HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-29 - Orange Coast Pilotr ..... Alien impact f ear ed By STEVE TRIPOLI Of lhe Dallr Pllol Slatt On1ngt· (.'11u11ty 'llJll'I v1""' WUITll-<l about l1•d1·1.d ll·g.-.l.1111111 wh1t·h l't>Uld lt•g.iliw tl1t· -.t.1lu' 111 tho u s.t11d-. ur undm llllll'll lt•d alu.•ns. w • .1111 to kno\.\ wh.it tlll' 1mµat·t of sul'h lq{hlo1t11111 111uld bt_. 111 local dollar' An 1nflu>. or lll'W lll'llPIP \\1th .1 IC'g111mat1• t'l <11111 to w 1·ll.11 1• ht·alth and utht·t :-.t·r vw1·' 1'11uld haVl' a Sl'l"IOU:> 1111p.11·t 1111 1 lw county budgt'I , Sup1•1 "'""'' Ch:urma11 Brun· N 1·:-.t.111d1· told fellow m1•111ht•r:-. Tu1•sd :1y •••• 4 0 " µ $ DIAllil CDAIJ .. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIF ORNIA 25 CENTS Nc-s tant.Je sponsor n l :1 1110t11n1 adoptt•d by tht> hoard l"allmg fot ~ $1.000 1·xpt•11d1tun· to 'tudv tlw impact of l1•g1sl;111011 1"ur11•11tly bl'furC' Congrt.•ss Two version::. of thl· lt·g1,l,1tt1111. kno wn aftC'r tl<; spon"'r' ,1:-. th•• S1mp:-.on M ;u2ol1 11111111gr .1t11111 rt·form bill. .ir1· l>t"1ng 111n-.1d1·11·d o n Ca pllul 111 ll Thl' t wu t 11u Id havt• w11h·h d1ff1·1l·l\l 1111p.11 t' 11n l1x:;_1 I gov1 ·rn11wn t-. ~ Baby hostage released A 1 l' 11 r d 1 n g t o .I .1 111 , · -. Mt-l'unrwll. ont· of tht t11t1111, ·.., W ashington l11hh-.1-.t-. 1i11 V('1·:-.1on which .iln·.id v h • .-. l'•"'''d th e SC'n:ltf' pro\ 1d1 :. r P1mhurM·nw111-. to ltx .al ;111 .. .-. l•ll 1111.'r e<i:-.t•d puhl1e -.1·1 v111· t 11-.1' n·sulttng rr111ll th1· lq.~1-.l.1t11111. l1lll thl• n·1mhur-.i·rn1·nt-. fll,I\ 11111 l'<>Vt•r loud t'OSL'i A Vl'rs1011 l'Urn•11th· •111 11 ... \\.o\ to the• H uu-.1· gua1 .• 1ntt•1•' 1 ull ( <' d c· r a I r l' 1 m bu r ... c · m • · n I f" 1 <1dd111onal l1 H'al l'11"h 11·,ult1ng from tht· lc •g1:.la111111, Mt{ '011 111·11 said The· 1mµm·t-. would '"" y w11h tht• numbc•r o f undlll'Ul1\l'lllt•d alums who an · allowc•d t11 ~1;1 \ IE-gaily and thus qu<iltfy for -.i x 1.il servKes. M l'Conrwll s:,11d P,111 11f the deba IP ovc·r t h 1· b111 1~ whl'tht•r to lt.•gahz.t> tht· ... 1,1tu' 11f a lie n s who hav e· .irrt\'C'd -..m 1 J a n I. 19RO. or wht·tlwt 11111\ (See ALI E~. Pag~ A2J o anr Piiot Pholoe by "lcha<d IC oet> ... Po lic·c· 1)4·1t·<·tiH· ~am Z u o r:-.ki n•lu rn~ Bohh ~ Ba ll ... aft·I ~ 10 m o lh4·r U ... a. a bove. A ll'nSt· dram<1 in Co:.t.1 M1·s;1 e ndPd Tut•M.lay t•v1•t11ng wh1·11 .a father who hl'ld :1 k111fl· to ht., o wn bodv :-.urn·ndt·n ·d ht' 1nl.1111 son. t a kc•n h11.,tagt· 1n:-.1d1• .a rundown auturn1Jbtlc-. lo poltu· Costa Mt•s<i pol1u· oUH 1·1 K evin Glt•aM>n t~lk 1•d to th1· 20-year-o ld fothc·r for rwarly .an hour . wh1lt• rw1ghbor:-. watc·hc·d and six o thc·r o fftl'<'r:. t-orrlont·d off the 200 blfx·k of Ogle• Stn·l'l. ready to move' 1n The m an. 1de 11ttf1t•d <1~ Bob Ball. was ta kc·n l1J UC l rv11w MC'd1c:a l C1'nll'f in Or;mgt· wh1·n· h l' was pli:tl'l'd urtd!'r 7'!. hour ob.<;(>rv::illo n No 1-rm11nal t·harg1•-. were ftk-d. Sgt Rud lfaddcK'k said th,11 Ball hf'ld a four ind1 1·arv111g k nife at his o wn s tomal'h and n ever thrc•atenc•d to hurt the• baby who sat on his lap and wa-. rc·leased unha rrm-d a t 5 pm Haddock assured th<' m o thc·r. Lisa Ball, 18, that her husband didn't th reawn thl• baby "If ht• did anyt hing ht• said h l· would d o i i to h1m.qelf I was prC'J)<trt-<l that 1r he made a move to do wh<il I (Stt HOSTAGE, Page A2) Bobby Ball is the c t•nlt•r of rwig hhorhood a lle ntion afte r dra m a e nd.-d ~a ft·ly. N ewp ort water q u a lity ? l)epends on s ource y ou a sk By ST.EVE MARBLE 01 the Dallr Piiot Stan Nc·wµort lla rl><11 . \\.ot1•1 qu.lltl \ P >qw rts !>ugg1· ... 1 1" ,1 'tudv 111 eontrad11·11011 Whtl1· 1111t• rt•1·t•11t -.i;ot1· ""'t fl'\'t'(l" N1·v. JHll l ll.11 1>111 ...... gr11w1ng p11llu1111n hnt "P"l .1 Sl'U1nd ... tiowo; w,t11·1 qu.il 1 t' 111 th t· h.irbo1 lt.o -. 1111p11t \'1·d clr4111;i11t,1llv Exµc ·rt:. ~·~· tht 11•..,1tll~ col l~1tla t<':-1' -.hould 111 t.1k1 11 v.11lt .a grain 11f -..olt. th11ugh .and tlt.11 1111 trut· c 1111d1t11111 o l I ho p111111l.1t 1 •••• t111g h.11 t ... , ",, 111\' .. 11 •1 \ I~ It h "I 1 I 11 I I ( I 11 t " '" \\I I I J\111d1 d 1l1111ugla 1111 ''"'' \V.1t1 I q11.d1I \ Ho ·,111 1111·.., ( 01111tr11I Ho.01d ()111 11 1 th1·111 1lt1· ... o l':il lo·d '1\111' .. 1 I \\'.011 It .. t1· .. t111g progr.0111 li1 1\\' 11 \ t j., Pl p1•-.t11 Hit·~ 11.ol\1 111111111 .111" l>1pl1•'lt\ h 1 l1t 'lh 1 ..... 1 111 .t\ \ llll t.d .. 11.1\'1• If U I• .1~• 1 I ·1 Iii 11 ''I •1l !>Ill·. ,, dt 11\,il l\1 "( lilt 111111.t\\I d J~ 'lit 1d1 IJI) J h.1 1111 I• . .-.1 d 1(1 111111 ' 111 ,1 1\\11 \1 .ol 'JI.Ill tl1t 11111, ... I ,,, .. h I l.11111 I >I l'I .111d 11:. dt·rl\0.;t1 \·1·~ .tr1• l-1111\\ 11 • .1111 • 1 1·:au.,111g agc•nL.., .I 11la 11 L.11ld. ,, w ,, t1· r ti ua 11 t y 111I11 1.d Ill S.111.t1111·11to. 'i<IVS ht· IS 1111,1111· \\II\' lht· -;t1 ddt•n "1111 I 1111.1111111 111 J)f)I''. 'I 1 " .o ht •1kl'11 clown form of Ill >T \~ la11 ti t' ,, v1·n· 1>4·r.,1slt'nt I'' .. 111 11lt It -.1.1v' ,1round for o;1 '' 1 \ IHllL! 111111 · .111d 11 1;. po;..-..blt· 1l I' Jll't l1t·111g It'< \t'lt•d " I .. odd po111h 11111 th.11 wh1lt tlw "" 111 I >I JT 111 th1-. 1·11untrv w;i:-. 11.111111 d .t d,.. .1d1· <1g11 ti ,·, ::.ttll 111.111111.11 llt11·d 111 (.'.d1for111.1 for forl'1 gn l'X p11rl Jil· :-ay' 11 ·,. possible wmt· quant1t1N\ <''o{'il J)(' into l'oastal wat1·n. The musst•I s tudv, (·011dul'tt•d b y tht• SU!ll' Departnwnt of fis h and Game, also s h ow ... I h .1 t h 1 g h c r I E' v <.' I s o f <'a cl m 1 u m chromium. eOpJX'r, mf'rl'u ry and s1lvl'r h aw• bC't>n fo und 111 1h1• bav All o f th(' m1•t :i1 , l'.111 produn· hc·alth p robl1·11"" f111 humans Bu t a st•con d tl'sl 111 wh1d1 s<i mpll's o f harbor mud w1•11• anetlyzro ind1eat(·s th.it tht• Jt·q·J 1>f '>IHlll' h1•,1\'~ tnl t;ol:. h.1-. J!Ollt u own Thi~ t<•sl. t·11nductt·d .ol 10 11 ·-.1 ,1,1111111' l;.-.t w1nlt·r , show ... tlw l1·v1·I of 1111 •n ·u1 v tin. n1pp1•r o111d 11111 "" down from l 1nd1nl-(.., 111 1\1111 .Jrtd 1!17:.! ,J1111 /\11d1·r~>11 . d1ro-. 1111 111 th• S.111t.1 An;1 wat1·r 4u.iltt\' l11i.11d I l.11111' tht• llllJ)l'Cl\'1'1111'111-. 'hll\\ 11 Ill th1· 11 'I .Ill' lht rt ·,UJt tol ,t 11 .11 kdu\\'11 1111 l>t 1;1t \.inf, l '111tl 1•·1 •·1111\ h1· 1·,pl.1111, 1111.ll\otld, In tht· h.1111111 ""''pl p.1111t 1 hap, (10111 1111 hull' ol Singer launc h es l(DOC By PHIL SNEIOERMA~ Of the o a11, Piiot Slaft S m g<>r P at Boo 111· '>lnod 111 " hair f1111~hc·d An .. h;·1111 1<·11 ·\·1,11111 studio Tu1·"dav, pr11m1'i111g 111 bnng ;.i ltttli• 1111 of llollywood to Orang<· County and ,tww ,1 ltttlt bit or Oro111g1· <.'ountv 111 H o llywood ~me• '" 111·p;.11IPnl anrl .i drn•I s harc•hold1·r o l <. ;uldt·n 0 1 :ing1• Bro<Jdl'aSt 111g Co . qW 111·t 111 Orangt> Countv·-. f1r..,t 1omnwn 1.d t e I (' v 1 s t o n .., I .1 11 11 n . K I )( )( · ChannPI !lfi W c•aring .1 gold .ind 01,1ng•· JaCk l't and -.h111. along vv11h 1950s o.,tyl1· br11wn .. ind wht11· sad d l1· ·-.hoP<,, B onni· -.p ok1· t>nthus1ast1n1llv ;1hou1 th1• -.t.1111111. wh1!'h bc•J.(1;1 .., l1t11adc.t1,t1ng Fnday J(lt'r .1 14 y1·.11 'trugglo· "W t> l><'ltt•V(' th1.., ,., ;1 g11l1h·11 o pportunity for th1· :!Ii c 1t11.-. of Oranl(I' County .. ht• s;11d 'Wt• \\ .1111 1111, 'l.1111111 111 II IJ1·1 l hit 111 t ll .111g1 · l '1u111t\ V\1· II .1t J.,..1 1>1· .obit It• -.11'1\\ Cl1 .1111.:1 (01tlllll\ 111 I \I I \ 11111 I 1 .... f~•lllt d1 " lllH'd 1111 • I I l11rt 111 1•ul KLltX ' 1111 1h1 · "" ""' r11·.11h .111 11111i-,.,o.,al1lo· dr'"'"' .. ( ;1Jld1 11 <l1.011g1• \\ ''°' 11111 1d llllllll'lllll' hll'lllt''"' g1<1Uf1' 111.11 .appl11·d 111 1'11111 '"' th•· I 111111111 ·11 1.il .. 1..t11111 Iii 1·11 ... 1· d1 ·0..1g11.111·d 1111 01 .1111;1· ( 01111111\ It look ~1·\'1 •11 "·''" l•ir llw F1·dl'1.tl ( '11111111111111 .0111111 ... ( 0111111111 ... -.11111 lll .• v. .ti d tl11 J11' "'' 111 ( ;,,1.J1·11 ()1 .111g1· 1111 •11 .11111tlw1 -..•v1·11 111 -.c·1u11 lt,111 .. 1111111•r 101.1111111 .1ppr11v.il 111d 111,1.111 ltll' .11111•1111.1 "'"" S1111 .... I l<1dg1 Ill lht S.111 !1<·111.11 d11111 M11u11t.1111.., Th,. .. t •• t I" II ' I II I I t •• I p111gr.1111111111g \\ 111 , 1111'"' 11 1 'vndw,1t1·d "'''fl<''i 11 n111 ... '1wh ,1, (.;un-.11111k1·" .111d "1\11 ll.tl1·., N.ivv p lu ' 'p111 t hr 11.id1 . .-.1' ----INDEX ---- , lrvint•'" ll nrv4·~1 h ·!-i liH1 l op4 ·n~ Friclay. St•e S('h N lulc· for w 4•c•kt•11tf!'I c•,·4•111 011 ;\I 0 . Bus1rws.-. .fl~· 7 A1111 I .. 111dl't 'i A!l C..".<1val1·;1d1· A !I Mnvw;o., ~I ClaS.<;I r w<l J)7 10 Mulllal Funds BO Cnmws BH N:1t1111,;ol N<·~-. A:I Crossword IW I 111lilll' N11111·1·s n .1 to.I>!'! ti l>t>ath N111 w1•-. l>!'I S p11r1.., DI 'I E<htorn.11 AH St111·k M :1rk,.1.., R7 En tt•rtJ1tn1111·111 1\11 TPll'\'ISll 111 RIO Food ('I 10 Tltt•.i11•r.., !1'1 Art llopJ'lf· A!I W10,1th1•1 A 'l. I Io rO!K'O JX' A~ t 111111 <',ti St.111 fo'11llt rlon .md C;1l St.111• I .ong Ht•.ac·h In .11ld11 11111. ltll' -.1.111on will ht11.11li ,.-.l .1 nightly nl'WS s how f,,. lhtng on 11111· Or;_111g t· County 1 ... 't11 · p 1·1 µ r o gram . p I us a '111111111111 I' Ill.I II ll n l h (' -st r l'(' l 11111·1 \'If'\\' 'how v1s111ng locatio n s thr1111ghnu 1 th1· c·ou11ty l·'11r1111·1 KNBC: Channl'I 4 .111d1111111.111 .l,ll'k Latham, who tS K IHH "o.. g1·11t'ra l man <1g1•r . o1d11111 t1 ·d t h.11 1111• 11111tal <;c.•hc-dule ,.., 1111>d1• ... 1 Hui lw addl'd that h e lwl11·v1•.., ( lt ,mgt· C:ounty-onenlt-d p111gt.1111111111g will l'Xpand as the ... 1.1t111n IH-<·1mw<; lx·ttc•r known 0W1· h,l\'t' to gl'l our flogs. a nd th.11 · ... \\l1t•11· wt• :arP n ow." I .. 1tlt.11n .... 1111 J\l1111g v.1th B11on1·. Kf){)(_"3 111.1Jlll 111\ c•..,lnn. indudt• former W1·..,11111 11~t1•r M .1vor Calv in C 111 .11 k .ind Lo-. An~l'l<•s a tto rn1'ys W1ll1.1rn (; Simon and T om Sh1·rtd.111 I .. 11h.i111 -..11d 1h1 • s han'h oldPrs .1 I 1 1· ,, d v h a v 1• 1 11 v l's l c-d .1ppr 11)<1111.111•1 v $:.! mtlh11n into the pt llJt't I .111tf want lo sc•1• thC' ~l.tll lltl lwg11\ gi·nt•ntt111J.( SOIT1(' Of tb 11\\'ll 11 •v1·t1Uf'1' l1<•fnn' 1nvt•st1ng ,odd1111111al 1 ap1t.il llut tlu· -.1a11011 m11nagcr su1d his l11n1ot t1 ·rm pl;111s arf' to expand l11<·al ('m·c·ra~1· to tndudf' Orange County 1·uln1ral Pvi>nts, a lo n g with iol'.tl c·ommun1ty college sport:; 1111rl pNhaµs high S(:hool 'P°' t." "M v 1 n ·do," Latham said. "ts lh;et ,·, II ha;. lo rio Wtlh O rangl' t'11unt y nnd 11 s w o rthw hile prn~rnm m.1tf'nal. wf''ll do tl " , ...... ll • LOI ANGELES COUNTY ••tll- ........ u. PACIFIC OCEAN Orange County's fir t t'ommf'rdu l TV s ta tion will brood<'o~t wittrin r ir('lt'd are n. l ,,_ ---- IH1.1i... 111111 lite \\;1tt·1 Tht· p;i111t. d1 "1g 111 d 111 p1t'\1·111 martnt· 111 g,1111,111.., It 11 111 growi ng on 1111,11' 11'\t,dl\ 111nt;1111~ a ll1Pl<tl 1111n1~111111 ! .. uclt . .-.coppc•r I tl11 r1k .di 111 .di. th!' hilrbor 1:-. 111 111111 h l•·tt1 ·1 ,lt;q .. th.an tt us.·d "' 111 • · .,,1\:.. 1\11d1·r .... 111 < >1111 1, 1111 lud111g 't.1t•· watc·r •111.ol1t \ 11111• 1.il Holl l\lall. da1rt1 1 lt1 t • 11lt, 111 th1 111lh'>t·I tt'l>l li.1\1 11111dL111d o1 lo\\ l1•v1·I uf .tl.11111 .111d 1h:11 the h.11 IK•r 11l'<'d~ '" 111 \\.th 111 d ......... ,, .. ~IYUIS10£ COUNTY -· \ ., , '1 J I I I I .......... 1...J s Or•ngt CoHI DAILY PILOT /WednHdly, Septembtr as. 1982 ----------------~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 HB cop to stand trial accident • ID -r --... - - LIEN IMPACT. • • ..... ChU.'\t' Who lllTIVt."'<.i aflt•t Jun I, )981 i.hould l>c· l'Xdud<'CJ, ht· Mild • Tht· $1.000 upproprlntl-d by tlw pcrvison1 will liuy tlw st•rvh'1·ic lmmiijrnllon i.µt'l'talts t Duv1d orth, dln•l'lor 11f llw privutP ntcr for Labor 11ml Mrgrntum udics rn Wash1nJ(ton Nt•standt.' surd North'~ !'llUdy on't "give• us 1111 ubsolutt'. wn-to -thl'·pc.·nny anulys1s" of e bill's lc:x:al t'<'\momrl' 1mp<Jt't, t h e said Nurth t·an d1rt.'l't unty Slaff mc·mbcrs towaru eas for an t•xpa ndcd s tudy • tuch will prnpo111l t.'OSl.s. ;.• He sard No rth's a nalysis ulso :jill help lhe t'Ounty formulate a ·~1lion on thl' brll that cun ~ ti·l'eard rn Washington befon• the ouse vers ion 1s cons1dl'r£>d . l'Conne ll s aid Tuesday that J.sideralion 1s unlrkely to L'()me ti! after Nov. :.rn. when the · use returns from its ck-c:tron ak. n otht'r Ul'ltons ~uix•rv1sors. "'<-Approvl'd u ftVl'-yt•ur plan lor t uunty bl•Jdll'!I, parkK uncl hurborli thut r ull.s for l'On11u'u<.·tto11 o f scvt•rol nt•w rl·c rNH1onul fm·l1111t·11 along the Orangt• Coast Ap1wuvcd a plan to Cinu11n• t•onHll'lH'tlUn of thl' 24U-u111l W111dwuod p1ll)l.'\'t 111 lrv.uw :111d th1· li·l -unit forn1ly V1Huw· '""Jl"'t 111 M1ss1on Vit+jo Oo lh will h•· rental units for Camillt·s Approved buugcL'> lutal111g $4~7 ,5 04 .lO contt l1U l.' l Wll programs of prevcnllv<· ml'<Jrc11w for c hildre n , the Child Ht"allh and Disa bi l it v Prl'Vt·n la on 'Program and thl' 1t:arly and Periodic St-recnrng. D1agnos1~ and T reatm e nt Program l nl'rt~ per-day l'OSlS al th1• J oplin Ra nch , JuVl'ntlt· Hall, L os Pinos Fo rt'stry Camp anu Youth Gu1dann· Cl·llll'r JUVN11lt• facih t1t·~ to $52 a dav l'fft>Cllvt• Oct 1. Joplin .H•ml'h. had bt>t•n $37 a d ay and th\• uthl'rs $45 u day, but staff ml•mbt.·r~ told tht• bo<iru t hat h1ght•r t.·o~t s nl'(.'l'SSll<llt•d thl· 11\lTl'alWS HOSTAGE FREED • • • ~ would havt· had to do .. . Lr~ sc.ird that thl· n1upk W\•re rl'l'l'ntly SL'parowd An argunwnt uvc·r lhl· baby's toys l'Snilott•d ,ind B ull n •porll·dly thn·w ht•r aga111st tht· lwdroom w;ill :111tl th1•11 ran from lhl' homt• with th1· 1111 :U\I Sht· !ktrd hl•r husband of ~1·vt·11 rnunths tht·n ra<'t'<i up uml down the• 200 bloek o{ Ogle. bf.fort• parking tht• family t'<Jr across th(• st r1. 'l't. .. Ev(•ryonc was worric."Cf about him (the baby)," said tht' young mu thf. as Bobby lay quietly rn h<'r a s grabbing fistfuls o f long brow hair. .. But he came out lhl' Ix-st." The <.'Ouple have lived with her molht'r j n Cos ta Mesa sin ce moving from Ohio seven months ago. Bob was laid oH fro m his job at a car wash five days ago. ll 1111 t 1nl{l oll H1 .11 h J'11l 1<1 · l.1i.11 (:.111tch, Ill, of llu11t1111(ton Ui.le~· .... •t,1'" 1 ..-.a!fl?~<f~· o u ~~....,..!~~Jr -·,•:a:rir • pl1 .. 11ll·d 11111011•111 111 , lwrK•'"' 111 J\11 1111t1e·tn11•rrt o,' 11 d1.1ru1· 11q:ll1:1 111 h rn111111h· .md lo•.1\'1111( 111 uu~lrt Jjtntm1l a pc' "111 hy .1 tlr1· '4.'1•111• 111 .1 I utal .11nd1 111 111 ur .111d JUI y l111d d1.K•x 11111 1~talilii.lt ,\I 11111111, .in Ill d111~ tu t'lllll I ~11111 Ill llltlOtt'll<"t• 111I11 1 •• 1.. '1'111 l,11,11 11t t 1d1·111 '" 1 UI r n l 1111 A 1rwl h1111 b1•1·n st hl·clult·d St.it•· H11ut1· !1!1. ul•"lll IO u11l1 ·-. N 11 v I ti u t Y 1111'1 u Fi o u 11.1~ _..11u1 I.Ji~ I '.1l'k1·r, 1111·111 dtn~ to a 11 Sup1•rlur -ourt ,-"T11luwln..: aq11li·11t 11·port jM·ll11n1wd h v the · lll :H·~w1•1l '11 urru1~nm,·n1 t\1110 11.1 l>1·pu111111·111 of l '11hl11 'l\11•!'ld1ty, ut'C.'urd1n~ tu offkmls S.i11•1v Hl1U'l<w1·ll. !\:l, WHIC 111dictc•d by '1'111• V1•l11d1· l:t1lt'tl lo lll'Wllltll l' t lll' Y u~11.1 (.'11u111y <.:1·ur1fi J ury ,1 1111 v 1· .111d 111lh·tl 11Vl'I 11f1t·1 s •. ,,, lfi 111 1·0 11111 ·1·111111 with 1\ ,,,,11 1 •• 11111~. ,11·,·111·d111i.: t11 11w .Jul y II t111ll 11· 111·qdl•nt n<.·nt 11 •p<11t l'.11 k1 I . J\r II . tli11t l1111k lht• hf<.-ol (; .1' 11 ,l ti . 1111 l' ti ( I hr I',. CM teen lauded as hero By JOOI CADENH EAD 01 IM Delly Pllol lteff V1ct11r F11rsytht.• u f Costa Mcs;1 l'a11 ·1 gut•ss how muny peoplt· pa!'l..-.ed by his swl'aly, hmp body. 1li111k1ng h t· was drugged or drunk 111it gu1·ssrng he • wa~ lll':ll 1h•.1l h F11r-.ytl11•, :{:I. was rl'turning f111111 .i trip to S:in D1t·go Aug. '.!.7 .111d -.t11pp<'d .11 A hank in Santa 1\11:1 tu 111.1kt• a d<·µosrt He· wu" -.t.1111ll11g 111 llm· w lll·n hl' lx·gu11 ft•l•ling Wt'ak and ch zzy l"'""'''IUt'l h thr11w11 f1 11111 the• ~lt!flt~~~·-<1 11 11d lll't'k lllJUl'lt•.i., Ut'l.'OI dlnf( lO t h1 · n ·p11rt An 111Vl">ll8Ullllj.l u llhl'I wml 111 th1· 11•prn t thul H1u,·kw1·ll ll'fl tlw -.c 1·111· o f tlw lll't'1dv11t, lU'l~)rdtrtf( to A lla11 S.·hrnrll, u s pc)kt'111l1Ull llA tlll' Dt•purtnwnt of Puhlk s.11..cv. T iil' ul·t·1cJ,•nt rL•J)C)l'l JIMI smd th:ll BhH'kw<.•ll's vvhtcll· wus tr11vdi11g 50 mllc·s on h uur rn a '.j 5 mrlt··pt·r·h our ·ion t' Thi.' ul I 1t•t•r suid i l wai; hlK up1niur1 that this was nol u 1·~a~nobh.• 11111• •Jf HJH·t•d , 11t•n,rdln1 \o .~ ·~ Tiit' lllVl"lll(Ullng orn('('r aal10 Ko111t 11 wu1 h11 opinion lhut Blm kwt•ll wnll drlvlnl( under the 111l IU1•11t·1· uf 1ntox.1ca11ng IJquor. ~•l'< w d1111< to Sc..·hmltt. -- Hl11t•kwl·ll \ who eppearf'd 1H ·1·s11 n11ll y nt Tue1day'a 1111111i.c111111•nt, hn11 bef'n o n the It u111111gtu 11 B4·:11:h polkf• forct· I u u r y t• '" H H l' h n 11 Qf' t> r\ n·11~1Ml\t•d to cfollk dullt'!f ptindlng - t lw dlspo1u tion of hi• ca111•. .1l•t·w dit11< 10 P olice Ch lof FA.rte Hul11 twit~" Th1nk111g th.11 t hL· ft•t•ltng \\'11uld p:1!'1...., rn d monu·nt h<• drove 111 111·:1rhv C1·nlt·nr11al Park ancf ~.111k clo~ 11 111 th1• warm Jn· Victor Forsythe> (left ) owes his life to Delbe rt Bled d ·, 17, who took Forsythe to a ho pital afte r finding him stricke n in a . a nta Ana. g1,.,, 111 t l'ltll'llllw t i. u µulH:l' cat c r u1!'1111g Ii~ 1 t'al s low It ~tuppt'tl Bui llw bt·ur<ll'd man w as too t•i-.h<1Ui.l1·d tu l'VT-n raiS4.> h1s head F in.illy h1· drag~wd hrmsPll l>.11·!.. 111 h1!'1 v,111 ,md t·11hc:r fl'll ~1!'1ll'l 'I' o r µ;Js.-.t'tl out for st•ver;.il h 11u1~ Wh1·n h t• JWoke the tl·m1.,.:ratur1· Wlli> 111 lhl' rnrp-90's. ht· f'('(.'<llkd "I W:.t!'I so W<"ak &II l tcould think of is I've go t w gf'l to a h ospital," said Fo rsythe "M y i.hroat fl'lt like tht.• Sathrru ~scrt." He managt.>d lo m ove a fe w yards to a restroom and collapsed on the gr~. He was lying there when De lbe rt Bledsoc. 17, of Costa Mesa and St'veral frie nds fou nd him. Bledsoe, a sen ior at Bcl('k Bay I lrRh School. said that hts fncnds to ld hrm no t t.o get in the car with the strang_er. But Delbert loaded his brkc 1ri the back and drove Forsyth(' to a c link rn Costa Ml"SU. "I thought h e was krnd of hurting," said Bledsoe "Ht.' lookL'<i so sic k. l thought he was goang to die." Forsythe said he was told by u1.x:tor.. a t Costa Mesa Memorial l l~p1wl that h e had nearly died from b.!_ood_po1~_g. ___ _ orsytnc. w'ho was co-owner rn a hC'ulth food st.ore in Mexico bcfurt· returning to the ~Jnited Statt·s last month, said h e was rurdy ill and was surprised when ht• fl'lt Sl(·k that day. I ll' was hospitalized 11 days ;md was in intensive care for four. "h 's hard for a lot of outsiders to believe, but there w as a time when we loved each o the r and believed in for ever," said the teen-age mothe r gazing at her gur~lin_g infant. "lt just doesn 't w ork out that way. May be tl does for some pt-Opie . Maybe it will for you ," she said lifting her son in the air ~Police dog perf orniance Irvine job • wins ",l,(evin Gleason Losses prompt OENVEH (AP) Thl· St4Jtl' ~·arr Comm1ssmn . whtl·h has bl><>n ll>"tng ffilllWY lllStt•ad Of ra1s1ng It, 1 '0~n l'<·l t·J t o night's Linda •Ronstadt t'Ont't·rt lo krt•p las&-s •(J nder SI 00.0011 :1 1 S t a l l' A g r 1 t' u l l u r t· • ~·nmrrns.-.1onL•r J £van Goulding >-siucl TUl"><IJy night that losses lo 1,s.ta l<· t:.ixpa y <'rs w o uld b<· rnon • ltkt· $fl5.000 now th<tt lht• ~nl'crl h;c, bt.•t'n called o ff. cancellation Wllli.1m K ostka Jr .. owner of lh<' advPrtrsing firm promoting tht· t'Onn•rt. had est1mawd tha t 11 .000 t1t'kNs would haVl' lO be• sold t o r r turn a $75.000 gu.1ru ntl'<' to Mass RonsLadt and for prumowmal l'XpE'nses. but fewer than 3.000 tr<.·kl·ts had lx.oen -.c1ld b v noon Tuesdav The: i.rngl'r's contral'l also <·c1lb for paymPnt of $57.000 rn thl· l'V<•nt o f cant'ellat1on. lh GLENN SCOTT Or' II•• Delly Piiot Sletf t'h111111 th1· unl1k,·ly lu11k1ng µolwt• d11g did .1 guud d1.'l-d for his k1ml Tu,•M.l;.1y night Tlw l'han ·11Ctl-col11n·d Buvu·r p.11lclc·d into th(· It vin,· Crty l '0 11111 1 I 1 humbns. performed J I"" 1 ,,.,, 11 Kk-.. and thl·n n ·l.•Xl'<I u 11 th1· t.Jl pl'l as lrVll\l' Polit'l' < 'hwf L1·11 J'f.,11 t 1·xplJ1nt'<I ho \o\ C-11111111 furll'l111n-. 1111 clUt\ It \\.tS .ill in a d .1v's 'wurk fur 0 111 o l t h1· Orange P o lr ce Uqi.11 t111l·nt"' 1 hr1·(• f11ur-leg~wd n 11111· -.111 ppl·r-; Unknown to (')11m11. ho wt•\'1•r, w;i,, lh:.it ll\1!'1 ~\" ~:·~ Cl9ud y an.d breezy l:ofl.'\lfll Variable cloudoness IOOay w1lh 1 ti1ghs ol 70 to 75 Clouds 10 1 remain torught and Thursday with overnoghl tows or 62 to 85 Highs I 1Thursday 68 10 73 Breery ,atrernoons Hunttngton·N-porl a•f!a lem~ratur~ to ra~ lrom a low 01 59 10 a high of 73 ' E•sewhf!re l rom Polnl Concep11on ro the Mexican bord9" and out 60 miles Smell ' alt adv1llO<'f over out., -ter1 1th na<lhwest ""'"°• of 20 lo 30 knou lhla •11.,noon rhrough Thur1d11y Seas 5 to 8 reel Locall y light varle ble wlnd1 tonight ano Thursday morning with SOUlh lo southwesl w1nd1 tO 10 l 5 knots lurnlng w•ll 10 norrnwesl 12 IO 18 knoll l hursday a1111rnoon Wind waves 3 to 4 feel Wesl IO IOUlhweSI swells l lo 3 leel vartable croudoness loday and Thursday California Scetrered cloudy skies and the poulb1llly ol mounlaln and deffrt lhundershowe1s accompanied by gu11y winds dolled Soulhern Celllorn1a s weolh•r outlook today. according 10 lhe Ntllonal Weather Service The high 1empera1ur11 1n Los Ano4'1•s wu rorecesr 111 74 wllh 11 low 01 59 Northern de..,I highs mey reech 1n10 lhe 60s wtlh lows lrom 44 10 54 H•Ql't winds lrom 20 ro 30 mph wer• e~pecred by rhe wearher service In northern desert ere11s Moun I 111n 11nd desert 11r•1u 8COteO lhtl hlQtwlSI probab~lly ol ratn lhr0U9h Thutsd•y TtMI f'logh remperelure In mounleln uees Should rlll>Qe lrom 58 to 65 wilh Iowa lrom 38 lo 45 Norlhw111t wind& lrom 15 10 30 mph are e)l$>9Cte0 tn lhe mounte1na SoutlWH'n deser1 highs 1hould r•noe trom 74 to 112 with 10 .. 1 lrom 5" 10 84 Owens Velley highs ar•' lorec .. t lrom 84 10 11 With IOwt lrom 48 10 53 Hoghs from 72 to 76 and low11rom 60 to 58 -e •1<P9CteO In COMl•I v~ U.S. su11u1tar_y Trevel•r• edvl1orl•1 w•r• 111ued luead•y ov., the moun111n1 ol nor1hw11tern Wyoming end Colorado, wller• locelly drllllng •nd blowing -craeltd h111rdou1 driving oondltlC!:!?J T empe71lur•• -11 'lffgfl~r etev•llon• of ,,.,. ,~ -. • muclt .. 15 degr-oOICNf """ thOM ol Ille peel ... end toctlly h11vy 1now ••• ·~'° In IM mounter,,. IYom w•ater n Mot111ne 1hrou9h C04or Id<>. wtth ICCU'"Ullllonl of H much H 12 Inch•• or new bVl'nOlnlnO Thunderstorms 08"•10c>ed o~er lhe Pr•1ns and a lornado watch was 1ssueo lor par1S or eaSlern Soulh 011kola nor1 1iees1ern Nebraska sournwestern M1nneso1a and norlhwestern Iowa For loday , lair skies were lorecasl ror much 01 the f\8tl00 Showers were lorecast from UppcH M1ch1gan across Ille norlhern Rock ies and Great Ba5'n, changing IO snow sho-s 1n Mon1ana Thunders10<ms were loreca~I 1n parts of the n0<11>e<n a no c f!nlral P lains • .,,h ra1nshowers 1n lhe northern Pac1lic Coasl T e niperalures Albany Albuque Amarillo Anchoraoe Asnev1ue Allan111 Allanrc Cry Austin ea111more Biiiings Birmlnghm Bismarck Boise Bos ion Brownsvlle Bulfalo Burhnglon C11Spe• CharlMn SC CMrl•tn WV Charllle NC Cheyf'nne Chicago C1nc1nnat1 Cleveland Clmb1a SC Cotumb\1' Dal Fr W!h Oayron Of!over Des Moines Oe1!011 Oululh El Paso Fairbanks Fargo F111osre11 GrHI F1111s Harllord Helena Honolulu Housron lndnaplos J&c~sn MS Jacksnvlle June1u l(en1 Cny HI lo Pq» 10 49 72 49 86 67 '° 32 01 76 44 80 57 73 6J 93 72 72 53 5 t 40 08 83 52 58 47 10 59 45 06 H 60 91 76 64 58 03 62 59 13 56 42 I I 82 85 71 54 06 79 54 59 4 t 6t 78 48 75 '7 69 58 20 84 55 611 411 93 87 72 50 10 ... 81 58 89 49 63 49 08 87 84 53 40 75 57 .27 66 32 43 38 " 7 t 52 47 39 17 89 75 85 74 n 43 89 50 85 60 55 34 0? 85 63 Las veges 15 l1llle Rock 82 lou1sv1tlf! 75 Lubbock 90 Memphos 85 Miami 84 Mll..,au~tt 67 Mpls-S1 P 73 Nasf!Ville 78 New Orle&ns 85 New 'York 78 Norlolk 15 No P11111e 82 Okla C1w 90 Omaha 80 Orlando 87 Ph1ladph1a 75 Phoen1• 82 P111~1>urgh 64 Piiand Me 72 Piiand Ore 64 Prov1df!nCf! 15 Rale09h 80 Rapid City 51 Reno 62 Richmond 16 Salt lak!' 5"4 Sl\l' 4n1on10 89 Sea Ille 59 Shrhepor1 88 SIOIU Falls 78 SI LouOI 80 Sr P.Tempa 87 S1 Sre M1r1e 6t Spokane 60 Syracuse 6! Tol>f!h 8• Tucson 79 Tutse 87 Wash1ng1n 74 Wl(;hlla 90 CAllFO .. NIA Apple Valley 88k9•tlletd 8Mtlow e.eumonr 51 57 48 69 55 77 02 •2 56 St 55 62 69 43 61 6t 0 1 69 55 61 54 57 5S S8 5S 57 97 30 56 42 I SI 72 <49 u 61 60 67 89 50 47 01 55 82 59 65 56 117 73 .. t 7.9_ $1l 19 53 71 48 ...... ?,--...... ~~...._Rf _Rf P_DR_T aun aurt Awt Mo Zume 2 4 12 Senl• Monie• 2 • 12 NrPQ<I hech 3 S 14 Sen Oleoo Counly 3 • S 14 OurlOoli lor Thurlday Uttle cttanot .............. •we -.. 0tr 2 2 2 ' 3 3 3 3 SW SW SW w BIO S.ar 82 25 B15hOC> 69 33 Blythe 85 SS Culvor City 78 60 Eureka 84 53 Fresno 76 63 Lenc&S1e1 71 ... Lon; BeAch 74 59 LOI Angeles 73 65 Mon,ov1a 711 S5 Monlt>bello 74 59 Mon1erey 68 50 Mt WH~on 56 40 Needles 83 54 Oak I And 71 57 Onlarto 73 55 P11lm Springs 84 54 Pu11dena 76 57 Peso Robles 79 45 Riverside 7t 52 Red Blurt 76 5<4 Redwood Clly 74 53 Socr1mento 75 47 Salines 73 48 San llefn11rd1no 74 53 S11n Gabriel 11 55 S11n Diego 73 82 S11n FrftnCISCO 65 55 S11n Jo.. 75 51 Sanla Ana 75 57 Senta B11rb11•11 71 S<4 S&nra Crur 68 S8 Sanla Marla 70 48 San111 Monica 89 59 S1oci.1on 80 49 hhoa Valley 57 29 Th41rmel 57 29 Torrance 75 59 Yum• 87 55 PAN AMERICAN Acepuleo 90 Ber1>11dos 86 Bermuda 90 Curiw;ao 92 frffport 84 Ouadalal1r• 81 Ouaoatoupe 84 Tides TOOAY hooncl low -200 pm Second hlQh 7:54 pm THURIO~ flrll low 2: a m Flrl~h 85 am Sec IOW 2 31 p.m Sec0<l<I l'llOh 9·29 pm u Sun t•I• tooay 11 8'40 p m . ,. ... fhllfldey at 8 48 • m Moon r1-today al s· 1 s p m , Mt• TllYrldey et 3 17 • m .. dl·m o n ~trat1on had ht•lpc•d con v incl' t'OU nl'i I mt.•mbc•rs lo unanimou sly agn•L· to buy two ot h l'r BovrC'rs. o r1l'l' brc>d 111 Eklg1um as l'tilllC' dog~. for the· Jn·11w P oliu· Ol·partnwnt Upon c•'><1 t111g tht• t·h ambt.•r-.. tlll' 1 urlv l'a nrnt.• was nwt bv n11w 111 I dut~ Irvrnt· p1Jl1u· uff1t 1·1-. wh•> <i ttendc•d t ht• mt•ellng \n h-.11 n wht 1h1·r thc u 1um rl would adopt ~ •r Vll't' clogs Ill I rv11w Ch11no w:.is tht• t•c•nlL·r 111 .1ttl'nllon. a~ usu.ii, .ind St'<'nwd willing 111 put up \\'rlh th<·11 umgr;etulatory Jhll!'I Now th.11 lrv11w will US<' <log-.. P1.·art .,. .. d Girl, __ as an 17, to adult I\ 17-yl•ar old girl ttl't'USf'd of !'lh•H1trng h1•r boy fr11 •11d to dL•uth 111 Laguna &·c1t·h last M ay wrll lx· 1rrt>d as an adult tind not :is ,1 JUVt•nrll• Onmgl' County Supt•riur Court Judge· W ilham Murray rull'tl latl' Tu<'s da v th.11 11 wa -; morP i.1ppropr1~tl· to h;indlt· Lauri.I Le'<' fl'rst'~ caM· through tht• adult , rrmrnal l'OUrt sy-.i.·m t h .in throug h thl' 1uvc•nrl<' cou11 ~V!'llC'm Shl• will b<· arrargrwd Jo;nd;,1y I Wu offrt'C'rs Will IX' Sl.'lt't'tt'cl to .,.•rvt us hundl,·rs. Tht'y wlll drrvl' s pt'Cral V(•h1dl•s and kt•<•p th1· dogs al home whl·n not on dutv 1.;h•· off-dutv o ff1t·1•rs Wl'rl' .1 -.kl•d who W31llt.•d JObt. as h:1ndlt·l3 "Ev<•rvom ·." said om · of t lw IXJ!'l..'><'S • A Rovll'r cfllt'S no t share' the 1111111.11 :-' rmJgc• ht.·ld by Gl·rmun Sh1·plw rd 11r Dobt'rman poht 1· dug!'! In fa1.·1. Ch1mo looked mort· hkc· an a nimal actor m a Wult J>1~m·y film tha n a doR tra1m'C1 to 'l·areh buildings o r <.'rlllll' M'l'lll'S 11iduors or out four trm<·~ face trial slaying • in In makmg h is ruling. Murray ,·r tt·d the circumswnc·,•s of lht• .. huotrng int•ident and tht• allC'gcod l nmanal soph1 ~ticatron ~ho:.om by F1·.-.t, a L aguna B£>ac·h High s, huol t rans fer s tud1•nt. who .1 ppan•n t I y s ho t he rself 111 tht• 'hl•st . pro.<>ecutors allege. afll'r l:1t3lly wounding James Anthony Kt·ndall. 21. of Emerald Bav. Tht• JUdge said in his rulrng th.JI ht• didn't b e lieve Feist would h<• a good t•a ndrdall' for a ·habtlrtallon rf ronv1t·ted FARBERWARE • • "Super Fast" Stainless Steel Fully Automatic Coffee Urn MAKES UP TO 55 CUPS • ST A YS HOT FOR HOURS • DRIPLESS SPIGOT • EASY-TO-CLEAN • BASKET -STAIN, ODOR AND BREAK RESIST ANT SALE PRICED s79aa Reg. Price $109.99 fa!.tt.•r and more thoroughly than ::1 human A Bov wr's temperamen t and a ppcaranc'l', explained Peart, are kl·y reasons why it is sujled for I rv1n<.·, where a wholesome l'Ommun1ty Image for police is t.•011s 1dl·rcd esscntlal. ,"All of my homework tells me 11·:. a i.p<.-c:ral breed that w ould fit w1lh our mmmo~y:· he said. Pt.•art said the . "r"e saved in ~Nrrc hes thanks to the d ogs w o uld amount to $30.000 in wag<'i. rn a year . First-year s t.Jrt-up C'Osts would be about $:J:i.4UO. whrrh would be offset by no-t fdlin"& an ex+s-ti-ng v<.imnt.·y, he said. Onl:e 1•stabllshed, the p rogram w ould t'OSt only about $2.000 per Vl•<lr. Pl't1rl said. ThC' dogs· primary mission in I rvrnl'. h e added, will be. to ' pt·rform searches. Most will be in th1· large warehouses and office buildings in industrial sectors. wht>r<' o ffic e r s o fte n a r e d rs p a t<.'h cd to answer sile nt olarms "Ev1•n rn the quiet city of lrv1m·. we respond to about 400 ..il:.irm~ 3 month, mostly in the industrial ilrl'a," he noted. A police d og may be hailed for Its t'fr1C·iencic-s. but critics have .lbo po1ntcd out its weakness - its mtibrhly lo use discretiop. more than you expect In a h'Brdwsre store CROW• EJ HARDWARE WHtclltf PIH• 102• lrvlM Avt Newpon BMch '"2· 1133 w1coaya e;.a ThUts. TMI I p m. • Alt Storet OC*l 7 O.yt Corona det Mar Harbor View Center 3 107 E. Coa11 HWy. te ,. Sen Miguel Or 673·2800 • Newpor1 l*cll .. Wied~ .. &:30 6'4..f&70 Wkdtyt Tiii 7 p m. • - ~. .. .............. -.. ~I WORLD AirCa~. Massacre inquiry asked wa n W'T~mr.......,..-:...,,.,,-..-..,....,...,........nr.~.JJ.~~Cmi':""~~.41.t-=ic...-::slc...-t x x ~~ /factttlt'n?i\fi -r-11mi'f"\'f\'iP1~""''"". 1 wit • Jt-:HUSAL.KM l11nw lt f1avl• JJUWl'rs ltl suhplH'llll I ff Pnnw Mlt1111ll'r M~·11iwht·111 Wlllll'Nlll'lt 11 1111 IH'llflll1.1• ayo s llc•uin tcx lut formull v 1111kc•cl til•rJUl'l 'l1C 111 pa•obluu llw mu'\.-. "' J 11l11uuli1c·1· thul hus t°l)Ur11l'd u Supn ·m c uurt Prt•11 ld('nt l'lUI Ill o( nloral outr •t-ll' u11tl Yttthuk Kahan ~11.!_!.__ll. r>olrtll'lll wnnull 111 l11rtll'I. "'MTil'll1'1ssTifo u tnvt•s ligu le• lsnwl's {'tmdUl'l rt:gurdlng thl• · lh•tl (.'rns." 11l'flt•ml11 llHY th1• mas:.ucre of P uh•:.tlnauns in mu~11·r1• ll'ft ut h•asl a:i!i dt•ud &•1rul. u n ll I h c• L 1• b " 1 I' 8 t• Begin s.•nt Kahun a 1£'lh•r govt·r11111l•t1l suy11 11 I fl ut ..._...,_.....,JD~~n~ !lwr .be.. -~k .. sr,.f!U7,;li.:41u, ___ _ Ancient objects discovered llERAKLrt>N : Cn•te C n •ck arl·haeologists found mun• than 2,000 ancient objl>cts ll'fl as offerings to•thl• my thologil'ul god Zc•us in u l'UVl' atoµ Mount Ida, wherl' ll•gt•11d says Zeus was raiS<'d . Dr. Yannis Sakl'llarak1s, U I I' t· l' t \.I I' U I JI l' I' a k I 1 U 11 mUSl'Unl, Slltd some o f the ob.Jl.•t:ti. dutt• from l:iOO 8 .C. and 1ndudt• a tkoeorultod stnp of gokl. brimw shields und basrni.. iron an·uwheads and spc.•ar.s and otht•r dcd1cattons of srl v..r, lt!ad. ivory und woodt•n ~qjc<.·ts. Captive fishermen r..eleased . . SEOUL, South Kort.•a A South K orl'an Cashing boat and its 35 l'rl'Wml•n retUrtll'(I to port today after 78 days of captivity in North Korea. authorities said. The l H ·ton Masan-ho was seiwd by a North Korean patro l ship July 1:1 while Opl•rat1ng. 111 what South Kort·a l'<llll'd 1ntcrnut1o na l watt•1-:; By South Kon•an <.·ount. North Kon ·u has sciw<l 3.55-l South Kort·an fis ht.•rmC'n sull't' llw t·nd of the• Kort'an War in 1!:15:i. South Korea says '407 haVl' rwv£'r returnlod. Union r e j •cts pa¥ decrease _ _p.n-po al . ' By STEVE T RIPOLI Of the 0..., ........... '"• Officials of Newpart Beach· based AlrCal have promlsed to lay off more than 300 of the airline's employee. If a reluctant union will oot accede to a demand that Its worken take a 12 percent cut In pay. AirCal· spokesman Mar~ Peterson said the airline laid out Its position Monday in a meeting with officials of the Trarisport Workers Union. A irCal maintenance and-ramp workers represented by the union narrowly rejected the pay cut-in t vote involving about 450 of its nearly 600 members. The 400-employee flight attendants section of the union accepted the cut by a narrow margin, whi l e the 980 management and other non- union employees of the airline - NATION --f"~MX"eotiee-~~l-.Qx a reponed 5-1 margin. Only AirCal pilots have not voted on the propoeal. Measles outbreak reported PHOENIX, Ariz. Tht· Arizo na Dc•pa rtmcnt o f He<ilth &rvic.·l'S says children twho v isited Disnc•yland in California the week of A~. ~ 1:5-2 1 may have bro ught ... home an 1,Jnwanted souvenir: measles. A l'Urrl•nt ou t l>1reak o f meas h·s 1n the Pho{·n1x - GIC'ndalc area h as been traced to a 12-ycar-old boy who visit('{! Dasnrvland that ~ ~Cf!~ · aid Eight-, cast•s of measl£'s havt· been reported a nd m o re arc cxix-ctl'<t they said. Off shore mineral find told MIAMI -A scientist says the discover y o f a ric h offshore bed of mjnerals near Southeast states could free -·--th c -th 1 i t e d 'ST<rt e 1 1"151Tr depending o n uns table nations for "strategK"' metals. Dr. Frank T. Manheim of the U.S. Geological Survey s a 1 d T u l' s d u y t h a t l h c 6:1.000-squarc-milc bed. s trl'H·h1 n g fro m North Caro I 1 !:'ll ...JJLE.l o ri djl,.. [told L- mo rc• <.·oba lt , manganl•Sl'. phospho rilt.'. nil·k e l a n d platinum th::in any o the r known area in the United Stau•s. llut the liirUne haa -aid ft will not implement the pay cut plan w.ithout the backing of all its employees, and Peterson said AirCal stuck to that position in talks with 1WU officials. Peterson said 309 jobs will be cut from nearly all segments of ~rCal wo_rkforw. and &bat even m0re layoffs plus a cutback In operations and work 1ehedule changes will be announced in mid-October if the pay cut is not accepted. The pay plan, which would have applied to employees at all levels, includes a profit-sharing provision that, baaed on the airline's performance over the nex.L three ~ears_-. CQllld h elp employees recoup some oftneir losses. Union officials were not available for rommcryt. May the best m .utt win . . Poco, a I 0-monlh-old Chihuahua, slrains on his ·1eash for-a ' closer look al Slugger, a n English bulldog, as they await~d judging in a Monterey animal fa ir. Both went home e mpty handed. Ex-Se.al Beach official· irked Job nixed for city's former police chie f in Simi Valley . .. .. A formc~ Seal Beal·h official a t t ~ (' k e d S 1 m 1 V a 11 t• y c 1 t y officials who recently withdrew a job offer of chief of pohcc• to F.dward Clbbarelli. Cibbarelli. J.L,Qf liLUUington aeacr was police chief in Seal Beach from 1974 to 1980 when he le ft to become president of a Garden Grove manufacturing 'firm.· Simi Va 11 c y Q.f f i c 1 a I s announced two weeks ago that they hired Cibbarclli as police chief. But Assistant City Managcr Mikl' S<>dt•ll said Tucsday that a bac kgro und investigation revealed a so-called "credibility gap" in statemcnts made by Cibbarelll. also a o n etim e lieutenant in the Newport Bcac~ Police Dt.•parlmc:nl A published report quoted sources as saying the alleged 1ncon slstt.·ncics were that Clheerel Ii -had-not-voluniffrmi information that he had been suspended in a patrol car at.'Ctdenl m 197a and that he had original documents from his personnel file from Seal Beach that he shouldn't have had. A Simi Valley official )13id the t'Oncems cited by .sources "were not out in leflficld" as reasons for going back on the job offer. Cibbarelli could not be reached for <.'Omm1•nt Tut.'8<1uy But former Seal Beach Clly Manager Dennis Courtemarche raked Simi Valley o((iclals for tendering the job offer and then· withdrawing it. ! "I'm shocated, dismayed ·~ angry," said Courtemarche, ~ an assistant city manager in 'PICo RiYtta. --~ Courtemarche, who said he kncw of the patrol car accident. charged that the oUicials in tM Ventura County suburban &l'ea were acting on incorisequential information. ; "It is extremely flim•>-: evidence to jeopardize a mans career for," C.OUrtemarche said. CibbareUi reportedly left bis job at the Garden Gro~ manufacturing company a~ withdrew applications for Polle jobs in Signal Hills and Santa Cruz after acceptin' the $4~.000 a year Simi VaUey pb. 'Lemon law' s tarts Friday HARTFO RD, Con n . - Manufacturers. not nt'w -car buyN s. wa ll sh o ulder the burden for defective autos onC'e the nation's fi rst "lemon law" takes effect. rulings against tht.· autom<tker a re b1nd1ng A consumer d1sagrl'l'lllg w11h thc ck'(:asion l h t• n · m ·a y s u c l h e manuf:ll'turc.•r Fallout victims tell heartaches S tarting Frida y. Connectic ut consumers may take• complamts first to an ind epende nt arbitration panel. which must dt>cide the case within 40 days. and any Consumers an• eligible 1f a new car as under repair for mor(• than 30 straight days m thl• first year of ownt•rsh1 p or if a single probll'm hus not been faxt'CI a ft('r four allcmpts aL repair. SAL of LAKE ClTY (AP) - Cancer victims and their widowers told stories of physical pain a nd a decade of heart.ache as a trial on the health effects of atomic test fallout e nte red its third week. "It's been 10 years o r h eartach e," said V erlynn BradshawL._54, the mother _J2J .Tefrrey"""Bi-adshaw oCCedar City. Utah. as she testmed Monday. Joseph J"agnin's for sale Bradshaw said he contracted Hodgkin's disease -or cancer of the lymph glands -10 years ago. and i1. has twice recurred. SAN FRANCISC O - Joscph Magnin Co . which announced plans a weck ago to dose seven stores. is for sale" says Harmon T obler , prl's1dent of the clothing chain company. Tobler. who also is chief exc•t·utive o ffi ce r . was un::iva rlablt• for commt•nt Tuesday, but he· issu <.•d a written · sta tement lhal said •the invcstmen,t banking firm of Colde n Sac hs & Co. has bee n hire d t o sell th e company. which operates 44 storto•s 111 California. Nevada and Utah. Bra d s haw is among 1,192 claimant$ who allege fallout from above-ground nuclear tes ts in Nevada from 1951 to 1962 caused cancer and other illnesses. They also claim the government knew or should have known the fallout was h azardous, but failed to adequately warn or protect people downwind from the tests. Geothermal project looms U.S . Distric t ~udge Bruce Jenkins is hearing testimony on 24 re presentative plaintiffs' cases. Plaintiffs' attorneys hope Jenkins' decision in the cases will let the other claimants obtain settlements out of t'Ourt. HEBER Construction as expec·ted to begin in October on what is deSl-ribed as the w o rld's firs t l a r ge-scale com mercial binary-cycle power plant using geothermal energy, spokesmen say. A new ro-ownc•r. the state of California. was announcc.od for the· $112 m11l1on lmpcria• Valley prOJ<.'t"t Tuesday after $2 m1l11on in publk funds was plcdg('(J. Plaintiffs' attorneys said seven o f th e eight remaining representative plaintiffs probably would testify today and ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Haley Publ•tl>e• ON! C~oel E •Ku•ove 0!1-<eo• L. Koy Schult~ V0<:.e P1e1.a.-.1 on<1 Oorec•or of Ad•e<ll••"ll Michael P. Harvey O...ctor of Morke<lng IC1<culo1ton1 Jane Amari E •e<uhve Editor Raymond Moel.eon Cotttrollet Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. 01<ec1or of Oi>••o••Ollt • -- CIH1Nled edvertlllft9 71',•42·5171 All other depertment9 142-4321 MAIN OfflCE UO We•I ~SI , Cel• MeW, CA Mell ......... u ... c .. -.-... ... c".,.. Cwyr._,. 1• 0r..., C•tt ~I ...... C-No ,..., ,..,.let. lllvtlr.CIOft•, "lterlel ,,._., ... n•llw-•• 11He111 ,,.., IM rtproeucoe •lt'- tOKI•• .. rmli.llOft Of <•Y•lelll _.,., T ... Or ..... COlll 0.lly Pii.t. wlUI -II It c-111-I ... ~·P•ft•, I\ ....,I_ h -Or ..... C••I P..-.itlll"t ,..,._, s.-..... ,_ .,, ,....,_........, .......... .,,._.., le< Cate M9te, New-1 h«tl, H...C...,.... he<ll, P-Y .... y, lrvlM, \....-1MC11,,..,., COll4 A ....... .......... Miiien I• '°*'"°" "91-•u -~... T ... prlll(t .. •l ..... ltolllftt 111enl Ii el QI W.tt eey MtWC, ... 0 lo• I,.., C•le -... ... Callla•nle ,,.,. 1--VOL. 71, ·lfo. 214 J ~L·-....................................... ""'!"'--------------~----...;:.... ....... ~-... .............................. __. ...,,... .... .,., ........... ~'tldlY It Y(IU dO not -'°"' -Dv & 30 o '" calf Otlor• 7 p,,. end '°"' cooy ... 11 .,. <l<M•-• ..,,.... -·!klncl.., II ,o.i Clo not =·r:-... '::J ~. ~o!,":..."C:: _..,_, -We're Jstenirig ••• What do you hke about tM Dally Pilot? What don'I you like., Call the number bfllow and your mesaa1e will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour ans)"e,ring •ervice may be used to record ltt· ters to the editor on any t<Jpic. Mailbox contributors muat Jnclude their name and telephone number ror verification No clrculatlon calls. please Tell us what's on your mind .. -···· . . ihe final Ont! would take the have children because of the stand Thursday. The tria l is cancer tr e atments. 'r e · e x p e c t e d t o I a s l u n t i I atte mpting to adopt, he said:' Thanks~ivina. "Every time adoption agencies Brads haw. 28. said he was hear I have cancer. they say I'm a attending Northe rn Arizona bad risk," he said. University· on a baseb a ll Bradshaw's mother, who said scholarship when his cancer was she .. has had breast cancer, diagnosed. He was forced to d'itp tesufaed her sor:i was devastated out of school an eventua :J...._ by the end_of!t1s.ba$c~_lpl~,ns._ a68rid0n nope5of a mi]Or"J~ague "Und e r c r ?ss-exam1n a,t1on. baseball career, he said. Bradshaw said he had quit the l11gh school football team as a senior bl><:ause of a dtSagrecmc nt with has <.'Oach over Bradshaw's smoking. "I was going to be a major· league pitcher," he said. "I just felt bad for m yself. I was torn apart. I felt like killing myself " • He became addac.·ted to pam- k i 11 i ng drugs becau se of his cancer and depression, he said. Brads haw said h e ha s overcome the addiction and his cancer is under control a fter a bout in 1979, but he has a related hip disability and must use a cane or crutches to walk. He and h is wife, unable to Thre<> plaintiHs tcsufied their WJves died of <'ancer in the early 1970s. "Thcy n ever did issu l' any warning o f any nature saying there was any danger at all" in the downw ind area of southern Utah , southe rn Nevada and northe rn Arizona, said Paul Wood of Cedar City, whose wife d1ro of cancer in 1973. "It was p ublished in bot.h newspapers and on the radio about how sale it was," said S. Harold Thompson of Cedar City, whose wife died i n 1973 of abdominal cancer. "A big pink cloud came over and we stood out and watched iC' Most of the witnesses said they had ~~et.able--gardens-and drank milk and ate fruit from loc'l farms during the testing peri<X( Plaintiffs" attorneys .conterld locally produced vegetables, fruit and milk were contaminated by radiation that could have produced cancer in those who ingestc>d them. : All plaintiffs were c rosl· examined about illness-related expen ses listed .in a repott prepared by CQnsulting eoonomijt Frank Stuart. Stuart estimatt$i the total actual losses for the 34 represent.alive clatman\s at abo\lt $7.5 million. Gem Talk An e~raordinary diamond of a carat or more. ByJ C. HUMPHRIES Cu11/11•d Grmo/011111. AGS SYMBOLS IN JEWELRY lwnor ,.,.u,iou~ bf.lit'(., • Almost all o f the w ol"ld's religions are honored by some kind of symbolism. Christians, of course. use the symbol of the cross to remind them of the execution of J esus. Those of the Jewish faith have the Star of David. This symbol is 90 sold (more than 2.000 years) thait echolars and hastorians disagree on its origin. Many Ca1holics wear medals honoring parucular saints reco9nized by their church. Some of the designs that are made into jewelry and are woven In t o fabrics by the American Tndlans are symbols that became part o f their spiritual faith many ct-ntur1es ago. Believe ii or not, ~oun.a peoplt' we"i'r.n.-lfgfous symbolS as jewelry more often than their elders. It is also a fact that women wear more rel11lou1 jewelry than men. Sterlin& silver and Sold·fllled pft!C'8 are very popular with youn1 people . Such jewe-lry has bet•ome fashionable. u well aa 1howln11 an expre.lion of one's faith. The simple dl&nlty of thete 1ymbol1 1tvea them a ~auty that ii unfveral . Show the world you couldn't have made it ~ without her. ~ I , ... .... " .. ~ .. ··-.................. .____. .. > ............ .,.,. ....................... ,. ~ .. ·-·------~=~~ 8 Oran • Coatt DAILY f>tlOf /Wednetday, September 29, 1112 I O'Neill clash over economy . ' huct ut·I c·u. ts lw 11111; J>U'llwll §1_1)&Au9Si,ltld~ lh·~11ald U S ~N Ill 1:ou1 l tu ovc•t'\urn t•xl•tl~ 1.d111ul bourd 1md Nu fui th " ,.. .. ~ l N-GTO N--'4'~-Wfim· 1 .rcnc'ifrlfl ·w r.-· •:r: 'Sl"·noo U'Nlni'o m:l'ri~HtY' "'"'··r-nl"t,..ilillno.. ---o'r"'r.""~,,.~.w,,-.,l-.·u!lll~.11 ly hurmfut 1o poor Pn>sld(•nt Rt•uutm l'Olll't-tllll" up u p1•.11t\kt•t•p1tl~ imi.i.11111 111i.L1111 u·i. wh1•r1• \h1 • llwul T h t' pr.• 11 Id t• n t e. u Id "'"Ot>lc• whlli• tlll' nll<lilli· c•lti"k Un('n 1 to ' 11 hi" th.at wil l J.11"o t u ntil tht• r1111111n111 ltll'N ln volvt•cl un· .11l1111111i.tr&1tl11n llHH't1o na r ·"-~ l p oym<•n !l()(>n t.'OU 1 I h .• ,, t .1 .., 1 1 ijOt u tu>. n •duc·t w n "I 11 11 lo 'l i bl I L1•hu111•1w f(OVt•rnnwnt IS In I l'Y lllN Ill Kt'l l •• 11rut•r N .11n11•u Ill ('OUll t'I 116( .~f)V l' I ( d Pf rel' 'r'~ 11 00 1 1 ng 1 two f u 11 1·0111 ru l u 11d "able-to dlan~t·d. 111 muny l'llli(•ll. tw 111vt•lvl·m1·11t In l'olunJ umJ 1111111 ,,.,. 0 mi.111111•1·11. thuNl' t:-cuc C!I o '"""·m1x·~·1ll l' po lt'll'li prt'M•l'V<• onh•1· .. lit> ti<ljd ht• Nu I d , i l I M \ht• ~I u ~ k t•liwwht•n • un• 11u1·c·c•11s fl_ll l'Ull4'l'I huw rn11h111g to do with for the l't'onomy.i hnH<'r111~ t•ould nut 11.'\Y how long thot c·ummunl t y flt•t•klnK ttH• lk'l'<IUM' th,•y huv1• .clvt·n lht• ou r 1Judu1•t t'Ul 'I," lw said, woc•s will I)(• dumt(t'l> _, S ovH·tt; ··u prtotty guocl 1·1t ln g rt•p1n·1,., or 1w11p lt• ' But in a harp ~tort by tht> ... u11d1•1 su.11u.hng . whc•n· WI'. I> u f ft' I' Ing r I II m I u IC In JI na tion' k' "~ t r~conomy A k < d h h 1 s i.tunt.l " lk•nc •f1t.o, 8 run mg ut."fllOCru ' I It• d(•fl•ndt-0 his C'<.'Onom k· s ' w y · HousC' S pc•ukC'r Thorhos P. udminlttt ruton 111 moving to Taxell NFL 11rlke O'Neill J r. insists that Rt•agun 1>rogr·um, suylllt( tht•r«.• an • 1.'Qunter dt..'8Cgregat1on ordt.>rs 'rht• prt•s1dc·nt cll•t:l11wd to "cannot P"SS th0 buck" f1>r si~ns of rl.'l'UVt•ry 1'Won . H(• u '·t .. l nt•d und e r pr io r Hi•ugun l'uli'(l o ut u tu>< c·mnnw nt on th .. Nut 11>na l " " b I l d D n r 11 f " .. 11wrc.•ust• 1wxt y<•ur, "unlt'lili '-the fa ilure.of Rcaganomks. pi·~·~:~·11,01<·~r1:>l~ltt'~li ~C adm1na:.trnuons, Reagan iw1d, there's a pala4.oe t..'t>up and I'm l"ooth:ill L«auu1· pluyl·ri;' lier a t a gla n('e, a r t> d 1 "Wt•ll 1 iiupposl• ll'11 btoeaui.t.· overtaken or ovt•r\hrown." iitrikc.: bl•yund f.ay1ng, "It highligh t-; of the Prt.>sid(.'nt's H'l't""'"m an unt•mp oymcnl tlwn•'s bt.•('n so much court tloc_•o.,n'l l>l't•m lht•n· ww, thl• na tion a lly broadcast nC>ws Busing urdt•ring and somt-of it 11t.>t•ms Bud1et cuts t't1nsitJl'rat1on for tht• tani. thut conference Tuesday night: Ht•ngan 1ns1stt•d that tht• to lw u violation of the nKhL-; Tht1 prN;idtmt d1 s put1.>d tlwn· rnuld huvc bt•t•ri and Mideast Jus t1t'l' Dt•purtnwnt is going of the community , of the mnw~tions that many of thl· should huw lx·cn." .., I ~o time for tax .ove_rhaul,_admin_istration sa~s~ . . 8' JIM LUTKER ·somt.• kind of flat t:lx, in w hi('h tht• ('O mplc xit1cs o f the tax rcm:11ndN o f 1noom c •t 20 t•omplt·><1 t1c•s..a nd wha t they 111,aaalalad ~ Wrttw • II ,, __ ,, ~··'" ..... p I .....e"-1\1\1 -WASHING TO N ~ :-0l'splll' ~t '" tt uc·uuc:t1ons Wumu-u<.'. • ysteJTl.-Too many--factors nlttSt--pc~t. eop t• <."clrmn15 ''"""v.> to -co~i;idC'r ThC' 1uc•qulliC's-uf-Th C" polls indicating most Amerkans e l 1m 1na 1.t•d·~~d .• mo~t . ~<'o.ple b e w eighed befort.• s u ch a $10,000 would pay abo ut t :i prcM·nt lax systt•m, arc cager for a rewrite of lhC' .wo~ld P•'Y tht samt shart! o f dct:ision t•an be made, ht• udded . pt' r cc n t mo r c; t h l' ti:v t•n . witt'i tht· avt•ragc 2:i ft•dcra l income tax cod e the lht.•ir uwonw to tlw gov<.•rnmc nl. But it iii likt'ly thut several $2U,OOO-to-$JO,OOO group would pt.·rct·nt. at:ross-thl'-bourd cut in Hc.•agan administration says' now Polllilt•r Louts Harns plannc'Cl to pn vaw anulyscs of the flat tax pay l8 5 perc:t•nt more, .and lhost' tax raws that Congrt·ss passed i!. not the lime to tackle the ,JOb. g~w tht•1mmnullt'<' tht' rt'Sults of m a d e 1 t c• a s i e r f o r the makmg $IOO,OOO ;0 $200,000 8 last year, Chapoton said. "what "We a 1·e not pla nning any hii; luw:. survey today a dm1n1 s t ra t1on to avoid year would get a 29 pe rc:ent t:lx t'Ontulut•sto upsct lh<.>man in the initiative in this area," J ohn E. Prt..~l(lc•nt Reagan and scve~al committing itself to any sut.·h t•ut. stn•t•t as his l'onvlct1on that his 'ha p o t o n th e Treasu ry of his u idt•s havt• sh o wn an system an this election year. St•n. Russt•ll B. Long. O..La.. neighbor who is just as well oCf IJ<.•partment'; chief authority on anWrl•St 111 th<' fl <ll tax. Budget Those analyses show that a flat dcst•rioc'CI the flat lax in simple pa ys less tax than h e does. ~1x polky, ~d Tuesday as the ~i '.'t'_(:lo.r· Davi~ Stock~~n carlie~ tax w ould provld t' tax cuts to lC'rms: "IC you'rt..• rkh you'll lovt' Furthl•rmorc, he is concerned Sl~p a t de hFi na.ncc Com mi ~0H•c5• pr~·~•~l~i~t ~:~u~~ r<.~-0~1:i~~~\~~~ upper-int·omc Am<'rlcans at the 1t," he Mid. "If you're not look that tht• fo llow in Lhl' big house upene ear 1n gs orr vari u h b d h d cxpc;>nsc o f m iddle -in com e out." 1 on tht• hill pays still less than "rl~t-tax" proposals. In fact a moVl' 111 1 c u gc.•t t• sen s to families. e ither ht.• or his ne ighbo r is Ch dded h le . · Congrt·~'i nc•xt Januar,y. But Lo ng and m ost othe r ~l'\!l.' yinu,',. __ __ 8 P?ton a • ' no sue s P is B u t C h a p o t o n s a 1 d th e One flal·raW plan would allow members of lhc -Cl>Jffm i l t~e ""'" ., :rn~kipated 111 the foreseeable• aJmlnistration doc•s not want to a 6,000 standard dcdut·tion per agreed w i t h C ha p o ton that future. s t·nd out a n y !>ig nal that 11 c:ouplc plus a $2.000 exemption Ame ri c ans arc b ecoming Altho ugh there seem s little chanct• Congress wall adopt any fla t tax m the for~able futurc, Som~ recent polls s how that •· ~l'Ons1Ckrs a fla t tax tht:' answt•r to p t•r dc p c ndt•nt a nd tax the increasingly ft•d up with the 1wo-th1rds of those asked favor t f'RS warns of _shelters dan_g_!!r ___ , V(AS HING TON (AP) - Internal Re v e nu e Se r v ice Commissio ne r Roscoe Egger Tu~sday w arned · uppe r-ineomc Americans who invest in exotic· tax -avo ida n ce sc h e m es that "participating in abusive tax shc.>Jters can be hazardo~ to you1•· wealth." · Testifying be fore t_he House Ways and M eans over sight subcommittee, Egger pledged an all-ou.t c a mpaign against fraudulent shelters. .John C hapo to n , a ssist a nt treasury secre tary for tax policy. h as cri.ti<:ized the notion of a .. fl at-rate" tax, which would e nd most de ductions and require . everyone to pay the same portion of income to the government. But. as the S enate Finance Committee opened hearings on the fla t tax, Ch a poton, the a d m in1:;t ratio n"'s c h ief tax a uthority, recommended that vana\ions or such a proposal be studied thoroughly. S1.milar advice was offered by A lice R ivlin, d irect o r of the Congressional Budget Office. Witnesses and members of the comm ittee were vi r t u a lly unanimous on one poin t. As Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D-Texas, pui it, "There is a growing feeling of u nfairness in the lax system . What we need is a major re form ... a simplification." He said a major objective of the new Congress taking office in January will be "-a mass ive reform of the tax system.'' Mos t members o f the co mmittee who spo ke o ut opposed a pure flat tax -in which the $20,000 family and the $100,000 family would pay the same portion of their incomes in taxes. ,,,._,.,,.,, .. s.wc. .... ,.,.. -Hirt .... n.tdd -,,,. ,,,, ' •.• ,,.., <• //lt#*I) ......... lie. ,,..,.,,, A Private School of Dl•tlnctlon Founded In 1942 \ th<·rl' 1s a bcttt•r chance for some v::imnmn that would re~m-some of tht• "cib1lity-to-pay" provisions and somt· of tht• dt'Cluctions under prt-scnt lciw. !)en Bob Do le. R -K a n .. C'l1a1rman of the finance panel,• suad. "I am t'Onvlnced members of this t'Omm1ttt'C arc t'Ommitt.ed to doing our best to simplify and b ring abo,J.Jl fairness." O n e m<:thod of doing that, he add«:<f, wuuld be to c.-onunue with the poli('aCS contained in last year's ta x c.u u nd this _)'ear's tax inc:rc•cisc: ('Ulling rates while ta x ing m o r e incom e by <'limina llng or reducing some dc'Cluctions. li'Fountaln V•ll•J 16&35 Brookhurst (714) 962-3312 BENSON & HEDGES 10.25 % ~~uaJi~d •a :11 Uo.31 clQsrMlnlmum Balance $2Q,OOO. Act today on this high rate account Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or call collect (213) 240·5913 and a member of our Bank·by·Mail Department will be hpppy to help you. This account is fully insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos Allstate Savings & Loan, a member of the Sears family. Over $3 billion in assets. 0 1982 Allstate Savings & Loan. addlebad. college ~m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-COm mu nit y er v1ces!!!l•-l!!!!!!!!!!!!!l••-.. "litra lrilll111et." "Adellilllill Viftlltslty ••. A Pllt11 .. 1111!" "Stell c ......... Artl•trJ .. A •• ,. ll•trlnctl" '""'" Mii Allllffct Tt TlllMtrlll A•,t•ser • ''SIMlt, AIUliltl Ylrt111lty Sl111,1y U1~11in1.it!" ~ I llt• \'or-TJ11111 Htt Paroot, Milt,-. Aflo11blldtt. StocUlllll """ 01111. l oMotl r11n~lwlt A11..-1111 1111111MO Ticket prlcee: S 10 and H Cati 831-'658 for r...vatlona ~ ........ llllim.-.-...cs .............. ., ·-· , ' . • BENSON' HEDGES aOO'B • Only 6mg yet rich enough to be ca lled delu xe. Regular and Menthol. Open a ~x today. . ·• .. Warning: The Surgeon Generar Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg "11,;' 0 6 mg n1co11nt rv per c1pmtt, "'FTC lllltllM -- ' -, • • Brazil par che.d by drought 22 million people all e led by harsh rain le ea on SERRA TALHADA, brull Thu drought zone lle1 Ju•l . warned , kcpt thc-m tro m CAP) -Th~ wonil drousht In below the equowr, where &uth hreul<ln" Into lock<'tl w1u•••huu11t'1J l 0 0 y e a r 1 11 r a V~!tJU.Jl Al -Alnctlc.AJ~ 1.tw ..AJJan u,. -.ru>d.ab.uJ.t~u-.1..J wrca. - -~ ~nortl\'fflti~litt'fl ;U'fivln'if -uceDn.AfOiijllle n«-arby t'OUt, Moyor Hlldu 1't·r~lru 1mld ... ,c hunary pewiant.a Into lht• cltiea ol rainfall Is pltntlful, agriculture I» had ordered beun•. drkd m<'ul, South America'• larget1t (.'OUntry. rich and Industry 1111rowlng. o I tand aplcee to be dl1trlh"1cd. _ Brazil, burdened wllh a hUjo But In the Interior, only scrub "But we flruaUy had to t1top," h foreign debt and 9~ pcrcerH grows naturally In lhe wtmk, suld. "Ttwr«> elmply wcrt1 loo Inflation, has been forced to rock-strewn soil. Infant mortallly muny of them." divert much-needed cash into In the nearby cllh..'ll hs oCficlally In nearly Sao Jose Belmonw, 1toP1Jap relief programs for the listed al 109 per 1,000 -aevcn merchants w ere nol as lucky. d~ght victims. times higher than in lhe United A Ct er a ever a I alt empt ed And the government, States. The government says It Is mvaslona were turnt.'<'l buck by campaigning hard through the much higher than that in "'4rol storekeepers with _guns and relJion prior to national, slate and areas. whips, peasants broke into mu.nklpalelectionsinNovember, After four yf'ars of dry warchouaestnJulyandmadeoff has been embarrassed by charges weather, peasants. who made with all the food they could find. of corruption and waste in the s ubsistence livlngs suddenly are T h e go v e r n m e n t h a s handling of relief money. faced with starvation. In recenl responded .by creati ng The drought has reac hed months, thousands have begun Depression-style work gangs to staegering proportions, even for invading towns and ransacking build dikes, reservoirs and wells. this arid region ~idered to be markets in search of food. As many as 1.2 million people, one of the poorest places on This town of 60,000 In the state earning about $9 a week, have Orono• Collt DAIL y PILOT /Wednt1d1y, 8•Pt•mber 29. 1082 Brazilia n ha uls rock to bu ilding sites past deserted, d rought-plagued farm . l Earth. of Pemambuco, 260 miles inland, been pul to work on the gang.s. At its peak since it began four is t y pica I of dozens o f In the first three years of the coordinator of the relief efforts. compla in the agency wasted or and only built a few small, badly years ago. the dry spell affected municipalities in the area that drought, the government spent The idea, Salmito explained, misappropriated money intended designed reservoirs," said Aureo 22 million people In a nine-state were invaded by hungry $111 million to creat e jobs, was "to enable the Northeast to for drought victims. Guedes, regional agricultural relJlon, according to government. peasants. according to Valfredo Salmito, live better through droughts in coord inator for the state of figures. The stricken area In July, thousands stormed head of the Superintendency for the future." "The ~ove rnm e nt wa s Paralba . "They don't h old covered 540,000 square miles -into town demanding food and th e O C've lopm<'nt of th e spending a billio n cruzc iro enough water: to last through the size of Alaska_ ·work. P olice. who had been N o rt h e as t , SU DENE, and But critics of the government (about $7 million) a month here even a normal dry season; ,-~~-::::-~~-~~~--~~--..--~~=======-~-======-~~~::-=::r--~--,==~--..~-=:1===-=---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~---'-=--"" Alnianac: East to button up DUBLIN. N .H . (AP) -The Old Farme r's Almanac, the 191 -year-old, yellow and black weather bible ready to hang in pantry or privy, ,..preructs a frigid win~er for the East and a mild one for the West. The 1983 edition of the nation's o ldest continuously published periodical, issued today. says it makes forecasts based on both "the latest scientific technology" and a secret formula locked in a blac-k box in the almanac's offices. But Abe Weatherwise -a pseudonym for publisher Rob Trowbridge and editor Jud Hale - cautions that the April 4 eruption of the Mexican volcano El Chichonal could throw off this year's forecasts ~went to press before the volcano's effects could be aaseaed. Weatherwise predicted severe cold waves rolling across the F.ast in January. February and March after a mild and sunny December. The West may face a serious drought as a result of a warm and dry November, then rain and relief in December and a cold snap at the end of the year, he said. The Middle Atlantic region should expect a wet spring and possible flooding. The pubhshers claim an accuracy ra te of HO- percent, and the U .S. government took the m at their word at least. once. During World War ll, all copies of the magazine were confiscated after German spies were captured off the East Coast consulting its forecasts. The Old Farmer's Almanac's most recent success was predicting last winter's bitter cold wave. The forecast was for a major snowstorm and cold wave in the East and South during the Christmas-New Year's holidays. The forecast was a bit narrow. though: The cold wave spread into the Midwest and lasted through January. The almanac is not to be confuaed with a younger publication called simply the Farmers' Almanac, which is only 166 years old. That almanac. published in Lewiston. Maine, is given away by business as an advertising promouon. The younger almanac's winter forecast - prepared by Caleb Weatherbee, a pseudonym for an unidentified weather buff from New Hampshire - also predicts a colder-than-normal winter, with above-average snowfall virtually everywhere but the Pacific Northwest. But the Farmers' Alamanac, which also claims 80 percent accuracy, did not predict last winter's killer cold wave. The Old Farmer's Almanac. on sale for $1.50, offers anecdotes and stories along 'with its year-long forecasts for 16 regions of the country, tide and planting tables, and breeding charts. The publishers say they have gone to great expense to keep all this at a reader's fingertips, and note the almanac is perforated in the u.pper left- hand comer so it can be tacked to a wall. This year's almanac offers these tidbits: -An old-fashioned cure for insomnia: Smell your socks before retiring. -A hst of printers' errors in various edit.ions of the Bible, including a 1632 publication in which the Seventh Commandmanent admonished: "Thou shalt commit adultery." -A study that aays U.S. workers spend an average of two hours and 44 minutes a day to make enough money to pay their taxes. Instruction on hulling corn, "for the three, possibly four people in the world who would be interested.'' F r ee to the Pabllc FOCUS ON COMMUNITY HEAL TH W .. IOUl>I\ P ACIFlCA COMMUNITY HOSPJT Al. DIABETES E DUCATION TEN HOUR COURSE FOR DIABETICS AND FAMILY MEMBERS I llCllClll:\ \I I II"' \I \ \111 \"'I \Ill;. \I II '\\1111\ 11\1< II. IC II llCllCOlll\ KlllVIC.\ 700-0 JO PM Wed;Oaday, Oct. 6, 198'2 Wed.aaday, Oct. 13 .. 1992 'Wednod9,., Oct. Je, 1'82 W-eclaced97, Oct. 71. 1982 LIMITED ENROLLMENT /. . "'--.._.!-0611 h 1 !!•'"'"-·"•'- .ARMEN VUPJ'A CO~PERENCE CENTEK IMl9 ,,_.__..,. MrHI 1"4 IMock SotKh of ~•It'll H•ft ....... Oft llndt, <:altfOt'ftUI .. ' • 42·1ftc:h Moerome "°"' Mangen Mocrome nonoeu Wlln 11rro ooo 1ona1s d2 Inch ·----"'°"'° 1.57 ICmort 2<>-et. ~nglotl Qeoov IO use ooorieu s•e,.•e won t burn P.eooteo tcw a" poon" 20 QI orv meo~e 4.57 12"•12" Modem '"" Depth ~ wet look 010111er Pe11ec1 tor sorne ot vO\JI 10v01•le plants 'x20'' Solld Oak Framed Art 1.27- Assorted Potted House Plants In 4 inch pols Your choice of many beautiful house plants .. IOfted HouM Plont1 Your cno•ce o l /\ovse 01a111s Some OIO'll S Ole lor nong 1no o 1ncn coolO>noi we Jobe'• lpik•• FOf HcMIM Plontt Mo>.es 1tee ono if>!ub teeo.ng ~y • 1 fOcil Attofted Wkk•r Planter lalk•t• Monv poovlO• Sf';IGS ono IJll>\ I Ct>OO\.e l•O"\ 7 '"'" •o Q 1ncn "ws SolldOak Framed Prints ... ~. • SOlld 09k lremH • Auorted tub141c11 • COlot c00tdJn11ees m111 • Fun 111eng1n glut 8"x10'' YCXM O'<>ice Poin1 3-QT, I-VT . "OZ. 9.88 The Performer· House Point h ter\of acrylic latex point dlleS to o llot finish Q veor dlltab1hty White and custom 1tnt1 Now at toVingS 0.0.1 Flnltl\ Gol. 10 ... 9.97 10.97 7.97 lat9a Flat Woll Or CeMln9 'olnt H:oat LA:lt•• lnom.i I.coot wall point 1n while ono Sem1·glou l1n1sh •n C\Jltom 11n1s Of while ce<hng point while and custom t1nH l a .. rtor MouM flotnt latex llot-flniitl po.nt In white colots ;1!21!.'!!JT!!l!!!?LA~t~M~o~l~a~'"9!,iC~· !!Jl!=:::::::::::::::::=-t Submartne Sandwk:he1 Irv out SJIY"Ol•ne 2 1 44 Luncnmeo• tomo • 10 & 1envce FOR • 18"x20" FRAMED PRINTS ... ~. • 4saorted 1ub1ec11 with m•l look • Oakcr•ll 11v1e, wooo look lramea • Full str•noth pro1ec11ve g11u 16"x20" Metal Framed PHOTO ART -~ • Ook:I or silver color mtl•I frames e Auorted tubfeCll • Full 11reng111 01111 • Sohd oak frames e AHOll•d tUbieCll. some w1lh m111' • P101ec11ve glHt ... ~. 9.68 20''x28" Solld Oek Framia YOUR CHOICE Art Posters • Gallery tlyl• art po11er1 -~ • Solid Olk wOOd lrtmta I e 4HOfled IUbjeCll ·l~ '~2~--vo·~';'c~~i;;.1 t - 24"x36" Animal or Trevel Posters.._~. e Solid Qt.l!..lltrOWoocl h&tl'IH e Selael "Olll IH0"4'11 anlm1I 1ub1Klt ano 1,.,..1 1e11111 ' • 18"x20'' Black A White ART PRINTS '-Gia& .. • S•lv9• coto• melel lramea e Full 11rendlh OIOIKll¥8 gltU • Ae10t1td tt'ltmel aubtecll 16" x20" Solld Oak COLLECTION FRAMES -..... 1 ·- Oil· of cloves soothes toothaChes ·college. contract DEAR PAT: I've U•~d oil ot <:lows to relieve • toothache all my life. My mother Wk.'<! the aame thing. But my daughter lnstat. on buying expensive toothache preparations. She aaya they work better than oil of cloves. Has anyone ever 11tudled those toothache remedies? I'd like to know wha\11 In them that supposedly makes them work. W.R .. Costa Meta . Oil of cloves la what makes them work. A panel of non-governmental deatal and 1cleallflc experts recently reported to tbe Food and Drug Admlnlatra&lon tllat oil of cloves 11 safe and effective for temporary uae on a tootb wltb peralateat throbbla1 pala. • Tiie report stated tbat of all the 1% active • Ingredient• In common toothache remedies J only clove oil, or a similar oil containing SS to f 87 percent eugeaol (a derivative of cloves). Is ~ a safe and effecllve Ingredient for toothache. ~ Tbe panel also found tbat tbe commonly I used Ingredient ben1ocalne "appears to.be an • Ideal surface anesthetic" for rellevlag gum ) soreneu and Injury. Benzocalne and various 1 pbenol preparations were listed as safe and Ohio town winner n Har .. vester war : SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP) -Relieved workers and community readers raised toasts in taverns and placed ' thank-you signs ln ,windows as International Harvester Co. ended a two-state tug of war by deciding to consolidate I ts bus and tru c k operations here. "Everyone's happy about It," s'ald Kathy Atchison, an employee of the Harvester Inn near the IH body plant, where workers began gathering at about noon Monday after hearing the city's largest employer declare it would stay. "The announcement took a lot off IX-'<>Ple's minds." But it was bitter news for residents o f Fort Wayne, Ind., which will lose 2,200 jobs with the decision by Harvester, ·although the company will retain about 1,900 workers there in non- assembly jobs. effective not oaly for 1duh1 but al10 for teetlll11 laf11t1 over four moatb1 of a•e· Tbe pantl 1tre11ecl tbat toot~acbe remecllea 1bould be uaed oaly tempqrarlly Wittie 1w1hla1 1 dent11t's care, 11d only on a tootb wltla "peralUeat tbrobbln1" p,aln. Wltb tills kind of pain, tile tooth pulp Ii alrtady lrrev•"lbly dama1ed, tbe pan I ru1on d, 10 topical paln-ldlllna product• c11n c1Uae Injury. But pain that Is occuloaal or Intermittent 11 cbaracterl1Uc of reveralble dam11e, and tbeae produc t• 1hould not be u1ed In tbl1 caae becauae &bey could Injure tbe pulp. I Child care credits upped DEAR PAT: Wlaat'1 tbe maxJmam I can claim on my federal tax H a cblld care credit? Someone told m e tbl1 changed In ltU. L.E., Huat1n1toa Beacb The maximum amount that can be claimed for one child is $720, according to the Internal · Revenue Service. If you have two or more children who quaJtf_y tor the credlt,_the amount ls $1 ,440. This is an increase over the amounts allowable in 1981. There are some restrictions and limitations involved, however. Th •y •rt• dh1c:u.at.'CJ In IRA P ubllcaitlun 503, "Child one.I Dcpt•nd1.mt <.:aru," avollabl by phonln" (800) 242-458~. Chair re tore r found· DEAR PAT: I bave a Swedltb cbalr lo a moled form &bat 11 covered with net-like woven upholltery that appears to be aeamleu. Wltb only thlt Inadequate description, can you 1lve me any help on bow to find someone wbo can restore tbl1 chair? E .G., Laguna Beacb Bob Kosoy of Costa Mesa Foum & Fabrit'S 11ays his finn probably can handle restoration of this chair for you . You can bring th~ chair t.o 1885 Harbor Blvd., or phone 646-6457 for a free, at-home estlmat.c. You may want to do some p hone shopping for prkc c,'Um parlson. Check the firms listed under "Upholsterers" In the YeUow Pages. • • Got a probll'm:> Tht•n wrlCt• to • 'l Pnt Horowitz Pat will cut red tape, - lfNting thP answers and 11ction you ,,_. n e e d to so I v <' in ,. q u 1 t ' es i n governmcht nnd business. M n1/ yuur qut:'Slions to Pnt Horowitz, At Your St•rvicl'. Orange Coast Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa M <'.<>a, CA. 92626. . . . method . illegal? . LOS l\b!Gh~L&S -'~t? A tai. official IN.I)'• tht• Culllot'nh' Sun.O nlvcrsl\y,syatem may huvu vlolrAk'd contrnct 1mx'f'durt'I by •areeinf to b u y 0 h1luplfonc I Ylll t'M WlthOUl I CCk na ('t)m~tltlve blch. Cal S tate Long Beach offlclal11 aald they signed a S58 mJll1on contract in July with CI Communkatlons Inc. of P~ima to inatall a new telephone ayat.em on campus. Of ficlala aald the college would save $6 mlUlon over the next 10 years by buying a ayatem rather than l.'Ontlnulng to lease equipment from GTE. The ogreement was slgnl.od under a atate Department of G eneral Services "mast.er leue" system. State officla\5 &aid three firms have been authorized to sell phone equipment to atate agencies: CI. Continenta l Telephone Co. a.nd ExccuUve Southern California Co. James Fralick, supervising engineer of the communications divisJon of GeneraJ Services aaid the Cal State system should have IO\.lght written proposals from General Telephone and each ~of the firms on the "mast.er list" before awarding a contract. But M1c h1,1e l Morales , communications manager for the ~l State system, $81d he Wfll unaware of the state requirement. He said he did not ask for written proposals because he was familiar with the kinds of equipment offered by the other firms. anc arnu s I n "The deciaion comes as a harsh blow to thousands of individuals who work for this major employer, .. said Fort Wayne Mayor Winfield Moses Jr. "I'm not surpris e d . I am disappointed and I 'm deeply concerned about the worry I know th~ llllll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllml decision will cawie." Financially troubled Harvester, which expects to lose $1.5 billion this y e ar, anno unced in August it would close on e of it s N o rth American truck plants, prompting a $30 million bidding war between Indiana and Ohio. A third truc k plant in Chatham, Ontario, was not involved, t>ecause of a U .S.-Canadian trade CALL ANYTIME, ANY DAY ....._--------~ agreement. '4'ort Wayne However. Donald D. . Interna tional L e nno x. Harvester's ~ k preside nt and ch i arve ter true operating officer, said la nt will close, Monday the decision to di 2 000 c o n s o l I d a t e I n • ing ' Springfield hinged on ita ~mployees, b y more efficient plant, 40 Tax-Free Savings Certificates will soon be history, so luly. You <.':tn ''ill open a onc-yc;tr. nn·mi111murn Tax-Frt.•t.·ot;~1,inf('­ CA·nalk:11l' to t.>arn mlt.'r<.·~1 1ha1 Fl't.k'ral 1.1xe~ c~1n '1 1uur h. October, 1983. years newer than Fort I Wayne's. lf \\1u'rc married .anti me j111111h, \'I 1u ~·an exdudl· the imcrt'~t ,·ou ~arn ====----!up II) $2,()()() on Fcdcr.tl rl'tu rn" l 'p 10 Sl.000 if \Olt file in<.livit.lualh. MISSIOll Vitio-Ocl 1/1 pm Newport-Ocl 2/2 pm Holiday lnn·25205 La Paz Newport Sheraton Lquna Hills . 4545 MacArthur Blvd. Gerovital GH3• Is It a miracle drug? Can it slow the hands of time? What are the facts? Chuck Broes. international expert with over 23 years experience in preventive medicine. f:>t:pcn<linl( on your r:Lx hr.1~ kct. ~nu l11ulu wlnu up wi1h far morl' filOtlt.'~ m ~11ur pockl.·t 1hafilnu_<l l.'.trn an a taxahlc .1n ·num p:tyan~ hi~ht.·r 11lll.'rcl'll. \X'halc 1h:11 :1tlvantagt' h ~Ill fre,h in \'llur mmd . c all Home FcdcrJI nil\\. Yo u c in ~1:1 your accoum M~tnt'd thb mlnule. And 10 c;1m all the: rax-fn .. ·e intl·rc~t ~ ou can, 1hcrl··:. no1 a 111inutt.• 111 "part.'. will be giving a FREE lecture on Mak dad ctibl Gerov1tal GH3• the myths and the facts. 8 I U 8 It's your one chance to get the full lnvesb11ent In story on Gerovital GHa. AdYenee Aese<vaUonsSuggftlllCI (714) 835-3604 yam own fubl'e ~~~Lim!~ted~S3pcle~~!!Ca~ll!!!!!(]!!l4~)~8~35~·0~8~58~:_i with an IRA. LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD P. LAUFER -EMPHASIS ON - _...-... .. cio1+o1UOA_.a-I JAju Medical Malprac1jce_ • Chapter II Filings • General Lit igation • All Civil Wrongs 412 North Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 . (714) 494-8591 ' If thl.'l'l'':o; am· douhc In ,·our~miml wheihl'r s. x·ial ~<.·uri"· l~ncn1~ wlll he: :tt.le<luatc whe n you· rcilrc. y( 1u c:an hulkl a arj.tl' ~r~onal rcrlrcml.'nt fund nf\nur t)\\'ll With ~m IRA at I lnnR' l-:l.·c.kr:1I. It puh ~ou in ron1 rol of your future. And offer~ hoth lmme<l1.11c :tn<l lo lll( r.Ul)(u tax ~t\J\•Jm~t!~. ( In 1hc: fir~! pl.tee. :myom.: "ho work. .. <.':111 lnV<.'1'11 u/J to S2,000 ~1 'c:ar .uKI dl'<.lut t thl' ful anmum frnn'1 Inn nnc nn Fe<.lc:ral lm:omt.: ttlx form~. 1:ur workln~ Cllupk•,, that\ a 1')(>,,fhlt.' s~.000 anm1Jl dcdm1lo n ,\l:1rlx- l.'I'\ iul(h to ~1vc .1 vc~ '1ll';1hf1: 'um l'\ Cr\' April All1>1hcr .1<.h .1111111<c: th<.• 1111e~"t "hkh hulldl'I at .a ht)(h mor'l'~ m.trkct r.1u.• .11 Honlt.' Fct.lcr.11 1, IH)l t,l\cd unul r ou "11 h<lrJw from vou r .l<.'count -.L, C.lrly .._, ag~ ~9 1/2. In timl!. th.II \\!.trl\' lntl'l'l'M Oil \'llUr gn m h~ 1iwc1"1tn1l'nt could im" to tcm ,,, thou-.~uid., of dollar ... Ami l'\CI"\ <.lime ,, I.IX Jcft:m:<.I. T\ i l')CS(i ll, ~ t>U nn ly nceiJ to hWt:~I ,t fl·,, minute:' an .1 pho ne t•:ill tn I lomc Ft.·~k·r.11 Arn hour of the tJa~ 11r ni~ht lkc...1u--c thl're\ nu thm: like the p rt''l'llt to pl.111 rnr the tu1url.· HOME FEDEAAt C<mt• to Hom~ A!d~ml Cmmtry Wbert> )'""tan banlt rm pmspcrlt)'· • ' Start every day a little richer • In Home Federal Collllry. Wil h all tht: nt!\\ finJ1ll'i.1l ...cr\'iCc:" and invc:,tment:. J\':lil.1hle the:-t: <lavl'I. u \ har<.lcr th:m ew r tu make: :.en*· of tht.•m. Mul'h lcl'I .... II > m:ik~· 1h1: bcM uSt.' ofrhcm. Thal·:-. why 111 >me Fet.ll'r.d Ut'Vdopc<.l nur M1 mt.·y M.i...terPlan"' -.Ill unu1mplic:.11ecJ guide \'OU ran u..e t<> mana~e your money for ~ro\\1h Jnd *cun~ B~ ..cdng how all 1 lo me Fedt'r:d\ Jcn>Unll'I and c:onve nienl h:tnkt"R"<\ClV'ICC ... w·nrk to~t.1ht.·r Tc' hdp ~ 11u .. rnn eve..'!)' day a link rKhl'r. Accorum~ to your 11wn nc:e<ll'I, go3b and financial ahiliticl'!. Vil'lit :1 Pl'rsonal f inancial Repri:- 'cntalivc toda\'. An<.I hcgin your ~tont.•\' ~la ... tl·rPl:in"" for n1iancial mt.ll·pc:n<.lc:ncl' h' kno\\ Ing how to dioo~ .and u~ the mvc:.t ment. ... am.I 'ICl"\'ICCl'I which ~Ire: hcM for }'OU. 1-'rom amrn~ <.lozenl'I of prn-.-.lhilltiel'I, indudlnE( ... 0 91-c.lay and 6-m(mth Liquid lnvc~tment Acco ums'" 0 No minimum Mont'\' M.irkl'I Ce rtin<.·mcs for te rms from 30 month' up to 10 H'.lr~ 0 Profc:...,lonal Tru ... 1 !'ic:rvl~s b Bill P,l\'ntt'nl ,,,. Pho nt' .mt.I Autom.uk Bill P.1\·ment 0 Che~~•'" lntl·rc:"t d1ct·kini 0 An~1imt!fdlt'I"'" 24 hour h~tnkin)( n1.1chlne:o. Solo strummer Kirsten Weymar, l 9, of Hunting ton Beach, a g uitar major at UC Irvine, awaits her turn to audition as a s inge r for the UC I Con cert Choir . W( HONOlt YOUR Clt(Dfl! ·~1-1 AO PRICES PREVAll WE 0 SE PT 29th thru TUES. OCT 5th Premixed protein remover eliminates the bother and mess of enzyme tablets •94f ........... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ~p~ed~~~~ s~~~ON 2 59 4 oz. • GEL CLEAN CLEANING GEL 3 29 A convenient gel to clean hard to remove debris 1 oz. • GU O.EAN c..,...c.._ ---=-=:---·-- ... """°......, ...... .... ··---... -. WETTING & SOAKING SOLUTION Convenient dual purpose 2 7 9 provides longer lens wear and faster disinfection. 4 oz. • .,, .... --... -· . _.....,._.,. __ .... CJerilg -· .,..., ... ,,_ =:=.-c:--C........&d.v. ....... ~ -~~ 0 WETTING SOLUTION Provides lubncattons and 2 09 cushion for extra comfort 2 oz. • .................................... CLEANING &r SOAKING SOLUTION Kills microorganisms laster 2 59 than any other lea~1ng brand ' 4 oz. • o o I I I o o o o o o o o o o 0 f I I 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t O t f •• 0 ( CMAM OI LOTION ..--- Hl\lf) ... EUROPEAN COLLAGEN COMPLEX For Exceptional Beauty! smoother & younger-looking Have long nails that feel natural Fast and easy to apply. tn tO days. 111e oz. • u . NUTRA NAILS REVLON CLASSIC PURE RADIANCE SPECIAL EFFECTS POWDER ~~~~:~!:~u~~~:e8x1on theonatuoral r..;:._..:;..l--1'2 oz. • • With Liquid Protein. For healthier nails sonne BELL LIP-SMACKER Assorted flavors for tip protection that is deliciously fun . .1 .... 89C ~ Eylu re ri-:rrm~--------, NAILS Easy· to-apply nails that stay on until you take them off 4.50 Amrea· ACRYLIC SHIELo·· NAIL COLOR Bea'ut1ful. fashion nail color that lasts &lasts 1.19 Q COLONIAL DAMES. ·•~.4.95 :=-:IFiic==~~~FPiEMAM------~ ~~VITAMIN E FLUID MOISTURIZER ~~~fe~t~~:r 3 9 5 skin 2 oz. • Give your appearance that special touch Choose from a variety of fashion colors & styles. YOUI ~CllOICll ' I . FL\BERGE TURBO A NEW DYNAMIC FIAGIANCE FOi MEN! An exciting blend oJ herbs & spices enlivened with a 1w1sl of citrus and lavender AFTER SHAVE 2.Soz.5.00 COLOGNE Uoz.6.00 .. ··- ALOE VERA COMBINATION Contains a natural mo1sturmng :~~~:~l~~!L~da 5 0 (8 OZ.) COMBO • . ·BODY OIL ·& 99 A hght. non-greasy 011 for use a lier bath or shower. 8 oz. • UNIOU! 1"ANSPARINT SOAP You'll feel the dlfferencel --·1.10.. ~.39 OGILVIE Home Permanent With exclusive protein condlltoners to assure ~:~~~~~~~~lng4curls oJ.r waves. g ONLYl u. FASHION NECKLACES Stylish colors. including red & black. that are great lor fall 111nch 241nch 3.95 5.95 *Mltchlng Eer,1 Alto Avail•~ • , , I I • • I I •• . ,\I Or1no• Coaal OAILV PILOT/Wedntedav. 81p1emb r 20, 1912 Still time for action on school fund i ssue As noted ht-rt• anmwd1utcly after the dos<' of the legislative St'ssion , California's lawmakers fumblt:'d badly on one of tht• most important issues demanding t hdr _attt•ntion -public: sc hool Cinandng. · Orfrrcd two opoportunities to reston• dwindling school funding an oil severance tax thut would have raised $400 milhon. or an ,add1t1onal tax on tobac<:O and , alcohol for $350 million thPy ·,backed <tway from both, dt•arly · pa nic-stricken by the idea of a t.ux mcrt'ase or any type m an e lC'Ction year. So the schools opcnt'd with jus t about the same budget they had last year. No money for pay i n creases , for building mamtenanee, for textbooks. or to reston• programs that have been cut sin ce Proposition 13 began to tak e effect. The schools already have laid off teachers. counselors, librarians, mainte na nce people. Instruction programs from re medial reading to music have been e liminated. Students are asked to pay more for sc hool lun c h es a n d transportation. There is no room for mort' cuts if they are to receive anything resembling a decent educatJon. Already California h as the ~econd hig hest ratio (after Utah) of s tudt'nts per teacher, 23.6 compared with a national average of 18.4. The national ov<>rage nmount s p ent p <!r s tudt•n t Is $2,«590. California spends $2,337. dowfl from 2 lsl tQ 35th in the nation in just two Y<'Ol'S. And in pcrl't.ontagt• of personal int'Omc• c.fomnclt.'<i into the school system, we h ave tht· honor to bt· dead last -No. 50. Of <.'Ourse there lS more to n school system than dollars. _But w ithout a n ·usonublc financial base even lhc best-intentioned teachers and admin istrators cannot function adequately. Alas, so far as teachers arc concerned, too 1pany have become so discouraged they are simply leaving the profession al t ogether . Tht' loss i s our children's, and their future in this stall'. G iven our legislators' pre- election jitters. there's not much to be done beforC' Nov. 2. But it still is J>C>$ible for tht' governor to call a specia l sess ion of th e L egislature immediately after the election to do what should hav(' been done. If th e i ss ue o f sc h ool financing is put off until after the New Year it w ill again be bogged down in the morass of legislation fac i n g th e n ew group o f lawmakers. The governor could make u s a ll r est easier by a nnouncing a s pecial session imm e dia t e l y . The o utgoing Legislature s h o uld not be perm itted to pass the buck on this one. raxpayer protection Taxpayers who tangle with the Internal Revenue Servil't.' arc g ra nted some new protec tions under the 1982 tax act. The new law puts some reins on the ability of the IRS to seize• property to satisfy tax claims. speeds up the d eadltne f or releasing property w h en a lien is satisfied and assures a taxpayer who wins a court fight w ith the IRS of adequate recompense for court costs and attorney fees. With the cost of tax litigation now averaging $9.000 \o $1 2,000, the law says a taxpayer w h o wins a tax case now can be awarded up to $25,000 to cover such costs. When the lRS intends to seize property. the taxpayer n ow must be warned in advance by certified mail and thus given a chance to head off the action. Previously, the IRS could proceed w ith seizure without knowing whether or not the taxpayt'r had received due notice. The rules regarding proper ty exempt from seizure. unchanged since 1959, also h ave been made more realistic. Furniture, provision s and personal eff ccts worth up to $1,- 500 now ar e exempt. The previo_us limit was $500. The exemption for books and tools o f a trade has been raised from $250 to $ l ,000 and e xempted wages are increased from $50 to $75 a week, with an additional e xe mption for each dependent. Finally, the IRS no w must re lease property within 30 days when a c laim is sa tisfie d . Previou s ly there was no t"ime limit. While t he heavy hand of the IRS sti ll can come down o n delinquent citizens. the taxpayer who .claims innocence n ow can fight the government without going broke. a nd the one who has indeed broken the rules wtll not b e depriv e d o f too~a n y possessions while trying to make amends. Given the IRS h orro r stories that come up from time to tim e. a ll this sounds m ore reasonable. A man of courage The Orange Coast lost a true m an o f courage and the youth of our area lost a true friend last Sunday w ith the untimely death o f Dean J . W estgaard. teacher, coach, lifeg uard supervisor . sky (liver and gentle man. Westgaard demonstra ted his <.'Ourage from his days as a football star through becoming a professional sk ydiver with more th an 2,500 jumps to his credit. • Much of his life was spent serving youth as a teacher, coach . supervisor and friend. But at no time did the Laguna Beach r esident a nd Orange Coast Colle{e ins tructor demonstrate more courage than in h is Cina) fight against cancer He died at age 52. He w ill indeed be mjssed b y all who knew him. Opinions expressed 1n the space abOve are those ol the Daily Pilot Other views ex· pressed on tn1s page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is inv1t· ed . Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Me~. CA 92626. Phone (71 4) 642-4321. L.M. Boy d/Little use for u's The original dictionary man Noah Webster was moved mostly at the out.set by one main motJve: to rid the American language of the useless 1'u's" In such English words as colour. honour, labour. He was 17 years old )Y h en th e Dec l aration o f lndependence was signed. '· tr you are 76 years old , you were ,born just about the time that pajamas tirst r e placed the Cull-length ,nightshirt as modem man's favorite sleeping 008tume. A married man 1n a business ·partnership Is more apt to split up with his wife than with his partner, ~tatllltics show. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot ...,.u.-,,,.,, ... , .. 1"9 , .. , ., , ........ , \I , (Mia,. .. A#"\ let•t\--M• te .. . I~ ( .. tt ,,,,. .. (A.,.,. Turkish coffee h o uses ser ve nothing at au but corree. Q . Didn't the Russian musical genius R achmaninofC start the Sikorsky helicopter oompany? A. No, sir, Rachaminoff invested $5,000 in Igor Sikorsky's a ircraft compan y when It was in flnanclaJ trouble, however , Sikorsky gave Rachma nin o ff the t'"c o f vice president. Q. How come there's no male or female namf for a beaver except beaver. A. Because none but Another beaver can tell the difference. No call to apecify when you jUJlt don't know. Thoma• , . Haloy Pub11•her Thoma• A. Murphlno Ed•IOf Jano Amari E .. Kvl••• (<I.lot latbcwa klol6Mch t<1<10fo01 '• co~,,, ..Th.met~" ~ldito< .. n ·ayan eyed Lebanon annex WASlllNGTON -Whitt• lfoust• suspicion or Israel has be<.·omc so intensC' that President Reagan's top advisers are now wondering whether Prime Minister Me nacht!m Begin is planning the eventual annexat ion of southern Lebanon. Secret reports shown to my ussoc1al<'S DaJe Van Atta and Ron McRae ind1C"ate why the White House is disturbed. One secret State Department report, for example, had this to say on Sept 15, as the Israeli invasion of West Beirut was proceeding apace: There is a danger that Israel's "logistical operations wllf evolve into permanent admjnistratave agcncil"S." IN O'FHER WORDS, the suspicion is that lsrael as in the process of building a rrulatary-civilian government for lsraeh- occupaed Lebanon. ~ The same pattern of Israeli inf1ltra11on that has bee n seen m the West Bank territories seems to be evolving an Lebanon. The ultra-nationallst extremist group, Gush Emunim , is planning to put Israeli settlemc•nts in southern Lt•banon, according to U-5. reports. · If Begin follows his past aetaon. hC' will not denount-e these sc-ttlemC'nts for fear of criticism from hardline Israeli factions that are the bedrock of his political support. Instead, he will see that the bootleg settlements are hooked up to wa ter and electricity to make them permanently viable. The Gush Emunim and the lsraell Army's t•hlef rabbi. Gen. Gad Navan. believe that God may be giving them southern Le banon to compensate for Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai The chaplain's support would be a key element in tran11forming temporary military governments into permanent civilian bodies. Sensing an opportunity, Is rae l i bu sin essm e n are already beginning to establish themselves in occupied Lebanon. A significant h istoricaJ note should b(- ment1oned here . It adds fuel to the G -JA-Cl-Al-l-IR-18-1 -~ White House suspicions. A forme r lsr;icli prime minister , Moshe Sharell. published an intriguing account an 1978 of a meeting of lsraeh defense and foreign-policy officials. The meeting occurred 27 years ago, a nd quotes the late Moshe Dayan. then army chief of s taff, as say!ng Lebanon was ripe for the picking. . '"The only thing that's na-es.sary is to (ind a n offic('r, even just a ma-jor,'J Dayan said. according t.o the account. "We would either win his heart or buy him with money, lo make him agree lO declare himself the savior of the Marorutc (Chnstian) population. "Then the Israeli army will enter Lebanon. will occupy the necessary territor y and will create a Christian regime which w ill ally i tself with Israel." Dayan reportedly continued. "The territory from the Litani (Riv<.>r) southwarcl wilJ be totally annexed by 1 Israel and everything will be all right." T h l' D a y a n s l " 1.· " a r 1 o w a s followed to the le t ter -<'Ven to the choiCl' of the cooperative Christia n leader 's military rank. Maj. Saad Haddad. a cashiered Lebanese officer, has be<>n acting as Israel's puppet warlord m the Lit.an• River area for years. · The secret Sept. 15 report predicted t h at Is rae l w ould try t o bestow legitimacy on Hadd~d. possi~ly by insisting that he be m cluded m any future Lebanese regime. His role in the massacres a t the Palestinian refugee camps i n West Be irut may h a ve destroyed his chanC'eS. however. ISRAEL'S COVETOUS designs on southern Lebanon are explain~ in a top-secret CIA report. which states: "Hardliners m Israel have for years pointed o u t that Israel. by seizing territory up to the Lit.am River, would gam a more defensive border and ~ greater supply of water." In fact, lsraeh engineers are already working at the L itani. e xploring its potential for 1rragauon. Al the start of the West Be lrut invasion, Begin assured Reagan in a private message that Israel "did not covet one inch of Lebanese territory." In early June, he had publicly declared in the Knesset that Israel didn 't want "one squ are millimeter of Lebanese territory·· The White House no longer has faith an these assurances. Footnote: An official of the Israeli Embassy said that Israel has "no intention of annexing a n y part of Lebanon or setting up any settler:nents." Island might solve jail site dilemma Probably in a -moment of frustration. Sen. Robert Presley dashed off a letter to the st.ate prison director suggesting the use of Alcatraz Island as a means of re lieving overcrowding in California prisons. Presley had authored the $495 million prison construction bond issue approved by the voters last June. But any relief to come from the money provided by the bonds 1s al least two years a way. Actually the funds are Viewed as just "starter" money for the lohgterm need for new prison facilities. ALCATRAZ, long the site of a Cederal prison , was abandoned a number of years back by the government on grounds it was too costly to operate. Presley either has never visited the site or has forgotten its limited capacity. In operation, it never housed more than 250 inmates. Because of 1ts small size its operating ~'05ts were magn1f1ed. Not only must all of Its supplies, including water, be barged from the main land but, lacking a sewage treatment plant, the sewage too must be transported by barge. In fat't. considering the s huffling of prison ·j>ers0nne l and inmates back and forth from shore to island, operation of '· ~·:.. .IARL WAii RS the prison required a full-time fleet or boats, ferries and barge!>. Nothing about that has changed. But time. fire and unauthorized occupations of the property have taken a toll on the buildings So even without considering operayonal <.'05ts, the funds required to rehao1litate the plant are far out of proportion to the few prisoners tHat would be accommodated. Unquestionably the pnson authorities are having proble ms housing the inmates. Even though. as Sen. &i Davis. the former Los Angeles police chief, has pointed out, the department tends to Hate can overwhelm love ln a lifcume of reading. on<' tx•gans to realize how much has been written about love, and how httle about hate. Vet hate is, in a sense, the greater fort-e, in that It can destroy m a single moment what love has taken years to build ll seems to me that we spc>nd too much time sentimentalizing over love, nnd too IYlllY 1111111 Uttle ccrort to undC'rsl.4)nd th<.• roo\s and ramifications o f hat(', ;a dt'slrUl'tiv ' clement Car more rampant .than Any number of•nucJcar warheads This ls true not merely an personal terms. but on a tribal or national ecale as well. It wok the braclls many loving yeal'I to build up a pro$pcrous and fcrtilr country; It can take only • fl•w hou~ or daya to devastate the entlN' Mlddk• Eut. St. Paul lnfonns U$ that pcrf~t lov<' cu&. QU\ fear; but the revfrec i C<fUJlly, and mort" dttadfully, the CB! fear driv out lov and tran&forma It lnto a raa:inc and lmpl~ble haln'd l'he P•lettlnlana ffat NClinctlon, 'ht' laraelta feer destruct.Ion, 'hr Ar•b •&a!Cc-1 fear revolt and revolution. Each position hardens out of fear . until conflict becomes inevitable, though all may desire a less devostaung confrontation. How do we deal with the mechanism of haU. born of fear? The world has.. never really addressed ll8Clf to this basic problem. Disputes have been settl<'d ad hoc around the conference table or on thr battlefield -but each ''settlement'' contains the seed of renewal. We speak or '"love" as the ultimate solvent. but ~rore love can com\o Into operation. vr hove to find a way to redu''<' tht' mutual ,(ear which f~s on it.self •• nd cventuoUy consumes itse)f in warfare. We must learn how to tame and re~hanncl the torrent of hatc-that now, for th Cirst time, has the capacity to obliterMl' most of mankind. Whot Is so tragically lromc today ls that the only way governments feel they can adc.oqualely defend th~l'1'\S(!lvc.'S Is by playing on 'h<' f eu.r ot the "enemy'' as we arc told to fear the ftuMlans. end they to fl•ur u11. Th" most lmptratlve thing ntt'd<.-d in the world at thJ1 tJme Is a community of nations, and It has never K"em4!d further away. Perhaps lt will \akc a holocau1t of hate to bum the (Mt out of u. and leave the savina remnant l/ any holdlna handll amld t.ht uh exaggerate the overcrowding. 1l does extSl. That days when 5,000 could be crammed into San Quentin's designed ca pacity of 2,700 are gone. Today's prisoners are more viole nt. And then there 1tre the racial problems which were non-existent in the earlier days. The department has been attempting to meet the crisis by expanding both the community release program and the (.'Onservation camps but there is a limit to those who can safely be assigned to such programs. The department also Is constructing satellite facilities at Folsom a nd Tehachapi which will use up a good part of the $495 million bond Issue. The prison authorities would still like to build at least on e new comple te facility but they are meetmg res.istan('e from rommunilies each time a site is under consideration. So Presley's idea about Alcatraz asn't as fa r o ut as it seems. Domiciling prisoners on an island would solve the proble m of community resistance. Furthermore it would provide security without the great expense 'of buJlding prison cells and walls. Presley just packed the wrong island. BUT THE FACT is that California has about 1.000 offshore islands although aome are no more than rocks. The two principal groups are the Farallons, standing sen~el at the entrance to the Golden Gate and the Channel Islands to the west or Long Beach. That group consists of eight major islands including Catalina. While that and two others are privately owned the remalnlnR five are public lands. All are protected as wildlife areas but one, San Clemente, is usep by the navy as. a bombing ranJle. It perhaps rould terve as a prison co lo n y and In fact the authorities now are ~--onsidcring just that. lllllYla Nevada N ell (Gus. Stpt. 24) 1hould chanae her name to Johnnlt come lat.fl:y. The Lebanl'tt' have been kiUln.g MCh other for at !east seven YHr•. and C'OntUnlly. GUS FAN --=--:5:. I ............... ._. ... . -.......................... .. ....... .... .... ,~ I ,, r Orang• Cout OAll.Y PILOT/WednHdly, Sepltn'lber 28, 1982 • ·ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE •HUGH MULLIGAN ' Daughter's dating pa_ttern .self-d est ructive DfR ANN LANDERS: Our 25 yt•ur-o ld daugtl hAI been daUng a 23-year-old excww tor a man f r nearly two yeen. We do not approvci of thla pereon becuu!iC' we do not know hi.a true pensonality. We hl.lve never seen hlm aober. He pqeet out at putJee, and It's up to the host to arrange to get h im home. Our daughter must uae her car whenever they go out because he has had hla license re voked -for POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT· --·-------· MY '-.!FE M IGHT HA~ MORE DRAMATtC INTEREST IF TME CENTRAL C MARACTE:f\ WCRE' SOMEBODY El.SE. drunken dr iving, ot c.vunio. We on• 1ck of him wakln& up the wholt.• t~m1ly al all houN with his tolt•phont-calls. Many nlghta she has thrown htor clothl'l!I on and left the house to rn1't•t hlm ln some ~rum1ny bur. We know our tlought('r reads your column und that ilhe respects you W e hav wlkcd to her until we are blue In the {m.'l' Now will you please say something?-BESIDE OURSELVE.S lN RA.PlDS. DEAR 8 .0 .: tf you bave described tbe tU11atJoa\ accurately, tbere la n0Qla1 I cu aay tbat will make any difference. You dau1hter'a bebavlor la telf·dettruc&lve. One of tbe won t tbln1a about foln1 wltb drunk1 la tbat It's ao eaty to Joln them. wlab her luck. Sbe'll need It. DEAR ANN LANDERS: You goofed. There IS an escape from the tyranny of copper. I refer to your comment (that there was not) when a reader suggested the merchants stop pricing items at 99 cents and $2.98, so -they'd seem cheaper .• You said aome dumb thing about getting 1tuck with pennies. no matter what, because of the tax. Several years ago 1 managed a gift shop in Dallas. When the local government added a gift tax ~is..-.-of 2 cents, I priced the $1 items at 98 cents. Later .,, • ._ .. _ ..,_,__ when the tax went to 4 cents, I priced the $1 Items --°'"-' -"---~-----""'-----------~ a t 96 cents . I applied the same formula to t·v~rything we aold, trom Ul <.'t'nt.a to $7:> ThUI WWI why w~ n w r had a C'Opf>\•r shortage. Tax la paid on accumuluteld valu,• 11old. Sometlm'-'8 the mt•rchant colJ<"<!!Jj l'Xtra tax, (Ind 800'\l'\imt.'8 hc'11 a littl<' 1hort -but It vt.1rages out and he dcx..n't lose anything. There la &lwaya a better wo.y to do th1ng1 an buaint'lili but It m~ns u•lng y_our head -which so mnny pt,'<>plc find extrf'rnc·ly d1Cflcult. -G.W. IN THE BIC D. · DEAR BIG D.: How &ru~. Tbank1 for baullag me up abort. I II.ad It comlog. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our eldest daughter ls being married l:IQOn. She ls a young business executive and her soon -to-be-husband is a fine. well-respected 'man. We gave our other daughters beautiful weddings and we plan to do the same for Lorra ine. Yesterday we. wen\ shopping for her wedding gown, and she chose pn off-the -shoulder s tyle which would be gorgeous except for one thing. Lorraine has a tattoo on her right shoulder -a remnant of her rebellious college days. My husband says we should be thankful that the tattoo is a rose and not a skull and crossbones or a spider I feel very uneasy. nonetheless, and fear that it will be the one thinli( everyone will talk about. There goes great American dream My son. Mordred, was-sitting in the living room looking particularly sullen the other day. So I asked him what the matter was. "Give it to me again, Dad." he said. "What's The Great American Dream?" This is the kind of question that makes us daddies beam. "~ I've told you since long before you were grown, son," I said. "The Great American Dream has always been to drive a big car, own a little house surrounded by a white picket fence and send your kids to college." Mordred nodded. "I can't afford the gas," he said . ' "At $1.50 a gallon?" I protested. "Of course you can." "If I buy the gas. I can't afford the car." , "l'M SORRY TO HEAR THAT, Mordred. But the price of gaaoline is not my fault." "The heck it's not. Your generation has been driving around in your big gas guzzlers for years, blithely burning up our irreplaceable fossil fuels." "Excuae me, Mordred. They're not your fossil fuels; they're our fcail fuels. We discovered them; we get to bum them up. Fair is fair." "There pa The Great American Dream." "Not Q8ll r erily," I said. "But you may have to modify it a little. What about a bia car up on blocks and a little white house. both surrounded by a picket fence?" "Who can afford a little w~te house?" AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER Now, Mordred, it was a :l!