HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-01 - Orange Coast Pilot( " ... . ·-... , ·. r .. .. llllCICUl1 ·11111111111111111 NPll FRIDAY . OCTOBER 1. 1!181 OHANGE COUN 1 Y . C Al lf-OHNIA 25 CENTS College By PHIL SNEIDERMAN M IM o.itr .-... lteft Approxlmtatt>ly 650 full·t_inll' ins truc t ors in the Cuust Community College Dtslrtct Wt.'~· scht:dull'd io t·o ndudc· voling today on a t'Ontract proposal that provadea for no pay raises through next ,/une 30. Blaming severe cutbacks an state funding. district officials say there as no money to provide pay raises to full·time instructor.! County jobless at peak A record 96.600 Orange County residents were out of work in August and state labor analysts predicted today that 1982 would end o n a s1m1lar t.><.'Onom1<: low 11ot.e Alth o u g h sc h ctdl a nd Christmas·related seasonal jobs were expected to provide some extra employment opportunities ., an the next frw months, "there's no s 1gni ficant improvement expected by the end of the year." said Alta Yettcr. an analyst with the state F,(:onomac Development Departmt•nt Urange County's jobles.s rate for August was 7.9 pert:ent. the state reported. up from a July reading of 7.8 percent. By comparison. the national une mploy m e nt rate 1s 9 .8 p e rt·e nt , Yetter.s a id , demon s trating th a t Orange County's econ omy_ re mains viable. E ven so. the new figures provoke little optimism. Last year an Orange County . the jobless rate was only 4.5 percent. Additionally. Yetter sajd today th a t the nat ion's l eading economk Indicators have shown a recent downturn, meaning any meaningful improvement in the economy Is still some ume away. According to the latest figures for Orange County, private and gov.ernment jobs have declined by a total 11 .200 positions. The hardest hit sect.or of the local economy a ppeared to be manufacturing. where 7 ,400 JObs were lost. lronacally. Yetter said that even with a re<'ord number of resld_ents out o( work. Orange Cou n t y h as the l owe s t unemplQyment rate in Southern California. And though 96.600 peoplC' werf! jobless an the area. the unemployment rate locally is not a record. Thal occurr«I an May 1975. when the jobless rate hat 10.6 percent. • Yetter said 1t was difficult to predict what would happen to the local economy by early I 983. The _tr~nd , sh e said , i ~n o t opum1st1c,. I .. ~ . POiitics . 'ruled o'ut ' fOr .E.·T. By STE VE MARPLE O(tMD..,No4 l hllf ... "' Don Strauss phone E.T. Better ye.t, pfione Steven Spielberg's attorney. Strauss. a Newport ..Beach city counqUtnan who Is seeking re· election, failed to phone either before pi-acing a political ad bearing a picture of E.T ., the tamed extraterrestrial. The ad shows a tiny picture of E.T. with the quote "I think Don Stra ... IA out«of this woTld." -Strausa said he thought th~ ad, which alaO shows pictures of £our area business executives who are ~apport.lng Strauss!' would get a laugh. . But the folk t, at Universal SLUdkJI, wh ich financed and arc dltldbutJng the 6>pt~rg movie, ~eren't chuckling. . T h ey w e r e phon i ng - \ phonln«i Don Strauu. · J o h n N u•n ea. a at.udlo • tttomey, .. id he' IJOl right to lhe • poCnt with Strauie a.nd~ld him to keep hla miU.1 pff E.T. . ''T h ia 1a a clepr cue of t rad e m ark lnf rln aement,'' Nuann snapPf'(I, addln.« wflly, (8" ~CS. Pa1e .4t) / teachers voting on • no-r~1se contract ul Uulc..ll'tl Wt-s l, Orurl"'l' l'uwH uncJ Cuastlint• c:ullt·1ws. The AFT n1·~ot1 u ting ll'ant voll'Ci lo l'l't'ommcnd th<' ·c·urrcnt sl•ltlemt•nt propm1al b y a 4-3 margin'. The AFT executive C'om mttt ce. mad e up or org1m1zatlon officers, a pproved the proposal In a 6-I vote. negotlatlon1 begin in January for the next t.'Onwct. p1•opo1rnl 1ncludc11 no pay scale c han ge.. abo ut 500 di•tri<.:t teache rs have r(l(:elvt.-d auwmatl<' incrc8JC.-v slnct• July l basc"<i on the number of years they have t a ught a nd t h e a mount o f 1-du<.·atlon lhey have had The pay ralcs for d111tr1t·t administrators and C'l111111lf1<.•d (n o n ·lL.....ching) l'mployN•s a I r cad y ha v e b t• e n fr 1l7. l' n through tfle end of thl' current ft!k'al year. The d1Str1ct's contract with tht• American Fed e ratio n or Teachers, AFT, expired last June 30. Negotiations have ~n undl'r way sinc'l' March. AFT spokesman Ed Aronson sa1d some mstrucLOra who favor the pr o po sed co ntract acknowl edge t he dist rict'• fanancial problems and hope to bargajn for a pay Increase when SorM opponents of the curnmt propoul believe the d11trict ha. misplaced lta pr1o ritles In chan ne li ng funds Into non- c liusroom projects s uc h as televlalon cr>uraes and a new Coast l ine administration building, he said. Bill Waechter. vice chancello r for emfloyee relations, noted that a t h ough the c urre n t He w.aad thew built· in ancreWM.>i have totaled $573,000 since• July I Thl• extStang pay scht>dule for teachers provides for 17 "step" 1ncn •t1lit"tl over 21 years, he said. (Administrator& ;rnd ch1ss1ficd Da n Simmons of Huntingto n Beach lovingly polishes his 1928 Model A Ford that 44puts a dventure back in driving." Persistence pays for vintage car owner By ROBE RT BARK ER Of tM DeltJ Not ltllff Dan Simmons of Huntington Beach has gone to great lengths to restore his 1928 Model A Ford. And h e fre ls. gos h darn it, if the automobile's going to be authentic. tl should be authentic to the la.st detail the license plate "I've spent three years finding correct parts to put my car together. It's the logical progression to have proper license plates Eor at. · "It's l'ike the bow on the package.'' At a swap meet for old can, Simmons bought 1928 license plates which under present law he can u se o nly w hile displaying his car . He can't d rive with them. Simmons taJked thin.gs over with Re p. Robert Badham. R-Newport Beach, who Sammons snys is a customer at hls hair salon an Huntington Beach. B a dham sugges t e d con tac t i n g A sse mblym a n Nol a n Friuelle. ~­ Huntington Beach . Fr luelle introdu"ced le gialatlon . supported by the Califo rnia Car Club organization. Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill on Sept. 7 allowing owners to use license plates on thei r old cars tha\ rorrespond with the year the car was rnade But there n eed t o be 2 .000 applications by Dec. 1. 1984. before the ball takes effect in order to pay romputer ccists to set up the program. Simmons. 39. says it's taken three years but he's got the four-cyhndcr, four· door car jult about the way he w ants It - an old hood ornament, shinv side panels. a (See LICENSE, Page AZ) employec.1 ret-eave similar "11tep" lncre~ .. though over a lihortcr period of years.) Waec-hter said tht· average salary for full·time Coust district instructors as $:iJ,345 lie suad state l'Utba<:ks fo«i.'<i thl.' du1tr1et to ellrrunate about 500 JObs held last year by part·tame teachers. The new L'Ontract propo!llll aJao includes c ha nges in insurance covt>ragc and costs and u JlCW curly retirement program. Irvine raffles 1 houses By GLENN SCOTI' Of the DeMy "°' Ii.ff For the firs t llml' s tntl' the 1>p r 1ng o f 1981. the I rvin e Company 1s staging a housing lottt•rv in Irvine · The sales staff of lrvanc Pacific on Monday wilJ raHle off rights to buy 32 moderate-priced ~ndominiums in Woodbridge . They've alread y ·r eceived 10 limes as many applications. A t'Ompany spokesman said the lottery reflects new interest in home·buying and demonstrates that home·buymg demand still exists when financing packages are reasonable. "I think the fact that we've had 331 parties sign th<' lottery cards is significant ," said spokesman Dan Carlsson. "And these people are not speculators." Once upon a time. housing lotteries were almost as common as moving vans in lrvane. "It used to be the only way homes were sold. especiall y Lil Woodbridge," noted Carlsson. .But by the summer of 1981, rising interest rates h ad JUst about extinguished the hot competition to buy an Irvine home. This summer. several families campe,d out al an Irvine Pacific sales office In Northwood to buy one-year o ptions for single-family homes, but the re was no lottery. The 32 u n its an Monday's lottery are the first phase of the Woodbndge Alders dcvclopmenl. The two and three·bedroom uruts are pnced from $87.000 to $103.000. The prices are designed to meet the city's affordable housing guidelines. Additionally. buyers may tr~ to qualify for the Orang<.' County governm ent's mortgage·bond program that offe rs 3-0·year fa xed ··rate mortgages a t 13 percent No resale controls are involved. N o o th e r lotteries are scheduled until the seC"Ond phase o f the Alders comm ences. Construction has JUSt begun for the first phase. Carlsson noted. Interested buye rs can fall out !See HOUSING, Page AZ) MacDonald requests high court ruling ...,Nel,._..'t The h~nds o( Lagun• Beach's t a price Rothe were thoee of "E.T ." in the hit movi~. Roth, has been a profe&S ional mime for 13 yeurs. : a J;Jig hand By STEVE MITCHELL 0( ... .,...,,... ..... T h e face p rob a bly l a n 't farhlUar to 'ltle mllllont who .. w tho movie, but Caprice Rothe of · Lacuna Beech p Jayed • m1Js>r role I n · E .T . Tho £xtra-Tcr~trial." • Her ~ portrayed thQM? of the mllahapen auen. '-'.•bblng up a t rail o f R ~He • P iecu, l"•ppllng for a elx -peck of C4ors ' fro m t he refrlcet a t or , an'd c o n •t r u c t l n11 a ·d ellcato ~mmunJcatbr 110 thci Awed-off botanist could "phone home." I Rothe, •trofetl&ona> mime for 13 of her 3 yctn, ii Ill~ ln the film ~r dlu H "moveme nt coordinator." That'• • pretty fancy lltle for IC>lheone who wae M&bjected to IOllkJn~ of food and-.. ae ahe ' . . 'E.T.,' • in attempted to manipulate E.T.'1 hands from Jow the munchina munchkln. "(DlreclQr Steven) Spielbera rlactd a vtdeo camera MU me eo could llff what I WM dolnl." the petite bnuWUe aald. But reachlnc u p to feed an alien from tM floor la no MllY talk. .. , ..aUld beer and wa...,,,.lon , ... :RAND. P ... AJ)' A ttorn eys for Dr. Jeffrey • MacDonald have requested the U.S. Supreme Court lo review the murder convictio n of the former Green Beret doctor. \ A petition was filed with the L'OUrt Thuniday on behalf of the former H untington Harbour retaident. attorney Ralph S prttu r said today. Spr itzer, a Unlversl ty o f Pennsylvania law proft'SS<>r, said lhe Supreme Cour t should hoor th~ caae because the U.S. District Court judge in Raleigh. N.C .. "wr o n gf u l l y " excl uded testimony of Reven witnesses. including two poUccmen. Th08C wltnesaes. Spritzer said, would h ave substantiated the story of He lena Stoeckly who daimcd to bf> present at the murder scene during the night of the crime m 1970. acwrding to Spritzer. Stoeckly made the statements to t he witnesses out of cou rt, Spritz.er claimed The U S . Circuit Court of Appeals. an Richmond, Va .. supported the exclusion of the testimony, saying Stoeckly's • memory "was cxceedngly poor and that she w as <'Onstantly under the influcmce of dn.igs.'' MacDonald was sentenced to serve thl"Et' life terms .in 1979 (or the murders of his pregnant wife Collette, 24. a n d daughter• (See DOCTOR. Paate AZ> ~--lllDEI----.. At Your Service A~ Swinetl Bt-5 Cav•Jcade A7 a..lfled C8 -I 2 Comkl 82 era.word 8 2 ~ ... NoUcet C6 Mtiartal Aft Eri~t Weekend r GardeNJ\I A8 Hocoecope A 7 lni.ermillion W kender --~ Ann Landen1 Movies Mutual Funm Nat.tonal New11 Public Not.toes Sporta Dr. S~lnc:rotm Stock M arketa Television ThNl~rl WN~r 8 Orange Coa1t OAtl'.i\' PILOTIPrk21y, October I, 1,82 . t;+--..... --------~ Marine kill d b y Israeli b .omb? , f POLITICS NOT FOR E.T. • • .... nywoy. ('; T clnt•11n'l l'ndor111· poh t&l'ILIN " • Nuura ~. whc1 aaid hu hu put• ~ to mol't' than 200 lllugaJ uaee u'TE.T. throughout the c:ountry, l.'luimt·d Strau ss is the flrlll ix•rson t.o WK' the popular little ulion in n pollticnl ad. "I tuld him il was a bipartisan l'IH't• but tha t didn't he lp," StraWl.li mud of his t'Onversa\lon with the uttorrwy. S trauss !\aid ll nt:vcr dawnt-d o~ him Lhat he was asking fur \.t'f>liblt> by tangling wilh E.T . A D~aly Pilot ad representative, at h1& n·quest, tracked down the IJIClUtl' for him. "I I<• (the allorney) just askt.-d mt• w stop running th(' p1cturf' and I told ham that was fine with me. Hl' said hl' would take my • worci," Strauss r<'ported •'I h uv1· t•vt•ry rc11:11111 to hcll1·w. thouwh, th11t E.T . would 11upport 1111•," StraWlli added. He auld lhrl't' o f lh 1.· busincsaml!n who uprx•ur In the polilkul fld -Wultt•r Gerken. Huy Wut..'iOn and E.H. Clark were n 't asked If th ey minded appeurinJ( ulongidde E.T . ''l didn't check but I don't think thl'y'll 1rund," said S 1.ruus."I, lau~hing. The tnl'umbenl l'llndldotc. thougti . said he did get perm1ss1on (rom Arn o ld Beckman . th e f o urth businessman 1n the ad and S trauss' bo6s "Ht• lhought ll would brighten up the ad and thought ll would be neat being right up then• wllh ET :• Strauss said. BEIHU1'. l..t•bu111111 lAl') Tlw t»<plotlun thut kilh•d one· US Muruw und wuundt'll thn.-t· ot h1•1 i. 1·umt• fro111 .1 I !'1~1n111 dwch•r 11lwll luy111t( 0 11 tlw Ut•11 ut 11ll'1>ort tarmuc, u US 1111lllu1 y 1ipokt•1muin 11ulcJ lt.1(111 y Tlw Tlturi.d.1y hlmct t·u1111· 1111ly houri. uftc·r lht• u1rµurt n·o1>4·111·d to t•lv1l111n plu1w11 for th1• I l11>t t Im 1• 111 n cc l 1H at• I Inv o d t' d L<•bunon nuurly fo1,.1r months UM<> lo; u r I I t• I' , U . 8 . 111 r I 1 I 11 r y 11pok1•1111wn hud tcu11t 11 du11ln l.H.lrnb, pos5lbly drupµcd by thl' 1Hrucl)11 during th1: summ1.·r. l'8U11t'll the blast. h t'lUTlt' I ht• dny after 1,200 Murinc11 n •lurn<-<1 tu Dad due trial • Ill tot death 'H AND IN 'E.T.' MOVIE. . . :!>'~~~~~~HEAD • Arroignmc-nl st'hl'flull'<l today JUll'l' and Sl't.'ds all over my fan"" shC' sard. laughing. were sh aking and he suid, 'Ht•y, I µC 1.1 Zli·y1.•ur-old CO!lu1 Mt-:1.._,.man Su whoever said E.T. had l(oud t.ablc manners? ltke that.'" c·huqfl•d with murd<.>r and a "Yeah. E.T.'s got DTs," sh e: Spt'\.·1al circumslal'\C'C alk•gut1on of tolafhe director. • torture in the d ea th of h1:1 Rothe, who has appear ed in scvc.•ral television programs und I lollywood films, said Spie lberg was look ing for a mim«o• to cq:o'rd'inatc the tiny star 's movemen ts. And the tremulous flng('rs IO -wec·k ·old da.J.1ghl..r wa11 portrayed in the film a,d dcd l)Olltpom:d tuduy until Oct 11 . realism lo the s h y creatur e, H orvi.'Y M urk Duv1 is, un Rothe msist.s. urwmployed oil well work<'r, "So many of his senses w ere in appcMrc•d only briefly befon• his hands. carefully exploring a Judgl' S1•1im Franklin in Harbor She auditioned with Carlo Rambalda -the engineering whl2 who designed t h e $1 5 i.n,ill1on roly -pol y e xtra terrestr.1al, and she landed the )Ob. new e n vironment on a st'range Mun1c1 pul Court. plane t." Tht• postponement c<imc aher But Rothe. who is now setting attorney John &met~ said he up mime workshops through the nt't.'dl-d mort• timl' to evaluate his Laguna Moult.on Play house, says clicnl'11 case. Barnell said h e was she has to share the credit for hin-d today by Davis' relatives. E .T .'s remarkable a nd realistic Davis was arrested by Costa . But things didn't look so good \ht first day on thl' set. movements. Mesa pohre homicide detec:·tives "E .T . is the s um total or Mo nday night a l UC Irvine ,The day d ragged on and the ~ilm crew didn't get around to shooting the first closeups or E.:I'.'s hands until a fter 7 pm. nervous systems and Mcdal·al Center. where he h ad personalities of 12 peopl~." she r<•porll-dly t-omm1tted himc;eJC for The long wail dad little for ~thc's nerves And two cups or cuff~ didn't help, either. said of her f ellow movem~g11ch1atrac,£il!e. _ t·rew. --rn c a i'"? cT't 'MS I I lrw Pd "lf E .T . were given a n investigat ion o f has infant Academy Award for best actor, daughte r's death Crom interna l J'U a result, her hands were.• ~lfaking beneath the zippered. foµr-fingerl>d latex gloves. '•·,Spielberg saw that my hands 12 people would have to walk up mJuraes. and acc.-ept it." Following lod;iy's court One o.l t h em, you can bet, a pp l' a ran c e. O av i s ..: as would be Caprice Rothe. transforred to Orange County DOCTOR APPEALS • • • Kimberly. 6. and Kristen, 3. ·H~ told authorities that rour dl'ug-crazc..od hippies broke into his apartm ent w hile ht-was s leeping. k illed hrs wife and chll9ren and left ham stabbed :inti beatt'n. .. He was imprisoned for 11 m.o !' t h s w h e n a r e d e r a I ~ICENSE .. • • appellate court ordered h im re I e a s e d b e ·c a u s e h i s constitutional right to a speedy trial had been violated. But the U.S . Supreme Court overturned the ruling and he w<tS returned lo Terminal Island prison Ma~h 31. Jail where he will be h e ld without bail. He had been an Costa Mesa..Jail in lic:u o r $500,- 000 bail'. The: murder by torture charge filed by the district. attorney's office Wednefiday.lls into the special circ umstances category and would require a death penalty detcrmmatioo 1£ Davis is trit'Cl and convicted Heather Davis was found dt'ad an hl'r cnb last Thursday. by her. mother Cathy Lee Taylor. :31 . who 90\.lghl help Crom neighbors who called paramedics. Thl' six -foot . 280-pou n d ll•athl•r top. authentic trunk and unly one tail-light. no tur n um•mploytod oil well work<·r i!> other fl·a turcs 1nd1l·ator!>. and al doesn't also att·us<·d of bn·<1king both S1mmun.<, says his 54-year-old al'Cl'lt•rau• very WC'll h only gOC'S arms of :!0-monlh -o ld Mc·gan lJt puts the adventure back an ubout 50 mph Taylor last January Iii· wa!> fn'l.' dr IV&ng ''It's a rc;•al \lmt• Warp u)\.drl.l.f(• un· $5.()()Q ball Wlll'll hl' W<.t!> "l droVl' rt to a car show m 1l on tht· rrc·cway You rc·aUy ;,irn•!>lil'<i 011 l>U.'>J>ll'lun of murd<'r Burbank last_§alur~'!.l'.J.! ha~s,,......;h•a~v~c~·-lo;;...;be~d-c~·-fc_n~s-•v_c_·_"--------------------------------------, ~\\. Wariner Saturday Anc1101aoe 46 39 AalWtlle 75 49 Atlenra 77 59 Atlanuc C11y 64 60 ~-,...~-T""~--,.--r----""T Auslln 91 72 r Ball1mo<e 67 62 (,Q <I !4 I <1 / ::~~~ham :~ ~~ ' Fair 1ooay wllll highs of 72 to e111marc1t S1 33 'i'6 Continued lall 1on1ghl and BOlse 62 34 Sa1urday Overntghl tows 55 10 Boston 59 56 63. Htghs Selurday 74 to 80 Brownsville 116. 75 Elsewhere . fr om Potnl BullelO 75 53 Conceo11on 10 th• Me•1c •n 8"rli"Sllon 72 49 ROlder and out 110 mllet Casper 36 33 -~Of"thWfll Mnd• of 8 10 Ill ltnott Cl\arlaln SC 78 64 <Mlh 3 IO 5 fool -loday end Cha•llln WV 77 .C9 Saturday over ou1tr watara Charllte NC 76 55 cally. 11ght verlebl• wind• C"-Ynne 38 37 1 IOhl and Salurday morning Cnic.go 85 58 ...._,, 10 southwest 8 10 15 knoll Ctnernnah 79 S 1 ~ w.... a.-,~i, wesl lo soulh-t swe41s o4 I COlumt>vs 7S 49 HOM. U.S 'lo 3 IMI Wind ... .., of 2 Id 3 Oal-FI Wlh 9076 ~97 ~--~-!!:;:~~::::::::...=~!.!~~::!:~::::.::::::...:::S.:•=on:.:•::J":.:·:.:·~ feel F.,r today aoa SalU<"y bul Oayton ~ • petclly low cloud• 1on1gh1 and o.. M01nes 80 67 S F S1t1ta Mar•• 75 41 rd'"" ~.w... ~ tou~n "-'·~1 78 48 IOu• .Us 72 "S ., "~'~''V ......,~ O SI louts SMll Montee " !'>3 42 8• 80 Oufulll 62 " SI p. Tampa s 1Qdlton 77 43 •J!i.-~~---~---El Peso 70 64 Talw>e Vel1-y 61 29 Fetrb1nks 44 37 SI Ste Mir-. Thermel 87 S4 _111 71 76 57 1tiern C1lll0<nl• Wiii be leir h St1Ufdly Wilh Mlf"t)' ~ mer d1y1 P•tctty low clouds mes ••ono Co111 rang• Counly c1n 1apec1 • In 70.. tows 48 10 68. lend v1lleye wlll have hight lo upper 70. IOd•y. uppef 10 low 801 St1urday LOWtl In Faroo 57 34 Spollane rom1nce 76 S2 Flagatell 6:.> 43 ~=It' Yuml 64 113 GrNI Fallt .CJ 33 Tusc~ f'AN AMllUCAN Harllo•d 65 511 Tulsa Acaoulc:o go 78 64 H91ena 46 35 Berbedot 119 77 89 1'I wesn1no1on 86 78 ~:~: 84 71 ~ICM& C ALIFOllNtA ~~".": 9I 76 ln<11npfl1 8088 ~~ Apple v.ia.y Freeport 89 70 <Ill Jacksn 78 n Baiierslteld Ou111dalej1r11 85 56 61 311 70 48 84 6" 88 116 89 10 611 84 87 6Q 72 40 H 51 Jtcksnvllle Barstow .lu1detoupe 89 80 . JuneAU SB 411 "Aaumonl Hevana 811 72 oun1a1n1 will "8va hloh• 58 10 Kane Cny 86 64 Big Beer Klnoaton 85 73 13 49 711 311 low• 35 lo 60 S11urd1ty hl9"• Knowvin. 80 65 Blallop Monlago Bay 811 711 0 118. LH VeQ8$ !~ •er Cal.iln• MN•ll•n 111 76 04 lohl 78 to 86 In 111 dctMrta Ullle Rock '" ' C C Merldll 91 51 •Y 82 lo 00 S aturday loulsv111e 80 57 ~"!' lty Ma•lc:O City 112. 86 111ern d-1 low• 4!'> 10 56, lubt>ock 81 66 Fr= Monterrey llO 73 l~n dff«t !owl 68 10 115 Mernph11 85 60 Ltnc:ettet N ... IU 9:.> 77 .30 ' 0<thetn •nd Centre! C•lffomfl Miami 83 76 Lono Beacl'I San Juan 89 17 tly lalt tlltougll S.turdey wtlh MIMaultf8 84 !'>5 ~ TaguclQelPI 86 66 wtrmltlg trend. Patchy tow Mpl•Sl·'P 114 60 lot A Trlnleltd 110 77 02 ' I I ., 83 L,. Mont • d• •long COH ncreH n,. NHIW\118 "" Mon~ VetllClt'UJ 89 75 67 22 112 38 78 S8 711 55 ee •5 71 .ce 70 38 77 56 73 82 711 .ca 18 54 I New Oflffnt 64 11 I Monier- ·-------------New Yorlc 83 80 _, Norlotk 73 es Mt. Wll1<1t1 70 50 57 38 No P11111 411 .C2 Needle• Ott.Ill Cltw Ml 118 Olkland ' °"'1111() tlrong odd lfon1 eprMd COOi Omllle Ml 58 Pt!n> Sptlf'IOI her -Ille N011h Centr .. Otlendo " 73 P...oana l•t Tlluraday, with rein PhMtdphla 117 eo PMO ~ Id ltom tM Gr .. 1 Balln lo Pl\Oenl• &A M Aect 81ull 17 13 74 5e 75 .., 82' S7 78 61 78 311 77 58 Hlgll Plaint Ind enow lelltftQ Prt1tburQh 73 49 Aedwood City .. illlo,,.,.....,•tloM. Ptteind. M• &7 47 SacHn*l1o 1a¥y anowlall c;overed Piiand Ota 11 44 Slllnu 71 54 H ., 76 ., , l!WNlern Wyoml~. with up ~~oVld::J~ ~~ : 881'1 e.merdtno 1ncn. o1 enow 11 PM1• o1 e 4• "° s.,, Gabfl-' tone Nat!ONI Pltil Ra fly ,6 u Sift OleOo Inter 11orm w•rnlnge were ~ICl'lm.....,. et Sll'I Frencl9co eo ror part• 01 we111rn " """ 60 • Stn .io.. omlng and wlnltr 11orm 8•fl L•ka 57 40 S1t11• AM Cflff •• In '"'°' IOt Ille Stn AnlonlO 92 71 Santa ..... 75 40 77 40 ,, f>9 74 81 7i <17 78 82 70 <17 71 llO ~i ·ii · ~ ~~iifi1PllT .......................... A.. ·-M A.. -Dir . ... .. 46 fS .. " .. , 2 .. 10 t 2 ~ 2 3 ,0 I t I W 2 • 12 2 i IW 2 • n :z a aw • utlll -- Ex tended weather Sund•)'· tuead•y Felt tllCOPI tome l•I• nlglll 1n<I m0<nong IO'f' cloud• .,.., lhe COUI In COHiii 11c11on1. hlOh• rang1no from UPP*f 801 II beacllet tO lower 80t -IMf vllley1 Lowt 62 10 115 In mount11n1, ••tori ••v•I lllOll• 55 to H Low• motlly 35 10 46 • T1tes -TOOAY fee; IOw 3 ·03 p,m S«ond hlQll II 04 I> I'll t I 5.8 l~TURDAY F'lttl 1oW 3 24 I nl ().S "'•tlllOll t37~m 64 ~tow ~3• p.m 01 hcoftd Nf11 t 0 p m 6 4 tun Nla IOdly ti t 39 P nl , n-. htlHdllJ'ml 14f •m Moon ,... •OdeY •• I 22 I> m • ~· 8-1111"1 11 11 le ''"' l.1•b1.1nu11 u11dl'1 l'11•111ldt·nl lfruuun'" 111 ilr • • ''" pun 11f 11 lrl• n11U11nul fJ4'm 1•k1't'lllllK lort't' M'lll I 11 l l11W 1111-( \ h1 llllf'Hlll I l' 11( f'ah"llllllUll>i Ill r~·fl U\ U S pn'!lllll·11t1ul 1•11v11y !'lull._, (' ll all1h h1·ld talk ., w11h l '1t·,,11l1·11l A111111 ( ;1•11w v1·I ,111d l'r 111w M111111t1•1 Sh1if 1k W.111.111 uuti.lt.lc l11•1rut luclu y a l l1•1 rl'lurnlng from 111t•l't lnl( .. 1n lllrot•I , Jordon. Suuc1i Arub111 01111 ~l(ypt. lluhlb d1.1t•lm~.-d 1·(11111111•111 , h u l u ,.. ()rt· IM II M "" 111 I y l'lpokl•111111111 l~I <.:u1ro quotc•d 11111111> n" 11 u y Ing, h l' t' >< /H' I' t P cl 11 n uKrl't•mt•nl 0 11 wit 1drowal o f h1rul'll · 1111d Syriun lroops frum Million-do lla r ha ul Lt•hunon l<> h1• ri·111 1 ... 11 111 ··., llUllU!J o( Wt'C•k11" •Ht·ul(UM hui. lll!td Hw M111 lnt .. will 11•11i.ii11 1n L .. ·hun1111 unlll ull '" 111·11 UIH.l Syr 11111 ror1 I '' w 11hd111w ond lht• L1·l>1H11·111· MllVl'l lllll!;lll l'I Ill 111111 l 111111111 "' 1111 l'lllllllf y U 'S A r 111 v I. t (' 11 I I. 1 • lklornw NUIJ 0 lh1· tfrml M.11 m1 WllN 111 l'lhllOOl 1·n~lfll'C'I hnd h1i. .)oh WOil w 1'11•11r tlw airport arl'l1 of l u11d 111i nl•11 u11d 11th 1•1 orll'xphxJL"d munll1111111 Ill· 1w1c.l tlll' blwll 11('1.'uf'l't•d un tht• 111rpor\ lUrflHH', ad}ul'f'Ol to tht· !$tlUlht'rll 1·1Hl of th1· runy;ay nN1r lht· M1.:d1tl·rrunt'Ltn Sl•u A .. ll ••Mlt' I•" II w.111, ll Wu• un .n 111l1•rt1 .ind mlho.1 y duty by 1u. 11111w 1· IN 11111.hrdou.," he 111J1d "All 111..,.1 w1• 1·u11 dM1•rm1m-. llll th1· 1>r11c1-tJun•111, bll of lh\• rull-11 thut p1•1 tuln t<1 tht• t•I • 11111..c und '""'" p111j( 111 1111 .111•.1, w1•n · lx·ang lr1ll11v.1·d " Tlw l'1•11L1j.(4111 111 W1J11h1r11(l11n 11knt1lll'tl lilt' dl't•d M11r1111• a11 C '/11 Uuvld I.. H1 ·116(an . 21. uf' l' 11•1>,JfX'llkC', .V;.1 . 1111 ll'lllllOn· to \I II' Jll'l'SIU•·11 l Tht· wou11t.ll•d wt•l"l· ldt'ntifu'(j HK Cpl Anthtmy D Mm~11. Z 1. uf Mul·u11, Cti , wount.h...J In the tuft 11rm. 11nd l..<.111l'1· Cpl. Gt-orj(t• Wa11l1111gtun, 19. uf Elgin. 111 Delly Piiot Photo by NcNfd KoeMef Alt•xa n d "'r Dovt•t ko, a f t•d<-ra l d rug t"n for<'t·nw nl a,.;c•nt. di!otpluy a !-Wiz~cl cacht· of c·ocain t• valued at u pwards of $I millio n . T h..-24 ki lo~ ( 52 pouru ls) of Hcoke" was conf iscated · in n Sanlu Ana a artmc·n t Wt•d1wsd u and two m en wt·re a rrt•!-tt•d . HOUSING. • • Governll1ent 'broke' From Page A 1 lottery cards this w1-t•k1•11d al tht• A Id t-r s s a I 1· s u r f 1 l' t' at :! fl Greenfield. south Of Mam Strt"C·t nel'tr W('sl Yalt> Loop. ht· surd Applu:ants do not nel•d lo bt· present at the: drawing in tht· as solons party sales ofhcc to win Carlsson said ot hl'r I rv11w Company homl'S for <>alCAn the commumty also h<tv<' b('gun to sell fas ter as murt· ll·nda ng in<;t1tut1u11~ Jnn11un11· l11v. 1>1 t<tt <'!> "W c'vt-had .ill t•nc our .1~111~ 1ncre:1'>(' 1n ..,,1h·~ 111 uur lrv1nf· res1'dl·nt1.1l t.lt•V•·l111>m1·nt.' h1 !><!Id "W(.'Vl· •;old 40 horn<·'> M> f;1r an St•pt)l·mbC'r , m ost l v 1n Un 1 v C' r !> \ t y Tow 11 C 1• n 11' r Woodhrrd~t· 'and Tur tl1• H1.1l k .. WASHINGTON (AP) Tht· ll·<foral government was running un empty today.. tN·hnu:ally broke a ft er Congress wc·n l partyin~ rather than staying lo mPc>t a midnight dl•adlant· ru r passing a t·omprom1sl' slopgap mom·y bill ll ow t·ver. Coogrt·!.' v. .1!> 1·x1x•f \t·ci lo l'<ts1ly Jpprov1· 1111 1mm1hus spendmg IJrll lutl·r 100.1) .ind <1dm1111strallon off1c1;it... !>Jld th 1· rt· I 1 k <·Iv w o u Id tu n 11 1n\1•rrup11u11' ur gov1·rn1111•11t ~·l'Vll'l':- l iOUSl' <tnd Senate nt•gol1ator.- r t• a <' h P d J g r e C' m f' n t o n a {llffiJHOnllSl' Sp C'ndrng IJ1ll :it ----------------------------~- :1bnut ti :w pm Thursday. but ll•)UM· l1·ad1·1:-had dl'l'tded l.H.·fo11·hand th&1t thl· vot1..• on the pal'k<tl-(I would not come unul today. w1·ll aftl•r the 12:01 am ..,t.1rt· 111 the· nl'W h~al year Congn·~..,· l>Ul'lal agl'nda for Thur..,d<1\ night 111dudl'd th«o· D 1· m 11 l r a l 1 l P a r I y ' s $1.0IJU µ1·1 pt·r-.on f.und -raising d1n11t·r th.it m.iny m l'mh<-rs of (.'ongn'"!> .it \l•ndc·d And acr oss tnv. n an wh<tt amounted to a Ht •puhltl·;m d om1nM<'d countcr- 1•\'t•r1t. P11 .... 1d(·nt Reag1m invited th1· l'lll&u· Congn•»> to .)Otn him fo1 ,, b<1rh1·1·ut• <•l tht• White ll11u~· ~~~~azrtt'~~~ea~~ I A M L I N· G ' s ~-·~: Newport Nursery and Garden Center ~ Recently. Amllngs Reduced Regular Nursery Stock Prices Storewide an Average of 10°1. to 15%. . Now Save Even More With Our New Discount Policy: 10°10 OFF EACH ORDER OF $200 OR MORE GARDENIA 20°10 OFF EACH ORDER OF $500 OR MORE \ And the Discount Applies To Everything We Stock or Special Order For You, Except For Items Already on Sale. Free Dellvery Too, In All of Newport Beach Costa Mesa, lrvlne, Laguna Beach ($25 min.) A $500 order could now save you 30-35•;. off our old prices; a $200 order: 20-25% 6n. Come check us out! -BULB SPECIALS - RANUNCULUS .......... : ................. reg. 3.79/.dz . ANEMONES ······:.················ .. ••••·•·•• reg. 2 .. 11/dz. •&ETIER TIMES' DAFFOD~L reg. I.II/dz. NOW 2.91/oz. NOW 2.39/oz: NOW 3.41/oz. 1500 1111 coast hwy • newport b11ch 644-9510 l+l \ , ... , . ----·--··..__ ... ..... .. NATION Recovery outlook dim I By Thti Auol'lalcd l'rtiu · 'l'ht-Ruagun 1.1dmtna!ltru11on unnouncud gloomy l'Urri:nt u n d r u t u r •· c c.: o no m I t lndkutor11 and n nl'w o nl• w <' ~ k r cl' o r d f o r 11 t u l l' unl•mployml'n.t da11n.-. But 11 UlSISlt'd bellt•f t'C'Unomll' llffil'I> ore around the l'Urnl·r Co mmerce Secret ury M alcolm Bo l drigc ·1old reporters Thur»Clay thut "at this point wl.' IHt' in tht• lnt1•1·1rn pt•rioc.l bl'tWt•c.•11 11 r<'t.'t.>a.slOn und u n-t•ov1.•ry 'fht! 1ot(nH 11( rt'(.'ov1•ty will IJ<> mon· dl'tll' "" ltw fourth quurlt•r unfoldK " 'l'tw i;1•1·r1•lury rnndl• thl· r1•1rwrkic uftl'I u Comml·n·1· Dt·partnwnt n ·port thul ltic gaugt• of -futurt• l '<'Ollllli1h' uc11v1ty, rnllt•d tht• lndl'X o( Ll•udlng lndkato,·11, foll 0.11 ~rt:l'llt m August uft~r nsl11~ (or four l'On!k.'<'UllVt' monthis. Disney Epcot opens today LAKE BUENA VISTA, . Fla. -The late Walt Disney onc.oe wished upon a star for a "peek into the Zlst t-entury" l.O thrill adults, just as Disney W o rld 's Magic Kingdom excites the imagination o{ childt'cn. . the grow1ng 01sney emp1n• an central Florida that Its "imugmecrs" hoptt will be an end1anting combination of education and c.mtertainmcnl. • Oran99 Cout DAILY Pll.Q,T /Friday, Oo1ober 1, 1982 8 .. Disney's suc."Cessors rculize that dream with the opc•ning today of the $800 million Epc.'Ot Center, an add1t1on to I T h C' l' e n t e r ' s n a m l' 1 s derived Crom Experiml•nu.il Prototype Caty of Tomc1rrow, Disnl•y's vision o f a· doml'd working community that would allow v1s1tors to t.akl' a simulated trip into the futurl' Artists' r~ndering shows how Irvine's controversial recreation purk will look whe n Cini hed . ( ;. { ·: Auto layoffs continuing DETRO I T -ca·r production will be down 11 3 percent this W<'ek from lus t week, whJle the number of U .S . aytoworkers o n indefinite and temporary layoffs will dimb, ac.'COrding to industry reports. up from 23i.500 last wt'l'k The boost was blanlt'd 0 11 a General Motors Corp. plant dos10g at Framingham , Ma.<;s , and scattc>rt-d l<iyorfs at Ford Motor Co Irvine 'Playland'·concept changed The five major domestic carmC1kers Thursday n•portl'CI 235.775 U.S. autoworkers on indefinite layoff this wcl•k, STATE Temporary layoffs rrnw_to 53,:l25.from last week'!> 42.400 as mort· pl<tnb Wl'fl' 1dh.'d tc·mpo r ar1ly bt·c·ausl' of sluggish sales. By GLENN SCOTT Of IM Dellr Piiot lt•fl Dcvclopl'rs of a proposl'd I r v 1 n l' r l' c rt· a t 1 o n p a r k o n M1dwlson Drive havt.• submtttl'CI n1·w plans lo build <i four -acrt• playland tht•y say would bl• substantially d1ffen·nt from a t.·arr11val-hkt· prOJet.·t proposl'd f vu r yl'ars <igo T h e n t' w d e v l' I o p m e n l proposal, S<lld J oyce Dean, project rnanagl•r, '' dl·s1gn1·d lo mN•t la s t l' r u I ' f .. m i I y . 0 r I l' n t I'd st;111dards lnstA.•ad or such IJltracuons as bump<:r t:ars a nd othe r "ml•tal rides," sht• smd thl• nt·w plans call for a lushly landsc:apt'd park that indwfos 11 low-profilu. water slide· and Balboa Pavilion -s haped l'<•ntral building for v1dl>0 games. sna<:k an•as, rt'C'll<il rooms and mt.'l•ting arC'as. Both n ew and o ld plans andudC'd m1naaturt' golf t'Ourst-s Tht• latl•s t proposal, howcvc·r .. fl·atures <t facility that contras~ markt-dly with thf' former "fun zonp" upprout·h. Now propost'Cl 1s a ehtldrl'n's 1_•xpt-r1enl'l' c·l'nll'r, whl'rt· young p<irtu;1pants t'Ou ld get c·xposun• to llfL'>, sports und computers, Dean l'xplainC'd. about thrl<t: weeks. Dean, meanwhile, d cst:ribeli the proje(;t a.s the produrt or long hours o f res('ar('h intended l.P mt'l'l Irvine's pecuhar needs. ' "This. is a Vl'ry tasteful project and is scns1t1ve to all of the a<'sthe llc l'On cerns o f tht< mmmunity," s he observed Fireworks measure vetoed SACRAMENTO L egisl ation so ught by fireworks manufacturers and the civic and religious groups that raise funds by selling fireworks, has been vetoed by Gov. Edmund Brown "Jr. Irvine nJayor cites Bee Caiiyon lawsuit The· (our-atTl' developmt•nt as planm•d to flt behind an existing bowhn& alley and rollPr skating rank Tb~ projet·t would be bordt•rt•d by thl• new Harvard i\v(•nUl' and the S<in Diego Fn·t•wuy ADM, a corporation, s pt·t·1allz1ng 1n r et.·rE>au onal foci la tlC'S, has purt·haS£'CI I 7 al' res o.f I a n d o n b o l Ii s i d es o f M1l'h e lson from t h e Irvine Company, Dean S<iid. Tht.• proposed development 1s «onungcnt on approvals from city panc·ls City planners l'urrc:ntly an· working on environmental rt·ports. Dean said proct.'SSil'lg will run al lt·ast into early 1983; t•onstrUl'ltOn or the miniature golf rourst• -the first project listed for l'omple t1on -would take almost another year. No ise was a concer n of rl'stdt•nts four years. . .ago. Dean said the new a<.·tiv1ties are meant to g1merat<:' enjoyment free of y ('llmg and screaming She characterized the water slide aS more of a long inner-tube rur, th<tn as the kind of spiral slide& popular in..olher areas Dt-an said the recreational p;!rk, 1s gearc-d for families. The park'is design<."'<! with 'enough diversfty. she• added, so that parenLc; might drop their kids oCf at the learning t·cnter and head o ff to t~; bowhng alley -: The heavily lobbied SB999 by Senate Republican leader William Campbell of Hacienda Heights would have prevented cities and countit--s from outlawing the sale of "safe and sane" fire works. Brown cited the "strong feelings expressed by local officials" and the fact that the issue was still kwing fought out in court. Plane wreck, body found BISHOP -Authorities are trying to dt'lercnine 1f the High Sierra s to rms that caused widespread flooding also con tributed to a light plane crash {hat left one man dead No deaths or injuries were r e ported in the weekend flooding through the Owens Valley, but the severe· weather left s.:veral people stranded an the rugged . snow-packed mountains . Most were reS(:uc'CI earlier in the Wl'ek and a Ridgenest c o upl e trapped by the flooding was rescued Thursday, <iuthoritres said The single-engine plane was fished from the west port1011 of M cGee Bay 1n I.:.akt• Crowley,.ahout 20 miles northwt'st of Bishop. The body was 1dC'nt1fied as Dr. David CrockNt Mathews Jr of Mammoth Judge rules in draft case LOS ANGELES A fed e ral judge says the government must prove at is not ~iscriminating aga1rist an admitted draft resister by prosecuting him, a ruling that could create problems for the WORLD draft rcg1Slrat1on program U S. District Court Judge Terry Hattt>r on Thursd ay agrcc-d with a pretrial motlOn by defense attorneys that the government was selectively prosecuting David Wayte. Aeroflot pil9t arrested LUXEMBOURG -The pilot of a Soviet airliner that c rash ed at Luxembourg airport has been arrested on charges o f failing to give evidence about the accident in which six people died, police said today. The pilot, who escaped serious injury, was placed an a cell at the central police station late Thursday night after he refused to g ive information to c rash investigators, police said • r Rl·s1d<•n t-. mobilizing lo blo<:k plal·t•m1:nt of unpopular public fm:1lit11.'!> m•ar lrvinl' s hould plan thC'tr first hne of defense at a proposed landfall al SN• Canyon, MJ yor Larry Agran suid Wto<lrwsduy. Agran was o n e of several spt•akors lo address a crowd of <ibout 150 pOOplc, many of them Northwood 'residl'nts, who gathl•red at lrvinl' High Sc·hool f or reports on th!! proposed landfill. and a jail, commerC"1al airport and freeway near tht• city Con«l'rn s about a l'l'(.'Ommcndat1on thut the El Toro Marine Corp!> Air S tation be converted to a regional commcrc1al airfield wclght!d hc•avil'Sl on thl' minds of many in the aud1C'ncc. But Agron and Councilman David Sills claimed su c·h a t'C:mvers1on t'Ould not takl· place und e r today's laws . A hghth{·artl'd Sills muSt'CI that the group proposing the idea, the St>uthcrn Cali fornia Association or G ovl·rnml•nts , has no mor<' pt>wcr thun th<' "Tustin Re tired Coupll's Bridge Club " But the Bee Canyon landfill as another matter, they agrN'd. A ft er p lanner Ed Moore l'Xplained many of the details of the• Orangl• County govl•rnment's landfill proposal -including the proJC-ction that :$,362 trash trucks pN day would rumble to the foothill site fewer than three miles east of Northwood - Agran said only th<.• city's lawsuit st.ands in th<' way o r dl'vcloping the landfill "It's al a much mon.• advanced stage• than any of t~ese other proposals," he said. The city council authonu.>d the lawsuit. ftlt'CI Sept 20 an Orange County Superior Court. Sills said a cavil hearing on the . matter probably won't reach court until latr next year . The suit asks more environmental studies b<' pn•pared Agran said res1dl•nts opposed to the landfill should c·ontact We're Listening ••• Whal do you li ke atsout the Daily Pilot" What don't you like? Call t he number befow and your messaae will be recorded . transcribed and deliver ed to t he appropriate editor . The same 24-hour a n1wertn1 service may be uaed to record let· ters to the edllor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include theJr name and telephone num ber for vertfl catlon. No d rculallon 842·8086 calls, please ' Tell us what's on your mind. G 1*'1 J 1 pf I SJ ..... IE..o-tr ...,.., ~='-l:m ORANGE COAST Dilly Piiat Thctme1 P. Holey ~ ond C"'-1 EaA1C1111 .. 0t1oe:., L Key Sch"lta Vice ,, .. -.. ond o..-ol "41\19flitifl0 laymMd Mad.Mn COftltOht MkheetP.~ 0..-CIOI ol Mor• .. lftO 1Cwculo11011I • "-"Mth N. o..tll1r.t Ir. Olteaor ol ()petOllofle CleHlfted edwf1telnt 11'1Mt·1171 All ottt.f clepertmerm M2-4i21 MAIN Ol'PICI • .., ... ..., .... c_. • .,,....,c •. M.111 ........... U•. C•l9 Met9. CA ..... ,...,, ..... ..., °'""' c.. .. ~ .... ,~ ~ llM --'"· IH\Hir ...... , _.,1911'11~., .. ......... _ ...,, .... -.. ·--· ...._ ~ ... ~_.,...,,.,,.._, their <.'Ounty supervtSOr, Thomas Hiley and tht· other four supervisors. H l' n oted that residents of Turtfo Rock, who hve near tht• l'Ounty's existing Coyote Canyon landfill. have made "a substantial sacrifice on their o wn" by l·nduring d ty requests to extend the life of that dump Most of the advice dished out Wt-dncsday centered on the same a C"tio n : Contacting political decision makers ...- B_cl·ause o f the 4'ommu.nt.ty out.c-ry that eventually squashed some of the original plans, ADM and c·tty officials are scheduhng publit· meetings to review the plans with local homeowner assoc1at1ons in Rancho San Joaquin Datt·~ or th06(• meetings havt' not bcl'n set, but planners said they probably will take place an Dean said ADM employees t raveled extensively looking ·at recn•ational facilities before dt>v1smg the plan. "It fits lrv1he because the c.·ommunity 1s a leader," she said. ''This 1s a umque one-of-a-kind." ADM, bast.>d in"7Uiaheim, also operates such facilities m Orange County as Racquetball World in Fountain Valley and Santa Ana.. Regal Lanes In Orange and Mil•: Square Park Golf Course • -'Arts • Ill Motion' tQ try again IC you s howed up for las t Sunday's "Arts an Mo tto n " t-elebrat1on at Mam Beach Park m Laguna, you found the event w~ rained out. But ml'mbers ot the Laguna 8t.'ach Arts Commission Alliance have "rain l'ht"C!ks" for those who want to watch -and par1icipatc -in tnc festivities at 10 a.m . Sunday Thousands attended las t Saturday's event , which mcludcd mimes, Haitian bands and aerobics c•xerc1scs. This Sunday, the• Alhance has plans for even more activities at Main &ach. And, should tt ram again, the group has a contingency plan. "If we get another stonn, we'll move every,,t.hing to the girls' gymnasium at Laguna Beach High School." said Doris Shields, om· of the organai.ers of "Arts m Motwn" The S<:hool IS located JUSt a rew s hort blocks from Main &at~ Park. a t 650 Park Ave. . Here IS the schedule of events; 10 a.m. Mimes at play with t rowd . -I0:20 a.m. Introductions -10:30 a.m T 'ai Chi Ch'uan, mcd1tat1on exercises by Grace Boyd -11.15 a.m. lnnerconnection danct.•, with Elizabeth McLaren, demonstration and teaching. -11.35 a.m . Fun things to do for your body. with Zahava and John, performance and teaching. -12:20 p.m . Mode rn Dance, with Debra Ralston, performance and teaching. -12:40 p.m. Fencmg, with the Salle &rracho Club. 1 :20 pm 'fhe Wand Danl'l'r.t, Richard Sandness and PauJ Hart, footbag and Frisbee: J){'rformanCl' and teaching. : I :40 p.m. The Rig-Bees an( Dou-Be es , Cathy Rigb y Gymnastics Academy. -2 :25 p .m . Tht:' Silent TrC'atmen t, Caprice Rothl'. mi~e J){'rfonnance and teaching. ;. 2 :50 p m . Caribbeao . C<1rn1val, with the R'Wanda' Lt•w1s Dance Co., performance; and hmbo teaching. • 3:15 pm Drawings for! prtU.'S. -3:25 p.m . Greek folkdancing: and music with Athan Karras,: pt•rformancc and teaching. : The Allian ce urgeS: spl'<'taton: co bring beach chais:s: , and light clothing 1f they mt.end!. ~ to participate • DON'T MISS THE SALE EVENT OF THE SEASON ALDEN'S ANNUAL STOREWIDE FALL SALEHI OCTOBER 1-24 During our Annual Fall Sale Event many of the nation's leading carpet manufacturers wlll be offering speclal sale prices. Quality mllla such as Lee's, Bigelow, Evans-Black , Mas l and, Gullatan , Alexander-Smith, and many others wlll be featured. ALSO FEATURED WILL BE: * Special savings on selected vinyl floors by Armstrong, Congoleum, Mannington. and Tarkett. * Discounts on selected hardwood floors by Bruce, Sykes and Anderson *Savings on ceramic tile by DEL PISO LEVl!LOR RIVIERA BLINDS 40o/o (2-3 week d•ll~) OFFll ALL FABRICS 20% OFFll CALL 141 4131 Today and we Wiii premeaaure your rooms and windows In advanoe of the sale. When you come In we wlll be able to give you the exact price. You are under no obligation; there ls no charge for this service. DEN§S ,....~--~ :iiiililliihin: 'c111101n t111p1ti11 =-mrra ma. ca 12121 • ,... 646~31 -646-23 I , -4 Orange Co11t OAIL,V PILOT /Friday, OOtober 1, 1982 • Wht~n th • o pr•·y' owuy ... -Th.t• OliJ>rey hucl flowu ·~ff to u TV untc·nnu for u bc•t( .. r vi c·w of fi"h . So u (;rc•nl lllut> llc•ron dro1>1wcl in lo c•twc·k out hc•r rwwt uto1• u HfH'dully inHtullt>d tclt•fthon t.> 1>olc• i11 the· niicldle of Nt'Wf'Ort llurl>or'. lluvin~ oul'i ted tht• viliitor. the• Ol'iprc•y uftc·r two yc·urli i., Htill wuith11< l'or u mute . No twronw nc•c•cl uppl y . . ,,. . Firemen's hunch linked Tylenol. to cyanide deaths ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Ill. (AP) -A hunch by two off-tluty rirefighters provided investigators with their first clue that cyan id e-contaminated Extra-Strength Tylenol may have been linked to five deaths. Firefighter Richard Keyworth of Elk G r ove Village recalled Thu rsday how the fi rst three deaths in suburban Ch icago raised his suspicions and those of -Philip Cappitelli, an Arlington Heights firefigh ter. K eyworth , who was o n vacation, went to his fire station Wednesday to collect his mail. While the re, he overheard a radio conversation a bout the death of Mary Kellerman, 12. that morning. "I just heard it was a fatality. . . 1:1nd that 1t wa:. unusual tor a httlt' girl llkt• that to have a stroke'." he said "That's what tht'y thought it might tx·" Lat~r th at d ay, CappHellt telephoned has friend Two brotht•rs. Adam and Star:ilt'y Janus, had dwcf suddenly under s trange circ·umst<.i nn~s and Stanley's wife was 1n critical mnd1tion Capp1telli had ht•ard that a younifgirl had died mystc•nously in Elk Grove V1l1ag(· and wanted Lo know more about 1l Kt:yworth tclc•phorwd his stati on and had th(' r <•porl of M;.iry's death r<'ad lo him "They gave• .m<' tht• symptoms, hlood pressure and a ll ," K c>vworlh said and told what happencd when he t•allcd his ' / · frwnd bat·k "Cupp1 le Iii said It wus very s1 m1lar lo the> fatahllt•s they had," K t· y worth r cc a 11 e d " T he paramedics had mentioned in thl•1r rcµort that the little girl had u1kc·n Tylenol. I S<11d, 'This is o wild stab. Maylx· it's Tyl<·nol' " Cappitc>ll1 did not know if the Janus fomaly had taken any sul'h drug. so ht'.callcd his station F'1 rc L l. Ch a rlt·~ Kramer chc-ck<·d with anvc·sl1gators and found that the Janw. v1ct1ms had takt•n the drug. It was u mattc•r of only a fc•w tc·l<:phone calls afl<'r that and police cstablishcd that the Extra -Strength Tylenol had <:omt· from the S<Jmt.• baL<:h Two more 4,caths an the• arc.·a Thursday were ltnkc·d to the ~fothes become affordable .~.Ralph laureJI ileduced Tu $ Just Arrived! Terrific~ selections of interlotk knits with the famous 'Polo' signature. Come early -you 11 want sewral at our incredible sale price 1)plcal Savin:Ks! Soll4 """ lhirts ) \ . Reg $32;50 $'251 Striped knits I ... , ' ) ~ .. Reg $~~ s25 , Shirt Mirlu:le ~ed • • .. • WfSTMIN~Tf H M1IO •Aa4i&VD . ........ q L ·~-(7M) ..... ... ,.,,...'°' • MY•YOt .... ..,. VISA ' MMTftl:MC> .· 30% TO SO% OFF Rl!:GUl.AR PRICES Pierre Cardin Hathaway Chaps . Christ~ Dior DRESS SHIR·TS j 44F~OUS B~, SUITS • SPORTCOATS. SL!\CKS • SWEATERS OUTERWEAR ~!KOFF! mt•d1c1n1•. Mary Hcinc·r. '27. of Wmf1l'ld, died m Cc•ntral DuPage Hospital. and Marv Mt.•F'arland, 31. of Elmhurst rollapsc-d al work Wt'Clncsday and d1t.'<.I Thur..day at Good S<.imant.an. Dr W1ll1am Dw ye r . a pathologist at Good Sam<.intan. so1d cyanide was found an Mrs. Mc.·Fllrland's bloodstream Peter S1l·kmann. deputy ..c:oront•r for DuPagl' County, said tests showt'Cl fi ve of thc 10 capsules lc..•ft 1n h er bottle contained t·y::m1dc t T h c· r t• w c r c n o t• a r I y la born tory reports o n Mrs. Rt.·mc•r, who had, givt.•n birth to ht•r third child just a few days tx-foro dying. but S1ckmann said <·ya nidt· was found m hc•r unused ca~ull'S. too Nation 's most pof'ular pain dru~ - capsules conlamina tc-d '! RUCK LOAD SALE ( BRING AD FOR SPECIAL PRICES ) Super Savings On Ouallty Tool Storag~ Ve~tJle tool storage now at an atrordable price. 40 PC. SOCKET SET . I -.. h·-=--2\ ~ AE/METRIC: T<>Ygh. quality construction wfll stand up to many ~ars of use. 3.991 I I ____________ J DELUXE HACKSAW WITH FREE BLADE $2.99 .~ MEN'S $3.99 Tool Chen 1311061 26Yl'W .11 12"t"0 A 15' .... "H 42 lbs Or9.v1<u IOOIS. paru .vld soelcl'I ~t QUICkly on 6 dt~IS and top compart~t Rl'Cl'Ul'd h.lnd 911ps and IOCklng l>al'l lo< Sl'CUnl}' Roller Cabinet 1333031 26YJ"W. 1a·o" 30~·H 13 1m llwet" lull-sul'd dt~ .vld a dttp sror~ cQfT1>Clrtml'nl ~altl '\Mii organtzl' .JH toob l.lr~ ana sma11 Tough t>akt<l-On ~I 11111sn. Lock mr pr~d lb< ac:lded s«urtry. TOP & BOTTOM MANUFACTURER'S -·· 1111 MON/8AT 10-7 DIRECT IUN 10-1 . t 880 N•WPOliT. •L., COSTA M•SA \ . (NEXT TO MESA. THEATRE) 831-2444 ' " ' I I t I • l ' l I· I • ' I I I .. I ' l , • 01'1\0• Ooatt DAILY PILOnFrlday, Octobet 1, 1982 "' ' Town Major ·t(e' out 1 pound really Remote By JANI': SEAGRiVE A.-IMN~WltMf . REMO 'rl';, Ort" . lt'li blH cmoutih to h..<il' ll.!I own &ip ''Odu, but too 11rnull for a aep•ruh• llallnai In th~ Wll•phonti book. And lhc r(.>'1 no (fUetcUon 1t'1 tar from thc press ol urban urc. H e m o l e ·-po p u I a \ I o n 11omcwherc between thrt.,'t' and 100, d e pending o n where one draws the boundarl8 -la Just a w ide 1pot on a winding mountain road , halfway between Roseburg • and Coos Bay.. . • "Well, 1t la remote aU right, but we like 1t tha\ way," says Maude Masters, tht> wwn's posumstrt.'SS und owner of the Remote S tore, one of four structUrt.'S in -what she refers to, tonguc·in-ch~k . as "downlown ." - Nt·x\ door lo ll1t,. whlll· frumt• 6'Ct\l•rul i.turt• ta I.I 1il tK h tl y rumi.hul·kll• furmhou1u· wlat•rc Ma1tt•r11 w os horn und hi now hom11 tu ht•r o lde r broth t·r B h int! tlw s tor<' la u ntiwur hou.'4.• lih l• shorl11 with M r. Cot, o hugt> Slomt':K1, und Miss Sully, u mull thut wu11<lc rt'<.I in om · duy und lill.lyt-<J. BruC\! Stout. thl· th1rt! humun resident of downtown Remo\t', llvc'li "ovc r tht•n •," says Mu11Lt·111, g esturin" vugut•ly down tht• s trt>l'l M11s tl'n1, o r just plu1n "Maude" to tbl' steady stn•um £Jf ·oannt·l·sh1rt1·d loggers 'whu ma k e up tht· bulk of h f'r cus tomers, is a smallish . mait<.•r· of-fact wom a n who likes to Wik, but also likes to listen S he.· won't tell hl'r ai;tc "S11y htl S1x1v 1s fltll'," 11lw s111tl "Nuhody 1 t'ully wunl" tu kn11w 1h111 u11ywuy " Slw lt'fl OH•i(llfl 111 tht• lll!'lOit lur u 1n111 ,. "'1ph111lh:11t1·d llC1• oul1>1d1· '1'1111111.1. Flu . hut 1·1.1111t• htillll' l ~> y1•1.11" u~o to stay Now allt''IC ttw unufflt'lul 111.1dul tl1r11·tor of till' l'luhlHHIKt' thu t IS ttw H1•11w ll· Stun· Uullt 111 llJ'l.4 by h1·r lutlwr, ront•hur L .U J1·11ninH»· tlw t1l<Jn · 11< a n1mbinuti9n Krm·1•1 y, JNlll ofl lt•t', SCl'Vif't• st11t1011 11nd lOWll hall Jt's OJX'll M'Vl'll t.Juyi. a W•<t•k .• Om· t'.111 buy H•1sc1l11w. h.11r tcull(', t h1·ap w1111 " !>lK'ki., f11•a powder 111 11 pu1ntt11to( hy M1 s Mw.tt·rs' f11t•11d wh11 works fw tht· Cook C11un1y Can• pat1•ol. "ll,'.s a quat•t lift.'. bul nut<• duJI on1." says MJi.tt·r:. '--toQ heavy ! MONONC:AltELA. l'a. IA)') A h1l(I: :.c lluul ~ nlllJt•rl'llt• who tlu11k1•d u wt•1gh 1r1 hy JU"I '/.'I 11U11l'\~ ~ will l.1t· icltt111u 111 tlw 11tu111l1t 111 tcm1j.(hl'ic foutlwll •' KLit111• l.it.>t.·1tu!>l· 11h1· d1d11'1 lc1M· t•1111uj.(h wt•1ght fut lwr ~ lJund llllltfU('IOr 5 But l't·gJ(y Waid vuwi. t11 l.M: hl(ht 1·n11uuh tu i twirl hc•r huluu Jl lhl· n•·><l.U·•m•· ''l'm thdinltl'ly mu1du11.i 111•xl Wcl•k," tht' !'I r tw l • 4, I 'I. 7 \Ii po u 11d Ju 111<11' l'"<'rn 1111:d u t u •r Wt'tlnellday'11 wt•l!(h In "Ont· wuy ,,, unt>lht·r, I wtll he ou1 1tw1 l'. EvN1 1f l'vt· got to 'llll'ak on thL· (tc•ld , I'm gtm1g to be lhl·n· I'm 1101 Mlll11g on the ben<.·h ugw n." S h l' was ordt•n'(J liy Htnggold l11gh Sl·hool uffkial11 Lo 1d1m down to 126 1>0umb by Fr1d<Jy'J1 uaam• or 11111 mun:h wllh tht• ~·hool l><Jnd. 's flowers stopped Tu m<.·t'l their dt'marul, tht· Iii Yl'<ff-uld ~g-.n Nklpp1ng nwals and icw:illuw111g dll't pal ls. Although :iht• fa:.tt·<.I hcfon• Wt•dm•MJuy\ Wl'IJ-lh·Jn. tht· !i<:ul~ llfJfX-'d against hl·r · "I fl'l·I hurt I n •;ally do I 1t•ally w:int to LOS ANGEL£$ (AP) -Fo r 20 ye ars, Joe DiM a ggi o remembered ex-wife Marily n Monroe by sending red r~~ to her crypt three timt'S a wee~, But DiMaggio's fl o ris t said thl' baseball gre at h as stoppl•d sending the flowers. Floris t B ob Alhanat1 said another man who claims he was m a r ried to M onro l• for o nly a week in 1952 h as Uiken owr ' the regular delivery. DiMaggio canceled t he o rdl'l' without explanation on Sept I, said A lhana ti, co-owner of th1• P arisian Florist S h op. which hw. d e li vere d the roses for t wu de<:adcs. "Jot· l'tmt:11.'lt.'Cl u mutual frtt•nd of ours S1111ll• w t•t•ks ago a nd JUSt said that ht· would l1k1· to tl1::.1onllnu1• t h1• Sl'rVHt-,'' Alh:m ul1 said, d1.>t.·hmng tu namt·,. thl· mutual fr1t·nd "111· tJ1d11 't gl\'t.' .iny t•xpla rwt1011 " 0 1 M a g g 1 o , a N 1.• w Y • • r k Yc.n kt·1.·s bas1•b.11l star, wa:. tlw s cl' o n c.J o f M on r oe' s l h 1 l' 1.· husbands, but t•ons aden•d by many lu be thP un·;1t lov1.· uf hl'r hfr Sht.· dtt'll or a drug ovc:rdOM• 0 11 Aug· 5, lllli'.l and a short ttml' lat1.·r. thl' rOSl':. b<·gnn to ar riv1· <1t h1.·r Wl·stwood MC'mo n al Park nypt Fani. wt·n· l0npt1vat(.•d by tht• rom .. nt11. gt•sturP Jnd thost· whu v11>1ll'd her crypt as many as '1.5 a duy -fn'qucntly went honw with ont' of DiMaggio's flowcn; "But tht'y usuJlly rt.•place d tlwrn with utht•r flowt·rs," smd Makt• ~'t<:l'll, cltn-ctor of lhl· purk. Alulrunll said Hub1.·rt Slatwr. who i.ays lw was m<irrit·d to M1innJl.• for a Wl'<'k 1n Oc:tobt.·r Hl5'.l, has no\\. ~1g1wd <1 y(•t1r-lo11g t o n l r a 1.· l t n r o n l 1 n u t • t h t.• dl•llVt'f'll•S "Sl<Jll.l'r as goang to lx· sending thrt.·1.· dtfft·n·n1 l'Olon-<l ros(•S oncl' .i Wl'l'k lll'>ll'<1cl of Jot•'s lwu nod r11s1•s thn·1· tanu·s a WCl•k," Alh:rnatl -;uad "Tht•rt.·':. 1.•vt·n bt.•t•n talk uf llw fan dub gt•tting morll'y lLlgl•lh1·r lo maylx· start up rnon• r<1:.<·s" 111:11<:h ." ::.1ght'tl Ward, ht•r dc•nt<JI bra<:(.'fi shining ·•1 • WJ'> ,, ht11'· h11 upM·t. but I didn't l'ry <>r a n ything I "I Jlli.t ... tood th<·rt· Tht·y 11<11d, 'Wh-.t' du you Lh111k you l'Ull du a bout thas'I' I lookt•d al th1•m und I S<Jad .! 1«111'1 d11 .m yth1ng ahout 1111 ... All I <·an do is dl(•t . B.111d 111s tru1 tor Jo'>•·ph C1·rl'.>os1nio. whu I 1111po::.to<l W1•1ght n ·stn<·Uiius un th•· high sc::hool's'l7 I n1a.1on•1t1•i. ,and 2:~ dnll Lt·am nwrnbt•r::. lai:.t ... pnng, t.h<t·l11wd 1•11111nwnt following th1· W(•agh an John i-.:.-..ua,. pram 1p.JI uf th1• ..,c:111.l(JI whac·h as lcx:att'Cl an M11no11gaht·b JUst ... o uth of Palt.,burgh ;;.lso n •(used to discuss tht.· 1~Ut· Ward's m•Jlht•r, Mar.1orit.·. said h1·r d-.ughtl'r J- AP Wlrephoto w<·1ght:d I :l7 pounds 111 her pajum<as <tt home -.J P eggy War<l (rig ht) con~olt-d by 111 Fanftoyv1ll1· Wt-<:lm~l<iy rnCJrmng ( JI ( .. "She was d1zz~ and 1 m<Jdt.· hl·r stay horn(' a e o w m a j o r ette u te r f u iling b y o n e whilt· But slw w<111ted to ~u'tu school, s he· wan too , poun~ lo m a ke• the• weight fo r to ht.· weigh1·d 111." tlw mothn S<.111.J. .. to ni&!ht's ~amt•. Jn n><·t·nt w1·t·ks, W;ird has lx'<.·n trying hard to .-----~-------=----------~~~..,---~ -----------------11>'-t.' Wl'1ght I ~·~\ ~, ..... \\" ........ -rees aided by TREES By P AT HOROWITZ O(th• D•fly Piiot Sten DEAR READERS : TREES (Traanl•d Residen ts Extending Educational Services) will begin its third year o f educ:ational programs aimed a t the propagation. planting a nd preservation o f trees with a 7 p.m meeting Ot-t. 6 at the Cooperative· Extension Office, lOOO S. Harbor Blvd , Anaheim TREES will mee t t wice a month fo r lectures on va rious h orticultural su bjel·ts including tree identification. propagation, diseases. insect pests. soils a nd other top1t'S. In the past this group has been involved 1n lret' plantings. educational programs for school c h ildren , speaking engage m e nts a t local gardf'n clubs a n d w o rking with c ity governments on pro per tree selcc:tion and mainte nance. Pho n e 774-7050 for more information. • Me di-Cal assistance DEAR READERS : State officials have a nnounced that recorded telephone messages are now available to help Medi-Cal rcc1p1ents ~heck on how they m ay be aff('('ted by rc<:ent reduction s in Medi·Cal be ne f it s and the im ·ct ol§µbsequent CQurt aclions. The phon(' numbers in Orange Count y are 630·8310 (English) a nd 630-062 1 (Spanish). , The Legislature this yl'ar m a ndalC'd r eductions in M edi·Cal designed lo t'U l pr~gram expenditures by mo re than $630 million this fiscal year. The rcmrded phonC' messages d escribe the impact of these cuts m Medi-Cal benefits. noting that two maJOr bene fit cuts -in drug services and no n - emergency medical transporta tion -have been blocked by court orders The m essages also explain whe re bene ficiaries may obtain further information If their specific concerns are not met by the taped message. The rerordc.-d informa tion will be updated as requi~ by future M<'Cl1-Cal program changes or court ordC'rs. • Got a problem ? Then write to .. 'l Pat !forowitz. Pat will cut red tape. - gewng the answers and acuon you ~ need to solve 1n e qu1t1es in government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz; At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA . 92626. :~ THI '· ~. IAllL'I \ •t a ........ All coi..m1•11 -WATll llMnNI> urw-.oew So II< 717'JT lerW» fllM ·-.. y-OoOt le.ti 81-........ Y<Nt At•) COSTA MllA 641-1219 .. ,......,.,.._. ..... VllM) 495-0401 tttt2 C:--. C O I ac ........ """· .. ,_,, .....,,, Antique Show Huntington Ceftf9f ~ today thru Sun. , ,, ales of the lt Frame Sale<· ,-<.' ~ • ht'rt' v.,,, c Jll! ,. ,, , T <Jn<11'>l• c:md { 011Ct' ti 1-fc1111 wh<J WI out f1 II thl' Aaron Brotht',... 1 ¢ FMnw "iall' ·wv rnu'>•· hum, ~d1d thl' Tcmo1~ "thl:'r\' .ire only two wevk~ ll'h " 8ul Iii.• C(Jnf1dent HMt-. <1..,,urt-d 1ha1 he hdc..I pll'nly o f ~m1t tupped bv thl' v.a1, IO ldkl' t\ lldfl '[Jw faithful T orto1~ pk>clded along. 1hank1ng of 1ho~ fancv frame> dnd sample frame>. the phcitrJ ham\!:. anrl wc11on framl!'>. th~ pla'>tll' we thru ho" frame) and even 1he frame., w11h gldS'> and backing He knew 1f hl' hurried h1t could buy o n e frame at the regular price and get a second frame that costs the same o r less for just a penny. The TortOISt.' reached the Art- Man'> in llme I<> pick 1he chn1ce.,1 frames bu• tlw Hc1r"' slept on for dcly:. lt 1J bttttr rohwn1 to tlu H Frnmr-._, Snit than ro wnir 1rnr1l rl1t /aJt j1v1- ·~ -- r j~ -1.- --~~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave./Open MON.·FRI. 10-9, SAT. & SUN. 10·8 COSTA MESA 1714 Newport illvd./Open MON.·FRI. 9-9, SAT. & SUN. 1().6 SANTA ANA 2911 8. lrtatot lt./Open MON.·FRI. 10-9, SAT. & SUM. 1M I . . •' •'• ,,.. ·, 1 ,,~ • " \ a Or1nge Ooa11 DAILY PILOT/Friday, October 1, 1812 r County mulls cos t of • • • 1rnllJ1g ra t1on changes 1 Orn11~t· County su1>c•rvi11or11, r.i:~:e1ll 1 ug thl·ll" ongoing batllt• with t h t• ft•dt•rnl gc1vt>r nmt•nt ovt·r finandnl nid for Asian rdugt'l'S, wen• well udvhwtl this wt•t•k lll loo k a hcutl tu lhl· l'°ss1hlt• lcx·al i m µ a t· t o f 1> u s s a g l' o f t h t• l1nm1gralinn f'(•furm b ill n ow t*'fore Congress . One vcn;ion uf the bill. paSS('(I by th(• Senate. would prov1tlt· l1x:al agl·ndes wnh iJ block grant to hc'I p defrny the ('OSt o f health can• and other scrv icc·s which m ight bl• sought by a li ens granted amnl's ly and legal status on the basis of the length..o{ their residcnl'<-' A St."<:Ond version. now bdon• the I louse . would prov1d<> for full 1 cimburscmcnl of such l'<>SlS T h l· prupust•d lt•g1 s l i1 t1u11 would give alwns who WL'l'l' II\ th<' country before J an . l , 1977 full amnesty <1nd the rig ht L<> work and a pply for citiw nship. Thust· whu came hcrl' bet wt•t.m J an i. 19'17 c.nd Jan. 1. 1980 would Ix· g1Vl'n temporary status for thr<.'L· yc:ars , a nd the n be e ligible for p<•rmam•nt reside nt status. But the bill also providc•s that those who rcccivt• amnesty would n o t be l'ligiblc for a n y fcdl'ral benefits •for from thrN· to s ix years, d epending on tht• ll·ngth ur their residence . Th is would prcclutlc s uch hl'lp as welfare, food stamps or medical services. a ll of which are h eavily supported by fedl•ral funding. And that co uld ml·an their only recourse 1n c ase uf emergency would be the gl'ncral t1t'llt'f MUt>i>lwd {JI county l'XJ>NISl' lo tlw rwar-dt•!\titutt•. A; t l h t' s u R g c g l 1 u n '' ( 8 upcrviNor Brul'c Ncstu11ul'. tlw board has vokd to is1x•nd $1,000 on :i study 1>f tht• financial imput·t of 1x1g.<1i1gl' of the immigration bill The study will bl• t"<>nuul'11'(l b y m)migrution spt!dalt11t Duv ld North u ( the private CL•n\t•f' for La l>0N M tgra.t io n Stud tt•s in Washington, who has oc-cn on loan tu Santa Ana and five o ther Orange County d tit.'8 to work on 1mm1grnl1on and refugee prublt·ms and-is u ndertaking a similar study for Los Angeles County. Obviously the prc'<:isc• impact v C t h (' p r o po s c d c h a n g e 1 n 1mmigrat1on regulations cannot Ix• 1.kterrrum·d in advunl'c. But sincl• Ornngl' County would be among th1• area s most ;.df cct ~. SUJH.'rvisors agreed it would°"t' WC'll to huvc• some facts 111 hand lo prt'St'nl to Congress w h e n the· 1 s~uc coni es up for further rnns1dc ration in the Hot.ise aft(•r tht• c l('Ction reeess. As Nestande put it. "We d on 't want to wind up with anotht•r Southt·ast Asian re fugee bill t hat u pcnt'<.I tht• door and let everyun(· 111, then wound up with the fl.els tt•lhng us wc>'d have to hvt• with 1t and pay the bills o u rst'lves." In deed we d o not . Immigration r e form 1s sorely needed , but if t h e f ederal governmen t changes thC' rult•s, thC' fC'd eraJ government must be ready tu ac·cept whatever financ ial hurd<'n rPs ult.s. Risk must be taken The M arines have landc'Ci again. They arc b ack 1n blood - soaked Le banon, with a mission far more t•omplex and far m ore dangerous than their first om• a :nonth ago of supervising the exit ~ -of .Palestinian guerrillas from J Beirut. · , _ Indeed. w ithin h ours of their 1 arrival, one Manne was k illed and thr ee were injured 1n an -apparently accidental explosion at the Beirut air port -perhaps not surprising m an area still strewn i with ordnance left bt•hind a ftt•r '=-the Israelis departed. ~ This time. Pn-sident S.<'9gan a t first vowed the· troops "1'ould stay until all of the foreigne rs who a re responsible for a large sh are o f Lebanon's agon y remnants of the Palestine Liber ation Organ- I t • ' iz.ation army. Synan and Israeli troops -leave the country. This wa--s m od ifi ed b y State Departme nt officials who said the Marines would s tay until the Lebanese government believes that it has restored st.abilit y -not necessarily until a ll troops h ave been withdrawn. Reagan rightly behevl'S that only the 1.200 Ma r ines -along with 1,800 French a nd l taltan troops a ls o d eploye d 1n the . country -h ave a c hanc.·c o f enforcing the peace the Lebanese so desperately need to reconcile and r ebu i ld their nation A peaceful. stable Lebanon would mean one few er matchs tick for the Middle F.ast fi recracker. D es pite the danger tha t more Amer i<'an serv1cl'ml'O ma v ge t killed and the hazard of th(· U S . e n t a n g I i o g i t s C' I f m o n · directly in the Mideas t snakC' pit. w e be lieve d e ploymt•nt of the Ma rines is nec("Ssary to advance o n e of our chief forl·1~n pul11.:y goals -a lasting Mlddlt• Eas t :.: peace settlement. -Th e dang e r to th e multinatio n a l force arise~ from Beirut, L e bano n 's c·api l al , re maining an a rmed camp , (•vcn a flcr the evacua t1on of PLO fighters. Le banon is bedeviled by a witch's brew of faction s e:ind militias. a rmed to the eyeb a lls. who have been shooting up the c.·ountr y for almost a decade in purs uit of blood feuds and ha trC'ds kw outsiders can compre hend. T h e world alrl'ady ha s witn e ssed a horribl e demons tra ti on of L e ba n est• hatreds. with the massacre o f hundreds of P alestinian civilians in two refugee cam ps . The slaughter w as .carried out by C hris ti an Falangist g unm('n (•nraged at the assassina tion o f their leader. Bash ir Gema ye I. shortly before he was to become president of Lebanon. &!:Cl.use the 1.4.-000-me mbe r L1·ba'nes e army has been a pushover for the private militias s ince the 1975 -76 c ivil war, President.Amin Gcm ayel, Bash1r's broth<'r. needs a credible fi ghting force to keep the wolves at bay w hale h e pursues reconstruction. That is one reason for keeping the U $.-French -Italian force in town for a protracted period. The second r eason is to pressure Syria and Israel to get their 150,000 troops o ut of Lebanon. Negofiations are unde r way to e ffect such a w ithdrawal. Not only is a pullo ut necessary for Lebanon to get its house in order. there is danger of renewed w ar with the Is r aelis a nd Syrians almos t 'at gunpoint 1n east L<>banon's Bekaa Valley. There is n o doubt the Marines are personally a t ris k in this peace keep ing mission a nd 1that the U .S. may a lread y be ankle-d eep in quicksand . But without a n Amerkan presence there would be little h ope f o r e nd in g th<' Lebanese crisis, which continually threatens to to uc h off a wide r Mideast conflic t . T he Marines sh ould stay until the Lebanese can keep order in their co unt r y tht'msclves. • Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views eJC- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Invit- ed. Address The Dally P ilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mew, CA 92626. Phone (71•1 6'42-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Conc ubines What d o you co llect? C hlne11e Emperor LI Yuan. founder or the T'ang Oynu1y In the 1eventh century. collected concubines. more than 3.000 of them. O nly about 2 percent o r tht> con(lmed aniol" cues wind up with <:.'Onvlctiona. O RANGE COAST Daily Pilot Pv941\flM ... ,, ,.., .i ow r••r •• uo w .. 1 •o \I , c; .. t. #ltw A-ft\ ,.,,U_'I<~ lO lloo IS.., c; .. 1.1 NWw CA.,,,. Another thing the underdeveloped countries have in common 13 the way children there still obey their porent8. Such is the sen ous o~rvatlon of a world traveler ... Q. How long does It ~kc a typical little boy In ~radc echool lO out.grow a pair o( 1h0t.'fl. A. Just 84 days. TtMmot P. Heley ,ubl11ll111 Jone Amott £•~111,.• Edit0t larttofa IC...Htkh f dllOt >OI 'oV• f:dittw Themot Mce.nn ~(dilOt • .. ' l I j H I Khomeini gooiis hit in U.S. I' WASHINGTON -Iranians 1n lht' United States, who used to live in dread o f t h e s h a h's secr et po lice . now apparently find themselves in similar fear o r A yatolla h Khomeini's goon squads. at least not yl.!t But the Iranian Interest $(-ct1on's nwthuds (If harassment have be-en only slightly subtler. Employees of tht• intcrc·st l!(.'('l1on huve been identified on th e fringes o{ a nti-Khom ei ni demonstrations 1n Washington . The i>uppos1tion I!> that they are there to Inte ll igence sources suspect that an undercover campaign of int1midat1on and harassment against anu-Khomeini Iranians in this country is coordinat.ed. 1f not directly planned . by Kho meini agents at the Iranian Interest Section in Washington. The interest section. part or JACI AIDf 1111 the Algerian Embassy. has handled Iranian affairs since President Carter closed the Iranian Embassy thr'C<' years ago INTELLIGENCE SOURCES told my associate Lucette Lagnado that lramans living here have cont.acted the State Department on several occasions to express their fear of the Lranian Interest Section. They arc convinced that the inte rest section is behind some ugly incidents direc t e d at Khomeini's opponents in the United Stat.es. Indeed, Khome ini's minion s are believed to be modeling their behavior after the "diplomats" or another dictator. Moammar Khadafy of Libya .. Khadafy has not shrunk from sending assassins into t he United states to d eal with troublesome exiles. There IS no evidence 1°hi)t' Khomeini's secret police have gone to that extreme. 1dl'nl1fy d issidents for future reprisal .C not d1r<-<:tly. then against their families in Iran. In a 11ltlc -not1ced inc id e n t last summer, Khomeini's thugs came out or the ct!>sel. It occurred at the student center of Southern Methodist University in Dallas. SM U s tude nts he ld a meeting lo protest thl• excesses of the Khomt•ini regime. The lectures and songs were suddenly interrupted when a bout 75 hoodlums carrying guns and knives trird to enter the meeting place. Quick action by local pohc.-e prevented a maJOr d1sastf'r. but not before three anti-Khomeini students were injured. T he attack ser ved tls purp,ose: The mt•etmg was broken up and the lesson was driven home that public oppos11.Jon to Khomeini can be dangerous An investigation of the SMU fracas devf'lopcd the information that many of the pro-Khomei ni intruders were from' various parts of the c'Ounlry and-Wer:e c.'Onsidered "pros" who had participated in similar inciden ts at other colleges. Intclhgenl-e sourcE.-s believe that the melee in Texas was planned at th4J Iranian Interest Section in Washington. If so, It demonstrates the thoroughness o r Khomeini's s urveillance over • dissidents in the Urut.ed States. Not an ant1 -Khomein1 sparrow falls without creating interest at the lraman Interest Section KHOMEINI 'S HIT squads have not ye t m ade t he FBI's list o r m ost dangerous terron st groups. That dubious honor 1s shared by Armeruan nationalists a nd Pue rto R ican 1 nd e pendence advocates, ac.'COrding to FBI sources. This 1s scant comfort to Iranian students and exiles livin_g in this t'Ountry. Where once they feared Savak , the notorious secret police of the late shah, they now fear Svamah. the ayatollah's version. Footnote: Incidents of tt-rrorism in the United States have made a quantum jump in the past year. As or Sept. 1, the FBI reports. there have been 28 such ' incidents. in which five persons were killed and 23 injured. ln all of last year, one death and fo u r injuries were attributed to acts of terrorism. How to make rooin on hookshelY.e.s_ In the Cuttle attempts w e all make to tidy up our lives and our surroundings. nothing lS more difficul t than throwing out a book. [ can't even bring myself to throw out a terrible book. I have all I can do to throw out a magazine. It has to be • done. though, and I'm trying to develop some ~an. At about age 40, each of us should resolve to throw away or give away ont> book for each new book we acquire . There are books we will never part with and shouldn't. If you've read and liked a book and taken a little of it into your life, you should k~p it forever. It doesn't take up much room. it's attractive on the bookshelf. IL doesn't take much dusting and it provides evidence to visitors in your house that you're literate. Even though you may never actually take it down and read it again. the presence of Its title staring out at you every day is a reminder of its content.s. THE BOOKS we should throw out are the junk books we acquire and I.he books that were good In their lime but which have no lasting value. This includes m08l popular novels. No one reads a novel twice, and most novels are read as entertainment and diversion Nothini;c that is merely entertammg and divertmg is worth saving. There are some serious problems when you get right down to what to throw out. We have some big, expensive, arty picture books that we never look at. They don't fit on our shelves and we n"'ver look at them. but they cost so I~"' -•• -a,-10-01-11_ ..... 4 much I can't bring myself to ditch them and they're hard to give away. No one else wants them either. Most of them were gifts in the first place. Volumes of old books. gilt-edged or bound in leather, are a problem. They look good on your shelves. but you've never read the collected works o r Dickens and never will. They were left to you by someone in the family who never read them. M a matter of fact. none of the eight volumes has ever been r~ad by anyone and probably ought to be s1ven to a worthy cause, although I 'Quality of e ducation' Thoughts at Large: -So many familles,are concerned about th(' "quality or education" their children are getting a t school. yet provide no cre&tivc or mental stlmulatum In the hom<', which is far more decisive• in shaping the child's later interests and htlblta. -Our stupidly ineffective penal system prOVl'll the sad truth or Abe IYlllY 111111' MHlow's obllervot.ion: "lf the only lOOI )IOU have 11 a hamme r . you tr('Al everything llke B nail.'' -Western peopll'S re.)t.'Ct Cl'(•mAtlon. on the whole, not bccouac or an y genuine rellglbws lmpulle, but becauao we r•t.aln tho fanwy thot It la ao~how "eaal"r'' to go to heaven from o derompoeed gr~ve than Crom an urn ot ch emica l &11\ea, which la ~heologkftl nOl'\lk'r\IC. -1f you realat readlnfC wh•l you dlaagrct' w1\h, how wlll you ewr .cqulre deeper hwgh\11 into what you belleve? (The thlna• moat worth readln1 are precl1ely those that challen1e our tonv1ct1ons.) Professional golfers are the most CIVI iized a nd COUrl('OU S of a thle tic c.'Ompctitors. largely because they cannot blame a ny extraneous factor for their IO!'ISe'S: they lose because or what they do or do not do, not because of what is done to them by opponents or officials. -Whot Is popularly called "mood music" L<c alm°"1 always bad music: good mu1tlc Is comJ>09ed not to induce any special mood. but to lift u.<c out of moods • (ond out of ourselves) to a level or being that dissolves 1he pt>rsonal Into the unlv1•ntal. -Nostalgia tor what we once knew Is never aa acu~ or pcrsisten~ as nost.algia for what we f~I we m~ while It was going on. N .-. smokrr tor more than 40 yea~. trying to l{C'l ore the hook. ( cannot believe the contention \hut dgaret~ llr'\' only "psychologically" raddk tlve; until the manufacturers tn1kf' r.ubllc a Uat of the m yriad additives njected Into clgarouca. I wm remain convlncod that they &N' ch~mlClllly addlc\lvt' u 'Y~ll. Why' oan't the nalJvt?S In • "11."enlc area" •••m to comprehend that dov~lopment dlmlnlthet rather than au1menta It• charm, and lea1on1 lt• attractlverwm to vlalton ln the lone runt (But, then, what do d velo~rt cue about 1he lone run?) doubt 1f a worthy cause would read them either I'm looking at my bookshelves as I wrtte. There's "Catch 22" up there. It's a good book but I won't be reading it again. The're's "Dr. Zhivago." l wouldn't want Boris Pasternak to know, but I never got through the whole thing. Sorry. Boris, but l think you'll have to make room for someone else. Here's a th in. hardcover book I've just taken down. It's published by the U.S . Chamber of Commerce and it's called "America's' Outstanding Young Men, 1938-1966." Now thlS lS the ltind of book I keep. It's dated. but the names in 1t bring back ideas and memories that rrught otherwise be lost lo me forever . They pick 10 outstanding young men every year. Look at this! In 1938 Howard Hughes was 34 and they thought he showed promise. Rudy Vallee ia on \he list and 90 1s Elme r Layden. the Notre Dame football roach. Oraon Welles is here. He was 23 m 1938 and considered a genius It seems to me it's been all downhill for Orson since he turned 24. GeniUleS do not make their living d oing television commercials. Anyway. I'm renainly not going to throw out this little book. lt'U always remind me how-short·life !.s and that l 'd better keep moving. , , IF I HAD to make a few rules about , which book8 to throw out, I'd say to throw out: l . Book.a of advice on how to make money. lose weight or have a happy 2,1A~;·book. whose jacket says that it's· j "a torrid novel." 3. Any novel whose UUe brings to your mind no memory what.toever or plot or J character. • 4. Any book whose title begins •"J'he:1 Story ot .... " "The ANtomy of ... :" "A Treaaury of .," or ''The Changinc Face or ... " 1 :'>. All the books lhat have been made Into movies you've seen. This ahould rNke room for IOfne new • ! book.a on your 1helvee. '• ... lllllY• !~ '~ Su lh<*' big. spoiled pro-football oafs ' art· on atrlk~ -well, who c.ret? · ~ NO JOCK' ..._, .. ....,..._ ....... :s ......... .. ----~-~---....... ... ............................ 0 ( I ' • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Saturday, October 2 . ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Success comes by direc t approa~h -exerc ise independe n ce. . originality, be innovative, welcome new cont.acts. You get what you seek -key is to know what you witnt and what to do about it. T a urus, Libra. Scorpio persons play key roles. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You're on brink oC major discovery. Now is the time to get rid of su(X:rfluous material, to streamline techniques and to define terms. You could h ave access to t.'Oofidential material. P isces native helps you locate mikslng article. · GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Focus on power, authority, promotion and unique honor t'Onnected with business or ca r eer . You 'll have m ore responsibiJity, relationship intensifies and you're ask ed to make professional and pe rsona l commitments. Keep eye on Capricorn. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Finish rather than initiate project. Offer received is premature. know at, don't ris k security for me r e ad venture. Individual you respect seeks your counsel. Favor will be returned. Aries, Leo, Libra persons £igure promlnen).ly. LEO (_July 23-Aug. 22): Restrictio n s ar e removed. lines of communication open and you have valid opportunity to enhance reputa tion. Focus on travel, publishing and romance. You'U make new start and you <.-ould meet a dazzling member of opposite sex. VIRGO (Aug. 23-S ept. 22). Emphasis on secrets, financial maneuvers, intuitive int.ellet:t and hunch that could pay dividends. Individual who aided you in past makes reappearance -ch arm and d_iplomacy serve as twin allies. W ish is hke ly to come true. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Diversify, plan ahead for holiday, be prepared for numerous requests based on increased popularity L eave details for another time -perceive situation in its entirety. Get to heart of matters, especially in dealing with a special member of opposite sex. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be aware of mate.rial at hand -check research files. You're due t.o make significant discovery. Be observant, speak frl\"kly, make needs crystal clear. Keep resolutions 1concernlng diet, recreation, exercise and nutrition. SAGITfARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Good lunar aspect coincides with trave l, communication , 1spiritual values. abstract principles of justice. Gain indicat¢ through written word; read, write. get ideas ~m paper and welcome codperallon from studious member of opposite sex. I CAPRICORN (oCc. 22-Jan 19): Emphasis on prope rty , home, basic value s and long-range decisions. Be aware of territorial rights. realiz.e your poeitlon is strong. re fuse to be pushed around. by officious, pompous individual who actually has httle knowledge. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 -Feb. 18): G o slow, maintain low profile, work behind sce nes. be sensitive to subtle nuances. Significant change will occur, youJ antenna is up and your psychic impressions are on beam. ' PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Mone~ comes your way. Thia is your power-play day. Lunar. numerical cycles highlight achie ve ment, profit, exc.-ellent liming and correct judgme nt. Romantic Involvement is also part of exciting scenario. ,. . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT IFrld•y. Ooiot>er 1,.1882 1 •ANN LANDERS •STAN DELAPLANE •HOROSCOPE ~ Follow .rules to make life • eas1~er DEAR ANN LANDl':R8: A whill• l>uck you ran 12 golden rules guar1antt't'd to mnkt-ll fo ewut-r AM I rc'Cnll, tht•y weren't prvCound or phllosophil·ul ju11t good old plain c.'Ommon seruic. Try lo hunt It up und run It again Ann. My kids are «.1m·f1gN•11 now ond I wont thorn to see It. Th1u1kl'.ln lrnnt MAIMIK JN DUBUQUE DEAR MAIMIE: I found 'em. Ht1r~ Ibey are: ( 1) If you open II, c lose It. (%) If you lurn II on, turn It otr. (3) If you unlock It, lock II up. ( 4) If you brtak II, admltJt. (5) If you can't fix U;call fb someone who can. (6) If you borrow II, return It. (7) If you value II, lake care of It. (81'1f you make a mea1l clean It up.· (9) If you move It, ,., t back. (10) If ll belongs to 1omeone else and ·you want to use II, get r.erml11lon. ( 11 ) lf you don t know bow to oper:ate It, leave It 1tlone. ~ ... (l ~) If It's none of your bu1lne11, don't Hk que1llon11. IT! I tu1t tbou1ht of a couple more, Malmle. ( 13) If It ain't broke, don't fix ll. ( 14 ) If It will brighten someone's day -SAY DEAR ANN LANDERS: Do you belie ve a male'• ability to make love h.aJ anything to do with his ethnic background? l have heard It Maid that Swedes are cold and the Finnish "don't start and rarely flsiish.'' My slstt:r t.a living with a Swede and says he '11 terrific. My next-door neighbor married a man from Fi9land. and utwr 20 yeara he ls still chasing he r around the kitchen table. The French have been touted for ages 8.1 the world'• great.es t Jover.i, but I can tell you from experience their repuuu!on is belt.er than they are. English men are. reputed to be cold, but my first affair was with an English ae'(or and he was dynamite. :Nhcre do people get these Ideas anyw1ay? Who spreads this propaganda? -l...O'VER OF FACTS ON LOVERS IN NIAGARA FALLS DEAR NI: Botb super stud• and 1uper duds GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF North-South vulnerable. East deal1. NORTH ••uu c;:), . 0 Q75 •KQU WEST EAST • J • K 10 '1 Jt87U '1 AKI05 0 JtU 0 KI08 •84 •AIOH SOUTH • AQ871 '1 Q4 O AU •ns The bidding: Eut s .. u. Weat Nwdl l NT Z + P ... 4 + p._ p ... P ... Opening lead: Eight of •. It is a pleasure to w~t.ch an expert techn~ian in action. Thia hand contains aeveral points worth studying. · We admire South's courage in bidding two spades vulnerable over an opposing no trump opener. Personally. we prefer a slightly more robuat trump suit for that action. North's raise to game is impeccable. West led the ace of clubs - • a card that had all the ear- marks of being the top of a doubleton. South would have liked to run the lead to his hand. but he urgently needed an entry to dummy to take the trump rinesse. So he call· ed for dummy's queen. East took the ace and returned the ten of clubs. In keeping with his original idea, declarer won in dummy and took the spade finesse. When the queen held. he cashed the ace or spades to fell the king. Obviously, declarer would need an end play to bring home his contract-he had a •ure heart IOMr 1till, and Lbere wu a diaLind pouibili- ty that be would loee two diamonda u well. To briJtg about the end play. he wou.ld have to eliminate hearta a.ad dube while keeping West oft lead, to prevent an attack through the queen of dia· monda. South accompliahed Ulla by now le~ding the q""n or heart.a from hi.a hand. Eut wu forced to win the trick, and he could not ••it.ch to a dlamond without co.tiag hit aide a trick. So Eut uited by giving declarer a heart ruff. But there wu no eee.aping hi.I rate. Declarer q.me lo hand with the jack of cJube, then overtook bi.I low trump with dummy's nine. Next came dummy.a wt dub. and when Eut played the ninf, all was well. "Instead of ruf· fing, declarer presented Eut with the trick u he slufred a diamond. East did not enjoy being saddled wltb the lead. He bad a Hobeon's cholce:·eitber lo lead a heart. allowing declarer l-0 stuff his la~ dia· mond while ruffing in dum- my, or else to play a diamond, which declarer would run lo the table'• queen. In. either c.ase, declarer's diamond loser would diaappear. a .. • , .. c-... u.. ""' ....... ...., c ..... Gweallautlieauwer.Fwa ~ el "W ...... 0.,..-. Lea4e," ae•41 tl.85 t• '°G«'e•......_, .. care el C.W. .......... P.O.•• ZSt, Nerw...a, N.J . 0'7148. Mab ~llecka pa7a-.1e te New~. Why he be~ame a vegetarian DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: I'll te ll you wby I've become a vegetarian. About three months ago wh.lle watching TV. I saw a large group of contented cattle being fed. Then I saw a scene of fatten~ cattle being rushed down some cbates on tbelr way to slaughter. I tboal[bt of victims on tbetr way to tbe electric cbalr alter bavln1 been fed their last meal. · . Since tben, I can't look at a steak or outside cut of roast beef without wincing. I bate the tbougbt of eating meat. I 1uppo1e you'll think I'm silly. Bat you can see I'm quite seultlve and my stomach resents meat now. My qOHtion la: Wiii a vefetartu diet hurt me at tbe age of 4!? I 'm on a I kinda of nuts and vegetables and all lbe rest of tbe usual ve1eiartan diet that's supposed to furnish all tbe necessary foodstuffs. -MR. N. DEAR MR. N.: I've known several vegetarians who gave up meats for a similar reason. They can't cut into a steak without picturing the live animals that supplied it. But some vegetarians still suffer when they CU\ into a vegetable, believing that plants and vegetables also "suCfer" when cut. I think you'U agree, Mr. N .. that the dietmg problem has in many instances become bizarre. Coming back to your question, make certain that your diet now furnishes the necessary protein, T JOUI HfAlTH OR. PETER J STEINCROHN mineral and vitamin· demands of a good diet. How strict as your diet? Remember that no one vegetable protein can provide a sufficient balance of amino acids for normal nutrition. Don't rely on yourself to rashion your die t. Ask the he lp of a d1e t1cian, medical or othe rwise. Are you taking rom or rice and beans? Att you willing to add milk and eggs tQ your diet? In many vege tarian diets, there's a sman supply of vitamins. It makes good seruie to take vitamin supplements. especially vitamin D. Also, sufficient amounts of calcium and phosphorus. Summing up m y re ply, Mr. N.; many vege tarians get along quite well on restricted diets -provided that they are adequate. Dr. S teincrohn welcomes ques tions from read<'rs. He cannot answer all Individually but will mclude those of general interest in his C'Olumn. Send your questions to him, in cat'f' of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. C~1a Mesa 92626. can -be found amona all eU1nlc 1roup1. No one coaatry tura1 out tie beat or tbe wont. We've lleard It said lbat Latina are loa1y Joven , but ml mall from Brazil and Veanuela 11ys lt aln t neee11arUy 10. Obvlouely, tbe cerllflcate of origin meana notlalJI& la tbe bedroom. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hwcband and I and our three young ch11drtin went to th1· pa rk Sunday. I brought a pk nJ<..' lun<.·h. At about 4 o'clock an lhe afternoon two teen · .,,..ge boys ran past ua. One was weartng abtiolut<:ly nothing but a little grt!<!n baseball cap. and th•· other wna wearing only a smHe. I wu llO shcx:k('(J l couldn't speak. • My husband )uughed and said, ''They're just streakinR!" I was flabbergast.eel. Isn't this against the law? -BUG-EYED IN BINGHAMTON DEAR BING: Lt la Indeed. It's called lndcct:nl exposure. • What's prudish ? What's 0 .K :' If y r•u aren 't sure, you n eed some help. Jt's availuble In the booklet: "Necking and Petting -What Are the Lunits?" Mail your rcquc'SI to Ann Landers. •p 0 . Box 11995, Chicago. 1/1 . 60611, endosing 50 t't'n ts and a long, st.amped._ self-addressed envelopt!. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ·l;u ;l HUGH MUlllGAN ~ MULLIGAN STEW Party dull? Try these HILTON HEAD, S.C. (AP) -It goc-s w ithout saying, but here goes anyway _ . Tht• declining economy has redut:ed thl' churl content of surly waiters and waitresses across the land. f:'Xl<e pt in reS<>rt areas hke Atlantic City, NJ , and Hilton Head. S.C , where they thank tounst tolerancx-1s inexhaustible P1JX' smokers arc seldom g1vt'n good tablC'S m a restaur<.1nt. Toots Shor, that savant among saloon keepers, ont:<' e xplained why: "They'll cr1t1t·1u · the food. fall asleep during th<' floor show and lc.-ave a bum ti p" Fear of revenge should ket!p golrers 10 alligator shoes off Southern golf ('OUrsc.'S An au topsy on o tccently demised Flonda gato r. 1 am told. turnl'd up four dog collars, nine golf balls, a rig ht handed glove and a partly mashed mas hie nibhck Walla Cat.h er. like Oscar Wild e. George Bernard S haw and many great writers. was a lousy speller. My car cam<'S the bumper sll<'k<:'r POOR SPELLERS OF THE WORLD UNTIE. WAITRESSES WHO SMILE the most and <·hat with the kids are the most likely to add up the check wrong. ln the house's favor. natc:h In Ireland. a write r 1s known as "a fail<'d talker." My authority for this is Hagar the Horrible cartoonist Dik Browne, who IS a failed jogger Wnung novels is not a respectable occupation for a grown man. Don't take my wQrd for it. The quotation is from novelist Walker Percy. Golfers In pastel slacks fagure-prant\>d with giraffe s, palm trees and other flora and fauna invartably carry the cheapest clubs and save range balls for water hazards. Guys In barbershops getting a manicu re and shoeshine at the same time are not to be believed when making sto<.'k market or horse racing ti ps I Talk about .planned parenthood T hursday is the worst day to fly out of or into any big city airport. That's w he n the cheapie fares run out. The re is n o s u c h thing aa "modera te turbulence." no matter what the pilot says . .. . SAN FRANCISCO -I met a woman In the Wash. Sq. who Mid: "The life support of Spacfthlp Earth la being strained by overpopulation." I said: "Don't loalc at me. I've ret.ited." We .hive SIX btrtbdaYt this autumn. ''Let 'em eat cake." I aaid. Man,, have WE got cake when fall rolls around. There was more •Hling room on Spaceship Earth then. It wu All•American to have moppets. Now t1 you have more than one child they take away your Be Prepared pin. All four chlldrt'n were born on Sundays. Talk about Planned Parenthood. No rushing home from the office. ''Dear, I just called to tell you I think the t1rne hal come.•' BUNDA Y 18 A DAY OFF. O ne boy was lncomid .... ae. Arrived at 6 ln the morning. But the othen c.me at reasonable times o f.. day. The )'ou.netll lirl held up until the 49en' a-me wu owr. . Of coune all the chlldttn came durtna the football ...on. And Sunday la the day the pro ~ are on . .Howevw, nobody'• perfect. I w• bom on a S.&w'day. ''S.tu.rday'• child hal far to F .'' I ..ad: ''Ye ~. do we ALL have to haw blrthclay. Jt t.M Mme time?" Autumn i. when rm: ... ' • STAii DIUPUllf AROUND THE WORLD the bank balance goes down like a punctured tire. If you are png t.o have children -(I can't talk you out of It. can I?) -tty to spread them over the year. If y~ st.aick them all up -(we have THR£E in 0c{ober) -birthday preaen\I are a kl lier. Science says fathers of wtnter·born children ans apt to have sympathetic labvr palna. "They aro allo sU1Ceptlble to toothache.'' · H•ve ,your offspring in the summer and be comfortable. Hurry, It'• later than you thlnk. ' It'• popular now for fathers to au.end \he birth. Personally, I think 1ympathetlc labbr pains la carryfna It too (ar. Swn toolhache II Mllurd. But IOme pepu lllce 1ud6ence pu1icipetlon. You can probably find a doc10C' who wfll 80 for It. Get I YOU"I dOctot who'1 bulldlnar Up a pncUt'e> One who looa on yqu tor ...,,_t 6u.elnole. Older doctors ar~ likely to be hottlle . Don 't want arnateul"8 spreading food wU1 ll'OUnd the delivery room. I dldn t try to mU1Cle into the action. Just sat wiffithe olher cJ!::r· reading -Sporta Dlualrll~ upside down. L.ord, those walling room1 should be banned! Talk about sympathetic labor pa IN, ' . IF I WERE DESIGNING such a waltina room, I'd make it a copy of the bar a t the Wa1h . Sq. Comploto with nolff. customers and Cr.rH, the bal'Wnd~r. Why not! It'• • time of joy, lln t it? The fathers In the walt.lng room are a nervous bunch. They pt up and ao to the btth.room. 'nMry pt up and drink from the drtnldna fountain. (1bey don't even put in _.,Ill lherTy en them ~) With the flnt ehDd I w• ~ • a eet. 1 kept the car dcklnc over ln the eventnc. "I don't want the btttery Jp run down.'' I said. On the ..,,..., 1 btnc1 a Wd. l called ano\het' compMy for a becllup cab In Clll the fint ba1 • Oat Ure. The third time I .. id: "Maybe It'• ju1t lJld1.-Uon. lt'1 third .net pl to IO· I \hlnk they11 piia.'' J'orpt what hap.,.ned Oft tM fourth ch.lid. By that lime my ,rtJJl!/tNJtY w• not IO p>d. . --TOO BAD THERE IS NEVER enough time in a hotel to answer the question "How did we do?" Don't ever look under the bed. You mlght (Ind a genuine '(BJlly" beer c~n. Urchins raised in lhit dlgitaJ age do not know which dlrecllon ls clockwlae. And the slide rul~ "'3Y be M oblolete as the New England Psalter. A college that expandit Its football at.adium never repea\I M naUohal champion. Thoee that expand \helr libraries retain the head t"Oaeh lOhger. A racehonl! retired to stud after le. than four yean ahould forfeit Hone of the Year honors Dud9I who aend the clubhoute waiter to the "° window at any track always_ catch the eyo of the IRS man ln attendance. ~ ---Bob CoN1dlne'1 rule fot 1\U'Vtval ln the urban Juna)e etJU appllee: ''Never order a rn.1 tJnl In a aune.e ,..t.aurant, They don't have th~ir h~m In tt." Moat ftnulne Wotu1rn l0·1•1lon hata u e manufactured In Denbury, Conn. I 8 Orang• Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Friday, Ootob, 1, 1812 rnffirnrn~~~rn Irvine woman sweeps awards When Lois Walsh blends imagination wilh artistic talents, she comes up a winner. Last weekend she proved the formula ls a successful one as she swept awards at th~ Irvine Garden C lub's annual flowe r show at the University Park Clubhouse. The Irvine woman won 18 first place horticulture 11wards and eight blue ribbons for artistic· design. Winning horuculturc honors ss not new lo Walsh, who is th~ club president. She has been entering cactus, succulents and fern (growing them is a 10-ycar hobby) in various shows, a nd sh e's been taking h o me the prizes. She dcddcd to enter arttstk design this y'car. The challenge. sh e said, was in interpreting th<.> classification titles . Tapping into her creativity, sh e attached callleya orchids to a rock that was suspended Wllh fishing line -the levttatso n ... entry. .,.., .......... PMe. Back lsghting in a shadow box f ormed a sil h ouene f or ~illusion ." and a copper spiral with two small leaves gave the effect of a butterfly in flight - "legerdemain." Louis Walsh poses with one of 26 entries th ~t won (irst place ho nors a t the Irvine Garden Club's annua l flower show. "Sorc-ery" was created with an African mask and blac k and white dried flowe rs, and thl' Zodiac s ign Gemini was ·an arrangement of gladioli and datl' palm with a backdrop of two / The show, the club's fourth, hand-painted birds. a~tracted about 100 spectators All wer<' judged a winner. and 110 entries. Landscaping, design · club topics LAGUNA BEACH Garden Club members will learn about landscaping with drought - resistant plants when they me<>t Oc t: 8 at the Neighborhood Congregational Church . Speake r will be Geo ffrey Smith, a horuculture professor at Fullerton College. In the m orning session, to begin al l I a.m·.. Jack Engberg will talk about organic fe ruli:zers BIG CANYON Garden Club mt•mbNs will meet Monday at thl· home of Mrs. Paul Fukuda to hear a talk on oriental flowe r arrangements. For time and address. call 759-1292. ' A GROUP DEDICATED to the pro paga t ion, planting and preservation of trees as being formed in Orange County. The organizational me<>tang of the On,mge County Tree Society will begin at 7 p.rn. Wednesday a t UC Cooperative Extension. JOOO S. Harbor Blvd .. Anaheim. Denice Lolx-1, urban forester for e xtension , will talk about urban fort'Stry SEASONAL COLOR ·for the garden ss the topic of a workshop to be presented at 9:30 a .m Wednesday at the Sherman Gardens, Corona del M ar All you can eat each day of the week ~for oDly $5.50 Bnng this coupon to the Big YellO'.V House. any day of the week. and every adult member of your party dines for only $5.50. That's a full dollar off our regular dinner price' And what a dinn1:1r 11 1s all you can eat of two delicious entrees: our famous fried chicken. plus another that vanes daily: beef nbs with barbecue sauce. roast beef: tn tsp steak and so on There's also a tureen of steaming soup. crisp garden salad. wgetables. mashed potatoes and 9Ta"Y and plenty of hot cornbread with hone'ybutter Kids save a -dollar, too! Kids always eat for less at The Big YellO'.V House. according to their weight on our old·fashioned scale. and with this coupon. they save an additional dollar. too. So bring 1he whol<! family everyone saves a dollar on dinner! ONE DOLLAR OFF For every member of the family! "'"" pr_.u to *•l•r-October 31. t982. Coupon uf when belnt IM'jlted. This no redttrmi~ m<>f1«tary value. CO<Jpon •~good for Sl.00 off Mav not~ l.ed In rofllunctloo the rl'guhtr dinner prlcf' al with other discount offcrrs. lht-Big Yellow Hoow Off1•r not yood 111 ~m.tntt:J Knt•urant. Price APl}llvs Bl\l V.illow I kiu~· 10 coupon l>t'arer and all • In Cmtto. et Ille>& E. lMnt 5" member• o4 hi• or hfor p&nv. In MIM6on V"fo •• 28311 ~· P\-111 G8rdfn °'-•• 9100 b-..1t /We. C01.IJJOf' good throogh '" eo.t. Mae .. 3010 HMilof llMt. °'' 81?!~!~!h Y.~~e~~~~use Saturday. 4 10 pm, Sunday. 3.9 pm: Sundey Brunch. 10 am·2 pm. In Mlssldn Viejo at 28381 Marguerite Pkwy. In Centtos at 11105 E. 183rd St. (714) 495 3340 (213) 924-8120 ln Garden Grove at 9100 Trask Ave. In Costa Mesa at 3010 Harbor Blvd. (714) 891·2809 (714) 549-0310 .. It's· time to plant trees l't•lt•hrolionll •uc h u11 Arhut Uuy huv•• e11lUhlhchl•U Kµrlrag tlll tht· tl11w to pllrnl lrct111 , Autumn 111 Yl't Lo ht• d l11l·11v1•1't•d h y 1111111t h11111t•ow1wn1 w1 ltw c•xc•t•ll1•111 pluntlng 111•0111111 1t 111 In 11m111• wuy11 full 111 •UJ>l•rlor kl Kprlnt( April showl'ni cun truru1form tho good t•nrth lnw mt.'My mud, 1YU1klng holt:.;.dlggln.c troublt.'KC>nu: By Octobt.•r thl• f(fOU nd lw cJrll'I~ und 1•a11l<·r lCI work. &1u11lly hnporumt, .011 in uutumn 111 w11r111, umJ nl'W lrl"te' roolM 11prout l'Vl'n if 11umnwr l(rc>Wth lu111 stuppt..od Thl'll4' r oolb I( I Vt' foll pl1111tt-tl lll>t.'lt u hl'od aturt ovl•r thUH<' 11(.'t in the gro umJ ttw following spring. Nurlk.'r)'tnl'll uCC<•r trct!ll for uutunm planting In two fo rms,: contuirse rs21•d 1u1d hul ll·d-und · burlappt..«.J. Smull trt-us urc usually t~mtmncr grown. The soil und roots Qre held in r1 irwtnl or plusllc can, likL' u polkd how;c plant. / Largt-tl'L't.'S arc more ottt:n fll'ld gruwn. Whl'n thl'y art.• dug out of the nunwry, th<· root btl lls ilrt' lightly wrappl-d m burlap for ea.'>1cr handling. ' lf planting must be deloyt..od, Ix· surt.• to kc~p roots of " wa1t1ng trt~ moist. W:ttt•r u t'On\.i.uncn:wd ..___ ....... --...;....:.........i..:..;:....:.....-...:;...;...;.J trl"l' as you would any lar~c pottcod plant. With u ballcd-and-burluppc..<f tree, t.'OVC·r tht.· wniptx'CI ball wilh o mulc h of wood l'hsps or pt.•1:1t l]IOSS and cx..'\.:assonally water the mukh. • From a little Ul'Orn grew the greut oak . Takl"to heart this adagl' when choosing sitt-s for little oaks, mapll'S, willow11 and other eventually large trc>t.'l>. Once a s pot ss scl<.'(·tt'CI anotht·r 1o1dag1· upphes Nurserymen iwy "Don't dsg a $5 holt• for a $10 tree." Osg a $20 hole tw1c(• thl· d1:1m1.•tt•r of thl' root ball and half again as deep As you work, h<·ap the• earth into separate pal<.'f> of top und bottom soil. Work a fl'w shovelfuls of pcul moss plus some bone meal or supc•rphosphatc tnlo tht• bottom of the hole and farm well. Then shovel m ii m1xtun.• of two parts top soil to one part f>"&l moss Aud t•nough so the top of the root ball will tw t•vt.•n with the surrounding soil surfac.~. Ballc-d-and-burlapped trees can tx• set into the ground as is. With cont.aineriZA.'tJ tr<-t'S cuns must lx! rcmovc-d bl'for<' planting. Use tsn sntps to cut away resistant metal t•ans. RooL'! that em·1r<:lc a bare root ball should bl• pulled loose and gt•ntly unt.<.tnglcd. Ont't· lhl• root ball as l-Cnten-d 1n tht• hule, add top soil unul the hole ss half fsllt.-d SNtll· the· soil by tamping with a hOC:' and watt'nng thoroughly.-.At this llme cut exposed twine to lay back the top of the burlap. In pre paration tor slaking a young tn>e•. drive a pair of wooden stakt.-s into the ground on opposite sides -but not through -the root ball You can facilitate dCt.·p watering by t·reating a basin around the base of the tree Simply encircle the ouwr l'dge of the planting holt· top with extra SOii Flood the watering bastn !.C'Vl'ral tames to ensure that the· entire root ball and below are staked Then mukh the basin to const•rve soil moisture and inhibit wt'<.ods. THE GREAT HARVEST-TIME CWCKSAIF! lbere's No Time Uke The Present And lbere's No Present Uke Time. Wt vr q,111\r rf!cl ii bounlllul "4Nf!U OI """'Y Clilltf!cl CIO<kl lrom thr prrm1rr tlock """11JfM tutrn lo• our iprt1.i H•rvrll·f1mf' CIO<k ~~· Now you c"n ru p ou1uancl1ng Vil~l JOU 1n .. ,.,.. tor 11'\f upcoming hOhcl.ty ir .uon1 Uch dodl Miecl<!d IS ~ '° .cid thal Anhhing touc:h to tl'NtV i-decot And ~youd>OOM• beeutlful Wood C.ed Mantel Cloe.It. a gylish Slrllw •nd Chime Wall Oodt or OUI hand -Grandfathct Ooc.k. you can l>t' 1ute ol grul MVlfl!JI' The Grut HalWSI· ThM Oodt 5.w II on1 Thia lale II lot a limited lime Of'6y 90 -I.IS IO dayanduw' $50.00 wlll hold any clock for Christmas. BUCK'S CLOCK SHO PPE SALES ANO REPAIRS 17'1 Superior. Coau MHA Ut-3215 Mon.·S.I. l0-6 Basic ste ps ror tree planting a re: ma ke sure trunk base is e ven with top of ho le, fill in with soil a nd wate r, firm the soil, water again a nd apply mulch . Nuscry-grown trees with compact root syswms should not require drastic pruning at planting timt•. But remove weak or poorly placed branches and do some sh<1p1ng. Shield tender bark of young tn-es with l.p<.-c1al tn.'l·wrap tape Start at thc base and s piral thc tape upw<ird sn overlapping layers as far dS the fi rst maJOr b rant·h. Secure both e nds wsth cotton rord Afte r two years remove the expandablt· tatx· NEANTHE BELLA PALM ... OR ... FLUFFY RUFFLE FERN Sine~ 1946 Ho1lis}es Nursery-Florist 2140 Harbor ll•d .. Costo Mtaa Ad toed Cflfwgfl Oct &. 1112.. ... ..,...., ca.a LLOl'D•!i gardensh1;1p Pansies & Violas ,.._. ftOW for wlnhr & sprincJ color. Pony Pak n ellogg's Topp•r Ut• to CO•H' _.. rye CJNtt l CIL ft. re4J. Sl.Jt Kello99•s Gromulch Outdoo;-"-tllM) Ml• RHdy to ... lor trHa, ahruba, roaea, .tc. z c ... ft. r ... $4.l' s3•• CYCLAMEN 4" Pot re1. l.SO PUMPKINS ' ARE COMING ----· M ........... ~IN ,,, .. °'9fl .. ...,. .. , .. , ""' .. . Llovd's NurHl"V and LandscaP.• Co., Inc. ioz s ........ ""' ... ~SU c .... .,.. ... CA , ... , ... , ~:.·i ....... .... .. • -------- ' I llllJPllll FRIDAY, OC(TOBER 2, 1982 THI CIAIT AID THI coum COMICS 82 STOCKS 8 5 • Whu lt• wutcht>rtt ure truc kiug rterc• right whelei; in the North At luntie. Pul(t> 0 6 . D 0 Cl's own 'Quincy' probes • • • notorious slayings JOEL c. OON .... .,..., ........... , In Dr. Vincen t P . Guinn's k, convicted mass murderer n Corona wasn't responsible the killing and mutilation of m ig r an t fa r m w or k er s in ~ orthern California. Neverthe less, Corona, a former r m la b o r contracto r . w a s nvicted of all the killi ngs last during a retr ial of one of , h e most grisly cr imes In U.S . from k 'C Ha rvt•y Oswald's raflt• were the only ont'8 that ttlruck the presidential motorcadl• that Nove mber day in Da llas in 1963. -G u i n n p rovl·d th a t Symb1oncse L1bl'rat1o n Ar m y lcudt•r Donald Dl'i•'reci.L• did not put a b ullet t hroug h his head d u ring a s hootout wit h L.os Angl'lcs police in 1974. -T he sc1c nt1st showc'CI that a tory. _ G u i n n , a p r o r e s.s o r o f Rive rside County deputy sheriff ' involvl•d in a 1980 NorC'O bank r o bber y was n ut killed by a bullet from a fellow offlcc. .. r's gun · h e m lstr y at. ,UC lrvinl•1 w.as lled to testify on the analysis of , • .tyidence at the Corona rc•trial. ;But he also l;tcc1ded to review o ther evidence and testimony rom the case a nd , from his esearch . concluded thl'rt' was ot enough evidence to l·onvict rona . Sporting an Ivy LeagUl' mien, uinn seems a n unlikely pt'rson be enmeshed in the world of ass murders and otht•r such iabolical crimes. yet hc h as avell.'Ci throughout thl• t'ountry and gone to Canada and South i(orea 'to give expert testimony at major criminal tr ials. By his own accounts, he has testified at more than 80 criminal trials during thl• last 13 years. P rosecuu on and. d efen sc a ttorne ys a 1 i ke have come to respect G uinn as one of the foremost forensic chemists in the world. T h e coffee ta ble 1n h is fifth-floor campus office offe rs neatly stacked ('Opies of te<:h nical jou rnals such as Science an d Chemical and Engineering News alongside such publications as the l.rite rnationa l Cr iminal P olice &view a nd Drug Enforcement. While h is colleagues might ptize a new piece of laboratory e qui pm e n t s u c h as a g a s c h r o m a t og r a p h o r m ass spectrometer. Guinn treasures an a utog ra ph ed glos sy pho to o f aetor Jack Klugman, star of the TV series "Q u incy," a modern- day Sherlock Holmes of forensic pathology. Indeed, minus the melodrama. Gulnn's work in some ways is not un l ike t h at o f the s u per- sleuthing efforts of h is television hero-Examples: -When a special committee of t h e U .S . H o u s e o f Representatives held hearings in 1977 on the assassination of John F. Ken nedy. Guinn was asked to • e xamine the bullets that killed . tile president and injured then- '(exas Gov . Joh n Connally. The chernist showed that the bullets d uring that c rime -H e m a tl·h u d b u l l <>t fragmt•nts from the brain of prize ftghtl'r Osl·ur Bo navcna with onl' of two guns used m the g a n g l a nd -r elate d Nl•vada slaying, thus enabling authorities to pro pe r ly c har ge th<' t wo assailants m tht• t.·usc. In the bowels of UCl's Physica l Sl'ie nl'es building , Guinn h as harnt.'SSC<l the atom lO investigate these cases a nd other notorious l'Vents out of the annals of crime. H is main tool is t he ca mpus nuclear reactor, much s malle r than commc•rcial units designed to produt.·c e le<.·trk ul energy but p o w t•rfu l en o u g h t o h e lp investigator s dete rmin e t h e t.·hem1cal clemen u. that make up jus t a bout any p1t'<'C of evidence. Guinn uses a technique called neutrol) at·tiva t1on analysis. a .process he pionl'<.'red in the early "fi Os while a st·1l•ntist a t Gulf Ge ne ral Atomu: in San Diego. T hat compan y manufac:tured UCl's T R IG A Mark I n uclear reactor. wh it'h can put ou t a maxim um of 250 kilowatts o f thermal energy. Simply. ve ry tiny fragml•nts of bulle ts. hair or other pieces or ev1dc m·c are lowered in to the core of the rcseurch rcal·tor, a 5 -f oo t b y 5 -f oo t de v ic e submerged in a 23,000-gallon tank of water. The sample t hen is b o mba r d e d with n e utro n s e m itte d fro m th e spec iall y enriched uranium fuel. The radioactive sample 1s then placed m a gamma ray detection device. which gives scien tists a · bar gra ph -like view of a'Jl the ele me n L<i present m the sample. ln buUet...lclld analysis, the technique Is especia lly handy beca use several impurities are ' contained in a balC'h or "melt'' of ammun1t1on lead. and no two melts are alikC'. Thcsc impurities m i g h t be i n th e f o rm o f antimony, used for hardening. as well as silver, arsenic. copper or tin. r Dr. Vi ncent P . Guinn holds up a bullet similar to th e one tha t killed Preside n t J o hn F. Kenned y. It's t ypica l of th e physical evidence with which he works in UC Irvine's n uclear reactor . "You c·an analy:w and compare known sumples rec·overcd from a s us pect 's gun a nd can tell whethl•r a bullC'l u~'<i m a cnmt.