HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-28 - Orange Coast PilotDIAllil CDAIT rut S DAY Sl:PHMB£R :lB. 198:1 a __ _. .... ~·~~~~~~.~ 4 I YOUR HOMITOWN DAILY PAPIR ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS HB cop indicted • ID accident death By ROBE RT BARKER Of IM 0-.r Not ll•lf Huntington B1•1n ·h P ul1t·t' Officer J o hn J Black well ha:1 been indic ted by the· Yuma County Grand Jury m Artion1t o n charges of negligent hom1c1dt', according to a spokt>Swoman m the Yuma County Altornt·y·~ o ffice BlackweU, 32, fac-es the chargt- m connecuon with the July 11 d eath of Lisa Garhch , 18, o f Huntington Beach in a tra ffic accident near Parker. Arll Flooding danger grows By Tbe Auociated Presa Utah residents began d1gg1ng out of a soggy blanket of mud and debris, but more rain was falling today as downpours that b roke a dam and endangered $450 million worth o f cr ops swept eastward from C-ahfom1a M eanwhile. C alifo rni a 's flooded areas began digging out and counting crop damage m the central part of the state on both sid es of the Sierra N evada mountain range The California Farm Bureau estimates the showers carried last w eek by tropical storm Olivia could cBuse damages as high as $150 million e ach to the raisin and wine grape cr ops 1f more rain arrives, while an estimated $30 miUion to $40 milhon worth o f processing to matoes are endangered. As m uch as $110 million wor th of fresh grapes, almonds, melons, strawberries and dry beans could also be lost, the Farm Bureau said. The five-day forecast was optimistic, said Nauonal Weather Service forecaster Glenn Trapp In the Fresno area, whic h produces almost all o f tht> nation's raisins. 1t was sunny Monday Ninety percent of the nauon's raisin crop was drying m the fields when Olivla arnved last w eek . said Fresno County Agriculture CommLSSiont>r Cosmo I.nsalaco. In West Bishop, homes w ere shored up with sandbags and residents cleaning up from the dam break were warned to boil water. Bib< kw1·ll, n·~x.H·tt-<l tu Ix· tht· Jr1v1·1 of ,1 vt·h1l'lt• 111 wh11·h t;arlrd1 wu~ 11 pW>St•ngl·r-, alsu WUli c h u r ~ ,. d 1 n l h c Sc pt I ti 1nda tnw111 wi th leuvinK thi' set-Ill' cd .111 Jt't·1tlt•nl In wh1t·h tht.·11· W t'lt' 1nJUClt'1> or fut.altth.'b, ut"t'Urthng to tll{' s pukeswuman An 1nd1urnc11l 1s a c hurge brought atc,unst a pt.<rson by u grand JUry a11J d1i.:s not t.-swbhsh guilt ur 11111oc..-.·nt~ Blat kwl·ll. a patrolman . was st·heduled lo facc arraignment today 111 Yuma Tht.· fuwl ul·c1dent OC'CUrred on tht-two liuw S tule Houle 95, 11bout 10 rn1h·i. north u( Parker, ac·(·o rd1ng to an Arizona Dt·partment t>f Publat· Safe ty ut"l.'1dc nt report Th(• report su1d there were thr(-c passengl•rs 111 the vehicle - Garlll'h, Kathy Grunbaum, 19, and Lloyd Edwards, 30, all of Huntington Beach Edwards waa 1dent1fit:'d as Huntington Beach police offll't'r by locaJ otricials. The vehic~lc failed to negotiate a curve o nd rolled over a fte r f1 shta1l1ng, llCl'O r dlng to tht· report The three panengers wen~ thrown trom the vehicle In the 9 a .m . accident and Garllch was pronounced dead of ma&Sive head and neck mjurles by a medical e xaminer who arnved al about 9:4~ a .m., acrordtng w the report Grunbaum su ffer e d a concussion a nd wu treated at Partter HoepltaJ, according to the report, which a lso sta ted that Edwards too was injured The In vestigating o ff1c(.·r. Identified WJ 8 Dent, said tn tht· r e p o rt that Blac kwt·ll and Edwarda allegedly le ft tht• S1..'tc'1w, a fter g iving firs t atd t CJ Grunbaum, according to off1c·1a!JJ A deputy sheriff went to tht· nearby Moon Ridge Trailer Park and allegedly r eturned the twu rnen to the acene of the ucx·1dt:nt The acddent report said t hul 8l~kwell'1 vehicle was going approximately 50 miles an hour In a 3~-mile per hour zom· Tht· officer said 1t was his opinion that this was not a reasonablt· "Thi~ wus not lhe best plan for the h eulth and wc·lf are of tlw c·c unmunil y.' •·•lt• 111 'P''t·tl ... I 111 .11111-( It• l\llJll S<hn1111 , .; 'f1uk1·,111.111 1.,, tlw. J)t•J1,1rll111'lll 111 J'ul1(11 S.il• IV It ,if'>ll Wd' llt1 lllVl•,li/.(.1 1111~ olf1l't•1°'> up11111111 1t.,11 111.u k\.\1•11 w.i:-. d1 IVlllK u11d1·1 llH 11dhu·111 t' 11f 111111x1c .11111g lrqw11 .111111d1ng lo Sc h11111t Bl~·< k \,\I II liild 1111 11 t '' 111.11 .... n1uld11'1 11·11111111>< 1 dl t.111-. 111 tilt Jll ldt·llt .11111 llt.11 111 llll>(lil lt,1\'1' IJll1·11 ,1-.l t1 p .1t1111tltt1g 111 S< h111111 Church . ._·Bcales .down steeple By STEVE MARBLE 01 lhe O•lly Piiot ll•lf Gl>t>rg<· Wt•st, lt•admg critic· of a nC'1gh borhood chun·h 's plan to t•xpand, w as watchi ng tht• Angt•ls garnP on a portable TV whllt• ~wnd1ng on the stl'ps uf tht· Nt'wpurt &•al·h C1t y Hall "Oh ..,Urt'. I'm glad n 's ovt•r," ht• :-.aid of thl' c:hurl'h d ispute. watt·hing .1 IXJllt•r cum1c· up to the plat1· Around h im Mo nday night were the rest of th1• troops from the C l iffhaven communi t y who had spen t months fighting plans by S t AndrC'w 's Presbyte rian Chur<.'h to ra1St• an 85-foot-high s.anl·tuary A couple o f ehun•h 0H1nals crowded around thl' set to S<-c· tht> game It w as like old times between a bunch of old friends The hotlf'Sl little neighborhood spat in recent Nt•wport Beac·h history was over, settled by a last-minutf' flurry tJf m•g1111.11io11" by both s1dC'S Ch urC'h o ff1 c1als. who l1 ad already scaled down t lll'1r plc111!> from 105 f1't't, agrc>t-<l lo aband011 thf.•1r h1gh-rtsc• dreams ;mt.l M'l llt· f o r someth111g smo I l1·r .1 4fl-foot sanctuary with a t·rn:...' •H• the top · "We really d id thtnk Wl' h<1d .1 good plan," Dr J ohn Huffrmm the church pastor, t old th1 .tlldlt flt '• 111 I 111 I••" kt d I 1 l \' t'Cl\ll lt tl I ft,11111 H I 'H111 ,. I .11 1\1111\\11 "~· 111.11 1t11-. \Ao;t'> 11111 th1 111 I fll 111 1111 the· hto,tlth .111d "' ll.111 "' th1 111111111Utllt\ \\, \\,111t 11'1 be g•J<11f n1·1ghlH1r' The· I 11ur11 ti \\ 111 lo.111i 11/1 ,, pl.111 dt•\'I (11pt•d ,d It I 1(111 t .f.o \"' !If flt gctlloJllllll .., I It .ti I ltd< d JU'I hllUI ~ lit 111/I llo1 I \C lllllJ.: rrw1·t1ng ·•J..(11 ... I 111 l• 1 1111 • huft Ii build tu 111 11·1 I I• tf1111• d 11t.i1:!10 p:..r k111g '''""' f11 I ,11\ I cf lltlll till I hull h ,,111 111.f qJ .(1 1 t tf 111 1 t•hu11h 111-.11 111• t11\\ .1t11ti1 11' tf2 f11 I lo,11 J.. 11 11111 I • 1d1 11t1.d l'l.1\ Sir•·• I 1'1•1t 1 ( ;, 11'1111111 I'" 1d1 111 111 I h • ( . l 1 1 ( I 1 •• \ c 11 I 1 I I 111 I • I \\' t 1 I I gr1111p '.11d lht '"'''' 1111 n<•go11.1l1t111' ~"' • l1tr11 o1 "'Ji.,), nt•\'> 11UtJ.1ok 1111 •II\ p11l 1111' L•·!>.'. 1h.1n .1 '' • 1·k .ig1. 1111· '"'' !>tdt•!> wt•rt· lol'kt·d 111 li.11ll1• "1tl1 1•;c1·h ;wc·u~111g 1 )i1 111 he •I 111 JI' 111g h·'~ th.111 ""' 1·r1 111 Ir 111µ t11 si1IVI' llll' d1-.put. "Wh.tl h.qq11·111 d " .1-..k1 ti (;t•ndrom 1• 111 .1!1111-: ,, qui 'l11111 ·1th111 k1111· .1111111. 1111.dh rt•;d11t•d lht• llllp.11 I 1 fti-. V. ,,, going 111 h.1v1 1>11 ll' 'T he 1 hllr• Ii d1d11 1 ''.int 11 d isrupt U'> .111~ 111111 t 111 . .,, "< wante>d to d1:.rutt tlH m h i· addt:'d Hui~ rt < '11111 .. 1 h.a11111.i11 t•I tlw 1·hullh' hutld111g •••11tm1ll11 bru:.h1·d ..... 1d1• qu• '''""' "' wh1·th1·r 1h1· c h111 1 Ii .111cf 1li1· rN1d1•n1-. W1H1ld Ill .1hl• t1 · 1111 11d tht• \.\Clllll\f .. \\t• r1• -.1111 1111111h V\1 '' .11 ...... "' h1·1 n fr 11 111!-. · 111 '·"" q1111 k·lv hdo11 It .1,·111g Th e Big P i n e I ndian Reservation and the Dixon and exclusive Aspendell areas, about 300 miles north of Los Angeles, (See FLOOD, Page A2l C rowd a t Newport Bf>a<'h City •:ouncil meeting awaits action on M1t.111 1><1 .. t.11 j t hlll •" ·•lllll.11 .ind (1111111 r N• '' 11111 r H1 .11 h ma\'111 ,,,1tl th• 111111111..., 1d f1ght111g had ,, t tt.1 1 li1111 h 11.wk f1n.1nn;tllv 111 .... 1d ,, 111" pl.111 now mu't IH d• '1•111111 d churc-h s1~e 1>l e proposal as Pa!o;tor Dr. John Huffman addresses the council. • Officer's molest case a mistrial A jury deadlock has resulted in a mistnal tn the case of fonner L o ng B e a c h po lice o ffi cer Mic hael McDonald, who was accl..1$ed of lunng neighborhood girls to his Huntington Beach home and molesting them After the JUry reported 1t w as deadlocked Monday afternoon, Orange County Superior Court Judge Donald McCBrtin aborted its deliberauons and schedulro a new trial for Jan 10 The seven-man, five-woman jury had begun its consideration of the case last Tuesday Aftt>r more than f our da ys o f deliberations. the panel said 11 was unable to reach a dec1s1on on any of the 15 counui against the 42-year-old McDonBld. however I t w as a l leged during McDonald's trial in Santa Ana that he lured young girls agro 8 to 12 w his home b y let\mg them play pmball in his game room Once there. prosecutor Carl A rmbr ust alleged. the curly ha1rro former motorcycle officer showed them pornographic slides and fondled them Six girls test1f1ed against McDonald. but defenS<" attorney Gary Pohlson argued that his client was a v1cl1m o f a "s1mpl<' kind of conspiracy" conroctro by several of thP girls because they were angry with him ro r curta1ltng pinball prw1Jeges Jurors told MtCartm Munday tht>y were u nable to reach a dec1ston on any of the counts after sending him a noU> earlier m the day 1nd1ca1mg they were deadlocked McDonald, test1 fymg last week b e fo r e t h e jury began its deltbt>rallons. df.'med that h e had molested any of the young gtrls ----INDEX -----, Ever yorw RJU'nl Monday in lines a t ll<:l's firsa d ay o f fa ll ac·rm. Paf.C•' U I . At Your Scrvu'C' AR Ann I .;111d1·r~ Enno Bom~'k A 7 Mova-s Business R5 7 Mutual Funds Cavalcade A7 Puhlll' Notu·t•!-1 C lassified ("5 tt Sports ComiCl! B4 Dr Stemt-rnhn C roseword B4 StoC'k Ma rkl•ts Death Not1et>S C4 Trlrv1smn Edi tonal 1\6 T hC'a ters Entertainment R.1 Weath<'r Art Hoppe A7 Wurld N('ws Horoerope A 7 A 7 B'.{ &I C4 CJ -:s A 7 8 7 B8 B:l A2 A:l '- Dli9r .......... ,..... Luguna Beach has a wealth of historic and arrh ilectura lly signifieant homes, like the Witch,ff House in north Laguna. The c ity iA saudy ing m eans of preserving the 7(H, or i;io hislorif' units. (See ('lfl'H('ll, Pai'(r A 21 Laguna to save historic homes By STEVE MITCHELL Of 1M O.ity PUot St." How does a city likl· Lagun.1 Beach go about presl'rv1ng 1b rather large inventory of h1storw homes and but ldi ngs? Offering economic 1ncent1 v<':. lo the p roperty owners t·an't hurt. Laguna Beach h a<> romplet('{J a survey that 1denufies 700 or so his torical or arc hllet'tura llv significant buildings 111 tnwn · And, earlier this month. th1• city council approved Spc'ncl1n~ $7,925 to comple te a h1stor11 resources elcmpnt to its eeneral plan. Thf! council will sign a rontran with the n on -pro fit h1 stor1t• lion firm of Hn1ta~<· County, lnc. to pC'rform y the council figurf.'s 1l, has a wealth of h1storn· "I' bu g8 that are sttll standing -and are still being ()('(.'Upied The city's h istoric ho usinK stock ranges f rom ornat<' Victorian to board-a nd-batti'n, and includf.'s c raft s man bu n g a I o w s a n d f o r m t' r I y weekend beach cottages. Kathleen Le s, who w ill coordinate the hlstOnl' hous mg project for Laguna Beat·h. says one reaAOn Laguna has !luch a l•rae variety of housing 111ylN1 and archlt«ture Is tx-<.·ause 11 was never p11rt o f any of the many Spanish ranchos that ubounci In Southern Californrn. As a result, she said th<' ar<•a was opened up for squaller's pr 1 v 1 1 t> Ke' u 11 d t • r t ht h "m 1· -.lt•adtng .Ith 111 1111 IHllll-. \.\'h.il I ht• I 11 \ 1 ·1td1 ·d l lJ• \\II h th1· <t1t1rd111o1l<1t c·,pl.11 1u•d ... , ,t hun< h nl h o11.,t ' h111lt 111 .111 ';m;vth1n~ got·~ .1t111•l'flh1 ·11 "Th.it's p.11 I 111 '' h.11 '' k11p\\'ll <•S tlw 1•h.1rm 11f I .. 1g1m .• 1\t"" h ," u•., ,,,1d And in 111 tit 1 111 pt,.,, f\'t th:1l l'harm. tlw 1·1tv ''· •·11111.11 k111g •in .1 progr.am •h.it 1111ght 1111 ll1d1· I n<'('lll I\'('' 141 II\.\ flt I ' 11( 'Ill h ... 1ruc-t 11 n . .., llnv. d111• .. thr tit\ g11 . .t111ul pt.•r.,u.ultng pr11p1 11 \ ""tit r' tn n •hahtl1t.1tt• .tnd 111• '-t 'f\t 1h1·11 h1stnrtc pr11pt•r111·,' Th1•rt• an• pt ohlc llh f'or 11nt• th111g tlw 1.111gi-o( l>utlding .. <Hid ... 1~1,, vc1t11·0., .1~ mtH h J<; 1h1· d1ff1 ·11·11t ,. 1n tht• Wl'il 11 h of I ht• p1 n1w·1 \ \ O\.\ 111 '" Tht•n• c1n• w10,1l1liv owm•t1-ol l.1 r~1· JH,\11r11 t•.,1.111· ... 1111tldh· 1m11mc· nwrwr., n( r1·ft1rh1-.ht·d hung.dow' .md hc•a1 h 1 011agt•s. nnc1 1•ld1•1 l \ .ind to .... 1111 <Hilt' rf'ntt•r'. wh11 '"''llpv 11lrl1-r urnLc: l nn•1111 v1 .... \\11uld v.11 Y. l,('~ SHHi . IH ldtng t.i... ~ht·l t1 ·1' rn1ght appf.'H I to Wt'o1lth y L agunn prop<"rly ownrr.. "M 1rlct IP 1 n1·11111t· nw 111·r' a n ' g <' n t• 1 11 11 y I 11 n rt t 1 c h and cr1sh -po111 ." "'"' -..11 d Th ns t• 11wi11•r, m tfo(hr ht• µ<>r s u.1dl'cl 111 u pg1 .11!1• lht•1 r propt•r111·-; th1 11ugh It>\\ lllt«!'r<'!'lt n •hah1ht;it111n lt ... n ... lhll\~ i.ht· e>qutt v on 1h1·1r humt"- Whil(' th11s1• 101111.; .11c ;1lrt>aciv (Set• Ill TORI<'. Plljlt' A21 1'·-• ·" \ 1 \ \:l l lt dl\UO l.UIUll I >Ally J'll u' I r UHdCly, ~uptember 4!1:i, IUl;li' N 11 wport water ash tos probe set N"''' lk•l I l~·.1<'11 .. 11g1111·1·1' will l11•g 111 l1•,1111g l 11 Y pl lll':O. 111·X I 1111111111 111 :111 1·f lill I It> f111d 1>111 W 111•11• ,i-.l11 •1>trn, I tlll'I S (ou11d Ill d1111k111~ W,lh'I JI l ' l'l lllllllf.< I 111111 ( '1ty l'IHllll'il nt1·111IH:I'-. tlf.<11·1·d u11.1111111 11 u-.l y ,111d wrth o ut 101111111·111 l\l11mLv rught ltl s1><·11d $4.:l\IO 1111 1tw IJ,atlt'rY o l 11• .. i.. wh11 h wall t.1k1• di lt·.is\ I''" 1111111lhs \11 1·0111plt'l1· Thi· ,,.,,., .1r1• 1·xp1 .. 11·d 111 11 \01-.1! wh .. tlwr 1lw 111111u11· frlwrs .111 IH 111g brought 1n wrth w.111•1 pu11 h.1:-t'\I fn•nl 1h1· Mt·trupoht.111 W.111 ·1 D1:-t111 I 01 .111· f1<1k111g 11fl th1· (II '.I''°' 111111 f'l •ll' ,1-.h1·-.111" p1p1111~ Delly Piiot Sl•lf Pllo10 Expansion of OC park sites eyed A f1v1· y1•j1 pl.111 101 <>1.111u" C"11u1ttY p;11 k'> 111 .11 ht•'> Jlld l111r1i111, th.11 ( 1111, lttl 11111'11lU1 11111 1d :.i·v1·ral ll«W f 1•1f1 .. .tf1111 .ol lunll111•1> ul1111H 1111' ( Jf .111g1· ( '11,"I wall l>t· l'Oll~td1•11•d ltxl.iy hy tlrt• l'OUfllY l)(}lll'd 11f '>UfK'f Vl;..Jfl; '1'111· pl;111 l'rllJt'I 1, ,111 ;innu.il l'XfH•llllltun· of .1IM1lll $!J!1 11111l111f1 for the· lal'i11t11•i., plu!-1 11 ... 11 11 pkl't'P und 1h1• upk1·1·p uf l'ltli.llng ;1n•a:-. It .ilt-.11 null11wi. .1 'ilJ\'lldtng !;('ht·dul1· 111 d1sp1•1i.1• tho · lu11d1' 1·v1·nly ov1·1 1111 f>4.'1'10d Or<ingl· Coat.I .11 t 'd' wh1t'l1 would gutn from th1· µI.in 111dud1• t h 1· Bo ls a (.' h H J 1.1 11· .i . 1 11 llunungton Ik:it·h . lht· pn11,.·~·d FJ1rvll'w H1·~1111wl P.1rk slll· 111 c~ta Mf'S<J , th1• lrVllll' C1Ja.-.1 Uft'ol IJ1 1w1•1•11 Corona d1·l Mar u11d L.iguna &·a1·h. Mile· Squan· P:.i rk 1n f11untu1n Vallt·Y. M;,o-..111 H1•g1011.d Park rn Ii v1nt· .ind u\llt'r:o. 11op111v«nwn1J1 throu1ith 19tl7 M.iMHt l1.1rk 111 lrv1111· IK ttw pl.111111·d s1l1· or .. $1 m 1lltu11 I' 'I u l ' .. I I I,, II I ,. n l 1· r p I u .. 1111111(1v1·1111·111" to 11.h mun 111ad1· 1J k1·-. M111·1• 111.111 $1 II 111dll1111 hui. Ii f' I' II Ii u JI((' I ,. d r 1/ I I a n tJ 11n1ui..a111111 t111cJ Llt•vt•lopnw111 11( 1 lw I .. 1g11n11 I .a111 1•I l't111yon.s IH l'a, lrH0.il1•d 111':11 1111· JUll~ tlllll or El '1'11111 .111d Lugu11a Canyon roach /\l-.11 111< l11d1·d 111 th1· ph1n ri-. $!111 ,000 for tlw dl•t.1g11 11( a r Pg1111wl park 111 lJ pp•·r N1•wport R u v Hulllan chain record? Tiu· 11111·1-., 1•xpla111!'d 1 11, U 11hl11·~ l )111'\·t111 Jo<' l)(·vlrn, ,111• till' .;111· 11f ·' VII Us Jl\U ('(II) only l1t• do •11•t•1<•d with ,1 high µow1:r1·d lllll l'O<;l'l!IH' T lw 1·111wn•k ust.ll'~tos p1p1·. which h.i:-. bt•t•Jl USl'd ('X\l'llSIVt•ly thrnugh11u1 th1• l'OUnly .ind :-.t<1t~· for :w y1 .. 1rs, makl'h up roughly HO p1•n1·111 of N1•wpor1 B1•;u h w:itl•r :--y-.lt·m ..\~tw~to~ pip•·"-in Nt·w1>0t·t Bt·<lC'h 10 lu-lt•s tc•d lo d t·lc·rmin•· if th•·, an· proc.hH'in~ filwr..; i11 c·it ) ·.., clrinking wu1c·r. Hob1.'rl Wingard of th<.· rnu111y ~nv1 ron mt·n la I M unagl!mt·n I A~1·n1·y, whll'h furmul<tll'd tht· pl<.1n , said that $2 million se t aside f or the B olsa Chica area will go toward land al·4u1s1tion. planning. design and t·onstrucuon of a regional park to connet·t existing ci ty and state parks. M on· than $:l 5 rntll1on 1s budgt·te<l ovN f1vt• yt•ars f11r lcind al'qu1s11ion a nd construt·llon of Fa1rv1t·W Ht•gional P ark. l0t·u1cd along the· banks of the Santa Ano H1vl·1· 1n Costa Mes<t, W1ngartl said A v1d1·rt1.q:>t· ftlnH·d If 111n •• l11·lwopll'r may hold lhl· kt·y 111 wh1·1lw1 •1r 1101 th1· Uniu:d Way 11f Orang.· C11untv wrll l<ind rn tlt1• (.;umrws. .. B<">k of Ht'(:onb for 111 gan17111g t lw w1,rld',. longe:.1 human l'ha111 CHURCH SCALES DOWN STEEPLE. • • A I 1 t t I 1· h 1 t o I 1· h a r 1 t y . 11rg ... n1z1·1:-. \ilY, :.ilso m<i y ht.·lp 1h1·1r world 1t'<·ord !'fforl.'> Cit' .. rra1,ib ~11d .r 1tw 11·~L' :-how-a prolill•m with thl' IJIJ.'4.'. do7t'll' o f u th1•r c 1tll'S and C'Ourllu·-. would b1• .lffl'(.'ll•d liv lh1· r~.._UIL' • From Page A 1 Thi· pl;r11~. •llll l dt•\ 1•IC1Jlt'd 1111"1 n11111· lt<.11 k t11lltl'1 l/Ulll'll 1111 11 \'ll'W ··s1111w ~'"l'h •• n -.1r11 ""'""'·d tu lh1 1 l.u1 l h drn11g .111~'th111g ' t11llt·d W1·,1 lt1ok111g lip (1 11111 hr:- 1'\' IH l\\ l't II 11111111g-. ' 1\111 rn11-.I 111 u-. .111· lll't Whrll· hn·;1lh1n.: asll\-sl1r.. f1IK·r:. h~ bt<t•n t•i.wblisht-d as hanl11 ul Nt·\~ port Rt·<Jl'h offrcrals h.ivt.· n1.11111.11n1·d 1h.1t tht•rf' I!> n " Pv1dt'llll' thJl o;wallowrn~ th1· f1ht ·1 s J.ll'L'"'llL-. .Jny 1'1:-.k FLOOD DAMA(;(~ M()UNTS 1'.xpt·rls Ill t'Urll l'I fl'Sl'<H( h lho11gh .,;ry tlwn• as d t•bah· 111 th1· ~·11•11l1f1t nnnmuruly un wht•lht•r 111~·· .. 1111~ tht· n11-.(.To:-....·op1c· (1IJt•rs 1 •• 11 lw h .. n1lful 'l'h1· lt"'lh 111 Nr ·Y. p.l rt &•a1 h "ill be: l'1111ducll'd ,11 .1 numbt•r of lrn ,11111 11~ 111t lud1ng th1· point \\ IH'l 1' till' nl;."-. llllp<>rtl"d W<tlt'r 11111•1.., lht· 11ty -.ystt·m anrl plan·:- 111 N1·\\purt wh1·n· tht• l'omn·tf' ;1~b1·,lo.., IJllJ\'' h;l\'l' Ot<t'/l Ill Ul-.4 ' for l1111g fJ{'l'ltllb o r ttmt· From Page A 1 wt·rc hardest hit by the dam rausc'Ci floochng, but no inJune:. W<'fC I lfpurtl'd ln Salt Lake City. off1c1als 1ssu<.'<i an appeal early today for ,. 1 ti u n t (' e rs t o h r• I p w 1 t h sandbaggrng. and the Utah Highway Patrol reported part.'; of two main t'llY routes fl'nder·dl<t'P 11\ W<ilt'f Mun· than 1.000 homl's Wl'rt' floodl'd and 400 pcopl<' Wl0 rl' f mu 'Cl to evacua le Monday a fl er ur1l' of Utah's worst storms an ~O y1•ar~ an early fall lemix•i.t that took fort-casters bv surprti>4:' "Thi' probabrltty of this kind of -.torm happenrng rs once every 100 y1·ars," Kt•rth Goates of the Nu11omil WL'iJlht•r St•rvit'l' sard Monday Hain abo fell m the· water - lolo(gl'<i ll1gh Sierra v( California, but today's fon·c·asl t·illlC'd for rlt·ar sk1t·s that could ll'I waters n •n•d1· and r('stdenls clean up Dt>Z.l·n :-. of rl's1dents were sllll 1:.1Jl;111·d Mnnclay after a ra1n- :.w11ll!•11 d;;1m broke o n North L<1kl' nl'.:ir Bishop. wa<>hing out HI TORI(: HOMES TO BE PRE ERVED. • • From Page A 1 ,1\ .1al,iltl1 Ito 111-.\ 1111'111111 ""'II• I' 1111 1111ph 1111 111.lllOll 'llul\ llll<h I \\,1\ \\ 111 .Ill• lllfll lt1 111111 \\ ,i\' ltt 1 'fl""d 1lao11 11111~1.1111 111 111t lwli 1111dlf11 1111 I 1111 l.tlll ii jl ' \\ 11 }I li1 ... 111110 h1111w-. A' tor <ihi.1•nl1·" l<mdloicb \o\ht1 11\\11 rt·11Lal u111t' that .Jr1· 111,1or11·oall) "g111!11..1n1. th1· 11ic11drnator ~11d ~uh.-.1d11~ m1gh1 Ii 1 1 x p 1ur1· d to f 1 x u µ .ind pa ''"'r\'C' th1JSt• un1L' """·"'"' I ,, « ,. tt • r , l I ·••fir ... .._~ '\//,•(1 ''"''·'t mii''"' 4 ( "1\ltt) &n""' lj'\ 1111 •C1 f•( l,, p.,f .. h •Qh ,, I 1.tlllt • ~ '!/I t'f•I ,-, .. ._•1•~•.1 t Vj•Hf1wi•,1 -..•r1t;I\ Of I 1 h 18 "'l t. vrt '" , .. , ...,,_.ap,'\ lh1t,, I 11"' , "~ ,, , t1 Iv •• 0",. s d l) .\th.011 l•Qf I Vd.1,c)blP w1n(1~ tu1·1q11 .1nd WPclrU•'-'foLt(I\ motning VI l1 w "'O)~ '\ t 4 ft•PI w•T~ wf'.,T tr 11U ftµ t .,...,, ... 11-. f • I 1 f,_f•I rl 11 tt ... uJ·nP .1u• i .n,qr t ,, • ,,., .. ,J,,.l ... l)dlt "' , '"' • .., •• , ..-_ 1Jlf .... N lh-o l:nlifornia r <I I ,,, [lt ' tlttft1 '1f 1 )!fUIJ f I;.. ... ,,,, u f •t !" '"~"' ,1 lt1 L' '"' l "" •• rnot,,t lf •.._vutf 1•t1 ' .. ritr.Jt111,\ .u P,t(,t 11t\t1I If P w ... ~.-..,,, tJ rr ,. t.J;l11onrt• W1-.,11tu_.f •1..,,rvu P \..t•IJ lOdlty T1o1• • ., Hlf •uor. 1ltlliHd.ly ,,I,.. o•lly ot.u t • "'''H' n11qn1 (Jt' .1 th 1nt1• I -.hr1wf.>t \ tw1un• 1n...- w e p ~ (' H d w ( " I ~J h... n I " fl moun1f1ms ..,,rnl Wfldtt'I••• '\Prv1ctl spokeswom;.in Pat Hr1wt\ t41Qt1 1emµt"fllu1P"t ''"' to' A nQAIPl:O tll'""V r t•ftrh 11 W••ftlH•,da't with lnw\ lnrP< it'tt tlf C,A 11crord1no tr1 tho N;ttlnn.11 W11AH1''' SAr-.i1cP tt19hco front 7 •' tO 1f :t1f1 llitlH•tU•tt 111 rn,t-..tAI v .. 111Py\ with lnw' r,tnt)"'ll trnm '14 10 60 M""''''"''' ,..,,:..\ t\1()h' ">"''""' I •' be1wN11fl 60 tr 66 wilt"· lu1Nr; ft ini JA 10 48 A nrtrthwl'illlt mnunt•l•n wind loom JO 10 )0 m1 II ' ~a.pecl~d Hu) n 1•r turv c.oulC1 ,,.ach trorr ''6 to 64 1n OwPf1\ Valley wolh ou•lv JU lo 10 m11h w u1(j5 low~ '" O wPn' VAllAv snould rnno" l1om 1S IO ~'> No1thf'trt ""''Prt h•Q"' ttr,. lorf'Ca~I 1;)4!1ween 68 lo 78 W•lh 10 .. s b"l"'M'" '>• In 67 Sn11lllf'rn dtlS.ett temf""'""''"~ r nuld •anQr' hom 82 10 86 woth In""' llnm 60 1" 66 HI 0 U < tr '\ m I•' In 1 7 Ar fl e,1.pect4'd ''' t'1" c:;,.,, f Nntlndo $An Gan1•l'l aflll San Bfl1noro1no V;llley, with low\ 1 1''IQ1ng hom S• In 60 1 nnt1n,,•·<1 •Ve' .. O\JthPrn f lor•Clr1 l"(lf... lr,ciay wttfl a h~Y. '\OPWUf 5 'ver Ar 11~;na and NPw M e ,u u Ciouos and d11ule cov<'reo tnr nurtnttrn Patd•\. coast 'Wtth c:.loUC1'i l.tr\O tog ove1 1ne Great Lai-ff'\ O t110 Vallf'y and northeu1 Atlanf <. ~tdtec; Dense t uo (f'tVPrPrt port1f\n4i ol Nt»w England , 01 P ~" 1r, l1an.1 1no lnw•'t M r h q •• ,, w 1 h r a • , .., 1i; 1,,. c. fil\f"'..i.htolf'- Tor1rl-. ~ f Q t•ttlst ~a.ll~U f<• r,.~ttllf" P<J no v.e,s a,,'1 l'1uno ... r ~,,..,, rns nvPr tr°'F upt1 .. 1 "41\~«j,~•PP• V,\ltn) '1QtthPrn Jll~1n~ and acr ,.., 'nulhPrn f (lt•dd ( ( f"I f I 11 ... 1 't1 l"lt ~,.I 5 W pf t• t,itedlC.lll(J f).,..PJ thP fl(,,f hPtf '3nd Cftrf'-l R c ~ P-. "'" Sl"'()-w ~19t.pt r1Pvat1ons ~hnwPrs wt111of in~ ~•tt,1t\t.,.., (..1atP.lu and a onQ 1hP nr:fH Pff• P.1r·f1( lf"l-1!.\ 'lonf•, .i. P ""~'" µ•( ... ,1-...j ...... p,,,ftp,,. .. ~''l' IPmt ... t..tlurP' ft•\Jd~ Wt-i'fJ.o< 1, , ... c.a 1 , ,, ._ •C•"' al',.._) M01'1rlrl t ctr1t1 W 1 J~W•(.f C\0'. O~ .. r Hit> r1 rp 1•t1 P•d•' •l.trlt\••tt1 Hot 1o '~"' untJ n Hu~ •• ,,, pldf~,1u 1f"llr \h(• 80\ h ·m th•' 11tciulhern pl .i~au lo 1hP lliClulhert Ploms ,ir1cJ ovflt ttH1 soulheu itrn1 central ,,-1er101 CJI La111ou11a m the 90,. ov .. , q~1\lut1 T Pta'i: tind centr.1· Oklahoma "''" m H1P 60s anct 701\ "'~AwtWrt• ffJmpt•ra1u11•'"' +1•ovno !hf' 11111!t.1n f"arly today rangeo hnm 17 m r.111,gnw M ont lO 60 '" l<Py WP~I Ila L1.-..,pfdnCJ r "'1 ·• "'' t.ul.1m~us. (J.11 (I I/It n:J.,h• UPt• ... Pf Of\..,, Mrrnu \ [)f•ll ti 011lurn fl P,-t')1i r 1JIQll I lo'lo)Slall <11f"a1 r1111•. H.Jrlltllll ,,,.1 .. na Honnlulu t1ou51on tndnopl1-; Jat ksrm M', Jddsnvlln K rtn5 r.1tv I" nn .. v1llf' All1.t'1-w AIOufltl~ Am~nllu A\tlP.,lllfl l\ll,1ri1 .. 1,11an1c c •• Au'\tu1 fla1t1mort' Ei1lhnq' aun11ngri,..- f;\1\mlttt ii. An•~" NATION I "' V"Q•l' b• ~4 l •tlll' A0<.~ Un.in• Btn..wn~vllp; llullaln Burhnqto'' CUPf'• \/\Iyo CMrlstn SC Cnnr1s1n WV ( 118rlll" N( (.tltlyennl' C nor ago <.mnnnat 82 '>6 <11 S6 n 46 78 53 69 ,, •. <l4 fi4 14 Ii I .... 6 52 7q ~I '>1 4f; ,,. u I Si 92 6J 61 53 62 55 61 51 80 59 67 S'> 75 S2 n 46 67 52 6'> ~8 l4'i11~v1tl~ l uboO(.~ M emph15 M1am1 M•lwa,t..~ M pls '>• r Na~h"tllP Nrw O•lt>lln' N"w Yort.. Nn•IOll No J>1a11" 0 1111 C•1y Omahn 01100110 PIHloClpl\18 Pt1oeni .. P111snu1on P11and Mfl Piiand 011• Prov1<1en~ Rele&gh RAP•d (.,11~ Rftnn I lt·111....tg1· Or.111gt l'11un1~ "111 \\111k \o\tlh lll\ 11((11 1,r ls \11 JHl'p.1r1 p111g1 .. m gl\'l'l1 111 'pn11g 1 lw 1rnpI1·1111 n 1 ,tl '" 11 An 1n111al 11·p111 I \\all 111 th1 l'IUlhrl 1-.11 1\ 111''1 Rocllmond San l ake San An1on10 Sea111.- Stire•f'Po•1 S1nu• F at1~ St Louis 60 5• 80 50 61 S3 'l• 62 63 54 8~ S;> 6Q 46 61 5L Sr P rampa 54 44 St S1e Ms11e 9 I 68 Spokane 66 •'> Syracuse 57 •6 Top.,ka •• 39 T11c!on 64 55 Tulsa •J 19 Wash1no1on 8'l 15 W1cMn 84 TO 65 ~2 8 t 47 Ai' 'ti '" 49 71 55 71 56 76 ., 1 70 55 94 6• 16 49 83 77 59 !>() 67 44 12 S'\ 78 57 7;> 62 15 60 19 55 86 6 t n so 85 6• 76 62 86 73 60 52 58 52 63 47 74 '>8 78 55 75 49 S• 39 CALIFORNIA Appl!' Valll•~ Onk~•~''"lo Bnr,.n .. Benumo11t BIQ SPA• 8151\0P Alyflle Eur~~a F'1Psno le~e Ar1own~n1l Lenca11t'r long Beacn Los Anot'les Monrov10 Monlebf'llO Monlt>rev Ml Wiison N~les New()Oll Be11rh 0 11kl11nd Ontario Palm Sp11nos PaHC!en& A••l'tl•IJt' Red BIUll AeOwOOd Coly AMO Sac111m11nl o Sa11n1s S11n 8etne101no 78 56 53 4'l 94 1!8 59 47 81 51 73 !>() 70 53 86 65 65 51 62 42 66 53 76 49 84 67 Sq 58 77 65 8~ 58 7 I 4 1 14 60 14 61 67 50 66 35 62 46 86 64 62 56 73 56 57 40 64 54 77 61 n &• 77 57 76 60 65 56 57 38 78 66 71 61 71 56 72 58 86 62 74 56 87 57 76 55 74 56 S• 39 75 51 68 50 72 Sii Boater' m oult'1 wate15 wt-r~ uru1•H ac:Jv1s.,nwn1 hy lh~ Wt"Athflt ""Vltft IOO~y I<> n .. rlltf'lul OI 6-10.Q fnt>I ,nH~ ancl onrlllwl!•I wind• ol 1 '• In 30 mph I •Ohl VilfttlDIP WHlCf.5 WtHfl fHPf'tlfH1 ovtH 11tl)tH wntftt! from Po1n1 <..on~up11on. 10 llH• Me.,c1111 borger w1lh J 10 4 1001 wevea ( ,' ··"· .~ 11111111 a r.v L . ._-~~Rf Rf PORT Ticle TODAY Sm 01111 low t U 11 "' 'l!'Cnnd hogh 1 18 p "' WIDNEI DAY ''"' luw '1 o~ 0 m f1111nion 8 34am S11<:ond low 2 00 p m s .. cono 111011 7 54 p m Surf Surf lvrf 1-11 lw•ll lw•ll .. JOC:ll Avg ..... ~rd ..... Dir l umft 4 6 11 ~ J SW SAnlA MomcA .) 5 11 ' 3 sw Newporl Bf!&Ch • I 12 , 4 SW Sen D•l>QO Coun1y • 6 I? 2 .. SW 11•i.1g111•d Ill lh1 · l.n I tli,11 lh1 ·11 · h.id 1•1 IH· j l'OlllJll lll ll"t', tlr.11 1111 .. "111111· 1l1111g h.111 111 1•1111 .at '>(/Ifft' prnnl · Al MllP Square Park nc·arly $:l rn1ll1on 1s budgelr·cl fo1 nmslruclion o f new b1kl· lratls, a p.ark off IC'l' and 111 ht•r f al·tl ltlC'S during the m •xt y1•a1 . µIU1' otht•r AS DA NGER PREADS. • • ' roads and forn11g hundrt'dt. of rcs1d1•nl.'; from tht•rr honu-:. In Colorado. UfJ tu iJ fool of snow wa:. l'XP<-~ ll'<.i in the Hocky Mounta111s todav iJ~ thl· storms movc•d 1n from the· w£•st On Monday. rain <ti lowt'r c•levatrons "rt>al l y mC:1dt• a mt•ss" of a muds l1dl· that bt•gan Sunday hPfnn• tht· storm . a Colorado Swtt· Patrol drspat('ht•r sard Af l t•r Utah Gov Sc·otl Matheson dct'lart·d o stall· or l'mer~.wncy 1n Salt Lakt• County, the weather scrvrt·e 1ssut'<.I a flash flo<XI watc:h for all vf Uwh late Monday and early today as ram pourl'<l from slak-gray skies for a fourth day. Salt Lake County, th<' state's most populous. roulq bt· soakt"CI by mun· than half an 1nl'h ov('rnrght. off1c·1als said M o r e than 400 Salt Lakl' Count y residents fled their homes as the J o rdan River flooded after Su nda y 's downpour. As of Monday. water d amage w as placed at up to $1 5 mrllron, said Salt L a k e County Public· Works Director Don Spen ('t•r - -------------- A group 1·'>l1mull·d by th1· Un1tl-<l Way ;.it f)(·twt'<!n l!:l ,OOll 10 :.W.0110 pt·opll· h1·ld hand!> in a hne lh:.tl :.lrt'll'ht·d alung tht· Santa An<J H1vt.·r from Yorbd Ltnd<t to I luntrngton Bt1.1th ;1 d1st.am1· 11f :l:l mal1-s ll ow1•v1•r thc·rl· w<.·r<· 1w11 i.11.<ilih• gaps in lht· human chain S:.iturd;1v <ind o f£1<:1<tb from Unm'<l Wdy !::.<1Y they rt· uru.un· how th1· ix·oplt· from Gurnnt-s:. will rt"<1t I tl.J thJI "All wt· l'an do rs :.t·nd them (l;uanm·~·» MJmt• p1t·turl·s. somt· 11t•W:.pt1pt•r <tt'\.·uunL-. and the !rim cmd l1•avl-' th~ r{:o<Sl up to them," 1·xpla111s Ct·orgt· Ph1ll1µs . o Unrl<·d Way drrt'l'Wr Tht• t•xrstrng mark fur a hum<tn t'hJtn was sf·t a Yl'ar ago in England wh(·n 17 .000 people r·m·irtlt-<l ,i sma 11 h 111 Phtlhµs s;;ys Unr tl'd Way w ill fill· a darm wllh the Guinness ht•.1J4u;irl1·rs 1n England a nd n·t~Ul'SI that Saturday's hand- hvld1ng t•vc•nt be r~:ognrzed as lht· world's n'<:ord BENSON & HEDGES Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called dclu'<e. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning· The Surgeon General Ha s Determined I hat C1gare11e Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health 6 rng 1a1: 0 b my n1Lut1ne av p11 c1gar111t. by RC mtlhod A 11avelets edv•sory ""' been Polled 101 lhe mounu11n a•f!IH or Co101ado warn1no lh&I up 10 n fool of 1now could 1ccumul&le In lh" n1oh t ounlrv Mo1or1t11 ""' w1rn11d lo prt1pe111 101 w lotf!lr <111v1no cond•!Oo<>s " s11ow•11 ••ld lh11no .. ro101 m1 Outlook lor W~nfl•llay Oe<:reas1"ij 1url 1nd sw .. 1 Sun •f'I • 6 • :> p m WOl(l11.,•C111v 6 46 11 m Mnon ,., •• 4 31! p m Wedr>t"day 3 17 • m ..... \ ' l ··---- • ' I NATION -M11 v rf•s11'1 ;,, t•ut l>o cks ., l . Economy on move? AirCal union rejects pay cut By The> A111ot'lalt'd l1r n1 S111111• t·1•111111m1st1> ~uy 1111• gov1•111n1t-111's rc·por 1 11( 11. hit( iturgt• in t lll' U S t n11 l1· dd111t lu!lt mo11th 11111(ht Ill' 11 1'11(11 thut bu!llOl'S.'ll'b lll l' l!X1>4'('ll11H u cunsumt'r buying 1>J.111•1• tu I c a d t h t' 11111 1 11 n 11 u t o f rl'(.'l 'SSIOll. T he Comnwrn· Ot.•purtn1t•11t reportt>d Monduy th1· trmk deficit, not l~)Ullltn~ f11w11('1UI truf\8il<'t1orui. hit n nnt'-morHh ri·t•ord of $7 I hllllon tn AUl(U:d ~~xporui (di 11llghtly Tlat · llll(gt'llt rcu!km for th,. dl'f11·1t ~rowth frcma $2 4 l11lhon rn July Wl\N u 4!0 ~ pe·n ·c·nt Auj.(U!ll 11Wrt'US1• an lrt\µurts, thl· b1gl(C'Sl JUIHJJ C: om m 1• r n· D • • IHI r I mt· n t unul vs ts l•oulcl rt•11w111llc·r an rt'{'l·nt y1·11r:s. ExporL'( cJ1'<:l111t•d sll~htly 111 tlw month. Guard says 'life over' WILKES BAHH~:. P.e (AP) -A µr1so11 !o(uard ac:<.'used o f going o n a rampagt• and kll Ian~ I :1 p<'llplt• fave of tht•m has l'h1lcJrl·ll -belrl'Vl'S has own lrf1• I!> over, a friend says Late M onday. guard George Banks wa!> v1s1t1..od by Robert Brunson, a frll'nd who helped talk Banks anto s urn·nd1•r1 ng Banks was I.wing held under c:o nsl<.ant wutt h aftt•r threatening su1l•1dt· at the Luu·rnl· County µnson "lit.• ~a1<.l. 'It's ull ovt:r My krds ar<' gone. My hft.· 1:. over · I told him some people stall c:are about ham ." Brunson wld tht• Wilkes-Barre T1ml'S· Leadl•r UMW challenge gaining WASHINGTON 1Al') I\ young lawyer st'l'k1ng to oust Sam C hurd1 as prt.·s1th•11t of t he Un1tl•d Mint• Workt•r:-. union say!> l'hun·h's l'laam~ t h a t t h c t• h H I I t' n g t· r 1 s ineligablt• to hold ufftl't' arl' the "ac:lions of ;1 d1·~pl•r<1 lt• man " Richard Trumka. :~:~. :-.aid Churt•h':. daams art· old and. "the ISSU(' Wa!> S('ltlt'<.I iJ y(_•ar ago ." Trumka rn,Jllt• ·hrs l'Omnwnts Monday shortly bt•for e al·ecpt1ng an (.•ndorsl·nwnt of his candidat·y h y William Essels tyn, the un1m1 's St.'(:ret.arv-treasun•r Trumka and ha s two run n ing m:Jtl's pra1 sl.·d ~<;St·lstyn for abandonmg his own tndt>pPndPnt campaig n for f(_•-t·lt't't1un to the UMW's N u . ;j po s t. C' a 111 n g t h e c•ndurSl'ml•nt "a trl•mcndous boos t" to tht· slate opposing Churt·h Buried fire man found CON HOE. TC'xas (A P) Authorataes havl· found a frrefaghter bclrt•vt•d to havt· been krdnaprx·d by a group that buriro anotht>r man alavt> an a box for fo ur days, a s h e r 1 C f ' s d t· p a r t m c• n t spokesman sard lcxlay Garldncl llamaltun, tht· Housto n f1ref1ghtl·r. was talking with sheriffs deputal'S about n·30 a.m today Auth o rities suspeC'I Hamilton was abdul·lt'd bv Ro nald W hat<.'. 40 . who allt•geJ ly masterminded tht• abduction of Michael Baucom Baucom was found Monday, buried m a box but suffering o nly from dehydration and anscc t bi lt'S. By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tM D911t f'Uet ate" T h u I l' J t• I' t I ti II b y i. ti Ill t• Alr<'11I w11rkc•r11 uf tlw Newport Bt•ut·h l111s1·d 111r·l11u" rt><tlH'l't lhht tht•y tukt• 11 12 f)l•r1~·11l p;ey rut moy r1•1iult an t·utbl1do1 In llw t·urrit•r '11 :t. I00-1•rnploy<·l· work furn•, ur\ Ail'Cul Hf"")kt•11mun surd Monday t:sut a vice president ot thl· union thut rcj<..->eted the pay l'Ut hinted 1•rnployees m uy ta k e a second l<Juk ut t he reques t 1f AirCal moves forward with staff cull!. O f 980 n on -union und management employees w ho8e votes were being counted this morning , AlrCal s pokesman M ar k Peterso n said approx1mau:ly 700 voted and at-cepted the wage cut proposal Chain r eaction hy "bt!ttl>r thari u thrc-.• tu orw" llU!rl(lll The 111u111tt•nonl'C und romp 11crv1t·1• worker" a1•ctlon of. the 1'rnni.port Workl'nl Union, which reµre1wnt11 nt•arly 600 AlrCCll employec11, rej('ctt-<i the: wage tUI lu8l wt>(•k by a margin of IL•u t h a n 2 ~ v (1 t c 11 1 u n i o n v it: t• pN.1ldent BIU R~I Sllld. AtrCa l flight attendanlfil. ruprt.'flCntcd llli a separate unli by the TWU, at'Cepted the cut by u simJla rly close margin omong at.s approximately 400 m embe rs. Rossi said. About three-Courthi; or the m embe rs o f both unit:. took part 1n the vote, Rossi said AlrCal officaals already have stated that the cuts wjU not be implemented unless they arc acceptl'd by all em ployees, how1·vt•r. The uLrhnc>. workJng under a mundutt' rrum top · I •vf'l mon11gt•rncnt to mu1 11 t41ln ltli proflwhlllly m tough et.'Onomac urne , wlll bl-!ort't-d w con.sider "othN ulh·rnatlves to reduc<." t'()elL'i" In the woke or the WUKl'- ('Ut re.;oct1on. Pet.<•nlQn 11tald. As ked IC those ullcrnotlv1·11 Include: au.rt cutbackH. Petc:nwn replied "In general terms, yea." He would nol expond on the answer. A lrCt11's 250 pllu\JI, rcpresentt.-ci by the Alrlinl' P!lot.'i Auociatlon, are yet to b<> heard from an tht1lr votes on the pay cut. Rossi, w ho said union leaders h•1d made no rt.'t.'Ommendation on t h e pay cu l vote lo TWU member11, said the airline's action s in the wake-of the rcJc>ct1on may resu l l in t1 Delly Pllol Pholo by LM Peyne Orange County Girl Scouts relax a t the 'a nta Ana Rive r as they a wait their turn to join the huma n cha in. If you look c losely, the SC'outs are f ormin~ the. initials GS. • N'Ct>nBldt•ratlon of th • ICUon "Tht1~'A alway• u poMlblUty of rec·on11ldera uon ba1ed on the clrcumst.anct.'tl," said Ro.I, who has IK'hl'duled talka later i.oo.y with AlrCul o ffldals "h all d1·sx·nd11 on whut tht·y do." Pctt-rson 11tud th<" oirllne la commltt••d 10 malntalnlns tu unbroke n atrlng of pro fitable years d <n1pite a drop In revenuea cau11<.'d by fewer pasM:ngcra, fare cu ~ spurrt-d by compt>tJUon with othtlr alrllntlll and \he general cc.'Onomk climate . "The way you run you r bu111ncs11 I• w l th a g oal o f profit.ability," he said. "AirCal ls commi tted to maintaining profitab11lty in 1982 and beyond. It's the only way to maintain the stre ngth and viabilit y of the airline" Three injured in 'quick draw' shooting Three onJookers were Injured slightly in a quick -d raw shooting accident at the O range County Fairgrounds, according to Costa Mesa police. Offic-ers said a gun belonging to a qukk -dra w contestant a pparently fir ed accidentally during a contes t s pre ading birdshot over an area. T reated and re leased at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport. Beach were P aul Scribner. of Irvine, and Arthur Barnes. of Las Vegas. Antony Maes of La Mesa also reportedly was injured but didn't require treatment. Sgt. John White said the incident took place at about 4 p .m . Sunday al a chili cookoff spon sor ed by the Sa nta Ana 20-JO Club. H e said live a mmunition nor mally 'isn't permitted in a publiC' place but sped-al nru might have been obtained. S hC'raff 's spokesman Ed deForest said ht• C'ould not 1m med1at<'ly r(·lcas e a n y information ext-ept that Coby WORLD Irvine to put dog's teeth 1n 1aw? Israel to probe slayings JERUSALEM (AP) The Cabinet d ecided today to sC'l up a full JUd1c1al mqu1ry into Israel's C'Onduct durin g the Beirut massal're o f hundrL'Cls o C P a I t• s ll n 1 a n ~ . E n e r g y Mrnaster Yrtzhak Berman said today Berman told rt•porters as he emerged from the Cabinet meeting that tht' m1n1sters had agr<'<.'Cl to thl• inquiry He gave n o details Berman s u bmi tted his resignation last week because o f Prim<.' Minister Menachem Begin's refusal at the tim e to set up a judicial inquiry in to t he massacr e which h as outraged th e world and sev(·rely shaken the J ewish s tate Ber man said that despite the JatPs t decision. his res1gnataon still s tood By GLENN SCOTT Of th• Delly Pllol tten · Police dogs. the popular new weapon for fighting crime and polishing images, may be barking up some of Irvine's trees in the near future. The Irvine' Caty Council is scheduled Tuesday to conside r adopting a pilot program involving two police canines. Il would cost the city about $33.400 the first year, analysts say. Funds would be made available by not fillin g an existing opening for an officer Schmidt fights for post Council members wiU discuss the issue during a meeting, at 6:30 p.m at Caty Hall. The issue is the first lasted for hearings beginning al 7:30 p.m. BONN . W e!>t G<•rmany (AP) The• futu r l' of Chan<.'ellor Ht•lmut Schmidt hrngcd today un wht•ther the sma ll but p1yotal Free Democr a t Party w o uld endorse a plan 10 unS<.'al him in favor of 1·onservallv(• opposa t 1011 h'itdt•r II t' I mu t Kohl The llbt•ral Fre<.' Dl•moc:rats prec1p1tated West Germany's pohl1C'al c:rasas Sc:'pt 17 when th e ir four m1n1 s ters , STATE srx·arheaded by party leader Hans -Dretric:h Genscher . rc·s1gned f rom Schmidt 's l'Oali tr on. But they remained bitterly divided over whether to back Genscher in his alliance with Ko hl to oust Sc·hmidt. the po pular Social Democrat leader who has led West Germany for 13 years, and vote a con serva11vc into power Also o n the agenda for Tuesday's meeting 1s a much- debated proposal to increase the local bed tax from 6 to 8 percent and a revi<.'W of P.QSSible sites for a ne w Irvane Civic Center. Use of police dogs in Southern California has in c r eased dra matically during the last 12 months. according to a report E scape d con found dead Police term drowning in CdM accident The d rowning death of a 78-year-old Corona del Mar woman was lasted as an accident today by Newport Beach police CASTAIC (AP) A prasonc•r who apparC'ntly JUmpE.'Cl from a bus was found dPad and shc•raff's d<.'pulaC's are still S<·an:hang for St'V<·n others who appar<.'ntly l<.'apt to freedom on lntc•rstale 5. authorita<'S said. MoncJ.tJ , Hft•y tf Y(JU On "QC f\Av~ V0U' CHIO-' b~ ~JO D m <.•II b@ff)lttt t 0 tn •"'CJ YfJU' (UO., M ii btt d•lt~..,e(J F1fty -s1x prisoners w e rC' b<>rng transported from the main Los Angeles County Jail tu the· Wayside Honor Ranch Monday t~vening when the men <.'scaped. said Deputy Wlllte Mi ller The body of Emma Vogel, 419 1~ Orchid Ave .. was found s hortly after 8 a m. Sunday at China Cove. said Lt. Tony Villa. He said her bathing suit and s h oes were recove red at the beach at P irates Cove. We1re Listening ••• What do you hke about the Da ily Pa lot" What don't you hke~ C:all the number helow and your m essage will be recorded, transcribed and deltvered lo the appropriate editor The same 24 hour answenng ser vice may be used lo record let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include thrrr name and tell'phone number for vera h cataon No circulation rall!-, plt•as<' Tell us wha t's on your mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Cl• ultled •dvertltlng 7141942-S.78 All otl'er depertment1 642-4321 Daily Pilat Thoma1 P. Haley r"1\1tth1t1 and c h.,.t f '"''"''"'~ 0 11.C'lf• MAIN OFFI CE DO W••I e .. 51. Cott• -w. CA ¥•11 •00r•" flo• Itel, Cotl• -... CA .,.Ht ,..,,,IO!l4 Im ~-Coett PllMl•hl"9 C_, Ho n.w• t'-we.t, llh1"r•ll011•. •clttort•t "'""''or •• Vtrll .. mMh !Wrtlfl l'lley IN rtPIOCIUC ... wll- -let "'"''"'°"Of CHyr19hl owner submitted Lo the council by P olice Chief Leo P eart. Peart said the animals are more e ffective than humans at crime scene searches -for both evide n ce and suspects. Dogs can reduce injuries to officers and act as a positive symbol for community safoty. P eart saJd. I n Irvine, with its well- landsca ped resid entiaJ areas a nd m illio n s o f square feet of industrial and o ffice space, the dogs would offer substa ntial savings in time for searches, he noted. "A properly trained dog may be used in these areas to locate suspects w ithout endang er ing the lives of officers or citizens," Peart said. "A dog will conduct a more thorough and expeditious search than a large number of officers." In Orange County, F ountain Valley and Huntington Beach have employed police dogs for at least three year s . Orange, Anaheim. Tustin . Santa Ana and San Clemente each have started programs since January, 1981. The cost to buy two traaned dogs from a kennel 1s $10.000 and the cost to convert a vehicle for their use wouJd require another $19.500, according to the report Such dogs are expected to last m police service from frve to 10 years The "preppy" IOOk In CIOthlng fashions Is being echoed In jewelry fashions too One of the most popular ts 1he single strand ol cultured pearls In 17 to 19 Inch lengths. Graduated sizes are on the most wanted lls1 . end they have been very dlfllcult to find We have just received a new shipment though and they ere In the affordable price ranges II the young lady prefers a strand ot uniform size pearlS 10 set ofl her preppy style the ChOIC. Is tn the 5 MM Site or IMS and when strung knoll ed between each pe•rl they should be between 18 •nd 17 lnchea Collar ptns ere also In gteat demand to soften the tailored look In clothes this lall Tiny pearl decorated safety ptns. Two and 1hree letter monogrem ptns with )ult the tiniest diamond for accent. The tamlllar circle and b•r pins A variety ol anlm•I•. bug• and bVttertly scatter pl111 the sm11fer they •re the gre•t•r the popularity. Council members elected to continue their discussion on the proposed bed tax increase two w eeks ago aft.er h earing strong o pp os it ion fr o m h o t e l representatives during a public hearing. A recen t sta ff re port from Michael McNamara. director of admanistrallve ser v ices, s tall recommends the increase. which "A dog will con- duct a more thor- ough search than a large numbe r of officers." is meant to produce $3 million in extra revenue over five years. He said that city analysts. aft.er talking to representatives of the Airport.er lnn. Registry and the as-yet unopened Marriott hotels, found no data to suggest that the increase would hurl the local business. Newport Beach's council also was set to conside r s uch a n rncrease Mondav. he said. Costa Mesa and Santa Ana have no plans l'Urrently lO ratsC their tax rates Costa Mesa and N ewport Beach both have 6 percent rates. Santa Ana's IS 5 percent Mnry B•rr Qilrt1hftd Gtmo1091s1 Meanwhile, council members once aga!n will be faced with a decision on where to locate a new civic cent.er, including a city hall, po lice department, child care center. senior citizen's center and, pe rhaps, a performing art s cente r. Proposed sites include: -Univer sity To wn Center, across Campus Dr!ve from UC Irvine . University administrators are pushing this location and are offering land on campus for a pe rformi ng arts center a11 an en ticement. -Irvine Center , in the so- called Golden Triangle . Irvin e Company officials. eager u, make their proposed commercial-retail cente r th e city's "downtown," are offering 10.2 acres of. land with no oft -s ate developme nt costs. -Existing location o f Cit y Ha ll, at McGaw Avenue and Jambo ree Road. E i ther the building could remain the same or b e demo lis hed a nd a new, m ulti-level structure could be built. -Woodbr ld g ~ A c tivity Corri d or. Several parcels between Barranca a nd Alton parkways have been idenUfied as possible locations by city staff members. -Village 12. at Barranca and Jeffrey Road. can do his best 1ob before he get• too rushed wllh the holiday ordere. Jane Amori f ,o,f'(U.I'-'" ((11tr11 Thoma1 A. Murphlne fd1•or Bengle brecelett . )ult Ilk• grandmother's ... and dellc11e rope brec:elets ara righ t too . . eapeclally when worn on the 11ma wrlat H the watoh. CHARLES H. BARR Our yea• y "Gem Wise" contest Is 1<:heduled for tne lull month of October The rules ere the aama •nn It•• prizes too. There w111 be a $500 mer- c handlee certificate tor the peuon who ge11 the moat C«rect. 1300 MCOfld. and S200 third. Thar• wilt alao ba a drawing IOI a contolatlon pri.re for thOM who participate but .,. not able to win one of the top print ... 10 come and )Oln In the fun. There wlll be twenty-five gem 1t ona1 on dl1play throughout the 1tore end ell you have to do It ..+eel the PfOC* n1me from the fll1y cholcw on the 1n1wet en.et. See II )'OU, can top the rec«d of Lelley Lal wno wu our winner IHI yeer wtth 1l11teen correct. Tak• th• cttallanga and ... how well you ean do. Prlr" will b4t awarded November flrat. Only one anlW9f 1'"981 to• conta1tant. Our atora houri give you plenty 01 oppor1untty to oome 1n· and taka part In thll tun oontftt .•. prove hOW "Oam Wt .. ·; you 1re. The alora 11 open tO a m. to a p.m. Monday through StlUtday tf'd on Thurtday evening• unlll a p,m. We~ your 111111 L. Koy Schultz v .... p," .. rj""' ttnd 01rttc-r<>f of Adv-."''"'0 Mkha.1 P. Horvey ()./e(10r Of M01i~t1ng IC. or c u4ol IOft I .. . Roymond Mact..an '°"''~'·· Kenneth N. Oodda,d J,. Oo<Jor ol Op.<otiO'tt VOL. 7S, NO. 270 ,, • s19net and crHt rings carry out the tredlUonal mo<!• ellO. II ~ou have one on your Santa Ctaua 111t. b4t aura you get your order In early 10 the engraver aw~tA Ac.,...-...-._ L•• ••• 17ltl&l"IH,W..tclff,._. ... .,... ..... • ·I Or1mgn Coat1 lJAl l Y PILOl /Tuoadny, Sept Q(:(: provt'!'tt'Or and vt•h•ran ~kydivt•1· Westgaard dies, scholarship set Dean Westgaard, u phyllil'al education profcsllor at Orangt> Coast College and u veteran of more than 2,500 sk y d1v1ng jumps, dwd Sunday, tht· v1t·t1ni of cancer The 52-year-old Laguna Bcul·h resident had been in faahng health smce undergoing surgl•ry for stomach l'IHll'l'r t:urly th•~ summer But his crippling illness dad not stop the long-lime Lagunan from Jumping out of an airplane with 15 other sky dtvers two w<.>eks ago during the Main Bcul·h party in Laguna. "He was so weak he had lo be lifted o ff the fl oor o f the airplane," recoils lo ng-tame friend and fellow JUmper Roy Holm , a fo rme r mayor 1n Laguna. "Two Jumpers helped ham out of the plane and deployed has chute for him at 3,500 feet," Holm said. The jump on the beach was dedicated to Westgaard, and a crowd of m o r e than 1,000 Lagunans cheered as the gravely ill diver walked lb a microphone following the jump. "He expressed his admiration for the town and the citizens of Laguna," Holm said . It was as if he knew at was has last dive. Westgaard moved to Laguna Beac h an 19 51, a n d was a lifeguard for the city for 17 summers. He joined the staff at OCC m 1966 a nd served as the Costa Mesa junior college's athletic trainer unul 1972 In addition, he taught classes in scuba diving and trained hundreds of sky divers. During that time, Holm said. no one under W estgaard 's directio n ever died or was seriously mjun'Ci. The former University of Redlands football star was the first diver to ever jump off El Capitan an Yosemite, and he dad it two years ago to celebrate has 50th birthday. The veteran sky diver made jumps in every continent m the world except Antarctica, and he l>t"an Westgaard a ppea red in several Hollywood productions as a stunt man. His daring antics were seen in a sky-diving sequence in the film "The Stunt Man." The athletic Lagunan was an avid scuba dive r , mountain climber. river runner, fisherman a nd hunter. After his Cu-st jump 13 years ago, Westgaard opened hlS own compan y. called W estgaard Parachute Enterprises, Inc. ll was while parachuung m Indonesia early this summer that he became ill and was forced to return home. Westgaard rs survived-by h is wife, Juanita. sons Guy, Scott and Kurt, daughter Denise, and two grandchildren. A family spokesman said there will be no memorial services tor Westgaard. Instead, his ashes will be spread over the ocean at Laguna by several sky divers. A scholarship in his name as bemg established at OCC. and a new Laguna Beach lifeguard headquarters wi!J be dedicated in his honor. Bo urbo n 'n' wa ter a gain You mig ht re member Bo urbon, the golden retriever known for wading too far into the Back Bay and requiring the ingenuity o f Newpo rt Beach a nimal control officers to pull o ff a r escu e. Mo nday the dog didn't get so fa r a nd Dena Deck , Kathy Richmo nd, Sue Cam p bell a nd Karla .Peebles, all of Long Beach, returned Bo urbon to sho re. Memorials due for Lou Anderson,Loring Alice Lou Anderson was raising her family, she went back to school and got a master's degree at UCLA.'' The bustle of a new school year at UC Irvine will twice be interrupted as friends, colleagues and stud ents pause to pay respects to Alice L o uise instrume ntal in Anderson and Eugene Loring. founding o f UC I performanees of selections of his highly-regarded choreography, will begin at 3 p.m . Sunday at UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre. She continued part-time in school and eventually earned a doctorate from USC in 1975. AndeuoA director o..L --women's education and liberal arts tori the UCI Extension, died Friday Crom Op portunity Cente r Anderson spent 16 years as publicist, program planner and ffnaity-a-director for~h e­ extension program . She was instrumental in the founding of UCI Women's Opportunity Cen t e r , which offered educational services to mature women seeking to redirect their lives. Her family has requested that contributions made ii'\ her m e mory go t o the Women's Opportunity Center. P .O. Box A2, Irvine, 92716. heart attacks during and after and lived its surgery. She was 60. h .1 h A memorial service for her will P 1 oso P Y • be held at 4 p.m. Friday at a UCI Extension meeting room at 4227 Campus Drive, across the street from the main entrance lb the university. Lo ring, who headed UCl's dance program from 1965 throu~h 1979, d ied of cancer Aug. 30 near his home in Accord, N.Y. He was 71. A memorial ce r e m o n y honorin'l him. including "Sh e actually live d that herself," noted Richard Baisden, d ean of the extension. "After Loring is consi._dered a seminal figure In American dance whose w orks such as "Billy the Kid" and "Yankee Clipper" helped establish a new American style in ballet. . GRAND RE~OPENING PARTY of the BIG and LITTLE NEWPORT SKI COMPANY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th 7:00 -10:00 p.m. Come help us kick off the 1982-83 ski season with a night of fun that Includes frH prlzea, Informal fashion modeling, beer, wine, refreshments, ski movies and a look at all the new merchandise for this season. Also in operation will be our new revolving akl ramp. * FJ!,~~d se'a"m~~~u~ * • Environmental photography • Rossignol SM skis $310.00 • Fischer Superllte speed $280.00 by Jan Parsons $85.00 • Salomon SX 90 Boots $290.00 • Maser T-Neck $31 .50 • Salomon 737 Bindings S134.95 • Tyrolla 2800 Bindings $110.00 • 1 Pr. Vuarnet sunglasses '84.00 • Free peeper keeper with every sunglasses sold. • 6 pr Scott poles S$4.95 each • Roffe Parka $130.00 • Obermeyer Parka S95.00 • MarcHu Sweater and Hat $100.00 5 free ramp lessons S25 each • Serac Down Parka $195.00 • Colmar sweater "4.00 • Nils wlndjacket and pants S1n.50 • CB STA Ski pants $130.00 • Descante race clothing $100.00 We'll aee you on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th NEWPORT SKI COMPANY llllTMI noow.1tttthJ· •• .,.rt ........ (714) 111-HM .. , .... ., .. , (714) 141·1117 ...... ,.rt f " Jarvis, Hallett lead new Bird recall hid SACRAMENTO (AP) Tu flahter H oward Jarvie, two Republican candldatee and lh mother o( murdert'd iwtrcia Sharon T te ~n begin drculatanri pell lloM to recall •tale Chief Juatloo ROM Bird, at.ate offlctai. aay. Secretary of State March Fona Eu announced that sh e had approved the petition format to be Uled by Jarvie; Auemblywoman Carol Hallett, the GOP candidate for lie utenant governor ; George Nicholson, the Republi~an candidate for attorney general; Tony Rackaukas, a former Ora_na C.OUnty proeecutor. and Dorl.a Tate. It l• th.-fourth recaJJ driv mountf'd •i•lnat Callfornt1'1 top jurlat, 1a frequent t.araet of ron.-rvatJws. Nonu ot the othen hu mad~ the ballot Tate, w h<* deuahter wu klllt'd by followera o f Charles Manson , 11 Involved in a aroup affiliated with Nll•holeon, Parenti of Murder ed Children" formed to oppoee parole for murderers serving life sentences. J a rvis was the co -aponaor of Proposltfon 13, the 1978 Initiative that elashed California property t.axea by $7 billion. To lo u r..cull ttlc>cUon, Jurvl1 and h 11 oll ll'll nt'ed to col I f1'c: t va lld NltjOlllUrl'I of at leaat 731,24'1 1 l•gl11t1•rt'<.1 vo1t•111 within 160 day11 Amon1i1 olht•r thlng11, rt"t·uU spoNOn dulm Bird "l'OntlllWntly dcmonalratt'li callou11neH to vactlmt of crlm<>. hoatlllty to law cnforccmt·nl und over-prOtt.'<!llveneu to crlmlnuh1 and l'On11l11t ntly i.Ut'mpta to block thl' death penally Initiative." In a retporuM.• that will be c·arrle<l on tho pe t ltlonw Bird rt•fern•d to a L os ·Angeles Times edltorl:,11 whk h satd an earlier rccull drive led by NkholhOn ru.J 11£.illt•u w1.11 ''1Mpm'<I hy ldt•olo1i1t·ul Z('alot1 who wunt to lx>nd tht• »Wt<' Supnmw Cort to ttw1r will " Sht.' ul110 quou•d formt•r C.:hld Ju11tlct• Oonuld W right, a Ronuld lt<'ngf.ln nµµoln lct•, 101 1oyang that re-cull bm:k••ra "urf" tryln(i t.o (fo11troy the h1d1•J)l•ndcn<.'t' or the judlclury." "Jo'm•t: C'nllturnlu courlB today arc 11t•ndin~ more crlmlnolt1 to prison for Jong<'r tt•rms them c•vt.•r bl'for<'! CnlifornlnnH want fair, ho nc•st, impurtlal jwclln'. ( ask for your support," Bard wr11tt.• Bloomingdale. 'mistress' revises deposition LOS ANGELES (AP) -V1ck1 Morgan, the 30-year-old model who says s he was the longtime mistress or the late Alf~ Bloomingdale, has filed a revised deposition In he r $10 million "palimony" suit against his estate. Morgan's attorney, Michael Oavt.', d('Clared Whale House Pr~ Secretary Larry SJ'('akl'll that he has asked Superior Court Judge Christian oonfirmed last week that a Reagan aide met with Markey to look over the revised document before Morgan's first attorney, Marvin M1tchelson, to ruling on a defense request that the suit be d1SCuss the suit - dismissed. Dave would not comment on rumors that Speak es s a 1 d M 1 tc h c Ison. who was a settlement In the case was near. subsequently dismissed from the case, and Morgan Dave also declined to discuss the changes made Mason. a special preside ntial as.~1stan1 on political in the deposition, saying that it should speak for affairs, met in the Executive Off ict' Building itself when it is released by the court. Since the adjacent to the White House. But Speakes document has o nly been given to the court for cont.ended thal Mason and Muc helson are longtime fdarkey's consideration, it is not considered a matter friends and that Mason did not report back to the of public record. While House on the mt:etlng. D d . • Corona trial cost records due probe The judge's clerk, Adrian Fong, said the Sources close to the case have suggested that e ICalton revised document is expected to be oCCicially filed the White House as encouraging an out-of-court Supreme Court Justice Sandra SACRAMENTO (AP) _ St.ate Controller Ken with the court and avajJable to the public when settlement to avoid any further publicity that could Cory says that his office has launched a full-scale Markey rules on the dismissal request, "probably harm the Reagans. This has never been oonfirmed. Day O'Connor Ii le ns to audit of costs In the second trial of Juan Corona -sometime this week." In her initial 20-pagc deposition, Morgan said invocation a l lhe d edication of at $5 m illion, re ported ly the costliest sing le-In h er ear lier deposition, Mor ga n said she became Bloomingdale's paramour when she Q defendant trial in st.ate history. Bloomingdale had talked to her about "secret and was 17 and that he promised her a n income of more the Alync ueener Massey Law "As in all audits we undertake, if money has delicate matters" <.'Oncerning the personal lives of than $20,000 per month and said he would support Library on the 'Vanderbih been misspent we will ask that it be returned," President and Mrs. Reaga n and about Reagan's her for life. S he also claimed that he had tried to U . Cory said. Costs were paid by the state. presidential campajgn. Hi~fsn.ge to buy her a $500,000 ttome in Beverly mversit y campus in Nash ville. The soaring costs of the trial, which led to Blo-0mingdale , heir to the Bloomingda le At right is law chool d ean C. Corona's conviction on 25 oounts of first del(ree department store fortune and one of the founders of Bloomingdale died of cancer last month a t 66, De nt Bos tick. murde r, at one point led an exasperated Judge 1 _t_he_Di_·n_e_rs_c_1u_b_._w_as_a_c_1_ose_f_r_ie_n_d_o_f_t,h __ e_R_e_a:.gans __ · _s_h_o_r_tly::_a_ft_e_r _th_e_su_i_t _w_as_·_f_•l_ed_. ________ ..====:--------::---======== Richard Patton to complain, "The matter almost overwhelms me. I'm only one little judge." Defense attorneys travelled to London and prosecutors poke d through Mexico. A k ey prosecution witness ran up big bills at some of San ~ 'II Francisco's most posh hotels. Investigators for Cory's office have been OU looking through financial records of the case for nearly a month, in what officials termed a ro"tine review. Corona's first trial in 1973 cost less than $500,- 000. That led to a conviction which was overt~urn~ed~-1---------------------, in 1918 on grounds he had received an1nadequate defense. "Today's action is aimed at preserving all the records of both prosecution, defense and others so that our auditors can get a complete picture of trial costs," Cory said. Georgia prisons full ATLANTA (AP) -Georgia leads the world in the percentage of its population sentenced to prison. and oould save millions if it gave probation to first offenders and people convicted of misdemeanors, says a study. Georgia incarcerates 430 people per 100,000 population -more than any other state in lhe nation and any othe r country in the world, acco rding to the study, commissioned by the Department of Offender Rehabilitation. Newport-Oct. 2/2 pm Newport Sheraton Laguna Hills . 4545 MacArthur Blvd. a e e now Gerovltal GHa. ts it a miracle drug? Can It stow the hands of time? What are the facts? Chuck Broes. international expert with over 23 years experience in preventive medicine. will be giving a FREE lecture o n Gerovitai GH3• the myths and the facts It's your one chance to get the full story on Gerovital GH5. Look at all the shrewd ways you can use it: Advance Aese<vatoons5ugge$ted (714) 835·3604 umi1e<1 S.POe Call (714) 835·0858 To Encoura1e Pet Care Animal Hospital of Fountain Valley Announces 50'% Reduction On Spaying, Neutering, and Vaccination Sept. 27 to Oct. 2, 1982 For Details Call 962-6621 Theres only oae Fift Crowns. Fi~dining. 3801 EAST COAST HICHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CA (714) 760-0J.) 1 .. Take advantage of tax-sheltered Investments By investing in a tax shelter, or another investment offering tax benefits , the tax dollars you save may offset the actual cost of your Homeowner Equity Loan-while your invesbnent increases in value. Save now on home Improvement The next inflationary surge will drive home improvement costs up. Now may be the.ideal time to add the room you want, build a pool, make any major repair ... in ef feet, let your house pay for its own improvements. Pay for a college education Today, the average cost of a college education can be as much as $ 7 ,000 yearly. And one of the few f.inanciaJ resources that has kept pace with that rising cost is the value of your home. Why not free some of your equity for this important investment in your children's future? Get a special deal on luxury items Right now it is a "buyer's market" on items like cars, vacations. home furnish· ings, boats, and other luxuries. There are special opportunities on nearly everything. Now may be the opportune time to buy - with a little help from Security Pacific Bank. Start a business, or Improve on one Do you have an idea for a profitable new venture? Or a way to improve an existing one? Your Security Pacific Homeowner Equity Loan may be the shrewd way to finance it. Plus you have all these extra advantages: • With continuing inflation, the dollars you bonow will be worth more than those you have to repay• The interest on your loan is tax-deductible • And best of all. you don't have to give up your home to enjoy all the profit it has earned. New attractive rates. Apply nowt .. For more Information, call toll-free 1-800-648-5600 and ask for operator 82 Or mall the coupon today ·~--. .. -~ooze-___ ,_,__••-'11~..-- ·~-·---,,... t/I ,, Shop and compare. We believe you'll find our Homeowner Equity Loan program to be one of the most attractive available: • Competitive rates • Flexible terms • loans avallable from $5,000 to $100,000 r------1 Send to: Security Pacific Bank I P.O. Box 51048. Terminal Annex Los Angeles. California 90051 I D Tell me more about your Homeowner Equi ty Loan. and send 1 me an applh.:ation now. I I I I I I I OfTY STAT£ zTP ,._ fOl*O'Wl O~~------------------~~ I ti Or nge Cott•' DAI~ Y f11LOT ITuHday, September 28, 1082 Were lawmakers too speedy with 'bullet'? Oranl-(t' Counly Suvt•rvasor Brun~ Nl•s lundl• s<•t•mi. l o huvl· bet>n a liltk ;.1hl·ad of hamsl•lf when hl' suggt•slt'tl lusl Wl•t.•k thal lhc propost•u $2 bllllo11 "bullet train" b<.•tw<•t.•n Lo:.-Angdl-s und S~m Diego l'OUld be> a m.ljoa fal·tor in solving O r;111gt• Cou11ly's ttirport problems. " A proposc•d link w ith Loi. Angel~s lntt•rnataon al Airport might not work bct·aUSl' that facility alrt·ady is overnowdl•d, said Nest::rndl'. but a h1gh-spe<'d link w ith San Dit-go l'uuld funn<!I much a i r traff il' so uth a nd climinalc thl' need to continue searching for an Orange County site for a r<>gaonal airporl. Nest:rndl• was going un th<• prt>mise that San Dwgo \.\i ilt b<· n•placing its Lindtx-r~h l<'it•ld walh a new , larger airport. That, according to San Diego officials, 1s not th<.• <:as<' Thl'y say tlwy aln•ady havl' rt•jf..'c ted thl' ideu cif a maJur t·ommL•rc1al airport at Camp Pendleton. droppt•d talks o n possibk Joint ust• of Miramar N av a I A i r S t a l to n a n d h av l' <:oncl u dL·d that Lindbergh probably will r e main as the l'OUnty's a irport for at least lhl· next 20 years That b<.·mg the cast.'. th<' facility could not bl• cxpectcd lo absorb muc:h O rangt• County air traffic. bulll'l tram or no bullet train. Meanwhile• then· is growing c:onccrn ovt•r the Lt·g1s l ~1ture's speedy passage of authorization for the bullet t rain a nd . specifically. its exemption from en vironmen tal impact s tudies on the project. The legislation establas hcs the• Ca lifo r nia Rail Passcngt>r Financing Commissi on. wilh a uthorit y to issue up to $1.25 billion in tax-exempt bonds. To this would be• added soml· $500,000 by the Aml·nean High Sp<•l'CI Raa I l'orpurutlOll wh1d1 wou ld build lhf• syi;l.l'm to providl· ~O trips u duy a lcmg ttw 125 milt• t·orridor bl'lWC\.'n tht• two C'itit>S nt SJX'<.'