>-year struggle, but your mother and I managed to buy this one." "At 16 percent?" "No. at 5 'h. But you can get creative flnancing: nothing down, an interest-only loan and, at the end of 10 years, a balloon. a trumpet serenade and a cake with candles on it.'' "To qualify, I'd have to make $97,500 a year - a salary level I will reach, on my present wage scale, at the age of 113." ,. "WELL, IT'S SOMETHING to shoot for." I said. "And, whatever else, there's always the patter of tiny feet to look forward to. That's the part of The Great American Dream that really counlli." "Sure, that's what Xanthippe says," alJreed Mordred, referrtng to his loving young wife. 'But do you know what tiny feet cost these da)'I? We'd be lucky to get two of them through high achool for $300,000, much less college. We decided, iNt.ead, to adopt a couple of 21-year-olds when we retire. Then we can listen to the patter of tiny feet when they have kids." Naturally, I was somewhat disappointed. But I GORIN ON lllDGf , BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF hid it. "Look on the bright side, Mordred." I said. "The money market fund is paying your mother and me an exorbitant rate of interest on our little nest egg. And, tranks to inflat.ion, you wouldn't believe the price we could get for this house, if anyone were buying houses." "Oh , sure , you've ach ieved The Great American Dream," said Mordred. "But what about us? We can't a fford a car, a house, or kids. You kno'w whal we're saving up for? A Happy-Zap 2200 Home Computer and Video Game Terminal. a week in Acapulco and two tickets to tonight's CQncert of George Rotten and His Expectorators." I PUT A FATHERLY HAND on his shoulder. "I'll admit that's not my Great American Dream, son , but it's your Great American Dream. And what does it matter so long as a man has a Great American Dream to dream?" "Gosh . I think you're righ t, Dad," said Mordred thoughtfully. "l'll run u petairs and tell Xanthippe. And, oh, by the way, can we borrow your car toni,ght?" "Okay," I said grudgingly. "But bum up your own fcmil fuels." Yet I can't help but feel sorry for thete young people. The Great American Dream hu changed for them. Of coune. it's changed for us, too. Right now. my Great American Dream is that Mordred and Xanthippe will move out of the house and buy a motorcycle. Both vulnerable. North deals. NORTH + KQI03 <:;) AQ85 0 8 •AQU WEST EAST +5 •8• <:;) J97Z <:;) 100 OK IOU O AQJ973Z This hand from a team match is an interesting lesson in technique. Both Souths gave an impressive performance. each in his own way. Because of a preempt from East and a raise by West. both North·Soulh pairs reached a slam that could hardly be described a.a laydown. Both 'Wests led a diamond. and both Easts took the ace and made a neutral shift to a trump. diamonds for his jump. and he had shown up with two trumps and three hearts. Therefore. he held at most one club. Declarer elected to play for East to have specifically a bare nine or ten of clubl, twice u good ae hoping that the eingleton was the king. He came to hand with a heart ruff and led the jack of clubs. West covered and declarer wu delighted to find that East produced the nine. South came back to his hand with the ace of trumps and ran the eight of clubs. When East showed out as expected. twelve tricks were there. monds. he rated to be short in the other suiu. So declarer won the trump shift in dum· my at trick two. came back to his hand with the nine of trumps and took the club finesse. When that held. he cashed the ace of clubs and then started to run his trumps. From dummy declar· er discarded a club. declarer's trick total to twelve. Rubber brld1e cl•bl &Jlroqtt..t the COODlry aM the fov-cleal brld1e format. Do tbey know eometWq you do•'t? Charlu Gore•'• "Poar·Deal B'rl4l1e" will t.eada ,_ t•• Hl'a~ MCI tact.lea of ~. fut·,.cod ae- UM .... tut ,...vtdff die eve for UHIMll• nibbora. For • ffP1 MCI • 8"1'0,..., aoad 11.75 to "Goroe·t'Mr Doal." car• of title .. ,,,,.,.,, P.O. Boa llt, Norwood, N.J. 07"8. Mako c•ocka pe1alltlo to Now1,.po"°81l1. •K IOH +t SOUTH + AJt71% <:;)1(8 0 " •J872 The biddinr. Nortlt Eut s .. Ui Weet •• s o s+ 4 o •NT Pua 5 0 Pa11 8 + P ... Pua Pa11 Opening lead: Five of O. Our first declarer won in dummy and cashed another high trump. Next came three rounds of hearts, on which he slurfed a club. When East followed lo all these tricks, declarer had an inferential count of the hand -East almost surely had seven The other declarer took a slightly different.. perhaps even better, line or play. Since East ha~ long dia· When declarer led his lut trump. West wu down to rour hearts and the king of clubs. Since he knew that declarer had the jack of clubs, West h.ad to hold the king. He reluctantly parted with a heart, ln lbe hope that his partner had the king. But It wat not to be. Oummy'1 re· maining cl ub waa ditched. and four hearts brought q ANN UNOflS I a lso w o rry nbou l w h a t the groom 's conscrvatlvt-part.•nU; and their frl"nd<; will thJnk Can you suggt'St soml·thing? M BARRASSED IN GARRISON DEAR M.: Apparenlly Lorraine still bas 19m~ rebellion to work through. Accept her declsloa for now. But have a bl>ttle of Covermark on bud In case she bas an auack of good sense a t tbe la•I moment. Is alcoholism rwmng your Ill<!? Know the danger signals and what co do. Reod the booJcJet, "Alroholism Ho~ and H elp," by Ann lMmdtVS Enclose 50 N•nL'i with your requ<.•s1 and a Jong, ·stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995, Chicago. Ill. 60611. ' HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Thursday, September 30 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Famlty member aids m resolving dilemma You could be on brink of a very important discovery. You'll be invited t.o parucipale in scientific project. One close to yoµ talks of moving, travel and domestic adjustment. TAURUS (April 20 lo May 20): Roma ntic involvement lends spice to life. Keep guard up, don't fall prey to sucker punch. You'll be dealing with individual who 1s secretive, sensitive and prescient. Wis h will come true in unorthodox manner. Watch Pisces. GEMINI (May 2 1-June 20): Emphasis on business, career, prestige and honor. You succeed i.!_l making room for yourself at top. You'll have added responsibility and chance for greater rfwards'. fiebt will be repaid, you'll feel fortunate and burden will be removed. CANCER (June 21-J uly 22): Good lunar aspect coincides with travel, spiritual values. ability tb overcome distance. language barriers. Project wlU be completed , you 'll have opportunity to strike chord of universal the me. Key now is to be enterprising. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Get to heart of matte~ concerning financial proposition. You may be asked to endorse a product. Key is to be selective, to unc>ersta.nd tax, license requirements and to k.no\t who ls supplying funds. Aries. Libra persons play key roles. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Sense of directiota requires clarification. You may be working against your own beet lnterests. Emphasis on legalities, public relations and necessity for protecting fonnats, ideas, concepts. Keep eye on Aquarius. LIBRA (Sept. 23~0ct. 22): Leave details for another time -for now, perceive picture or theme in its entirety. Change of pace proves beneficial. You'll be invited to inte resting social function. What appeared a setback is due to boomerang iD your favor. SCQ.RPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You engage lo risk-taking operation. Excitement prevails, you're stimulated a nd challenged. Aquarius. Leo and another Scorpio figure prominently. You'll hav~ opportuntty to prove rnaJOr points, to insure safetr measures and to display a ffection. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-0ec. 21): Give full rein to intellectual curiosity -ask questions, make inquin es especially where proper ty is concerned. You encounter a stimulating salesperson who tends to overwhelm. Maintain balance, ge t promi.sel in writing. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan . 19): F ocus on domestic situation, relatives. important concessions and activity which involves remodeling if not actual change of residence. Telephone call could result an short trip. Be ale rt, aware and open to creative suggestions. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Keep eye on loose ch ange. Cycle 1s high. you obtain maJOr support and some of your associates make no secret of their envy~ You'll be invited on cruise or tour. Be sure of exact meanings. take nothing for granted. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): This can be your power-play day' Business. financial and personal life blend; you'll make n ght moves. you'll know what to do and when to do it. Where a man can have an island to himself ALEXANDRIA BAY, N.Y. (AP) -"No man la an Island," wrote the Elizabethan poet John Donne, who never visited the Thousand Islands. One of his contemporaries did, however, a Frenchman named Samue l d e Champlain. He realized right off that if no man was an island, there were enouah of them in the S t. Lawrence River for a man to have one all to hi.JNe1f. LaSalle, Marquette, J oliet, Cadillac and a couple of other Frenchmen important enough to have coneca. penitentiaries and limousines named afW \hem CEUn9 canoeing by, and before you know it, Mllllonalr•'• Row blossomed with ornate maNikJN on \hew pink granite outcropplnp where the Huron and the Iroquois Wied to stage thelr war ~· 'I1w oowl.lat Jamee Fenimore Cooper helped afve the ThoU9and lalands a good press, even I( no one In thoee romantic times was very good at oountina. Adu91ly, U 'J&.A So by the two ll'ee9 rule that tbe Aocals we '"'° defbuna a valid island among thw 11NMftllnC8 of the Ice Afe, the 40--mile·lona -llnlnt ~be known .. the Two~ •a•...., 8lw or tea • f~ in the wlFlh of a pullnc jumbo oO laMel'. ?BE I NDJA.NS, BEFORE they cho1e the wronc llde "' the l'rmch and ~ War and Wtre ct...s off, called them ''"n>e GUden of the Gl'fft Spirit," which etUJ bad a nice ring to tt in Prohibition cUys when great arnounta of spirita nn huetled from .a.net to flland, depending on the war the boundtry line between Canada an4 the Umlecl a.... baunmd t.k .nd forth In the St. IAwrwa. By a tl'Nty slped In 1822, the ialanda W(\~ pretty evenly divided belween the two countries, with those on the American side being assigned to Jefferson County in New York State. Less than 150 years ago. you could have bought the whole batch of New York State's Islands for $3,000 from a real est.ate specuJator named Col. Elisha Camp. That. of course, was before the automobiles named for La Salle and Cadillac w e re Invented , and honeymooners di.acovered the charm of the cool nJghl$ and the chance to get away from It aJl on a bona fide fan\aay island. One chap who spent his honeymoon on an uninhabited, underdeveloped island In the middle of the St. Lawrence paid t'he Canadian govemment a million dollars to keep lt that way, save for the cross he erected in h is wife's memory when she died soon after the wedding. Tourist boat guides now boom out the details of the memorial cl'C* over their loudspeakers, along with the other aad, romantic t31et that eeem to hover over the.e lalanda like the river mist.a. There la Boldt C.ile, a tremendous pile of pink atone and Lmpmtn1 arctwe and tunete that Georse Boldt, who rnanapd the old Waldorf Altona Hotel, h.t built on Heart Island, et.aped like a he.rt. for hl• wife, but 1bandoned when construction wu only half finished, btuuee of her untimely dffth. There aro the fh~ Edwardian man.siona erected on adjo(nlng lalanda by two New York department store maenatc!I. who went down on the 'l'i&anic. RAND OF THE RAND MeNAU. Y rnap piople hu U\ 1aland ell to him.elf, at doet one of tM tMa I'd at ._..r'a Dtftet. One ltland beJonat to Yale Unlveraily, which la d0Cn1 reuarch tnto honeymoo.ncrt or ial•nd ( vcr or the life cyclt" of HUGH MULLIGAll MULLIGAN STEW sturgeon tn the St. Lawrence or aomething. My favorlte a mong the two thou1&nd te Zavicon, which is actually a pair or Is lands with the inte rnational boundar)'. located ln the narrpw channel between them. The one Dn the--nort.h ma the Maple Leaf flag, while the other is under the Stars and Stripes. and both arc jolned by what lt touted to be the world's shortest international bridge, a wooden a.rch that looks like it belonp to the st.age .et of "The Mikado." rm a1ao parUal to an island called Juet Room Enou1h, which has jult room enough for ·'he requisite tWO \reel, a red thlncled "°'~ and .three deck chain. Thia la1and panadtee hM no a.wn to mow, hedpa to trim or aarden to weed. MOit of the lllanda nave simple ,,..ti, twnet: Deer teland, Jewel l1land, Ivy Lea, Fairyland,, Devil'• Oven. Castle Reet, S~vtt bland, Comfort laland -not the tort of namee that would blaahl th~ 1andecape If a rea1 eir1AC. dew)OPet Ft hokf of thil ec•uertna of wooded lalanda, wt\ich ptl lhe St. Lawrence off '° such a 1plftMUd acen.lc etart on lte ~htY eurp from Lake Ont.arto to the Atlmtk Qci9n. The ll&and ecene lt pktuff' po.tcard s-rfen whh ,....t IMNAona whh wraperound pGft'-1 1ln1•rbread boat houa • •nd;tlny U.S. and Canadlan cuatoma poet.a. People who Uve year round in the Thousand Islands seem w think big. m four d igns at least. St. C1v1l of Alexandria Roman Catholic Church, wh1~ serves par1s honers on the U .S. s.ide of the r1~r boundary. has in its Cha pel of Our Lady. just to the right of the main altar, the largest colle<:tion oC \Qy frogs anywhere m Christendom. The stuffe d amphlb1a , which may no\A.r outnumber these islands, are available for child~ to touch and tos.9 about during Mas.,. It keept' th~ urchins from crying during sermons by Fath~r James Meehan, the pastor, who started collecttl\R the frogs seven years ago, and takes the adultf minds off the serond collection. Ke r<mit the Frog, in AJexandria Say anyway, is d •finitely a Catholic:. St. Cyril, by the WC\y, was not a Thousand blander. He was a stem fifth century btahop of Alexandria, Egypt. a theologian and doctor of Uw> church. who might have had trouble assimilaUn; a thou.nd frogs Into the llturgy. But then. he·llvcd In the Dark A•ct, before anyone thought of addins ket.chup and chlvee to rnayonnaiae and lloafna tt tit> \M '°"1.riata u 'I'houaend I land dl-..f111. ' Anyone intereu.ed In havin« an llland to hitn or heneU can pAck up one ln thil IJ'OUP nytnc • •'f1 ale'' atp for • mett $60,000. It oontAllns •t WUt dozen trffl, the chimney and foundation bumcd down manalon, a ~l<'ril'\8. c:n.imblini hall and a finl' view of the 70().foot·long ore boat." plying th<• main channel ot d'lt St. Law Seaway. In winter, when th(' c: Is 40 feet thkk1 can walk on ll. And aoon you may be able to ln aumnwr. too. If that n X\ ke Aae, which all \h nattvts are prcdiclina •nd prcparina for, ~" Th n th r might be ll wholt' n •w batch of tala up for arabs. r ~·· Orange OOHt DAIL v PILOT/W9dn••d•v. Stpttm~r 29. 1982 Harv t set • 1n Irvine Jwu llkt• In thut nwlum:huly 11t111g , lrvlrw'H Hurvt.'llt Jo'Mltlval to bf• swgrod thi11 °Wt"'<'kl•nd, will be Bhani'd on by a harvpst moon The "Old Farmer's Almunuc" IW)'ll the ruu moon appearing on the horizon Saturday evening will be the legendary harv{'tlt moon. ,However, the reaping taking place this weekend won't be so much in agricultural fields as 1n the festival booths at Heritage Park, where local artisans, organizations and service clubs expect to proClt selllng everything from crafts to corn on the cob to cratlness. Festival Chairman Tim Parker said 160 booths have been rented this year, 15 more than in the 1981 event that drew about 35,000 spectators. More are expected this year if the weather is pleasant, he said. So far, he added, weather reports indicate that skies might be clear enough to see the man in the moon. "It 1s supposed to be clear and beautiful through Fnday. We'll have to wait and see aft.er that," he said Tuesday. · The festival begins with gates opening at"6 p.m. Friday after local dignitaries gather for a ribbon culling. Gates close the first night a t 11 p.m. The festival runs from 9 a.m. to midnight Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ,Sunday. Admission is $1 for adults, 50 cents for senior citizens and spectators aged 12 to 18. Those aged 11 or less will be admitted free. Volunteers began this week erecting a fence around the festival grounds and spreading the first layer of sawdust as a ground cover. The festivities actually began last Friday when more than 300 people attended the annual Harvest Moon Ball at the Registry Hotel. Established a decade ago for local artists to display their works, the festival has evolved into an event that this year will offer more than 100 arts and crafts booths, 41 others selling food and drink and 16 offering games. ~ Now administered by a volunteer board of directors, the festival has become a key fi.tnd- ra~ing activity for many organizations. ·t'he Soroptimis t Club of Ir'1ine is defending champion of the clubs; the Orange County 1''lre Department also is out to defend its title. The high school competition will be new this year. O n Saturday, the Ir vine Chamber of Commerce will host a $2.25-per-person pancake breakfast at the Heritage Park Teen Cent.er from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Ebell Club of Irvine will hold a live auction at l p.m. Sunday, also at the teen cent.er. I I ., Wtrephoto Danger of Sta rlighter baby cribs demonstrated: Whe n top ra il is folded down (above), child could get n eck trapped in section . Starlighter cribs said ~afety peril WASHINGTON (AP) -The Consumer Product Safety Commission has warned parents to stop using "Starlighter" baby cribs. which the commission sald could pose a safety hazard. About 1,000 of the plastic c ribs were sold between 1975 and 1978 by Contemporary Times Inc., of St. Petersburg. Fla., which is undergoing a federal bankruptcy proceeding, the commission said. When the top rail of the crib is folded down, the bottom section presents a picket fence appearance and a child could get Its neck trapped in this section, the commission warned. The agency reported that one infant died in such a situation. Owners of the cribs should immediately stop using them, said the commission. People needing more information can contact the commission, toll-free, by calling 800-638-8326. In Marylan d , the number Is 800-492-8363; in Alaska. Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, 800-638-8333. IHI . IAllL'I "' ... _,_ ,.....,,.a .,o IO&MWATll HIA,_ IATMIOOM ..,.,._ St t.r ,110 7 ..,_ ,_ ......... ,,_ Ooor cc.-~--,,_ Alwl CIOtTA .sA 641•1289 HM.._,.. ...... ..... Yll» 495-0401 1 2llfll C.-.. ( $. I I* .... '""' .. ,,,_,....,,, - C.11142-5171. Put• fewworda lo work tor ~· l111uhtc1i-.11: (fWHOOO!'lltd Kuvm: TA)' nmtkJ I• Ml·xlco'• okk•I and lari«•'I hn.'W\'t)', l\llml'C! In honor ul I~ lul Atlr\ "tn1x•nw, (uauhh:mot Slllll' 111!!0. lhc tuauhltmoc hn.:11ocrk-a h.lw IA-en pnidud n11 !Jun th.ti l1<>w ht>co1T11.• lt'flcnda llw wtlfld owr Br"-fA6/,t. Mcxlcu'• unly true llllhl ~-.r. U1ldcn In tolcw, llrla<t haa real hnJl•>tl f111\1;r, yet only !IO calor~• IJ'lf I I oz holl llJ, Bo'1a.rl.a. One ol 11111 W(1rlJ'5 flrwat la111Jr l:k:cu. Uohcmla has a ulap, clt11n, full bodied tn~lc .md a rlc.-h ljl•hlcn col11r. t:.rl4 81.aMft Dlll'lt S,-141. A rl<'h. om her colol\.'<l bl-cr with a 1mooth, nwllow, .allsfyln11 flamr and no bllh:r after Usie. t:.rhl BIA-. Mc~1rn'• 11~•1 trildllkM\al laRer ~r Carla Bl,nc.:a lw bl.-cn winning 11«Jld ~Is and ck:llllhting be<!r drlnl..cn ;imund th!! 11oorld llncf t 89:1. 'l«wt~. 'lbppeJ with lemon ond salt, Tucatc Is a tastr 11en~tlon No wunder It's the larwcsl scllln11 lm-PQC1l-J_c1n.nc\l..lx.-cr thmughout lhc United Slates. When )'llU lhink of lhc world's ..Jjreal beers, rcnwmbcr lhc nw great beers from Mcxlco-lhe h:11cnds of Cuauhtemoc. PEOPLE COUNT ON US EVERY DAY FOR: 1 Coupon Savings, Complete Stocks, Local News and Sports, and Advertised Values. READING ENJOYMENT 7 DAYS A WEEK in the Daily Pilat TetraMtn • Compltta °"' '°' 14111191 ltc»cM ''"' • kif 1111111 •ono Tetra 81111 Fiiter Sponge Fitter for up to 10 gallon aquarium 12.00 on reg. 11.21 ln•tant Ocean Salt "·" eave $5.00 • New lloit•no 1oo0 ~--.-i 1111nos 3.53 oz. s1 .oo oft reg. $t.11 I Ehelm Power Fiiter MODEL 2013-31 S71.ll eave 920.00 • . , I ' W l>Nl'80AY, Sf:Pl ?O 1~112 . Wt1rking wit h opera lt•nor IJ11eia110 Pavarotti f<>r ''Ye , Giorgio" wa a -111 CIAIT Ill Ill CIUllY ENTERTAINMENT COMICS BUSINESS 88 89 85 challenge. P.ag D 0 Ot>1ignl'r1t who prepared th._. 'lluu1e of De1isn' (right ) include,d (from left ) Ka therine McGluthlin, Chrl&tinf' Ltac~8ebrink, J udy Gih cm , Caroline Krt'i s, Chril DanJon, J une Urown, De nna Br od y, Susan Turbin. Joon Mt>nh.-uett, Scot Brown, Barbara Gordon, Clurt'nce Krueger, Randy Boyd and Ste plien Duvis. Taking a look at the library are (top floor ) Robin Mcintyre, co-chairman or the Cinderella Guild, a nd (lower floor ) Sharran Renna or the Punch and Jud1 Guild. T wo o r the five bedroom s are pi~tured below. Mo-re -than -just --a -home· For t he good of the Ch ildre n 's Hospital of Orange County. Dr. Barton Blinder and his family have. agreed t.o move out of their custom-built home on Harbor Ridge In Newport Beach. It's not like the Blinder family won't be back, because it will. It's just that the former Philadelphians have agreed t.o let their 9,000-square-foot home be used for a month t.o raise money for the hospital. Sponsored by the Newport Harbor Jaycees, the home has been decoraU!d by 20 leading Interior deaignen and the results can be viewed every day through Oct. 26 except on Mondays. The house, even without the decorators. is a work of art. It. has a circular. two-story library of( a large living room, quarters for guests and a maid, i ndoor sauna , jac uzzi a nd steamroom and five bedrooms. The house at 23 Ridgeline Dr. has seven fireplaces and its interior is largely oak with oak parquet. flooring. Designed with Philade lphia-style, the house features a stone exterior with a massive curved staircase and formal chandelier in the entry. The work of the interior decorators was added to all of this and is the centerpiece of the month-long viewing. And when the Blinder family returns home next month, it will have first crack al purchasing the added Items such as rugs and wall hangings. Tickets t.o see the so-called "house of design" are $6.50 in advance or $7.50 i{ purchased at the Harbor Ridge sales office at 19 Harbor Ridge Dr. Call 675-9333 or 997-4818 for more information. Harbor Ridge can be easily reached by taking MacArthur Boulevard to San Joaquin Hills Road and turning left on Spyglass Hill Road. The Harbor Ridge guard st.at.ion is off Spygl~ HilJ Road. Incumbents lead in campaign cost , sweepstakes Most expensi ve el ection race involves non-incumbents Barbaro and Roy ce By JEFF ADLER Of" the Dellr ,llot l .. ff Incumbents in Orange Coast legislative districts be they Democrat or Republican -are winning the fund-raising and campaign-spending sweepstakes, the latest batch of financial disclosure statements filed with election authorities shows. But even though state Senate and Assembly incumbents are collecting a nd dispersing campaign monies fas\er than t heir c halle ngers, the most expensive Orange Coas t le g islative race Is a ba ule between t.wo non-Incumbents, Democrat Frank Barbaro and Republican F.dward Royce, for the 32nd District state Senate teat. Barbaro, a Garden G r ove attorney. tops the list with contributions totaling $250.318 and expenditures totaling $269,- 90 l , a<.-cording to his financial disclosure statement filed with the Orange County Rcgjstrar of Voters Omce. For the latest filing period, between July 1 and Sept. 17, t Barbaro reported cash receipts of $38,620 and eX"pendilures totaling $77,644. He reported having $8,648 at the close or the reporting period and a total campaign deficit of $115.599, according to the report. Royt-e, his GOP opponent for the central Orange County Senate seat, reported exp e nditures totaling $82.576 on receipts of $174,324. For the latest dlaclosure period, Royce said he received $92,448 in cash contribution,, and spent $22.501. Royce's financial disclosure re port also shows an ending balance for the :July-September reporting period of $57 ,517 with $83,217 in cash on-hand. Both candidates r eported re<.-eiving cash contributions from o h ost o f Californ ia trade associations and political action committees. Borbaro reported contributions from the California Cable• TV Association. $1.250: California State Fimployees Aasoclatlon, $5,· 600; California Teach e r a 1 ELICTION82 Association. $4 ,000; and the California Trial ,Law y ers Association. $10.000 through the close ol the period. J11s slatemcnt also shows that he received a $:J.300 loan from Democratic activist and wealthy sol.th county landowner Richard O'Neill. bringing the fotal of O'Ncall's lo<:1ns to th<.' campaign to $26.:JOO. Contra bu tor s to Royce's ('ampalgn cffort include: Aminoll USA, $800; c,11tornia Real Estate PAC, $5.000; California llcpubllcon Party. $10,000: Farm PAC. $2,500: Fluor Curp., $1.000; F'und tor Insurance F.ducatlon, $3,000; Orange County Lincoln C l ub, $15,000: United for California, $25,000; and Kori Karcher Entcrpr11cs, $1,000. following 15 a llatlng o f contributions and cxpt>ndlturca In other districts ~nco1npa11ang Orange Coast communili<'S: 58th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (Long Beac h to H untan~tCln Beach): -Incumbent Republican Denni s Brown : t ota l contribution s . $93 ,20~; contributions for July I -Sept. 17 period , $53.075, total c as h contributions. $87,823: total expe nditures. $97 ,858 ; expenditures for p<>rlod. $31,139. cash on-hand. $95.215. Democrat Patricia Sprmger: tptal contributions. $26.IJ91: total contributions for period. $13,854: total l'ash contributions, $9.352; total cxpendlture11. $13,1 59; expenditures tor period, $10.527; cosh on-hand, • 1 I .865. 69th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (C.0Sta Mesa, Irvine and parts of Huntington &och); -Incumbent Rt'publlcan Nolan Frltz<'lle: t o tal co ntribu t ions. $1 52,868: rontrtbutlons for pt>rlod. $11 ,649, total cash contributlona, $106, 71 7; total expendlturH, $131.65~; expenditures for period, $19,683: expenditur<.'s, $2.170: cash on- cash on-hand, $23,573. hand. $256. -Democrat Robert Hanson: total contributions. $12,673; contributions for period, $1 ,13tf; total cash contributions, $3,749; total expenditures. $7,222; expenditures for period. $1.820; cash on-hand, $797, loans to campaign. $4,592 by Hanson. 70th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano and parts of inland Orange County): 71 st ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (portions of Westminster and Garden Grove): Incumbent Dem ocrat Che s ter Wray : t ota l c on tr 1 bu t 1 on !J,. $ 9 6 . 1 7 2 : rontr1buuons for period, $43,309; to tal c ash. $51 .213; total e xpenditu r e • $66,424; expenditures for period, $12.859: ca h on-hand. $5,530: tot.al cash, 7 lst Assembly District Good Governme nt Committee. (on Wray's behalf). $5.205. Incumbe nt Republtcan M aria n Bergeson : t otal con tribution•. $24 , 15 5; -Republican Doris Allen: t'Ontributiona ror period, $11,952: total contributions . $90,577; total tia1h <0nlribtal1ons, $24.080:--contributions £or sx•riod, $64,482: total expenditures. $30,570; total cash, $89,256; tota l exp<>ndllurcs for period. $10.692: c x pc n d It u res, $ 6 7, O 9 4 : cash on-hand. $70,694; $2.000 expenditures for p.rlod, $30,428; campaign. loans to Assembly c as h on · hand . $ 4 2. 6 1 a; candidates SuMy Mojonnicr, of contributions Include, $1 5,0<10 Del Mar, and Chuck Bader. of from Califo rnia Republican Pomona. Purty: United for California. Ot>mocrat Linda W<'stfall: total rontributions. $1 ,005; total contributions cash. SJ .00~: total . • $I 0.000: Orange County L.inculn Club. $5,000. Orange County Commluet• rot Stott-and Loc11l CandldotM, $5,000. . ...... • fl tit l:ll >I I ,., HI Orang• Co11t DAIL V PILOT IWednelday, 8eptttnber 28, 1082 Bishop Simon Talarczyk, left, and the Rev. Paul Raible join J ennie and Karl Kreder at a party celebrating Karl' 75th birthday. ... . --·-- ' UCI chancellor entertains Cha n c('llo r and Mrs . Danie l Aldric h entertained 240 members of UCI Town and Gown recently in the University House to begin the group's 1982-83 season. Advisory board members acting as hostesses for the coffee w e re Mary G lass, Vivian Harvey, Suzanne McBrien, Helen McGeen, Rae Jean Ryan, Gerrie S hank and P aula Van Eden. France Campbell and her committee provided the refreshments.. The university support group has over 800 members with 22 interest groups. Joan Rowland is president. LAGUNA CATHEDRAL: The Guinness Book of Records hsts the Cathedral of S t. Francis By- the-Sea as the smallest cathedral in the world, says Nancy Kreder. The American Catholic churctr seats 45. A n .'<.'<'n t party honored one of the members. Karl Kreder. who was celebrating his 75th birthday and al the same ttme served as a fund-raiser to purchase an organ. The event w hich featured an outdoor Mass of Thanksgiving, social hour and a potluck dinner , took place at the home of the Rev. Thomas Allen in Laguna Niguel. ·Before his retirement, Kreder worked for a Benefit planned for cystic fibrosis A FASHION SEMINAR to benefit Cystic Fibrosis research and patient care in Orange and Los Angeles counties is planned at 10 a.m. Oct. 2 at Irvine Turtle Rock Center, # 1 Sunnyhill, by Gamma Tau Gamma Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. Nordstrom will present the fashions and there will be exhibits and demonstrations on ClUI CllllDIR makeup, color harmony analysis and tips on travel and body toning. Prizes will be awarded. Additional information may be obtained by calling 599-1552 or 839-0922. There will be fun, food and western music at a 3 to 6 p .m . Oct. 3 b e nefit for PROJECT INDEPENDENCE, a program to assist disabled adults. Don A. Montgomery is hosting the event at 801 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa. He may be called at 754-1016 for further details. Sunda y 1s the deadline for purchasing a ticket ($17.50) to DAY EXTRAORDINAIRE set Oct. 9 at the Crystal Cathedral by the Women's Ministries. Carol Lawrence will entertain and act as mistress of ceremonies with Sally John, wife of Angel pitcher Tommy John; author Marjorie Holmes; humorist Jeanne Robertson, and Arvella Schuller as speakers. An art festival is being held in conjunction with the event which begins at 8:30 a.m. with a continental breakfasL Mastercard/Visa orders may be called to 971-4014 and further details available by calling 971-4080. Royal Copenhagen Christmas Plates ~ 19s2 fl '54.50 1276 S. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach Same block as Pottery Shack 4JIM~ imports•~---------"" Dally 1Q..5 Sun. 12-5 Ck>Md Thurlday To Encourage Pet Care Animal Hospital o(!ountain Valey Announces 50% Reduction On Spaying, Neutering, and Vaccination Sept. 27 to Oct. 2, 1112 For Detalls Call 962-8621 ' major insurance company. He and his wife, Jennie, reside in Monarch Bay. They are the parents of James Kreder of Laguna Beach and Willie Acevedo of Malibu. BRISTOL FOOT CLINIC Podiatry Clinic FOOT 8URGE-.v • ffOO"""'Tl'-t01'\<ftl9'T1'1"jH ... 0Pf'MllEEtot-c·- Wi1h new techniquf's available, now many fool problems can be corrected in our ltlllfOtl ~. 0 .1'.M. tdlo .. o\mc'r1C1n l.ollr1t~ ul offil'e. wi1h little 1065 from )OUr normal artivitll's. • 1,..rown ,,..,. toot Orthopfflio 0.l'lo<Ntr Am..m •n &.rd or foot Othhoprdw' i.\kJnb:,r Atadcm) of Ambul•t«) f 001 S.UittrY In Pr1rhtt for O\l'r :!~ 'n 40S fWY • HMn,,,.,,ae. • Corn• Md u11ou ... • 84Mlon• CALL TOD~Y tor your lnlt,.I FREE CONSULTATION • EXAMINATION WITH AD EXPIHF.S 11-20-82 Se Habla Espanol ll1m11ed 10 new pol1e<'l!SI 2101 South Brlatol (blori '""'h of "'"""'/ Santa _Ana • 979-7555 FIXED HATE I • MORT6A6ES FULLY AMORTIZED _SECOND TRUST DEE.DS CALL (714)754-~1801 FOR CU.RRENT RATES ASK FOR: LINDA SHEA ASSISTANT VICE P RESIDENT ·Gl ···-"' LlNOI~ 1700 ADAMS A VE. c ·osT A MESA, CA 875-1171 ;1295 Newport Boulevard Newnort Beach Calltornla (on Penlnsule Across f.'rom City Hall) No other newspaper brings you more of ..)'our city council, planning commission, sc'hool and college districts a net county · government than the '-' Piiat Chancellor Daniel Aldrich s poke briefly at the members hip m eeting of UCI Town and Gown he ld in the Unive r ity House. H ei:t• -he c hats wi th Joan Rowland, prei,ident, (cente r ) and Marian Neal, treasurer . TOP SIRLOIN STEAK A flavorful steak. 3 35 grilled to your taste • FILET MIGNON A delicious steak 1 wrapped in bacon to 3 85 enhance the flavor • A ho~ey Of a savings. fr11 111•111·11 R11~1·d I "1111 f1111111/1:111:<l Al11•ta1d. 'r1111'// /111't· 111 --(llPCClll'O" --------.. A HONEY OF A SAVINGS AT ·•1 EVERY LOCATION! WllOl I Olt llAU llAM I <.nt PO, c:cxm rttRt 10/<·/ll1 I t'..\~.\IUl'lrl.1' \i\l'\t 'ft\1111\' tJlll' .... tft .. ~f .. tt, tlh.a ,_If f k I 4 h , .... O.\ " ...... ~ ., .... •t•• \\ "" o tv, I "'"''' I tJtt-t \\o-"4 .tf"' ..... t'h.,I I o.; t P .,.,.. !UI I t\kl¥1t.Mtl' .,,~ .... ~-.. '" l .t,, ~.,_.,I tu~.I ._, I' fhi~ t"ttt t \I -.· II Ml 110111 '-000 14'11"' Wh1,, I• Ot t t.•+"'4. ~ I .6., 1 111 IM\1 l'I •f•I 1"lh ,,,,. t-1\ot. NO• llllllM..I .,.,, •• .,..,, ~~.1 t ~II\"''"'"''" I~. \"t f'ti·~ 'th lff W~I Ol4M.I ......... ........ .. ...... ,, .. , , "... I ,. ~ .. ,I , .. ...._~ I 'Pt-.. •" ....... \! ~ ,,.,, • .,,. h• flt.th,,.. "' 1•1htl4't"t..•• f'1• •• ' ........ ~ ~· '""' 1111<.o •:-·' ,. ,., ... , \\1 ·~ kilt-... •"11 l"l'l,.,t t •• VII ,.._,... HAID WOllCING ll(Jll ,_,.MA#Cl HEAVY MULTl-GRADI DUTY GTX IOW-40 HW·SO S.A.E. 30 WT 87~.~96! PAINTAIU IUCl IHD & ClllOMI USE UNDER-CAR CREEPER Low Cost l'rot«tion TRUNK & HOOD LOCK A MUST fOa ANY MICHANtC'S OAaAGI oa SMOft CUSTOM MUFFLER "9pl9e41 '°"' WOf" out OtlOINI mul,.., Wtlh a MIJll'FLOW C..1tom ~Illar NATUtlU INCLUOI: . ......,,,,,., ....... _._ ....................... ...................... _......, ·.,:~ IMPORT TURBO A perfonM1Ke muffler that MtHftifies ~ .• ---.. yow <arl .,. __ 01 -.,...,..._ ....... Orange COHt DAILY PILOT /Wtdnt1d1y, Sepltmber 20. 1082 B3 Huge savings on &V'9rytiJlng you need to geryour ca~ together. 1 1 oo CAlil \\ RIFUND \\ ~1 ly ..n _..... yw ~Y /-'" TWO t OUNCE CAMS Of 1...- WD •40 lUIRICANT All> . RUST PREVENTATIVE uu Pita • ., 2 ... •zn USS lllATI '1" ..,_ .. _ .... YOUI COST EACH .. 69 • .,_...._ WORLD'S NO. 1 INSTANT PUllCTURf REPAIR=~:~:: Fih in °' under doV.. Gfeot ~ ot Pep 8oy' low, low pricfl. lcHAiPtOMj SPARK PLUGS CHANGE YOUR PLUGS FOR ECONOMY AND BETTER MILEAGE ..... as~. 99~ CORNELL "200'' 78 SERIES TUlllESS IUCIWAllS s23ee .,. ,, ''-U' •••1•11 ''" ••·<t U O I•( '4-• • fUM1fU ... 171. ll t27." l t SJ c11.1J '"·" " 18 C71 " NI." l l 68 ( 71· I• N2." l l 80 171.t• "'·" "01 G71 I• ju," " 17 G71 IS $H." n 76 H18 IS i4o." "~ CORNELL "450H GLASS BELTED SPORT RADIAL TUlllfSS IUOWAllS .... .... ........ t,&.( .. tY-l&t.t U . .. ISUlll ~1." " so l6SStl3 fa'·" i i ,. l7$St1• '46·" U IS 1usa:• ..... " 17 76 IUS•U "'·" " 91 JO MOffJff UM1110 IMHA#rY. • IARDAHl NO. 1 ''"' 1tic~~:t;""' .. oed '"'-'• ~--.. ....... ....d '°"'°" IARDAHl NO. 2 R•dMCU ~ Olld blow·b~, ~1"91•Y ...... •·•edu<.,ool "'i~. \1!~ BARD AHL TOP OIL VAL VE LUBRICANT 49( ~~!o,...~~~AS ,, .. , ,,kky .a1 ..... -==~ lA. _,.., .. ,......_. CORNELL ''150'' IOR COMPACTS, DOMESTIC, &IMPOUCARS '2499 /f •I e I' ••• , • .. •• • PRICP ~ .. $00 15 $29." $1 H 600 IS sn." I "67 " .,. .. 't r •t+t~' PRICE " .'.• CORNELL "700" GL-A-SS BELTED liADiALS $ TUllLHS WHITIWALLS 33!!'~ ''"' '' ~" . ' "" .. t ., .. •-f•i..MtOl ... -P16S IOll3 MO." ,, 00 "IS IOll3 ..,." p 11 I'll) 7Sl14 fU·" ,, 09 PIO) 7Sll4 M7." '1 01 1'705 7»1• fSO." '713 !'7157Sl14 .n.ff U •O '705 751115 '"·" l7 JO !'11) ,,.,, .,,." "5• ,,,, 7Sll) us." "61 JO MO#TI UMITIO MHA#Tf · PEP BOYS STILL GIVES A LIMITED ROAD HAZARD WARRANTY* AT NO EXTRA COST! '"' ,., IOl'S OMS • LIMITtD WAllUMTY OM COIMlU nus r04I A srtC.,110 NUMltl Of MONTHS AO-Sf AU 11()110 HA1At0S IN NOIMAl PASMMOO 0 1 UM O~ID TltlS Wl\L If ltfl'\ACtO WITH ,.,..TIO MOMMY AOJUSTMINl (HAllOf &I.MO OM If~• SflllMO l'ttlCI •IT TIM( Of "UllCKASI FREE TIRE MOWlllNS USI Y ... ClllDIT NOTRADl·IN RIQUIRID -.tU 'tUl "DUAi UC1M tu ' COSTA MESA C\ 2946 BRISTOL ST SO OF SAN DIEGO FWY PHQN[; 549-1533 EL T!hI~!~ELD I ~~~~!!!~~ ·G~~~~E~1!9YE ~~1 !~!~~' 12~~~J~~c~~ss W~!~!~!!ER PHONE 855-~93 PHONE. 870·0700 KATELLA & EUCLID PHONE. 944 6437 PHONE 54 7 74 77 , PHONE 893·8544 PHONE 638 0863 OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 9 A.M.·9 P.M./SAT. 8 A.M.·6 RM./SUN. 9 A.M.·5 P.M. •• Oran • Oo11t DAILY Pll.OTIWtdnHd•y. 8•pt•mber H, 1082 outh lead r gather ·More than 100 ranking executlv"'· volunteeu a nd educators are to meet Oct. 9 In wh'1t might be the first major community leadership seminar ln south Orange County. SALE STARTS WED. 'rlce1 0H4 .•. ,,.. ... ,, s.,r1mllltr 7'th Thru '"'''·'· Oct•r Sth. Some ''""' ot •11ulor flric11. The event, called Leadership Saddleback, has been designed by Saddlebac k College administrators t o stimulate an ongoing effort to enhance grass roots leadership In the s o u t h c o u n t y 1------• comm uni ties. Saddleback College Trustee Robert Price said the seminar, w be held at the Mi ssion Viejo Country Club, is the first of what could become a year-long series of meetings. "The objectiye of Leadership Saddleback is to develop strengthened community leadersrup by providing selective partic ipants from diverse backgrounds with the kn owledge and , understanding o f th e total community and its many facets," Price explained. Among participants will be newly-appointed ---Sa.dd~eback Colleg Chancellor Dr. Larry Stevens, Irvine City Manager William Woollett and Miss ion Viejo businesswoman Margaret Pottenger. Also to participate are Linda Turner, head of the Saddleback Regional Chamber of Commerce, and UC Irvine administ ra tor James Dunning, president of Orange Coun t y Arts Alliance. Co-sponsors for the e.vent with the college are the Mission Viejo Company , the Saddleback Area Coordi nating Council and Laguna Hills Community Association. Parents to study infaI;Jcy "What N ow!" o r "Everything Y o u Always Wante d To Know About Kids But Were Afraid To Ask," is the title of the parent e ducation program beginning on Oct. 6. Sponsor ed by St. Joseph Hospital and t h e Orange County Chapter of the March of Dimes. the classes will me e t o n three Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9 :30 p .m .. at the Assistance League of Orange Chapter House, 124 South Orange. in the city of Orange. There is n o fee but r ese rvation s a r e recommended . Further information ca n be o btained by phoning 631-8700. 553-0881 or 633-9111, Ext. 7246. CORRECTION On Pao• I of the S.•r• •dvertlalng aectlon •ppearlng In thla newapaper on Sund•y, Sept. 21th, there la •n .ctvertlaement for "Men'• Fleeced Active Weu." The copy Incorrectly re.eta: "IWHI ahlrt and P•nta. Sever•I colora, 8-KL, Reg. SI." H ." The correct copy la: "8we•t ahlrt or p•nl1. S•••r•I colore, 8-XL. Reg. SI." ••·" The t•le prl~ of 2 for $10 11 correct. We alncerely regret thla error. I Sears I VIDAL SASSOON SASSOON SWEATER 3-LB. BONDED SLEEPING BAG VISTA PAK COOKIES JALTA FINE VODKA -1.ADJIShlUITLEllECl...SUU. -A COMf.OUllll -3-3" u.S" 10091. COPON 24!'«46" lO 2S-"x>v:.'--'._.~·OL&.ll~L fACX~GIL __ tAJTY Sill l.LS--11lll ml1 J99 ~~~··1599 j A foll foshion favorite. Super colors in 65% Polyester/35% cot· ton with Sponde1C8 neck & cuffs. All the comfort you need in one greot bog. Hos durable cover, tricot lining & 100" #5 zipper. #44627. ~~~~~ t·~::el:::;~ 3 9 9 While Stock losts! If PHFECT YOUI CHOICE a.00.11.00• IEG.,,c 19c Greot flovors to perk up your snock time. Sove now with the big 12·ovnce or 14·ounce pockoges. REG. 689· 7.99 Don't woit for o porty. come in to· doy,& stock up now on this fovorite premium quality liquor Sove 1.10 6>/1H ,LAIN & 1 O" LEGAL INVILOHS SAU PllCI 77c Envelopes for home or of· fice use. At great savings ...n1•1••1aae .... 1 ................. . ... ,...., .. ,......._ ........... • 11111 ........ M.*0 1 "Slilht Wt ...... 1 !e,M _, .ilt<t _,. , . P_.,AIM YALLIY .,. ................... . •11 ............ , ... _ .......... ••-•YIT~n'lml I . -\ sma nuwn - • TIAHSPAllHT SHAVINGS llCIPTACU • HOH· SIUO sue TIOH ~ _ CU,flO t • MOOllH COMPACT ~ ...._D~l~~G~H'"-~--' _,,....... "-. ii L-~,..._-_... - Pa . . RuYUOll (AUTO·STOPI ftascM1IC \llA-1 H<IPl&<ll ELECTRIC PENCIL SHARPENER ~:~~:r-r:~:£0~;;:~1~ 16 9 5 stops when pencil 1s shorp. #KP-100. ... CettA•IA •DIL 1M -C.... ............ c.. • ...., .... 4 ... -· c.-. .... ... ,_ .. ............... :-.. "':. ;-· . . FOLDING WOOD CLOTMIS HYO llG.9.99 J99 Feotvres non-snag hard· wood dowels. folds flat. . .......... _ .......... '-••tW I' I ............ 8arbar1 WUllam1 h1u1 b1-.•11 ruunl'tl m1mu111•1 uf the S1nu. An• 8rl1lol briuwh ut llome • 1vln11 uf ' _AmerlCI, :ttS6U S. Url•WI St 111 lht-Brlwtol Town und Country Plau . ., Willlan\11 johwd llomu In llJ7U '"' an upt•antlu11N i9tflcer al the Wt .. tmhutcr braam·h Sh<' pn.•vlously waa wltoh Coral Qablt>t1 Fcd\•rel S11vlnai11 und Loon an Coral 0 1blee. na and Huntlnston Nbllonat &nk In 'Columbui. Ohio Fl.DI Claudl·Ma1au11en of Mlsslon Viejo has !been promote d t o ma rketing man ager for f'lMrocarboa Compaay't Rubber Group. Prior to his new appointmen t, he served as vice ~ent and a&lee and marketing manager for the pany'a Reeves Rubber Division whk h has its "aln plant i n S a n C le m e nte, a nd a second production fa'ciUly In Birmingham, Ala. He joined 'Reeves In 1971 after being in executive marketing poaltions for 14 years. Howard K. Barlow of Corona del Mar and David 8 . Mayberry of Huntington Bcuch are mem bers of New York Life Insurance Company's 1982 Preside nt's Council, which indud(.'S the top 8 percent of the company's 8,500 agents in the United States and ~da. President's Council members qualify to attend a five-day educational conference at Palm Springs. Membership is based on 1981-82 safel; performance. Both are associated with tht• C'ompany's Orange general office. Gloria Zigner & Associates, Inc. has been retained as public relations counsel for Contract· /ti •. L ~ • Yo%otess1onal ~ · Flortst FlORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue A· 108 Costa Mesa· Stone Mill Business Park 64 1 ·0810 NM.IC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE NOTICE TO CQDITORS W~ OP 9UUC TRANIA!R NOTICE OF Tl'UITEEI' (~•· 1101--4107 U.C.C.) SALE NO. 30711 Nolle• It hereby given 10 lh• On OCTOBER 20. 1982 al 10.00 Cl9dll0ts of RON SHEA. Tran1reror. A M US TRUST OEEO SERVICES. wnoae hOme address It 408 Evening INC • a CalllOfnla corporallon whow Star. Ctly of Newporl Beach. Counly address 11 2115 J SlrMI, Sulla No ol Orange, Slate of Calllornla, lhal a 1. Sacram11n10. Calllornla 95816. bulk transfer Is at>out 10 be made lo whOH telephone num~r 11 (916) GISELE PLANTIER and PIERRE 448·8880. as Agenl lor RUBICON PLANTIER, ·TranalerHI, whose CO , whOH address It 1400 Rive< llOme addrMS Is c/o 308 S Craig Park 0t1wi, Sacramento. CalllOfnla Drive. Cily of Orange, Counly of 958 IS, whoso telephone number Is Orange, Sflue ol Calllornla (9161 924-3000, as TruSlee, ol t,,., The properly 10 be lranalerred Is cerlaln Deed of Trull execuled by delcrlbed In generat H All llOCk In PA TRICIA A BRICKNER, an trade, llll'lures. equlp<Mnl and good unmar1111d woman, and rlli(ordad will 01 lhat Beauty Salon business Seplember 30. t98 I as 1ntli"i.imenl k no w n •• "PANA CHE OF no 38651, In book 14238. page LONDON" end loc1t1d al 763 961, of Official ~dt ol Orange IMikllf' Slreel. City ol Cotla Mesa. Counly. Cat11orn1a. end pursuanl to County ol Orange. S111e ol that cert11n Noltce ol Oelaull and Clllfornla. Elec11on 10 Sell lhereunder recorded The bulk lrantfer w ill be June 10, 1982 81 ln11rumen1 no conaummaled on or aftet Iha 15lh 82-197050. ol Ofllc111 Records or dlly of Octob«, 1982 II 10 00 am nld Counly, w lll under and 9t Wfflern Mutual Escrow Corp • pursu1n1 10 said Deed ol Trust sell Ann: Marilyn Westmorelano, whose at public aucllon lor cash or edclr ... Is 14081 S Yorba S1ree1, Cash!« a Cl'leek, drawn on 1 slate SUiia 101, Tustln, CeJ1lornla 92680 Of nallonal bank, a 1111• or reoeral ni.1 Iha lasl dale lor 1111ng cia1m1 cre<Jlt union. °' a state or federal In Iha eecrow referred 10 herein is sev1ngt and loan aeaoc1a11on. Oclobet 14, 1982. domlCOed In lhe Slale of C11tfornla. Oeled August 26. 1982 al Iha Nor1h fronl 11<1lren<:e lo lhe Gllllle Plalnller counly courlhouse. 700 Civic Pl«re P1anliel Center 011ve Wesl. Sanla Ana, Transferee C8lll0fn•1. all lhal •!Ohl 11lle and Publlahed Orange Coasl Dally tnl.,etl conveyed 10 ano now het<I Pilot. September 29, 1982 by II undef said Deed ol Trull In Iha 3991-82 properly sllualed In 11ld Counly -----------and Sl1le described H CITY OF POBLIC NOTICE NEWPORT BEACH, Counl y of Orange, S1111e o f Cellfornla, d~bedas· lot SS ol Trac1 6622 In tllll City The lollowlng person Is doing of Newporl Beech, •• per map buel,_ as. recorded 1n Book 245, Pegff 20 10 •teUTIOUI •U.,..H NAllE ITAffMENT KIA KWOOO ASSOCIATES. 23 ol MlsceUaneoua Map1, In Iha 2()t1 Butlness Center Otlve, Sutt• olllce ol Iha Counly Recorder ol 207. Irvine, Cautornla 92715 Or•noe Covnly Joni$_ Mllu. 280 Cagney EXCEPT THEREFROM·ell 011, Li ne, No 204. Newpofl Beech. git m i nerals and olher Cllllornla 92663 hydrocarbon subt1ance1 1y1ng Th4s business is conduc1ed by an belOW • deplh 01 500 ieet w1lh0ul lndlv\Oual any 11ghl lo enlef upon Iha aurface Jon• S Mtllll or the subsurlace ol ta•d land Thia 11eu1metlt was hied w1lh the above a daplh ol 500 reel , as County Clerk ot Orange County on provided in 1na1rumen11 ol record SepU1mber 27. 1982 The purported a1ree1 address or F1tl321 olher common des1gneHon ol &aid Publl1hed Orange Coaal Daily properly 1845 Poll We11bou1ne PllOI, Sepl 29. Ocl 6. 13, 20. 1982 Place. NewpOfl Beach. CellfOfnla _________ 42_63_·_82 NO WARRANTY IS GIVEN AS TO I TS C ORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS Pl8l.IC NOTICE --FlC-TTTIOU---.-.-U-ll_N_E_l _S__ NI m. and • d d re 11 0 I 111 e NAME ITATEMENT benellc1ary al whose reQuetl the The following pereon Is doing sale 11 being conducled F1r11 bullneea u : 1n1erst11e Benk or Cal1lorn1a as A· 1 M ASON RV & CEM ENT, Trualee of lhe Granite Home Loans. 2• 13 "O" S. Fairview, Santi Ana Lid Serles 1008 Morlgege Pool Cellfornla 92704 c/o GRANITE HOME LOANS l TO . ~ Palrick G11manaw 2413 1400 Rnref Park Drove Sacramenlo "O" S F1lrv1ew, San1a An1 C8l1forn1a 95815 Oo•ecltor'ls 10 Iha c.itfornla 92704 above properly may be obtained by Thll busll\eSS la condUC1ed by an requesung aame in w111ing lrom Iha Individual. benertetary w1lhln 10 days from Iha Kevin Grimshaw llrll publtcalton of lh•• nolk:e Thie tletement wetJlle<I wl1h lhe S11d tale will be made w1lhou1 Counl)' Clerk ol Oranoe Covnly on covenan1 or warran1y express or Seplem!Mw 27. 1982 implied es 10 lrtle pouesslon or F119322 encumbrances 10 sa11sly lhe unpaid PLbll1hed Orange Coesl Deily bllance due on 11111 note or no1es Pllol. Sepl. 29. OCI 6, 13, 20. 1982 secured by saod Deed of Trust 10 4259-82 wll $96,468 t7 plut tllll lollowing -----------1 etllmateo cosis e•pen1es and P\.8l.IC NOTICE advances al IM ume ol lhe Initial -----------1 pub1tc111on of lh1s NoUce ol Sele 1(~11'7 F O r 11 C I O $ u r a F 11 a e e n d FlCTTTIOUI llUllNEIS Ea pen us S 1 69 0 98. NAME ITATEMENT Advances made w1lh 1n{ere11 CENTRAL CITY ASSOCIATES !hereon comouled IO dale of 4 Upper Newporl Plat• Drive. aal• S 148 S7 Any Advances ~ ee.ch, CA 928e0 mada herutter with lnterell THE MEISTER COMP.ANY. !hereon lrom data of Adv1nce INCORPORA TED, 1 Calllornle NOTICE TO c orporalion, 4 Upper Newporl PROPERTY OWNEA Plaza. N9WpQ<t Beech. CA 92660 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A ENCI N ITA S -ARNOLD DEED OF TRUST. DATED PROPERTIES. 16909 Vie de Santa SEPTEMBER 2S 1981 UNLESS Fe Rancho Sanla Fe, CA 92067 YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Thie bualnal tt conducled by an YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE unlncorporeled auoclellon other SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU thM a pertnerllt'llp NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE Enclnll11·Arnold NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING Propenlee AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD Jerry S. Arno!d. CONTACT A LAWYER Man11glng Gen Plr1 DA TEO Seplembllr 20. 1982 The ~II., Co • Inc RUBICON CO Jerald A Attord. u Said Truslee Sllnlor Vic.Pres By US TRUST DEED Thie llllem&nt was l11ed wllh Iha SERVICES. INC . Agenl County Clett< of Orange Counly on 2115 J StrMt. Suite No 1 Seplember 11, 1912 Sacramenlo. Ca. 95816 F1'7MI By Kalhleen Curlen, Lany T11ek., A1al111n1 Secrellry TYCllllf', 9-ta A HeftwMn Tel (1116) 448·8880 I U..-.... port "8u Publllhtd Or1nge COHI 01lly .........,, ilMctl. CA t2llO Ptlol Sepl 29 OCI 6 13 1982 Publlahad Orenge Co111 Delly •279-82 Plol, s.p1. 21. 0c1 e. 13. 20. 19e2 4299·82 PUlllC llltl 11-1253 IYPNOftlll Of n. ANNUAL ITATEMINT °" Ameftoen 9enllan ~ Compeny of Floflde .. •rtctiett A-. Mteml, Florida a1131 v-lncled Oecef'ftber 31, 1111 fotel Admllled a1111t1 T"ef llet>lllllel Clipjtal pelcf-up Gu1111111y Capl- taU8i.1ulcwy Depoeil ~ al'd COl\lr11>uled ~ ..... ried lundt (tutplul) ...,,.,. .. regard• pollc~· s 148,907,275 118, 108,873 s s.oe3. t&.c 5.808,1187 20.1<Hl,351 30,7g8,402 90,807,900 ~ lot Iha )'8'111 ~II ror Iha year 78,909,572 "'---~~ hereby oer111y 1ha1 thll abOve Item• 1re In 1ccordtllQll wlth Iha ,..._ 8~•-• tor Iha ~ ended Oecemb« 31, 1981, mllde to Iha ...,,_9n08 ConNnlNlonllr ol the Stale ol Ca11rorn1e, pursuanl lo •- L Aoyd Oer!IM!I VIOe PreMdenl ,,,_ ... JudllhKellef AIMltlllll ~ary Publlthed Oral'ge Co•t O•lly P11 ... 1. Sepl 20. 30. Ocl. 1, 2, 3. 1982 •2311·82 Tl plan layoff DAL.LAS (AP ) T tix11H lna\rum nUI Int., ont..• of th•~ world'• l•!St'llt n111kt•r" ul !H'ttllt'un thH'\111 ~. li UY'i II Will luv ul I u11n1 lwr :t,UOU WllLIAMI MAONUINN w ·u r k • r I t h I • , u 11 • brtnsln1 to nc1arly 10,000 S taffhlf( or Amcrlc1.1. Inc., 1wc:ordlna tu Uiil'twy • the number of employees prlnC'lifit Gloria Zl1ner. furlouahed In tht..• last Con\raclini si.mna of America, • Tualln· \WO yc:at11. ~lll(.-d llrm, look. to thu ag '™-'l for medi1o1 l!xposure Co m pa n y V I c e of ha office 1tofflt11 c6ncept, i.tgrwr sold. Aec.'C>unt P r e 1 Ide n t N or m a n Manager Karen Reed wlll supt..'rvtlM' the account Neureltor said that the layoffs would be apread OP has annu u nct-d t he uppointmc nt of amo n f many of t h e Jacquellne Wilton WI chief flnoncial officer. Wilson divert fled electronic• p r evious l y h aa owne d h er own privat e con cern 's 50 p la n u administrative consulting business serving national around the world. apparel manufacturers. S he Is a gred.uate of Cal State Los Angcll'll and received her public accounting ('><f>t•rien~l· f rom Correction Alexander Grunt & Co. in Los Angeles. Catherine S. Sbea has been named senior vice president of the savings division and John L. Auletta senior vice president of loan division for Westwood Savings and Loan Associa tion . She is a former assistant vice president of Far West Savings & Loan Association in Newport Beach Auletta 1s a former assistant vic-e president at Sate Mutu al Savings & Loan Association in Newport Beach. --- An Item In the Oran~e County Business br iefs colu m n o f Mo nday's editions announcing the prom o tio n o f Ca r 9 l W oodwa rd wi th Cambr idge Funding, a division o f Cambridge Capita l G roup, San ta Ana, was in error. S he I) no longer with the firm. Get a READY EQUITY. Credit Line and write - fti'i -1\jr~fllf*iU·~ a~· •100,000. You can Initiate a loan tor up to $100,000 simply by writing a check 1f you have a Ready Equity credit llne. Use the equity in your ho me to establish th~ credit line, and then you don't hove to worry about approvals or processing when you need the money Write a check and you have instant cash. ..... CALL (714) 644-1634 Great American Federal I! YDUI HlllTIWI IAllY PAPll To keep up with all that's happening Read all today's news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. ® Keep an eye on ~local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning commis-.·· sion, school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, cry or get 2J smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bombeck, Interesting features on people, t t in your eoDununity you need the Daily Pilot., • •• every day REASOrtS Wl1Y ••• /.lL Follow your team '-r/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community cot - leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by ttie Dally Pilot sports staff. Keep up w ith nationally ranked college and pro teams, tool B Save money and c!J shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised evefy day In the Dally Pilot. Because the ads are from f irms in this area, you save time, effort and money. Eqjoy your ~Sunday ~Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and tea- \ii} Tune in to the ~ {/ latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televl- sl on guide Is published each weekday in the Daily Piiot. On Fridays, Piiot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find format. opin ions, Informa- tive columns and Au Get Into the Dally Piiot aa·111 p·11at comics brighten for only S4.75 per month. your world. -----------~~-~~~~~-~~--~--~~=-~-~-::~~-~-----------, 642-4321 : I'd like to enjoy the comforts of a home •.: 111111 ,. -............. , 1 1 delivered Dally Piiot every day. "':'~~~:·· : ~--------•' Enclosed Is $4. 75 for one month. ~ .• ~.''i •. ,, tiilmlllliillilillml!ili•mll~ 1eus1~~~.s .REP~~. ~B~L j I I I Name I I Address I I Cll v . I : Slonatur~ . I ' . • ...•.....•..... Phonr .......... , ..•• ~ I ......... ~ .. District. ................ Ra te .............. . 0Ullf8 C:.•tl Otlly ~let ... t ... Catie Me.a, CA U6J6 ClllCVLATION 0,PT ·---------------------------------------------------- I I • I ' I I • I • I • -----·· , • t .. Ot1ng• Co ., DAIL y PILOT /Wedn••d•~. 8tptember ae, 1H2 Citic orp faces fight • ID SF U>S ANtn:t.&.~ (AP) 'fht• ttw Buy A1N1 l111u1t~1 Arnun6( d•11)(1•1 IJ1.'('11Ufl'• 11 111111LM·t·n111kt•n Lt•a.,u .. Nld ·rut'llldoy It muy 11ut' 1"t•d1•r1.1I Savln111 of Ull'ntJalt•, Cu1ul Sd11111, •1·n111r vii t· lho Fcdt-ral llt•·rvl• Boord U tht• wh1d1 ta not t'OOOl't'tt-d with tht• rt'llldt•nt of th1· h·uuw •. 1111 llw agency approvt .. tht.' &.akt'OVl!r oC lrouW1.-"<i L'UrnJ)'lny but a.ouwht to k1-.1wr would .c1v1• t'lll(.'orp tt Ji'id lily Ft'<:.11•rtal Suvlng• of San ul'ttl•lrt• ll • • • 1 bu<. k du u t 1• n I 1 y t 11 t h 1· t'wllftH ni• tlav11111• & Lr11n 1IHH1• b1tld1n11 wu Jt'ldrllly'j11vt•1 hv 1h1· Hll.JIH FrancllCO by N1•w York bu1wd • 1,, ~ ,1 1.. '0J1ftu nl1J mork1•t 0~ "' -,r r.""'3t: '!.~&.t;i•'flr."W~O «!C • ""<n1M~i'l1'°r~~fti\U1~;·ll'jlliblfa•~lf!~ -The )t·u~ut• ha11 up~nwd .lh1• ,.,".-t'UllVC'h l~voreo 0 tu L'OVl'r by bc-.·n trylnH lo l(l'l into Call form~ acqulalUon of thl• troubh.'d S&L 8 C.:allfornao institution &.1nJ nwny tor u long tilnt• ond ha11 bt.•tm by the glonl l';wstt•rn 1t\Slllut1on, l'XpreliS<.'<.l dlsappolntmt.-n\ wht•n u 11t1wc·c• llful both in the 11latt apparenll)' fc·nrmg that it wall Citi<..:orp 6'0\ J.>rt•llmlrury lt•ghilfllurt• und m t'ongn·s11 " give CittCorp a toc•holc.i an tht• opprovol tor It~ bld from the Schatz. Ra1<.l. • • lucr ative Callfo1 nlu markc•t F HLB. "What this would do lij iallt>W which it might use to expand. L.:aguc officials testif1t>d tht'm to t•omt.• In by tht• buck Under current luw, e:1tiCorp against the tak<.'ovcr ut ht.!arlngs door. w ithou t uny c nulJllr'g cannot open brmwhcs in otht•r earlier this mon th berore t he h•Rliilutlon," isht• i;alu. "And yuu Stale&. rt-deral l:teserve Board , which hu\I(• W bt• Vt'I')" flUIVC to think Fidelity, a relt1vcly limBll thrill has uJLimate authority ovor tht.• that 1f CltlCcJl'p duc.•s t'Omt' in ond Institution , wa s declared takeover. The otficiuls<.'Ontt'ndNi buy a savi ng~ irnd loon that lnsolvent earlier this year by the it WU$ inoppropriate for the Fed thl'y're going to 11top tht•rt•." Federal Home Loan Bank Boord to approve an intNstate and St.·hutz 11aid d1rl't.'tors huvc• otricials who the n sought u inter-industry mcrger und 11aid uechfod nut to take any legal stronger company to take over Fidelity was 1n no 1mmcd1atc action againsl tht· FHLBB. r-~-------, 1 Tax Swaps 1 Mt.IC NOTICE CPf'·271M NOTICE 0 , T .. UITU'I IAU T S No '3 t$26/GIFFEN Loen 206·5 NOTICE Mt•l'hunit·ul harvt'"h•r pit·ks itb wa y th rough Sonoma Valley vint•yurd. Offit•iali, i,ny g ru1w t•rop will b , clown I 0 to 15 percent. StorHJ toll: Wrath of grapes Bargaming A.ssoc1alion Ira Fresno. Larry Wharton, vice president of Sun-Maid Growers of California I are not just for I i 1--municipat=bnn-ds;- 1 I You c ,111 .11 ... 0 t.ix ... w.ip •.trn k.s. < nrporate bonds and government YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST. DATEO OCTOBER 2 t, 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, tT MAY BE SOLD Al A PUBLIC 9-ALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAlll!.ST Y"O""U. YOO 13~0ULb-C"i'.ffi'lACTA LAWYER On October 22. 1982. It 9 15 A M LOS ANGELES TITLE -'NO ABSTRACT CORPORATION, a C alllornia corporation as duly appointed Truatee under and purauant to Deed ol Trull recorded November 5. 1980, •• 1n1t. No. 11281, In bOQI( 13821, page 1448. ol Olflclal Record• In tha otttce ol the County Record.,. ol Oranoe County, Stale ol Ca lllornla. Executed by EDWARD R. GIFFEN and MARILYN R GIFFEN, hueband and Wiie WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payatil• at tTm1i orurrrn raw money ol "" United SlllHI II the front entrance to 1119 old Orange County Cour1houae, located on S a nu Ana Blvd • between Sycamore Strffl and Broadway, Santa Ana. Clllll0tnle all right, utle and 1n1er .. 1 c;onveyed to and now held by 11 under Mid Deed of Tru11 1n the property 11tuated In H id SAN FHANCISCO (AP) Tht• unst.•asonal wroth of a hat Vl•i.I 111111• :.turm 1 UttH·d hundreds of mtlltons of uollar!> worth o railiin!>, gr<ap<.-s. omal<X•s and other c:rops. posing thl' thrN1t of higher prac.·t•s on supt.•rmarkN shelves, farm industry ufficwls said this wc."t•k (1elds -50 pen~nl exposed on open trays and 40 percent on rolls -Fresno County Agriculture C..'11n11111sstunt·r Cusiilo lns<Jlaco :-..eiU - "We're talking hundreds or millions of dollars here, but 1 don't think anywhere near a bi I hon," California Farm Bureau spokesman Clark Biggs said. _estimated lhe.l.osull $200 million Members o f t h e R aisi n Bargaining Association planned to mee t Monday to consid e r wilhdrawing their offer price of $1.195 a t.on. I txmcJ<. to 11.irnf'. i f<•w /\111! ,1ftl'1 yn11 of !set your capital gains or up to I l $3.000 ol olt1i>r 1111 0 1111'. lilP rr· ,trP live more good reasons to tax '>WdP I Yuu <.in upgr.idP yow por tfoho ,11 the ':)rlllle tinw. improve current I II return or 1nued"e your yield to rnt1tur11y. cJ1vers1fy your holding!> or con':>ohd,:ite ... rndll pc1r c:1r11mH1!S into l<1rger block size::. I To find 0111 t1uw lc1x <;w,1pp1ng cdn wor"K for you. get 13acl1eTs rree I lax Swopp111g k1l ,111d w11rlo, c;t1t>et Just r t.111 the nur nber below or !>end 1n the coupon 1 J I Bache Halsey Stuart Shields Incorporated ' 1 1301 Dove Street I NewportBeachlCa 92660 I 114. 1s2-22a o I 1-----___,_-1 f I -N-AMj ______________ A_•~_M_t_ ..... ________________ ~ C.llT 'All •• ...•.•••••Ail I All;.INl (1\F,.<~I I;~ •·t W A11 t•it-4' t l lflt1•Vf L--~~--J "ll is u d1sasll•r . Wt• arc approuchmg a point now thut W(· can exp<.-'<-'l tot.al looses Cur a lot of individual growt•rs," said Fn·sno County farm attv1s1·1 t>t·ll'r Christensen. "There an· going to be some huge losses." Warm rains caJTied by Tropical Storm Olivia caught about 90 pert.·ent of the nation's raisin harvest as it lay drying in the OVER THE COUNTER The sun and breezes needed to dry the crops came ou t on Sunday and ,s tayed Mon day, but the National Weather Service reported that raisin drying c:onditio ns Jn the Fresno area would be-slow. Only 25 to 30 percent or the raisin crop seems safe, said Ron Kister, president of the Raisin NASO LISTINGS Raisin growers had hoped for a bumper harvest of more than 260,000 tons ro llowi n g a n•lativcly small harvest last year. Kister said there was about a 44 ,000-ton rais in reserve with another 50,000 tons alr~ady in packers' hands. The rains also threaten ed rot and mold to canning tomatoes. County and Slate dextlbed u H.t'sEo~o!!.,\~ ~:!~"c'i ~;;'I~ :~s Int :!:: :~ ~::;it ~, • ; I S•~•se -.:'-.: -.. 1•. UPS AND DOWNS PARCEL 1 INl'Wl"9 Pl•QtW•I d•O. Colr Tit 1•• 1 19\o lnfrtl,.., 71.. I • l-tnt£nl 11 • 11.. t,'.:.,~• ·: ,. An undivided 11105th ljlteres1 --.1 oe1.,, I>~ ColOC... • :n ~It •11u.t ,. ,. •• Ptnt• ~ 10•. 10>. S..0.rEt In •nd 10 lot 2 ol TrKI No. 821, In mtrUI mtlo.er> .. .,. ComCIH ~I ~I • lnlftEN 14-• PtopEap 1•·· , ... Syiie• : ... ~:: NEW YORI( iAPI l .. ··-·no lltl the Cit" 01 Cotta Mesa. Count••ol 4 pm Pri<.e\ oo not Cml$ht 11•, u 1n1orP11 ,. •• 1••• PeHU• n. n•. TIME oc 1 ,, '-.,,.._, 1,. o .. r . IN . "°""'.,. , , lncl,,...,4Pl•1lmt•k"ll C,.,wre1 u .. u 1n1,,,.., ·~· •• • Pettibon u t•I.. 1,~,., • • -1 ••• Orange, Suite of CalllOfnla, •• per ,,, .... _ OI comm ConPtc> H ,~ •• lnlmlC.\ " • " • Phlt•N•t 41)•' ~ ••• -~ U IO(d ........ ' u-I .... -IAP ..__. ,_ ,.__.._.,.., o I , _. 1-fl ,,._,...., t!'.'11 ..,..n h ~...-...-. .aoOf~egtU.<:;J-~ 80 AO. Cro•IJl.• 11 •II lw•SoUl--r.;=-7••· Ptnkrtn~~~ T•tcm"''f •>1'7'" .. per<tnl OI <,,.,. r-rott\> of_...,.. of Ml~l•neou• Map•. In the olflc. AEL '"° IS ,~ ... Cull#~O •• , .. J•m"" ,. ... PoonH• \ 2l • ))•. l;n ... i ,,.,, 11 ' IOI,_., ol lhe County Recorder o l said AFAProt 1'I J<. c0y•<!t!", •. "" Jetico n •. ""I Pla•ll,... '• 1 Tlp1try 1~~~ ': ~= ~"!:: ~~~-=~f!,~~ County A\/M Co '" "• t ~ I• • ,.. • •IJ1u., I 11 , P°''" " • ll" lom10t1 l' • l" OflartflC,t .,.._ ~ ...-u-<lo\ino tl'ltO~~\PITl ~:r:~r::n ~~·~~ :~! !~~~~ :~ :~~ gi~~ ' 1~ I\•, ~:::~'pt ~~' ', 11~ ~;:~:n "~;J;~ Toyott \ a•. a , t>oO pr!«I al'CI TuM4t(t let11>0C1 pr!Qe C p ACIOIMIW 114, 11' t 4 11 J1 i II le ICtl•er · I 1 1 11 Pr09tp 1-\o 1'< ~~~~~ •7~~ 11~1 Ul"S B::0;i;~;~'."Pa~!n 18'1~~rgr1~c•~ !:'."a~· .~: .~~ 8:~~~~ 1.t·:. :~ .. ~:r~~;, ~l. ~~·· ~e~.-~ ::~ :~;; ~~~~~ 1•·· ••~· -L."' .c"". ~L Rec0tdt. Allcolnc. ll'. l1'-°''"'OEI •• • • .. l(lmtwll " lh. PulO(Ap s ·~·. us EN ~r:. ~ h Al'l~~Rg pf , ,,, VP u) PARCEL 2: !F;:• ~. ,4 • g::~g~ ft'°~!'. ~::::G1 1~'• ~~ w.::z. !!'.' )' ~~ ~~~-~~!: r:., >, \/ul<PEno ~:. • ~. U~ ~~~ Unit 148 •• lhown upon the AGrHI JI'• JJ Oo<vl•I w • n •. ICn•ptll u .. 141, Romr>cl " 19.;. s.u 11 It.. , 11. VP ", Condominium Plan referred to In AlnGp '•'• 1•1-> OollrGn ?I'. 71'. Kr•IO'I 1•, '" Rnn• 18' 1 1••· U\/•ll~ U•· :i. s LlfM.., >-• • \, Up •• 1 P•r~ 1 above ANttln• 1• .... Oor.•08 , ... II Kuh<~ 10 10• Ro.OS• .. .... ~~p~~ .~; 1!~: • H-' ,. . w Up ... , PARCEL 3 AOW.S• , ... , •• Or ••Cn , ... 1 ... L•no \ 1•. ,.., Aol>C>My IC)\\" \/UIA '" ol•• 1 c-· 1'~... • lh Up 141 4RoMQ I> 1' • , .... Oun~O 1040 10'• L•ndAO\ • ,., ROu•• 11' 1 21'• \/elNtll 11 1110 I C«W un , l\oo Up 1S • An eHement lor lngreaa end AWelO u 11•· Ournon Y•. 10 l•MCo .,.,, o • ~Olltr 3~ •, VenOv• , .. 10 ' 1n.,..h un )'I. • '' up •S • egreu and an)oymenl over Ille A,,..,li. I I • 1'411nllnc "'• IS Llln•• II•• 11•• ~fo<o l • l'I • Velcro ll'-w. 10 CmClrtR 1 • '• Up U .) i ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:,------1 Common Area In Loi 1 ot TrKt No AnqSA 11• • "'• EconL•«> u .. U • Lln8ro ' 11•· 1• S1He1Go JI • JI•· 111<1r•S1 • • ,._ " l>lff'll•• • ,.. ,., UP u .> AnoAC.O , ... II'• EIPu[I ,, •• II I L-•·n II I~ SIPtul .,.. .. V•Ck'cC 11 c,erllll'fl l" .. Up u .. 1241, In the City of Colla Mesa. A:r.•« , •••••.• E•oe•.... ) ) .. MCI ' ,, • ,,., !KrtpH \ ... '' l \/aNa\I: ~; ~z: 1) Po\l~•I •• ' • 1 Up IJ.l I Personalized Finaneial Plan IBilOrld IPllCilicallY IOr Yotr llmUy Are yov really sa11sl1ed that your lemlly s hnanc1al program is totally edequata lor today and lor the luture? Have you real1111cally considered those bolhersome conlusmg details mat can ser1ous1y alloct vour plans-mlla1ton taxes Social Securny? Does your present method ol savings 1nvestmen1s and hie insurance owners111p allow you to make ma&1mum use ol your alter-ta• dollars? Now theres an easy way 10 create a realistic t1nanc1al plan tor you and your lam1ly through our personaltzed F1nanc1a1 Planning Service Here's How It Works 1 We colle<:I data lrom yov concern•n9 your asse•s your needs yovr ob1ec1 .. es 2 Tl'l1s 1nlo rma1ton is processed through our computers- pr09rammed Dy spec1a1tsts on Ille fields ol 1nveslmen11 insurance and l1nanc1a1 p1ann1ng-corre1a11ng 1nllatt0nuy factors and Social Secunty t>eneltts 3 You re<:e•ve e conl1dtnltal 15-to ~-oage report ollenng l!fm real•Sl•C recommendations f()I your iam1ly s hnan· c•al p•ogram based 01' your 110101ngs. your needs your b udgela•y 1tm1tat1ons and your ob1ec1tves THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE ... AND YOU ARE UNDER NO OBllGATION WHATEVER TO BUY ANYTHING. I woutd IJ,. 10 h8¥e more 1nfOHT'tlt1on at>Ouf your he• F 1n•nc1ai Pt•nn1n9 SeN•ce Ntme ---- ACIOreH Cu y Slate Z•P THOMAI KOLA.NOIKI (11•l r-..- 17"1 W1M .,"'-. hit• • T ... 1 ... ,CA.-O g:i1~~Ya.o~, ~r·~~·r!!:J!i ~~ !~.;!~ '!:; i~.~ t:~·. :;:: :~,. ~:~1 .r: .~ t~::•, ~· ~ .. W•rnE• g,; :~;; ... ~~· ., up um ~u101J wt ,.... AllG\LI 0 ', IS'°' EnrOo II II', Me~tPl Jt. • Svc~r .. ; , ..... ~~!::r ll'• ,_1, ) "-U p 1 I 0 Book 341, Pege 22 ol Ml9Cellaneous AlltnA \ 19 19 • EllrMrl ' .. ' I It Mej RI ... • .. S•cm" ]1\, )J'. WHOld ,, .. ,, •• 14 Aloi ··~ • ... VP 11.0 Map•. In lhe office ol , .... County A•nlelo 11 II'. EnR\• ,, • • .. Met1on J • J • SllM..i ••• )IJ • WmorC ........ 11 M<lyfSup ,.. • '• Up IJ..1 Recorder ol ••Id County. •• 8800 U l '. Enl•mll I• • 11 • Meu1LP JO 11 , Sllwr•><ll ,..., 1'I Wtllr•., U'• u•, II FtSnA" ''" • 7 UP 111 described 1n th• Oac;larallon 01 :·:~~ ~..; ~:· ~Qr~,L ~ • :" M.ayPI • • •·· ~·•r•A• '~" "" W•WorO, 11 • 11 ~ ~.,:· 8 '\~~ • ~ ~= lU Covenan1s. Conditions and R:~HE ~'. ''• •1'1isc ~ll fli Utc?;m ,: .. ~..; ~,:,", ::· :;.~ ::~~'" • • a•. n SI~•~• 4 ... ..., Up 11..e Re11r1c11on• lor' • Brookview . ••l<r ti ""'"°" )6 • )6 • M<F•tl /'. '" SwE•S• ... 11 W-L04 ~ •• ~~ n l-o' .. Up 11 .. Condom1n1um recorded May 30, I '' " ~ • •" f •d•<"' 11•1• • M<Oue "" '' • s1 ... oyn ,., JO w r10,,1w 1' I•'• lJ -plr ,..., • l VP II> 1$7!1, In Book 1 a t7, Page 1 OI ll•HIFr JO JO f IOk!n • JO ' JO M< RHO I• • 14 • ldMt<ro ll" " z-\JI 1• • 11 , H Qw\Ko 2<1 w Up 11 1 ONIC ... Aecofd• :::·~ 10-. 10. HBO\ltl \I. SI. M•O\>W /0 10 .. , SIORt9) ~. ~ ". NCI' tOPhltl>I~ u c-p "" The llrHI •ddreae 1nd otPler a...\1~" l~ l,; ~:~~f~ •: ' 1! • :'~~ 1 : ,';:1 Sl•n"'"" 14 ~Flo 1 ~ '\ ~ ~" 111 c:ornmon daig11at10n, 11 any. of tl'le 1M181•1~ ?11 • un • ~•,eo,,1 a.. n • n•. M1d•B• , 1• 1• n rsc. , • • '· uo " 1 ~-" b 11 ~ • ,. t<llQI 1• • 14 " M1U1pr 1• • H real property d•tcrl ....... ov• 811>DC0 11 • 11•· fl•Nfle 11 • ,.. M"•V•C. 11·. •• DOWN' ~~~0~bgT~0 J:sA6 'dAW~:::.! ::~~ : ' : : ~:;;~~& ,:·~,!.:=:rt... ~:. ~:.. 1 Lno"i:..~ L~•,• .. s·2a2e =~':' •:.~ '!•: ~~:'~P~ ~,· .; ~~ '',, ••~ , c0tnca \ •\.. <.no ~· J Oft JOJ Tiie under11gned Trv11ee B"'"'""' 11 . 11. Fr•nHt u•.,. =~•n ~ • ~ .. NAtlOAnSUMMARY > UnEl5tl 1°"- 011e1a1m1 any llab1hty lor eny =~.~ ~.: ~; • ~;~~ 1:!: 3:,· MGICIUll 1, ''• t;\~ v!AK IAPI ""°'' ~ !i~~ ~ .. lnQOrrec1n•H of the Slreet address CBNu•LnuoS1n •e. IOJ •• c.F"n'!'.~.~. "" ... : :~:!!: ~. ~ . o ... r t,..<OUfllt• •10<•• \UCll)lttd.., .. ;; • ABS JI. 1 011 11 A .... Off 14 0 ~ Off ua ~1• Off ll.S 1 > Off 11.l '• 011 us "" Off 11.0 ,,, 011 "4 end Otl'le< common deslgnlllOn, tf -1'1n • ~-,. J\o J•. NO•I~ II. •••• N A s 0 I S<l\ttH: J•, eny. tllown l'le<a1n CPl "'• U ._ C.nO"""' 1 1 • Ntlw'S 1•'• n•' H•,.,. VOfu-810 A•'td c"". I 41.W"< II Said •••• Wiii be mtde, but C..lWISv • 1' ' (,l\Rll\1 1••. 100 NYAlrl 1 , •• MCI • 1•.100 ,,.. 11'-' • o+oSoor wt ... I without covenant or warranty, Canr..,H 1 • l ' • C.O•Ern "'· "" N1o oc. •'· •• / Mct.,A., 0 1.000 "" ""-• ,,. 10 SvtFrct • '~ Ott 11 1 1H Ort 11 ' di t .._ C.pEn '• -. C.rtPflx 11 • n ... Hl•h"" '° • ~. tl.8pp11.c .~,1000·'°° '1'"' ''"' • ·~ " Srnf<h •t 1 e•pr ... Of lmplle<I, rega< ng 11...,, CtPS-l ''• 10 • C.r•¥40v t41' • /1 Nlfl\11 8 ff • IO'• Ml -I 1 .. • ~ " 17 Blowiillr • po11eas1on. or encumbrances, to CepAlr h J. >', c.111""' • ••· N•k• 9 41,0 .,._ svu• ii6.ooo 1 11. '• 1) ATlprt:.,11 ''° 1 llOll 10 0 .. Off '·' pay the rem•ln1ng pnnctpal sum ol C..teC.O n >• C.vrOdyn •'• ''• NCar(io\ 11 .. u-. S.eoett 282,400 "'• .... • .. 14 ~.. 1" h *' ) ~ b '"' n.-...... I Ctlu• 91, 9 H•d"°" ••• • , Nwl,.C,\ II 11 • Oywn 2'0 $00 11\' U ~, IS A"""""" 11-> ... Ofl •.l •• Off 's \, OU •.l I e nol,..t secur .... y u..,........, 0 cr..rRiw 31'• 11•• HtmlP1 11" U H•olPS lj" 11'• T..,-.' 1lUl00 II II'• '• 14 C"-Prtl , ... Trull. With lntereat Iller eon. 88 Cl>rmS 14' •. 14'> HArClwk I" 1 Noaell l1 Jl•, Oloit~w • 101,500 7'', 1a'<> '" 11 P•thO 3'• ~ Oil •• provided In Hid note(•). 1dvanc:et. Ch<l•IH »" 1J HrpR°"' ''• ,,, •INU<tP 1116 •· 1ntt1 1~co ,. l4 1 11 o.ti.Plr ~·· II any. under the terma of said Deed ~!::.~~: :~., ::: • ~1rlrl' NI 19 "'' • Oc:Hnw 13• • u• • AO••nc«i -.., ~ =• un ~~ "' Off 1.1 ~ Ofl .. , ol Trull, tees. cl'large1 and CPIUllO o 43 ., 1 • ._ 1 • , ~:,Z~ :~: ~ DKlineo .... JI oionsw 7••• allj)enNI of ihe Trustee end OI lhe Clffl(O ...... HChnQr ' ,, .. n-. Ol>Ferro ••••.• Un<Ple"9l'O 1,11• n Finl~ a ... 1ru111 created by said Deed ol C•USGG.t '"" ••· Htnrdf n•. 11" o u .. TP 10 '°" Tot••""'"' i.m n AlmoSA )(• TNSI C•llUIA JI'. '.II•• HOIOC>m 1' • 7'. PCA int S•o s .. Nt• lllQft• Ut t4 ICRM S11 •• Off •• , ,., 011 ... .. 011 •• "' Off ll '> ()ff l.J C1UUl8 n .. J6 •tHOOver 11 .. ltr, Ptl>ll8 1Pt II', New IOW\ "° JS S.KO J .. The total amount of lhe unpaid •toruR• J•• J•. PcC.•R 11,, ,, Tott• Mitt u.•~ aoo I 7• """" • >>. balance of the obllgellon secured "' Off .l ... Off l.J by 11'1• property 10 be told end raeaoneble a111ma1ed cosu. eapenses and advances at the ume of 1ha lnlllal publlcatton of lhe Hotlee of Sale IS S37,745 37 T~ ben4tl1Cla r\t undet aatd Deed 01 T r\.11 t>e<etofe><e e•ecutMI and delivered to tl'la u11derslgned a written Oectarallon of Default and O.mand lot Sale. and • written Notice ol Deraull and Election to Sell The underslgtled caused aa;ci Nolle• ol O.laull end Election to Sell to be reoe><ded 1n Ille county wll«a the real properly IS tooaled Data Septembef 22. 1982 THE MARINOfl' CORPORATION Ike LOS ANGELES TITLE & ABSTRACT CORP 12722 Rlvetsk:le Otlve 91607 North Hollywood CA H Mid lrullM Ta4 12131877-1400 By Teri Wllllame, \/toe Pretldant Publl1had Orenge Cont Delly Piiot. Sept 29. Dc;I. 6, 13, "'lll•-82 The festett draw In the Weal .. e Dally Piiot CIHtlfled Ad 1>42-5878 MUTUAL FUND r.>tlfl / .. I •1 U """1 I JI NL In• Ve< I SJ '11 Gr-6,.. • 80 ~~~ r;,::'1 ~:;"o,. 1:::: :t NEW YORll IAPt • .:.~'.·-1::, ~ IM N•l=A•>OCI •hon d St<...,.•t•h Or.t ... rti. Inc et~ IN ptkt$ tl MU(I> OMW wc-wrthn coulO ,...,.. - ... Id ·~· ....... ....... 1 ... -· ....... plU\ • .i .. (~r~t T-... S.11 ... , Al>I• .... Nl Acorn F 11 '0 NL AOV 1S JI Nl 41U1vrt UH Nl AIMfUnd\ (•VICI It 'IO 11 IJ Gr""'"'" •• , 1011 HIYIO •(It t I) Alpll• F II 01i Nl A 81rtPIT II 44 11 SO Amer IC..,, F uncl\ A Btt ' 11 10 Cl) Amcp 6 4J 1 Ol A Mull 12 00 I) I& Bono 11 91 IJ 01 FO Inv e ... '._. C.n•tPI 10 'II 12 00 Inc om I 'IC> • ll ICA I IO t &1 N PH, I 00 I .. TuE '" ·~ W\h Ml In IU Am•r C.rtittr•t EQull • t4 • 71 P .. 111n 10 '° NL r."t•~nll .~ ... • "J~. ~~,!~1 ol ,!_~k-' H c-U " u o Sloe' 11 01 NL C~NWllOO Group Tr1r11t 'lO NL 1 • Fd 1I ll NL. ";.;,;, 'io'';'J9 NL lnl EQ 111' IJ t j SlnSol 10 •1 NL ~:~ f~ ~ :~ :~ , ·= .. t~i NL N c.r1" •rn 1a1 G,.,.,,.. .,, rn &::: :l !: l1 ~ SI~!~;';:, :·i: 1"~ ~~ :rn :: ~ Fn<lh U II =t ~:n::o ~: ·~~ ~':_<~ rn i:·~ Hull!> IS» I•" S1ral Gll'I lA NL ~~·~o :~:: 1•~ lndlril • .. NL J~#IC~~ ,. II MllO-11 7-NL r~~ ·: E 1:;: ~:.;, ~: l!:: (hp Ott IJ.. NL F :,'1::::;.1or1\ ll NL Grwtl\ 10 IS II OJ ~::.~r : ll =t ln..St t C» • 'Cl Temjll-~ Cl>t\IM -·1• &no AP 1J .. 14.. us Gv1 • SJ • JI Ntl Av•• • .. NL Ol>ln ,, .. I) 11 Glow l•.41 ,._,. Colon•el Fllf\(j\ OIW:O HllO •• h• e. '!)() .,, H•llnO ., ~ NL ~~~.E· :a~:~ ~z: 1~:: '~ ~ ~~"' ~: ·: ~ ?~-::: ! ~ ; ~1 ~~= """°~ NI. "~.~·~:l. II tO vmo Tl 14 IH7 l rM c. '1' 10 Jl HIYlo •U , .. N•IRtt ISJ•04 !Mom ,,, 1)7 Bono >1'1 JS~ov·->J OI NL,lrn•-t u NL Inc om HJ I .. Optn "' • u C)r-IO .. "a/ G"""' I ,, Ill =:~':::' ~ ~ :t ~~~ f~ ,; ~ 10N~ (ofu.!C.nMtllh ~.;.,>;N;.Ls ~lWW• •• •Ell!' rn rn ~~i lrn ·!¥, r~ ;~ rn :.°f':!·-~~jO ll SI ~=~ ~ :~!! ~t Cwll'1 AB In I Jl Fo"t< 11,s: S~~ Ooln 11 II ll IO Tia E• 1 • Ill ECIUll • 111 NL TwnC UI 4 •J • .. C••t" co 1 n 1 " f no c.11> • IO s u s .. mm II rt It •l TotAe ~ U s 11 ?~":"' ~: :t u~~~°';g 'IS NL CC~pp eo,_0 !E ! 41•1 FouGr~t~ C.r1ou11p Nl heh 11 00 11 OJ F•trlld 4,'4 I SI SIPeul In .. ~ lnco IO:» NL ~·· "" ' -.. 3 Toi R1 ,, 1• ll ll HELi!• f'unel Ceptl 10 l1 "Ol Sl>lt II OI NL Con{o•d 0 )) NL lncom 11 4S NL US Gvl I ti t 16 Equll It 6111 ll Or-11 SJ 12 h Uflf ~C\I SW NL Con...cll<lll C..nl Muttl • ,, • SI l(oi-M•U GrwtPI II ..... 41 SPt<I 11 "° NL Vflll -•.o NL ~und 11 11 1'.,. Stw<I 10.CO NL C11s 81 I• '1 U 17 lncom 10 79 11 II !KUOOtr Funel\ Urill..S Fl#IOs ln<om • 6S I 1' Fr•-lln C.rOllP Cul 81 II JI ''·" Rtl EQ 20116 11.4' Com SI It 14 NL Accm l,Jl Mun 9d • '1 1.. BAC.E Cu• fM 32 I 00 T .. EJI •,. 4 Si Otval 4'.U NL Bono S,lt ~-:~ ton\ In• II JI 11 IS l • 6 J 1 J ~~: ~; !·1t : !: N~ubef0tr ,'!'&;'' CAPGlll llllGt" ll.Ol IU~ Con"•' c. ,, " ,..L ONTC I) 19 14 21 Cu• SI la S3 .. 01 a:~~ JO 4S :t II IO NL Con Int '•s 10 rn ~::~~ ~ ~ :t g;:r:, ~ r! ~ :: Nus SJ I (It I H Lll>IY > Jll NL :~~o :~ ~ NL F10ut u lO u ... c1 .. CAI> ,, ., .. SI Ulll\ ~ 09 s.. c .. , 5' s 11 s u Mtnhl • JO NL MM8 1 u Ht Ht Inc U.M ,, .. O.ttw•rt Group ln<om 1" 1 CM 1nternt •CM • 47 P•r~ 11 fl NL SPtd .. Ol :L lncom t • .U 10,u 0.c•I I)., I) .. us C.Ov • .. 1.. T ul'r 1. I., 5"11US l}>l• NL Sttrtlf Funell Munl 4 00 •.n tltl•w 1114 .. .. C.tPll 1 '° • •1 M•n "01 u 03 Ntwl GI 1t. NL Bond 11) '·" ~~ ... 17~1:: 0•1<11 I :it I .. EQUll .. '° j .. L .. ll'ttllOll C..p Ntwl Ir< ) )I NL EQUly 4 °' • n us OofO S.P NL rs Fr• 4 n I 47 haFr •SI • 11 Co Lor 11 i. It 3' Hl<l'IOlt ti SI NH~ lnwll I 1• I '1 Vllw u .. Fa · 01'.[LlA l'und\ tnc GOIClfO JO NL NE lnTr 10'4 ~ Ullrl 101 171 ·-1J ti NL • •• > o t '' ~ Cmru 1 .. r I• GNMA I .. NL NE lnGt '4' NL Stle<llCI FunG\ FUNI 1,:IS Hl Olr c..,, I 14 NL 1nYC)ue1 Gr-I ti NL Nov1f'CI · 11 W NL Am Sl\l 110 NL lfl<tm 4 61 TREND IMPORTS SALES C•O 80 • :16 6 0 Enlf'll 11 I~ IJ 79 t'flYIO 'II •I.I Mun B 14 J1 II I) \/tnlr n .. 1• 1' (.m"~ IOl3 11 M Each a.10 Nl FO Am 10 ll II 07 C,r-10 .. Nl H1tb< 11 J) 11 4) P«t 18 jO JI It Provio 4 1• • '1 OodC• 81 n °' NL '" 10 II RH'1 u 31 Nl NY \/nl • JI 4 'Cl Sol SM IS lO NL Lt" GI 11.M HI. Ood(. St " ~ NL P1101 • '° ' SI I Llnclrv .. n NL Nu-•• , NL Stll-Group 5'>1 SI 11 • =t Dru 8ut 14 SI NL c.' Pec u u •Nl t.ooml\ Stvln ~ '._wm"L ~oFo I OS I" v..,c, ~-~-,. Ottyhr. C.rp C.elt OP 14 01 NL c .... , lf ti NL ..,._t• 1, HL~~tm SI~ 11 1• n 11 Inc.em-... .. 11., A 8,.., IJOo NL C,.., El« Inv ' MUI 1S,. NL • _.. .. _ -, .. «> Ortvt IJ II UM EllnT lt J NL t.oro ~II Fa er:c-• t~'°"' :011 1N~. 1200 W. Coast Hwy • Newport Beach 11 p/sa1sd lo announce • • • That our Service Department Is under new management! Larry Bleser, our service manager, with an engineering major, has had more than ten years experience In automotive technology. W• wotk on a ll yeor model• of the following e,an: Rois Royce Porsches and BMW's f.tlZ Ferrari's and other exotics t we now have pick-up and dellvery tor the local area ... by appt. only Houre M·F l:OOAM to 5:00PM CloMd laturday and l unday . TelepQlofte {114) 111-1841 Of' "1-4028 A Gll\FO 1 ll I 0) A HUllO t 1• Hl Amin\ \#\41:Y•tl A lnvt•I 1 .. NI. A '"" 1'1 I IS Nl Am-117-Nl A MIC.TH ... ' '• ..... A Hllnt 16 )I 11 " Am•41? \ U l .. Ar<,,G\IC •«I NL A If• H0u9lll Otl ""°" .. J ,. 1n<om 4 o • M SIO<t. I~ tH 8Lt GI 1l Ot U J1 llLt "" If I) IJ U 8•1>• In< I 4' Nl 8AI>~ In• 10 ·~ NL 8 .. < Gt'1 II '1 Nl llH< Hill U 0t Nl 8~(f~J'ro:'f21 Nl 101 J.~ , .. 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It • ~ !'find PS t Ml tO SM 12~• Aollr pl l ll It I 1'1" '• UftC.O 3 40 I .. ,. , H Bio.Tr pf 1 !JO I 11 • '1 C-Un Olr ti J '• G/lllol pt S d fl ... • ... K•rG pl I 10 It II .. • ... HoSIPw l 14 I ~1 30-. \o RollnEn )II t· • • '11 VnCornr lO lS I .... , 1 a.n-tit/ ,. I... c-IS2 4 1210 ,. ,, GHC Ol ll .. ti "K•rrM •llO I,... Jn ••• HHS!>~~~!! '1~-.!t_·,,1. !!00'1~-.. .! ?.~ !.!~. :~ uv"11'E~ ,"' ... ~ .:~.· h 81rOCA S. It m .... • '• C:-1pl190 " JO•, o, GPU tt Ot ,.. Key\Cn 14 11~ r -,,,. - -~. ~ " .. ...., .., --_ ·-,. Ba•,.,•,.nGll, I~ • ,s,s ~~·. \!, c:-C-LbT .. '° 's' "'11 .... ,s,, •• 1,, GenA•. l.OI II JSS ..... , ••• '• K•'""' ... I) 40 II'•. I . HSPw Piii " 1JO JI -"" Aon-,, ,.. Un El pf J so rllO H • •• , .. -I ·~ I• -t:~~ lflO' ~ )]:• KkiOP• 110 • t13 ,..._ •• No1TIQ t f4 IOS IJ R°"'r 90 • n U VttElpl •!O i tSO U , ., .. , ... pf 2 . tS .......... c.•••H 114 • I ••.\. r m • • • Kid plH • II ., ., HlhQilt Q ' 1'• Aor.r " 11 JOS u · .. '• UllEI plM • )) ,... ,· B•rr"Wr 40 U I.) ...... "'• C~• flO to a1'9 ., ... ._,, GTF pl t.U JIOO .. '• K1mbU • I lh> ••'• ::_ HNow'',ltnrpir 1 IOIO ~ ~21:" \o AR __ .... ,, p170!• l m,,, 1.1 .. •• :"-, UUnEEI l~l)tl' z20, u"t• ' " B••R" 241 I J7 ,.,, C..•ln &4 I 4' tO GTlre 1 SOl>JO IO ,,.. Kn9'1tA 97 11 al• Jt•• ., , A .,.. • --.,. • !!"~Sf ... "~ ... ~ ... 4 •• :·..-\, ~;? .. f::1 ~ ~~ ""~'!: .102u':: );::. l. :=.. ·~~! ~ :: ... ~ =:::'i:,·.~. I~ w:.-I• =R~ .. ,fr:m11,J:2·1;'rE ;~I···.:; ~i~'J:.'e a: l!~:: ~ B1rTn .. ,. 411 4l't Yo , C-lft I JJ 11 1''• Gelllt ti flO U 11 '• K-n I 40 17 61• 11-.. .... N&cp pl 0 n.. ..... br • • ., • '• 0 G.i 1 + 114' 111 .. B•yFln IGI 10 '~ "" CO•Cm ,. It II• J)O. "' c;. ....... I JO 1J •n ,,.... " Koor pt ' •110 JO Hw•IE11 I 40 • IJI ""' ..... Au•lov I • 1• •Sh. " uu p11-I ID 10 114) fl •• '• c I IS u ... .. Ga Pe< I JO I 1't2 '""' K pl 10 SI IS' I. Nwen pl) IJ ., 11 ... , I• Ryantf I SJI uo ti•'. I II -:•vs:G ?.~I~ ·~ ~ ... ' :r. C:~ t to1 I tJ )Ol:, i, Ga Pc pl8i.1• 100 11 t(~lr l 7~ • .... Nwllnd 4 • 170' JI.ft th AYderS I'*> 10 U• ••, • Vu"n'r~OYll pl 6 ,41~ .!t, ... 8::r,7tt0 llSM 21 .... : ~ Cr•YA\ 11 WI ,., •• ,,GaPwptl.lt 119 2•'-• .. Kr-r In 9 .10 ... 111 .... HwlPplMO '20..... .... '-"': un11'on 7 ,,, 1\, BUI pf J • 111 '°"' + .,, Cro<llH J.40 • Ill itl._ •I G•"'* PIJ.S. ti 1... 1• KyoloC 1tr fl •J 2t•• lf"wMl.t 110 S1' 13 • ~ SCA 10 tO S.I ti Vft&md 20 t• • I'" h<B.._~D I 10 11 ·~ '!~ .. ~ Cr<l<N pl2.ll ~ ,, • '· G•:: ~ S2 ll'l ;:loo I kysor .. ,, IS 4l. ..... HwSIW 80 as ;; • v. SCM , • , .. J4 \o U8rd pl I :IO I J.. '• ..,..,Pl 10 s· j' -1 ';:' g'.,.:~104 ' •Sm:• ""1g:,b,,rtt.1i• 1: Jt\o• ~ LNHol\l-;._,L7 l l4-t4 =:n,rm 1J ~ ~ ltt ~ SSFPSHT-.lnl6 ! ?! ',~,,· l\o• UCDTVn .14 11 141 '• ==~H Jt I ~7 s.'4 -\,; Crwl.el t 7'11 lo"' "~• "-GarDS< .1110 lff ,._, '> LFE s 60 S'-"NortS pf 140 2 J11, 5-DI,,;' 40I. ,jj ,:1, o,. VnE11rq l J2 l lJO J7'"• 1• .. ,.._ ,. e !45 u1•"'°', ~. Cr.tel Pf 4.t> IOI U h • '" Gell• 2 eo • 2lll ,,._, 1 • LFE p1 Ml t S •, lfovo 2 .. " JOI O' 1 • • ~ Sl9CIB• 1 '1 It IOI tt) J tl:::~ ~ ~ ) 41~ D~, Ballllld .lf 10 » ti C•Z••rBl~ ISO 10'-· .... GellY pf I lO ' ..... '• lLCCI> • 1 Nucor S1" ,. U '1 • "' SfQCIS< " 4\.o ""' Ulllupl 1 :IO t lJJO IS'• ;; &elCd II I.. ... IS'"' Crum 114 10 JOt• 4V• '• GlenlP ~ 44. LLC(;p Pl I ••• NulrS" 1411 Ill ,., " .... SlllCIS .., ,. 1114 • ''" Vlllu,.. • • ""' I . e .... ,, 140 • " JOt..-I C11lbro I ' t) ,., ' I. GlbrF11 12/ ~·· LTV so 1 IM ••• ~ n •• ,,... ,. ~-I .. ~ h s.lewy 2 tO 10 SM • • 1. Vnlll,.., lb IJ J6 "' .. a-la J JJ u ,_ ,_. IN Cullin n JJ ISJ 1'Y> • ... GlllHill t2 ti ti u • • l.Oulnl • It tOJ ""' ~ ~· J -.. h S.O.C:p S. • 101 ~, " V"lllM tt • 1t ta•o, t\, a-a pl J I , .. ,.., , ... ~~~~ 1 ~ 6 1~ >;::, g~::~ i.: :! ~ ':~: ~ t:cm~ l '° $ ;~ >;~: ~~:~~~ ~ IJ~ m:, '"-SUoLP I 40 S I• 11.._ • I• VJ••• I ?I > 100 UI-., '• 8 -" pl• 04 Y I uSI • °" Cur'IW I 4 a ""'' • .. Gl•M 24 3 Id II• .. Lellltr ,. 11 5et 10'• Oc<IP pll 11 J If~• ... f>P•41I I lO SJ IO ... VIOMM IO )lo '• :=.(;pp! 1 ~ :: "nt:.: ~ Cy<ICIPO I toe U IU II .. • I. GldHllV • tn 11>.. ~. Lt Wllftt n 14 U 10 .... • 1 • ~< !P~4 J02 ll4 !,!'.,.• . ~ ~~::ip I !t ) r:: ~ • ~ ~~:-UI• 10 ': ~', .:'t!-11, ~· .... + \lo -D-0 -GldWF °U n • I LHr Pl tJ :16S IJI. '• """ • •• • rn1..r~ 1 ~ • • 1 ,..... ~ s I , ,,. ,. -~ • o G ~ ,, • ~~ 1 •11 ~.. ~ •• 21 Occl g u 1100 '' 2 ... ...,, -• • -u • r t • , IHr' y I l>4 4 ''• M •• • • .._,<fl t. ' ,,,, ~ l.H tSG 150 • 1 .. •·• '' DDEC I 411' lt11' 1,. SJUM18 ... u 10l t VSGYP\flOll ~~ JJ'• 1 .. INttH :12 IJ "' n O.mot\ JO . ti) 1-. ..... G<lrcil pt31J ,. ,, ..... LHRlll • '° ' IS u ) talO ,, ... t SJ-• 14 ~ n J tl.o USHOM u. )Ml .... '• ia~-1 .,; ~·,~·:it:\: C:~~i~~°tTif~: ::~~ ·: ·:~~·--· ... ~ tE'E \Z~ ~: u~. i. ~.-\: .. ~ .. n .. · ~ ~~;.~:: ; ~ .• · !; ~~t~ ~IJ .~~ ,:~. ~! a11111t~ 11012 .. ~ .••. D6r1Kr J .OIO NI,._., ""G4<ild tHll •11 1t • 1• L•llVal St tStt•ll DllEdplJ'O •40 71"" \<. mSF-e~ I~: )J ~ 1, USRl,J,t0c J tt 10'• · a IF .• SI j~-~ Dei.Gll I 2.14 Z• • "-G4<ilCI pll" • U I• L•llmn 111• Ill U.. DltfO pl 4 ... rlSO ll u lRE 10e 1 , 1, VSShot 111 • +I' .,.._ + , .. &If<~ ,7•12JOO 14\'t+ .... 0.IT9f ....... , 1 .. Gr•ca 2AO•MI » .. L•n11tr l01412S IS OhEOPI •~ ''°' JO•'t vl!IP l :lt ''o"'° VS.Sl#I 1Jt0tf '''• ~ &1k'4,...,2.40 S U 2~+ .... 0.111"1 In 10t6 u-. "Grelnot 1,16 II l27 4)'9 '> L•noa I.Ill ' d 43"° • OhEdpl I IO $ I• .,,. S.vE A t JA l 11"-, '• VOii pl ,., 41 ' '• 9,.irJI! 1 ' ft 40 .. • Dayco .14 2S Ill 1'• • Grllllllv 111 10'" ~• LaU<6d > 't 14~, Ohl.ti pH U tlOO 1>30.,.11-S.vE pl 1·:19 II '',. 1. V$T-JM 10 1l St~ .. I• 810MA '·" tO U1 JI"'°-V. D•yMG JI 10 14 140l .. ~ '-GIAIPc . ~ I • 11 laucd pli U j 11~. OllEd:r I.. •JOC> SH> Ir> S.vtn Ill ti• lo V11Te<ll 240 • 1110 471• ' &IW& tM • .. I Ph• Yo 0.rlPl t 'II t tt.11 ti.. '·o GILiin 10 I tS 1011 • ~I l.tvlSI 1.t > II llOl n • ' OllE 10 7• ISO II . • S.vlll Pf t SO • tHo "-VJ <ll pl 111 19 60 '" ... lne 1.«1 I 1J2A 22V.-"' DP\. pl 1 • •IOO SS • ,.., GHtr" .. ,,. ) ) ,,.... \• L••tlJF I 11 ISO ,,.. OllP pl87 60 110 s~ + 1 ... StllrPlo I .. II ,,.,. J11·' 1 .. ul cll pl 2.SJ .,, u ••• aol..C t.'11 IO Ul l 14•• DPl pt 110 · t20 .Mo..• II• GtH•Nll 2 1 IU it"' ~ LDF 1.10 4 l2 t• OllP ptC 1.0 1ll00 » $clllmb .. 1 4!'6 u-. " V11ITtl I It e 11t 11:.,. &«dell 2.22 I U4 JI~ ~ DPL Pf IUO 110 ""-I GIWFln fO ti ,... ""' • ~. I.OF Ill 4 1) ti 0 ' • OllP ll!A 14 1100 102 • ti I SCIAll U U ttl ''"°', 10 vu",,!,T~I ~ t• ...' n\., ._. •-1w •t -1 ,.. JO\'>• ... De111F 11 14 IO 11 21'• • tA Gwu~" 1l '" I '• ,,. Llbl-'°8 n l.o IOtt IS' t t l,o ~~F 14 1101011107 •t Sc .. 14 -1 -· .... • ·-u • .. --·-~-)11 1111 ~·· ~ ~-,.,.~ M t ~ ••-• VIII--~ t .. IA''> ft .. ,_ tO ,. .... ....... ...-t -GMP " ' >t s 11 11'• 1.tlttnll • ., 141 JO ... '• I E I ,. 1 m1 II'. .. SCotUd IS .. 41, .... u .. 1:'i'o I • I '°'. '• UF.THOIT (Al'} /\ "'hukl•Up .11 tllf tu~ 1.11 Volk11:.vagc•n of Auwrn:..a lnl'. show-. that ('Vl'n the 11utomaker with th(' b<:st fut•l·l'('Onomy t.•a1 111 m trouble hc'<'t•ullf' (YlnSUntt'rN an• opting for <'ht•t1pl'r J apunC'Se mcxl1•ls ur un•n'l huytnJ.t <'ft~ :at ;tll, t1n~1ly t.'f y. No r<.'wion wus g1vc·n tor the• rt'b1gnauon Monday or J;1mt·~ W Md.l·rnon, VW'» 1m-:s1dl•nl and chief exet·uuvc• 0H1t-c•r 111111."e 197tt Al lt-ll'<l one analyst. how(.lver, !l31d Md . .t•rn<m appc.•ars to lk J scapegoat "Suix·rfwwlly, 11 look,-. hke he's being l'l'\f1de lhe scap1!t;co11t for VW'M prohh•1Y1s," said David Healy. analyi.t al Ur'cxcl Bu. nhum Lumbert in Nt'w York. " T -bill yields drop WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury M.>t·ur1tws have d ropped i.laghtly, marking the fourth <.'01l.<,t.'<:ut1w.• WK·kly dedml', officials said. Ahoul $f> I m11lu111 111 nl•W three-month bills were auclioncd-Mondny at 1lTI avcra-ge-dlscount ratt" of 7 .801- percent, down from 7 849 percent Sept io . T he governmt•nt also sold about $f>.1 b1l llon m six-month bills at an avcrag(' rate of 9.196•percent, down from 9.44:i percent Monduy·~ y1elcls. a measu r l' o { the cost of government borrowing from the public:. were the lowest smt'1.' thl' Aug. 23 lewis of 7 748 percent for thrc..-e-month hiTh and R gaa l)('rcen1 for six-month bills. The d1!.(:ounl raw on tht-nC'w T-b1lls understates the actua l re turn 10 1nvt>stors. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK fAPI Sales 4 p m Wednesday pr1ce ana ne1 ch11nge 01 Ille "1tten mosl acuve New York S1ock EKc;hange issues t•a<long n111c>r111lly 111 m0<e than S 1 tMCOM -Clll(e>rP C11ry.r.-:r'J' C..Vp Woolwortft 0 ,.ur11"' ~:::~~~ Eot Oda• 8K mart Euon C..11ln'1 W•rnt"-om p.,, Am I 19t .OO H~ 'OtllOO 141,JOO W .200 14J ICIU IOI 100 lfl,SOO ~·a.ooo "" 000 Ali.JOO 4/l,'IOO ·~.100 u •.IOO , ..... t1' I •• 11 , •.. ,. ll'' I)' f SI "''' n~. 11'• ))•' ~·. , .. .. '· .. . '• . '• '. ' .. .. " '• AMERICAN LEADERS ,,,. 1/1 I ,, . .... ''" 14. ... h'. II ... J•. . . '• .. .... , .. '• ' '• I UPS ANO DOWNS P<t Up tl • tJp " • Uo tt ""' -) i ~•"Oii' Co IA I, • u,r. Up I I! ll'• • 1'• VP I l l\ I I~.. Up , l t4 • 1'• VO •' n • I\• VO •' ' • • Up • l ' • '• uo • J • • • UP • J •'• •• Up '' .,. • • l uo \. 11 • "-UP S • ., I Up s. JJ'• • ' • uo ) , ) • Up S l Ii t "-UU ) 1 tO'• Up \ 1 ll'o '-UP ) C lJ I • p . Up ) c 71 t I UP I t ,._ '• OP •' DOWNS L•\t , t•. ~· ,. , l'• 1 .. • (.no .. I' '• .. Pl. 011 II I 011 IO i 011 ', Ott t 1 Oft I I '• 011 • J '• Off 11 o 1t fr ) tO!l• . " I t GOLD COINS .. " . • , .. I) • ,, . t )•• """ ••'· ,\, )O•. JO•. s•. s .. 13 ... 2 '" 1 "' t+. I ' Ull 011 011 OH Ott ..: g:: "• I' .. 2 ' ... .. '• '. 011 Oft Ott 011 011 011 OH Oii Oil Ofl I> IC ., •I •I ·~ . : ., .. .. ~ l . ) • t 4 I H )I NEW YOl\K Ill.Pt fl'nc;ff '-11 Tllll<tcl•1 ol GOid ~oon• com11914CI wtllt Wr<JllOll<lty a l)flCI ICNOeftMd, I t1oy oz SASS 00 UD 1 1 :;o Mept4 I.Mt, 1 hoy or $45' 2S Ill' St SO ,.., so lle•o, 12 1r0y 01 s~soo uP 1115 AllL loo CPOWll, t80J lrOy 01 . SA33 n . up 1150 8ou1'e ()H) •. Plfflffl OOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID lfEW YORI< IAPI 'Mtp 71 A.d'4111n(t!'d Ot!<t•n.,a UMN"lll'Q f ot~I ''°~' Ne• f\U#" N'1W IOllli'\ ......... .., .. ~~ 100.y ltl IJI ,,. "'' 10/ • NEW YORI' tAPI \ell l't dY•n<MI 0.Cl•llOO UM,__., r11••• l\w.• New h•Qh• Nt w ll>w') METALS 1000 ,,,. ,,, )Jt II• " 10 p, • ., d:L 1ll d t .... I• l -.,.,. ,,, ,.. -,,. IS • NEW YORK CAP) SPOI nc>r1ftff0Ui metal prices Wll<lnesdey Copp91 10.n ,.,.IS • pouno US 1....:1 24 ,.29 cent•• POU"d Zinc 40.-.7 ~II a POUlld <lel.-ICI Tiii S6 2177 Met.is We8 ComPOtllf 10 Alumll\um 76· /1 cents • pounO N Y MHcury '357 00 -nui. Plellnum $32 t 00 $376 00 t1oy °""'• NY SILVER HllftCly & Harmen. 58 40 per troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie A-'-IMI -· Setec:1e<I WOfld Vold q<IC .. tO<lly S f'tecle<I w o 11 <1 QOl<I po te l~ We<lnes<lay l.Ofldon mon\lng 11a1ng $A09 es. ott 14 10 lo11don allfl•"d0" 11x1n11 S410 50, 011 S3 25 P•r1• •lternOOtl l1tl111J ~Otl 97, ott S2.0S. ,.r111kfurt lla1n11 $409 98. oll SI 02 Z.urtch lllt 11ta<OOCH1 l11lng S409 00, off S3 ()() Old. $4 10 00 ••114<1 H•"d' a Herme11 10111y dally quol•I ~ 10 50. oft $3 25 E~ fonty d4i~y Qv<X•I 1410 50. of! 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P\ ... 0 1'\io• \t WU11 .. lMo ti II'• • WOlf#lll l l06J fil01 1: "" w .. 10L • • • 1~s ~'" 1• :°';/,' '10 ll 1t .. ::~";',, l :,L~ ~~ w~I. •• 1 ~ ,;i ,.t. " W•Jt 111f J IO 41 It ; '~ :;:~ I JI 1~ 1~ • : :z,r ~: 1~: n~! . w,11,,. -~ • v~l-'r "' -·· r· o •• • . It ,. * u ... *'.. " WMIPt ttl W t "'111t1~ M IJ IJ """ '• Wflhljlf I 40 II ,.. SJ•' 1•1.C• I,. t 104 _.. • lo Wllol( I~ II ,., t4'• ••• , ... ,A " • In IS\.oo .. w11~"'• n ~ ~~ "-i.1,, •u .m • .1 .. :!:'.: I .0 ) 4 ).1 ''•, ~! fflllWltl Uj ,., ~;: t '' Wllllclm I 10 II ltJ I•" • '• •re \ ~ 0 U t p r tar !challeng to director By 808 TllOMAS ~uoclatecl ,, ... Writer I lt>LL. YWOUI> r1 unkl111 ~khuUm•r, a tllm1n..ikc 1 .11..'CUlllOUIL.J \.11 1hn'\ llllH 4irmy llivis oni; uml rt'Vlllutrnm11 v mob~. w.111t1-cl 111 I Ind 11 dlffrn:nt k lncl 11r tllUVU' u1id Ill' SUl'\'t't't.lt-tl It '!> t•u llt-tl "Yt·:., G1<11g1u " Tiii' i.tm• 1:1 LUl'tuno Pava1111u, tlll' w1<lt• u1x:ro tl•nor. who t•ngogl.'1'.> tn o 1•0111ut11ll' rl111g with pt.•11t·1! slim Kuthryn I larrukl. Sud1 a plut, t1i< Wt•ll .;s a sprinkling uf upt•rallc t1t'1<1!>, wuulcl Sl'l'llt 11 nsky lwt in today's youth· l>t'll'lltl•d , roc:k t'tlllSl..'ltlll'> film murki.'l MGM has high hupt·s for lht• $1 ~.4 mtllton J'l)Ustl'Ul ant.I gavt• 1l a l'art•ful rt•lrast.'. upt•nrng first Ill hv(• lllUJVr l'lltl'S bdun· sprt•admg Ul'rOS:I rlw ~'Quntry l.lst wt~·k "Th;H's u wr:.t· muVt'." S<Jyi. &·hafhu.•r "I think tht• Pavarnt11 far\S \~.'Ill flot·k to the p1t·lurt• when it opt•ns, lhtm 11 wrll havt• tu provt• 1L'>t.•IC with tht' w1<lt• nudlt'f)('l' .. (rht• movlt' h:u. not n•n•ived tavurablt• n•vit·w~. d1:sp1t1• St·h0Cfm•1"s optimism.) . Tht• d1n't:lnr's ass0<·wtion with "Yl•s. G1orl:(io" began two Yl'lffS ago whNI he• was sl•urching for ~·soml'thing d1ffr•rl•111" afll•r lhl' rll-fat('(.I "Sphynx." Having d1rt'C.'ll•d ~uC'h largt··S<:illl· films us "Planet of tht• Apt'~ ... "P<1ttun." "N1d10las and Alt'xandra," "Paptlhun·· ant.I "Thl' Buys from Braztl," h<• st-cmed typt•d "I w,1!> luokmg for a romann• or comedy, f)l•rhap~ with music ·a pul1t1l·al alkgory or a wesll'rn," lw ~•11d "MCM hud a ln •ady s1gm•d fav:11utt1 , and Norman Stt•tnbt.'rg had written a ~·rlpl 1 :\sk1•d my ag1•nt. GC'll1'8l' Chasin, lo can ~avid Bt:gt·lnwn (thl•n MGM produtllun chief). The !rtud10 Sl'nt a st'l'i!Jl and WI' had a mL~'tmg in which evcrvom• st•t•mt•<l satisfied. l offtn-d my services." Sd111ffrwr hadn't dt1'l't'tt·d anything musical SJm·c· 1950s hv1· ll•ll'v1s1on. and ht• had a C'rash t:<lucauon tn n •:idtng sc·orc•s, meanwhtlt• working with Stt•mbt·rg on thl' St-r1pt The d1n'C.·tor"s first mt"t•bng with Pavarotti took plul'<' al a lunch wnh eight of tht•tr advisers. "Lut·1.ino :.aid. 'Ll•l's takt• a walk.' Hc was very frank :.md opt•n .rnd st·ared," ht• S<Jrd "[ reassured him. and wht•n wt· frn1sht-d wlking he· said , 'I think I' tan do 1t , ll't's trust eal'h othl•r'" St·h<1ffrll'r h;rd nu arrnit•s to dtn.'<'t, but the lpg1stit'S of "YL·s. G1org10" wt•rc awt•somt.•: a l'Oncert for 100.000 plus at Hatch S ht.·11 rn Boston; a pcrformam•t• of "Turandot" at thl' Metropolitan Op<.•ra. a l"Otll'l'fl rn San FranctSt'o, plus locations In lht• Napa V<illC'y and a S<'3l'O<l.St towr'h=-n taly. P<1varotu had l'am·t•lt!d all t•n a •me nts for thn'(· months lai.l summl'r so hr t: u d make the film Ju~t as pr odut'llon s wru.-d 1n Boston. the threat of a D1n'<.·ttm. Gurld strike loomC'd. If "Yes. Giorgio" bad to bt· postpom'CI. it would havl' t.akC'n two years for tht• srngN to dC'ar his s<.:hcdule agam. "Wt• wt•rc• t·alltng the Guild t.•vNy night for l)c•ws uf tht• stnkt>," S<trd &·huffn(•r. "Fortunately r-0r us ll drdn'l happ<.'n .. Th<' dtrC'l'lor found Pavarotti to be "a true proft•ss111nal h(• knows to what C'dgl' he can go before' 1t bt'C.·unws unbd1C'vablC'" Ht.· eonsented to &haffm•r's suggt·stwn lo drop thc handkerchief that has IX't:oml' the singer's tradl'mark in concerts -. Booking suit reinstated SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A federal appeals court has reinstated part of an antitrust suit involving broadcast rights to the te levision programs "Bonanza" and "The High Chaparral." The 9th U S Crrcuit Court of Appeals ruled recently that Aurora Enterprises Inc. and Xanadu Productions lnc . which developed the two series, could brmg a claim in Los Angeles federal court involving "block booking." The pral·t1ce forces buyers of television syndication packages to purchase all the shows offered in that package, regardless of their quality. The companies claimed the practice hurts profits. In 1972, th f.' F ederal Communicat ions Comm1ss1on or<lNl>d the thrre maJOr networks to sl op synd1cat1ng s hows. NBC. whic h aired "Bonanza" fro m 1959 through 1973. and. "Chaparral" from 1968 through 1971. sold all synd1ca11on rights to the programs to Natrona! Telcfrlm As....-x.·1ates Im: ~ However . NBC and t he two production companies retained a share of the profits. U.S. District J udge A. Wallace Tashima of Los Angeles dismissed all federal claims, !fut the appeal court said Tashima should reconsider S\ate law claims. The plaintiffs said marketing activities were "done with the specific inte nt of obtaining a . monopoly in television production, distribution and programmmg m general and on the NBC television network." Hug helped • tense t1Ille HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Carol Channing recalls when she and Pearl Bailey were building up the tension for their telcv1slon special. ready to perform at full ult, when a camera broke down. They were on .the brink of frustration, said C:hanning, who r~Qtly finished m a revival of ''Hello, Dolly," at the Music CC'ntC'r's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, a role she and Bailey played on Broadway. Bailey said to her, "Now, honey, your father was a min1ster and my father was a mm1ster, a nd they're standmg here with their arms around us, ahd we're going to relax and we're going to through this just fine " Channing said. "So we stood there with our arms around cac·h other. and that's how we got ' tllrough it. That's how keyed up we were." i 'Mancini 'stars' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Composer Henry , ~ancinl, 58, who won Oscara for such movie themeft d "Moon River " and "The Days of Wine and I Ames.'' recently had his star planted In Hollywood'• Walk o ( F1mlC. It wu the l ,7:'>4th brass atar to be cemented Into the Hollywood Boulevard aidewalk honoring e, TV and recording artist.I and technicians, d Hollywood C hamb r of Commerce nwomAn Monique Moes. "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!,, -Jelltey l yens, WC8S RADIO ~WA.XTV EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMEN'l ALl D ll!i:ll ~o ®,••MS AECl•vE nlE StAI. Of THE MOllON PICIUAE COOE Of Sll' ACOUlATION NOW PLAYING J WHUll•ITlll COIJI ... I -f'K>IC'SHJWl'(39 E0'#¥0J Sa.ltfl Cols•~ ~46 2711 ~ 834 1553 On••'" 191 3693 IOO-.r.caPrt.D-,_ l-"1 NOW PLAYING _, ll ,_ ua lrilro•c• to••• ~· 990 •011 'II ... Ill cosra•u ·-T•TOllllAQI ·~·"' ....... '"'"°' -"O' -c;...... •l• 1\01 f4f OIH eesra •u ""'• (ct-•C 5-r ..t I '1'N4 l0•M¢\ -.,-...4Qt ~ \461•11 \\t 06\\ Ul-IUCll , •• ,,"~"c... '9tUH --c-IH 1\\l ~ ~c-, ...... UtlrtO 1&111•••-~ .,,,, ~c. ... t'. ~7l lCI" •Hr.Miii• 1011111 .... ~•Alt~ o • JU\ ,-.. -.-._,-oca.>--•• -.-.... - .... -.----,-.. ...,...q "ONE OF THE HIGH-RANKING SURPRISES OF THE SUMMER. rT IS A MOVIE TO BE SALUTED.'' _,_. Cofllns, Cel NETWOM MISSION WIEJO Edwards V1e10 Twin 830 6990 . NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE Edwards Newport Cinema C1ned001e 644 0760 634 2553 WESTMINSTER Edwa1ds Cinema West 891 3935 ..a-aAC«"1:D-fOQ _.ll(Jll LUXURY THEATRES 1Jt Twt lbtiHt .. ilcsOMlYS2.a UrllusOll1tnriW ll1tt4 s 11ar.144.x .. t1616J~ 2sss1~~. J s tr FOR FUOI EX<ITEmEnTI V111tOur... * 14 Q,r~{f1'£1 Ill I Z:lO Z1JO 4:JO t :JO l :lO .. 10 1lO 70MM 1 :JO 3:30 S'.30 }:JO t:JO AM llVVI LLE 0: THE P0'5E&>ION l:JO l:JO 5-.lO 7:30 t :JO A.If <WP1C.ER A.IfDA CJ G£l¥'J'l.DIAN 2:1~ 4:M 7:10 t~J$ 1 3;10 S:20 7:40 t;50 "THI LA8T AllmNCAN -~.=..- .... l'\.OYD: T'HI WALL• Oii ·-------·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAtK IN .... l'\.OYD: T'HI WALL• etll ·-------- "THI LAIT AMaNCA.M VMCMW' et11 ------ "Yll OKHtGK>" tNI ...... __ ,_ "IHCMON-tN> -··-.... ·· ''AMfTYVILLltt: Tita ~IHllK>N" llll ----- faculty al C:allCllewooo 21J/H1·tll0 ~•r·.-1 ----- ... ... -. .... ..--w..1au•---.. .,. 111.,0flTANT MOTIC(! CMllOflfM UHUI 1Z flUf! ...... ......... llnftl l:M •a... .......... fllll ~-·-lllllCMl-IS-~ .. 1111 .. Ull -wm. -41CUU011l IOSllOI ....,. .. ._,_,.au~--••.,._ A•• A •I ..__ ANAHEIM DRIVE IN ·--•tell-A 179-fllO c... " '°""° -------------------.----------------..... ~OCCWOM~t111 -"AU'IMD STATar Clll Cftlf ··-9" I .,_A ~ A.._' BUENA PARK 0111¥! IN lUICO'"A .............. .. Ul-4010 ~ I ·~A • .. • • LINCOLN 0 111V l IN \!ftc:O"' • .