t .nll• MOVING' MU8T 8AC ll'I gone 011er full option Ope" terrllorlH your LI....,. "8llum 111.!1--que 1111n dr•pt1 w t 8alowln Grand Plano, 1 pllg UIOO w/dock. 1111 IH• lar Ir. own houre eern 110 ~•••••••• .. ••••• -,..,. _ velence. well to well •so. yr old. t71-05t0 Miki Mu 11 1 •I I A I A ft • profll1• •e11 to ••••· Din rm Ml, 2 br ••II, -an.......... 97•3•11 ••• .:.,11 bll4lhld bu';.e hld.-e·bed, c"•lre, t•• e.utltullua.I quatlty hnltrut "" _.._,,. ,..,,,,,. ,_, 1fH !~~-~ .. ~~~~~~--~--~:!!~--•--.,.11 ble1, 1emp1. kll llema. A11a111bte now tor pur· .. It,: •••••••••••••••••••••• Orenoe & yellow drllPM. •""""•"••••••• .. ••••• 1; ._" n. lge Mlrrora Set. 1·4. cMN. ~. 1.oi., ... ht. 11 .-OOURMET' S[AVEA tor tor tlldlng OIHI door. Spldlng Cererre 170cm 11' boel with lrllllr, ball fi•••MtlelJM 111 t•ll Sun. •·noon. IOU f p1c1are1. .acHeorlH. Lot Alemltoe ~ reoll Frff klll•n• 1 wHk•, outdoor ent•rlalnlng. 0 o o d Clo n d . I t 0 , tkll• w/61lomon 727't lal'lk MOO Aleo '77 H ..... ~ .............. . llln/~ Bllboe Blvd. •tel. Oorrllf Avocado & Info tff·12:M'"l-T79t edor•bll · 1400. 161· 1208 •vi $40-4032 U a• d t • • 11 on Mefc. ang 11400 ONQ, C••ll" "1• fern :;:"'t~l t500 per C..... Ml ••• ~=:-,:;o ~!":;; '42·12211 wtt.nda Rowing !x•rolHr end ~~~I>• 11 011 • r · 945-alS:l ' Wt•I ' 1111 mo. Part time Mull bl ·~·:.:;.~•:,•a•TP:T:.··:~·l-;• ~m . SAT lhru WED. 1180 EnQlllrl llffboerd, DarunL;:'ltlnJI" llkl M. ~ ... CUbl wllh dre.,.,1. .ien1~d.116 bOlh Grand B1nk1 42' Com· •••••••••••••••• .. •••• ••"' ..,. .... L ""'"~'""' " "'~ "' I ""'"0 rON mAf'IOV., 1ar1:; xtnl, ~ ........ F 6...._ "'"etom -ede. t t25, IM0-40G2 Cullom McCoy Suri· pl1te & lmmec. By OllW· 73 F0<d Cab~ aemper, mature • .,., •• ..,..,. ... ,... l•t & Sun. 11·4. No '''""' • ..,,. 11ui. ..... • ' · ..... · .,. ... , -'" board 6 ti~ fin ""' ner Lo price to prln 3 •Pd. Pfl. p/I>, •ng MMallQI NfllM. ~5 Pac:Ulc on. ---------_..., "" '",.. ' AK • 473.e2n. 7!10·1209 w/wknd1 King u a11ocedo bed · 65-,-4 ·,,. 1eo.e718 mech'n xlnt 40 channel .... .._...,. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 Weed. V .. 1111type,110 cood, •1860 65 -otlO CO I I di SALES Order delk tor wet ,..., 11 Ac:ecie. • ••••• ;is•••·•••••••••• Kltt.,,1. lldOfable, IOI/I"", Cu11om w•ll Mounted Clll •• ,. ... ,.32 IUllE OOlm 7 ... Wh-...... 17 •... ~08....._ · n11rcom •• o, f MERRY G 0 ~ .. ,. ... -al nut 1111ned TV/ '"""""' • -.. ,.,. ..... Cerni*' jacke & ~. eult m r. Aceuret• typing 11 •• , .. __ EllWYthlng mu.t 90. Prl· • • -~ 13 .. tully •qulp'd Merlin .. 11 ......... ti ............. & gd lthone menner I ~.~.~ .......... , c•d to .. 11: AnllQUH, '42·1391 ~~:.;~ c,:.;,.,., 2.,, METAL HALlDf! .. I........... iri.n.r. H .000 616-4481 S "p7;Q97~ooe;e;:;; mutt. ler1 Sel at 1780. FANTASTIC INDOOR gtua, bdrm & dining Ml, RNllll\ Fr .. ~· .._.1-1 ....... ev .,.. OAO.LITE 1100. -... Call IOt lntrvw, 942·10t2 PLANT SALEI 470 IE. lcltcfllflwer•. llOVI, r... \IUl1ll • r......,, ... ,...," lt1·7'37t Of 131-49M -• t!I Ft OUTBOARD 12500, °"'' M-F teth 8t c M Sat/Sun trig, table•. meny mlec &/Of m nleture ScMeu-Kng ~ IOlid Oall Ctnopy ltff, II I ' 2M prQ ~I• ekll, )eck.U i--ll.-C-A_.M._PE_R_S3_50 __ s.... Oflfy 1,10~ Sa•'t'~~ HORSES Hf 940-7 ''° :ec: pw:':'~'?·1 m~~ ELEGTllC ,, .. I .. • Gd cond 55 t· m>1 0000 FOA W~K OR I _... v " rv...,,. .._.. ...... •~a.. Flu~ Kttl-. Red & WN· 7!1e.1209 ...,/wknde .., ..... fr-,.• 11 ti 1070 GLASPAR. 116 CAMPING m -P• ....... ..... Ln. HB' (neer Beach & ----. t•. 94M210 aftet 4 pm. 11111 -hip Mete dep\h finder 845-3344 -11H Hob911 Com. meet lllcef. Hell) I/I 194 ..,,, a WMtla old. Full elze BRASS BED FMtutlng ~of Ill 1• did 1 Jte/1---------ll•lflll Furniture, llld.-clothel & O•-.......... _ ,........ Exhibition C«ll• 8ooth (h••d & fool) 1450, from MO up lo~ off ., .. : Sworda. COlnl, wet ~~·-~~·1•11' re •t•l1ftl llkn 1141 & _... ~ '"''' ...._ 11 ~--SI__. . P""'A· FrM to Qd home 1 'ff Old 759-120e ev/wkndl Will bflng MlfnP!M eouvenlfa, ant~ and _.,.,.,, .....,.. ~ .... , .. ,. •••"•••••••• for Eng & Tech. Mktg toys, o--.. llltc:ftan, nou-etc. &It/sun a.12: 21212 · ..,_, ..... .... L•b ..-.. brok•n. d• 714.e6t-61to lhouland• of eo11ec111>1e Hond• CT 00'•· *"new S•IH, Acct'g & Finan, MhOld. 2973·98 Ceylon Amberwlctt (BIOOkhurat ~A 213·204 ·33 t3 Evu Smell chNJ of dra-•. Items. Orange co. Felt-29' S-ay ~ '681325, '71 "460 Olla Proc. 8nllg. lfll & Or Sa1/Sun & Atlante). SATURDAY 1-10 ~ approx. 22x15x30, 125 ,3x5 Orlenlel Au' with groundl, Coeta Mell, 1979 Stpa 8 Shower. 75t-4149 ~:~~in:r;~:~m~ llAIT w.El September 29th, Peller· SUNDAY t..e Golden ~ltrlever, m•I•. 494"7817 hand °'111~ 160' eniaoa11 SA ott Ming-refrlg, ~tti finder, 11• 1980 VESPA 200 Fully ber Orp Ht t96t Call Sal/Sun 9-5 3225 Dallo-eon off BMdl/Ellla. Baby Antique berb•ra chelr I Omo to good hom• A!t8:c'30P:::r~·=· lrvlM Racquet Club llnQle ton St. s~:O:: 1~•::i:~11~. 11o1~•1 .. 73.,.m25oe old, Jeck Ehrhart, BUSINESS ta llen\a, m11c:: ~2·8313 Oln:• t030. S550 Good w/ldda. Mll-4031 .... ~7817• · mbre•" 1450 Inola Brend new Pool Table. eon'• Sh'-ard 2721 w ·~-~--· ... ""_-..-____ _ & P R 0 F E S S I 0 N A L ...., .. _. .. Xlnl Best on. .1 "'' .-AGE NC y , Newport Mirrored lub en~oaure. lniM vvt•M21 Fr .. Khtent trenelei"I" 551·3437 · Coat Hwy,-MXt to Rutty #•N1r7'tJn/ S..Ch, 1714) 553•810,1 Neuglllyde chair & Ot· •••••••••••••• .. •••••• AM OAK Chine Cabinet. 8 WMICI, box trelned. Full·llH bo11 spring & BltbMI . 7tl0-l8n Pelican. Shown S11/SOn kNt.n 1111 ----------1 toman, Lawn mowers,+ Garage-. Sat & Sun II Trlpll bow glaM, UOn'e Me-3107 ~~!!.'•,!!.· ,goo.7d.1c71ean '"-'d Eng Bone ........ fvh Complat• weight Mt wUh t0.5. Cwt M6-4407 •••• .. •••••••••••"••• s •I.' p. r' 0 n I w I other apeclal MllC. 2 ... 10 2. 17582 Sptvoe Tree .......... ... "°" v ...... "'"".. blnch pre11 lMI than 1 '79 YAMAHA ENDURO • Ln ,_..__ 55211"" · pewe tene . 11500 . .__,.__ •A•• ewv t2+5 ~.......,...,... · experience In comm I mll'el mOYlng. 3128 Cor1I • """... • .... • •u• ,.... --o ~ c: ........ _ _.___ ...... "' ,....... yr old 1250 804 8047 --250DT xlnl c:ond II 840-5443 ...................... M v•~ · ~·· -·--· 1500 548~ · • !I' IUll •--•• ,.,. · '""" .;.,..,. account•. you want Lene (f10/B1k•r. Wat/ ~ •---&. s..,._ IOlld -.pie dlelt · ....,,,1000 .,..........,.,1 more than 130,000 a FelrvleW) Sat-Sun, o.5. ... _.. O•k drMMt heavy cat· 8Hut. ornetely cerv•d •1•• m • Wood clerln•I soo. 2l" McGregor Golt Ctuba. $850 ~S..3344 · year call te2-0337 betwni---------•• •:::.::: .. ···..._·•••••••• ~ loYlty 'nn1ati . ~ walnut coif•• l•bl• Lyre 'IP• l•i•· Pert. B/W TV 175. 18111511,81 Mllehed Mt. 4 wood•. 0 'IO K-uakl 1000, 7000 9-7PM wltdye. llUllY -led 'mirror, pert' cond. 24-90, 175. 946-9748 ' =~ ... ..._.160. 40-25111, l15M. 830·1209 Iron•. S 120 b1I ofr IHtl llU ml, Vitt., lelrlng, + + +. Clothing, furn . Many 1395. 088-7327 ~ 082-4938 ' •••••'•••• .. •••••••••• $2700 can't ride, muet SALES PIT. ••cluelve J.-UITitlE mlec 1twn1. 288 Chlqult• * *' BtJY* * MOVING • King u m•I· Blautllul Fleul 8-nJamln• 16' Honie Cet. yellow wt Mii. Merk 1173-3149 -•ry boutique. Davi & OCT. 1 St. Legune Beach Sell Chlldl Armolre, Eng. OP, trell, springs. frame. 7' high In IS" cleypol. lt.n, lnl••tHI, teq. 1unrl1e 11111. Llk,• •79 Yamaha 125 Enduro, night•. CelllOt appt. Ciro llAM . OPM Sun 9-4 ir.lnt lhepe Good u..O Furniture & Sealy, xtnt cond. t300. t007 Fulllrton Alli., CM. · "1 IH5 new. 12500 675-6181 1175 ml OrHl cond. J-lry, 540.t542 Oct 2. 3, 9.5 ·~ •---· 1295 oel-7327 Appllanc.-OR I '#Ill Mii 840.a681, 090-~M 0-12. (Corner 20th & ••••••••••"••""••••• ,89 Columbla 28. Mkll. Mu 1 t 1 e 8 . $ S 7 6 , HaJl~fTh•Ak..........., -......... Cr--•-', • ...... 1..,. or SELL IOt YOY Fullerton) Liquor etOf'.e furniture tor 5 .. ,. .... ,. ..,...._, ... .,,..~'V ••• ••••••••••••••••• ..,. _ .. -· '" ...... -••-s •-UIUlll tllll • e I e . PI• a 1 • ca 11 Loeded In good condl· ., .......... .. Ul.ll Pllft.I CMetmu & Eat• E..,ITE/ metel chair•. matching -·-_.,_ UWI y•-1-7 .. "' "'t21 lion· 112 500 Alt """Mi--------Knll, cloth. crochet •• Ubl•, 1250108 0 . 1411111 111-H!I w/hHI & ,11lbr1tor, ruet _.._ •-'7'rV • • • _. '73 Honda XL250. good (AHlllllYI) Item•. Bleque decor•-SllEWLI W,E oel-7327 velour, St35. 646-9739 °'bat off. 548-24119 IT. WI. 831-094& cond Run• gr .. 1. $450. Ell. laat freight c:o. -ic1 Ilona, ornamente, llo· Lo11ely mal\nn pedHtel 350 H"""'"'• U I ' R,enner 28', w/40' New-84S-0177 ...,.., motlveled HIH ,..,.pie SUN 0 /28 only SIAM. wanted: Antique ""'Cle-, ....... -It dr--·· •-·t'-Sola. 8', fl6rel Pim. Prov. ....,.._ l lfr# IHI ... 10 d•ll•lop naw ';.~11. _.,,Tole painting, PO<· AnUquH, E•t•I• furn, lain bllrber ctuilra."'-.,,. -· -·-etyle Ilka nu 1225 Red B<lctl, 175.00 ...... :r .. ,•••••••••••• port mooring. xlnt term• Yemaha '11 SR185, mint Eu--. bu··~-••• po-oelaln dolle, mudl more. ac:cea. IOOla. llnena. bt1c lop w/lnlay bordw. ltOO. 87s.-t593 ft~ 875-3175 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-Great lnl!Ht Call for cond 95 MPG. $800. -~, .,,....., 330 22nd St, Coete Mela t>r c-.thl.u. e3t~487, 150-02-40 MS-8741 a IOr TV. 2 yr wmty. St.e&. detall1. 714-549-7992 945-0490 lentlal c:u11omw. Start •t Spon1or•d by Th• • ac:. ~·-•"-"' muat ---------... -1-.---,..--.-m-.--1--New m111re11 .. 11· lull #a#.J $500/mo +comm Po-Plaller Shop, Coal a go. Cannety Village 4lO ~••"•• lfJI _, $8S, quffn 1105, king ,,..,,..._,, Fr .. dlffvety. Open sun. 1-...,,--------1250 Enduro HodMe, xlnt tentlal -nlngs ol more Meea to 429 3111 St., NB. -:re:::-.~........... L• 057-8133 $t2S. Andy 750-~2 ••••••••••••••••••o•• TV JOhn'1-tl4&-l7te Sebot w/reclng ••tr11 c:ond • .,.,y strong. '350. than $30,000/yr. Celli---------PLANT-PATIO SALE . Alt HARBOR AREA Cult RoNWOOd •••r•OI very gOOd cond 1300. 080 84t.,t532 M·F 10·4, 558-8328 Wicker lbl, high di<. kinda. Also Aloe Vere. APPLIANCE SERVICE WINI... Naugahydegoldaot .. bed, YAMAHA BaH Amp. ceb, w /dual 1219 W/dolly. 675-3070 X208. bOat, 1kl1 & mite. 390 211 43rd St. N.B. Sell We Mii ~ .. guar. PRICES START Al: xlnt c:ond. 1100. 507 E. Hlad with a double 15" chenger. Sep compar1· Ill' HOBIE lrlr cal bOll '73 Yamahe Enduro ~~~~~~~~~~S:!an~t~a_!IM~bel~.~C~M~-~--Sun. IPC>llanoea. 540-3077 Mattr ... & Found aet Belboe Blvd. t73-MIO. PV apeell• cablnll. All rnenll for records, amp, S t40Cl · • • 175cc:. lo mMMoe. Sales ltr Salt S.. M New factory Malecl King me bed ltOO, ollk In excettenl condition. tun«. & cus dedl 1250 H B a.a.os.o $300. t3t-4419 •nt•El1 11• EWfY\hlng from AntlQuel I Ill.........., Twin 177-lulf 197 con .. table 175 Rocker 1 1.000. ~779 --------Yamaha Max1m S50. toe1, n n 11138 Bale•. MeM \'erde to Hobby,..M•terlelJ. OAM Lei 057-6133 ~ 1147-Ktng $t67 · · 1-..11 ,..,. --------Columbia 28 Mutt NII 4 $l800 obo Cell Looking lor extre lnco-r·-:r le't8IOfl dlalt to 6PM. 4111 Santa An• Sol• 8eda 1107 • lemp• end end tablu, Color TV, 2S" coneote. c:yt eng. 111..800 me? Try Part· Time Salee "':::!::' ir·-• 'm•ttr.', Ave, NB, 642-2281 ~~-F·~ Sofa & low Mii $197 weaner d,.,..,. (bOth) 175. I~~~~~~~~~ x Int co n·o. $ t 4 5 652-5133 Oe3-957t ._ PENNYS VER ,_.. -·--... .,...,___ ·-Carpeting and peel end BUNOY Aull with ""'* 548-2429 aft 11AM ... , -· ·-., th• A . 1tro4ler. etc. 982 JoAnn. Dua lo dHlh In famlly )(Int cond 646-58411 DISCOUNT FURNITURE blue dr•ll•rlH. RHI. ........ 11•"/-·"• off• , -- Co1680 Plecenlla ':~·· 642-1704 garege Nie, pool table, 1050 Harbor Blvd. 94-66e ...._7309 .,.,.., v~ "-· ,. "11.#ldl "'' Run1 gre11. rnu11 ... I ... Mesa. Ask for ... ,... furn, dothel, much mlec: Upright 21 elf qulc* ,, ... COSTA MESA 831-&eOO 4 1'. 840-l264 .. ,, • •n•• ...................... l<l75/obo 6411-8382 White Brown S~ !,~hide-.. Come & ... .20~ Grant n freezer. comm'! quell· W.,..ti.d king u com· T~:.7'~!:'.• 1!1;:,n~o:.·~ c:;;o V. .::tyza. Llk~ ,_, •~••••••••• ~~W::. ~i '60 Su•ukl 250cc Sav11ge llHP&IY bed, 175. Small writing St, NB 646-7518 ty. s~oo. Wknd•l•Y,H pl•t• wih••••r .. $150, ......... 8 cerwd ladder 120~ :3s.107:'UI IK . ...,,, Hll tt16S Mull NII leso Enduro, nHd• carb. Part time. 8 AM 10 12 deak $35. Meple dining Too11. turnlture, r•lrlg, t3l·t 41 wkndll...,.. 831-1241 beck chr1, woveo rulh · •••••••• ........ ~..... 3600 S 1 9 S . noon. Must be eocurate room Ml, 4 chelra S75. mllc .. trg potted plant•. Elie. cook top, ov•n . LMge pillow ch•k black ... ta, beaut, dlltlnctlYe, Gibson, Fender, Oulld, t5 11 llbergla11 rowing 673' 940-5326/845--0139 end fast with numbers. Chlld1 whit• chHt ol 875·1728 hood, Thermedor, Gd lebrlc . eoft: 135: 1750080.e&e-7327 Roland lbanel PM"'.91 dory. 1500. 862-4458 • 107808425Suzukl,IOOb A11l1t Commodity Bro-drewera 120. Mine 10 SAT/SUN OAM-5. at 200 ~d . StOO. 873·4•68 1 _Wlc_nds_l ____ 83_1_._,2_4_1_1·K-,g-1-1.-.-bed--.-1-9-5-. -dee-k-, Yalnahe, Soni, Shu·,.: office, 962..e772 hotne IHll, IU1I & rune Ilk• new. Lo ml. Jter. Mr. Jullen. 640-1850 lpffd FrH Spirit bike 291h St. Blkea, furniture, ---------.._,. 1 .... ~.....__ .. ,....... l90. 2 dr....,.., S30 M . AKO. Excel. gear. Must ·79 British Seagull Out-0.Ckl Hn 11000. 842•1921 S50 Double bed 135 I c:to hi W h ID a co bo ~, 1 M • .,..,...,..., """""'· eell. 646-3804. board Motor .. Sll11er ••••••••••••••• .. •••" • llllP&IJ I.I. Mt iw1n bookcaN hN,o..1 __ 1_ng_.______ L~~y·~.~~~re ~ood Dre11er, dHk, bkcH, ,_s_75-_7_7_1e ______ BABY GRAND Kimball. 5 century 4 'nHP....Xlnt Sllp1 aoll. CdM arH, For aale, 1980 HOllda 750, boardw/foolboatde,$15 SAT/SUN, 326 92nd St. cond SIOO er3 4488 lowdr-. StOO,wknd/ Hounhold, refrlg, 3 dr, .. tuold,--.... ~.l3500. cond, recently tuned SO/It. call Carri• lwn overh••d cam, Secretarlel position In ••· CotfH t•bla 120. Newport Stire. Antq. roll Udo · · · ev 931-1241 1150, Ch"-dine Mt, F 1n"•n0 ~"'~II• II . 1350. 931-0114 7t4-855-203 Wkdyt cl)op~r. Full extend.ct ~~!~:Or~~~~~~.c:;~~~ 1992'n Meyer Pl. 9 (off top deak $1900. Swift ----------1-1-l;rTri•Mil .. iUi•iiir-1ov·e1eat, eld• tbl•. 8 4 8 • 0 6 4 6 . • v • 1 t "' ""··m . .,_ .. _. "'···• 11-5 • forks, king/ qUMn -•· w. t91h St .. Clo,. to ,_.__,Gar dr -. FrMzer, Ilk• new, c..._I tempt box spring a '"" ...... .. .... .....,.,.,,_ ..,_ m1ny 11tra1 11200 office po1l'!o" require• OMV} 942-81154. ~lldlng do';; I type. 1260. ..'" 411 In. round teble, 4 matt. SSo .._ Wettr/rkyr, 2t3-.... 2·1-. lergHt. current lage; ~~~~'t..B~'. 931·11325 · good telephone 11olce, M19C. 848-1397 640.0147 matehlng round~ 1200. Big eenyon, OVATION eolld body 1350. M~70 eve 1---------typlng, S.H. & eppffl'an-FrHHr, gH BBQ. Alr 1,---------1 . Picnic. dinette or •H 7.,..7 1 1 1 1 11 • 30'. ·• 40', & 45'. Call Motobecene, E11 cond, ce. RHI Ht•I• HP•· COndltiOMt, m1ec ttema. Find wfletyou ••nt In S-. E*1 dryer. Top of cerda. e.eutt1u11y steined 1,.,..~---""------• ec r c • •reo iu ar. 10W Sevytor lnlleteble, 942 4944 lrom 9·5. helmet•, 1ld1 bag•, 2 rlenc• helpful but notji~2~ise:~-...,:JW~Pl~.~a.~2~-~t!IOS~~~De11y~~PlloC~~C1~1~1~1~111eda~~--fJUne~~·~A~voc~ado~~·:•:'·~S350=:·J 1n nrown Met\. wtth po-wenteu ....... iqua por~ 12 75 • 7141 973-92 1 xlntc:ond.1125. Mon-Frt •••t•r 1205 tlrrn. e1Hnllal. Prefer locel 494-l012 E-~ethene llnlth St35 lain bWber dlalf"I. Full 1Z vlolln ldnt cond. 840-5326/845-0138 752-6786 Id I F I t I 17""' 931-6047 SS0.9240 1150/.._.....:. Dock 9P80I evallable up1---------rea ell or n erv IW REFRIOERA TOA _, · .,.8..&.80eo JHn, llas.lftuaft to 38' St t 50/lt Ardell .. ,., ...... , II#~ call M,. °"111 •fl• WatM 11• •fl• Wafftl 11• Ult•-. froet.fr... •T•... Twin Bed with cheat to 1«ftn HJI 642 5735 •-Y.'l'I Ill WttltJ I. f.....la. 0.. •••,.•••••••••••••••••• •••,.••••••••••••••"•• 1185. 1193-ooeC> mat ..... *•". Alt I pm call ~~ .__,.__ a • ..,.f ,., ... • ,...., 6 aided tabtia. 8 rnatchtng ""'' .-.v VIIlllW ,...,,.,.., • •••••••••••••••••••••• MARCUS ~ANNEL. 8'de ••••• ··~··••••••••••• Realtor• 6«-4010 ~ anr ..... l wan.,. over Relrlg, Sean, almond, blne:MI, bMutlfully fl-i-83-t-ee __ •s______ ._,_, _, Boet C.blna o.necs. ~ tie to 28 II . S 150· allO fOf .... 78 Undy rnocor ....,.., .. ~ •81 -ltlyrwtthExper.AW'fln lld•by-1lde. 20 cu 11. nlahed.tth......._.__...__ DI a a· flo 1 dMl"n ... ";l;x:';';';•••••••••• ler for trfc>a. A·I,.~"!,• aid• up 10 °ta 11 '1too. home, alP9 6, ,_bath, Wor .. ~...!.-In ..... ~ p•raon. 1741 N-port ....,, __ u__ v n, re • ' SAVIN COPIER 220 842-3CM7 or 646-4........ t> If ,. .,,._n,._. ,_... ........ C .,. 1250. 4M-IOll5 flnMih 1110. 540-173S 1125. Xlnt cond. 291 E. · 873-6145 tu · llereo. H cont . Nloe lrvlne ArM. 14 per hour Cell evening•. 1·2116-8152 ..,..,. Beech. Lut weak """"· ·-· 1---------·1----------1 23rd St. CM. 548-2183 Good working order Manne Elec1r10an St2,500 1157-5435 .. ~. 1---------Frtgldlet• • Froet ,., .. ,.. Ll11lng room HI (9pc). "400. ,.._._11nsta111Aepalr Side Tie Pier. Belboa , :::,,'.~~ ~ a/ a/ WllEllllE frig. ~ model Lr. e.r1hton.. $350/blt ofr. 8fk Neug Couch, $75 3 400·t325 blwn 9·5pm ~ 54e.2520 ev i.tand. 20-22' Mil prel"d R::·e 2~ ~nom•. $305• Cell 833-3'r40 .,.., a/ a/ c • P • c I t Y • S 2 5 . Cell 145-:JO 13 Chair., 140 ••· Coif.. wtcdy Nr oc.an. s 175 per mo &4s-aa 19 (Paull leniee ltett.9 t PM 14-18/hr lo start. Wiii IS0.9"0. Top of line~ 1Z S..., ~Pc~~~~ DESK grey, aolld wood, ....... Allfa req'd 873-263 I lltt.a.t The Pennyaaver le eooep.. tralnl Xlnl Opply. Earn fWtrlg, SW. Coldlpot, 15 melt & box 1prg, lltf• 87s,7009 Of 876-8405 tormlce top, $4017 y-.d:a ._ Private BalbO• 40' allp, •111111 Coron• d•I Mer. Part Ung -C'lonl for full up to SI/hr. Aa.pld ed· cu.It. F/F, au1olol. '200. new, 1200. 873-409 540-4814 - _ _,_ corner lot, wtr & elec 21 ti Good condition time..,.. 3 PM too PM 11_ _ .. _ -"d _........ vanc...mw, Call Now_._ee_1_·M_2_1 _____ t-Udo-------=t Wl Fllml• Pwr/ ... lor bu'/._Mll An. I 4.,5 o _ P w 11 Sa I I 55e-CMI I .. ~ ...,~ " ........ E.O E , 2 Pc 1t..r Metetaty dellt. Jna.....« _daoalfOQ purpo.. 673-2414 Mlf!!.llave previous ... APRIY P.ENNtt~Y.ER . . O.E.Mlctowave<>wo.llke tt. meroon aofa,-ellC. BMutlfl.ll-&acelque!My Jllnl cond . 11 35 ..... CAPT. LARSON,1---------RV&Boe1S10tage.S1per ~r. Srantntm.dletely. 1880 Pl1c:.nt11 Ave --, .. -,~... new. 1125. con~IOO. 652-9897 table now for purd\ale. 875-5090 wlldyl tll 5. Matt. Surwyor. Newport WANTED: 1llp for 40' ft Call Joa 1175-2279 Coeta Mela. ' 891-4811 fM '44-4555 Mon. dey a •ve. or eoucm.. tables, 1c:helr1 DESKS FOR SYLE lll4-~ lrewter, t4~' beem, 645-9730 S RSO 760.6070n20-4079. plcturH, acca11orle1. " • ....._., 842-0370 ERVICE PE N TV COMMERCIAL Excerpt• from 1111 P\.tb. Eurlk• upright vacuum. etc. Corner AllocadO & DHkl end matching ...... . eve '''"'" f1•nl 1111 Matalurek"~ wf~h~ CASTING COMPANY 1250.00 Weekly pay· Allmnll 8mo old. Pd L9. dre11er, gd. cond. Fairview Rd , Coate chalre et eacrlflce price ... ,. ,,.,,.. SLIPS AVAIL HuntlnglOll ••• .. ••"••••• .. ••••u• :'ftty ... -~---v-o i.;id; Interviewing relleble ctledcl (futy gueranleed) $150 Nit MO. 548-8500. 135. 552.eet7 -& all Maa. Hours: 10:30 em at 1550. Replacement r.!,, : "" H e r b o u r B e y , tll Ft Tre\091 Trailer Xlnt r c 0 °"" OY& people f()( background, wor111ng pert or full time Hotpolnl relr.... Look• a d • y M 0 n . 0 r lo 5:30 pm. SAT thru CQISt 12300. CALL DAWN •• ;;,:'~! •.•.••• -. 7 1 4 • 8 4 0 • s 5 4 5 . cond. 'l200. ShOwn Sat MfVlce In Ille pool IP& non-apeeklng parte, fOf et nom•. WHkly P•Y· workl grMl ... i110. Cop-75e.507g/720..it070 WED. 5411-2230 0-5pm M·F 1133-leOO. AVON Red Start dinghy 848· 7798, 840·4097; & &Jn 0.5. 6'44·9529 ~~~~~.~: ~:::: .!.~~ commerclal1 1ucll H dleok• mell«I directly to pertone. 54S..8500 l:5ma11:=:::::--d::-r:-::•-:-•::-:•:-::r-. ":'Qd".:""". -:-oond=:--.·1 . ..,,.....:.:..:.:.~.:.:....::.:.::.:..._,.,,--NCR et ... 5 Reglllw cen with mlr mounts end 213-431-3784. e-o PM '"Utn lflllJt. 1111 a fut rowing compan poteto chips, designer you from Hom• Office 0 .. ll<MI w/"tlddle. v-120. 552·988 7 e11•el ••••••. •••••••••••••••• be uled aa a ca•" re-oat•. Good ehape ms. SJ!p evell, NWp1 Bdl. up to •••••••~·~··•¥••• .. •• In en ~otttng lnduatrl. f:n)'~caw~w:;~o: ~'f~IY· Start cl•an. LocJt--4. wo;'i;e M O n · • 11 d • Y · or WANTED; uper'd rem. g4111., plUa can be u111nd ~ 30'. reu, Of pou. PfT 11' ........ TUI.II Should be re1pon1lbl• . · mm.., • e Y· 0 HP•· fine 150. 648-8500 759-50791720-4079. rider to fM<!/rlde olaeay. for menagement report New, ~ used ..,,. 1g uM. 875-30IM • S200. 645-3344 with a good HnH ol requlr~ llPPI only. rtencl neoeuary. Natlo-rnalure Reg d Arab get.-prlnlo()Ult. '895 Merfln oatr with detect1. I;:========.!.=======~ humour 714184e-eee. 213/1 · nat compeny. Do your MICRO WAVE OVEN. Llk• ITllll -ding. Comil In SA Hgta, Sharp Fu SF·50 t Copy h 0 0 k & II n • I 9 5 ---------'-1 TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST wor1' right In Ille c:omton new. 1300 or b1I. Cell SSO. .760-0020 28 ml o1 Bay Vl9w trllll. macl\lnl Sets. 649-4005 S4lrvlce Station Anendant, Mfg need• MIMed pereon Ind MCUr'lty of yG1M own M t-3 t53 King me 8-.ltyreet flo-Call Lou 07e.6838 aft t2 846-7441. 1---------~ft,; ~Pf!~~~ ~tlllon, to .,,..., pl\C>nM, hand-= .= ~ ~ Ga r.ige & oven. good tetlon "'-ttreee. eompi.. noon ---------iMwcury 40mdl 411p. 111111 ----------1 le corrH, t~ vat1ous name end addrau to· cond. clean 1100/otr. t• HI. Ilk• new. I yr.1---T-RAl_L_H_O_RS_E __ ~.'! ............. 1!!'f! oond. ':i.2420 Sewl~chlng Opare· ~ :!:'~.OC American Fldellty Com~ M2-et44 $800. {7t4) 994-0238 Petomlno, I yu, t8 2 Puppy. Germen Sh•·1---------·I ~Produc1~1/= Airport ArM. Good be-peny, Hiring Dept. 77. al-Jn ,,,, hlldllTHn THk B•d lllndl, 1500. 5*-3242 pherd .• F~~~~r home. ~.'!i.~ .... ~f Rat ... c. M 842-0851 n•tll•. Apply AUTO· 1040 Lone St. Dr .. New ';':;1:................. with. mattr ... 1160 ....... ",..,,, IMJ • PHOTO CO 350 LMr &aum.11, TX. 78130 PEUGEOT, IO·epeed . 7~20 ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Fr•• Shepherd milt, &1111 ...,.../llODt• A ..... CM ' -PIHH• men'• bike, 21 lndl Ira-2 matching Chalre. tland Olnetl• Mt/4 c:helfa, •c. young m•I•. Or•et w/ 13 ti Boeton Wh•ler In TUllll W'.-l/WAll99E•• IBM ayltem 8/430 or ;....~~7~· :g.o obo. made freme, down pll· tond. ~112d5. ~52·9187 lcld1 5'MtS2 Q09d =ir5365 Full time poaltlon avalle-All~ Allft .. 