<is up to 160 nult'S an hour. Surprisingly. thl· swtl' <:oustnl Commi!..-.ion fml<'d to r<.~pond to an allt•mpt to p<'rsuadC' (.;ov . Brown to vC'to tht• lt•gislation bcl·ause of t h e e n v 1 1· u 11 m t' 11 t u I i m p a (' t ex em pt ic in Tht• nc•w lnw prov1d<:s that u passengt•r railroad is not o publat· works projlx·t or devclopmC'nt if 90 ·percent of its routes in thj! coasta l zone us<> existing rail or highway rights-of-way, in this case existing Amtrak Imes. But opponen t.-. poinl out tho l thf' Japam•se bulll'l trai n line Llt'l ween Tok'yo and Osaka, w h ich st•rv(.>d as an inspiration for the Cahl'urnw projce<.•t, was built in a n undeveloped rural area, while the California project was built in an impact on existing beach cities. T he kgisla tion would requi re them to grant passenger railroad franch1st's over. across or under s treets o r highways without obtaining a petition o f a majority of owners along the lihc. C learly, there would be some advantagt•s in a high-speed L os Angeles-Sa n Diego rail connection, but the suggestion thal it could solve the airport problems. is flawed, as is the n otion that such a line would have little o r no C'nvironme n ta t impact on • the coastal area. Th<' present plan is to compll'le the project by 1990. But there is no doubt legal challenges on fieenvtronmental i ssue-contd delay it well beyond thal date. In hurrying the bullet tram bill through the Legislature, the lawmakers may. have been carried away by the fascination o f a n e w e ra of spe<.'d a nd overlooked som e rather crudal points. Welfare burden shifts With m•w tuts an state and froeral socwl programs cl'rtam to rC'sult an 1m-reascd demands for a ad at the loca l level. O ra n ge County supc•rvisors havt• added $1 n million to this year's onginaJ $2 5 malhon gt•neral rclad budget. But at t ha same time. thP supervisors have ordcrt•d t•hanges in cligibil1ty rules for the county's general rclil'f program. designed to tighten wclfarc t•llgabi laty <;tandards and slow lht• shift of state and federal aid rN:1p1cnts to local welfare rolls. Noting an increast' an requests for aid from p eople who h ave been den1<.'d federal Supplemen tal Security Income. the county now will require that such denials be appealed. Some of lhc denials. upon appeal, tum out to be based on incorrect infor mation an th<' hands of fodcral authorities. Add1l1onally. lhc supervisors h ave requested a study of Sac:ramC'nto County's so-called wdfare dlC'nt advoc:atc program. This prov1dt•s two workers whOSC' job 1 t 1s lo screen ell 1 l'OU n l y we I f a rt• .i p p I 1 ca n l s I o r t h C'I r • ehgabihty for SSI benef1t.s. IC they are deemed digible. the county assists them in obtaining federal bene fits. Of course in the long run it is all tax money. but county welfare as supposed Lo be a Last resort for the almost-destitute and the re is no reason for counties to assume th e a dded burde n o f helping people who in fact are eligible for federal aid programs. County welfare eligibility rules also will be c h a nged to match new regulations in state aid programs. One such rule limits the :issets of applicants, other tha n automobiles and real estate, to $1,- 000. Another requires ·the jobless person who is the famil y's principal wage ea rn er t o p ar t ici p a t e in the co unty's mandatory work program in order to receive fi nancial help. The new regulations. along w alh the county's successful program to screen out potential welfare cheats before benefits are a uthorized, could help ease the fina n cia l burd e n on l oca l government as state and federal aid diminishes. Opinions expressed 1n the c;pa'e above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are thoc;e of their aulhorc; and art 1sts. Reader comment Is invlt· ed. Address The Datly Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa M esa. CA 92626. Phone (71'J 642-4321 . L.M. Boyd/ Icebergs Q. When are icebergs formed. In wanter or summer? And how? A. Year around, as many in wanter as in the summer The glacier slowly slides down the valley. and the front of it, its tongue. slips into the sea. With a heavy rumbling and a loud cracking. the tongue breaks loose. This is calJed "calving .. That tongue is an iceberg then. adrift The slo th both conceives and delivers while hanging upside down. Dtd 1 tell you the s loth never cleans Itself? It turns a dull green eventually. That's algae in the fur. lt even takes the sloth a long time to sneeze. That's all for today about the sloth. More later. Q? How fast la the height of the ORANGE COAST DailrPilot P~bh._ ,.,_,' °"'' Of "'" ,,., Al )JO Wnt ... , \I Co,t• #iMW Ad<frf"\' totrt\aonct,.~u to tlo• ,,..., Co\l•.-.W>• t A'7•,. I average American increasing? A. About an inch every 30 years That word "economy" gets bent every which way, doesn't it? In cars, it's small, ln soap, It's large. "The" economy 1s characterized by ~Ive spending, ''An" economy denote• some act of saving. The word means so much it doesn't mean anythlng anymore, really. Q: What was the lint rock-and-roll record to hit the best-seller chart? A . B iil Haley's "Crazy. Man, Crazy." ln 1953. A bird's first chore ot a winter momjng ls to try to regain the weight It 108t overnight. Thoma• , . Haley P"4~01he1 Thomae A. Murphlne flj,,,,, Jane Amorl ( •V•~ •• (d IOf lorbora Krelbkh l tM• .,.11 POiJ• ( d1lqr Thomae McConn Monoo"'O fd0•0t AMA finds election loophole WAS llJ NG TON The nation's organized doctors an• determined lo uphold lhe1 r analienabll• right to charge all that their patients will bear. For this cause, they have uultzed a loophoh• 1n the federal electton law to win elections and influent•e C'Ongressmen. The American Medical AssOl·iation wants Congn·ss to s trap th<' Fc>deral . Trade Commission of the authorit y to investigate a nd punish dcx:tors whose monopoltsll<: collusion may be kt.>epmg the costs of medical treatment skyhigh. WITH THE go'vernmcnt regulators hondcuffed. the medical frate rnity's power to s tifle cost-cuttmg competition Thus the• AMA l'an give a favon•d candadatl' th<' results of a poll that l'OSt many unws the !Jlaxamum pcrm1~1ble conlnbut1on. without violating lh<:' law For <•xample, a poll that cost $30.000 cou Id be counted as merely a $1, fl(l(I campaign l'Ontribution. Twc•nly·t'Wo membl•rs of Congress JACK AIDIRSOI would be virtually unchecked.. have been given thl· rc•sults of AMA Since 1979. at least $830,000 in dirl'<.'t polls thal t•ost at least $465,534 10 t'Ontributaons from th<' AMA's pohtat•al produ(:<'. The total amount r{'ported on art+cnr-cum 111 it t-ec h-3-~n to -eampe1gn~eution--fot'ms-w&.i JUS congressmen who support the plan to $47,783, barely 10 percent of tht• actual protect the medical profession from FTC value of the polls. regulation, By law, a PAC's donat1on 1& Sax Congressmen reported th<• AMA hmited to $5.000 to any sangll' candidat<' poll donations at 50 per<.'Cnt of tht• ~ost. fo r cat·h primary or gcmeral l'lc•ction They Wl'rc Reps. Bill Emerson, H-Mo. t:ampaign who rt•ported $4.085, Cooper Evans. R- Bu t thl•re's an exception to this Iowa. $-1.640: John Hiler, R-Ind .. $4.182: provision that's big enough to drivl' un Harold Sawyer. R-Mac-h .. $4.737; Tom ambulance through: Contributions in thl• Petn. R-Was. S4.71:17; and Toby Roth, Co rm of polling research a r c n o t R Wis . $4,809 t'omputed at their actual cost. Instead, Among the 16 AMA fral'nds who the value of a poll donated to a candidatt.-rcportl'd only 5 pc1rl't•nt of the true cost as reckoned at either 50 percent or 5 of the polls, sax t'Ongrt.-ssmen -Marvin percent of ats cost, depending on how Leath, D-Tl'x, Kent Hance. D-Tex .. soon the poll results are g1ven lo the David Bowen, D-M1ss, David Mc:Curdy. candidatt> D-Okla . Harold Volkmer. R-Mo, and Larry Cn.ug. R -ldaho appeared to get t ht· bl' s L v a I u l' for the i r c· u t -r a t e t'Ontnbuuons Thl'y got research that l'O:.l at IN1st a lot.al of $242,240, yt-t only had to rt•port $12,1 12 in contributions. ONE OF T HE most expensive polls was thl· one the AMA ran for Leath. ll mst $56.~80. for which he had to report only $2,1:144 in dirt-ct <:ontnbuu on. ln 1979-80, incidentally, Leath received $7,150 from the AMA for hLS primary and election campaigns. . Tht• 5 percent declaration ra te is espt'l'tally useful to candidates who have alrl'ady been rl'l'1p1c·nts of the AMA's largc·5'SC. For example, Rep. Vin Weber, R-Mmn .. had already received $4,300 m d1rl'<:t donations from the AMA this N•r~ A sx>ll-as rostl y--as-beoth~wou havt• push('(J ham over the $5,000 hmtt. so he• made do with a $13,600 AMA poll. l le rt•porled the minimum 5 percent valuaucm -;; $681 leaving his total AMA l'<>ntribu11on JUSt $19 shy of the ll'.'g<il hmat F outnotl· AMA spokc·s man P etc•r Lauer told my associate Tony Ccipacc10 that some congressmen asked the AMA to run polls for them, while in other casc•s the AMA vol untee r e d . He desc ribed thc polls as d efiniti ve. "bt>nt'hmark " s urveys designed to determine a c·and1date's re-election potential Letters to the editor Flood threat exaggerated? To the F.ditor: Your recent senes of articles on the threat posed by a potential 200 year flood of the Santa Ana River was weU written. It shows. however, that you have b een unduly influenced by propaganda recentJy released by the Army Corps of Engineers. Please realir.e that the Army Corps or Engineers is a bunch of civilians that depends on government contt acts for their existence. Their most likely motive is financial gain rather than welfare of the populace of Orange County. To spend a bllJlon dollars to protect us from the remote probabiUty of such a flood ls ludicrous. We may as well try to prepare for bei ng hit b y a meteor. The probability of a major earthquake on the San Andreas Fault is far greater. and the Corps proposes to build Mentone Dam nearly on top of the fault. THE SANT A ANA River Project or the "AU River Plan" is pure pork barrel. There are ao many ways we could spend a billion dollars that would benefit Orange County, such as rapid transit.or a solar electric power plant. lf it's 'not merely Income for the Corps, why spend all that money for an event that probably will not occur in three lifetimes? Our entire nation is barely 200 years old, and to assume that the 200 year flood is more probable now than It ever w-aa la an example of not understandin g probability . The probability of tossing heads on a roin does not change, no matter how many tlmes you toss it. Similarly, the probability of such a flood does not change as time paasea. The existing Prado Dam was built with that knowledge at hand. and It is absurd to assume we must make It higher a mere 40 years later. Negative aspects of the propo1ed project include the following: 1. Probability of auch a flood ls extremely remote; It'• a waste of money. 2. Loa of water percolation basins wlU demand an lncrcU(I of imported water. 3. Entrapm nt of ledlment will cause lncreued beach trotkm and aubeequent importing of aand for local ht-aches. 4. Lou of riparian habli.t will cawie irreparable dama,e to naUve planta and animala and replace the pretent natural river channel through the Santa Ana Canyon with another eyeeott, a ~c. Uned ditch. $. Wator impounded behind an enlaracd Prado Dam wcxdd flood a 1•"8" portfon ot Riverside County that nonnally wouJd etetpe fJoodina. MAILBOX 6. Water impounded behind Mentone Dam ac tually cou ld trigge r a n earthquake on the San Andreas Fault. Please, let's stop trying to strike fear in the hearts of Orange County residents. Even if the flood did occur very, very few individual homeowners wouJd suffer more than a wet carpet. ALLAN A. SCHOENHERR, Ph D. I NS spins wheels To the Editor: l ho pe Rep. Rober t Badh am will continue ha s efforts in securing the necessary law passage to ensure that Samuel WlllNI will not be deported Ln Liberia When the United States can allow thousands of Cubans and South East Asians entry to the country. the Cas<' or Samuel Willet becomes even mort• ridic ul o us . A ccordi ng t o the press l'Overage o f this San Juun Capistra no individual. hl' is working and has more than adequate emotional and financ:ial support from his adoptive parents 1f at the t.1me of has adoption. they had arbitrarily set his age at less than 16 years old. apparently there would be no problem If they had selected 13 or 14 years old. would he be a\.'Ceptable to the imm igration laws? It as unfortunate that the Imm1gratton and Natu ralization Sl'rvice spins tts wheels in this farce while thousands upon thousands of natur;)lizat ion applications sit with no action taken. Perhaps they s h ould direct their cnerl(ies to a more constructive endm". G RF.GORY F LANCASTER Silencing dissent To the F.ditor: Oemocrocy is a fragile form of government It demands elected officials who nurture its health by enrouraglng citizen participation In government On the other hand, it demands citlwnA who seek to participate in govcirnment. Apparently, Newpcrt'I council ~tlOns Jackil' He•ther. Evelyn Hart, John Cox, PhlJlp Maurer, and Ruthelyn Plummer are Ignorant of democracy'a special demand on elected officials. Otherwl . they would not have ht'I~ form the political action committee which 1ued Mak Johnson, J an Watt and Dick Ltlltl\ tnmrt_•,••••tl<-• fflt tftl\t l•t-Me lel lfH 1e 111 '4N(t or tklftll~lt ''"' '' •••••-~11 .. t ti -eet ff « , .. , wlll ee t t"t" PftltttnCt All ltlltn ''"'" lll (1>10 ~ltf\lll>1rt •lie ll'fllint ..... ,, l)<;I ,..,..., -~ M "''""•If.,. ,....,..1 ti .. ,.,,,,.,., ....... " _ ..... ll'w\ft w ill ntl .. ...,..,_ UU.,\ ,,. •• M ttlt_. 10 .. 1 .... N•mt _ .,._.. -et Ille C4'\lri ... IOl 1'1'ftt. tl•t11 i.r ........ , ... _ ...... Nichols, leaders of three organizations which backed the referendum drive to put the Beeco-Banning project on the ballot. THE J UDGE d1sm1ssed the suit because it had no merit. Nevertheless, the suit served the purpose o f 1 ts backers. The ciuzens' groups were forced to spend money on an attorney and court fees, money which could have been used by the referendum backers to inform Newport's voters of the shortcomings of the Bceco-Banmng project. Secondly, it will serve to intimidate residents and prevent citizens from resorting to the referendum process. For a nyon e who believes in the democratal' proces.s. the implications of this suat are d isturbmg. Will the anti- res1dentJ al members of the City CounciJ, namely Hart, Heather, Maurer, Cox and Plummer. continue to sue and/or condone suits against ci tize ns who disagree w ith them? In a democratic society this question as disquieting because 1t raises the specter of government off1c1a ls intimidating a nd ha rassing citJZens In order to silence dis.<wnl SUE Fir.K.ER A case of greed To the F.ditor: I read with interest your article irl the Sept. 5 issue o f the Daily Pilot, "Lawsuits Swarm Over Bee Canyon " The county offering $3 million and The Irvine Company requesting $21 million for this landfill property is yet another exampl<' of the utter selfishness and greed of The Irvine Company. Wiii! that organization ever wake up and accept the reality that we wlll not be dictated to by its delusions? The tot.al lack of concern of The Irvine Company f o r o ur citizens and <.'OmmuniUes is deplorable! BRUCE G . SA VILLE. M D. lllllYIR Familiar scenario: Country #I auppUes arms to Counky #2. Country #2 uses arms t.c&dcst.roy Country #3. Country Ii 1 0Hen1 &ndol~~ and ttnda Country #3 zllllons of H$ to rebuild ltatlf. BAFFLED -... ---!"'9"---------• ...,.., ... <~•·ft----....... -.... _ . ...,.., , ......... ·-.. _ ....... ... .... ... ......_, ........ ,~ - Orange CoHt DAILY PILOTITuHday, September 28, 19&2 7 •ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE •ERMA BOMBECK . Teen blames boyfriend, avoids responsibility DEAR ANN LANDERS: l 11m t\ w •n·ogcr who wus anger1.~ by the.> lt>tter from "I h•nt!t•111<mvilh• Heartoche.'' Her mom caught her and her buylricnd In lhe act one night and said they could no longC'r go steady -that l!ach would have to dote others. I happt.•n to IJt• a born aguin Christian und uni very much opposl'<i to St.>X befort' marriage. But that 1s not my main t'Omplaint. The lint> that rel.\lly got to me was when the girl said, "My boyfrwnd Wt'nt too far." Her boyfriend did not go too far on his own. She permitted it. No boy can go THAT far by himself. Wh l'n an• girls going Lo accept r espons1bll1Ly for what happens to them? "Hendersonville," without ('Oming right out and saying so. is blaming her boyfriend when, m fact, she is 50 pcrt-cnt of the package. And if she gets pregnant, she may find the perct>ntage 1s a lot bigger than that. l am not sitting in judgment vr anyone. I just wanted to express an opinion. -A llEADER IN VAN NUYS QUffNlf By PHIL INTER LANDI of Laguna 8each / -/~ UEAR V.N.: Clad tu tee a teeo·a1er pick up on that point. Thanks for wrltln1. I couldn't ban said It better my1elf. DEAR ANN LAN OERS: If you nt·t:d 11 working title for tha~ ll'tlcr. you might l·oll ll "NO DA'l'f:o; FOR THE FAT." I would likt' to give SOtn<' very good advll'<' 1t1 all the fol men who read your column. When you wan\ to take a girl out, don't Wik a thin on('. P1<.·k on somebody your own aiw. l am 2~. unmarried and I weigh 180 pounds. (Everyone tells me I have a very prelly fol'f> ) J have never been mvited out for n date In my entire: lifo. There is this 250-pound guy w ho works m our of!kc and has asked out every sHm girl in the entire building. He has been turned down so many times he looks hke a fluted pie crust. Although I sec him several times a day, he has never asked me for a date. I guess I'm too fat for his taste. The s lender gals work hard to stay in shape because Cat ts repulsive to them. The guys who get rejected end up with bruised egoe. (>lease tell those ,q Allll lANDEIS dummies that o lot of plea81ngly plump ladies would jwit love o chanc.."C' to be ruce t.o some tub of lard. L IKE TO EAT IN LARAMIE, WYO. DEAR LARAMIE: ll Is not engraved on the Rosella stone that tblo women do not like fat men -nor that fat men do not like fat women. Many fat women get asked out, and an equal number of thin .&ames are silting at home on tiny posterlon. You've got another kind of problem, honey and I hope you figure out what It Is. DEAR ANN LANDERS: As a sober, l'e<.'Ovt•rmg alcoholic who owes has ltfo to AA, l want to commend you for your advice to people who get ' . m1rvouw und up!l(•l wht•n th1•y h11v1• ~> tulk befort· u uroup You !iU6't(t'llll'd o book, "SJ.H•Ok Up With Conf1d1:nc.'l'," By J;ick Vult·nt1 ln thut sumc m.•w11paix·r tht: 1dcnt1('al qut'6llun wus addrt·~'S('() w unotht.or colunm111t. I It• sugg(-sk•d un nnt1-1rnx1Ny J>1ll 111m1lar to Vshum. Thal 3dvwc: m~dt· m1· angry. Loru knows we don't nl't'd yN anoth1:r pill to help UH t.'OJ)(;. Wl· are a nation of junkiefl ovi..•rdrugg6!d and trnnquihK'CI out of our mmds Pleru.e. Ann, »ay 50methang on lhts subJ('C.'l RJt:AO YOU IN 'J'li('; 1.. A HERALD EXAMIN ER DEAR L.A.: Thanks. l can't add a thing. You Hid It all. ls pot u drug? Can LSD. PCP. coc•ome and pills open nc-w worlds for you? Stop guessing. Get the facts in Ann Landen;' all-new bookle t, "The Lowdown on Dope." F'or t•nch booklet ordered, send $2, plus a Jong, ~1£-addrc.>sscd swmped envelope (37 rents postage) 10 Ann Landl'n., P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, lJJ. 6061 I. Trans£ or.mation? Heavenly daze! So for years. Vasser Arafat wandered around the Mideast shouung such things as, "We will Cight to th<' last drop of ~ur blood before wt• renounce one square inch of the sacred rocky soil of our Cathe~ and our sons!" His followers naturally revered him as the greatest freedom fighter who ever lived. His enemies naturally reviled him as the most fiendish terrorist of all time. And the rest or the world looked on him uneasily. "That nul," wor ried even his Arab allies privately. "1s gomg to get us into another shooting war yet." BUT AFTER YASSER had been booted out of Beirut and has followers dispersed to the ends of the Middle F.a.st, the Good Lord Cinally took pity on him. "Angel." said the Lord to one of his assistants, "kindly fl y down there and grant that fellow one w ish." __ ThLanecl Cound Vasser pla.y10 " -OS,-$. AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER When he regainc.-'d has senS<.'S, his vts1on was blurrt'CI , has mind dazed. "What happened?" he murmured. "W e don't know, sir." replied a young aide he had never seen before. "We SUSJX'<'t foul play by our terrorist enemies. We found you unconscious in the garden. You were wearing forgive me. sir ~ a threc--day growth of beard. Luckily. we were .Jble to shave ll off before any photograph<·rs for the ~nsat1onahst press could get a p1c:turc." trouS('ri., you'll bt.-your old ~tr And here are youi glasses:· "Gl<isses?" he askt'<.l m l'Onfus1on. "C<-rtainly, sir," said the aide smiling. "You·v~ worn them evt-r sm,·c yo ur days as a freedom fighter blowing up the usurpers of our native land Here now, have a look at yourself in the mirror." "That's funny," he said. "I look Jewish." "Please. sir, this 1s no timl• for jokes You are scheduled to deliver a maJor addrt!ss tn two minutes" A SPEECH. NO PROBLEM. He could gave a speech in his sleep. And so it was that Menachem Begin told a cheering Knesset; "We will fight to the last drop of our blood before we renounce one square tn<'h of the salTl'<i rocky soil of our fathers and our sons!" f Nredk·ss to say, his followers nalurall revered llS BEARl>H»f; HlS-BE--AftD whtctahE!" ~htnlai. the grealL'Strreeaom Tlgfiterwno ever 1ved. . Jerusalem's My Baby" on an Arab's harp and _,_"'"'..,..,.~-.... explained his mission'. '----------------------' "It's about time!" cried Vasser. "All my hfc, the "I understand he was discovered on a cruise ship and he Israelis have bt>en lockmg me around because they meticulously cropped twwe daily through a half-Has enemies noturally reviled him as the most inch-thick comb! He fell his smooth cheek. Yes. fiendish terrorist or all lime. And the rest of th<' there hed been skm undc-r it after all H is hand world looked on him uneasily can only play slightly sea sick." an better equipped, better trained. better housed, went 10 his head Where was has beloved chl'<'kered "That nut," worried even hlS Ameral·an alh~ kaffiyeh that he wore night and day year after privately. "1s going to gl'l us mto another shooting beucr educated and, what's more, they've got better coolong. So. of course, my one wish is . . . " "You got it. Yasser, baby!" said the angel. And -ZAP! -the transfonnatiorf was instantaneous. year? war yet " "We also found a rag bound around your From heavl·n, lhc Good Lord looked down and brow,'' added the aide. "But when we washed it, it shook h1s head. "Frankly, angl'I," he said, "I don't llOlfJSC,,,., "Oy vey!" said Yasser. fainting d ead away. disintegrated. Now, 1f you'll just put on this white see that we acromphshc'Cl much." short-sleeved s hirt and these gray double-knit "Well," said the angel, "he's eatmg better." BY SIDNEY OMARA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER %9 ARIES (March 21-April 19): P e rsonal magnetism helps creat.c aura of romance. Lunar and numerical cycles highlight adventure. sensuality, swifl changes and speculative ventures. TAURUS (April 20-May 20); You're on more solid emotional. financial ground. Recent career disturbances actually will work in your favor. You rise to challenge. get backmg from unusual source and you'll be presented with a toke n o f appreciation. GEMINI (May 21-Junl' 20): Rip aside blocks which deter ability to communiqte. Emphasis on d istance, language, spi rituality and higher education. You'll be asked to publish your views. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Interest in mantic arts, sciences emphasized. You delve beneath surface for answers. You're on right track, you'll have more responsib1hty and you'll know that a relat1ons h1J1 1s for keeps LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Become aware or legal rights, permissions. Know when transaction is completed -don't hang around for kudos. Be realistic, define meanings, steer clear of i:<et-rich- quick schemes. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): What seemed a setback was actually a mere delay -request will be fulfilled. you'll have chance for greater fr~om and more independence. You get to heart of nUltters with member of opposite sex. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emotions dominate; you could fall madly in love. Be ready for a variety of sensations, significant changes and a more complete understanding of synchromcity. SCORl_>IO '<Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Diversify, display sense of humor. open lines of communication and uUlize ability to express self in artistic manner. Keep resoluUons concerning exercise. vitamins and weight-w~tching. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You'll be asked to remodel or rebuild -project requires review and you should be aware of small print. Lunar emphasis on ideas, submissions, calls, requests and news of relauve in transit. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19); Your ability to analyze, 10 perceive motives is highlighted. Lunar emphasis also on payments, collections and chance to obtain needed material, perhaps even necess:.lry funding. AQUARIUS (J an. 20-Feb. 18): Circumstances take sudde n tum in your favor. Elements of good judgment, skill and luck ride with you. You'll make successful domestic adjustm~ht. surroundings will be beautified, you will be happier as result PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your love of m ystery surges to forefront. You'll have view backstage, you could gain access to privileged information . POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT You're not angr_y with me. are ~ou, ~ jus t bec ause. I dtd. · &ometh.lny foolish which hu.rt ~Ou <le~pl~? GOIEN ON lllDGf BV CHARLES t:f. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Roth vulnerable We~t deal' NORTH • 52 '" A J0 32 0 10 9 +QJI094 WEST EAST •874 •63 KQJ976 854 l'a3" ~ • Pau Ii • Pas-. 1'111> Pa1ts (Jp1· nan).( ll•:11I I\ in)! 111 '"tllt'llOI• ' \1111 ,h1111l.f l1o l(r.11,.ful lh.11 \f•ll h,1•• "J' l'""'"'" Thi ~ ,,.1:\11 uh11" 111 fll.1' th• h,11111 I h1· h1rlrl1 nl! 'h"" n 1, Ir"" ,, riit1h1·r hr11l..:1 ~:.1m• \\ • \\1111111 h;1\t' •Ill huf h1'.1rl• ,II 1111r "'""'Ill lurn \\1tl1 1h1 '•1111 t • .1111.. lw• 111•1 1 lan·1 'l""lt•' ,,r, I I 1111 l"'I >'• 111 t11ro llH' .111d 111 111 tir11p111•11 ... 'i11r1 111 1'.10 11• Yt 11 h I h1' I"'" o·r hhll•I' \\ l11tftf h,I \I ht•t•ll l'I"'' .i1,1 rl''''""' lli;t '1•111 h '""' J1t•rt .... 11 t•f1 "l 'h ,In 11\1•• ln to dumm\ to lakt-tv.o rl1°amond f1n't·!'t se., Her<'. hov. l'\ er . Wt-'l"' opl•ning bu.I Jnd fr1•e rt'h1d '>Ure!.> m:1rkc·d him "'1lh all I ht-m•"''"K rard,, !>O dPdan·r ra't amund for a bc•Llf•r lint• and rou nci one On .. d1s1·ard on l h1• .1n· 11. ht·Jrh v.ould do no )!nod In dt•t•d . wmninj( I h1• ,11•1• of \\,1rn• 11him 1h.11 ''"1" .. 1 h1• \,dut'" \.\t•rt u. rt•~'"' ''tu rt th1·~ mwh• h.1\• 1111 111 .. 1o" ,., . ., ol hl';trl' .inti "'' I h1 •·11 h1·Jrh al tr1rk nn1 v. ould ll•,1d a ulom:tlH'ull\ to 1h1• t'11n I r II (' I • .. tit• r (',\ f • I n' I 1• "'' • \!t>d3rl'r rlJy1•d '"" from 'clummy .it lhl· r1r~l lr1d, .ind ruflt•ri in hi\ hand \:1·~1 1'.1m1· I hn·1· rnund' ol l rump ... lul lov. 1•d h~ 1 hl• kin.a.: 111 • luh' I .ti' lour 1fa,1111n11d .i,,, ,1rtl' u·• t ht ·•' • ul h• .•rl ... :•"'' 't1t1 • 'l11h- '••I• lhtl lh1• lllu ""11•1 ... , •·•• 1t t '' n I \\, "'' ··nlll•I tlu1d 1•H nut h ... u, u' 1·1t,t. ... l11r ·' ""' 111 1 1 "' nd I t1 • .11 , r \\ ,.,, 11 I he t1 "lflll•I 1·un• t tf• ,1 d1,1 •1t1>1.d '"' ~ If •I 111.1~ I t11 ,, 111. K6 : 7432 +AR +7532 SOl'Tlt •AKQJl09 \'oid C AQ J 85 +K 6 Thi• h1dd1nl(· \\est ~orth East I Pus Pas11 2 3 + Pb PaS!t 3 ~T P1 " South Obi .. 3 . ~ .1i.:cr"''1" 1111111 I•• .. f.1 111 •·•111 ·n.1lh ... 11.1·1· '••rth h.111 '" ...... 111h ll.1rl I h1•r1 ho 1 '• '"' h1drl1r1a: h .\ E .1,I \\.•I "" 11r1 . v.1111l<J aln1'"' -11ri·I~ h,,,,. 1(11n1 1fov. n I" 1h•l1 .ti 1n h1' 1·11n1 r.11'1 of '" ,,,,,l'f•·' II 1• '' oulrt 111111 .. h1-.1·1\ "111 I h1 I Ill\ IUU,f)', \\" t"'I 1·111.ltJ 11111 .tllurd tu "" in lht· •""' 111 1 luh' tor I h1•n d1•<'l.1 n•r "011111 h.I\ 1 .111 1•111 r.' 10 dumnn l•111"· l h1· 1101111 l'luh' !'>11 h1• d11d ,1·d, h111 11 "' .111Nl ha m nol ""' "1111 ''"' l.1ri•r '•mph • 11111111111·d \\llh .1 duh 11ncl \\,.,, "·'' 1·nd pl.1' 1•11 "" m.1111•1 "h11 h '1111 h1 pl.I\ 1•rl. h1• \u1uld h.1\1 '" \;l\t' rl1 .. ·l.1r1·r ,,. 1•111r~ 1 .. t h1 1.1hlt" .ind 1lt•l'l.1r1·r , 111ilt1 llov. do \OU lhOIJ .. t' lh1· b .... , upPninit lt>ad~ ( 'harl1• .. C;urt'O ha' th1• aO,Wf'r. f or I m in of "\\inning Opf'nin1t l.t>ach,"' '""d S I .k [1 to "f;or .. n· Lt-•d ... " rare· of thi .. nt-v. ~papt'r. P 0 Ito" 25~. 'ur"'ood. '\.J 117tilll \1akt d1 t'c k ~ P•~tbl t• l o '''"' .. paperbook' Patients fear cancer the .most DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I've been brought up to be fearless and take any 1ort of dare. Bat, I admit to one apprebensloa tbat won't go away: tbe fear of cancer. My motber died of cancer of tlae uterd; an older brotller died of cHcer of tbe stomach. I'm 44, married, and am apparently bealtby. Except for smokiDI too m uch, my babll1 are good. My q1estioa ls: Wllat do you recommead as a minimum prevention proaram to flpt cancer? My last Pap teat w11 taken about a year ago. - MRS. L. DEAR MRS . L .: Allhough deaths from heart attacks are more dramatic, most pauents have told me they fear cancer more than any other iUness. So you see. you are not alone. ln vtew or your family history and your f('8t'$, Mrs. L.., 1 suggest the following program: even Her clean sweep terminated Some of the beat fiction being written today Is never serialized in the slick roagazlnes or makes it to \he New York Times list. They're messages between the working wife/ bachelor and the woman who comes in to clean their house/apartment. Sometimes, they never even flMA IOMllCI AT WIT'S ENO aee one anothtt. They communicate only by note11 left on the refrigerator door. The followln1 l• a 1er le1 of wriuen communJqutt between Witrn. and hf!r f'mployer, Mn. Rutlf'dtt. • "MRS. RUTLEDGE: THERE IS a cat ~ •t the 4tnd of the aofa " Wllma 14WUma: t know." Mre. Rutledgf'. "Mrs Rutled <': Wha\ do you W(1nt me to do whh lt?" Wilma. ' "W)lma: You arc limited on opUon.s You can surround it with sand and use it as a putting gref'n, f'ft-wrap it and amaze your friends. or clean ll up. prefer the latter." Mrs. Rutledge. "Mrs. Rutledge: l was going to clean up the you-know-what but tht •weeper !'melts funny and sounds strange 'and won't pack up ~nything. Can you fix lt?" Wilma. "Wilma: The cat is missing. I suggest you check the sweeper ~·" Mrs. Rutledge. "Mrs. Rutledge; The cat was not In the bag. Maybe the cat m~ ls not a m at all. h loolu ju.'lt like aomcthing In a areeri bowl In lhe ref rtgerator. Is it wh.at 1 think It Is?" Wilma. "Wllma: Wh1H d o you think lt is?" Mrs. Rut1c<i1e. "MRS. RUTLEDGE: I KNEW ONCE, tnn I for,ot. The $Weeper works just fine. What did you" do to lt'.>".Wllma. "Wilma: 1 l'mptied the bng." Mrs Rutled&<' ''Mre. Rutledge: You know thAt liulc problem I told you obout two w •ks ago about tht• c:at? t think l eolved tM probk'm I mov<'<i the aofa ()11\'r 1\ and you <.'an hardly noUCf' It now." Wilma. "Wilma: You're fired!" Mn Rutledge. "Mrs. Rutledge: There is another cat meu l didn't t 11 you about. It's hard to hnd. I'm the only one who knoww wht•rc it is. Guodby,.," Wilma. before you C.'Qnsader a program of health checkups, you'll have to r<.'SOlvc to quit smoking. You've heard enough about itirbad e<rl'<'ts to reahze this is an urgent request. Not only 1s tC'lbacco an enemy of the arteries and heart, cigarette smoking 1s I.he major cau se of lung cancer -not foqtet..llng other locations such as mouth, bladder etc With that out of tht> way, what else should you do? See your internist and your gynecologist at lea.'lt once a year. For Pap tests. breast examinations. essential X-rays and other tests. (Learn how to self..examine your bre~sts at ll'ast once a month ) F.arly diagnosis IS important Ill thl' CJght agamst rou1 HEALTH DR PETER J STEtNCAOHN cancer. Therefore. resJX.'('t any warning signals. thickenings or lumps anywhere; sores that recur and do not hC"ol: change in your bowef habits. unexplainable indigestion; hoarseness or cough, chan.g &ll the arpearance of 8 mole. In view o your family history. Mrs L .. l prt'$ume you're ~JX'<'lolly tvn<.'C'rned about can('('r of the uteru11. Her(' ls an 11np<>rt0nt point. to r«'Ogn1z.c the potential danger of ble<'dln, lx-tw<.'C!n 'pcri&ls or alter the menopause. Suspect any blnod loss, how1.•ver minimal, IC you have not h.ad a ny periods for month or yt'arw Th11 moy a warnifli signal of early uterine cancer. ln addlUon to • Pap test. you may need an examination of th<.' ti ue that Un~ tht· body of the utcru Dr. Srrinc.•roh11 wt"lconws rt>ader quc.•srions bur ls 10rry he-cannol snsw('r pef"ll()1111l n111/J. ~rr£1rs of wldcsl mtcrcst wlJI b<> nnswcn'd in hl, rolumn &nd Ye>ur gu 'tlons to h1m, m catt of th<' [ljJly Pilol. P.O. Box 1660. c~r.a Md:.. Q,JJ[ g26at) • , ' AB Or1nge Co11t DAIL' Pll.OT/Tueld1y, September 28, 1982 Elderly offered home care aid DEAR READERS: Home llelpJn& lland1 11 expudln1 Ila re&Jatry 1ervlcee tbrou1bout tbe county . Tiie or1anhatlon orrera homemaker and home mana1ement auluance to frall elderly persons wbo require 1upporllve bome care 1ervlcH to remain In tbelr own realdencea. Help wltb U1bt bouaekeepln1 t11k1, peraonal laundry and meal preparation and companlonsblp can be arranged. Home Helpln& Hand• operates under a 1rant from tbe Olde~ Amertcaaa Act and 11 1ponaored by tbe Volunteer Bureau of North Orange County. Its services are geared for elderly wbo bave no otber re1ource1 available to pay for 111l1tance and wbo llave no one under age 80 or any able·bodled lndlvldual In the home. The program'• re&lJtry of ln·bome care providers 1creen1 all ~vlders to deJe~lne qualification by tbelr training and experience In working wllb the frail elderly. The reg11try maintains a listing of In· home car e providers and serves as the coordinating agency between clJents seeking such help and tboae who provide the services. The two parties establish their own employment agreement. trrident heading to sea SEATTLE (AP) The Trident nuclear submarine Ohio, greeted by protesters when it arrived Aug. 12 at its Hood Canal home port, went to sea Monday with no fanfare, said a Navy spokesman. t The submarine left the Naval Submarine Base at Gangor. west of Seattle. said Master Chief James McDonough , media relations officer. 1Ie saiathere was no !lend-oH ceremony, and he had heard of no protesters in sight of the submarine, built to carry QUclear warhead-armed missiles. Representatives o f Ground Zero. a group which has demonstrated against the nuclear submarine, could not be reached by telephone. Asked where the 'J'riden was headed. McDonough said, "We d on't discuss ou r 'ubmarine operations." H o w ever . the sub presumably was o n a f)ormal cruise operation, its first. Test cruises. said McDonough, "were all conducted on the East Coast." Bangor is home port lor th e Triden submarines. 'Series set on stress . Techniques for remaining calm in the middle of stress will be presented during a seminar at Orange Coast College in Co6ta Mesa. -Titled "R e laxing Under Pressure," the series is slated Fridays, pct. l and 8, from 7 to 10 p .m . in room 207 of OCC's Chemistry Building. Series fee is $6 . 1 Series lecturer is Dr. ~hris Schriner , a licensed marriage. family and child counselor. He h as written two books. "Confident Living" and "Easy Effort: The Art of Letting Go." Exhibit scheduled <-Monarch Bank Ir 'Laguna Niguel will host t photographic exhibit 'Presented by John 1>reston, an amateur ~hotographer. ~ The tint in a series of preAentations , th e .'·'Photographic Portrait of China," portrays his lriait to China in the fall of 1981. I Hia photographs wit~ be shown for two weeks at the bank. located al ~000 Town Center ve. l r: ... ~ccepted .>: Thomas Corke\\ oC Newport Beach has been accepted to the California Maritime ·Academy In Vallejo. Corkett h a 1981 araduate of Newpdrt Harbor HJgh School In 'Newport Beach. .. Tb main office ror llelpl11 Hand• I• located al &lte VWCA In Fullerton. Tbe South Oranat-County otrlce 11 In t11e addleback CummunHy llo1pltal Mtdlcal Ce.aer ID Laauna 111111. A coffee for membtors of tbe commUJ1lly wlll be beld Tbur1d1y rrom 1:30 lo 9:30 1.m. In &be atrium of Saddleback Community llo1pllal M.idltal Center, UHl Paaeo De Valencla, La1un1 11111•. Pbone Pea Holn at 770·3784 for more lnformallon. Mobile homes energy tips DEAR READERS: The National Center for Appropriate Technology has published "An Energy Diet for Mobile Homes: An Owner's Gulde to Saving Money" In. an effort to help mobile homeownera tlRhten their energy belts and save money. Thls 24-page, lllustrated booklet points out the source of energy leaks and shows homeowners how to plug them. The guJde identifies every part of the mobile home thnt might be wasting energy and costing the owner money, including the heating and cooling systems and the hot water heater. After Identifying potential problems, the booklet uses clear explanations and graphic illustrations to show the mobile homeowner how to stop the cos\Jy waste of energy. For more information about the $2 KUidCI', write to NCAT·la, P 0 Box 3838, Bull••, Munt. G9702 New con umer book ready DEAR READERS: An updatt!d , Pxpanded and r.-vlaed dhlon or the "Con1umcr'1 Reaourc~ Handbook" 111 nuw ovutluble, a<.'COrdlng to the U.S. Office of Con1umcr Altalra. New fHture• of the expanded book Include a Hating of aervlcet for handicapped Individuals, Better Sualneu Bureau1. corporate con1umer contacts, automobile manufacturers consumer contacts, federal 0Cflce1 and trade aaaoclations by topic and ata'e olflcea. The 11t.ate offices have separate Ustlnga for commissions on the aging. banking, lnsuram:e, utilities and weights and measures. In addltjon , toll -free numbers and Telecommunlcations Device• for the Deaf telephone numben are listed. Single copies are avallable free by writing to "Handbook," Consumer Information Center. Pueblo, Colo. 81009. ., • Got D problem? Then write to • 1 Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape. - getting the onswers and accion you ,_. need to solve Inequities in government and business. Mall your questions to Pat Horowirz, At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Casta Mesa. CA. 92626. BEDWETTIR LET THEM HAVE A DAY 81!0 :::. r:·:::.t:.'.:. ~ :.=:-:.-..::z:.::::.i:: ......... "' ... "w ....................... h ..... .... -t-'"4•--Htte __ .......,_ -~-"~ .. .--.. -.--............. _ ~--....... ..-... --Ht All..._ __ Tl lM II ,,_.., ____ ... .......,. "Equally Eff11Ctivt1 for Adu/ti" r-----------·-------------~ , l Mell,to: .. AC"IC INnllUtATIONAl., LTD. -~ JI I Ftttl StrMt I "-llOOU. WI 54457 "" • PAIUNIS NAM( t AOOIUS5 ----------- Ctn _____ SlATl--Z•"-- PHONC--------AOE-- 1"-'. 501 CM-t WI H/ji' >'•'-"/ ' • ,, ...... -... -..... ,(lll.t(l.0(0 ures ..._ .. '• VANT~ ULTRA LIGHTS ULTRA LIGHTS· 5 mg. "tar". 0.5 mg. mcoMt IV. Ptf c1gartnt by FTC mtmod: FILTER· 9 mg "tar". 0.7 mQ. mco11n1 IV pet c1gtrttt1. FTC RIC*! DEC. '81 ~ ti I ' hadow Rid r .. ' TUfSOAY, &ePT. 28, 19112 vehi ·I i u for ENTERTAINMENT COMICS BUSINESS 83 84 85 nus-fitt ing Tom el/eek. Page BB. TV previ,_.w, THICllAITINITHICDUITY space for moral victory A VERY FRUSTRATING EVENT: After a c.'<>uple of days on holiday away from this besl of all possible coaslN, we return to this stand to continue th<.> saga of intrepid Ken Goodwin of Irvine and his Magi<: Parking Ti,·ket. You remember Ken, don't you? lf you don't remember Mr. Goodwin, a rapid refresher courst.• might suffin•. Ken 1s the g entlemfln who took his whole family up to an Angels baseball game in Anaheim some time back -l'°"o\ a nd parked along one of TOM MURPHINI ~I',. the· side streets. ~ Enwrging from the ---------.;.._jj ..... ~-tuntl'Sl. w hi<:h was with the Seattle M<,anncrs. Goodwin diSt.·ovt•red lo his utmost disgus t that a parking ll('kt•t had bt•l'n slapped upon his windshield. HE COMPLAINED TO a group of nearby Anaheim officers that there was no sign on the strt'('t indicating that it was a no parking zont.• lfr got told. in cffe<:t, to bug off. The rnps would S<'<' him m l'OUrl. So in brief, that was the c:asc . Our Irvine resident insisted there wt•rl' no signs anywhe rt· around where he parked to suggest that parking would be a no-no. The ticket writers seemed quite unimpressed with his pleading. That brings us up to date K en Goodwin was onl' angry man. He decided to battle the $29 parking rap no matter what it cost him. He went back up to Anaheim Stadium to that side street the next day and took photogra phs. He ins ists the photographs dearly s how no signs that restricted parking. The Anahe im pohc.·e w ere contacted. TraCfic oCCicers indicated they believed the area was proper! ed and ..... "Order in rhe court! Has anybody found an Anaheim parlf!ng tJdcet?" even sent out Explorer poUce scouts to check the curbs and verify sign locations. GOODWI N, MEANWHILE, made a return trip to• Anaheim. This time. he claimed new signs had been posted where the re had been none before. Now Goodwin has had his day m court. "It was a v e ry frus trating event," he reported yesterday. "I showed up and sat in the fourth row in the courtroom for roll call. "I want you to know I was loaded for bear. I had my photographs. made in two traps, my map and l was primed to go after it. "Meanwhile, the cop and the DA were getting ready for my case by huddling over in the cor~r in a long conversation. That conversation went on so long you'd have figured they were long-lost cousins." Then Goodwin's case came before the judge. It was dismissed. Just like that. "The official reason given was that the cop had no recollection of having given me the ticket.'' No recollection? ''Yep. that's right. He couldn't remember it. Case dismissed. 1 never got to say even one word. It was like getting all primed and suited up to play a ball game and having it called on at'Count of rain." But, you ask, didn't Goodwin win a moral victory? "YOU BET YOUR BADGE l won a moral victory. But there were two trips to Anaheim and two more trips to the Fullerton court and a total of about 15 hours of my time. Even at minimum wages that's about $52.50." And to top it all off. because he was going to court, Ken Goodwin had to eat at one of those Fullerton fast-food joints. He suffered acid indigestion during the proceedings. Thus are the sacrifices of moral victory. Enlrum·t> lo Cureer P lanning Center a l UC Irvine was Iara o f man y long lines as fall cla ses began. Dally f'llol Ptloto by Nc:herd KMNw Scramble starts UCI ' . term By GLENN SCOTT 01 1"41 Oattr Pllol Slaff Students scrambled about jn their traditional first-day frenzy t.o locate such items as parking places, professors and interviews for jobs. as fall quarter classes began Monday at UC Irvine. They also had other cr itical tasks t.o take care of. like getting to the bookstore before all the "UCJ" T -shirts were snatched up Un1ve r s1t y o ffic ia ls are predicting an enrollment of 11 ,- 500 students this fall. a 4 percent increase over the 11 ,050 who matr1c.·ulatt'd last fall. More precise stausucs wall be available in three weeks, they said. The firs t problem many students faced Monday was finding parking places . Temporary parking lots were opened and many of UCl's campus police officers - including Chief Michael Michel -were placed at strategic corners to direct onvers to the open lots. Officials promised that parking conditions will improve after commuters settle lnto daily patterns. The crus h wasn't only 1n parking lots. At the popular School of Engineering. an academic counselor barely had time to describe the hectl{' S<.-ene. "Right now, we're dealing with about 10 students at a t1mt' and there are only two of us,'' she said. At the campus Career Planning and Placement Center. students were lined up before doors opened at 8 a.m. to secure interviews during the school year with corpora t e recruiters. Monday was the first day for students to sign up for interviews that they hope will lead to post- graduataon jobs. Although demand has remained high for graduates with some types of technical training, such as electrical engineering. the national ecoom1c slowdown has spurred students t o take their job-hunting seri o u s l y s aid Lorrain e O'Donnell, assistant director of placement "I'd say they're probably much more )Ob-onent.ed this year than in the past," she observed. Registration tables gear up for Nov. 2 general election Oc t . 4 1s the final day to reg1stC'r to vote.• 1n the No v. 2 general election. Off1c 1als have arranged a number of ways for interested people to register before the deadline Monday including public re g1strat1on locations across th<' county which will be open this weekt.>nd. California residents who are U.S. citizens. will be 16 yelll'S old' by election day. and are not on parole or in prison for a felony conviction, can: -Register in person at the Rel'(l strar of Voters office, 1300C South Grand Ave .. Santa Ana. weekdays between 8 a .m. and 5 p.m. -Call 834-2244 and request a card to register by mail. Postcard registration forms also are available at city halls, county libraries, some city libraries and most post oHices. -Re~r at the following Orange t locations between noon and 5 p.m. this weekend: Huntington Center shopping mall in front of the JC Penney store, Huntingto n Beach; Huntington Beach Pier, a rcstpenC(' at 1065 Presidio Drive, Costa Mesa (near Costa Mesa High School); West.cliff Shores. 1052 Irvine Blvd. at 17th St., Costa Mesa ; Fashion Island between the Bu ff urns and Ro binson 's stores, Newport Beach. and a residence across from the communitv center at 247 A ve nue Del 0 Mar, San Clemente Huntington Beach Police headquarters at 2000 Main St. will be open from 6 p .m . to midnight Monda y for registration also. The bookstore rush is nothing new, however. It is as much a rite of fall at UCI as sorority rush - and an older one. "We all kind of gear ourselves up for this week," said Paola Hartman. who positions herself at a desk near the entrance of the store to field quesuons. "It's an animal house,'' she C'Onceded. • Aside from the usuaJ tons o( books and binders purchased each faJI are the other reflections of t.'Olleg1atc hfe. "Anything thac s a y s ·uc1· on 1t goes like wildfire." she explined. A hot seller this fall is a knit polo shirt with a quintessentilll appeal to Irvine Its designer logo isn't an alligator. a fox or a pol~ player .. It's an anteater. ·:· -.... :c: 1Diving champion's attitude makes him • a gainer By SANDIE JOY Ofttw Oen, lttlot ltaft Taking a dive isn't nice speaking in sports terms. h's OK. tho ugh, for Dr. Sammy Lee. That's how he got to be an Olympic gold medalist Lee is a diving specialist The 5 -fo o t -1 12 -1nc h . 125-pound Huntington Beach resident said he still can do 70 percent of the dives he perfected as a youhg man. A firm believer an the benefits o f exercise. Lee, 62. quipped, "It's less painful to wear out than to rust out." People talk about preparing your soul for an afterlife. he said. but they don't talk about the body. "f'm not taking any chances." he exclaimed. "If my soul la going to come back, It's going to .have a good body to go with It." L ee still dive• and coach es diving hnd, two years ago, took up tennis which he plays five days a week often besting opponents half his age. He wasn't always Cond of tennis. though. "I went to high school with Bobby Riggs," Lee recaUed, "and l thought he was a sissy.'' Lee, who runs a full-lime medical praftlce in Santa Ana where he specializes in problems and diseases of the eat, loves challenges. "If I were contented, I think I'd be frustrated," he explained. He's also quick to point out the importance of the Olympics and the way it has shaped his life. Noting 1t takes plenty of will power and motivation to be a champion. Lee said, "If you don't have the power to overcome your fears, you had better forget it. "You've goua have a one·track mind. . .It takes <.'OOpcration of the parents ... and you have lo have facilities which means cooperat i o n of local communities." RecalJing his own experience with the Olympics, Lee said, "1 wanted It so ~dly." M a child born In Los Angelct of Korean immigranta. Lee wanted to be part of the mainstream o( American 1porta. Or. Sammy Lee "In th08C days,'' he recalled, "there weren't many outatandlna .4sMns or Oric:-ntals In Am rlcan aporta. h kindo gr1sw11 me that the Olympic posters only 1how two colora, white ond bl1ck There ahould be three. That l~n't the typical American " Lee said he's "curious yellow" why the television networks don't use more Orientals as sports commentators. "I have been diving as long as Dick Bu llon has been in Ice skating," he said, ''. and my expertise is better than anyone they 're using as a d1v1ng commentator" When the Olympu~s romc to Los Angeles in 1984, things w1U have come full cll'<'le for Lee. Fifty years ago. Lee asked has father why all the flags wer<> out around Los Angeles stree\S ''He shid th<'y were tor the Olympics where they train the greatest athl<.>tcs in the world," Lee recalled, "so I told blm 90meday t would compete there. My father asked me which sport and 1 tu:11d I didn't know but I'd Clnd it.'' While playtna follow th leader. the 12 year-old Lee noticed he could do a lot of thins~ hl1 playmate• couldn't, auch u • backward and forward somersaults. • ' W h y n o t d o I 11'i somersaults," a friend suggested. So he tried it at a swimming pool. "That was such a thrill," Lee said. "I ran home and told Dad I'd found it." "'1Since that day diving and lhe 41yrnp1cs have been a major part "If I were con - tented, I think I 'd b e frustra te d " ot Lee's life even into and almost to the detriment of his medical schooling. During his senior year a I Occidental College where he earned a bachelor's degree. L{'C said his advise( was rE>h.1ct.ant to recommend him tor medical achoo! "Ile' thouaht I'd flunk out becaUSt> or my divtng sc.·hl'<iuk." the doctor aatd. But he made 1\. In 1948. l.J('(" .. traveled to the Games in London and returned to Occidental to show off the gold medal he'Ci won for 10-meter platform divmg, the bronze he'd (I.ton in the 3-meter springboard and tl\e medical degree he'd earned at University of Southe rn California. Four years later, In Helsinki, Lee became the first perwcm ln Olympic diving history to win back to back gold medals. 1'\Jrthcrmore. he was a mechcal resident In otolaryngology (ear; nOS<', throat) at the time. An avid Olympic supporter to this day, Lee sold he's hoping tb be the United States aporta ombfts&Ador to Korea when ttt. 1984 games come to Los ~aetea to give back some of what he's f'\'<.'CI Vt.-d, "l have nlwoys foll a moraJ obligation to b<> In there," he said. "Dlvinai has given n~ an awn-. to uvi·~-omc my rnatrallon." There'• Ont' problem, thouah. he teased H t oan't apeak Korean. ltl Orange OoHt OAIL.V PILOl/T\.f tday, September 28, 1882 Before the La Madrecitas fashion show, Emma Jane Riley, center, was wearing the fox coat donated by M. Jacques, but when the show was over Dorothy Shannon of Big Canyon was wearing it. This was the fourth time Shannon had attended one of the shows and she had the luck y number. Admiring the prize are· l,.azelle Grothe, right, show chairman and Betty Porter. For the past 12 years Porter and he r husband, Col. Me rvin Porter , have donated Oriental porcelain and jewelry as prizes. These ladies doing something right The members of Las Madrec1tas Auxaliary must be doing something r ight. Each year for the past 18 they have been sponsoring a fashion show to benefit Holy Family Services and each year the crowd gL•ts larger. And Ulere are a lot of repeat "customers." . It could be the fashions, the prizes, the gorgeous jewel~y... lhe furs,t~maradenc 01 the opportunity of assisting the stale·s se<:ond largest private counseling and adoption agency The event has all of these ingredients. . The show was held this year at the Newport ~arriott with Lazelle Grothe as the chairman. The fashion show was fast pared featuring a wide variety of s tyles, sportswear to glamorous evening attire from Lillie Rubm of Soulh Coast Plaza. And to the delight of the 5 10 att(•nding models wore furs from M. Jacques, Fashion Island, and jewelry provided by Bailey Banks and Biddle, also of South Coast Plaza. "When all of the accounting 1s done, we will probably have cleared $12,000," Grothe said. "We also have some ·angels that help us each year. W1th their donalions we will be giving about $20.000 to oly Family this year Last year we gave 1 • . All of t his 1s accomplis hed by :1 5 active members. Some Of those 8SSlSling Wllh the many details that go into a fashion show were Gina Daniger, president, Billie Jenson, Judy Roehm. Kay Segal, Doris Lawson. Sallye Braly, Beverly Chappell Tuttle , Polly Holmberg , Madeline Anderson, Jo Bell, &-atrn:e Doll and Let• Danielson. -By VIDA DEAN Harbor Hills garden club f.eady to start new year HARBOR VIEW HILLS G arden ~l~b wiJJ open its new year with a n¥Jeting Sept. 29 at the home of Mrs. lt:ilph Johnson. Plant pathologist Dr. ltandy Deim will be the speaker. For t1me and place, call 640-4027. CALIFORNLA PRESS Women will preser).1 a panel d1scus.5ion on "What's NdW in the News" Sepl. 30 al 7 pm ~:the Sheraton Hotel in Newport ch. For reservations, call 621-8146. ClUB CAlllUR CLARA BARTON CHAPTER of the Daughters of the Ame r ican Revolution wtll meet Oct. 2 in the community room of Mercury Savings and Loan, 78 12 Edinger Ave , Hunungton Beach al 9:30 a.m. For reservations, call (213) 989-4590. SLIP COUERS .. ~~ .. A neui look ei..·ery season the "Nantucket Way". Floor' sample and wide selection of fabrics • Co\lt\~ Llfe Jnterlo~ available . Uorb1 I.ow o n, u c•tunlt•r m e mlwr of tu Muclr.-.•itR H, riKht, und Ginu DuniKt-r, 1•n• idc•nt , look ul 1he how pro~rum . Low on recall~d the fir8t Rhow held 18 years ogo wos in Balboa Bay Club and featured the fashions of Laguna Beach designer Peg Power. "We sold 33 l ticke ts that first year. I have been at ever y one of the. shows except one when I was in England · on vacation.' --:::;--~ ~:;::J 1.$1=;;--iE.;-i$9·~· ! •77=1. I ~77=• I , .. ,,.,., ! o Gooo tor llHee 1>1eces of 1u1cy 9o4den I Good tor nine pieces 01 1u1cy golden I Redeem 1n1s couoon for a Catr p k o , d. brown ICentucky f ried Cn1cken plus brown Ken1ucky Frred Cn1c~en ,,.,,,, Y at c 8 s1n91e serv1n9s ol toie slaw masned I tour rolls a iarge tole slaw a i.irge I ioaoeo wolh t1tteen pieces ot 1u1cy, ~ u potatoes and 9ravy ano a roll masneo potatoes ano a meoium Qravy 9olde11 oro ... n Ken1uc~y Fried Cnocken ~ on1.-tor tom"·n"'tion .-.ti.re O•" oro•r• l im,1 'wt O'lt·~ oer 01.i'C~4\t touoon QOOO on Y 'O' ,onio·n•t•on ..,n,1e o,ri. o1de11 I L1m11 lwO OllflS Pfl ou1cn•1t co.oon QOOO I I l •f"•I 1 .. 0 O'''" oe• Pu•tn•se Couoon QOOO I , ""' • ~ ~ on1~ to, COf"I01rta1ion llin 'ci 0.11• oroe's C Cusiome• Nys •' •001."01e s•1n Ii• CuUO"'tt Pdy\ d •OP .r:•o t \• es >,11 usiomt • Oiyl • •DO' cio e Sin II• Otte< ex Ires Octobe< 10 1982 Oller expires October 10. 1982 ~ -Vi.us "''Y .,., • o•• " Nl::i9 out on1 i.,. expl~. 10, ~8~ P•<U ""ii •d 1 di ~•" t•N' 119 IOUllOfll Couoo• 9000 on' n So..•"t•n I P• ti .... , ••• ' •• II• • c ~·· ·~ "',,ors I Couix;r QOOO on I r Slii..trt•n W'tfOfft•i .. nert I II ro1n14 wne•e iou lft Ire mtm Co.oon 9000 on t "So..t•ern c. o•n. "'"''' y!Xi ltt ... , "'t""t.trsn p SU o1 tnt -entutkt Of•lft•D SUI ot Int ~'"'"''• fOU Ut frf "'t"'Cf')"'I> SU o• tne ~t•lut<r r, en n·t•tn AISOC•it.On fl•t O Cnot~en ASIOC••l•on I ''•fO en •oen A\Sot•il on I ---• --COUPON -• -----~ntucky .Fried Chick~ Not only that, but your account is serviced absolutely free . You can write as many checks as you like and never pay a service char~e . w°"' ttvough the dooll yovl be nonspotted ro o land of enchoni· menr . o "folrylond" You'lseescoresoflovlshlydec0t01echTees Huntington Savings knows how to treat a neighbor. We call it No-Strings Checking, because there's no minimum balance required. No service charge. And still you get 51/4% interest compounded daily on every dollar. Isn 't that the l.<ind of checking account you want, too? ltlousonds of riny N9h1s . o wild profvSIOn of colors . stOl)'booll dloroc:leB come olive In hoppy onlmol\on Nld of CC>Ulle our ·-w.--lii .-mnd-bo9CJfing onoy of Ovbrmos omomenrs ond decororions from '-'ii~~_,.·. more thol'\ 60 counmes of the world ~· Witt ®riginal Qlltristmas ~tore Fashion Island -Newport Beach (Across from Brooks Brothers) 759--0535 10 'til 6; Sunday 11 'til S • No matte r how little you have in your checking account on any given day, your money will still earn 51/•% interest. CI1 HUNTINGTON SAVINGS ~~~?ft.oN 01 ang1 CoHt OAIL. Y PILOT /Tu11d1y, September 28, 1982 H:J or pamphlet told to on hit top • movie Nlo.:WPOJtT NEW8, Vu (AP) A Miiiar publ11ht•d tht> booklt'l movie• atucJ10 h1.11c wurnc.·cJ u t'()lll•gr roft•nor ogo1n1H 1·1111t1nu1n1' 10 p1 trlhutt• u pumphlN In whlt'h 111• <.'omparc•11 t ht• movw "E T Tht• Extru Tllrrl'11trlal" with llw lih· of tllll'<i "1': T. You'n.• More Thun a Jt•Hu,. Chr11t Movlt• 8lnr" In July ut hi• own t•Kp••n••· 1'ht• l'ovc.•r of the booklet c·urrl u akf'l4'h or th • l'hl.lract.cr ET. druwn by un 18·yt.·ar·old t1tudt••H An atlurn ·y for Unlv"'ri.al City Studios Inc. notilil-d Alb...rt !!: Millar Jr., t'hairman of tht• tnglhih dt'purtnwnt ut Chrlstoptwr Nt•WJX>rl Colh.•il', by tclegrum llillt wc.'t!k th11t thl' sales of ttw hooklut "without ou1· cun11c nt . permis s ion or authorlzu\lon . .infrlngl' upon the.• proprietllry rights whiC'h Wl' own." "It's like using an atomic bomb t<. kill a flea," said M11Jar o( thl' stud1o't Unlvunwl Dttorncy John 0 . Nuant'tl 1.111kc'<J thot tht• profcaor advlae tht• 1>tudlo he• hos "t't.'Wit.'CI ulJ dl1trlbut1on and r.ih· of any E.T.· merchandise," thut ht• advilK' thc.•m of the numbt:r of l'OJ.lh'll ~1old und all revenues: and that hl• "advlst• U!I of ull manufacturing sourc.'t•s." Nuanes olso o»ked that Millar indicate his "willingness to surrender oil un.'IOld goods tor dt'StrucUon." :Visitor from out there lclcgrJJ.Jn The te~egram allt'gl'd the four-page pamphlet produced by Millar infringed on tht' studio'i; copyright und trademark rights and t'OnsUtutcd Contacted at his offlet• Ill Umvetsal, Nuanes said the stduio had taken simllar action against about 200 other lndJviduals and companies. • "Our goal 1s not to d estroy Dr. Millar or put Dr. Millar out of business. Our goal is to protect our rights. We have certain right.s we are forced to protect and we have to prote<:t our rights against both the lllllt> and big," Nuanes said. "unfair competition." Mu ical composer John Williams bends low to s hake the hand of E.T., the e xtra-terrestrinl tti ta r of 'E.T., Th<> Extra-Terre ~rial,' during a Millar, who teachl'S a course on thl' Bible as literature, hsted 33 items he noticed in the movie he believes clOS<'ly parallel the life of Jesus. surprise appearance at the Tony Bennett • com·ert. Williams wrote the score for the movie. "I think the thing that struck me most was the idea of the capacity to heal. and then when E.T. died and was resurrecU!d," Millar said Sunday. Mallar has sold 23 of the bookle ts but has distributed several without charge . R adio station ordered to shut down By NORMAN BLACK transfl'rrcd control or the swt1on to their principal Aaaoclaled Pren Writer creditor . WASHINGTON The il'gal n•v1ew board of "As is vivid from thl• pm:(-dtng .... GECC the Federa l CommunaC'ations Commission, has was, and as, inherently unqualified to steward a ordered the owner or a California radio station to ht•enscd broadcast station or to be relied upon in surrender its license and shut down by Nov. 3. any dc·grct.• to discharge important regulatory The board, whu:h functions within the FCC responsibilatat'S," the board wrot.c. "Not only does like an appeals court. has said it was upholding the the record demonstrate a pattern of carelessness ·findings of an adm1nistrat1vc law judge by and ineptitude m the operation of KROQ, it reflects concluding that Gt.•orge E Cameron Jr sharply that the prmdpals of GECC nl'glected from O>mmuni<.·ations (GECC) was unfit to continue the first to marginally inform themselves or their operating KROQ-AM in Burbank. legal respons1b1hties as licensees. The board also said it agrl'Cd wath the judge "Rather, the li<.•cnse<> princi pals preoccupied that the Royce Internatio nal Broadcasting Co themselves exdusavely in buffe ring themselves should be grantC'd a permit to build a new station from the very rcspons1b1ht1l'S they had assumed in and take over KROQ's frequency. seeking and ac:ceptmg their broad1.:asung privilege," the boa rd continued "The record projec ts .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lllU UA M,:i • .._. m•ou C!llT&•U fo•.,•·~~ '• 6)1 )\QI C11SI& Mf•A ....... -·"I w. 11'.A.11 ~ 4t Jltl NOW Pl,-AYIN G 11 t-LAll*AIUCll flfiJ1.Mri \~• IG•~d\Siowlt1~ •• ~ \tt \HO •t4 1\14 • -T-TDll IUCll Oll&lllll ...... ,~ .,,.,,. c...,.. .. ~ ••IOltt O • l\\l IAtlllt - ....... " .............. ( ~ " \.1..,,.,... °'"'' • ' "'" 119 1110 ~·¥U•1Ut0-IOMll ............. ,, UaTAfl IPM•I SAO U .....,...:u °'"'f t111 ~n :JO" Wllflil .... lf• fd•.ilf• (•..,.i1 lt't\I Ht l9l\ ePYe~•ed '" OO@!!C""'!!iiil The board's dc<:1s1on can be appealed to the full conclusively that the GECC principals were either commission. Absent SUl'h an appeal within 30 days. unwalhng or unable to m~t tht>ar financial or t~h~e;irrl~ll-iiiiiiiiii[:~~~~~~ ~wever, "the license.• renewal apphcauon of GECC other regulatory burdens in runninjil the station. fQr Station KROQ. Burbank. Calif.. as denwd, and Lo M1rooo ot to••(10111 1--t:ir&X: ts aut-honzed to rontmatropenrtion-ufSUr·n·rm,,----"Ln ·um, to bold LhaL GECC was mep tt4·2400 KROQ until 12:01 a.m. Nov. 3, 1982, to enable the careless 1s to engage. somewhat, in genteel lieenS('(' to conclud(• thC' station's affairs ... the board undl'rstatemcnt. The KROQ record such as it is said. -furnishes definitive evidence that the valuable privilege or pwnang and operating a broadcast The board's 38-page o pinio n 1s filled with station was seriouslv misplacc.od." adverse findings about GECC's operation of the station. starting wath aL<; purchase in 1972. GECC is David M. Hunsaker. a Washington attorney for described as a wholly owned subsidiary of the GECC, said Friday he had not yet seen the board's Burbank Broadcasting Co., a general partnership dec1s1on and (.'Quid not discuss its findings. • that originally M\ctuded 14 individuals. "But my expectation would be that after we ~-··---review the decision. an appeal will probably be Ac.'COrdmg to the board, the evidence shows the taken," he added. "That's a logical next step." P*ftners m Burbank Broadcasung never became involved in any e lement of the station's operation. While a separate proceeding. the board's relying entirely on the station's general manager, fmdmgs an the case or KROQ-AM do not bode well that because of mcreasmg f1nanc1al difflcult1es, the for GECC's KROQ-FM in Pasadena, Calif. An FCC partners actually tned to buffer themselves from law judge has also r«"Ommcnded denial of license the station to avoid personal liability for its debts, rene wal for the FM station. and that decision may and that in the process, the partners improperly come before the revtew board in the near future. P\llllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 8TATDtfNT The lollowlng person •• doing t>ualneu as KARU ClAY 1822'> Newport 81Yd • Suite 263. Cosaa Meu. Ca 92627 . Katen Natalie Marcus. 