· was made from lhl' same mt>lt of lead,"' Gumn said. Gamma rays em itted from each 1mpur1ty not only te ll w hat c ll•ml·nls a r e present but how much of cal·h 1s m the sam ple because tht." n.1ys display intensity peaks tha t c:an be ml'asured, hf' noted. In tht• J U:.tn Corona rt'tna I, Gumn was askl-d to re-cxamml' the analysis of a bullet taken from o nP v il'llm -the· o n ly person who was not st.a blx>d to dealh. He a lso n ·v1ewc>d testing o f a hair sarnpl<' thought lo be Corona's that was removed from a s h ovel found a t the lubor contractor's home• Dur In g l h (' f I rs l l r la l, a Treasury Departm ent chemist ana!,Yzed the bullC'l a nd others found in Corona·~ 9mm handgun. But Gumn dispull'd those tests d uring thl' retria l. asserting the government scientist's data d idn't add up. "H t· did thl· w o r s t , m ost bunglc'CI ,JOb of ac-11vat1on analysis I've. ever St_•en," Guinn said. "IC I had a beginning student who did an analvs1s ltke that I'd fl unk him -' · . ''H e di d ev e r yt hin g l'om·e1v11ble wrong. lie ma d e mo re· m istakes than I tho ugh t we re pos.<;1ble to make·· G umn·s rC'vic•w of the bullet and l)air analysis as weU as other ev1dencr··and testimony lf,.'fl him m doubt of thf' Jury dcc1s1on ··1 h aVl' no w<Jy of ll•lling whether Juan Corona 1s ~u1lty or mnocc·nt," he said. "But what I did was prc:'SCnt a lot of evident'(' 1n t h e recor d a n d I didn't e nt·ount er an y evid ence that proved his guilt." Guinn was more dc.>cis1ve when governm<>nl investiga tors asked him t.o reanalyze bulle t e vidence from thc-Kcrtnc.-dy assass1nat1on . The samples -a w hole bullet a nd fra gments of a nother - WNC' flown to UC ! from the National Art.·hivc.'S under guard. Most ofhdals agree three shots were fired at the presidential motorcade One bullet misscod and h as n e v c r been found. T h <' sc<:cmd hit Kennedy in lhl' back a nd t h e n s t ruc k Con na l l y, even t ua ll y lo dgi n g 1n t h e gove rnor'11 ttligh. · That bullet fell intact onto the ambula nt'c stre tche r a nd has since ~n d ubbed the "magic b ullet." The thi rd hit the president in t he head. killing h im and shattc·ring inLO several sma ll fragmenL<; and two ~am p1c'<'CS. G uinn's fmal analysis showed that thl' t wo bulle t samples matched an unfired cartridge found in Oswald's gun. S till. the :.C'1e n l1st at·k no wlc dges t hat t:onsp1rat·y theorists sti ll believe o thers Wl'r e fi r i ng a t t h e prl'S1dent that day. "AU I can say is t he only one w ho hit anybody was Oswald ," he said. "Tht>re may have been 50 people shooting. But what is cl<'ar 1s 1f there were othe r people shooting they didn't hit anybody or an ything in the car." Guinn noted that he doesn 't <:hemist Gt>orge M illt~r sit a t contro l pa nel of UCl's reactor, core of whic h is shown in photp a t left . • • • • • • • . • • • • . 0 811y Pffot Pholoe by lllchard l<<Hlhlef handle ever y n-qul~l tor !>ample a nalysis a t UCJ's nud l•ar reacwr. Instead. he selec:tlvc·ly t.•hooscs cases tha t tt•nd to be difficult or unusua l. rather than rouung 1nvcstiga t1 o n s t h a t can b e h andle d b y o th t•r fo r e n s ic sp<'<:ialist.s. ·"fhc Ivory Towc•r te nds to shield you from r<'allty." ht' said "If you'rt• g,omg to do r<·s<'ar-ch in wrnns1c l·hemistry you mus t get involved m criminal t·asl·:-.. I'm fortunate that I don't have.· to take evc.•ry l'3~'." Also, he said his studl.'nts have much to learn by wat('hmg their menwr tesl1fv m {'rtmmal c.'aS<'S But Guinn is prl'lty sure he isn't cut out for a Quincy-li ke• roll-on his own cnml'f1Fthltn~ TV series. "( made two movies "ome yt'ars back a.-. training films for the Atom1t· EnPrgy Comm1ss111n," h e said . "Th;i t l'Xpl'r1<·ncc t'Onvi nced me I wa)'. not l'Ut out fo r H o ll ywood I could n"t remembcr · my Imes that I had on gmally wnttc'n ·· Securities suit scheduled I .. Services private f Or D.B. Weimer 'iP.CP.iv~rship h earing due lor fin an cier Rinald~ mor tgage A recelver 1h lp hea ~lng Is f ro m R i n aldo '• co ntr o l. A tcheduled for Oct. 13 In Orange receiver a ppointed by the judge County Su perior Court on a state would then take over. ftaw1ult which a lleges that a A ccording t o t he s tate 's .. ewpo rt Beac h mortgage lawsu it, Rina ldo a nd ot h e r ·=· mpa n y mis h a n dled a $53 Am e r ica n Ho m e M ort g'age llion loan portfolio a nd sold o f r i c I n 1 s o r e a cc u 1 e d o f tered teCUritles. misleading investors .a nd using The st a te De partme n t of Investors' money for their own 'Corporations lawsu i t , flle~pUt:pOIC Wectne.iey in S.nte AM, named ..JilnaJdo, whow firm ll lot'a\ed •nander John 0 . Rinaldo a nd at 230 Newport Cente r Drive , ~n Home Mortpge Corp. could n o t be re a ched (o r ii prtncfpa) defendanta. comment Thunday. · A requetrt to halve the company The company aold second trutt ~l into immediate receivership deed" to lnveston ••• d enied by •\4perlor court S te phe n Oou rle y . deputy lud1e Judl\h Ryao. But she comma.k>Mr of the Department *heduled further proceed ln11 of Corporation• office In Loa dx' Ott. 13 to detennlne 1f the A n g e l c 1 , 1 • Id o 11 e I e d lbmpa n y ah ould be removed lrregula n tlet by Amerkan Home ~.. . J Mortgage I ne t u d c d ce rtain powers of a ttorne y not being d lscloaed to In vestors. Also. lnte ret1t inrome was re-Invested Without the l.'OnllCnl o( lnVt'StOrs, It waa claimed. Gou rle y said state o fficials w a nt a n o utsid e receive r appointed to determine, amon~ other things, If "'M\y__!nve.!_tors money aa mlaslng. - American Home Mortcage Co. h., *n In butlne111 ah\Ct' 1978, otflctala aald. ll wu alleged that. Rinaldo aet up fo ur firm• t o m an••• tnvtat ors' f und • a nd tt)tt n arnnpd for a ret lnwstment co1hrect 10 moM C\.11 could be transferred tor h is own u~ In lnveatmenua. / .. John G. R•naldo P rivate funera l 1ervlce1 are pending for Darrell B. Weimer, vice ~resident of aales for the West 1 largest beer Importing firm. Wlldom Import Salea Co. of lrvlM. H e auccurnbed t o cancer a t Mi11lon Community H o1pltaJ near hla home In Ml•lon Viejo. Wftnm', 68, had eerved more tha n 2 6 y eara In the beer lndu.1try In the United Statn . Durlr\l<M pat 10 years, Weimer WM rilloMJ and Mies manapt for W ladom prior 't o h i• appointme nt In 1979 aa vice p..._lM nt. · Prevlowlly Weimer 8trved 16 ~eara with J oeeph S chllu Brewl°" Co. In a numbfir of Ml" and merchandiairig R05ltlons. ·· Sorn In S noh omlah , Wash~ W ei m e r w a s e d u c a t c d i:R c h e m ical e ngineer ing at t~ Colorado School of Mines a re«"ived a bachelor 's degree market.Ing rrum the University ot Denver In 1951. During Wor.td War 11. he aervcd In the U ..S. N .. -avy. Weimer Is survived by h11 w lfo Gin; h i• m other, Mre . Edith Weim er o f Denv~r. h is s lat• Bumi~ l"lulll ot Pana ma C.1\1111 Zone; h i• d •u 1 h tcr Chrlat y Gronteth; and his 110n Wayne. The family r..-quesll that any cuh remembramu oo mad~ .lh Wel~r'1 name tO the Amcrka n Cence~ Society. .. • U Of enge COii' OAIL Y PILOT /Friday, Ootoblf 1. Utl2 THE t'A~IL,. CIRCl'N by Bil Keane ! itAR~:\DLKE by Brad Anderson . . .. . I .. : · "Don 't give me that innocent 'I don't know how it could have happened' look!" .ll'DGl:f PAllKER 1H~ SNIFFS ARE CoMING OVE'R-· WITH THEIR V~TfON ~! ACROSS ' I h ·Mni« 5 Hendtoot II Con*'" 14 1n1111Jlnenl 15 ·Roast Ptg" men 16 "0111" 2 WOfOS 11 StyptlC 18 -Rell o~ 11411 Ill Wtll IWly 10 Arguing n &11111.111 .. All* 49 Tiiied glibly 53 Deer": Fr. S4 Bowed 55 Ctn. Con- wvat!Ye sec11egory 57 Setdcowr se School 11e 59 Feeing 1 gi.. ......._.a..m.11< Cler eon-.Mutt0- 1H11 11 Ouentlty 23 81n ctub DOWN 24 PrettnM 2S 011ktne0 t Plt1Nd '' Werrents 'Aeoulet• 32 Pubkatlons 3 .. TIQI men 22 Forf91tt 42 Poif..9C*I 33 Stl,.. In - -24 Smell dOgt 43 Oren 34 CM!n 1Uf111 4 Clwned 25 """'* 45 Go to pltcft r l .. i I ¥ 0 35 letWMn 5 lt'"9 lo 2t Foor·beggtr ,4f Slump• 16 HtmtNt memory 27 ~ ptl 47 Tr"*' lllow· '17 Mowt lfound f'°'*" 11 '1nflmo.. 9llOt 3t AIC4tt Olfl 7 Werllte men -... PIM'• 31 O!tcerdt t Oleo.,_. 2t City Fr rMlf 40 llO fiddle t .... aG AofNtl llldOt 41 Wlllrt UITll 4 I Ont1tl0 Of 10 l.lf .. .I.cl 3 t --flrt . II BIG GtiORGt; by Virgil Partch (VIP) "An urban cowboy? No. You look more llkt pert of hi• hQrtt.'1 • J ~11 ~ Hank Ketchum ~ 10-1 ., l • ~~ ''CAN I KEEP HIM~ We CAN TAKE HIM ALONG ON PtCNICS 10 KEEP lHE ~S NI.JAY~ • by Harold Le Oouic f 1 by Jim Davis MV NERV£S PON'T LIKE VOO, 6UT WHAT PO TMEV KNOW? MlflltOOI 33 Soft,,..... 50 TllNlltlg• Pr.- U LUtefl I I Footlelt 3t [11tt1 fi1 ~ ................ .,._ u w..,.. . 11 Dtft 37 S--dltd out & 1 Orttk OOd 4t °'*" tJ Aflrlt Mtlr '9 fllN periOdl &2 Foret unit ~ -Jt lclftde 40 V--14 Fdy • P£6'NtTN I GUESS l1VE LIVED wm~ FOOR OR l=NE DIFFERENT FAMIUES ... l'M NOT SU~E ... • I WAS INTO RESEAAC .. FOR A ~ILE.. l SPENT WE£Ks RES£A~CHIN6 WMV SOME 0065 WALK AT AA AH6LE I WAS THINKING WHAT'S. WRONG, Ol=THE O LD NANCY"? DAYS WHEN GORDO HJwa./r eEEN ML>~ OF 'IOtJ, ANO ~OV'RE NO"f' E:AY'I 10 Ml*' p 1..iCE T).(AT J..ITTLE ~ 8lJ~'/, ~ '='EV I l:IZ ' .0-1 CANDY AND SODAS WERE CHEAPER ocr ... 1 I DECIDW IT'S TO KEEP THEIR BACK FEEr FROM MITTIN6 TU F~ FEFT NAW , 1 REAll4 CX»J'T WANT AN£.> BAND UF£ INoURAf\ICE ! I'll J06T TAK£ A BOX. Of IHAI CANDQ ~ERE ! 'fAANM fOR 1"~KINu ~ s foR ~ ~r !JCllOO\. ~"1.N04UMN . ~~ AAI. ~\ ARE. 'i().) l(1QOI~, WE.~0'4? ......i~_.~J.J. by Tom Bat1 uk by Kevin Fagan 00 'iOV ~Cf~\..'11""1NK I'~ ~RAIO Of ~ f E.W LIHLE. bERMS? ..----. -=THE'/ SOLD1He CRIB. Or1nge Coa~t OAIL Y PILOT /Friday, October 1, 1882 83 t Fashionables focus of fashions ,.. , I t Prances McCurdy, ~handler McCurdy and Anne tte· Hurwitz sample the salmon mo usse ra.~of the models included Shirley Lewis, J>iane Myerson and Loi Flynn Mission Yie!O-"Ocl l/7 pm Holiday Inn 2!120!1 la Paz la1una Hills • Gerovltal GH>. Is it a miracle drug? Can It slow the hands of time? What are the facts? Chuck Broes. international expert with over 23 years experience in preventive medicine. will be giving a FREE lecture on Gerovital GH3, the mytlls and the facts It's your one chance to get the fu11 story on Gerov1tal GH3. Advance Res.eN•toon$$uggeS1ed (714) 835·3604 Umfled Sapc;e CalJ ( 714) 835-0858 Stravv Hat P1zzA 51'-CIA&5 ··------··-------------------------: '·3.00 Off ANY LARGE . I . ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! otrer good Thul'9. thru Sun. only. Umlt 3 Plna1 per coupon. H9t good with any other offer. Good 11 fotlowlno ioc.tlon Of!ly: • MES• For laster ! COSTA " service call 187 E. 17th St. .,. ahead Carner of 17th & Orange Expires 10-10-e2 831-1992 --------------············--·-····· Model~ show daytime, after-dark clothing at support group's party By VIDA DEAN ' ()('the o.Mr Ho1 •••" The F1u1hlonublt•11 lw~1rn 1t11 12th yt.•IH' as 1.1 i Upport group of Chop111u11 (.'ulll't(l' wllh o l'OC.'k lllil pMrty In the qu1tr1l·rtll'<'k u l BalboJ Bny Club Jim find 1>1on1· Myt•1•i;on Wt'l l' hustli fo1 thl· )Jllrly wllh Mlldn·d M1•ot.l u11d Myrnu Suftlg Attt'l1dinK W{·rt· thl1 Hobt·rt Alldx'.irnlf, Pl'KKY und Ll'll Colt1111, Hu11ty ond Bill Hrn~;-!)oruthy Jl'rg11111 wuh RUt•i;t Murt:10 &rn.'tt, Barburu und . . G1.'<11 gt• Karl. Mury und Chc111A'r Murl-oll w1lh tht· Lon Wt'lls und thl' t'hurlt:'t'I Uruhums. Frum'l·i. und Chondlt·r Mt:Curdy, Dr . Jt•rn•I Hk hurds with Dt·lol'l'll Gt.·lbcrl!( und 1Mri.. und Mf"li. Hob<.•rt Short And th<' focu:. was on fwih1ons and food. WllJlam Pt.•arsc111 madt• u pt'n;unal appcuranc..'t' and the group 11uw his HJH,I rt.'liort collection. Member Dla11e Myerson, owner of Glmonl"S Lido Village store and a nt•w s hup In Balboa Bay Club. coordinated lhc show Pearson's assistant. V1t:k1 Poura, t'Ommentt.-<l that this Cttllforn1t1 d<.'fllfenl•r lb enchanted with thl• subtle t•h1t• ur gray. This l'Olor, from platinum to 'pcwtt•r, was shown tilong with lemons and lllac..'8 pinks and pcathes and blues and ·mints. Otht•l'I! wt:rt.' tht• KW Sklnnl'rs, Hl'lt·n and Bob Starlin#(. Mux1nc• Preston, t'Xl'l'Ut1ve as'ilstunt to UT Smith, Chupmun pn•lildt•nt, with Sh1rlt•y Fu1rt• und Phyllis Spra~Ul'. 8111 and Sh1rlt•y Harl'ls, Jim and L01s Hlnt•s, Dolores 'tmd John V1rlUl'. Mchndo Mt>ll d. Hi•lcm Wt·Nll•rin~ with L1·1lu &rtlggs. Pat Pt•rry and Ann1..'lt1• Hurwitz. With the styll-s. which ranged Crom daytime to after-dark looks. the models wore jewelry from the NEWL YWt:OS 1 IONOHJ::ll Sot:it.·ty wnll•rs gu to u lut of part1e8 . . that'!> ttwir JUb But Mary Lou llupkms. socie ty write r ror thl· Orang(.> County St.'t'llon or the• Times ha~ bc-c•n going to somt• latl'ly thut un• not in the linC' uf duty. Brett-Walker shop In the BBC lobby. , Besides ch4.'CS<! and rruu, guests wqrt.· served salmon mousse prepared by Annette Hurwitz from her recipe in the l'OOkbook "Fas hionable Food from Caltfor!lla" being pubhsh<.'(I by The Fas h1onablcs. Sincl' she and Harry AXl'nl' wc rc marrll'd al thl· rlfmaly-only Wl'(lding at the bridegroom's Linda -Is le home and have· r<'lurncd from lhc1r Wl'<idmg Eastern Star • sets session Five thousand ml'r'Tlbe r::. of the Ordl•r uf the Eastern S tar a re cxpc.'(;tcd to convl'nt• Oct. 2-8 at the Anaheim Convention CenLN for the· grand chapter session A kick-off dinner for the t·tmumtll~ ;.rranJ(111g tht• <.'Vt.·nt 1s schl•dulcd today 1n tht· Gardc•n Grove· Room Worthy lir<.ind Mutron tll•l\y Stubbl...Cield of La CrC'sn•ntu and Worthy Grand P atron David A. Minnich of San f'rant·1sc·o will prt.-:.1dc over th" w1..-ck-long wss1on. t1·1p 111 NorWuy uml Swl•dt<n, frwndit his v1.• tx"tn t·nh·rl11l111njf. Jt•un Ltc'<:hly hc1Mlc·d 11 c·ol fl•c• ond anv1wd th~· hn<h•'i. nt·w 1w1uh1Jur11 Dt.•IJbw llarlUnl11n and Murnll' llt•t'<l wc•t (• ('O h<»ll'SSl'8 · Chat linl( unil l'n)l>ymg th<' tea wblc were J11nl'l Lind, f':v1c· Whitt'. Joan Sapus, Sally Walt.-, Elilll' Siuu·r. rytuxinl· Su1rk. Evl! Holmgrl•n , Bev Saluta untl Anni<.· 8ll'1nht•rg. • Ulht·rs W<'rt· Molly Ly'un, Nancy Fine, Sondr~ Huub. Mur1ttnm· Garnl•r, Elainl' Par~er and hc•t dau~hLl•r Wcnd~ Colt· and Putt• Brennan. : ' .Jo Anne and Gem· Mix uK<·d a Mexican thcmt wht•n .tlwy C'ntt•rttiinl·d the Axcnea at a dinner Sl'l'Vl·d 1)11 th1· paflO ur th1•1r ·Har~Rldge homt•. Mary and Jim Huoscvt•h, Em Jane and Tom H11l·y. TcJni and Kc•n Oliphant, M rion and Tony Monta~·rt. Vj f,ilnU.1 und Paul Bender and Frant'e$ and Chundlcr Ml'Curdy were tht>r('. Ali;o Patricw and Jack Groth. Barbara Aune, Lou and Jot· Jfl'rpin und Murie l Reynolds with John Bn•lm. Othc•ro; w1•rc Vl('klC and John Irvine, Glurw and Hay Oilmnk, Suzy a nd Herb Sutton, Fat and Tom Evans On Ot:l. 4 at opt•ning informal l'l'rl'munies Mayor Don Roth will wckome the dc•legates and mt·rnbcrs. .. Mr. and Mr . Ha rry Axene Weddings Barrs-McCloskey Paula S . McCloskey. daµghll'r of Mr. and Mrs Dl'lm F M<<.'lo::.kt'Y of Winter Park. Fla . and Thoma~ Alan Barrs. son of thl• Robe-rt E I lanclri<·k::. or South Laguna, (•Xchanged W(•dding vows Sept. 8 in tht• Unitl·d MC'lhod1st Church of South L agun;.i The nPwlyweds are n •s1ding 1n South Laguna. Donnell-Tropea Monica Trop<>ll and Jdf Oonm•ll were married Sept. 18 in S t John th(• Baptist Church, Custa Mt·sa Thl•i r parents are Mr. and Mrs Virgil Tropea, Cosla MC'sa. and Ned and Betty Donnell of Newport &•ach The ne wlyweds have establisht·d a homl' in Costa M~. Formal opening 1s sl'l for O<:l. 5 when general grand <'hapLcr h•adcrs and officers arl' honon-d. The Ol:l. 6 schedule 1ndudt.>s the cntert.amment night with th<.· worthy matrons and patrons partll'lpatmg m lhe gran(.i mar<:h Tht· El Bekul dance band from the shirt.• will play. L1.•gislal1on and business will be <.'Onducted on Ol·t 7 and on lh<· fmal day 1982 grand ofricers will rcllrc. The• IO!:lth grand l'hapll'r session will 1.·ondude with th<· installation of Anita Simon or Willits as worthy grand matron and A. Ll'roy Covey of La Jolla as worthy gra nd patron 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you m the Daily Pilat Tops in glass We began selling glasc; tops ju.st to accommodate customers buying our rattan tables and chests We soon learned that you appreciate having glass tops available in standard sizes without the delay and added cost or custom culling So we try to keep plenty or extras on hand lor you Round. Y11" thick Ree l . Yx" thick 24" dia 39.99 lbxlo" 24.99 30" 49.99 20>.20" 29.99 42" 69.99 lbxll" 34-.2_9 48'' 99.99 20x Jo" 39~9 20x40" 44 .99 During the NFL strike keep your options open. The new Pier1 • .. • South Coast Plaza • Disneyland • Knott's Berry Farm collections lllllEll -509 Katela Ave., 772-2472 IOSTI IESI -2710 Harbor Blvd., 540-7337 Cuauhtemoc (ponounced Ku.'OW·TAY.mockJ la 11 Mexico'• olde1t .nd W.St brcweo~ na!Md In honor ol the wt Mtec emperor. Cuauhternoc. Since 1890. the Cuauhtemoc brewctla hi'~ t.en produclr« hem thlt hive hecome lttend• the world ni.'Qr. ,.,.._ £V/,t,. Mateo's onl)' true llaht beer. Colden In color. Brtsa his ~al Import fbwr, )'et onl)' 90 calorte& per 11 oz. llottle. BolwMJ.& One ot the WOfld'I flnut laQer beers. UOhcmla hu a ~'Tlsp. clun. lull· bodied la.,te and a rich QOltk>n color. c-tA ~ o-lt s,-JAL A rich, amber colof\..>d ~with a smooth, mellow. salllfylna lla\'OT and no bitter afl11rtute. t:.rlil IUtutcti. Mexko'.a 11real lradlllONI Jager beer. Cut a Blanca his been wlnnln11 llold !Mdall and delllltit Ing hl'er drinkers around t ~ WOfld 1lnce 1893. n..I«. 1bpped with 1,mon and salt. 'lkate I• a tute ~n.allon. No worider It's the lal'llt'st aelllnii lmport1.>d ean~d beer thm1111houl the United States. Whtn )'OU think ol the WOl'ld'a ll't•t he«n, ~mtmber the fh~ irreat bMn ham Mulco-1 he letltnds al ClllUlltemoc . . : : . : : . . . • ~. •' ... ... . -. . .. . .. . ~· .. , I . ,. .. : .. . . I •• Or1nge Coa1\ DAIL V PILOT /Friday, October 1. 1882 Good as gold? No longer M r t u l f 11ili111{ to flu'clu11lt-' w itl1 i11t-t·1·1111tio11a l t•vt•111s By BAKUARA BRADLt.:Y ' ni9 CtvteKM .. ..._ ....,_,.., BOS1'0N Gold l8 no lungl·r U rl•llublu bi1romNN o r pulltlml l.'(l•tllhcr . W.hl·rt•us ttw 1411.chtt•!il • I) lt • r·ru1 llono I 4 '<Jmmo tum UBto'ti to l'l)OVC 1 ts prin· need It'. now ll ~kes a maJOr 11u111n to boost gold OJI the London markt•t Historically, when poll t1c:al crises cx:currcd, poopll· vlt.'wcd gbld us a st-Obie stort: uf vuluE-, ond bid 1\.11 price UP.. But thts year tbut h. 11 not ~n so tru1.· ; It'll not as 1( this has bl.oen a <tull year. Britain and Argl•nt1r111 fdught O"\lcr the Falkland lsluncb. )tan and I raq continued t<1 l'tia fe . Israel marched into 4banon . Through nil this, lht• price of gold fell. :Only when t he M e1<11.·1.1n government nationallied tht· cqunlry's bar.:..s. and psked to 1>\f"etch out it.s massive U.S . bank lq ans. did gold reaet in th1.· ellpccted manner. For example!, oii Au~ 20 its price jumptod $21L fri:>m $357 to $385.per troy ounee !The di(forence was thal lhe Mexican issue puts a strain on ~nking Institutions. whcn•as th~ o.1he r even ts were basically pQlitical an nature. Also. the fall In US interest rates renewed ce;u-s of inflation. ' :"Economic factors are always prese nt . " n o t es a S t a re Department official. "They S<;'t'm dominant when all's quiet on the political front. It's whe n you s 1,1p e r impose economit· rep e r c u ss io n s on a Vl'ry s ignifiean t political> evcmt that you see big swings." After gold recovers from this latest scare, some gold-watchers acgue. the price should continue it.i d ownward trC!nd. If President Reagan and the Federa l Reserve S~stem continue their SUCC't.'SS in r~s trai n in g price inereases, investors will be less interest~'<! in gold as a hedge against inflation. ;"But the essential character of g61d has ch a nge d ." o bser ves T~thy Green , an international gold cons ultant a nd a utllor o f "The New World of Gold." "It Wied to be you would bu y gold if yau didn't want to lose 'mon~y. bqcause it was so st.able. Now you b1fr gold to make money." G reen contends the interl"st o f ttle sophistit·ated investor. as distinct from users of gold -like jewelers. dentists. and electronit.-s manufacturers -has become a more important vari~ble in the gold eq~ation . Traders, in theory. c an ma ~e money o n p r ice volatility, up or down; some users will los1· 11111111.•v 1f ~olll p111·t·li JUlllP A n LI w h 1.1 t 8 ll p h 11d It· 1.1 t 1• d lllVV!'ltUl'H Wiii.ch Ill hi14 t'l't1numlc c•vt•nl.N, I.Ill wtw11 Prl'!ildl•nt Jo:w Lupt•7 Purtlllu unnuunt't.td MOid The price of gold IL oncton weekly clocllng pnce l)tt lrOy OVnte) MOO eoo -. • 400. 0 ... ... • could n ot bl· rl'moved Crom Mexk·o without pt•rmission from the ~ntral bank The price, g old -watC'hc rs mamt.uan. will still jump at scary ccono m1 l' C!Ve nts. They don't expt'<:t 1t to return to its double- d1g1 L prit·e levl'I of the t•arly IY70s "Th c quesuon 1s. wall you haw th(• l'l'Onomic stability to depress thl· price of gold?" asks Alden Andt•rson. president of Rhodt• Island Hospital Trust National bank, the largest U.S . supplier of gold for industrial pur poses. "L<•ss-developed countries will put strain on the ir infrastructure as they industrialize. You'll sec pressure on financial institutions. And inflation will continue to be a problem . All these put upward pressure on the pnt-e of gold." The consensus of 150 gold manufacturers, fabricators, and industrial traders surveyed al a con fere nce s ponsored by the Rhode Island bank Sept. 14 and 15 was that gold would rost $481 an ounL-e al the end o f 1982. In 1983 they said the average price would rise w $512 (the rangl': $350 lo $600) Factors quieter than politics. but 1n the lon g run just as 11nport.ant, could buoy the prnx· o f g(lld d uring the 1980s. atcor d 1ng lo some ex p erts : namely, a flat supply of newly minc..>d gold and strong demand The amou n t o r ne w gold l'Omtnf( 1111 tht• 1nurkt•t 1·ud1 yc•ur wilt prnuuuly tncn•a'I(.• 111 lllCJHI 2 1H·n·1.•nt u, y t•ur thruuuh th•• d1.'(·t1Jl'. Grt~n 1•1Jt1111utt•K. South Afrku. l.Jy Cur tht• lor~t'1H "olJ prodUl't·r . suw lh1 gold pr11'1t11 plungt· 3!l pNt·cn l It.is t y1.•cir. So It dt·crt•1ued pwcJul'llon by 17 5 m1 •trlc 'ons. t.o ll~7 .6 tons Th11J trt•nd hos t.·xl!it.t«.i for mor1.• thun a dccu1.lt•: The l'ountry now mini•ic :'4 pNcent h.!1>.'> thun in I ~no If the pr1t'l' kl'l'I'-' lnl'rca111ng 111orc s lowly thun produt•\wn l'OHtH, llUl'h cutbo1.•k 11 w ill m ntinut• Evcn tf tht• pnrc 1'184!11 1•onsi1forably. howl•v..r, South Afru:a might l'hoo:w 'o mine luwcr-grude ort! and rl•tam high- quahty gold for its r<.'Sl'rvcs. Tht• Soviet Union. thought lo b1.· the seco n<J ·large1n prod un .. r. will remain an unknown ra1·tur. "Thl• Sovll't Union uses gold sules only when the econorpy lb in deficit," Grl-en nolt'll. "But the Huss.ans are a fal·t of life an the gold· murkct. h 's as natural fr;1r lhc.·m to sell gold ns at is for the Saudis Lo sell nil " But th1.• Soviet Union 1s not always pnt·c-scn s1t1vc. When gold soart:d lo its re<:ord h igh of $850 an ount'C' m January 1980, lhl' Soviet Union sold Vl'ry liltle (an estimated 90 tons), becau!K' 1ts budgl'l was in...s.W"plus. But in 1981, it sold an estimated 283 to ns to rt•plenish its reserves, utcord1og to s t atistics from Consolidated Gold Fit·lds Ltd., o . mining 1.•umpany. Co ntinue d troublt• wit h saLc•lli tc countries, s ueh as Poland, could force t.he Soviet Uniba to step up sales. whlll· additional revenue from 1ts qlg natural gas pipeline may allow 1t w slaek off. -T he Uruted States a nd the lnternat1on1JI Mone tary Fund discontrnul'd lhl"1r gold sales m 1980. Demand, huwl•ver . will rontinue lo be strong, alttiough somt• industries will cul back their usagl'. Sak·s in lht' M1ddlt' East, thC' largL•s t gold market. w ill remain h ig h . ln this volatile rl'gion gold is considered thl• best store of value. While some industrial users, sut'h as dentists and e lectronics manufat·turers. arc looking for rcpla ccme nt s f or gold . jc•wclrymak ers will absorb at least 50 to 60 per~~·nt of all new gold ~·om<'s on market: an expert at t h e Department o f Commerce says. New faucet line · in Santa Ana Auburn Brass of Santa Ana has become the exclusive United.. S tates d1str1butor of a lint> of faucet s a n d accessories manufactured b y Sott1n1 Robine tterie of llaly. one o f Europe's leading producers o f faucets. A new "California Series." designed exclusively fo r the American m a rket, is a high s t yle d l ine which includes matching accessories. A divis i o n o f Amerock Corporation. Auburn Brass is known for u tilizing only the fi n est bra ss f a br1ca t1 on techniques in its lines of solid brass decorator produ c tion faucets , d oor and cabine t hardware, sw itch pla tes. and bath.. ~ries in brass and in toru·t•ns of brCl::.-s with crystal, wuc!tl , or porCC'lam Producing fixtures c:xdus1vely for the luxury market, Auburn Bra~ Is locatt'CI at 2400 W . r 1fth Str<'t't. Sant.a Ana, California. Susan Greenwald h as been namc.>d director' o f technical markcung support for Mlcrodata Corporation, aC'COrding to Gera ld W. Fleml11g , senior vice president for marketi ng. sales and service. Greenwald C.'OIT\es to Microdata from Century 21 Real Estate Corporation , where slie was vice prcsidC!nt of information systems. Prior to joining Century she was a ch ief financial .officer , sales systems support specialist, a nd independent systems consultant. Care-Free Conditione rs, Inc .. a newly formed corporation of Cos ta M esa . has b egu n manufacturing a nd marketing the n c wl'st concC>pt in water tr<-atmcnt for th(• home. business and jndustry. The unit 1s installed in the pipe line, pr efe rably near the watc·r meter. a nd as the water flo w s through the specia ll y designed core made of d issimilar me tals, the water is scrubtx-d and th e s t ic k y compou nd s surrounding the small mineral particl es 1n t h e water art> released, the reby removing scale and rust in the plumbing system. Corrosion is stopped. resulting in longer life of all pipes. valves. water h eaters and o th er equipment. Euro pean style has bee n inveeted in the California Series, a new line of faucets and matching acce&sories distributed by Auburn Brass ol Santa Ana. Crop damage study ordered SACRAM.ltNTO (AP) -Oov. · Edmund Brown Jr. has ordered an aaee911nent uf California crop lo.es due to rain. and aald the ll•t~ w o uld do "everythln1 pouible" to hcJp the dama1~ tanners. Brown l11 ued • uatement •1ina the ..-nent of loaets, by th state Ocptrtment of Food and Agriculture. would help "determine-If federal requeata can be rTK'' to obtain a federtl dl ... ~r declaration and the low· intcre•t loan• which It could make poeslblo." He said t h e rai n lou ln t.omat.oc'tl may reach 300,000 ~ I tf lt'190I ......... D•llYPllot cl•lifflld .... e.1r M2~1671 you'llll"•lt ..... t•tter ln S00,000 tons, d ep e nding on weather condltlona during the nt'>C\ two weeka. From ~O to S5 percent of thf' wine 1rapr1 ar c ati ll unharveated. Brown aald 1<>me ob8erven feel that loelC.'1! In tht> North Coeat wine arape harv'ftt may reach 10 to 16 percent. w\th potontlal loHea much hl&her. dependlns on we1ther. Heavy w .. kend ralru In the Fl'etno area dim.pd the dryiftS ralaln crop to an unknown extent. Only 10 to 15 s-rcent of tht' crop Md been harveeled . . , .. ' ... ... .. ., . "': .. ' • • ... n : ' t I ~ I : r ; ; • l:VP ~d. of Nt!Wfl4lr1 Bench has completed this 6:10,()()0-qua;e-(001 offic" building in Mii;8ion Viejo'& Crown ,Vulle y financial Plaza . l ! t ~ l .. ' • New building set f ~r lease_; CVP Ltd. uf NL·wpor:t Beach has st' I t• l' t e d (' 11 I d w £' 11 Ba n k t• r C<1mmerc-'ial Hc·al Esu.itc Servil'l.-s' Nl'WJXlrL &·al'll 1>ff1cl· to l<•:t!><: IL'> recently l'Ornpll·ted four-s tory off1l'l• b uald1nK ill 26~)() La Alan11·di.1 1n Mission Ytl'Jll . k n 11 w n a s C r '> w n V a I I l' y r11wr\l'1al Plaw L>c•!\1gnc.·d by tilt' Nuwporl &·ach arl'hlll't'lUral firm or Hill and Dant<'l!>!lll tind As;ocaau.-s, tht• o:rn.oOO-squn l'l'· fool s Lructu rl· f<·:.iturt'S wood panl'IC'd l·lt·vatur OYER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND lohbll's al all llovt•ls, and l1>ur sp:wwu:-. bako111('s Al·tttrding to Howard W1·lls, .. Hwh Wray and Luun Harrison. whn un· d1r1•1 tang leasing <rrt1vrt1e:-. fo r th1.· Coldwell Bank1.•r tu1T1pany, lht• build111g lx1asL'I an cxecllt·nt 1dt·ntily frum the San Dll'go F'n .. ·t•w:.iy and 1s suuall•d just off CrQwn Valll'Y Parkwa y. M1 :-.s1o n V1 l'J0°!- pnnc1pul artery Amplt• frt't' sud;it·t· parking. :. largl• surround111g labor po«JI of NASO LISTINGS c..l1vl·rst· ski lls ond t•xpericnl-e, a_nd · the bualdang'i. s hort walk t.o the . :.td.)Utl'nt M1ss1on Viejo Regional · Mall and othl'r nearby business i.upport firms -snduding• finan<:wl ani.ututions. shops and a · wide rang<· .of restaurilnts -' w1•rc c·1t1..'CI as already generating potl·ntiul tc.:nanl interest. I . • • • Tht• Crown Valk·y Financial: : Plaw office.· bulld1r1g 1s ' located• ; within a 40-al're mast~r-planned I offil'e a nd fi nancial community. ' j ..,, 61) 1,J11 J.>4 6S ,, JI •>' lOO I . i .. ' ~ I . HEW YOAIC tAPI T .... I00-1ng ii~ \Nlw• ,,,. Owr IN Gounlor StO(ll.\ -"° w.,.r.rlt\ l.f'Wl'I P\4i¥t gone YP trw ,,.,.,., --n ll'la ~• lloeo Oii -pe«ffll ot o .. noo ~·o• .. , ot '''"..,,,. • I IOI' T-.0.y No MCut•I~ lt«t•no r»Jo-u Mt Inc.•· , t ..oeo --iwrc..,f-,~..,99• .,. tr. I dlffHtt'tCt bt•-.n lhe • p#tWICN\ C'°"nQ A, DOd j)"toe -Thuta IHI bid ~ ' - ... ,,,.. I UVOl l 1 (•bOf• lD•lv\n • Poop(•P ) :i"~~~~: • I tnltlpta • •C"18~ 'I A(MAT 10 .CO[ltt< II c ... r101 v 11 """""' ,, c;.rMo \ ,. Hehon "'1 I) 11.oTtr. " l-II •o•dSotr 11 ~ .. ,,,,., ,, Buullf Ill XI (llN(!>(I 11 0.ISy ,, SM\S.• 2J NUf)t( un l• AEP'•• n Ap!OSot un .. U P'> wl~. ."'t. UPP<.~, 1 • I 1... '-Up ll ) ti I:~ : I~ ~pp: *t )1, • "' Vo IJ_, '' ~:: ' ~ ~: g ~ • l ,~.: .. ~: 11.6 '1 So'• • , Up ~ i ~ 1.. • UO IO J . ! ,._ • UO IO J • 1~ •. Up lOO • 1 •'• • ~ Up lOO ~:: : ~ ~: :·: : I 1.. .. uo 9 ) 9 • "'-Up t 1 • -• l., 0 '1 \0\.. • ~. VP 1.9 •' • I) U •• l'· . uo • J •• I • ~I Up l.l n •. • t p • DOWN\ Lui -.~. 1 J " . ... 1 ' J ' , .. S\o , .. ' 1 • • ... ... , .. .... . ., ) .. '"· 190 ... , .. • (hQ I'\ I ~. 011 , .. ', Off JOO .. 011 ,,. 1 • Ofl I) 1 I Off IJ J ._ Oft IJO .. Oft IJO 1 J Ott •• • • .. Ofl II S , 1 .. Ott '"' ' 1, ()fl 11 I • t '. Oft II I Ott 11 I .. Oft II I ' " IO t •, Oft to s 11 • ~ J:, ?.: J -• "' Oft ioo • 1 0. Off 100 • I .. Ofl 10. ~ _. .. Off 10.0 • t JO Oft t 1 • I t Off f ,) t .. Oft • • I t ~ j l ~ I ' ' I ;1 · I ~I . ~ .. A 5 3 $1 9 .) 8 Bl Burlington Air speeds • service Spc<.·11.d and 1pl't•d1cr 11ervK't."li will bt· uv111lablc fur KPl'<-'IOI delivery ll'lt.el"lf v11t Burllnj(ton Air ~:J<prt'flB efh.-ctsvc• today 'l'ht• Burlington airlc.·ti.er special delivery service.-. will bt· provided bctwc..'Cn 219 U.S. clt1e1. • /\ division or Newport Bcach-bu.llt.'<I 81,1rllngton Northl'rn Airfreight, Burlington Air Expr~as lrtso uffc•nt tht• Burlington 1urlc tter, an lnt.ercily ll«'Ond day mail 11ervll't'. Home prices climbing 'R1~lrlH J.lrl<.'t.'S und decllrung weekly sales avcrageii l'1111unut• to mark Orange C"ounty's sin~lc ,family hou1>111~ rnorkN. nt·t:ording to the latest survey released 1 h1i; w1·l'k by Fars\ American Tttle lns uranl·e Company Thl.' btudy, published by the firm's market rl.'SN1rt·h dc:partmcnt, included 103 actively eelling dC'vt'lopmcnL'I with 1.430 homes for Nale. An ovl·ralJ ~lc·i. avc'l'l:lg{' or 0 7 homL'll pt•r week s howc..>d a decline f 111111 the 0 9 average in the April 1982 survey. Seven 11( tht• lust ten rc•porl8 on single family housing have lx·c•n dwrat'tt'flzc.-d by a decreasing sales rate. Onn• ag~in. prices continue to climb, with h omet1 sc·lhng fo1 Lin average of $261.154. up nearly $19,548 r rom th<.· Prl'VIOUS Qverage or $241.606. TV censor introduced An <.'lectrntlk device that can b l ock h ome ll'h·v1sion signal r~:epllon on channels 2-13 has been mLr1Kiul·• ... d by Censorvie w Ltd., a Costa Mesa based manufacturer. D<.>s1gncd for parents who wish to selectively t"On trol rc-<.'t'pt1on of any or all television programming. it's markt>tcd under the trademarked name ·of <:enscirvlcw 1200, and 1s I.he only product of Its kind m the cuunlfy. Seacliff space still open Hunungton Beach Company has announced <.'Umpll'tion of iL'l fourth building in Seacliff Offic:e Park Eighty-six percent pre-leased, the building's major lcnanL'I are Dtckm.son Pacific Cablesystcms and Pl.lyc:hcx. Cablf'systems, in a consolidation move, will begin residence an the Park on Nov. 1. Paychex. which has been ba.<;t'CI an Huntangtbn Beach for eight years, has l'Xpan<fou thl•lr offices mtn the newest building STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (APj Salea, 4 pm 1 nurtqay prle4 ano net cha~ or the llflHn moat active New York S1ock ucnange luues, rradlng neoonally 11 more 1tlan $1 IJl.000 .. ,,acJD .-.100 "3,100 Hl,j()O ,..~ l(IO >M,1!00 UJ,100 )JJ,100 )IJ,IOO 4ti acJD .,,,soo 46), 00 ·~ • .000 06,100 AMERICAN LEADERS WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK tAPl S.., 1' """# ...... "'' lo<My -110'1 ,.. ,..,. ., I HEW YOAIC tAPI s.p 1' NEW YORK (AP) -Sillea, 4 p.m Th4J194ey price end net change or ll>e ten moet "lt"e Amer1c1p S1oc:k EAct\ange laWes, lrlodlnQ na11on1lly •1 Prev more than S 1 S.1!,<0mO.I rr:.71:,.""' R•"Oe<Oll llrownl'o< 8 .... CAlrp ~~~f. Appld 0.1 11••1M111m ' 31 , .. )"' )6•. 1'• 10 U"-J•v, JJ METALS lo<My l•I JU 111 1IO " • ,,.,:. 111 111 ,~ IO HEW YORI<. IAPI ~al P< !Cft "''""'•r Spot nonfeHOu& UPS ANO DOWNS Ce""' ""'· 72 '•"" • pound U S ~l Up U ~ Up 12 I Up IJ I Up 10,2 Up t1 Uo t .1 UP '-' Up LJ UP. I ) Up le Up 6,1 UP .... UP U Up • 6 J UP ,,I Up U UP U Up ~ J Up ~.I UP H Up ~ 2 Up S.0 Up ~ Up '' Up •I Up •.I 0..Clnlrllona lAed 24•-..:rt cen1• • PQUl\4I n..c 42 cen1a • paunc1, o.M-n.. S6 2306 ~ ... w• compo1oe 111 ...._...._ 7t-n cen1• a pound, NY ....,_ St 110 pet 1roy ounce H&ndy 4 Hcwmen fonty oell)' CIUOI•) .._...., 1352 00 per "- ll'l•llftll"' 1321 00-13211 00 t•or ounct . N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS I' :· ., .. ... ·: Whale watchers track . ... grace[ ul cetaceans !·BAY OF FUNDY. Off The Ma tnl' Coast (AP) AH eyes st:an lbe ~a. ~gerly awa ning a ll·lltalt• blast of water or the uns1gnalt'd surfacing bf an e normous black body from the p!acid Atlantic , • ''Whale about a m ile ahc•ad~" c.'Omc.>s 1 li\e cry from the lx>w Thto>r<.' 1s a rush of activity aboard the 30-foot Nereid. p eople grab cam eras a n d Kath y l-lazard opens the throltlc• and stt.'C'rs «oward the bust -one and a half times as large· as the ship. ~ For the next nine hours. the Nereid ,.-ill track 15 or the nearly e xtinct North Atlantic right whal<'S in this bay between Mame and the Canadian ,provinces of Nova Scotia a nd New Brunswick Right whales one<' roamed the North Atlantic. But over th<.' c.'f.'nturies most were wiped out by wliealers. who considered the mammals the "right" whales to hunt because they swim •lowly, fl oat when dead , a nd orrer large yields or oil and baleen. the· precursor or plastic. The whales are H<·lose e nough lo the c dgt,·' that the y may be destined for exlirwlion. Scientists believe th<.•r(' are 200 right whales ahve today at most Groups of five or six have been •pott e ~ o ff th e coasts of Massachusetts. Georgia a nd th<· Carolinas. says Scott Krauss, 28. who .h eads the resear c h exp'c'd 1t 1on · .~Ppns?re~ by the Ne w England :Aduanum an Boston. ·~''the Bay of Fundy, where Kra uss Mld colleagues discovered the whales tiwo summers ago. is the only spot kpown to have a large concentration -61 counted last year and the 911ly place researchers have found .alves. . ~."We're trying to find out whether lfds is an essential habitat for th<.' K.liht whale -whether they requir<' UM area for survival," explains Scott ·::The whales are "close enough to the edge'' that they may be destined IOI\ extinction, he says. "But It may be· ·that you can prC1tect their cri\i<'al habitat'' and allow the populations to ~Jld back up. -.. "Th e Bay o f Fundy Is a unique ~ltat for wha les, porpoises and 1 · bl ds, but that fac t Is not well ," KraUIS says. 1 On thil trip. which began at Lubec. 1iblne, the eutemmost point In the :i.f.nlted States, the Nere id passes ~roua porpolaet1. a finback whale, ;;.~fflN. ganneui and other Sl'a .;Kath)' H uard , who stud ie d "1owheed whales Jn Alaska for •he ie. the Nettkt 20 feet from the: wti.le. Ap rently unfauid by · tentlon. tC whale lumbera the wet.er • Kreua and Matt lhap photOll. nwm~n Wmdy Vin Dyk~ Jlm Cox. • famJly phy1lclan from Athe ns. Tt:xas. take nott•s on the w h a le's beh av ior a nd p h ysical markings T his one 1s given the name "White Tip." fo r two wh1tt• tips on 1ts two tail fluke's. T he boat will follow "Wh1tc ·Tip" for rive hours. w atching him flip his flukes as he "<.'Ourts" various females Ttw average adult right whale is 45-lo 50-f{"{'t long and weighs about a tun a foot. Kight whales havl' rotund blat'k bodtt.-s, a nd many have white 1.,<'!JiC'S Like iLo; dtN' relative, the bowhead, but unl1k<• otht•r whales. the right has no dorsal Ctn h 1s the only whale with lumps of thicke ned skin -kn~wn as the ''l·ollos1ty" -on 1L<> head. Each collos1t y is uniqu <', e nabling r<'SCarchcrs to tell the whall-s apart. Krauss says little 1s known about rights S<.·u.:ntis ts still a r<.'n't sur<.' how long th<'Y remain prrgnant. how long remal<.'i'I nurse their young. or h o w o (tc•n t h ey mat<.'· crucia l q uestio ns In d<'t e rmini ng the i r c.·hanccs of survival. HW e just keep watching those right whales a nd o ne of these days we~ll know n1ore.'· Nor do researchers unde rstand the mean ing or most of · their behavior. such as "uul lobbing," or "flipper slapping" -in which the mammals slap their tails or flippe rs on th(.> water. "But it's sort of like Big Brother - we just kee p watching those right whales and one of these days we'll kno w more." Krauss says. The re!!Ca~h project will continue for at least three more years. The Information Is to be used by fodcral oHlclals In deciding whether the Pittston Co. should be allowed to build a controversial oil rt>flnery along the bay in Eastport, Maine -which would m ean heavy tanke r traUlc throu.ih tho whale's area. Krauu alto aays Poln\ L.e .Preau. a now nuc lear pla nt on the 'New Brunswick COMl, will ~dumping hot, but not radlooctlve, water Into the bay and ~hat might affect tht> mammals. • ,[At ...... ~ Whales , Ho! Observers from the Maine Audubon· Sot•iely and Earthwatc h look on ( helow center) as rare North Atlantic right whales bob and m ove uhuve the surface-of the Bay of Fundy qff New Brunswick. .JI .>' Cr1t~"" 'lrh • IH •1--_,r o#llftt 11• ~-' ;'} ~ H ~~~ _,lo -----'-'i2-I·-----...____. It's Wallpapers To Go Wall-to-W:lll happy o nce you get your selection home. Sale . These are all first quality wallpapers just bring it back within 30 days fora full from the world's leading designers. No refund or exchange. At v.kxllpapers To Go . left-overs. No seconds. ~I to we make it easy to Every pattern is on nu •~rl ftft shop qnq easy to _ display and in stock. ~~ -~ choose. The 'M:tll-to- ready to go. And if ~e makeJi easy tor you. Vbll Sale makes it you're not completely SALE ENDS OCTOBER 24 even easier to buy! ~~:: L.tnn1ln /\vr. (Al EucllJ) 991"41470 ~lff!~it1n Parli ..00 &Nth'O..ldwln lwtt. (Santi Aniui Fa•hlon P.rk l,o..," lrvt1l - J.C. Penney enJl .... ~·~21 ~ichS..,ArtC'•• (l hklcli• ,, .... () Ui. Cttrllt'4 Cerutr) 92 ... 7Nll ~1'.1~'ftt~ Mill (UPfler ltiVtt-J.C. Ptnriey ttnd) %~2·~· ()s,en 7 dtv-a wffk-Monday thru Friday Jo-9. S.curday 1(\.6, Sunday IZ.S. I . .. 1. T he Angels' magic number: \ , American League Weit 4 ' • 5 ,. 11111 Piiat ClASSlfllD rRIOAV OCT 1, 1082 CB Angels hope to corral title By CURT SELDEN Of llMI DejfY l"tlot 11•11 one:<: ugaan fwt:u with tht• tm1k of t·onct:ntruth\8 u11 tht·ir own oppc.1111•111 whill' kl't'J)lng on<> t•ye on the llt,.'CJrl •LIOU rd. • And they may ful't' (llh' ur llw1r l)ll(gt·i;t winning _pt.-r<:t·11~u1• by any Amt•rt(·un LN.1guc.• plt.t:hc•r. W L Pct. GB Tht• l\ngcl11 w ill bt•gin dui~ u l1lllc. lall' i;hoppinl( for t}w <.:owboy'H hir1hduy pn•sent tonight and who bdtcr to !iupply th1· l(lf than ttw Tt•xus Rangers? challengt>S tonight If the Hun#(N'li dl.-t:l<lc lu start vcwran knut:kl..tx11ler Churlll' flough In Kan1m11 t'.1ty . an c.·x Angel was doing the· most damage to th1: Angt'li.' hupc•i; of an early <:elc•bratlon, as WilllC' Aikens htt a grand slam and a,). thrnc-run homer m the Royals' ruut of Oakland. Angela Royals 90 69 .566 88 71 .553 Thuraday'1 acore Kansas City 11, Oakland 4 2 You set'. tht• A111(l'ls w1•n• 11uppos<'ll LU l.ll'liver Chairman of the• Board Gt•m• Autry's prt1l4.•nt m Kansas Caty on Wt'<lm•sday thl' day hc· t•clt·bratt-d his 75th birthday. But m. 1t turned out, Autry was th<• only one C4.'lcbrallnl( It wul> just lust Sunday that I fough, In typlt'al On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 The• v1t·tory shuvt•d thL· Ang<>ls' lead to two gumes with thrt"E" to play Tonight'• game• Texas (Hough 16-12) at Ange la (Zahn 17-8). 7:30 p.m .. Channel 5. Sinn• tht• Angt·b t•ouldn't put lhl• stubborn Kansas City Royal!. away II) Missouri. thcy'll have to du it the hard way bcgmnan1: tonight (7.:10) when thc·y host the Hangc•rs for the· final thn•c• games of the regular season. knuc:kl<:r fashion, allow<.-d Csv<• runs on five hits but went thC' d1stanct• for a 7-5 v1t·tory OVl'r the Angt·ls Notc'<l Royals' rl'l1l·vc•r Oun Quisenbcrrv. who saved the last two gomes for the• HoyaL'i Tuc.'Sday and Wt-dncsday: "I wish he t'Ou ld lltart against thl'm tn every game of th(' iwries I know th;.at 1f I had a . knuckle ball as good ns his, I would." With the score tied 2-2 m the Mth, A's starter Mike Norris, 7-11, Wi.tlkc-d Gc'<Jrgl.' Brett and Hal Mc-Rue wtth twu oUL'i, Aikens then drllk'CI hLS 15th homer. dt'<!p into the• right-fi eld water dispr.iy With on.t· out an thl.' M·vt•1Hh , U.L. Washington smglt-d and slol<> SCC'Ond and Brett walkl..<J . Davey LopE'S then masplayc.-d a gruundt-r for an error to lood the basc>s for Aikens. who smashed reliever Bob Owt·h1nlw's first 'offering uver the center-fi eld fen('{'. Oakland (Kingman 3-11) at Kansas Ci ty (Castro 2-2) Gem•• remaining ANGELS (3) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3, Texas. KANSAS CITY (3) -HOM E (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3, Oakland. , Manager Gt>nc• Mau1·h and mmpany rollt"<.I mto Ontario A1rporl around midnight Wt-<lm .. 'Sday and had Thursday off to c11ntc.•mplat<> tlw1r 2 1 i game 11,ad ovPr t ht• Roya Is. .... The Royals ughll'ncd things up Thursday night when tht>y dl'f<.•atl-<l the Oakland' A's, 11-4. ll has bccumc app;trL·nt lhal the Angels arc Thtt Angels , mcanwhll<>, don't wunt to knuc:klc· under to anybody thl· Hangc•rs throw at lh<.'m this Wt'f'kencJ. Thl.' sevt•n RBI for A1kt·n:. tll'd a Kansas City dub rt'<.'Ord first S<.'l by JE'rry Grute· M<:Rat• and F'r<tnk Whitt• also had !:iOlo homers for ~ansas City, and McHae druw an his league- leadtng I 28th RBI a doubll' m the third Hough, 16-1 :l, will be• oppuSt·d bv Cl'Uff Zahn, who. with a 17 -8 rt>t:urd , bousts lhl· fourth-best odgerS' hea;rts in San Francisco I Newport Ha r bor H igh' He rb Goss ( 40) comes down with a clutch ca tch a mid t four El Toro def enders to set up the clin<'h ing But eyes in San Diego as final s eries opens ~ By JOHN SEVANO Of IN 0.ity Piiot l l9n LOS ANGELES -Just whl'n \he final chapter of the Nauonal League West w as about to be written , the Dodgers went out Thursday night and messed up the introductwn. They've go\ some nerve. But because of it, there's going to be a pennant race after all. And, it ' On TV tonight channel 11 at 7:30 looks li ke it's going to go right down to the nub. The Dodgers closed within one game of division-leading Atlant.a. a nd snapped an eight-game los.ng streak in the process, by posting a 10-3 decision over the Braves bef<>re 4"9,926 at Dodger Stadium and another million· plus who watched on thei r southland television sets't So now. it's showdown ume as the Dodgers venture to San Francisco for a regular-season closing three-game set with th<' Giants (who. incidentally. arc only one game out, too). whilt• t he Braves go south for three with the San Diego Padres "l'm very proud of this team because this was a game that had to be." said Ma nager Tommy Lasorda. the diplomat, who watched his club score almost as many runs m one night (10) as 11 had in its prior eight gam<.'S (16). "This was a game we had tu wm because it was the different'<• betwt-t•n being thr('(' out or one National League Weit et W l Pct. GB Braves 87 72 .547 Dodgera 86 73 .541 1 Giants 86 73 .541 1 Gamel remaining ATLANl'A (3) -AWAY (3): Oct. 1, 2. 3. S an Dl~o. DODGERS. (3) -AWAY (3): Oct. 1, 2, 3; San Francisco. GIANTS (3) -HOME (3): Oct . 1. 2. 3, Dodgera. out. At l<•ast we're st11J breathing. "What we have to do now is go into San Francisco and con<.'C'n traw on winning the fi rst gum\?, then we'll go Crom there.'' For those who like numbers. the Dodgers' certainly don't look good Although they've spht six prior meetings at Candlesuck this s eason, the Dodge r s are 7-8 against the Giants overall and havc lost the last five straight bctwC'<'n the two. lhc· Braves. ronv<'rscly. are 3-3 with the· Padres at Jack Murphy Stadium. but hold a 9-6 overall edge m their seriC'S "I like our s1tuatton," said Atlanta Manager Joe Torre after lhc game "Of course I would have liked it bt•llcr 1( we had bc>cn thrc><· up. But we came in here· with a one game lead and wc•'rc leaving with a one game lead That's a ll anybody could ask for "What we hav<.' to do now is go an tht•r<.' and do our job. And if we can't go!in and win, then we don't d<.'Sl'rVl' 1l " 1 touchdown. Sailors' blue chips • Will the pot, 17-7 Th<> Doc!gers essentially feel the same way with one catch: they know th ey have to rom-entratc on their task at hand bdorC' lo o kin g o ve r t h eir shoulders to S«• what's going on l'lscwh<.'re Interceptions, big plays l ead the way in Sea Vie w L e ag u e open er By ROGER CAR~N of'tMO.-, .......... They didn't exactly clinch a CIF Central Conf erence playoff berth Thursday night -but there 's little doubt following Newport Harbor High's 17-7 Sea View Leligue football decision over visiting El Toro t hat the Sailors have re turned to the w ays of past endeavors. In short. the Bluejackets are back. in the hunt for the league championship, and an obvious playoff c.'Ontender, And they did It just like their new coach said they would if they were to be championship caliber -with blue chip plays and an unyielding defense. h took a 92-yard r e turn w1 Lh an interception by 6-3. 207-pound junior sensation Steve Brazas to get the Sailors on the boards and it took a sterling leaping cat.ch in a crowd by Herb Goss for 2 1 yards to set up the clinc hing touchdown "That was the~1ds' game," said an elat.ed Giddings. "They won It In spite or ml'." he continued, alluding to a mistake hl' made somcwh<.'re down the linC' It was an expen siv<.' triumph. however, with standout hncmcn Dave Cadigan and Bud Cobc·rly (also the first line place-kicker> going out with knl't' injuries. "I'm worried to de&th about that," continued Giddings. "It really takes the luster off of 1t " El Toro had its share of bumps and bruises. too, with tight end Bret Paton exiting with a p<>Mible brokm k'Ct t1bit (shin bone.') The Chargers took the opc•nang kickoff and appeared to be 1n total command. with gains of 17, 14. 19, 20 and 3 yards putting the ball at the Sailors' 8-yard line an very shor t order. But Brazas stepped forward and picked off an El Toro aerial and rac-ed past the El Toro bench on the way to his 92-yard return. ignited by heavy pressure on the El Toro quarterback, forcing an off-balanced attempt. ''That interception won the game," offered Giddings. "You're just starting to sec w hat Bra7.8s can do." * El Toro bounced back wlth J erry Eldridge's three-yard touchdown run following h is 5~yard return with an l11tere•eptlon lO the Tars' 6-yard li ne. but the 7. 7 standoff didn't last long. Harbor marched 55 yards in nine plays t.o set up Coberly's 31-yard field goal with 3:21 left in the half, with Bill Brown. operating as a tailback in a single wing offense, leading the way. Brazas rac'CCI 14 yards with a win~l><J<:k reverse and a major penalty got the ball lo the El Toro 10 before the Sailors settled for the field goal. El Toro Coa~ Bob Johnson a nt1c1ptHed a twfst in t h e Sailors' offense. noting Newport had a d1ffercn\ l{ame play for each of its three prior foes. "They really didn't fool us (single wing)," said Johnson. "Th ey just outplayed us. We've got a lot o f work to do." • J1,hnson felt hls team's d<'mlse came tn the third quarte r w hen the Chargers couldn't punch it in after gaining a first down at the Sailors' 15. Brett Kacura led a defe nsive charge by H arbor and Ir' 25-yard field goal attempt fell short. Later the Chargers turned. the ball over at the Sailors' 24 without pressurt> a nd although each team finished with four turnovers. it was El Toro's which (Se• NEWPORT, Pa1e C4 > "We can't rt>ly on them.'' said Hi ck Monday of the Padre"\. "What we have to do ts go about our business first. Wt• have lo worry about San Francisco and let th<> Bravt'S worry about their job Wl' can't worry about 1t for thl'm." "We can't be in San Fral"lcisco and have our minds in San DiC'go," added Ken Landreaux. "What we have to do is go out and wm three gamc•i;. We c.an't rely on an ything less." Although winning three games -especiall y at this stage of a season isn't gomg to be a snap, thr Dodgers have had plenty o( practice at accomplis h ing such things . . a nd their position was much worse than it LS now. Last y ear's e ff o rts are probablv the best documents for (See DODGERS. Paa~ ct) N O PROGRESS A T NFL TALK S Oilers droWn Bolsa in a sea of points, 54-21 WAS HINGTON (AP) Nearly 11 h~ra of negotiations r.roduced no progre111 Thursday n t he 10-day-old National Football League players' strike. but both skfet ~ io retiume barolning talkl today. M eanwh ile, the strike offtclally claimed It• second ~r-aeuon weekend. "Jbett WM no pl'OIJ"ftt , , , , " JllCk Donlan, chief neaotJator for the NFL Mana~t Council. aald aft.er the day-lon1 eeealon ended at 11:4~ p.m . EDT. By ED ZINTEL a,.e1.i to tM Deity ftttot T here'11 a new wave of l'XC1temc:'nt over at Huntingt.on Beach H igh right now, a nd It has nothing to do with new wave mus1c. or big surfing wavl'8. What It IA Is a wave of footbull pride. Wh'ereafl the Ollcra for the pwst uecade have been the doormat of the Sunset League, today. Huntington Beach 11 establishing IUl<!lf a.~ a viable power In Ora nge County prep football ranks. ~ -AJ\a now, tollowTrig Thurtlday nf8ht11 crushing 54-21 victory At home over previously U.(lb Otl'n Sol•• Grande, Huntington BCach cnwrs n'ext week'• aame agalnn San Clemente with a 4·0 A.'O)f'd, ' What's more, the Oilers. who have not won more than three gomes in an ontirt• season since 1969, find the mselves with w ha t on pt11)"r Is the most exploslv .. offenlK' In the county. Thl.l~ay night they gained 392 1.0t.al yards, 177 of thoee on the running of Junior full lJack Danny Thompson . Thompeon rushed for three t.ouchdown1, two of thOtie In the flnt quarwr when the Oiler• bolted out to an ln<:rcdlblr 34·6 lead. Actually, Bolao G ra nde may h ave been fortunate to eecape with tho loee the Matadon d id . con sidering two Huntington Beach touchdowns were called back. Th4" 0Uen ICOf'ed the first ti~ th 1 touched the ball aa quarterback Eric Lawton hooked up with Jomes Dunn for a 60-yard 1COring pU<J on the initial play or the game. Two plays late r, the Oilers' L ouie Cerda lntf'rcepted a 8ol.88 Grande paaa In Matador territory to put the Oilera at the 21 -yard line. Thom.-on ran 10 yardl for the ll'Ore. · AC~r Bot.sa Orande 8COred on a 79· yard J>8* play from Sean O'Keefe to Mark Moyer. liuntlncton Beach came .. right back. Bob Rchlln& lntercap~ • pua and rct.umtd It 23 yards for a touchdown. Ju11 before the q,uaner e~. Lowton wa1 at it a1aln1 thit llme hit.tint Jeff Lopez with a 31·)'.•rd touchdown pua. "The offense ployed ex\remely well, no question ." 1aid Huntington Beach head coach G r eg Henry. now in bla second year . ''Danny Thompson waa et1p«"lally brilliant. He's now-tunnlfll like we thought he oould. where he jua' runs over people.'' Henry a lso praised l ht' work of L.awton who hit 8-of-14 •tl('mpta for 20$ y1rd1 and no Interceptions. "We've t hrown 80m~ nc·w look.• Into the offensive formatlo n1, r unning a' Delaware W l ng-T . with Io t a ot mltdlrectlons and F.tlc'1 handling it ~rt· w~ll." uld Henry. "We've d.clded thol we can't Nn out of an l·formatJon like Edlton end eome other teams in our (8" OILERS, Pase C4) ., 01 Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, Ooto~r 1, 1912 ;Worthy rich addition to champion Lakers From AP ctlJpatcb"ei m j INULEWOOD T he tulc nt·rn.·h I L o11 Allgt'h·s Lakt'rs ~11 1 rid•c.·r i Thu r dov a s the y i;1J(ncd J a m1•8 ;Worthy, the first Nv I ptl'k in the ; Natlonal Basketball Ax-.cx·1uuon draft to bl· t,u kci\ : by the league '11 d efondang chump1on11 • The 6-9 forward. who led North Curolma tu f the National Coll~gautc Athletic Ai;sodatlun title . last spring, w 1U pin the NBA champ; today for : the ir first presen.son workouts I at L oyo l a Ma rym o unt ! Universi ty. ~ Worthy's l'Onlral't le rms wen• not announcl'<i. He w as l bc lit'vt•d to be seek ing in -• ,-)«'CSS or 1500,000 a--year=-! w hl c h would put h i m j !'iC!mewh<.•rc· m lh l' middle of the Lake r salarv ladder. • Massive• contrat·Ls on lh l· l wo"Tl4Y team whiC'h won NBA llllc~ flwo of lht• lasl three seasons include a 25-year, $1 •mt I hon -a-year arrangemen t of guard-forward :Earvin "Magic" J ohnson, and the deals in which :centt•r K a ret•m Abdul-J abbar a nd ce n ter - 1rorwa rd Ma t.ch Kupchak receive about $800,000 <1 iyear cac·h. • I• "My mam l'Onc·crn w as to st.art on time," .Wortfiy said of h as com in g to te rms befon • :training t·amp began. ·•t ft.el fortunate to be ,coming to this organization I thank <i rooktt' ca n only tw rwf11 play ing for tht• bt-st team " Quote of the day "If Dan Fout!( ~ocs back. he's going to go in wath Joe Schmoe and John Doe and risk h is l'&reer." -San Diego Chargers widl• rt'<:eiver Scott Fllzkee, referring to frl'l' agents the team might sign to restart the sc•ason. Pruitt makes his first hit count ! Panch-hitt<.•r Ron Pruitt drow in a ~wo runs with a bases-loaded bloop ;>angle to t-ent.er held -hts f1,.,;t hat of l h e s e.a so n -cl i m a x i n g S a n ~rancasc:o's second comeback or the game and iiivmg tht•m <t vital 7-6 victory ovcr Houston fThursda y nig ht. The Giants tra il fi rst-place ~Llanta by one game in the NL. West. and San r.:ranciS(."O w ill be playing at home thas wt-ekend ~gainst the Dodgers . . El~wherc, Garry lMaddox's RBI sing le in the bottOm of thl' ninth :taelped Philad elphia nip Montrt'al. 5-4 .. J>an Drlessen's two-run hom<'r in thl' seventh jnnmg snapped a tie a nd ea rned Cincinnati to-a J>-4 win over San Diego Manny Sarmiento Jmd Rod Scurry combined o n a fave -hltt.er with Scurry providing three innings of hatless relief in l>lttsburgh's 7-2 w in over S t. Louis . . Ryrit-• Sandberg &•ored twice and coll1-cu.-d thr(.oe hats as ~.hica,1<0 ed~ed New York. 3-1 ~aas seeking second straight title i Jay Haas, who won lhl' Ha ll of !I ~ame Classic in his las1 start, birdied ~our of the first five holes and cruaseq ln wit h a 7-u ndc r-pa r 63 a nd the tirst-round lead Thursday an the Texas Open. He Hadn't make a bogey, did not have a fi ve on his t:ard, played the front rune 1n 30 and escaped ):>Otential d isaster when his second shot on the ~ixth hole skipped off the surface of a la ke and t'an up on the bank. .Ama teur Juli Inkster ~nd four-year pro Beth Daniel cal·h shot Cive- tnder-par 68s to sha re the first-round lead of the namori Classic an San Jose. lnkstC'r had seven 1rd1cs and two bogeys, while Daniel movl'<i into fl tie with an eagle on the par-4 16th hole . Roger Chapman of Great Britain and Manuel Pinero of Spain shot 3-undcr-par 69s to share t he first-rou nd lead of the S panish Benson Open In Madrid ~----------------------------._. .... Roenloke oapa Baltlmore rally Olr)' lta.1lcktt'1 two-out , lllm·h· II hll •lnHlt• drow In Cal Rlplma Jr. to C'ap a fou r -run n i nth hrn'n" 111 8altlmoro d cfo11tcd Dc•troll, 11 ·1\, Th1JM1Cl1ay nlaiht t-0 kt't!p Ill hopc•w ollw In the• Am r)t·e&n l.<-llj(Ul' &t11t 'l'h" victory, l'ouplc..•d with Mllwouk1·{"11 9.4 I011.11 ut Bos ton, lt•h ttw Orloll'S thr('tl gom<.'11 b1•hl11d tht> Rn•w..r11 lwfld lnj( into th111 l't.'kt•nd's lll'll11c.m-<mdl111( four .cumt• • "OINICICI M"rles ogulnst Mllwuuke<' In Uul t1mon · Jim Rice u ntl Carl Ya1tnem1kl t'Omblnc'<I for liCVl•n hll8, und rookie Wade BOHi drove In th n 'l' runa 011 J.lollton dcl&yl'd Malwuuk't•t"1e l111p1•N lUuht- handt•r Dennh Eckersley blunke d 1 ht· Brt•wt•rs fo r 11cvc.·11 i'nni n~ll bl'fort.> Paul Molitor und Ce<'ll Cooper h il two-run honu•rs, thd 1 Uhh a nd 3 lllt rt'specu vely .. . . 011car Gamble '• two-out singll• drove an Dave ColllDll w1lh lhe IC':.id run llli Nl•w York 8','Qrf'd four \lml-s in lht· I.op ol thl· ninth to l!dl:{t• Cleveland, 7 5 . . Jeslle Barfltld snuppt .. '<.l a 4-4 Uc with ti hom<' f u n In the fi fth inning to lead Toronto past Minnesota. 6-4. Luis Leal, 12-15, got the victory, w hile Jack O'Connor, 8--9. suffcrt'<1 the dl'fcat. Baseball today On thas date ·in baseball ,in lYtH : 'Ne w T o ri< an t't.' s uggC:fr R of(l•r"1Vhii'iS- sct u new single-season f"\.'('()rd as hl· hit has 6 1 st homt·r of the yea r -a shot oH Trat'y St.allurd -to doc1dc a l·O Yankt'l' Vl('tory ov..r t he Boston Red Sox · On thas date in 1950. Otck S tsle r's three -run JOth ·1nn1ng humcr off Don Ne w t'ombl' gave lhl' Ph1ladclphia Phillies a last-duy, 4·1 v1c·tory over Brooklyn at Ebbets Field. t•na bllng the Ph1lli1..•s to elinch their fi rst Natlonul League p<>nant In 35 years. Today's birthday: . . Chit·ago White Sox infu•ldcr Vun('<' Law IS 26. Trojans· Crutcher may be ou~ for year USC's regular tailback Fred II Crutcher w Lll undergo surgery today ·for torn ligamen ts afte r hls injury In last Saturda y 's game agai ns t Oklahomn, tht• school announced Thursday. Crutcher iB t'XfX>efed-io ~out for the season and regular fullbac k Todd Spencer will start at tailback Saturday against Oregon After owning the San Diego Clippers for 16 months, Beverly Hills rrullionaire Donald Sterling let it be known Thursday that he wants to seU the NBA club. Gene ral Manager Ted Podleald said he has s tarted discussions with several groups interested in buy ing t h e te am . . . Outfie lde r Ron LeFJore of °the C hicago White Sox was arrested T hursday after o fCicers from the police narl'Otics d 1v1s1on s earched h is a partrne nt a nd found Quaalude's, a s timulant and a n unregis tered w<.•apon. pol1t:e said. Television, radio FolJowmg are the top sports l•vents 'on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v ext-client: v v v worth watchl~g. v v fair; v forget at 6 7:30 p.m., Channel S . V' v V' v BASEBALL: Texas at Angels Announcers: Bob Starr. Joe Buttitta anc.J Ron • Fairly. l'wo f.'X ·Uod~Ns face each othf.'r ton11zht as Cha rlie Hough ( 16-12) pitches for Texas against thl' A11gl'ls' Gc'Off l.ahn (1 7-6). All Angt•I games w ill bl' lelt"C:a.-.t until the pennant is dl"C:aded n . 0 7:30 p~m .. Channel 11 v v v v BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Francl!lro. Announcers: Vin ScuUy and Ross Por ter 'It's the final rare to the ware as the Dodge rs and Giants, each traiUng Atlanta by o ne game. finish off the season with a threc·-gamc· series. Jerry Reuss (17-11) faces Fred Brein ing ( 10-5) in the series opene r. - RADIO Baseball -Te xas at Angels, 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (7 10); Dodgers at San Fra ncisco. 7:30 p.m .. KA.BC (790) Footba ll -Cal State Fulle rton at Long Beach State, 7:10 p m .KWVEI 108 FM>: 10 p.m. dela y, KWRM ( 1370). DODGERS STAY ALIVE . • • Miller, Galt win title . From Page C 1 evidence Trailing in the mana- serics to Houston (2-0). the NL c hamp1onsh1p series to Montreal (2.-)) and the World Series to the New York Yankees (2-0). the Dodgers dramatically came back ln ~ch instance. ~nd, who can almos t forge t the miracle or J 980, whe n the C>qdgers trail'ff the Astros by three games, only to sweep them on the last three days of regular sets0n play. ~I believe we can takC' three. I rdlly do." summed up second bateman Steve Sax. "To night w$ a do-o r-d ie game just like ~ three up there will be. I'm e JC:c I l e d a b o u l going t o Capdlestlck. If we can win thr~ gavaes up there a ll w~·u need the Papres to d o is win one." The Dodge rs a re obvloualy .etJlng their hopes high. but then lhfy fttl they have to. !'tt was a mandato ry win to~ght, just like they all are fr here on out," said Steve C rvey . who ver y possibly played hia final home game In o bcti9er uniform Thursday. "It wd hadn't won tonight, the odd5 ag.lnat u 8 wo uld havt-been al.rt>oll Insurmountable. What we d"' by winning was make them (t)fl oddl) a little bit better." . HoptfuUy. thinp are 1olng to t ," .cfded Oult~ Bekl'r of odd1. "I know the 8rave1 e beaten tbo Padres pretty thi. yoer. and we've Solt our flw 9'n11ht to the Otani.. law of ~ would 8"m ""ate that It'• our tl.:m to the Oian&a and lhe .,..... turn l o be a t the• Brav<.'11." What's ironic about a ll this as that the Dodgers now need some he lp f rom t h e Padres, a club w h ich has o penly admitted 1ls dashke for the de fending world 1..-hamp1ons. • "l JUs t h o p e th<'y 'll b e compet1t1ve n o matte r who t h ey're pla yi ng," sold Bill RusseJJ. "I'm sure they 'Will ~. I think h 's JU!i t a mutte r of a player's pridt•." "I 'm quite Hure th e y 'r e no n-discrimlnallnR." o ffe red Garvey wath a grin. "They have pride and character and l know they'll want to beat the Braves this weekend." * DODOI" NOTll -II Thurtdey 111Q.ht ••• Indeed Oerwer'• lln1I one In • Oo dger uniform, he c<Mdn't he.-. etlr.ed IOf • be4ter c 1011ng pe1lorm1nce The Dodger llret 1>eten11n .....,,t 3·for-3 end *COied • run whlle 1e111ng hit I Y8rt0e to .282 "t wouldn't hlV• r~r1t1et1 • 1lll(lle l'l!Omel'll of II," Mid Q.,-..y of lh• o•m• "The re1ponM of lh• fen1 deflflllety rOM me 10 1 dlft.,.,,I ltMll tonljltlt" ~WM Nlvled Pflor lo Thurlld4ty'1 •oame lor tailing over IOle PQ-'lorl o1 tourth piece 011 the •ll·llm1 co n1ecullve gll'll•• pley.d k11 Ger.oey, With TlwfMflly'I OllllnO, ~In hie I, 1041h t1retot11 ~ Only LM o.twtt 12. 1301.1Wlftt a..et 11.acm ttt4-. ---,,.~ "4•~ ,,, mot• It, tly eoMt ClllMI, lllt Ood'Of'I t nd lrl ... I ef'd lht tf9Ullr ... ton Ill 8 lft, I ont1»1fM .-rott wOlll<I l>e ~ " DodOtr 8tedlUM Moncfey. Ho llfl'lt I~ Ille gtme hat betl'I Ml )'91, ellhOuQh Clul> OlllCl•I• lhlnll II Wiii begin •t I f6 p.m. Aller lhl Dodoef• fled toet tllelr ~11th. •tr•lgllt WedMtdty night, one majot J"llr09Qlllen new1p11>41r tuggHted that II mlOM h~ beef! one Of ttte ~ ooo.,.t ~" ot•t11 lllne, ~ ......... efi ... T~·· oame ~ tM at~ Nf llPW! tOl'llt Of lllt ~·· "I tlllnll tit ot 1'Wrl _. ..,., U1>Mt t1y It," he Mid. "A 11M1 un fell IMO I ~. or llop hlttlrlO, but lfllt'1 NI ChOlllnt to m• I lllOl>fflt Ille "°" ... ~.ur-::=n~w· ... ,.,_.. w ........ ~ ..... illltwl tllwl4ey to • ~ ·~ ~ D0¥ ,,. cou,ee :. ...... fl w........, - Dick M ille r. a graduat e of Coron a de JMar H igh and Pepperd1ne Un iversit y teamed w ith US C graduate Gretchen G alt to win the Lip ton amateur mix e d d o ubl es n a t io n a l champions hip in Ponte Vedra Beach , Fla. recently. Miller and Galt both llve In Newport Beach . TheS< won the national title from 31 other teams from acroea the nation, annexing the Cinal match from Charlie and Hillery Marold of Chicago, 6-2, 6-0. In all five of their matches In Florida, they never lost more than three games in any one aet. During the compell\lon that started In Tustin In a local tournament through the aectional Involving Orange County and the r e g ionals f o r Southern Callforn la, the Newport duo didn't loee a aet. "Both of ut have played on the pro circuit and each of ua hu been a teache r In the p11t," Miiier 1ay1. "But In order to qualify, you ctn't be dolnR either one at the pretien t lime. "We have 'played toge ther In alx toumamenia and have won five of them and ploctd l«Ond In the other. Miller 11 28 and hH play.cl t.oumament tennis for 19 of °'°"8 years. Galt ls ~6 U.S. leads Cup PERTH, Au1tral1a (AP) John McEnroe beat Peter McNamara 6-4. 4-&. &·2, 8-4 rf1day nlfht and aave lhe Unliect Ste• a -0 leed over AuauaU. In \flelr bttt-of·:J match O.vlt Cup tennis c:ompelldon. N, o ordinary ·elf ort for ·Oilers' S11Jith Sailor~, f;dison, Woodbrid~t· run to wins Truf'Y llanlon llunu11g t11n Hcach Jl1ijh a.<·nttJr Jim Srn1th rol•c·d W 11 1>n.,m11l lx'l>t 15:05 lO pt.ir'f• tht• 0 1lc•ri. tu u 20-47 en~ Ct>U11try v1l·to1 y over Mnrlnu tn t lu• S u nw t Lt·Ul(Ul' 1'hursd uy. 1'~1st•W hl'rl'o Nt·w p111 I l111rbor won u tri·m•-t•t from C<>icUl M<>sa tt n tl lrvlnl' In till' S t•a V1C'W L 1• a 1< u t• , 1': d 1 "o n l o p pt· d WestrntnlltN, WonrlbrulJ<t• l'cll(t~l Sun C..:lemt•n l t·, Matc.·1· Ll l•t i.wum pl'd Sc•rv1tJ.• 1n till' Ang<'IU!! L~1·u~Ul'. und Dano ll11ls <Jutran C<J{m1tr:Jno Vallt·y n woml·n's ac·t 1cfh , M,u 1r1a Hanlon lauded CROSS COUNTRY at halftime Tral'Y Hunton, a HIHO graduut(• o f &fo;on Hijofh-Sch4>ul, w.UI lx:. h o n o rt•d 1:11 ha lft amt• o f S a tu rd1:1 y 's Arm y-Harvard football game at West Point for wmnan~ the 01v1s1on Ill n<tt..1on:.il W O mt•n 's lo n g JU mp chump1onsh1 p•an the spranJ,t. Hanlon as a Junior a t Wl'st Point and playt'<i basketb<tll for the women's team last season S he scort·d 32 poi nts in one: gam<.' t.o set a Cadet re<.-ord. T.nis sc•as.on she is bypassing bas k~tba ll in favor of indoor tra<.·k. d t•h•11tt•d Huntington &·ad 1 hy ww puinl, IU!iso11 rnmp<•d past WNllminMtcr , Nt•wpOl'l llarb111 k nocl<t>d oT Cfo1 tu -M1·su t11HJ Irvine, Woodbradg<.· won tlll a tu--brt'akcr over San C"l1•11wrltl'. Mah ·r Oc1 easily dl'ft.•IJkd Sl J osc•ph 's and D:u1D 11111., wtrn ovt•r Ca pistrano Vtt lh:y Doug Kine r o f Nc·WJ)(Ht lla rl>or easily outdai-ta nn•d tlw field an w inning his race 1n I fl:OY 1'~1son fmistwd in thl· M:c.:011c.J through fifth slo ts in beating Westminster, 23-:M Mike Coe pl<.1l·cd S<.'<.'Ond ( 16:07) Lo lead the Ch;,irgers to the Sun~·t Lt•agut• oix·ning &.r1umph Ju111ur 1-:1 k St 111•1nwt11111 n rnn i.1·umd for Wootlbnd~1· HI tht• Wurri11r1>' i~ :1i vwtor v OVl'r S11n ('lt•1111•11ll• Si ht•r 1111•1·horn .ind tt•urnnww B11.Hl W1l1>1111 "lpr1111t-<I llH O lh1· I Wfl ·•llll thll't' lij)OU. an I h l' (I 11 a I i't I r I cl l '" I 11 h 1• l p WcAAJbrnli.11· post 1h1• w m Miltl'I l>t•t lwcl ltlllt· t1uuhll· cl1sp<.>1>mg of Sc .. rvt lt'. Hi ~,(J with l:;dd it• 0 (·h n ·ni., JI t·rb K 1<•111 . Shuwn K1·1•1<•111, l>on11rut• Adom" and Jun L.11 k111 pl.1n 11.,t m tht· top fi ve> Ml'un wh1l1·. Ou ·.111 V1t·w Junw1 .John Ard11bald took r1ri.\ in hu, int·t·t a";11n111 f oun tain Valh·y. but th1· Buron:. h;1J l'Huu~h d1·pth LO t·d~c lht• St·uhtiwk!t, 211 :m. I n w o ni t· n ' i. o l' t 1 IJ n , W1111dbridg1• u11d Sun l'lPml'nt(• 1·111lt·d Ill a tw , but on a i;ixth- pl111..'l' t w-bn·ak<.·1. lh<· W&rrwrs wen• d<."<:lan'd wl nm·rs Kirn SdH11·r1•1 ;ind Lisa Sor f1nishc·d third :111d fourth for Woodbntlg1., n·s1x't·t1 vt•ly U 'Sltl· Pr<i ll ;md Shl·rr1 Whttl' Wl·n· tht· l1Jp l W1> f1n1sht•r:o. 1n I::dtson's rnmp of Wt·:o.lm insll'r, Tru1·y T<iyl11r und Kc•ntly Arum ht•l1H·d On-<1n V11•w t•d gc Founl:11n Vallc•y. Swt·t·y llenry l<·d M<inna p<is l ll unt1ngto n &ac·h. and Julit· Morns of Cos ta Mesa won h<.•r race 1n the ln · rnt•l't against Nl·Wpurt H<ir b<Jr ~nd Irvine Hanlon holds the West Poanl re<.'Urd for the highest point total ever scored by a wonwn cadet an the physical aptitude test. It's a test of strength, coordinatio n . sfX.'Cd and agilily required of 1111 cadeu en tering West Point prior to acceptance. Fast cycles conJpete OCIR s ite of competition this w eek e nd Hobie regatta lures 200 to Newport By ALMON LOCKABEY Olllty Not ao.tme W'*' Nearly 200 Hobie Cat.'1 of a ll sizes and descriptions will swarm over Ne wport Harbor Saturday and Sunday in the 15th sailing of the Ancient Mariners Hobie Cat Rega tta Race offacaa ls said Thursday that more than 150 registrations were already on file and e ntries w ill continue to be accepted between. 7 and 10 a.m. Saturday. The r e g a tta w ill b~ divid ed a m o ng sev e ra l c l asses o f Hoble-14s , a nd 18s. and will a ttnH·t s o m e oC the b est l'atamaran sailors on Lhe West Coast. Followang registra tions, the first .race wall start at 11 a .m . in fron t of the Ancient Ma riner Re5taurant on Coast H igh way T h e f1n 1s h will be o ff t ht· Newport Paer betweep a race committee boot and buoy. At upproxtmately 2 p.m. th<' second rac<' will sta rt off t he Nt'Wport Pier and finish in the bay in fro n t n ( th1• AnC'tt.>nt Ma rinl'r Rl-st.aurant. A t hird r&l<'e S unday will i>t<Jrt ;i n d f1n 1s h 1n fro nt o f the rcstaurant Trophy pres4.·11wt11111 wall b4:· at thl• rt"'lt.aurant A f't'g1strnt1on fee of $9 wall Ix· charg<.-d for Hobae -l4s and $18 for Hobie 16s and 18s. lluman-powe rt'<i vehicles with th e abili't y t o exc e e d 60-m1les-pt!r-hour will converge o n th e Ora ng e C o u nt y · International Raceway drag strip in Irv ine Saturday for the first of two days of competition. Action gets under way at 7 Saturday morning at OC(R and <.'Ontanues Sunday in thc strt-ets of Carson on Del Amo &ull·vard und al the Olympic Vclodrornc· al Ca l S t.ate Dominguez Halls Saturday's events will andudl' a 2 00-m e t e r s p eed t rial. 20-kllometer road race with a L<· Ma ns s tart,· 50-kilo me tt·r r oad race w ith rolling start and a quarter -mile head -to-head sprint The Inte rnation al Human · Pow ere d Ve hicle Association (IHPV A) wlll match athletes in pe dal· pow e r e d , s tre amli n e d UC Irvine opens . against Alberta UC Irvin<' will open itJJ 1982-83 basketball schedule against the U n1 v e r s 1ty o f A l b e rt a Wednesday, Nov. 24 at 7:30 p.m in Crawford Hall, a change from the original iehedule. T he Alberta squad replaces Team Coburg of Australia on the UCI sche dule. The Australian squad w as unable to f ina lizt• fi nancial agreements ()h Its West Coa s t s win g . C oal·h Bi ll Mulligan's Anteaters w ere· slatl'<1 to mec.~t Team Coburg Nov 16 UCI opens 1ts regular season Nov 29 against thl' University of Oregon al Anaheim O >nvl•ntum Center. College football Thie w-11·1 kMdule ,fUOAY'I OA• C•I 91•1• Fullerton II lono B••Cll St 1v .. eten1 St•dkHn). (7 30 p m I Colcwado St •1 Ill•"· n tATIMOAY'I OA•I .... 0tego11 w use 11 Coll......, 11 30 P m 1 S•n JOM St 81 C•lilornle (CllenMI 1 II 12 0 pm) Orego11 81 •• 8 tMllord &en Oleo<> 81 "WMNnoton Ullltll S t et Freen<> St., n WYolftlnO 11 Hew#I. n ~1111 .. u.. veo .. 11 Plldflc, n Ctl Pot, (SlO) el Portltnd 81 .. n CS Nortll<tdOfl II UC Ot\llt, n Seer-to 81 •I Cel Po#y (Pornon•). n IUNOAY'IGAMIE U of S111 °'9go •• Oec.ldln1111c11en,,.r ' 111 114$ • m ) ....... UCLA II Colot.00 New MulGo I I All Fore• 1C111nn•I 2 •• 12 30 p ll't) ICtntM 91 et Arlt~ St., n Weolf St el ldlflo ldlhO I t et Monlent I t MonlaM et Nev9de4'eno lllltlOlt It. II New Me•leO It. lolM It et Nonhlm Artton&. n ........... T()U et ArlltlMM, n Houtton 11 leytor, n flKff 81 ~.ft TexM Tedi II T .... AIM. n' H. Ta• 81. ti IMU, n IYU It T.....ci Peeo, n w~. '' "w... ,_ '' NW l OUlllent IC l•t TeJCee It , n , .... loutMm .. l.Mllet ~ Tecti et T .. -.Ar'llnOlon. n ....... lndleN •I Mlc:NgWI . Notre Dllme et Mlc:Ngetl 11 llllnOll t i Mlnna.o11. n Flood• St •I OtllO St Wlsc()(l8in •• Purdue Nor1hwnt1<n 8t !Owl Olcl1110m1 •t low• St TulM •t Ken18S EUI Clrolln• 11 MIMOUrl WMt.,n MlohlOln et Bow11ng OrMn 1nc11en• St 11 ~•"• Cenlrll MldllQan 11 e .. 1em Mleh'Qll'I n Ml•ml 0 et Kent SI Bell St II Nortl'letn lllloOls n loutfl . Neb<u k• 11 Auburn Kenlueky 11 Cllfnson Navy II Duke LSU 11 Flo1ld1 VMI •I Furm•n Miami. Fl• II LOU11¥1111. n 0-0lt It Mltll .. l«>P' SI a.orgte Teen •• Nortll Ce1ol1n• Me,.._ SI 11 NE lau4tlen•, n Ctnclnlllltl et Soulll C.rotlne. n Memptll9 St et Soutlllfn Ml~, n Soulh«n llllnOll el SW lOUlll•n•, n WuhJllOlon St •1 Teti,__ TIMM 11 VlllOerl>llt, n NOttn Cerolln• St et VifOlnltl Wlilt f OfM I et Vltqlnle fltlll Arlllt'l .. I SI 11 .-...1>1m• llMt Wiii Vltgltlll II Pitt H8N l<O et Atmy Temple •1 Botton COi~ n l ete19111 et &.clenetl Botton U .. COfnell Colg•I• 11 Oettmouth Diiie-• •I Lelllgll ConneGI~ ....... Hen1pelllt• Cotumbla et PtM ltOM'I 11 Pttne.ion M~lt 11 flVIOdl ltillld Wlllltom I Mety II AUtoert M~ 81 SyrtellM HQ1r Crou •I Y• cycles aga 1ns1 o ne anothe r in ,...,.. spt'<->d record atte mpts. Multiple · ride rs w ill atwmpt to break the c urre n t u n assis ted human · oowered land spccd record of 62.Y:t-mph Expected l' ... ln es and ude the defe nding sang le -rad er w orld record holding Vector veh icles (58.89-mph ), a full y strcamlined 4uadncy.d c powert'<i in lalldem liy five Massachusetts lnst1tutt· of Technolog y enganc..-enng majors; and a vc•h idt· po w c rrd b y Olympic favt•·tlme spe<'d skaung gold me<fal winner £ral' Headen. Selected veh1dc-s wtll also be Judgro for p ra1:11c:al1ty wnh such critcn a as case of entr y and exat. comfor t. weath e r p r oofing . ,maneuverability . safN y and the ability to carry u ('ouple of bags o r groreries. - Thrc<' Jud gt.'S will score the l'Om pe lltao n a m echan ical l'nganc<'r. a b1t·ydt• racer a nd a grandmotht>r anc.J the vetticles w ill try out <m t ht.• obstaclc t..'Ourse t o see wh1r h prove s mo s t functio nal IATU"OA Y'S I CHIEOUU l•t Ot ..... c--, Ml ia.c-.,1 1 10 e m -200-metef on,. lroAts 8-11 • m -Ou•n.,-mlle d•IQ r-10-I 1 • m P111C1IU I vefltCle iudglno 1230-1 pm -~ ~11ornet1< 1oad •K« l• MIMllll'I I·' p m -EleC1•tC •etttCle 11e9 2-3 pm S0·~11omel!lf •Ol d reel p- Sl8rt 4 p m Aw11rd1 A Um1ssoon S 3. e C ul t ~ S 2 12 17 ye•r·old& S 1 1 11 , 6-•nd unde• l•ee SUNOAY'I SCHIEOUlt: (et C•reon. Cel St•I• o-tln911u HIH•) 6 11 • m Soe.d t"GO•CI 111emp11 ()(I Del Amo Boutt'v•lld be1wec."1 A••lon e nd Wtlm1ng1on liOUIOvllfdt Over • 1 85·m ile "'e•c.h ol •oad I Pm A ~·~' ol • 000 mete• pUrtutl rec .. on !he Olympte VIH<>d1ome l••Ck the l Is ban~eo 10 J 3 degrees llOlallllN JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLIGI ,. ......... ... USC over Oregon * Notre Dome over Mlchiton State * Brigham Youn9 OV• _ texa .. 11 Poeo * Son Jose State ovw CoMfefnk.. * UCLA e¥et C1l1ra• Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/flrlc:lay, Ootobet 11 1982 (!aJ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CdM, E DY Rt>O ~R CAl\LSON oflM o.1iJ Ne4 ateft • tanc1a l'c11 u11u dt•I Ma.r, R.t11nt'111, ('111,111 M1·:.11 1111tl U111 vc•r: lly luk1• lht•lr lihot.H uL tiul11l11R 11 p11n11111 111 lhl· Uf>J>l'r l'<.0hl'lun O.li hltih •·houl fuutl>ull Ul'l11111 l'm1tmu•'ll with add1uonul fmu round nl'lwn 111 th,. S1•11 Vll•w und ~>ulh <..'ou"t ll•ugul·S und non l1•t16(ut· p loy ~1ch ii> l>tlll'<i for 7.:JU lll•n •'11 u luuk ut t•uch. CdM vs. E•liancla A nost•· lo· no11t• bo l tit• hi t•x pl'l'll·d lll'l w1•1•11 tlw1w two Sl•u Vil•W lA•uJ(ut• 1•1vub with u tu1ll.11wk mutchup t'tms1stang of Mull S p lt>s ( 1':slunc1a) u111J Lunct· Mnrtan (Corona dcl Mui') l•:Su.an1·1u is cm a two-gnmi· winn ing s tn~ak, Cor'o rrn ~l t•I Mar 1s wlrtlcss uftt·1· thrt•t• wurnl'S 'fhl' Munw 1s ~t•wpor·t Harbor cla h ; M esa takes on Uni M"" .·,. 0111•11111', 11"' "JllHIM•J lo U u lVl'I Kity'i. I ulll>a\ k 11rtl'llll'<l t1frt•11"4 ' nl Oury 11111unl l':tll'h lu11t 11 J)l•lr hc•lon• t(NllnK 1111 tht• 1 ll(hl trftck lu"'t Wl't'k 111111 lite• phy:..lt'ul 11111ld1up '" 1>111111111 Tlw KMllt' 111 111 I 1 Vlllt' illKh Stirvh~ vw. f<'ouotal11 Vlllltiy Sc•rvllt• 111 l'ullkl.c.J No I In 01t1llt(l' (\1u11l V ,1nd Nu. :l Ill thl· (.'IJ" flit( to'iv1• (.'1111fnc•n1•1· w11ti 11 rt•putullon for 11 1111lall plll'Kllll( 1(111111' 'l'tw l-'nar11 huv. 1J11ly 0111' Hillrll' u111 lt•r lllt'lr bt•ILH, huWt'Vl'I , Wllll\• l"ou11l11l11 V11lll•y'li ti :l rt·1.·wJ hu11 lil•t•n Uj(U tnlll h1..:tily fl'E;Ul'<Jt•d upp<>:.ltll1n J)olt• J<'rr· j(l'lli tht· Qll 1111tl for tlw Ai1rn11s It' 11 al ( 't ·rTI tos ( 111lc 'Kt· Sunn)' llU11 v1. Ocuo Vlt'w On:un V11•w 111 un u two l(llml •k1tl oftt•r hc-.llnj( F~tunt'IU, 14-7, ur1d Sunny lflllN 1111'1 hmt lJ1K 1w1cc, hut bl•Ull•n Un·i1 Ollndo, lf 7 'l'uc.Jd l'arkn rut't-d for I :47 y,in l'I 1111 :.! I rnirwa 111111 Wl•t·k unc.J fll(urc11 w bl· .1'4 hw.y 111111.ch1 'I'll•· Ku1111· 111 111 llununt,eLon &·ach Luttun11 IUlh1 v1. l,11guna Drach Wllh l>ru Murphy ornl Rt·dl• Arnl11• hohhlc.J, 110~1111t111n• Mui k Urupt•r ftM•ll 1'1> tu I~· tlw lmck In th1• 111111lhUhl Cua. Luj(Umt Bt .. 1d1, whll'h rtatkll llli :l-0 rt't'•Jrd ouo1n11l wlnll''i.'I I .11..iu11.1 I II Its In th1• South Cousl Lt'llj(Ut' llJWtll'r for bo t Pi Nt huuls. L.11~ur111 lk11d1'11 lul'll• IN dl'fl'llM', whu h c •IU Id l'tlu!it.• Lugunu l Jll h, prublt•lflN ll\ .11 Lu~u11a l"•tll'h . I.a Quinta Vfi.. Marina Elwcwhere: W1·11trnrn11u·r trnvl'ls t11 llurm;uur Mw Ill/\ (2· I) IJUt.ll lib Vl't•r offl'llNt' lo tht· l<'st Su1diu111 in Cor11phm t11 dut•I tht• '1'111'1mh1 •!-1 a 11cl a~alr'\lit 11 d1'<'t'tvlr1KIY strnng Lu ~umt.u l'l'l'W, orw Mi1t<'r Del tt1ke11 lui 4!-1 rl'<:c)rd tu :i·O Cr'l'11f1l (J.o.;mfou) wlud1 time 1)(-t•n blankt-d twk,•, bu( by W\·stminsln 1n non-lt>ugut: ploy, whtll· Dana l1 1llK (O·:i) 111 at Costa Mesa vs. U nlverelly rtnd 1':bJ>l•r&nw 8111 Murll•r 11ttirt.r ot quartN·back for• Cnplstruno Vulll'Y (I ·4!) In tht• South Coas t I .t·ugut·. T h is 1s anolhl•r p k k 'l'rt) ~:ku V 11.•w Lt·u~ut• Munna'11 Vikuitcs us th1•y 1•1111t111 ut.• J.Jrl'parullun (111 Mill8ion Vwjo 111 u ht•uvy Cuvunh· at lnd111 111 11n tt OJ>l'IWr with Wully Grant lht· l1•1uJ111g ron·t· m Costa lht' Sum.t•t Lt•agut•. It's ut Wt'l'llmmslt!r o'dot:k non-lt•uguc lt'l>l. ------------------------------~ _____________________________________ ..;;., ______________________________ ~ F8AM SPINON :rr fi'-i\ · '} • i 15, 4: :.] . I f:IJA/IA For mou FO~D 23EA9CH 04l & CHRYSLER FILTER produch riPH8A ~,.ii 1 For mo1t GM product•· #PH 1 3 PH25, PHJO COMPUTllttllD IGNIT10N IMMOSIUUR The ulhmol• outo •heh ptote<11of\ keyboord with 4 d•g•I code & memo•y Stop• o •heh b•fore 11 •to•h f1h moll veh1clet 1nclud1ng eleclron•c ond h•gh •ne•gy •PRO·lOO DISC BRAKE PADS •••Mo!.~~.~!!~... 6~~ 1974·'77 Dodge Monoco, Plymouth fury Chrytl•r 1978·'79 Dodge Omni ond Plymouth Ho,.ro" 1971.79 Ford fo1tmon1 and Mercu•y Zephyo 1976·'79 CheYy Mo1110 . Chev•"•· Old1 Storfoe Ponhoc Sunbttd, o"d 9 l ut<lc Slcyhowlc 7• ICAICO · For moil po uenger co" Set o f 4 1hoe1 for 2 wheels 399 lXCH' • .. bu•ldoble hchonge ~ISLO~f -' . SU ln91nl! Tteatmrnt qu1eh no•'Y volve• & 1.11 ... •100·0R For most fords 6 Cyli"der 1960· 1967 fh cept 213 E"91ne) For most Fords I Cytinct.r 1958· 1972 fW1th 260·289·302- JS2 ln;ine For matt Chevrolet 6 5•· •nder 19S3·1974 fEa<ept I 88 194 f ne) _ _ EXCH For Most Chevroteta 8 Cylinder tts1. 1974 (hc•p• l41·l•6·409·421 1 a•• with 2·4 Ill or J .2 Ill & CO l9nttion1 EXC. OIL DRAIN PAN OIL DRAIN CONTAINER f·ALUN Plmt1< d10111 pan 6 quart llP.6 oon Holds 2 or more oil chonges. #1104 ... , .. .., LIFT LOUVRES locka ble 65!~ OVUI fH( WIPER MOOH OR " 3.mcE STYU 111e1 lo lot moil CO•' 77!! U OOll 1 •• SAU PRICE EACH 9 01 Pure ha•• 1 con• 2,. lo• Rece•v• \I 00 1 .. f1om WO 40 ----You poy 1 •• YOUR FINAL COST AFTER REFUND FROM WD·40 .99 WO 40 hn\lh o"e co•h refund 'EACH ptr lomoly per oddreu Se• 11ore for d•lo1l1 1mpeq19L TRANSMISSION STAINUSS KOOUR STIEL FANS !f: _ _,r. Copp•• tubong & on"•• •u,buloto" 8,000 G .VW 16,000 G .V.W '~ Formou ...... .,C, Dome.he cars.,. ~ 15", 17", 18" 19" 16'' EACH .......... 1280 N. Euclid 772-.... • 2340 W. Uncofn Ave. "9-1621 ••1•• ... 5256 leach llvd . ..._ 1220 KJ R5vll&I• c.r •• . 440 North Moin 7J4 UM c.... .... 1739SuperiorAve.642-,al4 ~oworENIC. n 11- 91'0 Foothill llvd ..... 2'10 Pwt I Auto Supply Wl'RI HILPING YOU DO IT •IGHT DAILY 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 9-5 ~~-' ~~··"f, ,----•turtle wax COLOR BACK FINISH RESTORER . Rello•e& the f1nllh 011 co" thot hove been ollowed to lode & o••d•u Addi o loyer of ttloconet ond cond1toonert •1·110 16 0 1 OR VINYl RESTORER t .-~ re1tor•1 vinyl top•, tnte reort & r ~ leothe• .,.,,. 16 01 FLAGSTYU MIR'91 Blaclc poinroble finish with rever11ble head for universol left a nd right mounting #250,#251 STANDARD 4!~ WIDE ANGLE 6~c! BATTIRY TDMINAL YOUR CHOICE 3~! lUMIC • Simulated 1heep1lcin; fiH both bench ond buclcet Hoh . #589 • 1 =r -sx• • 1888.~ ~ flectrtcol 1y11em, temp & 011 preu ure gouge• 4 .... , ... ,.. •999 25!! Pre stone HIAYYDUTY CONNECT---"'....,....,,_ ;:;). 9RAKI MAGNmC TltOU8U LIGHT ~ ...._ " U(f. ,- •Mano ~ 16Y 7 EACH f1l1rt- FIMID Fo r disc or drum brolcu 12 01. lfAS·400 109 EACH • 141 E.1'9fMrial7al ..,,, • 2971 Yor&o Unda "I t'nO &.Mis •• • 15081 lmparial Hwy. (21~ M7•1641 Mhtl1•Vlele • 24510 Alida rkwy. 911-9171 °' 111 1100 N. Tuttin 771·--m. .. 11•1 • 10403 Magnolia Ave. M9-a941 , -··'Tl ... 2086 latt Hithlond we. 11 t 1111 fllO.D Sierra Ave. Ml ltt 1 •• 11•v.., • "80 Warner Ave. Mt 149 ~.~1 -~ ,l.:_9=! ·N .. t to O.mco ....... • 26CM I. lrittol St. 7 ... 1 .. •1am 1. 17th It. •1 1111 ,. HAPPENI NG IN T llE DA I L\' P IL T' AUTO MARKET . HIVt.H,llH. Th&1 11llltt1I t'Vf'nl on R1vn11d• lnU.m.llkll'Ull l~'OWIO)''• IUHIUlll ollt'ndarot pr'1tnlf!I' '*"" wlll hlivo a r11•w t1;1111" fu1 ILll llHJ:l n ·rwwal tJll (li; t.<tl••f I a Nvw lcnown M Ille-Me11u1M1'• 'iraiwJ ,..,,, w, luiud. lhtt lhrer day m ei nu o t rac-1011 l ndudv• 111 .. 8C('A BudwrllMlr/7 l!!:leven Can Am (;hallrnll" (;up whk lo 1Hh.lre9 10phlatk»Wd tpc>f'W rtM:ln& l'Dlll plua ..,Jllir"w t 11t'<• fvr bulh &.hr Robe-rt &.oh VW Super Vrw and lh\• K.bbill f.jjlal.l!ln (.'up 11.•rlt'tl, all for • romblrwd putw• uf '"'" c• 1111111 • 1 ~.000 "We'rto d"l14jhu(J a111I pruull w add tht· M"l{Ul<JJ r\l;nw• 1111d product 11114' w our lle1 vr major 1punt10r11," E11v .. ,.tdt• ~·t•w111 Pfl .. ldl'lll LA• Kkhwr allll lhla w~k "Thi' Ml'11ular 11.11nMO Nia t.-..n 1 pru1flllw11l l)l<fl uf Ille uut.omollvl' alwr marktll •Im.., 111-0I," IUehtt•f lldd«<I, "an;J tll(flt nl'w 'f'u1 Fln"lah' Un4' ol car care prodUftl tli. 1n ldtally with 1tw G rlllld Prix ... Richter 11lao Mid llwl 111 uddlUun to IJ.IOIUl<Jr1nl( lhu Crlmd i rax, Ml'ttulllr'• hu IJC't1iffll' lht• 0Uk l11I 11<r wu of R1wnlldc: ln1...rn11Urm.al ltloc(·way Theo (Jrand l'nx w1~li1•nd, Hivl•,..1d1"1 ulldluon111I fa.II 1'<JCO(! rlll.'lng c1Aal1 , J1<1M1 l•·k lu lll~H 1<1td wu ol\" ol thl' very flnn mapr c-wnl.I llU•t h11lpo'll pupul11Mw lhl' llM<t•way In tla N11ly yl'a,.. ' Th11 yl'ar'1 cv"o' will lll.a.u uidw.11' CiWwro.u. .... ·"""·~ 1: .... • Club rcg1ol\lll rlll«'tl and 111 1pc_,1i.I ra(•• tor t IOt.111111 Can Am can from liw l'llrl v 1960il and 1!170. Th" Budwe111nl7 Eh•vl•n Cun Ano M'rlt11 , 1J1lt' of lht- 11rungc'St lllld lfl(All t'Ol'TIJNllllut· in t1111.0ry, 1'\lt rt-nlly Ui bt-1n11 Jt'd by young Al Ul\llt'f' J r , lhll a •rua111m.al 1M:rlet1 nt•wt'Ofllt'r and 111>0 of th.-thn. ... umc.• Indy ~ wmnt'r "L1t1ll' Al," u the 20.y.,ar'.uld Lii be1wr known wuJun a.he r11e1n.i lratt1mlly, alartled hi1 l'OfllJX•lltort hy winning lht• opening two rat.fl ot tht" '8:.! lk·m ... 111 !toad Allanua and Mo.J)Ot't' bt·fW"e giving way W veu·ran Al Holbert IJI rounds thrtt-and four, at Mid Ohw and Roiid Atnt'rir" · The lhree-way chuo• for tht• 11182 8odwt'Uit'r/7.£Jeven Can-Am champ1onsh1p ha» U.ken un llOITl4.' added drama, as lht' rich Serie. muvra lCJ Htvera1dl· lnterl\lillonal ~'C'wuy this weekend. The lidded tlramu ('WT\l• rrc.m thl.a pa.I Wt.-ckend'1 C..n-Am rcit'e at Las Vegwi whnt• Danny Sulhvun, pr~·v1oualy a d11um1 third 1n lhe champ10N1h1p puinl.ll ballle, fought h11 way to a VK'tory lhal moved him into a lit' w11h Al Holbert in IM"l.'Ond plact'_and to wu.ll(n 40 p1.11n1.1 of lc·ader N U~r Jr The Vegas Win Wll8 lht' flr8l or the 1eason for 1he Lowaville, Ky . veteran who cumpalg'rw 11 March 8:.!7 for ac:t.or Paul Newman'• Budwellwr ftat·mg Tl•run It was aJ.su thl' fu'll\ victory ot the '82 fK'all()I) tor IW.lmt~m•• ulher than Unser and Holbert wht• tu.ve domonatl-d 1h1• !Wrlt11 with thr~· w1n1 each. Mort 1mportJ<nllY.. pc.-rhupoi, Sulhvan'a tumpel1Llvt 1urge makes Sunday'N Mt·guiur·~ Grand Prix ut R1ver11de 1 wide-opt>n affair, and lhl' bi.11le fur lhl• dwcker~ flag t.11 hkely to be the mc.o111 hmly lvnll'lllL'<I or lhl• !it'uun In add111on t.o UNer, Holbert and Sull1v:m , who 1har1• the role of pn•-n.t'l' favon~. detcnd1ng ~nt.'I rhamp1on Groff S...bham will be maktng hia return IO C..n Am l'Ulllpl'ht1on ii R1venude. where he wiU rll<'l' as Ull!l('r's wa1runut•· on lhi;-Callt.'li ~1ng Tl'am "lt,C.t IAR'" C.HA,ll l'HIX t ACT -,11u;1 YtllAT: Ml'gu1ar'• Grand Prix, trlildtllurwl fall road r<M:ing we<1kend daun11 ba<'k lo 19:18 II features lhe SCCA Budwe!M'r/7 Ell'ven Can Am Challenge Cup. Boech VW Supt!r Vet· and Rabbll &lsw1n Cup ral"t'e WHE:\: Today 1hruugh Sunday. O.t 1.:1, 1982 WllERl: R1 v<'mdl' lnll'rrwttonal ~'t'way, :i4 miles east of I.Ml Angell• al the tnl.l•f'til.1.'llon or US Hwys 60 and 1-l~E IU S 39:11 "IU'"' RAUM.: Can.Am Al Un5t·r. Jr . Rex RamM'}', Val __ Musetu~ Al HDlbt>rl, Juhn M.11rto11.c Geoff BrabhJ>m, Danny Sullivan i.nd many more C:AHS: Pl RSt:: Supc:·r Vtt Mlrhac-1 Andrelll, Jernll Rll't', Mike Ro81'n. llog<'r Penske, Jr , and mon• Can-Am Highly 10ph1suc11ted sporta rac-uig can; powerf'd by ~·hl.<'r (30~ t'U In ) Aml'rt<'an V8 c·ngines. moatly bul nol r('llt.ncted to ChevroleUi A JO.gallon fut.-1 l.atlk hmll mea.na that au drivers mU.t makf' m1d·r*-"' p.l 11.o,. The> vehicles they will be driving include Lola. Prophc>t, Rall. F'nat>tt. CIM-vron and Pha!'l.(1rn race can1 Super Vee Scalt'd down Vt'f'Sl<Jns or formula I cars powrred by highly mud1flt'<J 1600 n. VW engm~.-. and dnuelrAJns Rabb111 ldenm·ally prl'pared VW Rabbll ~y ~M Roll ban. window neia. harne1iS liC.'al IM'IUi, tirt' exungu11her add1Uonal 1ns1.rwnen1 gaugPS, special spark plugs and 81ls1.ein shock abllorbt.'rs arc> the only add111on5 to otherw stock aulOmObclMo Can Am $100,000 Supt'r Vl't' Rabbit 81lst.ein Cup $10.000 s20.ooo. SA1'CTl0 ': Sporu Car Club or America (SCCA I 1n· ternallon11I l.1.lting wuh Ft'dl'ration lnll'rnaUonal de l'Automob1le WlAI t'ORMAT: F'ur Can·Am, Super VN• and Bils1ein Cup. Drivers will qualify for gnd µog1uom European sl yll' (l'very pracll('I,• lap during des1gna1cd -•ona 111 c;locked) on Fnday and Saturday C:OURSt::: 2.~47 miles or 4 I kilvnww'"' ( 13,464 fttl) with 8 turns h Is dn\gns11.<.od lhe Grand Pnx C1rcu1t COllRSt: ~ RECllRO": Can Am (Qu11h fy1ng1 Tl'o Fab1. llaly. Newman Budwe111t•r Mart•h . I 10.3191130 391' mph Prl'·~·l1 tn Can·Am rerord. Mark Donohue. S unuro Po rsdll' 91 7130 Turbo, l 10 2901130 44~ mph (Race) Jacky lckx. Bel91um, L ole C h a par ral Chevrolf't I 03 47 2931119 784 mph, 1117~ Super Vtt (Quahfy1ng1 Bob Earl, Novi.1.o: CA., I 18 93:.!ll lb 163 mph Gilles Chevrol<'I Rall RT·24 (Ral't>) Bob F.arl. Movat.o, CA , C E Miller Rah. 28 10 641 (20 lapel 108 47 mph Rabbtl (Quahfymg) Karl HIK'kl'r. Caallet.on. NY . 147 67218~ t56 mph (R.act-1 Paul Hxker. Castleton. N Y llu •kn Raring R•bbll. 37 39 190181 170 mph WEF.Kt:"o S<:tlf:lll U .1 Fridey, O..t. I Admlaion •3. Paddock $2 10 a.m. PrllCUcc', l:an·Am. 8011ch VW Supt•r V1..-. I p.m 2 p.m 2.4~ p.m Rabbll BilaWin Cup Can.Am qualifyln~ SuP"'r Vtt quahfymg Rabbi! Quahfy111'j Saturd•Y· C~t. 2 Admlls1on •5. PaddCIC'k $4 8:30 am. PrllC."ll<:'C', N'gmnal aporl.8 cani IO:l:i a.m Can ·Am qualifying ll:U a.m Rabbit qualifying Noon Super V~· quahlylng 12:30 pm PractJf't', Hiatorlc Can.Am 1:15 pm Cal Club SCCA rrglonal rlK't' 3:45 p.m ~. Can·Am S-..day. C~t. 3 Admlalon SIO, Paddocic '6 Rl!'M'l"Yed &oala.IM ·:i 6 8 / 8 a m Pr eccl«'. "'(lional • l)C>tU C'&ra 9:30 a m Warmup. Can·Am 10:15 am Warmup. Super Vtt 11 am Warmup, Rabbll 11 45 a m Cal Club SCCA "'gional r9tt 12 0 pm Hlaiortc Can-Am tact' ( 10 tape. 2!1 47 mil8' 41 kJlonWl.f',..) 1•30 pm Bo*h VW Super Vtt rllC'f' (24 lape. 61 128 ITU "4 kJlomt'lel'I) 2·15 pm Rabbll Blbteln l:up Ka«-(20 lape. 51 mllt'SI ll pm. MtaulAr'• Can Am KaiY (50 i..-. 127 J~ mdes/ 205 IUIOl'Ml4ll'I) • i J i I I ·I . I i l . I I t i 1 J \ t • J j i l I J I 'I I' •J 'J . , Super Ticket llood foe a.II lhttt dAya' lldmU.lon plua paddodol 1'1 and. 1 l pnp, S20: children undtr 12 ,,_ lldmllalon. overnl1ht 'I ,,.rk.1111 S.1u.nt.y only.~ per vthlcle. , .. TICIU :Ti\ ON 8Al.,E AT1 Rlvouldr lnternatlonal Raceway. 22255 EucalyptUI Avenue, Rlveralde, CA 92&08. Phone 71416&3·1181. Tlck•tron. lncludln11 all Sffrt. Monlaomcrtr;.• Ward •IA)fft and Tow•r R«'Ofd at.ONt. ••• SEE WHAT YOUR LOCAL A~TO DEALERS HA VE TO OFFER YOU IN ToDA Y'S -PAPER • . . Orange CoHI DAIL V PILOT /,rtd1y, OctOMt 1, 1812 El Toro Hiµh's Jt•rr y Eldridg<" goes heels over ha nd a s lfu• ~a ilors' dt'f ••nst> puls the stor•s on him in a 17-7 win. NEWPORT. • F.rom Page C 1 I 9e<'med to turn thl' lid(· The Sailors' got thl• JU. point bulge wi1h 17 st'('Onds lc·ft in the half when Brauis st<irlc'<.I ll w11h en inten·t•pt1on e1.·d 24·y arll return to the El Toro :n. ·• "ThcrC' wpn· so many big plays," mm·<'dc-d Giddings. who 1-<"d hi s tt·am t o its mos t s1gmficant win m thr('(' ye;Jrs. ··1 just hope.we don't IN down " Newport Harbor 17, El Toro 7 Scot• by Ouart•r• El Toro 0 7 0 0 7 N-port Harbor 7 10 0 0 1 7 NH-Brazas 92 1n1ercep11on re1urn fCo~rly luckJ ET-Elduoge 3 run fW111tams ktc:k) NH -Coberly 31 FG NH Power 5 pass'lrom Wells flollJll k1ck J Attendance 3 600 1es11ma1ed) Game Stallallce ET f1es1 downs 11 Ru!he$·)'3tds 29 84' Pass.no yatos 110 Puse5 8·21·3 Punl~ 3.39 rumbles-1os1 3· I PenallleS·yMdS 7 ·56 , lndMdual Ruahlng NH 14 47. 14S 65 8 19-4 '2-'lT 1 0 7 81 ·er -T rickel~ 5 n E1or1oge 11 49 Ffll'lnell 6-13 DooglaSJ 7 -0 ,f'I H-Braias 22.45, B•own 13-45 Truonq 9-•9 Power 1 9. Well~ :»1or-m1nu~ 3 • • Individual PH•lno c: r -Doug•n• 8·21-3. 110 NH-Wells 1 14 2 57 GOO<llteld I •·2 8. ~rown. 0-1-0 lndfYlduel Receiving . El -McLairi. 4 7 4 Woods 2 20 P11cr I· 15. EIOnOge. I 1 •·NH-Brain 4 26 f!ower 2 10 Arown \18, Goss 1·21 ?veedway ' . racing set ·ThC' final night o f regular-St'a!>On s p<.'<.'dway motorcycle· racing is s<'l tonight at the O r ange County Fairgrounds in Costa MC'sa · With only the U S N'ational champ1onsh1p t:lce remaining in Costa Mesa on Saturday. Oct 9{ tonight's aC't1on will be Ii final tune up for the ~ent. • Gates opL•n at 6.30 with the r1rst heat race At 8. OILERS WIN BIG AGAIN . • From Pace C1 lt•aguL• run bt·cuuse we can't m a tch up phy!.1l'ally. But this r ormat1on gives us a threat Lil thret' different d1rE:ctions and wc'vt• spread out the opposition's dc·f<.•nsc· very well with it." Ekobcdo and t<it·kles John Zehnder and Roger Masangkay. Hunllngtcm hach 54, Bol .. Gr9"de 21 lcore b)' Ouertett Hurillngton B .. ch 34 7 6 7 -54 Bolr.a Gran<Je 6 8 0 7 -n HB-Donn 60 pass lrom L1w1on (Kitz kick) HB-lhompaon 11 run (kick lalledl ll's an offenS<.• that IS indl•l'<.I BG Moyer 79 pass 1<om O'Keefe (_kick balant'l'C!Aand_ gives Hbelnry lotsh ohf ta1~:>_ Thompsori 72 rnn 1R•r PHS from options minor pro cm. w 1c 0 Keefe) ~ devc•lo ped lat<.• 1n the gam<' HB Reh llno 2~ ret urn with 1n1ercept1on Thursday night. IS that-the-ei·lt'f':'t--Jk'e'e~i!ez 31 pass from Le;.ton 1Ke11 kic~ d o tend lo get penalized a lot BG F1111er 70 pan lr om O Keefe The Oilers WNe tagged 15 llmL·s totaling 197 yard!;. Hun t1 ngton l:h·at·h . w h ll:h o~nro the 1969 Sl'ason with four straight wms. c·n route to a 7·2 sca~m. has now scon'C.1 109 points m its last two games. Last Wt'<·k . H unttngton Bt'at'h sl'ored 55 p o ints to lie a Sl'hool rc·l·ord dating back to 1926 Jt•ff Lopez was the leadtnf( rC<'('IVcr for the OllC'rs Thursday night, grabbing f1Vl' passes for 126 yards. David Huang. who came in at running back latt• m thC' game', c;corc:d on two short runs of om· and f1v{' yards. H enry <.-rcd1tc•d " bit part of thl· win lo thl· o frensivc ltn<' made up of ccnwr Corey Walkc·r. j.{Uards Chris Coopc.•r and M1k1· CALL: llaFreni:ue run) HB frompson 25 run (Kell Ille~) HB -Hu•'lO 1 run (klcil lefled) . BG Dew1<1 29 pus lrofn Cooper (Cuey ~""' .MB Huar.11 ' run ll•w1on kick) Allendanc;t 1,800 (es11matedl H8 Fus1 Down& 18 Rushes·yards 37· 161 Passing yard• 23 1 Pesses 11 18-0 Pun Ir. 5.3f Fumblea·IOSI ' 2 Penalllet·Y••OS 15 197 lndlvlduel Ruahlnt llO 11 3~272 228 7·22·• ~o 1.Q 6-75 HB Thompson 9• 177 Law1on. •·5 lomasrck, 5-31 . Saletl•eld 9 58. Noble, 5·10r•m1nua !>, Huang. 3·6 BG -O Keefe 5-14. Kolling. 17·48, Fla11..-, 12·97 LeFrenle•a 1·3. Noble 1 for mtnua l, Cooper 1·0 lndlvlduel PeHl"tl HB Lawton 8-1•·0. 203 Noble 2·3·0. 22 Grace 1 1·0 6 BG 0 Keefe 6·20·• 199 Cooe>et 1·2..0. 29 lndlvlduel Receiving Hb M Ray, 1.3, Dunn. 1·60. Lopez. 5·126. · lhompson, 1. 14, Tomasicll.. 2·22. Hueng, 1·6 BG Moyet 2·89. Frshet 1· 70 Dewitt 2·50 Halfietd, 2· 19 LIDO MARINA A special fou r -lap r'natch between Bobby ~cLain and Da ve f:>eTemplc will be run to determine which 1s the first altematl· for lhf' rtational c h ampions hip lineup. Pacific Coast Box Office fuluring lht' iuflHI seltt11on of \IHWlt t'\lt'r .uwmblf'd in tht' w.11tt'r on tht' Wt'•t Coot. from moto r y.1ehh to tportfishert, from blut'w<ltt'r cruising ~ilbo"' to ont' dt'tian racen. Junior s peedway r1fders will a lso appear o n the program ton111tht. fmm 11..,-,., &...:t 714/536-8826 ""'"' M"wtwt Vwpo lrwwt 714/540-3669 Lido Marina VIiiage, Newport .. ach "OMt~\IU"I 4<lu~• '4 ; C-hlldr"" .,.11 U . U.,d .. • h# HQU•\: W"~d•H 111 M IO 7 pm , ... , & """· 10• M In 1 pm '"Olto;G Inf""' tlw' "tin• '""" C oof4 H•• '"d .. .._ .. ,,. ...... to '"" ,,... ......... lot ••d ,,...,. WEEKEND SPECIAL ONLY COMPARE AND SAVE$$$ 1982 Peuceot 1982 Peuceot &05 S Turbo Diesel &04 11on Diesel •14 379. t TH a LCM 11311421 " •11419. ..+ TIXA L~enee #IOl147 Brown. A.IC, automellc trenamlHlon. ·am/tm 1tereo. .......... --- .. ~ One half not e~ough .Saddleback erupt to top Irvin e, 31-7 By JOE DllDEVOU\ ljNOlel te Ille Dellr l"llol Thi· &tu V1l'W I .t•HijUt' up('rWd Thurt!doy nlKhl for two unb.!Ull•n lt·omK , uti Soddlebnck lllgh, l'mnlnt4 l11to thu footbull g11rru;; ru11k1-d Ptghth in Orungl· County, pl'ayt.'d host to lrvln1· twron· 1 .~00 fans at Eddll' Wt•Mt Fl(•ld. &th teum11 hud fash10ntod J.Q nun ·lt~ugUl' m1.1rk11 und wert' l ooking l o kt•e p th e i r unblumashed lt'<lgct'H Intact. Aftt•r a 7 .7 deac;l lock at htalftlmc. Saddleb1.ll'k hung onto the ball and hung a 31 ·7 dd<'al on the Vaqueros o r Irvine. who ployed well in the first hair but <.'<>uld only muster one first down In the sec:.'Ond hulf. Saddleback turne d th~ ball over four times in the first half, two by fumbles and iwo by interceptions. t o keep from t~ng comm and of the game ca y. Cler receiving the opening kicko ff. Saddlcback turned the rems OVfr to the mercurial Kevin Bradle'y and watched ham jitterbug through the Irvine def(•nse for 60 of the 8Q yards thl· Roadrunners covered for their first SCOrl'. Bradley also completed a pass to wide rl'\.'Civer Todd Cage for 26 yards on a halfback option play. The touchdown, scored by Brad ley, came on fourth and goal at the 11. as Bradley swept left and went 1n untouched Rod l'csak added the first of his four extra points for a 7·0 lead. Pcsak also kick ed a 3 1 ·yard Saddlebac:k 31, rnlne 7 lco ... b)' 0"8ftet• Irvine • O 1 0 0 1 Saddleback 7 O 3 21 3 1 S-Bradley 11 •un (Pesak·kick) I Z0<ri 3 run IChlel>OWUI kK:kl S -Pesek 31 FG S-Cage 1 pua from Pesak (PeHk kick) S-Br1dley 1 run f Peuk kick) , S-Wllltams 66 punt return (P•Hk kick) Attendenu " 1,500 (es11m11ed) 0.me llallallct I I 1 Ftral downs 6 16 Ru1he1·yatd1 28·77 43·218 Pu11ng y111dt 1 56 P1u41 1·9·3 S-8·2 Punta 4-4 1 1 ·33 Fumblel·IOSI 3.1 •·3 Pen•ll-·yards 8·60 7.95 lncllvlctYel lluthlftO 1_ / 1-Sahnas. 11·•6. G11c1a. 6-23, Mun11 2~ Ml/'ldeVtlle. 2·3. Bad center snao. l·f0<·m1nus 27 5 -Bradlay, 19· 138. W1lllem1 . 8·28 Lovelace. 4· 12. Rodnguez. •· 12. Flores, 2.12 Stack. 3·8. H•fkell. 1·4. Paul>., l·fOt·mlnus 4 lndlvlctuel ~ ... 1ng I Zorn. 1·9-3, 1 $-Pesek 4·7·2. 30. Bradley, 1·1.0 26 • lndhrtd"81 "-fvlng I Henogan I· I S -Cage. S·56 • 'll'ld goul l.lnd pl('k1~1 off 11 piAM." tu round out u hu"y 1•v1•11111g that nl!K> KllW him µluy qu111 tt"rbu1:k lrvlrll' i(Ol I~ IK'Ol l' with th(' u1d or 11 Snddh·bnc·k turnovt.·r-. u J>ll"-" thut wus tippt.·d und tht.·n grabb(!d by llru•bu~k..r Hobbll' Zantcl ot tht• Suddlt•bul·k 44J.. Eleven plays lotcr, quurtcrbat'k Mike Zorn went uvt.·r from tht• t'tlre<' co draw th1· Vuqu1•ros wiThtn onf"7-{}~n Chlebowsk1 addtod tht> point aftt-r to knot 1t ot scven·&ll. Aft~r fumbling owuy ttw11 first poi;scss1on of thl' st•t:ond half, Saddk•bal'k rt"t't:lvt.•d good field position following a muffod pun1 l•ltt•nipt hy thl' Jrvl n1• V1111u1•r<• Su.11ung ut the lrvln1· 17. the Hoadrunm•r11 took ttw h:nd for ~ood on u fll'ld fl™•I IJy PC'llUk ~ hrt'uk on top Io. 7 with 5·03 lc•h In ttw third pt·rlod The-fourth> pcrwcJ wuic all Saddll'~Ck ()t1 the !l(.~:ond play of the quurt<•r. the Roadrunners t.alllc.'Cl again. llK Cage ran under a porfet.'t!y thrown ball by Peaak on a timing play deep 1n the right ('OrnL•r or the C•nd Wne This tout hdown. llkt• tht.: f1111t, \.\.OS 5(.'0rt'Cl on fourth down but this o n e t·oven·d SE:Vt'11 yard11 The kick was i;tood. Ti~tons grind O~i • win over By TERRY WHITE lpeclel to the Delly Pllol ,J After a 2-1 st.art. WoodbnQgl' J-j1gh Coach Gt!ne NoJi finds mmsclf buck at the drawing board ~ay a fter a 28·3 loss lo San Clemente put the Warriors al the bottom of the South Coast League with an Q. I mark. Woodbr idge n ever got its offe n se in gear Thursday nt Irvine High. faahng to get closer thun the San Clt•mt.>ntel 5·.yard l ine and t-hr ow 1ng thret• 1-ntt<rl'l'ptions. a ll in the sccond half "When we had o pportun1lle!> to score fairly t!arly we g o t nothing or o nly a f1'-'ld goal out of it," Noji stated. 1 Neither was Noji pleased w1lh the way his team eXL't:Uted on the field. "W~ didn't do the basic things (fundamentals) tjJat we worked o n . We did nqt do w ell." he said However. quartc:rback Kevin Burke seemed to ext.'l'Ute well, completing his first five passes. all to Bill Russell, for 52 yards. Yor the l'ontest, 11 of Burke's 12 completions went to Russell. W oodbridge was led by Russell. who caught 11 passes for 134 yards; and Burke. who C'OnncctecJ On 12 o r 25 passes for 131 yards . Last w eek against Orange. Russell had 10 recr-ptions for I 62 yards, giving Warriors him• un impressive lwo·w eek. toU!I of 296 yards. San C lemente, by l'Ontrast. did not go to the air t•ven once. B y far the Warriors' most produt·tive scoring drive l'ame early in the third quarter when Burke completed passes of 19 and 15 yards to 'ftussell, e nabling Woodbridge to cash in on T im L each's 28·yard. field goal that narrowed the Tritons' margin to 14·3 with 8:19 l~ft m the third quurter San Clemente was led by Jim Amo. who h ad carries of 68 and , 51 yards. . ••n Clemente 21, Woodbridge I kor• by o .... , • .,. 3an Clemente 1 7 1 7-28 NOOdbrlOge 0 0 3 0-3 SC Arno 88 run (McCotmack klCk) SC Weiser 11 run (McCormack k•Cll.I W-leach 28 FG SC-Amos 33 run (McCormack klCk) SC-Gea11ng 2 run (Ford klCk) Allendtnce -2 000 (etllmaledl ~ 11e1i.11ce IC W Flfst downs 14 11 Rushe6-yatd1 47.353 22-79 Passing yards 0 131 PauH 0..()..() 12·2!>·3 Punts 3·35 ~28 FumblH·IOSI 2·2 O.Q Penall18$·y•rd1 5·25 •·4'5 lndlv~ RllMI, SC-Arno 11· 1152. WelSIM. ·8.3. FICllllflO 12·44, Amos 3·63, Gearing. 10.7 w Figueroa, 12.47 Burke. 5-17. Sieler. 5·1S Individual Puatno SC None W-Burke 12·25·3 131. lndl•ld"81 "-lvl"tl SC -None W-Russell 11.134 Ftguiltoa l·IO< mtnus 3 October l , l 982 To The Greatest SPorts l The W orld Fans n aniza\ion . the Dodger org support you A\\ oi U:8 m the tremendo';15 ear you have appreciate ur teatn· ThlS y attendance have g\ven o Ma\or Leaguknow we are set an a\\·~:e want yo~ to throughout record ar your enthusiasm grateiu\ ior the season. Thank you\ • .. J \ ~ . . . "' MAJOA LIAOUS ITANDINQI ~Leet ... WWITf9'N OlvtltOM ·w L ~cl 01 A ...... II() 611 666 K&n .. ~ City Cllteago S.atu• 0111111no leaH •• 71 653 7 as 74 535 s Mt'!n .. ota 711 113 478 u 87 112 421 '3 04 95 403 1>6· 611 100 371 3 1 IAITlllN OIVlltON M".,.lul<MI 94 64 6116 ·8•111mdfw ti I 07 676 3 8'> 13'> 1S'I Bos1on ee 13 641 0.11001 80 77 S09 Ne .. YCH II 711 80 4117 c 1e..ianc1 1& 111 454 11·, l0<on10 1& 114 •12 111" ,....._,.. aco... T0<onto 6. M1~1• • Ba111rno•• 0, Detroit 6 New York 7. Cle•el•nO 6 Botton 9, MllwlukN 4 Keneat City 11, OtkltnO 4 Only oame• ta>oc.lul<IO T04e7'e 0-t leau fHough 111 12) at A"9•1• 1z111n 11·1). " Oet•CHt \W11Go• 12 ti and Morna 11·161 II Cleveland \8erktN l'f 1 I and AnGetlOn 3·3). 2 l·n M1twaui." (Vucko•icll ti S ooo C-'Oe-41 t 7· 121 II Ba.ltomote (0 Mar11nw1 IS· 12 lll10 01Yls 7 ·41. 2. l·n Se1111e1Bannlllet 12· 121 •1 l0<on10 {Sh~ 16-14), n Bo•IOrt \lofter 9·111 111 N-York (Guidry 1•·81. ... Chicago (0011011 11 1'1 11 M1nnuo1a tCHl!llO 17-1lj,11 OaklanG (K1non11111 3 111 11 Kansn City 1cu 110 2·21. n Allanta Natlonal LNOUe ftlTIM OIVllk>H W L g:!r.~IQKO 87 72 86 73 16 73 IO 79 San Ooego Houlton C1nc111nat1 1$ 84 60 99 EAITlllN OIVlltON f'ct. <Ml S .. 7 541 1 .su.i.- .503 7 472 12 377 21 •·SI ~OU11 91 09 $08 Pn~10el~ 17 72 547 3'> Monllffl 84 76 528 6'~ P1tllburgh 83 70 522 7'> Ch!CaQO 72 II •50 19 New V0<k 64 llS. 402 26' • a -CIM>Cllecl OtYllllOn !Hie T!MltMa\l'I lcet .. Ooclo«e 10, Atlanta 3 C1ncTnna11 6. Sin D+eoo 4 Chicago 3. N-York I Ph111de!p1>11 5. Montreat • P.t111bufgll 7, St Lout• I' Sen Francisco 7. HO!plOO 8 T04ef'10-~(Reuss 17·11111 San Franccseo (Bteintng 10-5) n t.1onve11 (L•• 1:1· IOJ at P1t1aburgn (M<:Wll118m~ 8·1). n New York (Leech I 11 al Phlladelpll1a (Denny 0·21. n Clnc111Nt1 (Shirley 7-13) 81 Houaton (Rynn 16-10), n Atlanta (Nlekro 16·<1) II San O.ego (ShO'ft 10·51. n Only garMS SCIWIOuled H lllllAIO ; ~ ~ t : 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 :.> I I 1 .... . -. • Yellll-1 .......... ....... Von< 00, 000 tcM 1 I 0 c1e ... .nd o 12 o~ ooo o 11 1 R1 .. 1ey. Morgan tll. Go•uo• It) 111d C..Of11 H .. ton. 8plllnef (1), QlyM (f) lftd Nll\OfQ:Clny W-MOlgllll, )-10 l 8pjllner, I~· 10 IS Go1141Q.<t (30) ljR Clevelenel. l11orn1on l:lil A...-l.368 • ~ Ihle Je7a I. TwlM 4 MIMMOla 210 010 000 -4 10 0 Toronto 400 010 01•-• 11 o O CoflllOI 8fld laucin.t. LMI. letlteny (1), O•MI ( 7). 0 Murray Il l lf\O 8 Mlf11Ml w LH I 1:.>-1s L· o·~. , .. a-o Muu1y ( 11) HRa Mit1neeo11, Hrllell (;13~ l01onlor larli.141 I 111. I Me•tlnel 1101. A 1"1.Me--- o ........ Tiaen. 8alhmor• 000 001 104 _. Ill. 0 0.11011 011 Ill 000-11 t 0 J Han1111.,. Flfnn (61 l/10 NOii/i, Oemc>MY. t.I01r1t. Biiiey 191. I~ ltl, RucQI (JI atid Pa1111h w Funn f·O L-l ob•k. 4,9 Hlh Balttmo•e Rlpken (~71 Detroit Lemon tll A-11.CM9 llor• n , A'• 4 Oak1ano 002 000 o~ 4 s 2 Ken ... cuy 011 030 111. 11 10 1 ,.. Norr It, 0' Acqulllo (61. OwcllU)kO ( 7). B•••d tfll end Keatn•y, SPllllOrll, Arma"~ (71 elld w11h111. Oulfk W-ap1111ot11, 10. 10 l NOl•ll. 1.11 S Armalror>o (0~ H1'1 Oaklend r S1en1ey (21 Murpny (26). Kanau Ctly. McAM (261 A1~1<11 2 (18) Wlllle (111 A 18 8711 Top 10 (heed .... .., .. _.., A•lltCAN LaAGUC W Wilton.KC: Younl,Mll E M1m11.ea1 c ... w.A ...... Cooper.Mil RIOe Ban Garc.a, 10< McRae KC MOiitor Mt1 Httr.,, Cle 0 Al II H "-«. 134 678 u ·192 .333 1$2 0,. 126 204 .330 147 630 14 170 .3 17 136 516 85 163 317 15 I 637 102 200 .3 14 142 666 ., 118 312 ,., see ea 192 311 IS7 804 H 187 .3'0 158 641 13.$ 1117 304 167 SIM 99 llO 303 "-"-.. G ThOrnls t.lllwaukee 311. w in9d • ..._ York. 37. lie.Jeck-. Aft9Me. '7; Tflotnton Clevel•nd. 32. Ogl1v ... MllwllUUe . 32 ~ _,._..._. ... t.l cA&e. J(an•u Ctty. 128, Cooott. Milwaukee, 118. l11otn1on, CleYeland, t 1e. Yount, M11waukee. 112, 0 lhomaa M~weUkee 112 l"llcMftt (,. Decw-) Palmer. Baltimor•, 1 rt -4 . .Yukovtch. Miiwaukee. 18·5 Burflt . Chicago. 13·S, Zalln. A"9el•, 17-t ; Sutclllle, Clevel1nd. 14-7 Pelry OetrCHI IM . ......_ ......... 11-1, Guidry New Ya.le, 14·1 PJP'TH llAOIL_t I/ 10 mllea Blue Rim AOCll (Blllelo.) 70 40 Ill 80 7 60 Mer Noelrum (Skoemlkerl 4 'o 2 60 H-1 BNt (Yllenluela) 3 80 AllO riced Greet Grand ton t1u1no11, Ftb11lou1 R•11on. Oaa11u C11abong1 Mille I Klcll Time I 42 415 • IUCTA 17-tl plld 17tl 50 •xnt llACI. 1 1111 ~ 0.C-IUIM ~«I 1440 t .IO 3.20' C.roeon ( l"incfY) 4 00 2.40 1101C1 1mp11ca11on (Gue1111 ·a.40 AIM> rec.ct CMnlllln. Ta~I Ille Reeil. lvO< Str... '' ltme 1430 MVINTH llAC~. II IVrtonga hM Ilg WIQ (Ort199) I 40 5 00 3..20 "'~ Gummo (Cerbllf8ll 38 80 10 00 Olympje St.Ila (Mc:Cetron) 3 00 Alao raced llullng 04pl0m•I ShOW Me Deer, Peule Pe ule Concorde Oueen. P.,e191. Mllttlllt Girt • ~·-+.,.fl~· -~-• 1lltTA13·Z p.rci '767 5o -.. • PtC9' ... (1·11·10-74-31 Peld '24.-047 20 wnh three wl11nlng llcl1et& 111va hor•HI S2 Pick SI• consolello11 petd l.j4S 20 wllh 54 wln11tno ticket• (lour """-> l 1.IOHTM 1tAca. I I / t6 ..... SWlllO a Own (McCr111 7 20 •to • 00 up!Oeiw ,_ fMcHerPI e oo s oo Ct.ibtlc>uM (~I 9 40 NATIONAi. LIAOUI Alto reced Cheer On. Dorn OflendO, o A8 11 H l'cl. Pewt .. Grey. Flrtl Lerry, "'" of Smotie. 011ve..Mtl Madlock,Pgh Ourhem,Cl\1 Buck,..,,Cht lo Smrth.Stl 0-,.,o.LA He<nandez SIL l<......Oy.SO a.er.LA Penef'Vh - 157 607 ea 202 .333 P'egeenlry. Ecl'IO "'-· Ltnd1'1 lrot~er, 152 686 92 190 318 IWnbOw Wtlh • t48 63 t 81 184 3011 ·Time· 1 4:Z 316 1$11 647 112 199 308 ..,.,.. llACC. 