81450 operator nMd«I IOws, rolleft. Need reco-on. • •1 •1191. or 111111 Ml ble. Newport Stationers, S40·SOO nerae• per w/knowledge o1 tie ep-Red Schwinn 10 apd, v•rlng. 135 ••ell. 750-50791720-4079 15' Flehlng boat & trlr. 079-3536. Mr. Emmont nlt1 Xlnt dinner llouN. pllcetloo lo H rve 11 Cl'•t oond 195. 548..()()27 ..,... Or19nt114 Run, 8'11t· Xlnl AKC M/F, 8 Wkl, rid/ 4 0 HP e I e c , ll tr a a . Several ~•t1on1 avell te2.0t6n ..,. -• buff S 1 5 0. I 2 2 5 . •'"""/b9t ofr. 673-0&47 SHIPPING CLERK ...... . mar11edng eec'y for pr.-• 4 Pennaylvenl• Ho •• oond. -50/080 162-1«9 eY - Full 'or Pert-time post-OrM~... eldent of real Miele firm Puoh 11HC>d, good condl· Cherry reprOOUC11on ~-....,MOO '50 CMacraft 21' tlont avalleble. M-F. e-5. _.. .I. ~ Newpor1 ~~ tlon. S05/080. der becll ctl1lr1. Au1h t-J-... --,,-_-------· Oold•n R1trl•111r Pup• 14500. 81artlng •• $335. Bootl• ao1..q11 ,.. or Sandy 1131-3123 ... 1 •. Reg price 1900, ..... -:~............... :~~ t.•.g H:~ f~~l--Att_5_PM __ ll3 __ ,_-0MS __ _ On hp•. Inc. 71 t c boerptl from llat Pub. ~~ &.IUI-... 1450. S50·1182 21 lnctl. 14K rope c:tlaln 714/535-24~. In .... W • 1 t 1 7 t h 0 . M . WAITll/WllTlllS •••••••••••••••••••••• ·--... -'·'· • ._ Calmod• ••lmon plaid with v. ounce nui9•t. c. 6""'9lo 548-5525 With c:er for wtclc• be9-bd.... Ml ..... !!!~~ ..... ~~ French holt chair. Reg $850. Pr/pty. 931·9 t Hlmaleyen mixed ktttene, ~~.new. 54= Telephone SelH • 1111 ket IUnc:h ~. 0;30 to .... ,....-. •. •••••••••••• ...., II In $1 ooo, Hll tor '350. DIAMOND Ring, appral-&wk•. 1 ~ Fem. 2 atrp detl\IW'I work. Cath paid 1·30 pm Mon-Frl &m AnUque IOld Met\. Chto-... c:t • • 550-1182 Hd •1 11000. Aalllng rnale, l20. &31..()133 &JIU dally. Apply 770 W. 10th, 1°150 to t170 Wtt.ly'. Mutt ms~ ~~n. ~~long•~~ 7• Beige OOfduroy COUCll. 11000/0fr. 646-9080 FrM to good llome !Ova· To prime ~ tn St• H, Coela M.. be nHt, personable, . fencing. Ci.ls Jim Of Ken Ilk• new. t300. •~u-"1I bl• ml11ed breed, good tNI notably~"'- Silr111lng1 ut With ally •n«gatkl. 970.0747 •I HA\09 eomethlng to Mll'f lllytkM n5-1491 545-7438 ~::1............ w I k Id.. '· y,. 0 Id. ~ B.a:,)11MrM·..:...s~ I~. Piiot Want Ade JO AM for appl. Olaellfted ad9 do 11 w.11. ' ' t" ~TA JOINTER-193-7793 _, ...... -· ....,. ---------!'"----------------PANELING v.''llA'xl' unft.. -.E Ill .. n.11 PL.AN£R, w/lllnd, RABBIT FOR SALE: 'A MMd. 30 mlnut .. from nleh•d ath Sl2.50 •&. $.45 ~e-9147 St25. 08).1381 Frendl lop. 'A Ctildl.• LM Vegu ltr'lp. 8IMpa ttt·7S1I, 4 large dlnetl• or game I " CAAnSMAH red Giant, 1 10. M!14481 :kidw .:=c:=-p': PANELINO 4'118' Dirk table ~ Black Nau-TABLES.AW w/etllld. Have eornetnlng to ... 17 .... $24,500 ....... eel stain birch. 110 ••· aMIYde wtth walnut lrim. 1125. 113-1381 :. ~ ""'") _..~.._.1 101 ·737t. Ceder & f.llcillentoond.l60Mdl FOlEYBAW ~ad9uolt .... ..,....._,,,_ ~.....-·-' Aecl'#d. 1Ye11 or bMt oftllr. Sllerpens ...... MOO .... I ,,.,,.. .... a lluhll AEDWOOD DECKtNO M 2•67 .. •~• Sell 1225. ' ..,._1311 &.I, ._,_, 2'c4' .. 33-, VCI, 4tt Pit Delk, awN91 & tntwvtew .,___,,_~ -•• ~:!ft!!!!, .. , ....•. ,;;,:x:;-:: •••••••••• Boat picture ads provide ' I U ' Ericson FUiiy ~ crulM, 9 .. 11., UHP. c~. co.,.,, Per*t ec>ndlllon 118.500 ft. cflfl. Dirt Vll\Mr. Od --... ,,, • HI "--al Hll ....,,.., "5-0122 • ". p • • ., • 1 ' 5 • ...................... • ••••••••••••••••••••• ~~...... ••• ••• •••• ~---------------...--11 "" M0-3748 =·-,. 111 m 123-45417 - a-. ,.,. I 10 20' IOnQ, * pw ft ~~•••••• .. ••••••••• Che•t of drew•r1 w/ 715-14t1 enyUme 8Nfl TIU a.. UIMO Apeo. bOOUh•lf. Metc:hlng . AKC, •re4 wftll Love , cSeM 14<>. -411 Mii 19'>· SURPLUS JU" C.. · ~ ~25 ~2 .... Meny ... for Un-liii-==~===:-·1·~· B~~[!~~rn~I • l50.oo For tnto ce11 r •:.._.~cor:& s15. (3121M1-1te1 b1. nit t11-471t SURPLUS .IHH. c.,..,_ 1---------1 eo.te. M.-y Sell for~ IMUtff\il hMV)I Ql4lll OOf· der ISO 00 '°' Info cell ... tabte & 2 end tabM. (312.)t31·1M1-&t Int ~~~!!!!!!!!!f!!!~l~l=1~IO~t+4-;::::1033~:;::::-:~11· Tiie Spa, heater/blowtlf, 8rttUny 1pen111 fl9lft l lt Dining ~ Tel* w/I l(ltret. 1500. 171.ol47 ~:3':rebt•cl i'io 01111re, petnt•d white, 115-0llO • • i•llow trim . I U<l. a::::::--::-.:::---.iAail·=..,_~74:12~. -----!'"" SIH Moree diver• !'m.!!.fftt •••••• l!ff "ound o• e•me table, ~3:0'.!11ro~.':., • ~ •d~:~ Ablllldoned tilltene need w/4 oomlt Ohrt. Kint b rown. 81 u . excel l'OIM9 MOl'e Wo. cond. lllO. M0-4771 oono. tee0/1111 ....... 1 cell 141-tJOI 4')(4' eq Oelt ~ ~ fltH9ALL MMlHtHS et1Clll t LOVAaLi KIUen1, I ~~l!'t4e ~...... Gafld. ltl"' ....... oeloo. ... ..._, .. ·--· ......... l40-4tt4 ,,_,:,....~._ '40~C0.'81T .... --~~:.=~~ 'l,...._..,. ...-. ti Itel. ~rovlnclel lttO, Mo1L ell ••w ~ 01 ........... ~107 .,.. ttol ....,.,,. Jl9.I01't, TaCM019 " ..... t Set your COUtM for fast sales wtth a Delly Piiot boat picture ' ad. Each Saturday. the Dally · Piiot wOI otter you 1<1 91>aoe lhlt not onty delcrlb.-your bott. but pleturn It u welt The price 11 guaranteed to · ·buoy your 91>lrft1 -S.5 It M take th• plctur.. and only 140 If you provide the picture for 1 2 column ~ .. ed. For Mther c*el .. aboUt how o .. ey Pltot boat s*ture ad11 can "°"' tor you and to .cNdula ~ ed. cell M2·H71 and • for Salty Lee. ) I I. . t I I f. i ' . •• Orono• Coaet DAILY PILOT/Sunday, 8tt>t•mbef 28, 18H A•r ~~:':4,. 1.~!1J.f'F1m .. 1.~ff ~ ... ,,,..,,,.~ ... 1.1M 11«............ • 4!'!!1.~1,, ... ,1 ....... ~¥!1.lf~w. ...... 14 ... '!:'1.t.~ ...... #1!!11.~l!'!!!I. .......... ,,.~ ... nu~ ....... 41.",.rm. ......... .. ;1i .. r'a ltt • t:o"o•.,·-;,t:,·~: ~11~0~~~~1141:.~,~~ WI PAY ~~!'.'!J:'!'.a M! ............ I.~!. !Ml ........... 1.~fl ~~.ffN. .. !~ . &.'!!~! .......... 1!.~f 1.'lt!!!~ ...... ll?. 9.'.'}.~ ........ !IM up to ~off you• bod1 Tiu "''"· 111 loP M•ny TOP NWI eui1toof, ,d cones Like '711 UOI, •Int oond, 11r _. Mflllf 'U lAAOA me11111t p.w ,. A '71 e-.ti. HWll* 4•Clt M109 "' 1111 814 0~3:1 hllll N11d1 worll n1w • ' .'400 010 I lnlllm Ullelll, IUMoot We 0111 he!OI llfOfe ...... ,.,, Ian inll, Poll"*I.. .,, IU • TLt! AIC, IO f'ftl, 14110 1ran.: 4 Wlllle l•J• m•o•, 12~60 obO .. 11.-211 Piii 1111 Ull 14o .111 1 1v•1 • Mutt Niii 110001010 1x1y, c~ our 1inb4l:ii You CM tffOnt la lov1, loH 111r10, 111 New paint, 111n1 Int a ~IOO 61:M112 14•1", II luQ Llk• n1w '79 CJO w11ow m1 ... 1 1on1 AUi --167·Mt4 dtY•· I 110·00411 --bl• H lecalon, Hvlng• 81uy vu.tr,..,_., :'!'!oun~:'~'~•'•~t:~ :'2~1:7':C:·;~&~l,W'· '13 Hove C\tMom H , ltK llOlut oh. II&& ll3t4t oond ~ ''""· l•IOO NlllAllllUll A11llt .__ •111 'IQ UOI .t-ud, bt11it1n ind wvtot tod1yl ~ fl'Olft ua. 11000 '4Ml20 • .,, luo conv •ll11er 11 11'11, ••n• eng A1ktng Auto lod~ & p11n11ng, 1151 ·8400 2480 Hltbor ll11d ....... nni"'···T···· 1 r"· •le•llO ,.,,., ':1'· &I· llYDlm $0 '71 11118 , brnltln, nu 000 ml, mlt\t,0lt900 . PIP 11800 '2•0·I07l l*Hll'Y 1 d•v Mrv Aea1 1 .. 7" CJ .. L •• , X'NT C08TA MISA II Antta •lleJ 1111 1°Y1·,. 1 0 1 0 11r0m,. 0•4 P ml, UUI I lllNI ctu1~ ... ,b ........ nu ti'"• Dint &07 3034 ·eo ChfYY no wlncloW "'"· 1n1 Jobi welcome • • u, 0 .., • " ...... ••to Prof tHlored. 1orot0u1 f 1·• 1'1 HSO ... ., ..... llvd ""' "~.,, ' al-3lStO cond, oew llre1. &l•reo --Qetea-d In N H600 oond See 10 1pl)fecl1te COITA";HA lowered, 1h•e~1kln 11 '11 IUP(A lllTLI ,,_tit• &4 .. '4l7 c .... $!1600 86\.IMOO Nl·1 .. , -144·~10 '173-,'45 ... o.11•111 cvr• 112.000 • f-23111 f\UN80000 11200 _1_1_H _____ _ "911 CedlllllC wlte whll • .v -.... Ht1 fltl •II yelrl, lubu, .,.-.. , ,.,, WI llY l!f! 1111 76 &3()1, 1111• n-. lllrf, 4 ·17 9119 T.,o •• 1/0, II • ~, nn •· U" ., ,.....,, llt 16700 !•Id• '79 Hon"'• Oluto , ... ,n DOWN loi•· lo ml, mini 70 VW Cl1"1V •·~ ....... ,r:m•••••••••••••H•• 1ock11 e11erythln9 11Q •••••••••••••••••••••• OL••1t ••••••••••••••• .. •••• .....,..... " • ..., • t ""0/ ,.., vv"• ....., 71 C e I .... 1260 ... $1211 aa/ royoll '75 AM/FM Ill· 51111 GAii M4-H31 mutl ... , '10 vw 8u1, t ""' obo MUii NII bletoP brlnd MW bf111 Omll u. &IC, obo '44-6742 eve• reo c a11e11e em111 Ill TllOll 711 IMW 2002 ctten Muel Mii Both I LEA E lhl• weekl Ned 641-7245 °'"· l'iio10t, & pei/'11 v.C gOOd oond • .. c1mper 1hell 12 I 70 Mlnl-loeCS.O-muet NII own tr I 2 6 0 0 • 1 . r9'rlg, PfoPln• 11v, killer Cell 0-40-1311 'our Por1ch• chromt Of3-8el8 H 260 141~68 6411·802 J1•1•lt ITll1 11ereo, 145-7301 : rlfftt, 4'J\X 15, 1225 •••••••••••••••••••••• 831·7439 111600. C.,,11-"'1 lfH ee1-0421 SPECIAL PUllOHllE ·113201,1Jr. """'" 0111. '12 ..... , 4.. 21 lfW llUIUI •••• ·:r..-. ............ . . l'OASCHE 1114 ENGINE New '82 J .. p CJ'•· 11110 IUIO, 1Hoy whit, 8DK mt, lllver. IUIO, 110, i?'· to ChOOll from "'57 cs•uo. ,llke new. etoell ·7 ... 4 ,~rk IV. ,ult_Pwr, '"".OOO mll••. 13".. ••••a....._ '8000 831 3568 crulM cont 1mllm 111.. A1 row u 1411811 (11r oon .. • nl, mu1t '"' •-1 reo. QM ..... mao -"" choo11 lrom lnclvdu -·--•-. • reo 0111 .. " 11111 under !380) 12550 497·1597 eond. o7&-M'74 a.Q-63261846-0136 winch l•mbotff PICklOt LIAllll 76 2002, xlnl cond, &OK w1rr lmmi c 073-o .. 44 Th 11 '83 A 1 --------1 and mucll more .... 20•0 ..... ... 11'11 1u10, BBS whte, lie, • v e 1 new I lince '74 Bug, new tr•n• 6 Ml· 6'-M•I !'"ores 381C tunnel rim SAVE THOUSANDS 1111 Intl ...,,. '" "•"'"'4 .... U lof1 of exlru. SHOO '76 8l1llon Wgn, 38 ml, ~11111e".!,111':!,'J°'• Imme-~ntoflm'"1 i'mp'"~3~ ftr.!J!! ......... r~~. meollold •12 1160'• OWlll ••••y Top doll1r1 for Sport• UllUUOI UW obO. 631·2852 nu Mich. tire•, Jood u " ••• , ''""' ... • • ....., 'Ill V I I did ell $250/oll 646-45311 --Ca • B ~· Cl 2e.02 Mll'''"-1'• Pkwv 0 0 n cl I 2 ... 5 / e 0 IUllt NAST fir,,; e.4 6o34 . • • OI ' 'I OW, AllOl "HP/llEU•LT ' · u · mper1, Ml111on•-v._._ . ., '78 8NW 2002: Show ... · · • t>Mullf\11 cond. mike ot-914'•, Au '• _,,, 876·3070 AllO/JIEP/lllULT '75 Con11•rllble, yellow/ fer •te-5116 A It Ill 2524 Herb<>f Blvd . CM A k 1 U/C MOR (Al/9tY Exit oft 1-5) room cond new tlrt1, -------~ .... ~ ... ! .... t....... s •11-eo23 5411-1110 •11; 1111111 Open Sunde)'I :=~· ~~: 1::1 ~:l'j,~ /fl.!~! •••••••••• !.~~f ~ ~!:~~3bor 81~5.~/:o blk. 1~2r84e.85411 t#I IHI IMPORTANT NOTICE '75 GMC Crew Clb, l lr. ya1•1wu11 ~ 8e2-2'"""' ·-......... ~. ''"7 vw BJ 8 , ....... _ ...................... , TO READERS ANO crul11 new tlrtl duel _. ..,,.,. ,._ ""'' • w a.JJ I 1181 v 1 a ug. .....,..... '71 FORD M1....ictt OOOd ADVERTISERS lan .. s, 'alnl coftd s'3nn.. 18711 Beech BllfCI Mull tM $8800 I fftf enf Good tlrt1. Mu11 cond ' .. .. ., • ., ""UNT NGTON e"·C c. I I .. • ••••••• ,.............. ... $1600 ........... , . 3 MW tlftl. econ. The price ol llems ad-953·4056 n I ""' H Sllft-SltVlce·LMllng .!l.'•••••••••••••••1•1•8• 831-2742, e...-1143 '"~·-........ 111/l(I) 'J #}DEALER IN US A • ~ 1850 4114·3211 vertllld b1 vehicle dll· 14J•2000 •• •-II a. J 11•1 -·--f' '80 V bl I 11<1 In the vehicle classl-Ranchero '73, new paint, ' • ••"'I •• hrtl '73 Ceprl, tntl, AC. AM/ •••• o1 ll'1I (\ail ll ~...,. · · inegon. ue, 11 nt £/anla IHI' fled edvertlllng c0lumn1 motor, xlnt $19501080 WllTEDI Nice Selecllonl FM, rtdl, Xlnl cond, BO ·····1·1·7·~··.··········.····· 7Wl3)tJOO fl)/Cl).5000 ru~ ~r~ llCrlllce 760 390 •••••••••••••••••••••• dou not Include any Mo v I ng mu 11 a e 11 * '76 2002: • 1pd .. 1n/rl. over S 1750 e.2-7605. • • · _ ·I '66 2 door, new rldlllor, ippllcable teicea. license, 669-9334 evea Lile model Toyo tu , (lll!PVB) . •75 "Blick Cat" VO, tunrt, MIAl.U llUlnll . '67 vw. tune good.""°' mulfl111. 111r1•r, elttr- lreoater feoa. finance ·72 Ford R1nchero w l Volvoe, Pickups & Vane * 711 3201, 4 apd., loe-llereo t•P• c111n Thl1 one la• hare! to find , . ...,_"'"''" """"'"'' '"'''" p•lnl, •II orig .. clean. nator, ne1r new tlf .. a charges,leesforalrpOl· shell Must 9111 $1200_ Clllu1tod1yl . <ledl(815XOH) 12800· 8 4 0••0020 : con\'lrttbi..(629NAI) '813808L,7000ml.Wlre "'""''A•>C"'"'...i"""' Mu1t aell lodayl 1926. L1ndeu to'4. Avg . lutlon conttol device Mark 673_3149 (~8:8(JZ05J281: 1uto .. en/rf. 953•2023 • OILY ••ttl whetla. $38,000/0BO. oC9f ~AY\.JJ-s 840-5150 .. , $4115lofr. 642· 033. certlllc1llon1 or dealer .. " J) • 213-832-8978. .. HH * '80 :1201 5 spd lo 0 If•• Jll 1111111 SILVER CLOUD I '611VWVAN11•00 ,.fn'!!l documentary prepare-'73 ~. ton 4a4 Chev PU, d..,.I (231ZV:R) " I · Ille• -'73 Merceoea 300 SEL "S" I I h d d I I NEW ENG . .& CLUTCH •••••• •••••••••••••• tlon ch1rg1a unless ,air, camper ahell, $3000 TOYOfA·YOlYO ""' •••••••••••••••••••••• YILllWAlll 4 5 s Iv "· •I an r 111• n 860--0520 '17 o.,,I Mia Olh1rwl11 apecllled by 1-674-9410 Elllnore .... ...,_, ••• • '80 533101; loaded 18711 BMch Blvd. MI n I ~~~odof, 8 ~ ~w~~ iclnl riinnlng order. need• 12,995 Or befl offet. )(Jot lhe1dverll11r llllTtJtfapt1, c......... (5555346) HunllnglonBlllC'1 551-97251113 co1m11lc18$l4,SOO 'HIH,llllPIO cond . 50·611111 or •-""t•n/ with camper •hell "•••·UOl.-uo.tol Hl·l1l1 142·2000 (213)710-690 e.5-33-44 645--0218 ...... ,..,., "1800 Firm 873_..., 18 208 W lat, S1nt1 Ana '72 Mercecln 280SE 4 5, C/111/ei 152 • "" WI llY Clolld Sundey ·1e JenHn. 38,000 ml. 11r. 1u10. AMIFM. Im· le'-n 111Z ·ee B•I• 8ug #e1,_. Hfl •••••••••••••••••••••• ·11 Chev '· ton PU New Lotus en~., all etec. Make mac, $8200. 640..7884 •••••••••••••••••••••• CIMn Runt good TraJ. •••• ;;;••••••••••••••• ... EL "A"tl tires. 4 WO PS PB USED CARS & TRUCKS CHOICE INVENTORY oH-•• ,.370 -Slles·S«vic.Le1tl,.,., ler hitch Stereo L"'"'I· '87 Muallng GT COME IN OR CALL FOR VO LUM I: SALES -..... "V ••• '78 280SE. brn, AIC. .... ··-u1&01 ... i. r. ck. x In I c"""o n·d. v~ ......... _ Shay repllc19, pickups & Good buy. must sell. &~ -..._, FllH APPUJIAl .., • ._. 811 1114 reo, llloya ll•,500 PP 15001080 Cell evea 67 5917 coupea. 4 to choose $1300. Bell 873-6828 C •••••••••••••••••••••• 760-17l3 llUll ... 8_.333 ,7" y 1 froml (0067681 (Stk. ormler·OeLJllo ,,.. "' • elloW M I whl A3ot3). Prices startlog at '73 Ford pwr-dump. 350 OllVlllLn 1171 YIUIWAlll Cl1Hlc 1970 Mercedu H1·2"0 411·4141 •71 vw 8~ . new clutch, IMther lnter"t!r~C:. ""~ MU St 1111 1T, Slake bed. 4 apd, rbll 10211 BEACl-f BLVD I 0 I IO L'l 11E11---------1 IAllMAll lllA , 280SE coo11erllble. Stick, ft II 1115 aurt, AM/~M cus, good frl"t llereo CllHlte. I s's' ;_noo's·8 v 8 s 3 3 0 0 . HUNTINGTON BEACH llW E1t1te Siii Thi• one II • blby blue e lc, etereo. $28,800, •• ~................. con<I. $2350 64.t.8478 $4500. •114-t886 147 ton NI aaa1 1980 D•ltun 200SX. xlnt diamond! (15727). 7141846-02111 '77 Celle•. 5 epd coupe,, _________ , '12 IAZIA SHOO • ' 0 sei::c,s~~::~'!f. cond. Orig owner, IC· OILY 14411 '80 450SL. Menlle beige, xlnt cond., many •lru Y!Jr! •••••••••••• !~~~ ·~~t~u~lr~niM~~~· /.';;: T Doi cepllng bid• Wkdays M ... ,.111 aho~room new, l ',OOO s6f5e .. o.~2 631 -5874 , Must sell 807-3S64 op ar LI H1bre PlllM clll, 7511-42211 -" .. .. ..... #1 Ytht .. ..., 1nrl, lo 1"1. 14700 . 'IO Tl 1•• 11•• YIUIWllll ml. mus1 1e11. S32.ooo ---------I I •-..,.1 687-7880 835-0808 · '· 111 a•aoo ... •• ·19 oATsuN 28oz PP. 540-64112 ·1s ee11c •. •u•o. AM/FM • r•11• -1 ... , • Musi sell 867-3564 Paid Open Sunday 48K ml, ic1ru. $0500 18711 Belch 81¥d . ceai very good cond '65 Mull tierdlop. 288. 3 F C -·-1 ____,'I 548-1447 I Huntlogton Buch 75 2400 Nu rbll eng .. , $"._0'010BO 673-6734 •••11, •"l""'I IPd m1n1111. 11900, '69 Toyo11 or Your 1rl -_.." ••2.,.... I 11ereo. ate Be1u "' --""' Clll 833-1861 ·53 Studebaker Champion Pickup $450 es 11 .1111111 I IN l&.llST '80 Oataun 310 OX 5 IP<f. -•• .,_ melnt'd Price neg Cell eves/wknds. All LIAllH 5 PISS cpe Nice ear. 213·402-31150 u ....... ., .. ,, $ 30,000 ml. Mu1t .... , ·70 Convwtlbll, xlnt aond, 759-11553 CORONA OLUX '73 OVERSEAS DELIVERY '66 Hardtop w/rbll eng. $3750 2131592-17112 '12 LH TRHI HOO 2626 Harbor Bllfd $5150. Bruct 548-8343 asking $5200. '71 250, xlnl orig cond, I Slit. redlo. r1dlals. xlnt EXPERTS S 120010~~.:0541 ht4I •••ts ltt4e4 645-s344 Coste Mesa M0-5630 '78 B210 2 dr. 4 ap0 AJC. Pete (303)443-2900 ownr, records $5400 cond S 13115. 846-1927 1946 Ford Woody Wa-35mpg New tlr". Clean. '58 KARMANN GHIA 759·0650 ·eo Ttfcel, AC. 40,000 ml. WLI Ill '7'4 Muitang, •Int cond, Premium prices s11es-Servt0e-Leulng S2ll50. 96311365 yaa-1ml fm 11ereo c111. gon, Sl3,000 VHI 1510 paid tor any uled Cit IY"'IVCAR\fER · · XLNT MECH. Sl995. '72 280SE. llke n-In & new tires. S3995. 17141 -·• 01ughter'1 Cit. $2600 1929 Ford Model A Town ••1•1•7•1··,··.·o··,·~;,·,·.··,·· (foreign or dom11llc) l"-1 I , 8 I B210, 4 dr Sedan, CALL 831-7935 out, many xlrae. own1r _e_7_9_-1_s _2s_____ 19~~;~b;J~d. firm. 536-1878. 960-5088 Sed1n, $10,000 -In t:uc.°~1~~1'f"· ~11.S ~l!CT·BMW t::5~~~·aa~~2':,i:Hn .• ,,,, 1131 muit sell. 842"7776 fr/••fi 1111 '79 Ghfa. Ll-.lted Ed. ---llllFEll YAI . --... • "'-"'· ·~· •••••••••••••••••••••• ·10 Mez 2eosL-18K •7•••T•:.6••••••••••••••• l4l-llOI l40-l4'7 Cloth t09, AM/FM tAIC>I. 1963 Studebaker Avantt. This one Is In eiccellenl I ,._.,.,. .. " """"',.... F111ul 1113 SALE OR TRADE I' •~•r; ·1~:'.'sc3~toPs'8 '68 Wlllle 4-dr 4 cyl.: stick AC, xlnl cond. Lo ml. 15500 675-6161 condition & 11 101dedl '79 BMW S261, 4 lj)d, lthr, •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-1633 TR3, rJtre collector'• ehlft 125,000 ml .• 1400. Mu11 -to 9PPf"9C. PP. '66 MUSTANG CONV Op Ilona Include 1 lr BBS whla. Ilk• new. $12, Hllll -.nl'I MBZ Item, must ... 1 Compl ,_5s_2_~_s_1_11 _____ ,_1162 __ .1_11_13 ____ _ "Ground Up Restore-cond . pwr stee<iog, 1111 , llOO or assume lse. (714) •Y AITllllDI IOO Ill rellored. $4500. '78 VOLVO 284GL OU••IMll HIS lion . • wheel. cruise con;ro~ I 644-8325. 55&-.8442 FlllAll LMge dlteounl9 on our ___ P_IP_as_i_-9609___ LOlded, auto, 42K ml. •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 cyl Champagne lnlr sfereo CllHtte, W 1112 lllW J " 98 SE Xfnl cond St61l 101 721orona&>. New trr•, Embe rglo ext sunroofs & morel . llll.Dl9l u1 .. 1._2 L'a V•lknn n 11111 "'500/obo 841-0181 •cond S500ot>o 7141866_2215 r (087VUA) Prl ply Al· 'llliB 11 ho 111 ct 1 3231 COnverllble. BllCk 71 966-8306 ••••••··'··••••••••••• 720-t101 · king only $6500 C1ll • .it '1 ' I beige, 5 apd. BBS plu1 I if! us htnHI ltttn,.rtl 1llO YkllWllll 1959 T-BIRO, 1 owner. 548-2198, 11 no answer. \"'"'\II·~., ~ll~'l.•1 P7'1 ~~~ .~: 'fOUI f1 O.r,.ratf.. IOllllOOI PI S, P/B, orig paint". PLEASE keep lrylog Aetn , ... ,," . 714-1166-8306 . .-n MAlOA • Drives llke a dream & MUST SELLI ..... '/ ... ,.-........... htrttll -...,1,.m · '62 MB 220SE. rbll eng & This one 11 otre eherpl really looks sharp P/P. 196S Ford Econo Ven AJ/1 l•H 1105 O.r,.,ltlea . ~ SW If & trans, nu !Ires, 4-sp, llhr ( IAIEll82). (714) 552-0707 camper, super clean. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3100 WHI Coesl Hwy, • .. .., Int. Mk ofr. 871-0123 OILY Siii& '64 CORVAIR 4 dr AT.I new en~ .. AIC $1200 LUI( l 1112 1170 In 2002 Newport Beach . fACSml MB 1982 300 CO-TO Jll llllfll R&H t1dl11s $850. Eve-1 646-335 ALIA llllHl IPllll $2200 080 e.6..()356 642-11405 IUS lllllST Ult111UUOIU4 Sunroof, $30.900. YkllWllll nlngs 714·S36-7781 1'69 Ford E200, 1u10 trens. OlllYUTIIU fDIAll -"----·-----Clll 7141,.112"°890 18711 Beach Blvd. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HAUO• aLVD. CO\TA MISA 642 · 0010 ~!.'!!1.'!.'!I. •••.•••••• 11.,. 1111 ,..,,.1 ,,,, ~·········· .......... . •••••••••••••••••••••• 76 Pinto. clun, 1uto, Come In & Me Newpon good gu ml, bronn brn. Beech'• flneel Mlecllon I BHt offer. 755-4117, ol prevlou11y owned 1_64_S-_1_o_s1 ____ _ Po11ch1'1, Audi'• ind '78 w1gon, pe, pb, S pt '89 Coupe OeVllle Con-new susp, Cpl's ch1lr1. $297 79 '82 •OOI Auto, $09,500 1171 U 1 '11 IOlll Tuh Huntington Beach · ven. clallic. orig ownr, sole bed , V8 , good • ·e24001GT,172,500 Sunroof, 5 •peed. bre, Lo ml. eunr1, xlnl cond, 142·2008 , $1800. 1142-6495. c1ond • other •Ir•• • • Tumyour ·eo 3080TSI. S35,500 t000ull •8~7 ~!;.1Sllvlf. 17. s 83 2 2 8_. 966 soo 2 673-0477 or lllO .,...,. .... VoH=1•· wtila, redllll, root rid!. .._ $2985. 5511·4209 445 e. ~-!!P.!~~ ........ ~ .· 2150 642·99114 per month plus lax unusa ... ·-'74 Dino~·-.~ . "..... ·--· '211 Ford Ro1dster. un-1--------u,,.,.., ..... """ rnlored, 11ery complete '81 Chevy Custom Van 48 month open end IMM • I t 714 1117• MuOa WIQOO Al· WAlllll "'750 675-3175 Brn melllln velour lnl,' on approved credit. Cep • n 0 ................ rts dlo, helter. IU\0 trans. ., l14Z 4 apeed lfltl$. & tunroof Newboft BMch '73 S1tellte, IUIO, pl, 6>3-0900 am111 V8. l/c. look• & 1---------1 run• like ._. 2 I fl'IP9, ---------1 swtv. HllS, mint cond C o s t • $ l 3 ' I S O : USable 0. ..... pY1 petty 968-2&72. ••••••••••••••••••••••I (N-508). 4 WIHI Drlrn 1550 $14,900 642-2219 Reslduel·S43oo & cuh • h ,...,II ,,.r --------• 11'11 MIT OILY •••91r. •e11k 1111 $975/obo. 5$4-8092 · ···· ··1· ·E·E··1··1· ....... ·e9 v11tant tied .• ret>1t. ve. •••••••••••••••••••••• flQulred-$931 .85. CilS ·-fl.I 111g '81RX70S.AM/lmcau, ... 1111 11182 Chev Blazer. Sho-A1t11 WHIH ISH ( IS528) • Daily Pilot •• !................... with IQUlll:rtr. A/C, ~h~~= r1~e~~~;001 & , ...... . good body/uphol, A/C, tor the l1rgeat Ind bel1 AM/FM cea. Orig. ownr. eelectlon of new end $750. 546-8437. wroom new for whlesele •••••••••••••••••••••• IElCH llPlllTS • classified ·12 Flit Spyder. New llrH, aunrf, mags. 17M ml. 5 yr YILllW&IU P .P. 644-1865. day Highest cash lmmedl1tely 848 Oo11e Street 6 .. 2•5671. top. uphol. rblt eng. N-w11r. 19900. t-1170-52117 OILY 12111 18711 Beach 81\'d. 631-2321, eves for your vehicle . Do-NEWPORT BEACH • • p1lnl. 11550, 831·1597 ••. -~.,Ital 11·~0 M llAll• Hunll""ton Beach used Buick• lo Orenge fH• County 1oday1 l••tU• ~ Cl lrled .d mestlc or fo reign ··-.. y ··• ass " a, your one-SS 1-8285 112 0100 111 Fl .. Ir ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ILllWAlll 142·1000 atop •hopplog center. • llH .............. 111711 Belleh Blvd . ...•.••......•••...•. 1878 FIREBIRO FORMU- LA 2 bbl 305 V8, 1o 11'11. •Int concl, many optlonl 714-175-5633 dya, 714-631-4760 -Lynn I 2 door lldttn, •lereo and We'll show you O\llf 100 Huntington Beect1 171 411 Sll&I 11400 ~ ... ! .. 11.lf.'.'! •••••• !.~~j~ ... !0 . .'1.lf.'.'! •••••• !.~f!'! ~ ... '! . .'1.!'!'! ...... !.~f!'! ~ ... !1 • .'1.!'!'! ...... !.~f!'! ~~~~.-~~~oo ml. ~. &,.