275 E 18th SI • Costa Mesa. Ca 92627 This ooslnesa is conduc1ed by an tndMduat Karen Nalalle Marcus Tl'!ls statement was llled wolh t~ County Clerk of Orange County on Sept. 24. 1992 F1M2$4 Published Orange Coast Daily Pllol Sepl. 28, Ocl S. t2. 19. 1982 4233·82 PUtuC N8TIE FICTITIOUS 8U81NIE88 NAME 8TATIEMENT The lollOWing petSOnS are dotng buSlness as· NEW HORIZONS. t600 Oove Slrtiet. Suite 215. Nt!WP<>f"I Beach. CA"92660-2458 Health Systems lniernatoonat Inc • a Nevada corporallon 1800 Dove Slree1. Suite 2 t5. Newport Beach. CA 92660·2458 Oat• of lncorpo<etton 612918 t Th11 1>us1nesa os conducted by a corp0<acoon Heatln Syalems International. tnc Ct>e<yt o Gordon Voce Pres.dent This statement wu hied woth the County Clerk of Orange County on Sep1. 24, 1982 F1192A4 • Published Orange Coaaa Dally PllOt, Sept 28. Oct 5. t2, 19, 1992 '"The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" -.Jeflrev L vons. v.cas IWX> cro WPlX· TY ... EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT iiiiiP.iiiili111·~.2 •. 8 , 21iiiiliiiiiiiiiii LUCIANO PAVAROill WHTMlftTUI l'lc<lie s "'""" 39 o .... "' 191 303 A Glorious U~rious Love Story. m-...... -Q:Pl't NOW PLAYING AT TH ESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES •COITA•U ..._ EclwlfllS Town Ctmlf (,14)7~1 •1e.c City C.. (7U) 1349291 ·~ladln alfNftOO:--• ht"'° Mati•tt SllewlauOlllYS2J2Unlus0tlltf•iwM9tt4 tll3ril44•1ull6 l 6s~ 2sss/~~.) FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur... _,._ ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ )o( Uurenca Olivier "tNCHON" .. , ----- .. AMITYVILLil: ..... PLOYOc '"9 WAU."1111 ·-------·-THE ftOIAlllOW' "" -----•P..Jl•R• '0i1a?lii·tHO) "TMI • .,. unu .., ..... "LO'fllt 1'MI .,.,..... ... ....c •1011•. l'IXM" ·-----------• 19CINT-..r .. "Y'EL GIORGtO" l"l ----- "THE LAIT AMmNCAN YlRCMN" tw1 ------ 1· ---...,......,"'_ ---- "CLOCKWORK ORAMGE" 11111 ----- -... -........ -w. ... ••---11-IMrOfHAllT 110l1Cl1 CMllOIHN UllDUI 12 FllU! .... .r .... -. n... Ill 7:11 • S.... ....... l• N ~-·'IOUllllllCM-•~mMlll tf lfO W CM1 l\IOO _,. -ICCHSGll• llOSI!* ........... IQllTlat1•1UCllll"'l-.. Oll--tlilllll .,.. .... ,1..- ANAHEIM DRIVE IN •-.... •l •lle,,,_11 ~~__;1~79..;,_··~·~IO:_.:_~~-..~~~c-•~''-tc1u~"°~~"" "CLoc:aWOM ~ 11111 -•AL TDlmD ITATl.r C111t c..•·- ~ • ~ .. J. .. "' BUENA PARK D111v1 ltj ~ ............... _ 121-4'070 II l•4A ...... LINCOLN DRIVE IN l+"l<Olft A•• Wett of 1"10.tt 121~70 t. TMS C..-M COMl9CnoM I. NTa °" PUlllY l"l I. TI9 ill Ii M ILATOfl I'll CMll h- 1.T.n9DTM .,._.TMAL" INI - 111.MtR.if 'i' ~~~~ lo• O.•eo ,,.,., o• "•O'I"""' CSo 1 I H2•2411 Clflf 11 '°"410 _ • .,_.So 01 J Gor0t•OI-""...., 191·36tl - "flCIMCU9Ue"tw1 --.... PLOYD: TMI WALL• I'll ... va.a NM" 1111 Cllltl•- ....OCKY .. l'°l --"PAIT ,_. AT ·----911111C*lll!WTIT .......... tl!IC "'°""° " .......... LA HABRA r,w,111 11j ....., ..... ,., .... fll ............. 17MIH - " .. ·~ . OJlANGE llllt\i I ·~ , .... '" . . .. MISSION !>111"'1 IN . .-• -•JCAMAOU""' Corot JI tOulrO •M9TYV1U.a It TMlroee91..,..f!'I --otAnt .... r .11111 Cllll ,,_ ·~ .. ""-·~ • ..... c ..... •M-9361 "tlOOCYJfll'lll ---~ 1111 AUlllTA n 09 TM.I.I (MW) COii IL..eo DnT.__ ' •A RAIT RATE, 81AUT1FULLY ACTED THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMAN'Ci." R MISSION VIEJO [dwards V1e10 T w111 830 6990 NlW,01'1 BEACH l dward!. Newpull Ctntlm.i 644 01&0 ORANOl Cmedome 634 25~3 WlSTMINSTER Edwilr<J\ C1111m1,1 Ww.1 891 393~ f Ht: t '\"IL\' f lRf l H BIG Gt;ORGt; 1-u- by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) "You don't say 'he toked my chair' ... it's 'my choir was tooken.' " "Look who wants to have a picnic.'' '9 \Rll \Dl'K E by Brad Anderson f s I f i "Is there someone at home who speaks• my language?" 'Does 'tMb PUT ~LIC IN 1H£ ICE CREM\,TOO~" Jl O(;E P \RKER '900'.\ ll l ' L LI '.\S ACROSS 5 I Ivories t Headband 52 Middle 6 Kon -54 Damasks 10 Vanished 58 Slough WELL HELLOOOO 1'HER£ .COME 1'0 PAPA MONDAY'S PUULE SOLVED ,. .• nolh1ng 59 Pool shells - : '"IA ,. ( " A IGl( 19 I -: ~ i like - -61 Sault Sle -A " 1 l E 11 o 11 Alli Cl 15 Plciure 6:.> And Olt'lefs .. IA ~ I ~ I 0 ( II l 101111 16 Willful g•rl 01 63 The East [jl w c " T E ,._ song 6• Inclined N I Mii N T s-• p E 0 17 Silken 65 Weakens -IO IO• T 1 , _, " It I 18 Wheys 66 Lei OUI MIO A" " 11 • • 0 0 T •O u • 19 Sco11tsh 0011 67 Comdors ~ II" 11 -11 o 11 F IO l K 20 Pt!ther DOWN i s l r 1 lllS T S 22 Adorn t Beechnuts ~ c I ~ • w u- 2• Tna11ane1 '} Though! ~ 11 :A N o • ~ A L " :.>6 Garbed Prel•k --r It ' A • t 01 ?7 Plucky one J F11es a rool IA.,.. o "'i.. ' " E L " N 01 :11 Charged Pill 4 Spy Ir IA IN 0 ( l II I E I r I c I 1tcle 5 Ou11tance If: ID 10 o 11 c • • • 1 N o 32 Cenler 6 ' ol lhtt 28 Yleld 44 NYSE Oroup J3 Depart 7 Cool+-d 29 Fumf' 46 Lenglh unit JS 1r1sh prename 8 As111n land JO Bf>tlave 47 Small chanoe .._...._ ...... .._ ........ _......,.__ J8 TMM' 9 lndolflnl J 4 Begged 48 S1n11 - 39 OHlsl 10 Old UK c0tn 35 ()p(-f11 girl 49 Puni$1\ 40 roodf!f batn I I 01 f'lll P3'" 36 Cl\~ down !>O Otenth 41 ~ttYf' n 1nspir11 37 Rt-ne -fr 63 Hafnntllem .._,._..._-+-.... •2 O;ipplfl IJ Suhll<INI Pfl!Mdf'fll 55 Whe<e Cofk 4:1 Ab!1tc:lltf' 21 54'U1nn 39 Pnrsonly 1s u Pl'rCf'tYf' 23 S1C!\11 ln11tn11 •O Cnmpe>lllt(lfl 58 AlrlC&n river 45 fk>ldllfl~~ 25 Conlua1on •1 Frfllhl 57 Cfrcles •7 Srwt11k '17 Erl'lll'lll Ob& 43 01 tenths 60 Unneppy by Ferd & Tom Joh{lson IHl~KIN<5 IS l~e ONLY KIND Of VAC/>.T~N J CAN .... AFFORD. Pt;ANl 'T8 SHOE ~, l ~~ 1V TAKE A~~Cffrow ~£ 1UING~ Wrv'N AT '!ll~~K . '.\.\:\Cl' 'iOV ~T ~/'Jl%f: ~ow PAI.., "Tlff: ~T':; \X:>ICE! MA"ee A 1..l~E ~~ et.A~? ~ Mla..L.A'I! PA1'CHf;tJf .__~iliiiiiil;....-...w 9-28 NO 1HANK5 , I OOt\l'I WANT AN£( BAND CAND;l 1 1 DON'f WAfllf ('(I)..) KIDS RUINING fHftR 'Tt.fiH ON !l.4ltET5 ! DRt\BBLt; E.~fl.'i ~NIN(, I ll~'JE i~E. ~ME. 1'1UN& fOll ~"f~S\ DR.SMOCK \Jt._ . i NO'flCe 1 voo•Re weARING A PROPe L-L-eR eeAN I e ANP A ne 1"HA-r Gl..OW'S IN 1"'He PARK, WAL..1"SR .' 1N~1'~i WAHLE.S, 1~1'~Nl' O"iME.~L ... WELL, AttlWAV, HE AN' CMUCK ME ON ~JR WAV OVER .. COME ON IN~PE. AAD WAIT ... I CD"t"l'Y'IEND £,()Ll AND LAtJD l.(OOR. EFFOR~, rMDAM ! l~S~AN1 ~CoN ~NO IN~1AN1 ~ JIJKE. t'OR BETTER OR t'OR WO RNE --..-----------...a.-----"l'lft C\-\R\S1QP~ \ER. l YOO HAVE. A BRf'.NO COME HS\E.. -NEW Bf\6'/ BR01r\ER, 11 ·s DRDD'/ 1 KoNEY _ __..1 ..... .- !,, ' • L by Jeff MacNelly by 'Ernie Bushmlller by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk by George Lemont see.' ~ 'fOt,P vou we weR e MACIE FOR eACM 01"Mf!!R , KIPP0.' by Lynn Johnston DADDY? C.A~ I c.f\LL HIM UJKE SK'{WALKER '? Norco clerk's reward: fired? NORCO (AP) -To some, convenience st.ore clerk Michael Fink is a hero. He Coiled an attempted r obbery, freed a hostage unharmed and ke pt the suspect unde r guard until sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene. Fink is due for a $500 rewar d from his employer for his act of heroism . And, he's been told, if he becomes a hero again under the same circumstances, he'll be fired. Fink, 35, began working the night shift at the Circle K market in Norco four m o nths ago. Accompanying him to work was his 9mm handgun -this in violation of company rules -just in case there was trouble, he said. Trouble came on Sept. 15 at about 9:20 p.m. "I was looking out the window when I saw a man pull a gun from under his shirt," he recalled. "He grabbed one of my customers, put the gun to his head, turned him around and walked him into the st.ore." Fink said the gunman threatened to kill his hostage, 19-year-old John Arnold of Norco, unless Fink turned over all the cash in the register. With the gunman holding a pistol about a foot from Arnold's head, Fink complied with the demand and handed over $130. But as the suspect was herding Arnold into a truck for a getaway, Fink grabbed his gun, ran outside and got the jump on the robber. "I leveled my gun and told him to freeze," Fink said. "Arnold saw I had a gun so he jumped out the door and took off to a house behind the store and called the sheriffs." "Hf (the gunman) said his gun was not loaded and he didn't want to hurt anyl:xx:ly. I said mine was and to do what he was told," Fink recounted. Arrested for investigation robbery a nd kidnapping was Martin Allen Robertson, 26, of Norco. All the money taken from the register was recovered. Fink , after notifying his supervisor of the incident, finished up the shift. The next day, however. he had to sign an agreement with Circle K management that if he ever carried a gun into the store, he'd be fired. Fink said the whole incident had an ironic twist. "It's kind of odd," he said. "We have a policy that we don 't do that (have firearms on store premises), yet I might get a $500 reward if the guy is convicted." The Circle K Corp .. forbids guns in itS stores, but it also has a policy of giving a $500 reward to those 'employees whose information leads to the arrest and conviction of robbers, according to Charles Provenzano, Circle K's personnel manager. Fink, reflecting back on the robbery and the subsequent threat of dismissal, said, "I'd do it again. I don't feel bad about it. If it happens again, I would do what I felt was right." 10.32°/o TAX FREE State a Federal A to AA rated Natlonel Tax Exempt by Standard Munlclpal Ii Poore Truet $ FOA FUATI4EA DETAILS CALL OA MAIL TO: ~l S..-0.,MtltJ ""-1 ....,. tmt (II•) loM-1 ... --· -Y0<k Stoc• hce~ AO«-----------------Pf>one.H<>me ---------------l'tlone-8u1 ______________ _ W• own & offer 1<11>19C1 to Priot Sele & ChMQ9"' Priot '"'er•t 11 ••emc>t from Sl•I• &nO F'-at l&a9S ""°"' curr9nl 1 .. law ( If you"re In Business, you should be In / (, i:rl!nJ& t tlt ON \M,l CO'\'>I B USINESS OUTLOOK Com.no ~und.ty. Ocrob«t J 1n tl'W t•Ntn<•"' wcuon ol YOU< lo<ol Mwsp-t -thf! Ody Piiot Thia M.,..,.., ltHtcl•t l'•8tUre1 AfOCU19"tfte tllVIN• INDUSTltlA&. COMl"L.•X flKh '""" °' ''""'"'' 0.11too• oflt11 you • Lee .. fwecatlb ,,._ lll•f lilulfneH flfW .. • ""' .. .,_. lllnow•.-.. of_.. .. row u .. , .......... ...... • , ....... -....... •"4 ....... "',_ a.eln-U••wtltJr .............. ~· ...... '" aM __.. .... Or ..... c....-· ..... --· "' .,,., Oj)pO'lunll)' 10 fll«• .,_ f<IWfllltf'tO "'-11"9* ....... yGU'I f«tlY• ttW!ls -'"~ OU"4eC <""""O °''_, J .. _ --·,--......... -...--·-ADYSnfltfM ltAT11 ...... ,.,..._ ...... ... .. ........ .... Ouinge Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, Sep1embe1 28, 1982 f Maestro punches keys, conducts by computer · 8y MARCIA DUNN A-lelM Pt-Wttt.r PITTSBURGH -The rruaevtro 11wod oofore the orcht.-itLra. saw that the muslcl1.uu wc•r<· rl'udy to play, and gave the cue t-0 start not by waving a baton, but by punching a button on a computer. and th1• volume· Tht'y l&llKI had 11hect musk In front of tlwm. QunnenbNH culls tht.• t.ermenats SAPS -Surro~>it(.• Andre• Prl'vlns, oht>r th1.: mus1~ dire<:wr ot lht· Pittsburgh Symphony. About 250 students at the univeralty wer4 SNHt·u in thf' toler -11ome in c hairs, somtl 11lm p ly on the loor -for the h our -Ions per fo1•mttnt"e. Roger Dannenberg, a 27.ycar-old dcict.oral candidat~ in computer &Cience, conductt'd hh1 "Seven Vltdorw" pte<'C 8.'i he stood about 1~0 fN.•l away Crom the musicians, controlling the tempo and volume with silent. electronic c.'(.lmmands. Every 15 seconds Da nnenbe rg touc·hed a key, and oboes or trumpet.s answered his call. The words "Let's boogie" flashed on his scrL<er\. Fourteen musicians and a seven-member choir were scattered in fi ve different spots -on the floor and balconies -at the massive marbl<:' foyer of Carnegie-Mellon University's Fine Arts Building. Soon the gray-11u1ted Dannenberg typed c.-oJt'ti for thP first movement's wmp0 on w hlt termi nal, and pressed a key warning th4t m~slci~ns that t_he piece was about to begln1 V101ln1sts steadied. flutis ts tensed, and th c•onduct.or pressed "G" for go. Instantaneously, white lights began flashing on t~e !11usidans' computers, and the screeching music ftlled the hall from all directions. The musicians huddled around small. battery-powered computer terminals the sire of shoe boxes, whose blinking lights -as controlled by Dannenberg -set the cues to play, the tempo At one point in the performance, thre, trumpeters played as they rode up and down th' e levator. At another, a pane of glass was broken for what a grinning Dannenberg called "a very striking sound." After the performance, the maestro descended .from the balcony t o ch eers and applause. Computer conductor stands nt>xt to computer terminal he used to conduct musicians in concert. Dannenberg said he began working on th& seven-movement piece about. 2 'h years ago to prove t h a t computers could be u sed for conduc ting. He dedicated the composition lQ A~at~IY. Sh~haran sky, a Sovie t compute r sc1ent1st imprisoned for his human rights st.and. LEVERAGED RARE COIN INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS'" An Incredible Innovation! A merica 's leading rare coin investment firm, Hannes Tulving Rare Coin Investments, is proud to . announce the avai,lability of another unprecedented -investment program to our clients - Leveraged Rare Coin Investment Portfolios.TM LEVERAGE YOUR BUYING POWER AND PROFIT POTENTIAL HTRCI has pioneered a n excellent program through West Coast Bank of Encino. California that will now allow our clients to finance a large p ortion of their rare coin purchases. West Coast is a highly respected, aggressive bank in Southern California that has considerable knowledge in the fi eld of numismatics. This new program allows our clients to leverage their buying power up to 2 1/2 times, increasing their profit potential tremendously on their rare coin purchases. 1 As an example: With S 10,000 you can purchase $25,000 worth of rare coins with the bank loaning you, the client, the difference of S 15,000. The entire portfolio is held by the bank as collateral on the loan. This concept has 3 key features for the investor: - •The extra purchasing power now available for ra re coin investments. • The interest writeoffs. • No negative cash flow! All this. coupled with the fact that all of our clients have enjoyed a minimum annual profit of 25% during 1981 and 1982 make rare coin investments through HTRCI an outstanding vehicle. FIRST IN THE INDUSTRY We are proud of the fact that our firm is the very first rare coin firm in the country who's clients ra re coin purchases can be immediately leveraged for 60% of the total cost of their portfolio. In addition to being recognized as having the best grade guarantee and liquidation program in the country, our grading is now recognized as the "true grade" by an independent financial institution. West Coast Bank. West Coast Bank has reached the conclusion that the coins we sell to our investment orie nted clients meet their requirements for collateral in all instances. Quite a plus for you, the investor. SERIOUS INVESTORS DESERVE THE BEST PROGRAMS Because we feel our clients deserve the very best, we work hard to provid~ you with the most comprchen· sive and profitable investme nt programs available, whic h irlclude; • Monthly newsletters published to keep you abreast of the market. • Written updates every 6 months on the performance of your portfolio. • Repurchasing your coins at the same grade they were purchased at, for a minimum of wholesale "bid" using The Coin Dealer Newsletter, the universally accepted wholesale pricing guide. • A track record unmatched by any other rare coin firm during 1981-82. • And now -Leveraged Rare Coin Investment Portfolios."' For more information on our managed personal rare coin portfoli os and our brand new program, Leveraged Rare Coin Investment Portfolios"' call 17 14) 85 1-8202. O ut 0f s tate residents can ca ll (800) 1854-60 16. Or, return the coupon below for a free information packet. And contact us immediately. W e are su re we have a n investment program you will appreciate. ·•·WO MnlArthur Bl vtl Suit~ .120 Nl'WJ'lflrl Bt-uch. CA 92660 I 1n.i1 85l·A202 0111sidc C.~A (800) 854·6016 0 Please contact me. I understand, you have a $5 ,000 minimum investment. [ • Please send me more information on your Leveraged Rare Coin Investment Portfolios."' Li Please send me more infor mation o n all your rare coin investment programs. Name City -----------------State --------Zip ----- Home Phone I Business Phone ( .. .. I l • .. Orange OuHt llAll V flll Of 11 uHdny, S ptomber 28, tG82 . Aamco fi ht n w control SA(.' tt A M ~; N'I' 0 ( A J') Aamc..'O 1'runsnu '>1111\, wh1d1 ltu., ~un· thun 100 f1r111d11 .. t ~ 111 <.;allfornlu. '" fltth1111~ 1u '~ ly ~nlh<'d n •t:ul111 au11i. ulmt•tl .11 ; () r r t• l' l I II g •• h u lo l ' 111 l h I l tmotlVt• l1 .1IU1llllNSltlll I l'IJ.111 dwlry. , The pruµu!wd 1 t•HU l.1 110 11-. ~ould fort•(! trun.sn11-.s1un 1 t•p<111 11 ops to prov1dt• tlw t'll1>lm111·1 Ith u wrallt'n 1•i.t1111<1L1· ul •• ttansmis.siun lt•arclow11, 1r1d utl1111-1 ttie l'OS\ or part.-; u111.l l't•as~·111l>ly. ~ a signed work 0 1 <.11•1 i!:T he rcgula tiun1>, d ruft1•tl by tlll' s te Dcpartmt•nt uf A111011111llv1• pair, also call fu1 1•sl1111alt•?> uf maximum llnw r1-qu111·d f111 repairs and a wrtth ·n n11t1n· ribing lhl• t•ustonwr's ni.:h ti. In connection with 1tw rt'p.111 work. 'Departmt•nt d 111·1·to1 Huh• 11 Wiens said lha l tlw rC"gul.1111111-. require approval Crum th1· ..,kilt· Office of Adm1nii.t1 .1ll\'\' L.m t:.?fore th<'y go mto l'ffr":t Gor d on F B l!\\> h· y. ,111 a;tto rney for th t• l'ul1 fo1111.1 f.ran c h1 st•?> of Aa m 111 Transm1ss1ons, a •P1•nnsylvanw lt.1 .. 1•il l lllll fl ll l\'f, 111111 lh t• p1 11 p 1111t·d ll't(Ulil\IO ll S 1111• llllllt'I t "IS{ll V ht•t.lllSI' th1• "ltlllt• .alt t'.1lly liu!f. 1 t•1-tul11C1t111l'I 11111w J ut I lit litllj.( lllWth1t·11l I l'f'llll' lihOIJ°' Um .. It•\. 111 1111 Ill pui.w IJ1 td hlt'<I wllh llw ... l.1lt'. 111,.o l\llld tlw dr.1h 1 t•gulalltJllS at t• t'llllll'IU.ilt'lOl'Y 1.111c.J 111t1v huvt• tlw 11ppos1tt· rt'liull of 1h.11 1111t·11dt'll 1\11111e11 u 11d "t'Vt•1·u l o f its I 1:111d 11s 1•11 la11v1• pu1d $1711,000 In' 1<o l .il1· l1·v1t•tl r111l'S f u r lhl• 11111"11t•pr1•iw 11t1111( .,t·r vil'l'li und 1·11gag111g 1 11 dt'\'t•pllvt•11dvt•r\1:s111~ ... 11w1· Hl7H T ill' fu11• im·ludl·~ u $ IOll,0110 j)l'll.tlly levwd ugaln:.t thP 10111p,111y J.ro;l Dt•t•1.1mbt.'r lull11wlr1~: •• t h n•t• yt•ur stutt• l111d1•1to\1•1 111vt•?>1tga1111n . Tht• llrn•ic wt•11· f>aH.I lnllowl11K 1waiot1tll111111C hH wt••·•l Aomn> uncJ tht• 1.t.clt• 11l t 111 111 y l(l'f\1•111 1'" 11ff11(• 'l'ht• 111 vt•'l tt~u t11111 lo lh>wl·d l'On'lunwc l'Omplul11~ lhul Aunl<:o follt't.I lo d tbdom• the· totul prt\'t' of r\•puln1 prior to d111u111wrnbl1111oe l·u111tmwn;' trnn~mi8ll101111 and thut l h l ' l ' IHll I> ti fl y W II 8 81 O W I U l'l'llS!it'll1hl 1114 t1·an:sr111Hion8 for tlUIS(' ('UStOllWl'll who dt'l·ltm·d to uuthor1w rl·putrN Wh•s !IHld tlwn· wt•n • muny othl'r (·ons uoa•r 1·umµla1nt1:1 i·t'<-'t'IVt'(l from nmon~ the.> Rlnlt•'K :ifJ,000 rc8 istt'rt'd uutom o t1vt• r<•µa11· bwiim•s.st·s. But tht' largl'tlt numb<•r uf 1..'0n1>urr1er l'Omplain~ c.llrl'<.'ll'll al onl' t'Ompany. Wien ... atldl-<l, 1nvolvt-d Aumlt>. lleavy rains cause crop loss SAN F HANCISCO (AP) "lt 1s a disa s te r . We are Torrt•11t 1a l ra1ni. bro ught to approaching a point now that we C'.tl1furn111 by tro pical s torm can expect tot.al losses for a lot o f Olivia w 11M-<l out most of the new individual gro we rs," Fresno US rn1s1n crop and strut.•k hard County farm adviser P e ter <al <.'al\lung tumatOl's, at'{'()rding to Christensen said. "The re are 111dust.r~ Ci~un.'S quoted Monday. going to be some huge losses." ~--~---~--. ''Nail down a Cal Fed Homeowner's Beckman promotes 3 execs oc•111111 "llow tu Pay 7A 111 lncom1•1'ux Lt•gully" wlll lw dt•m o n1trntt•d b y tux l•xpt•rt Dick Lt~ t a 1t1.•111l11111 •pc10M1rc'<J by thl· Aputmeot A11ocl1Uon of Oranae County un O\·t 14 Ol '7:!10 pm ul Tht· llllwn ol lhf• Pork (fornwi ly Tht• Inn tit Uw P11rk) In Anuhc>lm Jo'or lnformulion, call 63U M~O Chu ck Brau e r h ui. bN ·n pro m•Hcd ~o rnuuugNnN\l 11upNvt-..11 In ttw hW!hw~~ lo bwlinl'IS8 c.J1v11lon of Cochranu Cha.e, Ltvtna•ton & Co., Inc. of lrvlnl". Ct•mul and OzdNl Ozkun of P lacc•11t1" huvl• u.ken a llvt•-,yt•1ar ll•ust· o n 1.n o 11quart! fet·t In the Sk·rru V111u1 Shopping C.:t·nlt•r. Plm•cnt1u, tor u de ll The propt•rty wui; leu11f.'d from .P lucl•tH la lnvt'l!tmtmt C >r1>11rutic111 N V for $1 59,840. Tom Dye and Bob Kirkpatrick ot the Nt·wp01·t Beoch offlc.•t• of 8u1lne111 Propertlu Brokerage Company n •prt••t•nte d both pu ruc•s 1n tFi1· 1 r;ansac:tlori. Peray1t Inc. Lul(unu Jhlls, ;a naunufot·tun.·r o f IBM-PC add-in products, mt.roduc.'ed PC/HASJ>O, a muhl-user remote job entry HASP Workstation emu!btor providing IBM host communications for the IBM Personal Computer Jobn Webs ter h as bl'<:n nam <.'d munager of the Mission Vicjo-Gutc w oy Ct.1ntt•r branch of Home Savings of America, 2:J9!n Alu:aa P a rkway . P reviously a lt!achl'r uf c•dUl'a llo nally ond emotionally hand1cappl'<.l childrc·n for th~ Garden Grove &·hool D1s lr1ct. Webster also \Vas employed by Perpetual Sav ings und Loan He wai; born and rat~ in Nl'wport ~ach. Tht.· lrvint' based Manufac turers' Age nts National Associat ion h a~ 1tcht•dult•d 1ls fina l seminar of 1982 fol' manufut·lurl•rs entillt'<I "How to Work With Manurac:turers' Agent.s For Profit", on Nov. 4 a t tht• Wc.•stl·hl's U•r Mar rmtt in Tarry town, N.Y. Tht• assodal1on als•J wall hold 1L-; last SC'minar for ma nufacturc•rs' a)l(c·nts in 198:.! on Nov 5 in Equity Thrl.>c <'><CCUtives have Tarryto wn. b c•l·n pro moted b y Bcckman Ins trume nts Thomas P . Hyle, v1tv prt'Stdent of El Toro has F been named vice president. Joan admmt:tt.rauon for Loan:' Inc., ullcrton. Valencia Bank, 1820 E. First St., Santa Ana. Dr . William F . Ba,llhaus, 64, formerly , Title Insurance and Trust l'Xl'l'Ultvt• Wa rnl'r L. Bcckma n's preside nt and Harrah has tx-cn appointed M-mor vice president a d i rec tor . has bee n -Bob Hope l f youh· long 011 idv~t..., that n 1st mrnwy, hut short on cash ,.>.~i vt • ('al Fvd a l'~tll. Our Tlonwm,·1wr's Eq11it.' Loan ld:-. you borrow against tlw valual 1lt• t•q11it.\ ,vrn1\ t• built up on your home. You don't lim t• to :-it·ll \'c1llr lwnll' to gl't C'ush. Usl' tlw mrnw.v for rn1.v 0 1 hing. l{l'mod<·ling. Vat a- tions. l'olll'g<.'. J\ ho~1t rn· m111111tain eahin . \Vhatt•vt1r. It's a full y amorti1.t·d lrnrn. l 'p to lG y p~u·s to n•pay. At c:ompt•ti tivl·. simpl<· int<·t·<·st htll'S with no balloon payments. J\nd no pvnalt>· if ·' rnt pa,,··off l'arly. No sens(• waiting. is tlwn •'! PhotH' ('al Fl"<l now and nail down \our l11a11. Other loans and <.Tt"dit an1ilahle: Auto • Boat • Mobile Home • Personal • Pro1>erty ln11>rovemenl, •Purchase :\'lone~· Se<.·ond • ltc·vohing Line of Credit •Visa • Masler{'ard. ( 'nsla :\t .. sa : 17111 :, Iii ..... ->Ill • \n:1h1•i1n-Ii i 11 7iti !1(1\1'2 clC"l·ted a v1c'C' chairman of Beckman's board of dtrt'Ctors and appointed chit'( exc.'Cutivc officer of the company. L o uis T . Ross o. 49. fo rmerl y senio r v ice prC!s1dcn l-opcrattons, has been appomtl.'<i preside nt a nd c hief o p e r a t ing o fficer a nd c lcclc d t o B t•c kman 's b oard o f chrt'<.'lors G. Howard T t>eter, 6:t, formerly executive vke president, also has been elected to the board as a vice l'hairman. The three continue to ser ve a s o ffic ers o f Sm1thkline Beckman Corp. Ballhaus 1s an CXl'l'Utive vice president and a d ir ecto r of the corporatio n and Rosso and T eete r are v ice presidents. B a llhaus J o in e d Beckma n in 1965 a s preside nt and a director Befor e tha t . h e was executive vice president a nd a dir ec t o r o r Northrop Corp. A past president of the California Chambe r o f Commerc·e Ballhaus is a director o f Ame race Corp.. No rthro p Corp . Pacif1~ Inde mnity Co. and Union Oil Company of Cahforn1a. Rosso joined Beckman in 195 9 as a produc t ma rke ting spc.-cialist for bi o m e di cal r esearc h 1ns trumen t at1on a nd later played a role in the company's d evelo pment as a ma nufac ture r o f h l•alth car t• 1ns tru - m c n ta t1 on a nd r e l - ated l'h l'mt C'a l pro - ducts !~;;:! A• CONDltioo.to SQAll WAT• HU TlNO aATlllOOM~ "I '""' s.Mce T..,.. S11t11 al YOIJ( Doo< CC<lll 810<e -Ml v.,.,. Area) cont. MUA 641-1289 IS2' New!*' llor4. MISSIOH VllJO 495-0401 21t22 C.mlM C.plolteM ,,.., ... --, ... """ ,...., , NEW SllORl·TERM ACCOUNT I 0 250l. Anmmlizt>d • /0 Ratl' I 0. 95 % * ~dalired Tea 1117to 31 clays, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today· on thi high rate acrount.Stopinat yi>urnearest AJlstateSavings office or calJ collect (213> 240-5913 and a member of our Bank·by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This account is fully insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos AJ!atatc S.·wings & l.A~1n, 11 member of tht> St>:a~ f:imily Over S.1 billion in asst>ts. C1982 AJlsiate Saving11 & u1;.111. ............ 1 .... 1 ..... -OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND Nt;W YO~k IAPI flWIOllowlf>9 Cl .. 0 :~'°;;,.;:r·~~~ •Hon of SH:vritM"\ ~ ...... 1..: .,. • ... P"l<ft •I Which 1heM Wl<\lt•ttf'~ co.ilO IW•t OH<\ tolO l~I ••wt r:!:! :IA~~ ,,..,O-) MOncM• Sell avy Al>lot UM N L Acorn F 11 M Nl AOV U » Nl Al ... yre U 1' N L AIM Fund\ C11Ylo 11 .. 11 11 Grenw•v • ,, 10 "° HIYIO '01 '70 AIOll.t r II 10 Nl A 8 1rllll " " 11 •• Amerk.,, f uncl\ A Bel ' 70 10 OS Amcp • olJ I OJ • mull I) Os ll 11 Bond 11 t5 U Oii ~O In• I .. t )0 Grwtll 10 •s 11 • ln<om I fl t ,. l(A Ill t •s N""" 7 (11 1 14 h•E I·~ t olO Wl fl Ml 1 74 I .. Amotr C..i.r .. C•f 80 • JJ • '7 ~~ ~fo 11':':~ 1~ ~: M"n 8 1• :rt 11 10 Vtnh n 11 14 'Cl cmm 1ou 11 .. E•ch JI ;it Nl FO Arn 10 ll 11 QI Gr-7011 Nl H•rt>< II :M IJ 1' Pece 11 U JI 10 P•O•IO • 1• 4 SI A (illlf'O I 11 I 00 A HotfllQ 111 NL Am lM SU s n A 111.,.\1 Ill Nl ... In• In • I• Nl Am-JI JI Nl A Nl(;lh Jtt •Jl ... Nlln< l •l•lll• Am••• s n s., Arc G¥1 t «I Nl A.. How9hf efl ""°a ••1 • n lfl(llm ... 41.l sco" uo • .o lllC GI 11" U II llLC. flit IJ U U U B•b• Inc I 0 Nl BAD• In¥ 10.. N llH< C.111 fl ... NI 8H< Hiii UO/ NL ll~·or~2r~p ..:! NI 101 FO ~ 1, N l 11 .. 1on Co 1,.1 II'< IOU II • e .. ,._ J041 NL l!lo'I ,-lid 10 Jl II ti C•IVl11 &v!IOO •wt!(~ IS ri "" &r:: ;~ H! 111111( •;,, 1l u Month tJ 10: NIW$ tO. t ,.,.,. • CQ • (HTNT lO U NI IHH and 11latc• nwnu"ctr for Southe,•rn Cuhforn-la, a I position in whh.·h ht• wlJI be rl'i1pun11ll>ll· for OV l'l'fH't.-ln" Tl'• npC"rations Jn nlnt.• l'Ounllt•s, lnt:luding Orung<' Harroh had bef>n vk't.0 p resident and manager , of t lH· So.an D1e~o dlv huon of Tl from HJ74 until last yc•ar whl'n h<:' wus trans ferrc·d to Dallas a. S outhwc..'!ll rcglunnl m;.rnogl·r for Tl'a slitlt-r entity, Pionl't•r National T1tlt· lnt1uraru.••.> Co. Culiforn1a C1ly .Bancorp has appointed Robert D. Hoyt of Orange Wi _prt.'lildl·nt and c.·h1ef cx~utlve offttoer of California Clty Bank, in organiunion. ~llfornta City Bank will be.• looaled at 168 South Ma in St in Orangl', and 1s scheduled to commcn<..-<· o perat1oml in March. He was prvs1de nt of Heritage Bancorp, and is a former mayor of Orange .. Roger C. Hobbs has been elected chairman oC the board. He is prcs1dcmt of Century American Corporation, a real estate development firm. A soph1s t1 t·ated m1 t·r ot·ompute r software accou11ting library d evelo p ed fo r small businesses beginning t'Omputeri:lation a nd designed for use by ine xperienced o pera tors -1s being ma rke ted n ationwide through retail computer outlets by State of the Art, Inc. of Costa Mesa. T he Cah forn1a Exposition and S t ale Fair uwardcd gold mt'<ialhons to Carl's Jr. restaurants for thc•ir Chc•<.•scburgt.'r and thl! Cr ispir ito. Psom as & Associates a nd Southwest Engineering, bolh Southl'rn California-based civil engineering and land survt.>ying firms. annount-ed plans to mc·rgc· Psomas, ranke d a mong tht.> to p 250 civil c ngmt'<'ring desig n firms na tiona lly. has offices in Santa Monica, Costa Mesa, Onta rio a nd Simi Valley. Southwest has offices in Santa Ana and R1vers1de . ~.,, ... El<fM1\ O;Wtl GION"'I .. 1 ""•'''''' 8onr•; Cll.oP< .. I A Apt•• C.umo Int-• ~hlW>q ~~~ f M (O f Ml S-cO«I SonomV• Condcl•n ln•lll TAP (n C•rolln 9 Au104tOI ~::~· Vl\lf'<n Bk<om" OynR> \ F0tw•t<1 l•\1 .t~'t,. u:"n • • Up "3 ~·• "" Up 112 a • 1 u" 111 ) • UP 17 S 7 • Up 11 S • .. UP 11 • 15 I UP !I I , I •• UP l1 1 17 7 • UP 10 1 1" • 74.. Up 10 • 7 I I• • 3 I• P 10 0 74_. • '• VP tO 0 t• t • .. UP 100 1'• '• Up 100 '1' • 1 Up 9 9 s.. Up ') \•• I \JO '' U 1 • Up • 4 1" 7 UP '• 10 • 1 .. Up 9 J ,..., ) ,, VO '1 • , ._ Up • 1 J Up 9 I )0 • UP I I DOWNS \..•\t II ' I) • • ) . 1 ) , • J • • ,., , . • I ) ) .. ,. "'• '" , .. .. II ) {'· 0tf<l110 ,.. Ofl )) , , 0 11 •• , .. Ott .. J • Off u) .. 0 11 ") ... Ofl 11 0 • .. Ott u 1 0 11 II I .. 011 Il l I 0 11 105 ... Ott 10) • Oii 10 0 • Oii 10 0 011 100 •• Ofl • 1 Oii • I .. 0 11 • 1 '• Ott 91 t 1 • Oft ta 'o Oii I 1 Oii • ) •• 011 •> I Oii 10 • Oii 11 011 11 Oii 11 ,• 8 BT Venture started by Irvine Jirin Mlc:ro Five Corporullon ol Irvine .aid tod11y It l'Ondudcd a joint venture asreement with Je umont- &·hnl'idcr. u Frem·h telecommurucationa equipment rlwuuta~turor A U.S. f1rm w1tl be L'reated to produce and distribute u!flc.'t: aut0mation network ay11t.enu baaed on tt><:hnolog1C'S contrlbu~ by both rompanJee. Tht• 1-'rcnch government authorized Jeumont- Schne1d1:r t.o invc.,'llt $1 i million In Micro f'Ue and the venture company, which In turn will grant Micro Five an in1ual $2 million ronlract to develop an Integrated VOil'<'. data und word processing system. Datatron posts loss Dat.alron Inc. ot Tustin reported a net loss of $976,538 for the year ended June...30. or 40 cents a share, compared to a loss of $81 ,383 or 4 cent.s a share a year ago. Firm ponders decline cause Trans~erra Exploration Corp. of Newport Beach says it knows of no reason for the recent decline in the pric.-e of its stock The stock traded at $2.50 a share Sept. 10, $2.25 a week la ter and closed Priday at $2 A company statement attributed the drop to the ''general economic climate coupled with an occasional negative news item pertaining to the oil industry as a whole." S tock offering d elaye d The board of directors of Enterprise National Bank (in organization) of Newport Beach has delayed a stock offering which expired Aug . .6 for an indefinite period due to "current economic conditions." In addition, 1t postponed a 60-day extension of the offenng approved by the Comptroller of the Currency. A statement said the stock will be of/ered later. In addition, the board will be expanded from 6 members to 11 and a founders' group will be established. VTC drops B endix bid NEW YORK (AP) -United Technologies Corp .. the largest of the four companies involved In a takeover fight between Bendix Corp. and Martin Manetta Corp .. said today it was withdrawing its offer for Bendix. 'Ole fight was settled Friday when Bendix agreed to be acquired by petrochemical giant Allied Corp. and Marietta retained its independence with Allied as a major new stockholder. .. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK (~P) -Sales. Monaay prtce and ne1 Qlla~e of lhe llltMn mo11 ac11v e Now York Slock Exchange issues. trading net10na11y at more tllan SI C.•roP.,.l.f Wool-lh Mol>tl 8•nd1 .. E••Ofi K m•t • ,,.., I 1.r Ouh-18M 0.1'4Altl' SOny (.orp O•yln Pwll ~WPt'frl ~ .... C•H<oro V:JI 000 /.U,000 M<l lO .01 000 Ul.SOO S-. • .00 ~.100 Sil.JOO ·~.500 •7J900 .... .oo ,.,,.¥JM"' l'IO.:IOO Jn .oo .... ,. ... 1•'• 1 •• ,,.. . . ,.._. ,,.. I• 111• .. .... s11. • .. 21.. I ,... .. ,, .. , .... IJ .. Uh ..._ ••'• • t J >•'• "" t•t-. ..... AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -Monaay puce end net change of tile t8f1 most ecilve Amerocan Stock Eacnange issues. trading na11onally at more lnan $ 1 Vf(lMltnt t06.600 .)A•• A09tr~1> 14,000 "°" .. W•"9 8 •9.'IOO .... Gr•ndCll S9,.00 II .. . '• ... . .. '"'t"" Rtt n.ooo •'· ,,. WrlQhlH•• Q 0 ,100 JI. All Rtt •2,SOO .... 114 Intl 8n>,nol 3',IOO •I• HovOllTr 37,700 ll'· K•yPt""' \ U ,'IOO t Te<" Svm J~.'IOO 111. ... le GOLD COINS ., •• '• .. lh ,, \, 71, '. '. I I Ptl Up »O VP 1' I Up U• Up •• J Up 11 S 0 100 VP t • VO I J "" • J Vo 11 Up 11 Up • 7 Vo •I VP st Up H Vo st Up U VO S• Up H Up S • VP S7 Up S 1 Up SJ Up SI UP S.I Pct °'' 1t J 011 t,S Oo I J ()If • t Ott , , Off , • Ott •• 011 •• Off •I ()II St 011 SI ()II S • ()It s • 011 s~ ()fl s J 011 , I ()II S 0 oo , 0 Oii •• Ott •I 011 •• Off •I Off •I Oii • ' Off • , Oft ., ()II ' j NEW YORI< (AP) Pr!CH .... fllu11d•r of oOICI coon• CQmfl•• "° ,..,,. Weon•ud•y • P•IC• llr11t9rtend, t llOy Ol S•t>S 00. llP I 1 &0 M91* LHI, I hoy 01 l•H n up I I 60 Mea, to "990, 1 2 t1oy Ol l~S 00, llP $1 75 ,..,., 100 c•ewn, 1180t l•oV 01. 1•33 75, I/II 11 60 Sou•c. O.•lc·P.,er• WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAI( .-,"_, AlJll t, l.Jll 1.-PI ~ 11 .._.., .., llJ •SI .... I• J NE .... YORI< IAPf VP 11 METALS MofMleJ UI Ut 1CM n• u • ,.. ... 0:.,. ,. ., . ,., 10 , ,.,..,, ";;, 1.U llS 717 11 • NEW YORK (AP) mtlll P'!Gfl 51101 nonlarrooa Copper 10..,·12 cenla • pound. US <1ea11n1toon1 LellCI 2!>-29 ~IS e pOund Zinc •0·•2 cen11 • pound, _.., Tin la 25'44 Met1i. W ... COll\POtllt 111 Nufftllwtft 76· 77 cen11 • pounc1 N Y ilhfCUfl $352 00 !)If l1ull 'l•llrtu"' S32 t OO·S326 00 troy ovnc•. NY SILVER Hll\Oy & Harmen. Ill 880 lltf l'O't ounce GOLD QUOTA TIDNS .,,. ..... ~~.., ... Se19<:1ed WOt"ld gold Pfl<iet Mond•r Leftdoft mo<ntng '""1i $436 50, "P 12 65 52L:5ndon 1t11rnoon laing S•:.1 50, vp ,.,1, 111..-noon ltaing M33 ••. up 12 ao Frenlilur1 l•••no ~t 00, Oii SO 02 Z11rlcll 111• •1t1•noon ll•tno S436 00 unch•noed blel. '437 00 ••kto H•n•h • H ...... " only dllly QI.IOI• $431 00. oil 5• 65 , l,,..il!Md only d111y Quot• S43 t 00 on sos . ' lnv•lllerd only dilly Quote llb•lcllecl $452 55. Oii U 09 SYMBOLS 0 111.., JHll'( to• I.I N••.,...,, "'G" U tl"H OIMn"" ttOteel tit"~ 0••-t ... •"""-' d<tb\1 .. -1. !Ht'Od CW>'""'"' 011~••••1~ or t11'1'11 1nn"11 Ot<1111110., S~«ll 04 tlllf O••.O~I or Ptymenta not dt•'9n•tfld u •eo..aar ••• oe1e11111oeo "' ,,,. 1oi10 .. 1no •Ofl•tt0••• • Alto t1>lrl O< eal•U D·All•\ult •ell Plllt \l<K• O•••Ot no c \•Q11•d111n9 Cl•.,Cltno 0.Cll'fld CH PINI or1 P<KIO•l\O 11 "'<1"1!11 1-o.<.111ee1 04 patd 111 .. \IO(k Otv<Oena Of tOl•I 1111 I 11~·11 Inoa .,..., Clo•-OM1lleel citt""" °' no KttOn tlil.fn •t letl ·°'"'°"'° ....e11110 ~ ~111.0 Or ClltO lhlt ~Ir I I\ Kcvmut•lr•t ''"" w•ln d1vldend1'" errnra tl·N<'W IH\11 r·Qecll!ICI 00 jMl>d Ill Pf«.ICl°"O ll monlM 11111• ttOC~ cl<~ I P11d In ttOO 1n pttUd•Mg '' rl\Ol\1'11, eal""'llflCI Clth ¥1111• on h •01¥10.ild Of H Olttr•bUlton ..... •·l. 01¥•d..,d• °' ···•!Of\11 y· E• O•Ytd..,O Ar>d \ltlt 11'1 lull 1•811ft In Iliff c•O Celltd wd· Wl\111 do'1rll>vtecl w1 W"811 1uu•O ww•Wtll\ w1rr1n1a •••WllftOul Wiii i tllt Ul!t h ·C11lllltlliliOI\ 11 l 11110 nie I>'~ 01 • ttoo •• 1 tll\01111>11 Of Pt< ·ehlrt M rn+nO'-Olf"lecl by O••td•ne ,,,. 1111•1 n .mon111 "'"'"9• t'9')re llltO IHI Hie P'ltt ... •• Orange Co11t OAILV PILOl/Tu11day, September 28, IOU • Rid r 'fun-fill d scap1sm ly FR~O ROTUl'.:Nl:Hmo ltf T ... •l•'-n Wilt-. N E w v o at K • • n u u · h idy lmd llw Su11clom•\• KlcJ" '!ft' altvtt und wl'll 111 '''fh1• 'ihodow llldun.," u mudl! Cot TV :1nrn 1jl 11rrinw Tom St•llt•t:k , whuflt' l(iftll un• th1.11 he looks 8(>od and !U't•ms tu ltk1· wh11lt•v1·r It la he's doing h u 11 ,. h u r m , h u m o r o n d vuh11•1•ubll1ty , w h lt•h t·u11tl n~ dlrN·torac suy llillk f' h1m 11011 • thn·utt•nlna& to 111ulc• v1t:1wl't·i. S ·llt·c·k pluyll lht• Jlut<·h C111.-cldy, typt• dwrut•tt•r to Sum ~lhott 1 ii 11tronj(, 11lll•nt tyfw Anotht•r tomltrully ii. thttt F.11 u lt hkt• Robcr1 Ht.>dford m thl1 film hi swt•t•\ on K ut hurmt.• ltc~ Elliott u11d Mlx.'4 n1~"• whc' storn•d togt>thl'1 tn "Murdl'r In Texus." are an o(( M.'l't 't!O l'OU pit• 'rhu •tot y tm·1u1·• on th1• Trnv<1n broth<'re. who fou14ht 011 opposite• •1dt•11 of th1• t'lvll Wur1 reuniting uftl•r \ht• wut S1•llt~:k (Moc) .wt.•1.ir• blue: t;111ou# ({)ul) w (l u r II " r II y ,. h I. u p b 1• II I M'nllmt•nt lie 1•><pr1•Kl!('(J by Mm:; "81U<'·Krlly Jo1°M11 1 11111\ll'I' A mun fight.II for whul ht• ht•lwvl''° in." L ouis L'A mour. lht· Cunwd wriler of t•owboy odv<•n\urci.. ~yided the story for 1on1ghl's c;BS movie, at 9 on Chunnt•I :Z, a snug-fi tting vchidl.' for St•llt<t.-k. The former Marlboro Mun. whu iJ M r. Right for haH of Amcrn:a on "Magnum, P I • " l'frN·t1v1•ly brings \wankle>!i, d1mplt•s u111.J glints to the scrl'en. Thumb through uny department s tore suppleml•nt or w atch a jeans <:ommcrciul and )'Ou know that mal·ho 1s m arketable But Selll't:k. who was impress1vt.' in last season's "Tlw Shudow Rldt•r11" Is fun- ftllt-d t•scop1sm, :m -0ld-foshionl'<i wt•stt•rn thl'y don't mukc anymnrt• Only 1n u wt~lt•rn c.:un 11 hl•ro s.ay "A man's gotta do wh:at he's gotta do." without th{• uudk•ntc groaning in pain. h 's thl' styk1 and St'OSC of fun of this film that Elllotl's t•hara{'ter Winnt·n, of ~·uunw 1 <'On be 1deall8tll'. 'fh<' i>rohlt•ll'I 1¥ wlth Confod..ratl' Maj. A11hbury (Ucoffrt•y LL•wls). who1t(• gun- ruh~ing t•fforts to kcL•p lhl• South a rml'd druwa him Into s luvC'- lrndtnR It Just so hnprwns that MaJ. Ashbury hall b<.•gun by kidnapping the Trawn:c' brothC'rs und silltt•n1, plus Ual's girl triend. from lht•ir 'rcxas homt•stcud. .. <iou•-mlnded ~ Worn," ~ not the marrying type swrts to uttt•1 thost> immortal words, when Miss Ross fanishes the thou~ht. Dal and Mac d1s<:ovl'1 this when they return homt'. and the rest of thl' movat.> 1s s pent tracking down Ma J. Ashbury . adotncenc;e on 1 remott, Sou111 PaclllO lelend and ••Pllflenc;e lhe pang• or llrll love 'R CZI MOVIE . t;.-0 ·~ .~ Tl 't-:Sl>A ,. ' 4:30 fJ D U (I) ®l REAGAN PRESS CONFERENCE 5:30 (5) aAHaAll Celilornl a Angels al Kanses Cily RoyolS 4:00 fJ 11 1J NEWS 0 EIGHT 18 ENOUGH Mery bring• home • preg- nanl friend whOM 1111· tu<aes to•erd merrlag• upset Tom ID S.W.A.T. II) HAWAII FIVE--0 An Army ottk:er plans to kldnep • top eclenllal end hOld him tor a million dollll rll/\IOm fl!) OVE.REASY Guesra husband·•nd·wlle ac;Ung INITI Hume Cronyn and J1111C1 Tendy (RIQ Ii) HUMANITIES THROUGH f)IE ARTS "Alm Seeing All Ther• IS Cl) C88NEWS Cl]) ABCNEWSQ Q!NBCNEWS (t)MOVIE • •·~ "T•lbute" 11980) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benson An lrr11ponsible Broedwey press agent begins lo regret his wasted Ille end his tenuous rel•· liOnlhip wtth his grown son 'PG' 0MOVIE "legend OI The Wiid" (1980) 'PG' 9:30 &i) 00< CAVETT Gunl megk:lan Tony Sly· dint (RI Ii) GROWING YEARS .. The Newborn (J)QtNEWS @) BARNEY MILLER Yemana·1 preoccupation with televlliOn provides • CfUClal brNk In soMng lhe m o of • lelon pleguong Ille 12th precinct 8:40 f0 ) CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE "One A M .. (1918) Charlie plays a drunken playbOy 7:00 fJ C88 NEWS D NBCNEWS IJ A8CNEW8Q 0 SOAP To leave lhe mob, Danny II told he mutt klll hi& falher'a murderer Q) M'A'8'H HaWlleye·e lece 1s bectly burnt when 1 stove he IS trying to fix explodes II) Qt JOl<ER'S WILD fD Ii) BUSINESS REPORT ()) P.M. MAGAZINE A vlsll to the mentgerle ol lllutlonllll SteglritKI alld Roy In-home lllh•ng lacl<le sales par1-lor men @) EHTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview wtth Barbera Mend•ell r'k1TAUONO SEX ... WITH YOURKIOS A penel ol exper1a ens- quesllone concerntng 11lk· Ing Wtlh children about 18"11tl"9 ffXl.lll lopiCI ©)MOVIE • • "Runewey ltland' Mlln Buchan•n. Simone Buch en en (l)MOVIE * • ·~ "Cnu Chu And The Philly Fl11h" (198 t) Alan Arkin, Cerot Burnell An 81COholie lormer bUlbali pleyer end a koolly llrMt 11ntert11ner become P1r1· ner1 In 1 llCheme 10 make money by returning • IOll IUltcaM PG' t :IO 8 2 ON THE TOWN FHtur.cl I vllllt with Sle· ven Spl .. berg'• mother. LMh Adlet. en lneomnlec'e tour ol Loe AnQel!IS. • vllllt to Ille City ol lndutlry to -whet happen• when aome tennl• grea11 turn out for • Ql\emqlonlhlo toumemenl Goldie Hawn a s wife of a districl a ttorney finds he r life complicate d when h,e'r ex-hu band eek he r hel1J in HSeems Like Old Times'' tonig hl a l 9 on KNBC (4.). D @ FAMILY FEUD 1J EYEOH L.A 0 MAOAME'S Pl.ACI ID M'A'S'H Hawtteye r1n1 for • 1>e1u11- ru1 Swedish doctor who 8triVeJI II lhll o40711h 10 observe combat aurgery II) (I) TIC TAC DOUGH &i) MAQ4EJL /LEHRER REPORT m> MONEYMAKERS "D1agr1m 01 F1n1nc191 Independence" <!]) YOU ABKEO FOR IT Feetured "Balancing An Eoght-Ton Truck On Four Gluses and ·Tne King Thel loved 22 Stor1H Underground H RACE FOA THE PENNANT Berry. Tomp~lna and Tim McCarver cover ell Ille bases leldino 10 the 1982 Worlds.,,.. 7·40 0 SPOTUOHT PREVIEW Hoat Rober! Osborne IOOl(s 11 Ille movtft and spec:1at1 coming up on Spolllght 8•00 fJ ()) 8RINO 'EM BACK ALIVE (P•em•e••I Ft1nk Buck l•tes to rescue hit friend, the Sullen ol Johore, who nas be•n kldnepped b•cau•• hla abductor• think he pot-cruciel Japanese mllllery lnlorme- llon (Part 2) 0 Qt FATHER MURPHY (Season Premier•! John end MM Murpny·a hOnly· moon tn 1ne e1ty IS lnte<· rup11<1 wl\en they t>ec;ome involved w1lh • etrffl·wlse orpllen IJ ®J HAPPY DAYS !Season Prern11re) Fom111 1111s for • aophlStieltect accountant '"1th • s...,..,. old daughter Q 0 MOVIE * *'" "Legend 01 The Losl" j t957) Jolln WaYM. S<>e>h11 l oren Two men and • women -en Ille S1h111 • lor • Iott aty con- 111n1ng • large trea-• Q) P.M. MAGAZINE A v11<1 10 1he men8Q41fle ot illuslonlsll Siegfried and Roy • Mll·sutlic:lerlt. mod- el community in Northern C•hlorn•• called Oz II) MOVIE • • • The McConnell Slory" ( 19~51 Alen LBOd. June Allyson A llmll<I teat pilot 11 d•lermlned to break In Ille Sabrejel F-86 fli) NATIONAL OEOOAAPHIC SPECIAL Egypt Ouell For Eterni- ty The worlca ol RllmMt II ere lealu•ed In • loOk •I some me)or 1rchaeok>g1Cal projecta whlCll are 1.1ncov- e<lng 1nd P<IMMng tht tegecy ol the Egypllen p111reon1 (RI Q Ii) MYSTERY "Or Jlkyff And Mr H~" Dr Jekyll • bold ••i>erl m&nll to leo111e th• good lrom the evU wllhln • elngle p1raon111ty eucceed IHtyond hta wlldfft •llPM· 1111on1 (Patl ll(RIQ C MOVll • • • Supertty" 1111721 Ron O'NHI, Cerl L.. A Harl•m drug puah•r decides to Invest ell ol 1111 -gy in one llnll, mejOf dNI before retiring trom the "buSlnett "'R' ltt)MOVIE • • ·~ "Student Bodilll .. ( t981) Krlelen Riter Mellhew Goldtby A hn")'· brNlhlng psycllollC killer 1teltl1 the tun-lovtng lludentl ol 1 typiell Amllf· 1c:1n high ecllool 'R' SJ MOVIE • • • "The Hunter" ( 1979) Stev• McOueen, Ell Wel- lach Ralph "Pape" Tllo<· IOfl leadt e denge<OUI kl• .. • modetn-dty bounty hunt.,, 'PG' 0MOVIE • • "Hanger 18" j 1980) Darren McGevin. Robert Veughn Reseercllers et • eecret government 1n1111- 1at1on tnvelllgate lh• cause ol a satelhta'• auo- den deltruc11on 'PG' 1:308 MOVIE ••'A "100 Rlllel" 11989) Jim Brown. Req.,.I Weld! An oullew lndlen. • bleck 11wman and a lemllle revo- lullonlfY help Iha Me1<1C1n ·~· deooM • ctuel &'!."°'uVEANE & SHIM.EV !Seaton Premier•) Shlr- rey·s dream ol merrieQe 11na11y ~ true In an ottbut wedding ceremo- dt~COUPl.E Olclr trlet 10 hide hie divorce from hit vlsJling mother by moving Fella out ena hie ••·wlf• In 1:35 (OJ CHAM.IE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEA TM 'The Count" (1918) Cher· Ile It~ to 11\N- Querade u • count 11 1 eoc .. ty perty 1:45 (l) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TAU<8 WfTH ... ""'411!! StMnbulgen" t:OO IJ Cl) MOVIE "Th• Shadow Riders" (Prernler•I Tom Sellecil. Sam Elliott Two brother• re1urn home •lier Ille CMI Wer to find lnet lheir 111 .. le<s Ind younger brother have bNr1 ebduct.cl by Rebel guerlft .. Who reluM lo accepl the MIMI ol Ille Confederacy G QI MOVIE • • 111 "SMm• like Old Times' ( t980) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chue A IOfl·hM•led law)'llf 11 torn bel-ner~··· hua bend-I urned-bank robber end her uptight present hueband Who le running l o• Celllornl• ettorney gener11 IJQ THM!'I COMPA.NY (Seuon Premiere) Jaclt wall" up In bed bald• Jenet Ind pMICt when lie c:.n'l rernernl>er the......,,,, of the prevloue evening O ID MllW OAl,FIH Gueete· 08141 GonyH . Or. Joyoe Brolhert . Erin Gr•y, Suzanne Ou P .... Sidney Sheldon tD MYIT! y •JL.:..-...--~~~~-·----------~~--~~--~~- "Or J111tvn • nd Mr H~" °' JekVll'• bold lllPlfl• menll to llOl•t• tht OOo<I from the tvll wllhln • elogle p ereonellty t ueceed beyOnd hit ..UO.t opeco 11110n1 lfllttt t)(Rl 0 CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 ICN)(T CCBS) G KNBC (NSCI • KTLA (Ind.) lf.cABC IABCI 8 KFM8 (CBS) e KHJ•TV (Incl I e iccST CAIKI 8 KTTV CINI.I 'e KCOft·TV (I"°,) e ltCIT (PHI •e ICOC! CP8S) 0 On TV 1 l ·TV H HBO 'C' ICIMmecl IWORI N'V , N 'V @ IWTBSI () IESPN) l"-11m.I • 5Pot11Qhl e (~bl~ Ntwt NtlWOrk) G *Yt/A "l..IVlllQ Mechln"" The wOrk llnd remert111ble di ... eo....,,.. o1 • ,_ ~·­tlon ol blologltlt1 C8lled naturll ~· e>romlee beneflll lfld ~ion. >'91tobe1~.i (fllQ CQ)WOVll • • "The 8kil leooon" OHO) BrOOlte Sllhlldt, CM!etopflaf Atklfle Two caat•l'I etlildten OtOW to • • "Melvin And How1rd" (1980) Paul leMet, J1ton Robards. An 01herw111 unknown gu 11111on auendant clelma to be th• rtghllul heir to Howard Hughes' billion dollar .. tete. 'R' t::t0 U O no5 (Seuon Premlerel Vlolel, Judy end Coralee lhrow a rollicking lingerie p1r1y for the aecreterln In Ille off· lc:e Cl MOVIE • • • "Relu•n Of A Mall Called HorM" ( 19781 Rich· 1rd Ha1r11. Gele Sonder· gaard. An Engll•h Lord returns 10 Ame<k:a where he learn• lhtt the SIOux lndl1n1 wflO lnllleled him Into their tribe have 1<1111 Ille!• mocs .. 1 pr_,,e to 1rappe<1 ()1JMOV1E • • .. All The Marbles" (1981) Peter Falk. BUf't Young A hustling. wtM• cracking ITl8nege< puahel hlS two lemale wtesllen towerd the top 'R' 10100 IJ ®J HART TO HART (Season Premiere) The purcnase of thelr honey· moon bad lnnoc•nuy entangles Jonathen and Jenni!« In an lntern•llonal om1t;:~Q SI SANDHILLS AL.BUM The sandhllla region of the Greel Pt11n1 and Its people la -through the ey .. of p1on11r pho1ogr1pher Solomon Butcher Oeptes- llOf'I photogr9Pher Ar1hur Rolhllein end tour young con11mp0r1ry pttotogr•- Pl>erl. Ii) HAAO CHOIC£8 "Behevlor Control" An eumlnatlon ol tM vlllous tYPM OI mind c:ontrol IM- tures 11temp11 to d1111n- gula/'i bei-benign ena httmlul lorma (RI ($)AOMANCE!STOLEN LOVE (Pwt31 0MOVIE • • • •11 Sorc;er.,·· 119771 Roy Scheider. Bruno c.-Four o.tperete men r11k lh .. r llVft whMe neul1ng explo.ive nltro- g1ycer1n• through South Amerocan iuno1et 10 battle en Oil-well llre 'PG' 10:'30 D NEWS 41) INOEPEHOE'NT NETWOAI< NEWS , MOANtN0'8 AT SEVEN MMJreen O'Sulllven 11111 In Peul Ost>orn'e Mntlmen- 111 comedy et>out th• hopee dreall\I end )Ml- ou91ee of tour elderly ..._ 1en In • amell MIOweStern lownln 1922 11:0011 a u w o a NEWS D 8ATUAOAY NIGHT Hos1· Eric Idle Gues1 Joe Cocll .. 0 IN SEARCH Of' ... '8 M'A'8'H The doctor• of Ille 407Tth heve more then lhey cen hendle on • bad d•y In the OR Cl) 8TAEETII OF SAN FRANCISCO AWOL from lne Army. • Vietnem ve1 .. en tries to at•el • eon he ha• MWf -fE) BUSINESS REPORT Ii) OOCTOA IN THE HOUSE loltus Mild• • deleglllon 10 the memorlll ewvlce lor Ledy Molli• Cornford'• weallhy lelher IQ1 MOVIE •• "The Money" I 1975 A 1m1ll-llme con 111111 coolle up • kldnepptng Kllerne lo lmpro11e hit llnanc" (%)MOVIE • • "All The Merbla" 119811 Peter Felk, Burl Young A hullling. wlM- creckln9 m•neoer pulhft hi• tv.o lem•le -Miier• IO'tlrerd Ille top 'R' 11:30 II (I) OOtHCV Oulncy dltcOV9<• lll•t • lrlend who auppoMdly di.d In an •lrpl-cr11h wu actually pol.oned. G O!fONIOHT Guest hOet Joen RI ..... GUMte Etme Bomt>eck, Lina Turner, 81tlh Pur· (;4111 8 (11 A80N!WI NIGHTUNI D YOU AIKIO ,OfUT F .. turecl "8elanclng An Elght·Ton Truck On FNr GI•-" end "Ttle KlnO Thel ll....O 22 StOflel Unclwground " • ntl Jl11QIONI 0-119 1lubbornty relu ... -. to hlrtt bldlY ~ '*P tor OM Of hie 11or" • AM' CW lllNQ HUMAN .. fhe W1.y OI The H\Hn- ltt" G CW'TlONeO MIC NIWI CH) MCI '°" TI4I NNNAfff lltfY T omc>lllf\I Inf Tim TOBI TDPPIRS KN XT (2) 8:00 -"Bring 'cm Bal'k A I i v t>. " C o n c I u s i o n o f t w o -p u r t introduc:tion of fall ser i('S. KNXT (2) 9:00 "The Shadow Htdt>rs" Made-for-tdev1sion western st<:.trring Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott. Rc.•view above. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Sl•crns Like Old T imes." Goldie Hawn stars in story about a woman w h o is t orn between her hopeless ex-husband and her upught present h usband. See ph oto, le ft. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Hart to Hart." Season pre miere finds Jonathan and J e nnifer in an international a rt smuggling scheme. McCerver cover •II tne b11a1 leading to the 1982 World Serles 11:3& lCI MOVIE • • • • "R11homon· ( 1950) Machllo l(yo, Toshlfo Mllune Through• aeries of llelhb•clll. an eighth-century Jap1n•se woodcutter recounll his version ol • ripe-murder to 8 Buddhlll pt ... I Incl I '*'I ant 12:00 U EHTEATAINMEHT TONIOWT An lnlervle'W wllh Berbar• Mandrell 1J ®l FANTASY ISLAND Mr Roerke's goddaughter etrugg... IO It.. herMll lrom her wl'um~ gll1 ol eoroery. •nd two scientlll6 1ea1cn for Ille m1 ... no Unk (RI 0 MOVIE * • • "Not Al A String· er" ( 1956) Roberl Milchum, Frank SINitra. Doctors' 11-and car-. •r• -through Ille eyee of a young man with med•· eel 1'91retlon1 G) MOVIE * • "The Oulc:k Gun" 119&4) Auc:lte Murphy, Mer- ry Andera A COWOOll• Is torgrven by Ille 1ownspeo. pie lor hie pa.al mltdeedt when ne b1tt111 • geng ot notorioue outl•w• who have been tormenting Ille town 41) LOVE. AMEAICAH STILE "love And The King" An Old Army buddy drops In on Bob Curll•. 1111111V1 hu•· b8nd Md Office drudge. (hJMOVIE * * "Cetu• Annie And lit· tie Btotchea" 11981) Bun lenu.1 ... John Sevage Two tough outllWI p1c:11 up • parr Of t~·• otrt• end 11111• them •long on the4r edventUtea 'PG' DMOVIE * ·~ "Mendlngo" ( 19771 J1m11 ~•eon. Su11n George A Wetl Alrleen of Ille Mandingo tribe 11 brought to e llev.-l>fMCI· Ing ptantellOn In Loulllln11 before the 11111 011n. CMI War 'R' 12:30 G Qt LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN G..-1 JefT'r Lewll D COUPLES ti) LOVE, AMENCAN STYLE "lov• And The Other Love" Pet hH llw•v• coo- lld«ed her hutbend nol only -I but MM. then he buys • IPOf1• Cir 0 )MOV1E ••·~ "Mommle 0..rest" 11981l Fey• Ounewev. DI•· na Scerwld Forties lllm atllf Joen Crewtord relMS her two adopted Children In I dornesllC 11~· thet vet'" lrom lu•urlOut comlort 10 sac11111c dlKI· !)line 'PG' t2.40 II (I) MCMILLAN & WIF1! An ettemc>t 11 meoe on the hie ot • mullelen wllO «Mdl· ceted one ot hll cornpoel· Uon• to Setty 12:45 (S)MOVll • * * * "MOICO'tlr Oollln'I Believe In Teett" 119'01 Vere Alentove, Al111e1 Betelov Thr" country g1r11 with different goal• and vetuet mOYe to lhe big Clly 10 ~ their 8mbl- llonl 1:008 MOVIE • • • • "Hant Cllrl1t11n Anderaen" 11952) Denny K•ye. Jaanmelre A teller of l••ry tiles drNml ot ballell •Iler 1an1ng In love wilh • beaulllul ball«lnl ti) MOVIE • • * "War And PHee" ( 19561 Audrey Hepburn, Henry Food• B•Md on lhe novel by Leo Toltloy Tne """ OI lhr .. lemllillS ••• grNlly etlect.cl by the Nlpoleonie Wirt l MOVIE • • "The Bed Silting Room" (1969) Alla Tuan· Ingham. Sir Ralph Riehlrd· aoo Strange •«ecte p11- g_.. the 20 turvlvort ol hll· 1ory's lh0rte11 war 1:10U MOVIE • • "Payen-Out" I 1968) Susan SlrHb6r-"· Deen Slockwell. A trio ol hippies protec<I I dMI IMn-llger wno lllill run ewev to Height·Ashbury tn Mllfctl OI her bfOll!er «§) NEWS 1C MOVIE • • • '"' "Brian 1 Song" (1971) Jlmfl CHn, Biiiy OM w11111m1 Two lootbell pteyers ah••• e rere frien<t· INP unlll cenc:er delms one of them 1:30 0 Qt NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:40 Hi MOVIE • ,. ·~ 'Circle 01 Two" I 19801 RIChard Burton Tllum O'NNI Oeepile strong parentel opposition. a polgnanl rom•~ devel· opt bet-1 80-yMr-old ar1111 and • precocious teen-age 9ChoO+glr1 'PG' 2:00m NEWS 2::18 11 NEWS 2:28 C' MOVIE ~ • • • "Superlly" (19721 Ron O'NNI. Carl LN A Herlem drug" pu1har dacld• to lnVNI ell ol hi• energy in OM llnel, mejor dNI belor• retiring lrom the "buelnMI" R' 2:30 m HAWKINS Q!NEW8 D CZ>MOVIE * '" "0 .. th Valley" 11982) Paul leMet. P•ler BlfflllQli• ley A New York youngller 11 Mnt 10 Arizona 10 'tlllt Ill• mochef Ind 11umbles liCfOSS • _,., of grllly murders. 'R' 2:408 NEWS 2:45 IJ MOVIE •*'""The Norlill Tepee" 119731 Roy Thlnnet. Angle Dlckln1on A paychlc lnveatio•tOf probff the 'd•llh" ol • l<lulptor whoM Yolcle aound1 ver; muchallve J'OO D MOVIE • • ·~ "The Derll Angel" ( 19351 Fredric Merch. Merle Oberon When two love rlvela merch off 10 wer. one Of them le blinded end given up lor deed 3:10 ($)MOVIE • • • 'The Hunter" ( 19791 Steve Mc0ueen EM Wel- lach Relph "Pepa" fllOr • aon lettd• 1 dengerou1 1111 H • rnod•n.01y bounty hunt« 'PG' 3:20 (H1 MOVlf * • "All The Merbles" (1981) P•ter Fllk, 8\lft Young A hUltltng, w!M- creclllng menegcw putllM Ill• two female ., .. , .... toward 1he lop 'A' 4:00 ID HAWKINS fCI MOVIE • • • "The Glue Bollom Boel" 11968) Dorla Dey. Rod hytor A ptty~llt oecome1 lnvolv.cl with • glrl who, poM• 11 e mer· meld part-time. 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HOAAOA "The Two F-01 Evil' A 11mo1y'1 vecauon trip 11k" • turn for tne worM when they llop to plCk up 1 my .. 1111oua hllchhllter ZIMOVIE • • "Wented B•by1111er" 111178) M111l1' Schnelder, Sydne Rome For revenge. • woman concoc11 an ll•bor•t• p11n to kidnap her former lover'•'°" Wednesdat1'• Ddflll•r Houle• 8:00 Sl • • "My Chemplon" ( 1981) Yoko Shlm•d•. Chns Mitchum The true 11ory ot a tem• J~ running chemplon le !Old 0 • • • ·~ "Sorcerer" (1977) Roy SCh .. der, Bru- no Cremer Four dleperlte men rlslt tnetr II-while hauling ••Pio91v• nltro- g1ycet1ne through South Ame<lc•n )Ungtee to benle an Oll-.well l11e 'PG l :OO(Ci • ••;, "Rock1how" 1 tgeo1 Paul Mc;Car1ney and Wings Thi• record ot the b•nd'• U S lour inclUdes perlormanoea ol .. Jet. .. Bena On Tne Run • 'Silty lov• Song1" end some old Beetle batted• G' (ZJ • *"~ 'Tiie Scerlet Emprau" ( 193'41 Merlene D;etrlch. Sem Jette A Ru .. elan Grand Duke hu • 11ormy reletlonship witn n11 wife, Who ooee on to beCome lcnown u C•the- nne the GrNI 7:00 s •• "Young And FrH" 111179) Erik Litten, Keith LarMn A young Mormor> bo)' laces ITl8ny teslS .. lie 1ppro1che1 adulthood PG 0 * * 'Htngll 11" 11980) Darren McGevin, • Rot>ert Vauglln ~lfCh· era et a 1M1Cre1 government lnllalletlon lnv .. tlgale the CIUSI Of 8 Nll .. lit•'I sud· den dettNc:liOn PG 1:00 c •• "Tne F111h MuSkel· _ .. (19791 Beau Bridget. Urtull AndrMI O'ArleQ· nen and Ille Thr .. Mull<· •t-• become lnvot....O in eno111er plan to blocll the evll lntenllon1 ol Ille linla- 1er Cerdlnel Rlch•ll•u agemet the French 1tlsloc· recy 'PG' lH) • • "Harry· a War" (1981) Edward Herrmann, 0..aldlna Peg• A 1m111- lown poatmen comes to the 111<1 ot hll •unt. who owes the IRS back 1.-.. 'PG IZ •••• .. M1ra1 1 S•d•" I 19871 Petrick Mag... Glende JeclltOn. Under Ille direction of the Marquis de Sede, lnmetn II e French mentel lnsutu- llon put on • chining "per. tormenoe" of tne bathtub HS1Sllnauon or revotu- llonary leeder Je4ln Maril 1:30 G) * •·~"Big City" ( 1948) Mergeret O'Brien, Denny Thomu Thre• bechelore jOlntly r•IM en orpflan g111 10.00 G> •••-."Tea For Two" (1950) Dorie Dey Gordon MKRM When an helrese tr1 .. to beck • Bra.dw•v ll'low. lh• dllCOVen thel Ille manAger ot lier tegecy hH IOsl mo.1 of lier mon· t *** "INCryTomor- rO'tlr ( 19S5) SuNlll Hey- w11d, Rlcherd Conte Actr•IS lllllen Roth llNQ· 91111 wllh alcohollem and a lldlngc:.r- (J J * • * "Tt1bule To A 8ed Man' (19M) J- C80"9Y. Ir-Pepu. Two concerned people e11ernp1 to ~vlnee e rancher to 1lop kllllng rulllert. • CZ) *."" "llOn 0 1 T,,. OeNrt" ( t98 t) AllthOny o,itnn, OllV9r A..O A twd-rlcllno Bedouin lMder rMltte lllll'f '• •tttml>ll to ~y llby• tot 20 .,..,. 'PG nm Elliott (left)~ Katharine Ro ·· and Tom ell<-e•k "tur in the mad.--f or-h •levi ion movie, 44'fhe hodow RidcrA" to oir at 9 tonight on Channel 2 . t 1:00 0 •• "HNl'lbMO• • 1198 t) Andy Kaurmen. Bet- nlde11e P•t.,, In a world ol Ille near lutur,-. ""'o commerclel ro1><>11 •~pert enc:• tne v1cl1tllude1 of lirlt lov• 'PG' 12:00 B * • "The Or4100f1 Trail'' ( 1959) Fred Mec- Murr•y. Glor1e Tllbol Oregon-bound wegon 1t11n1 1<e besieged by lndlen 11tllcil1 Si •* ''LOOll•r" (1981) Alb•rt Finney. James Coburn The my1terl0u1 death• of • "''" of 1>Nu- 11tu1 mOdel• Involved In 1 new eoverilalng project ere blamed on the plullc turgaon Who <>Petlled on them 'PG' 12:30 ID • • • "The Mounteln ROid" 119601 J1met Stew· 111. Glenn Corbett An unscrupulou1 major In the A•my leetna compelllon 111., bll!ng cherged with blowing up vmeges, br\dg· es and road• agelnat advancing JapantlM dur· •ng World War II C • ••1r "Adan\'• wom. en I 19721 Beau Brldgel. John Miiis A wrongly 1mpr1aoned l&llOf 111ernpta 10 win hll relelae by mar· rl'.!_ng en innuentl81 woman. u ••• ·~ "Helrll•nd" (19811 Rip Torn, Conc:f\lt8 F91r.. A rancher end hi• hOUlekeep•r lee• the rtgor1 of lrontoer ~le tn 19WW)'Omlng 'PG' Z, • • * "The 0 ffet1Cll" 11973) s .. n Connery. Tre. vor How•rd While ltldtlng down • Child molesler, • London detective &lowly edges towerd • n«YOuS bre81<down 'R' 1:$0 ft • *'• 'Tull1>1' (1981) Gibe Kapten, 8ern1d•tta P•ter1 When he 18111 In love. • 1<1iclcl&1 man tr ... to c:.llC9! the ~lrecl he pua out on hlmaelt 2:IO CS * • '"' "Sph+n,. .. 119811 Frank Langella, l.....,. Anne Down A ruthleU blldt market antiquities ting allempta 10 llop an Egyptologlsl from dlscoY· ering Ille ~bout• ot a ptlCeiela llllue she WU permtlled to vtew 'PG 0 *•'>"Torch Song'' ( 1953) Joen Crewtord, Michael Wilding A Bra.d· way Siar loved aec:relly b) • blind pian"t IM<I• er empty Ind unsat11lyino Ille Z * * '> "Chu Chu And The Philly AN11 11981 Al•n Arkin, C91ol Burnell An aleohOllC former baM- ball l)leyer and • kOOlly 1trfft enler181ner become paflne<I In I IChefM 10 malt• money by retut"4ng •loll tultcase PG' 3:00 (H • • "LOOlter ' ( t98 t) Atberl Flnn•y, J•m•• Coburn. The mystwloua death• OI • _ ... of belU· tllul models lnvOlved In • new edvef11aing prof«;t er• blamed on Ille pl .. liC surgeon wtio operated on them 'PG' 4:00 C • •'• "ROCkthOW' ( 19801 Peul McCarlney and Wings This record of tile bend'• U S tour lncludet 1)41110f"mances of "Jet." Band On The Run.' "Siiiy Love SOfl9s ·and to1M o'd &ee11e belled• 'G • 0 • * "Ballleller G&lec- tlca COl'IQuell Of The Eerth" ( 11180) Lorne Greene. Kent Mc:COfd The Gel8C11ca rNCl!ee Earth cloMly pu<sued by e Cylon 11teck IOfce Intent on dellroylng lhe l)lalWt 4:30 Z * •·~ "LIOn Ot The OeMrt" (1981) AnthOny Oulnn. Oii.,., Rffd A herd-riding 8eclou1n IMdet reeltll llely I 1tternpt1 to occupy Uby• for 20 yeera 'PO' 5:00 0)•*'""~~ lend" (1981) P9rule Clerk, Cetll!Mn Nelbltt A t- yeer-Old girl ~ '* 1one11neu by ten1U1t1no •bout edventur.. wllll Pater Pan 'G' 5:ao O • • ., "$t11 T,. - Tne Motion Plc1...,. .. ( tttt) w11111m Shetner, i..-ero Nlmoy. The format com• minder of Ille U.S S. Enlef'PflM r..._,,blft IMI Old Clft and .... Off on 1 , mlSIJon to find the m}'lteri- oue _..~lof Iha dM1NCtlOn 01 11\#M(· OUI Fed•etlOn •t•nNpa. JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk . NO t 'WILL. ~T!L.V NO'T \/>IQl!STLE IN MUO FO~ A S 'TORY ANP IAA1'~ FINAL// o<AY.~'" IF -rHAT'S HOW 'IOU FEe.t-, F INE! WH~i AAt! "'f'O<A iHOu:;HTIS .ASOOT' ..J!1..L.Ol • DlllJP.lllt TUESOAV, SEPT 28, 1982 ClASSlfllD cs Angels to celebrate-tonight? I Royals' backs are • up against the wall -DeCinces The Angel ' magic number: ' • : . KANSAS CITY (AP) -The Angels are not only on the brink of winning their second American League West championship in four years. race was not over. that their 4 1h -game lead with five games to play was no cause fo r celebration. "Not yet.," said Baylor, the designated hitter, whose one-out single In the seventh drove in Brian championship m 23 years oC managing m the major leaguc•s. By comparison, lhc injury-riddled Royals, in first place by two ~umes on Sept. 15, have droppc:d 10 of the last 11 decisions. J<"our of their last six losses have been by one run. American League Weat W L Pct. GB Gene Mauch's Angels are just one, maybe two, games away Crom doing it In Royals St.adium, the home base of the division's dominant team smce 1976. On TV tonight channel 5 at 5:30 Angela 90 67 .573 Royals 85 71 . 