1 11141 miae. 1 ~4 6&6 1~ I 19 30S Mr lyU9 (Ceoif""8) 40 00 21 00 II 20 ISO 676 87 176 .JI04 "-Pr"-(V~) 9 80 S 80 151 671 7t 171 2911 lncurllon (0.-e) 1 ~ ISO 6SO 75 164 .:res Aleo rKed: ~•mlllm 019o.i1. O.atant 144 5SI 78 .1M 297 Chen\11, ~ Yd. Rotco1ore ~-. Fr .. 137 •97 53447 ~. "'"''''""'-· ~ teoet "-"-* Tl,..., 143315 K1119mar1 New York, 37, Murpt>y Atlanta, • IXACT.A (11·51 Plll<I $1,241 00 36. Schm1d1 Phlladelplllt , 34, Horner. Allencla,_ 16.741 Allanta. 32. G.,.,,.,o, Oocle«•. J2. llufte .. tied In , Oh••• Montreal. 109. Murphy Allan1, 109. Bucil,..,, ChlCIQO 104, HenclllC~ 81 LOU<S. 103 Otar1t San f'renclxo. 103 ........ (11 Dec..._, P .._ro Atlante 16-<I Rooer•. Mon1re11 1a.1 8~. Sen l'•enct-11·5, Ce<non. Pl\~. '2·11 ~ PollfOYl.llh, 12·7 foncl'I. SI LOlllS. 16·11. L-. Sen Oleoo. tS.0: Swen. New Ya<k. 11.1 •• .., pGto COllllMUNl'TY cou.aoa OolcMfl .... 20, .. ...._ • Palomll• 0 3 I 4-8 GOIOen West 6 1 3 4-20 Ooldetl Well SCOllf\O Oelvallf 2. 8'1~ 4. DemPM\I 1 Peterson 1 Wallace 3 Merino I, Lune! 3 Wilson I St.,,__ 2 Huvi-1 McCUllouQll I NIGH ICHOOl la._.. T_.,._. ...._ ,S. Oce9" View I M.,ll'le 4 I 2 I IS Oc.an V-0 I I 0-2 M1r1n1 scort1•Q Warde 4 Hopk1n1 • Smrth 2 Zall-y 2 Denney 2. o.pa,., I ()off n V-KO< "'Q Mllf \IMl 2 E11...ct, 11 ....... Ana 4 Senta Ana 3 I 0 0-4 EatanGta • 5 6 3-18 Ea1anc11 .co<1ng 1naoom1 1 Fenley I . WICl<s 4 Pitt,...,, I a...ci.-ntea.a-eJ Sono<e 1 0 0 2-3 SenC-te 1 I 1 4 -fl S111 Clemente KOl"'O Lenon 7 H011t9 2 Cllun 3 s.,m,,.., I ( ....... 10. loftofa • SOOOla I 2 3 0-6 Ed1t0n 3 3 I 3-10 Ed1ton tcOtll'IQ P-I Coa 2, MellOy 3 W.Oletgh 2 JonM 2 Otfler lcetft sa .. 11 Ana II leguna e.acn 8 8uer\a p-13 Gatden OtOYe 9 ........... ~7 .......... Vieto J ,. Unlvl<&ity 3 2 2 0 Mt-V .. jO I I I 0-3 Urwl'Slly ICO<lnQ langlOll I 0..llell 1, Solomon 2 K Washt>ourne 2 Schlacl., 2 Mlttoon Viet<> tcO<lng NOUllgen 3 ... ~_.. C-..0 II Tete 21, 8'~ 4 Bt....ottnd• 0 2 I 1-4 El Toro 1 4 4 8 -21 El Toro acorlng Clloque ttvenca 1. ~ 2 Poe>e> S W•tdom 3 IAOr...O 2 l<ot119N'd I WiieOn 2 Young 4 Hone I • HatlYwood l'etk THUMbAY'I llllUUI (Ml! of~...,__......, "*' llAC&. °"" mile pee. Andy'• ONn l"Yn*!I 10 IO 9 40 4 to o.n • °""' 4''• llMN) 15 00 , uo llle Conoedy A~ tClllf) U IO AlllO rececl· Iron Ol*e. Hunl .. t Hunt .. Ancly9 Dene. K-.ga DouO!e, C.pt" De C:O.ps, H041yt Awe,. Lurnbet Pop T-2·02 .. .. ACTA ()..6, peld '" 90 • • •cOMD lllACa. One mile trot Mr Joe B 1cun1 11 eo 4 •o 3 oo CW1ny U•n r' 1S1Mtn1 . 5 80 • 00 SkhOOI (Wine 2 GO AltO taced Pompeno Jonn. Once Upon e Star M1n1 Pr .. 10 Torr1d Beau Slle11nu Stet HIQI\ C-.-Alanadl TNnl 2-()3 Iii) n-.i llACC. One mile ~ Roclly ScoccttlSllerren) 17 20 1120 8 20 Rede111tn IVllllMdtnghMI) 16 ~ 8 llO Petet 0 G (Beilletgeoo) 4 40 AllO r.-d Boomer HIM, &c>ec*lll FllO"I. Bell• Joll•. Ootlle Butler. I> et er Lo B Lumbei Dell• ,_ 204 111) tJ llACT A (4-1) paid S30 I 20 '°"""' llACI. One mrle pece Crystal Monte<e, (Vlndllml 8 80 4 60 S 00 wen01 ...-.acsa (Crogt>anl 1 eo 8 •o F0< .. te• f PIRerl 3 80 AIM> r11;ed MHter 0 G f!\eyorr AndyS Relph, "911. HOr'60ft Stw Ber>g Go L EMy c-,_ 203. "'"" llACE. One mile ~ Mlll>le Ge-1Kuebll<I 10 40 0 00 3 40 Peflec1 l lglll N IGtundyl 10 IO 5 •o Keywe ~ IAo<lenl ~ ~ Aleo rec.d J•,,..• Qratlan H•ghlend Cll•rnP Anenlet. S11ack Pack roolla" Forlune A-. ~ro Heno.er ,_ 201 SI HACTA (10-11 paid 120 I 30 lllCTH llACl. One mlle pece 1 rendy l rye• (Andll''°"I 4 ~ 3 00 2 60 p V 8'e1 (V•Handingll.,,,I 3 80 3 60 Oreo Byrd (eudl!M) 1 eo AIM> r....0 T"""'8rt. l 1mtlly ~erd N, Or1ef'IMr. OieMI Engine, Nathan'• Hope. Ira.II Gene N. Captain White Ttme 15414/6, • llltCTA (3-101 paid $.44 00 •vtNTH llACI.. One mlle PK9 Young Nev fSM<rlnl 31 IO 13bo I IO ~ ~ (Tttrfttl!JY) 7 20 4 60 ci:y ,'::: 1~o::'Jo.. H.,_, Seo~: Rainbow, True Trlcte C. Stanley Tl\or, Dvn1oe St•. M-8oy, Lee4 Fllorl N liri'll, Hit $/6. M IJIAO'TA (5·9) pllkl S49a 50 • 1*'"4 ltACI. OM mile p- A.anclOltl Wlnel fCocMllencll 6 20 ;) lb l 00 w..,_,• (~•I 4 IO 3 IO C~ IVellendll'IJflMll 4 00 Aleo r.-0 0,..,. .Ju<11ot. J-AnOtew, 0-1.au.. A~ Slitpper. H«N ~ ,, .... 2.00 215 ..nt ltACI. One """' pece ~ fAMt&I S2 80 16.20 7 llO Armt>to •Id N (Orund)'I 25 00 10 IO Oet'lo And Duety N (OuMlgen) 1 40 Aleo ttced. Supe r Sue N, lull l'llket. S-lllO. 111111 And,._. If, P•ll,..,, A\Qlltlvfn. ,,_slt:l'llgllt TMM. l.6fl/5 ti lllACn (4-61 plid ff09 ~ Orange COMt DAILY PILOT-ll'rtday, 001obef 1. 1912 Julr lnktll< ee1110..,. Vicki fergon Amy AICOll Myra van Hoow K WllllWOtlll Petry Sheellan J K11m..,1iu T Henton Selly Llllte Sharon Banttl Donna WMe Dale EQ9e11ng Sandre Haynoe Bonnie LM* P.,,, O..tun lOro Hua"<>ld 8et&y KlflO l A CUHOe) Holly Hartkty Je11tyn 91111 Barb11a Ba11ow Jan Fe,,arlt Judy El~a Oebbte Autlin J-COiet ~$lac., .Mie Pyne P1111 Rtuo Ctlrt& JQNl- Br.to•-0~'1lflln C1<Qlyn HIM Mary o-y.t Pal Bradley &andta Pelmer Dot a.tm11n ArMlie Rori< S"9 l rlle Tern Moody 8Mw- '--' ""'"" M ,..._..09vtin AlllaOn S'-d B Devtt-cooc>er ~Waiki< Cindy ll'1Coln ~Gell Hrrt11 Lynn Adam• S McAll!Ster JoAnnW..,,_ n:n:c )t.,Ht H:~:r. ......... ..,.~~ ....... I Htnry (Ml ~· Vtr1dlay (HltJ IO OI, , ~· CHI). to 14, 4 Sll'llOllMll IM) u n . a 1ooc1 '"'~' 1 H . • Powell Ml 2 I 47. 1 AndltNn C , I 1 4t , t BIK'-mlM mat IN~· , OltY Ml 2119 10 ~ ~, ...... H4 .... p .:1) ... u.,..... i1.,. ... u.-. ... n-a1 ... a4-33-t1 ........ ...,_ .. C..ta ...._ ». te.:aa .. 1 .,.... •· c.... ...... ao 31-31·17 ~...,.., "· ....... . :M-3).81 I J Morrll fC~. ,. 41 2 Nllu~OkH fl) n •aH?-:-1$ 04, 3. M111lle I ... 1e.n .. R~ 11 /HHI. U_,2 .. 7 1t ,4, 6 Cllepel I. 111 41, Cl Hll •V <;Ml. 3)..34-17 111 H . 1 C:n1N11 ICM>. 20 01. e 3eel>e<O 32•36cl7 t (NI•) :IO ti, U I lgU<lru• (II, ?O 17, 10 OuM~• !14.33.a7 'f to, 20 II I H •3t... --l o-Hiiie 11. Catll•I•-v.-., tr )4·14-6t 1 ~H•11•n (PHI 18 r,7 0. 2 0111nn (OHi U M-11 ti 61 0, 11 8'"'""9)' tCVl 10 3, 0 4 .i.11111 u-n.a• tl»IJ, 11 oo o a Cotta (OHJ tt ~4 o. 11 ».-36 II Ilk•• (CV). 20 31 O. 1 hllle11a (OH) ~l~ 2101 4 a ~(CV>. 2102 4,tl l)!l)llner S6-·.a3·M---IC.llW,J..27~r IOHI 21 30 Q. 3t-31·N 0.-V ... 13, ,_.. y...,. ~:·t ... :: I Ollberl l'V), 20.16, 2 liylOr (011). "'"a.{ 21 49.3 AnnofOVl. 2t,66.• O'Con11orlfV), ;::,,:.. 22 O•. 6 Van l>auen 10111 2' 311. 6 Haye• 33.Js-tl (OVJ. 23 :13. 1 Gruber l OV). :.>3 )~. I 1$4,_.. S11etow If VJ 23 60, 9 MOCil (f'lll. 23 67 10 35-3<1·• l<eMy (fVI 24 21 36-34... ,._ "· w.-mat.et II 3S.l4·f tl I Prell fl!I Ill 'lO 0 2 Whitt (El 20 03 0 39.3 Hiii 3 v-ermolll'I (I!>. 20 04 A bny<Jer• IE) 34 3-4.-411 20 06 0, 5 McCulley IEI. 20 07 0 8 9 39:33'..ft l etrat\O•• (f.), 2Q 01 O. 7 W111m1n11er 32·37.e9 20.09 0, 6 We.alm.in.a1e1. 20 Oil 0 0 33·3'e·6tl McKen11e 11:1 20 22 0 , 10 W••tm1n11ar 36·34-H '20 '10 o 36-34-611 Woeclb<lclee 21, Ian C'-*"le It 35·34·19 (Weocllwldfe win• on , ... .,,.... ... ••> 34-36 89 I Voung1111n111 tSCI 21.j.4, 2 Ogll•bltl• 35.,14.19 1sc1 22 oa 3 ScnM•• (Vh 22 11 4 Sw 36-33-etl (WI n !>I 5 Fe<gu"'" (SCI n 65 8 Collie 35-34-611 IWI 23 36 7 V1<btlrg (WJ ?3 43, 8 Aevoem 37.33.70 · (WI 23 47 ti RoMnt>er9 tSCJ 2'o4 :JO 10 38·32-70 c.-IWI. 2!1 44 39.34.70 ...... Del"· ........ 74 a6·3S.70 1 t .. t (MUI 11121-0-;~ ~-1 It.IOI ::~·~g 10 4 1 0. 3 Mahe< IMOI. 20 49 0, • J '1'041 3b 3;70 (MDI. 21!120, 5 Moreno IMDI. 22 07 0 8 33:37. 70 Jamleaon IMDI. 2:.> 34 0, 1, K Crol~au IMO) 34 ~lO 22·42 0, fl K0111 (MDI, 22 49 0. ~ M Vost n'.35-70 -(MDI 12 50 0. 10 Htt,.., IMO). 23 51 0 37-33-70 31·32·70 38-34-70 35-lS-70 35-JS.70 37.33.70 33.37.70 • 30·3~·70 35·3S.7lr •36·34·70 38·34· 70 34 34·N 35-33-68 3&·33-611 le 33-69 le-33•611 34·36.fe 34·35-611 35.35.70 37.33.10 36·34-70 32.311.10 3!>·3S·70 32 31-10 36-34-70 36-35-71 36-35·71 3&-36-71 37 34-11 32·:30·72 37.35. 72 311 34.72 34-38-72 J5-37-72 35.37.72 35.37.72 35.37.72 35-37·72 )5..36-73 36-31·73 Jt..as-1a 38·U.73 3&-37·73 36-31-73 31-37.73 37-36-73 37-:le.73 3W4-73 31-M-73 34-40-74 35.39.74 31·35-74 )t..40-74 37.37.74 37.37.74 35--lll-74 36-31-74 311-38·'14 36·31·14 35.39.74 37.37.74 39.35.74 Men'• toumement (el~) ,.,., "-fMI ..,,. ... Harold SOIOmOn IU SI <let Guy forgel fFranoe) 7-0, 6-3 l 1"' Meyone tU 8 I del 1'1111 Buetln""'O (US I 6-3 6-7 6· I Kevin Cutten !South AlllCe) Gel Votaa 0.-ullll& tU S I 9.4 8·4, ShlOmO Gl~at .. n llt<aell ~ Wo1teto Flb&k (Polend., 11-3, ll-4 , • Women'• lndocH ChemploMhlp (al ~edelpMa) lecOfld 11-nd ........ Wer>Oy Wl>nt tU S I def Cleudla Mortletro tB•V~I. 0·4, 2.0 1r111r«1); C•ll'lllle een....,,,. IU S I oef Yvonne V•m•al< IU S ). 7-6 3.fi' 6..() Wendy T umb\111 IAUStr8ftal det Roaoe C.Mltl IU S I 6·3. 6-3. Pem SW•-IU S I OM l.JJcla Romenov !Romania) 11-3 11.0 Q~lclntlllll "" Barbara Po111< IU S) Gel SuMn M•~w•n IU S l 6·2 &-3 ,.,.,~~ Paul~ Sm11t1-Alyc1e Moullon tU S l d•' Shell• Mc1ne1ney.Ann He<nr1cka100 tu 5 1 6-2 6-1. Trecy Auatrn tU S ~t.11m1 JllutO•.C (YUQOlll••lll <kt Romanov 1Roman1a) l etgh Thomapon LU SJ. 6~ 6-2 l!llNbltlon nt1tdl (84 OtWw•I BjOfn Borg !Sweden) <lel J<lnmy Collno<a IU S I 1..e W &-3. 4-6 11-2 ...... Mt.ool ....... MarfN te. ~Gt-I ........ OeLl ll tt.11 d•I McAlmond, 6· I def HulohlM 8-0 def Sklnnet, 15-0, ClllUI fMI won 6-3. 6·2 11.0 Alber11 IMI won 6-4 8 I 6-0 ~ H1<r1& Sle.nlteld IMI def N-en-Aa/141 11·2 d•I He1tn°YOShtkOwe 7 s d•I 0 CamPO KerQda II· I l011IO·N11~1em tM) won 11-2 IQll 3-6 won 6-0 L1MQ -.,,encl (t.11 IOtl O·I won 6-2 6-2 •• ,_ .. 17, .,,, .... I ........ 0 MHr• fEI d•I Reynold•. 6·0 dtl Manley, 6-0 det l ow.a. 6-0 Elllera 1£1 won, 8-3 6·3 6.0. Berber.no IEI won 6-1 8·3. 6-1 Cunn111onam-l1tnc••••r IEI det Cnepmen Pabonarll" 8 °0 del CunnlnQham·Anclrews 6.0. det Benedtel· Sent., 6-0 C¥ey-Oral<• (El won. 7-6 &-1. 6-2. Fetda-8onnell tEI I0&1. 5 1 won 11-1 6·1 Cer-de4 Mlf 11, ......... S ........ HIGH KHOCM. IT MIOtNGI ... vtewL...- ROHf' ICdM) 1011 to P~•m. l·O def Nguyem 11·2 Oel Riot, 6·1, Miiiot fCdM) io.t, Hi 2 6 won, 6· 1 St..ent tCdMI IOtl 6-7, 4-6, won, 6-0 ~ Harr1ng1on·OeMara tCdMI de! lan .. ng Tran 6-3 oe1 T•Of'9·AorH e.1 oel 81r .. l ecaao 6 o Goodbodr·Good r ICdMJ won 7 e 8 -3 11 ·:1 Aowl181hom V81111MnhyM (CdMI won 8· I 11-3. 6-0 .....,_ 0-.it Wl WL ,. "A ~ Harbor I 0 2 2 38 38 SIKIC!l8blCll 1 0 4 0 119 S6 Corona d4I ...., 0 0 O 3 14 54 Cotta t.19$1 0 0 I 2 48 59 E11enc11 0 0 2 I SI 211 Unlver1Uly 0 0 I 2 39 57 El fO<O 0 1 2 2 411 34 Irvine 0 I 3 1 60 52 T~'-'9e N9wpott Harbor 11, El T0<0 7 S-beCll !'J;;': 7 T 0- Coeta ........ ~ .. ,.,." IMne Coron• dtj uw wt &•ancl• al Nf!wpor1 • Harbo< • UfllY•raltJ 14, El T ere 4 ....... l efeb•rt IUI dal S~erman 6·3 del Carlason 11·1, del Eeri.y. 8·1 Bnar IUI won, 6-o fl..0 8-0 Segal tUI .. on 7·6. fl. 1. 6-3 ~ Anderao11-0raper tUI loal 10 Tanner- Coo9f,rttntlh ,.5 def t.IO<lll ·Oeerl"91< 6-3. lost lo Cau-Campbelf 3-11 811tllka· U-on IUI won 7-6, M 8.... Bterwi.. Lucea IUI tlOOft &-2 IOll •-6 1·6 la o.lnle I , ,~ Yelley t (u Oollflla w.,,. °" .-.. ....... , ..,,. ... D••Cll (FVI totl lo Toll•'l.· 2 6 oel 5-1_, 6-7. def B•-· 1· , Noeck (FV) IOI! 3.0. won. 7 .e 8· 1 SMllort (f'VI loll, 1-6 1·6, ~-7 o..Mte areckley LIQhl IFV) d•I Scllfnld1· T .. ry. 8·2 101t 10 8•endon·M1tll1m1 9.7 del O NMl·Orh' 8 4. 8•"••d·Stlebet. won 7·6: IOl1. &-7 4 6 Stdlll!ne·Vee (FV) IOll 0 6. -6-1 losl 3-6 -:I r1..-.r M. C..-.le ..... t . ........ H•naor1 tCMI lost lo Slel,,.., 3·6 IOtl to Deley, :1 o. 1oe1 10 S.bU111>1, o-•. Tueller (CMI '°'' o.e o..e 0·6. YI""' (OMI !Ott 0-11. 0-6. 1-6 ~ SllMton•l(oOa (CMI IOet to TUfnlr·Blletl, 3 ·1. 1011 to 'T ully·R•t b111. 4-1. dtl HHllngt•OrulldllOlff, 8 l, hnecllC1•V111 Sc:oyoo (CMI loel O.•. 0·6 i ·I JOf>nef• HU9'1" tCMI IOt1, I I , ... -~ Rustler get-back_,...,. ·on ·irack Thl· 011ld c n Wnt ('01111 waler polo team hoJWll h h atarted 1no\hc r lung wlnnl atr~ak , whllt' Marina, Ettunc and EdUIOn 11cored v1ct.orlca In th f lrlt day or \h. 1'.:1ttand Tournament Thu~y. ~ The R 1atlcr11. who hud 34-game w.lnniAg aitr4..>ak 1ni.&p . lalt weekend, may have 11u1rti-d • new one In bt·atlng Palom 20·8. The ltlCOring waa balam-ed wl Carl Salyer leading the way wt four KOul11. Gran\ Wallac·c a Scott Lund chipping in w lt\~ nnd -An "Steptronson ari Brett Delvalle adding two uplec The Ru»tlers were due• to vi !!:I Camino today. In the F.&tancia Tournamerrl WATER POLO the· host EagJcs·posted 9 1l eattJ opening-d 1ty (8-4 win ;,vo( outma tch ed Santa Ana Davtd lnadom1 (seven) and Troy F"nle) (six) supplied the b ulk of thd winners' k'Oring. ln another toum.am<:nl mat.cl\. Marina breezed lo a 15-2 dt-c1s~· _over Ocean .'llc.w. T tll!_ V 1hlo led only 6-2 entering tht• fi stanza, but e xplod ed for eig goals. ~· Manna, 6..._ overall , was ~t.ed by Tom Warde and Jeff Hopkins. who had four goals ap1t-ce. Tht Vilungs play Troy al 6 tonrght. · Ed~son broke o pe n a dose game with three straight goab in -t h-e ==tu a l"t h -qttart~ t-o ta~ Sonora, 10-6 . In the Villa Park Clas.4'1c, El Toro raced to a 7-0 advantagt after on ~ pe riod and routed Brea-Ohnda. 21-4. Everyone on the Charger squad scort:.d at least once. led by Craig Popp's fiv~ , goals. Un iversity won a non-lcugue encounte r from Mission Viejo. 7-3. in a tight defensive batth.· The T r ojans Improved theh overall record to 9.4 with lhe win. -Kelly Washboumc-anu ..Min.+--• Schlactcr had a pair of goals each for University. Sea Kings, .Eagles, CdM • Will Newport Harbor. Coronu dcl ' Mar and Estancia alJ brC'C'zed to vic tor y 1n tAree games durans Sea View League volleyball • action Thursday night. AJso. Fountain Va lley got pas). L os Amigos i n C1 ve games. Westminster topped La Quinta, San Clemente defeated Dana H ills a nd Capistrano Va lley outlasted Laguna Hills in a South Coast League encounter. New port Harbor rl'cc1ved l strong team effort m improving its league r('('ord lo 4-0 with a 15-1. 15·3. 15-l 0 triumph ovef Costa Mesa. J oi ning the Sailors at 4-0 was Coronadel Mar.a 15-4, 15-2.15-7 VOLLEYBALL winner over Saddleback. Seruor setter Eileen Hess and outside hitter Laura Niedringhaus stood out for the Sea Kings In Estancla's win ovt'r Irvin~ 15-10. 1 ~10, 15·9, Amy Hathl'OClf. and setter Janice TomC'1 led the. way as the F.agles mov<'d lo 3· 1 in leap play. San Clemente stayed unbeaten thi.. 11eason with its 15-8. 12-15, U -7, 15-8 triumph over Dan1i1. Hills. The Tritons fal'C Lagun• 'Beach llC'Xl Tuesday m a 1:ruC'1a' South Cout matchup . Capi&trano V alley wa~ extended to fi ve sets before • \ak.lnt a Q..15, 15-10. 11 -15, 15-7, 17-15 verdict rrom Laguna Hills The' Cougars survived a pair oi matcfi poin ts before f inally winning Fountain Valley rC'sted 1 1t.arterw afwr moving ahead 2 In pmea., then saw Los Am1g win tho n e xt two befo r rebounding to win the dccidl one. Middle h i tter Kotrin Pe ter1on had 16 kill s. whll Roche lle Snyder had 13 dig • f\iM kills end 19 points on serv • including 14 In a row In th<' fl( . ·-·-------. ·----.. f'• 0fallg• CoHt DAIL.V PILOT/Prtday, Ooto.,.r 1, 1911 $ports on TV ... lbiS wee-ii:end-:- "' •• ,,_t•rd•J' ., Tt;Lt;VISION ,.1 11:1~ um (4) BASEBALL M1lwl111kt'\• ut Bollimore or Oakl11nd ut Kanllrul <.:ity 111 12:30 p.m. (2) COLLEGE FOOTBALL ~ew Mt'xim ut Air Forl't' Ar1Jth•1ny. ; 12:46 p .m. (7) COLLEGE FOOTIJ')tt;t. ai&n J Ode Swte t•t t:lalllotnla. 1 I p.m (11) BASEBALL Dodf(1•ric ut Sun .ifa.ncl8'.'0. (6)--:BASEBALL -Tt•xii~ 11l AnKl•l& (lf Ame rican Leafilut• Wrt1t 111 11Ull undetenntnl·d) ,..,. 2 p.m . (4) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN ~gmcnl'i Include mountain climbing In th1• Tt•ton fange: and un antique rifle 1.Urg1•t t•omp..·uuon. llt 4:ao p.m . (7) NFL'S BEST E V E R . ,, 5 p.m (2) -RAIDERS Pl.A YBOOK 'llZ (7) --'"-D ... E WORLD OF SPORTS 'l'rc·vor 11(.·rhk k '21-2-1). the only man ever to go the dlsliirn:t• Wlln-- Larry Holmes, vs Renaldo S nap<.'S (22 l · 1) m a jltt)edu~ed 10-ro und heavyw4"1ght fight lapt•d at Atlantic Caty, NJ. A lso : thl• women's rn:.as tc:rs ~rfing championship, tap<.od orr S unset &•<ich an (;)ehu. 11. 11 pm (5 ) COLLEGE FOOTBALf. M~LA at Colorado. Taped earlier an thl· doy. ,,, · RADIO '-': Bast'llall ~ T exas at Angt·ls. I p rn • KMPC Ha11piness is winning ... '9ChW ~H ..Of'ICI C» tllUent•e IAl.I ..... PA~ , ........... f M IOHOWll\g llttf IOI!• i. OOlllO lilOflCI ~ M tOU AM .. °''""'-T UMMI" A AUTO MAl l O IHIAO'I' 0110 0' f .. UIT, OATIO , °'l~-ML h~•o11. lllU•ll" tl. JJM, UML.11, 01111tilln v.-. ..,. fl7~-YOU TAICI ACflOM TO "°1!C fllllOfAICK JILAU JI\.. 1MH YOUll ••OlllllTY, IT lllA'I' II Mt Jtek~. •ounlaln v .ii.y, CA '°"'° AT A llUtM..IC IM.a • ., YOU t2n>t ...._ ... ,.,....,., ... C» , .. Thi. Oua1,,.._ la 'onducllld l>y 1111 NATUlll O' fHI •ROCllOINO l11dlvldulll AOAINaf YO~L'.f OU IHOULb fr-0..ICk Blau Jr CONTACT A LA1"'1A. fhlt ttet-t w .. llNIO wOh Ille On TuMdey, Octotiet tt. ltU. ea County c ... 11 of O..noe Couna, Of'! 1000 . M TAANIAMUOCA ran.e hc>ttinlMH 21. 108' IH8URANCIE COMPANY, at duly •111M •PPOlnted l 1ual•• und•t •nd Publlan•d Or•no• CoHI O.•llY pur_,tnt 10 0..0 01 Trutt rec;C)fd.0 Pilot. s..>1 2 ... Ocll I. 8. 16, 1112 hpt.mt>et ~2. 1860, •• lnttr. No •t78-IJ 201 ... In l>OOk 1376?, pege l•H. -----------of ~ ~O• 1n 1t1e ottloe of rtaJC NOflC( Ill• Coun•r Recoro•1 01 Or•no• Co11nly, lttt• 01 Ce11101nl• •ICTITIOUI llU ... H b_,ted 1>y JAM ES F FAHEY •nd NAllll I TATIWNT LINDA f AH[Y WIU seu AT -T11rtollowtrr1rpeflO<r le,"1to+ltf ~ M:t(}T+GN -f<> t#GHE nu•tneH H llOOEA l"OA CASH (payable et CALl ~ORHIA COAST POOL Hme 01 Nie In lewlul MOf)ly ol Iha SEAi/iCE, 17&3 I BelH Cit cl•. Unflad Stal .. I al tlle Cllepm an M11n11no1on ~. CA 92649 "--91\1••""9 to '"" CIYIC c.n • ., S••Pll•n c .,1 Moor• 17&31 Bulldlng. 300 E C11epMan Av•, Btt .. CltCle, Huntington BeKn, CA OflllQa. Calilornl• ell rlOtll, 11111 Ma 928411 tnl.,MI convey.cs 10 ano n0w n•kl flllt lluttMH It conduc1e<1 ny an by 11 under Hid 0..0 of Truat 111 tfl• lndlVlduel. p100•1ty tlluatad In "1d County i:;f-::111n1af.:!r Stal• dMCtll>ad .. ,, ... o ortt~H"i1i0Wn on e Miip lec;C)fded In l>OOI< 1113 P~ 15 ana 1e Ol M1tce11eneou1 Mepa.1n Ille OH"8 ol the Counly Rec0<dar ol Hid Coun1y Publlthad Or•noe CoHt Delly Piiot Sept 10. 17, 2•. Oea. I, 1982 !ltee-82 Th• ell••• addraH and other common OHlgnauon. ot Ina rael -----------1 prop•ray d•acrll>•d above It PUBLIC NOTICE purport•d to 3129 ~1ton W•y. --------------! Co.le M•H, Cel1loml 'ICTtTOUa llUl*Ela The 11nd ara1one T 1u11ea NAllllE &TATllffNT dtactelMt any tlat>lllly lor any l 1111'" tollOW'"O ptrtaOft>tt--dOlnf lnoorrect,,...-of ~,.,.~,~ ef IO). Dodgers at $:.an Frandsc:o, I µ 11), KABC ll190). ;, Football Nebraska at Auburn. I O::ill a m , fuv (870): UCLA at Colorado, 12::3 p.m , KH.J Tht> Ooclg(•r l(l!lht>rcJ UI th•· pilch c r's mound Thursday lo thank futtl!) for th r ~up1>orl w.ith strain of pennant race on the ir fucc&. bui4MH u ano othe< commoo a.11ione11on, ti Ill GARO. 2 1062 Brookhurll any. snown heteln 811 aa1, Sult• 103 Hunllngtor Seid aa •• w111 be made bul EleM:fl. CA 92646 wllf\Oul cov•nenl or w•rr•rHy, EDWARD L MURPHY. :no&1 eapr ... OI 1mplltld, tegardlflil 11118. ~0); Oregon at USC, 1:30 p .m ., KNX ( 1070), Ci1I ly Pomonji al Eastern Washington, 6:45 p m . WRM (1370); LA Southwest o t Saddldxick . 7.:JO 'lrn:-KSBR (88~t--- -- i~nd•y· . '1 TELEVISION i: 9:30 a .m . (2) -NCAA TODAY. Golison-br-&thel!~ Mallory-Cup-• Will RocllPOrt Len•, Hunt1ng1on S.llCll poa .. u lon or encuml>r•ncH, 10 CA 92~6 o•y Ille 1em11n1ng pr1nctpa1 aurn ol Tnia buatneaa 1• conducted by en tlle no•• MOUted by .. 10 o..a ol lnd1Yidull T•ual, wllh 1nte1111 !hereon •• Eowero L Mu1pny ptovlOed 1n ..io not•. tev•nce. 11 l 1111 tl•lemen1 wu filed wlth 1114! en un<lt<' 1t1e aerma of seld 0..0 ou 'f er Oi'li'nije COOnty 611t'orr""'r7', ~u ii, r, -n:n.-. °'"~n;;,.;;,rw;i-- 'Septemtlilr 21. 1982 exoenset'ol lhe Truetee and ol Iha . F1t7M7 truelt cree••d t>y Hid Duo of Pubhtll•d Orange Coast Delly Truat PllOI. ~· 24, oea 1, s: 10. lV87 "'Tlla--rot.i .. ~--4 163-82 t>alence Of Iha Obllgeuon aewr.O -----------t>y th• prop•rty to De sold end •• 10 a .m . (2) COLLEGE FOOTBALL ---4 ffaldwln-Wallace at Wittenberg. Partia l broadc:ast GREENWICH, Conn. -Brothers M ark, Bruce ,.. 11 :45 a.m . (2) -COL LEGE FOOTBALL _ and Jay Go ltson of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club , Long Ml.IC NOTICE , .. ,on•b•• ee11m11eo c:o111. ••P4111M• •nd ed11encet 11 the lime FICTITIOUS IUllNE8S ol the lnlll•I publlcetton ol lh• ·NAME aTATEMIENT Notice of$ ... It $2~.321 011 T ne 1011ow1ng person •& 001ng The t>eneflClwy under llbd Deed tfniversity of San Diego at Oct·adcntal. Beach, prevailed over a tou h fleet to wm the 1, ~Sf: B ~ t:t -=i ttu ml"""'TTT""tJ"r-""'l~l~p~ll~ed~S~t.a~tes~· -:'Y~awl~·b~t~RIJ,!a~C,1!.!.n~.J.!.!n!.j·~o!.!n..2's~M!.!a~U!.l:o~r.,:..;C~u:& determined, (4) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN. emblematic of the U.S . Men's sa1 ing c amp ons 1p. ;~'; 12:15 p.m . (11) -BASE BALL _ Dodgcrs a l Indian Harbor Yacht Club hosted the event buameu as 01 Trull 11fflolor• .. ec:uled •nd ----Slfflll~POeLIC.i.l'lON~db• -delwerea TO'\li"i-tiM~.irT-­woRLD WEST PUBLIC" TIOHS wrlllen Oecle111oon ot Defeo.tit 11\0 ~n Francisco. which was sailed in new J-i.4 sloops on Long island v'• 12:30 p .m . (4 ) -CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Sound. • dbe lfOUSEHOLO M'°'GAZI NE. Demend 1or Sele, ano a wrltt•n 300 I Redhill Aven1.1e. Bldg 1 206. Notice of Oel1ull and Elecoon to Cosio Me ... C" 92626 Sell Tilt un<J.,stoneo ceuted H id at Saskatchewan. The Goltsons, who mlSSed winning the Mallory 111 1 p .m . (5) _ BASEBALL TE'><as at Angels Cup last year by 1 ~ points, t.cxJk a convincing lead DEBORAH L MESNA. 8411 Notice ol Oeleull end Elecllqn to H1111del. Buen• P1111l. CA 90621 Sell IQ be recorded In the ocSonty Th11 ousines ta conducted by •n ...._.tile r .. 1 pr098flY •• loceted lndl•Klu111 Dall' ~1emt>er II. 111112 Oebo11h L Mesna T1enaen1•rlc• Tiiie fnaurenc• lt"• 11a1em11n1 wes llled wllh 11>0 Oompenr (ff American L eague West winner is s till the first day of the regatta with finishes of 1-1-1-2. undetermined). • In close pursuit was the Area C (Chesapeake Bay O<lflty Ctetk ot -Orenge ~ly on ._.........,. ... S•p1embe< 29. 1982 ....... Ana, CA 12701 ~ 3 p.m (7) -G R E ATEST SPORTS LEGENDS. Yacht Rac·mg Association) team skippered by 1979 ~ .. -RADIO • J -24 world champion Charlie S<.'Ott of Annapolis. ~'"' '....8as£ball -= ..DodKers at San f.:ra n£!_S(.'U, l2:l 5 Md., with crew Larry Leonard a nd J ohn White. if:rn .. KABC (790): Texas at Angels. I P"', KMPC whese-f1rst day -finishes of 2-J..2-1 put thl'm within-- F11MM (714) M1·t571 Pubhsheo Orenoe Coes1 Dally ~ C. lilooft, ANt. t.cir. 1101 Ocl I 8. 15, 22 1982 Publl•h•d Or•no• COHI D•llY -----~i-81 . S4JP11"?. ~. Oc1-t:"'ff2 4 )20-112 ~10). :i •;. po 0 intshof the Golil)Ons. , ... • n t l' .second day, in continuing easterly S-u-s--=t .... _e_r_s_,_,.rit_a~t---- b ,• ~oll i de at OCC .. ~ ,. Coach Ray Shackk>ford's Golden We-st CoUC'gt• RtJ!ftlers haw a tall order lO fill tonight whcn they li9$l powerful Taft College in n on -C'onfl•a•n<.·1::· b>t baJI action at Orange Coast College. Kickoff is al winds, the Golison and Scott 1earris ·match raced through' m e tJtth and sixth r att'S. 'Phese"taCttcs-cos the leaders their comfortable margms as they split thl• tail end 8-7 and 7-8. - The seventh race bore earmarks of a new series, wnh the Golisons' lead whittled to l 11'J points by C harlie Mc Kee or Seattle (Arca H> who snagged a 4!-1 during the Golison-Scott shoot-out. Third 1n the final s tandings was Arca A (Massachuset ts) team of J ud S mith. Wally Curwin and Charhe HamJin . East.em Yacht C lub. Happy Giants (;iant manage r Frank llobinson 1-(r.-<'t" Ron Pruitt ·aft~r he drov•! m two run as SF won, 7-f>. NOllCe IS hereby given 111111 the .inde111Qne<1 w111 not t>e resPOna•ble tor any debts or l1ab11111ea con Ir a clod by anyone other th1tn my.ell on or Biie< 1h11 dote Dileo lh•s 3rd day ol Mor ch 198:1 0 11111 Notion D11ty P\8.IC NOTIC£ lllUMtC•~ COC..,. Fo.t TW l'TATE Of' CAUFOflNIA IOUTH OflANGE COUNTY .IUDtCIAL otal'RICT 700 CMc c.tl1et D11Y• w .. 1 ._,._ Ana. Cellfomla 12'701 "'8Mttft: .-oeEAT CHIEaU'I', and DtANIE a. c .. ~v DeteftctMe, DAVID KAVIANI. and 0... 1 lhtougft 20, lftckMM aUMflt()Na c-No-25820 M5 Perl! Or. No. l3 Co.le MeN. CA t2t27 Pub11shea Oronge Coasl P1lo1, Oct t 2 8, t982 .a330·82 NOTICll Yow h .. • bHn e\Md, 'IC:W ,.: ·. Taft. ranked No. 4 in the stalt' a t the beginning of the season, has d<.>Stroyed its Cirsl two opponl'n ts. \\ihipping College o f the Sequoias (42·0J <ind she Uing the El Toro Ma nne Base (44-0). NFL could l isten to Ma dde n ---------'---I TM-',,.., decide eplMI '°" otm•1c NOTICE wf"-" ,_ .,_... '-d ..-.. ____ • ..-. ________ !)'OU ~ wttNn., deya. ..... •ICT1TIOU9 llUSINESS tM lnlofmattorl '*°"· NAME STATIE•NT II you wish to seek the edv'ICe ol • • The Cougars finished the 1981 Western State (foofercnce season with a 6-0 mark and a 10-1 cwerall neco rd. They're play1ag m the Me tropoli tan 'Conference this season under the lcad t•rshap of Coach Al Baldock who" boasts a 55-9 -1 record ~tping h!S seven seasons a t Tah Golden West as coming off a satisfy ing 27-15 Vletory over Santa Ann w hich C'Vent..>d th<' Rustlers' ridOrd at 1-1. o· · Running ba<.·k Rich Stahlhcbcr will be thl· ma n 'Nft has to stop tonight Stahlheber p1t·ked up 190 ~ds on 19 carries a nd scored two tout:hdowns atJairust Sant.a Ana. . The Rus tlers s howc.·d a lattl<' o ff ('n l>l' tllemselves last week, ro lling up ;152 yards m total o ffe n se, which more than triple d th('1r t>H orl aiaJnst Saddleback two weeks ago m a 14-6 defeat Freshman Adam Gragnano figures lO get the sW:!'ing quarterback assignment for the· RustlC'rs ~'r~nano has thrown 39 times this season without SI? interception He hit 7 of 15 for 103 yard-; against S3nta Ana. Jluckingham wins race Jim Buckingham of Newport Harbor Yacht Club defeated seven rivals in a six-race Lehman-J 2 ~egatta for the Sch ock Trophy r ec<'n tly Tht' rliigatta was sailed in rain and fluky winds o ut of Newport Harbor Yacht Club. n• Runner-up was Pat Seaver, NHYC. By WlbL GRIMSLEY Aff Sped•I Co.,aepondent Tht· lroubll:' w ith ull theJM• lt·g:.al bram~ try ing to S(.'tllc.· t.hl' National to'uutball L <'agut• players' strakl' as th;1t th(•y'rt· hs ll'mng tu the• wrong voicl'S Why don't tht·y lastc•n to big Jo hn Madde•n'! SurP. he··-. JUSt a tht<.'k·nl'('kc·d forml'r l'Oal·h 1urnl'd ne·twork broadc~t<'r who as afra id w radt· lllrplancs. but hl' make•!> morl' ~OS(' than anybody. "There'll b<.' no move•mPnt in t his strikl' u ntil tlwy start talking fn•t• agency," Big J a hn kl•t•ps n•pcatang ov<'r and ovt•r "Baseball and baskt·tball have liberal furml> o f fn«· agency Footba ll must do the sam c . "I T HINK IT'LL all b(. just a lot o? rheloril' unul the two s ades gC'l duwn to st'n ous drscussaon of the· compc•nsataon issuc." Th<' massive. rt-d-haared Maddl'n reurc·d an January 1979. a f t.er c·oaC'hang the Oakland Haaders fur 10. years, compiling a rf'l:ord of 103 vat·tnnes agoinst :J2 defe<11S 1Jnd seven tit's a nrl ll'arling has l!J76 team to thf' Super Bowl l'hampaonshap HC' 1s currently th(• al't.' comml.'nlator o f CBS. w anning awards for his homl'y. whimsat·al and pc·nt'trating <1nalyscs~ "llis broadl'asiing art i·ons1sts tif C:1n abst.•ncc• of d ichC'S and hypl' and reducco.s thC' gam<' to thC' level of thl· average fan. It's this sort uf <'arthy, unadorned wisdom that rould tx• uS<'d an tht• strike n cgoliatao ns, rt-sumed Thursday m W ashin1otlon . D .C . and stalll•d over ., I DllTH IDTICD vagu1• 1.,,uc-s sut·h as sharing th(' w1•alth , <i fD<{'(t l>l:llc.iry seal<' and a grg:muc mult1-m1lhon-dollar pol from Whll'h th t• JthlC'tC1' WeJUld ht• t'llnapc.•tL-.alL-d for lh• lollowino o•r•on 18 doing en ettorney In lhts m111er you t>utlneu as at\Ould do '° promplly so thel your B~HIAEO TRUCKING, 13111 wrmen r••eonte II eny m•t be Knoll. wn1m1n11er CA 9'2683 hied Oil time Bryen 9-0nn , 13111 Knott AVllOI Ual•d 11•.eldo We11m1nale<. CA 92683 damend•do. El lrlbunel p11•d• . This bus1non 11 conducted t>y an decldlr COftlr• Ud. aln eudlencle t! THE NUSUAL SCHEME, t·nm'l'IVl'd bv r.cc· rmi1vt<1u•B1 eon =:-:.l~i. ':,',::,:~';:!: l ht •tr C"ndc•o vors 1 • d f , -ryan n uarvC'y. t•x1-<.·u11v1• trl'<.'tOr o the• NI-L Pl:iyt•r:,. Th1111etement "'" 11i.a ...,,h ,,,. ..... _ Ai.so<:1at111n, would l:Jrgt·ly put ltw playl·r!-into Coun1y Cl41fk ot O•ll\Ofl County on Si Usted desee aol•C•llr ei s 1 2 t 1982 conae10 de un •baoeoo en e&tf! <.'att·gural'!> basc•d o n pus1t1on mad M•n 1onty .ind ep Fll7UI 11un10 oebe11a hece11 0 would chminotl• an alhlt>ll"s r1ghl lo bargain with P!Jl>llaneJ Orange Cou t Delly 1nmed1a11men1e. oe esta miner• has rmployl·r on tht• basis of his v:.alut· and gatC' Plloa. Ser: 24 Oc1 1, 8, ts. 1082 ~~::0=~•9: ,':J,::,guna a µpeal. 4240"82 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A CIY!I TPl·hnarnlly, tht• idea, oppust•cf b.v th<· dub . Pl&.IC NOTICE completnt h&a been ltleo t>y lhe platnllH ag .. net you II you W't/1 to owners, would dc-ny pro football, lhl' richest of all Fl<:TITIOUa llUatNEaa deler><l 1h11 l•wsu11 you must . w11hin pro sports, th<• luxury o( high -salarl<'d taknt SUl'h NAME aTATUIUfT 30 deys alle• lh1s summon1 15 a!> baSt·ball's Dave Winfit•hJ ($24 million In a long-The 1011ow1ng o•••on la. doino served on you.''"' ""'h 1h11 court • but4ne.s u • fllr11ten respd'nM! 10 the complalnl tC•rm ronlrat·t), IC't:> hockc-y's W~1yne (;rt!l7.ky ($15 WESTPOINTIE PROPERTIES, Unleu you Oo IK>. your del•ull Win m tlhon-$20 m11l1on an a t•ontr<tl'I runnul'T t6 1999) &66 S.ket St,, Sutte 40SN. Coste l>8 enaereo on 11pp11ca11on ol th• r; MMll CA 926211 pletnllH, end INS cour1 m1y entflf I a nd baske 1balrs Mosc-s Malone ($l:i m11l1on over :.ax o anl•I J Cooney. 2330 1ue1omen1 eo•11111 you tor 1ne re11e1 y<•<irs)_ W•11m1n1tar Ave . Coate Mase. CA dem1n0e0 In the comp1e1n1, w111en "Th<• !><'Uh• 1dt•a propoS<'d by I hi• playt'rs IS 2627 could •eaull •n o•Jn11hmen1 01 tmpractacal und. 1 thmk , unwnrkable· " S<Jld Mttdden 1nJ.~~~•tnOM ••conducted by'" :~h~~k:~~:.1 ~=•~a°r~~! be(ore t•all·hang ::. tr.un for a 12-hour trip to Denoet J Cooney ~;''July:; 1982 Spnn gfal:'ld. Ohio, to work th•• W1'tt<•n bt•r u -,,,,, •1•1-1 wu llled w•th '"° • o 1 counly Clflfk ol Ot•noe County on Jemes 8 Hams Baldwan-Walla<.'l' t•n llt•gc g::inw Sunday with s.01 22. t982 c1e11< t•ullt·a~ut• Pat Sumrrwrall • F1910la ~:t>t• Crew "I think it's JUSl :1 bc.argamang ploy Tht• guys p1~~.b~,·~4?C:C~0~ i0~~.1 1~=~Y ~Nlpeoft a IW!n are going tu h:tvc to gc-t down lo th(• labor-•1113·82 IM WHl IMll• Ane Blwd- managemc11t l>m11cs and. in this l'll~·. frt'C' ag<'m·y." P\8.IC NOTICC $~.An•, CA 92101 Maddc11 qua t fl yang <i few yl'ars ago. He ~id (7 t4J 973.926 t t•onfinem c·nt gave· him daustrophntn<• and hC' kC'pl FICTrTIOUa eu ... 1a Attomey B•r ·~BO t9 b k NA• aTATlllllNT Publlthed Or•noe Coeal Delly l'l'a tng out an a sWt':Jt The 101tow1no oeraon 11 oo•no Pilot Sept 10, 17. 2•. Oct t. t982 ouem.ss •• 3~-62 Ml.IC NOTICE 99: w' .. ~;!~N~~c~. cs~~:",~: Nil.IC NOTICE K·llOt Newpo<I 6eech, C.llt0tnl• 928&0 It• ti . . ,..c1..on.s ~s· MOITVAIT 627 Main St Huntington Beach S36-6539 FICTlflOUI 9Ul lHl8a Edwerd J•y Lohn•t. 2614 w FlCTITIOtJ8 __, ..... HOLLISTER brolh1•r OI Cara Terry of 1 KING Cnnslianl't' A l<•ipptf'r elf NAME I TATEMINT olumt>•n• •A. 8 •nte Ane . NA• aTATlllllNT R o L A N D C lo d c T d ~ Tf'lt> 1011ow111g l>@rsona are 001119 alll0tnl• 92704 The IOlt-lne P«IOll• •r• doing K 5 ° ra 0Coo11 Y· exas •111 JESSLE 8 . KING, agf' 98, Jo'uunla1 n . Va ll1·y, Cn , 2 1>v11ncss es Tiii• 1>ullnet1 ie oonouct.O tit •n 1>u•IN111 n ~! PAQAC v•w WIMOllAL PAii It c.metery Mortuary SP Chapel..CremalOf'V _,_ 3500 Pac1t1c View Drove Newport Beach 0 ~2700 n ~,MsCoaMtal MOITUAl•S L99un• Beach 494·9'15 I Laguna Hills 7&8-0933 " San Ju•n C.prstrano no 495-1776 HAl80I &.AW.._WT. OUYI ~· Mortuary • Cemetery \ Crt,.,.tory tf t625 Gisler Ave Cost• Mesa ~555• I>' • ,_C..OTHMS 3 • ~-OUWAT ,, woeTU.AaT ' 110 lfoedway O'• Cott• Mea.I "~' 842·91&0 ·~· ... •• '=..-..°" ATV9MLL WllTCWJ CMAflll U1 i 17th S I Cotta._.. M&-937t • HOLLISTER. resadenl o1 iewart per()( Arkansas. 'd r H b lb ci :l OUAlllY PRODUCTS 734 nOIYidU•I M"RTEK, 15t23S BtOOllllurlt W C ( 3 also surviving .~PA 3 .._rothnr a rea1 e n t o unllngton ro e rs an . s 1stt•r11 an Co 204 w ltnl , c • ............ t'Slm1ns1er , a or I me " " Beach, Ca P8'.Wd away onCo nnecllC'Ul. al so 4 OllM1Wey · s1aMesa CA02627 EdwardJeyl~ No • " I'll••·,. •• ...., yC'ari. Passed away on Sept and sislt•r m-law Ct>nC and 5 tl h Id R Con11ecl TQOI Inc • C11tl0tn1e 1J:t. 1tetem9nl w11 tlled with the Craig SC:Ott Shennlln. 1~123 S · · R b M . M c plember 30, 1982 ot the gran c 1 ren osary wall corpore1ton 13152 Gunthel Street. nty Cl.,k 01 Or•,.,... County on BrOOk~I. Ho 204, w .. 1m1n••., c.-ml:x-r 28. 1982 HP was on u Y t l 11 a n o r Padfkn Hospital. lie was be rpcl ted on Mo nday. O&<oiin Orov11 Ca1ttorn1a •Pt 1. 1982 ,.,,_ C" 92683 Ae rospace Engineer for 25 Wes1mtns1t>r, Ca F riends born m Na.shvllle T(•nne October 4 1982 111 7 'WPM at fh1t but1n&ss" conducted bye ,.,..... Sunn Aoc;hell• Sherm111n. yea r s with R ockw ell may call, at P1('~'e Brothers on April 29 1884· Mr. Kl:g the Pt l'r~c Broth;rs Bl•ll corp0r1110n PuOll•h•d Oreng• CoHI O•llY 15123 S B1ookhur11 . No 204. lnl<'rnauonal. Hr is survived Sm11h s M ortuary from had hb own barber t1hop I Broadway C hapel Maiu ot ~~'l!u!:i~:ne 1101 Ser>• 17. 24 Oct '· e. 108:> w;~,:''=~~.9=UC1ed by en b y his waft' Rosalie, I 3 -~0 PM 10 9 :00PM 0 ~ Huntington Beach, Ca fo~ Chrasuan Burtul wall bc hl'ld Pre11oon1 •1t&-82 1n<1Mou1I daughter Tara ~obason or Friday, October I , 1082 mol'I.' than 50 Yt.'111'11. Beloved on 'fu(.'jj(jay, Octotx>r s. 19112 Tiii• •l•lemenl was lllltd w1ll1 tne PUBLIC NOTICE Cr•lg s .... men Carden Grove, Ca , 2 llon11 where func·ral S<'rvlt't'll wlll fathe r ot June Vance f Rt IO:OOAM 111 S t. J oiirhim's county Clerk 01 011ngo County on 1------------1 This 1111-1 wn hied wtth Iha Jim Hollister of Vu1t11, Ca be t·onduc.·tf'd on Saturd~l1 Hunllnston ~ach Ca Ja::'k Cal h o 11 r Ch urc h M r Sept 20. 1982 •1t1us "'~!~~:A;~=~· ~:~e~. ~~of Orange County on and Greg Hu ll111 t c r o f Ocll:>bc-r 2, 1982 ut 10:001\ King of Sedona ' Ari:iona Cans.van Wll., u n-til't.'d naval Publoahe<I Orenoe Co111 Deily lh• lollowlng 0•11on la <101ng 1'1 ... W es tmans l l'r, Ca . 3 w ith Rev Bruce Kut rlc J .B King, Jr. of New rt uffi~r and will be lnl('ITI'd PllOI Oc• , e is. n t982 u . Put111s11ao Orenge co .. 1 D•llY granddaughters. 4 brothers ~!ltor of lhl' Prcsbyt('rlon Betr h , Ca. a nd Fra~ialH R lvcrttl dl' Nstaonul ot33&-82 co~ST CARR IAGE. 34275 Pllo•Set>• 10 17.24.0cl 1,1H2 and 1 slawr &>rv1cet1 will be Church of lhl' Covenant Parnell of Hemet-. C8 ' also Cemet<'rf follo wing the ----P\8.--1-C_NO_T_IC_C___ !~;:2;•pla11eno, Cepo Buer.. _________ 3_9_~_, held on Saturd11y, October 2, oWch•tlna. lnl_t'rmenl will Ix! s u r v I v I n g a r <' I 3 llCrvlct•. f ricndit m:ay call ai JllClk Huloer••· 861 Ron S1 Nil.IC NOTICE 1982 at 2 :00PM al the mude In th~· (,ood S hepherd grandchildren and 23 l't'Dl· the mortuary on Mo nda . ....mn 1aMa11.CA92e27 Harbor L:awn Memorial Cemt>t~ry Pll'rc-e Brothert grandchOdren Frl~nd~g may October 4, 1982 from l :OOPli 'ICTtTIOUl llU ... 11 Tnll bua"-t It c:onouct.o by 1111 a U 'I" t O It CO U "T OF Chapel. 1n.terme nt w ill Smat~ll Mortuary dirttlm'I. call al P ierre Brothers lo 9.00PM Pierce Brothcni the 1=.:'~~. doing n<llvtdu~ecti Hvlt>«ta c~~ follow In Harbor Lo wn . S!l6 ffal9 S nfitha' M ortua ry Crom Be ll Broadway Mortuary bual,,_ et T111e 11e1-1 wu llled -''" m• '"'° Ctwte CeMar DrM ••t Mount Olive Memorial P1,1r k. HURTHLE 2 : o Op M t 0 6 : o op M 0 n dlrectora. P-a< OEllElOPM~T. •• Pia• ounty Clefk 01 0tllllQ8 County on '-' OMM ... • Services under the direction H~RMAN 0 . HUHTHLE. Saturday, l"\,.to'-~r 2. 1982 Sque11;1. Orange, C11111t0rni. t:ieM. 22, 1982 ._..AM, CA_,.. ( H b L M ~ uo-Tom J R•mb•. 11, H Pleza '1•11 ....-.-n. o ar o r a wn-o un1 ~ll!Kld away on S<-plA•mbcr and from ft:OOAM to !i:OOPM -----------8QU•r•. orenoe. c e1110r11Ni tnet. Put>ll•n•d Oreno• CoHt D•llr A..._.,....._ tlf! ~Ive ::ortuery of Cm1tn . , 1982. He WM a long lim<.' on Sunday, October 3, 1982. DEATHS LH1011 F. Pomeroy, 111. 44 . e.1 24. OC't 1, 1, 15. tN2 •aM w. tl'RAY, cu. 0·5554 n'!lldent of S.'1n Martno and a Funeral acrvleee will be :~~ Squ•r•, Oren~. Celllornl• 1---------•-1_aa_...a_21 ~:'TIC* (NOeAT'C) mcmb<'r of lht> San Marino conducted at the Pler<'o ELSEWHERE Thi• butiMt• 11 -~.er l>Y • •-IC Ml\~ 0--· "",,.,. COOPER JAMl!:S C (8L.ACKl1'.:) COOP£R , ruldl'nl o f Huntlng\on B1•ach , Ca PH•l'd •w•y on Mondey. September 27, 1982 at hl1 rcaldonc:t--Mr. Cooper w .. born in Colorado Chy, Tcxu on February 21. 1905. HC' wu a r.t.lred pollCC! oft~r wtth lt'l•~Huntinpin Beach Pollett Department after 14 ybtt of tiervl~. He WN • retldl'nt of Hun llnston Beach, Ca. for 40 yeara. Htloved ~u•b•nd o f Dlzabeth C. C.OOprr, ~loved MMOnic Lodge. 1'h<> pA11t 5 Brothc111 SmlthJI' Chara! nn 1 1 111 L ___ .;...'"-..;;..;;;.;;;;.;.._""..;...'...;..;; ______ 1 rHl PEOl"lE OF THE h l:;;&,_..t I Lei M nd n.......-L--Otll.,. per "'" p. .... sr·1~ or C•ll"'OANI•, yrara c rt.'1 m:v n 11u~ o ay, ~WOl"r 4, 1 82 at Tom J. KMnbe. II fl'ICTrTIOUa .,..... " "' • "' • " World. l..aguno Hiils. He ia I l:OOAM. Interment wlU be • ~·· P9flntf ..... ITAftmNT To OLEN MAROLD CARIXN surv1vC'd by • brothc•r Ouo :1\fode In the Oood S'--ph,....A Lo No o N ( /\ p) _ Thi• •t•ttrlltftl -111ee1 wi1n tile Tne ~. ~ -dOlllO You er• n•r•t>y clt•d and '"" '-'" County CWt Of Or.nee County°" -reQl.llted to eP9M' •I a llMt1"9 Ill Hurthle ond .. 11ter -ln-l9w Cemetery. Pltr<'fl Brothcr1 Mu"tll Jettt*r 72, a ~ a.o. u. IN2 ,~~OMINTt .. t ••3 1. coee1 INI _,on 1:1~t2 •• ... 111 m 1n Pearl Hurthlr ot ManJtowlsh Smith.a' Mortuary dlNeet.On. ttU.'41 tycoon who built the '~ . eor-611 Mtt, CA 9*1 Otot. No •· ioe.tad 11 700 W•t Wato,.., WllK'Ontln, 3 11i.1l4t'I ~36·6~39. • 2 b ( I I I 0 n Q r a n d Put>ll•ll•d Or•no• Cou t O•lly Jo,ot o.. ~-.... Mita. CMc Cenl•r Drive, Sanl• An•. Mrw. Howard A. Mit.ch~ll ot CANAVAN Metropolitan br wery and PllOt, Ml 24• Qfit. U . '~.~~ l"~-=·~2:,1t.1 Mite, ~:.!2=. ::o.'~':'o :! NrwpoM 8el(.!'1 C.., Luctlk> PATRICK J CANJ\ VAN. h o t e I em p I r"' ..1.. d I e d ~-----------ILllOUN IMdl, CA Ntt1. _..._,petition ftieo w1111 eouf1. Hurlhlc and MH1ne Blkcirmstdcmt' of Newport BNch, W • d.n ea d • y . u rand fNI ~ 11 ~ llrf a wtty tllll Mo911on "'"loll enould of-San Juan C.platrano, C. Ca . Pa11ed away on MttropOlltan'a w orldwide If lt'1 ... wheel1 ~ ~- ln lieu of ffowera frl.,nda September 30, 1982. He la tnttrflta Include th "'U.S. r.::•t-" "'°'°' 0• • '~~ \,!,9: k d •' l·...,, b ... ,_ If II d b "-"'• ,.,. vt11ct4 t1 -tll9d """ may ma e ona .. one to a 1urv nu y nur w e Anna C: quor an to acco 1roup w I QCIUflfY Cllfk °' Orenet County°" charity of tholr choice. C&navan of Newport Beach, LI 11• tt , t h t Br (tit h D•Hv ~.:. -.. 11. ,..,, 1y.1oyae A. Not1t¥M Prtvate aervlC'ft only w1lh Ca., 1 ton Patrick J . ~ o1 Truman'• and ~ . ._ A. c !.~' p111>11111°:'~,.T. Coe.et 0:.111 furwnl arr•n-ta by the Canavan, Jr. of ttunll•.......... Watney Mann. a-rtrnenl cl•llff--•u•M•MCI ...... n.. oa., ~~ N a=...,..··-·· B C ,,._, build r-lltlot. lt9' ''· 14, OCt 1, •· 1111 Piiot. "'°'· to, 11, 4, Oct. t, t eptunc ~-.C'ty. eac:h, a .. l dau1htera lnp and CM&nar. •d. , 41'4.a ~ ... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Frldey, October l, 1012 C7 Nk.IC HOJICL Ml.IC HOTICL NU •net MIC •111 NOTIOI C» ftUefta'I UU lfOflCI °' TMISTH'I IALI IC-OllA 'IOTITIOUI .,_.. ltOTtCI CW "*-IC .. ..._ a.p ,,_ .... ,...,. eo LMfl .... m.._..1 •tl'd lteO'TICI Of' IALI UM1 ITAn.Mf NOTICI ti Hll\HV OIV(H ~I• NOTa W ftiUtfW9 IAU.& . °'' fllOey, Octotlel " ltH •• T ...... D.... IY9'NOt'lll GP, ... ...UAL IT•l-Nl °' 911.A.4 "'°""'" '"• IOllOwlng ,,.,.on 11 001ng public tlNtlng .... be ht6cl IW Vie ' ........ fl, •• m . llO Me fEOtlU L OAUOO °' AT MV4TllA11 lilltl~U City Covnc:;H ol ,,,. Ctty of C0t11 YCMJAM•D9•UU~· lt-AVIH OI AM O LO AM llf "M l'I l'I MAN CIAI AIMtlufl lMUl.,1"--Cl~r.,,lofldl Ne.A~tlll1t , l Q IAtOAPL-UMllNO, 1030 Mt.a on Ncr.«nb« I, 1tt2,lnlhe DllO OP T•UIT OATID AOOOCIA flON, • C01po1aU011, •• COHPOAAllON H duty •1>C>04t1t1K,1 MO l1lcllell A¥MW, ""-1, Pt.fide J:l1JI In Ille lwp•tl•t Cevrl 11 th• W MltOAll™'• ltvo. h llle An1, CA CCN<\C.tl Clltrnl*• of Clly lt .. 1 11 DIOIMllll tt, tNt. ::.\, f111•tM ulld•• 111111 0..d ul flu•I l i u•I•• undat th• l•llowlng y-llWIN o-MMr •1, IMt Itel• et Calltetn&e. tor Iha C-lr 0:007 f1l1 Drive, Co11a MIH, al • 30 YCMJ TAICI .&Cnoet TO O•l.0 .l111Uiity ) I, tt7t , n~t.O dalC!Mt>tld daed ol truit WILL &~LI. Total Admlll.O H•••• "41UOf,at6 al Oren1• In ltl• Mellet OI th• l1l1~1ll• 0-94' lfttdl 11. 1030 P Ill \ _ 01 II t oon lh11111ter .. YOUll P•OPl•T", IT llAY by IAM~l llf!OMA, wtlo ecquw.d Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO THI rotll hbfflO• I •• tot .. /l ...... ~YI M. NAVlllJ. w Ml!GA!lhU! lllld ' ltnt• ""'·CA P<llCllC:tlblll. on 1111 IOilOWlnG llMlll IOLD AT A 91\aJC IAL.a •• '°" 1111• .. I AMUAl LIPOMA I nd HIGHtll l GtODlll'I ,o .. CAIH Cepttal per441p Ou11e11ty (;av!· 0--4. cmor A I 0 0 H •• 0 e "AT I (JN 0 ,. ........ IOL.MAnoet Of' '"' "4AAll!! LIPOMA and t•COtde d IP•Y•bl• •I 11'"41 ol .... In lewlul 111/ltatule>tV l>eCJOlll ' 6 613 114 Nonce II he11by 9IV4Ml thll Ill• Thi• l>lltl-I• condUCl.O by.,, IPtCll'IC PLAN llP·71-0;I 18•Uf ••ru•• TMI ,.OCIUNllt 1'11>1uaty 1.-, 18711, at ln11tument moll•Y ol lh• United lttl••I 111 O•OU btlcMn llfld GOflltlwte<l u11d.,llQ•~ wlll Nit e t P11v11e 1ille. loQ1v1<1ull l ltffl end P•ul•tll\O Av~u•I to AO YOU.i_!.~U IMOUllt No ~4757. Booll l:w>3•, P• 177 llQhl Ult. and lnl.,ffl ,onv..,.a 10 eufpk.I• b,OOt,11'7 1o the h1gllllH •nd bHI ll•dOfl, l 0 lald• II •veluel• 1lle1n•llve lmj)rOvtm~I C ACT A LA~ ol Oillotal Rec:orh ol Orenge 1110 now held by II un<Mt ••Id ONd \,lnHlloMd rvnot ltu<l>lu•I 20. IC>e,36 t 1ub1111;1 to 'onlttmlllon 01 111cl lhl1 1t1lllT*1I wM lll4'0 ""1111 ,,,. Ot:>lic>o• IOf ti•• Hel\CIOll)ll Av On Nov•mbef •. 1112. II I 16 County, Stet• ol CaJllom11, Wiii NII or Trull '" Ill• pro~tlV ~.in•IUll Surpk.11 H tacl'l•d• wlloyhold!tf• 3(),798,A02 8upe110r C..Outl, 011 01 •1111 tile 18th County C*k ol O••llO• County on ••t.-illon AM FM1•11I N•t1on1I MOlllllO' •I publlc •ucllon 10 th• ''OhHI <IHClll>ed' ~ • ror ·~ ~·· llO,&OT.800 Ill)' Of OetOh•• 108' II 11111 ollllit or Sept 10. 111811 R tlOLUftON OJ NICf6StfY 10 Auocl1t1on .. duly eppo1n1• OldW IO< ca.ti 111 lewlul mooey of TRUSTOR MOHAMM ED 8 tMfM"ll IOf me vt•t 78,809,&12 6COl t. fl~R6tNGfR, MUlHl 6 '1174" condemn pro~ ~led' •t 132 T11111tt undll '"d p11reu1nt to tt1t United 8tatH. it 1111 rront OAUOD an unm•1tled men 1 htHeby ee1Ul)t thll 11141 6bove llttm• 11• '" ec;oor01t~ wllh the KEBHI!. 717 8 M•ln St , Su111 112;/, Pullll1h1d Ot•"ll' Cont D•llY LHI tOlh SllMI, o..ign•t"'1 ft91c.I 0..0 OI TfUll •UCUt.d by ~ lnhfllCI 10 the Old Or6n99 COU<lty 8 l Ne,_ IC I A AY M ERCU Ry Annuli Stet-I f<>r th<i yea1 111dld O.C..m~ l 1, 1ot I, rr11a<I• 10 the 011no1 C1U1Q1111•. (7141 60 74fl2 PllC)t fl1p1 17, 24 Oct I I, 11112 21. tor lhe 10th 411tel wldt l'llng 0 ........ a llngt. man. recordirad COUtlhOuM. IOCllfd on San11 Ane 8 A v1 N oe A-.. o lo AN lneuranc:e CommlNIOl\9t u m1 S1e11 ol Celllor"l•. PIJl•111•nt to ltw County o r l>1•ng• Stal• o t 4 110·82 PtO!K1 J.,.,.,.,, 4, tN2, M ln'4r-t no Blvd •. balw .. n Gycamo11 811HI Al80CIA TIOlll. 1 GOll>Oflllon Moyd Oenleo<• Cellforn1a 111 the llQht 11t1e and NOTICE IS f URTHEf4 OIVEN thet U-00002"4, of Offlc.4al A.co0tdt 1t1 lllld 8tOldw•Y In tlll cu,. or San•• R~oul.O M1toh 3, 11110 .. '"'" VIG• Pr .. Jci..11 1111ar111 ol u•d d•~HHO at tn• PUBLIC NOTICC '' Mid 1111\41111\d pl-. e1r 1n1 .... 1.o the Offioa ol the County A.c:oto.r .. A"•· County or 01eri119, Sitt• or NO 199 111 llOOlo. 13520. PAO• :i&:i 01 6 Tr .. eure< 11m1 01 dHth en<L.4'11 mw r1Qnt, !Ille PtlBOfll m•y epp.er 111\<1 0. 114Ntd Or1no• County, Catfl~nl• Will -Cllllornl" fl t!Qtot, tllle end 1111.,e11 Olltdal flaco<da lo..lhe QJl1G41 oU Judith K•ll•f _ •nd 1nt1111tl lh•t 111• •11•1• 01 Hid by I hi Cll V Co11n~ill o" th• SELL AT PUllLIC AUCTION kl convty1 o •no now n~1 A•eordei ol o reng• county: old ~uTitinl Siiir•tllry----oecanod h .. ""quired by N()Tlt:E OF 0 1£ATll OY tlor-llooMKI mett., H1GHUT J•OOEA FOR C1'111 un<Mt Mid°"" or l rutl. ln that d••<l OI llUll d11c1lll11 th• Pullllth.0 011n~ CoHI o .. 11y Piiot, Sepl 29, 30. Oc:I '· 2. 3. 1082 (lj)ftl•llOn or l11w "' Olhmwtao Otllaf HARRY SCllftt:IU~lt ANO ,,, EILEEN I' P111NNEV, CHECK A o 'flCAt8EO BIL • pro~rty 11tu1tlld In Hid County loll()Wlng PIOl>lflY 4239-62 lh811 01 In addlllOll to lhftl or Hid 0 F p II T I T I 0 N T 0 City c1 .. 1e lP•Y•ble ., 11"'41 ot ...... n lewflll jlllcl 8tel•, dMGrio.d.. . lot $3. ot lt1CI 94111, In tile City OIC•Hold, 11 th1 lime Of 0"111'1 1n "'' Pullltthld 0 11ng1 COH I 0 1lly rnori.y of 11\1 United 811._) M -~ Tiit l\OfthwMtlflY 13.32 IMt ol or Irvin•. County of OtllllQI, Stet• 01 P\alC NOTICE f'tELIC NCHICE 1no 10 all 1n11 certain ••II 1J'Oj,KJ1 ry ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. Pllol Ocl I. 11182 •230·82 .nlrAllQe to the otd Otan6I COUl'Ct the ~Wiiy 64086 I-of Loi Ct llla<nl• "I* mep r.:orc:141d In YOO AM IN 0_,AUlT UMO«ll A YOO Afll IN ji,AUlT UNO« .. A elluetlld In Cu~ ot Ore•19• <..ou111y A·l 15zt3. COUtlhOu ... tocltad on 81111t1 ~ 247 ot the HewpOft Ht1Qht1 TfllGt, Bobl\ • 'i Peg .. 40 Ill rough 43 DI Io O' T Ill u I' o AT Io DI IO O' T Ill u IT DA T ID or Or ano• St •t• o t C•llfu1111• To oil li<'trt-, hl·n1·frt t:irrl"'· rtlll.IC HOTIC( 8tvd . oerw .. n 8 ycamo11 I t ' Ctty 01 ~t 8"cll. COunty or inctut1v• 0j mie<;eti•r\.OUI mec>• In ,TIM 111 t 110 UNL•ll p111t11.u1•1ly dHClll>O<I n 101tvw•. 10 ··r .. di ton. 1;nd t urtll n"t'll I •ICTITtOUa .., ... ,, 8'0l4way, 81t111 Alla, Calllotnla. Ill Orange, Slit• of C4Mlf0<nla, aa~ the olltce ol lhe Caunty AllC0td., ol II I 1 • 1 · ll'TIMB«llll, 1tl1. UNl.IH YOO wit ~ ~ " right, llllt and lnteta11 eon~ to mep r.ciorffd In Boot\. p~ 01 d 0 c ii YOU TAKI ACTION TO NOTICT 1'AICI ACTION TO '"OllCT Lot I I Traci 1022 .... th()Wlt on ('rr'<itlonl u( Hurry &·hn·1bn r11-..... !) .... Of~~~!!! .00 now held by It unclet Mid' o... MllQlle-11 M~ • HI '•"II• OUI y YOU .. '"O'l"TY, IT MAY •• VOUlll ,lllOPllllTY, IT MAY •• •P lha•JQ! llHlOldlld l~B I\ 34 ~-'!.!:£.8008 who rno lw " .... ""'""-ot Trwt In the P'~i.::•tad "lh Exc:.ptth••~lhWMl4M'ty210 ~~~"o"'Ro!F~~\ DATED -.ollf'Xn'"l'UWCICl .... ll'Y r.Y P•11•• -,o-nra . UJ.aDr...MfCkA.Ll'D-i 4 ... ~""~ ___ __,_ IMt thet'eol Nl:ID AN IJCJlllLANATION OP Titl NtlO AN IXl"l.ANATION OP Titl Ml•ce lla neOua "111 p1 o t told Ol ICIWll>C Ulll'THlf 111 t e Top0n•1 Court, l eguna Nlgu4tt, CA LOI,, ol Tract Mo 1712, lfl !hf YOU AM'" 0.,AUl T .,..,. .. A FEBRUARY 2l, !980 UNLESS YOU NATUfll Of> THI ,lllOCllDINO NATUfll Of THI ,lllOCllDINO Oren II• c ()U II ty C o 11 10 I nil will oncl/or l1'lDll· 92877 Clly QI Co••• "4et--... ,,., m9') DI ID 0 P T II U IT DAT I 0 TAKE ACtlON TO PROTECl YOUR AQAINIT YOU, VOU IHOULO AOAINaT YOU, VOU IHOULO E~ceptlnO tnlrlffom the WHI A pt•ltllon hai. lx'l.•ll hlt.-<l 1' neoeby ••gitllr•O ov lhl r.:c>rffd In 1>0011 00 peoM32 to M ........... Jt ,.,.. UM.all YOO PROPERTY,,, MAY BE SOL,,O Al A CONTACT A LAWYlfl. CONTACT A LAWVllll. ' UMl.60 '"' ""'~' by l!:dw111 c Sd1n•llll:r Ill 1h1· IOll()wlng 11\Clullve. Ml~tMOu• Mapa, " TAU ACTION TO '"OTICT ~~:L~CN!f~E ~/~UENEE~U~~ NOTICI Of n.UITH'a IALI NOTIClfOfl TNoftU!_TIOlll IAU Subject 10 Cov e n 1 nt•. f'up1•rtur l'uurt of l)runut.• Club de Mecca. Inc a th41offtc;eofte..Counl)'Record«O$ YOU .. l' .. 0,lllTY IT MAY II L I N H NA T.I . No. JIOl6 , · · -1 condlllont, rH1tlct10111, t1ght1 ol c·" I" Celllomoa C<>fl>O•lllon .. Id County 80-.0 AT A PUM.IC 1ALL IP YOU OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thal NOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thet way end M Mm.ill• or iec:ord mott llU n l y rt'({ \H.-i. l 1 Oij l lill 0 1111<1 Dueller IQI, 243•2 Except 1111 etUO. oil, C>ltre>llum! •ID AN UPLANATION Of' T .. YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A on Frldey, October 15, 1982, II 9:00 011 f;r1cf1y. Oc1ot>er 8, 11112, et 8:00 more commonly known 11 1110 1':d w 1 n 1_• S c h r l' 1 bl' r tw l oponaa Couol. Legun1t~IQUll, CA gu, bfH. uphellum, and ell NA.TURI OP THI ,lllOCllOINO LAWVER Th• •ddrn! c0 1 the o'clock 1.m Ol N ld day. 111 the room o'cloc:I< • m 0118td d1y, In th• room, Notti\ Bewt11y Street, orann•. it p pu 111 l t• d u H IH' r ,.0 1111 l 92077 fllndr•d eub1t1ncea end oth•f AOAINIT YOU. YOU •HOIRO Olltlgnllll<I ptC>jMtty ,, 5" llVtlf, ..... ,~ IOI conduc!lng Trull .. '• Ml H ide lo condur.11 TrulllM. • lhl• butlnoa• II conOucled DV • I I d C-•cT ... '"TT,.....Y lrlrlr~. Cet110<nla S1111 wnnln tile olllcH 01 REAL S•I•• w1th1"1 'th• oriten•g• ol REAL Celllorni. rc:pr l'!it'llli•tlVt· lll 111lm1111Mll-r L1m11od Pertnett111p· mln'''11 und•r and tn •• d •n ....... .... .. ........ . ..'.J!(A..IU..t t0d1111 or commori • . T11m1 OI ••le Cl lh In llwlul h l l r 11 . 0 Id Oucn ••o.c>l 11141 tight to UM any pOrtlon lrll~drH~rte 0111on1flonTilllown eoov-.;-no ioef-A~GURl-TIEA .SERVIC&:. E~TATE ..S.ECURITIE&-SiAV ~O~IM tmil.O St-on ..... l l' ''" •1 t· u u , I y a::.:. .. Pett::.,""" ol the ICll1-of Ille !and tor dtllllt)Q common dlllgnetlon ol lhe IHI wauenly ••g iven•• 10 11 1 1oc1111<1., 2020 Nor.ui B•oedwt1y. located 1112020 North B101dw•y, o•p•t1 Cuhllldbati nceevidenc.d Sl•hr1·1bt-r 1u11d••1 lh•· QP«lllon,mlnlogorque•rylngofail prop•rty ducrlll•d 1llov1 11 compllleness 0, co<rectnenl" Su111 2oe, '"the Clly ol Sance Ane. Suite 206, rn the Clly ot Sent• Ane. by note Hcured lly Morto•o• Of ln<fl•ptmdcnt Adm1n1111r,11111n Tnla tteternent ,.. .. 11141<1 with l " klrio• lllCludlng llul not~ of pur~:;i:,:i0:::,Y Road, Newport Tll!l llellettciary und., H td'l>eeo g~~.~~r~.'.~'i:e lt" :~•T1~1°J g~~.~~~,~11,~'~e~t" ~~'f!T0J i'u110Hd~."':'4'P'~t~1r,~~ of ~tt'tl A\'I). Tiu· pl'l1Uon ~~~~Yn~~·~.~n~.~~; of O.aOQ4J ~:n~,~~\~.~:~;:to!.~ 8ea<ih. Call!Otnl• ~~1~:!: ... inllt~"o":1~~.f1:n:'!':~r: SECURITIES SERVICE .• ColllOtfllB SECURITIES SERVICE .• C1lllornl11 d:~~::'oo wlthobl:mou Ill ~('~ for h1·un!lf.l in(.llt•µt ~·~"!."n·~"rctl•r . =•n-u•• ol .. Ill lurlec:e tor oll, ~·".J Seid NI• will t>t mtde, without ineraby ner1tolofe ex.out4Jd •nd corpo1 at1on. u duly 1ppo1n11d corporation, u duly appointed BIO• Of Ofl•r• lo be In wr1tu1Q and No J ut 700 C1v11 t•rtH•r ' IH n• orpore ~k•. tu™*•· mining ••c:evel-cov.-iant or warr•nty expteH or dotllveoecl 10 1111 und•ttlgn•d 1 Tru1tM unde1 and pursuant to lhe fruit .. u"dor '"d 1>11rtu•"' to Ille we wlll w r1G81Yod 11 the ••oreeald IJrtvc , W t"lll. 111 tho• C'tty o( All.orn.ye •I Law or 1he1t1, P•OV'lo.d, ·how.v.,, t""- lml)li.d. r9g111111no 111 ... potMalon wrollen Oec11tet1on 01 0.t•ult ind pow•r or aale co"l1111d In thet powa1 ol Hie c:onlerr1d In lh11 olllc• at any time •lier Hie ""'S ant.• All.J, {';ihforniu u n =•c::~~.~t'• flnl llMlt •Ide Hml thell not t>t c;on1true<1Lt.cj or encumlltlllCM, 10 pay the unpaid Demand '°' Sall and wrlu.-i "ollc:e Clf1aln 0..0 ol Trull uacut.o by cet11111 o.eo 01 True1 exec:uf.0 by pulllic;allon lier.or and t>e•or• date '"· 1 27 1982 11 ·w 8.,. O'--o, CA '2\0t,..74 ptoNllll al*lt dtllllng or lllGh 111.._ rlncip•I wm ol $50, 195.51, plu• or b•HCh Ind oi llec11on to CIUM JOHN L EDWARDS llld DOLORES JOANNE B WILSON 1.n unm•rr141d I .. V\."lH )l•r • al . ti "' ..,. C>P«•tlon• whlcil II\ no ••YUM °' 1't l--JA11-t1...IDI01lll...U..Jl(J2Vll*UllLilll9.l.-._....,118A•ll 10 H l!_...14 "4 EDWARDS. huallend and wlle, wom•11,rec:orde<loCtoti.r2. tlP,1. or.led lhla 2 4t " day o l IF YOU OBJE<.-1' 111 thl! P fl-any wey llftacttheaurl-nont•~ Note MCur41d by Mid De.cl 01 Tt\.111, property 10 ullaly H id obllgaOM• ~~ d C ~or Oflk:l1l 1'111C • 0 .., em . 2 --rrtmg of "1ttr-prtrt1mr,-y1.>tt-Puo:•ll~~~181117°;!n~ C~•:• 1~~Y Mid lanO, 9tld wtlldl do ool Wll.ei plul Hot the d1le ot the lnltltl end lhe1eel1e1 the und•rtlQned 13773 or Ot11c111 Records or H~d ••• ~untv , II P•O• 7., . EOWAflD I. MUtiHl s hould t•1lher .ippc·or al lht.• . • . 4121112 "Id land et• point IMt th111 6QO pullllc •tlo" ol Ihle Not le• an ceuseO said "otlce 01 0raach and 01 County, et P•oe 124, Recorder• Recoroer 11n111umen1 No. 26M. by Attorn.r 91 L•w h J IMt to "'d IUrl-. u 1~ '\ •ddlllonel •,!llm1ted amount o l cLlecllDJU<l be re~Ulld .J.llllLJ 1n111umant No. 46011, by r•uon ot • ••eeon ol • breech 01 oe11u1t I'! ICOTT, PtlllalNOffl, MUEHL a l'U rl n g II n < s t II l t• Y •1U r PU8llC NOTICE the o..cs trorn Ednah Rec. <.;.epfon, 14,0()Gl!Olot edvenc8'. II any, 19112 ea Instr No 92•199466 In .ac.,._or d•la"I~ ln-pa.,-1-0t -pey1111n1-0• P•~ountnGa-oWh• l!W <JUjl'Cltvns u r (tit.• wrill1·n rllGOl'cMd Fllt>ruery 3, 1963, In 1>0o1t und•r lh• l•tml ol N ld Offd ol Oook of Ol!IClel R41c:ofda p11to1m1nce of the Ollllgallon• obllg1 110111 secutl<j I hi re by, Al!Of'MJ tor EHCUIOf Objl'l'l tnm. wrlh thl· 1 0Url STATEMENT OF UANOONMENl 2••6. pega &2. Offlcllll R9c:ord•. lr\181, IMI, char~ and 111pen-S eid ae•e ..,111 Ile med• b 1 H Cu••d the11by. 1ncludlng thel tncludln~ thel breach or d1f1ult. DAVID MllTOH QllAY bdon• lhc tv .. iring Your Of uaE OF FIC1'TIOUI Th• "'"' eOdreu ol th• rH I ot lhe TfullM wllhOUI cove nant 0, we,,iint~. bt.acll Of !'91eull. Nottce ol which No11ee o whlCh wuo1!Cord.O JuM IHcutor 4lf ltt. E•t•I• ol JJ>"'•arufll'f' mny bt• 111 "''rso n llU81NE88 NAME prop•tty da1c1lll•d 1bo ve 11 file e.n.llcler; under Mid OMO e~pr .. a Of tmplMKI •IQ•rdl 11111 wu •1C0tded Oc:tot>.-16. 1881. In 2. 11182. u RCIOO•der • lnatrumtnl .. Id O.C.ct.nt r r The following person~ nave purpot111d to ~. 2063 Stell A~i of Trull hH llerllolore uecut.o pOUHalon pr en~umb•en'::!e 1~ Boole 14258 01 0111c:111 Records or No 82· 1118168, Will SELL Al Pulllllhed Orang• Coor Daily or by you r llllurncy aba•ulorill<l m., uae 01 tllO rict1iious eo.11 MeN. Clllllornl• 92627 end dellYered to H id lrullee I Plly the remaining principal sum of U ld C~un ly , II pege I 186 , PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Pilot, Oc:I 1, 2. 8, 1982 I J.~ YU U A HE A bus onon name ANT HONV The und•1elgn.O Oieclalm1 1ny written Oecler1tlon ol Defeult ol the Iha note MGurod by H ld 'OeeO 01 Recorder & lna11umont No 2223~ HIGHEST UIDOER FOR CASH, 4325·82 C!U;UJTOH 11r ti l~illtm~t·nl SCHOOLS al 4361 BirGll Siroet. Uablllty IM 1111y lneofrec1ne11 ol the ._.obllga1loOL~ bll Mkt.D:HclO iu .. r ~~-~ WILL SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTIO lowlul money ol the UnllllO Stll8$, . CJJL.Ull.:Jk!.'.fil~.J. Y.QU N1iwpool Buocll CA 92660 lb<>ve lltaet addr-lru1t. end • wfttll" Notlc1 o l P 0 ideO advances 11 en d., Tcr TiiE"'mGR£S"T~ ~ Drll t:nll'ler"'l-.:tnlctr drewri •orr11 '"1'IJBl..1C1'0Jf l '-1']t'fl r1c1111005 boSlnen rieme -Tha NM wlU be m.l(le but wtthQtiL o.t1utt end Elec:tton to Sell. wl'llGh 1~ vlerma 01 Uld 0..d ~; ¥~uet CASH. lawful moriey ol Ille Unll.O Sllll Of nallon•I 1>1nk. • 1t1te °' mw.l fill' yriur c aim w rlh thl' iettJrred 10 above wu lllod 10 the co ~tilt or w•rr•nl)' eapr ..... or Nolloe Mid TrullM hi• CIUMd to ''" Cl\ltges end IMIHff'MI ol the Stet ... ()I • cllhilt'I Check dr•wn ledtf•l credit union. OI • •Ille ()( NOTICE TO CflfDITOfl• OF l'OUrl or pn•st•n I 1 l l•J I hl' Couniy Ct6fk s olltCI Oii 3.29 79 Im;..,, t991'ding mi.'. ~ o. r-c:141d on N0vetnber 10, t91 1 TrutlM '"" 01 11141 irust• etNl.O by on • etete or national bank. • •l•t• 1eder11 .. v1ng1111d to•n uaoc:1111on BULK TIIANIFEfl ANO OF person u I . rl! p n•Sl" n 1a 11 Vl• NEC Res•denl Scll<>ol~ inc 436 l or encumbrancea, to pay 11141 tot .. .. tnlltume nl NO. I 0 17 4, Book Uld Deed ol Trust Seid Nie Wiii .,. ()( lede<•I Gledll unlOll, Of • Sitt• Of dom1Cll80 In thl• llat•. Ill P•Y•l>le •• '"LCINOTHEONTLICION.EI_OE_T~OAEH•LlfCEE .... SE a p 1>0 Int I! d b y th c: ( u u rl Bttth S!IN!I Newporl Bts8Ch CA lllN)Unf ol the unpeld balance ot t1119 14285, Peg1 1456 0 1 01110111 lleld on Tueaoay Octot>et 12 1982 led9fll .. vt11Q1and10tn •HOGl1tlon ,,,. time of 1111, 111right.11118 and .. • "" .. 92660 obllgetlOll MCUtad by the property Rec:Ofda Ol 0lllld Counly. al 2 OO m at lhe Cha ma dornlGHed In this 11111, I ll PA'flbt. •I 1nterHI hlld by II, II Trull ... In (I.Cl . t10t-..107 U.C.C. and Within ruur months from the• ThlS buSIMU was LOnduCl41d by a to bt aotd COfllllllng of prtflCIPf l Seid Mt. Wiii be conducted by Avenue ~nlr~ncl to the ~lvl~ tlll time Of Nie, ell rlgllt, tltte and Olll '"' property Sltulll In H id 24073·'11 8 6 P Code) date o ( firs t ~SUHn1•1• ct( <:Qrpoialt0'1 llfld !nt.,tll OI 1 105,778 .. 84, pill* C1lllornla Poatlng •nd Pu1>ll1hlng Cnnl•• BulllllllQ 300 E.ut Chepman tn111ut held by 11, H Tru11 ... I" Counly •nd S1111, dHCtllled •• No11ce 11 hOfelly given lhol • n1ilk INLen. as prcrvic.Jcod In St'('ltOn Jelliey A 9,,11, VP coau. e apentH, 1dventoH . end Compenywl'IOMeddlllllf\dph<>fWI h• C 0 11111 tell ptoperty fllulll In 911d IOllOWI tran1ler lnCludrng an llCOhohc 7()() r h 1' L ,, ro ... f f 1hoS s111emenl wu flled wolh the truatff IMt •1tlm1tll<I 10 b4t $11• number'' 1028 North Lake Aven.,., ~:~,~~18 In 1 e lty 01 renge, County ind Stale d11crlbed H Lot S& ol T11e1 No 5011, at per oaverega llce "1111 Js abuul to be • 11 l I' ru ..... u--..uo t· 11 CO<Jnly c11iik ot Ora119e County Of' &S4 7 4 •I the time o r lnttlll Sulll 201, P11•den1. CA 91104 Al l he llme o l lhl l nlt la l IOllowS m.p recorded In Book 1116, PDQ41S mao1 oJ lllal certain Ol't>! 4110 w1n11 C.:atir11rn1u Thi· linw ru r Sepl 23 l982 pub41att1on o1 thhl Noticl o1 S.. (213) N1·45"8. publication of lhlS not10. lhe total A leasehold lnte<HI In and to 28 to 30 lr>elutlve ol Ml~l•"80U• t eve 1 n bu s1 n e u ~no w n as Crl111g clatms will no l e1q1rrc Flt2'7U whic:h two wm• 10111 1107,431 N Oetad September 14, 1982 •mount 0111141 unpalo blle'nc. of the Lot 7 of Tract 6425. as ahown on• Mep1. in the olllce ot tht County FLAMINUO end tocal"d 11 3622 priur 10 four monthi. rrom Pubhs1i .. o Orange Cont Dally Curr•nlly d et.O ll•nli. ca1hl•1·1 H0 "4E FEDERAL SAVINGS obllgallon tecureo by 1118 above Mep rec0tded In Book 236, P1G91 R410tde< ol said county w111 51n S1ree1. C11y ol Santa An1t. 1 h e du lr u r t he h c•ii rr nu Pilot. Oet 1 8 1s 22. 1982 ch•ck• c11tlll•d by •-ll•nk, or -------C.!-!"'-~9~QS(IATION h•d ""*" 0 1 ltlilL.IJ\..d.43to 46 olMIKellaneous Maps,ln The alreet Bddreu or other County 0 1 Or a nge S la lt! or " 4341•82 cnhl•t'• ch•cU ol t ll)ul•t•d • Corpor11ton, ntlmaled costs up;nsn e nd ine oltioe or the 000111~-defoo rm>t't-dttto...+ton ~ t~-6e1ttom111 9~193 llOIJi.:t:tl..abu-'<IC. ---lender• derw:rlbed 111 Sec. ?11241'1 qt u Ttul!M 8dv8nce1 11 S i 3 1 2112 6 8 T 0 Hid County • property herelntb0v1 d•tcrlbed la N •mu o I 1 r • n s Io 1 o,. on o Y 0 U MAY ~ X A MI N E PUBLIC NOTICE the Calllornl1 CMI Coo., peyellt. tl1 By Lindi R WllMH determine 1111 ~1riQ bid you may Th• street •ddt•n 01 Ol he• Put POiied to be 2110 t C81llP• Llcensnea. aoc1a1 securlly oumbtH lhf• hll' k•·pt uy thl' l'OUrt. I( the ltutll• or th• llldd•t, arc AMl1t1nt Vice Prllld4lrlt call 17 ,.1 1137.~ · common destgn111on or lhe rut Straet. N-POt'I Beech, C111101n11 end bu11n"s lldoross ere lt' ,. lf•d 1 n 1 h , Public hea11ngs will ~ hold llY the a cc 1 pt • ll I• w 11 h p·r op • r Pullllsh.O Orenge Co111 Delly l41M~t 9 1882 property .,.,.,ntoove ducrllled It Tne u nderatgn1d h ftr llly Het100010 Fernanoez 2617 you are '" r (SI c Cosia Mes• Planrung Comm1n1on ldenllflcatton PllOI. Sii)t 24 lllO' 0Ct~98?"' HfflMll tNA ·~ . ' ~.,;a 10 t>a 117' Cl&lm• •II lleblUly lo~ ~-.Sat:ita Ana.. C.hlOUUI ·~U!,k. you ma;.r I l' ll rC'({U~t ot 11\e City Hell 77 Fair Otlvt Costa TM beMflclary ~ MIO Oe4iil •181·12 .. •ekt Trvei.. OrlY•, one del Mat, CelllOfflll lnc:orrec1neu I" Hid 111111 llddr.U 82704 SS No 563 58°0065 w r ~h lhC• tOUrl to rt•C:elVf' Meso C .. 111orn1a at 6~0 P m Of H ol truel pr•vloY•ly •1tacul9d .... -------------1 ,. T 0 llRVICE COMPANY Th understg n 11d II 1111by or olhet common dulgn1Uon Bulmaro Gutoerru Afll!AQO s pee 1 0 I nu l r c-t• 0 f l h i:: 1oon iu pos~1ble tlle,.011111 ori d1flver•d to th• underalgn•d.I\ PUBllC NOTICE nt. · ' di1cl11ma a ll llalllllly for eny Seid 111e Wiii Ile "'ade wtthour 2609 Wu• H1111 S a n re Ana 1 l ( 1. 1 . s et Monday Octobe• t t982 w.ttt.n Oecltt•tlon Of OefllUll llfld 'ICTtT10Ua BUllNlaa NA• aTATr.NT :l'!co er-. AHi ... 1nco11ec1nesi In Mid 1t1Mt 1ddren warr1n1y, eApron or 1mp1110. Caltl orn10 92704 S S N o nvcnf o r y o cs,. '' a :. s Regarding "'" l ollow1ng Oamend tor Sela , and 1 wllll•n OM Cit Bfvd w .. i · or other c;ommon deaignatlon reg•rOlng 11111, poueu1on. o r 561 42·8979 und U lhl• peuuons, lll"-~>unL~ appllcouon~ Nolle. ol O.l•ult and Ei.c:tton~ Tiii lot!Owtng pereona Ma doing t>ualnese es. °' 'cA-. Slid 1818 Wiii be made without encumll••"c ... to Hlllly lhl Jo1go Andrade 2510 Wesl und rt>pOrll> dt.'Sl'rtlw d 1n 1 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENl Seti The Mid Notice 01 Default. en~~ w1rr1nty. e 11p19u 01 tmpll1d, pr1nc1pa1 ll•l1nce ol thl Note or Allom• Ave San la An1. Ca11torn1a S (I c I I 0 n I 2 O O u ( t h e GP·82·38 tor lho Cory Council ol IM E19c110t110 8ell-. r.:orc:141d tn OCEANVIEW INSTRUMENTS. 2523 w . P1Glllc Co••I Hwy, ~ Beech. CA 92683 Publlahed Or•nge COHt D•lly regarding 1111•. po11H11on. or o ther obllg1tlon 11cur.O lly H IO 92704 SS No 568-N -013• Cahlornta Probate Code• city ol Co5!11 Mesa. Posr Olloc:e BoA county wt1ere tha rNI property I• p 101 S l 17 24 Ocr 1 1g112 •ncumbf•nc••. l o uttsly tne Deed or Tr111t, with 1n1.,1at end Nam• M>C••I secutlly numt>.11 •nil Do II K I E 1200 101 i>e•m•~s•on to •men<! IM tocat.O 1 ee> • ' ' •l?I 82 pllnclpel lll lt llCe Of the Note 01 o ther 1um1 H provldl d tll1t•ln, Du,11n11u lddtess Of lnlendell 08ld · e Iner; sq., Q8110rll plan des1gnat1on Of Thia document la •X.C:Ul.cf itM --------------othe1 obllg1t1on aecur.O by Uld plua •dv•ncH, 11 l ny unoer the Trensr.,e1,111Ctud1ng 11pcode 8/e Ke ltner & ~brelber, Inc ., prope111es 1oca1a11 et 2729 thru F•d•t•I N1t1ona l Mo t1oao.., Wllllem L. Her tong, 2166 t Jlrookhurat, Huntlng_ton Beach, CA 0~846 Apt 153 PUBUC NOTICE o .. d or T1us1. w1111 lntafHt and te<ma lhefeol and 1nt.,fft on such AdOllO Acosta •801 Weal 6m 315 S. Beverly Dr,. No. 41%, 2831 BristOI Slteet (odd numbefs Aeeoc1111on. IWoodgrHn S.fvt~· oth•t 111m1. os provided th•reln; 11dvancea, and plua IHa, ch1r091 Stteet. Se,,11 An1. CaNlornte 92703 B .. verl" Hills Callfnrn la only) lrom low denllty 1111111ent1al to Co Olvlatonl Suite 1600, 10921: plu1 1dv1nce1, If eny, unoer the end Hpe<iMI of 11141 Tru1111 lll<f·C>1 TolAI coottdefatlon to be llllO IOI ,. J ' " ne.gllboMOOd c;om,....c111, 1n 11 CL Wll-111,. 80t.t .. v11d. 1.01 A~, t9tma thtHeol •nO lnter•t on IUCh the trutll C<Hled llV Miid Deed ol 11141 p1oper1y ducrllled, 1n general 9 0 t l 2 · Te 1ePb0 n f': { % I 3 I lone Env11onmen1aJ 0.1erm1na11on Celltornl1 80024 (2 13) 124-2223 1dvanc••. and plus '"'· Chergu Ttuat The 10111 1mounr ol H iil •• all 11oc~ on r11de, llaluret $$3·911 l. Neg111ve Oect•ratoon Melllng eddr-11 p O. 8o11 711e5e, Jull• M H•tlong. 21 661 BfOOltllUft t, Huntington 8eech: CA t2$4&, Apt 153. T hit bultOHI II conOuctad by en lt\dlvldUll lhu1bllnd t nd Wiie) Wiiiiam L. H1nono FICTmous •"•fNEH NAME ITATI!Ml!NT T~ loHow•ng peraoria arfl aotng ou11nes' u S CUSTOM FINISHES 1780 "4orirovta Ave Coate Mesa CA 82627 Thi Sletfment wu lllad wttll 11141 Cou"'Y cierk ol Orenge County on Aug 18, 1982 S f EVEN C FISCHER. 17&0 Monrovia. Co11a M•~a. CA 92627 MARILY N W TORTORICE f1Me62 1780 MonroY1a. Coala Mese CA Put>tlahed Orang• Cout Oelly 92827 Piiot Sec>t 10, t7, 24, Oct 1. 1982 This ousoneu 15 conducted oy a ----------399_7_-_11_2 general partner5l\1p Steven C F1sche1 Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUa eua1NEa1 NAME aTATIMENT Tl•• lollowlng person la doing bualnass H : BORN 8EAUTIFUL. 28 !feec:on Bty, N•wpo•t Beech. Celtlornta 821!60 1h11 1ta1omen1 wos 11141d with rne CO<Jnty Clerk ol Orange County o" Seplember 29 1982 FllllOI PubltSheO Orange Cou1 Dally Pilot Oct t, 8 15 22 1982 4339-82 PU8UC NOTICE Jean 1'11"" 8"11. 211 Beacon Bey, N•wport 811ch. Cll1fornla FICTITIOOS eualNESS 1121!60 NAME aTATEMEHT Thll oolllrieH I• conducted by an I lie lollow1ng penon1 are <101ng lndhllduel bu11neu as J .. n AQMtBeek CORDON MANAGEMENT lhll at11-1 w•t llllCI with 11141 SERVICES ?09 301n S treet County C1er1t ol Or•ng• Counry on N.-..r>ort Beach C.ltlornoa 0'663 Sept. 2, t982 W1ft1am E Garrfllt Sr 200 30th F1tl'T1't S11eet Newporl Beach California P..,bllalled Orenge Coeat Delly 92663 Pllol, Sept 10, 17, 24, Oc1 1, 11182 Marlha Emmons Garrell 209 __________ 39_9..;8,_-_82;;. 30th SI••••. Newport Beach Cehlornu1 92663 PUBUC NOTICE This bu$•nesa 1s conducted by flCTITIOUa euatNESS N.-ITATOlllNl The IOllowlng ,,.,llOfla 11e dOlng bullneu u . Al JJM ENlERPRISES B) JJM CO M P AN Y. C) JJ M 11 ASSOCIATES, DI JOHN MICHAELS CO , 3857 Birch S treet Newport a..cll, CA 82680 Merk Neel Corpq1e11on a C•lffomi• c:orporetlon, 31157 Birch Slreet. N8WpOf1 Beech, CA 92660 This butlnets la conouC1ed by • CO<l)Of8llon, Merk NMI Corpotation Jerri Height ,. Secfellryfl r•as Thie 1111-1 WU fifed with lhe County Cfet'll ol Ooanoe County on Se9t 8. 1882 F1t70tl Pullll•hed Or1 nge Coett 011fy Pilot, a.pi. 10. 17, 24, Oct t. 1992 39811-82 "8.IC NOTICE '1CTl'TIOUI llUllNEll N ... ITATU.NT The lollowlng P«IOnt ere OOlng bu.in-.. , PA)( INTERNATIONAL 937 Acap111Co SI . l egun1 Beech, CA 926!1. 01m1r Joetp Pivec. 837 Acapulco St . Lagune e .. ch, CA 12651 Jim en.tori. 937 Aclputoo St . L.Aoun• BMc:ll. CA 92651 fhl1 bullnna la c:oridueled by • Otf*ll pannerthlp Oemlr Joelp P- fhll alll-1 WU Iii.cl With 11141 County Clttll Of Otanoe COvnty on 1"$ec>t 15, 1912. \ Ftt7 .. Put>llthed Orange Cotti Delly PllOI. feC>l 17, 24, Oct 1, I, 1982 411342 PICTITIOUe .,... .. ..._STATRMINT The lotlowlng p•11on 11 doing husollf\d ano wile W E G•,,ett Tn11 s1atement "'" 111e<1 w11h 111e County Cle<~ of Oran~ CQUnly on September 23. 1982 F1tllts Puohsheo O•e nge Cont Oaoly P1101 Oct I 8, 15. 22 19112 '336-112 fltBUC NOTICE F'ICTTTIOUI eu..-as NAMEITATl•NT Th• followtno pereon ts doing llullneM es FIELD C RA N E 6 ASSOCIATES, 4500 Campus, Sulle 348, Newport BeKll, CA 112660 Christ~ Aldetl Ct-. 3052 s Mlln 61B. Sent• Ana. CA 92707 lM bu.,,_ It conduc:lad by 1 ~al pllrtn.,lhlp CllrlltOPM• A Crane Thi• ttalement WAI 11186 With the County Clerk ol Ot1nge County on Aug 27. 11162 ,1 ... Publl•hlld 011rig1 COHI Dally Pilot Sept 24. Oct I, 8. 15, 1882 42A1·62 PlalC NOTIC[ flCTITIOUI IU .... 11 NA.Ml l'TATIMIHT Thi lollowlng per1ori 11 doing b<!,tl""• .. FLASH CO , 198 WHI t&lh St , NewpOrt Beech, CA 82663. STUART KARL. 888 W 16th St . Newpon Beach, CA 82863. Thie buelntl• It condUCJtad by 1n lndllrlduel G1.u11t Klfl Thi• 1te1_,I ••• ntad With 11141 County Ci.rt< of Ortngt County on 841ptembef 21. 11112 ,,.,..., Pul>ll•h•d Orenoe Coa11 Delly Piiot, 841pt. 24, Ocl 1. 8, t6, 1H2 4111-4·12 Ml.IC N011C£ and~ ol , ... TrutlM end OI Obh08110n, lncludlng IH1on1bly <IQul~t 31\d OOod WIM togtlh., l'uhl .. h1•1I or.Ill(•' { ......• ,.,,, 2 SPECIFIC PLAN SP.711.02A '°' LOS A~. c.tllomla 80070 ~ th• trusls c;r .. ttd by e4lld Dead ol •allmated tee1, chergee •lld with 11141 l11:ctn~ •• U O 200 00 l~t.1 l 1'1 t : M t!IS~ tr>~ Cory Council 01 tile city ol Costa Date S1pt1mb1r 14. 111112 lllt lrull lhe iatel emount ol H id •~""'"'of the lruttM, 11 the lim. o.tc1lpllon Amovnt 114~ b~ Meso Poar Olloco Bo• 1200 tor en doc:ument 11 Hecul.0 by 01>110111on, including re1ton1b1y ot lnltlat pu1>11cet1on ol lhlt No11c:e.11 Cun11f 1 cnec:~ $20.000 oo ~~11n1 to Seec1 l1c P lan sne.11 &own • esllm•llO fee1. c herges end $67.372 113 Demond 1101a to be reptocoo PUBLIC NOTICE SP-7e.ll~m~Tntalt0n pl1n Pullll1fl•d Or•rig• Co111 Di iiy eapenaaa OI the Tn1s1ea. at IHe lime Daled Septeml>lr 14 111112 . 1n cun thfougn elG~"' 200 00 to cons1d01 ollemative e11gnmen11 PtlOt. Sept 24, pct. 1, 1, 11112 ollnt!t•lpubl1et11tonotthl1 Nolo<:e,ll llEAl taTATt: lt:CUfllTlla Kind of llcenH 10 Ile 1ran1le11ed W-027t0 for Rn naolph Avenue belween 4162..e?' $~.:175 SS • afflVICE, ltfld numbtf are O"-S••• Beet end Pu•uc Hl!:A .. INQ Blll<t!r 6tHtet Ind PeultttlnO Avenue Oiled September 2 t. 19112 • Celtfomle corpoo•llori wine LiClen&e No • 1-36785 WHEN Wednn llay Oc1ooer 27 and 10 re<.onsoder 1mptemen1atoon REAL ESTA TE H Trv•IM T ne H ie ilnd ira nsl111 will be 11112 I 30 II m srra199.e• on ilM R2 end R3 rone PlalC NOTICE SECURITIES SERVICE, D..t Motf.r, lie "'MkMnt corisummaled at 10 00 t m on or WH ERE Ra5ou•ces BuolOong Envoronmen1a1 Oe1e1m1nallon • CelJf()(nl• C()(potlllon, 20IO ... •oadw•r .... 20t ello• Ille '" dly Of No•eon'IW 1982 H 16 Nini" S11ee1 RQom 13 I Ne<;i•hv8 Dftcla1ar•on !or SP-76.02 FlCTITIOUB .,._ .. N~ITA~ .. TtuSIM leftta Ana, CA l:r70t 8f lhe eac•-del)arlmefll of BETTS S•C,.m!)flfO C•hloon•• 11~81• . 3 RFZONE PE1tTION R·82 1 I By DJ Morger. 1714) IP-el10 ESCROW ENlERPRISES INC at PURPOSE To receive ltnhmooy and ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT The lollowlllg persons 11• ~ its Prealdenl Pullllehed Orange Coo l Delly 505 N Tullln Ave , No t60. S1n1a on the lmplementatton Plen lo• the ZE·82· 13• 101 J e ll Criamley (SEAL) P1101. Sept 17. 24, Oct 1, 11182 Ans. Ce11torn10 92705 W811l• Ou11111y M11na9.,men1 au1rio111ed sgent 1or O•ri Arthoter bvSl=~ICS ONE (STOAE' •5~, tS869 Ooth.,d St . Hurit1ngto11. 2020 Nonh Broadway, "124-82 All 01ner bus1neu name. and Plennong Poogr•m ISec1oon, 20&<11 ol 2•01 Ea" '2nd S1rce1 Newpo11 S..111 206. -------------addresses used by Ille Transferor~ lhe Feoe<ll Clean Weier Acri Beech to t8lone p10P8fty !rom R2 Beach, CA 9264 7 ' Pnttllp L .. Wheel••. 24 701 Ci.rington 01 • Laguna H1t11. ~ 92853. Senta Ana. CA 92706 PUBUC NOTICE within H11 pas! lh1ee years M> '"'as BACXGROU411D to A3 eno e cond1t1011,.1 vi e rer (714) 953-'ialO ------------'""is known lo th• Ttent leree ere The Sl811 Water Resources permol IOr 1 111ne•unll GOnOorrtln1um, Pullll.h.d Ot.nge Co.st Dally C"" 29192 5 u•E ContrOI Board has .,_n oettO"-'ltO 1ocet-• et 170 Roc~-s1-S11~1 and Pilot. Sept 24. Oc1 1. 8 15. 1982 YOU Afll IH OffAUlT UNOlfl The p1rt1es agree 1n•1 111e °' lht! agency re\pontiblll 10• 171 East t81h Stre:i7 .,;"an R?1on. Ann Me111 w n11 te r. 241fHt Ct•"ngton Or . Laguna Hiiia. C~ 92653 •233-82 OE ED OF T " U • T OAT t: con11ci..111on ror the 111naler or me coo•d'"'''"ll the ll•Pond•lure or Eriv11onm.,n1a1 D11term111a t1on a l!PTEMBEfl 10, 1HO. UNLra oullnest Ind lhe license 11 10 be te6erel water quallly tnn11ol lurids N-auvo De<:ls raloon PtEltC NOTICE FICTITIOUI JW • .._ .. NAMt: ITATH•NT Tr.. toltowtno peraon1 •r• dOlllO 1>u11ness •• CRU. TIVE GARDENING ANO TREE TRIMMING. 332 V1ctor111 •Om. Coal• Mell . CA 92627 H•dt Jev1d1, 332 Victor!• •020•. Cost1 Mele. CA 92627 Lott J e vedl. 332 Victoria •0204, Co&lt M .... CA 82927 Tht. llullnese la c:oriduc:led by •n lndMdU1I Hlldl JaV'ad1 This 11a1emeri1 WIS 11141<1 with the County Clerk or Orange Coumy on Sep1 22 t982 , Fttt0111 PubhaheO Orange Co111 Dally Piiot. Sept 24, Oc1 I 0 16, 1062 4184-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICmlOUI Ml'*'l'I NAMl ITATr•NT Tile following pereon 11 dolrig butt114111 H MA OAIVE THAU PHOTO. 717 W 11th 61 , Cotra MeN Calllorni. 826~7 'e.rna.fd Peul AlllHU, 397 S Schug SI Orang•. C•lllornl• 9280g Thi• t>u•lneu It conouc1&<1 by en indhlldu•t Be111ard P A.,,..u Thi• lletemeril w•I lilecl with the County Ci.r1c ot Ootng<t Counry on 841pt 22. 18&2 F1taOOI Publl1h1d Orange Cout Oelly Piiot. S.pl 2•. Oct I. 8. t6. 111112 . •204-82 P\IBllC NOTICE NOTICE Of A""11CATION TO SELL AL C OHOLI C UVl!flAOU .. 21 .. 2 To Whom 11 M•Y Com;ern flMOlHY T SlUETZ 18 8pply1no 10 1ne Oepa ttmont ol Alcoholic 9ev•11~ Control la< '4 r· On 8111 8"r & Wllll (Pul>llC ElllflQ Plac.1). IQ Mii 1tcollQllC l>evlfllQfll et 168•8 Bot•• Chia Rd Munt11>91on a-11. C•tll0<n1e g284G Publl•h•d Or•nge COU I Dilly PllOI. Octotw I, 1982 4343•82 rtlll.IC NOTlCE YOU TAKE ACTION TO HIOTIC p110 11ter t he DflP81tmen1 ol which 10 111•appto .. moioly $I 8 -.•SPECIFIC PLAN SP·82 OtA YOUfl PflO,EflTV, IT MAY_a Alcoholic 8eve1ege Conllol has m1lhon lo • tn~ lorSI yeor 111 revised ono ZONE EXCFPTION IOLD AT A l'Ueuc IAlE. IF v •PPtoved tho proposed ''"'''II• Oec:embef 1981 Iha re<1erel Wa llff PERMIT lE·82· 132A '°' Cahla<nl• •10 AN tt'"'-ANATION OF T Oiied "'-tomber 211 11182 P-011Utl0t'I Con!r(J1 Acl W1ll llmended P1cH1C Prope1Hes Corpor111on This 1>u11ne11 11 conduct•d t>w. lndMOuell (Hu1bltn0 & Wile). '• 1'nn Marie Wl...i.t • Thia 1111-1 WU fllld with tr:. Couriiy Ci.rte ot 0..,. Cou111y .JI• NATUflt: OF THE ,flOCEEDtN H~O<O F.,nendu lo PfO'/IOt! tr\ese funds to Ille States authOlllld agent tor Montoom~y AGAIN IT YOU. YOU IHOUL 8<11tn1to G At1ett03 10 carry uut o 11109r•m 01 w11e1 ward Development Co•Qoretoon ,,..._. CONTACT A LAWYl_B. Ja<ge Andiade 1:1u11111y m•"IOeMctnl Pl&nning end One Mon1oomery Plue 23·S Pullllthed 0 11nge Co111 0•11,. S41c>t 22. 1812 NOTICE OF T..UITtl·a IAU Trtntlera<• IO 101ntly dttveloo wolh IOCll Cnoc&no Illinois to 1m1111l the Piiot, "-t 2•. Oct I, I 16, 1M2• I U..01111 0110 OF TflUaT I d I I 11 ¥ ..,... TC No. tclOtt AOOlto Aco11a rClg•ono on 1n1or1 11 • en 1 ••• 8 1>u1td1ng height a11d lloo• ., .. rello •21M"' L.--...... ,.,._ lr1n1leree plan tor oniplo!T'Cnl11>Q lh•s program prov1$1ons 0 1 Spe cific Plan -------------. -·-·-•• • p 0 C 0 I PROGRAM IMPLEMENl AltON SP•~ o I 1 N0nl'C NOTICE 11 hereby given that ubtoeneo rang• ou1 •• y .. ". 1 ono a •P•G• IG o an rtlll.IC 1~ S ERRANO RECONVEYAN CE P1101 Octo~r I, 1982 PLAN 1mp1tmen1e11on pe1m11 lo t en --------------C o M p AN y , 1 c 1 II I 01 n I• 4349 82 A dr81t Progoam lmp~enra1oon e•cep11on to tne ma.1m11m lloo• "4:TTTIOU8 .., ..... Corpo ret1on •• tru$1••. or Plan"'' Deen p111111•11d by the aree r"•O prov111on, end for NA• ITAtt•NT I i ucceasor trustee or aullatlluted PUBUC NOTICE Srett Boero The 0811115 0' rn•s plen 1pprova1 01 • ptennl(j del-lloprnent Tll• ronowrng petton 11 dorn trualte pursuant to thl 0 .. d OI .. 111 be discussed 11 th~ Publlc 1ev11w ol a hotellolltc:e complex, bu"'-M Trust ·~ecutell by WILLIAM R ,ACtflC Tl!Ll'"°"'1 Heumg with t condll1ona1 use per mot to SU M M E AF IE L 0 WHITE a"d JACQUELINE J, WHllE. MtlCI MVINUl:a TO PR•ORITY WA TEA BODIES •llow overta11pong use of pat~r"g ENTERPRISES. 16931 AQetl Cir"'-' e nd WILLIAM J WHITE e nd .... Of!."'c1•T~·1~!! .. IN,E Gran I lund1110 will focua On laGlhlte•. IOI property IOCO!td II Huntington e.ach. CA 1126411. s 8 _ .. _ ................. " protec t• dl•l!Cled OI COllOG!lng 3088 B1•1101 Street, on " c' ton• Wlllllm F,.nc11 Summ.,li.ld, recorded eptemb•r 1 • l880 in Paclllc letaphOtMI h11 11~1<1 Ille problems assocreted w1m Pl•Oflly En•tro"me ntel Oe11rm1na11on 1&931 Ag•I• Clrcl•, Huntlngloll BOOI< 137411. Paoe 150 lnltrumerit Ce tllornle Publlc Ulll•I ••• wa111< llOdlff "'e Slate Board 1>11s Env11on1T1onta1 1mp1c1 Report Beact\, CA 826411 • No 24415 ot 0tt1e111 Rec0td1 In Ille Commtulon tCPUCI tor • r•...o"41 oevlloped • dr11tt coricept P•P•r Pen<ll(IO nm bulinaH 11 c:onClue1ad by .n Ortic• of lhe County Recorder 01 1ncr1111 10 o ll•ll 1net••••d wnocn d1Kusses th•~ •uue For lurtne1 1nl0<m111on on 11\e 11\0Md\lll Orange County, C•111ornl8, end ~rAC•lll()n ••PlnM c 0 p I E s 0 F TH [ D RAFT l!lllOYfl eppllc111ori1. l(lll!phone WMll•m F Su""'*1llild pursu1n1 IQ tho Notte• ot O.laull Motl of ,,,. lnCtHllKI •• ,,.n .. DOCUMENTS 7S4·524S ()( Clll II 11141 olltce ot the Thi• ata•-· WU ni.o ""''" tlllt •nd EtlCllori to Sell thereunder w1a 0•1.,mtneo In e mMllllO In Ju!y CoplH ol Ill• dr&ll Progrem Pte nnu1g Dap1111ment. Room 200, County Clerll ol Ot1nee County r•CO•Oed Mey 24, 1982 in Book 1g82 01 Feaet•I Communication• rmpl-t•llori Plan and P•lority 11 ,. .. , Drove Coate Me s i A\19 tt. l812 NIA, P1gt NIA ol l"ttrullltflt No. Comm1111on fFCCI. CPUC end Wat .. 8odtH " dOGum~ll• m11y bll Celllorno• 12178232 Hid OHlclll Record•, Wiii Pec;lllC Telephone r99fe-.11t1vaa, obta1na<1 by i;on1act1no Pubt11neo Orang• Co11I Da11y SELL on Octol>er I , 1802 II II 16 who r....i.w.d I~ equipment l l•erne Blue Polo! Oct 1 1982 a m . ti ri.. front .ntrence to 11141 llvH·· end .. ,..,~ factor• upon Spec111 Protec:ll Old 0 11ng1 Coul'lly Courlhoull, which depr«lletlon "'" .,. llaMct Slete warer ResourcM loc1t4HI on S•nll An• 8outev•rd. A f•Yllw or tll•M r1Glo11 teltn Conlrol Board b•tw11n Syc1mor• Str .. t end pl-.ver; thtM yeers At tile moat PO Boa tOO Btoadw1y, Sent• Anl. C11tlornl1, •t t1CJ•nt m•allng 1ev•rel ch•ngn Secrnmento, CA 9~110 I pullllc: 1ucuon, to the hlghMI bidder -•• 1gr11d 10 whloll. 11ong with Tel 19161 44~·2059 for CHll P•V•bl• 11 lh• II~ ot IM o ther recommended th1ng111 Pulllftllod Or•"ll' Cont Dally In •w1111 money ol 11141 U"lt9d Stelff. proc>Olad by PeelllCJ, hive the net P1lo1 October t. 1982 ' •II right, 11111, e nd lnl•t••t. ,...,II Of lne<M91ng PllCHIG't 1111nuar 4346·82 conv•y•d to end now llefd by It ~acillton ••OMM T1141 amount under H IO dff<I In 1h1 pro,,.ny the Comp1ny Is -•ono 10 ollMt 111u111<1 In Mid County and Stet• the ••PlnM la 1202.2 m~llOn ano deectl~ •• 19110w• The 1dd1d r1v1nu11 wlll 1101 LOI 8 OI Tract No 10513, 119 ttlC)tN .. Ille prevtoutly •u•horllad shown on a M1p r41Ciord9d In Book 11rntnot l9Y8I ol 11141 Cornp•11v 448. PegH •!>, "8 and 47 ,ot A COIJY ot the f91)ttc.ltlon 10< raie Mtace1111n1ous M1p1. recorOa o l lncr••H and 1upporllng e1hlt>1ta Ora"Q4J County, C•ltlornll Pt~ly wlll b4t 1vlll11>i. lor 1nepecllori •• 1ddtHt la pu1p ort•dly knowri •• Pec:lf1C'1 prlnc;tpal PVl>lle officet 30t5 Klondll<I A,,.,_, Cost• MMI Copl11 ol th• 1ppllc1llon •nO Calllornle 02826 1upporttng .xhll>lll wlll al10 be The 10111 emoun1 ol the u"pald 1v1"1bi. et ""' CPUC onkiee eriown bel1nc:e of th• ObllO•llon eecurlld below lnqulrlH end oommant1 by the prope1ty to Ill 1old and fal•llve to IMM m1tter1. lnoludlng r111onabte eet1ma11d 001t1. equaat• to rec.iw not~ of d•t• ••panMa ""' actvance• •t 11141 llm• time 111d PllCJ• lllld or any hHrtngi ol 1h1 lnlllat puo11u11on or th• may b• dlt1CJt1d to 1h1 CPIJ8 NOllcl Of Set. 1e $177,4 11186 offloea 11 Only c1111•nlly Cl•••d Cuh111·1 360 McAMlat., Str-.i Checka Of C1tlll1td Cllaekt erl San FrllflOllCJO, CA 8410' tec.c>lll>ltt to 11141 Trutllt provtcled P<OC* ld.-ittllcatlon '' 1vahal>ltt 101 SO\lth BroeO\lfer •326-112 Ml.IC NOTICE Pttall Publl1h•d Or•nge CoHI D•lly PtlOt s.c>t 10. 17, 24. Oc1 1. 1912 )"1~ MUC NOTfCE flCTITIOUI IU ..... NA• ITATrMINT Th41 lotlowtng pereona tr• doing bo•l-ae. COURTESY CLEANERS. 182 Eut Yorba Lind• BIYcl • Pt_,tla. Cltlll0tnl1 Sung Oh C ho l. 2700 Wyc111r1h•m Plte•. Fullerton. Cltlllornle 82633 Bok So on Cno1, 2700 Wyokerthem Pl•o•. Fu11111on. Calllor"'' 8283S. Thlt bu..,_. II coilduct.O by a lndMduela ltiutband & Wllel ~Oft CtlOI ™' •lttemlflt -llled wflh .... Courltv C.k,ol Ottngt County on Sec>t 22. 1N2 ..... ·--'"'°"""'"' IM. -N, T'.ntll A-. '---.......... CaM.11711 p- P11bli•h•d Orel'IO• Co11t Ol llJ PllOt. a.pt_ 14. ()et 1, I , 16, 1M2 4M342 lhlO tal• wlll bl m10e, OUI t.ot Angetel, CA 90012 w1111ou1 cov1n1nt or w1Hanty, l>ubll1heo 0 1•n11• Cont Dally UP<"• or lmpllad rag91dlng title, Piiot. Oct I, 1N2 •27•~12 po•HHlon or .-icumbre"°''· 10 1------------- 'tennoue w .. Ml.IC f!>JfC( ...-nAW PtcTl'nOUI IU...... 811-.,. NOTIC( The tolloWlng ~ .,.. OOWlt Mll•IY "" ·~ MC\ltad 1>,. "*-IC NOTICC Hid 0..0. lneludtno IN IM and 1--------------~-FOJC' A81SOCIATE6, 2582 'te1TTIOUI 8UIMH 'fe:TmOUI ..,._ .. Htw90ft 81vd., Colle MHa, CA ..._ ITAnMINT NA.Ml flATIMINT ~ ~-...... flATl•NT ncTmOUe _.. H I! W P 0 111 T C I fl C l I The following perton II doing _.. ITA~ IHTlflHATIONAL, ?1' Udo ,.,... tmr Th• lollowlnO ,,.,•on II d Ol"O The lollowtnO pet.on r1 <fOTng tlto.te .J FOll. 1221 W. Collt b\lllMM u . bUll1'191 u · Hwr 021. Mtwj)Ort B11cn , CA SPEEOIAL COMPANY, Ot OVA CONSTRUCTION, 14 tMN. Vletl TtUCha. Newport 9eactl. CA At91t"I Cir., ll"llM, CA 02714, Tiiie ~ .. COl'dueltd by In 12~·.o C.P"'Ofl Coe, 421 VIII• Dall• v. AlcherdlOfl. 14 Ar911"t unlncotp.Qr81ed ahOCllllOn o ther Cir , lfvlne, CA 82714 ltlerl a P9111...... Trvctll, Hewpo11 ltacll, CA 82990. 111._ ~le ~eel by 1111 ""'*" J. ,h 'Tlllt ~ .. OOftdueted by "' 11\dhliclval Thia ~ -lllCI Wltll 1t1e 1ndMOUal'4.c1 Ctpton Co. Oellll V AIUltr"-1 ='b Ollt\I Of er.,.. County on Thie etet-t WH Mad wltll !?It Thie •lllJeinefll WM llMd Wtlll Ult 1ept • 11112. ,_ County OWi& 01 Orange County on Ooun1y C11r11 ot 0tenoe COUlltr on ._ tec>t. 22, 11112. Sept. H , 1912; p--, -P~ Otanoe Coe11 Dally ,....,. -" ll'llOI, .. 24. Oct, 1, •• II, 1M2 fll11btt1Nct Ot•nt• CoHI Delly Publl•fl•d Orano• COHI Dally -~-~-'-----•;.;:20J.:;;;~12:.,1 PllOt S..,. ,. Oct I I 111 tM2 Piiot, lept 24, Oct, 1, I , II. 1H2 c.-tflecl .. 842-M71 • • • • • 4 tle4:l .. tl&-12 eit.,.nlt Of '"' lrutt .. I/Id of the "°'"'°"' ........ ltulh c ruttd Dy H id dead. NAMI ITATIMINT lldY-thtrtvndtr, ""4th tnt«llt Tiit fOllOwing perlonl Ila doing H prOYldlld therein' tnd the unpeld butlnett M ptln<!IP•I of the no••*"''° l)y Mid A 0 'V A N c E 0 s 0 l A R dHd with lntarett tlletton u APPLICATIO NS, ?131 Sl•t•r, provided In Mid ~• Huntington leaai. CA 020.7 Otltd leptemtier a. 1912 A OH AT I! t<Hl Y. 7 131 llRllAllO lllCO•VIYANCI l1l•r. Huntington 811ch CA COM'IMY 2&47 Jn1 ...... 9". JAMH B IWICK, 100 VII Lee _,....., CA •10 Trl .. tt. Newpon hac:h. CA 12~ C"I) --t Thi• Wllntee It C08Cl~t.O l>y • • 14*1 ,,_... Ill j)lffn.t!-Stllp ·---L ac'"""""' .. "'.. ,,... ,Ul>lltll.O °''"II' CoHI 01Mr Put>ll•llflf OtenQt Coett Dally Prlot, lleQt, 17, ,4, ()el 1, tH2 PllOt. Oct I, I. 10 22, tN2 • 121-82 ..:lot u Dull-H Tiit IOlowlnO ~ ere doitlO Or •A, ~ 8-ft. CA NtO I T EOUIPMINT. 16131 Triton l>utlMll ea: t..Mlle .Ian Loft•~. ? 11 Udo Line No. 111, Huntington lttletl. CAL·CO l"-"PO .. TI. u 111 ,.,. Dr .... ~ hMfl. ~ CtlllornJ• 12141 -........ I h1odor• O'lool•: H?I 8MCll l'load1 Ctplltr-lheetl. CA ,.._, ' • .. IHI•. J.,I Ire na LoltanCI, 711 LldO ~::,:;~rt nglOll u o... CALLINAN ,AMILY T"UIT, Peril Of •A. Newpolt heetl. CA 1'1111Ill*'-11 GOllOllCled b'f an Silt 1 1 .. c11 "o•d, C-1p111reno llllS. 9MCfl CA t2ttt n. ..,.._ • ~ !Ir a itldMOuat • Oery ~ ...... ~ .... T"""'11 O'fOOlie -...... ... ...__. -.... w4ttl !tie i..tleJ. L04IMCI Tllla ~ -flled Wl1tl IM , ,_ .,..._.._., _..... <;ounty C11rti Of Ol'llt!Ot COl;f\ly on ~ Cllnt Of Oranea ~ Oii • ._ .... -~ -"'9d wtltl IN s.iamb« "· tH2 ~ at, 1tu C011MY a.ti Of °""19 eow.ty Oii " ,.., • ...,., ti,'*· 0 Co 1 D•ll" ~ Orenoe OoHt Dally P' Pubtl•hed r•n\• .. , ,... ... •• Oot. I • ;1 1111 ,11bllehff Ort1111• CoHt ~ flilQt, ()ct., t, I, 1$, 'J, IHJ ~:l ' ' ' 1 .Its.II Nc)t ..... U , ()et I, 1. It, tea I 4lQt.ll .. r I c:a Or•nge eo. .. OAIL.Y PIL.OT/Frld•y, October t, 1982 - Program on sex at OCC "Learntn f About S.x," • epecla Pro(r&m ' for parent• and their • s;hlldren, from 'f" 10 Jhrouah 12, w 11 be ~re1ented a t Orange C.oelt Collete thta fall. A fr ee par ent or ientatio n 1e11lon la 1cheduled for Friday, Oct. 8, from 7 to 9 p.m. In Room 114 o f OCC's C o u.o 1 el d I n J and Mrnimiona autlding. se·111ob1. tor parents and their children are I slated for Saturdays, Oct. 9 and 16, from 9:30-11 :30 a .m. in Counseling and Admlaalnna 114. Serles fee i.a $8 per,parent, and $4 per child. Registration is being conduc ted in OCC's Commun I ty Service Office, in the college's Administration Building. The o ffic e is ope n Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. lo 6 p .m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. lo noon. · Registration also can ·be handled at the door. Seminar le ader is Shirley Lampe rt, an OCC human sexuality instructor and li censed marria g e and f ami l y counselor. !Travel program ~at OCC A 90-minute travelog program on Australia and New Zealand will be Jiresented Frida y evening Oct. 8, at Orange Coast College. Titled "A' M . 'ficent J ourney Down~nder," ,,the program will r~n ·from 7:30 to 9 p.m. m ·occ·s Fine Arts Ha ll ' il6. Admission is $3. Tickets are on sale in "lhe OCC Ticket Office, in 'fh.e co ll e g e's 'A~· tration, Building. 1'h off ice is o p e n .¥on y through Friday :fJom 8 a.m. lo 6 p.m. and 'IJaturd1.ys from 8 a.m. to noon. • ' Tickets a lso will be •90ld r.t the door. ,Girl Scout calendars . - :being sold It's nol Girl Scout 'cookies. but cale nda rs • that will be sold in O r a ng e Cou nt y neigh bor h oods and shop p ing ce n't e r s between Oct. 18 and 24. The four-color: 1983 -calendars, photographed in Ora nge County, feature local scouts and adult volunteers.-COst 1s $2 each . Proceeds fro m t he sale, one of two annual fund-raisers. will go '<>ward supporting troop ·activities and operating ,the Girl Scout program In the county. When selling door-to- d oor , 'Brown ies. the youngest membe rs of Girl Scouts, will be accompanied by adults and older scouts will go in pairs. Professor f,' honored 0 r . M o rt on C . Fierman. profe11or of rell~ua studies emeritus at 1 State Fullerton, wu honored by fellow members of the academic 'communi ty for his dl1Un1ui1hed teaching and contributions to the university. A F eatachrl ft , a collection of !lrticles by the fr le nda and colleagues o ( a noted ICholar, WM publlahed l'n hll honor. The first of 1\1 kind ~ at Cal State , tt WN edited by Dr. Joseph Kaur, profeNOr of rellalou1 1tudlHr and Included con trt bu Uone from fecu1'y from Amttrican 1tudle1, En1J1th , :':.=.':.UC .-aunity mernben. • 5 6 7 8 -D A . I L y p I L 0 T c L --A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 ·7 8 Tile nwrketplace 011 tile Orauge Coast 642 :.5678 le1I E1t1te-the Co~lete Orange Coast Market Place ; ----r- CL4SSIFIED INDEX ,,,, ,,,,,. • ... ,, ,., ,,,, ...... ,., ,,,, "'"" ,,, ,,,, 11 .. ,,, ,., ,}, ........•••............•••..•.........•. ,.,, ••.......•............ •••••···•··••·······•• •••••••••············· •• ,,,, IHI a,.,,,, JOOZ Q11111l IOOZ a .. ,,,, . IOOZ ,..................... . ................................................................ . OWNER'S DESPERATE PRICE REDUCED UNDER MARKET ••11•• ,., 1111 I"""' l•r '''' t::;~:;4:t;.;; · · ~ -01;1 ;;;i;; · · · · ········;if 4 . ..........................•...........•.... C.AMCO SHORES. by o- ner O<f98rl view. 4 8R ll h• den poo1; tac . 2 w11tbert New root. cnr ont. drapH Ui5.000 ~uy1t1 11•tume 111 81 Jlr,•t. Oown 1)1yment 't •11.000 owe S400 000 111 12•1• lot 10 yHfl TGO 1734 Tll Ulll ... N WllUILI "llHllll 'T1 Place Y111r A•. C1n 642·5678 ltWSES FOi SAU !l-•1 :::=: v~:::,.,. (".,..,, ........ , .. c., .......... u r ...... u. o.... ..... .. lllT.,-• r.::;u: ·~:, ~ lt\'IM Llltw.t\• twerfll W,\Mll•Utllt l.afWft• ""•IWit'i .. ""°""" .... ~:!:':~:" 8-11 Jv•f'I t •StnU •l'W• S.M• .\ft• M•l ••th ~ftl•1-.1~· •••tm11Ultr Mot.t.Mon .. \ '•I• 1m mm Arrua• fOf \•I• Ap.r\Ml'A-h ,,., '•I• t!:!!'~;.'n, t'tfnil'U•,,. IAlt\ l t) ... \ ~~:'..!~~:·) ~--·· '"'" ... , .. How_... lo&. MW•tef IM'CH"nt f'1v.,..11, lnd\ilU1el t'1ve.•1h IAA,tot ~I• ...... ttlf\t ltlt .,, ... , MCNllll• On .. n k,.tM;t\ ~~~ !;,..~·;-:. (M.,fbl••• ~,..., JibM~.t•rnl\ t.tu¥n llul l.a• .t• t • f h_•"I" ltol l.at •h ~ t l'll.-d ICNTAlS ~ ... ,ftt, ....... ~I .. r .. rrw\MO ~fwrfllvtl"' C"ondom11M .. m• t 11ttt <'Oftdomll'\IW"ill l n, 'lo• NwN,...._ '"'" To.""""''"' t .-1 ~u•tw1• OtiiipW • .... l ... Apu t"\trn A.fll-, l •fwf'I AP'1111 h1t111 Of l ftf Rttun•• HOOft1 6 811•11·1 tt4At.h Mtillrh CW'fl tk.Mtv' ~"'"""' M•tttel• \w"llQIA 111.tMtlt ..... h ·~.,,..., •• c;.,..,., fVf thnt Ofhr. ""~'·' .... ~ ......... . lftduMto•I Mf'nlt l ::.·~ ... ~ ..... Ill~ flt•ftt.t• IUSllffSS, INVEST MCNT, fHllNCC ~:::::~~· :::::!:::~.:.· ~,t@IMft ._....,.,W..MH• lllart&•ln Th• lNNOUlfCOIENTS. PUSOlfllS & lOST & fOUlfO A~•nw'"' C•t P~ Y &ll NnhO\ t..o.1 • •ovnod ........... -". k ·1-1r"l1i'ta• n.,,.. SllYICES ~ilrUM"• 0.r•f"tfW) . EMPlOHl(lfT & PICPUATION .....---.. , • .ft,,,.,,.,.,._ JWW•fttf'A• ""'" .. •ft4f'O M 6 • MEICNINOISE ~~., ..... ~ s.. .. , .... ~ "*j.,.,." Awfll(lft ==~ N•l•ri•I' C'erntr n 6 t' ~•"'•"• .. "'• r ... , ~·UfnJIUh h Dos> ,,..., ,.,.., .... f"Nlt;O c.-., .... ~ .. ....... ·~lllJ t,t.A• '"""'" 1...6\nttir• liltlt'9'tfl•f'f} ... ..,... ... """°"'~ ... "'" .......... ._ ."( ... '1¥!-tt'l l IA°"lvfnf'M' OffK• •wrA 6 •4.tp ...... f.::.':~~~~=' _., .. G<><Mh ~ .. ""-'•vUM ll4lf ~*r.-ct .. Hit I "ff ... IOATS & Mil1MC EOUIPMDIT c-.i 9Nb__M_tiM !Ml',,, ....... ,~ .... , ..... ,...., "°-" llll•M f 9'erhf' -...~1 ar.M.• SIP' Ourh llo•h~f'4•'-li• &o.lJ. st or •I• THNSrGITlTION A.1tC'f8" C'emprn '•'' lh"4 o.tln•l •n =ti:::·Sf·oo4~,,· MOii• Um' '-I• A•ftl ,..,.,.....,, ,,."', !~~~~~·:·~."' AUTMllU Wwrel AM~""''' I•""• "~'••l"""\l"fll1tl .... ~~.i~~:.~·4' ,,, ... v ••. , """· .... ···"• Aw4"" We1U•ti AUTOS. tMrGITEO ..,....,.,., Alif•M..,..• .-.... A.-tl•fh••-· ..... '-•Pfl ~ Oel'"" ~ .. ,,.,. , ... ·-· J•.tW~f J,-....,." "•'"'•ftn,,frtlft '"--"''"' .1111 ..... JllflCt'•f1 • ...,,., ... lllG• \!pol ,#\14 .. ,. Jl•vrf'Vt '°'''M It~·"" "4:Mlt -.., •• ""'" ~ ... ... ..... ,. r., ... "'"'"""' V•-•••••A Voh·o IWI IWI 11111' uu• lllill fOUAL ~NO OP POIHUNITY :: 'P1llll1t.er1a •1t1oe1 14111 IUO llMll IU4t I ... 100. """' lllll 1• "" ltlt 1• l ... I ... ... """ All real "'ate edvert111<1 tn thlt newtpeper 11 aubjec1 to the Federal Fair Hou1ing Act ol t968 w1>1c1> mak11 11 Illegal to advertlM "any preleren-1 ce. 11m11111on or dltcrlmt·' natton based on race. ootor, religion, 1111 or ntllonel origin, or an)' Intention to make any sucll prelerence. llmlla· !Ion or dtscrtmlnolion " Thia newspaper wlll ,,ol knowingly accept any adve<t111ng for real es1a· 18 whlCh II In VIOlallOn ol lhe law UHU: Advertl· sers should check Huntington B••ch SllJ!l,!JOO :! 11tory 4 Ur a &. Assum1.• $!Jfi,l!OU $14!.l.HOll Singh· 11tury J Ur 1 11 Bo l'uul. i.pu, add 1111 l.m11ly rm u~um1• $H:l,OOO. Fount•ln V•ll•Y $I y;~.500 :l story 4 bdrm t 1 , ba ~p& v~1l'i11\l , Assumt• $84, 700 $355 ,000 1 PIL·x, ~01¥, down. Stanton $H·f ,!100, :l )>lury wndo. 4 hr :! Im I O'l/, dovm $HllO P &l " G•rden Grove $1:1».!Hlli':l story 1•undo 2 br :l ha ull' frplc· \'Call Broker ~ou & Ima 714/897·6117 loft. lk11wc.h•l1·d 3 lxlrm. ~ balh 1 llHl(f' rt-t• no bt-1.1111 ,,.1llng11, furnished, pultUll $420,000 PtlHlllU llQll Ol't'un & )Nly v1l•W1 Marine room. 4 lxl11n. :i CONDO JOOO + •Q 11. 1op bulh, ~700""' Cl $1.:16~.000. C~:canfrunl quetny a1111 toe JOOK """ Own•r 1140 71190 LllDl ISLE llYFllDIT Lugoor1 v1c·w from ti bdrm, 5 bath. pli,1yn11,m. dark nn, dt·n Bc,..l 111ip Now $1.000.000 i ; IAYSIDE PUOE · SJX'(·t)(c.•uwr bayfrunl dplx 2 hr, 2 lJll up, 2 br, 2 l>u <in •l. b<.><il llplll't.'S Rt'<.luc.'e'd $1.500,000 f llllllllS llllOH Nt•W 4 hr, 4 1") h11. 1•uicl.o1fl Fn·nc:h N11rrm111c.Jy ~UJl.4-' 1 2 pr1111•• t•~·rt· h1llWJJ $1,250,0110 AYILDI Fee simple l'UlU•8l' on 4ulct Iksc.:11'?° St. (in Flats). $145,000. f!!!~.~!!i •••••• !.~~1 * S U,000 41/PHI J Br l'•bll clean, WH $124K.nowS114K Kelly OwnfAgl 631 -11040 641·8833 -If OWHR/I IHI· A1>orox 3200 eq 11. 3 bl 2 car gar Santa An• t•gts. acron trom Coun· try Club 145K 540-8062 • IHH VHIE 3H Asaum loan Pool/Spa $139,900 545·9904 Beautiful I Sdrm eno unit or1 tilt wete< "-co· reted 1n e•rtll1orill with 1hut1er1 thruout llAeny ex1r11 AHum• current t1n•nc1ng and owner will con11der cerrylng 2nd TO Atkl~ $118,900 Cell 640·11&1 ~HERITAGE REAU ORS .. HE 11 llLE Ct1uee In this freely aa· •umat>lt S 1113,000 loen at t3% Trade your pre- sent home Low down °' ??? Thll quahty hOme Is the LOWEST PRICED Turtllfock Home w/ POOL & SPA 81 only $285.000 GOLDEN PROPERTIES 752· 1589 DHPEIUTIOI HUI their ads daily and --------··-------report errors im- 001101111 CIYS Cororuido island cusl. bay(ront lot 85' bont 1 dock . Plans avail. Now $370,000 wile~~. I~ Ow11tr HR/211 Sep d1n1ng, cov'Cl p1110 S t35K Harbor ano ea- ker 963·0363 TRIPLEX NEAR 8y o wner Give me $6K-take over pymta 3er 2t>a, Walnut Sq Will conttlder any deal 675· 1018, 857-4976 .... -""' JtW -1>00 W) »SI -''*' m ed I a t e I y The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the fi rst incorrect Insertion only. :: .,.,,, 111 S1/1 .cot •••••••••••••••••••••• !':': ,,,, l•t•lt .,,.. ..................... . .... , <l"' •»> .... ,.,,. ....... ...... ·~) ..... - t;,.,,., 100 ................••••.. TALL Ill STATELY Ne•e • 2700 s •. Ft. Office • 1200 '•· Ft. O• Let 1201120. UI0,000 * IHI VHIE On lhe goll course Cuetom beautiful 3 Bdrm home, many, many ex- 1r11s $279,500 wllh 10% down owner wlll carry at 12' 1"1. 1n1ere11 Rer lcCar4l1, Rltr. 141·1121 YIOAIT Ill llUIYI 20% IOWI COROH IEL UR We lee! thts 111 the best- 1ncoma property buy 1n Corona dot Marl Well to· cated rentel unlls Just o l ew blocks from lhe beach Currently earning S 1450 per mo Owner wtll finance at 1:2",.'• lnllfHI Reduced lo just $229, 000 /\ 1>1v1~1on 01 11 .. rbor lrl\•t·~l mcnl l'o BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\odPD••v•· NB o7~ Olol 8EACH & SHOPS Country house wllh 3 tieorooms and 2 be· droom back units each 1 w ith l aundry room ~~:::::::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~:" Shows true pride of ow-nership with hreplace tundecks and garages 15'1. oown or trede tor flfSl()fNflAI Rf Al f~ !Alf SERYICCS TO's $2 4 5 000 6't4· 7020 llHO REIL ESTATE ---IEW 01111 ID IOWI CLOSE OUT -FINAL SALE 2 & 3 Bl 3 Ba lu•. ale All ame,,111es Ne•t door to all shopping & theaten 714163 t.5055 . ASSUIE * IEST llY * 1n Rencho San Joequtn Outstanding 3 br, 2 bl on golf course Lge as- sumable loan $225.000 By ownat. 760-ll708167S.2144 SPEOTIOIUlll New 4br custom conl· emporary home In Norlllwood Generous oak 1mPOtteel Ule, 11a.l- neel gt111s Motivated seller will consider All OFFERS no milter hi)W crealtve, Including trlflH for reat ettate. S2711,000 Dick Mey8f50n. RE/MAX 559·9400 Spo1lee1 and 1paclous Sandpolnte beauty Lo- cated near South Coast Plaza Loweet pt1ced home In the area 4 big bdrm1. huge living room with craekllng fireplace, rorma1 dining. t>lg, big bonus room. perlecl '°' extra family entertain· ment cent er Catt 548-2313 Sparkling 4 Bdrm 2 bath with two llroploces. prl· vattt spa. wood decking. separate d rnTiig and 1 ________ _ more• Only S 142,900. call nowl 6'l6-7 17 1 PHllSUU UH,100 2 Rlt bayl ront <~indo ovt"rlook1ng Hw µool & 111:1111 buy . lhgh Sl't'Urtly butld1ng w1lh 2 parking spal'cs. :Hm Vll'W of bJy & 111..·l·an from roof g ;1 I J l' n s l' 11 (' r r I(' x I b I l· 0 n frn;im·tng Ltw l1ttrtst ltH f!l.~~~-~!.C.t •• !.O:!~ ' /llOO ...... !IJIO ..... Every Saturday In the Dally Piiot Claulfle<la THE REAL ESTAT&:RS Tfi\DI T 10\, \L RL\I 1' ~l,B~R~A~N~O~N~E~W~~"~H~e~er~t~o~l~~~~~iiiiii "* Orange County" lown· ::;: homes -Luxury 3 bdrm -homes be1u1tlully de· signed. quahty built • and '"' l1nenc1ng now 1ha1 you ~1.. jull won't bellevel Cell ~:! now Brandywyne Pro-::~ perues 11. 531 ·91170 .. ~ ... -llUIOIED Fm1u Lovely one bedroom and den condo P1e111n1 vt-Pool and apa Se- curity gate S 104.000 toen at 10'~'1. Owner wtll Thlt 3 Bdrm 2 beth home c:erry se<:ond S 149,000 sits 1n an area ol $150, 111·1100 Y1VI ,,.. .,.,, ""' ,1u 'llU 000 lo llllO.<K>O homeel s~~5&:~~~~~ It need• TLC and yout Unt>ellevably priced at $129,500 Cell now l 15'48-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS lllYDIITT PAii tm W '"'' ""' Detached 3 br. 2'A be home In lrvlne on green- belt near comm tennis & pool S114,000 In aHu.- mat>te toane & you own the land. S 140,000 144·4110 (~----' ~: e If it's got ;:~ e handles ~ e -you'll grab .,. • a sale :i~ faster in TAY l.OH CO I -- •m•uu :i~ •• Dally Piiot ::~ classlfled 111111 d ,., ... a •. C.11 flM f'ltl t 642·5671 BAV & OCEAN VIEWS! 4 bdrm. 2'h ba1h•. lltepla- ce , 3 car garage plu1 much morel REDUCED TO $599,6001 = .... __ _ UT lllYllETTI RUlTH/tWIU ••11·1111 • ;;: SELL Idle Item• with • :m Dally Piiot Clualfled Ad. -.... -"'" Wll "'" --..,, ... w.q W» --t9Q -IN! -~ = ---"'' LINDA ISLE LOWl!&T PRIC•-A STEAL A t•buloue YALU. for ontr Ml,000 end .. ..., fle11Me on ,.,,,., _,... condlUont. ..,..,, HO ...... or left, .. or CAIHI An Hoepttoftal WATI~ home on "- ....... wttft • lllf1Y* Z•etory '"kMnoe fof enterl•lnlnt lart• 9roup1 or · d1llr llwlnt In • -.clroomt • formel IMnt reont, .... ,..,..., ""· .... ~ ... " ..., .,. ........ zo1 .... ,.... '""°" ....,., c .. ..,-. a 1n ... t ..... Mfor9 th• ptloH 10 Ufll. flller/t llp for l•tt• , ...... \\ 11 HI HO' 1 110\U ._ "1 Ill II lt•ll"' .. " ...... .,, ......... ,,.,,. , ............. . anh • • .,.... ..... ,, .. ~~-' .. tt\ ~Mt~ \u .. ..... h ... .t MHHmt IHIEll Co1y East·s•de home tCHIFlllT Lrg LOI, Fru11 Trees SUN N-mobile/modular ce· COAST REAL ESTA TE. dar collage. trplc, on pV1 631·7090 b ch Le as et and Slll,000 Spacious 3 t>r . 3 be homo laaturet beautiful tom11y rm w/custom ca· b1nelry & hreplac.e, tor· mat dining rm. 3 car ga· rage Mu1t see to believe et this ptloel 751.J 191 IN NEWPORT CENTER Marllyn Coombs SSOO/mo 11'1t% 1n1 S 139.900 • 5 yr Old. 3Br $65,000 499-3816 2·~ be home wi den. - 644-9060 lrplc S81 .000 loan, 81· SHEif I PllYIH ' sume at or 9'\%, $107. A per1act description ol 000 available al 13% thts tovely 4 bdrm home ~2-1060 Enioy the g0tgeou1 wn. c::::. ' ,I I ' ' '-t-" ')~~I ,, >• H . t ' I llEWPHT WCI tFFICE 2170 IH Mi&HI lrin (lH) 111·1I01 (114) 712-llll · ~ ;~91':!~ ~'::! ~.':': ~ To ...,..,._ ~'U09f' foot S.Otuidov. --··"~"'"'­... ...... 1 .. t« bor1'H"7' ,,~ ... ,, __ ))14·~· )fQ ._..._.. ··-......... .. _ .. ..... ·-... .. _ .,..,_ ., .. ..... ....... ...... .,w .. ..... .. _. •.. , ...... ~·~-.. ......... , " ........ .. .__ 'Ill•·••'" •<-.,, ... ... ~ ,.,. ~:::..........:::· ~ @ M•ttW ••ft•. ., ...... .,, .... .... M ..... •fio ..... ..~ . ·"'-....... ...-.... ,, . ., ...... ,,,.,, . t•'l'lt • .. .. . ,. ~ '"". ,, ... , ,.--... . ... ~ ..... ··-"""'"""'.., ""' ..... .. , .. ....... ., ...... ., ... .. --.. ........ too.-· ... , t Notr~I '=~~~· st~~~-a f-!t>~· -----.... 4 ~. QAf • "°"' ... ·='°..,~""'~-:...~. :: ...... 1or .. , __ .. _ ... S UECAL I I' I' I I I __ o_u_G_c_N-1 , 1 .... .... I I' I I . I L U R T Y I ! Ofun~ to oy11 anoer ·•t've I I r r -[ 001 • 0004 re•-to lie CHUI\" 1on10111 ,.,,. Dl8(I drlnlllnO ~ A 1 Ml 0 N 1-:· t-... ::1 :J:=1:=r::1:: • e?..:: ~"::.:.. "::: ...,.,.,.....,, __ ,... ........ ( .. !'ETE BARRETT \ f >I l I II f.. If •41 /. 1 I ' ~-· •!\.ti .... ' sets & mountain vi-• trom this hilltop retreat Perrect tor a lemlly & close 10 tennis court1. Price to sell at $255,000. TRADE .... ILIFFI IAIUll UUllEL ,T 00 •• D f Vou own the land 2,000 sq 11. 3Br. fem rm. 2•;, Fenlastlc bvy' S 126.900 Ba. wtde Greenbelt, near 2 t>d. 2 t>o Clestrabte pool Far below merllet your bo11ng Income pro· are a Faat sate eg1 $245.000 Witt tease op- per1y or outgrown reSI-754-6733 ~ uon Bkr 844--0134 denctt with torge equity -~~~~~~~~~ tor this neel 1us11c and D••• loi•t /OZ = roomy 4 Ddrm 3' 1t blth t • •••••••••••• •••• ••••• IEllOEll nome 'Nllh ISO deg Open House By Owner 9 SEAVIEW • elegant & ocean view 1n walk to room cuatom home , charming Hempton llAo- bHCh Corona det Mer whitewater view 811 def, fabulous v\ew9, d.- loc111on REDUCED TO rooms. trg Im rm. 2 lrptc. cor. 1pa. private comm $475.000 with 11 75•1, 3 Br, den. 2'• ba Seti w/pool & tennis lecllltlee 144.7211 Sun 11·6· 33972 Chula $450.000 Open Houee V 1t1a Corner o t la Sit/Sun t2·5 1903 Vechl Cresta or by appl 7 ~ 493-7222 $275.000 lie-Colma 644· IO 1 OJ• Creal btattt xlt>te RHti•tt•• Jue• 1040 ....••••••••........•• 4 BR ,,,.. bl 1wnhse. 81· 1ume 12 2~. $10.000 dwn. total pymta, $908 mo Close to achool1. 2 ml to t>cll 9118·11753 eves lr~I•• 1044 COITlllOTlllS Ill S1ll,to0 tor expan11on Located in Newport Hetghtl area Two e1n1m'1>le loan• FOf m0te tnlomiatlon cell Dorothy, Own/Agt 114/tt•-Hll 3 t>Qrm. 2'" bl town· house Gated Poot, ten- nl•. 1ac • Hun• Shop- ping llAlnutas to t>eacn Vou own tend $240.000 Assume t2% loan. By owner 760·3875 . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------.,,...=-~-EUHIT In •I Owur Fl1111l11 Owner/Agent Oup1t111. R.. Lew Ir le le•• dOCed lo $250.000 owe In lr\llne Ore81 assum•· t2 'H'o with $60 .000 t>te toan 6511-7887 /lo.gt dow n 675-30153 or ---- 1579-96117 C11I• lf11• l 014 ••.......••••.......•. DELIGHTFUL HDIE Located In f1 pride of owncrsl\ip, low trnflit' ncighborhooJ of Costa Mesa. Shake ro<'lf11. trc><' 11ncd i11rc•1•ts and quiet ncighbu~. Lovt>ly 4 bdrm. 2 bD home with nl'w cnrpctinl( thru-ou\ ond new vinyl lloorlng In tlw kitchen. N<>w watN heat<'r and d1i1hwasht>r 111'!0. M lrror<'d wardrobe in lh1• master ~ullt'. Recently rC'modclt>d bothrooms. N<'Atly lands<:ap<'d backyard with flnJ(inonc.> pallo and built in brick bbq All 9f thl!i fo r only $12~.000! .......... " loV11·lr11••1r1t, 1 ... (114~~.\'" ...... (714) , , ........ Seeing ii bc.•llevlng. Open Houte S.i. &t Sun. 12·~ 9Sd Chey•nne St., eo.ia Mt'MI 12.11. 4 edrm 4t>a, 3 carJ"· RV 8CQ4111, 2 lrplea. Ult Seel MULLAN Rl. TV 54().2tlSO ASK FOR LOAI REDUCED 111,111 Oii thlt gotoeout Plen 8 In Jetmlne Cretk 3 bdrm1, 21A be. l.u•ury eppotntmtnta tllroug· flout the nomt end grO\lndt View Of oo.t• and 8pyglaM Hiiie. Ptua tht HCurlty of a ~,td community. Ftnt11tto fl• n1nctno evwble. ' .. J Orange OOHI DAILY PILOT/Friday, October 1, 1912 • Real· E1t1t1 -the Complete Oran1e CCjast Market Rlace f.t.~~.'!!.~!.::-... , ~!~!!.!.~~~!.•.'!.'! ..... I!'.~!!! l!!~!~,!!. •••• , lt.~!!!.¥~~!!1.'!~.'-4..: ~.'.~!!!. V~!.·.'.-.~·.~-J.. ¥.'.~!!! .¥~!~!~.'!~.t!. .. 11 ~1.'!.'~~~!!.f~!~.'!!'-'.lA.1u •• 1••.••.•.• ,.,,,,." AIM•••••• I I ... t ~ r.-. •• •· ••••• ••••• • U.J al iM .!!!ff! ••••• ! •... ! .. f ~!.t~!!r.!!f .. !.~ff1!•.'!r.!!.!!~!~ •• .1.'.U f~!!!.!!~~ ...... !.~~1 !~!~'!! .......... .1.~~1 ~!!!r.!!.!!~!~ •.. !.~!! I ··ir, I J !'.'!r.!!.!!!!~ .. J.~!! ...... !! .. ! .......... . llTATI .... Claulc 8p1nl1h 1tyte, prl· west CW t' 3 bd, 3 ba, Oy•l10 mtta IOGllO 38r LUlllU 4 bd, 2'-t ba view, COin• 1 ····!'·'!~.~ •.••..• ~t L•ro• <'br, bulll·illl ' o•· c •• ,. ,,,.. llU Back Day er••· 3 Br 2.,, ll'le tocettoo 011 San 01•· near P•• k, 1c110011, "I Ollh w/w OrlJl'O koOI 3 8drm detacti&U llOmt• m ut11ty 1>001. 1errn11. Oce1nlron1 & c1011 to 1ege, atepe to 1ond •••••••••••••••••••••• 81. 2&00 aq, tt Security ~o Bay, beet prlo•tl in 1hopp1ng S 1171'! mo ult t tep .. vlng kitchen ln·H Cellent ., •• All•ll•· guarded gllle, o•r<Jenwr 6m111 1 & '} 6r Apte IO~/y11y or S600 wlnt· 2 bi. l'lt oe 610 Joenri St, gate, private i;ommunlly 11111. brar•<l new. 11klng 642·6602 4 lnOn1 .1ow Ju1I 600 + b I e t"' med 11 I e I y I t6001mo 044·2146 S3bO·S160 '!'rly & winter er (213) HO.g220. (213) Small dog OK 046•6463 1395.000. 6% Down Wilt $606,000 C1ll Century 3 BA 3 Ba or 2 BA 2 6a. Chg $800/mo on I year loHe 070-5102 5 7 4 • 6 I 9 9 , ( 2 1 3) ht I t ide 2 BA t tJt conatdertradH,etc 2 1 Pactllc Rttlly weell l y /m u nthl y MfHIO ALl'Y ~38·~006 Five other• to choo1t1 Be11ch llouM, 2 Or. gar WlnteiRental 441l·47110 up1111,., nur achoola, Almllage ~Illy 714/273·2 12t 75'1·11466 or 073•0081 trom Wtt• 11111 on•• to 17ooimo 3 Bi 2 811• gor 2 b"'r-. 1 be 0 .... ,,. Vo1u11t•1 mini 1 Br. 0,, 110 Pet• S4 60 1mo 71 .. 644·2414 II I $896/mo mo '11ed 'fe· "''" ~"' u 63 D•1l1.r11/ l••t" L• ••• 3111 Sharp ond clean 41Jr 2ba. ca or le11111. nore. 901 63 1• 1 '186. Gl!11g11 .,.., ntk to Oooan court, •II op11on1. nHr 1·81116 , LI .. ..,1llllT U•/11 /H $1J1 1100 .... r ... 11 ............ 0"-" '" stO<,,mo [~i)W.<MJbrld•u• 631·2711 or 01y No pet .. S526 b I• eh t ti 4 ti Imo :Hlr Duplex. $536 _., •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br, din rm, lrplc, walk to Ph 648 91*!)() .,. 7 t 4 • e 7 5 • 4 1 4 2 , 2 l 3l687·32g7 dov• 846·6589/848·8103 Cuetom country eno111n HPlll TU SllllTfll notch, S6601mo u1111 fHtt ldt condo ) br 2 Kuitu Mwoo~!:. ~oar"'~o~: ~~~'. 2 13·7~·0038 2 t31387·8900 · --333 E 2t•I St :~~,:~~~~~:1;:.~l~; fOll l•VHTOlllU :~% N9°9";°2~h;J Jurie '83 ba. den, lrptc, 2 lcer QI• -U t .:1114141 upgrt<Ju S~OOhn o . Wlm•r fltnt11 2Bt, pool, 1 A1•rl•l•l1 • Nice 297 I Sa New lnletn•llonally IC:Clllmed S1111 Clemtnlt prldt ol )9 rlg8 $826 548·6686 1llzull1rr•R•lt I'~""'"""' 751-2442 hOUIO lo bch $560 Ploys U•/8t8J1iH p11nl Cerpett & OllPff erchtttc1. 8 bedroom•. 6 ownerlhlp, modern Sp•· N U I I .H 3 l>drm, double garage, -llliiiiiiiL Harbor rflghtunut avt ll 3 R E 873-1900 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '" OOOd cond. Yard, P•· bathe. gourmet kitchen, . n1a11 atylt 4 unit opt •• ~~!~! •• !'.~!~!...... Ol1hwnt11tr. ltnced yo 6R 'J eo, dlll ci r gar, IA,FO•T l•llH• 110, no.fat• U 26t mo formal din rm, aecurttv houn wllh OGHnlhlll• & tJ1•1nl JZOZ No p1111 $680. 219 E LIAIH tplc, polio S926 )Ntr 4 7 Bdrm, 2 bl, trptc, d~w. l1•i•HI• 3101 876"48 or 904•547o e~ttm. $2,700,000. gfolf cou1te view Cloat3 •••••••••••••••u..... 18th St 646·2067 2 to 4 bdrm•. 1tutl11g 11 g•d•H Inc l Eli l nci , el&C door opnr. fi"' BBQ, 2••••••••2 .. ••4 ......... $4110 2 BR. 2 car gu. o everything, only lllTALI seoo to S 1396 548 1232 046 5963 bdrm. ba uewer -Opl• Ullllt1lre child OK no yeera 01<1 & ahowe llke NICt 2Br, 1Ba, lncd yd, • or • J>AllO w /gu I re ring yrl'f Mature non•tmkrs, pal• Alto 1 BR l l90 -673-7300 1 1111111 YIEW r'lSay clo1lng costt & you're In, 4br with over S60.000 In upgredu Darrell, Agt RE/MAX 7611· 1221 NE.WI New ownei could Yetrly·Wtekly·Wl111er. 2. oncl p11110. new paint, C<IM Htrbor view Hiiia S 11noy be11c11 WtrHe1 no pelt $700 )( 3 · • occupy 3 Bdrm . 