~~lnMercedel-& con ..... ___ 142 __ ·2_000 ___ _. Rebll eng, 1uto, new . Jul J ~IPfT lliil~ HONDA. In San Juan Caplatrano uN'iEliEVAiNLE· ·tRADES1 UNHEARD OF DISCOUNTS! HUGE NVENTORY CHOOSE FROM OVER 100 ACCORDS e PRELUDES • CIVICS YIADl•S WM'TIDI From s79~p *FANTASTIC* *FIATS 1r llJ6E StllCTION m-a.111> FIAT SPURS & FIAT X l/9's I s4295 179 FIAT X·l9 5 •P· Factory &Jc, St1reo CHt, Reck. Mags, ( 13090) s5295 '75 FIAT 124 SPl>ER 5 1p, Stereo, M1gs, Air, Vlf'Y Sharp, If K (122NJN) s3995 '77 FIAT 124 SPl>ER 5 •P. Dk ~retn. Mint Condition, Stereo c .. a ( 1ACP577) M WtNdlta...._ au. ccunn OUIOf fAClOIY MmtllUD NJUICll .... DICK Mil If H MC I ()II~ ... ... ' . .-0£. .,.,.,,.., ..-.-brek•. am/Im, runs 1dn1. der our 11111 errenge-32 mpg 541~777 • f 111 e>r..,. C..ty m6nl1 or long term fl· #U 11441--------"""2" .. ...... I . ••••--• ... ••••••••••••• 78-AA881T "'"' >1 Hll'bor .., .... . ·77 Grand Prix, tterto, &le:. ••er-ythfng nice. $2800/obo. 845-t24e ~:: ol lmponi Inc '79 Con11ert, only 2 years LOOlll & Ruos Greell COSTA MESA DIAL 213 or 7i4 off IOI. 16K mllea, Ill s 2 2 0 0 I 0 b 0 M I k e 111-2100 637-2333 :v:.·,·~· n•w ssooo 631-4615 ·---------'NABERS Seville Del 78, xJnt cond. • '80 SLC. S/blue w/gr1y '65 Red MGB, wire . '11 nlq 0.n Spec llllera. I ownr. vet1ou~ntr. 13,0001 orig wheels. alnt cond .. new ~ ndeng,ldbr~ ... paint, 18,000/ofr 775-7 141: (''ADILLAC m . "'"" owner. 211,500 1 Sl""S 53 .. 3008 109 • • • ... ndowa. 737. 16711 • ;: ~'2~9~1e. 769·1600 ~~eoy'. ·, .. ;~sees".'" P111 ' S3000l obo 759-o•eo •79 RIVIERA 1mm1eu1&1e1 CLEARANCE • 72. 350SL. all 0tlglna1, Ilka new, low ml, $15,800 ll«-68211. If lt'sgot wheels, youill move It f •ster In a Dally Piiot cl•ssfflld Gold/tan IMther, perlact ''JI ....... trttM. cond. Bought another SALE! Beller then n-$8,400. Cir 171150 631-5300 In 11oreg1 and mual be Guy. 1 1 a n ' 1 p p I o n I y • l·1-118_;...,0_Bu_lcl! __ 8_k ... -·-·tc-4-d-r-I, t!,.i!!! •..•..... !.~~! '81 505 Turbo Oles. Lo ml Priced 10 tell. 640-11738 g53-2100 Ll8\ll ~-,._ Ind wlll return cell 18,000 ml, xlnl ICOf'IOtl1Y, loaded. $6300. 844-414 7 l•rui1 1150 . ,..~111 H 8 • ••••••••••••••••••••• 111 eug convert .. blk•wtit .....u•~ I 1111 PllSOll 191( ml. mint orig. P P ... ••••••••••••••••••• 114 °"" se1100 1s1-0111 . TIEWIEIT 1911 8UICK ILICTIA SIOAN (18ZC7t7) $9895 Thl1 one hu an AM/FM 731"7503 lllEOTill & I 1 •• tr. c I•. n . '80 V1n1gon Westph1ll1 of llt• model. loW rnllM-1979 ca.OILL ... C (307MEF). Camper. 4 epd •tick, ge Clldlll1ca In Southern "' ~ OILY Sllll atove. refrlg, pop-lop, Clllfornlll Set ut todl)'I ILDOIADO COUPI 1ll Ma•IH elr, AM/FM tape. S9850. lllElll (~2) • -PP, (714) 586-94112 YILllWllll ·eo SdrOQCO, 1uto. 1 ow-OAllLLAC $}Q 995 18711 Beech Blvd n•r. fully eQulp'd. Air 2800 Herbor Bllfd. f Huntington Beach cond. atereo. Best oHer. COSTA MESA 1980 PO.D 142·2000 844-1318. 851--6833 140-1110 GIA.NADA SIOAN a~TER '12 Illa Ila <1ePU1eo1 Kl-> Very Cleln, White, m1oy '80 CPI di VIie. auume $ "llSCIE/l.11 ••tree. BHI reH offr ullllna low monthly IM-5895 01111 $2,000. 552·7755 M or lor .... V OOod l~.',=~o:vd. 1tter 4 =~· ~~7=°ect w/ 1912"?11Sii.LAC •-•-.. _.. '60 vw Rabbit da1. 1m11m . CIMAllON SIOAN _,.. " .. t cin. l/lrl, AC, eux t1nk, 77 C10lll1c Limo, color "AUTOMATIC JIANI. lt..... 2 dr. 15895. OBO Musi TV, bar. rter front & rMt AND~· ll• 1•1.z••• 1111. 654-7795 · AC, good oond. $7,000. (1CIU4&e) • • ••• 1---------1 C111 L1Roy wkdy• only 1----.-----157 VW Panel Van, new 8 A M '" PM ( 7 I 4) $10 995 Porache 11 llllS cpe, 1800 motor, new 1yncro 6411~32i _, ... _ S-R llr oond. Xlnl Pllnt 6 tr1na, new t>rk1 new 12 •--------....! - ln1. $12,500 tor quick vOll l)'9tem, bOdy very 'fl IWt l&lnttl 19'0 CADILLAC • • I • · 5 4 2 • 8 9 1 1 • ttfllght, call 111 5. $2, becullv& Ctr LOii of ILDOllADO COUPI 759-1600. 000. 714·"4-3972 1111.ru, new tlr-. $5995. (t17ZEMI '80 SC Coupl, only lllOO 1112 -•t .. C1ll WMll-deys only. ml lllrl, Cl\llM, AC, P7'a, ·~ l92-55tl '13 995 lthr. $27 .800. (702) IW m... '78 CdV d'Meganoe o.ttc ' 870-11&5 Veo•• PP At new c.. Aealet . ..o Ot••n 'p11n1 • '4elour. 78 811SC Terga, wtllle/ *7600 71'-$'~52 Sharl>· NIY9' dameged. bl". IUll l .. ther •porl '87 Po9'09 Cemoer. •Int 15700, 160-8180 wllcfya. Mita. 1 & I BOS whit, cond. ~ rJdlaia & eng, '76 S1d. OeVllle, 1110° 30,000 ml, 118,500. K • 12500. -.-5829 wroorn cond, lea1h1r. E Distributors, 642..ell71 •71 Sqrbki..4.8'). optton1, Sier. 118115. '80 1111 SC. Low ml. All nu p11nt 112000 1_114_2_.oe_o_s ____ _.... e111ru1 Mint cond. 675-7947 '73 OdV, mint cond. $25.000/080. 657-4404 '74 Suptf Beltle, 4 IP<f, (YelloW) I owner. Miehe- or 13!-3839 Aon rblt, 1ook1 like new. 11 n •. S 2 411 & I o b o . '71 ~ tt4 1.7, new UU& 4114 -0116 01 5·9442 ~ Allina greet Aak 497-238' •6t;,5....;C:..Pl~dl;.:_Vt_lle_, com--c>l9-t•-4 14900 649-5132 •71 Super 81J9. xlnl cond over n 1 u I. S 7 O O. low mlllag•. Mull ... 1 631-8870 '12 PHIOll ta48s 645-<>022 •-Chmlff-----.. -..... 1111-.n ·~US*conc1a.::121: ···m·1i·;iiin .. Min Cond, lrlghl R•d Strwld Dr. Hunt lelOfl W• have 1 0000 Niie· ~~~s,1~E'E°~o·A~~ .. t ·ee vw IUO 11500 or tlon or NIW & UHD CIATE" \19hlclt (I 3SI 4 bit otr. 0111 111 lpm Chelfr-.11 Ml) 6124111 .I.I. l-,.,-,0.-U-AA_E_IA_CK_HI0_1 N..oe .oft( """' good. 110·1141 Alt &• I .... 010 [)11:K Mill f P I ~ ' • .. ' ' ' 1912 PO.D MOOIL A llPUCA "UUNAN t• OIMMNAL Ml\11'" (tACIMtl $9495 1912 CADILLAC PLllTWOOO HOUOHAM (1EAL54S• $15,995 NABERS C1\Dll J..1\(~ _....._avo. cona•u J18tl C1irnlno C1pltlrano. San Juan C1plttuno '-.,::,.':.':..":~.'!:'= ad. -----=::====~__!!!!!_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 540·11f0 ~ ' ----- • YOU DtDN 1T STVDV LAST 'NTGITT, DID YOU, SIR ? -NANCY HI NANCY--' WHAT ARE YOU DOING DOWNTOWN'? MY FRONT DOOR LOCK WORE OUT, SO 1 CAME FOR A NEW ONE WHAr KIND OF A SIGN WOULD KEEP A CROOK OUT~ I'LL SHOW .YOU .. IUNDA Y, llnlMIH H , 1tlt • H dMU D- NO, I WATCMED,'TV ALL EVENIN6 •.. 1 T"'OU6~T . l'D ~ET VP A~D STUDV BEFORE BREAKFAST, 6UT I OVERSLEPT AND you LEFT YOUR POOR UNLOCKED ? YOUR HlllTDll DlllY PIPll NO, THAT'S ALL WRONG I TMINK MAYSE t'M LOSIN6 M't' ~IND516MT Ernie Buslimiller BUT T~ERE HAVE BEEN LOTS OF THIEVES AROUND LATELY O~, MY THINGS ARE ALL RIGHT·· I PUT A SIGN IN THE WINDOW . .. GARFIELD® I PON''J" LIKE THE SOUND OF' TMIS DENNIS THE MENACE HAVING LEFT TONY AT THE HOSPITAL, CHARLEY GOES TO 5EE D. 6 . AT HER HOTEL I'U. SET YOORE GOIN' TOTI.ff BAKERY . '6LJ MJJST BE GOIN' TO SOME KINDA STORE! ~a.JDGE THANKS FOR COMING I5 DENNIS DOWN! I GOT TO ALL RtGHT? TAL~TO YOU! MEANWHILE, AT THE DISTRlCT At fORNEY'S OFFICE ~T INFORMATION WAS COf\P.ECTI DENNIS ~Of'E WAS ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL WITH A HEART IT~! HI& CONDITION 16 CRITICAL • by Jim Davis WE NOW HAVE. TWO M005E5,A BIB ONE ANP THIS LITTLE ONE <l~<J THE ORGANIZATION Ml6HT TRY TO GET AT DENNI& THROUGH HIM! WE HEAR THINGS LONc=, 5EFOAE YOU HEAR THE PAPERS DO! I'LL TELL YOU AeOUT IT SOMETHING ELSE! :YOU CAN ~ IN JA\L., MAKE 600K ™ATTHE ORGANIZA· ~ LUKE 7 TION AL50 HEARD A80UT IT ... ANQ THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY INTO 'TONN TO TAK! OVEfl' ,,____ rHI OPEF\ATION! U5TEN UP• EV£Rt.980DY ! ! ---fl ....... .r fl / ~ C>'Wct bl ......... -~'* MOON MULLINS 11M PLANNING CE~TA INLY, SfR . A BACKYARD MAY I SUGGEST .. Coof(OUT, .A ND I WANT 10 f;>E P~OP~RLY ATTIRE'D. DOCTOR SMOCK MISS CReese, :i: 1"'HU··.U< . ;t't...L-cstve MYSet.-F M.Y . ANNLJAL-PHYSICAL-/ I .r l • • -- ......... rM 601N610 "!'VE NEVER~ CHANGE 1ME nTLE ~ SO MANY PB>Pl£ OF 1MI& HALFnME ~ANDERIN& AROOND 'A ~lfu e:r.''! ~ LOST AND II COl\lRlSED •• f -Z' by Ferd and WHA-r P'YA MEAN? . .. l}~IS NUMS>ER ? . .. NICr=.C~ANCE JUST TO RELAX AND ~AVE FUM, Ell, kAYo? ,ARE YOO klt>DING? Geor e Lemont so :r'~a, eo eave rr -ro MYSl!!!l-F IN I "'f'He PARKJNcS t..01"'. > ' ,_ • • r I I I I . . ---~~ ·-·-··~-'--'--"'~........._----;;.__._ ______ ............. ______ ~-~---~-~-~-------~-- u ID B L. I , ' . ' i J· • r r tA JOU TRUST YOUR EYUt TheN IN 1t IHst If• ........ ..._. In dr•wfnt •t•il• Ww• top lftd bottom ,....._ M9w ...,,.cl&lr can ro11 find themt ~ 1nswen wJth -.. ......,. l>all'I '° .,..M f 6utHfW •t ...... J 6u•U !W" lot• ttew t 1uu•111P '' ~wnu "'noM t ~AOw ""'"'d t 6u•H•w" d"I' uo11n11 I H >ua1a1110 • ~ ----------by Hal Kaufman ® • WILi. llAIONIOf ......... "" ................ HH ... PV• ........ _. ...... ' leltentere~C eO .... tMtlln ...... Mlftti ON wNch ,_ ""' eatrect 11tt ..., ""'*" It -.= wit." ...,,, ..... &NltlMIM ~tnttftntf"9, 1..et•1111w1y. ~~ ... , ..... , TOP SECRET COOKIE FEAT Piece thr'ee coekles on the table. Cowr eech with a borrowed· Nt. Mike • point ot showing thlt nothing 11 conc:e,ltd In your 1l•ve or Nnd. ''Ck up Nett hit Ind tit tht coekle. Aetum hltt to thetlble. • Thlt done, 1nnounce you wlll ... thlt the thr.. cookie• ere under one hit -1ny h1t the 1vdlence chOGMt. wtlen some-one Mlectt a ~t. pick If up ..,./place It 1top your head, which cerfalnly makes you • person of your word. • • Whit'••-.? OM tht plvr1ls ot the loltMlnt ~•i 1. HtuM; 2. Mlltt. l . llouse. 4. SIMM!· s. l.outt. 6. Gt-..,_,.'" JO MCOnds • ........ • ,., ............. c .,.. ' ..... ' • ·~ ,,.., ........ fwtMY .......... ,.., ... ....... , .......... tl•tchtMl1M. , ...... ttllnk ..... red""'"'*" . . , ... ~.._._, • P .. 1& .. ·IOOI Which "'N'tllf' ls medl• ... ,_, Mt. Col1·,,..nl1ro. Whfeft INUftteln fs mMI• •.,.. seeds? Mt. Acorn c19~. Which moum•t" ts f'Ndt d unleavened bread? The Mltzoh horn. '21 • 20 • • I ., .. I is f J l' , ,, KNIGHT'S MOY Et What can yeu •ew to com,le ....... scene above? To find out, acid Hnes 1 to 2, J, etc. For Better .or For Worse ~~le=~~~? Plef\SE?PU:t=EeffiE? TEE PARTYI Add tt.e foHowlnt c.otofs .... tty to c11119l1 .... ..... .. HIM...,_, t-lt~. >-LI. MM. >-Yellow. 4-Lt. WWn. i-''""· 6-Lt. treen. 7-~. ltrtwft. I-Ok .. tr n . SPELLllNDER . . . . . . . ... TM .. I _.. 2 ,..,.._Helt fer ed werds ., tour letters or ,... fOUftd emono the letters. Try .. sare •f IMtt St .ts. -.,.~-:---........ .. I I v rr~ AN \~V~UJA6\£ A\O 10 A c~EA\l\1£ Kl NO ~ G,O'f L\ KE ME ! ,~ GORDO ~ . •• , I - '40\J 6£.E, wl-t£~£.vf.R l "AVE. A ' '£.T 1'~& FE.ELIN& 'IOU "AVE.N'T PlR1\CULlRL'I \~1'e.RE.S1'lN61"0U6Hf, ~£.0 rt A "E.CK Of: A L-OT ... ' J\)511\JRt\l o~ 1'~E RE.coROE.tl ! Gus Arriola ---~--=------- Wr»tM. ' m 4 ·1(,,. -..... f ,· .. a I a' eee St1ve S1fjf) vn cigarette4atSmore~ou._·· --J r AMIL Y WH Kl Y ORDFRCARD Tear off and redeem on a carton of More cigarettes (any style). T8148 $J.OO (/) ~ 0 D m () 0 c ~ z . THEm YOURSELF ~ tne ~. Clll a~ IO "AIM 'F~ weekly. 641 Ltxi'tgtcn Ave . New )'onl, NY 10022 W9'M oey S5 '°' ~ CMl'$tlOnS Sorry, we can I tnswef OtnefS FOR DR. WIUJAM D. BROWN, dinl· cal psychologist and author of Families Under Stress (R J . Brady Co ) Should hwbandl and wtws wodl together, or does famiHartry on the job breed c:oo- tanpt? -S.O., s.c:ramenco. CaUf. • Mark Twain once observed that "fa . miliarity breeds contempt -and chil- dren." ah hough I don't believe it need resuh in either. For couples who value dependency on one another, working "~k aparl to stay together. " together will probably prove beneficial. These couples prefer a closeness that comes about only after spending the maprity of each day together. Other couples need to ma1ntain a social distance from one. another and need to devel· op their Individual egos. In this case, a husband and wife should work at keep· Ing their marriage together but their businesses apart. FOR KRIS'JY McNICHOL. Siar of The Pfrate Mouie Did VoU hate going to Khool7 -C.J., Dow:r. Del. • No. but it was hard to concentrate on my schoolwork while appearing in Family_ fl'om set to class, from class to set. switchmg personalities from the real me to my character produced a mental strain I do want to go to college, but I don't know when. I admire Jodie Foster because. to her. education is more important than acting. FOR GIL GERARD, star of the upcoming TV movie Not Jus Another Affoir Did VoU bruk into movies with a b.ng? -M.E.B., St. l.oWa, Mo. • Not exactly. but I spread my name around quick· ly. I was an extra io Loue Story and came down with hepatitis. Everyone was quarantined including Ryan O'Neal and AJi Mac:Graw. I was banned from the lot for a while, but at lea.sl my name was on everyone's lips. FOR EUZABElli POST, author of Emlly Post's Com pleu Book of Wedding Etiquette (Harper & Row) Om dpe an employee at a bauty aalon, but ie b right to dp the OWMr? -A.B .. E..a i..n.g, Mich. • Today, most owners are happy to augment their in - comes with tips. Watch to see what other patrons do when you go to a new shop. If they are tipping the owner of a salon, you should. too. U an owner does not expect a tip, he or she can always tum It down. FROM ntE •ASK" EDrroR GOSSIP: fTench actress Brtgttte Bar- dot. famous for undressing on screen a couple of decades ago. has complained to the authorities In St. Tropez. She does not approve of the view from the win- dows of her beach home -nude sun- bathers .... What does writer Dame Rebecca West, who appeared in Reds. have that Diane Keaton. Julie Chriltie, Goldle Hawn and so many other classy actresses do not? She holds the No. 1 position on the Ust of women that War- ren Batty most admires .... FINDS: The worn~ ~o could be the ne.J<\-Mi:s. Rtcbard Burton cla!m.slhaTwhen Sheliiii met the Brttish actor, he wasn't at all the man she expected. He wasn't the same wild hell ralse.r she'd heard about. Sally Hay says: "He has turned out to be everything I'd hoped to find In a man. He couldn't be mott gentle.•· ... Actor Meeon Adams found a good deal while shopping in China where he was mmrng a recent TV special, Peldng Encounter. He needed a suitcase. but the only one he found was slightly damaged. Desper- at~ he offered.Jo payJull_.pric.a. -but the shopkeeper refused. "He insisted that I take It at a reduced rate," Adams said with a smile ... American business people should take some lessons from the Chinese." ... FIRSTS: When did OIMa r----=~--.. Newton ..John first feel really rich? When she was able to put a roof over the heads of her six horses. "In January '76 I bought a beautiful home in the Malibu mountains," said the singer. "'but I didn't feel In the money until I could give my hones a stable." ... Ever wonder who was the first to slosh down whiskey as though rt were water? It was Queen Victoria In the 19th century. When she returned to her castJe one day after hlkhig with her husband, Prince Al>ert. she wrote: .. , had a little whlskey and water, as the people declare<. pure water would be too chilling." ... GRIN AND BEAR n': Golf announcer Ben Wright recalls his worst experience: "Just befoTe a broadcast. I had a coughing bout In the bathroom and ~lessly watched my upper bridge disappear down the commode. I phoned my boss. Frank Chirklnian. 'Flank,· I lisped, 'I've flushed my blldge down the .lohn.' lt was hard convincing him I was not drunk. 'Go on camera anyway, but dght-lipped.' he ordered. But. thanks to a kind dentist, I had my smile bock soon." PRO Senator John Hanz (R.-Pa .). chairman. Special Committee on Aging PRO Ano con CON Christopher Luk, labor law attorney, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Age discrimination, lilce discrtml· nation based upon race, religion or sex, Is Inherently contrary to the principle of job opportunity based upon Individual ment. Further- more. our economy w\ll need the experience and skills of older work· en If It is to grow In the coming decades when there will be a drop- off In the number of young people entering.the labor force. Prohibiting mandatory retirement Is an impor- tant step toward changing prejudicial attitudes we have about older persons. Should Mandatory Rdb~11mt For Private lntJu.try Be AbolWH!tf? ---~rf!l·r~ ,~ J!. , ................. ••1t 11 ............ c..-Fllllly ~ t41 ~A--., llllit .... ll,Y, 100H ' w.1-.,1tf111r ... ...... Supporting job opportunltles for the eJdcrly Is laudable. But there are many equitable reasons for the current law which allows manda- tory rcttmnent al eige 70. For o - ampie, It opens up )obs for women and mlnorttlcs. Years ago. there were rnMY people who worked 1.&ntil they got Ill or died -becau.ee they hed to. Today our natk>n'a emphestt lhookf M on povtdtng an adequate rettmnent Income for al workers. • poky which wOl enabMt us to fully enjoy th• ret:tmncnt yem. \ IMAGINE SAVll'IG $1000 Di'I IllS THOMASVILLE DINll'IG ROOM ••• Thomasville makes it more comfort-So , if you're planning to buy your newf _lOlJ_CAN -;-,.:;.l'M,1000~;-... -1 bl f C II / d " · · d · C I i..auto1111 Tl\oftlM•llt• conectora I a e or you to own o ector s mmg room suite . . . o 1t now. ome a.r,-.-.......... __ Cherry, our best selling eighteenth see this beautiful Thomasville callee-I =:~::=.•.:= I century American dining room callee-tion on display at the store nearest I WITH THIS COUPON ===~~-I tion. Participating stores have taken you. And take advantage of this spe-I NAME .. uAM-" I $1000 off our suggested retail price. cial sale. Other styles on sale too! I ADDlESS I HURRY! OFFER ENDS OCTOBER 31. I CITY STATt I I ZIP (~ I L---~~---------·-___ J Jorthenimeof your nearest ,...... 'lllonmw. cluler, allal he · 1---447-4700 .1Jn·-,a1~m ••• Our annual guide to the good, the bad and the truly tedious, in which the networks prove once again that rare is the medium well done. Stephanie Zlmbali6t (Efrem Jr. s daughter) and~ Brotnan of Remington Steele: Pumping out anothtt Hart to Hart. he major teleWion networi<s have done it agzsir'I -and again. and again and again. Faced with mounting lc'9l5leS in the lnm?.aslr9Y heated race with aible networks and independent stZltions for audience shares. ABC. CBS and NBC have come up with a response dazzling in its boldness: recycling shopworn fonnats and ripping off popular movies. The 1982 1V season NYelberates wllh tinny echoes. Didn't RaKkrs of the Loe Ark break box- office records all over the place? Enter ABC's ToJes of the Gold Monkey and CBS' Bring 'Em Bode ~. Didn't Archie Bunker and h1s daughter Gloria provide. in the ?O's. a woridng-dass defini- tion of the .Elednl complex? Back comes Selly Scruthers. sp;nntng off on her own In Gkirio. Have not Do/las, Magnum, P.I. and Hart to Hart made IMng-room favorites out of Texas money. lone On Ow Cowier' From left Amy Unker and Sarah Jessica Parker are CBS' 5qU(ft Pega;Caitln O'Heaney and Stephen Cotllns encounter Tales of the (;old Monkey on ABC; Shelley Long and Ted Dan-'°" sey Ch«rs to NBC. heroes and dilettante sJeuth.lng? Then by all means whip them a.D together Into one mustachioed. gaudy package and caD him Matt Houston . There Is an air of defiant pctulaooe about the 1982 season. as If the net\11.'orb \WJ'e determined to submerge In the bogs of tedium and mediocrtty rather than face up to the fe.arful demands of wit. style or Innovation.~ one consequence. Ketchum Communications, a global adver1ising congJomer-*· predicts that more than baW ol lhe .2.5 new fall shows an doomed for the ex: ~ further. that by the end of the year nearly 25 peroent of the Big Three's audience wUI haw gone to c:abla and tn- dependait Slations. By way of~. the three networits controlled 93 percent of the au- dience In 1978; that's expected to fall to 59 percent by 1990. Yet the three networb press on. rehashing the same potatoes. pretending the nation's 1V tels..Still belong to them alone and that peop6e will continue to watch whatever glum stews they continue to dish out. Happily. there are bright moments. But they are so desperately few. and so dismally far between, that they are mere excepdons to the bra55 rule of the Industry, which says that no producer or net- wori< executive ever got fftd for doing the same thing, however bonal, which he or hit superiors haw done~ -him. Hcm.vtth, tlllCh as It It, the 1982 1V .-on. beginning with CBS' fledging shows: Having noted that ArdUe Bunker's pro- letarian bumblings have been flogged nigh to death, It must be admitted that Gloria isn't all that bad. At lea.st SaDy Struthers has taken her perky. IAlisecracldng act out al the dreary reaches of Queer. and Into the counbyl$dc, whare IN is "ltl1Jdng otd on her own." post-<lvorce. by taking a job with a veterinarian (8u:rgas Meredld\). Men!