545 4 1/2 Monday•• acore Angela 3, Kansas City 2 "We've got to win one more," said left-hander Tommy John after pitching the Angels to a 3-2 victory over the Royals Monday night. "Hopefully, we can do it tomorrow night." Downing to snap a 2-2 tie. "But it's almos t a situation where we know it's going to happen." Monday night, they hurt themselves with three errors two an the Cifth by third baseman George Brett -and shoddy baserunniug. The Angels twice turned a strikeout and stolen base attempt into a double play, and the Royals had two other runners thrown out al third base. Tonight'• game Angela (Witt 9-6) at Kansas City (Gura 18-11 ), Channel 5 at 5:30 p.m. John. 14-12, beat the Royals for the fourth time this season and Don Baylor rapped his 21st game-winning hit of 1982 as the Angels narrowed their magic number for winning the AL West to two. Any combination of Angel victories or Kansas City losses totalmg two will give the Angels the division title. They could clinch by winning one of the remaining two games with the Royals. "We know this Is what we needed, to come in here and win the first game," added third baseman Doug DeCinces. "Their backs are up against the wall. "All we have to do is win one of the hext two games against them. But we know we still have to win. It's not over with yet." "If 1 had to put my finger on one key game. 1t would have been las t Wednesday in California (an 8-5 loss)," said ~ansas City Manager Oic:k. Howser, sounding like a man who had just witnessed the last rites. Games remaining ANGELS (5) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3, Texas; AWAY (2): Sept. 28, 29, KC. KANSAS CITY (6) -HOME (6): Sept. 28, 29, Angela; Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3, Oakland. Still, the AnRels did their best to insist that the The Angels have won eight of their last 10 games -including four straight over Kansas City -and seem certain to give Mauch his first "If we had won that one, we would have l'Ome out of there one game down, and that Is a big difference from three down." Striking out With the NFL strike now in its eighth day~ the R ams continue to go through informal workouts. At top, Bert Jones gets ready to pass, while a number o f players (right) en gage in a few wind sprints. An opportunity hard to pass up That 's why Giddings is at NH By ROGER CARLSON OftM D..., ,!kit Ii.ft As a business man, h e is a walkjng encyclopedia within his profession, keeping tabs (and ratings) on every professlon\11 football player. candidate and assorted dreamers, in order to ac:Wise one of his eight NationaJ Football League clie nts at a moment's notice. He knows the ins and outs of the game to such an extent he could obviously conduct a clinic with a guarantee you would come away with your money's worth. Mike G iddings, Newport Harbor High's new football coach, has a background which cannot be stated without taking a breath. B UT S IN CE hi s 1959 Monrovia High team, which went 11-1 In his only other high school varsity campaign, he has been the head coach a t Glendale College and Utah and the Hawaii franchise of the defunct World Football League and ~iste9 at USC and with San Francisco and Denver in the National FootbaJJ Le~e. Mike Giddings All of this leads up to the obvious question . How does anyone. dealing on that plateau, also get his message through and produce the winning formula on the high school level? "I use the 'Klss Theory'," says the 48-year-old Newport Shores resident. ··That means keep it simple, stupid. And I'm the last s. "It is a worry that you're teaching too much. I hope not. "You have to start with only a dozen plays. Dick Vermeil calls it the 'Dirty Doz.en,' with six runs and six passes. That's what we have to execute." DESPITE HIS CLAIM t.o the simple life, adversaries anticipate the shotgun, the flea-flicker, a reverse or t:wo and other assorted maneuvers. His sophomore team of 1981 compiled a 10-0 record and provided an insight to Giddings. "A sophomore game is no different than if you're playing · against the Dallas Cowboys, or in the Rose Bowl, or at the Pro Bowl, or the WFL se~, or at Notre Dame or Ohio State," says Giddings. 1 Slumping Dodgers seeing red after 6-1 setback "I'm just as fired up before 100 people." That. in a nutshell, is really what brought Giddings to the Sailors' helm. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Cincinnati Reds, who had the best record In baseball last year, are currently on the verge of setting a club st.andard for futility. However, they certainly didn't play -the 98-game losers that they are in the opener of a two-game series against the Los Angeles Dodgers. Hard-throw in~· ght-hander Mario Soto limited the ers to five hits and the Reds collected 1 hits off four Los Angeles pitchers Monday nlght in a 6-1 1 Cincinnati victory over the defending word champions. The setback was the sixth In a row for the Dodgers, equalling their longest loalns streak of the season, and it dropped them Into a tie lot' first place In the ~atlonal League -West with the Atlanta Braves, who blanked San Francl.lco 7-0 Monday nJght. Despite loalng. the Glanta remained ju.st one game off the pace In the torrid NL West race. All three contenders have aix pmes left to play. Meanwhile, Clnctnna\l wlll finish laat in lhe division no matter what happens the res\ of the way. The Reas, who were 66..f2 durinl the 1trike-intem.ip\ed 1981 season, have the worst record in baseball this year, 58-98. No team in the 107-year h istory of the · Reds' franchise has lost 100 games in a season. But this team can only avoid such a fate by winning five of its last six games. The first or those six Is against the Dodgers tonight. Los Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda e><pressed the feeling after Monday n11iht's game that hl1 team had to snap out of its slump Immediately. "I 'm j u st h o ping we can pull something out of the hat. get started.'' he said quietly. "W e've got to start winning." Laaorda was at a Josa to explain why the Loa Angeles offense haa suddenl y become Ineffective. The Dodgers !ICOred only 10 runs In their last six rama. " have no knowledge why." he said "Everybod y•• just stopped h1 tllng. Nobody knowa why people go Into alumpa. It aeems like with us lately. 1t'1 just been e'i,rybody." Lasorda acknowlodged that being beaten br, Soto Is no embarrassment. saying : ' He's • tremendou1 pitcher, without queation. He'• been &ough on ua ever since he's been around." That's not quite true. Soto had no trouble recalling his last outing against the Dodgers. He was pounded for 16 hits and seven earned runs in six Innings against Los Angeles on Sept. 6. "The last time I faced them I pitched my worst game In baseball," he said. "I never forget things like that. They beat on me like I was a pitching coach. I Celt bad. Tonight in the first coupll' of innings I thought about: that." The Dodgers got their only run in the second inning on a double by Steve Garvey and a run-ecoring single by Mike SciotK'ia. The Reds tied it in the third on a double by Alex Trevino. a aacr1fk'<' by Soto and an Infield out by Gary Redus. The Reds opened the fourth Inning with five <.'Onaecutlve singles oH loser Jerry Reuta, 17 • J 1. None of them were hit hard. but they were enough to put tht> Reds on top to stay. "It doesn't matter (that they W<'N'n't hi\ hard)," uld Reu111. who had a pt>raonal fl v~-gaml' winning struk snapped. "They au conw out lookina like line drives, don't th~y! They were just out of rPach " ' Asked how he was pitchin~. Reuss replied, "I was throwing great.' Dan Driessen, Ron <>ester and Trevino came through with the four\h-lnnlng hlta, the final one chasing Reuss. Redus hit a sacrifice fly ott reliever Joe Beckwith later in. the Inning to complete the four-run rally. Natlonal League Weit W L Pct. QB Dodger• 85 71 .545 Braves ' 85 71 .545 Giants 84 72 .538 1 DODcaRI (6) -HOME (3): Sept. 28, Cincinnati: Sept. 29, 30, AtlanJa. AWAY (3): .Oct. 1. 2. 3, San Francltco. ATLANTA (6) -AWAY (8): Sept. 28, San Franctaco; Sept. 29, 30. Dodger•; Oct. 1, 2, 3, San Otego. SAN FRANCISCO -(8) -HOME (8): Sept. 28. Atlanta; Sept. 29, 30. Houaton: Oct. 1, 2. 3. Oodgera. When Hank Cochrane stepped down after a two-year tOUI', Giddings brus he d aside the suggestion he take over. Then he began thinking it over. "• DECIDED in 1977 I didn't want \0 work for anyone again," says GlddJngs. :;Hank had gwen me a utonomy with the sophomores a nd I was having a fun hobby for three years. "But If they brought in • new coach. maybe I'd loee my hobby. And, having ~n a father with o kid In high achoo! football, I've • seen the u ps and down•. "Maybe I'm obsolete, but 1\ seems to me the game can put a h«-lluva Jot of order In a kid'a hfe. "Football Isn't the only thlng In life. but at my achool's (South Pasadena High) 75-year reunion. the biggest •ttreiction wu Frank Wllliom.o;on, my football l&ch. "An exciting footbaJI pl"08ram can be very l'xculns fur the whnlr tirhnol nntt II'~ nkt- IStt GJDOl~GS, Pa1t Ctl \ ....... -~"""'~~r;:::i;;c::=;::::::;:;:~~~F~;;;llllllOIE~~~F=!i!''=;l!!O!!!!l!!~!!!!!!!!!~""""._11!!!!1!!!111111!!1!!!!!!1!!!1111!!!111!!!!1!1111111llJ!lll'l!llllll .... ~--......... ._._._._ ...... ._._ ... _. ... ,..._..,.,.. .................... ._~_. ............. ._ ................ ._ ... ..,.., ... .,..., .... . C'I top Canadian game Super Bowl, but'. • • From AP dl:ipatchc•x N l<~W YORK N B<.."s wle1.·as1.s [i] u f lwu Canud1u11 football gurncs •• • ouldrl'W CBS' rt•play of lusl y1•ar':1 SupC'r Bo wl in lht• n ation's th1 l'(' largt•sl ctt11•s, ul·cording to ov1.•rmghl Nealsl•n rating::. n •lt·wwd Munday But lht• rulings wen• far lowt•r than lhl.' Nf'L normally draws Ha11ngs Ill Nc•w York, Cha«ago and Lo:. Angl'll•:. Cur CBS. NBC und for the ABC tC'IN.:ast o( I ht• tTUt·ial Aml·racun Lcagut· 1'.:as l bast•ball gamt• bt•IWl'<.'ll Baltamon• and M1lwaukt-..• w.Jtrt• all about a tharcl lo a half of whut the NBC und CBS dn•w na11onw1d e for NFL gamc'S on lhl' averagt• Sunday ln:.l M.'ason Th<.• f'\gun>s .also an<.hcau-d that u lul of SC'll> Wt•rl' tUI lll'd urf On lht• farsl WC'~kt>nd of till' Natt0n<1I f'uotb.111 Le;.lgut.• playc•rs strike'. , At'l'ordang to hgun·s rC'lt:ase<l by NBC. lhl· CFL gamt.• bl'lwN•n Britis h Columbia and Toronlu n .'<.'t'tVt'<i a rating of 4 2 with a 12 s hare in Nl:w York. a 5 H raung with an 18 share in Chac:ago and a ti 7 ruling with an 11:1 share an Los Angt•ll·s. Tlw sc'(:ond ganw did a 5Ji and a 12 in NC'w York, a 07 und a 17 in Ch1c::.igo and a 5.5 and u 1:3 in Lus Angl'lt•s. Thul rnmpanc..•s tu a 2.H with an l'ight share for th£' S:.in Fr:.111C1S(:·o-Cind nna l1 Super Bowl in N<.'w York , a 4.4 with a 13 s hare an Chicago and a 5.8 with a !ti shart' in Los Angdes. ABC's ll•h ·t·a sl of thl· cr ul:ial American Lt'agut• 1<:..ist baSt•ball game betwc.-cn Balumorl' and Milwuukt't.' M..'<'C.'IVt•d a 2 8 rating in New York. a ~ 4 rating in Chicago and a 7.9 in Los Angeles. w1 th a 21 pen.-cnl share. Quote of the day Bill Peterson, former Florida a nd Houston 01krs football coach, adm1lling that he s llll butchors names occas1onally: "I'm better. though, since l took th a t Sam Carnegie c:ou rsc." Braves move into tie with Dodgers Chris Chambliss' two-run double ·a topped off a five-run Atlanta fourth- inning upris ing a nd Phil Nlekro hurled a two-hillt'r as the Braves ~ moved back ml-0 a £11-s l placc'ue m the NL West with a 7-0 triumph over San Franc isco to highlight Nauonal Lcagul' action Monday .' .. Elsewhcrl', St. Louis dmched the NL's Eas te rn Division with a 4-2 v1«tory over Montreal. last year's East «hamp. WiJlie McGee's three-run. inside- tht'-park homer higl)lightL'd a four-run firs t inning. Dave LaPoint was the winning p1tc·h er . The win gav<.' the Cardinals their fu"Sl title since lhl' advent of div1Sional play m 1969 . Bill Buckner's run-scoring triple highlighted a four-run third mnmg as P. NIEKAO the C hicago Cubs d efeated, and ehmmatc.'<i. Ph1ladelph1a, 8-1 Rookie Scott Holman fired a seven -h itter and drove in a run as the New York Mets hl'sted P ittsburgh. i -1 . Alan Ashby homered twice, including a three-run shot m the ninth. to power Houston to a 7-3 clubbing of San Otego White Sox ellmlnated from West race Ill StfYt Kemp < i u ht cJ • 1tm t•·run tumlt tun and Jlm Kf'ra lt ni•-d wllh two n Ii Vt ra cm • •l><•hlllf'r ~• lht• Ch1c:ogo Whllt• Sox cld,••wd St•nttlu, 4 I, In the• acc:c.>ntJ .cum(• fot a plll o( thi•1r doublt• h~udn MOllduy nlKhl Tht• Murlnl•ra lc..iok tht• flt')jt aam(' R-4 Gaylord Ptrry, mok lnH h1 flr..l HlUrl ~ilnc: • l'rVlnK u Ill tloy MJSJM'llSlllll lor th1uwm~ an 1lkg1.1l l>lk'h , pcr.-lt-..1 hlN :m711t cu11't•r vu.·tory rht• luss t' rn1l11111t-.I Clt1t·a~11 f1 wn AL Wt,.l JX'lllll.11\l c.w1lt•11t1u11 ~:lM•Wht•1t• In thl• AL. Rick Ceront l'up1x'd u -,ax 1 un f 1n11 1ru1h1.c with a thrt.>o run honwr. tn"s~·l'lnl( ttw N1•w York Yunk1-c11 lo n 10 3 victory 11ve1 8c1M<>n .. Hook it• Mike Smllh1on ht•ld Ou'klllnd to four h1lb ui; Tc·>e<111 th.ur1ptid th1• A's, ·l 1 ... Eddie Murray of &hin1urt• und Hruce Bocbtc uf ~c.·ollll· h11vc· lx.'t•n na mc..'CI co-winnl'l'I of thl• A L Pluycr o! thl· Wc•c•k awurd. Baseball today On tha dalt' in bascbull in 1975. Oakland's V1du 81ul', Gll•nn Abbou . Puul Lindblad and Roll11• F1n1<1•rs rnrnlmwd for tan unusual nu-hitter as thl• A's. beat lht• An~wls. 5-0. On this dat(• in 1974: T h t> Angt-b' Nolan Ryan p1 tt:hcd his third career no -h1l gaml'. t:halkrng up 15 slrikt'ouls in blanking th(• MmncsolCI Twins, 4-0. Today's Birthday Plllsburgh P1rau-s p1t1·hc•1 Crant Jackson is 40. Yankees. Indians want Martin? Oak ta'nd A '!i. Managl'r Bi.lly II Martin said Monday that thl• Nt•w York Yankt•c•s a nd C leveland Ind ian s ha ve been givl'n p e rmissi o n t o ta l k with him about ma n agi ng thoss te ams . Martin did add, however; "l want lO stay here (in Oakland). My home is here." ... CBS-TV, searching to fill the programm ing void ca\lsed by the NFL players s trike, received a pproval Monday Crom the NCAA lo televise four Division 111 college football games Sunday. Mean while, a plan to allow CBS and ABC to televise extra major «ollege football games on Sundays for the duration of the NFL strike Cell through ... The Detroit Tigers Mo nday announced they will reure th e numbers of Hall of Famer'S Charlie Gehringer and Hank Greenberg next season . . . Quarterbacks Tom R amsey of UCLA and Jobn Elway of Stanford shared honors as the Pac-10 Conference's players of the week ... Eastern Michigan Uruversity fired Mike Stock as its head roach Monday -two days after the Hurons lost their 22nd game and inherited the n ation 's longest losing streak . The Milwaukee Bucks have extended an offer shcN to guard Charlie Criss. who played for Atlanta and San Diego last season. Television. radio Following a re the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; v....-v worth watmg; v v fair; v forget il. 6 5:30 p.m., Cha nnel 5 v V v v BASEBALL: Angels at Kansas City. Announcers: Bob Starr. Joe Buttitta and Ron Fairly . The Angels, by beating Kansas City Monday can wrap up the AL West title tonight w ith a win over the Royals. The Angels will send Mike Wm (9-6) to the mound in a n attempt to close things up and he will be opposed by Larry G ura (18-11). RADIO Baseball -Angels at Kansas City, 5:30 p.m .. KMPC (7 10), Cincinnati at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m .. K.ABC (790). GIDDINGS' OPPORTUNITY • • • From Pace C1 10 be a part of that " Giddings n ·turnt'd to toachang the sophomores when hC' dt>ctdt'd his trave ling was going to stop and thl' family was going to s1l an order for his son , Mtkt'. lo gel some semblant•c o f s tabiltty during his high school days As for the· in1t1al return (lo the sophom ores). G1ddmgs says· "[ loved m y work . but I really missed the c:a marada r1e of football It gets m your blood Some of my clients (In thl' NFL) have Super Bowl rings. bul I don't have ont' It's a ('hance to get back into things" As r or some of G 1dd 1 ngs· th eories. among them are tht' belief in a 4-3 defc•nse and lack of faith in two platooning \ "T o beat the 4-3 you've got lo have TWO good g uards." sa ys Giddings. ''If you have two good d efensive tackles. you can't be beat inside And. you can do more things without changing your look. "Every kid deserves a chance to play. T hey put in a lot or time and want lo be part of a w inning team. More talks set NEW YORK (AP) -With"one weekend of the National Football League season already lost and a second teetering on the b rink. negotiators for the owners and the s triking players will meet again Thursday to resume bargaining. But a breakthrough in the week-old strike seemed as far away as ever . The two sides announ ced jointly Monday that talks will resume in Wash ington . which the players consider their tui-f because u nion headqu arters is tl:icrC'. Tha t site was about the only point of agreement in the six hou rs of negotiatjons Sunday "But putting someone in that isn't ready can be traumat,ic. He has to trust the coach to pla y him when the time is right." It h as been 23 years since Giddings led a high sch ool varsity and h e adm its there have been c hanges -in terms o f strategy. "You never saw a real passing game then (1959)," says G iddings. "The game is much more spread out now. Then. you could win if you couldn't pass. The game is usin~ much more space than before.' With the Sea View Lea~uc seaso n approaching this ~eek and El T oro I nv a ding o n Thursday night, it begins for real for Giddings and his Sailors. Altho ugh the record is 1-2 a(ter three weeks, a 10-8 Joss t.o highly repected Marina and a 10-3 victory over W estminster la s t Friday a ppear to be the building blocks for a drive to the Sea View League tltle. UDO MARINA IN-THE-WATER WER & AILBOAT SHOW . . fH1uring thr f1r1ttt wl«tlon of '1fttrll evtt uwmhl~ In lh~ w1ttr nn tht Wut Cou1. from motor yuho lo tpottfhhttt. from blutw1tn c.rulllnA t.tllbo1u to ont dttlAn ti('~. • Lido M•rlrta Vlll•I•• Newport ... ch 40Mn\K)l'll Mtlll•M .c~•UU Uadn•f,... HOUllS W~•t•l lo M "'''"'·"" lo \v<1 teo"' lo 7P"'· ''"llN<, ,......_ IN -· fr-(~" "'9t oH N.,.""1 11¥4 t<1 I"" 11,. ~lo4·""'r"" r.JC'\ COMMCP,.:IAL CAI.Oil C~TION ~a AC-fClo....c~ L1~ ,, ·~ '':\'11tnJ "'"' .. , \fHllPJ. \ ,,., ,-f. i•tU cosrA Mt::sA . 370 £. l71h "trm • M5·11700 llllNTINGTON OF.ACH: ltJ07S C.oldtll Wr•t S1. • 847 7'771 MISSION \IF.JO: Alltl• Town Plau • 770 2'.t.I ANTA ANA ! 1224 Ea•t l••h ~ •. • ~7·5871 .. ____________ . • Out of the· woodWork pie emerg a E tancia 's top back A d...th uwo ha· w11"' htlll-d we 1'~tun\"ta'11 row1 Dale Frye, Fountain Valley• 111 the· 1<:u~ll•11' Ht•t•ondury 1nd VllltH\ll ui. u • In hi• llr11 etlrt. th• & II 1&~-pound ttnlor qu1rt1rbeck toudtdown rtt•urlng wurkhorM.o Ul t.ullbJt k Wl'fl' fur compl1ted 16 01 23 rrUHI IOr 1&4 Yltdl Ind 2 IOUChdOWnl tt•movl'<i Since •nletlng 111 hi lllme Qllrill roo1hUI • weell .atl111, ne hH completfld 20 of 34 lor 23 t y HI• 4 TD• end no But w twn lht• f':t1ah·11 d<'l'lth .. -d Mull Svws w;1s 1n1o1cep11on• goln~ to huvc· lo be· lhl' un11wt•r 111 wlllmc.:k wh1•11 Mull Wolf wu-. 11wUchod to llnd>111.:k1•1 l<> short• up lilt' dt•ft•ruK•, l~w pi<:ture 1:hungt>d drumul1cully for the 5 1:1. 1«5· pouml ti4:nlor. 11s much as 1t ha'l for \IW E:a~h'll Sp1t•s c·urr1L1d tho ba ll 33 timl't1 for 183 yards und ~ lOUl'hdownx in u 30 15 vat·tory ul Son C I c m " ti t " f' r 1 d u y • earning him thl' Daily Pilot's rC<.'Ognitton w; the Player o f thl• W('('k Arter g;11n1ng nothing un two «arries tn a 14-7 loss to Ol'Can View. Spies has s inct• MATI aPIH c.·1urac'CI \he ball 59 llmt:S for 320 yards and 4 TDs an v1ctortl'S over Laguna Hills ( 14-0) and San Cle me nte'. "We knl'w h<.• had skills," says &ltanda Coada Ed Blanton "But hl· wanu-d to be a rc.'Cc~t'r Nuw, I think ht· lakes 1t (playing ta1lbac•k) I • has th<.• qui<:kncss and runs rC!al well. lfo's not r I big. but he's pretty tough.'' ) "He r uns coqually w<.·11 inside or 9uts1dl' an!l ht•'s one of those but·ks w ith his should<'rs squar('li 10 thl' lane• of S(:rtmmagc. n ot too much o f a lateral runne r. He's a real plus for us." The offensive line has been punching the holes, too, led by senior tackle Ed Deaton. "W e just hope he keeps improving . . . and we keep improving," says Blanton. As a side note. the e m ergence of Spies as emphasized by the fact he sat out his sophomore and junior seasons a nd was a defensive back as a freshman. Lance Martin, Corona del Mar• Martin draws top honors again after returning an Interception for 50 yards, a klci<oll fOf 67 yards and rustling for 59 yard• on 24 carries. along with sterling ellorts at corne<back In Ille Sea Kings· sec:ondery. To top It off, he threw a 28-yard scoring pass IOf lhe Sea Kings' only touchdown. Wally Grant. Costa Mesa• Jusl 5-6. 150 pounds. Granl ran lor 130 yards on 33 carries and caughl two pa11es fo1 23 yards. Thrff t1mea Granl rammed over from a yard oul for a touchdown In Mesa's 21-10 come-from-behind vlclory 0'18r Los Alamitos. He also ran a kickoff back 35 yards Matt Hombs, Edison • Hombs. a 5-11 senior, tteld Banning Hlgh's Lee Atencio to · Just three catches. good tor 13 yards, In an outstanding display of defenae agatnsl Banntng's No 1 receiver. He was also credited with 15 tackles from hit cornerback post. He also scored Edison'• only touchdown on a 43-yard pass play Harrah surgery due CLEVELAND (AP) -C leveland Indians third baseman Toby Harrah sald Monday he will undergo surgery at Cleveland Clinic on Oct. 6 to re pair a congenitaJ heart disorder . Harrah said the surgical procedure "isn't all that serious. just ah operation to correct your basic heart murmur. something I've had all my life. It is not the same as open heart surge ry." Dr. Bobby Brown. a cardiologist in Harrah's hometown of Forth Worth, Texas. and a former New Y o rk Yanke e s infielder, made the • recommendation to go ahead with the operalion. Harrah followed up w ith an examination at the C leveland C linic, which confirmed Bro wn's findings, Harrah said. He said the doctors told h im he will spend a . week or less in the hospital and could begin to work out about a month after the surgery. "One reason the surgery is recommended is that my condition can lead to infections," Harrah said. ''So far, I've never h ad any trouble . Nobody ever made a big deal about it before, so I never had anything done." Harrah has played 457 straight mapr league games. This season . h e is hitting .308 with 25 homers and 74 runs batted in. He has a .402 on-base percentage, sec..-ond in the American Lea~ue to Rickey Henderson's .404 mark Paul Svlte nko, El Toro• A 8-3, 2 16-pOutld gulrd Ofld llrHtb8Cker, ha Wll th& leader In opening holH 101 Cl Toro bOCk• and wH credlled wllh 6 uno1111sted and 6 a111i1U1d taeklet on a delenM which ltmlte<l va1enc111, 2 t-0 101or, tn 11111 thfln 16 yards on Iha ground Louie Cerda. Huntington Beach • Cerda has again been singled OYI fotlowlng the Oilers· third s1ra1ghl '11clory. a 55· 14 rout or Los Amigo• Cerda recovered lwo fumbles, running one back &6 yards for a IOl.!Chdown and anolher to the Los Amigos 4-yard hne 10 ael up anolher TD Greg Garcia. Irvine• A 5·9. 145-pound junlo1 detens1ve back, Garcia led the way lo lrvlne·s third straight victory, causing two fumbles and ran 45 yards tor a touchdown w11h an ln1ercep11on Otfen11'1ely. he was lrvlne's leading cair1er w1lh 53 yarda on 10 carries, a 5.3 average per carry. Mark Draper, Laguna Beach • A sophomore, he was the Artists· leading ball carrier wllh an 8. 1 8'1arage gain ( 10 carries lor 81 yarcfa) and he caught e 10-yard pasa, In addition to hla duties al free aafety on defense. where he spearheaded a 7-6 victory wllh several unassisted tackles Clint King, Marina * . Usually 11 running back, Ille 182-pound senior came tttrough at defensive tackle with 12 1aclde1 and was constantly In the quarterback'• hair. and although ne'• a aolld running back. wlll again alart In the defensive llne fOf the V1k1ngs Craig S teinmetz. Mater De1 * A 5-9. t55-pound senior detenslve beck. he had 1wo pass deflecttons and four crucial 1ackles tor the MonarcM 1n a 21-to loss to Los Altos and graded oul es Iha Monarchs' bes1 detender Frank Roa, Newport Harbor* A 5-9. 170-pound junior, Roa had 11 unassisted tackles. she cau51ng Wes1mlnster losses. and sacked the quarterback tWloe In a 10·3 vlclory over lhe Lions, spearttead1ng the Sailors· first conquest ol the season Mark Lambe. Ocean View• Lambe, operating at center, graded oul 10 93 percent etflclency for lhe Seattawka, and It was his blocking thal had a greal deal to do with lhe success of Todd Parker"s 137 yards net over the ground Rod Pesak, Saddlebacl< • An 8-for-t4 perlormance at quarterback, good for t82 yards and 3 touchdowns, along with lour PA Ta, led to the Roadrunners' 28-27 decla!On 0'1er La Habra. P8$8k has yet to be ln1ercepted and ts the team captain on defense at safety He also had a 65-yard TO pass called bec:tc because of a penalty Jamie Weston . Ur.11verslty • The 5-11. 180-pound· linebacker wa1 credited with tour assisted tackles, nine unassisted tackles. caused and recovered a fumble, ran an Interception back 65 yards tor a touchdown and blocked a PAT a11emp1 In a 24-20 '1ictory over Laguna Hiiis. Ray Berg, Westmins ter• A senior, Berg kicked his second field goal ol the season. a school record 48-yard ellort. wh ich produced lhe Lions· only points In a 10-3 loss 10 Newporl Harbor. A week ago he booted a 39·yard effort Bill Russell. Woodbridge• A 170~pound' lunlor. he caught tO passes for 162 yards. Including touchdown passes ot 61 and 8 yards, In add1t1on to delen1we bacil dulles In • 23-3 victory over Orange FOf lhe season he has caught t8 tor 281 yerds College football Thia w.-·a kh9dule ,AIOAY'I OAMI: Cal Stet• Fullerton 11 l ong 8Hch S1 IV1tetan1 S11dlum). n Color.00 SI 11 Ullh, n SAT""OAY'a OAMH w"' Or90on V'I USC at Coliseum (1·30 pm I San JOM St lit Celllornll tCh1nnel 7 tt noon) Or.;on St. 11 S1anford San O'* St 11 Withington u11h SI at F'retno St., n Wyomlno 11 Haw1ll, n Ne\lldl•LH Veg•• II P1clflc, n Aocklee UCLA al Coloredo ~ MHleO I I Air Force Ken .. 1 SI .. 1 Arlzon1 SI n Weber SI I I Idaho ldlho St at Monte St Montane 11 Nevlld .. Reno lltinoll St II N.-.i Meio.leo SI BolM 81 "' Nortllern Aruon1 n '°"'"-' TCU et ArklftMI , n Hou11on 11 Beylor. n hxH •t Race n T••H Tectl al T•XI• A&M. n N leut St 11 SMU n BYU II Texes·EI Peto, n WICl\111 SI at W••I Te.es St NW LOUfMal>• •I E .. 1 T .... St • n Tex.H Soolhefn II l.tmll loul111na Tec:ti 11 Tex .. ·A•hngton. n ........ tndlllM 11 Mlcl\lgln NOtre 01me 11 Michigan St tlllnOll at Minnno11, n Ftorld1 81 at OhlO I I Witeon&ln 11 Purd111 NOftn .. tttin 11 '°'*• OlcllhOma at towa SI Tulsa •I KanNS East Clllolln• "' MIUOUrl Wutern MICtl+Oan at Bow11no GrHn lndlan1 St at Oolke Centr.I MIChlgan el Eattern Mk;hagan. n Miami, 0 . at Kent SI Sall St •I Northem llllnOls. n Wetlern llllnols et Northern lowe. n ICM1tll Nebreska et Auburn Kenluoky at Clemson Nevy 111 Duke LSU II Florlda VMI II Furm•n Ml1m1, Fla II LOUllYlll• n Georgia I I MIHIUlppl St Georgia Tech 11 Nor1h Carollnll MoN141se SI II NE loul1Nln1 n C1nc1ni't111 II South Cerohnt. n Memphis St 11 Southern MIM/SSlpPI n Soulhern Illinois 11 SW Lou11l1ne n WasNnglon St II Ten,,._ Tulano •I Vendetl>Nt. n NOt1h Cerollna SI et v11g1n1e w .... Forest •I Vttg1nie Tech ArlolMlt St 11 Alabeme &et west Vtrglnta 11 Pill HeN .. d 11 A1my Temple 11 Boelon COl!ego. n Lll~le et Bucknell Boslon U. II Camell Colgal• et Oertmouth o,ltw.,. at Lehigh Connecticut a1 Ne-N H1mpan1,. Colum1>11 11 Penn Brown 11 Prtnceton MUNdlUMlll II Anode ltllll\CI Wllllam 6 Mal)I at RulQefl MlfYlancl at S)'fllCUM Holy C1ou Al \'tit Limited Offer ll!APJ. LINCOLN MutlJRY 2626 °Herller llvll., Ce1t• M••• ...... ~, .... w.cw .... JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. USC over Oregon * Notre Dcam• over Michigan State * Brigham Young over Texoa-EI Paao * . SGn JON State -~ I ~ . . ., . MAJOlt LIAQUI 8TANDINQI Amerlcen L•eav• WllTlllN DIVlllON w I. l'cl 01 A~·· 00 1$1 !>7J Kanaa• l,lly 8~ 11 ~45 • , c n1caoo 6~ r • !1211 1 s...... 1& e 1 •a• .. O••leno 66 90 423 n• • le•H 63 94 401 11 M1nne10I• Sa 117 314 J I IUITUIN DIVlllOH Molweu• ee 92 6J Bau1m1>1e go 85 eo.100 as 1 1 OelrOll 78 16 ci. ... 1110 16 1a New York 76 80 l OlonlO 1'l 113 Mondar'e lcOfH Anoe!• 3 Kans1u Cny 2 Sea11i. 8 I Cllacago • 4 N-Vor• 10 BOllOll J ft,.as 4 Oeklano t Only g1mes SCll<!OultKI !194 581 545 ,., 596 13'• 494 15. 487 16 I 46~ 20 Todar'• Oemeo Ang111 1w111 8·1>) •I K•n•H C11y (0..11 8·11) n M1n11&tOld I V•OI• 4 8 a nO f 1111011 0 IJ) ~I To1onto (Clancy 14 14 and Goll 14 101 2 n Mtl wau•ee IM6tJ•ch 11 141 ul B1J1lon !Rainey 7 41 n Ba111mo1e IM~v•~go• tJ 1~1 •• Oe11011 (Petry 15 81 n Ne .. Yo•• (Alh•ncJ01 o 11 u1 c1e-.i1onu 1Su1c11tre u ·61. n 0 111<1and tConruy 1 21 at l 1t•d& tMaso11 1-11. n SeaWe \MOO•t' 1 121 a1 Cn1cago tlamp 9 BJ. n N1tlon1I L .. gue WESTlllN OIVlflON W L Pel OB A1lan1t Oodg111 San Francisco Sen Otego Hous1on C1nc1nna11 85 11 ~·s 85 71 545 84 n 538 1 18 18 !>()() I 15 81 481 10 58 911 372 27 EASTEllN DIVISION •·SI Louis 91 66 580 Ph1111<1.,Q111a 84 n 538 6 , Monlrt!) ~ 83 73 532 1 r P111sburgh 8 t /5 519 9 , Chic.go 70 87 445 21 Nll'N Vl>rh 63 113 404 27', a~chncn.ed d1v111on uue Mond•r'• lco..• C1nc1nna10 6 Ooc19en 1 SI Louis 4 Monltell 2 N-Yori< 4, P111sburgn I Chicago 8 Pnoladlllp/lll I HOU$1on 7. San O.ego 3 Auanla 7, San Francisco O Todar'o a.me• C1nc1nn111 1Pa$1ore 8 101 a1 Oodg•n 1we1ch t 5· 101 n SI LOUIS !Forsch 14 91 "' Monheal IRogeu 17·111. n P1111burgh IC•ndetana 13·71 II New Yor• !Lynell 4·71. n Chicago 1B11d 9 12) 11 Pll1laOelpll1a (CMalenson 8-101 n Houscon (Knepp•• 5 131 al San 01100 lloUar 14·91. n Allanca (Pe1ez 2·• or Mahle• 9 101 81 San Francisco llaskey 12· 111. n AMERICAN LEAGUE Ano•I• 3, Roye11 2 CALIFOlllNIA KANSAS CITY ab r hbl abrhbl Oo'"n'"O ti 3 1 1 1 W1l.on cf 4 O O O Carew lb 4 O IO Wll>gln u 3 I 1 1 OeC1nces 3b 3 O O O Bren 3b 4 0 2 0 B1y10r clh S 0 1 I MCRM Oh 4 I 3 0 Gllch 20 5 O 1 O Merion 11 4 0 I 0 LyM cl • o 1 o R111e<• If 4 O 1 O Benoq,,.. rl I I I 0 A1•1<lt 1 b 3 0 2 1 R Jackson ph 1 o o o We<th tb o O o O R Clark II O O O O Jonnsn ph 0 0 0 0 F011 f.S 4 ' 0 0 W11han c 3 0 0 0 Boor>e c 3 o o o Cncpen 2b 2 0 0 O White ph I 0 0 0 Pryor 2b 00 0 0 Gernm ph 1 O 0 0 lo1a1s 33362 101811 33 2 10 2 lcOf• by lnnl1>9• C~oforme 000 020 100 J Kensu C11y 100 100 000 2 E-F011 Bretl 2 We•lh OP Cal1l0<no1 2 LOB Cahlorn1a t 2 Kanu1 C111 7 2B McRu Ben1quu Lynn HR u w as111ng1on 1101 S Beniquez C11ew Whtie Boone Celttoml• Jonn I 14· 121 Sanchez (S,41 Kan ... Clly IP 8 H II Ell Bl SO 19 ' 2 2 5 0 0 0 0 1 Blue(L 13· 121 6' • 5 2 2 1 Ou1Mtnberry 2' 1 I 0 0 JOl'ln p11Ched 10 I belier in the 9111 I 2 51 A 38 278 FllllT GAME Marlneu I, White So• 4 Seallle 130 130 000 8 12 1 Chicago 000 100 003 • 8 O Perry Cauchll 19) and Bulling KOO•man Escerrega ISi end Fitk W Perry ( 10· 121 L Koosman 11I·7) HR Seallle Brown 141 SECOND OAME Whit• 101 4, Merl,,..• 1 Se1n1e o 10 000 000 I r. O Chicago 000 103 OOa 4 9 1 B SIO<ldaro Bordi 161 end Mercaoo Kern. Lyle (71 Baro11s 191 anel Holl W Kern 12 11 L B Scoddaro 13 21 S Bero1at I 191 HRs Chicago Walker 11 I Kemp 1191 A 6.054 ll•1>9•rt 4. A'• 1 Oakland 000 000 100 1 • o re.u 020 101 00• 4 u 0 Langoro eno H1a1h Sm1111son a nd JOl'lnson w Srnilhson 13-41 L Lilngloro 111· 16) A-7 263 Yen•-10. 11-4 lo• l Ne-York 600 200 200 10 13 O 8os1on 002 000 010 3 8 2 Rio11ew Fr1Uoe• 181 ana C..one Denman Burgme1er I I). C<1wt1>1a f4) BotO 1111 C~ar 181 8'o..n 191 and Alleno,on LaFrancoos 181 W -R~l'lelh 111·91 L Oemen t2 41 HR1 ~~";, :;9k Cerone 151 Mumphrey 18> NATIONAL LEAGUE Reda II, Dodger• 1 • CINCIHNATI lOI ANGELEI Redus II Hoshldr rl Cr>cpcn H Bench Jb Krntllk 3D Cedeno cl Or'leun lb Trc¥fn0 c Solo p abrhbl abrhbl 4 I 11 Su 3 0 t 0 5 0? O Lenore• cl • O O O S O '1 1 Baker II 4 o o O 4 1 1 O Guerrer rl 4 O 1 O 0 0 0 0 GAIYey lb 4 1 I 0 • 1 1 0 Cey 3b 2 0 0 0 4111 SCI09C18C 2011 4 t 3 1 Russell H 3 0 0 O 2000 Reuup 1000 Beckw1h p .o 0 0 0 0<1a 1)11 1 O o O S1ewar1 p o o o o R-.c• l)tt I 0 1 0 Wrl<,jhl p 0000 To1a1s 36 6 12 6 To1a11 211 1 5 1 C•N:1nne11 Los A~ lco.a by lnnlne• E Oealer OrlHMn LOB C1nclnna11 fl 2B Garvey Trevrno RedlJs 001 400 100 6 0 10 000 000 1 OP C1nc1nnatt 2 lo• An911es 4 S Soto 2 SF Clnclnnetl SolO(W 14·1:h IP 9 H lllllUIO S 1 I 3 8 Lot• ....... ~H IL 17·111 3 9 5 5 0 2 Beekwith 2 I 0 0 0 I S lewerl 3 3 1 I O 3 WrH,jlll 1 0 0 0 0 0 Reuu P<IC...0 10 5 ball .... In Ille 4th T -2 4• A-4'& 774 ............... 1 P1lltburgll 000 0 10 000 I 7 0 New Yori< 010 070 10• 4 I 1 0 Rl>ode<1 Scu•ry (8) end Pena HOiman a11e1 HoctgH w Holman 12 1) l -Ahoelen ~'\'.'/2 HA -Pllllburgh Pt f'I (11) Cube I,"'"''" 1 Chlolgo 0 •• 000 300 8 10 1 PlllladelpNa 00 I 000 000 1 11 1 Mllfll, Tldr°"' (81 Ind Mor .. alld, Bytlrom, Bellnaen (3), 811i.t (4~ Rutl1'1t!n (6). Monoe 171. Allamlreno (91 end llirgll. W -Meru t I · t O) L -8yetrom (5·8 1 HA Pllll~a . .t.ouayO 131 A-16,744 ....... 7, CM.wt•• 0 AllMla 002 Soo 000 7 0 0 S.. Frl<lCllecio 000 000 000 0 2 3 P Nltkro al'ld 11,,a o1e1, Ill Marlln, McOatlloan 1•1. Oamp11~ Ill and Orallly W-P H..-ro (lf·41 l ~ Mllrlln (7•8) HA-Alllll"lll. A AMW., (101 A-46,783 ...... 7, ....... , ~iw1lu11 100 10 t 0 13 I I& ( t.an llo"lju 000 300 000 J 10 I O;P1110 flu•J· lb) .. ,o A•hl.lr. MIHllalUM.0 Wt!lotl IOI 1111J I 111g111y W H11t1111 (U 1;11 I Wtllll 18 Ill HR1 Hou11on AthOy 2 1171 A 9021 llo Jaro on CaitttW CleCtnCa• I ynn Oowf)lflQ Ae Jackaor1 B•ylOt Beniquez G111:11 Boonu ftlfguson Cler• WlllOl'll l(allenl< 8u11eson Scon•t'I~ Adams Pell Ii Totals Hassle< "''"°" Sane""' Ang•I 1ver1gH IATTINO •• II H Hll 1111 l'cl. 1311 lb 46 2 19 :>•' !)00 84 181 3 41 317 560 111 168 30 111 300 4~0 8a 13e 19 93 2ea 606 106 170 28 84 '&cl ~14 av 130 38 9• no 5113 76 1!06 23 90 '70 190 2~ 50 3 2• 263 4111 71 1<'6 18 e3 11!17 460 42 118 7 55 258 81 10 19 J 11 236 85 11 19 2 1 224 179 24 37 I 18 207 47 9 8 0 1 170 45 • 1 0 2 156 10 0 1 0 2 100 II I I 0 0 091 03000 000 5.364 788 I 466 178 734 273 l'tTC ..... O II' H BB 10 W-t. EllA 69" 5" 39 38 2· I 2 45 135•> 113 43 82 10·5 2 99 89'> 118 33 55 7.3 321 2• l 23 11 I() 1 0 3 33 S2 4S 23 40 J 3 3 46 111•, t70 46 81 8 Ii 3 57 Steu«H" Aase Will John Forr.ch ZeM GOlll RMkO Co•bell T10111 Curlis 220'1 237 39 68 , ... 12 3 63 226 > 221 57 73 13 II 3 78 220·, no 65 11 11-e 3 aa 78'• 76 30 41 7.4 4 23 155 163 St 81 11·8 •47 18 71 35 SI foll 508 29'• 39 8 30 22 5 76 12 18 3 10 0 I 6 00 Toi sis 1421 t.396 747 704 90·67 384 Top 10 (Baaad on ~ al bile) AMEllllCAN lEAOVE Wiison KC Youfll Mii EMurray Bal Car•w Ang•I• Coope1 Mii McRoe KC Garcia TOI R1ee Bsn Ha111h Cle l en1I01 d Bsn G Al A H Pc:I. 13' 565 83 188 333 149 606 121 199 328 144 524 83 168 321 133 ~ 8• 161 3 16 1411 623 99 197 3 16 IS4 592 86 185 3 13 139 567 86 177 312 '139 5!>3 81 170 307 153 588 100 180 307 125 •70 68 143 304 HOfne llun1 G Thomas M•lw•uUe. 39, Winlletd, New York 36 Ae. JecbOf\, Ano•••. JI; ()gh•ae Milwaukee 32 E Murrey Balllmore, 31 l110<n1on Cfftvetend. 31 llune a.11ac1 In McRae K•nsas C1ly 126 Cooper M•lwevl\M. 115, Tllornlon. Ci.~aJ\cl 113 G Thomas M1lw1ukee 112 Youn1 Mll .. auk.M 107 P1tc:t11no tit Oecl•lon•) Palmrr Ba111more I 5·• Vu1'0•1Ch M•h.,.ukee 18·5 Burns Chicago 13·5 Su1c1ollr Cle•e•ana 14·8. Zahn, Ang•l1, 17-4; Peery Oe1roo1. 15-8 llenlco, A~lt, 11-4. NA TIONAl LEAGUE 0 A• II H l'ct. Oliver Mll 15• 594 117 199 335 Madloc• Pgh 151 56S 92 180 319 Ourllam Cll1 145 527 79 162 307 lo Smllh SIL 150 577 120 ,,, 107 Guerrero 0od9aro 148 561-86 17:1 JOS Buckner Cho I 56 836 90 111• 305 l l(ennedy SO 147 538 75 162 3C I Knoghl Hin 153 592 70 178 30 I K Hrnandz Sil 156 567 78 170 300 Beker Oodgara 141 545 76 163 299 Hom• llun• K1"ljman N-York, 37, Murp/ly Allanll, 36 Schm101 P'11ladelph1a 3•. Hornet. Allanca 32 Guerrero, Ood91n, S2. Runa llattad In Oliver MonlrHI, 107 Murplly All1n11 107 ~rac:i<. Sc Lou••. 103, Clar1<, San Frenciaco. 102. Bt>c;k-. Cnocago. 101 l'ltctilng (11 Oeclolona) P N1e1.,o. A11a1111. 16-4. Br•n•ne San Francisco I 1·5, Roge<s Montreal 17.9 Carllon Pl'llladelPh••. 21-11 C•ndelafla P1Usburgll. 12·7 Fonc:h St LOUii 15·11 Swen. Ne. York !'·71 LOI*. Sen D11QO ••·9 Weter polo ESTANCIA TOURNAMENT Thwadey 3 Ellanc:•a V$ S1n11 Ana 3 45 Sen C1emen1e vs Son1>1a, 4 30 Ocean View•• Marol\a, ~ 15-Buen• Park •• l• Ser'1a. 6 -Lagun a Beach •s S a nu Ana 6 •s Edtson vs Sonora Friday 3 Esianc1a •s Laguna Beacn 3 45 Ocean V•e• •S Troy, 4 JO Buena Park vt Rancho Alam11os. 5 16 -Sonora •• Edison 6-MArll\8 •S Troy 6 45 Renc:ho Al1m1101 vs La Serne 811urdef 9 a m Semlflnals. 2 p m -Finals Deep ... nehlna DAVEY'S lOC'KEA -17 IJ\Oletl 2 utoco bau SS mecl<etel S Hnd bass I acu1pn DANA WHARF -30 anolers 33 t>a" 11 oonrco 29 mecl<erel SEAL BEAC H -48 angle rs 34 bamacuoa 32 bonito. 45 eahco basa. 113 roe~ l•Sh 5 white l1Sl'I 2 sneeone.d (IMO•) -•4 anglers 20 t>On110. 2 h ahbul 200 macl<•el 200 o.-n l1Sh 150 wnrca croek.., SAN 011!00 (HAM I.anding) -14 anglers 17 bon•IO 11 •Ocit 10$1\ High School cro.1 counlry COSTA MEIA INVITATIONAL (•I TeWlnllle ll'arlc, leblrdey) Dl'llelon t Enlroes C1p1a1tano Valley, Coachella \lolley Oeserl Svn. Duane E111nc:11 G•ossmon1 t;tun11ne1on Beac:ll, La Ou1n11. lo• Alam11os North-. Rancho Al1m11oe S1nf1ego SI J-h, Whitney Woodbfidga Dflftllotl 2 En111e ... Cotta Ma.. Oomlnguer Hiiis 1>v1ne Kelella Ltltawood r.Aa111 Del N•wporl Harbo• Ocun Voe,. Pioneer Soulh Hiits. Tuba Clly Un1ve •t1ty Wet I mm acer Srari•ne '""" 7 •O • m OIYl..on 1 10 I m -OIYIS>0<1 2 Lido la .. YC ovelll 30 lllOATTA S ABOT I C11rol M111lln Ntwf)Oll Hllb<H YC. 2 Don 1Mnedie1. lido ltle YC lASER I Stawt rl Self, Mlttlon 81y VC, 2 JK~ MlllOy, Pomono Valley 8•11lno Assoclallon SAILBOARD -I Otve TlllQltr. UtO lale vc Hunllngton .t~, I.ASP lllOAnA LASElll -1 Tocld Ptella, .. ll>Oa YC 2 ScOlt Montgomety, lllllill Oofflltlllen YC, ) Jeff Oavlel, lalt>oa VC; 4 Chrl1 Cuc;llltr HunllnQlon HarCOut YC LAll!A II I Keith luplon. HHYC. ~ I~ flluOll\, H11YC, ) hOll Sorento11 AiMlllOI a.,. YC Cenadlen 'oo«NU ~IM IAlrl .... DIVlllO. IO<OlllO .... , ... ""' Olla•• M11111r .. 1 .,, I. ' ,, •A .... II • I •• • ltt t'l • & o no\ .·~ 10 J I 0 20 I JJT II 2 • 0 11' ;/!Ill • WlllTl llN OIVlllON Wl"'~l't!Q I I U IUll Ill 1• 01111a11 Cotomlu r J 0 Jlll 2 lJ 14 !;•Jgerl' 6 4 I 101 ,,. IJ [<I•*"'""' Cl 0 0 3611 1JJ 1 i .. ~.ICha,.ara 4 1 U ~Cit JOI I '•lclay'• l oeta 01111"'.i .)0 SHka14f-an 1\1 lahirdey't hore WIOlllPltll 10, Munlr•;ol 10 u1111t11 voJ.::~·1~. ~~~~~u 1• E.omo1110 38 Ca1oa1y 17 leturd•t• Oama• TOfOlllll •I MOoll•al Winni~ •I 6 C l11nday • O•m•• llam111or1 al Oll1w11 t:•IO••v Ill 8H••ICl'l11w•11 Collea• rellnga 6,...TOP IQ' 1 wu111no10.1 12b1 1 o o 1 114 ll 11111 11111 l 0 0 I 107 3 Pann SIAI• Ill 4 0 0 I 031 4 flOlldl (II 3 0·0 97j !o Alaoame (41 3 O·O 968 fl G80lg11 (11 J O·O 864 7 So MalllO<llOI I II 3.0 0 80:1 8 Net>1111i.a 2· 1·0 702 9 UCLA (II J·0-0 662 10 Arl<ttnMI 3 0 0 607 I 1 Noh• Oamfl 2-0·0 600 12 North Ca•Ol•n• 1 1 o 529 13 Ariiona S1a1e 4 0-0 521 I• Wett V11ew111t 3-0 0 395 15 le•as 2 o O 372 llSSoulllernCll 2·1..0 317 17 M1am1 Fla 3. 1·0 286 18 80110<1 C011e{jt1 2·0· I 132 Ill M111nN01a 3 O·O 80 20 Auburn 3-0·0 70 COMMUNITY COLLEGE Thia WMk'e lchedule ,llllOAY hit•• 001111111 WeSI al Orange Coas1 IATUllDAV Po&ade11u II Orange Coes1 l.A Sou1hwea1 ftl Soad1enac1t El Camrno Pl Ml San Ar11onlo 1 30 Rio lionelo Pl Hancock I 30 Anlelope Valley al Palomar 1 30 lm~11a1 \/alloy al San D•eoo CC. I 30 Los Angeles CC al San11 Ana Boke1111e10 al Fullo11on Sanca Mon•'8 01 Ce111101 Oellf!rl II R1¥8<1•Cle CC San Bernardino al C111u1 Campion DI Venlura EHi Los Angele• al LA Vallt'Y LA Hltbo< II Glerldale LA Pierce 11 Groasmonl Long BNcll cc •I Sen Oleoo M ... Mrra(;o:r.ta II Arizona We11ern Ml San J1c1n10 01 Moorpark Well Los A098le1 a1 Sance Ba•ba•a All games 11 1 30 p m unleH noled HIGH SCHOOL Thia WMll'a tw:hedui. THUlllOAY ••• vi.w L•-.ue El 10<0 11 N..,00<1 HatbO< IMn• .a Sa<ldleback 11 Sanra Ana Bor1 lo.ith Coe•• l•99ue Sen Clemenle 111 WOOc1011dge al Irvine C•nlury La99111 Sanra Ana 01 El MO<lena fraawep L"89ue Bueno Paik YI Savanna 11 l• Palma Park Empire Le-.ue P•c11~1 vs C1p1en 81 Wetlern Hon-le99ue Bolsa Gror1de 11 Hunltr>glon Beach Buena Pa•• •• S•vanne al la Palma Per~ lroy 11 va1encl8 FRIDAY h e View League Cosla Mesi •• Un••9fs11y 11 '"""' Corona ae1 Mar •• E•l•nc•a 01 N""'l>Otl Harbo1 9oulh Coett Leaeue L19un1 Miiia al L99<1na 8Nc:h O.na Hin. 11 Cap1111ano Valley ' c ... 1urp L"91ilue can,()lt •• Tu11in Foolll1" vs V1Ne Perk 11 El MO<lena e:?:,.""lle 111 Senra An• Valley 11 Sanra Ana Empire~ l<enneely vs lot All<noloa at Wesce<n EsoeranL1 •• El Ooreoo •• Va11r>c11 Hon-league Se••"• •• Foun1a1n Valley 01 Cert1101 Coi'9gl La Ou1n11 vs M••111a 11 W•1rn1n11er Weslmrnll•• II Campion Su11ny H1n1 •• Ocean 11-al H1Jn11ne1on 8uch Mlwon v .. io 11 1nooo 181 Maler 0.. al Crflpl BfSllQ9 Amal II SI F11nc1s long 8ee<:h Wiiton al PIOs )( Sc Pllu' al Fonlana (81 S..ra al Gardena (8) Oaraan Grove •• An11>e1m al La Palmo Park LB JOldon vs Rancno Alam1101 a1 BOlu Grinde M~noll• •I San111go a1 Gardon Grov~ Mayfair 111 f'ullarlon L• Hab1a al BrH-Ollnde Sonoro 11 La Mirada Trov al Valene•• SATURDAY l!mplre Le-.ue K11ell1 "' Lo••• •1 L• Palma Park Non·le19ue los Amogot 11 W111.,n U.I . Indoor chemplonahlp (Ill "'11tedelph\a) Flrat 11-nc1 ........ Mama Jauaovec IYuQoslll¥1111 dal Paula Smith (US I 6-3 4 II 6-0. ClllUd1e Monlle<O (Biil~) Cl.. Lev•• Arreya IU s). 8-1 g.o Svun Mltc«lln IU s l def l ea AnlonOPhl IUS I 2·8 6-1 6·• 9orde•11x Grand Prix (et ~cleau1, Fr-a) ll09lee Flnet H•n• 011<1me111er 1c11ua1 dal Paolo Art•y• (Peru) 1.s 8·2 Merttnl Open (II Oeneu, lwllaerllncll . .,., ... ,..,. .. Mata Wllander ISweOen) dol Tomu Sm1e1 (Crec:hoelOvakle). 7.5, •~. 6-4 Mondlt'• lnlftMCtlon• I 1Kn9AU NetloMI ............. ....... MllWAUKl!f. I UCKS -Plated Oeofl Cromo•on on w..,..,1 HOCKIY ........._....._~ ..... "' HAATFOAO WHALERS -~ r10f'lt wino Arcihl a Het1d1raon 110,,, '"' l ll'IOllllMtOl'I Whalare 01 the Amarlcen Hoc;~ey League AMMIONO Ke11 HOllan4, ooellllnder, lo 8ln9h1m1011 AHlllQl\ld 'aul M1001rm1a, r10111 wino. •no 'Peul ~. i.11 wll'll IO tile Orltallo 8plllllM Of Iha OntlflO Hockey LMgue NEW YOAIC lllANOEAS llQNCI Pei., W11Utn Ind Mtl!e lllC"l'llall right wtnoe. Pat Contc:l'let. a.nttr. lll1d Oary lufl\1, i.n wtne, •no lllllQl\ed • .,.,,, 10 ,,,. T\14 .. Oller• Of Iha Cfll\tr•I liocuy la11gue. IOCClll ... .., lftdMt ..._ ...... WICHl1A WINOS -llQ,,ad '•en• l\eamu .. t n, 10rward cou.aom EASTUIN M10 Hl0 AN -l'llad MIMI 810CM, IOOtbeM cotefl NM'llod toe> 1.eP04nlt tn(trl!n -" MAAS Hfl.I. COLlEOt -•weo Olaudt "Hool" Olbilon, lltld lootbflll coach •nO atMtllG 411•.cior WASHINGTON -819nacl Miiie 1.ude. dlrtclor Of ••lllflie.. to • .._,,_ G0111rec1 11 '/.r,. ___ _ Orang 20. 1982 ('!J Sad di hack favor Bui ea Hy RO<.am 'AULSON or11111 0.11, '"°' "•" • J A month ••j(o, lx•fo1t• t1111lm t w.1 .. 1• 1,1hhi.IH·d. 11 wuoe tht• 8l'1lt'r11f nm •'tUiU'> 1h.11 d1 f1•11d111u St·a Vw" 1~·11.cu1· fooll>Jll dum 1p111n 1•:1 T orn wui. th1• 11•;1111 h; bt•lll, u111I inuylx· tlw Cl1111 t(•'r' .. 1111 111 1., but :ii 11•1 lhn•P 111111 lt•iff.(Ul' t.:1u1H•s and "1 t It l1·Jgu1• t•omµt•llt1011 IM·u11111t1tf.( Thur i.d.1y, It'' S111 ld l1•bu1 k lf tf(h'~ 1toudrumw1H who l'lllt• llw Cuv11111t•'i. ••dJ(t· Thl• Houdr un1wt'l1, u11lM•1111·11 u h1•1 thtt•t• u:11111 •:. and dlspluyanl( th(• fui.tt•itl 1 ui111111M f.(ttlllt· ,111<l 1u.,ylM· tht• lwst pussinl( t1U11t•k Ill th1• lt•ul(UC'. tuo, J.{l'I r 11 ... fovoritl•'11 nod 111 tlw 1>.11ly Pilot pu•d iL'lto11N 111 u dn·11i1 whil'h uppt•Ul'H to IM· s ix d1·1·p 111 tt•t t11'>11I 1111t· COllll•11tl1•r:o. 1-h •rt•'s how 11 xhapl'll 11p w11h Thu1:.d.ty'., OJX'IWr~ plttln~ !'.:I Toro :.it N1•wtwll'I Jl;1rhor .ind lrvim• ttt(l11n1>t 8;Hldll•butk Ill lht• S .111ta Atta lluwl l. Saddlebac·k { 3-0 I. '1'111· H o,1d1 urn11•1 x f11'lcl a packflt'ld with u puu· uf 4 Ci Lrnlhat•ki. lx•hind the passing (and running) of qUJt h •1 li;1c k Hod P<·!>«1k R(.'(X'IV<'r Todd Cuu1· and 'JX't·d:.lt•r., K1•v111 Hr.Jt!lc·v a nd Bobby W11lw1n ... alonM with Pl''tJk':. at 111, lt•g:. and toes (he':. tht• k1<:ke1 . tooJ wv1~ S.1ddl~bac·k stnkm~ poWnlml frotn &ny 1x111 11f llw f11 ·ld The st'<:ondary inll'11·l·pll'd 1•1..ih1 Saut.1 A11.1 Valll'y paSS(-;. and th1·n· ,1n · n1nl· n·1urn1ng -.w1 l1 I'> m the hncup. 2. E l Toro ( 2· 11. T hl· univ lo"'' 1:. ,, I 0 0 s1•tli.u k to rival Mission Vtt·y.>, and you 1·.in 1111 "" thut 11111· out bt•(·aui.t• o f ( l) M1i;i.1on V1t•Jo'.; dl'f(•1l'.1Vt• s trength and (2) a JlllX thtil ~onl11n11-.. "' pl.1gu« l•:l Toro in that parl1t·ular nmtr hup El Toro's forll· 1s to run Lhl· bull down tlll' opponents' throaL'l ancl tlw Chaqo(l•r:. •tppl·ur to h :iv1· the size and strength tu d11 tt wnh (·1111s1sll·nl'V A q uestaonablt• passing ~:mw, how1 ·v1·1', I 11111 ts' 1 ht· attack. Dcfc.nS{' will Ix· El Toro·., b1ggt•i.l I rwnd 111 a game whkh muy l.x• domtnatt>d by dl'ft.•11:-..1· 3. Newporl Harbor (1·2). W11h obvrnus potential a fter cxll'ndmg Munna (a I 0-H 1<1:.l :.l'<:oncl loss) and a 10-:\ VH'lury ovt•• Sun:.l'l Lt•ugu1.• reorescnl4!UV(' WC':.tm1n'>tcr. th1· S:11lor; <:ould Ix· ·, tlw i,u1111 1M· 111 1111 v'"". fl1·11C mlt11u 1111 1tw t1!11·1l.""' 'I hr d1•l111 .. 1 Ii. "'111111 ,11111 thr• 11fft•11 l' ht.1 i. t.11lh.u k S11·v1 B1 .11t1); lh .i '.!Iii JI ) ,,, 1t . lll•IJllr v.1·up1111 11111 1111' l,11 I. 111 .1 11111 .. 1,Lt·111 p.1...,.111.c 61,.1m1 n111ld hulil 1h1· S .111111, li.11 k ' 4. C'oronu dt'I Mu CO 3>. Tht· St;u Kin~ ftl(1.m·d w. 11 11 N 11 :.! 111 :11 ·ntrv 11 11111111h Ul(ll, hut tht• m.1b1l1ty t11 1111111• up w11h lu·lp l11r l:ulh,wk (.,;1m·1• .Murlln duud .. th1 1:. .. ut• Thi ('I' IH•ll ll'<lj..\Ut· 111 .. ht"t h lJ V(• found lht• pa"""X ~11m1• 1•11mplt•lin~ !l 111 !1!1 ltu 111 y;_ml"' und 7 11111•11·1·pt1mt-. M:111111 h.1:. u11t·1·.1..:t!d dww tu ·I 0 ynrcl., p1·r t.1rrv w11h 117 1 u:.lw:. 1wtt111g ~tH y.11th :l. lrvlrtl' (:$•0). 'I h1 ... ,.., ·• tto.1111 wl11L'h uppc•df'S to ijl'I 1•v1•rvthlllj( from ll'> J>11ll·nt11.1I ,ind If thl• g;_1ml' ~ d1,M•, d1.1111"t''> a11• ti 111111· w1 II < onw out on top, but thl'll' 1' .1 d1·l11111t• I.Ilk ol d1·p1h Johnny S.1hn.1'> '' J ww kl1111"' running ba<.'k and q11111 t1•rli;i1 k M1k1 :i',orn g1Vl''> tht· Vuqut•rc.t. 1·x1>1·111·111·1· in Liu· l><"-·"nK gum1· Thl' non l<·<11(Ul' M:lw<lul1 hJ' IM<t'll · .. olt 101111i.111-cl to 11lh1·N 6. E-.tando 12·1 I At om· lmw t•ons1de n-d in a 1 d Julld111g :.t.11[1'. th1· .. :a~h·' h ,1V(' t·onstrut·tt-d un offl'n'>• 111 ro1p1d 111d1•1 with 1111· 1·nwrJ<<!nt't' of !'>-8. lflO p111111d "''111111 t.i1lb.1c·k M.Jtt Simo:. Sp11 '· who 1·a1 ru'fl l Wll't· for no Ytt' da~w in u H 7 lo ... ., to O t·t .111 Vu·w, ha:. :.tnH' rt1mblc.<J for 320 'var di.. 11n !"1!1 1Jn1t:. L1 ·I <iv1·rnu1'1 and ha.' S('Ort'<.l four l11ud1dow11' Ill vie tor""' c>Vt·i LiJ1-1una 11111:. and San Cll·n11·111t 7. C:os ta Mesa (1·21 . T hi· Must<tngi. h<111e a solid runrwr tn W;;llv ern11t and a tough dl'fenSC', but tlw pw,s1ng gwm· ('>o far) hm. tou shw t of a span. Mt·"" l!i ,11111lh1•1 "1th a <fofm1u.> problt'm in 1kpth :ind 11v1·r llw l1111g houl. 11 rn<1y Ix· t·ostly II. University ( 1-2). Th<· Trojans showed some dl'f1111t<.· firepower m 1.1 20-13 loss to Tusun and a 24 -:W v1C:tory ovc•r Laguna Hills -(.;arv uinu:iz1 ;md Mike· 'lc1ld1vnr (runnPrs) ari<f quartc•rha<·k John Ji tld1k11i.k 1 all ap1x·ur lo have the <.ibtlll). but the Tro.JaO!i. a.-. J r<.· Lhl• Mustangs, are l11ng .. h111-. frJt plavoff f>'N>lb1ht1r·' HB big plays becoming a habit Cerda's 66-yard TD run highlights prep action Hunungton Bcat•h High', 011t rs an· 1h1: lone Sunscc League wam to rc:m<.11n unlNulc11 1h1ough three weeks of non-h•aguc• football and cm<• of the· big reasons for the Olll'rs s ut":l'S.'> hm; bt-t•n with big plays, such as Lout<> Cc•rda's lili vurd lout·hdown run with a fumble agamst Lns An)1gos High. For tht· Oilers, h oWl'Vt•r-. lhal wus just one uf many big plays m <1 55-14 rout, a sc·oring 1Jutpul which c•qualcd tht• ... d wol record 1n a 56 -ve<ir history . · The Big Plays 67-Lanee Marlin (CdM), k1t·koff rL·lurn 66-Louie ~rdu (Jlunungton Beach), TD ru11 w ith fumble 63-Jamie Wc.-swn (Um vl'rs1ty ), TD run with anlercx•pt1on 61-8111 Russell (Woodbridge'). TD pai.s from Kevin 8urkt• 50 LanC'l' Marlin tCdM ). IOlCl"('(•pllon I NUrn The !leasoo's big plays 80-Steve Opr1a n (Mat.er Dc>1 ). 79 Richard Aguirre (M aler De1 ). 78 Verno n W aliL-nl·h (Echson), 67 Lann• Marlin (Cd M). fifj Louie Cerda (Hunttngton 8c•al•h). 63 Jam1P Wt•'>ton (University): 62 -Btll MarlC'r (Marina). Johnny Salanas (Irvine), Mike• Zaldivar CUntv t•ro;1l y) 61-8ill Russell (Woodbridge). 59 G<·rod JonC's (Eclison): 52 Kevan Bradll'y (Saddll•lx1l·k). Chris Mandcvllk (lrvane). 5 1 D?VC· l'attc•rson (Corona de l Mar). 50 Gary lanuzu (Umve ri.1tv). Lant·c· M arlin (CdM). This week's statistical leaders Rushing l. Matt Spies (Est.anl'1a), :i3-ll:l:i, 2 Todd Parker (Ocean View). 21 -137, :1. Wally Grant (Costa Ml'~a), Oak Tree CERDA MARTIN AU SS El.I. :~a 1:w . I Danny Thom~m (Huntmgton Bea~·h>. :!I 114. 5 l)jVl ' Sw1gt'rt (Fountam Valley) 20-106. Passing I K1 •vm Burk1.· ( Woodbrtdgl'). 15-29-3. 229 yardi.. 2 TI>.;, :! Rud Pl-s:1k <Saddleback), 8-14-0. 182 vardi.. '.i TDs. :l Ch:.id Pari'iC'au COc-ean Vie w). 1:1-:H -li. 175 yJrd.i.. I TD. 4 Dalt• Prye (f'ount.am V,iJJcyl. 1;,.i:l 0. lfi4 yard .... TD:.. Bill MarlC'r (M:111na1 1:s 25-1, l4ti ~;ird,, I TD Receiving 8111 Rus..'-<·11 CWoodbridgt.•). 10-162: 2 Chn:. Lung <Fountain V;illc•v). fl -Iii. :l Kt•v in Mc·.OC..nnon (L;.agun.i &·<iL·h1. :; 75 4 Dc·r<'k Griffiths 1Ed1son) 5.2:~ Scoring f\1a11 Spic·:. (i':st<.i1w1a). Wally Grant (Costa Mt·s.i), IH. :1 8111 lfay tlluntmgtcm &ac·h). 8111 H lJ ss1· l I (Wood br1dgt• J. Dann v Tho mpson 1Hun1111gt1111 fx·at·h). I::! • Field Goals I H.1v &·rg (Wt•stmtn'>ll'r/, 41:1. :.!. Mtke Doan cMatl'r 1~·1). 44 , :i Em· Kurma n !Marina >. 43. season to open ARCADIA Seventeen s takes races, including !>cvc•n wtth added money values o $100,000 or··more, will high l ight the 14th annual Oak T rN• Racans A ssoc1at1on season of thorough bred racing , which starts Wt.>dncsday at Santa Anita Park SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC· CENTERS An overall total of $6.5 million in purse money will be distribu ted dur i ng, th e 27 -duy meeting which r uns through Nov. l . Oak Tree will offer racing on a W<-dnc•sday- t hr o ugh -Sunda y sch cdulC', with two exceptions There will be holiday racing Monday. Oct. 11. <.:olumbu Uay, and Mondny, Nov l. which is the closing dAy of thC' meet Ftr'St post time a t Oak T r ee will be 1 p .m • through Oct. 30 w ith the gates opc:_•ning at I I o.m Post tlmC''tm Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 wtll be 12:30 p.m , with the gates o pening at 10:30 am. thoSl' days. Nine rn<.'cs nr(I scht'tiult'd dally. General admission Is $2 .25 to eacn duy'!t program and udml!lslon to th(' club houiw> lit s~. Tho!te 17 Yf'tlrll or ngc and under, tlCOOmponkd by a parent. are admltu-d frtt. llMIMtllMCl n.tUlllCDI• llYI ,,. ,, ..... .., .... 4of""' 1113) m 0110 "'9l•Hm ™' s.••o "Oft IUI .., ....... ,. ... ..... , (714) m ~10 com•u an SO UISIOI fPi t ., .. .,19t ""- .,." .. w .-c flti "~"' .......... 0 14> ~~I SHI Wiil• 1111 so mrc ct1m( 11t1 ··~· .. (714) Hl 4ttl ' I I I I I I -----~ ----=----==----- ('•I Orangt CoHt DAIL v Pit.OT /TuHdoy, S•Pl•mbet 28, 1082 P*IC NOOCl MOC .->nc1 - ,ICmtOUa •U .... H NOflN>\11 W...... flOflllOUe .Vl•H 9'0T1CI Of' AtlflLIOAtlON '':Z~~1A~='' fllAMI HATIMl .. T .... ITAllMlfllT .. A. llATIMllllf "oC?!i~!!!'.. Jn• IOllO\!llrtg 01111111'1 "e101n9 1111 1o11uw11111 0411.Ut\t ••• 11111ov I 111 r iv.l•lll J>411•1.N'!• 111 11.lllt\IJ t n1 10110 ... ino e>•••M I• dnlno .. _..,_ oP bldlfw-.. u w-• 11 llu11l11M1 M w111 .. •• • 4LC°"°"tC MVlllACM UC:INN f R AC I C It n I' [ T a n 11 r1R6I WOtHO TRAVtl OP roll. AllOCIAlll. 21U HOU'" INf All'RIHl.1 1.. ....., UflHOllll llV Cl loNINO ,., NEWPORf t,fNl r\. ~0:.1 N-pott N1wjl0tt •t\111 Cotti MH1. Ca 0 Allwly An Ca1111 M111, CA TO WhOfTI It M1y (jooc;etn Poppy 111111. Coron1 dtl Mar C••ll•• Ot•~•. Ntw~•I UH<ih, OA 02$27 11202• ,, I A . 'f 0 IT v a I Av I 0 II. C1ltlotni. 02020 tneeo 1t11w111 lntarprltH, Inc I• PlllllO M11 ll11 tlouH• 111121 INt UNAllOHAL .. IPOIVINl IO'"-LIO .10 .. pll 'r•c:lloey 311 P11r1c;11 lly11ll.amp. 118 Ill• C111f11111•• COi por•llOnl 21H 10111•• C•ai • CJic;lt rou•lltlll V814ey l)erpltllTlllf'll or AIQonollo hver1(141 Poppy SllHI Ooto11• d •l Mer, WU:MHI Nrwporl 81111Cill CA 921163 NIWPOtl IJIVd Co••• M11111 C• CA U701 Con11o1 for 8 "41" ON I AU 81!'.A Cllllornla 9'0i6 Mlc:h••I W•ll•r, 116111111?07 J flll10111tnn•••Cu1•llUCl1d1Jy111 'WIN[ tP11bllC •lino PllC•I Tllt1butlnfflll COnduc1.0by1n WU:llll'• N•iwporl 811cll CA 112'63 "''' bullillfll ,. C;Ondlll.I lly • llldlllldlltl 1~ ... 10 .. n tlcotiollo 1>11Ylflg4ll lndl¥klual thll buall\IH la COl\dUClld lly I COtt><HlllOtl Philip -.t Hou-81 11272 N1wllop1 91 8 " L•o J fr ao1IOty 317 tlfWll palln.ttnlj) SARWAR NtlRPA18£1, 1111• 1111-1 wu llleO With lhl rouollltt Valley, Ce 127011 Poppy 111111, Co1on• dl l Mer, p8111e1t Ry1k11111o1 INC County c .. 111. ol 0.11101 County on Puull1n10 Or111g1 Coe11 Dilly California 12826 Thie ittiletflllll w11 111'4 with lhe 8 y Wl11•n ~o•. S1pl 24. IOH PMOI S111t 2•. 1012 Thlt 1>1111n1 .. It condUCllCI by 111 Cuumy Clttk ol O••no• Cuu111y on P1Mtd1n1 ,. .... , 4295-t:P lndMdull Sept 24 11lU , ~ lllil ellllMllll wu llleo wlln lhl Publlthld 011no1 CoHI Diiiy -------------1 I.to J fr.c.1101y 1 Coun1y Ctwi. 01 011ng1 Cout11y or1 P11o1 Stlp1 21, °'' 8, 12, Ill, 11182 P'UBllC NOTICE Thia •••1em1n1 wH fifed 1111111 tne Publl1n1d 011ng1 Co••' OtllJ Septam0.1 24, 1082 4246-1? ___ ..:...;..;;..;;.;..;;...:....;... ______ County ci.i1o. of Or•ngt eou111y on Pllol, Sepl 211, Oc1 6, n. 111, 108 ''91m ------------NOftCI Of A~ICATION S1c111tn1W 24, 1118' _________ 4.-.2_47_82 Puoll•ll•d Orange COHI Oa lfy PUBt.IC NOTICE '°" C:HANGll IN ''tam P\B.IC NOTICE P1101 S.Ot 21. Oct 6, 12, 10. lH2 OWNIHt..-Of Publl•lltd 0••1111t COH I O•lly -----------4234 ., •1ctmou1 IUSIMIH ALCOHOLIC UYIRAOI LICllNH PllOI, a..,, 28. Oct s, 12. 10, IOU K..OllM HUii ITATIMINT ....U 4260-U FICTITIOUS IUSMH PU8l.IC NOTICE Thi iot1owing l)eflOlla .,1 OOlflO To WhOm h ~•v COnc.,n NAMI STAnMeNT t:>uaiMU 11 FIR ST CITY StAVICESl----------- rne IOllOwlf\O oeraon• •r• dOlng YOU ARI IN Dlf'AULT UNOIA A ELEO>ANlE ORCHESTRA&. INTERNATIONAi. It tl>f>IYtng 10 1111 PU81.IC NOllCE outi1141.. •• 0 11 0 0 , T "u • T 0 AT I 0 133 6 Veit L.oop. lrvtfle, CA 92714 Dlp111m1n1 or AICOllOlle 01verege l--~ .. ~IC~Tl="mou~"!".'::.~.:".u~ .... ~==.-=.-- WATER QA TE . LTD . 4840 OICIMllEA "· 1110. UNLll8 Oaty Jolln Toell, 2211211 COllll. ConttOl fO< 8 "40" ON SAL.£ 8Et:A NAMl STATIMINT C1mpua Drive, Suite C, Newpotl YOU TAKI ACTION TO PM>TICT M19'10f• VlllO. CA 92601 18tc:.n1 1M72t1o,. MllN· ew'jehOhOlfc:OPI 81>111 ~~ lhe following per1on 11 doing ee.ch. Cl 112680 YOUR ll'AO .. IATY, IT MAY •• Jonn 0 SnaYm, 133 w v... • ' "'• B1v11ly Hiiia Really, L Id · SOLD AT A ll'UIUC IAl.I." YOU Loop, lrYlllll, CA 112714 Foul\l81n V•lley, Ca 12708 bulll~•:•;-,, OR r 9 u S INES S MOC M>TICC MllC NOTICE rl~JIOOUI SUSINIH - -NAMI ITATIMllllT uie foll• oj;jng r1•1 ft•ll• ••• ""'"ll blta·-·· JAlftR lffH 1 ADtiO<:IAICI l, 1401 I VOfQll 51 1127 T1ot1lfl , CA 0,11110 Cta•o UQa;Clm•n 311:1 flu111111 c.tde Coe1a MIM C..A •1tJJ1 Calwln Oo•k• 1611111 l'llgrlm C11c;f1 Hu111111glon 1J111c11 . CA 9?647 Paul 8'ntt1111 )4111 tu•"'"' Ot HuflllllQloJI 6"ctl. t.A V26411 Tiii• bii111111•• 11 c.onouc11d II'/ • 01n1111 11111Int•1111p ) C W Oo11dm1n 11111 1tat1nlll•1I w11 tiled w1111 tnw CO\lnly C••t• OI Of1nge (;oun1y °" SIOI 10, lll&:t l"lf7171 Pubhth11ll 011nqe CoHI 01lfy P110t, &..pl t4 2 I, 21. Ocl 6 11182 3982 82 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINlll NAMI lfATIMENT , MOC _,TIC£ tfAHllllNf OI AaAllOOMMINf °' uea °' 'rf.'::4'• _, ..... Tn• 10110•1111 pert0111 hh• ebefl00f*111141 UM f'4 Int p llllGllt lll.lllMt• Name IN·ITYl f PHOTOQAAll'HV. IJI Dlk411 81 VIC>), Cotti Miii, CA 92020 Tile ric1111011• Uutl!•H• N'lim1 1 •l1rr•O to lbOYI Wll 11110 In Oran~ Cc>u<lly on 6 O·U J ey Onld au11m1n 1279 Aull1nd Ao Newport l11ch CA 12000 L111111 Mull f11ntck. 136 liker SI v 103. Co••• MM.II CA 0~028 Thil bullnl M WU COf\OUCllCI DY I lllfl*lll partnenl'llP J1y D 81a11man !hi• 11a1-1 wH fli.<I wlln Int County Clen( ol OfAr~ Count) on &.pt 17, 11112 ,, .... 1 P11bll1h1d 011ng1 Co111 Delly Piiot, Si<>t 2 1 211. Oct 5. 12 19112 4100-82 Tnt 1011ow1ng p1reo11• ere doing POOLIC NOTICE 01111n111a• 1-------------BUNNY HOLLOW CREATIONS fJICmtOUa IUllHIEll 33881 Clll• de 8001nia Sai• Jufn NAMI ITATUltlNT C11p1e11w1u. CA 02876 "" follow1"0 per1on1 att doing LOl• Jeno Ctllp, 33881 C•ll• d• butln111 11 Ml.IC NOTICE '1CTITIOU8 IWPllH NAMI STATIMINT J 0 1n1ral Pa1tne1. •1140 C1mpu1 NIEl!D AN IX"-ANATIOH °' THI Thi• b1111ne11 I.I co11<1uc1t<J by I Publlahed Ora"ge CoHI Di lly INTERIORS. Ona Newpo11 Pf1c1. OriYI, Suitt C. Newport Beach. Ci NATUAI Of' THI PAOCllEOINO gellltal per1114111hlp Pilot S~I 211. !082 Sulll 400, N1wpo tl B1tch CA 112680 AOAINIT YOU. YOU SHOULD Gery J Tc>tli 4211-4~82 9:.>660 Bori111u. S•n Ju111 Ca1>1tlr11nu C" FLUORE!.CENI CHEMISlRIES 111675 Ill. 144 Wesleyan Bay, Coll• M ... fho IOllOw1ng PlltOl•I •1• doing b1111neu •• ONE HOUR MAATINIZINO. Tiii• bull-.. cond uotld t>y 8 CONTACT A LAWYEI\. lhla ltltlmllfll w•• Iii.cl with th• Jltntl FllllCll Hogonwafo Ill, tln•lle<I pertner1hlp NOTICE Of' TAUITtl'I 8Ali County Cllfll or Or11f1ge County on PtJBl.IC NOTICE ~Ill 0811111 Place, Coron• dll M111, Beverly Hiiia Really, Ltd • T.a. No. 11621 Sep1 24, 11182 ____ ..;..;....;.. _______ lr.0;A 92625 Dtboreh Kay OllYllJPOll, ~ California 112028 C1nt11a1. 1rv1n1, CA 112714 Klngdoo Lou, 21886 M1<:n1gan J111lno C Adon1aon. 16)~ Moll Lllll, EI Toro, C•lllornl1 92630 I ~0 84 Golllln Well AY• . Wo11m1n11•1 CA a C1lllor11li NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhll '1N2AO NOTICI Of' Thia t>ullneta 11 cor,Ou(lld oy 111 Limited P1tlnlt1hlp on Wldn .. d1y, OCIOblf 20, 11182, Put>hened Orange CoHI Delly A~ICATION TO HU. lnOMdull V1td• Or £ 3A Co1111 Mffn CA C1p11a1 D11gnoa1oc1 Inc . • 112626 Ctlllorulll corporellon. 744 VICIOt C l8'.lng 2712 Ptm Pl. \V Covtnt, CA 9 t 792 Gen1t1I Pettner ol 11 9.00 o'clOCk 1.m OI 181d d1y. In PUOI, Sfl)t 28. Oct.-b, 12, 19, 1982 ALCOt40UC NYIAAOl8 Jamee F Hegenwlld Ill Waterg11e. Lid the room HI 951d1 for conducllllQ 4258·82 .. u.a Thi• 11111mlfll w•• 1111<1 wllh ltlo Thll t>ullneta 11 conduclod by • Wtaleyan B•y. Co1u Maas. gener1I ponnershtp Cllil0tnla 92626 Brend& H laung. 2712 P1m Pl W Covln1, CA 91792 By S1out-Sh1llky, Inc ,•a l 1u1111's S11et. wllhln 1111 oflie.t ot 1 _____________ To Whom It M1y Concern 1Coun1y Cle<!< ol Of•nge County on C1tllorn1a co1porauon. REAL ESTATE SfiCURI TIES m .... IC NOTICE Rl~9.eReORWTO~FFSOHar1A•FPPEIAylng•n,dos1p13,1982 ,, ... .... Deborah Key D•••nPOfl Thi• buttn111 11 conouoled by e Tn1a s11temen1 wH llloO ..,,,. tn. llonuoo p1t1nersn1p County Cle<k or OflllQO Counly on Kingdon Lou T1111 1>uS1n1as 1s t:onducted by • oon4!fll 1J8tln1re111p V1clo1 Lllll\Q General Ptilnet of SERVICES toc•l&O 81 2020 North f"UIM. ~n"' " .. . Beverly Hiiia Really. Lto B•oeowey,0Sulte 206. 11'1 tile City ol , __ N_O_if_l_C_l_O_f'_A_H'L __ IC_A_T_l_O_N __ th• 01par1m1n1 o r Alcohoflc Publlihed Orange Coea1 Delly By Norman R Nemrow Sanl• An1. County of Orange. S111e f'~ CHANG« IN B1111rag1 Control tor I "41" ON PllOI Sec>t 14. 2 1. 28 Oct (I. 1982 Sepl 10. 1982 C1ptt11 Dl1gno1llc1, Inc; Rlehlfd A 01pe. Prllldenl P:l87150 Puo111Ntd 0111noe CoHI Delly Pilot, Sepl 14, 21, 28, Ocl 6. 1982 3088-82 Th•• stt•lem-nt wu 111"0 wull 1111 County Cletk of Oronoe County on Ila E•eculive of Ci11torn1a. GEORGE MAYER. u OWNIEASHIP M SAi.£ SEER & WINE (Publle Eating ' 4056-82 Th11 1111ement w11 llled w11n 1ho County Cletk ol 011ngo Coumy OI'\ Seplemblr 17. 11182 $ep1 tO. 19112 F1..,1U Pvtlh5hed Ofano11 Cont 0111y P1101 Sept 14 21 :16 Ocl 5 1982 3983-82 VICe President duty apCJ04nled TruatM under and ALCOHOLIC HYl;AAQI LICINIE Pl1c11 llcen11 lo 1111 11cohollc;l------~-------lh1s s1atlf1'8fll wet hied wllh 1111 pur1uinl 10 lhe power 01 1111 ~ blvet1011 11 18232 Pec:lflc Co111 f'UBLIC NoTICE County Cllfk of Otano• County on conferred In 111&1 c;er1e1n Deed of l o w11om 11 May coric11n· Hwy , Huntington Beec;h, Ce 92M11.l--..:::c=:':':'=-:::::::=:::::::;:~--------------- September IS. 1982 Trust execulld by JAMES L HART CHI-MING MA end GRACE H WU Publl1had 011not Coall O•llY .;,:mous SUllHIEH Mt.IC NOTICE Ft1744t & LINDA HART wllO ecqulred tllle 111 applying 10 lhl Oerpatlmenl ol PllOI Sept 4'8, 11182 AMI STATl••tT FICTITIOUS IUSINlH Pu1>11slled Orenge CoHI Dally as LINDA O HA Al , recorded Alcoholic Bev111ge ConltOI tor 1 428t-112 T OWltlQ P41'*<>11* 111 oo•ng ..... I! aT•TEMENT Piiot Sept 28, Oct S 12, 19, !984' "-ember 3 1, 1980, In Book 13896 ·•1" ON s •LE BEER & WINE•-------------busl11e1t11· "'""' "' 4291-82 orOffk:tal Records or Hid County, . .. ,... •• REAL ESTATE INSPECllON & Tile lollowlng per10" •• do•ng -------------I (Put>llc Eating Pl1cel fleenM to Mii PU81.IC NOTICE M•tNTENANCE SERVICE. 24t7 buslneaa n 10,lcls 11PIQI301 Aeeorder'a lnSlrumenl al<:OhOllc beVl<&gff 11 16379 BOlll " ES 2445 0 Eld DllTH · No 411t08 °by reeson 01 • bf.ac:ll Chlea Rd . Hunllngton S..Ch, Cl f'ICTITIOUI MJ•••• Saralog1 Way, Co111 M111. CA VUMM I · • en ~· o, de I a~ II In Pa Y men I o, 92649 NA• 8TATI!fffNT 92626 Avenue. Costa M11ep CA 9282f 220 performance 01 lhe Obtlg111ton1 Publl1hed Or1nge Co111 Delly Thi lollowlng pereon 11 doing Virginie M Meyer· 24 17 Sunn Emllte ioroH. secured lheret>y. Including 1he1 P11<>1 Sept 28. 11182 bullnlst u . S1r11og1 Wey. Cotta M111. CA Pi11~ Newpoll •2 14· Nawpoit breach or dll1u1t. NollCe of wflleh 4'82·82 THE FROLIC. 881111 warner. 112626 S.ecn, CA 92660 ed WHITSON wes •ecotdld June 2•. 1982, 11 -------------Fountain Valley Edw1rd Son110, 2417 S1r11og1 ThlS buSlnots la conduct Oy on OURYU CUttTIS I VACCARO A Pll"IMn"fp IMllldfflO Profel1ton1I C0tpot1llon• Allorne'' et Law 4301 MacAttllut lloullnrd P.O. 801 8020 NIWpotl hllCh, CA l2tlO Flt7112 Pu1>ll1hed Orang• CODll Delly PolOI Sept 21 28. Ocl 5 12, 19112 4172·82 PUBLIC NOTICE JOHN B . WHITSON . Recorder·a 1nstrumon1 No Ml.IC NOTICE MyronLMMlller.3201 01kol1.Woy,Co111 Meaa,CA 92626 tndMdual resident o f Cosui Mesa, Ca. 82·217920. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Cos•• Mesa Calllornl• 1121126 Thi• bullneN II conducted by • Susan PlelOM 8PS·5M72 since 195 1 He passed away ~l~g:~ o:aR' gAJ~ ~a~~~~~ NOTI~:.. o~H-=:.TlON l,;~:~u~ .. .;... I• conducted by an g1n1tll ~g'::"~ Meyl( cc!:'~~'/ 't·~~\;,:~"'g;,~~ ': TR~~TT~~~ ~LE _Q.n Saturday, Sepwmber 25. of Ille Uruled Stites.°' a cashMlr's OWNERSHlll' M Myron Miiier Thia st11emen1 w11 tllld wllh lhe Sep1 10, 11182 No. 122.422 l 9 8 2 al l h e Vele ran S check drawn on I 11111 or nellonal ALCOHOLIC NYERAOIE UCl!Nll! Thl1 atatement was 1111<1 with Ille Counly Cl1tk of 011ng1 County on O C Fllcil~ YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNOCR A Hospital. L o ng Beach, Ca. bank, a 1ta1e or l1d1ral cr1dll t-+a County Clelk ol Or1nge County oo Sept 17, 11182 Published ren~e oHI :• y DEED OF TRUST DATED MARCH fl~r 8 lon g illness H e union. or• llale or or led1tal ToWhomU M•yConc.rn S11Plember24.11182. '1fT70I Pilot.Sep• 14·21 e,0ct 0 5 1 82 31, 1981 UNLESS YOU lAKE a " I H SIYlngs and loan a11ocf1ltlOn FIRST CITV SERVICES f'1tUl1 PublltheO OrenQe CoHI Dally 4 44 '82 ACTION TO PROTECT VOUA received the Purp e eart In domleiled 1n 11111 sl811, all p1y101111 INTERNAT IONAL la •PPfylng 10 1111 Put>llehed Ora nge CoHI O•lly P1to1. Sept 21. 28. Ocl 5. 12. 1982 ..,.,,IC NOTICE PROPEl\TV. IT MAV BE SOLD AT A 1945 in the Italian and North lhl time or ..... all righl, 11111 Ind Dlpartment ol AICOhollc S.VltllQll P1IOI, Sep• 28. Ocl. 5. 12. 111, 111112 ---4129·82, ____ ,.._~ ________ PUBLIC SALE IF vou NEED AN American Campa ign. and 1nt1<n1 held t>y It. et trultM, In 1h11 coo1roll0t a "41" ON SALE BEEA6 4251-82 Ml.IC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI IUltHE.98 EXPLANATION OF THE NAlURE bel ong ed to the Purple reel pr()plt1y altuete In llJd County WINE (Put>llC Ealing Pl-t liolnN FICTITIOUS SUStN·•· NA.Ml 8TATE•NT OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST • . end S1111. dlKribed H 10llowa to aetl alcohotlc ~ag111t 17272 ..,.,.IC NOTICE "' T 1 11 w1 d vou. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Hearl A ssoc1auon . He was LOI 12 or Block 31 ol Flrsl NewhoPI. "C," Fountelll V•Uey. Ce r\llM. .NAME STATElllENT he 0 0 ng perlOnl 111 Olng LAWVER also a member of the DAV. Addll1on to NIWl>Of1 Heights In Ille 92708. f'ICTITtOU8 9U ... 18 Thi fotlowlng persona iut doing bual~ ~AVAGE'S HOME STYLE On October 8 t982 •I 11 00 He was a very well known City of Newpoft Beacn u l>lf map Puollshed Or1ng11 CoHI Di lly NA• 8TATIMIENT buSl~~~~RE PERFECT FRAMING BAR·B-0 . 479 E 17th Str .. t, Cosl8 A M , St1tow1d1 Fo11closutt hairdresser t.o the stars hke recorded In Book 4, pagea 94 of P11ol Sep1 28. 11182 Th• tollowlng per1011 ta doing 2 0 0 9 2 C 1 P8 C 0 11 '8.' L n · Mese. Celllornla 92627 Services. Inc H duly appointed L T M I Mlsceneneou• Maps 4286-82 bu11n1aa as( ,,,_ ~ c • 92 6 · • Rick A Sev•g•. 