2 bath 3.4 Bdrm• • 1e1p tan1lly $450 mo + hm. Sp11clou1 8 Br w/lge $025/mo 873-7638 213/7911·4 105, 21!7 9792 ti41•6331 cny & ocean view ept. 11 JAOlll IEALn soc 2029 Wallac8~Hse B. bo11us "" Nlcv erea .4 bdrm. 2ba. 1ncludea 11: 01 (714) 673·3966 1 & 2 Bdrm, lg upper apt, appllceble & rent thv PROP 546·2776 S 1500/mo. 760-8708 or nen. dtahea, cir TV. utlll· • • • • 1 Bii. yrly. upper quiet, no pell, laundry other 3 apanmen11 101 2 Br on lot with othere, 675·2144 lllll. 673·4686 unit, clean & Hie. deck lacll 3 I 1 W Wll1on Income. Sellet wlll help MAIAllMEIT hug~ ya1d . b lO tro111 THE ILUFFI C 'I 3 w/channel view $515 $360 & $426. 631·2177 lln&nce & SAVE buyer m• 1 1 dbl 2 flH• I ,,,., 122 thousands ol dollara! 111-1113 '00 ' rp <:, gar, 3 Bdrm 2ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• Incl ulll Open Sun. 1•5. llW LflfllY-OllMI REDUCED selling price ~:ff.1:1f.'6~36Pet OK $1250/mo apotleu Ocean view. btliutlfully 3302 Marcue 673f1 943 ••• Pllnt 1,e1t4 of $295,000 00 Is way ltw,trt 21t furn. lownhouH, lrplc:, BAY VU 2 BR, 1 be. gar 'II fl .t BELOW current replece· with panor1m10 views 2 Q~nou~ All-utl-11512 CAM., .. ""'·leuMM: 2 adrm, 2ha, beautllul pool & patro s io95tmo t1pt Wt O Oar ap . $600 " ttf nllt ment costltl · Prlnclpale Drive by 200 1 Kings Ad .:'\iries palc:J 1001 Ready for 'T ~ " "'~"" """'~ adult unit $ t200tmo 673·0B96 H 673·8276, w 979.537 1 Walk It 10 P1111 ONLYlll Call owner at & c: a II I o 1 de 111,1 I s famtlles on the 111 ol Call Holstein Really Cllll 1111• J124 s426 utll pd I Br Oplx. 417 (714) $700tmo Ocl Greet area 3 bO Avallabl~ Gar-760·8816 or 644.9 1(;2 •••••••••••••••••••••• Fr pie, lllt g.,H French ltJfrt1t/U1f1m1 DAILY RENl AL dener No Pe~. $930/mo ••••trt Vlllt&t A•ts E Bay Ave . Balboa No window•. ln·hOme teeu· UPDATES 83I·1615; 493-7766 Clo811 to bcn. av11ll 11· I B r r pets 647-1155 rlly. bdrm & studio unite PIXEi IPPEI 2 bdrm & loft In ei1cel BEST 539-6190 COST 3Br. 2B1 hse, pool. ten· eaullful landaceped Jr incl w111ho1 & dryer AllO loca11on on E<lgewater 2 BR 2 Ba, cpts, drps, encl 1118• $875 mo 642-7787. 1 b<lrm with petlo Gas '!) Blk to bcti. 2Br. tBa. ,,,cl pvt club wltennta 642 -0138 Aim-···· 11a/11aluM ............••........ , .. ,i.I'" . :;.~ .......••• ~~ • Sttu11ty C11tt • Pt>01 4 AK lloom • I 4 l811 l'atlO AOO • '111 di! L1ncltYP"'O • 01111waal'lt•• 6 llllO ' • JoO 10 8mlt & 5no" I I',, ',"1 ', . . WALK -TO BEACH 2 8r llovt &. relrlge Small pet ok. $460/mo 538·71179 WALK TO BEAC~ w/etove $'3 75/mo 638-7079 ffisl BA ~p;j{O, lndry rm. all bllnt Mllll tee T L S Mgm t . 842·1603 2 & 3 Bdrm IP~I. Immediately $550 to $576. Frplc, d/w, g11aee 1 or 2 i<lda 01< <No ~la, waler pold 645-2000. Agent. no roe. ----2 br apt, gerege. No pei• 4br. 2'A ba, pool, 1245, l I ZOOO $1200/mo •LUXURY & MORE • oar. S750 No pets 544•0140 and water paid Large 'trplc, garage, xlnt. quiet. 1 ~~M~~ug~1~f~~t· agt .• ,!!~!..!!r.!!f...... llJfrtat/fllfll Large fenced yard, warm 675-6606 ----recreation rm Includes no peta 673·8955 ~~~is.gr.~zJ9~~.m.~~~: Sharp 5 Units. Eaatelde Olive by 1611 Beyside lrplc. dbl bolh. big gar a· WOODBRIDGE $1100 Harbor /Oceen vu. 3br. gemea. &pa an<> pool II· $350 1 Br Re1pon1lble beautllully deGoraled VERSAILLES CONDO CM owe: Make sense Or Av&il now. 1g11 dock. 3 ge $500'a 2ba S 1 te5. 239 Ocean. ble Tenn la courts, vol· purson, ut1l1 paid No cl""ho .. •a & muc ... more Avail now $465. Cati 111 5, 848·5938. $570. 2 br, pool. nr lhopa. bch On Adams g r Brookhurel. 979-7829 1 b b lftl NQT A Spec 4 br. 2'1r be, nicety v i ew . 8 7 5 -2 9 6 7 , leybell coun 1ec/poo1 -~"'v " po;~,~. ~·u~~~',r;~ei:."~ ~i9.~;'8~ d w 11 e It r Br w/lamlly rm Oul9ten· RENTAL AGENCY lendsceped. rem rm, 548·2407 Call . pe11 t06 E Bay Apt 9 From $465 Incl moll ding location $3000/mo BESl 539·6190 COST lrplc. patios Lake. pool ---------117-0011 STEPS TO BEACH cute 1 utlls, t oo. 549·3421. pr kg. sec. entrances. LOii flt $•/I 2200 Wiater llHftll & 1ennl1. 6 40 · 132 7, S,aoltul lluffs OH4t. BA. lge yard and covered 384 t Bear St (bet. Sun• ~l~~~!,~ne~'~!ne~.0$~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Hllltlllt HW. Westside 3 Bdrm. 1 be 559·6188. otc 720-7373 Large entry courtyerd. $375 mo Dix mobile patio Ulll pd. Loue flower & MacArthur). 900 assumable. Sandra COSTA •Ell Prices range froll} $600 ;~g· ~rineg:;ms, yard 2t)d7'.;e~;:-11e; PI us w a 1 e d patio . Mme No pets Quiet, evall $.450. 673-6699 Et Side 2 BR 1 Be. onci 642-6149. PIHi All•rtvt4 to $1800. Call tor details • • condo 'It mile to UCI Greehbelt setllno 3 secure 19111 Newport ~· l1lruo l1•ci3111 gar, deck, apac utll part -Attli llVISTOlll Oceanfronts avail Owner translerred, prime Terrlllc views $895 Agt bdrm, 2'1t ba. !amity Blvd 646·8373 ••••••••••••••••••• pd. lndry rm, $525. ftr 2' a..... W1ttrfrt1t ...... IOC: In award winning 946-2850. ;~.~· ~i~~ ~~~~lnA~~~· H .. li•il••. •e Condo, 3 bd, 3 ba. 646-1509 Ive msg Newport 3Br 2·~ be Prl· Permits can be 1ssu,ed In I sl 1 .. 00 condo complex. 2br. Pool. Rec Area. Attach ....... .., br tux. condo n,.sc ced $75,000 under 45 days Some subordl· • " • 2ba, amenities Lease or Walnut Sq Condo 2 Br '1 now $1250 mo ••t 3140 G A r $850/ .. ' •1v 2 B ti I · 5•• 0350 ar. 11 5 • mo Pleze. pool'-No peta market at S226.000. Prl· nation avalleble S675, l•lbo. lllu4 3ztu leaset opl. Xlnt te1m1 • '' o, pa o, enc gar, ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• 525 7246 \/Ill e party, prlnclpels 000. OwntAgt Western •••••••••••••••••••• If.! Assum loan Owner, com pool $675/mo YOU DESERVE m . '520 557 " 1518 A E F 645-6253 eves/wkns. Block lo beach. 3 Br year C 4 I .,. 3122 o n I y 6 6 2 . 7 3 6 7 • . lnenclol. 833· 7890 4 Br 3 Ba. Oen. 01n. gar, 556·9263 lease $850/mo. c ontact Beeutllul & perk llkb with llOIH f ,..., $465 2 Bdrm. relrlg, pa. 836-0784 eves. (will co·operate) no pets $1100/mo 227 t lVERSITY PK 3 BR 2•h Mr Puentes 833·0070. terraGed pool •••••••••••••••••••••• 110, no pets, adulls pref. --------- ---c 1 1 Eastslde 3 BR. S675. no " STEPS Tl ICEA• /II I -. -"--1 ora 213 395·3511 a. liv/lem rm. 2 car gar. eves &. wk nos 648·6398 *Prive le Patios 7211.·A James. 673-7787 ••••• rt/ •• ,or •• t ••• •t•1 v.111 1 --pets. 1st. last & dep I •Co"ered Parking Large 2 br. 2 ba. lrplc. ••iorl 2~00 New 4 Bdrm New pa1n1 & 642 6366 app IC:, comm pool, lac, L B 2 B ' PINE BLUFF A"1S 3 B 2•;, b th I II .. ., -Sl 150 o 552 8947 ovety 4 r a. crpl, Ila •Spacious Apts many emenfttes, view. ,. rm. r pool B~y 8$1t.7lo~ •••••••••••••••••••••• c 8 r Pe 1 Db 1 g 8 r 4 Br. 2 Ba Mesa del Mar, m • nlg. 2 car gar. numerous +Dining Area $825/mo Catt Anthony 2 Br 2 Ba Chlld ok. PB· below market at S225. LAt<E ARROWHEAD 3 :9~0~mo Close to bey, clean nomo. quiet etreet. TURTLE ROCK trl·level, fruit trees, 1 blk trom' •Walk In Closels days 611.2-5757. eves & tlo. view. lrplc, encl gar .. OOO. Prl\/ate party, prln· Br. den, 2ba. Custom 4 · 787 S 8 0 0 m 0 • 0 w n, beaullfut mounte1n view. C11ll Or Gard"ner No •Home like Kitchens wknds 631·6630 gas stove, dishwasher, Clpels only 862•7367. home 1·337·3792 l•l"o• 759•8006 2 masters, lge pvt patio, pets $1 000/mo Avail 1 blk 1 H 11 1 -- -spa. lndry rm $825/mo. • gardene 3 •• 1 o 0 un no 011 COZY l Br house, hplc, SPMC 631-6107 836-0784 _e_ves_. ____ O•t 1/ Ct••IT l.oi•1•I• 3201 Oen & ntghl view. 48'. lam Glory S ,;5<J morn ng ct tat. 548·6089 Center. trensportallon & pool. 4 nea1, empld. non VIEW "" ProHrlv · 2550 •••••••••••••••••••••• rm, 2'1rB11 . RV eree. Gerry (213)437·3029 •EWNllT CllEST lrwys smoke Fem. No pet or •••••~•·"•••••••••••• 3 Bdr 2 Ba. yard, no'f)llls, $1000 mo 631-1153 Alla (7l4)673·8589 Ocean view. 3 Br 2•.., Ba UTILITIES fllEE child. S525 lease. 1st. EIS1de C.M cute bachelor apt, $400/mo. + $300 security No peta. Joyce Wallie. 631·1266 agt Large 3 Bdrm. 3 ba, I mlly rm, 2 lrplcs, wf consider leese option E1tcet llnenclng. Solana Beech avail 10/1 $1000/mo newly decorated No 1 Bdrm From $515 last, sec. 640-4999 Beautiful Ocean Front .I.II. PllDPEllTY EllT /SIDE L•1.H• IHc• 3241 pets. S'1050t mo yearly 2 Bdrm $615 O!Sen Sunday 1·5 321 Kings Rd (View Side) ~6-5719 or 646·9950 Condo. 3 bd. 3 011. 2000 l&•AIEMEIT . 1 br dpt;., fenced yd, pei •• ••••••••••••••••••• 642-3490. LA OUINl A HERMOSA sq It, $350,000 111 1113 OK $395. Ava.II. now H:R~~~ OCEAN FRONT liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 16211 Pa11tslde Ln. 1 blk CULVER & ASSOCIA· • · · 548•78551645•7301 u · lux hm on blul1 t1•lllOll II""". W of Beach. 3 blks S. TES ON THEBEACH 2 br. lu• t80 deg vu ot harbor. " -r: of Edinger 847-544 1 756·2476 Neor So. Coast PllWI 2 Br surt, mtns, 3br, 3ba, ae· EITATH ---condo. ocean view. sec condo. S575tmo. Kids curlly, sauna, apa l•11eA11 F•t•I 1750 mo 600 E Ocean· ok. no pets. Agl Bob. s1eoo1mo 496·7009 f!l.~,~.~·!.C.~ ••• !.~~! Luxury studio. free HBO, phone, maid serv, spa, Quiet 3Br . bonus rm S950/mo lae Garage. Great loceuon 760·1243 Wall< to bcn 2Br 2 ea lrplc, eundec:k. S. PCH 507'1t Fernleat. long te rm , $750 /mo 979-1340 Eestslde CM. 1 BR, $375. 2 BA. $475. no ~19 1st. last & dep . 642-6368 2 BR • $390/mQ 984 Valencia 754·0588 or 556-1233 •••~~~!!! •..... :.!~'!! ~;~.~~94 997 . 8 3 8 •2 • 646-7434 EMERALD BAY. 3 br. 2 flXEll f' I -------Old Spanish nouae on ba t600 sq h lrpl, brick • "" I Cftoo• 411 llu 3222 large Eastslde lot. 3 BR. patio, wllh spa. S 1600 VERSAILLES Comple1ely cuetomlzed "Leutremont" with tebu· lous ocean vla11 and ex· qu1s1te furnishings for tease $3,900/mo. Anlle Schandel/Meureen Whl· te. 644-6200 .. _s_1_3_0_wk_._4_9_9_·3_0_1_5 __ S1udlo. so of PCH. 4 blks from bch. $350/mo. AvaH 2 Br 1 Be , gar 2884 Hickory Pl. B $495/mo 545-0258 PENTHOUSE 1 Br. FO\.lntaln Court. Low dn. Wiii consider lease w/ option Phone owner Wknd s 1 ·5 PM 831·5064 , Mon -Fri 9 plus acres Murrie a, •••••••••• ... •••••••••• huge detached gar Olrly 2131876·2255 lnclds 2.000 sq.It farm 2 Br 2 Ba Condo, 2 car &. k ---------house. large barn, gar, garage, 2 bloc ks to needs wor Vacant 2 Br 1 Ba cottage. Cliff $15,000down.St646per ocean. wt d. relrl~ $600 mo Call Larry or section. ges renge. g111· mo lot at price $ 175, S895/mo 640-5324 Dave~ 540• 1158 dener, relrlg Avell 10/8. 000. 702-452·8777 Nice 2Br l 'h be in dpls D••• Pti•t 3226 W I II I ease S 8 7 5 . •••. ••• •• ••. ••• •• ••• •• 494 .. Q 154 On bus line iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IHI E1l•l1 Living rm w/lrplc, sun· lrH411 ltw llt•H Custom 3 br. 2 be. lrplc. II. C'IYOI ClllO E.x""•• .. ZIOO .deck. gar. so 001 hwy , ________ _ 714-963-2529 ~Macnab-Irvine " •• 1•,. $650/ 323 L k Dane Point Walk Ing OW 2 blks to Victoria LIDO ISLE $825 EXCELLENT •••••••••'•••••••••••• mo. ,.., ar • distance to Beech 3 and Bc h. Ocean vu Gar • mo yrty. OWNER FINANCING E•change Equity In YOUR spur 536-t453 wkdys 4 bdrms. $950 lo S 1350 Av all S950 694·8518 Incl utll. Empl couple or Move tn loday. Three hM or condo for Turtle· Brand spanking new ev&-per mo. 861•3100 men pref. 675-2055 bedroom. 2,~ bathe, lor· rock Home. Eqully S90. rywhere 3 b<lrm. 2•,r, be. Luxury 3Br wlllb. N l eg Eest blult ••ec t alhlly mal dining, llree>laoe. wel 000 Good auumabte Garage patio $1.000 H••tl•ftl• Vu ' walk to bah. '1500 nome wtspa S 1500 mo bar. large gourmet kll· loans. mo 607 Iris Open Sat l1eei 3240 494·5641 w"dys •fl 6 & lse Cell Rite, 873-8689 chen with parquet lloo· GOLDEN PROPERTIES end Sun 641-4868 or •••••••••••••••••••••• Wknds ring. Masler suite wllh 752·1589 777·2233 Seabreeze spec:lal L11ge •G-----2-B-----Tne Blulls: 3 BOrm condo. • I ., 4Br e.eculive house big orgeoua '· ocn vu, 2 b a LI n de PI an cathedral callings. large 1• ••t•I• 4 Br. 2'"' Be. F R . o A .. & picture wtndoW1 2 mstr' brand new S 1200/mo s 1 2 o o / m o 1 s 11 • dressing room and blll· W••IH 2100 view Comm pool. ten· balhs oarege $750 + 494·5841 wkdys all 6 & 760-1900, 673-7681 cony Excellent corner •••••••••••••••••••••• nis. $ t 600 m o Ownr chg wknds locetlon. $325,000. Wanl to buy 1 house! 759·8006 METRO ALTY 636•7005 EMERALD BAY 3BR SNAllP I .I . 01111 ••2 1100 Starling over? !'acing 3300 3 Bdrm, 3ba. den lormal • • tor~to•"re? N-.-. o way Coll• /11•1• 322~ Sh 2 BR d 1 1 4011· sq 11. rrplc. d s ~ ~ """' • 'I' erp t on o, s y, pallo, lge grdn, form OR lning rm 1500/mo Q BIRD -·-AS90CIATts "1Al.10lts 1 C B I • • ••• • •• ••• • • ••• •• •••• II bit SS"" out all arbera. pr vll· Supiemely styt .... with a ns. pool. .,., "10 1 kit & LA 1 644· 1905 t I 5 3 0 "" Call 540· 1 t 58, ask tor ge · quiet cu · e party , 8 1 • neauty Large2Brettach Dave d-aac Oceen views WESlCLIFF 842·8902 · gorege Small mov In chg S 1800/mo 573.u 11 3 br, 3 be, den. ptly turn lt•t•I• METRO AL TY 636-7005 3Br beach 1>a1geln multi I ~r. view, No Eno, S 1000 S t 175 mo 642·6602 • •••• •••• • • •• • •• • ••• • • 3 If 2 I bath home plush crpttng mo 494·58• 1 wknds ot C • I. femlly room butcher blk all 6PM SH 11•••1• 3216 Bo.Hi F•r•idn •......•...•....•..... C.1111•/ 3102 ..•................... NEWPORT Oceanfront large furn 3 Br yearly. lower unit 1850/mo ALSO lovely spacious 3 Br upper unit 5950/mo yr1y Call Sharon Jey at Waterfront Homes Inc 673-6900 or 6•6·04 78 eve Frplc. rimge. yard. gera· kitchen kid/pet 575 + •••••••••••••••••••••• ge. no pe1s Prlva1e chg Quiet No. Laguna Street. 2 Br 2ba, e11oel lot. Block $785tmo 1st plus sec METRO ALTY 636·7005 Priv 2 bd. 1•1r be+ Oen to bch Bullt Ins 1750. only 848 W 18th SI -HOMES FOR RENT 3 blks to bch. Charming 714/879· 1985 499 • 1617 -3 & 4 Bdrm. S875 10 ~~=~ ~=ebr7c~~~,~~! f~~.'!.~~•••••••!.~! St1etehout and relax 1n $775 Fenced yards &. & garage. Avail Nov 1 0; REIT Tl IWI comlor13+oenequtped garages. Kids & pets belore s 1 0 75 /m o Che! kllch now 475 +chg welcome. 545·2000 494.4532 Near new 2 Bdrm. 2•.-. ba METRO Al.TY 636·7005 Agent, no tee condos From $800 per ht OIU/10 UST ~!l.~,f.!f.if!! •••• !.~~! mo. c111 964-6171 1 BR-TRAILER Private, yard, no pets Ulils pala $400/m ~ + sec urity 499· 1617 2Br collage gar 425+chg 3 BR 2 Ba hOme. Lagune Ct•i••i•i••• METRO AL TY 6·7005 Hills, $760 per mo Call I f•,.fliff J400 -au1t1FILI Cherlle .aot. 559·9400 •••••••••••••••••••••• Studio Pvt enl, pvl ba. Non $mkr Mature bus prof S350 494-0451 ~!!!r.!!.!!~!~ .. .!Z~f OCEANFRONT Dix 2·4 Br By week or month 673-7873 Winter rentals now &VAlleble Call JACOll llHLTY Pllf UIAllMHf llJ.117a OCEANFRONT lerge mo· dern 3 Br. 2 Be No pets Avail now to June 14 $900 673·8640 SIOllT RIM Furn. rentals by week 01 month Agl 675-8170. ~~~.'61~~~;~; :v:io-100° Cllll~rtl Wtloo•1: 2 & 3 bdrms. $475 to C11I• ll•H 3124 $625. 5 playgrounds, •• • • •••• ••• • •••••• •••• pool end bl II lard tables. lmmed OCGUpancy Cor-.......~BJIU ner Fa11vlew & Adams ~ U 557-4785. Ole; hrs Mon APAllTllEiTI . thur Sat 9 lo 5, Sundays Beaullfully 1andac1ped 1 I to 5 garden apls Pool & SpaV --IL_L_A_M_E_O_E_A_A_2_B_r_2_b_a, Patios/decks No pets. Bachelor $410·$4 l5 E'slde, famlly complex. 2 Barm $580 Dt W, gerege Wtrl,gll 2250 venguard pd 5526/mo & $300 540·9626 or 642-4905 dep 2324 Elden. Mgr Apt 1,548-4147 t Bdrm t61 E 16th $470 Entalde trlplea, 2 bdrm, 1 642·0856 ba, fireplace, gar, carpet. -S-pa_c_l_ou-·a_2_B_r_-,-B-e.-S-4-2-5. d r apes S560 mo. 3 Br l '~ Ba $476. 646-2906 Laundry lee . pool 548·9;i56 12·7PM. Older 1 Br. 'Ir blk to send Townhouse 2 Br 1'1• Ba . !~3~/mo yrly 575•57 tO lrplc, pool, spa, allached garage No pets Aval! now $625/mo. 631-4984 STUNNING large, 1 & 2 Br ~~rden apl 710 W 16th. * 2 Ill,,, WINTER RENTALS now evall8ble .I.II. PllOPEllTY IAIAIEMHT 111·1113 OCEANFRONT. two 3 OR. one 2 BR, avl now. From $700 mo Winier Call 675-4371 OCEANFRONT Lge 3Br 2bl $975/mo Avail un· furn 67 3·44 83 540-3773 Souln Coest Pleza area S e c gale $475 2 BR l BA. old house. no 646-4667 pets, child OK All ulll pd lbr _or_2_b_r _u_p-at_a_lr-s-. -re-,-,, 415 Hamilton, $535 required no pets. 352 641·0763 Victoria. 645-8161. lllAH IEW C .. to 2 Br 2 Ba 2 car garage w/opener. ,wood bornlng l1p1c:. view of stream & waterfalls From $785. 662· 1309 -------lllTAIT l•t Near 18th/Pomona. I Br. t Be. downstairs. d/a, carpor1, water pd, 1 Ghlld ok. no pets $425. Agent. no lee 962·0217 Du• loi•I 3121 ........•••....•••..•. BACHELOR WITH GAR~· GE Slove & relrlge. ell utlla peld S325/rno 536-7979. 3Br. 2•1rB11. frplc. dbl Ollf. W/O hook·up. $650 mo 984-4633. 1·526·3004 Lar1t Tr1,111 2 bdrm. garage. patio. 1209 Florida SI. $480. 213-493·1655 •• ,,~;., 3144 ...........•.......... VIiias/Rancho Sen JOB· quln. 1 bdrmtden . .ref rig. microwave, wash;/ dryer . $750 /m 548-7896 fflJ.'!f .~ ... c..t •• !!J.! Laguna Cliff Or, llCrOH )1 from Shaw·a Cove. 2 br. patio . ga r . $750 626-2149 Studio. unlurnlahed. ·~ block to beach, kltcher, neer shopping. spacl<>Ut $365/mo. 493· 7 t37 & 494-3862 J laclltl•r bt. UH, 497-54 t4 • f!l.P;'!f.!'l!!! •••• !.'.t! Spacious 1 Br conpo overlooking strea~. trees. tennla. pool. lee $500. 831·5199 ~!.'!r.!!. !!!!~ •.• !.~! NO FEE• Apt. & Conito rentals. Vitia Ren1 a11. • 675-4912 8roller COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A total envlronmet11 1pa1tment community on the Upper Bay Private clubhouse and health spa, 8 1ennls courts, 1 pools, close to buSlnllfS. airport, Fashion lala~ Convenlenl ahops 6n &lie Unfurnished bache· lors, 1 & 2 bdrm apls and townhouse• "'t $560 . $1000 • Sever al bachelors end. 1 Bd1m units lealure llile designer furniture elo accessories Move In 10- dey or reserve tor future use Smartly lurnl1hft1l models open dally. On Jamboree Ad at San Joaquin Hills Adi. 144-1100 2 Br 2 Ba from $525. Ml pel s Acrou trom Npt B<:h Gou CourM. Office hrs 9.4 545-4855 1 ... -210 Fully equ1pd kitchen 4 mom Agent 636· 7005 Chg 3 bdrm plua den. fire· L•1.H• lll•HI JZSZ I IEWPllT IUCll place 2 car Alleched •• •••••••'••••••••••• Lu•. 1 bdrm apt . Prof SJ50 3 br. 2 ba, !amity rm. encl. dee d Linens. dlshea. Oceentronl 3Br 2bll, winter rental $850 Pl1y1 A E 673-1900 2 BR I Ba. yrly, rear of oceanfront. $650. Pro· perly Houae. 642·3650 Eastslde $600/mo. 2 Br. l 'lt Ba Townhouse. ell t>ullHns. lndry rm, car· porl, yerd/beleony, small pet OK TSL Mom• 642-1603 Avl Sept 15/0CI I. YI~ --..-------..! steps Ir be8Ch 2 BA 2 Ba, OCUI VIEW S750 mo. Cell tor appt. l Br garage. near ocean. very clean $390/mo 2131402-2657 See at 24682 Cordoba Or. Apt A. 760·1334 atrium, lge yard. Nr gra· king bed, sec guard de school. Aval! 10/4. Underground gar Ldry Oti11 l1el l•t•I• E•ecutive Bluff Condo. 1 Br. $395 2 Bdrm. $490 From Dane Point's most 675-0 124 es~ ror Kiie • 211 Ill $860/mo 675-2500 rm Walk 10 Bch S700 Pr1ce pteaslng newer lam $6 75 2 bd deluxe. Prlv 894-8821 home ger low mov In CllO Aree Bch, tpa. tennle C1•i1•/•l••1 •••.•.••.••........... • ... L,·Ji a•••• Like new. Bullder;s Mo· ,., • •· del Cl1y llghll and VILLA BALBOA Elegantly turn Condo 2 bd. walk 10 bch pool. 11 pa 525-7405 mo Crpts. drps, pool, secluded acenlc bluff gar No pets 642·4470 Ll"e new! Onty 4 unlls. 2 GARDEN RE1REAT 2 Br Br widen. Xtre lrg private 1•1, Be Condo, overloo· pallo No pelS From •it Block to beech, 2Br, bright & airy $670 mo yrly 968-8263 e 111 l•I• IJOO Ocean View $1200 per •••••••••• • •••••• • ••• • 1----------1 mo "wf"llT LIKE NEW, 3 .bd. 2 ba, 6 2 3893 lrplc. patio bbq, wtlt 10 4 - New moblle/modular <ie-beh. $800/mo 675·5383 •• Ill 2B 2 dar cottage. frplc, on pV1 ... agn cent r bath bch. Le•Mland $600 mo, 3 Bdrm 2 ba. S850/mo or custom carpel bullt-lns 11 •it % Int. $85.000 can be 'divided· 2Br very low mov In ctio '499·3816. $650, 1 Br $200. Cell METRO AL TY 636·7005 Allll•I Ill S.ll l200 673-4743 3BA. 2'11BA. near new. ••••.,••••••••••••••• • Winier Rental Lgr 2 bd, 1 tncd yd. trees. 2186 Ml· .,,..TlllmHlll ba. trpl, patio. W/O. Vflfy ner SI $750. 840·5010. l1 acr•. 111 ulllllles wt clean S950/mo 500 2 BR I Ba duplex, pvt unbellevable view or C•· West Ocean Front. Cell patio. new paint. S545 nyon Lake. $33,000 with 635-5066 or 997·3970 mo 833·8162 te<ma. (5-3221) Ctr••• '•I lllr 3lZ2 tST ONLV'tNO LAST •••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br plus bonua 425 + 4.22 acrH , In rapidly growing Menl.... OWC l2%. to yra. Adjoining parct l• 1110 1v11lleo1e (S..3581) Fully lurnlstled 3 bdrm. 2 balh. huge garage vi.w. S 1100 mo lncludlng gardener & w1ter . Ve· cant & relldy <(/ouma #.Alm Chg METRO AL TY 636-7005 l•I 2 Wr• 0H4t Nr SC Plau In SA. S425 mo, No peta. 545·1947 WHY· PAY MElRO ALTY 636-7005 493·1t31 U•f8t•ilAM JIZS Exec Home n< bch. 4Br. II ti ••ei 3211 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2Be. gardnr, on cul·de· ••~•••••••••••••••• 3 Br. Condo near So C uc. avail 1mmed. $950 Near lhe 1url amell the PIHi. crptng & blt·lne, mo 675-7673 eeab<Nze. unbelievable overlooks greenbelt. MOVE TODAY 3Br 2ba 011 hm 650 + pool•. apes & clubhouse chg avall Security gate. Spacious 3Br 575 + chg METRO AL TY 636• 7006 $650. Call 979·623 t eves METRO AL TY 636· 7005 & wknd!. 6 Blks t 8 El 1 Harbor View Homu. Cer-----------0 ooe n ogan mel Mdl 3 Br t1mlly rm EXEC. RETREAT In New· ~er & glue 2 Br & den, Leese $1150 '644-8977 . port Ben. 1 Br pen thou· 2 It Ba. S925/mo Plush ta. Securlly, pool, ape. crpta & drapea All the Ooeenlront 1Br equipped 0 y m 6 • 2 • 8 8 8 8 bll·ln amenltlea you de-kllcntn ONLY 425 + chg 646-4267 ' sire: beaulltul etalned METRO ALTY 636·7005 glen window, mlcrowa· , Condo. Irv new, 3 BR. ve, treth comp, hydro· Bluff a 3 br • 2 ,r, be, lam eppllc hkup, pvt petlo, spa In lu•urtout maatr rm· greent>elt . pool decoreted Microwave. be, dbl c11 private gere· $I 250 mo. Agt 644·0 t34. AtC. 1795 mo 556· 7936, ge. fully rnalnt. y•rd. No H1rbor Ridge tease 4 8r 3 1_8_5_7·_9_4_4_7 _____ _ pets, Inquire el 527 18th. ea, beaut. decor. 3800 11. 2 Br 2 Be Condo. O•ne St 960"633 t. pool, tennla, guud gote Pt ocean vi-. welk 10 2br optx, ocean v11w, S2500/mo, Bob or Dovie be1ch. w11her. dryer & 1660 1111Hunllngton St Koop. Agl, RE/MAX relrl ge $8 50 /mo. HERE THEY ARE. Four 2'1\ 11ere parcels, ell uee· bte. Loctttd on County Rd. Mobllft A horMI ok. Prtc:ed from S23,500 to 124.960. Onty 13000 down. (6·35901 ··~6t~ 6'?.'J-8~~ 636-3894, 661-7622 769·l22t 492-8700. IETlll HALTI .... HO 3 br, 2 ba, 1 car gar. 1 btk BAYFRO T CONDO, i-------- 10 oeach On 9th SI 2 BR 2 Be. uneurpuMd ~I!'.'!!~!!.!~!~.'!!'!; *1 l.. Co•...,., c. In Tiii ALL fllHU $40 $660. 847-4788 view No pe1e. Sec bldg. • Nr. Goll Cour11. 3 8r. ~~~ISg~ WOOO RLTR. ~!}~ ... J!!~~/. •.• !.~!f l "'·B•. vecent. 1760 mo. 075-8676 3 br, 2 b1. 1 hom" lrom Incl grdnr 840-1571 or 81y Av111 now '850 mo. 846-137 t 2 Br 20a luxury condo. Nr 760-1977 btt Ch All tmtnltl4,. COTTA<lE ,,, Trl-plu. MOii bHUllflll complex. BACHE.LOR APT '325 Quiet, 28r. $600 mo. + 1795tmo Herry P111tl, Ulll• Incl No pet1. $500 <l•P· New rtnge. 2 1 3 / 2 7 8 . 8 4 o o 0 , 873·3091 lllt. paint, dbl gar. W/O 2131870•3008 1 bdrm, rearly, tlrepleet. hOOk•up, eptt/drp1, OI· WHICllll 3 Bdr S 1280 U111 Incl d. ,428. Avatt d t I C o u O I e p re f ' 875-4625 893·4894 · Ctltlhavan 3 Br. 1875, H ;-;;a-;;R.~;:::~:=ii:i..:;Fr'.!.o.t~'..:lc:_:k~, _!-0!1!..8~3~1'..:·_'.:12~8~8'.._ New .2 bd, 1 be Winter 4 BR 2 81. lge f amily Rtnltl 10 July 9 . home. Corner lot, 2 car MOVE IN NOWt Large lu· 1526/mo ~fa C•1 F>ort oar: hug• yard, cpll. xury condo. M96. 2BA. 525·7245 drp1, ~ 1>alnt In A out. E.iclrll 831•28M •1191• $840 rs•r m o. tncld• HAABOA VIEW HOMES o r d n r & wt r A g I . 3 Bdrm. t1Cpana.c:t Car• 957-<1701 met mdl. view. Mn cpt. Wtntar 2 It t beth. nr South 8ay. ·seoo tnctudH ulll, 873-3'4&8 1800 111. 11200/mo. Cell ,,,,.,, __ BHll•,IH Agt, o.tie Hill 8"2·8011 -•••'!~!~,f. •••••• !e.~ 2 BR I 91 l'IM, 2th blkl ft •• !.~'!'f~/~•••••!.~!! 3 br. 2 b• home, Hunt. t>HCl'I, g•r, retrtg a Ito• Wfnllr Aenttl 3 Ir. 1~ Harbour trH. Phone vt. $700 mo. y•1rtv I•. I c ar O If •O•· ••8·8914 alter lpm. tncld• 111 utll. No pet1. 1100/mo. Step• to bey. 2 2 l>drm eroedmoor Condo' Cati Tom. IH·ll445 blkl to benh. 301 l.d· wl MCUrtty tetll 81109 et hOfM, It'• ... Y &•weter (Coronado at AQt, u waeo. With cl......., "42-M 71 ~:~01!1.J:rt>ln•on 6210 Ocean Front, 3Br lo-r dplx. lmmed occ;u· pancy 111 June 15 $750 mo. (2 13) 596-1709 eve THE uaoon LIFE" v't.A,.-ftOUNO FUM: .Soct11t A ctlvltle• Olrtctor•Free S unday Btunct'l•B9Q'9• Parttte•Ptua muc:h more QIUAT "I CIU ATI O H 1 Tennte•Frte L•ton• (pro & pro ahop )•2 He11th Clubt•S1un1• Hydtomtnege• Swlmmlna•Golt Orlvi"Q Ainga etAUT.,UL A,ARTMIHTI ! Slng tte. t A 2 8edroom1•rurnl1hed & Vnfurnlelled•No Pet1•Modet1 Open d1t1y t to e. ••k•••• ..... ......... """" ..... , .. * lrvtne • (•t 18t") (714) 646-1104 ............ , ... 1100 18th St. (Dowt at 18th) (71,4) 842·5113 king pool. spe & running $750/mo Cell 661-844 1 Beachlronl winter rMlal brook wlnt cond No or M·F, 9-5. 643-0212 Oct-May. 4409 Se1sh1>· pets. S550tmo 846-7452 re·2 Br. S700tmo 3 !1r or 841-2860 2 BA 2 Ba & den, lplc, 1 S800. Utits paid. Can be ocean view, encl gar wt r u r n 1 s h e d Flreplece. pool. dleh· opener. 714-493-1030 714/544·06'14 washer. pvt pallo X Lg Gerden 2 Br on Elslde $560 557·2841 Studio apt wlfull kit & bath, walk lo Marine $350/mo. 66 t ·365! 1 BR, new paint, cpts, S1ud10 1p1 S275 mo Re· drapes, d/w. no pets . S400tmo. 2265 Miner SI. lrlg. conv to •hopping. Be11chlron1 winter rental Ott-May 29,. OcHn• front 3 Br Newly remo. deled. Can be IUrfllstif<I Ullls p11ld 7141544·0614 851·2175 64 t·1391 ---------H • Selling anything with • 1111. 2111. Jiii. ·=~laftOa 31~ Dell)' Piiot Clastlfled Ad Newly decor Gts PO. -•cA .. O '' a tlmple miller , . ••••••••• ••••••••••••• ru•t call 61112·5678. tnol g1r, dWthr, pool, 2 bd rm, t ba, m1oute11----------''- bbq no pet•. 842·5073 from beach Cloee to ; Wcatfleld FAMILY ans BoutUul gerden t p1t. Pallos/dtcka. No pete. 2 chlldttn -lcoma 2 Bdrm 1V. Bllh• S&40 2 Bdrm 2 Bath• 1585 398 w. w 111on 63 t ·5583 Or 842·4906 8 eaut11u1· 2 Br 2 Bt townhouae. lrplc:, patio. tndr y rm , 0 00<1 toe $560tmo TSL Mgmt. 542·8221 042-1603 IAITllll 2 Or 1 Bt pool sldt 8pt, tndry rm, bll•lna. No pet • Call fol •PP~ 1436-1460. TSL Mgm1. e.42· 1803 2 IR 2 Ba etudto. 157&, Gf>I•. dflMI, .net oar. no Pll1• 8 7 6-880f e11n•u•1 Liiie MW. tot ' w. pttlo, lrpto, OW gar., 1 474.. 8101'1. wthp10, Pt liO, 1400. Poot ' •P•· NO P•"· :uao ~u 1•. S..t"l4'41 8,,.CIOUI 2 8r, I It. MW Crptl, d rtpH , 1ood I H t'llde IOo 147 I mo. I.et Mt+MOe' tn f 11th •••".OM 111nsp end 1hop1 $495. B••liiftl• 120.0&44, 720·4611 t J.eci 3141 ····················t:- Kennebunkport? Wasn't he the Ambassador from Australia under Teddy Roose velt? JfK) 'f/F'....:.., Ii you " not M t who 101 •h•ll l\tnntbllnkporl •H. don'I Itel b6d you 1• nol Alont l\tnntbun~port '' ont ol 14 d1\t1tltl••tly dllltr,nl Apartment lloOr plan\ 11 $u wmd v1tta1t 1n llun1111a1on Bf•~ SUIVl!ld , ,,, "f '' a mull ol IOl•ttY Ptl\Ona!lltd pro1eu10n•I v11nn1ne lht ~ind ol •ll•nl+on you dt~tf•t A Ptfltcl bltod ol n•ture ••14 lmnc noli.d 1n a fortil •1th t>.1bblt"R brooh ~nd qu1e1 pond\ coo""'11 by natu"l • ocon blttt" Add to lhal 11nni1 courU. \••mm1nt p00I\ a )OlJ 1nd a lOllvtnttnt IOC&hon nur ~na 1od tn\pfOym1nt and you •t &OI • !lltct 1nyont would PtOudlr uM hol!lf t(•en K'nnftlijn-portl) Ort• ifld 1wo o.ci1oom, ont •nd two b1th 1p11tmenu lrom SS40.00 sv.~~·~ 1~m Hvnt1ntton v~1~ lent Hlt"l111t1.on ht<11 CA • 1m 1 HUM! I rom lhf S.n Olt(Q frwway dl11't llOtth on 111«.ll Ill Mer IOdtn tlltll wtit on M+tfH*ft 10 Stt#lfttl y,._ ~ •! , . • "' " 'I ' ,, rt C' 18 Orang u~t~~!e~~~l fOf a. 30 day •d '" '"' IAIU PILIT UHIOI llaEOTllY 00 IT NOWI Atk fer laa"r• YO\lt 0911)' Piiot Service OtrtetO<y AeprHtntallve IU·Hll, HI. U2 ~! ... ~!{'!f •••••...•.• BOOKKEEPING SERV Loc;ol women wlll do bllkpg /of your bualnen or peraonal 54 t-8212 ~!!!.~~!~!.f!!!!".f! •.. Applied. 1e-appllecJ, QU'1 , lnau1ed, llc'd 4 14691 130-1900 free estimates ~fl.'!.~'!.'! ••.••••....• .\tl·AnllquH·J-elry APPf•lse & liquidate Mtchllel Hetn 953 07 I 7 ~/.~~!~ ............. . Oriv-•y•. Parking Loi Repairs, Seafcoat111g S&S ASphlt 631·4 1911LIC Oen Hallberg Gradtng & Pavl11g Co Res/coml l rc 397804 842· I 720 ~!!!!~~T! •.••.••••...• AUTO ACCIDENT? No recovery • No lee Atl'y Kollrulh 8'48-<1375 ~~~~~~'!!~r•••••••P••• Lo111ng home. agas 3 & up FIT $40/wk. + bet /aft tchl, CM · 556·31?22 ~!!l.!~1!!~1.. .. . . . . . .• ff !!!!'!I ..... Mah1r• IU,e111•1l blllyllt• CHAMP 016 te1 tor ui.y working mo r In• C11t11no In the t~·· only MOii ,,, ,,.. WO/Ill llldllton 846-08 lanl1 lo J y1 • $55 wkly 6<12 one !!!~~!!t!~I •.....•.•• NFFO HEl P? Anelyttny, f !!'!!~!/.~~'!~!!!!. •••• Come11t MHOl1•y·61ock Well• Cu11 work Lie: •3810bl Aob 547·2683 o•ganlttng. t>OOkkeo OHIHl•etlil Pallo work p1no banking btll9 Froe de11g11 Lo 11r1c .. &411 41)(>:, Xlnt rel a 497 ·73S4 IHi11111 Sttrlt11 CIJ/1' C111 ..........•••••.••.......•••••••.....•...... llllHC&LL <..ht1dct1•• wkdy1, c;red OP Bu1t11H1 0«101 ttacher Org•nl1t0 1<:11· Book•I 011ta/Word v•llo• c M 845 .. 867 Prix.euonu CtillCJ core by UJJ'd mo· 00 M111 on.1111 .;1111 thOr M·r . '" Folrvlew & $W tXllD llm11 S25h• Adllttl!, C M 9711·7386 17141 A45·S879 ff!l!.".!1~ •••••••••••• CUSTOM wood (Jallo CO· v11rs. docks & fences by RANDY 641·0622 r1n1s11 & rough carpenltv, cabinets, rm addlltons 646 7228 . Remod & Repo111 Free est Lo relef Decks, pa. too Sieve 752 9!i56 f !!!!.'. !!!!!!! ••.••••• Shampoo & steam cloan Color brign1ener6, wht crpts • 10 min bleach Hall. llvl don rms S 15, evg room S7 SO. couch S 10, chi S5 Guor elrm pet odor Crpl 1epa11 15 yrs exp Do work myself Reis 531.0101 NO S1eam1No ShamPoO Stain Spucoahsl Fast dry F1ee est 639· 1582 KURT'S KARPE T KARE Quality work Reis , Free est 494· 1429 Have something to sell? Claasllied eds do It -II c .. '""•" 0. .. ,.1 ···········'·········· ll.J. ll•ff••• I IH Lie 3066811 Remodel, Ado '"· Cabinets 646·85861845-4844 ADO'NSIREMOOELING Plans Llc'd George Pllmer & Sona 646· 7814 M&sorny corpantry, con· cre1e add'ne. tnllllll re- mod LIC d 846-0761 ST ANBUR INDUSTRIES Gen'I conlr Property tmprov 997-1811 (8·5) P!!!.~'!!~1. ••••••••••• CUST M IRROR WORK Shower & Wardrobe doors, wholesale 10 the publtc by "Low Sid lnstallallons · 641 -8888 RESIDENTIA L-INT OE SIGNER Furn arrenge- ment cdlo1 schemes 955·2066 or 752·0322 Trede your old atutt I<>< n ew good1t1 w ith • Clessttled ad 642·5878 !'!.'~!!!!~ .•••..•• , .... 9~!!.'.".!·A............ ~ .. ~41!'f~~ •••••••.••• • I~~~!!!!~~!!!, ....... . •KAHllNA'S I IVE IN Slrntnona O•rdUlllllQ JA(;K 01 All T'4AOrs Ju1111'• CIHnlng Servk.41 t11kp11, dally meld .. ,v, Cln u1,_, h1w11 c:.••• lull C•ll J8C:.k ai1111me. HoueH A.VII n.,,,,1, olllc• <.l•tHllnj). cupt 1.un111' & r1111d m11n1 SJ•y u• lllQhl 0111 3014 1 OllK.•• &40 1211/ Cltanlng 8Jtl 2 I 3 F IH HI 640 68°'4 r Vt.I 1lud•t1t 110011110 llAE:O Of HAGSlC5? llSKPrtS' MAIDS L111dtc•v111g M1111te1¥n wnCJwlte:•Ol*fl, c11pe111ry, Ouallly c1 .. n1110 lltlp 11 llVr·IN ltfU Y/WKLY r.t, l 1wn & g111d1111 Utt, vie<; Exp Hob 1113·"281 1111t1ll fl11la 060 1452 Vl11jo S•rvt<.H Agency c;l•an uJJ K1n JOtlH ?II VHS ()(P DUNHAM llc'd/bondttd 973.9000 536 1610 ,,.,.., HOM IMPAOVLM(Nl Oulllly •~ou1.c1 .. n1n11 !'!!!!~I./!!!.'!! •••... : AT ""' aellVIOI Pe11on11, quelllled drl VOii IOI your d8y 10 08y •rt•ndt Shopping, d1 1~p11, churc;h, •IC All I n'ed• mot Sy nour or d•)' 494-SlllH !'!T.'!!!! •••••••••••••• DRYWALL/ ACOUSTIC Aepatrt, sml lob epec 1 I vre exp Bud S52·9582 Wall 11xtu•H·Acoue11c 1 H11ng. Tepe·Steel eluds 1 Lie 3811944 1·g ·5549 f!!!!!~t.·! •••••••••••• El EC TAICIAN Pr1c1d 11uh1, tree 111 ate 011 l11rg11 or amall J b• Lie 398621 673·0359 E'LECTAICIAN Sm• jobstAepa1r1 Lie 233 108·C· 10 548-5203 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN NEEDS WORKI Lie 4 llJ968 642·802~ RESIDICOMM'L/INO 20 yrs Oo my own work Lie 27804 1 Al 646·8 126 ~!!!!.-.!"A ••••••• ·-··· TREii Topped/removed Cll!Bn up. lawn renov 751·3476 w/e JJt•.Ototl IOUC:h CM, IUIHlll W&ITll RomOd•llno O<lu Job• Irv NB Beth 850 0~33 MOwtng, e<lglng. •eking, 03l·353o anytime tlOUSECLEAN(A 1w11eJJr110 Frtt .. time llOME IMPlllVllllT Ooou 11111 NB & lrvtno , .. 845·'6737 nCPAIA • PlUM81NO prol 0 111dv1 541·070;! rlN!!STKINO Carponlry. tl.C, Ill• Froo OAROENINO CIHn up•. ••• Re•• 846 :11! I , 1m landttc:ttplni), monthly rn1101 Nell 842·1!79:1 H11'rtH4 llHll -....•••............... K&O lnndac.o(J<lf Mlllnt HARDWOOD FLOORS He1101Cc;mm CIHn UJJ B1111utllolly cleaned Litt hllullng !>48·2489 Md Wdl(ed 832·4881 MAINT & DCSION H .. li•• Ot>er Un Landtc•P• Serv ••••••A•••••••••••••• 06M HouMCleantng R11uonoble Cell Bente Balbo• ltleno 015.7493 B11cne1or • 1t1ec1ean1ng & Lounury Serv K111en, S40·2816/660·081}2 HOUSECLEANING 11on1111 & Dependoble Brt11d11 962-2890 Wrnton 11g1Mmen1 on DUMP JOBS mo 1n11n1 644 1246 & Smell Moving Jobs Exp11111a11 HOUS11keep1ng -Coll MIKE 646· 1391 Wo lurntsh vocuum & OARDEN WORLD --- -6 970 Full Service Oerd11ntng HAULINO·GAAOINO suppltea Kiity, 4 1 4 Zac Bernal 646·2922 demollllon, cl•a.n·up Houwc1ean1nv l88ve the Conc1ele & tree removal drudge 10 me & 11v11 11 OulCk "rv 842·7636 lltlfe Xlnl refs M11 ry Gardening, Landecoplng. y11d maintenance, clean upa, tree Him & removal Free esttmetllli lnaured 642·4889 PROFSERVICE 979·7697 Houllng • yrd cleen up M Ou1Ck & clenn FrH ttat .·.~!!~!( •... ••••• ••••. 673·0548 BRICKWORK Smull jObt Exper G11•d11ner & clean Newport. Coate MoSll. ups Trff 1t1mm1ng Free HAULING • student has 11vtne Reis 675·3175 est Pete 641· 1096 Igo t1uck Lowest rate Prompt Cell 758· 1878 1 Custom B11ck·Stone !f!.'!~1!'!~!' ••••••••• ••• Thank you, John Block·Concreto·Slucco C11pentry Muonry CLEAN-UPS. GARAGES, Reis Fiee esl 549·9492 Aoollng • Plumbing ANYTHING! CALL lllri•f - Drywall Stucco • Tiie RANDY 642·7647 •••••• ••••••••••••••• Remodel J B 646-_!990 Heullng & yd clean.up *A· 1 llVIH * Co1penl1y . Cilblneta Tree trimming. gerege Top qualtty Sp4IC1a1 care Plumb • Drain Cleaning clean·up Sob 850-9844 111 Mndllno 25 )Ill exp e1ec111ca1 Tile Competitive Retea Reis Don 966·0149 ramlly of 8 wlll haul awey No over11me 730· 1353 ·ABC MOVING Ou1c;k, Careful Service ~!!!'!r ••..•.......... 8 TAAVINO COllfO( 'HUOFNTS MOVINU C.0 Ltc f I :14 4l6 lntu•od ·641 8427 WATCll US GAOWI !~!!'!!~I ............. . ~ FUH PlllTIH by Althard Stnor Lie 2110644 13 yra OI happy 1oc;1c1 c;ua1omet1 Tt111nk you, 631 4'4 10 OUAl 11 Y WORK ntrnt •fl4lll none11 ~"'' Loe '111101 D•vo 964·1046 CUSTOM PAINTING lnt/tiiO Aea•dlC(ltf\111 rrw ett LIC 644 41911 15 ytl exp NBICOM I'm small my pr 1c"' •• • tmalll Ron 673-6477 IN I /EXT PAINTING ~ WALLPAPERING Cuatom work f1u11 11•1 R11111 Steve 547 4281 HARBOI-\ PAIN I ING Ou11tt1y work FrAt! es1 Call alt &pm, 873 5 166 CUSTOM P&llTIH 25 vru exp uc '40394 1 Bo11doel Ins Rel• Color llAPOtl 963·09 I I O•<.k HOLIDAY PAINT TIME• 23 yr S AllO odd fObt> & 1epa1111 Bruce 972 0 116 !~~'!!'~ ............ . Farthing 1111et101 De.ion HANGING/STRIPPING \llU·MC Scott 845·9325 Peperhonglng. 1111pp1no. painting 'l!lnl wo1k, lg 01 small 1ob1, 111uonable rates Reis F'ree est B11nd11n 968·7427 TH HEH IOHE Lown-tree·shrub Install T1ee 1r1mtremove1 Lawn Ma1n11Rototllling F•ee est1ma1e 548-6065 Oe11 conlrac;t'g, m91nt . plumb repatr, paint g , mobile homo service YOUf Old Junk, ltlmmlngs etc Fast e111c1e1n1 work 667·3939 Low ratH 552-0410 Jolly Ct1cko1e11 Pro! .. Clll!l411red Adi &42·5678 Jim 5'36·99571536·3684 Seti wllh EASEi It's 1 BREEZE CIUlllltd Ade 842·5878 !':~~!!~!~~~!~r ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING Service • 11 th0toughty clean house 540-085 7 Thtnktng of a new home for tprlng7 See lht many tlsllngs In IOdly'I C:llUI· Ii.cl columns 642-5e78 DOLLA DAY DOUGH SA YEAS for Mercha"dlae under 11,000. W11llpo(Je1tng & Slllppong Meny references Paul 857·0118 rt~~~~~.~!~! ...... . • •BHYANf'•* • W11ll1 Qv1t11'i) n•n•Ovel All 1ypo• ii•<! 134J r!~!!!V.~ .. ~~!~ ...... . C0'6 Pl ASTfRINO NOMI IJMIC.hH, tnl/u( Ho¥1UIM>I 84!Hl~58 PIA6Tfr~ PAICHINO Reatucco1 lnlle1!1 :10 yr1 N .. I P11ul 60 ?977 !!~~~!~1. ........... . Al 1 AS Pl UMBINO & H111111ng .Spt1Ctat1111111 HI •et>•"• 845 1668 H ELL 141-1121 Wo1111 /lllllter Spl!c:11111 2• hi JJl~ll\bllr VIC. ~!!!~!!!!~1 •••..••.... J 0 Horn Rl'lllntAhtng Anttqu111 k1I c1b1net1 111111 JJUHlllll\j 645·06&• RHli•t. . -~~~~: R~~.:h~~:,i ~;;;;. N-rucover·d~k• Lo<. •4 11802 549.9734 llOOF PllOIUI? IJont. rtllOOI 1ap1111 ,., lractton 01 1ne cost Call Lee 857 2890 ROOFING REPAIRS 'Smell 1obs o k tree ea11 mal11• Coll l om & Chuc.I\ 542 6392 ~!!!!!'! ••••....•.••••• M08tLE SERVICE Rescreen1/New screens NBICM only 642-9552 Sol•1 •••.••...•..•.....•... Solar Consu111no systems trouble s110011ng p6ols hot wit 'Pace neetong Natuml Q.as, deregul111on •s toere Opttmtze your systems etllc1encv Also new 1nstallat1on5 Lie 40554 .. 631·2430 ' ft!!~~!~!f •••••••••••• 8fRVICF & Af PAIR V Mil Oppent 6tH vtc;e C.e,1 838 4668 "'' ···••··•••••·•··•····· llLL INS I AlllO All 1(1110• Outcr1tnlteel Rola Johtt 1140 92 17 Kotch betht .. ",,.• cu11om & comm f !ft HI 640·2062 CU!>I QM CERAMI<.. rtL( WORK 1'1141 ell Chuck 675 S 100 tvoa ''" ''"'" ••.••.••..••.......... HPlllll Tiil ...... "I rM Wort! wl1h • Con· 1c1enct" Trimming & removal by Howero Doi· toll P O So• 34, Coete MeH, Ca 82827 Ph 642· IQ32 S LOW AA TES S True trtm/remov. cleen ups mowing 55•. io 17 '!.~~'.'!~~·····-······· MO$\ aufljeet~. K· 14 Ouyleve SS & ~tOlhr Mr Mo1gan 645·5176 ~!~~~~.~{~~~!~r ..... '' Ltit lhe Sunahjne In C.1111 Sunshine Window C1ea111no, Ltd 548-8853 20•1. Monthly Olsc:ount tnllext Aetid/comm'I Free 111 20% monthly discount 644-4798 CRAIG CLEANING CO Re111d1comm·1 ln11e-1 Screens, mirrors Ladde1 work O w ner oper 646·3089 More lamlllft are getting lhe cemplng "bug" thl1 year II you heve a cam · per thet'I not getting used, Mii It now with • Clusilled Ad Sell your no-longer needed Items lor cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or 3 3DAYS LINES . commercial ads. Call today for full details. . (Noft-t'etuncWtte. Eme llnM SUO) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 ~!~!~!.e.'!!!.11.'! •• !.1.!'!j ~!!.~.!. .. -.'!t ••.• !~'!! f!t!!r!!~! .......... 1J.eJ1 •• '!~!'.1.~ •••• ?.'.!'! Weddings Anywhere Any· LOST CA.T . creem Per· }•)1 W••I•' 1015 Beaut1c1an .. per w/ lime 2 mlnllttrl (2 l3) stan. 44.ale, REW A ROI •••••••••••••••••••••• cltonlelt ren1 space 01 431·8595 Rev Ernlt B8ys1de 01 ICdM area Young married man wlll commission Progrenrve Rtll Elflfl-\he Complete Orange Coast Market Place 759·8033 do general handy worlo. shop xlnt working cond llMHTIC HllEll · -C7at1 eves & wkends. Catt 642·3055 btwn 9·5, Xlnt local rela Prof. b•ogh1 happy energelie non·smkg lady wtll assist loll F tortoise shell cal 9 2·9625 Tue·F" w/spltt ear "Turtle' SA Hgts 548·2696 evs 1(1nd 1n1e11ogen1 p1ec11eol nu11e e1pe1 personal IELL ClPTlll A7'i .. :',H ~.'!..'!! ••••••••••• !.~ ~!.".~•.'!.!!.~~!!!.!.~!'} ~!!!/.'.~/!!.~.'~!!.~~~ !'!!!'!..~~!~! .... !!.~ l•';'''ijl 4500 •••• !.~!~.!••••••••••• Kil prov Chrt11tan Home. Share large Newport Hts S501mo, garage. 2864 IEWNaT •••• !~!~•••••••••••••• you II hskpg, governess, Loll RedheacJ Pa11ot It· errands, parly planning I vrne or oa Her 11age Pt IPrOpare1se1ve). cnaul· Pleaae coll Jtm 851·569:1 c 11 1 e 7 2 0 · 0 7 7 9 Sala1y DOE • SupervtSo 875·3704 1 y p o 11 t ton C 111 lllWNll l••d 3169 M straight. Nr Bch, Leg turn condo S600 incl LaSalle. Coale M esa l&Y VIEW $'7SO up 2160 11 lndU· ••••""··•••••••••••••• Sen $3:15 499·2286 ullltlles 6•6·9798 Call all 5 30, 957·274-0 0 11 •tt1al . Olloce 111101 Re· 2 bdrm. I ba. S550tmo. Rm tn 4 br. 2 be nou1e Ice suite on Newport ~ Yearly Steps 10 beach Roommate ... anted M l Dane Pl slngle storage. H11•b0< Appro• 1000 sq dondo C11cle •M & T 1116 W Balboa lttt wasnertelryer etc s1r&1ght, no·smk. $250 + aecured, atreet entrance. It 714-645·7100 Hunt 1 ngt on Beecn leu11ng. companion .IUlllE lli·llll Found Young Bu•muse Cel vie Ed1nge1 & Iris F V 77S·7128 Part lime secretarial posl· 835·4<1<19 JOBS TODAY. l•on wanted on Newpoil I 27~ 1N 8rlslol. S A Center (2·3 days wk) sm ... ee $225 + $20 dep C M •, uttl Dy• 6•2·5•46. alt 34087 Granada. $60 642-2834 213-865·2642 642-4 172 8pm 642·5620 873·3313, 493·0803 ' -• II' ' f3-F'asl accurate depen· 8 1t1ngual 1ns1ruc11onal L-.--lliiiillllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ------Rent MG 600 aq It .,.,, • 11•• -Found · 9·26 Gorman cJable xlnl background a1dea Vanous la"iluag&· 642-5327 s Tempa11ry. ·on call IOWFllllT 11 Looking for F to 1h1 3 b1 Olllt• •••Ill 4400 P1olflo l•l•1l Pl11a $240/mo 2944 Ren-•••••••••••••••••••••• Shon hat1ed polnle1. 3 bdr, 2 ba g11 greet 2 BLKS TO OCEA N. NB condo with MIF. •••••••••••••••••••••• IEWPlllT OEITEll dolph S t C M •5 male. vic Botso Chica & loc. Wlnttr Huntington Bch. 4 br S3001mo 675·9a..3 •HLIH IFFIOll• 675•5116 fQUND ADS Warner H 8 846-4252 home In quiet nelghb<>r· 00 .. "' hood near Hamtlton & 25 yr old malt p1ol seekl 1 ioom to 28 sq It We have avatleb1e Im· l••i•••/l•rfll/ Found v•c 01 18tn & S1nte ~e~~~olor . great loc Magnolre Master bdrm 2 fem roommetea 21·27 From $1 16 e sq It Adi medl8tely for 1ubleese fi••itf ARE fR[[ Ana Pomeranian male TIL .l.t ••"-llO" wtpvt b&lh tsnower). kll to shr 1 most beaultlul Alrporter Inn & Frwys 1wo auttea on the 6th •••••••••••••••••••••• 009 9t29 645·3767 •« • & lndry prov $300/mo 3Br twnhse 111 University Cell AM 833•3723 llOO• wllh panoramic;. l•li•lll !Found Springe1 Span M FEELING CRAMPED? incl utlls 964·0332 Pk Irv Pool & •P• $275 1617 Westcllll, NB 256 view ot ocean t>ack bey 0 · • SOOS CaU·. nr Talbert & Bushard Xlta large 1 Br steps 10 1.(S•a•n•d•r•ai ______ mo ea Days 759·2676, 10 4000 sq It 1st 1100< & golt cour.se ••• ~r.!!!~!!T........ F' v 862·7847 evs -~-,,a~n-6w~/5~'3P~•3_•,10. rec im eves 552·8310 Agent 541·5032 A ipacrous 3·room suite IUln l&Lll ·--•1•4•2···H-l•I--•: SCRAM-LETS ..,., N 8 391h St pvt bath, Snare ocean vtew BPI. •IELIH IFFICEI• lonoshe<I on Wtlltamst>Urg 7 s11toons bu1y Costa OCEANFRONT MIF non 'moker $250 Promontory P0<nt, 2 br, F'rom 1 room 10 3 rooms 11 yle • t 52 500 per MesalNewpart Sen area Large 3Br 2b•. S8751mo inc uttls 673· 1469 2 b a · 110 n s.m o k or F1om s 1 16 a aq 11 No month Lease term of A I I 1 P m c • f f Avail furn 673·4483 , Beautolul new townhouse 675•3605 lease 1equlred Adj Air· 12·24 months 71<1/857-0659 540.3773 , ml trom UCI Call LIVE IN PARADISE ON porter Inn 2172 Dupont 1 Br 1 bQI 10 Say & bch 7141553·8244 Balboa Pen1n Huge 4bCI Coll AM 833·3223 $435 mo y1ly 673-6210 Pref Mature working home All the lu•ury IC· Aorpo;t'8r11 • E;K° Suo- or eves 673·2<193 mete. 2 1oom and bath commodationa Penor1· tes From 225.450 sq 11 3 BR 2 Ba. oceanfront Utll Pd end furn mic view s35o mo Slpe1 sq It Manyxlras Also a 2 500 sq II suite !!'!!1 .• "!~~!!!. .. !.~~~ 11n1shed lo your specrll· S35,000 needed Sec by e;9t1ons Allowance ot 2nd TO on prime Irvine S t 6 p s I R e n t a t prop so.,.. toen to vetue $6252tmonth Leese 18%. no pornu Cell LOSt·Cule custlld & wnt Cocka1 type male doo. F'lutly" Laguna Sch Famlly pet R-•rd $200 (2131 701·5234 Alll Jor Manon $875 winter, $1150 yrly $250/mo wl SSO dep 675.9644 Call 557·7010 P rope il y House 494-3202 S3001mo 1emt·lu111 <I00·900PLUS l <IOOsq 11 - 842·3850 Backbay N B Pvt Am beaultlul area. non smo· PenthO\ise 811ytron1 Sut· Cell ll11t1•1•11 1'1a1I OLIYEllt 2 rr Stemeff Blue Point • Blue cotl8' An1wer110 NEKO 759·8959 RE;,WARO 1e1m 2·5 yeara 966-9058 or 760·6816 2 Br 2 Ba gar ss251mo $185/mo incl utol Yng ~~Br·s:N~!/,.67 days 6 10 73 _p 100 1r 3 k 1n9. pa1101 PROPERTY lhff1 5035 neutered whtto P11111n I Oa 631 3473 Fe NOn·amkr 646-5559 COARESPONDENlS •••••••••••••••••••••• with sm()lced grey merk· Ell, lat's ~·45-4J60 . -Female roommmto-;tOI. 81 760·0616, °' ... us Ill . I .II. l&ffilll ongs m1SSIQO In The 81ul· YCIS un IJ.O.'!f!,.'!!!!!!. •• !.'.!'! re IU'CU11ous 2 bdrm HSl IP&CE 011 840 Newpa11 Center Ori· MtftllP Ot.1IO. ts Reword 780·1100 1 br. 1 be. utt•s pd 111 blk SUUlll IOTEL home on the Lake tn Attractive rustle upslalr1 ve, Sulle 670 Spectelli lng In lst & 2no LOST blk/whlle CAT to beach S4SO Av111 · Woodbridge Security Hltfng We supply desk. lD's since 1949 milt, neutered Wood· now 640.5743 Wkly rentals now av111 ~ate Prrv beach and llC space. copier You sup-1·-~~~~~~~~I ANSWERS Clause Nudge Truly -Normal ALL DAV Drunk to bysllnder I've got a good reason to be Orunk 1on1gh1 I ve bHn d11nk1no ALL DAY . ,.,, ... ,, 535 ••••••••.........•.... Liii& I VIOll'S PHOT'O MODELS ESCOFlTSIDANCERO:: OUTCALL 24 HRS 111-0207 l!.'.11. .Vi~!'.'.~ .... !.'.DA &OCOUIT&IT Full charge 2 or 3 days I per week General lld· ger taxes payroll taxes also have contecta Small but g1ow1ng com pany wllh benel11S Send resume to· Herman Ty· pogr1phers 180 17 Sky park C11cle, Irvine Ce 92714 UYEllTISlll llLES Entry level position Musi be well gr~ People person Pref college grad C ell Judy 859·7000 AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR E.-per Apply 1tv1ne Clubnouse IPM-<1 30PM , Uk ldr Juslln 754.7500 UlllllC WOHOUT IHTHCTOH Prol ••Pf neede<I Ap· NWPT HGTS·28r. 28& ~~~~e! 1~,P ro~°.:.0'2Jf4 •tuelpt 'a'b0kevep111~911e1~1s lorA ~~Yd~~.! :::.:;1 ~o Full serv ottoce $300/up ~oEt>I B~:~~ B<I A~~{1~~ ~;;~13~4 Irv Aew1rd specious. avail 10· 1 N port 81 d c·· a H Branch office $80/mo 642-2171 545·06 It * * * ply 1n person 10·5 daily l"lntl.1 Parlor 111 Body eus•ne11s. 1111 Newport 8tvd Costa $700 mo 645.7400 ew 6,6~7445"" 1110 right person Su• 2000Sqttwi 5oo sq 11 Ana serv $50/mo -- -lost Gold M oney Clip 2 Sr. 2 Ba Condo. New· 551·3806 alo1age, O C Airport Newport Be11ch752-6408 W~~OL~.~~.S ~:~I~~ T~·~ ~~tM· ~a::g~.~I=~ ~:: POfl Creal. $900/mo B [ A C H A R [ A Went 10 sni you home 1 1 8 • S 2 O O O / m 0 11ealgn. art dr111t1ng space Credit Checle, No Penal-w••d 640..8060 Call 631.()460 Stable bright, ectrve F 1!51 ·8928 on ttgnt, 111ry Npt Sch Adv ty Dennison & Anoe ----$84 / k w/Toy Poodle Pre I SO LAGUNA 3 Areh Bey An Olltc:e Furn $165 673·7311 FOUND Female St Ser· YALY ocean view 2 BA 1 W beech or pool/tennll 2 Sullea avail Gd Hwy 548·7285 nerd & Femate Lab pup- Be. 2 car spaces $700 I A P 493.,.947 Vislbllltv 497•2351 ----ll.E ltHt &walla•I• PY H B 962·3503 m o 6 4 4 • 8 7 6 O o ' elrige1ato•·M11td· ool --, llEWPORT IHOll 646_3189 Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton M 20·30 to shr • br home llPEll l&lll&-ll_I_ 111 & 2nd TO• Up to G1ey Striped Femele'Cat ------Costa Mese 548-9755 nr beaCl'I. H 8 $200 mo IHIOAL lllTE 90% LTV Tall<><ed lo'" Lost 1n Cannery Village. VerulllH Specious & Prne Knot Molal on Coast + ullls Steve 96().8130 E114M: Sullu Incl rec;ept . PREM IER LOCATION y<>u1 needs Al.1>64·7875 N 8 F1t, 24th 673·3741, fight 2 Sr. 2ba. 3rd 1100< H wy NB Steps to 754-52 16 Hc'y serve. cont rm , Guden 8ulldtng or 581·1778 673·4568 639-9870, condo S 6 7 5 /mo kot . mill hen dig Re· 900 aq It Am&nlttes Bud Aewerd 84!-6149 Sandy 0 c 8 an wk I y r a I es ... , •• , '""'' sponslve 10 your bus I· us.2110 A ..... e, ... ,.; 645·044o Lu1.u•y condo. All)'. slrD ness needs Ad1 405 1111•••11/ F'Ound F Doberman PUP· Apl for tent ye·ally IEEI I PUCEI wtll share. $550 Fwy In F.V lndlv otca 2500 10 5000 sq it-£•ti IT•••' PY Chatn collar Nr H1r- s750tmo. Unlutn 2 Sr 2 d 11 7 5 2 • 9 4 4 2 . e v Molmo. from $325 CdM quiet & aerone •••••••••••••••••••••• bor & Wiison 979·3136 Ba. Wkdy1 ca.II 675-0124 Reasonable ""' Kol· 640·2434 963·6445. work etmoephere lnte· A I SJOO G a8'c fOf K•I• Wknds cell cnenettes ptiones. mlld C •••••et•t• I loll 81k & rey tlgtH 1111. Open 24 hrs a day Meaa 1 days a weel. Ans Serv Plant 011 N B Jacuu•. Sauna Locals PBX 1w11cnbrd oper es well e s Tourists only need apply 3.1 t Sank Amertcard, Ame11 &1i11t 641·5511 can E •Press. O!ne1s All welcome 7 141645-3433 21 12 Harl>or 81 CM Dancers lor Bachelor/ Sac:nelor et ti Pet lies 738·8538 or 558·8538 --C••I•• FHt11y Pllt111 Conversation with Serbo MC/Vise 24 hrs 638-0701 Apt M11nager Hand)'fT\en & wife tor Coate Me1a comple1t. ovl'• 40 apt tnCld 675·044 7 ATTENTION GUYS & GALS ~Hll. $4 34/ ht Apply Irvine Untlled S<lhool DI· sttic:t 294 1 Alton, INtne 556·4900 IOOHH1Ell/TIPIST Mon·Wed·Frt atternoon· s Must be able to do payroll CdM. 955·300• C&IE llotUTlll Eaper <>< trainee. pttome Laguna Beach 497-2610 CAllllER Fashion Island 111111 sto- re Posttton available for an executive cashier Expr es bank teller or head cashier E 0 E 64 .. ·50'10 CASHIER/HOUSEWARES Sates E•P d Prel'd Ap· ply al Crown Hardware 1034 Irvine NS 642-1133 CllAUFFEIR /Liii Up 10 S8/h1 Wiii 1relnl Exciting C111eer Opply Earn more IS you learn Pock you• nrs Greet tor Students JOIS I .I.A. 891·4818 lee Excerpts from ltst Put> Child Cere needed for 22 mo old Pref E Side CM area 646-7350 CUllllMI &1111 Substitute bl·llnguel classroom e•de• (Spen1sn1 needed by Huntington Beech City School 0t1111et $5 67/hr W111ten IHI 10 be given Oct 6 Apply 2045 1 Cra1met Lene '1 B 964-8888 873·3596 Ull IOt Jo service. z channel mo· Share newer S an Juan Coale Meae I 0t 2 1oom rest on °•11 Hwy a •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ &h0r1 hair lem ell & II F S75/ Fernteel. greet loc Ouet 1111 I• l11rilr...&1.H _ ... , 1-g hair mete Ste· Vlell SA••DPIPEA "0 condo, pool, l•c. gar, su •• rom mo •n .... ~· COEDS Would love to TRAVEL COOk •·· C11•••1'"' 311~ ~ "" . 77 acce11 to M10Arlhur • 760 0 0• me1e rat "1C UllC:8 & -,. • TEL 1967 N po t 81 d fem prel'd. $275 & Yr ulll Ullla tncld. 9 W 19th 8 F • .. v • •••••••••••••••••••••• . ew r v . S 85 8"28 lvd & wy Ross Pro· ------Hunt ln~ton S• . ._. B C•• 6'5 9137 240-8243 01 493·5936 I 1· " • n I Br. p"1 ~eek, Old world "" '" • perllea, 551·8130 960·761 dys, 988·6860 charm, epectecule1 u•••& IUOll Fem wented to ah~ Newpart Elite tulle 2 min 4001·8Blrch St NB 440 • • eves ()()tin vu. walk to bench 2bCI lba •Pl w/Hme on from Al1por1 hH lndlv 1-495 Contac1 Mgr e1 ep1 IOTOll Ill Pen1n S300 lncld ul ll• offices In • luxurloua sq 11 Sl OO per aq 11 F'ound Shelltt Mele C. 332 Encino Ln. Wkly rentelt Sj5 up 873·9129 Keren anllqut lllled bu1ln111 Agent 541•5032 Huntington Sch C811 ... "' •• T.I ••• E Co101 TV, free ~ollH. tnvl1onmen1 equipped ltlllt ltfiott • 842·8055 healed Pool • atopa LO MIF 19·30 lht 3bd 2ba with Tlv W p ent ·-· 0 s b h 8 ~. • '""•' Redhill. Colle MtH Su· Found Norwe?len Elk· In S.n Clemenl'"'I Near ocean Kitch'• evarl tepa 10 ••c (N l lrg c:onler~e rm 1011 of Nru. 2 Bdrm .:;,, w1tn 985 N Coaat Hwy, 341h St $275 675-3317 -~ · blet 1776 sq fl II 78c llOund, Sept I, Brtnt· ~" _. periling moimo °' leeH Atcept • work room, w ood P • r k C M bullHna. c:Mptllng. dte• Lagun8 S.ecn 494·5294 F rmmle IO shr Na apt from S375, dHk apace at0tege 675·3882 10·5 548·5996 party wlyou Cell Sue o• Kathy anytime (:1131 634 ·4 571 17t•) 527-7186 MllELlll PLIS ~5-3648 Warm & lnlefllgent wlm 36, evall for compa. ntonthlp for gorgeous ladl" Ken 497·S718 HI-pro h81 tmmed OP•· 11111gt for 20 sharp guy1 & g111s, '""' to Ir avel coast lo cout Single, 18 & over F1ee to si.n Im· med Will M demon11re ting n-producl 2 wJ<• pd !reining. avetage ear· ntngs $300 per wk & up. can 750·8955 or epply t219:1 Chapman Ave . Garden Grove :'r':~z,i::'!tyio~"2 R••la/1 I• li111 4300 38' :IB•. 1250 mo Do-!~~98~gv• In et1owence Deluu aunt In Waler Found Siiky Te"''' F, ~82~;~ 1~~1~r1:w':;,•:~ CNe,publ1Clennl1cou1ts •••••••••••••••••••••• dte 676•1295 front bldg 2012 IQ It H11bor Aldgt, N 8 , blond. 1201b,5'11" blue IAIYlfmll & gotl courM rlghl be· PlllMOllTOllY POl•T M!F to shr 2 br. l 'h be .WITIFIL $1 60/llQ tt (142·4844 8el>t 28. PM 't80·9575 eye•, work'" eptmen. or F't1·Tuee 8 mo • 1 yr• hind prol)trt)'. only ml· Lu• 2 b•. 2 b•. lrplc, •II apt, E/Slde C M Pool, llWPtlT OllTU motel m1neg•r & lovH Prator our home, C/Slelt nutH l o Stale Park & 11men11tu S342-+ 'It Jlc $257 50 Sob , l•fiatlll••llJ ff$ LOii M Sl1me1tcttt,blue C M S601wk 631·6426 ...... ecn cloH to every· utna Non-tmoker 646-40841972·1300. Wllh uae of rt ctpllon, •••••••••••••••••••••• eyt•. II•• collar, decll· to travel Wanta IO be 81nkl""' '"' 675 9534 conf room, kllc:h. ph~. Prime Wtat Coeat Hwy. wtd . ant to LeRoy comp11n1on. non amkr .. ., lhlngt S47&/moml h • F'em11lel8 to30to 1here etcret11111 •wordpro· NB loc:ellon N-1100 SENIOR Em.,aldBay.Leg 8c:h non drinker Hel Flll/TlllnLLll Avallabfe Octobtt l5 Room wlk•t pr1v $250 mo lge 3 br, 2 be hou" In c:eaalng Mill & mettagt aq II ev&ll C1n bt dlvl· 404·58e1, 6117-1336 548·8113 E11oellent oppottunlly for on. or two per90n• only Util incl lat & last New p o' 1 S 2 7 5 Hrv. avall MPlttltly II dl'ld 12000/mo Waler• I t11pe11enced peraon In •&111~1 ~2•_,,C,3el'!!owntfal 6 0 42·6811 540..()987 dealred Cell Judy, t ronl Home• Inc c ---------1'11•••• nllraollveHvlnga &loen. .. .... .... .. 7141700-0100 031 1400 ITIZENS '"~'"' S310 I ell t I , -Snr ....... ut lurn 3 br '>OL ....... Tl w·--11 . mmt II . op1n ng 0 . •nt.U I 3111 "" "" --•5 ~184 p D •••••••••••••••••••••• !era varied dut l ea !".~ •••• ~!.!!.......... bl. 2 ll)'73h,o~!'30· lrvln•, M•I• 25-35, etrelght. NWITIWI IJllU C•••ttdll er av AT "'" smlOE Orange Co•tt S•Yl"O•' 2 er. 1 e a. cetpel. drape•. 11c 08' ·vu non·1moktt, 10 ,.,,,. Architect to tlltre or di· lt•l•I• f41 lookinl for h~t'• ALL you P•~ Per10nlll. qu11m.a com· l.o•n , 100 Ad tme. g1rege. $438/mo 111 & )(Int 2 AR 2 ea •pt, CM, liltt new 2 Bdrm, 2 bl. vlde •t>•ett w/Hp. t n· ••••••••••••••• ••••••• ror • penlon driver• for your Cotti M&'* Cell Linda. ffft.pf111S100 54$-0118 iood11ea.GDt(JOll ,lndry San Juan C&platreno lranoe.o.11111·407-1426 Comm'I b11oh locallon, a Barein? 30 deyod day lo day t118nd1 754·11101 EOI! aft 5PM 290 1nc:1 utll f\tl 1lAM, conoo F'lrttplece. pool. btcutlvt aull"· lull .,., • tp11f 500 a.I . HOOtmo 111 In the Shop o 1 no. d oc Io r · 1 N1gn1 coo.., ConttnenleJ cooking E~P•• Prel'd, Cont11c:1 Rich or Marie. mornu1gs 497-4441 PARTNERS BISTRO L~a~ ClllllLHI People needtd to 1re1n .. CounHIOn 10 •Id othe11 In dl1tre11 0t .J.,11h problem• Tn11 new technique reaulta tn a well and happy PtrSQn All welcome 10 apply Contoct Dll'nttlea Ctnl· er 77 4 •O 12 1 betwten 9 30 AM and 10.30 PM Mon lhru Fri. Set 9 30 AM 4•30 PM OHITH •LP Pttrt time. Mon 1hrougn Fri. 11 -'M ro 2 PM Apply In peraon. 270 So 9fl11ol. Cotti M ... o.11 Cc>Ynter, 8AM·2PM Mon·''' SM 11erotd or Du111• •95 EHi 11th St O M •-i .. -.. 544.11902 1acuz:z1, onl'( mlnul• 10 vlet , nrHI"' reduc:.td. no 1011 1148·8844 look no tart then our l&llf 1pp11, church. tic All BAR -... .,_ btecn a Ot nt PQlnl Hl>f • '1 -, 180 ...., .. "'••Y .. :::=:--Olecounl Gulde for S•· IT nHd• mtt 8y hout or 811 htlP nMded In tht H _., •••••••••••••••••••••• fem, 1mma<: non emk•. 10 S290/mo P!U• •.t ullllllt• ltaM 75•-0274___ ...., " "' --ntor Clllrene DUbll.ntd Pll day '9•·&t61 To-• Retlaur&nl In the Lnsa HO' up wllh kitchen. tht 3 8R condo nr SCP Qemerd l'141 131·2040 2500 111 bulc olc wt S.. deity. •·5 S700/mo eepeotally for you MOh lllYltl I ---Suri and Stnd Hoitt. I. Wt htvt tmmedl ete ...-ty. Oceenlront Mo-Over 28, 11t1bl '250 Of •90·9759 stor~ ly o.c Airport. 173 1 Superior· C.M. MOOlll In lht Delly PllOI llalOTlllY ldHll f 8 Bartender. day thltt. opening• for Otlll1t1l let 115·1740 mo inct ulll 545·257!1 s 1 5 o o / m 0 • Tom , :e~~7;:44.311!e d • >' • CIH11fltd1. l•lltlltfl• 1001 EJtp prtl'd •nd Coc111111 drlvt1e Mutt be 2 1 IJllll llMI M/~ ""' n1e, 1180 mo + 11_1'1.'' ''f.I I-I .... , 851-1928 Thi n.111 St nlor Clllr.n1 00 If HOWi i ·••••••••••••••••••••• w•lltt111 wa11er. E11p ovtr wlln good driving . I If N -,, ...... ,,~ ,.,,,,,,,, Dltcounl Guida Wiii be , .... , ........ LEARN HOW THI! co-prel'd Apply lo Petrlci! reciorcl. alao •bit l o WOfk ..,. .. (,VI on tmOktl only •••• •••• ............ 1 ... ,.,, ''''" .. , pvblltlltd On WtdnU• ... &MOS W ORl<SI Acer•· 8eclt 49f .d 1' 1 ven1n1,• S utt I I I SH C M area 850 0907 Coste M ... garage $50 " y O Wk y ,.nlall up -F ----Salt. Hly •CUH 341 A\ty'1, CPA'• ' Prof •••••••••••••••••••••• d•y. OclObtr • Wiich OUf ally PllOt dllff 8~c• of ~Incl -.. l3 50·1 /hOllt + llD• Color TV, ltte colfte, t m . octe11v1ew condo, Cal>flllo 541•911111 Newpo r1 Center btc N.I 3175 Birch. IOOO IQ. lor Ill htYl<I• Olrtc1C)()' Clan In COllt MtH Art VOii pfmnntng t tne>ftr Apply dally afler 5-m, hMtfd pqol' et411>9 to CIPO 8ch, nr Frwya. p111 · 8ultH , fully ll•lled. 11. M IA tone Agtn l Iliff rtlet ~retenlttlvt Start• Thutt Oc:t 7·7PM o ..... n.cs ed• wlll point Hit tor Jttn or P•ul. OONrl l(l(Clf'l'I '"*'' 8 I 6 0 ... 2 p 0 0 I I . Slnglt Cir Olr 20111 81. handle '" your b\Jajnetl 541·5032. .. .. ....., Wt e 142·1111, .... HI Phone (213) 01·15'5 yOll In'"' rlgfll dlr9Cltlon M•·n·!Cfl Plue, 1111'1 a HIN Coeat Hwy, $280/mo Incl utll Coatt MHt Storage ~•. lndl~ll OfflcM. • .... 1111 wrltt.(.llljO e ox 11114 , to find l ht homt rou •l~u~•~lln~C~M~.~~~~~ 4mL...--...:::::=lelch::::c=-·;94::=··S~2t~4_L;~·=""=5·4·3t-----..====o4-"-'-'"'°-=&3==1-.ot2~-'...;:;;:=::J..M.o·/~M~0~'4--~-7~1~·9==:=;~~=Ci.tl===fted===A=d=•=t4·2=·=6t·7=':.L::::::=::~==========::.L:~~~~~~~.:.:J~Ooe--=l•~==u ... =='=Ce;;::::.•_2~•=2• l=~==== ... =2:·= .. ='=l======L--==== • . . \ Orange Coaac DAILY PILOT/Friday, Oo1ow 1, 1882 II !eJt..,M'll. •••• TJ.ff '111.!IM'll. •••• JJ.ff , .. 11..V/1~~¥. •••• TJ.ff f:fl!ll!. ..... ~ .. ~ ...... ~ .. '1!!r..~~~ ......... r1u.'Jr11 ........ ll.ff t111JJ111 ........ l/jf !l.~'l.'l!tlllJH-.ll!lf "':'"'~"" ,., t!.'! ............. 11!'! D II ,. .. .......... a.......... ..,. Jin• ,,, • ..,! ..... * *' BUY** SOllA l!T 'Pl1ypa11 • AOUA"IUM ••• ;'IA~7e ••• ~ •••••••• ~ lw o" Lneto ~ • vety •• • '.., ... , -.. -...... """' ., ... a,............. ···•l'U ..... ,......... 0111110••111• 11111r. t1 DOG~"=,.,., IU't'INO l:leMl:ll ll urd1, HOlnH •P•Clel ,., ... ~~ :~~Ir~ ~=-o'moe ~c:p~~. {AllllllM) ~ 1 •;,~:t ~~~!. if.11~:!: Oooct uMd 'utnltu1a & COtftfOfl °:!., "n°:ol; :1 ~~t:-::'t111, l.tOO "::::. :':1o.ti~·:O.,'(:"' AK OJ2upplu HOii ... tiW9id0tDlena •N uno HDetlence Weloo· f al fNtlre1Q11tco MMlll• _,,._ .... 1.c~•• ttoo ,.,.. _. A~Ol\ I !Will NII tc lna_ ••00 1 0~0 MlellOOotlO .141-lMf ....... 139 6 11•1 mn II c... me "N"i-,l.HI 11,,,., .. ,.. mollv•led HI•• O-OPI• OCT 1 lored Tl/ 1140 ao'7:r oi tll.L IOf You 140-Nel •11 J 117& 1361 • WAN TED DOLL tfOUU "'•l'Ch l.OO tll>bll w/ ry negot 140·41199 1!1111 to de velop new 1 001• I IAM • IPM Wilkman 1 100 Hwll~ l&ITlll ANTiii --lc>n\ l.1rga woodtll one for P8'>9'• bll&l"""1M "6oe u fl.ICT .. ICIANIS •. Gvetr bullM .. I• a po. OGI 2. 3, 0.4 3•pd w/Chlld ... , 1100 ....... ... IHI COCKTAii. TAll..l8. IWO. Wa•dQtwOod Cfllna, llua mlnlahHH IA4·•20 I cage 144 .... 7oeo aw Over .... and U 8 Many Hur~ , .. "1.i ou1tomar 8tarl 1t 1-1a110-111 f111nhegh1mo 3702 Park ln 673.410t • Chrom• bat• w10111e htll 1111tern. Ptrftct .,_.. -IN\• a¥allabl9. For Info 1600/mo + comm Po· Ohf111mu & l!a1tar I llY ••lf'flll top 39" • H " M•k• 00 0nd .. 1 .. •orlllce. lllOO M••''•n-Pe~ p .... 1,,,, 11 llHfl I a-.. , BM • ,~ ... '"""' 1.VN OI buly beck Oft~ K .... , ,,.... tle1ant 1et11ng1 N•w 24 1...... "' ....... -· ... • ••••••••• ':'3••··1'--•l 1317) .. ,., bt.,.,. -'1T 167·3242. A1k lor ta.,tlel ••rnlng1 ot ~• nit. clot'1, crochet #111•••"H l ft • ... • ~· 1300 Ill I IN --1>8• tOO OuldrenNn Otgan Netlo l!L•cT•ONIC A 8,.1.. J 1 , h than 1.30,000t yr Cell 11am1 e 11qut dtoora •••••••••••••••••••••• UnlQ"• artlit'• 0, llC:hl· .. .,h !~,. .... ~~ ctt• •~ Wom111'1 "o• 'ur Coet, 121 .. 14..,..6211 modal K, wnll ••tetlOf "" " " 0 ,... 01n m.t M·f 10 ·4, 808·13 21 Ilona. orn1mc111te. llO· A I' 1111 • ..... .....,. ""• ""'" Gfcfect GOndllloft llOO, _.. .,.,.. l~ ..... 1 ............... , ......... _ 8 1.EA 1 yr HP•r In -0,,"'10•1o•N"D•L X208 .,. Toi• pallltln p •••• ,, t-1'• (Jffl. o· '""" ""' ·o 1••7 IM I I ._ ........ -v ·--eleetronl" HMMbly. In· .. .. c "'"" • w . g, or •••• ,................. ... . -··· u,,,H '"' .. . .... -,.., ,, ltyle Ml·l1H " lnttrtltlng poeltton for Cl•laln Cloll1. much more Illa Orawara & 11!elvt1, n 1 I I'"'• ------Ohld aolOerlng, oolor 1 1 11 11 330 22nd SI, Coat• MH• Wl!STMIN8TllR lt211 848-ltlt •••••••••••••••••••••• OALIJ PML TAil.i •1l11••t• -MOlllNO MUST 8AC. 8'1 Cod. • •"llem1tlo ra1 an a er ' nt• I Q•nl •P· l&Lll •Boey HorM 801rdlnQ, ~ l>lk to 7'2'' '•6" 1 ltOOI ••••••••••¥••••••••••• 8 0 Pl t di O·~-: ..__II CM pllcanl MacOregor ,, O $pon1o rad by Tiie "' " 8Hutllul <1eoor1tor'1 pine Oe1ut Back B•y riding .... at •ldw1n rand eno. "Cl vvv .,.....,.in,, Yaollt Corp , l63t Pia· r-U Lt8t1f!R 81iEKS Dr• PIU1t1 811op, Co11a ANflOU MAI.I. & bran blker'e r•ck, 1ralle kj• t~ntecl efen• A1.C:8M lnc:I. Ml.()&&V YAMAHA 811t Amr yr old 676·9&10 Ml/la ., .. Cell 7t4154Q.Jl293 ,_11•. 0 ..... 11 ..... n1m1c S •le1pe11on w/ ••eia 1 t75t w"1m1n11~ •v• •-1 100 .. 2 38 ' -H--.. with• d""•b'-I ·· -'"NOi e•" .. IT'" e ...... .,.. .... hvy phone ' c1011no ... -.. orig HOO .... 11tor 1325 .,. John Wll'{M TarvMI C~b .... ..... ... I K1w11 •. or•nd pl1no. ~co .. ···~u"N"°1c•~s .. , ... ,........ fJil)f S35K pot•nll•I Sal AITttHI. ,,,.. GAADl!N ORO\lf 640.ot04 u &. #'~-fm( ~· J'amlly Mem11H11hlp PV ~., Clblnet AH walnut tredlllOtlel 1 yr ....... .. '.,.,,~ T-" l~iiiiii6:64:-:8:t0=3=;~! "••''.• ....... • • •• ••••'•• ••• sooo Incl tr1n..., lee' '1"1 •ooo•cellant condluon new M500 c..n or ... over .... end u 8. Many Will lie._. div.M dutlfl, & comm • b • 11 • "' • 3 tamlly g111gt Hit 3!2 Slnote m11tl b0• IP'g• X· J, Jobt Avlllabla "°' Into including credit OP•••· 835-llefn w11nut, Sat/Sun 9.3 • ---iono Good cond 126 COME l"OWS!I One ol 1 081nl &4t·41'34! Kaltly lal.0111 1..,. eume flnenclnQ PYI pty. ~3 I 2) I 88. 4 3 41 ht ttonl , bkl(H, !!f'ld .direct Sale-.-.1.l'.Tat1 ··~I * ••llWllLY• 1&t· 138_3 ..,. kind objtett, .\19fY!hlno Wlleon ~.II()() , 856 -64 20 ---- d a1 .,.,. g o e 1. M•k• otter IUY ._ • ...--0 0 Pl -310 Hllnq1 w h the l>UbllC IETllllT Liv rm lurli. nawty uphol all'l' .. 11 f'll Colonlat Dr•H•r. Mirror. 841·154g __ , G .. ntlque ren •no F Eaper, not nae .. wlll train 10 "", .. Cheat, Nita Steno & 19ec1 Pin• eolor crib, allll oo<1 t>.Olnn.t1 Burled w11nut c11e wt ult Chaf,a Boolo.keepar, Full range ol company LOOkl"O lot ••"• lnc:o-'°''·Obi bad, t . cop· At1tlque1 & Collactlbte1 '1r1ma, 1800, obO 681ulllul wnt 2 pc MCllO· cones I 126, 81rol•• ci.rtnet, 1125 tnltld breu. $3600 Growing OC P A/AO btnelltl t vlll Contact me7 fry Part•Tlm• Sii•• ptftone rehlg. lroet ltM , 142•7286 nal. 1400. 8rlll tri ck llroller •tr• Hit, Ilka 646-3!»74 '645--078' ~-can Jeen Braun Mr McDe rmott. at •I th• PENNYSAVER. 2 Frt nch Prov CllHI/ FLE· M·RKET 11Qh11 L d .. , ltl ------l0t appt.1Mt-367g, u 4.t3IO 1660 Placentia Ave, dHk w/3 d1w11. lllOf· n " OE81<SFOA SALll ~t' 'II ec:t "P o n-$35 Wleke<hMIP4I' 01/ATION aolld body fk/Uf. fffl .... c f 1~d "lehal plct New•''--... ··~"h•ndlM oarpe no Con tmpO••· lt5, ALSO woven WOOi t le ctrlc etarao xulter ••••••••••••••••••••• llllW. lfflOE •• "Yltl'I •rwlLlll osta Me•• A•k or Mra • " • urea. ..,.... ..... ~.. D••k• and mat"hlng b etOOI 176 15"" .ui • .. ry ar • • "" area rug 115 4 )( 8 $250. 714/673-92 t Pr 82 "'-amte VDt7 flt. White plont1, plant8•1, 81C IMI, tot, JJ t •Jt• chalrl 11 18Ctlllee pric. 55g 11300 ~7" " t,,101 --WlrO "11k vacuum Lo• Al11m1101 Rte• 'f'rack It l!ltSO Aap11c1mt nt J1w1/rr . 1110 -· --OLD GIBSON CLASSIC P•ll• Xi.NT condition $4/hr anO up. No Eaper nee. Lloht tiling, milling. C1t1 8~5-4449. JOBS TOOAV. 2707 N 8rl•tol. S A. arnaff IM. Sales llPPLEMllT Much more 2129 Elden Info 996· 12341995·7799. coat 12300. Al10 orig, ••••••-'••••••••••••••• CB $40 KIJIQ St wttar GUIT AA, original. 1660 wllh b inding I I l70, Or t nga Co •d agency Ava . Apl 2 0 M p•ln1lng1 CALL OAWN IMAAOUIS·CUTOPAL•P· btd w/rag mattre 11 (213)9434 426 963•8063 6"k• hlrd workltlQ. or· Ylll llCIME 645-3387 g M F 433.-8600 pro• 15mm • 8mm aact I d t I 250' I i "--.8 •~ f.anlred. a1t1cul1te pro-w ork PIT, 9 am • ., pm -AM OAK Chine Cabinet ·be>m • · • 1350 ~2 6632 .,, .. time me "oh rHeld o p Cuetom PA avtt~ol •11 •I, -• -- 1 I t I A " ••OIJING s •LE H Trlplt "'~ glan. Llon'e ;--II e1~1rto ho1pltll .. _d .. • ' Ouc t-a·bed, qn, ' ' . ol"io••• •••••••••••••• General Olllce. typing, llQht bkkg, Mature, ow- ly tor Hpandecl poeltlOn. Submit reauma 10: 1011 Brlo10 Drive. Sta 111. C M 92!27 C:~~~te 0 7~·~::n .~: ~1~~.'hc~rcLu~a'tionAn~•.~·~ h old Item." AppHa~~!:~ pe wa l ;g, I 1500 "wtalde rall•~llu ;;w 2 1 141< gold Chain & beige & 1>111 MO Mite ~\0~~~[~tr~ttaci, Poof Table 4.• 11', IOlld 1" I I 0 H "~ II tlbl • bO k 3•9 ••0.5••3 I*"" ........... n•.,.,...t, nearly 2 ou~·· 54&-3614 I I. t e w I I cc . I . P no requ re eevy In 1elophona 11let Earn co ec 8 · S 0 1· " "" .... ____ .,.,., __ '" .. ._.. p'""pv .. -.50 •3 ,,_ ... 278•~ hornt & P<>Wef amp w/ $550/cuh 5-411-8276. phont c:,on tac t wt 1 h on '1ourly wage+ comm. Co_!IO Mell t C M. ORIENTAL FUAN Olvan, 1 . 110,.1 dH lgn. -" • Electric Pottara WhHI. cvr. Ilka nu S tO OO, - etrong follow-up akllla Training provided. For MCI/ING SALE . laal day. Hutch w/glau doon. 185 Kini oond. 291 E. #Hil•ffff •011 uud onc e , Ilk• new 498-4814 Solid OM 12 gun ceblnet Clll Atexla d 11 ta I I a C a I I ( 7 t 4 ) 111 goe•t Stereo equip ov I c II t bl • 2 o s c ... •••••••••'•••••••=-•••• S350 982·9381 wlglaaa. good •h•p•. 56&--0460,9.30-t·oo • .. • 0 .. I ... rn 23t0 t M . ..,..8-2183 DAILL PRESS I t•" 'Trumpet, Yama'18, St90 M ull ••II . $2 00 GEN. OFFICE. lull·tlme, bookk .. plng. llllng, Ute typing, hvy phone1. $5.50 10 •tan. Cartlllad Appliance 842--0240 540-030 I CIOlhfl, odds ·n..enda. • n d "b... A II w I Fir mdl, 5 •""'. ,...,;: W ' Lido Gre4111 houM. 12X 15', OOOd condition 848 2987 PllT-TIIE IELP' ULEI 101101 goodies Aeu Fri carving a o l people & .... oanu TUI cnucil 545-"°4 $7500 orig, 1500. You I 6'4·55U • _____ _ 9.5 71141/letorla dragon'• S tOOO Iii move1mmed e?~H • Gol l Ct uba (LJ $4-$8/hr No Exp Noc Salesperson lor repute· --t !28 33 t3 I 011 t f II f I 'Co If " ' 165 All hrl av•ll Ort lor llU· ble anllque shop with Sewing Machine (helvy . . --$ 8 0 0 5 5 3 • 0 I 7 5 , #/1t1Jl .. H•I 1010 Ari Student' I Ba rgalnl f I f •t• •r . n d...C. ,. b-O dentl. aome knowtectoe ot 1nll· duty, gaar driven) $100, l/1Ctorlan(7) chairs. 7 1199r 64 t--0 154 ;:.:.:..::.:.:.:.•::;•:;;.:;; Pr£1 quat LOCkerble Mdl 1 :.~!!f~!~! .... I.~!. obo Call 673•8840 •tll 11 a q u 11 5 p 8 rt t 1 m 8 Rocker S20. Tl/ etand 011<. t w/arma, r-ork· Early Amar Hutch TC>f> 4 ...,,,,_ ... -K: potter'• kick wh .. I. Ottaka chair• booklhell & GOLF CLUBS· Ladle1 • • ••• 6•2·7945. $5. chair• $25 ea, van e d , h·I oh ba c k• bottom cabinet & 4 0 ,8. 8 to 20' iono. 38c per It Perfect It SO ('/\ coat couch, 110 io $500. Wilson wl blut bag. & 8:::~.~ trom 1111 Pu':8 IEClnllY ;;g'!a.h~;~~~~au's~~I S750lobo 1·628·33 13 we•• 00 con_d . s3oo. 775.1491 •nytlme :9~ ~734 9 1 . 2 9 8 8 , I 540.9922 ,cv'...! 165, 673·8840 GOllEANMENT JD8S Many poaltlon1 available In U.S. & Over-. ·For OlrtC1ory (3 12) 888·"347 Ell E·91 S t• ti S llS ,,. • Engll&ll l/ICtorlan Armorie 850·tt60 SURPLUS-JEEPS Carl· • "-ek $"". 6 ch-l lrl 1-7., GOLF CLUBS. Pro Clubt ,a•y TI• S6-S7 lhr Full beneltts cow .. 1 un .,... a •• __.. ..... f U ..,... uv " -2033 A bll C M w/mlrror. rallnllhtd, oata ... a .. 7 ..,,..,. Of n· Door knob bag1 Hold 0 _,.,. condition w/b~, Pl'l Hunter. Sa· Pan Time. Ideal for per. son with school children Ort hr•. Good for atu· epu c d 150 00 F I I C II """ D 6 6 9550 completely lined 1250 "''• brown pla lO 1011 Of • or no a 1dverll1lng, 11mple1. 55g ...0300 c r It c 1 1 50 I o b o d.nta Call 635·4449 4 · "" (312"'31 , ...... , E I 223" ...., 846--0190 hld•·•·bed $75. Maple ,. • '"' • • below coat. 7H-t903 ----673-8840 JOBS TOOAV, 2707 N. Combined Sala SAT 111 Olnl~ Mt, 4 chaira $75 I • ., _.1 DOES IT ALL ~-----...--•all lmllT No Expr nee Appro11 • . 1 llm I 3pm. 8askln· Motivated atyll11 needed Robbtn1 Ice Cream Sto- 10 join progreaalw .. ion. re. N. B. 675·9191 ·s atary. comm. & vac. 1----------Mgr, ~9. Perm1nent part time Bllatot, S. A •mall fte 9am 2468 Fairway Or Altl•H lltn/lelt 1 L YI -L..w Upright piano 1350, Gui-I/ending mllch cold soft Surtboard. 7', a<ljuaiable Smal white ch ldl Chatt $2~ S " I ., ' aka;.. Plaallc Fanlaet''. SECAETAAYM/FV eciOr" 8 SP Sorority Today thru Oct. 3, frH of orewera 120. Men'• 10 Send eorn.one you love ta r "· now c,.a n1 drinker candy. chlpa, lg " "' Memorlta 2 & 3 word SAT/SUN. 228 Fairway 1dm111ton. Huntington al)dFrM SplrltblkeSSO obeeutllulbouquat of 30 735·14 CA78·14 never lunch ltema S695 $75/obo.673-8840 processing. shorthand Place Orange Mesa Or C1111te< Mall 4-05 Fwy 4 2 t w I n b oo k c •' e hi ellum b•~~ Paorfect used 847-8258 631·5199 11111, l11IH1,.I, ca1hlar, counter & Ill• req'd Work wlt'1out crosast Nlagra Masa.,... Beach Blvd HB hetdbo81dltoot 115 ea '<lf •II OC('.a....,..e reat THERMOS. 53 OT COO· ~Coolerl!Wlr"' Ole t ""' 1 -..-Dou b 1 • b t o s 3 1 <Ac 0 r • 1 1 n g 10••1 LEA u·..,.. ~ *"" .,. l•r IHI ~~;,• ~~11u~~P,';,~~~~d~~1 ~.~;· ~~~ :~;~~J: Cup~:~!",:!~ pine 842-8954 t992 ~ Maylf 973•44 t9 c:tt'87~o ~:,r~e ~;,''a·h~~Pho;J R~·,~·.i;;;·;.i~~~ .. oi:;; UllWAll l&lll food prep person for Full Time. Exp'O Pret'd, t>usy t1mlly owned sand· Crown Hardwire, 3107 wleh &llOC> near So. Cit wllh proven skills/many ware, mite drop 1881 table 1280. 4 Place. C !IA near OM\/ ITIEL WHI 11101 -= WHl llltl 498-2966. 497-6073 ShOwcasa wl~ e tt :;:11 e~g·~ra ~~~-''C1~;: MUU~ APT Garage Sale pine chalr1 1200, br1u Dining rm tbl, wrought $50 54g.9i 47 $50 9~·2704 Gorgeous solid walnut ~~Y~~~·~::'.PG~·~~~: E. Cont Hwy. COM. Pitta. 0 to 2 Mon thru Hotell Fri. Phone 641·8209 f0t TIE Ul.llA UY OLft ,_IPP_, _____ _ Im med lately No agen-Sat & Sunday 9·4pm. I amp re P ro $ 2 0 Iron bu•. dk oak l0tml-Otter ·anlmel clipper. pro· Carpeting, high quallly Exec deak. ralae 1yplng S t 2 5 . 4 9 7 2 9 6 6 • cles please 752.7491 2020 Fullerton. C.M 559-8300 ca top. 6 brwn naugh le11lon1 I mod•I. xlnt shag. green 1 white 14 thell $240 546·0 t35 497-6073 IHsHH"91/Perter P8t'IOnMI Couch. 1ove1ta1, collae A.ti~•• At•efft barrel c hra 1 250 cond S99. 675-7794 yd 954.27g4 Ron Dick. 843 w t5lh -------•11:c I bl I h ... , F h 0 I 962·7026 c M Sal rv, ~,;., General cla1nlng, En- glla'1 1nO Spanish ne- ceaury P. M. Shll 1. P laaH call lor·en •P· polntment. 9-5 pm. M·F. 6"6·5000 Eat 521 DH•TIYE -llnUY ll.E. ' •. c 01 es, goo .. 81 renc ••on. venter ctTI II OlU 911 t2 Area Aug. Ott g..an 1 IOl1 H1"•1' SlllH 1-• Secrelarlal po1lt1on In galore! Fri-Sat-Sun 9•4 ltnllh w1th_(tll!ror I 165 4 Pc living rm Ml, t wk Mtmberahlp UM of all Approa t 1K 12 p.,. yet· •II •••••~'"•••••••••••,r.~ a1011n1a active NewpOfl Center I .2.29-S.•e.•.k.• .• CiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• ()(bat olr 497·6085 old Coat S600 Sell lacllltles $100/Ftrm. low, $35 .. "48-8808 RAeeir .. F.OFt•sAL·E·~~ BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA eo. fC)( Eng & T~h, Mktg & Realtor's ollloe Front II Maple Floorlng, Oak 1250. (2 13) 1·863-7858 751·3696 King size bed l50. Land· French L()f). '!\ Checke· 101 Tl/ 2 yr wrnty. 1148 ~1111P AcctBg : F."'a"& olllce position requires MCI/ING SALE · All mu11 Chairs, Acoordlan. P•· Saker'• Rack. Brau trim· ace,_. P~• l""hll 15 _r_eo_o_i_a_n_i._s_1_0_6_4_5_._64_ae_, Free delivery. Open Sun. Ill roe, n g, ns good telepnone voice. go! Call Morris Ohair. parb1ck1, Lampe, Col· ELECTRIC I "v .,. Tl/ John's 646-1788 - . olher areas Complete ryplng. S H & appearan· M1as1on oak desk. Deco tect1ble1 6732 Oatehlll, med 78 high. 46 wide ;:9.~~~~ lbl. IOCll•ll la..t LM •• ,. Comp eterao 1y1tam. 8 ,, lllSRPl·LIYl·ll Full charge tor NB wa- terfn. hrn. & Fam must 1pk Eng .. own u r, rat ~~In~~ P~~."~1 M~; ce Real estate upe· ~.~!; ,:~~n~ 2b~;a~r~' HB 536-3362 Set SIAM 5250· 544_..,._5_'_6___ SHllS $25 ea. 647-2473 -pc, t20 watt• of pwr, • Pat Ehrnart. BUSINESS rlence helpful but no1 A /' IOJI Earthtona aot1. xlnl eonO. from 189 up to 50'/e off Attention Oecorator1 Cottle pupa, Al<C, 4 moa: 5850,0b0 497~72 & PA 0 FESS 1 0 AL e11en11a1 Prefer local Solal>ed. antique a1ove & I//. ll•t ll mu • t 1 • • I 1 2 5 . Wiii brltlQ .. mplaa eeautltul turn of century ---------. AGE N c 'I'. ~:~'':.:,~'. D~~; interview ~~·~~~b.d ~.aJ.!::~o Mcn1c~ • •HARBOR •AREA•••• 544.45 t6 714-861·5 1~ ~j~=~~~ "ova 1 150 ~:. ~~i.;4~., pupa. 8 10111 I #uiH •• llllOHPEI BelCh, (7 WtsltJ I . TIJltr Ot. limMliO•RlliE•I 9•7•9-•60-27___ APPLIANCE SERVICE 8ufltt/Rm Divider, 3 dr, 3 UWI YAMI S200 PARROT . TA~ ~•{l•••I .· Reallo11 644.-4910 WTi 1811 recon~;.l't:n dwr, l7x42•70L. S 125· or bst ofr 548-2489 Antique mahogany cabl· -Umbrella Cockatoo -;:.,,·,1 ••••••••••H••1•1• ·~ $5/hr. Aoom & Bo1ro lant garage sale. 1944 •PP anG&t. • Wiii del 557·-0927 net with orig. ACA radio 1525 6fl2.7637 .,.., &42-5001 Ca ll 835-4449 JOBS C I llY APPLIA ES BARGAIN! 7' sole. recliner PMl TAILE &. rtcO<O player·S75: ba· •••••••••••••••••••••• TODAY, 2707 N. 8'11tol, TEACH OTHERS 6-9 hrs ~eoera~ Ave. osta Mesa C ( · lhroom "marble type" SCHIPPERKEE trom Bel· INFLATABLE ...U..11efA1-S. A. amall I" (Exterior) ttrong back· week Earn $600-$900 al & un Les 1157-6133 cnair all • t 4pm, $250 540.9922 alnk tn 1 door & 2 dr•-r glan • mo1. rale. xlnt tek 9 5· w/sall kit seoo ground with experleflc•. mo. no sell Ing nee S55 Darrell. 9·2 Sat only, w asner-Otyer·Refng 5411"5666 Avocado Obi oven. OH cabinet plu1 matc:hltlQ 2 _watch dog 760-_8387 _ Susan M·F, 752·7179 HOUSEKEEPER required, desire to o~I· 850-1991 Loll ol Mt1cellaneou1 Otshwaaher-Freezar Wrought Iron tbl & 4 cnr1. range. xlnt cond $199 Ooor wall c 1blnat & Llve-ln. for lathef & 6 yr 1in PCO/PCA Licenses ----Items l( .,.6 58 8 w/40 .. round glasa top A d F '"Id 1 Ilk "marble , ......... wlll IMtl. AKC SPRINGER SPANIEL SEl/VLOR boat 2 peraon boy. rm & t>Oard +·sa.la· Good benefits with gro· Telephone Sales · Int cono. .,... • 4 voca 0 r.,. 1 ra, • ,,.... Male. 6 mos n..01 10-lnllatable boat. navar U. ._ MOIEY StOO 840·8485 new . Glau 1helve1, all l<>r only 1100; Jampe-..... 73 8 .... ry.Nonarnkr.Mu1t drlve. wino eompanylocated ln lltw 2078 Pomona. CM. Sat Refrigerator. Frigidaire 1 2 75 Ouil . Triple redglnall'low.tdoora. v l ng h ome It SO_ opene<l ..,...6 ·....., !75-3793, 523-4920 lrvln• Plea 11 c a II WlllllH P/T 9·5 South of Hamilton x 1 n t con d $ 3 o O BABY CAIB & MATTRESS Frencil dreater wimlrror, like new, only 160 tor 492-8992 av11. lt•ll, #ii•l••••tt Interior gardener. PIT. 783-4751 $400 . 1900 wtcly Call ~ots 0' goodies 55l·8190 $50 908·7952 1200 840-1593 botn. new CM floot m•t• s11~it1 HZI mult have •XP wortllng Printing (7 t4) 536-7596 Ask IOI Padded ba1 w/back mlr· Freezer. Ilka n-chest 14t-S20, ,_ 14 l!'ICtl ltghl IHava you raid todty'1 •••••••••••••••••••••• wllnterlor pl1ntac•pe1. Sook past~p PIT Mon, R H Dunlevy · ror. movie proj . movie 1ype $250 Antiqve Olk l)drm. circ1 1NOUSTA1 AL R 1 OE R alloy rtma (BMW'I) Ml of Clanlfl•d Adi? II not. M111ne Electrician 549· 1442 2 pm to 1pprox 6:30 pm Jl• R•ttl£ came-a. typewriter. Pho· 549-9 147 1900. dbl bed. 3 drawer SWEEPER. nr new. only 4·$20, two n-contl· you're mlutno the bell Oeslgnltnstaff/A.pair • Ill .. '.. . .fuea, 10.:30-..&o.....,pro• . ~"' ~•tt an1. rnach..Jotl ---drHser w/mlrrr~iht 25 hrs on clock COit s9. nental ttMI betted radial bargains In townl Olly WO<ll. 549-2520 Ev 5:30 pm. No Ex per. Nee. ltLICtftlll more 2824 Cbrilo Place MICRO WAl/E-01/EN L~ -.tamf S_.500 6 50 9 ~~..,.,-.,,~ c I 5 · ~ 0 0 ..111e-.1U l70""8-l'"4.1QO..,l--------.=--------< • ..... p '"'"" s 1 9 5 new S250 Firm Call •---------.,.,...,.,..., 642--0138 If-11'1 HI 11.:.•11'1 Hr:I Par1on 10 Oo Ironing your nome. Cati atter S PM & wkndl. 548-2872 or 557-6689 "P'>•7· ennysaver. luvv Work Evening• In New· at ony • 8•1•3153 Antique white Italian•-----------• -'1 Placentia Ave c M B .. ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• · port each Lasl wtek VARO SALE · Couchee. , --Prov. 5 pc BR NI (Kg Seti 1018 llamt -~rnr+ctullllad Ada 842-.11171 ,/TI •• I.I.. our IC>P-P9fl0tl l>UI In 24 dr .. asers. lampa. Tll's , 12 Upright freezer $100 l>dbd) $27~ 548-2380 hours and brought home stereo equip much Rune like new 546-3375 -SuPPlamar1t your Income $395 Catt 833·3740 aller more Sot 8 .:) 3 106 --Brau 111mmed B1kar'1 "UITH SS/hr. Couplea welcome. Wiii Train. Call 835-4449. JOBS TODAY, 2707 N Brlltol, S. A. amall tee by doing lnt8fesllng te· 1 PM Warran Ln CM (off Ba· Maytag Bronze wuhar Aack 82" high 40" lephona 11181 work on -and dryer $275, Good w Id e ' $ 2 5 0 . 'c a 11 behalf 01 national com-TELEPHONE SOLICITOR· ker 4 Fairvlewl working cond 760-6310 552•36!7 pani.. $41hr guar + lu· 5 · Sal only for making PVT PTV 6,000~ Whlllpool WH'1er ,--;;,;-SOFA. Earthtones crellve bonue 1ncent111e new appls. 64 l·0383 Collection ot Unique & o o o d . $ 6 5 . d y • Xlnt cond. mull - --,---.-,-,,-.-_.-_ .. -,-.-,-... --• program• 3 snitts to llHlmEI Anllqve turn & doc:ora-1 675·6170, ev 964-3375 $!25, call 552.3667 --. _. choose from S•les e .c-tor nems Ron Dick 843 Part tl~lull time. per. pr et but will train 0 C Magazine publlahet w 1 5 t h S 1 c M Maytag Gu Dryer. evo- ... , ..... try the right '*'°" For Int· •operator '°' com-54 8-0135 (9 ·5· Sat s ca do grn, $85, d ya BABY C RIB, llkt new, Simmons white with ca· noe>y s t25. 5"0·61117 ' -----.,..,,_, call 'Ms Kruk It pugr1phlc Ed11wr1ter only) 675-11170. tv 964-3375 __.,... Must have production, ------ 3400 Via Opor-10 S·2 S45-5776 pas1e-up skills Call (714) fo••llia V•Jl1r Admiral Obie Or Frig/ While Form ica Otnetle N • w pot t 8 •a ch Publllnar aeel(a dynamic 497-1727 for lntarv1-••••••••••••••"••••••• Freezer No delroet. wilh 4 yellow chrs $150, 673-5158 stltl per1on w/heavy Huge gar aalel 111105 LI· $150 8'1-1549 780·83t0 •-• -• • phone & ctoalng a 11p W&ITEl /WllTIEIS V'lngstone Fri. Sal. Sun 8 L d Ke a .. ~ & -----.. ,_. ~ • 5 PM a Y nmore w s...... Teak Bai, opena to 5 It 135t< potential. Drew a $40-190 average per oclock to -~---elec"'Oryer. xlnl cond, S•OO Handmade Only axper naed apply. comm bane I I t 1 nlte Xlnt dinner h~M. B••li••lo• IHti $300 675-5759 Call 760-83 IO On-Mne experience. At>-835-9&92 Sever8' poaioona •vall. ••••••..,.•••••••••••••• ------ply bet. 1-3. The Olu• G 1 o 1 CC S Ralrogerator w/1cam1ker, Beat Cafe. 107 2 tit Pll· ~tlontll rea PP y Clolllfl. book I , klS. s 125 Oak Captain's ciletr New finish $50. Ct ll 780-8310 ce . Newport Suc h . 4'~ days. 1900 mo. Type 'Ill I.I.A. boots. poles. misc 964·2794 675-3333 45 wor01 Mortgage 891..,.818 lte 10062 Thueus Or HS legll Secretary bll\klno flfm Telephone Exce(pta trom 1111 Pub. (oll 8rookhursl a1 lndle· M r 1 F e n n 1 8 napot1a1 Sa1/Sun 9-4 &ls DRYER Rattan Furniture. 4 chrs & 2 tablea I 150 Exper'd, needed lor Leg Bch Atty, Pt Plalntllf, 7t4-649-0117 lor eppt V WlllEMllE V Moving Sale, 3 Family, $4·16/hr 10 atart Wiii 6922 Ce nla Cr , NB , $75 964-2794 C1t1 760-8310 A•tli,. IOIS SEO King u . Sear·a o-: cr1m1na1. eompet11i,,. ... llllmllltT lary. 1714) 4g7.1799 $I IOO/mo. l/arloua Ou· Lltttl w•1 ""· LOii of people Mature peraon, recent eontlCt. Call 835-4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 N Hparlenca preterrad. B 1 lot S A 811 f Full/time, nlgflll, perme-'1 · · "" M nent position. Apply In Aec41pttonltt pereon 11ter 3c>m 2937 "Pertonl Frlday". Light E Cout Hwy, CdM. type. ftle. mu11 ha'te car. LIO UOA CLE RK / ~.l n l O ~,PIY f or bondable malure 811• go-getter I 700/mo per.-Cell ' · start. 640-2950, 9 -5. 963-5115 1_M_·_F. ______ _ LIU lfflllll Aggra11tva Newport Beach nrm Nella motl- vatll<I lndMdual1. Terrl- torle1 open. Mu11 llava · A.E. Lie:. H1rbor-PIClllC 95S-0073 Loan Offlc« , ............ , ....... ...,.., Rntaurent Meyarhol'• • Primary SuPPtter ol good 1000 to 1he lrvtne Corporata Communlly neeoa an antlluale111<:. rnponllble employee for counter 11le1. food prep, and dellverle1. M·F. 8 -3:00 pm. Good Orllltng rec:Otd neceeeery tor dellvenat C all MI F 1ltar 1 pm 557·!232. l.ooklng for 4.g 11per. prol•1•1ona11. We aoe· •---.-1-IT-11-0-11--- Clallu In nevi program&, 1 ••. OMP/AAM. GEM. tit Now acc:ec>tlng IPPJ>ef· tralnt )Cini Opply E11n Sat/Sun 9·5PM up to 16/hr Rapid Id· ------- vancement Call Now Im•• EOE •••f•••••••••••••••••• • GARAGE SALE Fri 10·1, J II I.I.A. Sal 10·2. Iota ol g00d1 .. 1 1191-48 18 lte 9-.4pm 6 Cornwallls Irv Exc:e<pls lrorn 1111 Pub ,--I L ..... ,,~. Wiil IPEllATtl ••'••••••••••••••••••• 8r~erage llrm hta Im· Gar1ge Hie Tnurl lhru med open for uper wire Sun Furniture. Klno•lz• operator, hrs 6·2·30. 38• bdrm aet. girl's bdrm . 1ary commensurate w/ painllnge, clOlhes. mlac txper For •PPI call He· Pott•d plant1 & treea I e n M ~ G I n I 'e y , 494-2522 or 494-2960 714-6"4·2292 ., .... ,, ""' .... PltCEUOI-•••• , •• MoviNai ....... IBM system 81430 or · LOTS OF GOOOtESI 61•50 operllor nHded F11 & Set g.5, 319 Colton w/knOW1edge of Illa 11111-St .. Newpo rt Beac h p lication to eerve es 642-4197 me1kellng aec;·y for pre-1---1-1-01-11-,--- llde<lt of reat ntate firm In Newport BelCtl Con-20392 Bayview S1nta ni. or Sanor g15~3 Ana Height• lbetwaen •••••• ••••• ••••••••••• Pedte 111 1053 Cotla, ,,..., New & used bdrm H tl, yrs old Sold new 1650, dining rm, llvtng rm fur · eompl w/atandard ' nlture. appll81'1C••· PLUS NOW 1200 918-3013 LOTS MOAE SAYE SAYE SAYE White lllnl'eo looM cuanton We honor 8 olA, MC, 7' toll. 5-4µ573 l/ISA. Cashier's Check• 1---------- & Casn NO PERSONAL CHECKS PLEASEI food available Item• 1ubjec1 10 p1a1a1e MASTEi$ AtmH 2075'"1 Newpor1 Blvd CM 433-9625 ~6~16t6 ~!~!!! ..•.•••.. I~~ Girl'& Schwinn Pink Pl•le wlllower aeat Like new H U.0 .D.L E. Sunk B«t• w/matt,..._ Xlnt 1175. 5411-4171 Bdrm Corner g•oup 2 twn bed•. corner table & lamp 8 ol1teratcovert at10 2 Maple bookc ... bUnk bed• 673-34118 OELUXE Kl~G-SIZE WATERBED & MOAE HSHLO ODS 752·9227 160, 833·3222 '(of I C K E R 3 c h r I w I -cul/Ilona. matehlno col· Boy's Schwinn Scrambler. lee tbl, glen top 176 811Ck • gOOd cone! 150, 6'12 7 9 cell 833·3222 __ ·2_• _____ _ I Mesa and Brlllot) Furn. Glrl'1 2•·· a~"w1nn or-C.1•1.• S•lfl cloth ... houaehold, mite wlchlld ce";';'i;., Gd ~: Oe1lgn1r 10 1a & ctub cilalfs, brown IMtherat· te, l4501ob0. 497-1372 •••• ••••••••••• ••••• • Fri Sat Sun Ocl 1 2 3 14~. 833-3222 c., ... ,,, .,, . . . . . ·--"------- LIQUIDATING INVENTORY OF TWO WELL-KNOWN Jewelry & Stores Gift Fine Jewelry Rare Tiff any Clock Set Fine Porcelains Including Hummels. Sevres and rare Lladro Statue never before sold in the U.S. ALSO Fine Crystal and Silver sets Gold Chains and Coins Etc. SAT., OCT. 2 -8:30 P.M. INSPECTION 7-8:30 P.M. DISNEYLAND HOTEL EMBASSf EAST ROOM ••••••••••• • • ••• ••• ••• 9-5 l•Jl'/•f Seti thlnQI 1811 wtth Dally Salasman ·a aampla 1, Sm chrome dining tbl w/ .. 11111111 lllS PllOt W1n1 Ad.. U.:==-------==----="""=--a!J tOOI• & equip • plue mite gllH IOC>, 4 c:t)ra & cott" ,., ~ & 2nd TD'a. i on Apply In pereon Cell John Cuaack btwn 3·5pm. 333 Blyal· 914-9090 08 Or. N8 AESIOENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE AET AIL SALES hpar Video Hlee IX''· eon. w •• comm & be· nalll1. Clll Valarie '42-t .... Greenhou1e window, tbl. SIOO 3 b11 11oo11. •••••••••••••••••••••• Jlftl 1171 1Jwtl"' llf. J""/ 1110 CB . fuggagt. Witch••. s 15 .. 20 yt'I Pt•yboy a •w lle/n. . ..... 7............... . ....• , ..................... '1. ........... ~ 1pa8ker1 MUCH MORE. PenlhOUH m1g11lnu Redwood 2•8 decking, ___ ..... __ _ IUllllD 1111• 11300/mo. F\Alt e.n.tltt. Cati 136-4449 JOl8 TOOAY, 2707 N. 8'111ol. 8. A emlll ... Oct 2·3. 16 t4 Santlnet• I 100 all, Old Holiday 4-20' long; lllO red\lwOOd la. 8· 1 rn11oarttlfl $ 10 111 1500 fanclno. Cell Jim or l(en Mulll-tamlly, moving wilt 011 generato r anyllma, 775·1491. ...... •a1 llfl Ma,ny llama Sat·Sun 8-2 l l5AC, $200. Fii/i pole 6 REDWOOD DECKING ""' ~ PM 519 ,,, N1retuu1 Senltor RMI 150 Scuba 2 4' 33 2X6 4.u 14-Nnw Wiii Tr1in. Call ----------1 tank. 2 weight ball• & x '· c, 11 • .,. per 83M4't. JOBS TODAY, IWll l&ll regulator 176. AntlQut s .... 11 995.0122 2707 H Brlltol, S. A. Everythtno goee. Sit Del hlgh·boy wl~ mlr• •--------- M1nagamant & 8.,_ llTlal... 2. 9 A,.., 824 Merigold. ror & carv1ng1 1 1.1.000. C1••1l1n a11 Coron1 Oel M1r On Mir\' Bunk· Bed • 100 •• ••'"••••••••••••T~ .. TUii/ .. 111111 ... ,...... -:0---------1 Antlqut mirror 116 T1 • .nna 1...,-n &ecut .... ~ Eun up 10 l t500 par GARAGE SALE Fri-Sun 81kare Raek 150. 1.g S22t. &4&.2:Y'l4 ting tor !ng 1 Taotl, mo. Perl llmt. Mu1t be Corner Marigold, S••· copper ehlpa tibia tamp 1----------Mllto I ..._., ,,_.0 1 mature. e&t-to43. L .. ._. view, CdM. After 10em 1 100 l.g mllk can I 15 IJ!I.• 11.!f Flrwl, 011b Proo, 81ii.. Meeieoe _plN_,. ________ 1 SurlboarO 140 Antique •• ••••••••••••• •••• 1ne a o1Nr.,..., Com. IM.UOrderdeakfOfwet Specl0\11 4 bd, 3 DI In and 11:11 1 70. Ao11gno1 llUT na•ll ptete "llnlnlJ:ovtc1911· IUlt mfr. Acoufate 1yplng Spyglaa1 All 1manlt1H , 1kll1 U 6. ,_w 4 •lllno "" 0pptr fOf .., • rttne, & fd. phone m1nner 1 l 1t750, mo 759·1010 b1njo 11&0. limo euper te-entry, & ot"9r1 ,,... """'· .,.,, 111 11 S'llO. I projte1or 1211. Mendo· 2 mot. o4d. 1300 kine ClrMt Otllnt•· Cell IOf lnttYW, ... 2·Jtl2 Furn. wlcl.ar IOI•. ptctU• fin 120. 9elM10wtll elide CALL •Oll2H·l1&e ~ Orp ... '"'· "'-"· , ... tOOlt. mlec. 2721 5tll cul:lt projector 110. ·~~~sen~~J~OM~,~C~A~~~I Cell ..... Of ,.. ltwtwt, Aw CdM, Sat18un t2·8. Mu c H M 0 A e. I u 1 1: I 8U11N1M & "'OR8· C..t• .... Ktnge l'loed. Newport 0 I " M A H 8 H l p / ltONAL AGINOY, ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• 8eecfl Cell l!tnla Mtnfley l amoyad ~. 7wt11, NW111 .-rM 1_M_s._1_1_to _____ t n1efe. t ftm HOM. MAHUUH • Oood Ull&hd .... .n Lido G•r•g• 811•·•·1 ooe-eooe. worlltlftl t ont11. QoOcl fOf ... I Tedi, "=!\: E\lery 8un<11y, 81rn-3pm. IAM·3PM, 231 VI• Ot• i.,.-.---..;.... r.----_,-,·I .,., -.11 ,_;-y,11 ...... ~'.J •-, Oran~• coui C061efe~ lrlMo, N.a F\lfft, ,..... dn.lt.it!.. • ...r-~ Har~ C.... 11.... DIM '9roc. -.. IM &. l'a lrv •• I Ar1t11= .,.,._., & lftllO, """ e mo. otd ' Mele· ("1~ ... I• ot119f .,..._ c:om.tete Coet1 .,.-... Adm I ...... goec1 T~ ,..,......., ~ ''" to Our•,.. , .... , arage H I• a e1. 1012 rnu,. '" •· """"'· 41 ...... 111111. Mr _,, ... 1Mt. cal AlileNetlonal ltlfo from t to IM "67.,.... ,_._,...,, __ .,,_. _..__., ___ , ,_ Ow J = .. I .... Jiik.....,. 1U1M18 &M-511() Otl\ed1, llfU"9 ~ I' t H 1 yf eltl I. U , Fine Jewelry AUCTION Ill l.iPd•tlnc Inventory of Jtw*1 and Gift Store OVER 1/z MILLION DOLLARS lmpOrtant l)'9Cet lnctud« SOK Diamond & Platlnum Ring -Brac:•l•t & Pendant Set 19K Dark Blue Gent's Star Sapphire Ring with 6K Diamond•· 7K Emerald Ring with Diamond -4~K Emerald Alng wtth Diamond Watches. Penoant11 Pine. Gold Chain•. & Some Cof,,. AllO Fine Cfy9t-' end Poroet•l11 DISIEUM>.HOm. -E.nMllJ East ... SAt ... Jl~T. 2nd -1:30 P.M. IHlll"9CTION 1 ... M -I :• ... M IANM>AY otflo• • ,,.,.,, & ,., O I' Ii 11 o HAL l~~~~~~~~~ll~A:Vvoon~.:-Giooii;ot1;t;ioicio~oi:11l.•.~M~•ii't Hu o' k 11 1 n •" ••r• d • ....,.,. 04iftter. I Mf A41UfCY t Newport l'lnd •hel you went In g .. r, httlld, let. 10•3. 1llot1. 2 "·IO•·U ti; ...,_ ...... MCMI01 ....,., C7141 HS .. 19, Delly '9tl04 ci.11l'llecl9. U22 tu.Ma l.n,~.l=""'=="4==·= .. =,.===:.1.__;_~ ., QUEEN OF THE SHOW 61' "--Ofl'MI'• Wltfl "" OtlclOe. --.,,., 9-.Y on -LCM!ly lo -et. S.. INt,..... M .... m The Wetw 9oel 9-'9 ""OUClll 10.3 Lklo Vfiegt -IN IEd "lc hardeon H•tt•r•• of C•llfoml• Udo vui.o-: 175-1'711 Boat picture ads provide < I 21· Erlcton Futty equipped crulM, 6 Miii . UHF, comp .... covw•. Pert.cl condition 1 16,600 123.-4667 Set your course for flat Hies with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday. the O•lly Piiot wlll offer you ad apace tha1 no1 only desc:rlbH your. bo•1, but plcturn It 11 w.11. The prtc. 11 guaran1Md 10 buoy your 1plrl11 -'"5 If we take the pto1ure. and only s.o It you pro'lkM the pletur• for a 2 COiumn 3" ed. __ For"""* <Ntallt about hOW Deity Piiot boet pleture 9dt , CM work tor you and to .......~ed.Clff 141-M?I 8nd -fof ..., Lee. ( Orange Co•• DAILY PILOT/Friday, Octob4t1 1, 1982 .., • .,u. ...,.,. .. / . •.. ~fllf!~''··•t~~f ... ~ ...... .I}. l~ANONf w n i!-'lru\lde r& ltond• >tl ~r,o. uiotie 4 h/p ou111011C1. n•~•1 1110 n1n• 01111 mut1 Nill uteCI HJ&. OcwQ Turin tl>OO 641J IOtt Wfk U:h •43•. •·0 4IHO llulll•OO Alllno lOO .,,.,. 11"' bike, 11101> Call evH, 8ml bo11, trlr l6 oap 041! 471& )(Int con:.11'~~1 'll HZIWI 210 RM AIGOhOI •IOYe. 0•1• tuel flftet. wood blk1, port•, l lC 642·8602 IHtt '''"' IHO ·····'················ Claulc 18' l•P•tr•k• Century bey boet, 4 c:yt, Orey 13500 676-01111 "iii118ToOlASPAA I Ill hip Mere, Cl•Plll llridtr. cenvH. IOtdtCI, traller 13600, 84tl· 1378 Vt1y c;l1an & IHI 1426 Oan 80 11861607·8181 ,,,,,, ..... , l•lr, . ~~'!V.~!!!~f! ••.•• ~~~ Aent 28' motor 11ome, alpt 8. lully loeded 846 81118 1Pau11 ........... 2 t fl OOO<I conou1nn 5515 0461 AV & Bo1tl Sto111g11. $ t 11or ll Cell JOO 69 Chrlecrtll, ou1a11n. tl46·tl130 ding cond , 22', wldO<lk, S I I nd ceth, 11'\ual Nit 13500 A•N eir ce, "'' oeo. e13.3411 1 I Att11111l11 1400 ~~~~~~~~-..................... . ;:: PAINT & 1111 tx>Qy work, ••ta"''' n W/115 HP Mete WOO<len cnlr conaole, many xlflt $6500 firm 875·11475 28' Twin DleHI Sklplack, l~dlld 557.4759• -------25' Apollo 235 OMC cabin cruiser w/twln ll\le trlr, • 13,500. 1131-8756. Boat & Outalde Mooring, Newport Baech S 10,000 • 973-0659 SABOT 8 It with 3 hi p motor No aalllng gear 1210, 963-5272 1Ht1 S.11 IOIO ·····'················ 16' Hobie Cit, yellow wt teq. 1unrlae sails Like n-S2500 875·616 I up to-60% olf yov1 bOdy ahop e11 Biii 064·0331 AUIO Body & Polnllno Usually I day Reas tna jobs wetoome 95().4 I I I Porsche perts. 1981 SC front struts compl w/ dlaca & brka Convert early c&1 10 better brk a & ride More parts S500 631-4765 A"'" ,., s.1. .....•..•.•........... IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS Tho price of Items lld· ve111seo by vehlcte de•· lers In the vehiele c1aast· hed adve111s1ng columns d oes nol Inc lude eny epplieable taxn. license. 11en1ler tees. finance charges, leea tor a11 pol· Columblt 28 MuSI sell 4 cyl eno St 1,900 552·5133 • tuilon control device lltt W/Trlr tnct cover . all other equip. $650 675-8475 e.eulltul Swedish stoop, 30 sq me1er, 44'x7 ', $ 19,500 (2 13) 665-5211 or (714) 552-370 I Columbl• 22, very clean with new Honda OIB. )<tras, slip avail $4 700 OBO Call 966-1276 Sebot 10 It selllng comp wloara, oar tocks New pelnt $375. 645·6079 27 ' ERICKSON W I outbo11d Good condl· Uon. S14,750 774-5807 26' ERICKSON SLOOP NB allp avail. $9800 875-3922 S.il ... 111 HIS •••••.•.•............. CUSTOM SAILBOARD E.1111 .. Ull, brand nw cond. $975 846-7200. 875-5115 ..,,,, '"'' D.tk• 1010 ·~···················· Slips eval! CO M 91ea, 1 9 111 . !!ell C arrie 714·955·2•73 Wkdys 8-5 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE Newpon S.ach 25', 26', 30', 35', 40'. & 45' Cell S-0-4844 from g.~. Mon-Fri. MARCUS CHANNEL. aide II• to 28 It, S 150, also side up to 18 ft $100. 673-4145 cerlillcatlons or dealer documentary prepare· lion charges untaaa otherwise specified by the advertiser A.111;,.,,; Cl•uit• 1520 ...................... MOHL "A"sl Shay reptic.s. pickups & coupes 4 to choose lroml 1006768) (Slk A3093). Pr1t:es starting at OILY St,Hll THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MISA 647·0010 '48 Ford Deluxe Club Cpe RARE FINO! Orto running geat. restored In 77 Looks and runs gr111 $5000 ObO 957-0607 '53 Sludebakor Champion S pass cpe Nice car $3750 213/592·1792 -:s6MUST ANG CONV "Ground Up Restora· llon" 6 cyl Champagne tntr Embergt o ealr 714/666-2215 '56 CHEVY 4 OR Ra;ts or S400 tor ell • f.628-3313 ----------'61 Cad Conv Like N-. lnl ovt Stored ainoe '77 Must Seel $5000 obo. 957--0607 '69 Dal sun Ro1d1ter, $2600. Goocl·cOnd 1tr..~~ .......... 1.'M ,~~'-91.~ ...... ~.w.tni.!'!r.!.1.'!. ...... ~'9'!11.~ .......... '!11.!~r.!!!I. ...... ~.-.'!.•.!~m!~ ....... ~ ... '!11.9/tl. ......... . l ·11 :!':~: ~1.4!. ••..•••••.• f.~! ¥t.r11 .............•• l.~ff ~1.~'''-~. !~Jt •.• 1.~~1 rntt~! •••.•••... 1!.!f T!r..~'. •••••.••.• ll~f ~!!£ ............ !!.!f V•r~••n I ........... ,' .. w .... ""' eo HO lXIOL tvtoo. 10 ~110 .. •1111 c.ond 11'16 1114 AltHM '"'"°· ,. Crntld .. all QpllOOe MUil 8 ll tt2 (AOl..e • " "12I v • 18 uoo mllM 1\111 IA• .. _,. 1 1 co d L ... ~. a1 / atlllf'la 10200 100 ""'· •ill 1a I., f uro nu1111111111riu eono JI IX4 PO<I p111;lu1ge, •A Rlltl~ed 10 •unrool. gi.t' co~dill. a1~ver 11 a...,_ ue f)11f• (:JO .. ., itiOO pHn tlHiJ & lllt lfOlllt, 000 mu .. TM> n42 ' 11u_ ..... 0111v >OOO m1ht1, S3111 nitw 113,400 ono &b30MlO orfl>2·t7113 u ,.1,, log11gn111.o00<1 c;ondln tf.D1JO Ownet C all 0 .. II 8 2 1 I fl v e. ,.,,,J, I out •11600 0 80 T,tl••1• 1111 040·•82~ 011 L MA>UIY TOYOl A l b 7•1106• "•u• '78 ?110 Z. ona l>nl. 4 'f)d1 ••••••••••••••••• •••• 031·47QO. •u fi ••••••••••••••• I I 1. lllO 1112021111ch DlviJ " • It.IC , Am7 r m Ceu 1110 TllllPM 8 '• 1111111111111 SCh 962 011:10 &u41 1000 Tiirt.t tioc>1t•r. U11, touvrH, '10 10 01111,1 •••••••••••••••••••••• '73 ~ord pwr dump 3~0 I I, 111111• Ued. 4 1pd, rttt>ll 11 ana, V8 12000 &e.7 001>4 n• c.:1 1 h 1 1 0 1 ., 000 1 s 1 Tll OlllYHTllLI '76 8 llyl11t., nu llrH & loo 1111 All oowo1 ' IO•· w u c; • ran1, ' ., n Y #' I Pm7 8 lnhr , Op1ton1 Include air c:ond bllkH. 1:.IK mt, good ded with MllH LaH I hon tor' wit PllllJ Nit• Cond cru11e, a o, • t , ' & AM/FM ( IAP01"4) c;ond $ 1360 449.3994 1 y1 Old 0500 m1 $1,500 $!1800 0 3 6060 121 900 Wiii trac:te ,. 'll llTlll PIOHP Wllh Ullllly body and tow plu1 1111ume IH, meke 10 240l n•w pallll ma 702 870 7116 PIP V11Q•1 OILY lllll 0 11., Mu. I • e I I l•lltt b•UWll, black .... 10 9118C Tt10• loedec:t JIM llUlll 714·11!111 :.ll>OI wk dt 111., Int uklng U OOO alnl, $23 1100 oller VIUIWAlll 84Cl-031>e 8•6 8171, 846·0187 111711 Beach Blvd m11et1 I t&g547 I) -~~~--W!!" 210Zl Ola.Pl POI YOUI • I e I I h • r II "' o r • 1•2·2000 1110 IATIH m Ut ~ '70~ 824, 11tr, Dt1upu11kl. Hunungton 6e8Cl't 14271 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 10202 Btacll ~tvd Hnttngtn 9ch 982-0U19 '80 FORD PICK UP 8 Cyl. 3 spd , 19K ml $4100 7:.10·6' 17 • ... IT "'AIDA. S05001obo 5411 8748 Thi• 1 ptue 2 ta cocoa bro wn , 11 .. 6 •Pod 1 '"'If & '10 121 Y!J~!.'!~f!~ •••••• !.~~~ hhnt & ell ·~• 1oytl 1tlf •.. •·• I ow mllee LH lrtt All 1110 VOLUWAIH (13601) I fM&ITYI powo1, AC, Cl11111, mual UlltT OILY 11111 1111 uw 11 mu MIU 10 JJM H ll 12e:rioo OBO llLH-IHVIOl JIM MARI.. 114·1166-3501 wk do lllllll VOLllWllH '70 914 Hun• & look1 al111 Au1om111c 11a111 . 11r conCI & lo w mlleal 102606) 83' 20•0 9" 9 " ••111 o _ ..... Olv·• 1'174 M111da Wagon Ra· Nw ''""•· radl•I• p111n1, '10 TOYITA .. 4 ~ 4 4• Hunttno'7~"Beach <llo, hooter, 111110 11 •n• $3960 960 8114 SH PIOHP llllUIAOI lltW pvt 1111rty 0611·2612 OILY 14111 JIM llUllO VIUIWAIUI 187' 1 S.llCh Sllld Huntington Beach Wlllt lllr COlldlllOrllng 1111CI 28402,M11g1111lt1 Pkwy 142·2000 R~ '80 RX7. AMIFM, fl 11nreo (IU743 13) Alldu MIH~ VI~~ 5 '76 Oa11u~ 200,,X atr apd, 1111g wh•el•, !lnrl. ·73·~ 011T T8ro11. lull 8 equip blk on bill , $9000/0h 498-0720 C4KJ to !Avery •1 0 ·I cond , good cond pluan 1111er 111n1 cond O~n Sundays $4500 536-2 142 alter 5 $9100 644·0 t06 63 3568 COUP• mint cond •bit eng, rel.I. ·79 626 Sedan t own"'. lo x 1, 8 a. mu 11 • 11 o t4075 ~R Ot 842 5770 ml, xlnt cond Air, auto. 760-6614 6•2· 1304 142·2000 •u Tlll•c c ... New eng, brakes, p11n1, 81 Century LIU 4 d1 . tow mt IO•dw<J 111 Ila~ (;Olld OHi Olfttl 044 6813 73 OulCk R•o•• grUI 111n• car looh decen1 $700 84:1·062' 711 RIVl~RA LOldad $4900 1080 Owner •n· •llOUI 10 1811 8S7 11•0 I c.,mu 1115 .....•...••.•.•••.••.• TllE Llllllf l!LEOTIOI ot l111e model low mllH · Qll C•Olllt<;t 1n SOulharn Celllorn1a! SM 11• today• lllElll OlllLUO 2600 Harbor Btvd COSTA M CSA 540-1880 llLL Teun TOYOTA 1 s s 1 L 1 !!!!~!!. ....•.... !.~~~ llH2 111011 llY4. la'i2oi~; clrt •;~;~I 1111111 OIHTY'S /3 Poraclle 914 p4irll"O ll11t1l11'l1111 1140 out ftom $15·$1 ,000 1op 11nd side windows '65 Cpe de VIiia. complete $3000/obo 759·0490 o v e r h 11 u I , $ 7 o o M • t I II I t • I o h Nice Solecttonl HU IUTlllRIZEI H2·0IH * '76 2002. 4 spd .. &nlrl fElllll '64 Chov5ubu;bo;, 6 cyt. '! 1?i9V~~O•, .c spd . 108• ' IUUHlllPI Ovdr . ex1ras Good d&dt (Sl§XOHI cond $1 250 536-3367 * .60 528t, auto . sntrl 'I 1 COHIO PIOHP 14611'ZOJ> E~lro clean wtth eor con· * '60 3201, 5 spd , 1011· d ( z3 30 p ded' 123 tZYRl iloontng 1 4 1 1 II· * 80 633ac1 loaded Ced lo sell ., (555jfJ46) 131-3ll1 208 W 1a1. San1a Ana $4388 llLL MUEY TOYOTA 11202 l11cll llY4. ll •t l 1ch loll 112-0IH Closed Sunday f i•I llZ5 CHOICE INVENTORY • • •• • • • • ••• • • ••• ••• •• • VOI U&ALES 63 Falcon Ranchttro, good I O I M 0 L l R E II cond. runs good. S 1.000 546·2~13 OVl!I IMW 'll TOYOTI PICHP Wllh llr conditioning ond stereo I tS658051 $3375 llLL MUEY TOYOTA 11202 l11cll llw4. M•t i 11h loh 112-0121 v... 1510 ..................••.. '71 Ftr4 V.1. S 1200. 957-8840 ------A•t11 Wutu ISIO ••......•..•.•.....•.. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOi llEI OlllS · au• MAI• POITllC/Sllllll 2480 HOrbor Blvd COSTA MESA 141-4100 141-1411 WE llY OLUI OUI lll TllCll C~MEU CHEVROLET Sales-ServlQe·Leaslng 850 N Beach Blvd Le Habra 522-UU Open Sunday ORHH CHln'S OllHT & Seles·Servlce·Lea&lng IOY'CARVER fl_ "US fl_ 11(.l'. · IVviW ...-..-......... f .. "41'11lr1M Ull IN"t., -4#•111••,. ·~ ~ ~ ClOSI D SUNDAYS 76 BNW 2002 Show room cond new llres or1kes, valve 1ob Asking S6600 Musi sell ASAP 662·2309 '76 BMW 2002. 62.000 ml, absolutely mint. sac musl sell $5900 PP 675-0122 ·79 3201 low m1 sunrl. log llght1. smllm. 4 spd. s1lverl blk, European car. no smog. clean $10,000, 645-2606 -'60 3201 take over lse or purchase Nancy 6• 1·9844 dys. 760-1 113 eves *FANTASTIC* *FIATS* llJGE SCl!CTIOfC Pit£ ·O•ffE> FIAT SPIDERS & FIAT X l /9's '77 FIAT Xl9's 4 ap, s1ereo. mags, Only 57 K)659SMR) s3795 '78 FIAT X-19 4 sp, rac1ory ale. s tereo. tape. rac k . elloys 43 K A Real Beauty (IBUC707) '79 FIAT X-19 5 sp. Factory ale. S tereo Cass. Rack. M1199,(13090) s5295 • • •••• ••• • •• • • •• • ••• • • Call 9f:l<>· 17 76 CIMPHE·MHCEDEI 1110 VOUSWHH We'll show you ovc;r 100 IH••lt 1155 New & U•ed Metced&•· • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ~.:. • • • • • Ben1 Come In & con II· 21 •EW llEH ... TS l&lllT IELUIE 4 Or 4 •peed Iran• • sunroot·& extra cle1nt (913CEDI der ou1 1e1111 irranoe to choollO hom men1s or long 1erm ft· As low es $4989 (aer nanclng • 1360) House ol tmp011s, Inc The all new 83 Alliance OILY 14111 JIM MAllll YOUS WAI El DIAL 2 13 or 7 t<I 11 here• Fuegos. Imme· 637·2333 d1ete dehvery OllllH COAST 1e111 Beach Btvd AMC/ JEEP /REIHL T Hun11ng1on Beach U2-2000 You can afford to ~~:.:'e~;;bor Bt6~5-~7~J '79 Bug co"iiv. silver, 12. buy your Mercedes '60 L8Car, dlx, zippy, 000 ml. mini, $8800 PIP Benz from us. sunrt. AM/FM C811S LO Dane 557.3534 - $0 mo C all C u1m1ne llll VOUSWllH 645'8730 l PUSHIER HI 101/1 ll'f.C. 1156 4 speed trans. & AM/FM •••••••• ••••••••••••• stereo This one s In "l DCAL[R IN U.S.A showroom cond11ton• DOWN ·9 - 20ILY 11111 JO(.CAR\/ER LEA E IOJ..S-~ JIM 1111111 ~ .. -,., , .. ,,.. • ,., YlllSWAIEI AJ.)Ph•a IU H•w C•f a. Ill 'lot• On "00"'"'Nl r 'flrOlf ,,.,,,,.,. •• "' .. ·-18711 Beach Blvd °'91 ~n ,,., Huntington 8aach 142·2000 SHb 1160 "'67 Bug, llke new. stock •••••••••••• .. •••••••• cond . Kint. must see1 ltli SUI I $2650 497 .1597 HLE SHll I llll VIUSWHEI r nos one is all or101nall CAMPEii (21739) OILY SZlll JIM 11"111 VILUWllH 18711 Beach' Blvd Hun11ng1on Beach 142-2000 Sd'1D 116Z Thi& one has been well cared tor I 135221 OILY 14111 JIM Mllllll VOUSWAIEI 187 t I Beech Blvd Huntington Beech u2-2oq_o ---- 631 ·6670 6 I f llwd Cpe Ele{l&rlCfl 17 ,000 ml V6, teat her, toatied $14.500. obo . Pvt ply 645-6730 76 Seville I o wner $4500 Pe1tec1 cond111on Coll 760 0823 60 Etdo111do dal mint cond ?6,000 m1 anrl , loaded $ 12 .000 644·6368 c •• ,,. 1111 ...................... ·10 Cemoro 8 cyllndtir. 011g owner great shape $3000 OBO 673-6461 Clltrtol•I 19ZO ...................... SEE UI FlllTl We ttave ., gooo sel&c· 11on ot NEW & USEO Chevr01et1• C~HllL CHEVROLET .~ 11.rr .. r 111 .. 1 "t-.f\\1 ~'o\ §46-1200 'll Chevy 1,, • ., s2200 2+2 Hatcnbact.:, am/Im casae11e, plush 1n1 ctean body. 5 apd, 39 mpg 54 1-0777 Ntied some rellabte Iran· spo11a11on? Buy my 79 Chevelle Only 3• .000 "'' new ures. AC au10, Call Sandy. 5~·7182 Chev '78 Impala, 2 dr ale, IUIO R/H. 3 I M , 6 Cyl. Orog Own $3 100 760· 1333 I~~~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• I~ Sales-Service· Leasing '66 BaJa Bug -Clear! Runs good Tral· '65 Chevelle. 375 amt bit<, '81 380 SL. 7000-mo_W_lre SIHLHACI wnee11 $38,000tOBO SUIAH 213-832-8979 131-2040 .. , ..... 66 Mercedes 2305 L Cream w /derk brown '10 SllAIU IL so il top Herd I OP. S speed coupe, very saddle 1n11 Good cond ctean (43 tZEA) s18.ooo 613·7543 13111 '78 3000 Mech sound B•Ll MAXEY TOYOTA n e "' ' • d 1 a 1 1 19202 Beach Blvd $14,SOOIOBO 640·4019 Hnllngln Bch 962-0829 or 760·04119 Jer hllch Stereo. Lugga-400 trans, rad , new oe rack. X1n1 cond uphol & pa1n1 . asking $1500/0BO <;:•II eves I $5000 646-0356 _ 549.4333 c.r,,ltf 1112 llll VOLISWAIE• •••••••••••••••••••••• 'll Ct rwtHt IUllH Loaded $9•00 551-9523 I ht9 one IS eJ1lta clean• (453T00) f!!.,C~! •••••••••• !.~~! 69 Cougar auto. ps. pb. xln l 1ronapot1011on S600 497-3667 ~ ... ~~· .. ~!" .......... . /\ ... :RS < :A l>ll .. L /\C: CLEARANCE SALE! 191~.~~~~~LAC, (8735701 s12,995 1910 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI 11AKK082) s9395 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI I (916XUF') . -s7995 1979 CADILLAC PLHTWOOD BROUGHAM (186WXI) s9495 1979 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (013)(UP) ( sio,995 1978 CADILLAC COUPE DI VILLI (540UOT) s5995 1981 CADILLAC COUPE DI VILLI D'ILEGANCI (IBGC3051 s12 ,995 Oller Good Thru Monday, 10-4·82 NABERS C 1\l)ILL1\C 2900 HARBOR Bl VO. COSTA MESA 540-1860 ~!!!~~1 ......... 1!!~ '11 MllTlll With eutom1llc 111ns , power steering end air condlllOnlng ( 1CIC 160) $4911 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beech Blvd Hnungtn Bch 962.0829 79 Ghia Llm!led Ed Ciotti lop AMl fM llpe, AC 11tnt cond Lo ml Must see to apprec PP 962· 1973 74 Musiang II Ghil V6, 111 power. undo• 60K m11et. clean $2400 873·7345 'IU< ti• rt• r fl,. I ' 't-.1 \ \.1 ~ ', \ '72 BMW 2002 Sunroof, am/Im radio , a1 Is $3000. 840-5096 '75 FIAT 124 ·10 300 SEL 3 5 Cteastc T!!.~'.'. •••••.•••• !.~~! Nu a11 suspension 77 ct 5 d OILY 12111 Jll llllll VOUSWllEI 18711 Beech Blvd. Hunllnglon Beach for' IHO '61 hu ~ rev ended SLIPS AVAIL Huntington Herb our Bay, Da 840·5545, 846-7766. 6-9 PM , 840 ·4097 , 213-43 1-3 764 §46-1200 ___ 5_3_4_.2_00_1 __ __, _______ --".._1·19 3201.-B-rlg_t>_l _re_d_ AIC. ltt4 Mt•ts •11414 11111 llYEll amtrm cauette Greet 1946 Ford woody wa-Top dollars tor Sports cond Must see to ep-oon. 113,000 Cua. Bugs. Campers. ~~~~=8 65K ml S6900 SPIDER 5 sp, Stereo, Megs. Air, Very Sharp, 61 K (122NJN) $9500 6&5·0244' ... ·--e IC8, SP coupe. ~Int cond . meny •lr&s '74MB2230,•dr,11m1tm, $3 600 631 -5674 . 142-2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Restorable or partable '11 EICOllT $500 f irm 754. 7394 •m Very c1ean1 11BOR4131 W•nled 1llp Jor etegan1 ci•ttlc 45' motor yechl Tamp or perm 648-4005 91''s, Au<lo's 1929 Ford Model A Town Ask IOI UIC MOR C • 1115 S ad an • S 1 0 0 0 0 JIM ltllll•I .!1.1! .. •••• ••• •••••••• 675-6161 YIL•sw••r• ·74 Yellow Capri R•dlo • .. • '31 I Edgewater, up " -am/Im case Gd cond to 34• pwr or ..it 4 WIHI Dtir.i ISS 16711 Beach Blvd M us t s e 11 B s t o Ir 1173-1943 •••••••••••••••••••••• HUNTINGTQI" BEACH 957.5009 ~ • -1UO CIHUUT 14r-2000 76 co;,;-il·:-b-11-ck-ca_r_'. ~!!c.!!~!'A!. •• ~ Thl~~L: ~~P& 11 .-.-.-,-E-D_! __ V6, air. stereo/tape DRY STORAGE loaded' 11493522) Sunrl, Im mac $2600 Monthly bo•t s10119e. any alze, 2• hr eecurlly, fr" ltunchlng IEWNIT lllH 1111 lacl l•J Ir II ..... 110 T!~~~~~~~ .•.•... c..,.,,, ,,,. ... , 1121 ••........•.......•... 8 ' Cabover C amper, •IMP• 4, boot. corner 1ack1 end dolly Clean. 1750/beat offer (7141 6"45-5898 '73 BEAVER CAMPER • 8W , given 1019 ol TLC. $3500. 532· tOOll .. ,,,,,,,lib• 1140 ••••....•••........... 19110 VESPA 200 Fully loaded 3 mos old , $1500, 537-3325 2 Pucti MQPlda 1 Sear'• di•. 1 •t•ndtrd, IWIP englnea 10 have good running bike & spires S 99 tak•• bOlh . 411e-2966, 497 ·6073 PUCH MOPED xlnl cond $250. low ml. lk new. '"'· 84•-4234. #•lltlJ'fln/ ht•n ~ 1150 ....••................ BMut"UI '75 Hond•. toe· ded, 11mo11 n-cond IH5obo 83 t -0523 or 631-1993. For ..... 1980 Hond• 750. twn overh1ad c em, chopper Full 011nctld lotkl, king/ Q~ ..... mtny xlrae SI 200. 631·8325 .IL' 11111 Lale model Toyo1as. 640-0020 or 963-2023 Volvos. Plel<ups & Vans D•IH• 1120 JIM MUllO . Call ua 1odayl •••••••••••••••••••••• VOLISWHE• 18 7 11 e.acn Blvd Huntington Beech 142-2000 ·75 Jp e;,s Rgtp. pi s. V8. 3 spd, new 1r1n1, rr st & rn l>r. Wn Hbs. b<I re end $3000/0 BO Eves 546-0•03 ·72 Jeep Commendo new paint, new brakes, roll bar and lo m ites $2500/0BO 552·62311, Lv message 11•tk1 ISi ...................... 'll OlllllEI PIOlff Very cleenl (1N97029) $2111 BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 19202 Beech Blvd Hnllngln Bch 962.0829 1110 TIYOTA SH PICHP This one la Hire clean & hDI a shell (IY87773) 14111 JIMUll .. VOLISWdfl t8711 8eech Btvd Huntongton Baach U2-2IOO 'll llTlll "°'" V8fy cteanl ( 17 111-451 12411 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 S.ach Blvd Hnllngtn Bch 962-0829 .... ~ .... -c .... _ "U6-tJ0) • 140-'4'1 wt llY USED CARS & TRUCKS IUl!~~l.:.Ao ... L:.1.1~~~ COME IN OR CALL FOR 1-.:,;~;,;.;;,;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,~ FllH lPnllllL ,. COlmler·DeLlllO CltEYHUT 182 I I BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 14l·IOll, 141·U31 Top DoHar Paid For Your c .. 