· dhh's presence proml.ta at least spurts of lherp-- tongued ~ to ofbct the tnescapeble jokes about taking dogs' temperatures. Praeasorl repofb &om several of the major adwrttslng agencies see Gbb 1115 a sundire hit because Struthers is a proven winner. Ottto Bob Newhart. WOO. name •synonymous with flawless comic timing: Thus his new show Is simply called Newhart. Just as the notion for ArchJe Bunker was born tn England, so Newhart's new show is ftlched straight from 8r1tilh actOf John Cleae's rftatwlous- ly mad BBC progn1m Fawltv Towers. A$ Dick Loudon, a New Yc:xk writer of "how-to" books, Newhart and his de (Mary fTillln , a ·· BY MARK GOODMAN talented eyeful from the world of soap operas) pur· chase an old Vermont inn which they wt.II operate at peril to guests. In the first episode. the stuffy Daughters of the War of Independence appear. to discover, thanks to Loudon's research. that this home of their forebears was in reality the beS1 little brothel in the colonies. As Loudon informs them: "You are not so much Daughters of the War of In- dependence as the daughters of a three-day pass ·· Tom Poston lends a veteran comic hand as an undertaker with some serious leaks in his arnc By far the sleeper of the season Is Square Pegs. a comedy aimed at the youngsters a la fUmdom's Lit· tle Dorlin!P and Fame. lf the prospect of high school freshmen seeking populanty makes you reach for the sleeping pills. hang on Suddenly from the 1V screen will come an actual moment of inventive wit , as one girl breathlessly whispers. "Look at that boy over there. the one who lool<s like Laurence Olivier when he played Heathcllff Tom Poston and Bob Newhon lend thtt flawless comic dmlng to Newhart, one of the few new Jhows predk:t.ed to ~a hit. Look fomiHar? Tom Se/Je .... er. ~ Hor1lev. trle• to fuse Tom Magnum. Jim Rockford and Jonathan Hart Into Matt Houston before he got old and bald and started making those camera commercials!" From there, Square Pegs proceeds to show itself as the fresheS1 . funniest , most poignant piece of entertainment to emerge this season. Perhaps that Is because It was created, written and produced by a relative unknown named Anne Beatts. who could not have been 14 too long ago. because she recreates the humorous jitters of those precarious years with a sympathetic eye and an unerring ear. Listen to the snippet of a class vice president-junior varsity cheerleader, berating her cl~mates hang· mg about on the S1eps while the music plays in the gym: "In case you haven't heard. the dance is In· side. not outside. You will have to go Inside to buy tickets or the whole class wtll have to wait until November to buy that Guatemalan child!" The "square pegs'' (played by Amy Unker and Sarah Jessicll Parker) are a nifty pair. and they a.re backed by a gang of believable adolescent grotesques who wih trigger memories of your high school yearbook st.aple.s: the Clown. the Weirdo. the Tramp, etc. Square Pegs gives lively proof -evidence by Ron Howard and Gary Coleman to the contrary -that juveniles can be very funny people Thereafter. the CBS offerings start ro raper into oblivion. Perhaps the biggest disappointment Is Bring cm Bode Alive, which picks up the RaJders theme In the familiar Fnmk Buck legend. tnmspor· ting Buck (Bruce Boxleltner) to the Far East jungles and global intrigues of 1939. The cha.rmlng Boxleit- ner is a real talent. but you know his capacities will be sorely tested when he strides into Raffles Bar in Singapore, fresh from safari. and asks, "Has the Sultan been around?" He Is joined by Tron ~star Cindy Morgan as an American Embassy attache whose role reeks of 1980's sensiblJlties ('1"hls is 1939. A woman can do this job. I can do it."). just as her lovely form Is encased in 80's gear (her in- evitable plunge inlo deadly waters reveals a bra lhe likes of which no one's mother ever wore). Add to this more hilarious 8oxJeUner anachronisms such as, "Not to wik>ny RlngUng Brothers will flip over him." and you begin to understand why networks and the producers who pander to them cannot even pull off authentic period hokum. A more curious reprise is Seuen Brides for Seuen Brothers, adapted from the magnificent Howard Keel-Jane Powell movie musical of the early SO's. An updated version recentJy appeared on BrOl!ld· way with Debby Boone -and lasted one night. This one may Last one or two performances beyond that. Tucker's Witch pwport.s to be "a lighthearted drama about a pair of man1ed detectives whose Uves are complicated by her (Catherine Hidu's) un· scramble for altematlres oncahloandlndspandent stations, ABC, CBS and NBC press on, rehashing the same "potatoes: predictable psychic powers." Unfortunate.ly, they are predictable, If you've ever seen a Jimmy Stewart movie called Bell, Book and Condie or a 1V show called &wl~hed and can qulcldy laminate their shenanigans onto Hort to Hart. As for ABC, production problems have plagued the network to the point where. as of late August. It had pilots prepared for only rwo of lts seven new shows. ABC's showcate, Tales of the Gold Monkey. fOT lnst8n<:e, has undergone cast changes and. at last count. has had four different Uda. And if the two shows thot are ready happen to be any lndkation. ABC will continue to lose its .struggle to regain supremacy In the ratings race. Take The Quest, an Incredible idyll that finds four Americans whisked away to the tiny Mediterranean kingdom of Glendora, where they learn they are all of Glendoran anc:e.stry and are tnvtted to compete for the crown by roaming the globe performing good works. In fashioning th~ absurd plot, the show's producers forgot a vital premise: 'The au· dlence must care about the perfonT1en and what they are after. As an allegedly dashing photo jour • nallst, Perry Lee King Is saddled with a role of such unrelenting silliness he makes a tourist with a Brownie camera look bkc AnM1 Adams. R.y Vltte plays a slk:k black con artist: no one cxplalns how such a ftgure might trace his anc:atry to 13th- century Gallic knights. or why Vltte must rip Richard Pryor off so flagrantly that audiences Will avert their eyes In ernbanMamlnt. KaNn Austin beslcaDy plays Karen Allen In Roldcn-. and Noah 8eny Jr. pracnts his usual bemused self. He hu never look so bemused as when he rtdcs off on honeback owr me French countryllde. The gmlJ i he seeks? The Carleton Hotel In Nice. ( COIVln wwdJ 'AM~V WUKU', ......... a .a •'I . ., .. I TV ronunueo And 1f these people are hard to care about. o-y mustenng some enthusiasm for Mott Houston (Lee Horsley). who spends his sleuthing hour trying to look like Tom Selleck. Lalk like James Gamer and act as rich a.s Roben Wag ner For no visible reason. the show 1s narrated by his gal Friday. C.J. Par· sons. Played by Pamela Hensley. C J is supposed to be a Harvard Law School graduate. but gives the im · pression of someone who has been bounced from the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders for unsuitable behavior M~nwhl.le , Matt ponders his cases and offers down-home observations Now In His Best-Selling Collection! , The Hawaiian Wedding Song Tiny Bubbles Pearly Shell s Beyond The Reef No w Is The Hour Swe et Leilani Blue Hawaii 111 Reme m ber Yo u Aloha Oe Beyond the Rainbow Lovely Hula Hands My Li ttle G rass Shac k Little Brown Girl Mo rning Dew Hawaiian War C hant O ne Paddle. Two Paddle The Most Popular Hawaiian Hits of ALL TIME ! Here 1s DON HO, the Ambassador of Hawauan M1t1sic. with his best· selling collection of Hawaii's greatest hits! And he sings them as only he can. When you think of Hawaiian music and song, you think of Don Ho. His warm and mellow island voice can almost carry you across the Pacific to that tropical island paradise. ln this magnifi- cent collect1on, with the lush sounds of steel guitars. ukeleles. and all the wonderful island singers and musicians. DON HO performs his island magic iust for you, singing the all -time favorite hits. DON HO especially selected his own wonderful hits in this collec- tion including TINY BUBBLES . . PEARLY SHEUS . . as well as the unforgettable songs of the islands such as THE HAWAIIAN WEDDING SONG ... ALOHA OE ... LOVELY H ULA HANDS ... and so many more All your favontes are here sung as you have never heard them before. A truly beautiful collection. O RDER NOW We urge you not to miss out on this remarkable offer. U you don't en1oy this album more than any other you have ever owned ... and play 1t MORE ... it won't cost you a penny. But please order your collection now. We do not plan to repeat this advertisement in this publication again. i---------No-Risk Coupon __________ , To Yo u Sweetheart Aloha I DON HO Dept. DH-09-92 I I 352 Evelyn StrH f, Paramo. NJ 07652 I Lahaina Luna Beautiful Kauai The Hukilau Song I P\ease rush me the DON HO HAWAIIAN FAVORITES collection. I understand I I that I may return 11 for any reason whatsoever and receive a complete refund I II I enclose $9.98 plus Sl.25 ror ma1hng and handling per item. I 0 Send Record 0 Send Tape CaSHtte 0 Send 8·Track I NOT IN STORES I Collection Collecrion Cartridge Collectton I ~~ I MAIL COUPON : Address I TODAY I Cny Stall Zlp I --------------·-------------------------- Cind11 Morgan. Bruce Boxleltner and Cl11de Kusatsu foil to bring anJJ life to Bring 'Em Back Aliv~ such as: "The earth Is the insane asylum of the universe Maybe that's why U.F.O .'s don't want to land here." Maybe. Or maybe it's because the spectacle of a f ilthy-oU-rich amateur pnvate eye who keeps a me- chanical bucking bronc in hls office is tOO"" muCh for tnelr celestial sen· sibilltles. (The Dancer Fitzgerald Sam- ple ad agency, for one. gives Matt a decent shot at survival.) NBC. perennial hind-runner in the spiritless ratings race. had the good sense to pick up ABC's inexplicable reject, Teva. It also had the good sense to take on the same Emmy-winning team of producers Les and Glen Charles and dlrecto·r James Burrows and their new 5ituanon comedy. C~ers Set in a Boston bar. it has m uch of the lunatlc ensemble flavor of Taxi, as well as nostalgic echoes of the ok! radio favorite. Duffy's Tooem. Small wonder, since BurTOWs Is the son of DUffy's creator. the legendary Abe Burrows. Ted Danson plays Sam Malone, a former Red Sox pitcher who "bought thls bar when I was a drunk. and kept It for sentimental reasons." It's a friendly sort of saloon, where 15-year-old kids can run their bluff out even when they are refused drinks .. That's very flattenng," says an adolescent when Malone asks for proof of age. "Walt till I tell the missus." And the sort of bar where the customers can debate the sweat pro- duction of dlverse movies (Ben Hur Is ~dlng until a smug Boston pro· f essor inters and wipes the field with C<>01 Hand Luke). Danson. like J udd Hinch. shows a nicely modulat· ed flair for ensemble comedy, making the most of his lines whllc not step- ping on anyone else's. Shelley Long Is a fetching comedienne who plays the well-bred girl left at the altar and hence the bar. TOJd veteran Rhea (COl'ltlfl...ed} ~ FACIAL TISSUE 200's REGULAR STRENGTH ENO[& ~nophen 8RMIO TABLETS or O\PSULES FACIAL TISSUES 200S SAVE <l LOOK FOR SPECIAL DISPLAYS AT PARTICIPATING STORES FOf como6ete detalll on l'lOw 10 get ~ coupon lor two FREE bolles of KLEENEX• brand tlSSIJeS Refund t9QU9ltl muat ~ offic>al order lorm II "'°"" 11or9 II out of official refund lomlS. pleae write lor .,, oftoal 1otm IO KLEENEX•ITYLENOL • OFFER PO Bo• 9812. St Paol Mlnnetota 55198 STORE COUPON ON TWO PKGS. 20¢ 20¢ ~ fillCIAL. TISSUE 200's Ol..M.4lt ll'1w ...,.. ~ .... ._. ~. -..... Ollft C.0---"°" ' °"""" -~,,. ~ ---____ .... _____ ,........,. -...--------.. _.,,.,._NJ( ____ _ -..-·---·-·--__ .,. ______ .. -......, ___ ,,,,, ___ Olllt ,..._.,NIOll"otlll-..... fllt~-­~"O-C..-t109ool •• ,.........,_ ....,. ... ~c;o.• t•-ICC _, . 3b000 1252'4'1 -Z----- TV (conlln~) Perlman may steal the show as the slovenly barmaid whose husbond left her after ~ put him through 1V repair school because, .. He said I wouldn't flt in with the other TV repairmen's wives." Cheers. and let's hope the keg lasts. The usually Inventive MTM Enter prises has -swprise! -essayed Its own Hart to Harl . This one is called Remington Steele. and the tdea is that a lady private detective can't attract dients, so she must set up a fictive front named. yes. Remington Steele. But wait. She has fashioned sketches of him from a beau ideal she once saw. and one day he appears to claim his role. Thus, as is usually the case on lV, feminist ideals are subverted by female sexual fantasies. It's a thoroughly silly idea, but It has the redeeming features of two attractive and credible leads. Stephanie Zlm- balist and Pierce Brosnan. Zimbalist's natwa1 charm and beauty are refresh ang. while Brosnan is a serious dramatic actor who can do a rogue in evening clothes as handsomely as ever Sean Connery coukl in his early Bond days. B eyond these valid attempts at entertainment, however. NBC has sought relief in technology. fantasy and precocious children who should be neither seen nor heard. The latter would be RJcky (The Champ) Schroder in Silver Spoons. whom children are supposed to enjoy heratise he's so much wiser than his father (Joel Higgins). a Pac-Man ad- dict. Knight Rider relates the confused adventures of a quasi-bionic young man (David Hasselhoff) believed dead and his new-model &tmobiJe One longs fervently for a pack of weU- trained urban marauders to strip the vehicle to its chassis. Saddest case of overcasting goes to The Powers of Matthew Star, in which the estimable Lou Gossett Jr. must wet-nurse an alien teen-ager with supematwaJ powers through the pains of pursult by his planet's invaders as weU as W<Xkaday American puberty. (Dancer Fitzgerald predicts a swift end for aU three of these fiascoes.) NBC is also not without production problems. Its showcase offering, St. Elsewhere, trumpeted to be a hospital version of Hifl Street Bl~. stiD had no pilot ready as of just a month ago With such fare In the offing. It scarcely need be repeated that Amer- ican viewers are In for a dlsmaJ prtme- ttme 5eason. What becomes increas- Meri Goodman II o fomwr TV wnt.r for Tune and New Tlma mogcmna. FAMILY WUllLY. ~'I. !ISi • 11 ingly curious about the networks' at· tttude Is that they have always main- tained the position that. If the nltings are good, !hen the show Is good .. This Is. of coune, a counterfeit view which spares producers and executives the perils of creative judgment, but at least It's a view. Now they wit! not even heed the &e.orls of M ·A· S • H and Hll SOeet aw. -that fWMly tWMtd, quality prodUdlons score on the Nielsen charts. From the looks of the 1982season, _ it seems as if network executives will oontlnue to t..ay d1elr heads In the and ISld pray dwy won't gd lopped olf when the Armageddon of nll cable ftnaly mrives. ... Elegant Oneida Spoon jewelry This beautiful spoon jewelry Is approprlat8 b so many oc· caslons. Crafted by Oneida, In your chok:e of lustrous sllverplate or giamlng gold Gec:troplatc, thae contein· porary mg and braoa6Ct Mtl .... psfct eckttkxt to your oollllltUan al fast*ln )lweky. Adjustable to SP/ sbe-they also make cbtlnctMr end rnenorable9fts! ~~- Gcrmal Mis. Inc. Bm5363 ,... ........... 55460 I erdoM S _ (check or money order). Pi- .nit me the lll!rns(s) lnctadEd below: Round Ring & Bracelet Vi S6.gs-... Sprai Ring & 8rac8et (a $6.96-. Round Ring (a $3.50 ea. Sprai Ring (a $3.50 ea. 8raclMt (n $4.50 ... -,- --. - ~ Sir.. Gold --- --. . 11-.. - -,--.. - -.--;r'T" Name ____________ ,..._ Adchls. ___________ _ Qy s.. ..,.2tpl'--_ s...ildlldlar-..~DD• llPi• ..... ......-111Clldll'ba ........ ~~-_. .. ....... oe...-o...tllr 15. 1'81..0ood°"'1 .. IJ.S.A What to Do When You' 1e Faced with Acne 8y Judaen Culbreth King Tut had It. So have an estl· mated 70 percent o( Amerlcans at one time or another. Acne. the scourge of adolescents. Is a common prot*!m that may produce physical and psychological scars lasting well ln-ro aduhhood. However. dermatolo- gists now have an arsenal of weapons fOf fighting It. - k:ne. ls a disease of the sebaceous glands, the oil-producing glands under the skin pores. During adolescence, these glands begin pro- ducing sebum. a complex oil used to keep the hair and skin moist. k:ne. sufferers tend to produce more sebum than people with dear complexions do (heredity may play a role). When the oversupply of sebum mixes with bacteria and dead c.eDs on the surface of the skin, the pores are blocked and a comedo (a bump on the face) fonns. U the pore Is only partially blocked, the result Is a blackhead (the color comes from the skin pigment melanin). U the comedo stays beneath the surface of the skin , a whitehead. which may develop Into a pimple, forms. Since acne originates deep benath the skin. mere cleaning will not eliminate It, although cleaning Is Im- portant 10 get the oil off, says Dr. Hillard H. Pearlstein, a teaching der- matologist at Mount Sinai Medical Center In New York City. Then what works? Nonpracrlpdon Medkadom. A U.S . Food and Drug Admlnlsttatlon panel found three topical Ingredients In over-the-counter medications to reduce sebum. 1ney are: sulfur (In concentrations of 3 to 10 percent). sulfur resorclnol (In concenntlons of 8 percent sulfur and 2 percent resord· nol) and. most effective, benmyl per- oxide (In concenntlons of 2.5 per- cent to JO percent). Dr. Josef Jelinek. a New York City dermatologist, notes that these must be appbed to any area ol the lac. where you might break out, not just to active pimples. f'lw:alpdoo Medk:-do«w Oral an- tlbk>tics have long been used to reduce sebum. But since oral an- tibiotics have side effects. doctors now favor topical antibiotics. Although not an antibJotlc, Vitamin ·A add {Rettn-A) Is the most effidtve toptcal medk:atlon, but. cautions Dr. Pearlstein. Miide effects include peel- ing, redness and tnttatlon." lsotrettnoln (13-ds retlnolc acid), an oral drug derived &om Vitamin A, Is the most exciting discovery In the treatment of acne. In one test Involv- ing 33 patients, 22 percent were 100 percent free of acne foUowlng treat- ment wtth lsotrednoln, 11 were . 95 percent dear. It Is due out this fall. In addllk>n, a number ol Mglcal procedures, such as c::ryosurgery, der- mebnmon and pWlCh adlkx'I, .. be- ing \md to ~ ~ 9'dt"I • lnlOOdMlr eppearancie. The acne ,_ p6dure ha. l"MMlr heal dime.__ ... J""""1 ~ II • lre*ra _.., arwl an dlor GI o notlonol ~ U • MllM.Y WUIO.Y, f IJ I '*' .. 1112 Al{ !ll!HU li1 •f r1HY• ~if-~ st 0 1 r :. '11 111 t ; ic !111 C ~ ~htH Jlr: ~~~en g !f 1111 (~ ~ i ~· t111 11J !ft'O ,,l-J ~ if I I ( 1f (~ f a 11·11i I tj' f c 11 '1', •. ,, , !If .. 1 l•li g-.J;il •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ~" , ... • ·-• : l~~lf 1'iii 'r 'i !!l!i ~ I I ~ 1 l i~f ffr 1if i Uil l 1 I ~11 I: I 1• t I ·t ~li. { P I i fl hn '!1 B ill ' f q 1}1i § 1 • • H111-11111n1i1 1 11=n i l !~I w if I I ;, ., • u _:-If· HflJ f: I I f '1 :· • ••..•........••••................. : -. n1· Hl'IPI If~ en : !, I i1riI•h d(tf I 1 r · ~ ~ 'i! f !r11n llr!d i H ~ " = 11111 ~ ~· ~ ~ !ili!I f ; 1i J. 1'11tl . • I: :} 1hl: . :. 11·•11 ~ • I"• 'I u .. I ~.!nl ~-l'W .......... ,-... ,., 1 8 ... "ts-. 0.61119-ntallllll •. lllf Cllllll'l1t "Flt ...... - Apple-icious! ball of dough and roll wi1h a rolling pm from center to edge in cm:ular fashion . making a 12·1nch circle P!ace pastry into 9·1nch pie pan. fitnng,.gently and tnmmmg off excess dough With sharp krufe or seas- sors Pall or bake according to recipe. Roll out remaining dough m the same manner to use as top crus1 or anocher single.ausi pie sheU Makes one double<rost postn; By ffiarllyn Hansen C ons1der the apple : It crunches. 11snaps.11 can be sweet or tan But wharever 11 is. it's delr c1ous. and the classic apple dishes are srill the best CLASSIC APPU PIE P..ay lor ~ 9-lnch !M. recipe lolows 6 CUC-lhlnJy ~ ~ IAlt rool!.ing ~ I t~ kmon juke l cup IUg&C 2 UlblnpooM lour ·~ l•MpOOn .... l l•a.poc>n ground cinnamon 1,4 l•Mpe>On ground nutmeg l 1.11blapoon buner Of ~ l. Prepare pas11y and let rest wh~e you prepare apples 2. Slice apples into large bowl and spnnkle wnh lemon iuice Add sugar. flour. salt. cinnamon and nutmeg to apples. mix well 3. On a bghtly floured board. roll our half of pie pastry ro a 12 inch mcle Place in oonom of a 9 inch pan and. using fingers. gently press dough 10 Side ol pan Tnm any overlapping edges of dough 4. Mix apples again wi1h ldrge spoon and tum into pastry·hned pan Dot surface wnh the butler S. On lightly floured bo.vd. roll out re md1ntng half of pastry 10 a 12'12 inch circle and place on top of apple filling Fold top edges of dough under oonom nm of dough Fini.sh edge ol pie Simply by press- ing a lork. lightly dipped 1n flour. all around rhe edge or rum up 1 2 inch of pie CTUSI all around and. using rhe thumb and index finger of both hands. pinch the dough between them. crea11ng a cnmped or fluted edge Cur Sleam vents m center of rop cruSI rn a decorauve pauem. 6. Bake pie in cen1er rack of preheated 425° oven fOI' 45 10 55 minutes, or unlll cruSI rums golden brown and hlhng SIMts 10 bubble up through the sieam vents Maka 8 servings PlAIH PASTRY 2 c:upe urwtlted ... ~ lour 1 ,..,._,, a&k ~ cup tOld ~ab&. "-1ming S 10 7 ....._., ooo" la w.u-r 1. In a large oowl. stir flour and salt ro ge1her unnl blended Using 11 pascry blender or lwo knives. cut shooenlng Into flour mixture unrll it becomes mealy 2. Mix m Ice warer a lhtle ar a time with a fork. silmng until mrxture leaves side of bowl and fonm a ball Anish shaping dough Into a ball with yow hands. cul In half wt1h knife 10 form rwo bells. the bo4 tom and top crusi of a 9 Inch pie 3. On a llghrly floured board . flatten one ~AMlt.'I' WHJCL'I' • ._...,_ .. 1tU • II ~ for o 9·/nch pie • COUNTRYYUMKIN,. DELMONTE Pl1JSH 1UYS. WITH LAllEIS· SEE DErAILS llElOW Your km will love mese cuddly one-of-a-kind plush tavs made especially for Del Monte by Trudy Toys Company. The ones you've seen advertised on television. CouNrRY YUMIClNS• meet all F-ederal standards fur childrmS toyS. A perfect holiday gift! You11 love the storewide savings on your favorite foods during the Del Monte Councry Fair of values at your grocnS. Each CouNTRY YUM~ is free with any rombinalion of 60 labels from DEl MONTE.• HAWAIIAN Pu~ and OluN ~products. They're ooc avail.able in stores and toys like dUs retail for $10 to $12. These Brands offer hundn:ds of producu to chooee from. Clip mese coupons and start saving for your lovable ColJNTRy YUMKINW ~ ' -- ... a on .wn-COUNTll'I' YUmJNS• 'Cl .. ,~.._ ... ..... -' PINsc ~me Ille COONlllY YUMl(llQ"' c:l'«*C °""" DILMOWTI - , I A,Ll.tllll,,_,, O•s-»"" .... N I C"8dlll'-u l>Ca!DtC. OUIDIO E"'*-1 "' ......... ,_... Ol ll'C a.. ... "°"' I: ' ~ OI Oft MONT(• IWNAH PUNDr 9111 0.... KNJ' l'lolM:ll n , ..... eo '*" uPC c-IOI WCI! -' CQllt1IY YlJllllM• .J I"'°"' ll • ll'C 0c-. n M 9& b ~ mdl COOHTftt YUlllKIN • o •-3'-uPC Codn..., .. 9'5 "" ..,. CQJlil"" Y\MIUll-~ocxa-... -I .. ,.,. ... , ~SS OIY ' SWl ' !&..c.ri-·-o.a:r:i=:-~°1i-i cmiia..~•~ · ..... ~ ............................................. ~ NA TURAL VIT AMINS*BIG S GS! '. 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Soy---. -.:!u'3H c:J6U ~4!! 250 '°' 7.50 250for3.• 100for1.50 VITAMIN CH£ LA no NATUftAL B-6 ZINC ALFALFA SO mg. 111.-... ~131 LEAF flyri-'oxi• ct.ily • ; TABLETS In na•Ut111 a.. 30mt. ZINC o,_.,. ... ,,,._.,y_. GLUCONATE c.titwM_.I 500 s31s -.u -1ooo s3ts tlWets -:'2~ 100 '°' 1.00 '100for75c 500 '°' 1.1'5 . . . . '. . BIORGANIC BRANDS. Inc ..•. ~. · ~·-~; . ..,, 0 .......... 0 J......... 0 .......... •ATUl.A C..... 0.. 