1601 M111 Truslee under •nd pur1u•n1 10 ana ur n e r , a rt yn The s1re11 1dd1111 01 01h11 A & z GOLDEN RIN G & Hunlclng~~....,H-~~'.::.1,"20092 Ca Orive.Sin1i Ana,Cllll0tnl192707 Deed 01 Trull recorded M1y 19 M axwell, Marie W ind sor common designation ol 1n1 , .. , Pta.IC NOTICE EARRING, 230 E 17th Str11t. No .,...... .. .. ~ ~ Rober1 K Blue 101 Oahlll 1982 u 1n1tr No 112-172799. ol Jane t L eigh a nd several proPflflY h1111nebove dascnbld Is NOTICE cw e12. Coete MHI, C111lornlt 92627 College Ln • Hunltngton Beec:n. A Coron• def Mer, c.11iorn11112625 · Olllc:lll Reco1di, executed t>y more a s h e did their h atr purported to l>I TRU8TIE'8 IALE Arto Y1ld1z.clan, 3912 M1ytllld 926~ 11 r Hllende• 20092 C•""' This buelneH 11 conducted t>y 1 Wiiham M Even5on as tr111101, in when h e w as a hairdres.ser "'--c5h46C8c11afor111n11lnae DrlYe, Newport LNn No. ~7 Av1n111, L• Cr11c1n11. C111to1nl1 Co a •L H 11 ion Beecn CA genet•I pertnen.hlp the olltGe of 1he Coun1y Recoroer or .,.... Ta. No C-loMM 91214 lllQI n un ng · Robert K Bkie Orange County, $1818 of C1hlorf'l4a. In H olly w ood, Ca. H e came The undltllgn•d h1111>y .SE A SIDE FINANCI A L Thilbulln11111CO!'dUCltdbylll 112~~ b 11n11a 11 conducted by Th111t11omer11w1sloled wllhll>I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION •to this area about 1952 and d1scl11ms 811 11ao11t1y 101 tny CORPORATION 81 duly 8'>PQlnltd lndlvl<lull n st> d ~wilt • County Cletl. ol Orenge County on TO ~41GHEST BIDDER FOR CASH look over the B a lboa Bay 1ncorrec1na11 1n se1d street 1dd11ss Trutlee under tne followln~ Arto Vlldlzc1111 u .,, c --·-Helender September 11. t982 W•yeble 11 11me or s,,10 111 llwlul d I h d ._,_ or Olhe< common dea1gn1t1on. ._ .... ~ .. 1 1 WILL SEL Thia 1t1ttmenl wu lllld wllh lhl .,....., F1tnOO money or 111e Un1teo Sta1111 11 Club an ate~ a ""' own Seid sale will be mlde wllhoul deterl,_, ..,.... 0 lrut Tl!•s sl•1emenl wu 1111<1 wllh the Soulll t1on1 entrance 10 lh1 Ot&nge beauty Sh op in Coron a del ~111enty ewpr1ss or 1mp111d. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Cou111y Cfltk ol Orange ~ty °" County Clerk of O••no• County on Pubflthld Otange Cont Delly 0 C C I I -A HIGHEST BIOOEA FOR CASH September 24, 11182 S....,I IO 1982 Pilot, Sept 21 , 28. Ocl 5. 12. 1982 County Id ou1thouse. I Y o M ar called The C arnage regerding 1111e. pouenlon. or tpeyeble 81 lime 01 9111 In lawful Flll2t0 w.-· , 8 4118·82 San1a Ana, Stale 01 Ca11torn11. all Trade Beauty S alo n , h e also 1ncumbrencu. 10 ullely th• money 01 lhe United Slltll) 111 Pu1>ll1hed Ora nge Coest Diiiy · '1717 r>Qhl 11111 end 1n1erea1 conv1te<1 10 worked for Bud's Beaut y ~;~0~1P;~1ib~11~~~ea~u~~~ ~~'!.~~ rlghl. 11111end1n11t"t conveyed to P11o1. Sept 28, Oct. S. l2, ~92~=~ Pi:~0~!;,'0,4°;~n~; ~~·~ ~;~~ Ml.JC NOTICE ~~,:~7.~~ebi;~~ !~~~.~ Sal · Newport Beach He and now held by 11 und11 llld Oeld 398S·82 ESS on in · DMd ol rull, •Uh Interest and 01 1,1111 in 11141 property hltetnilter -FICTITIOUS 8USIN said County and Sttle described u 1s survived by h is daughter other suma H 1>rov1d1d therein. de1erlbed. Ml.IC NOTICE Mt.IC NOTICE MAMIE eTA!EMENT Loi 28 of fract 4603 as per ma p Wendy Whitson Carpen ter plu1 1dvances. ll any. under the T RUST 0 A. HARR y o The following persons 11e dou.g recorded 1n bOOil 181 pages 23 and o f ~ o r t 0 r c h a rd • ~e~:~=-':~o'';!:u1;1:::~ ::11= llANDAGRIFF end VIRGINIA A flCTmOU8 •U-H '~~~:A~=~· I O<Jsl~aM•;uT EA 01v1s10N OF ~a~t ~~~~~laneous M1ps ol Washmgt.on, 3 sisters Abby ind e~pensea ol the Trustee ind or VANDAGRIFF, husband~ w!Rt.IS T N...,. 8TATl•NT The loflowing perso" Is doing BESCO, 3921 S Br111ot. S1n11 An1. The 111ee1 eodress end other Freeman , Maude M iddleton the 1rusts c;1ealed by said Deed or BE N ESF 1 C ~GASR ~NO 'LOAN The ronowlng pereon 11 OOlng bu .. ~u· CA 9270~ common dls.gneuon. If eny 01 tne I P k Th I 1 I f 1ld FEDERAL AVI bullMN u : L -RPH ENTERPRISES Slt"""An S Scou & AsSCY1ates. d l>ed boY b oth o f Linco n a r • frull I loa amoun o I ASSOCIATIO N OF SA NTA SUNLITESOUP CO 1710 EMI ,... teal property 11ct1 • e 11 Michigan and Bertie Gay o f ~::1f~~~;d 1;';!~~1"cgh~~:!~n:~'~ MONICA. • COl'POt•llon 171h StrMI. &>111 ·A", S1ntt Ana, ~e:,!o~ ~~~~ c: ~;64; 3 1 1 ~"!,,;;,:~f~~~~~~~~ ~~<~~.'~~n't~mo~tll~~5 t~ Sprue• Clearwater. Florida. a lso •X"""sesot 111eTruS111.11th111me Recorded J~~ 2·0t8 11 2 81 •• •n5•7•r7 CA Lynne M P•1t1er. 2536 Senll CA92680 Th• under11gned T1vs1ee eel b I . ..v.. NO 2673 In 1)....,.. 14 • pege p.,H ...... En•-""'-· • llmlted c· surviv y severa nieces ot 1n111e1 publlcauon of 1hla No11C1, Is Ott Ale d 1~ otttce of _..,... _,.., An• AYI •3. Co11ta M11e. "' Thia bullness 11 conductld by 1 d11c1a1m1 1ny 111b1h1y for any d h ( hi h 526 434 80 of iclaJ "' • •n ° p111n111htp, 211684 DorothU · t2627 corpor1t1on 1ncorrectneu 01 1111 11reet address an nep ews 0 w c one o' 1eo' S.plember 21 1982 lh• Record•• of Oreng• Counly: Mlulon V111<>. Clllf0tni1 112118 l Tl\lt buS1neu 11 ~uctld t>y •n Stephen S Sco1I nd lhlr common dH1gn111on 11 lives in Cali forma. she is 1 GEORGE MA YEA. 111d deed ol lrust de acrll>ff 1111 Thi• bu1lnett 11 con<1uc1eo by 1 lndlVldu•f & MSOCl•los. tnc. !ny. ~own herlln ' Sandra Cesa o f Oxnard. Ca. I H TrullH . IOl\oWlng property· llmllld PArll'Mlflltllp. Lynne M Pettier Marien Greenberg Slld 1111 wlll be maoe bul a n d s urvived by h is good By REAL ESTATE PARCEL 1' Fee •lm~I• ~11( ~o Persapol, Ent Tnta 1111-1 was hi.a w11h ll>e Secretary w11ho111 covenant or w1rran1y f d Bob W-ms who was SECURITIES SE~VICE Condominium Untl 0 '~ 1 • hmtlld partnerllllP "-·n•" Cletk ol 0••"""' County on Tn111111emen1 wu llleO ..,,n lhe ..... ~. or im"'..0 t""'8rd1"" 11111. nen .. ~ · Unit 'I, 1t shown upon '"' by Par-1n1emall0nll """' ' .. ,,.... I"' ~ ... ·-"' ..,. . .,, hlS nurse who cared for him • Celllor1'14t corporetoon. Condominium Plln (antlllld EnterprlMS, toe; sec>t 13, 1982 1,,ou111y Cllrll of Ora1191 County on po1su11on, 01 1ncum1>rances to fo r 17 years until cancer ~~· tsf;~I o J Mo1ger. "Condominium Plan tor Lot , ol • C1lffornl1 corporation Published Or1n91 Coa:.11~ Sepl 10 1982 FllT171 ~:i .:O~e(~m.!1~~1~/~~~:i~'O: ~: hospitaliz.ed h im . No services 11s Presl<lenl Traci No I058J7"1)· (1T!'1 1"!7'~n','I, Genlrll partner Piiot Sep! 14 21 28. Oct S, 1982! Puo11sned Otange Co111 01ily lrual with 1ntere11 lhor1on at r1co•d10 on u Y .. . ., • • By Pll'Az Amlrlfll "'57 82 ,.,._, s 82 a r e planned In lieu o f 2020 North Bro1dw1y Ooc:ume nl No 151110. In book Prllldlnt "" • P110t, s.c>t 1• 21. 211. """' • 19 orovlded 1n said note(~) ldv1ncea fl d be Su1t1 206 76 1~ .. 115 f-------------3990-82 11 eny under the lerms of said Deed ow ers onauons may. Senia •na'. c • 92706 13228. page• .. roug.. Thi• 1111emen1 was t111d wnh 11111 ..,.,.IC NOTICE h ,... ... I Otflellal R d f Id f"UIM. 0 I l r u •I I e et c ., g.' 8 n d made to the America n Tele 11141 953.6810 lnctusiveo ec;or so " Cou11tyCletkofOra11g1 Coun1yon l'tlll.IC NOTICE upensesollheT1us1ee11nc:1 ot1he Can cer Society . P\Johshed Oreng• Co111 Otlly Orange County. whl<lh plen pertlllns s.c>1 24. l982 ,.ICTTTIOUS SUSIMESS 1ru1ts e1111ed Dy H id 0110 ot ANDERSON P1101 Sept 28. Oct 5 12. 111:;. 82 ~o~~~~ =1,r;e:, l),:;~ Publl1ned 0 1111g1 Coe:.': The ,:::e~T~'!::':!"e d<><ngl '~!~:.~~=9 !~~~.,~ t~h~•~f;'.~\;~~sona1>1y A L l C E L 0 U l S E 4 11 · Ste11 ol Celllornl1, 11co1ded In Piiot, Sept 28, Oct 5. 12. 19, 19112 buSlllllSS 11 The 1011ow111g per•on• are Deed ANDERSON. age 60, passed book 449, p1g11 5 and e , 42113.112 OEEJON ORIGINALS 3301 ~ ... ·lllneu.. The blnlllCllty unOll!f 11'° Mt.IC NOTICE M 1 IM ottic. or "" ol Ttutl he1e1olor1 ereculld a"o away suddenly 98 o 2 n BeFr11daedy, ~~!o,=·0~ aald county P\BJC NOTICE ~~r;c:7~YO · Su111 l02. S1111• Ana COutu.!i~~~:UJ:;,TC::,~-~~:-V~;./~! oehveoed 10 1he under11g11ed • September 24, I · ov NOTICE TO CAEDO'OAI PARCEL 2 An undivided 00258 Dunne Brown, 209 Welle "28"5 wt1nen Oeclereuon °1 O.laull and ( f G I L And rson TilANlf'Efl 1 I d lh • ' O.mand lo• Salo and a w1111en WI e 0 enn l' • OF IULK p11c1n1 n11r111 In n to I FICTITIOUS 9U ... Sa For11t, COtla MHI CA 02626 Eall\lf GOfloc:he 2 Ct>ld~tream Nolle9 01 Oeliult end Elecllon 10 daughte r of ld amary (S.C..1101 ... 107U.C.C.) Common Arua u ahown ind NA.mlTATDmNT Robert McElr1vy 17220 ll'Vlf'll CA921 14 'Sell Thi une1e<s1gne0 ct ulled sat<I Arnesen and Ffr 8 edaderf1crdk CtNe~i~~c,: ~~ ~,:i:•w~rh1~1Y11 .. ';,,!~ oe~~~~':4'E:1EFROMllloit,gu. Tn. lollowltlQ pen.one.,. doing NlwllOPI Si • Suue 223 Fountt1n L 0 orr11n1 Penn1ng1on, 1555 Nohce 01 Default and Etecuon 10 Schult mother 0 r 0 bu•lnt118 u Valley, CA 92708 •8~7 M1H Verde E Co111 Meu Sell 10 b8 •ecordlCI 1n the county • 1ren1feror1 lhlt a bulll lranaftr Is mlnerals Ind other nydroc1•b0n•. TOTAL HEALTH & BEAUTY, Thll bullnee1 11 conduclld by •'CA 112626 · Blakely, step-molheT of Joan about 10 1>1 made on p1rson1I below •depth of 500 lllt. wllhOUf IOt 1 E Center 11102. An1heltn. CA Qllllf•I pertnerlhlP Thlt busl-. 11 conduCllCI by• ~~~111s';11~:;"~Y :~~f11od Andersson , sister of Jean prope1ty he<01na1t1r oescrtbld the right or 111rl1c1 C:ntry. dH 92805 O.enne Brown o-•I perlnerlhip St••-•de rorec•osure Ba kerb. a lhso su rMv 1 ved !'YI 01 ;::: .~=~~.:~= :':resa ''~E~ ;;n::,u::;i~!.. :~ _, .....,~ e!c~~:iell~5 RI.,.,, ~h~~Y·~~~:;'o~=~~~~~ 1: Thi• ,,E111~ G1 ~ec .. 111f11_ .. w•lh , .. _ s.,...ces. Inc., s tep· r o t e r s . emoria MARIC 1NTEANATION.AL, 2925 111em1111 to 1111 the P11t10 ArH J~I Plllll'lll•. 1401 Lucinda, Sept 10. 1982 County c...;~';i' o;.,.,,... County;,';; 11 llld Ttullee ser v ices will be h e ld o n co1119e Avenue . Unll '-·II. Coll• dealQnlled P·O on Int pt1n 11 being Senti An•. CA 92705 fltntt Seol 11 1982 ... -By Suosmu1oon Friday. October I, 1982 at Meta, CA 92e26 IC)PUrtenenl to tl>I Unll Konsttnlln Sp111<11nt. 1261 Puoh1h•d O••ng• Co11t Dally "'"°' :~_:;~~:~::~~esidenl 4:00PM al University Town Tiii IOUhOO in Ca1t1orn11 ot tr.. ..,.PAmA£_E1L104 u".: ~:"P~':lrlgll. ~= Oc111n Front, Ltgun• 8Hch. CA PllOI. Geot 14. '1 H , Oct ~. tH:i Pub111t"d Orang• Cou1 Dally PuOllShed Orenge coast Oa11y C ter 4277 Campus Dr chiar e~ecuuve office 01 Ptlnclp•I -· ...,.. 112651 l llll9·8' Piiot. Si<>I 21, 28, Oc1 II. 12. 111112 P1lo1 S11>1 t•. 21 28 t982 en • . " ou11n111 olllce of the Intended dHIQnatld oo 11111 Pl111 11 i rking Thia buslllel& 11 conducted by • 4181•82 lrvtne. In lieu o { flo w e rs 1ranaler0t •S Same .. lbolle s~ No PS-291 I rlnlrlhlp P\8.IC NOTICE 4051·82 send gifts and donaltons to All other b1111ne11 n1m11 111d YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Olf*t ~oyce A GIMaon Mt.IC llnflCE P\BLIC NOTICE POOLIC NOTICE STATEMENT Of' AeAHOOHMUtT Of' USIE M P:ICTmou8 IUSINEH NAME Tne !Ollo•lng p111ona hevll abandoned IM UM ol 1118 FiClohOUI Busmess Name ECOLOGY MAINTENANCE COMPANY 16371 Beach Blvd • Su11e 100 Hun11ng1on Beech. CA 92647 The Fu:;t111ous Business N1me oetened 10 above wu llled In 01angu County o" July 14, 1982 Aon E Lucero, 8621 Fry C11cle. Hun11ng100 Beacn. CA 92646 John A Btaor , 490 I Hell Avenue Hun11n9lon Beach CA 92649 TnlS t><>atness was c;onducted oy a gene1a1 per1nerst11p Aon E L.ucero Tll1s a111ernen1 w1s flleO w1lh 11>1 Coun1y Clerk 01 Ot•noe Coun1y oo Sept 10. 19112 Fll3m Pu1>111ned Orange Co as1 Dally P1lol, Sepl 14, 21 28 Ocl 5 1982 3963-1'1, POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllH£8S NAME STATEMENT Tl>I followono petsons are d<><ng 1>u51neu es CURTIS 6 VACCARO One N1wpOtl PIM:e. Suuo 1010 Post Ot11ce Box 87011·618 Newpo1t 8eec;h, CA 92660 Wilham M CUlltS 439 Vtste Slllrle NowPol'I Beach CA 92660 Sen E Vet:c1ro 2581 Cres1v1ew Ottve NewPo•I Betch, c" 92663 Ir w in L Kwatek . 529 P•omon1ory Duve West. Nowpo11 Bllcn CA 92660 This 1>u11neu 11 conducled l>y a g-r•I p111nersh1p W1lh1m M Curlis TlllS Slalement we.a fllecl ••lh Ille Coun1y Cleti. of 01•noe County Ol'I Sep1 10, 1982 f'lt7175 Put>llshed Otanoe Coesl Oe•ly P110I Sep1 14 21 28 Oct 6. 1982 4058-82 POBl.IC NOTICE '!CTITlOUS IU ... H NAMIE aTATDllE.NT The IOllOw•ng persons .,. OOtnQ b<>tlnlSS H 1) A INSURANCE SERVICES OF' CAL1r 21 SHAW CLAIMS SERVICE 31 OIAMONO 0 APPRAISAi. SERVICE. 1407 E. ColllllS Ave Or1nge CA 92667 Apel1y Ins Serv1c;e of Cellf . Inc; . 1 Calll0tn11 corpor111on 1'07 E Comns A~ Ot~nge. CA 92667 This butlnes.9 IS COfldUCltd Oy 8 corpor111on Aptley Int Serv1CI of Calli Inc Charle& F Donnell Sectllery T111s s1a1ement wal filed Wtlh 1111 County Clerk ol Or1nge County on Sept 10 1982 F111'112 Pul>llahlO Orange Co111 011ly PtlOI Sort 14, 21, 28, Oct 6, 1962 3952-a2 Pta.IC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOUI IUSIMH I NAMIE aun•NT Thi IOllOWl"g person II dOlnO OUllfllel 11 W o men's O ppolrlun1ties 1ddresse1 uaed by lhl 1nt1ndld DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 26, Thi• ltlltment w•• lllld wi!h lhe "CTITIOUS .,....... rlU Ce ter UC I Extension PO trantletor wltln lhree yoers IHI put 1981 UNl.ESS YOU TAKE ACTION County CMlf~ of Or•noe County on NAM9 ITATIMINT FICTITIOUS •uatNEaS • u" f "I 0" c 0 u" T 0 F Bo n AZ• lrvi ,..._ 927•16 10 111 11 known to the Intended TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Sllpl 24, 11182 The 10110.,.10 Ol •IOn It doing NAfff tfAnMENT CALWC>ftMA RI CKMAN RCINFORC ING STEEL. 2424 GllYIY Avenue, An•tielnl. ClllfOfnll 92804 Lerry Wiiiiam Rtckman. 2424 GrfV8Y Avenue. Anaheim. Calilornt1 021104 X • ne, ~. transferee ere None MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE "IUJI buelne .. 11 A) ALE EOA Tne tollow1no p1raon 11 doing COU.CfY Of' ORANGE Tl>I n1mes and bullneN add<ISI IF VOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION Put>ll1h1d Otano• Co111 01lly WFlSUlfS, 01 ~100 WtlSUITS. C) b1111n111 H 700 Clwlc Cenlllf Ortwe, We11I r ~ / P'IHClllOTHHS SMJTMS' MOll'T\IAI Y 627 Main S t Huntington Beach 536-6539 rAClffC YllW MIMOllAL P.AaK Cemetery Mortuary C hapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Ottve Newport Beach 644-2700 McCC>tiMca MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hiiis 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 HAUOl l.A W.,._MT, OuYI Mortuary • Cematery C rerNto ry 1625 Giefer Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 P8Cl .. 0Tt8S 1&&.llOADWAY MOaTUAIY t 10 Brolldway Costa MeSll 642·9150 IAA.n 111 ... 0M ~'TVJNtU WUTCLlfl' CHAPa ,27 E 171h St Cos1aM ... 848-9371 , 011111 1n1111dedtr1n1ler-lf• OF THE NAT URE OF TtH Piiot.Sept 28.001 5,12, Ill, 1982 OAL80A WETSUITS. 0) WEDO~ AC R AGEN CIES. 2U01 11'.o ...... MAR I c . KERN MAR I N E PROCEEDING AGAINST vou. YOU 4235·8' Wt'T8UITS, El POINT WtlSUITS Ensenad• Miiiion V1110. CA 9269t ....... ·-Celltatrnl• nm PRODUCTS CORPORATION, 21125 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER 21 I Mlln SHMI Hunllnglon B11cn Frink George N11ye n1 2430 I MARRIAGE OF Coll191 Av111ue Unit A·9 Cotta SOO Cogney L•,,. • 111, Newt:>or1 PUBUC NOTICE CA 921141 EnMtl•d•. M1111on v1e1<>. CA 92691 PETlTlONER PHYLLIS COLLIER MlilSa, CA 112626 Blecll. C.\ 02827 Lott Jeanelle Brown 308 TNa t1ullnen It c;onduclod by 111n RESPO NDENT QEOFFAEY That lhe p1op1r1y peftln1nl "(II • tlrMI addroaa "'c;ornmon l(-011N Robin HOOd Ln COlll Moll CA 1nOIY1(!118I COLLIER herelO la dMcrlbld In gene<al H , All 0111g11atfO" II 1hown lb0\11. no '1CTl'TlOUS IMJ ..... 91 92627 frtJnll G Nuyens IUMMONS (f'AMIL Y LAW) MM11 111cep1 eca>unll rlCllivtl>ll warr111ty II given '' 1o fl• NA• STATl.MINT fhla bullnMt 11 conducllCI l>y In lhtl 1111ement wH Meo Wtlh 1111 CAH NUMCllA: 0 20 7111 end 11 1oc1ttd 11 2925 Coll19e compllt-or corrlClnnil " Tn. Tn. fotlowlng ptll'IOfll are dOlng 1n<1Mdual County Cl4lfk ol Or1ng1 County °'' 'fOTICEI Avenue. Unll A·9. Co111 Men . CA b1n11talery under 1110 011d of b111l11eea 11: I.Ola J Brown Sepl 8 11182 -Y041 lwtw Mell 1\llCL TM court 02626 • ftUll, by r111on of I brH Clh 01 0 I c KER. w ARMIN 0 T 0 N Tl'lll ... ,_, WU 11111(1 wtlh 1111 . '1170t2 ma1 deeldo 1t•ln1t rou wtt"out The bu1•ne11 name ullld by 11111 dlflUll In 11111 obltglllon• MCU<ld PROPERTIES. 3090 Pullman 81, C4unty Clorll of Oranot County on Put>lished Or1nge Co111 0•111 , • .,, b1l119 t111rd 111111111 rou Thi• business 11 conductld by an tndoVldull t..erry W Rldcll\ll'I Tiii• ltttemenl WH hied With ,,,. C4unly Clerk ot Or1nge County oo Sec>teml>lt 17. 19112 '1w.t Puoll1he<1 Or1nQ• Coa11 Dell~ Piiot, S1pl 21. 28. Oct 5, IJ, 11182 4 112·82 PlllUC NOTICE 111d 111nal11ors 11 eald tocallon I• 11\er1by, 11er1tolor1 nec11ted Ind Coe11 MIU, Calilor1118 12e26 Sept 10 108' Pilot, 811>1 14. 21, 28. Oct 11. 1982 rlllMftd wtftllft IO d•r•· ltOld tlle MARIC INTERNATIONAL. dlllYertd 10 1111 uno1r11on1d • 0 110, Inc ... C 1tllo1nf1 '''"" •0111..e2 111•-•tlofl below. ,ICTITIOUI •u•IMI•• Th•I 11ld bulk 1r1nal1r II wrmen Decteratlon ot Del•ull 1no corporatloo, 10738 W111 Pico, IP 0. Publllheo Or1ng1 Co11t Diiiy If 104ot wllll to Met. ma -..ic. of NA.• STATl•NT 1ntendld 10 bl conwmmltld 11 Ille Dlm•nd tors-.. and wrlltlfl notloe 80>1 64· 73 71 . Lot A11g1t11. Pilol Sep1 14, 21. 21. Oc;C II. 19112 f'tllllC NOTICE a11 11tor11•r I" tlll• matter, 1•11 The toflowlng perlOllt 111 OOong olll<l• of 21125 Collegl Avenue, Unil Of breect'I Ind of elect~ (0 Ctull Cahlornl• I0084 3M4-82 .......... IO ..,_,,iy "' ..... t ,_ bUalf'llll u A-II, Colla Mesa, Cel1lornll 9211-48 lht 11nd1r1lgn1d 10 H ff Uld RObett P Watmlnglon. 3090 f'ICTTTIOU8 IU8M81 rMflOf\11 or '""4fl119, II enr, m1y AN AH EI M BU IL 0 I NG on or after Oc1oblr 14, 11182 pr09efly to 11111ty 111d obllg1tlon1. Pullman SlrtlC Cot11 Mell. P\B.IC NOTICE NAMI aTATIEMllNT "tllold Oft 11-. ASSOCIATES . 9930 Talb••t Thi• bulk 11anafer 11 a111>jec1 10 1nd ther111t11 th• 1111d111fgn1d C•llfomla 0282G The fotlowlng !*IOll• lft doing AVISO• Awnue. Foun11fn Vllllly, C111rom11 C11tfornl1 Uniform Comm•rcl1I c;euMO Mid nottoe or brMGh end ol This butlnl&t It conductld by 1 '1CTITIOUI IUIM81 buslneat 81 UtlM 111 tlct. '9111111dll4o. II 12708 Codi S.CtlOn 61C>e etec;tlOn 10 be Recorded June 15. ge11eraf partnerll'llp NA• ITATIMSNT SIOE STREEl Hi'IA SALON, tr!IMlll ,ueci. ct.ctdlt contr1 Ud. FHP, Inc , t C11llo1n11 ' The n•m• and 1ddr111 01 1111 1982u1n11r No. 82-204170 ol lllCI GVO, Inc. The lollOwlng ~•on 11 doing 2630 Avon. Sull• 0 . N1wpor1 1tn etfdl1ncl1 1 m1no1 q111 Ud. corpor•llon. 9930 Tlllberl ~vef\1111. '*"""' with wttom c1t1m1 m•y be Otflellf Record•. 1 Calll0tnl1 aoroora11on butlnes1 at: a..c:n. C1Ufornl1 026&3 reepondi dlfltro di ao dlM. L .. II Foun111n Vlllly. Ca11tornil 02708 1111<1 it OontJJO R Prlee. Elq . Kor• Seid 11ta wllf be m1de, but Gerald V. ~If I.Ii GAVE WINI! IMPORTERS, Gene 1' Pu 2371 I Hobart Ill,.,__ .-e ...,., Thie bUllnest IS conducted by a end Prlee. rnc .. 21113 Pullmen SI .. w1111ou1 00Y1n1n1 or wtrr1n1y. PrMlclent 1eo ~ C.Oler Of , tu.11 180. 81y. L•g11111 Nlg1111. C111tor1111 11 U1t1d d1&11 10llallar el Nmllld p1r1ner111tp St• B. p 0 Box 15707. San11 Anl, 11tprna or Implied, lttgltdlng 11119, Thi• •t•llf'lllflt WU flllG wllh Ille~ 8Mcll, CA 12MO 02877 COllMle d• 1111 llbogldo llfl •••• -FHP. Inc CA 92705. end 11'11 lut Oey for llllng po111t1lon, or 1ncumbr~e. 10 Co11111y C~ll of Ofenge County Ol'I Alber I Ale; hard l.101yl. 3311 Lindi Toby M1toney. 111&0 Perk 1 a II n Io, d I b I rr 1 h I o Ir Io Aay PlnQll c;l•lm• by 1ny ar1d1tor ahall b• P•Y 1111 rtmtlnlno prlnclpll turn of SIPI. 111, 1H2 &merato 91y, L90un1 IHcll. CA ~ No 3111 Newport e.Kh, llllMdt•'-11 .. , di"'• "'-.. vie. Pl'otldlnt October 12. 1882 which 11 lho 11111 nott(•I MC:Ured ~Mid Oeecl of Alloft, llllttlM, uell 12051 Cll1lornl• l:iteO 111 ,..,uoeta o .... edoft. II tier Till• 1tt1-1 wu l11ed wtth Ille b II. I II . I. d • 'I b . I 0 r . I h. Trull. Wllh lnl-t .. In Nld "°'' OeMble • ~ Thie buMnlN I• condUCled by .., Thll bulklet• It conouclld I>)' I 1l9llftl, p111d1 .. , .. ,1.1r11d1 • County Cllrk of Of11109 County on co11111mmat1on dlll tP•Clllld prov\Oed, IOYlllGlll, I! lllY under ... MeoAl1tMif ""4. lndlvf<lull gentrlf PAflnetalllO tlempo. SIOtllllbet 17, 11112. al><>Y•. 1he l1rm1 ol H id Deed oi Trua1 ....... Mt Albin R~d l..O•y1 t.lnO• M1ion.y 1 TO THE AESPONOENT ,,..,_ Oiied Sep1emblr 24, 1982 IHI, c;l\arges end 11CP911Mi of thl New,..-t IMch. CA taaeo T'hlt 11a1-1 wb lllld wtlh the Tl11t t111ern.n1 w•• 11..a wllh tl'le The Pf1lllOI* 1\111111<1 t O-tftfon Publllhttd Orello.e Co11t 011111 Mar\C·l< .. n Marine lf\ltlM and of 1111 trvtll UMtecl tlV Anm Jee I. Wide, IMt> County Cllftl Of Of~ County on COtlllty Clerll or Otange County on ~nlnQ ywr r111r11ege. n you 11111 P1101. 8ec>t 21. 28, Oct S. 12. 1982 ProdUC:l1 ~por1tlon Mid Oeld o1 Trull SllCI NII will 1>11 fltf7• Sep1. 11, tt8' • S.Otembef 11. 1912 IO 11111 reep<>nM wtlllln IO dlYI of 417442 Sy held on W•dnetd•y, OCtoblf 20, Put>llth•d 011ng1 Co11t Dilly ,,,,..., lltt""7 th• 01tt th•I 11111 111mmo11t 11 Intend.cl Trtnller-11182 Al 2•00 p M .•• thl Clllflmlll PllOI, Sept 21. Oct. 6. 12, 19, 11112 Publlehtd 011nQI CoHI D•lly Publl•h•d Orl llQI CoH1 0 111y eerved on yOU. your 0.111111m•y1>11 ruauc NOTICC DOf11W "· ~. t,eq, AverlUll entrenc:.10111e CMc center 4290-82 Piiot, Stc>I 21. 28, Oct 5, 12, 11112 Pllol. Sept 21, 28. Oct 6. 12. 1N2 entered eno the cour1 may en•• 1 '1CT1TIOUI IU ... IJ 1*•1 lfld "'°9, tnc. Building, 300 e u 1 c11e11man 41 .. ·12 4092"2 flldgment contllnlng lnjuncll\lt O• NAMI ITATIMIHT' 211' ........,. It~ 111. • A114111U11, rn 111e City ot OflflOO, CA ,,._IC NOTIC( ..,...,1C NOTICE other ordln ooncer11111g di\111101\ or OltowlnO .,,o, ha 1'101 Al tilt 1tm1 Of ~· .~11111: hCTITIOUI llUIMll "8l.IC NOTICE niui. property. tpou1al •uoport, child !>II~ u l)ettOnl .,. doing a.rite Ane. CA 1271111 publfe41110n ot 11111 no1 ........... 10 . NA• lfATl•NT '1CTITIOU8 ......... f'ICTITtOU8 9U8IMIH CUllOdy child 1uppor1, •ttornt y VINTUAt1 ll'U8LICATIONS Publf1hld Crenge CoHI Dally ttnOUnl ot IM 11"'11id b~Ol tlle Th I fl I d I ..._ HATl.MltfT NA• STATl•NT ..... coa11, tn<1 ...Ch Olhet ren.t II LTO . 200I (Mt"''' Street, Suite PllOI. Sopf 28. 111112 00Uo•t1on ucu11d by th• 1b011• 1 0 owing oert on • 0 no Tho ro11ow111o pat•on 11 001no may be 9r1111ect by the COlm The 204, S•nte An•, Clllllonll 12706. 4295-12 ci .. crtbed 0110 of truet en~ bll•tcr,t8•;t Ve A IMPRESSIONS ~~:"'no lltftorl• ,,. OOlng but1nes• •• o•rn11hmt11t of ••O"· 111.1110 of 0 ,,. Ftnane411 a...-tno CA !-----------_.,. =~·~~~1::. cr:l~,1~~:~~1~16 ·~o PH01'00AAPHV (2) SIL.I/IA (N(AOY l'AOOUOfl OIAtCT. CR[ATIV[ NelWORI( '21 ll\Ollllf or prOl)tfly, 0t OI,,._ COUt1 C11141ornla Cori>otatlon). 2001 £811 • If it'• got oetltmlM lhll cipenlng bkl you""' IMPRESSIONS. 4521 PlllYOll frtm 1010 Senti An• AverlUll. Su.ti t. '°'" SUMI NtwPO<f ... ch CA 111th01lled PtOC .. cllno• m1y •l•o Finl SlrMI. Svlt• 21>4, a.int• ""' ha-•-Clll (7141037.oo&e . • L11141.1. rrvtnt, CalltMnl• 1121111 COii• Mela. c.tllornla 12121 02005.,, Tockenolt. 7UO ,on111111 '1':.ect July 20...t 1912 c.tt,,:~·1, COllduCllO .... • ,_..n Oitld· September 20 11182 J10BSAT WARDELL TAAOY, PIClflc Soler, 18'70 S111ta Alll St . Downey. CA L .. A lltlnC" lll'Alted ,....~ •1 • • you'll grab ·aEASIC>l f'INAHclAL.. 4112 t Pln~on Tr11 L•na. 1rvln1, A"•n111, lull• I , Cott• Mou, -~ .... 111_, 11 conclueted .... 111 Clerk, -0 ·, R ... ~ .... ·~ CORPORATION Callfornil 92118 Cellfomll 92827 '"'9 "" •r -.. T M 1\11 .._....,.. --8 sale By T o l(~VICI CO.. 1_1.!'_.*!,~.,,._ II oon411<:11d by an .~~ It c~ed Cl)' IWI lllOMdull •1 111· Inc • t•st., In A09J'1 ~ , ... , .... _AC>Mt• necy ,.~,...,_~ 1. AJ-~tncMt 01n Ttle'llenott DIAN A. °Dr~ ~1 H•,.. • • D•llY Piiot :1111 t.Gret.,Y Tllll tt•ltlNnt W. ri.cs wttll 111e Thia '"*'°*'' ... tllecl w1111 11111 111i. 11••-• wH tllld 1111111 tne 1• ,_ c..... °""' Ttlta tt~ 11191 llled wttn tllt e c l•sslf led an. City BMt w .. 1 Coullly Ci.ti! ot 0r.,. Co\ltll'f on County °"'" ot Orenoe County on eoun1v c:.11. ot °'8"91 C°'1ntt on = ~ c...,_ -COuntY Cteril o4 0r.,.. County °" U ds. C.11 Or~ CA t2tll • Septemller 17, 1H2 Uj)t«llbef IT. tltt ... to IH2 •tt11A Tiil (?Mt .. ,... AUO ~. tttt ·-- L..12.-.. ll'ubM•~) ::~U .. llCOlat Delly Pullll1hed Oren .. Co•:I-= Put>lf1hld Or~n" Coe;': ltuOlltn•d 0 1•no• Coaal Dlllr P11bUt eO Orin& COHI O•ll1 l'vOll1hed Oranttt Cotti! OlllY --• PllOt .._, 2 Oct t. 12. IHI Piiot Sec>t 21, 21. Oc1 I, 12, lHI ~.a.pt ti. at. Oct I . le. 1112 lltlot a..,t 14. 21 2'. Ocl 5, 1"2 Hot, s.ot 21, 21 1 6. l2.,'M ll'llol. 8-it 21 .H Oct 1. ti 1tea ...., 4177 .. 2 41?3·11 4tft-t1 . 'MS-U ., M2 4l .... J ) I ---~-- Ora11ge Coul DAILY PILOT /Tuotday, (Jeptembtr 28, 1982 ('5 . • Tlw mcll'ketµlac<• cm t Jw Orange Coast ... 642 -567 8 74', o/ ~<>pit• buymg reol a1tlot lac.uu• f<'ad c.•lwc t/lrd ud m thr pd t w ek. u nalfonol tttudy mdwal('8 CLASSIFIED INDEX ,.~.~!~!f .......... . ~~!!'..{'!.!!l! •..••.. !'.~!!!.~'!.!.•.'! ....... !'.~~!!1~'.'.1'.'! ... ,11. ,,.,,, ,., "'' 1 !~~!~~.'!!.I!.'! ....... ~'.~!!!.~'.'.!..'.'.' ...... . IHl Ill It It I 1111 If 1wl ,.............. ..... IH ........ ~ ............... ~~~~ ................. ~ ... ~~ ..................... ~ .. ~ ......... J!jl ~}~11!!~!. .•. !.~ ~~! ••••••.••..•.•. 1 •••Ill /Ill N•LPI CHAAMINO RIMOD ' "•••••••••• •••••••••• " Liii llLI 111111 Br+lolt Trade/IN 001 IOI TllTLlllll ILll IAlllY N!LPI Prhrw l.ldu Nord bu (runt 6 bdrm, 5 ~ bl&lh du~ll Of uttll 8"'!!!!. TrM1hr ftrHI lilt H,.,,. 111 ,.,, '••••n 0.1.,.1,iH ·r···················· ••.••••••............. *•••tt IHli IHI ¥!!'.'.'.L ........ 1.~~ ... ···iriio!i...... REITALI •100 000 v"''°f WM1rty·Wln111. a. T1 Ptltt YllH M, Ct• llPLEI LowHt prlceo 4 8Clrm Lu, L R 2 bl>llt 11,!. •• 600 000 C ' I. IOU A 1po11 .. 1 4 llr Ol•n· , 3 4 B<lrm1 642-5678 llM£S fOI SALE t:':."\•ltM e ;p; .. ,..Mle , ....... ,._ ...... , Coot. II"• 0...,.... AUTOS, NEW Of.Mt•I lmiglne llvlng In one 101 home In M•H Verd• ,.t · • 11 .-• • .!~'. •• ~ ... !!....... neyre pten In • QfMI lo- comfOrl and rent tl'I• OrNI lam ly nome. per. h••lt Yt1r ttftr c1llon . only 1 allort walk Oullder'1 IOH MUI I JAOOIS RIAL n SELl Ouy lhl1 8AANO PllP NE:W 4 Bdtm 3000 1 I IOVAt. ltOUl•NG olhlf tor profit lttv .. t0rl fee l for llmlty enjoy Ht•nlQClt•llod (I bdrm, 2 bath + 1aril' IC'\' nn HOtnriOUffl+l~m• 10 pool and tenn11 R1· ::: O .. ,OllTVNITV dretm. Yhlt 1114 II ZO· menl Mull Hll now bt•11m l~·11in~ furnlsht-d, pollCJ9. $420,000 OWC 111 Fl111. Tlfml duCed OVlf 120,000 lor i'314·~~~g~·f~ ~~w:~~~ Mll&l!IEIT tlrtl ~ lor more ur~I• Ind T • " • • d v. n I a g • 1100 AC Cll CdM n bel'I IHI 1al• f•l•llno 111 •• ,.. • "11 Qr•• POH ••· PElllllU IOllS 8pollH• Vacant Duplex NOW ONLY 1288 &00 Ill• • t I 11111 64~311 I r IUUmlble 11 10 75~ :: toUMer'• ''"'" c 111 (Of a.11111. 5 e-2313 I ,. -,~·~a Hug• 6brl3ba+3br/3ba 1•• l• 11· 8HCl'I CALL TODAY, lll•l171 A A e R 0 0 Q ER S1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 831·1288 1• 14iiltl ••• ,.r1 2 .. ,. w/panoramlc view• Dri-ve by 200 1 King• Rd and calf lor d•r1cllon1 $700/mo Alffi _,.. • ~-:. -_._ -PrlU' WClflt Bay baylront. Stipe for 2 boota 440K own/bier 845-7048 -· • 1: 1n ~~~-:,•:::.~daP•r 1' liiH;H~~l~!i~~~~~~:-~'.E~~~-rcn11xtc100 3 bdrm, 3 &th •1.wo,000. e11111 e at•: c epi cod .. ::: tubject 10 the Fe deral DRANO NEW "Heart of dream couage, 2br, 2b• !. 11100 F1lr Houtlng Apt of 1088 Ora,,ge County" Town· <A'<'on & jc!ny vJcw11. M1arlnc room, 4 bdrm, 3 548·31 12, 873-4726 I-;---;---:~ wnlch mak11 It lllto., 10 no~• • LUkU'" 3 bdrm balh, 3700 eq.h . $1 ,365.000. Ck'\'linfmnt •• 1d11trllM "eny preferen· LOOK ' WllTOUFF By owner, choice Quiet IOC1t1on. 3 bdrm. 2 b• Poot l'IOme, 2 Mp. 111\Ctd y1rd1 Reduced l 20K, priced lor quick 1111 A1ldng $240,000 llexlble Call 645-7834 ••rfrttt/,.,. or111a br 1811 Bay1ld• Or Aval now. IQ dock 3 Bdrm w/le m rm Ou1111ndlng locallon 13000/mo ••'Ill ce. 11m11111on Of' dllCl'lml· nomH bHu111u11v d•· llURI IT IWlll •TtY•Tttl 11111 I t lgn,d, qu•llty t>ulll • end LlllA ISLE IAYf IOIT tl HTl • ,,_ netlon bHed on raae, For our new ''Oular llnenclng now thel you Fan111t1c byy In lovely ,.. color, rtllglon. 1111 Or wttllly laature jull won't believe! Cell ~goo11 vww from 6 bdnn, 5 bl.Ith, ph1yroom, A 2 BR, 2 BA. 11111 upper neighborhood. bcellenl :: natlonel origin, or •ny I OAT SHOW• now Brendywyna Pro· d&rk rm, den. Buut slip. Now •1.000.000 In lrvlne lerrace A bell financing. Only 1127,500 11• Intention 10 mtk• any petlltl II. 531•0670 1 buy You own lhe land Call now 979.5370 1uch preference, llmlla· CASE I Good llnenclng Now 11 Wl•t•r ...... ,. 1ioo \Ion or dlecrlmlnallon." IRAll • UYSllE PUOE the time to 1c1 '259, ::: Thi• ~·per wlll not Every Saturdey In the •'~W LISTllll Spl'<.'laculur bAyfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br. !500 Donn• Oodthall, \( :-11.1111~·11 $u J•H Avell now Prtc.a range 11om seoo 10 s 1800. Call tor detalll Oeffnlrootl 1vaMeble ,_. knowingly accept any oe1z Piiot Claullled• .. 4 11 1 .. ~ 2 2 bu dn 2 boat tpo«'S ~U<.'4,'d-$1,500,000 8·U-8200 l: advtnlelng lor reel .,.,.. ....au u 4 .... rm balll ---------11: Macnab· Irv me P11l1. rt/WllllN ''' "· '. '\ '···· 'lr.4ff'4f', ... ~~!!~':' ... ~ .... !.~?! '"' II wtilctl 11 In lllOlltlon ol --------hom~ wlll'I walk-In ll0r1· FAIRllllS IWIGll ::: 11'11 law -ge, SJP&r•ll dining. lwo -T1I nsw flrep~11, privet• ape New 'I br, 4 '"" ba. custom French Normandy OIE OF THE IEST 2 Br/pool, $908 IOltl mo pyml plu• HIOCll llOn dues (173/mo) Cloelng co.I approx S 1700 A• king $79,900 403-2117 Lero• 4 Bdrm, tam rm l'lome On beaulllul line Avall w1n111 only Per- 111 II y l urn l 1hed 1 1100/mo !; &ltYI IRYllE ~~rkol n1dTa11d11w01nteh 1wpoaro•~ EsUllt• 1.2 pnme acre htUWp $1,:.150,000 ~ Ellllll Advert!· Turllerock Glen, wood-....... " = sers should check lie, lop View. Ota'mlllc 3 .... riced lo 1811 al &Y&LOI . LOCA TtONS In Turtle Roell Vi1ta. 2 bdrm1. 2 ba pk.11 den, spilt levet ThrM pallos Short walk to pool and tennis. 1258,500 --Bdrm Jasmin• model !~!.21'1'0,o Cell today! I Fee simple Jtt.age on quiet Descanso St. (in their ads dally and Upgrades, Redwood _,, 17 := report errONI Im-deck. near pool & lennla • _ Flaui) $145,000. IHHlllLEJ A cozy 2 er conege 2 bloek• from Big Coron• Only I 180,000 Oti11 J11/ £11111 R11tal/Ytarl1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean view ft om all -med I ate I y . The ~": s~g~~· re<tu·P.!~~¥~~~ OOROIADO CAYS i1ao DAILY PILOT as-' · ''=!!!!!:~==!!==!! Coronado Island cwt. bayfront lot. 85' boot B. Ellerlaen • Broker 875·2373 ()( 720-0740 lltill~•ll room1 lhree a1ory Ftt 11 11ome one l'IOuH from • • • • • •• ••• •• • • • •• •. ••• beech 3 Bd,m1. 3 b•thi : sumes llablllty for Ulillil(?UI: ti()Ml.:11 dock. Plans avwl. Now $370,000 w/ternu. ::: the first Incorrect Reallora. 675·6000 *IAYHHT* Ortat E1t1tt1 OOUIFllllT a n d 3 g • r I g e I . New mobile/modular Cl· $1250/mo dar cottage. lrplc, on pvt W1ttrfrt1t lt•ts = Insertion only. HAT SLIP = ------•1 ·------1 OPEi IAILY 1·1 bell. Leasaland $600 mo Ul-1400 11•;,% lnl 165,000 1---------499·3816 ,,,.., BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )41 Roy\•de Dr·v~ N B 67~ t>lbl .. noi> -------•I SAU IR LUii 38 BALBOA coves. 3 :: To place your menage 3Br, 2'hBa TERINA MO· bdrm • 2 balll. NOW 1•-----------------4WI before Ille DEL IN EAST BLUFF. REDUCED lO $489.0001 3 drm, 2Y. ba town- houM. Oiied. Pool, tin· nla, J1c .. eauna Sllop- plng. MlnulH lo beach. You own land. $240,000. Anume 12% loan. By owner. 780-38'15 Newport, on Blull, 2 br, 2 l .. l•Hll 3Zl1 ba, lrplc, 1100 aq tt •••••••••••••••••••••• Upgrades $44,000 By 3 Bdr 2 81, yard, no peta, :\: reading publlc, Obi oven, lrplc. d1nw111r, UT lllYllml mo phone comm pool. 833·9167 RULTIR/IWIH ~ .. ' 1 ... • 2100 S.· Ft. tfflH • 1100 S.. Ft. 't523CAMPVsDl:fRVlfft. _o_w_n_er_._6_3 _1·_7_11_1 ___ , a11aU. 1011. $1000/mo. llPUI .u. NIPEm !:: OallyPllot dys,759·13 t8avea.· *ll•·llll* UIO Claullled. 842-5878 2 6 0 7 v I • t a • ~l~~~~~~~~io~rinaidiai.0wneriiiii''i'i·~3%~. l~~~l~E~l~U~O~E~I~~ BY OWNER, lrvlne "The u•••ElllT PRICE REDUCED TO •• Grove a ·' baa u 2 - $250.000. 3 Bdrm•. 2 HE •• SAU bdrm/2ba, dble gar Up· Ill-Ina It Let 1201120. t9'.. ' '" IH0,000 ... bllllt plue 1tudlo apart·' Cl , hi 1.,..h, g raded S69,000 On _ I WRTIOff--:: $330,000 Attracllv• Cape Cod -Orematlc Harbor View llome on large cornef' lol. menl abO~ ga1ao-. Flrat auM ,n 1 1 r_._1 as-Greenbell S 11.000 C1n C1t1•1 l•I llu -,uz time ollertd Walk 10 sumabt• 11113,000 loan ..................... . ' lhop9, bus. elc Ownen 11 13.Yo Trade your pre· 832"9199 2 Br 2 Ba Condo, 2 car On Ille goll cour11 ... 1 aent llome Low down 0t gara ne, 2 block• 10 IHIYllH llOOC l(lt)S IOU ll ... -------- tllO 11:111 ltlll '"' tllC ti• t ilt tllll - Rf SIOfNllAI RfAI f SIAH S(RlllCES PEllHIU lO' IAYFHllT Probate sale of $1 ,400.000 cash Minimum overbid $70,500. Courl date 1017/82 5 Bdrm home. separate lot, beach, dock for 70' boat. Marcia &nts, 644-9060. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 One of the wa.ys homes a.re being bought. a.nd sold today le Wlth Land Con,rac' (Contract for Deed) A financing pla.n wherein the seller loa.ns the buyer funds with which t.o purchase a. property is known ~s a. la.nd contra.ct or contract ror deed. A down payment Is required and periodic pe.yment.s a.t e.n a.greed-upon interest rate and term of loan. Impact on buyer • Down payment. monthly payments , interest rat.es &nd term or loan may be negotlat.ed • No lengthy waning period t.O qualify ror loan • Becomes owner by recording or cont ract • Receives dead when contract Is paid In run lmpaa\ on seller • Sales a.greemant designed t.O suit particular needs • For tex pu rposes can be trealoed as an Inst.aliment sale thue exposing only down payment a nd pr1no1pal payment In year or sale t.O capll.41 gains • Addltlonal profit from Interest received on contra.ct • Retains deed until con tract Is paid 1n full Homea. 4 Bdrm 2Y. ball'I, S pacious three b•· l'llgl'lly upgraded two drooms. l1mlly and di· story llomel Excelle nt nlng rooms $3\6,000 anumable financing and H 1· 1100 ,..., 1 ....... 11 1 3 <IA are recepln'• to your I· • ""'om .,..u1 u ..... rm nanclng Midi. ??? TlllS quality l\ome ls A 11111&111 ocean. w/d, relrlg• home. lltieny, many H · tlle LOWEST PRICED Double wide 2 bdrm $895/mo &40-5324 lru. $278,500 wllll 10% 1•2·1200 l 11 k u I down OWntf wlll carry at • ur eroc nome w Camaron In one of the QUIET loca11on 2 Br, 2 12~% lntetHI ;ooL & SPA at only 1-5 slar parks In our car gar 1 block 10 Miier wlll carryl Call now l•--------fOf' detellsl.846-7171 RtJ ... tr41t, lttr. ~~t~ PROPERTIES area Attaclled sun rm baa ch S 1000/mo •••JJH 752•1589 and cerport. BHulllul 675--0540 THE REAL ESTATERS SENIOR CITIZENS Looking for a Barrain? LOOk no lur1~ 111an our O•ICOUl'lt Gulde for S• nlor Citizens published 1111peclally for you N Ch monlll In th• Dally PUol Cluslfleds Tiie next Senlo< Cttlzen• Dlacounl Gulde wlll be publltlled on WtdnH· day, Oclober 6 Watcll tor Ill laity Plltt Classlfle4 Ms 142-Hll --condition PrlC4d ,, IUll1--..,--------UllH YllW lllLI '':iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Rancho San Joaquin, $34,SOO by an•leus OW· Nlce.2Br l'lt ba In dpls •E YUi Ii ·~~~~~~~~~ outat1ondlng 3 BR 2 Ba rier. l iving rm w/lrplc, sun-Oulet, perll·llke Mtllng. 1: on goU course Lge as-(714) 673-4400 deck, gar· •0 01 llwy Rm lor paddle tennis and MAGNIFICENT C•tll #n. 1014 sumable loen. $25,000 121 JI 621 HH $650/mo. 323•;, l•rlc· pool Greet lor orchard. ...................... By owner. 760-8708; · • spur 536·1453 wkdya Cul d• uc 11. 3 B<lrms. COUNTRY IPIOTAOIW 875-2144 HARBOR Brand spanking n-eve-, Fam. rm. $379,SOO. UIOll lnLE J, ,. i IHI ryw11era 3 bdrm. 2'h bl. 144-4110 4 Bdrm, pvt courtyard .fl.~! .... '.'.......... Ger age patio I 1.000 Llttl• Miss Mulfet eat on a Tuflet, along came a spider and read In tlle Dally Pllol Cl11allled section about Miu Mui· lei's Tuflet and bought II for $9 95 You can sell your lullel and lots ol Olller lhtngs lhrough Dally Piiot Ciaullled Ads Call 842-5878 MANSION Warm country French tOUlfRlllT mo. 607 Iris Open S11 decor. Asking 1174,500 \ and Sun 641·4668 or .Q? N-mobile/modular ~ 777-2233 Superb con1truct1on Broiler 848•0 o9 dar collage. lrple, on pvt A D1v1\1on of --------- exquisite decorating. Pttffrtaa It, b ch . l e as e I a nd II arbor lnvci.tment Co Cllll lllH 3214 8000 aqt ll. 2 acrea, 1800/mo. 11 •;,% Int . ~~~~~~~~~ •• .. •••••••••••••• .. •• 3 bdrm, 2 ba. Sep din -COSTA IEIA 1peclacular vlewl Seclu· rm C 0 v., e d P 1110 . 165,000. 499-3816 D~ l•x••/ ded l emon Helgllll -Adams and Harbor, near L #.' I IOSZ I· I i • I 1100 lttltl lrt•• lt•t North Tualln Hiiis aree everything. $135,000. .!l. .. !! .. !I.~~ ........... '!!.!~/!!.'!!.!...... Oecoretor perfect. 1pa- 1urround1d by other ~-0383 VILLE DE CElllSE llPH TU HELTH clous 2 bdrm, 2'1tba, n- great ""'"· Cape Cod Pool, jac. re-$2, 150,000. BEAUTIFUL FIR llYEITIRlll creation 1rea, pvt p1llo. ..... A .. tteftt 2 .sfl OLD WORLD San Ctemenle pride ol be•cony. wme cetlar & 1g1 "-al10t/Oevelopw WTlllE TOWNHOMES owner1lllp, modlfn SP•· g1rao• Oecoretor wall 731..-444 731·5115 Two Individual 11ouM1. By Howard Merli Co n1111 atyle 4 unit •Pl paper. draperies and hly ~----• h from S 159.000 llouN wllll ocean/hllls & $ IO"O I c 11 lllg upgra..,_, ... t ae-495-3244 760-9355 more "' mo. • parate y1rd1, on R·2 lot gotl courae view Close 548-2239 10 30 10 s 30 Owners amdou1 and wtll to e verytlllng, only 3 pm carry ll'le Ill TO Astllng •nTMtl IHti IOll yHrs old & 111ow1 Irk•--------- 1145.000 Call !540·1151 ••••"0••••• .. ••• .. •••• NEW1 N-owner could I Ir. 2 I•. IALIOA ISWI OUllEI ~HERITAGE &ISOLU.TE Sf1!11 occupy 3 Bdrm. 2 bllll Frple, range, yard. gara- Oorgeous 3 81 ~w/ city & ocean view IOI H ge, no pets Private. pvt yrd. pulllng green eppllcabll & rent the $800/mo 111 plus aec. Ind many extras Try oll'ler 3 1partman11 lor only 648 w 18111 St. 10% Own. For details call Income. Seller will help 499-1617 REDUCED 11 Clffn end cute 3 bedroom con.tte with petlo, beam• end penetlne. You can llYe ea It or ...ntuatty tMftkl ,..., PteM tor Cepe Cod.,. Included with ..... prtc. of 121S,000. OflYI by 205 Topa& end celf, •n.oo REALTORS ---- ~ finance & SAVE buyer ---------SIPEI Pat r I c k Tenore . ll'louHnds 01 dolleral I BR TRAILER Private. .,,.llTl.ln 780•8702· REDUCED selling price yard. no pell Ullls paid. ol $295.000 oo 11 way $400/mo + security 12100 IOYES BELOW current replace-499-1817 ' •• II I mant co11111 Pr1nc1pa11 '"E'.:"'11_e_c_u_11_11e_B_l_u_ll_C~o-nd_o_ ONL VIII Call owner 11 llk•200 per mo Bulldet ha• capita( galn (714) 842·3893 P<Obtlml, will lelM with 842 0138 Qptlon to purchaM wtlhln lllFFI WIAI• : Clean 2 Br I bl . enci gar, \\ .\ 11 HI HO'\ I 110\11 '-"' Ill \I 11 111, '•f• tf1Ml11. •'••·f"ftto. \l.ou.o._ ......... J t tt1fi ··-~•ti•, 631-1400 it' \ter••f' \tr K.o ..... ,,.,.,. 873--8900 15 month. al loo•v·s y A 000 private yard S485tmo PRICE. N-2 or 3 Br. 3 s:"it~B~~~~~n~'m~ 2~ Ull /11 S./1 IUO No pets 548-"80 Ba Condo-a le * lu)I Ba, wide Greenbelt, near ........ , ......... •1• ........ 2 BR 1 Ba duple11. pv\ amenlllN Grea11oc111on pool. Far below markel p1\lo new paint $545 ne111 door 10 all shop· s245.000. Wiii leaN op· 1 'h Iola In Huntlnglon mo 8•33.8162 ' · ping. theaters & Iran· \Ion. Bkr. 644-0134 Beach CA on 2111 bet· EMERALD BAY CUSTOM HOMES We llave 3 avallable wllll 2·6 bedroom floorpl1n1. greal views and lull use ------___ __....._ _____ _ sporlallon l ~~~~~~~~~~I ween Paclll<: Coall Hwy 2 BR. w/w carpeta, drpa. 714-831·&055 or I· and W a In u t relrlg. range. pallo, w1111 ol all amenities ol thl• e11clu1l11e private com- munity Priced lrom just 1650,000. 844-7020 Ullt lUL EITAR COLDWeu. BANl(C!RC WTSllE OISTA IEIA , Price reducllo"' Super startlf house plu1 good Income unll Oulet Mii· aide loce1lon Gooa lu- \ure development po-lentlal 01111 1 cell lor 1ddra11 ol 11111 alMoer property 144-IOIO *11~ .... * PlllOI RlllOTlll 8eaulllul PLAN t In WOODBRIDGE LAN -DING loceled acrou llrtet lrom LAKE +2. Fealur .. 3 br & lorm,1 dining Owner anllled financing II 10%111 Only $244,900 on FEE LANO. 759· 1S01 or 752· 7373. Classified works for you when you want to 842-2000 714-980-2411 rm close 10 bus & allops, "'" USTll COITRACTORS Ill '"' '''''' s:W :.u~·1~~~n~fu:a~-F1x., upper 3Br. 1¥.ba S 111 IOO lxtiH•I ZIOO curlty No pets 845-3583 on R2 lot Vacent S IP ' •••••• .. •'•• .. •••• .... or 6'16-5282 $105,000 Century 21 Trade 4 loll. 2 Iola MIS·1---------Gold c 0111 Realtors lor aapan11on. Located slon LakH C C , Pllm l•l 2 Mr• Ottff S48·1 l88 In Newport Helghls area Springs area plus mem· Two auumable loans. berslllp, "2 1011 CrHlllne Wllll For more Information call eree overlooking Llkt LIW llTIHIT Lii Ooroll'ly. Own/Agt. Gregory for dwn pay· lH/ttl-IOOO menl on llOY ... NewpOtt, Owner wlll .... ,p finance c M area 935.5011 auper 4 Bdrm. excellent areal Only $132.500 Call :-;mmmmmmmm~IExCl'lange Equity In YOUR now 979·5370 A Tiii y11 ft 1111 or condo lor Turtle- -rock Home Equity SOO. N Ult 000 Good auumablt Tiiis 3 bdrm home olllfs loans \ ( : ·/ l I II/:· 11 one of \I'll best street to GOLDEN PROPERTIES street locallons on tl'le 752· 1589 ... , " •• ' .... 1 • , ....... " Island FNIUrH • IOV91y iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IY IWIU/I IMM pallo perfect for enter-UH llLE ... E Approx 3200 IQ 11. 3 bl, 1a1n1no. Oen, n1r1 wide 2 Cir gar Senta Anl IOI, 3 cer garage. A must Country French, S320. Hg11, acroas from Coun· to -••95 ooo 000 equity for??? Cell r---· ~---·--·--~!T ony Webber 11 try Club 145K 540-8082 YI!! 673-7300. I MESA IEL IAR LIDO REAL TY Unbellevlble 1erm11 owe 111. Remoo. 3 br. 1~ be, lam rm. 0wMt Lido ealty ~!!'~l! .. ,.000,••••••• need• a deal. Probate. Bier, 720·1'01, 6 73-7300 BIH•I F•r.i1iH ... ,,.s,.. ~~~~~~~~~"i,j-.;;···· .......... . .. ~,! .......... /.~f IEWPOIT IUOM .. !.!!!~!~/~ ..... !.~!! ti Tll Ult FOIEOLOlllE 4 BClrm, baytronl w/dock Nr SC Plue In SA. $450 mo No pe\1 545-1947 WHY PAY •nH lUL n .... HO IHT •mn ......... ll·HITILI ....... HO HllTALS·R·U .... SIO TOTAL .............. Stol en T111 au FNtlLY $40 We heve 11111ng1 from all the aervlcee for one low prlcel Dally upd111"' HlY AT 1111 nauoant11 .... ftrM .... rt Sttpa to Int beech. $4000/mo vr'V Of l3000 2 etory. 2 bdrm 1'A bl Down payment negotl•· wtnter. Avail. 1011, --------- bHcl'l-Condo co-op b l•. 1179,000, Ctrl. .. ••• PltnRn ILlllT llW ~ 537-8970 The land contra.ct is a very u-,}UTOS, USH .. , effective wa.y t.o t>uy/sell property ~~-: tn times of high Interest rates . A ~·~ ::: real estate professional ca.n guide a 1 Walker 6 Lee IWIH Will UllY ~~-:' : buyer/seller In t.his t.ransa.ction. 5::-·· E 1-=""'=.=.~=~=w=,=~==~==~;::lA~=-=8';;::£:::;::::tr~S=.=:a=,::;!.~.·I a:r = ._...,CUT .. ...,..... •=i:~=-~.~ ....... _, __ .. _. . .,..,..... .., i.-.. -Me.,.nt• .. 1 Mt.nw,. .. ~:~. § h1,--.r-Ar .. "-.-t__,E,_R_1.....-1l 11010 .,4 _~_,..._.w._. ----1 '-lr-f-0~, p~,~I ~E,-1 j I E H D u T I ~ My otd fir111dm1'1 theory ol 1_ For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 I r r I ,; ralllno ell ldren w11 very elm-r p11 8111 1110 c11110 1111n1no w11 m•r•IY -nowlno wlllc:ll t .. __ H_O_T_P_R_Y-.... , •nd 61 'l'OUt Clllld 10 n• and -. I' I I I r I . • ~°7.:1: :-...:h:~ ~ '-· _.. __ ..__ -. _ __._...._...__ yow dwelop "--No ll .,...,. lovely 4B<lrm 28a home w/new cupboard• and 111\cn.n 1ppllanc:M A .. king 11 .. 0;000. Make an o Her . 831 ·7370. 545-71134 TR\Df 110\,\I ~I .\I" lllL .. llL .. ... lull 11ep out tn. Mair 8dr doo1. Cnermlrio 3 Bdr norne ft1ture1 r•· model kllcntn wllrHll oompaolor, oak planlc lloQrlno a nd naw ap· ~llanc ... M•ny ••VHI l'ull price 1120,000 7!N•310t c:;::::, . . -t-" I ii I • Pool, 11un1. weight llAUtllHIT Condo 3 bdrm. 2~ ba ·room, tub parking. 11•111• Pool, spa, nrep1aoe 1750 Oceen and Pie r Vlaw. r • Mo Home 980-ISSO&. Liited II S!80.000, sas. 'LIKE NEW. 3 bd, 2 ba, 840-5010 000 under merk•I All lrplc:, patio bbq, llrlk to '.:'S".'"l'lt_r_p_an_d_c_IM_n_4_8'.:"'r_2_ba_ cun or new lln Grell IUUIT IPT -I bel'I $800/mo 81$-5383 oardtn« Inc. S850imo: ~Ya':. ~o~ tWlll PllHllH .._••• IHei 1141 Pn 54a-99so 631-8100 A1k lor Jim ::r ................... Ea•lllde condo 3 br 2 11.1~ Cozy Ltguna e.acn l'IM, ' • • Rlghtllm«. 4 Bdrm 4be 3 c-ar CIOM to bell & dwntwn bl, din, frptc, 2 cer OI· M.111 Tl llUI RV ~u. 2°ttplea. J:.i Furn or uni, 1850 mo rege 1825 S45-81S85 No money down. no Seel Cell 213··540·3953 E/Sld• 2 br, gar . RV/ qualltylng own your I MULLAN ALTY S40-2980 I IH i Jiii cerport. 1550/mo, 111. l'IOm• on our unique ASK FOR LORI ~' e IHI & HC 229 Sa nta •hared eppreclallon II· ---------Lioo isLe·:;·b;,;,;;,·f~; Ital*. 831-8213 nenolng We nave a IEST llY rm. 4 Ba, 1170011'0 3 bdrm, double gerage, 11omt1 In Hunt 1 .. cn UST SllE ---a11nw11her, fenced yd. 38R 2'Aba, 1800 to 2100 HURRY on ll'lll 8 yr. OCEANFRONT 2 bCltm, No pell $850. 210 E. aq II Paymente from NEW HOME 3 br f.r t Ba 1 700 mo. Biii 18th SI 848-2087 $1200 to 11800 mo. Call REDUCED S28K. i1eo: Grundy, Rllr, 875•8181· 21t, gar~.1415 mo. 111 Oeor91 Brook1. Mon 000 "'-· II I .. t 11 & ll'lfu Fri, 714/891·5558 ..-ut I.I nomt Of QUI • lut. 0 pell oldef q)I llWPOIT 111 , 11t<1 pert0n1. 9ractou111· pref. 548·8507 • ffll.1fl91 000 e~s~iJl500/mo IU Nice Hr, 18•, lncd yet, 4 Bdrm, I mllH from TRY SaOK down OOR·. encl f.atlo. new pelnt, ~ ~~~':::J· 1 Ol!OUS 3 br cott•g• O~let•~no 1 ' den. : r"p •mil~ $450 mo + 0... St02,000 It\'°'"'· ASSUME 1120000 flret' •• IU tca5'Jlor 1 ()I MO. 2020 l llK• HM .. • k r . • ~ 8 . 0 7 0 9 0, A A I " 0 D 0 I! A s . pereon• S1 Imo IN 1 S48..in• u " ' yr L ol 1 M 111 er, I 911 ~ .. ~.-...._-....,2,.,,8,...-..__---~~/fr--,-G3M 132 I 831·12M Ee....... , . ..,. ... w • yard. a car gar. 17 mo Pllt your ac1Vet11etno mee- 1 w.a1c11n a Bt a ... cten, & 1tc 1 er cottage -~ Ywllet• 11141 rMteleu pattly furn S12SO/mo rard 1428/mo ' H O att 142•H71 A•all 10/0 842·8802 151·2040 • , •. " j ! I J . : j .. . i • f • . ! : • : C'I 108il lesSianal Service Direct ---------·1 ~!!!!~!r. ............ . ~!~.~~~e:OIR~r AUfO ACCIO(Nf? No ltlCOVefy NO IM Atry Koffrulh 11<411 <437!1 !'.'.'!~r.'!~~ ••....••.... 1'-~~~!!!~~~!~'········ I r~!~.'!~1. ...•......... r!~!!!V.~!~!~ .....•. T!!! ................. . Oen co11111c;1 U m11111 Oulllly liouMtleenlnQ PUii PAllTlll Pl Ab! A PAfClllNO TILC INS TAU fD pluinb r•P•lr pt1111 u w/" l>1t1110n1I tour:h CM by Rl<:.ht1rd l:lll•ur l ic. n .. 1ucc.oe 1n1101 30 All Kind• Ou111n1MO r~!r..'.!!!!!!~ ..... ···I r !~'!."!. !!~~~~~'·' ¥!!!.'.~~~, .........•.. 8~11npoo & ttHm clHn Kit 1emod 1;.e1am1 Ille Tlf IRHI 10111 Color brlghlentr11, wlll ou111ett Cell 11ow 11.. l nwn 1,08 11 rub lntlllll crpt• 10 mtn blHCh ut ll<4:i 08111 ftff lrtnll~emovll IOI • Hell llv/dln "'" 116. evg "-I I awn M.i1111Ro1011111n lllOIJll• hu•11w MllVIU Irv NU ltelh lit.a OllJJ .. 8064<4 IJ yr• of n •111y yfl NHI Pa.ul b46 '2Vl1 R411• Ji>htl 940.9217 Jim b36 !IOr./l!ll6 '168 4 t ' JO dly Ml In the ~~.·~~!'!!~1 .......... . loving nome. tQM 3 & up. H0U6 Cl(AN[A IUC.t1I UllO•lHI•• 1J t/ Kllth Ualhl lltllrlH JACK or All IHAOfS CJood rel1 NS 4 ltvlllt lhenh vou &JI 4410 •• ~!f! •• ~I.•••••••••••• ,.,.1on1 A t.om1n room S1 60. couch 110, .,..,., e II cnr ... o all 1 •••••••••••••••• •••••• I 11111 t1•t11na10 !1<411 GOG~ ... uar m pe *KATRINA 8 lll/[-IN IAJU PILIT FIT $<40/wk, l bef 1•11 tChl, CM 556 3622 odor C1p1 181)1111 I!> >''* h1kp11. delly maid 1erv, s1n1mnn1 Oa1011n111g Cln up•. 11wn cere lull c.01""' ' r11110 111e1111 (,1111Jttc.k1t11yllme. 11•111 Oli1dyt &41 0102 OUAllTV WORK neat AllAS PLUMBING A r tH HI 840 2062 !lay <JI nlOhl 87!>·3014 Ci&M Houatele1111ng reo, • hnno~1 Aote llC HHllng •P•C11l111ng tn CUSTOM CCRAMIC IHVIOE lllllOTHY 00 IT NOWI ... ,., .... ,. Your Delly 1>1101 Service Dl19CIOry M111111 llc.en11t<1 blll)llll· 1tr tor day working mo thert only Mon-Fri In· 11nt1 to 3 yrt $68 wkly &.0-07'8 ••P Do work myHll ollfoe oloanlng crpt Rota. 631 OlOI Cle 1111111 83b 2110 NO Steam/No Shampoo ""'"PAS ~ rff HI 848·668<4 UCI llvdtlltl flooring I n .. 1u11abl11 Call l:l•nlt 281101 011v11 964 104b ••pair• 6<46 l6H Tll E WORK 'r" ... wndw/atreon. C:l\r~1111y, Hnt111>11 leltfld 876 7<406 towot ratol Prompt. II lLL 141· 1121 Chuek 875·6100 tvH 81111n Sptcl81111 l'Ht llVC~m ~ MAIDS l 11•,d•1.•1.1h1g Mllnlentn c•. lawn & g11den cere, c;t.;1111 up 1<11n JonH, 53tl 1610 fill'I 11~ (Jp f~ob 873 2281 s 0ac.tielor a HH(;ln61nlng 1101 proh1u1on1111 16 Wot•• H1111tr ~toll frH ltrrlll dry f'ree HI 830 1582 HALY/WKl y 28 YRS fXI~ OUNliAM 4 l&u111l1y $&rv l<e111n. yr1 llJP 848·6684 24 hr plumber etc; • ••• ••• •••• • ••• ••••••. Cat11i•t V111fo S•rvlc•• A11011cy HOMC IMPHOVfMFNT ~40 2818/850·0802 CUSTOM PAIN TINO PLUMBING REPAIRS IUPHlll Remootllno Oud Joua 1ToUSECLEANING 1n111111t Aea1dteomm R.ip1po Rep111e1 dra1n1 THI 1111¥101 -------~.~~!!l!~I ......... . •• ••••• • ••••••••••• •• l lc'citt.ioriouo 1173 0000 Cl•AMPl!NOISE Fine C11tr1ng In th• 010 Dtlr/111, l11r/e1 1131 8630 •nyurrie Honett g Oopeno1blu f.rne HI Lie 844·4708 froe 6111 Rue. rtllt1bll TrtMI w ork with 1 Con· H1t,WoH FIHll Orendo 082 2600 16 yrs o~p NB/CdM I'm 646·2811 Co111 Me11 11c.1once" Trimming A ---IAHHlll WAITH Reprt1entall110 142·1111, .... 122 NEED HELP'> Analyzlng, oro1nl1lng. bookkt8· ping, banking, bill• world tradition 8<45·08511 • • ••• • ••• •• •••••••••• AT YIH IHVIOE f!!!!!'!t'.~~~~!!!! •.•.. Poreon11, qu1lllled drl vet• lor your d1y 1n dly 1rrenoa Shopping, dr uppls, church, 11c All need1 mot By hour or day 49<4 51157 Mowing, edging, raking, twtoplno Free esllm•· let 8415 b737 ·;;Anowoocirl.00As··1 (111J8rtllll Houtekeeping Hll[lll, my pile.ea ere R1li•l••l11• rt,,1011111 by How11C1 ol· Btoutllully cleun&CI Wt1 lurniah vocuurn 6' 'mull! Hon 87'1·6477 •••• •••••• '••••••••••• loll P 0 Box 3<4, Costa 548 4955 ~~~~~~~ l•ll••ll S1rrlet1 At••1lle1J C1Jll!f• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••• MOISEOALL C9mtnl·Mesonry·B~k W•lls·Cust work lie 11381057 Rob 5<47·2683 rtNESTKINO and wuod 832-48811 •uppllti• Killy 11<4 I 41110 INT l()(T PAINTING J 0 Horn Aellnl1hln9 ~4~~~G3~1 92627 Ph GARDENING Cloon-up1, p A11Clqu11 kll ceb1ne1t &Ill l11ndacep1ng. monthly "••Ii•• Cle11n1no no lnb 1()0 IHll c & WAI l APERING tin• P•lnllng 645 0664 $LOW RATES,-- malnl Nell 642 6795 ••••••""••••··.·••••••• 1 °' •mall Cxp rollllblft I uetom work\Frff 811 Ti•• lttm/remov, clean Applied, re-applied, gu11 ' G"' Bu11nest "'Ooc•or' Oesperetel P1110 wc);"k Insured. llc'd 4 1460 t ,. • 730· lGOO lrH ••llmlles 800111/ Data/Word Frff desljn Lo prices D II K&O Lond~a"'" Malnt d HAULI INO OAADING rels $6/hr 057 334 l Ren& Steve 547-428 I ~.'.0../f'!I............... upt mowing 554·7017 ,... .--amo lllOn, tle•n·up 11 you wam yo.it hm.11e llAR80R PAINTING tluber Roofing 811 lypet Processing _x_1_n_1 _r._1_s_9_7_·_73_5_4 __ .!!!'!~•••••••••••••••• R111d/Comm Clean-up Concrettl & tree removal REAll y CL[AN <.ull Ouollty worll FrM esl Ntw·r11<:ovtr·d8Ckl f•lori•• Llh' hauling 548·2489 Ouick terv 642·7838 Lindo, 689 ·0318 C\Or>\1 Coll all 6pm 1573-5188 Lic •4 11802 548·9734 ••·M~;;:,~~1~: ·.;:;.-• • • ~~'!!!!'!I.~!!!!!! ...• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Oependeble, allordeble. euen1111 Anawertng service, tecre1ar1111 & buslnen services, mill box rentel. word proces sing Telex-F11celmlle . order enlry. pegers-tease buy, desk spece rental 00 ~In on·•ll• vltll Ci/1' C1tl DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC $50 eatre lime S25nr •••••••••• •••. •••..... Rep11111. 1m1 Job epec;. 1 1 (71<4) 6<45-5979 Childcare wkcya. cred yn oxp Bud 552·9582 MAINT & DESIGN HaPuRllnOgF. syrEdRCVl~En up Rell l ,, .. ,1.. ROOf PllOILEMt Day/eve $5 & S101hr6 Oberlin Landscape Serv ~ 1 .. ,,,. • • r.·. ••A •• ••• ••••• ••. Mr Morgen 1545.517 W1111•n •or~m•nt o ,.,. .. , k & 1 F ,., n r 1 ,,._ Don1 111roo1 repair el W 11 v v ~ v n ...., c c een ree est ••••••"••••••••••••·· 1 11r1n1ng nterior ..,.,sign 1 C 8 teiuurt1-Acouit1c mo melnt 64<4·1246 673-0548 BRICKWORK Smell Jobi HANGING/STRIPPING ~:1~~~-~18:;,1 COii 111 WI•''" Clt1•i•t Htng-Tape-Steel lluda GARDEN WORLD HA-U-ll_N_G_·_llud•nt hat Newport. Cosll M810 V•••·MC Seotl 545•9l 25 1-···L·e·,·,·h·e··s·u·n·s·h·..:e·l·n~.-· 2 ded1ce1ed Pre-school UC 38994<4 I 532·554& I v I R • .. "---t ROOFING REPAIRS "' -Full ServlCe Gardening tge true" Low111 rele rvin11 eta .,7., 317.. ASA PAPERHANGING Call Sun1111ne Window -1-1-1-1-1-11-1-0--1.-1-1-1-1 teacher. Organized acll· vmes C.M 845·4857 S 10/monthly 85I·1342 '•"'',' ....•.•.•....•......•. teachers w/llc day care. "1t"lti•iJ z 8 646 2922 p C 75 9 Small Jobe o k tree Hll , & 1 1 6 5 •· .. .. ac e1na1 • romp1 ell 9· 1 76 Cullom Brtc.k·Stone 1 yrs total eKP Guar · C1419n1ng Lid ~48-8853 _, u 1 day 4 •2209 •••••••••••••••••••••• Thartk you John Block Concret&·Stucco work Pr~e• start at matea Call Tom & Chuck 20•1. Monthly Otscounl ANSWER NETWORK 760-7320 (ask tor Av ) REMODEL/REPAIR Finish work & door h1ng111g No fob loo big or smell Mike 831·8371 Child care In college park ELECTRICIAN Prlcec Gardening. Landscaping. CLE·N·UPS, G'ARAGES. Rell Free ell 5<49-9<492 $8/10.•_1 Alec 751-7027 542 6392 area 2 yrs & up Sl hr right, lrte estimate 011 yard ma1n1enance, ciean ,... Full 01 Pl lime Cerolyn lerge or sm11ll jobs ups tree 111m & removal ANYTHING! CALL /forillf --E11pe11 w111cove11ng luee111 lnttext AHld/eomm'I Free est 20% monthly 01scoun1 644·4 798 ~11.~~~~'!! .....•...... f~!l!.a.!11. ••••••••• : •• 646•7281 Lie 39662 I 673·03511 free os11m111es Insured RANDY 642-7647 •••••• •••••••••u•••· 1 1n11a11.111on Reas prices •••MOBiLE°SE~VIC•E ••• C ELECTAICIA_N__ 6~2 4689 Hauling & yd cleen·up *A· 1 MOVlll* Consultant Anignmenl Aescreens/New 6Creens .!!'.'!!!!~!!,.'!!~!!!!.. Sml jobs/Repairs Lie GtHtll S1rriell Tree ltlmmlng, garage Top quallly Special care 581"6590 NB/CM only 642·9552 CRAIG CLEANING CO Residtcomm'I ln11ex1 Screens mirrors Ladder w or k Owner oper 646-3089 Arl·AnllquH·Jewelry Appraise & liquidate Michael Hein 953-07 17 CUSTOM wood Piiio co- vers. decks & lances by RANDY 641-0622 ll.J. HuffMll & 1111 233108-C-10 5<48-520:1 ••• •• •••••••••• •••• ••• clean-up Bob 850·9844 I in ttondhng 25 yrs eKP Paperhangmg. stripping So/ir LI 306688 A od LIC'O ELECTAICl!iN Need work done? Call u I I I Compe1111ve Rates paln11ng •Int work. lg or •••••••••••••••••••••• ~!/.~~!~ ............. . Finish & rough carpentry, ~dd'ns, Cab~::;,, el. NEEDS WORI<( Joel Paint, yd cln-up, !'.~~!!!.~~~.~f ..•.. ••• No ovc1r11me 730,r 1353 small 1obs, reasonable Solar Con1.i111no sy11em• __ 6_4_6_·8:..5....:8:...:6_16.:.4....:5:..·_4.:.64....:4_.1_L_l-:-c-::-4-::--18_9_6_8_....;.84_2_•~80~2:..3~ 1 _g_:_~_~n_,~_1e_~e-~-~v8_·0_A:_~•_6·_08· ;2~1~ ~ ~~~~:~~ly Ou;:.i~~(l~~~l~~;vica ;:,~~~~" ~i':. 7 :;;• 851 ~~tu~~' s~~~~~0;,:0~1~':· Dnveways, Parking Lot Rep1lrt, Sealcoallng S&S Asphll 631-4 199Uc cabinets, 1m addlllona 648-7228 AOD'NS/REMOOEUNG RESID/COMM'L/IND Hiodr•lll clean house 540·0857 Low rates 552·0410 p It I Nature! goa. der11gula1lon Plans Uc'd George 20 yrs. Do my own work •••••'•·•••••••••••••• -------.!l!.1 ••• !~.~'J......... 1s nere Optimize your OPPORTHITY knocks ollen when you use resull·gernng Dally Pilot Clasallled Ads 10 reaett "" Orange Coast market EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bullington Owner/operator Carpet. uphol, area rug cleaning Work guar Pllflcr & S2ns 646-7814 Lie ?78041 Al 646·8128 Carpentry . Masonry Joan'• Cleaning Service SlARVINO COLLEGE ••BRYANT'S** systems ell1e1ency Also G d I -Roofing • Plumbtng HOUSH·Apts·Ren1a1a STUDENTS MOVING Wallcovenng Removal new 1111101la11ons Uc Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Aeslcoml Masonry, c;arpenlry. con· .!! . .'."..",,t............ Drywall • Stucco. Tiie Offices 540-1287 CO Lie T 124-436 All 1vpes 642· 1343 •05544 631·2430 crate. edd'ns, lnc/eitl re· TREES Remodel J 8 646·9990 TIRED OF HASSlES? Insured 64 1·6427 Lie 397804 842· 1720 When eight 11 enough. but 1 __ F_r_ee_E_st_6_4_5_· 1_1_1_1_ nine are too many, .. u mod Uc d 646·076 l Toppe.d.l.tomovea. Cltan Carpentry. C11bln81s Ouellly cleaning help la WATCH US~~I -l!~!!!V.!!J.~!'. ...... . SGTeAn~IBUcoRnltNOUSTRr PropleESrly up, lawn renov 751·34~6 Plumb· Drain Cleaning here! Aets:-980.74'~ lte lestefl cfraw In the! EO'S,PlAS~ING ~I!!~~!~!~ .....••..... SEAVIC£ & REPAIR ~n Oppens Service Co 838-4886 Pnone 642·5678 thel extra wh11te11er In Have somelhmg to sell~ classllled 642-7687 Classllled •ds do ti welt Electrical . Tiie We11 a D'elly Pllot1 Ne11 patches, 1nt/eitt tmprov 997 -1811 (8·51 Seti •die Items 6<42·5678 Re!a Don 966-0149 Clau1fled Ads 642·5678 C11ss1lled Ad 642-5678 Aestuecos 645-8258 Ctau1l18d Ads 642-5678 , Real Estate -the Complete · Or:ange Coast Market Place ~'.~!!!.~'!f~!!i!!'!. .. ¥.~~!!!.¥!'f.-.'.".~'!~ •. , !{~-?!!!.¥'!f'!!!'.'!!~t. ~l.'.~'!'!!'!!!.f!'!!'.'!!'!. l~r..r.t!'!!'!f!.!~!!'.'!~!!. A1U:h~::;,,. p~~l!!~! ...... !J.~~ ffl.~'!~.~!.'.e.t •. !.~~~ !'!!r.!!.~!!!~ ... !.~~~ '•'/::, ... ,, 3101 ~'.'!r.!!.~!!!~ ..• !!.~¥ c ...... ,.j·,,······,·,·2·2· IUOM oonHE H.:uR~~~·~":': :nR~~J HARBOR VIEW HOMES •••••••••••••••••••••• THE .. .!!!!'. •• ! .•. !! .•••••• WITH FIREPLACE, 2 180 deg vu of narbor 3 Bdrm, expanded Car-Winter Rentel 2Br. pool, 1 bdrm. 2 b• $700 per mo surl mlns 3b, 3ba 98: met mdl View• New cpl I house lo beh $650 Ptaya Lovely 2 Br 2 Ba, near Avoll now. Call Peggy cur'ity ~au,;a ;pa HIOO s/I $1200/mo Cell J RE 673 1900 ''GOOD beech, furn or unlurn 496·5660 518001~0 496•7009 Agl Gene Hill 642-8079 --S700 64.4-1981 , Co10111 ''' #11 3122 H ,. I EMEF\ALO BAY 3 br 2 2 BR t Ba hse. 2 • blks Ir •••••••••••••••••••••• Ou1e1 38r, bonus rm •• 1111 •• ba 1800 sq 11 lrpl brick beach. gar, ralrlg 4 SIO· ocean view, beou11tully LI FE'' S950/mo lse Garage lfle6 3240 ,..8110 with spa 51600 ve $700 mo lnclds all furn 1ownhou~e. trplc Greet locallon 759·1243 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,. ' ulll No pets Cell Tom pool & pa110 S 1095/mo Sharp 2 BR condo. 1 Sly. 213/876-2255. 835-5445 673-0696 YEAR·ROUND FUN: 2 81 So of Hwy Clearl. all bltns, pool, S550 mo 2 Br 1 Ba college C111t Soc1a1 Ac11v111es pool Ava il now Call 540·1158. ask ror section, ges range·, oar· Beach hou&e, 2 Br. gar Colll lflll 3124 F $695tmo 752·5065 or Dave dener. retrlg Avail 1018 S7001mo 3 Br 2 Ba. gar •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~r: ~ ~ 0/ • 1 e 8 _6_<4_6_-3_17_& ____ _ HOMES FOR RENT h Lagune • Wa1erlront 3 $895'mo mo Fred Te· l1wp1rt Yllll&I Apta Brunch•BBO s• Walk 10 bch 28r 2 Ba 3 & 4 Bdrm, $675 to Br colloge. 2'> Ba lrplc. nore agl 631 • 1286. BeautllUI landscaped Jr Por11es•Plus lrplc, sundeck. S" PCH $775 Fenced yards & sundecks. garage. o ll 631"2711 1 bdrm with patio Gas much more 507 '~ Fernle1t. long gerages Kida & pets s Ire e 1 park 1 n g M oCel Townnome near end water P•ld Large 0 A EAT 1 er m . S 7 5 0 I mo welcome 54 5. 2000 S 2 2 0 0 I m o water, 3 Br 3 Ba lrplc. recreation rm 1nctuces REC RE AT I 0 N : 979· 13<40 Agent. no tee 7141494-5945 Owner upgrades S900t mo • games epa end pool II· Tenn I s • Free ---------751-2442 ble Tenn11 courll, vol· Lessons (pro 4 pro Studio. 50 0' PCl-I 4 bl~s I Meredith Gardena euc Custom 3 t>r, 2 be. frplc;, leybell court iac/pool sh 0 P 1• 2 Hes 11 h lrom bch $3S0tmo Avall Home 4 Br plus bonus OW 2 blks 10 V1c1or11 HarbOr H1gn1anda avail 3 Call Clubs•Sauna• 1011 George 730·7000 cul de sac, tennis. near Sch Ocean vu Gar BR 2 Ba dbl car gar. 111·0011 Hydromusage• I dys 675-9115 •• _ be a c; h S 8 5 0 I mo A11a11 $950 894·8518 lplc. pauo $925 Wtr & Sw1mm1na•GoU 2 br 1 ba gar lrpl no 8 4 8 • 8 0·2 2 d 11 y s £ II.' I 32S2 0 r d n' 1nc1 EI al n e · Dul l1i•I 31ZI Or1vrno flange pets S650 mo 640-0769 968-9747 eves • !I.".,~ .. !I.".! ••• •••.. 548· t232 or 645-5963 ••••••• •••• •••• ••••••• 8 E A U T I F U L or 64I·1391 A111t•••l1 A1a1t•.ot1 ... '!!!!!~!!~!!... ... . . V11/111nill11d c 3124 •••••••••••••••••••••• . !!!~.!!!!~ .....•..... C01t1 #111 JIZf West:f'teld FAMILY APTI Beaulllul garden opts Pauos/decks No pell 2 eh1ld1en welcome 2 Bdrm 1' • Baths $540 2 Berm 2 Baths S565 ......••••..•••..•.•.. UITSIDE 2 Br I Ba pool side apt, lnOry 1m bll·lns No pets Call for appt S435·S456 lSl Mgm1 D1H Poi111 642-1603 3826 ••··•···•••···••····•• 398 W Wiison 631·5583 01 642·4905 1 B• gara1.1e. near ocean, . very clean S3901mo lmmedoccuponey 28r 2 2131402-2657 See at Be $575/mo Ch11cren I 24682 Cordoba Dr Apt welcome no pell New 1· A carpets & drepes dish· -::-::r.:. wesher stove 5 pla • 2 tsR 2 Ba carport. mo· grounca plenned acuJ.., dC'rn $545 542-3597 or 11ea. w11lk to shopping & 730• 7165 No dogs scnools, c;or~r ol Fair· very nice 1 81, quiet 11 view 4 Adems Open I yard Reis req d $385 Mon-Sat G·5 Sun 11.5 1nel ulll 674-1456 557-4785 3 be 2 be. oce•n view dsh WShr elec eppl lndry rm $650 496-4179 A11rt•Hl1 u.1.,111•"' ....••..••••.......... •H•I 400f ····uiili.iuiii···· MOTH Ill ~'.'!r.!!.~!~!~ ... !!.~? Wkly ren1•1s $95 up Color TV. tree collee helled poor & Slaps 10 ocean Kllch's avail PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 985 N Coast Hwy. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING 1 1 Laguna Beech 494·5294 IN NEWPORT BEACH Ou1e1 N 8 area non· A total env11onmen1 ·smoker pref ,.;.ature apartmenl community onl tam S350 incl u111 1110 UppP1 Bay Private 548-7652 clubhous., and health ----------spa 8 lenn1s courte 7 Kil pnv Ch11s11an Home pools, Clote 10 business. M s1ra1ghl . Nr Bch. Lag airpo11 . Fosn1on 1s111nd Bch S325 499-2286 Conven1e111 •hops on slle Unturn1sned bache· lors 1 & 2 t>drm 1p11 and townhouses $560 • S1000 Several t>achelors one 1 Bo1m un111 !eeture hne l1wpert luclt Male/Female 3 bdrm apt CIOH to l>HCh Yeerly IHH $237 50 per mo $100 cep Ave11 Oct l 631·2270 Steve designer turnllure 11nd Mtl• belrm wl bllh. tully eccessoriea Move 1n to-turn. lemale lull lr.11 priv day or reserve IOI future s 2 o o m o + u t 1 I use Smartly furnished 549-8677 3 Br 2 Ba condo. dbl gar 3 br 2 ba. remlly rm encl CdM Harbor View Hlllt Super 1 Br 1 Ba Vtllll AP A A T M EN T S : $795 16871 Canyon Ln e111um, lge yard N• gra· nm Spacious 5 Br wllge eou•tvtrd very private SI n g I es 1 & 2 846-1156 879 5991 de school Avell 1014 t><>nus rm Nice 8181 No pets S4 50t mo Bedrooms•Furn1shec Mesa l/erce 2 Br t 81 garage llke new cone $4951mo 7141882-2390 f.'!!~.!!!!~ ..... }.~~! sn11p 2 Br ttouse sto~e OCUI YIEW From Dana Points moat models open daily ,_R_m_1_n_4_b_r_2_b_a_n_ou_H_ On Jemboree Re at San Jo•qufn Hills Rd k1l wasner/Cryer etc $225 + S20 dep CM $860/mo 675-2500 51500/mo 760-8708 or 673 33l3 _ _ & Unlu•n1shed•No IUITlfULI 15575 2 bd deluxe Pm 675-2144 H••tl•fllll Pets•Modela Open 3 bdrm plus den hr•· Area Bch. SPil tennis l11ei 3140 oa11y 9 to 6 ' place, 2 car All ached 493· 1131 THE BLUFFS •• ••• •• •••••• •• • • ••• • • Oakwood S750 3 Bdrm 2t>a, spo1les1 ESTATE LIVIH lartlt11 760-133<4 '!.{•!J!~.~{•j! ..• }.~~? S12SO/mo Boautllul perk-Ilk• aur-'·•rt•llh Eitl'C Home nt bch, <4Br. 3 BR 2 bl, t>eeul. 1ge rounding• Terr1ced ,.. 