1 JIHSll I st• ll•ctll·MtrH'l 2626 H11b0r Blv Coa11 Men 540·5630 Premium pl'lces paid tor eny uaed c11 (foreign or csomesllc) In gOO<I c:ondltlon See U. Flrsll 'll llTlll 210 IEUXE Very cteenl (1ATM151) BILL l~i~!YOTA 19202 Beech Blvd Hnt1ngln Bch 962·0829 'lt IATlll 310 H OHPl Wllh air conditioning enc:t 1111eo (5~•YUAI llLL t~~ll~Ylll 11202 lt1olt 11•4. lt1tl11h l o ll 112-0121 E1111• Seta 1980 Dataun 200SX. iclnl cond Otlg owner, ac- cepting bids. Wkd•Y• PleaM c .. I. 759-4229 1112 DITSUIS Ytry OltH tltra Lew IHtac• ''""'" ,,. ••• Ltw ls ale, good cond S6250 645·9442 '74 Bug, good cond, orig owner. has been welt melnl S2500 831-9627 '77 FIAT 124 SPl>ER 5 ap, Dk GrMn, M ini Condition, Stereo Cass ( 1ACP577) s4995 ClaMCiC CWflY'S OUlUJ FACJClaY AU"OOll[D flAJ.tMCIA OCAl[l DICK MILLER MO TO RS l !(J 'If W.1ir1~• Av• S.mlJ An.1 ~'JI ll Jl '75 Flat Spider Rid With wire wheet1 Xlnt conc:t SI ,000 below book $2900 760-1996 PIP, 548·4690 'll MIZ 410 SLC. llacll/~lecll All ettrH, 62,000 m1 S211.500 very form 731-5 115 83S-43•2 ·eo MBZ 3000 Tan w t Ivory lntr Sunr1, S21 ,000, 494.9309 1979 280 E Anlhrecltt grey. sunrool, •Int cond $16,000 714·553·0335 Eves 72 European model dleset 30 mpg. new p111n1 , eng & uph ot 1 74 95 639-0333. 682-2238 1•1., ns 1111 FH COLUOTll H l•YHTlllll '67 Ctau1c · 800 ' Chaulleur parllllon wl ttl poSllble options Met•I· lie brown wlllghl tan plush velour Int Comp lectory rebulll & rHtored to new car c:ond Con- verted 10 U S specs Orig bills tor OM 104, 000 on hand • ctr pra- senlly stOfed In Germeny but ready tor 1mmedl11e •hipping '78 Fief 124 Spider, Wint Selling Prtce $75,000 cond S3.500 Pteue. onty quelllted 963· 148 t CISl't buyers. Clllt (714) 642-01311 R,.,, 11Z1 -----...................... "' f141 ••••• •••n••' ..................... . '59 M OA, run1 well. We ctn helpl Before you straight .body needs buy. cheok ovr un~ta-' s 8 5 o bl• 11lecllon, uvlng1 P 81" 1 & 1 n t · end aerv!Ge todeyl 963"5272 lllYllllITT ~!!!!~! •••..•...• !!.~~ HUS & SHYIOl 1117 NHOllE 28gg~T·~":E:~d t24 OllN I JIA II ... " Thlt OM hH every loyl .., • .., (416SMG) '77 ACCORD 5 sp. AM/ fM. allver w/btk Inter gd aond, $3000 844-~ 10 '711 CIVIC $2975 3 dr, 4 1pd, 49,000 mt 645-9904 llLY lllll Ml llUlll Yll11Wdll 1117 t I Beac:h Stvil Huntington e .. ch .. 2.2000 '10 CllOlll LHlllY EllTill Very low mites wHh ttu· 1oma1oc lrans power stte11ng, air cond etc 11BDU230t $8175 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 8each Blvd H~llngln Bch 962-0829 'IO T1r1ta C.rtll1 4 speed. air. am/Im CH· selle. 34,000 mites Xlnl cond $4500 645-9779 ev of wknds 'll CELIOI Solver with wire t>askel w~ll ( 159REWl $2175 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach Blvd 'fl s,~11101111 SHI New clutc:h 64 1-6654 74 Supet Beetle. 71K ml runs gOO<I nu tires, Int I yr otd S2650 Oeys 731 ·939 3 evea , 552·7947 '60 VWR3bbll ~­ ble, despente must sell Best olfe1 Brwo, loaded 759. 11191 9.5, 494-1993 eves 'll l•1 Ct1ttrtilllt Beller tlian n-In slo· rage end must be seen · llPPI onty 18400 Ctll 953·2100, Iv msg 4 wlll rtn cell ------'70 VW BUS reblt, new interior good cond $1600 673-6566 -----Hnllngtn Bch 962·0829 '110 0111 Vansgon 21,000 ,80 SR 5 Sh 1 b8<I M 1 m1. A I end. $7650, Pv1 or · us pty 631· 1094 .. 2·9607 sell _ ·---- $4450 759·9557 '65 BUG snrl, all orig. 'll OOIOLLI very clean! ( 1ARZ974) 12181 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 eeacn Blvd Hnlingln 9ch 962-01129 '77 Coron• Lux Edit Air. PIS, rear wlnc:tow defog, velour uphol $1900 firm Work 674-1434, hm 842-4910 Doug Ch rome r i m . $1000/0BO 646-8200 '67 Bate Bug. 1600cc dual por t , new pel nl s 1200/0BO. 545:2014 72 VW Bug Engine U · ce11en1 cond . body In good condition $2500 or ti.st otter Call Anawer Ad 624, 642-4300, 24 hrs 7 I CONV •Int shepe, 1600 cc engine. 14500 'll OELIOl · 8411·666.4 Wllh stereo and 011ael· Vol ;-----1-1-1-1 le. very cleen I 1BUC3091 ••• !•••••••••••••••••• Reduced to ff 1 VtlH lttltr 13418 11 lr1•1• Ot1111tyl BILL JAXEY TOY OT A -·- J9202 Betoh'Btvo UUI, SllYIOI Hntlngln 9cfl 062-0929 All LWlll 1111 TGYGTIS ''" ..... ltw lll1111 Ytlllt lM Fr•• At Ltw At OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS DILi IH '"'" t&ee Htrbor Blvd COSTA MESA 14t·HOJ l.0.t4tl '67 122s, a11t1on wegon. recent eng work. S 1300 559-1932. '7 I VOLVO 142 orig. 72K ml New pelnt. redltt•. etc. Auto. stereo PI P S197& Ph 546-78311 '82 VOivo Wagon DL 110,300 CaM SH·5199 $3181 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 8each Blvd Hntongln Bch 962-0829 71 FORD Maver1c1< GOO<I c;onc:t 3 new fires econ SllSO 494 32 I 1 '12 HCHT~ With ontv 7 .000 miles (1468371 $4388 llLL MAXEY TOYOTA 11202 111011 llY4. M•tl11h loll H2-0121 67 Mustang Gt Very cleon 675-5917 70 llAuSlang. 302 vs. 3 Sl)(I. almost compt reblt, must sett $2295 759·059 l /(213)693-2255 76 Mustang II Depend•· bte. stock. am/Im can Clean $2200 675-2774 ds. eves 760-1109 ---'66 Mus1ang Converllbl• sharp. $8500 775-1565 ----01'1•dil• HSS .....................• ·79 Old• Cullan 30,000 mo 8e11 Oller 540-7507 '76 Cutlass stellon -;;o<>n 79 Fte1te. n-petnl. lores Gd cond new brtkea, 4 spd, xlnl conc:tlllon A/C AM/FM CHS $2000 682•2530 ~ 4PM OBO 545·01117 '6• falcon New e very- thing rac:e molor S 1500. Sc:oll 95 1·5513 ·72 M1ver1ck 2 dr, 6cyl. runa good $795 Call 960·6035 '66 F111con good cond Mut1 sell 111 $500 takes II 673-1970 '75 LTD 2 dr, radio, air conc:t. new tires. 62.000 ml •Int cond $2100 642·1388 r!r!'!!~!~ ........ ~ 63 V1h1nt. rebll 8 c:yt, 8 new t11es. alnt body, $650 5411-4 109 1111 PlYMHTI llORIZH 4 lllR 4 speed Irena. & AM/FM (1EPR7941 Buy this one Al wnot•salal OILY 11111 Jll IWllH VILllWAIH £i•t•I• IH ••••• ••• •• ••••• ••••••• t87 t 1 Beaeh Blvd '7 I Llncotn Coupe, low H11n11ngton Beach miles Mull se111 Best OI· 142-2000 ler ov e r S 999 99 --H--642·7~ --r.~~ ............... !1 '70 Llncol n Metk Ill. '72 Vega, auto, mega. Betulllut btacll beauty needs motor S200 Beat olltr o ver $999 99 6•6· 132 1 Don 842·7500 _ _ SELL Idle lle_m_e_w_l_lh-1 CIUAllled Adi. your on• 1 Dally PllOI CIHllfled Ad 11op 1hopplng center 842-5678 • Ofrering country music with flas h is White Water Rush , a young Orange County-based band . Members a r e (back row from left ) teve Loui Orsinelli, Greg Lander, Bob Williams~ Darryl Lee Reed. In front (from left) are . teve Little • ancl Mi(•hael Rilf>y. - t White Water Rush • • • On the way up They bought the bass player for 20 bucks. And the y claim the steel guitarist was wrestling alllgaton in Florida. · The energy and taJent came naturally. The rest ls history for White Water Rush, a young Onuuie County-based band whose members have their sfghLS set on the stars. - "We want to be Uke the Beatles or the Eagles," quipped Steve Louis Oninelli. "The country Beatles," chimed In Bob Williama. f ~ · They're not just country, though. Everytime they perform, it's a different show. "We work for our audience," Orslne l11 explained. "We try to act cruy on stafe so, it we're having a good Umc, the audience wll have a good time." ''We put. out good. e.ncrsy and they alve It By SANDIE JOY or Uae Dally Pilot Staff back," Greg Lander added. ll'a dJflicult to stereotype the group. They do a lot or country but can add in roek or jazz or comedy In a flash -and they do It all with equal flair and pollsh. . "We wanl to be top musical performers," Michael Riley explained. "We put in everything we've got." Oninelli added. Like everything they ~o. the six members of White Wat.c!r Ruth threw tfic subject of their Image oplm Cor group dl8cu118lon.· While munching breakfaat. in a WeMmlnster eatery. they kktked ·~ . ...,. kke JOakabWy, t·ountry rock. Southe rn rock and progressive rountry" "We're a little bit of everything," said Steve Little. "Yah," uld Williams, "just like a lizard changing hla color .. .lf they want to hire WI to do just 'Your Cheatin' Heart' music. we don't want that gig because It's not us." Yet, at least one band member -Little -has a great voice for the old Hank Williams tunes. and he does sing them. They also do Beatles songs and Eagles IOngs and a bunch of their own originals. They all sang and have such rich divcf'!lity nmong their voil-es, lhcy can perform almost any kind of song in lots of different ways. They alternate ainglng lead. doing aolos and duet.a, and whalc!ver other combination mll{ht have See The Encer&ainers, f'~e H : Peter O'Tolle (right) gives ~ an outstanding U performance as the 0 alchoholic Errol >-~ Flynn-type under Richard ~ Be njamin's (below) e; direction . 'g r----:=~~~~ G> ~ i ~ -.2 0: .. My Favorite Year -. ·-. Another lovable drunk Last year, "Arthur," a modest little comedy featuring an English actor as a wealthy, lovable drunk, ca'ught the fancy of moviegoing audiences and became an unexpected box office hit. Well, if the territory yielded gold once, it's certa.ln.ly worth mining again, as the old Hollywood saying goes. Thus, thia season brings us "My Favorite Year," .the story of a w~hhy lovable drunken movie star played by an lrlSh actor. Against expectations, however, this film proves there's still plenty of glittery ore left in the lovable drunk formula, for "My Favorite Year" is one of the brightest comedies of the season. It's even funnier, in fact, than "Arthur." One reaaon is the aetUng: the so-called Golden Age of television, in which frantic writ.era and actors hustled to put together "live" television romedles. But the film's greatest asaet is Peter O'Toole. who gives an extraordinary performance as Alan Swann, an aging, alcoholic Errol Flynn-type star of swashbuckling movies. While Dudley Moore's "Arthur" was often downright silly, O'Toole's character never loses his dignity even when he's hanaing over the sld«; of a building in a drunken stupor, tied to a fire Hose. The tavorit.e year of the till~ is 1954. as recalled fondly by Benjy Stone. In voiceover narration, he• tells ot htS expenences as a novice televtston comeoy writer in New York City. O'Toole's Alan Swann has been booked as a Auditions for plays set at Saddleback By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tbe Dally Piiot Starr guest on the popular "Comedy Cavalcade." starring Stan "King" Kai.er. But when Swann shows up drunk. the temperamental Kaiser decides he's too great a ris~ for live te levision and orders him dropped. The TV host relenta, on the condition that young wri.ter Stone keep an eye on the act.or night and day until showtime, to assure S~ann remains sober. The young writer thus embarks on a seri~ of humorous adventures with the movie star he idolizes. The pair disrupt a posh restaurant and later visit Stone's wacky Jewish family. As the television show's air time approaches. the complications mount. Writer Stone is diverted by his attempts to romance a comely studio aide (Jessica Harper). TV host Kaiser refuses to cut some gangster skits that offend a menacing union boss. And guest star ~wann has dlS8ppeared .... With the minutes ticking away and an audience of 20 million people waiting for the live broadcast, there's genuine suspense in the air. Will Swann arrive on time -and In what condition? Will the labor leader's thugs succeed in bustlag up the uve broadcast'! The movie's conclusion may be a bit predictable, but it's a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. "M y Favorite Year" has its flaws. Ma rk Lann-Bake r. in his screen debut as the young writer Stone. frequently over-emotes and fails to balance· his character with a Jattle warmth beneath the bravado. His pursuit of Jessica Harper also produces few sparks. (n addition. the screenplay by Norman Steinberg and Denrus Palumbo sometimes goes for the cheap laugh, such as the grossly exagge rated Jewish family and Cameron Mitchell's crude union boss. On the plus side. however. are the film's lush production values in which the New York_ of ~he 1950s is vividly recreated. And under the d1rect.aon of romic actor Richard Benjamin there are some ext"ellent supporting performances. such as Joseph Qologna as the volatile TV show host.-Bill Macy as the impossible-to-please chief comedy writer, and Selma Diamond as a crusty wardrobe mistress. Above all, there is Peter O'Toole. Wl\lle the actors around him are hamming it up in boiste rous New York accents, he utters his own hnes as though they were spun gold. Even his drunken falls are executed with a sort of slapstick grace. His charact.er exhibits charm, undercut with just the right amount of sadness. O'Toole's perfo rmance becomes that solid t"enter that holds this sparkling romedy confection · together. 7 through 9. Pe rformances also are a l 3 P·'!I · Tuesday In the Main Theater. Sunday and on Oct. 10. "Iguana" director Brian Donoghue, who is Perfonnances are In tho college's Main Theater artistic director for the Saddle back Company on the South Campua, 28000 Margucrit.e Parkway, Theater, ls looking for eight men ranging from 18 to Misslon Viejo. 70 and six women between 18 and 50. General admlulon ticke ts are $5 and The Williams' play 1s aet in a Mexican re90rt Auditions for two plays, "Night of the Iguana" reservations can be made by caJllng the theater box town and Is described as a torrid, steamy drama and "James and the Giant Peach Tree," follow ofClce at 831-4656 or 495-2790 between 10 a.m. and about lo neliness. despair, compassion and closely on the heels of tonight's seaaon-openlng noon and 1 and 3 p.m. weekdays. understanding. performance of "Blithe Spirit." by Saddleback "Spirit" is directed by Saddleback Profeuor H. Auditions for "James and the Giant Peach," a College's Company Theat.er . Wynn Pearce. who has been responsible for si.glng c hlldrel\'s classic about a child 's fantastic "Spirit," Noel Coward's tale about a husband such comedies as "The Imaginary lnvallid," "No adventures. are from'5 tb 7 p.m. Oct. 12 and 13 in who a<icidentally summons his deceued wife dW'inl Time for Sergeanta" and ''The Mlatt." the South Campus Studio Theater. a aeanoe, then. can't aet her to go away, wtll be Audillont for Tenne.ee Williama' "Iguana" For additional lnformatJon on the "J~a" pC.1~!)>_.:;..~~ .... ~~~--•* aa.1-.Wl~ j,~:30 p.m. Monday arMl'!t~feontact. Wells at 831 -4757 •• :.~ .. tN .. 1n:H1' ------( Comln11 Attroctl11n• ),.___ ____ _ The Royal Street Bachelors perform daily in the New Orleans Square area. of Disneyland. FREE HISTORY OF JAZZ COICERT 5 Bands & Special Guest Soloists Sunday, October 3 2 P.M. to 9 P.M. EASTBLUFF PARK Vista del Sol & Vista del Oro Bring a chair & blanket Picnic with family & friends .-. ~-------------------------------------------, I .. : OUR 2nd OLD FASHIONED ~);. . I Disneyland • • • ! Ready for winter schedule '! ::~r~c:::rable T-o Th• Depreaalon 1oc SALE . On Oct. 25, Disneyland wtll begin i;, October and Nowember. Birthday! I Qu•llty Comparable To 1he Finest. operating on its shortened >¥inter tributes will be celebrated Oct. 30 and 1 Doore Open at I a.m. No Sal ea to OPEN DAl&,Y 'TIL e schedule. 31; Nov. 6 and 7; Nov. 13 and 14; Nov. I Dealera. ··- Although ;, will be clo•ed on 20 and 21 and ThanlugMng weekend, I SAYE ANOTHER DOLLAR . 'ft !;::. Mpndays and Tuetldays, except for Nov. 25-28. I 1 H You U.. All I Hema You Get ....... "-holiday periods, the winter scheduJe On those days. children aged 3 to 11 . C-:-.. will permit visitors to e njoy park will be given commemorative buttons. 2 -12 OZ. CM• of Pepsi Freel "':..."' !:~[~~~~~h:tP:lsse~~Y;~':!'::eitT~e~ ~m.-~~~~~; ~~~~~s v~~~'!n~0~h! r----«•1•r:Mil-----,r-----a:(•l•J:Ma----,r-----C<•I•tl•JJJ----, throngs. chance to sign Mickey's birthday card I LOWHT PRIC• YST I 1 LOWH J PNC• YET 'J :OWHT PRtcE YET I Disneyland is offe ring a special Addltionall y', a stage s h o,.; I S '~ PtcCkedO 11: ....... Ceffo : FRESH : passport to Disneyland that offers featu ring orikinal "Mou1eketee ra, I WE~T RN I CARROTS II CELERY I admission and unlimited u.se of all Mickey's March character parade and : 1 o~ 11 l 1 O"' :,· . I attractions except shooting galleries. speciaJ meals will be featured. I I ... I " I 1 oe I Price of the passport ticket Is $12 for Thro ughout the Thanksgiving I l.M1f9 ._ 11 Utftlt, belt... 11 bunctt I aduJts, $10.50 for juniors and $9 for wfeef kend, extended hoUn will be in.1 L-----~.! _____ J L---------~---Jl ___ ~1-~ __ J children aged 3 to 11. e ect 1 BUY THEM Q For seniors, the Magic Kingdom is ~eyland will remain 'open daUy 1 ALL, ET 2 CANS OF PEPSI FREEi hosting senior fun day each Thursday until Oct. 2~. But beginning Oct. 25 1.----1(•11r~•Ttl-----1 r----~---,r----'{(•l!I;l•Ia}----, and Friday with guests aged 60 or the park will be cloeed on Mondays! I I • LOWHT ~ YST 11 Lofijl'~. YET •r LOfttT "'9Ca YET I over entitled to an unlimited pulport ..and Tuesdays with weekday houra I I a.-.._ 11 No. 1 Urlle I ,,...... ., ...._.. I ~ for $9. from 10 a m to 6 pm Weekend hours I 1 CUMBERS 1 '"'...,., II 0 S 1 I U pcoming special events at will be 9 ·a.~. to 9·i>~m. through Oct. I CU II POTATOES If ONI N l 1 Disneyland begin Oct. 23 and 24 when 31 and 9 a.m. to? p.m. Nov. 21 and 10 I I oe : 1 o~ . : I oc l : the cultural and performing arta of a.m. to 7 p.m. lhrouch Dec. 12. 1 ... J 1 II •· 1 1 Mexico will be featured during Because a new Fantasy land is 1 UIRM 4 1 Limit 1 .._•· IL • LIMM, ..._ • 1 I Disneyland's annual "Festival of currently un<Rr oonatruct.ion, much of •--------------•--------------~ ---~.;; ___ .,..._ ___ .:._, 1 Mexico" celebration. that area will be c1med durlna the fall. 9UY THEM ALL, Gl!T 2 CANS OF PEPSI FRiii 1 Besides aped.al fireworks displays, and winter months. Amo, other park . .--..--~(•Dl:ltJ~---·i----. -ro.i1r;ltf1r:--... r-----({t11Jil•J1t-----.1· top-name Mexican entertainers. attractions are bel"I refurbished. ' L~ ftT I LOW.IT PIKm m I . LOWHT PNC• ftT I I mariachi g:roupe and ballet f_olklodco Therefore, Dl1neyland officials r z...,.._ .. _ L-........ I GARDEN :. croupes will be perfonnina. suggest that villton contact the" park I UCCHINI I LE 1 11 On Nov. 18, Mickey Moute will prior to ~tting a villUna date lf there SQUASH TTUCE 'l TOMATOES 11 ~~!ii:~,~r.;:.: :::!!W:LE~~&~' l ___ J~~~-p '----~~!_~_Jt_ ___ l.?!~: __ j /)iana Ross at the Meadows II .. ,.,.,--.. -..o• !9.fF:\ Sonptret1 Dlana Roa, who She was nominated IOI' a Be.it ~ ' .,...... has recorded aeveral gold Act~ 0.Car for her role u ';w records, performs at 8 p .m . Biiiie Holiday In the movie, I • "'°""' Saturday at the Irvine Meadows ·"Lad y Slnp the Blues." She I 1 ....- AmphitN;atre. played D~rothy In a movie I c;1 ( C'Y'll"',111 .. 1\ i... •.. _ ... ra ) :: .Bo., who recently had a star venion of 'The Wizard of Oz." 1 .~. • ~·""""'";:) ~ ..... ,..,... In her name added to ReMrved Ucketa are $17.50 I ... Hollywood'• Walle of the Sian, with lawn eeadna lvaUeble for t .._,_. :,e r beian her career with T he $10.50 at the l>owl on the 1 .,,,__. 1801 N.,Girt • ,..°'*tl" SUPftllM!9 bef0tt lawachlnc her IJ'OUndl of Lion Country Safart 1 . .,_,.. ... ... ....... .... H •l'tw-"' ••h ~ ' .......... own IOlo ~ •• , .. , '' ...•• ~-11 •• v1,.JIJ....._,Hlllf11.1 u,111·1•.' ,., r; '•'· ...... "il111:ill•111••IA•••~Rlii••.,_,•~•••'•iit.i.n · · · :!! 0 - ... <D OD I\) N CD ------( O> .. ~ Battle of wits .! • • • 'Room Service' dusty b~t funny 0 8 >. Cll ~ By TOM TITUS Of tu DaUy PUot Staff ;f If you're the sort who stays up till 2 or 3 in the ... morning to watch an old Marx Brothers movie on G> the tube, then the Laguna Moul1on Playhouse h.aa a ~ show for you. . _!l It's "Room Service," the stage version of an old ! Groucho-Chico-Harpo epic which, at 45 years old, Is ~ stiU a youngster beslde its producing organization, the Laguna Community Players, embarking on E their 60th season. A bit dusty, but more than a bit 0: f unny. - Set in a medium-seedy New York City hotel, the play ls a battle of wits between the management of the establishment and a streetwise "ROOll NRV1Ca" • A comedy by John Muney end Allen ~. directed by OouglM Rowe. Ml deelgl't by PN Tort, ooet-by M.,..,,...a RandaM, llQhtlng by Aon Cottman, llage manao-r• Anne Wood. Allene Ableluit. ~tea T ueadaya thtougfl Saturdeyt at 8 p.m. lllrougto Oct. t 6 at Ille l..lguna Moulton PlaytlouM, 808 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna 8Hctl Aeewvatlona 494-0743 THE CUT producer who's trying to get his show up on a shoestring, and the shoestring just broke. The play may be the thing. but here it's of secondary importance to the ticklish process of getting enough money to stage it before the creditors close in. Playing the wheeler-d ealer producer who manages to stay one step ahead of the house detective is Robert Kokol in a 1'!._ighly energetic performance. Michael Bielitz enacts the bright-eyed director with a dash of lunacy and Kevin Burke is well cast as the naive young playwright who learns the art of manipulation in a hurry. Jim Ryan is excellent as the hapless desk clerk (Kokol's brother in law) who risks his job to keep the freeloaders from eviction. Jon Sidoli is fracturing funny as Kokol's goofy flunky, while Walter Daly presents a fine figure of stymied authority as the repeatedly thwarted h o tel manager. Others contributing in moderate doses to the comical mixture are Norman Weingarten as a Russian waiter with thespic ambitions, Marty Green as Kokol's girlfriend, Joe Wilson as the "Michael Anthony" for an elusive millionaire and Robin Cole as a aexy young woman with eyes for Burke. Allan Stone and Buddy Adler are effective in earned duty. Director Douglas Rowe keeps the action moving at a good. crisp pace -a basic requirement for this type of comedy -and the B movie atmosphere ls amplified by Paul Toft's setting and Marthella Randall's costumes. ''Room Service" is comedy in itsi purest form, uncomplicated by a need to educate, satirfze or propagandize while it entertains. It continues Tuesdaya through Saturdays through Oct. 16 at the M•ulton, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. * BACKSTAGE -The Newport Theater Arts Center has canceled its~ world premiere of "Occupant •. P~rithoua A" .... instead, the theater will pre9ml a revival ~ '"!be Fourposter'' with Tom Repn and Mary Sullivan wldet-the d.itteUon of Joan McGlllia . . . . the show Openl • Oct. 22 ln the Newntv't Be.ch theater, 2501 Ciff ......... ----,-Drive ..... ..--.-~ ... Two full 8Cholanhlps for high ICbool students 111 •1 •tt t1st are betn1 offered by the La1una Moulton • __ _:::::1iaiiiEii~mi!!!!iiC.:_:_ ___ J Performance Workahop, a new, yur.-round acU.na achool developed by the Laguna Moulton Playboulle •.•. one .vant ia available for the Saturday hiCh IChool actinc clMI and the other la for th• mu8tcal theater a-cW., a1lo on S.tw'daya . . . . lniervtew. S.turday wtth ,.,._ ·Sba aveU•bh a& •MrM --...... -~---.. ...----,...--~-~--~~ Bob Ryan's reifding from the script of his son's X-rated movie shocks Gail Brannon, Wil Thompson and Carol Albright in "The Mind With the Dirty Man," opening Friday for a lour-weekend run at the lrvi·ne Gommumty Theater at Turtle Rock Communi.ty Park in Irvine. "ONE OF THE SEASON.'S HAPPIEST SURPRISES." -The kind of love atory for which the public's been thirsting. A aklllfully cmted romantic drama wtth hlghty charged performancn." -0-. ... _, TOCMIY 9"0W ----llllNITIUCll ..... ~ .... [...,_ ~. T-Efwns ......... Cinellll CNdollll ~di Cinellll W•1 HO lno 144 07IO 134 i5'3 n1 3135 ____ ,__ ...... •/t '.... • 1\ll., •• , ' I / • -------------------"'( Tobie to Tobi• )~----------------·; ---~~~~~~~~__,--~_.. !a Oui·et Woman . • • Not so quiet, but offers fine feasting i QUIET WOMAN, 3224 E. Coast ·Highway, Corona del Mar. 640-7440. Lunch 11erved from 11 a.m. ro 3 p.m . Monday Uirough Friday. Dinner served from 5 to 11 p.m . 11even ,nights a w~k. Late-night menu 11 p.m. to 1:30 am. Lunch from $3.95 to $7.95. Dinner from $7.95 to $16.95. Limited reservations. The not-so-Quiet Woman has long been the home of late-night revelry: a coastal saloon dishing up hearty cuisine and entertainment each evening. The band o f loyalis ts who frequent this establishment completes the picture with lively conversation that gives the feeling of a rollicking English pub. Indeed, as the introduction to the menu notes, the Quiet Woman comes by way of a Restoration era ~vem in 59uthcombe, Oxfordshire, England. According to legend, the headless lady on the masthead symbolizes an innkeeper's wife who managed to nab a notorious highwayman through her ever-so-silent maneuve rings. Perhaps part of the reuon for this restaurant's boisterous, yet upbeat mood lies in its intimate confines. That's another way of saying'\he__QuieL Woman sports a tight fit at the dinner hour. --The deror is -of-the ~ Southern eaJifomia variety, w1~h wood paneling, intimate U(Jhling, brightly colored Ooral designs on the tablecloths, fresh-rut flowers and an array ot indoor plants. The bar area, a watering hole for many a local, is barely separated from the dining room area. So when nightly music begins after 9:30, guests should expect the decibels to jump a few notches. The Quiet Woman was introduced to the Orange Coast by Michael Leech , a longtime resident of thete parts who attended Corona del Mar High School and Orange Coast College. After a stint at San Diego State University on a basebab scholarship, Leech realized a lifelong dream by opening his place in 1974. He quickly remodeled the site. changed ll\e menu from what had been a family-style steak house and added nightly entertainment. Basking in his success, Leech began two other taverns c\£>wn the coast, but has now dedicated himself to the Corona del Mar location. The menu is a welcome list of beef. chicken, seafood and lamb offerings. And among some of the odds and ends are chili 'n' cheese fondue, Swiss cheese and white wme fondue. steamed vegetable casserole and a rtichoke bottoms stuffed with crabmeat and topped with Hollandaise sauce. A tantalizing salad list includes avocado stuffed with crab meat and avocado stuffed with shrimp. The captain of the kitchen is the 23-year-old Kelley Pope, al.so a coastal native who learned his culinary talents under the guidance Qf lonrime head cher Al Leonard. Amo ng some o the trademarks are the Quiet Woman's homemade soups and the aromatic garlic toast. And the kitchen broiler ia stoked with real charcoal. The appetizer list ndudeJ1 a comfo~table selection including such standards as fried zucchini, oyster-. in the half shell. raw vegetable dip and chips, cheese and guacamole. The shrimp and crab cocktails, at $7 .9~ and $8.95 respectively, commanded some of the highnt prices we've aeen. We launched bur meal with a fresh artichoke, ($2.95) steamed to a most tender perfection and acc.'Ompanled by a side of sour cream and melted butter. Dinner entrees come with IOUp or salad, rice pilaf and, of courae, garlic tout. The homemade clam chowder was wonderiully thick yet not at all peaty. Our waiter announced "This is the salad bar that comes to you" u he brought a basic salad accompanied by a Lazy Su.an with homemade croutons, mushrooms, Parmaan cheese, t.con bits, sarbuuo beans and beeta. My ~t noted her salad dresatn1 was replete wJth hehy chunka of blue chefte. Allo, a bowl of cracked peppen:orhs aerves as a splendJd addJtJon to each table. My top sirloin ($10.95) was a bit on the tough sJde thou1h the uvory charcoal broiling added that special extra to the meat. But my IUftl's thresher shark ($10.95), one of the chalkboard listings, was deemed the treat of the evenJn1 with ita tendemeta and uncanny ateek-IJke flavor. -! ______ B_y_J_O_E_L_C-. _D_O_N______ Still, we were -pleased with the wholeeomerle. i Of lhe Dall1 Pilot Statt of the meal and the \Vlrm and friendly atmosphere -that is the trademark of a true local hangout. ~ Also to be conside red· on future visits are chicken Cordon Bleu, red snapper rancheros, veal Oscar and fresh swordfish.broiled on the charcoal burner&. For the hearty appetite, the Quiet Woman offers combination steak and seafood dinners from $13.95 to $16.95. Desserts include cheesecak e, chocolate mousse pie, mud pie, trifle and Haaf:en-Dazs ice cream, though our grasshopper pie ( 2.50) was a tad too chalky to suit our palates. · Q. Entertainment is generally confined to soloists ~ and duos. from jazz to pop to good ol' country muaic. ·- Those who would prefer to make a late-night ~ rendezvous at the Quiet Woman can feast on ~ offerings from a special menu that features a ~ variety of sandwiches in addition to some of the g restaurant's standard fare. !!( N Coming ~n. according to Leach, are fresh _._ local lobster by a fish erma n -fan of the Quie t ... Woman. ~ N You Are Invited To Our Grand Opening Eelebration -- Sat., Oct. 2 , 2 :30-6 :30 p.m . OPEN!NG EXHIBITION: Etching s and lithographs by Charles Bragg, French primitives by Valentin, Paintings and Pastels by Disney Studio artist s, Including Gui tav Tenggren, Kay Nell sen. Freddie Moore. Ollle lohnson . Mary Blair. Floyd Go1tfredson, Nino ~rbe. Ralph Hulett, G. Gordon Legg and Hardie Gramatky. Car- toons by Virgil Partch and 20 other major American cartoonists. SAY HELLO TO VIRGIL .. VIP" PARTCH He 'll be on hand 10 chat and autograph books, unoons, ere. folning him wlll be other notable cartoonists. lncludlng Mar- vin Myers. who wlll be autographing his book ~The Wtne Set... "You Are What You Drink." "How No1 To Catch A Man." .. Sou1h C°"s' ,..,, Center. lncorpora1lng the Mu!teum Shop of Coron" <let Milr. 11150 lea1ure5 .in ein•ns11,.- -Sele"lon of animation ari. mu~um repllc.,~ and Orange County't. nnt .. I <Ollec1lon of dhlgner movl<llngs for ~lcture frAmlng StxdhCoast ARTCE:NTE:R GRAPHICS ·CARTOONS· FRAMING Follow your team in the 283 E. SEVENTEENTH ST .. COSTA MESA Piiat (A.I SMIA Ana A11tnllf'. ,..ar 8ullMr1 tmporlum) -····· ••••• •••••••••• ···-·· ••••• ···'----'-o_r_d_e_ta_'_'s_pmjh16o._n_e_6_4_6-_4_5_4_5_....., ... 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'(c~rrentlyScreenlng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ 1... A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY: a> nated PG, stars Woody Allen, Mary Steenburgen , ~ Tony Roberta, Mia Farrow, Jose Ferrer and .Tulje .-Ha~. Not many laughs or new ideas in this' tale z of c ging romances at the tum of the century. 0 o AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated 0 R, stars Richard Gere, .David Keith, Debra Winger >.and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surprises ~ but some beautifully drawn performances in this ;t tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because . of language. sex and adUIT s tuations. .... Q) ~ ANNIE; Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol a> Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film is based on the 'i popular m lWca.I. 3: BAMBI: Rated G, is the Walt Disney animated o classic that first hit the big screen in 1942. This ii: sen~ntal tale of a baby deer should be a treat for youngsters of today, just as it was years ago. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, stars H e nry Tho mas, Dee W allace, Robert .MacNaugh.ton and Drew Barrymore. This highJy ¥"Claimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lo-t alien from out.er space. This family film has been touted as one of th,e best in years. FORCED VENGEANCE: Rated R, stars Chuck Norris, David Opatoshu, and Mary Louise Weller. Movies no.w showing a/onK Orange Coast This film shows promise being filmed in pho togeruc Ho.ng Kong but ends in a acreen of blood as Norris once agam uses martial arts to clean house. It's rated R for viole nce and is UNuitable for children . FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH: Rated R, st.a.rs Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judge Reinhold, and Richard Romanus. T his film deals with teen-agers pursuing drugs and sex and more sex. It originally was rated X but was edited down to an R rating. Several impressive newcomers in this tale of the carnal side of high school. It's rated R because of its emphasis on sex and some nude scenes. FRIDAY TH.E 13TH -PART 3: Rated R. Gory in 3-D with a bit of sex thrown in, this film is bad. It's so terrible, the first two Friday the 13th films don't seem so bad. More mass murders at Crystal Lake. It's rated R for gore. nudity and sex. ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, atan Henry · Fonda and Katharine Hepburn aa an aging couple returning to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with .,OOetJes about death; she's interminably cheerful. T hey bicker politely until the arrivaJ of their daughter (Jane Fonda), her latest boyfriend, Billy (played brilliantly by Dabney Coleman) and his 13-year-old boy. The~ rating ia for language . POLTERGEIST: Rated PG. s tars J obeth Williams and Beatrice Straight In a tale of the supernatural The story ia by St.even Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating ia for· · suspense. ROCKY ID: Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone as the g u tsy. Rocky, who battles to defend his crown. The PG rating is for violence. STAR WARS: Rated PG, stars Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness. Mark Hamill and Pet.er CWlhing. This classic George Lucas adence- fant.asy film has been re -released as the evil Empire threat.ens the lifestyles o{ a cast of futuristic good guys. Great special e ffects. STAR TREK II: Rated PG, stars William Shatn er and Leona rd Nimoy in the continuing quest to seek out and e xplore strange new worlds. The PG rating is for cK:tion. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. THE B EST LITTL"E WHOREHOUSE JN TEXAS: Rated R , stars Dolly Parton. Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLulse. There's not much sexy or lively action in this film, which inflates the See Currently Screening, Page 11 "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!'.' ' .-ey L 'fO"> 'M"° 8Sl?llCJIO ona VAX IV I' EXCLUSIVE .C. E edwards LIDO CINEMA MIW'<>IT kYO. AT VIA LIDO HEWPORT HACH 673-1350 '"' ' I "I''• I' 11 I, (.,.--)· .. ~ ~ ·- -' • .... ~~------------------------------4(~•~-M_•_o_d __ o_n~~-l_n_• ___ )---------------------------------1 Mixing it up ·. • . \-• Pw.chase of wine firm announced :'Q 0 - Today's column is. a mix of breakil')g news items and a ".l:Jest Buy" on an usually expensive C hardonnay wine from a Northern California· coastal producer. John and George Parducci have reached an agreement in principle to purchase a two-thirds interest in Konocti Cellars of Lake County. The new corporation will be known as Parducci-Konocti Wine Cellars, although the Parducci name would not be included in any brand designation due to conflict with Parducci Wine Cellars of Mendocino County, according to John Parducci. No papers had been signed at the time of this writing, but according to Parducci, "It looks like it will all come together." Nothing is official yet. The Parduccis have installed new equipment at Konocti ro, the current harvest (slowed somewhat in last week's rain). Parducci is taking an active role in the harvest working w ith Konocti winemaker Bill Peue. The wines of the new partnership would be marketed by Vintage W ines Limited of San Francisco, a aiater company to Vintage Wine Merehanta which currently markets the Parducci Mendocino wines. Majority ownership of the Paiducci facility in Mend~ino ia h e ld by Teachers Management lnatitu~ (TMI), an investment group made up of several thousand echool teachen in California. ~ The-PardU4iJCi Family investment in Konocli will not stop rumors that TMI ia considering purchue of the Mendocino winery that has grown to producing over a million gallons per year. BEHIND MOST VALUE wines there is a slor)'. ' UJCIANO PAVAROIIl IN NOW PLAYING By JERRY D. MEAD Special s. tk Daily Ptlol There is usually a reason why an ordinarily expensive-wine can be sold at a bargain price. Donna Maria 1980 "Sonoma" Chardonnay is now about $6. This is the least you will ever pay for a Chardonnay from the limited production of Sonoma County Winery. The 1981 vintage of the same wine will seU for nearly twice the price. The bargain-priced 1980 wine is a Chardonnay style, aged in oak, relatively complex, and COffipcl!able in quality t.o many wmes selling for $10 to $12. . The reason it is selling for $6 is called integrity. Only three years old, the winema ker is experimenting with the style of wine t.o be made Crom the winery's own estate vineyards. It is the style accomplished in 198 I that wiU be adopted for the future -a lighter, more gracefuJ, elegant wine. The winery hesitated to release the 1980 at all and considered selling it to another winery or to a single major retailer under a private label. The wine is "lovely" but there was a hesitancy to offer the customer one style and ·then come out with quite another one. The final solution is to release the wine at near cost, tell the story, and hope the 1980 wiU be sold out and consumed before the 1981 vintage ia released later this fall. lf you like a bargain, move fast. There are only about 2,000 cases for the world. ANOTHER MARRIAGE -The French are •. AT THESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES •COITA•IA Edwllds Town Center 751 ·4184 ., .. , City Center 834·9282 •Presented In CXJI DDWf...., r .-i r,,. •. ,.,,,,,,,11. '• .. 11 •• • • ,. '• • • • • • • • • • •'-' • • • • •·•~ ·-. ..... ~ getting together with the Californians once again, ~ and the latest marriage appears to have been made $ in heaven or some equally deli.tthtful place. ~ The _joint venture is between Schramsberg a. Vineyards, producers of some of California's most ~ "acclaimed" sparkling wines, and Remy Marlin of "TI France, the world's leading producer of Fine a_: Champagne Cognac. ., '< The child of the marnage will be a world class 0 brandy to be produced in southern Napa County. 0 The brandy will be produced in Al.ambic pot o stills, using procedures employed in the production g of France's great Cognacs, and not in ~ by any "' California brandy maker. ' --... Aside Crom the use of the expensive, hand-~ hammered copper stiUs, the brandy will be aged in N Limousin oak barrels rather than the less desirable American oak casks employed almost exclusively by other California producers. . Many critics feel that the quality of Cognac has as much to do with the distilling method and the choice of oak for aging. as it does location or climate factors. The Remy-Schramsberg venture should settJe any argument once and fo,r all. No brand name has been decided upon. but the company name will be R&S Vineyards. Distimng has already begun in a temporary facility within Napa city limits. but production will be moved, probably In time for next year's harvest, to a 30-acre site in the Carneros region of southern Napa County. Vineyards will be established at the same location. MO KEY • - 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~..._~~~--~ On Stag• ),___ ____ _ N co O> .... YS2.HU.1Hs0tlltrwiselllted :s 8 Crouch •. • • Rides wave of gospel ~2551/~r:!, .8 0 8 * ARCADE of GAMES* ~··. ~;.·,· ~~?;;/f/1/f m Mv~~~~ IEJ! 7,45 6 t :U * Alfonrw:zR ~m 12150 J:1S 5:40 l :OS 10125 THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN r."I A110 51\owlnt ""I.. I.IP In Smoke (R) 1....:1 Uttle Darllnt' (RI Dfi•lns 01*' 7: 15 W.nlthtll7:00 Wwtienda * ClliWrn Wtr 12 Frtt U1lless Nttftl By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the D11lly Piio t St alt "This may lurn inLO a holy roller me<!tang," quipped Andrae Crouch to the Irvine Meadows t·rowd , ufLcr a parllcularly spiritual number in his set last wec-k. To the small m inority o f the crowd who expected a night of music first and ministry se<"Ond. the amphitheater had bec.'Ome an outdoor chun·h long before Crouch's statement. From Russ Taff's opening act through Crouch's set the show was first and foremost a musical ministry. ?pparently and very few if any ticket . purchasers felt cheated. Gospel and other Christian music IS part of a huge wave w ith religious, show business and economic impact, and this crowd was part of it. Crouch is on the crest of that wave. Now an his late 30s, minister's son Crouch has devoted his life to a musical Christian ministry since he "received the gift" of musical t.alen,t at age 11. Crouch's methods of spreading the Word have raised eyebrows in some segments of the ChristJan community, but that's never stopped him. His philosophy of bringing Chrisuanity to th06e who don't have it -what he t·alls "brin~ing water to the desert instead of the ocean " -has led him to . pursue musical byways t hat include rock, disco, ,au and other modem rhythms. Some estimate that the effort has t.aken him from his ethnic roots to a following that Is 75 percent white, but no one knows for sure what his impact has been in that area. What IS known is that Crouch has tapped into a burgeoning movement which some estimates say as ----------------------many as 90 million Americaris identify with, and his string of Grammy awards. hLS influence on other born-again musicians and his worldwide popularity are the reault-ot-that _effort. _I ENTEA THE fOUMAY-A H£W A0U.s ~ ) ~ 6 • PLUS $100.000 ~ OA ONE OF ' lflCllOll ' THE m:>uSAND6 OF OTHER ~ ~ '"[ ---. , ___ ..,....___ --....... -- •'MILLION DOLi.AA_, • ... -·-~--:::.::::--SWEEPSTAKES • :::=.:..:::-----......:::.4:.., .. _ NOWPLAYINO _,._ ----- ( __ .... ,_ -----.. ---.... .,, "' .), .,,.,,. •. -__..... ----r,:----,..-~---c-----...... ,_ ;:;:::--1 ..... '"'"' ....... -- Crouch came to Irvine well equipped, with a 14-person backup ensemble th•t Included e ight NOV. 19 THROUGH DEC. s 18 perfonnances Call foryourbrochure (213) 972-7211 MUSlC CENTER GPAVIL4iO'N singers. His "choir" did indeed tum out a lot of traditional-sounding music, but there was a lot more that was innovative and showed the genuine musical talent behind it. Filled with the Word as Crouch was, he in no way o ut-Christianed leadoff artist Taff. Taff read from the Bible, praised J esus with almost every non-s inging breath an d was a general crowd pleaser. - . . Jazz singer Anne Young Singer Anne Yo ung set for OCC conce rt Jazz singe r Anne Young and Chuck Finley. trumpeter, will be 'featured in a big band jazz concert at 2 p.m. Sunday at Orange Coast College. Young has recorded two albums, and appeared at Irvine Meadows last spring. She sang at the OCC Jazz Festival in 1981 and earlier this year.• Finley, who works in the Hollywood recording industry, has appeared at OCC many times. "Freshwine," a professional iazz band, and three OCC jazz groups, "Saturday.r. "Friday" and "Evening," wiU also play. Performances will be In the Robert B. Moore Theater on the Costa Mesa campus, 2701 Fairview · Road. Tickets at $3 are on sale at the ticket office in the campus administr~lion building open until 6 p.m. today and 8 a.m. until noon Saturday. Tickets also will be available at the door. Opera singers due at learning festival A quartet of opera singers will be presented at the Festival or Leanling and Pe rforming Nov. 4 through 7 at the Orang e Campus of Loyola Marymount College. Giorg io Tozzi, M o n a Paul ee, Dorothy : Warenskjold and Martial Singher will instruct singers, actors and dancers in vited to the nine master sessions. Pianist will be Henrietta Pelta. Observers are invited to attend for $3 per session or $15 for the nine lleSSions. The campus is at La Veta Avenue and Batavia Street. Th~ Pilat.es method of body coordination 'will be. taught by Romana Kryzanow,ka Oct. 30 at Wilkensen Hall in the Llttle Theater of Chapman College in Orange. . More information is available by tele phoning 543-0543 or 662-2430. For Those Casual Days Around Compus ... Our verv own otgVle sweot8f vest of shetlOnd WOOi. sp..in and knitted In Englond: ond lo< lhOse cooler days oheod. our v·neck otl VolOOI graptl design s'N9Qter In three cloulc colors. ------~------------------ &~~~ 56 FASHION ISV\ND · N~T BEACH · (714) 644-1080 ·.• ·· ••··••·· "• t • .. , ~ ' • • :--:-:-? ~; a I For those who loved it. For those who missed it. \ when life is at its finest ... when love is at it.a fullest... UlRD l,IWlf: ~·AA ITf fi1111> IPC fil.,, l'Murtu A IW!J( ll'fUEU. f'ila KA'rnARINE HEPBURN HENRY FOND.\ JANE FON°" "<lN COL.DEN POND" ..:.: OCUi MfKF.O~ IWl.\E\ l(tDIA.\ \llUJA~ LA\TEAI ~. M\"E lrlll IS -.... Biii 'CE GIU!ERT -~ • .:.: 81Ll.Y \llWAMS.•" ·•-:: E~ TllOM~ ~ MAJlf( RYDELL ~~~~ ·~ ' ". . f , :t \Ar P 1 • ·~ .S. • ...... I f\, fl ~ -......_ 9 3'. 2 ~ ~· ~ <» ;::, a. <II ..... "Tl .... a: Q) ~ 0 0 0 er <» .... ..6 ID CD l\J • I -.. '°~~~~~--~-~~Ti_h_•_c_1_a_••_l_c_• ____ ~~~~~~- N : Symphonies . ~ Sinopoli scheduled to conduct • • 0 0 Italian conductor Ghueppe Sinopoli :>,will condu c t the Los Angeles ~ Philharmonic Orchestra in contrasting ;£ symphonies at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in _ Santa Ana ffi&h School Auditorium. ~ The program Includes Schubert's "'g Symphony No. 5 in B flat, written in ~ 1816, and Mahler's Symphony No. 5 ~ in C sharp minor, completed in 1902. ~ In contrast to th~ airy charm and melodiousne. ot Schubert's "Fifth," E Mahler's fifth symphony is filled with 0:: diver}t e m oods and or ch estral brilliance. Sinopoli, who made his American debut conducting the L os Angeles Philharmonic last year, was born in Venice In 1946 and began his musical studies at 12. In addition to extensive musical trai ning including s tudies at Benedette Marcello Conservatory in Venice and as a conducting student of Hans Swarowsky in Vienna, Sinopoli earned degrees in medicine and surgery at the Univenity of Padua, G S I speclalizihg In anthropological and ioseppe inopo i psychiatric problems. Sinopoli has pe r form ed w.ith a number of European orc~stras including the Be rlin-and 1/ienna Philharmon ics, Bavarian Radio Symphony and ensembles in Rome, Hamburg, Paris and London. Saturday's performan~ in Santa Ana i1 spon sored by the Orange County Phllhannonic Society. For ticke~ eold at the IOciety office, 234 E. 17th St., Suite 112, Cost.a Mesa, phone 846-6411 or 642-8232. UCI gets new conductor The former conductor of the Oregon St.ate University Symphony Orchestra has been hired to take over UC Irvine's orchestra thd fall. Bernard Gilmore Jr., 44, has received a one-year appointment as conductor of the UCI Symphony O rchestra and visiting assistant profeaor of music this school year, according to om clals at UCI's School of Fine Arts. Gi lmore will replace Willlam Fiupatrick. who served as conductor until last spring, when the New York String Quartet, of wruch he was a member. disbanded. Gilmore earned his doclora(e in conducting from Stanford and has led the Eugene (Ore.). Haifa (Israel) and Bato n R o uge (La .) sympho n y orchestras. His initial plans. said sch ool spokeswoman Scottie Hlr\,key, are to build up the orchestra from last year's 73 pieces to more than 100. to inaugurate a children's orche.tra and attempt ·community toun. \ Bernard Gilmore Jr. Kinkey aald the orchestra is open to" any interested community members, who can contact Gilmore at 833-6615 or 553-8009. OCC symphony seeks talent T h e Orange Coast Col lege Community Symphony Orchestra has scheduled three public conce~ for'its 22nd season. Joseph Pearlman. d irector of the 70-piece orc h estra. said there are ope ning• f o r qualified and experienced musicians. Openinp are available for vtoUn. viola, horn. and principal trombone. Pearlman has been the 1ymphony's director for 18 years. . Oran1e Cout'• Commun ity brilliant mternationally-known p ia nist, D a nie l Pollac k , in a performance o f Chopin's P iano Concerto No. l. Pollack. winner of the 1958 Tchaikovsk y competition in M oscow, is maki n g h.is third • appcararn with the OCC Symphony. . The remainder of the aeaaon will Include D~bussy's "Nocturnes." Saint-Saens' "Cello Concerto ... and Stravtnaky'1 "Pukinella" Suite. ... ~lfu l'lazll S2tU3t C81TI ... Edwlfds CW-. c.nter ,,, 4141 CllTI -.U Efwltds fOWll Ctntet 7SI 411• ,5 y m p h o n y h a 1 s c h e d u I e d The orchestr• reheanes Tuetlday perfomwncet for Dec:. 5. March 20 evenlnp from 6:30 to 9:30 on the OCC and May 8 camp&t•· P'or audition Information. ~Mtfit•~~h~~;.~~~~.-.... ,,,,. ............. • .• 11_ •• • ••••••• -.............. •.-..• .. •.• ••••• _.., ••• ; ••• • •.' ,. .. • ~ - . -.. • .-- -.... ...... ___ ,.... ___ ii;u--;:-iifir_j,__ ~~----------------------.............. ......-. --(Currently Screening)..--- From Page 6 characters portrayed by Parton and Reynolda to larger-than-life images. It doe sn't hold the audience's attention. It's ra ted R for language, sex and bawdy situations. , THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R, stars Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Close and John Uthgow . This film gets to the heart of author J ohn lrvirig's. sprawling novel. It la deep, meaningful and speaks directly to what really matters to us, in'.films and in life. It's rated R • TR'oN: R a te d PG, J e ff Bridgea, Bruce Boxleitner, Dav id Warn er, Cindy Morgan and Barnard Hughes. AMITYVILLE II: THE POSSESSION: Mort.• horror in that handsome, haunted Long Isla nd home What starts out as laughable turns scary and unpredictable, thanks to Tommy Lee Wallace's shrewd script and the bravura dira·t1on of (taly's Damiano Damiani in hlS America n film debut. Burt Young, Ruta nya Alda and other children, Jack Magner and Diane Franklin, are the new residents James Olson is their lcx:aJ priest. THE CHALLENGE: Bes t Ame r ican-mad e martia l-arts film yet, plus a view of J apanese culture rare in American films. Scott Glenn is a foot-loose fighter who gets mixed up m a bmer family feud in Kyoto and falls under the 'Spell of master of the s word Toshiro MiCune. Direcl.l'Cl by John Franke nhe1mer in top form. R ra ted for v1olcn('C. THE CHOSEN: A warm film of 1lluminattng emotional impact .dealing with friendship, love between fathers and SOM and what it means to be. tlie)Yi1>h. Based on the Chaim Potok novel. Rod St~i((er , Robby Benson , Barry Miller and Maximilian Schell star. PG rated for adult situation. .. SPLIT ua, THE IMAGE" 1111 JURY"1111 .... 7:11, ... ,. ....... t:11, 10!20 aAT/auN. ,., l:OO aAT/auN. 1:11, 1:11 ... 1:11, .... ... t:tl, 1a20 • AMllWILUD: nu "'WQJION HJEKYLL a "MY -.-'° HYDE, FAVORITE MT: .. --. TOGETHER ' YEAR" .. , ~../..-AGAIN",., ,,.,....,....__. Ail'R'All ~ !IN. 7-... _.. IAT,_, U:ll, 2)41 --.-aAT/euN.1iae.111t ............... MT,__ lt11, 7:11, 1:11, ..... - . --~ MT,_ Ml ... ,,.,l:tt (PO> aAT/IUN. 4:IO, 1:11 .. JEKYLL a HYDE .. SPLIT IMAGE" fN.1:,1,t:lt TQQETHER AGAIN"<"> ,..7+*-IAT/-.t4 UT/IUM. t:GO, l:tt ........ tO:tl , ... 1-7+~ AMl1YVIUE 0: THE~ION• _....,..._ ............. .. POLTERGEIST_'! ,_UIUT/-.4111,MO T.~Ot~111 ,., ..... IAT/auN.1:1e,tt1e, 1ND "8PUT IMAGE",., "'9. t:tl, NO, 10-AO IATl lUN. h ... 4:AIO, t:tl ... ,....., ...:.::. -::. 1".~o• • ~ ..... .... ti aAT/auN. t:10. "10. 10:tl "ROCKY II" Cf'OI ..... ...... ~ld'T UTT\.f ~"TOAS"tlll .... .,.,,.. .... ,. ~ llUll,,.,, ..... _ .. ,,.. ..... ,..,..,. O"TOOU • .. MY FAVORITE YEAR"'"' ... 1 .... uTJ-. 1111, •• ... ..... • "IACll _., .,_ -l'\-THaWALL"1111 .... ....... . MT,.. .... .... ... .... .. +.._MT . ....n .,, ..... a: Cl> ':< 0 0 0 i ... .... ~::::=:::::::::::::::~·~::::::::::::::::::l~~--~-D~l_v_•_r_•_lo~n_• __ ~__,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ .... ~ What's happening J along Orange -Coast .. }'-PLAYS------ ~ "ABSURD PERSON S INGULAR," a Britlah :2 comedy, oompletp Its run lhia weekend for Showcue U: Productions In the Westminster Auditorium,, 7571 -Weatmlnater Ave. (894-Cl786). Final performances are ~ tonight and Saturday at 8:30 and Sunday at 2:30. ~ i "ALL lN FAVOUR SAID NO," a new Irish comedy, 1 ls being preaented at South Cout Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Cost.a Mesa (957'.4033). Curtain times are 8 ~ p.m. Tuesdays through ·Saturdays, 7:30 Sunday• and ~ w~kend .aftemoons at 2:30 through Oct. 17. 0: "ARSENIC AND 01,.D LACE." the venerable romedy about two lethal old ladies, Is being staged at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds (754-5159). Curtain ls 8:30 Thursday• through Saturdays until Oct. 16. "BULLSHOT CRUMMOND." a rollicking spoof of old det.ect.lve movies. rontinues at the Newport Theater Aru Center. 2501 Cliff Dnve. Newport Beach (675-3143). Performances are given at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 9 "CAMELOT," a musical set in' the days of 'King Arthur. ooens toniaht at Newport Harbor llidl School aa a production of the Newport BNch Parlq,_»eachea and Recreation Department. The show plays lhia weekend at Harbor High and three more weekends at Lincoln School in Corona del Mar, Fridays and 'SatU(days at 7:30 and' Sundays at 1:30. Call 640..2271 for lnfonnation. "THE GONDOLIERS," a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, 11 the fare at the Newport Harbor Actora Thea~r. 390 Monte .Vista St., Cost.a Mesu (631-5110). Curtain tunes are 8 p.m. Thursday lh~gh Saturdays. 2;30 Sundays through Oct 10 "CHEATERS." a modern comedy, completes Its run at SebuUan'a West Dinner Playhou9e. 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950), with final perfonnances tonight through S unday at varying curtain times. Openin1 Wedne.day la '11\e Pirat.es of Penz.ance," which will play through Nov. 14. "DEATHTRAP," a auspen1e-ftlled myst.ery~y. Is being praented at the Harlequin Dinner Playhoule. SAT. OCT. ITH ORANGE COAST Colleee Auditorium IF YOU'VE ONLY I SEEN ''mYlll' ~ . ONCE GO FOR IT.-AGAIN! Charles Colgan as the toymake r and Heidi Edgre n dance in HThe Enchante d Toysho p" · Saturday and Sunday in Laguna Beach. 3503 S Harbor Blvd .. JUS north of Costa Mesa (9~ l). Performances are Tuesdays through Sundays at varying cur1Aln wnes untJI Nov. 14. "EL GRANDE DE COCA COLA." a musical revue with the emphasis on 11apet.1ck comedy. continues at the Huntington Beach Playhouae, in the SeacUff Village shopping oen\er on Main Sll'eet at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beaich (847~5). Curtain is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 16. · See Diversions, Page 1 3 * aARGAIN MATIN-* .... ., ....... ....., NI '9ftoftMMee Mfore 5:il0 , .. '""" .,...1 ... , .•. 11 .. ......,., ..... YU.IHYM ••• TOCllTHIR Acu.r 1111 ....................... .. , .... .,... ..... ............. - "ft8. •••a" -..... • "AUTHORI t•I AUTHOIU" ,. .... _ "'MY PAW.ft ftNI' .. _ .............. .. ----~----~--------------------......l(-~ ___ 0_1_v_•_r•_i_o_n_• ____ ~~----------------(--------------~ From Page 12 .. LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGER S ," a four-episode comedy, is oh stage al the San Clemente Community Theater. 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente (492-0465). Friday and Saturday performances fltt given at 8 p.m. through Oct. 9. "THE MIND WITH THE DIRTY MAN," an ll-rated comedy about pornographic movies, opens tonight for the Irvine c.ommun.ity Th~ater at Turtle Rock Conunun.ity Park, on Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Driye In Irvine (557-7297). Performances wiJI be given F ridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m .. Sundays at 2 p.m .. through Oct. 23. "RAIN," a revival of an old-time drama. continues at the Westminster Corrunun.ity Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster (995-4113) Curtain time is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 9. "ROOM SERVlCE." a slapatick comedy Crom. the Thirties, is on stage at the Laguna Moulton Playhouae. 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna .Beach (494-0743). Performances are given Tueedays lhrough Saturdays at 8 p.m. until Oct. 16. -ART------ CALIFORNIA ARTISTS I.N NEW YORK ia focus of rAC1flC 0TllUT•• MIY(-411 , • ., •lfll '"91QO -_. --M .. , Al A11Allf1• lllW·• ......... II.VI •vt .. I OllMll •M-.. ..... ,,. .. _,._, ---n••-11-------_ .... .. ....... , .. , .,teli CMIMll .... ,, f l((I ................. ,. -114/ta. M..... . --·-·c..-·--.-,, .. c.-.-------~"~----··- a t '.' ANAHEIM 0111~1 ,.., wa?:i::i ~ur • ~ '1.0YD: THE WA&..l" --fl\..Ua • "WClll&.O M:C I • I TO .,_,.... "llAMIMr -_ .. _ -ClllfH- . . ' .... BUENA PARK ,., •• ., .._ ___ _ llM070 ....... LINCOLN Dllil/I IN -------121-«>70 . . " FOUNTAIN VA LlEY a111v1 '"' '1tOC*Y r-lllL.Ue "'iC '9m• AT "" -IOWT HIGH" -··- LA HABi<A , • " , ••E.T., - THE !XT9'.A· TeRMSTIUAl" ".lllCYll a HYDE ... TOOITHI" AGAJN" .,. -"UP .. IMOKa" • Cllll·•- -... s.. --·-"-.. ,.,.., 1".IT lllAGa"1111 flW9 ..,ADe TO a.A~K" 111t -··-"~II: THE'°9M....,.,. l'W9 ~TH Wl9HI''• ~-·- ..,_R.OYD: AT THa WA&..l""' "-119 "XANAOU".,.. M.U aTA .. ~ .......... TAmOR an exhibit at UC Irvine opening today. More than 90 paintinp, IC\.l.lptures. drawi"411. fllnw and 'multi-media worka by art.Illa who have Uved and worked ln Southttn California and 1ince moved to New York City. Fine Arts Gallery, UCI campua, Irvine. BOWERS MUSEUM offers in -h<>U9e and outreach educational programs beginning Tuellday. Included are toun of ~nt collections of African and lndian .Jl1 and Orange County artifacts. Programs are available to schools. youth group& and adult organizations. Most programs are free. For Information, write Bowers MU1ewn Education Center, 2002 N. Main St .. Santa Ana 92706. "P R E -HI SP A N I C A RT o ·F M EX l CO. GUATEM ALA AND CENTRAL AMERICA," with ceramic and atone objectl from pre-1521. opens Tueeday at Bowers MU1ewn, 2002 N. Main St .. Santa lu\a. Hours 10 a .m .-5 p.m . Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 p .m. Sunday. Admiaeion b~Uon. DELTA GAMMf'SHOWCASE OF THE ARTS Ls 1-7 p.m. Oct. 24 at Sanda10ne Gallery. 384 N. Cout Hwy .. Laguna Beach. lncludett paintinp and 1eulpturet on exhibit and for sale. WonnatJon s.48-8820. CHINESE DYNASTY COSTIJMF.S will be-lhown during prcgam of Amenan Artia1a o( Chinese Brush Painting 2-5 p,m . Sunday at South Coast Plaza Hotel. Information 844-1843. WATERCOLORS by Jane and Robert E. Wood on view at Challia Galleries, 1390 S. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beach. Artiata' reception 3-5 p.m. Saturday open tD the ·public. "MOVING PAINT Turbulent and Tranquil. 1how by four contemporary atr11ta, is at Irvine Fine Arta Cent.er, 4601 Walnut Ave,. Irvine. Free public reception 7-9:30 tonight. Gallery ,houn 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday and Friday. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday. 9 a.m.-3 p.m Saturday. -DANCE-------- "SNOW WHITE AND T HE S EVEN DWARFS" perfonned by Ballet Pacifica is at 3:30 p.m. Saturday and 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Sunday in Festival Forwn Theater, 650 Laguna Canyon Ro.ct. LaRUJ\& .Beach. Al.lo on ~am is "Enchanted Toyshop" where all the toys come to life. Tickets at $4 available by calllni t 94-7271. DANCE REPERTORY THEATER. a new nonprofit adjunct enaemble hued at Cal State Fu~rton, opens ill aeaaon at 8 tonight in Brea Civic/Cultural Cen t.er, Brea. Information 897-6865. EXCERPTS FROM cluslc folk ballet "Billy the See Diversions, Page I 6 THE ruR THE OOEAMS .r.M( TRUE. \ Pll lRO-WLDWYN rMYER PR£SfNT~ A BROO<SFILMS NfJ MICHA£l riRIJSKOff PROOXTION PETER O'TOOLE • J£SSICA AAlffR • XJSf PH OOl.CQ\4 AtfJ INTROOJC!ttJ MARK Urti -BAK£R MY FAVORITE YEAR· SCRUNPlAY BY M)RtMN STEIMIRG Ar() OC~IS ml.I.Ml) ST°"" B)' ~IS FW.E PRCXUIO BY MIC>Wl GRUSK(Jf l!2L':'!.=.'!'!'9~ I OIRECT£0 BY !!~,!"~ Qiid STARTS TODAY ~T 1HESE SPECIALLY SILECTID 1HEATRES WA COITA MIU ll TW llUHT•T• 1UC1 W DUlll UA MovitS Edwl«lt Souftl Coast Plaza Edw..-os Slddltbac~ Edwards Hunl#lgton an..na Plciflc's Or1ng1 Or1vt In ClMdomt 990-4022 54& 27 t 1 581 5110 1480311 834-93'1 &34·2553 I NO, ... ACCiPfii .. btlS P!U• ·-·I . t~.. ...·.:..:.:-·........-.~ ......... ......:. ~.-.:........:.:. ... _._ •..•• J 13 3! 2 ~ i 71: -4 ~ ~ a. ~ _ .... 'Tl .... a: QI ':< 0 n 0 g .... --<D c:D I\) • • .. " ~ O> -.: ... ~ 0 ti 0 >. al 'O ·~ u. .: Q) 1Q c Q) .lt ~ ~ ~ a: t I I -, -·--·._ __ • ~~~~~~~~~~---------------____.~ The lntertoln•r• ~~-'-------------------:...-------------~ White Water Rush . . . They want to be known as 'The Country Beatles' From Pagel great au_d1ence appeal. But they're not just singers and no one 18 the star. ~hey're a gr?up that hangs together. taking turns in the spotlight, all to the delight of their audiences which have been as diverse as the band members themselves. They've played to thousands of Girl &'Outs in Irvine and t'Owboy bikers in a Paramount ,bar with equaUy good responses. ''We never got fired from a job,'' Orsinelli said. "We always got hired, back." "Many times," said Williams, "the places we perfonned, we were the onJy band anybody danced to." The n, said Orsinelli, "we added the Blues Brothers ~view." a hilarious song and dance act he doc.•s w11h Miki· Riiey. "and the people just go ('razy " • "Wc'vt! got a bubble machine,'' Riley said, "and wings and hats.'' "We change the words ln some aongs to make tht•m funnier," he added. "We do anything to shake thc·m up." "We're not there to be a jukebox," Greg Lander added "We're a hJgh energy act." A showcase band is how Orsinelli characterlz.ed them. TaJking with White Water Rush is like trying to keep track of a six-tongued comedian. Quips bounce around like an out-of-·control Ping Pong ball. It's hard to keep track of the players without a scorecard. Everybody has his two cents to add. That goes for offstage and on. Combined, they might add up \0 a million buQc.s. Meanwhile,~agree. it's a living wage. Th.ey perform .everal · ts each week around Orange County and bey . They even played Las Vegas once. That was in Maxim's where they said they were tet up by "80llle flaky agent." Probably, they aaid, White Water Rush works more than any other YOW\8 band in the area. The group s tarted several yean ago whe n .,Riley and Orai.rwlli, buddies from Bolaa Grande 'ffigh School ln Garden Grove, began picldnc tunes, ~ eonaa Ind dotna comedy ln small beer ban. down there to listen and join us. They hadn't showed up so we we re just getung ready to leave when they puUed up in his old Plymouth." "Then we got our old bass player from Fast Buck," Little said, "and we formed White Water Ru.'lh ." "l started playing guitar in the seventh grade," Little explained. "Bob and l used to mess around trying to play music, me with an old beat up a<.'Oustic guitar and Bob w ith an olCI beat up snare drum until Bob got his first drum set and 1 got my fi rst electric guitar. Then we fpnned Fast Buck and played a few gigs ." Trying to sort out the band members is a t.np in it.self. They line up something like this. -S te ve Orsinelli, who has been known professionaUy as Steve Louis , is the big guy. He's 24 and, after graduating from Bolsa Grande High School. attended Golden Wet C.Ollege studying film and video. He plays guitar and IS learning the fiddle and harmonica which he hopes to use in the band. M1C·hael Riley, 22. also graduated from &lsa Grande and attended Golden West studying music and writing "In high S(:hool," Ri ley saM. "I was very mueh into drama and devote much 11mt• Into pu1ung 1t into the music we play to makf' ll a show " He plays guitar. -Greg Lander. who at 25 IS the senior citizen of the group, plays •.>ass guitar. A graduate o ( Lowell High School an Whittier, he began working with computers and playing music with several d1He rent bands. Eventually, he quit his computer job to devote all his energy to White Water Rush. H e's the one Williams said they bought for 20 bucks, paying that Cee to a professional musicians' outfit to get a list of name2J of bass players and winding up with Lander "because." said Williams, "he was one of the few who answered hb1 phone." -Darryl Lee Reed la the only Florid ian in the otherwi.9e 10lid Southern California crew. A native of West Palm Beach, Fla . the 22-year -old Reed has been playing steel guitar for approximately three yean. Originally with a church band, he joined White Water Rush 1 YJ years ago, easily slipplng Into the fun and camerade rie and hitchmg his wagon to the same s tar all the members are watching. -Bob Williams, a 21 -year-old graduate of Santia10 H igh School in Garden Grove, ls the drummeT. He u.ed to work for a Cut food store a fter high ~hoot graduation. "But l got to a point m my hfc where I had to decide what I wanwd Is to stay m mualc." -Steve Little, lead guitarl.lt, la, at 20. the baby of the ':"J· Another Santiago High School graduate, he he's always been mterested In cowftry musk although a few years back he waa more into rock. "Nobody haa a daytime job," Little explained. "That's why we can play Nellie's a nd stuff." Neille's Saloon la a bar ln Paramount where the band hu been competina -and doing it well - aplnat the lure of the pool table tor attenUo_n. a.roUna On.nae County. "They'd fttd m beer and ,tve m dgan,'' Saddleback band to play OnlneW explained, "and we were havtn, a great t1me. We Wied \0 peck them in.'' j h ' · M R "We dld It Juit to meet atria." Riley chimed in. W I Jazz Singer C ea "We weren't even muaidana -we're poet.I. When '"U ain-r Cannen McRae ,...rforms Oct. "We tUMS a •-L-drum," "--'--'" _ ...... __., "and 19 ·--e_,_h,.-~ ~ -.-J 16 at the Irvine Bowl, Laguna ~ . opening for we s tarted practi~ins . We dldn't have any ~ her will be the Saddlebeck C.oUegefBig Band. equipmenL My mike stand •• a map ltand. His The band. made up of profeulonala, muaic mike stand wu •cone out of the middle ol the roed. educatOfl and advanced musk student•, II to "We were practldnc and practldns. Then perlonn a aet of popular jau numbers followed by a 11arted doing bar rftltavaha and weddlnp, and • tet acrompanylna juz trumpeter Bobby Shew .. decided \0 tet .ertow, guest IO}Oiat , ''We met one time ln thll 1trl'1 carage,'' Performlna with well-known jau arti1ts la Oninelll added ... Mike and l and another buddy nothing new for the Seddlebeck group, which la were 1uppoee to meet ln thla itrl't prace for directed by Bill Kirk, Saddleback aHoclate ~-profe.or of fiM ana. "Steve (Little) looked over the fence and Mked The •~P hu ap~ with such muaidana u what we were dolna. So, he c;ornea OYtr the fence. TOlhiko A1c.4yothl and Lew Tabeckin, Bill Watrow. Ste\19 w11 ln a bend" called FMt Bude and we w... Rony !Uni and Oary FQtWI'. ~~II Home BNw at l...unDP09t Pim. a UW. ''The b9nd frequently •Pl*" ln local dubs bar over on Gant.n Grove lloulnard. lt WM and oonmlU f•""""8 ~· by such arUa1la five fN\ wide Ind 30 feet Jona. .. Dulle llllMton, ONnt .. and &.n Kmeon. ·• • • .-.. •:w..-...·~tttd ••• .,. 1 .... KJalU2 1Wt'RrV*".,••wu n '....-V. 1n recent months, they've gone on t.o bigger and better -and plusher plat.-es, Orsinelli said, but the money al Nellie's was good. "They made us an offer we couldn't refuse.'' White Watef Rush was the opening act for Country artist Bobby Bare when he perlonned at the Crazy Horse Saloon in Santa Ana. a much more lavish joint than Nellie's. They've also perfonned to enthusiastic crowds at JW's Cowboy in Anaheim, the SwaUow's Inn in San Juan Capistrano and the Handlebar Saloon in Santa Ana plus 't lots of private parties. .,.,.t They've even done the Orange C.Oun ty Fair. Their Cirst performance as White Water Rush was for S t. Polycarp Church in Stanton. The event was a church fair. "We had 10 songs and repeawd them three times," Orsinelli recalled. "T hey liked us so well, we f;O back everyJear now, and we do it for free. We sounded so ba then, but they went crazy." The band does all Its own bookings. The flaky Las Vegas agent turned them off. So did another one who sent the group to Palm Springs on a wild goose chase , that at least ended up with a good party, one of the guys quipped. · "I can book us for three months in advance just by knocking on doors." Onrinelll saJd ... but we're tryin.~ to get an agent to ha.Oale us for showcue stuff.' The first two weeks in November, they'll probably be play..ln.g_lhe King's Table in Westminster, he said. "We're been makJng steady bucks," Little said. "and a lot of people have heard of us. Up ln the San Fefnando Valley WheJ't' we've never ·even played, 110meOne has plastered our namea all over the hlth .:hool lockers." "We're gonna make It," Otsinelli said of the band future. "We can slt around and all get married and have babies.'.' Lander said, "or we can go for it." All six White Water Rush members agree they're a family. "We have a bi& family," Willlama said." and all our parents and relatives are supportive.'' "We do have our apo.its.'' Lander noted, "but we don't break too much furniture. It's pre1ty democTatJc. Whoever haa the bigest ltlck wins the araument." All of the band memben write 10np, with moat of them beinQ jolnt effona. They alao take tuma at arrancinl. , · They want to work on oriQlnala. "It all falla fOlether," Lanaer-Mkl. ''There .... \0 be • reelly nronc f~ we want to make lt topther,'' OnlneW nplalned. "Yah," Wllllanw deedpanned ... Uke if three ol \.9 aet kWed ln an ll(X:j~t., tM other th.ree wt1l ehoOt ounelva." '"The loncer' we stay tocether. lhe better we lilt," Lander laid while Reed noted time WM on ihelr .,._ ••we w.nt to be top m"'*-1 pertormen." Riley eakl. 11We put ln e verytbln1 we've aot," uJd OnlneW. ''Whether we make it• not," Lander IMd, '"we've ent.er1almd • lo\ °' people and r.111 ma cbealf-1 ...... .. UfO'ieM ... ~framdm." ...... ..... , 1'thm lt'I ell wanhwhil& MUik: r-111. ti a • OUT 'N' ABOPT With Norm S tanley . A p~tive inquiry reached my desk last week fro a dedicated out 'n' abouter who lives in Mission Vi · . "Could you," he uked, "shed a little light on this city's dining out prospects, lay it on the line wlle.lher or not athle tic and recreational facilities outnumber restaurants about 10 to l?" Hyper.bole having e Cfectively grabbed my attention. l went on to consider the validit of 90me of the points underlying his request for information. True, Mission Viejo isn't big enough to have a sufficient number of r estaurants t o publish a directory; and, at the same time, it isn't so small seriow eaters can wander around without some sense of knowing where and what IS offered. lt's also true you can inc r ease the n\Jmbe r o f n...uv prospective aining spots by ignoring the already ill-defined city boundaries in the ar ea; sh ifting to El Toro, Laguna Hills. Laguna Niguel or Lake Forest is oft.en no more than a matter of crossing the street. But we wouldn't, str ictly speaking. have a fair game plan here if w e strayed beyond the actual perimeters of Mission Viejo. Finally -before getting down to the s ucvey th at will undoubtedly fall short of a hundred percent complete -It must be admitted that Mission Viejo seemingly has more champion swimmers than it does restaurants of all kinds combined. But the poeaibilities probably exceed - in quality if not quantity -those envisioned by most Orange Countians, even the dining aficionados who live beneath the morning shadows of Saddleback Mountain. *** All the p opular features of Japanese restaurant.a today, including t.eppan yakJ and a sushi bar, are present at Slto1•a of Japan, 25221 Muirlands, at Alicia. Open for lunch Monday lhru Friday (11 :30 to 2), dinner and cocktail• nightly (5 to 10). Re.ervations: 768-5800. *** Gu y and Cathy Denegre offer specialties of French country cooking -veal cooked w ith Mana.la, lamb sh.anka Marengo -at their ch~ La Ferme, 28451 Marsuerlte Parkway. L unch Tuesday thru Friday (11:30.,.to 2), dinner and cocktail.a nightly except Monday (5:30 to 9:30). Reeervationa: 831-8252. *** . eat here M talce hotM STAG CHINESE CASIO For those not yet settled into domestic bliss, or the young at heart if hitched, there's a rousing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~! ~ Bobby McGee's Conglomeration at 2847 1 0 Marguerite Parkway . Dinne r only -steaks, 2' seafood and prime rib ..:..... Sunday thru Thursday (5 DIXIELAND J A.,., ~ to 10), Friday and Saturday (until 11). Reservations: ft "°" 495-3755. * * * FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. The major schools of Chinese cooking, from Cantonese and Hunan to Mandarin and Szechwan, Dancing & Entertainment are on the bill of fare at Jade'• Cblnese Cuisine, For The Whole Family 28601 Marguerite Parkway, at Avery. Lunch , dinner and cocktails daily (11 to 10). Reservations: ' 495-2631. * * * Far West Services offers their family-oriented bill of fare from hamburgers to steaks -as they do elsewhere in Orange County -at Coco's, 2775-0 Crown Valley Parkway. Breakfast, lunch, dinner ,~ 1 ~ ... ·~ and cocktails daily (7 to 11). Telephone: 495-1680. WW , "1 FUTillllG 10 "10MTINL IESTMMTl 4111 BIRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH eom.r ot von 1<wman ~~~~-~~o-1n_1_n_g~D-•_"_s_h_'_·~~-~~~~ MEDLEYS -The RIGHTOOUS BROTHERS will appear at Medleys in Fountain VaJJey Oct. 10 ,;;;.==================;;;;;; and 17. Two shows are scheduled, at 8 and 10 p.m. Through October Bim Barn appears on Monday. Christopher Sails Tuesday and Jeff Parson Wednetdays through Saturdays. ANTHONYS PIER II -Anthonys Pier 11 announces October's unique wine tasting dinner on Tuetday. Oct. 5 at 7:00 p.m. The dinn~r includes giant prime rib, baked potato, fresh vegetable and salad. For $1 4.95 you'll receive the dinner and all wines. The price a1ao includes gratuity and taxes. The wine me nu consists of Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon 1979, Firestone Cabernet Sauvignon 1978, Spring Meuntain Cabernet 1979, and Fetzer Cabernet Sauvignon 1980. & SellastiM Aullert "Y" VOUVRAY 4 SQ~drifter Ol)tanc:uvc W.crfronc Dining • 0yMcr Bar • Cocktails nn W. P.afic O-t Highwey, Newport ee.:ti Rcscrvaton5 Aazpccd • 642-229S ..... .... <O Q) N OLD W ORLD RESTAURANT -h 's OOMPAH-PA time here at the Old World Festival Hall ln Huntington Beach. Now through Nov. 14 it will be Oktoberfest Munich style . For real a uthenticity there are brass bands direct from Germany. The first to arrive is the 12-piece brass band from J ockgrlm/P f•lz. You can try the iiiiii.jijiijjijjiiii~•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii · Oktoberfest Buffet for $4.25. On Sunday the band __________________ _. plays from 2 to 10 p.m. The German Restaurant ls open at 11 a.m. and serves continuously till 1:30 a.-=-=~:E::::=z::1Cjgl-C3Cl•-ciC:::=:m::rJ p.m. A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western•style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chickt•n, and ·teak. Delicatl' soups and deli~litful SCI la ds. Impeccable e rv1ce in a most beautiful l'ttin~. Discover Yamato .. a very special dining c~pcricncc 60 F11hion Island Newport Beach / 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 277-1840 "'' ..._. ft= tQ.9111 ....... • • • •· -1 • 16 -----------------.-...(-Dlv•r•lon• )i----------- ~ From Page 13 ~ K id " will be per formed by Oakland Ballet durln1 ~ memorial tribute honoring choreocrapher &lcene Lorina ~ at 3 p.m. Sunday, UC 1r ir\e Fine Arts VWace 'nl8ter. ZJ Admillion free. Inf~tion 833-6617. 0 g -ETC.-------- >-"TOWARD A MORALLY JUSTIFIED U.S . ~ IMMIGRATION POLJCY," lecture by philoeopl)y Prof. -.:: Richard Brandt ()( Georgetown Law Cent.er i.s 11 a.m. LL. OcL 19 at Chapman College Huhinger Science Hall, 333 .... N. Glaasell, Orange. Free adrnilmion. · Q) 't) c Q) ~ $ ~ NATIONAL GUNFIGHTERS S T UNT CHAMPIONS HIP ls Oct. 9 at Calico Ghost Town In San Bemardl.llO County. Information (714) 254-2122 INT ERNAT IONAL S YMPOSltJM OF 20TH :§ CENTURY HISPANIC AMERICAN POETRY ANOr 0:: NARRATTVE is Oct. 7-9 a t Chapman College, 333 N. GlasseU St., Orange. Registration begins at 10 a.m. Oct. 7 an foyer of Memorial Aud1umum Adrrussion free and open to the public CREATIVE ART WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN begin Saturday at Newport Harbor Art Museum. For delails. call 759-1122 · ORANGE COUNTY QUILTS: A DECADE OF TRANSITION 1972-1982.'' exhibit is at North Orange County Museum, 301 N. Pomona Ave"., Fullerton. Adm1S'S1on by donadon lnf~"!'lltJon 738-6545. "SNOOPY ON ICE" skatmg show is at Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, twice daily Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Fiesta McxJcana IS Oct. 9-10. COLLECTOR GUN S HOW ANO SALE 1s Saturday at Long Beach Convention Cent.er, 300 E. ()('('a.n Blvd , Long Beach. AdmiM1on SJ.~. Gallaghe r will pe rform his brand o f comed y Oct. 9 at Ora nge Coa t College in Co ta Mesa. COMEDIAN GALLAG HER perConns in concert at 8 and 10 p.m. Oct. 9 in Orange Coast College Auditorium. Cost.a Mesa. AdmJSSion $8.~. Information 556-5880. OCTOBER-FEST POLKA DANCE 8 p m.-m1dnight Saturday at St. Gregory The Great Church Hall, 13935 Telegraph Road, Whittier. MARINELAND. 6600 Palos Verdes Drive South, Rancho Palos Verdes. features sea shows with dolphms, sea lions, pilot whales and killer whalh. Open WNinesdays-Sundays IS RAEL FAIR '82, with e xhibits. booths, entertainment. dancing. food. 1s Oct. 17 at Orange County Fairground'>. Cosi.i Mesa. • -MUSIC------ MAG1c OF MUSIC concert series sponsored by Newport..Mesa Schools Foundation opens at 3 p.m ~t. 10 at Newport Harbor High School with program of Mozart. Cimarosa. Haydn and Klmsmger's music.a.I story for ctuldren, ''1'\Jbby the Tuba", performed by lrvlll(' Symphony Orchestra. Information 645·6~5 GUITARIST PHlL KEAGCY headlines Chrisllan music event Oct. 8 at Knoll's Berry Farm, Buena Park Also performing WlU be Sweet Comfort Band GREAT AMERICAN BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL ts Saturday and Sunday at Chino Fatrgrounds, Central and EdlSOn . Chino Camping available lnformation 986-3089. JELLY ROLL JAZZ SOCIETY performs at New Orleans Jazz CJub of Southern Cahfomia dance I .JO. 7 pm Sunday at Elks Lodge, 4 IOI E Wallow St .. Long Beach Donation $2. PIANIST NORBERTO CAPPONE performs at 8 p.m. Oct. 8 at UC Irvine Flnt> Art& Concert Hall Admission $5 Information 833-6379 q'HE CBEfl(HcltOUSE Dining ond Cocl<IOll$ qnn ··Dining For Romantics . tltc .'m111tf., 1111tl ·'''/fit.' 11/ tflc ~1151 c>11 rtu· ~>L't1CII 111 .L..11.11111111 -" / c11t1ir"'.'I • J n·.,ft . \ c11· ·I 1111la11tl .Lo fotl'r anti 11t/Ja /rr~/1 · J 1.,fi ... ( '11111flclt.1jltl /,/c11cled 111itli I/it' ~i""'·'' 1~/ tlir · Pan/i c ( kc ·1111 . ..... o,.. .... , ....... •••mo••• (114) Jll ... Breakfast Aeservot ions luncheon Dinner on the surf at 619 SIHpy Hollow lone loguno S.och SWEET ADELINES Harborht.es Chal\ter presents Harmony Hoedown at 4 p.m. Sunday ln Cost.a Mesa Neighborhood Community Center. 1845 Park Ave .. Cost.a Mesa Tickets 839-4878. Ad.mission $5 ORGANIST RICHARD lJNFREID performs at 2:30 p.m Oct 16 ·m Crystal Cathedral. 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove. -SINGLES------ WHEEL OF FRIENDSHIP meets at 6:30 pm Saturday al A.lwo's, Calta ~esa and 11:30 a.m. Sunday at Orange County. Mirung Co .• Orange For tnformation call Myrtle at 525-5549. PEX:>PLE SAMPLER by Man-Woman lrutitute ia 8 iton1ght at Hilton at the Park, 1855 S . Harbor Blvd .. Anaheim Adm1ss1on Sl2 includes refreshments and get-acqurunted acuv1l1es. Call 545-0840. SEMINAR FOR SlNGLES. "Designing Your Own Life," as 9 a.m .-2 p.m Saturday in Faculty House, Orange Coast College Registration SIO. Advance enrollment recommended by calling 556-5880 ' iir-:::::;:;::;;:;:---,- TAB HUNTER Starring In "Here Lies Jeremy Troy" A Hilarious Comedy Written By Jack Sharkey Now playinc thru Oct. 17 .-----------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ - t . New OC station. • • Kevin Dobson • • • TV Antenna, P.age 3 Inside TV, Page 16 Oct. I-Oct. 7 Power ... Perfume market topic of 'Bare Essence' "Bare E.ence," a 4 ~-hour drama baaed on the novel by Meredith Rich, debut.a Monday aa a two- part mini-series on CBS, KNXT, Channel 2. Bruce Boxleitner, Linda Evans, Genie Francis, Lee Grant, 3oel HiggiN and Donna Milla star ln the story dealing with wealth, pnwer and romance behind the acenes of a conglomerate that ventures into marketing perfume worldwide. The first eegment ain at .9 p.m. Monday with the final 1egment due at the same Ume Tueeday. Unfolding against the backdrop of New York. Paris and Hollywood, the drama spotlight.a the world of rich jetaetten. Shattered by the death of her father, who has reared her since he was divorced by the now Lady Bobbi Rowan, Tyger Hayes is a spunky, d4:termined girl. Brought up in the world of Hollywood · fi1mmak:1nc where her fat.heJt wu an independent producer after having been a television network executive, Tyger finds hene1f pennile9S. She travela tO New York City to try and convince the company which had financed her father'!! filml to take a chance on her. But ahe la diatraucht to diecover that the money will not be forthcominc. The company is in wry terloua financial difficulties. She lmpre.es Hadden Manball, company premdent, who oUen her a position u executive ...::late and the freedom to create he!' own job. At the aame time, Hidden hlla con~ h1a p-and8on, O\Me Manhall. to forsake the We of a l'Aaropean automobile nett and take over control of the campuy. Ty.-opa for the perfume ~ to brine the COftllomerate beck to l:inancial atabWty. Compllcatlna the altuaeiqn la Ava, Chae'• b-'uUful atep-mOlher~ who la .cliMermined that her IDll. Marcua. wtll -gne ~of the family bualm9. She wW atop at to defeet the perfume project. Al8o involved la . ' miatrels. llart.ra, whom he ~ to n.l mdwtr1al aecreta and f..tUon....,..... Matt Phillipe, who la lntrll'*i with ~· pudwrie. / lie cmn.-mr from a little brown wnrn to a atrildnllY beautiful youq woman. well able to compei. wlth her 11amorou1 mother and he be!'Clnw hlr lowr. -i I ! ' The number is .-.-.-+'---------. TV Teasers, Page 27 ' ' I N Cit) OI .... ..... ~ 0 g • '-~·· il!E d WE .-..-=-v JV • &A4&& 34 AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST 1 • AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 "'' ,. I .. DATSUN NEWPORT. DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -133-1300 FORD -SADDLEIACK ·~W/SUIA~u --l"HEODoRE ROBINS FORD 28402 Marguerite Parkway 2060 Harbor Blvd. Missio·n Viejo Costa· Mesa 831-2040 -495-49 42-00 I 0 -5 4-0-821 I ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road . Newpor! __ B~~~h -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-91 oo CHEVROLET LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UNCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA UNCO&:M-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-051 • MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA CONNEL&. CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 · ~1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ·ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -146-tt34 PEUGEOT llACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -712·0900 PONTIAC IOl~LOJ!IGPRE PONTIA-C 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI ----~ --------- CHICK tvERSON.. IMC. 445 E. Coast HYI)'. Newport Beach-673-0900 'MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove~ 636-2333 . SAAB BEACH IMPORTS · 848 Dove Street Newport Bea·ch -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd.· Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f· VOLi< SW AGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington .Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLi IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. C:Osta Mesa -646-9303 -\ . . laily~at MAIN OFFICE 330 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mall address: Box 1560; Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 ·Telephone: 6-42.,.321 ( Index ) TV Antenna ........................................................ Page 3 llaytime Schedule ............................................. Page 4 Sports Highlights ............................................... P,age 6 Evening Schedule .............................................. Page 7 TV Puzzle ................................... , ...................... Page 25 Return with us to .... , ....................................... Page 25 llaytime Drama ................................................ Page 26 Letters ................................................................ Page 27 TV Teasers ........................................................ Page 27 Word Game ... ····················· ......... ·············· ........ Page 27 Inside TV ........................................................... Page 28 ( Channels ) 8 KNXT 1C8Sl 6121 W Sunset Blvd .. Los Aniteles, Ca 8 KNBC INIJCI 300G W Alameda A Ye., Burbank, Ca' e KTLA Clnd.J • , ~ W. Sunset Blvd .• Los Angeles. Ca . D KABC i'ABCJ . . 4151 Prospect Ave.~ Los Angeles. C:1 .(8> KFMB <CBSJ , • .7677 Engineer Rd .. San Diego. ~a 9 KHJ·TV Clnd 1 SS15 Melrose Ave .• Los.Jl.ngeles. Ca .(IOJ fCCST CABCI _... 8330 Engineer Rd • San Diego. Ca , • KTTV < lnd. I 5746 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, C11 • KCOP·TV <Ind. 1 ' ·915 N La Brea Ave .. Los Aqgeles. Ca (24 1 CBS Cable @ KCET (PBS > 4401 Sunset 'Blvd .. Los Aniteles. Ca. 9KOCE<PBSJ ' '' I 15744 Golden West Sl.. Huntington Buch 10 1 On·TV I 139 Grand Central Ave . Glendale. Ca IZJ Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave . Santa Monka. Ci O"f i HBO . Time·Ufe Bldg .. Rockefeller Center.NY . N Y CCI Cinemax Time·Ufe Bldg .. Rockere11er Center. N, Y • N Y ..,__ __ '1)1WORJ N.Y .N V, <17> cwrBSi Atlanta. Ga. IE I ESPN I LI Select 1S 1 Showtj~ ISi SpotJlght 16 <CabJe News Network I ' TV Antenna Today a TV first for county viewers By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of ltle Dellr ........ "1 First the good news: Orange County la finally getting it.a very own commercial televtaion station. But now the bad news: the station's daily programming menu will include such adntillating morsels as "Gomer Pyle," "Gunarnoke," "McHale's Navy" and "Land of·the Giant.a." . Then again. everyone has to at.art somewhere. and If KDOC lives up to it.a lofty aoaI of produd.ng respectable original programming specially aimed at O range County viewers, it will be a welcome addition to the local airwaves. With 2 m1Won n!lddenta, Orange County has establlahed an identity of it.a own as a thriving section of Southern California. But it has often been noted .ihai..in the wondedul. world of television. the.. community takes a back seat to Lo. Angeles. The major television stations are in Los Angeles and LA people and eventa dominate the local newacuta. Orange County doei& have one non-<.'Oll\mercia.l PBS station -KOCE Channel 50 in Huntington Beach. But even KOCE was forced to drop lta fine Orange County oriented ''Newacbeck" program because of financial conatrainta. Now, after a 14-year effort, KDOC Channel 56. is scheduled today to begin beaming its signal from a transmitter atop the San Bemardlno Mountains to t.eleviaions throughout Orange County and as far as Inglewood and ~ndido. In1tiaUy, the programming geared specifically to Orange County will Include a wee knight broadca st devoted to one local ne ws issue, a noontime "roving reporter" telecast, and athletic events from Cal State Fullerton and 9aJ State Long Beach. AB far as Orange County programming goes, it's not much. But it's much more than the county has at present. . . Because of its small size and becauae it as still considered part of the Los Angeles te levision market, KDOC was unable to purchue the more popular ayndkat.ed shows such aa "M -A-S ;H" and "Happy Days" that air on LA's Independent stations such as KTLA, KHJ. KTTV and KOOP. So KDOC had to settle for some well worn series and movi~ to fill the hours between the two local public affairs shows and the local college games. (It should be noted that there are a few Jack Latham., vetera n radio a nd te levision newsman., is directing new Orange County TV station. sems among the reruns;-such as "The Dick van ·Dyke Show" and "Secret Agent.") But again. a station has to start mmewhere, and KDOC has !IOl'lle ambitious plans for the future . "The whole thrust will. be to have more live programming from Orange County," explained veteran broadcaster J ack Latham, who is the station manager. "We want to have more live programming aimed at Orange County people and events." _ . Latham, 67. has been st1lve in television almost since the birth of the medium. Coming from a radio background, he was hired in 1954 to produce and anchor a pioneer Los Angeles news broadcast on the station that became Channel 5. From 1954 through 1970, h e anc h ored new9C&lta on KNBC Channel 4. From there, he launched radio stations in Hawaii, Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley. He also ser ved as a consultant to Golden Ora.nge Broadcasting, Inc., which in 1968 applied to the Federal Communications Commission for a license to operate a new televis.ioq station in Orange County. According to Latham, the process of 11eeuring See County , Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE * ALL THE MARBLES * NICE Dll AM S * cun ER'S WAY * l lACH GIRLS * HANKY PANKY ""' . I ,OOO's of Movies r Sale or Rent· * PllNCI OP THI c1n * ILOWOUT * WRONG IS RIGHT * s.0.1 . · ·See th.•· Video Experts at • • • * CONAN THI IAllARIAN . Yl.,J!mDf .K~·· U COSTA MISA • 646 .. 921 • .. ~ \ I ... .._._.. ~-·-··-·-·-· -·-·--.. . . ~·Daytime .8 0 8 >. al :2 4:55 (Ji) MOVIE (THU) U: 5:008 CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (MON. -WED) 8' I PERSONAL ANANCE (TUE. THU) ...J HOGAN'S HEROES (FRI) ~ MOVIE P'UE) · _ SPORTSCENTER (FRI) .2 MOVIE (WED) 0: 5:05 Ill) MY THREE SONS CB) TEOOY PENDERGRASS IN CONCERT (WED) 5: 15 (Ji) NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS (FRI) 5:308 JUNTOS (FRI) JIMMY SWAGGART DAYBREAK L.A. LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON. TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REAUTV (FR1) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) CONTEMPORARY HEALTH ISSUES (MON;'' WED. FRI) MATti fOQ-MOOEAN LIVING (TUE, THU) LATIN Ti:MPO (FRI) , GOOD DAY LA. (WED) NEWS (THU) HBO MAGAtlNE (MON) (%) MOVIE (TUE) MOVIE (MON. THU) MARK TWAIN THEATRE (WED) 5:35 Ill) THAT GIRL 5:45. 8 A.M. WEA THEA ~VIDEO JUKEBOX (FRJ) 19 MOVIE (TUE) MOVIE (FRI) 5:50 ,NEWS 6:00 L.A. MOANING (FRI) 2 WITH YOU (MON-THU) HEAL TH FIELD CARRASCOLENDASS 9 ABC NEWS THIS MOANING MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MA YOA (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE OONE (THU) STRAIGt;tT TALK eNE,WS UP ANO COMING (FRI) ROMPER ROOM (MON-THU) • CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (FRI) ITS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS (MON. WED) AMERICAN STORY (TUE. THU) • INTRODUCING BIOLOGY (MON, WED. FRI) AMERICAN GOVERNMEN1' (TUE. THU) HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN'S MAGIC ADVENTURE (MON) MOVIE (THU) FROM THE 56-Y ARO LINE (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (A) (MON, THU) IH8K>E BASEBALL (A) (TUE) HVDROPLANE RACING (WEO) NA TIOHAL GEOORAPHIC S~AL (MON) = ~.THU. FRI) THE Urt'LE DETECTIVE (FRI) MOVIE,o(MON, WED) , 6:061iMOVIE 6:16 MOVIE MON) 6;30 CAPTU:KANGAROO (FN) EAAl Y MOANING NEWS (MON-THU) I EARLYTOOAY I WOMAN (FRO GAU.ERV (MON-T'HU) IT CAN BE 00HE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEE08ACK (MON) YOUTH ANO THE 188UE8 (TUE) Off~D (WED) FRANKLY FEMA~ (THU) CMTOOHB MIGHTY MOU8E CAPTIOHED ABC NEW8 (TUffAI) Pflf.IENTE (MOH) FNEHANO 8KETCHINO (RI) OF EARTH AH1J MAN (MON, WED> WRITING FOR A AEA80N (TUE. THU) ~~.:b(WED) NA. ALM (Ffl) =-WEEICLY r> ~~ .. --· ··-·--·----·-·-···----··. ~-·------····-· Howard E. Rollins Jr. stars in the daytime soap opera HAnother World" on NBC Channel 4 at l p.m . PAAOON ME FOR LMNG (FRI) TRILOGY: THREE CLASSIC TALES (WED) WILD BABIES (THU) MOVIE (\t{ED) • TWO DANGEAOUS LADIES (FRI) MOVIE (THU) MOVIE (WED, THU) 6:451MOVIE (FRI) 7:00 MOANING NEWS TODAY 700 CLUB • ltJ GOOO MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLa> ROMPER ROOM THE FLINTSTONES WOODY WQOOPECKER BUSINESS REPORT FREEHAND SKETCHING (FRI) DESIGNING HOME INTERIOR$ (MON, WED) AMERICA; THE SECOND CENTURY (TUE, THU) • (C) 'THE BANANA SPLITS IN HOCUS POCUS PARK (WED) I SPOATSCENTEA MOVIE (FRI) THE MAN WHO LOVE!> BEARS (MON) MOVIE (TUE) TRtLOOY: THREE CLASSIC TALES (FRI) 7:30G THERE IS A WAY BATTLE OF THE PLANETS YOOA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC OF OIL PAIN1'1NG MOVIE (MON) RACE FOR TliE PENNANT (TUE) VIDEO JUKEBOX (THU) JANE FONDA'S WORKOUT (MON) MOVIE (WED, FRI) WILD BABfES (MON) • WACKY WORlD OF JONATHAN WINTEN !HU) MOVIE (MON. TUE) MOVIE (TUE) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER TIC TAC OOUOH IPtOEA-MAN FRED FUNT8TONE ANO FRIEN08 Ml8TER AOGEA8 (A) IODY BUODIE8 ~fil!·THU) ~~THU,/.. ~MAN=~ 8EAA8 (TUE) a: ~WEO) ""IMCM! A-~ e;tetMRAtM llMCHOf ... THEMUPPETS POPEYE VILLA ALEGRE (A) D (MON. FRI) VILLA ALEGRE (TUE?THU) 3-2-1 CONT ACT II MOVIE (FRI) INSIDE THE NFL (FRI) HOTWHEELS (FRI) MOVIE (MON) FAERIE TALETHEATAE (MON) MOVIE (THU) 9:00 9 (I) $26,000 PYAA~O DIFF'AENT STROKES (R) OZZIE AND HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES SOAP WORLD ROMPER ROOM (FRI) GAEA T SPACE CO AS TEA (MON-THU) SESAME STREET (A) Q DONAHUE VILLA AL.:EGRE (A) Q TENNIS (FRI) BOXING (MON) COLLEGE FOOTBALL (TUE) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WED) AUTO'AACING (THU) MOVIE (FRI) HOTWHEELS (TUE) BOBBY VINTON (TUE) MOVIE (MON) MOVIE (TUE) 9:05 Gl) PEOPLE NOW 9:30 8 (I) CHILD'S PLAY WHEEL OF FORTUNE THE RIFLEMAN MID MORNING L.A. MOVIE ' VICTORY AT SEA. ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) TENNIS (WED) CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS (FRI) MOVIE (TUE) ON VIEW (WED) AEROBtqSE (MON, WED, FRI) MOVIE (TUE. THU) 9:45 i MOVIE (WED) 10:00 (I) THE PRICE IS RIGHT TEXAS EMERGENCY LOVE BOAT (R) e (C) (8) Cl) MOVIE LOVE BOAT (R) (MON, TUE, THU, FRI) ALL MY CHILbAEN (WED) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) EDUCATIONAL PROOAMMING (MON-THU) MOVIE (WED) NICHOLAS NOCKLEBY (THU) MOVIE (WED. FRI) MOVIE (MON. THU, FRI) 10:05 ~MOVIE 10:30 MOVIE MON) 10:45 CHAAL~S CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE (TUE) 11:008 (I) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS THE DOCTORS BONANZA ltJ FAMILY FEUD THE SAINT ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MON-WED. FRI) WHY IN THE WORLD (THU) NEWS HOR8ESHOW JUMP1NG (THU) MOV1E (T\JE. FRI) MOVIE ~·TUE) 11:aoftsE'A~ FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE •New& MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT THE flQHT WAY (TUE) ~~)U) MOVIE(~~:, MORNING'S AT SEVEN <WED) SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW (FA) 11 :45 (%)MOVIE (WED) 11:&9• 0 BASEBALL (THU) \I 11 I\'\< H )'\ .. -~~ALES ~~LMS • ~MY CHl.DAEN (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) -='EBAU. (WED) MOYIE IOf4AHZA .,. I I . ·- 1 .. • '· --------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------5 \l 11 .l{'\( )( )'\ GED (MON. WED) EDUCATION~L PROOAMMING (TUE) GETTIN' TO KNOW ME (THU) MOVIE (MON, WED) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) (TUE) HBO MAGAZINE (FRI) TEDDY PENDERGRASS IN CONCERT (TUE) STEPPING OUT: THE OEBOL TS GROW UP I~ MOVIE (THU) WEST COAST COMIX (WED) MOVIE (MON. TUE. THU) MOVIE (WED. FRI) MOVIE (THU. FRI) 12:05@ FUNTIME 12:30 8 ()) AS THE WORLD TURNS TWILIGHT ZONE (t) MOVIE (FRI) OPEN LINE (MON-THU) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE , OVER EASY •GED (MON) WHY IN THE WORLD (TUE. THU) THE RIGHT WAY (WED) TENNIS (TUE) MOVIE (MON, FRI) NICHOLAS NICKLEBY (TUE) MOVIE (TUE) 12:35 al) THE FLINTSTONES 1:008. ANOTHER WORLD ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS 9 ONE LIFE TO LIVE (MON, TUE, THU, FRI) SOAP WORLD I LOVE LUCY (MON-THU) ·' MARCUS WELBY. M.D. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING "EDUCATIONAL PAOOAMMING (MON-THU) MOVIE (TUE) CFL FOOTBALL (THU) ON LOCATION (FRI) D MOVIE (MON. TUE) TALKING SEX. .. WITH YOUR KIDS (WED) MOVIE (WED. THU) MOVIE (MON) 1 :05 al) THE MUNSTERS 1:308 Cl) CAPITOL I ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS NEWS MOVIE • PLEASE DON'T EAT THE-DAISIES (MON· THU) ; SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) THE POTTING SHED (MON) MOVIE (MON) MOVIE (WED) ONE GENERATION (TUE) MOVIE (WED, THU) 1:35all LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 1 :45 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE ~R~OVIE (WED) • 2:00 I Cl) GUIOtNG LIGHT I FANTASY HOUR MAGAZJNE @J GENERAL HOSPITAL (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) I IRONSIDE ALLIN THE FAMILY (MON-THU) SUPERMAN MIXED BAG (TUE. FRI) QUIZ KIOS (WED) . COLLLLLECTING (THU) LES GAMMAS (TUE) HERE'S TO YOUR.HEAL TH (WED) HABLAM08 ESPANOL (THU) MOVIE (WED} NFL ALM (FRI} MOVIE (THU. FRI) AER081C'8E (MON. WED. FA1) JENNY KOO KOO (THU) MOVIE (FRI) MOVIE (TUE. THU. FRI) 2:05 all THE BRADY BUNCH 2:30• OPEN LINE (FRI) I A[C lkTH£FA-.;fll V (MO~ THUJ POPEYE EARLY DAYS (FRI) RESURRECTION OF LADY LESTER (TUE) PETRUSHKA (WED) A WALK THAOUGH THE TWENTIETH CENTU- RY WITH BILL MOYERS (THU) • MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING THE HAPPY PRINCE (FRI) MOVIE (THU) PKA FULL CONTACT KARA TE (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WED) HOTWHEELS (FRI) ENGELBERT HUMPEROINK (MON) MOVIE (TUE) THE MAN WHO LOVED BEARS (FRI) CJ) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS i ON) LAff·A-THON (TUE) MOVIE (WED) WILD BABIES (THU) 2:36 all BEVERLY HILLBILLIES 3:00 8 THE ROCKFORD FILES DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE Of NIGH"l4 (MON, TUE. THU. FRI) TO BE ANNOUNCED (WED) MERV GRIFFIN KOJAK BUCK ROGERS LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THEWALTONS CARTOONS SONG ANO DANCE (MON) HIGH FEATHER (FRI) GROWING YEARS (MON. WED) VOYAGE (TUE. THU) SOAP WORLD • • VILLA ALEGRE (R) 0 3:30 8 TOM COTTLE: UP CLOSE D PEOPLE'S COURT 9 CHIPS PATROL 8!) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) 4:00 I BARNEY MILLER NEWS COUPLES M•A•s•H WHATS HAPPENING!! SOAP FLIPPER BUGS BUNNY SINGlfll' (FRI} VIOLA (TUE) MISTER RO<lERS (R) SESAME STREET (R) 0 4:308.NEWS ENTERT AJNMENT TONIGHT ABC NEWS n (TUE. WED) M•A•s•H ~ WHA rs HAPPENING II BENNY HILL PEOPLE'S COURT GROOVIE GOOLIES (FRI) GENTLE BEN (MON-THU) FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS 4:591 <II BASEBALL (THU) 5:00 8 ())e NEWS Affluent readers along the Orange Coast are making their reservations. now Our new season • to view • ~,....A ..,...Nl~~t!!.'!b ..... J-TO THE ORANGE COAST coming in the Daily Pilot and Mirrors Oct. 13 EVENINGS -an adventun in tasteful reading. DON'T MIS.5 IT! isa CABLE CHANNEL 10 Programming that gets you right where you live! GROUP w CABLE :2 0 - . I i , . . _J 6 ~ Sports Highlights } 0 8 Friday OCTOBER 1, 1982 MORNING 5:00 Cl) SPORTSCENTER 6:00(() FROM THE 56-VARO LINE Action highllghlS from the Canadian Football League. (R) 6;30 ~ NFl ALM 7:00 SPORTSCENTER 8:30 INSIDE THE NFl Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonlconll present highlights of the previous week's pro football action and interviews with play- ers and coaches. (1 hr.) 9:00 Cl) TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Aus- 1raliQ vs. USA singles semifinal matchM from Perth, Austraha (5 hrs ) AFTERNOON 2:001 NFL ALM 2:30 PK.A FULL CONTACT KARATE 4:00 COLLEGE-FOOTBALL PREVIEW 4:30 SPORTSCENTER 5:00 BASEBALL New York Mets at Ph1ladelphlQ Phillies (2 hrs,. 30 min) ([) TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Australia vs USA beSt singles semifinal matcl'l from Perth, Austraha (A)" (3 hrs )' EVENING 7·00 e DODGER DUGOUT INSIDE THE NFL Cohosls Len Dawson and Nick Buoo1con11 presen1 highhghts of the previous week's pro football aclion and 1ntervlewt> with players and coaches ( 1 nr J 7:05 «!) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves al San Diego Padres (3 hrs . 15 min.) 7: 15 a» OOOOER PRE-GAME 7:30• BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers al San Francisco Giants (3 hrs ) 8:00 I SPORTSCENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING (R) 11:30 SPORTSCENTER 12:30 COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) 1 :00 TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Aus- 1ralia vs USA second best singles semifinal match from Perth. Australia. (A) (2 hrs.) 3:00 ([) SPORTSFORUM (R) 3:30(() FROM THE 55-YARD LINE Action h1ghhghts from lhe Canadian Football League. (R) Saturday OCTOBER 2. 1982 MORNING 5:00CE) TENNIS ·"Davis Cup" Coverage of 1he Aus- lralla vs USA singles march B from Perth. Australia (RJ_Phrs) 8:00 Cl) WRESTLING (!) FUTURE SPORT 8:30 (()'COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) 9:00 ~ SPORTSCENTER PLU& · 9:30 NFL FILM 10!00 \40TOCAOSS CoYe<age ol the BMX Bicycle motocross race from St. Paul. Minn. ( 1 hf,) INSIDE THE NFL Cohotts Len Dawson and Nick Buornconu present highlights of lhe P<evloua week's pro football acllon and inttrvlews with players and coaches. J 1 hr ) t 1:00 D CJD BASEBALL Regions! coverage of Milwaukee Brewers at Beltlmore Orioles (() TENNIS "Da~is Cup" Coverage of the Australia vs USA doubles semifinal match from Perth, Aus- '1r alla (R) (3 hrs .. 30 min) 11:30e GRANO PRIX Of ALL-STARS High school athletes and top celebrities compete for fabulous prizes at the Grand Pmc An-Star Sports Center In Celllorn1a AFTERNOON Steve Garvey contemplates action in recent Los Angeles. Dodgen game from unr amiliar spot, a seat on the dugout steps. Los Angeles and San Francisco duel for the Western Division title of the National League Saturday at 1 p.m. at Candlestick Park. The game will be teleeast on KTTV, Channel 11. coverage of lhe Women's Masters Surfing Cham- pionship (from Oahu. Hawaii) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 2:30(1) UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE RACING Cover- age of lhe Circus Regatta from San Diego. Caht ( 1 hr) 2:35; MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRA TEO 3:00 RACING FROM BELMONT 3:05 WRESTLING 3:30 NFL FILM .4:00 8 NFL MAGAZINE (!) BASEBALL New York Meis at Ph1ladelpti1a Phil lies (2 hrs .. 30 min ) ([) SPORTSCENTER (Q) OPENING DAY MADNESS A review ot the bizarre and S1gnihcant happenings or the NFL's past 40 ooenino days is presented ( I hr I 4:30 8 NFL SYMFUNNY A humorous look at pro football is set to c1ass1ca1 music (II NFL IN REVIEW 4:65 all REDMAN FOOTBALL REPORT 5:008 RAIDERS PLAYBOOK '82 I CE) BOXING Live coverage of the Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (US ) I Lotte Mwale (Zambia) 10· round llght heavyweight bout from Harrah's 1n Atlantic City. N.J. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 5:06 all NCAA FOOTBALL 6:30 8 NFL WEEK IN REVIEW 0 WIDE WOALO OF SPORTS Scheduled: cover· .age of lhe Trevor Berblck I Renaldo Snipea 10· round heavywalgh1 bout (from Atlantle City. N.J.): coverage ot the Women's Masters Surfing Cham- pionship (from Oahu. Hawaii). ( 1 hr .. 30 mln.) EVENING 12:308 (I) NCAA FOOTBALL New Mexk:O at Air Foree ~y. 7:30(1)SPORT8CENTER • DODGER DUGOUT 8:00(1) CfL FOOTBAU WlnnlP9Q Blot BomC>ers at 12:451 OOOOEA PRE-GAME British Columbia lions (3 hf.$.) t:OO BASEBALL Loa A~ ~s at San l :30I RACING FROM R008EVELT ,.._... .. '""""V"' 9:00 WAESTLING Francltco Glantt (3 hrs.I 10:45 IAT'UAOAV SPORTS PAGE 8 San JOM State at Callforn!a t 1:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Boston vt. Color9do 2:008 WESTERN OUTOOOASMAN _{,g_ h8r~~ER • wtDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: he oov-(I) e<age of the Trevor S.rblck I Renaldo Snipes 10· 12:00(1) BOXING Coverage of the Eddie Mus1afa round heavyweight bout (from Atlantic City. N.J.): Muhammad (U.S.) I Lotte Mwalt (Zambia) 10- ooverage of the Women's Mastera Surllng Cham-round tight heavyweight bout from Harrah'• In P-lonsnip (from Oahu, Hewell). ( t hr .. 30 min.) AllantlO Clly. N.J. (R) (2 hr• .. 30 min.) 9 WIOE WOALO Of SPORt8 Schedulld: 11"9 cov-2:30 Cl) TENNIS "Devit Cup" Uvt eoveraqe _of the .l OfJ r or : I Renaldo Snlpee 10;.J .. V , tV*l;~S;\~f'qMJ{~ Ptrlh~!tJtt, Sunday OCTOBER 3, 1982 MOANING .. 5:30 ([)NFL FILM ' 6:00 (I) COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS Mich1· · gan State vs Notre Dame ( 1 hr.) 7:00 (!)THE OLD BALL GAME (R) 8:00 (I) HOASE RACING Live coverage of the Arc de Trl<>!!!.Phe from Paris. France ( t hr ) 9:00 Cl) TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of lhe Aus- traha vs USA sem1t1nal match C or 0 from Perth. Auslraha (R) (2 hrs.) 9:308 Cl) NFL TODAY eNFL '82 10:00 Cl) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Howard Cosell" Hos1 Ken Howard. 10:30 (!) BASEBALL New York Meis at Philadelphia Ph1lhes (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:00@) BASEBALL ([) AUTO RACING Live coverage of lhe NASCAR Holly Farms 400 from North Wilkesboro. N.C. (Due to FCC regulations. this event may be blacked oul w1th1n a 100-mile radius of North Wtlkesboro) (3 hrs 30 rrun) AFTERNOON 12:00 D WESTERN OUTOOORsMAN I BASEBALL THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 12:308 NfL '82 e DODGER DUGOUT 12:351 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 12:45 OOOGEA PRE-GAME 1:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Oregon a1 USC (2 hrs, 30 min) m BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at San Fran- cisco Giants (3 hrs) 1:05 ltZl BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Otego Padres (3 hrs.) 2:30 (I) SPORTSFORUM 3:00 8 GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS • (!) FUTURE SPORT A scientific exploration of ath- lerlc per1ormance w1>11ch can aid athletes in 1mprov· ing their g~me (R) 3:30 (I) HORSE RACING WEEKLY 4:00 (!) SPORTSCENTEA (L) INDOOR TENNIS "U.S Women·s Champion· ship" (2 hrs ) 4:05 ~WRESTLING 4:30 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS 5:00 TENNIS "Davis Ct.ip" Coverage of the Aus- lralia vs USA semifinal match C Of D from Perth. Australia (A) (3 hrs ) EVENING 8:00 (E) SPORTSCENTEA 9:00 (I) COLLEGE FOOTBALL West Virginia Moun- raineers al P11tsburgh Panthers (2 hrs . 