0- "'''" ewry ordltd wl(h S22. ordtrl w1tft $35. Ol'IMrl All Gitu FHEE! wi your $55. o•rl S. TOTAL " .. By Roberta Plutzlk T he idea of playing hooky con- jures up the lmage of a kid sit- ting at the edge of a lake hold- ing a fishing pole -with the truant officer peeking from behind a tree Many children. however. skip school not because they have some- thing more enjoyable to do. but be- cause they're afraid to go School phobia starts small. A chUd may complam of physical pain and be allowed, even encouraged. to remain at home. In time. insistence on stay- ing home in creases and mental anguish can lead 10 )'~ physical pains. "The behavior and sympto ms get so exaggerated that parents will do anything not to get such a child angry or aggravated." says Blanche Goodwin. M.S W . a Westport . Conn social worker who has counseled school avoiders "No w the chUd is in control and the parents do what the chUd wants " Central 10 the distress of a child with school phobia is the home situa- tion. Experts such as Dr Jonathan Kellerman. M D , a Sherman Oaks. Calif psychologist and autho r of Helping the Fearful Child (Norton). believe a parent's own ambivalence about school can trigger a phobic re- sponse. "Perhaps the parent, because of a family difficulty, prefers that the child remain at home for protection or company." Dr. Kellerman points out School phobia is commonly assocl· ated with children ln the primary grades for whom separation from the mother in particular Is dlfflcuh. It Is also a growing problem among junior high school students suddenly thrust Roberta Pluaili IS th~ co author of The Private Llft ol P arents_io be r9leCZNd thb /all into a new lea.ming and soda.I envi- ronment and troubled by huruly com- plicatio ns -divorce. custody, remar· riage. illness, death. A fear of school has roots In the same fear complex that accounts for other common human phobias, ex· plains Dr. Manuel Zane, a psychiatrist and medical director of the Phobia Clinic at the White Plains Hospital in New York State. It develops in "a sit· uation where a person suddenly begins to be concerned with some- thing he cannot cope with and be· comes frightened. The heart races. the stomach turns. he feels light- headed. has arms and legs feel odd. This can lead to a state of panic. and under such conditions the person wants to Stay close to what is familiar 10 him. For children, school becomes a strange environment with new prob- lems " Phobia experts agree on these guidellnes for dealing with school avoidance: • Is your chUd faking illness In order to stay home? A rapid pulse and sweaty palms, along with upset stomach. are signs of real panic. Don't let the day go by without addressing possible school-related fears. • U your child persistently com- plains of fee Ung sick. consult your family doctor before concluding that you have a case of school phobia on your hands. • If you reahze your chUd does suf- fer from a fear of school. you must encourage him to return to school Think In tenns of incentives, not bribes. Incentives -a special day trip alone with a parent is one -are rein· forcing. • When dealing with a young child who fears separation. phase yourseV out of the school scene gradually. Be sure to tell the child , "I'm coming back for you when school's over" and, "I'm not far away." Another way to help Is to put your picture In his lunch· box. so he knows you're with him In spirit Don't force yo ur child back to school. This tactic will work only If school Isn't as bad as expected. If It's worse, the child will only be more frightened. • Therapy for school phobics Ls available In group and private sftua· tions Your school psychologtst. soda! worker or community mental health association can provide ref er-l'IWI rals. . ILi 'AMILY W£1(1CLY, lec!fMIC. a, ttU • 17 SAVE 2501 OVER 701 •CLASSIC SJl'UNG • 5'fMT ACCEN1' STJTCHllfG • FUUY I.DIED ·~ ............ '111111 fllljtlbt ......,......,, • l'M llWOlllt ., ..... ~ ... ~~ "° ..... ~, r-~~~~-:~~:rt-~ '--' <:)• , Pllllalftilll, HJ 08232 I ,_.. MMmtlll ...... UllWUGllJllillll lord/Sl4•1011Ul23",.....,~ SM 12 7' MOl!lt o.. 2 .-..- IOf -.. 50 ... " 50 PGlllllt ' ..... '.J ~ ,,.Stl'IOI '"1"'5""1 1 .,,._, 1"~1 ~--~---------~ ~ ......... , .. ~ --__ .._._ .................. 4S I CMONO ----00' ~Tf---- ~~---------~ ""',.,,. __________ _ ,.,.. ___________ _ ~--====::=:::::=::::...;.:.-=.....:....:.:::.:..:..=:;:..:::;;;-- ~------------------~-----------------------------~------~ .. Crime watches,,. says one source, •reduce residential burglaries by 20 to 90 percent.,. Equally important, they can renew community spirit. It is twilight on Ol.vight Street m New Haven. Conn. The neighborhood has been plagued in recent years by rob- beries and prostitution, but this eve· ning all seems quiet. Two residents - Caroline Thompson, a nurse and grand· mother. and Clay Howe. a doctoral stu· dent and father of two small children - walk down the tree-Lned street. Eyes aler1 . ears open to unusual noises, they carefully observe all activity. Thompson and Howe constitute the Thursday-evening crime patrol of Block Watch 272 Their job is to watch. listen and report suspicious activity to the police ... We got tired of sitting in our houses and Uving In fear." explains Thompson mblished In many suburbs, such as Westchester County, just north of New Yori< Oty. Even rural communtties, such as Mays Landing in AtJantic County, N.J .. and Springville in \\\taming Coun· ty, Penn., have responded to rising aime rates with dti2len patrols. This trend r~t.s a grass-roots bac.k1ash against the steady rise in atme that marked the past decade. ln the 1970's, atme tnaeased by as much~ 15 percent a year in urban, subt.at>an and rural communities alike. Last year, accor- ding to Federal statistics, a house was burglarized every 13 seconds. "'CttlzienS are rultzing that they cannot afford the luxury of letting the police alone be responsible for their safety," observes Carolyn Plcagll, a staff member of the New Haven Police Department aime-preventlon unit assigned to assist the block-watch programs. "They are beginning to take responsiblllty for them- selves." f New Haven has one of the best-J organized programs In the country. In the j past four years, Its Block Watch Program J has grown to more than 9,000 people. ... P\cagli credit$ the block watches for contributing significantly to the city's re-Block Watch 272 was formed in 1980 by Thompson. Howe and their neigh- bors. They began by organizing a telephone network, the purpose of which was to encourage residents to notlfy neighbors and the police of any unusual activity on the block. Five months later they initiated a street patrol. Since then burglaries have deaeased by 33 percent and robberies and larcenies by 57 percent. What has happened on Dwight Street reflects a growing trend . Across the Fearful Citizens Fight Back cent decline In burglaries. "Watches reduce residential burglaries by 20 to 90 percent," she states. These statistics are echoed by studies around the country. A recent survey by the sheriffs office of San Diego, for ex- ample. found that the chance of being burglarized In a community without a watch Is one In 45. while the chance of burglary In a community with a neigh · borhood watch ls one ln 1.000. country, dtiz.ens are forming neighborhood crime watches. A typical watch Is made up of residents of an apartment bulldlng, a single block or a neigh- borhood of anywhere fTom two to 20 blocks. It in- cludes men and women of all ages and occupations who have banded together for protection. These cooperative self-help groups are usually trained by local police crime-prevention units to recognize and report suspicious behavior and crimes In progress. Residents also re · ceive Instruction on how to safeguard their homes against burglary as well as how to assist In protecting their neighbors' properties when they are away Most neighborhood aime watches meet month· ly to exchange work 9Chedules, vacation plans and phone numbers. In addition. 'iroups place signs prominently In their nelghbom8ods to announce the presence of a crime watch. The key to their ef- fectiveness, however. Is a greater awareness of what Is going on In the neighborhood and tn- aeased willingness on the part of reskfents to con· tact the police for assistance. Although many watches do not patrol their neighborhoods. more and more have begun to do ~ K~ ill o fruJonoL UllUllr fl»do/Ut"fl In COntlUm«r and •/J·Mlp IOpO ti • "AMll.Y WUIU>', .... .,,...., a, 1IU so. They work In unarmed pairs. in cars and on foot -and often have walkie-talkies . Whether actively watching or actively patrolling neighborhoods. members of a1me watches have no desire to replace the police. "'Any citizen antl· crime group must be Involved with the police de· partment.'' explains Jack Beecham, director of the California Crime Prevention Center in Sac:nimento (an umbrella organization for a1me-watch pro· grams In Calif ornl.a. operated through the attorney general's office). "The neighborhood watch acts as the 'eyes llnd ears' of the police. It ls the polJce who have the responslblltty for a1me prevenJkm and criminal apprehension . " The numbers of crime watches are burgeoning nationwide. In North Carolina alone, there are over 9,000 organized watches. In California, where April was declared "Neighborhood Crime Watch Month," there Is hardly a major pob Juris· dtctlon without an organized airne·watch program. ln Lowell, Mass., m«e than 3,000 citizen• are In- volved In slmi1ar pr~; In Tampa, Fla., there ere more than 15,000 watch members; and New York Qty has more than 150,000. Not limited to elda, crttn• watches have bMn a- Local law-enforcement officers generally support the concept of the crime watch -although this wasn't always the case. '1n the beginning. the police department was afraid It would become a vigilante group," recalls lrvtn Zeidenberg. president of PEOPLE New Haven Block Association lnc. 'Thts ls a legitimate fear In law enforcement. But after a year or so. the poUce realized that we wanted to \.I/Ork with them and act /!o5 their eyes and ears. Now they support us 100 i>ercent." • ln many communities, the organization of a crime watch ls the beginning of a renewed com· munlty spirit. "Crime was the catalyst on our block," explains Zeidenberg. "We realized that we were not looking out for each other and IS can't be that way. We have made a dent In the a1me prob- lem and It's nice to see a neighborhood bock together agal.n. We've put the brakes on 1111 atme and made new friends." ta6' How to Start YOUt Own Clime Wotch U you are lnttrated In forming a crime watch In your ~borhood. contact your local police~ partment s atme-preventlon office. Information ii alto avallable from II.ale cr1me·pnawntlon P'Q· grams. which are usuaDy aaodattd wtth •lth4l1 your ltate attorney general's office or the Otpart· ment of Public safety Delight a child with a dlJQer of cheerful aocheud dolls D olls have timeless appeal. They can adorn a bedroom or be a Uttle child's cuddly playmates. And they're easy to make, too. With a crochet hook. some yam and a little time. you can quickly create any number of charac· ter dolls. You only need one stitch and one pattern You can make a brother and sister. a mother and a baby. a student. a lanky beauty. or a funny fellow shaped like a potato with big eyes and a crazy hairdo , The sizes of the dolls range from four to 25 inches. depending on the weight of the yam and S1U! of the crochet hook used Fine yams and small hooks make smaller dolls. while heavier yam and larger hooks make larger dolls . The clothes are crocheted right onto the doll. One of the cutest dolls of this group is the girl student. crocheted in char- treuse with a puU-on luit W1re glasses help give her a studious look The sis· te.r and brother dolls are dressed spor· lively in red. white and blue. Mother and baby have curly, flaming orange hair, easily made with a strand of yam. using needk! and thread If you prefer to make a doll with separate clothes. there's a 25-inch black-haired beauty whose crocheted shoes and cotton dress are easily removed. Detailed Instructions. along with U- lustrations and photographs. are In - cluded In the booklet. "Crocheted Cutles" ( N36()). For your copy, send $1 .50 plus 25 cents postage and han- dling to: Family w.idv P.O. Box 438 Dept. J Mkftow.n Sta1ion New York. N.Y. 10018 Be sure to include the booklet num· ber, your name, addreu and ZIP code. (New York residents, 1'111 please add saJes tax.) .. l'AMILV WffKlV, ~--It. ltla • 11 Hooked on Dolls By Roaolyn Abrevoya THE UNITED STATES MINT PROUDLY PRESENTS THE 1982 George Washington 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar Congrets and the President ot lhe United Stain ria11e aulPle><iZed the Uruted States Mint lo strike up 10 10 million s1I~ commemorative hall dollars to recogntz.e IPle 250th annlvefsary of the b1r1PI of our nation's first President. This tong-awaited silver eotn offers a unique oppof1unlly to own a piece ol A,,,.,lcan Pllste><y today. It will enrianee any collection and wHI be welcomed as a gift to be lreaaured for generauona lo come. This coin is trie: FIRST U.S. coin 10 riave 90•/, silver conlent since the 1984 Kennedy riall dollar. FIRST legal tender coin to De minted solely as a commemorative by the u S Government since 1954 • GEORGE WASHINGTON PROOF COIN • GEORGE WASHINGTON UNCIACULATED COIN The frosted rellel de9ign and high luster ot the background rHull In the gem-like be•uty of u11s coin The proofs are Individually struck twice and PoSHH magnificent detail. They are produced by the San Franclaco AaHy Office. have trie ·s· mini mark and Hll lor S10.50 each. A bf'llllant coin finish enhancH th ... newly minted unclrculated coins. They are produced by the aame high standard coining technique• as are used tor clrculatlng coinage. These exclustve allver un· circulated coins are produced aolely by the United Statea Mint In Den\19f. They are designated with the ·o· mint mart! and Mii for sa.50 each. ~~--~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· I ORDER FOR~ 1 10 D -1 1-1-1--1 1-1-1--1 -1 -11 ~ -1 ~, I ~~ I N1T1.t.L 1N1T11<L 1.•sr N•¥E Proof for trie 90% Sliver Commemorative Hall Dollar Item Ouantliy Vnl1 Coat $10.50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STAf(l Al)()lll(SS Unclr -----suo ,.......,, 1---1-...1--....1-.-1---I --r-1 .....-I ~, ....-1 ~, -r--1 T""'"-1 1,.....,1 DJ I I I I I I Total Coins Total Encloled CITY S'IAT( ~funds will be mede ti your order can)not be accepted-ordeft are not eencetable y purcPlaMr. Ordef ac:know~lt •Ill be Mnl w• \./" PleaM 111ow NVefll monlht tor delivery Of ()(def ... fDO _,,.IBID CAIH) Total Colt UNrTU STATU T"IAIU"Y MAIL O"OP TO: IUMAU 0, THI lllNT, M •eNT l"'llT, IAN FMNCllCO, CA. M1n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I~ The High Cost of "Otphan Drugs'' Bean.e pharmaceutical companies hesitate to marled medkatfons Jar ran! clisrotJes~ vktfma often must forego tteatnaent. By Jamie Talon ot long ago. a young woman and her mother en· tered a laboratory on the 20th floor of a large city hospiusl. They greeted their physician. and all three pro· ceeded to wash their hands and prepare for a long morning of work. They weighed and encapsulated by hand a powdered drug, manufactured by a biochemical. supply house for animal experimentation. Though the young woman. Sharon Dobkin. had to forego the safety of Food and Drug Administration-approved (F.D.A.). quality medication. the drug was helping her combat a rare neuro- logical disorder known as myodonus. whose symptoms include mvoluntary ,erky muscle movements capable of hurl· ing her to the floor or causing her to throw an object uncontrollably across the room. Without this drug. Sharon would have been wheelchair bound. rigjd and unable to feed and clothe herself. Unfor· lunately. because the medication she was using was an '"orphan drug ... her treat· ment could not continue indefinitely. Dobkin Is one of millions of Americans rescue. Representative Henry A . Waxman (0 .-Calif.). chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and Environment, has joined Represen- tative Ted Weiss (0.-N.Y.) in sponsoring the Or- phan Drug A£t (based on a bill former Represen· tative Elizabeth Holtzman worked on), which they say will make F.D.A. regulations more f1exi>&e and off er tax aedits and other financial Incentives to the indUSIJy. 1be bill is up for subcommittee approval sometime this fall. "While pharmaceutkal carnpan¥!s spend S 1.2 billion a year on research and deveJopment. little of this is devoted to orphan drugs for rare diseases." stated Waxman at an April 1981 hearing. 1'he profit system which has given us so many promising drugs has left a aack through which orphan drugs fall. l...egislative ac· lion can give pharmaceutical companies the incentive to pwsue potential research leads and develop potentially useful drugs." S ome phannaceutical executives hold that Industry has done its job ln developing low volume, not·for-profu drugs. Thomas Ahhuls, Ph.D., manager of !denttfic af. f~ at Pfizer lnc., points out that of the 174 chemical compounds approved by the F.D.A. &om 1970 to 1979, 42 were clearly drugs for rare diseases. "Most drugs for rare diseases stud.led and approved are part of Government· sponsored programs. but we do play a big part," says Althuis. suffering from rare diseases -and fight· mg for a chance to live There are drugs ShOl'On Dobkin with Jock (Quincy) Klugman. an arcknt campaigner fox rhe orphan-drug cause. ln 1981. the Pharmaceutical Manu- facturers As&odatlon (P.M.A.) set up the P.M.A. Commission on Drugs for Rare Diseases to disseminate Information on drugs for rare disorders and to stimulate research. At a meeting two months ago. in existence for combattng some of these disorders. but they are not being developed because it would be unprofitable for the phar· maceutical industry to do so. Because they have no home within the pharmaceutical industry, such drugs are known as ~orphans ... The drug Sharon Dobkin was using, L·5·hy· droxytryptophan (L·SHTP). has become a bother· some reminder to the industry and the Govern· ment that something must be done to answtrr therapeutic needs of patients with rare diseases (those with under a million sufferers). Jn the field of neurology alone, over 600 diseases are Identified as rare cases. Other disease$ helped by orphan drugs include Wilson's disease. treatable with the drug trlen, and card~ disorders, treatable with a medication known as camltlne. Marketing an orphan drug can cost between $50 million and S70 million and take anywhere &om seven to 13 years. Pharmaceutical companies must choose projects that offer a net profit -and there Is no profit In drugs for rare diseases. Even though there was no marketed drug for Jom~ Tolan fl o l'leohl'I ond tdencc wrltv IO . lft\MIU' WUJU.Y, ...... , ..... - myoclonus, Sharon Dobkln was able to find help. Dr. Melvin Van Woert, professor of neurology at Mount Sinai Medical Center In New York City, and the doctor who finally diagnosed her condition ac· curately, had permission from the F.D.A. to re· search L-SHTP and administer It for lnves1tgatlonal use, as long as his patients were under close super· vision . The drug was not marketable and he had to make sure his patients knew thls. They had to sign a consent form which sa.id that they understood the risk of using a substance not approved by the F.D.A. Though the cost to patients was $135 per month, Dobkin was more than happy to pay It .. But recently. Dr. Van Woert told Dobkin that he had to stop treating his patients with L-SHTP because his grant from the NaUonaJ lnsdtuta of Health had run out and he could no longer afford to buy the drug. (He had been purch8$2ng 11 from a biochemical supply company at a cost of $2.200 per 1. 000 grams and had also been buying cap· sules. and ladoee, which wu mixed with the drug.) He had knocked on Industry doon for ~ In marka'ttng the drug but to no aveJI. Federal legislation may eventually come to tM the commission reoommended that L-SHTP be further researched and developed for marketing. The F.D.A. Is also taking steps. Associate Com- missioner for Health Affairs. Stuart Nightingale, M.D • reportS that drug regulations are being lool<ed at for possible reWk>n. Pharmaceutical companies have complatned that overregulatlon by the F.D.A. has held up drug development. Dr. Nightingale agrees. "Unfortunately, the law and regulation do not distinguish between df\l9$ of commercial In· terest and ones laddng that Interest." More positively he adds, ''There Is an attempt to a<;eom- modate an orphan drug wtthln the cwtent ap· proach." Today, without the drug. Dobkin's ac- tMUes are limited She stays tnsk!e most of the time, somettma unable to control h«r movements. She docs take an anti-conwlsant drug, but her hands llill lhake constantly. DobMln feels ctrtatn thtlt lndusoy will do more with the lnccnttws and Gowmment push that will come one. the bdJ II palled. 54gt\Jng, she r111 says, "I wish we had an llN\lo'ltr today." .., 1 Family Rec0tds: Hov., to Win the Papet Chase 8y Kate Kely T =~~r~f good family record keeping is when v.oe can't find a cer- tain bill. warranty or medi· cal record. Yet with a brtJe planning, a simple orga nizational : sysiem can be established ro save you ; both rime and money. "Most of us suffer from information , overload." says Ronni Eisenberg, a professional organizational consuJ- tant .. 