2Ua. gardnr. on cut-de· condo, all 1menllles 2 Bdrm 2b11 t>eaullful pool Sunken on bbq, •••••rt hecttl••· sac, 1111111 lmmed S950 Children & pets OK adull unit Sl200lmo sparkling loun1aln1 880 lrvme mo 675-7673 26582 Guadiana S775 Call Holstetn Really Specious room1 Sepe· (at 16th) 760·8816 or 64<4-9152 966-6432 rate dining area Walk·ln (714) 645-1104 R ti , ,,. c1 •• ,,.,, 3216 closet•. home Ilk• kll· ••• ,.rt leacll/h. lrll Ill 011 lltrtHrl Jeae6 3219 • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • chan & eablnell Walk 10 H•tH•I 3242 ••••'"0•••••••••••••••• 2 Br 2ba eiteel loc; Block Hunllng1on Center 1700 16th St. Mle81liBJIU APAllTMHTS Beaultfully lend1e1ped garden •PIS Pool & Spt Patiostdeckt No pet• Bachelor $410-$415 1 Bdrm $485-$470 2 Bdrm $580 2250 Vanguard 540·9826 or 842-4905 3 Bdrm. 2 Baths S825 151 E 21SI 548-2408 garage No pets S500 secluded scen1e blull 548· 1377 like new• Only 4 units. 2 &•4-1900 Lerge 2 Br new pe1n1, Br wi den Xtralrgpr1vete 2 Br 2 Ba lrom 5525 No 2 BLKS TO OCEAN carpel S5251mo Stu P8110 No PelS From pets Acron from NPI. Hun11ng1on Bch. 4 br 497 ·2338 or 540·3666 $750 mo Cati 661·60 1 --or M·f 9.5 6,3•0212 Ben Golf Course Olflce home 1n quiet ne+gnt>or· 1 Br S<4251mo I _ hs Ir beac.h 2 BR 2 Ba. hood near Hamtlton & B1che1or $360tmo Stu! 2 BR 2 Ba & den. lplc, $750 mo Call for e,ppl M•gnotle Master bdrm 540-3668 or 497-2338 ocean view, encl gar w/ 675·0124 Ilk tor Kale wlpvt bath (Sho-r). Ir.II Sp1c1ous 28• $435 au bl-ope~r 2_1 4·493•1030 '• Block to t>eecn. 2Br. fn~7drJ11~;iv 9~~~<:,';;02 lfns upper or lower bright 4 airy $700 mo (Sandra) 1962 Meyer Pl 842-3912 Ho11ti111to11 yrly 968·8263 ____ ,1~~~~~~~~~ Bee u 11Iu1 2 8 r 2 B 11 ••• ~~!~. •••••••. !.~~~ 2 bdrm, 1 ba. $550/mo, Hot•/• lflllll 4100 townhouse trplc, patio, Deluxe poolsiCe x1ra large yeorty Slaps lo batch •••••·'••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• EASTBLUFF Exec home 10 bcn Bullt Ina $750. 1 Bdrm·lurn, S515 (Dover at 16th) 3 br, 2 be home, Hunt 3 br 2 ba den, formal 7141879-1985 No pets Ullllllat free1 (714) 642-51 13 Harbour area Phone dining. 2 lrpls garden --LA OUINT~ HERMOSA 84~914 etter 8pm Pe 11 o . S 1 150 mo 16211 Parktloe Ln. l blk 2 bdrm Broadmoor Condo 642•035o 1157 4828 Siii }•Ill W of Be"ch, 3 blk1 S lndry rm good loe 2br, 2 ba. bltns. dswhr. lll6W Belt>oa 4 SUURl MITEL· I Spacious 2 B• 1 Ba $425 $560/mo TSL Mgmt 1., miles beach No pets 213·865·25 2 Wkly rentals now aveil 3 Br 1 ·~ 81 S475 6•2·6221 642·1603 $500/mo 538-8362 OCUlfROIT $105 & up c91or TV 1...--------......J Laundry tee;, pool 1--Ph -221• I 548·9556 12·7PM $500/mo 2 Br 2 Ba apt WDOD 3 belr, 2 be gar great ones In roo... ~ wlsecurlty $895 Hart>or V1trW Homes Car· ••• ~~f!!~!.".! .•. }.~~~ of Edinger 8<47·5441 Agl, 848·2850 mel Mdl 3 Br, lemuy rm EKec hlllslde home. 1ge 4 Lease $1150 544-6077 br. 2'" ba. 3 fr pies lni•t J24f Blulls 3 br 2·~ ba, lam t>eeut llC 4 yard $1550 •••••••••••••••••••••• rm. greenbelt. pool 661·7717 LEASES!! St250 mo Agl 644-0134 3 Bdrm detached homes Harbor v-Home. 2 Br in excellen1 area Avella· den 2 Be St 1001mo ble Immediately 640·8169 or 831·3985 Su11 A.1 J2IO ••...•.•••...•........ 5 yrs new 3 Bdrm. P •bl. CUl·de·SIC, kids ok $685/mo 1stllast $300 cap Avelf 10/ 1 Heidi 979-2390 $800/mo on 1 year lease •----------Five otnare to choose H11t>or Ridge 1eese 4 Br 3 from We're the onn 10 Ba t>eaul decor 3800 It call for teaset pool tennis. QUllrd gete $2500/mo Bob or Dovie c .. ,o.iaia•I \\'''''dhrldgl' ~5o9~fi2~91 REI MAX U11/•1•idH 342S Re alt~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •• BAYFRONl CONDO, EXEC RETREAT In New· "·'I JtKHI 2 BR 2 Ba unsurpassed port Bch 1 Br pen1hou- YOU DESERVE ITI Beeuuful & perk Ilka wllh le<raeeel pool 11t Pnv11e PallOI •Covered Parking + Spac1ou1 Apia * O.n1ng Arta 11tW1tk In CIOHll •Home Ilk• K11cnen1 1 blk 10 Huntington C8111er. trantport1tlon & frwyl UTILmES FllH 1 Bdrm From $515 2 Bdrm S615 LA OUINT A HERMOSA 16211 Park1lde In, 1 blk w 01 Belich. 3 blll• S ol Edinger 8<47-5<4<41 WINTER RENTALS now'Nr 181h/Pomona 1 Br I available I Ba, downa1a1rs. OtW. J.ll. PROPHTY carpor1, water pd I Child MAUHMHT OK no pers $450 Agl na.t 113 no tee 545-2000 1---------* 2Br 1B1 Near So C OCEANFRONT two 3 BA, Plaza. SA Luitury Con· one 2 BR. evl now From do. w/poot SS50 No S700 mo w 1n1er Call pets 833-8974 675"4371 _2_8_R_1--BA--ol_d_llOU __ se_n_o OCEANFRONT Loe 3Br pell child OK All ulll pd 2ba S9751mo Av111 un· 415 Hemllton $535 I u r n 6 7 3 · 4 4 II 3 • 64 1-0783 540-3773 ----·-----HUI llfW COHD Sub·lease beaulllul apt over pool 11c. tennis, view 2 Br 2 Ba Lots ot lttrls, furn or unlurn S755/mo S2SO dep 548-3514 2 Br 2 81 2 c;er garege w/opener wood burning frplc vi-ol stre1m & wale11a111 From $785 662·1309 1t20 ftarronu .,,.,., t"'"' I view No pell Sec bldg se Security, pool. spa " 111.E.Tt•L $1500 mo gym 6 4 2. 8 8 e 8 • HOLLIS B WOOD Rl TR ' 646·4267 LUSH 875-8678 1---------1L•••lll l11t6 3141 Oceanfront 3Br 2ba, 5395tmo 1 Br 1 811 Apt 2 to 4 bdrm1, 111111ng el I A I I f, • ·-~ • • '• • • • • • •• • •• • •• ••• • • winter rental S850 Playe Carport. lndry rm· Sub· $800~7t!w~lot.S~1l9~5 OI THE WATER .I/!.~!'!!'!.? .. ~!!.'! .. ~ Luxury studio, free HBO, RE 873·l900 mil on pet, balcony Call Balboa Coves eitecullve la/ha lllu4 3101 pSh3o;;e. km:~~ 388r~, spa, 2 BR 1 Ba. yrly, rear of ~~L8~~mt 842· 1603 ho ma, 2 4 d • n or 3 •• •• ••••• ••• ••• •• ••. •• 1 w • 0 '" bdrm All opening to 2 units. 3 Br. 2 Ba Ona on Victoria Beach ept, 1 br, oceanfront. 5650· Pro· HllTlllT Ill garden, pello overlOO· water S 1000/mo & $500/mo Incl utlls perty House. 642"3850 Easllld• $600/mo 2 Br l11no water. 2 frp1e·1, gas S9001mo Av111 now (805)259·1251 1'" Bi. Townhouie, all tire ring, spa. etc, etc 760· 1977 A11tl•t11l1 bulll·lns. lndry rm. cer· 022..Qi:JV\'lf•• -Maybe furnl1hed, slip tor #lllNll ltat6 3111 U•la111/161f1 port. yerd/balcony. smell w:;J'T1f141'41 -boaf available Only l•lha ••••'"••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• pet OK J.&. $1995/mo 751-2787 OCEANFAONTOIX2·4Br •• ,... TSLMgmt 642•1603 ·~lllW~L· days. 9811~103 evu l.a/111•/1 3101 By Wttk or Month lt•i'•••I• 3101., ~ -··-JI p M •••••••••••••••••••••• 673·7873 •1 NEW BREED APTS 11.5-tt r ..... 1a l'l..,,evo.1t • • rtptrtJ &•f. Small 1 Br carpets, dre· •••••••••••••••••••••• "' '~ l.fU"lnr01»a l\1'1"r; t Wlntt en1111 2 l>drm. 2 ba n•-dplx. Bach & 1 Bdrm w/lolt 2 Br 2bt luxury condo Nr P••. re rlge, a1ove '1 1 M 1 k From 1305 Frplc, rec 3 bd Available Now Oar· beach All imenlllH $425/mo 675-5068 now 1vall1bl1, Call yr Y 1 !'~•00non3-am "· room, pOOI, jecunl, 019 a-. No Pell $930/mo ••os1 .. -·utlful ~ompfev .... u IULTY no ptlll • x * M ..,.. ~ ~ Winier Rt ntal 3 Br ''· •• 213/7911 4 1"5 2*7 97"'2 ° w1ter paid No Ptlt 831-1615, 493·7768 $705/mo H•rr" Petel PllP MU•llMflT · • · "· • 3"'3 H1mlflon. C M • B • 1 car o • r a g • • or (7 141) 673-3988 " 2 BR 2 Bl, cpll, drpt tncl 2 1 3 I 2 7 8 . 8 • 0 0 or $700/mo Steptto bty. 2 171•1111 846-4411 X1 1, $750 No pets 213/67Q.3008 l>lkl to beach 301 Ed· By Oceanside 1 br, pat1 •-,-8f-.-$3-G_5_2_00_r_m_._S_4_GO_ 7 ... ..,.,. 1 (C OCEANFRONT le~e ~ furn S<4 25 Inc utll ~ Wtatcllfl 3 Bdr, $1250 gewa •r oronedo et "'V" .. 73 0 6 mo Crpta, drp1. pool • I II R bl dern 3 Br 2 Ba o """II " ·14 1, 44-4003. W OOOBRIOGE ·4Br Cllflh11ven38r,1875 H yron · O neon ,,_ gar Nopel1 642·<4470 A d•m• Mdl on t ide Frederick, egt 831·126& RetltOf 5<48·5847 Avall now 10 Jun1 14 BAY VU 2 BR, 1 be. gar $900 873-6840 IPl W/0 Ger •n., $600 1Br. ups1e1re. no pelt, 11teet. Perfect cond No t•YFRllT YURLY Oceanlron1 & clo1t to ...,. 1v1ll oc1 t $370 mo 352 pete. A1111ll aft Oct 15 O • Small 1 & 2 Br Apia WINTER RENTAL 2 & 3 H 873·8276, W 97G·&37l Vlclorle 645·11l6l S.1100 mo ulel ltefuded 5 Br S3S0-$750 Yfly & winter Bdrm• N-por1 Ptnln· S<425 111 pd tB Dpl 4 171------------ 00LOEN PROPERTIES tHC homt Spec:lecular 675·5102 14Jle Playa Atal fllllt E B~y A_,., ~llbo~ No GARDEN RETREAT 2 Br 752· l58G vl9W. frple, 1pplnct, gar· 873-1900 pet• !.-7•1155 t'. Ba Condo, ovttloo-----------1 dtntr $2200/mo Wlnter/yfly. 11111 IO• 3 bf, king pool. 1p1 & running UNIVERSITY PK. 3Br. 875-7873 2 be. SteQt lrom beech. t11Hfrt•t/Vl1•I '• Olk 10 bch. 2Br 1811, brook, iclnt cond No 2'hB•. fem rm, llv rm, OC.1n ' I>*" vi-from Outllandlnn 2 d 3 frplc o•raoe ltlnl QUle1 •5501 8•· 1~ .... frplc, micro oven, 2 Cllr MOVE IN NOWI Ltrge lu· 1undeck Mutl ae.I 1850 t>drm. :i b1.• 1<11y~~1pc:, no p~11 873:8955. ' ~1;4 i -2eS:0 "' '""'' o•raoe. lndry rm, rtfrlg xury condo se95 28R w In t • r . S 0 SO yr I y b I 2 1800/ 1 t Pool, J•o S 1206 mo.I Ex1ru 83M&e8 evat. 875·5204 oOo WI~:, 8<40·47':4• ' C111H ''' lf11 31ZJ Fl1ep11ce, pool, dllh· 562-11947 3 B "b • 000 a • • • •• • ••• • • • ••• • • ••• • • Wllhar. !)Ill Piiio )( Lo r ' •. • 1 2" 18 .Winter Rttllel lltRT TIRI ITIPI Tl OOIH Oard•n 2 er on El••d• W0008 AIOOE s 1100 Carob. Imme<' occ:up, 2 bdfm, 1 ba, duploK, 2 .. •GOO ••7 2• Sptc. 4 br, 2'h bl, nlOefy I 8 • 0 • Q 0 l G ' E I • I n e GJt•gt. 'A blk 10 o~.,, rum rtnlll• bY Wffli Of U rge br ' b• t~plo, • '"' • o<4 1 I d •• d , 831·0838 8 N • 2 month Agt 875·1170. mnny nm11n111 .. , vl•w. I BA, new p1tn1, cpl t , 1n ac P , em . rm or ey. o P•11 .• 5 5. U2&1mo c111 Anthon~ trptc, ~llot. Lekt. POOi H1rbor View Homee, Por. 7 1 4 • O 7 5 • <4 1 4 2 , Junior 1 Br V81'talllae, on d•y• 0<42·57&7. evH & Or1pu, d/w, 110 plle & tenn11. 840 ·1327, 1ollno. 4 Br. 3 Be. g11• 213·793~0038 oourt $5 <4 5 /mo w.knClie3l·8830 1<400/mo 2285MlnerSt. 55M18&, ofc 720·7373 denar Incl<' $1200/mo. 2 bd 1 0 l>OOI 1 2 13/1187-3202 day1, 851·2176 2 l>dtm end unit, nt w C111 111 8PM 760-0589 b l y , b~h . ,; •,:;~~~ 213/381-5900. C~oZ ~ !nt~:'n':!o~'~:,;1--1-1-R-.-,-,-R-.-Hlt condo. !..t mlle to UCI LIDO ISl.F.;..4 Br 3 ea & H 79/mo ININT!A LEA· Older 1 Br.'" blk 10 aand amok• l'tm No Ptl or:1 Newly dtoor Ou pd, T«rifle V1eWe U G5 Agt den. &1..W222 Via Pa· I E 8 75· 1111 11111, $430/mo yrfY 875·8710 chllCI 1625 IU H . 111. tncl osr. dwthr, pool, ...,_2850 ~o 876-7188 876-2091 1ft 5 1u1 eec ~o <49119 bbq no pet• 542·5073 \ I - t 8 elld p 11 WE loc Wint•• Newport Blvd CM n garage. • o. Spac 1 & 2 br. lovely v 646-7445 lrplc lndry lac Submll pines & streams. sec on pet · .. TSL Mgmt 642•1803 g11es entry by pnone lge rec area incl gym pool & spa 846·6591 2br l '1ba 810JoennSt S425 1 BR t Ba pa11o, Adults p111 Small dog lndry rm. all bllns Musi OK 6<45-8<453 s e e T l S M g m I 642·1603 Eostttde 2 BR 1 Ba upstllre, pear schools no pets S450tmo 631·6155 Large BllCh•lor Apt Prl· viii• patio, Singles $315/mo 850 W 19th SI 2 Br Ouplu $535 645-8589/645·8103 333 E 2151 St 2 & 3 Bdrm apts Avatl immediately $550 to $575 Frplc, d/w, garage 1 or 2 kids ok. No pets water paid. 545·2000 Agent. no tee 81cne1or greet toe yeariy TSL •&•f H2-1I03 BEACH AREA $84/wk Relr1gere1or-M11d-Poo Nwpl Blvd & Wilson Coet1 Ml!Sa 548-9755 Orange Ooatl OAILY PILOT/Tue1day, September 28, 1982 C'7 •• • Schaals & Camps A \ CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FALL '82 HARBOR TRINtTY PRE·SCHOOl r • BALLET• T/.P WORD PIOCmltli SCllJll Learn How to use Wang, IBM 056 & Olsplaywrtter Xerox 860 Cell (714) 5568 - ~ Tr*'tt '*-l luitm I Chlld'a World Chlldran'a Center University Methodlat Church le In 1e At HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CUCH 1230 Baker St.. Costa Mfsa 7AM-6PM Full & Half Day Care • JAll • TRIM TO RHVTMM • AfR081CS • CHILOAtN •TU.NS~ ADULTS Dtyt • ff ... • W.dlyl LJmltttl Spacts 1-g- Now Awallt-lt 1JJ ............... UIN MOHWOHIY :e ot." MlW MAN~oe~ "+)'14 G~OOL -KINO~~G "+,. ~'f;;'O ~ e,. SECONO G~ "f~>-, ~~~~ ~o~:~ REGISTER NOWI (Brang Hus ad to r<'glllter and get $Hf vff n•gunrauon) CletNI I tarrowWliimr I tnlY .......... A•t. ..... .... MW ti._,..,.. .. ., IO SO-....... ~ Become a Word Processing Spec1allst Excellent Career Opportunities WORD PROCESSING ANO INFORMATION 2232 S E 811s101-s~Xil~MLo11 Ana, Ca 92701 Ages 2'h through 6 I Ii 7 a.m. to 8 p.m I Culver at Unlver•lly Avenue, Irvine le ~le FULL DAY SCHOOL 8:00 AM -8:30 PM Emphasizing Scholastic Achievement Skills Development Reading Aptitudes -tU.5440-&l .... llfloll•.ct_W_ll't f_ll ...... ,. Oonn• T~. Dlrtc101 • 552-4858 ie lo BALLET & FIELD TRIPS 91'9-8308 545-0622 2129 w. EDINGER SAN TA ANA l t ont to It A TRAVEL AGENT Morning, afternoon & ~vening classes. Pac~c :J,.a11e / . 'Scfwof 610 E. 17th St. SCll'lta .Ana (714) 543.9495 E•tolilhhed 196) F111a111·111I AHi Pr1111ram~ A1·1·n~htto<l b} tht· An·1t~ht1111: Comm"''on or llll' Nci l1U0;1I ,\,\l'K'l.JlllHI or cl rn<ll• f. 'r<'t hn1ral Srhnob NOW ENROLLING K-3 ALSO DAY CARE 7am-6pm Individual Instruction Small Classes Planned Activities *** MAPl,E AVE. CJ:IRlSTIAN SCHOOL (COSTA MESA) 848-4334 '751-4524 1•----~-----·-----------------------. ... --------------------~ Vim r1·1111>tcrrn11 for full. 0 m11r •airmant lcflaal Forfurther information regarding adverti8ing placement in the School& & ln8tructione Directory -call ORAtvc;F. C'()UtvTrs OLDEST .t FINEST l'RIVATt SCHOOL Louiee Griffith ty GradesK .a T tAn\paM~t1on (.tft t•,•• I 642-7667 ext 330 tls l'le le ;xi , I for your Hlr• bed DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under 11,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. an of st 1g :h 3 DOLLARS 50 31NES DAYS • ~ (Non-r~. Eitre llnee SUIO) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 :~ ul Real Estate the Complete Orange Coast Marl(et Page !'!!!'.~.~!!'!~! .... !.~~ f!!!.~.!.·.'.'!~ .... !.~~ ,., .. ~, 5310 '!.'.'1..'r! ... ~~ •••• !.~!! 1 Ill. FREE Lost white female cat w/ ••• .'.~.'!!.'•••••••••••• Beautician, eKper w/ ~flow eyes, Brookl'lural IT YOUR IEllYICE cllentele, renl epeoe or Ally's, CPA 's & Prof & Spelnecker area H B commission. Progressive Newport C~nter EKec ShQ Is deal. 11 found PersonJll, au1Hlled com-lhop. Jtlnl working cones.. Suites, fully staffed, deed or ellve please call penlon drivers for your Call 642-3055 btwn 9-5, hendl' all your business 964-4664 day lo day errands Tue-Fri needs. !Qdivfduel olltces. S ti opp Ing . doc I o r · 1 ---------ltallll lo Si•lf IJMOl/I I I / i/OO Mo/Mo 644-7189 Losl·Lg green Perrot wt appts, church, etc. All Beauty Seton nea opening ••••••••••••••••••••'":_•!••••~~ •• !!'.~ .......... ---------rad cap. 111c Hammon, needs met By hour or for heir styllal Rental Resp quiet male tor lg •IELllE IFFICH• EHOMtlH s.1t.. c M Reward 631-5547 day 494-5857 640-6023 :~1nn6 :tk~~'y 6~~j0J:~ From 1room10 3 rooms. For lease. 3 •dfecenl Lost red M kitten, In front -B-il-ln_g_u_a_1_1_n_1_1r_u_c_ll_o_n_at -kends. From 11 t& a sq. ft. No executive suites. Top ol Tl'lrlfty's. Crown Vet St•Hll I aldH Vario.JS language. ---------le•N required. Adi Air· floor or prestigious ad· Pkwy •95-2989 l•1t11tll•• 100S a. Temporary, "on cell'' S / (Md dress. Seaullful view. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ingle man w yr eon porterlnn.2lJ2Duponl. Hlghlyupgreded.R-p-Lott Dog, White Scotty PRE ·SCHOOL/OAY bHls, l 4.34t t1r Apply to shr tiouse In CM. $200 Catt AM 833-3223 llonlll Sentlce provided (West Hlglllend Terrier) CARE Irvine Unified School Ol- mo & ll'lr ulll. 11-46-IO.-1 Suites avellabla lndlvt· REWARD 840-9629 or Maple Ave Cl'lrl1tlen 1n Slrtc1, 2941 Allon, lfvtne Fem to shr beaut 4 br home, trple, patio, 8acil Bey. $250 5<48-6155 IESI SPACE Olll dually or as • group 540-6914 An1wers to C M Registering 2·PreK. _5_5&-4 __ 900 _____ _ Attractive rustic upstelrs Ideal for Branen offlee or Sparky Sm lndlv clHHI open NAT MEOllAlllO Room wl kll prlv 1250 mo ~. copier You sup-Field. Please call 17141 collar An1wera 10 NEKO and upr. nee Wegea aettlng We supply desk, persons In the Financial SI-Blue Po<nt. Blue I Oc1 '11'1 84&-4334 Outdrlve qu1tlflcellon1 Ulll Incl lat & 1811 ply phone, & $95 pr mo 760•1818 NEWPORT 759-6959 REWARD &•Je ... •al based Qf'l expr 845-0901 ~·2"D11 d k C 11'"•4 7211 CENTER •••"••~tt••••••••••••• ~!.'l..rf!!~~ ..•. !.'.D:f l¥..'!l..rt! ... ~~ •••• !.'.'! AGENT SUPERVISOR USA TODAY. a new gc•ncral interest national daily nt'wspaper that will begin publicauon in the Fall of '82 has position ava1labll• for Agent Supervisor. • Pre-dawn delivery supervision requires early morning work schedule. !.'.'l..rf!!~~ .••. !.~'!': !.'.'l..Vf!!~~ •••• !J.~ ·le Hot Roofers wanted Cell Needed X-Aey Tech end YO Bo b o r Ne 11 t 11 e a 1 beck office ass111ant lor th · 642-7222 Orthopedic Otllce wllh limited license. PI T Tg llHIHPl-LIYl-11 631.2200 to Full charge for NB we· Need 2 hardworking. me· terlrt. hm & Fem. muat ture lndMduala to wesn !d spk Eng., own car. rel. dlal\es Aveltet>le tor AM 642·5001 or PM atilha Xlnt weoe n . llHUIOI IFFIOI end benefits Apply In I y Pert/time Elll>efl•nced. pereon between 3.5 da1-as peraon1t llnes CdM Call ly 210 Newport Center AM. 675-5444 Drive NB to TIE ... Ulll' Interior gardener, P/T, Equal Oppty Employer o/e mu1t have eJCp working e w/lnterlor plan1scape1 Nurae, llc'c, da1lre1 pvt 1 549--1442 duly, lull or p/tlme 1• yr• upr 831·11282 or ,e Cell Anewer ad 723 Respon!.1b1lit1es indudc over seeing dtStnbuuon agents, opening new outlets Only uper need apply 842-4300 24 hra e. .) ( lrTCIH lllP and directing collecllon func tions On-tine experlenu AP-lllSHY PlllH N I d I ply bet 1·3. The Blue )C ewspaper c1rc u ataon an sa es BeatCate,to72111 p11• Fu11111me Experienced _"'":::,::::--=..:..:._ ____ ~.!'.pr:.,..:."::::....:::8::...::"'"::.:,·.:..:.:~-r--------Loll Bright yellOw Pera· Je/H WHIH 101S Male uc1 grad 1tudent 2000 aq 11 w/500 sq fl Fun serv ottlee .. $300tup kaet Beycrest. Dover •••••••••••••••••••••• Bookkeeoer need I 2 tem rmmll storage, 0 C Airport Branch office .... $80/mo. Stirs arN Femlly heart· Young merrled man Wiii Part lime Rafteurent. 20·27 10 lhr beeul 3 Br a re a $ 2 0 0 0 I m o . A n 1 w 8 r 1 n g broken 642-2876 do gener-al handy work l'lou•s. wages negotleble experience necessary, management ce. Newport eeacti Ikeda Nure«y, C M Catt 1d ex pe rl encl' a pl us To apply. su bmll 1..:6..:..75-:..:3:.:33:..:3:_ ____ _, __ 1or--:app=-'-· _84_5--:5:-7;-8_2 __ townl'loose In Univ Pr11, 651 -8928 serYtOG ....... $SO/mo Foond black female Set· Cati e11e1 & wk ends, Cell for appt MAC Irv. s275tmo ea D•YI SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bey Newport Beec:tt752·6408 1er. white 1po1 on chell. ,_9_72_·_9_52_5______ 67S.256& 759-2676. eves 552-6310 2 Suite• evall Gd Hwy , I ctioke cl'llln & nee coll•r Kind, lnletllgent prectleal --------- r(>Sumc to. lltlH CLHI l1nt1 Al4es 1e Mature person, recent bper'd only for Conva· d experience preferred le1cenl Ho1pllet, New· 1 Full/lime, ntgl'lle, perme· port 8eecti Good WOl'I<· FEELING CRAMPED? Vlalblllty 497·2351 l1t1Hll le•ll/ 4450 Found 9·25 968·7468 nurse. uper personal lltllHPH/TTPIST 1---------1 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• 7 2 o o 7 7 g Mon·Wed-Frt afternoon .. 1 1 A I 1ng condlllons E1teellefll nent poa I on pply n benelita Come end be • al peraon after 3pm 2937 Personnel Dept. USA TODAY Metter bedroom aull•. Coate Mesa t or 2 1oom Retell store at 2650 Al/On, Found tamale brown, Wlll· ~;5~3~04 • ' s. Mull be able to do private beth, steps 10 sullea. From $75/mo. 1665 sq It. plus 8 car ta Spaniel Vic Edward• . .------------payroll. CdM 955-3004 ocean. w/d, patio. rec Utlls lncld 779 W 19111 garage 64l·8777. Stel8' 847·7648 Ht/'/. WHIH 1100 rm. $425. 875-3231 St 851 •8928 • J •• • •• ••• •• ••••• •• •••• CASH I El E. Coe.st Hwy, CdM pert ol our teem ·h 642·80« :>f F h 2b 2b Woodbrld · C•••trtl• Found Kiiien. Ru11len Accoontlng ! :X,nd~ c:itd ok 1326 • Newpc>ft Exec 1ulle 2 min IHl•I• f41S blue wl flea collar vie ACOlllTI PAY OU ge0.6800· 552 337• ~ · lrom Airport has Ind Iv ••••• ••• ••••••• ••••••• Bethel T'wr1. 631·8334 Ml l'I 1 ..., Fashion Island re111t 110- re. Poslllon avelleble for en executive c e•hler EK pr. aa bank teller or tieed ca1t11er. E o E 644-5070 P.O. Box 6970 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Lill tfflCfll OFFICE/GENERAL k Aggreulve Newpo!I Interesting po1ltlon for ;n Beach nrm 9881\,1 moll· an alert. Intelligent •P· 11eted lndlvlduels Terri· pllcenl MacGregor torles open. Mull have Yacht Corp , 1631 Pl•· 64 -· • " offices tn a luJCurlous Comm'I beech locatton, r es en mm .... ope- Shr beaut. turn 3 br. 2~ antique lllled business apx 500 a.I., $500/mo Found redl t>rown short nlng for 1 rHpon1lble, R e. Uc Harbor-Pacific centle, Coate Meta. 955--0073 be, 2 aty l'louH, lrvtne, environment equipped total 646-8844 hair mll!ed breed male mature person In eccts Jae. gar. 73t·8630 with Tix w p ans 18,11 dog 9127 Vic Werner & payable, mull have ...,;,,,........;;..._ ______ lrg conl~re~~ rm, lots cii l•411lrl•I Grehem, H.B 846-4252 knowledge ol to key by Newport luxury condo. per111ng mo/mo Of lease •1•1•1 4SOO Foond· Grey male cat, Ilea touch. Type & dlgllel Cat Sitter Management Trainee, Atty. llrelghl share wtth from $375 desk space •• :1•••••••••••••••••• collar ery lovable Univ comput8' exper ts dfft· Resp peraon to help w/ OUTlllEI IEllYIGE 111 ltltlH Pll compl training program. male non-smok8'. $550. &250. Move In allowance N.B 3975 Birch 1000 sq. Prk M~/ Dentel Plaza, red Xlnl benellls. Salary care grooml;:f, & love 0' Sincere. plM.,nt voice Earn St50 lo '300 per P/llme eveJI Mr Sell. 752-9442 de, 640-2434 833-9976 11 Mt A zone Agent Culver/ Mlctietson St commenturate w/ell.P8f my long he red cat• lneurence background week pert time College 761-2406 Xlnl 2 BR 2 Ba •pl. CM. 54 l -5032 9/23 Ph 552·7500 . ROSAN. INC . Nwpt Bcl'I Some knowledge & ... nelpful ~5 hr wk Flex c r. d 11 8ve11 c 81I1--------- PAIT· TllE HELP U·S6/l'lr No Exp Nee Alt hre evetl Grt for llu· dents JOIS l.S.A. • iood are•. carport, lndry NAmFll $750 2 l60 It 1 d Equtl <>ppty Employer fr,~~ w(~~~:m~•;.7~~f1~~ l'lra S.-50/hr + bonus 846-5781 etk for TOM. Management & Salee 290 Incl Ulll "-f 11 u•. 1~T CEm• upO. ff 8 0 nRu-Foond Ladle' Ring. \Ile 548-5533 9e4 8888 Slam 12 ...., ,..., ~,..,._ n strlal -oce I 1 1 e-H 0 • g H 0 1 p N B 3PM • • • leHral lftitt TUJl/IEW a&aHR 891-4818 tee ..r 548-8902 With uae ol reception. dondo Ctrcle • M & T 536-6 tSIO ah 3pni Atre~lt llttnltlert CHAUFFEUR/LIMO IEGH&Till l&LH Pan time, medlcal lnau-Learn Ellecullve Recrul· Fem. lmmec. non amkr, lo cont. room. kllcl'I. phone. Huntington . Beacn Experienced onty need PI T. FI T. Kint comm. ran<ie bec:kgroond help-ting tor Eng & Tech, PUT TIME attr 3 BA condo nr SCP. aecrelerlel & word pro-842•2834. SCRAM-LETS apply 714·675-8955 Up to l811'1r Wiii trelnt work In oc Mull have tul Mature peraon Mktg & Sales. Acc:l'g & Pert Time. Ideal tor per. Over 25, ell•bl. 1250 =:'":va~•1~;;::1~g~ Automotive S car apace AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR Exciting Career Oppty. ftelr lor COior, Wiii lretn prel'd 8·30 to 11:30 AM Anen, Date Proc. Bnkg, eon wltl'l schOol Cll41<1ren mo. Incl uUI S45·2575 dellred CellJudy, aveM Perfect for mecti ANSWERS El!per Apply Irvine Earn more•• you team 8~·6249 Mon through Friday or 1n1 & olher areas Com· ~f.~"~r 3~~c ::::.~~ M/F thr l'lse, $180 mq + 7141760-0100 bod Y a Pa 1 n t . or Ct u b l'I o u • •. ~~~~r hrs GrMt '°' DENTAL OFFICE MNGR nexlble • plate training provided Robbin• Ice Cream Sto-•t. UI N ok ty 1---------1 upholstery business WMrer • PolM. tPM-4 30PM, ask for Efficient, Enttiullaitlc & llJ-111• Opply for quel retiree, re N B 675•9191 Exc.rpll from llst Pub ' u · on am er on · EJtecullve suites, lull Hr· Equip.._. with air com-Tuned • Troe)hy Julltn, 7c•_7500 JOIS I S • ---------1 re entry & other• me C M erM 850-0907 ..... ~ "'" • ,., organized,, w/bkk1pnng ·• • • -------.,..--. · vice. greatly reduced no pressor. utolltles paid PAT end WHEN 891_.818 188 exper 4 dy n S4G·3000 General Ofltce. typing. king career change PART TIME POSITIONS. e-Femete wanted to allere lease 754.0274 S775tmo CM 84S.5374 My old grendme'1 I~ Apt M•n808f, Handymen Ellcerpts from 1111 Pub light bl<kg, Matur$, Opp.. Member Grp est 1961 high Income. Celt Mi with 1eme In nice N 8 2500 t/I basic olc wt of raising cl'llldren.w1i & wife for Colle Mesa oentel-chelrtlde, pfT AM, ty tor e11pended position Cell Jeck or Pat Ehrttart, Capobianco 96'4·8l l l condo Ocean view. 1tor-B 0 C Alrpori liii•tll/l•~••I'/ very 11mple Sh• Hid complu, over 40, ept CHILD CARE Opar or up ROA. 4 dyi pr wk Submit resume 10· 1011 BUSINESS & PROFES· .h. ASAP. Cell 552-3626 or S 1 50~0 1~ 0 T 0 m I'.'' cl'llld training waa merely lncl<I 875-0447. othel Mon ll'lru Fri 4-5 Buay pleasant olfiot, Npt Brloso Drive. Ste 1 t t , SIONAL AGENCY. NB Personnel 557 9915 1•••tl knowing wl'ltcll end ol hrs day to help mother Ctr 840-0300 CM 92627 553-t191 • 851-8928 :,;••••••••••r.•••••••••• your ctilld 10 PAT end ATIENTION with 2 young cl'llldren. ----,...,..,....,......,..--,,-----::-::::-:-:::-:-:---:-=,=1:::0:::1--:-1-.::..:...:::....:..:..:...;__ _____ I a Shere large Newpc>ft Hit ,.,G::J.••, 1111 WHEN 8-t pm. Reis. 842-9309 ELECTRICIANS IDHAL If IHIHrttt furn condo $600 Incl IEWNllT 1 5031 ---------• GUYS & GALS ~rMU end U S Many Sharp peraon for front Newporter Inn 640-,.740 ulllttle• 8-46-9798 ••••••••••••• ••••• •••• FO<Jnd: yg M Germ Shep, Chlld Care needed for 22 Jobe avelleble For Info· office Typing, filing & UY YIEW ..... unuR VIC 1711'1 & Orange. C.M.. mo. old Pref E. Side CM (3121888-4347 E111 309 heavy pl'lonet. 675·9800 Marketing Management Prete< M for 1 Bdrm w/prv ott•--rt on Mon 546 g102 TRAVEL •rea 646-7350 be on Ille beach, N.B ""' aulle on Newpo Mert111e Ct. IH, . ENGINEERS/TELE GOVERNMENT $275/mo 642-9661. Harbor Approx. tOOO aq Speclellzlng tn ttt & 2nd Found 4 black-handed Cl'llld care needed Pick COMMUNICATIONS JOBS It. 714·6"5'·7 IOO TO's -•nr• 19•9 Perrot•. IHI eeen vie Hl·pro 1111 lmmed ope-up &yr old et Anne'1 D•i ""'· du S •• 11 11 bte MIF to etir 3 br nouae, .. -.. M 1 & 19 h s• C M nlngs tor 20 anerp guy• & uyer ... 1 an .... any Many post one eve • Nwpl Hgl8. w/M teacher, Exec tulle w/AC. 500 aq Robt Settler NH/CM ap • t •· · · gala, free 10 trevet coast Care. C.M. Sii 3 l'lra, 3-Jobe A111t11ble For Into· In U.S. & OverMat, For S 2 5 o . 8 4 5 . t 2 4 9 , II w/belh & gar s400 R.E Broker Bd Reet1or1 Foond· tge rabbit, flaxen to coast Slngle, 18 & _d_•_Y_w_k_._6_,.2_·_6_71_8 ___ (312) 688-•347 Ellt Directory (312) 888-4347 548-0455. mo 875-3600 642·217 1 54S-06tt w/grey head. pawl, Po-over. Free to •tart Im· ClllCIUTtll E-310 Exl E·91 $15 400 Roommate wanted M/ Shere furn executive olfl· WIDOW HAS SS$ tor T0'1 mona, Victoria. 548·518& med. Wiit be demonetre-tor voter registration drt-•FASHION COUNSELOR IAllUEISR •lratgl'lt no-smk 1250 + ca, Npl Bcl'I. copy ma-RE Loans. 10K Up. No F 0 u n d m 8 t 8 b I• ck ~g,;.:n~:~i:;~,! ::,~ ve. P1y1 &~·1100 dally. t12/l'lr, PIT, Ladles Ap· Newporter Inn S•!on U.S. Tot:> DI). Mrkt'g Firm 'h utll. Oya 842·S4~8. eh c l'I In• . $ t O O I mo Credit Ctieci.., No Penal· Retriever I Collle ml11 nln~1 1300 ...,. wk'& up. Peld twice weekly. Por"!'3 .. B~~~" 731·4347 P1rll1t lollOWlng pref d opens 2 brencl) offl<:M Aftm ••2.u..,.., 857-6363 ty Dennison & Assoc App r 0. I yr 0 Id ,.v. 750-1628 750-5S84 "' ~·v 6•o ·1·0 I . ""' -""''v 6 3 7 ~ Cal 760·8965 or apply ------------------.. ... .. Full beneflla for bright. Looking !Of F IO tnr 3 br Two amen office suites w/ 7 . 311 Newport/ 18th c M 12192 Chapman Ave .. COOk '" ..... , .... , HAii snLIST herd WC>riler• N.B. condo with M/F, IOme ..,...retlouM space, l ,E lHH AYllll~lt 646•5158 or 557•72A2 G d G NfGl'll .cOOk. Continental .. l3001mo 67S.9843 Nwpt Bcl'I near Hoeg tat & 2nd TOs Up 10 ...:Ola=:::ne:_ ____ ....,.._, __ •_r-;:';;;; •• ;;;;.;;;0;;~;;;1;;•;---1 cooking. Exper Prel'd, L~~s'f:r 4.:-~:?r Motlv11ed atytllt needed Re~ires No Ex~ ---------• H099 11-42-1822 90-t. LT v Tellored to Iii ., ..... ,,, 11•0 -•• Contact Rich or Merle. to loln prog1esal11e salon. C 1 M T 11. 1 •-••••~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil r , ...... ~ 3 r1 .. d 1 ,...7 prol .. a on111 We ape· Selery, comm & vec. 11 un, on, u •· •II.._ 1tt -•I,.,_ 1. your needs Al, 964-7675 •••••••••••••••••••••• yr old gl end u mo ol morn ngs 4., .4..,.1 -'ell 1 Wed (7 l4) 984 5354 siNo~"lCi·AAAOE·~~;.; , ..... -.......... , "u• Of 581·177• LIHA' ....... =·~o':1.r:'~~ PA~:u~i:s=~RO t~ ~i;,Af™.~?:..~n;:i Mgr. 540.8889. MAS~USSES •• Good CAREER 31 Openings HICmYl RIClllTER in for Eng & Tech. Mktg & vn Salee, Acct'g & Finan, '·" Oele Proc. Bnkg, In• & other areas Complete Training Provided. Mem-1at 'a de ber Orp eat 1961. Cati Pel Ehrhart, BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL A GENCY, Newport Beech, (71 4) 653·8191 Piil tll'Tlll Tl ...... ch ui lO ~Ir LNdlno Local P .. 1 Con- trol Company need• Route technician for 1teedy job. Entry Levet poaltlon We Train. no of exp nee Cell Charley, as Wed, 9-12 979-6021 he Laguna. near Mein -=.,.. .. ,. 0._.. •-t / PHOTO MODELS lh•lr lrvlne home. on --------& 2ndc TDJ~ C HITlll/1&11111 working cond1 Good PlllHOTlll B •• ch s 6 5 Im 0 _,, ... _ ""'5 " ,.. •••• , •••• ' ESCORTS/DANCERS Wed Sal '35 Call Deb· Olllln•• 811 .,..n UMCll Melur• Fleldble Pereon pay 6AM· 12 noon. 2112 Pecking " handling ho-of 494-3().W 1111•••/1/ OUTCALL 24 HRS bl• 752·6123 People needed to train "4·9090 Ex~ not nee AP-Harbor, Coate Meu 1lery Full time. Eng. .. ---------•We have evelleble Im-,_I • ., ' 0 I 1---------1 H Counaelora to aid RESIDENTJAL ply In pereon betwffn (714) &45-3-433 1peektng preferred le-e::~:.~=~::~ ~~3 medletely tor IUblHH -..·:.~.·~.-:,·,·.~!.:·,·,···,·,·,,·· ~~~ .. ~·~·~l~l~~~ IAIYllnH Olhat• In dlllrM8 or with MO~TGAGE SERVICE 3·5 dally 210 NewPOrl ---------Cryltel Creet1on1, ed Cet>rHlo 54._9518. two 1ul1u on the 6th IUI• • • : N"d "Nanny" to baby problem• Thia new Full Charge BQokkeeper, C«lt« Drive, N B. People~ need People 831-5414 ?S, ---------1 floor wlll'I panoramic •••••••••••••••••••••• * * * alt 8 mo old part time technique result a In • o rowing 00 p Rt AD TIE .... WTI That• wtt11 the ---------0//ln l•alll 4411 view of ocean. beck bay lilt .. tu1lrlffH Oey1 and night• In my well and happy per.on ~ Cell Jeell Braun EQull ()ppty Emptoyer OAtL Y PILOT SELL Idle t1em1 with a {le •••••••••••••••••••••• & got! courM 1eo.06o4 lfl1nti1 P1rlor tiome approx 25 ,..,. Per Atl welcome 10 apply tor eppt M 1•3&79 SERVICE DIRECTORY f~~s:~:• c1 .. 111led Ad s. 1:,1~~~."~: ~.~·rt!!,~ A apectooa 3.room 1ut1e /Ml I te .. , 6'00 o~:~ ~'!.!.:'Y wk 648-0614 ~~~t~~":1:!1e:~·---,-.--._,...---Ht;•l&LllA UY ILU ;:;;;;;•"ii•iittiieiit>ouiiiiitiiliiiiiiiiii~mmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I ea Aoent ~ 1·5032 nnllhed In Wt1t1em1burg •••••••••••••••••••••• Jecuul. Sauna Locat• 1"1tltttll 9 30 AM end 10:30 PM Ari you edv•nturou1. h11tl..,t11/Ptt1er hl A--lrport~-.,-.. -.-EJt-ac-.-S-u-1.1 1tyJe et 12.500 P•r u well u Tourl1te. My home. Butllard 11)(1 Mon t"ru F,t, Sat 9·30 need money,j love 10 General cleenlng. En· e PREITlllllS • 'I lee From 226-460 eq. ft. monlh. LHH term ol fOtJND ADS BenkAmtrlcerd, Amtrl· 8annlng Mon thru Fn AM 4:30 PM travtl? Celllor I m1rk• Qll•l'I and Spanlal'I ne· 11 per eq. fl. Many JCtru. t2-24 month• • can Express. Diner• Alt 1.,-....,,---"-)-·3_4_4_7 ___ 1 OHITH NISH ting com~an hH 10 ce11ery. P. M. Shift. FlfltH ...... , .. 011ttr re call 557.1010 Ateo • 2.500 t<I It aulle •RE FREE w2~~c2~•b7t4el~~~"33 BeAR For dry c1aan1ng plant. :re::'~1gc;;.,ech:g.· ;:: PloH call tor '" •P-Looking To Add To Our Staff id 400-SIOOPLUS t~eq.11. nnl•Md 10 your •PtClfl· n 1' or T•r help needed 1n1 thh• Futt 6 p1111~ Wlltt,.1n duet•• 10 tia vel 1 ~~;~me000ntc9•55r,· M·fl Pentl'IOUN BeViront Sul-cetlona. Allowance or C H OBencere tor 8epotie11""1 8~~·~~;e::;:;·~~t~,1 ~ 30948 Cout Hwy, 8 wuttrn Slat a & aa-" · 111 QUALIFllD It, perking, p1t101. t 1 6 p If. Ran I It a : 7~8:~=~~,~~·:58.:s~:' B 8tt1tf'ldtr, day thlfl, Laguna 499-1885 monetralt •"·!i!~olllng For Clutllled AO e7&·1003 H 262/montl'I LHH Exp prtl'd and Cocl<lltt OMm ULP n•w product, ·11-lnlng ACTION AEROBICS -FITNESS *""' IUU* O.C. Alrll0t1 WM Prof, 9r111tronment. M a.Mo9, or no rtlllt lndMclutl of· ftoea or o.tc 8'>eot· 160 1C1 tt • 3500 1C1 tt 1 MO. F'AEE. 769--1918 .· ttrm 2-11 ~· Ml·Hll ........... :Ti,..,.. w111reu/ waller, ex~ proora"' petd, ~bOYt Cell. INSTRueto•s • A 1 P lck Pert time. Mon throuoh 1.,.-ege lternli•· 1ran1 Deli Piiot " Cllt I~~~~~~~~~ ConverHllon th Bert>I pref d •PP 't to "' Fri 1 1 AM to 2 PM lutn, r•turn 0 ""'lead ._.~PROPERTY I~ MC IV t SA 2 4 hok. 481~477 Apply In petlOtl :110 80 For In tervtt;J'ball ~ ~~: THAT'S IOIE lllY CO"AE.SPOND!NTS LOll·Cute CUllllfd & wnt &38·0701 -Brltlol, Cott• M..-........... ,, 11 -'" PM l"'"U • 7'""'-""' l"' Cocker t~p• male dog, P~ple wtto need Peo9le ...--'" 11 ...,..,.. "' ot IM ue •t "Flully" Leoun1 8 ch COEDS • Would love lo Th•t'• wnet the H1v• you tHd today· a Frt Of ..... 4 ttt ,.rent• ::::======== 77 PASHtoN ISlAND 640 Newport Centet Ori-Fern11y pet Reward S200 par.tY wf'(OU Cell 8ue 0( DAILY PILOT Cl111lf1ed Adi? II not. welcome et ll'lt~Ylft SlLL Idle 1tem1 wltll a HIWPOllT llACH \9r lulte &70 ..., (213) 701-523• Aek for Kith~ anytime (213) SERVICE DIAEClOAY YoU're mlt1tng the bet1 WANT ACTION? O.ify PllOI Olaultled Ad '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Merton 904-3233 11 efl lbOutl .!f'Oelne In townl , CtlMI'" Act• ... 2·&e78 '42·6t78 1-= , ' ' . ('I Orange Oo11t DAILY Pll.OTITueeday, Septem~r 28, 1882 ~.rttA'!l. .... !!.~'9'11..,H.'!l. .... TJ.ff '1mln ......... 1Mf ~t ... IMf] .. 11; ! MM ~~~.II.ff Tll!.~ .......... 1.~~ ~.'.'!!1.!!I!!!!!. ...... ~.~'1.'1.~~'!I. ...... ~1."11.~ .... .. P/tl•• • .,..... llOCK I UPl"Vt o.. flrUOIOT . to IP•,•• IOHIOoll'll -~ ............ T tHO ,,.,,.A too '"""I 1tll ,.,... "" ,... nu,,,,,.., .... "' ,,.,.......... l!.1if ~1wnen1 yOU1 lnt1C>1Yle tltn419 110.1"° ln¥enl~ """•bit!• It Ind! ,. "-artok, •n MllC\lf'I 40ll\cH •119. •'"' IO•d•a I moa o10• •"" o1 mpe r •11 •11 m~ ........................... ":T:"l' ••• r:.. .n~u·.wro. ••••• ••• DJ doiflG 1n111 .. 11ru 11 & llllpplng of tQ1,op Of m. laflt COnd 1110 D«Ml .,, '"' oond l)tl lllOO .;1-"H 'I 11IOO "'"' •1"1·1111 ' IUIM NllTY'I 'II ~IO II. 7000'"' w111 QMn .... = = Tr• lee>l'I0111 11i.1 •or., en .,.nil• "'*''CHY oon1rlll, 4"·•'747 I.AO ldl .... '*' _ ltf Hit ' . ....-, •ll1t11 ht,0001010 ,. t.reo 1 IHll\al ol n111on1I COnl = .. 01'°"*' on i:--L•ctl .. ' ;i llpd lvroo-n PIO 140 HU ....... ,.,,., ..... '11 ..... 1M ~:,~~ .. w~on :~ ~ & 2'3·•32 M71 ~'~::!'.'XI~ ~=-penltt t4 "' ouat p1u41 t>tv ' oomponen • q111111y lOUflll bike, OOOd :77.-;i ••••••••••• mu Mao M8·7CM• 0 b 1 eoo 010 0 iucflllYI bOnu• lnoflllllYI '111 OIOttt I" ilwlnlor; oond. '40 ........ ..-Avooe40 dbl ove n OH 01u110 II L.epatrake ood uy. Mlltl 1111• ••• MlrOt dH :r:IOIL 1 I •11 I VH p1oor1me 11111 Hpr 11f" T11 i lln too rant•• 11n1 cond . tfH o.ntllf'Y bey bolt,•~. ~ kt 473·!!,?,!_ CrH m w/de rk brow!\ ~Me~~-4-3'"!"------ prev, bUI will treln lti. 17 611,, 111\d 'i;t' 't &I> le"'1af AvoctldO ''IOldllre, '*• Or~ '3800 t 7Htt1 •lfn'fllH/ 'lt Lh Tl•.... a.tee.-~Leulng 1 011 top Httd top, '70 VW lcv'*. Mll.o. DOOCf right peraon ,0, Inter· your r1111m1 0 0 •lflhb 11n new, 01•11 lhtlVH , •~,.n '''' 846 3344 ~ r ARV Mddle lntr Good COnd t rana ..... ,", • 1700 vi•w c•ll M1 1<1u11. tt •8·all72. P 0 lo• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1211 011el , Tripi• WAITll •••~••••••••••••••• • l"'-11 ~ ER 111,000, 173·7543 710·3134 9 . 30 AM1 640·6771 16102, L.A C• 90010 ••• llt/n . ,,encl\°'~ w/mlrtOf. 13 " lo11on Wh•ltt In '10 YAMAHA [NDURO M10111n1011 l lt n l •I• I llll.5 R.11Cl: '71 3000 Mech I OUnd, E\tll ••aa l .IT&TI ... 11 1,.11cllboard operelor, Aectwood ,.8 d~klng UOO 140.1603 Qood condition 2&ooT, wlnt GOnd October 0th, IOU 10 •• -,., 4 ... ~·.1,~V n 1 w r 1 d 11 11 •• 74--..,....---.-ooo.cl--eond--.-Ot!0-~2 r.r ~-•-grtveyerd . PIT wee· 4•20' long, ellO rtes*OOd Mint 8'>0'1 co.ta. q1111tty 213-441·11366 UOOlobo 14$-toOl ~ 811 IClll Cll'IH1v1ol,•~· ..,,.., .... • ,. ,. ·-114,6001080 '40....018 ow;;-,, 111~ b11n welt ._ 1" "' k111d1, no ••P nee I 1 ~.Call JI °' K ..,., O OU ~. --or 780.0418 f commero 11 ind ndll· ... 2 .,. 3 ~no. m .,, l>feod, N al fMd, 110. ·74 Yamaha 380 dirt bite• guna •eec"' o .a ouc '79 BMW 6281, 4 lf>d, lthr, m.int 2600 83f•M27 atrlel rMI 11t1t1 lor luC· .,.. ._,1 anyllme, f75·14llt. Call 931-0040 01111 01&Fl If' on 3 1111 lrlr. OOOd COnd 111•1 o ku11 p '.' a"i r 1°'; I 888 whit, like NW, 112, ·······••I •eg 8qu1reback, nHdl oee1fUI ind orowt~ tlrm Tlllil llJM FROST60 BATHROOM •a·'-·' Wlnl1t :r:lll. L1P1tt1• I I 0 0 9 7 6 • 2 2 7 3 • 60001<32500911 Cllllor• 900 or ueume IM. (714) -.-., ~ .. 11000/090 ........ ' DO 8 -u 1 11A11 41e 1 044·0326 ..... 9.9442 You .. d to -.::v,· .. ""'1...... • Biii WOfklng con lllon1 WIN W ( LIOI~, ,. It I ,.._. kt 11111 , 11 new palnl, lull ' nl1 Llcen11, TliXACO!l. '"' Can lnOr .,.. ..., • ., In Newg.,ort 8t1011 Wiil• P/T 3x4', 126. M2· 1• •••• .' •• M'!~.! •••• ;;";l oenvn. 180 hi p lnbrd 250 Enduro Hodlk•. ldnl l!xplretlon 1980. 1110 IR 2002 buy your Merc:edet .70 RAIJlll 12200 114/MO. 6 I 1400 • 1900 wkly. Cl.II SLIOINO OLA88 HtrCUlt• ~"·· compl cond .. VlfY llrong, 1350 A1lt1 w .. 1'4 llH 12200 080 848-030~ lenz from ua. Mull Mlt. Good oond. UIT•-•-~141 838·7590 A1k for 1'8"d ' PATIO WINDOW YAMAHA Bllt Amp. gone over. 1111 opllon 080. 849-1532 •••••••••••••••••••••• l13-A380 •-• 1• ..... •• 1•• .~2 .... 11 HMd wttll a double 11" pkg SHOO w/dock . '75 6301. Uk• n-. anrl, 4 $0 Now ace.piing IPPllOI• ..... n .... vy vu. .... ..... PV IP"oktr Clblnet. All Mu. I I• 11 A a A p . Y1mt111 Maxim 550, 1H1, WE ,,, IJ)Md, •Ir. H700 Ired• tlon1 l0t dey BUS PER· TILIPllll REDWOOD DECKING In excellent oondlllon. 173·3 ... 1 11800 obo Cell 640-2037 '11 •1•11 IHI SON, plume CASHIER & ... _....1 2x4'•· 33C. 2xe. •k '* 11.ooo. 903-967111111 TOP DOWll !'MW dutch. 841-ee&4 dey BAR'*''°"· Apply ._.. .. _ fl. ••Milt 1.... 18fl. tll700LASPAR.115 '09 Svzukl 200cc Sev~ Fii UI '78 BMW 2002: Show '10 VW Rtbl>lt Dl1NI • In peraon btwn 3·15pm. Wotk Ev1nlng1 In Mtw· S1vell 9115-0122· -El Giii room oond. new llr11, apd, 1un roof, AM/FM, 333 B•-•d• Or. NB. port Bitch. lut wMk 11/p Mero, dlptll flnc:tw, £nd11ro, n11d1 c ar . •• •• ..... brtle ... vllve Job. A1klnn. DOWN •-t t 1 24 !ti ~. 01nv11, IOldld. tralllr. It 9 8 . -----,...,.,. ··• Xlnt , low ml 1 11205. .... our op peraon pu n I _,, CELLO V. lltl. lltct MW, 13800, M8·t378 840·113201045-0138 --HJ•-••• •uouu· Mull Mii ASAP 1147"'4313 ._taurenl llOUra and brought home •••••••••••••••••• ~11 quallty. muat HO.:------------------r.w•--802·2309 M1yerhol'1 • Prlmery $395. Call 833-374011111 llUT --$295. 833-1974 I It' O&lll 1111111 iFor NII, 1980 Hond• 750, 2480 Hltl>ot 81vd LEA E ~~:cit~,~~~~~:: 1 PM ,.;r-... BABY GRANO Kimbell , 1 1850 845·3344 1wn Oll lrhlld c•m. COSTA MESA '78 BMW 530lmlnt cond. Community nHda e n TELEPHONE SOLICITOR· It 1•~ old wllnut S3s0o I Chopper. F11ll lllllndld Ml...,. All txlru. BBS whella. S Sat only FM m-.. ...,. 2 moe. old l300 • F. · · · for-•. 11.lno/ q1111n 1111. •"•1"•1 Qr11nc:t"' c1 ... 111 .a1p1n1 enthutllllle, responllbll • · ..... -.. .., CALL408/22Wl5e l n 1 ncln g •v•ll . 09 Chrlt0r111, 011t1ttn-meny xtrei •t 200 _ _.. -"' ·"' 1mploy11 for counter NW tppta. 841-0303 s~ft J~ c.a 8 4 e . 0. 4 e .• v •• ding conc:t .. 22'. w/dock, .... 1.•"2"' ·---WI--.-,-,---1u1p1n1lon. Blllltln I f d d -· .,.. " 21" ""2 ,..... ... "" "" ., 111ock1. M/1llv1r ext•· •• ••. oo prep, an The PennY91v1t 11 IOCIC>-• ...... • ..,... nd CUii, mutt Mii. -5001--------- d1llverl11. M·F, 8·3:00 uno tpptlc:lllon• for full Y•m•h• Alto SH, new, OBO. 073-3481 78 Y1m1h1 050 Speclel, OLW 01111 ,r~~/oord!'!~~!."21511lor. pm. Good drl'lling rlCO'd time R11der Ad 11111. White tem Amer. Eaklmo. mutt ull 1400 Ctll 1850. A9lt lor Ron, • .,.,., e p . .,,..,...,,, ~.re::~ ':,,~'~pi:· Apply PENNY SAVER, ~~v~~b~•b ::~~'· IU21<~, 031--0318 ,,,,,, "'' "" 548-0554 All TllOll 557 ... '32. 1880 Pl1C1nll• Ave. •73.92•9 ' ••••••••••••••••••••• 1980 K1w111kl l<X125, ,,,,.. 1110 ...," Coett M.... " " · Ol/ln l'ua/18n 18' Hobie Cet, yellow w/ good C1)nd, NeVlf rec.d. •••••••••••••••••••-• ,---;;R;;:ET:;";"Al;;-L-;S;-;A~L-;;E;;-S--1_::.;::T:::V:..;C~O=M=M::_ER-C-l-A-L -lftH II ft8 llff L.J .... t "'' teq. aunrlH 11111. Liiie 1750/olr. M2·2535 COMMK.L CHEYRO~ET x.>11 irr,. r )• n1t1u Ce ll v11er11 people for beckground, Wiik•. 2 clllco. Good working order. cyl. eng. $l.l,900. · lt•tlll•ll•I 111 ''f'i\.,,,,, su.1200 '"" 1111 . ..................••. #1¥ .. ....... .. ..... '"""' .......... , .. ... ..... OVERSEAS OE.LIVERY EXP~RTS UIUU Yllvt 1"8 H11bor Blvd. COST A ML:.SA Eitper video 11111 per-CASTING COMPANY •••c;••••••••••••••••• ••• "';1.~•••••••••••• NW. 12500. 075-6181. • • "·'r, I eon, wt91, comm & ~ Interviewing relleble 8 L VABLE Klt11n1, 8 SAVIN COPIER 220 Cotumbll 28 Muat Mii 4 flit ..... , -.,f ~ 842-19-44 545-5087 l400, 552 5133 ••••• :t.' ................ :=====----~~~=~:::?. P:~~·h ':; F~~'tteni. rid 4 whl. 8 499· 1326 btwn 9·5pm. • For 1111: "TO Lindy mo10( llll ·-•· ,88 white A-dr 4 ""'· lllcll UUl/O...anlff c wkdy COLUMBIA 22. Very clean home, llpl e. ,.., bllh. -·-.. '"""''-""'PW .. 91W1UI ~~ . .., -fll/l(ll y,, Unique l1dy'1 clolhlng potito chlpe, dHlgner old. ell wllh n1111 • Hond• O/B. t11b, 111110, 1111 cont. Top doll•ra tor Spofl• -• .. v 1' lhlfl. 125.000 ml. $l400. 14'-llH 141-141.l etore .-ka energetic I•· p1n11, awlmw111 (~ 548-8219 11t1r 4 PM 2 Pc 11111 MCretary dMk, 14700, c111 Me-1278 $12,500. 857·5435 Cert. Buga, C1mp1ra. llDt ~SI.~'~ 652--0579 d I• I w It II tie Ir I 0 r t•nl llC. No 8J(pet 1Fr11 to good home 14 mo • Int 0 0 n d . I 1 3 5 . 914'1, Audi'• ' lllll~llio\ .... olilllo:.\.U;;.li;,jllolllllll W /ll3MIOO, tlS/~~ ·e'1 122S, 11111on Wlg<>n, f11hlon1 end modellng required. By appt only. old kitten. 842~8117, 875-5090 Wkdy1 Ill 5. i.llNim Hfl Rent: 26' motor home, Alk lor U/C MOR 11i:.:..:::.=~5;;;;=:;~11--~~~~~~~! recent Ing WOtk. $t300. II I t I A I I 2131840-8083· 900-2226 DESKS FOR SALE •••••••••••••••••••••• llpa 8· fully loedld. ... .... 1559·1832. 1xper. •Pu · PP Y n 0 k d hi O&S S1llboerd , brend 045-8810 (P111I) ---------paraon. AleJCle Neturil TYPlllTTll Loveble M Shep/Pit Bull, 11 1 •n mato ng new, du•I eo•lllon dtg· YILllWAlll #G 114 Fuhlona. 280 Foreat St. o.c. Mtguln• publlahlr 1 yr old, good w/klda. chelra II UCflllcl prloe gll board. 1850 new, ...... 18711 Beech Blvd. Ellate Sale ······················1 A•lfl u"' Legun• Beach 491.4111 seeke operttor for Com-8-41-4961 11 l 5150. Repl•c•ment relocellng. muat 11111 21 fl. Good condition HUNTINGTON BEACH !980 Deteun 200SX, xJnt '59 MG A, rune "''.II, •••••"•••••••••••••••• Wet pugraphlc Edllwrlter. coet 12300. CALL DAWN '450. 730-5311 dy1, 550--0481 U2·2DIO cond. Orly owner, eo-11relght body, need• lt•1111 IHI Eu/~!'.1500 par Mu~I have r.rod11ctlon, F ~~=p~~~it~~.11 :;:yde:. 9-5em M·F 833•8500· 8150-9218 1v1. Hk tor RV & Boet SIOtlgt, SI per ~=~~.~. ~~9!2~ieya ~-~~T: In I· S 85 0 C~;;•j.;•4•;;;•N::;;,i mo. P1r1 time. Muet bl ~9u7te-17u2p71l1111a1 ,C•ll.£.14) n11d1 yerd & love. NbCR Cluda 11 Regllll! can Pet fl Cell Joe WAITED' Beech'• flnett Mllctlon mtture. 559-9043. Leave .. • or n erv-. 042 807 848-908 1 u .. 11 • CHll re-Hurley twn lln eurtboatd 9.45.e730 • '78 Det1un B2 l0, good #C.I " 1144 ol prevlo111ly o wned Mesuge "l..11•• Ot•tra Pen•• 8 -4 • 1 •It. gl1t1t ptup can bl 11tlllzld 15' 10" xlm cond 1125' L•t• model Toyotu , cond. 12500. C•ll Chef'yl •••••••••••••••••••••• Por1ch1'a, Audi'• end • • . for m1n~em1nt report C•ll '730·531; due: f11J11n, f11nl 1111 Votvoe, Plcicup1 ~Vena.• 891-2910 '65 Red MOB . wire Votkawegene. SALES Order dllk tor..i WHt IT'9ln. M..-4ndlvl-~S--mo:-otd ~ Met•-Pflnl-oull. 1895. , • ........................ Clll WI todeyl . • wlllel• Int cond ,,... IUlt mlr. Aocurlle typing duet tor Plr11tlme WOtk mule mix. white, good Sharp Fo SF-501 Copy :s~-1218 1111' Ilk for 19' Ft Trevel Tntlllf Xlnt I 80 Dela.in "3lO G)( 5 epd. 11ereo.' $~995 530:.-3008, .... & gd. phone m1nn1r • (deya). C1n grow ln10 w/Chlldren. 493-4241 mec:hlnl 1895. • cond. $1200 or 1>111 ol· 3o .ooo ml. Mull 118 d1y1 94 7 -51500. Pvt. ~ ~ mu11. Stert Sel 11 1780. lull/time. Mull b• pre-M0-74't1. "''' IUp fer. Stlown thru Thurs. $5l50. Bruce 548-8343 Pef1y. Cell for lntrvw, 642-1912 aentebl• bond•bl• a l'u.Jlan ,., ..... ~L H11 30111 10-ePM 8-44-9528 TOTOTA·YOlYO '78 B210 2 dr. 4 ...... AIC ---------t 4~~-~ h ~ • •••••••••• •••••••••••• Oeska, chalra, booklhelf & .,..., ....,,.. t, I 114 ·~t'V"' ~" M·F P YI lly~1 ~bll.ApplyW_,, **'BUY** oouch $10to l500 •••••••••••••••••••••• 18' S1111t1 Tr1v1I Trlr, ltUM.Wll·~ 35mpg N-tlru .Clean .• !.•A!!••••••••••••••• 073--0900 Sells In Plf'IOll. -..pm, .... • 640-9922 · Sllp1 ev11t. CdM 1r11. 1lp1 8, w/101111, cleen. c.... ...... '2950. 963-9305 .81 505 Turbo Olea Lo ml --------- Thura, Fri 21oe2eroo11-1 19/lt. c e ll Curle 1 1400/obo.MeyblMen "u .. ot>eru1.un .7~B210 ...... & Prlced toMll. l•l1k Hll hurat Sii 103, H.B. Good uMd Furnhure & ltll ,,,1 714-955·2473. Wledya 11 779 W 19111 St. S111t1 .. 'new eng, ''"'1 840-9738 •••••••••••••••••••••• DIOITIYI Appllencea-OR 1 w111 1911 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 8•5 L C M _ •-clutch. 85,000 ml. $2100. IEE II IElltm• W&ITEl/W&ITIEll or SEU f()f YOAJ IMID "" i . . •5 -· 845·291o '"".' 11 Stor•l•E•ng· .. 'ccTt~g ,· MFk1n'g•n'. nl141eO.-!_~no1 dal~~g111oup .. •r. ll&ITIU &IOTlllH2 AKC MIF. e wke. rect/ IB~l~~~~Bif '!!~~ •. U.IJP.'7..!I.~ ~~~~ ?:~ ~!~~~~ f1111rl 11U •••••••••••••••••••••• ~':11~1!~":' n~ ~ ,.. "' '"""" 141 1111 UI-I bu 11 . S 15o·I 2 2 5 . 30', 35., 40', ,· ,.5 • .' c.M 11, l-UIL Tl&l.ll FUI APNAIUL ...................... MEISTER uHd Buick• In Orenge ~:~:,P~~~.~~;,,~l~t: ~~=:~~:.111on1 avell.1--,,...,.....,.,..-.,.,..,....,..,..,.=,,..,,..-ee2U·l144~•u• •ay , 1 ~~-~~44 from 9 -5, $200. 8-415--33-« COtmllr·DIUtlo ~~ Nt•••E/lllt -.~ Training Provided. Mem-•tll I I.I. r.--· · •~ .walllT ..,.. ~r Qrp HI 198\. can " • Shott.° 175 548-9"5 Ooek IPIC4I IVllllbll up A•N .-nlf, lun 18211 BEACH BLVD. FEllllll 13631 Hllbor Blvd. Jldt Ehmert. BUSIN£SS 89t-4918 111 FllllTIU..W llll to 38'. S 11.50/fl. Ardell. I Alffu#lft Hfl HUNTINGTON BEACH MU DI-G1rdln Grove & PROF.E,SSIONAL Excerpla lrom 11'1 Pub. PRICES START AT: "'-"•' !!fu• 042 5735 l......................uwJ s.les-lenlee "O EN CY. uewpo rt W-11r-·-& W•'t1t10~ •• & F nc:t ••••••••••• ••••••••• • PAINT & NII body work, Ul .... l, ~lll1 l~~~f. •-" ... ... .. ._.. .. .... ....urea.a OU • 111 MOVING MUST SAC. 5'8 MARCUS CHANNEL: lld• up to 50% oft your body ... Mille Beech, (7141553-8191 ~!;.o~~"ttre';.,,~~P~~~ ~4:~ir,~.~ Bal<twln Grend Pltno. 1 tie to 28 tt; 11so; 11eo 1t1op eat. Biil 964-0332 Top Dola l.14 111-2111 ·~2~~-;: UUI Blvd. C.M. °"""' $147-Klng 1 187 yr old. 575·9510 Miki I !'1d,.• .u1~5'0 18 t( llOO. Ford 351C tunnel rem r . Por1cl\1 '77 "11S cpl, COSTA MESA P.R. PERSONS NEE· Sofe ~ 1197 YAMAHA GRANO PIANO " ., • ., .. menlloJ d w/2 000'1. p 'd • OED. Magic l•l•nd I• ........ WAIEIOllE ........ Sofa&. loveMll 1197 6' w1lnut. '68001080. WANTED; allp tor 40· 1250/ofr. 546-4639 at -3100 Weal Caul Hwy. ~.~ ~rl~~~o ~~~~~1~! 111-2100 looking for I few lntalll-14·$8/hr lo atlrl. Wiii DISCOUNT FURNITURE 873·0289. lrtwler. 14•.;• b11m, Porache putt. 1981 SC For Your Cerl Newport Beech I e I 1 8 4 2 . 8 9 7 1 • Sevllle Oii 79, xlnt cond. gent. 11t1r1ctlve & sincere tralnl Xlnt Opptv. Eern 1959 Her~Blvd. •r.,tl''-1. 11--~, •~ Nwpl. 842--0370 eva *1111 I Ill 642-9405 759 '"'" Pe 8 to 1 I • ,., ,. ------------• front 1tr11ta compl w/ -ivvu. Spec tll11r1. 1 ownr. 1~ ~~'their ~.:~~::7n up to 18/hr. Repld Id· COSTA MESA l-45&09 • ••••• •••••••••••••• SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington dl1c1 & brka. Convert U...aa-ltrtlfJ Bt•ll 1111 78 9 t lSC T hi I S9.000/otr. 775·7141; Nwpt Ben. lntervl4tw req vencament. Cill Mow 4 P1nn1ylvanl1 Hou11 Brend new Pool T1bl1. H 1 r b o u r B • y . 11rly cer to better brka & 2028 H1rbor Blvd. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ilg•. w 11 737 11579 C f 10-8 M E.O.E. Clllrry reproduction lad· Xlnt, Beel oft1t. 7 1 4 . e 4 0 . 5 5 4 5 ride. More p1rt1. 1500. Co1t1 MIH 540-5330 llllA llmHt blk, fllll letther lport --·------- Ill or 1ppt. on· JOIS I.I.A. der b1ck chelra. Ruell 780-l977 848-7788, 840·4097~ 831-4785 Premium prlcel We cen hllpl 8ef0fe you ... ,,, 1 & 8 BOS whls, ·79 RIVIERA lmmecul•t•I Fri. Uk lor Mr. Hllberg I 891-4818 I• ae1t1. Reg price S900, 2 t:t-431-3784 8-9 PM bu ohecll bell 30,000 ml. I 18,500. K & Gold/tan llltlllr petfec1 iiilliii7iii5iii..()90()iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ExC*pll from lllt Pub. .... $375, 559· 1102 Complete ~I Mt with . • . A ' Ii ,., peld tor an'J UMd car bl:· HllCll~r ':.v1n:. E Dl•tributora, 042-8971 oond. Bought another UUINIPU (AlllUSIYI) Eat. fut freight co. -k• motivated u .1 .. people lo develop new eccta. Every bualnen la • po- ltnllel cua1omer Sterl 11 '500/mo + comm Po- tentlel 11mlnga ol more then $30,000/yr Cell M·F 10-4, 550-8328 X208. 1--......;------·1-=---,---,---,---,---,. ~. ':::: 8=8i::r 1 ,,,,,, INl'.f! Hll •• ~!!.!! .... !........ (l~llgn Or ~~lcl end lltVlce tod•Y1 '75 91 IS, 81k on Blk, with _~er. 171150. 03 l -5300 W11( trfUTM C1lmod1 u lmon pleld ---------•••••• ••••• ••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICE lllfEllm Sun Rt AIC Wl\1111 _"Ouy __ • ______ _ Frenctf 1\011 ch•lr. R-o -·-~Z-DRY STORAGE TO R"' .. DERS AND UI Flrltl • 1' o ' Br°"er•ge firm hu Im-l lOOO, 1111 lor 1300• , "'--' ..,, ... -I•--end More 14,70 . c.4J1hl lflf med operi tor 111,per wire 559-1162 tiJll llltH lfll ADVERTISERS -• _..._ 845-4272 ••••••• ••••••••••••••• OPl'l10(, hra 8-2:30, -•---------1 ••••••~••••••••••••••• The price 01 Item• •d· 2950 Hlfbor Blvd. ·ee 912 Reb11llt 1ng, 11· TIE lJllEST llry comm1n111r1te wt 4 lerge dinette or o•m• BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-lllt'llMd by Vlhldl die-COSTA MESA lo)'I. reblt 1,_, dlen SE exper FO< tppt call. H• table dlalre. 8tack Neu-I« TV. 2 'If wmty. •148· Iara In the V9hle:ll CllNI-140-1140 873-9014 •her 8 PM LECTlll I e n M c 0 I n I • y • glhyde wfltl Wllnut tr1m. Fr11 dll!Vlfy. Open &In. !lid advertlalog C01umn1 or late modll, low mllM· 714-~·2292 Excellent cond. $50 MCt1 TV Jol'ln'I 848-17M doll not Include t ny '78 Hondt Cl1M; Slden. 1975 914. Alp!M ttereo. ge Cadllllcl In Southern or bell offer. Cuat Rollwood alereo/ ~bll tn11. llc:enM, muat M ii. '70 VW Bua, 100 wt, lkl rack, Euro-Clllfomlll Set 111 IOdaY1 W11E trlUTN 042-5749 1ttemoon1 c • b . w 1du11 1 2 1 0 tr1n111r 1111. t1n1nc1 Cllln. Musi NII. Both 1 peen head & tilt 11gtt11, •••irai Brok1r1g1 -Newport Charges. feM IOf elf pot. o wn 1 r . s 2 5 O O 11 . tog llghla. good c:ond In ~ Cent1t Eerly llOAJra: 5:30 LWI. king-a wllerbld, " Changer. Sep comp•r1·1---------1 lutlon control device 548-9852 & out. $6500 080. ClllLUC em to 1:30. Accurtte 1Y· blue velvet. mllchlng m«tta fOt rlCOtdl. ;"~· fi ,..,, t/, cenlllc1t1ona or d .... r H~t Cllh lmmldl•lll'f 031-4785 2800 Hlift>of 81vd. ping req. 1144-2442 night atend, 1400. Jiii :.~7~:--' d.ctc 2 · .!M'~•·'-•~••••••• documen1ery prepare-for yo11r vehlcle. Do-'77 ACCORD 5 1p. AM/ COSTA MESA ULll 1---------1 851-0994, 841-5030 ---------•" •-•-tlon ch'erg11 unle11 m11tlc or foreign . FM, lllver wtbltc lntlt. gd 11111 •-1151 PUBLISHER SEEKS Dy-WMI PIMlllll 1_R_ou_n_d_O_t_k_g_1_me __ ll_b_le_ Color TV. 25" con1ol1 ..... ,_,.,n, _._ IJ-?~~':~ .• ~.e<:ltled by 55t·8285 cond, S3000. 84-4-98lO ••••••-;:/;;••••••••••• 141-1111 n1mlc S1l11p1raon w/ IBM 1y1t1m 8/430 or w/4 comtt chra. Xlni •In I con d . I 1 4 5 . -u• ..,.._,_ J. 1130 #)DEALER IN US A hvy phone & c1011ng 81450 operttor needed conc:t 1250 640--0ne 548-2429 •It 11AM ••••;:CAMPeRS3so•••• btj I A•Nll -~ -~~••••••••••••••• · · · '80 Cpe di VIII, ueume :~0~:.:~-:~:1;1~:1· :ri~~ 0:.~·~. T. 4·x4·~0..;cottee11bll, 19" color TV, remote C~~~~OR WORKOR er:,, 1111 Aij;•i.;~••••••;1;1 ~1~=--l(){.CAR\fER ~;,11::.~~ie::.: 835-9692 m•rklllng MC'y fOt pr• w/melcll end la.bll. Cll-con1rot RCA S500. Vlctd .......... 4 . ·····~·:..~·"·:.····· ·····Wll······:·1· .. ···~···· ... ,.21•2, IU,. 1143 ~ I c_~ 51o59m-01.71091dld w/11tru. lidlnt of r111111111 flrm Mode, Ilka new. 1400. •fl 5PM 54&-0353 .,...,.....~ _., -. .. • & "" .. .,...,_ ~ 1'11...11\..C: v Sllll In Newport Beech. Con· 840-0776 #tNri•M llkff 1141 Sh•Y repllcal; ptdu.1pe & &LI& ....... Jn1H 1111 'llCI~~";!~:"'.:~"· 'll .. ..._ 11-_..... IRllElt nle_ or Sandy 975-0403 ---tt "'" I #.rblt •••••••••••••••••••••• coup11. 4 to chooae -n1&.1 •••••••••••••••••••••• -IUtellln 11,. -...u Looking lor extr1 lnco-_., r-•-~I 1 1981 Vftf'e~, good froml (008780) (Stk. -n• '76 J1n11n, 38,000 ml, Execullve cer. Lota ot ~~hTery :;QJ~SAe~:. ~~.'!.{'.~••••••••• ==~::.r~:E ~!J,,·;i!;;;;-,.H• .. :: condltl~1~9 A309:i{yit,iillno et $297,79 ~=~~l~~~M•kl 195~1.L~~Rh~~~~!,, In ~~~~~=~~995. 1880 Plecentl• Ave, f!!!~.!!~••••••••••• plctur11, ecce11or111, -Cl111lll1d Adi ere 11'11 .,,., •• ftl1 1134 xln1 rvnnlng ordlt, ntlda 892· Cott• M ... Alk for Mra. ~ F•ll'TllE etc. Corner Avocedo & •••••••••••••••••••••• tn1w1r to a eucce11ful 48 per ":i°"lh pt111d1:... •••••••••••••••••••••• co1m1t1c1. I 14 • 500. '78 CdV. d'e6eglllCI. Oerl! White Falrvlew Rd, Coate M1rtneElectrtcl111 g1r11g1 ory1rdulel ll'•• mont openen '70ConVlf'tlble.•lnlcond. (2131710-6908 gr11n pelnt & velour. SllM ~:~~~1.4 :~:';:u~~~~ Men. Houra: 10:30 em Dellgnllnateh/Rlpllr bitter w1y to tell more :'10 ':f ~r: 3~115 ~'f' •Ping $5200. ldua 1111 Sherp NeYlf dlmlgld. llPfUllllT ch111 CouchM, t1blet, to 5:30 pm. SAT thru Olly WOl'k. 54S.-2520 Ev ~I R11ld1111·S4300 & CHll Pete (303)«3-2900 •••••••••••••••••••••• S5700, 780-8180 wkcfYI. t• -picture•. 1cc111orl11 .... _w_eo_._548-__ 2_2_39____ "l111red -193 t.05. ••II t131 S.111-Slrllc»-Lllllno '73 CdV , mini c;ond . -5 I C A d & 115 28). •••••••••••••••••••••• a.llAll (Ylllowl 1 O'M*. M~ Wont PfT, 9 "" • 2 pm • c Ofntr voca o Early "'""" Hutch. Top & B t I t dS Id ' with th• LOI Angel ea F•lrvt.w Rd. Cote M.... bottom ceblnet & 4 dr• 08 p c ure a prov e 1001 IMNITI 111111 11 n.. I 2 4 8 5 / 0 b 0 . ~ Clrculetlon l1am Houra: 10:30 em lo 5:30 were gd cond. $300, '53 Sludll>lllw Champion Ml !)oft Strlll 111·2W ..._.... _84_5_·9_4_4_2 _____ _ In !lllpOOne Ulla. Elm pm SAT 11\ru WED. 050-9980 • ~~ ~ .. P•H cp1. Nice cu. NEWPORT BEACH .,. hourly ""I08 +comm 548-2239 •----------150 2131592·1792 T I I d• .. F 1--------18 ft eofe, bernboo dlllgn. oO Jlf-0100 r1 n ng prov1 wv or ., .. a.,-..11,.,.. Mey Co brlnd, gd cond. s~ ......... 1eMe4 de1tll1 C ell (714 ) ... -..... 175 -1 -~• " F A"'1 1•17 S40-0301 •••••••••••••••••••••• • v-.;ii --vv--.v 1.46 orel Woody W•· 6 1 , ... ,, 1111 £"11!!!.1!.1 ........ !!.1:! :,9,'·~;,:_·t,·~·;;;:, SEE II FllllTI xlnt cond .. meny xtr11. W• hive 1 Qood Mlec- 1 3800. 831·5874. 1lon of NEW a USED 645-9442. CMYrotMal A.etlJ!n llH LoYe Mid. blue green l\o-~~9 gon. '13·000 •••••••••••••••••••••• _S_E_C_R_H_A_R_Y_, -,u-1-1--11-m-.-.•••••••••••••••••••• w•r d11lgn, very gd ~e-19""' F-d M ........ AT-• WI ... ,.,.. cond Only 150 ph -'"' "' .,.,.. ,,_,. 24.000 mllel, !\Illy loaded '80 Terell AC 40 000 ml COHMfll CHE VIOLET ... 50 amo•E Fllll new. $13,400 080 JOIYOUI 87Sl·t52• . ..-. to alert c.rtlllld H11vy wooden delk, tac-J 1903 Stlldlt*l1t Av1nll. 8 4 5 • I 2 1 1 E v 1 1 , AIT MAIDA. v Applltnee 842-0240 Antlqu. & Colllctlblll querld bleck. ldlll l0t $5500. 875-6181. 857-88&4 deya. l1W IT 1 'It T.,.ta Oen11 '"'., ,. ~ \ I • ' ' ,.., ! \ \4 .. ~~~~~Y 1;~g~!1~~ •lllllTILY* 831-<>94e· • 99 Sedan, $10,000 aunrool, gd cond Like HI US ~ new tlrei 13995 (714j llOIETUY FLEA MARKET lludlnt. 135:83l~<46 ''' ·ee MUSTANG CONV lllW 1111 4 IJ)lld. elr, em/I'm cu- Top 1klll1, dlv1raltl1d 4 dra-dre111t. nllda "Ground Up R11lor•· •••••••••••••••••••• •• -•• ~-.. , "' conMtld•·. $3!~. ml .... Xlnt I 'JI ....._ •• • • d11llel, work In F11hlon M-·UMd MerehlndlM ptlnttng. Tiki ft ewey fOf !Ion" -· • .. ...,,, ... .,. l•l•nd. C•ll Jennifer ........ I, ~a.. 112, P'1031-0948 I e C'JI. Ch1mp1gn1 lntr 14HlllllS1.USU llWSOJIM 845-9779 ev or wknd• $2200. 2+'lH11~~. 759· t5 15. Loa Alemllot AIOI fractt s•••LL DESK (wooden) E m berg I o I• I r . '72 Coron• Mark II IUIO f 1 f 995 1234/99$-1799 ---7141808-2215 ---------• • em/ m c1111111, pluah Secrltery no • with 3 drewwa. Only 110, · 1974 Mud• Wegon. Ra-w1gon. look• & t une Int.. ci.an body. (I llPd. 1)4(>. I 200 IECIRAllY Clll 831-09-48 / ·ea Llnooln Cont. 4 dr. dlo, helter. •u. 10 trana... ~~:_:oe2s 9 7 5 10 B 0 39 mpg. 5-41--0777. Anllq11e berb1r1 chair liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii R11dy to r11tore. Gd p\11 party. 988·2572. · • ,.1,_1,. ft'•J P1rt-1lme Secretary,,... Circe 111:1.:~~-011 brown pl1ld IOfl ::05 r:· 499-550t Al· '81 RX7 OS. AM/11'11 CUI. Vtlhtr••• 1111 t~::: •••...•••••...• ~. ~to WOtk fOf 1 peraon •---------• hl~•·bld 175. M1pi. 111.11-tll'flll with equ•llzer. A/C , ••••,•••••••••••••••••• '81 Vet, lotdld, ~llow. oftlce In Irvine. Approx. AM OAK Chin• C1bln1t. dining NI. 4 chtlta 175. '55 N11h Metro, run1 U... eunrf. mega. 17M ml. 5 yr ll TflltlC hat bMutlM conc:t. make of· 20 hr/wk (lllxlbll). Typlal Triple bow gl .... UOn'a Sman White Chllda Cl\Mt good, good body, '82 83f.!1040 495-4949 w11r. $9900. 1·970-5297 N-eng. brlk11, pelnt, fer. 490-5175 wtttl good phone 1111111. p • w 1 119 •. S 1 5 O O. ol dr8111ett 120. Mtrt'• 10 Tega. SOSO. 903-5272 IAllUIMI l8W top end Ilda windows. •-J -.. Call 7112·0109 tor -...1. 840-5443 lpd Fr11 Spirit bike S80. '80 Mazd1 028, 4 dr .. 18, $3000/obo 759-0490 ..... ,_. _... ·---------· 2 t w I n b 0 0 k c • I • 4 n..11111... 1111 28'02 Mwguerll• Pkwy 000 ml AM/FM/AC iiclnt ·---------· ••• ••••••••••••••••••• A-'U..m "'' hlldbottdltoot Sl5 ... •••••••••••••••••••••• Mlaeton Vllto cond. '7000. 552·8704 '80 Sclrocc:o. IUIO, 1 ow-·11 FORD M~. Good ~Alf I.I. .rr.•••••••••••••••••• o 0 11 b I I b 1 d '3 1. LARGEST JEEP DEALER (Avery Exit on 1·51 n11, l11lly 1q11lp'd. Air cond 3 ,,_ tlrM, econ. S t I I Ill I HARBOR AREA ... 24 .. ,.. 1 ..... 2 1L u-In Ille W11t ()t)lrl Sund1y. .. ,~-la• 1141 conc:t 111reo. Beet otter. 1850. 4$4-3211 tore u • PO• on n APPLl .. """E SERVIC"' .,.. ...... .. ,. ~-,-..._.~11...... ...__.., _________ ... , ,__ tctlve N.wport C•nter W Nit~ "' Pllc;e, C.M.,.., OMV. -;::,r jl£;-' ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 044-1318, 851·8833 #i llfl Rultor'• office. Front • r .. 11u11. ,_ ~All ... llllS . .. ..... ._ •• !!!~•••••••••••••• office potltlon requlr.. epplllllC'll 54~n • ''ft old. 7~ ft. "'91 28' Etlcaon F11lly equipped Cful11, tt'C~~!.lld we·n .now you C1V9f( 100 • .._ '14 M111t111g, •Int cond, good telephone voice, I "' ·-··-a blue •trip•• on t•n e ...... UHF, compue. ,ov.r. -·..;'..An s ..... ~L-....__ a • ..__.. ~ Vwy Clean, wf'ttt .. meny em/fm •t•r•o Clll. typing 8~ & 1P911f~ _r.._. ound 1270 ""'" P•ftcl condition Sl8,600 -_, .,.. 1-• a-li:~"'t ._.... .,...., Hlrll. B111 rtH Ollt 0111ghler'1 cu . 12800 c1. Ae•I ea1111 UP•· Lea 957-8133 :::I: ""-"· 123,.5e7 ·-1-1---t -H~~o~1on-r t Bini Come In • cona4-over $2,000. 1552-7755 nrm 53e-te78. te0-50l8 752 -..---..,. .......,., d11 our , .... 1rr•n99'" •fl« 4 rlenc• 111tpllll but not Waher·°'Yer·Aeffto. 1---------2524 Harbor 91Yd., CM * ·1• 2002 4 ...... enlrf menta Of' long tttm ti 1---------·ro Giiie, Limited Ed. 1 .. 1nt11I. Prefer Ioctl Olttlwaatter·Freeur ....... II ""' lfll ,549...e023 845-7770 " • _.... • 57 vw P1n11 Ven, new CIOlll loP, AM/FM 1..._ r11ldent. For Interview Xtnt cond 848-5844 •••••••••••••••••••••• I0 17PVIS) nanclng. 11100 motor. new 1yncto ......, °"'..,..Dutil Orient•• Rug, 8'•11' x1n1 Set your c:ourM for fast aalea 1ee2 Chiv Blazer. Sho· * ·1e 320t, 4 IPd .. loe· ~M of lmpott1. Inc treni. new bttlt,,,... 12 AC, •Int cond. Lo mt . .. T~... REFRIGERATOR conc:t $350/090 I O lly Pit b lci wroom new fOf wtlltllll. dtdl (111XOH) DI.AL 213 or 1\4 Muat 11110 llPPfllC. PP . • .., Llk1,,_,troe1-fr11. . 84.4-9800 wth • • ot oat p ure P .P. 844-18915, dey. * ·eo 11211.1Uto . entrt 031.2333 volt iy11wn. body very 802·1973 ~ tto 11es. et3-eoeo i---------• ad. Each Saturday, the Dally 031•2321. tw1. (4MZOJI •---------• 11r•10111, cell ell 5. 12 • ..,,7-.. -M---1-1 ,,~ .... -.,.-.. -....a..... 1111 * '80 320t: 6 IC>d • IOI· '10 8LC. 8/blll& w/grey 000. l 14•"44872 ~ llltang ,...._ ""' ·-----...__ WHIR&L~~ORWYAESRHER ••• .. =·-····~··· ... !.... Piiot wtll offer you ad apace '70 Toyotl I.and Crulttt. dlell (231Z'.VA) velour lntr. 13,000 orlQ 111• -•• ... powet,llll"dlt tot< fl'llla, _._ --"'"" -'!!-_. • 11--that not only deterlbe9 your wltll C111vy 283 Eng. * '10 8Utcl: lotdtd ml. OtlO owner. 129.llOO & •-:::-dlen. 2400· 873-7$4&. att11•11t l10C> SET. 8 to 20' tong, Ht per ft. b bu I t It II Ttu-Trlkt. Stt top. Mfln'/ (5S553Atl ror quick NII. 759-1800 ... •-OJbRMllt wa. Coron• dtl' Mar. Pert 042·8011 775-1491 anytime. oat, t P O ur" U we • Exit••· Nee d• work, 11 .. 1111 0t 042·8071 Al llftf. Ca. Atoltt•td •••••••••••••••••l'.~':' tlmt ...-. 3 PM 10. PM. ReftlQttllor. Coldapot, SURPLUS JEEPS. Cara • Th• prlc. II guaranteed to U 2tl0 000. IMM2tl 208 w . 111. Senta An• '78 280SE. bNI, AIC. .... 17!500. 714-553.()152 '72 TOtOMdo. New tlr9I, Mull 11ave Pf~ ... older, gOOd cond . 180. 8oll1. Many 8111 fOf Un· buoy your aplrlta -... 5 If we '75 Jp CJ& Aatp. p11. VI, CloMct Sunday 111oye 114 llOO pp '80 vw BUG 11600 or ex con4. l500 Obo. per. a11rt lm~11111y. 03f-.4025 def 150.00 For Into 0111 take th• picture, and only 140 3 lf>CI, ,,_ tr1111, rr It & CHOIC& INVENTOAV 14:>.111s • . . bat orr, o ei1 •fl lpm. ___ 1_20-_1_10_1 __ _ OTll-2271 AMANA MIOROWAV& (312)031-1801bl.2238 If Id t.. lot f rtl br, Wn Hbt. l>d re end. VOL.UM£ SAL.ES '11 .... ,......... ·~51_2_-3_8_11 _____ '72 Old1 ti, lttO Cell SeMot81etlonAttendant, OVEN 0000 COHO you prov e .. e p ure or. 1 30 0 0 /0BO. liYU & ,.,_ ·-IVlt .... ~or d•YI PIT. AoolY Mot1118t1t1on, •125. • e1w112 SUAPl..UI JEEl'8. c.,.. 2 column 3" ad. 54t-0403. Lo ml tunf1, 111nt cond, '711 eva conv. lllWt, 12• 8'1·H13. 7 ,. tu.tin c M 8olll. M~ 8111 IOf Un· IH.lbo. 813·0477 Of 000 ml, mini. ltlOO. ,.,,. --------.,,....,..-1 ll'I ' ' . Whlrlpoot wllhlf I dryw, dtr lf0,00 FOt 11\IO Clll '72,,..., CommendO, "9W 8S2·0M2 09"e 557-H34 ,,_. "" ltwl=MIOhl"! 01*•· loP of Ille...,.!. white, pr (312)031-1801 Ext 2231 For further det•ll• about how paint, new btlkll. roll I. I •• La 111 •'87 euo. Ilk•,_, llOOk .:1:;;-r ............. .. !Of, !Ced, ,~ '300. 17W7T~ be, • n d I 0 m 11 t.. ... d I •t ' ... v~ ..... rtbll. "'· fY Pro Unt .--EUnllO Delly Piiot boet ptoture ad• 116001010. 551.en1. __ F_or_c_11111tfed ___ A_d _1 i~: :,;!;:~ ••• aooct bOcty/Wftlot, Ate . Aatea. c. Jiit. 142·M81 .... --. Ult · can work for uou end to ~,, INltlQI a~IMtlno ACTION ~MIN -Oftt. ""'· l ld9-by4ldl 541-7044 11111 , ---------· a&O N. lttotl llVCJ Cell• ·10 ven .. on. IH"9, .ltltll 1780 .......... , • • ,.,.. ... ICMdule your ad, cetl ....... ... Lt HWI nay.,..... conct ~ t70 , ~ fWrlger•t0t: WNr1poot a trom ... "" to~ off. • .. 2 ••1• end ..... for Selau L•. :1~~ •••••••••• Tr.'n' IU .... AD:vilOA 11800. 1t0-1MO 'ooncs. ~'"' '""""" ..----"• n tell. Xlnt oond. 1125. Wll bt1no 1tm01t1. '" -vv v ._ •1 ToYOtt '1t. AM1'M .... ,..__ ~ "'"· ,_.. :.:.i.1~.,.llftla.. ~· ~~. .....28112, 78().3t3.4 11 ...... 1.11to reo cuuue. lmell ....... -~ "'2·M71 ... --.. ·-.. ....,.,, • .... oe;r::t'• 1ti•ll Un a.•-----'---"--.... ...... OMFlflvrt .. .-... ~ -.1 tf! Ml< EnwM::..W ldlil ".,.. "2·Je11 CINtlfted ~ ... l·M7 CIWIMd Adi ... i ·tl11 .,..._ ,..._ -----• .. .. _, ----- • --~---~~~~------------------..................... ..-........................... __________ .... ______ .... ______ ....... ________________ ._. ______ ................... :::lllii:;;:&alAa. .... ..