30 min ) 10:30 I WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP 10:.45 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE' 11:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS "Auburn vs. Nebraska" I 1:308 SPORTS ANAL • TV QUARTERBACKS "Season Overvtew" (!) SPORTSCENTER 12:30(1) HOASE RACING WEEKLY 1:00(() TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Aus- lralla ve. USA singles sem1flna1 match C or D from Perth, Australia. (A) (2 hrs.) 3:00 (I) HYDROPLANE RACING Coverage of lhe Circus Regatta unlimited event from San Diego. Calif (A) ( 1 hr ) .4;00 (I) SPORTSCENTER Monday OCT08ER '· t982 MOANING 8;001 SPORTSWDMAN (R) 8:30 HORSE AACtNO WEEKLY 7:00 SPORTSCENTER 8:00 BOXING Coverage 'of the Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (U.S.) I Lotte Mwele (Zambia) 10- round tight heavyweight bout from Harrah's 1n Atlantic City. N.J (R) (2 hra .. 30 min.) I t:30CI) TENNIS "Davia Cup" Co•age of the Au&- \.> / ,., • f.1 VI., ~ 11J11$h ~~ 8 frC¥f1 ' . Friday .\I< >IC\ L\< ~ .\I< >\ · 1 LS OCTOBER 1, 1982 5:•5(%) "Wanted: Babysitter" ( 1976, Drama) Maria Schneider. Sydne Rome. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 6:oocm "Purlte" (2 hrs., 30 min.) 6:05@ "Close To My Heart" (195 1. Ornma) Ray Milland, Gene Tierney (2 hrs) 6:30 ~ "S1nbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" (1977. Adventure) Patrick. Wayne. Jane Seymour ( 1 hr . 53 min) 6:•5 CZ) "Modern Romance" ( 1981, Comedy) Albert Brooks, Kathryn Harrold. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 7:00 CID "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978, Come- dy) Jennifer McAllister. Robert Vlharo ( 1 hr .. 30 m1nL • 7:30(1) "Heartland" (1981, Drama) Rip Torn. Con· chata Ferrell ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 8: 15 (%) "The Slap" (1963. Drama) Lino Ventura. Annie Gira1dot. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 8:30 ~"Brian's Song" ( 1971, Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee Williams. ( 1 hr , 15 min.) 0 "Starcrash" ( 19]9. Science-Fiction) Marjoe Gortner. Christopher Plummer. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 9:00(0) "Janathan Livingston Seagull" (2 his.) 9:30e "Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde" (1941, Horror) Spencer Tracy. Ingrid Bergman. (2 hrs.) 10:00<!> "The Breaking Point" ( 1950. Adventu1e) Joh11 Garfield. Phyllis Thaxter. (2 hrs.) • ~·...-ary. Mary·· (T963;--ComedV) Oet>ble Rey- nolds. Barry Nelson. (2 hrs.) Ct) "The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958. Drama) Maria Schell. Yul Brynner. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CID "Arthur" ( 1981, Comedy) Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelh. ( 1 hr • 53 min.) (I) "Affairs Of Dobie Gillis" ( 1953. Comedy) De~ bie Reynolds. Bobby Van. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) O "The Hazing" (1977. Drama) Jeff East. Brad Davis. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (%) "The Cincinnati Kid" ( 1965. Drama) Steve McOueen. Edward G. Robinson. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:05 all "Caprice" ( 1967, Mystery) Doris Day, Rich· ard Harris. (2 hrs.) 11:00 cm "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980, Comedy) Lily Tomlin, Charles Grodin. ( 1 hr .. 30 m1n.1 11:30(1) "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980. Comedy) Vera A1e11tova. Alexei Batalov (2 hrs., 25 min.) \l 11.l{'\( )( )'\ \J( )\ 11 ."' 12:00D "My Boys Are Good Boys" (1979, Adven· ture) Ralph Meeker. Ida Lupino. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e "Flrst Monday In October" (198t, Comedy) Walter Matthau. Jfll Clayburgh. (2 hrs.) (%) "Arthur" ( t981, Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnnelll. ( 1 hr., 53 min.) 12:30 e "The Seventh Voyage Of Sin bad'' ( 1958. Fantasy) Kerwin Mathews. Kathryn Grant. (2 hrs.) CC) "Return Of A Man Called H0tse" (1976. Adi/en- Stephanie Zimbalist is private investigator Laura Holt and Pierce ~nan plays a m)!Slerious Btranger on the premiere of NBC's new romantic comedy, ''License to Steele," at I 0 p.m. on channel 4. . ture) Richard Harris, Gale Sondergaard. (2 hrs.) cm "The Unseen" ( 1945. Mystery) Joel McCrea. Herbert Marshall. (2 hrs.) 1:30<!> "The New Centurions" (1 972, Orama) Geo_.!.9e C Scott. Stacy Keach. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00 C11J "T ullps" ( 1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Bernadette Peters. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) D "Zoot Suit" (1981 , Drama) Daniel Valdez. Edward James Olmos. ( 1 hr., 43 min.) CZ) "Modern Romance" (1981 , Comedy) Albert Brooks. Kathryn Harrold. ( 1 hr , 33 min.) 3:00(C) "Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. ( 1 hr . 53min.) CI) "On Any Sunday" (1971) Documentary. Steve McOueen. Mert Lawwill. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (ID "A Happening In Hamelin" (2 hrs.) 3:30(1) "Spirit Of The Wind" (Drama) Dan George i_! hr .. 45 min.) (%) "The Slap" ( 1963, Drama) Uno Ventura. Annie Girardot. ( 1 h1 , 40 min.) •:ooe "Starcrash" ( 1979. Science-Fiction) Marjoe Gortner. Christopher Plummer. ( 1 hr., 32 min.) '4:30CO "The Private Eyes" (1980, Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 5:00(1:) "Brian's Song" ( 1971, Orama) James Caa~ Billy Dee Williams. ( 1 hr .• 15 min.) CID "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Met Blanc, June Foray. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) cm "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" (2 hrs.) 5:05 Ql) "The Amazing Spider-Man" (1977, Adven- 'lureL N1chOlas Hammond. Oavid·White. (2 hrs.) 6: t5(Z) "Steeping Dogs" (1982) Sam Neill. Warren Oates. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) - 6:00 8 DD NEWS I CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS EIGHT IS ENOUGH ABCNEWSn M•A•S•H -.,,. HAWAII FIVE.O e OVER EASY "Sex Or Love" Guests Or Evalyn Gendel. Or. Melvin Casberg (A) Q G)NBCNEWS CO MOVIE "Oan11y" ( t979. Adventure) Rebecca Page. George Luce A 12-year-old girl lights to save a beautiful but over-the-hill pony. 'G' ( 1 hr . 28 min.1 6:30(1) GD NEWS I BARNEY MILLER M*A•s•H A PLAY FOR LOVE.Two boys and their father discover many unspoken feelings between them. ( 1 hr) •DICK CAVElT Guest: author Eudora Welty (R) CC) MOVIE "Father Of The Bride" ( 1950, Comedy) Spencer Tracy. Elizebeth Taylor. A father experi· er;ices all of the joys and headaches Involved with the preparations for his daughter's upcoming wed· • dl!'19. ( t-nr.,-3&-m!Ar) - CID PARDON ME FOR LIVING Margaret Hamilton · .stars ln the story of two J 1-year·olds who learn .the trve meaning of friendship. U MOVIE "Brian's Song" (l971. Drama) James Caan, Billy Dee Williams. Two football players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one or them ( 1 hr .. 15mln.) 7:00 9 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAG:lilNE A self-sufficient. model com- munity in Northern California called Oz; a Los Ange- l ies ~:~1 for child performers only. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT OOOOER DUGOUT JOKER'S WfLO • BUSINESS REPORT JOKER'S WILD . . INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonicontl present highlights of the previous week's pro football action and Interviews with players and coaches. ( 1 hr.) cm JANE FONDA'S WORKOUT (%) MOVIE "The Cincinnati Kid"' ( t965. Drama) Steve McOueen. Edward G. Robinson. A young cardsharp tries to beat the king of stud poker In a battle fOf prestige. ( 1 hr., "'5 min.) · 7:0501) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres (3 hrs., 15 min.) 7: 15. OOOGER PRE-GAME TEN WAYS TO AN EARLY GRAVE 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. ~ Your job comes first; personal considerations are secondary. On evenings when you don't go to the off ice, take the brief case home with you. Accept all invitations to meetings, banquets, com- mittees, etc. ·· Regard fishing, hunting, golf, bowling, billiards, cards, gardening a1 a waste of time and money. 2. 4. 6~ . Go to the office evenings, Saturdays, Sundays, holi- days. Drive fast because you're late. Don't eat a restful, relaxing meal; alway& plan a conference for your lunch hour. 8 • Believe it'a i>oor policy to take all the vacation allowe~ you. 10. II your work eall1 for araveliag, work all day and Never delegate responsibility to others; carry the drive all night to keep the next morning'• entire load . younelf at all timee. appointment: Harbor Lawn . Mount 0 live Printed As A Pu~c Ser\lice Men1orial Park· Mortuary· Crematory ,, 1&25 Gl91er -'Ave. ·Costa Mesa {Gl .. •r Ave. at ....,., Blvd.) --7 :P. . ) ... ~ ~ r .$ ...,, ... a: DI ';< ~ 0 -fl J ... .... . .... CD 00 l I'\) ., i . ·-., t!,J ---·---------------------·--·_._.....--..-.---·-·--.-·--...,·-------------_...-------------- 8 N CID CTI ... ... .8 0 0 0 >. co "O ·;:: u. Friday (oontinued) • 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured a visi1 wllh Ed McMahon, Doc Severenson and Tommy Newsom: ct look a1 the Out11gger Championships. a look back at the female rock group pheno~enon I GI) FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON L.A. ., TIC TAC DOUGH 0 MADAME'S PLACE CJ) PITFALL (!§) YOU ASKED FOR IT 0) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers al San Fran· c1sco G1an1s (3 hrs ) 3 SIGNATURE Guest Zelda F1chandler fJl) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT 6i) WALL STREET WEEK "Wtll The Bull Roar?" Guesl S1an Wetns1ern . .ed11or and publisher of the Pro fessional Tape Reader CL) MOVIE "Hell Night" ( 1981, Horror) Linda Blatr. Vincent Van Patten As part of lherr initiation. Irater· rnty and sororny pledges spend a nrght in a spooky, supposedly abandoned mansion 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 mrnJ_ 8·00. ({) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Boss Hogg sells a worthless piece ot gOld to a gutlrble young couple ( 1 hr ) G GD THE POWERS OF MATTHEW ST AR Matthew trtes to prevent a childhood frrend from kill 1ng hm1sell while doing dangerous s1unt work tor a rnov1e ( 1 hr ) 8 MOVIE "S1s1ers" ( t973. Horror) Margot Kidder, Jennifer Sall A Siamese lwtn Is arrested afler she ts m1s1aken for her sister who has become involved m muroer (2 hrs ) 8 ®I WORLD'S GREATEST ESCAPE ARTIST Aoventurous Chns-Shay1and Challenges the legend of Houd1111 wrth an array of seemingly 1mposs1ble escape at1emp1s ( 1 hr ) 8 MOVIE "Ttie Steagle" ( t971, Comedy) Richard Ben1amin, Cloris Leachman The Cuban missile cri· sis inspires a leftist college professor to abandon his lam1ly and ac1 out his revolutronary fantasies ( 1 hr 30nun) (!)MADAME'S PLACE ., MOVIE "V1c1ory Al En1ebbe" ( 1976. Adven- ture) Burt Lancasler, Kirk Douglas. A band of lsraelr commandos stages a daring alrtreld raid to free I 04 Jewrsh.tiostages betnQ held 1n Uganda by Arab ter· ror1sts (2 hrs.) @ MIXED BAG "Momart" Mothers of filmmakers are seen 1n maoV-different lights • WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW GD THE TAJ MAHAL Indian actor Saeed Jaffrey relates lhe movrng love story and the cultural hlSlory which 1nsp11ed 1he construcllon ot the Taj Mahal 1n lnc1ta CC) MOVIE "The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958, Ora· ma) Mana Schell. Yul Brynner A man Is unjustly convrcleO of murdering his lather (2 hrs . 30 min ) SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Arthur" ( 1981. Comedy) Dudley M00<e. Ltrn Mrnnelh. While his lam ly attempts 10 force him into a pre-arranged marriage. a drunken. hedon1shc playboy falls In love with a poor working g!!_1 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 53 mlo.) (OJ MOVIE "The Unseen" ( 1945, Mystery) Joel McCrea, Herbert Marshall. A young governess ls frightened by an eerie house and Its master suspect· ed ol murder. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "Halloween 11" ( 198 t, H0<ror) Jamie Lee CurttS, Donald Pleasence. A hopetesaly insane murde<er continues his reign of terr0< In a small town. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) e MOVIE "Body And Soul" (1981, Orama) Leon Isaac Keo~. Jayne Kennedy. A young black turns to prizefighting to raise the money he needs tor ~I school. 'R' ( 1 hf .. 45 min.) 8:30 (I) HAWAII RVE-0 'QI A GIFT OF FRIEN08Hf P An elderly writer Invites a felow wtlter and form« Unlverllty coMe1gue over for dinner. ( 1 hr.) "Falcon Crest," starring Mario Marcelino and Jamie Rose., returns for its second season starting tonight at 10 p.m. on CB , Channel..2. m South Africa Is presented ( 1 hr l G!) U.S. CHRONICLE "Lost Youth" A New Yorlt shelter lor runaways is examined. TOP RANK BOXING (R) MOVIE "Arthur" (1981. Comedy) Dudley Moore Ltza MU'll\ellt While h<s latruty aUempts to force him rnto a pre-arranged marriage. a drunken. hedonrshc playboy falls in love wrth a poor working girl 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 53 mrn) 9:30D ERIC SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE CJ) YOU ASKED FOR IT @A PLAY FOR LOVE Two boys and l~tr lather discover many unspoken feelings between them ( 1 hr ) GD EUROPEAN JOURNAL ([) MOVIE "Student Bodies" (1981, Comedy) Knsten Riter. Matthew Goldsby A ~vy·breath1ng psychotic killer stalks the lun·lovtng students of a typical American high school. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 mrn.) 9:35 Cl) THE MAKING OF POl TERGEIST 10:009 (I) FALCON CREST (Season Premiere) Angie laces a new rival 1n her late ex-husband's 1fle- g1timate son as she schemes 10 regain lull power of Fatcoo Crest ( 1 hr.) D e REMINGTON STEELE (Premiere ) Private lnvestioator Laura Holt Is hired to protect a lonune rn jewels from a handl\JI of people. Including a hand· Isome Ii -~e~s stranger ( 1 hr ) PSYCHIC PHENOMENA L08 ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW SOUTH AFRICA BELONGS TO US A documen· tary prohle of the work and lives of black women struggling lor survival under the rigid apartheid laws In South Africa is presented. ( 1 hr.) 00 MOVtE "Endless Love" ( 1981. Romance) Brooke Shields. Marlin Hewitt. A 17-year·old's obSessive love tor his 15-year·old glrlfrlend leads to parental conflicts and tragedy. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) (m PLAYBOY ON THE AIR (I) MOV1E "Private Lnsons" ( 1980, Comedy) Syl· via Kristel. Howard Hessemen A wealthy man assigns his seductive housekeeper the fob of provld· Ing his 15-yeer-old son With his first sexual expert· ence. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • WALL STREET WEEK "Wiii The Bull Roar?" Guest: Stan Weinstein. editor and publisher of the Profetllonal Tape Aeedet. • VOTER'S PIPBJNE Orange Coumty's beeten - and abuted women are featured w1th ad'vlte for thele women on how to get heep. e:oo e Cl) DAllAI (Seuon Premiere) J.R. 11 the focue of'"~·· wrath m SouthtotYMMln he It btamed for drMng Cllff to tulclde. and Lucy welt• for the retultt of her~ lest. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Arat Monday In October" ( 1981, Com- edy) Wa)ter Matthau, Jiii Ctayburgh. A llberal &Jpreme Court Justice clasheS with the new•t member of the nation's hlghelt court, an ultra·con· •vatlve woman jurl11. 'R' (2 hrs.) •• KNQHT MlEA (Pr.,,.,t) Mtcheef Knight uncover. • plot by .._,""Ing mllttaryc to ... nuclttt ... pone to tetroriltt. ( 1 hf. • 9 BATT\.£ OIF THE NETWORK 8T Twen· ty·four 11ar1 from ABC. C88 and NBC dleplay thtlr athletlo prOweM and endufanc. In thtl annual com· pelltlon hotted by How•d COMtl and Debbie Mtn. ~ hft.) • 80UTH AFNCA BELOHQI TO UI A documen- tary pr~ of Jbe w<rt Md !Ms of ~ woroeo stnJggljng for IUtVMal undlf the tlgld aperi'*<S laws 1().20~ 1Ckll0 .=... G=~=tand. MATTEAI OIF UF£ ANO DEATH AAIHOWCAIE 10: ID) ~ "Whatever H8PC)8Md To Baby Ja~·· (1962. SulpenM) Bette Oavlt. Joan Craw- ford. Two llllert, both fOfmet fllm ttars. live a blutrt txlltence In a terror-ridden hOule. (2 hra., 45~~-I 11:00gmg'f .JUP NEWS •• ··-·· • 1 .. IEMCHOF ... i JOE FRANKLIN STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO MIXED BAG "Momart" Mothers of filmmakers are seen 1n many different hghts . I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVJE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976. Adventure) Richard Harris. Gale Sondergaard An Engltsh Lord returns to America where he learns that the Sioux Indians who 1n111ated him 1n10 lheu tribe have lost theu rnodes1 preserve to trappers (2 hrs.) MOVIE "Naughty Wives" ( 1970) A salesman spends an 1nterest1ng day rn sut>urb1a ( 1 hr , 30 min) ©)MOVIE " This Lady fa A Tramp" ( 1 hr 30 mrn ) (%) MOVIE "Providence" ( 1977. Drama) Ellen Burstyn. John Gielgud A ute11me of recollec1tons flashes by rn the dreams of an eioerly. dyrng man 'A' ( 1 hr . 44 mrn ) t 1:308 (I) MOVIE "Sex And The Single Parent' ( 1979, Comedy) Susan Sa1111 James. Mike Farrell Two divorced parents w11h drllerent lrlestyfe& devel· op a lr1endsh1p alter meeting 1n a singles club (A) l2 hrs .. 20 min.) G 0) TONIGHT Guest host Ma111n Mull Guests Mar~I Kidder. Anthony Newley ( I hr ) I (!9) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE YOU ASKED FOR rr THE JEFFERSONS @ A GIFT OF FRIENDSHIP An elOerly wrrter 1nv1tes a lellow wrrter and former Unrvers11y colleague over for dinner ( 1 hr.) 8i) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ([) SPORTSCENTER 11·40(1) THE THIRD NEW YORK BIG LAFF OFF Rob ert Klern hosts a comedy snowdown leaturmg five ol New York's besl stand-up comics. taped ltve at the Copacabana ( t hr ) 12:.00 8 -ENTEIU AINMENT TONIGHT ~ D ~ FRIDAYS Guest hos1 Karen Allen Guests Stray Cats (A) ( t hr . 30 min ) 8 MOVIE "The ltalran Connec11on" ( 1973, Ora- ma) Henry Srlva. Woody Strode A mob leader steals a $6,000,000 shipment of herorn and pins the blame on a smalltime hoodlum (2 hrs ) CJ) MOVIE "Pancho Villa" ( 1972 Western) Telly Savatas. Cltnl Walker The no1orrous Mexican out· law leads a band ot rebels m a daring attack Opon a small American bOrder lown (2 hrs ) • MOVIE "The Other" ( 1972. Mystery) Uta Hagen, Diana Muldaur A 1930s New England town is terrorized by a senes of strange murders which a young boy blames on his supposedly dead 1w1n brother (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "loot Su11" ( 1981 Orama) Danrel Val· dez. Edward James Olmos In 1940s Los Angeles. a cause celebre erupts over the lram1ng of members -of a Oucano 'lr~rgang tor-murder 'R' ( 1 hr • 43 mlnJ_ t2: 10(8) MOVIE "Body Heat" ( 1981. Suspense) Wrl 11am Hurt. Kathleen Turner A smallttme F1011da law· yer IS persuaded by hrs lover to murde< her hus· band 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Featured comedian Robert Klem. a bar mrtzvah recephon. stupid pet trrcks. actor Divine, Laraine Newman ( 1 hr • 30 min.) I COUPLES LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE A PLAY FOR LOVE Two boys and their father discover many unspoken feelings between them ( 1 hr) {() COUEGE FOOTBALL P~IEW (R) (0 MOVIE "Lies My Father Told Me" ( 1975 Ora- ma) Jettrey Lynes. YO$sl Vadln. A young Jewish boy grows up listening to magical tales told to hrm by the grandfather whom he ldollzes 'PG' ( t hr • 40 min) CD) MOVIE "Purtle" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 12:40(1) MOVIE "Altered States" ( 1980, Science-Fic- tion) Wiiiiam tiurt. Blair Brown A Harvard scien· hSl's genetic structure is altered when he conducts mrnd-expandlng experiments with Isolation tanks and_£OWerful hal!Ucinogens, 'R' ( t hr .. 43 min.) 1:00• AMERICA'S TOP TEN • MOV1E "Warpath" (195 t. Western) Edmond O'Brien. Polly Bergen. A cowboy avenges the death of his fiancee. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) TENNIS "Devis Cup" Coverage of the Australia vs. USA second belt singles aemlflnal match from Perth. Australia. (R) (2 hrs.) CI> MOVE "Modern Romance" (1981. Comedy) Albert Br~•. Kath'Yf' Harrold. A film editor tries repeatedfy to win back the heart of the woman he loves. 'R' (1 hr .. 33 min.) 1:06(C) MOVIE "Mad Mlit" ( t980. Orama) Mel Gib- son. Joanne Samuel. In an Australia of the not·too· distant future. the friend• and family of a top hlQh· way pursuit pollceman t>ecome the t•rrts ol aadls· tic motC>tCyelegang. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 29 min. 1:30• MOYIE ·:n. Nanny" ( 1966. Suspense) Bette Davit. Wiiiiam ODt. A chhKbtd child and his nanny reMnt eech other '°' ... ~l>llty In the dtalh of the bov'•--· {2 tn) .. I' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Friday (cootinutil) 815' LE 7 CONCERTS 1 :35 M'8SION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:50 NEWS ' 2:00 • NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT I NEWS MOVIE "The Hazing" ( 1977. Orama) Jeff East, Brad Davis The members of a prestigious college fraternity a11emp1 10 hide the death ol a pledge dur· 1ng hazing 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 mlfl.) 2:06 (!) NEWS 2:15@0N LOCATION "Robert Klein At Yale" Klein perlonft~ his comedy routifle from the Yale UniverSI-> ty Theatre in a show that features the "Robert Klein Orchestra." ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ([)MOVIE "Hell Night" ( 1981. Horror) Linda Blair. Vincent Van Pa11en As part of !heir Initiation. lraler- nily and soroflty pledges spend a nigh! In a spooky, supposedly abandoned mansion. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 2:20 8 MOYIE ;·The Mlraqle Of The Bells" ( 1948. Orama) Fred MacMurray. Ahda Valli. A hard-boiled HollywOOd press agent accompanies the dead body of an actress to her home town and finds himself a witness to a miracle. (2 hrs .. 30 min ) 2:30. MOVIE "The Creature With The Blue Hand" { 1970, Mystery) Klaus Klnski. Diana Kerner. An escapee from a mental lnstllutlon Is blamed lor a series ol murders ( 1 hr . 30 min.) • (S) MOVIE "lunch Wagon" ( 1981, Comedy) Can- dy Moore. Chuck Mccann. A trio of beauties run into trouble from competitors while providing suste- nance to hungry construction workers. 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min) CZ) MOVIE "Sleeping Dogs" ( 1982) Sam Neill, Warren Oates ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 2:35 (!) MOVIE "Hell"s Island" ( 1955, Adventure) John Payr¥t. Mary Murphy A former prosecutor is encouraged lo traclc down a missing precious ruby. espec10lly when he learns that his ex-gKllriend holds some key Information ( 1 hr , 25 min ) Ill) WORLD AT LARG£ 2:40 ~ MOVIE "Father 0 1 The Bride" ( 1950. Come- dy) Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor A lather expe- riences all of the Joys and headaches involved with the prepara11ons lor his daughter"s upcoming wed· din!L_ ( 1 hr , 35 min ) 3:00 <!Zl • NEWS (!) SPORTSFOAUM (R) - CO) MOVIE "The Unseen" ( 1945. Mystery) Joel McCrea. Herber! Marshall. A young governess 1s frighlened by an eerie house and Its master suspect- ed ot murder. ( t hr., 30 min) 3:308 MOVIE ""MOdel For Murder"· (1959, Mys- tery) Keith Andes. Hazel Court. An American officer scours Britain 1n search of his dead brother's girl- lnend and finds himself involved 1n a 1ewet heist { 1 hr . 30 min) (() FROM THE SS-YARD LINE Action h1ghhghts from the Canadian Football league (R) 0 MOVIE "Body And Soul" ( 1981. Orama) Leon Isaac Kennedy, Jayne Kennedy A young black turns to pozehghhng to raise the money he needs tor medical school "A' ( t hr . 45 min ) 3:35 MOVIE "'Endless Love·· ( 198 1, Romance) Brooke Shields. Martin Hew111 A t7-year-old's obsessrve love for his 15-year-old girlfriend leads to parental coof1ic1s and tragedy "R' ( 1 hr , 55 min J 4:00(!) NEWS • MOVIE "Yongary, Monster From The 0eep·· ( 1968, Science-Fiction) Oh Young II, Nam Chung Im An enormous creature threatens 10 destroy Korea until scientists learn that the monster can be subdued by freezing temperatures. ( 1 hr., 30 mm.) (I) SPORTSCENTER Cl) MOVIE "Halloween II" ( 1981, Horror) Jamie lee Curlis, Donald Pleasence. A hopelessly Insane murderer conllnues his reign of terror In a small town. 'ff ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 4:05 all BETWEEN THE LINES 4: 15 (%) MOVIE "The Slap" ( 1963. Drema) Uno Ventura, Annie Girardot. A group of young people on the brink of adulthood face a barrage of grown- up problems. decisions and dilemmas. ( 1 hr , 40 mlnJ_ 4:20~ MOVIE "Brian's Soog" (1971, Or;ma) -L. (714( 760-6766 Acroet trom StlefrNn Founcs.tlon Gatoene Hele1a Hayes guett atan _on "Love, Sidney" at 9:30 p.m. on NBC, Channel 4. Here she charms Sidney, played by Tony Randall,· Laurie (Swoosie Kurt~) and young Patti, played by Kaleena Kilt. James Caan. Biiiy Dee Wtlhams Two football play· ers share a rare friendship until cancer claims one ot them ( I hr . 15 min ) · 4:30 Cil GROWING YEARS (D) MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980, Comedy)' Liiy Tomlin. Charles GrOdln A housewife finds 11 hard lo cope when she suddenly begins to shrink in size. ( t hr .. 30 min ) 4:35@ VEGETABLE SOUP Saturday .\ I< >H '\ I '<< , OCTOBER 2, t982 5:~· MOVIE ··sins 01 Jezebel" ( 1954, Adveo· 11fre) Paulette Goddard. George Nader It hr . 3C min ) Cil CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP Cl) TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Australia vs USA singles match B from Perth. Australia (Al (3 hrs.) 5:05@ ROMPER ROOM 5:30(!) APPLE POLISHERS I SPEAKOUT VIDEO JUKEBOX MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul l eMat. Peter Billingsley. (1)lr., 25 min.) 5:35@ THAT GIRL Cl) MOVIE "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980. Comedy) Vera Alentova, Alexel Batalov. (2 hrs .. 25 "Ttln ) 5:50,NEWS 6:00 CAPTAIN KANGAROO I ERENOIPITY • PUBLIC'AFFAIRS TEEN TALK "MarrlaQe Va. LMng Together" NATIONALLY KNOWN PERSPECTIVE GOOD DAY L.A. SATURDAY MOANING GRAPEVINE :2 0 -I NINE ON NEW JERS~ • AGRICULTURE U.S.A. ~ MOVIE "Adam's Woman" ( 197~. Drama) Beau Budges. John Miiis. ( 1 hr .. 55 min ) r CB) MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In 8 Georgia" ( 1981, Drama) Kristy McNlchot. Mark ~ Hamill. ( 1 hr., 50 min) ' ~ (Q) PIECE Of CAKE ~ CZJ MOVIE "Fiddler On The Roof" ( t97 I. Musteal) -:C Topor, Norma Crane (2 hrs . 59 min J 6:05 all CIVILISATlON 6:308 THAT'S CAT PACESETTERS GROWING YEARS • VOtCE Of AGRICULTURE VOYAGE DAVEY ANO GOLIATH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS ELEMENTARY NEWS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS NEWS MOVIE "Cloud Dancer" ( 1980, Adventure) David Carradine. Jennifer O'Nelll. ( 1 hr , 48°min.) 7:00 I DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THE FLINTSTONE FUNNIES BIG BLUE MARBLE 0 SUPERFRIENOS 1NTERNATIONAL HOUR DAV£'( ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO LATIN TEMPO FIRST PERSON YOGA FOA HEAL TH GRENDEL GRENDEL 7:05 (!l) MOVIE "King Richard And The Crusaelers" ( 1954. Adventure) Rex Hamson. V11g1nia Mayo (2 hrs . 25 mm.) 7:30 I CARTOONS I THE SHIRT TALES OR. SNUGGLES (II PAC-MAN I UTILE RA5LS I RICHIE RICH I DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TWICE A WOMAN CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES 8:00 8. SMURFS ' e MOVIE "Public Cowboy. No I" ( 1937 West ern) Gene Autry, Wilham Farnum ( 1 h1 ) I SPEED BUGGY HOT FUDGE . WRESTLING CHICO ANO THE MAN SATURDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE AMERICAN SHOAT STORY MOVIE '"The Hanging Tree" ( 1959, Western) Gary Cooper. Marla Schell ( 1 hr . 46 min ) FUTURE SPORT MOVIE "The Four Seasons" ( 198 t. Otama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnell ( t hr , 57 min ) 8:130111i~NBUNNY I ROAD RUNNER WILD, WILD WORLD Of ANIMALS HOGAN'S HEROES COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) MOVIE "The Ktd From Nol·So-Big" ( 1978. Comedy) Jennifer McAnister, Robert Viharo ( t hr , 30 min) Cl) MOVIE "Bnan·s Song" ( 197 1. Orama) James Caan, 6Jlly Dee Williams (1 hr . 15 min) • MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman, Bernadette Peters. ( t hr , 45 min.) ~:OOILEAVE IT TO BEAVER I NCM FOOTBAU. ' TEEN TALK "Mothers And Daughters" THE HAROY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES I MISSION: IMP08818LE ERNEST ANGLEY 8fO BLUE MAA8LE FOCUB ON SOCIETY 8~Pl.U8 MOVIE ''SYndey Too F•r Awtiy" ( 1975) Jeck Ghompson, Max Cullen. (1 IV., 30 min,) 0 (') -0 i ... ... <D OD I\) AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DEStGNER ~K~ .. WILL CREATE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE ANO LIFESTYLE! • Original Designing • Cuitom Remounting • Rt1~lyllng • Dni(Jner Col'-c:lon of Gold and Ptatlnum Jewelry • DIAMONDS • PEAALS • FINE COLORED GEMSTONES 2110 E. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY •CORONA DEL MAR CA. .... I I \ 10 "' co O> ..... ... ~ 0 -(J 0 ~ al "O 't: ~ ------~---,;-----~"'---~-. ._ ______ -_-_-,.;---_-;..,..;;;-_,;;;;;;;;;;;. _____________ _,;; _______ ""'" ___ ~,-1.;~~~· Saturday (continued) 9:30 I (I) GILLIGAN'S PLANET I THE GARY COLEMAN SHOW OZZIE ANO HARRIET WILD. WILD WEST MOVIE "Hercules Against The Sons Of The Sun" ( 1963, Adventure) Mark Forrest. Anna Marla Pace. (2 hrs.) e HIGH FEATHER "Deep Wat&r Test" Seven chll· dren learn sound nutritional habits through their dal· $activities at a summer camp. FOCUS ON SOCIETY NFL FILM 10:00,(1) PANOAMONIUM D INCREDIBLE HULK I AMAZING SPIDER· MAN 8 SHA NANA (I) MOVIE "Western Union" ( 1941, Western) Rob· ert Young. Dean Jagger (2 hrs) I SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN BOB JONES THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila gives P.Oll"lt6fs on laying a no-wax floor and checks lhe progress of the landscaping. (A) p 8,1) ELECTION '82 CC) MOVIE "Road Games" ( t 981. Mystery) Stacy Keach. Jamie Lee Curtis. ( 1 hr , 40 min.) . (£) MOTOCROSS Coverage of the BMX Bicycle motocross race from St Paul. Minn. ( 1 hr I INSIDE THE NFL Cohosrs Len Dawson and Nick Buonicontt present h1ghhghts of the previous wee1fs · pro football action and 1nterv1ews with players and coaches ( 1 hr ) . (0) NICHOLAS NICKLEBY A young man 1s trying to better himself as he goes to school (2 hrs.) CJ) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980. C~miedyl Clim Eastwood.--Soad!a Locke. ( 1 h~r45 min) 0 MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981, Sc1ence·Flc11on) Albert Finney. James Coburn. ( 1 hr . 34 min ) 10:3011 Cl) MEATBALLS & SPAGHETTI I SHA NANA • MOVIE "Not Above Suspicion" '1960, Wes\· ern) Clayton Moore, Jay Sitverheels. ( 1 hr . 30 ·min) m ROBIN HOOD King Richard attacks his enemies alter secretly returning to England. the Bishop's murderer is exposed. Sit Guy's sister fulfills a pro- phecy. (Part 12) fJO SQUARE FOOT GARDENING (Z) MOVIE "Arthur" ( 198 1, Comedy) Dudley Moore, Liza M1nnelh ( 1 hr .. 53 min.) 11:00,KIOSWORLD II BASEBALL RegiQl'\ltQQverage of Milwaukee Brewers at Baltimore 01Toles br another game to be announced (3 hrs.) I AMEfflCA'S TOP TEN POPEYE & OLIVE INCREOtBLE HULK MOVIE "My Favorite Spy" { 1951, Comedy) Bob Hope, Hedy Lamarr (2 hrs.) I MICROWAVE COOKERY GROWING YEARS TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Australla vs. USA doubles semiHnal match from Perth. Aus- tralia (R) (3'1rs .. 30m1n.) (8) MOVIE "Carbon Copy" ( 198 1. Comedy) Geo~e Segal, Susan Saint James. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 11:30U FAT ALBERT 8 GRAND PRIX OF ALL·STAAS High school ath· letes and top celebrities compete for fabulous prizes at the Grand Prix All·Star Sports Center in Catlfor· nia. (I) TO BE ANNOUNCED @ MOVIE "The Third Day" ( 1965. Drama) George Peppard. Elizabeth Ashley. (2 hrs , 35' min I I MAGIC OF OfL PAINTING GROWING YEARS SPOTLIGHT PREViiw Host Robert Osborne looks ~t the movies ani:l specials coming up on Spotlight (3 hrs • 22 min.) • .\I ll.I{'\< H >'\ 12:00 8 BLACKSTAR I THREE STOOGES MOVIE "Flight Of The Lost Balloon" ( 1960, Adventure) Marsl'lall Thompson. Mala Powers. (2 hrs.) Cf) MOVIE "Journey To Shiloh" ( 1966, Western) James Caan. Michael Sarrazln. (2 hrs.) I HOGAN'S HEAOES RICK'S ANIMALS OF AND MAN ~'Sllvef Bears" ( 1978, Advenh>rt) Michael Caine, Cybill Shepherd. ( 1 hr .. 53 min.) cm MOVIE "Top Ha1' ( 1935, Musical) Frtd Astalrt. Glnotr Rogers. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE '1The Ll1tle Oragon11" ( 1981, Adventure) Sally ~den. CMt Peterson. (1hr •• 30 min.} Mtww: •11a;1a..,•.& ~ ... , J9~. ~ame) J.,.,... -~ ..,-:c-;1,nt,.. .1""'T." ' .. 'f ~"" ' J .. Caan, Billy Dee Wi.lhams ( 1 hr . 15 m1n.1 1-2:-16{%:} CttARtES e HAMPLIN 0N TttE FttM SCENE 12:308 (I) NCAA FOOTBAU I OOOGER DUGOUT . GUITAR wmf FREDERICK NOAD OF EARTH AND MAN MOVIE "Momm1e Dearest" ( 1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarw1d. (2 hrs . 9 min ) (Z) MOVIE "Fiddler On The Roof" ( 197 1, Musical) Topol, Norma Crane. (2 hrs., 59 min.) 12:468 (!I AMATEUR BOXING "U.S.A Vs Poland" (1 hr .. 15 min.) m DODGER PRE-GAME 1:00 8 THE MUNSTERS tD BAS.EBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at San Fran· clsco Giants (3 hrs.) m MOVIE "Band Of Angels" ( 1957. Adventure) Clark Gable. Sidney Poitier (2 hrs.) 9 MONEYMAKERS Ii) OCEANUS: MARINE ENVIRONMENT t:30 a F-mooP 9 NOVA "Lt'v1ng Machines" The WO<k and remar'l<'- able discoveries ol a new generation of blologlsts called natural engineers promise benefits and apph- ca11ons yet 10 be e11plored (R) o ( 1 hr ) Ii) OCEANUS: MARINE ENVIRONMENT 0 MOVIE "Improper Channels" ( 198 1. Comedy) Ala.n Arl<in. Mariette Hartley. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 2:00 II WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled five cov· arage of the Trevor Berb1ck I Renaldo Snipes 10· round heavyweight bOut (from Atlantic City. NJ). coverage of the Women's Masters Surfing Cham· p1onsh1p (lrorn Oahu. Hawaii) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~GRIZZLY ADAMS OUTER LIMITS WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled five cov- erage of lhe Trevor Berbick I Renaldo Snipes 10· round heavyweight bout (from Atlantic City. N J ) . coverage of tl'le Women's Masters Surfing Cham· p1onship (lrom Oahu. Hawaii) (2 hrs .. 30 min ) ID SIGNATURE Guest Barbara Cartland. GD CITIZENS AGAINST GUN CONTROL INITIA- TIVE 8,1) AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY CC) MOVIE "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Drama) John Travolla, Debra Winger. (2 l"trs .. 12 min.) (Q) NICHOLAS NICKLEBY A young man Is trying 10 better himself as he goes 10 school. (2 hrs.) ()) MOVIE "J<ey To The City" ( 1950, Comedy) Clark Gable. Loretta Young ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) 2:06(1l) RAT PATROL 2:308 MOVIE "Edge 0 1 Eternity" ( 1959. AdVen- lure) Cornet Wiide, Vlclor1a Shaw, ( 1 hr .. 30 min) I GILLIGAN'818LANO MIXED BAG "Momart" Mothers of fllmmakers ere seen In many dillerenl light&. I IAELANO: A TELEVISION HISTORY RHODA AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY UNLIMITED HYOROPLANE RACING CoveraQe of the Circus Aeg.atta from San Diego, Cali!. ( 1 hr.) 2:361 MOTORWEEK ILLU8TAATEb ' 3:00 MOVIE "A Date With JUdy" ( 1948. Come- M) Jane Powell. Ell:abtlh T•ylor. (2 hr8,) KOJAK ' .......... MONT. ·~ The Smothers brothers, T om and D ick, join Glen Campbell on ••The Glen Campbe ll Musi(" Show," at 7:30 p.m. on NBC, ' Channe l 4. e MOVIE "Them" ( 1954. Science-F1ct1on1 James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn -( 2 hrs.) @ A GIFT OF FRIENDSHIP An elderly writer 1nv11es a fellow writer and former Un1vers11y colleague over !or dinner ( 1 hr ) ~ ! MARY TYLER MOORE SEWING POWER MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In (;e()rgia" ( 1981 , Drama) Kristy McNlchol. Mark Hamill. ( 1 hr , 50 min ) (()MOVIE "The Bank Dick" ( 1940. Comedy) W C Fields. Una Merkel. (2 hrs.) Iii MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981, Sc1ence·F1c11on1 Albert Finney. James Coburn. ( 1 hr . 34 min ) 3:05@ WRESTLING 3:30 8 TO BE ANNOUNCED (!) l"t SEARCH OF ... I BOB NEWHART SEWING POWER NFL FILM MOVIE "Sundav Too Far Away" ( 1975) Jack Thompson. Max Cullen. (1 hr.,4 30 min.) 4:008 MOVIE "Night Games" ( 1974. Drama) Bar· iNewman, Susan Howard ( 1 hr , 30 min ) NASHVILLE ON THE ROAD NFL MAGAZINE STAR TREK MOVIE "The Eli.ecu11oner" Sonny Chiba (2 hrs.) (!) BASEBALL New York Mets at Ph1laC1elph1a Phil· lies (2 hrs .. 30 min.) m MOVIE "The Boys From Brazll" ( 1978. Suspense) Gregory Peck. Laurence Oltvler (2 hrs ) 3 A PLAY FOA LOVE Two boys and their lather discover many unspoken feelings between them ( 1 hr) • QUE PASA, U.S.A.? "Everybody's Does II" Carmen ts suspected ol cheating on a school test GD MOVIE "Hot Millions" ( 1968. Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Maggie Smith. (2 hrs ) ~WRITING FOA A REASON SPORTSCENTER OPENING DAY MADNESS A review of the bizarre and significant happenings of the NFL 's past 40 opening days Is presented. ( 1 hr.)' Cl) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Bili Cosby. , 4:30 II FREE·-4-ALL 8 NFL SYMFUNNY A humorous look at pro loot· ball is set 10 classical mumc. (1) NFL IN REVIEW • HARO CHOICES "Boy Or Girt: Should The Choice Be Ours?" A took 1s taken at some emerging technologies which would allow prospective parents to choose their child's sex. ( 1 hr.) D WRITING FOR A REASON CC) MOVIE "Adam's Wom1tn" ( 197.2. Drama) Beau Brld~ John Mills. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.)· (I) MOVIE "Brian's Song" ( 1971. Orama) James .Caan, BHty Oee WIHlams ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) e MOVfE "HeartbeePs" ( 1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman, Bernadette Peters. ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 4:661 REDMAN FOOTBALL REPORT 6:00 AAIOERS PLAYBOOK '82 I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN M<ME M•A•&•H NEWI • J I • ..-\ , \ 1=-- ··-·-.... ·-··-····· .. ····"'···--····-·-··--:• --------- satu~y··c continued) g) SOLID GOLD IS SIONA TURE Guest: Christopher Plummer Ci) WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOP .. A Bit Of Nostalgia" (R) ([) BOXING Live coverage of the Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (US.) I L~11e.Mwale (Zambia) t(). round tight heavyweight bout from Harrah·s In Atlantic City, NJ (2 hrs .. 30 min ) MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnell. ( 1 hr., 57 min.) CIJ MOVIE "All Night Long" ( 1981, Comedy) Gene Hackman. Barbra Streisand ( t hr., 28 min.) ©) MOVIE "Top Hat" ( 1935, Musical) Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers. (2 hrs ) CZ) MOVIE "Providence" ( 1977. Orama) Ellen Buri t n. John Gielgud ( 1 hr . 44 min ) 5:05 NCAA FOOTBALL 5~30 NFL WEEK IN REVIEW I NEWS ' LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY ALICE WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled· cover· age of the Trevor Berb1ck I Renaldo Snipes 10- round heavyweight bout (from Atlantic C11y. N.J.), coverage of the Women's Masters Surfing Cham· p1oosh1p (from Oahu. Hawaii) ( 1 hr. 30 min) @ SJZWE BANZI IS DEAD Playwright Athol Fugard exposes suppression and the Apartheid system 1n South Africa through the lives of two men. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • THE CRISCO KIO A 10-year·otd's courageous s1ruggle with a skin disease that has crippled him from birth 1s documented. (R) Ci) SQUARE FOOT GAROENING 6:00 e CBS NEWS l a NBC NEWS • MOVlE "Ivanhoe" ( 1953. Adventure) Robert Taylor, Elizabeth Tayt01 A chivalrous knight is in love w11h one woman. bul betrothed to another (2 hrs ) I ERIC SEVAREIO CHRONICLES BEST OF MIONIGHTfSPECIAL THREE'S COMPAN MOVlE "The Great Smokey Roadblock" ( 1978. Adventure) Henry Fonda, Eileen Brennan A veter- an tong·dlstan<::e trucker decides to mal(e one final cross-country run. with a diverse group of zany characters 1n tow (2 hrs ) I RICK'S ANIMALS EUROPEAN JOURNAL MOVlE "Sphinx:· (1981, Adventure) Frank Lan- gella. Lesley-Anne Down. A ruthless black market antiquities ring allempts to stop an Egyptotoglst from discovering the whereabouts of a priceless statue she was permilted to view 'PG' ( I hr , 59 min.) 0 GRENDEL GRENDEL 6:30 e 8 (I) e NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE PITFALL ALICE "' 9 PAVAROTII AT JUILLIARO Luciano Pavarotti w~~.·l(s with Christine Radman and Brian Schexnayd- who ~:~C:.r;: '."'nrks by Puccini and Verdi. (R} ~ • ' -··-.~ IV ... ~"-10• And Jeffrey It) SNEAK PRE\11c... • .ea• .., .. .,. ... Lyons host an informative loaf{ at what's new at lhe movies. (A) ~ MOVlE ''Rashomon" ( 1950. Orama) Machlto Kyo, Tosn110 M1fune, Tn.ough a series of flashbacks, an eightti-century Japanese woodcVtte< recounts his version of a rape.murder to a Buddhist priest and a servart. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:00 9 IN SEAACH OF ... I AGHTaACK 7 ON LOCATION Featured· a visit to a Steve Allen audition; a look al the new Hell's Angels; a profile ol some very young cover girts: burglar alarm ~CK AN~CONFIOENTIAL • THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER· IES I NINE ON NEW JERSEY 80 YOU THINK VOU GOT TROUBLE.8 MEMOAIES WfTH LAWRENCE WELK CALL ME BETTY CARTER A p1etenta110n of Ameriea'a Jan stylists. featuring mtNc. tong and history. ( 1 hr,) I CALIFORNIA CONGAE88IONAL REPORT THEMUPPETS U.8. CHRONICLE "Lost Youth" A New York &helter for runawayt Is examined, CB) MOVIE "Carbon Copy" ( 1981. ComedY) George Segal, Susan Saini James. A succeu!Ut white buSlnestman dlscov•• thet he hes a grown son who ii bl1ck. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) CO MOVIE "A Change Of S..tone'' ( 1980, Come- dy) Shirlty MacLalne. Anthony Hopkm. A mlddte- aged coupte try • out YOU1'9W pe,,,_.. dUrlng a __ "" ................ --.. ·-·-....-.~.......... --·--·-· ··-· ...... . die 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 min ) Gil Gerard and Victoria Principal are two strong-willed people who find their moral& and values teated in a complicated love affa ir in "Nol Just Another Affair," on "CBS S_aturday Night Movies" at 9 p.m. on Channe l 2 . mountain vacation 'R' ( 1 hr.. 42 min ) ,, ©)MOVIE "Body And Soul" ( 1981, Orama) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Jayne Kennedy A young black turns 10 pnzehghting to raise lhe money he needs tor medical school. 'R' ( 1 hr , 45 min ) (%) MOVIE "Arthur" p 981, Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnnelli. White his family attempts to force him into a pre-arranged marnage. a drunken, hedonistic playboy falls in love with a poor w01king girl. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 man ) 7:30 8 DANCE FEVER GLEN CAMPBELL EYE ON L.A. AGHT BACK NEW YORK REPORT EYE ON SAN DIEGO PRESENTE WEEKEND MAGAZINE • MOTORWEEK _,,,, SPORTSCENTCM 8:00 8 (I) WALT DISNEY "The Apple Dumpling Gang Aides Again" A pair of Western outlaws trying to walk the strait and narrow are mistaken IOI bank robbers: Tim ((onway and Don Knotts star. (Part 2) U hr.] D Q) OIFF'RENT STROKES (Season Premiere) Arnold is determined to beat Wiiiis at his own game and dethrone him as local video gpme champion ._, • 1't f,...U TOAV I ~\A>'l, I""""" -"" ... -_.,..,..~ t'\f 9 T.J. HOOKER HOOker goes-011v. a v--·•io :: supermarket robbers In Older lo clear an old racing buddy. ( 1 hr ) D MOVIE "The Conqueror Worm" ( 1968. Horror) Vincent Price. Ian Ogitvy. A 17th-century witch· hunter goes on a murder spree, destroying anyone ~ho even resembles his conception of a witch. (j hrs.) (J) PAUL HOGAN e MOVIE "Sunset Boulevard" ( 1950, Ofama) Wil- liam Holden. Gloria swans.on. A faded mOVle star proves 10 be the downfall of a promising young writ· er. (2 hrs,) e MOVI~ "Flrel" ( 1977, Orama) Ernet1 Borgnlne . Vera Mites. To divert attention from his eecapa plans. a convict Ignites a b'aze 1hat becomes a rag- ing forest flra threatening a atnall town Jn Oregon. (2 hrs,) I SIGNATURE Guest: Christopher Ptummer. PAPER CHASE "The Tables Down At Ernie'•" The study group fights to •ve their favoote hanQOIJI -· Ernie's Tavern .. from demolition dUe to the uni- versity's expanlilon plans. ( 1 hr.) G THE TAJ MAHAL Indian actor Saeed Jaffrey reletet tha moving love story and the euttur•I Natory wtilch Inspired the construction of the Taj Mihal In Ind ta CC) MOVIE "SHver aears" (1978, Advenrure) Mlci'laet Caine, Cybill Sl'\ephetd. An accounting gen· lu9 deVises an lnlrleate plln to lncrt1 .. hit wealth br making some of the tpp execotiv.a In the WOtld 0 high llMflCt (tte; ~Of •iWlriOrdlnary twin· (£) CFL FOOTBALL Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Br1t1sh Cotumb1a Lions (3 hrs.) '.!! (5) WHAT'S UP AMERICA! Featured a look at the §: gralflti scene 1n New York City; a visit with 1he -i Ca1uns in Soileau as they celebrate Mardi Gras. < some of America's favorite skinny d1pp1ng holes 1 0 MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" 8 ( t 981. Orama) Jack N1cnotson, Jessica Lange A • young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus· ~ band 'R' ( 1 hr , 37 min ) a: 8~05@ NEWS ~ 8:30 D f.1D -.SIL VER SPOONS Edward hires the • menacing Mr T as Ricky's personal bodyguard 0 . • \vhen his·son·returns from his first day at school with !l a black eye g.. (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT ~ @ StZWE BANZI IS DEAD Playwright Athol FugartJ _. exposes !.uµpress1on and the Apartheid system 1n South Africa through the lives of two men ( 1 hr , 30 <O min ) <» ~ MOVIE ··sird Of Paradise" ( 1932. Romance) I\) Dolores Del Rio, Joel McCrea. A Frenchman's love tor a native girl must overcome society's d1sapp1ov· al (I hr . 30 min ) MOVIE "First Monday In October" ( 198 1. Com· edy) Walter Matthau, Jill Clayburgh. A liberal Supreme Court Justice clashes with the newest member of the nation's highest court. an ultra-con· servat1ve woman 1uris1. 'R' (2 hrs ) • 8:45 (I) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 9:008 (I) MOVIE "Not Just Another Affair" (Prem- iere. Comedy) Victoria Principal, Gil Gerard. A handsome attorney and ladies' man falls In (ove with a dedicated marine biologist wtio refuses to give 1n to his romantic wiles. (2 hrs ) D a GIMME A BREAK (Season Premiere} The telephone company finds ltsell in big trouble when 11 disconnects Nell's phone I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK ®l LOVE BOAT (Season Premiere) Captain Slubmg. his crew and passengers sail to the eternal city of Rome. glorious Capri. and Venice Q (2 hrs) (!) WRESTLING e ODYSSEY "The Sakuddef' The Indonesian gov· ernment's efforts to develop programs for educa- tion. medical care and housing tor the Sakudde1s ~re eicamined (A) o ( 1 hr ) (I) MOVIE "First Mooday In October" ( 1981, Com· edy) Waller Matthau, Jill Clayburgh A. liberal Supreme Court Justice clashes with the newest member o1 the nation's highest court. an ultra-con- servative woman lurist 'R' (2 hrs ) (0) MOVIE "The Howling" ( t981, Horror) Dee Wal lace. Patrick Macnee A woman reporter is menaced by a killer who seems to be a werewolf 'R' 1 hr . 31 min) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bare-listed lighter signs up tor one last, lucrative match 'PG' ( 1 hr . 4 5 min ) (Z) MOVIE "The Sea Wolves" ( 1980. Adllenture) Greg01y Peck. Roger Moore. During World War II. a group of British businessmen foim a vOlunteer reg1· ment to deSlroy a German spy nest In the Indian Ocean 'PG' (2 hrs ) 9:05@ MOVIE "Goodbye, Columbus" (1969. Com- edy) Richard Benjamin. Ali MacGraw. A young man vacalioning with the family ot a wealthy business· man has a secrel love affair with the tycoon's da~ter (2 hrs , 35 min.) 9:3011 e LOVE. SIDNEY (Season Prem~utl Sir1· ~~ it;~ ~aune ~~ov~ ;~.;: :r.; \.T·:>man claiming io be Sidney's i:fSI ~bys11ter Is really a charming con an1st. ·~ --1o<-.l 10:008. THE DEVLIN CONNECTION (t"rv .... ~ .. A former detective comes out of retirement when h(s private-eye son Is Injected with a dead•r virus whlle i l'lt=ect an eccentriC scientist 1 hr.) MOVIE "Raid On Entebbe" ( 1978, AdVeoture) Charles Bronsoo. Pett< Flnch. A band of IS1aell commandos stages a daring airfield raid to tree 104 airline pa91engert held hostage by Arab terrorists @hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "The Resurrection Of Zachary Wheeler" ( 1971. Orame) Angle Dickinson, Bradford Dillman. A political figure Is repaired aher an automobile aocident with parts tr om a "soma," a synthetic n bank. (2 hrs,) . 80UDOOLD CAU. ME BETTY CARTEA A presentation of Amertca'a tau stylist$, featuring muak:. eoog and history. (1 hr.) • 80UND8fAOE The legendary ROQ8f Miiier per- r0<ms "King Of The Road," "Chug-A-Lug," "Me And Bobble McGte." ( 1 hr.) • MATINEE AT THE BUOO F"lured: "Cooking Up Trouble" ( 1945) starring Biiiy Giibert and Shemp Howard: a 1946 short: a 11M5 c.rtoon: and Chapter 6 of "Lost City Of Tht Jungle" ( 1946) (1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ ''l'H Cry Tomorro-." ( 1965. Blogfaphy) ,,. H•)'wefd. Rtoh4ard Conte Act,.. Lltllan Roth j . \ ' ____ ,....... ________ _ ·~· -·-.·--·-·-·-·-·-----·fiAlll~ .................. ._ ...... ~ .......... .. 1t1 , . .8 0 u 0 Saturday (continued) ~trugg1es with alcOhOhsm and a lading career (2 hrs) 0 MOVIE "Body Heat" ( 1981, Suspense) Wilham Hurt, Kal hleen Turner A srnalltlme Flo11da lawyer is persuaded by his lover to murder her husband. 'R' ( 1 hr .. So min ) 10:15® MOVIE "Only When I Laugh" (1981. Ora- ma) Marsha Masoo. Kristy McN1chol A New York actress re1urns from a dry1ng-oot clinic determined to renew her careet. her romance wllh a playw11gh1 and her relat1onsh1p with her 17-year·old daughter 10:30 JACK ANDERSON CONFIDENTIAL 'ff.hrs) 10:45 SATURDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 D •(I.) 0 e NEWS 8 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Boston vs Colorado (2 hrs . 30 min) m MOVIE "A101" ( 1968, Orama) Gene Hackman, Jim Brown As a plot to cover up an escape a11emp1, 1nma1es in a state prison r101 (2 hrs.) ti) MOVIE "Victory Al Entebbe" ( 1976, Adven- ture) Burt Lancaster. Kirk Douglas A band ol lsraeh commando$ stages a daring airfield raid 10 tree t04 JewtSh hOstages being held 1n Uganda by Arab ter- ro11sts (2 hrs ) ~SIGNATURE Guest Christopher Plummer SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Mrs Barrington" ( 1978) Kim Pope David Kvk ( t hr 30 min ) (OJ MOVIE "Car Hops" ( 1 hr 30 min l (SJ MOVIE 'Carry On Emmanuelle" (CornedyJ The beau11ful wile ot a government reµrese111a1rve turns the world Ol lore1gn diplomacy upside down with he1 sexual adventures 'A' ( t hr , 30 mm ) (l ) MOVIE "Sleeping Dogs" ( 1982) Som Neill. Warren Oales ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 11.30 f) THE ROCKFORD FILES am SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE HOSI I OlJ (,(1 .•,1•11 Jr Guests The Siew M111Pr Barwi t I hr JO """ I fJ ABC NEWS MOVIE @)MOVIE lhp Gui rrrnn P<·lro111..a" ( 1'114 IJr.J ma/ Hal Holbrool.. C1(il<J11> l-ldwn An A111~11c,,111 1 l'W .m.1n r n'l· 1qnmnnt "' the Kr~mh11 lall, 111 nvt' will .i r,c a11m1Jraor1ed b.;1llt>r1nr1 (:? hrS I'> rr11n @ SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD Pli1yw11yh1 A1ho. r11q.w! •1>1pnc-,pr, ·,upprr>sc;1on ano lht' Apartheid •,1.tr·m .,, •,c1111h Al111. .i lhrl•ugh the lives C!I two men ( 1 tH .)0 fl Ill I '1!) MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES 11 40 (11) MOVIE Cry Th,.. 8PI011Pl'.l Cou111r I 1 <l'1 I I ir.1m:11 (, 1n.1tJ.1 l er· S•<.lncy Po•t1er TrJyc•ty t11u fJ" 1 btac• rn.1r .tri(J .1 whiff! 111.111 1oql'tl1"r a l111•nr1 • '" tr 1t,lf'rl •,,,.,trl 1\1111 .i I? hro,) 11 ·45 0 MOVIE 111.ic~ C 1111111' t 1'l7:>. Dramn) .Jim All)wn Maritn l ;indau In nn <111empt 10 prov1d~· ""PIJOrl lor ;1 m1h1ari&l1c IJ,ind of blacks. ,, qrr111µ ot V1Plnam veterans rob a 0001t1e 101nt (2 hrs I 12.00 MOVIE In Searctr 0 1 Dracula" f 197!> 01~ r.1i:,ihy) Ct111s1opher Lee Film clips lrom somP ol lhe m<;v•PS t1bout the Dracula leger)d ar)d a hie <,tory of lhe inlamou!> Count Dracula Are presented (2 hrs ) (E) BOXING CO\leraye of the Eddie Muo;r;ila Muhammad IU S) t Lone Mwale (Zamb1a1 10 round hght heavyweight boot from Harrah s 1n Atlantic City. NJ (A) (2 hrs . 30 mm ) 0 MOVIE "Strange Behavior" 'R' (2 hrs ) 12:05(C) MOVIE "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980 Drama) , John Travolta Debra Winger A blue-collar worller who fancies h1mse11 a modern-day cowboy falls 1n :.-J;;c '!!'•lh a g11I he """''" '" ~ r'\f\ru1liar ,.,.. .. -·. ..rt. --...... ... -r -r-.,..,,...,11•ry·arr·· westem"t;a; ·;:.u-(2 hrs 12 "': ... • - t2:20 MOVIE "St••"· ... ( ""' rav '-!:.•-'" ·~ 1981, Comedy) Bill Mur--· · · ......... o Ramis A New York cabbie looking tor excitement convinces his best friend to JOln him 1n enOsttng 1n the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min ) 12:308 MOVIE "Murderer's Row" ( 1966, Comedy) Dean Martin. Ann-Margret A relired spy 1s called 1ne 10 protect a lamous sc1en11s1 from foreign powers 2 hrs 10 min) MOVIE "Sex With The Stars" ( 1979, Comedy) Thick Wilson, Martin Burrows. The writer of a sexual advice column embarks on a major research pro1ect -· a study of lhe retat1onst11p between a woman's sex drive and her blnh sign. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 mm ) (0) MOVlf: "Pink Cha"!'pagne" ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (I) MOVIE "Fade To Black" ( 1980. Suspense) Dennis Chnstopher, Linda Kemdge. A disturbed young movie fan reacts to romantic rejection by comm•t!lng murders in lhe guise and style of his favorite screen vllla1ns. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 4 1 min.) 12:45(%) MOVIE "A rthur" ( 1981, Comedy) Dudley Moore, Liza Mln.nelll. While his family a11empts 10 force ~1m into a pre-arranged marriage. a drunken, hedornstlc playboy falls In love with a poor working girl. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 53 m1rf.) t:OO D EVENING AT THE IMPAOV I BEST Of MIDNtGHT SPECIAL • MOVIE "Hello. Oollyl" ( 1970, Musical) Berbta Str .... nd. Wetter Matthau. Art lnepretei~ ma11ch· maker decldee that the moat suitable ~ '°' a clMat'kttOUI merchant 1-hetNlf. (3 hr .. ) <; ,._,.. -·-· .-..-.. ··-...... __ ._ __ ... ,,_. ___________ ............. ..__...,_~._.,,, ........... .,,,.., ..... _:-.. ____ ..,..,... ......... _._._......._.._. Lorne Green~ hosts a ne w weekly half-hour series, HLorne Greene's New Wildernes " at 5 :30 p.m. o n KNXT, Cha nnel 2 . Today' segment is ·~The Wild Man of tht-Forest: The Orangutan." . Q) MOVIE ThE>y ~:ived Hitlers Orain" ( 1964 Hur ror I Wauer Stocker Auorey Caire A hanolul ol Th1rr1 Rr·1ct tny.111r,1s w 1gl". :i lac.I a11c11 ellort ro g.l u• N1 °rl<I o,11pr,..m.1Cy l)y ilbOuc:ting .J prominent Aim.,. 1 '"' '>C.1••n11o;r ,,., p.:irt of lheor net;v1nus pl<>I (i' hr" !0111111) @ CALL ME BETTY CARTER A µreserit.t1•11rt 111 l\1111·11t .. l', jil// lyl1SI'> l('nlLJruig 1111J•,1c •,1J11q .1111j tw I 111 Ei) MOVIE r rngs t 197:> Horr •'I Ra> i.-1111,11 ·t .. 1tl1 flholt W~11l1· oro " twth•lily ouluit.J a mJr lot>nl oro rJr><;tr111mq ll.lytJIJ w1ldlil1 C)f'b ,:i prcsont for• h,ujn'I t.{)11ntH(j nn whr-ri 'iW.tn1py c.rPA turr .. r1'>• 11p to r11urrler I 11111 .irid ~II'. t;im1ly ( ;,i hrs ) 1 300 MOVIE lJr11nr1 P t<.1fu ( Hl39 W•"·"'"•I fl.1r1Jard 1.1• Nye• J l'I MtC.r~·d l.Ae11 :.1r11qq1 .. 1q.1111<,I I I' I I .. 111.Jl;te ""'"' IC) 11111.. lh1 r.1• I '""! V.Jl .. ,t 111,1 r.11trc1.1tl f,' h1r '10 n 1rt ! I 40(!1) AAT PATROL 1'45(@) ABC NEWS 2 000 NEWS O, MOVIE '81 •dt And Soul t 1981 Drama) I 1•c 11 I .,t.Jt KerinP<Jy Jayne Kennelly A youriy IJf,I( i. twroc, lu µr tPliyhllng lo raise the money he; rll'P<J'> tor ll1ed1cdl ;,Chool ff ( 1 hr 45 mm ) Q MOVIE Deilth Valley· ( 198;>, MysteryJ f'.1u1 I PMat. Peter B1ll1ngsley A New York youngster ,., sen1 10 ArtlOnA 10 v1s11 his mo1her and stumbles ilC.r~s a seriec; of grisly murders 'A' ( I hr 25 mu1 ) 2·05 (!) NEWS 2: 10@ WORLD AT LARGE ltV MOVIE "Momm1e Dearest" ( 1981 . Du1ma) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarw1d rort1es ftlm star Joan Crawlord raises her two adopted children 1n a dome~t&<:' ,.,....,.........__ , .. _. · Y u•"'V"V""'" llldl Vdrll;IS trOm IUXUllOUS comlorl lo sad1s11c d1sc1phne 'PG' (2 hrs . 9 min ) 2· 15 MOVIE "A Change Of Seasons" ( 1980. Comedy) Shtrley MacLa1ne. Anthony Hop1<1ns A middle-aged couple tty out younger partners during a mountain vacation 'R' ( 1 hr . 42 min.) (S) M~IE "Sphinx" ( 1981, Adventure) Frank Lan· gella Lesley-Anne Down A ruthless black market an11qu11tes ring a11emp1s to stop an Egyp1olog1s1 lrom d1scoverrng the whereabouts of a p11celess stalue she was permitted to view 'PG' ( 1 hr . 59 m1nJ_ 2:25fC) MOVIE "The Splll'' ( 1968, Orama) Jim Brown. Orahann Carroll Aller pulltng ott a big rob· bery. a gang has troub1e dividing fhe money (2 hrs, 10 mm) 2:30(!) NEW AGE !Ill AGRICULTURE U.S.A. (()TENNIS "Davis Cup" Live coverage of the Aus· lralta vs. USA semllrnals from Perth, Australia (3 hrs ) (%)MOVIE "Fiddler On The Roof" ( 1971 , Musical} Topol. Norma Crane. A peasant milkman 1n turn-of· !he-century czarist Russia trlet to marry off his eligi- ble daughters while trying to hotd onto his Jewish ~-l~age In the lace of opi><eSSlon. 'G' (2 hra.. 59 2:40 NEWS 3:00 STRAIGHT TALK 3;i ~ "Bombtwdlef" (t943, ~t\Jff) P•t 0 '8fltn, Randolptr Scott. Mtf\ training for flying fOtltw mlutow•""" for~. SundaV "" \I< >I l '\I '\C ~ OCTOBER 3. 1982 • . 5:00 (!) NEW ARK ANO REAL TY S:05@CARTOONS 5:308 FOR OUR TIMES "Abraham Rattner" The diverse works ol Ame11can painter Abraham Ratrner are honored 1n observance of the Jewish High Holy Days D DAYBREAK L.A. DAY OF DISCOVERY CJ MOVIE "Aashomon" ( 1950 Orama) Mach110 K_yo. Toshrro M1lune ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (E)NFL FILM 0 MOVIE "The Postman Always Rmgs Twice" ( 1981. Or~rna) Jack N1ch01son. Jessica Lange 11 hr 37 min) !Z; MOVIE ··s1eep1ng Dogs" ( 1982) Sam Neill Warren Oates ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 5:45 m CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 8 CAPT AfN KANGAROO 8 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD fJ C AMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTAI· TION SUNDAY MOANING 0 YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES Rap W11h Guv..,mcJ• P,11 Brown" ORAL ROBERTS ~ DIRECTIONS "Ame11ca11 Jl'ws And IMdOI < •IN'>I'> Nathan PC'rlmutter. nallonal execuuve auec I •• ii tf'1<o l\r1t1 Det..iniat1on League ol 8'na1 B'oth M1 ,,,, 0 Alir..im former president ot lhe American h•w1<;h Conim111r>1 O)NEWS Q) ROMPER ROOM fm JUSTICE ANO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Cart '•tr·rn moderatt>'> n d1scu5s1on ol the issues 111vulv1•1l " llw dPalh PNl,Jlly and th,-. dul't.l1on lhdl put>lu I_ 111 'I • Jakortq I 1 hr ) E COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS ~.1oc:tH H'' ',1 1fl / NOtrP Ortrnp ( t hr J 11 STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT rtt!etwuud M.11 "1•ml11•r N1(k<, pf'rl011W, Alt/lf Tl11• GhllW f ,lfJ••'> I •o,1tr11•r l\ncl I ilC:f! " · The H1q'1w.1y111,J11' .md f!1•1 l.t f 1• •I 11.t . l'i Vvt•ll l', fi1vOr1h" fi,,m !111• fli-r•IWt>u J I.I 11 11 I• rtn•r• T..Jpt'd .11 lhr> t '" W1t•,h11•• lt ... ,111"" I /\r 'l"lw, I t tir ) 0 PURLIE M1•11.>,1 Muore A()IJ1>rt Gu1llau1nn .rn(l to .. 1111.111 th•ow.lt•y .11" lt>.ttur1·1l 111 o1 µcrlorm.H•l' ,,f 11 ... 1111 B111,1dway lmJ~1t.OI lJ;iv•11 on Os51c I 1,1v1">" play "P1Jrhe V1c1011oui::." (2 hr• ?O nun ) Si MOVIE Tht> L•lllf' Drayon• I 198 1 Adv1•r1tur1·) 5illlL_Boyden Chris Peterson f 1 hr 30 mor 1 6·05 cr.JJ LOST IN SPACE 6:30 Cl SERENDIPITY 8 ROBERT SCHULLER I GROWING YEARS VOYAGE POINT OF VIEW PUBLIC PULSE SPEAK OUT 7:008 TODAY'S RELIGION I ~~::_s c:,~ - -· • I 1..t RASC~LS IT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF DISCOVERY WOODY WOODPECKER ANO Ff31ENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980. Orama) Jaclc. Lem mon. AObby Benson (2 hrs.) THE OLO BALL GAME (R) MOVIE "The Great Muppet Caper' ( 198 t Comedy) Charles Grodin. Diana Rigg ( 1 hr 40 miril 7:05 LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 LIFETIMES WHITNEY ANO THE R080T PERSONAL DIMENSIONS TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THAT'S THE SPIRIT FACING LIFE WITH CHESTER HOLTON JIMMY SWAOOART MISTER ROGERS (A) THE WORLD TOMOAAOW MOVIE "HobsOn'a Choice" (195~. Comedy) John Miiis, Charles Laughton. (2 hrs.) CZ) M~E "Power Play" t1978. Orama) Petet O'Toole. DaVid Hemmings. ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) 7:36@' MOVIE "Gunllgl'lt At The 0.1<. Corral" ( 1957, Wettem) 8\lrt Lancaster. Kirk Douglas (2 hrsw.:30 rtllrl.) 8:00 IUNOAY~ I ·~UN . flONYI AND fMNOI .. -I ... I ,.. ' ..... --· .. -.. -·••-·a-• -••••••-•••• ••••-•-·----••----.-.---.-·-·- sUnday (coot~nued) PEOPLE7 LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MAKE PEACE WITH NATURE JERRY FALWELL °" CARTOONS · ELECTRtC COMPANY (R) R~HUMBARO HORSE RACING live coverage of the Arc de, Triomphe from Paris. France. ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Spirit Of The Wind" (Drama) Dan 1 Geo19e. ( l hr . 45 min.) 8:30 U ODYSSEY Guests Father Stephen R Gross, Franciscan at Frtarplace II. Hermosa Beach. Rev Joseph Glynn. 0 .D.C. of St. Therese Church. Alhambra, Mary Ann Dunn of St Robert Bellarm1ne Church. Burbank I TO BE ANNOUNCED THE LAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CAL VARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE -1 ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BIBLE MOVIE "A Happening In Hamlin" (2 hrs) 9:00 D MEET THE PRESS I BEST OF A.M. LOS ANGELES tJ ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN ID SESAME STREET (R) D CC) MOVIE "The Filth Mu~eteer" ( 1979, Adven- ture) Beau Bridges. Ursula Andress. ( 1 hl, 43 min) (E) TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Australia vs. USA semifinal match C or D from Penh, Austra- lia (R) (2 hrs.) CID MOVIE "Cannonball Run" (198t, Comedy) Burl Reynolds, Dom Deluise ( 1 hr., 35 min ) 9:30 8 ()) NFL TOOAY D JUSTICE ANO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Carl Stern mOderates a discussion of the issues Involved 1n the death penalty and the direction that public policy Is taking. ( l hr.) I DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW NFL '82 MOVIE "Heartland" ( 198 t, Drama) Rip Torn, Conchata Ferrell ( l hr., 35 min ) (%)MOVIE "The Sea Wolves" (1980. Adven11.1re) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore. (2 hrs.) 10:00 8 MOVIE "A Date With Judy" ( 1948, Comedy) Jane Powell. Ellzat>_eth Taylor (2 hrs.) 8 BEST OF KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests Andy Gibb. Dick Clark. author Julius Fast, marine biologist Pierre DeLesPlnols (R) ( l hr.) flJ HERALD OF TRUTH {f) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Howard Cosen" Host: Ken Howard. I REX HUMBARD CARTOONS THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer· thefmer and Cotlie Roberts Join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities ACUPUICTURE ................ AUT'H()ft cw "ACUPUMCTUM a ac...c. .. ForrMr Chelrman, Mmlnar of Chfneee Acupuncu1re Foundetlon PROFESSOR Of ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CHINA MEDtCAL COf..LEGE WHO'S WHO IN CAUFORNtA. 13th Edition 545-2431 Mofl.-Wed...#1\ ............. c.... .,. ............ ......... IANTAANA 532-SotC,-T-.-niw ...... .............. 0.... --.•M11:•..., Oil.YIM FACE-Lins SllOKM I PaCONTROt. _, Ollll WI•-- Carroll O'Connor is still tending bar on "Archie Bunker's Place" at 8 p.m. on CBS, Channel 2. Ci) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW CS) MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979, Drama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach. ( 1 hr . 38 min.) 10:05 (1Z) MOVIE "The Tiger Makes Out" ( 1967. Com· edy) Eh Wallach. Anne Jac.kson (2 hrs ) 10:308 ARTS OF ASIA G ROBERT SCHUtLER {f) BASEBALL New YOfk Mets at Philadelphia Phil· ........._ hes (2 hrs .. 30 min.) THE LAWMAKERS I NEWSMAKERS JERRY FALWELL OPEN MINO MOVIE "First Monday In October" ( 1981, Com· edvl Walter Matthau. Jill ClavburQh (2 hrs.) 11:00D ON GAMPUS Featured: a Scripps College student. a graduate and the Dean of Students dis· cuss lite at the college. I THIS WEEK WITH DA V10 BRINKLEY BASEBALL MOVIE "Them" ( 1954, Science-Flc1ton) James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn. (2 hrs.) e MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Of Youth" Vera is plunged into the hell of a front-hne hospital and aSSlgned to nurse wounded Germans HUMANfTl!S THROUGH THE ARTS !arl 4) (R) D (1 hr.) MOVIE "Airplane!" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hagerty. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) (I) AUTO RACING Live coverage ol the NASCAR NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Enjoy Teriyakl • Temp11r'll Shuah! bar pnpared by our famoaa J.pane.e Cher • Bttr • Wine • S•kl @ JAPANESE ~gtsa. RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Mon. ttwu Prt. 11:aD to 1:11 Dtnner from I p.m. 8un. from 4 p.m. Cloeed WednHIMJ ~=~ lll-1111 3l40 E. COAST HWY. C01011A Ill. MM I ... . .. ... . . . . . . • • ·J.. • Holly Farms 400 from Nor1h Wiikesboro. N.C. (Due 10 FCC reg"18tlons. this event may be blacked ou1 within a 100-mlle radius of Norlh Wll~esboro) (3 hrs .. 30 min.) ~ CID MOV1i "Arthur" ( 1981, Comedy) Dudley ~ M00te. Liza Minnelll. (1 hr .. 53 ml!).) 11:308 AGRICULT\JAE U.S.A. I TEARY COLE-WHITT AKER CtfUACH .. THE HOME HUMANfTIESTHAOUGHTHEARTS MOVIE "Arthur" (1981, Comedy) Dudley ~ M00te, Liu Mlnnelli. ( 1 hr., 53 min.) ~ (%) MOVIE "Let II Be" ( 1970. Muslcal) The Bea-~ ties. ( 1 hr .. 28 min.) AFTERNOON 12:00 0 WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN I THREE STOOGES BASEBALL SEARCH THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL PAPER CHASE "The Tables Down Al Ernie's" The study group fights 10 seve their favOfite hangout -· Erma's Tavern -· from demollhon due to the uni· vers1ty's expansion plans. ( 1 hr.) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981. Sc1ence-F1c11on) · rl Finney. James Coburn. ( 1 hr., 34 mm ) 12:05 (1Z) LAST OF THE WILD 12:300 NFL '82 I WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS DODGER DUGOUT UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "The Great Bank Hoax" ( 1979, Mys· le<y) Ned Beatty. Richard Basehart ( 1 hr , 27 min.) . CO) MOVIE "Bear Island" ( 1980. Su!pense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 12:351 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 12:'1t5 OOOOER PRE-GAME 1:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Oregon at USC (2 hrs .. 30 min) 8 THE MUNSTERS COUNTRY JAMBOREE I HEEHAW BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at San Fran· c1sco Giants (3 hrs ) I AOAM·12 . CAROL ANO JIMMY Four of America's finest 1au musicians • · Carol Sloane. Jimmy Rowles. Keeter Betts and Bobby Durham •· team up tor an leve~'E~'./~e p~1~ AMERICAN GOVERNMENT HBO MAGAZINE MOVIE "The Cincinnati Kid" ( 1965. Olama) Steve McOueen. EdWard G. Robinson ( 1 hr., 45 min.]_ 1:05 (1Z) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres (3 hrs ) 1:30e F·TROOP I THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY AOAM·12 NEWSCENTER WEEKLY AMERICAN GOVERNMENT NEWPORT "' DATSUN OOYESTREET • NEWPOATBIAC.f.(7.14) 133-1 • ~· • J , \ I. .. ... u N co ai .... Q) .0 0 u 0 >-(1) -0 ;: u. Cl 0 ....J > ..... § n. Sunday (conlinucd) 11iJ CAMELOT n1ctrnrtJ H.1m<.. Meg Bu&serl' anr1 Richard Mwmz Sldr In I erner dnd l oewp'5 cla<..s•1. Orc.adway n1us1cal raped al lhe W1nh!r Garden The 11t1e on New York (2 hrs 30 min) 0 SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW Hosr Robert CY.ll>Ornt- look5 at rn•~ r11ov1es and 5pec1a1s coming up cm Spoll1yhl 2:008 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 0 MOVIE "The lnc1e<J1ble Two·Headed frn115 plant" ( 197 1 Sc1ence·f 1ct1on) Bruce Dem Pfll P1u~s1 (2 hr5 ) (!) THOSE AMAZING ANIMALS «I) MOVIE 'Ulys5es ( 1%!l, AtJ11e1111Jrr•1 Kirk Dougta<.. Anthony Quinn (? hrs I ® SIGNA TUAE Gue::.t Ctiro•.ropher Pl11111rnr<r f.ll) INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Won1ur1 lr1 Cuq1r11.1 I )II•, Mr>111nQ Up" T ~· fl·rr1.1le e.<QC..Uf•lll'!> l.l• .t,tJ'. ~1l•,1I .iv•1fl•f'll f•f lJ(:l!l•r • 1• 111 1 <llfll'f(•nl li•li tt1.111 rr.r ff " Ar111'r11 .Jfl C.<1rpor.it11 or • Eli:) MOVIE Cu11e1 • 1 r 111' t t'lu<:! W1••,lflrr\) t .r.11 1, .. l\lor1 M.q1'.J Pa11m1 (,1 tir. J al) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY C, MOVIE 'Tr1b1Jlr> · I 1'Jl.l1J [lf,1111.11 l.11 • I""' rr1011 nu ti tit 01•n<,or1 I;.> r11· / SJ MOVIE Alta•r<.. tJt IJ<:JU•" r ,,111· 11•1r,1. ( or1 ,, ·_!ii Ol:lbl'>•I' R1>ynr.Jd·, Robhy I 11 ( 1 t1r 1 •, ""' 1 U MOVIE Tt1ree Wrtr110r'.' < 1'177 01.i111.i) ll.i1, l1 Quaid. Ct1<)rle<:. White Eaqlf· 11 hr 4f11111r1 J 2:3Q,8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND Q DIRECTIONS @) THE ROCKFORD FILES @ SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD P1ayw11ght AthOI Fugarn exposes suppres91on and the Apartherd <..ystem 1n South Af11ca through the 1111es of two men ( 1 hr 30 min.) fD PAESENTE ~INTRODUCING BIOLOGY SPORTSFORUM PUALIE ~ba Moore. Robeft Guillaume and Sherman HemSley are leatured 1n a performance ol the hot Broadway musical based on Ossie Davis's play "Purhe Victorious " (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 3:009 MOVIE "The K1ssrng Bandit" ( 1949, Musi cal) FTank Sinatra. Kathryn Grayson. (2 hrs.) I GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS BATTLE.ST AR G~CTICA CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT INTAOOUCING BIOLOGY FUTURE SPORT A scientific exploration of ath· letic performance which can aid athletes in impro11· 1_!!9 the" game. (A) (.LJ DO ME A FAVOR ANO DON'T VOTE FOR MY t.'OM Q0 MOVIE. "Arthu ' (t98t, Comedy) Dudley Moore. LIZ.a Mmnelli. ( 1 hr .. 53 min.) 3:30 9 LAST OF THE WILD IWALL STREET JOURNAL REPORT THEARLE'S PIANO FESTIVAL CAllFORNIA WEEK IN REV1EW DESIGNING HOME INTERtORS ,, HORSE RACING WEEKLY LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and loor comic contestants who compete against one another are fea1Ured In lhls uncensored comedy game show. 4:00 9 2 WITH YOU ·a SUNOA Y Location. live from Skatefest · 82. Ven· ice and La Brea. Los Angele&. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • AT THE MOV1ES (I) SQUARE PEGS (Premiere) Two friends venture into their first day as high school freshmen deter- mined to become popular on campus. G MOVIE "The Conqueror Worm" ( 1968, Horror) Vincent Price, Ian Ogilvy. (2 hrs.) Cf) MADAME'S PLAC.: e MOYIE "The Boys From Brazil" ( 1978. ~se) Gregory Peel<. Laurence Olivier (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Band Of Angels" ( 1957. Adventure) Clark Gable, Sidney Poill~+~rs.) at CALL ME BETTY C A presenlatlon ot America's Jazz stylisls, featuring music. aong and hrstory. ( 1 hr.) • WAU $TREET WEEK "Will The Bull Roar?" Guest: Stan Weinstein, editor and publlther of lhe Professional Tape Reader. (A) e MOVIE MThe Burglars" ( 1973, Adventure) Jean-PaUI Belmonclo, Omat Sharif. (2 hra.) • DESIGNING HOME INTEAtOR8 ~ MOVIE '"Paper Tiger" ( 1976. Comedy) David Niven. Toehlro Mlfune. ( 1 hr., 39 min.) (I) SPORTSCENTER CID MOVIE "The Great Muppet Caper" (l961. Comedy) Charles Grodin, Olana Rigg. ( 1 hr.. 40 min.) • (IJ INDOOR TENNIS "U,S. Women's Chempion· ship'" (2 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "The Shogun Warriors: Grandlz.er" 981. Fanta~nfmet9d. (1hr .• 40mln.) MOVIE " nd" (1981, Orama) Rip Torn. heta Fen... ( 1 hr .. 3~ mitt) 4:06 IWf&TUNO 4;30 INT8'FACE IE ANNOUNCED • Ronni'· Franklin is hack as Hmom .. on the serie. "'One Day Al A Time" al 'J::30 p.m. on CB ~ Channt"l 2. • @) GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS fD WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (A) Ii) SIGNING WITH CINDY 5:00 8 NEWSMAKERS I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS M*"A'S'H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS THE •POTTING SHED Paul Scofleld stars In this drama by Graham Greene dealing with the 513rch for faith and the tear of f1nd1ng II. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) • FIRING LINE "Is There A New China?" Guest Fox Butterfield. author of "China: All11e In The Bitter Sea." ( 1 hr.) Ii) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila discusses !he wrr1ng rn the bfeezeway and puts insulation in lhe family room (R) D . CE) TENNIS ... 'Da111s Cup" Coverage of the Australia 11s. USA eemlflnal match C or 0 from Perlh, Austra- ha. (R) (3 hrs.) (m MOVIE "Swtng Time" ( 1936, Musical) Fred Astarre. Ginger Rogers. (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "Modern Romance" (1981, Comedy) Albert Br~s. Kathryn Harrold ( 1 hr . 33 min ) 6:05 Ql) NASHVILLE ALIVEI 6:308 FACE THE NATION INBCNEWS LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY NEWS AL a ABC NEWS MOTORWEEK 1.\ l . '\I '\( I e:ooeeNEWS e MOVIE "'Knighls Of The Roundtable" ( 1954. Adventure) Robert Taylor. Ava Gardner The famous love triangle of King Arthur, Lancelot and Queen Ouinevefe IS broughl to Hie In this 1ale ot lsi~~~~=O!~~ THOSE AMAZING ANCMAL.8 IT 18 WRITTEN EtGKT 18 ENOUGH MOVIE "Charlotte's Web" ( 1973, Musical) Ani- mated. A runl pig ls saved from &laughter by a charming spider, a rat and • atuttetlng QOOM· (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Jetll'a Glf11" (, Weatern) Sondra Cur- rie. Geotfefy Land. After a wagon !rain It 111aoked. a woman raped and her hu8bend murdered. the woman becorM8 oblelaed with r~. (2 hrs.) e CHAYSLER: ONCE UPON A TIM£. .. ANO NOW l<ey 1urnlng point• In the company'• hletory. lrom We"er P. Chryller'• ftkeowr In 1923 to Its current poaltlon In the wof1d auto Industry under LM lecoc· ca. art chfon6oted. ( 1 hr.) I NICNEW8 NCNA "Living Maohlntt" rtie WOfk and remark· abte dllcoverles or a ,,._ gtnttttlon of bk*>gltt• called rwturat tnQlnetrl pr-omllt ~ end eppll- , .,, .08tlona~tobe~dA)QO.._. -----··...,..._.. ___ ... -- ' lCJ MOVIE · The Fthh Musketeer" ( 1979. Adven- 111111) Oectu 811dge'>. Uro,ula AndtC!.5 D' Artagnan .1110 tlie Three Mus~eteer-:. become 1nvol11od 1ri ;ino tt1er plan 10 block the evtt 1n1en11ons of lhP •,irw h•r Cardinal Rrchel1eu aya1osl the French a11stcl( .. r.1 <.y .PG' I I h1 43 min ) (ti.; MOVIE · Canno11ball A1Jn ( 198 l Cor111..«.JyJ Bun Reynolds Dom Del u1~e va11ous oddball <.liar <1cters compete rn a coast to-coast auto racf' ~C... ( t h1 , 35 min 1 IL) RASCAL DAZZLE The l 11tlP Ra::.cals aw le;, lured 1r1 fllm clips and shorts ( I hr 2!> min ) $) MARK TWAIN THEATRE The Prrates Tvm Sawyer dnd Huckll'l>t:rry Fu '" rorne upor 111orr• (IACltement wlr~ll they de<.1dr IQ run awHy Jr t1 twcome p1rall''~ t t hr 15 111111 J 0 MOVIE Holl!:.<lll'~ Cllo111•' I t'J!>JI. Cu111"dt) John Moll<, Ch.Hit:<, I o111qhl<Jfl A boot111t1kM 1111 '"l"b 1• 11•t.1 n 111 r.ht .11 111111 ,, ul 1.11>111 ti, 1 ,,. ,,,.,,, 1 r11 It,, .. ,,. •11 Jflh!l·r• 110111 rnr1rry111H ti> 111 , 6 05 <!]') WEliK IN REVIEW 6 30 0 NEWS CONFERENCE 0 PEOPLE'S COURT rs)ni)NEWS t 91 THE WORLD TOMORROW ~SONG AND DANCE Y • 111q 11 1 lr"n 1111 H .., I' 11'••1 I 1N•'• .<.t1 •I ~.Prl•>lffl fro<j ty All1·r ' • 6 45 2 CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 7 00 0 60 MINUTES 0 m VOYAGERS! (P11•r111f·IP) An 1l<ivt:r11'H•Jll.., llJljll!• arrd ll y(JUflQ 11rph11n IOIJl!ll'.!y llllDUgh 11111(• I ' h1 11, W1ib111 <1r11l Urv1llP W11gt11 pcrlect the ;111pli1nt? t t hr) Q @) RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOTI FeatureCJ a niud·stmy1ng lestrval in Fra11ce the wor1d·s largest merry·go-round. lly1ng ~nakes and 11amp1re bat::. rhe story ol ttiree courageou~ men ( 1 hr ) I MADAME'S PLACE JIMMY SWAGGART A PLAY FOR LOVE "The Pump" A drama by James C.ameron taking a reahstrc glimpse into the inner thoughts and fantaS1es ot a man undE!fgo1ng heart surgery ( 1 hr ) • ARTHUR··RUBINSTEIN "Venice" Rublnslern recalls hrs first visit to Venice and remembers the hves of the most Important maestros of classtCSI music ( 1 hr.) 89 SOUTH BRONX: WOAt< IN PROGRESS Earl Caldwell hosts a look at tile efforts of Sooth Bronx residents to restore hooslng. build safe neighbor· hoods, brrng businesses and jobs lo 1he area. and educate their children. ( 1 hr.) (Q) MOVIE "First Monday In October" ( 1981, Com· edy) Walter Matthau. Jill Clayburgh. A liberal Supreme Coort Justice clashes with lhe newest member of the nat10n's hlghesl coort. an ul1ra-con· se<Vatlve woman 1urist. ·R' (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Tl)e Sea Wolves" ( 1980, Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger M00<e. During World War II. a group of British businessmen form a volunteer .!_8g!_· menr to destroy ,.. ~n spy nesnrnliefrlcllan ___ _ Ocean. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 7:05~NEW8 7:30 MOVIE "Fast Company" 'A' (2 hrs.) 8:00 (I)" ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE B1lhe rs jealous and Archie is fuming when Gary answers a call trorn his beautiful ex·fiancee. D. BOB HOPE'S SPOOF Of THE NEW TV SEA· SON Bob Hope previews lhe new television season with guest stars Eltzabelh Taylor, Torn Sellecl<. Brooke Shields. Linda Evans and Rlci<y Schroder ~ 'eJrerr AJNMENT THIS WEE< • tll MATT HOUSTON Matt Houston lnvestlgales a murder lhat was the resull of several sensational stories published In a scandalOus newspaper 11 hr.) I rT 18 WRITTEN BARRY FARSER MOVIE "The Boys From Brazll" ( 1978, Suspense) Gregory Peck, Laurence Olivier A delermined profe&sof' stalks an ingenious doctor whose genetic e>eperlmenls performed during World War II may spell disaster fat modem-day society. (2 hra.) e MOV1E "Treasure Galleons" (1973, Adventure) Documentary. A group of adven1urer1 e>eplore the Bahama rHft In search of concealed treasore. (2 tn) (II THE POTTING SHED Paul Scofield stars In this drama by Graham Greene deallnQ with the tearch for faith and the fear of ftndlng It. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) e NOVA "The Great Vlolln Myatery" Some fasci- nating a11emp1s to unlock the teoret of the aound of the greal Stradivari vlollns are revealed. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) e MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Teetamtnt Of Youth" With Wc>fld War II flnany OYtf, Vera returns to Oxford Wheft lhe meet• Wlnlfr9d ~by; they launch their ~ carW'I and btoome lit.tong friends. (Part 5) 1(A°) O ( t hr.) ~ MO'JE "The Grtil Bank Hoax" (1979, Mys- tery) Ned Beatty, RlcNfd e..t\art, ThrM cllsgrun- lltd bet* .-cutlv9I deOICl9 to get the rlchlt they ~tow t1Umi•.r~ of thtfr own~~\f "'··Tl rnn~ ............ ·-·-· ······-· ·---------·---___ ....... ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~as Sunday (continued) ' f) SPORTSCENTER lj) MOVIE ''Body He~r· ( 1981 Suspen&e) W1lh,1m Hurt. Kathleen Turner A sma1111rne Florida lawyer 1c:. persuaded by his lover 10 murder her hu:.l.Jand 'H' ( 1 hr &5 min) S 0 MOVIE "Arthur" 11 981 Comeoy) 011dl11y Moore l 1za M1nne111 While his family a11emp1s 10 force h1rn into a pre artanyed marriage. a drunkt•n, l1edon1st1c playboy falls 1n love with a poor worku1y g1rl ·pc· ( 1 hr . 53 min ) 8:05@JERRY FALWELL 8·30 I) GLORIA Glo11a ac;ct>1W. her tirst tl.ile since her separa11011 • 0 THE WORLD TOMORROW 9:00 I) C1J THE JEFFERSONS r.Mrqe decides to --1'Ccept I 11s co111p1?111or~ otter I() h• 11 •Jut JF<lle1son ~leAn1•r<;, ( P.-ir' 21 0 G) THE TONIGHT SHOW ST ARRI NG JOHNNY CARSON 20TH ANNIVER~AAY J11I 0111 t C .uson 1·.~11-brnl•" tut, 20tt. yC'dl ,)5 hr.r.1 , I tlu• p11p111iir Inf<' <. Ill jhf ,ll••W With <;{•q111f•nt•, '"'"' lllPr!llJl.rl>I>' p.ir,1 t1 \\-' .111<.l t.hp·~ ut .. arty TV app• ,1ro11tP t1y n1c.h1tr<l I ''fl' 0.1v1d Brenr11•1 ,JrtcJ ma• 1, 1t11·r~ (<'tu•,) 0 RICHARD SIMMONS 0 ®) MOVIE ;,Smokey AM f 111• rli111<J1t It ( 1960. Co111edy) Burl Reynold!>. JtJe;lo.11• G1eas<J11 Shertlt Uulord T Justice calls tn 111~ two t<1wr11an brothers to c,10µ B retcred boollegger the Bandit from Iran ~umg a baby elephant Q (?hrs) U DR.CHO (!) MOVIE "The Big Carnival' ( 1951, Orama) Krrk Douglas, Jan Sterling tn order to boos! his career, a reporter exploits the sufferings ol the wile of a man trapped cn a cave--tn (2 hrs ) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Of Youth" With World War II hnally over. Vera returns to Oxford where she meets Winifred Holtby; they launch their writing careers and becortle lifelong lrieods (Part 5) (R) o ( 1 hr.) G MYSTERY "Dr. ~kytl And Mr. Hyde" Dr Jekyll's bold expenments to ISOiate the gOOd from the ev1t within a single personality succeed beyond his wildest expectations. (Part 1) (R) a ( 1 hr ) (() COLLEGE FOOTBALL West VirQinia Moun- taineers at Pittsburgh Panthers (2 hrs , 30 mtn ) ©) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locl<e Belore setrnng down with his glrl and pe! orangutan, a bare-fisted lighter signs up for ooe last, lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Power Play" ( 1978. Drema) Peter O'Toole, David Hemmlng.s. A corrupt government becomes the target of a military coup ( 1 hr., 42 9:06 OPENUP mini 9:30 (l )(>NE DAY AT A TIME I WILD KINGDOM JACK VAN IMPE SONG ANO DANCE Youngsters form the Royal Ballet's lower school perform "Friday Afternoons · • Ct) MOVIE "In Praise 01 Older WOOleO" ( 1978. Drama) Torn Berenger. Karen Black. A Hunganan lothano reminlsceS on his past romantic conquests, from his first at the age of 12 to his seduction of a housewife at 30. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 48 mTn.) ([) MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" ( 1981. Drama) Knsty McNlchol. Mark Hamm. A brother-and-sister songwriting duo have many adventures while trying to eke out a living oo the country-western cifcult. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 10:008 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. Trapper and Gon- zo 818 led to some disturbing discoveries when they unknowingly purchase a dried-up vineyard, and ·Stanley fans in love (Part 1) ( t hr ) l ee NEWS WOROFORTOOAY A PLAY .fOR LOVE "The Pump" A drama by James Cameron taking a reallstlc glimpse Into the Inner thoughts and fantasies of a man undergoing heart surgery .. ( 1 hr.) • TO HOPE: A CELEBRATION Dave Brubeck's preparation of a Catholic Mass aet to music for a variety ot choirs, Ol'chestras and performance loca- tions is ctlronicled. ( t hr.) • SOUTH 8AONX: WOAK IN PAOGRE.88 Earl WCABLE 1 •Tl U.S. WllEl'I 1111111111111 llllPlllalPI Wlltdt -• .....,, Oot. I, M p.m. C8111e CllM.w Mor K Caldwell ho&tf> a look ttt the eflons ol South 8ron,- re•,1den1.:; ru iestorv housing. bucld c;ale ne1ghltt ,, hrl()dS. b11ng busrnesc;e-; and 10b<., 10 lhe cH&a lllU f'd11c11te tllt1tr children I 1 tu ) CHl MOVIE "Arthur· ( 1981 , ComedyJ OutJIPy Mo0re, l 11,1 M1nnoll1 Whrlf' 111!. IJrt11ly atten1µ1i,, 111 l0tce '""' 1111u a pre Mrdn1:1ud mam.:ige. ii d1unk1•11 ht-do111sl1t. playboy tall!> 111 love with a rioor work1nr1 girl PG ( I hr 53 min ) ($) MOVIE LOOk<'1 ( 1981 8C1f•11c.e r 1c.1111n1 All>urt r 1nnoy Jilrll!'S Cobt1111 The 111y!.lf'r1011· deaths of cl <i0fle5 ot bPilUflful mod~IS lflVOIVP(j II I naw aover11s1ng proiecl ,1m blt1t11f'l•J on lhP p1:i .... 111 o;uigeon w111, opera1e<J ore them Pt. f I hr M 111111 I Q MOVIE f nsl r dm11y· ( 1'180 Lom~dy) l .1l1l11 Radner. llub Newh<1rl l he ~.eiw<itly 11•prt><.-:.Hd o,iughll•r pf lh•! country'•, wu11tJu'.I 1 .. Hc•.1<Jt>nl1c1I t 11111 ly c.0111µh1 .• 1lt"> hr:r lalt1c1 r, .1111,rnpt!> tu c 011011\.t 111 .. rtltol r .... I t 1.111-n I I hr 411 """ 1 10 0!>@ MOVIE '>ltcll11~11 I .H1r l•c 1 •\\-•'' ( 19•,1 W<''>h•r111 ( ,,,.,., < 1.tr'.>1111 [),11 ,, Ar11Jrl.!w' All• 1 1• 11 "'ti tier t1r1,111,, in 1.111• 1qm tl·11t11r7 .m1 1 Tt• •I t..ieaul1fu1 w• ,,11,111 I.ill 1° I· "' (:>tu• • • 1 "" J 10.300 LONE RANGER 0) WEEKEND SPORTS WAAP·UP Q) JIMMY SWAGGART 10·458 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11·001) 0 fJ Cl)@) tm NEWS 8 WORLD OF SURVIVAL 0 BARRY FARBER PSYCHIC PHENOMENA CD JERRY FALWELL ID THE POTIING SHED P<tul Scot1elcJ stars 1n th1• drama by Graham Cree11e dealing with the search for la1th and the tear ol fmdmg rt ( I hr 30 mcn I fli) SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler and Jeflrcy Lyons host an cnto1mattve look at what's new at the movies (R) QI!) COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIG HTS "Auburn vs Nebraska" CO) THE FUNHOUSE (%)MOVIE "Lei It Be'' ( 1970, MuSICBI) The Bea lies. John Lennon. Paul McCartney. George Ham· son and Ringo Starr are followed through rehears- als, recording sessions and an tnprompJu concert 'G'I hr .. 28 min.) 11: 15 CBS NEWS 11:30 SPORTS ANAL I PACESETTERS ABC NEWS TO BE ANNOUNCED MOVIE "The Resurrection Of Zachary Wheeler" ( 1971. Drama) Angie Dickinson. Bradlord OiUman A political hgure Is repaired after an automobtte accident wl1h par1s from a "soma," a synthetic lin bank, (2 hrs.) TALES Of THE UNEXPECTED _ TV QUARTERBACKS "Season Overview" MOVIE "Three Hundred Miles For Stephanie" ( 1981, Drama) Tony Orlando, Peter Graves. A determined pollce officer vows to run over 300 miles 1n five days as an act ot faith for his critically Ill daughter. (R) (2 his.) Ct) MOVIE "Airplane!" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hageny. Aner an airliner's crew falls to food poisoning, a nervous former war pilot Is pressed Into service and must contend with on- board hysteria, a secretive con1rol tower and cllche- hlled memoo•. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) Cl) SPORTSCENTEA a:) MOVIE "Julia" (1977. Drama) Jane FOnda, Vanessa Redgrave. Writer LllUan Hellman is drawn Into the main thrust of wartime resistance efforts when her closest childhood friend seeks her help. (2 hrs.} .. 11:~(1) MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979. Drama) Steve McOueen. Eli Wallach. Ralph "Papa" ThOl'son leads a dangerous life as a modem-day boun1y hunter. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) 11:45 8 MOVIE "Three Hundred Miies For Stephan- ie" ( 1981. Orama) Tony Orlando, Pet8f' Graves. A determined polioe officer vows to run over 300 mites 1n five days as an act of faith lor his critlcally 111 daughtet. (A) (2 hrs,) e MOVIE' "The Gentle Rain" ( 1966. Romance) Christophef George, Lynda Day. The· love affair between a mute architect and a beaullfUl society girl ....-olVORCE by MEDIATI0.._-- 8ETTLEMENT8 COST LE881 • Have a non-combative productive parting. • Attorney and coun ... or g'ulde both 9J>OU-to negotiated legal divorce. ... f•.., lllfl _, 1PPL ••. 752·10M Wert._, Altf. l ._ -IRC I • f • , 1n Rio de JflrtPllO 1s m.mud by her ernot1onat fny1t.l1 ly 1? hrs J 11 50 I) MOVIE 'CJead Ht!dt Un A Merry uu Hou11t.l . :Y. ( 1969, CornadyJ James Coburn, Carrnlla Sparv Al o_-ter hrs prison parole. a con artist gets right back to work plannmg an airport bank robbery to occur -i s1mullaneously with the a111val of a Russian d1gni· < ldry (2 hr$ 10 min) r- 11:55(l1l MOVIE Tartan The Ape Man" ( 1981 c8 ~dve111ure) A1t..hard Harns. Bo Derek While accom· -n p<Thying her fMtwr cm a search tor the legendary .... r1ephanf's Grnv1•ya1d. a yolmg woman rs abducted g by an unc1v1h11•Cl white m.1n who was raised by apes ':< "' the 1ungle 'R I 1 111 !>? r111n l 0 l2:008 700CLUB I 0 MOVIE ·sut..Jmannt! Cummano· ( 19!> 1 01Jmll) o Willl.1m Holderi Nanc.y Ot~on A Navy sul.J t:Olll g n11lt1dE'f 1<; pl,)l:JUIJd wclh <.,elf doubt t..OnC~rn111y fl '"" pn•.1 .icc11J1•111 which C.ll">I .,vme men lhecr hv1·c; f;> .- ht<., I CD OUTER LIMITS Q) THE ROOKIES IOI NORMAN 0,.MOVIE l tu• r orrt•1J1,, c 1'11:!0 1Jr,m1a) M;irtr111 11ranoo ( ;.,01111 ( ~· 11 Wt11fl• 111v~s11g..i11no lh•· 1111df'r OI a <. l't:•ICJW' I .1111>1,111 LOP 1JnCOvt1r• ,J • ( 11·,µcrd\<Y uwulv111g 11 1 up1 •e~s1un of a c;yntn1>111 l1wl twmulA l.Jy .111ml 1.trtc>I 'f~ ( 1 tu 51111111 J t2 30@ MOVIE 'ThundL•r Allt•y" ( 1967 Dr,1nr.ll I •ll•<1• Annf'lle runrcello A rf'ckless ralP tar t111ver h\.im-. tus les'>on after cau'>11)9 a fellow r .JL er tu lose t11<,hlt! (2 hr<.,) 13 SONG AND DANCE Youngsters lo•n1 the Royal Ballet's lower !>chool pellonn "f'riday Alternoons " HORSE RACING WEEKLY .J ( MOVIE 'The Slap ' ( t963. Orama) Lino Ventu· ra Annce Girardot A group ol young people on the hrink ot adulthood face a barrage ot grown-up prob lams. decisions and dilemmas C 1 hr . 40 m111 ) 1;00@ A PLAY' FOR LOVE "The Pump" A drama U) James Cameron laking a reahsllc glimpse into lht inner thouQhls and fantasies ol a man un<1e<Q01n{ 1:55 MOVIE "Cannonbatl Run" ( 1981. Comedy) Burt Reynotds. Dom Deluise Vanous oddball char· acters compete in a coast-lo-coast auto race. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 2:00 8 CBS NEWS NIGHTWATCH 0 MOVIE "Agency" ( 1981. Suspense) Roben M1tchul9I, Lee Majors. The new head of a ma1or Amencan adverlislng hrm uses a children's break- fast dnnk campaign to 11ansm11 subliminal polltical ·messages 'R' ( 1 hr • 35 min ) 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2:15(%) MOVIE "ProV1dence" (1977. Drama) Ellen Burstyn. John Gielgud. A htellme ot recollecllons flashes by 1n the dreams ot an elderly. dying man 'R' i_1 hr . 44 min.) 2;30(!) MORNtNG STRETCH (ll) IT'S YOUA BUSINESS 2:35(t) MOVIE "Supertly" ( 1972, Drama) Ron O'Neal, Carl Lee. A Harlem drug posher decides to Invest all of hrs energy In one final, ma1or deat before reUrll'\g from the "business " 'R' ( 1 hr., 36 min.) 2:458NEWS 3:00 (f) JOE FRANKLIN (ll) NEWS (I) HYDROPLANE RACING Coverage ot the Circus Regatta unlimited event from San Diego. Caht. (R) ~~cl BE ANNOUNCED (Ii LAFF-A· THON A comedian host and tour comic contestants who compete against one another are featured 1n this unoensored comedy game show. 3:30(1) MOVIE "Anhur" (1981, Comedy) Dudley Moore, Liu Mlnnem. While" his family attempts 10 fOfce him Into a pre-arranged marriage. a drun en. hedonistic playboy falls In love with a poor working Q!!_I. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 53 min.) • MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980, Comedy) Gilda Radner. Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presldenrial tam1· ly compllca1es her father's auempts to conduct the aflalfs of slate. 'R' ( 1 hr., 44 min,) 3:35 CH) MOVIE "Body Heal" ( 1981, Suspense) WJl- llam Hurt. Kathleen Turner. A smaJftlme Flofida law- yer Is P«&Uaded by his lover to murder her hua- band 'A' ( 1 ht .. 55 min.) 4:00 (l) JNUV SWAOOART James L. Zimmerman Certffled Publlc Accountant Full ranve of personalized profnsfonal services for smtll bu1lnes•s & lndlvlduals • IMCGm TAX PU.11•11 I PmiAAA1'1C* • 8'1811111 -I ..-TALLATIGll • 90G«UI Ma ..,llCIAI .., • .,.. MS .. 1940 _...._ .:r:.... <D OD I\.) " ... I - I '\ ' \ I ... ·-I I I I . - 16 · ..... ··-·-·-·-····· ··-· .. ··~·-·" ..... '' ..... ·····-· ....... _ ........... . Sunday {oontinued) ' ('-__ in_•l_d•_r_v __ ) . It was 20 years ago that Johnny Carson hosted his first "Tonight Show" and this is how h~ looked back in 1962. Two decades of fun will be recalled during a two-hour special, ~vrhe Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson: 20th Anniversary" a t 9 p.m. on NBC, Channel.... · heart surgery. (I hr.) CC) MOVIE "Lunch Wagon· 8 I, Comedy) Can dy Moore, Chuck Mccann. A trio of beauties rur into trouble from competitors while providing suste nance to hungry coi:istruction workers. 'R' ( 1 hr , 3( min) TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the AustrallE vs USA smgles sem1flnal match C or 0 from Perth Australia (A) (2 hrs ) (0) MOVIE "Bear Island" ( t980, Suspense) Donalc Sutherland. Vanessa Redgrave An Arctic weather research team's members are fOfced into a hght 101 their very survival 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 min ) 1:20 MOVIE "Strange Behavior" (1 981, Suspense) M1<:haet Murphy, Louise Fletcher Strange expertments conducted on children and a crazed murderer turn a quiet midwestern collegE town into a frenzy 'A' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 1:300 ABC NEWS tDNEWS ' 1:~8 AT ONE Guest. Rolling Thunder. native American elde1 and seer. ( 1 hr.) No confusion in 'Knots Landing' By JERRY BUCK ,.,, ............ LOS ANGELES -Kevin Dobson says he likes his new role in "Knota Landing" becauae It's not "the confused guy I've been playing for the last few years." Dobson, late of "Shannon" and "Kojak" joins the CBS prime-time soap opera as the series begins its fourth season, 10 p.m. Thursdays on KNXT. Channel 2. He plays Patrick MacKenzie, a U .S.~ attorney and the new man in the Life of Michelle Lee. ~ "MacKenzie gets right to the heart o( the matter,'' says Dobson. "When I played S hannon, h e was going through the turmoil of finding a new Life, and we had all the back story o f losing-his wife. With Crocker it was not so much that he lived in the shadow of Kojak, but he respected him. Koja represented all his dreams and ambitions and what he saw for himself in the future." The curly haired actor says: "Those were confused characters. They stood around asking. 'Why Is life like it is?' MacKenzie knows what life Is. He knows black from whi~. and from gray, too." He was asked to jom the series because of the departure of Don Murray, who played Sid Fairgate . Sid was the husband of Karen Fairgate, played by . Miss Lee. His character was conveniently killed in an automobile accident at the end of the season becauae Murray wanted to go on to other things. MacKenzie will become romantically involved with Ka ren Fairgate. But, of course, "Knot's Landing" being the ho1-bll.Oded cul-de-sac that it is, he also will have an encounter with Abby, the homewrecker played by Donna Mills. "Recently, I had a scene with Donna," Dobson says. "That was Interesting." Dobson d escribes his character as an outdoo.rsman who likes to go camping and plays squash at every opportunity. "He's from New York but he got transferred to California," he aaya. "I'm sure he manipulated that deal. He's never been married, and we're going to get into the why of that. "He's Irish -Italian," the actor says. "I had to do a speech In Italian. I'm not Italian, but I've got to lay It on thia majtre d' at an Italian restaurant to get him to pay more a(tention. He's an explosive kind of guy. They wanted to give him some volatility." Dobao~'a flrst film major job alter moving here from New York was as Lt. Bobby Crocker in "Kojak." He was In the eeries from 1973-78. Last seaaon he played the title role in "Shannon." but lhe series quickly failed. He notes that a fellow cast member of "Knots Landing" is Julie Harris. "I was in a movie with her 14 yea.rs ago. 'The People Next Door.' I was Hal Holbrook's stand-ln and I did one day u a detective. Kevin Dobson romantically linked with Michelle Lee in ''Knols Landing." I had a 7:30 call and a blizzard hit New York. Nothing was running and 1 had to walk all the way from Jackson Heights ln Queens to the studio on 125th Street. When I got there they'd been working for houn." Dobson will also be seen in the syndicated show "Tales of the Unexpected," atarring with George P e ppard, and a "CBS Afte rnoon Play house" production with Dee Wal.lace. He also hopes to film another "Mike Hammer" movie, baaed on the hard-boiled private eye created by Mickey Spillane. "I understand they're writing iVlOther one," he sayi. ··1 loved doing that movie. "I was up for 'Poltereelst' when my age nt called and said he had just gotten the script for 'Mike Hammer.' l said, ~r's do it. No questions asked. Just do It.' "I dropped out of the running for 'Poltergeist' to take the role," Dobeon says. 'Not Jusl Another Affair' humor ous look at values, morals LOS ANGELF.s (AP) -GU Gerard plays a down for variOUI reuons. TI>en thil came along and myste and 1n•..t .. .. young lawyer whole lifestyle of one-night atanda I thought It wu good. It had aornething to uy about ry ...... e . hita a anaa when he encounters a beautiful marine modem day mores and morals." "We're iOIJ\I to write of the ~nch Quarter of blolOfiiat with a few old-fashioned Ideas in "Not people'• irnaginatlona' -the French Quarter of Just Another Affair.'' Gerard a.1-> hu a teCOnd movie for CBS coming J ean LaFitte, Andrew Jackaon, wr~~on It becomes a con teat of valuea and moral• up later this aeuon and is about to start a new teries bek:on.lee, and quaint street U,htm. '11lat is betwHn Gerard and Victoria Principal In this for the network. what we Int.end to capture. That atmoephere of humorous look at contemporary mores. He wu just blick from San Franct.:o, where he gentility, romancei and lntJ1Cue.'' . "He's a man with all his lines down pat," says had completed the filrnlnC of ''Hear No Evil.'' lt'a The one-hour pilot wu filmed In New OrlNN, Gerard. "But they don't work with her, '° he'• bued on a true atory about a poUcemul In the s.y but the network acrapped it. "I l'*I the network intrigued and punuea her. area who wu lnveftJpttn.l a motorcycle pna. The bought me and the e11enee of New Orleerw." he "He'a "· unmarried, and very much Into the Pill tried to kill b1m with lllx lticb of dynamite. aaid. "We're atartlnl over apln. We want to come a1n&1e9 ..-ene. Ban. &lrla. evttything. He meeu a They didn't auooeed, but lt left him dftf. up with 80IDeth1na Jem cumbenome and without'° pl who'• totally out of that scene. Sbe'~king for "The movie'• about how he deal.a with hia many charecten. We jult hid too many ~ In a relatlonahip a little more aerioua.'' "Not Juat de&fnem and -·· .... _ .... _ ln .a.~ _....., ..... _ -'d. the pllot, and by the time you work them all in you Another Affair" aln at 9 p.m. Saturday on "The •-.. ~ •-.1• "'"'" -.-.. ... don't have time for a story.'' CBS Saturday Night Movies," Channel 2. HI.a terlel. ftnt called "Gib'' and now ca1Jed The propc>Md eeriee wu orl8inally named Oerard, whc.e "Buck Roten" ..m. limped "Cain'a Quart.en." la aet In the French Quarter-.of "Olb" for the IOft born to Oerarcf and his wife, aJona at NBC, IUddenly became hot when he and New OrLeent. Connie Se~. a year AF· She l\an in the ABC Susanne Plahette tamed up for the CBS movie "Think o" the French Quar\4tr' u betna an .nee ''GNlli.t Allmtcln H..o.'' "Help Wanted: Male." It Sot a whopplnc 47. 7 lhare American ~ of a CMblh," eakt Gerard. '"lben Before he took up acUna tw w• a ~ a ln the r•tinet· hie '4ht club, Caln'• Quan.en, It the .-va1ent of dWtrtct manaem-for a 1u'lll compm)' met hid t.mi "I hid been off.red fJve tJtt etx other projecta IUdt'• pa.c. ln C..blanca. a.c.me at the people appolnWd to leYWtl atat.e tMk f.-., by Winthrop befcft UU. cmne Uonci" be mcl. "I turned ihem who com. to hil na,bt club he ,.. ln.otWd In Rolcbteu.r, who WM then~ ot ~ .... • ,.,.~_.,,..__.. _.,., • · *A I .._ --•--!... ..,,~._ ~ ~\. -~-.. ~ ~I 4 • -• • · , nor.1.,.,,,,,.,,y,:vv.:·~~vy.~.,.~,.!'!-n· ~· v~ '=>ltc.u .. ---=-"· ----------• --' , . •• ' :------:-,--.---_.., _______ _ ~~~··· OCTOBER 4, 1982 5:30 CS) "The Shogur.i Warriors Grand1zer" ( 198 1. Fantasy) Ammated. ( t hr .. 40 min.) 6:00©) "Toby And The Koala Bear" ( 1981. Fania- ~ Rolf Harns. ( 1 hr . 20 min.) g "Heart beeps" ( 1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 6:05@ .. See How They Run" ( 1965. Adventure) John Forsythe. Senta Berger (2 hrs.) 6:15(%) "Sunday Too Far Away .. ( 1975) Jack Thompson. Mox Cullen. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 7:30(C) .. The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958. Drama) Mana Schell. Yul Brynner (2 hrs .. 30 min.) O "Winos 0 1 Change" 'PG" ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 8:00( .. Circle 01 Two" ( 1980. Romance) Richard Burton. Tatum O"Neal ( 1 hr , 40 min ) (l) .. Providence" ( 1977. Otama) Ellen Burstyn. John Gielgud ( 1 hr . 44 min ) 8:30 CO) "Follow The Flee!'' (1936 Musical) Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers (2 hrs ) 9:000 .. Three Warnors.. ( 1977. Drama) Randy Oua1d. Charles While Eagle ( t hr 49 min ) 9:30 e Made For Each Other" (1939. Drama) Carole Lombard. James Stewart (2 hrs.) 10:00(!) ·Captain China" ( 1949. Adventure) John Payne. Gail Russell (2 hrs ) «I) My Favorite Spy" ( 195 1. Comedy) Bot> Hope. Hedy Lamarr (2 hrs ) (~ 'I et's Do It Again .. ( 1975. Comedy) Sidney Po111er, 8111 Cosby ( 1 hr • 52 min ) 'HJ .. Lion 0 1 The Desert" ( 1981 . Drama) Anthony Quinn, Ohver Reed (2 hrs 45 min ) ~ ·Three Guys Named Mike · 1195 t Comedy / Jane Wyman Van Johnson 11 hr 30 min J J. Fiddler On The Roar ( 1971 Mus1ca11 J.ipot Norma Crane (2 hrs. 59 min ) 10:05@ .. That Certain Feeling· ( 1956 Comedy I Bou Hope. rv.:t Marie Saint (2 hr<. I 10:30 CQ) "Agency·· (t981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Ma1ors f 1 hr 3!:> min ) I 1:00 0 Thirty I!. A Dangerous Age. Cy1 1fh1d· f 1968 .• Comedyl Dud1ey Moore (2 hr!> l . \F.1 lJ{:\( >< >'.\ \ 1< )\,I I·:S -.. Dudley Moore stars as the irre pons ible millionaire in the com edy "Arthur " to be seen this week on H ome Box Office. fJ EIGHT IS ENOUGH @) ABC NEWS ri OJ M·A·s·H .,... «I) HAWAII FIVE-0 ------- Ell) OVER EASY 0Wf!1Ql11 Control C1ue•,1 V rll1'111• H,uprr (R) O m NBC NEWS m UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR CJ MOVIE "l ers Do II Again ( 1975 Cm11PO; I Sidney Po1t1er 8111 Cosby A milkman and a la1 I• r ( worker Pngage 1n bell111y and hyµn011sm to ""'-!" hincJ'i tor their lodge 'P(i' ( 1 tu S2 min J 111 PARDON ME FOR LIVING M11rgaref H;im11111n •,f~r'> 1n lhP Story Of fWO 1 f yr•ar uld<; who IPilrf1 lht• 1r111> aning of fr1end~h1p S JENNY KOO KOO The lr1e11d'>h1p o f lwo yt>t1rt1J qtrl'> lf'tld'> rhem 10 exi.i1011• ;ind u110t!rSlam1 th•• 1 qr ,ef and qu111 1n losing their 1-ilher 12:00 6 The Belle 01 New York ( 1952 Mus1ca11 6·30 m NEWS rred Asra11e. Vera Ellen l 1 hr 30 min I @DON CORYELL C ·Brian s Song 1197 I Orama) James Caan G) ALICE 01lly Oee W11f1ams ( 1 hr 15 min I . Ell) DICK CAVETT Gue'.I BaronP<.S dP Rothscl11I<! S 'Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980 Comedy I (P..irt 1/ (RJ Clint [a5twood. Sondra Locke I 1 hr . 45 min J m SEWING POWER 12:30(0) ·Payday" ( 1973. Drama) Rip Toffi:. Ann.1 dj } YESTERYEAR ... 1969 Thi~ 1etrospec11ve nt 11 - Capri (2 hrs l µpr1od ot an11·war 11·~· ,.;rs. lhP .:\rl .. --... .- 1 :00 (11) "Harry's War" ( 198 1 Comedy) E dwarc1 11 his, the !-• .,.. .-; ".'. • -·.~11..:erne~t of c.1v1I Herrmann. Geraldine Page ( 1 hf . 40 min ) ,.9 _ .... 1 01 Qoone!;bury and Sesame 0 "Tar Lan. The Ape Man" (1981 :.~ --· ... 1 ~treet." Richard Nixon ~nd Woodstock includes an Richard H:o:rts. Bo Der<>"' , , '" . ..,veiuu1 ~1 1n1erv1ew with astronaut Bun Aldrin ( 1 hr I •1T -_., 1 ' 11r . !>2 min ) ($) MOVIE · Heartbeeps" ( 198 t. Comedy) Andy ~ 1 ne Sea Wolves" ( 1980. Adventure) Gregory Kaulman. Bernadet1e Peters In a world of the near Peck Roger Moore (2 hrs} tuture. two commercial robots experience the v1c1s- 1:30(f) "Some Came Running" (Pa,,-,) ( 1959. s1tudes ol t1rst love 'PG' ( 1 hr , 45 min ) Drama) Frank Sinatra, Shirley Macla1ne. ( 1 hr . 30 0 MOVIE "Winds Ol Change" "PG' (I hr 30 min) min "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean 6:45 CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE Connery. A~drey Hepburn. ( t hr., 45 min ) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS 3:00 CH) "Circle Of Two·· ( 1980. Romance) Richard I NBC NEWS Burton, Tatum O'Neal. ( 1 hr , 40 min) HAPPY DAYS AGAIN "Loop~·· ( 1981, Suspense) Albert Finney. ABC NEWS O Martin Sheen. ( 1 hr . 45 min ) P.M. MAGAZINE A low-cost diet camp for the CS) "My Champion" ( 198 1. Orama) Yoko Shima· average woma11. a young woman's 11 ·day. trans- da. Chris Mitchum ( 1 hr . 45 min) continental bicycle trip ! ... ~~:::at1~':n~:1 7i~Y." t1~:i.) Orama) Steve I ~~~:RTAINMENT TONIGHT Mc<iueen. Edward G Robinson ( 1 hr . 45 min) THREE'S COMPANY 3:30CD) "Toby And The Koala Bear" ( 198't. Fania· flD JOKER'S WILD sy) Roll Hams ( t hr . 20 min) VIOLA A film based on the coostruction of a 5:00(!) "My Darling Clemen11ne" ( 1946; Western) viola by a Hungarian craftsman H~~Fond~L~daOarne~ (3~~) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; (C) "Land Of The Free" ( 1970. Drama) Robert Culp. Burgess Meredith CO "Thars The Way 01 fhe World1' 'PG' (2 hrs) Cl "Hearttieeps" ( 198 1. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. (1 hr • 45 min.) (%)"The Slap" ( 1963. Drama) Lino Ventura. Annie Girardot ( I hr . 40 min.) 5:05 (JZ) "PT 109" ( 1963. Orama) Cliff Robertson, Ty Hardin (2 hrs .. 35 min.) 5:30(0) "All Night Long" ( 198 1. Comedy) Gene Hackman. Barbra Suelsand ( 1 hr , 28 min.) I \ I '\ I '\< • -.r=~ , . " ' 18 N a> O> -,.. z 0 -0 0 Monday (continUOO) MOVIE "Halloween II" ( 1981. Horror) Jamie Lee Curtis. Donald Pteasence A hopelessly insane murderer continues his reign of terror 1n a small town 'R' ( I hr • 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint EastwOOd, Sondra Locke Before sellhng down with his 9111 and pet orangutan, a bare·lisled fighter sign~ up for one last. lucrative march 'PG' ( 1 h1 . 45 min) 0 MOVIE "Ftrst Monday In Octobe1" ( t981. Com· edy) Waller Mallhau. Jill Clayburgh A liberal Supreme Court Justice clashes with the newest member ot the nation's highest court, an ultra-con· servallve woman iurist 'R' (2 hrs.) 8:3011 (I) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Judy is promoted 10 General due to a Pentagon computer error i HAWAII FIVE-0 SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TROUBLES RESURRECTION OF LADY LESTER A "mood· sony" based on lhe last minutes 1n the hie of renowned jazz saxophonist Lester Young ( 1 hr . 