1be benefit of rec.ord keeping ls that once you process an item. you can forget about it until you need it." For an effective system. you ·u need two accordion file folders dMded by lllOr_lth. several individual fiJe folders or large envelopes, index cards and preferably a sale deposit box. Income t.aa records. Min- come tax records should be retaltll?d for seven years," • says Sally Sterman. a New York City certified public ac· countant. Each year's return can be filed in a separate envelope and stored. Bak. Use one of the lndMdual fiJe folders to hold aD current bills and receipts for purchases not yet pakl for. 1ben choose a time -probably once a month -when you can pay them all al once Eisenberg recommends that all paid bills then be filed by month in one o f the accordion ftJes. Canceled checb. Eisenberg sug- gests that all canceled checks be filed by month In the other accordion folder. And at year's end , both folders can be stored for future refere nce Sterman emphasiz.es that both bills and c.anc8ed checks should be retained for au tax-deducti>le expenses for seven years. Bills, canoeJed checks and reoelpCs for major purchases of valuables. furniture and appliances should be retained for as long as you own the Items. If an Insurance com- pany or the l.R.S. questions vaJue or authentldty. you have extra va.lidadon ci purchase. Receipt! for small pur· chases shouJd be kept for a year (In case there is a dispute wtth the store). Note: Documentation of home Im- provements should be kept until your h ome IS sold because these expenses will help reduce your capital gains tax at the time of sa1e. ~ G1JV H9. Many people are able to 6le for iNlnnce reim- bursement. and Eisenberg recom- mends establishing an index card for each doctor you visit. Note the date and amount pakl for each visit ; the date the da1m was submitted lo the in- surance oompany; and the date and the amount you received. ff you zne still eliglble for a medkaJ tax deduction after being reJmbursed. then this aJso provides you with a tax record . Hulda rec:mdll. On large. In- dMduaJ index cmds, start health records for each family member. List blood type and allergies; dates and nature of aU illnesses and Injuries. doctors consuJted; medication taken. Note dates and types of shots or X-rays. Service contracts and wanan~. For each appliance OT major pur· chase. keep together the wammty. sales slip. lnsttuction booklet and the list of service centers In a file. Thumb through this file occasionally, tossing out exptred warranties and papers Telated to items you no longer own. Wills. Some lawyers wtJI retain the original foT you: your executor's safe deposit box is another poMibillty. Don't keep the original In your own safe deposit box. as it will be sealed at 1he lime of death. Keep photocopies (with a no te attached giving the loca · lion of the original) In your files o r your own safe deposit box. Other doc::uuwu1a. Current m!Ul'- ance pohdes should be kept ln a file folder or envelope. Birth ~ta. m.arrlage IJccntet, cutTCnt paesports, deeds and other Important papers shot.Jd be kept lndcftnhcly. and your me dtpottt box offm • ftre. .- proof p&.c. for them. l&iil ,..,_.., .. , ... -. ., ~ : a • i Dl'l'BCLOCK :'!:'!':~~~~~':".::".":':'.:~ '! c.y S1D Z1'--- n 1' I\ Jf*.~ ••'Ca. llSD t\WI • ... , ....... -~ .. ·• u,..,.,,.,,...,,._" , • .,, ~Oinllre1tl2 L-----------------------------------------------------~ , Norman Rockwell's ''Toymaker'' Figurine $19. 95 lntcmarional Colltc· tion Finders i!'> proud 10 announce the greatc<;t c~llcctor tind in history. a full· color. exquisite fine porcelain fitturinc ... Norman Rockwcll"s 1'hc Toymaker" and aJ the unheard of pncc of only Sl9.9~. You haVC' sccn stmilar figurines ~lling for as much as $69 or mo(C. but be· cause of a spcci&I pun:tw.c. we arc able to send this individually cast and assembled and hand dee- small picture shown here. But once you sec the full size (5" x 4" x 3 W) and heau1y captured hy our "'Tafiamcn. you will undc~tand why WC cxpttt an enormou~ demand for this figu. nnc and thcrcfol'C ~ limit the purch.uc. No re- quests will be accepted after midnight. Oct. 3 1. Any checks ~tm.rkcd b11cr will be returned uncashc:d. We accept credit cards. Ju!U give u the name fX the card. account number and Cll· pnlllion dMc. Or. '9Cnd apptOpri• Ile sum together with your namt and addttss to: Interna- tional C.oUcction Finders. Dept. # TMF-9'l6. 390 Pike R<*i. Huntingdon Vlllcy, Pt:nn- 1Ylvtaia 19006. OI' aall IOU-,,. ,~~ .... ~~ ..-. 12IOO 662 SllO. tfllilC ... ,.. CRidil anl "811j.) ... <--... .... I Last Jamfary l saw this big ad for Nationwide auto insurance. The headline said. "You could save up to S60 or more every year-on every car you insure:· I didn't really believe it. But it got me thinking. If I could save on both my car and my pickup. maybe I'd finally have enough money to buy the camping gear I'd been want ing for so long. I filled out the Ratefinder cou· pon that came wi th the ad. Tun days later I really got a jolt. Because with Nationwide. I could save 1105. 70 every year! And the coverage was exactly the same as I"d had before. I fired off my application. And that afternoon I had a field day buying all the gear I'd been eye- ing for months at the discount sporting goods store. ."It's al1nost like I got them for free!' "\ ~L ) -. ... Here's why Nationwide could cost you less Flnt, you save money because you're buying your coveta ge direct-by mail or phone. That helps us cut our sales and admin· istrative costs, and we pass the savings on to you. Secoml, Nationwide offers gen· erous "good student" discounts -except in Texas. We also off er a discount. on euery car you normally use for business or pleasure. If you have two cars or more. your savings will be multi· plied-in Texas. only as prescribed by the State Insurance Board. 'l'hinl, we insure people with good drivingrecords -ootneces- sarily perfect. but good. Since our risks ·aren't as great as some other companies·, we can keep our rat.es Jower. What about coverage and claims? You may be surprised to find out that Nationwide's coverage is• equal to~r better than you have Of course. I know my camping gear wasn't really free. But try telling !'le that whe~ I 'v~KQ!. ~ t rout i n the Sl<lllet, and I'm enjoying another great weekend in the woods. How much could you save? now. Yet it costs you less. "I bought all this atmping gear Plus, when you need to make •th the $105 "'1i0 J saved by ~4-~L.:--a claim. simply call our direct· WI .11 ;;:,n~ to dial."LiveWire"claimsservice. Most people find they can save Nation-ride Au•-T-----~ '.' Most claims are paid in less than up to '60 or more every year -· -a Ml A.111'USllll~ 48 hoU11!1 after proof of Joss. on every car they insure. If your driving record is reasonably Is S60 worth 3~ minutes of your time? good. you should be able to qualify for our lowest rates. (If you live In 3~ minutes or Iese, you can fill out the R.tefinder coupon below in Washington and you don't qualify, we can still help you get insur· and get it re.dy to drop in the mail. Why not do it today? It could ance at competitive rates through one of our affiliate companies: be worth t60 oc more in your pocket. fMaybe there's 90met.hing yoa Nationwide Property & Casualty and Colonial Insurance of California.) want to buy, too!) r ----------Nationwide, tell me how much I can save! ••-r..&'!'.:=.~~, I IWlonWldt t~ • PO. Boa 89'l7 • l'ottllnct. OR 97208 I ~ --II Ille QUflllonl I IW<"-I I :-' Stal• ~ I I C0<""1 ~ ""°"t --I I l"'plOofel Joi> I s.o-·. ("'fioytt 1 ~~~ I I Dll•""-'n..,._~.. 1 I Good S4 ...... OllCOoll'I (MOT #/AllAIU Ill IUAS~. Alt "*' ,,,., ~ d"'*1 -I Mt 1111 ·-st-Ill• ..... "' tilt.,.., 20ll. of lllllr dMI t• -... ,, " .... ""' I -I CA C9ll'I of 1 cwn1111 .,.,. card °' C9f1lflcllloft w11 .. ,.....,.. .., ;1 rw -.111 ..,., I I PIMM -Miid .,IO °" O lJflt O ~ 0 IN! 0 llolMaw1•1 llW-I lft ~. lllliotlwidl""""' ... ~, __ Co ... Colonlll t--. ot I ~ ollw -·,, ,,...,., •.... I iatfl ..... ~ ........, __ ,__.c....,... I I 111· 1,_·~-~ ......... llMMll .... __ C:...,,.,, I ~ ~~C! ~ ~ ~,::.,. 0..,. I SEfMNG 0000 DNWM l9tCa t• J • L----------"yoa qualtff far I .......... ,.·11 ...... " .......... __________ .. How to Rlake YoutSeH Petfectly Clear 8y Jone ffiotks D o you ever feel misunder- stood by the peopJe closesa to you? b happens to all of us at times. We may grumb&e and blame it on "their inabiJiry to listen" or 'iheir indifference" to our feeJings, but 90flletimes, ac:cording to Or. William Offenkrantz, psychJ.atrisa and profes· sor of p:sychoanalysis at the Medical College of Wisconsin In MiJwaukee. "the problem Is at least as much because toe haven't done aJI we coukl to amcu&ate just exactly what It Is that we want them to understand." Consider, for exam- ple, if either of these situations sounds famil- iar: • You've told your best abouta~11 u have, hoping he'd sympathetic and rtive. But he 't seem very con- . You wonder if 's really such a good dafter al. •Recently your use has had a ten- cy to run late you meet. ou've been left stand- outside of resta\mlllts and movie eaters. You've complained about forced to wait, but It hasn't In each of these cases. it's natural to the defensive assumpdon that other pienon just doesn't care. But that isn't the case at all. Too • we aYOki actually saying what wmt (because we don't want to be tieJllUlrlC:ling OI' we don't know exacdy to eqna our needs). Then we c::healed when the other per90n to mind red. If you need to explain what's on mind to !llOmeOOe, don't be to ate the obvious or make a request. If you try to simplify statement or If you don't take to cxpleir1 the albddes of your lh.lrdclna, the mrrrage won't come lhrnilJlll\ loud and des. For lnltance. wt6e who ays to her hulband, omrny's bW\day calce Is neady at bakey," l1lllY rulta! In her own that she'd .. him to respond by It up. but this is not the message she's conveying to her~­ band. When he responds by sifriP'y saying, "Oh, good," shell be an- noyed or disappointed. The problem could be avoided if she'd .be specific about her needs. A better statement is, '"Tommy's cake Is ready. Would you mind picking it up for-me because I'd like to finish some chores?" Slmilarly, if you 're telling a friend about a problem and you're hoping for support. be as precise as possible. Don't merely say, "I've been a little do " wn. h's also a good Idea to avoid pat phrases and diches, such as. "You / really get on my nerves" or "J don't feel so hot." They've been so over- used that they don't carry 1mpact. If what you have to say Is aittcal of the other person, thete's a chance he11 become so defensive that he won't focus on your mesuge. lllel'e's e way to avoid lriggeril ig a defensive reaction, however. "Do go ahead and say what you have to say, .. says Or. OlmJcrantz, "but you can do JO Jn a nonaocusmory way. Fu lrm:anm. ln- si.ad of, 'You ae picky and meM to me; I can't stand it,' try. 1 feel bed when you a1Hctle my doches. '" What do you do tf the other person d misses yow point? Instead of fi.v- lng up, you'I gain more fJ'OUlld If you ask him to tell you oadty what I Is you've said that won1es « Upllb him. Mott of the time, • can n.n out tobea*'1ple, bonaa~­ lng -which you then have lhe op- portunty to dartfy. \ It takes a lot of CX>Ur9 -plus ef- foct end pn"lii!Rooe -to 0... and ...... our feelfnga and puc tham Into words. But It .. pays off: The '*'°" you cae about hat a clear under- ~ of what ~ ne8ds Im . . ,.,_..,. wa.LY, 1 el 1 .... •• A_...., ______ ~a..O-....•~-•OlllrM'i5 Tilln --Y 94-ta .,... 400 ,.._, -•· • • ._m 111U..,., "'-* 211D-111r• 400 .._.,,.•our A'f ...,.._ All sus.~..,.•---.... ,...-,.. • ....,_~-·,..-•11 501 ~ .. Cl!!... -E.oi•-50 .............. llrlCIO ..... ~ID,_aft_ ... m __ fl!Ollll Nprtlllll -u.--...... ---·-14=::.i::..,._ ........ -, ............... 111 ,,,._,... -111---• ......... ... e-.---=-~= .t._::..-.-::.::.:;:.:::, ____ --.-NII C OCM.._..._,., _______________ , ---..... IV'l-41 ...... aa.,-...... 'L,.. f'-.AIS!IM ~ • ...., ................. ~ ...... -l!lrordlr.l""' ..... -14dl!JllGll~,_,lll"'J..-Pllllt_..._, ...... al_I r111fl»1)1~~50---..... 1Drl00 ................ $1..SO..-.&IWdllO ::J(.oa2)1~-... --12 ..... lllCI ..... --·· :Jl.allJitm:a.19~J~IDr-..... IUIO_.....&...._, •.• -............ , ............ -......... -illlf:--llf11Cll--_.111,....Sl.50•• MDrlltlUDllllS---<H" ........... ,,.c.o.o ... _ ...,. __________________________ _ ....._ _____________ s.. Zip _____ _ L-••••••••••••••-•••••••~---~----•••••--•••••~•••••••••~ SYIOllnRICS ••• M Olympic Cllalnpion's Discovery! llnlW19hlilloa ' W-9anll111 .. lllh le 7 -.r ....._ a day "'"' tnt '"!Midi of SVWOMETRICS the llMISllC ~ ChscCMfy lof ............ ~ llf~. •m. b1rrassmo lat llld 1111> to llWll a ·tnncl new rOdl -Nrd. tun. "'"'. llandSo!M bOOY' m . . . ~ . ' . . . . . . . . " . . I ·1 ~ t I . I 7325-From white cap to lltrle "v.iooden • shoes. Miss Holland will enchant all. Panem pieces for 18"" doll and outfit directions $2.00 741R-Make aib.cowr or carriaglll cowr. plctUnr w\th otoboldm!d pets In ~t colors. Transfer 9 motifs 5 x 6W. Dtrectlons .. $2.00 New Ctaft Patterns 7 16R 606R-Crochet rhi.s slimming 7l6R-Dress up tn tl-;s elegant vest of synthetic wonted ln 4 col wrap Crochet pineapple cape ol ors DtrectlOl'l~ for Women's synthetic worsted. Directions !Of' Sizes 38 48 Included $2.00 Misses Sizes S.16 indudedS2 00 7284-Cover extra roll ol paper 7082-The Last Supper by with clown caddy. crochet pup-Leonardo Da Vino. Use string or py, bunny or cat covers with finer cotton depending on size soap sachet5 Use ~ted desired Directions. ftlet crochet Oin!ctlons . . . $2.00 chart . . . . . . . .... $2.00 728 4 ' ~~· . -~.~) ·J~1 .... .. r: J ... • . I 527R-Enhance a bed with this ex· qultlte "butt~ In fli!tit" quilt - one bkd makes a pillow. Pen.m pW.es. ct.ts; dbectlons. . . . $2.00 s..11 Sl.00 ,_ __. ,..._.. ... 50 c.nu ...:• fw ~ ............. To: F...U, .w...., N••d•, Boa ... OW C8'elMe Sta.SO.. N .. VOii&. N.Y. Jens. ...... -....__ ....... a.a_._. PATTBNS IHOWN ON lHll PAGE All.l AVAAA• f AIOM THIE A80VEA"'CMll .. OM. Y. 9 48R DOU 121.',,, MIR-Sleepytlme Gal and Cudcly Crawler with her eyes open -thls l 21h • baby can be made both ways. Trmisfer of pattern pieces. . $2.00 I 7289 With squabbles between growers and tourists, gang wars and even murders, a picnic In the woods Is more than potluck. By Lindo ffiorso ast spring_, a nature hike ,scheduled by a local garden club through a rugged but scenic section of the Trinity and Shasta ~National Forest just west of Redding was · ~ abruptly canceled The day before, a ~resident had acddentaty stumbled upon a fleld of more than 400 marijuana plants smack in the middle of the wilderness. What made the area so unsafe was that all of the trails surrounding the plantation were booby- trapped with trip wires connected to hand grenades The idea of a group of middle-aged matrons. clad in bermuda shorts and sun hats, bhthely trip· ping through a mine field in search of wildflowers. may sound hke a skit from Soturdov Night Uue_ William Derr. special agent for the Pacific Southwest region of the'lJ.S. Forest Service, only wishes it were. He finds nothing comical in the fact that incidents like thlS are happening more fre- quently and that. during the past four years, the 155 national forests in the U.S . have become a veritable mecai for marijuana moonshiners. The Forest Service estimates that more than 25 percent of the $8 billion worth of marijuana harvested In the United States last year cafl\e from the national forests. Upward of $1 billion was grown on public kind in California -the nation's top pot producer -where one weU-manlcured, eight to 10 foot plant of the superpotent sinsem111a strain of the Illegal herb can fetch $2.000 to $3,000. Hawaii, Oregon. Oklahoma, Kentucky and Tennessee trail California closely. with annual yields In excess of $200 million. And with the re<:e$lon fueling this underground economy, the aop Is expected to be even bigger this year. What makes the forests so popular with pot growers? It's easy to naipe detection In remote, dense areas that are difficult to patrol. cxp&alns Terry Pfau,__on Investigator with the Monterey (conBnwaJ CAboucJ PtJalos j8d: A ~from the Mor*5ey Counfy Shtrl/f• QJkie ~ the OOlh aq>. (Below) 8sf Ol»rt*fl!I out. growers con protect tMtr fnoatmcnl. (1nwt) A tent dwdlr~ lclr:hen .aup. •• ,NlllU WllKU', •• ,,... .... - County, Califomla Shertffs Department. _.., they hea you. aD they have to do ls step back in the bush." What's more, prosecution becomes vil1ualy im· possible because the growers don't own the land. Pfau dtes a raid last faD in the Los Padres National Forat, about 150 miles south of San Francisco, as a case In point. "There were about 13,000 plants in one canyon. easily worth over a million dollars. A corporation In Miami had put up $10,000 for se· curtty, water, seeds and fertilizer and hired peop&e to work the land at $200 a day .... Th~ was no one person we could anesa." The upshot of al of this IDegal activity: Soma partS of the national forests are downright dangerous. In 1981 the Forest Service received 800 reports of confrontations between growers and visitors. while Forest Service employees and their fam1lies have been the target oi veiled threats "if they don't mind their own business." n July, for instance, several rec:reationists hang gliding off a ridge In the Stanislaus National Forest suddenly found themselves looking down the bane.I of a shotgun. The suspicious grower had rMtakenly assumed they were spying on his aop. So far. no visitors have been harmed but. as Derr sourly says, given the element this outlaw industry attracts, ... it's ju.sa a matter of time." Wdh medium-size farms of 50 to 100 plants gen- ercding up to $50,000 in tax.free doUars each yea. these latter-day bootleggers go to great lengths to protect their luaattve aop, though more from poachers than police. Elaborate warning devk:es that sum:>Wld the fields range &om such makahlft rac:W systems as refiecting mirrors, trip wires trig- gering cros&bows, V.etnam-style punJ pb 8ned wtlh wooden spears and guard dogs and peacocks that shriek at the sound of an Intruder, to state--of- the-art eAectronic surveillance equipment. Given the potential payoffs, It's not surprising that paranoia re.aches a f8Yerish level during the harvest season In Septemba and Oc:toba. when the most money Is at stake. and armed ~ guard their crops round-the-dock. Already, tensions between pot farmers and thieves have erupted Into violence. Bike !JOUP9 haw mowd In, offering "protedion." and homlddes In the national forests have Increased substantially, accordJng to John BeDuardo, public Information of6cer for the Pad8c Southwest regk>n of the Forest Service. '"\Ya found peope shot execution-style, with a bulet ~ the head. This was no lover's quanel." As one normally peaceful grower has !J1rnJy admitted, .. Everyone h• guns. After al, you can't cal the lhertff If 90me0ne llUls pot &om you. Vou haw to either shoot It out, go elm them, or kill It off." lronk:.aly. the OW!IWheJmlng majority of the na- tion'• ~ 100,000 com· madel "'°wm who, for the mollt p.n, are otherwise law-ebkling dltatar, are .-0 lhid. Conbwy to ~ many .. blue-cols workers. businessmen down on their luck. flnan· cially squeezed farmers. or even senior ch.iz.ens sup· plementing 1he1J pensions. as well as the usual assortment of leftovers from the Halght-Ashbury era. But Derr pomts out, "The difficulty is that you don't know where that dangerous minority is lodged." This unlikely tum of events has thrust the Fo rest Service. traditionally charged with Land manage- ment. "Into becoming more heavily involved in ac· tivities." says Belluardo . Aside fro m the obvious dangers to the publk. what's just as alarming ls that the presence of these plantations not only hampers the normal duties of the rangers bur also has an adverse impact on the environment WThe ul'provements to support this activity are tremendous." explains David R. Hanner. district ranger for the Monterey OistriC1 of the Los Padres National Forest. Growers install o utdoor showers. kitchen facilities and drip irrigation systems. And, they use fertilizers and pesticides that could con· t.aminate the water supply or kill wildlife. Last year "we found cannisters of rodenticides for small animals." Harmer reports. "In the entire area. there wasn ·1 a sound -no birds. mseas or ammals They've put small villages m places where we don'r even allow chain saws." he adds. "They're destroying the wilderness " Moreover. officials blame cultivators for cKc1den - tally starting more than a dozen serious wtldland fires in the past two years with dollar losses m the milUons. In 1980. for example. one fire that swept up the Monterey coast cost over $2 million just to extinguish. The price tag on the damage was in· estimable As Derr says, with no small measure of levity. "They're not exactly your good campers." Understandably. timber crews thar either replant or thin trees. won't venture into hazardous zones. The same holds true for biologists and fishing ex· pens checking on wildlife. Right now. Forest Ser- vM:.e employees work around the pot plantations by maintaining safer reg)c>ns. But down the road. this practice will. as Belluardo puts 11, ''render the ser· vice ineffective." he solution to rhis thorny problem stymies law enforcement officers. Police raids In California's 18 national forests last year netted $250 mUlion worth of weed. but the Drug Enforcement Ad- ministration (0 .E.A.) admits it's only get· ting 5 to 10 percent of the aop. Small wonder Ar1 Sohcot, an attorney in MiU Valley who repre9entS several growers, c:haracterll.es the eradication pro- gram as Man tnane attempt to do something that's Impossible. The amount of money and effort tn · volved doesn't )usttfy the returns." The facts seem to support Sohcot's contentions. The trend among growers is toward planting several smaD patches. The chances are that only one or two will be discovered and growers wtll"lllst write the loss off to the cost of doing business· AJ one D.E A. agent says in frustration, "We're out- powered and outnumbered. U you arrest one. It seems three more pop up." Even those COflvided of growing manjuana receive "Utt le more than a slap on the wrist," sa~ Bud Cook. sheriff of Monterey County. '"To give someone a $750 fine and 100 hours of community work Is not really a deterrent." What's more. In places where the l1legaJ cash crop IS' economically entrenched, giving growers political and financial dout. local officials tend to take the ostrich approach. weD aware that any other tactic is futile . In Mendec:ino county. for in· stance. where pot rivals timber as the major Indus· try. the board of,upervlsors adopted a resolution to crack down on cultivation . But. as Fran McDer· mott. Callfoml.a coordinator for the Natlonal 1 prga- nlzation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (N.0 .R.M.L.) questions, "What are they golnQ to do -bomb the ent.lre county?" Public sympathy. particularly among the nation's 25.5 million pot smokers. seems to be o n the side of the gro wers, who are viewed as folk heroes much akin to the rumrunners dt.aing Pro hibition. ln reality, as Sohcot points out. thelr lives really aren't quite so romantic. Raising top-notch sinsemUla. whic~ has a high concentration of tetrahydrocan- nabinol (THC), marijuana's psychoacdve Ingre- dient. Is a laborious task. Commercial cultivators put In long hol.115 seven days a week. Farming In the national forests demands even mo re effort because gro wers must backpack all equipment to remote regions and camp in their fteJds from March until harvest time. There's no doubt big money is changing hands, and Porsches and exotic four-wheelers aren't un· common tn the marijuana heartland. But McDer- mott says ndativeJy few growers make megabucks. Sohcot sees law enforcemenfs .. ina'edtJly in- flated" figures a.s an e>CC\l9e to beef up their budgets. "I had one case wheft the poliot con- fiscated 100 plants and said It was worth hail a million. ll)ey called my client one of the ~ growers In Caltfomla, .. he says. "His lnCX>me b three years actually amounted to $20,000 ... Given this, It's easier to understand why the whole thing has. for tome. ~ted Into a ~game of cops and robbers. We )ult figure we11 get them nc.xt year." says Teny Pfau. who received an unexpected gift &om the Carmel Vallry Growen as- sociation last faD: a T-shh't bearing the logo, "When the going gets tough, the tough get growtng." The Department Qf JullicAt, h~ct. ftndlng ltt· de humor In the situation, has ln.attuttd a policy of Miz:ilg the property of.thOM Involved In culdvation. 