-. ••ti of (!Wft 121-4070 "ttOan' r cN \ -- 1. T'HI a..M CO..CTIC* I. NT8 Of' """ I'll I. T'HI UTLltmlATOfl (Ill CfllltH- """9 •• , UTT\.I ~ .. T'IJlAr "" -......,,~"' Clllt ,,_ 1'AU '9m8 AT •-...-nllOM-ITIT ·AMn'YW.LI • .,,. POeaeHIC* "" -"MATM .... r .et11 ......... t*l-.- .. ··•""'" lA HABR A l1Wl~I IH -...... _._ ...... - t7MMJ - ~ . '• Cllll fl- ORANGE [)lll Vf IN , ...... " .. ,.,, ...... c ..... 614"'361 . " MIS SION 1•1/1\,I IN •• . . " --.. -............ -..ocw.,.. - ...;moa™ ... II 1111 ALUHTA IL OI TAUi (MW) . c• . ..., ML TM90'! ,, .• Kua hr) n llurrolcl. Luc·iuuo Pnvurolti utul Eddie• Allwrl 1<•·1 lo~t·llw r ufh·r rc•<·t•nt "c·n ·•·ninl( of H\' t'"'• (;iuq(io.,, .. THE t '4'91L\' CIRCl'N l by 811 Keane "I'm the doctor and Dolly's my c;inswering service." a1G GEORGI: by Virgi l Partch (VIP) "How long did It t1kt you to train him?" ,_:\RMADt:KE by Brad Anderson DE~~IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum "I'm what's laughlngly known as his master." YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN TO CHARLEY ... el/T YOU MUST US TEN TO ME! ilfM 9-19 MOON Ml'LLINS ACROSS 1 Thrun 6G1rmen1 10 Ull..tte ,. Ownnllgtlt. plua 15 Gold Preli• 16 Alltlcan •• • governor 17 5"ol1• 16 Antttlof 20 Mldrid gold 21 Opponent• 23 Applllnce NoPe:. I'VE Gar MY ~TYBOY scour COMP,A'5S. 50 LNteS 51 Elcplollw 52"- Pinefore" 55 Atntng bell 51 " ... kwelyll 60 Unl¥9'aify 61 s.mlt• 62Sealkll 63 Ice Whlclt .. RecelYet t50r~ TUHDAY'I PUZZLE IOlVED 2'4 LOllll clepotl1 DOWN 28.Jebller 28 NYC theater 30 ,....., .• glltl 3 t Ovetlllf n 32 BIHIOfl rou· tine 3a ,tbled bird 37 "-~" 3teompet• 3t H9' ttugftt 42~Mll 44 PIHdtt 45T1fttlid •• 8r1Qt •9C..llll bOdy I lone 2 Siii tow 3 """""btr 4 NYSE'a rlval 2t Weter body S Fltwttsa 27 Fr.it e Land potntt 28 !!'Ca-lend 1 Pronoun 2f Vt< etrttm I Ellllt 30 Eremilt I F ec. tpMftl 32 ltrotllltt 10 catmeg cloWn 13 YlflCIUlt)I 11 •ot1• 34 Ott ""'11td 12 Skin ptoblem .. ~ t3 "Come In" 37 Avlpy ft Burtt t()rttl 40 SIOlt Cowt 22 5uOI' Sulfl• 41 Origintled 25 Sculling need 42 Pompout talk 43 -de II Pal• 45 Mele bird 4&1nvocet• 47 Of kldneyl 48 Flttplaet 48 Crtttt 5t N .. tykld 53 Simple 54 l<tmtl S6 Funny cnep 57 OtloCOln ff AINH· Vlf ~ "·2.9 f NAW, M1z ~Yl.OIZS CAT HA1' 'fM , 6UT ~ 50\f PB~ WE'RE HELPIN' HER GET RIO Ck-7HfM.· by Harold Le Ooux nE POUCE v-41U. NEEO TO 00 'TMAT' I CALLEO ~ ~IVEA! HE WANT& TO MEET YOU ANO Wlll.LAL.50 MP.ANGE FOfirl A Pl.ACE FOP. YOlJ lO &TAY I LOC>t<_., TMERE'S 60M~ J\IGHT THERE IN TME CORNER l'fl4·~11 ·· Yodr> MISS ME , ~LJ~? Orange Co11t OAILV PlLOT/Wldnead1y, September 29, 1982 by Charles M Schulz -------..-. f'EPPEU~IHT PATTY SAID YOUR ~lllER.'MAA8LE~" 15 AT MER MOOSE ... Tl: M BLE• EEDM ~E REC06MIZED ~IM BV HIS SPOTS ... SHE TUINKS ~E'S A LITTLE WEIRD ... OtJf OF "1:'.>UR S1l:SRS SHOE MN 1Hf\OUG+l 1HE: "-- SAL.OOf\li VE:Wl.AP..-. r-=:i:::-r--::J:=..LA NANCY, DID YOU FINISH WASHING THAT FRESH CORN YOU BOUGHT FOR DINNER? ,....------.....--........ GORDO W~Y 15 IT TAKING YOU SO LONG'? WELL I I'VE JlJ51 L..EARNED ONE 1141N& ABOUf BAND IT MELT6 IN lJOUR. MOUTH .. CANDl.> . I rE(.I., KINO Of ~IC .C . I Mlu"1 ~ ~N~I~ ~ IE.MPtAAlv~f. ! DR.SMOCK weL-i..., '!.'M HAL.FWAY' ,-HE!RE!, C'OC. ~MMM .• ~E.51 ~NO'f I 'f~IMK ~OIJ ARE. MIC EV MOOSE HAS SEEN W€AAIN6 VELLOW ~OES F<>l m:T\' '(EAAS by Jeff MacNelfy by Ernie Bushm1ller WELL, YOU ALWAYS TELL ME iO WASH GOOD BE~I ND MY EARS by Gus Amela by Tom Batiuk ~ IN "THE iRONK OF £;CUR. lAR I by Kevin Fagan If 'iOO ~AS~ OUi, l1l.l 6( C,UO iO ~\IE. 'fO\) ''°'°'·m~ 10 '"~' MOU~" WOUlO Q.E.Sl>SCrf~r\ON ~EA\..L 'f MAI(~ ME. SIC.\(. Qran9e Coaet DAILY PILOl /Wedn aday. September 29, 1982 • In trouble toflic of 2 1 shows m , hou ewife • • pro t1tut1on g t n itive treatm nt By FRED ROTlllCN BERG "' T•vle!M Writer major t>lepwnt In tt\t• plot lhw. Thf1 llfl"ltyl ' ii not Mlamorit.c.'d. U)pk la w••ll known 11 .... pun•nl# w~re ak"Ohol <'ft, and lihu won o much-publldu'<.l lllx>I 1uH 1o1gu1tut tht National l!:nt1u1rcr, which h&Ad rcport~-d ln1tl't'Ul'f.tlc>ly thot 11ht WI}) drunk In public.· Vll'Wl'nl tonight t.•ao ch~ e Ovn 1111 CBS, chunrwl .i 14t U. Curol 8urrwtt 11t.a ... ln "Llfll ot t h ,. P 1.1 r t y . T h e S tor y o f Bc•atrll~>," a dramu\JwUon ~od on the at·t1vllll'lf of Beatrkl• O'Reilly. a fonnl'r akohollc who founded tht• ftr11t recovery hoUIC for womt'n In Los Angelea. movll' ubout fumlllc olcohollam on CBS·or hm.Wt•wlk pruetitullon on ABC Both tn•ut lfl'n1ullvc 1ubjttta tn n wt>rluu11 wuy. but ABC's "Money on the Sldt>" deserves lpt.'CUll attention. "Money on the Side" ls a forthright dep1ct.1on of how three suburban women get tangled in a web of body-selling. The film never opts for cheap, sordid exhibitionism (Air time ls al 9 on channel 7.) In fact, it takes gr~t pains to avoid it. There's noththg close to a sex scene, nor IS any violence shown, although brutality Is a "Beatrice" Is good -but standard -entertalnml•nt. h '11 the small-scale. lnspirntlun o l story that TV does well -a nd often, The protagonist t'Omet lo grips with a problem in the flnt hour, then surmounts it, agaJnst various obstacles and odds, ju.st before the credits. In th•· begtnnina, Min Burnett'• bitchy drunk chorocterization k'<"m# tou cl<>fie to her cloylng Eunlct' cho.rocter. This makl'tl tll(' penionality less person and more caricature. Later, t hough , a ft('r b<-ln s rescue d by Al cnho l lcs Anonymoua, M1811 Burnell brings mo~ vital reality to Beutrlce, the crusader. "I've been trouble 1111 tr\y life." Beatrice says. explaining why \\'El>NESUA Y 5:30 (5) aAllEaALL Catilorn1e Angels II Kenses Clly Aoy•t• e:oo ea a NEWS tJ EIGHT 18 ENOUGH ID M0A·a·H Htwk•Y• reluae• to relc.aM a wounded Korean wanted by U.S. lnlelH- ~WA.11 FIV(.O &ll OVEREA8Y "P1tenlt And Children" GuMI Joel Grey. (R) 0 ~ UNOEASTAHOIHCI HUMAN eetAVIOA . Senaory Plycl\olc>gy" Cl) C88NEWI @) A9CNEW8Q Q)N8CNEW8 (C)MOVIE * • • "I'll Cry Tomorrow" (t955) Suaan Hayward, Richard Con•• Actr-LH· 11.,, Roth llruog... with ak:ohollsm and 1 f11<1lng 8;30ID M•A'S"H A young aurgeon trom T OllYo brings home to the euroaona of the 40nt11 Illa! they are out of toucti with NW mldlul practlc-.. SI DICK CAV£TT G ..... 1: p11tto.ophar Paul Weiu. (Pert ll(R) ml 8EWINQ POWER CIJQI NEWS OJ BAAHEY MIU.EA New Y Otk City It at allad t>y • ma}or anowetorm and Birney and his men ata plegued t>y • dead man. AACEFOATHE P£HHAHT Batry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover alt the l>IMI leading lo the 1982 WorldS...lel. MARVIN HAMU9CH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SOHO Liza Mlnnelll, Johnny Mathis, Glady• Knight and C•rly Simon alng tome ol IOd•y'I grellHI hlll Including, "The Wey We We<e," "Whal I Did For Low'' and ''Not>ody OoM It 8etl91' .. 7:CO e cea N£W8 II H8CNEWI D A9CNEWSQ u 80/1.1' Jasica hides In the klteh· en when lier relal ...... Ille Campbella. come 10 din· ner. ID DODGER DUGOUT ma JOt<E.R'a wll.O • I!> ll08IN£88 REPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE Mlracte allergy l•t: the thetao«lflc UM of put-life r~AINMEHT roHIOHT Behlnd·fli.·--•• the making of • "Dig Dug" video game commercial. CID YESTERYEAR. .. 1• Thie re1toepectl..,. of the period of anti-war pro- IMll, 1114 1d11anc:.m«1I Of cMI righll, Ille birth ol "aoon.oory" and "S...- ma St,....," Richard Nl11on and WOOC11t0Ck lndudae an Interview wllll aetronaut lk.m Aldfln (D)MOVIE * * * "TM Other Sidi Of TM Mountain -Pen II" (1971) Mwllyn H ..... t. Timothy BO!tom1. Former c:llamplon altlar Jill Kln- mont, renderad • quedtl- pllOlc: by a tragic accident. _t... with Mlf-40ubt Wlllt1 a NW IOve anl-her -(%)MOVIE • • • "Th• Offe nce" Ml~ Burnett's Interest ln this ., plan 10 block the 91111 lntenllon• of the 1lnl1ttt C1tdln1I RIChef'-u egtln11 Ille French 1r111ocreey 'PO' Cl)~ * * "C•"Y On EnvnanuelM" The bMu11· fuf wit• of • government reor-t•Uw tum• the wOf'ld of tor.ion dtplomecy upakle down with her M•- uel edventur ... 'R' OMOVIE ** "HH flbMC>I" (1081) Andy Kaufman, e.rn1- "'91t• Peter1. In I WOfld ol t~ar tulure, two com- mercial roOotl ••~ the vlclNlludee of flrtl IOYe 'PO' 10:30 ....... ·~ NETWOMNlWS • THI! CNICO KIO Hoyt Axton guest stars as direc tor of a rodeo school in tonigh t's episode of a new series, .. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. t' The program, which de buted last week, can be seen a t 8 o n K NXT, Channel 2 . A 10-yea r-old'• coura · o-oua llruogle with a lllln di-11111 hat crippled lllm lrom blnh 11 dow· menled.(R) (BJ H90 MAGAZINE (%)MOVIE * * * * "Maret I Sade" • (11167) Patrick MagM , Glenda JICkton. Unoet the dltectlOn of lhe Mar· qUll de Sade, lnmalM al a Frend! mentll lnethutlon IMJf on • CllUlfnO "pattonn- ance" of the bathtub uuulnatlon of ~ ( 1973) Saan Connery, Tr• "°' Howwd Whffl tradllng down a chlld m<*lttar. a London ~IC11ve llowty eOgae toward • nervous breakdown 'R' 7:16ID PAE-GAME 7:30 8 :Z ON THE TOWN FNtuted: an lnletlllew with Sally Stnitheta; a Chi t with • p1ychologlat who ~ WOflllng with com· putar1 tan lead to P<ot>- lafna In ona'a pttvei. llfe: st..,. Edwatd• panld- pat• In IM Ro9deo. I 8 'A.Wl.Y FtUO IYl~L.A.. MADAME'I !'\AU ... IDAll Allanll Bra..,.. II lot AnglMe Oodgarl I ()) TlCTAC~ MM:NEJI.. / l.EHAE.R REPORT ID CAAOL AHO JIMMY Four Of Amerfca'I nn.t tau mualc:lant -ClrOI Stoan., Jimmy Rowlee, Kaatar Betta and Bot>t>y Oumem -team up lor an ~oflau (II YOU ASKED FOR IT FMlurad. "Sll~Mng With A CoffM Pol" and "The Human Kang1roo1 01 Atgllanlstan." ('.S) TAU< 9ACK TO 8HOW1'1ME: YOUR PICK FOR TOMC>ftAOW'I PNMETIME 8:00 • Cl) IEV£H IAIOE.8 FOR HV!N llAOTHEM a a MAL P£OPlE Mor• hlghffgflt• of the "AMI Peoc>ll" train trip from Lot J1.noatM to Chi- cago lnClude Mgmanta on I St. LOUii br~'e femed Clydead• "°'-· Abe Unc:oln look·allflM, and • popular Mnlor cltl- un' • tinging group (Pert 21 8 9 TAI.II Of THE OOlD MONt(lY J-.a and Sarah undertake a oangaroue tMCUt mlt- •lon when Corley 11 ~MPl<1of• plot IO enaleYe en W-t '"tla of mud~ D MOVll ••• "Rad Rlvar" (1M8) John Weyne, Montgon>ary Cl11t. A young man and hit etapfalher quarrel cww the route of their Clllfe drl..,., • MOW • •*'A "John Paul JonH" (1959) Robert Slack, MICdonald ~. John PIUI ,,_ ~ a ma tor l*'f In An1erta • • flgflt lof ~iotpelldelioe. • CHA•• '"Ga. •a: ~TU FOR ~ (C)MOYll * ~ "In PrlllM Of Oldet Women" (1171) Tom ll«wlglr, Karen 8llCll A Hungtrlan loeharlo temln· lacaa on hit put romentle conquee11, ff om Illa llnt at Che 11g1 of 12 to hie MdUC• ltor'lof •~·•30. ·R' (8)CAMILOT Raenwd H.,.,-tt. Meg But-tk>rwy ~ JMn Mw et. Mt1 anc1 Rlc:hafd Mueni • 11 :eo e a 8 ()) o a afar In Lerner 9(1<1 l -'• NEWS cla.GiC Broedway mu9k:al • SATUAOAY NIQH'T taped at Ille Wini• Gar· Host; CIC•ly Tyeon... denThealre ln NewYorll. Gu111a. The Talking CS) MOV11 HHda. • •• "9 To 5" (1980) D INHAACHOf ... Jan. Fones.. Dolly Pat1on. "The Swemp Monatet" ThtM working women e STM.ETIOft.AN rel>al llQtllMt their 111t>jlr ~llCO gallOn by a mai. ~I The...,_ of 11111slt and er1· boM 'PG' lo¥et• t>«ome en~ 0 MOVta wi-a 1v.t er1IM ,. • • "MIMn A/Id Howwd" from 1111 1tlldlo wlt'60w ( tMO) Paul LaMM, JMOn and dlM. Rol>atdl. An othenwlM • 9UllNES8 AEPORT u111111own 9a1 tl•llOfl c.a)MOVtE atlandanl dalme to be Illa * * * "King Kong" ( 1933) rlghtlul llelr lo Howatd Fmy Wray, Robet1 14.m>- Hug h11' t>llllon dollar lttong A mona1roue ape Mlale. 'R' bau ,., an army While 1:30 e MOVll trYtng to ralaln pot-•IOn * * * '-' "Cool Hand l ulla" of a womAI\ ~I..,., ( 1987) Paul Newman. tt::IO 9 ()) AftCHll Oeorga KtnnldV. A )'OUllO euNK!A'I Pl.ACE "'*' on a dlllln oat'1J wttll Atdlia pule 1119 toot down llll unquenchabla ttllret lot whirl Edltll winouncae tllat frMdofll ~ all aut!IOri-.... ,.-...... Illa admiration ehl'd !Hie lo gal a job. (R) ., --.,, a a TONIGHT of 1111 lelow oonvlcU. G-I ,_. Roy Clatle • ILIC'TION ·ea 8 a MC HlW8 9:00 • ()) MOVll NIQH1\.M "Lh Of The Party: Tiie D YOU A8KlD F<>f' " Story Of Beatrtce" tprem· FN IUtld. "5'1ydMng Wllh let•) CarOI Bumelt, Lloyd A Coff .. Pot" and "The Bridget. A h«d-dl'lnlllng Human Kangaroo• Of Tuan turna hef lite llfOUnd Afgllanltlan" alld begin• • campaign to e nfe .JaffMOHI Mla l>tlah the first r«X¥YWfY Allar wllc:hlng George In hOuM I~ other fem• action, Mar'cua tlar\Oa Ille llc;of>Ollct, truth 10 win Ille '-1 of a • an. ,JI.CTI Of rouno lady, LR • f'OQJI OH IOQETY (8-on Prwnllr•) Jo Ioele • c.vTIONID A8C n. achoWahlp to EMt-NlWI land due to budOat cute MOYIE that alfecl the acnoot'a • • "GreMecl Ughlnlng" ttudan1 aid. ( 19711 Richard P'Yf)f. 9Nu 8 9 ~ BrldOM Mar Wor1d WW "Monay On The Side" II, 1 tu! dflllef ~ (Premlatt l Karen Vllln-the lltlt btllCll ctlamplon In '""· Jarnla l• Cuttla. the hll tOt)I of tile r-.ctt ThrH aut>urben circuit. 'PO' nou-i-,.,.. ~ D tiKMe they hold dMt when they * * "MUNCfe At Central lurn lo pro.thutlon In a High" ( fg711 And,_ St• delpetall auempt to 8U9-~. Rober1 C11radlne A pot1 lllelf flmlllat tParen--cruHdt for revenga , .. dlKratlon .. adllleed) blQlnt •llet • prat* that • WAA MOllllM went 100 far -pulled on BenJemln Brittan'• elo-the quletet 1tl>denta Dy a quant s>Ma lof PMOI II group ol t>Ofld high· petfomlld Dy OYar 300 achoot lrltndt 'R' mv.._ and aiflOerl al 11:40 (J) MOVIE 111e Dflldnlf Hoflclfc:N to * * "Look"" (IH 11 commemof•I• IM fa• of Albert Finney, Ja mH Drttc*I and Coventry, Coe>urn The mv-1•1out t>otll deetr0)'9d In World deallltl of 1 _. of baeu-w., II. UM modelti In~ In a ()J)MOVll * * * '" "Bringing Up ,_ lldYefllllng protect BaOy" 1 l93') l(alllal'lne are blamed on the ptaellC IY<gaon wflO 09et1tad on Hept>um, Cery Otani. All them. 'PG' .,~Ml• out to n :IOa:lMOVll r .... a ml9on dotlarl lof **'A "Med Mu " (IMO) 1111 -. but end9 up Mel Olb9on. Joanne Sarn- lnvofwd #Ith • prltty ual. In en Auetralla of tfll 00:.. not·too-dltlant MIK•, ltlt * * "Tl\9 8eCI lllttno friande and family of a top highway purault PollClman Roon\" (1Mt) Alta Tldll-~ tile tar09tt of lf'IOhlm, 8lt Aalpfl Alctlarcf. ton. Strange en.ct• pla-;i1111c: motorcycll gang, gue tlll ao ~of Illa-11!00 e INTPTAIHMINT IOfy't llhortaat -· TONIGHT ...... ,AMM..YT9 Befllnd·IM-eoanw at Ille Aln II laft Ill cfW9' of mllelflt of I "Dfo Dug" thlnga wl'lft ~ _, .... '"'"° ~ GOmm«clal v.n 00..., for tM .... • 0 LOW IOAT end. A twinging badlatot con- • CtW.' IHCMI It: COC19 • phony 1tcwy to CAWMQN flOft avoid a-111119 marri.c!J. -'--------------G~IOll•"•"U .. 9CIJICl_.,.r--·----r--~Oiifiii frfillo 11..P en 9 KNXT (CBS) • KNBC INBCI e l(TL.' (lno.> .KABC IABCI e K,:MB CCBSI G KHJ-TV (Ind I e KCST CABCI e KTTV (Ind.I ·e KCOP-TV (lno J e KCET CPBSI e KOCE (P9SI • 01 On·TV 11) Z•TV •ff> HBO (CJ (Clnet'Nll) Cl) IWOAI N Y .. N,V @ CWTBSI • Cl\ <l!sPH> (I) ( 5'lowt I me I e Se>OUIQht e Ccatlle "'-NatWOf'kl ».GO . aauwcv ~9'rt f'rom ~ (8Mlon ~)A Pl)'• wtth lier boyfriend, and ~ .,........ OU111cy Cap111n ltublng fallt In 10 llalP hat~._ • 14-~ (Ill) year-old boy .... ""'*' • MOVtl for Iha murder of 1 11tt1t • • * "Alenn«* The i OfMt" ( llM) Ncft•d lut· .!,._NIWI ton, ''ldrlo Mtreh. A .........,. young MllClctOnlln prw-* * "TN""" Muell....,-' GOnqlltl't !fie known cM- ( 1t1t) 9-i~Utar .... ~ ,. Andr9a D'AfleOl\lft .....,.... and "" nw. ,.. .... • • •• "Clndartla Lllleny" llaCoflll ~In.,.... (lt7JI J-CMft, ....,. ahc• uakc.'lf l'hlUl('t'll on lltrung out womt•n Nom• of th-.. wor)1t•n In "Mon,•y on t h e S I d c• ' ' t .-.-ma e 11 11up.•rflclally despcrotu. but un lntellig~nl acrlpt provide• plauaiblc motlv1uoru for thl•lr bthavior. On wcaknt'fAI 11 that the cxmv n1lon from hoU1Wwlfe to hooker happe-n11 too easily. Karen Valentine has the glrl· next-door look. giving the lssUl' some commo n -woman ldtmtif1cat\on. She becomes a pro1tllute because her aon is apparently brain-damaged and in need or special, C01tly 11ehoollnf· Her husband minimizes his IOn 1 &roubles. He'• alllo having trouble making the mortgage payments. Carol Burnett and Lloyd Dridg('s sla r in u ure of the Par ty: The stor>' of Bea trice:~' TUBE TOPPERS KABC (7) 8:00 -A trip on "Real Prople" train includes a stop in St. Louis for a close-up look at the Clydesdale horSt.>s. KHJ (9) 8:00 -"Red River.·• John Wayne and Montgomery Clift star in 1948 movie of the quarrels of a young man and his stepfather about the route of their cattle drive. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"The Facts of Life." Jo loses her scholarship to F.astland in this season premiere of the series that returns from last season. KCET (28) 9 :00 -"War Requiem." Benjamin Britten's eloquent plea for· peace is performed by more than 309 musicians and singers. Iha Muon. A Nlfor fall• In love with a S..llle PfO.U- lute he won f0t • night In • poolgama • LOW. AMINCAH 8TYli ''low And The Young Unmettlldt" Mlnlelel' fe,- guton .. Mkad 10 ,.,.. 10 a young coupta wno want lo ....... ,,., 12:06 8 ()) MOVIE * ** "Bluma In LOlll" ( 1973) Geofga Sagel, Kr1• Kristoflanon A dklofced man trlae lo win 1111 e11-wtt• bldl from het l:Vfrent boy- trlend. !R) 1:Z!IO a a LATe NIGHT wmf DAVID LETTfMIAH Oueats. l>Oa.lng promoc1r Don King and ~I OllamPon Larry Holrnll, comadlan 0-ge Miier; ~0..~9. • COUfll.D .LOW.~ ITYL.a "lovt Al'td The Young Eaecutl..,... An ambltloue mall cart! fall• In low wllll the ¥lcil prtllldant'• daugh· tet lZ)MOYll •• 'A "Chy en.. Md The PtWlty Fleail" (IN 1) Alan Atkin, C.OI IMIWCt All ~ '°""" baMt>all ~ encl • kodly atrtal entart._ become pan- "'" In a ""-to malt• ~ Dy retuf'nlng a loa1 .... CAM 'PO' 1:00 • MOW! • • • ''The ,.,,,_ And Tiie ""91e~ ( 1945) 8oCI Hope, Vl<glnla M1ye>,. Bue· ~• c:aotur• an enter- tillnlr and • ptlnceat and hold lham hOalllOI Otl Ille ~~ * * * * "The Men WYIO Shot llbef'ly Valene." (1982) J-St-art, John Weyne A man t1M1 10 gloty when Ill wrongly eccapll Ille C:tldlt lor . gunning down • l\Olotloue out .... ~ ~Y80Y OH THl""' ** * "High Rllll" (191t) .,_ Brolln. Qaewn llt- llL A lrlO of gready lrlendl plot Ille rob«Jary of a ~ Mon dollar• from • Soutll Ametlcan df\111 dNI«. 'R' 1:10 8 MOVll * * "Hell Raiden" I 1H5) John Agar. Alcnard Webb Ourtng Wcw1d War II, a demolltlon te em le .... )"Id to btow up ""-· lcen heldquart•• to e>t• ~ «*ny looeta to Ille vllulbla documenl• etored llllfe. 1:111 :OCATION "Rich Ultle" ftl\Pf..ionltl RIGh Uttle Mllrtr.M Ront ld Re agan, Rlc:flerd Niaon end perform• mllerlal from 1119 c:omady album "Thi Fire! F amity " (J)~ *"" "0..th Vt/l#rf" ( IN:Z) Plul LeMet. ,.._...,,.. lay. A New Yen~ 11 IW'lt lo Attl-to • .41 hit motflar and alum.,._ ac:tOll I ..... of 9'111r ITl\ff'dart. 'A' t:to e aJ NeC NIWI OVllMGHT ~MCMI •• .,. ""°<llllllOw" llNOI P 1ul McCa r1ney and Wlrlfl Thie record of tM band'• u • tOUI irlCMMe pertormanc.1 of "Jet," "B•nd On The Run," "31Hy love Songa'' and eorna Old e..11e 1>11111<11. ·o· 2.-001= * *'I\ "The S.Cret 01 Seagull lela.nd" ( 1911) Jeremy 8'111. Nldly Hen-- IOn A young American gitl ,,. .. 10 frM her bllnd .,., from het llland eaptMty 2: 15 (ZJ MOVll * * '-' "The Sca r lat Empr"'" ( 1934) Marlene OiltrlCll, Sam Jaffa. A Ru•· Mtlll Grand Duke ha• a tfOfmy ralltlOnlhip with his wilt, who got1 on to l>leorna 11nown 1t Catlll- rlM tile OtMI 2:20 8 NlW8 2:30 . MOY1l ••• "Oemelrtue And me Oledlator•" I 19S4) Vlc1~ MtlUte, &IMn Hay• -d In btblleal lfmM, a Clvtallan --..... tlla word of Goel Mt</ lo ,..,. firm Ills laltll. ~= • • "looker" (1911) Albert Finney, Jam11 COiium The myeterloua death• of • ...,.. of bMu- 111\11 modell ln\IOlved In • MW ad\ltlftlllng PfOtect .,. t>6arnad on n... plaetle -oaon who OC>lfatad on lhem 'PO' a wow * •'h "Star T.... -The Monon P~ure" l t9791 William 51\atner. Leonard mmoy Tha former eom- mand41r 01 Ille U S S EnletprlM r~l>lea hit Old crew and Mt• off on • mllllon to find the mv-twt· out ......, re990ftMbte for Ille deltruellon of nlln*'· OU11 Federation •larll\lpl 'G' 2:408 ..... 2:45 MOVIE ** "S-4 Sugar" A young woman i. f~C*I to WOttt. on a plant1110n. deep In the jungla. 'R' 2:508 MCME ... ,,. "Second Chotu•" (1940) Frid Aatelre, Pau- letl• Goddard. T-trum- pet player• oomc>ell tor • girt and a job Wiii\ lhe Ante Shaw Ofeheltrl a:eoe MOVIE * * * "They Oot Me Cov- •ad" ( 1943) Bob Hopi, DorOChy lamour A WUkl· lngton eat>otmga rtng le .cddentally kWIOad Dy • footlall~ 3:20 ct) MOVll * * 'h "Utile Oarllng1" l 1980) Tatum O'NMI, I(,,._ ty McNlchOI. At aummer camp, •-i.n-.aga girls com~• to -wno will be the tlflt to loM Iler Ylrglnl· 'l:. 'R' 4:CO utJ MOVll * * ''Ht ny't Wt1" ( 198 I) Edwttd Herrmann, O.tl· dine Pege A tmall•town poetman eotnM 10 Ille lid OI hll NII. wNI -the IRS blCll tlllM 'PO' 4:10 (1)~ ~ATION Oarlfal Tr1Yanll hoalt • d-lllY epedal WhlCll I-on -of Ille ClOl'llfOWI'.... tunOUndfnO CMC9f, lnc:iUdlng lnler· Ylewt wtlh lrwolved Con• .,.~.~~ Olftel ... , dOCtorl I nd cat\o- W vlcllmt 4; 11 CZ> MOVll JOHN DARLING * * * * "Mar11 I Sida" ( 1g57) P11rlck MegH Glende JICllton Und11 tile ll1tect10n Ol Ille Mar· qula 01 Side. lnm11e1 11 • French ,.,,..,,al ln11ltu11on put on 8 Chllhng ""°"JO<ID· anca" ol th• btthlut> a ... Mlnellon ol revolu· tlonary IHdllf .!Mn Mtt et 4:30 G) Ml8810N IMPOSSIBLE A corrupl lelln Amerbn ofllclal l>loll 10 1001 hit own c:ounlry wllh lh• con- nlv•nea of lhe IMF 4:45 0MOV!e * *'" "BHI Friend•" ( 1975) Rlc:herd Halch, Doug Cheptn During I trip to C1lllornl1, an emotion· •lly dl1trened youno man 1t1111 to dle1t0y hit beet friend'• rMalionthlp wl.111 hit gllltrlan<J 'R Th ur•day '• D ayl l•e H o .,le• 7:CO ts) * * 'h "Plnchetlft Grand Prix" (1090) Anl· metad. Allllf hll car deelgn .. lfoten by .,, ••o()C)l- leegue, a brllllant mec:han- lc ~ 10 t>ulld an even l>ellllf racing maolllne and compete with hie nernMll. ·a· • 7:30 (,C) * * ·~ "Urban Cow· boy" ( 1980) John Tr a\IOlta, Debt e Wlngar A t>lue-col- lat ""°"'• wno lanc:IM lllmHll • modern-dey cowboy lalle In lo..,. wllh • girt 11e meelt In • popular counuy-and·-tarn t>.,. 'PG' 8.:00 (lJ •*"All The M11blea" (19811 P11.-Falk, 8'.irt Youog A hutlllng. wise- cracking 1T1aneger pulhel his IWO 1..-n•te wrM11eu IOWlfd the top 'R' 1>30 0 * * "Bllltntlf Gllec- tlce Conqu.t Of Tht Eerlh" ( 1910) lorn• a,_, Kenr Mc.C«o ~ Gllac11ca r..a-E111to CIOMly pwwad by a Cylor attldl foroa ~ on de6trO)'lnt ttia ,,._.... 9:30 ••••• ,. "Gaatlgnt" ( 19441 ChlflH Boyer, lngrld S.gman. A dleboll- Cll hutbllld Ml• out to drive hi• wife lnHne 10:00. "Win,~. Of Steal" ( 1975) McLean St-ton, Ale11Karr1t ~ • * * "Alrplan.I" ( 1980) Rot>e'1 Haye. Julie Hagar1y Allel' an alnlner'a crew falll lo food poison- ing, • netVOU• former war pilot II prMMd Into -· ~ and mull con1end with on-board hytlerfl. I aecreuve eontr<>l tower Ind cllChe-flllad memo<lel. 'PG' (HJ *** "The ThlrfY·Nine Slept" (19711 Rob«! Pow- ell, Oallld Warner A man bec:OlllM Ille q;.iar ry of t>olh Ille pOltoe and e Merel llfoup of foreign egante operating In Eng.- land wMt'I he II framed f0t • atr engar' I "llUf d« 'PO' (J) •• • "NonhBy Norti-tt" (1959) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saini An ld\lenlllng man'• Ille 11 changed dr .. llcally when he le mltlaken lor a CIA .... "loolt«" 119111 Alt>"t Finney. JamH Coburn The myet«lou• deathl Ol a l«iM OI l>Mu· tlM modell lnYOl...O In • -ldYertlelng P'otect ere t>llmad on the pialtlc surgeon wno operatad on them 'PO' • '·°' "O..lh Valley" (198~) Paul LIMll, Pele< Bin~ A Hew YOtlc youngaler I• Mnl to Arl- rona 10 vlelt hi• motllet and 11umbllt ecroH • -lea of gritty murdert 'R' 11:30 (C) * * * ·~ "BrNker Morant" ( tNO) Edwlfd Woodw11d, Jedi Thc>mp- 90I\ Aut1lrell-conllCrfpf. ad to fight on England'• aide In the 809I' War decide IO llghl Ille 8oet guerlllu on their own ,.,.,,,. 'PO' • * '" "LIOn Of TM Oeeert" (1911) Anthon) Quinn, Oii..., AMCI A nard..fldlng Bedouin *<* , .. 1111 llllly'1 a11empt1 IC occupy Libya tor 20 year• 'PO' 12:00 G • • • "Jflltf'buga" (tlM3) l.aur11 tnd Hardy. VMen lltlnt TM bOyt Ml on on • tl"Y c..-and en0 up lnvotved with crooll• and con a'11t11 0 * * * "HfGh Rleal" ( 19111 J1m11 Brolln, ~ Llllll A lrlo 01 ' greedy frltndl JllOI the • robbery of • million dOllan lrom a South ~ drug ci.a1e< 'R' 12.ao ID • • '" "K"' me Girl• A11d Mtlel Them Ola" ( t087) Mietlell Conn«e, Dorothy P1ovtne A ecten- llet dlacovet• • way to mase-111rlllte men end NII& hie ldH IO the Chi· neM (H) * * ,,., · Contrec1 09 Ch•"lf StrHI" ( 1977) F,.nk Slnlfra, Vlfna 8loOtn " POlic.tnan O.V· I-en unorthodox plan lor bringing crimlnalt.Jo.. fu•llca **'h Mommla 011re1t" (1911) Faya Ouneway, Diana Sclnrid Fortiea !Om atar Joan Crewford ral-het two adopted chlldren In a ~tie etmt>ephef• tha1 vartn from luxurloul com- fort to eadl•tlC dltclpllna 'PG' 1:IO (t) * * * * "Robin And Marian'· (111781 s-i eon • nery. Audrey Hepburn Ari Old« and wlaar Robin HOOCI relum• from battle lo Sn.wood ForMI 10 ~ hit 11110vec1 Maid Marian. wno nit en1arac1 a conv.nl end 1aflen het llOWl 'PG' 0 * • ·~ "Mornmll Oaa1HI" I 1951) Fay• Ovnawey, Diana ~<I Forties lilm atar Joen CrawforO ralsea 11¥ IWO edoptld Children In • dometllC 1tm()89here lhat va,. .. from luaurlout com- Ion 10 llldllllC OllClphne 'PO' :Z.-00 rz • * '> The Gumball Rally' (1g75) MICllMI Sar- razin Tim Mclnllfl A gum- t>en machine II the grand prtie In • Hew y orfl·lo-l.Ot AnglMe car ,_ .tllcl'I brlng1 •II aon I of zany ch.,actet1 onlo lhe n111on'1 hlghw1y1 and back roads 'PO' 3:00 • * "The lrllhman" 119 78) A proud l<llhmM'I relueea lo ylald to ptogr- wflltl hit IMMI,_ u e t..,...ter II ttvallanad by motOtlled tranlPQftlllon 3:45 '?1 • * '>'\ "Chu Chu Aftd The Philly Flltll" (1H1) Alan Arkin, Carot Burnett An alCOl\OllC f~"* t>eM- blll pllY* and • kOOll y llrllt tnlel'tll,.., ~ par1ner1 1n • llC1-ll 10 m1k1 money t>y rllV<nlng a Iott eullcua 'PG' 4:CO 0 • * 'h "Thr .. Warrt· ore" 119771 RanOy Quaid, Chlflei Whlll Eagll A 13· year-old ln<Jlan boy. Nhamec:I ol being rece>g· nlled u a warno.. '-'"• to ec>c>r~I• Illa harHIQI •lt•t vlallfng his lk:k g•andlathlr ·o· 4:30 (C1 * • "land Of Tha Free' (t9701 Robar1 Colp, Burgeaa Marad41h A tua- peCted apy ,,..,,. • boy loOk '°' 1111 lathe! during the war ol 1812. 5:CO 00 * * '" "Blldl e.a.i1y" ( 19711 Marie laltar, Wiiier Slelak 8uad on the atOty t>y Anni SaWll1 A proud and ·~ b91utflul horM exl*leflCle many dtwrM ownef'I 5:30 (C) * * '" "Urban Cow-boy" ( 1980) John Tr lllO!ta. Olt>te W1ngar A ~ tar worti• wno fandae hlmMll • mod.,n-day cowboy ,..,. In low with • girl he "'"'' In • popular country-and--iarn bar 'PG' (0) * * "Thunderbird• To The Ralcue" (1911) Pup- pats The pilot.e Of 11119 ~ clally equipped ro<:k•I lhipl mutt M"I IM ll'fW ot ~· 1r114>Pac1 on a auperaonlc tranaport. *. 'HMrll>Mpl" (I 94 1 I Andy Kautlnan, Ber· l\adett• Peter• In • world ot lhe neat f\llur•. t-.o commare111 robot• e)(j)l(I. -the 'llclNltudM of fhtloll9 'PO' ct) *'A "0..111 Valley" (1092) PllUI LIMll, ..... 81ttlngtlay A New Yonc youngel• II Mnl to An- ion• to vtllt hi• mother and tlumbtlt -OM I --ot Offll'; ,,,.,,... 'A' by Armstrong A Batluk ·~~;:-;;i~~~!1-mll~:':m~~r;;:D"TI . Dilly Piiat WEDNESDAY, 8l!PT!MBER 29, 19112 SLIM ~OU RM ET SUPERMARKET SHOPPER HOME NEWS ANO VIEWS C2 C7 ce 'tar ·h block r redefined a drug ... <:6 Beef Burgundy, accompanied by l..cmon Pilur, i the elegaol enlrf)e for a romunlic dinner for two. De serl ii equally rich -u Chocolutt•. Almond Mousse served in your be t cryi;1ul. Cooking for two · elegant but easy When you want to l(ive that special someone the "red carpet treatment," make this elegant meal for two. Your partner will be impres.~>d with Its delectable taste, and you'll be amazed at its simplicity! In Beef Burgundy for Two, tende rloin steaks simmer in minutes to perfection -In a sassy aauce made with a single-serving envelope of instant onion soup mix. Delicately seasoned rwe is the Ideal accompaniment as Lemon Pilaf. Chocolate Almond Mousse, easily prepared with unflavored gelatine, is the luscious finale to a most memorable eveninl(. BEE~ BURGUNDY FOR TWO 2 tenderloin steaks (4 oz. ca.)• Bacon slices (optional) 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 'h cup sliced mushrooms 1 envelope instant onion soup mix tablespoon finely chopped ~e.Y l 'h teaspoons all-purpose flour 'h cup water ·~ cup dry red wine 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon Woreestershire sauce Wrap steak with bacon; secure with stnng. rn medium skillet, melt butter and brown stealu 2 minutes on each side. Add mushroo;ns and cook until mushrooms are tender. Add instant onion soup mix, pars ley and flour blended with water, wine, lemon juice, and Worcestershire sauce. Simmer, turning steaks occasionally, 8 minutes or until tender. Serve, if desired, with hot cooked julienne C\lt vegetables. Makes 2 se~. •Substitution: Use 'h pound bonel~ sirloin ••k.""' into~ pieces. LE MON PILAF 2 tl'aspooru. butter or margarine ~ cup shC<.'Ci celery 11.t cup sliced green onions, including tops I cup <.'OOked rice 1 teaspoon grated lemon ix.-el 1,. teaspoon sail Dash ~round black pepper In small saucepan melt butler over medium heat. Add celery and onions and cook until tender but not brown. S t ir in remaining ingredients and continue cooking over low heat until thoroughly heated. Makes 2 servings. CHOCOLATE ALMOND MOUSSE I envelope unClavored gelatine 3 tablespoons sugar rt.ab! poons unsweetened cocoa powder l 'h cups milk 2 tablespoons almond liqueur or 1A teaspoon almond extract 112 cup whipping or heavy cream, whipped In medium saucepan, mix unflavored gelatine, sugar and cocoa powder; blend an milk. Let st.and 1 minute. Stir over low heat until gelatine is completely dissolved, about 5 minutes. Stir in Uqueur. Pour into la rge bowl and chill, s tirring occasionally, until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. Fold in whipped cream. Turn into dessert dishes or 2-cup bowl; chill until set. Garnish, if desired, with addiliooal whipped cream and almonds. Makes 4 servings. V ari8tions on the theme of chicken and • rice Easy skillet r ice dinners that combine the protein of meat, poultry and flsh with vegetables and t h e important carbohydrates o f rice into delectable di.shes are ideal. MEDITERRANEAN CHICKEN RICE SKILLET 1 clove garlic, sUced 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 ~ t o 3 pound chicken, cut up 2 V. cups water 1 cup rice 3 c h icken bouillon cubes, crushed 1 teaspoon oregano 1 bay leaf 1 large tomato, cut in thin wedges 1 can (3 ~ ounces) pitted rip e olives, drained (opti.onal) Lightly brown garlic in olive oil in 12-inch skillet. Add chick e n pieces; brown w e ll. Drain fat. Add water, rice, bouillon cubes, oregano and bay leaf; stir. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until chicken is tender and liquid is absorbed, about 30 minutes. Salt to taste. Top with tomato wedges and, If desired , olives. Makes5 se~. PIZZERIA RICE SKILLET 1 can ( 16 ounces) atewed tomatoes 1 cup rice 1 teaapoon salt 1 teaspoon oregano leaves ~ c up Parmesan cheese, grated 1 package wieners or beef franks, cut Into 'h -inch pieces V. cup chopped green pepper 1 teaapoon seasoned aalt ~ o up shredded mozurella cheese, or to taste. Drain tomatoes, reserving juice. Add water to juice to make 2 ~ cupa liquid. Bring liquid to boil in 10-inch akillet. Stir in rice, tomatoea, a alt and oreaano. Cover tl1htly and tlmmer 20 minutes. Stlr in ~annesan cheeee, wieners, areen pepper and INIOMd ~'fleet throu1h . Sprinkle shredded mozzarella tr==· ~~~d Easy-to-fi x Mediterranean Chicken Rice Skillet covered untll nquld 11 recalls the sunny flavon of Italy and Greece • baorbed • about ~ with economical, plentiful chicken. minutes. Makes 6 eervtnp. • I· OUdren end rice, that world-famo us com- bination for econo- mical meaJa, can be made into aome very interstlng diahes. How about a casserole that you can cut and serve in squares? BREEZY (;H I CKEN CASSEROLE 3 cups cooked rice 3 c ups coarsely chopped cooked chicken 2 cups soft bread crumbs 3 eggs, sl-ightly beaten ~ cup c~en broth ~ cup c hopped green pepper ~ c up chopped onion ~ c up c hoppe d celery 'A teaapoon celery ealt l ~ teaspoon garlic salt 2 cans (10 ~ oz. each) condensed cream of mushroom soup ~ milk 2 .:C.:poons butter -~ 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento 1 tablespoon Worce.tenhire sauce Combine rice, chicken. crumbs, eggs, broth, vegetable., salts, and 1 can of 10Up. Tum into a buttered 2 -quart casserole. Bake at 350 degreea for 50 minutes or until set. Combine remaining ingredients In a small aaucepan and heat. Top serving of ca11erole with aauce. Mak.et 6 to a servings. BREEZY CHICKEN CASSEROLE (Microwave Me&~) Combine rice, chicken, crumb1, eggs, broth, vegetables, aahs, and 1 can of eoup. Tum into a ahallow, round, 2-quart mlcroproof diah. Cover and cook on HIGH (maximum power) 9 mt:'\utea, or until hot, rota ~lng dish 1.4 turn every 3 mlnutea. Remove from oven; set Hide. Combine remainln1 ln1redlent1 in a 2-cup meuure. Cook on HIGH 3 to 4 minutes, or until heated throuah . Top lft'Vina of cuterole with uuce. Eech eervfna provi<*: for 8 Hrvln11: 4 59 calories, 3 m eat exchanaea, 2 'A bread exc hanaea , 3 fat exchan•ea. some milk. When lkeezy Chicken Ca erole is cul in equaree, il doeen't even seem like a ca serole. It'• attractive enough to serve to company. -. ; , 1: 'I Or1nge Oout OAll.Y Pll.OT/Wt dnHday, September 2D. 1')82 S.oup Dy 8AR8AltA GIBBON Thu (inn l'OOI l'Vonlns• ot autumn 1uggl'tlt soup. Luckily, th(' fl I.la rt o( ttw llOUP &ea.son c:orrNpond11 neatly with the end of t h e gro wing season. when Mother Nuture's stockwt is a harv~l of garden goodies, all low In calories. Here arl' some pleasingly light Ideas to try: STEAK LOVERS' MEAL-SIZE SOUP l po und lean fat. trimmed beef round steak (or flank steak) 3 onions. chopped 6 c up s wat e r , divided ' 3 po ta toes, pare d and cubed 2 c:u p s s hre dde d l'Ubbagl' 2 c ups c o a rse l y chopped carrots l 'h cups slant-sliced ·celery V. cup rt:.>d wine 2 ~mall bay leaves salt (or garlic salt) pepper, to taste optional: 2 teaspoons fresh (or half -teaspoon dried) thyme leaves opti o n a l : 1 c up thinly sli<.>ed mushrooms Spray a large nonstick pot (or pressure cooker) with coo king spray. Brown the steak on both sides. with no fat added. Re m ov e s t e ak to a cutting board. Drain and discard a ny fat from pol. Com bine the onions wi t h 2 t a blespoon s water; cook and s tir until onions begin to brown in pot. Add remain i n g ingredie n ts, e x ce pt mushrooms if using, and hea t to boiling. Meanwhile. slice steak very thinly against the g·rain into wafer -th in strips. The n . slice t h e strips into bite-size pieces and a dd t hem to the soup. Cover and simmer l hour (or 20 min u tes under pr ess u re . a ccording to pressure cooker manufacturer 's directions). Add mus hrooms and sim m e r uncove red, 5 m i nutes. M a kes s ix me a l -size ser v i ngs, a p p r o xim a t e l y 200 calories each. SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALL SOUP 'h pound extra-lean gr o u n d b ee f Pasta - the great extender You don't have to be Italian to love pasta or to r e alize t h at it's an e x ce lle n t b u dg e t s tretcher. As the great e xtender , it combines w e ll wit h a l mo s t everything, absorbing t h e flavors of sa uce, .. cheese, vegetables, mt>ats . and other "add-to's." He re's a suggestion: try the convenience of a c omp l ete p ackage spaghetti dinner which contain s s pagh e t ti. grate d che ese a n d s paghetti sauce w ith meat. Use a relatively inexpensive bas ic meat such as short ribs, which a re long on flavor, and cook in the rich spagh etti sauce ... wow, what a com bination ! Add your pasta from the package as an ext.ender and you have a rich , satisfyin g ine xpe nsive meal for healthy appetites. SNAPPY SHORT RIBS 2 packets (.14 oz. or 4 g each) seasoning and broth 1 pound beef short ribs 1 t abl es p o on vegetable shortening l c u p c h opped onions 1 cup sliced carrots 1 package spaghetti d inner with meat sauce Sprinkle season i ng packets over beef short ribs . In 1 ta blespoon veg e table s horte ni ng brown ribs quickly over high heat; reduce heat Saute onions and carrots, add spaghetti sauce-from package: cover; simmer for 45 m inutes to 1 hour unt11 fork tende r . 15 minutes before ribs ate fi n is h e d , prepare s paghetti according to package dlrec;tions. Draln 1paaheUI, arrange ribs in sauce over Jt; 1prlnkle with ch eese fr o m packal(e. Servet four. 1 - . s eason starts with stockpot from garden (fut l rlmmud 6'ro und round) l onion, cht>J>(X'(I l ('UP wuu-r, dlvl<fod 6 cups tomato juice 1A cup c,try rtid or whlto wlt1c 4 o u n ,. <• s d r y v e r mi ce lli (th i n 11pughctt1), brokcn I b e ll p e ppe r , minl't.'<i l carrot, shrc..>dded 2 t ubl l•s p oo n s min<.'e<l fresh parsley 2 teaspoons mlm~d fresh basil or oregano (or f \ IHl'llUll t•uda), UI Inc h of drh•d m1xctl lt•lllln hC"rbt1 opt1on1.11. 111null do\11' garlk. m ln('t.'(j (or 1m wh oC lnst.imt gurlk) 2 v I n tA ,. 1 p l' to rMtcJCS, cut In cul>t,os o pt lo n ul 2 tablc11poons 11hn.•dd1•d Purrnt•1J1.an (or Hormuw) <·h1•t•fl(' Spray a largo nonstick skilltH or ck'<.•tric frypun with cookin g spra y . S ha pe meat Into tin y mt!atballs with a ml'lon- ' SllM liDURMIT b u 11 l• r . Br n w n th 1• t11t'll thul111 w llh nu Cn t 11ddt!d, turn111A-tl> llruwn t • v l• n I y . 0 r 11 1 11 u n d d1IK.'111·d uoy Cut In pun. Stir 111 onion u nd i tHhlt·~poons w utcr. un\11 onion b •gan• to hr<>wn. Add tomato juk t'. w lrw u nd r cmul11lng wult>r ; hcal to bollin~. S tir In brok e n up VC'rmit'l·lll, u llHlt• Ill II tinw . SL11 111 vt•j.(t•tul.alt•ri, l•XCtlp t f l'tfll h lOffilllONI, und hfrbtl . Simmer until vcrm celll 111 tc>n d ur, about 10 mlnutl'11. S tir In tomator cubcs and hellt through Sprinkle with ch~1m, if desired. Ma kes four muln -course st.>rvings, under 300 calorics cnch : dwc•1w 11dth1 ubout 10 1·11lorlt•K 1'4'f 111·rvlng. HOT OR COLD SALAD SOUP 4 t'llplf tumulu jUll't• I I (.' U (> I' h IJ p pl' d n •l1•1'y (ur r1•tl und "rt•l·n bl'll JX>PJ>t•r) 11, t' u p <·our in • I y 11h rt•U<kd Ullpurt.>d ('IU'rut 'h c u p d l (' t• d &.&nparcd i u t·t:h ini (or cucumtwr) 'h cu p 1d lc<•d ru w m ue1hroom11 (or g r <•<'n l:x.•anli) 1-4 t.o 1-4 cup t•hoppc:.-d unl1111 I U1bh'lllpoon n 11n ('('£i fr«i1h Jltll Klt•y I h •ttttfK)OO fll&nl't!d l1t•11h h l•1b11 (01· J>llH'h 1·twh: drllod bm1tl , thyme·, " u v o r y . o r t• g u 11 u , 11l111•jorurn), or w l.ll!llt.' 2 t nh l r11 p oo n i; rl'gu lar (or• lo w -ht) Ill.Ilion salad drt•ssing. For t'Old soup: ~'Omblne 1ngrcd ienl s und c hill t h o roughl y b e f ore SCt'Vlng. For crunchy. hot HOUp: h eat t o mato juit:~ to b ol llna . S t lr In vttg.,u.blet and contlnu to heal Ju•t unul bolling point 11 reached. Stir In trc•Kh h urb1 a nd 1&lad <l rcul n fl . S e r ve h o t (gam l11h wllh croutont, ii dt'lired). Make• tour Jarfe 11c r v l ng1 1oup, I 0 calorics each ; l'>r elaht s mall servlng1 , 0 6 cal o riea eac h (with alternative lAgredlenta, 90 ca lorie• per larae serving, 45 calorlet per small aerving). '1d?D fl~D 'f(!D Double. Coupon Double Coupon Double Coupon P1t.•-.,•1u 1t\,!!1., •'oP'''' u 1·14, l>'.-•n~ • ._ '"''' M~.-1u1,M. '"''1"• \ ,.,,,, \\" ''"'''''' 11,1 11.-I d· l1l!l1 lh1· -··~·· d' Aohl', Yl'U l'U•(htt''' IPlt• ,, •• ,,., N\•l It I hl\h' '•'•1••h•t ''' \)''~ 1•t\ ''"' 11 ,.,,. ,,\.ti 1H, ~" •'•l ,•1•~t 1'11• \I thu' .... HW lft'O! ( \Lluth•~ hUVtH h•h.h 1,.,, .1·1~l 1t.1•1\ t'fOihH ,, Lfmil One Item Per ManUTacturers' Coupo-o 1nd Llmil 4 Double Coupons Per Customer. Coupon El,.clive Sept. 30 lhru Oct. 6. 1982 PiO~•,nt tths .... u•hln "long w1U\ Jnv "''"' M.mulacWrft•t \.t•ill ,111 111u iuf\ ,1n(I Ut•I tJc111t1l1• lflft 'JYHtfJ!I. wh..,n )OU OU'• 1111~1· lhV 1tmu Nut to l'h trnh tH.tlltH Ire~ Ut (l•t.X •"'f' lo)'" o .. ow •,t1us1,1•p, 01 w-1 1 1•d th~ vulutt ut l"tt 11t•1u CH huh'" IHJ\HH tnlMt 1 •• .md 1IJll'; J"f<"C.1ut l5 -tlriilt One Item Per Manufacturers· C®pon and Limit 4 Double Coupons Per Customer. Coupon Effective Sept. 30 lhru Oct. 6. 1982 ~\crl··· ' . 1 ' 91JS '"~"".'GEOGRAPHIC AREA Counllet Belo•· l A. I 011ng••210 p1nlclp111ng-Mc0onakl'9111 I Rtlpllt -R.-.ttl•. S1n-8em11rC1imr.5an O!egci, Yenl11rTt1 Not•·Reciemplion PfOC•ClurH Clllltr by g4H1911phoc we• Fooe! ~1r1tcip1ll::\ McDon•kl'a/7 R1lpll1 pliia 1.ciemp11on mey ,....,.,. 1 puJchHe. S.• "''*' 1.,, Clet•ll• .. ~·0;;~::::~ ~:,t'~ ... j,~n Lui• Obl1po 18 particlpallng Dairy/Deli Values Golden Plem1um .... f Loin Porterhouse Steak ~2.49 GrapcefiUit iwce 3i .89 Golden Plem1um Beet Chuck 7-Bone Roast per lb 1.19 Borden Chee" !llnQl&1 5 / $1 Skim America n 2 ;.~! ~~1 r1oun Dellosled Geode A Fryipg Chickens per lb .59 PLAIN WRAP Sheed Bologna ~~~ 1.59 Flesh S11ce<1 .79 F' rreth Pait Auorted Cn1lled 160& .39 Beef Liver per ruit Drinks . I.I:> bll risl\ennan•• C:O.• VClluea-BGJt•ry Valuff llOHll 0.lrottecl s:. 2.79 Rolph& • pk~ .59 Halibut Steak Sesame Buns OI noaen O.ll011e<I 1.49 oanTsi\5fiorns p:I~ 1.79 Mahi Mahi Fillet ': -·Appdt• lhoppe Yallun •• Prtta•nS this ~04.1p0n ~nnQ w•(fl ..nv ontt Milf'IUl3Cturtt'\ ctml1 ofl coupon anc.1 Qt"f doutJle In~ ~avm~!t wtleu you CNtrhMS•~ lhe item Not 10 11'\c hntP 1Pta11~, free Uf Qlt)(';•1v PUf ... hilSf! Ct1'1PUll~ 01 .. ~•.Hlf1 etw YAIUH ut the item E"•ctuc.1os hQuot f()lMCCO dn<J dnuy producJs tll'l\11 On• Item Per Manul1cturera· Coupon 1nd ~imll 4 Double Coupons Per Customer. Coupon Effectlv• Sept. 30 thru Oct. I , 1982 ~nl\llOn .. R!ll OT HOI With a.ans l;hili \-On Carne N IJburl'·Hungry Jqclt Eatro LIQhl• Pancake Mix S.m1Swffl Nestle Morsels ScblUlnQ.Glound Black Pepper CottH Creamet Cremora I~ .79 31: .99 = 1.79 4 0& 79 lln • 16:1.59 ••• ho1en Food Yalu" ••• Minute MClld Orange Juice !lo• COl'I .99 P·~~~"' '"'fl t.Ou1 .. ,n ~•lt•Hfl Ntth .t1ny ong Manulactu'~' f4nf ... ,,, 1.1~utttJ', 11111 (]Ml dovt}lf' the .. av1og1 when "''" ''"'' ''""'~' 1tt1· ., .. ,., Not 10 1111 lude re1ct1le, free w 0,,,, '"Y 1 "" tt;tt.t• , nuoon~ m ••'fl.Pd •t't~ value ot lh• •H•u• I " 1u1Jp·. 1u111''' lf1bacro and danv oruduClf 1mll 0-ne llem PITMiffiit1Clurers~ ind Limit 4 Double Coupons Per Customer. Coupon £.ftecllve Sept. 30 thru Oct. 41, 1112 Over $8,000,000 ln prizes available!! Over 11,000,000 PUINWRAP Shortening PLAIN WRAP Vegetable Oil PLAIN WRAP Corn Oil PLAIN WRAP Pear Halves .)lb 166 con • •a:, 1.66 48~ 2.22 1601 COii ••••Produce Values•••• l'lesn Solid Gleen Cabbage r1eih Clip Top Cano ts i.'f!I II) .,., lb H'ai,r salami·· .. "19t>' 2. 79 ---·Liquor V~UH ..... Popov Vodka 1"~16.99 Pancake and Sausage.69 ....... _.mlllllll 1201 NII Michelob Beer Imported SwllHtlolld 2 79 Swiss Cheese* • .,,Pt:: • pac: 2.'Z'I Prices ettective Se~t. 30 thru Oct. 6, 1982 c ._ttltl'• 1M' by Ill ....... OtOC.,J C~y All llltl'lt lllet., .. d We,.,.,,,. 111• 1!0"1It1111111 et rtlut• t 1le1 to eom-•Cl14 ....... • ........... s .. i. ,..,,, 10 IN••-• •Mli't ,..,,.., P'lc•· °' leet ••• jlf'iof 10111111e1 1111C• rt011e111H1 '"''"'' .. or M1w.,11t.ci cw P•~ ,,._, Ad .. •llHd "'"'" '" 11111 .oat• me um• Pl'C• .. -, 111ell110te1 ll11t•• Olht• 111111.0•ifllttd Pfltft m•1 •..., d9pe11Ano "'°" loe11 eemptlltlon, '"''"'Orto< lltOt'•Plllc IOc•llOlf '• AHi...._ 11 Ratjlllt Apptlllt lllOH<t 0 flly, .._, 3IO 1711 ST COSTA •SA HeO Wl, IEl'OIT talS ttOl M>MIS, .... -,.-,.-•CAH IOClt I 8MfllD PASIO Dl...m:.., UUM tlJ.S 1204 W , TUSTll, IEl'OIT & •WK a.VD. 411 ll lOMA, ...... -1942 ~.t..--TON IUCM 1Uf1118TON IUCH QUO a , AT WMJllJ. 1WE 112'1 1711 ST., lUSTll tM81alA I WAMO. fCUIT111t VMlP -• Bean and Apple Casserole How to feed a crowd and save the budget Looking for an inexpensive way to entertain your family and friends? Plan a crowd-pleasing meal that is tasty and easy on your budget, too. . Instead of going out for dinner, invite your friends in for a special main-dish trea t that beats high food prices. BEAN AND APPLE CASSEROLE l lh pounds pork sausage, cut into I-inch pieces 2 cu p s c h opped onion 2 cloves garlic, minced 4 cans ( 16 ounces each) pork and beans in tomato sauce 'h cup tomato juice 2 teaspoons ch ili powder l 1h teaspoons salt ~ teaspoon pepper 2 large apples. pared, cored and thickly sliced 6 cups hot, cooked rice l cup sour cream V2 cup c h opped scallions In a large skiUet cook sau sage until evenly browned. Using a slotted s poon, transfer to a Dutch Oven. Pour oH all but 2 tablespoons fat. Add onion and garlic to skil let and saute 5 min utes . Add o n ion mixture, beans, tomato juice, chili powder. salt, and pepper to sausage. Simmer over medium heat 10 minutes, stirring often. Stir in apples and continue to cook for 10 minutes more or until apples are tender. Serve over rice with a dollop of so ur cream and a spr inkling of chopped scallion. Makes 10-12 servings. MICHIGAN NA VY BEAN MINESTRONE SOUP l p ound (2 cups) dry, navy beans 3 quarts w ater 4 tablespoons oil ~ c up f inely chopped carrots 1h c up finel y chopped onion 1h cup finely chopped celery 1 c l ove garlic, minced 2 1h cups dice d zucchini 1 pa c k age (10 ounces) frozen cut green beans, thawed 1 ham hock • 2 bee f bouillon cubes 1 teaapoon bastl 1h teaspoon each salt and oregano W teaspoon pepper 1 can (28 ounces) whole tomatoa. drained 1h c up paatlna macaronJ ' Place navy beana in large 1oup pot with water. Brina to a boll; boll 2 minute.; remove from hat and let atand 1 hour. Meanwhile, heat oil in a la rge soup pot. Add carrots, o nion, celery. and garlic. Saute until vegetables a re tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in z u cchini and green beans. Cook, stirrin g occasionally for 5 minutes. Stir in navy beans and their soaking liquid, ham hock, bouillon. basil. salt, o regano and pe pper. Cover, bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer until beans are tender. about 1 hour. Stir in tomatoes and pastina. Continu e to simm er 30 minutes or until macaroni is tender. Remove ham hock, dice meat and return meat to soup. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese. Makes 4 quarts. §ou'tmE.t Presents food Processor -French Menu with Susan /adt Sole baked with Parmesan and Creme Fraiche Saute of Squash with Walnuts Wild Rice Chinoise Lemon Claze Crepes DELICIOUS FRENCH FOOD MADE EASY! Wednesday October 6th 6:30 p.m. Fee: $20.00 TO E~ROLL I~ A CLASS P1unrnl mu•I hr madr on 1d-.n;r l11r I~ 11111 1mnunt Rrlun•l• """""' hr jllH"O Wt rla'\ t rt-dtt "''" Lr 1"'-'U#'d Phon,. rt!rn 1t1tin• •di M arrrplttd -.11h a cr~d1t '1rJ numlt.-r I\ IS.\ \btttr<."'d .\mtrt< an t:•pr~ •I or •OU "''" rrgia1rr 1n I"''"'" at Cout lludwur ~.,, ... , .... ~ ,IJ5:~·A::~, .. ',' . II rs Gile of 1tie mos1 mou1h·w11er1no !Hit 1reats you II eve1 encoun1er loaded w11n 80~. lru11s .ind 11\.ll plus bOurbon rum & branoy Send St 00 10 cover postaoe and nan· Name McltMS d~no alld we II 1usn you 3 a~ces 01 our delreoous IN•tc:.i'e IOI you lo lry We N .iiso 1nc1Ude our beauttllll col0t ca111ooue and 1 coupon 1te1eem1 ble to1 St 00 on your neat 01011 I C•ly__ ---<;r~ft-l1P---- I ~~,I,/,/. 1'19stW11<1 111' .,.mot,~ks tvtfl'<lo~s-1_ ~~· t 11.019efl!MH Wftll ... ltd°'"'· ...;_ -1111ttrfltld firm• I 330 \Vjshrn~ton St Dept Ott Manna Oet Rey. CA 90291 L-----------_J '· No Sw I I Just Pure Sparkling Water I ''° I • ; OranQe Co11t .OAIL. Y PILOT /Wednt1d1y, September 29, 1982 !Save when you buy one s t any size ROLL-ON, ecre SOLID or AEROSOL when you buy one any size . ·--....-.-. c .. ,. l -. ,, , .. I . II - •• llrllng• Oo11t DAIL. Y PILOT /Woc.lnoedoy, September 29, 1982 : Hmu1 t loot! ahopptny lJI 111 k lll hullt upol\ '41111wlt~IM ur nutrl\h II l f\1.1 lht• n-lall\11 vulu1• nf 1111111.-Mt•nu pll1nl\l11~ 111 ttw arl of u1d11" ull k1111t't .~ luud •mxJUl'UI ill ''l't'liUVt• wuy11 'l'hlN u1 t mnk1 1~11111~ m11n• lntt·r~unii urnl loocl hopplnu 1111iri· tlm nd ·~·unnmll'UI 1 ft•(t' 1.u1• MUIW CfUC'1ltlt11UI tu ll :>t )'OUI llh OJ)pllll( l~ T est your s hopping IQ 1t'ltctla1 food• aad h y bttdltl·pr•<-ed mtll C1tl• lhal can bt IHtd fer mort tla11 H• ranl? Otll' or till l>t·at huy• In thv tn •L CQ • h• 1h1 • chur k nio"t whlt·h c.an hf• l'Ul Into •l<' ¥Ji, allr-lry 11tr1r•. un<.l 1\C•w m ta 1 Do 1you plan tu u11c ltiftovcrw lo nu.1&1h1 In •O'chir tu ll\lold WHt~·? I i 11 you beglf\ w lhlnk o r rootl wt rnorwy 11t1ch it nc•uUy Ill bcx·au~· you'vt• paid l(oocl hard 111.Sh for It lhl' rt"frlgerot.o1 bt-0011Wlj 11 "hank" Would you Wind up dollar b1lh' tn yuur MOrl>ag1· 1Ci11posul? o r (.'OUr&• nol. Yul, thut Iii what y1>U1N ' +11ng 1f you're throwlngraway t'<.tlbl(' food or <.'Ourse, don't c•at unythmg which might ,.._, spoiled -your nose anc.J t•yt.~ will tt•ll you ~hetht•r it's good tu l'tlt. Thc:rc should bt• nu llUl·h ~mg ns "leftovers": Instead, you havl-' "plunnc<l , l'rs'', w ith a plan 111 mind to use evt•ry b(01·11p Z Do you plan your meals around what you ready bave on band and make up a grocery I st before going lo tbe market? It c o~omy dinners . £9r si x Ground b ee f 1s a 11,1tural to be included in l'<.<l"Omicul meals H your grl;u n d beef dinnc•r s h.i_\•e bl'l•n tasting the !>ot1'1l'. look to new flavor l't>fnbina ta ons to give thJ:m s park. Gra ted µarm<"san cheeSl'. for ln:{\am·e, provides rit'h . rl•bust cheese flavor with JUi>l a s h a k e of th e t'~llllSl<:r. Soups and ste ws t·a n lw ver y soothing on a l·ulJ night. as well as a lO m f o rt t o th e f'l•cket b ook, S imply (;ood Stew takes a small amount of ground beef <Jnd strC'tt·hcs 1l lo eight M'rvings. with tomatoes, ~Jrbanzo beans. zucchini <ind onion T h is h e ar t y 111incstrone -l1kc s te w -.1mm<'rS p r a c ti ca ll y u nwa t c h ed . th e 1ngred1ents blending for .1 tasty. easily pre pared dinne r. The zesty flavor 11 f g r a te d p a rmesan l heese. stirred 1n JUSt befo re ser ving. adds great cheesy flavor ror ~JX.'Ctal interest. A loaf of hot crusty It a lia n b read an d a ..imple salad round out the:> meal Re member t.c µass e xtra g r a t e d JJarmesan cheese at the table so ever yone ca n add more to taste. ~~~~~~~- Chili WITH BEANS l:lw,·k your rl•I rltl rotor, upboord, .. nd f 1t"f't1•1 M11k1• 11un• lht• f ood1 on hand t\l l' UK'<i IJt•rort' ttwy 1poll The• kt•y I• rututlng food11 In 11mJ out or your alol UKI' Ul't•u• through c1m•tul plunmnH a Oo you plan meal• wltb an eye to appetite and t11te appeal H well H aulrltlooal at'edt? R1•nwmbl•r thut u lout'h of l'olor pt•'°k• up ll mc•n l. C:onlridt'r mlorful Vl'tl~lubkit or fruits for garnl1Jhct, adding nutrition nd vulu1• u wull u cyt• Uppl'MI Ufi(' mW U.'i W(•ll U.'( l'OOkt'(i food 11 for muxlmum dfl'('l A \Af'll·bulant-t'<.l ml'UI tvntalns two M•rvlul{ll from the vegetable nnd fruit group, onl' chpl<.~ from the protein Cucld11 (mc:Jt, fish, 1>0ultry, eggs, beans), om• or two 11electlons Crom lhl• c ·real group (bread, rll'l' or other gratn!i). und onl' scltoetlon Crom lhl• dairy group (milk, cht>t.~. h..oe l'l'f>nm) I Fruit Mix 111111. - INSTANT Chocolate Flavored brink Mix ADD HOl OR COLO MILi( OnC' mC'atless mea l a week 1s a nice change ot pace, as well as a mone)' s<iver Gra ted parmesar 1 hcese added to Double < 'heesy Macaro ni g1vei this made-from-scra 1ct- 1nac-arom and cheese ar l xtra zesty flavor. Tor with t•hoppcd tomato anc .• dd1t1o na l c heese fo1 • xtra taste appeal. COMPARE OUR NEW LOWER MEAT PRICES! SIMPLY GOOD STEW l lb ground beef 1 1 6 -oz . ca n tomatOC'S I l 5 1h oz . ca n garbanzo beans. drained 2 medium zucchm1, slit·1.'CI 2 cups onion shces I cup white wine 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon b as i 1 leaves 1 bay leaf '• teaspoo'n salt 3i• c up (3 ozs .) grated parmesan c·heese Brow n meat; drain. Combine meat, tomatoes, beans. zucchini. onion . wi n e. fl o ur a nd sc•asonmgs in 3 -quart d utch oven: ma x we ll. Cov.e r . s im mer 30 m in u tes o r un t il vegetables are te nde r . stirring occasionally. Stir i n c h ees e: s erve 1mmcchatcly Eight ,1 -cup servings. DOUBLE-CHEESY MACARONI 'A c up c h o p ped green pepper •A c up c h o ppe d onion 2 tabl es p oo n s marganne 7 ozs . e l bo w ma c aro ni . coo k e d , drained 1 112 c ups (6 oz.) s hredded sh arp natural cheddar cheese gr ated parmesan cheese 6 eggs. beaten 'A cup milk Vi teaspoon oregano leaves BLADE CUT 79 ~~.~.~.~ ROAS! • FRESH 99 ~~~~~O BEE~ • (}•. ' I'• ....... , I ',• SIRLOIN TIP STEAK DRUMSTICKS OR THIGHS ~4'('~~,,.,H lf\ffillCr ..... •I.. 119 tac.••,.,_,~, ff'\ ff lllWf.tS1' la I ,. ~I • TURKEY BREASTS ~.-c .. '""°''~ ~lllttC•S•t~.Jlt .., """°' "'""' ••\"H..-'' • WHOLE FRYER LEGS TURKEY WINGS '3 .58 ••• 59 ".35 FRYING 47 ~H.ICKEN • .. , ' TOP SIRLOIN 2 29 STEAK LADY LEE 179 SLICED BACON .. TACO FllllNG ~Of.&H 1ll0Qt 1 .89 FRESH FISH ITEMS SILVER SALMON PACIFIC ROCK COD "2 .29 .. 1 .39 QUALITY PRODUCE COLDEN Lo e23 BANANAS •~ •t..av ro U t SEEDLESS l0 .59 CRAPES o.t<~ Swttr LARCE L0 .39 TOMATOES Gtt1r IOt s1oc1n9 RUSSET l0 .25 POTATcft:S LIS Ho t l'lung St1' 4. Do you Hmetlmet use lett expeatlve protein•, 1ucb 11 e4~•· milk products, b IDI and plllH In ptanalo1 mC11tle11" rnealt7 Tht•• •lr tch your fiJlKJ dollnra and provldt' whol *>ffi(• nutrlll<>n U Have you con ldntd tile MVlDI• le aoa• fit dry milk or cooked cereaa. •lllcb an bt1'9y outrltlou.-at a tower coll per 1ervln1 tltao '4:•dY·tO·tal cereal1 7 &. Do you &ry new products occ11lonally to add variety to mul plannln1? VarlNy la the kc.•y word in pluntlng mcub tor proper nutrlUonal bolonl't'. New produt-~ &irl' oClon moro convunlcnt thnn o)der onc1, an Important corudderatlon Cor thOtlC with limited tlmt• for m<'al preparation T h<>r<' IH<: 1ruiny typl .. oC "l•xc·hun{(• .. " you t•un makt' to aav<' 1norw y lk• IJUr<' to t-hPCk Ji4•mwnid best buys in tlw proc.1Ul'1.' dl•purtment und thl• twin vulue11 m the M (•ut <'lllSl' lx>Cor making fmtil buying <.lc."<.0i1t1orui Y. Oo you buy oaly wbat yuu can ase or store for a reasonable period of Ume? 6. Do )'Ou eat btifore 1bopplng and 1bop alone In order to avoid impulse buying? It'• hard lo rtgl11l tempting foods wh'm you're hungry. A apouse or o child can also pcr8uudl' r.ou to stray Cron1 the budget-wise shopping 1 1\. When tht• pantry'11 loo clutwroo, you cannot tw an crtkwnt meal pl'!nncr, and there ls sure t.o be wasll' if foods are not rotated In the cupboard , rl'fngcrator. and fr{'('7.er 7. Do you figure ''co11t pe r serving" when "Yes" aflljwers w these qu<>SllOl'l.5 mdacate a high shopping IQ. Any negative answers indicate areas where bctier inflation Cighting can be done. INSTANT Hot Cocoa Basic¥alue Generics -your no-frills choice for greater savings. • Save up to 30°0 w ith Genencs versus national brands • Genencs olfer over 150 different grocery items you use every day at consistently lower prices than national brands • Compare Generics for yourself Another Basic ~..;:;~~~~Value from Lucky. the Discount Supermarket GENERIC SAVINGS! GENERIC 99 f22,~J~S '° 01 B~ • Oatm~.Jl C:Jr l'ut!Pf H.JvO< GENERIC CUT 29 CREEN BEANS 16 Oz C.Jn e WHOLE 39 ~~NEL C~~~cM> • GENERIC 33 PEAS 16so1 c~ • GENERICS FOR GREATER SAVINGS! GENERIC 75 GENERIC 37 ~!41TE BR~~~°''• POT PIES .29 u:-.~ '90tftrt ..... ,,.,.' ..... .. ., ... BAKING CHIPS .78 U fllf"° f"O'Q&tf .... ~-.e ·:01 •• QUICK OATS .,., •• 1 .24 r..t•"< HOT COCOA MIX '"' 0(• 1 .19 r..i ..... GENERIC FRANKS ,., 1 .09 GENERIC FROSTINGS '10/IO• .73 Ofvil\•..,..,,oe ... tt BROWNIE MIX <.A ..... PANCAKE MIX ·, ~--· .98 .,, .... 75 ~~~AKE & WAFRE s.r~~~1 .19 GENERIC COFFEE 1 89 ~~~ t•Ol fA'-• ~~~TANT COfFEE , m ... 2.82 SALTINE CRACKERS ••Oll>'•.59 f.f'ofW CHUNK BOLOGNA f D/h 1 .89 ,,,,.." PEANUT BUTTER ••OI .. 1 .25 "'.f!Wt tt ...... t 0t(9'#1 GRAPE JELLY 'Ol •U 1 .03 "'""' ~~~~IC PRESERVE~)N ., 1 .34 ~~~CED BOLOGNA I •• 1 . 3 5 KIDNEY BEANS REFRIED BEANS f'-f•·f PORK & BEANS ....... "011 ..• 39 • r1 ".69 . ,. ... 39 GENERIC FLOUR s~~.79 COFFEE CREAMER GENERIC BEER ,, ... ~. ~ c;~.T LITTER .r1 .. 1 .29 HCI 111\ 2 .69 ..... 1 .39 GENERIC DOG FOOD • ,. 4 .39 GENERIC CAT FOOD • II •• 3 .14 ~~.!~~OOM TISSUE "'.. • 72 FACIAL TISSUE ........ 50 ~~ERIC NAPKINS ,. , .... 63 rt• ~.1 .22 "' '°' 1 .26 ~~~DWICH BAGS .,,,, • .1 .06 TRASH BAGS KITCHEN BAGS ALUMINUM FOIL , ...... \(> ......... 96 .. Ol t•~ .83 BAR SOAP .A._.., '""'~' ~~N£>R: DETERGEN~ , 5 .59 ~~~ID BLEACH , 1 ••• • 73 ~e~RIC SOFTENER RI~~~'''' .99 ~!~H~1'~~~.i?!!ER~~.T1 . 5 3 ~~SS CLEANER , "' •• • 71 TORTILLA CHIPS PICANTE SAUCE ~"'"" • ,, •• 59 I ... 98 ':!~C!!?NI & CHEESE . "', •• 24 GENERIC SPAGHETTI , » .,, .89 !o~Y!RACE~lfr BU • O< Cot.a GENERIC 69 ~~FFLES 11 Ol P~g • GENERIC 12s !~~ CREAMH.Jtl c..i crn or ChOCOl.att GENERIC CLINC 59 PEACHES lrrtgullf 19 Ol C.an e GENERIC 75 CATSUP 2l Ol Bii • PAPER 57 !2~ELS 8\ s F llott . AMER ICAN 119 !~~ES 16 or PllO W11n.n9 Int Su19ton Gtntr•I Hu De1t11111ned In" C~t111 Smoll!lCJ ts 0Ml9f'Olls to Yw Heeltll FRUIT MIX 'A teaspoon salt 1 c up c h o ppe d tomato °"' •c•~ou 1~111.-.. .,.,,,.,.,,.t,.,,,.,.,,,rw.c"' ""''"''' ,,, ~~fl1,(' .. , \fft"""t-ftl ' , ...... ,,,....41 ... °' 'JtW"t ' ' • ~~'!.~~Y~ED DRINKS 63 Sa ute green pepper a nd onion in margarine. Combine with macaroni, t·heddar cheese, 1;, cup pa rmesan ch eese, eggs. milk a nd seasonings; mix well. Spoon into 11 'li x 7 1h-1nch baking dish . Bake at 350 de~. 20 mi nu tea . Top with tomato; 1prinkle with 2 t obleapoon• parmeaan cheese. Continue cooking 5 minutes. 6 to 8 servings. ., Joanne Campbell Saved s10.91 Joanne'• 6wn week'• 1hopptng totaled S81 73 al Lucky The aaMe or comparable 11em1 at the supermatk~ ot her choice totaled S92 e.. That'• a uv1ng1 ol $10 91 at Lucky• h •l I•'•" Sf'plttnbfl 14 1M2 The Discount Supermarket \ I I, .. Of rtut "--.,. •M ,.,. • (~~~~~TED M~°' c .... 41 ~~~TABlE Oil •01 111 1 .69. 9!~ERIC MAYONNAI~~ ,.. 1.09 :~ . GENERIC SHORTE~otr• .. 1 .49 LUNCHEON MEAT , ...... ,,,..,., PINTO BEANS ...... CHll WtTH BEANS ,~ ... ,, ... , .... 65 .. Meat fillings baked in a loaf Flavorful yt•wu brcud c.:overlng a filling 11( tw1ty nwat loaf, turkt'y lout ur ham loaf combine to create an eitci\lng yet Inexpe nsive mt'al. The yeast bread covering iB easily made with frozen bread dough. Create the mealy fillings fr o m yo ur favorite meat loaf recipe or use leftover turkey or ham and mix with onion , stuffing , m as hed potatoes and gravy. These meaty loaves are the perfect way to "cat.ch up" with your budget and serve thls economical and elegant en tree'. MEATY LOAVES l (one po1:1nd) frozen bread dough (white or honey wheat) to room t(lmpt'rlHurc 2 ~ .3 Ii\ h o ur s, or overnl.iht In rnfngerator. M ix rc.•m1&ln1ng lngredlt•n ta tor mt-al roof. S hape Into ~ e qual paHiea approximately 4 lnch<.'I ln dlamet.er. Cook In conventional oven approximatel y 20 minutes at 3~0 degrfftl or In microwave oven 10 m i nutes. Drain off grease. Cut thawed loaf into 6 equal picres. On light ly flour ed board roll each piece into a circle approximately 6 inches an diameter. Pl.ace one partially cook ed meat patty In dent.er of each piece of dough. Fold ends over patty and seal. Place seam side down on lightly greased cookie sheet. Or1no• Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Wedn11day. S•Pt•m~r 20, 1082 C:I nu d o co okoff, f estival Sunday Tho •<•cond onnual Mt•nucJo Cookoff and f't'8tlvul will bc:o hl•ld Sunday. ·t. a from 11 a.m ' w 8 l> m. ot Orontic Cuunty J.'airgrounth1, 68 Fair Dr , Cotu. M•..u Mayor Marll'ne Sh11frr will prl't<>nt a proclamation al 6.30 pm. to '-'Ommemorolt' tho event, with Ed Morga, bourd chairman for Concilio of Orange County, 8C'Ctlptlng t:ompeUtors will vie for a •500 grand prize and trophy as well as trophies to be award<.'<I first, S<.'<.'Ond a nd third place winnen in each e ntry t•a tt•gory These include individual, organlz.at1on and rt.>11tauranl. In add1t1on to the cookoff, there will be Uvu entertainment featuring El Chicano, a r~'Ordang artist: Ray Camacho lnt.cmataonal Band and Paul Rodriguez, comedian Other attra(.'tions prorruaed include celebnues, a car show di.splay. Hispanic art and cultural exhibit, beauty contest, boX10g e>(hibition, disco and children's ridt.>s. l 'h pounds ground beef ~ cup oats, uncooked Brush loaves with butter (at this point grated parmesan cheese can be sprinkled over loaves). With sharp knife make small cuts in top of dough . Ba k e in 375 degrees oven 20-25 minutes or until golden brown . Serve with mixed vegetables and beverage for a balanced meal. Meaty loaves a re literally that, whe n a m eat filling is baked into a yeast bread covering, easily mad e with frozen bread dough . I • Proceeds will be distributed among non· profit community agencies in Orange County. Presented by Concilio of Orange County, the <.'Om petllion ls sponsored by Olympia Brewing Co. and Straub Distributing Co. l cup grated cheese (cheddar or jack) 'h onion , chopped l egg salt and pepper 2 tablespoons butter, melted 3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese Let frozen dough thaw V A1UETY F ILLINGS Turkey 3 cu p s coo k e d turkey, ground l cup stuCClng ~cup gravy 1h onion, chopped 3 t ab l es p oo n s grated parmesan cheese Salt and pepper Mix ingredients together and shape into patties approximately 4 inch es. Wrap dough pieces aro und turkey. Follow above ba king dirl"<'tinns ·' Good-meals. Go ddeals. ---flli"":t:J -----I ._._ __ _ I $1AIOUT99 ~~$E ftft I $94ft1S·P1KEI ! • l.':l1 I .._77=r• I le i7~1' ! ~ GOOd for lhree pieces ol 1u1cy. golden I GOOd for nine pieces 01 1u1cy golden I Redeem 1111s coupon 101 a Carry Pack O ::> t>rown Kentucky Fned Chicken plus t>rown 1<en1ucky Fried Chicken. w1111 loaded w1111 fifteen pieces ol 1u1cy ~ 0 single servings of co1e slaw mashed I four rolls .i large cole slaw a large I golden orown Ktnluc~y Fnea cnicken o u potatoes and gravy. and a roll masnea po1a1oes .ind a medium gravy z l•m~ two otteis per purcnase Couoon gooo I I l•mtt 1 .. 0 o•lers Of' Pu•cn.ase Coupo<i 0000 I tom.• '"O Ofle•s Of' ou•c~se Coup0n gooo onty tor .orno•n.r un ""'" oa•• orotts only lor combtn11o0n wMe101rk o•oe•s on'1 to• como.~t·on "'" tt oa•• o•ot rs Customt!• e>a,s a• 'Pl> <ao t u u 1.aa Ham 3 cups cooked ham, ground 2 cups grated cheese (cheddar or jack) 1 egg Yl onion, chopped 3 tabl es poon s grated parmesan ch<.'CSe Mix i ngre di e nts together and shape into patties approximately 4 inches In diameter. Wrap do ugh pieces around h am . Fol low a bove baking d irections. 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you '" ,,.. Daily Pilat 19l!:Z US Thru Oct. 23, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special s2.99 It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet. plus fryes. slaw [, hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! 3095 Harbor Blvd . In Costa Mesa Ou\t ~1h bf \.In OwAU fwt' •tto\\ h 1Jm l•d<o 147 lS Jeffrey Rd •• w.tnu• 1u•• oH ~n .. ""• 1 .. ,' Irvine Cu51ome• 1>1ys all 100<re.101t saies !IA 1 Cus1ome• 1>.11s •· aoO'•UO e u es la• 1 Offer expires Ociobet 10. 1982 Offer expires Ociobef 10, 1982 I 11t~es -·v v•ry •t .... ,1~,ft>1,..,. .... ·t-· Offer expires October 10, 1982 ... ~ ··-, • •,.. ~-. .., """"_ .. , n lCtS tn.lr "'Y .II D.lllC1D.lltfl0 IOU1tOtlS !-------------------------------------------• - Coupol\ gooo Only "' Soutlltr" I Pticts ""Y vary 11 patllC•Polt'"g 'OCatoOlls I Coue>on gooo Oftl)' 1n Soutntrn talofor"" Wlltlt I Ca111orn~ wnere you see 1ne mcm Coue>O" QOOO on~ ·~ Soulllt•" C11.forn•a •llf•e you stt •~t "'t"'Df'S~ o u11 ol rnt •tntuOy DelSFltO Stil of Ille Ktnt..C~y yOU fft lht tne"'DetS"'O SHI OI tne l\tntyt•y f11eo (n c•tn AlSOC••t•On ..!..!!!2...C-ntCltt n -.s-s;)C•ahon 9 froeo Cno<•en Assoc1,11ion 8 .,_EM"-•----COUPON - ------~ntucky Fried Chick~ Take your pick of Mott's Apple Sauce or Mott's Apple Juice or pick both. Both are made with only the best apples growing. T he tast~ that's "not too sweet, not too tart:' just p lain delicious. Now pick some savings tool r-;::~~;,---------------r15$----s::t~oU=:~---15il I To ~ 11.00 wot1h of ~11·1 Apple Product coupons lll....ltt.~ Appl Prody t good on ettMr Mott's Appl• Juie. Of Sauce (ariy 1tyte, wiy I n9ltt# I I • 8 UC 8 I Ila) ..no lovr (4) Motl'• lao.11 with thll IOfm only lo I ~--·-or Ju•-I Dully-Motl Company, Inc P.O. b 176 Rlve110f'I . NJ. OllOn ~ KiW• ..... "" --'"-""" _,, -..... ., .. .. ~ Olllr .... M\'•USA ~ .. .... .,...,,.......v111•--•......,.. llJIN o.i,--lt a...., ......... ......, ... Olllt .... Ma!CllJI, lt83 -------------- I To......-: If you, acting• our IQ«lt In 11'1ct accofdence with I tii. 1erm1 of 11111 offer, lllow •retell cu11omer tii. race vtlue, of thlt coupon IOWWd Ille l)urch ... Pfie• Of '"' PfO(IUCI epeclfl«I het90f'I In upon our 111qu191 IUblnlt ~ l'*«>I e11f1fa.ctory to u1), we wlll redeem thl• coupon IOt 111 lee• value p1u1 7• llllndllng. Cuttomer mu1t pey eny NIH tu. Vold uni•• 1Gqulred dlreclly from 1 retell customer, Of wnert profllbllld, tu.O or r•IMt.O Only one coupol\ '* purcll .. Oeocl only In u • A Cleh VllUI 1/20I To ,nldMttJ, mlll to Dutty<Mott Co lno P 0 lo• 'Ot7, Clinton, 10w1 62~32 Of,., ••pll'll Dlc91ftbl' )1, 18'k) J.~800 101lH9 -----------~---- HOWTO ·GET S2.00 BACK A SLOOREFUND r------..... · "TIME IS MONEY" CERTIFICATE et in on our '·Tam e is Money" offer. nd get a ref umJ o n a paper towd that's alread y a very good value. Gala. G ula has 120 practical sized heet~ in Hurr) unJ tukc 111h11ntu1,~ uf ,1ur "Tim\' '' Tl "'''"~>" 11fkr Mu11in11 l 'PC's)m0.11, fr,1m pi1d. every roll. 1wcnty mo re than the leading J~~' 1•f C1Jlu T1•,..~l,.11111ng ... uh th" n•mf1\'mc P'"' I paper towel. 1"':-· m11ri.e,1 h) Och,her :!:?. Nl'I:! •1nJ ""'II )4.'nJ uu ~2.m I Whal'!> more. Gala 1•ivc~ you whtll \ta1l 1h~·m tn 11h.:r '"" J;11,· 11nJ ,.,.·11 ~n•I wu ~I 00 o yuu rcally wunl in u paJier towel. 11'11 l\.lurl h• CiulJ I inw I' Monn -Off.:r PO Bl•'.,~ Y1•un~ m<'m-.1 Minn<'"''" '·''"'' ll\'t<' 11fdHi1.1hd l'C'' mh.11' 1111:11\\' wmf mo:"'' ··11m<' 1, r..t1111\'\" rcfunil I uhsorhcn1 enough to tackle an endlc~~ I numhcr of everyday spills. I So take udvantage of this !>pc<:iul I nffor. Send in your "lime is Muney" cc:rtifi· cute with H proo fs of purchusc-the I UPC symbols on the side of the pucku~ •. I And we'll end you mllnCy. But '''' I remcmher, the faster you arc. the more '"'~ 111·· yvu'll ~e1. ''·'"'-,.,._,. f\-" "'\"''•tf l"l'U1hn-w Oth r llM1h''-lt•••""'-" "'• t .. ntth -.Mh••ut I is • •""''t•" ., .. , .. ,,..,,_ '""'''~"W\' '""""'''"''"'Mk'' .,.,,,,,..,.,"""'t~f'lf'' 1!!!.ALA"JIME MONEY" h~•··W'J '"'\" '" """''"' h.~1 '"" \\ .... " •h MW\I ... ,,.,,.,y"' "'"' .'""'"" .w I -ypq ,.,., ...... ._.n..,,.. ••• '"',.' .,1.~"'·~•-.k""''"'"'<J(''", .• , REFUND Ol""~m111 I ; HAO onll IJC,_.. l0/21112 tl.00 onD I X,..U1 H JJl/11 I • -• fu ~------~-~------~ ' ~ I •• t.'11 Orang• OOHI DAILY PIL01'1Wedn••d•v. 8•P••mb•r 29, 1982 Portable homemade· oup · steams ·with good flavor . leominK eupt or home.mad~ up or~ n welcome chuns~ in box nntl brown bag lunche • Equally r4'fre hing when l l o m t• m u t.l 1.· • u u p i>ltn.i mlna& with f1 t•11h M"rdt•n rtuvor cun bt• 4ulck, t•o•y to prtiporc and Ideally 11ullt'<.l t.o box and bag lur\l'ht·11 thot travel lO huol or work this CaJI. Drawing on the co nvenl t•n t•c and availability o r frozen vegetabll's and fresh whole milk, Gard('n Chowder solves the dally dile mma o f c r eating nourishing, poriable m e als with l l tllf' preparation. It's ready in -seconds, rounds out lunc hbox meals with dcl1c1ous flavor and n et·essary v itamins and offe r s limitless poss1b1lit1es for ethnic vanat1ons created by adding a dash or two o r a favorite spice or he rb. Simply thaw a cup of y our fav o rite frozen vegetable or vegetabll' combination such as peas and carrots. corn, broccoli. or mixed vegetables. and place them in the blender with a cup of milk, a chopped gree n onio n , so m e seasoned salt and pepper. Blend until smooth or c hunky in t extu r e, depend i ng o n preference, then hl'at in a saucepan to bring lO its Diet pills are drugs says FDA "Starch blockers" - the hottest new item on the American weight- loss scene -are coming u n der increasing scrutiny from di€'titians, prof~onal nut..1fl1>nists and, most recently. the federal government. Sold under a variety of names and backed by voluminous advertising, starch blocker pills are sup~ to prevent the body Crom absorbing starch from foods like potatoes. bread and pastas. The unwanted and unsightly extra pounds just melt away no matter how much starch you eat, according to manufacturers. The starch blockers are basica l ly a co ncentrate of a derivative of raw kidney beans that somehow inhibits the enzyme alpha amylase, which digests starch in humans. The unabsorbed starch progresses to the bowel, with u nknown and sometimes unfortunate results. G l oria Johnson , a Sacramen to registered dietitian a nd nutrition consultant, note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently decided to classify the so-called starch blocker products used as weight reduction aids as d r ugs, despite manufacturers' claims that they are "special dietary Cood.s." "Aft e r mu c h discussion within the FDA," Johnson says, "officials decided that the products may affect the body's no r mal metabolic fun ctions. w hJch would bring them under drug laws." T h e fed era I agency has subsequently sent let ters to moN than 100 manu facturer s and distributors, directin g t h em to discon tinue mar k eti n g sta r c h blockers until scien tific testing confirms their safety and efficacy. Along with a variety of fad diets, Johnaon main tains the starch blockers are Unhecft88.l')' · and , in some cases, harmful. "There la no eaay pr magical llOlullon to being overweight," she saya. "Th e key ia changing one's e~ and actlvtty habita to a degree th at auat.ains desirable weight a n d health over a life time." Johnaon adds that a moderate, well-balanced diet from the four food groupa -milk. meat , ve1etablH a n d frulta, breada~d cer eala combined w ith prope r exercile, provid e a healthy bMt for aradual wefaht •. - luJI~ fll.Avu1 Ex IH' r 1 m t•n l w Ith d)Ht•rer\l her~ such a» dill and, thyme to Crt'lllt- 11ubllc flavor changes, or te lve tht• meal an inwrnallonul t.out•h wl\ll a dush of curry for an lndlon flovor, bainl or oregano for a hint of India flavo1>, ba!dl or recoil tht> flavors o( Germany. Garden Chowder can bt.o pound plpln1 hot Into a thc.mno• for • warming "brown baa main cour.e," or retrta 1ra~ for a chlllf"d luncheon 1oup to enjoy with a green H ied or froah fruit. GARDEN CHOWDER 1 cup froz e n vcgotablea (ptHU & carro.U, peu1. co rn, mixed, etc.), thawed. (or o n e 8 ~ o·z . c a n V<'gotablc... dralnl'd) 1 (.'UP mllk l arf'en onion. chopf!'<I ~ teaapo o n ll('tuton !d iw I\. Duh J)l•ppt>r Blend lngrl•dli•ntM In blender until deslrl•d con1i11tency. Heal and serve. 2 serving•. Variation: Bfond In 11. teaspoon dlll, thyme or Italian seasoning. PROD<JCE LIQUOR "'"""'C Crisp elely ..• 33 Fruh~Ca~~r .. 69 """ I I ( ,_ ".29 Honeydcwflo'\clons ~k~~fruit ... 29 Ii:~ .... own Onions ~-49 ~~~;"'d .... ed ed s r.pe1 l8 .89 ~~bach'8 Plant tA 299 FROZEN FOODS •c..,\._ "'"' ''""' ~,. Westwood Ice Crum .69 } 79 }99 )39 159 }09 VONS BAKERY ,,9,n"o. .. ~••""•"' 79 Botterc:n.ist &ud • ·~ '~nu \t~r fatty Bourbon 549 s .,,._ ~ fl(H1U eu••~• 11m eVodk.a 349 rt.., ~HlU Whl Wln ""''~~t Robert Mondevl e 449 ¥'""~~~· a)'lor om hablls 599 'IJ.t . " 'i9ti 'tit ller H e Beer 429 •l'(\:il.'"S: 'llCl~ ~-Cel r lect In andel }89 'fc "IU'-'fi;'/§m' oru cotch 469 DELICATESSEN ·~~::Wam 'P&~~':cu~ MCl1TS ~(~\;k~ ~~&\;"""' }19 119 .89 }19 .23 119 249 DAIRY PRODUCTS GROCERIES • •1"" •. -..n~t Heinz Tomato Ketchup ' ..... ,ii ~' , Evans Pinto Beans Gree~G'lant C~m Checz~t C~ilckers Mott'; Appie Juice Lo9ea'b1~ ~yrup .fi;}I "' lf"I'"\ Wishbone Dressing !J" '-'' ''~'LO \.oq-~,, i-olger's ~round coffee ~~~'fik:e .66 .51 .49 .89 J69 179 }29 253 20s }52 SERVICE SEAFOOD ,, }69 l8 } 98 l.I }98 R:tf'.:&:;B,t;;p M<1 ll 899 HEALTH E.BEAUTY C:k;'~~-· "'" "'0 .89 ~.=in~gllinc .99 S"'oc;d r.,;f ~"°ce)o<CI' 217 135 Jt,~~~Cheue.88 r=fs~thwaah 2 19 ~h~~;'Ct:/p "t:~ki~ • • 8 9 , j~cbrange Juice • 7 9 >!q°=t~ 'f~~~ I 59 139 ~g'Q~~,C(S~_,ulce .85 ~~ cotct Cepeulu • 2 99 T-BONE STEAKS T ABl..E KING BEEF OR LOIN CUT CLUB UMIT 4 fl\lllf ,.,.._ WCI Porterhouse Steaks '"'"'..tfll'f'll.-V lt"fllttl Cuoe Stee.k5 · !i\l'i( ""'1tl 9il ft .'\Al L f 'f\ Rib Roasts ·~ 239 lH 2 48 • 219 ,.._,""""',.,-tr fkJi"t.1-C"\.CO re» } 98 London Broll Steaks "' !\!:'I~"' 1 l'l ll\_ n."11 CUI-""'" } 29 wnOle Bfff tJrisket , " l-'~l ·-l!:H It..~ •ft }88 Bottom Round ::iteaks • VON S BRANDS lf.(\JN.'s(._,l\l'lii Vons weet Peas .39 lfot'\.f"l\f (..\"'-Vons Cut 8ea'11 .39 ~(,_~~' KemdCorn .39 .;r.v (~ ii~~"°' ons h ns .69 ~(' "(f. '" ons~nnalse .99 er ved cold, Gardf"n Chowder <'On truvel or stay a t ho me. MEATS .'\bil "M.r•l! Bonele.ss Rump Routs "~ ... ,. -fr!Oi,..., It t 1'( •• } 78 ..... 59 ••• t •JI ... M ftlt"' Turitey Hen Breast *"lillt' ut.\..,. 11~• 111Pi1 Fresh POf1c Sausage UI l 69 I.A 179 ... ..., Ill• .,. 1\.11<~ 110/ '"'<l } 69 Slnlean Breakfast Str1ps LA ~W'<CCl !."°-"« 5teak<J mms I.A 499 VONS BRANDS ~(,,,~.,~""" Vons Q It Juice .7,9 u I P/ C .. .,. \~lltf 0 ·~If':·' ons Dog Food .31 • 1 / 11 C'' "-'-\to "'"~ Vons at Food .22 v"·"·;uq·~, ons u Bleach .69 Q~p·°" 'f,' ons aper ~Is .59 P9llCU Ul"!CTM THOU. ntfKI W!D., IUTfMU >0 TQ OCTOlllll I, It 12. CALL (21 J) J'°"'40J l'otl L~'tlOI'! CW l'TOU MMUT VOU. ..of Al.L. ITIN NfO ~ W.,,.. ~ llPl'K'IM AT I/OM. I 500 W. ~O 8lVO .. 1571 W. IOTH IT., LOI MQfLU, IA" ~00, l'llUl'IO M D IM WQAl.11\1.Q '" IQJTM. QIWO"ITIU ()m'I'. ll'OST ITOltD <>NM l NII TO 11 1'111 l l>t\VI A W!VI. IRISH SPRING DYNAMO LIQUID FRESH START MARINA l\ll!IAllWll"n&r9ttc-........... . BATH BAR'50AP LAUNDRY DETERGENT LAUNDRY DETERGENT BATHROOM TISS<.JE Ku•11C•L~o... .. "-'"0 ' 2411</"°Z. !INCL .20 Off) .88 640Z (INCt. '°OftF) 3.35 HUNTltfOTON MACH -. ....., . .,... .. , .... COITA •IA 1• I . 1'1fl ltf9et IM Orlftf9 AY9. . . HUffTINQTON MACH HUNTINGTON llACH ltm .._,. ""9. . _, Attallta IMt 'NMI CANTRANO _, c..-. c...,_..._ I DIC 0-.. 3.29 1.19 K1llll'l\i~C-0...1N1...0 IJ9 ~CIMlllVwi....-... r1U1 "'0 .. POUllTMl VM.UY ,,. ... " .... , ...... UeullAt&LI MM1Alala,_..,A._ ,.. Orange Coatt OAIL V PILOT /Wednetd1y, September 29, 198~ ,., Coupons, r e funds pay for cos t of n e wspaper J • By MARTIN SLOANE Dear Martin: I didn't think thut I c..•ould afford • dally new1pa~·r. that la, unul I bt.•gan clipping out all lhc l'Oupons from the food &eellon Now my coupon and refund savings pay tor the paper and much more. Several wc.>eks ago 1 really came out on top and the grocer owed me money! l purchased $22.50 worth of groceries and my Cree product coupons and cents-off coupons totaled $23. LO. When I got the groceries home and removed the proofs-of-purchase, ·1 was able to send for $4.75 worth of refunds. Saving money with coupons and refunds is especially pleasing to me because l do all my shopping by phone since I am in a wheelchair and can 't go out. -J.E .. Kingston, Mass. Deat-J.E.: When you "go" shopping, you obviously go for all the saving opportunities that can be worked into a well-planned shopping list. I hope your example wiU be an inspiration to others to try our money- saving pastime. Dear Martin: Several stores in my area are using the new el~tronic -~s.u.ners and 1 nave a question about the Universal Product Code. How can the same code be on a product, let's say tuna, which 1s prked at $1.30 at one store, and $1.25 at another store? Isn't the price of the product somewhere on those black lines? - Confused in Coventry, Conn. Dear Confused: The Universal Product Code o n ly identifies the product. It does not contain price information. When a cashier passes an item's UPC across the scanner. the scanner "reads" its identity and sends this message to the store's com puter. Within a fraction of a second, the computer matches the identity of the product with the price, which comes from the computer's memory, and that price is rung up on the register. Here's a refunding tip from Carol Hammond of Helena, Ala.: "I trade refund fonns with people all over the country and it often is confusing to remember th e for ms that my trading partners want or don't want. So, I have asked them to list the types of forms they don't want on a 3-by-5 inch card and send it to me. This has helped me immense l y when respond ing to their trades, and in return the forms I have received have been worthwhile." Carol and other readers whose tips appear an this column receive a free copy of my couponing and refunding magazine, The National Supermarket Shopper. Write to me in care of this newspaper. CLIP "N' FILE REFUNDS c-uc. 0r-1ne AJde (F .. Mo. 11-c) Clip out tl'tlt Ille end keep It with 1lmll1r caeh-oll coupons -b1v1r1g• rtlund ollere wi t., t>ever•oe coupon•. lor .. ample Sllli ooli.c11ng Ille needed proofs Of purellue white IOOklng IOI the required refund form• al lh• 111perm11ke1. In newtP•per• and tNgailnff, and when tr1dlng with lrl1nd1. 0111<1 may nol be available In all are•• ol the counlty Allow 10 WMk• to rec:elYe ..eh refund. The fOllOwtng refund offers are wor1h 111 20. Th1H olt111 don·1 require a refund form: CUTD-TAN YCXM TOOTltEI, P.O. Boll 4010. Jefferton Crty. Mo 85101 Receive a pair of toe eeperelort end 2<klent coupon for Cul•• Nell EnllMI Send one front tebel from eny Cu1111 Nall En1mel Pfoduo1. E11plr" Dec. 31, 1982. .,....ACK lnternellon1I Pleyt•• Inc: .• p 0 Bo• NB214, El Puo, Till .. 7"68, Aec.IW I 11 Of 50 cent relUnd Send '"' 1op pldlaoe flep or flec>t end regllt« tepe with purch••• price clrcled from Jhlrm1ck O••P Condlllonera (Molatur~x Phlnti., N C A or k utrl-Plll) 8•nd proof or purd\91 from -peckaoe fOf I 50 cent refund or proof• or ~ from eny two J>KlllQM fOf 1 11 refund Explf" Jen. 1, 1983. ThHI ofltra require refund totme: A&.9UTO VOi HOT "'ORIN 'AC IAW 11.IO CW...... R41ce!,... two ao-1 coupone for Alb«to VOi Hof Protein PIQ Send lht r•Qulr•d ••fund form end lhl UfllV«MI Product Code 1ymbol "om !fie !>Kii of ""' cenon of • AIHrto VOi Hol Prottln Pie £xplfw Die 3t, 11112 "A'RICOT •ITfUCT" MM Ta, l.ity Henten Div . o.t LaboftlOf .... Inc ~vi I 11 rwNnd S«ld t.N r~ rlfund form end th• product n1m1 lc*ltlfloAlton cu1 from OM of tr... lottoWlllO MCllllUtllhlQ DaM C.uaL NQullt/lfllQ Nall Cu.l(llllO!Hlf' Nail COl<it Retnov•• ll.01 hi>I•" OeG 31 1002 ::!4~~·~!,!t~.:~~ ~;w:~: BUPIRlllllT IHIPPIR . roun<I, cte1r, l)ffl ulf labll lrom •------------------1"41 IOI> Of lht CIP Of Cllll lrom llOV j)IOOI Ill t1urC:hHH (llquld attd p .. 111 ftlf • S2 60 refund lnd1u11 Otl 11'11 <;"I.I II you lrl MOOh!Q 111 • p.aof or ovrchaM tor • a:> 11111rl(I Of 60 Ctnl 11tund Of l>Olh al)l•lt Ji n I, 1913 lrom • ll ounc. .. IQ OI • 2 Ol.lllW Pu•ClllM price CtrClld l11pJru 1111 £111111 8pr•y a lub1, th• Nov 30 1912 rlglllllf llf)I wllll tlOtl n111141 11111 PAPlft lllA Tl 11 Rlfutld Olftr purchaM Pfl(• wci.ci Write tht 8tfi4 11\e rlQUlrld rllfU11d rorm 1rid CUTU NAIL ITJlllNQTHI..._._ ft 00 Aelulld Recetve •SI r11\incl Send Ille IWQulrld ••fund IO•m Jod lhl hon1 pOtllOn ot the ~kege from Thi N•ll S 111ng1h1ner Eapitll M1rCf\ 3 I, 11183 L'O"IAL MAICA"A O'fl". Rec•••• l 'Orlll French Formul1 M1eca11 Send the requlrld refund lo•m ind the bollom libel trom your our1ent m1ac1ra. or • 1heet ol p11>41< 1t111no 111 bf1nd n1m1, formul1 1nd color. Proof ol puroh1t1 lrom L'Or111 m .. 01r1 11 not 1cc;1p1ed lndlc111 your Gho+c:• ol colot blaci.. dllfll brown Of brown Expu .. Nov 30, 1982 WfllPP•d Cr1m1 Mol1lu11 Rich Melle up produc:11 Ullr1 Moll! rtuld M11t1 up, Ullt1 Mo1111 Cr•m• ~•up. Ult11 MOlll Cr41fM Bluah o• Ullr1 Mo111url111 8•nd one label fOf • 76 cent refund, ' 1•1>11• IOI • 11 70 11fund ~1•1>11• for • 13 lllUncl Allach II • 10 rtlund rorm A1g111er 11 • mu11 bt •noludld l!"xplrH DIQ 3 I, 1982 fll Yt.OH COLO"llLll•'"OIT • OLOW r1lund OI S2 end I GO c:ent coupon Send lhl r11qulrld 11lund form ind lhl word Co1011llk or Froel a Otow lhtl IPllMll on lhl fronl OI th• bOA hplrll ~ 31. 1982 ~--~~~~~~~~- ean 9roun4 utl not to exceed 30% fat content 1 49 "I· •· 1.19 I~. , ' tie•• 11 • refund lorm to wrll• tor Lipton World Sertea Patter 011.. P 0 8011 113011A, Clinton row• &27311 S end • 1111· ldd11111d 111mped env1lope Thie Oller IMplrH 0eo 3 I, 11111:1 Mite .. '-• ...... ,eod PrlNNclt1 ("II 12·A) Jhe IOllowlng 11luncl otltr1 111 worth Si 00 Th•H 011111 don't r1qu1re rttlund lorma. Ofl. ICHOU. 'I Atfl•PILLO IH• IOLI 11 C111'1 Refund Oller, P 0 80M N8194, El PHO, TtMll 7ll077 Racelv• • 11 r•lund Send the 11<111 1)1 lc.llOll, n11111 lrom lhl Iron• of Heh ol lhr11 pllft or Ot Scf\Oll 1 Air Ptllo lnlOll PIM.k'Vff E1p1r .. Dec 31, 11182 Tl't•H 011111 requ1r1 rerund l()fmt UnlvlHHI PrOduct Code number rour Un1V11111 Product coo• Oii Ille fOtm There ... llmll of IWO •YMt>OI• ''°"' lily C<ltnblnellon of 11luodt hl>tfH Dec 31, IH2 urdld Of pouched Pl!* Mite "AYOVAC 1 1.00 C AIH rlMrMll• ft.It W1tll8'01.ll O~C°" If 0,,lfl, "-'4'1¥1 two flllATI. A1c.elv1 I II refund Mltko °' LIQUld Paper PrOCl\ICta 110 c:•n1 coupon• 101 d Cqn 8-nd ll'tt requttld 11lund fOfm Ind fhe form •l•o •nll•t you tn t llMONIZ 8uperl'oly Proaucat, productt Send th• r1q111r1C1 tl'le Univ•• u1 Prooucl Cod• ~:::P•l•kH l' •lllrn Die 3 l P 0 Box 421H>, Young Am111c., refund form end tht r901t1" llf>I •ymbot trom lhl blClt ol on• Minn 110399 Receive • 50 c;enl with purch1M !>fie• ol Cl.COii Ant a Rayovac w11cl't-c11Cul1tor b111ery Her1 II • refund IOtm YO<I Clfl 1nCl·or 1 12 refund I or 1 12 AolClh Klllel' clrclld end wrlll Ille c11rd ExplrM Dec 31, IH2 *II• lor S 1 reluna 1nd covpon 11lund on eltl\11 Slmonl r Unlvertal Product Codi aymt>ol woflh 0111r 15 1ow11dt 1 Sup., Poly llqutd or PHii, tend the number on the lorm L.OOk '°' 11'11 "Ul81"MAIO IHIL' LINUt 12 111b1Crlpt1on 10 Weight W1tchlr• word• Slmontz Sup1rPoly C11 torm on the pack•O• Eaplr .. Dec. refund Aec11va 1 S2 rtfuno 84lnd maguint Unlcap M l\tfund 01111, W11h from lh1 lronl ol lhe l11bel 31, 1983 11'11 required relund lorm 111<1 lour Unu 9001-88-0. 7000 Port~ Rd 1nd lh• 11011 ldenlllled reg111er product labills from Rub~M411d K111muoo, Mich 4900 f Thi• tape with purc'11H !>flee clrcr.d Gii llLICONa llXllL IPflAY & Sh4141 Liner ol lily comblntflon -offer e1pifM Dec 31, 1119' At1ac11 prool or ourCl'llH 10 • LUllll S 1 relund 01111 Send th• 12-+nch, 22-tncil, color Of p111a.n Copyright, 1982 unu.a F111ur• 3-by-5 ind•• cud S•_n_d_bo_1_h_re_q_u_1r_11e1 refund form end H_n_a ___ ,_n_d_1_h_•_•_•o;;...1_11_._r_1_•P_•_w_11_11 __ sy'-na_tca_•_•_.1_nc _____ _ ill thr11her 1hlrk ,.. .•• 1.49 new zealand whit• fl1h "I· •. 1.91 aou'h amerlcan golden ripe JH111n11 •.• 29 ground fresh dally at all lrvlne ranch farmers markets ... peanut IMatter ... 1.59 no salt ... no sugar ... no preservatives! oc• grown-v ne pe sweet-seedless-tu Icy Wlter111el .., ,,....._"' i..,..w • ..... tt .. hlMll ......... .... ountry spice cinnamon-orang tH los rloa rancho • fresh 4 oz. • 1.69 1.1 •ppl• ol41r Yl gallon ~· 2.49 peggy Jane's •· 2. 98 11114 4re11l1191 gallon "I· 1.99 2.19 1.69 1·---:---------------• 12 oz. cocktail -au flavors "I-t.69 1.4 vie de france chocolate chip ' . n.-c-e71e-s~tla-:-1-.-ea-s=-on~ln_g_s _ __:..:...JJm• orel111nt1 hart. t•• 24 ct. box ftt· 1.45 (In four d1llclou1 fl1vor1. m1nd1r1nt oreno-~. country tppta, clnntman <OH , l lH py tlm1). 1, box Of 2 "I• 1.1$ .95 new Item 111 bon sorbet 11'-t fruit loll 1.69 . • • • .. .. ,, r.1 '• ) I m I J • • ti! \ ,,, w l t ' -- c •• Or•no• Co11t DAIL y PU.OT /Wedne1d1y, 8•Pl•mber 2D, 1D92 1 a pickle? Does g'arden abundance put you • in By OOf\OTllV Wl':Nl'K. Otent• Cwntr Home Adwltot A h16£hl y prnUUL'llV\' Vt•gt-luhh• a&U rdl•n llJO , prt•1w111 t Ill' ,,roblt•m of whul lo do with ult 1111' Vt'(Wltiblc'ti. Som l ' pc• o p le• tP v l' the m u w u y . 0 t. h l' rs freeze lht•m Sorn<' c·un them, using a pn•ssun• ~unner (lhl• unly 11ufo Way lo prO <.'l'l>!i vegetables). But h o w l'Un you preservl• vcgt>lablC's 1( you don't h~v<.• Crcewr s pac:e , d o n 't have a pressure canner or don't want to ris k the• danger or b o tulis m deve loping 1n home canned veget.c'lbl<'S? One answer IS to pickle the vegetables. Pickling 1s a tried and true food preservation method that can be u sed on many foods , not just cucumbers Becau se p1 c kl1ng involves the use of acid as a preservative, you greaUy diminish the risk of botulism. The bacteria that cause botulism do not grow 1n an acid environment Pickled products do need to be processed after they're packed in canning jars. but the processing is done in a water bath . not a pressure c anner, and takes only 10 to 15 minutes. A wa t er bath processing involves placing the jars on a rack in a large kettle, covering the jars wath hot water, and h eating at a simmering temperature (in the caSE> of pickles) or boiling temperature (in the case o f fruit a n d tomato es) f o r the recommended processing lime. The purpose of this water bath processing for pickles 1s to create a vacuum in the jar and seal the lld. Thl' heating drives the air out of the jar. Then when the Jar cools the vacuum forms and the lid as sucked down. or sealed. A simme ring temperature 1s used for processing pickles an orde r to preserve the c rispness o f the vegetable but stall create a sufficient vacuum to seal the lid. Pickles, like other canned food . must have a sealed lid in order t o keep out microorganisms that could cause spoilage. If a jar doesn't seal. the product should be stored an the re frigerator or reprocessed using fresh lids. The easiest and usual method for making pickled vegetables is what is known as thc> "quick pic kle." The recipe contains enough vinegar to protect the food from botulism, and €enerally contains other seasonings such as sa~t. dill, spices, garlic, onion , celery seed, pepper. etc. A sweet-sour pickle also cont.ams sugar. If not enough .Jfni gar is used. pickled products may f e rment . Fermentation cau ses bubbling and an overflow of liquid from the jar. It Is purposel v used to make flavorful fermented pickles and sauerkraut, and the product isn't sealed in jars until the fermentati o n is completed. But af you're making quack pickles you don 't want th e m to fe rment. Using the proper amount of vinegar is crucial in protecting the pickled vegetable from spoiling, so it's important to use a reliable, tested recipe and follow it precisely. Don't cut down on the amount of vinegar and d o n 't add extra water! Check the label of the vinegar. It should be '1 to 6 percent acetic acid; or stated another way, It should be 40 to 60 grain. Law requires that the amount of a c id in vinegar be printed on th<: label. Also , don't use homemade vinegar for pickles. It may seem very sour and yet not be acid e nough to protect you from botullam. The type of vinegar you use depends on the Clavor a nd appearance desired. White distilled vinegar doesn't discolor pickles. Cider, wine, #nd malt vlnegan do add A darker color a nd contribute aome very dllt.lnctJv flavon. QUESTIONS WE AllE ASK£l>: Q I huvt< nn old pll'k It• h '<'I pt• t hut cplla. for linlt' What h, ltw purpc.114C.• of thl• lanw lmd wlwa 1• nm 1 buy It? . A Llmt• he ~11klum oxadt• ttw l'lttmt• 1u1 "qu14·k llmt•," burnt hm<.•, d1·hydruled lime. or t·alyx. 81akt?d hml' Is u hydrated lame or l'ukium hydroxide. It Is uS<'d r1s u firming agent to mukt> the pickles crisp. but ts 11ul nt•t't'lflH11·y 1r the.• Vt•tt••tuhlc• hi or goo d quality und frc•11h V uu muy lit' 11hlt• 111 find llnw 11t nur1w1 u •11, building mutt•1•lul HUpply i.tcHl•fi, or phurmaL·lt•11 U lil' no m or<.• thun 1" tNu•poon pt•r tcullon of wo tl•r u nd ht• 11 u rt• to ml~· If off thoroughly to prc•vt•n t ri•d ul'I ng tht• ucidlty of thl' pic:klt•d product to ll'wls wht•rt• botulusm but·wran mjl(hl tcrow Wt• recomm"nd 111111·1 &DlllLE CIUPllll! GRADE A FRYERS t•llm1n1uml( ttu• l111w m• ft hi Ul\n<.'<'t'Nil.lf)'. Q . Th furlli· tuul t·u u I If lowl·r n 11umt• 1m·kl1-U Vl'l(t•U.1blt"lf I put up lui1t yt•111 huvt• tunwc..I I.I tunny pi11kl11h l'OIOI Doc11 thlt1 111c·t•n tht•v'n· 11polll'd or unNaft• to 1·t1t'' A Nu . n1l or dHlnl(l'li In vegt•t11bh•s aiudl ws l'auhflower und gnrllc url' not a 111gn uf spollagt-. Thi' chung<! is cuuscd by u hormh•1111 rcuction bl•twt•t•n thl• U('l!l Ill ttw VIOl't.(UI und t'twmteul l'Ompoundtt 1n ttw vc-gt>tablt• Your pu.•klt·d vc•gtttDblL·11 or<' 111111 11t1ft· to t•ul ~ My dill pkklt•H llt'lllt•d hut flllW tht• lids l111u1ttr1uu untl lh(•rt• urt.• bubblt•11 onc.J doudy hquad An• tht.•y i,poall·d ? t:un I SUVl· thl•m? . A Whtin prcklt·:. urc• put Into jurti cold, thl'n covc•rt•d with hot pickling solution and .. I' IJ I t• d w I t h II u I proc.·t·111t1tnij, tlw ht•cn 11( lht• liquid muy nut be• hl6'h l'nough to kill ult t ht· mll'roorganl11ms und 1•rt•t1tc.· u pt·rmummt 11t•u1. Thtic m11y thc.·n ollow f1•r111t<ntut1011 lo tuk(• plot'P In whkh (:arbon d1ox1d1..· gw. 1s produc:t'<.I The.· gas b11bbk'1i through till' liquid, Cord ng thl· hd tu unscul. The ferrn <.•ntut1on process is not harmful. Open the jars in which lhl11 IH hupp(•ninR 1md lt•uvt• lht>m loo1H•ly <'ovc·r<'d until the• bubbling l'f'Ubt.'11 nnd thl' Imm.• ia IL1'11 doudy 'rh111 muy ttikt• up lo :i Wt'i•kJ< Th1·n· muy lw u whllt· !H•dlmt•nt in the• jur bolt.om.'i that results from the• fonncntauon It u.n 'l hnrmful 'fhf.• pickles now may bt.> rt•Cr1gl•rutc'<.I and 1•11U•11 soun. If you want lti kt•t•p tht·m longer, then you nt·t•d to proc:•'IJI thnm . Aht·r h•rmc ntation hlil ittoppc-d, rcmovl• ronwn1.1 11 om jar» 1md wuh jart 1n ho t 1ud111y wo lcr Hl'pD4 k J>lckloa and 11pll'l"ll Jn jars. Jo'ilwr the brlnt• throush u papt·r l'OH N • falk•r und hf'at I.CJ bolling &-due,.-heat nd slmml•r for 10 mJnutca P o ur hot brine ovt•r p1cklt.>s and seal with nc•w hd.5 thut have Mn ammcrscd in simmering wat.er for a fow minutL11 IAVE WITl IMITl'I LDW PRICEI AND -a DDIKE CDUPDNl I r-:------------· .~· ·~· I "":t;'--~M ~~&¥"? I I -~"'.::~· f: • ...:..!..I!.'!-. I ~~ .. ~.....,, .... ;:;,;;:J· I • ... WAUD •• " ....... •CX:T09111 • I "'"9------------.------------:i I~· I ---.:uir-~~~-I I =~~~.lffir.' II ~;.~"-:~ ............ ! • WAUD N"IMHll -.OCTOMll t .J ________ ,. __ _ ·-----------, ·~· ·~· ·-=-'1!r.a~-· I ~~~rS" I I ... WAUO .. "._"-TOH• I I -------------· .------------.... .~· ~· I ................. :.i .......... , ,:,. ·~·•!!"1!• _.. I I -.. -=::--..... ·=:.':'l::J::r.::.',,;;;:.,,,_ --· ..... ::••SC ... ~ ................. I I ---=-"=*-=..-~ •• ~w:;:::...~· ._. ... ..,.._._ I I • wauo nnoo•"' -.cx:Toe111 • • ____________ .. --------------, ·~· I ~ I •-:::-~~~· 1 ~~~~ ...... I. WALIO •ll'ftMHll •OCT0911 I ! .. ____________ _ ·-----------:"I ·~. ·~. ·-=---· I =~ , . . I I ~--= :.:=:. . Lat •-_,.,_" -~-· I ___________ .. r------------· r-----------~ ·~l·~I 11 ~· -~. i:: . ~I 1-'#~--~~I • ~ I I __ .... .. I I ~ ·~ f ............. .,_..' " ~...... I ....... ...:::=.._,· • • VALID H"9.Mtlll •CX:TOlllll' I I... WAUD~_,_ I ... • -------------.. __________ _ PORK SPARERIBS -=-f·RYER LEGS ro·p SIRLO'IN STEAKS COUNTftY 8TYLI •LOIN 11~ BEEF SHORT RIBS -·· 1" ~ .. CUBE STl!AKS 2"· UtoA CNOtC I .,._, • aottlLa.11 ~ FILLET OF TURBOT 231 'M»lll•. ,.,._,.PAC& ll COCKTAIL SHRIMP la 3•• COO«lO•"°~lLID WHOLI LIQ •CHIC KIN ~ 89~. FAMILY STEAKS la 2•• UM.AC~IN:t#,~C""Ca OORTON'I Fl8H8TICK8 151 OOTafOClllWIAnlll,t-4&.l"llt. GORDON'S FISH FILLETS 22• tNPOTAtOC .. t.,eanaa11.0&.Ne.. ,,, ,, PACIFIC RED SNAPPER LI 1" fAl ... rtUA!fl U8DA CHOICI Ill' IONILHI lllP: 18 -LB. HILLSHIRE FARM TURKEY DRUMSTICKS STEWING BEEF BONELESS CHUCK SMOKED SAUIAQE • POLIKA Kl!L8ASA MUTY 80NILHI CU8EI UIDA CHOICE HEP: • ftOAITI FRESH LETTUCE CRllP IOLID LEAFY HEADI ai1 CRISP CELERY TENDER ,REIH ITALKI DELTA PAPER TOWELS ..... ·-' ~ llNOLE ROLL UN# AllO .... "11tClfA•• RUSSET POTATOES ,r. • • u.a. NO. 1 QftADE 1 ~ 10-LB. 81" . BAG 1t ~ . ,._, RED GRAPES IWUll....CltCf SUN GIANT RAISINS N&Y-U"AL °" 00\..0IM 11•0t no POTHOS, BOSTON FERNS Otl MA"94• OUll• t UtCM Wt'°' COLORFUL CYCLAMEN t.-*CN .. 2t.-0' ll 59' 13• 3•• 3" RED ROSE POTATOES FlftM • 'LAVOft,UL 2'! LARGE TOMATOES RED •RIPE • flftM 41~. CUCUMBERS BREAKFAST PRUNES u-.econ.1 ... 1.t ••• HANGING PLANTS ••eo«nO ¥&Mi n t-I ... tllfCW Ml frO' SPLIT LEAF PHILODENDRON 4:•1 121 1•• 4•• IT ~!ftlA~!cv,9Y1!SH ,, / 3~1 '@71i 3J 41L~. PEPSI COLA APPLE JUICE RIQULAR ...... LIQi • 121··~ Ii {\··~····· •M·10L8i1 PAK ~ t " SWITZER'S LICORICE O• CHl .. tllf e1n1, tl•OI 8AO POTATO CHIPS IMiT ...... •a•ut.A'li OW,...OZ ••C TOMATO SAUCE c:owraoo•• 11-01 c u SANDWICH BAGS ou.o .01 o• , .. 11• 89' 4~99e 79e ZEE TISSUE IATHftOOM •NICE 'N ton •4·ft0LL PACK PAPER PLATES ff OIOll.NQ DIM TOTINO'S PIZZA l'tl'tt_C.UDIA•••CDIO,U.Ol.. "'°"" CAMPFIRE MARHSMALLOWS •1.0\1\..AA. t~L eAO •·1•&"'*1.. 11•...oz eAO BANQUET CHICKEN "''ID tt-Dl. I Ol. ,_., SMACK RAMEN NOODLll • AHOftTID • a.oz. Pl(Q, 8~1 1·~ .. JONATHAN APPLES NEW CftOP APPLES 3~1 GREEN CABBAGE IOLID 'ftEIH HIADI ~ 12~. STAR-KIST LIGHT TUNA HUNK•OIL Oft WATlft PACK•t~·OZ. CA wnw C04WOll A#O .... "'"CHAU BLUE BONNET MARQAftlNE • REOULAft QTRI. • 1-LI. CTN. --· ----------------------------------------------...... ------------------, l-~--. DEL TA.1PA11PERloWELS ... : I ,..._ ••NOL• ne I I '::::.: llOLL I I ~ "'"' ... -......... l-~-..::a I ~-·-·~:::.~.--JI L.-~----------~---------, : STAR-KiifLii'HT TUNA 111 1 1 I ~...:. CHUNK •OIL 011 4t I !~.'!~"~!,_~~M.. . 1'' ~~c~~P. J .. ~~~~Y IRIAIT I ~ WATlll P'ACK •l\\·01. CAie II BORDIN LITI LINI 1" •II' •OLOQNA I~ .. ,. .... _ ...... l-~~ OLD MILWAUKEE ftlQULAft Oft LIGHT 811ft • 12·0Z. CAN ~ ?A~2·· PAUL MAISON WINll e .. Alkt•1 AOW, ........ fl KAMCHATKA VODKA .. '1ltOOI -,, It·~·· 32• 3 •• ,_ BORDEN SINGLES TURKEY FRANKS AMlftlCAN • CHllH ,OOD • 12·0Z. PKG. LOUl8 ftlCH • 1·LI . PKG. e '111 ·.~ 99c ..... ..c ... -... ~ • .,.. .... OIC••••"• 1101 .... ~ --·~:::.i,::._ ,I -------... --------... -------·-------·--------.----·---:=-------------------... AUtfT IUE'I MW HOltEY ' •llUTt MAID FRUIT JUICU AUtfT JE•IMA PAICAKE IYRUP AU!!~ JEMIMA PA"""KE MIX 201 --1!-0Z. IOl '"Cl .• IOfT FACIAL TlllUE 11 IOI OfHO All••. HI.CM AU-.a.u.CM lllTAIT. Ml a 3100 BALBOA BLVD. AT 31at ST. • NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR BLVD. AT BAKER• COSTA MESA OPIN 1lA.M. TO MIDHln ' , YUIM COfFfl .. uw ..... 't.11 1.• AlL v.nu .. I.ft l ·OZ. lmU 97'. I .,. I Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Wedne1d1y, September 29, 1982 Seafood casserole is Sunduy brunc-h or w<·4•lu•ud Im(( t•I will hrinK ruve"' from your gue t • j great in the stretch ' I I J ( : • On restaurnnt m~nu1 the thre<' popular lwffill a re steak, lobater and Surf 'n Turf, wh ich c:omblnet the flnt two. On home menu11 , favorites like thcte arc usually r eserved fo r special occasions. But there's no need to limit rock lobster lo u "some time" thing at home If the meal of this succulent 1eatood Is stretched to marvelous lengths. The trick IS' to comblne the rock lobster with ingredients that make a little go a long way without sacrificing the che rish ed taste of the se afo od . If th e combinatio n tastes so good in total, diners don't get the feeling that they are not getting enQugt\ of the most lmportan t element of the dish. South African rock lobster is, indeed, the most valued ingredient in the recipe here. The juicy meat h as a flavor and texture entirely Its own, which is why it has become so popular. There is no waste, since the tail is a solid piece of snow-white meat. It makes everyday noodles the basis for a delightful dinn er, s upper or Sunday brunch dish. On a buffet, with that star of rock lobster meat in the center of the dish, this casserole will always be the main attraction . Clever, sophisticated, delicious and "stretched," it says smart things about the person who offers it. SOUTH AFRICAN ST AR CASSEROLE l 'h pound• roc k lobster tails 1 package (8 ounces) medium noodles 4 tablespoons butter 1 m edium onion, minced 4 tablespoons flour 2 'h te~ns salt l ~ teaspoons paprika 'h teaspoon pepper 4 cu P8 fllilk 1A cup lted butter Bread~bs Drop fr zen roc k lobster tails Into boiling salted water. Cook for 3 m i n u t es . C u"t away Brown bag • carriers studied By DOROTHY WENCK Or-. c-tJ ..._ ......, The r ising costs o f eating out and pinched budgets have caused many peopl' to become "brown baggers." There's a Brown Bag Institute that's been formed to s tudy the people who car r y lunches a nd provide information to m a nufa cture r s of products that brown baggers might buy. According to a report from this institute in the Wall Street J ourna l. some 10.7 billion brown b ag m eals are put together each year at a value of $20 billion. No s mall potatoes to producers who want to i.ero in on thls market! The Brow n B ag Institute reports that people carry lunc hes because they want to economize, want to save time, or don't like the food sold at school or work. Another reason why some people carry a lunch ia to aave calories or have foods that are lower in salt, fat, o r sugar than they might get ln a restaurant. A major reaaon why people don't carry a lunch is they "don't have ~ .. to make It (or don't have eomeone with time to make a lunch for them). But a more accurate reason might be, "I didn't plan ahead -IO I didn't have anything to put in my lunch" or "I didn't get up earlr enou1h to make lunch.' So makina lunch la a matter of management: planning fo od for lunches when you d o your srocery •hopping: pl.nnlna the time you need for lunch maklni when you Ht your ' alarm. &me .... ~ prefer &o melr• thetr tunchle tM n18lt before (lee BROWN,'? ... Cit) I undtiraldo membrane ond r movu m at from ahell In ont• ph.~ . Sil~-..· t>ach tall In hair lengthwise, cutting one halC Into chunks und leaving other half whole. Cook noodles. Melt butter and aautt• onion tlll transparent; s t i r In flour and seasonings. Gradually add milk; cook until thic k e n ed. allrring constantly . Add rock lo b1tl'r c hunk s ant.I noodlt•11 und pluc•c• an 2-quart ca1owruk ~l'op with bulle rC'c.J IH t•t11I cr umb 1 . Bak l', uncov red, 20 minutes, at 37~ dcgl'f'('8 F. Top wl th rcaervt•J roc k lobs ter h a lVl'll arrungcd In spiral star. Brush tails generously with melte d buttl'r, Return to oven for 10 minutes longer. Yield: 6 servings. if you e.rve a ~ hm·cult•nt ea(ood CUhht•rolt• Rturring rock lohRh•r. (;hunkR u( the jui<•y m~ut ur.