-----.._....;._.,.. .... Ylll llllllll llllY NPll flJI '•ll/\'Y •,t 1'1 1 Miii fl .'II 1•111.• <>HAN (, f ( 0 lJ N I Y < A I II 0 II NI A I'> Cl N I 'l HB ' . indicted • ID accident. death cop By ROBERT BARKER Of Hie DaltJ Hot ltllff Huntington Beach Police Officer John J . Blackwell has been indicted by the Yuma County Grand Jury In Arizona on charges of negligent homicide, according to a spokeswoman In the Yuma County Attorney's oflice. Blackwell, 32, (~ the charge in connection with the July 11 death of Lisa Garlich, 18, of Huntington Beach in a traffic accident near Parker, Ariz. AirCal layoffs pending By STEVE TRIPOLI 0.-the Deltr Piiot 8teH Officials of Newport Beach- based Air-Cal have promised to lay off more than 300 o f the airline's employees if a reluctant union will n ot accede to a demand that its workers take a 12 percent cut in pay. AirCa l spokesman Mark Peterson said the airline laid out its position Monday in a meeting with officials of the Transport Workers Union. AirCal maintenance and ramp workers re presented by the union narrowly rejected the pay cut in a vote involving about 450 of its nearly 600 members. The 400-employee flight attendants section of the union · accepted the cut by a narrow margin, whil e the 980 management and o the r non- . union employees of the airline accepted the cut by a reported 5-1 margin. Only Ah-Cal pilots have not voted on the proposal. But the airline has said it will not implement the pay cut plan without the backfog of all its employees, and Pe terson said AirCal stuck to that position in talks with 1WU officials. Peterson said 309 jobs will be cut from nearly all segments of the Ai.rCal workforce, and ·that even more layoffs plus a cutback in operations and work schedule changes will be anno unced in mid-October if the pay cut is not accepted. Blackwell, reportt.>d to be the driver or 6 vehicle in which Garllch was a passenger, also was charge d lo t h e Sep t. 16 Indictment with leaving th l' scene of an accident Jn which there were injuries or fatalities, according to the spokeswoman. , An indictment is a c harge brought against a person by a grand Jury and does not establish guilt or Innocence. Blackwell, a patrolman, was scheduled to face arraignmen t today m Yuma. The fat&l a<:'\:ldcnt occurred on the two-Ian.-State Route 95, about 10 miles north of Parker, according t o an Arizona Department of Public Safet)'. accident report. " The re port said there were three passengen in the vehicle - Garllch, Kathy Grunbaum, 19, and Lloyd F.dwarda, SO, all of Huntington Beach. F.dwarda waa ldenUfled aa Huntlniton Be~h· police officer by local officials. The vehicle failed to negotiate a curve and rolled over after flahtalllng, according to the report. The three pa11eniet1 we re thrown from the vehicle In the 9 a.m. accident and Garllch was pronouncod dead of mUllve head and neck injuries by a medical examiner who arrived at about 9:45 a.m ., accordini to the report. Grunbaum s uff e r e d a conc1.&SSlon and was treated at Parker Hoepltal, aocording to the r~port, which also atated that Edwards too was injured. The investigating officer, identJlled aa B Dent, said ln the report that Blackwell and Edwarch allegedly left the acene, alter giving fira t aid t o Grunbeum, aocordlng to officials. A deputy sheriff went to th~ nearby Moon Ridge Trailer Park and allegedly returned the two men to the scene of the accident. The accident report said that Blackwell'•· vehicle w as going approximately 50 miles an hour ln a 35-mlle-per-hour zone. The officer said it was his opinion ~This was not the best plan for the health and welrare of the community,' said Pastor Dr. John Huffman that thla was not o reasonable rate of speed, according to Allan Schmitt, a 1poke1man for the Department of Public &fety. It also was \he Investigating offlct>r's opinion that BlackweU wu driving under the Influence of intoxJcaUng liquor, according to Schmitt. Blackwell told officers that he couldn't remember details of the accident and t hat he might have fallen asleep, accord ing to Schmitt. Church scales down steeple By STE VE MARBLE Of the Delly Piiot Sletf George West, leading critic of a neighborhood churc;ti's pla n to expand , was watching the Angels game on a portable TV while standing on the steps of t he Newport Beach City Hall. "Oh sure, I'm glad it's over," he said or the c hurch dispute, watching a batter come up to the plate. Around him Monday night we re the rest of the troops from the Cliffhaven community who had spent months fighting plan s b y S t . Al'\dr ew's Presbyterian Church to raise an 85-foot-high sanctuary. A couple of church o fficials crowded around the set to see the game . It was like o ld t imes between a bunch of old friends. ' The hottest little neighborhood spat in recent Ne wport Beach history was over, settled by a last-minute flurry of negotiations by both sides. C hurc h o(ficials, who h ad already scaled down their plans from 105 feet, agreed to abandon their h igh-rise dreams and settle for something s m a ller -a 46-foot sanctuary with a cross on the top. "We really did th.ink we had a good plan," Dr. J ohn Huffman, the church pastor, told t he a udie n ce in the pack ed city council chamber . "But we acknowledge that this was not the best plan for the health a nd w elfa re of the community. We want to be good neighbors." The council , working on a plan developed after three days of negotiations that ended just hours before the even i ng meeting, agreed to let the church build to 46 feet, required that 250 parking spots be carved into the church site and ordered t h e church to set the new sanctuary 92 feet back from residential Clay Street. Peter Gendrone. president of the Cliffhave n h o m eown er g roup, said the s uccessful negotiations gave him "a whole new outlook on city politics." Less than a w eek ago, the two sides were locked in battle with each accusing the other of being less t h an sincere in trying to solve the dispute. "What h a ppened?" asked Gendrone, repeating a question. "l think the churc h fina lly realized the impact this was going to have on us. "The church didn't want to disrupt us any more lhan we wanted to disrupt them ," h e added. Roben CurtJS, chairman of the c hurch 's bu1Jd1ng com mittee, brushed aside questions o f whether the church and the residents would be able to mend the wounds. "We're still friends. We've always been friends," he said quickly before leaving. The pay plan, which would have applied to employees at all levels, includes a profit-sharing provision tha t , based on the airline's performance over the next three years, could he lp employees recoup some of their losses. Unio n officials w e r e not available for comment today. A capacity throng at the Newport Beach City Council meet~ng awaits action on the prop,osal for St. Andrew's Church steeple. MUan Dostal, a church official and form e r Newport Beach mayor , said the m onths of fighting had set t he church back financially. He said a new plan now must be developed. The church and the city r eached a compromise on its height. Both sides rap molest mistrial By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the D .. IJ Piiot Steff Defense and prosecution attorneys said today they're disappointed with an Orange County S upe rior Court jury's deadlock in the child molestation trial of fonner Long Beach police officer Michael McDonald. Superior Court J udge Donald A. McCartin declared a mistrial in the case Monday after the seven-man, 1lve-w oma n jury reported il was unable to reach verdicts on any of the 15 counts. "I'm d isappointed because I thought we h ad definitely created a reasonable doubt (in the jur y's mind)," def e nse at1orney Gary Pohlson said. Prosecutor' Carl ~brust said the six young Huntington Beach girls who claimed McDonald had molested them "would have to go through the trauma of bemg witnt>SSeS again" when a second trial. scheduled for Jan. 10, begins. McDonald. 42, a Huntington Beach resident, is charged with multiple counts of c htld molestation involving alleged acts with the six neigh borhood children over an 18-month period beginning in early 1981. I t wa s a lleged during McDonald's trial in Santa Ana that he lured the young girls - aged 8 to 12 -to his Cape Cottage Lane home by letting them play pinball in h is gameroom. Once there. Armbrust alleged, the curl y h aired ,· former motorcycle officer showed '\hem pornographic slid es o n a nkkelodeon and fondled them. (See MOLEST, Page AZ ) ----INDEX---- Everyone pe nt Monday in lines al UCl's firsl day of fall tt>rm. Pa~e BI . At Your Service AS Ann Landers Erma Bombeck A7 Movies Business 85-7 Mutua l Funds Cavalcade A7 Public Notices Classified C~·8 Sports Comics B4 Dr. Stelncrohn Croes word B4 Stock Markets Death Notices C4 Television F.ditorlal A6 Theaters Ehtertalnment B3 Weather Art Hoppe A7 World New• Horoecope A7 • I /\7 B3 . B6 C4 C l -3 A7 B7 B8 .83 A2 A3 ·- ..., ................ Laguna Beach ha1 a we11kh of hittoric and architecturally •l8nlfieant homes, like the Witch' Hou e in north Laguna. The city i tudylng mean or pretening the 700 or o hi8toric unite. ' ;; • . . \ (See CHURCH, Page AZ) Laguna to save historic homes By STEVE MITCHELL 0.-ttie 0.-, .... •ten How does a city like Laguna Beach go about preserving its rather large inventory of historic homes and buildings? Offering economic incentives to the property owners can't hurt. Laguna Beach has completed a survey that identifies 700 or so historical or architecturally significant buildings in town. And, earlier this month, the d ty council approved spending $7.925 to complete a his tor ic resources e leme nt t o i t s general plan. The council will sign a contract with the non-pro fit historic preservation firm of Heritage Orange County, Inc .. to perform the task. • The way the council figures it, Laguna has a wealth of historic buildings that are sUIJ st.anding -and are still being occupied. The city's histor ic housing a toc k ranges from o rnate Victorian to board-and-batten, and ' includes craftsman bunaalows and formerl y weekend beach cottages. Kathleen Les. who will coordinate the historic housing project· for Laguna Beach, says one reason Laguna has such a large variety of housing 1tyle1 and architecture Is becauae It was never part of any of the many Span&ah ranchos that abound In Southern California. As a result, 1hf' •Id the area • Wit opened up for aquatter's ... privileges under the home- steading acts of the 1800s. What the city ended up with, the coordinator explained, "is a bunch of houses built in an 'anything goes atmosphere.' " "That's part of what is known as the charm of Laguna Beach," Les said. And, In order to preserve that charm, the city is embarking on a program that might inc lude In centives to owners of such structures. How does the city, go about persuading property owners to rehabilitate and preserve their historic properties? There are problems. For one thing, the range of buildings and styles varies as much as the d ifference in the wealth of the property owners. T here are wealthy owners of large historic estates, middle- mcome owners of re furbished bungalows and beach cottages, and e lde rly and low -income renters, who occupy older units. Incentives would vary, Les said, adding uuc shelters might appeal to wealthy Laguna property owners. • "Middle lncQme owner$,J are g e n t! r a 11 y l a n d -r I c h .i•n d cash·poor," stle said. 4 Those own ers mlgh*be persuaded to upgrade elr' pro~rtles through low-In t rehabilitation Joana, uslnt "'the equity on their homes. While thoee loaN al't' al"'ady (See HISTORIC, Pa1e At) -~E -chief fumes a s jOb nixed A (111·1111'1 Seal Bea<:h off1duJ today atui1·k<'d SlmJ Vulley city officials who recently withdrew i job orr l'r or chJef of pol kc to Edward C1bbarl'lll. Clbbarl'lh, :Hl, of Huntln1Jton J3cach, wa11 police chief In Seal Beach from 1974 to 1980 wh<>n hf' left to becom e president of a Garden Grove manuf11ctur1ng firm. Sarni Valley off1c1al s annount'l'd two weeks ago that they hared C1bbarel1J as polke chief. But Assis tant Clly Manager M ike Sedell said today that a • ba<:kground an\featigat1on evealed a so-called "cred1b1lity gap" in statement• made by C1bbarell1 , also a one time eutenant in the Newport Beach P olit-e Department. ~ A published r eport quo ted • ourt-es as saying the a ll<'ged Dell) ll'tlol t telf Pfloto Expansion of OC park sites1 ·OK'd A flv yetAr plan for Ora11"u Coun t y park•, bcac:ht•11 uncl harbon that calb for cont1tru1.:tlon of 1everol new r t•crt••t1onol focilltJH olonJ( the Orung\• C-Oust wH approved loday by the county board ot 1uperviaon. \Tho plan pro.lect.ll on annual eMpendlturc of ubout $95 mllhon tor the facllltle1, plus t h eir upkee p and the upkC'<'P of f'xlsting areas. It also outllnt.'11 a spending schedule to disperse the funds evenly over the period. Orange Coast areas wh1C'h would gain from the plan includ(• th e Bolsa Chica a r ea, an Huntington Beach , the proposc.>d Fairview Regional Pa rk site in Costa Mesa, th e Irvine Coa.11t area be tween Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach, Mile Square Park In Fountain V ~lley, Mason Regional Park in Irvine and others. Robert Wingard of the county Environmental Manage me nt AJ{e ncy, which formulated the plan , said that $2 million set aside for the Bolsa Chica area will go toward land acquisition, planning, design and ... ' ronatructlon of • ,......... pvk to «>nm.-ct exlltln1' cfty end at.ate park.a. Mor<' than 12 ~ million la budgl'k-d ovl'r five ynrs for land ucqu111itlun and construction of Fmrvl<'w Rt.•aloral PAtk, located along the bank.a of the Santa Ana H1vt'r in Co1w Mesa, Wlngard suid At Mile Square Park nearly $2 mil li o n 'l a budgeted for <.'Onstrucllon of new btkc trails, a park office and other facUltlei dur'lng the next. year. plua othet Improvements through 1987. Mason Park In Irvine is the planned sate of a $1 million equesl r ia n ce nter pluR improvements to ita man-made lakes More than $1 .8 million has be e n budge \ed for land acqu1sit1on and development bf the Laguna-Laurel canyons area, located near the junctlcn of EJ Toro and Laguna Canyon roads. Also included in the plan is $50.000 for the design of a regional park in Upper Newport Bay . inconsistencies werC' that Cibbarelli had not volunt~red information that h e had been suspended ma patrol car ac:c1dent in 1973 and that he had original doc.·umcnts Crom his personnel · file from Seal Beach that hl• 'shouldn't have had. Asbestos p ipes in Newport Beach to be teste d to d ete rmine if they a r e producing fibers in city's drinking wate r·. Dad held • Ill death A Simi Valley official said the• conc.-erns cited by llOUJ'CeS "wcrC' not out in leftfield" as reasons for going ba<:k on the job offer. Cibbarelli <.'Ould not be reached for c.'Omme nt today. Water asbestos probe set Costa Mesa police detectives arrested a 28-year-old fath er Monday in connection with the death of his 10-week old daughter, w ho died lastifYeek of internal in,·uries, Bail was set at $500,000. Davis remains in the C.oata Mesa jail. Officers called to the h ome Sept. 23, at 1998 Tustin Ave., were told by the mother Cathy Lee Taylor, 31, that the baby had suCfercd a crib death, Bechtel But former Seal Beach City Manager Denni~ Gourtemarche raked S imi Valley officials for tendering the job offer and then withdrawing it. "I'm shocked , dismayed and angry." said Courtemarche, now an assistant city manager in Ptco _Rivera Courtemarche, w ho said he knew of the patrol car accident, charged that the officials m the Ve ntura County auburban area were acting on inconsequential information. Newport Beach e~ineers will begin "testing city pipes next month in an effort to find out whe re asbestos fibers found in drinking water are coming from. City council members agreed unanimously and without romment frtonday night to spend $4,200 on the battery of tests, which will take at least two months to romplete. The tests are expected to reveal whether the minute fibers are being brought in with water purchased from the Metropolitan Water District or are flaking off the city's' concrete piping. -- The fibe rs, explained ci ty Utilities Director Joe Devlin, are the size of a virus and can only be detected with a high-powered microscope The concrete -asbestos pipe, which has been used extensively throughout the county and state for 30 years, makes up roughly 80 pe rcent of Newport Beach water system. City officials said if the tests show a problem with the pipe, dozens of oth e r cities and counties would be affected by the results. While breathing asbest.os fibers has been established as harmful, Newport Beach o fficials have maintained that the re is no evidence that swallowing the fibers presents any risk. Experts in cancer research, though, say there is debate in the scientific community on whether ingesting the miscroscopic fi bers can be harmful. The tests In Newport Beach will be conducted at a number of locations including the point where -the city's imported water enters the city system Sgt. Bi 1 Bech tel said that police arrested Harvey Mark Davia a\ UC I rvine Me dical Center a( 6:30 p.m. where he had committed himself f or an undisclosed illness. said. • · Bechtel said tha t an autop5y revealed internal physical' in1ur1es believed inflicted by another MOLEST MISTRIAL . • • From Page Al McDonald, testifying last week before the jury bega n its deliberations, denied that he had molested any of the young girls. "I t is ex tre mely flimsy evide nce to jeopardize a man's career for," Courtemarche said. Cibbarelh reportAICtly le ft his job a t the Gard en Grove manufacturing company a nd , withdrew applications for police jobs in Signal Hills and Santa CHURCH SCALES DOWN STEEPLE. • • And Pohlson argued to the jury that his client was a victim of a ''simple kind of conspiracy" concocted by several of the girls because they were angry with him, ptthaps for curtailing their pinball p~leges at h is home. reached innocent verdicts on three counts, When deliberations resumed Monda y, he said, one or more jurors had changed their minds. A unanimous decision is required in criminal cases. Pohlson indicated he would have ne w evidence to introduce a t the January trial, but he declined to elaborate. 'Cr uz after acc:cpting the $45,000 a year S imi Valley job. From Page A1 . The plans. once dev~lopcd,' must come back to the council for re view. "Some people are still opposed io the ch u1 ch doing an ything," noted West, looking up from his TV between innings. "But most of us are ju st HISTORIC HOMES TO BE PRESERVED. • • From Page A1 available to low-inoot'be owners. the implementation .wdy under way will attempt to find ways to expand that program to include m1ddle-1ncome families with historic homes. ... As for absentee landlords who o wn re ntal units tha t are histor ically s1gn1f1cant, the coordinator said subsidies nught be e xplored to fix up and preserve those units. Herat.aRc Orange County will wo rk with c ity o fficials to pre pare the implementatio n program. An amttal report will be given to the council early next s pring. Fa.ir arid cloudy "-"'• Sho...-•• Fklnti.-liim Fair with some cloudlneaa Wednesday morning Coutal io.... 6•. Inland 60 Coastel high 72, inland 76 Weter 68 West to soulh-t wind• of 12 lo 18 knots over lnnet wetwa ll!IS afternoon 1nd Wedne•d•y afternoon Light verleble winds tonight end Wedneeday morning Wind waves 3 to • feet with -i lo southwest swells ol 2 to 3 '"' Vuiable cloudiness let• tonight enjl Wednesday morning over soulhetn waters California Fair lemperalurn end c:tOUOy sk ... -with no rein In IP{jfll - shoutd prevail over moat ol Southern Cahlotnle II least unl•I the weekend. the Nellon•I Weather SefVlc:e Nld today. I "Thia is lhrough s.lurdtty The only place 1here might be • chenc:e ol shower1 before the we•kend would be In the mountains." sald weeth« Mt'Vlce apokeawoman Pet Ro-. High 1empera1urea In Lot A ngeles may reeo h 77 Wednesday wtth Iowa forecast 01 58. according to lhe Ne1lonel Weeth« S.rvloe. HIQhe from 72 to 77 ere expected In coe1111 valleys wllh Iowa ranging fr'Oln ~ to 60 I Mounteln·area hlgfle~ be • between 60 to 68 wllh ._ '"'"1 t 38 to •8. A nort.,.....1 mallll!teln J wind from 20 lo 30 _,h It I expected The merc11rt could 11 rHch from 58 to 6• In Owen• V•lley •Ith gutty 20-t~mptl wlnda Lowa tn Owena Velley thOuld renge from 35 to 45. Northern dHerl high• ere l0tec:ast between ea 10 78 with 10wt bet-52 10 62 Southel'n ~ temperetur• could renge from 82 to 86 wtth Iowa from 60 to 86 H ight lrom 72 10 77 ere expected In the S11n Fernando, Sen G1btlel llnd Sao Bemerdloo v .. leyt wtlh IOw8 ranging lrom 5.- to IO. 1 _,..,~• tn outer wetera -• unaer ed~I by Ille .... lher aervlce lodey to be C8'9tul ol 6·t0-ll·IOOI -Md notttMwl wind• ol 15 lo 30 mptt Llqht vaileble wind• were e.pected over Inner w•tert "om Polnl Conception 10 lhe M•lOoan 1>9'der with 3•I0-4·!0f "!'· IJ. . . su111.mary A trevelefa' ed"4IOfY W beer! ~ed tor IM~--Of Coloreclo, w~ lflel .. tO a tooLol enow flCIOl,....... In IN high coontty. MOICWW ,.... werned lo prepere for winter dtlYlng cor•dlOon• Showen 1110 thundertlorma ' <"' • ' continued over SOUlhern Flonda r---T"lli~=T"".....,--..--..-----==--.... i.-1111111 early tO<ley. with a law showers over Arizona and New Mexlc:o Clouds end drlule covered ttie northern Peclllc coasl, with cloud• end log over Iha Great LaJces. Ohl<> Veney and northern Allantlc a1e1es Oense log 70 covered por11one of New England. northern Indian• and tower M lch lg•n. with fair 1k 1ea elsewhere Todey'• loreceat called lor •c•t tered s h o wers end lhunderttorms over lhe upper MIUlasAppl Velley, northern Pl•ins end ecross aouthern Florlde Corulnued showerl' w ere p<eCllCled OVef the northern end centrel Rock 1ea with snow on ~;.;..;..;:..;;..;..;=;;...;:;;....:;;;;.;.;.;=:;:_...;;z __________ ~ hlgllef etevetiol\8, ~· O't9r Fronts: Cold ..., SCaionlry• the eou111e<n pletuu and alOng the northern Pee>flc: c:oasl Sunny Slues were expected elMWNlre High temperatures todey -e lorec••• on the •Os ecross Monten• and Wyoming SOs O'ttll' the northern Plains. nor1hern Roc:klH •nd nor1hern pl11eau, Into the 80s from 11141 southern pleteeu 10 Iha aouthern Pl•lns 11nd over 1he southern end central tntenor of Cl ll10tnl1, on the 90s over cen1rel Te••• end c;enlrel Ot<lehom•: end In Iha 60s end 70s efsewnere Temperetures eround the nation early IO<ley rlfl{j4td from 37 In Glasgow. Mont., to 80 In Key West. Fla T e mpe ratures Albany Allluque Am.,lllO A9hevtlle Atlante A\lentcCty Auttlr\ 8el11mOt• Bllllng• Blnnlnghm Blamer~k BolM &oeton 8rown1vt1e Butte.lo .. L• .-Cp 64 •9 05 82 51 112 68 73 4• 711 57 19 112 "" 72 7• 53 60 ., .10 711 52 5$ 53 22 64 •S .... 1 60 18 92 76 111 se 16 Burlington Casper Chetlatn SC Chatl1tn WV Chertlle NC CMy91\ne Ctilc:ago Clnc:tnnetl CleWlencl Ctmble SC Columbus 011..FI Wth Oeyton Denver Dea Moines Detroit Duluth El Peto Fergo Ftegstatl Grut Fall• H.,llord Helene Honokllu HOUtton lndnapll• Jedlll'I MS Jacillllvlle Juneeu Ken• City Knoirvtoe LU VegM Uttle~ Lf>ulavllle LUbbOCtt Memph~ Mleml ... ~ .. M~tP 62 91 80 67 75 72 97 65 80 80 91 t1 93 82 611 82 ~ 91 66 57 •6 6• •1 " 64 85 61 82 53 7• 73 71 78 70 ... 78 83 511 87 59 40 42 19 65 5.-15 ~ 41 69 •8 47 58 1 12 55 •9 17 72 50 « 58 411 .27 •9 6• 57 .07 38 38 I 03 52 411 39 .63 78 7• •• 05 50 60 34 .19 83 50 51 01 58 •• 71 65 71 1 10 42 51 IUlf llPDRT ............ Huntington 81\itlt Huntlnglon..., Sent• Ana Rivet Jelly <t01h St. Newport 22nd 81. Newj)Of1 lalboe Wedge Aoclcpllt, Laoun• IMOY Hoteow Thellli·lrooll• len Clemente PW Tr1fltlgar (T-41reet) Tomorrow Hlgtt Tide a:34 a.m louthlW•I . ..,... ,..,., H H 67 67 117 67 H N .. .. .. LOii T Ide a p nt 8we11 Dlftclton Nalhvllle New Orleant New Yorll Norfolk No Piette Okie City O!Nh• Orlando PhlledpNe Phoenix Pllt•burgh Ptlend, Me Piiand, Ofe Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Rlchmona Sall LAik• Sen Antonio S..Hle Shreveport Sloux Felli 81 Loul• St P·Tempa St Sia M.,le Spotcene Syrec"M Topetce Tuc:aon TulM Wuhtngln Wjehll• 72 51 79 55 72 63 01 76 58 7"•5 ee 87 72 62 65 69, 76 55 66 64 60 54 59 57 <tO 63 56 7• 58 211 711 55 75 •• .78 5• 32 .01 76 56 53 •2 ue II• 72 !19 !52 .03 61 81 73 80 70 57 841 1111 IS •7 62 •II M M .21 76 112 84 111 14 ee n M IS 87 CALWOMM Bell-fleld 7• &e Blythe 811 Ew•• 62 53 FrMnO 73 5.-L.nc:Mltr 64 52 Loe Ange!M 72 64 MMYt't'ille 71 Monterll)' 85 Needlel 71 OM!lend 71 Peeo Aoblet 78 41 Red Bluff 78 "' ~City 74 53 Tides TOOAY Sec:ond low 1.27 p m. 2.4 Second hlOh 7.111 pm. 5 2 WIONHOAY Fl•tl low 2 05 • m 0 2 Flntt htgll 9 G4 em 4 8 hconcf !Ow 2 00 p m It ~ high 7 6" p.m U Sun Hll a.4 ~ p m , rltH Weclnettd•T I •I • m Moon r aea 4 39 p m , ae11 WtatlM<ley 3 17 • m resigned to the fact that there' had to be a compromise, that this whole thing had to end at some point." The jury had b e gun its deliberation of the case last Tuesday. On Friday, Pohlson said, the panel had apparently McCartin , after declaring Monday's mis trial. allowed Mc Donald to remain Cree on $100,000 bail. BENSON& HEDGES • Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be cat led deluxe. 'Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg ')ar:· 0 6 mg RICOllOI IV. per Ctgnm, by FTt IMlllM ' • Or•nge Oo11t OAIL V PILOT /TIJ c:tay, 8tpt•mber 28 , 1982 HIP a NATION Economy· on move? Irvine firm plugs 'wood power' By Tb1 A11ocla t d Pre11 Sonw t'<.'<>nol'nl1t1 uy thl• aiowrnmunt'1 N'purt 11f n bli aura In the U S trullt· dl•hclt laat month mlahl be u 1fign lhat bualnClll('li &an.• "xpecllnt( 1 ronsum1.1r buylnai 11prt't> to lead lht' nation OUl of recetillon. . The Qnnmerce Ot-partmenl reported Monday the trade deCic1t, not rountmg flnwidal tranuctlona, hit a ont-month r cord of $7 l bllllon '" AUil.4ll\, Exporll fell 11J.ahlly. The bJ&gt'lt N'MC>n tor th cfoflclt growth from $2.4 bllllon ln July -wua a 20.2 percc·nt Augutt lrwn·aae In lmpor11, the bl£i<>lt jump Comm r ec Oepa'rtment nnalyata could remember In recent yl'&J'I. ~pc.ma decUned slightly In the month. Guard sa ys 'life over' WILKES-BARRE, Pa (AP) -A prison guard accused of going on a rampage and klUing 13 pt.'Oplt• -five of them his ch1ldr~n -believes his own life 1s over, a friend says. Late M o nd ay, guard George Banks was visited by Robert Brunson. a friend who helped talk Banks into s urre ndering. Bank• was being h eld under constant watl'h after threatenlna suicide at the Luzerne County prison. "He said , 'h 'a all over. My kids are gone. My life Is over.' I told hlm some people still care about him." Brunson told the Wilkes-Barre Tlmes- Leadl'r. UMW challenge gaining WASHlNGTON (AP) -A young lawyl'r ~king to oust Sam Church as president of the United Mine Workers union says Church's claims that the c hallenger is ineligible to hold office ar t' the "actions of a despcralt'.' man." Richard Trumka. 33. said Church's claims arc old and. "the issue was settled a year ago." Trumka made his comments Monday ihortly before accepting an endorsement of his candidacy by William Esselstyn. the union's secretary-treas urer. Trumka a nd hi s two running mates praised Esselstyn for abandoning his own independent campaign for re-election to the UM W's No . 3 post, calling the endorsement "a tremendous boost" to the slate opposing Church. Buried fireman found ... Garland H t1m1lto11, lilt: Houston firefighter. was talking with sheriffs deputies about 6:30 a.m. today. I Y GLENN OTT .,~..., ......... ~n lrvlnt•·h1111ed firm muy I tht• lint to turn dl•ad and •urplu wood In the-for('jt Into t:lt-ctrldty by bulldlnf o nc>w wood fu lt-d powf'r p unt in Norlhern Qtllfornlu Ultruy11tcm11 Chulrn)Qn Phillip Strven1 Id Monday worker• will cuU th(' for('IUI aurroundinai th plant n r Burney for deaa ll'OOI and will thin out 11nd top other• for lht' fut·) thnt will powf'r the 11-m«'fawou. plont :)1 miles northl•ast o Redding. Ultrr.111ystems, a relat ively small e ng i n e• ring ind conatructlon (lrm nt 2400 Michelson Drlvt'. announced It haa agreed to build the lnnovat[ve t20 mlUlon plant In joint venture with Central Plant.I lnc .. a subsidiary of Pacific Llshling Corp. of Los Angeles. Stevens. who foun9ed hLS Urm 10 years ago, said expertis-e developed In designing a wood- buminll col(eneration plant for Procter & Gamble in Long Beach wu applied in developing plans for the Burney plant. 'l'he Long Beach plan t will burn scrap wood collected throughout the Southern CalHornia basin. In the Northern California plant, an average 6~6.000 pounds of excess "slash" and "cull" wood will be gathered per day from surrounding forests, he said. Ultrasystcms has geared its staff with experts ranging· from forester'$ to <.'Ombuslion engineers to develop what St.evens called a "special discipline" in w ood burning techniques. "You don't handle wood like you handle coal." he said, explaining that each kind of wood bums differently. "We feel we are way out ahead of the industry." The small plant, producing en ergy lo serve about 13,000 This fut'tory in Burney is lhe kt>y to un Irvine firm' con vf'rling d ead a nd sur11lu . Wood into t'IN.•tricity. homes. will be the first m lhe nation to use excess wood to produce electricity. he ~aid 1f profitablt•, a dozen more likt· st will be buih. he added. A muni c ipal plant 1n Burlington. Vt .. burns wood. but Steven s said 1t comes from commercially grown trees. The plant 1s expected to sell 11.s power to Pacific Gas & Eleclric Co., which is required by the State Public Utiliues Commission to purc hase power fr o m independent contractors. Residents o f Burnt•y arc plcaS<.'<J with the plant. Stevens said, b<>causc.• 1t is non-polluting and will offl-r J()b:. to local workers hurt by the dL-'Clme in the lo~ging industry / The plant will employ 50 wOod gi:1therers and 25 plont operators. 1 he said. adding 1t will not use the kind of wood gatherL'Ci for home heating by loc:·al residents. Pac1f1C' Lighting's principal subs1d1ary 1s Southern California Gas Co .. but President Joseph Rl'nsch stressed that the.• Vt'nture is not related to its gas operation projeet of Rensch said his C'orporation's participation ii. "investment oriented" and represents a commitment to assist m alternate e nergy projects that reduce dependence on imported crude 011. Ultrasystems. meanwhile, has a corporate strateg:¥ to jump into untapped energy markets. Besides its Long Beach project. it a lso recently announced $45 million m federal loan guarantees lo build a geothermal-powe red fru<:lose processing plant in Imperial County C01'ROE. Texas (AP) - Authorities have found a firefighter believed to hav£' been kidnapped by a group that buried another man alive in a box for four days. a sheriff's department spokesman said today. Authorities suspect Hamilton was abducted by . Ronald White, 40. who allegedly masterminded the abduction of Michael Baucom. &ucom was found Monday, burled in a box but suffering only from dehydration and insect bites. Thr~at of flooding moves eastward Sheriff's spok esman Ed deForest said he could n ot i m mediately release any information except that Coby WORLD By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 Utah residents began dlgging out of a soggy blanket of mud and debris, but more rain was falling today as downpours that broke a dam and endangered $450 million worth of crops swept eastward Crom California. l~rael to probe slayings Meanwhile. California's flooded areas began digging out and counting crop damage in the central part of the slate on both sides of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. JERUSALEM (AP) -The Cabine t decided today to set up a full judicial inquiry into Israel's conduct· during the Beirut massacre of hundreds of Palesti nians. Ene rgy Minister Y1tzhak Berman said today. Berman told reporters as he emerged from the Cabinet meeting that the ministers had agreed to the inquiry. He gave no detatls. Berman s u bmitted his resignation last week because of Prime Minister Menachem Begin's refusal at the Ume to set up a judicial inquiry into the massacre which has o utraged 'the world and severely shaken the Jewish state. Berman said that despite the lat.est decision, his resignation still stood. Schmidt fights for post The California Farm Bureau estimates the showers carried last week by tropical storm Olivia could cause damages u high as $150 million each to the raisin and wll)e grape crops lf more rain arrives, while an estimated $30 million to $40 million worth of processing tomatoes are endangered. As much as $110 million worth of fresh grapes1 almonds. melons. atrawberrles and dry beans could also be lost, the Farm Bureau said. BONN . West Germany (AP> -Th e future o f Chancellor Helmut Schmidl hinged today on whether the small but pi votal Free Democra t Party wou Id endorse a plan to unseat him in favo r of conservative opposition leader He lmut Kohl. The liberal Free Democrats precipitated West Gennany's political crisis Sept. 17 when their four ministers, STATE spearheaded by party leader Hans-Dietrich Genscher. resigned from S chmidt's coalition. But they remained bitterly divided over whether to back Genscher in his alliance with Kohl · to oust Schmidt. \he popular Social Democrat leader who has led West Germany for 13 years, and vote a conservative into power. The five-day forecast was optimistic, said National Weather Sally Hinesly • services set Filneral services for longtime Costa Mesa resident Sally C. Hinesly. who died Saturday at age 88. w ill be held 2 p.m . Thursday at W estm inster Memorial Park. Escaped con found dead Hinesly moved to Costa Mesa in 1931, was active in several civic groups including the Lions CJub and served as a cook at a local pre-school for 40 years. CASTAIC (AP) -A prisoner who apparently jumped from a bus was found dead and sheriff's deputies are still searching for seven others who apparently leapt to freedom on Interstate 5. authorities said. ~·f•>do 11 y<>u oo not ,,.,.... "'°"' -Oy ~ 30 p"' U ll -· 7 O fPt _,., .0Vt COOY W'tl ~ Ott't_.,_, s.t~o ano Sunc11y II ;ov oo not =,r.~ ~ ,:, :o:vlf\_.,.c: Oe!Ner.O Fifty-six prisoners were being transported from the main Los Angeles County jail to the Wayside Honor R.nch Monday evening when the m en escaped, said Deputy Willie Miller. A native of Oklahoma, she'd recently moved to Medford. Ore .. where she died. She is survived by sons Bill of Kernville. Calif .. and Doug of Medford . Ore .. f o ur grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. We're Listening ••• What do you lake about the Daily Pilot' What don't you like' Call the number below and your message wall be recorded. transrribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-h<>ur answering service may be used lo record lel ters lo the editor on any t<>sMc Mailbox contributors must inrlude their nam~ and telephone number for verHicatlon No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind. 642·8086 ORANGE COAST Clualftect ectvertlalng 11•"42·5171 NI olher cfetNrtmenll l.t2 ... 32t Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley P~b1·1ht-r oNf Cl! .. I E •11Cwfn1e Olt<., Jone Amari f•ecv<••e Edit0< L Kay Schult1 Vtu p,.,..,.,,. ond D.rKIOf of Ad'l>41fl11""9 Mkhoel '· Norvey Owee10t ol Moo•etHIQ IClrclllcJl;o..l Thomae A. Murphlne fd•IOt Raymond Mad.Hn Conltolet Kenneth N. Ooddcwd Jr. O..c1or of Op4if 1111011• MAIN OfflCE »e wn1 ... M • COM a ..... c• Mtll --·· ao• '*• c .. ._#eM. CA n.i. c.,, ..... ,. °' .. c..11 .. 11, ....... C-y ... -t~ 1111/ttrell••"· eoftorl•I "'..._'Of' 86' v"tfte-1\ ,.,.In may Ille ,_..,.. .. wlttlwl 'Clt("i.I .. ~,MOii fif <NJt ltfll _,., VOL. 75, NO. 270 • • • Service forecaster Glenn Trapp. In the Fresno area. which produces almost all of the nation's raisins. it was sunny Monday. Ninety percent of the nation's raisin crop was drying in the fields when Olivia arrived last wee k , said Fresno County AgrlcuJture Commissioner Cosmo lnaalaco. In West Bishop, homes were shored up with sandbags and residents cleaning up from the dam break were warned to boil water. The Big. Pine Indian Reservation and the Dixon and exclusive Aspendell areas, about 300 miles north of Los Angeles. were hardest hit by the dam· caused flooding. but no injuries were reported. In Salt Lake City, officials issued an appeal early today for vo lunteers to help with sandbagging, and the Utah Highway Patrol reported parts of two main city routes fender-deep in water. More th.an l1.000 homes were flooded and 400 people were forced to evacuate Monday aft.er one of Utah's worst storms in 50 years ~ an early fall tempest that took forecasters by surprise. "The probability of this kind of storm happening is once every 100 years," Keith Goates of the National Weathe r Service said Monday. Rain also fell in the water- logged High Sierra of California. but today'• forecast called for clear skles that oould let waters The "preppy" look In clothlng fashions II being echoed In jewelry lashlons too OM of the most popular Is the single strand of cullured p11Brla In 17 to 19 Inch lengths Graduated t1zes are on the molt wanted list and they have been very dlHtcull to find We have Just received a ne4iw shipment though and thoy are In the et101dable price ranges. If the young lady prefers a atrand of unlrorm~te pearls lo set off her prep 1tyle. the choice Is In tl'le 5 M size or last and when atrung knotted between each pearl they should be between 16 and 17 lnehea Collar plna Me also In great demand 10 1often the lallored 1~ In clothes thlJ fall Tiny pearl decorated Hfety pins. Two and lhrM letter monogram pint with Ju•t the tiniest diamond tor accent. The familiar clrcle and bar pint A variety of anlmalt, bvg• and butlerfly acatter pln. .• the amaller they are the gr .. ter the popularity Bangle bracelett . . 1u11 Ilka grand1710thef'a .. and dellCate rope IS"racelet1 are right 100 . HPtcl•lly when worn on th• Mme ¥nltt .. the watch Signet end creat rings carry out fhe trtdlllon&I mOde also II ~ou n1v1 one on your Santa Cleu1 ll1t. be tut• you ge1 your order In early 10 th• 9"gre11er r~de and residents clean up. Dozens of residents were still isolated Monday after a rain- swollen dam broke on North Lake near Bishop. washing out roads and forcing hundreds of residents from their homes. In Colorado. up to a foot of snow was expected in the Rocky Mountains today .as the storms moved in from the west. On Mond.ty. rain at lower elevations "really made a mess" of a mudslide that began Sunday before the storm. a Colorado State Patrol dispatcher said. After Utah Gov . Scott Matheson declared a state of emergency in Salt Lake County. the weather service issued a flash flood watch for all of Utah late Monday and early today as rain poured from slate-gray skies for a fourth day. Salt Lake County, the state's most populous. could be soaked by more than half an inch overrught. officials said. More than 400 Salt Lake County residents fled their homes as the Jordan River flooded after Sunday's downpour. N of Monday, water damage was placed at up to $15 million. said Salt Lake County Public Works Director Don Spencer. Copter film holding key to chain record A videotape filmed from a helicopter may hold the key to whether or not the United Way of Orange County will land in the Guinness Book of Rcx'Ords for orga nizing the world's longest human C'hain. A little bit of chari t y . organizers say. also may help the ir world rec.·ord efforts. A group estima ted by the United Way at between 19,000 to 20.000 people held hands in a line that stre tched along the Santa Ana River from Yorba Linda to Huntington Beach 22 miles. Howe v er. there were two sizable gaps in the human chain Saturday an d off1c1als from Mery Barr CGrt1f1ed 0e""2!2Sl.!.st United Way say they're unsure how the people from Guinness will react to that :• AJI we can do is send them (Guinness) some pictures. some newspaper accounts and the film and leave the rest up to them." explains George Phillips. a Urutt'Q Way director . The existing mark for a human chain was set a year ago in England whe n 17 ,000 people encircled a small hill. Phillips says United Way wilJ hie a claim with the Guinness headquarter s in England and request that Saturday's hand- holding event be recognized as the world's record. can do his best job before ne gets too rushed with the holiday orders ~CIIARLE H. BARR Our yea1 y "Gem Wise" contest Is scheduled for the lull month of October. The rulu are the tame 111nrl '"• ptlles too There wlll be a $500 mar- cl'landlae cut111cale for the person who gait th• mQst correct, $300 second. and $200 third There wlll •l•o be a drawing fOf a conaolatlon prize for those wtio pa,,lclpate but ara not able to Win OM of the top prizes ..• to come and Join In th• tun There wlll be twenty·flve gem stones on d i splay throughout the •tore and all you nave to do Is Mlect the proper name trom th• fifty choices on the answe< ahffJ See If you~ top th• record' 6f Lesley Lii Wl'IO was our winner last year with 1h1teen correct Take the challenge and M8 how well you can do. Pr1a1 wlll be awarded NOV9mber first. Only one enawer aheet 10 a contHtant Our store hOUrt give you plenty of opportunlly to come In and take pan In Ihle lun cont•t ew.fe.tA ~·­&.••r .... , 17ftl & l"IH, Westclff Pina , Hewpcwtleocll prove how "Gem WIN" you are . The StOfe •• open 10 a.m. to~ e p m. Monoay through Saturday 1nd on Thurlday tYenlngs unlll e p m We welcome your vltlt ) ) 1 • Orange COMt OAtLY '9LOTITuelday, &ept.A\ber 21, 1912 HB -' •ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE ... •ERMA BOMBEOK Teen blames' boyfriend, avoids responsibility DEAit ANN LANDERS: I am a ~n-ager who waa anaered by the letter from "Hcndel"IOnvlllc HetU'taChe." Her mom cauaht h~r and her boyfriend in the act one night and .afd they could no longer IO · steady -that eac~ would have to date othera. I happen to be a born-again Christian and am very much opposed to sex before marriage. But that Is not my main complaint. The line that really aot to me was when the girl said, "My boyfriend went too far." Her boyfriend did not go too far on hla own. She permitted it. No boy can go THAT far by himself. When a r e girls going t o accept responsibility for what happens to them? "Hendersonville," without coming right out and saying so, is blaming her boyfriend when, in fact, she Is 50 pen:.-ent of the package. And if she gets pregnant, she may find the percentage is a lot bigger tt\an that. l am not sitting in judgment of anyone, I just wanted to express an opinion . -A READER IN VAN NUYS of Laguna .Beach \ DEAR V .N.: Glad 10 1ee a teea.aaer plck up on tba• polDI. ft111k1 for wrUlna. l coulCln't b1ve Hld It btuer m,1e1r. . . DEAR ANN LANDERS: lt you need a working title for thia letter, you m.ltht call it "NO DATE FOR THE FAT." I would like to give 90me very good. odvkc to all the fat men who read ~our column. When you wanl tb take a girl O\lt, don t uk a thin one. Pick on aomebody your own slt.e. I am 26, unmarried and I weigh 180 pounds. (Everyone tells me I have a very pretty face.) 1 have never been invited out for a date in my entlre life. There ls this 260-pound guy who works in our offlce and has asked out every slim girl In the entire building. He has been turned down so many times he looJu like a fluted pie crust. Although I see him several times a day, he haa never asked me for a date. I guess I'm too fat for his taste. The slender gals work hard to stay. in shape because fat is repulsive to them. The guys who get rejected end up with bruised egos. Please tell those d ummies that a lot of pleasln~ly plump ladies would just lova a ch.a.nee to be ruoe to some tub of lard. -LJKI} TO EAT IN LARAMIE, WYO. DEAB LARAMIE: It 11 not en1raved oa the Rosetta 1&one &lat tltl11 women do not like fat mea -nor tlaat fat men do not like fat women. Maay fat women 1et 11lled CHat, aad an equal number of t.blD dames are slttlag at bome on· &lay po1terior1. Voa've 101 aaotller kind of problem, boneJ aad I bope yoa flpre out wbat It la. DEAR ANN LANDEl\S: As a sober, r~v$ing a lcoholic who owes his life to AA, I want to commend you for your advice tQ people who get riervoua and upset whPn they hilve to talk beforu • group. You auggested a book, "S(>('uk Up WiJh Confldtim:c," By Jack V11lentl. · In thot sume new8JXiper the Identical questJon wq addres.'JC<I to another oolumnist. He suggeatt.'CI an anti-anxiety pill similar to Vullum. That advl<i0 made me angry. Lord knowt1 we don't need yet another pill to ht>lp us cope. We are a nation of junkiea -overdrugged and tranquiliu.'<i out of our mind.a. Plea84!, Ann. say something on thls subject. -READ YOU lN 'l'HE L .A . HERA LD EXAMINER DEAR L.A.: Tbankl. I can't add a t.blna. You wd lt all. Is pot a drug? Can LSD, PCP, cocaine and pills open new worlds for you? Stop guessing. Get the facts in Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2, plus a long, self-addressed stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, F.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. Trans£ ormation? Heavenly daze! So for years, Y asser Arafat wandered around the Mideast sh outing such things ~. "We will fight to the last drop of our blood before we renounce one square inch of the sacred rocky soil of our fathers and our sons!" His followers naturally revered ·him as the greatest freedom figh ter who ever lived. His enemies naturally reviled him as the most fiendish terrorist of all time. And the rest of the world looked on him uneasily. "That nut.'' worried even his Arab allies privately, "is going to f.et us into another shooting war yet." BUT AFTER VASSER had been booted out of Beirut and his followers dispersed to the ends of the M iddle F.ast, the Good Lord finally took pity on him. "An_1el," said the Lord to one of his assistants, "kindly rry down there and grant that fellow one wish." AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER , When he regained'. his -senses~ his -vt9i-c>1f"W$5 blurred, h fs mind da?.ed. "What happened?" he murmured. "We don't know, sir," replied a young aide he had never seen before. "We suspect foul play by our terrorist enemies. We found you unconscious in tpe garden. You were wearing -forgive me, sir -a three-day growth of beard. Luckily, we were able to shave it off before any photographers for the sensationalist press could get a picture." trousers, you'll be your old self. And here are your glasses." "Glasses?" he asked in c:onfusion. "Certainly, sir," said the aide smiling. "You've worn them ever ·since your days as a freedom fighter blowing up the usurpers of our native land. Here now, have a look at yourself in the mirror." "That's funny," he said, "I look Jewish." "Plfase, sir, this is no time for jokes. You are. scheduled to deliver a major address in two minutes." A SPEECH. NO PROBLEM. He could give a speech in his sleep. And so it was that Menachem Begin told a cheering Knesset; "We will fight to the last drop of our blood before we renounce one square inch of the sacred rocky soil of our fathers and our sons!" The angel found Vasser playing "Yes, Sir, Jerusalem's My Baby" on an Arab's harp and explained his mission. '-_____ ....,. _____________ .... "It's about time!" cried Vasser. "All my life, the "I understand he was discovered on a cruise ship and he Israelis have been kicking me around because they can only play slightly sea sick." are better equipped, better trained, better housed, HIS BEARD! OH, HIS BEARD which he so meticuloualy cropped twice da,ly through a half- inch-thick comb! lfe felt his smooth cheek. Yes, there had been skin under it after all. His hand went to his head. Where was his beloved checkered kaffiyeh that he wore nigh t and day year after Needless to say, his followers naturally revered him as the greatest freedom fighter who ever lived. His enemies naturally reviled him as the most fiendish terrorist of a ll time. And the rest of the world looked on him uneasily. llOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA WEDNESDA V, SEPTEMBER %t ARIES (March 21-April 19): Personal magnetism helps create aura of romance. Lunar and numerical cycles highlight adventure, sensuality, swift changes and speculative ventures. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You're on more solid emotional, financial ground. Recent. career disturbances actually will work in your favor. You rise to challenge, get backing from unusual source and you'll be presented with a token of appreciation. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Rip aside blocks which deter ability to communicate. Emphasis on distance, l antJuage, spirituality and highe r education. You'll be asked to publish yoµr views. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): lnteresi in mantic arts, sciences emphasized . You delve beneath surface for answers. You're on right track, you'll have more responsibility and you'll know that a relationship is for keeps. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Become aware of legal rights, permissions. Know when transaction is completed -don't hang around for kudos. Be realistic, define meanings, steer clear of get-rich- quick schemes. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): What seemed a setback was actually a rflere delay -request will be fulfilled, you'll have chance for greater freedom and more independence. You get to heart of matters with member of opposite sex. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emotions dominate; you could fall madly in love. Be ready for a variety of sensations, significant changes and a more complete understanding of synchronicity. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Diversify, display sense of humor, open lines of communication and utilize ability to express self ln artistic manner. Keep resolutions concerning exercise, vitamins and wei.ght-watching. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You'll be asked to remode l or rebuild -project tt!9Uires review and .you should be aware of small print. Lunar emphasis on ideas, s ubmissions, calls, requests and news of relative in transit. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your ability to analyi.e. to perceive motives is highlighted. Lunar emphasis also on payments, collections and chance to obtain needed material, perhaps even necessary funding. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Circumstances take sudden ·tum in your favor. Elements o{ good judgment. skill and luck ride with you. You'll make successful domestic adjustment. surroundings will be beautified, you will be happie r as result. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your love of mystery surges to forefront. You'U have view backstage, you could gain access to privileged information. P01 SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT· You're not a't'lgr~ with m e, are ~ou, ~ j\.Lst because. I dtcl ~ ' ~omcth.lng ,, fooli~hh ' 'Wh.tc hurt ~ou. de4!pt~? I I better educated and, what's more, they've got better cooking. So, of course, my one wish is . . . " "You got it, Yasser, baby!" said the an.eel. And -ZAP! -the transfonnation was instantaneous. "Oy vey!" said Yasser, fainting dead away. year? ' "We also found a rag bound around your brow,'' added the aide. "But when we washed it, it disintegrated. Now, if you'll just put on thia white s hort-sleeved shir t a nd these gray dot.able-knit ,. GORIN 011 BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF "That nut," worried even his American allies privately, "is going to get us into another shooting war yet." From heaven, the Good Lord looked down and shook his head. "Frankly, angel," he said, "I don't see that we accomplished much." "Well," said the angel, "he's eating better." Both vulnerablt>. Wt>st deals. NORTH +52 Yo A 103 2 • 0 109 ._., • QJ 1094 WEST EAST +874 +63 (" KQJ976 ~ 854 Pass 4 + Pas11 6 • PHs Pass Pas8 Op1•n1nK lc>nd: KtnJ: or S11mt'l1m1·' ~·rn shnuld h 1 l{ralt·ful I h:tl y11u h:l\·1· op pon1·nh. Th1·y l1·ll .\•1111 hn\\ In p1.1y 1 h1· hanri Thi· h1rldin1-t 'hown I' from a ruhlwr hrtd,l{t· ,l{um1 w,. \.\ otild l"la \'I' l'lW hjf1 h(•,1 rl' .1 I our '•·1·1~nd lurn .-1111 1h1 !'>oul h <'.trcf.... i. .. 1-.111 .. 1· I hr1·1• -.p:1rl1•' 1o;n't 1110 pt•fl't•nl torr tnl! .ind lo lw rirnp1wd .. hort ol >{••me• \\ilh this p1m1·r ' hn11 ... · \\OUM hU\I• ht•l'n ""''' d1 ... 1 r t ..... tn)( 1lu1 ~11111 h l'llnl p•·n-.atNi "'1! h an 11q•r a)()(r•"'"'' t• 1um 11 II• 'lam '''J1••1·1all~ ... 1r.n• 'ort h hari try to dummy LO lake l wo diamond finesses Ht>re, however. Wesl's opening bid and free rehid surely marked him with all thP massing cards. so declarer cast uround for a bettt'r line -and found one. OnP discard on 1 ht· act• of hearts would do no good. In dee d. winning lhe ilft' or "'arnt•d ham t hut -.111u1· "' hr~ q 1hw .; \\1•r1· 1r. 111 .. 1r1 ... '' h··r1· thr.' mil{hl hu\1· h1·1·11 "'""''' '" !'-11\Jth ae{• of hran ... and us1· 1h1· 1·n hearts at trick ont' would lud autonrnt1cally lo thf' Mn tract 'i; dt>foal . l n"lt'ad. dt>C'larer played low from dummy al the first lrwk and ruHed 1n his hand. !"t•,1,I came· lhrt•e rounds or trump~. fol lowc>d by the king of 1·luh-. (thv1· usly. Wt•'il rnuld nr.t afford I win thc> at'\' of 1·luh ... for !ht• dt>C'larer would h:" 1 an l'nl 10 dumm\ lo UM' l Ill' l(OOd dubs~ So ht• d u<'kf'li. hut ii u \·nilt-d him nol 11n1· "111:. l>e•rlart•r s 1mpl) 1•01111111wd ""h :1 duh. :incl \\',.,, "·'' ""tJ r h1)'l'd Nn m.1tt1·r '' h11 h '" i1 ht• pla,\ t'rl. ht• "uul<I ha'' •. 11Ji:-1\1• rlt•rl:ir1•r .1 r.1•n1r-lo the• tahlt'. and d1•1·lar1·r ,.;,11111 l.11..1· l1111r d1an111nd .i,.,,.,1rtf-. "" t h1· .11·1· 11( lw;1 rt' ;1 n•1 11111·1· t'lt1h11it \,,,, 1 h.11 t 111-ltn1 "" 1tr1 ,,J, .. • • d ,., 1•n 11 \\ ,.,, t"'ltlrl l111ld 111111n I ht• .11·1• n' 1·lt1h' lnr a 11111 h1 r r1111nd J 11·1 '·' r1·r \\llltltJ I h1•rt 'inlf1J\ t Orll't'd" ,1 d 1.1•111111d I rt1·I.. .1 nd m.1~• ht• ,f.t1l1 O K6 0 7432 •A8 +7532 SOUTH +AKQJ109 ~Void o AQJ85 +K6 The bidding: Weft North East l ,., PaH Pa11 2 'V ,. Pallli Pa111 3~T Pass South Oblc> 3 . ... I l:tti t hn1• h•·"" "" h1drlin11 h \ East \\ t'"' · d(•dare·r w·uuld alnw-.1 ,11r1·I.' ha' 1• l(Ont• do"' n 111 tie·lt•al '" ht" ('onlr;1rt of ~1,1, '>J'la dt•' lh· woulrl quite likt•I) win th1· How do ~·ou c hou~t-tht' bt''I openin([ lead'.' C'harlt--i Gorl.'n ha'i tht' an11wer. t•or a COJH of "Winning Op•nlnir L<·ad ... " "e rtd SI .1'15 to "Goren·l.ead1>." rarp· of thi"' nl'" ~paper. P.O. Boll 25!f. 'or"ood. '\.J . 076.aH. \1akc> c-h n ks pay ablt' to ~ewspaperbooks. Patients fear cancer the most DEAR DR, STEINCROHN: I've been brougllt •P to be fearless ud lake uy sort of dare. Bal, I admll &o eae appreJaea1ion tUt won't ao away: the fear of cueer. My motlaer died of cancer of the 1ter11; an older brotller died of cucer of tbe 1tomacll. I'm U, married, aad ·am apparently llealtlay. Except for smokin1 too m1cll, my bablts are good. My qae1tlOD It: Wat do yoa recommeod as a mlllim•m preveadoa program to fl&b.t cancer? My last Pap te1t was taken about a year ago. - MRS. L. DEAR MRS. L .: Although deaths from heart attac:kl are more dramatic, most patients have told me they fur cancer more than any other illness. So you see, you are not alone. ln view of your family history and your fears, Mrs. L .. 1 suggest the following program: even Her clean sweep terminated Some of the best fiction being written today la never serialized in the slick magazines or makes it to the New York Times list. They're messages between the working wife/ bachelor and the woman who cornea in to clean thelr ho~/apartment. Sometimes, they never even llMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S ENO 1ee one anothel'. They communliCate only by notd }fft on \he Nfripator door. _ The followlna t1 • Hrlu ot written communlq\MI between Wilma and her employer, Mra.Rut19dte. "MRI. RUTLEDGE: THERE IS a cu me11 at the end al ttw IOfa." Wilma. "Wlbna: J know." Mrs. Ru\ledp. '1Mt1. Rutledp; What do you want me to do W'lt.h ltf' Wilma. "Wilma! You are limited on opt.tons. You can surround lt with sand and use it as a putting green. aift·wnp it and amaze your friends, or clean it up. f prefer \he latter.'' Mn. Rutledge. "Mn. Rutledge: t was golna to clean up the you-know-what, but the sweeper smells funny and aounas stranae and won't pick up anythlna. Can you fix it?" Wilma. "Wilma; The cat ia ml.ssing. I suggest you check the sweeper bq." Mn . Rut.Ie<lge. "Mrs. Rudedae; The cat was not in the ~­ Maybe the cal ~ la not a mess at all. It looka juit like t0methlna in a green bowl in tho n!fri,erat0r. ls It what I think lt is?" Wilma. "Wilma: What do ou think It ta?" Mrs. Rutled,p. -··ns. IUTLEOOE: I KNEW ONCE, but I foqot. The .w~ workl jult (h~e. What did Yo" do eo ttr' Wlhm. ••WtJma: I emptied the bag." Mra. Rullfdaw. "Mn. au .... : You know that little ~llrn I told yau about two \fteb 880 about the c.t? I th1ftk I 1e>lved ~· I moVed t,he sofa over it and you can nollce It raw ... Wilma. "Wlllrla: ~ ou·~ flred!11"Mre. Rutledp. "Mrt. llu~: The~ ls another aat meta I didn't tell you about. lt'1 htrd ,to find. I'm the only OM who knows where It la. Goodb~o." WUma. before you consider a program of health checkups, · you'll have to resolve to quit smoking. You've heard., enough about its bad effects to realize this is an urgent request. Not only is tobacco an enemy of the arteries and heart, cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cance r -not forge tting other locations such as mouth, bladder etc. With that out of the way, what else should yo\J do? See your internist an~ your gyne<.'<>logjst at least once a year. For Pap tests, breast examinations, essential X-rays and other tests. (Learn how to self-examine your breasts at least once a month.) F.arly diagnosis is important in the fight against T JOUI HIAL1H DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN .r cancer. Therefore , respect .any warning signals; thJckenlngs or lumps anywhere; sores that recur •nd do not heal; change ln your bowel habits; \Inexplainable indigestion; hoarseness or cough; chanae in the appear;mce of a mole. • fn view of your family h istory, Mrs. L .• k presume you're especially coneerned about cancer ot the uterus. Here ts an important· point: to J'K'Olllize the potential danger of ble,ding between ,.rtOcls or after the menopause. Suspect any blood lo., however minimal, IC you ha~ not tU.a any perioda for months or ycara. This may be a warnmc llpl of t!arly uterine canc:er. lo addition io a Pap teat, yo11. may need an examination of the tllloe that Im. the body of the uterus . Dr. Steintrohn welt'Olnt'i NYJckr q~tiOM buC t. IOl'l'Y he cannot answer ~~ m.11. Lerrers of wtdnt interest will be answef'f'd In hi• colutnJ'), &nd your _quelJjom ro Mm. in care of rhe Dally PUot. P.O. Box 1'60. Costa Mt.u, Calif. 92626. J ' .. I.. tittl Wl.. llitl 1 MHt\ Htl ... ,.. Ntl kit• Ntl " • '* (I-C fl• -Clew Cllt "I "9t Clht Ciiia "I""' Cl•\t C... P. ""' c;i.w C ... R~~ '~"~ n, •. h H~~~ • .!J'I J.\ 1t;·,1 • ~8'i~ '·':' ~ n~· ,, =:1~1· ... Ht. 'I U~; t m~ lit ; ,l .. ' t 15"41r . • n, ... ~ II'"' ';g I m IQ-ft MC-OrH , .. I• ' • "' l'llU~ 60 • > »h \lo YIJfO<l I I ~JU ., .... "' •• I-~el I~..,~ . , I I ~ ~ ~(llyf'I I~ .. ""• ~ Mctlll I • ~+ I\ 1'1•11 tc t I t4-yf'll••, I t 4 .. , y, .. .. .... ... f I .. .. 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Timi pfc;A.jQ .. 2 6fY, + \'i Al91nl 1.-IO c 14 111,r.. tnvlll 4 • 27 :M , , Qll.t i!,. '6 t•v1. • • · · lnctlM 1)12.U ·. 4 15"'-'-MonPw 2 41 6 IU 20• ...• Puron 1 1,0I ... J2 1J> Tlm•M 2 12 Ill 4''-~ t;, Attl~ 2.".. • U\41. .. r1•1..0 JO ll\lt Etmerk I. t JU uSSW+ 1'-lnctlM pfJ6J . I 2SV• 'I> MonSt 1 '°9 JS 16"9, Ii> Pyro St 4 ..... Tlmkn S,.0 1 22 -~-V. Alil Cll.tl . U 10 ...... ,. eHAir . .0 9 IU '",.. ·;.., ES411ln I It "~• V+ lnctlC.al 3.04 1 II JS"" v, MONY ·~ 't s.44 6ft . ,., OuekO , Jl7 41 .1~ TOCISlll> 112 • ti ~<\It .. V. Alrt UD • 121 21-...... htnfln Al) l6 SIS t•\o IEu .. c .tob 1 3 11\ii 14 lndlPI. ,,60 • 2' 24"' • \I\ MOort<: 2 9 10 )3 ..• , OuekSO IO 241 "°"' ~ Tokllm .S. 1 16 U,._, •... Al~G I I• 11 Uh.. . . llm pt 1,20 10 11 • . . El1•1"9 .W II St 11"'1-V. tnoco .14 I 4ol •~•-V, Af\Or•M 1,04 > U "'-· ... Oue"9ll :.o I U• '"°, .... 101Edl& 2.36 • 171 1'~ lit AllfCp LAD • 22" "~· ~ llml Pl •.60 SI ,. ..... v. Elllyl 1.)0 • .. ,..,, .. lnlmt< n II 11 IS ..... 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Ii> Fe"o I.JO 10 17 121'1 • \lo ln1Nr1h 2 12 S >2 251;, h Nepco l .J412 1J llv. \41 RtpNY 1.40 6 121 JO'll + 'loo Tr1So1n I ISl 4•1o •.. All'\C.WI 2.to II IJ9 Jl \'i ..... cnrys pt 6 101 ....... FidUnl 2.ID • 1S Jl • " tnlrjl>(t 1.50 14 .. ""'-"' NeplFd tob IS 29'11121-. v. RNY pf 2.12 .. I I) .... "' Tt ••net .AO.. s 10.. \~ Acy.., l,IS '142• JOI'! .... CllurCh I • ts ,. ........ Fld<ll 2 " 3l JI\>.... lntpGp 1.60 9 IS 3711,.. .,., Nerco ... " 120 uJS1/t. -.. ANY pfCJ. ll .. • """· Trl•Pc 116 2 11% . AOT l.W 11 111 .., ........ ClnB•ll J.n • " ,,~ + .. FiOllle .. s )6 JO + .... lntBekr >S 59 IO'la-•t. NHllUA IO . SS ,...,_ .... RNY pl&l.toe . 60 S3 • • • tricnlr .JN 1 l 6 .... AEIPw 2 :i. t Sil 11h (lnGE ll6 1 36 It\.-Vt FnCpA t .61 ,.._nt 21V, +I lnlslPw l.W • 11 14'h• ... NetCen I 6 12 llV. .. RepSU le .. 122 dl4~•-\I\ Trlco I• 8 ll t "" ""'i· 2:20 t tl.SI 490;.:.:. i-\ ClnG pt •.JO ilOO u68 + y, FnSBer " JO 4V• + '1• lowtEI 1.12 • d 14\lt ..... NCnvSI .'7 13 II 21'" + ... 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ATT pf 3.M .. 12 32h-'-CoHlel .olO JI 617 JI"--•t. FlfflEn .s2 21 Ul 24 • ,..; Jt~C pf iii·· .. ""' • "' Ne•P pl I.fl J IA·"-'"' Roche, l,7MI S aUI I ~ \lo UnEl.c 1.64 6 1.a 12~> • Ii> 2~: l .;:.. l l'V, ..... tocaCI 1,llt 111177 ov.-" Ftemne 1.24 , S4vl3"'• "'JewelC 2•48:. •St .,..u.:,,,, Neved$n 1 1v.-"" Ro<llTI 2,04 1 110 2l""• Vl UnElpt 3.50 rlJO 2'~>• 1/1 • '· s • 11~-.,. co1•"'• ... 1. '" ""'• "'F1ea1v • .,,6 '" u-. .. J•••Cpf • 321 30 HEnoE1 3 7 ,,, JO\/\-" :n~r' .• ':,.s.10 T...!"'i "". ~~~lpfp1,,!·>0 11so,1 !L.• ~,i ~O 1.60_ 4 J 2l ,-v. CotKo 11 '3 llh• 11. Ft,.; p1 1.6!.. 5 in-. ..... JollnJn 1 i7 l67S .,..1,,., v. NJAK nl.76 1 26 UV>..... P .7S • ..,., ~ .... • ~ ~~ ·-' • 2 ...... . Cotcmn 1.20 10 • 2JY» .. Fll9ISI •• It II 101 1• • "· JohnEF 20 36 J4l NYSEG uo • ISi , ... _ ..... AollmH 2.IO ' > •2 . .. . UnEI pf 2. ll . I "" ..... Amelll 1.20 12 " JO ..... w Col11P•I I.JO I 2034 """. "' Flo.IP n 21 .. n 1 11~. I JohnCn I 40 • 141 21 • l,\i NYS ptOl,75 12 Ult·. 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" 1414 H OA. .. • GllU f11 u t • 20 41~:.: · y; M•cmtf ·~ ii 4j l•V., I: ,..11c; _,,, s.21 • J .. v. • ~ $li;1ftt,. ,,;; 1 ii u #llllC ho 11 · " "' ~ 'y; • ti'!! '7 t??ll 1111n...._ + ~ !?!~~o' 1·'922117 6~ 2141""-~ Gullon :60.U m 1111 + ""Meer • ' 112 tit 4• '. ..•• !'.nnCP ·''°Is IJ>O 12-. ..... Squ.,O I.., t to7 """ .,. #lllt1u u a. 21'11 ~ ·-.. ...-~ .,..,_. • , • .. -.. _ -"""""' • 2S r60 u PeMty 1 • 732 "'~-,... $11111. ..,. I~ 1101 0 . • Wlllll# I 60 j ,., ~-,.. 12.!210 111 "v. ..... !?!lEee1p1 :-!! • s~11 H" .. i.. HMw 1s • , ....... M<l•Fd 1.u. : · " 11._· .. ~ P•"'-u2 • .... 