1Wo pwc.cls of lend In Southern c.rbnle have already -been confiscated. according to Joseph P. Russoniello, U.S. attorney for the northern district of California. 'This sho uld send a pretty clear signal that we mean bllsiness." Othas think this tactic will have just the opposite effect. giving growers a moral justification for using public lands. Under this provision, "Theoretic:aDy. If Joe Blow has five marijuana plants, they will seize his entire property," Sohcot explains. "So. if he decides to raise his aop on Federal land In order to protect his property, can you really blame him?" Indeed, the inaedl~ upsurge In this Illicit enter- prise couJd stem from Government policy. "Up un- til 1978." McDermott points out, "there was virtual· ly no domestic cultivation. The Nixon Admlnlstra· tion pressured Mexico to spray theJr 6eJds wtth paraquat, a hetblode that causes lung damage. The panic created by that program was the Im· mediate impetus for starting a new cultivation In- dustry ... A more recent D.E.A. crackdown on drug traffic from Colombia only boOsted sales of home· grown grass. Moreover, a program launched this year to spray paraquat on fields In Florida met with opposttlon. A suit 6led by N.0 .R.M.L. halted 11 tempormily. Olevrort. wt*=h manufactures the weed Idler. pned tn the ~ $JOup IS plaintiffs. As Emi ScripGng. a Chevron vice president says. '"'Terrifying people in order to change their social behavior ls not a registeled use of the herbicide." With U.S. authonties admittedly stalemated In tMlr eradic:adon efforts, McDermott finds legalizzl- tion the obvious answer. If mm1juana was no longer contraband. she reatON, prices wou.ld drop, the black marbt which attracts atmJnal elements would d!tapp«• and farming ln the national fordS would no longer be necaeary. The pcospecu of this h~ In the near fu1we , though. tMms dim. So, for now, the onoe prltrlne wlldemat Is no ~ • sanctuary -for man or beast. Tune days. Derr cautions, "the llkelihood of an tnnbocnt ef"O" stumbling 1'1111 onto o bad lit.uatlOn It greet." ILi Undo M-. ·a /111.flrrte ftuwJs;ICW "-d In ~. llladloel ~., ,.,._ _, oc..nino~~. ,....,-.U,1$ II ·-•rr 11 ., . (u/t) Jane Golden. (Above) Two blocks from the beach, on Mo1n Street, is her tribute to Ocean Parle pier. Portrait of an Artist Her murals have endured rain, sleet, dark of night and even the •graj/iti wars.,. But Jane Golden wouldn't trade her work for the world. thick, sunlit forest of redwood trees, rocky vistas and waterfalls thrives In Santa Monica. This sylvan retreat shehers neither smaU animals nor er- rant schoolchildren. But It does pro- vide a restful moment for passersby, thanks to its cn!ator, who tends this urban forest with brushes and paints. The Redwood mwal, whk:h coven the walls of the John Muir Elementary School building, is only one of the nearly 30 massive paintings that muralist Jane Golden has completed in Santa Monica dur- ing the past six years.•TaU, almost lanky. with gray- green eyes. her light brown hair gathered Into a ponytail. Golden could be mistaken for one of the surf and sand lovers who flock to this seaside resort. Unlike most folks, though, she does more than just revel In nature: She seeks to reproduce it In places where nnture seems to have no business. On file lit home. she keeps the locations of about 100 other walls she'd like to paint. Her most significant achlevemenl Is the wall of the 4th Street Underpass: It is 600 feet long. Motorists on Ocean Pnrk Boulevard w\U first see a pastoral Santa Monica Bay and small beachslde homes circa tum of the century. Gradually. It changes Into boxy 20th-century buildings and ends, appropriately enough, with the freeway. so that the history of the city unfolds before the motorist. Not everyone appr~tes Golden's vis$on. The underpass, started ln November'1980 and sched· uled for completion by March 1983 was the subject of what local wags called "the graffiti wan" waged by members of the Gorilla Art Squad. Their dalre for free expression -generally accomplished wtth . . BY SKIP FERDERBER spray paint on the walls of public structures -was opposed to Jane's more traditional philosophy. The pro)ect frequently came to a halt while she and assistant Mark Ru.sch repainted segments that the squad defaced. "They believed In graffiti as an artform." she explains. "They thought I had done too many murals already and w~ted me out of Ocean Park." , . The city attorney's office finally threatened the graffiti painters with legal action if they didn't stop. Though this ended problems concerning the mural. it also soured Jane on doing public art -especially when she's raising the funds for the project herself "I Just got really disgusted," she says. "rm an artist, not a milbonaire." Golden became Interested In doing a mural on the underpass wall alter winning a local competi- tion In 1978 to become a publicly paid city murallsl. She and then-partner Peggy Edwards selected seven ~ublic building slte5, one of which was the underpass. But time -and four months pf rain - allowed completk>n of only two murals during the grant's one year life. At the same Hme, Proposition 13, the property's tax-hmiting Initiative, virtually dried up all spare city funds. The re$Ult was that Golden, who by then was wori<Jng alone. was told by city officials she could paint the underpass, but only If she raised the funds for It. She dkl. accruing SS.000 fot the entire project. A more realistic: figure, she admitted, would have been $50,000. To keep the project going. she held fund·rnlsing '°"ents. People allo stopped by the mural and praacd.J)'loney Into ha hands. But the graffiti campaign dragged on for months, adding e>cpenMS for repainting and hiring guards -ec- tually local surfers -to watch the painting at night. At the same time. she began to attract private commissions, which started to make heavy demands on her time. So. she has temporarily suspended work on the huge mural. Jane wanted to be an artist since she was 10. Ralsed In Margate. N.J .. she comes from an afflu· ent family (her father owns an oU company; her mother Is an artist). It was her father who Initially sparked her interest in the Depression-era muralists such as Diego Rivera and Thomas Hart Benton. In high school, she received her first taste of the glories of public art when she won an art scholar- ship to Italy. The dedsive Impetus came from an art teacher at Amherst College In Massachusetts. "He exposed me to art l had never looked at before." she remembers fondly. In her sophomore year. she transferred to Stan· ford. and alter graduation In 1976. she moved to Santa Monica where she began painting murals. Today, even with commissions. Golden says she Is just managing to survive financially. Costs, she estimates. run between $10 and $25 a squani foot. She supplants her mural ~ by selling oils and watercolors to private coUectors. "I don't make a lot of money," she says with a grimace. "but for some- one my age, rve done a lot." Golden also b1es to interject a message In har work, but her polities ~ gentle.: "I feel l have a responslbllJty to the public. The mural has to blend Into the envtronment, and you have to know that there will b8 thousands of peopM? expowd to It." But as an arflst, she wants people to know where she stands. "It's bke the ntdwood fon:st mural," she adds, laughing. "Pu~ It ln the mkldJe ol the dty was the best po9l6ble statement l oould mak.." 51r9t, ..... tpends moet of her~ houn paint· Ing. She tw been ~ by IUJlt)on• who admft her woric IO nm for the Senta Monica 0ty Cound. But her p&aris don't lndude polldcs. "Thlre'• no time for Ir. t ~ want to plllnt hUg. ·wait, rm and I hope to do Ir for the,_ of my •• " _,.. m • '"MILYWl.EKLY,1411>1-wa .. ----------------------------------------- .I YOURC AFRESH ® FRESH START HELPS GET OUT THE GRAY EVEN THE LEADING DETERGENT CAN LEAVE BEHIND . ) Fresh Start is no ordinary detergent. It has special cleaning ingredients even the leading detergent doesn't have. Fresh Start helps clean away the left-over dirt and grease that cause the gray. The gray even the leading detergent can leave behind . And as the gray goes away your clothes will look cleaner, fresher, brighter. Fresh Start can help make dingy, gray clothes a thing of the past for you. Why settle for an ordinary detergent when you can give1y1our clothes a Fresh Start every day? ' ,. I i I I I ,. Califotnia-5_cen~-- Whete to Go, What to See, What to Do Touring Julian country ways. igh ln the ptne and oak-covered huts that separate the beaches of San Diego from the Anz.a Borrego Des- ert, lies the old mining and mountain settlement of Julian. Once the site of a gold boom that drew eager miners from their diggings in the Mother Lode. Julian has drifted into quieter Tree-lined country roads (State 78 and 79) lead to oak and pine grasslands where spreading horse and cattle ranches roU into apple. pear and peach orchards. Autumn is a particularly good time for a visit: The farmers' harvests are in and you'll find barrels of apples, casks of cider and tempting varie- ties of homemade jams and jellies for sale at numerous roadside stands. Within Julian. there are cozy restaurants offering home-style cooking, fresh fruit pies and cobblers and real sarsaparilla. The town still retains its 19th- century air -the original false-front butldings line Main Street. A look at Julian's old mining days is featured at the Eagle Mine, open daily from 8 A.M. to 4 P .M. You'll find the Eagle by taktng C Street In the center of town and following the signs to the mine. A 90-minute guided tour takes you into the mine Itself and includes an explanation of gold mining. You can also visit Julian's first mine. the Wash- ington Street Mine. It too can be reached vta C Stteet. The mine's entrance is boarded shut now, but the ore cars and their tracks stt in a fenced area for all to see. Close to this mine are a reconstructed assay office and a blacksmith shop, both equipped with the tools of their trades. History buffs wiU also want to visit the Julian Museum (open 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. on weekends) with its collection of memora· bilia from the town's gold rush days. Uthe easy ambiance of Julian attracts you, you can prolong your visit with a stay at the Julian Hotel. Constructed In 1897, the hotel has a warm Victorian air, complete with hlghbacked rcx:klng chairs on a sunny veran~ and antique oak fur· nitu.N in every room. Weekend rates are $45 to $70 (double oocupancy) and week nights. $34 to $55. This Includes a breakfast of blueberry muffins. homemade jams. fresh fruit and coffee. For raer- vations, call In advance: (714) 765-0201. Julian Is a mounraln town where the w1nds from the sea and dam meet. For a view of both these spreading scapa, visit Cuyamaca Ra_ncho State ao • FAMILY WlEKLY, &.j)t-tMI< ,., 1982 (Top) The Mission Santa Ysabel, which Is open to the public. (Above) Taking a nature hike through San Antonio de Pala Mmlon. Santa Ysabel. eight miles west of Julian on State 79, was built In 1818 and reconstructed In 1928. The small white missk>n, still u5ed for dally servk:es, llS open to the public. Shady pepper trees and spreading oaks ~und the courtyard where a wishing well, windmill and picnic tables make a welcome lunch-stop setting. Park. just 10 miles south of Julian on State 79. More than 100 miles of riding and hiking tra.ils wander beside cool streams and to the summits of three peaks. Birds and w11dlife abound. as do wtld- flowers. From the top of Mount Cuyamaca (a three-how round-trip hike), you'll enjoy vistas of the blue Paciftc, the desert's Salton Sea. the bor- derlands of Mexico and the distant San Bernardino Mountains. Campgrounds, picnk:areasand..,edal P ala Mls&lon. constructed in 1816, sits ln campsttes for honebeck riders are avdable, and the sleepy San Luis Rey River Valley on range.rs regularly lead guided natwe walks. State 76. The original chapel, with Indian U hiking Is your prefe1~1a, you'll alto want to flacoes on the walls, is still there, and It's vtsit the Descanso District of the Cleveland Natk>nal the on)y chapel In the misek>n chain WJed Forest. On day and overnight hikes. you can ex-,_ today by a predominantly Indian congregation. plore rugged mountain terrain, deep canyons and Visitors are welcome to tour the mission and Its oak-edged streams. The Pad& Crest 5clenic Trail, tree-thaded 9roun<1t. which leads 2,400 miles from the Mexican bofda H you're an amonomy lover, you'll want to see to Canada, ~ts along the mountains ol this fonst the Palomar Obeetvatory, sttuated high on Mt. and presents splendid views of the Anza 8omtgo Palomar reached via Palomar Mt. East G..acM (S.7) Desert. Camping sites are available. for mor. off State 76. ihc road Winds upward through oek information, wQte Cleveland National Forest, 880 chaparral and stendlng rocks to the mountain's Front 51reet, Room 6-5--5, ~n Diego 92188. tummlt. From Julian, the drtva takes about OM · Just north and west of JullAn, you can vlllt two hour. early Spanish mislions, Mission Santa Ysabel and Hfte you'B ftnd the large tlJver dome of the By Virginia Mcnll 12-story obeervatot'y, oeerated by the California In· stltuta of Technology, 1i muteum with ~ ex- p&ajnlng the obeervatory's functk>ns and wonderful ~of the changang night sky. Visitors can take a self-gwded tour through pub& areas of the obsetvatory. From a gallery you can view the 200 inch, 500 ton Hale Telescope. the largest In the U.S. Observatory hours are fro m 9 A .M. to 5 P.M . daily (admission is free). but direct visual observa- tion isn't possible. A short traU leads from the PaJomar Observatory through a dense forest to an obsetvation point overlooking Mendenhall Valley. From here, you have a view of old rancho-sayle Palomar Mountain State Park. You can camp or picnic here tn q pine and oak fot'eSl. and wlll Jll'Gt>- ably spot sever8I of the wUd ptgeons for which this area was named. Boaters and fishermen will wanr to Visit Lake Henshaw. splashed In a meadow hol- low just below the mountain. To reach Julian and all the points of interest sw- rounding it, follow Interstate 5 south from Los Angeles to Oceanside, then take State 78 to Escon- dido. Or you can go east on Interstate 8 from San Diego to Descanso. then north on State 79. Julian and its environs hark back to another, slmp&er era. · omia with an original homestead and cattle speckling the grassy land below. 1ne road up to Palomar Mountain also leads to Sept. 25. 26-VaJyermo Fall Festival Sept. 26-Hellenic Barbecue. Lan- Oct. 1-3-Santa Ciani Festival Days Oct. 1-3-Harvest Festiva.I and hrlslrnas Crafts Faire. Sacramento Oct. 1-3-Chico Expo 1982 Oct. 1-3-San BenJto County Fair. ollister Oct. 1-10-Ventura County Fair Oct. 2 -Monterey County Wtne eesttval and Grape Stomp, Sainas Oct. 2-Cabrillo Landing Pageant. San >edro Oct. 2-Johnny Appleleed Day. >araciise Oct. I. S-Santa Cruz Mission Day ~andParade Oct. I. 3-Greek Fesatval, Stockton Oct. 2. 3-ltalian American Festival, ;an Jose Oct. 2, 3-2nd Annual CaWomia ntematk>nal Alnhow, Salinas Oct. 2. 3-Junlor Rodeo. Angels Amp Oct. 2. 3-Han.iest Fair. Santa Rosa Oct. 3-Blessing of the Ashing fleet. San Francisco Oct. 3-0ktooertest, Grass Valley Oct. 7-10-Delano Wine and Harvest Fattwl Oct. 9-Fall festival, C1eartake Oaks Oct. 9. 10-Rtvetbank Cheae and Wine Exposition Oct. 9, 10-Monterey Grand Prix, Monterey/Salinas , Oct. 9-11-Colwnbus Day Ce.Jebra1ion and Parade, San Ftandtco Oct. 10. ll-Cal6co Days, Cal6co Oct. 11-17-Ruttic Ra8road Days, ROMMDe Oct. 14-17-Pumpldn Festival, Man- teca Oct. 16-0ktobafat. l.odl Oct. 16, 17-Purnpldn Festival, Half Moon Bay Oct. 17-Sandcasrle Contest, Newport Beach Oct. 22-24-0ktobafat, NOl1h Lake Tahoe h was a time of gentler ways and unhurried country trawl, and while wandering from point to point on ttl4lle rnaPi highways, you're sure to be tempted by smaller, sihadeci lanes, Y'leJd to the ltemptatioR - you'D be rewarded with views of old-time Califor- nia, magical forests to explore, or ar< old mine to peek into. lnen head back to Main Street for ano- ther fresh slice of pie and some of that l'WI honest·to-goodnes.1, real sarsaparilla. llLI Virginia MorreU le a naliono/ trove/ untM:r I I I I I 1- MMILYWlaU,' JI i•e --e a1 ---------------------------------------............ Ladies of the Lake Since 1916, members of the Oakland Womens Rowing Club have been parting. the waters of Lake Merritt. much to the delight of local landlubbers. By PhyllJa Zauner o one would mlSlake them for a crack Harvard crew team. More than half the members are over 70 years old. with the oldest active rowers being 86 and 87 respectively. But their stroke is well nigh flawless as they cut a smooth path across Lake Merritt, oars nsing and faJJ.ing as rhythmically as knitting needles. It's a precision born of hMd work and years of experience. for the Oakland Women's Rowing Club has been at It. one way or another. since 1916. By 1966. orly one miserable, unseaworthy boat remained. It was the club's SOth anniversary. and it looked like the end for the 0 .W.R.C . But never underestimate the power of a woman. Shon on funds. but long on chutzpah . the lad1es had taken a bold step three years earlier by writing for help to President Kennedy a known exercise buff. He referred them to the Coast Guard. and finally. on Feb. 28. 1966. the ladles were presented with another aging castoff. It was three weeks late for their official SOth annivenary celebration, but they were delighted. ln the days of the five vimels, membership had been as high as 125. But with only one boat at hand. rolls were pared down and members took .Rowing's hard work Although each lady handles only one oar. an how of stroking can take Its toll on muscles. "When we train a new rower. she sits with a veteran ~o can take over when she tires." explains 60-year-old Betty Pennebaker. "It takes a whUe to work up to a whole hour." Time was, membershlp was of a younger Ilk. Betty's mother-in-law, 87 -year~ld Lois Penne· baker. recalls with some nostalgic relish that JUst after World War II a couple of sailors on the lake took a fancy to the pretty girls In the whaling boat. 1"hey started playing a cat-and-mouse game with us, skittering around like fleM on a hot skillet. But they got too frisky and overturned their boat. We had to rescue them. hauUng them back to shore. wet and sorry." The ladies no '°nger attract lovesick sailors. But they do have their share of admirers who wave to them from Shore. as well as fans who come to the pier and watch them shove off every Wednesday -1 come down here regular... says one male bystander. "And I hate to admit it, but once those ladles get In the boat and start puDing on them oars. ain't too many men could beat them ." ra11 Harvard crew team, look out. IAJ The ladles meet at the pier promptly at 10 A.M each Wednesday, decked out in natty white sailor jumpers worn with white pants. blue neckerchiefs and regulation white sailor caps. Red stars. award- ed each August to members who· ve rowed at least 25 times during the year, adorn the members' silk neckerchiefs. turns at the oars -10 at a time plus the coxs- wain. The cnw of th~ 0 . W.R.C., preparing to~ off for their Vkdnesdav row. ucross oars! Let fall! Boat oars! Good oars!". commands the coxswain tn firm voice. She counts cadence, .. one-lWO. one-lWO," and the ustroke," seated directly m &ont of the cox.swain, sets the pace by dipping oar on ''two'' and pulling out on "one." The other ladies follow the lead of the stroke. A key position on any team. the stroke spot has special significance for the 0.W.R.C . The passing years have dimmed hearing for some ears. and the coxswain, running short on breath. occa- sionally takes a break &om counting cadence Sometimes the stroke is all they have to rely on. After an hour of vigorous rowing. the ladles head fOC' shore. helping one another disembark. Then. changing into thetr c:Mes. they repair to the clubhouse for a potluck lunch. The club's unUkely beginning was that of a vol· leyball team in the year 1916 when the two accep- table sports for young ladies were croquet and volleyball. But Winifred Van Hagen, the club's plucky founder. had other aspirations. Boating was a popular excursion of the day, and to her. those boab bobbing on lB<e Menttt eveiy Sunday looked like a lot ~e fun than volJeyball. She persuaded the U.S . Navy to contribute five agtng whaling boats -they had been used as llte- boats during World War I -to the dub. Big. clum· sy, with 12 rowing positions, the boats requ!Nd a pllot and co·pilot to handle the tiller. They provided the beginning$ of the Oakland Women's Rowing Club, and for the next 50 years members could be seen pulling oar acros.s the 18ke's waters. Ptlylli. Zauner ., o /rffloncc iMrifcr Uulng In Lob Tahoe That was until 1979 when ComeU Malet. a chief executive officer of Kaiser Aluminum and Chemkal Corporation. appeared on the scene. He not only persuaded members of Oakland's business communhy to phch In and buy the ladles another boat. but he also picked up the tab for their unifotm$. Who could take such gener- osity llghdy? Surely not the members of the O.W.R.C . Every week. as they make their way around the lake. they pause midway to salute their benefactor in the Kaiser Building. Today. membership ls closed at 49. a figure determined by the number of rowing posl· lions. Ida Skelton. 