- oddt•d 10 noodlef und i,pirul~ of the lobMtcr holves swirl on top. SA YING YOU MONEY IS OUR GAME! f'ttlCfS EfFl!CTIVE 7 DAYS 8 AM. THURS., SEPT. 30 ' THRU WED .. OCT. 6, 1982 SEASON'S LOWEST PRICE ON SWiii HONIYDIWS! Sutt Pomon 1.69 PORK SHOULDER ROAST lB 8'ltt Portion PORK SHOULDER STEAK lB 1.89 fre'h Smotl Sire 1.59 PORK SPARERIBS lB Stuffed 1.99 PORK LOIN CHOPS LB FRllH PORK SllOU' DIR ROAST PICNIC PORTION w .• 89 KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE , l T v*t'H ITE A')')T IN CL i ,'. \lH 59! 12 0 1 Dry Roo,red. Regular PLANTERS PEANUTS 1.85 13 oz 8ocon,Th1n$ NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS 1.35 15 ct la rge GLAD GARBAGE BAGS . I . 19 NIW FROM 7-UP . _ LIKE COLA - 6-PACK I 49 12-0Z CANS CAFF~N~ FREE • SPENCER STEAK BONELESS llEF RIB LIMIT 4 ....... •OAIT 2.85-u. '< PORK LOIN CHOPS l 8 3.29 l8 2.59 lo 2.•9 '°''"'0v• 100°0 &totf Froze~ 3 •b Bo• GROUND BEEF PATTIES EA 5.79 Center Cut loon Armour I 00' 8etf Froaen I 1 ·lb Bo• GROUND BEEF PATTIES . EA 2.89 PORK LOIN CHOPS 8or M Boneleu • CORNHUSKER HAM Cenler Cut Rob PORK LOIN CHOPS • s 2.99 Center Cul 0 01 P~g PORK LOIN ROAST l8 2. 19 LITTLE JUAN BURRITOS For Sho\)i !Co Bob~ l "'e J .. o" 10 8 0 1 P~g BONELESS PORK CU BES l& 2.89 FAMILY PACK CORN DOGS e.o. 2.29 FISHERMAN'S BAY FilsHMiiD SNAPPIR lB I • 19 F1oaen•Dtfro1ted local, fteody To Eat Frozen North Atlo"'•C PACIFIC BAY SCALLOPS ... ll . 3. 99 SMOKED TUNA l8 2.59 HADDOCK FILLETS lB 2.09 ~yuaAN COFFEE 1-LB. CAN ALL GRINDS ·LIMIT 1 .59 8 s 01 JIFFY CORN MUFFIN MIX •8 oz Ocean Spra y CRANAPPLE . 3 oi Anorl•d Vo,.et11!~ TOP RAMEN NOODLES PARKAY Go-.i1"'f't • 01 MUl .. ROOMI .25 1.75 .• 25 8 0 1 Jar YU BAN INST ANT COFFEE 2 hr Regular or Suga r Free SPRITE BEVERAGE SEASON'S LOWEST PRICE lor9e Stvlt•nt BILLPIPPIRI .. 3.89 1.49 l •• 39 ~ l"'"' Ii. q , .. '1 HEN TURKE.Y BREAST 1 ... \ ~., .. TURKE Y WINGS lo. ~ • TURKF.Y DRUMS TURKE Y THIGHS l B 1.69 lB .63 l8 .63 l8 1.09 FRYING CHICKIN LIVERS~ n:.;i FROZEN·DEFROSTED 4 9 l..0ill L9. • 64 0 1 Corron HUGHES ORANGE JUICE ?4 oi Syrup Include' ?Oc Off MRS. BUTTERWORTH 18 01 R .. qulor Ouoc~ QUAKER OATS 1.59 1.69 .89 . ~ DYNAMO ~ DE1'3ENT -.. 64 oz llOUIO I 9 • INCLUDES SOc O FF • f()()CS fJf' ttf£ fJ~£lVT .89 IN OUI """ l'tOOUCI Oii'! ,, ..... JAPANlll IGGPLANT 60 • 60 • ~ Sl•"'f"' U b• ' or ' •• o• Co BUFFERIN TABS 2.39 VITALIS TONIC 2 . 12 l(IKl(OMAN SOY SAUCE ••• I , .. LYCHEE NUTS JO • Toth \00• $1 H I N """•ho o•S.p• ... o•d ~-l'f•'' ,,0 • b'~"' ••o EXCEDRIN PM ... I .99 VIT ALIS SPRAY .• 2 .31 RICE STICl(S .63 .59· .69 .II 1.JJ &·-1.75-LTR. ANCllNT. AGI 86 PROOf I 0 99 BAN iiiii:·c.. [ij I. 19 90;~E;~~~~ CLAMS 1 .SI -------·CO•Y-1111' ,.OUN fOODI-----...... 12-cz Con \9'1 :~'1~:~~::. I. 0 9 ,:. ....... ,." ..... 4 EAR COB CORN 17 tt .. 1 S.-• ltf •~•td \oo1 '',. CHEESE CAKE t.J• 1.99 •.•• '•It BIROS EYE COOL WHIP lv•\•l' ''*••• •' '•~P•' Stff\ LE MENU DINNERS COMMln 11-YOl.UMI coo .. a INCYCL9"DIA :~~ ~.1.79 .79 2.29 ·~-BALL.l\NTINE'S FORTUNE COOICIES oll -. "• SAPPORO DRAFT BEER SCOTCH • t"I•. WENTE 6. 99 BROTHERS ~--.--~--... ~AftlllN T•IATa-------2 ··o r LANDO FROST CHIPPED MIA TS . ' ' , .. BEEF FRANKS , •• ,~ .... l•• .. e KRAFT VELVEETA SLICES 2.19 1.19 VAlSIC PICKLES MONTEREY JACK I ...... ----· .38 J 1. 19 . 1.39 ('10 Orange OoHI DAILY PILOl /Wednead•V. eptember 29, 1Djs2 Indoors out, potato salads are favorite Pouitu •lull I• 1m ult A&nt•rtcun l'l••Jtk Anet lhl0rl''ll B Wood I l'WtOll, It aturt1 with Anw1 ku'11 tuvorlll• v'l•&t>tubh., Llw pow to A pk11h' or burbt't.'Ut.• JU11t wouldn 't l>t.• complete Without u brimm in g bowl o f delit.•1ou11 potato salad Almost everyone hus their fuvor1 t t• vt•rslon and we're no ext.-eptlo . Another FaYor le Potato Salad is a 1ood tradlli<>nal recipe lhal serves as the base for lnnumerablt• variations. So, whether you 'rt.• a new t.'OOk looking for the best basic r<.>c1pe or one who'd just like lo try someone else's favorite potato salad, this recipe is for you The p o tatoes are cook ed 1n the s kin to preserve many nutrients And there are lots of variations orrcred to suit everyone's SJ>(.'C1al tastes. Potatoes also are a great economy value. RecE!nt harvests have been large so you'll find excel l ent quality, quantity and prices, making potatoes one of the best food buys in the produce department. With these economical pot a to prices, you' 11 really be able to stret.c:h those food budgets, and still serve delicious , nutr itious meals . ·.>Reme mber .how gObd potatoes are for you. A medium potato (three per pound). supplies 35 percent of the U.S . RDA of vitamin C. 20 percent of vitamin B6 and 10 percent of niacin and iron , along with significant amounts of other vitamins and minerals . And all for only 100 calories. Whether it's in salads, BROWN (From page C9) and refrigerate them. How much money can you save by carrying a lunch? It depends on what you carry and what you would buy in a restaurant . At a minimum you would be likely to s pe nd three t imes as muc h for a takeout food lunc h compared to carrying a lunch. Food in a sit-down restaurant could be five or six times as costJy as the food in a carried lunch. Say you spent JUSt $1 a day m o re for a purc hase d lun c h compared to a lunch made at home. That's $5 a week; $20 or more a month. At $2 a day the difference is $10 a week or $40 a month; and al $3 a day the difference would be $15 a week or $60 a month. Not so bad, you say? Think abou t th e diHerence if it involves two people in a family. or three. or four. Another cons1derallon is the nutritional value of the home made lunch compared to a purchased o ne . Again , the difference d epe nds on what you make and what you buy. As a general rule, restaurant and take-out foods tend to be high in fat and calories, high in saJt, and may be high in sugar and starch. And they tend to be low in fiber. vitamins such as A, C, a nd folic acid (a B vitamin), and minerals such as calcium and iron. A carried lunch can be made from foods that are low in fat and can have foods such as raw vegetables or fresh fruits that will supply the fibe r , vitamins, and minerals that might be mi ssing from th e restaurant meal. On the other hand, your carried lunch could be just as high in fat, sugar, and calories if you are heavy-handed with the salad dressing, use fatty lunch meat o r sausage such as bologna, and lnclude high caloric dessert Items such as cookies or frosted cake. Whe n packing a lunch, try to provide at least one food from each of the four f ood groups: p rotei n food; bread, ci'acker or cereal food; fn&it and vegetable; mJlk, cheese or yogurt. Such a lunc h wlll be well b'alanced nutritionally and will be enjoyable from the 1tandpoln t of bavir\g'color, flavor, and texture contrast.a. 111 p;.im·Mkt , or u t rttrwh f r I t• 1 o r H u II o p d pot.utan, you'll find that low COil potal.OC9 make t'ven 1lmplt! meal• aipcl'l•I And for that apeclal outdoor mf'al, don't forget Another Favorii.s Po~to Sahad. We hope that lhla one will become your family's favorite too! ANOTHER FAVORITE POTATO ALA() I VJ pound• (4 to ~ ml•cJlum) p o laluM1, l!i(•rubbt'<.1 a hurd•l'tltlkcoel l'mi1 .. 11ht•llt-t.I und t·ouric••ly choppc>d i 11 c u p ll II I j(• (.' d l't•ll•ry h cup 11lil't'<I gn n onlon11 3 tulJl1•r.puon 11 choppro pu1'8k1y Yi ~up nwyonnol • tllllnQ lid Acid I ll> ~ h cup 11our crt•om l1wht•1 bollln" w11tc•1 :t u1hho:11>C1on't whltl' t'ovttr llMhtly und muk vlnt'i(ltr oVl'r high hr.•t 30 to 40 I l u b It> Ii J> o o 11 rnlnuh•a until J><>tatol•li prl'ptlrlod mu11t.urd 31 t• wncJe•r wtu.:u pll'l't't°ll 1h t.t•lllfpoon pt•ppt•r with u fork or 1k1•wc•r Sult. w l.WIW Oram, l'OOl ond peel. Cut Butlt•r lt'llU<.'t• polutol'll into <\'•-Inch Paprika cubt.•11 Plu l't! pototoc•11 Jn Pltu;t• lrl l~rtit.• bowl Dutch c1ven or lurgt-.. with «>ggs, t.'\!lery, cmlmlll saun•pun with light-und parsley. fn small buwl whl•k to8l'th('r ot tHlc or two of the muyonnuhw, lllOUr c·reum, to ll11w1nN to po t u to vlnoicor, mu1turd and mlxl\u l' lwlon· lo~mg l>C'J>P<'r Tc!NI g~ntly wHh with drt'tllll11f( µoluto mhctun• Mix lo • 1 tt•.11q111011 cJ 111 ault, l'OVl'r und chill Tu Wt'l>d n•rv<', lint> lnd1v1duel • •, c·up 1.11n•d d11hl'ft with l~tlU<.'t' 1"111 rad1i1h1'K with poll!to rnixtun• • 11', rup hulvt•d Dust with pnprlku. cherry t.om1tt.oet Makl'ff 6 ll(•1'VlngH. • i;, cuµ d1111>JJt•d To vary thl' flavor und grt.'4..•11 ur n-d lx•ll fX'Pflt'I t.l'XtUrl', odd your choice f e 1/l l'Up i;hreddt•d t'MflOIM •1• l'UP t·rumblecJ l>lul' Lhc.'t.'IK' • 1-'"l '·up ,·rumbled l'I l•J> bo<'On • 1/1 cup shr,-ddtod 11hurp Chc-ddor chc~ e 1~ <'UP ahced ript' or gn'<'n ptti..>d ollvt• • 11\ l'Up (•hopped t:ucumb·r • ~'• t.•up chopped dill p1ckes or gherkins High Quality And low Prices You SClE FlLETS ,_,~ POCH FIUETS ~ss TN COD FUETS ..... l.11.a u 11.98 l• 12.18 ,. 12.38 u 110.58 .. $1.39 .. $1.89 .. sl.99 All\f Kll.,FO 111-)1 C:.I AKA,"Tft ---.. ,_._...,.,_...._..,..... __ ,.., __ ,.._ . .........,. . ..., ............. ...-....... _ :~ .... ~:-.=.:::..:..":':~~~ ~:.!'; -~, .............. , ... ---~-lo-~ ..... .. .. ,,... ....... .. .............................. ,_ ......... .. ... ........... ..,. ....... .......,, .... ,_. .. ,,., ·-· ................ . .... _,. ___ .... - ~ 12YAltl€Tlll ! Can Depend On At Your \ Neighborhood Blue Ribbon MU UltcTlft I fti un '9 9t's ©uh uUeot mat uUade CUs 'Jamous/t! Store! • -• --.. .. t1e II I a ,_ --J • ' • BEEF BONE·IN ~"""'"" 'TuQ1 CJprrioC<:f .................................. °""' ~OS caISUI ,.,...,...,, Jlltt(f L ... CESE auc:m10~• lmYIEST ~~™£ ~~ ~ (JlJj im~tM ST~ ~ ""'° .uuc "" 11.19 "'' 11.19 MEDIUM SIZE Pork Spareribs $.SL~· OllAllTUIS IEEF ROUND I ONELE&I London Broll $·7~ .. aTATEaaaos. llEOULAa Oil souaDOUOH English Mu&lns IEEF LAROE END fllt lllOASTS OR Rib Steaks $.-~ .. -. I ~-a;J' :-"<.I - ' _,, , ~ . . --· : ) JECTANl IUF IONELESS IEEF Rlt 80NRESS Spencer Steak •2•! I •. , M M) . . ... ~·~ AllOtlnD -JlllllO-COlOM JELL-0 GELATHI OWIE IMPERIAL MARGARINE COORS Al.AMO CUAHOI PlllE CORDE MD JUICE LIGHT BEER DOG FOOD SOL TOWELS TISSll ·----I I ~ '-~~~~~~-- 9 !~~l~;LMi~E I •l27., 9:'se ~o;~,:. • ... '2.66 ':..-r= t _3oeJ Collee ! .caoz •.&~ ;:::.=======:=:::::::,· FABRIC SOFTENER • •2 ... 3 HambuJ".ser " 950 • . . !... 06 WiiliftSALTEOPAEM•UM t ,~z 830 iri9Wlt2-0z •1 WHEAT T~::~Tf .39 Bubble-Up 8/!ZCANS • I.49 Downy • 64 oz •.& HeJper !S;f~. ...G.. ne :..:..·-.&• POWOEREO CLEANER • • SUGAR SWEETENED 9 VARIETIES • .Splc'N Span .... 5•0Z 2.52 ck'N •. 0 CORONET DELTA, ASSORTED • • ... 25 end-=.'.."""'"• ~ 47 Tlaue '"' ~AOlL .a. ... lloltTt••w•·· • "°' Kool-Aid s 62 roz S9° SOFT FLEISCHMANN'S • Maqarlne • "~oz •I.06 Oven • · Cleaner .:··~, •I.45 Garden-Fresh Produce! L .. Pit Fllll11 ... . I Del .... t ... ,,.. :::i ••• =.= .. 1 ··-· t .• '1.17 .. It '2M .17t Flm :~r t ....., & CMllMar •• :--I '"Nev swu• JIJ'CY e•11nrn ..... .,. Pears ,/ -.. ,.,,, ... ,,,,_,....,.. Cantaloupe '6-.Qf ,....,. tiw1£1 MAWAo.A# Pineapple ••1111(• t;.4U"O-W.-•o Of\CG.11 Apple• C'4lWO"flll!1• twt•t -..et H I l-"'ft Grapefruit L_.Mtx f:r~ I Kool·AW •. :i1r I LI• Jllce . I Grlutlll s,_, ... I rl.te ... s .... _ lblHMllal . ....... I Lttc.MIS"" I C111trJ 1""91 S"" .. ... I llttd S"" -.. I fin .. II $Jf11l .. ·~. I '1.&8 ~ I , ... '2.59 .... Jlict :::"' . .,32' l11111M f:r"' • ., 11'""'"' ,,. ... .'111 ·~ .33' . '1.a ,. • '1.11 • , '1.17 .. '1.11 . 'U5 1111 COCll Mtx .. -·· I ... ~, .... , "...._ ...... \. . I ,. ... ....., wn..a ...... . ClllJs Mir c.ties :.~.. I C..lals ffe..,. t S• h. Cn ~'l' •• ,;;.a .. t f'*''s lntn \" t 'lll .•2.11 .. '1.75 ... .. 41 ... 75' 9t · s ©uh vUeat ~at vUade CUs S-a•noosf llllJ Piiat WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 29, 1082 Ol../ Quisenberry, Royals dela_ Angels KC remains alive • Jn AL Wes t race - "Tht• liOOm•r, tlw bt•ll1•r," &lld Muudi. "If W(1'i1• Kuing to win lt, lt•t's get It dont.•" barel y of M1k1· Armstt'ung. 5-5. who blunkt'll lh<.· Anul•IH on tltrt'l' l11t11 In Cour 1nnmgs T h t• Ang Is' ' KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) L<.•aw It to Dan Quisl•nb~rr y to s um up lht• task f1H·ing th£' bl•lt"agut•n 'd Kansus Caty Roy<.il!. 1n lhl' Amt.•m:an Lt•ugut• Wesl rat•t• 1''01 tht.• Royals, Qulsl'nlwrry Mlld, J rust1t· mPasurt.'s ort< nt<t't!t>d. "If wt• Ifft.• going tu w m this thing, Wt' gotlll 1m1J<Jrt Most-s," ht.' said. "Tht• odds arl' all :1gainst u..., Tlt1• Angdi. took u 4 l lt•ad with fou1 111 the · loui th two 11r1 a base" louJ l•d singll1 hy f)tm Buylor tu k111K-·k out Kunst,is C1ty'1> L;irry Guru, . rnagac number: -"Wt•'n• llkt· th<.• Dutch boy holding bac:k the 1 tttk. We don't havl• l'nough fingt•rs," said Qu1scmlJl•rry. "W C! round a huh• sap and some Silly •Putty lo put in there tonight." On TV tonight whu ww, trymg tu bt'l..'omc.• the AL's ftl'i.l l!J-gunw Wllllll.'I American League Weat I channel 5 at 5:30 W L Pct. GB 90 68 .570 Tht.' Hoyals stay1..>d alive in tht• AL Wl'sl t:hase Tuesday night by ddC'ating the• A':'gl'ls 5-4 :rnd trimming their f1 rst-plat'C margm. to .3 112 game~. Gc.'Orgc Bn•ll drov1..• in the wanning run wtth a two-out, seventh-inning single and Quis<.•nbcrry hurlt.o<l I : J 1nn1ngs of M.'Ort'll'SS reli t'f for ht::. :Nth stivc· of thl· yt•.ir, a dub record an~I lops an tht• ll•agUl' WP w ould save some pride beating them t<Jmorrow und maktng them win it against 'Texas." But lhl· Hoyuls boum·c.•d bul·k with two 111 tlw h11tt11m 111 ttw fourth, tlwn tll'd the gaml' m tlll' ~•ll.lh oil Jt•rry Martin's :.olo homl·r, has Hth of th1· y1·ur "WI' don't wunt lht•m popp111K uny 1·hampugnt• l'OI k!. around hl•rt·," su1d Martin Angela Royals 86 71 .548 3112 Tueaday'a score Kansas City 5. Angeli 4 But ll may men,•ly havt.• dt>layC'd the Angt'ls' st•t:ond d1v1s10n utlt.' in four yPars and tht• first c·hamp1onsh1p of any ktnd for Managt•r Gt.•m• Maul'h in 23 major leagut:• seasons. Tht• Ang<.·ls rtnish tht• Yl'ar with tlt1t.•t· h1111w ganws against tht.• Rangt•rs. whill' lht· Hoyals .1n• host to Oukland for four t'Ontosts. Any t·ornbina\1011 of Angl'I v1t•tortt•i. and Kansas Caty lm ... -.t•:-. totiil1ng two will give tht• Ang<•h. the AL Wt'SI lTuwn Mrn.t 11f thl· Ang<.·ls d1sn)1ss1·d thl· loss, only tlit•1r thrd Ill 11 g:1ml·S Tonight'• game Angela (Klson 10-5) ar Kansas City (Leonard 10-6). Channel 5 at 5:30 p.m. Tht• Angl'ls' magic number remains al two. and the• Angt•ls still t'Ould dinch th<.• div1s1on in Kansas , City with a v1t·tory over the H.oyals tonight 40Wnl•r Gl•ne Autry's 75th birthday. "We'r e still ha ngmg tn thl'Tl'. I havt•p'l l'Ol1t.'l_'<lcJ anything," said Kansas City Manug<·r D1<.·k Howst'r. "Wt•'rt• s till 1n thl· driver's !.eat," said Doug IX•Cml·t·:.. "It wai; a tough gamt_. to lost· .. w1.• wantl•d l1J win tonight, but K ansas City':. a good halldub. ottwrWtSt' we wouldn't be• battling tht.'ITI" Game• remaining ANGELS (4) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, 2. 3. Texas; AWAY (1): Sept. 29, KC. KANSAS CITY (5) -HOME (5): Sept. 29, Angeli; Sept. 30, Oct. 1. 2, 3 . Oakland. Brl•tt's singl<' to right off re liever Dave Goltz, 7-5, S<:or<.>d W1ll1c Wilson, who had doublc·d and moved to third on a groundout, and made a winm·r AP w1r..,11o10 Bobby Grit·h obsc•rvt•d, "I would r:.tther bt.· drinking t:hampugnt' right now lh~m wlk1ng to yo11, but mayb<· wc•'ll JUSl postpone at for one day " Dodgers reeling Atlanta takes . Wild West lead LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Ang<'lc·s Managc•r Tom Lasorda, wearmg a T-shirt with "World Champions" spla..,he-d across the front, wort' a glazed expression as ht> sat quietly in his office. He appc•ur<>d stunn<.>d "No, I (·an't rl'membt•r," he: s.:11cJ when askt•d if he· rccalll'd grcall'r fr<'lings of frustration "I don't know how I feel." Obviously. he didn't fret vt'ry guod . 1-I is Dodgers had just On TV tonight channel 11 at 7:30 droppl>d a 4-3. 10-tnning decision to the hapll'SS CinC'mnall Reds. It <'Xtendl'd thl'ir losing streak to S(.'Ven gamC'S and knocked them out of first pla<'e in the Nauonal League West. The losing strt•ak 1s the longest o f the y<·ar for Los Angeles. wh1C'h has scored only 13 runs in those st•vt•n gamc·s It was not only tha t the Dodgers had lost. 1t was the way thC'y lost for the Sl'COnd night in a row lo a tf!am w1 th the! wors t r<·t·ord (5!J-98) in the NL. The R «ds are try ing t o avoid bt'<.-oming the firs t team in the I () 7 -y t• a r h 1 s t o r y o f t h <• C1m·1nnat1 fram·hasc to lose 100 gamc•s. National League Weat W L Pct. GB Braves 86 71 .548 Dodgera 85 72 .541 1 Giants 84 73 .535 2 DODGERS (5) -HOME (2): Sept., 29. 30, Atlanta. AWAY (3): Qct. 1. 2, 3, San Francisco. ATLANTA (5) -AWAY (5): Sept. 29. 30. Dodger•; Oct. 1, 2. 3, San Diego. SAN FRANCISCO (5) - HOME (5): Sept . 29, 30. Houston; Oct. 1. 2. 3, Dodger•. only two hits and had retired 12 s traight balle rs 11ntc ring the inning Howevl.'r, Cesar Ced eno and Johnny Bench opened the eighth with singles to chaS<' Welch and thl' Reels st'Ored thrl.'e timc.-'S oU rel1t·vcr Tom NiedC'nfuer to tie the game. In the bottom of the eighth, the Dodgers had runners on fi rst and third with one out and <'OUldn't sc'Ort'. In th<.• last of the ninth. Los Angeles had runners on first and st.-'<:ond with one out and t·ame up empty. to l'<'ntn lo drivC' 1n thC' go-ahl'ad run ll app<•ared the• Dodgers c:ou ld ~al vagt· a victory whc•n lht:y load<.'d thl· bas<.--s with nobody out m the botwm of thl' inning. Arwr Bill Ru!>!>.-ll \\alkl'd and S teve Yl'agC'r l11mll·d ~afol y uff B<·n Hayl.'s, :.!-0, .Jo~· Prit•t• c:amc on in rc•hef for Ctnt•tnnalt and gave up a bunt !.tnt(ll· to Mark Belanger Howl•\•t•r, Stc•vc· Sax flied to shal111w <:l'ntt·r. Ron Rocnickc popped ttUt dnd Dusty Bake r fl wd to right. e•ndmg the gamC' And. at least .for lht· moment, t•nding thl' Dodgl'rs' stay atop the d1v1sion Atlanta, wh1<.·h defoated San Francis<:o 8 -3 Tuesd ay night, lt•ads th<• wild Wt'St by one game over thl• Dodgen. and two gam~ OVC'r th<• Giants. All three teams hnv<' f1vt• games rc·maining. The· Braves and Dodgers open a two-game scnc·s a t Dodger S ta dium to night whtle the Giants l'n tertain the Hous ton Astros in the opener of a two- ~ame senc•s in San FrandS<:o. Angel third basem a n Do ug DeCinces ( 1 I ) runs in fro nt o f first baseman Ron J ackson to snag a n infield fly by Jo hn Wathan. The Dodgers held a 3-0 lead ovt•r tht' weak-hilling Reds 1'nl<'nng the eighth Los Angeles 1>l~trtf'r Bob Wekh had allowed Then. in the top of the 10th. afl(•r Ron Ot.'Ster drt.•w a walk orr Dav<.• Stewart. 9 -8. and was sacrificed to second, Rafael LandC'stoy. a former Dodger who brought a .198 average to the plat(•, boum•f>d a pinch-hit si ngle "I don't know 1f wC''rt-spoilers but wc'n• sure making at tough for somt• peoplC' around here," said Cincinnati Manager Russ Nixon "Pm-e has had plenty of pra«tkC' p11chmg out of bases- loaded. no-out situations. He dad .t twice an a row in San FranciSl'O in back-to-back inmngs ma game we won 5-4 earlwr this month " League openers top prep slate W eek No. 4 also finds some old rivalries and some n e w ones By ROGER CARLSON of, ... o.i'1 Pt1o1 ... " Old rivalries, new ones. league openers and slill more non-league games are on tap this week as Week No. 4 of the 1982 prep football season approaches. The Sea View and South Coast leagues open for business with games Thursday and Friday, highlighted by a confrontation between Corona del Mar and Estancia. while El Toro and host Newport Harbor collide . Fountain Valley gets a look at Orange Count y's N o . 1 ranked team - Servite; Marina tries to get back on the winning tra il against La Q1:1inta: }{unungton Beach eyes its fourth straight victo ry and Edison , after o pe ning the season a week earlier in order to play at Hawaii, is idle. Corona d e l Mar '1.S. Estancia F.stancia could have the edge because although both teams have shown a sharp sword in lhe running game. the Eagles have also put together a passing game behind quarterback Scott Da'{is. Corona del Mar has Dave Pattenon back in camp after an Injury. but the status 'of tackle-kicker Brett lfughes (concussion) and linebacker J oe Paluc k (ankle) is tentative. "They're similar to us." says CdM Coach Dick Morris. "We're both running teams and don't Uke to throw unless we have to, and we're both very fundamental." Estancia Coach Ed Blanton echoes Morria, saying, "It's going to be a battle. Corona del Mar is tough to ICOre on and Its tallback. Lance Martin, is the type who can break It at any time." Martin has rushed (or 261 yards on 67 came.. while Eltancla tailback Matt Spies, 4lmllar In stature, not quite as fast, has bulled tor 320 yards on ~9 carries In the laat two £1lll)e9 for the Eagles. each a victory. El T•,.. '18. New,,.rt llarhr • Although Newport Harbor can bo:,st good size m its line, this is still a muscle (El Toro) vs. fml.'SSe (Newport Harbor) game. Paul Svitenko. a 6-3, 215-pound guard, is just one of the lions m the El Toro lineup, which thrives on a power l-format1on with the accent on the running game. The defending Sea View League champion, El Toro is 2-1 in non -league play. losing only to de fens ive minded Mission V1ejo. 10-0. ' Newport Harbor relies on 6 -3 . 207-pound junior tailback Steve Brazas, a workhorse who has carried 64 times in three games, in addition to catching nine passes. His rushing. (213 yard s) a nd receiving yardage (67 yards) represenlS the bulk of the Sailors' offense. There is a common oppone nt - Cypress lost a 21-7 decision to El Toro in its opener. then foUowed with a 16-3 victory over Newport Harbor. Cos ta M esa '1S. llnh:e r slty Costa Mesa enters under a cloud of uncertainty regarding linebacker James Kyung (ankle) and If the Mustangs are forced to go without him. it could be the difference in what is considered a very close matchup. ··We're very similar in terms of abilities, records (each won after losing twice). enrollment and physicaJ slw.'' says Costa Mesa Co-Coach Jim Hagey. Mesa's offense revolves around :>-6 tailback Wally Grant (67 carries for 27' yards), University's No. l runner Is fullback Gary Ianuzzi (24 carries for 189 yards). lr,·lne " • Saddlellae" It's a battle of u nbcat.ens after each rolled t.o three straight vic'torles. Saddlet.ack 11 ranked N"o. 8 in Orange County . The Roadrunners of Saddlcback feature the quick Rod PC'sak at quarterback. along with runner• Kevin Bradley and Bobby WlUiama, a pair of 4.6 RpN'd. l Pesak has completed 13 passes m three games and. five have gone for touchdowns. Irvin£', meanwhile, h as gotten 313 yards from Johnny Salinas on 43 carries. including a pair of touchdowns. Andre Willis and Chris Mandeville. two offensive sparkplugs for Irvine who have been sidelined, are both expected to play. Ser,'lt.e t'S. F oun,aln J'alley Fountain Valley is 0-3 after losing to Mater De1, Foothill and St Paul, and now the Barons try Servile, ranked No. I in Orange County and No. 2 in the CIF Big Five Conference despite only one game undeT its belt. Servile lost a 29-15 decision to national power Moeller of Cincinnati after leading. 15-14. through three quarters behind the passing of Steve Beurlein. Sophomore tailback Dave Swigert has rushed for 213 yards on 32 carries in the past two games for Fountain Valley and Dale Frye, after completing 14 of 23 for 164 yards and two touchdowns. gets the s tarting nod at quarterback Bals a Grande ,.s. Ht6· Bf'arh Huntington Beach Is sporting a 3-0 non-league! record, but so 1s Bolsa Grande aher the Matadors toppled Sierra Vista. Bue na Park and Savanna. Sean O'Keefo Is a returning starter at quarterback for Balsa Grande, and he has Steve La Freniere, a returning wide re<.-elver. as a solid passing target. Huntington Beach'• resurgl'nce has revolved around tht> play of quarterback Eric Lawton and fullback Danny Thomp!l()n. aJong wllh an otcensivc line and secondary which has been proving It belongs La Q•lnt.a i.·s. Marina Quarter*k Hugh Kollar and fullback Mark Allred, a ''Ouple of All·Gardl'n Grov Lcali(uc 110Jcctlons QI junlora, <.'Omplemcnt lSee PREP, P11e 03) .,.., .......... Pllete Esta ncia' cote D avi will lead th.-Eagl asain l Co rona del Ma r in ea Vic-w League opene r F?iday. •, ' ,_ . . "' '· IJ ' tf i ,. I ••• Orang• OoHt DAIL v PILOT /Wednt1d1y. 8ept.mb4tr H , 1912 _ ... R eagan la h e o ut ai players, o wners From AP dl11putches WASlllNGTON Prl·i>1dent m Reu~u11 mud Tucsduy that Nutwnul. c. • Football L<'Ul(Ul' owm•ri; mid players did not show much l'<>nsldcration for ttw fans an tht• labor d1sputt• thttt has shut down tht.• pruft.•ss1onul footbull 1N1gut• · "Sonwl1mcs I thank w<.· ran the Scret.•n Acton. Guild bette r thun lhut," Reagan , a one- time president of that unmn, said at a nationally tell•v1:.t-d nl'Wi. t.vnf(•r<.•nL'l'. ' Asked whether hl' thought the football owners and players wen• bc•ing fair with the fans. Hcagan S<.11d tht.·n · "dOl'Sn't seem to be the cons1dc•rat1on for thl• fan that there could have been and s hould havl' lx>en '' ThL' players struck a week ago after negol1at1ons stall.'mawd over their demand that owm•rs guaranll't.' lht.•m al least half or the rt.•vt.•nut.•s rtx<t•1vl't.l from 1elev1s1on nNworks for broa1kast nghts. Tht.• two sides are scheduled to resuml' m•gotwt1ons hL•rc Thursday. Quote of the day Julio Manet, coach of the New York Cosmos. after soccer great Pele said he t'Onsidered Mazzei a brother: "Great. You used to say I was your father." Yount puts Brewers 3 games up Robin Yount bl•llt.•d a two-run .,. .. ._ home r m tht• first mning. becoming the fu'St American League pl.ayer_ lQ_ reach 200 hats this season, to trigger M1lwaukt.•e to a 9-3 victory over Boston to highlight a c tion Tuesday. Coupled with Baltunon•'s loss to Dctroat, the Brewers' victory increast-d Milwaukee's AL East lead to three gaml'S ElS<'wherc. Jim Clancy came within YOUNT thrC<' outs of a perfect game 1n Toro n to's opener of a double -header with Minnesota. Clancy gave up on<' hit m hurling the ..Blue Jays to a 3-0 victory. The rtght-h:mder lost his bid for a no-hatter when designated hitll•r Randy Bush led off the ninth with a single barely beyond the reach of second baseman Damaso Garcia. In the n1ghtn 1p, Toronto came from behind to win, 4-3 ... In DNroit. Lance Parrish slapped a two-run homN a nd Mike Ivie and J ohn Wockenfuss add<'Ci solo shots to power the Tigers to a 9-6 decW;1on ov<'r the Orioles . . . Harold Baines C"rnshed a two-run homer and pitch<'r Dennis La mp dad th<' rest as the Chicago White Sox dumped &•attic, 3-1 . . Doyle Alexander gamed his first vh.:tory 111 almost a year as the New York Yankt.'<'S downed Cleveland, 6-4 .. Fred Stanley's double and Dwayne Murphy's sjnglc. both with two out m the fourth innmg. pacing Oakland to a 5-4 wan over Texas. . Another NFL-less Sunday? You bet! Thl· Nataonal Footba ll League m Management Council , rejecting on c. t Tuesdav the union 's o ffer for a pr eli m i nar y m ee ting prio r to Thursday's schrouled negouaung session. wrote off nc-xt Wl'Ck<'nd's games and assailed the union for pulling public a ppearances ahead oC bargammg Meanwhile, m Washington. the union formally unveiled its plans for a series of so-called all-star games, but admitted it had a stadium <.·ontract for only one. Oct. 10 in Washington's RF'K Stadium ... Gene Upshaw, presid e nt o f th e s triking NFL P layers Assodati on , told members of the San Diego Chargers Tuesday that he thinks the 1982 season will not bl· can(•t•lt.'d Upshaw added. howev<.'r. that ht.• had hlll<' encouraging news regarding negot1al1v ns between the o wners and the play<.'rs ,Jll----------------------------------~ Brave• take over flr1t placer T rry 1larptr'1 llu l·•·l11111lt•1t. I h1t•t••rll11 I hl11l• I lltllt16' d11 11hh• ll lt(6£Ht'(I It l:l·hll Alluntu LUK k I 1tw n r1w1•• 1l11wm•d San .. 'randM (), II ·'· lll vuull 111111 rir: I J>hUl' 111 1111' NL. W1 I <.'mtplt"l With tlw U1.1tla«1•111' h tu (.'lrwl11nuh, 1111' aa iJVl'M Look CIVt•r •• oh• fll""°''ll.'4101\ Of (la l l)llK'I' (111 llw (h hi t111w .. 1111·1• S1•111 I:.' l'!lwwtwn• 111 N.1t11111al l.t'<J~lll 111 111111 TUI '-ll1ty, Al Ollvcr, wh11 I' 111 I 11 •I I 11 •I •11111' Cl 111 V I h I' ,.r1·1111tl 111.111 111 buM·ha 11 huil111 y to pr11du1·1• WO luti; und 100 HBI In both lt•uflUt•s. !ll'Ort'<.l tht• winnl111ot run 1111 Warn·n CromiArtle'11 onl· llUl douhlt• Ill 1!11• lilt h 11111mu tu l(IV(• M1111ll't•ul u llllt'l'CIW 1>-·I win 11vl'1' Sl Lou111 P ete Rosc'11 t·lghth-lnntnR 1Hngh· brnul(hl humt• p1m·h-runnt'I' ouv•" 8 ob 0 l' r n I e r w 11 h t ht· wl1111u1g nm w1 PhllrnJHphh1 rullll'tl to bt·ut till' Ch1l·a~11 (..'uh~. a :! Pmd\·hittt•r Ru11ty Staub 1h•hv1•rt•d a 0111• out, 1 un st:urang ~•nf(ll• In tlw 10th mnm~ to gavt· thl· Nt.•w York Mc.•l.\ a 3-2 vwtory ovt•r Pato.huq:ih P1m·h·hilll'r Kurt Bevacqua's 111fll'ld san.cll· drnw in thl• game's r11-s t run and !>parkl'<ra thn'{• run sl1Vc>nth anmng :is Son Dwgu blunkt•J llou!>ton, :$•0 . Baseball today On this dote 111 baseball' m 1963: In the final game of has illustrious 22-year career, St. Louis Cardinal first baseman Stan Musial went 2-for-:.i against Cincinnati's Jim Maloney the last of his 3,630 career hits -as the Cards beat the Reds 3-2 at Busch Stadium. On this date in 1954: Willie Mays' immor tal, bat.'k·to-the-plat.e catch of Vac Wertz' drive to center field saved the game. and Dusty Rhodes' home run into the right field corner al the Polo Grounds won it as the New York Giants beat the Cleveland Indians, 5-2 In 10 innings in the opening game of the World Series. Today's birthdays: Montreal outfielder Warren Cromartie is 29. San Diego outfielder Gene Rich~ds is 9. 'SanJJiego infielder Tim Flannery ·iS2~ -Snow returns to Cal St. Fullerton Dave Snow, who helped coach • Augie Garrido build the Cal State Fullerton baseball program into a national power, has returned to •Fullerton as an assistant roach. Snow, 32. has spent the past five seasons as the head <.'Oach at LA Valley Colll'gl• where he <.'Omp1led an overall 156--t l record. LA Valley won the s tate champ1onsh1p an 1982 ... Seven Unive rsity of Florida athletes, including a starting football player who sc.•orcd three touchdowns for the fourth-ranked Gators last Saturday. have been charged with misdemeanors in connection with $1.626 worth or illt.'gally billed telephone calls. Television, radio Following arc· tht' top sports events on TV tonight Rat1ngl> arc•. v v v v l.'X<.~·llent, v v v worth watching. v v fair; v forget it. 5:30 p.m .. Channel 5 v v v v BASEBALL: Angels at Kansas City. Announcers: Bob Starr. Joe Buttitta and Ron Fairly Tht• Angl'ls l'31l stall wrap thmgs up tonight with a victory Manag~r Gene Mauch will send Bru<.'t' K1s0n ( IU-5) to the mound and he will be oppo:.cd by KC's Dennis Leonard ( 10-6) --rm.:-· Angc•ls and Roy,1ls hav<' splat tht• first two games of thl' S<'rac-s II 7:30 p.m., Channel 11 v v v v BASEBALL: Atlanta at Dodgers Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. Afte r holding on to first plaCf.' in the NL West for 17 days. th(• Oodgc•rs. now one game back of thl' Brav~. fmd themselvl's in a position where they almost ne<.'d to sweep Atlanta to stay in thl.' hunt. T onight, Fe rnando Valenzuela (19-13) will face Tommy Boggs (2·2) in the first of a two-game SN betwE.-en the two. RADIO BaSt•ball -Angels al Kansas Caty, 5:30 p.m. KMPC (710), Atlanta at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). College football NCAA lndMdu.I leeden MCEVfNO LEADING PAasotS ..c: YIM. Ayt. PA ..C: Yd9 TO Wlllt•. Stanf0td 31 383 103 Bond. MIAIMtPP 82 34 750 s Hud9on,8YU 25 368 83 Barrett. Clndnnall 83 48 801 10 AoberU. Sen Diego 81 24 1111 80 Bennett. Ouk• 83 56 756 8 = Long 8Nctl St. 15 168 7.5 AatrlM)'. UCLA 111 57 857 8 .T~ Ill 329 83 Honen-. Mlnnnola 15 55 857 8 A.. Matthewl. V~I 111 281 83 Bleclcldgr.Pwln SI 111 71 1173 15 HM\bfldl, UNLV 18 285 80 Ri9her, LSU 44 28 328 5 Ehrd. Freeno 17 380 5.7 Flulle, Botton Col 117 55 877 1 Gnmn, Tulene 17 211 57 Elway. SllnlOf'd 135 88 1122 8 AA9n, W..nlngton 17 188 5.7 Adler, Mlatourl 59 33 640 3 TOTAL MFl!NH NCAA....,_ Yde A, PG TUM MlaHMO Of'RNll Elway. s1anl0<d 1133 7 3 77.7 TC Yde A~ Flulle, &oelon Col 922 7 7 307..3 Nebtallta 182 1253 417. RamMy, UCLA 921 10 3'7.0 SMU 188 '130 378 1 Ho!Mn-. Mlnnes<>ll 879 92 293.0 Auburn 119 1ooe 335.3 S.Y0009. BYU 874 116 291.a Notti! C.Ollftt 188 874 291 3 Diiion. long Beach SI 582 55 211.0 Air Foroe 240 1155 288 7 Euon. llllnola 1036 52 259.0 Allbema 188 855 2850 HOlllltl«. WHI Va 714 17 258.0 Noire OerM 109 :3 2830 Barretl. Clnc:lnneU 780 7.7 253.3 r -105 5 277 5 Kubiak, Teoe A&M 751 55 252.7 u•111~114 ac.te 220 1104 278.o LEADINO "Ul._,.S Southern M~ 215 1075 288 1 " Of'l'INll TC YIM AJ' PO PA PAY• A~ Ana.eon. Oklahoma 99 587 5 18110 llMford 13' to 1, 157 3t5 Oidler90n, SMU 62 508 82 191.3 eo.conc-.,. 101 N 112t 308 7 Dejarnette, So Miu 117 820 53 1560 UCLA 100 81 897 2990 Clettl, Tua 48 2tO 83 1450 DuU 11 t3 9IO 2987 T.Devls. Iowa SI " 370 5 4 123 3 MIMMot• 93 &7 175 2917 Ro1Jet. Nebf•• 51 3f2 1 I 120.7 long h adl St .. 47 582 2910 Monroe, Cltlh 71 354 50 1180 Clndnnall 85 71 846 281 7 Ount•, TulN 37 345 113 116.0 Weet Vltglnla 107 50 144 2813 Edger. Ha...it 71 338 4 a 112.7 lllllola 170 llt 1120 2800 J-.. SMU 51 335 80 111 7 MIMolH1 71 41 IOI 2.87 0 LINCOLN MERCU RY 2626 Harltor ltvtl., C..ta Mo,. , ..... I " JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLI GI .............. USC ov., Oregon * Notre Dame over Mkhlgan State * Bri9hom Youn1 over Texat·!I Paso * San Jose State H ot doggin ' i t Edison fligh foolball co:u:h Hill Workman providt•s a mock exprc•s1o1ion as defensive back John Saeiniger prc1nares to bite into n nwssy hot dog. The cn1i1·l' tharger team partook in t hP first nnnua l 11 0 1 Dog Bowl he ld a t the Hot Dog Bu ilding in Founta in Vu llc•y. Uo-w should -you pick an . Well, here's o n e theory you can contempla te As the baseball sides plod towar(j their resP,eCUve destinies, thl're is great hemming and hawing and carrying on in general as lo the identities of the most valuable players. As you know, the voting Is conducted by oom.miuees comprised of members of the Baseball Writers Association of America in major league ci\ies. Inasmuch as these gentlemen are salts of the earth, there is no room fur provincialism in the voting. Significantly. the ballots must be In before the start. ol the championship series playoffs but votes can be delayed until after the completion ol the division races. h is the uncluttered Vlew from here that the entire process should be delayed until alter the World Serles but you can't have everything. The theory about to be advanced, of course, is that consideration should be given as to whether a candidate is a m<'mber of a w inning team. The reason ing Is that a player contributing to a championship should be considered more valuable than one assistmg his team to prominence among the also rans. The theory can be apphed very nicely in the National League West The election committee Js viewing the qualaf1cat1ons of outfielders Pedro Guerrero of the Dodgers and Dale Murphy of the A Uanta13raves. ~urning thC' voters will award the honor to either of these gentlemen over one George Hendrick of the St Louis Cardinals. the above mentioned theory must be applied. The Dodgers are> wher<' they are largely due to the figures of GuNr<•ro. He will be the only candidate to finish m the top ten in the three meaningful categorac-s home runs, runs batted in and ba~tlng averagt:. Still, if the Bravl.>s win the NationaJ ~gue West title ovc.•r th<.> Dodg<'rs. Murphy would get the decision according to the theory. Of course, if the San Francisco Giants win the West, you call it a team effort and run w himpering into the underbrush. In the Amt'rican League. o n e nol<'S a traditfonal situataon wherein a candidate for MVP clccllon is cons idered a shoo-an and there is no contest and the BBWAA might save itself the expense of postage. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER Clearly, Milwauke<> shorlStop Robin Yo nt has lapped the field off the season be has · ut together. If the Brewers win the American League East championship, you may expect Robin to fly away with the thing. However. 1f tht1 Bn•wl'rs falter. the mechanics of the theory put forth hl're would throw the American LeaRue MVP issue wide ooen. The Eastern scientists would gave prominent mention w Baltimore's .Eddie Murray which would in no way resemble an abflurdaty. In the W<'St, Hal M(•Rac of Kansas City would get a look 1f th<' RoyaJs won it Of all the-teams and satuauons, though, the most interestmg and mtraguang would be that of the Angels Into thl• mart1ms you would drop the names of Doug D<'Cmces, Reggie Jackson and Brian Downmg -not n('(.'C"SSaraly an that order. Now It is important to keep m mand that there are no guidelines established for MVP voting. That is to sav. 1l ts not essent,al to consider the statistics of a candidate. 1f the vot(•r fccls the contribution of the player has been by ot~er means In short. the beauty or the MVP is strictly in the eyes of the beholder. Ir the Angels wan the West, the vote here would go to DC'Cinccs but ll'gillmate arguments would come forth 1n bl'half o f Jackson a nd Downing. At any rate, such arc the technical aspcx·tc; of one theory on tht• 1mport1:1nt mattc-r of MVP's. Simply stated. Robin Yount should not be the American Leagul.' MVP 1f the Brl'wcrs do not make the playoffs and thl' same would apply to Guerrero and Murphy and so on and so forth It 1s a thought I leave wat.h you Orange COHI O~ILY PILOT/Wednftd•y, S.pttm~t 28. 1882 03 GWC won't drown itself I: over a single loss l 11d v111111• Ill 1111' ittHll IUUf nu1111•111 W1 II l i11hh•11 Wt•111 t 11ll1•tc1• h1111 11 w 1h•1 1>11111 m.itd1 111111 w1•••k,•11d l<~~"Y l'OllU', 1·usy HO At l1•u11t, th11t '11 tlw wuy lhMl1·r (.'oad1 '1'0 111 I h•rll\Ntud hkf'i. to think It 'St't'lllH hkt• t•vt•ry dc'C'llc1<' ur 1111, hl'I Uu11tlt•ri. l111•11k d own u11d 1111«• a w~tl'r polo n11.1td1 COMMUNITY COLLCOES Thlw "''•• on. tlw Soutlwn1 C'ttlllunuu luunwy will he· llmil<'ll to ttw thl'l•t• d1111n11ionli or lht• uhow m .. ntlon1·d 1•onfe>n•m'l lclt>f• urwt• Ill uWhlll' I d•1 1t11r1k 1twrt•'x u llttlt hit 111 '" t• 'CUii' urf of UN .. ~1111 , th1•n• w ill b1• ph•111y or pr<•.,.1;ur1· emu · conft•n ·nc•1• pl11y t14•141t111 CURT SEEDEN "Thi' WClllll thlr11( UIXJLll It lli ttw lt•atcUt• huv1· lwt·onw 'kl u111>ul1111t·1•d T hul l1•uaitll' tthl• South t'ua .. t t'onh•n ·nt'l') from tup lll h11L111111 11'1 liO mud1 i.ll 1111~1·! t lt1111 1 h1· otlwr . 1t '11 r11J11 uloui;," 1my11 l l1•11n.-.tutJ OK. 111uybt• t'Vt•ry 11, yt•ur'!I or Ml l"or ln!llUl\l't', Wt>lt Vnllt-y'w 10-1) v at·tor y uv1•1 l;uld1•n Wt•bl Suturdor an ttw Cu1·t1~1 Tournnnw11t i.11up1)t'<i lht· Ru1.1tlt•rt1 34-gunw w11111111j( i.lrl'uk Yt•t, there wen• no Rustll'rs holding tlwlf heads unclL·r wall•r 10 d1sgrnn". 1111 polo bull!, deflal.l>d II\ II flt Of rugt'. • Ht•rm~t!Ad d(.)( know hlK Hw1th•11> huvt• won tht· stnt1• t:ommunlly «'Ullt·~·· l'hump1on11h1p ttw tJ1•lll four ycors uncJ tlvt• of tht• lai.t 51X rnmpuign• "/\ tt•u m thut will w111 o n<· uf tht• otlwr 1•unh•rt•nt'<'" would t11m1• an Nl>Cth In thl' South Cuust Thi• ld1•u llj for ttw kid& to huv1• l1•u1t1111ul•· pluyoffK lo .:o tu Ill tlw 1•ncl of \h(I yt·ur As It stands now, tht· playoff strut·turl• Ix 11t 1,.·sl unttc'<.'t'JHttblt•," llt•1 mstatl "Wh.t•n w1• µl.1y1-tl l<\Uh·1 ton tlw otl111 Jay uml hc•ul tht>rn by •Jiii• W><tl tl wu-. a m1111JI v1t tury JU!(\ to 1·11n11· lh.11 d oM"" ll1•rm11tud ~•vi. 'And olwiou-.Jy. We~t Vallc·v h,1cl to bl· n ·ul plt•J'>l'il Th,11' the• pm c• you h.1v1• tu 1~v w ht·n lhl'y oil wunt a plt-t1• o ( you " • • • ONE TOM llt;Jt MSTAO, J R., 1. plov1ng u pl'OlnllWlll I ult• llrt l h t• high Hl0h1~11I w ,1 lt•I polo l'lr<'Ull "No, thcrt• was no ctrnm11t1t• 1•xpt•rwnt't• Wt• hu<I u nil'<! lillll' talk," l lt•rmslad noll'8 of thl' pu:.l Munw atmo:;pht>n• u1ound lus Hustlt•r squad Muk111.i It l1v1• In a row will IJ4• u nn1d1 tout{lwr .ll't this lil'OMm. thunkK to u tll'W tow nan11•nl sys11•rn w11rk1.·d vut b y tht• C:o mm&llN• o n Alhlt'lll'S, h11w1•v1•r 'mkh1 · Wh••n tht• C:omm1ttl't' 011 Athh.·tki. nw t'li. 111 Burlinl(unw in Ol:toht•r". llcrmwtud will ht• tht·n· to 111ak1• ~' prf'wnt.ntion nlmf'd ut t.·h:ml{tlll{ th1· rww tournunw nt atructun• Young lll•1111s tad , a •wnwr ut L unJ¢ 81•ud1 Wil111m 111~:11. wa' n.1nw<I t11 till' ull lo urnu11wnt t c u111 l11ll11 w 1n1-t l ui.l Wl'£•k 'x Mou n · L t··•lo(lll' T ournun11•111 "lt's n •ally not thul important lo us what wt• did yesterday W<? worry ubout today," udd11 Hermstad, who hus used that kind of ph1lvsophy sinc.-e he arnvt•d at th<' school in 1966 ln thl• pust, ttw top 1•1uh1 tt·ums from Southt•ru t'ulifomia ond Northl·rn Cnllfornw huvl' ht•ld tht·ir rcspC'C.'llVl' tournamcnl:. w1 th tht. .. :surv1vo r i. advunctnM to tht· statt.• tournunwnt "'l'o dang ull of lhl'St' lt•unu. und good pluyt•r:i a:. m untt·r prcidUl'l1Vt'." ht• u<ldx fkrm!ltm.l .111d h1i. Wilson tN1mmJtt•., tin1HlwJ st'<'t ind in lht• tuUl-'u;y w Tuxttn l l1~h "lt'x lh1• flr'tl ltn\t• lw's rt.•ally h,1d ,m y Mil( 1"'11 ,11 tht• i.::.irrw,'' 1h1· .,c·n11Jr'(f<•rmst.11J ufl1•1 i. And you l'Ull't really blame• llt•rms lad It's hard to gt•t u ll l·hokl'd up wh1•n yuu'vt• lui.l only twu watt•r polo m att:hl•s in th1• last I05 .:.unc~ Thiit y1.•1ff, unly thrt•t• t•ommun1ty l'ullt•gt.• t'Onforent'<'i. m Sou1lw111 California tht• South Mt·t111wh1lt'. J krmsuid will quwtly go ubuut Im. w1n11111j.t wuyi.. knowing all along lh.11 t•vt•1 y gou<l thmg mui.t <'Orne lo an (•nd. Cou ld f lt•r rm.tad w19d up t'Ul.ll h111g l lt•1111't..1d nc·xt w uson .1t Cold1·11 V{t"t.t'1 Cow.I, Mt•lr llf>Ohtan and Pae1flt• Co.i~t hJI lx11 watt•r polo tt•ums. "I n•ally don't know how many ganws wt"v<• won." Hl•rms tad cO'n f1d l's of lht• long hm• o f victor1£>S. "Wt• don't bdabor that point " 111 th1 • past, a runnt•r-up in a t'Onh•n •nt·t• <"1t1ld <.'lllllpl'll• Ill tht• South1•rn Cal tourn<'y und e ven "I kt'! I t''(vc·r tht• bast'l; vt.•ry wt·ll with myM•lf and my lc'am,' lw sa ys. "W1• know w1•'rt• j.tlllnl.! to "I don'l know JI~ vc•ry s harp a1;:1dt•m1n 1lly." llc•r111st.;11J i.ay., or ht' -.on "I might havc· trouhh· rt'l'ru1t111g rny own kul " Rustlers' Rowe now at Hoag Golden Wes t College assistant football coach Don Rowe, who suffered a mild heart attack d ur ing the Se pt. 18 Rust lcrs- Saddlebac:k game, has b een transferred to Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. Rowe . 47 , had be e n recuperating 1n Pa-cd1c-a Communit y Ho s pital 1n Huntington Be ach , and was schC'dulC'd lo bl• released from tht• hospital on Monday. HoW<'Vc.>r. he failed a treadmill test prior to leaving. and doC"tors immediately ad mitted him to Hoag. "H e had jus t s tarti'd the treadmill l<'s t a nd his ht•a rt showed somt• irn•gularit1es," S<11d Golden West he ad coach Ray Shackleford. who talked with R owe Monday night. "Right now. nobod y knows anything about what's happening." Row t• rt• p o rte d I y w a s l o undergo an ang1ogram Tuesday at Hoag The Rustler coach . who had complained of pain during thl• a fternoon prior to thC' Golde n W est -S addl<'bac k g a ml', appare ntly s uffrred the h<'a rl attac k during the contest Hts wife. Marilyn. took hrm lo the hospital around 4 a m. Sunday (Se pt 19 ) wh e n the pain increased "He'd b<'<'n h aving l'hest patn!> for seve ral months." Shackleford said. "Thc•y WC're just m o re severe· during th<' game. H<.>'s not the typt' of guy to t:omplam." Rowt' 1s an original mt'mlx•r of t he G o ldt'n W es t foo tba ll coaching staff. coming to tht• school in 1966 when the footba ll program began Row<'. who was an assis tant football t:oac h a l Compto n College and Lynwood a nd Pius X high st·hools bl'IOr l' coming to G o lde n W es t . also playl'd professional bast•ball for 13 years. He was a relief pitc:hl'r for lht· N c• w Y o r k M c t s 1 n I ~ ti :J under Manager Casev S tc n$.!<'I Do n Ro we Thorpe marks get s upport WASHINGTON (AP) Tht.> H o u s t• passed by v o 1t.·t• Vt>ll' Tul•sday a resolution nilling for l h e I n l l' r n a t i on a l 0 I y m p 1 <.' Comm1twc to rcsto rc thc rt:•<:ords of th<' lcgl'ndary Jim Thorpt• to tht:• off1c:1a l Olympic books R<>p James J . Howard. D-N J . who tntrodut·<>d the mC'a sUrt'. S<J1d. "Simply put. this rl'SOIUtmn <.•x pre~·!> th<' S<.·nM' of Congrt•ss tha t th1 ~ grc•a t 1nJus t1t.·t:• bt! t•orrl'c:t<.'d Onc of lht· gn•atcst inJusllc<'s m th<' history of s ports was dt•n ying Jim Tho rpt• hn; mt•dals Athle tll'S 1s based on fa trnt.•ss. but thc•r e 1s nothing f;ur about the> w ay our Amt•n can Indian hero was trcatt-d " Thorpt'. t'Ons1derro ont• of tht• world's greatc>sl a thll'lt'S. won the• pt•nta thlon and dN·athlun ev<.'n ts in t ht' 19 12 0 1 ym p11:s tn Stockholm. S w c dl'n St•vc·n monthi. afl<'r the gam('s, Thorpe• was d1squalrf1f'd l:>et·auM' it was d1sd osc•d tha t h(' play<•d s<>m1 - prof <'ssiona I b asl'ba ll in the s u m ml'rs o f 19 09 -19 10 fo r t•xpc•nst• mon<>y amountin~ l11 $2 per dav PREP FOOTBALL ROUNDUP FOR THE AREA • • • From Page 01 the L a Quinta all:.tl·k. unt• whic h has dropped Ot-ean V1t•w by 1.1 wuchduwn and lost to Wcslmmsll'r by a 7 -0 dt'l'1s1un. "It's a very l'X plos1vt• uffonSl.' 1f you lt·t tht•m gN startl'd," suys Marina assis tant t'Oat:h Andy Donl•gan. ~a·rina, ranked No. 7 m th<.· CIF Big Fiv<.• Confl'rt•ncc uftt'r absorbing iL'> first loss uf the season ( l :3-11 to 1'~0<>th1JI ). is a solid Cavoritc bas<'d on IL'i dl'ft•nSC". Foothill's offcns l' a l·tuall y l-rosscd midfield only oncl• h .. st W<.'t•k. · Sunn;+· Hlll.fti •·.s. O<•ean t 'IP" Sunny Hall!. enll'TS wilh a big advantage tn Sill' (1.e lint•bal·ker M1kl• &>rgstrom al 235. Lacklt• Scott Bynum at 2:m and lmeman David K1tl·hen at 220). but thl' Lann•rs' d<.•fonst• has lx>t•n handled by Jo:o;pt·ranza and El Oor;:1do fo r a combint•<l total of 64 points. Sunny Hills topplt'd Brl'u-Olmda, 9-7. whilt• Oc:ean View 1s on a two-game skid S<' ,._.,.. H'oodbrldlf P Woodbridgt• takt.'S u s 1111 llal voyagt• mto the South Coast L<·aguc against run- onented San Clcm t'nte , wh1C'h opt•rates an option o ut o f its wis hbo n e behind 4uartl'rbal'k J ohn We1sc.•r Bill Russell t·aught 10 paSSt'S for 162 yards from quarterback Kt·vm Burkt• for W o o d b r 1 d g e I a s l w t• c k a n d l h f' I THIS WEEK'S GAMES (ell gem•• et 7:30 untHI noted) Thurldey The lln1 Bolsa Grande al Huntington BeachHtn Beach by 12 El Toro at Newporl Harbor El Toro by 6 Irvine vs Saddleback at SA Bowl Saddleback by 7 Son Clemente vs. Woodbridge el Irvine OSC Frld1y Corona del Mar vs. Estancia at Newport Even Costa Mesa vs University at Irvine Even Servlta vs. Fountain Valley al Cerrllos Servile by 7 La Quinta vs. Marina al Westmlnsler Marina by 10 Westmlnsler vs Compton al Aamsauer Stadium Sunny Hills vs Ooean View a1 Htn Beach Laguna Hills-at L aguna Beach Uana Hills at Capistrano Valley Mission Viejo at Indio (8 p m ) Mater Del at Crespi Compton by 8 Sunny Hills~ Laguna Beach by 7 Capo Valley by 17 MV by 21 Crespi by 3 l! u a r \ t• r b ack 's s t u t 1s l1 t• s r c.'f I l'l' l a :i c:omplN1ons In ol attempts for 437 yards und :3 touchdowns. Laguna llllls , . .!It Lal(una Laguna Hills was s hul out twac.·l• bdon · losing to University , 24-20, although tht.• Hawks have s hown an explosive ability behind Allan Roma n's OJX'n hc.•ld running and th<' passing of Lee Plemel to rt'<.'t'IVt'rs Todd Williams (205) and John McDaid ( 185) Laguna Beach ts without s peeds ter Oru Murphy be<.·ause of o knee injury and Y astrzemski signs 'final' contract t .. 11lhat·k Ht•d1• Ar a bt· 1~ ~l11l nur,rng ;i spia1nt·d J llk lc· Undt·ft•Jtt•d Laguna &at:h (2·0) h<•s :.ophom un· t.1tl baC'k Mark Drapt·r as tht· 0Cf{•no;1vl' fm·ul po rnl, but thl' Artis ts !>lft•ngth lit·~ w1\h1n tts t.h-fonsc• and that's not good n('WS for th<.• winlc·ss Huwks o f La gunu li11ls rn th('1r S o uth Coas t Ll·aguc· o r11:rll'r El!wwh1•r(' m hig h S<:hool football: Westminster vs. Compton Thl· L1cms w ill try to get a dormant offonM· gorng agaln:n rtte 'f~«'"~be~ with Brit Harn.on a t q uartt•rback a nd Mark Wood a t ta1lbat.•k Ma ter Oei vs. Cr espi Quaru·rbaC'k John Laufc..nhcrg leads thl' unbc.•a tc n Cn •sp1 Ct·lts. and 6-li . ?50-pound J ohn K1ddt·r anchor~ the.· dc•fcnS<'. Da na Hills vs. Capis trano Valley ~po 1s .i heavy favorite aft<.•r appanmtly finding tht· goal line against Corona dt·I M a r with a 27 -point fo urth -q u art<·r c•xplo.'tlon Mission Viej o vs. Indio Indio 1s 1-l a fh•r dropping a 2:3-0 d£'c1'l1on to P <.ilm S prings. and the• de feru.1ve-mindl'<i M1ss1on Vw.JO D1ablos (2-1) will be trying to soothl· ,.som<• ._.o unds from a 35-:ll losi. to Los Angl•IC's powt•r Carson. Dodgers, Giant play early S unday BOSTON <AP) Carl Yastrzemsk1. 4:3 and insisting "I can sl1ll hit,'' s1gn('(J a nL•w <'Ontracl Tul'Sday for a 23rd and "frnal" season with th<' Boston Red Sox m 198;j anothl'r year,'' Sullivan said. "If we didn't fo<'I he· ('Ould he lp us, we wouldn't be s igning him to anoth<'r conLract." S AN FRANCIS CO <AP) - Sunday's season ftnalt.• bet W<--cn the• Sa n Franc1sc'O G1an1.:> and Los AngelC'S Dodgers has lx'l•n movc'Ci to an earlier starting time to a('(·ommodate te lt•v1s1o n . th<' G1anL<; said on Tuesday ··J l'an sllll hit a nd fc<'I I l'an sttll hl'lp tht> warn,'' Yastrwms k1 said after agreeing to t<.•rms aflt'r a meettng wtth G en eral Manag<'r Haywood S ullivan. "I'm really looking fo rward to next sc•ason . a final one that I f<'<'I can be a very good om .... Te rms w c•rt• n ut announced. but Yastrw mski r<'portedly rcet'1ves well ovl'r $500,000 a y<>ar ··1 think that Carl t:an h elp o ur ball dub Marine r top Lo Alamito Boston Ma nager Ralph Houk said that he• plan~ to use Yastrzemsk1 ne xt ycar as the dt•s1gnilWd hitter against right-handed pitching and "I think he'll help us a lot m that role." Houk said lhal Yastrzcmsk1. who was 4;J 1n August, "has had quite• a year" for lhe Hed Sox with "one of the bes t batting averages among designated hitters th11> season." Despite a m1dst'ason slump. Yas trwmsk1 earned a .268 avt'ra~t' with 16 homers Th<' game. wh1l·h was to begin at 1.05 p.m .. will start mst<.'ad a t 12 1 5 p .m 1n o rd e r t o ac'C'Ommodate ABC T l'lcv1s1on A pa ir o f key dcfrns 1~t· plays led directly to touc·hdowns a nd provided the Huntington Valley M<trtnl·rs with a H -8 H1-Dl'SC'rt Leagul' sc.•m1pro fcxnball victory ov('r L os Alamitos Sunday aftc•rnoon on tht• losl•rs' fie ld. One of the· touchdowns came a h er a blocked punt by Martnt•r JO<! Rhino. which w as rccoven~·d by tc•ammate Mark Fata m the e nd wne The Maserati Quatlroporte Perhaps the ultimate auto· mobile A select few are made for a select few fortunate individuals You can be one of them See the Maserali Quattroporte now at Beach Imports Olympic site set ARCADIA (AP ) The final sport.:> ('Vt•nl o f the 1984 Oly mpic Games. equestrian show JUmpmg . will be held al Santa Anita Park. repr('S('ntattves o f the International Equestrian Fcd<'ratton and the Los Angeles Oly mpic Organizing Committee announced Monday. SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS I I • IMPORTS 848 Dove' St . Newport Beach (714) 752-0900 The committee also na med M1t:hael A Morphy. chairman o f the board of Calrforn1a Portla nd Ceme nt Co . a s comm1ss1on e r for O ly m p ic equestrian evc·n ts Santa Anita was the cente r of <'questr1an rompettllon for the 1932 Olympics The 1984 Games begm July 28 a nd m d Aug 12 with the final equestrian (•ve nt and th1.• C losing Ceremonies The Ga mes will include md1v1dua l and team competition in JUmpm~. dressag<' and th<' Thn.-e- Day event. UDO MARINA Fu turlng lht' i1rgt'tt wltttion of Vt'tMlt t'Vt'r .nwmblt'd In the w1ttr on th• Wut Cout. from motor y1chh· lo sportflthu1, from blu-•tt'r cruising Milbo•ts lo onC' dr llgn r~n. Ll_,o M•rlna Vllla9e, Newport .. och Ant.41\\40"' Mlllt• "4 . CllM...., .. II IJ , U..d.r "'" HOV~ W""tl'" 11 • "' lfl 1 , "' \II & ''"' II 1 "' lo • ' "' ''llllll'IG fell@w IM -I-c .. .i "'°" -N ... ,...,. lhd If) , .... 1,... ,..n"'t le4 ..... .,_ 1111(•"'" nu Uihl• sem 11.". ,,,._..,....,.,, .......... 010 SJM410 cnu 1ua JIU SO 1111Tk .,,, ••• , 11 *"' (ff\l ,,., ..... ,t ..... _... .,. ~,.,,,.,,.; .. (110 m "" ...... 111•" Sl&ll Cll\IU llft ......... ( 114) 991 4993 ., ...... .... , .... ,., ... 1ttM IUCIA , ..... , I! .... _ (114) HI 3111 :..4... NEW '83 CONTINENTAL $376.88 PER MO. PLUS TAX .. FREE 36 MO. OR 36,000 MILE WARRANTY 9. 9% on Continental, Marie VI & Towncar 48 mo. closed end lease tst Pmt & Uc S 1193.98. Total payment $19.175 52 plus $1,000 cap reduction D·I 0flng• OOHt DAILY PILOT/Wedn••d•y, September 20, 1082 MAJOR LIAOUI ITANOINOS Amerlun LHaue WHTlllN Dtv11rON Ane•I• K&naaa (,Uy Chic<101ot s .. 11.., Oa1<ta11u rei.as Mlnn.aota w L ttct o• 90 ~ !>TO 88 71 '>48 J '. 84 H 537 8 16 82 481 14 117 90 .,, 22'• 83 9!1 J911 27 89 99 389 31'' UITlllN OtYlltON MUwaukett BIM1tm0te Boat on OtttrOtl New Vo1k Cleveland T0<on10 93 63 S9ti liO e6 '>77 85 72 S41 19 111 5 10 77 80 490 .) 8't 13 ' 16'• 76 1e 490 •b , 74 83 HI 19' TYffdar'• ac..ee )(en541s C11y S Angela • , T0ton10 3·• Monneao•• u J M1lwau1<ee 9 8o11on J 0tt110t1 9 Ballomo<e II N-Y0t1' 6 Clevelend • O•kland S. hl•H 4 Cn.caoo 3 SealtMI 1 TodaJ'• Gam•• Angelo (l\11on 10 51 ~• Kenso C•ly (leone•d 10-61 n Ban1mor11 (Pa1me1 IS •I at 0e1ro11 1U1<Jur 9-101 fl New Yor k (Howell I 31 di Cl'1V<•l1U1U (Sorensen 10 141, n Mllwauke<t !Sulton 3 II at Bo11on (ludor 13· 10). n M1nnuo10 (Havens 9 131 a1 Toronlo tEtehl\orn 0·21. n Oakland IBoke• 1 11 01 Te•as (Honeycult s 171 SeaHl,e 1Bom11e 8 121 111 Chorngo (Hoyt 17-ISi ll Atlanta Nallonal laaau• WllTEllN OIYlllON w L Pel G• 86 71 548 16 n 641 1 84 73 538 2 ~!!r.:C1aco Sen~ Houston Ctnc1nna11 79 78 503 1 75 82 478 11 59 98 376 27 EAITEllN OIYlllON x-SI loutt 91 67 578 Phtladelplua 85 72 54 1 5', MonlrN I 84 73 535 a .. Pollsburgh 81 715 518 9'' Ch~ 70 88 443 ?I N-Y0tk 64 Ill 408 215' • a-<:Hnel>ed drv11t0fl lllMI TUMdey'tkotM Cmclnnau 4. Dodgen 3 ( 10 1nn1ng11 Montreal 5 SI Lou•• • PO innings) -'l'O<k 3. Ptllsburgh 2 ( tO 1nn1nga) Pht1edelph1t 3 Chic.go 2 Sin Oteoo 3 Houllon O Atlanla i , San Franc:taco 3 Tod•r'• Gamea Allan1a (Boggs 2·21 11 Oode•ra lllalen.ruela 19-13). n Choc:ago (Ripley 5-7) .. -YOfk 1TeHell 0-7). n Monlreal (8 Smun 2·31 a1 PhllaClelphla (Carnon 2I·111. n S1 Louis (S1uper 9·8J 11 P1111ouro11 (Robinson 15· 121. n C1nc1nna11 IBereny1 9-191 11 San 01900 (Oraveci<y 5·3). n Houston (Niekro 18-111 al San Franc1aco (Hammak4'< 10·8) n AMERICAN LEAGUE Ro~ale 5, Angeli 4 CALIFORNIA KANSAS CIT\' ab r h bl ab r h bl R JICl.son lb 3 0 0 0 W1IS0t111 4 1 3 0 Carew lb 2 O O 0-Wash1ng1on si• O O O Ben•quez rl 4 0 I 0 Brell 30 4 1 2 1 0.Conces 30 3 1 1 0 McAa. dh • 0 O O Oown•ng II • t I 0 Aikens lb l I I I Gr.ch 20 3 1 3 0 Marlon rl 4 11 I Pe11os or O 0 O 0 wa11>an c 3 0 0 0 Wilfong O O O O Ge<onm ct 3 0 0 0 Bayk>r dh • 1 1 O Cncpen 1 0 0 0 R Ctark Cl 1 0 0 I Hamond Oh I 0 I I Lynn cl 2 0 0 0 Pry0< 20 • 0 0 0 Foll n 3 0 I 1 Scon11s ph 1000 Boone c 3000 R Jackson ph 1 o 1 o To1a1s 3• • 9 • Tolali 31 5 9 • Scoi• br Inning• CahlOtnlt 000 400 000 • Kansas C11y 100 :>O 1 10• 5 E 0.Conces OP Cahl0tn1a I Kanus C11y 1 LOB Caltl0<n1a 6 KBnsas C11y S 28 Brell Wilson 2 DeConcet HR Marlin 11•1 Sf R Clark c.in ... nla IP H II Ell Ill SO Woll GOlll(L. 7 ·SI Kanaaa Clly Gura 6 7 4 312 2 2 I 1 0 I Armsoong (W 5 51 3' I 5 • 4 2 • 3 0 0 0 Ou15"11berry1S.3• I I'> I 0 0 0 0 HBP Walhan l by S•ll) T 2 '7 " 30 •5• Angel aver-a .. •ATitNG A• R H HR Riii Pel. Ro Jackson Carew DeCinces Lynn Downing 138 15 46 2 19 333 511 84 161 3 41 315 563 92 169 30 97 300 •60 Ml 136 19 83 296 610 106 171 28 8• 280 515 89 140 36 94 272 5117 77 157 23 02 263 Re JIGkson Bay to< Benoqu.z Groen 194 25 51 3 "14 263 •9• 72 129 18 63 261 •153 42 118 7 55 255 472 •S 118 3 SS 250 Boone F011 Ferguson Clark W~tonQ Kellel>e< Burleson Seotl'efs Adams Pellia TolalS Husle< K1son Sancnez Stetr., Aase Woll John Fotsell Zahn Goltz Renko MOfenO Cotbett l 1an1 Curtis Total• 81 10 u1 3 8 235 86 111 19 2 8 221 179 2• 37 I 16 207 47 9 8 0 1 170 •5 4 7 0 2 156 11 0 1 0 ' 091 11 I 1 0 0 091 03000000 5 398 792 I •75 178 738 273 PITCHING ti' H •• 10 W·L ERA 159'> 54 39 38 2·1 2 45 135'> I 13 43 82 10-5 2 99 89\• 88 33 55 7.3 3 21 2~·· 23 t I 13 1-0 3 33 52 •5 23 •o 3-3 3 •9 177'' 177 47 83 8-6 3 60 2201 I 237 311 311 1•· 12 363 2215"1 221 !>7 73 13 11 3 78 220·~ 220 65 11 17-8 3 88 80'/J 78 30 42 2·5 • 24 15!> 163 61 81 11·6 •• , 49', 55 23 22 3.7 4 74 78 71 35 5 I 1 9 5 08 29', 39 8 30 2 1 !> 76 12 18 3 10 0-1 6 00 1.•?9 I •05 475 707 90-6! 3 82 "''ST GAME •1ue ,,_,. I. Twlfle 0 M~lneaota 000 000 000 0 1 0 T0tonto 000 200 101-3 7 o 11101a and R SmltPI, Clancy ind 8 Martina W-C1111q1 ( 1~ 14) l -lltola (4·tl HRa-Toronlo, lorg 111 8artleld (111 Upel\IW (211 NCONOG,._ 91Wff,e4, TwlMJ M'"'-11 030 000 000 0 3 6 2 Tor onto 002 100 000 I • r O Felton Bot1e m. R o..... 181 end Laud,_ • GOii Senle~ (2) RL Jackot0n 1&1 and WMI W-AL JacO on (8·81 L-0.Vll (3·tl A-II 124 ......... 1tec1lo1 J Mflw-• 300 204 000-8 17 0 &cMllon 100 101 000-3 1 2 Mediell, HIU (7) and 8tmmont. R~ Hulll (4). Aponte Ill and Allen1on w-M~ICll (12-141 L-R*MY (7·61 S-Ha .. ( 11 HA1-M"'°'tull•. Yount (21', Simmona (211 lloaton, E:van• (Ht, Allenaon (~I A-19,*541 ------------... -----------------------. ,. ..... ~ .. IOO IOT 000 I II I 001 OC)(i 101 4 • t Wlllt• .... a, ~· 1 llNllMI 000 010 000 1 4 1 CNGA11u 000 003 00• :I 6 I Ml M(IOt • MvaMlman (81. YlndelW(I 111 a11U SwHI, 11n1µ ll•rOJH 1111 and Fl1h W l amp ( 10 8) L Ml MOOl'I (7 14) 8 ~1ro1 .. (101 1114 Ch1~1go, ll•lnat 1n1 A 6.947 ' NATIONAi. LEAQUI fltdt 4, Dodgera 3 CINCtNNAlt LOI AHGALEI Re<lllt II HI.,.. P Pr1<;<1 µ Walh,r rl Ho.illdr rf Cncpcn u Dr••n lb Ced41110 ct ~nch 0..hH lP llanGrdr c B1111nec pn PUIO<e p l••lly p Krncnk pt\ 0 Betry C l n<tSly Ph Trevino c Tot all M•lllJI NrhDt· 4 0 1 0 s $•• 8 I 2 1 1000 R«*tl()i. ct 4 110 0 0 0 0 llahar If 6 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 Quet lf 31> 3 t I I ) 0 0 0 Monday rt 3 0 0 0 • 0 1 0 ThOmH fl 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 ().la pl\ I 0 0 0 4 I I 8 OrMllly It 0 0 0 0 4 I I 091¥1)' 111 •0 10 l<llfWsMllH 3020 :.>OOO YMget c 4 0 1 I 1 0 0 I Welell p 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 NllClnlr o 0 O O O 0000 Land•• ph 1000 I 0 1 I S Hll'fWI p 0 0 0 0 0000 s1 ... 111 p 0000 1 0 11 Oell'>O• ph I 0 I 0 0000 37 3t 3 36•114 To1•1 ICCHI IJy lnntflea CIN:onn111 000 000 030 I 4 LOS Af\Q81eS 100 002 000 0 J E Ruasetl. Pas1ore OP-Loa ~· I LOB C1nc1nna11 4 Loa Angele1 IS HR SS•• \41 SB-Roen~• ($J. G-raro (221 S Welch. RuHell Bltlt,_, Blkar Cincinnati · IP H II ER'9• 80 Pa11ore II !> 3 3 4 2 l Hley 1 1 0 0' I 0 H1ye1 (W.2-01 2 2 o o 3 2 PrlGI (S,21 I I 0 0 0 0 Loa AngeMI• Welch 4 2 2 0 ti Nle<lnlr 2 1 I O 1 S Howe '' I O O 0 I S1ewar1 (l.9·81 l\oo 1 1 1 1 1 Wetch pllcl>ed to 2 ballers In the 81h WP Hayes T 3 08 A-•3.376 l'ldrH ), A1troa 0 HOUSIOO 000 000 000 0 6 2 Sin O•ego 000 000 30• -3 6 I Knepper and KnlCely. Lollar, Deleon \81 Md Tl~y W le>llar (1$-91 L-l(neppe• 15 151 S Deleon 115) A-4,6 IS Stave• •· <Mente a A11an1a 105 ooo 002-8 13 1 San FranctlCO 011 000 ooo= '7 O M1h.... P1tter (31 •nd BenedlCt lUke)I GeMI (3J HOiiand 131. Lavelle (5~ Minion tel and Mey W-Per11 (3·4) L-LHkay (13· 121 HR San Franc.rtco. Laonard 171 A 17 071 PNlllMl.C-2 Chicago 010 001 000-2 7 0 Ph~adelptllO 000 100 11•-3 15 0 Brrd le Smtih t81 and More land Ch11t1ens0'1. Raed 1111 and B 0111 w Cl\n11enson (9· 101 L-Blfd (II· 141 S-Reed t 141 HRs-Cn•ca go. Bu~kne• I 141 P11t1adetpt\1a A Sanchel (11 A-14,431 bpoa S, Cwdlnala 4 SI lou11 000 003 100 0 -• 11 3 Mon1rea1 IOt 110 000 1-5 7 I F0<tch RasmuSMf' \9) K-(71. lahll t 101 and P·ortltl' Brumme< ( 101. Rogers end Caner W-Roge<a (19·81 l -Lahll (!>-41 HR Montreal, Dawson (22) A-2'.880 Meta 3, l'katM 2 P1111ourgn 000 000 110 O 2 II 1 Ne• Voth 100· 000 100 t 3 7 0 C1ndela11a Tekulve 171. E Romo (8), Scvrry I 10) an<! T Pena Lyl'ICll. OrOKO (8) and Bocny w -Oroseo (4·10) l -E Romo (8·31 A-3 921 Top 10 (lla•ed on uo el •111) AMERICAN LEAGUE w Wol•on !r.C Y(lonl Mol E Murray Bal Coooer Mol C.,_, Angele Garcia T0t McRae I( C Rtee Bsn Harren Coe l anslord Bsn G A•llHPct. 132 569 84 191 336 150 611 123 202 33 I 1•5 S29 84 170 321 149 628 100 198 315 1:i• 551 8• 110 31& 14 I 574 815 179 312 155 596 86 185 310 140 5515 Ill 170 306 I 54 590 100 180 305 126 .,. 66 ... 30• Home R1111a G Thomas M11Wa"'ee 39 Wlf'lllllCI New "°'' 37 Re JlloC~ son Angels 315 OgltVll M•l•aukee 32 E Murray 811l1more 31 l nornlon Cleveland 31 l M Per nth 0e110t1 31 fll.lna 9atlecl ltl Mc ~•• Kansiu C11y 126 Cooper MolwlukM 116 Thornton Cleveland 11• G Tlloma• M11waui.ee 112 Youn1 Mol,.aukee 110 l'llchlne ( 11 Decleton1) Palmer Bell•more 15 • llukovoch Mol•aukee 18·5 Burn• Chicago. 13 5 Zahn. At'lgelo. 17·1; Sulclllle Cleveland 14 7 Petr, Oelr0tl 1!>·8 Renko. Aneef9 11·1 NATIOftAL LE.AGUE GA• flMhi. Oii-. MU 155 599 88 200 "' MadlOCll, P(o:> 152 51515 112 180 318 Durham. Cho 148 531 80 1114 .309 LO Smith, SIL 151 578 120 1n 308 G.,..rero, Dodgers 149 S70 117 , 11• 305 Buck,,.,, Cht 157 460 91 1115 305 l Kennedy so 1•8 541 rs 1112 m KnlQlll. Hin 154 596 TO 179 299 Oewson. M11 143 587 100 175 2118 Hor!le ll11n1 Klnoman, N-Yorll. 37. Murphy, Atlenla, 36. Sc:hmodl. Pnlladelphla, 3•. Horner, Allanla 32, o-nero, Oodfere SL ,._ .. lied In Oliver. Monlreal, • 1011, Murpl'oy, Allanla, 108, HendrlCk. SI Louis. 103, 811c;kner. Choc:ago 102. C..,_, Sen Francl9CO, 102 flttdllne (11 Oecte6clnel p N ... lrO, Atlanla, ,,...., Roger•. MonlrMI, 1&-8 Br...,.ng, Sen Franc19c:O 11·5, C1111on. Pholadelpt\11. 21-11. Candllana 1'<1taburjlh 12·7 F0<acll St loutS, 15-11. Lollar Sen 0oeoo 1$-9 5...,.. NIW Von<, I 1-7 Vofwo tourMment (et Hofth Conway, NJt.) Singlet rlMI Ivan Lendt (Ciechos1ovak111 det Jolt! ti'g\'8fas ISP••nl 11-3, 6-2 (Lltldl WltU SJ2 .. 000, Hlgveras wins $111.000 Thi malc;ll wu • coml)ltltlon OI one s1ar1ed IWO mon1n1 100 1na1 was postponed oy rain Al 11141 time ot lhe p()tlponemenl, Lend! WH lllll<llng 6·3. 3·2) Double• ,,,,.. S11erw00d S•-•rt•Fetdt Taygan (US I del Eroc: Fromm (US ).Pablo Arraya (Plllful 11·2. 7-6 1s1ewar1-Taygan spllt $12.000. Arreytt-Fromm $1)111 Sll,0001 U.S. lndoof==ham ehlp. (el le) ,~ .. 1104.lfld Berbare Poller IU S I def JeMoltf MOnatt \Soulh Alric•). 6-1, 6-1, Wend'/ Wtllte (US ) <let LIH 80t>d .. (U s l. 7·5. .. • Snaron Welsh (U S I del Pe.mil Loute (U S ). T ·I. 8·3, Camlll• 8en11m1n (US I def Din• Gilbef't (U S I 6-2 6.-1 Kim -tU S ) del Pam Teeguardan (US l 7...0 II·• Trecr A\Jston (U S l def Ketty Henry IU S ~ 6-3 8-2 Pam $/Ir,_-IU S I del J-Prye< tU S I 6-3 8-2. Andrea leend IU S) def 8arba1a Jordan IU S I II·• 6-2 Hlth school women L .. ..,.. ~h ti_ 0-Miiia I Slftllel W•llelle tlBl losl to Rh0r9f 1-8 1ot1 10 S""lh 0.5, del Olten &-2. Jen6e (l81 IOll 0-6. won. 6...t 6-t, 8r~ (llll IOel, 0-11. 0·1. won. 6-3. Oouelle• Slurm·Wlilec. (LB) def Htmmnn<Hawt. 1·6, del Tana~a-Mlll•r. 6-0, •ct1t Yell•· KM'k.P•lrtcll. 6-1. OOdlrey•SUO' (l81 won 8 0 11-1, a.1, Conhey·Pach (l81 won, ll-4, 8·0 11-0 ' , o.v .... "•'""'" M1llo1 \I 111.0 11•1 l91111111nna ICQ9• I :a, llel lluh•• l••hflOll I 1 11•1 -.,,.., I YaokllfCl!I t 1 (.j(l41rj1>4>ily ""'"" ((' ... j loal 4 t Wllfl • t I 2 ll•1t•1\jlU1I lleM•u !CJMI won • ~ • I • I Un••••ltr H, 1111111e • ........ 1•'1111••• IUI l<>al lu He,1M.L,ll, ~ Lu.,.. • J cl.. M.u.tey 8 4 tt-4 1ui """' I I I ) 1ua1 4 I t,;o.lma11 IUI ~·tt 4 ti WINI I J, , 0 OeullN• Anllv• 11;11 Or •1••• IUI lief I l••111nen l'••U1141olul 0 U .i.r (;uhll•'ijhen1 Alt\I•-• O 1 11•1 ~•"'"' Uene<i1~1 O 0, U11111~a M1d<llel1>11 1111 ""'" II 4 II 4 0 t 6••nd• lut .. (UI ll>tl 4 II "'°'' fl J 11 0 rovn1a1n YIM•t 11, 0..ffn 01ow1 I Oa1"1 (I Ill klel IU 'll~rnor!O U CJ 111•1 10 l\tUO. 3 0. <!ti Oc;ampo. I t, NOoKI< (fllt lo1t I • WI/fl fl ·3 b.U $11•111)11 II Ill ..... o G won. 1 e 9 3 00111>1•• lll)nt VH lflll IOtl 111 N-111111 tlul~lttll> 3 O. 0111 Yvttkow• M•mo1. O 2. Cl•• C.n11111 Afld••w• 8 I ll•lllltO s.., ..... 1r 11110111 4 II WOii, ti '· a 0. UraGkloY llaaa~an• "111 ICKI. 2 15, WOii 1 6 tl I Waler polo HIOt4 ICHOOL c .. 1 ...... 1, Oo•ner • Coat• Mete 0 t 2 4 f Downey 10:116 Ur~~·· Mesa KOtlflO Cl~-· 3 AallOy ' l dt.ot1 11, l11rkM i ~~:::.... ~ ~ ' ~ I~ Ediaon Kot~ Rvdd 6 Mllk>J 4.'Wlleelet 2 Wedletgh 2 Mc;Mlllan ' Jon•• 1 C P-1 K Pepi* I High echool ranking• Ctr 4·A 1. CCHona del Mar; 2. Ne•POtt Har-; 3 LB Wtltofl 4 Sunr'r Hlllt S El Toro I. Unlverelty; 7. Coate MeNl 8 MHa Costa 'I Bueflll PArk 10 HH W1lto<1 c" J·A 1 T Ullin 2 \llllo P~r k J F OOIMI 4 R1ver1•d• Poly, 6 M1111on \11e10. 6 Ctaremor11, 1 Muor II 111010, II Son Ctemome 10 Se1110 Ana . Clf 2-A 1 LO Puente. 2 St!VllO. 3 R1gne111, 4 Bl111, 5 Chorl11r Ollk, Ii CebrlllO, 7 tos AmlgOI. 8 WO•kmon, 9 lOmPO<.. 10 NOllll Oame (ShermRn Oakal Htah echool ranklna• Clf .. tG FIVE CONfERElilCE Poe. T11lft, tec:CHd Pointe I Loyola (3 01 138 2 S .. vtll 10 II I 17 3 B""°9 Amal 13 01 t08 ' SI Paut 12 11 84 5 long Beacll POiy 11 0 11 76 6 Creapt (3·01 H 7 ......... 12-11 12 8 Mohkln 2-01 21 . t. E._ (2·2) 11 10. M•t9f Ool (2·1) 14 Clf' IOVTHEllN CONFERENCE 1 (llt!I Foolhlll (3·01 Loa Alloa (3·01 3 Eae>er •~tt t3·01 • El Modena (3·01 5 HH Wiison (3·01 ti Mission 111e10 12 11 1 El Oof1do (2 1 I 8 LynwOOd (I· I· II 9 lltlla P1r~ 12-0· 11 10 WHI Cov111• I 1 II C1' CENTRAL CONFERENCE 1 Soda1110•'" 13 01 2 El toro (2 11 3 Ranct>o AIOmotOI (3 01 4 ru111t11on t3·01 ~ LOS Amigo• 12 11 6 t11ol LI Ov1n1e 11 21 Son1111110 13 0) 8 ta ltaora 11 21 9 Sunny Htl11 t I ·21 10 Bolaa Grande (3-01 63 63 57 53 42 26 25 n Hf 8 67 S7 5~ 52 30 20 20 111 13 12 Deep ... flehlng ARTS LANOIHO -5 anole<s 35 ban I bonito 11 macke•el, 3 roc;k. llsh 3 ~d 2Nll mootl OAV£Y'S LOCKER -'1 anglers 6 UltCO o .. a 272 m1Ck4'<el 13 rock I an 26 aand OHS I wtotle WI OHS DANA WHAllF -62 anglen 77 065$ 29 l>onllO. I llallbul 22 mlldt9fel 8 roek l11h 3 ~·d SEAL HACH -38 anglers 1 cow cod 90 mac:k.•el. ~ rOd<COd, 11 Mnd OHi 14 lheep/IN(I <..,eel 45 angte<a •o bonito. 1 hallbul. •50 mac:h9fet. 100 Whtie croaklff 150 queen""" Women'• volleyball COM~ COUJ[GE ....,..c-•er•-E1 Cemono Clal Golden WHI 16· I I. 15-10 15-8 Orange Coast def Long 8Mcll CC. 1S.8 15-8 1&-1• HIGH ICHOOl Sovth c-t LNtue San Clemenle del 0 -H~ll 17-1$ IS-•, 15-7 ... V1"rLNtue COfona e1e1 Mar del C:0.1a MM&. 15~. 15-3 1$-15 Olanc11 def Saddleoack 15·2 15· I 15-0 N-pOrl HarbO< del El T0to 15-10 16-8. 15·S • ....... L ... ue WHlmtn11er del Loa Amlgo1. 13·15. 15.7' 15·11. 15·2 -llO"t Chr1111an aet 0ra111>9 Lutheran. 15-11, 16-1. 15·3 Ocean lln det Long 8Mcll Poly 15· to. 10·15, 115-13. 10· l!I, 15-15 TueMltr'• tran..oUon• IAlllAU "-"*'Leet-BOSTON RED SOX -81gned Carl Yatlrumtltl. ci.tlgnetecl 11111 ... 10 a COl\lratl T uetdey tor 1913 IANl'TIALL ..................... ~ CLEVELAND CAVALIERS Singed Jot>n lllOllY. guerd lo • mullt-yeet con1rect 0ENYER MuGOETS -SIQMd OWi llMI, _,,., lo a fWO-yeat c;onlrKt GOLDEN 91'ATE WARRIORS Wani.cl Sonny P1tllef •-aid anO t19ned CN11 Enoter. Gentet ' MV picked to • Will Laguna Beach face uphill battl~ , By ROOER CA ltLSON Of t ... o.u, '11ol ll•tt M11Q1on Vw)I> I l1~h'w D1ablu• u11d tht• Cup1struno VuJlt•y I ligh (.'ou.1<un. hrm;twd In u llt• tor tfw lU81 Sm.Jth Coai.t L1·uuu1• foutooll d111111plornchlp uml tlw odchi art· Vt•ry 1ttrong thnt tlw two will uguan bt· hookt'd up In u two wuy ' balllt• f111 till' C'lllWll thlii Ht •llMlll. C.:a1nstru11u Vullt•y boa11t8 thl' c-<ll(t• Iii offons1v(• potc..nuul, but gumL•!I on• ui;uolly wcm with dt'fonst· und that'~ wh1•rt• Ml88lun V1t'JO n •11lly stund11 out, and for lhal ll'U.'>l>n 1t'11 tbt· DmblOli who ~l'l thl' nod us thl' fovurllc· with ll•agu(' hosttl1ttt•11 bL•gl11ning Thur11t.lu y (Sun C ll'ment<' and Woodbrh.lgt• hook up ut lrv1m· ll1gh) 11<.>re's how tht• D<11ly Pai nt M'(.'S iht• 191:12 rat-i• 1. Mission Vi ejo (%·11 ). F'org<'l tlw rt•i.ults c>f the• Carson 1ssu1· Saturday. thl• Uaablos an • !Hill con1>1derC'd lht• lx'l>t of this lc·agu<.· w 1 t h 4 u 1.1 r t l· r b a c k K I a u ~ Ll•IU.•nbUUl·r lhl· t·utalyst of tlw ofknst· 2. Capis trano Valley ( 1-%). Burl Call opt.•raws at quarterback behind a massive front lm1.• and C<.ipo's two losses wc rP to two of Orange' County's lx>st Foothill and E.<i pc•ranl<I. Capo's explosive offonse ('ame into focus Friday with a 27-pmnt fourth quarlcr rally over Corona del Mar (27-7). -3. -San Clemente r2-n . The Tritons' seldom-seen wish bone offense a nd Arkansas spht six d efense gives opponents trouble. and Coach Allie Schaff has 1l down pat Quarte rback J ohn Weiser runs the show for San Cle mente and shows promise oH his 111 yards passing and 59 running against Estancia. 4. Laguna Beach (2-0). Rawr thin in depth, Laguna Beal:h has the potenual t o e arn a C l F playoff ~rth with sut·h guns as Kevin Mc[)('nnon, &·dC' Arab<•, Pe te W e tz.el and sophomorl' M a rk Drape r . Coal·h Dennis Har y ung 's Arti s t s hav(' surrendered o nly sax points in t WO Vll:tOrl('l;. 0 .. tr~t•i.tt~o Sophomore tailback Mark Drape r will be carrying the load for l.aguna Beach Friday night against Laguna Hilli,. 5. Wo o~brldge 12 ·1). The· Warriors o f Coa(·h Gl·n<' NOJI havl' t.'xperum('(I (1t \ their fi n.t yea r with s eniors, thu s everyone's bat•k), quarterback Kt•vin Burkl' (33 t'Omplt•tions in 62 attempts for 4~3 yards) and running back Rudy Figueroa. but havL• lust fullbal:k -linebackN Jo hn Schroc>dcr for th e st>ason lx><:aust' of a broke n ltog. 6. D a na Hills (0·3). Tht· Dolphins arc oper ating undL•r a nC'w coach (Don Douglass) and the· n o n -l cag u (' record as deceiving. it's mul:h s tron gt•r than an recent Dana Halls' S('hedules. Sult. the Dolphins Collision course? CdM., Tar h eaded that way Curond dl'I MJr and Nl'\\ port J l,1rhor h igh :.('huob. t'Ont1nu<-d on tht•ar tvll1s11Jn <·our<;(• an the· St.•a VU'w L<•agUl' rat.•t• :.is l'ut.·h prn.tro Vtl·tur1<'s to highlight womt•n's vollt•yball 1.11.·uun Tuc'Sday Th<• St.•a K1ngi-took only thrC't.' gaml's tn dl'frat Costa Mesa. whal<· thl' Sailors did thl' s:1ml' to El Turo. Both :irt• n ow ;3.() tn leaguc> play. In anothc•r St.•a Vl('w L<•agut' aCCa1r, E.'ll<tlll'ta (2· I ) staytod doM• VOLLEYBALL to the• ll'adcn; with a thre\.'-gaml' win over Saddleback In a South Coast L eague cont est. San Clemente (2-0) easily d1s p0Sl'd of Dana Hills . whale 1n n o n -le ague games Tuesday ()c('an V1c·w n<'<'<fod five games t.o t.op Long Beach Poly: W <'stm1ns ter n C'edt>d four to down Los Amigos. and Newport Chrisuan USt'<i onlv thr<.'t' to be-at Orange Lutheran · Al the t·ommun1ty college lt•vcl. Orange Coast brecu>d past Long B<>ac·h CC, whil(' Golden W<.•st lost in thn•e games to defending s tall' t·hamp1o n El Camano The• outside· hitting of Mandy Kt•t11l'I-.ind Julie• !!;vans g.JVC' tht· Sail11r.., lh<' c'<.ig<' ovc·r El Toro and hdpl'd up tht· Tars' sc•a:;onal rt-<.md to 5-0. For CdM. 11 was led by s....n1or ~<.·ll<•r llen<' Hl•ss and h1ttl'rs Brooke· I lc•rrmgton, a sophomore. and K<:ir<.i MeGumess, a JUmor Estarw1a was k'Cf in tlS vat'lorv b ·v tht• sc·nior trio o f Janke• To mt:a (~t·m·r), Ke lly HorbaL·k (hlltl•r) an d .Jant' Fl·rdi (s<•rvcr). San Clement(' usC'd th<.• s<.'ltmg of J l•nnif(·r Adams and lhl' spakmg of Kim Adolph to drop thr Dolphins. On•an View . mc·anwhill'. in 1mprovmg its rcx-ord to 4-0. got fmc• performanl·c·~ from Sl'l tl'rs Kc•ll) Bod<• and Dor<'<'n Fanoga. a net madd le-blockt.•r Ta mm v Webb • S<>tter Kathy Mull1c·a . m1ddlt• blo<.'kcr Val Grady and ouL-;adc• hatter Jat·k1e Canf1('ld led thl· PiratC'S to the ir fi rst wm of tht.· M.'H~n. tra tton die GREENVlLLE. Texas (AP) Monty Stratton, whose attt•mpl t o mak e a com ('bac k 111 professional baseball after losing o 11.'g mad(' h im the sub.)C.'Ct of a major motton pkture, daro today >n a locnl hospital. He was 70. Minton stuck? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Greg Minton, the star of the San Ftancl.SCO Giants' bullpen corps. has taJkcd about going elsewhere to pitch next year. but the National League team says he w all not ql.dltlfy for free-agent status unul after the 1983 season. h av t• n · t f 11 u n c1 :i w 1 n n 1 n g c:ombinat1on y<'l and ap~ar to Ix· a year away 7. Laguna Hills I0 -3>. Another team with a new t·oach (Ed Adams). thC' Hawks a re ve rv thin 1 n d 1• pt h ;:. n d l' x per 1 c n c e . :.il though tht· N>mbinatio n of 4uartl'fhac k Let• P leml·I and r<•l·t•1vt:r1> Todd Williams and John Md);11d g1w them hope on offt•nst• Edison., Mesa • • v1ctor1ous in water polo A p.111 o! 1-.1rly fourth p<'riod g1><1 ls by M ·natm. Aaron Chasen a n d M1k1• Urt• allow<.>d Costa Mt-sa High to C'<lffi(' from behind a nd post a 7 -5 victory over host Dowm•y lo h1ghhgh1 pr<'p water polo .:1l'l1on Tuel>d::iy In a no ther c·o nt<·st. Edison '>4.·cir1•d (11111 goals m tht• hr..t pt.•noo ~rnd wt•nt on to bhtz host Burbank. 19 :~ At Oo wrwy. the Mustangs Wl'rl' tr;11lmg 4-3 in their non· ll'ugut• b.111lt· wht·n Ure sc.-ored JU:->l !>t'<.'Olltb llllO tlw finJI period to tu· thing .. up Ch.1-.<•n thl'n followt'tf with has third goal of th!' game· to give the Mu-.tangs a ((•ad th<'y'd never rl'hnqu1sh Chast•n. w11h his thl"'C't' goals., ll'<I Ct>l>lil Ml·~ in scoring t1re and wntor lt'ammall' Sc-ott Ashby ~1dd1-<I l\\ o l'..11.·h ,..., Co:.ta Mc:-sa is n1m 11 :! f111 th1· :-0<•<.1:.on Tht• Ch.11 gl'l l>, :i-5. got four' f11..,t pt·11ud g."°1b by JUntor Mike M,tllo,:.·. ;ind "I"< nthl.'r:. Crom M 'n tm K C"v111 Hudd to makl' ll look t'al>Y J('f( \Vh<•,•IL·r. O.w1d Wadleig h and Jam M,·M1lbn all contributed two goals 1·~wh a!\ a total of eight playt'rl> sn1r1'<l for thl' Chargl•rs. Colleg~ San Da('IO{O Stat(' nt x-Washangton. no Minton is among baseball's leading relit.•f pitchers. with 30 saves and a l.69 earned run overage going into Tuesday night's game with Atlanta. and the Giants are fighting for the NL. West title. "It's a good aiW' for next year." Minton 1aid Monday night in diacusslna the team'!' September showina. "Too bad t mlaht not be here to en.joy it. "Tht• Olonts jusl won't u lk with my ouom y a.bout a rww contt&ct." Minton went to arbitration laat winter. seeking $496.000 for this acason . but he lost the case and aeuled fnr $343.000. A t am a po kt'tmnn 11ald Tuesday th;at It • 1~83 t'Ontract 1.11 not asree<t upon after this uon, the ~u.er could qain be.> settled In arbitration. and that Minton wlll not be ellgibl• for the re-entry draft until a!wr next ason when he has IJX major league Ma.ION behind him odds •• x-Pau.sburgh 10 owr West VtrgmtG Pl'nn Surte idle x Florida 7 11 over Louisiana Stall' x-AJobamo V8 Arkansas St.at<>, no odds. Gcoririo 4 ', (>wr x-Miss1ss1ppi State X-SMU vi; Nor th T<'Xn~ Suat'" no odds Nebraska 10 over x-Auburn UCLA 21 ovt'r x-Color<1cfo x-Arkansa~ 1:l l.)\f\'r TCU Notre Otrnc.• 8 owr x Michigan State x-North Corollna 22 O'VI r Grorgia Tech x-Arliona State 14 ovl'r KuMaS State T\'XAS 2 1 over x-Rlcc.• x-USC 261.-, ovt•r Ottteon Miami, Fl&a vs x-Loutlfvllle, no odd11 x-8<)llton College VI. Temple. no odda x-Mlnn<'M>ta :'>' ! oVl'r Jllinols x Ot>notl'S hom t.-~m (Prom Harrala'• ports Book, R•"l BUlUTIN BURD 6ell tourn•m«-nt Tht• 11 v1111• Clly l'humph111,.h1p <.uoll 'fournunwnt Iii 1wt fur Wl•d1w11duy Ol•l. 13 und will l.M• llt'ld al flmwhu San Joaquin Gc1U Cout. l' Entry fel• Ix $4~ wl11d1 mdud«~ &ol(. \•lt'(.'\rl<.' l.'Ufl, pnw~ 111\J U buffot d1nn,·r Pr11l'l'l'th will lH't1•·t1I 8l'hool a thlt•l1t prog1 um~ in tht• l'ilV 111 lrvitll' P ;;rtH'1pat111n 1s l1n111t·cl 1111d reservut1on:; will lw tit"llll'd 0 11 11 llr:->t 1.-ome, fli~l·Sl'l'VL-'<.l lm)>tS l)(·udluw lr1r t•ntry lb Ol·t ~, Tourn,1mt•11t w i ll 111dut11· thn.•,• flights Ch.i1111non.,h1µ. hantlu::iµ l ~-and-up; and Calluwuy (µl\1yl'n• with n u handtl'Up). f' o r m 11 r t' i n f o r m a 1 1 u n o 1· reg1stratiun form:., l'all lh1w..rd Wh1tcs1dt• at 55 1-5524! ·Racquetball The eighth annual Cahl11rn1a St<ttt• Ou t duor R ac:q ut·t bu I I Dou bl•'b Champ10nsh1ps w ill Ix· hdd ul (;1>ld1'n• W est College Oct Ii· IO Th e three-wall tuurn i•mt.-nl includt'S men's. womt•n'::. anti m1xl·d A, B .ind C dtvistuns Entry ft't.' ts $25 per learn. All partil'lp•anL-. will rl<t't•1vt• a T-shirt. T rophies will bt.· awurdcd lo first . second, third and mnsolat1on bra1.·k,•1 wmne~ Entry dcadhm• 1::. Friday. f'ot further information 1.·ull Raul Ouurl.t.• at 892-77 I I. l'Xt<.·ns10n 5W. o r Carol HeFd, 893-{}84!1; ev<.'nings Basketball coache!!i clinic The Chapman College Basketbull Coaches C l inic is sl't for Saturday. Nov. 13. beginning al 9 a .m . m the Haro ld Hutton Sports Center on the• campus in Orange. Scheduled to speak at the clim<.· an• former UCLA Coa1.·h John Wood<'n. who guided the Bruins lo 10 NCAA national championships m 12 seasons. former UCLA star and NBA standout W a lt H azzard, now h ead <.:oach at C h apman; and Paul Landreux, h<'ad coach at El Camino College Cost 1s $25 per person or $30 at th<> door. Checks should be m<1de payable to the Chapman Collc•g(' Athletic: Foundation and mailed lo C hapman College &sketball Coaches Clinit•, c/o Walt B owman . 333 N GlassC'll. Orange, 92666. The fee includes parking and lunt·h For more tnformauon o r registration forms, phone 997 -6691. DllTH NOTICES Oll•rOlld r•~lnll Shnrl 1.'11U1 • bnjll l'l"tie'b 1 ui•lnK 1 I'll .. 11t SotJ<ll1dJ,1t'k Pork , 01u11u1 Budwt•l1"11·1· rl(1p1 ('ms" St•! fl~. lll'VL'tllh round. Prm.•twt.• rnn11 Sntur<loy. r11d11u 1m ::>unduy l"or dune buggw11, Bu}'• Buuic 11nd thn'(' wht'(•lt'n. Cntes opt•n 111 7 I\ m., (ll'l!l rm'(• U\ IJ.~0 Admi ~mm $6 fur ndult.i., undl'r 6 frt't' PurkmK frc'<.• wJth pun·huM• ol odult tkkt·t. Sl•Vl'll off rood l'ur l'lu111>C.•s, lwu lht ,,., Wh1-t•lt•1 t'IUl()>f'll Mu1n dui.~ ClosM I for l'>tnglt· 1w11t.s, u11hm1t1'(t t•ng1nc. Point IC'uch•rl4: Mike und St:ou C1llrnun (Tustin). Roh llt>hdr1cks (Anaheim). C lt1S8 lO Uune bugglt•s. l .600t't.' t•nginei; in unlunitt'<l l'hassls Lt•;id t•r· Vtnc:t• T.idnwlancl (Anaheim). Sl~'011d. J<.•rrv Whe ldwl (Anaheim) Whclc·hl•l abo "tends Classes 2 and 9. TfAnnl~ tourn~y S ad d I l' b & l ' k (' o I I c g c T t' rl n 1 s Tournaml•nt kicks of( Saturday, Ol·t 2:i and will condude the followin~ weeken d . Tournaml•nt tndudcs m e n 's and women's smgh>s, doubk'S and mixed doubles on all levels or l'Ompetiuon fruni nov11.•c lo "A .. players. R£>gis tratiun forms available at thl' college's physical education d t•pal""tme nt1. To r egister by -mai1, complete a rc~1stration card, enclose a c h ec:k for upproprialc amount and mail to Claire Elkins, Physical Edut~t1on, Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, 92692. Cost 1s $14 for singlt'S and $18 for doubles. Chec:ks should be mad<.• payable tu Saddl ebac:k Col lege T e nnis Assoc1at1on A self-addressed. st.amped l'n Vl'IOpt' must be sent with entry fee Double entries must nott' p;.artncr's name on card. R t•g1stra1ion dN1dhnc is Oct. 11. Fur mor<' 1nfo rmatton , cal l 831 -4545. l'tltllC NOTICE MtlC NOTICl PICltftOUI aullHIH NAiii ITAtlMINl 111• l/l<lt .. .w•fl(I p.. Milli .,. 1lt1t1"' ""'"'°"" L a J INVUTMI Nl J .. 4 l1'1811 A-1u• A 10 I Ctr•ll M- (;A ••1'1' I llP( bull•. 'U• (Iden Avenue A 10 1 t.o••• Miit•, C.A g2(J 1 J•nlt ~nrton Ou•~• lbl>4 EldtH1 Avenue A 10 t, Coti. MeH CA g2121 fh1• bUl!noH 11 tonduttlld br • Qeflet•I p11ln11•hlp Jll'llt N Ourka lhlt 1111ame111 we• filed with n .. county Clar~ ol 01a11oe Cwnly 011 StPt1r11bet 3 111112 PIMeOO P111ihth•d Or•no• C.OHI 0111)' Plkll. 8eut 20 •rid Oct Cl 13. 20. IN2 PUBLIC NOTICE FIC flTIOUS IUllNI H NAMll ITATIMINT lh• lollOWll'i) Pfll~llt ••• CIOll\{j l>u•lf .... Ill 08£ROORFERS 8AKLHY Ol:Lt. 614 W Oltlboa Blvd Balboa. C111torn11 Jacob Thoma• Obo10o1h11 322'~ lfll Co1ona def Mor. C11tllorni11 92112!> Oon111e Y TurgrHn. 322', 1111. Coron11 d•I M.,, C1111orn1• 92112!> Thll buSIOOSI IS eondUCled by a Qlnet II PAI tnt11P11p J ThOnlilS Ot>erdOflur Tills 111t11men1 wu toled wllh ti.e County Clerk ol Orange County on September t3, t982 · F1172l2 PubhshecJ Orange CoaSI Dally Pilot Sept t6, 22. 29 Oct 6. 1982 •03T·8~ MLIC NOTICE ffC>flTIOUS •UllNEH NAME •TATEMENT Tt1e 1011ow1ng Ptr1011 It doing busJneas •• TARANTINO LANDSCAPING. 237 B 161h Place Cott• MNI. CA 92627 Stephen C Tarenllno. 237 8 16th Piece. Cotti Mesa. CA 92627 lh11 bus111e11 11 conducted by en 111CllVldual. Stevo Terantlno Thia 1111emenr wu llled with the County Clerk ot Orang• County on Sapt 27. t982 '118325 Published 011nge Co111 Dally PllOI, Sept 29 end Oc1 6, 13 20 1982 Pt.IJUC-NOTICE flCTtTIOtJS IUllNHI NAME STATEMENT The t01low1ng persons ere CIOtng bUttr•llS .. DATA ARlS. 2900 M1C111on Avenue, Fullerton. C1lllornJ1 92631 C11ot Sue C111or1111. 2900 Madison Avenue. Fullerton. Cal1forn111 92631 John Castorlln. 2900 MaCllM>n Aven~. Fullerton. Cllllorn11 112631 This business 1s c;onducled by • llmlled per1nerS111p. Joton C.slerlln Tn11 s111emen1 wat hied with the County Clerk ol Orange County F1Mm Publleheo Orange Cout Delly Pilot, Sec>t 29, Oct 8, 13, 20, t982 421S0-82 MLIC NOTICE Orang• CoHl DAILY PILOT/W1dnt1day, Ml.IC flOflCC MUC NOTICf rwuc Nemec W.tMU '--" * ..,",_ OEATll Of. NOTI • 0 DEATH OP HOJ:rcJ=~·~~ll ALt;XANOR OATEJ AND MA ft T II A A I.. I~ f'. ~TAMT ~·TO 0 •• I' TIT I 0 N T 0 Ml'VARLAND AND 01' NCHIUITV OWNIA A 0 MIN I T KR E T AT F. P E T I T I (JI' T 0 A 0 • YOU AM IN otrAULT UtfC>tA ('A fl: NUMBl':R A I UtlO M J N I T ~ R • TAT ti; 0110 o• '"u•t oA1't c· .. '"" '"'U •8 R aoia H,rtMllll U , Ht!, UNLll To 1111 lll'lla, ht•m•hd rl~'ll, ftDL ,., 1\1 , : A 1J YOU TUI ACTIOH TO "'OTIC ~ r .. d I l ll 1'1 . I'll n (I 11Ml'111 To all hdra. t .... nt>flt'IUfj( YOUA "'OHllTY, JJ llAY • crt'dllof'tl, oH\IJ pt•l"ll()ta whu 1 rrdlltHI, ron 11 n91•nt •OU> AT A "'91.IC HLI. IP Y rnav be.· 11ltwrwiN• lnu·n.'1!U'<I t•rt-dll11,.., 1md flo•l'll(Jf\a whu .. ID AN 11(""4NATION OP T ' .... I r-~-" NATUlll 0' '"' ,llOCllOIN In lhl' will ur 1•11a1t• u r tnl&Y ... Ill\ rw1 lnU•r .. ~ AOAINtT YO~!. YOU •HOUL Ah•JtanJt'I G11ll·J. 1111111 In tt11• Wiii ur ... ,.,., .. ul· CONTACT A t.AwYIA. known 1A11 AINC Galt•J M(lrtl\11 Allt-nr MrJo'orlonrf. NOllC' IS tllHrJBY GIVEN A g·llllf)n htlll IX'l.'I\ flll'(I 11l1m knowu lolll M11rtha A Thll under Ind by Ylflu• (II I • h M '-' I j J k P•OvltlOfll ol lh•I ci•lllJll 0...0 0 lJy: 1•ny111• C1t1WJ In I (' t.'rltf 1tn<, 11 114.1 11uw11 •• t1ue1 dlled S.p11mbt1 i 1 IHI, Suµcrlo1 Court u( Orllna1· Alll'nt• Mt f'11rl11od, Mi.rlh11 end recordtld In lhe omce 01 lh County rt•qut•1111111t lh11t A Wlllumw, Allrnt• Wllllems Alcofdef of the CO...n•r or Ot~ •. Oc-ny • Oot1•J bt> Uj,Jpolnltid nnd Marth• WlllUilrN tt1111 of C1lll0tn11, on Ott 2. 1011 I A .. •~· r I .... tn Volum• 1420 p1go •Oi o WI pc•rw>nll rt•prl'M.'rlUIOVt• W rx·llUOll n.U uo..'l'rl I l'O 0111oi.1 R•oo1C1• ... cul•d b admlnl•l~• 1h1· ,._wt.t• o( thr lly <.:rOC'ktr Nouonol S..nx Chut1t Burt111 an~ Sylvia Ourlln, dt<'t'<!Nll . liy Nuocy A K4•1tUr\H, Tru.t hUlb(lnd •nil wilt •• l!UllOI. I The Pl'tltlull 'l't!Ut••l• Otfl1:t•t Ill lh(• Supt•r iur SUNKIST 8CRlllCC COMPANY, cl ·•· C f 0 C G0tpotallon, H Trull ... ind St Alt uulhorlly to ll mlnll;\c.'f u1l• ourt o ri.nge ounly SAVINQI AN O LOANl'•lult• undf·r th rrqurstln& lhal C 1ot·k e r ASSOCIATION, • C1111orn11 tndcpv11d1•111 Adm1n11C\r11tmn N11llon.il Biink be appulnwd Corl)01•11on .. o.n.tlGllllY or Elt.a~'lf J\C'l A twurm~ on WI pt!l'llOIUll rl'prt'fl('nt.allvr LO Anll PY'"''"'' 01 llMI owner ano h u •~· '"hi .. h f ... hOl<ltr Of the promluory note l c· pt•ltllon WI ...... rn: un OununhtleJ I ~ l,.Wk' o ud! Mturtd f1y Ille OeeCI ol l1u11 abOY Octobt•r 13, 1982 OI I) :JO ll '11 clC'('('(i(•lll tettrrt<l 10. In Dt.•J.M1rtr111:nl !i IUt•11u-d ot Thr p1·t111on rc·que'" And by renon of tho e1111utt in 70() Clvit' Cl'nter Di·1v1· Wt'!ll, uuthm 1ly U1 udmim11.(•r lhu the p1ymo111 01 1110 prom1 .. Qfy Chy of Stint.a Ana 1: 11 l a t l' u n d o r t h t' note end lh• b111ch or 111 , cond111ona 1n 111d O..d or trutt II-YOU OBJEC"T lO lhl' lndl'pN\<lc·ru Adtnln'*tt&Uon Pfovlded, • Notoc:• or O.tautt 1nd granllnK uf the• pt•uuon. you of EsWlt~ AN A hearing on Election to Sell Und« OMd ot Trull should l'llht•r uppc-11r ;it th(' lhu pt•l1hon will be held on hiving been duty reco1C1•C1 " heortna und Kl:itt• your <A·tobcr 13 1982 ut 9:30 am provided I0.6 by l1w In 111<1 " ' Rec0fder'e01flceonJune22,t982, obj1·l•tlonii or flit• wrlllun In Oeparlmt:nl 3 located ut 111 BOOll ln11 No 82·212542. objerllon!I w tlh lht· t•uurt 700 C1vt{' Center Drlvt! Wct1t. SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY,. befort' the hc•artng Your <.:Jty of Sa.ni.a Ana. c,orpofltlon, as the preeent ippearaN.'t.' may be m no•rllon IF YOU OBJEC1' lo the luthollud and acting T1u11ee r-f h •tJ undet Mid OMd ot Trust. lllOfMatd, or by your atwrnl'Y granting o t c pel Oil, yuu on WednesC11y, Oct 13. 1982, 11 I F V O U A R E A should 1:1thl'r appenr ot the tha hour 01 1000 o'Clocll AM , of CREDITOH or a t.'Onltngent hearing and stall' your sa1e1d1y11 Iha NOf1h front entrance credit.or of the dec.'t.•ased vou objel't1un s or file wri\lt•n 10 the Orange County Coul'lhou .. , . ' >( bj h h · 1oociv1ccen1erOrlveWest,inlhe must C1k•yourcla1mwiththc o ccttoni. wit t e <:ourt Clly or S1nt1 An.a, Coun1y or court or present tl lo tht.• bcfon• lhe h eartn.g, Your Orenge, State or Calllo1n11, WILL p ersonal represcnlal1vc appearan<-e may be m person SELL.P1K•uan11othep0wero1111e appoinl(•d by the l'OUrl or by your att.omey. ~~~~°!° :0~~~0~1 !'::,•:~~Y w1thm four months from the I F Y 0 U A R £ A reg11d1ng 1111e, po11e111on 01 dale of f1rsl issuanC'c· or CREDITOR or a contingent en®ml>f1ncas, 11 publtc auctl()(I, to letters as provided m sc~lton rred1tor of the deeeased, you th• hlQhHI cash bidder. In lawful 700 or the California Probate must file your claim with lhe money of the united States of Cod"' The t ime for Hltng court or present it 10 the America, all thot ce1111n real " prOPerty eltuated 111 thtl County ol claims will not expire prior personal representaltve Orenge Stet• ot C11llforn11 t.o four months from the date appo1ntt.'d by the court <1escr1beo •• IOI~ of the hearing nobced above within four months Crom the PARCEL 1 An unC11v1ded I/5th YOU MAV EX!AMIN E date of ftrs l issuance of lnlweal In and lo Loi t ol Tract No . ed 111•8 1n the C11y or co111 M... the file kept by the courl. IC letters as proV1d m section Coun'ty or Orange, State oi you arc a person mt.cre8ted 700 of thl' California Probate I HIO<nll ... ..,., map flCOfded In ti1 the.> estate, you-may me a Code-The "'tlme to~ ff11n((. 8ooll 479. Pagn 16 end 17· In the request with the court to clamlS will not expire prior olllce ol the County Recorder or f hs th d SaJCI county receive special notice of the W our mont from e ate PARCEL 2 unu 1 es shown upon flltng of the tnventory o f of the hearing noticed above th• Condom1111<1m Plan r1ttlfred to estate assets and o f the YOU MAY EXAMINE ~~:'kn~:nb:.v;1:2~: ~1~: petftl1ons. account~and the !Lie kept by the courl ~~ Avenue, Co111 Mesa. CA reports dt'SC."nbcd m 'llt~n ;>'OU are 9 person tn terestc"U II there la no street 11<1<11111. 1200.5 or the Calt r n1a m the t.'fitate, you may file a Cltrecllon1 may be obtained by Probate Code. request with the courl to wr itten request to Stlte Savings receive special notice of the 111<1 LOll't Aaaoc:la1ion. 222 N0t1h Et Peutioner Denyse GateJ. f 1 f h f Dorado S1r .. 1. Stoelllon, CA 95202, I tng 0 t C inventory 0 A1tent1on Loan Service LevlD & Levin, Attorneys estate assets a n d of the oe~rtment nottatllf than October for Petitioner , 5249 pe1it1on11. accounts and 12. 1982. f()( thtl purpoN or p1y1ng Lampson Avenue, Garde a reports descnbed in section t~~i:.•t1on11ec;uredby1aidDeeelol Grove, California 9%645 1200.5 of the California Thi to111 amount or the unpaid Pulih•h"'.1 C~ro1n11•· t«1••1 IJ•olv Probate Code. balance ot this o1>Ug1tlon 11 $127 . Pilot &pl u 23. 211. 1982 I 973 80, tn1eres1 S18,56799, end 1rie ~•11~ 112 Petitione r. es11m1t1d •mount 01 co1u. PU8t.IC NOTICE Crocker National Bank ••PlfltM and 1dvanoes Whoeh will by Nancy A Keating, b4I ineurred by lhe .lllle or sale II FICTITIOUS •U&IN£&8 Trust Offwer" St,069.97, NAME STATEMENT DATED September 23, t982 Tllo follow111g person• ere doing Lou I 1 e M D a Va 11 SCUON~!SpT ASENRVYICE l>US111815 DI Attorney for Petitioner, 100· .., M ICHAE L SHERMAN • corporlllon ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED East Ocean Boulevard. Salti- By 01v1d Ch1v111<. 6100 w Co1t1 HighHy Newport 300, Long Beach, CA 9080% AISISl1nt llloe Ptftldenl Beach CA 92663 Publlahed Orenge CoHI Diiiy 222 Nonh El Dorado Street M I c;: H A E l S H E R M A N Pt101 Seot 22. 23, 29. 1982 StOGklon. CA 95202 E.NTERPRISES. INC , 1 C1l1torn11 4199·82 (2091948-11t6 corporation. 6t00 W Coast ------------ Tru11ee Highway Nowpo11 e11oh CA PUBLIC NC>TlCC Publllhed Or1nge Co11t Diiiy 92663 Pilol. Sept :n, 29, Oct 8, t982 This 1>ua1nen 1s oonduc:11e1 by 11 K-01770 •1'\9-82 c.orpore11on NOTICE Of SALE ------------MI(. h 8 e I sh., m An OF AIAL ""°"'nv P\8.IC NOTICE Enterpus .. Inc AT l'ftlVATE SALE ---fl_C_T-IT_l_O_U_S_llU_&_IM __ .-,--1 MIGhael Sherman Pres No P-cn .. NAMI S1'ATElllNT Th•• atatement WH filed With the In the S<iperior Court of 1"41 Stat• County Clerk of Orange County on ot Callfornta, lor the County ol Lot The IOl!Owlng Pl'lonl 111e CIOlng SepteRll>el t•. 1982 Angeles IC NOT CE bua;natt It F1'7SSI 1n the Metter ot the E1u1te ot f1f1231 Pubhshao Orange Co111 Dilly Pilot Sept 15. 22 29 Oct 6, t982 •Ot6-82 F1 ... 1I P\8. I H & H GAS, 626 N1whopo, Allr. Jeffrey M. Howlfd FLORENCE B PENBERTHY Publl1hed 011ng11 Cout Delly 'ICTlTIOUI llUltN«ll Santa An,•, Ca1t1or2n88la 9270• S "O Newport Cent., Of. 0-.HCI P\IOI Sec>t 22, 29, Oc1 IS t3, 1982 NAME ITATl•NT Hal• Khan. 1 Beer ""' lult• 250 NOllCe 11 hereby given thll the 4208-82 The lotlow1ng peraon II doln9 No 20 t Cosla Mesa C1111orn1a Newport hedl. CA t2MO undet1'9nod will Mii at Prtv111 Mia, bu""9U 11 92626 Published Orange coast Dl•IY to lhe highest and best bidder 1------------SKOi/ CUISINE 2008 lvyhlll Hena-Oietrtch Spitz 620 S p,101 Sept IS. 22. 29. Oct 6, t982 subject to cont1rma11on ol H id P\ltllC NOTICE Lane. Orange. Calrlornta 92667 Harmon Senta An1. Cali torn•• •07 M12 Supork>r CO...rt, on or alter the 5th flCTfTIOUI •USIMl8 Blf'lhe s Gorton. 2008 tvyhill 112704 Clay or Octol>I< t982 II lhe olllU ot NA• STATEMENT flCTITIOU8 •USINHI Lane. Orange, CelllOfnll 92M7 This but1ness II conducled by a l'tltllC NOTICE BAIRO & GIVENS. 615 So Fl-ef P\8.IC NOTICE Tha tollowlng perton II doing NAME STATEMENT Thll bualneu 11 oonducted by en generet Plrln«S11tp St , Suite 1900 Los AngelH, CA HUNTER C1uwns Club or C08t.a Mesa. bu5lnes1 es lhe IOllOwtng person' 111 C10111g nCIMClu&l Hefel l{han FICTITIOUS IUSINES& 90017, County ot Loi Angeles Services will bC' hC'ld on MOKtE'S FLOWERS 1330 S.E l>uSlneu.. Blnhe s Gorton Hens 0 Spttz NAMI STATEMENT Stet• ot CllllorN•. Ill the rlghl. lllle MA UD D . H UNTER. Thursdav .. Septe mbe r 30. Briuol No 39 Santa Ana. lAYLOR S TRIM SHOP t45 Th•• st1tam.n1 waa filed with tne C Th•S •lltemenl was hied w•lll the The lotlow•ng persons ere aoong and 1nte< .. 1 ot llolCI d~ 111~ resident of Colt.a Mesa, Ca 9111 OO Calitornia 92707 lndu11<111 Way Coat a Meu ntv Clark or Orenge County on ounty Cieri< 01 o.-.nge County on bus•nus as time ot CIMth •nd alt the rlQht 1111e Passed away on September I :. di I:! nu.Jn a t lhe M1.rk O...en1. 1330 s E BrtllOI, C111torn1a 92621 Septem!Mlf 3 t982 Seotembef l3 l982 F1172:35 (II CAMBRIDGE FUNDING (bl •11<1 interest lhll the Miiie or Hl<I 27, 1982. Survived by 2 PactftC' •View Chapel Wtlh Senta Ana, Calllorrn. 92707 Robert W Taylor 19342 Belhel ALO IEGAETTI CAMBRtOGE. MORTGAGE (cl Clecea sed hes ecqulr ed by daugh•--Barbara Wha•~ of 1 Rev CI ark 0 Cftc·i a11 n g. 1ndTl~~dautiu•1s1ness Is cone1uc1ed by an c9211;!-i Huntington BNch. C1hlorn111 1~MOol'.,. Sir"'· P Pubs'"h•CI 50•2•2ng2e9 ~H61 D9•8 11 2Y CAMBRIDGE LE NOING . 29•3 s operation ot law or otherwiM other "°'.. "" II h Y• .,..., _ !lot, •P1 1 · · ""'1 · 1 Pullman S111101. Santa Ana. than 01 In addlllon 10 that of said Costa Mesa, Ca. and &atriC't' Friends may ca at l e Mark S Owens Cerot A TaY1or. 19342 Bethel It• 200 4038·82 Calllornle 92705 C111G1ased. 11 the time ot death 1n Alexander of Germany, I mortuary from 4 OOPM lo Thtl 1111emen1 w1s hied with the Clrci. HunUngton Beach. Calllorn1a wport .. och, Cofftornla t2tlO PUBllC NOTICE C1mbr1C1ge Capital Group 1 and to 111 the oerteln real proPlfty son Herbert Dennuon of 9 . 00 PM on Wl'd nesda y , County Clerk ot Or1n99 County on 928411 tTol: (11') 175-0941 Car1torn1a corpor111on 29A3 S Sltu1ted 1n the County ot Orenge September 29 1982 Seotembe<21, 1982 Th11bu11MHISC01\ducledby•n 1 ,,... CaHlornlaRotlonal Pullman Street Sen ta An• S111e ot C1lllorn11. p1r\lcul1r1y California, 2 s11ters Eleanor · F117t53 1ne11Vldull Published Orenge CoHt Delly w1t., Ov.allly CaM01111a 9;nos desc:f1bld es follows, 10-<Mt K ing of Mame and Arlene Interment at Panf1C· View Pubt11hed Orenge Cont Delly Rooen W TlylOf P1101. Sept 8. t5. 22. 29. 1982 contfol hltd This 1>U111ness 1s cooducted by a Lot 23 1n Blocll Two or 'Seclt<>n Folan of California, 12 Ml•mortal Park, Newport P110t Stll)l 22.29,0c16.13.t982 CerolA TlylOf 3952·82 lllfttaAnaRotlon corpora11on Two.Ball>o•lsland 'esst>ownona grandchildren. 1 gr ea l · Be a ch Pac: 1 f 1 t· V 1 e w • 189·82 thil s111emen1 w•• 1118<1 with the nunllC NOTICE uot ltldlono Ave. No. 200 C1mbnd91 Capata! Group Map recorded In 8ooll 6. PIQ8 31 ot grand S 0 n S h fi w a 5 a Mortuary dlret:tors County Clert.. of Ora1199 County on ruu RIVIAllOI, CA l2:SOI Steven L. Edw11e11 Mlsi;elleneous Maps. Records ot · "' , FIFE MLIC NOTICE September t3. 1982 NOTICI Of' "'lllC HEAAINO Executive VIC8 President Orenge County, Cehtornla. 1t101e member of the Senior M 0 LINE BARNETT FICTmous IUllNHI Publlsh•CI Orange Coa:11~:r.; ~~'°:'TSA~=r AP"-tCATIO:'FoA WASTE c~h~:/~~~~:·o~~~le~c:~~y ·~~ ~~.m:.~~ak~~~~. t~ 912'.:e2Ruby F I FE. a g l' 4 I for mer NAME STATEMENT Ptlot 5«11 t5, 22. 29, O<:t 6, 19112 The IOllowlng petsons are CIOtng DISC HAAGE MOUllllEMENTI Septem~r t4 1982 Property will t>e s01<1 ·u is Neptune d f N o -h Th• ro11ow111g person 11 doing 4067-82 busineaa 11 , .. ~....__, , ..... 1 1 f117MO Terms ot 1111 c1:.h 1n t1wlul rest ent 0 ewport .,..,ac • "'"SI~· IS SUNSHINE FOOD CO"P'"NY, ._........ """ 141 CAE.MATIOH 8Ull1Al AT SEA ,..._ d 1959 d f UV ·--.... "' .... ~ .. --ru-•--11on Publilh•O Orange Co11t Diiiy monoy ot lh• Unit•CI S111e1 on ~ an a gra uate O THE GREEN INDOORS, tOOt PUBLIC NOTICE 179t3 M1cArlhur Blvd hvlne. ..,_._.,... """'"-PilOt Sept 1~. 22, 29. Oct 6. 1972 conhrmauon ol sale or p111 cuh •646-7 431 Harbor High. Shl' was llvtng W Stevens Avenue, No 425, Soni• 1hlorn11 •r•ten;Ofl'9rmlt) 4066·82 end bllenc;e evidenced by note Our llterature tells the m Tustin. Ca . .it thl' ltll'lf' of Ana, Cahl0fni192707 ~~:A~=:• Rick Yu11g·T11 Chl11, No 10 thellmaller. tno. ------------•secured by M0t1g1ge or lrust Deed comp le le story of our her death PaSS<-d away on Fiends Hunter Og11v111. tOOI w. hunder Run, No , t8F, lrvtne, Shelfmake1 Inc hes tllell •report PU8l1C NOTICE on lh• property ao 1old Ten S b 2 4 I 9 8 2 Stevens Avenue. No •25. Santa The lollow•ng per1on II oo1no 1t1lornl1 of wute dltcharge and &POiied IOf _________ .,..,....,..,...~=--percent ol amount bid to be society. • l' p l e m <' r . An•. Callforn11 92707 l>Ullnest u Allee Change, No 10 T11undlr requlremanll lor the d11eha1,.. of FtemtOUI IUSINESI deposited Wtth 1>4d c.11 i. ,. _ _. • .._ Survived by hl·r husband This bu11nest is conduc:led by an A BR AX AS. 1733 fuller Ion un No tllF 1rv1ne. Cah1ornla ct~•f"-"' 01..,.,,."" .,,11_,1_.-1nto NAMI STAr.lllllNT Bids or otteri to t>e 1n _ .. , ...... and ,.. -c-... Do Id F f 4 h Id J 'll o~·-· Strei I. Colla MHI. Cltllornla c 0 •• ""' v-....... -T"'• ro11ow1ng person •• dolnn . .,, ~========~~~ na 1 e. c I ren, I '" •• ....,.. 92627 N1n Chan henge No t the oeya located in the Ot1nge " " will be 1ec:11ved 01 the arore111C1 Kathryn F1re ofTuslm.Ca., Thtlll~~=1°!:!.~11edW1ththl Belly J11n Smlllt. 316 hundor Run, No HIF, Irvine. Count~lf .. of thtlS1n1eAnaRtver bu~;aRECOllERY SERVICE, ofhce 11 eny llme allor tho l111t / NIClllOTHIH $MITHS' MOITUil Y 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 r.ACJFte YttW MIMO•l.ALr.U• Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newport Beach 644·2700 McCQIMH:lt MOITUAllH Laguna Beach •94·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano •95-1776 HAUOI UW~WT. OLIYI Mortu~ • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Cotti Mesa 540-5854 ,_ClllOTAuS l&&.UOAOWAY MOITUAU 110 Btoadwey ColltMHA 642·9150 IA.LT% ...... o.c IMl1'M & M'HIU WUTCUflJ CHAf'IL .t21 E 111n S1 Cosca~ .. 6'&-9371 Donald L . F1h.• ll or Tustin. County C11t·k ot Or•IVWI CO...nty on Cor1naCIO Street Newl>Orl 8elich a1tlornt1 d b Ba11n 1800 Iowa Street. No B. Cotti puol ~~~hon l'lefeol end before Cllll Ca . Edward Wilham White August 17. 1982 -·.-CaHtornt1 92631 ' . ,,J~:~u!~llnoss 11 conduct• Y On Iha b .. is or P1811"''"1'Y •tiff M .... Caltlomt1 92626 Q;~0 thll 131h Cley 01 Sept Of San Juan Caplslr<ano. '"'-,, f1Kut This butJln ... 11 ciondUClled by en "le~ Y n..Tal Chin review And appt1ca11on ot tawlut Mlch111 Robel! M1narch1n, 982 ~ lndlvtduel " " un., sllnd1rda end regulallona. the s B c I a n d L 0 r 1 e M 0 I 1 n e Published Orenoa Co111 Delly Betty .i.in Smllh This s111emont wu hlod ... uh the Celllornle Regional Weter Ouellty 1600 low• tr111, No . os11 c E~ Givena. Thibodeaux of Costa Mesa, Prtot. 