30 rrnn~ 8:-40 ALL IN THE FAMILY 9:00 (I) BARE ESSENCE A spunky. young girl develops a successful perfume business to help bring a lallering conglomerate back to financial sta· b1hty. Genie Francis. Bruce Boxleltner. Unda Evans and Lee Granl star (Parr 1) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) D f.D MOVIE "Hopscotch" (1980. Comedy) Wal· ler Mallhau. Glenda Jackson A former intelligence agent 1s aided by an old flame in dodging the KGB and the CIA, who are trying to prevent him lrom publishing his mem04rs. (2 hrs ) • D III MOVIE "Coal Miner's Daughter" ( t980. Bt0graphy) Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones Based on Loretta Lynn's autobiography A young girl from a poor family in rural Kentucky marries a much older local boy who engineers her rise 10 star- dom 1n the muSIC industry (2 hrs . 35 min ) ., MERV GRIFFIN QI'!) PURSUIT OF THE MARVELOUS Host George Melly reviews the intellectual. h1Sf()(1Cal and creative tac101s which resulted in the surrealist movemenl 1 hr • 30 min.) BOXING Coverage of the Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (U S ) I Lotte Mwale (Zambia) 10- round light heavyweight bout from Harrah's 1n Atlantic City, N J (R) (2 hrs. 30 min ) (L) MOVIE "Green Ice" 'PG' (2 his ) (0) ENGLEBERT HUMPEADINK 9: 10@ MOVIE i"'The Bad Seed" ( 1956. Orama) Nanc y Kelly, Patty McCormack. A seues ot 1nc1- den1s forces a mother to realize that her 6-year-old daughter 1s a cold·blooded murderess (2 hrs . 40 m1nl_ 9:30 Cf) YOU ASKED FOR rT '-"' fl) PURSUIT OF THE·MARVELOUS Host George Melly reviews the 1ntellectual. h1s1011ca1 and creative ;~~::~~ wh~~ it-;:.:::~tj 1n the surrealist movement ( 1 hr , 30 min ) • NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS Comeoy sketches combine with classic film and news toot· age in an offbeat. satiric take-oll 10:008G•e NEWS Cf) PSYCHIC PHENOMENA @ VIOLA A him based on the construction of a viola by a Hungarian c1ahsman CC) MOVIE "Bloodbrothers" ( 1978, Drama) Rich· ard Gere. Tony Lo Blanco A young man dares to break family 1raditlon by working In a hospital ward tor children rather than In the heavy construction business 'R' ( 1 hr • 56 mtn.) CID MOVIE "First Monday In October" ( 1981, Com· edy) Walter Matthau. Jiii Clayburgh. A Uberal Supreme Court Justice clashes with the newest member of the nation's highest coun. an ultra-con- servative woman jurist. 'R' ( l hr .. 45 min.) ClD MOVIE "Agency" ( 1981, Suspense) Aober1 Mitchum. lee Majors. The new head of a major American advertising firm UM9 a children's break· last <Jrlnk campaign to transmit subllmlnal polltlcal messages 'R' ( t hr .. 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Fear No Evll" ( 1980. Horror) Stefan Arngrlm, Kathleen Rowe McAllen. An 16-year·old high school stu<Jent delights In deelmarlng his home- town 'R' ( 1 hr • -40 min.) e MOVIE "Private Lessons" ( 1980. Comedy) Syl- via Krlttef. Howard Hneeman. A WMlthy man assigns his seductive houset<eeper the job of pr0\lld- 1ng 11'8 1 S.year·Old son with his first sexual experi-ence 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Cincinnati Kid" ( 1965, Orama) Steve Mc<>ueen. Edward G. Robinson. A young cardsnark tries to beat the king of stUd poker In a battle for preetlge. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:30 e INOEP!NOENT NETWOAt< NEWS I StONATURE Guest: Gore Vldal. WORLD OF BOOKS 11:008.NEWS 18ATUROAY NIGHT IN SEARCH OF .•. JOE FAANf<llN TMA l OUfZ 8HQW · • • • " Dr .. Joyce Brothers will present her "Psychology Segment" OD Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays OD the "Ten O'Clock News" on KHJ, Channel 9 . • STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO @ MIXED BAG "The Business Of Books" A look at how publishing promotes tor authors. names 1n the crowd include Gay Talese. Harry Reasoner and Art Buchwald. ~BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Chesty Anderso'"n ..... _,( ... l""ll""r • 301ntn ) 11:309 (I) NEWS D • THE BEST OF CARSON Host. Johnny Car· son Guests, Cloris Leachman, Barbara Mandrell. Argus Hamilton, Gay Talese (A) ( 1 hr ) I YOU ASKED FOR IT THE JEFFERSONS RESURRECTION OF LADY LESTER A "mOOd· song" based on the last minutes 1n the Ille ol renowned jau 58.(0phornsr Lester Young ( I hr 30 rnin) I FOCUS ON SOCIETY PBS LA TENIGHT Host Dennis Wholey ( 1 hr J SPORTSCENTER ~ MOVIE "Mandingo" ( 1977, Drama) James M .... ,. .. n ;;.;... ,,p 11 w .. c;t Alrtcan of the Man· ason . .,.,.,... ~J~v-· , •. -·'""'litltQn dingo tribe is bre>ugnt 10 a 51ave·breedlng "'"'"' 1n Louisiana before the stari of the Civil War 'H' i~ hrs . 7 min) 11:35 8 ([I NEWS 11;.a(C) MOVIE "Brian's Song" (1971. Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee Williams Two football play· ers share a rare friendship unlll cancer claims one ot them (1hr, t5m1n) 11:46(1i) MOVIE "Endless Love" ( 198 1, Romance) Brooke Shields, Manin Hewitt. A 11·year-old's obsessive love for his 15-year-old girlfriend leads to parental conflicts and tragedy. 'R' (1 hr .. 55 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat, Peter Billingsley. A New York youngster Is sent to Arizona to visit his mother and stumbles across a series of grlsty murders. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 25 min ) t 1:S0a?) MOVIE "Sliver River" ( 1948, Adventure) Errol Flynn. Ann Sheridan. A pompous and self-cen· tered gambler learns humlllty and compassion when he watches a dear frlend..alowly d-Vjog-~2 hrs .. 20 mln.l 12;00. Cl) MOVIE "Baby Comes Home" ( 1980, Drama) Colleen Dewhurst. Warren Oates. A mk:klte- aged couple who have already raised three children find t~ ptrentt again. (R) (2 hrs.) I EHT£RT AINMENT TONIOH't MOVIE "Wiid In The Sky" (1972. Drama) Keenan Wynn. Robert Lansing. Thr" delperete ~ltoners attempt to hijack an ak'plene. (2 hta.) Cl.) MOVIE "The Brothers O'Toole" ( 1072, Come- dy) JOhn Astin, Pat Carrea. A pair 01 tllck drifter. nde Into the 9'eepy, bro«en-down mining town of MOiybdenum. Colorado. In the 1890s. (2 htt.) e MOVIE "Captains Couregeous" ( 1937. Adven· lure) Spencff Tracy. Freddie BanhOlomew A spoiled young boy IMrne many leseons on t1 rough Uahlng.v~I. (2 hrt,) I LOVE, AMERICAN STVL.E MOV1E "Anna Obsessed" ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ' ,,. .,. . . .. ' MOVIE "Sunde)' Too F11t Away•· ( 1975) Jeck • l'I 1•. \Jj t I • .. • • • ~ ... •;t ll-. •. ·---. . . -. . .. Thompson. Max Cullen. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 12:051 ®)ABC NEWS NIGH'TLINE 12:30 • LATE NIGHT WITH OAVID LETTERMAN Guests Steve Landesberg. British writer Clement Freud ( 1 hr) I COUPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE INSIDE BASEBALL (R) MOVIE "The Final Conflict" ( 1981, Drama) Sam Netll, Rossano Brau• In the 1h1rq p~rt of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist. is now an adult and a trusted ad111so1 lo the president ol the U S 'R' ( 1 hr . 49 min ) 12:35 D MOVIE "Journey From Darkness" ( 1975, Drama) Marc Singer, Kay Lenz A bllnd college stu dent struggles to be accepted tnto medical school ( t nr . 30 min ) 1:008 GENE AUTRY a> MOVIE "Guns At Batas!'' ( 1964, Orama) Rich aid Atlenborough. Jack Hawkins A protocol-mind· ed British ollicer refuse& to cooperate with rebels 1n an African nation. ( 1 hr , 3b min ) 9 VIOLA A fllrn based on the construc11on of a viola by a Hungarian cral!sman (CJ MOVIE "Robin And Martan" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An older and wiser Robin Hood returns f,om battle to Sherwood Fo1est to reclaim his beloved Maid Mar.an. who has. enter ed a convent and taken her vows. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45m1n ) CE) COLLEGE FOOTBALL Wes! Virginia Moun raineers at P1ttsbUrgh Panthers (R) (3 hrs ) 1: 15 MOVIE "Lunch Wagon" ( 1981. ComedY1 Candy Moore, Chuck McCann A trio of beauties run tnto trouble lrom competitors while prov1d1ng svstenance 10 hungry construc11on workers 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 1 :30 De NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 8 GENE AUTRV <m MOVIE "Payday" ( 1973. Drama) Rip T()(n, Anna Capn. A country and western singer ruthlessJy makes his way to stardom by mampula11ng and d1s- card1ng those around him (2 hrs ) (Z) MOVIE "The S~a Wolves" ( 1980. Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore Du11ng World War II. a group of British businessmen form a volunteer regi- ment to destroy a German spy nest 1n the Indian Ocean 'PG' (2 hrs) 1:45 RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 w orld Series 0 MOVIE "Body And Soul" ( 1981. Drama} Leon Isaac Kennedy, Jayne Kennedy. A young black IUlns 10 prizefighting to raise the money he needs for medical schOOI. ·~· ( 1 hr .. 45 min) 2:00 8 CBS NEWS NIGHTWATCH • MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981 , Science-F1ct1on) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal mves· ttgates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mtn1ng colony on one ot Jupiter's moons 'R' ( t hr . 49 m1n1 2:05 U Cf) NEWS 2: 10 al) WORLD AT LARGE 2: 15 CID MOVIE "Lion Of The Desen" ( 1981. Drema) Anthony Quinn. Oliver Reed A hard-riding Bedouin leader resists Italy's attempts 10 occupy Libya for "" vPars 'PG' (2 hrs. 45 min ) '" '-• • .....;;;..;;: ~·ocrcH 2;3()(lJ ~Vt"••~~··-, • ., (IZ) A CONVERSATION n.TH JACQUES vvvv- TEAU eNEWS 2:46(1) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (1981, Co~y) An<Jy Kaufman. Bernadene Peters In a world of the near future. two commercial robots expe11ence the VICISSllUdes of llfSI love 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 2:55(C) MOVIE "American Glgoto" ( 1980. Orama) Richard Gere. Lauren Hutton. A Beverly Hiiis gigolo becomes the prime suspect In a murder 1nvesttga· !Ion. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 3:00 Cl) JOE FRANKLIN al)NEWS 3:30(lD MOVIE "Follow The Fleet" ( 1936, Musical) Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers A dancer In the Navy tries to help his former partner and her sister (2 hrs) (%) MOVIE "The Cincinnati KIO" ( 1965: Orama) Steve McOueen. Edward G. Robinson. A young cardsharp tries to beat the king of stud po'!er In a • battle for presllge. ( t hr .. 45 min.) 3:46e MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" ( 198 1, Adventure) Richard"Harflt, Bo Oe<ek. While accom- eanylng her flthef on •... ,ch for the legendary Elephant's Graveyard, a young women Is ab<Jucted by en uncivilized white !Nin who was raised by apes in the jungle. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 52 min.) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAOOART Cl) 8PORTSCENTEA 4:060.l FUHTIME 4:15(1) WACKY WORl.O Of JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Howard Cosell • '4;30iJtM BAKKER '4;35 I OAEAM OF JEANNIE •:45 WILD BABU This doeumenlary C8tChes many wild tnlmalt as they grow up and learn to &Urvlvt In t~r oaturel he«)i4t1. '\ ---· _ .. _________ _.. ................ ···-·---------~- Tuesday \I< >IC\ I '\( ; \I< >\ · 1 LS OCT08ER 6, J 982 S:OOCC) "Brian's Song" ( 1971. Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee Williams ( 1 hr. 15 min.) 5:30(m "All Night Long" ( 1981, Comedy) Gene Hackman, Barbra Streisand. ( 1 hr., 28 min ) (%) "P1ov1dence" ( 1977, Drama) Ellen Burstyn, John Gielgud ( 1 hr • 44 min ) · 5:45 "My Champion" ( 198 t, Drama) Yoko Shi- mada. Ch11s Mitchum ( I hr . 45 min ) 0 "Firsr Monday In October" ( 1981 , Comedy) Waller Matthau. Jill Clayburgh { 1 hr .. 45 min ) S:OO(j 'The Private Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Knolls. T 1m Conway ( 1 hr . 31 min.) 6:05@ "Desert Legion" ( 1953. Adventure) Alan Ladd. Arlene Dahl (2 hrs ) " 6:30CC) "The Great Brain" ( 1978, Adventure) Jim- my Osmond Len Birman ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 7:00f"Q) "Tne Lasl Days 0 1 Mussolini" ( 1977, Dra- ma) Rod S1e1ger. Henry Fonda ( 1 hr . 40 men) 7:30 0 'Ttmty Is A Dangerous Age, Cyn1h1a" ( t968 Comedy) Dudley Moore (2 hrs.) (Z) "The Invisible Boy' ( 1957, Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Ph1l!.Q_Abbo11, Richard Eyer ( 1 hr , 25 min ) 8:00(CJ "L<1 Strada" ( 1954. Orama) Anthony Quinn, G1ulietta Mas1na ( 1 hr . 50 min ) "Green Ice" ( 198 t) Ryan O'Neal. Anne Archer 'PG' ( 1 hr . 50 min.) 9:00 CZ) "Arthur" ( 1981. Comedy) Dudley Moore, Liza M1nneM1 ( 1 hr . 53 min ) 9:30 • "Wee W1lhe Wink1e" ( 1937. Drama) Sh11tey Temple. Victor McLaglen (2 hrs) (0) "Grendel Grendel Grendel" ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 0 "Grendel, Grendel. Grenda!" ( I hr . 30 min ) 10:00(f) "Lucy Gallant" ( 1955, Orama) Jane ~man, Charlton Heslon (2 hrs.) llJ "The Sins Ot Rachel Cade" ( 1961, Drama) Angie Dickinson. Peter Finch (2 hrs ) CC) "Ra1n1ree County" ( 1957. Orama) Elizabeth Taylor. Montgomery Chit (2 hrs . 50 min ) ®"Islands In The Stream" ( 1977. Orama) George C Scott. Claire Bloom. ( 1 hr . 45 min.) CS) "Athena" ( 1954, Comedy) Jane Powell. Deb· bee Reynolds ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 10:05@ "Hong Kong" (1951, Adventure) Ronald Aea~n. Rhonda Fleming (2 hrs ) 11:00(.Q) "Patterns" ( t956, Orama) Van Heflin fd Begley ( t hr , 30 men.) D "Madame Rosa" C 1978. Drama) S1mo"e Sig noret. Claude Dauphin. ( 1 hr . 45 men l (%) "MOdern Romance" ( 1981. Comedy) Albert Brooks. Kathryn Harrold. ( 1 hr . 33 min.) .\l·"ll.ll'\< >< >:\ \I< >\.ILS ' 12:00 IJ ·Father's l•llle Dividend" I 1951. Comedy) ~ncer Tracy, Joan Benne11 ( 1 hr . 30 mtn ) {I) "Mommie Dearest" ( 1981. Drama) Faye Duna- way, Diana Scarwld. (2 hrs., 9 min.) 12:30 (%) "Sunday Too Far Away" (1975) Jack Thompson. Ma>t Cullen. ( t hr . 30 mm.) 1:00(£) "High Ice" ( 1980. Orama) David Janssen. Tony Musante. ( 1 hr , 40 mtn.) "Contract On Cherry Street" ( 1977. Orama) Frank Sinatra. Verna Bloom (2 hrs , 30 men ) 0 "Les G11ts" ( 1957. MUSIC81) Gene Kelly. M1tz1 Gaynor (2 hrs ) 1:30(f) "Some Came Running" (Part 2) ( 1959. Drama) Frank Sinatra. Sh11ley MacLa1ne. ( t hr . 30 m1n1_ 2:00f.Z) "The lnv1s1ble Boy" (1957, Science-Fiction) Phll!Q Abbott. Richard Eyer ( 1 hr • 25 men.) 2:30 (.Q) "The Incredible Shnnk1ng Woman" ( 1980, Comedy) Lily Tomlin, Charles Gr0d1n (I hr 24 min 3:00 "A Sale Place" ( 1971, Drama) TueSday Weld Orson Welles ( 1 hr • 34 min ) IJJ '.ilnv11at1on To The Dance" ( 1957. Musical) Igor Youskev1tch. Gene Kelly. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 3:30Qi) ''Tulips" ( 1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Bernadette Peters. ( 1 hr • 32 mtn ) CZ> "Providence" ( 1977. Orama) Ellen Burstyn. John Gielgud ( 1 hr . 44 min ) 4.: " J.eai&S!f:l" ( 1978. Adventuce) Jim- my . (en Birman. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 4:30(Q) "Let The Balloon Go" ( 1978. Orama) Rob· en Bettles. Jan Kingsbury ( 1 hr , 22 min.) a "Grendel. Grendel, Grendel" ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 4:46 CD "The Outcast 01 The Island" ( 1 hr., 45 min ) 5:00(!) "Green Eyes" (~77. Orama) Paul Winfield. Rita Tushlngham. (2 hr$.) Qi) "l'he Private Eyes'' ( 1980. Comedy) Don Knot11, Tim Conway. ( 1 hr .. ~ 1 min.) 6:06@ "Stranger• When We Meet" (1960. Orama) Kirk OougMit. Kim Ncwek. (2 ht-.. 30 min.) .. Female polar bear teach es he r cubs to scavenge for food in cene from uPolar Bear Alert," presented by National Geographic at 8 p.m. on the Public Broadcast Syste m. 5:20 (%) "Modern Romance" ( 1981. Comedy) Alber 1 Brooks, Kathryn Harrold ( 1 hr . 33 min ) L \ I . '\I'\< , 6:00 8DNEWS 9 CHARLIE'S ANGELS I CBS NEWS EIGHT IS ENOUGH M•A•S•H HAWAII FIVE-0 fl) OVER EASY "Health Care'' Guest L1lhan Gish i)O NBC NEWS HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "The Hanging Tree" ( 1959. Western) Gary Cooper. Maria Schell A doctor kills a mar while rescuing a girl and is almost lynched by a drunken mob ( t hr .. 46 min ) MOVIE "Forever Darting" ( 1956. Comedy) Lucille Ball. Desi Arnaz A young couple's marriage 1s saved by a guardian angel who resembles the wife's favorite movie star ( 1 hr , 35 min ) 0 MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981, Science-Fiction) Albert Fenney. James Coburn. The mysterious deaths of a series of beau11ful models involved 1n a new advert1s1ng project are blamed on the p1as11c surgeon who operated on them 'PG' ( 1 hr 34 minJ_ 6:30 (I) fl) NEWS I ALICE CLOUDS OF GLORY "Wilham And Dorothy" A him deahng with the poet Witham Wordsworth's pas- sionate rela11onsh1p w1thllts s1s1er, Do<othy ( 1 hr ) e OfCK CAVETT Guest. Baroness de Rothschild i art 2) (R) GROWING YEARS RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry T ompktns and Tim McCarver cover all lhe bases leading 10 the 1982 World Series MOVIE "Jewels And Gems" (2 hrs) MOVIE "The Last Days Of Mussolini" ( 1977 Drama) Rod Steiger, Henry ronda Near the end ol the Second World War. Italian fascist premier Bentto Mussohn1 a11emp1s to flee his deleated country 'PG' It hr., 40 min) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN P.M, MAGAZINE An aerobic; dance class for the Los Angeles Rams, the process ol picking contes- ltan~~t TV game snow NEWARK AND REALITY THREE'S COMPANY JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS POAT 'EOOY PEN~RASS IN CONCERT Video- taped 11 London's Odeon Hill. this perlOfmance by one ot soul'• biggest soperstarl teetures man) of his hit•. ( 1 hr.) CJ) MQVE "Tht llWieibte Bo(' (.ie&f, Scienee-FIC· t~) f'tlillp Abbott, Richard Eyer. A ITl8MIVt C()n'to .. ·-. ·-·. •J\ 19 puter goes awry In ~ attempf..S to control the world because 11 falls lo calculate the power of human be•~s ( 1 hr , 25 min ) :2 7:30 B 2 ON THE TOWN Featured a v1s11 to one ol 2 Hollywood's casting agencies, the inventory of a <~ Beverly Hills pawn shop: a look at how some Los Angeles streets were named. 0) FAMILY FEUD [AVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY • TIC TAC DOUGH MADAME'S PLACE APPLE POLISHERS M•A•S•H SIGNATURE Guest Edward Heath MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING 7:35@NEWS ..,, ~­a. Ql '< 0 0 0 i ~ 8:008 (I) BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE Frank Buck has ~ an unusual reunion with his former teacher and part· ner ( t hr ) CD D fZ FATHER MURPHY Young Josh Timmons ~ brands John Murphy a murderer alter he acc1den1al- ly_ kills the boy's drunken lather 1n a light ( 1 hr ) U MOVIE "Heroes" ( 1977. Orama) Henry Win- ..ls.leJ~ Sally Field A young girl on a cross-country bus 1ourney beeomes involved wtlh a Vietnam veteran whose burning desire is to start a worm farm with an old war buddy (2 hrs ) U EYE ON L.A. Featured the h1s1ory ol the b1kin•. a gambler who spends as much as $30 m1111on a year beh1nd·the-scenes with iron workers as they work or1 high-rise buildings. G MOVIE "Madame Sin" ( 1971, Adventure) Belle Davis, Robert Wagner A sinister lady abducts a CIA ayent and compels him to participate in a plot 10 steal a submarine. (2 hrs ) (f) MADAME'S PLACE m P.'4, MAGAZINE An aerobic dance class IOf the Los Angeles Rams, the process of picking contes- tants tor a TV game show m MOVIE "The Amazing Howard Hughes'-'-(Part 1J ( t977, Biography) Tommy l.ee Jones. Ed Fland· ers The h1ghty volatile and eccentnc mul11m1111onaire uses wealth and influence 10 indulge hes offbeat obsessions and curious rage.; (2 hrs ) @OUIZKIOS fD NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Polar Bear Alert" The great white polar bear and a Mani tot>a town's efforts 10 co·e>C1St with them are the r.ub1ec1s of a documentary hosted by E G Marshall and narrated by Jason Robards (R) o ( 1 hr ) '1!) MYSTERY "Or Jekyll And Mr Hyd'e" Or Jekyll beeomes engaged 10 Ann Coggenshall who tries repeatedly to v1s1t the doctor bul finds Edward Hyde more readily a11a1lable to her (Parl 2) (R) Q ( t hr ) MOVIE "High Ice" ( 1980. Orama) David Janssen. Tony Musante Three mountain climbers are rescued lrorn an obscure chi! as a resun thP valiant elforts of a veteran ranger ( 1 hr., 40 rn1n) CE) SPORTSCENTEA CID MOVIE "Islands In The Stream" ( 1977. Drama) George C Scott . Cla11e Bloom Based on the novel by Ernest Hemenuway An 1sota1ed artist 1s forced lo reveal his hidden emotions when his three estranged sons come to visit h•m 'PG' It hr , 45 min ) MOVIE "Halloween II" ( t981, Horror) Jamie Lee Curlis. Donald Pleasence A hopelessly insane murderer con11nues his reign of terror tn a small town. 'R' ( t hr., 30 min.) It MOVIE "The Wilderness Family, Pan 2" ( 1978. Adventure I Robert Logan. Susan Oamante Shaw A mOdern pioneer family laces a blller winter 1n the Roel Moontains 'G' ( t hr • 45 men ) 8:1S NEWS 8:30 MOVIE "Kelly's Heroes" ( 1970. Comedy) Chnl Eastwood. Telly Savalas OumlQ World War 11 an improbable team ol sotdier6 makes a wild dash behind enemy lines. (2 hrs., 30 men ) i RACING FROM ROOS~El T ENTER~INMENT TONIGHT SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TROUBLES PETRUSHKA Rudolf Nureyev stars 1n Michel Fok1ne's classic ballet se1 to Igor S1rav1nSky's score 1 hr.) MOVIE "Mommte Dearest" ( 198 t. Drama) faye Dunaway. Diana Scarw1d Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her lwo adopted children 1n a domes11c atmosphere that varies from luxurious comfort 10 sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) ©) MOVIE "Patterns" ( 1956. Drema) Ven Heflin, Ed Begley Based on a drama by Rod Serllng A bu&1ness tycoon gets caught up In a high-echelon ~wer strugglt ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Sunday Too Far Away" ( 1975) Jack Thompson, Ma>C Cullen ( 1 hr., 30 mln.) 8:36 Gl) ALL IN THE FAMILY , 9:008 (I) BARE ESSENCE A spunky. young girt develoPS a 9UOCeuful perfume business to help bring a faltering congtometate back to financial sta· billty; Genie Francis, Bruce Boxteitner, Linda Evans and lee Grant star. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) G aMOVtE "Hard Country" 0981, Drama) Jan- MlchHI Vincent, Kim Beslngef. A Texas factory WOfker la tom --..,1 ........ •~tlnue In the "good old boy"' 111 .. tyte and hit rl•no.t'• snow ' - - to· N CID O> ... ... ... ! 0 8 Tuesday (continued) buSiness amb1Uons. (2 hrs.) (!)PITFALL (fl MOVIE .. WUSA .. ( 1970. Drama) Paul Newman . Joanne WOodward. An alcoholic disc jockey finds himself a pawn 1n a reactionary political plot and assassination. (2 hrs ) I MER\I GRIFAN MYSTERY "Or Jekyll And Mr. Hyde" Or Jekyll becomes engaged to Ann Coggenshall who tries repeatedly to visit the doctor but finds Edward Hyde more readily available to her (Part 2) (A) Q ( 1 hi) Cl) NOVA .. The Great V1ohn Mystery .. Some lascl- na1tng a11empts to unlock the secret ot the sound of the grea1 Stradivar1 v1oltns are revealed (R) Q ( 1 hr) (£) COLLEGE FOOTBALL Notre Dame Fighting Irish at Michigan State Spartans (R) (2 hrs .. 30 • mm) · 9:05@ MOVIE "The D.I" .,1957, Orama) Jacl< Webb, Don Dubbins. A tough drill Instructor must prepare boot camp recruits for combat within 12 weeks (2 hrs. 15 mrn) 9:30 (!) YOU ASKED FOR IT @ CLOUDS OF GLORY .. Wilham And Dorothy" A l1lm deallng with the poet Witham WordswOfth's pas- sionate reta11onsh1p with his sister. Dorothy. ( t hr ) 9:35 Cl) THE MAKING OF POL TEAGEIST 10:00 8 G. e NEWS (!) PSYCHIC PHENOMENA fB LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS CONGRES- SIONAL DEBATES Prominent members ol both the House and Senate debate the issues lacing voters tn the November etechons. ( t hr , 30 mm ) Ci) HARD CHOtCES .. Death And Dying .. An explo- r a11on ot the growing mterest in patients' nghts an(1 medical ethics 1s presented (R) (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE .. La Strada .. ( 1954, 'brama) Anthony Quinn, G1uhe11a Masma A wandering strongman accompanied by the simple-wtlled girl he bought to be his clown 1s goaded into k1thng an acrobat who teases him ( t hr . 50 min ) MOVIE "Body Heat .. (1981. Suspense) Wilham Hurl. Kathleen Turner A smallllme Ftor1da lawyer ts persuaded by his lover to murder her husband 'R' (.lhr. 55 mm) (Q) MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980, Comedy) L1ty Tomlln. Charles Grodin A housewife linds it hard to cope when she suddenly ~ins to shrink 1n size. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 24 min ) Cl) ROMANCE: STOLEN LOVE (Part 5) 0 MOVIE "Improper Channels" ( 198 I. Comedy) Alan Arl<in. Marielle Hartley A series of m1sonder standings causes a social worker to suspect the 5 year-old daughter of a separated couple is the v1c- 11m of chlld abuse 'PG' ( 1 hr . 32 min) CZ) MOVIE "Arthur" ( 1981. Comedy) Ovdley MOOfe. Liza M1nnet11 White his lam1ty attempts to torce him into a pre-arranged marriage. a drunken, hedonistic playboy falls In love with a poor working 9111. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 mm) 10:30., INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS @SIGNATURE Guest Edward Heath CJ) MOVIE "N1J1nsky.. ( 1979. Orama) Alan Bates. George de la Pena Triumph and tragedy punctuate the stormy reta11onsh1p between the great Russlan ballet star and his Svengall-llke manager 'R' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 11:00 8 8 8 (I) 0. NEWS SATUROAY NIGHT IN SEARCH Of ... JOE FRANKLIN THATOUIZSMOW STREE r 8 Of SAN FRANCISCO OUIZKI08 DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Hot Times" (1974, Comedy) Henry Cory. Bonnie Gondel, A sexually Inexperienced high school student suffers the teasing of a bevy of cheerleadefs but manages lo fulfill his goals at a New Year's Eve party. 'Al ( t hr., 30 min.) 11:20l!l) MOVIE "Amazing Dr. G" (1965. Comedy) Franco Franchi. Clcclo fngrassla Two clumty pho- tographefs join British tntetllgenoe In order to pre- vent • a villain from turning goverrynent men Into robots. { t hr., 45 min.) 11:30• (I) QUINCY A gunshot victim dies from e second wound apparently overlooked by the young doctor whO tteated him at an etnefgeocy cllnlc. (R) t! ~. 10 min,) • e TOMGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: The Smothers Brothers, Jon Voight. ( 1 hr ) I 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE YOU"'8KED FOA IT THE JEFFEA80N8 PETRUSHKA Rudolf Nureyev stars I" Mlchel mFokN'1 ;;;.;;.:; =~=~·~.:• 8PORT8CENTER • MOVIE "The Ten Girts" (1 hr , 30 min.) MOVIE "Come Have Coffee With Us" ( 1972. ) tJgo 1'~ 'Va~""8: A'm~aged '. ! ,•./•'~\ .. _., • 14 ~ ;\·l1 1.-,t •v .. Kim Basinger stars in "Hard Counlry," which will have its network tele"ision premiere on uN BC Movie of the Week" at 9 p.m. on Channel 4. ta• consu11an1 IC>f the 1tat1an government relocates to a SlTlall country town where he has been made head ol the department ( I hr • 30 min ) 11:50(C) MOVIE "Little Darlings" ( 1980. Comedy) fatum O'Neal. K11sty McNichol Al summer camp, two teen-age girls compete to MM! who will be the ltrst to lose her V11g1n1ty 'R' ( 1 ht . 32 mtn I 12·00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT G (fl FANTASY ISLAND Ta1100 is granted his favorite rantasy for his b1r1hday. and a salesman courts the daughter ot his wealthy employer (R) ( 1 hr . 10m1n) D MOVIE "Marilyn" ( 1963. Biography) Oocumen· tary Narrated by Rock Hudson Fiim excerpts pro- vide a provocahve peek at the phenomenon that was actress Marilyn Monroe (2 hrs ) (!) MOVIE "Caxembu" ( 1968, Adventure) John Ireland. Carol Ohman A plane loaded with h11acked diamond!> crashes 1n the headhunter region ot the Amazon 1ungle (2 hrs ) • MOVIE "Pride And Pre1udlce" ( 1940. Drema) Greer Garson Laurence Ohvier A spirited Enghsh i fights tor the man she loves (2 hrs ) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE .. Tattoo" ( 1981 , Orama) Bruce Dern, Maud Adams. An obsessed lattoo artiSt kidnap& a fashion model,,and proceeds to cover her body wtth his handiwork. 'R' ( t hr , 45 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Providence.. ( 1977. Orama) Ellen Burstyn, John Gielgud A hletime of recolle<:ltons flashes by 1n the dreams ol an elderly. dying man 'A' ~ hr , 44 min ) 12:30D e LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests. comedian George Miiiet. Jerry Lewis (I hr.) PlES AMERICAN STYLE OU08 Of GLORY "Wiiiiam And Dorothy" A film deallng with the poet Wllllam Wordsworth's pas- sionate retetlonship with his slster. Dorothy. ( t hr.) Cl) FUTURE SPORT A scientific exploratlon of ath· tetic perfOfmance which can aid athletes In lmprov- l.!:!i1 their game (R) CL) MOVIE "The Outcast Of The Island" ( 1 hr . 45 mlrtl 12:~8 Cl) MCMILLAN & WIFE Mac and Sally's peaceful weettend Is Interrupted by tM disappear· ance ol a dog, a kidnapping and a mUl'de<. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Mommle Oearnt" ( 1981, Orama) Faye Ovnaway. Diana Scarwld. Forties film star Jo8f1 Crawford ralset hef two adopted children In a domestic atmosphere that varlet from luxurious comfort to sadistic dlsclpllne. •pa· (2 hrt .. 9 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "Bua Rlley't Bac:k In Town" (1965. Ofama) Ann-Margret. Mrcheet P1r~. A young Ntvy man returns to llnd that the gltl who 1ejtcled him In the peat wants lo atart a new rei.tlOnthlp. (2 hrt ) • MOVIE "The Naked Edge" (1981, OJema) Gery Cooper, Deborah Kerr. A long-deCeyed letter cauMS the reopening ol • 6-yHr·Ol<I murde< case (1 hr .• 30mln.) Cl) TOP RANK BOXING Cowfage of the Robin 818Q (T• ) I/ c...oe 8entenl $.C.) io.round )On- h·"·l· • • , .1•. '*'"•''t ~ • 1or wellerwelghl bOut from the USS Yorktown, Charleston. S.C (R) (2 hrs , 30 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Bondello" ( 1 hr . 30 min.) Ct MOVIE .. Death Valley" ( 1982. Mystery) Paul LeMat. Peter Billingsley A New Yori< youngster 1s sent to Anzona to vtSJt hts mother and stumbles across a_ senes ot g11s1y murders. 'A' ( 1 hr., 25 mm ) 1:05l!l) MOVIE "The Oklahoma Kid .. ( 1939, West· ern) Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney. A bandit hero delends selllers In the Southwest in the late 1800s. ( t hr., 45 min ) 1: 10 D MOVIE "The Great Ice R1p·Olf" ( 197 4. Ora· ma) Lee J Cobb, Gig Young When a gang of 1ewel thieves decide 10 use a bus as their geklway car. they don't count on a ret11ed cop being one or the passengers ( 1 hr . 30 min ) @)NEWS 1·30 D fl) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT CC) MOVIE .. Ra1ntree County" ( t957, Orama) Ehza· beth Taylor, Montgomery Chit During the Civil War. a cap1tva11ng Southern belle 1s determined 10 have the man ol her choice regardless ol the conse· quences. (2 hrs .• 50 min ) 1:50(8) MOVIE .. The Nesting" ( 1980. Horror) Gloria Grahame. John Carradine A novelist rents a seclud· ed Victorian JTianston where she begins having stra~e. erotic dreams 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 min) 2:008 CBS NEWS NIGHTWATCH •NEWS Cll MOVIE "The Invisible Boy" ( 1957. Sc1ence-F1c- 1ton) Phthp Abbott, Richard Eyer A massive com- puter goes awr y 1n its attempts 10 control the world because 11 tails to calculate the power of human be1ffi ( 1 hr . 25 mm ) 2:05 NEWS 2: 15 MOVIE "Relugee" ( 198 t) Anne Twomey. Jane Congdon Two couples meet on a deserted island oil the coast ol Maine, where they intermingle and....e_asslons start to raise. (2 hrs., 25 mm.) 2:30(!) MORNING STRETCH m MOVIE "The Diary Of Anne Frank" ( 1959. Ora- ma) Joseph Sch1fdkraut. M11t1e Perkins A diary dis- covered 1n the altlc of an Amsterdam fac'tOfy por· trays the plight ol a Jewish refugee _family which hved rhere 1n h1d1ng fOf two years (3 hrs ) f.l»NEWS (0) NICHOLAS NICKLEBY A young man tries to better himself by going to school ( 1 hr ) 0 MOVIE .. Madame Rosa" ( 1978. Orama) Stmone S1gnoret , Claude Dauphin A woman's per · sonahty undergoes an ex treme transformalton when she involves herself 1n a romantic afla11 which brtdg es two widely d11fertng cultural levels 'PO' ( t hr . 45 mm_l 2:408 NEWS 2:50@ WORLD AT LARGE LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are leatured 1n this uncensored comedy game show 3:008 MOVIE .. The Steel Helmet .. (1951, Orama) Gene Evans. Robert Hutton A United Nations pat1ot 1n Korea pa11es the way lor a general to march tor ward with his troops aga1ns1 the enemy ( 1 hr . 30 min.) ' (!) JOE FRANKLIN @NEWS • 3:20(1) MOVIE "Halloween II .. ( 1981, Horror) Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence. A hopelessly insane murderer continues his reign ot terror m a small town. 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 mm J 3:26(1) MOVIE .. Modern Romance" (1981, Co!T)e· dy) Albert Brooks. Kathryn Harrold. A film editor tries. repeatedly to wtn back the heart 01 the woman he loves 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 min l .. 3:30(1)8PORTSFOAUM (RJ {D) ONE GENERATION 3:36® MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Albert Finney, James Coburn The mysterious deaths of a serleS ot beautiful models Involved In a new advertising pro1ect are blamed on the plastic surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 34 min.) ':00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (I) SPOATSCENTER 4:06 l!l) FUNTlME 4:16• MOVIE ·~starcrash .. { 1979. Science-FictlOn) Marjoe Gortner. Christopher Plummer. To protect the l<lngdom of the Emperor. apeoe heroine Stella Star and ac. navigator Al<ton comb the galaxy In searcf'l ot evH COUl'lt Zarth Arn'a hidden fair 'PG (I hr., 32 min.) ':30.ISPY (!) JtM BAKKER cc:> MOV1E "The Hanging Tree" ( 1959, Western) Gary Cooper. Marie Schell. A doct0< kills a man while rescuing a girt and Is almost lynched by a drunken mob. (I hr .. 46 min ) (Q) MOVIE "The Last Daya Of MUSSOllnl" ( 1977, Orama) Aod $1elge1, Henry Fonda. Neer the end of the Second World War. llallan fascist premier Benito Mussolini attempts 10 flee hie defeated country. 'PG' (1 hr • 40 min.) ':96@ I OAEAM ~ JEANt• ·--·------· ·----..... !.----------·---~--------------·---·--·--·-·-·-.,,-·--·· ... --.-· .. ·--·----·-· ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tt Wednesday OCTOBER 6. 1982 .\I< >I l ~ I '\< ; \I< )\'I LS 5:00 CZ) "Sunday Too Far Away" ( t975) Jack Thompson. Ma" Cullen ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 6:009 "Silk S1ockings" < 1957. Musical) Fred As1a1re. Cyo Charisse (2 hrs ) 6:05@ "Au1umn leaves" ( 1956 Drama) Joan Crawford. Cltll Robertson (2 hrs) 6:30{0) "The Kid From Not-So·Blg" ( 1978. Come· dy) Jen111te1 McAlhsler. Roben V1haro ( 1 hr.. 30 min) I Z) "Modern Romance" ( 198 1, Comedy) Alber! Brooks. Kalhryn Harrold ( I hr . 33 min ) 7:30($) "The Hunier" ( t979. Drama) Sieve McOueen, Elt Wallach ( t hr . 38 min ) 8:00(C) "Paper Tiger" '( t976. Comedy) David Niven. T oshiro Mi lune ( t hr . 39 rnin ) ) "legend 01 The Wild" ( 1980, Adven1ure) 'PG' l'_ hr . 40 min ) (Q) "The P11va1e Eyes" ( t980. Com~!Jy) Don Knotts, Tim Conway ( 1 hr , 3 t min ) 0 "The Wilderness Family, Part 2" ( t978, Adven· lure) Roberl Logan Susan Oamante Shaw ( t hr 45 min I "The Slap" ( 1963, Orama) Uno Ven1ura Annie Girardol ( I hr • 40 min ) 9:30m "David And Balhsheba" ( t952. Drama) Gr~ry Peck. Susan Hayward (2 hrs ) 9:'5CZJ "Providence" (1977. Orama) Ellen Burs1yn, JOhn Gielgud ( t hr . 44 min ) _ 10:00(1) "Pony Express" ( t953. Western) Charlton Hes1on. Rhonda Fleming. (2 hrs ) m "The Couch" ( 1962. Orarna) Grant Williams. Shirley Knighl (2 hrs ) CC) "The Elephan1 Man" ( t980. Ofama) John Hurt. An1hony Hopkins (2 hrs . 3 min ) "Adventures 0 1 The Wilderness Family" ( 1975. Orama) Robert Logan. Susan Daman1e ( t hr .. 40 mm) CO "Voyage En Douce" (2 hrs) "The L11lle Hur · ( t957, Comedy) Ava Gardner. Stewan Granger ( t hr . 20 min ) fit "Come Have Cottee With Us" ( 1972. Comedy) Ugo Tognaw. Valentine (2 hrs) 10:05@ "The Black Orchid" ( 1959, Romance) Sophia Loren. Anthony Quinn (2 hrs ) 11:,5(%) "Hallelu1ah" .(1929. MuSK:al) Otxie Jubilee S1nQers. Daniel Haynes. ( t hr . •6 min.) .\l ·'llJl~< >< >~ \I< )\'ILS 12:0011 "Zenobia" (1939, Comedy) Stan laurel. Oliver Hardy ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) CC) "The Great Train Robbery" ( 1979. Adventure) Sean Connery, Donald Sutherland ( 1 hr .. 51 min ) 0 "L~er" ( t 981. Sc1ence-Ac11on) Albert Fin- ney. James Coburn (1 hr , 34 min.) 1:00(m "Oulland" (1981, Science-Ficrion) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. ( 1 hr • 49 min ) 1:30(f) "Ripped 0 11" (1974, Mystery) Roben Blake. Ernest Borgn1ne ( 1 hr . 30 min ) "Lion 0 1 The Desert" ( t981. Drema) Anthony Quinn. Oliver Reed (2 hrs .. 45 min ) O "This Trme F0<ever" ( 1980. Romance) Cla1te P1m~re, Vincent Van Patten. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 1 :'5 CZ) "The Slap" ( 1963. Orama) Lino Ventura. Annie Girardot ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 2:00(t) "Animals Are Beaut1lul People" ( t975) Documentary ( 1 hr .. 32 min ) 2:30()) "Heartland" (1981, Drama) Rip Torn. Con- chata Ferrell ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 3:00(D) "The Kid From Nol·So-Big" ( 1978. Come- dy) Jenn1fe< McAHis1er, Robert Vihero ( 1 hr .. 30 mlnJ_ 3:25~ "MOdern Romanoe" ( 1981, Comedy) Albert Brooks, Kalhryn HarrOld. ( l hr .. 33 min.) 3:30 e "Starcrash" ( 1979, Science-Fiction) Marjoe Gortner. Christopher Plummer. ( 1 hf .. 32 min.) 4:00~ ''Paper Tiger" (1976. Comedy) David Niven. Toshifo M1fune. ( 1 ht., 39 min ) ':30cm "The Private Eyes" (1980. Comedy) Don Knotts. TimCooway. (1hr.,3 1 min.) &:OO (f) "The Trouble With Women" ( 1971, Mys· tery) Oort Reynolds, Laurence Luckenbill. (2 hrs.) CD "Magic'' (1978. HooOf') Anthony Hopkins. Ann-Margret. ( t hr .. 46 min.) • "Improper Channels" ( 1981, eomedy) Alan Arkin, Marlette Hartley. ( 1 hr .. 32 min,) (%) ''The Sea Wotves" ( 1980. Adventure) Gregory Peck, Roger Moore. (2 hrs.) 5;06@ "II Happened One Night" ( 193', Comedy) Claudette Colbert, Clark Gabfe. (2 hrs.. 10 min.) I \ I . '\ I '\C . e:oo••~ .i. t :atherine H icks needs a lJ her "'witc hcra ft"' to he lp whe n she gets involved with a sha d y videotape_ da ting service on pre miere of ''Tucker's W itch" at I 0 p.m. on CBS, Cha nne l 2 . I CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS EIGHT IS ENOUGH M"A"S"H HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY "Self-Esteem" Guests James and Glorta Stewart (R) Q I NBC NEWS . UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Sllve1 Bears" ( 1978. Adven1ure) Michael Came. Cybill Shepherd An accounting gen 1u!. devrses an 1nlrlcate plan to increase his weallh by making $ome of the lop execuoves 1n the world ol high finance the vk:tuns of an extra0<d1nary sw1n· die 'PG' ( l hr , 63 mm.) TRILOGY: THREE CLASSIC TALES The magic of clayma11on brings three children's s1ories to hie • "Rip Van Winkle," "The Llt11e Prince" and "Martin The Cobbler." ( t hr , 25 min ) (0) WEST COAST COMIX (I) MOVIE "The Hunter " ( t979. Ofama) Steve McOueen. Eh Wallach. Ralptl "Papa" Th0<soo leads a dangerous hie as a modern-day bounty hunter 'PG' ( t hr .. 38 min.) 6:30()). NEWS I ALICE RING Of THE FETTUCCl NES An opera leatur· 1ng various characters singing to lhe mUSIC of B1ze1. Mozart, Verdi 11nd Olhers. ( 1 hr.) •DICK CAVETT Guests· Rosemary C1ooney and Margaret Whiting. (R) If) SEWING POWER 0 MOVIE "Royal Wedding" (1951, Musical) Fred Astaire, Jane Powell. A song-and-dance team gtves a perf0<mance In England at the lime that Queen Elizabeth II is putting the final rouches on her matri- monial plans. ( t hr .. 30 min ) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN P.M. MAGAZINE A proflle of HollywOO<I cotum· lnl&t~~lyn Beck: the birth of a dolphin in capllvlly weri THE MAYORS THREE'S COMPANY I JOKER'S wtLO BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "On An Island With You" ( 19,8, Come- dy) Esther WIHlems. Peter LawfO<d. A HOllywOO<I starlet fails In love with a Navy man while filming In Hawaii. (2 hrs.) aJ) MOVIE "Voyage En Douce" (2 hts.) (%)MOVIE "The Slap" ( 1963, Drema) Lino Ventu· ra. Annie Girardot. A group of young people on the brink of adulthood face a t>errage of grown-up prob- 4ems, decisions and dilemmas. ( 1 hr •• 40 min.) 7:164?) NEWS 7:30• 2 ON THE TOWN Feetuutd:. a loot< al the modem teltvltlon hero; com.dlan Jay Leno on a 727 t.t tJmulltOJ. • vltlt to a holpltel whn no one compleint lbOVt IM food. I G FAMILY FEUD LAV~ANE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY • TIC TAC DOUGH MADAME'S PLACE NINE ON NEW JERSEY M "A"S"H SIGNATURE Guesl Loui~ Nevelson Ell MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT ~ PREVIN ANO THE PITTSBURGH "Perlman Cool And Classic" Vtolm1s1 lt1hak Perlman p1anrs1 Andre Prev1n. drummer Shelly Manne, bass1s1 Red Mitchell and guitarist Jim Hall team up 10 make a 1azz album at P111sburgh's Heinz Hall ( t hr ) YESTERYEAR. .. t 933 8:001J Cl) SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS Crane·s romance w11h ve1e11na11an Molly McGraw is threatened when she wins a surgical 1nternsh1p.1hal will keep !hem apan lor lhree years ( 1 hr ) 0 G) REAL PEOPLE A look al the baseball leg· P11ds or Wrigley Field il v1s11 10 !he Billy Goal T av- 1•111 and a day with Mayor Jane Byrne are teatured "" Real People's" salute to the cny of Chicago ( 1 t11 I 8 MOVIE "The Ullle Girl Who lives Down The L<111e · ( 1976. Mystery) Jodie f"os1er. Martin Sheen V1s1t01s mysteriooSly vanish when itiey threa1en lhe n11vacy ol a leen-age girl who hves with her unseen lathe• 1n a dark, old.house (2 hrs) fJ MOVIE "Ice S1at1on Zebra" ( 1968. Drama) Rock Hudson, Ernest Borgnine A submarine crew oound tor lhe Norlh Pole wages a desperate s11ug- yle against 11me 1n order 10 lino a precious piece ol Russian sa1ell1te l11rr1 (3 hrs ) O MOVIE "Attack!" ( t956. Drama) Jack Palance. Eddie Albert Weak and dishonest Army ollicers take parl 1n World Wat II action (2 hrs ) (1) MADAME'S PLACE tD P.M. MAGAZINE A yoong womnn's t t·day. 11anscont1nental bicycle trip lhe birth ot a dOlph1n11'1 cap11v11y m MOVIE "The Amazing Howard Hughes" (Par! 2) ( 1977. Biography) Tommy Lee Jones. Ed Fland· ers The highly vota111e ano eccent11c mull1m1lhona11e uses wealth and influence to indulge his ol1bea1 obsessions and curious rages (2 his.) @ COLLLLLECTING Featured a look al patent models and netsvke (ritual jewelry) , see how :.orne items are appraised fl) PREVIN ANO THE PITTSBURGH "Perlman Cool And Classic" V1ohn1st ltzhak Perlman. pianist Andre Prev1n, drummer Shelly Manne. bassist Red Mitchell and guitarist Jim Hall team up to make a 1azz album at P111sburgh's Heinz Hall ( 1 hr ) ct) MOVIE "The Elephanl Man" ( t980. Drama1 JOhn Hurt. Anthony Hapk1ns A dedicated physician lakes under his wing a horribly del0tmed man whose hie until then had been spent in cheap freak exh1b111ons 'PG' (2 hrs .. 3 min ) SPOATSCENTER MORNING'S AT SEVEN Maureen O'Sull1var stars 1n Paul Osb<>tn's sen11mental comedy about lhe hopes. dreams and 1ealousles or four elderly sis· ter<; 1n a small Midwestern 1own 1n t922 (2 hrs . 10 min I 0 MOVIE "Silk Stockings" ( 1957, Musical) Fred As1aire. Cyd Cha11sse An American him producer becomes involved with a lemate Russian agent in PartS. (2 hrs ) 8; 16 IJ)l NEWS @ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 Cf) HAWAII FIVE--0 I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT SO YOU T"HINK YOU GOT TROVBLES A WALK THROUGH THE TWENTIETH CENTU· RY WITH BILL MOVERS "WW II: The Propeganda Battle" A look at two of lhe century's mos1 lntlven· 1181 propagandists. Fritz Hippler and Frank Capra (I hr) G) ELECTION '82 (H) MOVIE "First Monday In October" ( 1981, Com- edy) Walter Malthau, Jill Clayburgh. A hberal Supreme Court Justice clashes with the newest member of the na11on's highest court. an ultra-con· servatlve women jurist. 'R' ( t hr .. ,5 min.) 8:,5Q1) MOVIE "Fort W0<th" (t951, Western) Ran· dolph Scott. David Brian. A gunsUnger-1umed-news- paperman finds that his prowess with a six·sho<>tet IS sltll more eftectlve than words In dealing with law· le68 elements. ( 1 hr , SO min.) 9:008 ()) ALICE (Season Premiere) Mel Is con· vlnced thal he It the famous k19&er named In a tem· ~tuous movie star's autobiography. • • THE FACTS Of LIFE Natalie Is threeteoed with e11pultion from Eastland wtltf'I the fabricates a story aboc.11 a stud9nt who hid-en ebortlon. 0 !l 0 g .., 9 MOVIE "The Big Sleep" ( 1978, Myttery) Rob- ert Mite t•:..im. Serah MMee. A retir.d gener•I altts pri- vate eye Phlllp Marlowe to inw.tlgmte a 1«lea of ~ strange eveota lnvoMng his two dlughters. (2 h<a .. ) I MERV GAff1N THE CASE Of DASHIEU. HAWETT A fUm portrJlt of Samuel 0.lhlell H•mmetl lnctude9 acenes ffom Franoll Ford CoppoMl't new movie U10U1 , 1"8 ey1haf 9nd Int" •itWJf .. th hla longtime compenion Llmen ...,._,, (1 tw.1 ----~- • I l I ... I ' P\- ~ \.\ednesday (continued) ~ ~ 0 0 0 -.Q 0: TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage of the Australia vs USA sem1!lnat deciding match, from Perth Aus· traha (R) (2 hrs . 30 min) MOVIE "SeparatP Ways" ( 1980. Drama) Karen Black, Tony Lo Bianco A young couple's failure to communicate nearly results in the destruction ol their marriage 'A' ( 1 hr . 32 min ) ('O) MOVIE "The EnfOfcer" ( 1976, Drama) Clint Eastwood. Tyne Daly "Dtrty Harry" Callahan is joined by a temate rool<re In his pursuit of a group ol Caltlorn1a revotuttonaries terro112ing San Francisco. 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) ' MOVIE "Hallelu1ah" ( t929, Musical) Otx1e Jubt· lee Singers. Daniel Haynes A man attempts to change his ne'er·do-well ways 1n order to emulate his more successful t:rother ( 1 hr .. 46 min ) 9:30 IJ (J) FIL THY RICH (Season Premiere) The Becks scheme to break up the happily·marrled Westchesters 0 GD FAMILY TIES Peer pressure forces Jennifer to give up her friendship with a boy her age (!) YOU ASKED FOR IT @ RING OF THE FETTUCCINES An opera teatur· 1ng various characters singing to the music of Bizet. Mozarr, Verdi and others· ( 1 hr ) '1!) WORLD SPECIAL "The K1ll1ng 01 Sadat· Why Was Cairo Calm?" On tf'le first anniversary 91 Egyp. t1an President Anwar Sadat's°' assass1na11on. the leader's rise to world acclaim and his concurrent isolation from his own countrymen are examined ( 1 • hr J 10:008 (J) TUCKER'S WITCH (Premie<e) Prrvate detectives Amanda and Rick Tucker wind up as the targets of the killer they're tra11tng when Amanda's w1tchcral1 turns out to be h.ghly unreltable. (I hr ) D GD QUINCY A famous surgeon makes a fatal mistake when he allows an cnexpenenced doctor to ~rform a simple operalton ror hem. ( t hr.) l ... NEWS PSYCHIC PHENOMENA WOALO SPE~AL "The Killing 01 Sadat Why Was Cairo Calm?" On the first anniversary of Egyp· t1an PreSJdent Anwar Sadal's assassmation, lhe leader's rise to world acclaim and his concurrent 1sota1ton from his own countrymen are examined 1 1 hr) · > ~ MOVIE "The Mirror Crack'd" ( 1980. Mystery) Elizabeth Taylor, Kjm Novak Based on a story by Agatha Chnstle A strange murder involving rival Hollywood srars lakes place in an English village. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 46 min.) 0 MOVIE ''Body Heat'' ( 1981, Suspense) William Hurt. Kathleen Turner. A smalltime Florida lawyer 1s persuaded by his lover to murder her husband 'R' ( t hr .. SS min.) 10: 15@ ON LOCATION "Rich Ltttle" The master ol mimicry gives his 1mpres51ons ol Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. among others. ( 1 hr.) 10:30". INOEPENOENT NETWOAK NEWS a SIGNATURE Guest: Of Jonathan Miller (Part • CALIFORNIA OAEAMS "The Valley" Lorne Greene reviews the growth ol Calilorn1,:i agrtj:ullure tn the Sahnas Valley MOVIE "Emily" C 1976, Orama) Koo Stark, Vic· IOf Spinetti In 1920s England. a teen-age girt comes ot age through an eflacr with an American schoolteacher ( 1 hr • 25 min.) 10:35 all MOVIE "Ghost In The Invisible Bikini'' ( 1966, Comedy) Deborah Walley. Tommy Kirk A man 1n a coll1n Is given a chance to enter heaven by doing a gOOd deed ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 11:00 8 8. ()) 9. NEWS I SATVROAY NIGHT IN SEARCH OF ... JOE FRANKLIN THAT QUIZ SHOW STREETS OF SAN ~NCISCO COLLLLLECTING Featured: a IOOI< at patent models and netsuke (ritual Jewelry). see how some items are appraised I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Oe Sade" ( 1 hr., 45 mln.) MOVIE ··every WhiCh Way She Can" ( 1 hr . 30 min) CJ) MOVIE "The Sea Wolves" ( 1980, Adventure) Gregory Peck, Roger MOOfe During W0tld War II, a group or Br1tlsn businessmen form a volunteer regi· ment to destrOy a German spy nest In the Indian Ocean. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 11:30• (I) ARCHIE BUNt<ER'S PLACE A very lriendty lady ..is up a business ot her own In Archie and ~rrar'• ber. (R) • e • TONIGHT Host: Jotmny Carson. Guests. Tom Jones. Mita Amttlca Debra Sue Maffett. (1 hr) l ~~'°"~NE 'MJ&FEMCM . A WAU< ~ THE TWENTIETH CENT\J. WITH 8fU! MC!>VEN "WW 11(',Tti'.'P.(obitaanda Batt~" f, IQ9t\.lt lWA.Ol.lbe.t.aollltft1tt5M~ It was a year ago today that then president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, was assassinated. The a888ssination is probed in "The ~ill~ng of Sadat: Why was Cairo Calm?" at 9:30 and and 10 p.m . on the Public Broadcasting System. l tial t!:.r)pagand1sts, Frllz Hippler and Frank Capra FOCUS ON SOCIETY PBS LA TENIGHT Host Dennis Wholey ( 1 hr ) SPOATSCENTER · MOVIE "Arthur" ( 1981, Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnne111. While his family attempts to lorce him into a pre-arranged marrjage. a drunken. hedonistic playboy falls 1n love with a poor working girl 'PG' ( 1 hr., 53 min.) 11;50(C) MOVIE "The Great Tratn Robbery" ( 1979. Adventure) Sean Connery. Donald Sutherland. Two expert turn-of·the·century con artists attempt to pull otr the seemlngly Impossible robbery ol a locked sale aboard a fast-moving tocomotllle 'PG' ( 1 hr . 51 min.) 12:00 I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT • LOVE BOAT The captain and Doc ltght ove1 a woman. a-couple adopt a 7-year·old streetwise orphan. and a ,obless exectJt111e lalls in love with a successful woman CR) ( 1 hr . 10 min) G MOVIE ''Modesty Blaise" ( 1966, Adventure) Monica Vitti. Terence Stamp. When a private lnves· tlgetor and her Sidekick are htred to protect a supply of preclOUs gems. they hnd themselves duped. (2 hrs.) (!)MOVIE "The Blazing Forest" ( t952, Adventure) John Payne, Susan Mouow. A widOw's timberland is engulfed bye I01esl ltre. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Three Wise Fools" ( 1946, Comedy) Margaret O'Brien. Lewis Stone. A fanciful young lady drops lnlo the lives of three wealthy otd recluses. (2 hrs.) • LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE Cl) MOVIE "Private Lem_nf" ( 1980, Comedy) Syt· via Kristel, Howard Hesseman. A wealthy man assigns his seductive housekeeper the job of provtd· ing his 15-year-old son with his first sexual expert· ence. 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min) e MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 198 t, Mystery) Sigour· ney Weaver. Wiiliam Hurt A television reporter becomes Involved wrth a Janitor who may know more abou1 a murder that he witnessed than he is say~. 'R' ( t hr .. 43 m n.) 12:05. (I) MOVIE "No Other Love" ( 1979, Orama) Richard Thomas, Julie Kavner. Two marglnally retarded young adults meet with opposition When they make plans to marry (R) ( 1 hr •• 55 min.) 12:20<17) MOVIE "Miracle In Soho"' (1958, Romance) Jonn Gregson, Beli~ Let. A young couple are m rec~ reunited In London. (2 l'lt'u~ ~ 12;30 •• LATE NIGHT WITH Oi\VIO AN Guetta: artlat Edw1rd Rutchl. eomtdlan Paul Moo- ney, Ann and Nancy Wilson of the roelt group "Heart." ( 1 hr.) I COUPlEB . LOYE. AM&AICAN 8TY\.E ~OF THE FETTUOCN8 An opeta feetUf· Ing liatloos charact«• tinging to the mUllc of Ba.et. • Mol•rt, "letdl IOd others. ( 1 hf.) • _:•'6"!<!l. ~ ~.~ ~1tl~t·tt~~ Holly Farms 400 from Norlh Wilkesboro. N C (R) (3 hrs) ca> MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981. Sc1ence·F1ct1on) Sean Connery, Perer Boyle A space marshal 1nves· ligates a rash ol mystE;l'tO•JS deaths w1th1n a m1nlllg colony on one ol Jupiter's moons 'R' ( t hr . 49 nunJ_ 12~46(1J MOVIE "Magic" ( 1978, HorrOf) Anthony Hopkins. Ann-Margret A neurotte ventnloqu1st, convinced that his stage dummy controls hrs actions. eludes bordering lame and lorlune 10 hnd a girl he loved 1n his youth 'R' ( 1 hr., 46 men ) 1:00 11 MOVIE "The Chalk Garden" (1964. Drama) Deborah Kerr. Hayley Mills A governess makes a GJesperare attempt 10 touch the heart of her lonely disturbed teen·age charge (2 hrs ) G) MOVIE "Woman 0 1 Straw" ( 1964, Suspense) Gina Lollob11g1da. Sean Connery A young m;in attempts to gain control ot his uncle's lorlune with lhe help ol a beauttlul nurse ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (ZJ MOVIE "Modern Romance" ( 1981. Comedy) Albert Brooks. Kathryn Harrold. A him editor tnes repeatedly 10 win bacl< lhe heart ot the woman l'le loves 'A' ( t hr . 33 min ) t: 10 D MOVIE "Happy Birthday. Wanda June" ( 1971 Comedy) Rod S1e1ger. Susannah York Aller eight years 1n the Amazon. a man returns to his wile who is about to remarry ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ([Dl NEWS CH) MOVIE "The Jau Singer" ( 1980. Musical) Neil Diamond. Laurence Ohvrer A New York cantor breaks with family trad1t1on and sets out to find suc· cess as a pop music star 'PG' ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 1:30 D GD NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT ~OVIE "Fade .To .Black" ( 1980. Suspense) Dennis ChrlstophiJr. Lmda Kemdge A disturbed young movie Ian reacts to romanttc re,ectton by comm1t1mg murders in the gv1se and style of his favorite screen villains 'R' ( 1 hr , 4 1 min.) 1:50~ MOVIE "The Ram People" ( 1969. Orama) James Caan. Shirley Knigh! A young woman sets out on a cross-country trip fo escape the respons1- bil1t1es of her marriage and 1mpendjng mothefhood 'A' i_1 hr . 52 min ) 2:00. C88 NEWS NIGHTWATGH I NEWS • MOVIE "The Tin Drum" ( 1979, Drama) David Bennett, Angela Winkler A small boy with u,,usual powers ol perception re1ects politics. human com- panionship and even adulthOOd and wanders about his country during lhe tumulluous years ot the Nazi ~~~l~e, res11essty banging a toy drum. 'R' ( 1 hr • 56 2:05 NEWS 2:25 RAT PATROL 2:30 MORNING STRETCH • MOVIE "The Blue Bird" ( 1940, Fantasy) Shtrtey T ample. Spring Byington A llttle glrl searches tor true happiness. 11 hr .. 30 mtn.) _ • =E "Val de Moulin Rouge" ( 1 hr • 30 min.) ~MOVIE "Hellelu1ah" ( 1929. Musteal) Dixie Jub1· lee Singers, Daniel Haynes A man anempts to change his ne'er·do-weH ways 1n order to emulate his more successful brother ( 1 hr . 46 min J 2:4'0,NEWS 3:00 MOVIE "Follow The Hunter" ( 1954. AdVen· ture) Charles Chaphn Jr . Onslow Stevens. A young boy has a hard llme conv1nc1ng hjs father that he witnessed an actual murder. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) (!) JOE FRANKLIN (llJ NEWS 3:10® MOVIE "The l11shman" (1978. Drama) Michael Craig. Robin Nevin A proud lrtShman refuses to yield to progress when his business as a teamster 1s threatened by motorized transportation ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 3: 15 Cl) SHORT PICKS 3:30(1) SKI SCHOOL Tips lor better skiing (Filmed at Killington, Vt ) (R) 3:.W (C) MOVIE "The Elephant Man" ( 1980, Drama) John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins. A dedicated physician takes under his wing a hof'flbly deformed man whose Illa until then had been spent In cheap lreak exhibitions 'PG' (2 hts , 3 min.) 4:00 (!) JtMMY SWAGGART • MOVIE "Bright Eyes" ( 1934, Comedy) Shirley Temple. James t>unn, A sweet little orphan girl Is at the center of a difficult adopllon case. ( 1 hr.. 30 mlnJ ~ ~fOfcer" (1976, Orama) Clint E.astwOOd, Tyne Caty "Oirty Harry" Callahan Is Joined by a female rookie ln·hls pursuit of a group o1 C.Ulornla revotutlonerles tenOflzlng Slm Franctsco. 'R' (1 l'lt., 36 min.) (I) MOVIE "Emily'' ( 1976, Ot'ama) t<oo Stark. Vic· tor Spinetti. In 1920s £ngtand, a teen-age girt COOlt9 of age through an affaff with an American achOOlteecher. p hr .. 25 min.) 4•061FUNTIME 4:30 llPY Cl) BAKKER I e MOVIE "Stra~ Behavior" (1~1 . S~) ~ ~. l,.__OU"J ~cl1tf. .. _ .. ' l . Thursday .\I< >IC\ I '\C ; \I< >\ · 1 LS OCTOBER 7, 1982 4:55 CID "Arrhur" ( 1981. Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnnelll. ( 1 hr •. 53 min.) 5:30(1) "Hearlland" (198 1. Drama) Rip Torn, Con· chata Ferrell ( 1 hr . 35 min ) • 6:00 ct) "The Fifth Musketeer" ( t 979. Adventure) Beau Bridges. Ursula Andress. ( 1 hr , 43 min.) (Q) "Three Warriors" ( 1977. Drama) Randy Quaid. Charles White Eagle ( 1 hr . 49 min ) 6:05@ "Elephant Walk" ( 1954. Drama) Ehzabeth Taylor. Dana Andrews (2 hrs) 6:30 Ct "Sunday Too Far Away" ( 1 hr , 30 min.) (2) "Arthur" ( 1981 . Comedy) Dudley Moore. LIZil M1nnelh ( 1 hr • 53 min ) 8:00(t) "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul Mccart· ~ and Wings ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) U1J "Bear Island" ( 1980, Suspense) Dooald Sutherland. Vanessa Redgrave ( 1 hr . 43 min ) (Q) "Dangerous Davies·· ( 1981. Comedy) Bernard C11bbins. Bill Maynard ( 1 hr . 50 min ) (S) "Looker" ( 1981, Sc1ence-F1c11on) Albert Fin· ney. James Coburn (1 hr .. 34 min ) 0 "Royal Wedding" ( 1951. Musical) Fred Astaire. Jane Powell. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 8:30 CZ) "MOdern Romance" ( 1981, Comedy) Albert Brooks. Ka1hryn Harrold ( 1 hr . 33 min ) 9:30• ''Anna And The King 01 Siam" ( 1946. Ora· ma) Irene C>Jnne. Rex Hamson (2 hrs ) 0 "Inside Moves" ( 1980. Drama) John Savage. David Morse ( I hr .. 53 min.) tO:OO(f) "'Those Redheads From Seattle:• ( 1953. Musical) Rhonda Fleming. Gene Barry (2 hrs.) e "Dead Ringer" ( 1964, Drama) Belle Davis. Karl Malden ( 2 hrs ) CC) ~·The Great Bank Hoax" ( 1979. Mystery) Ned Beatty. Rtehard Basehart. ( t hr . 2..7 min.) Cli) "Portrait 0 1 A Rebet Margaret Sanger" ( 1980. Biography) Bonnie Franklin. David Dukes ( I hr . 45m1n) ()) "Sunday In New York" ( 1964. Comedy) Clift Robertson, Jane Fonda ( 1 hr., 45 min.) CZ) "Sleeping Dogs" ( t 982) Sam Neill, Warren Oates ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 10:05@ "The Savage·· ( 1952. Western) Charlton Heston. Susan Morrow (2 hrs ) 11:30 ct) "Fiddler On The Roof" ( 1971, MIJjllCBI) Topol. Norma Crane (2 hrs . 59 min) II "Thieves" 'PG' (2 hrs.) . \J' 1 l .ll '\< >< >'\ \I<>\ I LS 12:00D "Valley 0 1 The Kings" ( 1954, Adventure) Robert TaylOf, Eleanor Parker ( 1•hr , 30 min.) CID "Sp111t 01 The Wind'" ( t979) 'PG' ( t hr . 410 min.) (Q) "Forever Young. Forever Free" ( t977. Adven· tureJ Karen Valentine. Jose Ferrer ( 1 hr . 25 min.) CJ) "First Family'·' ( 1980. Comedy) Giida Radner, Bob Newhart ( 1 hr, 44 min.) CZ) "Providence" ( t977. Drama) Ellen Burstyn, John Gielgud (I hr., 44 min) 1:00©) "Dangerous Davies" (1981, Comedy) Ber· nard Cnbbtns. BIH Maynard (I hr . 50 min.) 1:30(!) "Tnbes" ( 1910. Drama) Darren McGav1n. Jan-Michael Vincent. (t tu .. 30 min) 8t "S1lve< Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder, Jiii Clay burgh ( 1 hr . 53 min.) 2:00® "The Private Eyes·· ( 1980. Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway . ( 1 hr., 3 t min) (%) "Arthur" ( 198 t, Comedy) Dudley M00te, Liza M1n11ellt ( 1 hr .. 53 min ) 2:30(C) "Slnbad And The Eye 01 The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrlek Wayne, Jane Seymour ( t hr , 53 mtn) 3:00([) "Agency" ( 198 t. Suspense) Robert , Mitchum, Lee Majors ( 1 hr . 35 min.) aJ) "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" ( 1973. Fantasy) Voices ol James Francl&clla. JUiiet Mills. ( t hr .• 55 mlnJ_ . 3:30(8) "Bear ISiand" ( 1980, S~se) Donald Sulhfrland. Vanegsa Redgrave ( 1 hr . 43 min.) Cl) ''Spint Of The Wind" (Drama) Dan George. ( 1 tlr .. 45 min ) • "Zoot Suit" (1981, Drama) Daniel Valdez. Edward Jamee Olmos. ( 1 hr . 43 min.) 4:00(%) "Fiddler On The Root" ( 197 t. Musical) Topol. Norma Crane. (2 hrs., 59 min.) 4:30~ "The Great Bank Aoax" (1979, Mys1ery) Ned Beatty. Rlchard Basehart. ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 5:00(!) "Rage" ( t966. Dramt) Glenn Ford, Stella Stevens (2 hrs.) OJ "M1rco Poto. Jr ... ( 1973. Adventw•> AnimlU· ed. Voice or Bobby Rydell. ( 1 ~'·· sq_ l'lli'\.l " cm "ThrH V'fl(f}.PJ~' '·l&U; ~ ~_...,uald.:... ' Gene Anthony Ray plays Leroy Johnson and Debbie Allen is Lydia Grant on NBC aeries Hf ame" which airs at 8 p.m. on chann.e l 4 . Charles White Eagle. ( 1 hr . 49 rn1n J 5:05@ "Kotch" ( 1971, Drama) Waller Matthau. DebOrah Winters (2 hrs • 25 min ) 5:30tB "Ugetsu" ( t953. Fantasy) Mach1ko Kyo. Masayuk1 Mott (2 hrs ) CJ) "Sphinx" ( t 981, Adventure) Frank Langella. Lesley-Anne Down ( t hr . 59 min J 6:00888NEWS I CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS EtGHT IS ENOUGH ABCNEWSn M"A"S"H ~ HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY "Hea11ng" Guest Florence Hender· son (A) o I NBC NEWS HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "The Fifth Musketeer" ( t979. Adven· lure) Beau Budges. Ursula Andress D'Anagnan and the Three Musketeers become Involved 1n another plan to block the evil intenltons ol the 51n1s- ter Cardinal Aiehelleu against the French arlstocra-St.: 'PG' (1 hr .. 43 min.) U1J WILD BABIES This documenlary catches many wild anlfnals as they grow up and learn to survive 1n the11 natural habitat II MOVIE "Inside Moves" ( 1980. Drama) John Savage. David MO<se A newcomer to the group 01 regulars at an Oakland bar may hold the key 10 making the banender's dream of becoming a pro basketball player a reahly 'PG' ( t hr . 53 min ) 6:30(1). NEWS I BARNEY MILLER ALICE CAMPAJGN '62: THE DEBATES "6Sth Assem· ~ Olstnct" Charles Bader \16 Jim Cramer GROWING YEARS MOVIE "The Bank Olok" ( 1940. Gomedy) W C Fields. Una Merkel. A man Inadvertently foils a rob· bery and Is awarded the job ol bank guard. forcing him to lace a reel holdup. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 1:oom.g~ews I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABCNEW8 P.M. MAO& Salling lor gold; the flfat meet· i of two lifelong pen pals SOAP GREATEST SPORTS LEGEN06 "JUllt» &vlng" Host: Ken Howard. I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT THREE'S COMPANY I J0t<ER'8 WILD BUSINESS REPORT VIDEO JUKEBOX MOVIE ''ROid G1mes" ( 198 t, Myatery) Stacy Ktech. Jam'!J&.8! C~=--· ft ~"''"~~ftt.,~tfM,«;J . t rvtl· --~~--- ing the same route play games ol hie and death 'PG' ( t hr .. 40 min) (%) MOVIE "Sleeping Dogs" ( 1982) Sam Neill, ~ Warren Oates ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 2 7;30 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured the history ot the -i San Fernando Valley: a 11lsll to The Hand Plop < Room: a look at the problems ot addict babies I ID FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON L.A. Featured what it takes to make II ~ 1n HollywoOd. a tour ol the newly built velodrome fOf 0: the t984 Olymptes In Los Angeles. LA ·s best 1obs ~ • TIC TAC DOUGH MADAME'S PLACE NEW YOAK REPORT YOU ASKED FOA IT M'A•S0 H NEWS SIGNATURE Guest' Tom Wolle MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT iD THE RIVER IN THE DESERT A him abOUt tile ~ Colorado River examines the .water <:ilsis tn the Southwest and the athludes and historical torces ' which have precipitated 11 (I ) AEROOICISE Gel 1n shape. loot\ goOd, and leel greal with thlS phys.cal Illness program 8:00 8 ()) MAGNUM, P.I. A J and Rtek Simon fly to Hawa11 to retrieve a deadly, stolen an1lac1 from a cha11ty auction organized by a larcenous soe1al11e and .£_rotected by Magnum and Higgins. ( 1 hr ) D Im FAME Mr Shorofsky goes wild over the s1ng- 1ng 1alen1 ot a new student. and Danny falls tn love Lt hr) 9 MOVIE "Horror At 37,000 Feel" ( 1974l. Horror) Buddy Ebsen. Chuck Connors. A 747 ie11tner is haunled by evil sp1111s while carrying a shipment lrom England ( t hr . 30 min ) D 9 JOANIE LOVES CHACHI Chachi agrees to be a model lor Joanie's art crass. not knowing thal he has to pose 1n the nude G MOVIE "What Did You Do In The War Daddy?" ( 1966, Comedy) James Coburn, Dick Shawn Instead ot battling f >r an Italian town, the troops join 1n the town's annua wine fest. (2 hrs ) (f) MADAME'S PU CE Ga P.M. MAGAZl~,JE The search lor the legendary B1gloot creature. ·he ltrst meeting of two hfetong pen pals m MOVIE "Upto~n Sa1urday Ntghl" ( 1974, Come· dy) Sidney Pot1te1, 0111 Cosby. A laclOfy worker and a s1reet-~1se cabt.1e get caught up in a gangland feud When they decide 10 trail a gangster who held ~ a bar (2 hrs J C8 STYLE reatured European 1nlluence on tele111· sion comrnerc1a1S in Arnertea, new lorms of sculp ture by David StOltz. an American-style health spa in Caltstoga. Cahtorn1a e U.S. CHRONICLE "'High School" How well edu· caled today's high school graduates really are is eitam1ned Gi) SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler and Jeffrey Lyons host an 1nlorma11ve look al what's new at lhe movies MOVIE "Fiddler On The Root" ( 1971, Musical) l opol. Norma Crane A peasant milkman 1n turn-of· the-century czartSt AUS&la 111es to marry oil htS el1g1- ble daughters while trying 10 hold onto his Jewish he111age in lhe lace ol oppresSton 'G' (2 hrs .. 59 ' rnin.) ~ SPOATSCENTER BOB MARLEY ANO THE WHALES MOVIE "Fttsl Family" ( t980. Comedy) Gilda Radnet, Bob Newhart The se>eua11y repressed daughter ol the country's wetrdest presidentrattam1 ly complicates her lather's attempts to conduct the affairs 01 state 'R' ( t hr . 44 min.) Ct MOVIE "Sunday Too Far Away" (2 t11s ) 8:30 8 9 ST AR OF THE FAMILY Jenrne Lee's sing- ing engagement al a local night spot draws a mixed review from the local newspaper crl11c I RACING FROM ROOSEVEl. T SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TROUBLES ALL IN THE FAMIL V MOVIE "Ugetsu" ( 1953. Fantasy) Machlko Kyo. Masayukl Mori In 16th-<:en1Uf)' Japan. two friends travel to the city in search ot their lndlvldual 1l23t&. (2 hrs ) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler and Jetlrey Lyons host an Informative look at what's new at lhe movlet. e SHARING THE WINO (8) MOVIE "The Prl\la1e EYM" ( 1980, Comedy) Doo Knolls. Tim Conway. Two bumbling American detectives are called In to Investigate a series of murders In 1n Engllth castle. 'PG' (1 hr .. 31 rnin.) 8:00 e Cl) 8~ & SIMON (S.ason Premiere) Rick. A J and Higgins fotlOw aoclallte C.therlne Hailey to a war-tom Central Amerbn 0ovn1ry where she haa absconded With the charity auction's mo"!Y ( 1 hr) B • CHEEA& Diane fOl'Ctt Sim 10 el'amlne his ~eference fOf daUng beautiful but br1lnlela women. • GI TOO CUl6E FOR COMFORT Henly II 9eflt Into a atatt ol lh<>ck ..,.,, Muriel'• mottlef dteldes 1i 1 •t~~~-nfW'O•hlf~.1.• 1•1 ,\·1 (11 ~I.Mi. 11m. • t..1.u.. 11"'J. IU ~1 ':!...(!. t1lln1 -~. i ., I I I I I I 1 ) 14 "' Thursday (continued) GO 1:10• MOVIE "Scars 0 1 Dracula" (197j . Horror) Christopher Lee, Jenny Hanley A young couple searching for a missing relative come lace-t~-lace with a red-fanged creature of the undead. { 1 hr . 30 min 0> • MERV GRIFFIN ..,.: (.tl) MOVIE "Too Much, Too Soon" ( 1959. Biogra- phy) Dorothy Malone. Errol Flynn John Bar- rymore's daughter, Diana, suffers heartbreak despite being wealthy and famous (2 hrs .. 30 min ) .8 0 0 0 9 lRElANO: A TELEVISION HISTORY 8i) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Of Youth" With World War II finally over. Vera returns to Oxford where she meets Winifred Holtby, they launch their writing careers and become hletong friends-(Par I 5) (R) o ( 1 hr.) AUTO RACING Coverage ol the NASCAR Holly rarms 400 from North Wilkesboro. N, C (R) (3 hrs) " (LJ MOVIE "Rockers" t:? hrs) (0) MOVIE "Body And Soul" ( 1981. Drama) Leon Isaac Kennedy, Jayne Kennedy A young black turns to prizefighting to raise the money he needs for rn.ed1cal school. 'A' ( 1 hr. 45 min) (%) MOVIE "Providence" ( 1977, Drama) Ellen Burstyn, John Gielgud A hleume of recollections flashes by in 1he dreams ot an elderly, dying man 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 mm.) ~ 9:30 0 OD TAXI Jim inherits a lorlune trom his late lather. but must convince a 1udge that he's mentally competent before he can collect t: 15 MOVIE "Inside Moves" ( 1980. Drama) JOhn Savage, David Morse A newcomer to the group of regulars a1 an Oakland bar may -hold the key to making the bartender's dream of becoming a pro basketball player a reality 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 min ) 1:30 D GD NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980. Romance) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins Two castaway children grow 10 adolescence on a remote. South Pac1l1c island and expenence the pangs of first to,ve 'A' LI hr , 45 min ) 1:45 g MOVIE "First Monday In October" (1981. Comedy) Waller Matthau. Jill Ctayburgh A liberal Supreme Court Justice clashes with the newest member of the nation's h•ghes1 court. an ultra·con servat1ve woman 1ur1s1 'A' ( 1 hr 45 min.) 2:008 CBS NEWS NIGHTWATCH ~NEWS MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE MOVIE "Carry On Emmanuelle" (C'Omedy) A beautrlul but bored diplomat's wile turns the world of foreign pohcy upside down with her sexual adven· lures 'A' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) I TWILIGHT ZONE 2:30 CD MORNING STRETCH ®'IT TAKES TWO (Season Premiere) A loving m MOVIE "The Lone Ranger" ( 1956. Western) 2:05 Cf) NEWS wife and mother decides to pursue a career as a Clayton Moore, Jay S1tverheels A wealthy ranching prosecu11ng attorney family interferes when the Lone Ranger and Tonic CD YOU ASKED FOR IT !r to sellle an Indian dispute ( 1 hr . 30 min ) '10!00 8 Cl) KNOTS LANDING J A Ewing pays a J eannie Wilson is an BMistant NEWS surprise visit to Knots Landing ( t hr ) district attorney and MoriF&D MOVIE "Arthur" ( 198 t, Comedy) Dudley J: e HILL STREET BLUES A precinct captain " Moore. Liza M1nnelh While his family attempts to cuses the Hill Street officers of corruption, and • Fairchild a larcenous socialite on force him into a pre-arranged marriage, a drunken. jt~-r~)a.ne1.ColNfeEWy msvestigate an urban cattle rustler back-to-back e pisOdes of '.'Magnon1, hedonistic playboy falls in love with a poor working girl ·~G· ( 1 hr . 53 min ) P. I.'' a l 8 p.m . and "Simon & 2:35 CC) MOVIE "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul 20 / 20 ~ ' 9 CBS Ch I McCartney and Wings This record of the band'~ PSYCHIC PHENOMENA imon ' a t p .m. on , anne u S tour includes performances of "Jet." "Banc I FPARWEVLTYIN T?NWEO RSTHE PITTSBURGH "P 1 2. On The Run," "Silly Love Songs" and some olc "" er man. Beatie ballads 'G' ( 1 hr .. 45 mtn.) Cool And ClaSSlc" Vlot1nisl ltzhak Perlman. pianist ~ 2 40 I NEWS Andre Prev1n. drummer Shelly Manne. bassist Red Kyo. Masayuk1 ~ ln-'f6th-century Japan, two : · friends travel 10 the ~ty 1n search of their individual 3:00 MOVIE "They Were So Young" ( 1955, Dra· Mitchell and guitarist Jim Hall team up to make a ) S ti B d A d B A ou of 1nno lals (2 hrs ) ma co ra y, aymon urr gr p -1azz album al Pittsburgh's Heinz Hall ( 1 hr ) ART OF BEING HUMAN cent models are herded to Soulh America under lht MOVIE "Priva te Lessons" ( 1980. Comedy) Syl-CAPTIONED ABC NEWS lhreat ol death In order to become the puppets ol via KrisJel. Howard Hesseman A wealthy man 1 1 d 1 fl 1 ( 1 h 30 ) MOVIE "Body Heat" { 1981. Suspense) Wllllam QOwer u an n uen11a men. r . min. assi~ns his seductive housekeeper the 1ob of prov1d-iJOE FR'"NKLIN Hurt. Kathleen Turner A smalltime Florida lawyer ts "' 1ng is t5-year·old son with his first sexual experi-NEWS ence 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) persuaded by his lover to murder her husband. 'A' ~ ( 1 hr . 55 min.) MOVIE "Road Games" (198 t. Mystery) Stec) l,g.J THE THIRD NEW YORK BIG LAFF OFF Robert 12:00,ENTERTAINMENTTONIGHT Keach. Jamie Lee Curlts An eccentric trucker, a • Klein hosts a comedy showdown featuring five of .. ft 1 1 hit hhik d h thlc kill 1r 1 • VEG•• Dan 1oms forces with a ~ychic to vuaull u c er an a psyc opa er ave · New York's best stand-up comics, taped live at the ,_ h la 1 l't d de th locate a kidnapped heiress (A) ( 1 hr., 1 min.) mg t e same route P y games o • e an a Copacabana ( 1 hr ) PG' ( h 40 ) g MOVIE "Funhouse" ( 1981, Horror) Eltzabeth D MOVIE "One Mtllion BC .. ( 1940, Adventure) . 1 r min Berridge. Sylvia Miies Four teen-agers spend a Victor Mature. Carole Landis Cavemen and giant 3:30 (()NFL FILM fnght ful night 1n a carnival lunllouse Inhabited by a beasts roam the Earth and become invOlved In prim· ®INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick demented barker and his monstrous son 'R' ( 1 hr itrve battles (2 hrs ) ' Buonlcon11 present h1ghllghts of the prevlOUS week'~ 35 min) CD MOVIE "Warpath" < 195 I. Westernf Edmond pro football action and 1nterv1ews wrth prayers ano 10:30., INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS O'Brien. POiiy Bergen A cowboy avenges the death coaches ( 1 hr) I SIGNATURE Guest Tom Wolfe of his tlancee (2 hrs I ) THE THIRD NEW YORK BIG ~ff Off Robert FAWLTY TOWERS • MOVIE "Arch Of Tuumph" ( 1948. Orama) Klem hosts a comedy showdown featuring hve of t 1:008 D •(I) III e NEWS Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer An Austrian relugee New Y0tk's best stand-up comics. taped hve at the I SATURDAY NIGHT searches Pans for a Gestapo agent (2 hrs) Copacabana ( t hr ) IN SEARCH OF... LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE la MOVIE ''Funhouse" ( 1981, Horror) Eltzabeth JOE FRANKLIN SPOATSCENTER Berridge. Sylvia Miles Four teen-agers spend a THAT OUtZ SHOW MOVIE "Sphinx" ( l9B I, AdventU1e) Frank Lan-trightlul mght in e carnival lunhouse inhabited by a STREETS Of SAN FRANCISCO gella, Lesley-Anne Down. A ruthless black market demented barker and his monstrous son 'R' ( 1 hr . STYLE Featured. European Influence on televi· antiquities ring attempts to stop an Egyp1otogls1 35 mm ) s1on commercials In Amer1ca: new forms of sculp-from discovering the whereabouts of a pnceless 4:00(1) JIMM~ SWAGGART ture by David StOltz: an Ame11can-style h~alth spa in starue she was permitted lo view. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 59 • MOVIE "The Lone Ranger And The Lost City 01 ICalls8togaN, ~!'~~ ( min) Gold" ( 1958. Western) Clayton Moore. Jay Sil-USff o;.o;;J n 110rvn1 g MOVIE "Madame Rosa" (1978, Orama) verheels. The Lone Ranger and Tonto attempt to DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Simone Signore!. Claude Dauphin. A woman's per-put a stop to Indian murders committed by greedy MOVlE "Superfly" ( 1972, Orama) Ron O'Neal. sonallry undergoes an extreme transformation when white men. (I hr .. 30 mtn) Carl Lee. A Harlem drug pusner decides to Invest all she Involves herself In a romantic affair which brldQ-((} SPOATSCENTER of)lls energy In one flnal. major deal before retiring es two widely differing cultural levels. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. '5 4!06 ~ FUNTIME from the "busJnesa." 'R' ( 1 hr., 36 min,) 12 •. m30lnJ_ • LATE N.nHT WITH o••""' LETTEA'•AN 4: 16 CHARlES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE i MOVIE "Beau Pere" 'R' (2 hrs .. t5 min.) D ~ "'"'"' "" 4:25 MOVIE "Supertly" ( 1972, Orama) Ron MOVIE "American Pie" (2 hra.) Gues11: Charley Finley, former owner of the Oakland O'Neal, Carl Lee. A Harlem drug pusher decides to WHATS UP AMERICA.I Featured: a look at lhe A's: comedian Richard Lewia. ( 1 hr.) Invest all of his energy In one flnal, major deal before graffiti aoene In New YOfk City: • Mardi Gras Cele-• ~ERICAN STYLE retiring from the "bllslness." 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) ~a~tlon With t~s; some of America's favorite ~ MOVIE "SIMplng Doge" (1982) Sam Nell!. 4:~301.':.:"KKEA (9\ .. n Roma..,...... ( 1981. ,. ___ .. ) Werr.,-i Oates. ( 1 hr .. 45 mfn.) MOVIE "Private Lessohs" ( 1980 I"~') c:vt.. 1.61 '""" VVt•l9UYI 12:35,,.. unuor ''Caivtv" (1968, ,"~) Ewa .................. ~.,d u-~~ •'=:..=:yr _:~rn Albert Stooks. Kethryn HarrOld. A fHm editor lrlee \Ml .....,.,n;; ..... , ..,.,._.., .,,. rvnHwt """" .._,_,, ,.. -.-nn ,,_ repeatedly to win bedc the hMtt of the woman he AuNn. Merion Brando. A luscloua YOUrlV nymphet ast1gnt Na MdtJCtlYe l\ouNl(eeper the job of prOYIO- IOvet. 'R' ( 1hr .• 33 min.) heads for New York •11er being r~ by• poet end Ing file 15-yeer-dd ton wfth Na first aexuat experi- 1 u oe (I) OU1CY Quincy It convinced lhet an 1 Seanlth gardener. ( 1 ht .. 55 min.) ence. 'A' ( 1 hi .• 30 min,) epperently aocldental death II actually an lnMK8nce 12:.0e (I) MCCLOUO A k~ plantt a lime (I) MOVIE "LOOker" (1981 , Scienoe-FlctlOn) fJIUd hornlada. {R) (1 hi .• 10 mln.t bOmb wtth • wealthy astrOloget s wfte. CR) ( 1 tv.. Albert Finney. Jamet Cobum. The mystenous • e TONIGHT Hot1: Johnny Carton. Guestt: Pia· 20 min.) dMths of • Wlee of beeutlful models ~ In a CldO Oomlnao: Andr• McNlchol. who anetyzee 1:00• MOVIE "The Pe<>Qle Next Door" (1970. Dr• new advtftlslng project are btat-ted on the platlc dcJoclm. c, fir.) me) a Wltllach, ~ Herrlt. A young man Is t>en-aurgeon who Optratad 00 thaM. 'PG' ( 1 hr.. 34 [AllCNi'Ml-.nJNE ................ ___ ..... _ ... '°' -1 W>U AllCED FOft rr ~dnJQI to hit litter. (2th.) Cl) MOVIE "Fldd'ar On The Roof" ( 1971 Mul6caf/ J&fii!NON8 : "0..th Smilel On A Mwdater" ( 1973. ~. Norme Crane. A peaant ,.,,."*' '1n l\lm-o -MCWIE "Humof91QU8" ( 1947, Dramet John ) Ewe Autin. l<laue Kinlld. A young "'*' l~tury czarist RuM6a trltt to nwry oft hie. • _,, Crtwford. A wealthy women. ~ tampers with the ""'*"9hnl and •ttemptt to ~ deughtara wtllle trying to hOld onto hie J9wllh fact()( of en ernbffloua W>tlnlet •• cast by the way· ~ra.~~(1..7·· 30mln.) . htttttge In the fece of oppt.-on. ·a· (2 """· 69 ' -=-"'!~~1=-:IJ.2.:>·= <IMOY11 "~C.~'l1Doaff.1-.i:I:J • .~----!" •. ,~ ... ••::, . ·.·. ~-----:-~~~~!iii=;a;==-==-:;::=q:;;;;gm:al••••"ll·m • ••• ' '11 • !!.!! !! • • M • ....:!!11.u..!I _~·I *!II'••*••'"" ... j ---·-··---·-.. -·. ·-·-···---·-·-·--__ ..... _ .... ·-·-·· -·-· ...... -·-· ·-·-··. (,~~-'-V~P_u_z_z_I•~~--) . 1,6 Shown. plays Cole on Falcon Cres1 11 Role for Herve 12 Singer Frankie 14 Clock numerals 15 Guinness or Ollvler 16 Rene Enriquez role 17 June or August 18 Mlaa Farrow 20 Expertise 22 Part of HMS 23 -and 1he Single Girl 24 Cousteau's mllleu 25 Feast - -famln·e 26 Played Sanford 29 Carney and James 31 Noted poet - cummlngs ACROSS 32 Ham Burger. e.g. 33 Mias Ballard 35 Let's Make a - 38 Mr. Steiger 39 Archie's place 42 Fem. - 44 Quincy co-atsr 45 Tony Randall role 47 Compass point 4' Ml.as Tyson's sign-of! '49 You -There 50 Conkout 52 Don Adam's slgn-oll 53 Elaine on Tul 55 M1$s Farrell 57 -McDowell 58 Carly or Paul DOWN 1 Played Aunt Bee 2 Leave -to Beaver 3 Ll«l,utenants: Abbr. 4 Actress Smith 5 Susannah and Dick 6 Plays Florence 7 The -Office 8 "Oh -can you ... " 9 -Cid 10 Chrlaay on Three's Company 11 Reid and Conway 13 Mrs. Nick Charles 19 Woodsman's tool 21 That Is (ab.) 2.2 Some Like It - 27 Susan - 28 Sandra or Ruby 29 Sum up 30 Charlotte - 33 Welcome Back, - 3o4 Much -About Nothing 36 Cakes and - 37 Plays Barney Miiier 38 Nicholas on Elghl Is EnouQh 39 Noah -, Jr. 40 -Molinaro 41 i;>estry -Again 43 JudOe "Roy" or Orson 45 Played Rerun 46 A LOl{IS 49 Sanford -Son 51 Stately tree • 54 Turn-down . 56 Mr. Orr,nandy'a.slgn-oll SOLUTION EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED ITMOST A connnlent •lternatlv• to hoaplt•I emergency room• for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK H5 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. 405 FWY I o.c. Airport (714) 752-8300 ~ •••RG•NCY DOCTORS Ol'l'IC• 4030 Birch St. Suite 107 Newport Beach •15., 5 your first visit = with thie C.Uf*' = SH wh•I we h•v• lo o,,., • (....__T_V _O_&_A _ ___,) 'Young and the Restless' star gives birth to girl By LYNDA HIRSCH Q: Please, cu you tell me if tbe §irl wbo plays Nikki {Saocroft on Young ud tbe Restless" 11 really pregnant? I love "Voaog and tbe Reatle11" ud tkiDll tbe actress wbo plays Nikki ii Jaat beautiful. - A.S.F., Newport, Va. A: Melody Thomas, who plays Nikki. just gave birth to a baby girl. Mother and child are doing fine and the beautiful Me lody s hould be retumlng ln the next six weeks. The pregnancy of Nikki was written mto the storyline to accommodate for Melody's real-life pregnancy. Q: Oa ''Daya of Ou Lives," tt.ey 1ometlmea meatloa tbe names of On. Bill, Laura and Tommy Hort.on. Can yoa tell me wbat t.appeoed to tbeae cbaractera? 11 tbere any cbance of tbem returning? Aad also, wbat 11 Ed Mallory, wt.o used to play BUI, dolo1 presently? -MRS. J .L., St. Louil, Mo . A: ln the storyline, Laura Horton suffered a breakdown following ..the suicide of her mother. Laura was institutionaliz.ed in a hospital outside of Salem. where DOOL takes place. Eventually Bill joined the staff of that hospital. Laura has recovered but the couple decided to slay out of town. At one time it was thought that these two characters would re turn, but 87S.ll50 ~ E•8t Cout "11t1wa)' Corona del Mar when Pat Falken-Smath lt'ft th(' show as head writer and Margaret DePraest t.ook over head scraptmg duties, she decided to put that idea on hold. As for Tommy Horton, the character is con stant l y dis appea ring and reappearing with no explanation of where he's gone. One time, Tommy sat down for a pancake breakfast, disappeared for. three years. and suddenly reappeared, eating the same pancakes. When his father, Dr. Tom Horton, a&ked where his son had been. Tommy replied . "In another part of the house." Ed Mallory is now directmg some episodes of Young and the RestJ~. Q : B ef ore M a u r e e o ·G a rr e tt ~rtrayed Holly, Ed Baaer'1 wife on 'Tbe Ga iding Ligbt," tbe part was played by a very youg blonde. Don't know ber name, bat 1be looks so r,ucb Uke tbe girl wbo played Dee on 'A1 tbe World Turns" Oat I wondered If it was tbe lame girl. - M.C.K ... St. Louis, Mo. A: No. Lynn Deerfield, who played Holl y, never played Dee on "As the World Turns." (Have a questio n about your favorite "soap or soap star? Wri~ ·to Lynda H irsch, do Field Newspaper Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine. Cui£. 92714. MEN'S TRADITION \I, Wt:A R For tho'~ "ho ,1101' for ~ualtt' Pat Marley's unparalleled traditionals wear on forever! We have he correct fit . . handsomely detailed, successful look that sets you out front in the best-dressed realm. Come see. Ladies tradition.als too. IS ::!? ~ -4 < r 0 ~ ,, ... a: QI -:c 0 n 0 er a> .... -. ID O> N < j • ' ' I II I \ \.., , ... 0 ~ 0 g ~ Jesse minus ·.:: ; silver lining ..J > By LYNDA HIRSCH I- ~ ALL MY CHILDREN; Urged on by Em·a. K{·nl a: tt·lls Silver she• cannot hope lo have a nwcfohng C'areer lij.te Erica's or J enny's possible niodc•lmij future. S<'eing an old nPwspaper story. S liver rcahu.-s J esse skippc..'Ci parole 1n Pinc Valley and informs police Jcsst:· 1s 1rresled. Liw admits ti) friends Jesse didn't try •.o rape her but will 11ol 11.•tract story to poh<.-c. J1·nny gets a job with Jill. ~nca learns of Brandon a nd Sara's possible rt'COnci hat1on Laza hoping to seduce Greg al lake house. Donna rt.'<:ognn:cs scent of Drusy's µ<'rfume on Palmer. When Stt•ve hl'lps her m business deal, Nina as surr(.'(J by Sleve and upset when he departs Cahfornaa for Pmc Valley before she does. Fm.'<i by Tom because business lS hurting. Ray blackmai!Ji Opal into g1vmg him job by threa tening to te ll about her affair with Langley Estelll'. feeling duty-bound to Benny. lB una ble to tell Rick or her love. ANOTHE R WORLD: Rac hel n ot ct.>rtain Amanda 1s safe in Alma's care. Mac does not want Amanda to be -pan of thl' StcphC'n Frnm<' household. Jamie learns of a ~1ble teaching posl a t the university Cass's lawyer sister Sta<.-ey comes to 'Bay City. Henrietta bitter when Ed leaves for South America without telling her While Mac and Elt.>na are talking with Louts and Cecille. a bc.'<lraggled Blame walks in. Dr. Cole tells Blame.• ht• thinks she mUSLhave bc.'<m in Claxton and simply can't remember b<:ing there. Blaine is unnblP to n·mcmbcr her age AS THE WORLD TURNS: Ariel's mother teUs ht>r that James 1s not a S tenbeck. John SCflS('S Ariel Jnd Jaml's arc too l°IOS(.' Gunnar has reason lo bd1eve Sl'>m<.'<>nt•'' trying to make Barbara appear to be.• angry. Annie 1s horrified when ~ht• sees a ctrugged Barbara in the hospital Karen prepares for law school. Margo on her way to NC"w York Bet-;y and S tcvc'M rt•lat1onsh1p remains strained. CAPITOL: A (•omatosc Juhc 1s spinted Crom University Hospital by Sam and only thC' Clcggs know where she 1s. Bc.>aluse he feels it's important that ht> get on wllh his campaign. Trey l'hccks out of University Hosp1t.al even though his dO<.-tor has told him he has suffered a subdural hematoma which may cause serious problems. Sam tells Jordy he wishes Jordy had bcf'n m the boat explosion When Jordy tell~ this to Ttt•y. Trey tries lo c'Omfort him. but Jordy lasht'S out. c3usmg Trey I.(> tumble <•ga mst thf> ra1l1ng. whl('h injures him sevc.•rely Whc-n Trey comes to he tells Kelly he can sc-e nothing. Ht.> sccrc•tly c.·hl'C'k.'I into Riverside Hospital, not telling his family or th(• turn of l'Vents. Danny plans to have Wally lose big at his next card gam.-. Judson to pm th<' JVI(' as the ir ch1e( ('Ounsel. Jt•H ll'llM Tyli:r he's going lo ht•lp ham ftnd Julie. -OA VS OF OUR LIVES: Don a nd Mickey tx·ginning to realize Evan's death <.'Ould be linked lO hf;'l(:kma1I of Stephano. Wanting to leave &y City. Anna suggests that Roman take care o f Carrie. Although It is really Nell's «hlld. Liz lets Nell Lee Lawson is the level-he aded mothe r Be a Reardon on the daytime drama 'Guiding Light' weekdays at 3 p .m. on {:BS, Ch a nne l 2 . bd1c.·vc she lS pregnant b~ Tony Sandy told Evan's dl'ath was caused because she gave h.im injl'ctJon of pc•rnc1llm in surgery l'Ven though his chart noted an <1llcrgy. Higher-ups are unaware that an employc<' u( S tt'phano's made sure Sandy never saw that notation DOCTORS: Billy stunned when Mona's will only leaves him a dollar, while an illegitlJTU.lte son receives a fortune. Steve resumes smoking and nearly <:auses a tragic fire. Ken Lucas, a popular and handsome football hero. as brought mto Hope M('morsaJ aflC!r sustaining facial lacerattons in a car acl•tdcnt Luk<.' l1 v1d whc•n he learns Natalie addwtt-<l to pills Jl'ff asks Adrienne to marry him. M1k1• Mlunnc:d hy Matt'i; poss1hle t.ermmal 1llnc.'S.'> EDGE OF NIGHT: Dc-nouncing Jny ttes to Eden. Joc:he throws her portrait tn a fare Raven saved from fat.al drug dose Foley is about to give her when .Ian comes home . Ian tells Raven Foley was hii; c·aret.akf'r. Foley escapes. Raven thrill<.-d when Geraldinl• and S ky arrive. but S ky assurc.'1> h<'r 11 was only to sec his old pal llln GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke £inds Holly's story that Oltver ls a fonner boyfriend im poss1bll' to bt>hcve. Luke tells Mr Van Gelder to have a n auloJ>sy pl'rformed on her husband The Stor rc.>0pcns. J~ and &'Orp10 get a picture of a beardl-d Charles whic h may blow the entire oil scam However. bcfort• Joc rc•allws who's in the photo. Basil gets the picture back. Susan unhappy with l'OUrt ruling w hich gave J &!>On $1 miltlon and a quurtcr million settlement for her. with &"otly'11 l(•gal fees umounling lo $:)0,000. Amy dcpre&lled. over J ohnny's dumping her. F'c.•aring that the sports <.-enter may close because Scotty plans t.u turn It mto a sh opping mall, the citizens of Port Charles d<'\:1d1• lo coUc..>rt funds for t.hc center. Bryan furious when his lonadost halher Eddie atvt'S him a calJ. Luke gets hold of penthouse phone number. unaware that It's lmportant. Charles suffen severaJ spells. GUIDING LIGHT: Lewis Oil and Spaulding Enterprises are n ear bankruptcy Trish ll!l li; • V<1nessa she wants to sell her interest in Wared for Sound . Vanessa plans lO close W1r<..od for Sound t.o prepare it for a party for Blanche Bouvier. When Tony a nd Vanessa fight uver the closing, Tony quits a nd Vanessa fires him al the same lime. Having lx.>en told by Lesley Ann about her past. Floyd takc.'S 1t badly and begins to drink. Josh admjt.i. t-0 Floyd that he as the one who compromised her. Floyd punches him. F-ollowmg the argument, Floyd quits and Josh reveals that Floyd's success has lx.'l'n bought by J osh. Mark and Amanda share rom:mtl(' evening in Madt1d and th<'n d ('cid£• to b<.-JU!.t friends Kelly and Morgan's problems inwnMfy KC'lly loses his temper a t the hospital and nc.-urly t'OSls a young patient ht~ hfe. Ed must put Kelly on suspc•ns1on. Nola JOH\.~ ft)I <·c~ Wllh the FBI lO pr <IVl' that Mr McCord as inncx.•c·nt <Jf any wrongdo1n~ ONE LIFE TO LIVE: As Kyll· points gun ;.s1 Mnrc-o. Edwina st1•ps in and 1s shot. Kyle e:;1.:apt'S .ind kadna~ ~'\Sil' Kyle also abducts Donan and walls for his fathc•r to «ontacl him Instl•<1d. llatchf1 eld <.«ills Ed Kylt• tht•n decides to kill himself and <.lit his c.·apt1vc>S Clint. frt"t• Crom ,ail. wants to rrutrry V1c.·k1 right away. but she wanl.1. lo w:.rll a month and hav1.• a posh wt-dding. Pat 1s hc •ing C'Qns1derl'd for anC'horwoman's post at th(' TV 1>lat1on E<lwma pas&."S the crisis. with Mart'O fc·arful that his concern may be mistaken for lov<' by &lwma. · • R YAN'S HOPE : Maeve and Dave win firs t place In th(' dancc contest and must go out or town for rt>St of rompet.ition. Johnny is asked along. He and Maeve share a romantic evening at home Johnny tells Mitch Qf China's meetmg w ith Dom. Then Mitch decides to take Siobhan aJong with him JI(• plants drugs on Dom and China They ar e orrcsted in v1olat1on of their parole. Sibobhan feels DQm will f~I she set ham up. Amanda has a yen for .Joe.· Inside a n exclusive hotel. K im talks to Kirk, l'rll'S for help and he falls for her poor·gtr) routine. Hogl'r upset when Dt_.._. tells Ox to sober up befor1.• l'Clhng out to Kirk. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Travis' fath(•t moves in with him and Liza. Aft.er losing her pb, Jenny plans to leave town. but she discovers a runaway Andy at tht' bus depot Andy is returned holTlf', with We ndy and Keith agreeing on a sc..-'<·ret l•ngagcment for fear of Stephanie's n-acllon Bnan lt>avcs for Detroit in an attempt to investigate Warren's past. Kristin tells Brian the suspicions about Warren are totally unfounded. Hingo stalks .Jenny and discovers h<'r a t S tu'11 Rlwrboat. TE XAS: After attending Ryan's funeral. RNla t(~lls P aige Ashley ts cxpl'(·ting T J 's child. Later, Ginny tells Rena that Ashley 1s pregnant by Jusun Re.iect.ed by Nita, Billy Joe misses lhe rehearsal Cor his new game show and 11 1s reassigned to Stella Stanton. who has been released from the hosp11.AI. Al the> studio. Billy J oe grabs the mike from Rikki and ramblt.'S on about h is Jove durmg a telev!Sed sc.>gment. ~ll y Joe IS r1red by Vick y and Chris. but viewer response is so heavy to bring th<' torm<'nted Billy Joe back tha t he is rehired. Trying to rc<erl•ate her wedding night. a drunken Paige knocks over a ('ancile in her bedmom, (Havl' a qul'Stion about you r fovor1tc: soap or soap s tur? Write to L y nda Hirsch. c/o Field Newspaper SyndJcate, P .O Box 19620. Irvine. Calif. 92714. She w llJ answer as many questions as she can m her column, but the volume of maiJ makee personal rcpljes lmposaible.) fire staticrery 2823 east c9ast highway 675-1010 caoia del mar •• # ••• C, ______ ,_._,_,._,_. ______ --J) . Marshal Colt no kin of Arness "LAW" LOOKALIKE -la Marani Colt of "McClain'• Law" tbe real-life 1oa of James • Anes•? ne resembluee betwea Colt ud Ane11 (in bis you1er years) 11 really close. It also makes a lot of 1ea1e tbat "Marsbal Dlllon'1" son would call bimsel(.£olt. Am I rigllt? Arnes.Mias two sons , Craig and Rolf, but neither is Marshal Colt, despite your sense of the sensible on the subject. LOST DOMAIN -I wollld like to know how snuy years It takes for a film to become public domain? U the copyright ia not renewed on a film it enters the public domain after 28 years. In fact, there are a number of entrepreneurs making a kil.llna in aelling videocueettes of films that "lost" their copyright. THE MIDEAST QUESnON -Please pat .. ead to dli1 lteated arpmeat before It c .. ses a divorce. Is Duay 'noma1 Lebuese or Syrlu? Thomas, who got hia start in Chicago on the night club and radio circuit in the late '30s, is Lebanese. Now kiss and make up. UNDERWATER RESEARCH -'l'llere'1a115 bet om tlaJ1. Was dlere ever a TV 1eritt .called .. Aqa Mu." It starred Patrick Dwffl. Al,., wut ever ltappned to tile movie "Sierra'? I'm pretty Hre it was alHt•t forest raa1ers la tile Sierra Moutaia1. Patrick Duify wu "The Man From Atlantis" on NBC dwinc the '77-78 -..m. In it be played the aole survivor of the legendary lost continent. A.. for "Sierra." ~e only movie I know of by that name was a 19~ melodrama starring Audie M..urphy, Burl Ives and Dean Jagger (with James Arneas in a minor role). T h ere was an NBC aeries called "Sierra" that lasted three months in 1974. It concerned a 8J"OUP of gung-ho rangers at a fictitJows Sierra National Park. 11le only saving grace was Mike WarTen, as one of the woods watchers. SOUND EFFECTS -la "E.T.," wlten Beary TltomH was belclllDI In blolo1y cla11, was it actully ltim dem1 It! No, it was a gaatrically talented technician on the film. I (Send your letrers to Pepper O'Brien, Unired Feature Syndjcare, 200 Park Avenbe, Room 602, New York. N. Y. 10166.) HEADACHES? . ' YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645-5300 Por Complimentary Con1vltatlon WISTCLIPP CHllOPUCllC OPPICI ............... .., ........ Dr ....... , • ... ...,., ...... , .... c..-.... 171h .... .,,,...., Mole lnlurenc. ~ ( ___ w_o_.t_d_G_o_m_• ___ ) Fl L l ltJ n4E MISSING L.CifERS lt.J l~E '' iV l>.JorlDS" BELOW. I I IML41RIDI aO INI I ( _____ r_v __ i_._o_•_•_r_• _____ ) Phone number of cop recalled 10101 IOOINITI ISIAl I ~~..:~CASEY 1. What late actor starred in the tjtJe role of IEIDI I 1¢1 I (AJ~ IHI ~e°~~~:r 1!:r~thich also featured Werne r 11 (CIM I I L(Sl~A(!1t> A ~~ ~ "The2c)ct"'J1(;~~~~ as Oscar and Felix on ABC's ~ UA~NJGE ,.ME. LJNJ--114-'-5'--// 3. What was J .J.'s (Jimmje Walker) nickname UTI"alS Yoo Fft..lEO IN 7"" JUl~I on the CBS comedy "Good ~im~?" . S Bil) Gannon, on "Dragnet ? . -ro Sl'ell. "fH€ tJAM£ ~ A ~ 4. Who played Sgt. r,nday s partner. Officer aj/lfjJfJI ~'-' lftft,-.L al/19d 5. 904-2133 Wa&" the home number of Pepper JTI'l'Y-., 1 Y &>•,..., ~~: ' Anderson (Angie Dickinson) on what series? . . 6. What agent did Robert Vaughn portray on I I I ") I j I the "Man From U.N.C.L.E."? , Actress tired of 'r~de' p~ople HOLLYWOOD (AP) -If you're wondering whllt Jean Marsh, creator and co-star of heralded "Upstairs, Do~ ... ia dolng in the ABC comedy "9 to 5,'' don't uk. "People are 90 rude," aaid Marsh, who play. Roz. the office IPY. "You'd think I'd just started 1UipJ>hll for a living! My goodnels, TV exists, lt'a there -people worit In lt. people watch it." She said, "My answer to thoee people who feel I'm alwnminlr is, •u litcoml are mo bad, why do you watch them'f' COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS Another reason why, in the Air National Guard, the sky isn't the limit. We're looking for people who want to specialize in communications electronics or who have previou1 military experience in this rapidly expanding field. As an Air Guard telecommuoicationa o perations 1p ecia li1t, communicationa 1ystem1 control or maintenance speciali1t, wide band communication• equipment apecialist; you 'II learn to imtall. repair and maintain wide band communication• 1y1tems; telecommunication• equipment or to monitor and analyze telecommunications 1y1tema. You 'It receive good pay; excellent training. a retirement plan, low-coat llf e insurance and much more. All this for your part·time work in the Air Guard'. If you 're ready to learn an important skill, earn an excellent part-time income, and help protect your country, ata te and home town. call your local Air National Guard Recruiter today SSgt Cebring at (714) 979-7363 Moo tbru Friday SAM til 4PM. 2651 Newport Blvd .• Co1ta Me.a. We Gu•d America's Sides ANSWERS: 1. Bob Crane 2. Oscar-J ack Klugman. Felix-Tony Randall 3. Kid Dynomite 4. Harry Morgan 5. "Police Woman" f 6. Napoleon Solo __ FREE: TV TRIVIA QUIZBOOK con tajnjng over 300 brain teaaers. Yours for I.he asking during marketing testing. Please add $2 per request for pos~ and handling. Cast> Co .. 101 L.afayetre St .• Spartan~g. S .C. 29303 . • NEWS from all over California i~ rounded up each day in the laily Pilll Al Soodaes Banana Spits Al Ice Cream Cones I Al Pints & Quarts •• ,.~ 17 3? ~ ~ r c$ ~· a: DI ':c 0 n 0 i ~ ..... -..... CD 00 I\) ---( .j • ~ 'I... I .. ... t8 N co en r-.... z 0 g ~ as 'O ·..:: u. 8' ...J ~ -.S2 a: .... ., . .County TV first: There's good news, bad news From Page 3 .... lhe license and obtaining the proper transmitter site took 14 years. About two months ago, the station owners picked Latham to be general man.ager. The station just moved into a building in Anaheim, where construction work will continue through the next six montha. Latham acknowledged that the new station Sports Highlights From Page 6 Perth. Australta (A) (4 hrs., 30 min) AFTERNOON 4:00 CE) INSIDE BASEBALL 4:30 SPORTSCENTER 5:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Notre Dame Fighttng Irish at Michigan State Spart~ns (3 hrs ) ' EVENING 6:309 DON CORYELL , 7:30® RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. 8:00(!) SPORTSCENTER 9:00(1) BOXING Coverage ol the Eddie Mustafa Muhammad (U.S) I Lotte Mwale (Zambta) 10· round hght heavyweight bout from Harrah's tn Atlantic City. N.J. (A) (2 hrs . 30 min.) · 11:30~SPORTSCENTER 12:30 INSIDE BASEBALL (R) 1:00 COLLEGE FOOTBAla!'West Virginia Moun- taineers at Pittsburgh Panthers (A) (3 hrs.) 1 :46 (8) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the t 982 World Series. 4:00 (() SPORTSCENTER TUESOA 0 Y'8 SPORTS OCT08ER 6, 1882 MORNING 8:00 Cl) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) 8:30(() INSTRUCTIONAL SERtES "Soccer: Shooting I Volleyball: Setting, Passing and Spiking" (R) 7:00 Cl) SPORTSCENTER 7:30® RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the baMS leading to the 1982 World Setles.. 9:00 (I) COLL.EOE FOOTBALL Notre Deme Fighting lrlsh at~ State Spertans (R) (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:00 (I) INSIDE BA8EBAll (R) 12:30(1) TENNe "Devil Cup" Coverage of the Aus- tr ... vs. USA doubles semlflnal metch from Perth. Australia. (R) (3 hrs.) 3:30 (I.) FUTlJAE SPORT A scientific explof atloo of at~tlc perlormence which can aid athletes In 4:~~A) 4:30 ~ 8POffT8CENTEA 5:00. e.•IQAL.L American Leegue playoff game 1 (3 hrs.) 0 8A8EBAU American League playoff game 1 (3 . hrs .• 15 min.) • ([) COl1.EOE FOOT8AU. West Virginia Moun- talneefa at Pittsburgh Panthers (R) (3 f\ra.) ~ 8:30 ® RACE FOR THE PENNANT Berry Tompklna and Tim McOarwr cover al the b8Me leedlng to th& 1982 World Series, e:oo Cl> 8POR1'8CENTEA 8:30(!) MCINCJ FROM AOOIEVEL T 9:00 (I) COUEGE FOOTIALL Notre Deme Fighting lrlth at Mlchlgen State Spartans (R) (2 hrs.. 30 min.) 11:30 (I) 8PORT8CENTEA •A ~:t30(1) FUTUNi 8POAT ~ eci.otlflc uptota~ m, faces tough oompeUtion fn selling advertising time. But he said the station will strea that It ia reaching a predominantly Orange County audience. "We're not competing with the LA ~tftions," he explained. "We'll be pricing ounelves like some of the better Orange County radio atatioN." Tim McCarver, forme r major league catche r, joins Barry Tomekins in reviewing the seuon a nd teams involved in the pennant playoffs to the baseball World Series. Their observations can be seen at 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m . Tuesday on Home Box ~lice. athtehc performance Which can aid athletn In Improving their game. (R) 1:00([) TOP RANK BOXJNG Cover~ of the Robin Blake (Tx.) I Carlos Santana (S.C.) 10-round jun- ior welterweight bout from the USS Yortt1own, Charleston. S.C. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 3:30 Cl) SPOATSFOAUM (R) 4:00 Cl) SPORTSCENTER WEDNESDAY'S SPORTS OCTOBER &. 1982 MOANING 8:00 (I) HYDROPlAHE RACNl Coverao-of the Circus Regatta unlimited eYent from San Diego. Calif. (A) ( 1 hr.) 7:00 (I) 8PoAT8cENTEA 9:00 (I) 8POAT8WOMAN (A) 9:30 Cl) TENN8 "Dlvle Cop" Cover of the Au. tralla vs. USA ilnales Mmlflnal met-:r C or D from Perth, Australla. (~) (5 hrs.) AFTEANOON 12:00• 0 BASEBALL Amer~n Leegue playoff game 2 (If Atlanta la NL W•t wlnnet. then g1me wlN be NL playoff garM 1) (3 hft.) • "°(I) 8POfmWOMAN (A) "'----·-... ·-• • ..... .w Time will tell whether KDOC Channel 56 can establish the strong local identity and appealing Orange County programs it will need to build a large and loyal audience. But there is no disputing the fact that the county's first commercial televlalon station I.a a breakthroug long overdue. · 3:00([) SKI SCHOOL Tips f01 better skung (Filmed at Killington. Vt.) 3:30 (1) NFL A(M 4:00(() RACQUETBALL "Men's lnternatlonal Cham- p1onsh1p Semifinals" Jerry H1lecher vs Marty Hogan 4:30 ([) SPORTSCENTER 5:00 8 BASEBALL National League playoff game t (II Atlanta 1s NL West winner, then game will be AL playoff game 2) (3 hrs.) (11 BASEBALL Natlonal League playoff game t (If Atlanta Is NL West winner. then game will be AL playoff Qame 2) (3 hrs .. 15 min ) (() AUTO RACING Coverage of the NASCAR Holly Farms 400 from North Wilkesboro. N.C (A) (3 hrs.) EVENING 8:00 Cl) SPORTSCENTER 9:00(1) TENNIS "Davis Cup" Coverage ot the Aus- tralia vs. USA sem1flnal deciding match, from Perth Australia. (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) . 11:30 (I) SPORTSCENTER 12:30(1) AUTO RACING CovEK89,8 of the NASCAA Holly Farms 400 from North W1lkesboro,•N.C (R) (3 hrs.) 3:30(1.) SKI SCHOOL Tlps for better skiing (Filmed al Klnlngtoo. Vt ) (A) <&:00 (I) SPORTSCENTER THURSOA Y'S SPORTS OCTOBER 7. 1882 MORNING 6:00 ([)SPORTSWOMAN (R) 6:30 Cl) SPORTSFOAUM (R) 7:00 (I) SPORTSCENTER 9:00(1.) AUTO RACING Coverage of the Detroit News Grand Prix 150 (A) (2 hrs ) 11:00 (I) HOASESHOW JUMPING Coverage of the International Jumping Derby from Newport, A.I (A) (2 hrs.) 11:69• (fl BASEBALL NatlOnat League playoff game 2 (If Atlanta Is NL West winner. then game will be played at 8:00 p.m. EDT) AFTERNOON 1:00(1) Cfl FOOTBALL Winnipeg Blue Bombers at British Columbia Lions (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 3:30(1) FROM THE 56-YARD LINE Action highlights from the Canadian Football League . 4:00 ([) 8POATSFOAUM 4:30 (I) SPOAT8CENTEA 4:58 e Ill BASEBALL National League playott game 2 (If Atlanta is NL West winner) 5:00(.l) NFL FllM 5:30 Cl) TOP RAM< BOXlNO 7:00(!) GAEATE8T 8POAT8 LEGEN06 "Jullua Erv· Ing" Host: Ken Howard. ' 8:00 (I) 8PORT'ICENTEA 8:30 CJ) RACING FROM A008EVEL T 9:00(1) AUTO RACING Coverao-of the NASCAR Holly F1rmt 400 from North WRkMboro, N.C. (R) (3 In.) • 12:00 (I) 8POR1'8CENTEA 1:00(1) TOP AANK IOXING (A) 3:30 (I)~ FILM ,, . ~CJC)CI>~ ............. ~ ....... ..,._"' ......... . '1 College By P lllL SNEIOERMAN Of IM D.itr "6ot ll•tt Approx1mtawly ti~O full ttml· I n s t r u C' t o r s I n t h t• • u u H t <.:ommu111ty Collt•g1• Uilltrll't wt•rl(· schcdulc•d tu n>nl'luck voting today on a m nlrUl'l proposal that prov1d<.'s for no pa'y ru1s1.'s through next June JO Blaming st•vere l'utba<.'k!. an Slate funding, d1slrtCI 11H1C'luls say thC'rc 1s no mom·y to pruv1d1• pay raises to full· Um<.• ans tru<·tori< County jobless at peak A record 9(i.600 Orang<· County rcsidt·nts Wl"f"t· out of work in August and st.all' labor analys ts pn.•d1 <.·ted today that 1982 would e nd on a s1111dar C'('Onomll' low null•. Although sc h ool and Christmas-n•latt•d st•asonal .)Obs were expectl.'d to provid<.· soml' extra C'mployml'nt opportuniues in the next few months. "there's no sign1f1t·ant 1mprovl'lllt•nt expct·tt>d by the end of tht• y(:ar," said Alt.a Yl'ltcr, an analy:.t with thC' st.all' &:onom1c Oc-vc·lopm<•nl Departmt•nt Urange County'i, JC>blt'S.'> rate for August was 7 9 pcr1.·t•nt, thl' slate reported, up from a July reading of 7.8 p<·rc·t•nt . By comparison. thl' nat1on<il unemploy ment r a te 1s ~Lil p l' r c l' n l . Y l' t t <' r s a 1 d , demonstrating that Orange County's economy rc•ma1ns viable. Even so, the new figures provoke little opt1m1sm . Last year in Orange County, the pbless rate was only 4.5 percent. Additionally, Yeller said today that the nation's leading economic indicators have shown a recent downturn, meaning any meaningful improvement in the ecenomy IS Still some time away According to the lat.est, figures for Orange County. private and government .)Obs have dcdined by a total 11,200 pos1t1ons. The hardest hit secto r or tr'lc· local econ o m y appearc·d to be manufacturing, where 7,400 pbs were lost Iron ically. Ye tte r said that even with a record number of residents out of work, Orange Coun t y h as th<.' l o w es t unemployment rate in Southern California. And though 96,600 p~opl e were jobless in the an·a. the unemployment rate locally is not a record. That ()(.'(.'Urrt-d in May 1975, when the joblt.'SS rate hit 10.6 percent Yetter said ll was difficult to predict what would happen to the local economy by early 1983. The tre nd, she said , is n o t optimistic. Politics ruled out · for E.T. By STEVE MARBLE oftM D .. ty fl>tlol 11.tf Don Strauss phone E.T Bette r yet , pho n e Steven Spielberg's attorney. Strauss. a Newport Beach city councilman who is seeking re- e lection, failed to phone e ither before placing a polit ical ad bearing a picture of E.T .. the famed extraterrestrial The ad shows a tiny picture of E.T. with the quote "I think [)on Strauss Is out of th is world." Strauss said he thought the ad. which also shows pictures of four area business executives who are supporUng S trauss, would gN a laugh. But the folks at Unive rsal Studios, which Cinan<..'ed and are d1'trlbullng the Spielberg movie, weren't chuckling. The y w e re phoning phoninl( Don S trauss. John Nuan es. a s tudi o a tt.omey, taid he got right to th point with Strau• Md told hlm to keep hit mJtta otf E.T . "Thi• 11 'a c loar ca1e of trademark Infringe me nt." Nuana anapPtd, addl_nJ lk>flly, (See POLl'l1CB, Paae Al) I ) llllC~UIT llillllTll lllCI I I 1111111 llllll - FHIOAV O C TOOl:U 1 1'H11 OJi ANGt: C.OUN I V L A I I t O HNIA I '> C [NT S teachers voting • on no-raise contract .e t c.:ult.lt•n Wl'!il, Orunu1· (..'00111 uml Cous thrw cullL•t(t•s. Tht• A J•'T ncuotw ti11" it.oum vott•d lo t t-t•11111111t.