86. has 20 years at the oars and remains a regular. Eleanor Smlthbauer, a youngster of 79, has been rowing 22 years. Bertha Lerner. 82, a member for 46 yean, rows when she's up to getting In and out of the boat. What burn the to and miss her favorite soap opera! A SlFERROtvW«:E:. the~ new romantic newel she newr ~to encl And it CM be yows-fREE. She never wanted 1t to end. And neither will 'YQ.J. From the moment 'YQ.J begn ... Lave Beyond Desire, you FREE introductt0n to the ~ senes of bestseller romance novels, Suoerromaoces ..ail be enthralled by ths povyerful IO'v'e story. . from the moment Robin meets the dark, handsome Carlos and frds herself nvotved in the JealouStes, bitterness and secret pasSIOOs of the Lopez fam1ty. 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Mall the coupon below, today FREE! 1 ----- 1 ~ 1440 South Priest Drrve, Tempe, Anzona 85281 Mal to ~ ~ send me FREE ond WllhoUt l!l"I obig«oo, my Suocrromoocc ~. LCM? 8MrJd Dl;src If 'P' I do not tur from me 4fter I htM o""1ned my FREE book. ~ase ~nd me the 4 new Si.iocrrQCM>Cc boOlcs SUPERR0,1.~ A. .....,.r I each mon<h as soon as they c~ df ~ press. I ~stand thet I will bt billed onty S2 SO per book (total ~ S10 00) There ~e no~ and handlfl9 °' ¥'fY other~~ lhae IS no rntlm.Jm l'UTIOO of 1440 South Priest Dr....._ I . boo1ts that I rrust pudlaSt. In f«t. I nw c~d ttws arr~ at lll'fY time ~rs mne to rtT• lr.eep as a FREE gilt. ~ tf 1 do not buy ll'r-t ac.tdrtloMI ooacs Tempe, Arizona 1 85181 I ~~ I ~s . I Oty I I WM002 .. HOW OSCAR WOii All EMMY PAC·MANISLACK KIDS In these days of video game madness. kids' eyes and wnsts are gerung a good workout. but very linle else is A re cent study found 1ha1 fewer than half of all U S !Uds could meet established physical Inness standards. A big dropoff occurs m 1he mid-teens -iust about the ume when school phys ed courses are no longer mandatory In Ne1A.1 York recently. promoting Hershey's Na11onal Track and Field Youth Program. former Olympic great Rafer Johnson m his prime· All-World Johnson said the ex ample our leadership sets can also affect the nation's anitude toward Inness In contrast to John Kennedy playing touch football on the lawn or Jimmy Caner iogglng. Johnson says President Reagan shows concern for his health. but that the average American can't Identify with his exercise choices "I don'1 think many peo- ple can relate to chop· pmg wood and nding horses.·· he notes The 47-year-old Johnson. who won the 1960 Olympic decathlon m Rome and was perhaps the finest athlete of htS ttme. also 1old us why he chCJse 10 bypass professional sports "I had been training since 13 and I needed a break Now. though. with the contracts they're g1vmg our. it might be different Today. you'd be unWlse not 10 play" SHEAR Dl!UQHT Australia has some 135 m1lhon sheep. which need to be clrpped by hand each year. It's a laborious process -and expensive. too. since sheepshearers hardly get Oeeced. charg- ing up to $1 a head. Mr Sitcom. Garry (Hap- py Doys, Louerne & Shirley) Marshall. who has uncovered such talents as httle sister Penny, Henry Winkler and Robin WU- Iiams, recently told us how he made Jack Klugman a TAKE ONE PROM COUNTRY A ... In Joseph Heller's rambunctious novel Good as Gold . schlemrel/protagonist Bruce Gold breaks open his fonune cookie and reads. "You wul hurt your foot " Well. you can't beat that one. but an enterpnsmg young woman is trying to add a liule zest to rradiuonal cardboard cookie With sappy saying She's markenng fonune cookies with a decidedly ethnic flavor Emily Warwick. founder of Washington. D.C.'s Creattve Cookie Company. began two years ago wnh her Jewrsh for- tune cookie. featuring tru1Sms hke [ ~ :*1~ ~ modwz.':) Now she's branching out to Include haltan: .. k takes two to malw an ~ mar· riage -a glrf and her family, .. lnsh and Spanish .. A guat and a 6sh sUnk In three da " Warwick says she does her research by going straight to rhe pnme sources for folksy wisdom -libraries and grand· mothers HOME STATE HOME Whether it's the Liberty Bell . the Pittsburgh Steelers or Three Mile Island. some attraction seems to be keeping Pennsylvanians close to home According 10 Census Bureau estimates. 81 percent of current Pennsylvania rest· dents were born in the Keystone State. Nationwide. 64 per· cent of us were born In our present State of residence Other states with 75 percent or more natlve-boms: Kentucky, Ala· bama, West Virginia. Mis· stss1pp1. Louisiana. Wiscon • sm . Iowa. North Caroltna and Minnesota. BIRTHDAYS But now Aussie re· searchers repon 1dent1fy· mg a natural protein that. when iniected into cenam sheep, causes their wool to simply fall off At most a little rubbing brings off rhe Oeece in fistfuls Nevada has the fewest nauves -only 21 .3 per· cent Florida has 31 .3 per· cent. Next come Alaska. Arizona, the District of Col· umbla, Wyoming. Colo- rado, Oregon. California and Washington state with 47 .8 percent home grown i ~ after another week. signs of r11e H•••,,.,,., ll•Ottlrte (All Ubra) Sundey Olivia Newton-John 34 Monday -William Con- rad 62. Tuaday -Brigitte &rdot48.~­ Gene Autty 75: MadeUne Kahn 40; Jeny Lee Lewis 4 7. Thandliy -Af'tf/te Dickinson 51 ; Deborah Kerr 61 : Johnny Mathis 47. As reported recently in Science 82. the protein. called epidermal growth factor. causes an adult sheep to lose us ennre fleece within a week And new growth can be sported '" LH/ltffM A,...,,,_,..# Y. roon The protein has produced Pretldent and Put>1l1hef h f I 'd ff b PiitrlClk M lintl<ty no arm u s1 e e ects. ut Vice Preaioent~. Mgr. Its widespread use Is Im JonatNin practical for now because It £x.outtve EdllOf, Mhur ~, must be extracted from the C"•lrmen E!Mfltu1. Monon rl'ltlk salivary glands of adult =~ln~Edltor, Torn MB,1111 en. male mice. £• tCHa. l<ate~lt9 (Al1 lfMjl, ... rnc.e , star. Marshall had gone to see Ethel Merman on Broad wayin Gypsy ... ackl<rug· man had no part. no Unes. in fact Ethel kept standing Morsho/I paued Penny s lane in front of him and pushing him into the back. Yet at the end. he got a huge ova· rion. I remembered him. and when I was casting The Odd Couple. I knew we needed someone who could register up against Tony Randall So for five seasons, Tony ran around In a circle and Jack iust sat there and it registered and he won two Emmys." Marshall, who produced and directed the frenetic new movie Young Doctors In Love. says he used to drag rhen·unknown Penny around and force people to audition her. "Now It's come fuU circle. To get publicity for the picture. l have to bring Penny along. They say. 'If PeAny comes on Merv Griffin. we 'II take the brother. too .... Friday -Jimmy Carter 58: Walter Matthau 62: Julie Andrews 4 7. BIMCHlflG TULIPS 10 flt' $19 '* '• tlOe .... ..,.., ,.. -ill _, .......................... _" ._ ................ -...... .......... ,.. ...... _, .... .... ..._ .... _ ......... ,.,.. ..._ ............... .. ...-...-.................. ..... AM -ewllr, I "'tllt ........... ..... .......... ,........ ......... -.). .... ~ """ ,.. ..... ,.......... BARGAIN PRICED-100 for ss.75-200 for s10.9S Tullpa bloom In 111 their or-cetul aplendol' and brilllWlt color In 19rlng ... but they muat be planted In ram Our once-a-year offer fealurn healthy, hatdy planting stock bulba (2V. -3• clrc.). priced 90 tantutlcally low It la truly emulng. Better yet, you gel a beautiful flaming mix aaaortment· brilliant rada, glistening whites, bright yel· lows, deep purples, gorgeous two-tones, etc. S..t of 111. you .,_y only 5c a bulb ... 50 for ooly $2.98, 100 for SS.751 Of order 200 ror just $10.95 and really uvel At this unbeatable low price, you'll want all you can get. e .. y planting in9troctlON Included with every order. Send todayl We will ru.ti your order In plenty of time for you to get your tall planllng Mlecliona in the ground. EVERY YEAR THEY BLOOM AGAIN ••. Witho.t•lt_eplantingt Tulips are so popular, of courM. because they Dtoom year after year..without re· planting, no need to take them up. Given proper toil, care and with normal grow· 109 condltlona. theM bul~ wtll develop into larger llze bulbs the fl,.t year'• planting. In fact, we guarantee many blooma next aprir19, normal bloom the sec- ond aeuon and many years thereafter. Don't p ... up thia once-a-year offer if you like to watch tullpa grow and bloom in breathtaking color! FAMOUS "NO FAULT" GUARANTEE-FAST SERVICEI Every item you order 11 protected by our famout "No Fault" guat11ntee. E11eh eelectlon-. aNp ii euctly aa ectvertJMd ... vigorous and healthy, t-uged for euy identification, well packed tor arrival In good condition. We guarantee prompt ahlpment. no waiting around week after WMk for your order. You must be aat· iafled on arrival or you may retum within 15 days for full refund. Including M'f poetage you tent. Ever/ eelec:tlon must develop and tlourfeh Of we wtll ntPtace it free (3 year limit). MAIL THIS MONEY-SAVING COUPON ......... Cl.. .. Tl-4 : ,......................... ' .............. ..w ..................... 811 fUI .... . l'-9 .... "' "--_... .,,. .,_. ... flllllt ........ NlllTllo\MI ___________________________________ , cm STllTI ... , = Cll. -nm mt lU , ........ ''° ... 12.11 . 1111 fW U.711 ll4 Dllf!Mlll no tw 11.• • a "' sa.• 12' c...cu•a1.t1·JO'-t.aa 200 c....... ..,._no..,••·•·• 1111r u- Ut 11111111 ..,_ ..... IJ tw JUI • I tw .U. M) ........... ,M;:1. ... .............. BM ~ ...... Ct ... SUI • U fer l2.l9t U4 ,.,.. Nllll Cl ... SUI • 12 lllW .._ 217 ....._. WI._ (S fw n.• · IO "' SS.. 212 on-.. ........ II ftr 11.lt • U .., ..._ 701 ~ca• st.•·••.., u- 1'1 ......... ,-.. Cll .., IUI ·a t9r tua Ull ......_ IJ t.r a.• · I t.r SS.711 ' ••u Ollldl "" ............. .., ....... l 0 01 • •U _ ........................ , .. •I 0 •• • Rfl ... ........ ~ . .., ......... o.u : If.,., ...... It.I. I IU =i~=·-.............. • .... ,lf..,.._.PUI t l'O 1 : -'ttf ~i=-:--·-"~ :-::--• . .............. " .... .,... .... p .. I 0 =-:. :=. = ~---• ..... • . I C llllF:!r~~at ......... -1•---~·~,. ... .;s_o-.w::. = ·'-1(;, "iJ i Cf'MlteM .....,, ... ... • .) ~ 0 .... ~ 0 f\11 0 .... 0.-.. "lllOHLIHD POCUT· llZE IOTI N.D-100 Shffll to llst prtul"t tlllno.s to do' Mrty 1Qthtfttt1 C0¥1r. l" x 4W Stitt .... . 0 ........ (P-7= st.a "-"". 0 ' ........ ((). ) IT:tll fOlO-.\WAT WllOlll IO A•nnttlUI Tuck 1n purse. pockll, SUllCUI Always handy wllen you nMCI thtm 1 Slllrp 11ttl1 scJssori lold to just N•t In Y1nyl cue ~ .. !J f9llll•klYI (69511 I •I·~ ITIUIE Al ltlC8tll llATCtt to sw11t1n tll1 air, chau ooors• .... u--.a1•. o ...... ~ .......... (G-l5052). .... ~~ (0·150M) . ...... ·'509-4) . 1'M1 Afll Off IWUT'l!'ltll A It• atrolln with D·Fuu-lt wt11au 1111111\1. mattlno. pill· 1~ lfom aweattrs. bl1n-tt1. coats In u condal Sflirdy t_IUtlC 0 0-faz·tt (22749) ~ T1MT IMI RT P'fflFKTLJ wltll comtoruDlt tlastlc ••· tt~n. Just hooll onto bra & ~·~pt,t:::1~=a 8,..... O.ft176 a• ...... ()-89184 , .. UTU "•••••• mer DI MCI Of UY HOii .. ................... 1$1..i "Hool. Bir" 111~ °"'' door, 1111 3 dCMlblt llooU. can't In· ltrflfl wftll doslfta. 12"_ 19 _ -a ....... ,(19823) .~ SCHOOL MfMOlllU 1001 la '"1t11llre• with cr111e1·s name• 12 keepuke 1nv11op1s lor Ut grade tnru 12th iraele places tor photos. signatures. etc ltl• 1al H••· 0 lcllHl·Dlyl (p.g8558) ~ MlllACLE IEYCHAI• llQHTI •• htttrlH It ,.,1ec1 tnrl 1ncreC11bl1 hgn1 tS run by 1 m1cro-e1ectron1c cell th11 regen111tH its p_ower Al••Y• 1111111-keeps keys ha~t~ 'J lty Lltlll (41178) S~ HCHUTIH P'HAIUI 011 U•ICOll• IELL 111 lllOWY P'OllCUAtlll Mythology's t1Vort1e sleeds rear grace· tully llOQ sweet1y·ch1m1ng bells TJlt winged norse 11 uod 10 nave sprun11 lrom gl)ds & resides among lht sura Tne 1111a1ve u111corn proc111m10 a n11tve ot an· coent India is 1 symbol ol puuty H111n1y glazed Eac11 about •· h1 c ,., .... ltll ~!110 l ~ U•lctn1 ltll 195125) 7·P'IECE IOWL COVEii UT keeps lood tresn-tne pretty & pract ical way' Co1orlul p1nerns dress up bowls elast1c1zed bottoms ..,. ftt snug!~ Vinyl let ti 7. 4• -11· C11am ~;p~ .... c 1 .. 1 r.,1 10-t59901 ~ SH AODllUI LAIHI 111 llAllllOW COLOlll add cneer to ma11 end writing r11urn adelru s' Just wet & stock 3 hnes-1i.t1 ..... 1111 ... , .... 1111. "l stl lehla (0·208421 :J 011,uaer (35865) A fLUTI!ll Of LIFE·llZf CAllDlllALI apirll decor ••tll n1tu1t's nun ot li1ry 1101 Alight on tree. wrutn. cent1rp1ec1• Ru l feathers. downy bod1ut ht 11 3. 4" lg 0 Car .... 1. (0·45203) ~ -~---spencer 1."·~-~~~ 4•4\ '1. • ..,A.._1 ! '. ~ ~ .. l .: • VALUES UP TO $1.99 t lllEI 11~=~· IO atSI hAIUIRl: YOO •n 8E SAllSll[O WITH YOUR "1RCHASE Oii W£ Will RUUllO YOUa lllOl!El PROWTl Y 110 OUUTIOllS ASllEO' r-~:~:.~.~:==~~-=:-:::--1 I PAY THE SUM Of I $JOOO()OOO I To: ·I I AOOMS.S,____________ I I CITY TATE_.ZI,.___ ,' I CW'ICW. llU ~~ ~ EHTRYTICQT ~-----------------J A lllENlll TOllll VlllTl 1 IAVfl L1ou10 V1nyl·M1nd Quocllly drtes 10 strono phabte mate· 11at No m111ng• Mends lu rs burns sptit seams vmyt can· VIS etc 1v. Ol -v1.,1 ..... (10793) ~ ILAll TAPE lllDI Liil ITHL ITAA'11 Sell·1dll•· Slvt polyuttr reinforeed '"'" iblrgtus-rwsu up to 200 Iba alren• w w1dr o...-a.,.,1'1,• (412'41 PIT UT CAJl'T IUDll INIM ITAYI ITILLI Ptraon11iztd mat llu cllng·lut loam cen· 111 to atop 1lldlng-p1011ct lloor Vlnyl: 21W 1 14~· .... ,. ...... . 0 Ptt ... (P-02253) ~ Do.I I CAT l.D. TAii! Stl1nltu alHI 110 aaauru pen nl• return wllen '" s11ays1 .,eclty ,,,., Hat. ... ,. .. ' '""' ..... ~ B o.. r.1 tP.~esl . Caf ..... (P..~73 . HYEll WAIN WIHOWll Just wt11s-Wonder Cloth over 1ny ~lus surface Sp1c111 ClllmtClla 111111 water StltnS. smudges Great tor mirrors . wlndSIUtlCIS, too' HT I lt __ 0 lltu Clttll (904S6) Jr.oil HllMT YIUL·COATlD ITHL CLIPI Strong 1nouo11to11ang was11. *°ra· tM ttlOllQh to ltold papers on dul1. bulltttn board 2" lg Asl't COIOl'I flq If 1 I . 0 ~I Cllp (0·91751) $l':q TD ffAll UllfT IUU-t111t1ntllcl to Ml'll brlfltUy • 11111 10 YtllS-Or "'" r1111ce It 11111 llboralory ttlttO! Sifts S S S In repllclJntnt costs; tnda lreq111nt cllanglngl ldtll Mr llard·IO"'ltt·lt lliturts 8urna IO-prollmattly 10,000 1toun-oulluls ~ to 13 ordi111ll: llulh t 1':. ,..../"~21= iaw ~~fttt ... 11401 , .. (19481) .. 11443 111W (H412) HD IUl·DOWI NU Lll llol11t1u ahot Up• ittp httls new tor montlla' Non· skid poly ,_. .t J , • .,~ O AMll••hcl . ... (0 -56697 -{0-5f705 IWI Tit••• Itta you bt yovr own barbtrl Just glldt owr llNd tor nut. nay tr1m! Grat tor kldal P1>1y Blldet s.paratt 0 ......, (994") st.q 0 ..... (o-82404) ~ YOVI OWi NllTlll llTI '" ... J c .. ,, ..... , ••• lt1ta, ..... ,. •• ,. ••• ,_ plus 1tamps, ink pad, !Wllltrsl Ptreonallu clltd.1, boob: pnnt sliln~.i. lie ~ 0 Miit let (t31a) ••·9' m 1w1 111N111 l fT lt ts you 1191111n or replact runo• KrtwS In HCOlldSI HH mlnl·ICltwdrlvtr. m1gnlly1no glus. 4 scmn Sl¥H llips to oP1ic11n-& ~L"Y1 ai.. 0 ''"'lit (695t1) rn41J" II llAllC IATII ~MTOll d111 -··· .. '"" ... .,, ...... bath hmt lunl lit "tm draw on lull, sink, akin! Suds nght oU. won't atalnl Miid soap; salt eo101 ...... 11. 0 ~(0-I0111)fttt 11 UUH II -NllClll A , .... ,.... .. """" , ... _ 111 carrl1f In ...... _. ..... ,., ... ...... , .. ....... • • f.lllr ....... Er1111 IH I '1Htlc. 5W CIULD'I ClllCUI PAllAH M.._UP mun It lun to bt ntltl 4 colortvl clrais anlraala prance 1109 wtlite rack 3 lltO 1 hang clolhu. to wel. 1111. Plaallc. r lg 0 Clrn8II.a197030) ~ CDLlllFUL CllAYDI TOTI HI lets !Iida carry 1 wllolt c"Ollt ction of c1ayons 10 sdtool, on wtaltl to grandma. pa11. tic. Kttps 'tm flom Oft11nt lostl Wood; JW_tq __ o c..,..-.1•11anlr.'lt UFlllZI WIHlll IAITA DIOtlllM Ml IUllC mll Jolly 5 It ti ll old SI Mio wlnka 1 ·werry Chnatmu· Ind WIYll 1 cllnrtul "Hi" to 111 Tiit lritndllut "Door· rqn" 1n town. !It'll stand 1t }'Diii ooor YNI If tar )'NI Col· ortvl. l1equ11tc1 papert1o11d 0 IHta DtenNt (51292) ~ OAZZLlll CllUTALLIH OlllA•EITI Ill Clrvtd w1tll 1oyous llollday 1c1nu -dt1.a1ltd 1n 1twtl coloit.i' 0 IW llMhtty (174101 . 0 JW ..... (9743e) . 0 IW DtH (97460) • H OLl·FAINIOllD IOU llFT TAU ftltvrt 3 noatalglc Y11l1 ICll\tal Mtrry-colOIH OICl·lllllt 11111 Ht llUYy pnnttO ltoctl 2" 1 2W. tit strings Incl let tf II • .- 0 Mt ... (0-62171) ···~ - H CMfllllWAI NIT CAllDI nave cllMry su1on11 motif•. lovtly orffttno• '•lfln chum lo win the hu rts of 1111 3 1111rry ~ns. 25 urds on ,_., 1toct •w • }'N. 0 Y•CMa(O·S2696)J1':4' llOllfTCO• TillUl ITlCl--18-.~ .... Ill a -open into 3-41· 111tn1lon11 girt C11cor1t1on1 Jlllt pttl & atlcti I 2W Iii let ti 11; 11 tags Ind ..._ 0 "-"-(o-66163) ···9' ICICLU IY TNI DOZH IPAHU Liii CllYITAL-t\lrn your UM into 1 winter wondtrlandl Twtl1 design ,.. flec:U l¥9fY light Plut1c: SW O a.ttf11fdctn ( ().4330 7) . ll:1.t DtUUY YOH TllWUlllO P'UnJ OD hlndtomt hard· wood lllnotd tUels Btgant 1llony 1n1111tl linlall 1110w1 llllftl otf buutlfut&' 8 r lttet ($3845) • r llMt (53652) . • NIY·PHTTT Clll•tC .... glwn I prtdout plloCo 'S!i"'' tra1tw1t11t1 Clla""· I Vl~orlln .11 Wflitt ce-ra111 c1 1dornH with roaH EM nd. 2W a 3W . ....._ 0 ""',.,... (lllOI) •• ·9' CIRAMIC UMIMOl 111.1.. ••• AlllOOlll with Yiolttl. petite d'll1111r nuts 1 pair of lelff- lludl on Its dome Snowy Llllld ceramic. 2\4" 111 O LfteMrf lell (16332) . ~ -rana-... mT Is a ltdly RM tor t1lt eollectof1 Ntttl "' .... to 11r1111 too• ludl. Otrt alao llrlnga a WH lltdtllng, ptfdltcl pr=I W . 0 ....... (tt157}.,. HUT·RlfllCTl•ll ORftt rA•I spud cook1nJ1 uve power• Rllect 111111 Chrome· plated steet. ht notcneo p1n elements D r or1, P11 (73858) s~ C1 r Drl' Pu ( 73866) ~ COUf'O• IAVEll CAii keeps ·em oro1n1z10 usy to h1ndte wh ile 1nopp1ng Sturdy envelopes to1 12 gro· cery oroup1nos oouno into ()UrM-SUt boo~ 6W x lW 0 C..-S-(81828)1T.'q CAU ITHCILI ~1ve SWHI lrt1ts I lancy IOIJCll Just p~ on tor.· sprinkle w1tn suou. nuts. 111 otr let 111 Oes1ons Reuuole C: C1•1 St11cll1 (0·88393) S'1t COffUPOT LOOl·ALllE pretttty holds tn sunt cot111 on llOle Scr1w·llt1 hd keeps 11 fresh Nice tor sugar. too CrysUl·ttur p11111c. n1noy ~oon incl 4V• 111 , C1ftu,1t (87t89) t'Nt H~OY HAIDl·fllEI RUD· IH Clever Book St1nd 1clJusta tor ruc11ng 1ngl1 & thickness ol m1te111I Hinely tor r11d1ng while Hltng. fol· towing recipes. ttc. Plas{lc_. C! '"' '"'' (W381 sr.q, lllllMT OWL POTHOLOflll AAE ••Hn1c1 A wise p1ir of pan h1no1ers-1ney ado a chury note to kitchen! Quilted r1yon1co11on ~· x 5W let ti 2. 0 Owl ..... (0-83-469) ttt(. llAllT FOHi un llOAITI. POULTllT. KA•I from pan to pl11ttr tUtly n· lg With w1c11 11n11. mot 11rt1no 1 cinch' Ho splitters• Wood lllndlH. ltl ti 2. C! '-rtl·UIU (0· 15818) 1l':o4l HUDY COU·OI· TME·CDI ll'UAI handle p1p1n· hot 11r1 Mike the 1at1no neat; 1111 serving ttae1ous S111nlt111teet l•tff'°! 0 '-' ., .. ,. (0·59899) ~ lllCf CHUH lAlllY, EYHlY wiUI 1pec111ly dtslgned roller·&· wire cutter Glides tflru evtn hard· to· cut ChteHI Metil & Piii!~ .. O C1111u llker (843M) ar.q NEW 88cSALE ANY ITEM IN THIS CATALDO ONLY 1k WHEN YOO MIX OA MATCH 6 OA MORE.I (1 to 5 ITDtS PRICED AS llAAtaD) llOUDAY MAILIOll COVER dthghttully tx· ltl\41 a "Merry Chnstmaa· or11t1no to 1111 Tiff securely on su11dard rural m11lbo1 Use ~r after yur Colorful plaStlC Tot cord ind 0 Mtll•H Cntr (57497 ) ~ lllfT WRAf'f'tll II A "l lAI" WITM IAI· ""Odd ah1pH. IO'fl, goOdltt are wr1pt11d at• ~II ol drawstring! Lined ltl t i 11, Yult 8'-' ·10W'I or 111·1 1sv.-.aw1 c1111on~ ,,,, .... (0·0-4d4) ' . .... , •••• (0·00845) ' . fRHCM CMIF 6 CIRCUI CLOWI ARI MlRRY •aa•m1 Wearing • bright cloth coatumt. u cll doll l'IH b1nd1blt ~oc1Mt· 8 C.11 MttHI (84'134) . .... Clen •1p1t j84Sf71 I . II"' REAL FEii• •EEDI O•LT Alll to live a lonp & 1uau11ous hie Buutilu Htph1ne Fern from Enollsl't C111nnel growths You nevtr nave to water-doun t n11d soil' 0 Lin fena ttH591 ~ MIX OR MATCH ANY I ITEMS IEE· THllU Zlf'f'fl' CAif "'CITTCT1 HITI, WOOLHI for storage or travel' Great for sweaters lingerie blouses Z•P' 5nut lor mothproof1no Huvy plastic Bog 10' a 1;r :i zi,.ea .. (936091 ~ MAH 1l IHlllTI t• I" OF ClOIET .,ACE-without c.ru1111no. wr1nkl1no' J\lst llOO-cada r over c1ose1 rod & llano clothing Taptr·dts1gn IYOIOS wun-ltng Steel 6" wide 0 U lr1 C1lllly (69708) rt'tt, (1 10 5 lteml pric:ied H me111ed) OUTDOOR TMUIMOMETEll preas·mounu to your window outside-you read tempera tl/fe in comfort lrom inside Euy-reao1na1 P1u11c. 1v.· O 0111'Hr· Titerwt 1s1031 1 s):.q UEr IEWIH MACMIH DUIT FREE witMut bother ot putting 1t away' Plastic ~" oroove. push bunon & you're kt1p10111 out of mte1W11sm & rudy to s.wl 8u1ll-1n cutter ·off your wo,rt Slips on oft' 1nip5 thread at any lenot~ . . fits sWldard maclune C nre111er (003071 ~ r hw-Cenr (839801 ~ l...a I A1\MT1C I .., - :w-1-12 IPaCBI IUIUJM err( .J. .. 11 1 .,... .. """' I AM I I " I "" ... I C• I SI I w ~ I ! s u .,. .... .....,, .... 1~ llAMl•m:• ••• r .. c .. c,,,,,, ,,., o,,,,, II CllllQ•no. ftll In •II fMOINllOn M IO•-$10 111lntt11um on C1111~ Charge to 111y _, MASTEACARO V1SA AMERICAN EllPRESS """ CAEOfT CARO HUM8ER 16 tllllltAa llO Ill C 011.1') WY CAllO Cll'llt{S ....... Yut s., •• , ... I I I I I I I I VOUR SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY CHEEAFUUY REFUNDED• \Ute ••Ht tu uo •t •• , " • • t ··' ••• \u·• ,.. •· •"4.-.;-•• • • ~· '\! •• \f ,, •• "'' ·"'·· . . .... frt '9 '" "'"' o.• A v• ., ••, '. 11 ' wa. "' vr "'"' " ' -.n '' u• • •~ .. ' UH )-:,•, "" ;•,,:.;. ... ., .... , .. -. .. --... .,. ... ,•. , .. POSIAG( CHOT .... ., Olll)"" 1nclui01t''C po1t• • ..., ... ncjl1111 (-~ ,,.. .. ='~~~ro:i· (051\ w. ~ lho..sl MIN Oll0£11 i 2 IPUUl. INlU ... 1100,00DPllZlllA ... I• PWQIUl ....... fO M ll*IUI A SI00,000 Pto1t "'" oe .,..,°"' '" 1 random dr..,nc ''°"' '"""" ,., • ....i "' 1ppro. 20 promotu1<1l "'°'"°'tel Dy Spencw C•rt• tllfq'-11981 u,_,,,.._..,,,.,nolO l l1111Coto wflouO.O.•onsartht .. 1 An..,,by.elci~1n1ftJa... ol I-fll-tOn• ,...,...,bf O.C. IS 1982 "Matl\ltiuily el11•bl• 1n IN $100 000 P't1n d•..,"C Ti.. SIOO.OOC "''"Win-.. 11 be ott1C11lly noC1htd bf"''"' Ille odd\ of .,,,...,,..,.po<ld -Ille'"'"'~ ol entnn •et•·-VOOCI -· O'Ofl•boltd"' ... All f9CMftl Sul• •!ldlllUI i...s And ·~ .. llbllf'} •PC>'r G