5ep1 22, 29. Oct 8, 13, 1982 Th11 1111-t was filed w11h thtl ounly E_ler2011 oll~82ange County on ContrOI 8olrd, Senta Ana Region. Mesa, Clllllornla 92626 E•eeutor of the Will C ts M d M 4207-82 County Clarll of°''""""" County on tem .... r .. tenll\lvety proposes lo 111ue wute Tiiis butlnets la cone1uc:1eo by en of aalCI Oec.oent 8 • paren r an rs <>-temt>er 1 t982 -...-f111710 e11scharg• 1equlremt!tll1 1nclud1ng lndMdull •AllllO a GIVENI Lloyd Barnett of lrvtnl', Ca. f'UBlJC NOTICE "-• ,,,... Publl1hed Orange Co1st Dally etlluont llmltettons end special Mieh.., R Min1tc:hln 115 a. F~ 11 .. llllt• 1IOO and l stSter Jill Brockel of FICTITIOUt IW ... 11 Publlahed Oren9e Coaat Delly ilOt 5991 22. 29, O<:t 6, l3, t982 cone11t1on1 Persona withing to c!"• 11c9~~1;" 1'~1~ Ille lo. A"90lea. CA IOOt7 Torr 1 n gt on, W v o m 1 n~ NAMI ITATW•NT PllOt. s-1 e. 15. 22. 29. t982 •2t3•82 cornment urion 01 obt1ct to the nty 0 •nge n Y on (211) 46S-ltOO " ..... .. I t Seot 3. 1982 .,-.7 .Published Orenge Coast Daily M emorial serVIC('S will c The 1onowtn9 pe11on 11 doing 391~82 P\ltLIC NOTICE propose<! Cl ac .. arge requ remen • r _ h Id 2 OOPM S d butlneA u : are lnvlled to eubmll same In writing Publl•h•CI Orange Coe11 Oelly Prlot. Sept 22. 23, 29. 1982 e al : on un ay. COAST AUTO ALARM & PtJBl.IC "°TICE FICTITtOUl llUllNIH lo thtl •bow address no liter lhan Pilot, Sept 8. t5 22. 29, t982 4tS&-8l October 3 , 1982 at the STEREO. 111 w 17th Stteet, co.ta NA• ITATIMIHT Ootot>er IS. 1982 AH comments 0r __________ 3_90_t-82 Nil.IC NOTICE Tnruty Umted Prcsbyll'nan M .... CA t2e2e '1Cl1nOUt llUIMtl The 1ollowtng 1*'°"9 ••• CIOong obJecttons received prior 10 the Church wnh Rev Robert M MICMAEL ROBERT RASEY. 12 NA• tTATIMINT -s 11 abOve dll• will be cons~ed in the PU8l1C NOTICE P h f( I I f latltud• Coun. Newpor1 ea.ch, CA lhe lollOwlng ,,._ • .,.doing PRiii ATE PRACTICE ANO for~lllon ol ftnal dallt"1H'tlh0f'IS .._TITIOU. •u·-·· ielS O IClatmg n lt:U O 92963 ~ U ONTRACTUAL REL.>,TIONS. 350 •i•rdtng thtl Wiiie dt8Ch1rge rn. -flowPrs the .family would Thia bullnaet It conducted by In HARRISON PAR'TNERS, LTD., HIQPlllnd, Pllcenll•. CllllOfnl• h• 801rd wishes 10 Obtlln ...... ITATE•NT appreciate donallons to the lndlvlllual 3 Upper Newport Plue Drive. 2670 1nfotm11ton to asel•I II 111 TM lollowtng par110111 .,. llolng American Can rl•r SoctC'ly, M11ee Raaey Newpo11 Beech. Cllllorma V~IMIU so CelllOfnle Private PrecllGe deter111ln1ng P•OP8' w111e dltcharge buslne•• u . 4030 Birch St . St~. I 01. Tnla 1111emen1 w11 llled Wltrl lhe Jeck J, JakOllly, 711! Pllollll. peclel lnterHI Group. 3&0 S. requirements elld, lor tPll!ll purpo... ERIC L ROBERTS SCRIPTS, Newport Beach, Ct• 92663 or ~~~;.,~, ~~ange Countv on Ooro;:•,:,:;:};!!:'.~:C:,2~~•t Ji~~1nd. Pl1cen111, C1lllorn11 wit~~~ •N=i:a;~~g1;:4011ow1 60J:;:;;iward Lane. Co.II Mel•. I he Tr In It y u n Ile d ,,..., Vlltl No tilO. Corl• M•d•r•. Thia bullneu II c:ondUClled by '" TIME 9 30. m EWF TELEVISION. INC .• bytenan Church, 13922 Publi1hed Oreng• Co111 Doily Calllorn11 94925 nlnc0tpo•ated 111oc:11tion oth•• PLACE Cny C-11 Cllambefs Caltlornll corpor11ton. t070 ros~t Ave .. Santa Ana, Piiot Se9l 8, 15. 22. 29. 1982 Thi• bull...a II c:ond\lcttcl l)y • han I ~rtnerlh\p . 3900 Main SHHI A1ve1tld• W1ttwl1d Line, Cost• M ... CA · 390 ... 2 llmlled pw1nerlltllp Athene p.,11 California 92827 a . 2705 Brown Colonial Jec:ll J. Jallotl<y Thi• •l•lwnent wu hla<I wnri the Interested perM>n• ••• tnvtted to EWF Tetev111on Inc Mortu&r:f directo111, P\8.IC NOTICE Thia 1111-1 w11 1118<1 with lh• ty Ctwll 01 Orange Count)' on auend to uprot 1t11111 v1ew1 on Erie W. Fretw1ld, Pre• HURTHLE County C..,11 of Ore~• County on tem!Mlf 20 !982 thete 111ues 11181109 to lhe 1bove This 1111-nt w .. filed with lite HERMAN D HURTHL.£ 'ICT1TIOUt 9UIMI• Septembel 3, 198' ' l"lt777t waste d11eha1ge Persona miking CQunty Clerk of O!ango County on · • NAMI ITATW•NT ,,.._ Publlshed orange CoHt Diiiy preHnllllOnt llloutd confine lheir Seolembef 3, 1982 ,,.... awey on Sep~ber The tQ110W1ng '*''°"' are dolf19 Publltll•d 011no1 Co11t Dally atot a.pi 22 29 Oct e 13 tt82 11111ments 10 th• 1bo1re 1111ed · Publl•h•d Or1nge C111 Delly , 1ga2. He WN a lonj( time b4JlllMM ... Pilot. Sept e. 16. t2. n , 1182 ' • · 4;.9.92 111u11 0111 11111me1111 wlll b• Piiot. S«>t 8. 111. 22. H. 1982 ldenl of San Marino nnd 8 TH e Ne l w OAK. t • o s 39&a..12 "-8rd, 1>111 f0r th• eccutecy of th• 3949.e2 mbcr of the Son Marino 81yrroo1. 81lbol l1land. Callfomla .,_IC ..,.,TICE PtalC NOTICE roeo1<1 111 1mpo111n1 tt11tmony 92882 ,..uut. nu tllOIJl<I t>t aubmllled In w•mng Orel aJOnlc Lodge. The p&'lt 5 . Alden & A11oc11t11, Inc • 1 rlCTITIOUI llU•,...•• P1CTinou1 .UtMSI 1t•t•fl'ltfHa ahould be 1>1111 to tllow .-A~ he f'fllded In Lcla11re Cellfornl• oorpor11ton. u o S NA• ITAflMINT NAMI t1'ATl•NT 111 lnl1<Hlld t>tt1on1 lfrl'e 10 b• orld, Laguna Hiils. He t• 8aytront. Balbol lll•l'ld, C.lllOfnl• Tiie ro11owtr1g pereon 11 doing 'tile followlnQ persons are dolflO hffld i ed b b lh Otto 921412 bu9lneM tlMll u . Tiie repoft ol w1111 dllChlrge. urv v y 11 ro er 1 Thi• ~ 1, b4llnO c:one1~tc1 11 c o M p R e 11 e N e I v E ,..._1ed doclufMnl• tec:t Iha.ta the urthle and 1l11er-in law I by• Corpoutk>n PAO~i~~s '~t1~11~~ 1' CAABLE COUNSELINQ $ERVIC£S. i3o 1 Board 1 pfopoHd requ1iemen1a. earl of Manlt.owllh WateN, Alden a A~. ltlC Co.ti M"• ·CA 02821 1 tter ,. · ze1111h Avenue. Santa A111 He!Oflta. and 111 comment• 1nd petition• iscon11n. 3 1111 ti Mra. C1tOl)'n c Alden. WILl.IAM H NleLSEN 201• C•M•rn1• 927007 ~I '"'"I .. ~ t•c•IV'ad m1y b• ln1pect•d 1nd H oward A MtlCht'll o ' Prltldent Cl11b Mt .. ''toe C:O.I• M9" CA llOnll• ~,...rt1, • ..., ..,,illl COf>led lltheA911lonalBoardon1oe, N t Be . h Ca L ('ill' Thie tlttem«it wH ni.cJ wOh tlll 92827 . ' A¥enut. Senta An1 t4tlgllll. HOt 111<1t1n1 Av~111.1e, 81111t '00, H~~g:~ andac Mu~~ Bake>~ =t~~'fe'e2of Ora1199 County on inJ~u~ne11 •• con0uc11<1 by in o~::=: It tondUCltt<I bran ~::~.~1.i~~r.~~ \,P~~."o~ ( Son Juan Capistrano. Ca. .... .-. w11111m H NIOIMn lndlVldue~llomu 0 Pemn • 00 a.m and 4 Pm M~y In lieu of flowera friend• "'"Y •· ttelll ,._. ttltl '1r TNt 1111ement wu 111ec1 with tile Tllltl 11etem4Wlt .,; •• 111ec1 "'1th 11141 inr:.=i '~~ 1119 toreooono 10 1,_. may m1tke donAllon1 to a :::::C:.h, CA'*° · CO\lnty Clerk of Orange CO...nty on <:ounty Cieri.. of Orenot Count~ on llllnl,: 01 '"'1 l*IOfl• llf'IOWn to charity of lht-lr c h oler. lltrmt s.c>ttmbtf 13, 1992 '1t1'11 Aug111130,1982 vou WllO'ffOUld oe 1ni-•ta<11n thll r.J~~~!j' 0~~~~:0C~n~yb;'~~ Piio~.bj1~~~2?~;7&t~:.·~~. ~~J s.':,~b~~";:..a~'.8&0.' e?~~J/1101 ,.~b~,·~.~·~~~ 2~~;;~1:= m,:~~ll•h•CI or1111' cou1 o-i1y Nt'ptunv S«lety 4211).82 •oeo·•' 3t5442 PllOI S.i>t ,9, IH •31<1..a2 1, P\ltllC NOTlCC ,IC flTIOUI llUt•H NA• tTAfl•NT f11e lollo..,lng pef.01\ It CIOlng bulllneH at PROf£8SIONA~ PARK·2, 88 I Dover Olive, No 16. Newport BMC:h CA g1ea3 A.J SMITH, .. , Dover Oftve. No I"& Nfttpotl e.acn. C-' 02H3 th11 bu•lntu 11 conducl•d Dy IN\'11..0 pattnetthlp ~J lll'lllh fl!le 1111_,I WU ltled woth the COUlllY Clerll of Orange Cou111y on September 13, IH2 Pttft40 Publlth•CI 0111.r1g11 Co1•1 Delly Pilot hpt It!, U 29 Oct I . 11182 404l8-41 ,tennou••us..-aa NAMI STA'fU•NT The lollow1ng person 11 doing buslneaa •• PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS. 2220 E11t Fruit St , Suite 109, Senta Ana. CA 92701 LARRY ALLAN YOUNG, loot Grove Lene. Newport Beech, CA 92680 L1rry A Youno This 1t1lemenl Wll tiled With Ille County Clerk or Ofanoe CO\ln1v on September 3, 1982. · .., .... P11bll1h1CI Orange Co111 Delly Piiot, 5ept 8, 15 12, 29, 19&2 3906-92 Ml.IC NOTIC£ 11teTmou1 1n1t1Nua NAMl ITAn.NT Thi fOllowlng 1*.0llt ti• OOIOQ t>Yllne11 •• THE NATURE LIFE COMPANY, 39•8 001• s1rae1 coa11 M .... Cal1f<>m11 9H27 John e Edwud• '94a Ogte S1teet, Co111 Meu. C1111or111a 921\21 ,/On Wtlll•m P1e1ce. 12161 8110klh0fn SHH\, 011d911 Qt ...... c111101ntt 9~040 Thlt butltlett II C<><\Ouelecl by I gantf .. p11tnttth1P "°"" I tow.rd• thll tllt-1 WU ftlecl Wllll llMt C°"n1y Clerk or Oraoge C-11 on Saptembel 13. 1912 r:11nn PubH•to•d 011nga coa.-1 D•Hr Pilot, s.c>t Ill 22, 29, Del 6. IHI! 403t-t2 Dt6 Orange OOHI DAIL. y Pll.OT/Wedne1d1y. September Qt, 1082 - ___ Ml_IC ___ lf_ICt ___ , ___ Nk_tC_HO_f_IC_(=---,~---Ml-IC ..... NO"""T __ ICt ............. ~ 1~·-~~ ... ~,~c~..,~.~ICt~~~ _-_ -_-;-... rta::.1:c:HO:T:1c:.r:-=.-:.--:. ____ ML_1_c_HO_f_IC_E __ -_ 1~-~P\BUC MJllCl.~ -·-Ml!C llU"' .~ --- --Womlt -NOYICI Gr Y""9Yd'I IAU PICllflOUI "'.... CfltJ ..... '"""'°" CC>Ufn Of' NOTIOI Of , .. u1t11·1 Ull "llOlUflON Of' ,.. HOHCI O• u•Utfll I ...... UL.I , ..... a.t.J NAiii lfATt•WT NOf~I Gr l "UITI 'I U~t CA&.llCMIMA tn.IM '• ... , .. , 10..-0 Of l>UCAnOH ~Ne JIUJt.. HO~r'ot'ro~~IT f O UMCI c;Oi.41'NU H ll\llt Ille f,~tvoii.lnt ~t<>M ., .. 111>1!>11 y I .._ ' •• ,.., ........ , COUNTY CW~ 011 01 h•h•r (I ttU •• 111 uo MhllW UNW-ltO f I No . U11t•I -~JolNf MUOCI 111p111nt11d rrv•••• unner '"' llullllllM M NOTICI Till Cll ... C111..,, ~. w .. 1 11n fllrCV t;O"I' 11 C..11hlo1111a I C:HOOl OllJ"K;t IHAN COAtl llFHVll I U lt4C TO l'flotlMl O-*lll IC.ll•••if>Q Cl••'•ll•a•l dMd al hut l "OlllNU HHIAU ttU VOUAAl .. DIPA~TUNOCftA po,..... uo11.1ar11111n u 11.,•tt• 01 a.,l1"'•1JJ,,tn •Ht1111a1•1•••ll1la.lll1ua1,..u111J•tltt11 VOU "•&~OI• ULTUMOUllA Wiil 8£ll Al l•IJl~I(. AIJOHOM Ctu111ld1 I "110 A1111i.1m Oa1tf111n1a 0110 Of TIIUIT, OATIO MA'ICH 1•"11 A,.._ CA atOI !1uu11ou1 1111•111 .. ur fhtl1t11H11••1 WH IUAI. II la hl 11111 1111itull h1llO•ll•ll 11••~1111 .. 11 11 .... 11 l•I llUll O I I o"'O, '1 It U IT OAT I 0 TO THl HICntrtl WIOD"I rOlt 11~1111• 11 "" UNLlll YOU TAl(I PLAIHTIP,I THI IAITll.""' 111111•• ut 11111 ~•11•111 1)•1111 Ill banolll of th11 lllVllfl lJNlt llU Wiii 'lll 1 "'' f'lll\l IC.. AUCTIUN llPllMellt lit ,,., UNt..lle CASH IPlly•bl• et llflll 0111 .. 111 Ch111yl A l/anQ01oon ~Ha ACTION TO '"OTICT VOUll HOMIOWWIRI OOMMUNlfV l1u11 ao•Cul•d II~ r P1111 Julin•O•I BCllOOI 01!1 I lllCT anll II\• ro HH ttl(11trtll lltPllfft roR YOU lAICI ACTION TO "'OllOT ltwlUI mor~ "'•ti~ Unlllrd ll•t••I U11tnld•, An•h•l1t1, C•1tlorn11 ~OPlfllfV, If MAV al IOLO Af A AllOCIATION, 1 Oallf.,"t. NcM\• a m1111eotJ 111111 1t111S C.•1111 l LIJl>jf 0 ft AN 0 ll 0 UN t V 8ll1' C II CA!fll OllY•l•I• •I 11111• Ill ult1 In YOUll '"OPlRJY, IT MAY II Ill ili/l'tl. 1101 e•lll 11111' .. I ''/llVty.0 ~ato4 ..uauc IALI IL YOU ..w ....• , .... a .. _........ .. • •••111111 WUl!l~ll. 411•11 lllt.1111111•1Jlll••11nr Nt) Nl or 11Ct•OOl I 10 1awtu1 ltlllf\9y "'tho! Un!lfld ........ c • I •• YOU 10 Vld ~ n.IO .... 11 under Ario , Dtti,f.1111 J .. •e HIMi••· 2 ~·•r!r. IXPLANA'l'ION O' THI MATU"I Ol,.NOANT1 JACk A. MAlllH Ill lfillO n l11tlr11mefll No 12&•0 f 1101Jt• 11•• 111 1t1t1 at •1111"11011 nil •IQl!I 11111 tllt.1 lnlt•tt•I t1111v•y..U :~g ~~ ~;~~~~.:io'f. M '* Oud ol T 11111 Ir~' 1111 111 OPtrly Cou11. •Wl>Oll •ac . Call Of • 0, '"' •llOClllOINO AQAINIT ANO IANO NAM ...... H ""d Ill 1111(111 tJO:.tJ l'llQ• 1&; (II Ollie••• c11n11111r t11111 ..... llf)fll-11\111 "' II tu 11111.1 llUW lleltl by II "''°"r •••d NATUlll OP THI '"OCllOINO '*,~'u''a'',•ond"'J!:O:-Oc .. ' DU ...... , 82613 YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A OOll I lllfout1ll XX, mcli..J11t. flwt urt.la Ill O ranu1 Cuunly 1111~111 l\111~1111011 I •tlllly 111 Deal.I nl lr11tl 111 1111 u111111•ly AQAIHIT YOU, YOU IHOULO " ,..., .. ~ ,..,.., Alba Nuvta Wal .. ••. I O•tlll LAWVlll IUMMONe Ca1tl11rn111 /Int.I JllHtu1nt 10 11101 to111un1 11u11 wuh 11111 t>ISll41Cf b ht,.•1 .. llllf IJM(;ltbld CONTACT A LAWYllt 111u.1nm111110 ml/\ Coufl, Nt•port ft•M.11. C11t1111nl1 On 1,)1.ll•lt•• o 1012 •• 10 00 c ... No 11 .... n u11t11111 Notice 01 0tr1Wl1th1111U111Hr1 p10110HU 8•1u111w .. 1 WoC><lt1t1d11i1 I HUb I 011 I flANI\ (. ltUVCL NOflC.r I$ ••fR(OY OIVf N Bl NU ICIAHY MA,.VIN Gone 112Ml i.111 8UCl\CY[ R£CONl/EYAUC.E NOTICll Yew llna be1111 a111•. ,.,or111u Jun a .16 1111? aa llalfllflllry (JUK>ol arvt e11d l•llllllCIA l llOY(.( llUUl/IO Tl•lll ondet 1,14.1 by vlllllif 01 lllll ano IRIS M GORC r1t1tbM\CI ena Thi• buallle .. " conooc1aq by . (. 0 M tJ AN y " c. a 11r0 t n,. Ttle covn l'ftlW llecldt ... 111.1 JOU t1111tum1111 No 117 2111060 OI WH( Rl AS "" rul•• 1110 ... o w•I• ptOVltl<llll (II 11111 ""''"' ~ Ol ... ,, ... IOtnl 1•nl•ll" .. lo on gtnlfal PWll\eftl\lp 'OIPO• 1111111 ... Ouly •l'l>Oltll•l.i wltlleul reur lttlflt lltatd ""'' .. OlllCIAI J.\Korll• ul ••• ., COu111y WIN llQ<llallOfl• l)f Ille tduu11on Cod• II r N r' 't IA Ii y Al L !) l A 1 E lrutl "''"' t.1pl1111b1• :1i •OU. undMdlO 11()\o, llllltfMI ano L lT A Chtf)'I A VanOOrllOll f!uatH uni.I•• 111111 11u••u•11t to rtu reepoftd .mik'I M NW•· "•eel under •nd 1,K.1r•u•11t 111 u111 {>ellll ol and lh• 8•••• Attocauon Oo.,d 'l A V i N C'• r. A N n l O AN end r.c:o•l.lllJ 11, m• om~• 01 1111 GORr • ... aow •• 10 art undlvldlld Tlllt llllllm4M'll •u Iii.ts wllh 11111 Oot1c:t ot 1 tutl ll•ll'd M11'h 11 108 I lhe 1111-elloft lllfow, I 11111 11.tt Ml pubht •tX.llOn 1(11 c;a-11 fl(IU111 thel the 01!1 I AICT llfllllrlnto A 'IS 0 CI A 110 N ii Cu 111 Or nl • l'IKOldU• of tilt C..ounly Oi Orinoe, ~ lllllf .. L,i Coumy C191k ol Otano· Covnty 011 l.C:O•IJ..O A111tl 2 1081, ·~ lnll NO II YOl.I •1111 10 .... trot eo~ Of l1wtu1 mn11oy ttl 11141 Ullll.0 Slalt)I ul e I• .. -•II'""'"" •fld i.t.11im••lin11 61111 01 Calllotnla Oii Oc;tob« 1 RKll•dlO 01,t11b•1 20 IH I a• s.p,.,,,.,., 17. 111111 23t4, 111 book UQOO. paga CHO. of en 11torn1y In 1111• 1t1atter, you An,.111.•. a 1. .. 111t1 t t1111t~ 1Jlyable WllLl~lAE. !>•Woo :Jll!>O~ nl 11111 Htt1.o•cJ111I ()1 lobt" Jb 111111 n l 363· tn .. r NO U8fi7, In liCIOll 14202 Pltn 40 0111c1111 A.cord• 111 tho olflc• 01 1t11 thould Clo to p1omp11y IQ lh•I you• 10 a1110 Trnlla• cJruwn on a 11110 o• ldUGlllon coot1 requ11 .. tl••t "'" t11e1t No ~01')7 in tJoo~ l:t:J611. ~~8J,:~,~~1~'!;~0:~~· ti!~~~.~ by Piii• t36t ot OlllCttl Atcor01In11\t Publl•h•d Orenw.t co .. 1 Dally Coumv ROGord11 ol 0111nge Counly. wr1111111 r .. pon1t, II any, m1y be 1111111111111 11111111. a "•" or lellurul Bo a 1 o 1111op1 an u riu bit• 11 • 1111gu t:J t t ur Oll•tlol 11 ord• 111 11111 JI mm lo N Wll•On. ,,. unmtllled 011!1.1 ol Ill• ll1c.c:i1d1• ot Or•ng1 P1101. Sept 22, 20, OCt G, 13, 111112 S1u1e ot Calllorn11 l>.oc;utod by 1111<1 on llm• cre<lll u111011 CH a t1a11 01 h1doraJ unan1mou1 1u1olu1ton 11.1tt•orlllng u111c11 ol 111!1 lloc;o1dur Cit Or111'g11 man 0 1 iuelor. 10 SUNKISl County. Hid dMd Ol lrutl d1.Ct1* 4 1116·112 MARY l RUSSI: LL • marrlld ·~·· • 0 I u ••• d " •• id 0 UVlllU• and lo•n HIOCllllllOn IUCll llGllOll 111\11 IPO<.ilytng ,,,. Cou111y. lllld dtrllll ol trull dll"llbua 6 [ fl v I c. r c 0 M fl AN y •• 1111 lollowlflil pt<191fl)I nomLIC NOTICE wo111A1) H hor 1010 ond aop111te dtm nclado. II lrlbunol p111d• t.1om1Cillld 111 11111 111111, 11 tho tront ""''' 01 Iha uu1oumwnt Iha ro11ow1ng p1opu11y (l()tl>OlllllOll H lrutteo. tlld Sl A It Loi 18. 81oc;k 20. Secllon 3. ~uu property. Wlll S(l l Al l'UDLIC dee h Gontre Ucl. tin oudltflC.le I 1n111nc1 lo E u c ull¥e E11;row THC Rf I OIU' BC ll RESOLVEO P.AR<.tl 1 I ct tln11Jlo llllt lo S A V I N Q B A N O L 0 A N BalbOI l1lt11d. u Pl' m1p recorClld _____ IC_.0_1_1 .. ------AUCTION ro HIGHESl BIOOtR m"'91 4'VI Ud. ,~ ""'" Compan1. 22 I South Oi• Vl•I• "'"' 111111 Ille 801ud ol fd!KOllOO of lhe Co111Jom1111um U!111 No 2~2 (lhlt A !HtOOtA T ION, • GellfO"ln•• Jn SOOk l . PtQe t& 0.1 MtllClllllllOUI FtCTITIOUI 9UllNEll FOR CASH (payablt el llm• ol HHt di IO dlH. L•• la tnformeelon q1111 Clem4111 .. CtlllClfnle All 111111 right I RV IN r u NI FIE 0 s (.I~ 0 0 L Unit I Ill llltr Clly ol Newport 1.01po1a11c111, .. S.llllllCl•IY M1p1, In tilt OlllU or Ille C()unl)' ...... ITATl'MINT In l•wlul r11on•y ol 11'11 Unll•d •loue. 1111• and lnllllffl 1.CIMllyld 10 jnd DtSHOCT 111111\d• 10 lflltf 11110 • Oeocn Couniy OI 01ano• SUiia OI And pur1111111 10 tne llQUMI 01 RKClfdef ot Mid Couflty The IOllowlng persona lie dOlng S•••••l "'mo 11001 OUllld• llflH•~ f>o •uuoo Cl•••• 101tc;111r II nuw h9'd by II u11d11 lllld Oft4d of 01011111.1 LI .... Joint U•• and Cialltu11111 .. lhCIWll 11pon th• '"" Clwll•I •nd hold•• OI Ill• YOU .AAt IN DEFAULT UNDER A llUSIOIU U OI the Conlln•nlll Hom<1 Loan can1ofO Cl• 11n 1bog1do en Hll Ttutl 111 m11 p10l)<trly lll1U114'<1111 aoid O(;CUptn~y AQllU!Olltll wllh 1111 Condom11tluon Plan Cllnllllad 0 0 Illa DEE 0 0 F IR U 6 I 0 ATE 0 SELECTIVE LISTS SERVICES. bulllllf'Q at 434 Soulh E11cll<1 u •" 11t0 0 I b I ti I h I C lfl O Couniy •111.i 81811 dl.C11bl<I I\ COUNTY SUPEAINTENOENT OF Cundom1111u111 l'lt111 tc.1 LOI I 01 ~111~~t~,:·:~¥~·~:.~rld ro SEPTEMBER 23 19111 UNLESS 22426 Allto Pl•k Drive El Toro. Anaheim C111101nu1, 111 rlghl. lllla 1mn'ld1•l1ment•. di Mia mon .. 1, lOla 43 1a111l 44 01 T1ocl No SCHOOLS 101 1111 gu111ou ol l11t1 No 10!1111 I Courlly ol And by ,a .. tCllo ot 1111 deleult 111 YOU TAKE ACllON TO PROTECT CoHlornte 92630 •nd 1n1 .... 1 corweyed 10 Ind no.. IU ···~··· HC:llll. II hey aiou~. 723 "'Pt• n11111 lll(;O•d&d 1n Sook con111uc11011 111(1 c111or1111011 OI Ora11q1 'illal• Of Ca111c.1n111 tTh• I t 01 a p om1uo (OUR PROPERTY IT MAY ee Robltl E Nlltson. 18071 Fitch. h.id by •I unoei SllO Deed ol TruSI pul(le"' lllQlll·lda 1 IMM'l'IPCI ,1, P1g11 11 (II M1i.c;;11118118Ck>5 Mapa, Specl81 Educ.n111111 f11c11111 .. '" Plan) 111<.0llJOC'l~lll Juli·~ 107~ :.~.~·z;:·;n,"" ~~111 .. c'n ot .~: SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE If YOU Irvine, CIUlornte 927 14 In 1111 properly allutted 1n Uld 1 TO THE OfFENOANT A CMI 111 lhe Olhc.• ol 11111 Counly Recordll conJuncllon w1111 1111 OISTAICT S ••• O~u11111111 NO 1b61 111 hOOk 1.ut1dll•Qnt 111 UICI Ottl.i 01 Trull NtEO AN CXPL.ANATION OF THE Heidi A Neleon. 18071 Fnch County and State detc11bed u con1p101n1 hu been lll•d by Ill• ol sold County propolOCI South~•• Woodn1te101 t3n6 IJ•(lu• 16 111111u1111 11 !>. provi<led 8 NOllOI 01 Oel•ull and NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING Irvine. CollfClfnli 927 14 Loi 60 ffllCI 43!>6. 1n Ill• Ctty ot pl11n1111 ag111111 you 11 you wish 10 I hit al rut 11lllre11 01 otnit< Elementary b<;hOOI :J11d Ag1ueme111 111cluttvt1 Ill 0111<.t~I f\111,111d1 ot Hid (lec;hon lo Sell Unoer OIMICI 01 Trutl AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD Noncy Dooley. 18071 FllGll. Co11a MHa. County ol Orong1. delond 111111ewtull. you musl, wllhln common d111gn111011 ot se1d wlll uo 101 11 po11ull ol fo11y (40) 0111111111 Cmi111y wti1c11 l"htn p111tolns havtng oeen duly ttc:orded •• CONTACT A LAWY!R 1rvln11. Colllornl• 927 !4 S1010 of Calllom•o. as per map JO doy• all11 11111 1ummon1 11 property 33969 Oluo Lon1orn, Dono y .. ,. wllh 111annuul11111101 IJ4'Y"'~' to 111a1 1111111011y d111ic.111'111d "' T1act provided 10, by 111 8810 Rocorder's 221 and 22 1 'A Olly• 81lbo1 Thia t>ullnHI 11 conducled by an 111GC11d•d In Book 168. PDQll• 34, 35 served on you. 111., w1111 !his courl ll Pohll. C11111orn1n 921129. of ONE OOLLAA (S 1 001 b•11lnn111g Nu 10587. 111c.orrtoo '" book. 4149, o oicti 011 June 14 1982 111 Book. ltland. Ce1ttorn11 92662 . unlncorporeted usoclallon oiher and 311 of MIKoll11nC10ut Mops. on wr111e11rNponM10 lhll comot&lnl S11d 1111t wlll ,bo made wttnout 8 1 1ho approvMI 01 lhti :11•1• P8116~5omJ6:Mlee.,1111110011wM8111. Inst No 82•20012; 'Ille ttrMI addrea1 or common than 1 Pl•lnetllllp th• oltlc:e ot the Coun1y Rocordar of UnlaH you do '°· your d1t8ull will coven1111 01 w111on11, a.pres• or Allocellon Boo1d 111 11111 ollic.u 01 lho c.c>1111ly rl•cordttr SUNKtST SEAVIC.E COMPANY. 8 des1gna1ton •• 111own above, no Rob41tt E NelSon t11ld Counly be enlo11d on 1ppllc;e11on on lht Implied. 11 lo tllle, PDHflstlon 01 BE IT ruRTHER RE:SOl VC0, 1h1o1t ol •llld cou111y Go;porot1on. 111 the pruont wa111n1y 11 given •• I ~ 111 This 1111ement was filed w•lh Ille The street 11doreu and Other plalnllll. and lhl• court may enter• encumbrences to sallafy 1he unp1110 11 co11v ot '"" 101otut1on be PAµt;El 2 An u11d•v1t.111d ovihorlied ind acting lrutlrt• c;omp1e111ne.• Of correc111111). County Clerk ol Or<1ng11 Counly or• common do•lgna11on. II any, 01 1118 1udgmon1 1g•lntt you lor tl>e rat111t bDl1nc1 due on 1he no1e 01 no1111 ,publian•d one• 1 wHk 101 111111 002'.lJ p11rc11n1 on111111111n •nd lo the under Hid OolO 01 Trull. itoresald, The ben•hc:1ary unoe< ...0 Deed Sepiemb41t t3, lll82 •HI p1opet1 y described above Is dem1nded fn the complaint whlc;h HCured by 11t0 Dffd ol Trull, 10 w~ll• 111 111., Oil1ly Pilot newapopo1 Commcm A1no• •~ ~how n ond on We<lnMdly Ckiobtli 6 1082, 81 ot Trull by IHton OI L brtteh O• f1ttno pu•porled 10 be 3154 Ketry L•ne could res .. 11 In garnlahment OJ Wll $3' t066 33 plu• ·~ IOllOWlllQ AYES MEMBERS uelClt•>I Flynn, dellll«IOEXConEPllhet •• IEll~EI ROM .. ,, 011 11\U hour 01 10 00 0 tlOCll • m of delault Ill the Obltg•Oonl MC;ur&d Published Orang• coast Delly Costa Mua. Ca1110tru11 021126 wages 1at.1ng 01 monoy or property 0Dllm9'1d cos1& e.penses 1111d Nek•oke. Sicoll Whlld "' ~aid dll~ at 1111 Notlh Iron• entranc:e thereby. h111tolore t•e<:uted •n<I Pllol Sept 22 29. Oc:1 6. l3, l9112 The uno1r11gneo .Trustee 01 0111er 11l1et 11quested 1n the edvlll(.ot at 1111 11n1e 01Ille1nth(ll NOES Nooe 9111 miner ul1 anlJ otner 10 1110 ornno• Counly CoullllOuM. C1elh•11td to 1111 und•rt1gne<1 a 4206-112 d1sc111m1 any h8btllly 101 any complt1nl publ1Ce1ton ot 11111 Not1<:• di Sall ABSENT Nomi STATE OF hyd1oc;111t..u11s IM!ION o Oeplh OI ~00 "lOO CIYIC Centi' Drove WHl on lhl ""111111 OecilflllOn ol Oe11ull 1no -------------•nc0f•ec:1ne.n ol Ille slreel e<ldress Oalta March 18, t982 St t2S SS CALIFORNIA) leul w1111ou1 lhu 11g111 or ~u1rioce Clly 01 San•• Ana County or a.mend lor Sele. and wrllten l\0111:1 PUBllC NOTICE and othe1 common destgnat10n. II LM A. eranch, Cltrtl NOTICE TO PROPEATY OWNER ~ 1•1111y llt 1e~1vud 1n 1n,.rumonu. of 01811041 Slate ot Caltlorni• WILL ol blHCh and of e1tc11on 10 c:tuM -------------ony,&ho....nheretn Br:S.P1l~Hn,Oep11ty YOUAllEINDEFAUlTUHOEAA COUNTY OF URAN<.£ I •8COtd SEIL puisuet1llO lh1ipo"'8(0fsele the und1r11g11•d to •ell tald FICTITIOUS eUSINESS Said 11lt will be made. but HICICIV, NEULAND, 9i'ARDES 6 DEED Of TllUST, OATEO APRIL 1. Francet M MootOn. An1al8ttl PARCCL J All UCluS1¥e flQhl conle1reo ;n lll<l Died ol Trusl and, properly 10 saflll)' .. Id Obllg.lllOnt. NAM£ STATEMENT !Without coven1n1 01 warranty, COLLETTA ,4, IHO. UNLEIS YOU TAKE Sec;telll)I ot 1he eo11d ot Educa11011 ano easemenl 10 u56 lhe Balcony wllhOul covena nl 01 warranty end 111e11aller the undertlgnod The tollo....ong persons are doing ;expron or Implied. regarding !Ille. 22 .. 1 umbllrt St., No. 50ll ACTIOH lO PRO TECT YOUll ot 111• Irvine unlllOd ~chool 01s111c1 Area des•unaled 8 252. on 1ne Plan regarding 11118 poinnion 01 caused said no1;c:1 or breach llld ot bualneaa as ·· 1Possess1on or onc;umbrances. to 111010, CA m.30 PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A of orange Coun1y. ca111or111a. as being 1ppu1ll'fla111101he Un11 encumbl!Jncn . 81 public euc1ton. 10 elec11on 10 be record•d May 6, (I) SURF G L AS . S U RF pay the reme1111ng prmclpol sum ol Published Orange Coasl Dally PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU HEEO AN llereby c.crllty that tho above and PARC CL 4 An exc.lus1ve rtghl lho higheal cHll blddei. Ill lawful 1982, 11 1n111 No 112· 1 &712& ol PRODUCTS. (bl LIGHTNING BOLT ~he no11l(s) HCUlo<I by .aid Deed ol P1ro1. Sept 29. Oct 6, 13 20, 1982 ElCPLAHATION OF THE NATURE to1egolng Retolullon WH duly l)nd 01111 oa~emen1 10 use lhe parking money 01 lh& Untied Slates ol said Olllclal Reco1ds SAILBOARDS. t810 E Borchard. :rrus1, wllh 1nteres1 inereon, as 4310·82 OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST regul1tly 1dop111d by the said Boord spaces des1gno1ed on me Plan as Ame1tca 811 inat certain 11181 S11d aele will b• made, bul Santa Aru1. Calllorma 92705 provided 1n aeld no1ees1. ad'lances. •-------------YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A ot a regular m11111no 111oroo1 held on Perl\•ng Spoce No PS-81 piopelly s1tualed 111 the Counly 01 without coven•nt or wa,,1n1 Su1tglas, Inc . lncorpora1ed In I any, under 111111e1ms ol so1d Deed MLIC NOTICE LAWYER. lhe 26th dly ol Moy t062 and YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER 11 Orange. State 01 Caltlornla . upres1 or Implied, rega1d1ng lllle, C1Hlorn1a.1810 E Borchard.San1a1o1 T1u11 tees charges and CPPf7llt DATEO Sopt1mber23, 1982 pauedbyounonimousvotootsatd OEEO OF lRU ST OAT ED descilbedasfOllOWS possession. 01 111cumbr1nc111, 10 An1. Ca1tto1ma 92705 e•penses of the Tru11ee and ol Ille EXECU·CORP Board OCIOBER 11 1979 UNLESS YOU PARCEL I An undivided l/Sth pay Ille rem1ln1ng pt11'10Ptl sum ol Th!S buslneS$ Is conducled Dy a Husu cra11ed by said Deed of NOTl~E o: ~R':!~::. IALE By Miki Kun1z IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hove TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR 1n1or.sl ;n and to Loi 1 or T1acl No Ille nol1Ca) aecu11d by Hid Deed ol corporetlOn !frusl rwe 11 a ' AuthClllLld Agent 1181tunlo HI my htnd 1nd 111101 lhll PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A t I 148 in tilt Cn; ol Cost• Mesa. T1u1I. wllh 1nleflll 11 1n Sll>d nole Su1IQIM Inc The 10111 1moun1 ol 111e unpaid On October l3, l9112" 11 OO 221 Sou1h Ola Vista 22nd d•y or September, 11182 PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN e,01111 1y or oran..oe ~ Slate o_!_ provided. advances. •f any under Mary Ellen MO,U'9 ~ of .,,. .obl;gtl~~. m FIRSJ: .Ali,tf.RICAN u ll..E.. "Son 'Ci.m4fflrt. c~-Franc:411 M Morton. t"r:'X'Pt.ANA TION 0' ttff NA1'UA£ Cal1lorma .. ~ m1p •ecordld 1n flie lerm1 or tald OM<r OI Trust, Secretery by 1111 p1oper1y 10 be sold end IN$ UR A CE C 0 Mp AN y • 1 (7141 492·6280 AtSlll&nl Secr1111y OF HIE PROCEEOINu AGAINST 8oo1. 4711 Paoei 16 ttnd 17 1n 1111 lees. ch1rges end eapenll8S of the This tl11emen1 was hied w1Lh the •eaaontbll 1s11ma1ed costs Calllornl• corporallon •• TruatH, PuDllsned Or1nge Cou1 Daily ol 1he Bo11d ot Educauon YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A ottice of me county Re,ordor ol T1uS1ee ond ol Ille 1ru111 creolld by Coun1y Clerk ot Orange County on exi>enHS and edvances al Ille Um• °' Suc:CISSOI Truttll or Substlluled Pok>t, Sep! 29 OG1 6. 13, 1982 MEMBERS OF THE LAWYEI' sold Coun1y said Deed of Tr1111 Said .... wm be August 3t 1982 ol 111e 1n111111 publlcauon or Iha Trut1ee, ol lhll carleln Deed o l 4312·82 BOARD OF COUCATION tO I Scholz Plue. N11wpo11 E•c ep11ng 1n11alrom Untll 1 held on Wednesd1y. Oc:lob« 13, F1M514 Nollet or Sala ts $14 860 08 Trual uecullld by PHILIP M. -------------1RV1 NE u N 1r1 E o SC 1100 L Beath Cal1lo1n11 tnrou~ !I 111 shown upon the t982 ti 2 00 Pm . •1111• Chi pman Published Orange Coesl Oa1ty The benallc:tory under said Deed HORAN and DONNA J HORAN, PUBLIC NOTICE DISTRICT (II a 111801 •ddross 01 'ommon Condominium Pl•n recordod 1n Avenue en111nce 10 the CMc Cen1e Piiot. Sep1 15. 22 29, Oc1 6, 1982 of Trull ne1e1oto1e ex11eu1ed and husband •nd wllt, and rtcorded Ellzabelh Lee sec:.011 de11gno11011 I• shown •bovo. no Book 14081, 11 Pepe 6S3. 0111e111 Bulldlng, 300 E Chapm•n Avenue 4065·82 delivered 10 1110 undersigned a June S, t980 11 lnslfumenl No. President w n nan I Y '" given 1u 1 o I 11 Records o1 Hid County m Ille C11y ot Orange. C1lllOfnll -------------wr1t1e11 Oeclarallon ot Oetaull ond 4548, In B()()I( t31126• Page 655· 01 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Bull w1111a, Cte1~ completonf!SI or <:OHe<:tnen).. PARCEL 2 units aa s.hown upon Al the limo of 11\e 1n111a MLIC NOTICE Demand for S1ll1 and D wrtllen Olllc:lal Record• 01 Orenge County, E L A JOhn nynn. Membe< The b1nctl<;111ry undo• Hid Oco<I the Condominium Plan referred 10 publlcallon ot 11119 nolic;e. 11111 Iola Nolle• ol 0e1au11 'and Elec11on to Calltoinit, •nd putauanl 10 lhal LEN A R 0 Z L Gordon G Qe1chet Membo1 of lrull by rooson ot u bre11ch 01 In Parcel 1 above and more amountottneunpttelbalanc:eolth• FICTITIOUS BUSINISS HAME ST A TEMEHT The following person ts doing t>uslneu a• Sell The un<1e1s1gned caused said certeln NOllc:a or OefeuU lhlllundll M 0 R I A N A A N D 0 F John Ni1keot.e. M•mbe1 del&ult 1n 1110 0Dllgn11on1 5.ltUrtld c;ommonly known Ill 2 tll2·E PllC;lllC obllg1t1on secured bl .,e 1bove Nollce ol Oetaull •nd Elecllon 10 r•corded June 9 • 1962 11 PETIT I 0 N T 0 Publlthed Orange Cou1 Dally thereby. here1oto11 ueGuted and Avenue Cotla Mesa. CA desc11b1d deod o tru11 and Sell lo be recorded 1n Ille c:ounty lnatrumenl No 82• 195899• 01 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. P1101 Sep1 29 and Oc;1 6. t3 1962 llollvere'1 to '"" 11nd11rs1gned a 11 lhett 11 no 1tree1 Dddreu. 11111m11•d Colla. e .. p1n1H. tnd whete Ille real propetly is 1oc11tld Official Rec0<dl 01 stid County, "'1" A·ll5189. 4237·62 w"llen Oeclarahon ol Oetaull <ind d11tct1on1 moy be ob1tln1d by advanc.s 11 $20 t 490 01 Dale Augvst 28 19112 unot< ind pur1Uanl IO Mid Deed ol -------------1 Oemano r0t Sale tnd w1111.,. nollCie wnllen ieq1.1ett 10 Sllle Savings To d•lt1m1n1 the opening D•CI JOH N WILLIA M S ANO ASSOCIATES. 504 N Newpo1 t Blvd • Sulle 105, N-porl BeKh. Co CA 92663 Buc:keye Reconveyance Trull Mii 11public1uc11ott tor cath, To all heirs, bt>nd1rn1r1es, PUBLIC NOTICE 01 b1each and or llle<;t•on to cause ina Loan AMOCoatlOn. 222 Nonh fl '/OU mey c:all (7141937--0966 l1WlulmoneyollhllUnllldSlll8IOI credtlor11 a n d c·onl1ngt•nt -------------1 lhe under11gned 10 tell se10 OoridoSlleet Sloc;kton C.A9!>202. Dale SIPtembll 7. 19112 JOHN HENRY WILLIAMS JR . 508 Begonl8 1.venue. Corona del Mar, CA 9262!> As Said Trvsiee Arnet!CI. 1 cuhllf'• Chllek payabll cr editors of Lena Ro1ell1.1 K.Otl20 pro1>11t1y to wtts•y su•d obtagahoni A 11en11 on Lo 1 n s er v 1e 1 T O Se<v11:1 Company 434 S Eucl d lo Mid T1ull11 drawn on a llltl UI NOTICE TO CREDITORS ond lhe1e1ll•• lhe und11r11gne<1 Oepertmonl nol IDie< lhtn Oc:tober es MIO T11111 ... Anlllttm C~ritornta 92802 n1t1ona1 bani.. • 11111 or l•deral Moriana and persons who OF IUl.K TRANIFER c:.auted ~1d nolic:e ot breech 1no of !> 1982 for Ille purpose 01 paying By Merc;o Brenes Tel (7141 991_7032 ettd11 union. or • 11t11 or t~al may be o therwl.se interestt-d (811ea. 1101 .. 101 U.C.C.) etaGlion 10 b• 111cord1d M•v 14 obhgetlOns se<;ured by Hid o.ed o1 As1111an1 Sec:r•tery lhls bu1lness ts c:onduclld by an Individual B Debbie Boll uvlngt ind lo•n "aoclallon m the will and/or est.alt:-No 11 c e 1s 11e1eby o•ve11 to 1982 . ., 1n111 No 82 168137 of Trust One City Blv<I , WMI Puo111n!d Orange Coas1 Oauy doml<;lltd In 1111' 11"1· 11 Ille main A ""'llllon has be-en hll.J cied•lo•• ot tne within nemeCI Mltd Ollic•nl Records The 10 111 amount 01 1t1e 11npa1d 0rllJIQ8. Camorn•1 92668 John H. Wiiiiams, Jr This 1111em1111 was llled wilh !he County Clerk of O,.nge Counly on S111>tembe< 3, 1982 p IOI SfJl)t IS n 29 1982 1ntrenc1 to Fl11I Am•tlc:an Tiii• r-1181l9flf()f$ lhal • bulk lttnaltr IS Saia Ull! Will DI made. bul bal•not ot lh•S ObhO•lion I• $127.-17141835-821111 ' · · · · 4016-82ln11U11001Company.IOC1tedet11' b y Anthony Nicho la s about 10 be m1de on personal w11nou1 covenanl or warr11n1y, 9327landllle1t1tmate<1&moun1o1 Publlaned Orange Con1 Oa11y -------------EHi Flhh Slftet, in 1111 city ol Sanl8 Morwna 1n t ht• Sup~rior propeny he1einel1er ooscr1bed e•press 01 11npliod, reoardmg 1111e. cos ls a.penua and edvances P1101. Sept 1s, 22, 29, 1982 MllC NOTICE Ana. C1111orn11. •II thtl right. !Ille Court o f Orang(' County The n11mt1t •nd but1nen •dd1oss posse•s1on or encumbrances 10 wtucn will betncv11ed by 111e date 01 4075·82 f111NSO Published Or&l}ge Coa.sl Dally P!IOI S81>1 8, 1S, 22. 29 1982 3945-82 -------------and 1nt9'ett c;onveyld 10 end now h A t or !he 1n1endoo 1ronsler01s ore I I· pay 1ne rema1n111g p11nc1pal sum ot sale 11 s 1 069 76 FICTTTIOUS BUSINESS held by II un<ler .. Id Oeed ot Trutl rt•QUC'Sllng t 31 ot )orly Volun1Hr Capital Wesi Inc lwo the nolets) 'lflc:ured by said Deed ot Daleo September 15. 1982 MLIC HOTlCE NAME STATEMENT 1n !hi prop11ty 111ualed In Slld NI l' h 0 I 8 S M u r I 8 n l• bl' Marylend Ferms Su11e 100 P 0 T1u~I w1111 1n1treS1 1s 1n said nole SUHICIST SERVICE COMPANY. The lollow1ng person ts doing Cou111y1ndS1alldetlCflbedas app1>1nted ;\S p<·rsonnl Bo>.184 B1en1w00<11N37027 a11a p1ov•d•d •dvances 1t any under •CMJIOf•llon IUPEltlO lt COUllT OF CAUFOMltA PlllUC NOTICE busineu as ElCHtefT "A" fl'Pfl'l>t'nt.altVl' to admin1sll•r C21 Wrnners Co1po1011on T ... o 1n11 •erm, ot s11d Deed ol Trust O•vld Chavltt, Aul. v. PrH. (Al ELUSIVE CONCEPTS CBI PARCEL 1 the esl.41\C of Lena Rowlld M•1y1end Ferms Su11e tOO P 0 tlM's charges tnll e•penses ol Ille 222 N. El D«edo St. COUNTY OF~ CAN NO. A·114747 ON>£1t TO IHOW CAUM FOfl CHANGE OF MAW FICTTTIOUS eUllNESS NA• ITATEMEH'T C 0 NC E PT S IN M US IC IC I Loi 34 ot TrlC1 No 10097 as Boa 184 BrenlwOO<I TN 37027 Trullte and ol lhe llUSll cretle<I by SIOGllton, CA M202 CONCEPlS IN THEAT ER (0) Shown on t mN> rKOtcs.d tn b001t M 0 r I an a (Un cJ c r l h c Thi tocauon 1n C11Jtotrut or Ille IO•d Deed or Trusl (20t) ..._1111 . Thll IOllowlng persons are doing buslnesa IS C 0 N C E PT S 1 N PUBLIC 441, PtQll 29 to 34, bOlh lncluSNe1 lndepl'ndent Admmistrallon cn1e1 uecutov• omce or p11nt1p11 s .. a sa•• w111 D• held on TrutlM RELllTIONS (El CONCEPTS IN 01 Moactll.,_.a Maps Records ot of fat.otc.'S Act) The p<'llllon bu11n1n olllce ot •he 1n1end•d Wednesday Oc1obor 6 19112 11 Publtshed Oiange Coas1 D••ly In Ille M•lltr Ol lhe AppliClllor> ol Leon twnon Monteoert !of ~ 01 Name DOLPHIN SOUNDS. 396 Vlc:10111 Strtel, Co11t Mesa, CA 92627 GRAPHICS (Fl CONCEPTS IN Of'lf'gl County. tnd u co,,CIC11d f h De t lran•leto•t 1' 18433 Am•stead SI ? 00 pm 11 lhl Chapman Avenue Pilol, S411>t IS 22 29 10112 MANAGEMENT 3303 Hart>OI Blvd by lhlt Ctrl•ln Cartlllc•te ol IS sel or earing in p Foun111n '/•Illy CalltOtnH, 92708 e1>1ranC«-10 lhe Ct¥1C Cenle• 4080·82 LAWRENCE P SAVAGE. 396 Vlc:tOfla S1 ., Cos1a Mesa. CA 92627. M l~HA EL ROGERS. 396 Victoria S1 , Costa Mesa. C>. 92627 Thia business Is conducled by a Q9ll9f el partnership L1wrence P. Savage This st1letntnl •as lllld with 11141 County Clerk or Orenge County on Sep1embll 3, 11162 F1-.0 Publl1hed 011nge Coast Dally Pilot. Sepl 8 I!> 22, 29 1982 3904-112 ML.IC NOTICE ACTITIOUS 9UllNUS NAME 8TATEMENT The lollowlng person I& doing business u OAKWOOD TENNIS CLUB & PRO SHOP, 860 lrvrne Avenue. N8W1>0fl Beech, CA 92663 Edwin Speer, 8172 Larson :r 10. Olrden Grove. CA 92644 Thlt t>uslneu 11 conducled by Ill\ lndMdull Edwin S~ Thta Siii-i •U hied with Ille Counly Cletlc ol C>ftnge County on September 27 1982 S1111e K·l Cos" Mesa. CA 92626 COfrecllon rec;orde<l In Sook. 12946, No 3 Dl 700 C1v1t· Center All 01ne1 but•neu n•mes •nd Bu•laing )00 E "'' Cnopman HOWARD KEITH MOROAN. pa~ 1484 ot Olfic:lll Rec:ords ol Dnvc, Wt"lt, in the City of addrenes used by the intended Avenue 1n 1he Coty ot Orange 381 Tllello1d Wey. Coste Mesa. C>. u.1d OrangtCounly Santa Ana, Cnltfornrn on 111nate•Of1 within lh•ae ye1111 tast At 1ne 11me 0 1 n1e 1n111a1 921127 Exc;epllng lhelelrom all 011. Oil Se w be 27 19112 · 1 9 30 pol 1<1 lar u kno ... n to •he pubhc1111on of 11111 notice tht1 101111 Th1tbus1neas1sconducle<lbyan r1g1111. mlnef1l rlght1. gas, n1tu111 P m r • ~ · 11.ionded tran11e1ee a•e ltl 11mou'llOllh8unpa1dbalanceot1tie 1nd1v1dua1 gas r1gh11 and othe< hydrocarbon a m VoluntHI Ouollly foodi. In'. (21 obhQ811on secu1ed by the above Howard Morgan subt1anc11 by whelever name IF' YOU OBJECT to thl• Volunieer Capllal Corporatton (3) descnbed do"a c.t 11uS1 and Th11 s111em1n1 w•• hl•CI with known, 1oge111et wilh 111 oeo111erm11 g rllf\Ung of the petition. you Wenoy s wes1e1n D•vtt1on lwo u11ma1ed cosll ••penses and lhe County Clerk ol Or111ge Cotm1y sloom end 111am power belo... a should either appear al the-M11ylen11 Farms Sun• 100 P 0 edvRnces 1s $74S•1 27 on Augull 17 1982 ~Ill or SOO IHI under lhe reel d Bo• 1114 Bren1wo0d TN 37027 To dele1m1nP 11\e opening b•d. F195e07 prope•ly dncrlbed 1t>ove. w11nou1 hearing an Slatr your The name an<I t>uMnMs aodr-s, youmaycell f114i931·0966 Pubhshed Orange Coasl Oa11y 1111 1111111 to drlll. mini. ellpk>tl or ob1ect1ons or hie written ol the "''"n<led ••1nst•ree •• o .... Sec>1eml>el 1 t9112 Pllol Sec>• IS 22 29 Oc:I 6. 19!12 oe>«•ll through or on the 111r1aoe ob1ect 1ons w1th tht.• court Conso1td1ted Re111u111n1s o l lllnJ·Cotsl Servoees Inc -----------4_0_1_J._11_2 or upper 500 1111 01 Ille tubtu<lect before the hf'anng Your C1hlorn1e Inc 2420 N Andrewi u 1at0 TruS111 ol uld !Incl. u r_...atn the Deed >.ve E•1en110n Pomp1no Beach Bv T O Se1·-e Com .. ~n· MLIC NOTICl trom Laurll Po4nt Town Homes.• <1 J'f'\'url•O\\' may be• in ~lor>d•:JJ064 ,.Q-1 ·~ ... • FICTITIOUS •UllNES$ 101nt v11n1utt, recordtd May 12. pt'D011 or by your attorney 1 hal Ille properly pe111nen1 Snaion M HAME ITATEMENT 111110 In Boot. 13604, page 115 of I f' Y 0 U A R E A """o 11 deKtobld on gencr•I u all l 1i•llt1t Thi touow1no persons are d<>lng Of!1e1a1 Record• CREDITOR or a ronungeot rouau11n1 1no oltote equ1pm1n1 AaSI SIC101ary PARCEL 2 _... f h d __ ,.... •PPlllllCIS, machtnerv ~arp•t One C11y Blvd . Well buSlnest H Non·t•clullv• 1ppur1en1n1 cr ..... itor O t e e<'l'""""' you orepes, 11bles. thatts and other Orange. C1111 926611 PROFESSIONAL PARl<· l. 88~ ea-.ienll lor lng1eu, egres., uM must file your claim with lhc-tumlahlngs. and all IOO<I. beverages (7 1~1 635·8:1'88 2t;'2~e, No 15• NewPorl ~ ' and enjoyment In and lo Ille court or prl'Scnt tl tu the cooll lng supplies cond•menu, Pub••shed 01enge Con• Delly HUBERT J MILLER 881 Dover "r1etee1;on1tcommonarta"otuld perso nal representative oollno •nd coo1t.1ng u1en111s paper r1101 Sept 15 22 211. 1982 ' c Traci NO 10097. as Ml lorlh In the d b ... prorluc;11 and 0 111ar personal 4074·81 011ve. No IS. Newport Beach A 01c19111lon ol Covenanu appo1nte y tne court property, ond 11 1oce1111 •• t4386 ------------- 92663 1 Cond11tons and Rellrlcllons lo; withm four mon ths from the Cui•"• C>t1ve •t'lllna. Cahlomif Mt.IC NOTICE EDWARD F MILLER 88 Laurel Po1n1 Town Homes. • date of the hearing noticed The bus1r1ess nemt uHd D) lhfl Dover Dnve. No 15· Newport ""'•nnld un11 develOQment recorded bo Siik! 111nsttron 11 N•d IOClllOll 11 LIOAL NOTICE BellCh CA 92663 .,... a ve Th••' t>ull""s •S c;onducled by 1 1n Book 13177,peg• t86Sof0tl1Clal YOU MA y EXAM lNE Wendy 1 Ola F 15h1on ea NEWPOllT•MllA UMlfllE.O Rec0tds Hemt>urge<1 Aestau11nt ICHOOL. OllTNCT oel\8fal partnen/\op The''"" 1ddr1as or other lhe file kt'pl by the..• c..vurl if T1111 n 1a bulll 11e11sle1 it Holk• ln•ltlftt INd• This 1111=r!:S ~i!:olefwrth the common d11lgn11lon of n•d you are intcrPstcd 1n the mlendld 10 bl consummated al 111e NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that Couniy Cltfll 01 C>fango County on P'Ol>O'IY 11 pu•po<tld 10 be 1 t t estate', you mny hie 11 requ<'$l olhct ol wes11rn Mutull Escro.... 1111 Bo11d 01 Educ:atlon or 1111 "-iembel 13 1982 Aspen Lant, eo.11 Mesa, Clltlornle with lhc..• cuurl lo rt!l'l'IVe Compony Qfange Cehl111n1192667 Newpo11-M111 Unified School """' 92627 or o• """ Oc;1cbe< 111 19112 0111r1c1 or 011no• County will S1ld 111e wlll bt mede without SP e Ct " I 11 0 l t l• e Of l h <' T1111bulk1rensle1 11 not SUbf9CI lo roc,11.,. Mlled bldt up to 11 00 .AM F1113a Publlthed Orange Coasl Dally Pilot, Sepl 29 and Oct 6. 13. 20. 1962 Ftllnlt PuDl16hed 0'8nge Cont Otily 426l·ll2 Ptlol Sept IS. 22 29. Oct 6. 1962 ---P\8.--IC_NO_T-IC_E___ 4010-82 c:o~en1nt Of worranty. e•prns or invcnt0ry o f estate assets C•lilo1n1a un1torm Commerc1e1 on 1h0 71h dey of Oc:.tot>er. 19112. 11 tmplled. 11 to 11111, PD•-•ton or and of the petitions, account.s COde Section 6106 1111 olllco of said SGhOOI Olt1r1c:t. FICTITIOUS·BUSIME88 MLIC NOTICE HAME lfAT£MEH'T K-o11M The following parson Is doing FICTmOUI eUllNISS bullneu II' NAME ITATl!MENT J M JONSSON COMPANY Trfe tollowlng persons "'' Ootng 3 t30S Paseo Del Sol, South Legune buSlneaa as Beach, Cthlornla 92677 CIRCUIT. TEST 3150 Punman Jellrey Craig Jonsson. 3130S Str111. Cotti M .... CA 921112 Pa110 Del Sol, Soulh Lagun1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMM· BNch. Cll1lornl• 92677 u N I c A T I 0 N s I N c 0 R - This bu9lnesl is conducte<I by tn PORATEO. 1 Ctlllornl1 COIPOflllOn, lndMdu•I 3150 Pullman St Cotta Mist. CA J•flrl)' C Jonsaon 92627 Thi• 1111ernen1 was tiled wolh the Thll t>ulllnesa 11 conducted by • County Ctotk ol Orange County on corporellon Sept 21. 19112 EIMt011ment1I Con>m F11113a Inc Publithed Orange Coast Dally AJllO J Shal11n. Prl8. Pllol, 8111>1 29, Oc1. 6. 13, 20. 1962 Th•• 11111men1 was filed witll 11111 42411-82 county CHlrk ot Orange County on encumbrenc:ee to Ntl1fy tile unpa.ld and report s d escribed in The name 1nd eddren ot 1118 localed " 18!17 Pl1cenll• Street. blllenc1 due Oii the nol• or notes parson w1111 wnom claims may be Cosll Masa Colllomlo. 11 which secured by Mid Deed of Trust, to Section 1200.5 of thP lll•d 11 s111r1er McFarlond, c/o 11m• u1d b•d• will be publtcly wll. St4.261 74, plu• the tollo....lng C6bfornia Probate Code WHlt•n Mulua Escrow Compeny. opened end read IOI est1m11ed oosls. up1n1ea ond W 111 lam M . C r Osby , 100 Soull1 Tu111n Avenue. P 0 Box INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUTERS lldY•noes 11 11111 llme ot the tnlllll Esquire· Farnell C rosby & ~750. C>f•nge. ca111orn•• 92667 and All bids ••• 10 bl 111 accordance publk;allon of this Notice of Salt Lo o' N ' ' Plac• lhe IHI d1y for ltltng Claims by any with Condlllons 1ns11uc11on1, and '6017 00 ng; Dt ewpor "• cre<1110• •"•II be Oc;tot>er 15 1982. Spec11tca11on1 whlc;n 11.re now on hie NoTICE TO NONRTY OWNER. lOtb Floor; Newport Beach, whleh 11 the bu11ntor.1 an> betor~ the 1n 111e ot1tc1 01 111e Puichas1ng YOU ~I IN DIFAUl.T UNOEll A C A 92880; (714) 85 1-%488. cons11mmet1on dlle 1pac1f1ed Olrtc:tor or Hid School 01slricl, OlEO Of TllUIT, OATTI> MAY 5, Publisht•d OranK<' Coast eb0¥1 18S7 Plac:entoe Sheet Coste Mesa. 1tl0. UNL.£11 YOU TA.Kl ACTION • Dated Sepl41f!1Det 24 1982 C1hlorn11 92627 TO "'OTECT YOUft "°""'"· rr O;uly Pt lot. &•pt 29. 30. C>l:t CCHIM>lld•lctd llltlautelll• No Bidder may w1111<1r1w h•• 8'd MAY eE IOLO AT A PUeLIC 6. H11$i ol Colllornll, IM. lot a porlOd ol rorl)l·h.-. (451 days • A L I . I, y 0 u .. I E 0 A N 431 ~-82 Oety E. Devit, Aulllotl.ted alttr 1111 dllll Ml for Ille ooening EXPLANATION M THE NATURE -------~""'.:""---Agent end AllOfn11 lllf thlflOI O' THI "'OCHDINQ AOAIHIT PUBllC NOTICE tnlonded Tranet11" Th• Boord of £Cluctllon 01 the YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A ----"'!'."'~'."'."'.".::.--::=~==-:----P\tbltslled 011nge Coast Daily Newpoll M111 Unllled Sc;hool l.AWYlll. FICTITIOUS eUllNEll Prlol. Sept 29 11182 OtttrlCI retefYIS Ille right to retect Dated Seplembef 14, 11182 NANI ITATEMENT 4311·82 ony or 1111 Bids and nol nooenortly FtAST AM ERICAN lM lollowlng pereon• er& doing •-------------ec;cept Iha 10-1 Btd and 10 waive TITLE INSURANCE CO , but1neu as. PUBllC NOTICE any 1ntormell1y °' 1rregut1llly in any -------------SfJl)tombllr 17. 11182 P\8.IC NOTICE • C1111ornl1 corp. IMAQE ELECTAONICS. 10061 Bid flc:91ved F1t7114 Don Ormerod, Tolbeft Awnut, 811111 201, Fountain IC..01112 N E W p O R T M ES A Publlthtd Oreng1 Co111t Delly Aulhoflztd Oftlc« Valley, Calllmnl1 927011 ,ICTITIOUI IUl .. EIS UNIFIEO ,tcTITIOUl llUllNEll PllOI. Stpl 211, Oct 6. 13, 20. 11162 114 EHi FUl'1 Slreel. Oonno Jorden L1v1ck, l!>H NAME ITATEMlfNT SCHOOL OISTRICl NAm llAn.NT 4300-82 Sanll An1. CA 92702 I Dover Drive. Newport Beech Th• lollowlng p111on It doing o 1 or 8 n g • co 11 n1 y . Thi rollowlng penons ore doing f7141 5S&.3211 Calllornla 92660 bu!llnen" C•htornit bu"'-... P\8.IC NOTICE Publlahtd 011ng1 Co111 01lly John Giibert l•v•cll ts 14 INNOVATIVE RESlAUAANT Ooio111y Hervey Fiah11, S 0 MA S ME 0 IC A L -------------1 PolOI Sepl 22. 29, Ocl 6, 19112 Dover Ortv1, Nowpot1 Beach SPECIALISTS. 30 UnlVlttily 0.Mt INOUSTAIE.S, ,920 E Ktlllla, Suil• flCTmOUI 9\Jl .. 11 4 t9S·82 CtHlornla 021160 H-2. Colle M .... CA 92627 CPM H, C>f11191, Calllomlt 92667 NA• ITATEMENT Thlt butlt1en 11 co11duCllld Oy EOWAFIO MAATIN MORRISSEY ~• Veit• Som, 970S Brook Th• tollowlng ~rson II doing ----no-.. -,1C-NO_T_IC-.[---hUSbond and wife 3 4S U11tv1r\1ty 01lv1. H-2 Cotti Purch1SJng ()r.ctClf (7 14) 76().3217 Be.y, HunllnglOll 8ttctl. CalllClfnl• bulllnOH.. ~~ Oolln• J t.eveck M• .... CA 92627 92M8 UNLIMITED ENERGY. 0 ---,N0..,...,,T""1c""E--O,...,,,,...,.,.,,.l"'PUQ--,....A-,,..,-ON--Thi• llolemenl WIS llltd with lllt Tllll buttflell 1' GOnd11Cled by Oft OA TEO Sec>t 20. 1982 Publlshod 011nge Coast Dally PolOI Sep1 22. 29 1982 JoHph Yg111tas. IS132 S811, Oakdale°''"'·'"'""· CA 927t4 TO llLl Count)' Cllfk of Orange County on tnolviduol G11den Qrove. Ctlllornte 92643 KENNElH M ZIEGLER, 49 ALCOHOi.iC lllVl .. AGH s.c>iamt>er 21. tOll2 Ed w • 1 Cl M 11 lt-11 41711-112 Thia butl,_. 11 conducted by 1 01kd1ll Drive, lrvlr1e. OA 92714. To Whom 11 May Conclfn Ftt7112 MOttt• .. Y -------------0-11 pertn«Shlp. This bulllnet1 I• conducllld by 111 MESAPORT, INC It appty1110 10 Publllll•d Ora11g1 Co111 Delly Tnlt "'"menl ""11 hied with lhtl PUBllC NOTICE Joseph YglfflH lndMdu•I the Oeptrlment 01 Alc;ohol•c Piiot, Sept 22. 20. Oc;1 e. t3. 1982 Counly Ctttll ol 01ong1 County Ot'I -------------- Thll 1111tm0n1 WH nltd wllh Ille Kenneth M Zltgtot B•vtilil Contiol for "4 1" ON 41117·112 StPllmb¥ 20 1062. flCTITIOUI eUll~ll COunly Cltltl ol Olllngll Counly on fhl• lllltmenl WU 1111<1 v.tth the s -------------1 f1'7AO NA• ITATI~ ....... t~w 1. 1982 County Clerk ot Ofanga Cown1y on ALE B ER 6 WIN[ (PUB EAT PL) MLIC NOTICE Pub11en•11 Or•n"• co .. t Dally Thi tollo..,;11g ""'90nl 111 dol"" -.. _.. .._ blr 2 19112 10 NII 11Coholtc; bevel.-11 799 • 982 ,.... .. .. Fte.27 .....,..tem . WHI 11th St1111, Coeta Miii, CA PK:TITIOUI eUllNl!ll Pilot. S~t 29, Oct II, 13. 20. I butiMU as Publlthld Or1ng1 Co1111 Delly ,,11774 0242' 4301-8: O(StRT ENTERPRISES, 111551 Pllol, ~I II, 15, 22, 29, 1982 Publi1hlld Oreng1 Co"I Oall)' Publ11n1d 011ng1 Co111 Diiiy NAMI ITATIMINT 1CE e.tcnrnont, Stnll Ana, CA 9270S 3933-82 Plk>I. Sept 8, IS, 22, ~ 11182 ' "" tolf()wfftg l*IOft• ... doing PUBLIC NOT WILLIAM E OSTERMlt.LER, 3114-82 Piiot. Sept 29• tllll 4305•11, DUIN~~· I! l 1 • '4 A y ~ & tc.OttlO JA . TNtlM of the OSTERMlt.LEA rt.ate NOTICE l'CfnlO'll WH lllAml'TATa•NT Tht loltowlng parson I• do1110 ~-NEAT THINGS, 714 E 89lt>Oo 81Yd .. 8'1bOI. C.lllOfnll 92661 Polrtcl• l<ly Smith, 30 Via Lido 80~!'.1....!'••PO•I e .. oh. P\B..IC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI .UllNIH NAllllll ITATE•NT fllt 1oi10 ... 1nc P•rton It doing bu91ntNlll SPITZE ENGINEEAIN<l, 1890 B1bcoek Slrnt. Cotto MoH, Catllornl1 92627 ------------i ASSOCIATES. 2050 Airway Ave ~TITIOU• IUllNIH IN1Tt.l',.7V9IVO•S33lAUST ~·'t'wApttl ..... tC Mftftltl.' o.e Coe•• M ... C•llfornl• 9262G NANI ITATlllllllNT 2 . 1• ' Lido ., ..... ~-. nu l'4 N..-l)Olt 8"ch. CA 92"3 A..tt>an John Lomelt, 1&94 8 E Thll loftowing Pf'IOllt eie dOlf\9 JOHN W HENGESH, Truat .. ,ICTITIOUI llUIMl8 Skyline, S1nto Ana. Cllilornll buslllff.1 H ot th• HCNOESH INTEA VIVOS u• eTA,...NT , A•IPh Anthony Roya. 22632 COTE d AtUA APMHMliNTS TAUSl dated Awgwet 11 t092 Th• tollo•lng P•flon ta do1no Stttdon. MIHIOll Vitro. 01111011111 3200 Park Cenl., OIM, Sullt t400 Ill&& 1 BelCihmont. Santi Ano, CA t>u•l'*lt os. 92801 CO.la Mesi, CA 92628 ll2fOll RAINBOW tot. 1U2 W•tton. Aon1ld Wltll1m Rttd, 13 OAON CORPORAltON. t Thll builneae tt CIOllduct.0 by 1 C<>tll M .... OlllfOfnl• 02020 E.ldtrwood, INlnt, C•h!orn11 027 t• O..•••r• corporeuon 3200 Perk 11 onnerllltp WHEREAS. the app11c1tton ol Leon BurtOll Mont~ lor CllenQe ol name nu ~ d\11)1 11..a with the -.,-o-u_A_R_E_l_H_Dl'..,,..,,...,,.,A....,.,Ul""T,,,..,.UNOE~"'!'."'R~A c:lelk of thl• Court. ond 11 fPC)llf1ng OHO OF lllUIT OAT·EO JULY zt. lrom Uld oppllt;t tlon 11111 .. 111 1lt0 UNLEllVOUTAKEACTIQN appllcant do1tr1 1 l o h1v• TO PROTECT YOUll "'OPE!Wf, P~~·P~~!·~ ~~~1c~~~n1t~lle IT MAY H IOU> AT A PUSL.IC 11 S A L E I F Y 0 U N I I O A N Av11111 MLIC NOTICE EX~ANATIOH Of' THE MATU"I! NOW, THEREFORE. II IS htrlb} OF THI PROCEEDINO AOAINIT ord•ld lhtl Ill '*'°"' mllfMtld YOU YOU IHOULD CONTACT A 111 Ille H id m1111r of ch1ng1 ol LAwYUl n1m1 •PPI" b1lor1 1111 obov•· NOTICI! OF "'UITIE£'1 IAL.E enutlld Collrt. In °'91 3 ll\lrl()I, TI No.,__, IOca1'4 et 700 Civic: Center Drive, NOTICE 1$ ·HEREBY GIVEN that Santa Ana on '"' 6th dey of Octo-on Wldolsdey Octol>lt 13. '1962 ~r . 111112. 11 lhl hour ot 10 30 ti 9 oo 0 clock • m ot ttlO day . .,, o c:loc* • m lhln •ncl Iller• to lhO• tl>e room 181 asida lor coneluctlni c11111, II any 1111y hove, why lh• Trustee'• S•ll•. Within 11'11 offices 0 1ppllc1t1on tor ch1ng1 of name RE A L E s T A T E s E cu RI T I u thOUl<I not bl granled SERVICE localed 11 2020 Notti IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a · s 206 c c:oc>Y ot this ordlf bll publlthld in Bro1dway, ulll · In the lly o tilt ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT, ~~nt11 ~r,~ r~~tyRoJ ~[a7s't ~~I~ • ,_IOIPI< of glllltal public;atlon, SECURITIES SERVICE. a Calltorn11 printed ono publllhld In 11111 dty of corporallon. 11 duly ippotnted Coste M111, County o~~ TrustM und111 and l>UflUlfll 10 tM on<:11 a ._.... tor '°"' f4J pow., o l 1111 conf1111d In lhet .....,, priOr to lhl Clalt •bOYI Mt certain Deed ot Trull llllCllttd bl! 10< '-Ing of Mid fC>Pllc;allon LOUIS W SM.ART and NORMA S DATED Auqusl 2~, 11182 SMART husband Ind wll• u Join FRANK F,;ENICHINI Tana.n11. recorded Auguat 26. t980 ~ ~ 111 Bool. 137t6of Officlll Recordso KATHA ..... A. MAIOM. HO. i;11d County e1 page 1561 IUOl,....Hllll.8M Recofdef'• 1ns1rumen1 No 319112 .... _ ........... •-..,_...__.._ by rNllOll of 1 breach or Oe11uu •~ en;;--..--.,._._,_ 1179 poyment 01 p11lormenc1 ol tilt Published Orengt Co11t Oelly obllga llon• ltOUlld th•rtby PllOI Sept 8 IS 22 29 1982 1nclud1no 1h11 brHk or delaull · · · · · 30$5..&2 Nollet ol whic h woe 11cord1~ March 17, 19112, 11 R1cord11'1 lnt1rum1n1 No 82·01130tS, Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BI00£R FOR CASH lawful ~ ol 11111 Unlled 811tea or a cashier'• chltil d11wn on 1 a111a or na110nal bank e s1111 or ledlfll ald•I unlOn, or • tltl• °' ledlrll .. vlngt Ind loin usocltllori domiClll<I In 11111 11111, all PIY•bll al 1111 llml or ""· oil right, 11111 Ind interest hetd by 11, 11 Tru1IM , in thll rHI p1op11ty lltut11 In uld County end Sii ... dHc1lb1d at lollOWI Lot 23 tn bloGk t3 ot 11••1 1ddlllon 10 N-port HlltQhll. in the PlllUC NOTICE FICTITIOUB ., ..... NA.1111 ITA TDmJfT Tlltt IOlio....lng pertons er• doing bu91ntU I S NEWPORl PETROLEUM FUND 112·1. LTD , 1111 Fuhlott Lane, ~ti 112, Tuetln. CA 92680 PAT H COCHRAN, 181 Fllhlon ~. Siil" 112, Tustin. CA 02&80 COCHRAN OIL COMPANY. INC . 1 Caillornit COfPO<tl'~. 181 Fllhlon l lM, Suitt 112, Tustlft, CA 92660 lht• bullMll •• conducttd by • llmllld peMnetl/llp Cl!y ol Newport 8e0Ch. County 01 011nge. Stoll ol C•lllClfnlt . " per tne mnp recOfded In book 4. PllQI 04 of Ml-ll1neou1 M1p1. In ,,.. olliel 01 Coch11n 011 Company • Pol H Coc;hf111. Prq, Thlt 1141-1 WU fllld wllh tht County Cllftc ol Or .. Coun~ on ~141fftbef 1, 11182 1111 County Reoo1der of nld County The 11ree1 addtlH or 0111ar common d111gn1tlon ol th• real P'OOl<IY htflll\lb0\11 0-lbld i. purported to be 2904 Cltfl Ortw, Newpo<I BNch, Callfomlt Tllo 11nd111lgn•d hereby d18Clalma •II 't11b1tlly for 1ny lnc:orr.CI""* In Mid a1r..i tddrMS °' oll\el common dttlgntllon. Sold u11 •Ill bl midi wlllloul wu11nty. •~Pttll or Implied, ragordlng Utt•, posuulon, 01 1ncumbr1nce1. to 1a11aly th• p11nc1p11 b1l1nct ol the NOit or othar obllgatton 1e<:ur1d by eald Oetd ol f1u11, with lnl•r•tt and other 1um1 H provld•CI thareln: ptu• 1dvanc11, II ony. 11ndar th• tt<mt lhll'tot and lllletMt on IUOl'I 1dvonc1t. Ind plus f-, c:horg11 tncl fllPtl\MI of the TNllll end OI lht trutlt crMtld by Mid Oeld or Tr11t1 The 10111 amount of u ld Ol>liQ8tlOn. 11101uo111g f"HIOlllbty t1Hmetod I•••· chorg11 and HPlllH• OI tllt Trull ... , II lht time ol lnlll•I publlc"lon ot thtt NollGI 11 $22.$19 ~ 01tld S19ltmber 17, IN~ AEAL EST A TE tlf.CUAITll!S 8ERVICI, at l 1ut111. Ft.-r JACICIOM, ICIOOIR 6 9UCICUNO AHcWMYI .. llW ...... ,. ... , ... .... • .......,C-.... Df. .._...,...._,CA_ Publltlltd Or1n91 CoHt Dolly PtlOt. SeJ>I 8. tO. 22. 21, 1W 3M7-82 ML.IC NOTIC( ITATEMIN'r OF AaANDOMMOtT Oft UUOP FICTITIOUt IUllMH NAM lh• lottowlng p111on "•• oban<loned Ille UM ol Int llCtltlOuS bullnffl ntml SOUTH COAST AAMY·NAVV SURPLUS SALES. 2484 N""'llOfl Blvd, Colll Melo, CA 91827 Thi f1Ctutou1 8u1l11H1 Mamo fllllfld to lbOlll 'Wll ltl•O Ill OflllQe County Oii N~t>tt t•. 1979 MICHAU. JE'ROMI! SHEllMAN. 1850 Park Ntwport, NIWPOU etocll.C::AUMO Thlt OVtl"-t ,.. .. c:<>Muc:ttcl Dy •nli'\dl~ ' MIChMI J SllOl'ITI~ Clllfomla R9N ' Tllll bUllf*I .. condueled Dy .,. lndMd\111. Mlc!l11ll Edward Ptlsltt, 15442 NHC8, W11tmlnt101. C111tornl1 02U3 Thlt l)utllltll le tondUCtOCI by lfl lndlviOutl tr~WeyneAlkenl t2HWallOll. lhla bu11nne 11 cone111e1oa b)' • Con1t1 Orlvt. 8ullt 1400, Cotta~ P Johll w H•llgut1. Cotti M9a. Catlfom a 92628 Ollltlfl l p1~1~thlp MIN, CA 0262t r By. O.J Mor0tt. 111 Prllkllnt • '"'' Ill.I--.. POnCIUCted b1 Ill R•lpll A A1ya Tiit• tlueinte• I• conducted by • IW-1• ,,... \SEMJ lfldlllldual Tlllt tltrtltlonl wtt flied With lhe OOfpantlOn 'ACICION. ICIOOt:R a IUCICL*O 2020 Norlll lfOl dw1y, Tlllt tl910fMllt •ot ~ w4111 lht COUlltV Clttk OI Of11191 County on Slpllf!ltltr 14 ttu Pe1tlc.la Kay Smith Thia .. ...,,.,. -llled wtlh lhl CowntJ Olettt Of °"'1QI eovntv on StpMml>« a. 1N2 , .... Pllbt11hld 0 1111r. COUI Ollty "'°'· tept. 8. 18. 2 • "· 1~~·•2 Mlell ... I Ptlt1Q Thtt llaltn*ll Wll f!Md With Ille CovnlV ~ ot Or.not County on "91emblf t3. tH2 Ftttm f>ubllahed Oreng1 Cout D•llr Piiot. Sept 15. 21, H . Oct. t . 1IU 4011 .. 2 t fl ll<tt W Allltn Coun1y CHI#~ OI Oronge County on O.on COfpor•l!Ot1 • ...,,..,_ .. l-SI.Ill• 208 Tlllt llllemtftt ... ~ with IN ~lfll'lblr a. 1082 T!llt 1t1lemtnl wtt hltCI with lhl .... t•M .... ,... .... 8ofll'I Ano. CA 112709 COUl'lty C*tt of Otenot Collnty °" ,. .... ~!)I Cwll of Orengo COU/\l'f Oii -~ C"'* Df Ttl 1n•1 tl3.a810 ~-20, tN2 P11bh1tled 011ng1 Co111 Delly 84CHlf'llbtr 11 IN2 ~ ......_ CA ...0 ftul)lltlltel ~ .. .,bot Nlws Pmnt Pilot gept Ill 22 ?9 Oel 6 IOU lltt?ta , 'i:ii-hd 0 Co••• 0111r ,f.,. COl'llOIMCI Wtlll the 0rllf100 PuDll•h•d Ot1ng1 COHl OatlY 4084-e:> P11bltallod O,.nge COul Daily ij II • rang•..... ....... COHI Olltt PtlOt ~ 22 " Oct P14ot •-22 211 Oct t 13 UN~ --------'"'Ptto•. s.ot 29 Ocl II, t3 20. 1N2 Pilot s.c>t 1 ti. 22• ""'• 1"""' 1 IH2 ' ' . • ._.,. • • • .;113-12--1<-11--1c11e 11em1 842-51111 I 430212 31M .. ., 11• .. ,._ .. ..,..., .......... -.....,.,. ce..-Or. ..... ~....-.c.__ P11Dll1ll1d Ot•ntt Coe•t D•llr !>'01. &tpt 1& U , 2:1, Oct I , llN .,'2 ... j J • P\8.IC NOTIC( PIOllllOUI IUIMH NAMl lTUa•10 u .. IUHQWUIQ 1-*Mlf'I• .,. ll(ijt"' 1.1\i•UIN.• .. AC.flON CONOUl-TIHO l(AM. 00 fltoepeoc;I 81 NeWJjlltl &N..11 CA 112663 ANTHONY C AOAPINAN 420 Pf~I II • H9wpofl IMKh CA 112663 ltAllCILLA PORllLl O AGAPINAN, 00 Protpe._I 6t ~pon 8-Hh, CA 112MJ Thi• bu11neu 11 conduCl•IJ by Hueband and Wife AnlhOny C Ag11pin1111 Thll llll-1 wM Ille<! wllh 11141 County Cletll of 0t•OQ41 County on September 3 1882 ., ..... Publllheo Orange Co1111 Dally Pllol . Sept e. HI. :12. 211, IH2 3905 &2 Plitt.IC NOTICE PICTITIOUI IUllHIH NAMI ITATSMINT Tiie tooow1ng per1on1 are dOlng lllnQIH HILL YEA'S, 2 Gretel Court. t 9ffc:h, Cemornla 02663 OebOrlh JMn Hlllyei, 2 Gretel Co I. Nawpor1 Beach Calltornl1 02 Alb• Nuvia Wallere. 2 Gretel Court, Nawpor1 Baac11. Ca111orn1a 921163 Thi• businau 11 conducted by • Q8llW al pa11nar1111p Deborah J HHlyer fhiS Slatemant wu 11180 w11h Ille County Clerk or Orange County on Septembet 17 11182 f1t 7711 Publl1hed Orange Coa11 Dilly P11o1. Sepl :?:> 211, Ocl e 13, 18&2 4205-82 Plitt.IC NOTICE f lCTITIOUI IUIMH - NAME STATIMENT The IOllOwing pa11on1 ••• OOlng bulll\811 H . EAGLE PA Al NERS, L TO • 3 Upper Nawporl Plaza Drive, Newport Buen, CA 92660 JACK J . JAKOSKY , 7 15 Pe10111e. Corona del Mar. CA 92625 A NICHOLAS JAVAAAS, 200 Tamai Vi Sia, No 190. •Cone Maoera. CA 94925 l his buslneu ls conducled by a limlled pertnerahip Jack Jakosily This slal81TW1<11 wU flied wllh Ille Counly Cle<k 01 Orange Counly on Seplember 3. 1982 ,, ... Publ11he<' Orang• Coast Delly Pilol, Sepl 8. t5, 22. 29. 19112 3951·82 Plitt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME ITATEMENT Tiie IOllow1ng parsons ere d0tng ousiness as AL lEANA TIVE DIMENSIONS. 28261 MarQUllf•la Patkwey, MIUion VlllfO. CA 92692 GLENN RICHARD POWERS. 14891 Adams. Midway Coty. CA 92655 THOMAS JAMES BETHMANN. 33036 Oolphln Courl. Sen Juan Caplstrano, CA 112675 This buslnoas Is conduc1ec1 by a general partne<Shlp Glenn R. Powers ThlS stalement WIS tiled Wilh Iha Counry Clerk ol Or1nge County on September 3, t982 F1*'1 Published Orange Coaal Dally Pilot, Sept 8, 15, 22, 29, 1982 'lQ"1'1,R:> Plitt.IC NOTICE F1cmioua austNua NAME STATEMENT Tiie following peraons ere doong buslneu u SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. I 7SO E Deere, Sanla Ana. Cahfornoa 92705 Paler 0 Finell, 20 t5 Diana Lane, Newport Be1c11. Calllomla 92660 Arlllur A Hall II. 3 1321 Voe Parra. S•n Juen Cap1S1r1no. Calitornt• 112675 This buSlness IS Conducled by a gene< •• Plrlne<ahlp Pe1111 0 Finell This s1aremen1 was ltlllO wilh itie County Clark of OrlnQe Counly'bri Augua1 11. 1882 f1M97• PuDlisheO Orange Coast Dally Pllol, Sep1 e, 15, 22. 29. 19&2 391•·82 Plitt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUSaU8'HIEH NAME IT ATEMENT The loliowlng parsons ire dolng business u . CASSEY ENTERPRISE. 17092 Lynn Street. Apt A. Hun11ng1on Beach, Calilornia 92649 David Rober\ Cauore. 1135 W 2101h, Torrance. Calllornla 90602 Curl Ramsey, 17092 Lynn S1ree1. Apt. A, Hunllnglon Beach, Celltornle 92649 lhls business Is co.dueled by a gene<al partne<Shlp David Robert Cesaore Thi• ••••amen• WU llled wtlll Iha County Clerk ol Orange Counly on Seplemt>er 20, 1982 F1177t1 Pubhshed Orange Co111 Dally Piiot. Sept 22. 29. Oc1 6 13. t9&2 8212·82 Plitt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSIMEH N.u. STATEMENT The follo"'ing peraon 11 doing buSlneu u . SOUTH LAGUNA CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 31643 Soulh Co•SI Highway South Laguna, Cll1lorn1a 92877 , Timolhy H Han<llln DC, 3t691 Wildwood, Soulh Laguna, Ca11rornt1 92677 This business 11 conducleo by an Individual Timollly H Handlin DC This 1talemen1 WU flied Wilh Iha County Clerk ol Orange Counly on Sepleml>er 20. 1982 '117777 Published Orange Cont Oallv Pilot, Sapl . 22, 29, Ocl 8, t3. t982 42011·&2 Pta..IC NOTICE flCTTTIOUI IUSINEH NAME IT ATE•lfT lha toltowlng pen1on1 are dOtng business u KIO LOVE UNLIMITED, 16-411 0 Iowa S1raa1 . Coll a M .... Calltomle 92828 KllhlHn Morey, 2038 Galaxy Drive. N-porl Baactl. Calitornle 112660 Anne McCulanO. 1ee11 O low• Slreat. -Coala Men. Celllorn11 02828 TN• buel,_ 11 conouc1ao by• u-11 pwtnerahlp Kath'-' Morey Thia •t•l-1 was flied wilh 11141 County Cl8r1I of Or1nga Coonly on Seplanlbaf 20. 111&2 f1tna Put>llahad Orange CoHt Delly Pdo1, Sep1 22. 29, Oc1 8. t3. tll82 421 1-82 • • • • • • • ' Tum your unuubles Into uuble c•stt.C.11 D•llYPilot clauifled '42·5671. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 g s 4 Orangu Coe I DAILY PILOT/WodnHdDy, s pt mb r 2e. t082 ClASSlfllD 7'1n1 mark...tplclct' 0 11 tir e <>ra,.ge ·"ast .64 2-5678 CLASSIFIED INDEX ft P!lct Yt111 Ad, Call 642-5678 HOUSES FOR SALE , • .,.,...1 "''"""'"'•"" li-100. ~ ....... . ...... ...., ..... lklfh f ortM• *' N•r tw••hu u.... '°"'' ~'""• '~••Jl'\•ll•) H\IMtflC'MA ~··h ......... ...... ._... tt-.,._ lACWM thlh W.Wt• "-ll~I .. , .. ..,.\,.,,, ~:r.::::.·:. '6aJw•1'C .,..,,,.""' :W••" .. ..... 111< .. ~ ~--• ••Yft• •fttrntNtn ..... HoftW\ '••• •mmm Ac'IU 6f' fw "-•• Ap..,tt,_1\1, '"' '41• "-"' ... , ... ,,, ..._,,,~,p,..,n, • f~l~,, 1..uh t·,,pe, t·='~~:~·~:'' llNI Ito' ltllf .... IOlt 11»4 I ... '"" '"" '°"' '"" u..-1 1161 , ... , ·-, ... II • '""" ..... ..... ...... fltal ..... If•) IJlt 1 ..... l\ll•J ,..,, " , .. ., I W .... ., . Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place ,,., t1t1t1 ...................... lOU.t.l HOUSIHO OPPO RTVHIT V Pui.llsher'• llttlot1 All roal Hiiie odverli1ed 111 11111 fl4twapaper 11 IUbjllCI 10 the F•der•I Feu Hou11ng Acl ol 1968 which makes 11 Illegal 10 advorlise "any praferen· ce. llmllalion or dl1C11m1- nohon based 011 race. color. ret1g1on. te• or n1111on11 011gin or any 1n11tn11on ro make any svch preler11nce llmlla· t1(>t1 or d1sc11m1nallon This newspaper will nol 11now1ngly accep1 any adverlisong tor reol eSIO· le which 1s 1ri v101a11on ol Ille law IJ. .. ~!!! .~1.'. !.•.'!....... '!.~~!!!.{~'.!.'.I!....... '!. .. !!!~ .~ .. '. !.•.'! ••••••• I/.~~!~!.~'.'.!.'.'!....... I/!.~!!!.~'.'. !!.I!....... 01•11 1111 lll1I• Q '1 IOOZ a I IOOZ •••••••••••••••• ~ ••••• .!.~~~~ .....•.••.•••... !.~~~~ ............... ~,,.,,. '•' lt•1 1011 L .. 11n1 IHc• 1041 11, .... ,, ,,.,, IOff I'"' l1t•t1 r~ •••• • ••• •• •••••••••• ••'•••••••••••••• • •••• •••• .-••••••• • •••• •• ••• E. 6 UH F111111 S11e Cop" Cod OCHMFAHT COM otJP1 f)I , •••• ~~.~!'I.~ •••••••••• LIDO llU llOIH J'rimt1 Lido Nord bayfrtint. 5 bdrm. ~ \fJ l~1th L~1· L H. :l bool 1llps $1,500,000. ,, R~·mod1•lt'I! :1 bdrm, :l buth t lurt{<' f('I' nn bt.•um l'1·1hngi., Curtililtu.'li. pitllOH $420.000. PElllllU HOIEI l'rtw Wl:l!t &y bayfront SllJ)ll for 2 l10a1J1 f\'moddcd 3 lxl,!"m, 3 bath $1.200.000 -+- Ol~an & JC•tly V1ewi; Marini· rooln, 4 bdml, :S bath. :!700 sq.ft. $1,38S.ooo Ot.-clfnfrum Liiii ISLE IAYFllOIT dream C<1ll1¥11. 2br, 2b• Now mobllt/mcxlulilt ell An11m111Jl11 tln1111c1nn c.I Trn<Jo 4 lt)I• ' 1011 Mia b48·'.l 1 l2, 8 3·4 7'6 dar coll•ge, lrplc. tlfl pvl lt<rt1d 011 1h111 1.w11..nrpo "on l llke& c c , Ptlm c,.11 lllH J024 II c II l 11 •~11I1.11111 r .. ry •ntomu 1>rr.r111rty &111111g• mt• p1u1 m•m· •••••••••••••••••••••• SGOO/mo 1 I '1'Y. 1r11 w1111 1111w • i111Jlll~ & 1.101n1 t.o1111111p '1 1011 Cretlllnt $65,000 400·3818 $:19!>,000 IJ44 7010 Ultlll ovterlOC)lllng I.aka OWHll WILL OAllllY FOii 10 YH/ 13% Wllh 20% down you can 11"10110 1n10 1h1' lov•ly 4 Bdrm home freshly C1&1n1eo in 4\nd oul Ter rlllc locallon A1k1ng 1147.000 For appolnl· mt n 1 t"o • e e ca II 6410· 1151 -.... HERITAGE O,"'M MOUSE 2 I LIHO llEAL ESTATE ""'ll"'Y 101 dwn pay· a • m1mt cm 11ouaa, N-Porl. TNUllS SEPT. 30TM LIDO ISLE c M 11111d 836·5011 Exocuuve homn 11 op l~C'.lll!ngo (quily in YOUR PO• tumly prtc11a P11c,41~ C11n only be lpprtK.11110<1 """ Cl• c.ondo for l urtle rOilod back• by 11 vo•ll '.I hdrrn 4 rock Home Equity $90, 12 tll Emerald Bay St, IJlllhs den 3 cJr QHllQl1 000 Good eaaumable 925.000 Aomut•rgor <J1111g11 Ru loans 811 Emerald Bay $)2:> diam llt'Oling 'l plll!O• GOLOEN PROPERTIES 000 Bv111 1n t10rttg11 plu~ 7!>2 1580 7 14 Emerald Bay S52!> many .. monlllH on 60 000 IOI $675.000 UDO ISLE MIME Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 balh, playroom. l••------- dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000 . • REALTORS Call otllce lor adm111ance 1hru 011• lldll Counlry French. 1320, 000 1qu11y tor??? Cell l ony Webber al 673 7300 IAYSllE PUCE Spt.>t:t.acular bayfront dphc 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spac:t.'S. Reduc<od $1.500.000 FlllllAllS llllCH , .. ,,,. .. St. J bdrm. 2 bl Sep din rm Covered pa r1 0 Adoms and Harbor oea• everything S 135.000 963·0383 IG llC.0.- i._..-c..l'illlll 171414'4·1 177 Lido Realty 673-7300 LIDO REALTY IHI E111tt Weal•' ZIOO ··············•··••••• W11n1 to buy a houael Uupl .. t'' \ "II\ )i.41• uw~tut. "91"r .. IA<Omir YtAUfttt IM-..tt1•lt't~th lAA•lut ~I• :!::: ---------~ New •I hr, 4 V.. ba, cu:i1tom Frcnl'h Normundy Est.ate 1 2 pnmt> acrt• hilltop $1.250,000 HUllT&IHRS DELllllT VIEW! VIEW! BEAUl IFUL LY OEC.0 ~!l.".'!~.~fl.".!L.!.~~~ RATED Sauv1ew home R1or1rno over? Facing tor&Glosure? Need a way ou1? C811 Barbara. prova- 1 e pany. all 5 ·30. 8•2·8902 McAHI~ """' Trlr l"r~ • MlNn&n ,,_,.,, Mfl'\M/f ~,,~':,,., .. ,~~\It~ (NI ~ \ht• ~rjfV R•ncM\ t •tm'll (''"" • ltul Y..Alalf' ).,< han•• M•1I lA'•f• 'A '"'wt IENULS uw .. ~ tvt"•'lhf'd ~ .. " l ttfwrnt\hf4 Kw\41'' turnut l nf rQIMk,nu1~u~m .. t '"" ('onckM'fhl'l•Wn• .. t nt To-n~"'' .,v,_, "'To.n"'"-;\nl "' ~W•nt"''" l>t,,p,lt-•f\lnt ~~· Aph lAfvrn Aph t llf•A •• I "' Ht.:Mn"' kCi!Om a. Kv•ttl tkffh .. 111(rh Cw,111.-...,...,. .. ...... "''"'' " ..... , ,.,•hon M .. ,.,.1.,, •r••h to~., ... c ...... ~ ,Ulf tc..nt Offt<"f' M•"4•1 8'1R_.... ... "'"''' l~t tfl M•M•I :::..-.,: .. MHf'd ... ~ ......... IUSINCSS. INY(Sl MDIT, FlllANCC :::~:~: ~~~· .... '""'mt-"' Oppoirt " IMf"\tmfAI ~.Nf'd .. °""", 101...1 .. " MOfW) 'Ii •nt"9• MortiU*'• T'->' ANNOUNCEMENTS, rmONALS & LOST & fOUNO A~rm...nt\ t:., ,_. 111•1 N1,C1t•' ~•• ~uund '''"Of\•h· Sc. •• 1n .. ra• Tu•~I· SEIVIC£S "" .. ~ 0.tf"CIOI) CMrt.OYMENJ & ,.ErAIAJION "...-.... .. 1~Jr.,,,1~ J_.. ... ,., ...... . .... , •• ,_. ........ t M£JCNANDIS£ l••l....C• ""'-._"" A ........ "°'*•""tt AW1MM ::i:.:; N •Uft•f" C•MPr •• 6 t qw..ftlWA\ c ... <.: • .,,.p; .. "' °"' ,,...... s. v ... f\luwhtH Gauc .. s.i. -............. ,.~ .. Jn...t,..,. "'"'""°"' M9f'''"..,' Mt)t'f'ltl "°""" .. M1v•1l•~'I ._ •ntrd "YW•l 11'1'1UU~ftt'I Hlfll<'f '"'" 6 t q•1., Ptih P1~6CH••"" Y••"'C MetAllW>'I Spot'\•,.. fjOt.Jld .. Slort-knuur•nt b•r ~~·r..a.o ..... " .. ,to\) BOATS & MAllNE £QUIPM£NJ CtfWUt &>.u M•1"4 1\f'r~•,.. eo .. \l•r•M tq1.11p lloau Po.ft Roah ... "' ( ~.,. ... , ~~., ~Sl·~Uorll .. ftolll, Sprf'd. ~. lkMt .. .s. •• ,.., TaANSPORTATION "''"'•"-' • .,pn-~ -.... ... tt .. "4 fl"1rw • .,. ~•w11om ... ._or-Cydn k•tn• Mdwtt•_.....,.,., Rrn• Tr••N-n 'Tr~ .. rt Tni""" t '*"'' AwtoS,,t .. tO ... _,,, lUJOMOSILE .....,.., .. Aftt.Ma~ll• .. "'•" llf'fr~•hoft \ f'h•t lo Sp.1" ···~ ... .,,, •• ,...,.IUfHO fh11rh \-A\llolA•""~ " ......... "·~· AUTOS, IMPOIJ(D (,"""r•I 4.11• twnwv """' A~l1•lt••l•t HM• l•.~ ""-'''" o.t--... ~ ~tff•'• •••• ,.""" .. J .. ~_,., J•n111•n t-.•rm..nn1,ft14' u...-..... :lildd• >h-ht.'lt·,kf.01 lfl> MCH U.-1 ,.,.. .. , .. ··~~ l''Wf"'6fw Jh ft4wll ~l•K¥l'1• ""'" lw•• ... ..... , .. r.,ut. rr1um.,trrt \'@lb••I"' V•ho MITOS, lllW .,_.,1 :.iw , .... JV•t l\~J .'WJ ll!AI J .. AJ ,. .. ERRORS: Advertl· sers should check their ads daily and report errors im- lYlLOI t-'1.-e simple l'Oltage on quiet Dcscanso St 1''luts). $145,000. (In m e d iate 1 y . The ~ DAILY PILOT as-COllOIUO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront 10 1. 11~· boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370t000 w /terms. u. ""' sumes liability f9r ~ the first Incorrect ~~ 'nsertion only. ;:: ................... . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR JIQ) .... ...,,, -"' .. ,. Qlll U'R .. lb> llW ·~ . .... 4).>Q .... Q ...... ]41 8o y,•d~ Or•v"' N 8 6 /~ 6 10 1 '!.0.~!!!.~0.'.!!l! ••••••• ::::::::::::::::::::: le.I £11111 .•.••......••.•....•.. Ot11t11I I 002 .............•........ SAU 011 LEASE 3Br 2°,Ba TERINA MO· OEL IN EAST BLUFF Wlll TO Obi oven, lrplc:, dshwshr comm pool 833-9167 TllE P&lll! dys. 759-13 t8 eves. Great 1am11y home. 1uS1 2607 Vista Ornada recenlly redecora1ad 1n Owner/:gt. 3Y •. and oul Big. big rc>oms. ::==~==~~~ country kolchen, bul mo· dern Upgraded baths. bog covered palio Walk 10 lhe schools, ale • etc !.-i6-2313 HllCHH NOME ACClllATE PlllCE IEW HIUH OM IALllA ISUH First time llSled Char· ming nr new 2·11y tr· ch11ec1ural gem 4 br. lam rm Ouallly design & decor 1hroughou1 De· signed tor guesl qvar· 1ers Priced 10 sell $595.000 Selitf fin 144-4110 ftAYLOR CO I;_;_:_ • ___: - - --·-•• ) IHI VEllH Boautlfully remodeled 5 Bdrm plus huge family room, tan1ur1ng French doors and windows. all new kllchen, proleSSIO· nally landscaped lronl and back will'I ex1enslve use ol brtck Ouallty de· cora11ng 111ruout TERRI· FIC FINANCING AVAi· LABLE Asking $239. 000 Fof an aPfll to 9ee, call 540· 1151 ~-HERITAGE . • REALTORS ---- ASH•E LOW IUEllEIT U I I Owner w111 holp finance super 4 Bdrm. e•cellenl area• Only S 132,500 Call now 979-5370 .\'{ >ll/ 1lf.·1f Mf .I,•' \ "11 \o f ' f¥f .... f C., I IY OWIEll/I Hiii THE REAL ESTATERS Big Canyon (Mc Lain) Tasteful upgrades. gor· geous appointments. as- sum1ble 11% loan Se· curlly, serenity, swim· mong & 1ann1a $320,000 UPlllllVUI: 11V1'tl: LOOK Realiors, 675-6000 Approx 3200 sq II. 3 b•. MINT COlllTIOI 1' 2 cor gar San1a Ana Beautllully landscaped & Hg11. across from Coun· mai ntained 4 Bdrm lryClub 145K 5410-8062 IEIA DEL llll VILLE DE CEil.SE on IU51l gordon se111ng w1111 panor(lm1c view ot BEAUTIFUL OCOD9' city llghl5 and OLD WORLD cousl lino ?1115 fine 3 BR TOWNHOMES ex111.ul1ve home foolures By Howard Mark Co gorden 11111um & country from $159,000 kllchen wllh breaklasl 495-3244 760-9355 a1ea Proced tor lost i;ale An11a Schandel S449 !'.'!t!!!.!!!!~ ••• !.~~!' 000 64" 6200 REIUCED . StG0,000 Builder's loss M UST · SELL Buy lhis BRANO NEW 4 Bdrm 3000 s I l•--------mas1erp1ece tor only S349.000 on Newpon Beach CALL TODAY RAE RODGERS . .. RVM* USOLUTE STEAL Gorgeous 3 Br home w/ PYI yrd, pulling green and many exlras Try 10% dwn For details call Palr•ctc Tenore , 760-8702 REDUCED $130,000 N EWPORT BEACH VIEW 4br POOL nome on FEE LANO All you can asll tor 1n lh1~ OUA· LITY HOME SACRIFICE al $495.000 RAE ROD GERS. 631· 1266 HAlllOll VIEW Pay closing cos11 lor your 1n 4br wllh over $!>0 000 on upgrades Darrell. Agl R'IMAX 759·1221 R,nt•I• •....•.•.............• Ho11111 F11111J161' •••••.•••..•.....•.... C1nt11/ 31 OZ .••••.••••.......•.... NEWPORT Oceanfronl large lurn 3 Br yearly, lower unol $850/mo ALSO l<IYely .. pec.ou:s 3 Br upper unll S950tmo yrly Call Sharon Jay al Walerlront Homes Inc 673-6900 or 646-0478 eve 11/bo. ,,.;.,,11. 3101 .............•.••••••• 4 Bdrm baylronl w/dock $-4000/mo yrly 0< SJOOO winier Avail 10/ 1, J.ll. PllOPElln MAHIEIHT 116-1113 LIKE NEW, 3 bd. 2 be. lrplc. pauo bbq. wtk lo t>ch $800/mo 675-5383. f!I.~'!~.~!~.~~ •.. !}.~! Cozy Laguna Beach llSe, close 10 l>Cll & dwntwn Furn or uni. S850 mo Cali 213·540-3953 ----For our new regular .... ~~~~~~~~ weekly loalure BOAT SHOW- CASE Will TO IUCll Only S160,000 for thoa 3 B drm 2 Ba home w/ sundeck & frplc. Assume 0 25% loan and owner will carry 2nd T.O. Won't IHll Call now 831-7370 home. Great corner lo· calion w/exlsllng RV ac· cass. Owner wlll aas111 wlflnancing Full price s 142,500. 751·3191 Unbelievable terms• OWC lSI Remod 3 br '" ba tam rm Owner needs a deol Probate ILUFFS IAllHIM 4brFl2~~~a '!!~~245 ~!!!t!!!.~!~!~ .•. !.'.!! You own lhe lond 2.000 000 Chuck Spiller agl LIDO ISLE 3 bdrm. lam .... nn lllQ ;tl<N """" WJll ltll) ----...... """ 00<) ---~ -'''" -_, Q I ....., -.. 1 .... . ., ---- tuw ti» .. JO .... tlll ... "'' .... - 11tH 'il.O 1l'1i ..... 1:1. Jll.1 flit J'l f '··' ,,., Ito lfr. Bier 720· 1101 sq II . 3Br. tam rm. 2'1 RE/MAX 631•1266 rm •Ba SHOO mo Bo wide Green bell near -- -Every Sa1urd1y In Iha Dall Pilol Cltsslfteds IEW COllO ~~~~ ~ ~:f~a':!r~:~ Mobil• Hoaei j ?ci~~~~~1,,,20 bde~i .0 low. t1on Bkr 6.C.--0134 Fot S1J1 1100 Grundy Rllr 675-6161 c,. Crest EstatH CLOSE OUT • FINAL!~~~~~~~~ ·····o··c·E·····F··11·0· •• , ...... •IAYFlllllT* 3 bdrm, 2'~ ba •own. SALE 2 & 3 Br 3 Ba lvx. ESTA house Glled POOi, ten· Tf llOIE NC'w mob•l,.lmodul1r ce· TJUDITIO\;\L RL\LT ' IOAT SLIP nos, 1•c • nun• Sllop· ale All am.enillet Ne•• Back Bay area. 3 Br 2', oar co11age lrplc. on pv1 OPEN IAILY 1·5 pmg Minu1es to beach door 10 all shoppinX & Ba 2500 sq fl Secu111y bell Leo5e•and S600 mo 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 Yov own land $240.000 lhaaletS 7141631•50 5 gale prova1e communlly I 1 •°'• onl S65 000 bdrm • 2 bllll NOW 1 ·--~--~---Assume 12% loan Bylg .. ,;.,,°" I $395,000 5·~ Down Woll 499·38t6 REDUCED TO S489,000• I' ~ 764)..387~ •-, .. :a.. /IUO wnsldet llades. etc_ BY OWNrn Irvine The .llT ll.Y1.ml *1.11 ,.r •• * -•• .,... Armllage Really "' 11/i... Id••' JOOf1°0 •••••••••••••••••••• 714-544·2•84 Grove 5 beau 2 REALTOll/IWIEll 15 •II you pay When you •••••••••••••••••••••• II TllE SAii l>drml2t>a dble gar UC>· *ll•·tlll* lakeover exlsling loan on CHARMING AEMOO 3 la•k Ftrtclt11trt • graded S69 000 On • thll b11ghl and a Jry Br+toftTrade/l .. Oj)I for ' OOITRAOTIRS r1r Greenbell St tOOO dn 1own11omel F81turlng 2 duplex °' nll 673•8585 2 atory 2 bdrm t ., ba 832.g 199 N••• · 2700 ~. Ft. Office • 1200 s,. Ft. slorles. 3 Br. masler Slit· --u beac11 -Condo co-op le w/balcony & 2 car CorHI ,,, ,,,, 1022 Pool sauna weight sn1,100 garage Prteed to sell et •••••••••••••••••••••• room sub parking ~!!.t.~ .':!!l!!tJ: •• !.~~~ O• let 120X 120. $250,000 $129,500 759· 1501 or S.••if Yt11r Offer Oc81n and Pier View 752·7373 Home+Guell+lnc:ome Listed •• S 160,000. S65, * MESA YElllE On lhe golf course Custom beaulllul 3 Bdrm home. many. mony U · lras $279,500 wllh 10% down owner wlll carry at 12' ,.,,, 1n1eres1 ~ I Walker G Lee OWC ISi • Flea Terms 000 under morkal Ali 509 Acacia CdM nr bch cash or new tin Greal Spolleu Vacant Ovplex opp'y tor someone who Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3be can eel last Agen1 '440K own/bkr 845-7048 !>31·8100 Ask tor Jim . 1 R1glle1mer CLOSE TO OOHI lloy loC1rlfl1, llltr. 541-1121 MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY ~ .... 111111111 YI ll•ES The popular "Carmel" model Three bedrooms New carpe\rng Spacious paho Luxurlanl garden Property In top condo· toon $268,500 TRADE .... your boring 1nc:ome pro· perty or oulgrown rHI· denoe Wllh large equoly tor this neat rusllc and roomy 41 bdrm 3' • balh home wllh 180 deg ocean view In we,lk 10 beach Corona def Mar locallon AEDUCEO TO $475,000 wflll 11 75% int 144-1211 MANSION 111 • 1300 Superb con11rucllon • BRANO NEW 'Hear1 ot ~ exQu1S1te decorating Orange County" Town· ~ 8000 sq/11, 2 acret. homes· Luxury 3 bdrm speet1cu11r viewr Seclu· homes beaulflully d•· Thinking of 1 n-home ded Lemon He1g111s • signed, quality bull! ·and tor spring? S.. the many Norlh Tu111n Hills area financing now lhal you llsting1 In today'• c......_ surrounded by 0111er 1us1 won't believe• Call lied columns 642-5878 gre11 as1a1e1 now Br1ndywyne Pro· 1!-••t•I i-• 12.150,000 pertles II. 531·9670 -_.., lllck Altltr•ff• •• • •••• • • ••• '••• •• • ••• RHllor/Devetoper 731-4444 731-5115 No money down, no qualtlyong own your 11ome on our unique shored apprec1at1on Ii· nancong We have 5 homes 1n Hun1 Beech 3BR 2' tb8. 1600 IO 2100 sq II PaymonlS from $1200,lo Sl600 mo Call George Brooks Mon thru Fri 7 14/&91 ·!1556 lni111 I 044 •••.•..•......•.•...•. IWIEll IOTIVATH! Fanlasllc buy 1n lovely natght>orllOOd Eaoellenl 11nanc1ng Or'lty S127.500 Call now 970-5370 \ { : ·I l Ill f.. ,, Ut & '• \ '"·l ·~t~'\ •• DUE H SAU tor expansion Loc111ed 1n Newport He1ghls area Two assumable loins For more 1nforma11on call Ooro1hy, Own/Agt 714/IH-IOOO WESTCLlfF By owner. choice qule1 1oco11on 3 bdrm. 2 bo Pool home. 2 sep fenced yards Reduced S20K p11ced for quick sale Ask1no $240,000 flexible Call 645-7534 IEWPORT IEACH Older Ovplex near 451h SI NB 3 br 2 bo upS1air11 2 br 1', ba downstairs w111 sell as is tor S700. 000 or will build 10 su11 tor $875.000 & up (plans & approvals oblatnedl Armitage Really 714-544-2484 Duplex on lhe sand 301h SI NB Newly remodeled 1n and oul 3 br 2 ba upstairs 2 br I be downs1a1rs Mrn 10•,, down owe balance al 13 9•,, tor 5 yrs Grell ror summer ren1als $735. 000 Armitage Realty 714-544-2484 FOllECLOSUllE s1eps to the beach D•1lue1/ 0own payment negoua. U•it1 for Sile 1800 ble S t79.000. Carl. •••••••••••••••••••••• t 159 122 t SIPEll TU SMELTER FOii lllYHTORl!I San Clemen1e pnde ol ownership modern Spa· nlsh Slyle 4 unit apl EUIAIT MPT MME house wolh ocaan1h11is & 0 F • • golf course v-Close wntr ••••o••C to every1h1ng only 3 12.6'9 I years old & shows like 4 Bdrm 4ba. 3 car gar NEW' New owner could RV access. 2 trplcs MuSI occupy 3 Bdrm • 2 bath See' clly & ocean voew apl 11 MULLAN ALTY 540-2960 applicable & renl lhe ASK FOR LORI other 3 aparlmanta tor Be11ut1lul llome for qual<· I 1t"d per sons gr &elOIJS Ii· vin o S2500 mo ise 675· 15JO Connery. Vrllage Mobile Home Park. 2 br 2 ba pool "'o pets Close to shops & res1auran1s S700•mo yr1y 673-3685 1·525· 16'8 1-772· t80 t WESTCLIFF 3 bd 3 be . near park schools, shopprng S 117 5 mo 642-6602 Hou1t1 V•l•r•l••H .••.•.......•......... Ctner•I 3202 ..••.................. llHTALS Yeer1y-Waekly-W1nter. 2. 3 4 Bdrms JACO IS llEAL n PROP MAIAIEIEIT 111-1113 llew,ert/2 lttr• W1lh panoramic views Orive by 2001 Kings Ad and call for details S7001mO layfrHfl fMr•. Drove by 161 I Bayside Or Ava11 now. lg dock 3 Bdrm ... 11am rm Ou11t1nd1ng loc1toon S30001mo ...... 1 , .. ,,, Good things come In lhree s OceanllleW from 011 rooms three Slory home one house lrom beach 3 bdrms 3 balhs ond 3 garages St250tmo l1rtr11H/U.t•r•. 2 Bdrm plus loft tn ex· cellenl locollon on Ed· gewoler S 1200/mo ~t, .................. , REDUCED TO $249,000 Cleuse In lhls freely 111- sumable $ t63,000 loan 01 t3% Trade your pre· sent home Low down or ??? This qualtly home Is Iha LOWEST PRICED Turtlarock Homa w/ POOL & SPA at only $285,000 .EST .u-Y --1 income Seller will help I finance & SAVE buyer EAST SllE thouunds ol dolleral REDUCED solllng price HURRY on this 8 vr I o t S295.000 oo Ja way Nf..W HOME 3 t)I, I r BELOW cvrrenl roplace· REOUCEO S26K $169. 1 ment coSl"I Prlnc1pals 000 ONL VIII Call owntr al Weterlrut llt•u hie. 131-1400 Jfj;) nw .r .. .... "' .... •?Mi ~1•1 •1• YI.., .. .., mo .. a, ., . ·-/TOI ti.a ml "'"' tlil .... COLDWeLL , llANl(C!R tl ,._,,," ....... ., .. ,._ .. l IAYllDllH UH,000 I Prime location, steps lo prl11at1 t>eechea Fabu· 1011• pottnllal for your drHm home In dHlreblt bayfront commvnlly Otn plus 3 BR 144·1ot0 For Ad Action CaR a DaMy Pik>t AD· VISOR 642·5678 ON NEWPORT ISLAND Appeallne 3 bedroomtru. ct.n cotlegt. OwMr out of area en It deepef'att to Mff. WHI tt.lp flnanc•. Orf¥• br 4M 40th St. and call for d•tallt. '31·1400. \\ .\ 11 Rf RO' I IHl'll ._ "1 Ill \I I fill' .......... '••· .. ·~· ........ ,. "· ...... -... . J.t h•' .......... . '* • .,. ......... .. u·, "•'•'" \u M.th-. I ...... 173·1900 '::~::.· S@~cl\~-~t.~s· ,_...,OAf t.,__ ·~=-= ... ~-~. :: .... •• 1 ..... ,_,,,.... _ _, HE H PE W I I I' I I ------- I L 0 D H Y I j I I I r I J I· S P A Y H I ~ I I My neighbor. wlll "°"" o•• m11ootct Who would 111ve narw .,iouo11 10 muo • g11y whO welkl 1ro11no wltll a pat GOLOEN PROPERTIES 752·t589 ----Rancho Sen Jo1quln. oulalandlng 3 BR 2 Ba on goll covrH Lge H · tumeb•e loan. $25.000 By ow ner 760-8708, 875-2144 -----IESPE"ATlll SAU! el o wntt G111e me S K·take ovtr pymtt 39r 2ba, Walnut Sq Wiii conaldtr 1ny dt•I 875-1018, 857-4916 CAlllUDGE IEWPOIT S 111,I 11141 000 842-0138 TRY $20K dowl\ GOR· 1 GEOUS 3 br c:ott1ge l•rt•I Prourtr ZOOO ASSUME $120.000 flfll •••••••••••"·-··'00•••• ~~-~2e: o o GER s , 100~ LHSH Prnne COfner locauon on Segerttrorn 1n South San11 Ana Approx t5 1 300 sq It 1nduS1rtal -========..._ bldg leased 10 5 quallly If OWIEll ttnentt Pride ol ow· 3 Bdrm 2 bl Monico narshlp $1 040 000 At Fet Many upgrades trlC1I~ ttrmt Home S1v1ngs 12'• ,,,,. CISTA MESA r1abl• 1250 ,000 20.000 tQ fl 1111 up bldg 6.C.-6•26 dlVide<I Into 4 unrts LO· MOHL on. ot ·~ moet liVlbfel• ................ . pl1n• In Vlll•o• II 31 IHfllDMT W/PIH caltd on 1 4 ecres wnh 11mp1t park•oo No long term lt•IH $050 000 owner will 11an1nct borm1. 2 b• Laro• llVlng f oday·a barottn, tOMOf- room Terrllic l~IOOfl • row's lrtaSYrtl Nice big tno uni\ Ofl qv1t1 o•Hn· llVlng room wllh t•r•P••· ball I 149,000. ee, big m .. ,., bOrm with .. llrtploce and dining roon'I. On quiet centf 1350,000. 142·1200 HOPPlll OHTIR High vlalt>lllty cOt!\tt on WHI 19th Slrfft .,ully ocevpltd 1trlp ctr1'tr 11\owlng an excellent rtntal rtturn OW~r wlll lln•nct 1477,000 L H '•'"' ,,.;.,.,. JZl1 ···············••·•·•• l Bdr 2 Ba. yard. no pets. 111a11 1011 11000/mo. J.11. '"'""" IAHIEMHT 111-1113 -----Co11n• '•' ll•r 3U2 .............•.......• 2 Br 2 B• Condo, 2 car garage 2 b lock• t o oc••n w /d relrlge S895tmo 640-53241 QUIET locallon 2· Br. 2 ca• gar , 1 block 10 t>••c:h S 1000/mo 675·0~40 N"• :!Br· I'' be tn dpl5 Ll11lng rrn w/lrplc, 1un· deck. g111r , so ol hwy S6S01mo 32311 ~ark· IPVf 536-1453 lllltcdye Br And Ip Inking (ll'# 111'1- ryWlltr• 3 l>Otm, 2'~ bt. Garage petto $1,000 mo 601 Irle Open Stl 11\d Sun 84 1·4818 or 177-2233 To 1)1.c. your m .. uo• btfore tilt readlno public, phOM H 0 G 8 U T __ ., What t Wondtrlul World of Shopping, right ti your fln~rtlpa ...,erydayl 0 c........ ,.,. ,~ ... ~1. ""°'9d Otlly Piiot Clanlll•cl .., ''"':1 oft ,.,. ... ..., _., I I I' I I I r Ad•. To l>ltct your eel, .,..., .,. • ._ ,..., -Ne ' "-'- PETE BAR Rm . y C7141 67>04400 12u1 uwn• HAftBOR ror Ct11t1fled Ad ACTION Call 1 01lfy Pllol AO·VISOA 642-MH Dally Piiot ~li.d • .-2.5479 ntNI ~•oto um call e<t2·&e78 l hd lt1 • • 0 IN I' r I' I' I' r I CfHtlfltd A<l·Vlaor ..... , ,. IWI SI lQIJAt!S l~~~~~~~~~l~Y:°":-::::-.-::::-;--:::;--;: 6 11Nd~1 AIOV( unni I I I I I I I Mall• your efloPPlng ... Marcil to )'O\rr pfle>M lo ,• Oi\l'lltin c11 '-======== l~hot> at home II'• euy Find wllt l you -.ent In 10 r ' ANswu 1ltr ob'( uelng tht Delly piece • fut·tetlna ce ... 1 ... ~ t• - __________________ .,._:wlt:.:1t.::.:...:1'1c:1::•=·=•'::..:'ltd=-&4:::2:.:;:·H::.:..11::..J.=D=•="=-=VP=ilo=t=Ct= .... =='ltd=g llUll-Lltl .....,. .. ·~·~ ... ~~·~ .... ~~·~·~·'...l~Pllo~l~C~ .... =::.:m:.•d ;.A .. ~d!:.... • ._J.:1 =ll=fl.o==.0=&4===2·=M=l7=1 =-==Jl!~llJ~l~IJ~Or.1n.'-'"•tm-···.·1~o·Jl~Cl=:•~~~--~,..,~Ad=•=l4.=2=·"=7•:.. , i \ 1 .. 08 Or•no• Ce>a•t DAIL y P ILOT/W edn•d •v. -the Compl te Orange Coast Market Place '!.'.~!!!. ¥P!,.1!'.'!~.~ •• ~~~Ht P!'.it'1.{1!~.. ,,.~!fl Jp/~!!'!~.~.. ~r..~'~!~!!.!1!!.'!t'.'. ~'!!f!P!!. &.~.'!A~ A"U.'i··:· '" A,.,, ... ,, A,,,,.,.,, ~ .. ~~ .. , ... !!. ~~.'!!.!.~~ '!!!!~~ .~!~!t! .... '-~~ Ct111 "''" 3114 D•H l•l•I Jllf i-u• ._.,, JIU 111.,. Ii/HI J1H ,,,, .. ,, ''"' '111 •••• ,.~,.!...... ..... . .. !~!~!~!!~~ .......... ~~!~!~!!~!!. ....... M1••• ut.1 g11d 1111111et11 IUfllflL •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• :;r•••••r.f••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••:•••• ••••'"•••••••••••••••••It • •llf 0••d• ~ fem rmmtt llWPll" Olllll Supremely ••yl4Hl 'lllth IUO• 01n&11 lu1ury 38f w/llb N ~ 2 Uflltl. 3 Or 2 De On• Of1 QCUNJ.AONl taro-tf\CI• t~!t.~!!~ •••••• t~ .•• ,,., ,,,., ''" ,,,, .. ,, .. .,. ,,,, ~o "7 , .. tlll t·•'"ut .. Ur ' i..11uty l11go'181a11 h V 1•1 bCI .. •1 weltr f lOOO I Cl & d9fn30r 26• Nopeta •••••••••••••••••h••• ••••l"•t ............... '1 v ...... " Wllh 1 •• WITH r1Ae.PlACE 2 II . we" 0 " • "' N[W Oft ~D APUS 3 tld. 2 ., •. Oteln YlllW, 3 Em 7 8• <>t.•1111hon1 IOwrthOOMI Ill Ul\1\1 Prli UH 0 '"""'on t'"~ 8ma11muv1nchl bd1m 7ba S700petmo 404 6841 wkdy• •rt 8 & IOOOl mo A11111 now l Av•ll now ~o June 14 Oach & t Odrn1 wllOtl d1hw1hr,et.e1ppl.tl\clly HI& w1111e1 111~0 yrly 1111 5'7!>11110 o11 01y1 wn1 'Uo"' kilt.h PhOOtJ (l 0 Ill TY 11311 700 Avoll llOW Call Peggy Wkfldl 1eo 1977 1000 873 G 40 rru111 131HI r rplc, rec; •m ICl50 4911 4179 1• 1 0 p., t v •• "u.. lb9 2tiftl 1111111 llb2 0310 Ill• fellllltl ' WOHi 1110 OllTI llll 4011 5600 Oorgeoua 20r. oc;n \Ill, ••Iliff WtNTliA R(NTAL 2 & 3 room, POOi, Jll(;UUI. Ull 042-3860 I Erl INO CRAMPED? (llUlllQ Mail t. metH{jU Mdtl DrH• Ml•• Huotl•sl•• brend new 112001mo IH/•11/1 3101 Bd1m1, Newport Ptnln· & wlltr paid No pell OOHll YllW 2 01 2 81 "'' H261mo Mnt111 bedroom ~u111. ~!'.~,.:,117],it''J':~;•••v '' n~ • ,. 0 4114 5041 wkdy1 •It 0 ' •••••••••••••••••••••• Iulo Playl AHi C.111... 3113 Hem II I 011 . c M From Oer11 P01111'1 moll t I •• t ti .. I 714 760 0 00 ~~·;1:~.::i•1;~~;, ~:w •••• ~~!. •••••.•.••• ~t wknda Gm1ll I Br c11!)4tte. dra 073· IUOO llA6 4411 eectud1d aaenl' blull (~~. ~"s~~~:34~lci73 ~~·;:11 :.:a 1 1>:11:•,.~ / 1 c..,_ Cod Pool tDC, re· S11brMH tPIClal Llrge PU relrlg1. atovo ····••re•t/Yltwl 1 Or $3116 2 Odrm 1490 Ltktl new• Only 4 uni~ 2 1n1 $4211 (ii) J23t lAK IVll• wlAC 600 Ml cr1n11011 •••• pvt p11110. 461 e•ecullve hou11 big W•IH ll/•111 JISZ s425tmo 67 ·50tO 01111111ndtng 7 1nd 3 mo Ctpll, Orpt pool, :~~~da~ >Ure \'O p~t 111 !!!..~~'.~!~.'! ..•. !.~~~I r •tu :lbrt2b• WoocJbrid ~" w~~:~~ gai l 400 balcony 'llll'ltt e4"1•• & toe Pt'1ute window• 2 mtlt ••'•••••••'••••••••••• Winter Henl1I 3 Br th bdrm. 2 be. !dry, trpc, 118• No 1>111 1142 4410 S7!'!0/mo <>C~I~ eei-a:4~ MURRY D• TMIS OMl 11• GOrlOO ,n11<1 Ok. $325 ga11tg1 Dot.orotor woll b11th1 oaroo• 1750 t 3 bt, 2 be, lemlly rm. onct e • 1 e tr g • r • g e bot. 2 oor $000/mo SI. 101, up1u11re. no P•I•. or M-r . g s. 1143 0212 111 "'•n Ctomentet Nci•r 640·G800. 0')2 J:'l.7!1 1 10. PllEE PRP•r. llruµlf•ln Und chg atrium. 101 yard. Nt gr•-$700/mo SHlpt to bAy. 2 000 winier 640 "784 1tv1ll Oct 1 $370 mo :)5:1 "' " "' Ally 1 CPA'• a Prof more s 10!>0/mo Cllll ME TAO ALT'/ 036·7006 di I ChOOI AYlll 1 /4 btk• 10 bHCh 301 l:d· VICIOtll 045-61111 2 BR 2 811 " den, fplC, NFW 2 Bdtll\ flP I Wtlh Stir bfl&ut lutll 3 br. 2', Newpofl Ce111er (.11 1c; 648·2239 10 30•10 ~ 30 Sh 2 BR nd I 1880/mo 875-2500 o•we••· (Coronado •• SNORT HRM ocean view encl gar w/ bUlll•ln•. CetP41tlng dtA· ba 2 •ty .hOull trv1r1e. Su1IH tully au1lltd pm 81~'~una ~ $~SO~!· 1576 Tbd detu-;;-Prlv 91ytront) Aobtnton rurn r11ntet1 ov week 01 OAHOEN RETAtAT ' Br ooen11 714 4113 1030 1>41• teundry 18Clllly un Ille 0111 7JI 66a0 nanollf 1111 your buatneu Sl,"tc;hout and , ... ox in Call 540·1 ISS, et" tor ArH Beh, •P•· tennis Aeeltoi 548-5047 month Agl ~76·8 170 1" 6• Condo. oveitoo dar '001 c;orpoll• '0' 2 NAwpor1 1•1aury 'on·•<> nec1<b 1nd1vtduat Oii" ..... ~ "' " 9 king pool, IPA ' running Ht1all111ton Cl•• pubhe tennis c;ourta ' • " " ....,... comfort 3 + d1tn oqurp-Dev• 4 3·1131 Oc;untront & c;to11 t<> Jun101 I Br ver11111111. on brook xlnt cono No IHti 3140 & goll c;ou1te r1gh1 b• Atty. atretght •hero wtth MO/Mo 644-71811 ped 38, beach bargain mull! fllllli•• Vii lo 3Z61 Small 1 & 2 Br Apll co urt S 5 4 5 I mo Pelt S550lmo 8•8·7462 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ritnd prop11r1y. walktng mrit11 non •mukl• S550 E1tot1tlYt SiltH chef kltch now 475 ~chg bath home pluall c;rpllng •••••••••••"•·•••••••• $350-1750 Ytty & w1nt•r 2 13 /687 3292 deya, 0, 841 2880 Onluxe r.iootalde •tta lorge d111onc.11 to 811110 P&1k & 752 9442 do. 640 2434 ~01 tellH, 3 lldl•Ctrll METRO RLTY 636-7005 fomily room butcher blk 3 BR 2 be, beaut, tge 675-6102 2131387·5000 2br. 2 b11, bllns, d1whr, U118Ch close to 111ery• )(Int 2 BR 2 Bo opt. CM. eaicutive aui tH Top 3 I 2 I kitchen kld/pel 575 + condo, all 1menl11es Wlnttr/Y VIEW FROM Older 1 Br,'• blk 10 sand F1r1ptece. p ool, dlah l't mllea bellCh No pet11 lhtngl $475/month good orea c;1rpo11 tnd1y floor or preattglou• td· . r . 1. Chg Chtl<Jren & pell OK SUNDECK Mull Hll $430/mo yrly 676-5710 wo1her, pvt pltlCI X Lg $500/mo 536·8362 Ava1leble Oc10Der 15 & $290 11\CI ut1I Bot 11AM dress Beaulllul view ge. no pets Pt1vate -----96&-6432 0755204 , , $580 557,2841 WOODUIE 1114)642-0 138 Htghlyupg11dea ~p-Fr pie range. yard, gar a METRO RL TY 636-7005 211582 Guadiana $775 SOSO winier. S950 urt" all 5 Garaen 2 Br on E/11d1 no pell Call owt1or el 1548 8902 $785/mo ISi plus sec: HOMES FOR RENT --• WINTER RENlALS now 1 BR. new paint, CPl l , Spac; 1 & 2 br lovely Fem. tmmac "on smkr. lo llonist Servl(;e provided only 648 W 18th S1 3 & 4 Bdrm. S675 to l/1wn11 ••ell 3Z69 Wil\ter R~ -avallable 1 dtllplt, dtw. no pell pines & 11reom1. sec 1 Br. pvt deck old world ahr 3 BR condo nr SCP Suite~ available ll\dlv•· 499-t6t7 :~::g:sen~~~/:'~~1~ ·;;;ar•t;;;~;;;;;i;;h;• ~a~~~;i·,,.,1 b?ttoo'Cf'e~.K~ J .... PllOPEllTY ::~~~~~ 2285 Miner St ~~er~c e~:~~ ?Xc1Ph;Yn~: ~"~~1mvu, ~fi..c::~~!~~ I ~~e:n~,5~,r~:~!25~~50 ~~~:1r0,0~r!~c~ 0~{ig~~, 1 llt. 210 welcome, 545.2ooo seabreeze. unbelievable 0, Bay No pell 5525 ll&MlHMHT pool & spa 846.6591 $495 Contact Mor 111 upt persons 1n lhe F1n1nc1111 Fully equlpd kllc;hen 4 Agent. no tee. 3er 2b• o:~gllm 650 + 7 1 4 . 6 7 5 . 4 1 4 2 . 111-1113 1111. HR. HR. 2 bdrm. 1 be. minutes C 332 El\ctno Ln M~fu~i~' ~:~ .~:~e~gn,; ~;~~ ,:11e:s~~~1p~~4./ mom Agent 636·7005 1st OMLY/10 UST METRO ALTY 636-7005 2!3·793-0038 OCEANFRONT two 3 BR. Newly decor Gae pd. trom beech Ctose 10 W11l•in1ltr 3198 C M uree 8'>0-0907 CENlER chg 2Br cottage gar 425+chg EASTBLUFF Ex~ Winier Rental 2Br. pool, 1 ono 2 BR avl now From encl gar· dwsllr • POOi 1r11nsp and shops $485 •••••••••••••••• •••• •• 18R TRAILER Pt1va11 METRO RL TY 636· 7005 3 br 2 bo den, tormel house to bCh $550 Playa $700 mo Winter Call bbQ no PllS 642·5073 720·0844 720-46~ 1 12 g~~ a~:a S~~r,i,:;0dr~:.-~ s,~~~e ':~~~0N8sfo0d1 1~~15 llEWPIRT yard, no pots U11ts paid Merea11hGarde111 Eoc dlt1lng. 2 lrpt1 gerden RE 673· 1~ 675-4371 2 Br enc; Is d p a 11 o . 2 Br I bll, mt to bch . IQSI plus $100 546.Q 116 ullhlles 646·9798 l&Y VIEW S4 00/mo + securlly H 4 B 1 b p e 11 o. S 1 I 5 O mo l&Yf•OIT OCEANFRONT Lge 3Br upstairs Ava II tO· I newly pa111ted $400/mo alt 5PM Ottice suite 011 Newport 499-1617 c;~mdee sa:. fe~~ls,o~~!; 642·0350 857-4828 2 Bdrm, 2 b"a, lrptc, d/w, 2be $975/mo Avail un-$495/mo 329 Un111erslly 536-1368 all 6 pm ' Prefer M tor' Bdrrnw/prv Harbor Approx 1000 sq Megnillc;ent 2Br 2 balh ---1 urn 6 7 3 . 4 4 8 3 , Dr See Maneger "S" Apart1111nl1 FutnI1•1d ba on lh8 boach. N B II 7141-645-7100 cusiom carpel bullHns be I c; II S 6 5 0 I mo Oceenlronl 1Br equipped elec door opm. gee BBQ, 540_3773 548-0648 eves * • Sparllling 2Br lba U I 3900 $275tmo 642-9661 1 h 8 4 8 8 0 2 2 d a Y s. kitchen ONLY 426 + c;hg pa110 w/gas fire ring upper, encl gar. no pets .••• o! ••• '!.~!~•••••••••• Mt F 10 shr 3 br nousa FuBll t.erhv o111hce $300/up very ow mov Inc g 968-9747 eves METRO ALTY 836-7005 Sandy beach Winter Sub-lease beaulllul apt E 11de 1 Br lbe, pool. d/w belcony $515/mo v . ianc o ice $80/mo METRO ALTY 6:l6-7005 --S925t mo 673-7538 ool tac, tennis, I e u n d r Y N o Pe I• 842:2897 SEAWlllD Nwpl Hgts w/M 11acher Ans "Jerv $50/mo Exec;ullve Blull Col\dO 21R 375 Herbor VI-Homea, Car-over ~Br 2 Ba lots 01 S385/mo 833-7890 or I YILUliE I S 2 5 0 6 4 5 1 2 4 9 Newport Beac;h752-~08 lll\e new, Builder's Mo-P11co pleaSing newer lam me! Mdl 3 Br. l1mlly rm Cot1a• dtl fll•r 31ZZ "1 1ew turn or unlurn 646-1947 WALK TO BEACH 2 Br 548-0455 • home gar tow mov 1n c;hg Lease S 1150 644-6977 •••••••••••••••••••••• x ras, stove & relrtge Small pet Now 1&2 bdrm luxury Design, a1t drall1no spec;e del City l1gnts and METRO RLTY 636-7005 Ocean view. beaulllully $755/m o $250 dep ok $450/mo 536-7979 1'PIS in 14 plans I Bdrm Roommate wantea M/ in hghl. airy Npl Bch Adv Ocean View $1200 per Btulls 3 br, 2''o be, lam furn townhouse, trplc, 548-3514 aa~_._ from $540 2 bdrm from stratgh1. no smk, $250 + Ari Office Furn $165 mo 3 B• 2 Ba condo, dbl gar. ,rm. greenbelt. pool pool & patio. $1095/mo Oceanfront 3B;-l!ba. WWC.._I -=-.a WALK TO BEACH Br S595. To~nhouse from "~II 4Dys 642-5446 all 5•8·7285 _ 642-3893 _ $795 16871 Canyon Ln $1250 mo Agl 644-0134 673-0896. winter rental $850 Playa FAMILY &PTI wtstove $375/mo S665 + poots tennis. 1 6p 6 2-5820 Oy-na-mlle locale 3Br 846• 1156· 879·5991 __ Herbor Ridge tease 4 Br 3 C•ll• flltH 3124 RE 673-IJOO Boaulltul garden apls 536•7979 waterfalls, ponds• Ges Looking lor F to •hr 3 br MEWPORT IE&Clt 2 bath w/w c;rpl g kool MOVE TODAY Ba. beaut dlCO<, 360011, •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR Bl, yrl•-. rear 01 P11101/decks No pets 2 $425-1 BR 1 Ba, patio tor c;oo1<1ng & heating N B condo with M /f IHllCll SUITE ate step saving kitchen Specious 3Br 575 + c;h~ pOOI, lennts. guerd gall CASA IE 0110 oc;ean'lt ' children welcome tndry rm all bllns Must pe1d From San Diego $300/mo 675-9643 PREMIER LOCATION 4 mom no~tsl 600 + METRO RLTY 636·7~ ~~~~m:o~.obRr/~~I= All UTILITIES PAID perty Hi~~e. ~~~~:i&~o-~ =~;::: r~:.~~hs :~:g 14i~ LS-~ g ~I '!_~~:lb <l~~~~:n on 2500..,sq It c;on<Jbo !j,lvlldw $00 ;;,~en Bu!~lllf!S ME-TR0 RLTV 836·7005 IHVltfUl 759-1221 -·~ VILLA BALBOA Elegantly 398 w: Wiison -----1 Seo w Ind V 11 1 age 0 cBCkbay · eaut l ul 133·2150 - - -3 bdrm plus di n. l ire· Compere b ef ore you furn. Condo 2 bd, walk 831·5583 or 542.4905 2 & 3 Barm apts Avall (714)893-5198 Greenbelt & sw1mmll\g Clean 7 Br 1 be el\c;I gar. piece. 2 c;er Attic;lled BAYFRONT CONDO, rent CuSlom dealgn 1 b h 1 _ 1mmed111ety $550 to 1 pools Woll excepl 1 or 2 I • I I I f4SO prlvele yard $485/mo s750 2 BR 2 Be. unsorpassed leaturea Pool, b bQ, 5~5 7~05 poo ' •P• Meaa Verde 2 Or 1 Ba $575 F'rplc;, d/w, gerage 1Jooa1 4000 adults or I a<Jull w/Chlld .!'.'!!'!.'.'. •• !'!.~ •.•••.. No pets 548-6680 150-1334 v-. No P41t1 Sec:. bldg cov'rd garao-. iurroun-• ___ gerage, like new cond t or 2 kids ok No pals. • •••••••• ••••••••••••• 557-7883 or 640-6339 Re1e1t store at 2650 Allon tST ONLY/NO LAST -$1500 mo de<J wilh plush landlCI· Large 2br, bultl-lns & o•· $495/mo 714/662-2390 water paid 545-20001$90 & up wtlh kllChen Cht1S1t8t'I lem neeaed Id 1665 sq It plus 8 c;er 2Br plus bonus 4125 + E•ec Home nr bCh. 4Br. HOLLIS B. WOOD RLTR ping No po11, rage. steps 10 18f_ld Sharp 2 Br house stove Agent no lee weekly Ocaanlront Mo· s hr be out Newport gerage 641-8777 2Ba. gardnr, on cul-de· 675-8676 1 Br Furn S515 $650/yrly or SSOO wint-· · · tel 675·8740 chg sac. avail lmmea. S950 365 W Wiison 642-1971 er (2131446-9220.12 131 gerage. No peta $500 2 br opl, garoge No pets Twnhse 4 Br. 3ba, a11a11 Co•1111rci-;/ METRO RL TY 636-7005 mo 675•7673 Oii TIE W&HI 5 7 4 • 8 1 9 9 . ( 2 1 3 1 5416· t~--Avall now $465 Call aft UGUH IElCM Oc1 $325/mo 833-5806. I I 441S 2 BR1 Ba duple;, p111 6 Btks 10 ocean Elegant Bolboa Co11., execullve Mt•••rt Ylllact l•lt 4416-4750 Larg1 2 er new pall\t, 5. 848-5938 MOTOR 1111 675·7977 •••• !'!!~.!•••••••••••• :!,~t1~3~.~~6~ain•. 55415 ~?:'a~: g~;~~t,! &P~:;; ~~~m1 • fu 'o::n~n~r 1~ ~:~~~·!~~~~ o'!:s A1art•-,•l1 ---~=;~21~38 s;,2;~;~66:•u B~~H~~~ ~·;:,,~~R:,; ~:.~r 're-7.'~~!e1~~"~~. M:: .. 8:1:0~~<1P!~~. ~~;.~. c:P~m5~r:~~ ~~i~t;~"ci 2 BR w/wcaipetS:-drps. crpts g drepes All lhe garden. pallo overtoo-81\d wal er p1id Lerga Uaf•r•/l.td 1 Br $425/mo ullls patO $325/mo heete<J pool & steps lo $200-S300mo 673-8374 totel 646-8844 • ,. I t I I d king water, 2 lrptc's. gas rec;reallon rm Include• •••••••••••••••••••••• Bachelor $360/mo Stu 536·7979 ocean Ktlc;h s avail S 150 t E a re rtg. range patio wash D t· n amen lies you e-lira rtng. spa, etc;, elc gamet. spa and pool I•· i l•JL-• 985 N Coast H'""', 3 0 0 I mo s em•· I urn l sq I asy ... c;<;.ss rm. close 10 bus 4 shops. sire, beaulllul 11atned M be 11 llhed 11 1 -540-3666 or 497-2338 ---B _, beeuttlut aree. non smo-See dally, 8-5 S700tmo water & gardener paid, glass window. mlc;rowa-b•Y1 ur~I bl .ag fr ble Tennis c;ourtt. vol· 11•J•1•I• 3101 Lllguna eecll 494•5294 ker 83 5-8767 days. 1731 Superior C M • S475 plus lest plus se-ve, tresll comp. hydro-,o,9a95a,va 8 7 .. e1 27n9y7 leyball courl, fec;/pool I•••••••••••••••••••••• Spaciour. 2Bt S435, all DI Quiet N B aroa. non· 836·5575 eves 8 4 2 • 2 4 3 4 . days l"" mo .., • Call 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer dpfv. 1tn1, upper or low1r 964-7294 •v~ • curlty No pets 645-3563 spa In tuxurlout mutr d 968 6l03 ~ smoker prel moture ~ H or 646-5282 be <IDI car private gara-ays, • eves 117-0071 yrly Matufl non-smkra. 1962 Meyer P1 642-39t< tem $350 incl ulll Ga1a1.11 /11 Ital f3SO . $1111 2 -.. -.. ,_ C 0 - 11 -,..- 0 -ge tully m11n1 yerd No .I.I. Pr•••rtJ •1••· R • no peta s7oo X 3 Beau11 tut 2 Br 2 Bt !148-7652 s·~GLe°CiAAAOE•c:i• .. j ladrulllll •• '" • pets inquire al 527 18111 2 Br 2bl tu11ury condo Nr ••ll•flla 2131799•4195· 257•9792 townhOuse. ltpk:. pello • St<u11IY Gatts 1 ntre l•al1/ 4SOO Nr SCPtazainSA $450 St 960·6331 beath All amenities lt•t• 3140 0<(714)673·3986 lndry rm, good toe • P(I01 &Ate Room Kit p11v. Ch11s11an Home Laoune neer M atn •••••••••••••••••••••• mo No pets. 545-1947 Most beaulltul complex •••••••••••••••••••••• By Oceent•de 1 br. part S560/mo TSL Mgmt • 1 t. 2 BA P1110 /\au.. M S1ra1gh1 Nr Bch. Leg Be a c; h S 6 5 t mo NB 3975 Birch 1000 sq ---•ONLY $350. HURRY• $795/mo H•"Y Pale' ESTATE LIVlll furn $425 •nc ultt 6•2 .. 6221 542 .. 160: • f;a1dertL1nosc1p•no Ben $325 499·2286 494·3044 ft MIA zone Agent WHY PAY Spacious 4 room flat, Be• 111 , P • Ilk 1 6 0 & 880 II I h Costa Mesa garage •so 541-5032 blHt1 appllances.aJlblll' 2131278 -6400 or u u1 .,,,. e ur· 73-1401,644-4003 • osnwun•rs s 1wport llC • paid herel Ready 10 show 213/670-3008 roundlngs. T errac1d --ElSTSID( • J09 10 Buen & Snop1 Mete/Female 3 bdrm apt Sale. eosy access 343 $750 up 2160 11 tndu· todav --poo1 Sunken gas bbq BAY VU 2 BR. 1 ba, gar 2 Br , ea pool side opt close 10 beacn Yearly Cabrillo 5•8·9516 ,,,.., -Off.ca 1&101 Re· IETllO llE&lTY .. SSO C ALL BEST 539_6190 Wc'i1~:~:!~33B:,r J;l5~ ;parkling l oun1:1n1 :f~7~~~7~a~s:79~6~t lndry r;,' b1t-1ns N o tease $237 50 per mo Single c;er gar 201h St dondo Circle •M & T IEST llHL TY ... SH OC·llfllTllS . .. .. S50 COST Fed k 63 2 pac;1ous rooms epa-___ pets all tor appt SIOO dep Avail Oct 1 Costa Mesa Stoiage Hun ling Ion Beach r eric aot 1• 1 66 rite <11n11\g area Walk·tn $42.. 1 ~" IB Opt 7 S..35-$450 631 2270 St S65 63 092 842 2834 •S575MOVEs YA • MOVE IN NOWI large Iv· ctoae11. home llke kll· E e~~ ~e ~albo~ 4~0 TSL Mgm1 642-1603 ffl.";'!t.l! ... ~t . ./.