2011\-" st•i.t .eo • n E w 1MMdl • • " 4-.. •••. . u 1 * n ..... · · · · "" ... '· 1 .., • H"'T .llll " ' a..-"° MeQ1CI • 11 •2 U"" + w hl>t pf 4.~,. 110 lt\'i, • Sl81'91t .'O 12 11 I .. • '6 Wlltltm 1.10 II t02 ··~ + .... SI.AO 1 Jtl 3IO'At• i. OelE pf 7 ..... l S21')+ I He<kW sl.M 10 SJ 111~.. MtfonH 1:n ,, ...a u40 • t P•!'. fl'! •• 50 •. 1• ,. •• '.: ,,. , -St t .. ~-.... 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"", oi 1.t0 ... 1t00 1 .1 JIM 2.101anao '3~+ lit g:-r~ Ni . ~ m: .. ~ ~ndltM I I m 14114 ... , Ml~H';2.i1e ~ •., m~~ \') ~tnW pfliS .• ..!! 141+ 11. .i ,,. ; 't r···" "I'~ 1,~· .• ':1 111-t-l\I\ ~ ":.; 4 ~ ~:;· ~ Oe11ttr (tO ii 31 tt\to ! \It ~= 1·: ll tt'J ~\It• V. Ml,.. II'. · · ti St ....... ..:;~ t. )t t iJ; t V.-~ : 'i.al: " ll ~~.' .~ ;.:I'S f:1h lh n~~ .. i.; rodl f'I ,,q 11 Ill II -"" OIGIOf' .M 1 M ._ .. \I\ HerlrJ • I I U 1•~" ·~ ~f~!,i .. lj. '1I ~--.... , ....,r,, ' 1 )14 ....... , •"' I 44 tttw .. 1.J2 • l• ,. ......... 81~.~"'l.~s> 11f !l~:.::;,,; H•rtnci .ms "71\lo-.,_AArP~~:fi~J··1~f'I!.,.! ~ ~lfi01,ti1J1 ... 1141 • ~ ·~·· 171111 ti ~'-::::: =:.~.~ ':: 't•IOI 1•'4+'i<i uo ' .... 211-.. .... Olelf'lr ' '° f " t .... H••11IJ11 ,201 ... II' • -~ Mer~• f'I • 1 .. 2\lt-\It P•fk . 1• /JO U"4. --i . , ........ Wortlt! ..»I l.d 21-. " flt.Al .. ' " + w. g iatn 1•74 t 600 20 "' HtrrBll dO 1 20 ~•"-• I>) MerMICI 1 u "°" ''""• I'll Prmlarol,Mt 1 i.1 10 ••. .. • 1, t 1"1 .,._. Woedf't ;41 80 t•V.• "' . .eo •1 tt '"' + .-...... • t> •t: ~ ,..,.. H•n" .. ,. 1003 .M-.. 1111eri.n •5.,. 0 .,. • , ,..., .. ' •·• ,, '" i~• "' !!..... '· 4 ., u.._ .,. wot.., '·'° •• ,,,. 14""--.. ..,, • 211 41.\ti ...... g•11ltel l u ..... .!. " H•fKO 1.10 t n ,, ........ ,..,.e :tt Jr J'-.... ~·I~" ~ 6 "° ,,~ "" ...... ,fl ,. " u "' Wol• pf t.20 .. II .... .. \ l~I= Ct!~ ol:J:r.:= i um:-IA ~:mt":~,, .: ~··1;; :::,.r: i tot•,'!l; •• ~-·~ Cll.: "•<1111 .. l!.fr.:•U• t''l .' ·=~;=:;I:.';' .. -' :i .;... = '·!ll~ ~ ~.· .. ~or.• H:',.,4' i~v.:::~ t:,\\', '·:t 1 .: ::t= t: ::~":"~tf j•1!fi' 'J:~:1~ ~1r.f ~;p,m 1:'"-:: ._, ''~J ~~ ~~·i-1 :~1~1.11 ·1°*1a ~· ,g~-; ~ ..i9 .. n ~· ..., o,~-ia ' ,. 2 ·~ H•yetA .. 12 .......... MO l .... ·• 19 • ,... 'I ' i.12 1 •" lf\11,.,,. 1.• • 4'\lt+1-.. .. ,,_ ~' u -w ..... 1 '~"' g, ........ iO ..ii ,. .. H•:t'"' ·f.U ,. ~-"'Me~f :..1 , ""-' ~1· ......... ,. Jl~ ... \.i ec , . n -~ --Y •. 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',,,J ,: 'n H~.:.:.·-. .. n~~ .. \ --, -. .._ ~ ----. ---~---~-·--:---~-,,.-,----~~-.... - \ I ' V elkswag~n \ chief resigps DETROIT\1(F}~~--n:up fr'm~°U>JJ Volkswagen of AmerJc• lnc. •howa that even the automaker with the bett fuel-economy c.ar Is ln trouble becauae ~urnen are opting for cheaper Japan88 rriodels -br aren't buying can at all, anal)'l&a 1ay. No reaaon WU ,iven tor the Tetlanatlon Monday ot J amcs W. McLemon, VW'1 preafdent and chief ex~utlve officer aince 1978. At leut one analy1t, however. said McLemon apptara to be a acapeeoat. "Superficially, it looka llke he's befna mad~ the scapegoat for VW's problems," said David Healy, analyst at Drexel Burnham Lambert In New York. T-bill yields drop WASHINGToN (AP) -Yields on ehort-term Treasury &eeurities have dropped slightly. marking the fourth consecutive weekly decline, officlala aa.ld. , ~bout ,5.1 million In new three-month bUla were. auctioned,Monday at an average diacount rat.e of 7.801 perc:ent, clown from 7.849 percent Sept. 20. 'the government also sold about $5.1 billion In six-month bills at an average rate of 9.196 percen\, down from 9.443 percent. · ' · Mond ay's yields, '1 measure of the coat of government borrowing from the public, were the lowest since the Aug. 23 levels of 7.748 percent for three-month bil'8 and 8.98&--percent for stx<-month bills. The discount1rate on the new T-billa understates the ~ctual return to investors. Energy boss quits SACRAMENTO (AP) -S tate Ene rgy Commiasion memb&r James Walker says he ls resigning his $54,000 a year post to join a geothennal company headed by former commission Chairman Richard Maullin. Walker, 381 was appointed to the five-member .commission in September 1979 by Gov. Edmund ·Brown Jr. after serving as its executive director, the top staff position. He will join the Los Angeles-based firm of MCR Geothermal Corp. He joined the commission staff in 1975 as an adviser to Maullin after working as an energy analyst for the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Lucky nam~s official DUBLIN -The Board of dire<:tZ>rs of Lu~ Stores Inc. has elected Theodore F. BrunneriOffie- position of senior vice ,President manu!acturin and support facilities. - Brunner came to the company in 1964 as dairy manager in the northern food division. He was elected vice president and dairy specialist for Lucky Stores in 1969 and has been vice president-manufacturing since 1974 . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES A VER AGES NEW YORK (API -SaJM, Monday prfU and Mt Change ol the """" moel 1c:llve Now York Stoc:k Exc:ttano• ..._,trading natlonally at more'"-" NEW YORKIAPl Fl1111 Oo#.J-l •"'Dl-~~OC:r*Y• Sep. 21 11. C.•0Pw1..1 WOOIW«'!ll -Coll INllClla E .. on Kmal Amer Tt,T Ovk• Pow 18M OelloAlrl • Softy Cot'p Oeytn Pwl.t MeWPtM Goocly-Clllcorp AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (API -Monday prlc:e and net cttange of 1111 ten moe• ac:11111 American Stook Exc:ttang• luuea, trading nallonally at mont than $1. VetDatlnl 106,600 M ii• -~ 1!099r"SCp M,000 14llt + W. .~:~. ~~ ,~"' .. ~ CrUICllr AH S2 000 • .,. -V. WrltlllHer o o,>Oii J\I\ -1-1• All. Rot li,SOO l'-lnll 8nknot Jl,IOO •~ -~ ~~ ' ~1,:0 ·~.... • .. '- T.ch Sym l.S,QI llh -h GOLD COl~S NfW YORK (AP) -Prl<lel 1111• llM.lrtcl.y 01 OOlcl COll\t, c~ wllll w.dneadoY'• prlc'A • .,....,, .... 1 lrOV OI .. 14&1,00, 1111 I I 50. ...,.. I.Mt, I 1roy oa .. $45'.tl, up &uo. 11u. • ,..._ tt 11oy oa .. wsoo. ~ ... .,,, ., Al& w .....,., te02 lfO'f oa .. 143a, e. up"~· lloul'Otl' °'°" . ...,..,. ... lO Ind °rl"ttJ ~ ~ ~~• ~ to r,,. •·• J7t.11 JM.tJ M.1~ o.o il ~.~ ll~·: ~·tt uu; ;u;~'.;'ci:it lndll• .. . . . • .. .. . . .. . . . . 4,n1,ao Tr•ll .. . .. . . . . . • IA22, Ito l's"~~ ... : ....... Jh'::. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( IAPI Sep, JI W•O• •Ml A DO .._.., .., 1» 01 , ... ,. l NEW YORK (APJ Mp. 11 METALS .._.., U I JIM 2IM n 4 H • -~ 111 .,. 111 70 3 ....... cs.ii, HS 21S ISi 2l • NEW YORK (API -Spot nonlerrou• tt*al P•teet IOOty c..... 70.72 C9nla . pound, us. LMd 24.,..29 cent•• oouno. Zlftc 4()..42 -111 • oounct. dell'lwod Tin se 2111 Metato .....,..., com009it• It>. AIWtlllWM 76-77 cents • PQlll'ld. H. Y ~ $3S200 I*' ftatk ~•ll1t11111 $321 00-.1328.00 1roy c,.,,1<.• .... N.Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., ,,. " ......... "'-&elKled -"' told ptlOM locMfr. .. ~ mOtlllnO ftidno 1401.U , oft 14.10 . l~ •ltornoo11 flJClng $4 10,IO. ott SU$. tlwta ltftetnoon ftlllnO 140U7, off U.06 PfWllllM1 11xtno s.eot.M, oft 11.02. hftlll !alt al{ef-. lbclllO *40t.OO. Oft 13.00 llld. $410 00 Mlled • M•Mtr • Me111t•• (0111y dally q11ot•I 1410.eo. on iUS. 13~ (only cNt11Y quoWI 1410 60. off .. ~ (~ dally ~) fllCH1ea.ted 1431.b3. Of! SS"· SYMBOLS ' .~, I I ~ .. ~I HA Orange Oo11t OAll.V PILOT/Tu..dl)', September H . 1912 Canadian· games. top Super Bowl, liut ... From AP dh1patchea NEW YORK -NBCR c.elecll3t.' m oC two Car{adlan football games ••• outdrew CBS' replay of la11t year's S uper Bowl in the nat1on'a1 three largest cities, &l'Cordlni lo ovt"rnlght Neilsen ratings re ll•used Monday. But the ratings were far lower than t he NFL normally draws .. Ratings in New York. Chkago and Los Angeles for CBS. NBC and for the A.BC telecast of the crucial American League East baseball game between Baltimore and Milwaukee were all about a third to a half of what the NBC and OBS drew nauonw1de for NFL games on the a\lerage Sunday last season. The figures also indicated that a lot of sets were turned off on the rlrst weekend o( the Nattonal Football League players strike. AC\:ording to figures released by NBC. the C FL game between Britts h .Columbia and Toronto-rt.X'('1ved...a faung of 4.2 with a 12 share Tn l'JeWl70FK; il !r.8 rating with an 18 share in Chicago and a 6.7 rating with an 18 share in .Los Angeles. The sec'<>nd game did a 5.6 and a 12 in New York, a 6.7 and a 17 in Chicago and a ' 5.5 and a 13 in Los Angeles.' That comparies to a 2.8~th an eight share for the San Franc1sco-Clnclnnati Super Bowl in New York, a 4.4 with a 1~ share in Chicago and a 5.8 with a 16 share In Los Angeles. ABC's te let·ast of the crucial American League East baseball gamo between Baltimore and Milwaukee received a 2.8 rating in New York. a 4.4 rating in Chicago and a 7.9 in Los Angeles, with a 21 percent share. Quote of the day Bill Pete rson, former Florida and Houston Oilers football coach , admitting that he st.di butchers names oocasionally: "I'm better, though. since I took that Sam Carnegie course." Braves move into tie with Dodgers Chris Chambliss' two-run double ·• topped off a five-run Atlanta fourth· inning uprising and Pbll Nlekro -1Turled a two-hitter_as lhe Braves _ _ moved back into a first place tie in the NL West -·w.ilh a 'LO u-wrnph over San Francisco to highlight National League action-M onday ... Elsewhere. St. Louis clinched the NL's F.ast.em Division with a 4-2 victory over Montreal, last year's East champ. Willie McGee's three-run, inside- the-plrk homer highlighted a four-run first inning. Dave LaPolnt was the winning pitcher. The win gave the Cardinals their first tit.Je since the advent of divisional play in 1969 ... Bill B•ckner's run-scorlni t.rfple highlighted a four•rUn third 1nnjng as . f "· ...:1110 the Chicago Cubs defeated, and eliminated, Philadelphia, 8-1 ... Rookie Scott Holman fired a seven-hitter and drove in a run as the New York Mets bested Pittsburgh. 4-1 . . Alan Ashby homered twice, including a three-run shot in the ninth, to power Houston to a 7 -3 clubbing of San Diego. White Sox ellmlnated from Weit race Ill .. " Ktmf c.·tuht1d • thn -run ~ ~ ancJ Jim Kena &.a1 l with two ~rt "" • •hc·hltt r •• th Chke1D White Sox d ff'tttc-d Sl•iatll«i. 4 · 1, In the Ht'onc.I aamc tor 1 1pllt uf their doubl -hea<Wr Mone.Illy nlMhl. Th<• Marin ,... t00k tho flnn a rM 8·4 a Oa~lord Perry, maklns hi• tint at.art 1inc ll<'IVlng 11 10 duy 11uapt•iuJon tor throwlnlr fln llll'1:4ul pi\t•h , po1tN.l hl11 307th can'l•r victory. ~ht• h~ 1•1imlnutl'd t'h1cngo from AL We11t J>N)n nt l'Ontt•11thm 1'.:li.4.'wlwrt' In thl• AL. Rk'll C4iut c.·t JX'<i a a1x run r1nn Inning with a tnrtt·run h I gerlng ~ht' Ne w York'Yankeee too lO~a vi<> wr Bb8ton. , Rookl Mike Smltb1on hl•ld 011 11~~ four h1~ u Texas dumpt.'CI the A'11, 4· 1 . Edd~ Murray oC &llUmor and Bruce Boehle ot St·~ttll• h~vc ~..-n nan\fd l'O•Wlnncni of the AL Player of the Week award. ' Baseball today On this datt: In baiwbnll Ip 197~: I Oakland's Vida Blue, Glenn Abbo\l. Paul Lindblad and ltollle Fingers <.'tunblr)ed Cor an 1.musual no-hitter a thl' A's ~al the Angels. ~-0. On this date m 1974: The Angels' Nolan Ryan pitch d his third career no-hit gnme. <.·halklna] up 15 s trikeouts in blanking the M1~esota Twins, 4-0 • Today's Birthday: Pittsburgh Pirntt.'S pill·hcr Grant Jackson is 40. Yankees .• Indians want Martin? Oakland A's Ma n ager Biily Martin said Monday that the New York Ya nkees and C levela nd Indi a n s h avl' been give n permissio n to talk with him about managin~ thoss team s. Martin did add, howev.er: ' I "':',ant t.O stay here (In Oak.land). My home lS,.here .... CBS-TV, searching to fill t~ programming void caused by the NFL plpye strike. received approval Monday from t e ·NCAA to televise four Division Ill colle e football games Sunday. Meanwhile, a plan allow CBS and Aac to televise extra maj r coitege football games on Sundays\.for tne duration of the NFL strike fell through : . . The Detroit Tigers Monday announced they will retire the numbers·~{ Hall of Famers CbirUe Gebringer and Hank Greenberg next sea.son . . . Quarterbacks Tom Ramsey of UCLA flnd John Elway of Stanford shared hon9rs as th~ Pac· 10 Conference's players of the week . . . East.em Michigan University fired Mike Stock as its head coach Monday -two days a fter the Hurons lost their 22nd game a nd inherited the nation's lo~est losing streak . . . The Milwaukee Bucks have exiended an orfer sheet to guard CbarUe Criss, who playl'<i for Atlanta and San .Diego last • season. ' Television, radio ' Folfowllfirare-~e top sports event& on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth wating; v v fair; v forget It. 6 5:30 p.m., Channel 5 vvvv BASEBALL: Angels at ~nsas City. Announcers: Bob Starr. J oe Buttitta and Ron Fairly. The Angels, by beating Kansas City Monday can wrap up the AL West title tonight with a w in over the Royals. The Angels will send Mike Witt (9-6) to the mound in an attempt to cloee things up and he will be opposed by Larry Cura (18-11). RADIO Baseball -Angels at Kansas City. 5:30 p.m .. KMPC (710); Cincinnati at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KA.BC (790). GIDDINGS' OPPORTUNITY . • • From Pace C1 to be a part of that." Giddings returned to coaching the sophomores when he decided his traveling was going to stop and the family was going to sit i:n order for his son, M ike, to get some semblan ce of s tability during his high school days .. As for the initial return (to the sophomores). Giddings says: "I loved my work, but l really missed the camaradarie o f football. It gets m your blood. Some of m y clients (in the NFL) have Super Bowl rings, but I don't have one . It's a chance to get back lnto things" As for som e o f Giddings' theories. among them are the belief in a 4-3 defense and lack of faith in two platooning "To beat the 4-3 you've f(Ot to have TWO good guards,' says Giddings. "IC you have two good defensive tackles. you can•t be beat inside. And, you can do more things without changing your took. 1'Every kid deserves a chance to play. They put in a lot of time and want to be part of a winning team. More talks set NEW YORK (AP) -With one weekend of the National Football League season already lost and a sec:ond teetering on the brink, negotiators for the ownen and the striking players will meet again Thursday to r e sume bd'Raining. Bu l a breakthro"!gh iD tne week-old strike seemed as far away as ever, The two sides announce d jointly Monday that talks will resµme in Washington, which the players consider their turf because union h eadquartera Is there. That sit.e was about the only point of agreemel1t in the six hours of negotiations S unday "But putting someone in that isn't ready can be traumalic. He has to trust the coach to play him when the time is right." 1 lt has bee n 23 yealOS since Giddings led a high sch ool varsity and he admits there have been changes -in terms of strategy. "You never saw a real passing game the n (1 959)," says Giddings. "The game is much more spread out now. Then, you could win if you couJdn't pass. The game Is using much more space than before." With the Sea View League season a pproaching this week and El Toro invading on '.fhursday night. it begins for real for Giddings and his Sailors. Although the record is 1-2 a fter three weeks, a 10-8 loss to highly repected Marina and a 10·3 victory over Westminster last Friday appear to be the building blocks for a drive to the Sea View League titJe. LIDO MARINA . ,._..,rt~ IM r.,_ "*"'°" vf ~ fWf .... 1abMI lrt the w•l•r on l h t W•tt co .. e. "•"' ..._.., yacflh lo tp0t1fittm11 from bl"~"., t,..._ Nlf~to OM ....... r.ttett. Ll4o Merln• VIII•••· NewflcN:t ... ch AQll41tSl()lll ~1111 .... 1CMW....~Utl :U"*'O'" HOUHI W..W..,. tl •., .. ,, ,.,. M 6-hll,lt• 11,9111 , ..,, ,A .. ING• •ollolw t!I. ...... t-( ..... "'-'• -~ .... ~ thf lo,.. ~ ....... _ 1!:111\COMME.N:IALCRiDIT ~TION .. .., .. c;.,... °""'l:~ "-..-••I\,,,,.,..('"'' 11• ..,,l.AtJ h tt•fr·~t, .. COST A M t.~A. ~70 F., t71h Strf'ft • 645 8700 flllNTINGTON OEACll: 16075 Goldl'n Wot 1. • 847-17'71 Ml !>\ION HF.JO : Allrla Town Pina • 770.2Ml SANTA ANA : Jn. Eut l i1h ~1 • f>47·S87l ·------------· I I I Out of the woodwork merg a E tan ia' top ba ~ A month t(O ht• WWI billed NI EllU1ndo'1 fOVl'f In th<' EoKI01' at'cond ry und vn11on1 utt a touchdown 1114•orln" wurkhcJ111t· u1 tollbtwk wt•n• fur rt• m11v1 "1. But wh<'n the· 1-;aalt'ft dL't'lded Mau Sv1i.,. wu~ golnK to huvc: w be: the UNWt'r at lallbuck wht•n ·Matt Wolf wit• •WllL'h<"tf w llncback<'r to 1horl' up the dcfena\ tht.> pk'turt! chungt'd drumuth-11lly tor th1: ~-8. 16'·pound 11en1or. u much na It hlUI (or the Eagk-.. Spies l'11rrl1•d tht• ball 33 time• tor 183 yards and 3 touchdowns Jn a 30-1 ~ victory at Sun Clemente Friday, earning him the Daily Pilot's recognition us the Player of the Weck. After ga l (ling nothing on two carries In a 14·7 loss to Ocean View, Spies has since earned the ball 59 timt'l> for 320 yards and '1 TDs in victortl'S over Laguna Hills (14-0) and San Cll'ml•nte. "We knew he hod skills,'' says Estan<:ia Coat•h Ed Blanton "But he wanu.-d to be a receiver Now, t think he likes it (playing t.allback). Hl' h& the quickness and runs real well. He's not real big, but he's pretty tough." "He runs equally well inside or outs1dt.-and he's one of those backs with his shoulders squared to the line of scrimmage, not too much of a lateral runner. He's u real plus for us." The offensive line has been punching the holes, too, led by i;enior tackle Ed Deaton. "We just hope he keeps Improving ... and we keep improving," says Blanton. As a side note, the e merge nce of S pies is emphaslzed by the fact he sat out his sophomore and junior seasons and was a defensive back as a rreshmar. . Lance Martin, Corona del Mar• Martin draws top honors again alter returning an interception lor 50 yards, a kickoff t0< 67 yards and rushing for 59 yards on 24 carries, along with ltarllng efforts at c:omerback In the Sea Kings· secondary To top II olf. ha threw a 28-yard IC()(fng pass 10< the SN Kings· only touchdown Wally Grant, Costa Mesa• Just 5-~. 150 pound1. Grant ran 10< 130 yards on 33 carries and caugtit two passes tor 23 yard1. Three times Grant rammed over from a yard oul tor a touchdown In Mesa's 2 1-10 come-from-behind vlc1ory over Loa Alamitos. He also ran a kletoft back 35 yards. Matt Hombs. Edison• Hombs, a 5-11 senior, Mid Banning Hlgh's Lee Atencio to just three cetchea, good lor 13 yards, In an outstanding display ol defense a13alnS1 Bannlng·a No. 1 receiver. He was also etedlted with 15 tack In from his comerbaci< post~ He also scored Edison's only touchdown on a •3-yard pass play. Dale Frye, Fountain Valley• In his flrsl atart, the 5·9. 165-pound senior quarterback completed 15 or 23 puse• tor 184 yards end 2 touchdowns Since entettno at hatltlma agalnat Foolhltl a week earlier, he hat compleled 20 of 34 tor 231 yards, 4 TDs and no ln1erceQtion1. Harrah surgery due CLEVELAND (AP) -Cleveland India ns third baseman Toby Harrah said Monday he will undergo surgery at Cleveland Cluuc on Oct. 6 to repair a oongenit.al heart disorder. Harrah said the surgical procedure "isn't all that serious, jus t an operation to correct your bask heart murmur, something I've had all my life. It is not the same as open heart surgery." Dr. Bobby Brown, a cardiologist in Harrah's hometown of Forth Worth. Texas. and a former New York Yankee11 infielder, m a d e the recommendation to go ahead with the operation. Harrah followed ~p with an examination at the Clevela nd Clinic, which confirmed Brown's findings, Harrah said. He said the doctors told him he will spend a week or less in the hospital and could begin to work out about a month after the surgery. "One reason the surgery is recommended is that my oondjtion can lead to infections," Harrah said. "So (ar, I've never had any trouble. Nobody ever made a big deal about it before. so I never had anythinl{ done." Paul Svltenk o, El Toro• A 6·3, 21 Cl-pound guard end Unebac:ker. he WH the 1 .. de1 In oP&nlng hole• ror El Toro back• and w11 credited with 5 una11111oct and 6 IH!tted l•ckl•• on o delenM which llmlted Valencte. 2 1·0 loser. 10 leH lhan 75 yard1 on the ground · Louie Cerda. Huntington Beach• . Cerda has again been 1lngled out lollowlng lhe Oller•' third 11ra1Qhl victory. a 56-14 r<>IJI 01 Los Amigos C,rda recovered 1 two fumbles, running orift back 88 yards lor a 1ouchdown and another 10 1ha Loa Amigos 4-yard llne to Ml up another TD Greg Garcia. Irvine• A 5·9, 145.pound Junior delenlive back, Garct1 lod the way to Irvine s lhtrd 1tr1lght victory, cau•lng two rumbles and ran 45 ya1ds 10< a touchdown with an lnterceQtlon. Olfenslvely, he was lrvlne·s leading carrier with 53 yards on 10 carries. a 5 3 average per car~ Mark Draper, Laguna Beach • A sophomore. he was the Artists' leading ball carrier wllh an 8 t average gatn C 10 carr1a1 lor 8 t yards) and ha cauQht a 10-yard pass. In add11ton to his duties at lree salety on defense where he spearheaded a 7 -6 vlC1ory with several unassisted tackles Clint King: Marina• Usually al running back. 1he 182-pound senior call)e through al Clelenslve tackle wOh 12 tackles and was constanlly In the quarterback's hair. and altnough he"s a solid running back. will again start In the defensive line for the Vikings Craig Steinmetz, Mater Del• A 5·9. 155-pound senior defensive back, he hpd two pasa dellecllons and lour cruclal tackles for the Monarchs in a 2 1-10 loss to Los Altos and graded out as lhe Monarchs' besl defender. Frank Roa. Newport Harbor• A 5-9, 170-pound Junior, Roa had 11 una11i1ted tackles. siJL causing Westmlnst81' losaes. and udcad Ufa quattel't>ac:let\Niee In a 10-3 victory over the Lions. spearhe41dlng the Sailors' first conquest ot the season . Mark Lambe. Ocean View• Lambe, operating at center. graded out to 93 percent ell1c:iency lor the Seahawks. and It was hit bloeklng that had a great deal to do with the succeas of Todd ParkM"s 137 yards net over the ground Rod Pesak. Saddleback • An 8-lor-14 per10<mance at quarterback, good 10< 182 yards and 3 touchdowns, along with lour PAT1, led to the . Roadrunners' 28-27 decls1on over La Habra. Pesak has yet 10 be intercepted and Is the team captain on defense at safety. He also had a 65-yard TO pass called back because ol a penalty Jamie Weston. University• The 5-11, 180-pounci linebacker was credited with lour assisted 1ackles, nine unassisted tackles, caused and recovered a fumble, ran an lntefceptlon back 65 yards tor a toucndown and b~e(S a PAT a11empl In a 24-20vlctory over-laguna Hiiis. Ray Berg. Westminster• A senior. Berg 'klciled his second field goal or the season, a school record 48-yard effort, which produced the Lions' only Points In a 10·3 loss to Newport Harbor. A weet< ago he booted a 39-yard effort. .. Bill Russell, Woodbridge• A 170-poond junior. he caught 10 pasaes to< t6i yards. Including 1ouchdown pasaes ol 61 and 8 yards. In addition to delenslve back duties In a 23-3 victory over Orange Fe>< the season he has ceught 18 lor 281 yards Mesa hosts runners Costa Mesa High School will host its cross country invitational at TeWinkle Park in Costa Mesa Saturday, with 27 schools entered in the two-division:tl.eld fbr men and women. The first race is billed to begin at 7:40 a.m. (women's junior varsity in Di vision l), followed by the women's varsity, men's frosh -soph. junior varsity and varsity. Division 2 races, in the same format, begin at 10 a.m. Among the Division 1 entries are Capistrano Valley, Coach ella Valley. Desert Sun. Duarte. F.stancla, Crossmont, Huntington Beach, La Quinta, Los Alamitos, Northview, Rancho Alamitos. Santiago, St. Josephs, Whitney and Woodbridge. Division 2 entries include the host Mustangs. along with Dominguez Hills, Irvine. Katella, Lakewood, Newport Harbor, Ocean View. Pioneer, South H ills. Tuba City (Ariz.), University, Westminster and Mater Del. College football T'Ma W..tl'1 khedulil f"MAY'9~ Cal State Fullerton at long 8HCll St CV...,ana Stadium). n Color.00 SI el Uta!\. n SAT\MOAV'S GAMH .... Oregon v• use 11 CollNum 11 30 o m 1 San JoM SI 11 Caotornla (Chaonel 7 11 noon) Oregon St et Stanlord San Diego St al Wa1hlnglon Utah St at Fretn0 St .. n WyomlnQ et Hawlfj. n Ne¥id•·W Vegee 1t Pacific, n • lllocldH UCLA •I ColOtldo ~ M111CO at Air Foroe K•nsu .SI 11 Art1on1 St .. n Weblf SI. It ldahO . ldatlO St, al MOrlta St Montana at ~Reno llllnol1 SI. 11 N-MllllCO SI 8olM St al Northlm A"-11. n ........ , TCU al Afllan-. n H°"tton at Baylor, n Taxu at Atee, n T-Ttch 11 TellN A&M n N r ... St II SMU. n BYU et Tiil-Ei Pat0, n WidlltAI St a1 W•t TlllN St NW 1.0Uta1tna •t EM1 T111aa St n T eau 8out"9m et Lamtlt Loutllln• Tech at TaDl-A,,lllQlon n ...,.,... ltldlena at MIChlQan Notre Dime II MICN\)~ St llll!IOl1 lit MinnetOll, n 'lorlda It II Ol'llO ~ WIKonaln al Purdue Nefli-tem at Iowa OldahOma •t Iowa St Tu1$a at Kansas East Cacot1n. 11 M1nour1 W•tem Mk:h1gan al 8owt1ng G,_, lndjan1 St 11 Ora'• Centre! Miehlgao al Enlttrn Mlehigan n M1emt, O al Kent St Ball St et Northern lllln011 n W•tern \Ninots et Nor1hetn lowe, n South Nebrallla et Auburn Kentucky 111 c1em1011 Nlvy at Ouke LSU at Florlda VMI at Furman Miami. Fla at Loul1vllle, n Georgia at MIHIUlppl St Georgia Tech ll Nor1h C1rolln11 MCNMH SI. at NE Loulthllne n Clnclnnau at South CarOllna n MltmphlS SI. II Southern Ml1slaalppl. n Southern llllnols II SW loulstan•. n WHhinQlon St a1 Ten....-Tulane II Vanc:i.rbHt. n Nonh Cerotlna St 11 \11rg1n11 Wak• For.tt at V11g1n1e Tech Arkanaat St al Alebame Int West V1rg1nle et Pitt Herv.,d et Army Ttmllle 11 8oston ~. n Lale)'911e et &ucknell eo.1on U al Cornell Colgate at Oartmoulh ~••I Lehigh Connecticut at New HAlllPll'llr• Columbla at Penn Brown at Prln<*on Ma.Aaehusell1 at Ahod• 11111\4 W1lli.,-n & Mwy 11 AUtV-Mary!Md el..ayreaua&.. HOiy Crou •I Vall limited Oft• ll?lP.l ~ ..... t6i6 Herlter llvd., Ce1ta M••• ....... s.ctMllM* ,, • llOI ...... JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLIGI " ......... ... USC over Oregon * Notre Dome over Michigan Stat• * Brigham Young over T exa1-EI '9to * Son JoM State ov ... California * UCL A over Cototatlo 111111 ClllT lllPllT IUl:I I fllll llll:U fUl:SOAY. St:PTCMBl:::R ..?H. 1982 O HANG E C OUNTV . C ALlf-OHNIA 25 CENTS HB cop indicted • 1n· a ·ccident death By ROBERT BARKER O(lfle Delly l'ttot llaft Huntington Beach Polacc Officer John J . Blackwell has been lndkted by the Yuma County Grand Jury in Arizona on charges of negligent homicide, according to a spokeswoman in the Yuma County Attorney's office. Blackwell, 32. fal't?S the charge in connection with the July 11 d eath or Lisa Garlach. 18, o f Huntington Beach in a traHac accident near Parker, Ariz. AirCal lay offs pending By STEVE TRIPOLI Of die D.U1 PUot Staff Officials of Newport Beach - bued • AirCal ·have promised ·eo·· lay off more than 300 of the airline's employees if a reluctant union will not accede-to a demand that its workers take a 12 percent cut in pay. A irCal spokesman Mark Peterson said the airline laid out its position Monday in a meeting with officials of the Trans port Workers Union. AirCal maintenance and ramp wo rkers represented by the union narrowly rejected the pay cut in a vote involving about 450 of its nearly 600 members. The 400-employee flight attendants section of the union accepted th~t by a narrow margin , whil e the 980 manageme nt and other non- union employees of the airline accepted the cut by a reported 5-1 margin. Only AirCal pilots have not voted on the propOsaf. But the airline has said it "Will not implement the pay cut plan without the backing of all its employees. and Peterson said AirCal stuck to that position in talks with TWU officials. Peterson said 309 jobs will be cut from nearly all segments of the AirCal workforce, and that even more layoffs plus a cutback in operations and work schedule cha nges will be announced in mid-October if the pay cut is not accepted. Blackwell, reported w bl' the driver of a vehicle In which Garllch wus a passenger, also was c harged 1n the Sept. 16 lndi<'lmenl with leaving the scene or an accident In which there were Injuries or fatalities, acrordang to the spokeswoman. An ind ictme nt is a charge brought against a person by a grand jury and does not establish guilt or innocence. Blackw,ell, a patrolman, was scheduled to face arraignment today in Yuma. The fatal accident occurred on the two-lane State Route 90, about 10 miles north of Parker, nccofdlng to an Arizona Department of Public Safety accident report. The report aald there were three passengen In the vehicle - Oarllch, Kathy Grunbaum, 19, and Lloyd F.dwarda, 30, all of Huntington Beach. F.dwa.rda was Identified aa Huntington Beach police officer by local official.a. The vehicle failed to negotiate a curve and rolled over after llahtalllng. a ccordln1 to the report. The three pa11engen were thrown from the vehicle ln the 9 a.m. accident and Garllch wu pronounced dead of muaive head and neck Injuries by a medical examiner who arrived at about 9:4:S a.m ., according to the report. Grunbaum suffered a concuulon and waa treated at Parker Hospital, according to the report, which alto •L!,ted that Edwards too was injure<I. The inveatigatfng o fficer , ldentifl«!d aa B. Dent, said In the report that Blackwell and F.dwarda allegedly left the scene, after glv lng-!iret aid t.o Grunbaum, llC!COrdlng to officials. A deputy sherut went to the nearby Moon Ridge Trailer Park I and allegedly re turned the two men to the 1c~me of the accident. The accident report said that Blackwell'• vehicle was going approximately 50 mlles an hour In a 35-mile-per-hour zone. The officer said It was h is opinion ~Th is was no t the best pla n for the health and we lfare of the community,' said P astor Dr . John Huffman thot thla was not a rea80nable rate of speed, al.'COrding to Allan Sc-hmltt, a spokesman for the ~partment of PubUc-Safety It also was the anvestigattng oCflccr's opinion that BlackweU was driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor, aocording to Schmitt. Blackwell told oHicers that he couldn't remember details of the accident and that he might have fa llen asleep, according to Schmitt. Church scales down steeple I By STEVE MARBLE O(llla Dally Piiot lllft George West, leading critic o( a neighborhood church's plan to expand , was watching the Angels game on a portable TV while staftding on the steps of the Newport Beach City Hall. "Oh sure, I'm glad it's over," he said of the church dispute, watching a batter come up to the plate. Around him Monday n ight were the rest of the troops from the Cllffhaven community who had spent months fighting pl ans by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church to raise an 85-foot-high sanctuary. A couple of church officials crowded around the set to see the game. It was like old times between a bunch of old Cnends. The hottest little neighborhood s pat in recent Newport Beach hist;ory was over , settled by a last-minute flurry of negotiations by both sides. Church officials, who had already scaled down their plans from 105 feet. agre<.>d to abandon their hlgh-ri~ dreams and settle for some thing s m a ll er -a 46-fool sanctuary with a cross on the top. "We really dad think we had a good plan," Dr. John HuCfman, .the churc h pas tor, t o ld the audience in the pac ked clly l.'0Unc1 l chamber. "But we acknowledge that thlS was not the best plan for the h eallh and welfare o r the community. We want to.be gOCJd neighbors." The council, working on a plan d eveloped after three days of negot1at1ons tha t ended JUSt h o urs before th e evening meeting. agreed to lel the church build to 46 feet, required thai 250 parking spoLc; be carved into the churc h site and orde re d the church to set the new sanctuary 92 fee t back from reside ntial Clay Street. Peter Gendrone, president of the Cliffhaven homeo wner g r oup, said the s uccessful negotiations gave him "a whole new outlook on city politics:· Less than a week ago, the two sides were locked an battle with each accusing the other of being less than si ncere' in trying to solve the dispute. "What happened?" a s ked Gendrone. repeating a question "I think the c hurch finally realized the impact this w as going to have on us. "The church d idn't want to disrupt us any more than we wanted to dis rupt them," he added. Robert Curlis, cha1nnan of the c hurch's building committee, brushed aside questions of whether the chur;ch and the residents would be able to mend the wounds. "We're stall friends. We've always been friends:· he said quickly before leaving. Milan Dostal. a church official and former Ne wport Beach mayor, said the months o f The pay plan. which would have applied to employees at all levels, includes a profit-sharing provision that, based on the airline's performance over the next three years. could help employees recoup some of their losses. Union official s wer e not · available for comment today. A capacity throng at the Newport Beach City Council meeting awaits action o n the proposal for St. Andre w's Churc h steeple. T he church and the cit y reached a compromise on its height. o.IJ Not"*" bf CtMwtM Starr fighting had set the church back financially. He said a new plan now must be developed: (See CHURCH, Page At) ·Both sides rap molest mistrial By DA VIO KUTZMANN Of die Dal tr Piiot I latf Defense and prosecution attorneys said today they're disappointed with an Orange Coun ty Superior Court jury's deadlock in the child molestation trial of fonner Long Beach police officer Michael McDonald. Superior Court Judge Donald A. McC.artin declared a mistrial in the case Monday after the seven-man. five-woman jury reported it was unable to r~ach verdicts on any of the 15 counts. "I'm disappointed because I thought we h ad d e finitely created a reasonable doubt (in the j ury's mind)," de fe nse attorney Gary Pohlsonpid. Prosecutor Carl Armbrust said the six young Huntington Beach girls who claimed McDonald had molested them "would have to go thro ugh the trauma of being witnesses again" when a second trial. schedule d for J a n . 10. begins. McDonald, 42. a Huntington Beach resident, is charged with multipl e cou nts of c hild molestation involving alleged acts with the six neighborhood children over an 18-month period beginning in early 1981. It was alleg e d during McDonald's trial an Santa Ana that he lured the young girls - aged 8 lo 12 -to his Cape Cottage Lane home by letting th em play pinball in hi s gameroom. Once there, Annbrust alleged, the curly h ai r e d , f o r mer motorcycle officer showed them p orn ographi c s ltd es o n a nickelodeon and fondled them. (See MOLEST, Page A2 ) ----INDEX ---- Everyone spent Monday in lines at UCl's first day of fall term. Pa~e BI . At Your Service AS Ann Landt>ni Erma Bombeck A7 MoVles Business B5-7 Mutual Funds Cavalcade A7 Publtc Notices Classified C5-8 Sporta Comics B4 Dr. Steincrohn Crossword B4 Stock Markets Death Nollcea C4 Television F.ditorial A6 Theaters EntertaJnmen l B3 WeaLhcr Art Hoppe A7 World Newa Horoecope A7 ' A7 B3 B6 C4 Cl -3 A7 87 B8 B3 A2 A3 o.-y,.... ..... ~. Laguna Beach has a wealth of hit toric and architecturally ig nifieant homes~ like the Wi tch' Hou e in nor• ... Laguna . The city is studying m ean of preserving the 700. or so histo ric unit . ~-~--~-· Laguna to save h .istoric homes By STEVE MITCHELL Of !M 0.-, Not • ..., How does a city like Laguna Beach go about preserving its rather large inventory of historic homes and buildi~? Offering economic incentives to the property owne rs can't hurt. Laguna Beach has completed a survey that identifies 700 or so historical or architectura lly significant buildings in town. And. earlier this month, the city. council approved spending $7,925 to complete a historic resources e lemen t t o its general plan. The council will sign a rontracl with the non-profit his t oric preservation firm of Heritage Orange County. Inc .• to perConn the task. The way the council Cigures it. Laguna has a wealth of historic bulldrnas that ~ stlll standing -and are •till being occupied. The cit y's historic ho using atock ranges fro m ornate Victorian to board-and-batten, and I n c ludes craf tsman bungalo w s and formerly weekend beach cottages. Kathleen L-es, who w ill coordinate the historic housing i>"Qject for Laguna .Beach, says one reason Laguna has such a large variety of housing styles and arehltecture ls because It was never •part of Dny of the many Spanish ranchot thot abound in Southem Callfomla. M a re1ult~ ahc said the area was opened •up for aqualter's privileges under the ho me- steading acts of the 1800s. What the city ended up with, the coordinator explained, "is a bunch of hou ses bu'ilt in an •anything goes atmosphere.' " "That's part of what is known as the chann of Laguna Beach." Les said. And, in order to preserve that charm. the city is embarking on a program tha t might include incentives to owners oC s uch structures. How does the city go about persuading property owners to re habilitate and preserve their h istoric properties? There are problems. Fo r ont> thing. the range of buildings and styles varies as much as the difference in the wealth of the property owners. , There are wealthy owners of large historic estates. middle- income owners of refurbished bungalows and beach cottages. and elderly anct low-l n·come r nters, who attupy older units. lnl'entives would vary. Les said, adding tax shelters might appeal to wealthy Laguna property owners. "Middle Income ownt'rs are generally la.n d -tlch 1Jnd cash-poor," she aald. Those owners mlghl· be persuaded lo uparade t~l r prof)@rUes through low-In~ rchabllftation loans, uslnf' the aqully on their homes. Whllf' lh<>M' lotn• 11'(' alrt'ady (Sff HlSTOIUC, PaJe At) ng• CoHt OAILV PILOTITUHd1y. 8epl•m0.r 28, 1982 Na ., • "11" Ntl ~'" Ht l ,.,,, Ntl Win Ntl .. ,, NII •t "dt CO.• t"t l'IM• tll>u Cno l'll'lll• Chi.-t l\ll l'llld• ti..,,. t"'' 1>111111 llu • ,,.. f ; It llf4 i.1i.. t i.. H•.•,111N1"' 1" t~ ,,,' t "'-M .... ~ .... r. ~ t 10a1 11i. I• mpl'I ~I• IWI r • '• : .. I H MACOM .. I' 11'1it 16loo. .. ~ -··-. ~. ,., u ,.,, "". h t W Ith ~ H•"INI t j ft'•+ 1, Mt A 1 IClll I hi "'-l't fJ•( tin 'II Q J 11· t '1', -fll J ' 14... '• IW I •I t1 1)1 4i 11.,rlt U II I .M r • I• fltlll ,; IJ f.-t 0 1\ t '• fl•IMt 10'11101 l t ,ylOw .. ti Wt "'-• \•I•• Ntl ... ' !! . n 1•1. • ~1'lt1M' , '"• I ,, "'S!M<if .. " u ... P•ln1 I JO I m '° . .. ~:~,. ·~ ' .::. '~ :: fJ ( n<I\ ~,. .. (llQ ~ I ~ I 1lt: ,!~• 1 1 I II 1 • ... I \.o :c::e~ 111.:'tt ,., !'' <t ~:::!tn W 'till~ .... a ll t SI 14 01 II .. I l.~tl A "j Jll • 11/0I ... •'", ' ~ J9fl I 51~ ,., ..... , ~t!IH t0 If )I JI • V. MM941H.""t ~ 11*)0, II IOJI 11611-.. • "' 11.nllf C till ) ,, .. , 11<a1 I '° t tt U t •• •ON ' • -~ 1 n 'JL •ttk 1 eo. 141 u 'J'•. '' · P-•• t• 10 ,., •"""' .. 11 111 ''' • L t<: pf II It J:: ':'-' i,. grov 4 M.11 I .4:., Hwtlll 1 M ' .. t • .,._ ""8CV \ I I) 1Jt 41., \~ fl"10'(ft' • 20 41> ,;.: 1 °"T' I 10 • ~It ll •: ;: " 'A <n , 40 " '• ttaB 1 •1 ft , .._~, 11 d.., M.cyj)I llS HO 1' P., .. , I ttll • >J it... I''° ~II .. ,,. 11 NA"'' 110 , 1t1 .. , ,, Orowtw. .0. I 111 ~· h s·•~Jl'I fltl 11 '-M4hfOl :lle 11• ii.. .. PetiOtl It J a , ... lo lln t l IJ J• '• ct11Pon1 l olQ 1 IJU "° \j 4K~t ,_. 10 ti \0 MADI(! 41 II I~ 1<1 fltfkH .. t "6 tt• • Ht t JO ,,._ .. 5.•ln N•I (HAI I tot 1a ... '• 1>111>.tl' 2,. '"" ''"' \.. K l•M ~ llt\ .... $fet1H I it II '10 .. 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'• FIOU"' 2 IO • 31 13 • '-IBM '4' 1J W) I•\• '-MortM I CM 3 SI lo .. ._ 1. PSvNH J 17 • 311 1...... h.ar pl 1 16 ~ 1' • '• AW•ir 1.20 10 Ill• Clt rkE 7 20 • 17.5 2th I• FIOOI 7 16 37 11\oo • llltFI.., I.~" 7 .. 7'~t , '" MOrAll .121> 6 117 9~-... PSNM pf2 7S 1110 19 T .. teo l • J~ 1' Ameron I 60 3 u ,, Cl•Cll I.to 10 1'I 11 ... FiQgte .. s IO 20 ..... lnlHM'V ,., ••••• 1. Mo•OM J '° I IOtS-jtl , ... PSNH Jlf'l 11 I• ..... '. faA8< nl .. • 33 )0 .... 1 • mHO .40 ' IO J• .... City El J ... 1717 11• ..... FnCp•q " 1 761 ,,. ...... lntHr pf 14 '"'. \lo MOrkr>el I ·n • olJ 71.. 1. PSNH "'' lL ,, ,.~ .. '• le1Cm 110 I Jl1 ll • I Amtlk 1.2011 40 lO!it• ~. Cl•Elpl l 40 '" »~H ~. FnS8et 33 .~~ ..... lnlMln 1.60 . s" lO'• "'MorwS 20 11 IOI,, ....... PSHH,f>1S ... ~:'·. \, ~::gv ;:¥ ~ ~ ..... "' ;Em~S:l•n .: •.. ~ :; ~~ ~,~.; •. ~: ~:~r:p ·S i ·5 :?~ :: ~l~S~ 6? s r~J :;:: .. "' !~l=~ :-: t I~ ~~: ~ ~i::;. ~ ~ 1i :m 5~: :.~ ~~iiG"'l! ~ '~ ~:.. :: ~:::~ ., I~ .. t '10 E~: ,~ .. •lll _ , ... ~ c 1 ... 1 pt I . 7t 11•,. '• l'tCh•I IO 546 14\t • vo Intl f 2.61 • 1130 1''-•1, MunlrO SO. 6 II 11'-• "-PSEG pf•.• . 11000 ,.,,, 1r•.•N1!!'_ 1 ~. 116 11?! .!~, ~ Amster I tO S tO n" + "-Coetllm 13 303 14 • ._ F>ICht< I 10 S llJA ,,._ • V. ITT plH • l 41' 1 2VJ Mnld pf .40 . I I\• \• PSEG pfJ.11 1 t• ~ -·~ -· AMSI pf ... ' 5''• Cot"•' .40 ll 1'1 211. v. FIBTt>< 1 20 s u ~ • ~ I" t pfK • 95 .,,._ '• MunJnQ • "-"' .,. PSEG pn <J 1 tn h~ :it 11 • ttlt 7'' • • '• ,.,,..,.., 1.60 II 206 21 ..... CouCI , .. II 1211 ., .... ' FICtly .. ' ITT of() ) 10 .... Mu•PllC I H II St ""' PSEG pfl.70 r.SO SI':. I ~=:~~ .. J~ •0 •• ~ ~; ••• An<mp n .11 Jl <33 ""'. \> ColtN s ..... , .. )J~. 1. Fln1'l• J u s l6IO 21•· '• Int Tl pl J.U I ,,.. ..., urp() I s -2J "" PSEG pfl.to 11'0001 ~\·.' lt•lt Jn -l '·. ~. Anlog t JI U. 11 • Colt<O II 119 tf.\. • 'It FtMIU 14 10 119 11-. \o tn1n pf , jO 1 O •• 1 • 1 "'utry() I 20 1 IS IS'• ... PSEG pll.OI ,. •• I• An<llot t.)t t m l•w, l'o Cotemn I 10 10 1' 1JO.. '-FNBos •I 92 4 '199 1•'\, It ln1 Nr1h 2 11 ' 110 IS'. '• MulOm I '7e 3' 11\IJ , '• PSEG p17 SJ z710 SI .. halron 1 IO I 1009 7ll. • .. AnC .. 1' 1.11 s 1u 2H• .i. Colo Pel ' 70 I lllS " • '• FNStB 2 .o • Ill JS'•• "' 1n1•P<• 1 so " st u•, \ .. Myt rsL H f . SI ,.. .,_ PSEG Jff7.40 1..s10 SJ••' J• T••I• Ill J OI ' u • 1 • " AltdrG n .llJ ' IS 12... "" COlg P pf) 50 100 n.. f\IP• l2• ,., llllOOtr 1.60 • JO JI 1 ---!:.5!1G1cf"'., tJOO 70l 1 \: 'r!~','· pl I 40 J 10,~ Angell( .60 lJ U2 2•.i. COLL.Al• n FstPt ... SS l 1' • IJJ lnt8.i.r JS 62 10\" 1, N80 2 • • '30 J•'> • ~. r v v • 114 l ·-• •• ~ Alllleut 1.•" 401• "'°... .. ' I I J ' • .. • .. FtunRI 'JO I 11 .,.. 11\UIP., I .. 6 ., 14V>. ~ ..... n ,. '" JOt .... Pwl>IO IJ • lolJ ..... It fllrmli.• II 204 ""'. "' Anlrtr .lll 13 ,.. l•:I<.. \.• COlnF. • .. , ''". \.. FIV•Bto .. s '" 1'-~. ·-•El I n ... "''• NCH n 11 50' IS Puoo!IP I,. 6 m ,.\ • lo l llmBel , IJ 17 0 ., •• I lo Ante n .St • 10 11'-•~ Cot~ I 40 102t HI. FtWIK J 10 • j.t 17•., t .. l ... llG t lt t 1' 11"> NCHB • S ...0 14 .. • h PurltnF • It) IO~ '• Tllotnln MO 17 II IJ•., • ~ Anthny ..., • 10 6'• .... Collln \ I ., J9t 19 ' .._ FtKhO 1 i 1t 3'' •' \, lowlll pfJ JI 1JOO II°'>• '-NCR 1 40 I 113' U' • I Purol1' I 09 I ]QJ l1' • '• lT~1m1tMct1, ~ .I St '11' •, \It Ape<N J• t 00 10'• ColGe\ J M tte JO .. • It JoSllfO 10 2 SI '"' .. ·-•PS 2 .. I •1 n 1 ... NL 1no I l 121• ••"• P yro • IOo '' , " -lS A11<hP..,·1-1721"° CSO ~l..S "u1~·1 ... FllFlnG JS 15 10 •kt-eRt7M 71011'~ -.Nll l lD ll J4l \OQ\.""'O...k0 1tU140.::,.~pdwli 'IC>•;!~''"''• ~,,,,FJt,~ln~·J .. ~~t'~0:~z~ fuso~:/~ =!E1~ 1:::•~*~: ~!Em;!'!~ f· ~; s:fu~~'Tj,: rl! =~ ~ 5:; :J J ~* :!~ '• }:~i1;e1s~15 1~ ~: ~ A"hl>ft 14t> I Ill 161 ..... c-. ,. II ,,. n ... '• F .... pf I" . 23 11 • .... -.J-J H•D<.O s 1411 12 Ill.., ... -•-11 ~:mt ~CA ~ IJ ,.,: ~" ~ Arlt PS J U 1 S11 711,, '• ComMll " 6 11 I•' FllQISI • t• 17 110 234. JWT I 4' 4J 11 II'•, '• HtOIFO -7S 1'1 uJl\o • .. R81no I• 19 14 9, 1 i. Tim-kn J _ 1 _ '' r • ArlP pf l ~ .. 11 ... Comdl ' u 1310 JI ~ FloelP n JI )St 17 ..... J mttF I '° 17 .. "'" •• Htt<O .. " ISi uU•· .... RCA «> II J701 21\o -•• • • ArkBU 4lj J' 7111 l CmwE 1 IO P lolJ7 u -. Flt EC 10 IS IJ 171.> JRI-40 t 100 It'•• '. Ht ._ to S• tV. '• f OdShp I 11 • I 1' t • '• Arklt. .97 I lll IS\o CwE pl I '1 • n•. Fl•PI. ] lt • 1 .. ,. "' JR••"' s olQ 2l ., .11. H•ICen I 6 ,, ...... =~~::: ,.; ~ ri . •:; T~nm ,. 1 Jl 11'> ·- ArlnRt I .. 11·» 1 l2 ~wt= I, ;1 Uh :! Flt Pro I ID I lU 11 \It Jt mtw 1J I l07 """ • '• HCllvSI .61 ll 10. JI ...... RT E .40 I U 11, ~=t=/211' • 1:; u~~~. ~; ArmtcM II 10 .... c .. E pl • • .,~ ;~~. Flt Sll SJ 23 11 • J:mF I lSt 14' av, Ht!Ollt , JO 1 Ill n.. Rt ltPut ,. I JJJS 14'. '• To!Ed pfl :Ito 1 ,.... " Ar""O I lO t S1't ou.. \t Cw E _ J )1 ' l It• FtwG<rn It 116 -• \.t Je IPlll I.. 61 ,,.,, -., N•IEO.. I JJI 6 110 ll'• 1• A•m.0 11] Ht IOIEO oO 21 6 IS'•. 1, Arm<.111 110 l J)... .. ... • ,,._,. it II 10 It-... "' Jt •C"' • 1.0 JI N•tFG l,. s 41 -• '" R•mpe 1IO 11 " .... ~ Ton•• 40 IS It ,... • "' Armr pf OS ISO )7 '• gw Eptpf J11!o ,,.&, ~:• , Flua< IO 1 564 Ill" :: Ju C pf • » r lO St '• NtlGYP I .. IS 1Jt7J"' '• At n<O .. 9 l I] ., 1, TootR .. Qi I U 17 .. :~:,1',,1~2~1~ ~·;~ ... c :E flf ,,. 1aso ii·,, •• ~=~ 220 • ~~~; 11 ~:~~~ 1 1: 1;: ~! =~~ ... • .~~ Jt .. rco cmn ..,,, o ~ •• trchmal60 / n ,, .. •9 ArMW oll.7S • IJll ,..,, Com ES I . I 50 .. '• For MIC , '° ' •n 1' ... JtrC; , • •100 u50 • ,, NMdEn 40 u ,,.. ~ •• =•v:;::, I s ,P, ,,~: .. 1-·· ... I ... ..~.. • Ar°'!! to • 10 ct12'• .. Comwl 'lO 16 us ulH .. I FtO.ar '37 IS 10•. loo JtrC"' IJ '°. dO • • I HMlneS lJ I l'I 71• '• R ·~hn I 40 II llllo ., .. I Tow•• Pl ... lO is• ..... ArowE ,. Sj •IO IJ"-... CoPiyC s » J• S6S 33'>+ ... FIHoWO 'Ol 13 '~ .. \!. .. Jl'C"' 1 II 1 .... NPttt. I 20 ' ., 21 • " R:toe1 IO • ,., IJ.. '• '10,.•,A...'! ~ lO l,? J'/ots~ !ls~ ••• An•• 10 M 1 11•, Com1>11< , .. vis•" '• FO\t""" .., 6 JU 12 ... ~ Je-IC 2 41 6 '" '141' • • '" NS.mi 1'14 11\ot •, A08 t Jlf2 tl n JO ~ • ' "" • -· • Arvin llJIJ 110 IS~ .. '• CompS< U •71 .,.. Fo•SIP .. t 61 11 .. ~ I'm Jt •IC pl )JI lO NISvln 1'8 I 11 JI~ '-RllR:. I Ole I I • .; 1 '•"" l3' 6 .. s 11'• '~ Arvin "' 2 1 ll'-. '• Cplvtn u ID ,,. • .... Fu~. I°' • l ll ,,... Jewl<• IC» JO •• • I. NSltnG IO/ 11 ...... RtcnEq ltl "' • t w Cp u1• "'• ••• Awr<0 .40 1117 U ~A:; Ji:, : ~ ll ' 1, Fr pl Mc loO 10 (SJ 161-.-1oio J-.Jn Ill 12.. 41• • : : H•llSll lloO 14 '• Ro<lmn JO )I J1' ull, • •, n: :i. !: : t: As#llOll 1 40 1 lSJI -• ... -• • Friotm .. ' m IS~-.. Jlll\nEF JO M "'• N•IUI n J • I II RRff(tl n ,!', l, .. • .. TWC ... 1 ) , .. ASl\10 Dl"IO ,. JJ!.> ..., ConnE n.1 to • • ,,~ Frutlll 40 , .. JO .... -~ J-Cn I'° I 2" H N•lam 1.40 i /It II ~; -• -"' • ~. AllllO pll." SAO lt\IJ , I'> CnnHG J.10 6 " 111. • •· FllQut .tO u JO'-l'o IJotv>C"' 2 J 1135 , ... H•tm pf • 11 JJ .,. R•l<hC ,. 10 97 12._ '• TWC pf I <IO '1 17 • "" AllclDG 2 10 UI ""°"'• ,,.. Con•• to " n 76~ + .. FUQ• pf 1.lS ' .. "' JCH\L.QI\ tO "° ... ' .. HtvPw ,, .. 6 140 u>•lt. '• RtPA•r <37 s •• TWC pf J .. Jt ,,,~. te ~MllhlD-pf 41,!1 ,· ~~ ....a11 ,' ~. ~~EEd,1 '·6: '11111 1?2 . -.-G-G6 _ t• ~ JJ~il!!' ..,\ 16J ,!~ 11.1•, '• NoP pt I 60 rJOO 11• R•pCp .O • 111 11 , ... T••nsm I 50 .. in lC)' • '• " -• ....,., "" •• GAF "' -~ -v•lt'I " ,. NevP DI I~ 1 1'\ot ''• RepFnS I JO 14 JI' 0 ', 1 . h ~ ~·;111~ 1.1o •• II 11 ._ • AICyEI J.H I 1'1 1'''-'1t ConE Pl '•S r.00 1131 ~I GAF pf I 10 I " 1JoyMlo I 40 S .. ,.,,,.. HtvtlKIS n IJ 7n -'• RepNV I 40 • 171 lO , , ._ • "' AllMtro Ole l )60 d %. l-16 ConE pf s • )4f ., ... GAlX J '° 1 110 JSh • .. -1(-1( -E El 3 ,, ,.. "' RNY DI J·u . ' u .' •• '• lttnwo I IO s 101 ,,,, -AllRl<.11 J.40 6 JIM .., .. , Vt ConF<k 117 106 llh .. OCA IOl IS 14'9 ltl<. + II> KOi n 10 631 4'• ''° =E~y; pf? 76 • l n.: RN Y plQ IJ • 11" ,, l rntc pl 1 11 14 J'I • It AllRc pl J-*l • 103~, • V. ConF pf• IO • '°'' I\• GE•CO .1' 1 9' """· . l(LM II 1 JI'• .,.. NJR 1 76 • :u ,..,. , 'RNY plAl 60t JIJ » Trtntcn 021 71 ''" Atlt"41 1 111 IS .. + Vo CMFrl I 60 l40 '1'• I• Gelc pt 1' 11 ult , t 1K m•rl 114 •S 22-. t \• NYSrG"i20 • IOl 1._.. ...: ReoSll ·,. lJI 15•-., '• TrGP pl IM t40 IS'"> '' :::ro& ·~a11n m:: ¥: c~}t"~,~'.: 11~1~ .,.,. g~~~ J•.~ ~~ : -~ ~J·;;.~ .. ~ U'"s:~ =~~;'oNs ·~ m-: ... ::~~~;':', s "t ~ . ~ ~~~'~150 ~ ~!: AvcoCp 110 I 1111 JH., ll. ~onsPw J U • "l II""• "' GTE 2 97 11"31 JIV" \loo K•I *' • 11 I SJ Ntw•ll 1 1 20 1•<•, l't R\hCOI 3'7 S 31 ll'• Tr•nwy I to I I ,, .. ' It Avco pf ).JO . 11 4.'lll. •I\, CnPw 1144 )0 110 lOh • I• GTE pf J • IS If\• K•llCA t0 6 "34 II • "' Nwhtl 1J U to 2.... '• Rev<o • 1' 211 u-. ''> fr••lr •I .. 6 21'1 J2••' \.> Avery 9010 2:27 lOl!lt .. CnPw pl4 » 11/0 '7w • ._ GalHou .17 S :ljO 17 I 1Ct 1Cpf t J7 • IS Ntwtnl Ill liOO ll '-Rhtta t• I ' \. TtlCon )lie J11 71 \, AvN t I II tolJ 4'fto CllPw pl7 <l USO )!)\, + I• G...,.11 1.n 1' 1360 464• ... K•luSI 117 ~ <o Nwperk It 4 IOll 5 1• Revlon t.M ·1 •n J••:, ,, TllCll pt 2 IO • 10t-• Avon 2 7 ISIO ""' CnPw 1117 ,. 1600 S. • ~. GtpSI• lp 9 SS 21~. IC•neMI 21 U 161,,, • 1 NI p to • UI S ,, RtallMTI 60 7 40 IH•, ,, TrlSoln I 160 4\o Dow Jones Final OFF 1.57 CLOSING 918.33 .. I Volkswagen chief resigns D ETROIT (AP) -A s h a k e -up at the top a l V o lks wage n o f Ame rica Inc . s h o w s that even the a uto make r with the best f u e l -ec.-on om y car is In tro u b le because consume rs are o pting for c h eaper Japanese m odels -o r are n 't buying cars a t a ll, analysts say. No reason w as given for th e rcsl~tion M o nday o r J a m es W . M c Lemo n , VW's presid e nt a nd c hief executive g f!ic e r s ince 19 78. Al least o n e analyst , h o w ever, said M c Lerno n appear8 to be a scapegoat "Superficially , it looks like h e's bein g made the scapeg oat for VW's pro b le m s," s aid D avid H ealy, a n a lyst a t Drexel Burnham L a m bert m N e w Y o rk. T -bill yields drop W ASH I N G TON (AP) -Yields on s h o r t -term Tr~asury secu r ities h ave dropped s lightl y, markin g the fourth consecutive w eekly d ecline, o fficials said . A bout $5.1 millio n in n e w t h ree-mon t h b ills w e r e auc t ioned M onday a l a n ave rage d iscou n t rate o f 7 .801 percent, d own Crom 7 .849 percent Sept. 20 . -,,he governme n t also sold about $5.1 billfon in six-month b ills a t an average rate o f 9.196 pen..-enl, d o wn from 9.443 percent. M o nday's y i e ld s, a m e a s ure o r the cost o f government borro wing f r o m t h e pub lic , w e r e the lo w est since the Aug. 23 levels o r 7 .7 4 8 percent for t hree-m o nth bills and 8.9~ percen t for six-m o nth bills. The d iscount r ate o n the n e w T ·b ills understates t h e actual r e turn to i n vest ors. UPS AND DOWNS N•rne I SuPt•tcPt 1 t>Otit< ! ~·s~ ~= s 111ermoE1..c • AthlO Pl I COISO 3 •Sc>I I Fln!>llU' 9 lkot lFO 10 Am HOOi II Cllry\ler 11 COl\AOt• tJ FtDtr Cnt,. U Anteonio n IS ArU"' Bet I• Untl IM\ 11 T "nlly 1 Newpr•lh It Pltltllron 2 AloO.t• JI Pltl't>OY En l'llllO Ind ~!~~~r 75 ~1Pro ,., .... ,.. 1 UnP¥k M tf\ ) DMG lll< J KttVal Wp1 • Et'1nAo 114 s p.., Am • l(C S41111 pf 7 NIM J tj)pt I Hlllenl>fnd \ 9 PSlno ' l'<)I 10 G•lv•IHou II SouU..Co 12 Nicolttlnst n 1l Wun Untl " Ill p., • )Opl IS Henton C11 1' FE COip " 0UQl1 71)1 II Otvts Ind It RO'e<• (p 10 Ron-. 11 Pl-rEt i 11 EthylCp l)IA n Saoco1n< J4 Uldlllum 01 JS Slortr 80• 4\. •• •\· ll\.· • .... 1' ll '-• • 11'> ........ ,, ... 1)1 .,, .. s 11 ... )S1 • • , ... 11 ..• 10• •• ,( ... ""' . DOWNS I s1,_. , ..... ' 1'. , ... '· '• .. . ., "· "• ... .. Ptt. Up II I Ur> •9 Up I.• Up 1.J Up 1 I UP •• Up • • Up • l Up 6 l Up •.O Up U Up S.1· Up S1 Up '' Up S• I • Up SS ... Up i • '• UP SJ '• Uo S j 11+ Up s_J "' Up SJ "-Up S7 > Up SI .. Up SO I Up • t l>i•s~ CllY. 0t:'<'11 I 1•. Oii •• s ~ Sit Oii t 1 13'-10. Oii t I 1'-Oii I J • .. Oii 1 1 Oii I 1' • Off I 4 171Sott 70 .... • •• Otl •• tS• • ''' Off • t ' ... Of •) 1.. <. Oii 6 S ••'• "• Oii • J S4, .. Ott •I S'· .. 011 6' 11.-. •. Oft • o , '• 011 s. ' '• 0 11 s. 2 '. 011 st 17'• I ._ 0 11 ) I .. • 0 11 s 1 ?s•.. P 1 Ott S • 1S1• '• ft S) J3'o 1'> II S• GOLD COINS " frNltilurt lialtlg '408 Ill. oft • I 02 Zurich ltlt •hemoon llalng '409 00, oft '3 00 bid, 54 10 00 Uiltd H•11dy 6 H.,,...,, fonty d•llr quo"I 5410 60. on S3 2s l!l\fOllltfd \Otlly Ollty QllO!tl '410 50, Off 13 2S El\f•lllttd (Only dally CIUOlt) l•tirlUlll<I S4S1 03, 011$341 SILVER SYMBOLS o H•w ,..,,,w low u·New veoriy "'Qll Unl•H Olhtr••M noted ·••es of Otvtdtlfld.s ••• a.nnuat dt11>u•.-" l>•MO on •ne IHI quertetl~ or semi ennu•I ok••r•l•o,, Spoc.et o. ••I•• 01v1oenot °' o•ymentt no• dHIQn•lt<I as •eou'•' ••• t0en1•ltt0 "' •~ lotlOw•nq loolnoles e~Atso ••"•or e•"•' D A'"°""at •ate Pk.I• 11oc-. Otw1dflt\d c l•Qu1oa11ng Ofv10end Oecltrl!d Of Otld •f P'«ed1ng 12 lf\Olllnl •·o.-ci.reo oi Pltld altt'r lloel\ 01\lfdeno or $1)ltl UP I P•oCI lfttl f't• d••.Oef\d Gm•llt<I de•tt•t<I oi no tcltOn !all.en ar la.ti .,._ "'Mi"'O ~ Oecta•f!CI Of petO '"" ytet an ~I,.,.. tUU. wtth dtYlden<ll '".,,..,, n·~ ,._ •-OK•areo Of pe.o'" P<ectdlft9 12 months ptu.s Sloe' Onrtd41nd •·P•tO tt1 tloeli tn precedong 11 ltlOnlht taltmaled ca.n "~ on e•-d•'AOend °' •• dtSlttl>vlfO'\ O•lt' • E• OtYtdttlOI 0t "' r19"lt ¥ E• O••tCk'<IO end u lH 1n tun t·S•'" ,,. lull Ct<l·Celled wO W....., o ... r.bule<I ..,, WM'tl 11•u•d wrrw WtU\ wart antt •w W1t~out warrants 'dtS·E•·d•ttr11>ut~ p £ •• ,.., Tne O•te• OI • Sloe• ., • •nulh~ 01 e>er·allere .. rntngs·Ot'ftVed t>y d"'O•ng lhe lattll 12 month et1n111Qs ll(jme nlO IHI .... P"Ce Dollar soars to highest p e ak of year I-' l Aid• llS 9 I 11-. C11Pwpf•7 .. 11.otO SI"-J•i G .. 5¥< 1lt 6 .. ulll>'t•"" Kt net> 11> 11• Uh '•HI::,,. ~40 1JO ~:; •,, Rn nrO I OI 11 '1M II 1, J•lt~ ~~ n :: '':.: NEW YORK (AP)_ Pr>CM '4lle Friday ol Aydin . -~.1~ ,.~ .... ~~~ ~..: g ~~ ... ~ g:~::' I~ : ~ :: ~ ~~~~! lt 6 •• ~ ~:-: J .. ::::::: ! ~ rm ~~. t ==~~~n J, If) 6l7n s s:r.-: I~ ,:::.... .... I I ·~: '• 0040 CO!llJ COIT\011190 wllll thu<SO•y . P<ICe L 0 N D 0 N ( A p ) -T h e B•lrnt4 so• nl ,..,,. '• cn,...prl.U • ,. ••• '•a.me. n 1Ju1''·• 11o KCSou • • 10 :i.i.. \• ,.11Mllf •U r16SOJJ"-I'• Reynr''o •• "',• •· 1:',~0,, ~·. t , t,' '-Ame r ican d o lla r , b oost e d b y B•r111t1 97 s 1111 ••''t •I• cn,... Pl1 50 10 "". \, GAlnv • 2w .. ,. "' KCSor 1 1100 • '" NI ..... s u 1~ :a.o... • lltyMt 1IO 11 110 n , " -• 11 ICrva•rr•nd, , 1roy 01 S433 75 011 e.1:r :12 11 ..... \, CnPw Pl1ll I .,... GAmOol -IS UIO lt'.·J K•nG J.17 6 ... ..... ..,:;;;; •10 102 •J .... : RCHV kl0•IO •i 16\ot trnerii IOU JO .... Ul :lS p o litical u n certa i nty in W esl e.10 • • 1 ts. l 11• '• c11P•or•02 :14 111 Gntk\11 • • 4 ''"" '" KanH11 1• • S) , .... '• N•Mflf 10.0 r1000• •2 R••9e1\1io 1 1 10.,.' 'frw"<,•n~ 119210 •6 11~ ~s·~· :•, ... ,,,. L••'· 1 ••o• or S4J70o 011 G e rma n y. s o a red t o ht's loric eall~ 1 • 1 tl "'' .,, CnPw pf14J ll 16\J • GCinm l$r 10 JU _,, • K•nPU 140 1 I~ 13'• ~. HttOSll J 12• 21 "" RloGren I 60 1 lU •1\. 1'• "' ' ~' '"' • BallyMI .20 1 \.Qt J40.. lo (OlllA>r " ... •• GnO.... • .. 10•,, ... K•PL pl1 37 J Ill• Nl<Oll n 1• tO .... • .. RloG• pl .IO Jo. ,, •• 1 Ty<ol ' IO I m ·~ 1• S21 25 ks . la ti. lO the 1:\..-nch 8'111GIE J M I S07 21 .. '• Cont(.op 11 ,.. GllOyn n11 154 JJ• .. '• l(•PL "'12l J "'" NICOR l 1 240 ,..,._. '-RileA>O IO I• O 3'\\ hit• 60 t l7 It'• .. ...a.50 fJHo, 12 1royot SSOOO.oll pea In re On r n: 8'1111148•.lO &SO ltolf> ,,, CntC pl 12S 110 ••• GOyn flf•li 1" ' K•lyln M .,.,. '• NOOIAI 11 s DI 101 .... 11-1.0 11 )) JO.. Tym\lw n )IJ 10 ••• S2SOO franc a nd Italian lira today and e.ne. 1.20 13 , '°"'• ~ CnllCP 1 .0 41' U'·. \1 GellEI J 40 0 .1 .... 16\• .... K•tv "' I .. 1 U I •••• NO<So n 'to • ,... SS\.>. I A-Jn I 60 s 21) ,. ••• ~ UAL ~~;-.... I Au .. 100 ~·o•ft. 9llO? troy Ol 5413 so aMIT•n 211 7 111 .,.,. CntlGtpJ tO , .. l0'1 GnJ'~ l.10 '''°' .... ,,, 1(•1118' J• st .. ,., NO<ltn J .. , ... _ .... RR~llG',,~ !,.•,., ·.~1. UGI '°') ,,. ..... ~ oltS202S 1tsh1g h est le vel this year against 8'1nd90 tO 1J St ~ ..... CntOil "' J IS 11•,... '" GGll\ Clo )I 103 , .... '• K•llw lO • 14? I) • "' NO<sl• n, 10 6 1• ,. ... \~ --, • , .. UMC ' 1 • h . Th • r ~ l.~·. : ~::; ~<;>::1"''~ s~ ~"' ~~ = ~ J~~ m:: ~ ~::::t 1:•: ~ w· ... ::"'C:. .: : : J~. ""=~!\~:~.~ii~:~ ~:t.:. .. :: '11:! : ~ Source o..t.·f>«w• o t er c u r r e n c i e s . e price 0 BUfV• t.37 1 103 ult • , .. connt1 1 s. 1 t7• ,.,._ -. Gn1n,1 so 11 •m n •'•-"' K•nll 10 J 10 •'• ,, NoAPN 1.ro 1 n .,.. .• , .. Rk1n1"' • 1s , 100 uSFG J .o , 010 ;,. g o ld bullion d w indled. BnllArn 1 » • nn """ • .. CID•tt ss 1 , .. , 10•. .,, Gn""11i t.M 11 llM ·~ • "' l(enmt "10 t)I! u•. • "' NE11r0 1 ,.. t SJ 101~ ~ RR~?'•n" , 10 • _ •s •,J2.. uniNv 4 , .. s 15 60,,, ~ F o re ign exch ange d e alers said 811,ARty J 40 II n 211'• CnOt Jlf • lO rtOO JS '• GMol 7...0. )I) 41t7 •l\.o • '-KyUlll J 20 I t• If'~ NonlUI I 7' 1 Sin IO'•• •-. -N S -C • •• ha ..,,,.,, 1 °' • 6t60 >~ .... con-1 '° • 1 JO a -pf l H ,,, n '• IC•rrG• ... • tt 11 ... N•noPS 1 lb'° s>o "" ROii< pt 1 u 111 ,. ....... u • ....., J 10 -'• AMERICAN LEADERS inte rest rate conside ratio ns d BllTr pf 1 IO I JI • ._, ~\Jn Olr '1 J 6.• G-pf S al ..... • .. KtrG pl I 10 16 11~, .. NoStPw J 7• 1 '°'' -\~ AollnEn SU •• o, '• UftCttl l 40 I .. " ' \• Bel\"" "" ,. ,.. c-1 sJ • mo ,. ~ GNC • 11 .. 11 ~ KerrM ,, 10 > s... 21"' 1o HSPw flfJ 60 1110 ,. • 1 Ro11"" .. 1 ,,. 11•, ~• unconv JO IS ' 1t\o • '• httle in flue n ce o n d o llar trading S.rdCR .54 .. 21' ...... 1, Cooc>I p4 J tO " JO•• 1u GPU II _,. S'-Keyt(Jt 1' 17&. NSPw pf• OI 1400 ..xllu, J" Aolm~ 20 lM lJ\o • '• Ul\1onC 1'I SJ '"' • '" HEW YORK IAPI S.l<t•, J Pm IHl<e d l• L. h h W Ge S.rnGp 60 , SS ll'> \. Cooc>l..b to U 9':J u.O • 1 Gef!Rt t I Ol 11 U5 ,...,, • 4t IC•yillll J .. I) .0 II'•, \, N$Pw pt• II iJll JI ... ROlllOl'I J2 JI t Unf.lt< I M • t!O IJ4. ~.~1 ... <IWlll~oct' .,.~~I .:<~ 8n 8 u10 Ug t e est rman 8'1,,.1 ,. 'Ill ,. ... .,._ C-T "S U m •• '• Gn~efr 160 t ~ J~:._ l(lddlt t 110 • IU 1"-'9 HorTtg I .. .OS oJ R-r t0 • 12 IJ ~~[:::: ~~ m8 1i&.·I"' ~ m a rk ralli e d a1ains l Oth er S.rnt llfl 2.• IS ~ ... "" C.oc>wd t I .. • 1 144• Gn Qn1 •• I, Kid..... • II '1 ~· NlllQtl 0 • Jh Aort r • IJ JO~ JJ\e •• ,. E • JS -· • '• !:.•.d,.•no NltOntlly •• !!"'3.~IN".~1• ~ ed f ...... e:Tlw' .40 u u 11..._ ~ Cot-• .o 10 "2tt 12 ... " GTFfflf i.u rtoo '"' "" K••• • , '"> 611• "'" m Row.,, °' 1 SJ1 •~ .. uunE• 1 ~lM 1• rJO :!'. • ,· ~ ,, B / ... -• -curre ncies, It w e a e n unne r 8 2~ 1 •1 ,. ,._ a -10 Gllrt 1 IOl>lO to ts». I( ""tR -2 , ~· :':. ",.°',..1rl>1, 1 toto ~· •32\.\,._ • ~ a ... 2 J J J,,_ , ,.. -Ke•Pl>rm ~ 91,700 ,..,. "' •t " · •• • ·~ ..-tin " •• n.,.. "1 • • -• •• ,IA ... -•• "°"'•~"' .4' · • -• UnEI"' JI' • ul• • ._ ' •• -1 "" I 1 · h d 11 Th BAUSCH '" -.~ CornG I lJ 1' "3 Sl ... Gen.Ko 3tt '"'· K-r I 10 '5 S1 11 "' Nwl8cp I .. 6 , .. JIVt ~. AC Cos I 0. • 1'1 11 ... • •, '" • Evtnlltt \ ...,,_ 1 ~1 ' n r e 8 llO n tO t e 0 a r . e 14 '!It ~ ... %. .. ... "'.,. I COrBlll. I to" H 22... GnReo ID 2SS .. IS.,,. ... l(olrnot lJ 14 ,. ......... NB<P Dillie u Slllo RoylO 1 ;,. .. ,u 32 '· Un El pf , ... rtOO SI' tt .... , .... ~,·~? !!.·!!!!! ,1,~. ,... mark reac h ed a 13-m o-·'-high o f Bulr t .. 11 621 0 1-. ~ (,-IM 1 Jl J7 1'1<\. a.Ml 0 .60 , SS II "" K-" I t017 .,. 12\ot "'° H8tp pf 4s n .i., !'lo Rllbrm ·12A 14 lJ ,1 , 1,_ UEI pfH I IJAO 5'1 • • lo , ..,n ,.. -• "' ... u1 B•YFln 1• 10 10\• ""' Co.Cm It 16 114 JS"" h GtnuPI I.JO I) IS2 JI .. -"• 1(09r pf • . 1110 JO N•slEn I 40 ' Ill ''"" • ~ RusTOQ I 6 IM ISV. • ~. UOllC.I 1 • 1!'9 17'• "" HovOllTr st,500 tll<I ' V. 2 .5408 to On e dollar at t h e fix mg a.y510 2.J:I • dO 11 .... '• ,,.,0 IS 2S "" .. G•Pk I JO 7 2'6J ,... 1(-pl 10 . St 11~. ..., NwEn "'' ,, ., 11'1.. "' RyanH I SJI 110 7111H ~. unPt< I IO 10 110 ., • ·~ "•..:tEl<I )1,100 "'' h llNrlno I 10 JI 1' + "' Cr•M I 60t I IJ JOIJ. • 0.. Ge l>< pfBt.l~ IOO 11 Kro.tllr J 7"" + ~ Nwtlrld 4 • 121)9 37~-I~ nyo.rS 1-10 ... -· Unlroyl 6 Ql n. AZL RH U ,.IOO I~ •I~ bUl fe lJ Sl'g htJy lO a late r ate Of 11M1F<r I.SO 1 15'6 JI ... , ~' Crt yRi 11 s.r ,,.... V• IG•Pw pl] 76 . 11' 26 .. • I'm Kr-r U 2 t •10 ,,..,,,_ • .,. .., . .-. ...,~ -' Untyl pl I 1J40 -• .. Orroa~ 41,100 ·~ - 8-1 pl J.• .. Jll «)~)t "' CrockN 2 '° t 111 ,.., •• I G•Pw "'2-st . II , ... _ ... KyoloC 11•,, •S ti\• ....; ::ll'J' ~: n : ~1• ~ ~ SCA .i ~s»l 11 .•• ~~~~,: .:io .~ "! i~:· .. : Ch•mp Ho ... IOO J~. 2 .5 4 . 11«1no 1.10 11 1 .. ., v. crct.Npfl.11 • 11 + "'G0•P""" ~.n •D !! ic.,,'°' "'" IS •'-• -Nw:Otw to .s " • v. SCM 1 • 1 .. t• "' ue rdpf 110 1 1~ ,_ W est G e r manv 's polit ical 1118er 41 0'11 , .,._ CrmpKn I 0. I I l:Mto • ~'I • "' .,.2 7S S ... -V. _ L..-1. _ Hof'\on t tlO ,,.,.._ +• I/ ·• .,_ EE :~f: .ll .. ~E~ ~ ~~~,4~ '~ ~1~ lit ~ ~~~':_a~,m ~~ ~ t~f:~1::: s' ~ 'i~ ~ ~=~~.~:,: ~ H~~ .: i:ii~ ·':~1i .n mr E ~~f~n~ri i* n~ ... ~ METALS ~~di~lges~1!~.;~:~~'indP~.a~~ 8elllnd :: 1: » 11 Cr h i plBJ °' llO 10"" • V. Gelly pf I :IO 1 '"'°-~· LLCCp • J Nu<O< S1 12 st .. ..., , Vi Sl(ICIB• ' lJ t• IOI ttl-1 Ulllu pf ).'1 S 11 .. • h 11t1CA111.t6 ... u 11. Crvmi< 1.,.10JDtt "'• hGlan1P s '""·· t.LCCPpf 1 ~~. Hu1rsn '1"J 111 ,....,. v.S~119Clt'W1 '::'11~~ ,l: u111111112 :io r1»0 1S1• ~· NEW YOAKIAPl -Spo1 non1e11ou1 dollar r ose a t the a fte rnoon IMml.t u o 1 o 3011, 1 CulbrO I t ta ?tV. I<. GlbrFn 121 Sh LTV .50 2 ,., o•.. -0-0 -, • Ulll11 llfl • 6 17'4. "" .,.., .. p.~ 1oClt Y f h is • hi h f 7 18AO lltftdl• J.l2 14 ... ""'. Vi Cullin n Jl 1Sl ;,."' ... GltlHlll 92 JS u .. ~ LQulnt ' " IOS ''"' .. Otklr>el ,. I .. , t•loo ... • ... l..O lO ' ,. •• '. Unillnd ID" 36 s. .. = 70-7' ~It .-""'. U.8 ixin g lO a -ton e g 0 . , --·pf J I "'"' )\I) Cum En 1 • ,.. ,."' Glll .. le UD 11 MO O \. .. 1-A<Gal ''° I n JI... •• Occlf'et J 0l0 ) 12M It\-.-,,_ s.o.<o S6 ' IOI )0\,. " V"lll!W' n • " J>'•. "· ,.,,...._ { b ·-.....1 t ) te te o f lltftd•pf40.. »tun , !.> C11rrlnc 1.10 U tn• ""'GltHW IO I• '14 tllt '" Lam~ U t\.t .;\ ()((1P pf1.SO 11 "'-•\lo S!Jol.P 1.«I S " 11._• 1, UJttBll 11' S 100 U'•• \' i 4 .... :lfc.nle11>ovnd ra_ncs Ut e~ 0 a 8 r a ..,,,a. 2 2'°\02~ .. "' cc"~ I .c:. ts ~s ~~~ ~ GG=M ,. : ',~ ,:!: ~ Lenl., M ,, St• JOI~ .•. O<<IPP pl'1..Ju 36 l!~-:! ~::,:p :~ 6 ~ :&..... ~ ~~-'= '° : ~ ~ ~ .. 40-2~:,c::.:~·-~~ '" 7 .1765. pflJO no 1'\')-Vi ye._., • 1111 -•• L•wllnt n u u •O'lt• .. ()((I~... ~ Stltnl 40 s '°' .... n us toS'01t • ""\' ...,_ • ..,...... s ·1milarl y . in Milan th e d oll• .. y I S. • + "' DMG ft J''-... G4rld1 I st I 512 2211. • "' L.t••k 1 lO 6 11) 711,. ~, (I DI 14 , 1 KID '1 • 1 SSJ•~~Bt !.:...'! IJ6 £! 1691' .. USAlr It • n t It -13$2 00 per 11te11 reach ed B" a ll•t i'mA h lnh of l ,~ ,..., ,%) I) ... n O.mon 20 llS '"'. I. G4•<11 !IQ.I) • ,, »-"'. ... 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Sl"tlncl 1 I "" 10 us RI•, IOc , n ·~ .. • •FK s1 s"" -"' o...on • ,.. ,. • " 0ou1c1 .,, is • u L.ehmn 1.11e u1 11"' 1£•,,..... '''° ,, 5otw•• t.JO 1 s 11 1• vss-'M • ..,. ...... • ,.,. GOLD QUOT •TIONS Despite repeated Interven tion eitoD .7• IJ DI 1'"> • "' 0.1Ttr 62 ; Gr.u '• • 1'1 » "' LtnNr 10 It ltl tS Ectlif 4 ,. 1101 . JO•._ S.ulRE 10t .. t ' \. USS!... l t IOM 11 "' " •1 th *HfJw tA J IS U~ • "'-0.IPlll ID J0M ""' "" Gttlnor I 1' II l27 '2 "' LellOa I ID t O '1't • l ld on• S 14 t •£IP Ill S 11 11 • \.t UUll pf 1'7 ., • 1 t b)' the Bank o r J apan lo ::.JOW e ..,,.111 1 • ,. 40 g:vco "" 111 ,... GrtnJbl . 112 1011. • .., L-• i .. "'"' -.d111 •11 .tlOO .,.,.,,,.. s.:I:. lf: ,~ 'l,.,:" VST00t 210 l6 n s11 .. \. a,TM A11111uu"'-dollar's rise, t h e A merican i Hll U2 IO UI Jl\o. "' ,..., "IO " IW ... ,., .. GtAI~ ., ...... ~d °''IS J "" ldlll I.. !JOO 51"1 .... S.w1n "' ••• ... u .. t~ l 40 \mo .,., "' hi..: M wottd OOld ~ locley ,_. • "' 21,... "" Y1PI. • 'O 6 ... 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