~~f R-in • • ave tmo 1 1 I . Ma1es11c; 3 Bdrm. 2 Be, , 11ury condo $695 2BR chen & cabll\ets Walk to pots 547-1155 $500/mo 2 Br 2 Ba apt, Legul\a Cliff Dr. across SI "' ~ b• 2 ba 11ouse. Ollie• R•al1l 4400 Automotive 5 car space Pel ok. lull appliances. Extras 837-26B6 eves Hunlll\glon la quint a --from Shew'• Cove 2 br. kll washer/dryer. etc; •••••••••••••••••••••• avail Perfect for mech. near Deec;h1 __ __ llermoH '> Btk 10 bc;ll, 2Br, I Ba. •nctsd garage. pello. Pa 11 0 . g 8 , S 7 5 0 $225 + S20 aep C M 1617 WeStcllll, NB 256 b od Y & Pa 1n 1 o 1 llEllTllS-R-US ... $50 BEST 539-6190 COST 3 Br 2ba. S1000 2818 16211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk lrp1c. gerege. 11lnl, quiet. hJ'IC. lndry lac Submit 626•2 149 642-4172 to 41000 sq II Isl lloor upholsle'y business Carob tmmed occ;up, w ol Oeac:h 3 blkl s l\O pets 673·8955 on Piii Agenl 54 1-5037 Equipped woth att com- $4852BR 2 BA 640 -9019 Elaine otEdtnnar 8475441 I -TSLMgml 642-1603 Studio unturntshe<J '> 2 BLKS TO OCE.,.N pressor u111tt1es Paid TOTAL ... S2051 Garage. lrplc. lctds wfll· 831-0836 .-· CflHI d1/ #11 JIZ2 block 10 beach. kitcilen " •DELUXE OFFICES• S775tmo C M 645-5374 c;~~;T 539-6190 COST Herbor V•-Homes. Por-, •• IESEllYE IT! ... i1irs"ii.ocui... L!:1!!w~!!~ ~~~!~10. near ShOPP•no spacious ~~!1 ~~·~; .. B~:,g:~/ From I room 10 3 rooms tofono. 4 Br 3 Ba oar-Beauulul & park like wllh Lerge 2 br 2 ba lrptc, trplc; ow, gar S475 S365tmo 493-7137 & hood neer Hamilton & From SI 16 8 SQ 11 No Br11i11111/lllfffll/ Hu11ti111toa dener lnc;ld S1200tmo terraced pool. many amen111e1. view Bach w/lrptc; p11110. 494•3862 Magnolia Master bdrm lease requ1r2ed 2 A0d1 Alt· Fiaaott HT THEM All FOR Olllf H1tllou 3Z4Z Call alt 6PM 760-9589 •Private Peuos $825/mo Cell' Anthony $400 Pool & spa No L H 31 w/pvt oath (ahower). k11 t0~,1~~nn933•~223uponl •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ---•Covered Parking daus 542.5757 eve• & p e Is 2 6 5 o H., t e .fl.~'!f •• .'!!!. •...•• ~~ & lndry prov S300tmo 8 • 1BR1intll $40 LIDO ISLE 4 Br 3 Ba & •S • t ' ~ S 96 0332 3 b• 2 be home. Hunl pac1ous ... p s wknds 63t-6630 549-2447 pec;1ou1 t Br cond o incl u111s 4 AirPorl Jrea E•ec Sui-O•HtlRaihr SOOS Herbour area. Phone den. Sl400 222 Via Pa· •Dmtng Area ---overlook ing 11ream 1San<11a1 tes From 225-450 SQ II ... A,•••••••'•••••••• We have hsllngs from all I 846-6914 afler 8prn lermo 675-7 1118 •Watk In Ctosels COZll I Or hou50 trpk;, 2Br 1Ba $475 mo Nr So trees 11nnls. pool. 1ac; St per sq II Many ""as IElln SllOll 1he services for one low 2 bdrm Broe<1moor Condo HARBOR VIEW HOMES *Home ttke Kitchens pool, 4 nee• empld non Cat Ptaza bltns wtw $500. 831-51911 N B 39th S1 pvl Dath Call 557 70 tO 1 stations. busy. Costa , 0 1 d 3 Bdrm. expanded Car-I blk to Huntington smoke Fom No pet or carpel Dys 957-2565 ----.. ,., k 5250 •• IN .,_h prtce oi yupates wtsecurity S895 Cen1er.1ranspot1allon & c;h1t<J S525tease. ls1 eves 955 -2845 or N•wHrllt•c• 3169 ""' nonsmo er 400-900PLUS1400sq f1 .... esa ewp0r1°"' area Agl, 846-2850 met mdl VI-New cpl lrwya tesl. sec 640-4999 751-0864 ••••'••••••••••••••••• inc ut1ts 673· t469 Penthouse Baytronl Su1· 1 A I t 7 P m c; e I I OlllY lT lt"t'a• 3z~~ 1800 sll St200/mo Call UTILITIES F•EE NO FEEi Apl & Condo CdM lg Ddrm wtDath le park ing patios 1 714/85~06~ l lllG PUILIC&TIOllS • " .,., Agt Gene HUI 642-8079 n Ou Ill 3B r. b onus rm 2 br l't Da 610 Joann St rental• Ville Ren1ats pvt Mtr $250 01 add 673· 1003 .,00.f. W.•at-~ SOJO •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 1 Ba hse, 2., Dlks Ir 2t BBddrrmm From !~1155 SG9re5ato11mo tse Garage Small doO OK 64S..84S3 675-4912 Broker kllch pt1v 5325 refs reQ "'' " • nr LUSESll beach. ger. re111g & sto-L'" OUINT• HER••o..,s• ocauon 759-t243 Eaa111de 2 BR 1 Ba WF 675-6082 DESI SPACE CIM 53;•00c)·,;::;:c;·5;;•b; 537-8970 3 Bdrm delached hornet ve $700 mo yearly " " ,.. " --ups1e1n neer schoote. Anrac11ve rusltC upstatts 2nd TO on prime Irvine 1n eKcellenl area Avalla-tnc;tds all uUI No pets 1621 t Parks•de Ln. 1 blk Lovel"S~l~!~!S 2 bath no pets S450/mo Holt /I /llot•ls 4100 selling We supply desk prop 500,. toen 10 velue . __ -----ble 1mmed1alely CellTom,835·5445 W olBeac;ll,3 blkeS , 631-6155 ••••••'••••••••••••••• space copier You sup. 1&•1. no points Call S S&OO/mo on 1 year lease ol Edinger. 847-5441 •Pl with beam c11hngs. SHURI MOTEL ply phone. 4 $95 pr mo 966-9058 or 760-8816 CondlolM30bTdrmME. W2·~ ba Five others to choose Beach hOUH, 2 Br. gar-L-I II 3141 llrnplace. bit In kllcllen, large Bachelor Apl Prl· COUNlRY CL\JB LIVING Wkly rentels now ave11 pr desk C11ll 644-7211 • lrom We're the ones to S700tmo 3 Br 2 Ba. gar .• fl.".'!! •• ! ... e.......... enclosed patio and en· vale pa110. Singles IN NEWPORT BEACH s 105 & up Color TV Poot. spa. fireplace $750 call for leases. $895/mo mo fred Te-Lu•ury lludlo, 1,11 HBO. closed garage Super to-S315t mo 859 w 19th A total envlrol\men1 Phones in room 2274 2000 sq II wt 500 sq It 5lo rage 0 C A1rpo11 Mort1•1t1, fr••I M o Home 960-6505 , ___ , nore, agt 631 -1266, phone. matd serv, apa, cation watklng d1111nc;e SI apartment community on N-port Blvd CM 840-5010 ~i W\l\\dhrldgc 631-2711 $130 wk 499-3015 to shopping V1c;an1 the Upper Bay Private 646-7445 -------$1100 per mo 2 Br Oupllx, $535 clubhouse 1nd health Sharp and cteen 48• 2ba Really Model Townhome near Vlclorta Beach apt, 1 b• HARBOR REALTY 645-6589164!>·8103 spa. 8 1enni• c;oufls. 7 Gardener me; $850/mo Wiier. 3 Br 3 Be lri»c;. $500 /mo lnc;I ulllS 673-4400 33J e 2111 SI pool•. CION 10 buSlnen. B E A c H A R E A Ph 546-9950 ;';51·:1000 upgrades S900/mo l805)259·l25 t Nice 2 Br 1 Ba New a1rpofl. Fashion Island Ea-st-s-id-e-condo, 3 -D,-2 ,,.~11 1\arranu l'~• ... lnl~·· 751-2442 Walk to bch 2Br 2 Be Con enlent allops on $84/ k ba. den. frplc;. 2 c;ar ga. -Harb0< Hlglltan_d_1_1_v_e_ll_3_, Studio Pvt ent. pvt be frplc. sundeck. S PCH fn";~·~g::~s ~.~J~':.~ Site "unfurnished boche-W rage S825 545 6685 ll£Sll?!S•£TSl1l BA 2 Ba. Obi car gar. Npr~7 ~s':,' 4~!-~~~ t bu• ,soe7r'm• Fe,rn71 e5a01 i mtonog 110. no pets $425/mo iors 1 & 2 t><lrm ap1s end ReNlr1gerBator-Ma1a-Poot -------~ tptc. patio S925 Wlr 8 979-1340 675 4886 or 994 5470 lownhOuses wpl tvd & Wilson EJ S1<1e 2 br ger RV I 2 10 4 bdrms, stertlng at • • $560 . $1000 Costa Mesa 5'18-9755 carpofl S550/mo. 1st, $800 1 $13115 grdnr •ncl Et1tne. N•w1•rl l.ac• 3161 -S4110 2 BR 2 tast & sec 229 Sania 0 548-1232 or 645-5963 •••• ••••••••••••••••• S1u<110. so of PCH. 4 tllks · c0• gar Sever it bachel0<• and 1 1 Pme Knot Motet on Coast Isabel 631 _8283 C --M-------OCEANFRONT 01• 2-4 Br from bCh $350/mo Avatt up1111r1. Chlld K. no Bdrm units feature line H..., Y . NB S 11 P s 10 3 bdrm double garage dishwasher. fenced yd No pets $650 219 E 161h St 646-2087 ~ d Harbor View Hiiis By week or monlh IO/l George 730-7000 pets Also 1 BR, $390 designer lurnllure end ocean Wkly re t es ~1 hm Spaclout 5 Br wtlge 673-7873 dye S75-llt15 ev. 541-5331 accessor111 Move In 10· 645•0440 bonus rm N1c;e area ---· -------day or reserve tor future I)_' $1500/mo 760-8708 or THE . -2 br. 1 ba. ger frpl, no I & 2 Bdfm, lg upper epl, use Smartly furnished llEED a PUGEi 'If'~./."--676-2144 pe1s. $650 mo 640-0769 quill. no pell. laundry models open daily '' 64l 1391 l11c;11 311 W Wllaon Reasonable retes K11-TllE lllffS or :_ S350 & $425. 631-2177 c~ettes phonH maid 11rea S 2000tmo 851-8928 SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay 2 Su11"s e11e1I Gd Hwy y1s1b1t1•y 497 23~ 1 SUPER IAllHll! D11d1 SOJS .....•............••.. Ii.It. SlTTUR lort1•1• Co. l11e. Spec•aJtung tn 111 & 2nd TD s since 1949 Robt Sattler NH/CM R E Braker Bd Realt0<s 642·2171 545-0611 Exec Sunes incl recept sec y servs conl rm WIDOW HAS SU for TO s k 11 mail hllndtg Re· RE Loans tOK Up No sponsive to your bus1-Credit Checl\. No Pen•I· ness needs AdJ 405 ty Dennison & Assoc fwy 1n F V ln<Jlv oles 573.7311 Mo1mo from $325 963-64'15 R.E ltHs lull1'10 Coste Mesa t or 2 room suites From S75tmo Ut1ls 1nc1a 779 w 19th St 85 t-8928 ISi & 2nd lOs Up to 90-. L l V Tailored to lit your needs Al, 964·7875 Of 581· 1778 2Br. garage. $475 mo 1s1 4 last No pets older cpl prel 548-6507 Nice 2Br, IBa, lncd yd. encl patio. new paint. resp ramify $450 mo + sec 2029 Wallace Hse B m-~11 -3 Bdrm 2bl. lpOlllH "GOOD f!!!f.!!!!~ ••.••• !.~~! •EW lllHY COHOS s~ ~=q~~.~: .:~ =~;;1c:A~~~~pn~~· ~~: : 1:~:;02Da. bHutitul ""' PltHO o, .. ,, 144· 1100 TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd Newport E•ec swte 2 min At1n011t1tt•tnll/ adult unit $1200/mo LIFE" 91e81iBllY All ""' PIHi 2 Br 2 Ba from S525 No CM 645•9137 ~~~e~,~~0~' .~~~r'i~d~~ r111ooal1/ Cell Holstein Really &PlRTMEliTI · Wall! to SC Pl111 pe1s Across trom Npt U&UH IElCM 11n11que tilled business Lost ' Fo111d 3 bd Avalleble Now Ger-760-88111 nr 644-9152 YEA"·"OUNO FUN: Beeutifully l1nd1c;apad Bch Goll Course Ollice llOTOll 11111 el\vtronment equtppeo •••••••••••••••••••••• dener NO Pets Sll30/mo Close to bCh ivatl 11-1 ,Soctel Aetlvlll•• i••den apts Pool & Spa Frpte elegant French hrs 9·4 545-4855 wllh Tl•. w P ans serv Aa•ODIJtt•IMll SIOO ---1131 1615 493 7766 D lr ec t or•Free windows In-~ MCu· Wkly rentals 595 up lrgconl6 renct>rm lotsor •••••••••••••••••••••• E side 2Br home wlfrptc. • • 3Br. 2Ba hM. pool. ten-Su n 0 •.. atiostdecks No pets. Avl Sep1 15/0c;t 1. yrly Color TV free coltee c Dial •• l•sriiratltl Yard 2 Car gar $750/mo 2 BR 2 B 1 d I nls $875 mo 6•2· 7787 , Bachelor S410·S415 "1Y bdrm & studio units steps tr "'---h 2 BA 2 Ba. heated pool • s1epa 10 pari.inf motmo or lease 548-2778 · a. c;p s, rps, enc · BNneh•BBO's• Incl wHller & dryer Also 5750 mo.,..._.Cett r~ appt, ocean "'ttc;h s0 eveit trom 375 desk space 760-0 04 & sec; 1 Br c;o11ege . gar, $750 No pets 544-0140 P Pl 1 Bdrm $465-$470 ~ " ard $425tmo & sec; 675 6606 artlel• us 2 Bdrm. $580 incl pvl club wllennll 675-0124 ask for Kale 985 N Coast Hwy, $250 Move in allowonce ~57 0 · Harbor/Ocean vu, 3br, much more 2250 Vanguard cu. gym. 5w1mm1ng -B 9 529 833 9976 •2 40 UNIVERSITY PK. 3Br, 2ba $1185 239 OcHn· Q "E AT 540-9626 or 642-4""5 pools. 111cuzz1s·a. seuna .,.. Block 10 b1ac;h, 2Br. L&oun• HCh 4 •· 4 • - 2 B I e 8 7 5 2 9 6 1 " • c . EA T I 0 N .,, t I b "'Ill & ' $810 Execu1111e 'IUltes lull Sit· r on lot wllh others 7' rBa fem rm. llv rm. 11 w • · 5 " : btlull u ty Oecor1teO r._ l•1Y mo J111t•/i It S•u1 4300 vtee greally reduced no huge yard big tront lrplc; micro oven. 2 elf 548-2407 T • n n I a • Fr e • 3 Bdrm, 2 Balhs $625 ctublloute & much more yrly 968-8283 •;,•0•0•11••:.•&•T•l••w••l•ll•T•E•D••I • tees" 754-0274 room, lrplc; dbl gar 2 garage tndry rm. relrig I•• Clt•••ll JZll LllSOt'ls (pro & r;o 151 E 2111 5-48-2408 From S455 Incl most Beacnfroni winter rentel " .. people only Pet OK Poot 1ac $1295 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• Cihu~:.~·a~n!!e• th ut1t1 too 5 49-3421 Oct·M•y 2914 Ocean· Prot1St1onat mete 25·35 2~00 st f BDe~1g ~le w t S575 673-6336 __ 552·8947 2 Br 2ba. exoet loc. Block I' H I Bdrm $470 3641 Bear St (bet Sun-front 2 Br or 3 Br N-ty nOl\·Smoker 10 111111 s orage Y irport Redecorated 3 Br l 't ba. WOODBRIDGE S1IOO to bell Built ln1 1750, ydromHsage• 161 E 18th 642..0856 flower & MacArthur) remodeled Can be fur· like-new 2 Bdrm 2 SI 5 0 0 I mo Tom lg encl yard, Range & Spec 4 br. 2'Jt be. nlc:el" 714/679-198_5____ ~1~,!!!1';f;Goll Spactovs 2 Br 1Ba.142". E/Std1 2 BA 1 Ba. encl n1Shed 7141544-0614 beth Sen Juon Cap1stra· 851-8928 I I lid • ' "" ... nge " d k no c ondo Fireplace ·---------re r g, c;h ren,.petsok tand1c;1ped,fem rm .S••J••• 8 1 AUTIFU l 3B1 111a Ba $475 oar. ec .spacurnpartBa .. f ontwlnte etat $735 I d 878 d I d $525 II Cur ' r n pool. 1acuu 1 & only mt· Inc gar ene1 lrplc; patios Lake. poet C i f •• 11 Af'A,.T MENTI ; Laundry lac;. pool P n ry ·rm. Oct-May u o11 Seesho-• Towne.548-129_5 ___ t. tenni s 640-1327 .•••• ~f.!.:'!~!.~ •• ;'.~ •• S t n g l11. t & 2 548-1155612-7PM 040·1~mtg re 2er $700/mo 3Br ~~·~: 1~0:~~ ~~~~hor" Paclflo llut111IP1111 Old Spantah house on 559 6188· olc; no-7373 Exte hllltlde nome. lge 4 B.orooma•Furnl.n.d BAY TIMBERS 1300 S1u010 tor 1 01t· $800 Ut1t1 peld Can be S2110tmon111 ptua ,, ot llEWPORT OE•TtR large E11t11de lot 3 BR 2 bdrm end unit. naw br. 2'11 tie, 3 tr pie;•. & Unlurntalled•No Spacious t Br lrptc,"""' <let!, 111, & last. El Patio I urn 1 • h • d , .. _ I C I G $ Pet1•Mo"et• Open """' ~ 14/544-0614 ,,. u11111ts at ••hard huge deteched gar Va-condo 'la mile to uct belUl.fac &.yaro 1550 Oellytto"s. &mo11 646-9863 t30Broadway,1fl lpm ' 1111141831-2040 or ~~n6~!~ .. ~~1.fs'J' L"lrry Terrlllc Yl-S. $895 Agl _6_6_1_.1_1_1_1______ Oakwoo~ 2 BR. 1 BA. Old ho~ S4115. 2 Bdrm, retrtg, P•· 2 bci7°m-:I ba. $550/mo. (7.14) ~8:,9756 __ 846-2850 __ Coui•l•I••• w pita, c;hlld OK All utu pd tlo. no ~ta. adutts p11I. yHrly Step• 10 beech _________ _, 211~~ ~~:'1~3~e~~ ~~; f!l.'!~f.~!.~t .• /.~~f .. !.~!~!!~~ ..... !.~~ ...... ~... :~ ~-0~:3m111on. $535 12;;:EJ~iii~Fo:~·;;e1 1110 ~3~8·~~:542 11mllles on the 191 ot HARBOR OCEAN FRONT llE_.T 11101111 ..., ,.,... -2 B ., 8 Chi .. tol&IF .. llT Oct Greet area Nu 3200' 1u11 hm on tllult Lux :'~:'rn ept Prof ...,.,. hMll/lo. HHI lllW 01111 r 4 • 1" Ok. P•· DAILY RENTAL UPDA· 180 deg vu ol herbor, "oe'o llneft•· dl•h••· 880 1rv1ne 2 Br ., .. 1 2 ... g 1'° v•-. lrple, encl fl8' • 3 bdr, 2 ha oer grut ., .. , u -r ar-o• git 11ove. Olahwuner. toe W'n•• "T TES surf. mtns. 3br, 3b1, M · king bt d, ue guard (et 18th) w/o,,.,ier. wood burning •P•. tndry rm $025/mo ' '"' BEST 539-6t90_c _o_sr curlly. saune . •Pa Underground gu . ldry (714) 8'46·1104 trpte. view 01 1trHm 4 SPMC 631-6107 Beel'lelor , nreat toe •LUXURY & MORE• $t600/mo. 496-7009 rm Wellt 10 Bch $700 "= .. --... /... wat1ttolla Ftom 1785. - - -.. -062 ot e1S1d1 C M e1110 beehotor yurt~ Lero-fenced yard. warm EMERALD BAV 3 br. 2 8114-8821 161h $1. ·l3 IPI. 14ootmo + $300 fll •&•t f4!·1fOJ ~~te·:~~~~·: b~gog:'~ ~=11~~1: ~~~rPi1~11 CHl••l•I••• (Dover et 18th) S395tmo 1 Br 1 Be "API HCu111y No pe11 Jo~ ROOM MITE FllDERS Old"t & targNt agency All clienlt ser .. noa ""1111 pt101oe & references Crfldllt. Cosmopalllen OOOd Morning Amorlce TM TOf'llOflOIOI Sllow ••• •rt 141·1111 RENTAL AGENCY 21311176-2255 D•/t,./liH JfZS (714) 642·5113 Cerport, lndry rm Sub· Willa, 63I·1:166 ag1 2~,, 1=~~·;~•P~1~ BEST 5311-11190 COST •••••••••••••••••••••• mll Oii Pol. blleony Cell •••• ,,,., ,,-042-7005. 1·337-027• -1•tllTIRY ,.,MT 2 Br 1 81 cottage, Cltlt 3 Br. Condo noer so c _ tor flppt ~• "" "' We hove 1valloble tm- medtatet)' tor 1uble1se two aultes on the 01t1 ttoor w1111 p8nor1rn1c YlflW ot OCH n bllC:k b&y & gOll COUISI A ap11e1ou1 3 room 1u111 flntalled 1n W1tll11mtburg ttyte 11 S2.600 P•r month l.o••• term 01 12·24 month• Also I 2,500 IQ 11 IUllO llnltned tO yOUI 1peclll c111on1 Attoweneo of $18 1u1 A1n1 11 S62521montll Ltue tlrm 2·5 y1e,ra $400 HOME KID OK section, ga• renge, gar· Pt11•. erptno a blt-tne. --TSl Mom 642·1603 ;•9;:g;;;;;:~;;;·~~~.,,~ Compl ttd•ci 2Br 2ba, Lull 2 or. 2 bl. lrpte. ell Modern kllet11n, private dOMr. ref1lg. A111U 1 18. overlook • g roonbilt , Winter ren1aJ1 IUTllT Ill vary clun $3&0l mo. unuaual lge rms. block to am1nllt111. 1342 + ·~ parktrg. low move In w 1t1 11 a a o I e 15 l>OOI•. apH & ctubl\OUM now ev1fl1bl0 Cell EetttllM seooimo, 2 9, 2 131402•2057 800 •t bell ROIP epto Vtty 11tt t • Non· amok ar can cotle. nteo tocooon 494..01114 On bul tlno avell S.curlty 91te il.-S llULn l 't 81 TownllouH. 111 24082 Cordoba 0r Apt $650 642-31112 976-9534 I PAOPtRTV NEW A'ENTALS DAILY C II"-3 .... 2 b I lo 1850. C .. t 1170-0231 l'\l.s p•• ••••-111n A -R I t 1-I t COl'l"'"•PONOENT8 BEST 539·0190 COST 0uw"'"2 blurk•' to v•.101rporte' a wllnc:t. " -"' b\llft-ln•. Jndry rm. Clf· OC!ANrRONT up qu • me ... or 1g "~ .. '(OU don 't ___.. 1 gun 10 Dell Ocoan vu Oar 1,.,,..,-,"E'"'C-....,.......--.. ·E·-,.T--ln-...___-_ llM 111 p.orrs1t0, Yl<.,d/Ntcony, trnell 2 DR 2 Ba, '"'Po'' mo-L•ro-3Br 2N. '8751mo POM Pt apt 1115·0328 et 7ec> Oii 1t or ... \II et ,_,, ""' ""'" " .._... dtln, 1515 542·3597 or lw l tt lurn 6U ·44'3.i ~ .. 8 .!1kday ell dey 840 Newoe>tt Cont.-: Dn· "Clrew tOlt" wnen you A11111 SOSO 194·8&18 port 8ch. 1 Br ponlhOU· People wtte> n..o peof>te 81. ~om1 641·1803 73().71115 No doQt. 540--3n3 __ .. _ .. e,.... v.. Sutli &to ~ M Id In tho Dall)' P111 your edv.rtl1tng nwo-M SOCilrlty, pool, apa. el\O\lld etway1 Choek 11'10 8ott wttl'I IASll ---!Br t btk to Bay & bell, Fam to 11'11 b11vl 4 t11 -~~~~~~~~I Piiot Went Adel C4111 now aage Wtloto tl'I• roldofa II Y m • 6" 2 ·III8 ·1 Benllce Directory In the II'• a I A!U! Clueltled Ad•. your od 1•3S rno ytly t13-t a10 home. trplc, p1111o. 81c:k .- / 642·5417t . are llA2·5e78 64~2117 OAtl Y PILOT CtMlln.d ACll ~2·"18 lloP lfloPplng C91119'. or •~ t 73·2493 Bey 1250 J4111 Ol55 Cluall..O Adi -·- ( ' SENIOR CITIZENS Looking for a Baruin? Look no tert~ 111en our Ot1count Outde for .S•· ntor C1ttn n1 publtetled HPOCllllY lot you MCh monll'I In the Delly Pilot c1 .. ,11to01 Th• n1x1 S.nlor C111n1na 011coun1 OulClt wlll bo pubtl1t110 on WtdnH• o•y OctODOr • Wi ie!\ IOf Ill ...,,.... .......... "' . ., .• .,. ---- , • • • I Orenge Ooa1t DAIL V PILOT I Wednffdly, 8eptembw 20, 1082 '~~.'.~!i8!ou~~l ror a ~Clay Id In the HIU PILOT lflY101 llllOTllY DO IT NOWI ,,. ,., .... ,. Your Delly Pllol s.+-vtce Directory RepttMnllll\le 142-llll, ed. U2 ~!!~'!11! ••••..•••.•• ,. f~r..1.l!r.m ....... . AUfO ACC•D NT? Shampoo ' llHm c:l .. n No 1ecove1v No '"· Color btlOManert. whl Atl'y Kot1ru1h 848 4376 crpta • tO min bleac:h l.·.·~~'!!!1 ••••••••••• lOYl"Q hOme, av-• 3 ' up. Fil $40/wk. +. bel /ah ~1. CM 6111-3022 Mtture llcen1ed baby11t ter ror d•y workll\{I mo· tnera only Mon Fri ln-f1n11 lo 3 "yrl 11!16 wkly 842-0728 ~.~~!!l!~I ......... . H11ll, llvldln rMa 114. avg room 17 &o. coucih 110, chr $5 Ouer ellm pet odor Crpl repalt 16 ytt .. P Do work my11lf n.11 1131..0101 No SIHm/No Sr111mpoo S111n 81>t'lalltl Fatt Ory. rrff eel 830• 1582 --EXCEL CARPET CARI! Jack Bulllng1on O-wnerlope.11or Carpet, uphol, ere1 ruo clelnlng Work gu1r Free Ell 645· 1111 ~fl~ ••••••••••••• ,~'!'!{~ .••••••••••. •KATRINA'S Liiie IN Slmmon1 OttClfJllno hekp11, dilly maid w11. Cln upt, Ihm c11e, full ot11c1 ctee11111g . crpt eon1m & rHld maim e1e1n1no 113t..2 111 r r" "' 1148 8814 H81<PR9 6 MAIOS Llndacaplng Mllntenan LIVI-IN ce. ltwri ' g&lden Cit• HALYIWKLY CIHn up l<en JOnH. Vi.:Jo S«vtcet A~cy , &)f-1110 rtl'1 Lit' lll_!n<ltc1 9~ U•ll•IH WAITll IJ.tJ?!~I.!!!!}!!....... Mowing, tdOlng. raking. Al fl .. IHYIOf ~~·~1;_\·1:: .. •t llm•· Pe11on11, q111llfled drt. VIII •or your day to d•y FIN!STKIND erranda lhOpplng, dr OARDENINO Cle•n up1, 1pp1a church, etc All am llndtc•PlnO. 1non1111y nMd• met By hour or me1n1 Nell 84f·8795 NEliD HELP? An1lyzlng. oro•nlzlng. boot.kt•· ping, banking. blll1 ~~~~~~~-·I s..11-4955 ;-.-11-.-,,-, S11rit•1 dey 404·5857 KID LlndlCl""j); Melnt C1t11i•1. Dr II --ReelOIOomm ci..n-vp ····c·HAMPEN01!iE···· •• P.!! •••••••••••••••• ~ h•u11no ~·ao ~!!!.!1lf!!.f!!!!':I! ••• Applied. re•epplled, gu1r .. Insured, llc'd. 4141101 730-1900 tree e1llm11ea Aa1rt1ri•f S11rit1 ....•••.•...•........ S<W. OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, affordable. esaenllal An1werlng 1ervlca, secreterlal & bu1lness services, mall box rental. word proces- al ng. Telex-Facsimile. order entry, pagers·IHIMI buy. desk space ren1a1 ANSWER NETWORK 760-7320 (uk for A V ) ~'~~ .. ~!!! •••••••••••• Arl·AnllQues-Jewelry Appraise & liquidate Michael Hein 953-0717 -~!11'.~!~ ••••••.••••••• Driveways. Parking Lot Repairs. S.aleoallng S&S Asphlt 63 l-4199Lic DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC .. AINT & DcSION Fine Ctttrlng In lht old R""'alre 1 1~ b 11 ..., ., • 6 " •8 v., • m 0 IP9C Oborll11 L•nd•cena Sorv world tradition. u4 .,.8., e 1152 11682 " " ,.v ~llP u • Written 1greemen1 on .............•....•..• MOIHOALL GP Bualntu "Doctor" B~~~~~~~ord f!.'!!~J/.~!!!!~!! ••••• 90 Min on-site v1111 Cement-Masonry-Black $50 e111ra time $25hr Walls-Cull work Lie (714) 645-51179 ,..381057 Rob 547-21183 HltHSS HIRHS Oesperalel Pillo work $10/monlhf" 851-1342 Free design Lo prices -----' Xlnt refs ~97·7354 l1i1'111 Clti/4 C11• --·· ·· ····· ·· · · ·· · · ·· · · · ••...••.•.••......•.•• REMODEL/REPAIR Gh1ld e11r11 by e1tp"d mo· Finish work & door the<. M·f. nr f'olrvlew & hanging No Job too big Adami. c M. 979.7345 Wall 1e111ur11-Acou1t1c mo malnt 844-12411 Heng·T1pe.S1N1 studs GARDEN WORLD - Lie. 38994~2·~~ Full Service Gardening £1Hltlt1/ Zac S.rnal 846-2922 •••••• • •••• ••••• ••• • •• Ga('(i'Qning. L~aplng. ELECTRICIAN-Priced y1rd mafnlenanoe. clean right. lree e111ma1e on ups. trae trim & removal l1rge 01 1m111 )obs. Free esllma1es 1nsurad Lie 396821. 673°0359 642·4889 ELECTRICIAN C. .. t1/ l•rvitll Sml lobs/Repairs. Lie ••••••• ••••••• •••. • ••. 233108-C· 10 548-5203 ---Need work done? Call CHllltlOll ~ •• ,,/ LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Joel Paint, yd cln-up. C11N .. llff •••••••••••'•••••••••• NEEDS WORK! haullng. dellv Refs Oe- or small Mike 63 t-8371 •••,.0•••-1••••••••••••• 1 • .1. ••ff•lt I let Lie 418068 S.2-8023 pendable 548·0338 CUSTOM wood pello co-Lie 308888 Remodel, _ vers. decks & lences by , C RESID/COMM"LllND. HH4f.;H RANDY 641·0622 Add ns. ablnels. 20 yrs Do my own work ••••• ••••• ••••. •••••• 11411·8586/1145-4644 I 2780• 8 • C Finish & rough carpentry, Le. ..1 Al 6't -v126 arpentry ·Masonry ADD'NSI REMODEliNCl 1t. Roofing • Plumbing cabinets, rm additions Plans. Llc'd. George -''••/':,( Drywall . Stucco • Tiie 64t» 7228 Pllmer & Soos 6<46-1814 •••••••• •••••••••••• Remodel J.B 6"6·9990 Remod & Rep~rs Free TIEES --Masonry. carpen1ry. con-Carpenlfy • Cabmels est Lo '8191 ks, PB· crete. 1dd'ns, 1nt/e11t r• Topped/removed Clean Plumb • Drain Cleaning tlo Steve 752-9556 mod Llc'd 6411-07111 up, lawn renov 751-3476 El<Ktrlctl. Tiie Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Res/coml Lie 397804 842-1720 Classified Adi are the answer to a 1uccH1ful The faatH I drew 10 11\9. _gau1oe...oc.y.,cl.at.U1'- Weat .•. a Dally Piiot better way to tell more crasellled Ad. 642-5678. people! -STANBUR INDUSTRIES TllE llEH ICEH Rel• Don 966-0l49 Gen·1 contr Property L1wn·llM·shrub ln11a11 Gen con1rae1'g. ma1n1 . mprov 1W7·18TI I !SJ --r.... 1rlmlremovt1 plumb. repair, 1>1irlt'o. La-wn Maln1IR01011111ng mobile home service. Classlfled Ad• 842-5878 Free esllmlle 548-6065 Jim 536-99571538·3684 ~'.!Ir!!~~ ••.....••••• ',~~!!!!!~~!!1 •••••.•. JA<.:K 01 AH TRAO 8 Ouallty HO\lt.C.ltAnlng 01111 Jtcll anytime. I wle JH1110na1 tovc•l CM. day or nlglil 670 3014 Irv, NB Belh 850 0033 UCI ttud1111 lloorlng, HOUSECL.fANfR -wnd-w/1c.1won. c11pen11y Oood rel• NO & lr11lnt ti.c (1p ROb 1173 2281 pref Gl~yl 641·0702 28 YRS FXP DUNHAM B&M HOUHdeanlng HOM( IMPROVEMeNT AHeonable Call Bente AtmO<ltllno -Odd Job• OolbOe laland 8711-7401 113 1 8630 anvtlme H114rtH4 """ ····•·•···•··········• HAAOWOOO PLOOAS Beaullfully cl aMCI end wa•ed 432 488 I Bachotor'e HMOleonlng 6 laundry Strv Ktr.i1. l'l40·2618/860 0892 HOUSECl.EANINO Honti81 6 Otpend1bl• Orend1 062·2600 !{~~!~J•••••••••••••• i (11ptl1IM llOUMklHtfllng DVMP JOOS We lum1an vacuum & & Small Moving Jobi IVPPlll!I Kl.!!!_ 641·4010 Call MIKE 646· 13111 11 you wonl your hou11 HAULING·GRAOINO REALLY CLEAN, Call dtmo1111on. clean.up Linda. 669-0318, Good Concrlle & tree removal Ael1 Oulck aerv 642-7838 Housecleaning Leave 11141 PROF SERVICE drudge 10 me & llvll D H1Ullng. yrd clean up 111111 Xlnl rals MIH'i Quick 6 ci.an Free ell 9711-7697 1173-0548 HAULING • lludenl hH lge lruek Lowe81 rate Prompl Coll 759· 1976. Thank you. John 0LEAN-UPS:0ARAGES. ~~!!~!( ..•........... BRICKWORK Small fobs Newport. Costa Men. Irvine Reis 675-3 175 Custom Brlek-S1one Block·Concrele·Stucco Rell Free esl 5<49·9492 r11,11~1. •••••••••••.. r~~~:!!~~~~! ...... . "H PAl•n.I ••ORYANf •• • tiy ~lchud Sinor 1.10 w111c:ovet•no Rtn1ov•I 2110644 13 yra of h•PC>Y All type• fl42 1343 IO<;ll tUllomtt• " I , ,. I Thallll VOY II;) I 4410 •• ~!.!!'. ~!/.~ .'. •. , •••• QUALITY WORK 7),t"· D S PLASfCAINO 1tt11 • 110r1•t Ref• le NHI PlllChe• 10111•1 287107 Dev• 064 1°'411 RetlUCCOI 04!. 112!111 l OWllll rate t i PfOMl)I. Pl ASTER PATCHINO nt11I proleUIOnlll. 15 AHIUCCOI lnl/OAI 30 y11 llMP 11411·6884 yrt Nt111, Paul !>•6·lfl'l'7 CUSTOM PAINflNO l/1•t/•'I. lntlexl R .. 101comm •• •• •••• ••• • •• • • ••••• Fr4Mt H I Lie 1144·47011 ATLAS PLUMBING & -Heeling. 1peelal1z1ng 1n 15 yre exp NO/CdM Im rop11111 645· 11188 email. my price• 81" El Ell 1""1·112& imam Ref\ 1173~41/ • w INT/EXT PAINTINO 4 WALLPAPERING Custom work Free est A110t Steve b 47·428 t HARBOn PAINTING Oullllty work F1ee esl Cnll 1111 6pm. 1173-51118 CUSTIM PAllTlll 25 yrs ekp Uc 4039• I Bono d Ins Reta co101 t11<po'1 963·0911 Olc;k f!J'.~~;!'~ ••••••••••••• Forth111g )nterlor. Oealgn HANGING/STRIPPING Visa-MC Scott 645-932S Wiler HHler 8~1a11 24 hr Plumber otc; ~!!!~f!~i~I ••••..•.... J O Hom Aellnls1111111 An11quas kit c1blne1a. line pa1n11nv 6<15 0684 RHliH ·H~~;~.~~~;,;~;;; · 1 N&w·recover-declts Lie •411802 548-9734 t ANYTHING! CALL RANDY 642-7647 Heuhng & yd cleen·uP Tree 111mmlng. garage clean-up Bob 850-9844 "' • ASR PAPERHANGING IVIOf 1 yrs local exp Guar • ROOl'ING REPAIRS Small Jobs o k free es11- ma11s Call Tom & Chuck 542-6392 HH1ttltHi•1. -•••.•••........•.••.. ROBIN'S CLEANING Service · 1 lhoroughly clean house 540-085 7 Joan's Cleaning Service I Hovses-Apts-Renlals Olhees 540-1287 TIRED OF HASSLES? I Ou111ty Cleaning help os horel A•l~.960-7462 ••••••, ·1··.·,·~·, .. ·~··•••• wori. Prices 11111 11 * • ' •* I $8/roll Alec 751 ·7027 Top quallly Special care -- In handling 26 yrs ellP I E x P e" w a II cover I n g CompeU11ve Re1es 1ns1a11a1ton Reas prices No overllme 730· 1353 Consullanl Asslgnmen1 --581·8590 ·ABC MOVING· Quick Carelul Service Low Hiles 552·04 10 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO lie T 124-436 Insured 6" 1·8427 WATCH US"GROWl Poperhang1ni'Sir1pplng, pa1nllng .c.lnl work. lg or small 1obs rea1on1bl8 rales • Reis Free es1 Srendan 968-7427 Have someihlng 10 eell? ClaHllled ads do 11 well. C1111tfled Ads 642-6676 Jolly Cncketers Pror Wallpapering & stripping Many relerences Paul 857-0118 Strtt•• ··················'··· MOBILE SERVICE Reacreens/Now screens NB/CM only 642-9552 So/11 •••••................. Solar Consulllng systems trouble shooung pools, hgt wlr space hea11ng Na1uw 1 gas. deregulatton Is htfte Op11m1z11 your systems etlic;ency Also new 1ns1a11ot1on1 Lie 405544. 631-2430 · for rour lewn mower DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no·longer needed Items for c ash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item INES ft!!~!!!!~ •••......... srnv1cr & rtCPA1n Van Oppens Gervl~ Cer 63&·-4666 T/11 . ••.......•.....•..... r11c INSTAil 0 AH Kmdt Ou•rentaed Rtilt Jonn 840-fll' 11 KtlGh blllhl 1tnlrl., cu1tom A "11nrn F1141 811 tl40-2082 CUSTOM CCAAMIC Tit ( WO~ I roe HI Chuci. 675-5 100 wvea ''" $11~/tt ··•······•••••••···•·· """'" THI IHvtOE "Tree Work -wilt\• Con science"' Trimming & removal by HowetO Doi loft P 0 001! 34, Co111 Mesa, Ca 921127. Ph 642-1032 ..... SLOW RATES S 1 rce 1nm1remov cle•11 u(>ll mowing 5S4 70 I 7 '!.".~o!J~~ ••••••••••••• MOSI subjllCll. K· 14 Doy/eve $5 & 110/hr Mr Morgan 645·5 I 76 ~!~~~~-~!~~~!"····· "Let the Sun6111ne In' Call Sunshine Window Cleaning LIO 548·88~ 20"1. Monlhly Olscoonl ln1/ex1 Resld/comm'I Free eel 20% mon1hly d1scoun1 644·4798 CRAIG CLEANING CO Res1dtcomm'1 1n11ex1 Screens mirrors Ladder worlt -Owner oper 646-3089 You doo't need a gun to "draw fast" when you place an ad In lhe Dally Piiot W1n1 Adsl Call now I 642-5678. OLLARS • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (~ ... ,,.. ...... 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 w11 I 1•8-' $3H11ttH•llJ 13$1 .........••......•...................•...... LOSI White female Cll w/ yellow eyes. Brookhu11t & Spelnacker area H B. She rs dear: II found dead or alive please call 964-'1664. LIHA & YIOll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS ¥!}1..'f ~'#. ... • !.l.'!f ¥!}1..'f !!f#. •••• !.l.'!f llJ.~11..'r!!'.f! •• • .J.I.~ IJ.~lf..'r!!_l.f! • • •• !.1.f!! IIJ.•}f..~f !_t.'!. •••• J.l.f! l'f!}/ •• Jf !!.1.f!. • •• !).f! IJ.•Jt. .J!f!~f! •••• ?J.~ I IJ.'fl. .J!f!.~'!_ • •• • !}.f!. IUYSlnH Ganer al Olf1ce. 1yping.,Mansgemen1 Trainee. llUllSHY PHSO• p /ti•t lorlllCS SALES 3 yr old glrl ind II mo old AGENT light bkkg. Malure. Opp· compl 1ra'"1ng program Full/lime. Experienced S 1 m nl , 1 PUBLISHER SEEKS Dy· Slsler need iellible pet· IY for ecpanded potlllon P/tlme avail Mr Salt Ikeda Nursery c M Call b upg ~ e 1 {ou 1 ncome nam1c Salesperson W' son 10 care ror ihem In SlfERVISOR' Submit resume to 1011 761-2406 · tor appl 645-5782 1 Y h 0 ng n1 ere.s Ing le· hvy phone & closing OUTCALL 24 HRS 8 I 0 I SI 111 · ep one se as work on $35K 1 S their Irvine home on ' oso r ve e . b h If I e•pr po1ent1a al Wed Sal S35 C111 Deb-C M 921127 lll&IER ••"H &1•11 e 8 o$4n~tlonal com· & comm b ener11s Lo11-Cu1e cuslard & whl Cocker type male dog. "'Fluffy'" Laguna Bch Family pel. Reward $200 (213) 701-5234 Ask for 111·0201 bte 752-8123 TRAllEE Elcper'd only for Conva-~~~ve bon~s01~0C41' :111~e' 835-9692 IHElllL OFFICE lescent Hospllal, New· . $harp person lor lron1 S 1300/mo Full Benelols po'1 Beach GOOd work· programs Sale• ex pr Sales Dancers lor Bachelor I Bachelorelte Parties 738-8538 or 558-a538 IAHSITTll Fn-Tues 6 mo & 7 yrs Prefer our home. EJSlde C.M $60/Wk 831-5426 USA TODAY. a new gener al i nterest national daily newspaper that w iJI begin pubJlcatlon in the Fall of '82 has position available for Agent Supervisor . olllce Typing hllng & Call 835-4449 JOBS Ing eonditlOflS Excellent 1 prev bul will train tha llOIRED1 heavy pnones 675-9&oo TODAY 2707 N B11SI01. benel11s Come Ind be • rlghl person For lnler• Looking for e1111.1 1nco· _M_ar_lon _______ CHft• h•fHJ ,. ... IHER&L OFFIDE S A small lee p 11 1 or our 1e1 m view call Ms Kruk al me'> Try Paf1· Time Sales 642-8044 545"5776 at lhe PENNYSAVER. LOSl·Lg green Parrot w/ Conversation with Barbi red cap. vie Hamllton. M C / V 1 S A 2 4 BAR Bar help needed In the To-rs Restaurant In 1he Suri and Sand Hotel. L S4/hr and up No Ei1per nee L1g~1ng, malling Call 835-4449 JOBS TODA v 2707 N Brlstol. S A small tee OFFICE/GENERAL Publisher seeks dynamic 1660 Placantll Ave 1 1 sales person w/heavy Costa Mesa Ask for Mrs Manaoement & Sales CM Reward 631·55., 638-070 1 P re-dawn delivery supervision requires early mornin g work schedule. TRAlll/IEW CAIHR Learn E•ecutlve Recrul· 11ng ror Eng & Tech, Mktg & Sales. Acct'g & Finan Oala Proc. Bnkg Ins & 01her areas Com- plele tratmng provided 1 Opp1y IOf qual retlrH. re-entry. & others ma- k 1ng career change Member Grp est 1961 Call Jack or Pal Ehrhart, BUSINESS & PROFES· SIONAL AGENCY. NB 653-8191 ntereSI ng position for phone & closing exp White en alert. Intelligent •P· $35K po1en1ial Draw & Loet· reel M kitten, In frOfll COEDS • Would love 10 B 8al'1ender, dey 1h1t1. of Thrlfty's, Crown Val. party wfyoo Cell Sue or Exp ptef'd and Coctuall pllcanl. MacGregor comm benefits Sales Yacht Corp . 1831 Pie· 83s.9692 SIPPLEMHT ----cenua. Costa Mesa . ---YOH llCOME Recephon•sl GOVERNMENT J08S Pkwy 495-2969 Ka1hy 1ny11me (213) -w11tre111 wal1er . Exp Responslb11itles include overseeing Lost Dog. While Scotty 804·3233 C!~d 4:.f!!~7~0 Patrklk distribu tion agents, opening new ou.tlelS (Wesl Hlghl1nd Terrier) warm & 1n1elhgen1 w/m and dir ect ing collection functions REWARD 640-91129 or 36. 1va11 lor comp•· Be1u1lc1an. 111per -w / N · 1 · d ) · 540-8914 An1-we11 10 nlonahlp 10, gorgeous I clientele. rent apace or ewspa p er c1rcu at1on an sa es Sparky ladles. Ken 497-5718 commlsslo<I Progres.tlve experien ce necessary, man agement Slamne, Blue Point. Blue p I shop, •Int working cond. exper ience a plus. To ap ply, su bmit collar Answers lo NEKO. lllla~ Call 842-3055 btwn 0-5, resume to· 759-8959 REWARD Se1Y1t•1 5110 Tue-Fri · .....•.•.............. Many positions sva1l1ble tn US & Ovl!f"seas For 0.rectory (312) 888-.. 347 E•t E·91 11111 1nu11 Loet: Brlgh1 yellow P1ta· keel. Beycreat. Dover Snrs area. Famlly heart· bfoken. 1142-287$ AT Yllll SERVICE Beauty Saloo has~ tor hair slyllll Rental 640-6023 Motivated 11y11st ~ed to join ptogresaive t1lon Sal11r14 comm. & vec Personnel Dept. H ~o: LT :as~: u B 1 N • Man•oemen1 OFFICE Orange Co ad agency ... ks hard WO<klng. or- ganized, 1rtlcul'1e pro- lesslonal 10 a11111 Ac· counl E•ec, 70 wpm ly· ping required. Heavy phone con1ec1 wllti strong ro11ow-up akllls Call Atea11 556-0460. 9 .30-1 00 •·~days $900 mo T~ 45 words Mortgage banking flrm Telephone Mr1 Fenn1e 714-549-0117 for 1pp1 llECEPTIOllST $ 1100/mo Varlou1 du· lies. Lois ol people conlaC1 Call 835-4449 JOBS TODAY 2707 N Brlllol S A smell lee Found black female Set· 111. wlille spot on chest. choke chain & Ilea collar Found 9-25. 968·74118. Personal. quellloed com- panion drivers for your day to day errand• Shopping, doc1or's app1s. church. elc All needs met By hour or day. 494-5857. IELL OlPTlll lJSA TODAY STRUCTOR M v Wo-ltttt• ll1rbh P&lll91TIIE IELP mens Club, 6AM-1PM. II t T f S•·S6/hr No Exp Nee ReltaYrant Salary DOE • SupefV!eo-P.O. Bol 6970 M·F. $4/hr 770-3200 1• • ra lllS All hrs avail Grt ror atu· Meyerhor·s • Primary ry position. Call I I y 0 s 11 1 ood food 835--4449 JOBS TODAY, MOSTEIS/CAllUH •&I Hr lfltr doots upper 0 g 10 l N• I CA 92677 Sflrl "our new car-on JDIS u I' a l he Ir vine Co1por111 2707 N BrlllOI, s A. aguna 1gue ria1ure Fle11lble Person I ' • .. Comm nil e d • 1. I • small lee 1 1 1 A our 3rd shill. earning $4 8 • • u Y n e • an Found 1em11e brown. whl· i1t•H 1 • 11pe1 ence no nee P-Up 10 s4 50 as you be· 891-4 18 lee enthusiastic, responsible le Spaniel. Vie Edwardl. ltllr•tlioo 100S Bilingual '"slrucllonil ply In person between come more e•p'd You ExcerplS lrom 1111 Pub employee tor counler Siiier 647-7648 •••••••••••••••••••••• ardes Various lengv&ge· 3-5 dally 210 Newporl will be promoted 10 PART Tl• sales. lood prep, and -F--d--K-.---R--,-PRE-SCHOOL/DAY • Temporary, "on ca1r·1·-----E=-·=--=--==-------· Center D<•ve. N. B mgmt & supervisory le· p T de1l11erles M·F 8-300 oun · tlen, vu •n CARE ba.s1s. $4.34/ hr Apply 1' TME 1011 UITI vets Cell 714-537-4840 af1 •me Ideal Tor pet· pm Good driving record blue wt.Ilea colta!t 11lc Meple Ave Chrlsll•n In Irvine Unlfred School [)j. CHlllELHI EQull Opptu Emp,,,._, I I I son With schOOI children neoeasaty for dellver1es Found red/brown short Sm lndlv c111se1 open 5~900 11 Counielori 10 aid Mllure experlenc.ed per· Holels ~ed 7"8 pm at 1 1 Del 1 tam I 3pm Be1ktn· 551-6232 Wor1c PIT. II em -Z pm w11h lhe Los Angeles Times C1rcutauon 'tum In lelephone aales Earn en llovrly wage + comm Training provided Fo delalls Call (7 14 5-40..()301 S&LH Sales.person ror repu1e ble antique shop with some know1edge ol 1n11 ques Parl lime &42-7945 SECRET ARY, ru11-t1me bookkeeping, filing, lite lyplng. hvy phones $5 50 10 s11r1 Cer11lleo Apphance 642-0240 SECllETAllY Top s-llls. diversified dullas work 1n Fllh•on Island Call Jennifer 759-15t5 Belhel Twrs 631·8~ C.M. Registering 2·PreK atric1. 2941 Allon. Irvine People needed to Ira'" lllTllllTOR -., •v•-nterv ewe he~very No Expr nee. Appro11 Call M/F altar 1 pm Oc1 • h 5•5 •33• Fie Ible h u Tll"' IALIOA IA. Y CLll ... ar • CoSlo Me a and Robbins Ice Cream Sift-hair ml•ed breed male .. 1 .. ._ .. olhers In dlllrees 01 with 1°" 11 ours. m· " every Thurs 9 m-noon ~ RETAIL SALES dog 9127. Vic Wern« & IOAT •ECIAlllC p1oblem1. Thi• new que ptoduels 979-5146 llte11•11pl1c/Perter 11 1390 N Cst. wy .. Lag re N B OTS-9191 Exper video ealea per-SECRETARY Graham. H.B. 846-4252. E•J'l~••t Outdrlve quallllc1tlon1 technique reeu111 In a1_a_11_7~P_m_.______ General cleaning, En-~Bc~h~E~·~O~E~.~~~~~I PART TIME POSITIONS, son. wage. comm & be· $6-$1/hr Full benellls Found:Graymalecll,llee J••, .. ,·w.·,·,·1·~··•••1•0•1•5• and ••Pr. nee. Wagea well and happy person ELECTRICIANS gllah and Spenlah n•· _ high Income. Cell Mr nellts Call Valerie Grl l'HS Good lor stu· collar. verylOvable. Univ •• !'. ••••••• ~••••••••• basedOflexpr 645-0901 All welcome to epply Over1e111ndU.S Many ceuary P M Shlll MASEUSSES . Good Capobi1ncoll&4-e111 642-194.tl dents Call 835-4449 Prk Medi Dental Plaia. Young married man -will IOOllHPll/nP11T Contact· 011netlca Cent· Jobs avellable For Info· Please call lor an ap· working conda Good PerlO<\nef --JOBS TODAY. 2707 N Culver/ Michelson SI do general handy work Mon-Wed·Frl alternoon-•r 774-0121 be1ween (3121 IM-43-47 EJll 309 polntmenl, 9-5 pm. M·F pay 8AM-12 noon 2112 RO&IL SALES _e1_1slol S A small lee 9123 Ph 552-7500 Cell eves & wkenda. I Mu1t be able IO Oo ~: ~~u a~~I. 1~.3;" 9:-3~ ENOINEERSITELE _645-5000 EJtt 521 (H71rb~!~3C•o33111 Meu 0£CITtff !!~$6/hr9 WOlllBTSraJTOn Call Found: Lidie"• Ring VIC ,_01_2_-11_5_2_5_. -----payroll CdM 055·3-0CM AM 4 30 PM COMMUNICATIONS Hot Rooletl wameO C1n 141 .,...,. .. t1Ec•1m1 ...... -444 J DAV SECRETARY I.E. Ho a g Hosp , N B Kind, 1n1etllgen1 prictlcal OverMIS and U S. Many B O b or Nev 1 r I e • t Need 2 tlardworltlng,-;:n;:-ror Eng & ~ec:h. Mktg 11 ~~[i 1~ Bristol S A Secretarlll po11t1on 1n 536-6190 att 3pm nurse. uper pariontl DAlllEll ctllTEI llELP Jobe Avalllble FOf Info: 642-7222 ture lndtvlduals 10 wlSh Sales, Accl'o & Finan, 1c11ve Newport Center Found: YO M Germ. Shep, care 7 2 o. o 7 7 9, Fashion lal1nd re1a11110-Part time. Mon through ~312) 8 88-434 7 E111 -11-0ISHPR·LIYl·ltil dlshn Available tor AM Diie Proc. Bnkg, Ina & IAUll A•wertisilC Realtor's olllce Front Ylc. H th & Orange. C.M.. 1175-3104 re Position 1v1llable lor Fri 11 AM 10 2 PM, 1 __ .a_1_0 _______ 1 or PM ahllts. Xlnl wage other areas Complete E1tcellent opp-., for par1/ olllce pos111on requires on Mon. 548-9792 1P--a-r1-t-lme--eec:-r_e_l11-r-la_l_po_s_I· an executive CHiiier. Apply In person. 270 So •FASHION COUNSELOR r:::,. Chh~ge& l~~~B :'u!i and benefits Apply In Training Provided Mem-Umer In .Orang~ Co with good telephone voice. lion W.nted In Newport E11p1. H bank teller or Brr11o1. Coate Meta. t12/IV, PIT, L8dlee AP· ap~ Eng . own "Ir, rel person belween 3.5 dal-ber Grp ell 19&1. Call 1111.nrowlng ad11ertlslng 1' typing.SH & oppear&n· Found: 4 black-headed head ce1hler E.O.E " ... ly 210 N-po 1 Cente< " ca Real es111e ••Pe Perrota, IHI aeen vie Center 12·3 d1y1 wk) 644·5070 OllTIMH llRYIOf ~~5~:~ 731-4347 ~-2-·SOO __ i ____ Dflve NB r :alp ~hoh:~s ~~~~E!~ 11""· 1175-3641 rlence helpful but noi Maple I t9th St.CM ::~.·~~~r:~ic:,:~~· Cal Sitter Sincere pleuant voice IOllEIEEPER TME IUD URTM AG ENCY . Newport WJS/C.MMiHiH essen11el Prefer 1oea1 Found· tge rabbit. fluen 842·5327 Rel9 pereon 10 help w/ :::;:.n~4;. ~~c!:."Z':. Fe ... alt YaHey 55/hr Room & Board Equal Opply Employer Beach. (714) 553-8191 Unique lady 1 clOlhlng residenr For Interview w/g<rf head. paws. Po-•---------care grooming & love of h s4 50 .. f'tc•I• 0.•pHJ Cell 835•4449 JOBS llore 5eells energe11e la-call Mrs Duhl mona, lllctorle. 548-5186 IJ..,1..'J!!!'.~'!. •••• !.~~ my long haired ceta. ~·8886, ~~;,2~onu1 Looking Tor 4·8 exper TODAY, 2707 N Brlstol. NJrse. ,"c,'d. desli'u pv1 P•lllCTitl d le a w II h I 1111 I o r WHltJ el. Tayler Ct. Soma knowledge & Ill· ----------i proruslonell. we spe-S A •m•ll fee 'i~~Y ••~', 0~3~~~~2 ~; Packing & hendllng ho-t11hions and modeling Realtors 644-49 \0 Found ma I e b 1 e ck AenMt l11tr.oters per w/an1ma11 helplul. Dell Counter. 8AM·2PM, cleltie In MW programs, -------1 Call Anawer ad 723 llery Full time Eng e1tper helpful Apply In Retriever/ Collle mhc. etperlenced only need lnfor (714) 540-728l alt Mon·Frl. s .. Herold or I.a. GMP/ARM. GEM. 111 Interior gardener, PIT, 642 ... 300 24 hrs. speak ing prererred person Alexia Nllural Senloe Stitiel APP r ox 1 Yr o IO apply. 714-1175-8955 3PM. Duene. 495 Ea1t t7th St & 2nd TD'•· mu11 have exp. working Cry• t e I Cr e •II on 1. Fashtons 260 Forest SI ~:8~gf~~I 0!8~~752~21-A-E_R_O_B_IC-IN-S-TR_UC_T_O_R_ GI • C.M. Call Jahn cu11ek wllnterlor planlseapu Hive youriiiftoday'1 831 ·5414 Laguna Beach 497-4777 AH•••Ht E AIFFllR/LI 091..__li 98'4·0090 549·1442 CteHlfleO ACle? If not, S I /MLt' Corona del Mat Part Diane. xper. Apply Irvine U ••h Wit ,.._ ... SIDENTl•L ----------i you're mlltlng the t>MI Shop at home It's 111y ats •ll•I 11meeves 3PMto 9PM C I u b h o u s e P 10 _,/ ' I train! L A Im-10 h--In no:. " .IAllTOR I h I ,.,__... iu. E S 500 R . E c 0 ~· ~..... MOATG·oe SE""V CE bergelna In lownt w I c ......... 642·-78 arn up 10 1 per Must hove P'IYIOUS Ill· eward for IOSI Of•~ & IPM-4.30PM ..... IOI xclllng ., .. , pply Newpor1 Beech 3 30 AM .. " I i~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-------miil p M ....... F Cal"'·-eel em-J•.attn. 1c.~.1500 Earn --.. .-. leern $5/hr ,.._ ...... ~'---e mo art lime ull be per Start 1mm1dla1ely ...... """ .... ~ ......... ,~ • -8:00 AM 1550/mo. Full Charge eootikeeper, ·........,.. ........,.... mature 559-9043 Leave 67S..2276 panerolnNorthwood.lr·•----------Pickyourhra 0r .. 1for Economy cer required. Growing OC PR/AO WIPTraln.C.11835·44411 Meuege ---- Ylne. 869-0301 mneo WlllllT Sludents AllO nteCI new1p1per anancy C•H,,..,, Braun JOBS TODAY, 2707 N '!! OPPORTUNITIES !•! --'Sewing Machmg Opet•· LOST blk /whit• CAT lllTR•OTIRI Jiil 1,1.A. •tu ff er 548·8441 or ;;-eppl. 841 -3579. Brlslot. S A small fee • • SALES Order desk lor -1 tor Experienced Fecto· male. nevlered Wood· Prof. expr needed AP-891-4818 tee 848-1413 llTOMH llELP IN ault mfr. Aoc:urall lyl?lng ry Production Line Piece bridge, Irv. Reward. ply In persoo. 10·5 dally E cer 1 I u t P b fll.... o I [f t • & C • • & gd. phone mannei a Rates C M 642·965I 8 9 I Bod B I 777 x p I rom I u . Dellvary/Stock. Tues 6 Are you 1dv1nturou1, nly t•per need app y. ec fOOICS OmmUnlC3llOf1\ mu11. Start Sal 81 1780 STOCK SUPERVISOR 551· 3 4 I Y usne11. 1 CHILD CA"E. Ofier or Wed, 11 A M ·8 PM. & lo On-line &XPOrlence AP-Call lor lnltw1, 642-t9t2 H di I Newport Blvd Colle " T"" -s 2 p need money. ve to 1 b 1 3 Th Bl ftn e SIO Ing n~t Lo1t. Gold Money Cllp. othef. Mon thru rt. 4-5 .... ra 81• M·l1PM treve4? C•Ulornll marke-P 'I •1 • • e uo How Would You Lite• To , • . M-F " r · .... ory Sel • Herbor View Or,1_M_1M________ hra Oly 10 help motl'lef See Harold or Olene 495 h 0 Beat Cale, 107 2111 Pit· • Le-am A N•w Skill ,____ --6 shipping of equip Or· CdM . Keep11ke. Re-Apt Manager, Handymen wllh 2 youno children. East 17th SI C M. Uno come:ny •• 1 ce. Newport Betch • Drvtolop Wact.nbip Stiel g1n1z11 lnv~lory contTOI, werd. 640-8060 & wile 101 Coate MeH 8--1 pm Aef1 842·9309 oPefllr19t .,,.,p, mo-875-3333 advise customers on A compte• over 40 lpl llLIY ll\llleel hlgh·achool Ofl· -• Mait. N«w f"rkonda • llEOIT1YE sembly or componen11 Lov1ble blk & wtlt edvll · ' • Child Cere needed for 22 llY du• I•• to I r• v e I 7 Lltlll OURI • Earn f;)c\1111 Mon.y t U IEC.llnl Fiii orders 1 yr tnvenlOfy leme le, 1payed eel lneld 675"°447 mo. old Pref E. Side CM We hi ve lmmedlele Wetttrn Slit .. & de· Meture pereon, rectn• • Enpy ~cutar Civlll1n l...1lf ex per Tustin loc Sholl. dectewed. to od Apt Mgr tor New 19 unit area. 648--7350 optnlng1 tor dellvery mon11rale en uclllng Hperltnce preferred. '°' Eno & Tech. Mklg & S7 75/hr Send thil 10 & hm. 497-1517 eondo1, Co111 M111 ChllCI car• n"ded. Pick drlvttt Muat be 21 & nt w producf1d Tr:~nlng Full/lime. nlgh11, ~tm•· W• Offer ... ~::11;. AC:Ol'j k& F.''"~ your resume to Job Loet· Mele Shep/Cortie $350eredlllowerel$715 Oe over -with good driving program P• · 011• nent po1111on. "-PPIY In • a::xc.lltnt~rttrOpporu~nlttmFor H S • roe. "g, "' •6 ·2572. P 0 Box ml~. Ille: 8u1herd/ rent. 1142·4907 wkdoy1 C~r!~'c°'~.•J,~~n~:. 3.i record. lllO I ble to work everege eernlno•. 1r1n1 peraon after 3pm ~937 OradutW or Equlva~nl ~lhe~ ar~u I ~mple1e 15102. LA Ca 90015 7 E7dlnger7. F.11 Reward AffiNTION dey wk 642·5718 ~venlnge 8tarl •t ~u~~· r~~r~l:r:nt~i .! COHI Hwy, CdM • Training For ~pit' With No b~1no~ ;:,v~H1M~':ii SwllChbOlrd operator, ~ o3 50·14/hour + llp1. 648-3337, It .... PM lhrv l I 0 U 0 R CLER I( I Military bpN''lf~ Jeck Ehrhart, 8USINES8 oraveylfd PI T wee· Ollotl&Ttll Apply delly alter 5pm, Fri. or84G.,.tll1 ,.,en11 b.Ondtblt. m11ure. ••· • ~ 11orPriorIO3,th blrthd.t_y • PROFESSIONAL kends, no exp nee FOUND' Female St hr· GlJYS & G•LS tOfvoflf tfA,."t11onelrl-Hk for Jean or Peut, we1comeet1nttr01tW Pl< Ca11 • OpcnlllllF'otPnorBttvla-AGENCY . Newport 642-30t3 n.,CI & FemMI Lib PUP-n ve. Pey1 S504 \00 delly. Me-n·Ed'I PlrU. 17111 & --"3·0116 fndlVlduala e.tch. (7141 553·8191 -- py, H.8. H2-3603 TRAVEL Paid ~ .-1y Tuatln, 0.M ... ltitlM Pl ---TUCH OTHERS 11·11 "" lltH•ah 6'U 7&<>·11121 '7&o.S564 Earn 1150 10 1300 pe1 LH• WPIOHI SOUND ltq'ERESTlNG . , , ... 11 NtPL• wtelt tarn 11100·1900 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ht-pro hea lmrned ope-Cook -DENTAL OFflCE MNGR Wffk Pitt time College Aggr11alvt Newport CAU TODAY 979•736, -"' mo, no eelllng nee * * * nlnot fOf 20 lllerp guys & Nlnht cook. Conllnen111 Ettlclenl. !:ntllUllH 11C & c r. d I I I ., a 11 c 111 OtlCll firm Itek• 1'1'1011· ,..._...___ 8•30 • m ....... p -I (AMRHllYI) • 850:!_00 1 Otle. tree to 111vt1 COlft cooking Eicper Pref'd . org1nl11d .. wlbkkpng 1148-57811911 for TOM 11eted lndlvldull1, Terri· ..,...,..,_., ' ' ·• ·-"""' lll lest lratoh1 co ... ," T~ne Sllta lflllfil Parlor fo coH t. S1ng1e, 18 & contact Rich 0, Merle. t)lper 4 dy -wk 54~ tori .. open Mu•• li1v• 1 _ QNOY Ql .. tlNO Hot. mo11v11ed .. , .. people Ulll Ill •H °'*' 24 hr• 1 d•y over. Free 10 e1er1 Im-morning• 497•444, Denttl-clillrlide. Prf AM. ltttrll tffttt R LIC llerbor·P11e111o 1~~~m~=== 10 develop new 1cc1a WllllM PIT 7 dtye I ,_.. m.c:I Wiii be demon1lre· PARfNERS BISTRO HP ADA 4 e1-/1'1 k Part II~. m'ldleel lnau 1155-0073 r!ll!t !very twslnett I• • po-Jeeuu l. Sauna Loc•I• 11"9 ~ prOOutl 2 Wka 8elci'I IL~ ' ,. ,.. w ranoe beek(lfound help. Mor I I -2651 N _. •t. . ...A ltnllll cutlO!Mr Sllr1 II $400 • SOOO willy Ce" .. well 11 Tour1111 pd 1rllnlng, ewrege Nr· Leguna c.;Y~~~ olfice, Npl lul M eture P•r•on tlte• ~': ~~~~ llll...,...AI • Cott~w~'""'· 1$00/mo +comm Po·. (71•1 538·15H Aak ror l enkAmerleard, AtMrl· nlnO• a300 I* wk & up. Hi ve you reed tooey'e fret d I 30 to 1 t 30 AM ~r II ,,,U"'heve 1 cam· IWl'I ..,.._... lenl(ll eam•nos ol more ~ H DunleV\I °"" ficpr-., l)lnen All Cail 7&o·H U or apply OIH•lflecl Ad•? If not, S!lL Idle llem1 wllh e Mon throug• l'rld•y Ot per tll•t'• not neUlng r.1111 •ARD then S30.000/y1 Cell SIH.L idle Item• wllh e "'9tcome 7141845-34)3 121112 Chepmen Ave . you're mlellng the belt Delly Piiot OIMl!lled I'd. "-•lblel•e 11U uMd, ..ii 11now'"llrith 1 ~~ I M·f' 10.4• &~1 .u:u Deity 'Ao' CIMIHled AO -==2=t1~2~H=ltbor====a.=·=CM====:U:=G=•=den:=:=o=ro=~~·-;.._-====-l-:=b=1t1wo==111n='='="='=OWl'l==l=====l.:=t4=2=·&e==7=8=. :=:-:::::=:--~.==~ .. ~·;;:;;:==:d~c~1~...n~~led~A~d====:i:::::il~1he~~~!.JCl!ld!!!!!C!~~~!ig1.~~~~~~·0~-~-~.~~~!.J.•xi2~0~1~~~~~~~!'t._~&t~2~·&e~71~========- ) • I .. ... DIU Orange Ooa1t DAIL V PILOTIW edn•day. September 29, t8H ,,.,. ,,,,.,,., ,, ..... ""--, , 1111 ~t ••. IJ!f '1!'1 •• ~ .... ~f --::r-1 ,,. ,.~= l!.l l~!f!! .. '!e.'11. ... 1!!.f ~.'.'!!t.~I!!.'!!. ..•... ~~'!!1.1!JI!!.'!!. •••••• ~ ... '!!t.1!J1!!.'!!. •• ,., •• ,. 0 • • ,-. o"l o • • • • • •••••••':I I Mt; • I • '*' tf. Pt m a t. &. f 1! f. '"'• • f "ll, ... I ••••• •i............... ELIOTllO •·--• ••••••···••••••••••••• ·••· ·•·•••·•••••• ·• .. •, lUf'fl si.~ ""''' 1.7'·' •• ,..,.. .!r. .• '!!t! .•.•. •·••• •• .., '• pat" iJt •nt u...v car ••••• • ••• • • • ••••. •• 'r:" • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • llUllTlll llW H f /fl, . 13 11 """ Wh111 '" '74 Y1meh1 JtO cl•fl OO.• ~3 ltllOeD•• Ctiemp•on (tori n.., domett "' NAiii ...-n•a f>ntach• t, 11118 cp1 ro vw OU ' 111 "' wor~ 1-an1111111n N-· Redwooc1 h clKt.tno 11111 000t•:~;~~~ tl~'0111f",~~m 13f:O',fg:..~1f:1rr 1111oocscono••10n llU llTIMllll &•h11<.0f1n •Jn1p1m1& 1n1e1101 gocto <on: port beectl I HI *"" 4 20 IOl\Gi t.O•OOd from Mt W1 10 ~off 6411 ,.111 • ... UI 'lttll PllUll tnl 112,IOO tor q111c11 11600 81.J "66 OUt top petMHt Jl'll In ~4 .. m;11111 C1M Jim Of 1<'"1 Wll btln HMfr 14 alum iamlvee. eltl 'M 'MUITANO CONV I It I I 4' • 6 8 1 I , l\Ot.111lhd1Jr31;hl hOme 111'/llllll, '118 1481 1t4 ng111 111911~1.ment tag1, 2&0 lndUfO HodPI lllnl "Glouncl Up AUIOtl• ••••UtlfPI /69 IGOO IO Pl• V1t1ag(lll 21,000 130, c a 3 o ·OI • 1 • .,.. 79 '° 1 1360 uon' --mt A I end 17''50. Py1 " Ill J o4 lflli rtWSllD OATHAOOM 2..., tvl C.OI • vtty 1 rong 16 Ill lb au, on lllk Wilt\ pl 6J I 100• f42 ~7 1 PM w1NOOW t&LIOINOI. '9ll. TllU 11111 1910 01.AISPAA t 16 Otto 1148 H>!\2 8 cv• Cn•MP•~ rntt I ~~ a"" nr AIC Whula r TELEPHONf 80llCITOA 3a4 S26 842·H111 fntO &AO-etn h/p Mere., d91Jlh findet. MllJ llll ~1'!',:a: ~1.~o ext t end Mo t• 114 700 V1/~1 1111 8, Sit Olll'/ l'OI meklrlQ 81.IOINO QlA88 A'IOClclO dbl OVfn, OH Cllllllt, IOlded, lrtil1r 76 HONDA 3110 Aune • 6.CI> 12H •••;;i·~.··,; ... i;•,;;;••• new •PP•• 641·0313 IS'll"xl PATIO WINDOW 1anoa. •lnl cond I fH 13500, 8"48 13111 0,,11 ·oe Lincoln Cont 4 d1 08 9 " Rebuilt en\I 11 ' The PannriMve• ,, "C•ll· aes 842-Hll AYOCldO rrlgkJllfl, Ilk• 21' oa.11 OllllH So47!11obo 848-113112 Aeedy400to ~:~·~~~. ~~ '11118 ll,11 1"1 llhrt 3100 w ••• COlll liwy I loya, rebll H•n• ctoen I•., .. ,. 0 ... .,1 ntw. 01111 111111111 , -eog S· .,.,. <#V \I , 673-001.C •t1t1 8 PM ting applc111on1 lot lull REDWOOD DECKING U76 Oual . frfple 1860 845·3344 't\9 6111ukl ~60ec; Sav-o• let ti PM • "~' ,.,,, •IOHrn N41wpor1 Buen I HY 0 umi Rtadt• Ad ..... 2a4'•· 334. 2X8. 49& pet 1'1•nct1 dr .. Mr w/mlrrOf. enuuro. nt•d• Clrb '!IS N• h M I 0 , Hight•• C .. l'I lmrnedl•lefy 6•2·9405 197!1 1114 Alp111e lllflO, AUi,. I I Apgrv PENNYSAVE;R, II 1200 840 1603 8t Chtlecr•ll, OUlllln· I I 8 II d ' ci'br ci r~e1 lot you1 vehlclt DO· ... ,, f1Z1 IOO wt 111 r•Cll. Curo &•I Lf&llll 18 O Plectnll• Ave, Savell 806 0122 ding cood . 21 •• wldoc:k, 0"40-6326/045-0138 voo ·,§:J' 083~tJ72 mtellc or roretgn •••••••••••••••••••••• pHn hoad & 1111 1tgh1t OVtRSEAS DEllVEAV Colla MIH IN 0 us TA I AL RI 0 IR II" caah, n1ue1 "" 13'""" r 10•" H .. 7"" •o• •• 1 8285 ......... TlllT fog 110111 •. good cono In [.)(PERTS Ct•••l•ll 1031 SWEEPER, nt new, only " """ oi Hie, vv on.,,a ""• '.50 CHEVY 4 OR '"' • • 6 out $0600 060 TV COMMERCIAL ....................... 20 hrl on Clock CO•I IG. OBO 813·3"411 IWll O'lertltlcl C:tm. p s 00 I I Wt Cln halpl Btlore you 631 4176!> CASTING COMPANY Tl IM DIMPITll O O O S 1 c, S !I . 5 O O 'hopptr Full ••tended "''or .c 01 11 A•lfl l• .. tl•i buy, ch11Ck our unb•llll IHU Ill ln1er11lew1no rallebte 1100. 848 2374 1153·0363 l1t1 Wlllr 1T torkl, klnf' quaan IHI, -1·828·3313 •••••h••'•••••••••••• ble e.tec\lon. uv1nga '10 SD Otu•• VOLVO ~~~~!~.~o:ln~•cp~~~~7:; llUO AOUARIUM W185 "P Mltfc WOOden Z'3 111\!f2! 11' S 1200 4 W•HI Dtlrfl 1160 ~/!!.~!!'!~ •••••• !.~!¥ and 1trv1Ce •odoyl Only 2.000 1111 Snrl 1e00&85Hr•!b~t£l1Sl:d I '!!I.• .,.. cnlf cont0la, m1nv •lrH " n " •••••••••••••••••••••• Lilli a 1182 lllYIEllln CIUISll a le P7 s llht ... ... .... ~~r:~e~~j~,~ ~~~l~n~~ •• •••••••••••••••••• ~u~r~·~~~=~7~:i 1~~~ 18500 llrm 78 Yem1h1 8110 8 pec111 1 lAAOEST JEEP DEALER Alf• R•H IPlllR HUS I IHYIO( $27 900 w111 trad11' ICl·HOI '40·t4tl p1n11, ewtmwere (good IRHT PYIHIH a11011c t11h, s.coo 1111ua. 117!1-8"475 11150 A~~~os~~· · 1, dea~~~.~~~d• 0..vlRTllU 2aso Hllrboi Blvd 702•870·7 185 PIP VagH 68 white 4-dr 4 c)'I. tl1Ck lln) elc No eaparlence "" Hie I 150 ObO 841· 15.C9, 28' Twin DteHI SklPllC!k, -'/OUI JEEP COSTA MESA 7~ 91 lSC Taro• loaOed '""' 125.000 ml s 1400 required By 1pp1 only 2 moa. old. S300 675-1355 loaded 1080 1<tw111kl 1<X125. Htghetl Oollat Petd $297.79 e•0-1140 "'"'· $23 500 otter 552 O~l9 2l3/84l6·8083 C •LL •081"2"·81"• ------567-4758 iood cond Never rac;ed. Cell Gary Orev ~ 645-8171, 6"45 8187 "" .. • .,. ~ SCRAM LETS '67 122S. 11111on waqon. TYPHmH Sen JoH, CA • IHtl l•Jl IOIO 160/ofr !:4_2·~ llUll otUT Pl' month plua llJI ·77 ACCORD 5 •P. AM/ Ro/Ii Ror.t• 1156 reGenr eno work s 1:JQO O.C Megllzlne publlaher ANSWERS ••···'·••••••••••••••• WANl TO BUY VESPA 1110/JllP/lllllLT .ca mooth 0~ end ieue rM. a;lver wl blk Inter 8d •••••••• ••••••••••••• 559-1832 aeeka operelot tor Com· Whtie fem Amer Eskimo n 18' Hobie C•t, yellow wt Mo101 Scooter Pvt Pl'/ 2024 Harbot Blvd , CM °" epprovlld credll Cep cood, $3000 6.C4•661 ,, l DEALER 1., U.S.A pugrephlc Edllwrlter Loveable, 1mar1, Ul<C, Nephew. Moldy 1eq 1un1l1t 11111 Like 844·&828 eves 5<49·8023 845-7770 c; o 1 1. S 1 3 . 1 5 o . ·75 Honoa cvcc 4 dr " A•IH U1•4 ~.~~~:~~1:°<?:im~~; ~7~~11~:9b r I( n S 2 5 P•n:~Heo°::°ht c:7m!~S: :~:::1, .c ls881r1aeY11mB~hea ~~n118c5o~d 1982 Chev Blazer. ShO· ~:~1~~~~~~3$og3a1 c::h wogoC1~:n~~~~9=2400 ' mCAR\fER Q~°;;:;r·•••••••fiOi 497-1727 tor lntervl-'I' s•"" • 5 0 90 wtoom new lor whlat• (15528) ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• OE AM AN SHEP I My ne1ghbo1 wtll never cyl eno SI 1,900 """v4 • 4 P.P 6.C.C-1885, d•Y IUOI llNITI 1, .. ,, 9130 ·1~J\...[ Yl4tt Ci•tfl PtllH Samo)'ld pvpptes. 7wka. gel mugged Who would 552-5133 .. tH •·•r, 831·2321. evee ••'••••••••••••••••••• ~ ... -··• • ,.,.., ., Wiii 1rain Mature lndlVI· 1 male, 1 fem s5o 911 have nerve enough 1° COLUMBIA 22 verv claen ,., 11 ••H, 1111• c 8411 Dove Slreal IJIC ll1t Ct14. 04"' • •• • " ,. ._ oval lor par1/tlme work 556-&00e mug • guv who walk• wllh new Honde OI B. l••t1lt11'f• 110 '70 Toyota Lend rutHr, NEWPORT BEACH Must see $8900 MIN ~An '"' 8 0 nd tlh a pet py ••••• # •••••• ••••••••• with Chevy 283 Eng • (fdu1'11Y1'1ml 9C~~u101robwe lpnrle~ FtH ti F•• IHS T~ON? w • S4700, cell 866-l2711 Rent· 26' motor hOme, Tru-Treks. Sii 1op, Meny lla·OIOO ~-27.c2. 6oC5•110 SILVER CLOUD 1 ... •••••••••••••••••••••• lite W/Trlr alps 8. tully folded. E1t1rea, Need• •Ork ----.,,.,.. Gii• 9734 1959 lull h1111d or1~e rn senlabte. bonoable & F~~~ k1110 1enld.'c· r1ed11 6 whl 8 llHital Inc l cover. 111 other 6-15-8618 (PIUI) $2250 obo 6•5-0288 A•ii 1101 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1tln1 running oroer needs phyalcall'I capable Apply ........ l t 1 IOIJ --•••••••••••••••••••••• '70 Convertible, Mini cond, cosme11ca SI •.500 In person. 1-4pm, wed. So48-6219 eller 4 PM ••• ~.'.!!."!!!! •••••••• 1~u1p $650 1175·8475 RH lllttl '75 Jp CJ5 lilgtpr pis, V8, ~I IOOO T•ri.t Olklng 15200 12131710.6908 44N5ewEn!:,o1•!~11~wyh Thurs. Fri. 2 1082 Brook· Freeto good home, l.C mo S•ilHat'I fHS 21 11 GOOd condition 3 spd, new Irene, " " & mlla1. fully 1010ed Pele (303140-2900 673-0900 w hurstSte 103.H.B old ~lllen. 842.8ll7. YAMAHA B••• Amp •••••••••••••••••••••• 556·0.C81 ~l3b~.0~n,~b:·J><'r:end , gd cond Like ---Sub"" 176 960-2226 Heedwlthadoubte 15" G&S Sellboerd. brand RV-&BoatStorege,Slper · vei 13.400 OBO llH4• 9731•••••••••••••••••••••• I 't k 9110 WllTEll/WAITllESI PV speaker cabinet. All new. duel po1lllon deg· 546-,0403 8 5 8 2 1 1 E v e 1 , 1 ••••• •••••• • •••••••••• Sotes-Se1vlc1·Le1slng .!'.'••••••••••••••••••• $40-$90 average per Lovable M Shep/Pit Bull, In excellent condition gar board $860 new. 11 Call Joe '72 Jeep Commando, new 857-9084 day1. SADDUIAClt IEE IS nil• Xlnl Olnnet house. 1 yr old, good wl klds. $1,000. rtlocallng, muat tell! __ 645•6730 paint. new brekt1, roll SUIAllU ~~::;':!,J:i~:.1110n• avell. F 6 r 4 1 1 9 • .c 9 w 6 e 1 11 . behave .. F IH·Ollt, l·IPM =~g.092 ~io~v5s~ 1111kdr~; T!!!!!!'-1 .. ~'. .. !~!.!.1.!~ ~;s~o~~3o 1055~-'~;3~. U 1·20•0 '915·'941 ~°i;,~~~,~~g~:' na:! ~~ u T uaed Burcks In Orange "llS U.S.A. Shep/ Setter, epayed, OVATION solld body Pet 1~on-~5~~e1 reller Xlnt Lv message '10 IUllllU Dl County today! 891-4818 fee needs yard & love. elec1rlc 11ereo guitar. Hurley twn lln aurfboerd. ft•tkl IHI 5 d ~ Excerpts trom llsl Pub. 642·.C807, 646-9081 all. $250, 714/673-9251 5'10", itlnt cond. S125. 11'il•ll Utili'l. 1110 •••••••••••••••••••••• cle~~·~31~~~re. very k w11tresse1 &W111;;c;;;; 6 V Al S Call 730•5311 Oya; •••••··--·••••• ••••••• '11 Ollllll $38 18 yr with Exper Apply In Free 5 mo old F Mal•· ~':;=~ase11'os ,.~o: i•:ij 850-9218 eva, uk tor 11' l·llllL TUILH PtOllP HI US fl 18 person. 1768 Newport mute mix. white, good 631-0318 ~ ---$200. 645·33"4.C Ve c•· "' (IN970""") . •o• YOUI • BILL MAXEY TOYOTA wlchlldren 493-42"48 •·. •11 A • i • 'Y ..,a .. ,, 1920" B ch Bl .. Blvd CM --Custom P.A. sys1em, Vol· 1-11, ~. II •I• 11•tfl t•, r'111 *2111 SILH-SERYICE ~n. MdDA. • "' ea v., •I t. Or-.r C-'Y V' WlllENOISE V' Free· 1 y, 0 I d La b oe ol the Theelrt spec• DHk1 H1f.. ' At"IHri'1 HOO • LHllH "" n ' Hnllngln Bch 862-0829 29?5 Harbor Blvd Hsebrknl neulared. 4 cab w/15" Alleci •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• BILL MAXEY TOYOTA .. fort#• 116 COSTA MESA S4·$61hr 10 sllrl Wiii shots 213-20.C-3313, horns & powe< amp wi Sllps avall CdM area. PAINT & llte body work, 19202 &Mch Blvd 831·2040 .C95-.C9.C9 1,,__ ... ••'••••••••••••••••••• 979-210 trelnl Xlnl Opptv Earn evH 96.C-4664 cvr. llke nu I lOOO , $9111 cull Carrie up 10 50% oll your bod'/ Hntlngtn Bch 982·0829 IAllLlllCI IMW f&CIUTTI ·77 Cellce. 5 spd coupe. ~~n~0.!'!'~; ~:~,Id N~'!; Male Boxer Mix, n; vr. .C98-461.C t~· ·955• 2473 Wkdy• 11\op ... BUI 984•0332 Toyoll '76 AMIFM Ste· 28oCO~~::!~:ioPkwy llH lill.I SI. etm tlUU OWI $'~'6 ~o;d '5 ';~~vs:·;·:. S1111lle OSI 79, xlnl cono E 0 E•o1s u S.l ~:'~·d ~I ~~c~l~d~·:· Ollitt !-t•it•t• I BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE F::,r:n.~:.·~ !~~":'6~~: ~:~:::~~~'~ .~':',·~· (Avery Exit off 1·5) 197.C Mazda Wagon All· 6oC5·94.C2 :c.~~o·;~.~rs 77~-~~~~. ti • • I 8.C2·7293 L•1••l•t IOIS N-porl Beach 25', 28', $250/ofr 5.CS-4639 673-6618 Open Sundays dro, healer. au10 1r1ns '10 COllOll 737·1679 891-4818 tee •••~•~•••••••••••••• 30' 35' 40' & "45' Cell 1----------1--------- Excerpls from 1111 Pub f•t•it•ll US 0 DEkSKS F,?R SA1LEhl 842-.cfiu '1rom 8 ·5, Auto Body & Painting 'll llTlll ~ ~ ~"1 pertv. 968"2572__ LHlflY HITlll ·79 RIVIERA 1mmacula1e• ---------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• es s en ... me c ng MOfl-Frt Usoell'f 1 day RelS Ins ~Y~ '81 AX7 GS. AM/Im cass. Very low mites wtlh au· Gold/Ian tellher. per'fec1 WIRE OPHATIR * *' BUY** chairs 11 111Crrrooe prlee -job• -!Come 850-4111 PIOllP 51...._5afvlc..Le•llno wllh equalizer AIC , tomalrc Irene , power cono Bough• another Brokerage firm hH Im· 11 $550 Aeplecement MARCUS CHANNEL akle Porache perll, 1981 SC Veryeleant(l716"5) 'IJ J•Oi' a. I I sunrt,megs 17Mmr.5yr lleerlng, err cond . elc car $7950 631-5300 med open tor exper wire Good u1td Furnr1ure & coat $2300. CALL DAWN he 10 28 II. Sl50, also lronl Siruta compl w/ $2411 & I ut trt I warr. $9900 1·970·5297 (1BDU230) Guy operator. hrs 6-2 30. SI· Appllancaa·OA I will Mii 9·5pm M·F 833-6600 side up to 18 fl S 100 dl1c1 & brkl. CO'Jvert Nice Setectiont '60 M d 626 .c d 18 1891& C,,,·11,,. a•1s tery commansurall wl or SELL for You NCR Clau 5 A""''rsler ~·n _673-81.C5 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA * '78 2002, 4 lpd , 111/rf az I . r . . .. ~~ II H -.... -'"'"Cat lo baller brks & 19202 S.ectr Blvd (917PVBI 000 ml. AM IFMIAC •Int •••••••••••••••••••••• exper For appl Cl • •· usn•• '""" be used IS • CHI\ re-SLIPS AVAIL Hunllnoton fide More Plrll. $500. Hnllngln Bch 962-08211 • '79 3201, 4 Spd , lo.-cond. f7000 552-6704 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA TIE UllEST I e n M c G t n I e Y • .... 1111 lll·HH ~Isler plvs cen be ulllized H a r b o u r B • 'I . 831-4785 dedl (810XOH) Red '80 RX7 AM/FM 5 19202 Beach Blvd IELEOTill 71.C-6.C.C-2292 \ or m1nag;;r•;' report ~ .. '6 •;,~: 08-~ 54~957, A•l•I •11 •-1. ·~/r~:'. ".c~6on :~· ~~ * '80 5281, auto . snlrf spd. ~ag wheels. s~rl. Hnllngln !ch 962-0829 WIRE IPHITH I HY fllllTllE print-outs 9 . • . 4 • • " -(.C86, ZOJ) plush tnler. xtnt cond ol late model, low mllea-N Lii llS7-8l33 Sharp Fax SF-501 Copy 213-431-378.C, 8-9 PM •••••••••••••••••••••• Good buy. mu11 1ell. * 80 320l: 5 spd . 101• 19100. 8U -Ol06 80 Tercel, AC. 40,000 ml, ge Cedlllecs In Sou1111rn Brokerage • ewport machine $695 IH S fOH IMPORTANT NOTICE $1300 Bert 873-8828 dedl 1231zVA) new tires $3995 (71.C) c11111orn11t See us lodl'I' ~~n:~r 1 ~~.\~~~:,;·~ FIHITIRE·IEW 6.C6-7"44 I ••• !!1 •• !~~'A!........ TO READERS ANO 'll LIV PIOllP * '80 8331cl. loaded llfltHll ltH 1740 879-1526 lllElll ping req 64'"2442 J'1~1';;: :i~~A!;,, ~!';~;_~~~~'iobS°~~ell & DRY STORAGE The :~~:~11~t~~~ Id· Wllh air conditioning 155553~~1·1111 ·aoiliiRi:ii.icii"is· 'll CELICA ClllLUC ,,,.,,., S•lll New 18c1ory Hiiied 0 9922 Vtrtlsed by Vehicle dea· (1R03123) Reduced 10 W 'II h 0 100 Sliver with wire baskel 2600 HarbOr Blv<J •••• ••••••••••••••••• Twin $77-lull 197 54 • Monthly boll llorege, lers In the vehicle clual-12111 208 w Ill. Santa Ana Ne : ~~o~ ve~ ' wheels (159AEWJ COSTA MESA C.11• ,,.,, Oueet1 S1.C7·1<1ng 1167 ,,,, IOl1 11ny size, 24 hr aecurlly, tied adverllslng COiumns __ croled s.~m~ B::z Come In :'~on~~~ $287& •••••••••••••••••••• •• Sole Beds S 197 •••••••••••••••••••••• lfee leunchtng does not Includ e any BILL MA.XEY TOYOTA CHOICE INVENTORY der our lease arrange. 540-1180 MOIEL FHllTIRE Sota & love seat S107 CICIO PIPS HWNRT lllH 1ppllc1ble 11xe1. license. 19202 Beach Blvd VOLUME SALES menlS or long lerm fl. Bill MAXEY TOYOTA ------ Beaulllul & excel qualll'I DISCOUNT FURNITURE AKC MIF. 6 wks, red/ 1111 l1tk llJ Ir, lrenster teas, finance Hnllngln Bell 962~ ~ 1 19202 Beach Blv<J '80 Cpe Oe VIie. assume A~allab~~oi:11o;a~lu~-co~~~9 ~=sb.t:,"~ ~211 .. : 1 5 o. I 2 2 5 II. f~~~:·~~~r~~r ~~~ ,12 LIV TllCI HOO "' n~';!';: 01 rmpor1s. inc Hn1ong1n Bch 962-0829 f;:s~~ ":"~~ .. O:~r ~l~~res. 1cce~sor1!1: -;1' ev 144·0110 cerllllcallon1 or dt1ltr 645-33.C• I I I IO L l ll EI DIA~~~~33'3714 '10 TtJtfl Ctrtlll to mr. loeoed wlextres etc. Corner Avocado & " Pennsylvania House IE •• PllSIAI OAT documen11rv prepare· .C speed, 11r, amllm ces-559-0769 F&Jrv-Ro Cosa Mesa Cherry reprOOucllon lad· SholS, $75 5.C&-8985 r l•llt llon chergu unless '11 TIYITl 1ft Miit. 3•.000 miles Xtnl ,73 CdV m tnl cond Hours 10 30 em to 5 30 det beck chairs Rush .!!!'/!!! •••. ~•••••••• o1herw11e apecllleo b'/ Lta1 .. 4 rttk•• Salal--Sarvtca-l•eslng cond S-4500 (Yellow) 1 owner Moehe- pm s AT I h ru w E 0 ::.~':31~15&'.'~1~21900' S25111C~.L,•2·1'3··· c •• ,.,,, hi• the edverllSef Very clean ( 1 P38280) 850 N Beach Blvd You can afford to 54s..9779 ev or wknds I Ins s 2 41 9 5 I 0 b 0 5-48-2239 ea. .... · .. -IHI flZO A.llfHI/ Reduced 10 La H1bf1 '71 COllOLU 645·9442 L • • Cal mode salmon p 111d come pups AKC 4 mos •••••••••••••••••••••• Cl • IS20 13511 Ill-HU buy your Mercedes E G~~;._g'!!-;:~t·'r~·:r~·~~;~ ;r1~~~. h,o:i\ ~:~"s3~1 also Al<C C:oc11.; pups. 8 G~gAF~E:~5: OR ••••• a.~'.'!!............ BILL MAXEY TOYOTA <>pan Sund•y Benz$0trom us. very c1e$1n2t9(11ARZl9741 e,~.~dm~~6. ~.~':.. Sun Furnr1ur1, Ktngslze 559. 1162 wks 893-4.C86 ' CAMPING .. HL ua"1I 19202 Beach Blvd IRAHE Ollm'I loeoeo S 14,500 obo I' bd PARROT • TAME 6"5·334.c Shay repllc;et: picilups & Hnl'""ln Bch 1182·0829 aa -n Bill MAXEY TOYOl A Pvt Pl'/ 6oC5·8730 bOrm 511· gtr 1 rm · Single m1lllbo11 aprgs X· Umbrella Cock1100 , , coupee o4 10 choo1e -.., --19202 ~h Btvo paintings. clolhes, misc long Good cond S25. $525 662-7837 lltllllZH Ilk•• 1140 lroml (0087681 (Slk. '73 Ford pwr-dump 350 & Hnllngln Bch 862-0829 C••n•l•t 1920 Poueo plants & trees 759-1363 eve •••••••••••••••••••••• A3093) Ptic:el 9ll<1""' 11 1• T. •l•k• bed. ,. apd, •••••••••••••••••••••• 494-2522 or .C94-2960 -SCHIPPERl<EE from Bal· 1981 Veec>e Moped, gOod · ""' 8 s 00 ·72 Corona Mark II auto. SEE IS FlllSTI Lux klng·az wlllKbed. II o••n o4 mos. rela. xlnt condllloo. $400 llLY Sl,llll •tbll lrens. V 29 DOWN wagon, looks & run a. We heve 1 good 5elec-llt1th•4ill blue velvet, mllchlng watch dog 760-8387 631-8348 557-0058 Salll·Servlce·Leulng n I c • $ 9 7 5 1OB0 !Ion ot NEW & USED •••••••••••••••••••••• night 1t1nd, $400 Jiii '11 l&-•I LEA E 554-8062 Ch~roletsl A • IOOS 851-0994. 841-5038 1i••ll I thfHl IOH 1990 VESPA 200 Fullv ,.. ~CARVER •. •l•J.••• •••••••••••• ••••••••• loaded 3 mo1 old, PICllP NJJ '11 CELICl •••• ••••••••••••••••• Round Oak game 11ble, MOVING MUST SAC 5'8 $1500, 537-3325 ' w/4 comll chra. Xlnt Beldwln Grand Plano, 1 Wl1h ulrlrty body and low fCllS·RJICt·ff..1\N COHMRL CHEYIOUT *•OITllLY* llTIQIE Fllll Antiques & COllecllbles cond 1250. &.c0--0776 Y' old 675-9510 Mike '11 VESPA 100 miles. (1S95"4711 ~"':'.:~~.,:'" 4')("4' sq Oak coffee leble, YAMAHA GRANO PIANO $650 548-7044 $4211 ClOHO SUNDAYS w/mllCh end table. Cal-6' walnut $6800/0BO. Mtttr:"w:t/-/ BILL MAXEY TOYOTA .75 5301. lrkt new. snrf, • Mode, like new. $400 673-6289. ,.., •r ,,.. lte4 lt•ff ltt4t4 18202 Beech Blvd. .. FLEA MARKET &.c0-0776 kHlnl IISO Bch 982-0829 11)eed. air S5700 Hade -------iSr.,t1l•t ''°"' 1094 •••••••••••••••••••••• 10.ce 1Frtx, woodv w.. Hn11ng1n 5,.6•2837 New-Used Merchandise All eleclrlc hospllal bed • ••••• •••••••••••••• '75 Honda 3!10 8 •Pd gon, 1 • · A•ltl W•atH f6H .76 BNW 2002. Show Appi..a io ""' ee,..1,. S••· Oct. 31 l ·S•• w/sloe rells. Ilka new Brand new Pool Table. Musi Hll Lo mlltt 1929 ForoJ~ A Town •••••••••••••••••••••• toom cond new tit••. 11oc11 o .. •PP'oY"' cre<iu Los Alamllos Race Treck HOO 6"4•·11684 Xlnt e.r~!~';77 ~~~~~8~0 Sedan, $10.000 WE PAY brekts, valve Job Asking Into 995-12341995-7789 Diven. 8' floral CIHlgn. TOP DOWll !~2_2 .. ~uat Hll ASAP y S65 Xlnl cond. 281 E Complete weight sel with WANT ACTION? 1983 S1udebaker Avenll. vv ....,. Aollque barbers chelr 23rd St CM. 5-48-2183 bencto press. Less lhen 1 Classlfad Adi 842·5878 $5500 675-8161 Fii 1111 •••1 · Circa 10;.,o;.:~~ ltHl flHITlll yr olO $200. 89.C-88•7 .,.... '78 BMW 530! mini cond With slereo end cetsel· le, very clean ( 1BUC30ll) Reduced 10 $3410 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ."-"lf1rlo • ll • "r-.J\ .. H'-1 §46-1200 19202 Beech Blvd. '11 OlttYJ llY•tr Hnllng1n Bch 962-08~ $2200 2+2 HefohblCk, '77 COione LUK. Edit Air. •mllm CISHllt, plush PIS. reer window defog. Int . clean body. 5 sp<l velour uphol , $2900 39 mpg 5~ llrm Work 87-1-1.C3•. nm C fl,Z 6•2-4910 Doug .!!!!!!! •••••••••••••• VolklWI •• 1710 '81 \111 . loaded yellow ••••••··'··••••••••••• t>eout1fuJ concl make ot· fer 496-5175 Beautltut & 'excel quellly Solid Oak 12 gun ceblnel pt~O-/•~t All llllrll BBS wf\eetl. ~-·--~ f11h(ll AM .OAK China Cablne1 leble now lot purchase wlglasa, good 1h1pe. Boat picture ads provide ..... -Grundlg CHMll• AJpln• --·--1" '13 Tiii•& c ... Triple bOw g1ass. LIOfl'• Couches. llblea. chairs Mus I s e 11 $ 2 0 0 2480 HerbOt 8Nd 1u1pan1lon Bt111e1n l30I a... 51 ....,.,. 9uc11 New eng, brekN. paint, ,.,, 1140 paws legs S 1500 plclurei, •ccessorles. 8.CS-2987 COSTA MESA 1hock1 M/1llver ••le· 714/m«!DO l!J/C23.!COO lop end atde windows •••••••••••••••••••••• 8"G-5.C43 I C A d & ~~ •.at .a•H ''°'· Btcorduroy lnltKlor ~~~~~~~~~I $3000/obo 758-0.C&O '11 ESCllT e C Orner voca o ff ,,,;, -·-$9500 . 8.C6-5e25 ORIENTAL FURN Fairview Ad. Coste •' .... 1' ·-· oO Ml·141l '68 vw BUG $1500 or Vefy clean• (tBOA413) Hutch wt glass doora, Mesa Hours 10 30 em •••• !'.~ •• !!!!! ••••• ~'!. ~ .7• BMW 2002, 82,000 ml. '81 380 SL. 7000 mt Wire bst olr Call 111 6pm $3888 WED 5·e 2239 "" ""'" lblOlutelv mini. 1ac w •• s . • BILL •••VEY TOYOT" oval coffee labte & 2 rnd 10 5 30 pm SAT lhru B'"'"UTIFUL 25"' RCA,.._ $ Q WI llY " h 1 $38 000/0BO 552 3818 end IBblts All WI .. • lorTV.2YfW1'nly $1418. ~~ •••• 2138328979 "'"" .... carving• of people 6 Eer'ly Amer Hutcn Top 4 Free delivery Open Sun 99~8.,. OLIAI .... mull Hll $5900 PP • · '79 Bug conv. s11ver. 12. 19202 Beach Blvd d r 1 go n • S 1 0 0 0 bollom cebmet & .c dtl· TV Joon's 6'8-1786 -.. Tl•I 875-0122 '80 SLC Sf blue w/grey 000 ml, mini $8800 PIP Hnllngln Bch 962-0629 1·628-3313 wer1 gd cond $300, Cus1 Rosewood llereot '7113201, low ml, aunrt, tog ~l~tgtn~.<>~9 ~ _D_a_ne~57·353.C '71 FORD Mevericil Good Victorian(?) chalr1, 7 llgef' 850-9960 c 1 b. w 1dua1 121 9 llghl1, •mllm . .c spd, 10; quick sate 759.1600 "67 B11g. like new. llock cond 3 new llres, econ oak. 1 wlarma. rtwO(k· changer Sep compert· tllverlblk. European car, or 6'2-6971 cond . x1n1. must aeel 1850 •9.c-3211 • d h I 0 h b. ck s .. ,, b I Id I I d no amog, Clain 110,000, -------$2650 .C97-1597 • · v rown P 1 10 1 manta or racor 1· emp, " 145·2808 '78 280SE. brn. MC. st•· -----L1attl• IHS $750/obo 1-626-3313 hld•·•·btd $75 Maple 1vner.&c1»deck S250 lfl' 11 $l4500 PP 'II Ill RIIS 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dining Ml, 4 chairs S75. 640.0n6 D.I••• 11ZO reo .• 1 oya · · 6~5•33,... '7 1 Lincoln Coupe, low ~/I}}!!~~ ...•.. !.~{¥ Smell White Cflllds Chall ------.. ---••••••••••• ••••••••••• 760 1713 __ _ _ mites Musi Mii' Best ol· HARBOR AREA of dre-s S20 Men'1 10 Color TV. 25 con101e. -........;;-------1 -'11 SOOSI T11r~t '66 B•l• Buo f • r over S 9 8 9 9 9 APPLIANCE SERVICE spO Free Splrll bik" $50 x In 1 con d S 1 .C 5 ••• llYll lo ml, t11nr1, Mini cond, Clean Runs gOOd Trai· 6.C2·7500 We setl recond .. gu11r 2 I w I n book c • • e 5•8·2.C29 Ill 11AM Top doll•fl for Sport• $29 500 673-0.c77 or ler hitch Slereo Lugga· '70 l -ln_c_o_l_n_M_1_r_t1_ll_I eppllances 5-49-3077 headbOlrdttool $15 ea 19" color TV . remo1e Cera. Bu91. Cempere. · ge reek )Cini cond Do" b 1 t b • d I 3 1 . coolrol RCA S500 Vicki 91.C's, Audi'• 832-9662 S 16001080. Cell evea Beau111ul black beauly I llY APPLIAICH 842-8954. 1892 'h M~er 111 5PM 548-6353 Ask for UIC MOR .06 Mercedes 230SL 5,.8•4333 Be91 offer over 1899.89 P C 0 •• ., ..... ,.. 6.C2·7600 Les 957-8133 lace, M neer ... • -Cream w/dark brown .70 vw Sqrbk. llulo, gOOd _ _ ------ w8111er-Oryer-Aefrlg 1Ht1 I llati•• VILllWllfl 1011 lop Hard lop. 1r1n1. 11klng Sl?OO ll•ltH• llSZ Dlshwaeher-Freezer Couch, 1 yrold, 7'htt ru11 L•i-••I 18711 8aectl Blvd saddle lntr Good cond 760-3834 9.9 30 AM / •••;•••,. ............. . Xlnl cond. 846-56.C8 & blue llrlpea on Ian ••• ~.~--·••••••••••• HUNTINGTON BEACH Sl8,000, 673·75"43 Eves 11 lllJlll backgr0t.ind $270 OBO. '-••t•I HIO M2·HOO ~~;... _ _.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio;;;:•1·1s 3000· Mech aouno .. 741 B•"' _...,.,. cond orig Wllh au1om111c trens , Refrlgeralor, Frigidaire 840-6752 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------i n 1 w rad 1 1 I 1 -v• vvvv . power sleerlng eno •Ir Xln l cond $300 INFLATABLE MetiterAz· WllTElf 114.SOOIOBO. 640•40111 owner, hll been well conditioning (lCICl60) 551.9190 .c Pc llvlng rm Ml. 1 wk tell 9.5' w/1111kit 1800 'll IATlll 210 or 700-0.C89 melnl $2500 831-9627 14111 ------------1 old Coll S600. Sill Suaan M·F, 762-7178 Lile model Tovo111, WHIRLPOOL WASHER 1250. (2131 1·883·7858 lllltll #.60 114z '69 Squerabeck, neads 1200&SGETAS DRYER ll••••"•I' II--~, IOIS IHI•, #•l•l18Htf V01vo1. Pk:kut>• 6 Ilene. • body work $1000/0BO BILL MAXEY TOYOTA • -•--1 H-28' Et•··-n Fut"' -ulpped crulM, Call Ill today! Vary claenl (tATM1511 ::;•MGA••;~·;;•:,•;jr" 5.Cll.0195 18202 Beach Btvd. ••2 ...... 111 •••••••••••••••••••41•• ~.-ntl .., ""'9Y ., ~ 12111 Iii Hntlnntn Bc.n 9e2..()829 ~ • ..., COME BROWSE! Ona (jf. •••••••.••••••••••••••• e 11111. UHF. eompaN. COVlfl. llralghl body. need• '76 RABBIT $2200 ... _M_IC_R_O_W_A_V_E_O_V __ E_N_L_itl_e-1 kind obltc1• Evety1hlng M•rrna Elactrlcian Parlaet CONSltlon s 1e.soo BILL M'XEY TOYOTA petnt & lnl S650 MuSl 1111 Good cond '7" Musleng. xlnl cond. new $250 Fltm Cell goe1 Meka offer. Oeslgn/lnsl•"IRl(>alr t23-•$87 19202 Beach Bl11d 963·5272 073-4386 em/Im stereo ca11 8-11·3153 8•1·t649 Olty work 5411-2520 Ev Hnllngtn Bch 1182.0829 llU 1144 -0111ghler'1 cat. 12600 Git range 6 oven, good lnHI,. 1111 IHlr, #•tlH "~~' E.llll• Siii •••••••••••••••••••••• '11 ~~~I~~.::~· llrm 536· 1878, ll60·50a8 cond, clean S85tolt. ••••••'••••••••••••••• r.•l••••I H,O f f t I " .... .,.,.,u .. t•u 1980 Oelet.1" 200SX, •lnl '65 Red MGB · wire New~-'-~79 Ohle. Ltmll1d Ed 642~.. MAROUIS·CUT OPAL ap. •• ;";1.il\.............. Set your court• o r IS .. es cond Orig owner. •C· ~ •. lllnl con<I . new '80 vw Aebbll Dlesal 4 CIOlh lop. AM/FM 1ei>e. pro• 15mm x &mm .-et Mercury 40mdl 4hp, 111n1 with a Dally P iiot b o at picture WI MY ctptlng bldi. Wkdeys 11ereo SI095. 536-3008. epd. 1un root. AMIFM. AC. xlnl cond Lo mt Refrlgeretor, Cold1po1, $350 642-5532 any llma. cond S365 Id. Eac h Saturday, the Dally USED C"RS 6 TRUCKS ptaua call. 75t·4229 day1 8"7·5666 Pv1 aln1. low ml $52115 Mutl ... 10 IPQllC pp older. good cond 150 5411-2428 " P1rty 847·.C313 9e2·1973 838-4025 #•d/ .. ,. H11 .----1 Piiot wlll otter you ad apace COME IN OA CALL FOR 1e D&11un e210. !JOOd -----....,.....-...,..-----------4 .........•............ BRANO NEW 83 EY1nrude ••n &PPIAllM. cond. t 2500 Can Cl\lt'yl , ..... , 1141 ., .. Supat BMlll, 711< ml, ,.. Mutllng II Ohl• V8, •II AMANA MICROWAVE DRILL PRESS 1 150 4 hip outboard. never that not only describes your Cormitt-0.UNo 881•28'0 ... A••••••••••••••••• run1 gOOd , nu 111es. Int 1 powet. under 801< mu .. , OVEN. 0000 CONO Flt rndl, 5 1p(l, new, ·~" uled. $525, Doug Turin boat, but plOturn it at well. •--an '81 505 Turbo Ole1. Lo ml yr old S2t50 731-93113 clHn $2.COO 813·~45 S12!1 8711-3772 chuek. 545.0904 wrlc 873-143"4, 842·4910 -911 '78 B210 2 cir 4 apd, A/C. Prlc.O 10 Mii d'/I 652-7847 hm The price la guaranteed to 111211 B!ACH BLVD 35mpg New ti,... ctaan 640.9738 -·--- Whlftpool wHhar 6 dryer, lll1t•llHH•I "'''•--------11 •.o1• If HUNTINGTON 8!ACH '2050 M3·11385 -------,-t'80 VW Rabbit Conveftl· IOfl ol the llna. wtllle, Pf ••••••••••••••••••••u IHI• ,.,.., 1140 buoy your IP r ti -_., we 1 .. 1 tOll ••t-lll 1 l1n1i• 1110 ble, daaparete mu11 solt. '87 hu been rear ended Restoreble or perllbla $500 Firm. 7&4-1384 am S300 .. 87S-3772 .... 211 --..... ,................ take tM picture. and only S40 • • • -1··-11_0_2-Qo_s_x-. -.-,n-l_c_o_n_d •••••••••••••••••••••• Beat otter Brwn. totded Ill.I llFlll 1200 110 20' tong. 38t per II. c1eulc 1e· L•P••r•k• If you provide the p icture for a T Doi m1ny 111111. AC. attrao. MEISTER 759-1691 9.15, 4114·19113 9/f!!'!tH!! •••••• l!ff Sld•by·elda 6.8-70"44 775·1491 enytlma ~u'3~. ~:~e~8?'· 2 column 3" Id. op ar 111700/otr. 848·7707 .!:!!._•_ -'12 Olde H . 11190 Cell ' SURPLUS JEEPS. c., .. ,,.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml p 'd :'f4 8 210, new •no. bric• i NllOll/1111 'll ••• o ..... ,,"'• IVll 844·15"46t or d•V• Rafrlger•tOf', Wtllrfpoot !I Bollt Many eatl IOf Un• I• al Clutch 85,000 ml. a 2100 1383 1 H11bot Blvd. Oetllt lhln new In eiu-O.C 1•H73. ft 1•11· JCtnt cond. 1125· def $50.00 For Into Cell •Ill IWT 22' For further det1ll1 about how FOf Yout Cert 845·21110_____ 011clen Grove 1eo-end mu11 bt -• 1/ntHt• IHI 6oC4-2852· 1&o-3ll~ (312)931-1H1bl2230 Wlntll' epeclel Lapelt• Oallu Piiot bolt p icture Adi Hiii• I U1 '78 210 ZXl<H. NO S.lff·Stnlot 11pp1 onlv 1~00 Cell .. ,..-. ................. . 1/18/n •Olf -Tl M aa•• k1 l'lull, •"new Pllnt. ruH ' • '--•· ... •~ C>OWNI Take over P•Y· LHM~ G!>3-a100, Iv m•g & wlll ·ao. v11i.n1 MCI .. ttblt. 111 • ..• , •.••......... l'.... ---unvH. 180 hip lnbrcl can work for you end to ..... me n ll or r t llnanc• t1• Ill-411411411 rtn oall ooocl t)C)dylupl\OI, A/C l adl"' 3 1j)d European Mtmbetlhlp UM Of all H1toul11 11\0lnl, compl tchedule uour ed, call 2929 Mert>or 8 . 130·1084 ~ ••• --AM tf:'M Clll Otlg OWt\f quality 1our1tl bike. OOoCI lmclllllH 1800/Fltm 00119 ov.,, f'ull opllon ' Cotta MM• 1140·5'301---------------Claulllt d Ad• are the ,760 646.,.37 ' con<1. '40 M-Wfft 1s1.3e_oe _____ 1 "kO u100 wl doctt 842-5871 end lite for Selly LM. uvtno ~o H lllf19 1t a H~ ~lllno 'fO\I w•nt 1111.,., 10 • eucc1 .. 1u1 -.. :..1:..._..,w· ..:.1.;.Ht:,--,-.. -.--:1~1':"1:"':e~1:-:n:1 Mu f I 'e 11 As A p . Trtda )'OUt o+d llull le>t '"'°"MM pno.;u1eV1 to Mil? ClullflecJ lldl clo g•1eoe or Vetd lalll II'•• 11170 flury x1n1 1un~lng .. _, _ .. , ........ , s= 11 tloma. It'•"'" 873-3•'1 new ,i~o dt u wltll • what clHlllfltCI 11 '" II w e ll I C•ll NOW, batler ••'I to ltfl m0<1 con<I Claen new utl'9, , ... ;;;~-~~·!!..-~"J.~~~~~~;::~·s~~~~~~~~L.~=======c========U:g~~·~ .... ~-~ ........ 2 ...... • ................ .,. • ..... ,. ..._........., PIP. •100 057-0977 _..,.,., ci.y. 842-M1e ~ dMlff!M 142·H71~ = ':°._-_ . ....,, ...,.., ,... .,..,....,, ....,..... • . ~ r llllCI ClllT 1111111111 1111:1 If1111111 llllll Wl.DNt:S OA'Y '>I I'll Mill I< !'1 l'IH.' 0 HANG l c 0 u N ' y c A LI F cm NI A :? 5 c EN l s Compensation for mobile home evictions eyed By ROBERT BARKER Of't11e o.i1, f>llo1 •••tt A me lhod l o compc ns u lc d isplaced mobile home tenant.s on the basis of the length of cvu:uon notices w ill be stud ied by tht.• Huntington Beat.•h City Council. The plan, rec:ommended by the city's development servtt.~ staff a nd appro ved this w eek for study, calls for the pun·hasc of coaches al varying percen tages of rr-.-ionftir) full market value 1f lhcy can"Y find a plat-c lo moV<:. City officials sa y the re as a HBcop pleads • innocent Hunting l o n Bea c:h Po lice O Cficer John J Bla ckwe ll has pleaded innocent lo charges of negligent hom1c1de a nd leaving the scene or a fatal a('('tdl'nt an Ar izo na, ac·t·o rdang lo l'OUrl officials. A lrial has been sche dulC'd N o v . 18 a t Yum a Co unty Supe rio r Cour t. followi ng B la c kw e ll 's arra1g n mt.'n t Tuesday, according to officials grow1n~ dt.•mamJ fu r park ownl'l·s to us<• their la nd for g rt•atc.-r proftL'> Offal·aals also note thl'r<' 1s u n •ru vaennt·y rate in Orangt.• County mobill' honw parks. T t.•nants w o uld rcl'l"i v t• !:.10 JX'rl't'nl of thl• valul' of the coach on Olll' yeur's noll<.'t.•: 80 pertoent on two years' noltt.'t'; 65 percent on three years' nulll'C, 45 per(.'Cnt on four years' nolil·e a nd 25 percl•nt un five yt'ars' not1clo. Puym<.'nts to th<' own<>r uf a l'Oac h wi th ... markN valUl' o f $50,000 would rangt• from $12,- 500 to $45,000 under the formula. Staff m<'mbcrs say the ahdlng scale syste m w ould pr ovide cqu1tablt> trl'atment a nd would c•ncouragt.> lo~ger n otifica tion periods that would give tenan ts more time to find ne w living quarters Critll'S say, however, the plan m ight le t park o wners avoid relocation costs because they may no t plan t o d e v e lo p the ir property m at least five years. No mobile home p arks have been cloeed to date . City officials have been grappling for months to rind a compe nsation plan acceptable to both tenants and park owners. O fficials are trying lo hammer out an agreement o n a mobile home conversion ordinance by th e e nd o f Oc t ober . A m orator ium o n con versions expires next June. Another form of C..'Ompensatlon unde r s tudy ca lls Cor park owners lo pay tcnunt.'i th<.' cust or moving their coa<.·hl•s to 0th.er parks within 100 m1 lt.•s of tht.• city. 11 there is no space for tht.• coaches. the proposals call for park owner11 to f ay tenan ts th<.' purchase price o th£• coach. About 5,000 people hvc m 19 mobile home parks throughout the city. Severn of the parks, most of the m located in coas ta l a reas wht.•rc th{'rt.• is u\d cman d for h ighe r u se uf the pro perty, p resently don 't have m o bile home zoning T h e seven parks a r e be ing l'Ons1dercd fur pe rmanent or tt.•m porary m obile home zoning as a m e ans o f protcc ti nc compensation rights for tenan ts. T hese parks include Rancho del Rey, Hu n tington S hores, Pacific Trailer Park, Driftwood, Cabr illo, Hunting ton Mobile Est.ates and Beach View. Blackwell, 32, was ind1ctt.•d bv the Yuma County Gra nd Jury Sept. 16 in connection with a J u ly 11 t raffic a ccident n ear Parke r, Ariz., that took the hfe of Lisa Garlich. 18, of Huntington Beach, oCCicaals said. An indic t me n t is a charge broughl against a person by a gra nd jury and does nol establish guilt or innocence. 1 Baby hostage released The fatal accident occurred on Stale Route 95. abot.i t 10 males north of Parker, according Lo an accident reporl performed by lhe Ar izona Deparlmenl o f Public Safety. The vehicle failed to negolaate a c u rve and rolle d uver after fish-tailing, accord ing t o the report. Ga r l i c h . o n e o f thr ee p assengers th rown from the vehicle. suffe re d massive head and neck in1unes. according to the re port. An investigating officer said m the report that Blackwell left the scene of the accident, a~-ording to Allan Schmitt, a spokesman for the De partment of Public Safety. T he accident report also said t hat B lackw e ll's vehicle was traveling 50 miles an hour an a 35-mile -pe r-h o ur zo n e The o fficer said at was has opinion that this was not a re asonable rate o f s peed, accord ing to Schmitt. The investigating officer also said it w as his o pin ion t ha t (See OFFICER, Page A2) Police Detect ive Sam Zuorski returns Bobb y Ball sa fe ly to mo ther Lisa, a bove. Singer launches KDOC By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Delly No4 tl-" Singer Pa t Boone stood an a haJf-Cin ished Anaheim television studio Tuesday. prom isi ng to bring a little bit of Hollywood to Orange County and show a littJe bit of Ora n ge C o u n t y t o HoJl ywood. Boone is president and a chief shareholder of Golden Ora nge Broadc a s ting Co., o wne r of Orange County's first commercial tel e v is io n s t atio n . K DOC Channe l 56. Wea ring a gold and orange jacket and shirt. alon g with 1950s-style brown and w hite sad d le s h ods. Boon e s p o ke enthusiastically about the s tation, which be g in s broadcastin g Friday a fter a 14-yea r struggle. "We believe this is a golden opportunity for the 26 ci ties of Orange County," he said. ''We want this station w reflect li fe m Orange County. We'll at last be ablt' to show Orange County to c•vt•ryonc else." Boone described tht' effort lo put KIXX: on the air as nearly "an impossible dream " Gold e n O ra ng e w as one of numerous busin('SS groups that appl ie d i n 196 8 f o r t h e comme r c aa I sta tlo n lice n se designated for Orarigc County It took seven years for the Fedt'ral Communications Comm1ss1on to award the licen se to Golden Orang<', then another seve n to s ecu re tra n s m ittt'r loca t ion approval and install the antenna a top S unset Ridge in t he San Bernardino Mount.ams T h e s t ation 's 1n 1 t 1al programmin g will consist o r syndicated series re runs such as "G unsmoke " a nd "McHale's Navy," plus sport broadcasts ----lllDEX-._--- - b ·vine's Ha r vest Festival o pe ns F rid ay. See ched u le for weeke nd's even t o n A 10. Business 85-7 Ann Landers A9 Cavalcade A9 Movies B8 Classified 0 7-10 Mutual Funds B6 CornJcs 8 9 Na tional NPwa A3 Croaword 8 9 Public Notices 8 5-8,0 5-6 Death NotJces 05 Sports 0 1-4 F.c:U tori a 1 A8 Stock Mor kcl.8 8 7 Entertainment B8 Television BIO Food C l-10 Thcatcr11 B8 Art Hoppe A9 Wratht'r A2 Horoecope A9 I. from Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Long Beach . In addition, the station will broadcast a nigh tly news show focusing on one Orange County issue pe r p r ogr am , plus a noontime man-o n -th e -street mtervaew show visittng locations throughout the county. F o rmer KNBC Ch a nnel 4 anchorman Jack Latham. who Is KDOC's ge ner al manag e r , admilled that the initial schedule 1s modest. But he added that he beheves Orange County-oriented programming will expand as the station becomes better known. "We have to get our legs, and th a t's whe re w e a re n o w ," Latham said. Along w ith Boone. K DOC's major investors Include former Westminster Mayor Calvin C. Brack, and Los Angeles attom eya William G . Sim o n a nd T om Sheridan Latham said the ahareholdera alr e ady h ave ln vca t e d approximately $2 million into the pr oject a nd w a nt to sec th e station begin generating aome of ats own revenues before Investing additional caplt.al. But the station manager said has long-term plans are to expand local coverage to Include Orange County cultural evenu, alona with local community colle9e sport.a and perhape hlah achool sport.a. "My credo," Latham .. Id, "la that If It haa to do with Oranp County and h '1 worNl.whlle program material. we'll do IL" A tense drama m Costa Mesa ended Tuesday evening when a father who held a knife to his own body surrendered his in(ant · son, taken hoatage ins ide a rundown automobile, to police. Costa Meta p o lice 0 U1cer Kevin Gleaton talked to the 20-year-ekl father for nearly an hour, while nel1hbon watched and sfx othe r officers cordoned of( the 200 block of Ogle Street, ready to move In. The man, idenUfied as Bob Ball, w as take n to UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange where h e was placed under 1i -hour observa tion. No criminal charges w ere filed. Sgt. Rod Haddock said that Ball he ld a four-inch carving knife at his own stomach and n ever threatened to hurt the baby who sat on his lap and was released unharmed at 5 p.m. Haddock assured the mother. Lise Ball, 18, that her husband did n't threaten the baby. "IC he did a nything he said he would do It to himself. I was prepared that if he made a move to do what I (See HOSTAGE, Pace A%) Bobby Ball is the ce nter of ne ighbo rhood atte ntion after d rama ended safely. • lMCAllll ;.TRANSMITTER ........ LOI ANIElU COUNTY SAN IEllMAllDINO COUNTY IMI(...._ • PACIFIC OCEAN Orange County'• first commercial TV 1tation will broadca t within circled area. .......... lllVEllllDE COUNTY ........ \ !I It • HIF Or•na• Co11• OAILV PllOTIWeC1neld1y, September 20 , 1982 alley's Woolco closure raise$ tenant queries PHIL SNEIDERMAN .... ~ .......... 'l'h onnouncem~nt thut thl• .W. Woolworth C-0. will cloew il8 rae WoolfO ltoNI' In Fountain alley hH set ofl 1peculal1011 ncl'rnlnti tht• fulurt• of 1111 3,000 Mluare-foot 8rookhUNl tret't building Tht' Fountain Valley stor '. hich employs obout 75 pe"*>ns. the onl y Oranae County oo1co outlet. It is slated t.o dose early 1983 along with 335 her Wooko stores across th1.• untry. at'cording to the 1>3rent mpany. Pat Doyle, vice president of yle and Shields. a partner in thl' Wl'ilNlv<'n t~i.m whurtt thc- f'o u n t.a l n Vall"Y Woolco 111 locat«'(f, ... Jd Wuolworth offlcfolH s1gm'Ct a k>nj•t(>rm ll'4UMJ which h not ye\ explrt'd. l>uyll• old hla Cirm ha" not bc•1•n contacted y Woolworth officials roprd1na who will llL'<'k u new lc!nan\ for tht> Fount.uln Valley stor~. which opt."nl·d In 1971 Bul he prcdtctl•d , ·~1t·11 n ut gol~ to ail vacant." Doyle Hid the clusurt· o r Woolro, followmg thl• shutdown carher thla year of the Ft'<.1-Mart ch l,lin, does not net'es1rnrily 1mht·111t• hu1d tlnws fur dl1K.'OU11t atort•:. I h' ~•Id hl11 crnn1>11ny ow11 ... u 1111ntl;1r i;l'Wpp ln u 1.·1·ntt•r 111 Jlunt111ait1111 llt·Lu:h ut whll'h u Gt•mt·o s turt• 11'1 uppurently thrtVlllt( 'l'ht• Wt•Htlnavcn Plntu w us ulf<>eted earllt•r thu1 yt•ar by the c losure o f Mnrkt•t 80llk1·t "upcrmurkt·\11, andudln~ 01w ;11lj.u1•nt ttr I/lit• Wook11 ... 111r1• lJuylt.• 11w1d Murkl't B111.k c l n•uuns' thl• lt·<iM' Cur that 11ton· and hai; tlt•1.m nt•golintlng with s t' v t• r 11 l d 1 C ( c r l' n t part i t• i. inWr<'i.tl•(i m movllll( into that lcx•ution. Ht• said lw t'>(µects o nt•w tenunt to lmitJ up ror th M u'kN Baak<!l lOf(• bdon.· the• \'fl~ ur th{· y1•ar. t"vuntain Vall y city oHicluli. ohio ore• ronce-rnt>d about ttw Woolm 1,·luwure lx'<.'au.c· I p<•1 c.-.•n1 u( th ' »ture'a gto•~ 1111lc•tt Uf(' n •turrw<l to the dty through stah• 11:1h'll wx. Cuy t'omptrollN Jl owunl L.ongbollu uld thl' Woolt.·o outlt•t wos on<.'1-' one of tht• cat)'°" top i;alt'll tax 11.-nerutof'li, althoufJh 1h1 r1•turns huvt• dL•clinL·d in rl'i.'t'IH vcun;. Calls to locul Wooko 0Cflcu1ls Wl'rl' n •fcrrN.I lo J .1''. Carroll. Woolworth Yll't• pt ld{•nl for publil offmra In Nl·W York Al\hou"h lw WUli not llWUl'l' ur urran"t'ments for tlw Fountain Vallc•y a t.or~. Cu rro ll ao 1d Woolworth mny rl'luln somt• of llb nmrt• vuluubll' long·tt•rn1 11tair1• l1•u11t•11 and Cind nl•w tcnlnt.i.. He 11al d oth<'r retail c:haln 1 trad1llonully l'OnlUl'l componu:i. thot un· dosing lo lrl4U1rc ubout movlnl{ into the vut:ant litol't'!S Wt11>lWOl'lh offidolH unnounc.'\'<I tht• of the Wooll·u l'huln lut Friday, saying tht.• large dl11COun l outl b had persu;t<.•ntly lost m<mt•y The company plan11 to l'Ontl·ntnatt· anl'nt1<>n on au t.auo Woolw1111h f(t•ni•ral me1'Ch ndhle 1t11r1 ·H 1rntJ lt11 ttpttlalty l'haln1 11ud1 a Kinney, Jo'oot Lock<ir u.nd Rtl·hman. C'urroll ulico wold tht> Woolco c.:lotn.tr~· do i not n ece11arlly lndlcsJlC' large diac'Ount houx'IJ ar In trouble. He Mid tht' K·Mart c hain, with 1,900 e t orea nu t1 o nwldl·. rc•malns "very vwblt•" But tw s1)id Woo1co auffrr xi _ I rum h ovlng f e wer 1tore11 dl!lp<'rscd over a large arca He 1rn1d ,tht' company Called to concen trate lu business In sp<.'<.'.tfi<: market areas. Impact of 'legal aliens' feared "' ~ Exchange Club to seat officers T h e Fountain Yalley Exchange Club•will in.stall its new omcers during a dinner tonight at the Har lequin Dinner Playhouae in Sant.a Ana. Mayor Marvin Adle r will officiate. New o ffi cers are Pat McLaughlin, president; Doug Mainusoo, vice president; • Golden Weit College music and dance instructors will perform original numb ers during th e Huntington Beach College's first annual Dance and Mus1c Faculty Concert, scheduled Friday through Sunday in the Community Theater. Performances wiU be at 8 • The Ocean View School Di.strict is looking for college students to work as classroom aides in the primary grades. Openings are for part-lime , employment du.ring morning ·hours. The pay ia $4." an hour. Students must be carrying at • Roy RHmolld. aooretary ~ and Don Balley, treasurer. The Exchange Club recently pre1e n ted the Fountain Valley Law Enforcement Explorers with a c h ec k for '360. This donation wu for the security help provided by the Explorers during club events. p.m. Friday and Saturday, and a t 5 p .m . on Sunday. Tickets. at $4 each , may be purchased at the coJJege bookstore. The program wiJJ include modem and ju:z dance pieces, p lus contemporary and c la ssica l musical arrangements, least 12 uniu of college credit to be eligible for the jobs. Interested 1tudents can contact Joyce Re1Uolt1 in the Ocean View office at 16940 B St .. Huntington Beach, or can call her at 847-2551, ext. 224.· By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 lh• oanr Piiot 8t•tt Orange County s upt.>rvisors. worried alx>ut federal legislation whll·h rould legalize tht:' st.atus of thousands o ! undoc·umented aliens. want to know what the impact of sut:h legislation could be.• in local dollars An influx uf nt•w people with a lt•g 1t1malt' l'la1m to welfare, hcuhh and other st•r111t-es could haVl' a st•raous impat·l on the count y budgl't, Sup<.•rvisors Chmrman Brut't' Nestonde told follow members TueM!ay. ,. ""Nestande sponsor•--d a motion adoplt:'d by th(' board calling for a $1.000 l'Xpcnd1ture to study the 1mpac·t of legislauon l'Urrently bc.•forc Congress. Two versions o( the legislation, known after its sponsors as the S1mpson-Mazzoli immigration 1t•form ball, arc being cons1Jc•rt•d un Cup1tol Hill. Tht.• two l'ould hav<· w1dt•ly diffort:'nt impacts on loc:al govt.•rnments A t· l' u r d i n g t o J a m l' i. MlCunnl'll. one of th<• eounty'i. Wa s hington lo bby1sls, thl· vl'rswn wh1t:h already has pa~ t h c: S l' n a t e p r o v i u l' s n •1mbur:.t•ments to local areas for llllTCUSNI publk bl'l'Vll'(' costs resulting from the ll'g1slc.a1.1on, but the rcimburs ... ments may not t'Ovcr lot.a l costs. A version currcmtly on its way lo the House guaranl<.•es full (l•der a l refmbursctn(.'0-t for a dditional local costs resulting from the legislation. McConnell said The impacts would var y with thl' number of undocume nted a hens who arc allowed to stay ~\ \\.t Continued stories HOST AGE FREED • • • would havt• had to do" L1~ said that the l'OUple were recl'ntly separuted. An argument over the baby's toys cst·alated and Ball reportedly threw he r &ga inst the· bedroom wa ll and lht>n ran from the home with the infant. She Raid her husband of seven months then raced up and down· the 200 block of Ogle. before parking the Camily car across the s treet. OFFI CER PLEADS ... Bl::1ckwell was driving under the mfluenre of intoxicating liquor. al'\'Orchng to ~:hm1tt. Bl.tl·kwc ll , who appeared perso n a ll y at Tu esday's arraignment. has bet•n on the Hunungton &ach poht·<' force four yea r s H e has been rl'assigned to desk duties-pending the dis position o f his case. a<.>t:ording to Police Chief Earle RQbttaille. An a tto rney for Blackwell declined to comment and wished to remain silent on the case at this lime. an empJoyee for the ntlo rney said. lt•g;all y ,111d thus quahfy for socwl st•rv1t'l'!). Mt<~onnt•ll s..11d. Purl of th<> d lobat<' ovu lhl' bill is wlwtht•r to legahw the status of ..ih<·ni. who have arrived since Jan. l. 1980, or whether only those.• who arrived after Jan l , 1982 should be excluded, he said. Tht• $1 ,000 appropriatt.>d by the sup1.•rv1sors will buy the services of immigration specialist David North, d irector of the priva te Center !or Labor and Migration S tudil'S m Washington. Nestande said North's study won't "give us an absolute , dQ..Wn lO·thC1.:PCnny anaJysis" Of the bill's local C(.'Onomic impal'l, but he said North can direc·t (·ounty stare membe rs toward areas for an expa nded study which will pinpoint t.'OSts. He said North's analysis also will help the county formulate a pos1t1on on lht• ball that t'an be ht'urd in Washinfo(ton before the lloust.> vers ion is considered. McConnl'l1 said Tuesday that 1.:ons1dcration as unlikely to come unttl a!l<.'r Nov. 29, when the J !oust· rt'turns from its election bn·ak In other actions ~upervtSOrs: Approved a five-year plan for w unty beaches. parks and h1:1rlx1rs that calls for construction of st•veral new recrea t ional fat·1ltt1l'S along the Orange Coast. -Approved :i plan to finance cons truction of the 248-unit _Wmdwood__I?r<!JC.'<'l m Irvine and the 64-unit family Village projcct- in Mission Viejo. Botr will be rental units for families Approved budgets totaling $4 57.504 t o continue two programs o( preventive medicine for t·hildren. Big Brother claim molest settled • ID An out-of-court settlement has been reach e d between Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Orange County and the family of a boy who claimed he was molested by a volunteer with the group hve years ago. Ne ithe r the attorneys for fo rmer Huntingto n Beac h resident Michael Acosta, who sued Big Brothers, nor the Big Brothers orga nization woyld d1s c losl' the a m o unt of settlement. It caml' in the S('C()nd week of a trial before jurors m Orange County S upe rior Court Judge Edward Wa llin's courtroom. According to Acosta's mother , who tesl1 f1ed las t week, h e r 18 -y <.•ar -o ld son b eca m e withdra wn and could neither eat n o r slee p a ft er the all<'ged incidents in 1977 "All he wanted to do was lay down and curl up a nd not say anything," Judy Ann Acosta l l'Sll f IC.-d. It was alleged by Acosta that Bag Brother volunteer F.ci Smith molested him repeatedly. Smith pleaded no contest to cnminaJ misdemeanor child molestation charges. Acosta's lawsuit against Big Brothers contended t hat the organization was negligent in allowing Smith to work with minors. Acosta sought damag~ bec·ause or medical treatment he will need and the possibility that he may be unemployable. Allom eys for Big Brothers had contended that Acosta suffered from emotional probJems before m eeting Smith and that the orgamzat1on thoroughly screened 1L'> voluntl'C'rs Cloudy and breezy Girl, 1 7, faces trial in slaying ' V8fllble cloudlneu IOday with hlgn1 ol 70 10 75. Cloud• 10 remain 1onlgh1 and Thurlday with overnlghl '°""' of 62 10 65 Highs Thursday 68 10 73 8raazy allernoon1 Hunttnglon·N-port flJ'ea temperatures lo 11nge from a low ol 59 10 a high of 73 Ella w here. lrom Point Concapllon 10 Iha Mexican border and DUI 60 mllaa Sm.it craft advitoty C7Yfll OUI .. Wll..S · 11 nor1nwetl wind• ol 20 lo 30 knoll lhla allernoon 1hrough Thuraday Seu 5 lo 8 laal Locally llght vellabl• wind• tonight and Thursdly morning with IOUlh ID IOUl'-1 wlndl 10 to 15 knola, turning watt to northweat 12 to 18 knoll Thurlday atternoon. Wlnd we .... 3 10 4 IHI Weal ID toUlh-1 awall1 1 to 3 IHI Varl1bl• clOudt..-s !Oday and T~ay. Ca lifornia Sclltated Cloudy al!IU and the potllt>lflly of mounlaln end d8"f't thundenhow..-s eccompant.ct by gutty wind• dolled Southern Callfornla's weather outlook today. ac;c;o<dlng lo Iha Nlllonal Waather Service The high 1ampe111ure In LC>il Angelal wu IOf'ecall al 7 4 wilh a low of 59 Nortl\orn a-t hight may reacil Into Iha 801 with lowt from 44 to 54 High wtnc11 from 20 10 30 mph -• eJ1p«lad t>y the weather service In northern ~·r••• Moun111n 1n<1 daHrl uaa1 eeorad ll'le highest probablftly of 111ln through Th<lrtday The high lamperatura 1n mountain are•• lhOulcl range from 58 10 85 With lows lrom 38 10 45 North-I wind• lrom 15 10 30 mpll era ••p«lad In the moun1aln1. Southern dff41(1 high• ahould ring• from 74 to 82 wllll low1 from S4 10 84 Owena Valley h19h1 ere IOfeclll lrom~ to 12 with IOWI from 4t 10 53 HIQhl from 72 10 78 afld lowt lrom 50 to 58 -• expected tn COMI al vall9yl I Thundemonni ~ - the Plains encl • 1omado -leltt waa Issued for parta of -.i•n South D1koll, northaa1tern NelH Ilk •• IOUI h•••••rn Mlnnasote end northwe11arn IOwl For 1oday. lelr lkles w are lou1cu1 lor much ol lhe nation. Showers w•r• lor•C•ll lrom Upper Michigan acro11 th• norlhern Rock••• and Greet S.$1n. changing 10 -tlloww• In MO"tana Thunci.tllorms -• toracest tn parts 01 the nor1harn and central Pla i ns, wllh ra1n1howara In Iha northern Pacmc Coat Teniperatu res Alt>any Alt>uque AmanllO Ancnoreve Alhevlfle AU1n11 AUentc Cly Austin 81mmore 8i111ng.s 81rml"9"m 81StnlfCk 8olH Boston Brownsvllt! BYffalo BYrUnglon ClUC* Ch1r1stn SC Chert11n WV Chlrllle NC Cheyenne et>ic.oo ClrlClnn•U Cleveland Clmt>la SC Columbus Dll·FI Wlh 01)'1on Deni/et 0.. MOlnM OatrOlt Oululh El P110 Falrb1ni.1 Fargo AtlQlllN GrNI Fiiis Hatllord HelaN HOC\OllJIU Hout II>" lndn•pll1 Jackan MS Jackan¥fte JI.Ina au Kans City t:@ HI Lo IJcft 70 49 72 49 86 87 o6() 31" 01 ~ ;; 73 83 93 72 72 53 51 .w oe 83 52 58 47 10 S9 46 oe 74 60 111 78 ... se 03 82 511 13 se 42 11 82 65 11 54 oe 711 $4 59 41 81 78 48 75 47 8t 58 20 84 55 811 411 t3 87 72 50 70 44 81 6t &II .. 83 411 oe 87 ... 53 40 75 57 .27 .. 32 '3 38 , 14 71 $2 47 38 17 Ill 75 15 74 72 '3 H IO 85 dO 65 J4 02 M IS LU Vag11 llllle Rock Louotvolle Lut>t>ock Mempfus Mleml Miiwaukee Mpls-SI P Nllhllllle New Orleans N-Yor- Nortolk No Plalle Okla Cilv Om•h• Orlando Ph1ladph1a PhoetllJI PIUsburgh Piiand. Me Pl.lend. Ore Pfovldonc;a Aai.igh Rapid City Reno Richmond Sall l1ka San Anlonlo S..111• Styevapor1 Sloua F .. SI lOUlt SI P-Tampe St Sia Marie Spollena S~awte Toc>ell• Tucaon Tulsa Wa.ritngtn Wlchlll 75 82 75 90 85 84 67 73 78 85 76 75 82 90 80 87 75 82 64 72 84 75 80 57 62 76 S4 811 59 88 78 80 87 81 80 81 84 79 ' 87 74 llO 0 51 57 48 811 55 77 02 42 56 51 55 62 69 43 67 61 01 69 55 61 54 57 55 58 55 57 117 30 56 42 I 51 72 411 27 61 60 67 89 50 47 07 55 82 511 85 se 87 73 .. , 711 58 79 53 71 •• lllf RIPIRT , . ----4 ........ Mall °" 3 SW s aw ' aw 3 w • Big 8e1t Bishop 81)'1111 Culve< City Eu1Pa Fresno Lancutar Long Beach los Angeles MonroY11 Ml>"lebello Monterey Ml Wiison Nee<ll81 Oekl1nd On lark> Palm Spring• Pasaden1 PHO Robles Rlller11d1 Red Bluff Redwood Clly sacr-nlo s.11n ... San jtermirdlno San G1bllel Sen Otego San Frenclsco Sin JOH Santa An• S1n11 Barb1r1 S1n1a Cruz Santi M.,11 Sanll Monica SIOCklon fahOe V•ttev fhermal fOfrance Yuma f'AH A•NCAN 82 25 69 33 85 55 78 eo 6A 53 76 53 71 .... 74 511 73 65 78 55 74 59 88 50 58 40 83 54 71 67 73 65 84 54 76 $7 711 45 71 52 78 54 74 $3 75 •7 13 u 74 53 77 55 73 82 85 65 75 51 75 $7 71 54 88 58 70 41 89 511 80 49 57 211 17 211 76 59 87 55 ACepulco llO B11r1>eooe 88 Bermuda llO Cur KIO 92 Fr~1 ... OllMlll•ltH• 11 0\lfdliollpe ... Tides TOO~Y $eoono 10w I 08 p m s.coM h!Ofl 7 54 p m T"""9DA y f'tnit low I a• 1 m Flrll high • 14 • "' 8ec:omf low I 3 1 p m Second high • 2f p "' 5 5 lun •••• IOdly •I • tlO p Ill • , .... Th.lfldey •I •• •-"' MOOll riMe today 11t I II p 111 • .... Tllllredtr II 3 17 • m I A 17-ycar-old girl al't'used of shooting her boyfriend lo death in Laguna Beach last May will tx- tr1c•d as an adult and not as a juvC'mle. Orangt' County Superior Court Judg<' Wilham Murray ruled late Tuc•i.d ay that 1 t was more appropriate to handle Laura l...et· r e1s t'$ case through the adult l'r&minal l'OUrt system tho n through the juvenile court system. S he will be arraignC'd Fr1dav In making has ruling, Murray l'il<.•d the circumstances of the shooting incident and the alleged criminal sophist1t•ation s hown by Fe ist, a Laguna Beach High School transfer student, who apparently s hot herself in the chl•st, prosecutors allege, after fatally wounding James Anthony Ke ndall. 21. of Emeorald &y. Thl• JUdgt' said in his ruhnl t hal he didn't b('lieve Fe isl would be a good candidate for rl•habtlitatlon if convicted sinet- the JUVt.•mle jusllC't' s.ystem would FARBERWARE. · "Super Fast" Sta inless Steel Fully Automatic Coffee Urn • MAKES UP TO 55 CUPS • STAYS HOT FOR HOURS • DRIPLESS SPIGOT • . EASY-TO-CLEAN BASKET -STAIN, ODOR AND BREAK RESIST ANT SALE PRICED s79aa Reg. Price $109.99 h ave less time to keep her incar'C('ra ted. Fl'1st could f ace a lo nge r sc•nte nce 1f convicted in adult court than if she had been tried in juvenile <.'OUrl. As an adult, a judge can sentence her to the Cahfomia Youth Authority until he r 25th birthday. She could then bt' tra nsferred to !>tate pr1s()n. As a juvenile, she could have' been kept no later than her 23rd birthday at CY A and would havt• been given an automatic re lPaSl' date more than you expect .In s hardware store «•CROW• B HARDWABE V1S4· WHtctlff '9au 1024 Irvine A.ve. Newport Beach M2·1133 Wkdeye .... Thurl. Tll I p m All Storee ooen 1 0.Yt Corona dee Mer Herbor View Center 3107 6. Coul Hwy. 11114 S1111 M1Qu91 Dr. 673·2800 ~ l:.ach Wkd•Yt .. 5:30 9'4·H?O Wkeleya TIM 1 p m. ' 3 SS -- \ WORLD S hultz, Massacre inquiry a s k e d . Gromy ko confer Ry The Auoclutcd l'rc1111 Ji'.:HUSALEM 1111111•11 l'rlnll' M11111>tl•r M1•11udwm lit•gln 1tKl11y Cm mully uskl·d Supn•1111• Cuurt PrN.tdt•nt Y1tihuk KHhon to appoint u t tHntrlli.SltHI tu lllV1•i.11gutl' lsnll'l'1-'hmdut·t 1·1·~urd1ng tlw 111ussuc.'l't' of Pult•i.llntnns 1n Bt•1ru1. &•l(in si•nt K ahun a ll'ltt•r by 1111•1-s1mgl'r ui.king thul lw "t111 t ttw nm11111i.s1un II will la,1 v 1• 1111wt 1'1> to i;uhptll'nu WlllH'l>ld'>-lllld Jll'llllll/t• ix·1111r1•1' 111 111 01J111g 1h1· mu ... -. i.l,111i.:h1t•1 th..11 hu" l h11rn1'1I 11 1>Lu1111 ul morul 11utra~1· 11111J µol1llt •rl 1111·1111111111 lio1wl. Ht•d l..'1 rn'' oll 11 1111:; suy till' 111asi.:rt·11· ldt at l.•11111 :1:w dt•ud II II d I h I' L (' h II 11 {' s ,. ~11V 1·1·nm1•11t 11.1y1-11 l1•ft ut lt•ai.t ~WI dt•.1d A n ci ent objec.ts d iscover e d 11 EHAKLlON , Crcll• c.; n·1·k urt·hat•olog1sti. round nwr1· th.in 2.000 .11u•1t.•1H t1b.)1'1'l1> ll'ft us offerings to tht• mytholog1l'<il gud Zt•us In u l'UVl' atop Mount Idu. w hl'rt' kg1•nd miys Zt•us was rurst'<.i Dr Yannis Sakl'llurukis, d I I t ' l I 11 I ll I J ( t• I u " I Iv I I rnui.t·um, sa11I sunw tlf thl• tlUJl't'li. d.11t• frum 1 '.IOll B.t' and rndudl• '' dl'<.~1r..ilt•d stnp u f gulJ. bronu· shll'lcls and h;.1~1ni.. iron arrowh1•uds and i.pl'ars und 11thl·r 1lt-<l11:11l1nns of srlv1•r . ll•ad. ivory und w111xh ·n obJ<. '<.'II> Captive fish e rme n r e leased S EOUL. South KurC'u A South K orean f1s h1ng boat and its :i5 lTl'wnwn rt'turnt'CI to porl today after 78 days of l·apt1v11y 111 North Korea. authunlll'S smd. Thl• 11..J-ton Masan-ho wus sPrzt•d by a North K orc·an patrol s hip July 13 whih.• NATION 111>1•1.111ng rn what Suuth Ke11 t·.1 1·.Jllt•d 1nt1·rna11011..1I W;.ll<.'l'S Bv South Kon ·an nlUnt. North Kor·t·a h<rs s1•1wd :i.5!;.J South Kon·a n f1sht•rmt•11 sinn· tlw l'nd of tlw Kort•uu War 111 l 95:i South Kon•ta says -l07 have.• 1wv1•r n·turm·d Measles outbre ak reporte d PHOENIX. Ariz. Tht· Arazonu Dcpartml'n t of l lt•allh St•rvrc.·l'S says c:hildn•n • I who visited Disneyland 1n California the week of Aug 15-21 may have brought hornt• an unwanted souvemr: mt•aslt-s. 1\ 1·ur1·1.·11 l u u tbn·.1 k ol nw;,sl1•s in th1• Pho1•n1x Gll•ndalc' an•a has bt•t'n tral't•t.l to a 12-yl•ar-old boy who v1s1lt•d Disnt•yland that Wt'l'k . off1<:i«Jls said. Eight l'ast·~ of mC'asl<'s havt• b<'en rt.•po rtl'd and more· arl' C'Xpl'("ll'<i, tht·y satd Off shore mine ral find told UNITl':l> NATlONS (AP) S1·1·n ·t11ry ul Stu14' (;1•urg1• P Shult z und Sov11•l l"urc1_t<n M1nli.ll·r A111lr1 •i A Crnm~o. f u 1 I 1 n g t o a ~ 1 1· t' o n ir n y outs tandmg prohl<·m lwtwt·t•n th1•i1· 1·11u11tl'll'S, si1y tlwy wilt try ai.:uln 1wxt Wt'l'k Thl'Y 1111•1 lu1· thrl'l· hours Tut·M.lu' y 111 a Sl'~lllll I hu l u St:-nsor U S uff11·wl c:.rlll'll "M•nous" and "nun polt•lllll'al " "Tht·v wt'l'l' twu St·nuus JX.'Uple ltrlkmg. about Sl'rllJUS SUb)Cl·Ls, ., s aid t}w off1t•ial who brwft'd rt•1>0rt(•1i. on tlw unt.l1•rs tand1ng ht• would nut bl.' 1Jt·nt1Cicd. ' "Tht>l'l' was nu yl'lling . Tht•y • gut along all right." · Ht• pr ovid<•d ft•w th•tui ls of what was d1S<:U"-'Wd, cxct·pl lO say lht•y rt•Vi'1 Wt•d SUbJl'C'tS that 111l'ludt•d atmi. l'on' .-ol. human r 1 g h t :. i s;; u l' s , P o I a n d . Afghamslan and Cambodia "No ugn'<'t11t•nt..'i wcn · rt•ac:hl'<.i , o thl'r than to Olt:'t•t again nt•xt Wl'l'k for furth<•r d1S(·u~1ons," he sa1t.l U.S. oCficiall> hut.I ind1l'a led t•arli(•r lhl'Y did nut l'Xpl.'<.'l mujor rt•:.u lts to t•rnt•rgl' from thL· ffil'<.'llllg Thl• s1·n1or ofr1nal ind1c-att·d Shultz n •itl'ratt't.I U.S. dt·mands that the• Suva•t Union drop support for Poland's martial-law r.cgunc am.I w1lhdraVL..lC®RS from Afgham.,tun "You ean ai.sumt• what tht• S<.'<.'rC'tary would lx· saymg about the two subJt•t•ts," tht> offk1al said. But ht• said thl• cc:onom1t· :'k1nct1ons impos<·d by Washington uguins l Most·ow bt'<.'UUSl' of the.• martial-law l'racltdown In Poland which have• b«.·ome a divisive issue.• in U.S.· West European • relations "did not come up at all." Shultz and Gromyk o were unsmiling at tht• beginning of their mt><'tmg at the U.S. mission t o th e Un1tl'd Nat1uns . Afwr·..vurd. Gromyko sm11l-d and waved to rt•poru•rs but del'lmecl t'Ommcnt. .. . . Orange Coa t OAltY PIL:OT/Witdnelday, S.p,~bef 29, 1982 HB Talking po litics .. Fornwr go\'Crnor Eclmuncl (;. ••Put'' Hro\.Hl diut" -with r e porters in the,• Orungc.· Count y llu ll o f Atlmin i"trat iun prt·!)~ room as c·ounty Ut•moc·ratic chairman Hid,a rd O' t·ill look" on. Brown is in th t' c·ounty to ('ampu i~n for Uc.•mo cratic.· c·uradidu tc~. ~ • • Tanker blast rocks city LIVIN<.iSTON. L.1 <APJ A 1ww 1•x ph,.,11m rnc·kt·<l th1~ (•fllpt~ town t•url v tndav. M·ntl111 g f1 ;11ning <h ·i11 ... rn;m <l1·n11l1·d wnkt·r t·;11 i. "al I ovt·r tht· plm .-" ond authol'llll'I> ft•;.rrt•d t11 Xl< s m11k1• would dnfl to a 1w.1rb~ community whc·n· sonw of lh1· :~.000 t•vm·ut·1·:,, hud takt·n n ·I ug1• No onl' was St•r1ouslv hurt 111 tcxluy's blast or 111 thl' ·l·xph•i.1on that' llK1k pl~1<.'t' whc•n -l:! c·:ir-. of an lllinrn~ Ct·ntral-Gulf fn·1ght tr ;11 n d l' r a I II· d bt· r I) rt• d a .. , 11 Tuc>Mlay Tht• clt·r <t1lme nt c.·au!wd J thundt•rou., 1•xplos1on that st 111 flanws lt•uprni.t from on<' C'ht•nm al tank l'1:tr l11 ;rnuthl•r all duy long and :-.01.'Wt·d tox1<· smokt· .. Wt· h.1d uno t h1·r c•x pt11 ... 11m thh 111111111ng .• ind ~t· J ..... ,unw 11 ";i-. 11111 u l tht· \'Ill\ I t hlond( 1.111 k t ,,, ,, .. St;.111· 1>11 t1n Sgt St1·ph1·11 Camplwll i..11d c•,1rly 111d.1\' "ll w a s n 11 th111g wt· \\ •·n n'l 1·x 1H·t·ll11g. but 11 l>lc•w p11•1·1·i. 111 tlw t;mk l';11· all 11v1•r tht• pl.al 1 • w lwn 1 l L·xplodc•d .ind at lr1.tht1·d up tht• sky hndly" Tu1·:,,d.1y night. Lt C:11v Rubhy fr 1•1·n1.111 p u I tht· Lt1u1.,1ana N.1l11111.rl c..;u.,rd 1111 .1l1·rt ..iml '>t·nt 1111111· ... t.&lt· poilt'!• Ill l U thl~ ... out lwa .. tt·rn Luu1..i:rn.r town lo .111 l ''I ,Jll\ looll'f' <.iov l>:tVl' Trt'l'll l u I .,ho rt " Flo11d.1 \ m .111011 lo 11•turn todJy • Tht· Amt•ric.·an Rl'<f Cross set up t'\ <1l·uat1on 'hl•lt.c.•n. at Walker ,ind Ho ld<'n high ~:hoots. about '>Ill. m1h•i. from Livingston About !JI) pt•oplt· ·six•nt tht· mght cil both. u.IT1l·1<1b said Many displaced rwopk· movt·d m with rl•lativc.-s br t l'll'lllb I lours ;,ftt·r Tul•l>Ciay's blast, 411 2,1100 Livrngi.ton rc·s1denu. fled. Tht• 'itu:.ition worscn ed et n11d ·a ftt·rnrn)n , whl'n a lanker w nt<1ming ll'lrU·l•thyl ll•ad shO\ a r1n•b<.tll mtu the.· ::.ky. s preadit;'g I unwi. ov<'r a w1d(• area a n d driving flamc.·i. doser to sev•n 11vt·rl u rnt•cl tan kt> rs con ta1 ni ~g highly poa>;<moui. vinyl c.·hloriJJe. MIAMI -A scientist says tht• d1sC'overy of a riC'h offshon• bc:d of minerals nl'ar Snuthi.·:.rsl slalt•s l'ould frC't' tht• United States from d <· pl' n t.l 1 n g on u n st a b IC' nations for "strategic.·" metals s a 1 d T u l' s d <1 y t h a t t h L' fj a . 0 0 0 ·sq u a r <' • m 1 I c· bl' d . str£'tt·h1 ng from North Carolina to Floridu, holds mort' l'Oball. mangnnt•sc·. phosphoratt'. nrt·kt·I a nd pl..it1num than any o ther known area 1n tbl' United SWU'S Mesa teen · hero saga • in Forsythe's Dr Frank T Manheim of thl• U S Gt>ological Survi•y . By JOO) CADENHEAD Of the D.itr "°' ..... V1l'tor Forsythe.• of Co:.ta Mesa 'L emon law' s tarts Friday cara 't guess how many people pa~'<i b y h1~ swc.·aty. limp body, thinking he· w.ls druggc.•d or drunk not guessmg he was near death HARTFORD. Conn Manufactur<'rs, not new-car bu yt•r s, w 111 shou Ider the· burden for defect ive autos C•nt'c• thl' nation's first "lemon lcrw" Wkt's effr'<.'l. Sta rling Friday . Conn(•t·t1t·u1 cons ume rs may takl• c:om plamts first to an 1ndc•p t·nd C'nt arb1trat1o n pa m•I, which must decide the l'aSt• wllhm 40 days, and any STATE rulings against tht· automakl'r art• binding A c·onsumc•r d1sugrc·c·mg w1lh th<' dt'l·1s1on t h t• n m a y s u l ' l h e manufaeturer · Consuml'rs are C'lig1ble if a 1ww c.·ar rs under rt•palr for mort• thun 30 straight days m thl' first yt>ar of own<:'rsh1p or If a single probll'lll hu~ not lx'<•n fixed after four a tll'mpts at rl'pa1r Forsythe. 3:3. wus returning from a trip to San Diego A ug. 27 and stopped at a bank in Santa Ana to make a dt.•poslt. Hl' was standing m hnt• when he began fl't'hng wt>ak and dizzy Thinking that the feeling would pa::.s m a moment he drove lO m •arby Cl'ntc•nmal Park and sank down tn the warm dry grass. Joseph Magnin's for sale He remt•mbt'rs a poltt·e car l'ruising by real slow It slOppc'd But the bcard C'd man was too exhausted tu cvt•n raiS<' his head. Fmally ht' dragg<.'d himself baC'k lO his van and either fC'lt aslc•t•p or pas.."t'CI out for several hours . Whl·n hl' awoke the lL'mp<•raturc wus in the m1d-90's. he recalled. S AN FRANC ISCO J osl•ph Magnin Co .. wh1c·h announc.·l'd plans a week ago to dose seven stores. 1s for s.llc·. savi. Harmon Tobl<'r. prt.•i.1dc•-;, t o f the doth ing c:ham c·umpany. Tobler. who also is ch11.'f c x l' t' u t 1 v c off 1 c e r . was unavallablt' fur c.·ommt•nt Tu1•sdav. but hl' 1si.uNI a written · statt•ment that said the investment banking firm of Golden Sachs & Co. has bt>en hired to se ll the l'Ompany. wh1c:h op<·rat{'S 44 stores m California. Nc•vcrda and Utah. "I was so w eak a ll I could think of is I've got to ge t to ~ hos pital." said Forsythe. "M y throat felt ltke thl' Sa hara Dl'Scrt. ·• Geothe rmal proj ect looms He managed to move a few yards to a restroom and collapsed on the grass. He was lying there when Delbert Bkdsoe. l 7. of Costa Mesa and several friends round him. HEBER -ConstruC'tion 1s t>Xpt'l'lt-d lo begin in October on what 1s described as the w o rld's first large -scale commc•rc ral binary-cycle po wl'r plant using geothermal ent•rgy. spokesmen say A new c·o-owm.•r. the• state of Cahforma. was ..innount't'ti for the $1 12 million lmpt.•rral Valley pro)Cl·t Tut•sday aftl'r $2 m1lhon m public· funds was plt'<igl'd. Bledsoe. a senior at Back Bay Hi1th School. said that hrs friends told him not lo get in the car with the stranger. But Dellx•rl loaded his bike in the back and drove Forsythe to a clinic-in Costa Mesa. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl•ulfled •dvertl1lng 7141&42·5'71 All other dep•rtment1 642-4321 Thoma• P. Holey 'vbl~ Ol'd Choef (•K~•,.• Off,"' MAIN OFFICE U0 Wt\I 8ey SI Coote ~W CA M•ll •ddros lo• IS.0 C.001• ...... CA ~,. L. Koy Schultz Vice Pre'"'"'"' ond Ot19CIOf ol Adve•l•'•"ll Michael P. Harvey Ooc1or ol Motlettt19 tCwclAotlOftl D.-,PWM•..-y ........... Mclncley f rtday II YOU dO llOI -'°"' -DY $JO o"' call -• 1 11"' -Yo1i1 COPY .... CM., ... ..,_, ~ .!?! s..noi,.,11 I°: I°;:: .... '°""'"::I -COO\''"'" " _ ... • Jone Amari bOICUh•I! (d•l()t Raymond Maclean Controtle• Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. 0..Kte>t of Qi,..oll()ft\ Cepyr19M l'IJ Of-COHI PV041thlf'9 C-\1 NO 11ewt tlorle1. lllw•l••llOll\, "''to<i.1 mati.ro< _. •••tlM ...... b ........ mey .. rHfMllCH .11-'"'1.1 ,.. ....... ..,,,of u1oyr19i.1 _.,., S.cono c••n oo•••90 Pl•d •I Cotta Wu C•lit..,...1 e fUPS '" ..,, 5'111Kr1Ptlon "' <.,, .. , .. IS"'°"'"'~ lly mell It ~ "-lllly The Or-Co.ti Oally Piiot wllll #hf<h It <- lllr>ff lhe -PrtU II PVllll\-llY the°'""" too l PIA>f••'""9 c--· S.tN••t• tdlllOI>• ero 11Vllllt--.Oy '"'°""' Friday lor C•I• ....... Htwpor1 llH<h, H""llllf!Oll t .. cll, ,_ .. Ill V•lley, 11¥111t, L ...... lff<ll. $0Ulll CM ti A \Ill ... ,....- tdlllOll ,, '*"''-~ ....... ,. ..... """""" , ... PflMlpal "'*'"'"" ...... , "•f uo Wot •n SI-I, l'.O lo IM . C•te Mffe. Catllor111e .,.,. VOL. 75, NO. a. We're · Li~t~ning ••• What do you like about tht Dally Pilot? What don't you like? <:sit the numbc.>r b~low and your measa1e will be recorded. tra nscribed and delivered to the appropriate editor 'rhe same 24-hour answering service may be uatd lo rtcord let- ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors muat include their name and telephone number for ver1fkatlon N'o circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642•8086 f 0-"r l"llot f'tloto bf LM .. ., .. Vi(' tor For~y the (left ) owes his life to Delbt·rt Bled oe, 17. who took 1-,or yt he to a hos pital after finding him !'\trit'ken in a a nta Ana. ...... "I tho ught h l' wa:. kind of hurting." said BlC'dsor "lit• lookl'll so Sll'k t thuught ht• w;i<; Gem Talk By J.C HUMPHRIES C'trt1{11!d Gemol1>R•M. AGS SYMBOLS IN JEWELRY ho11or rrlil(iou• brli~f· Almos t all of the world's re ligions arc honored b y some kind of symbolism. Christians. of course. use the symbol of the cross to remind them of the execution of J esus. Those of th<• Jewish faith have the Star of David. This symbol 1s so sold (mor e than 2,000 years) that &'holars and historians disagree on Its origin . Many Catholtl·s wear medals honoring partit'ular saints rccogniicd by their church. Some of the designs that are made inlO j(>welry and arc woven Into fabrics by th(' American Indlnns arl' symbols that became part o f tlw1r spiritual £nlth mony c<>nturacs ago. Believe It or not. young people wt•or relig1ou:s isymbols as )ewelry mor • oht•n than lhl•lr c iders. It Is also o Cuct that women wuar more rch gioull Jewelry than men. Stcrlinu silver and gotd-(iUl'd pla-cs art' very popular with young pcoplt'. Such j<'welry has bN·om,• fashionable, M well as showing &'\ cxprc.'SSlor of one's faith Tht> Almpll• d lacntty of th<'ll<' symbols glv<>• th •m n bt'auty that Is unfversal I going 111 dw " Fori.ythl· said ht• wu-. t11lt.l hv d1)l·t11r~ at Costu MC's;1 Mt•rtlOrml I losp1t;tl that h<' had nt•arly d1e0 from blood po1sonmjl An extraordinary diamond of a . carat or more. Show the world you c ouldn't have made it without her. J. C.JJumplri11~ }.w11f.r6 MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY @ 1809 NEWPORT BLVD . COSTA MESA ~ . SINCE 1949 91nkAm1rrc1rd-MHler C111rge PMONI ~3401 I 11'8 Or1no• Coeat OAILV PILOT/Wodn day. S•~ltmbO{ 29, 1982 Still time for action on school fund -issUe As not.ed here immcdrnt.cly aftt.•r the close of the lcgh1lative session, California's lawmakers fumbled badly on one of th<> most import.ant issues dt•manding their -01 t t I? n ti o n -pub 1 i c st' h o o I financing. Offered two opoportunities tu 1·estore dwindling school funding -an oil severance tax tha t would have raised $400 million, or an .additional tax on to bacco a nd ·alcohol for $350 million they •backed away from both, dearly panic-stricken by the idea of a tax increase ot any typ<> in an election year. So the sch ools opened with just about the same budgt'l they had last year. No m oney for pay i n creases, for building ma intenant·e. for textbooks. or to res tore programs t h a t h ave been cut s ince Propos1uon 13 began to take e ffect. The schools already have laid off teachers. counselors, libra rians, m ainte n ance people. Instruction progra ms from remedial reading to,music have been eliminated . Students are asked to pay more for school lun c h es a nd transportation. There is no room for more cuts if they are to receive anything resembling a decent education. Already California h as the second highest ratio (after Utah) of s tude nts per teacher. 23.6 compared with a n ational average of 18.4. The national average umount s p e nt per stude nt is $2,690 . California spends $2.337, dowh from 2 lst to 35th ln th<' nation ln just two years . And in percent.age of personal income t·hanncled inlo the school system, we have the honor to t.x.• dead last -No. 50. or course there is more to a schoo l system than dollars. But without a reasonable financial base even the best-intentio ned teachers and adminis trato rs cannot function adequately . Alas, so far as teachers are concerned, too ma n y have become so disc.'Ouraged they are simply leaving the profession a l toge th er. The> loss is our children's, and their future in this st.ate. Gaven o ur l egislator~· pre - election jitters. there's no t much lu be done before Nov. 2. But it still is possible for the governor to call a s p ec ial sessio n o f th e Legislature immediately after the election to do what should have been done. If th e i ss ue of sc h oo l financing is put off until after the New Year it will again be bogged down in the morass o f legislation facing th e new group of la wma kers. The governor could m ake us a ll rest easi e r by a nnouncing a s p edal session immediately. The o utgoing Legislature s hould not be permitted to pass the buck on this one. Taxpayer protection . Taxpayers who tangle with the Inte rnal Revenue Service are granted some new protectio n s under the 1982 tax act. T he new law puts some reins on the ability o f the IRS to seize property to satisfy tax cla ims, s peed s up the deadline for releasing property when a lien is satisfied and assures a taxpayer who wins a court fight with the IRS of adequate recompense for court costs a nd attorney f ces. With the cost of tax litiga tion now averaging $9,000 to $12.000. the law says a taxpayer who wins a tax case now can be awarded up to $25,000 to cover such costs. When the IRS inte nds to seize property. the taxpayer now must be warned in advance by certified m ail and thus given a chance to head off the action. Previously, the IRS could proceed w it ~ seizure without knowing whether or not the taxpayer had received due notice. 1 The rules regarding property exempt from seizure. unchanged sin ce 1959. a lso have been madt• more realistic. Furniture) provis ions and personal effects worth up to $1.- 500 now a re exempt. The previous limit was $500. The exemption for books and tools of a trade h as been raised r rom $250 to $ l ,000 and exempted wages are increased from $50 to $75 a w eek, with an addition a l exemption for each dependent. Finally, the IRS now must release property within 30 days when a claim is satisfi ed. Previously the re was no time limit. While the heavy hand of the IRS still can com e down on delinquent citizens. the taxpayer who claims innocence now can fight the government without going broke, and the one w ho h as in deed broken the rules will not be deprived of too ma n y possessions while trying to make amends. Given the IRS horror stories that come up from time to time . all this sounds m o r e reasonable. A man of courage T he Orange Coast Jost a true man of courage and the youth or our area lost a true fnend last Sunday with the untimely death of Dean J . W estgaard, teacher, coach, lifeguard supervisor, sk y diver and gentlema n. Westgaard demon s trated h is courage from his days as a football sta r through beco ming a professional s k ydiver with m ore than 2,500 jumps to his credit. • Much of his life was spent serving yo uth as a t each er. coach, supervisor and friend. But at no time did the Laguna Beach resident and Orange Coast College instructor d emonstrate m or e courage than in his final fight against cancer. He died at age 52. He will indeed be missed by all who knew him. Op1n1ons expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other view s eJC· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnv1t· ed . Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa M esa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 L.M. Boyd/ Little use for u 's The ongmal dictionary man Noah Webster was moved mostly at the ou\Set by one main motive: to rid the American language of the useless ''u's'' in such English words as colour, honour. JabQur. He was 17 years old wh en the De c lar a tion o f lndependence was signed. If you are 76 years old, you were born just about the lime that pajamas . Ural replaced the full -le ngth nlghtshirt as modern man's favorite Jaleeping eo11tume. I , A ma rrie d man in a business ip.rtnershlp ls more apt to split up wtth his wife than with h is partner, ttatiaUcs sh ow. •• ! j I ' I I I I I) • r ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat 1>,,_11 __ ... ,, .w, .. I ... tffl el UI Wt'P to $1, Co.re Mt,. AH•"~ <Of•e•DO~-• to If• tWO C.O\le AM•a, C• .-J•7' Turkish cofree h ouses ser ve nothing at all but coffee. Q . Didn't the Russian musical genius Rachmaninoff starl the Sikorsky helicopter company? A. No, sir, RachamJnoff invested $5.000 In Igor Sikorsky's aircraft company when It was In financial trouble. h o wever. Sikorsky gave Rachmaninoff thf' title of vice president . Q . How come there'• no male or fema le nJme for a beaver except beaver. A. Because none but another beaver can tell the difference. No call to specify when you just don't know. ' Thoma• P. Holey rllbl "'"' Thoma• A. Murphln• (dill!f J•n• Amorl (•.,VI••• fdttOI ...... KteMMch fdolOhol ,. (#Of Thom. McCenn ~(dolor ' Dayan eyed Lebanon annex 1 WAS HINGTON -Whitt• House suspicion of Israel has become so intense that President Reagan's top advisers are now wondering whether Prime Minister M c nac hc m Begin is planning the eventua l a nnexation of ~out h ern Lebanon. Secret reports shown to my associates Dale Van Atta and Ron McRae indicate why the White House is disturbed. One secrH State Department report. for example, had this to say on Sept. 15, as the Israeli~· asion of Wt.>St Beirut was pr0<:ecding a ce: There is a danger that Israel's "logisti operations will evolve into pennancnt adm1mstrat1ve agencies." IN OTHER WORDS, lh(' suspicion 1s that Israel 1s in the process of building a miht.ary-civihan government for Israch- occupied Lebanon. The same pattern of Israeli tnfiltrauon that has been seen in the West Bank t~rri tories seems to be evolving in Lebanon. The ultra-nationahst extremist group. Gush Emumm, is planning to put Israeli settlements m southern Lebanon, according to U.S . reports. U Begin follows hts past action. he will not denounce these settlemt•nts for fear or criticism from hardhne Israeli factions that are the bedrock of his political support Instead. he will S(.'e that the bootleg settlements are hooked up to water and electrictty to make them permanently viable. The Gush Emunim and the Israeli Army's chief rabbi. Gen. Gad Navon, believe that God may be giv1og them southern Lebanon to compensate for Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai. The {'ha platn's support would be a k ey elem{'nt in transforming temporary military governments anlo permanent {'1v1lian bodies. Sensing an opportunity, Is raeli busin essme n a re already bt>glnrting to establish themselves in occupied Lebanon. , A significant historical note should be menuoned here . It adds fuel to th(• G. ··-Jl-Cl_l_ID-IR-ID-1 -~ White HouS<• suspicions. A former Israeli prime minister , Moshe Sharett, published an intriguing account to 1978 of a meeting of Israeli defense and foreign-policy officials. The meeting oct·urree 27 years ago, and quotes the late Moshe Dayan , then army chief of staff. as saying Lebanon was ripe for the picking. "The only thing that's necessary is to find an officer, even just a major," Dayan said, according to the ac.'Count. "We would either win his heart or buy him with money, to make him agree to dec lare himself the savior of tht' Maronite (Christian) population. "Then the Israeli army will enter Lebanon. will occupy the necessary territory and will create a Christia n regime w hich will ally itself wit.h Israel," Dayan reportedly continued . "The terntory from the L1tani (River) southward will be totally annexed by Israel and everything will be all right." T h t · D <i y Li n s l' t· n a r 1 o w a s followed to the letter -even to the choice of the cooperative Christian lead er's military r a nk. Maj. Saad Haddad, a cashiered Lebanese officer, -has be.en_acUng as Israel's P~PJ>~t­ warlord in the> Litani River area for years. The secret Sept. 15 report predicted that Is rae l wou Id try to bestow legittmacy on Haddad, possibly by insisttng that he be included tn any future Lebanese regime. His role in the massacres at the Palestinian refugee camps in West Beirut may have destroyed his chances, however. ISRAEL'S COVETOUS designs on southl'rn Lebanon are explainro in a top-sec·ret CIA report, which states: "Hardliners tn Israel have for years pointed out tha t Israel, by seizing territory up to the L1tam River, would gain a more defensive border and a greater supply of water." In fact, Israeli engineers are already working at the Litan1, exploring its potential for trrigat1on. At the start of the West Beirut invasion, Begin assured Reagan in a private message that Israel "did not covet one inch of Lebanese terntory." ln early June, he had publicly declared in the Knesset that Israel didn't want "one square m i llimeter o f Lebanese territory." The Whitt' House no longer has faith in these assurances. Footnote: An official of the Israeli Embassy l!atd that Israel has ''no intention of annexing any part of Lebanon or setting up any settlements." Island might solve jail site dilemma Probably in a moment of frustration. Sen. Robert Presley dashro off a letter to the state prison director suggesting the use of AJcatrai Island as a means of relieving overcrowding in California prisons Presley had authored tht· $-195 million prison construction bond issue approved by the voters last June. But any relief to come from the money provided by the bonds 1s at least two years away. Actually the funds are viewed a.'i just "starter" money for the longterm need for new prison facilities. ALCATRAZ, long the siLe of a federal prison. was abandoned a numbe r of years back by the government on grounds 1t was too C'OStly to operate. Presley either has never visited the site or has forgotten its limited capacity. ln operation, it never housed more than 250 inmates. Because of its small size us operating costs were magn1f1ed . Not only must all of its supplies, Including water, b<.• barged from tht' mainland but, lack ing a sewage treatment plant. lhc sewage too must be transported by barge. In fact. cons1denng the shuffling of prison personnel and mmates back and forth from shore to island. operation of ·11Rt WITfRS the prison required a full-time fleet of boats, ferries and barges. Nothmg about that has changed. But time. fire and unauthonzed OC.'Cupations of the property have taken a toll on the buildings So even without considering operational l'OSts, the funds required to rehabilitate the plant are Car out of proportion to the few prisoners that would be accommodated. Unquestionably lhe prison authorillcs are having proble ms housing the inmates. Even though. as Sen Ed Davis, the former Los Angeles police chief, has pointed out. the department tends to Hate can overwhelm love In a lifetime of reading, on<• begins to realize how much has bt'en written about love, and how httlc about hate. Yet hau-is, in a s<mse. the gre»lt."r fol"Ce, in that it can destroy m a single moment what love has taken years to build It ~ms to me that we spend too much time scntlmentalriin~ over lovl', and too IYlllY HARRIS little effort to undl'nsUlnd the rools and ramlflcatlona of hut<', a dcstructivt• clement far more rampant thnn ony number of nucleur warheads This Is true not merely In ~rsonal l<'rms. but on a tribal or national scale u well. lt took the Israelis many loving yean to build up a procp<>rous and ferlill' country; It can take.' only ~ Ccw hours or daya to d vostatc the ('ntirc Mlddl f.4\st. St. Paul Informs us that pcrfe(t love cull out rear; but the revcr'S(' Is equally, and more dre3dfully. th • <·tt~ -f~ar drives °"' love and transforms i& lnto a r~1tn1 and Implacable hatN'd. Thl' PalPSUnial'\9" rear t.'Xttnctlon: the lataelia rear dc!ltruc:Uon; the Arab 1uatea ' fenr revolt and revolution. Each position hardens out of fl'ar, until conflict' becomes inevitable. though all may desire a less devastating confrontation. How do we deal with the mechanism of hate born of fear? The world has never really addressed itself to this basic problem. ~put.es have been settled ad hoc around the conference table or on thf' battlefield -but each "settlement" contaiN the seed of renewal. We speak of "love" as the ultimate solvent, but before love can c.'Ome Into op ration. we have to find n way to N'<luct' th<' mutuAl fear which foods on tt.sc1C. and eventually consumes itself In warfare. We must learn how lO tame and n•-channcl thP torrent of hate that now. for the first time. has the copacity to oblltert1W most of mankind. What I to tragkolly lronk today is thnt the ot1ly way govl•rnmenta fo~I th<.>y 'can adcqunwly dcl<'nd themst•lv •s Is by playing on the kor of the "l'n(.lmy" -as we utt' told to fear tht Ru~'llnn1, and th ·y to fear u . The ll\Ofil Imperative thing needed In the world at tbla time l11 n C.'l,)tnn\unlty of natlona, and It has never med furtht>r away. P rhopt It will i.kr a holocawst or hall' \0 burn ahe foar out of ua and ~avo the 11Vln14 rt'mnan t It any holdlna hanct. amtd thtt Mhet exaggerate the overc:rowding, it does exist. That days when 5,000 could be crammed into San Quehtin's designed c-a pacity of 2.700 are gone. Today's prisoners arc more violent. And then there are the racial problems which were non-existent in the earlier days. The department has been attempting to meet the crisis by expanding both the community release program and the conservation camps bul there is a limit to those who can safely be assigned to such programs. The department also 1s constructing satellite f aciltties a t Folsom a nd Tehachapi which will use up a good pa.rt o( the $495 million bond issue. The prison authorities would still like to build at least onc1 ne w complete facility but lhey are meeting resistance from communities each time a site is under consideration. So Presley's idea about Alcatraz isn't as far o ut as it seems . Domiciling prisoners on an island would solve the problem of commu nity resistance. Furthermore it would provide security without the great expense of buHding prison cells a nd walls. Presley just picked the wrong island. BUT THE FACT 1s that California has about 1,000 offshore islands although some are no more than rocks. The two princi pal groups arc the Farallons, standing sentinel at the entrance to the Golden Gate and the Channel Islands to the west of Long Beach That group consists of eight major islands including Catalina. While that and two others are privately owned the remalnina five are public lands. All .are protected as wildlife areas but one, San Clemente, is used by the navy as a bombing ranse. It perhaps could serve as a prison colo n y and In fact th e authorities now an-c.:onsJdering just that. lllllY• Nt>voda Nell (Ous. Sept. 24) should chal'\ge her name to Johnni~ come lately. The Leban have been kiUln1 ~ach o ther for at leest sevt"n year•. tnd <.'Onstan\Jy. GUS FAN ·'""'· o.-• -"'• ....,.. .................. ... ••"::J,'.'!'"' •• "~ ................ ,,.. ... _.. ' .... Dell'...... .. ' " "°'" Hirl ~In H•I 'alt• Htl .. In H•1 .... , Nal 111 t "" c1o.. c"' 111 c ,.., c1o .. c"' It-I !let\ ci ... C"t P 11\d• c1e.. c"O ,. '""' C'9"' "'• OynJ.m '1J 14 ·~· ... ,, ....... •1• '" ...... Mt•IU /i, 111 20 ..... "91Ullf•• ...... "'l'"°' ,, ... , ~"" .• ... ·-eo Mtt<k 1! nt >•" "" i'1"'" 1 j I' ., n" 11e1,c11 ,, t0 1 \<II~ H•1 ~Ill " t V. 1-HillhA 1 IOI J ti t MIMlll )0 10 12)1 It'-i'l::::.f I I> t4!o "' •~1rna I II ,,. 41 .,., IQO l u ,. ,H_ ~ ·~ ~I~~ n ~ .. :t ,:: n\~ I ~ ""9r041h • , It !'•••lty . I II ••• '• J.,..,., ·'· I ll ~ ''" 1UO 1 °" " Hei'l'O., eo 1a ,.,.. 11. 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"-f= t ff ' ,;: ~~ • ~. , .. ~ ... ·1 JI ~: ~ -= .... :: :ti :.M· :. ::: ':ll ~ JI :1t ~ ;:<, F ·~ ·~'"" !1 ~,;:." , .. ~ ~ ..: j iJ -: .n:-"' i!Y'• ., , ,JO tt: '·':"i ,;•1 T =I: = u: : .: ""'· " -~ !! 4 -\4o ~uo .. ~ ,$1~1 ~-.!.,141 ,. . .:.a· ~ r~ ~"' ~~ I " ill ,,\It ~ ~!~" ··~ b 43 ~.". h ' "" • ~ ,., 11 .. "'"" •l •ua •.; ...... · llll!l 1c1 , 1 •~ 1 ,. u i. ... " :J 1u; ~ ~'",."'" 1 •tot nw ~ . It u --~ ..... , -1 c" II 41 ~ ~ MC '" ••• I• » '". \4o "'*" 'I ... 11 -"' -~-T c:-c • . •!!!' ~ Iii """' ''° • .. o..: "' =i::.r .•. ~ ,1~ ~ ~:: ·. ·~ l.! n-·· " Tl""' I!! II ... ,."\II .: t~lftl ... , ,_-_, \It l ,:.1 ;.j IM~ ....,. ·~ t ~ 141 Meell st II 1\oo• '-=:,'!f rttl n +t .. l jO 1"i1 ~ ~ "° l ,.. 7" -~ 1lt ,,A .tO •• tMI 16 • • -:·.-,,, m • ._ :: ·-· .l1 • 14\IJ• l<o etO 1• SUI ! \'f T W t•1t11• )fl/I•"° I NArlt• 1!! li + \'f s:::= ~··JI 1:~t -,,,_ 14;111 \II '-~fft IJ !1"'" "° 8 ··!• ij ~ .. f~W!.!!.4 '°·; .1 'Ct '- I fl Wia ff'; 141 ~.fl".u t 1J IJ\'t •:: I~ 1 U '-:::~,1! ~ ~·1: tcr;;1' • >~•: i~Vi;' 1'0 J4 '?._-~ I • Costly rain A~ Wlt9Pftoto (;Hr) l\'Jt•K inM')', H l"i..-ld supt·rinteml•·nt for a <·e.•ntral Culifornia tonmlo t·om1HHl), holdh exam >It·~ of '"ro al rot." caused by ---------, -,,_ unsca~onabl~ rain!>! of lal't we.·ek . Aid to border business eyed WAS HINGTON (AP) Congrc>ssmt•11 from border distnt•ts <•skc.•d J Huus<.· pant·) tod<iy to create a 110w luw-1ntl·rt•st lo:in prngrc.1111 for small U.S . businc.•s.o;t•s tlwy s;11d h:.i vt· hc"Cn dt·vas t<Jtcd by devalu <Jtion of thl' l\.lt•x1<.·<.1n p<-so. But off 1 c i a Is of th c• S nrn 11 Bus tn es s Administratiun m<t11ll<1tnt·d th<Jt the funds alr<·ady bet aside an <.t "P£>so P<.1t k" program the agency c:reatt•d four Wt'l.'ks <1g11 arl' su(f1twnl l ht• d as h or Vtc·w s l'illfH as a House> Small Business subc:omm11tt•1• ht•ard tl·~t1mon y on lcg1slat1Un int<'ndt·<I to hC'lp bord t'r businesses STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (AP) S1!H. 4 p n1 Wednetd•Y l>'tc. I nd ""' c.neno• of Int' llll1en m oll ecuve New Yot k Stock Exdt•noe '"""· t••dlng ne11on1lly 11 more '"-" $ 1 MACOM C•ll<.Orp Cnrylltr n"J Corp wootwonn Or•H~rtnct ~=~,~~ Eeat -8K m<trl Enon G<ll\11111 WernrCom Pan tom 11".00 I ll•,600 I 11' 'iOO .. ,IOO IM.JOO 860.100 643,IOO IOl,200 10,SOO S•l.000 ..,,000 41UOO •11. 'iOO •M.700 ""'IOO .. .. ,, .. ' ••• IJ , .. ,. 1JI I 1)1 i ,, ... ,, .. ,,,. lS' ,,, . 1•· " .. . . '• '· ... .. .. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) S•les. 4 pm Wednesday pr~ end nil c:nange of 11"' ten most a c11we Amencan S1ock Excha11g.i issues trad•'1';1 natoonally GI more 1111111 $1 WAnt 8 E•MW > KnPTtrm • ~~f, PtnfllQ> AZL ltn Clttle~ f'reqEl<I Cl\emo Ho ,., 400 .... soo ... .00 ···""° u . .oo '°·'°° 60,000 S4,JOO "'400 SJ soo J/ • " , •.. ... u•. I .. . .. ,. .. 11~. ' . '• ... .. ''"' ... ,., .. . '· 1 UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORI\ 1API I~ toll_,,..,. t 11 \NIW> ""' Ntw York SIO<k l ·c~ 'toce., ~ w•rr•nh '""' f'\41Vf' 00f'4' U() tN ,,_, eroo ciown llttP nw>1 11 .. eo Cl" f:.'ci~i'9 r~rdt*'' Of YOIUilW NO M<urU1n ,,.,,"<> l>t'IOwi. '' ... Ir.ti vc:t..o "-t flnO °"".,"' .. ~ crwnoe• •r• tr dltteff'f"(_lf bPt"Wfllien thf O••••OU\ ''°''MQ prl(t .no tOO.y \ tlsm pric..- 1 Port.:""' Ly,•, ,ci;,, Ul)P\ \ J ~ J ~II(~ J .. • • Up 11 1 3 TIWrmoElec I)'• • I • Up •• • Gu•ton 1ro 111 • • " UO 9) ~ ~lnqor (.O 1 l ... • I U 0 • I • PSINI 9 tOpl 1' •· • \ , Up r • I NSPw • 01c>1 JJ , • 1 , UP I J • Un£• ) j(Jpl n .• • 11. UP ' l .: ~~·,~~ ~r· . :~ ~: :: 11 ECIUlmr~ Cp • • Up • J 1 11111 Harv • • Up • l u ScOI LFCI ••• I .. uo • ) 14 llvso<INI .... ... Up S • U (i.onAmOll ~· • 1 UP ) I It Ar~-Sttt l'o • UP S I l~ L~~ 1;:; , .. ~: n ~ ~~~... .~ . . .. ~= n 21 Grenl!VI 10' • •, ~. Up S I 21 Am Hohl ll'• ~ UP S 0 d> ~ .. t.. J)•~ • 111 Up SC t • .,.. .... Cl ... 11• • 1 uo •• n Un(I , ,,.,. ,. .. UP 4. OOWHS l ••I t~ll Pt GOLD COINS ' •• 0 11 11 1 )' • , Oii 10 I ,.. ,,, ()ti •l J•, \, OU 9 t ~·· .. 0 11 •• J "· '. 01t • J • '• Ofl 11 J t(lpl '• " 011 I+ Oii I) Off I< Oii • , Oii •• Otl •I ()ti •• Off • ! ()ti • I 011 • Oii • ' ()ti •i Oii • , 011 •• Oii •I ~· t i Oii $I l"EW Y()AK (API P1~•• 111• Tll11ttdly of gold Co+n• COll'\pfled '"''" W.Orlffd•r. ptl'6 l(~elld. 1 1toy u1 , &45~ 00, up I 1 !></ ...... 1.Mf, t 110)' 01 &4$8 26 up '1 80 .... N ""6, I 2 1•0\f 01 U3S 00 11P 11:!_ ,. Sf .. 11. oeo2 1roy or '433 ro ~•1ao 9<1urw Oallll·Pei.,11 .. DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YCIRltlAP1 F11wol Dow J~ 4¥9\ '"' T""'4eY, S.p H STOC.K5 0..n Htefl LOW CleM ~ .lO Ina -.,1 JO tJO /4 tl6 01 t it U I $7 70 Trn »• .0 >11 • lM SI J611l J CD I Ull 11• '3 111 IO II• 1J 117 01 0 CW •S Slh J.st 00 ,.l t• US •1 U7 41 0.'2 tr>du• •.2Sl,OOO Tr•n 1 D .100 Ulol• 1,150,IDO 0 SI~ •,14S.IOO WHAT STOCKS DID NlW VORI\ tllf>I !Mo'° 71 AdV•f"L.O O.t1tn.«1 Unln..1'()o'(I l Of•f I\~\ ,,, •• h1U"-. H~• .aw'\ ,,._,.,, •Y• • ll" loou I~ ,,, 43' ,..,, 101 • NE;W HlRI IAl'I ~ 11 METALS I 00. • 1 .. 111 1>1 II• l.l 10 "'"' ":., ll.l di llM ,. "'-"' CWy ) "' ,.. 204 n• IS • NfW YORK 1API metal pr.Cf's IO<lay 6po1 non1errou1 Copper 70 72 c•~•• • pound U S ., ........ '°". Le.CS 2• ,.29 ~•• • pouna Vnc 0 ~n11 • f)OUnd dell-OCI Tin 16 2090 Me•••• w-<om()OUI• lb Alumlnu"' 76-77 ~enu • PO<IACI N Y llffrc:urr '35, 00 pet nm Plallnu"' $3, 1 00 '326 00 HOy OUflct ,.~ Sil VER GOLD QUOTATIONS •t The AHOClalacl l"r .. 1 Se•etltO world QOld l>'OCf't 1oaay LonclOfl Mo<nonq 11.tno IA 13 IS uP $2 M london •ll•inoon lmng S409 7S. oll ~n IS ~arl1 att.-ftOOI\ h•"'Q s.i 10 OS up '3 OI Frank lull t ••no "'12 99 up '3 0 I %u1lolt l11tt• 1111111noon h11ng S401 50. Oft l6 '° Did S403 &O Hked Haftd1 I "•'"''" 1on11 dlllly ouo111 SA()q 7~. oll SO 15 Eno•llterd 1ontr t1A1ty ouo111J $400 16. on so 7~ E119•lll••d 1on'Y d•·t> ouo••l l•01tta1ad S•JO 24 011 SO 79 1t1p .. bllo Mellon•! ••n•1 $4 11 00, up S1 00 SYMBOLS De HI Orang• COHt DAIL v PILOT /Wednttday. September It, 1882 1 MltC M>TIC£ Ml.IC NOntl MltC llOTICt gJC NOTIC(' MUC llJflC( MUC MOTla: -~·--~-g.c 11)11" 1-----------• ...,, NOTICI CW 1.-UHll'I IAL8 •temnout IUMllH C: .. •ttt IUN ... COl.lllll Of NC>TM:I °' TM>lfWl"l IAl..I-MIOUITIOM Dr tMI feOYlCI Of T1l!UITll'I IALI TI ... -..J NA9 l'f'ATl ..... f tte)ftel Oii """"l'I IAU O~ ,,_.. .... , ... Mel 90~ r,:c~-L.w .... ttH•lMI ~::'O::~c:~.t~~ l D 'f: .. VICl C(.),,.l'AltO' H Ovit .... ~-~ •MM •• dolllQ T t. ..... , •It.,...... COUlfti' OP 011 OCIOIJ•I 10, IMI al 10 00 TI... ....... IMPCMtTAMl llOUCI appo1nl•d I ru•I•• unel" ,,.. --.. MO~I l'lt-C:MI ·c:-e. Of, Mt 1 "' tXlCU C0"'· a Cahtor1101 ~ MT*T TMN'a-COAIT l lRVICfll lfljC tO ""°""'" 0._!' fOllO•t::t d••(•IL>e..r IJffU al IY111tl auw!'c.~\~O ~~ i-..~c!!: CMlv:Du ~:..ca:, :m~~ ._:t:c:-... i~;:.:~:i:i:.,:: ~/ ~~~=t~lul!; WHf.~i"~~ •r.:.~ ':! mutu1I ;:11:t1r:'"'~:i~=t~':~~': o :~D ~ ..... To:~ .. ~T ~= ~ ~~~\Jc L~,~~r~~·~D"t~,·g~ 12e<M tt Ult. UMLlll ~OU TA•I •UlltTl,,t TMI IAIYILU" t11ietff of fhll c1rl•l11 DMd of i>enafll of lhe IAVIHI UMt,110 WIL\. llLL Al PU8ll0 AUCTION 11,,aMllfl n . '"'• UNLIH C41H (payable al ttme of .... 1n Olleryl A Y111QorOol'I Htt AC TION TO ••OJICT TOU• MOMIOWNl .. I COMlllUNIT~ hvtt o ecutect by r Pw ~. IOHOOL Dllf fl lO T 1nd the TO THl HIOHlll llDDE.14 I OH ¥OU TMI ACT~ TO llflOTaC:T tewf\11 MOMy of u .. Urn1.o &talnJ 011111111 •• A11all•lt11, 0 1t1fornl• "'°"'*"'·fl MAV •ICM.DAT" Al900\A~c ........ i. ....... mtuieel man •nit c .. n1 L L.aJola D"AHOI COUNTY IU'"'. CAtH ISNY•ble II '""•of •ale in VOUR ... O,lflTY, IT lllAY •• Ill nont, tolle 111\0 11\IW•I ~ t2104 ~ 1AL1 , •YOU MIU AN ,..... 0• .., 1 Melle MIM•" •nU r~Oloed June INTINOINT 0, I C .. OOLI 10 lawM money Of the United 8111••1 IOU> AT A ""'-IC IALI. W YOU to ll'ld l'IOW llelll by M lllldef NIO 0.t>otlft Mn Hllhrw 2 Orel• l•lt\.AMATIOM WT .. MATURI DI ANTI ' CIK A. lillAltlH t1 tllO H 1n11111~t No 111MO, coopertt• In lhe a cQul1lt1011 . Ill r10llt, lllle aM lnt•Ml eonv•l"(I .. IO Ml Hf'lAMATI'* °'Tl• DuCI 01 ln,111 tl'I Ill• p1011•rt~ COllft, Newpol1 lffcfl; Oilllforlll1 Of' nt1 NOCllDtoNCI A.QAINIT AND UNO llAr:.lllAfllH Anll In BOOll t:le.13, ,..,.. tr>&. Of OlllCMll 1:on11r11ct1on and OP•rallon of a lo and now "-Id Dy u un4« Uld I ,.OCllOINO n.te<nafl., 0.~11~ tHa OU ........ 0 c-CT .. -·· I I td ti faollll~ tn Deed ol fruet In th• nropertw NATUftl 0• TH " l .. u•10· .... f .. J DU""'""'f •1 ............ Wil•~e 2 Otelel ~~ty• ......_ _,A • DOii I ttw....-i I lnekafff R11:ord1 o f Orange Count~ pee: el uca on • " r AOAIMIT VO"!t. VOU IHOULD " .. ,,:. ~ .. .., " ""'' ,. v "''" ,... .. .. wT ... IOUlll~I C1lllorn11, i nu purtutnt to thl l i:onJuncuon with ti,. DllTRI T"I hereinafter dMCrlo.d CONTACT A lAwVlfl. .,, unlNll•-m111 COlltt, ~I , .. ch, Cllllornl• On Ootobet II, 1112, •t 10 00 o-..... t1 .... n , .. 111n NOllOe Of Oef111ll l"-t~1 propoNd SoulhWMI WOOdbfldge TAUi TOA RANI( c ROYCE NOTIC£ 18 llff1E8Y OIV N 8LNO•CIAl4Y MARVIN GORE t21113 a m . DUCl<~V[ RfCONV£VANCG MOTICll Yett lln• INeft ·~recor ded Jun• 2&. 19U •• l'..lemant11rk110o1.llld ll!d PATAICIA L AOVCI!. hubllld Thll u110t11 end by VlllU. Of Ill• Ind IRIS M OOH( llu•b•llCI 9lld Tllll Dut1Ma8 It ~eel by a C 0 Mp AH y • I C 1111 or n I a TM ~_,..._ ........ fell llletrumant No H ·t 19050. OI WHlfll AS, the twtu I nd ll'ICI wit• r,ovltlOllt OI 11111 ~tlln 0..0 or wllt H joint 1en1nl1, It to an genatllptn'*""'P corporation •• Oulw 1ppolnled •"...._. -...._. .... 11111eM OttlCllll'lecordolofNldCoun•y.wlll _,."•Ilona Of Ille ld\leallon CCICN 81!N!FIC IAAY AlL6f ATll!. 1.,11 Oat•O •tptamb~ Z" ite". 111\0lYlde<I ~ lntttMt ln4 lTTA Clleryl A YMOotOOll TruttH und•~ 1no 'pureuant to r.u ,..--w"ttM: • ttera. .._... undtt eno pui-nt 10 Mid OMO of i'";;"dth• 8111• Allocallon 101rd I A V I N 0 I A N D L 0 A N ano reco•ded., in 1119 ;,,~ 01 1;1 GOAC, • widow H te> an u11e1111"*1 Thia tlttement w1• n1ec1 with the Deed of rr1111 dat.O Match ti, 1911 IN .,...,......,. ....... Truel Mlt 11 publlG 1UCtlon tor CMll requite 1111111\e DllT"IOT e11ter Into A I I OC 1 A 'I I 0 N • • C • 11101 n l • Aecord•r 01 tile county ol o11nge, ~ lnterMI Covl'lty Ct.wk Of OJ.,. County on recorded AOtll 2, tH \, u lnat No. If YoU Wltll lo ..-the ed~ ot i.wf11t ll'IOll4I)' of the Ufllleel &t•IM Of • ..... •""*'t, end corporation Stet• of ca111orn1a, on Octobflf 7, RKorded October ,0, •ti 1 " Seotam~ I?, 1812 23t4, In bOOll 14oot, ~ 8t0, of 1n allornay In Ihle miller, you Amttlel , a c1ahlef'1 ch41Ck P•V•bll WHl!Rf!AI StcllOll 39$02 ot tl\e Aecorded Oi:lober 26. ig7g •• t08t In vo1u~ t4247, PIO• t36:1 1n111 ~o 2!1807, in boo• IOU, Ptl'1.0 0 111c111 Reciord• In tM otflct of the lltlOllld do 10 Pfomptly .-o lh•I your 10 .. ,d TruetM d11wn on a 1111• 01 fdllel llon COde requlrH lh1t Ill• 1n111 No 407117 In bOOk 133011, 01 Ofltclll Rtoord•. H e culed by PIO• tJGt 01 Olllc••' Aecot<lt In the Publlt hed 0 11nge COHI Dtlty County Recorder Of Or~ county, written rHpOnM, II 1ny, m1y be "111or11I b1nk, 1 •l•I• or lederel l o ard adoOI a nd pUbllth • P~ t3t1 of Ofllclal Aecordt In IM Jlmm111 N Wiiton, 1n unm1rr110 oHora OI th• Recorder ot 0••1101 Piiot. Sept 112, 2t, Oct II, t3, tH2 Stat• ot C1lllo1nl1 l •tcut.O by flied on time. ~ credit u111on, or 1 1111• or leeleral unanimous rHOIUllon 1u1hor11111g OllTct 01 th• A11eordtr 01 Or•noe men •• Ti.ult or. to 4UNKllST Cou111y, aa1d <IMO of'""' OHCll~ •ta&.-~ MARY E RUSSELL .• fl'llrtled ~ v 110 t u •I•. h. •Id. nvlflQf ,11n<1 loin 11100111lon •uoll aollort and •P•cllylng Iha COUflly, H id dff<I of tru11 d .. CrlbH s ER v I c F c 0 M p AN y . a It .. IOlloWlng f)IOPflfl)' ----.. ---IC-llllft--Tltf_r ___ woman 11 har 1011 111d H D.,•I• d•"""d•41•. II ltlttunat •uade c:tomlel'-0 11'1 !hit etlle, 11th• tronl term• of the agrMIM'\t the tollowlng p1operty OOfl/Ollllon. u TrullM, ind STATE ~01 ti. Block 20. S•cllon 3. ~-"" ~ property, Will SELL AT PUBLIC decWlr eOftltl Ucl. 1111 ~··. entr•nc• 10 l11eout111e ISacrow THEREFOR!. 8C! IT RESOLVrlO PARCEL 1 11 .. l lmple 11110 10 s Av IN 0 s AN 0 L 0 AN Billl>OD 11111nd .. Pflf m•p r~C)ff AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER rn-.. '" lHI. tltlMlftCla thfttre Compaoy, 2n 80Ulh Ot1 v1111, Si n lhal the eoard0 of EduClllOfl of th• COlldOnllnlum Unll No 2tl2, (Th• ASSOCIATIO N • C1lllornl• m OOOll 7 Pago Ill ol Mt-lllMO\ll FOR CASH (payable al time Of Nie de M 4'1e, &. .. Ill lnfolMeoloft.,. Clement•. C•lll0<nla, all lllll r!Qhf, t RV IN e UN IFIE D S C H 0 0 l "UOll"), 11'1 Iha City Of Newport i:orporatlOI•. aa ~n•flellty, M•111. 111 th4 olflc:. OI lne Counly 1Ca011'11 PM:TITIOUa IMlatNIH NAMI ITATW•NT In ltwlul money ot lhe Unll•d ..... 1111• 111d '"'""' conveyed to Ind DISTRICT 1n1end1 to el'ltflf Into e DI.Ch. County ol Orenge. Stlle ot Ano puitui nt to th• requ111 or Recoro1< of u10 County Siil .. ) at lhe front outtldl trltra~ ll Utted de Ha 101101111 •I now htld by 11 uno.t U ld a.to of Ground Lelle, Joint UH 1 nd C1lllcrnl•. H thown upon lhe th• owritr l fld holdar o t lh• YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 01 tlle Contlntnlal Homa t..oan can11Jo de un abog1do •n Hla Tru111n tht J>rOpetty alluatld In Hid 01:c11pancy AgrHm•nl wllh lh• Condominium Plin <•nlll l•d prom•,aory 11011 u cured by '"' ~EEPETED•• 09 EFA T23A U1~11'1 OUANlTEE.SDS The lottowlng I* llOlll are doing ou11ne .. 11. SElECTl\IE LIST8 SERVICES. 22428 Atl•o P1.rk Orlv•, El Toro, Calllornla 92630 building at 43e South Euclld , I aunt o . d e b er I 1 h • o • r Io County tnd State dftcflo.d Q . COUNTY SUPEAINTl!NDENT 0, "Conc:tomtnlvm Plan !or lot 1 ot ()e4!d of Trutlll>Ovll•forr.U lo " ... • Ana1*m. Cllllornla, Ill right, fltle lmmecll1t1mente, dt "ti m1nera, Loll e3 and o Of T1101 No SCHOOLS tor the p111pO H of lrecl NO t0!187"), County o t And by retaon OI 1111 del9'.llt In YOU TAl(f! ACTION TO PAOTECf 111d lnlflf .. t conveyed to end now eu 1~11 eecr1t1, tll flay •fOUl'I•, 723, e1 per map r.COfO.O In 8oolc oonatructlon 1nd operation of 011n9•. Stell Of Calllornll (The th• payment ot "'d prominory YOUR PROPER TV IT ~AV BE h .. d l>y 11 under uld Deed of Ttutl Puede -regllttadl I llempo. 2t, P1ge 17 ol Mlaceltan.ou• Mapt, Sp•Clll Educ1tlon '•clllflH In ''Piii\ '), tec;orc:tld on July t2, 1979, nolt •nd the brae ch of the GOLD Al A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU Robert E Neltor\, t807 t Fitch, 1"""9, Calltornte 12714 1n the property 11tu1ted In U ld t lO THE DEFENDANT A <:!vii In the offlee of the Counly ~Older conjunction with lhe DISTRICT'S H Ooc:ument No 15el0, In book condlloone In Utd Dffd of Trust NEED AN flCPLANAllON OF THE County 111\d Stile deKrlbed ae· compl1tnt 11 .. bMn filed by Ille of Hid County propoeed SouthwHI Wooelbrld .. 132211, 'IQH 711 lllrough t t6, provided e Notice of O.laull 1nd NATURE Of' lHE PROCEEDING Heidi A N .. ton. 18071 Fncri, 1"""9. Callfornla 92714 Lot 09 T•ICI 4356, In the City Of pllll\tllt agelflll you It you wflh lo Tiie 11te•I eddtHI or other Eltmenl"Y SchoOI Said Agr~t tnclullve ol Olflelal Recordt OI Mid Election j0 Sell Under 0..0 of lrull AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD Cott• Me19. County ol Oran9e, <Mtenel tN1 tawau11, you mull, within co mmon dw•lgni.llon vi U ld wlll be for • ptrlod of fo~ty (401 OflllQ4I County whlCh Plln pertain• hlYlng been duly recorded 11 CONTACT A LAWVER •N1noy Ooot•y. t807 t Fitch, IMne. C.lllor-nla 927 t4 TNa bualneU II COlldUC1td by 1n unincorporated 1aaoclat1on other than a Plfln41!1Np. S iii• ol C•lllorl'lll , as per map ,. d•Y• all•• 1111a et.1Mmon1 I• property 339119 Blue Lll\l.,n. 01na ~e wtth.,.. an11U1I rentlf peYf"*I.' 1 to thet proptlfty dllCtlbed In TrlCt ptOYidod lor l>y In sa>O R1eoro• 1 22 t 1nd 22 t '~ Ony1 B111>01 ·-o.o In 800k tM, page• 34. 35 Hlwd on you, .... wltll tnle court I Point, Calllornl• t2029 Of ONE DOLLAR (St.00) begilVlinO No. t0687, 1-0.0 In bOOl< 449. Ollie• on June 14 t982 In Book llllnd. C11tlorn1e 92662 Ind 311 ol Mlll;effeneou1 Mapt, In wrhten reeponM to the COl'llf)lllnt Said aai. wlll be made wlthO\lt ti the approval of th• Slatt pagee5111dll,Mlecellaneou1M1p1, 11111 No 112·200721. '(II• tlrMI aodreH or common the oftic. of the C011nfy Recorder Of un .... you do IO. your dalaull wlll coven1n1 or warrenty. expr ... OI AlloUtlOn Boero In lhe ofllee of the ~nty r-der SUNt<IST SERVICE COMPANY a OHlgnatton " 1hown ebove. no Robert t!. NellOn Mid County be entered on eppllettlon on the Implied, u to lltle, polMtllon Of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that otMld county corporation, oa the preunt w1rr1nty " g iven •• I ~ 11• Th• llrH I 1<1drea1 and other ptalnlltt, and lhl1 c;011r1 may ent" • encumbr•ncea 10 .. u11y the unc>eld a copy ol fhll reeolullon be PARCEL 2 An undivided authorlu d a nd a<:t•ng Trustee comptoteneta OI torrec:1ne11) Thia 1111"""'1 WM flied wllh the County C1ertl of Orange County Oii Septemb411 t3. 1982 common dfflgnallon. II eny, of the judljffllfll aglll!'lst you 1oc the r•llet balance due on the not• or notes publlth•d once a -II for tllrM 00233 ,,.,cent lntereaf In llld to tne undel' uld Ooed 01 lruet. l lOIHe•<I. Tne 1>e11•toG1ary under IOld OMd real property described 1bov• 11 11tm111ded fn lhe i:omplelnt. which eecureel by eald Deed ol Tr1111. to -'<I 111 the Deily Pilot ntwflCMllPW Common ArHI H ahown i nd on Wednelday Octob6r o. t982. at ot Trull by "''°" or .. brlM.h or '9W1IO pu<porleel to be 3154 Kerry L-. could rHult In gunl1llment of wit 13 t. IH.U ptua the lollowlng AVeS MEMBERS O.tchel Flynn defined on the Plan the nour of to oo 0·1:1oi:~ em ot detaull in the oblio111on1 NCure<I 1 0 c Costa Mesa, Calllornla 92826 wages. taking ol money or pt~rly Hllmlle<I coata, up1n1H end NekeOll• Slc:oll Wllll• ' ' ' E.XCl!Pl THEREFROM ell oll. sato oay 11 the North front en1rance tn.ttel>y, h1101olore ••ecuted •nd Pub~•~2 ;;n~ :•:~ 0:~~ The und1ra1on•d Trut1ee 01 olher r•ll•f ,.quealed 1n the 1dv1nce111 ,.,. time of the lnltlal NOES .None ' 11••. m iner a l• ind oth•r 10 the Oti ng• County CourlhoYea. Oehvereo to lhll under11gn•O • Ptlot, 1 • ' 1 ' 4~112 d•sctalmt any llablllty for any compttlnt publlc:atlon or thla Notice of S ile .-.eSENT None STATE OF hydrocart>ona, belOW'I depth ol 500 700 CM<: Center Oflva WHI. 1n the wrotteri 0.C.llfDtlon of Oeraull and ------------Incorrectness of the street eddrass Dated March 18, t9112 It, 126 SS CALIFORNIA> IHI. without the right 01 •urfic;e City or s 1nt1 An1, County ol O.rnanO IOI Sale, •nd written not1C41 PUBLIC NOTICE •nd other common dulgnatlon. II LM A. k-h, Cl«ll NOTICE TO "'°"flTV OWNIUI )M t ntry. H rellflfVeel In Instrument• ol Orenge. Stall ol Calllo1n1a. WILL ot 1>reaeh and ol etectlon to cause ------------..,.......,...,---any. she>wn her•ln. a1: t . ,.tMMn, Deplltr YOU Afll IN Ol'ilU4.T UNOafl A COUNTY OF ORANGE I r-d SELL purauent to the power ot nle Ille unde111gned t o Hll said FtCTtTIOUI 9U .... ll S 1ld aate wlll be made, but HICKEY, MIUL•Nb, ,AAOlt a 0110 OF TllUIT OilTIO Af'fllL I, Frtneel M Morton. Aatllllnl PARCEL a· An eiclullve right conr~red In eatd DMd ol Trutt Ind. propeity to U toaly said ol>llgatrons, NA• ITAH•NT without cov•nant or w1rrenty, COLL.SnA 14, 1110. UNLltl YOU TAKI S.Cr•tary of ttwt 80111d of E<lucetlon ind eaeernenl to use th• Balcony without covenant or warranty and thereafter tho undertlgned The following PflflOlll 110 dotng 4UIPfH• or 1mplle<I, regatding title. mt1 L--.,t at., No. 50t ACTION TO ,llOTICT YOUfl 1o1 the Irvine Unllled Sl:hOOI Olllllct Area dtllgn1ttd B·252, on the Plll'I regarding title, poHHtlon or cau..O said notiee of breach end ol l>uslneu aa: 001sesa1on. or encumbrences. to 11 Teto, CA t2tiO '"°"llTV, IT MAY NICK.DAT A of Ora nge County, C1111ornl1 , H being appurtenant lo the Unit encumbrencH , at Pyblle 1uct1on. 10 etecllon to be recorded Mey 6. ( 1 I SURF G L AS . SU RF oay the remaining prlnclpll eum 01 Publl1hod Orange Cout Dally •ueuc IALa. If VOU NEID AM lle<tby cer'llly that th• 1bove and PARCEL 4 An eKClualve right the hlghast caah 1>1<1der, In lawlul 1982. as onatr No 82-157 t 26 ol PRODUCTS. (bl LIGHTNING BOLT he nollilll) secured by eald Deed ol Piiot, S•pl 28. Oct 6. t3, 20, 19112 llC,LANATION OF THI NATUfll foregoing RelOIUllon WH duly 11\d Ind HHmenl to uae Iha perking money ol the Unllad Stites ol "'d Ollieral Recordt SAILBOARDS, 1810 E Borchard, T1u11, wllll 1ntorost thereon, •• 4310-112 OF THIE '"OCalDINO AQAIMIT regul1tly 1<1opled by the Hid Board spaces designated on tllo Pt•n aa Amer1c• ell lh•t certain real Seid nta will be made, l>ul Sent• Ana. C11llorn1a 92705 provided 1n H id note(s1. ad¥1nces, "'-IC Mnf)C£ vou, vou t HOULD COHTACT A at a regular m"tlng thereof held on Pivrk01ngU .sRpEacelN NDoE.F~SU·L8TtUNOER A property inueted 1n 111e County of wllllout covenant or wura11t Surlglaa. Inc . lncorporeted In 1 any, under the terms ol seld OMd ,..~ "" LAWYER. Ille 26th day of May, tll2, and " "" Orange. Siii• 01 ce11101 n11, expre11 or 1mp11eo, reg.,dlng tltle. Calllorn11.18tOE Borch1rd,San1eio1 Trust. lees . charges 1nd C,.271• DATED Septemb.,23. t982 paaetdby1unanlmoutvol•ofnld DEE D OF Tl'I UST DATED descrlbedHlollowt ponossion. or encumbranGeS to Ana, California 92705 le.11pentes of the Trul1ee and of the EXECU-CORP Board OCTOBER I 1, t979 UNLESS YOU PARCEL I An undMde<I I/5th pay the remaining prlnclpal tum ot Tills bullnua I• conducted by a ~ruall crHtad by said Deed ol NOTICI M TllUITilll' tA\.I By. Miki Kuntl, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hi ve TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR 1ntere11 1n and to LOI 1 of Tt1ct No the nole(I) secured l>y N ld OMd ol corp()(etlon, rr""*,. TNllM'I No.,... 1 Authorl.ted ~I • r.twnlo .. 1 my !land and_, this PAOPERTV, tJ MAY BE SOLO AT A lt~, ,0 tha City ol Coltl MIH . Trull. Wllh tntoresl Hon u4d nota SurtgllS, lne The tote! 1mount of tne unpaid "On OCtol>et 1~· 1182'•1 ii:OO 221South011 v11t1 22nd day of Septemw. 1912 POBUC S AL£ l~-VOO NEED AN County ol Orang e St ate o l provtdtd. edvencH. 11 any, und•r M1ry Ellen Meaeo l>•llllOe ol the oblogallon MCured a.m FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Sin Clemtnte, CA 92572 Frtncet M Morlon EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Cahtornl&, as por meo recorded In the termt ot &aid Deed of Trt.111, Secretary by the prop•rty 10 be 1otd and INSURANC E C 0 Mp AN V • I 17141 492-6280 Altltllnl Secret_ry OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Boot< 479, Paget 16 and 17, In 1111 llff, charges and ea pen-OI Iha Tll11 statement w11 filed with the 1euon1ble u llm•t•d coau, Calllornle cor~allon 11 TruttM, Publl•ll•d Oreng• CoHt Dally ol tne Board 01 Education YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A office ol the County Recoroar ol fruStee and ol the tru•ts created l>y County Cler1I ol Or1nge County on iexpeneea 8t>d tdvaoces 11 the time or SUClQllllOf NllM or Substituted Pllol. Sepl 29, Oct. 8, 13, t982 MEMBERS OF TME LAWYER H id County Uld Deed ol Tru1t Said Nie woll l>e Augutl 31, t982 ol lh• 1n1t1al publl<:1t1on of the Tru11M, of lhll ce rliln Deed 01 43t2·82 BOARD OF EDUCATION tO t Scholl Plau. Newport Eacep11ng 111eret1om Units I htld on Wednesday. Octobe< 13 Ft"'514 Not11:eor Salo ls l 14,860011. Trull n•cul•O by PHILIP M IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL Beach,Caltlornla througl'I 5 II shown upon thl 198211200pm.elU>eChepman Publlshed ()fang• Co111 Daoly The benefic:laly unclet Nld Deed HORAN and DONNA J HORAN, P\B.IC NOTICE DISTRICT "(II • ,,, .. , add•..,. or common Condominium Plan rei:ordad on A...,.ue antrll\Ct IO th4l CNIC Center PUol. Sept 15, 22. 29, Oc1 6, 1982 of Trust heretofore eHcuted 11\d huab1nd end wife. ind recorded Ellubelh ··\Aa" Secoll de1lgn1tlon 11 shown above. no Sook t408t, 11 Page 853. 0111c11t Building 300 E Chapml/\ A....,ue 4095-82 delivered to th• underelgnad 1 Jun• S, 1910 11 Instrument No Pr .. ldent w111a n111 II g lv•n •• t <?, IU R111:otds of said County on the City ot Oreoge. Cahtornl• -------------wrllten o.claration of Otfautt Ind ~ln=d~::~!;:: ~.~'. NOTICE OF DEATH OF &lff White. Clerfe complel_ .. or correctneu) PARCEL 2 Unot 5 es lltlown uoon At the time ol the tnot11 1 Nil.JC NOTICE ~~~c~n~, 1~,:~:~ .• ~de~~~·~~ Ca11101nia, and pursu1nt 10 thll L E N A R 0 Z E L L A :"' ~·:c: Memb411 01 T~.~,~~ '.!~~ :~ ,f:,'g:i-'0~1~~:~~ :~':":'0:: ~,!...rc:,•~,i,°~ ~~~.:~~:o:~:: FK:lTTlCMn ., ... ,, Sell The underllgned caused Mid certain Notic. of OefM!lt the<-"* M 0 RI AN A A N D 0 F JC:t1 Nekeoka M~b411 defa....11 in the obllgallont ...cured commonly known IS 2182·E PKlllC obt19at1on aec11red by Ille above M.U. ITAT'amNT Notic. ol Oef1ull a.nd Election to recorded June 9 . 19l 2 •• PETIT I 0 N T 0 Publl•h•d Ora nge Co111 Dilly thet•by, hflf•tolort ••e<:uted and Avenue. Coste Mesa. CA <1u1:t1b•d de•<I of trust ano The tollowlng perton 11 doing Sell 10 be recorded In the co...nty lnttrument No. 112· t95899. o f ADMJNISTER ESTATE NO. Piiot. Sept 29 and Oct. II, t3, 1982 d•llveretl to the undersigned • 11 there 11 no tlrHI addreu. Hllmll•d costt. expense• i nd bullneM ... where the ru l prop4111y Is tocated Olfldal Recotdl of Mid County. wilt .. 11 .. 111 4237.e2 WTIUen Dectar1uon of 0.la....11 end dlrei:llon• miy l>a obtlln•d by advanca 11120t,480 01 J 0 H N W ILL I AM S AND Date August 28. 1912 undflf Ind l)\HSUlnl to laid Deed ol n · • · Demand tor Sale. tll\d w111ten notQ wiltttn request to Stll• s iv1ngs To determine th• opening bod ASSOCIATES. ~04 N Newporl Buckeye Reconveyance Truat NII II public IUCllon for CUii. To aJI helrs, benef1ciancs, Nil.IC NOTICE , of blMCh llld of elec:11on to c1use 11\d lo.n Auooatton. 222 North El you may Ull 1714) 937-<>966 Blvd , Sult• 205, Newport Beech. Co 11wtu1moneyoflheUnlleCIStalMOf cr e dilors and contingent lh• unde111gned to sell said OoradoStreet.StOCl<ton,CA95202. 0•1• Septemb411 7. t982 CA 92663. s T Amerlea. a 1:81hter'• cneck P•Y•ble di f L R •ell K-cnao PfQPef1)' 10 1at111y .. kl obl1g1uon1, .. 1t•nt10 n . L 0 a n s a 1v1 c e T O S.,..t<:41 Company JOHN HENRY WILLIAMS. JR . Al aid ruttee to ...... T-...... drtwn on • •t•I• OI e re . tors 0 e n a 0 • 8 """'T"'• TO c-DfT-• and ··•r••lt•r t•e undersigned ... 434 S Euclld, _.. •-• M d ns wh ...., -... "" " " Department, not later than Octob411 H eaid Trustee. 508 Begonl1 Avenue, Corona d•I Anaheim Californli 92802 nallonal bank, • 1111a or federel oraana an perao o M ltULK TIU.Mlflfl cauleel Mid notice 01 breech end ot s. 1982 lor the purpoM of paying By Marco Brenes. Mar, CA 92e25. Tai· 1714j 991•7032 credit ul\t0f1. or a 1111• or fldetll may be otherwise interested (lecl. 11014107 u.c .c .1 etacllon to b• recorded Mey 14, obligations aecured by Uod OMd of Aa11s1an1 Sec:re11ry Tiiis bulinMI II conducted by an B Debbie Boll Hvlng1 and to1n u1oolatton Int-he will and/or est.ate. No tice 11 hereby given t o 19112, 11 Instr. No 82·168t37 . of Trull One Coty 81vd , West lndlvtdual Y-C D domlctled In thla 1111e, II the main ti · h bee filed creditors ol th• within ntmtd aald Offlcl1I Record• The· to-tal am~·nt of , ... unpaid Or•""•· Calllorma 92668 John H. Wllll1ma, Jr. Publo•h•d Oran~• OHi ally •nt11nce to Flrll Amerlc1n Tiii• A pe Uon as n tr1n1f411or1 that a bulk Irene!., 11 S1 ld nle wlll b• made. l>ut l>al•nc• of thl• ';bl1Q11~i1 $127,· f7 t4t83S-8288 Thie 1111emen1 wls flied wllh the Piiot, Sept. t5· 22· 9· t982 0 Insurance Company. localed II t 14 b Y An t h On Y Ni Ch O I.as about to bl made on pe11o n11 without c:o11en1n1 or warrenty, 932 11 and the ntlmat,ed emount of Pu1>1tshed o,.nge Cout Dally County Clerll of Oflnge County on __________ 4_7_6-_ll_2 Eatt Fifth SltMI. 1n the city of 811\11 M orlana In th e Superior proPflfly heraln1fter dfferlbed. e11prN1 or Implied, r1911d1ng lllle, cotts. upanHs and edvanc:H Pilot. S•Pt tr>, 22, 29. 11182 September 3, t9112. P\B.IC NOTICE An1, Callfornla. tll that rJGhl, fltle Court o f O rang e County The namM 111\d bull""9 Mldr-poaea .. lon, or •ncumbrancea. to Which wlll be 1ncurre<1 by the date of •075-82 ,,_. -------------Ind lnlerMI conveyed to and now requesting tha t Antho ny ol the Intended tr1111lflfota er~ 111 PIY the rernllnlng Pflnctpal eum of sale 1, $\,069 76. Publl1h.O 011ng• Coeet Dally FlCTITIOUI IUtlHEll held by It under said OMd of Tru1t , M . b Vol\11'119411 C111>1\1I WMt. Inc .. T-fhe note(al eec:ured by Mid Deed ol t>ated September t!>, 1982 Nil.IC NOT1CE Piiot, Sept. I . 15, 22. 29, t9112 MAME ITATEMfNT In th• properly •lluat•d In .. ,d N I c h 0 I as 0 r I an a e Maryland F1rm1, Suite tOO. p 0 Tr11et. with lnl.9' .. , ee In talo note tUNIOtT IEltYl<:e COMPANY. 31M6-82 The following peraon le doing eounry and Stll• "-lbed H a p p ol n ted as p e r son a I Bo• t84, Brentwood, TN S7027. and provided, advances. II any. under • COfpotallon t U' I flt O fl C 0 U" T Of bullness U al.-T wA~ rep resenlalJVe to adminitter (2) Wlnne11 Corpo11tlon. Two the term• of 1ald OMd of Trull. O•rid ChlYlef, AHi. Y. ,ree. CAUFOftNlA P\B.IC NOTICE (Al ELUSIVE CONCEPTS. (B) PARCEL t. the est.ate of Lena Rozella M1ryla110 Farm•, Sulla too. P.0 ,_, charge• and ••P«IMI ot Ille m ... II Ooredo St. COUNTY°' °"ANOE c 0 N c e p Ts IN Mus I c : ( c) LOI 34 of T11et NO. t0097. .. M • ( d th Box 1114, BrenlWOOd, TN 37027 TruttM end of tne trullt ()rH leel by ltoclllon, CA tsm CAN NO. A·t1C'l'O FICTITIOUI ....... ..._ITATlmN'T CONCEPTS IN THEATER. ID) lltlown on I m1P 111COfded In booll 0 r I a n a u n e r e The '°"uon In Callforl'lll of the Hid ()Md of Trull ) .... • ORO«fl TO IMOW CAUN co N c E PT S I N Pu BL IC 441, page1 29 to 34, both lnclullve Independent Administration l:hlef H KYllv• office or pr-lnclp1I Said u le w111 b• he ld on \::1.. Ht ' '°"CHANGE 011 NA• The foltowlng PflfllO"' .,. fkllng ~--RELATIONS. (El CONCEPTS IN of Mlec.lteneou• MIPI. Record• of of Estates Act..) The petition bu1lne u olllc• of the intended Wedn11d1y, October 0, tll82 et Pul>ll•h•d Or•nge cout Dilly tn tne Matier ot the Application of ~:~:~~~~N~F~~Z~T:iv!i~ ~~~,C::,~·1n"'g.~11~:':':l Is set for h earcl':'I inCeDept . ~=:::~~~~,:;:~~09s1 .. !~r :n~e·:~~"~ t:~ P1101, Sec>• 15. 22. 29. t9e24080_82 ~~~non Montaper1 f0t ~ DOLPHIN SOUNDS , 3911 Vletorl1 Strtel, Co•ll Mau, CA 921127. Suite K-7. CO.II MeN. CA 92626 Coffec:tlon r-deel tn 8o06l 129<18. No . 3 at 700 1vlc nter All other bulln•11 nam11 1nd 8ulldlng. 300 Eut Chi pman WHEREAS. th• a ppllcallon of HOWARD KE ITH MORGAN. f1-oe 1484 of Official Rece>fOI of Onve, West, In the C ty of addflHff und by th• In tended A,,_, In the City ol Orange • Ltor'I Borton MontlC)ert fOt <:f\ange LAWRENCE P SAVAGE, SH Vlcl0tla St.. Costa M-. CA 921127 MIC HAEL ROGERS , 3911 VICtorta SI . COiie M .... CA 921127 Thb bull,_ It ~ l>y I ganwel partnerlh!p 38tThetlord Way.Cos11Mesa,CA ealdOJange CO\lf'lty Santa Ana . Cah forn1a on ttanatwore Within 111r .. yur1 last At tht time o f th• 1n11111 PUil.iC NOTICE oln1mef\at~dulyflledwtthtlle 92627 Exoec>ttng tne<-efrom Ill ott, oil September 27 1982 at 9:30 p1tt 10 111 u known to lh• ~tlon of thl• notic.. the total vou Alll IM D£fAULT UMOlll • m..tc of thfl Court. and h ai>PMtltla Tml>ualnMl isconductedt>yan rlgh11, ~ rlgllle, gu, nalUftl • Intended tran1l•r•• ••• (II 1mOU11toltheunpeidt>allflC4loflne DelDOf'TllUtTDATIDJULY22. from H id appllettlon that 111a lnOIYIOull gae r\Qhll Ind othtt hydfOCatbon a m Yolunt-Quality foodt. Inc . (21 obllg1tton MCured l>y the above 1tlO. UMLlll YOU TAKI ACTION a p P 11 can I d •I Ir • I I 0 h I va How1ro Morgan 1ub1t1ncH by whll•v•r n•m• IF YOU OBJECT to the Volul\9-Cac>ital Corporation. (3) ducrlb•d dud of trust and TO ,._O'nCT YOUlt f'flOH'ltTY appllcent • nlllN changed to the This atatemen1 wH llled with ~. taoether with Ill geothermal granting o f the petition. you WenOy't WHtern Dlvt1lon, Two eilJm•ted 1:0111. •~penees. and IT MAY M IOLO AT A "'9LtC propoud n1me of (Inn Ml'rt l.lwrence P Savao- Thlt Sllllllntll'lt WU flltd with the County Oettl Of Orange County Oii September 3, tH2. the County C1ef1c of Ofange eo...nty ateem and ttearn l>OWflf below • should eithe r appear at the M1ryland f11m1, Sult• too, P 0 ldvMcel It 174,5<1 t 27 1 AL1 1, v o u N I a o AN Avtttar on August 17. 1982. deplh of 500 feet under the rMI heartng and state your Boa 184, Brentwood. TN 37021 To det•rmtne the opening bid. EX~ATtO.. Of Ttd NATUM NOW. THEREFORE. n IS hereC>y F1tsl07 property delCrtbed eb0¥9. without . • . Then-and bull-addr ... you may call (714) 937--0966 Of THa f'flOCllDIHO AO•INIT ordered lhet Ill perlON lnler•teel Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dally the rtgtit to dtlll, min.. exptore or objections o r h ie written o f th• tntenoe d 1ran1l•r•• 11 Data Septemb411 7. t9112 YOU vou tHOUl.D COHTACT A In th• H id m1tt•r of change of F1etMt Publlshed Orange Coe11 Dilly Piiot. Sept tS, 22. 29, Oct. 6. 19112 operlle thtOUQh or on lhe turf-o bjecllo n s with the court Coneolld•t•d Rnlluranta of Tr1r1a-Cou1 ServlOM. Inc LAwYillt. n1me 1ppe1r before lhe above· ----------4-0_73-_11_2 or u1>9« 500 (-ol lt\e eubllUl'f-before t he hearing. YOU!" C1lltornla, Inc . 2420 N Andrews u Mid lrWIM. NOTlCll Of TAUIT'lll'I I AU enlllled Court. In o.c>L 3 thereof, •-.IC MnTICE ofUidlend, .. ,_...o1ntheOMd appearan1:e may be in Avt . E11t11nston Pompano e .. ch, By TO SeNloeCompany, Tl No.allO tocatecl al 700 CMc Center Drive, l"UUL "" from L_ .. Point Town H-. • Flortd• 33064 agent NOTICE ts .HEREBY GIVEN. 11\al S111ta ...,,. on the 6th day of Octo-FICTITIOUS autlMEIS Joint venture, recorded May t2. penion or by your attorney. Thll the properly pertinent Sha1on M (De Pietro) on Wadnaday, October t3. 1982. b~r. 1912, 11 tile hOur of 10 30 Pllol, Sept 8, t5, 22. 21. t982 , 3904-82 "8.IC NOllCE FlCTITlOUl .... U ...-aTATW•NT MAllll: STATllMINT t9110 In Book t3804, page 05 of I F Y 0 U A R E A nereto .. deacrlbed In general u au Ltll'ler, 11 9.00 o'ctocti am. Of Mid day, 1~ o ctock 1 m tllef'I and tiler• to lhOw The following l)efson• •r• doing Oftlcl., Records. CREDITOR or a oontingenl rest11111n1 •nd office equipment, Aul. Secretaty the room Ml Hide for conduc;tll\i c~M. If 1ny they have. why t!M The following per10n 11 doing l>uslnell M : 1>ustness as PARCEL 2· crechtor o f the deceased you appll1ncu, m1ohlnery. carpet. One City Blvd., Wost. Trust"'' Sllet wltNn the otttc;et 0 1ppllc111on for change of name PAOFESSIONAL PARt<· I 881 Non-ucluelve appurt1n1nf drapes, llblH, ch1lrs 1nd olhtr Qf1ng•. Ctllf. 92668 REAL EST A TE SECURITIES ahould not be granted. OAKWOOD TENNIS CLUB & PRO SHOP, 860 lrvlne Av•nue. Newport a.ch, CA. 921163 8e ....,,,.,.,. for lngr .. s, egrHI, UM must hie your claim with the turntlltltnQ•; Ind Ill food. bevwaget. (714) 835-8211 SERVICE loclled •• 2020 Nort~ IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that • ~°''"'·No. 15· Newport acti, and enjoyment In and to th• court o r present It to the ~ooklng •uppll H , condlment1. Publt1hed Oren~ Coa1l Oallw · ,.,,,.Y of th'-order be publlthed In CA 92663· • "recrNllonal common ., .... of Mid I I v ti tnd COOlll"" utenlll• ....,.., , BroedW•Y· Sult• 208· In tht City 0 w, ...... "" ORANG.E COAST DAIL y PILOT. HUBERT J. MILLER. 681 Dover Tr-t No. t"""'7. e• "' f""h In 1 ...... p erson a r epresen tat ve " ng . .., · ,._...... r-1101. Sept Ill, 22. • 1982 Santa Ana County ot Orange s 1111 ... Of N tS ................ Beech CA -""" • ""'' ,.. · t d b th o t producu •nd other per1onel --4074•82 o f C1lltornla REAL ES0TATE 1 ..-.P•I*'01 ~·1 publlcallon, Edwin Sl)Mf, 1172 Larton • 10. Garden Grove, CA. 921144 92~l o. '·~-,......, . Oecllfatlon ol Cov•n•nll, ~tt~~~o~r mlnlhs r~ ~he pCur~y;l~.dl~llft~. Catadlll~·~ •• 14380 --------------SECURITIES SERVICE, I Callfornlt printed and published In the city of EDWARD F MILLER 881 Condition• and RHtrlctlons for ,.,.... Of •••• ·-""''" "8.IC NOTICE corpor1llon. 11 duly appolnt•c Coll• Men, County of Orange, 5 • Laurel Point Town tiomu. • date of the he.anng notlced The butlnMe name uleel by the TrustM under and pura...8l1t 10 tlM onQt 1 WMk lor four (41 aucceeslve This t>uelnaa II 1:ondUC1ed by 1n lndMdull. EdWln SPM< Dover Drive. No t • Newport planned unit development recorded above. H id tr-reror• 11 said loc!lllon 11 L.aOAL NOTICE power 01 HI• conterr•d In tha WMlll prior 10 the date •bove Mt Beech. CA 92663 1n 8oolc 13177 pege 1885 or Offlcial y OU MA y EXAM l NE w • n d y • 1 O Id F 1 • h I o n • d NIWPCHIT ... IA UNFll!O certain Deed Of Trust •ttec:uted ...... for net11ng of eald applieetlon Thl• atetement wu filed with tl"9 County Clertl of Qf1nge County Oii September 27, 19112 Thll l>ullness 11 condUC1ed by a Reoord• • Hemburgerl R .. ta...rant ICHOOL. DtlTNC'T "1 DATED· AUOUll 2s. 19112 gel\eral partnerahip Tll• ...... addr•H 01 Othe r the file ke pt by the court if Thll U ld bulk lrantl•r ,. ....... ~--LOUIS w. SMART Ind NORMA s FRANK ooMENICHINI Edward F Miller I f d d h SMART huabll\d Ind Wiie .. Join Th 1 1 flied with,.,. oommon dulgnll on o "' you are 1ntere1te an t e 1n111\ded to be C41111Ummtted ••the NOTICE IS HERE8 GIVEN triat · Judge of the It 111 etnetl was ,..._, Pfoperty 11 purported to be 111 estate, ~OU mav UJe a ......,Uest office of Woetern Mutual Eacrow the Board of EdUClllOn ot th• Tenantt, reoor7 dedOffAugutl~· ldlleO SUperiOt Couft Csounty ~~3°'t90f82•"09 vvvn!'t on A9'l4Hl Lane, COii• M-. Calllornl1 w 'tth l e couo1rt t o ;;~ive Complf'IY, Orange. Callfornla 92M7 Newport·M•n Unifie d School "'Book t3 111 of Ida!"-°' • ° KATHAllM!l A. .. UON. lllO. ,1 ..... Publl•had Orenga COHI Dally Piiot, Sept. 29 and Oct II. 13. 20, eptem....... ' 92627 on or llfter Octobet 1e. 1982 0111r11:1 of 011n9e County wlll Uld County, •I pige 1561 21• ""9 HMI...,... f111'M1 Said tale w111 be m1de WlthOllt s Pe CI a I n o l t c e o ( the Thi• bulk tran11er 11 not eubjec:t 10 ttc'AIW Meled bid• uo to t 1-00 AM Recorder'• lnatrument No 3 tll2 ~ llet C~ tt7'M 42111·82 PubllShlO Orange COHI O.lly CO\len&nt or w1rranty, HPfeal or invento ry o f estate asseU Calllornla Uniform Com1Tlerc1a1 on the 7th day ot October, 1882. II l>y ,..._, of e l>fffllh or defautt Ir (1141 ....... -------------P1101 Sept t5, 22, 29. Oc1 6. t982 lrnplted ... to tllle, pot-•IOn or and of the pelltions, aocoun\a Code Section 11108 the ofla of UIO SCf\ool Oletrlet. p•yment or performance of th.11 Publiahad 011ng• CoHt 0111y tt82 PUBLIC NOTICE ----------"°;.;...7_<M..;...2 encumbrencee to Nlilfy the unc>ald d d lbed i Tiie name 1nd addr•n o r the IOClled at 11$7 Pl-111• StrMI. obllga llon• Hcured thereby Piiot Sept II t5 22 29 t912 --~==:::-::=-=====---•-1c NOTICE ~due on the not• or not" an repo rts escr n perlOn with wN>m claim• may be Co•tl M .. 1. Ca lltornla, "whleh Including thll brHk or d•l1utt • . • . • 3t 5S-S2 RCTITtOUI WU '"~ MCu<ed by MIO Deed of Trust, 10 Section 1200.5 o f th e tiled 11 Shir~• McF1rl1nd. c/o time H id bid• wlll D• pu1>11c1y Notice 01 which wH recordec ...--ITATDIENT I(~ wit· St4,2et 74, ..,._ the ._............. California Probate Code. w--.. ut ""·-ow,.~--. _........,. _,.,,..... M111:h t7, 1912, II Recorda1·1 1 d .,.... '"'"'_"..., _,_.,"' ,..... ~·...-·• ...__. ..... ,..., "'' ln111umen1 No. 12·0930t5, Will The followlng pereon I olng ACTTTIOUl IU..... Hllmalad 00111. expenaH i nd w i 11 i. m M . c r 0. b y 700 South Tuatln A...,,.,.. p 0 Box INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUTERS SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE l>utlNA .. N.U. ITAn.Nl adVancel at the time of the lnttlel E -• . F 11 C b ,· 5750. OfanQe. Califoml• 92M7, 111d All bid• at• 10 be In ~oance J . M JONSSON COMPANY, The lotlowlng peraon. .,. doing publication of lhll Notic. of Sele tqaire, arne • fOI y the lul d1y for flltng dal-ne by any with COlldlllon•. 11\llructlon•. •nd HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH 3l306 p-o.r Sot. South Laguna bu9lneu u : 16 017 00 Loa1; Ooe Newport Place, -'"""n~ .... 11 be Octot>et 15, 1982, .,_, .... &1lol'll which.,. now on r.i. lewfllt money of tne united 8111 .. ~ C Ill •· ".,.77 · · 0 10• ... Fl N rt B la ~·--.... .....,......... °' • cuhler·• ch4ICai dllwn on 1 ........... • om .. ""' CIRCUIT. TEST. 3150 Pulttnarl NOTICI TO llflON.ftTY WMllll. WI oor; ewpo eac • which II the bull-dty before,.,. In tllt office ol th• Purchllll'lg ... ,. or national bllnll ....... Of Jeffrey Crllg Jonteon. 31305 Street. co.ta MMe. CA 1211t2. YOU AM • DefAULT '*°'"" A CA t!lff; ('744) 8Sl·U81. conaumma t1on d•I• epeclllao OlrKIOr ot H id School Ot1trlct. t.der•I credit union. or a fl•t• Of PaHO Del Sol. Soutll Laguna ENVIRONMENTAL COMM· DCIO""' ""'"· DAT11D lllAY.. Published Orang~ Coast above tll57 Pl-Ila Street, Coll• MeM. f«lerll aavlngt and IOan esaoc••tlori Beach. CaNfomla 92877 u N I c AT I 0 N s I N c 0 R . .... UNUM vou TAKI ACTIOM 0 I p J Se I)(> 30 "'-Dated Septtmb411 24. 1982 Cellfoml• 92827 clomk:lled In Ihle ital•. alt pay1ble 11 This bull,_. 11 con0UC1ed by .,, POAATED, 1 Callf0tnle corpOtlllOn. TO PM>TWCT YOUfl ~lllTY, IT <ti Y t Ot. pt '"· • v<.:t. ConuldMed flM'-tertta No Bidder may withdrew hi• Bid Ill ln<IMdual. 3t50 Pullman SI., Coet• ....... CA lllAV .. IOLD AT A •uau c 6. 1982 84 c ......... lflo. for I P«tOd 01 tony-five (46) daya :::.:~r;: ::-::i..: ~ ::"~;~;,':.~~ .Jeffrey C. JonMOn 921127 I AL I . I, Y 0 U Ma a 0 AM 4315·82 Oetf I. D.._ AllttleN:M after Ille dai. Mt for the opening tfllt , .. , propefl" sllulle In 111~ Thia 1t11ernen1 w11filedwith1"41 Thts bu11net11 I• con<SUC1eel l>y e l:ot.MATlOM M TM llATIMI ~I an4' AltofMJ fof tlMweof r .• County C*1c Of °'11111' County °" eo<poratlOn. M THI NOCllDtMO AQAIM9T Pt*,tc NOTICE Int.Med ,,_..,.. Th• Board of Education of the County end Sllta, dHcrlbed •· Sept. 27, tt82 El\Wonmel'ltal Oomm YOU, vou IHOUt.D CONTACT A Pul>ll•h•d Or•noe COlll Delly Ntwport·MHI Unified School '~'i 23 In blOC:k 13 ol lltll ,1._ tnc LAWVWA. FICTinOUt ..-aa Piiot, Stpt. n . 1992 Otttrlct ,_ the right to reject H•'""h 1 he Publl•ll•d 011ngt CoH t Dally Allen J. ShalfM. ,.,... 0.lld. Seottmbet 14, 19112 NA• ITATIMIJIT 431t 112 Ill}' or .. Bid• and not neceatatl~ lddltlon to Newport ....... n I Piiot. Se$lt. 29. Oct .•• 13, 20, IN2 fhll tt•tement WU flied with tM FlfUJT AMERICAN Tht foltowtng j)lrtotlt .,. doing tee9PI the '-t Bid. and to wallle Clty of Newport Beach, County of 424M2 County Clatk of Or•-COUnty OI\ TITLE INSURANCE CO.. butlMat 11: ,,.tc NOTlC( 1ny tnforrnaMty 0t ln-ulertty In.,, ... Ofll\gt, St••• of Callfornla, 11 per 12-·..-OE EL ........ _.ICS 10CMlt ..., r m1P recorded 111 book 4, paget4 of -----------Seplemb411 t7, ,. . • Celllornla l:Olp.. IMA ........ ""'" • lld ~. Mlaoell•neoul Mlpe, In Ille otflce of "8JC NOJlC( ftsNM O.n Ormerod. fat~ A'wtlllUe, SI.Ille 201, Fountlln 1("'1=-ll N EW P 0 A l ·M ES A the County Recorder of uld 'IChflOUt iUatl Publllhed Orange COHI Delly Auttlorlzed Olfloer V1lley. C.llfOtnla 92?0I '1CTinOUI .. UNlfl!O Cou Tl..,. Piiot. Sept. 29, Oct 0, t3, 20, t982 114 Eul Fifth Strati, 00nl'lt Jordan Lev.ck, 11114 ..... 8TATI NT d I SCHOOL DISTRICT T~!Y·atreel e ddreu or oth•r MAm ITA · 4300-82 s1111a Ana, CA 92702 l Dover C>rlva , Newport 8taoh, Th• followll'IO P•rton 1• Ono o f O r a !'Io• Co u n I y . common dHlgnellol'I 01 the real TM 1o11ow1ng per90nt .,. dOlng 11141 558-32 t t ca11tom11 uoeo ~ ... ce111orn1a ~a: • PUBLIC NOTICC Publlshed Ot1nQt CoHt Delly John Gllbtrt L•vec ll. 15 t4 INNOVATIVE REIT AUAANT oorOthy H11vey Fl1fler =~ "foe1:~ ~1i;:,,: 8 0 M A S M E 0 I C A L --...,.-----,1---, ... --•• --·1 Piiot, Sep1 22. 2t, Oct. II, t812 Dover Orlvt. Newport 811ch, SPECIALISTS. )45 UnNefllty Ori,.., C p M . .,..... ' n-~h, Call!~& INOUSTRl£8, t920 £.Kai .... Suit• ............... -4tM-e:z CAllfornle 92te0 H·2. Coet• ....... CA 92127. P111enettno Olteclor -.,,,_ H, 0..-ange. Calfomle 02941 N~ ITA~MT ------------t Thi• butlMH I• conduct.Oby EOWAAO MAATIN MORRISSEY. (?t4) JI0-!1217 The undersigned h•reby ~ vtlre Som, 9105 8rOOll The 1011owln9 pereon 11 dol1111 •-IC NOTICE twaband and wife 3411 Unlverilly Ortve, H•2, Cost• DATEO Sept 20. 1912 d l1cla lm1 111 ll1blllty for any Bay, Hulltlngton 8Ml:rl, Caltfor"'9 ~ .. : l"uut. Donna J ~k ......_CA 92827. 'ubll•hed Orange Co111 Oalfy lnconactnttS In lllld itrMI eddr ... t2$4f UNLIMITED ENERGY . ... NOTICI °' ~ATION Thia ll•temenl w .. flied With tlle Thie bllll-" COl\dUC1ed by.,, Pilot, &ept 22. 29. 1982 or otnet common dealgNtlon JOMpll Y91etlH , tll 132 Sall. Olkdllt Onve. Irvine. CA 112714 TO SIU Colµlty Cler!! of OJ-. COun1Y Oft MMd\111 4 11e.12 Said Ule wit! be mede wlth0\11 Garder! Orow., Cai11«n1e 92643 _1 KENNETH M Zl[Ot..ER. 49 AlCOHOt.tC llVIAAGal Sep1tmb411 2I. t912 Ed w, r Cl Ma r t In w111anty, tapreu or Implied. Thel ~le oonducted by 1 01111dele OrNe. IMM. CA 92114. To Wham II May Conc.tn Fttfttl Motfleeay ------------r•gerdlng 11tle, pOUHllon, or geiwW per1neietllp Thia l>llllMUll condUcted by .,, MESAPOAT. INC It IC)9tying to Pubtlthad OranQt CoHI Delly Thie tlet-t wu flttd >Mth Ille rtlllC NOTICE •nc11mbral'ICU , to ntl•IY th• Joeecl'I YgMllM lndMdull th• Depirtmenl 01 AICOhollc PllOI, Sept. 22. 2t. 0c1 8, ta, tMl CountY Cltt'll of OJ.nee COUnty on ------------prlncJpal btlal\Ce of th• Not• or Thia etatement wM llled Mith the KenNth M. Zleglet Bev•r•r• Control lor .. 4 t• O N 4117•1l S4191ambtt 20, 1eu. FtCTITIOUI IUIMU other obllat llon HC\.lr•d by "'d County c.111 of °'*'Of County °" Tllll statement w11 flied With U. • 1 E p:,.,_ ..._ STA~ ()Md of f'ruet. with lntartal and ...,..,,,._ 1 tN2 County Clertl of Ortn09 COUl'lty on ~0A';:., 8 ~1~~ :i :;J rtaJC NOTIC( Pubtl•h•d Orin .. Cout Oall~ TM fC>llowll\o ~ -dolnQ oth., 1um1 a1 fir Ovid ad therein, . .,,_, Mttmbet 2. th2. w... 17th 8lleel, Coat• M .... CA PlCTITIOU9 .,,.... Piiot. ~ "· Oci ••• t3. 20. t~~ ~ .. pit.II a4Vanc:M. f •ny. 11flder ~ l'\lbllalled Ortlf19' CoH t Dally l'ttr774 921127 ..._ ITAT11mwT 4'0t... OUERT ENTll'P"'8ES. ta&S1 ltrll'll tf'MWeOf end k\tttelt on Pilot ,..,. • 15. 22. " tffa Publllhed Ot•"O• eo.11 Oelly P11bllahed Or1ng• CoH l Dally lteehll'lont, San~ Ana. CA 92705 tdll•MM, and plvt ..... chlloet ' ' ' • ' 39U.e2 ,Not, Sept. t. IS, 22, 21, tM2 Piiot u 2 l1"9 IOIOwlnO P9'IOM -doing MJC llQTIC( WILLIAM E OltlAMILL E... 11\d •~of Ille TruttM and of _. 3t41-12 • Stpt 29, I bl.ltl*t.. Jfl Trvt ... ol IM OSlEIWIU.EA 1t1t lnHll Grffteel by ttld Otld of -----------•------------~·12 L 0 M I L I · R A Y A a IC~ M INTlfl VIVOS TRUST datad April Trull. Tile total amount Of H id ....: llJl1C( PtalC llOT1CE AHOCIATH. 2050 Al""'•r Av•. '1Cnnou9-27 1t7' 133 LICIO """ Way 01>t1oat1on. lncludlng rHtOl'lably "8.IC NOTICl CM, C0t11 MtM, CallfOMI• t282t MAm ITA~ ~ i.acll CA t2M3. • .. llMtt•d IH•, ch110 .. tno Mnnout ..-1a rtennout .,...... Auben JOM Lomeli. 15$4 Sil. Tiie fotlowll\g Pf'IOtll -CIOlflo JOHN w HENOHH TNttM HP9""' of lh• Tru1IM•. at tht MAm STA,_.. NA ... ITA~ l'tCTrf10U9 .,._., S11y1111-. knla Ane, Cellto<nla ~tllltM a1: of tlle HlNOHH INTER VIYOS lime of tn1tl1I pubtlCltlon Of thle The foftowlng Pf'eotl la dotng Th• fotfowln~ P•r•on ,, doing ..... STAftmWT A1lph Anthony Raya. 22032 COTE d'AlUft APAl\TMENfl. TRUST d•l•CI Au11111t 9 1912 NollOt" SU .5 tl.03 ~ -bull-u : Tll• ro1tow1no Ptr•on ,, doing a-oon. Mluton Vteto. Oallfornl• 3200 ,.,"Cent« Cklve, 811111 1400, 18Ht 9eectlm0nt Stllt• An1. CA Dttad Septtmbef 17, 1982 NUT fHINOI, 714 1 . 8alboa SPITZE'. ENGIN[E~INO, 1MO ~ u t2H1 Coela Mtaa, CA t:Klt 127011 ' ~t. ESTATE IMI e.o.. ~ tnet laboook StrHt, Coate Ma... AAINIOW IOt, 1212 WalllOll, Ron1ld Wllll1M RHCI, t3 DAON COAPOAA TION, • Tlllt ~ tt ~ by a SECURITIH SERVICI!, '"lflCH ·Key t mfth1 u s VI• c.-t:"'~2t£2Jwn Plll!t 154,.2 Ooeta .._., Callfotttla 12121· Elctetwood. lrlllne, Calttot'n\a 92714 Delawart corporation 3t00 Peril OfMlll .,.,.,,.,... M 1ru•IM, ~.~~ewport ltHh. NtlCt , WHtmln1ter, e :h1ot11t1 eo.t':":~~=.·:=:i•l90fl, ,.:,-.. ~~-b'f a =~r~r~~:ulla t•OO, Colla T tltt John W H•llllHh, :i:r·~.;=.oer· TllM ~ .. ~ by Ill\ OHl3T""" .................. __ .... _, ........ •A Tl*~ II condllCttd 01 • ~ A "-11 Tilltl """""' " oonduCltd lty • "' ,_ (8[AL) """"'°'*• ..... .'....~~-.. """"""" -vr -· ~-Tllla •t•'91Mtlf wee tlltd with the IOOfl*tltlon. 'ACtC'°" ...... a euctCUllO 2020 Nortll lro1dw1y, ,.._ Key"""" "~ 1'91 W Alll111 ~ ~ ti Ot"'Ot Collllfy Oii 0.0.. Cot'PQtMIOn A4' .. y., lul1• 208 f11i1 .. II"*'!! -lll9d wlfll ttlt MiellMI &. PllelU Tlllt 11...,_,t -...._ win\ the _.tmbtt 3. 1ff2. Thie ltlllemtrll WM llled wltll IM .... tll::r: ,.... ..... Sant• Ma, CA t21ot ~ ~ of Ot ... County °" Thlt tttltll*ll .,.. Mtd Wtlll tile County C.... Of 0rellf9 COllMy Oft .. ._. ~f; CWll Of Or"'Ot County on -....... C..... Or • let. (? 14) t63·M \0 ·····-.. tltl. Coul\ty Cltrk of Orlll'IOt CoYnt~ °" leptemMt tO. 1111 Pwo1la111d Or•llllf OOHt Dally 17, tMt ............ CA-PvOflllleel Newpo(1 H•bOt,..... ~ ,,_ lepttmbttf I). 1"2, ,.,,,. PllOI, ...,,_ 11. t2, "· Oct. •• 1tu ,..... ,. t1bll1°11ed 0 Co It Deity Pr ... OOf'llbiMd With lhe OraflOt PvblleMCI Otantt c .. 11 09lly 0 C '"7111 P111>t11tltd Of•lltt CoMt DallY .eot.e.a2 P11btlt'1td Oreno• Coatt Detty ,.:b~ a. t.'i,. 29 ~1•2 eo.tt Ot1l1 PllOI, "'t 112 2t, Oct f'llot. ... I, 11. ft, 29, 1112 Publlehed r1n.. o•el Oally Pttot. lept H , 21, Oct. t. ti, 111t •-n ,...._It-& llltot, a.1 2t, Oct. t . 1), ~J_1Mt ' ' ' ' 394 ... 82 t IHI 411'..U atm-a2 Nol, lept 15, 22, 21. Oc:t. I, IN2 • ISl .. 2 -. ..,.. -·-• 142·61'71 qu2·12 I ' r 4017·t2 t I J • l'UBUC NOTICE ACTITIOUt __, ..... ..,._ITAft•NT The '~ '*'°"' ... doing l>ull-9 u NEWPORT PETROLEUM FUND 82-t. l TO , t6 t Flllllon ~. Suite 112, Tuetln, CA 92680 PAT H COCHRAN, tllt Fashion L-. ~II 1t2, Tutltn. CA 92880 COCHRAN OIL COMPANY . INC., 1 eatrtomla corpor1t!.>n. 181 F .. hlon LAne. Suitt I 12. tu11Jn, CA 92080 Thie busl""9 11 oondue1ed by I limited partn411llfllp Cochren 011 Como1ny !no Pit H Cocllran, Prn. Thlt llll-t WU flied with tt\41 County Cieri! of OtM.gt COvllty on Septernb411 t, t912 ,1-1 'ACKIOM, KICIOUI a IUCKUMO AltOt'Mfl 11 Law ............ , ....... -~ Centtw Dr. .....,.,, "-ti, C:A -Publltht O Orange CoHl Delly Piiot. Stpt 8. IS, 22, 29. 1982 3947-12 PUBLIC NOTICE ITAT1MINT M A8A~lfT °'UM Of' 'tCTITIOUI IU ... 11 MAim The lollowlno ptrton h•• abendoned the llN Of the ltCUtoOlll l>ulllnnanemt SOUtH COAST AAM'l'·NAYY SURPLUS SALES. 2484 lffwport 8111d , Cosl1 Mua. CA 0211'7 The FICllUOUI eualne .. Ntme rtf.,rad 10 1bove wH llltd '" 0 11no• County on Novernbtr 14. t979 MICHAEL JEAOMI! SHf AMAN, 1060 P11ll Newport, NH•OOfl 9ttell. CA neeo TI'ilt l>utlntll WH CondllQltlO by er1 lnCllVld.,.i M~MI J 8h41!rnan Tiit• e1ettll'ltftt w11 fifed With the County Cltrk of Ot1<tge C<Mlty on &epltmbe! 14, ttlt Attr """"" ... .....:r--, .......... ~°'· ...... ~.....-.cae­ Publlsn.o Ore~ COnt O.tl~ flltlot Setit t8, ~2. 2'1, Oct a. 1112 • .OfM2 lllllil CIUT llllll llAal /lml mil WlONf S OAY Sf l'fl MUf Ji ."t l':llll OJlANC.F COUNTY C AL IFOJlNIA 25 CENTS You can afford LB home, if you're old enough By STEVE MITCHE LL Of Ille Oallr "'°' ll•tt A quick check w1lh tht• Laguna Beal'h Board of Realtors shows the cheapest hou~ on lhe market in town is going for $139.500 T h e o w n c r o r t h e n <' x t dwapest hou~· is asking $167 ,· 500. So you can understand why they're lining up to buy into local developer James Schmitz' 3l·un1l proJe<:t that probably won't even get under way until late next spring. "We've had man• than 30 inquiries about thl' project already," Schmitz said And no wonder Schmttz, of Beach Construction Co., plans to market the 500 -to 600 -squa r e -foot units for between $72,500 and $89,000. But, as in the case of most great deals, there's a (·atch Buye rs must be at least tiO years of age, or promise not to move into their unit unul they reach that age. In the int<.'nm, they mus t rent their unit al affordable! rates to older tenants. Bobby Ba ll back with mother, thanks to efforts of Officer Kevin Gleason. In utld1t1on, buyl•rs mu. .. t earn less than $:l5.000 a year und, 1C they sell th<'lr unit m luter yean., must n<>t ask more than thl• urigmul pm>t.• plus un adjustment for inflauon &·hm1tz and his investor.. havl• submitted plans for the pr0.)4.'\'t t.u the city's planning department and hope to break ground on the eaght -l cvel, terrut.'<.>d developml•nt by April of nt•xt year Tht• units would front un Mermaid and the 3rd Strl•ct hill. and foatur<.> a Victorian design and two <.>lev<.itors. Parking for 19 Vl'h1des would he accommodated with an underground lot and a smaller lot at the uphill corner of th<· 12.000-square-foot pan-el Sinl'C the development would house only senior l'iuzens. Schmatz believes the Stall• Coast.al Commission will permit few<.>r _parki ng Sp<.l('eS than normally required. And, he says , there arc potential advantagt.'S to Laguna (See SENIOR, Page A2~ ----. ----"-1• •'1' -( ·~·-- 'I -- / \ An·hitect's re ndering shows outline of affordable h ousing to be built for buyers a t least 60 years old at the corne r of 3rd and Me rmaid streets. ---- Impact of ali~ns probed in county By STEVE TRIPOLI Of IM o9'1r ~· "•" Orange County supervisors. worried about federal leg1slat1on which l'OUld ll'galize the status Of thousands of undocumented aliens, want to know what the impact or such legislation could be in local dollars. An influx of ne'f people with a legilimate claim to w elfare, health and other services could have a serious impact on the county budget, Supervisors Chairma n Bruce Nestande told fellow members Tuesday. Nestande sponsored a motion adopted by the board calling for a $L.000 expenditure to study the impact of legislation currently before Congress. add1llonal local costs resulting from the legislation, McConnell said. The 1mpal1.s would vary with the number or undocumented aliens who are allowed lO stay legally and thus quafiry for social services, McConnell said. Part or the dl'bate over the ball is whether to legaliie the status of aliens who have arrived since Jan. 1, 1980, or whether only those who arrived after Jan. 1, 1982, should be excluded, he said. The $1.000 appropriated by the supervisors will buy the services of immigration specialist David No rth, director of the private Center for Labor and Migration Studies in Washington. Mesa baby hostage released Two versions or the legislation, known after its sponsors as the S1mpson-Mazzoli immigration reform bill. are being considered on Capitol Hill. The two c'Ould have widely d1Herent impacts on local governments. Nestande said Nor th's study won't "give us an a bsolute. down-to-the-penny analysis" of the bill's local economic impact , but he said North can direct county stare members toward areas for an expanded study which will pinpoint costs. A tense drama in Costa Mesa ended Tuesday evening when a fatht!r who held a knife to his own body surrendered his infant son. taken h ostage inside a rundown automobile, to poltce Costa M esa poltce officer Kev in Gleason talked to the 20-year-old father for nearly an hour, while neighbors watched and six other oHicers cordoned orr the 200 block or Ogle Street, ready to move in. The man. ide ntified as Bob Ball, was taken to UC lrvinc Medica l Center in Orange where he was placed under 72-hour observation. No criminal charges were filed Sgt Rod Haddock said that Ball h<.>ld a four-inch carving knife at his own stomach and n<.>vc.>r thr<.>atenc•d to hurl thl· baby who sell on has lap and was rl'll'ast>d unharm<.>d al 5 p.m. Haddock assured thr mother. Lisa Ball. 18, that her husband didn't threaten the baby "If he did anything he said he would do it to himself I was prepared that 1( he made a move to do what I would have had to do." Lisa said that the couple were rt>cenlly separated. An argument ovl'r the baby's toys escalated and Ball rt.•portedly threw her against tht> bedroom wall and lht•n ran from th<.> home with the mfant. Sh(' said her husband or seven months thc•n raced up and down thl· 200 block or Ogle, before Singer launche~ KDOC ~~.!~ ~~!2ERMAN Singer Pat Boone stood in a half-finished Anaheim television s tudio Tuesday, promising to bring a little bit of Hollywood to Orange County and show a httle b it o r Orange County to Hollywood. Boone 1s president and a chief shareholder of Golden Orange Broadcasting Co .. owner or Orange County's first commercial television sta t ion. KDOC Channel 56. Wearing a gold a nd orange jacket and s h irt, a long with 1950s-style brown a nd white saddle s hoes. Boone spoke enthusiruitacally about the station, which begins broadcasti ng Friday after a 14-year struggle "We believe this as a golden opportunity for the 26 cities of Orange County," he said. "We want this station to reflect ltfe in Orange County We'll at last be able to show Orange County to everyone elsc." Boone described the effort to put KDOC on the air as nearly "an am possible dream." Golden Orange was one o( numerous business groups that applied tn 1968 for thl' commercial s tation la<.'ense designated for Orange County It took seven years for the Federal Communications Commission to award tbe license to Golden Orange. th<.>n another seven to secure transmitter locatioo approval and in.c;tall the antenna atop Sunset Ridgl' an the San Bernardino Mountains The station's initial programming will con sis t o f syndicated series reruns such as "Gunsmoke" and "Mc Ha le 's Navy.'' plus s port broad<.'asts ----INDEX---- Irvine' Harvest Festival opens Friday. See schedule for weekend's event on A 10. Business 85-7 Ann Lnndl•rs A9 Cavalcade A9 Movies B8 Classified 07-10 Mutual Funds B6 Comics B9 National News A3 Croaword B9 Public Noti<"t.'S B5-6,'D5 -6 Death Notices 05 Sport.s 01·4 Editorial • A8 S tock Markeu B7 EntertaJnment B8 Telev1s on BIO Food Cl-10 Thea ten. B8 Art Hoppe AJ) Wrathcr A2 Horoeoope A9 A from Cal State Fullerton and Cal Stall' Long Be1ch. In addition, the station will broadcast a nightly news show focusing on one Orange County issue per program, plus a noontime man-on-the-street interview show visiting locations throughout the c.-ounty. Former KNBC Channel 4 anchorman Jack Latham. who is KDoc·s ge'ncral manage r . admitted that the initial schedule 1s modest. But he added that he bclit'ves Orange County-oriented programming will expand as the station becomes better known. "We have to get our legs. a nd that's where we are n ow," Latham said. Along with Boone, KDOC's major investors include former Westminster Mayor Calvin C. Brack, and Los Angeles attorneys Willi am G . Si m on and T om Sheridan. Latham snld the shareholders already have invested approximately $2 million Into the project and want to see the station begin generating some or its own revcnuc:<s before Investing additional copit.al. But the station manager said his long-term plans are to expand local covcrag<' to Include Orangf' County culturol events, along with tO<'nl community collcg~ sport• :ind pc-rhapa high achool aporL~. "My cr<'Clo," l.Atham said. "lt thol I( lt hM to do whh Orange County a nd It '• worthwhile proaram mat rial, Wf''ll do it." parking the family car across the Sl r('('t "Everyone was worned about him (the baby)," said the young mother, as Bobby lay quietly in her arms grabbing fistfuls or long brown hair. "But he came out the lx>st. .. The couple have lived with her mother 1n Costa Mesa since moving from·Ohio seven months ago. Bob was laid off from his job at a car wash five days ago. According to J ames McConnell. on<.> or the county's Washington lobbyists, the version which already has passed the Se n ate provides reimbursements to local areas for increased public service costs resulting from the legislation, but the reimbursements may not cover total costs. A version currently on its way to the House guarantees full federal reimbursement for • LAllC.Ulll He said North's analysis also wall help the county formulate a position on the bill that can be heard in WashinE(ton before the House version is considered. McConnell said Tuesd ay that consideration is unlikely to come until aher Nov. 29, when the House returns from its election break. In other actions supervisors: (See ALIEN, Page A2 ) PM•..U • J,.TRANSMmER ........ LOI ANIELEI COUNTY Oranse County'• lint commercial TV station will broadcast within circled area. \ IAN IERMAHINO COUNTY IMll ....... ·-··· llVHllDf COUNTY .._. . .. , L Orano• Co11t DAILY PllOT/Wednetday, 841ptembtr 20, 1Gaa ~\ -~~~ .. ~---.-.-~....-~ I' I~ •IYl' .. n • I : SENIOR HOU ING ... I 8 c:al·h Wl·rt• il to npprovl· thl• Wt'N> t.'t'ruttcatcs sold lor oil :u ) projl'Ct unlu., tlw city w ould lx•ndlt to ! SitH'l ' thl• :11 units would lhl• tune of about $6~0.000 an , qualify as affordublt• undt•r funds carmarkc...J tor a Cfordubh' :, Orangl' Cl1U11 ty govl·rnm<.·nt housing in iown. :: r eg ulullo iiis, thl• dt.•vclopu rs Schmitz 1aid h t• 1s u 1110 : w ould n'<.·t•ivt• afford ublL• housing explor ing mean~ of provldm g <:rt'dJL-; fur t•a('h unit. lo.,..·intcrest finuncing to oldt·r bu yt•rs. Thost• t·rt•dit.s t"Ould be.• sold to • d(•velu!)l••~ outs1d<.· Laguna who, And, he saKI , he'd likt.• to sl.'l' as • undt•r l'Ounty n•gulatmns. must many older Lagunans as poss1bll' ;•prov1dl· 25 pt•n·<.·nt uffordubll' get into lht! projt><:t. : .. housing an thL•1r pr<>J<.'<-'t:. "The need is in Laguna and so ~ Cerl1f1l'all~ fur sut'h uniL'. st•ll Car all anyone has d ont• is talk :: f ur about $:Hl ,OOO . wh1l'h . about affordable h ousrng," :.. S<:hmll7 suys, would Ix• turnt·tl &:hmjtz said. • OVl'r to L1guna B<•uch for Cuturl' "We Celt we'd try and do loW·l~l hous111g proj(.'(.'ts. something about it." ALIEN IMPACT. • • Approvt'C..I a f1Vl'·year plan fur c:ounly bt.·~wh1.•s, parks and • harb<1rs t hat l·alls for C.'On stru<:tion or several nl'W recreational Cuc.·1hlll'S along the O range Coast. Approved a plan lo finam·c con s truct ion of the 241:1 -unit Windwood pro~·t in lrvm t• and tlw 64-unit family Village pro,;..•<:t in Mission V1l•jo. Both will be.• n •11wJ uruts for familiC'S Approvod budgl'ls totaling $4 57,5 04 to uo nt1nuc t wo programs o r preventive mC'd11.•1nt• for children. the Child Health and Disability Preventio n Program and the E a rly ond Periodic Screening, D1agnos1s and Treatme nt Program. ln('reased per-day ('OSL<; a t the J oplin Ranch, Juve nile Hall, LlJs P rnos Forestry Camp and Youth Guidance Center juvcnill' facilitil's to $52 a day eff<'<.·tive Oct . I . J oplin Rant'h had be-en $37 a day ~nd the others $45 a day, but staff members told th v board that high er cost s nt.'l't.>ssi t.ated the increas<.-s. B COR to stand trial accident • ID llu11ll11K1110 Ut••H Ii l'ollt1· l'ltrlt 1•1 J11h11 J ntm·kw1•ll hulj v1t•.11lt-d 11111(J('t•n t to d1 r1w• it.I 111·j.tlll(l'llt hunm•ldt• 11ncl h•uvmu till' Mt'lll' 11( u lutul U('l..ldl•nl 111 A111101111 , 1111·11rt1111u tu n 1urt t1l (u 1,1 I.., A 111ul hui. h1•1•11 M lll'clulc•d N11 v I ll 11t \'u11111 Cou 11 ty Su1H·r101 <:oun. lullvv. tn g BI a 1· k w 1• l I ' 11 u r r u 1 g n nH• n t 'l\w!>duy, m·1·or d111.i to 11rf1dah. Hllll'k Wt•ll , :!<!. WUb lndll'll><:I by 1111 · Yumu County C...:1·unt.I .Jury !'it•pt Iii 111 l'Ulllll'l'tllJll with ;1 July 11 truff1<· Ul'l'ldl•n1 nt>ar P.11 k1·r. Ar11.. lhl1l look lhl' llfr• or l.1s,1 (;aiJ1d1, IH, of llu11 tmglll11 £k1wh, ul f1C'lot. lcJ An lndh tnw nt I• 1.1 <'h Pri<• l1ruu1ht ·•H•inNI u JWrtun by ll .i• uml JUI y und dot'll nut t . .,1.11hli1d1 KUllt tll llllll"-'\"fK'C." Tlw lot;il 111~·ld1•nt 11n·u111'tl un St,111· ltouw U:>. uUl1ul 10 1111lt·11 11111 th uf J>w kl•r, lll'COrdll\l( lO un .1w1lh •nl n •porl ix·rformt'<.1 l>y tlw Ar11011u lx•pu1 tmtmt of P uhl11· Sof1·1v '1'111' Vl'hll°ll' fuail'<I lv IWl(lllUltl' ,1 <'UI v 1· and rnlkd ovc•r ul t1•r I 1s h a;1d111~. ;11·1·urd l111( tu th1• I l'J)llJ l. (.; II l'I l (' h , 0 ll (' Cl f t hr I' I' p.J..,St'lll(c•ri. \,hrow11 from th1• Vl•h kh'. 11um•n ·d roa Ive> h<'atl und n<-ck lnju1 lt41, a('('Ordlni to itw n .•purt An hwt .. ugallng ortln•r aald In 1h1• n•pc.11 l that Bl kwt•ll I Cl thl· '4-"l'll(' or tht.• 34.'\'ldt•nt, lK'l'Ordmg 111 Allan Schmitt, 11 •pokt: ni.111 101 llw Ot•purtnwnt of Pubhl· Suf1·1y . Thi• twcld1'nt n.•port 111110 suad thut Blackw1•ll'tt Vl•haclt.• was lnivt•hng 50 ml11·:. un hour in u ;i :, mill'·J>l'f ·huur xorw Tht.· u l fal·N suid 1t waR hlR opinion tlw t th111 wus not u rt!t11ronablt• r~tv of sp~vd , a~~ording to l-K•hmill Tlw l1wt•st1(i(ntmg offlt't.'r t1l110 11u1d It w u hie opin ion thaat Bl.1l kWt•ll wu• drlvlni undt•r l~ i11flut•1lL.-c of l11wxk: ll04i llQuor, <'liJI tltnai to &hmltt. Bluckwf'll, who appeare d pt• r 1 o n o 11 y 11 t Tu c• • d a y '• .., r :11l{nmt•nt, hu1 lx•t>n on the llu 11tfn"tur1 Bt•u(·h pol1ct• torc-e f our yt•or Hu tuu been 1 Nti.!ilgnt.td to dc11k dutl ~ pc.~in~ th<.· d11po111tlon of hi• lcut•, ot'l•ordln~ to Poh<'t' C hief ,Earle Hoh11J1lllt• A11 u ttornt.•y for Bluc kwc Jl dt.'t.·l11wd to t•omm<>nl and wlt1hcd to rl•muln all1mt on the case a t thl11 tlmC', an t•n1ployec for the u ttnrm ·y 8<.lld Newport water quality ·a mystery liy 'TEVE MARBLE dc•11v;1t1v1• of th<• ou tlaw1·d h •·•l11•1 lc•vc·I.., of l'Udmium, dt''1"nl•d t) pr~vl'nl mar1n1· 01 lh• O•llY f'llol ll•lf I ()l vr h . ~ "' · N<•wport Harbor, water quulit !'t'Slll'll l' . n l" •.n<:n·,1st'<I d1111n11um, t'<>pJX'r. m1·rt.·ury and '" g;1111sms from g r ow ing o n l " l I y 30 llml'l> in a two y<'ar S"'tn, the· -.llvl·r hav<.• bl'l•n round tn tht• l>U,'l'S ULu,·1Jly l"Ont·•1ns a m'"~t 1·x111·r s s ug,.1·s , 1s a stu< y 1n . .~ "' " .. "'"" i·ontiadll'twn mu.,,,•;d study claims · bray All of the metals can c·orrlpouncJ s uch as oopJ)l'r Whilt• 1 111, rC'<: nl .1. t t ·t OUT and llS dl•nvat1vt's arc· p1•mJun• hl'allh problem!> for ' <' s u e Ci> known t'illll't.'r·t'et us mg a~t·nL... humans "I think all 111 all, the harbor is n ·vt.•,lls Ni·wporl H arbor ii. a John Lat.Id, ;i wat1•1 11u;ihty Bua a Sl•c·ond test an whwh 111 lnlll'h bt•tkr sh ape than it used growing pnlluuon hot s pot,·'-' 11llu.:1;il 111 Sacrnmt.>nto, suys h1• is .... ' I · of hurbor mud w1·rc· 111 tw ," s;.ays Anderson. ' sf't·ond s hows water quahty in • ·•mp ls . th 1, ha,. b o r ha-; 1 mp r o v t•cl u 11 s u rt• why th l' sud cl<· n an.Jly:it'<.I 111da<.·J lt.'S that the lc•vt•I Othl•n;, mdudang st.ale wa~r dranwtll·ally <·on1,•ntrat1on of ODE or somt.• h<.•:ivy metals has gom• quul1ty offi<:aal Rolf Mall, claim r:xpt•l'L'o ~llY tlw a •sulls or lxllh "It'-, l.I brokt'n-down lorm or c.Juw11 lht• 11•sults of the mussel test tt·s t~ s lauu Id lw la kl' II wa 1 h a L>J>T wh1d1 is a v1.•ry p1.•rs1sal'nl This t1.•sl , c.·tmducted a l 10 Le>t huv1.• produn·d ai tow level of grnin ul s;ilt, though, and that lht• pt•s t1l·1d1· It s tays around for a ~tauons lust w inter, shows th<' :ilurm and that the harbor needs trui• i·imditron or tlw p()pular v1.•ry long llnw und 1t 1s poss1hlt-ll l1.•v1·l or mercury, un. ~opper and to Ix· wall·h<.'CI. •~ JU~t bc·ang n'<:ydt'<.I " 11rw 1s down from findings m bo.111ng h.il'hor IS a rn~sli•ry Ludd poinli. out that whil1.• tlw llllll a'nd 1972. . Both ut tlw r1.•1·1·1H h •sts wer1.· us1.· of DDT in this l'OUntry was .Jam Anderson, director of th<• lundi·d thrnugh th<; Sl~lt1.• W1:1tcr ban1h·d a cll'eadc ago, 1l as s till Santa Ana water qualit board C~ualaly H1·sourt'l'S Cnntrnl .Bourd. nUJnufot·tun·d in Californw fur duim~ th<.• lmprovemcnJ show~ Oiw of tht·~· tht• so-t'alled fort•1gn 1.'xport. Ht.• su ys it's 111 tht· t1.•sl are the result of a "Mu ... w l W;i1di ' t1.•sllng pro1vum, pos~iblt• soml' quanlltws 1.•st:<.1p.• l'l'at·kdown on boatyards. shows 11.·vL'ls u f .Q1.•st1l·1des. intu l·oost.<JI wul<•rs. p <.1 I y1·h l11r1 ha t1.·d b1 phcnyls Untn -rl'~cfflly~eexplalns. (l'<:Bs) .ind heavy me wls have Th<.: mussel study, t'Ondu<.·t1.•d uoutyard~ Ill the harbor swept 1nl'l'l'itS<'<.1. by th1.· Stale Department of Ftsh p<ilnt t'h1ps from the hulls of Th<.· level of DOE -a and Gaml'. also s hows that booL-; into the water. The paint, T h C' musst·I is used in the t1·stang OC'<.'<JUSl' it has the ability to 1.·o llN·t pollutant s and is pll•ntiful along the California ('OUStf Ill('. Dr Michucl Murtin, a Fish and Gamt• biologist from Monterey, da1m!. ht• is not concerned about thl• 11.•vt.•I of pesticides found in N<'wport Harbor. Aid for evictees eyed LB girl, 17, to be tried as adult By ROBERT BARKER 01 the Delly Pllol Slelt A meth od t o compt'nsate displaced mobile home tenants on the> basis of the length of eviction n otices wall be• s tudied by the Huntington Bl'ach C ity Council. P sychologist ruled guilty Newport Beach psychologist T elford "Tim" M oore, accused of murdering his male companion of 18 years in the Spyglass H ill h om e they shared, w as conv1ctt.'<i of voluntary manslaughter today by a superior court judge. Judge Myron Brown issued his ruhng 1mmed1a lely after the prosecuto r ask e d for a first· degree murder conV\ction against M oore for the 1980 s hooting death of StanlC'y Espinda, also a psychologist The plan, recommended by the city's development servtces staff and a pproved this week for study, calls for the purchase of coaches at varying percent.ages of their full market value if they can 't find a place to move. City officials say there is a growing demand fof' park owners to u se their land for greater profits. Officials also no te there is a zer o vacancy rate in Orange County mobile home parks. T e nants would receive 90 percent of the value of the coach on one year's notice: 80 percent on two years' notice; 65 percent on three years' notice: 45 percent o n four years' notice and 25 percent On five years' nouce. Payments to the owner of a coach with a marke t value of $50.000 wo uld range from $12 .. 500 to $45,000 under the formula. St.aH m e mbers say the s liding scale system would provide equatable treatment and would e n courage longer n o tification periods that w ould gave tenants more time lo find n ew living quarters. Critics say, how ever, the plan might let park owners avoid rl'locauon costs because they may not plitn to d evel o p thei.r properly in at least five years. No mobile h om e parks h ave been closed to date . City officials have been grappling for months to {ind a compe n sation plan acceptable to both te nants and park owners. Ofric1als are trying to hammer out an agreeme nt on a mobile h om e conversion ordinance by th e end or O cto ber . A moratorium o n conversions expires next J une. Another form of compensauon under study c alls for p ark ownt•rs to pay tenants the cost of moving th eir coaches to o the r parks within 100 miles of tht' City Cloudy and breezy Coos/a/ Vanable c1<>vo1nes1 IO<ley wllh nighs ol 70 to 75 Clouos to remain lonoght •no Thursdey with o~erntgM lows ol 62 10 65 Hli!hS Thursoay 6a to 73 Breezy allernoons Hun11ngton-Newpor1 aree 1empe<alurea to r•n<;1• lrom a low ol 59 to a h!Qh ol 73 Elsewneo e from Point Concep11on 10 the Mea1cen t>o<oer •no out 60 m1i.s Smell craft llOviSO<y over outer w•tere with north-I wtnoe of 20 to 30 knols this allernoon through Thur1oey Seas S to 9 •••I Locally llghl varteble winos IOn•ght •nd Thur1oey morning ... 11h 'outh 10 soulh-1 Wind• tO to t5 knots 1urnlng we1I to northwest 12 lo 19 knoll Thursday •lternoon WlnO w1vee 3 10 ' leet Well to IOVlllwHt swell • 1 to 3 teel Verleble ctoudlnest tO<lly •nd Thurld•y California Scetter.O clouoy •kles and ,,,. posalblllly of mounlaon •1'd d-.1 thunOClflhowers accompenled by gualy wino• dolled Southern Calllornle '• w•ather oullook IO<ley. 1ccoro1ng lo the Nallon•I Wellh8f Service The high 1emper111ure In Los Angelea WH IOl8CISt 11 7' wltll I low of 59 Northern oeMrt high• m•y reach into the 601 wtth lowt from " to 5~ High wind• lrom 20 • 10 30 mph -• expected by the w••lher service In northern "-' •r••• Moun111n ano oe1er1 ••••• ecored 111e 111o11es1 prot>•blhly of r.in through thurlO•y The high tem,,.••lure In mounteln •r••• lhOuld r•noe from 58 10 65 Wllh low8 lrom 3a to •5 NorlhwHt wind• lrom 15 to 30 mph tre expected 1n ,,,. moun1.ina Southern O.se•I h19h1 9hould r1nge from 7• to 92 with lowt lrom 54 10 6• Qwe,.. V•lleY hight .,. lorecut from 64 to 12 with loWS from •5 lo 53 High• from 72 •to 76 llld lowt lrom SO 10 sa -• expected In coutll velle)lt . sttnunary Tt1veter1 •d¥tlOrlet Wife luued Tue1d•y over the moun11tn1 of northwe•t•rn ~yomlno end Co1or1do, whet• '1oc-"y d1lttlng end l>lowing 11nOW ·cr•ll•d ha11rdou1 drlvlno µndltlOflt. Temp1r11ure1 et hlOhtl _.....,llonl OI Ille region -• .. l'lll.ICft .. 15 ct.gr'" coldlf t* tllOM Of 11141 put wtlkencl. Loc1lly heevy enow w11 eapec:ted In the mouflllliflt from "Wt111rn Monun• through OOIOt-60. with ~tlOnt Of •• much u 12 lnchea 01 n-•naw b'I 1'IOfnlno Thunoentormi oeYeiop.d o-lhe Pl11n1 •nd • tornaelo W•lch wes 111uec1 lor pens of ... ,.,n South 01kot•. norlhe11tern Ne Dr a 1 k a , sout hwe11 er n Minnesota ano norlhwealern low• For 1ooay, lelr 11de1 were rorecatl for muCll ol the nellon Showers were loreceat from VPP•• M•chig•n ecron lh• northern Aoc111e1 eno Oreel Basin, cto•"11"'11 to 111\0W .no-s 1n Montana Thuno.,.atorms -• lorecsst In perts Of Ille northern ano c en1re1 Pl•lne, with r•1n1hower1 1n the northern PKlflC Coest HI Le ~., Albany 10 •9 Albuque 72 •9 Am•rollo 86 t7 Ancllo••o• 40 32 01 Aahevtlll 75 " Atl•nla 90 57 lttl•ntc Cty 73 83 Austin 93 72 Belllmore 72 S3 Bllllno• 51 40 oa Blrmlnghm 83 S2 Bltmerci< SS 47 .10 Bolte 59 •5 .oe Boston 1• eo Brownsvtte 91 76 Bullelo 84 56 03 Burlln<;1lon 52 59 13 Ces~r 56 42 11 Cher111n SC 52 65 Cll••llln WV 71 5" .06 Ch••lllt NC 79 5-4 C~enne 59 41 61 Chicego 75 •5 Clnclnn•ll 75 47 Ctevet•ncl 59 58 20 Clmbl• SC 84 55 Columbus 69 •9 D•l·FI Wth 93 87 Dey1on 72 50 Denver 10 ... Ou MOlne:t 51 5e 0.HOtt 89 '9 OulOtll 63 49 08 El Peao 87 ... F•lrb1nk1 SS 40 F•rgo " 15 $1 " Flegll•lf 86 32 GrNt F•fft q at 14 Hlrlloro 71 52 Helene •7 • • f7 Honolulu 89 71 Houston 15 74 tncln•pl11 72 48 Jl<:km MS 911 60 JeckmYlll 15 tlO Juneeu M ,.. 02 K1n1 Clly .. I? ' 63 Lu Veges 75 St Little Roell a2 S7 Loulsl/\He 75 •8 LubbOc.k 90 69 Memphis as 55 Mi9m1 a4 77 02 Mllweu~M 87 •2 Mpls-St P 73 Sil Netf\111111 79 51 N-C>ne•ns 8& SS N-York 76 62 Nor10lk 75 69 No Plelle a2 •3 01oe Clly 90 117 Om ah• 80 61 01 Orlando a1 69 F'ttll•dl>hl• 75 55 Ptloenla 82 81 Pltteburgh S• s• Ptl•ncl, Me 72 57 Pll•no. Ore 6• 55 Provklence 75 58 Re=h 80 55 Re City 57 57 17 Reno 62 30 Rl<f\mond 76 5e Sell Lake S• '2 t 51 S•n Antonio 19 72 S.•1111 59 •9 27 Shr.wport 86 61 SIOUJt F 11111 78 tlO SI LOUl9 eo 57 SI p. Temc>a a7 " SI SI• Mllfle 61 50 &9Qll-tlO •7 07 Syr~ 61 5S Toi*t• 8• 52 Tucson 79 59 Tutu 67 65 Wuntn0tn 74 5e WIChHI 90 57 (;AUf'<>ANIA =Vllle)I 73 " ettli.&d 70 51 89'tlOW 70 63 8-imont 71 45 a IURf RIPIRT ... ... ... .... .... . .... ...... ... -'"' ... Mall Olr Zume 2 ' 12 2 3 SW SMta Mdnlt!e 2 4 12 2 3 SW N1po« IMch 3 6 " 'I 3 SW Sen~~ a 6 14 2 3 w Out fOf IMIOty I.title chlnge Big Beet 91ShOP Blythe Cutve• City Eur eke Fre~O ll!IOCHtlf Long Beiu:l'l LOS A~es MonrOYll Montebello Monterey Ml wuaon Neecllea 011kl1nd OnllrlO Palm Sprln<;11 Puaoena PHO Roblea R111ers1oe R.O Blult RedwOOd Clay Secr•mento S•llne• Sen 8ernero1no S•n G•b1ie1 San Otego S•n Fr•ncl9CO Sen JoM SMI• Ane S1nt1 Berber• Sen11 Crut SMll MMlll Sllfll• Monlce 81oc;kton hhoe V•lle)I Th«mlll Torfence 'l'um1 f'AH AMEIUCAN 62 2S 69 33 as 55 78 60 64 S3 78 53 71 u H 59 73 6S 78 55 7' 59 SS 50 56 •O 83 5• 71 57 73 55 84 5' 78 57 79 •s 71 52 75 5• H 53 75 '7 73 •8 H 53 17 55 73 62 65 S5 ~5 5t 75 57 71 $4 6S 58 70 •a 69 59 eo '' 57 29 57 29 75 59 87 55 ACllPIJlcO 90 11 B•rtiedo• 16 73 Betmv<t• 90 11 CulllCtO 92 7$ Heec>Ott 84 70 G~tltlttl 11 65 Guad1•oupe 94 n Tides TOOAY Seciond tow 2100 p m. Second high 7 64./ m THUlllaOA 1. 61 F'h•l low 2.3 .. • m O 2 n f•I lllOh a 54 • m ,. 1 Secon<f IOW 2 31 p "' 18 Second high I H p m 6.11 Sun •tta IOdl)I el t •O p m , rt-TIM'ICI.., el 9.4t e.m Moon rt-aodey ea 5 11 p m Ml• Thundey It I 11 1 m • · -Bradley slates • La gun~ session L os Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley will attend a fund· r aiser tor his campaign for governor Sunday rn Laguna Bt'ach . The mayor w ill answer qul'sllons a nd discuss issues facing Laguna and the state •The Laguna Beac h c haple t of the Natio nal League of American Pen Women will meet Monday at 10 a .m . to see a watercolor demonstration b y artist •Old-fashioned bingo games are being held each Friday night In Laguna Beach with proceeds going to t h e Laguna Beach Senior •Noel Coward'• musical drama "Bittersweet," starring Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy, will be screened free to senior citizens in Laguna Beach Oct. 15 at 2 from 4 to ti p .m . at 1Jav1d Stem 's home at #9 Lagunita. Tickets lo the event, which includes cocktails and h ors d 'ot.•uvres, are $100 per person. or $150 per couple . For reservations. c all 499-2006. Alltot.aette WlkJDg. The meeting will be held tn the community room of Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 260 Ocean Ave. Citizens Club. Hours are from 6:30 to 9:30 p .m . at the Veterans Memorial Community Center. 384 Legion· St. p.m . Free tickets to Laguna seniors are available at the Senior Citizens Club office. The fi.bn is co-sponsored by the club and Laguna Federal Savings and Loan. FARBERWARE. "Super fast" Stainless Steel Fully Automatic Coffee Urn • MAKES UP TO 55 CUPS • ST A YS HOT FOR HOURS • DRIPLESS SPIGOT • EASY-TO-CLEAN BASKET -STAIN, ODOR AND BREAK RESIST ANT SA LE PRICED •7p Reg. Price S 109.99 A 17-ycar-old girl accused of shooting her boyfriend to death in Laguna Beach last M ay will be tried as an adult and not as a j uve nile . Orange County Superior Court Judge William Murray ruled late T u esday that it was more a ppropriate to handle Laura Lee Fcis l's case through the adult crimi nal court system than thro ugh the juve nile court system . S he will be arraigned Friday. In making his ruling. Murray t.'•l<'d the circumstances of the shooting incident and the a lleged t'rrm1nal soph1sl1catton shown by F eist , a L aguna Beach High School transfer student, who apparently shot herself in the l'hest , prosecutors allege, a fter fatally wounding James Anthon y Kendall. 21. of Emerald Bay . The Judge said in h is ruling that h e didn't believe Feist would bl' a good candida te for rehabilttatfon if convicted sin.ce thl• jUVl'nilc justice system would h<1vc· l<'ss time to k eep h e r 1m·arl'Cratt.-d. Feist <."o uld face a longer srnte nCl' if convicted in adult 1.'0urt than 1f she had been tried in ju venile court. As an adult, a JUdgt' can sente n ce her to the California Youth Authority until · h t>r 25th birthday. She could thc•n be transferred to state prison As a juvenile, she couJd have been kept no later than her 23rd birthday a t CY A and would huve. been given an automatic release dal.('. mQfe than you expect In a hardware store ••••• 8 HARDWllRE Wfttollft Plue 1024 lrvtne AV9 Newpott8Mctl M2·1133 WllCSavt t-t T""'9. Tll I p.m. -~ -. . --- All Stores °"" T Deyt , Corona del M• HerW View Cenlef 3107 E Coat1 Hwy. ti 14 len Mtaual Dr 173-2800 Newpott lfeech Wk~ 1-1:30 144.UTO Wk_.. Tiii '1 p.m -. - llllCI ClllT IRlll EIRlll Wt l>NL ~OA 't ._,, 1· 11 Miii h · '~11. UHAN l .t COU N I Y L AL H UHNIA 25 CENTS Four-legged rookie cop passes test • Ill By GLENN SCOTT Of the D•llr Piiot ···" Ch1mo th<.• unlikdy looking police dog du.J a gooJ del'll for h1:. kmd Tuesday night Thl' chun·oal-t·olorcd Bov1t•r paddt•d into Lhl· Irvin e City Coum·al chamb1m1, performl'd a few eusy trick:.. and tht•n rclaxt>d on tht-t·arpt-l as lrvint• Polin· Chl('f Leo Pt•art explaant'd how Ch1mo functions on duty. It wJs all m a day's work for Q n c o f t h l' 0 r a n g e P o Ii l' l' Depanmcnt"s three (our-lcggl•d crime stoppers. Unknow n to Chimu. however. was Lhal th1!-. Irvine history hacked The East lrvane structures that make up the city's only old- fashioned neighborhood should remain in their present localli,i>ns. preserved in a histortC' di~1<·t, the lrvane City Council decided Tuesday. On a 3-2 vote that featured a disagreement on its 1mphcations. counci l m e mbers bac k e d recommendations from their East Irvine Blue Ribbon Committee, a group charged with suggesting ways of accommodatmg East Irvine in future plans. tll·11111 11 .. tr.1111111 had h1 ·lp1•d l'OllVlnn· l'CIUlll'll llll'llllll'l'S to Ul\alllll111U!-.ly agl'l'l ' lo huy \WCI o tht·r B11v1t•1:., 111H't• bn·cl 111 Bdg1um a!. t·ault· Jog:.. (or tlw lrv111t• Poh1•t• f)\•purtmt•nt Upo11 t•x1ttng thl• l'lwmbt•rs, thl' curly 1·,1111111• wus nwt by n11w off duty lrv11w pullet• offtl'1•rs who ,1 ttl'ndl·d Lht• mt•t•t ang tu ll•arn wlwtht·r till' l'OUlll'tl woultl adopt :.l•rvil•t• do~s en lrv111l' l'h11110 wa:. lhl' l't'nter o f atlt•11111m. as usual, a nd sl•cnwd willing to put up wilh Lhl'ir congrutulalory pats Now that lrven1• well ~sc· dogs. P<.•urt saat.l l Wu ul fll'l'nl Will be St.1lt'<.'t.l'<i to Sl'l'Vl' u::. hundh.•rs. Tht•y will thwt• 1tJX'('1al veh1dcs ond keep tlw dot(:. at honw when not on duty. The.• off-duty offln•rs wcr<.' uskcd w ho wonle d JObs us huncJlt•ri; "Ewryon("" said one of thl·~·s. A &vier dues not share thc miltwry imagt• h<.•ld by German Shl·pht•rd or Doberman police dogs In fact. Chamo lookl'<.i more hk<' an anirnul ut·tor in a Walt D1s1wy film than a dog trained Lo sear<:h bu(ldings or crime scenes indoors or out Cour llmt•s fusll'r on~ more thoroughly than a humon. · A Bovier'11 temperaml'nt ond appc..•aranee. explained Peart, arc key reasons why It ls sum'IJ ro~ l rvinL•, wher e u who lesomq c:ommunity Image for police is <.'Onsidc•rcd essential. .. All of my homework tells mt• It's a spc..'Cial breed that would fit with our community," he' said. Peart said the time saved in search es thanks to the d ogs wo uld amount to $30,000 in wages in a year. First-year start-up costs would be about $:l3,400, which would he.• ofr1wt b y n o l r I I Ii n K a n c• x 1 ::. L 1 n g vamncy, ht• suid. Om't· t•swbhshc'<.i, tht• program would mst only about $2.000 pt•r year. Pl•art !klld The dogs' pr1mury m11>.'41on in Irv in<'. ht• addt•d, well bt• to pt'f"form M.'arc:ht'S Most well Ix· m the large war<.•houst>s c.ind off1et• buildings an indus trial Mt·t·tors, whert• o f f i cer11 oftc·n a r c dis putdwd to answc·r s tll•nt alarll\b "Even en thl• quect city of Irvine, Wl' respond to about 400 a larms a monlh, mostly 1n the Irvine 1ndut.tn.1l urc·o," ht• noted A poht•t• d1lg rnuy be hath.'<.I for I LN L•ff1dl'nCll'S, bu l critics have also po111ll•d out 11.s weakm'!i.'i 1ti. anubll1ty to use.· d1S<·retlon (.'h1m11, for t•xarnple. u; traan('(J to bilt• Whl.!n wnfrnnlmg sus p<><:t.s. Handler Timm Brown(• said tht• b1tmg 1>0hcy was insttluted not only to prot<.'c.'t the• dog from gun-wa<.•ldmg suspc..'t'L'4 but also to proll't'l other o fficers arriving lull'r. However, he said, the dog is n 't released to search until 0H1ecrs give v,erbal commands for susp<.'t'lS to surrender and ISee POLICE DOG, Page AZ) The group sought conhrmauon that the general store. hole. blacksmith's s hop. auto garage. warehouses and bungalows in East Irvine will be saved in the same configuration in which th,ey once served as the commercial center of the old Irvine Ranch. ~ Baby hostage released Th e commit t ee recommendat ions also call for consideration from technical staff and aq visor y comJ!21 ttees o n limiting--e-x.~~n~of Sand Canyon Avertue. which splits the commercial hamlet. to four lanes of traffic with no bridge to span nearby railroad tracks. The cit y's ge n era l plan curre ntl y designates Sand Canyon as a major artery -et 1s designed to cross coastal foothills to the Coast Highway -and to include six lanes as et runs southwest from the Santa Ana Freeway through East Irvine. A tense drama in Costa Mesa ended Tuesday evening when a father who held a knife to his own body surrendered his Infant son, take n hostage Inside a rundown auiornobile. to police. Costa Mesa po lice o fficer K evin G leason talked to the 20-year-old father for nearly an hou r, while neiahbors watched a nd six other officers cordoned off the 200 block of Ogle Street, ready to move in. The man, ide ntified as Bob Ball, was taken to UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange where h e was placed under 72-ho ur observalion. No criminal charges were filed. Sgt. Rod Haddock said that Ball h eld a four-inch carving knife at his own stomach and never threatened to hurt the baby who sat on his lap and was released unharmed at 5 p.m. Haddock assured the mother, Lisa Ball. 18, that her husband would have had to do." Lisa said that the couple were recently separated. An argument over the baby'~ toys escalated and Ball reportedly threw her against the bedroom wall and then ran from the home with the infant. She said her husband o( seven months then raced up a nd down the 200 block of Ogle. before parking the family car across the street: "Everyone was worried about him (the baby)," said the young mother. as Bobby lay quietly in her arms grabbing fistfuls of long brown hair. "But he came out the best." The couple have lived with her mother an Costa Mesa since moving from Ohio seven months ago. Bob was laid off from his JOb al a car wash fivQ days ago Council members Barb ara Wiener. Mar y Ann Gaado and Larry Agran voted to adopt the recommendations. Bill Vardouhs and David Sills objected, saymg any commitment for eventua l placement of the structures was pre matu re pending m o r e th orough s tudy by staff members. Deity Piiot ""°'" 11r Ric.._., KMflMf didn't threaten the baby. "If he "It's hard for a lot of outsiders lo believe. but there was a lime when we loved each other and believed an forever," said the (See HISTORY, Page A2 ) Police De tective Sam Zuorski returns Bobby Ball a f ely to mother Li a, above. Singer launches KDOC By PHIL SNEIOERMAN Of lhe Deity Pltot aten Singer Pat Boone stood in a half-finished Anaheim television studio T uesday. promising to bring a little bit of Hollywood to Orange County and show a.Jitlle bit o f Orange Cou nt y t o Hollywood. Boone is president and a chief shareholder of Golden Orange Broadcasting Co .. own e r o f Orange County's first commercial televisio n sta tio n , KDOC , Channel 56. Wearing a gold and orange jac k e t and s hirt. along with 1950s-style brown and white saddle s h oes. Boone s po ke enthusiastically about the station, whic h begins broad ca sti ng Friday after a 14-year struggle "We believe this 1s a golden opportunity for the 26 cities or Orange County," he said. "We want this station to refit-ct hf<> an Orangc Counly We'll at last be able to show Orange County to everyone elS<l." Boone descr1bcd the effort to put KIX>C' on the air as nearly "an 1mpos.s1blr dream " Golden Oran ge was on e of numerous business groups that appl i ed en 1968 f o r the commercia l s tation l icen se designated for Orange County It took seven yc·ars for the Federal Communications Comm1ss1on to award thl' license lo Golde n Orangl'. then another seven to secure transmitter locat ion approval and install the antenna atop Sunset Ridge an the San Bcrnardano Mountains. The s t a ti on's ini tial programming will consist of syndicated series reruns such as "Gunsm o k e" and "McHale's Navy." plus s port broadcasts .,.__---INDEX---- ' . \ Irvine's Harvest Festival open Fridoy. See schedule for weekend's event on AJO. Business 85-7 Ann Landers A9 Cavalcade A9 Movies 88 Classified 07-10 Mutual Funi;is B6 Comics B9 Notional News A3 Crossword .. "'89 Publk Notices B5-6,D5·6 Death Notices 05 Sports 01-4 Edltor1al A8 Stock Marketa 87 Entertainment B8 Tcl<'vis1on 810 Food C'i .10 Theaters 88 Art Hoppe A9 Weather A2 Horoecope A9 I I rrom Cal State Fulle rton and Cal State Long Beach. In addition. the station will broadcast a nighlly news show fot·uMng on one Orange County 1ssuc p er program, pl us a noontime man-on-the-street interview show visiting locations throughout the county. Former KNBC C h a nne l 4 anchorman Jack Latham, who Is KDOC's general manager, admitted that the Initial schedule 1s modest. But he added that he believes Orange County-oriented programming will expand as the station becomes better known. "We have to ~et our legs. and .that's where we a r e now," Latham said. Along with Boone, KDOC'a major investors include former Westminster• Mayor Calvin C. Brack , and Lo!! Angeles attorneys William G . Simon and Tom Sheridan. Latham said the share holde rs alrrady ha ve invested approximately $2 million Into the projcct and want to see the station begin genera ting some of 11.s own revenuca before Investing addltional capital. But the station manager said his Iona-term plans are to expand local t.-overagc to Include Oranae County cultural events, along with local com munity college sp0rts and f)C'rhaps high achoo! sporll. "My credo," Latham aald, ''la that If It hat to do with Oran1f' County and It's worthwhll~ program rn.aterlah we'll do It." d id anything he said he would do it to hlmselC. I was prepared that if he made a move to do what 1 • lMUllH Nl•NU . LOI AN8ELU COUNTY PACIFIC OCIMI • • Oran1e f.ounty'• flnt eommercial TV 1tatl• wtll b"°"dca11/within circled area. Kevin Gleason teen-agc mother gazing a t her gurglin~ infant. "It JUSt doesn't work out that way. Maybe et does for some people. Maybe 1t will for you," she said lifting her son in the air. .M UllM RIYHllOf COUNTY --· .... , Or•no• Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wadneaday. 8ep1ember i9, 1oe2 Hy S'f l~VE MAl\UU: Of th• Oetlr llJl•I lfelf '""'""" hurbor Is 11 my.itt'r)I lJo th u{ 1 ht• t'ltt'\'nt lt \a Wttrt.' OD 't SOUrce J)l>T und 1111 d1•11v1111vw1 111'1• I on· I Ml• t'><pot I JI•• 111)'i. II'• kno\\ n t'UllH'I \'llU>;111~ ll~l·ll\11 po. ~1hlt· """"' lfUfHllltH·• 1'1K llJW nl l•Olllt• h1·JV)' lllt'Wh. hull ~OIW duwn y ou ask Nl'\\ pm I ll111 l1ua . wuh-1 •1u11h1y 1 l x 1w11" '>UGtll'-"I, '" u 1;t uily 111 l'tlllll mJll t11m tumlt·J thruuah the• U•H• WuM ' ~uuht v ttc•'>C1uru: Cuolrol J)c'llltd C)aw ol tht•rn, th1• 10 l'Ulh•d "Muiu.el Wat.<'h" lt"llhng prolo(rum, sh uw8 h •v1•I o f p~;i tl t•ld(.11, pulvdllut hiu 11•d hlptH•n y l-. lP<.'11'>) 1rnJ hl'oi\'Y nll'lUls hav1· inr•1t'l.1M'CJ Juhn l.111hJ. u wuh•r quulllV 1111.1~ mwm1I w11t1 r11 111111 1.11 111 S.11 111111\'nlll, ••.vs 111· 1~ T lw mu'"''' wtU<ly. 1·11ndUl'h tJ u 11 .. u 1 1 \\ h v L h ·~ :.. u d d ,. 11 IJy th1· •lull' J)(•p 11 u1wnt ol f 'mh Th11 hitl, <'•-mtJu1·tt-d ut 10 tc'lit "1al111n11 l1t1.t w1a111•r, "l111w11 thl• 11-vt•I 11( nwn·ury. 1111, l'UJJJK•I and 111w IH down l1 vm ftnd111g11 1n 111111 and llJ7:! lit~•I 111111 lll<' WU\l'r 'I'ht• J>Jlnl. tl1·"1.i1111l tv pr1•vc·nt murlnt· 111 l>(t111 1r.m from .iruwlng on lio.1111, u"uully 11111uuns o mf'lt•I \'llOljMIUflll Ul'h II L'Oppt•r Whtl\! 11nt• l'l't'l·nt 1et11l4• tc•11t rt•v,.ali. N1•wport lturbor i:< 11 1·111H1·1Hn1L11111111 Ol)R • -u1HI <•11/Tll'. nl•o •hn w11 1h11t ''II"·•• hrnk1·11 d11w" rurm 111 111~111•1' l1·v1·l11 of 1·11d111 1u m . • g1mA. an~ p111lu1111n hot i.p111, .1 11•11111d :-.how:-. .... Ull•r qu.ihty In tli 1• hu1l>o1 h .ii; 1mpruvt•d da :1n1.1t1l·olly T h l' 11· v , • 1 11 r n o ~; -:i d1•11vot1v1• of tht• u utluwl•d pt•i.tl< Ilk UOT hJ~ lrK'fl'll°'(o<l :w taml~ In u two·yt·ur 11p1m . tlw 01u,,;S(•I study clu1ms lHi'I' "htt h " .1 v1•1 y 111·1'1'11·111 d11111t11u1u. n1ppt•1, m1•1l·urv 111111 1~ .. 111 uh It :.1.1yi. urouiul Im .1 '>llv1 1 h11v1• l>l't'll fuund In 1h1· v1•1v l1111Kllnw nd1t1i.pos."1hlt.11l boy All of the• n11•t11I"' t·.in 11-1 JUt!I l1t•m1-1 r1"<·ydt«I." • p111du1·1· lwu l th probkmi. I 111 I .. uld pui11L' out tla.11 wh1lt· 1111 hw11a11' Jam Andt·rll(l11 . cl1t1,·1111 ul tlw S.111111 Anu watt•1 c1uJ111y bu.mJ. t luinu tht• hnpruvt•nwnt '>hown In thq h ·"t llr(' tlw n ·i.ult or a 1 rnt·k1ft1w11 cm hoatvards "I think nll an nll. 1tn.-harbor llf 111 111111 h llNWr •hur)I.· thun 11 u-..'<.I 111 114'." !'Ht)'i. An<lt•f1>C111 Oth1n, 1nc:lud1na at.ow wawr 11u .. llty off1t1nl Rorr Mull, duim I Ill' 11·~u I ti; of I ht· music1•l Lt·11t lt.1Vl' 11111clu1 t•d 11 fuw l«v1•l of 111..11111 <111d th.it tht• hdrbor nt'l'<ii. t11 Ix.· wa1t·l11-<l . Exµt·a I.:. ~•)' llw I l'M.llti. nf IM1th 11·:-.l:-. '>hould lJl' 1.1k(•n w11h u g141111 uf suit. 1h11ugh, ,11HJ that lh1· tru<' l0unu1t1on uf till' pupulu1 11-,.· 111 l>lYr 111 1h11. t11u1111 y wu.. Hu 1 n hitlllll•d ,1 dl'ltllft• 11~0, It IS i>llll "llltph •i. lll!lllUllH l\.lrt•d 11\ l'alllt11111:J rm :111~1ly11•tl M 'l lJOcl tt'"I 111 \\ l1tdl ul h urhur mud w1•1 t· 1ntl11 alt'H lhl.lt lht• lt·Vt•I U11t1i n ·t·1•111 lv. ·1w t•>q1lu111,,., lioutyurds In tht• hachm :..Wt-pl pn1n1 <'h1pi. from th1• hulli. o f ~Jy STEVE TRIPOLI Sun"son·Munoll ommigmlon "Jo"'" who "" "llow«d to '"" °''\i " Of the oe11, Piiot •••" n •furm bill. <•re bl-mg c'OtlS idcrt-<l ll•gally aml thus 4ualify fur socaul lJ HBcop plea{l_s · Orangl' County sllpl•rvasors. on Capitol Hill. The two could M'rv1t:,..,, Ml·Connl'll said Part of ~ worrll'd about fl•lkral lt•gaslauon havt.• w1dl•ly diffc.rent ampactson thl• (frhall' ov<·r tlH• hill as : wh1('h l'ould kga hw thl' status of local ~ovurnmcn\8. whl•lht•r tu ll•galaw thl' status of thousands' of undoC'um e ntl'd A c c: CJ rd i n g to James :llil•ns who havt• urravl·d s inn• i.lht•ns. want tu know what thl· Mt<.:onncll. one off thl' county's Jan I. J!IHO, or wh1.·tht·r only 1111µ.1l·t of :-.Ul·h ll•g1sla t1on c:ould W a~ hang ton I ob by 1st s., th l' thOSt• who urrlVl'(I after Jan. I. be m loc:al dollars. ver.\ion which already has~ 1982. should be ext'ludt.-d,he said. An influx of new pt."Oph• with a l h c S e n a t e p r o v i d e s The $1,000 appropriated by thl' lt•g1t1mate daam to welfar~. reimbursements to local areas for i.up..•rvasors will buy the scrvict.'fi hl'alth a nd othl'r S('rvlt.'t.'S could incre ased puhlic ser vice costs of 1mm1grat1on specialist David • have a serious 1mpat·L on the rt.'Sultang from the legislation, but North, d irector of the privall' : t·ounty budgl't, S up1.•r visors the rcimbursem <!n t s may no t Cc•ntt.·r for Labor and Migration Chairm<in Brun• Ncstandt· told cover total costs. Studws 111 Wai.hangton. fellow members Tuesday A verswn currently on 1t.s way N1·,ta11dt• s<11d North's s tudy Nt•stande sponsored a motion to the House guarantc<!s full wo11'1 "givl· us an absolute. adopted b y the board <:ailing for federal reimbursement for down-to·thc.•-pt.•nny analysis" or () $1.000 exp<>nditurt• to study th1.· additional local costs resulting tlw l11ll'i. hx:al 1.'l'Onom1t· impat·t, 1mpac:t o f leg1slataon curre ntly from the legislation. McConnell bu1 lw said North rnn direC't before Congress. . said. rnunty s taCC ml'mb1.·r~ toward Two versions of the leg1sla t1on, The impacts would vary with an•as fur an t•xpandcd !)tudy l<nown after its sponsors as the the number of-untiocumcnted which wilt-pinpoant'-~\.S ~\ \\.,... Continued stories HISTORY SUPPORTED • • • Agran. inte rviewed after t he vote, said hl• bt'lievt'd council membe rs retained e n o ugh flex1b1h1y to make changes 1f studies show t hat preserving tht' hamlet intact would prove mfN1sible. "Nothing we've done tonight 1s irrevocable," he said, noting that the decision didn't commit the city to any preservation costs. The vote. he suggested. was mostly a. sig n tha t a council majority wants to move ahead ' POLICE DOG warn of the hkclihood of bites. So far. though. Chamo hasn't b itten any suspects. only thr~ people training him. Brown e said. In Irvine. officers haven'l • with the pr~rvauon . But Vardoulas c la imed a ditrerent .reading from the action. He said 1\ ··Jocked in" the council to leaving the struc tures in present locations even though no financial breakdowns have been prepared to d etail city liabilities. "l think we're making a big mist.ake,'' he said. Sills had similar misgivings. He also said he wasn't sure if ;ill of the structures were worth saving. • • • c·hOS('n the policies they'll use to tram their dogs. said Capt. Jim Blaylock. But he added: "We'll proceed very c:arefully and make sure it's done rig ht " P sychologist \ rule d guilty Newport Bc<ich psychologist Telford "Tim" Moore, a<.'Cused of murdt•ring h is male <..'Ompanion of 18 years in t he Spyglass Hill home they shared. was convicted of voluntary manslaughter today by a superior l'OUrt judge. Judge Myron Brow" issued his ruling 1mmed1ately after the• prOSl'Cutor asked for a first· degree murder conviction against Moore for thl· 1980 s h ooting death of Stanley Espmda, a lso a psychologist Uefense attorney Al Stokke attempted to <'Onvim.-e Brown to find Moore innocent, claiming'1 that Moore. 37, had lapsed into a state of unconsciousness when the shooting took place. Espinda was portrayed in c:ourt testimony as a homosexual who wa nted Moore to believe that he. too, was gay. Brown convit•ted tht.· dark· hairt•d dC'fendant this morning a her hearing several days of psychiatric tt>Sllmony in Moore's rl'.'trial. Moore's first trial ended in a Jury deadlock. Cloudy and breezy t 'on."t ta l Variable cloudiness today with highs ot 70 to 75 C1ouc:lt to remain ton•ghl anc:I Thursday with 011ern1gh1 lows ol 62 10 65 Highs Thursday 68 lo 73 Breezy afternoons Huntington-Newport area temperatures 10 range trom a low of 59 to a high ol 73 Thunc:ter110<mi Cl•~ ~ the Plains anc:t • l0<ne<10 watch was 1saued fOf perts of Utt~ South Oekole, nortll•eatern Nebraska. aoulh•••t•rn Minnesota end northweat•rn Iowa For loc:ley, fair ski•• were IOf.C:HI for much of the netaon Sllowers were lor•c:••t from Upper M ichigan ecrou Ill• nor111ern Rockl•• anc:I Greet Basin C:f'leng1ng IO tnOW ~ m Montana. Thunc:latat0<ms -• lorecast In perta of the northern and c:enlrel Plaint. •Ith re1n1t1owus on the north•rn Pac111e Cout Basic coinputer classes planned A work s h op on bus1<.· operations of t.'Omputt•rs wall bl• offered on two COns<..'l'ut1 vc Mondays l:x•gannmg 0l'l . 4 at lrvanc•'s Un1vers1ty High &·hool Sponsored by the• cit y's Com munit y St.>rv i ces Dcpilrtmcnt, the_ work:ihop will mN-t from 7 to 9 p.m . on Oct. 4 and 11. Compute r -Specialist Michael Brinda wiU •Ten -wee k c lasses i'l ballroom or folk dancing will be offere d beginning next month b y Irvine's Senjor Servic'<!S section. The ballroom dance class wall be taught by Byron Talbot on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. beginning Oct. 12 at Turtle Rock Community Park Ann Holland will teach the •Exerci se classes for women who have recently h ad babies are offer ed Mondays and Wednesdays in Irvine at the Heritage Park 'Youth Services Center. The classea staged on an ongoing . basis by the city's Community Services Department run from 1:45 a.m . to noon. Fee is $31.50 per Los Ange les Mayor Tom Bradley will alt.end a rund- raaser for has campaign for governor Sunday in Laguna Beach. The mayor will answer questions and discuss issues facing Laguna and the st.at~ teach the course. Fee is $25 per person. Registration by mail is being accepted at Irvine City Hall, Box 19575, Irvine 92713 (attention: specialist classes). Walk-in registration begins MQllday, S;ept. 20. . · For more information. call the Community Services Department at 660-3639. folk dance class on Fridays from 9:30 to 11 :30 a .m . starting Oct. 8 at Northwood Community Park. Fee for each course is $11. l n t e r ested p e r son s c an register at the Irvine Senior Center by Oct. 15 or at the first c~ meeting. For more information, contact Katltleen Lem a t 660-3889. month. The postpartum classes are designed to help mothe rs regain their pre-pregna ncy st.ate. It 1ncludes discussions o n muscle s trengthe ning, infant developm ent and massage. More information may be obtained b y calling the department at 660-3639. from 4 to ti p m a t Uav1d Stein's home at :t9 Lagunita. T1<.·kl•l.s to thl· ev<!nt. which includes cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. are $100 per person, or $150 per coupll'. For r <!se r vations. call 499-2006. • innocent 11 unungton B<!ach Pol 1c~ OHtl'l'r John J Black'11ell has pll·adl•d annot·l•nt to c:harges of 11t·glai,,f\mt hom1c1de and leaving th1 St.(·m· of a fat.al acc·1dent in Arizona , an·ordang to court 11fl 1l.'aals. A trial has b<.·cn sch eduled Nov 18 at Yuma County Supl·r 1or Cou rt, following 8 l:..1t· kw l' I 1 's arraign men 1 1\wsday, <i<:c:ording to officia ls. Blal·kwell, 32. was ind1l·ted by tht· Yuma County Grand Jury Sc·pt 16 an connection with a July 11 traii1c accident n ear Pirkl·r. Ariz .. that took the lafo of Lisa Garhch, 18. of Hunung,on SC'ach . officials said. An and1ctmc•nt is a charge brought against a p<.'rson by a grand Jury and dCX'S not establish gu1h or innocent'l' Thl· fatal ac'C·1dent oe<.·urred on St<ttC' Route 95. about 10 miles north of Parker. al'l'Ording to an <1tc1dent report performed by the • Arizona. Department of Public Safely. The vchicll' faak>d to negotiate a eurve and rolled over after lli.h-1all1ng. aceord ang to the rt•port. Uar l i<.'h, o n e o f three passc·ngt•r s thrown from the Vl·hadc. s uffered massive head ;.ind n<'l'k injuries. according to the report. An mvesttgating officer said in the report that Blackwell left !he liC.'l•ne of the at-cade nt. according to Allan Schmitt. a spokesman fur the Department of Public SarcLv Th~· ac'l·adent r~port also said that Blackwell's vehicle was travchng 50 miles an hour in a 35-mi ll•· p<!r -ho u r zont.-The offker aid 1t was h is op1mon that this was no t a reasonable rat e o f s peed. according to &·hm1tt The' investigating officer also said 1t was his opinio n that Blm:k w<.•11 was dravmg under the 111flut•n<.'l' of intoxicating hquor. Girl, -17, faces trial in slaying A 17-yt.'ar-old girl ;.iccuscd of cited the circumstances of the h;;ive . less tsmc to keep h e r shooting her boyfriend to death shooting incidc•nt and the alleged ancart'£"rntt'd. an Laguna Beach last May wall be c·riminal sophlsucatfon shown by Fc a ~t could fat·e a lo nge r tried as an adult and not as a Feis\, a Laguna Beach High s<'ntcm:e af convicted an adult Juvemll'. St·h ool transfh stude nt. who t-ourt than if she had been tried Orangt• Counly Superior Court apparently shot herself in the 111 juvc•nale rourt. As an aduh, a Judge Wilham Murray ruk>d tale chest. prosecutors allege. after JUdgl' c·an sentence her to the Tursday that 1t was more fatallywoundmgJamt.>SAnthony Cahfornaa Youth Authority unul appropraatE' to handle Laura Le<> Kendall. 21. of Emerald Bay. h<'r 25th birthday. She could Fc•ist's case through the adult thl·n bl' transferred to state crim inal court system than Th<• Judge s:ud in his ruh11g pnS<m As a juvenile. she could EISewhere trom Point Conception 10 the Mexican border end oul 60 miles Small craft advisory over outer wet11rt with north-st wind• of 20 to 30 knots this allernoon lhrough Thursday S•n 5 10 8 la•I Locally toghl ve11eble w1nc:11 tonlghl and Tllurac:ley morning wllh south to sou1hwest winch tO to 15 knots. turning weal to northwest t2 10 18 knoh Thursc:ley atte<noon Wtnc:I we"8S 3 to 4 feel west to southwasl swells t to 3 laat Variable clouc:llnass today enc:I Th\trs<lay through the JU Ven lie court that h E' didn't believe Feist have been kept no later than her T .....,w.twe.wie system. S h e w ill be arraigned would be a good candidate for 23rd birthday at CYA and would (!11lJJl!r t1Ltl r l!S !NOA~~·~1~U~A~o.t.~~-!COl~lllM!~!!!•rll8~~~~~~~::J!!~~~~.....,,-F_r~1;d~a~v~.~~~~~~~~~~.:_~~r~eh~a~b~1l~it.n~t~i0Jn~i~f~c~·o~n~v~i~c~te~d~s~in~l~'e~~h~a~v~c~b~e~e~n~g~iv~en~=a~n--=a~u~to~m~a~t~ic FNnte: .... w.m ..,Ocduded.... In ma . g his ruhng. Murray the JUvc•mle justi<:e systl'm would rdeaSt' d<ttc. ·calif ornia Scattllfed CIOudy skies end Iha posSlblllty of mounleln anc:I Cl-I thun<le<ahowers accompanlec:I by gualy winds C1011ec:I Southern Celllornla'• weather oullook today. KCOf<Mg 10 lhe Nation•! Wutri.< Servl()e The high lemperature In Los Angeletl was lorecest at 14 with • low of 59 Northflm Cle-I hight ' may reach 1n10 the 60s wolh IOwl from u lo 54 High winds lrom 20 10 30 mph were ••PKted by Iha wealher service In norther n deMrt areas Mountatn anc:I desert ar••• a<:Ofed the hlgti.lt probabflily of rein lhfough 1'hvrsc:lay The high 1em~ra1ur• In mounlaln arMI tnould range from 58 to 115 With Iowa from 38 to 45 Nor1hwe11 wlnc:11 lrom t5 10 30 mph era ••pactec:I In Iha mounaalnt SouthtW"n desert hlglls ltlould range trom 74 10 82 with Iowa • from ~ 10 8" Ow.rte Valley high• ere IOf~tl lrom 64 10 12 wllh lowt lrom 46 to 53 Highs from 72 10 78 llnd IOw9 from 50 10 58 -• expected In eoutat valleys • SUltUllCtry Tnv•l•r• ec:1v11or1 .. w•r• • 11au•d Tue•d•y ov•r Iha , mountains ol norlhw•llern Wyoming anc:I COIOfedO, Wflet• aoe.ity dr1n1ng end blowing anow or••t•d hutrdoue drlvll\O GOndlllON Temp•r•tur•• •• lll Oll•r etevlllont of Iha reglOtl _..,. M mUOll .. 111 ctaor-COldtr !Nin tllOH of the ,,.., waelletld LOCtll)I haoy 11\0W WU ul**! In Iha "'°""lelna lf'Otl\ waalerl\ M ontan• thro11oh COiorado. '""'" aiccumullllone Of H much •• 12 lnGhtt ol n- ' tnOW 1>v rnomlno ' ... Lo f'cJI Las veges 75 51 lltlte Roctt 82 57 Loolavtne 75 48 Lubbock 90 69 Mwnph1e 85 55 Miami 84 77 02 MllWeukM 117 42 Mpte.St P 73 56 Naahvll .. 78 51 N-Ora.ens 85 SS N-YOf'I< 78 62 NorlOlk 75 69 No Plane 82 43 Oki• cnv 90 67 Oma he 80 61 01 Orlenc:lo 87 69 Pl\lladph1e 75 65 PhOanlx 82 81 P11t1t>..irgh 84 S4 Piiand, Me 72 57 Ptlend. Ore 84 55 ProYI~ 75 58 A•=ll 90 55 Re Clly 87 57 97 Reno 82 30 Rlehmond 711 5' S•ll Lale• 54 42 1 51 S•n Antonio Ill 72 Sffllle Sii 49 27 s"':-r.:;: 88 61 Sioux elle 78 60 SI lolill 80 57 St P-Tempa 87 89 St SI• Mer .. 81 50 SpolleM 80 47 01 SyracuM 81 65 Topalle 84 62 Tucaon 711 59 TulH 87 85 Wdhlngln 74 58 WIChlla 90 61 Albany 70 49 Albuque 72 49 Amarlllo M 67 Anch0<•oe 40 32 o 1 AShellllle 78 4• Allenae 80 57 Allanac Cly 73 83 AuSlin 93 72 Ba111more 72 53 Bllllng1 5 t 40 08 B1rmmg11m 83 52 Blsmerctt S8 47 10 BolM 59 45 06 Boston 7• 80 Brawnsvtle 111 76 But11110 a.. 55 03 Burlington 62 5g 13 Casper 56 42 11 Chartstn SC 82 85 Charlstn WV 71 ~ 06 Ct1ar111e NC 79 ~ C~enM 511 41 81 ClllC8gO 76 48 Clnclnnell 75 47 Caev.tend 119 58 20 Clmble SC 84 55 Columbus 69 49 Oel·Ft Wiil 93 87 Dayton 72 50 Denver 70 4'4 Des Mo!Nt 81 5' Oetroll 89 4t Duluth 83 49 .08 El PHO 87 8" Felrbal\k1 53 40 Fargo 75 57 27 Flagatall &6 32 Greet F•lls 43 38 14 Hertford 71 &2 Helene 47 39 • 11 Honolulu Ill 75 Hooaton es 7• CA&.#0.....A Appia Valley 73 41 8al\.,a~ 79 88 1nc:1napo1 72 43 Jec:Un MS 19 50 JICl\tnv!S. 86 60 8aretow 7t 63 a.ewnon1 71 48 Juneau 55 34 Q2 ~ ... ~!liiill.~U~· R_f R_IP_IR_T ..... ... 'lwt "" ............. A .. lilleY -----j ~ A• .... Der 2 2 t 2 3 t a 3 aw aw aw w Bog Bear Bishop Blythe Culv8f' Coty Eur ell• Fresno LancHler Long S.ech Loa Ang•lea Monrovia Montebello Monterey Ml WtllOl'I Needles O•klan<t 0n1er10 Palm Spring& Pasadena Pe~Aoblff Rlvera1c:1e Red 81ulf Redwood Olly Secr•m•nto Satlnu Sen Barnarc:11no Sen Gabriel San Ot41go Sen Frenc:lllCO Sen JoM Sanl• An• St1t1le Barbera Sanle Cruz Sant• Marla Santa Monaca· Stoc:klon TehOe Valll)I Thar me I Torrance Yuma "'"' AMlfllCAN 82 25 89 33 85 55 78 60 84 63 78 53 71 44 74 511 73 65 78 55 74 511 88 50 56 40 83 54 71 67 73 56 84 54 78 67 79 45 71 52 76 54 74 53 75 47 73 48 74 53 77 55 73 82 II! 55 75 51 75 57 71 54 ea H 70 48 89 611 80 49 57 29 57 29 75 511 17 5& ACllpUlCO 90 Ba•b•c:loe 86 Bermuda to Cur11tao 112 F retQOf'l 84 Gvt01l•l•r• 81 OueGllOuP8 84 fides TOOAY laconc:I tow 2 00 p m ~higtl 754pm '"'"''°AY '"'' low 2 '4 a m Finl lllOh I 114 a m SaGon<fl-2·:»1 pm 111 SaGonO hlOh • " p "' 55 Sun ttlt today •I e 40 p 111 • rlMI Tlluftdtly el 8 4f 1 m Moon rlMt fodey •I I 15 p m • Hit Thufldey ti ' t 7 • rn FARBERWARE. "Super Fast" Sta inless Steel Fully Automatic Coffee Um • MAKES UP TO 55 CUPS • ST A VS HOT FOR HOURS • DRIPLESS SPIGOT • EASY-TO-CLEAN BASKET -STAIN, ODOR AND BREAK RESIST ANT SALE PRICED •7919 Reg. Price $109.99 mcue than you expect In a hardware store ••••• EJ HARDWl}RE AM Stcw.t °'*' 1 Deya VISA. Corona .... ..., Harbor View Cene.r 3107 I Coeet Hwy. 1tt• San Miguel Of e1s-aeoo Newpott a.11C:t1 Wkdeyt .. UO 14•·1570 Mdeye Tiii 1 p m. f _ ... _ I Anehetm HMle 5820 Sama Ana Canyon IW (at lmpenet Hwy,) ..._Ull Wllkdeyt ,. ? ....... • ... -...... WORLD I Massacre inquiry a sked Ry The An uclatcd P reu 11111 llw n 11111111!\.st1111 ll will JER USALEM lilnwJ& h11 v1• fJUWl1r11 tu 11ubpcwnu Primt• Mlnl1>tcr M1 •11111'1wm w1tn1•i.111•i. nnd p,•n11 l 17.1" f)i'l'Jlll'l'I b In IJrlllJlllK Liil' fl IU!>b &>gin today furmully u:ck1•d Nlouuhh•r thut hw• t•hurnt'<l ti Supn•nw l'11u1 t 1~n•11lu1•nl 111111111 ul morul uutruuc· aud Yllzhuk K;ihun tu appoint II pul1111·al 1urm111I In limwl c11 mm11111 1u11 lo 1nvt•s11gt1t1• l1>rol'l'11 l't.>ndut·t rt•l(aruang tlw lh'<I t'1 o:..-i 0 £111·wh. KUY th<· mas!IUl"rl' or Pult•i.llnians II) ma:.sm"ll' l<:fl UI h·a~t :i:!O Ul'llU &.:1rul. u 11 ll t h l· L 1• b ,, n t• s 1· Begin sent Kuhor\ u lt•ttt•r' g ovl·r11111 t•nl 11uyi. 1l ldl u t by mt•s..<;cng1·r oskrng that hlp lc•m;t 5!J7 ut·ad Ancient o hjects disco ver e d H ER AKLION . Crett• G n •l•k archat•ologists Cuund mor1• than 2.000 a ncit•nt ol>)l'<:ts lc>ft as offton11gs to the• mythulog1n1I god Zt•us an a t·uvt• atop Mount Ida, when· ll'f,wnd says Zl>ui. wru. ra1~>d Dr. Yannis Sakl•llarakis, d 1 r l' l l u 1 u 1 11 l· r " " 1 1 v 11 mu1>1.>u111 , said :.urnl· of th(• OUJl.'l'ls clatl' from l :IOU B.C 11nd 11wludc.a dt'<.~>r:1tt'<I strip o f gold. l>ronw shwlds und btis1ns. irun urr11Whl1Uds uml s1x·ari. and othl'r llt'<11t•a11ons o f silvt•r, lt•a d , ivor y a nd wuodl·n ub)l-'C.'b Captive fishermen r e leased ' S EOUL. South Kon•a -A South Kon·Jn r1shing boat and rls 35 crt•wm<'n rNurnC'd lo port today artc>r 78 days or t'apt ivity in North Korea, authoritws s..11d. Thi.' 11-1-lun Masan ·ho was Sl'lzcd by a North Korean putrul ship Jul y JJ w hile NATION u 1wra ting 1n whut South Kon•t1 l·.tllt·d 1nt1·rnutw nal walt'r1> By South Kort•an ~·ou11t , North Kurl'a has M.'IZl'<l :J,55-l South Kort·an C1 s ht•rml·n srnn· the end of tht• Kort•an War in l!J5:J." South Kon·a sa ys -lll7 have• nevL'r rt'lurm•u. Measles outbreak reported P HOENIX. Ariz -T he A r 1 z o n a D c· pa r t m e n l o f Hc•ahh Services says children who v1s1led Disneyland in California the week of Aug. I 5 -21 may have bro ugh t home an unwantC'd souvenir: measles. A c u1-rt•nl outb11•a k ul m1•asltls in tht• Phoc•n ix- G ll'ndal l! arl'a has been tral'<'d lo a 12-yl'ar-old boy_ who v1s1ted Disneyland that Wt'l'k, 0H1c1als s<11d Eight casl'1> of meas les havt• been rt.'portc•d and m o r e-arc C'XJX'<."lt·d. thc·y said. Off shore mineral find told MIAM I A &•1cnl1St says Shultz, Gi-omyko confer·-·· UNITl!:D NATIONS (AP ) S1•1·n •tu1·y or Stull· C it•urt(t' J> Shu Ill u n d Su v u • t f'" r t'I g 11 M1n111wr Andr1·1 A Gromyko, f U I I 1 II j.( l 11 U ~ I (' (' 0 n U 11 Y ou tsl .111111111'( µroblt•m h1•1 WN'n tlwlr l'uunlrn.•s , m1y tlwy wrll try h~Uln lll'XI Wl't•k . Tht•y m 1•t fur• thrt•e• hourli Tut•Mluy 111 u ~l>Slon thut u ~mior U.S o(f1t•ml n 1llt'<.l "st•rauus" anti "non-pol1•mwal." "Th1•y Wt•fl• lWO M'rlOUS pc..'Oplt• talking !fbout 1Sl'rtc1U!'> subj<'(.·ts," i.u1d tht• oHrt•ial whu briefed rl'portt·rs on thl• unde rstanding lw wou ld n o t bl' 1d1•nl1(wd. "Thc·n· was no yt•llrng . . Thl'y got along all right " Ill' provided few dt•lurls of what was d1S<.'USS4.>d, l'Xl't'pl to say th1•y rt•vic·w<'d s ubJl't·ls that uwludc•d arms control. human rig h ts 1ss ut•s, Po l and , Afghanistan and Cambodia. "No agrt•l•ments wt•rt• rcuchl·d, otht>r than to ffil'l'l agoan nl'XI Wl·t•k for further d1scuss1ons," hl' s.ud U S offactals had ind1l·au .. "<1 t•c.arltl'r tht•y dad not l'Xpl'C'l ma.)Or n•sults to emerg1• Crom l ht• nwdmg Tht• sl•nwr official md1l·c.ated Shultz reitcrawd U.S . ucmands t h ;,11 thl' Sovic·l Unio n drop support for Pola nd's martial-lawi n •g 1mt• and withdraw troop! rrom Afghanistan "You can assume w hat t he st-l•rct.ary would be saying about thl' two s ubjt'Cts," the official w 1d Bu t h e• said th l• econ o mic s<intllons imposed by Washington <i~<iinst Moscow because of the martwl-luw crackdown m Poland -w hrch have b<'come a divisive 1ssu<' rn U.S .· West Eu ropean rt•lallons -"did not come up at all." Shultz and G rom y k o were unsmiling at the beginning of their ml'<.'ting al the U.S . mission t o t h e-Un i t c-d N a t i o n s . Afwrward1 Gromyko smiled and wavt'<i lo repo,rters but declined commc•nl ' Talking politic Forme r go ve rnor Edmund G. HP a t" Ht·own c ha t~ with n ·1lort«>rs in the O rang t• County H a ll of Adminh1trution 1>ress room u~ county De moc r a tic chuirm nn Hi(•h u rd O 'Neill l~oks o n . Brown i" in ttw <·ounly to c u mpo ig n for Dt•m m·rulie t·andida tt>s. Tanker blast rocks city LIVINGSTON. L,1 (AP) A m•w t•xplc~run rcx.kt>d th11> 1·mpty tow n early today. H•nd1ng Clamrng debris I rom dt•ra1 lc·d wnkt•r «ars "all ovt•r tht· plan•." and auth qr illt'S fl•ared tox1t· smukt• would d nft tu :1 m•arby «ommunity whc'rc· !>Oml· 11r lht• :i.ooo c·vat·ut'CS had taltt·n n ·Cugl• No one was seraoui.lv hurl an toduy's blast or 111 tht• ·t·xpltrStun that took plal'C' wht•n 42 l·ars of an lllrnois Cl•ntral-Gulf fn·1ght train dt•railc>d bdon· dawn Tut•sday T h <• dl·rallment <.·au~C'd a thumkrous l'Xplosion that sent flaml•S lt•ap1ng Crom one> «hc:m1n1l wnk t•ar to anolht•r all day long and SPl'Wtod toXll" smoke "Wt· had anutht•r 1•xplos11m th" nun ning. and w<· a.'>...,unw 11 wu:. unc 'uI the vinyl t·llluridl• tank "t:ur-.." Stall• Pul1t·1• Sgt. Sll·plwn Campbt"ll s111d l·urly t o da y . "'It was r11oth1~w1• Wt•rt•;1't t">q.)C..'l"tlllg, but ll •w pll'le'1> 11( tlw l.;omk ear :ill 11v1•r he• pl.ll't' whe•n 11 1·xpludt·J and 1l llghtt•d up th•· i.ky bnl'fly" Tut'Mlc1y night. Lt Gov Bobby F1c..•1•111.1n put the• L ou1 ... 1;1na Nall<>1h1l Guard on all•rt and sc.•nt m11rt· :Halt• pol1t«• 111 to tht:. south1•uslc..•rn Lou1swn:i town to arn•st a11 y lootc•rs. G ov l);iv(' Tn•c..•n l"Ut short a Florid a vac..·Jt1on lo rl'lurn tc.x.luy Ttw An11 ·r1tan Hc·<l Cro1>!> 1>1:t up 1·v,1c uut1on shdtt·rs <it Walker and lloldl•n high st·h1>0ls. aboul 1>1x nult·' from Ltvmgi.lun About Hti 1w11plt· s1x:nt tht· night al both. of f1t 1als i.aid MJny d 11>pla<:c-d 1.x·oplt· 11111\•c..·cl in wnh rt·lutives ur lrlt'mb 1 loui ~ ;ii tl'r Tu1•M.la,y'1> blast. "II 2 000 L1ving1>tun r<'!>tdt•nt .... flt'tl Thi· ~1 tUJl111n w1,r-.c..·nl'd al mad .1fl1"1 nuon. wh1·n a tank~r eont;11n111g tetra·t·thyl l«ad !>hot a f1rt •ball into the· -.k ). spn·adrng funw~ ovt>r a wade-art·a and driving fldmt•;.. l'lost·r to s1tven c1v«rlurr1t·d tankt·r' l'Onta1nrng h1ghlv f)CJISOllOU!> \'111)1 t·hlortdc· thl' discovt•r y o f a rich offshore bed or minerals near Southeast s tall•s l·ould free l h e United Stat es fr om dependi n g o n uns table nations for "strategic" metaJs. sa id T~day that the 63.000-sql\are-mllt• bt•d , s tr<'ll'h1ng Crom N o r th Carolina to Florrda. hold s morl' cobalt. manganc .. se. p hos p ho ri tc, nit· kc· I and platinum than any ot h e r • known area in t he• United Stall's Mesa teen hero • 1n Forsythe's saga Dr. Frank T. Manheim or the U S . Geological Survey 'Lemon law' s tarts Friday HARTFORD. Con n . - Manufacturc>rs. nol new-car buyers, will shoulder the burden for d l'fecl1ve autos onC'C' the nation's first "lemon Jaw" takes effrct. Starting Friday , Connecticut consumers may take complaints fi rst to an indepen dent arbitration .....e_anel. wh1l·h must dl'Cide the ~ within 40 days, and any STATE rulings ag<!anst the• automaker are• binding. A cons uml'r d1sagrt~mg with the· dl>t·1s1on thl'n may s u e the manufacturer · Consumers art• ehg1ble if a nt•w car 1s undc>r n •pa1r for morl' than 30 straight days in tht• first year of ownl•rship or 1f a i;i nglC' problt•m has not tx.x>n C1xt'<i af.ter four Ultl'mpts at repair By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly ll'ttot a t.fl Victor Forsythe' of Costa Mesa t·an't guess h ow many people p<:is.."<.od by has s weaty, limp body. thinking he was drugged or drunk not guessing ht• was nc>ar d <'alh . F orsythe. 33. was returning fro m a trip lo San Diego Aug . 27 a nd stopped at a bank an Santa Ana lo make a deposit. He was standing in line when he began ft>chng weak and dizzy Thinking that the r~el ing would pass•in a momc-nt he d rove to nl•arby Centennial Park and SO.!_lk down 1n thC' warm dry g rass • Joseph Magnin's for sale Hl• n •members a police car cruising by real slow It sto pped But th<' beardl'd man was too c·xhausled to even raise his head Fm ally ·h e dragged h1mse1C back to his van and either fell asl<•<'p or passed ou t for several hours. Whl•n he awoke the u:mpcrature was an the m1d -90's. he recalled. SAN FRANC I SCO - Joseph Magnan Co .. which announced plans a week ago to dose seven stores. is for sale. says Harmon Tobler, pr<'s1den1 o f thl' clothing chain company. Tobler. who also is chief executive• o fficer. w as unavailable for 1·omml'nt Tuesday. but he· 1ssut•d a written statement that sard the investment banking firm of Golden Sachs & Co. has bc>en hir e d t o s<>ll the company. which opC'rates 44 storc>s in Californaa. Nevada and Utah. .. I was so weak all I cou ld think of as I've got to gel lo a hospital." said Fo rsythe ... My thr oat felt like th e Sahara D<•St>rt. .. Geothermal project looms He managed to move a few yards to a restroom and c:ollapsed on the grass. He was lying there when Delber t Bledsoe. 17. of Cost.a Mesa a nd several friends found him. HEBER Construction is C'XJX>Cled to began an October on what is described as the world's firs t large-scale t'ommer'c1al binary-cycle power plant using geothermal energy. spokl'Smen say. A new t'O-owm•r. the state of California. was announced for the $112 million Imperial Valley proj(-c·t Tuc>sdoy after $2 mrlhon in publil' funds was plC'dged Bledsoe, a senior at Back Bay H1~h School, said that his friends told him not to ge l in the car with the stranger. But Delber t loaded his bike in th e back and drove Forsythe to a cltnic an Costa Mf.'sa ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cleuttled edve'11alng 714/t42·54171 All other dep1'1ment1 642-4321 Thoma•'· Haley MAIN OFFICE DO Wttt 1•¥ SI C°'I• -CA Pvbl ~· ond Ch el ( •ecui.ve Olio<•• M<tll -,..U loa IMO C•l• i'MW, CA m1' L Koy Schultz Voe• p, .. - ond O..ec•or o4 Adv.-111"'9 Mich«Mt '· HGNey OoctOt ol MOl~el...g ICo<culo110<11 0.-, ........ ...., ......... ~ Jane Amari f u~cu•••e Editor Raymond Maclean COftfrol'er Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. D11ec1or ol Ope10to0111 ~::;:,~.!.':.~t:r..f.:!'. :,~:::':111'::'::"~ •••llwrn.o>H llertln m•y be roproduc.,. wit"°"' t'8( ltl "'""'._ ot <oe>Yri91tl owMr We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pllot7 What don't you like" Ca ll the num ber below a nd your me11a1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24 -hour answering service may~ used to record let· te rs to the editor on any topt~~ contributors m,Jlst lncludt their na me a nd telephone number for v~QO'.-Ntf circulallon call~. please. Tell us wha t's on your mind. 642·6086 , Delly Piiot Photo by LM P1yne Vic to r f or'!!ytht• (left ) o we hi life to Delbt>rl Bled soe, 17. who took f orsythe to a ho pita I a h e r finding him s tricke n in a Sa nta Ana . ,, "I thouJ,?ht h<' was kind o f hur ting." liatd Blt•dsol'. "Hl' looked so sick. I thought he wa!: Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cl'rt1f1l'd Gtmolo11111. AGS SYMBOLS IN JEWELRY honor rt'lifliou~ IH'lit'f/il Almost all o f thl' w o rld 's re ligions a re honored by some kin d of symbolism. Christians, of cou rse, use the symbol of the cross to remind t hem of the execution of J esus. Those of th e Jewish faith have the Star of David. This symbol is so sold (more tha n 2,000 years) that scholars and historians disagree o n Its o rigin. Many Cath olics wear medals hon oring particular sain ts recognized by t h eir church. Some of the designs that are mad e into jewelry and arc w ov e n into fa brics b y t h <' Amer ican India ns are sym bols t h a t became p a rt o f t h eir s piritual faith many ccm turies ago. Be lieve it or not , young people wear religious symbols as jewelry more of ten than their elde rs . It is also a Cact th at w o me n wea r m ore r e ligious jew e lry than m e n . S te rling silver and gold ·tlllf\d pieces are ver y popular with young 1>4-'0plc. S u~h Jewe l r y h o b ecome fashionable. as well as showing an t'Xprl'talon D( onc'1 faith Thf' 81mpll' d ignity of these symbol• gives tht'm a ~auty that is unfversal. . ' going to dw." Forsvlht• said hl' was told by d0<·1<,r8 a.1 Costa M es.-. Mc-morial I I11sp1t;il that h<· had m·arly d1(>d from blood poisoning. An extraordinary diamond of a carat or more. Show the world you couldn't )\~ have made it j ~~ without her. /~" \ I ~ ·~ MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETV 1809 NEWPORT BLVD . COSTA MESA 81~ 1948 B1ni.Amer1c1rd-M1•tt r Ctlergt PHONE6'1·~1 Slaying v e rdict 'guilty' By STE VE TRIPOLI Of Ille Dally lttlol llan Newport Beach psychologist Telford "Tim" Moore, al'Cused of murde ring his male companion of 18 years in the Spyglass Hill home they shared, was t'Onvictcd of voluntary manslaughter today by a superior court judge. Judge Myron Brown issued his ruling immediate ly after the prosecutor asked for a firs t- degree murder conviction against Moore for the 1980 s hooting death of Stanley ~pmda, also a psychologist. .. I 111111 l:IAIT 1:1111 1111 110111 Wt lJl'lll ·,(lA t .1 I 1 t MIU I• . ., ·111 , UH A N <. t I C>I J N I Y C A ~ If I H H..J I A 2 5 CENTS Defense attorney Al S tokke attempted to convince Brown to find Moore innocent, claiming that Moore, 37, had laJ>l*'CI into a state of unconsciousness when the shooting took place. ~pinda was portrayed m court testimony as a homosexual w ho wanted Moore to believe that he. too, was gay. j Baby hostage released Brown convicted the dark- haired defe ndant this morning afte r hearing several days of psychiatric testimony an Moore's retrial. Moore's first trial e nded in a jury deadlock when jurors couldn't agree whether he was guilty of first-or second-degree murd e r or voluntary manslaughter. The law defines voluntar y manslaughter as an intentional killinR without malice. Both prosecutor Bryan Brown a n d Stokke said they w e r e satisfied with the judge's ruling this morning. Stokke, who said he didn't expect Brown to rule so Quickly after hearing closing statemen~. said his client also fe lt a "feeling of relief " that the case was coming to an end. A tense drama in Costa Mesa ended Tuesday evening when a father who he ld a l<nife to his own body surrendered his infant son, taken h ostage inside a rundown automobile,_ to police. Cos ta Mesa police officer K evin Gleason talked to the 20-year-old father for nearly an hour, w hile neighbors watched a nd six other officers cordoned off the 200 block of Ogle Street, ready to move in. T he, man, identified as Bob Ba ll, was take n to UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange where he was placed under 72-h our observation , No criminal charges were liled. Sgt. Rod Haddock said that Ball held a four-inch carving knife at his own stomach and never threatened to hu rt the baby who sat o n his lap and was released u nharmed at 5 p.m. Haddock assured the mother, Lisa Ball, 18, that her husband "T h ere was a tre m e ndo u s amount of pressure h aving a first-degree murder accusation hanging ov9r his head," the (See SLAYE R, Page A2) DMly Piiot ll'tlotoe ttr NcMrd "....,_ didn't threaten the baby. "If he Po lice Detective a m Zuorski ret urns Bobby Ba ll safely Lo moth e r Lisa, above. did anyt hing he said he would do it to himself. I was prepared that If he made a move to do what J (See HOSTAGE, Page A%) Bobby Ba ll is the cent e r o f ne ighborhood attention afte r drama ende d sa fe ly. Newport water quality? Depends on source you ask By STEVE MARBLE Of the D .. ly Pllol Slaff Newport Harbor, water quahty expe rts s uggest, is a study an contradiction. While one recent s tate test revea ls Ne w port Harbor is a growing pollut1on hot s pot. a second shows water quality an t h e h a rbor has improved dramatically. Experts say the resulL'i of both tes ts should be ta ken with a grain of salt , though, and that the true condition of the popular bo<i~in harbor 1s a m yst('ry. & of the rt'Ccnt tests were fun '(f through the state· Watrr Quality Rcsourt'<.'S Control Board. One of them. the so-called ··Mus.-;(•I Watl·h'" tf.'Sting program, s h ows lcvc·ls o f p es ticides . palychlur 1natl•d b1phrnyls (PCBs) and hl'avy mNals have imn•aited T h t• I c· v c• I o f D D F. -a dl'r1vat1vr of the outlawed pest1l·1dl' IJD'f ha" m<.·reast-d 30 ttml'S an a two-year span, thl• mus.«<.·I study claims. · DDT and its derivatives arc known t·an<.·cr-c:ausing agents. John Ladd, a water quality off1c1al in Sacramento, says he is ·unsur e why th e ·s udde n com·<•ntr<1tion of DOE. "It's a broken-down form of DDT which as a very persistent JX'Slll·1dc>. It stays around for a Vl'ry long time• and it is possible it ' IS JUSt lx•ing recyded." Ladd points out that whale the US<' of DDT in this country was bann<'d a decade ago, it 1s still manufac·turcd in California for Singer launches KDOC By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of IM &>.-, Not Slllft Singer Pat Boone stood in a half-finished Anaheim te levision studio Tuesday, promising to bring a little bit of Hollywood to Orange County and show a Little bit o f Ora nge County t o Hollywood. Boone is president and a chief shareholder of Golden Orange Broa d casting Co .. owner of Orange County's first commercial telev i sion sta tion. KDOC Channel 56. Wearing a gold and orange jacket and shirt, along with 1950s-st yle brown and while saddle s h oes, Boon e spoke enthusiastically about the station, which begins broadcasting Friday after a 14-year struggle. "We believe this is a golden opportunity foT the 26 cities of Orange County," he said. "We want this station to reflect life In Orange County. We'll at last be able to show Orange County to everyone e lse." Boone dcscrabed the effort lo put KIX>C on the air as nearly "an impossible dream " Golden O range was one of numerous business groups that applied an 1968 for the comm e r cial station l icense designated for Orange County It took seven years for the Federal Communications Commission to aw ard the license to Golden Orangr, then another seven to secure transmitte r location approval and install the antenna atop Sunset Ridge in the San Bernardino Mountains. Th e s t'ltaon 's 1n1tial programming will cons ist o f syndicated series reruns such as "Gunsmoke" and ''McHa le's Navy," plus ~port broadcasts ----INDEX---- Irvine'~ Ha rvest Fe tival ope ns Friday. See schedule for weekend' e vent on A 10. Business 85-7 Ann Landers A9 Cavalcade A9 Movies B8 Classified 07-10 MutuaJ Funds 86 Comics B9 National Nrws A3 Crossword B9 Public Notices 85-6,0 5-6 Death Notices 05 Sports 01-4 F.ditorlal A8 Stotk Markets 87 Entertainment B8 Tc.-leviSton BIO Food C l -10 Theaters 88 Art Hoppe A9 W~ather A2 Horoecope A9 •, < ' " from Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Long Beach. In addition , the station will broadcast a n ightly news show focusing on one Orange County issue per program, plus a noontime man-on -the-street inten.:icw show visi ting locations throughout the county. F ormer KNBC Cha nne l 4 anchorman J ack Latham, who is KDOC's general manager , admitted that the initial schedule is modest But he added that he believes Orange County-oriented programming will expand as the station becomes better k nown. "We have to get our legs. and that's \\'here WP are now ," Latham ~1d. Alo ng with Boone. KDOC's major investors include former Westminster Mayor Calvin C. Brack, and Los Angeles attorneys Will iam G . Simon and Tom Sheridan. Latham said the shareholders a lr eady have Invested approximately $2 million in to the project and wan t to see the station begin generating some of 1ts own revenues before Investing oddllaonol capital. Bui the s tation manager said his long-te rm plans arc to expand local coverag to Include Oran• County culturol even ts, alons with local community college sports and perhaps high 11ehool sports "My credo.'' Latham uld, ''Is that If ll has to do with Orange County and It'• worthwhile program material, we'll do It .'' foreign export . He says il's possiblt• some quantities l'St·apc m to coastal waters The mussel study, conducted by the state Department of Fish and Game. a lso~s how s that h igher levels o f cadm ium , chromium, copper. mercury and silver have bee n found in the bay . A 11 o f the metals can produce health proble ms for humans But a second test in which samples of harbor mud w ere a nalyzc..>d indicates that the level of somt• heavy mt•tals hai. gone down. Thi~ tl'st, <.'Ondut'tl>d at I 0 tC'St sta tions last w anter. shows the levd of mc•rcury. tan, copper and Zin<: is down rrom findings in 1981 and 1972 Jim Anderson. director of the Santa Ana watC'r quahty board, claims th(' 1mprovl•ments shown in lht' lt>st are the result of a (Tackdown on boatyards Untal recently. 0 he explains . boatyards in the harbor swept paint t h1ps from the h ulls of • lAllCAltrl LOI ANIELH COUNTY PACIFIC OCEAN Oran1e County•• flr1t commercial TV station will broadca t within circled area . f boats into the water. The paint, cft's1g nt·cl t o prc•ven t marine organisms from growing on b<1alS, ui.ually contains a metal l'ompound such as copper. "I think all in all . the harbor is in much h<'lter shape than at used lo Ix'." say!> Andl•rson · Othl·n.. including state water 4u:1hty offll·1al Rolf Mall. claim th<.· results of tht• mussel test have produced a low level of al:.irm and that the harbor needs to Ix-watl'ht'CI . lllVEllllDE COUNTY ...... ..... , ,. t . .. ...... • • t. Al 0/N Oran51e Coall DAILY PlLOTIW9dnetdav. 8eptember 28, U~ea ? f ~' Impact of aliens pro!Jed in county ,. Continued stories By S1't;Vg TRIPOLI (.'hull1111u\ Bruu• N<•1wml1· tllld huVl• w1ddy lJl;klU)l llllf)IJl'lll 1111 SLAYER CONVICTED. • • defense lawyt•r said of Moor<' kJIJt.'CJ EA!plmlo ht• Nil In ttw Stokke lndkatcd, howt'vt•r, living room of tht• Nl'wport tha\ he allll might fllu an 01' Beach ho me o n Nov. 5, 19RO. J pe1al because ht• bcllt•vea cf'r Stokk1• ,.i,,,,,.,,,,. • ., ... , M nm• .. ._",.. l, taln admluiblt.• fact s wne lntt•ndod \0 commit 1ulcfde thut allowed Into ev1dem·e durini; ~ven ins, but lapsed Into an lAoore'a re tria l beCort.• Judg1: uncon iu:tou a alott.• und 11ho t .,rown. E.9plnda. r . Moore testified In his fi rst trial Prosecut.or Srown argued thut · \hat Esplnda had beaten a nd Moore, because had pun:hru.c-d u ~Xually abused him during their gun and had kept It ridden tn thL• ~ 18-year relationship. He said ht.• home, wu guilty o fi rst-degree after meeting a Laguna Beach Judg Brown n.•voke<l Moore's lhad planned to leave Espindu murder. <Woman. Glory Lane. S he was $25,000 bail this morning and ::1>resent in court for the verdict. ordered him taken into custody \.;. It was alleged that Moore pendln.z sentencing on Oct. 22. f~iIOSTAGE FREED . • • l 1 would have had to do." : Lisa s~ud that the couple wert' recently separated. A? argumcnl over the baby'-s toys esc•alated and Ball reportedly threw ht.•r I agains t the bedroom wall and l then ran from the home with the j infant. , • S he said her husband of seven months then raet'd up and down th<' 200 bl<x·k of Ogle. bl•fon· parking the family car across tht.• Mrecl. "Everyone was worned about him (the baby),'' said the young mother. as Bobby lay quietly an her arms grabbing fistfuls of long brown hair. "But he ca,ne out the best." -• l/ The couple have lived with her mothe r in Costa Mesa. Officer Kevin Gleason Ofllle D ... , ,.... ..... fl'llllW nw mbc-111 11U«'td»y lrK'UI 1£11WI l)ffi(•nlAI 01 unt(1• County 11u1w rvhm1 i., I\" c 0 rd l n" t ., J 11 m 1• 1 wur1 lt',I uhmlt f<'(Jprul lt•~l11! 1t1on Nf'11U111d1• KJX>ntSOn"<.1 :i anuUun ML<.:unnc:ll, om• of tlw l'uurity'i; wh1d11·uuhl lL•gullu•tht••ll•lu•uf utluµll'd by th• hoard culllns for W nw hlnilton tobbylall•. th•· I hou1rn ndat Cl f U ndo1·uuw n tt•d ti $1.000 l'X flt•ndlturt> to •tudy tht> vi•1111on whlt h nln•ody tiu11 po!4"4'<1 ulh•ns, w111H to know whul ltu· 1111/1,u l of h•J;chilu uon l'Ur r,11tly l h l• ~ 1• n a l l' p 11 0 v I cJ ,. ~ lm!Jt•l'I of such leiihllollon <'ould Ill· ou• ( 'm1grl n •imhul1&c:mt•n!JI 111 luc:ul ur Wf for bt• In ltk'lll l!ollors lnl'n 1a <>d publk 1wrvln• coalb /\' 11\flux l)r n"W r\l"'pl•• with Ii Twu \ll'rllon"' or tht• ll!g111lut1on, 1 ... ...-" ' r1·11ultlng from th1• l(•uJall11Llon. but I lln tc •·lal n to w ,tfur" known ufh•r llB li""llSOl'll W4 th1• a l'.CI 1u ' •' r 1 ' • • ,,.... llw rt•lmhUrat'nH.•nta muy not h llh ncj Olh••r ""rvl• ..... •v•ulCJI S111111Hon Mouoll 1mm1••1uuun I'll ll "-""" ..,,~., •v n l'OVer to~ll 1<-'0IUI llllvl • "<•r1oua lmp• .. ·t on tht• rl·f11r111 bill , m•t• lk•1nr• 4'tmsld1•r(•cJ · •1 " .... "' A vt•ralon currl•ntly on lu way • u t l>u•l " 't eoup0r vlsor~ 011 C'JJJltol llrll Thl· twu ('oulcJ 'u " v • "" · q .. ·' to the Housl' guarantN'S full Big Brother claim Inolest settled • Ill An out-tif-court sNlkmcnl has l.H•e n n •uchl•d betwt•en B ig Brolhl'ri>-B1g Sisters of Orangc t'mmly and the family of • boy who daaml'<i he was molestt:'C.I by u volunll'l'r with t'hc group five years ago Neithe r the attorneys for former Hun ting ton Beac h rcs1dt•111 Michael Acosta, who sued Bag Brothers. nor the Big Brothl·rs o rgani2atlon would disdOSl' t h e amount of scttlt.•menl ll l·um(• an the second week of a trial bl·fon• JUrors 111 Orangl• County Superior Court Judg(' Edward Wa llin's courtroom A('cordmg lo Acosta's mother . who t1..•s t1 fled last Wl'ek, her 18 -Yl'<H o l d so n became withdrawn and could ncithl'r eat nor sl1..·cp aht•r thl• allL'g<'d lll(~idt.•nts in 1977."' , "1\ll he wanted to do was lay down and l'url up and not say <1nyth ing," Judy Ann Ac·oa ta tl'i;llfll'd. ll w.:is <1llcgc•d by Acosw that 81~ Brotht•r voluntL-t·r Ed Smith mulL•sttod ham rt.•pcutcdly Smith pll·adt.•d no conlt.'Sl lo criminal nul.drnwanor child molt'slat1on <:hargt:s At·osta'~ lawsuit against Big Brulht.·rs t•onlendt•d that the orga111zat1o n was negligent an allowing Smith to work w ith rninon.. Acosta sought damages bN:aUM• of medical treatment ht• wall nc"t·d and the po6Si b11ity that hL• may be unemployable. Attorneys for Big Brothers had contended tha t Acosta suffcorc•d from emotional problems before mt.•cting S mith and that the organiwlion thoroughly screened Its volunteers. Acosta rece ntly graduated from a special school in San Diego for emot.lonally disturbed l'haldren. f N Jf'ru I re 1 m buneml•n t {or addtt1onal local cost11 reaiuhlng from tht• lt.•gisluuon, Mt-Connell !kllti. Tlw lmpttl'ts would vary with tht• number of undocum1·nll•d aliens who arc ullowC>d to stay legnlly und thua qualify for :wclnl sc•rvlc:L'11, McConnell said Part of tht> d e b»tt• over the bill ll4 whcther to legahw the status of uliens who havt.' arrtved slnCl' Jan. l . 1980. or wht.•thc r only those who arrived J a Cter Jan. 1, 1982, should Ix> excluded, he said. The $1.000 appropr1att.>d by the SUJX'rvisors will buy the servk-cs uf 1mm1grat1on s)>{'C.'inlist David N1>rth , diret·tor of the private C<•nlN for Labor and Migration Studlc~ in Washingltln. Nestandt.' said North's study won't "givt: us an a bsolute. down-lo-the-penny analysis" of thl• bill's lcx.'al <'<.'onomic impac·t, but h t.• said North ('an d ir t•l'l ('OUnty staH members towurd areas for a n expanded study which will pinpoint <.'OSts. He said North's analysis also will help the county formulat~ a position on the bill that c:an be heard in Washington be-fore the H ouse version is considered. M{'Connell said Tuesd ay that Schools to stay open By JODI CADENHEAD Of IM Deltr Piiot Sta" Trustees in the Newport-Mesa Unified S('hool District decided Tuesday night not t.o close any schools next year and to keep all four high schools open until thC' 1987-88 school year. The d ecisio n laid lo rest rumors that Corona del Mar and Estancia High Schools would be c losed soo n . Such a r ec - ,ommendation was made earlier ,this year by the Educational Itesourccs Advisory Committee. a group of parents and teachers. Dennis Edwa rds, Corona del Mar High School principal, said that the news L"3mc as a rehef lO the campus that had been rife with rumors of dosurc since lhl' h o using progran1 a d opted by trustees, stud ies o f possible dosure of rive e l e mentary sc h oo l s a nd c l osure or consolidation of two intermediate schools wilJ not occur until next spring. Evening H igh School and W oodla nd and Lindbergh eleme ntary school5 were closed in June. California, Eastbluff, Bear and College Park elementary schools all have enrollments near 300 and are among those that could be targets for closure lat.er, said dis tric t spokes wom a n J ean Harmon at ll•ast f1 vC' years. Ht· said that instructors and s tudl•nL-; may have to travel lo different S('hools an ord<'r to p::ir tic•ipateo in programs now offc•r<o<J dastrictwide "It 's goi ng t o be mort.• (•xpcns1vt.'," said Wayman. "But Wl' dt'c:i<.lcd to com mit lo thl• expense lx'<·ausc WC' thought that the smallC'r high schools offcn.>d advantag~., i~ terms of student part1c·1palian. The advisory re port published earlier this year r<.'Commended that high schools be closed w hen enrollments dipped below 1.500. Onl' of th<• plans called for Costa Mesa and Estancia high schools 10 be combined at Costa Mesa "citlien's report was published last February "It's a marvelous decision." said Evans "The rumors tended .to make parents reluctant to put their you n gster an a school Ucketed for d osurc." Lin co ln a nd D avis intcrmediale schools are the two schools whose populations a rc d('('hn ing fastest, she added. · High and Corona del Mar und Nl'wporl Harbor High schools tx· C'Ombint'd a t Newport Harbor. Under th<' five-year student Trustee Ken Wayman said that ll'acht•rs and students will have to make some sacrifices in order to keep all fou r high schools open Tru~tec•s said enrollmc•nts at all tht• high st•hool campuSt.·~ will be about 1.300 by 1987. Cloudy and breezy Coastal Venable CIOU<llness 1od1y with highs ol 70 to 75 Cloud• 10 remeln ton"olht and Thurlday with o,,.,noght lows ot 62 to 85 Highs Thursday 68 t o 73 Breezy 11te1noon1 Huntlngton-NewpOf'I ar .. lemP41fltures to 11n~ lrom a low of 59 to a htgh ol 73 Elsew here. f rom Point Concepllon lo the M ex1c1n bold« and out 60 miles SmaM crelt advisory ov« ou<« welera with nor1r.w.t winds ol 20 lo 30 knoll this 11te1noon through Thursday Sau 5 10 8 leet LOCllly llght Vlrlll>le •Inda ' tonight and Thursd1y morning wilh south 10 south-I ""nds 10 , 10 15 knots. turning west 10 northwest 12 10 18 llnots Thurld•y 1l18tnoon Wind wives 3 10 4 fMt WHI 10 M)Uthwelt swells 1 10 3 !eel. V1r111>1a cloudlnae tod•y end Thu..clay California Sc1t1ered cloudy Sk.._ end llMI • ~!Mt>lllty ol mounlaln end dnerl , thunderahowe<t eccompen141d l>y , gully winds dolled Southern C1lllorni1'1 weether outlook 1od1y, according to tlMI Nltlonat , WMthet s.rvtca '. , The high tempereture In Los AnQelN WU forecast II 74 ... th I IOW of 5t Northern d-1 hlQhl may reech Into the 801 wtth fowt from 44 10 54 High ""n<I• lrom 20 to 30 mph -• ••peeled t>y tl'MI weether service In northern d-11tffl Mounllln end dHert •••H KO<ed lh• hlOl'Mlst l>fOl>al>lllty of rain lhrough thurld1y The high tem~rature In mounllln ere•• lhOUld renge lrom 58 to 85 wtth low1 from 38 lo 45 No1thweat wind• l1om 15 to 30 mph 1•11 expected In the moun1e1n1. Thunderstorms developed over tile Ptainv end 1 tornado watcn was Issued tor per1s ol -i .. n South Dakota. norlhe11tern Ne I> r ask •. soul h we lier n Mlnnesot a end northwestern Iowa For todey fllr slll•• were t0<ec:ast '°' much of tl'MI netlOn Showers were lorac;1111 from Upper M1chl91n 1crou the no rt hetn Rockrea end Grei l Basin. c11anglno to snow .,,_.. m Montan• Thundet11orm1 -• loratasl •n perts of the nor111etn end cen tral Plelns. w ith r11nshower1 In Iha northern Pac1l1C Cout Temperatures Albany Albuqve Amarillo Anchorage AahevHle All1n11 Allentc Cty Avsttn Balllmor• B111inga Birm1nghm Btsmerck BOIH Boston Brownavlle lkllf•to Burlington C••P41f Cllarlstn SC Charlstn WV Ch1rllte NC Cheyenne Chicego Clnclnn•ll C!evel1nd Clml>I• SC Columbus Oel·FI Wlh Dayton Oenve< Ou MOlnes Detroit Duluth HI "° 'cp 70 49 72 49 M 87 40 32 01 76 44 80 57 73 83 93 72 72 53 5t 40 oe ~ 62 58 47 10 59 45 ()(I 74 60 91 19 84 $8 02 82 69 13 5e 42 t t 82 85 71 54 .08 79 54 59 4t 81 78 48 75 47 69 58 20 84 55 H 49 9G 87 72 5(' 70 « 81 $8 ~9 49 83 49 oe 87 "" 53 40 75 57 27 ee 32 43 38 1• 71 52 47 39 17 89 75 LHVegu Lillie Rook LOUISvtlle Lul>l>Ock Mernphlt Miii/Tit M11Weuk" Mpls-St P NHhVllle N-Ort.ens New York NorfOlk No Platte Okla City Om1h• Ollando Phll11dphl• PhOenl~ Pmsl>urgfl Pt11nd, Me P\land. Ole PrOYldenee Relelgh Rapid City Reno Rlc;hmond sen Lale• Sen Antonie SH Illa Slltevepof1 SI0\1.1 Fllll St loula 75 82 75 90 85 84 87 73 78 85 76 75 82 • 90 80 87 15 82 84 •72 54 75 , 80 51 57 48 59 56 77 02 42 58 51 55 62 89 43 117 81 0 1 69 66 81 54 57 55 58 55 57 97 30 58 42 151 72 49 27 61 60 57 811 50 47 07 55 62 59 8S $8 Bog eaar Bishop Btylhe Culver Ctty Eu•eka Fretno l1ncat1., Long Beech Los Anoete• Monrov111 Monlet>ello ~onle<ey Mt Wilson NeodlH Oakl•nd OnllrlO Palm Springe Pauoen1 Paso Roble• Rlvarald• ~Blulf Ae<lwood City Seciremento Sall!'ll t San Be<nerdlno Sen Ge1>r1e1 Sen Diego San Frenc1eco San JOH Senti An1 Sen11 Bert>ar• S1nt1 Cruz Senll M1rl1 • Senti Monk:• Stockton Tal>Oe Valley Thermel T0tt•oce Yuma , ... AMllttCAN 82 25 69 33 85 55 78 80 84 63 78 63 71 « 74 59 73 85 78 55 74 59 88 50 5e 40 83 54 71 57 73 55 84 54 78 57 79 45 71 52 78 54 74 53 75 47 73 48 74 $3 77 55 73 62 85 55 711 51 75 57 7t 54 88 58 70 48 88 59 80 49 57 211 57 211 75 511 87 55 Starting business topic of "How to Start and Improve Your Own Business," an all- d a y se minar , will be presente d b y Coastlioe College from 8:30 a.m. l.O 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the Mesa Verde Leaming Center. 2990 Mesa Ve rde Drive F.ast, Costa Mesa. The seminar will cover the o ptions of buying in or starting a business from •Entry forms are available in Newport Beach for a fi ve- mile run in Corona del Mar on Oct. 24 to raise money to beautify the Corona del Mar shopping area. Race forms can be picked 'up at the Newport Beach City • Don Porter, fo rmer directo r of the N ewpo rt H a rb o r C h a mbe r o f Comme rce, h as opened a public relations firm in Newport Beach. Porter. a Newport resident. •The public is invited to sec a film Thursday about employees and residents at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa. The 25-minute video t.ape • • seill1nar scratc h ; taxes and legal r e quireme nts; mark e t research: and how to raise capital and deal with lenders. Fee for the seminar is $50, with a $5 discount for a second person from the same family or business. M ore information is available by calli ng th e college at 963-081 l. Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd. The entry fee is $9 and includes a commemorative T-shirt. The run is scheduled to begin at 8 a .m. on Ocean Boulevard at the entran<.-e to Corona del Mar St.ate Beach. was the n a t ion a l m edia director of the U.S . Forest Service in California for 22 years. His offices are located at 4000 MacArthur Blvd. "Risk A Rainbow' was produced and filmed by hospital employees. Screening begins at 2 and 3 p.m. in the main building at 2501 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. FARBERWARE. "Super Fast" Stainless Steel Fully Automatic Coffee Urn • MAKES UP TO 55 CUPS • STAYS HOT FOR HOURS • DRIPLESS SPIGOT • EASY-TO-CLEAN BASKET -STAIN, ODOR AND BREAK RESIST ANT .. • SALE PRICED s79aa Reg. Price $109.99 l'lllllildM 1111011 la Ullllk(')y (0 (Ulllo unlll 11ft,•1 Nuv W . wh••n th•· llouM• tt•turm• from It. i•IN lion htt•uk. lt1 otht•r 1.M:tlon• •UJ.lt.'l'Vll()fll: A1>11rowd u Clw y -.ir pion fur l'uUnly tx•ac·ht•ll, p111rkM imd h.11 hor1 I hut l't1llA tor t.·onHtrucuon 11f i.t•v1·ral n t·w rt-t·1,•at1onol fot·1hw ... olona lhl' Orange C.:O.Ut A1>provl'd 11 pion w finan«• 'onKtru<.•tion of th<.· 248-unlt Wlndwoo<l projc'C't in Irvine> ond tlw IN-unit family Vlllug(! prujl'l'l tn Ml!INIOn Vil'JO. 8Qth wlll be rN1Lul unit.<. for fom1Jics Mesa hair stylist dies John Whit.son of Costa Meaa who gained a reputation aa o hairdresser to Hollywood stars such as Lana Turner an d Janel Leigh d ied Saturday following a long illness. Wru~ moved l.O Costa Mesa in 1951 and worked at the Balboa Bay Club before opening his own beauty shop. The Carriage Trade Beauty Salon, in Corona del Mar. The World War II veteran received the Purple He art in 1945 and belonged to the Purple Heart Association. Survivors include h is daughter Wendy Whitson Carpenter of Port Orchard. Wash.; sisters, Abby Freeman a nd Ma ude Middle ton of Lincoln Park, Mic h .. a nd B e rtie Gay o f Clearwater, Florida, and friend Bob Weems. No services are planned. 'HB cop pleads • innocent JI un t1ngton Beach P olic·e Offal·cr J ohn J . Blal·kwcll has pleaded innocent to charges of nt•ghgenl homicide and leaving the SC<'nc of a fatal accident m Arizona, according to court offk 1als A trial has been scheduled Nov 18 a t Yuma Count y Superior Court. fo llowing Bla t·kwell's a rra ignm e nt Tu('MJay. a<.'l'Ording to officials. Blackwell. 32. was indicted by the Yuma County Grand Jury Sept. 16 in connection with a July 11 tra ffic accident near Parker. An2 .. that took the hfe of Li!><! Garlich, 18, of Huntington Be;ach, officials said . An indict ment is a c harge brought against a person by a grand jury a nd docs not establish guilt ur .ann~ncc. T hl' fatal at-c1dcnl occurred on St.ell<' Route 95. about 10 miles north of Parkc>r. according to an aCt·1dt.•nt re port perfonned by the Armma Department of Public Safrtv The vchiclc> fallro to negouate a l'Urv<' a nd rolled over after f1 sh ·ta1llng. according to the rl'port. tinrla c h . o n e 'of three passengl~rs thrown from the vchadc. suffered massive head and neck injuries. a<X·qrding lo l h<> rt• port An investigating off1<.-er said in th\• rl•port that Blackwell left the S('c•ne of the accident. according to Allan Schmitt, a spokes man ror the• Department or Public Safetv. SoulMln d.,.rt hlghl thould renge trom 74 to 82 with lowe from 54 to 84. Owen• Velley high• ere for-I from 84 to 12 With IOWI from 48 to $3 HlQl\1 lrom 72 10 78 8nd IOWI lrom 50 to 58 -· e~ed In COUlll vellfYt :1-----------------~--! U.S. s1un111.ary El Peto F1ir1>ank1 F1rgo Ffegtlelf Greet l'eos H1111ord Helena Honotutu Howton lndnept11 Jackan MS Jeckll'lvlle NMllU K1n1 City 85 7• 72 43 99 50 St P·Temc>e St Sle Mat111 Spolcane SyracuM Topeke Tuciaon Tulflll Wul11r191n Wlehll• 57 82 78 8• 89 59 88 78 eo 87 8t 80 81 84 79 87 74 to 87 73 41 19 se 711 S3 71 48 mQfe than you expect In a hardware store Ac1pu1eo llO Berb•dOI 6e hmvda 90 I Tr1veltre advl•orlH ware 1t1ue d Tue1dty over Iha rno1.1n111n• of nortllwe1tarn Wyoming end Ooloftdo. wllete locally drHtlftO and btowlng -created 11111erdo11t driving condlflonl T1mperel11fl1 et lllgller ele¥ttl0fle of t,,. fllOIOfl ....,. .. muon .. 18 ~ c:Old« 111an ttlOM of IM pat ...... end t..001lly ti a•vr 1no"' wt• axp«11ed Ill 11141 mountJilltt ftbtl\ wa•111n Monlant 111ro11oh Co!Of.00, with ec;cumul•tlont Of H mvth 11 1a lnchH of new .now tlY "'°'"'"° ' a as eo 5S 34 02 85 83 lllf RIPIRT ....................... Moe Ml• M A.. ... Dtt Z11m1 2 • ta Senta Monie• 2 • 1a Nrpof1 e.etll S II t• San Dleoo Co\lnty 3 5 t4 Olil!Oolt for 'fllurtcltr L.lt11t c~ 2 a 2 2 I - 3 3 I 3 SW SW aw w C\lreceo 112 FreepOtl 54 Guedettjtrt 81 Gulld~ M Tides TOOAY Second IOw i 00 p m SecOnd lltgh 7 "".f m nMttDA Flf1I IOW 2 34 a m l"lrtt lllOh I 1M em ~low U1pm 16 8ecof'ld h'Oll • 2t p "' .. Sun •II• today •• •·•o p.m., , ... 'hl.ll'lder •t .... "' M6on ,... IOclty ... 16 p "' • Ml• Thvrtdey et 3 17 • "" ' ••••• EJ HARDW•RE VISA .. AM S•oree °'*' 1 o.ya Corone clel M8r Harbor View Center 3101 !. Coeet Hwy 1114 SM Miguel Dt. 813-2800 ~ hec;h Wkclayl M :30 ~·1910 Mldey9 T• 1 p m. Slaying verdict 'guilty', By STEVE TRIPOLI Of IM Dally ""°' lten Newport ~ach psychologist Telford "Tim" Moore, ac.1:used of murdering his male companion or 18 years in the Spyglass Hill home they shared, was t'onvicted of voluntary manslaughter today by a SUP.t?n or court judge Judge Myron Brown issued his ruling immediately after the prosecutor asked for a f1rst- degree murder <.'Onviction aga inst Moore for the 1980 shooting death or Stanley Espinda, also a psychologist. 111111 l:UIT lllPlll lllCI I fllll ITICU ~ . Iv I I J"' I '•I)" ' . I I I '·"II . . ,,, llHAN1.t' lHJN I Y <Al If OHNIA 1'> CE NTS Defense attorney Al S tokke attempted to convince Brown to find M oore innocent, claiming that Moore. 37, had lapst.'Cl into a state of unconsciousness when the shooting took place. Espinda was JX-rtrayed in <.'Ourt testimony as a homosexual who wanted Moore to believe that he, too, was gay. ~ Baby hostage released Brown con victed the dark- haired defendant this morning after hearing several days or psychiatric testimony in Moore's retrial. Moore's first trial ended in a jury deadlock when jurors couldn't agree whether he was guilty of first-or second-degree m urder o r volunt a r y manslaughter. The Jaw defines voluntary manslaughter as an intenuonal killing without malice. Both prosecutor Bryan Brown a nd Stokke said they w ere satisfied with the judge's ruling this morning. Stokke, who s aid he didn 't expect Brown to rule so Quickly after hearing closing statements, said his client also felt a "feeling of relief" that the case was cominR to an end. A tense drama in Cosw MC'Sa endt.'Ci Tuesday evening when a father wtlo held a kntre to his own body surrendered h is infant son , taken h ostage ins ide .i rundown automobile. to police. Costa Me sa police ofric N K evin Gleason t alked to the 20-year-old fa ther for nearly an hour, while neighbors watched and six other oUtcers cordoned orr the 200 block of Ogle Street, ready to move in. The ma n , identified as Bob Ball, was taken to UC Irvine • Medical Center In Orange where he was placed under 72-hour observation. No t-riminal charges were filed. Sgt. Rod Haddock said that Ball he ld a four-inch carving knife a t his own stomach a nd never threatened to hurt the baby who sat on his lap and was released unharmed at 5 p.m. Haddock assured the mother. Lisa Ball, 18, that her husband "Th e re was a tremendous amount o f pressure having a first-degree murder accusation hanging over his head." the (See SLAYER, Page A2) oe111 f'tlot ""'°'" bJ ftlcfletd Koetilef didn't threaten the baby. "If he Po lice Detective Sam Zuorski returns Bo bby Ba ll af ely to mothe r Lisa, above. did anything he said he would do It to himself. I was prepared that if he made a move to do what I (See HOSTAGE, Page A2) Bobby Ba ll is the center o f n eig hJ>o rhood a u ention a fter dra m a ended saf eJ1. Newport water quality? Depends on source you ask · - By STEVE MARBLE Of ttle Delly Piiot lteff Newport Harbor, water qua lity experts suggest, 1s a s tudy an contradiction While one rece nt stci te test reveals Ne wport Harbor 1s a growing pollution hot spo t, a second shows water quality in t h e harbo r has improved dramaucall y Experts say th<' results of both tests s hould be taken with a grain of salt, though, and that thC' true cond1 uon of the popula r boaung harbor 1s a mystery. Both of the rl'CCnt tests wer<' fundl'd through thC' sta te Wat(•r Quality ResourC'C'S Control Board O nt· or the m , the so-callC'd "Mus.-.c·l Watch" ll'sting program. s how::. ll.'vels of pest1 cid f.'s , p a I y t:h lu rin a t l'd b1 phen yls (PC Bs) and heavy mNa ls havt• 1nt"rl'aM.>d. T hl• l <'vl'I o f DDF. a d t•rivall\'C' u r the outla wt•d pt'l-.llt·idt• DDT h;1s mcrea!-tt-d :lO time~ m a two-y<.•ar span. the• mus.<;d study claims. DDT and its derivatives are known t·ant1•r-c:ausmg agents. J ohn Ladd, a wa tC'r quality offidal in Sut·ramcnto, says he is uni.un• wh y th e s udden t•onc·l't1trJt1on of ODE. ··1t'::. a broken-down form of DDT wh1t·h 1s a very persistent pt•s t1c·1dt• lt slays around for a vt·ry long llm(' and 1t 1s possible it l::t JU!>I bt.•ing r('('ydcd " Ladd pomts out that whilt' the u-.c:· ur DI.YT' m this m untry was banm·d u dL>t·ade ago. 1t Is s till rnanufa1·turC'd 1n California for Singer launches KDOC By P HIL SNEIDERMAN Of IM Delly Not l lllff Singer Pat Boone stood m a half-finished Anaheim tele vision studio T uesday, promising to bring a little bit of Hollywood to Orange County and show a little bit of Orange County t o Hollywood. Boone is president and a chief shareholder of Golden Orange Broadcasting Co., owner of Orange County's first commercial t e l evision s t ation . KDOC Channel 56. Wearing a gold and orange jacket and shirt, along with 1950s-s tyle brown and white saddle s h oes , Boone spoke enthusiastically about the station. which begins broadcasting Friday after a 14.-year struggle. "We believe this is a golden opportunity for the 26 cities of Orange County," he said. ''We want this station to reflect life in Orange County. We'll at last be able to show Orang<' County to ever yone else.'' Boone dt'SCr lbcd the effort to put KIX)C on the air as nearly "an impossible dream ·· Golden Ora nge w as on<' o f numl'rous business groups that appli e d 1n 19 68 f o r th <' comme rc ial s tation lice nse designated for Orange County. ll took seve n years for the Federal Communications Comm1ss1on to award the h cense to Golden Orang<'. the n another seven Lo s ecure trans m\lter location approval and install the antenna atop Sunset Ridge In the San Bernardino Mountains. The S tli ti on 's initi a l programming will con sis t of syndicated series reruns such as "Gun smoke" and "McHale 's Navy," plus sport broadcasts ......----lllDEX---- Irvine's Harvest Festivat opens Friday. See schedule for weeke nd's event on A l 0 . Busin 85-7 Ann Landers AD Cavalcade A9 Movies 88 Classified 07-10 Mutual Funds 86 Comics B9 National N(•ws A3 Crossword 89 Public Notices B5-6.D5-6 Death Notices 0 5 Sports 01-4 Editorial A8 Stock Market.a B7 Entertainment 88 Television BlO Food Cl-10 Theaters S8 Art Hoppe A9 W~alher /\2 Horoecope A9 from Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Long Beach. In addition, the station will broadl·ast a nightly news show foc·usmg on one Orange County issu e per program. p lus a noontime man -on -t h e -street mterviC'w show visiting locations throughout the county. Forme r KNBC Channe l 4 anchorman Jack Latham, who is K DOC's genera I manager, admitted lhat the initial schedule 1s modest. But he added that he believes Orange County-oriented programming will expand as the station becomes better known. "We hove to get our legs. and that's w here we are npw," Latham said. Along with Boone, KDOC's major investors include former Westminster Mayor Calvin C. Bra(•k, and Los Angeles attorneys William G . Simon and T om Sheridan . Latham said the shareholders alr ead y have inves t ed approximately $2 million In to the projN·t a nd want t o sec the station begin generating some of its own rcvc•nues before lnvt.>stlng additional cap1t.al. But tht' station manag r said his Jong-wrm plans are to expand local coverage to Include Orange County cultural events. a long with local (•ommunlty college ports ond perhaps hrgh school sports "My credo," Latham Nid. "la that If It hna to do with Orange County and 1t 'a \\rorthwhlle program material, we'll do It." foreign <'Xp o rt H e s ays 1t·s possible soml' qua nllti('s escape into <.'Oastal waters. The· mussel study. conduct('d by th(' stat<' Department of Fish and G a me. a lso s hows that highe r Jcv<.•ls of cadmium , chromium, <.'Opper, mercury !Vld silver have bcc:n found in th(' ba y . All o r t he me tal s t'an produ(·e health problems for humans But a sel'ond test m which samples of harbo r mud WC're anolyu'Ci ind1cat<.>s that the leve l of some• heavy mt'lals has gone down This tc•st. c.·ondut'tC'd at. 10 test stations last winll•r. s hows the• le v('I of mercury . tin, t.'Opper and zinc· 1s down from findings in IYHI and 1Y72. Jim Ande rson. d1r('('tor of the Sant.a Ana wat<.·r quality board, da1rns the' 1mprovcmC'nts shown m s Uw test are the· r<•sult of 11 <.·rac·kdown on boatyard<> Until rct.·ently. ht• c•xpla ms. boatyard!> m th1· ha rbor swept paint chips fro m the· hulls of • LMICUIU bo<Jts into the• wate r. The paint. dt.•!>1g n('d to prevent marine organisms rrom growing on hoaL<;. usually t.'Ontams a metal t•ompound s uch as copper. "I think all in all. the harbor is 1n rnut.·h bctl<'r shape than 1t used to be." says Anderson. Others. induding state water quality offim 1l Rolf Mall. claim Lht• n ·sulls of the musse l test havt· produu•d a low level of <•larm and that the harbor needs tu be• watt.'h<.'Cl ~· ... "TRANSMITTER l llNM . LOI ANGELES COUNTY Orange County's lin t commercial TV station will broadca t within circled area. . SAN I EllNARDINO COUNTY ......... _. ·-·- IUVHllDE COUNTY .......... p (\Al" H•I ~I" H•1 i<lw\ .... t.ltt H•I &.le\ H•I :~1',:: 'u,1, c;:fil'ff lltl'111t'n'71':. C"t ,.,,_ c .... Cllt ~1".i'~...,.1c7,. c:: I" ,l\lh Clew C"t ''i "" i.. •r: r';1> ~-loo ~,if~1 u 'l ~'1 ~; "' '9fUI ,.. l4 • .. -~~"''' t 'f ~. !! ., • I• ... :f f ,... !;" w• i'J. '9 tmlM 1 i 1,,,_ • •~ 1r~ 1• ft -•d • I •• t ~ • I~ I I ; h Mer~( tUJ t l1 t'9' I I 2 \; \: -' ,.... ' ~r :!: J ~I. j? .. :: 't: ti:~~ h• :: .... . "' ==~~·= Ii I I u " -~ • "-• I ~ t: wt::' n Is'· i' 2 .::: • It ~~ =, ! I ... lei WI .. J1 ij '-.. MrtllM ,. ,t m ~~I<. t! 1 .. , I II ti ' ~ ,,.. t 7'1 lO• t ~ 1?t. -~·· .. 10 1 -.. ' Mer!' 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I. n-. c ·;,.,.tl .... . • .,._, =" l • -=-... .:1:.1'1m:n::~·~5=.&1 1I111t )" ' Dow Jones Final OFF 13.06 CLOSING IOl.27 AP Wt,.l»f'olo Costly rain Gary Mt'Kin ey, a field supc·rinlendent for u centra l California tomato t'ompany, holds examph•s of "royal rot," <'aused by unseasonable rains of last" week. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT 1" , ... --.,,. ... •• '" UPS AND DOWNS HCW YOAI( !AP) -TN IOl .... lno 1111 ~ u. Hew York Stoel\ £1t-. •M<kl -_., ... t. -..... --"" ttw ....i --the ..-1 ~-on r:,.'81ll..,.:, CMft90 .._..... -.......... ..:: ~·~ .::.~'1.:~.:.:-:.~'l',.:; Cllff•ntnt• Del-.... P'eYIOut t l01'11\0 prke ..a -·(I i1:-P•IU Namt LUI Cr:? ~I l G TFI 1_l_Sf.'.. 11 • 1 • Up 171 l NIM J 40pl 77 • 7,, Up 10 2 • CeftltnO.l• 10 .. • '• UP • 7 S KOi Cf> n •' • .. Up t 1 • PverR (em J 'o UP t 1 I W•-.1 plA 12. , I Up t I I O\llleP plO 'IO , I Up I • t KC StlYI p4 ... • '-UP I l 10 1'<~1n Cote> lS .. • I Up I 0 11 Morton wt 1'1 • 1'. 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Cl' tl•1••~ I> """11"1 •tl4' pl\jt sloe~ G•••d•nd c l 1qu10•1•1\Q G•v•0•11a O@c•.-ea "' D••CI ... l>'K.0"'11 12 moolhJ •·O.C,.rea Of PMI .,,., ''°'• O.•tOeNI Or ~11 uo P•.O lll•S ~· O••~cl omt114HI Otll.,11!<1 0t no llCl!OI\ IAk..., •I 1 .. 1 dtv-..S ,,_,,,,II ~ 0tc1••ea "' p.t!O "''' J'08' °" 3c;.c.umul8tlvt1 119\.e with d•vtd.ndt •n Aueart II New ...... , Oecla•.O 01 PIKI "' PffCeGl'IO I? IT!Ollll>t plv• 91oc;k d••.Ot nd l·P••d on ••CK.~ '" O•.Cecl•ng tJ mon!l•t ••hm11eo con "''"• oo •• div..,.,.d "' t • d11tnbulion d•t• • • £ • O••.Otind1 0t •• r091111 ) E • Cl••~ enO Wlri It\ lull I $•~·'" Ml ,. Sou<Oll O..•· .... flt• t.0 Ce!~ wd W...,, 041hbvll'<I .., Wno<! 11\Uld WW Wttll w•tta l\1& .... W1tl)~I wen en" •Olf C• c1tttnb1.11ion PC ,rAhO T"" Or!C~ 01 • t lot' •• •, 1nu•1IP'e OI pet· snere l'tl•ll•nQI <Hf...U •Oy d•Vt<t1119 IMI llltll l2·rl\Oftlll ntn~I liVY'• 'l\10 IHI Hlfl pr~ , Doing Busln••• Under A Flctltloua N•me?· ~321 DAILY PILOT All n•w tMlllM•M• ualne • llclltloua n•m•. muet by ••• b• ,...,.,.d wtth .... County Ct9f-.. Tiie DAil Y PllOT pn>.tdl• the forma and mine ..,.._, tor our cuatom•r•. If you •r• 1tutlnt • new bu1lne11 call the DAILY "LOT fO( lnformetlon end '°""'· . . •