•11<.l tlw 1.·urrt>n \ 11e lllt>nw11t propo1rnl ·by a 4.3 m urgin. The Al''T l'xecutivc (.' o m m i l l c c• • m a d e u p o f orguruuittun off1 cc..•rs, approved the proposal m a 6-1 vote. negot1at1on11 bl•l(ln an Junuury tor the next t.'<>nwt·t. propo11al 1ndud1•11 n~ pay ll('ah• d1ang~·11 . ulH>Ul tiOIJ dis t rict tcacht•r11 havtt l't'<:e1vt-d ftUtumallc inc:n •uSt.'S 111nt·1.· July 1 bwk-'d on the numbt:r of years thl·y haw taughl unll lhl· <imou nL o f t.'<.lucat1m1 th1·y have• had. 1'hl' J,Hty rates fur d1stri1·t ~dmtni:.traturs and dussifaNJ ( 11 on · t c• al' h 1 n g) t.• m p Io y t• c• Ii alrcudy havt• bt't'rt fr o:tt.•n through tlw ••nd of tlw 1·urn'nt (1~:ul y1•ur Thi· d1stnt.·t':. l'<>lllrnct with th<' A ml' r 1 <:a n 1'~ t• d l' r a l i o n o f Tr-at.•ht•rs. AF'1', expired last June :m. Nc•gol1ations have ~n und••r way s1nt•1• Mart·h Afo'T spokc..·11man F.d Aronson said some instructors who fuvor the proposed co ntra c t acknowledge the distric t 's ftnancrnl problems and hope to bitrgain for a pay increase when Some opponenlJi oC th1• current proposal beli<.•vc ttw dh1tru:t hm1 m Is p I a c l' d 1 ts prio ri I i l' ~ l n channeling funds into t11JI\· c lassroom projct·l s s u t.·h as te levision courst.•s a nd u ~w Coastl ine adminis tration building. be said. 8111 Waechter, Vil'<.' chanc..·t>llor for emrloyec rt•lattons, noted that a though the current lie• su1d tht'lil' liullHn tn<.:rc•ast.11 hoVl' tutal<><J $57:1,000 s111<.'l· July I Tht· l'Xl!iling p<1y S('hl-duh.• for Lt•ul'hc.frs µrovtdl'S for 17 "st<.•p" 1n1n•<1sc.·!> ovt•r ii y{·ars, he sau1 (Adnun1strnturs .tnd dass1f1c·d Dan Simmons of Huntingto n Beach loving ly polishes his 1928 Model A For d that "1>u ts adventure back in driving ." Persistence pays for vintage car owner By ROBERT BARKER Of 1M D ... y Piiot lllltt Dan Simmons of Huntington Beach has gone to great lengths to r<'St.orc his 1928 Model A Ford. And h e fl.'els. gosh darn 1t. if thc.> automobile's going to be authcntlt', 1t should b<: autht·ntic t.o the las t detail -the li('el\SC plat~· "I've spent three years Cindtng corrcc:t parts to put my car together. It's the logical progression to have proper license plates for it. ''It's hke the bow on the package." At a swap meet for old cars, Simmons bought J928 license plates which under presen t law h e can use only whi le displaying his car. He can't drive with them. Simmons talked things over with Re p Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, who Simmons says Is a customer at hls hair salon 1n Huntington Beach. Badham s uggested contact in g Assembl y m a n Nolan Frizze lJ e , R· Huntington Beach. Frizze lle Introduced leg1slat1on, supported by the California Car Club organization Gov. Jc>rry Brown signed the bill on Sf'pt. 7 allowing owners to use l icen sC' plates o n their old cars that corr<.>spond with the year the car was made. But lh t're n eed to be 2,000 applkat1ons by ~. 1. 1984, befow the bill takes e ffect in order to pay computer costs to set up the program. Simmons.' 39. says it's takt.•n thrl'e years but he's got the four~cylinder, four- door car just about the w.ay he wants 1t a n old hood ornament, shmv side panels, a (See LICENSE, Page AZ ) t•nrpluy1~·11 r•-<·c1vc 111111i1L1r "st.op" lnt·r('ruic.'8, thoui;ch over u shorter period of ycun1.) Wa('(.·h tt.•r 11a1d the• averago 88lary for full-Um<.• Coast d istrict 1nstrut·tor11 1s $33.'J45. He said stn te cutbacks fort.'t.>d th<' district to ehmmate about 500 pbs held labt y1•ar by part·t1rne tcach<.•rs. Th<.• n<•w <.'Onlra('t proposal also ancludc•s d1angl·& 1n insurance 1·11vl·rag1· and t·o:.t:. and a new t•arly r«·tirt·m<·nt pr1JRnAm Irvine raffks liouses By GLENN SCOTT 0( the D•llf fOt6ot ltaff For th•· first llml' since the spring of 1981. the I rvine C11mp<111y 1s i.tagang a housing lotu ·rv in lrv1nl· The sales staff of Irvine Pacific on Monday will raHlt-off rights to buy 32 mod e ra le-priced condominiums in Woodbridge. They'v" already received 10 limes as many apphcataons. A t'limpany spokesman said the lottery rl.'flects new interest in home-buying and demonstrates that home-buying demand stilJ exists when financing packages arl' rcaspnable. ") think the fact that we've had 331 parties sign the lottery cards 1s s1 gnlf1cant ," said spokesman Dan Carlsson. "And these pcopl<' are not speculators." Once upon a time, hou sing lotteries were almost as <..'Ommon a.'i moving vans m Irvine. "Jt uSt."<i to bl· the only way homes were sold, espec1ally in Woodbridge," noted Carlsson. But by the summer of 1981, rising interest rates h ad just about cx ungu1s h ed the hot C'O mpl0 t1t10n to buy an Irvine horn~ T his summc.·r. several families camped out at an lrvu'le Pac1f1c sales office in Northwood to buy o ne-year o ptions for single -family homes. bvt there was no lottery The 32 units 1n Mo nday's lottery arc the fi rst phase of the Woodbndge Alders developmenL The two and three-be droom units are priced from $87.000 to $103,000. The prices arc designed to meet the c ity's affordable housi ng gu1dclim.>S. AddiUonally, buyt:"rs may try to qualify for the Orange County government's mortgage-bond program that offc.>r s 30-year f ixed -ra t e mortgages at 13 pc•l"('('n t. No resale• controb are involved. No other lott e ries a re S(:hcduled until the second phase of the Alders comme n ces. Construction has JUSt begun for thl' hrst phase. Carlsson noted. Interested buyers can fill out (See HOUSING. Page A2> MacDonald requests high court ruling Dllr .............. ~ • ...., T he ha nds of Laguna Beach's Caprice Rothe were those o f "E.T." in movie. Ro the ha been a profe siona l m ime fo r 13 yean. 'E.T.' big hand • in a Attorneys for Dr.· J e ffrey MacDonald have requested the U.S . Supreme Court to review the murder convict ion of thf' Conner Green Beret doctor. A petition was filed with the court Thursday on behalf of lhc former Huntington Harbour resident. attorney Ralph Spnti.er said today: Spritzer, a Un1ve rs1ty of Penruylvania law profes90r, said the Supreme Court should hear the case because th e U.S . District 'Court judge in Raleigh. N.C .• "wrong(ull y" excluded testimony o( seven witnesses, including two polk.-emen. Those wttne99l!S, Spr1uer said, w o uld havf! ~ubstant1ated lhe story of lfolcna Stoeckly who claime d to be present at the murder S<..'C'ne during the night of the crime in 1970, according to Spritwr. S~kly made the statement.a to the w1tnessC's out of court, Spritu>r chllmed. The U.S Circui t Court of Appeals 1n Ri c hmond, Va., supported the exclusion of the testimony, saying Stoeckly'• memor y "was exc.-eedngly poor and thal she was cons tantly under the inrluem.-e of drugs." MacDonald was sentenced to serve three ltf<.> terms in 1979 fOf the murders of his pregnant wife Collette, 24. a nd daughleta ISee OOCl'OR, Pa1e At> ----lllDEI-· --~ By STEVE MITCHELL of IM o.ttr ,... ..... co n 1 tructlntc a delicate communlcat.0r "" the sawed-o ff botanist could "phone home." "(Director Steven) Spielberg · flaced a ¥1deo camei. near me IO could .aee what I was doing," the petite brunehe aald. Al Your Service BualneM C.v•lcade ClMllfled Coma era.word Outh Notlcc.'t Editorial Entertalnment Oardeni"8 Horoerope lntermlalon A~ 84-~ A7 Ann Landers Movies A7 Wrekender 84 A3 C6-7 Cl ·~ A7 The fa ce proba bl y Is n't familiar to the mlULona who eaw the movie. but Caprice Rothe of Laguna Beach played ta major rol e I n "E .T . The Extra-Terrestrial." Hetr handl portrayed thOlle of the mi.llhapen alien, srabblng up a trail of R ee1e'1 Plccea, grappling for a ai><·.,.Ck of Coon from the refti(lerator, and Rothe. a profCMlonal mime for 13 of her 34 ycara, la LI.steel In the film credlu as "move m e nt roord I no tor." That'• a pretty fancy tJtle for aomc<>ne who wu eubjected to ll08kinjp ol food and beer u ahe aU4."mpted to manipulate E.T.'s hands from below the munchlna munch kin. But reaching up to feed an •lien from the floor la no ea11y tuk. "I spilled beer and wa~rmelon juice and IM!eda all over my face," ahe aald, lauahl"': So whcxw•r •19E.T.htd1ood ttble mannen? · ( ... HAND, Pa•• At) .. C8-12 82 82 C6 A6 Weekender A8 A7 W ·k~ndt-r Mutual Funds National News Public Notlcet1 Sport.a Or. St.elOCU'Ohn Stock Marketa Television Thtattrw Wtath r 85 TV Lofl w~kcnder A2 r . . LITICS NOT FOR E.T. • • " n:vway, Jo; T d11t•i;11'1 c•11d111'li(' lrlll'IJIU " ,~uanc'll, whu 11d lw has put u ~ p to rnort• tl111n 200 11legnl u~ o t;,T. th1 oughout th e l'Ounlry, 11nt•d S trauss 1s thl' frnll n to U!IC tlw popular h lilt- In u poll t1t·al ud. told him 1t wu11 a l>tµnrllsan but that (l1dn 'l ht'l p ," ss s.atd of his <.'Onve~tion the attorney. • auss said 1t uevt>r dawned rm that he wus askmg Cor uble by tangling with E.T. /\ rly Pilot ad rcpn.>Sentaltvl', at h request. trucked dQwn tlw p 'tur<.' for him. "Hl' tth1..• UllOrtlt'Y) just askl·d n to stop running the p~lun· a d 1 told him that was fine wtth . rrt Hl' said ht· would lake my v.'tird ," Strauss rt"'ported. ~ · ' I h 1.1 v t' ,. v t• r y 1 t-,1 iw n t o lwlh•v•'. thouKl\4 tlu1t 1'.: T would i.u f'port rm-." "St?uu.'48 uddt-ti H t• s a 1 cJ t h r l' t· o ( I h •· busmc'SSnwn who uppt.'lll' Ill t ht• pol1 l1t·ul t1d Wahc·r G\•rkt·n. lluy Wut.'f<m uml K il C lurk wt•rc•n't a11k1•d if thl'y mind1·d appeurin~ alongsidl' E,T . • "I d rdn't dwl·k but I don't think tht'y'll mind," snid Strauss, laughing. The trH·umb<'nl l'and1dute, l h u u g h . s a 1 d h l' d 1 cl K c• l JH'rmri.sto n f ro m A1'11 uld B et·krnan, th1..• four th businessman 1r1 thl· <.rd ond Strllu~· boss. "llC' thought it would bnghl<.'11 up the ad and thought it would be-n<.'at being right up then• with E.T .," Strauss said. Rothe had a big hand in the m a king h e year 's most successful movie . ND IN 'E;f.'l MOVIE. • • Na tiOn 'hi!oke' as solons party WASlllNU1'0N (/\I') 'fh<' feclorol 1iovr•rnmcnt wu11 running 1111 <'lll lJ lY toduy, 11•d1111l'il lly bl'Okl• 11ftt•r t'1111t(t 1•a111 w 1•nt purtying rutlwr thun t1tt1ri ng to mN·t o rn lctn lght dPtHlline for polMi n~ u l'lllll 1Jrnn11111• 1tt11pl(U p rnrnlt'y hill llow1•v1•r , ('011 1(r1•1111 wu11 1•x1x11·tt..J to 1•mu ly upprovc ltw omnlbui. 11pt•11di11g bill lutL•r ttidll~ und 11clm1nri.1rut111n uff1t•wl11 1>111d there· likl•l y would ht• no 1nlt'l'l'UJ.1l lOTI o( J(llVl'l'lllOt•IH ~t·rVll'i'S. .,._, Howie• ond SN1atc· 11c•gotiutor11 1 l' u c.· h t· d 11 K r· c• t· nH· n t o n ta Dad due trial in 'tot death By JODI CADENHEAD Of IM 0.-, ..... It.ff Arraignment schooulc"'<i today ot a 28-year-old Costa Mesa man charged with murder a nd a special circumstanet! alle~alton of torture in the d eath of his 10-week-old daughter has b<""Cn postponed until Oct. 1,1 H a r vey M a rk Davi s, an unemployed oil well worker. appeare d only brieCly before Judge Selim Franklin in Harbor Municipal Court. The poslpont:menl came after attorney John Barnett said he needed more time to evaluate his client's case. Barnell said be was hired today by Dav~' relatives. Davis was arres ted by Costa Mesa police homicide detectives Monday night a t UC Irv.inc Medical Center, where h e had reportedly committed himself for psychiatric care. T h e a rr est f o ll owed L'omvrom11w 11wnt.llnti bill &H ohout 0:30 p.m. 'l'hunday, but H UUIH' f l'U d <> r11 had d N'id ed t.wfurl'h1md th11t tht• vok1 on tht• pu,·kogl" would not c:ome until todn:v wt'll afkr th•• l 2:0 I 1un. ,.ttarl' 1°11 llll' nt•w tl*·ul yeur l'un){r t •1111' .,11,·iul uut·ndta for Thunulay 111l(hl lnl'ludt•d lh•• D t' m o l' r 11 t i <.· l' u r l y ' • l ,OOO·pt-r p11r1w11 rune.I I Ul811lK drnnt•r that 111t111y 11winbt•rt1 of C1111t(ri•11i; u llt•mlt·d. And ut·r<11'~ town, in whul umountt•li t11 u Ht>publkun .cJon1lna tc•d cuun lt•r· t>Ytml, l'rt.~ldcmt Rt·u.can itwll.t-d tht· t•11th't• ConKrl'"'-" to join him Golden West College's w eekly "Tuesday Social" progrum for senior citizens has b<•gun its sixth semester . Th<' program ftoatures a movie <il :i p.m in Forum ,I, with dinner avallablC' afte rward in the cafell'rta for those who wish to stay. Admission to the films is free to 8"nio111 possessing one o( th<' colll•g(''s Gold Key cards. Thl•st· cards. which • A one -day w orks h op entitled "Life tn the Single Lane," ulm~d a t h elping single adults, will be offered from 9 a .m . t o 4 p .m . • • tor a bart>"cue at ltw Whitt• HOUM. H ouat-Spe1&kcr Thomat P O'Nelll Jr., D·MaH, did nol me ntion the 1oclal function• whc•n ht• annoan<:t'd Thurldoy morning th.at ncsotl{alol'tl for tht· two hOUl('I e1timat1•d thut no t.'Ompruml!K' bill would bl! rNidy Cor fl oor 1M:tlo11 until 1horlly aft.er thl' mldnl~ht deadhrn• "Wt" II po111 thut toinurruw (today} 110 f don't think thc•rc• will lw un~ <'ffl'ci" on J(ovt•rnmcnt op<•rotloOH, ht' suid. .J111wp h It. Wright, d<•put y d I l'f' (' t 0 r II ( l h I' {)fr I (.' l' 0 ( provide for reduced prrn·~ Jt Coast Community Collt·gt· D1 s trit:l even ts, rnuy bt· purt·hasc-0 for 50 cent.<i in thl• Community Services officf> or al th<.· door prior to the movi<.•. Jl'1lms un the fall S('h<.'Ciull· include "Auntie Mame," "Buttcv r ties are Free," "Cabaret." "Charly," "Cat on a Hot Tm Roof" an* "The· Day of the Jac·kal." l Saturday ~Golden West College in Huntington Beach . The event will. be held in the Communi t y CenH·r Registrati~ fee is $20. in vestigation pt his infant • Seminar s o n sexual Featured spe ake r will be daughter's d eath from int.cmal abuse. drug a nd alcohol Assemblyman Chet Wray. injuries. abuse, day care solection, sex • The program begins at 9 P(•r11e.mo~I Mnnog£•mt•nt, l.uutod ii 1tal<'nwnt lntc Thunllla)' iwylng thut ttt. .. pltA• thl\ <.lf.1'6y Jn pauhll( th e •o -call ed cont l nu l na rC110lullon. "l want to 1ww that oil frodt•ral worktoJ'lf ur-c· ••XJX'l~"<i t.o rc•port lo work tmnu1 row, Ot·t I " Edwin L. Dalc>, a 11pokt'hmlm ••l l ht• W h ltC' H ouac OH r n • 11 f J Mun gt•mt•nt and Rudlo(l'l, i.jtld no d111ruptlonM Wl•t'\' hkt-lv. Dale said 1! the comprom1N1 · a p peared to merit H1rngao'1> a pproval, agcndt.•H wo ufd Lil' ('Ontinuing bu1tlr)('10I tHi UIJUUI today. LICENSE • • • From Page A1 ll'te l~wr top, authl111ltl' trunk a nd ot twr ( <·atun·s. Simmons t>ays hrs 5<t·yl•ar-olt..I (':if' puLo; th<· adv<•nturc · bat k m drrv1ng "l <1rov..1.· it w a t·ar show rn Bur bank last Saturday ll ha), 1111 ly onC' tarl -ltght. nu turn r 11 d r c at or i.. a n d 1 I du l' l> n ' t dt\'l'll•r<Jll' very well It only goc.~ .1h11ul 50 mph. "lt'l> a rl•al trm<· wurp lo drrv<.• It 1111 the !rt·c·w:Jy Y<JU r<•ally hav<• lo bl' dt·fonMVl' " DOCTOR. • • From Page A1 KJmbcrly, 6, and Kristt·n . :J He told authorities that four drug-crazed hippies brokt.· rntu hrs apartment whrll' he wa& sleeping. killed his wife and children and left him stabbed and beaten. H e was rmpnsoncd fo r 11 m ont h s when a f l'deral a ppellute court orde r <:d htm r e l eased be ta u s c hr s constitutional right to a spet.-d y trial had been vrolatcd the. who has appeared m al television programs and wood films. said Spielberg looking for a mime to. dinate t he tiny star 's men ts . Following .Thursday's court education a nd parent-child a.m. Wray will speak at 9:30 were shaking and he said, 'Hey, I a pp E! a ra n c e, Dav Is wa s rights will be featured during a.m. a nd seminars will follow like that.'" transferred to Orange County a program Cor p a r e nts until 12:30 p.m . Advanct.' But tht> U.S . Supn•mc Court overturned the ruling and he wai. n ·turned to Terminal Island prison March 31. "Yeah, E.T .'s got OTs," she J a il whe re h e will be h eld pl a nned Oct. 9 at th e registration fees are $7.50 per told the direct.or. without bail. He had been in Huntington Beach Centra l person or $10 per couple; at And the tremulous ringers Costa Mesa Jail in lieu of $500,-Library. 711 1 Talbert Ave. the door. the charges will be portraye~ in the Cilm added 000 bail. The p r ogr am, entitle d $10 and $15. HOUSING. • • From Page A1 ·e a uditioned with Carlo ba ldi -the engineering w h o designed the $1.5 ion roly -pol y extra trial, and she landed the realism to the shy creature, The murder by torture charge "Protecting Your C hild in the Registration in formation Rothe insists. filed by the district attorney's 80s," is sponsored by Tee n can be obtain~d by calling lottery cards this weekend at thl' "Somanyofhissenseswere in oCfice Wednesday tails into the Hel -Youth Service Bureau. 557-1000. Ald e r s sales o ffr cl' at 26 his hands, carefully explo ring a. special circumstances category Greenfield, south of Main Street new en vironment on a strangt> and would require a death near West Yall' Loop. he said. planet." penalty determination 1( Davis is Quake rocks Mo1· ave Applicants do not need lo be l things didn't look so good tried and convicted. present al the drawing tn the But Rothe, who is now settJng 1 rf· to n first d ay on the iwt. Heather Davis was found dead sa es 0 tee w r up mime worbhops through the e day d ragged on and the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. says in her crib last Thursday by her· Carlsson said other Irvine crew didn't get around to she has to share the credit for mother Cath y Lee Taylor, 3 , RIDGECREST (AP) -A Technology in Pasadena. Company homt.>S for sale in the ' ting the first closeu ps of E.T .'a remarkable and realistic who sought help from neighbors s trong earthqua ke jolted the The jolt tumbled cans and .)Qrs t·ommunity also have begun to .'s hands until a fter 7 p.m. movements. who called paramedics. Mojave Desert today. the third from the shelves or Albertson's sell faster a s more lcndrng he long wait did little for The six-foot , 280-p ou nd hefty temblor since Wt'dnesday M a rket in Ridgec r<•st a nd rns litutrons an nounn~ lowN e's nerves. And two cups of "If E .T . were given an unc•rnployed oil wc•ll worker is rn the Ridgc'l·r1..-st art>a 110 miles prompted num£'rous (·a ll s to rat.PS. co ec didn't help. either. Ac:adl'my Award for tx-st acwr, also accused of breaking both northw<'S l of Li>s Ange les. polrt'f.• but no reports or St·rious s a result. hC'r h ands w er <' 12 pl'Oplewouldhavewwalkup arms of 20-month-old Megan <.1uthorrlll'Ssa1d damagt• o r inJurH•s. Sa n "We've had an t-m·o urag1ng sh;i<ing beneath the ztppt>red. and al't.'E'pt 1l." Taylor last J a n\Jnry Ill• was free Th t• qua kl' at 7 : 2 9 a m &·rna rdino County sheriffs Lt increase in sales rn our lrvrne foW::bngercd latex gloves. One or the m , you can bet, on S5,000 bat I whl'n he was measur(-d 5 2 on thC' R1c·hter scalco F.dwm L1szka said residential development," he fSp1elberg saw that my hands would tx> Capncc Roth£' :.trn-stc-d on sus p1c1on of murder and was cc•ntl'fed about eight "It was a really sharp pit, one said "We'vC' sold 40 homl'S so far ~------------------------------"i miles northwes t of Ridgecrest, of the most severe I've felt 1n 27 rn Septembe r , mos tly 1n .,, 6. w s d said &rbara RC'ed. seismological y1•ars Irvi ng rn the d<'S<'rt," L1stka Un r v e r s it y T o wn Cc· n t er . ~ ~ ~· a rill er 'at ur a y .--a-s.<i_1s_1.a_n_t_a_1 _c _a_lrf_o_rn_1_a _1ns_u_tu_t_e_o_f __ s._a1_d _____________ w_ood_b_r_id_g_e_a_n_d _T_u_r_11_c _R_cx_·k_"_ ... \~. (~o a ·" I a I fti• tooey with hions or 72 10 76 Con11nu•d lalf tonoont and Saturdey OvetnlQM low• SS to 63 HIQl'll Saturday 7' lo 80 E,lsewttere . t •om Po1n1 Concepllon to the Mea•c en border e nd out 60 "'''•• NQf\hwest wtnd1 or 8 to 16 knot5 wtlJ(, 3 10 S 1001 1eas to<Sey and Selutday ove• ourer weten L~c1lly, l1oh1 variable winds tootohl and Saturday mornlno wdl 10 southwest 8 to 15 knots wllll wear to aourhwesr ~wetls of I to 3 feet Wind waves of 2 10 3 feet Fllr todar, and Sarurday but y low c oudl tonight and day morning over toulhem S outn.in CelllOfnla't -•t>er Id be •• ,, thll weettend with t~•1ur• and Nghs HI In the 70s and 801. I.he IOnll WHth•r S•rvloe Hid .... os Ange!M highs thould be 78 Iowa In the 801 S1turday aklet ancl high tems>«llUIH 78 to 85 ere expec1fld In 111 •llleyt wllh lows from 48 llurd1y'1 mounteln-11•• • m1y r•1ctt 72 wllh Iowa 42 10 48 <>-'ii Velt9y ttlghl Id •anoe lrom 65 to 75. lhe ln.t -"'c. aaya. with '°""' 35 to 45 orth•rn dH•rt hight m1y • from 72 lo 82 with Iowa 42 10 62 Th• mercury In hern 6-1 ., .. , wlll hit top • lrom 84 10 92 with low• ~ 1082 lgh1 In Ille 81n Fernendo, Sin fl•I 1nd 81n 8•rn1rdlno lhOuld r1nge from 78 10 It wtell41f}d With faif aklet. 11• expected from 48 to 68 ., ... aakend hlQl'll In •••1• nnlng Santa 8erab111. Uri Count)' c;o"111. S•nll Long ~ and O.anoe ty wtll ranga from 7 4 .lo 80 lowll from 65 to ~ 10< Utah s movnte1n1 For 1ooay shower• were ro•ecnt spreedino acron 1ne Rock1et lnro 1ne · Pl••ns and tne uope. Greet Lakes region. with • r--'T'lll~-.,.-:-::-ir---,.--,-----'""T lew lhunOe•alorm1 llnoe<•no In Fto<10e T e mpe ratures NATION Albany 68 Albuque 73 AmarillO 77 Ancnoraoe •6 Asnv1lle 75 At111nra 77 Atlanhc Coty 64 Aull in 91 B1111mo•e 67 B1111no1 4a' B1rm1noh1m 81 Bismarck !)1 Bolte 62 Omaha 6e eoacon 59 Orlando 89 BrowY1aV1ne 96 Ptt111<1pn1a 67 Bullelo 75 Pnoen,. 84 Buntngton 72 P1111bure:i 73 Cuper 36 Piiand • 67 Ct11rtt1n SC 78 Piiand Ofe 71 44 Charllln WV 77 Prov1oence 61 S6 Cttarllte NC 76 Rat:1'tt 75 S6 Ct1eynne 38 Rap; C11y 45 40 Cttocaoo 85 Reno SS 33 c1nc1nn111 19 RICttmon<I 69 60 Columbu1 75 Sell l ake 67 40 Glal·FI Witt 90 San An1on10 92 71 Oayton 76 Sea Ille 64 43 0..Moln~ 80 Shrevot0011 87 fl() OoirOlt 76 SIOux l'all1 S3 42 Oututh 62 St LOUii 84 60 E.1 Paso 70 St P·htnpa 87 71 Fa1rbank1 44 St S1e Marie 75 57 F1tgo 57 SPQl(1ne 61 39 Fr1011111 62 SyracuM 70 48 Grul Fllrt 43 Topeke 84 64 Har1I01d SS Tutc;on . ea ... ~ Helena 48 Tulf6 89 0 Honolulu 89 wut11ng1on 89 64 Housron 84 WICl'llla 87 60 lndenp111 80 CAL"O"NIA Jacken 88 Apple verr.y 72 40 Jack1nv111., 78 Bekeratleld 74 51 Juna1u 56 Bar II ow 73 49 Ken. Cily 86 Beeumont 79 39 Knoxvllla 80 Big Bear 57 22 LH VOQH 69 BlthOP 62 38 Lltlle ~" 84 Cat111na 78 56 L.Oultvllle 80 Cutter C11y 78 SS lubt>ock 81 EINM11 &6 45 Memphlt 85 FrMtlO 72 48 Miami 83 LMIHlllH 70 38 MllW•ukM 84 Long 8Nch 71 55 Mple-St·P 64 LOI Angelee 73 82 Nlth•llll 83 MontOlll• 79 48 New 0.itll'll 84 Morllel>e4k> 78 S4 New YOrk 83 Monlfft)I 70 50 Not I Olk 73 Ml WlltOtl 57 38 No Plelle 49 HMdlet 71 63 Ottr. C1tv 86 011111nc1 74 116 Sllf RIPOii -... ... .... .... i.91 ....--. .. N A .. .... Der ~ 2 10 1 2 ew e.m. Monica 2 10 I 2 aw tMwpot1 INdl 2 12 2 3 SW Ian 8:2:. Count. 2. 12 2 i ew '°' Yf<I On11110 76 47 Palm Sprrnga 82 57 Paaaoene 76 61 Paso Rot>lee 76 38 Red 81uN 77 5e Redwood City 78 S4 Sacaamento 74 47 S11tn11 76 43 San 84lm11dlno 76 46 S111 Gellflel 77 49 San OC.Oo 74 59 San Fr1ricltco 74 81 San JOH 76 47 San1a Ml 76 52 6111111 Barbar a 70 47 Sanra Cruz 71 50 Santa Merle 76 41 Senra Mong 72 55 Stockton 77 43 T1h0e v11r.y 5t 29 T,_mal 87 S4 Torrance 78 52 Yuma 84 83 l"AN AMl!llaCAN AcllPUlcO Berbl<loe Betmu<la CurlCaO FrHPOf1 Guad1lal111 GuadelOUP• Hevana t<inotron Mont900 Bay MIUl11an Me•ldl M•xlCO City Monlerrey NlllMlll 811n Juan T eguelgtilp• Trlnl<lld VtlfllC!fUt Tides TOOAY 90 78 a. 89 77 86 78 111 78 89 70 48 es &8 811 80 86 72 85 73 88 78 Ill 75 .04 91 51 82 68 90 13 92 77 30 89 77 as 86 to 17 02 89 75 • Stcond low i 03 p m I I Stcond hlOl't 9 04 O m 6 6 IATURDAY Finl IOw 3 ~4 I m Fittl high • 37 I "' Seconcf tow Ut p m O I 8ecofld f119t1 t '2 p m 11 4 Sun "" 1oc11r al t 31 P m . rlMI 81turday II I 4t • m Moon rl ... tod•'I' 111 I U p m., .. , ... 1urdey " a 11 I "' 1 ~~~~~:.·~~~11>~ ;rl~~~;t~~~~~~Q.J".~~' I AMLING'S I Newport Nursery and Garden c,nter Recently, Am lings Reduced Regular Nursery Stock Prices Storewlde an Average of 10% to 15%. GARDENIA Now Save Even More WTffi Our New Discount Polley: 10°/o OFF EACH ORDER OF $200 OR MORE 20o/o OFF EACH ORDER OF $500 OR MORE r And the Discount Applies To Everything We Stock or Special Order For You, Except For Items Already on Sale. Free Dellvery Too, In All of Newport Beach Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Beach ($25 min.) ' A $500 order could now aave you I0-35% off our old prices; a $200 order: 20-25% off. Comf) check us out! -BULB SPECIALS - RANUNCULUI ............................ reg. 3.71/dz. NOW 2.11/oz. ANIMONll ........ _....................... reg. 2.81/dz. NOW 2.31/oz: •un1R TIMel' DAPFODIL reg. e.•lda. NOW 3.41/oz. 1500 nat 11111 bwy • 11wport b11cb ~ '844-9510 (3 OPIH: MON·IAT 1:30-1:301 IUN t-1:30 .,._ Ol&.WDY • ,.,,«JllAL CHAW• • ,. , NATION Recove ry outlook dim By The Auoclate d Pren 'Ow R1•1.1f(an adminl11lr1&Uun announced gloomy currt'nl and fulure econumlc· ind1c·oton und u new one· w <• c k r cc o rd f o r s t IA l c unemployment claJrrui. But It insisted better t.~'Onomic timt.'tl are around the t'Orner. Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige t o ld reporters Thursday thal "at this point w e a r e In tht< lntt!rlm porlod lwtwt•t•11 1t J't.'t't'lll'ilOn und u rt't:ovcry The• 11g1U of rt~'t1vt•ry will Ix· morl' c,,•INtr UK ttll' fourth 11u11r11•r unfold11." Th<' St'l.'rt·tury intu.Je tht· rl'marks aftl'r u t'omml'fl't' Departmc·nt n•port that ltic gaugo of fut uro ccun omu: activity, callt-d the lndt•x of Leading lndwators, fo,11 0 !I percent in August 1.tfl.cr rlslnu tor four ('Orllie'<:utlv<• months Disney Epcot opens today LAKE BUENA V ISTA, Fla. -The late Wa lt Disney once wished upon a s1.ar for a "peek into the 21st century" to thrill adults, )ust as Disney World's Magic Kingdom excites the imaginawon of children. Disney's succc'SSOrs realize that dn•a m with the opening today' of the $800 million Epc'Ot Center, an addition to lhe growing Uisnt•y empire 10 cen tra I Florida that 1 ts "imaglneers" hope will be on c n\:hunllng combination of cducatlon and (•ntcrtainmtmt. The cen tt'r's name is derived Jrom Experimenltil Prototype C11y of Tomorrow. Disnl'y's vision of a domt•d working t.·ommun1ty thul would allow visitors to l.l1kt.•...a simulatt'Ct trap inlo the futun· Auto layoffs continuing DETROIT -Car production will be down 1 J .3 per<.-ent this week from last week. while the number of U .S . a ut owo rkers o n inde finite and temporary layoffs will chmb, a<.'f..'Ording to industry reports. · Tht! r,ve major domestk carmakers Thursday rcporll'd 235,775 U.S . autoworkers on indefinite layoff this W<'C'k . STATE up from 232.500 lust wt·t•k The boost was blamed on a General Motors Corp. plant c losing at Fra mingham, Mass .. and S<."atterl'd layoffs at Ford Motor Co Temporary layoffs rast.• to 53,225 from last week's 4i.400 as morl' plants Wl're 1dlt•d t e mporarily bct·auSl' of sluggish sales. r Fireworks measure vetoed SACRAMENTO L egisla ti o n sought by fireworks manufacturers and the civic and re ligious groups that raise funds by selling fireworks, has been vetoed by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. The heavily lobbied S B999 by Senate Republican leader Will ia m Campbell o f Hacienda Heights would have prevented cities arid counties from outlawing the sale of "safe and sane" fireworks . Brown cited the "stro ng feelings expressed by local off1c1als" and the fact that the - issue was still being {ought out in court. . Plane wreck, body found BISHOP -Authorities are trying to determine if the High Sierr a s torms that caused widespread flooding also contributed to a light pla ne crash that left one man dead. Most were rescued earlier 1n the week and a Ridgc-c:n •st couple trapped by th<' flo o ding was rl'Sl'Ued Thursday. authorities said • Orange'Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Frtd1y, 001ow 1, 1912 ., Disaster drill I A -simulutcd a ir d fsastt·r ut John Wayne Airport r>ro vidc a readiness tt•st for fire nwn from Orange (.;oun ty a nd coastal t'itit's. T he• problc•m : a loss of power a nd fin· in the· rig ht eng ine, killing I 0 people. Fireme n c·ool off the plane (above) and a ltt>nd lo the "'victims" (le ft and be low ) during Thursday night'"' realis tic exercise. ·. No deaths or injuries were reported in the weekend flooding through the OWens Va ll ey, but the sever e weather left several people strand ed in the rugged. s now-pac ked mountains. The single-engine plane· was fi shed from the west portion of McGee Ba y 1n Lake Crowley, about 20 miles northwest of Bishop. The body was identified as Dr. David Crockett Mathews Jr of Mammoth Marine killed by Israeli bomb? Judge rules in draft case L OS ANGELES -A federal judge says the government must prove it 1s not discriminating against an admitted draft resister by prosecuting him, a ruling that could create problems for the WORLD draft registration program U.S. District Court Judge Terry H a tt l'r agret>d Thursday with a prl'trial motion by dl'fl'nse attornt'ys t h a t the government was selecttvely prosecuting David Waytc. Aeroflot pilot arrested LUXEMBOURG -The pilot of a Soviet airUner that crash ed at Luxembo urg airport has been arrested on c harges of falling to give evidence about the accident in which six people died. The pilot, who escap<'d serious injury, was placed ma cell a t the central poli('e station late Thursday night, after h e refused to give information to c r ash invesUgators, police sald. HEIHUT . L1·b.rnun 1AP1 The· e•>.plos1nn thut kilh·d uni• US M:.11 mt.• and wound1'cJ tl1rN• "1 h c r ' c ::i m c• r 1 om u I 5 5 mm dustt•r "ht II l<IVlllg on tht• &•1ru1 .111 pot l 1,ir111.H, a U S military spukt",Olilfl :..lld hxl;oy Thi' Thurscbv blast l'Llll'll' only h1111rs ..iftl•r tht• a1rpo1 t n•op.•nt,(I to n v1lian pl;onl•:. for th<• first 11mC' s1n1<' l srtol'I 1nvacl<'d Lt·h • .mon m·:.irly four 111011tho; ago E :. r I 1 e• r . U S 111 1 I 1 t a r y s pok1•srnt•n had ~aid u l'lu!>t<'r lx1mh. pc~1hl~· droppt•tl hy the• br.1t•l1 s rlurin~ the· <;umnwr, c·;,iu<,c:d lht· blast It 1..·amt· lhl· dav cift~·r 1.200 M.Jrnws rl'lurm•d l;> L1·ban o 11 1111d1•r Prc•s1 d t>n l R<•al(an '<, urd1•r' ,,., part 11( J tri m1t11mal pt•at·l'kn·pmg foHc· <;(•Ill f 0 11 Cl w I n ~ l h l ' mas l' au (' Cl r P,Jh·~tinwn~ in Ht-1rut U S pr<'s ldC'ntwl C'nvov Phrhp (' Jl;ih1h h1·ld t.ilks With Pr<";1dC'n t Am111 Gc•mayc•I and Pnm1· M1mst<•1 Sh;if1k Wanan We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot'> What don't you like~ Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcri~ and delivered to the pppropnale editor 842-8088 The same 24·hour answering servit'e may be used to record let tera to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No r 1rculallon calls, pleasf . Tell us what·s on your mind I ORANGE COAST CIHllfl•d adver1l11ng 114/142·5'11 -=.::' All other depar1ment1 642~321 ' Dilly Pilat .. . -•sc:4 MAIN OFFICE I =-tt!'tldly II '°" 00 -W•tl .... ti , c .. 1. Me .. CA M•ll -·•n •o• 15.0. , .. ,. M• ... CA .,.,. Ir. ·-~11, Th9moa '· Haley ,.... 1 "' C•Y•l9M 1'12 (),.,,.,. (Mtl P..,l>Clt111"9 G ....... y .J .':0"'' coitr ... r .. '~ ond 0..1 Eaeciitwe Ott1ur "'-,. •• , •lot .. l. 11111"••11.,,t, telil .. l•I mltl•t .... ... 11 .. ,,_1, ""'"'" m•y N ,..,M...CM •It'*" '""*' -llllldey " Ro~Moc&Mn ..-<lal Mf'l'lllOIOll Of,._.,,,~ ewlltt i/OMl l ..... -= Jen. AIMri I IJ)'1 •m ,OM-t.cOfld <I•• ,etl.., f:'4 •I Cotta Mt••. C•UlonW• ' ... elldJOo11 009t .. faKlllhoe fd110t Control.t IU'S 144-DI Suo.<• otlon llY C•"''' .. 71 ,..,..Illy ....... lly mi ll ~ to...-1Ny " I 11ec L Key Sdtvtta Mkheel '· "-"' ~,_ Or-'99U Olllf PllOt wllll ""'1<11 It <- "5' II Vice l'tetldlnl 0Wect0r cl Motl81tll0 .. ._ .... .._..,., .. , " ....... .-..... 0r.,,.. c ... , ,..-.i.,..,.. c..,,_, '-"'* .... ._ ... ~-Olld ow-cl ~llf!llO ICwciAoclOlll C':'"'"' ....., "''......, ,.,...., i.r Cella -.., •'9'1 ha<ll, Hllftl'."::" IHCll, ,_.ift Valley, lt-wtlte, ~ 9"<11, Ill Ceu t A,,,,... NtiMel "'"._ It ,... ... _.._,, .. ,, "" ~Y' t ... ·~ "K9ftMfh N. 01illl•r• Jf, p(lllCr::I ~ltllllli ,ie11t I\ at »0 Wttl en ••iwt OiltCIOf cl Operaelo111 ''°· e• MO., (' .. la MeW, Cellle•"I• •a.it VOL. 71. NO. 274 . ------~ . o ui-.1de· Be·1 rut toda y after r t>lurn1 n~ from meetings r n lsral·I. J orrhm. Saudi Arob1a and Egypt Huh1b dt't·hn('() tvmmenl, but a F orc•1gn M1n1st r y :-.1><>k<·sm."' in Cairo quotl'<i Habib :1 :. s a y 1 n I( h c e x p e<' l e d a n <1.1JrN•m1•n1 o n withdrawal of lsrac•li and Synan troops from Lt•hanon lo hl' reached in "a matt«>r of we-ck.' .. Rl'agan has said the Marines will rC'main m L<'l>anon until all I s raeli a nd Syr1u n forn•s withdraw and 'tht' Lebanesl' governrm•nt 1s in firm control of the country U .S Armv Lt. Col L l·e Delorme said · th<' dead Ma rint' was a t.'Ombat cnginN..·r and his ,JOb was to dear the airport area o f land mines and other unexpl<xkd munition:.. He said the blast occurred on the airport t tarmal', adjarent to tht:> southern • end o f thl' runway near the • Mc'<i1terrancan St•a .. As lragac as at )Y3S. 1t was an ~: accident and military duty by 11.'1 nature LS hazardous." he said. "As best we can determine. all the prtx•l'Clures. all of th~ules that .. pe rtain to the C'l ea"g and ' sweeping of an area. werl' bt'mg followro .. DON'T MISS THE SALE EVENT OF THE SEASON ALDEN'S ANNUAL STOREWIDE FALL SALEHI OCTOBER 1·-24 During our Annual Fall Sale Event many of-fne nation's leading carpet manufacturers will be offering special sale prices. Quality mills such as Lee's, Blgelow, Evans-Black, Ma s l and, Gullstan , Alexander-Smith, and many others will be featured. ALSO FEATURED WILL BE: * Special savings on selected vinyl floors by Armstrong, Congoleum, Mannington, and Tarkett. * Discounts on selected hardwood floors by Bruce, 1 Sykes and Anderson * Savings on ceramu: tile by DEL PISO LEVELOR RIVIERA BLINDS 400/o OFFll (2·3 week delivery) ALL FABRICS 20'/o OFFll CALL Me 4838 Today and we will prem~asure your rooms and windows In advance of the sale. When you come In we will be able to give you the exact price. You are under no obllgatlon: there Is no charge for this service. I DEN'S 11;;,i~'-·: :iiiiiillitiaii :·cu1tom dr1p1ri11 "1663 Pt.ACEllTIA • CMTA IESA. CA 92621 • PHM 646-4831 -646-2 ' ' .44 Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Ootot>er 1, 1882 - , ... Wh the o prey' away ... Th~ Oilprey hud flown orr lo 0 TV Ollh!llUU for u bettor vlt•w ur fil'lh . So u Grt•ul Hlut* Heron cl rop1H•d in lo cht-ck out he•r nt'HI u1o1, u 1wcinlly imuulle •cJ 1c•le pho1w 1mlt• in the• middle of Ncwporl llurbor. llu vin~ oul'llt•d the viKitor, tlw 0H1•r•~Y nftt•r two y.,ar1'1 i1 st ill wui1in1< for 11 mute. No ltcru1u• n••<-d 01•1•ly. O•llJ 1111101 lllllolot br LH ... ,,,. \ -~----• Firemen's hunch linked Tylenol to cyanide de~ths ARLINGTON HEIG HTS. Ill (AP) -A hunch by two oH-duty firefight e r s pr ovided investigators with their first clue that cyanide-contaminated Extra-Strength Tylenol may have been linked to five deaths Firefighter Richard Keyworth of Elk Grove Village recalled Thursday how the first three deaths in suburban Chicago raised his suspieions and those of Philip Cappitelli. an Arlington Heights firefighter. K ey worth , who w as on vacation, went to hts fire station Wednesday· to collect his mail While there. he overhear~ a radio conve rsation about the death of Mary Kellerman, 12. that morning. "I just heard it was a fatality, and that It was unusual tor a ht tie girl ltke ·that to have a stroke," he said. "That's what they thought it might be." Later that day, Cappttell1 telephoned his friend. Two bro thers. Adam and Stanley Janus. had died suddenly under s trange c1 re u ms ta n c(?s a nd -S,tanley's wife was in critical et1ndit.1on Capp1telli ha-d heard that a young girl had died mysteriously in Elk Grove Village and wanted to know more about it. Keyworth telephoned his station and had the report of Mary's death read to him. "They gave me the symptoms, blood pressure and all ," Keyworth said and told what happened when he called his Expensive clothes become affordable ,, ,, / friend back. "Cappitel11 satd 1l was very s1m1lar to the fatalities they'had." K eywor lh recalled . "Th e paramedics had mentiont·d in their report that the little girl had taken Tylenol. 1 said, 'This 1s a wild s tab. Maybe it's Tylt:nol'." Cappit.elli did not know if the Janus family had taken any such drug. so he called his station. Fi re Lt. Charles Kramer checked with investigators and found that the Janus victims had taken the drug. ll was a matter of only a few telephone calls after that and police establis hed that th e Extra-Str e ngth Tylenol had come from the same batch. Two more deaths in the area Thursday were linked to the _hy Ralph Lauren Reducedlb $ .. Just Arrived! , Terrific selections of · interloclc knits with the famous 'Polo ' sign(llUre. Come early-you 71 want several at our incredible sale price 'l;pical Savings! Solid lcnit shirts r ~ . · Reg $32.50 $ 25 1 ' Sl!'lp«l knits ,\ '1 1 Reg ·~6 $2! ./ Every Shirt Mirkle J'riCed WESTMIN S TE H M110 •ACH avo. ,_....,._., •11...-.-. C1'M)lt1·tOlot ... TO ... •TOt MT•T01 ...... '°. VISA • *SttN:M> ~j J • 30% TO 50% OFF IU:GULAR PRICES Pierre Cardin Hathaway Chaps . Christban Dior DRESS.SHIRTS I 44FAMOUS B~ SUITS • SPORTCOATS SL.;CKS • SWEATERS OUTERWEAR ~So% OfF! · mt'd1c1ne. Mary RetnC'r, 27, of Winfield, died m Central l)uPage Hospital. and Marv McFarland, 31, of Elmhurs t l'O llapsed at wor k Wednesday and dit'<i Thursday at Good Samaritan. Dr . William Dw ye r , a pathologist at Good Samaritan , said cyanide was found m Mrs. McFarland's bloodstream Peter Swkmann. deputy coroner for DuPage Cou nty. said t ests showed five of the 10 capsules l e ft in her bottle containe d cyanide. Ther e w e r e n o ea rl y l aboratory r e ports o n Mrs Remer, who had given birth to her third child just a few days before dying. but Siekmann said c:yan1de was found in her unused capsul~. too. Nation's m ost popular pa in dru~ caps ules contaminated'! TRUCK LOAD-SALE ( BRING AD FOR SPECIAL PRICES ) 40 PC. SOCKET SET I ·~ .. !-::-__-~ ~ AE/METRIC : Super Savings On OuaUty Tool Storage Verutlle tool storage now at an •tfordable price. Tough, qu.-llty constnKtlon wtll stand up to maany years of uJe. 3.991 I I ____________ J DELUXE HACKSAW WITH FREE BLADE $2.99 ~ t\ Tool Chest fJH06) 26Y1"W x 12Yo"O " 15.,..-H 41 toi Orgar11ze tOOls. parn arid socktl stl quldcly In 6 dra~rs and top --E~ -.. ~t Receutd rwld grips and toclong bat\ fol '.lt'CUrtty - -- Roller C.blnet 1333031 26\/i·w • 1e-o x Joi.·H 73 tos Tlvtt t'ull·slztd dr~n and a dttp itotilgt ~ttmtnt u~mtattl witt Ot"gMlllt a• toots wge and ynall Tougn bakt<k>rl toamtl ftnolh Lock oar ptCM<Jt<l fbr added S«Unty TOP & BOTTOM $189.95 --w t-r MANUFACTURER~S -· 1111 DIREC:I: -~~-_,.l ... ...::U=N 10-1 t-80 ll•WPOllT •L., C08TA ···~ (NEXT TO MESA. THEATRE) 831-24~4 • , , -'. • . I -!I ' I· r I NY 'E COMPO ~ITE TRAN 'ACTION •110H•t101t•11t(lWOI •l•tUO .. tMI •t•'fO•ll llllOWIU, ,.Cl •tc;, •I• IOUOlll DIUOtl .... CIN(tllllAft tfOU lllCMAlttUAlllO llNltte n t111 lfAHA .. lllftHlllt ... 10 Ntl \atu •' Nel 'Alf\ Htl "'',.. IOI "°I•• N•I ,. I heh , .... (flt • ,.., "°' , .... CllQ ,. I "°' Cit .. Clll p L .... Clow <1111 JI l .... (!QM '"' I Al •1U " •1• e·U 1 1~ ·~ '! ,1•1oo .... Mil Ill! •• IJ ''°" ~' ... l'te(fWI ., 'f !OJ Ult. "' !Ok " 12• 'i , ,... lo i •Air pfJ.. f 1411' '°' ,... • • I 10 Mil llMI H tUO 4'iv1 I~ l'!Hl•Y JO t 4 t t •CO I ., ti IO\ot v •Air lif) 2o 'f '-'"" • .. ri .... , II ti• '• ~al'O It 1'-\\ '°'"''~ nJ 40 n 1·~ ', "' J IUl I I !Ht t ...: HIO,_ I 20 t II It ' "'° ~ r.. ~ lt1'I 0~•,' I ~lllli I )4 J IJ"" .... P<l....C Iii I •~ ._ llW 1M10 U• lfl• h \a••• N•• t ••IUll ' IO • .~ u ""' l tt· ·~ MllWI p11 ,, i n" v, l'•IMM • 1t o 111 it"'. " I kw 111 , '° 1 """', 1,,, """"'(IO• '"' r!~00 , J; ·: T~ I!:!.'~ :r11~ I J :1.~ '~. t! ~(lei I It I w ••1-. "' ~•11(1(, • JO" \I ........ .._ •f !IWI I II ~· • "• ~!:.. .l ": 1.: t ... '-t«~lln ~It r/1 'l''' "I pf 1 J' I 1 ¥J:i~~ '1: ! ::J m:' .. ~~=I~ I ~:: i~ ;~~ ~ 1::1:;" 1 ' ~ ~~' '° ~M J ... 11~ l!~l:W~ 1._. 1? S~ ~.~ ~ ~"11t1: t .. J ?:)~ ft Mtill.. 40 : f)f IJh • .. P.\ t, .. 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H••K• I.JO • » .. ~ . ~ ~ .. ~ 1.11 1t ~ ""' .... ~! '» 110 •) -1 Ce ' 4 ,,. n\Oo ... WtldAr 1! 1-. ' I -., • "' ' '·"II .. .,"'. "' H•ftlM I,. I 14 ...... \'\ M•hwt: ,,, >W "" ..... Ptll '·"' • ,....., » IY, ~c ,,, 2 J .~ ... "' Wr~y I -' ., )ti~ 1 I 4 • It • . I It tO '4'-• "' HI~ ·w 11 JI "'-, ~ ~'"' JO ,.. I""• 1<t ""! I• d ""'· Sund•lt I to • ~" 11'-• \o'I :"YI•~• IOI .! l~ ·~ " ,It .. Jl6 tJV. + I!. e II I f m I 0 He•lllt 1e ti S U"' + \ol a..t.i wt .. JOI.II li'llllMr 7 ;¥ J 11'f p + "' SllflMf'I , 106 tlllo .... = l'! t :l ~~= ~ o!,,o.. :Ji•'~ 'Q.,.., ~ ::!~ ... a '~:· ~ ""-~'~ :.: • Jf Jn:.~ .. ~. ::::-."' ·', ~ ": ,:": " ' ·51' !i!1 • ~· , ::z. t0 16 • 111 s.t 'T... ~ :41 . j I~ ' 0..J9f'I , .. It t• •7• tlo ........ -ID t i I ~ • \'II i ,. U .. lf!tlo-" ""'"-' J •• 6 tt'M -... tfQll ll 1 ll -ll-Y ·~~,,.,_lli Ot-·:•lft m 1> 141He<u )l lO IJI ... Mc 'i,_,..._ .... ~IVH .40 • "'"'" l'I 0 , .. ""~;·:: .. ',),~J1\ol•V. I I .., ,,._, V. i • • 11'6 If.._-141 ~le# • • f.t I)-+ 'y, MC pl 2 • .. It"° V. JllllHA .... I .. 1'\o'I • p t• \Oo .... ' If'-'• ! ,. ,,_. ~ II 2 '. tt ""'-.... ,.. .. _ Ti. " II --loll """ 1 . I I ""' ' .... HO I. , • thi • . • -.. Ii • I .._ 1••.C. I • I ,, ,.... I I I ..,,._ -.Ale 1 '" ~'!'" I ltelfll AO t O \lo Ille 1 • if114 .0-.-.. p .. , t I ll' , .. + ll't ""'1 I• lO t i 17~ -..14' H J t tl if ... , , "" ,,,._ -. t·• 1 111 E • ~ ... ,.,< ' 1 1 ~~..: ..., w .r . . t> w11o-"" l"fl.wv '• f j •1 • ,,.. ' " 1 • • ' 1 ' iey•·• 11 • '' '' ..... • "" ' • w. ,,.. ,. • . ' -\It ..... ,~ 'llD;. •» ,... ... Ille ,,,. • ftS ..... ' .. ..._ I toi I'". \/) , I , 0 0 ..... lot '-eftltll .IJI t '" 11~1 .... .... 't = 11 • Iii ·1··. ti .•.. Helm.. 'n ' nr ,."" .._ 111eo• 1 , • l'Yt-" "'*'" "'tt I J U"'. " Syw•' 11" 10 ....... -. z''' t .J6 I ,. JI IM '1 t ,, .. • \lo ·n I "1f .. ' \l't W....C:. , . • f ' "' lll!tOtM 1.• H 1)1 • -P~llYt I t ~ . . "· T -u•fll" I J2 a. 11• I j . I' "' .. +)\O Hlllllft(... • •v. ...... I ~ ..... ,.,. ' ••. ,. fl , 't . v.-~ "'(j ''',. .,._ .. ._$rc11ttt.»'t1.., •111o.·:·~-... 1r tO ·• 1t t "411 Mf • U"'•..,. ,t 1 t • .,.. " • • I ~ I'll '"C" I• ~ ~ llM• ~ ' ..,..., .... ~ ~ ' ·~····· • ' ftl'.!-\lo ,, • , \l't tllty t.lO . ,. ""···e·· =· ,J > i•lfi• . " ·It' ~i 1) ... ~ Dally Piiot " ... ·"'::: , H.,,,. ·,'*EM .WI .. 1 • "· ""'~-". ·,J,~~·~:.. ' H·---e:.c -.: • m !-,,.. "'' ··~ it iol .t~ -i:; .. l:l 'f f:T ~ • , Al "' .... c au .wua Ill • -• , ,..._,-. ti t • ~ !OH " .... 11 !IP ;;--i; !!!!fM :l l 11. I tt ... ... It WOf'tr for UI I 4'1'l..... JlllH(J..11 . t lt"" t t "9}1UI Ao~ ,, ~ 1oi. ., .. 1,1 + =" ·! 't ,, I~+ '- .d.9 t 11...: = " 1·:·. ri: »~: .. "' .... ·ft J. ; ... ~,. ~j • ,""• ,..,r'i r.Je :. •,..., '°"·can ,, "~ ... ;iii. .. " y .. .. ,,. • • :uv..: • ~ .. • i. e \ 1.: i. ": ~G '"~ • .,. 14 .. • . • '42·1671 ., ' ..... '• ,. • ""-,,.. CJ: ' .. ._ :t ~ ".I· ·~ ~·"" f quick ·"'·~·, ':::" . ~,,--~-IJ"'· t: .. u 1 ·.·~ ·~. '&: ~:-. ;·~·: ·.·~ I co: ........ I ' ., I .... , ' . ,,.. t . ...,,._ i. , 11.-1 le .• ~ .. e:. 1 1 u .._, .... tt"i • f I i 1to1 + .. J I • , • • • t •;~ 1 I !llf 4 t ,,. ,,._ '- Illinois com,pany buys Mesa firm l\mt•ril'Un Anh·nntt, f>1v1111u n o f AnH•f'1<'an H1•s1•11r1·h & F.nu1n1·1·rinu. Jt:11l111. llltno111, rN.•e ntly unnuu11n•d ltw µurd)11st· cJf Aud1o mohllt', Cot1W M c'M, for $:! lJ mdl11111 d11ll11n1 A u d 1um11l11l1· m11nufLIL·tur<-s h1gh·t!nd ;11npllCli•r·i. UIH'U In 1·11ic lo111 UU lti Htt·rN1 ln!ftllllllt llJnll U»Uully l'~t111~ $~.000 or mu1'1• Aud1omoblle Is. llntl has bcc-n. a fJrtlll'IJ.JUI th "'1$(11l'r 111 t ht• ln 1.h..istry £or !ilt!rt'<I umplifil"nl for 11tht.•1 ina.1ur mmpunu:'l> 1n the· U S a nd abrood A IU1 g1• portwn ul th1• 111mpuny 'i> uwornt· 1s d <'flVL.od Crom 111y 11ltws 11ncl dt•v1•l111>1m·nt <.'Ontrat·L" for o tht•r OEM ('tJll) J.l:.Hl11 •:. Aud1u111ol11l1· h tu; hud u tna,JOr mcrca~ 111 salt.>S growth durm~ tlw p11g\ yL·nr wid 1n April unn o un1•l.od a l1111g-1t·rm pr<i<lul·tum 11nd ck v<'lopnwnt <-.miratt w ith a 1tli1Jor U S auto1nukc•1 Housing s tarts down Blink or Am1·m ·u hm, n.·porll'd thait 111.'W h ousing start-. in Cuillw·ni:i 111 August wc·re i1t a seasonally .tdJUS lt·d .11111u.iJ I Jtt• ur flH,01)() Uhll8, tJuwn 21.6 1x•rl·1·11t lmrn thl' r;.it<.-in July mul duwn 33 3 pc•r<.-cnt fr11111 tht• s.11111· month Jcu.t y ear l>urin~ Au~usl umi. 4,7!11 UlllL'> Wl•rt• built This 1~1111p<1rt~ with Au~ust Hllll wht·n 7.159 uuiL'l wn1• l'•JllStl'Ut'lt•d For tlw r1rs t S<'Vt·n n 1unth s of I Y82 a<:'tucJI how;1ng :;l;irt:-Ill Cultlo n11a of :Hl,726 uniL'i Wt•n • 44 perc-cmt hc·low thl· l:K.lll'll' fJ1•1'iod lusl year Biflyx sells 3-D rights B1fl yx (NASDAQ/BIFL) o r l rv1nc, has n -ceavL-d :rn p..·r<.'l'nt , or 1,050,000 l·ommon s hares. o f Design Wt"s t lt1l. for the exclusive manufac turing rights lO 81fly x 's thn .... d1mcns1o nal telcv1s1on UJl.agery syst e m , Ch.JI le ~ W1tl('y , 81flyx president. a nno unc e d Thursd&y. Dt·sign W est as rt.'g t s t e nng the s hares f o r tl 1stnlJution t o B1~l yx s h areh old e r s w i th Biflyx s h <:irl'h o ldL·r'S rL'<.'1·1v mg approximate ly 100 sh a r f's o f J){os 1gn Wl•M c ommon stock for ever y 5.000 B1Clyx s h <ir<'S hdd NSC shows 'slim profit' Nat1u 11al St.·m•t'<>ndut•to r Corp o f Santa C la ra, o n e of thl• larg1-st manufot·turt·rs o r elt;etron1c cumputc r mmponcnl'>. allus trnlC.<.J tht.• t •Ht'<.·ts o f <.1 wtdl'Sprt:ad downturn 111 CaltCorn111'i. "S al1l·on Valley .. by pusttng a Su4 .UUO prur11 un sale!> of $:i50 4 m1ll1cm fur the quarter 1•ndtng S t·pt !Y. A yl'ar <i~u. undt.•r s1m1lar m arketing t-ond1t1o ns lr11 tht• hu11dn·d~ of h1gh-tct·hnology compa111es I o t' u t t• d 11 u u t h o r S a n F r a n c 1 s c o • N a t 1 o n a I S. ·m1t'Ondut·tur rarnLod $1.0fl!:l,000 o n sak-s o f $325.6 1111ll11Jn m the same.• quarter ·STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (AP)-SllH , ' pm I nurt01y pr.u el\d net Ch•"Oe o f ,,,. llltffll motl t ctove New Yo1k Slook Eac nt11Q• 1saue1. l•ecl11•0 nellonelfy Al mo.A then S 1 18M Penl\Cotp 5.ony CorD Dloli.IEQ CalerpTr M.rtlll LY" Offre(.o C•fOPwll Amer ft l (lllOfll :;<.!'!~? Ill 000 .. ,.tOO .... 100 .. l .100 ltl,!00 loff,IQO )44,too Ul.100 UJ,100 $11,IOO It \• '"' 111. 1\1. ""' "' .,.... l V> M.. 4V. ,,~ '• 1411 • 1\. .... ,.""' '-"• ,, ... , ))•I WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VOR<C t•Pl S.0 1'I Me•lonM' E:u :on ~s~ .. i,too •ll.000 .,., 100 0 1 .. J6"' •''I 11'• ........ Am 4'rt1n 1•'4. t. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -Sei.1. ' pm Thu1t0•y pttc:e and not change of Iha 1en moll ecll•e Amencen S1ock E1cheng~ 11sues, trading ne11on1Hy •t m0<e 1nan SI S.1o<omDe1 ~~1':1!.1100 A•-Otl 8rownF0t B "111• Corp ~;,'o,~f. AOOld 0.1 VerM tfm I lot 400 110.tOO IJO t00 11~1 0 '"·'°° IS 'IA! IUOO ~:= n.ooo UPS ANO DOWNS GOLJ) COINS • l/ , .. , .. )t\., J'> 10 ., ... , •• # ,, .. . .. .... '• .. .... Pel Ut If l VP I~ I Up 11 1 Ut tOt Up ti Ujl •I VP I 4 't/p. u Ujl I.I Up U Up •.• Up U Up "' Up t I UP U UD U up S.J VP U Up U VP U ~= u VD •• Up fl VP fl "'' Oft IJ • Ott it~ Ott 10• Oii t I Ott ti Oii u ~: t: Off 11 Ott ,,, Oii I I Off /,I Oft I 0 Oft 1.0 81: :: Ofl • : °'' • ()!I I I ()II .. I ()ti • s ~I .j t •• ' .. ' .. AOY•~eo Decll'*' Uncll ...... TOI el I H<ll'\ ..... "•9't' New IOW\ W~I> ,...__I A IJ!I looo -1101 ,.. lti()I 41 1 NEW YORK IAPI W ,. -•anced Decll..., Uncll.,..o fOl•l 1- N•• hlQll~ Hew tOW'\ METALS NEW YORK (AP) tnelalprtCMIOclay TOClay .. , ,., 111 ,., •• ' ~L '" 6M ,.,. IOI • ..... Nila 111 HI I" JJ 'O c o,per $7· 72 cenl1 • pound v s OffllntllOn• Lied ,4 ...... 29 c.tll. POllOCl- Zl!IO •2 centa e pound, a.II-Ad Tift $11 23114 Melelt w..-ooml>09lt• lb Aivfft"""" 7&.17 ctnll a pour>cl, N Y .... W'l' S352 00 .,., "'"' l'letlftoffll S2U·S2IO 00 lloY -· N V SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .. ,.... ............ ,.,_ Se!«:t.O ~ gold pt IClll IOCllY SYMBOLS •, , .. . .. " " .. ·. ... .... ~ ···" ~ ... ;.;·= ·~ ·:.·: ... . ... .. .... :· .. ) I MUC flOllC( MUC '*JUCC *>TICI Of TMiefll'I IA.LI MOTIOI M TIWIJll'I IALI .... T•ta.IO L.-.... fU-·1 Oii f'1!0rt, OcillMr It, IN I , 91 T 1-._ D .... t I I • "' "OMI r 110 .. IAl OAUOO IAVINOI ~N O LO AN H[f\M I ftN AN Ct A L ASSOCIATION • COllH>flllOn, •• C.OftPORAftON .. cuiy ll)C)OllllN Tlu11 .. undef 111e1 Deed ol l1u11 1 iutt•• unel•t Ill• tollow11111 deled Januat\' 3 I, 1119, .. '°"''° Cl.-C1IO&C1 0..0 Of lr .. I Wlt,.L S l L bylAMU LLlPOMA,whOIGQulted Af PUlllC AUCTION fO fHC! ....... I AMUAL LIPOMA •no ttlOltU I 11100'1" ,.Ott CA8tl MA"ll LIPOMA a nd t •QOtOed IP•Y•blll •I lime ol Hie tn f•""lul F11b1uary 14, 1919, •• t1111tun19f\I mone)I ol Ill• Unll•d lt•IH I all Ho 1~761, 1100k 13034, Pag. )11 rtglll "'" 91\d lntefMI conv.red 10 Of Olllcl•I "•COid• Of O• •t1CI• el1d now llllld by II und4lf Hid Deed County, St•te of C91llOll\la, Mii Mil 01 lrutt 1n '"' Pf°'*1Y htrtln•flllf •I publlc euotton to Ill• fll9hHI <MMlcrtbed blddllt IOI caefl In tewtul money ot TAUS T O~ MOHAMMED 8 11111 Unll•<I 81•1H. •I Ill• h onl DAUOO w1 unm•rrMHJ man enlraoc. 10 Ille OIO Ot•nge Countv DEN ~ r I c I A A y ... ER cu A y COUl'lhouM, IOC•te<J on SMll An• 8 A v I N G s A N D L 0 A N Blvd., blllw11en llyc•more SHHI A880CIATION, 1 c0tpo111ton 91\d 8toaclway ln Ille City OI S•nl• R.c0tdlld M•1cll 3, 111110 H tnrtr *n•, Counly 01 Or•noe. State ol No fllll In boot. 13520, Paot 38& 01 C9lll0111ta, ell rtghl. lltle and'"'""' Oltlcl•l AiHlo1d1 1n 1111 oltlc• ol the conveyed to •nd now h•ld by II rt.cord•• 01 Ortno• County, aatd undllt Mid Deed ot Tru11, In tll•t dt•IJ 0 1 Hu•• d•tetlllt• t h• property-11Tu•l•d In Hid County 1o1tow1ng prQ0411y •nd S"I•, detcrlbed ••· lOI 53 Of TtM:I 0408 111 1111 City TM n01tllwMl11tly 113 32 IMI 01 OI trvlll• 'county OI Ort1ig1 S•••• 01 1119 IOUINeellll'ly 1540 Ila !Ml Of l..OI C•llforni1 81 Pi'' m1p •eCOt<llld tn 247 Of Ille Newp0<1 Helgnft TtaQI. Dool\ 4 1 i. P•OH 40 lh•ouoll 43 City Of ,.._~, 8-h. Counl)I ol tnclvlllve ot mltcellaneou1 m•P• tn 0 1anoe. Sl•I• 01 Calllornl1, H P" 1111 otttce 01 the County Rec;0<dor Of map tllCXl<ded In Book 4. P•oe 83 ol Hid Oringe County MfllQllll•neoue M•PI YOU ARE IN OEFAUI. T UNOEA A Elloept Ille IOUlll-119fl)I 'l 10 0 E E 0 O F T A U S T O A T E 0 fM~:~ IH Dl,AIA.T ~"A FEBRUARY 21. 11180 UNLESS YOU O I I D 0, T" U IT O AT a O 1 AKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR .1'"-'MY a1 1t1'I. UNLall YOU PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A -• PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN TA.Ca ACTION TO P"OTICT EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE TOU .. P"OPl .. TY IT MAY ea OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST IOl.D AT A ""9&.IC IAU. •YOU YOU YOU SHOULO CONTACT A NatD AN UPLANATIOM CW T.. ' NATUM 0 , TMa NOClaDINQ LAWYER The addreu of Ille AQAINaT YOU YOU IMOULD dM1Qna1ed ptOpe<ty It 56 C•r¥et. • trvln•. Calllornl• CONTACT AN ATTOlllNIY. 'Ill 1 at•"' •Od1•sa or common Th• """ •d0,.11 01 011111r dettgnellon 11 111own t bove. no common d•1tgn1t1on 01 tll• '''' ..,1111111y •• g1v•n 11 10 111 propeny d•tcrlb•d •bovt '' compl•l11<1H1 or eo<rectMn) .. purported to be Th• bo11t1l1c1•ry und., Hid Deed -§431 Holld•y Ro•d. N•wpO•I ot lrutt, by rHIOI\ ol • bfH Ch Of a..cn. c.lll0tnl•. delaull In Ill• obltgauons HCurlKI Said ule •Ill be m•d•. Without tfleieby, l'le••lolot• , .. llC\lted •nd covtn•nl or w•1tllllly. •KPt••• or dellv•1ed to th• und.,1ton•d • Implied, rtg.,dlng lltle. po,_.ton wrllltn Oectarallon ol Oefaull and Of encumbtellQN. to FMIY lht un~ld OemMd for Sale and wr111en notice ptl~lp•I tum of 150,196.51. plut ol brttllth and ot 11ec11on to cauM lnle<etl lhtreon H provided In Ille lhe undersigned 10 ae ll ••Id Nole MCured by Mid Deed ol l'tutt. properly 10 sallaty said obllg•llont, plua H ol Ille d•le ol Ille lnlll•I and tnere•lter 111e undersigned pubttc•llon of 11111 Nolle• •n ceu'8d aald no11co ot breech and ol •ddllton11 Hllmated amoullt ol etecllon 10 be recoi<Jed June 3. $14,000.00 tor adv•ncH, ti eny, 1982 115 Intl• No. 112· 1119•66 In under Ill• lerm• of H id OHO 01 boot! ot Olllctat Roc:01d• Trutt. 1 .... Gll•roee •nd expen... Sa1d sato wttt be mad e. bul of tll9 TrutlM wllllout cove nant or wur•nty. TM Beneflelery under "Id Deed •~prus °' Implied. reo•rdlng 1111e. of Trull nu ll•r•tolore •ucu1e<1 poueu ton, 0, •ncumb<•ll4lH. to •nd d11llv•red to H id Trut1H • pey lht rem•lnlng ptlnclp•I sum ol wtluan Oecl•'9tl0n ol Olllaull of I~ the 11018 eecutecl by Hid Deed ol obltgallont MCUrlKI by Mid 0.-J 01 T<ull, with 1n1er11 ae tn H id not• Trutt, and I wrlll•n Notice ol provided advenoes, 11 any, unCw Default end Eleclton to Sell, ..n1c11 tne tefms ot .. Id Deed of Ttust, Notice "1d TrullM hH cauMCI lo IHI ch•rges •nd e"pettMt ol 1119 be recon1ec1 Ofl No......be< 10, 11111' Trua'1" •nd ol tlle 1tuata crHllld by •• lne11um•nl No 101 74, Book .. kl Deed ot Trust Seid .... win bll 14285. P1g11 1459 o l Olltcte t held on TueSday Oc:tot>et 12, 19112 Record• o1 "'d Count)'. . •I 2 oo p m at tne Chapm•n Said "" 111111 be conduc:llKI by Av•nue e nlrenc• 10 the Civic Catllornt• Po111no 91\d Publltlltno Cent•• Bu11<11no 300 Eest Ctliapm.,, Comc>anl' 'WtlOM IKldrHI •nd pholw Avenue. 1n tne Clly ol Orange. numbar Is 10211 North L•k• Avenue, C•lll01nie Sult• 201, P ... d•n•, CA 111104 At Ille ttme ot thll lnltt•I (213) Ul-45411 PUbllClllOn ot lhtl notice. Ille fOl•I O•tlKI S.Ottmber 14, 11182 emounl ol lllo unpaid b•lence ol the HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS obllgellon H Cured by tlle abov• ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION desorlDe d d•ed ol trus1 end • Corporation, eallma1td co111. H P•naea. end H TruatM •dv•ncu 11 $131,2112 58 To By Lind• A W•rntt de1erm1ne tht opening bid, you m•y Aea11t1111t Vice PrMldenl call (7141 1137.()966 Publlthed Or•nge CoHI Dally Date Sop1emoer 9, 19112 PllOI. S.Ot. 24 •nO Ocl. I, II. 1982 HElllMEI ,IHANCiAL COftP. 4 1111-62 •• .~ Trvml .. , ----Pl&.--IC_NO_TJC_[___ ::.:.·o. I ElllYICE COMPANY, FICTITIOUa IUllHHI NAMI! a TAHMliNT TM foltowlno person• 11• dolno busl111111a es· OCEANVIEW INSTRUMENTS, 2523 w P •clllc CoUI Hwy, l\lewpofl e.ac11, CA 112863 Wltllam L H.,tong, 21861 B1001<11ur11, Hunllngton S..cn. CA Q26'16 Apt 153 Jull• M H•rtong 2 11161 Broollllur11, Huntington 9'a<:n, CA 02$40 Apt 153 1 n11 bulllneu 11 conducteo Dy an lndMdu91. (llutband and ..ti•) WUlttm L Hanono .... co ··-·· AHi. lee. One Cit, llwd. WHt Or9119•, CA ll29N (714) U6-aae Pubtl•ll•d Oreno• Coast Dally Pllol. S•pl. 17, 24, Ocl 1. 1982 4121-82 PUBl.IC NOTICE flCTTTIOUI IUllHEll NAME aTATEMENT Tht lollowlng petlO"S &rt docng OUl'ness as S CUSTOM FINISHES. 17:60 Monrovia Ave., Coat• M.sa. CA 92627 Tiiie 1181-1 WU llled wllll lht County Clerk of Ot9119' Coun1y bn Aug 18, 19112 STEVEN C FISCHER. 1760 Monrovia Coat• M ... CA 92627 MARILYN H TORTORICE '1*'2 1760 MonrOYrll Costa Men CA Publl•h•d O••no• COH I Di iiy 92627 Piiot s.p1 10 , 17. 24 Oct I, 11182 Tiits bulP.,... rs conduclect by • NIUC NOTICE __________ 3_~_1_._112_ general partnersl\lp SlevenC Fr~ Tiit• st••-• was tried wttll 1~ FICTITIOUI IU ... 11 County Cl4!<11 of Otano<t County on .. Pl&.IC NOllCC YOU AQ .. oa,AUL T ~" A DllO 0' T"UaT OATtO HPTIMIU ~L~lll. UNLHa VOU TAKI ACTIVll TO NOTICT YOUll PllOPl"TY, IT MAY I I aOL.O AT A PUklC aALI. If YOU NllD AN Uf'LANA TtON CW THI NATURE 0' TMa PllOCllDINQ AOAINIT VOU, YOU IMOUL.O CONTACT A L.AWVlllL NOTICI Of' T"UITH'I IALI T.I . No. UOM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, lh•I °" F11<1ay, Octobet 16, 19112. It 9 00 o'c;toc;k a m of Hid dey, In lh• room "' ta1Co to• c:onouctlng Tru•IM'• Salee. wlllltn the olltot1 ot REAL. ESTATE S ECURITIES S ERVICE. loc•ted •I 2020 North Bro•dw•y. Suite 206. 111 11141 Clly ol S•11I• An•. County o l Oreno•. Sl•I• o f. C a lll otnl•, REAL ES 1ATE SECURITIES SERVICE .• C.lllo•nl• co•e>oretton, H dul)I appolnl•d TrullM under •nd purauem 10 tile pow•r of 11te conlorred In 11111 ctttaln Oelld ol T ruat u ec:uted by JOHN L EDWARDS llf\d DOLORES M EDWARDS. nuab•nd and ..tla, rec:Oldlld Octot>et 3, 19801 In Book 13773 of 0 1ttc111 Records ol aetd Counly. 11 page 124, Rtc:Qrde1'1 tn•lrumettl No. 4609, by' ,. .. on ol 11 broec;I\ or dtleull In P•ym•nl or perlorm•nce ol th• obltgellona lecu11d thereby. lncludlnt lhel !>fuel\ or dolaull. Nolte• 01 wtitcll wet racordlKI Oclobef 19. 11181, In Book 14259 ol Olltctet Aeeorda of u ld County, al P•O• 1188 . Rec:otdet'• lnalrument No 22230, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO l HE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, ltiwful mOt\tY of tht·Unlted Siii••· °' • calhle<'t ell«;k dr•..n on • at••• or n•lloo91 benk. • 11•1• or ledll< al CllKlll utllOt'I, Of • 11•111 01 llKl9'at .. v1ng1 lllld IOen usocietlon domlclled 1n 1111t at•I•. 911 peyeblll 11 11141 time ot Miii. lit rlgnl, lllle and lnl•rMI hllld by II. H Ttusl•. In tll•t '''' propllll)I sltu•I• In H id County •nd Sl•I•. dHc•lbed H lollOwS A t.eMtlold 1111er .. 1 In lllld 10 LOI 1 ol TrKI 6425, .. tllOW11 on I Mep recorded In 8ool< 239, Pao .. 43 IO 411 ol Mltc*llllllOU• M11$>1. In tht olfice ol the County Recorder of Hid County Th1 11rettl 1ddre u or other common de1lgn•llon ol ,.,, r••t propet1y hetetnat>ove d•actlbed la purported 10 b• 1178 S•ndcull• Drive. Coron• dlll M•t. C•lllornl• tll• undersigned l'l•••by d11ct•tm1 all ll•blllly 101 •ny lll(i.()(rec1nea11 In aald 11r .. 1 •ddreH or other common dollignatloo Seid Hll Wiii b• m•d• wlll\OUI w•rr•nty, •xpreu or 1mptted. reg11dtno lltl•. poueuton. or •ncumb11no11s. 10 tellaly Ill• prlnctpel bllance ol the Nol• or Olh8' ObllO•llOn tec ur•d by. H id OMd ol Trull, with 1nl•tHI a nd 0111111 sum• H prov1d•d 11\e,.ln. plus •dv•ncet, II •n)I, und•r Ill• ltrml thereof •nd lnlllf"I Ofl l4ldl •dv.nc ... and plut fffs. cllerges and upen-ol lht Tf\lllM 9'ld ot lht trulll CfNled by Mid OMd OI Ttull The IOl•I •mount ol H ld 0Dllge11on. Including reuont bl)I eutm•ted I•••· c h••o•• •nd ellpen-ot 1119 TrullM, •I Ille lime of lntUll pubtlc:•tton of tl'Mt Nol!Qll. la 166.276 SS 0.ted S.Ollln'lber 21. 111112 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. • Cell1ornla c;orpot•llon. u l ru•I• By D J MCXOt!'. 111 Pr•aldenl NAME aTATE•NT Septemoer 29 18112 Tll• followlno P••aon II doing F,IMO, 2020 No th Broodway bualllllllt u . Publ"hed 01ange Cont Delly ' . (SE.ALI BOAN BEAUTIFUL, 211 Be&Gon P1to1. Oct 1. 8, 15, 22. 1982 Svlle ~anta An•. CA 92706 B•y, N•.,..port Be•Cll, C•lllornte 1----------4_3_3_9_-8_2 Tet (714) 1153-6810 112eeo Pllll.IC NOTICE Pubhthed o ,.ng• COHI Dally Jean AQMI Beett.. 28 Belicon -------------.Piiot. Sept 2•. Oct I 8 15, 111112 Bey, N•wPO•I BHCll. C•lllotnta FtCTITIOU8 9U81NE5S 4233-82 92660. NAME aTATEMEHT Tllla bUal,,_ 11 conducted by •n The fOltOWlng persons ate dOlng lnd tvldu•I l>Uarness u JHn AQnet Bellk C O R D 0 N M A N A G E M E N T Thia lllltmtnl WU llled wllll lht SERVICES 209 30111 Street County Cte<k of 01ange County on Newpor1 Boactt. Colllorn1a 92663 Sepl. 2. llHl:l Wiiiiam E G1111011 St 209 30tn FIMm Stree1. Newport Beach, Calllorn•a Publl11\ed Ottnoe CoHt Dally 112663 Piiot. Sttpl 10, 17, 24, Oct 1. tt82 Marthe Emmons Ga1ren 209 _________ _,;;.399,;,.;;.;8;..·4.;.;2;;. 30th 8H•t1. Newpo rt Beach, C11tl0<nte 112683 Pl8.JC NOTICE Tl\11 bultnHs 11 conouctect by FICTITIOUI au .... 11 husband and wile. NA• I TATIMl!NT W E Q.,••11 Tht fOllow>ng PIHIOnl If• doing lllrS 1181-1 wu lrlf'd wtlh the bulinns as County Clerk ot Or•nge Counl'f on A) JJM ENTE~PRtSES Bl JJM Septembet 23 1982 FIN185 Publt•ll•d Orange Cout Daily Pll()I Oct I. 8. t5. 22. 11182 Qlll-82 CO M PAN Y, CJ JJ M & ASSOCtA TES, 0 ) JOHN MICHAELS CO. 3857 Birch Sltffl N11wPO•I BNch. CA 926e0 M.,k Ne•I Corpor•llon • c.llfOlnla corporation, 3857 Bltct! SlrMI. Newport BMch. CA 112660 Tiits butlneu II COndUCled by a corporetlon Merk NMI CorporaUon Jerri H91Qhl SecteterylTIHI Tiii• •l•lamenl w•t filed wllll IM Counly Cte<ll of Or9119' County on Sept 11. t882 F187011 Publlalled Orang• Co•SI O•lly Piiot. Sept 10, 17. 24. Oct 1 111112 3989-82 NII.IC NOTIC£ flCTITIOUS .,.,._., NAm ITATl•N'T Tllo lotl<>Wlng pertOn• are dOlng l>\lttneetu· PA)( tNTf;RNAltONAL, 1137 Ac•putc;o St , Leoun1 8Hcll. CA 112651 Demlr J oalp P•v•o. 1137 Acepulc;o St .. L•oun• BHCll, CA 9'265 1. Jim Cl\910fl, 937 Ac:9PYICO 81 , Leaun• BMc:ll, CA llM& 1 flll9 bull,_ te conducteo by • oer-• partntBlllp Datnlr Joelp ~ Thl9 , .. ,_, wu ~ "'111 Ille County Clet1I o4 Ot enet Counry on 8-15, 1"2 ,..,. Publl•11114 Or•nge Co•tt D•lly Piiot, hpt 17, a4, OCI 1, 8, lff2 411)-12 NI.JC ll>TICl flCTmOUI ....... ..... ITAT'DmNT PU8UC NOTICE ,ICTTTIOU8 IU .... I NA• ITAtt•NT Th• lollowlng per1on ta doing OUllMSI .. FIELD , C RANE 6 ASSOCIATES, 4500 Ctml>UI. Sutt• 3'8, Newpoll Beach, CA 82MO. Chrltto¢* Alden e r-. 30!)2 S Main 81B. Sllf\11 An•. CA 92707 Tllt1 bullneN 11 COtldueled l>y a gener•l p.,t~P Cllrltt~ A CraM Thia tl•lemenl wH llled ..ttll Int Coun fy Cler~ of Or ang11 County on Aue 27. 11182 ,, .. Publl•h•d Or•noe COHI D•lly Pltol 8•Pt 2•, Oct I. 8. 15, 1082 4241·82 rtlBl.IC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUI IU ... H NAmnAn-.t Tiie lotlowtno peraon 11 do1n9 ~ ... FLASH CO., 899 WMI 111111 81., ~ &Md!, CA 112te3. STUART KARL, 8H W 16111 S t , Ntwporl BMch, CA t2te3 Thia ~ .. conducted by an lndlvldual SI~ 1(#1 Thlt atal-t w&I llllld wOll 11\11 Counry C ... k of Or"'Qll County Oii Sec>..,.,.blll' 2 I, 1912 ,,tnq Publtwll•d Otano• COHI O•tty Ptlol. s.p1 24, Oct. I, 8, 1S, 1N2 41114·82 Pl&.IC NOTICC l"ICTITIOUa IUllNHI NA.m ITAffMINT The lolk>wlno peraona ••• CSO.ng buSlMll U . CREATIVE GARDENING ANO TREE TRIMMING. 332 VICIO•I• •0204, Cotti ....... CA 92627 H•dt J•vadl, 332 VIC lO•I• .. 0204, Coat• Mna, CA 921127 Lorr J evedl. 332 Vlclorla !00204, CotS• M-. CA 92627 Th11 bullllffl It oonductlld by •n ltldlvldu91 HIOI J•vlldl Tnte tl•temtnt .,.. .. !fled '#1111 '"' Coutlty Clertl of Of 11nge County on Sept 22. 11162 '1ta011 Publltll•d Orange COHI D•lly Ptlot. Sept 2•. Oc:1 t, 8 16, 111112 4184-82 Nil.IC NOT1C£ FICTITIOUa ....... aa NAME n Afl•WT Tiie fOllowtng per1on It doing l>tltl-H' AM DRIVE THAU PHOTO, 717 w 111111 SI • Coll• ...... C•fflornta 92027 Bern•td P•ul Aen111u, 3117 S Solluo St , Orang•. C•lllotnl• 928611 Tiit• bual,_ 11 oonduc1ed by •n tndlvldu1I Bernerd P A-u Thia atal-l .... !lied wllh 1119 County Cllltk 01 Or•rige County on Sllpl 22, 11102 " ... Publf1l1•d Or1nge CoHI Dilly Pltot, Sllpt 24, Oct 1, 8, t6, 111112 • 4204-82 "8.IC NOTICE NOTICa Of' An'UCA TION TO llLL A LCOHOLIC MYt,.AOH •w-n To WllOm II Ma)' ConG41rn llMOlHY T STUETZ tw lppty\ng 10 th• Ollp1nm11n1 01 Alconollc Bevetage Control for 4 r· On Sllle a-& w1ne (Public E•11ng Pl•ael. 10 ... , &leoflOljC --o-., 18946 Bot .. Clltc& Rd 1-1un1t1191on B11.cn, C11trl0<n11 l :l&.49 Publlelled 01en0.• Cout Detty P1101, Oc10bef I, 1912 434)·12 Tiit IOll0.11\f per.on It doing flta.IC ll)TIC( ~-: AHOCtATH, 2612 'ICTmOUl IUllNlll FICTITIOUI 9UlllelH ~· llvd . Co•I• MH•. OA NAMI ITAT'DmNT MAMI ITATl•NT ntal. Th• 10110 .... t tng perton •• dol/1g Th• IOllOwlnO P•••On •• dOlllO ltrt>tr• J. flo•. 1221 w c-1 ~ ... ouelneea N: f'.4~ •, H1, Ntwporl IHall, CA SPEEDIAL COMPANY, 421 OVA OONITAUC'TION, 14 tHN Vltll Truolla; N9wpon hael\, CA Argent Ctr., IMna, CA H714. Thia~ i. oonducled t>y 111 92~;~ Capro" COii. 421 Vlltl• Oallu v. Alcll1rdaon, 14 Aroenl u11lncorpora1..o 1tl0Glallon other Cir .. trvtn•, OA 92714 '""". partnerMllp, Trucn•. ~· llMcl'I. CA eaoeo. Tiii& bulllnMI I• conducted by'" a.11ar1 J. 'O• 2 buti,.,... It ~ b)I an lndlvldual. Thie .....,_. wea flltd Wfffl ttie " .1111,.:red c.>ron Coe o.tr .. v. Are11lfcr.on County Clat'tt of Ot9llOt Covr\ly on Tiii& •lt!Nment -fllad Willi tna Tlllt etltltmllfll -ftltCI wtlll 11111 ...,., 22, 1tta. CounlY 0..,. of Ot11ng11 County on Colintr cww of Oranot COUMY on ,,_ fec>t. 22, llH. 8111)11 H. 1912. P1-1 PublltNcl Oranta COHI 0.0y ,_.. -· Noc .... 24, Oc1. '·I . ti. IM2 PuDtletl•d Onnge CoHI Otltr Publllhacl Or•noe CoH t Dally -~------...:4:.::IOS-a;;;;.,:;;:2:;.I Ptlo4 8aOI 24 ~ 1 I I$ lNa Hot, ....,,_ 24, Ott I, I , ti, 1"2 O u1if'9d Adi ... 2 ... 11 ' . • ' ' t IM-e2 411&of2 Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, Ootot>er 1, 1882 1-4& 7 MlJC NOflCC ..... 'ICTITIC",11 auteNIH NOT~I Ol IAll MAMI ITATIMINT OP .. A&. ,_,,.Tl' Tll• 101tow1no pe1eon la doing AT "'°'Af1 ·~· b\lllMM M Me. A·.-r• L 0 IAIOA lt~UMltNO, 1030 111 IM =~rlat Cavrl .f .... w M All~ l tvo • 11111• An•. CA 11• .. c "" .., the c-•r 12101 I t41,I07,2711 •f OrtAt• 111 Uie M•ltat el llte L•leyett• 090lge llelde II, 1030 1111 101,I T.I ...... ef CM.AOYI M. MAYll", W M1CAllllU1 l tvd , Sant• AM, CA OllCIHUd. 01707 NOl"ll la nl(el>y Qlw,n fll•I Ille Thie bUllnto" It conducted llY 1111 undet•rQ~ •ti 11111 •I '•IV•lt .... llldlvl<IU411 to lh• h1g11eal •nO llHI bleld.,, L 0 OtiU• II t &,O&l 164 IUbJ•CH 10 GC)ttlt11111llOtt OI H id fllll ll•l-11 ••t !lied With Ille 4upetlOI Court, on oi •ll•r tile 18111 Covnty Ctettc 01 Ot•noe County on d•Y ol OctObet 1082 at th• OllU 01 8.ot II' ttU "'7 .... 1Jubll1h•O Or•ng• CoHI O•llY 1>1101. Stte>t 11, 24, Oca 1. 8, 1982 4 I 10-82 scot f. l'(RSINOfn. MUflfl . ,. KEBAI:, 171 S Main 81 , 8u1111 ,:;2, Oreno•. C•t1lorn1•. (1141 641·1402 County o t 01•no•. 81111• of C1tllo111ta, 111 111e rlglll. 1111• •nO ----PUBl--1-C-NO_T_IC_( __ _ tnterell ol Hid d•ceH•d •I lht Um• 01 death •"II 1111 •h• 110111. 1111••------------- •ntl tn111(111 111111 tile e1111e ut "'cl dmtul9d nu .cqut••'ll t>y NOTICE Of' Ol~ATll OP 211. :SO. Oa1 1. 2. 3, 111112 op11r11ton ot 11w or alhen•1ite 01t1" llARRV SCllKEIB~R AND 42311·82 lh•n or tn •dd1t1011 to lhllt 01 ,.10 0 F p E T I T I O N T O -------------dllCAMIMd, •• Ill• ume ol dettth. 111 , • • NII.IC NOTICE and 10 111 1111 cett1111 reat property ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. -------------tflualed, In City ol O•ange. County A· 11 5223. YOU A ... IN Ol,AULT UNDI"" ol 01eng1, s .... Of Cutllo•n•a 'ro nil tw 1r11, ht•nt•fw111rll'!I, 0 I E D 0 ' T" U a T 0 A T a D t t rl d blld I 11 t llPTl...a." e, 1111. UHl.lal YOU P"' cu 111 Y •tell .. 0 owa, 0 c n•t.lt lor11 and con t111g1•11 t TAKI ACTION TO ""OTICT wlLu1 II T1ac1 1022, .. enown on l'1't.'<11Wni .,r l-1011 )' &htl•t l>l'r YOU,. '"OPllllTY, IT MAV ••• Map lhtttol recorded In Book 34, 11t1d pr-rimn11 who muy IJI' IOL.D AT A PU•LIC IAL•." YOU p . 0 • • 2 0 • n d 2 I 0 o thf'rWIKt' tnh•r1·1t1..-d In tlw N••o AN I XPLANATION cw T .. M•.c•ll•n•ou• M•P• o l 11td NATU"I OF THa ""ocaao1NQ Or•noe Couni , Catlloinii w lll im d /or 1.>t1U.w · AOAINIT YOU, VOU· IMOUL.O E•c•pll1t9 ll1t1eY.o n1 tn• WHI A ~llllun lla!j tx .. •11 lth'<I CONTACT A L.AWYlllL 106 so IHI 11\e•IOI by Jo)fw1n c ~khrc·tht•t 111 tlw NOTICI Of TlllUaT1•·· IALI Su b f eel I Q Cove n •nll, S u1x:1lu1 Court ttf Urnngc· NOT1CET1:·H7'R::~~IVEN. lhtl !~~d'!'~~·e~::::.'!~?:'01"feh~~,~I Cuunty ~··quP .. llll~ that on Fu<1•v. Oc101>1• 6, 111e2. •I ~00 more tommonty known•• 010 Edwin <..: St hrl·lbl•I IJl' o'clockam of1aldday,1n111o room North B•wl•y She et. Ore no•. 11pJJvtnl 1:d ·'" f)f'f1>•1n<il Ml allo• lor c;ondUC1ing TrualM'• C•lll.ornt• repfl"'<:nt1111vc· to uclm1n1~1t·r SalH , within lh• olllcet ol REAL Tetm• of u te c•tll 1n ••wful t ht• l' 5 111 1 l' 11 I I I u r r y EST A TE SECURITIES SERVlCE, money ol the Untied Sl•IH oo Nie. . loc•lecl ., 2020 NO<lh B•o•dw•y. or P"1 CUii •nd b•l•llCll evldtlO()ed ::; l' h r l' l IJ l' I' I u II ll l• I th l' Sull• 203, In the Clly 01 S11n1a Ana. by not• H Cured by Morto•oe or lnd l•l)t'ncll't1t Ad11ll11ti.t1 Jt1un Counly 0 1. Or1ng•. s .... Of Trull Deed Ofl 1119 ptoptrly IO told of Eswtc.-s A ct) The· ••·ltll(ln C •ll fornt•. REAL ESTATE T f I t bid I be ,,. SECURITIES SERVICE .• Ctlllornl• '" Pet cen ° emoun ° IS St'l for h c·11r111g In l:Wpt deC>OtlllKI wllll bid . • , c;otpo••llon. •• dul)I 1ppolnled Bldt Ot olle<t lo be In willing •nd No ;J at 700 l 1v1c lt•nh·r lrutlM under •nd pur111•nl lo 11141 .... wlll be received II'"' atoroll&ld Oriv~. W('8t , Ill lht' <.'tt y or po.,..•r o l ute conferred In 111•1 olllc• at any llm• •lt•r th• Ural S&nt.a Ano, ('11hftirn111 on certain Deed of Tru11 UaQuled by publlctllon het901 and belOt• d•to "'"·l ....... 27 l"U'' t "'10 · JOANN E B. WILSON. 1n unmtrrled I aal v.. Clu.;r • " " II ""' •I m . wom1n, rKOrdecl October 2, 111111, 0 Da~'•d 111 11 2 4th day 0 1 It' YOU 08.Jl!X..~1' tu till' In Book 14242 ol OlllOlll A9Cord1 OI September. 19112 granting uf lht' 1)1.'llllUO. you aatd C?unty, 11 peg• 7110. IOWA"O I. MUl!m. 11til)uld l'tthc·r appc'ar a t the Reco1der • ln111umen1 No. 2666, by Allotner et Law h d reHOn of a brHcn or d•lauh In ICOTT Pl .. llNOI"· MUIHL a (•a ring an St Oll' your payment or perlorm,nc• ol the ic11,.1 • obj(.'Ct1uns ur (II& wrtlt<·n oblloattona ucu•od thereby, AllOfMJ for becul0t objl't.'t1 0 11N with lh<• t.•ciurt tnctud111~ 1na1 brHCh or delaull, DAVID MILTON QlllAY bl'fun· the h N•flnt,t Your N2011ce'e20 wntRcll weds r~dlKI JuM f1eculor of ltM 1•1•1• of ap""nranl'e may ht-in '""'n;on , I . H KOi er I tn11rumenl tald Oec:eclent r-.- No 82· 1118 11111, WILL SELL AT Publl•ll•d Or•noe Coaal Delly o r by your attorney PUBLIC AU CT I 0 N T 0 THE Piiot. Oct 1 2, 8. 11182 I F' Y 0 U A H E A HIGHEST UIDDER FOR CAS H. 4325·112 CHEDITOH or a l'QOltng(•flt lawful money 01 the Unttecl S111et. d , ~• or a c1thlor'1 c;l\eck dr•wn on • NOTICE 1J:r«'d1tor Qf th<' l.._'( 11St'" you tt•I• or n•llon•I b•nk. • 1111e or PUBUC mus t file your l'la1m with lhc: federal crlKlll union. or • 1111e or NOTICE TO CfllfOfTOftl Of' l·ourt or prl'1w11L 1t•to lhl! llKl9'af HYlnga •nd loaf\ HSOC:l•lloo IULK T"ANl'E" ANO OF p t' rsu na I rt.'p rt-Sl' n la ti Vt• domtclled ltt 11111 llale, •II pty•blo II INTENTION TO T"ANlff)I b h Ille Um• of Hie, tit right, tlll• lllld ALC°"OLIC NVUIAGE LICIN81 app~lt\tl•d Y l l' court 1n1erH1 held by 11, H TrullM, In (I.ct. 1101-t10'1 u.c.c. incl wuhin four months from thc.- 11111 rHI property 1llu11e In Hid 29073-74 I a P Co6e) date o f first 1ssuanl'l' of County •nd St•••. dHcrlbed H Noucie ts hereby 01v11<1111e1 • l>Ulk let ten. as provtd1.'<l 1r1 S1."t·t1on '°'~~511 ol TrlCl No 50111, .. '* ~:vne~~0~8 :~c~~:~~~. a."b~~~~o~~ 700 of the f'robaw OJJt• uf m1p 1eco<dlld tn BoOI< 111&, Pegea made ol th•t cen1a1n DMf and wino Cali fo rn1a The 11ml! for 26 10 30 loolualve of Mltcetl•nec><n ttvern 11u1rn11ss known •• hling claims will not expire M191, In tht olfloe ol tht County FLAMINGO eno IOC:•tea at 3622 pr111r to four month~ from Reorder ot H id COlmly. WeSI 5111 Street City Ot Santi Ana h , d • ( h , t " I Tiii 1111•1 tddr•n or 01n11t County ot Orange S tate ol t l' at~ O t ~ •tar"~ common dHlgn•llon 01 th• rett Ct lrtornr• 92703 no uct'CJ ab<..vt• propttty her .. n•bov• O..Crlbed la Names of Tranll••O•• and YOU MAY F.X'AMINI': purported lo b• 2110 l C•lltpe Licensees social HCuuty numb11t th<' file kept by thl' l'OUrt If SllMI. N-~1 Bemcll. C•.lltornt• and busm11sa add1esa .,., you i.r e llltt<rcstcd in lhc Th• undertl g n ed hereby Het1odo10 Fa•nandu 2617 dlt cla tmt •II ll•blllly tor •ny GJenarbo1. Santa Ana, C1111torn1e etitltll'. you muy (tit.' a rC-qUt>ill 1naor1K1nHs tn u td '''"' lddr"s 11210•. SS No 563·56·0065 wtth the court to receive 01 01her common dftlgnallon. Bulma•o Gut1e11e1 Arteaga. s p e <'I a I nut 1 c: e of I ht.· Said HI• wtll D• mad• •llhovt 2609 West HaJt S anta An•. invt•ntory o f eslalt• assl.'lll w•rranty, ••P••H or tmpll11d, C•l1lo1 n1a 92704 S S Nil ,.gardlno 1111e, ponHtlon, or 56 l·A2·8979 and uf tht.< JX•llllons, <tt'l'OUnl>o •ncumbrencu. 10 u1111y Ille Joroe Andra de 2510 Woll and r t!p o rt11 described in prtnctpal b•l•nce o l Ill• Note or Adams Ave Senta Ana. C11tlotnlD S e c l t o n I 2 0 0 o ( t h l' otht• obllg•llon MCurlld by aatd 112704. SS No !>611-118·913A Cahfomia Probate Code. O••d ot fruat. wllh tnle1Ht and Heme. soc1•l 1M1Gut11y numbet and Id H K I E Olh•r 1um1 es provided 111 .. etn, bustntu eddreu OI Intended Dona • e lne r , IQ., plu• advencH, II •ny, under Ille T1on1teree, 1nctudlno ztp cOC•. are Keltaer & Scllrelbt r, lac ., tefm• thereof tnd '"'""'on 1ue11 Adolfo Acott•. 0 01 Wftt 11111 !115 S. B everly Or., No. 41!, •dvtncea, •nd ptu• !Ma, cnarg .. S1tMt, Senta All•. ~ellforn•• 11270'3 Beverly Hiiis California •nd ••1>41"-of'"' TrutlM end of Tot11 conllderauon 10 be P•ld ID< I b' • 3 11141 1ru111 cruted by t&ld Deed of tllo ptoperty described 111 general, t 0 Z J l · Te e P OD t : ( ' I I Trust Th• tot•I •mount 01 H id u 111 11oc~ 111 trade li•turu. SS3·H l I. obllgauon, Including •••tonably equtpm4f'tt 81'd OOOd wtH togelhef l'ubli•l1111 "' •n'it• <."•-•• l>•rh ••tlm•t•d , •••• Ch.,g•• and Wllll Ille llGlllH IS $20.200 00 l'rk•I (Jt.I I i " •·•Kl ell.1>41t1MI Ol 11141Trust ... 1111111 ume OMc.rlptlefl Amolint of lnmat l>\lbtlcallOn of 11111 NotlOI, IS CUllttf • C'MIC~ $20 000 00 $07,372 83 Demand note 10 be teplKed 0.ted September 14, 1982 1n c.aan tlltougll .. ,,ow 200 00 fll•AL EITATI aacu"ITtfa l<ind ol llc;en .. 10 be 11enslet•ed NllVIC«, 81><1 numbef .,, On·S ... 8-•nd • Celltomle -POf•lloft Wine Lleenle No • •·367115 M TrwlM The aate and tt•nsle1 wrll be D.ol • ...,..,, Ha Pneldeftl consurnrnat!ld •I 10 00 • m on or 2020 M. lfo.dw•r .... tol olle< Ille 1st d•y 01 No11embe1 11182 9Mt. AN, CA l2'70I al the etc:IO'* di!Plltl,.,.,,I 01 BETTS (714) tu-4110 ESCROW ENTERPRISES INC •I Publl•ll•d Or•ng• Co11t Dally 505 N fu1t1n Av• No 1ro. Senta P1k>1 Sept 17, 24. Oct 1, 1882 Ana. C1111orn1a 11270!> "24-82 All other ou11nets nemet and ----PUBl--IC_NO_T-IC_E ____ addresses usod Dy the 111n1l4ttor1 -----c-~--2"112------~··~~01: ~~",::':~,~~":t~~i!'•;,~• YOU Afllf IN OE.FAULT UHOI" -SAME DIED OF TlllU8T OATEC Tiit perllu ag1ee t net tne 11,TIM•f" 10, 1MO. UNLfll contlderahon tor Ill• H•nt ter OI lh• YOU TAKI! ACTIOH TO NOTIC1 OUllnt.ss tnd the llt¥lM 11 10 be YOU .. '"OPE"TY, IT MAV II p•ld a lter th• O•p111men1 nl IOLO AT A PUILIC IALI. If YO\J Alcoholic Bever•ge Control hH NllO AN EXf'LANATION Of' THIE epptoved the proposed 1tan1f•r NATU"E OF THI PlllOCIEOINQ Dated Septembet 211. 1982 AOAINI T YOU. vou •HOUL.D HllllOCOtO Fefnanoei CONTACT A LAWVER. 8utm"o G Arteaga NOTICE Of' TIN•TH'I I.AU Jorge And••de IJMOE" DEED Of' nlUIT Tr•ntfefon TC No. '°°"' Adolfo Aootll Loan No a.n Tten•loree NOTICE It ll•'••by g lv•n 111•1 Publlalled Otano• COHI D•1ly SERRANO RECON\/EYANCE Pilot. October'· 11112 C 0 M P A N Y . 1 C 1 11 I o r n I a 43•9 112 co 1pora11 on • • tr u •I••. or rtlBl.IC NOT1C£ SUCCllllOI llUllff. or •ubttltut.O, ____________ _ llUllH PUflU•nl 10 th• Oiied OI PAC•IC ~ Ttu•t ... cu"d by WILLIAM R ... Ka MWMIEI TO WHIT! iand JACOUEL.IHE J WHITE. OffMT INCMAN .. and WILLIAM J WHITE a nd 04!,,_CIATIOM IJCnNU recordlld Septemb•r 111, 19110 In Peclflc TelllptlOnll 11u ult.cl 1119 8ool< 137411, P.ge 150, "'91tu,.,..,I C •II fo r n I• p ub t 1 c; U 11111 .. • No 24415 of Offtc1•1 Rllcotd• In lht ComfntU1on (CPUC) for • ,_,.,. oll~ ot the County Reco<der ot tnci,.••• 10 ollaet tnet••••d Or•not County, Celllornl•. a nd dePflld•llOn Pl*\M rta.IC NOTICC '#..o2710 PUaLIC HEAllllNG W11EN WedOeSdly Oclobet 'J7 1982 I 30 pm WHERE Aesoute•• BurtOrng 14 16 Ninth Street Room t 1:11 Sac1•mer110 C•lrforn11 95614 PURPOSE To tecetve 1..strmony on thi! 1mp1emen1atron Plan tor Ille W•le• Oualrly Men•911men1 Pt11nn1ng Progtam tSechon 20SCtl ol the Fede< .. Ctenn Wa ter ACIJ BACKGROUND Th• Stal• Wllttr Aei.ourcet COtllrOI BOl•d nas been oesignateo IU Ille •o•ncy •ll>tPOllStblt; IOI coq,rdln•t•ng the e•per1011u1e ot ledet•• w•ter qu1111y c;ont101 tun<Jg wlllCh IOl•I •PPro,;1malt1ly SI 8 m1t11on tor Ille ltrtl year 111 Dooember 1881, Ille federal Water PollullOn Control ACI """ emenclod to prov1CH1 Illes& tund5 to th• S111es 10 carry oul a program of Wiiiet quehly m11negemen1 pt1nnrno a110 10 101nlly develop wllh tocat rtijronel 11nd 1n1er11a1e en1111es a plan lo• 1mptetnet1trng 1111s program PROGRAM IMPLEMENT A flON PLAN A drall Progr1m lmpl@menlehon Pla n llH Deen P••P•••d Dy the St•t• Boerd The dllC8tlt ol lh•S plt1ri writ D• d 11cuued et lh• Public; HNrlng PRIORITV WAlEA BODIES G••nt 1und1no will tocu• on profec;11 O•t•ct•d 11 co11•ct1no P<Obtem• euoc11ted .wrlh PllOf•ly wllef bO<l"s Tile State Bo91d nu d11veloped 1 0 .. 11 concept paper wtilCll dttcu•-11111 11l1U41 C OPIES OF TtiE DR AFT DOCUMENTS CoptH 01 the <1•111 Pro9•11m ~talion Plan · 1nd P11or11'f W•lef 8odteJ" documents m1y ~ obtalllfld Dy contKttng LAvtrM Blue Special P1 OlllCll St•te W1111t Resources Contt<M Board P 0 Bo• 100 S•ct11mento, CA 95801 Tet t018) 445·2059 Publl•ll•d Otartoe Coot 01111y NlJC ll>TICl r\alC ll)TIC( NOTIC• CW ~ .. AIMO Cl#,,_ NOflt.fl II HIAl'IY OIVfN th•t IM NO'nG.I 01 ,.,.,..... IMa @lltllie ~ .... " ""'° ~ !fie ............. . City C«ln~ll of 11141 Ctty OI Co.I• YOU AM • ... AULT W99t A MMa on NOwnlber t, ltt2. In Ifie DI ID O' TAU If ·~fie Councot Cn91llbel• OI Ctt)I ltllll. " OICIMll" H , tMt·fi F•tt D11ve Ct1•I• l.fH•. •I 0 30 YOU TAKI ACTtOee TO Pm , Ot u •oon lllerHll" H YOU" ,,.0,UITY, JT M 'f N Pfll0tlc9ble, Oii I~ IOllOWlng 11-IOU» AT A "'9IJC IM.I.• Teti RECONSICHAATIO~ OJ: NUO M IU&.MATIOlll Of n9 SPECIFIC PLAN IP ,. 02 (0••., NATUAI OP THI NOCI ... 811-.. •nd P•ul•ttno Av•nue l to AQAINIT YOU.i.)OU IMOUIL• •v•lu••• llll••n•llv• lmprovem•n t CONTACT A LAWl'IA. option• IOI lt>e A911dolpll Av-On Nov•mbef 6, lff2. al I II .... "tlO<I A ... ,,d.,•I N•llonal MOftf'll!' Af80LU'Tt0N Of Nl!CUillllY lo Anocl•tton H duly •PPOl•IH cooO.nn p<e>petly looeled " 132 TrultH und., •nd pu11uan1 .. E.ut 101h flltMI, dMlgn•led Patce4 Deed 01 Trut l •Mllllllecl ~ ...... 211, IO• '"' 10th SHHI •ldt ntno D AAIM9!, • tingle men, ,~ P•OJecl Jt nulll)r 4, IN2, .. tn•rUIMftt M . NOTICE •8 ru~nll!R OIVl!N 11111 112-00002114, ol OfflGllll lilecotOt In at aald lltne and PlllO•. •ll lnle< .. llKI th• Olflee ot tll9 County ~0..-Of OtNa<>na nt•Y •PP'" •nd be llHrd Orang• County, Calllornl• Wtll. by the City Counall on th• SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOpt TO •I01•mt11t1Qt1e<.1 m11ll9f HIGHE.8T BIDDER FOR CA8tf °" EILEEN P P•41NNEY CHECK ~$ Ol!IClllJllD 81...0W City Ctefk (p•yaof• a1 ume ol .... In 1·.-M Publl•ll<d Or•no• COHI Dally rnOOtY Of lht United 11•••1 •I,,.,. Pilol. Oct I, 11182 42311-112 •ntt~ to the Old Orwiga C~ COulll\OUM, l0¢•ted on Santa Al.-P\8.IC NOTICE .. .&tvd • betwHn Sycamor• ••. a 8101oway. llan•• Ana, Callfornt._ Ill right, title en<I Int••• GQn¥9Y'llil to tnd now held l>Y II under Mid' 0... or 11u11 1n tht PfOC*l'f lllluatM In Ml(! C01mly tnd S t•te O-r..,..i • flCTITIOUI 14JllNIH lt.U. ITATIMINT Th• name 01 11141 1>U1tr1e1a CLUB OE MECCA, l TO 2434~ lopon .. Court I •oun• Nlgu•I CA LOI 72 OI T1tcl NO 1712, lfl .. .... Clly OI co ... M•H. a• pet "'-' r-ded In !>004< &0, P-0-32 lo 31 lnctutlv•. MlllCllll•ntOllt M9C)9, In 92677 11 h••eby ••o ••teted ov IOllOwl•'ll ' Club tl• Mac:c a tnc C•lllornl• corpo11Jt•or • ltie otttc;e 01 lhll Col.Inly Aeeo<oar °' Hid C911nly Oe•tld Oucll•rme 24 342 Tol)Uf•t.s Court L•ou••ll Niguel CA 112677 T1111 t>ulllnesa 11 co"ductlld bY • L1m1ted P•t1nort111p Get•ld Du<;11atme G., .... , P"'""' fl\11 ttetemenl WH !fled wtlh LM A Bt•nch. County Clerh of Otl"Oll County on Sept 7 11112 "e<mHft, c.,,..,. I WINiln.oll A 'rofM•loftel Cotpor•llon AllOfMYI el Liw 1IOO CelllMnla Flrat llftk •Ide PO a llrMI left OlefO, CA '2101 ..... 74 Fl .... Publl1h11d Oreng11 CoHI Dally Piiot. Sept 17. 24 Oct 1. 8. 19112 4127 ·82 NJLIC NOTICC ST A TEMENT OF AaANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS aU81NES8 NAME 111., lollow1ng ptt••nns n11v1 ebandone<J lhe use ot ll•tl h1.t1trous business 1111rne AN l HON¥ SCHOOLS at 4361 B11c;tr Stret!t Newport 8e11<;t1, CA 92660 The t1c;1111ous bu$1nen n11me 111tt1ued 10 above we~ llled 1n lhl County Clerk • oll1ce on 3·29·79 NEC Resident Scnoota tnc •36 t B11c;h Street Newport Beath CA 92660 tl\11 oustnes~ win conov<.t.-0 tly a corporauon JeflrOy A 8<111 VP Tnrs stalament wu 1r1eo w1111 mot County c1111t. ot Orenoe County o•• hcepl •II crvdoa oil, pei1oie.-. Ott. b,.t , ••Pll•llum, •nd ell klnd,.d 1ubtt•nc•• •nd Ot"•' mtner•I• und•t •nd In tald lel\CI OAC'f)I Ille Ilg/II 10 UM any PQf1IOft of 111e aurlKe ol 1119 19nd tor d•lllnO C>Ptl•lloo, m ntng or qu.rf'YIC'g OI ,. t.1nd1 1ncludlng but not •Kclutlv9 of 011 w•ll drilling, oll d•vtlopn,.m, m1n1ng opet11too1, 1oge1r-wttll .,. uM of Hid 1urlac• for Oii, .,... •• IAnkt, tunnllll, mining •KCll"9"°"9 o• lh•ht, provldlKI, now-. Ifie utn• an•ll not be conttruM to p1011tbll ll•nt drlKlng or M>Clh OCW ope<allont """ICll In no way UN« In aJ\y way effect 1119 _.1_ r~h1a of H id t•nd, •nd wnlcll do not .,,.., Hid 1911d al • potnl leN than. 600 111411 IO Hid turlac., •I 1M«Y9d In tht OMd l1om Ednlh Race~. recorded Feb1uery 3, 11153, In bOOll 2446, P•oe 82. Ofltcl•I A«o<da. The 111oe1 addreH ol lh• ••Ill p1operty detcrlbed •bove 11 pyrp()ftlld 10 be; 2083 Stal• AV9 .. Co111 Mna, Calllornt• 112627. Th• und•111gn11d dl.ctalmt eny Uablllly tor any inc;orrecl,,... Of lhe ebov• •trMI addrM•· Tiit aa1e '#Ill be mlM:le. but wtlllOut cov•nant 01 w•11an1y, •Kpr ... « 1mp1illd, •eo•1dlng mte, potMMIOn or tnCUmbt~. 10 pay the ~ 1moun1of1119 unp91d b9Janoa tA the obligaoon MCU•ed by '"' ptopeny to be 1otd contl•llng ol ptln<;ipel •.nd tnlerHI OI $105,7711,.94, peo,. cosll. ••P•n•••. •dv•ne••. and ltUllM I-etllm•lecl 10 be $1,· 654 74 •I th• tlm• o l lnftl•I publlCllllOtl of ll\lt NOllOe of S.. F112747 whlCll lwo tuml IOI .. $107,431.118 Pubh~IH!d Orange Cout Daily Curr11nlly d•l•d b•nk C:.tlllet't 6t!PI 23 1982 Pilot Oct 1 8 15, 22 11182 oll•ck• c:ellllltd by • b•nk. or 4341 82 cu l\1111 • cll•ck• o l regul•l•d -------------lertd9't described In Sec 292..,. Of PUBLIC NOTICC 1he C•.lllornla CMI Code, paylbi9 to -------------Ill• truste• or Ill• Oldd•r. •r• PubltC hearings W1" be held by Ille • cc;. p I. b I. w 11 h p, 0 p., Cosla Mesa Plannrng Commru1ot1 ldttllifle911on "' the City Hell 71 Fair Duve Coale The bllnellcl9')1 under Mid bMd M1tsa Cdlllornle, •• 6 30 pm O• as of l•uat P••vlou•ly ••6Cullld 9114. soon 1$ poss101e lhe111111ter on d•llv•1•d 10 the underaton•d • Monday October I I 1982 wrrllen Oect.,•Oon of o.1 .... 11 end A e g a• d t n g I II 11 I o II o w 1 n g Oemend lo• S•le, •nd a wrltt•n appllutrona. NOiiet of Olll•ull llf\d Elecl!Qrt to I GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Sell The .. Id NotlOe of Dllf•Ul(,Af'd GP·82·38 IOI the Ctty Council ol lhl! Elec:llOn lo Sell -e 1icofded In «he coy ot Coste Mesa. Post 0 111C41 Box counly wile!• tht rnl propeny .. 1200, 101 permission to •m~d Ille toc•led generel plan de11gne1~n1ol Thi• docum•nt It .. eculeO by ptoport1es tocated at 27211 th•u F•d•••• Nellonal Mor19e9• 2831 Bri"ot Sl•Mt IOdd numbers AUOClellon. tWoodgrMn ~ Otltyl trom tow <1en111y •estdenllal to Co 01vtaton1 Sufi• 11100, 10920 n040hborhOO<I comma•cral. 1n a CL Wllllllte Bou111vard L.oe A~ zone Envoronmantal O.te•mrnatron C•hlornl• 90024 (213) 1124-2223 Neo•trv• Oectar11tr01• Mlll~no IMld• ... 11 P O Boa 7eeM, 2 SPECIFIC PLAN SP 711·02A tor Los Angelft, C ... fornla 90076. 1ne City Councrt 01 the crty ot Co5t• D•te S11p111mb•• 14, 1111a ,..,, Meu. Po~I Ollie. Bo1 1200. IOf 911 ~I 11 ntculed Dy a mendment 10 Specrf1c; Pl•n Shel .. B<OWTl SP-76--02 111\d 1me>lllfl"entat1on pl•n Pubtr•ll•d Or•nge Coa11 Deify to conl'der ener,,.trve altgnments P1k>I s.pt 24. Oct t. 8. 1882 to• R•ndolph Aventie belween 418242 Baker Street •nd P•ul.,mo Avenue 11nd to rt1COnl'det rmplernent•lron strel~. tn •" R2 and R3 zon., Envuonment•I Oe1e,mtnet1on N90atrve Oecl••atron IOI SP-78·02 3 REZONE PE ltflON R 11:?· 11 end ZONE E.KCEPTION PERMIT ZE -62-t 34 tor J ell Ch11ml•Y authomed agent IOI D•n Allhoter 240t Ent 22nd St•ffl, Newpo1t Be11Gh 10 rezone PIOP«IV ltom R2 to RJ and " condr11onat use piHmtl lor a n1ne-un11 condom1n1um. IOGBl .. d II 110 Aochoster Stteet and 17 I E.nt 18th Stteot, 1n an R:? tono Env11onmon1111 Oeterm1no11on NOQDllVO OoclDIAllOn Pl&.IC NOT1C£ FICTITIOUllUa .. M ~ aTATIMIJIT The IOllOW1ng Pet tone .,, Ooong OUllU>tlS •• GRAPHICS ONE !STORE ~ 1581111 Ootn•rd St . Hunungton BMdi. CA 112~1 Phllllp L .. WhHler. 24701 Cl•r•noton 01 L1g11n11 Hlll6. CA 112853 Ann Melle WllHl•r. 2l70fl C1ar1nglon Or . L•oun• Hlllt, CA 112653 ll\11 bulln•n 11 conouctlld. o, lndtvklutlla (Husband a Wll•I Ann Merle Wheelllt Thll tt•ttmenl waa Iii.ct wllll !'- County Clerk ol Ot•nge County on Sept 22, 1982 11'1*"9 Pubtl•h•d Orano• Co111 0.lly Pi101 Sec>• 24, Oct 1. 11. 15. 1ect 421M2 ( SPECIFIC PLAN SP·112 01A 1e+1u11 <1nd ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT ZE·82· 132A IO• Callfomtli Pacrftc Proper11ea Corpor•llon, au1nor1ied agent lo• Monioomery Ward Development Corpor•tron, One Montgoml!•Y Ptare 23·S Chicago llttnora to amend lhe buildrng he•ghl nnd llOOt •••• ••II<> p1ov1s1ona or Spe cific Plan -------------SP·ll2·0 t, •nd o 'pec1l1c pl•n 1mPl•menn111on perm•t to• en e,c;op11on to 1n• ma •lmum 1100• ar•• ra110 prov111on a nd 101 approvAI ol a planned dovelopmet11 ,..,,w ot a 1101ettolllce compltx w•lll • cond1tronal use permit 10 allow ov11•tepp1no uH o l pari.1ng f•ctlllre s for property loceted •• 3()88 Bnttol StrMI on e C2 1one Env,.onmenlal Oeterm1n11ron Env11onmental Impact Report PenCrng Fo• further 1n•o•m•tron on the ebove epptrc1tton1 telephone TS•·5245 Dt c:.n •• lhe OlllOll of the Planning O.perlmont. Aoom 200 17 ra11 Olive Cotu Mos• C•hlorn1• Pubtraned 011n911 Coast D•llY Poot. Oct 1. 11182 PUBl.IC NOTICC rtlBl.IC II> TICE '1CTITIOUa .,.._,, • NA•ITA,._,. Tn• lotto•lno per•on la /<>41t9 butl_ .. SU MMERF I ELD ENTERPRISES. 181131 Agat• ~ HunllngtOtl Boach. CA. 92641. Wllll•m Fr•nctt Summwt._., 18113 I A9•I• Ctrct•. HtinllnoJOft e..c;n, CA 92649 Tllla bull,,... 19 ~ by ., lndMdU411 WltlltmF~ Tiii• tt•t-t wu flled 11111tll "'9 Col,in1y Clefil ol Otwioe CountY,_. Aug f1 18112 I ,,..!II Publl•h•d o .. no• Cout o. ~ PllOI Sllpt 10, 17. 2•, Ocl. 1, 19 li:f lffl rl P\8.IC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS IUllNEll ftCTITIOUa 11U1MU NAMI! I TATHff:NT .. AMI ITATDmln T ha 1011ow1no p111ona .,. dolfiO t lie 1o11ow1no ptrllOflt .,. da '°" business es oust,,... ••: purtu•n• IO the Noll<le Of Olll•ult Moel of Ille 1nc1.....:t eapenM •nd Etec11on to Sett 111 .. eund•r .... del•mlntd tn a ,,,_ling In July rtcord•d M•y 24, 1982 In Book 1962 ol Feder•I Communication• NIA. Peoe NIA of lnet"""'*'1 NO. Commlulon (FCC), CPUC 1110 112178232 "Id Offlcllll Rtcotoa, wll PaQifte T~ •eipt11Mnllll"'9, SELL on Oclobllt 8, 11182 et t · t& w110 ~ telllptlOnll equ19,.,..,1 • m , " Tllo l•Otlt tnlr~ 10 Ille "llvN" tnd Nlvage lactor1 ul)Oll Otd Or•no• County Courtllouu . wll'°' ci.tc1atl0n "'" .,., b&Md locetlld on S1n111 Ane Boulllv11d, A tevt.W of th•M l•clore l•llH blllw .. n Syc•mo" Slrell I nd pl-4MllY 11\rM yeart Al lht moet B<olld••Y· Santa Ane. Oalllorma. •t r41Clent mHllno H v•r•L cin•ng111 pub!tc llUCtlOn, to Ille lllQ'-1 bidder -e .greed to wnlall, .iong '#1111 tor eeall pey•ble 11 111e llme of Ult otll•r reoomm11nd•d c ll•noH In •wlul money of Ille United 8t•llll, propoMd by PllOlfte, have Illa Ml •II rtolll. tilt•. •nd tnt•t•tt. rMUl1Of1ncr...ing P11elfte'• •nnual conv•y•d 10 •nd now llllld by Ir dec>facltillon .. ,,.,,... Tiie MIOVl\I und•r H id dlllld In thll prol)llftY the Comp•ny It Metting 10 011-.i 11lu1led In Nld COUl'lly and Sl•ta Ille •JtOenM I& UO:l 2 mflllon, PllOI. OclObet I, 1982 4346·112 BIR-TC HER EOUITIES. • COURTESY CLEANERS, R general pe11ne1s111p 27611 L• Par EHi Yorb• Linda Blvd., Pl9Cafl la. and dHct\bed u lgltowe· The addlld ••v11nuH wltl 1101 Loi 8 ol Tf•GI Ho 10513 ... 1ner .... Ille pt...ioutly llllllO<illld tllown on • M•P recordlld tn Book earnlngt ,..... o4 Ille eomp.n,. 4411, P•gH 45, 46 •nd 47 of A 009)' o4 '"'~·ion lor •••• Mttcell•n•out M•p•, recotd• ol l~t•H• and 1upporll"O Hlltbllt Orange County. Callfornta. Propeny ,,tit be nell•blll for lmpec;llon •t •ddreu ta purportadlY known •• Plldflc't ptlflc'9af publlcl omo.. 30H l<londlll• A_,., Ooel• Meet, Copl111 of 11111 •PPllcellon aAd Cellfornle 92026 1uppo111ng Hlllbll1 wlll alao le The IOl91 emcunt of Illa UftC)llid .., ... * al the CPUC ~ ._ blllanct 01 1119 ol)llQ•llon MCutllCI b•low lnQutrtH •nd comm11nte by Ill• propet1y 10 b• •old a nd relatlve to ti-m•llw•, lnctudlng r•no n•bt• uwnat•d cottt. rtQUMI• 10 rtolllve notte. o4 dat11, 811.~ Ind lld\lancft •t Illa lime lime and ~ and of an,. hfflinOt ol lht lnlll•I PubllCatlon OI 11111 mey b• dlr11c"d to th• CPUS Nolte. Of Sate II S 171 .~Ill 95 oltlcee 111 Only curr11nlly d•"d Cee11 .. r'1 350 McAKltl• IStrMI Check• or Certified Check• .,, San 'rtflel.oo. CA 94102 aaoept•ble to 1119 TrutlM ptovlded prope1 1<1en11t1cia11oo • •vllhble 101 11ou111 ltoeciwer S.ld .... Wiii b• '!'•d•. but Loe~. CA 90012 without coven•nl or w"r•nly, P\lblt1ll..O Orange Coa•I Dilly .. pr .. 1 or lmpllad regatdlng title, Piiot, ~ I. 1N2 427W:I PO ..... ton or •ncumbr•nCH, 10 -------------.. 11,iy tlle tnc1et>1ec1""' -" 0y rtlBl.IC ll)TlC( .. ,o l>Mcl. •~•u<11no 11111 IM anCI ex.penM Of Illa lfilll.. and Of Illa PICT"10Ut 9UIMll trutll or .. ttd l>y U ld Olld, NAMI ITl\ru..T edv1nc:.11 111ar111.1no... wi111 Int-• The IOllOwlno l*IO<ll ,.,. doing as ptC7\lkMO tnortln' ind tlle (ltlpllid bullnllM ... prtnclpat of Illa not• MW...0 by Mid A 0 v A N c fl D g 0 L. A A dHd with 1n111rHI 111111100 •• APPLICA'TtONI, 713 1 S lat•'· pro\ltctad In tlld NOl•. Hwnllnoton Beach, CA 1214 7 Dated. hptembef 3, 1982 ROB e AT e I( El L. y. 7 13 t '""'ANO "ICO.NV.Y4NCI 8la1e1, 1iunllno1on ••••"· C A COWANY 92e47 mt """"9 ..._. JAMii I SWICK, tOO Vii Lee ........ CA •M ff ... le, ~I ltlCl'I. CA 12~ ft11) ...... Thi• bullitlMe le conouc111d by a -... ,........ O'f*ll 1)1'1MlllllO .-.L~'""''' ,_ fJu1>111ned Or•nge Cout OaJIY Publlthad Orano• Coa11 0111~ Pffot, &llpl., 17, 24, Oct. I, 1112 PllOt, Ott I, I. 15, 22, IH2 A126-&2 43C»-U ( PUBllC NOTICE Rotd, L•ouna Nrouel, C111tllornla C911fornla ------------92677 S u n g O h Chol , 27 O l'ICTmoua IUtlNlll Bt1ndOt1 R B111c;htr 2761 ' l • Wyckat•ll•rl'I Pt•c•. Full .. t .... NA• ITATIMl.NT Pez Rold. l agun111 Ntgvet Ce11torn1t11 C9lll0tn1• 92033 Th• lollowlno per1on It do1na 02677 B o k s o on c 11 o t , i 1 e butll'llll H Bltlc;he• Pocrnc • o•n•• et Wyokerall•m Pl•c•. Fulletl• "· NAM A s s p 0 AT s MAN 5 p11rtnorthlp, 211111 LI Pu Ao•d Cellfornle 11203.3. RESTAURANT' 1131 Beel( Bly Ortvt Laoune Nlgui!l, C•lllorn1• 9211n Tiii• bullnMt 11 COttCluC19d II! • Bldg D, Ne..pon BotlCll, CA 92060 fllll buslneu 1s conducted by e 11'4:11vtduala !Hueband & Wiiie). R 0 S A .. N A M 'f A T L E gener•I pmrtntlftlltp Sung Oii Chol 80 TfLLER, t90t Edrno111 Av11 , Brandon R BlncllCH Thill tl•l-t wu fifed MO\ ... Aowtano HtlQht•, CA 917411 Tllb 1111-l wH llled wn11 the Counry c... 01 Or11nge ~IM T'Nt tx.rt1nee• It conducted by an County Ctetk ol Orange County on S.Ot 22. tff2. lndl¥1dU91 Sllpt 211. 1982 ..... ·--................... "'_ .... Roeenn• M.YT'" Bo!Htt< Munl" a ""' • N. TW!tft A..., ..... • lllll 11•1~1 ••• !Hiid with 11111 All«MJI al Law ....._ AM. C•. _,. Covncy Ctetk ot 0tltll0' Col.Inly on 1et00 '"'•Mid Ori¥• ,. • September 29. 1912 ...... ,.. Publltll•d Oreng• COHI~ ,, .... ihet 0Moe lo• 1...,., PllOI, Sllpl 24, Ocll. 1, 8, IS, 1 Publlllltd Ot•no• CoHI O•llY ltntnt. CA nna ~ P1lol, Oc1 1, 8, I&. 22. 1982 'tttl18 ; ' 4308·12 Publl•h•d Orang11 Cout O•lly flta.IC ll)TJC( . 1 -----------Piiot. ~ t, 8 1~. 22. 1N2 1---=r'IC~T~mout~~"'!..,_~~!!"ll~-t~ "8.IC NOTICE 433'·12 ..... ITAT'llmfT E l IU ... H PWlfC N0l1C( Ti. IOlfOwlno Pllrtonl -dll ,. ,.,......,. b'*'-... T d 1 '1CTITIOUI 1U1911H N I W P 0 " T C I " C I I t>u•~~o .~ 0 P•t1on II o no MAMI ITATIWNT INTl .. MATIOHAl.1. 71_1 Lldot~ :?' CT IOUlfDMfiNT, 1&131 Tiiton The IOlloWlnO peno111 ar11 dOfnO Or. •A, Ntwporl ._,CA t -. un• No 111, Huntington ltaCll, ~ •• LHlle Jan Lofland, 711 119 C•~lorn•• •w• OAL.·CO IMPO .. T8. 3151 I I Perll Or •k. Newpof1 9Modl. :.\ T d 0 T I "4 7 8 INCll Aoacl, Cap1e11ano IMCll. CA tatcl. 11110 0 1• 00 •· " 1324• Jefl ,,.n• Lofland, 711 L. ,. ~~~:.:~~r111101011 leaor\, CALLINAN ,,AMIL 'I TAUtT. flat'lt; Or •A. N9wpor1 llMclll, :A Tlll9 b11e1Mt91 19 COflduC'.ltCI by an a511 I IHCll Roao, Oepltlreno t:lta. ~ 1411C11....CA U024 Tllll ~ II ~ Iii • n-dora O'Toole C)atV Callinan Oti'*ll IWfllMl'lll»· ,..... •taterntfll wat ''""' ""1111 ITI• Tiile tl•ttmtfll ... ftltCI with Iha uatta J LollaM COUlllY C*k Of Orange County on Coun'Y Cll<\. of Or.,,.a COUllC-, on ,,,.. .... "*'. ... .... ..... lie ... tl'llMI "· 19'i ,,_ ,Augut1 "' tff2 ,..,. i::'l2~-OrlflO' c...., "" ,,lllllllllt O Or•no• COHt Delly l'ubll•lted Ot•no• COHI 0•11~ ..... Pllllff. Oct I, ••••• u . 1ffJ ~ ......... Oct t, •. IS, IMt .!.'!11:!.,.'*11 o~·I eo..., •'lo_ ..... 4340.82 412342 ,._,, ..._. ... -· • I ' •I ...... .. T ............ _,.,_.,.,__, ......... ~~-....~--~-.-~-....~,~~~-....~~~~~ ...... ~ ...... ......,...-~'.""!r'!""""""~~ .... ....,,~,...,..:r-~ By PHI L SNl!:IDl!:RMAN Of IM 0Mf1 f'llol llett Approximuit<:ly 650 fu.l1m{· instru c to r s in th t' Cou s l Community Collt-l(l' 01slrkt Wl'rt' sch t•dulcd to t:undudt• vollllt( today on a l'Onlrnc·t proposal that provides for n o pay ru1!>l'S through next Junl' :JO. Blaming severe cutbat·ks in Slalt• funding, d1strit•t 0((1c1als say there 1s no nioncy lo provH.ll' pay raises to full-llmt• mstrut·lors County jobless at peak A r ecord Yti.tiOO Orangtt County rcs1Ctcn ls Wt•l't.' out of work in August and ::.t<ltl· labor analysts prcd1c·tcd today th<tt 1982 would t•n<l on a i.1milar economic low noll'. Alth o \l gh sc h ool a nd Christma::.-relull'd S<:asonal .)Obs were expectc-d to prov1dt• some extra employment opportunities in the nexl few months, .. there's n o s1gni<f1cant 1mprovt•mC'nt exi)ected by tht· end of thl• yt•ar," said A.Jta Y cttC'r. a11 analyst with the slate &'Onom1t· l:>c-v!'lopmt·nt Department. Urange County's JOblcss rate for August was 7 9 pt:n.·t•nt. the state rt·portcd. up from •• July reading of 7.8 pt•rn•nt By l'Omparison, th1· n1Hwnal unemploy ml•nt ra tc• 1s 9 8 p erce nt . Y L•ttC'r s<~1d . de mon stra ting that Orang<.' County's economy rt•ma1ns viable. Even i.o, the nl'w figures provoke little optimism Las t year in Orange County. the jobless rate was only 4.5 pcrc.'Cnt. AdditionaUy. Yetter said today that th e n atio n's leadi ng e<.'Onomic indicators have shown a recent downwrn. meaning any meamng(uJ improvement in the economy as still some time away. According to the latest figures for Orange County, private and government .)Obs hav<.' d('{·laned by a total 11.200 pos1uons The hardest hit sector of the local econom y appea r l•d t o be manufacturing. where• 7,400 .)Obs were lost Ironically, Yetter said lh<tt even with a record· number of residents out or wo rk, Orange County ha s t h e l owest unemployme nt rate in Soulht'rn California. And though 96,600 people were jobless in the a r<.'a, the unemployment ral.e locally 1s not a record. That occurred an May 1975, when the· jobless rate hit 10.6 percent. Yette r said 1t was diHicult to predict what would happen lo the local economy by early 1983. The t rend , s h e said . 1s n ot optimisuc. Politi~s ruled out for E.T. By STEVE MARBLE 0( IM Delly f'llot II_.. Don Strauss phone E.T . Better yet, pho n e Steven Spielberg's attorney. Strauss, a Newport Beach ci ty councilman who is seeking re- election. failed to phone either before placing a po litical ad bearing a picture of E.T .. the famed extraterrestrial. The ad shows a tiny picture of E.T . with the quote "I think Don Strau.s is out of this world." St.raUSB said he thought the ad. which al90 shows pictures of four area bu.slnem executives who are supporting Strauss. would get a laugh. But the folk s a t Unive rsal Studloa, whlc.:h financed a nd are dltttfbutlng the Spielberg movie, weren't chuckling. Tttey wer e ph o n ing - pblng Don Straut11. J o hn Nuenes. o st ud io attorney, said he got right to the polnt with Strau. a nd told him to keep hJa mJtc. otf E.T . "Thie la a c lear caae o f trademark infringe ment," Nuanes a~ppcd, adding whly. (See POLITICS, Pq~ A!) "' • - 111111 l:UIT UllM IUal /mll Cllll . FRIOAV OC l OBER 1. 198:.> OHANGf.COUNTY C AllfOJ~NIA 2~> CENTS • o .n no-raise contract ut liol<l1·n West. OrullfW CoaiH uml Coasthm· l'Ollcgl·s. Tlw AJ.'T n egotiating lt•&&m voted ,w l'l'l'Omnll'nd the current st•lllt•mt.•ra t prupusal by u 4 -3 murg1n. Tht• Af'T executi ve l' o m 111 I l t l' c . m a d e u p o f orgun1zuuun olflcc:rs, approved tht• proposul m a 6-1 vote. ncgouullon11 bc~an an Jan uury for the next t'Onluct. proposul indut.le11 no pay :K:al.:.. (·h a ni,tr•!I, nhout 500 district t1..1til'lw1'!i huv1.• rt-t:cived automatic im-rcuiws s1m·t• July I bast.<d on tht· numl.>l·r of years they have luught and the amoun t o( cd u<:utmn thc.·y have had. The pay rates Cor das tril't udmlnislrntors and dusslfil'd (no n -t C'a t·hang) e m ployl•t•s u lrt:ady havt• bct•n fruH•n through lhl' end of the curri•nt fas.:;i l Yl'ar The d1stm·t's con1rm:l w ith tlw A m e r· 1 c· a n F e d e r u t 1 u rr u f Teachers, AIT. expired last Junl• 30. Nt•gouations havt-be-en undt-r way s1nc-t• March. A1'vr' s pokcsmun Ed Aronson suld some instructori. who favor th e•prop os ed co n tract ack n owledg e the dis tric t 's financial problems and hope to bargain for o pay increase when Some oppo1wn t.s ut tlw current proposal oohew thl• dl11Lr1ct hus m isplaced Its pr iorit1<•s in ch anneling funds into non- e 1 a ss roo m pro jt•(' t s s ut· h a s telcv1s1on courses and a n ew Coas t lin e adm1nls l ratlon building, h e said Bill Waechter. Vll'C chancellor , for employee re lutacms. noted that a I though th e c urre n l I le said tht.'Sl' buah-an am-rcast.-s have touilt:d $573,000 since July I Tht• t•x istang pay sc:hl·dule for tc•ac:hl·~ providc>s for 17 "step" ant-rl'ast's uvt·r ll 1 years. he said CAdm1ms tralor!> and dassafil'd Oa n immons of Huntington Beach lovingly polishes h is 1928 Model A Ford that "puts ~venture boc k in ~riving." Persistence pays for vintage car owner By ROBERT BARK ER Of 1119 Deity Piiot lleff Dan Simmons of Huntington Beach has gone to g reat lengths to restore his 1928 Model A Ford. And h e feels. gos h darn il. if th(• automobile's going to be authenllc, 1t should be authentic to the last detail -the licenw plate. "I've spent three years finding correct parts to put my car together. It's the logical progression to have proper license plat.es for it "It's like the bow on the package " At a swap meet for old cars, Simmons bought 1928 license plates which unde r p resent law h e ca n use o nly while displaying his car. He can't drive w ith them. Simmons talked things over with Rep Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, who Simmons says is a customer at his hair salon in Huntington Beach. B ad h a m s ugges ted contac tin g Assembly man Nolan Friuelle , R - Huntington Beach. F r izzelle introduced legislation, s upported by the California Car Club organiza11on Gov. Jerry Brown :-.igned the bill on Sept. 7 a llowing owne rs to use llcC'nsc plates on the ir o ld cars thal corr<.'spond w ith the year the car was made. But th c·re need l ob<' 2.000 &pphcauons by Dec. 1, 1984. before the bill takes effect in order to pay computer costs to S<.'t up the program. Simmons. 39, says it's take n 1hret- years bul he's got lhe four-cylinder, four- door car just about the way he wants it - an old hood ornament. shiny side panels, a (See LICENSE, Page A2) cmploy&-s rt'<.'CIVe 111mllar "step" lncrcuk'tl, th'tlugh over a shor t.er period of yl'ars.) Wacl·htc r said the ave rage tWlary for full-time Coast dil.ltrlct 1m1tructors is $:J3.:J4~. He B;.tld stale l'Utbacks f.ort."'ed the distrK:t to t-hmmate about 500 jobs held last year by part-lime wachers. Tht· new contract proposal al.so includes changes in insurance c·uw·ragt• and costs and a new C'arly n ·llrcml•nt program. Irvine· raffles, .houses By GLENN SCOTT Of IM Deity f'llot llaff For the first time since the s pring of 198 1, the Irv ine Company is staging a housing lollcry an Irvine. The sales staH of Irvine PacifiC" on Monday will raffle oH rights lo buy 32 mode r a le-price d condomanaums an Woodbridge. Thl·y've already r eceived JO limes as man y applications. A t'Ompany s pokt'Sman said the lottery re flects new interest in home-buying and demonstrates that home-buying demand still exists when financing packages arc· n·asonabl<' "I thank tht• faN that we've had :~:H parties sign the lottery <:a rd s is s ignifi ca nt." said spokesman Dan Carlsson. "And thl>s<' people are not speculators." Onc:e upon a ta me, housing lottt•rics were almost as common as moving vans an Irvine. "It used to be the only way homes were sold, espe<;aally in Woodbridge," noted Carl'Sson . But by the summe r o( 1981, ris ing inte r est ra tes had just about cxt1ngu1s hed the h ot compl'l1t1on to buy an Irvine home. This s ummer. several famah es camped out at a n lrvine Pac1f1c sak-s offacc in Northwood to buy one -year options for smgle-famlly hom es. bu t there was no lottery. The 32 units 1n Monday's lottery are the first phase of the Wood bridge Alders development. The two a nd three-bedroom units are priced from $87,000 to $103.000. The prices are designed to meet the city's affordable housing guidelines. Additionally, buyers may try to qualify for the Orange County government 's mortgage-bond program that ofrers 30-year fixe d -rate m ortgages at 13 p<>rccnl No resale controls are involved. No o the r l o tte ries are scheduled untJI the sccond phase o f the A lders comme nces . Construction has just begun for tht' f1rsl phase, Carlsson noted. Interested buyers can fall out I ee HO USING, Page A2 1 MacDonald requests high court ruling ...., ..................... ...... T he hands of Laguna Beach's Caprice Rothe were those of "E.T." in movie. Rothe has been a profe 1ional mime for 13 yean. · She had BY STEVE MITCHELL oftM Delly Net ..... a The face pro bably is n 't ' familiar to the mUIJoru1 who aaw the movie, but Caprice Rotho of Laguna Beach played a mojor r o l e-l-n .... E .T . The Extra· Terreetrial." Her hands port.rayed thOMl of tho mi.Mhapen alien, arabblng up a trail o f Ree11e's P lece11, arappUng for a aix-pack of Coora from the refrigerator, and big hand c o n s truc ting a d ~llcate' c.'Ommunicator so the aawed·off boUnlat could "phone home." Rothe. a profeulonal mime for L3 of her 34 years, is lltted In the film credlu as "movem e nt coordln1t.oi;," · - That'• a pretty fancy tJtJc for aomeone who wa• subjected to t0eklnp of food and beer 81 she attempted t.o manipulate E.T .'a hand9 from below the muncblna munchkln. 'E.T.' • JD ''(Direct.or Steven) Spielberg fi.ced a video camera near mo IO could 11ee what l was d('lll'\I.'' the petite brunette .. ,d. But re.china up to feed 1n alien from the floor It no fflY tuk. "I splUtd beer ind w1...-melon juk'e and eeedl 111 owr my face." she takt. ~ufh•na. · So whoever Mid E.T. hed aood table rnanrwn? (8ee HAND, Pa1e Al• Attorn e y s for Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald have requested the U.S . S upreme Court to review the murder eonvictlon of the former G reen Beret doctor. A petition was filed with the court Thursday on behalf of the forme r Huntington H arbour resident, attorney Ralph Spritzer said today. Spritze r , a Universit y o f Pennsylvania law professor. said the Supreme Court should ht'ar the case because the U.S . Distract Court judge in Ra leigh. N.C., "wron g(ull y " excl ud ed testimony of seven witnesses. including two policemen. Those witnesses. Spritzer said , would have s ubstantiated the story of Helen a S toeckly who claim ed t o be pr esent at the murder scene during the night of the crime in 1970, according t.o Spritzer. Stocckly made the statements to the witnesses out of court , Spritz.er claimed. The U.S . Circuit Court of Appeals in Ric hmond, Va .. supported the exclusion of the testimo n y. saying S t oeckly's memory "was exceedngly poor and that she was cons tantly under the Influence of drugs." MacDonald was sentenced to SC?rve three life terms in 1979 for the murders of his pregnant wife Colle tte, 24. and d a ughters (See DOCTOR, P1ie A%) ----lllDEX------...... Al Your Service A5 Swinfll 84-5 C.valcade A 7 ci-tfied C8· l 2 Comics 82 Crouword 82 De.th Notkft C6 ldltorfal A6 lntert.a.lnment Weekender Oardenlna A8 Horoecope A7 lntermlllk>n WeekM<ier Ann L.andcrs A 7 Moviet Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National New• A3 Public Notices C6· 7 Sport.a C l·5 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Stock M1rkct.1 ~ Telev,alon Thet\ert We.ther TV Loe Wttk~dcr A2 I ' 1· ' Nation 'broke' solons· party , LITICS NOT FOR E.T. • • ... n ywoy, I'~ T dt~im't 1•11d11n1t• J)tiJ tlClll 1'\11 " · ~uanes, who aaid he has put o 8 p to more than 200 lllt•gal uses KT. througho ut the t.'OUnlry, lmcd S trauss is thl' fi rst to uae the popular little In a p0litkul ad. told him il was a bipartisan but that didn't h l'lp," · said of his conversation the attorney. auss said it never dawnt.-d u m that he was asking for u11ublc by t.anglmg with E.T . A Df ily Pilot ad rc presentallve, at hill reques t, tra<:ked down the plfturt.• for him. f He (the attorney) just ask<.od n.e to slop running the picture ai)tl r told him that was fine with nv. He said he would take my W9rd." S tr:..uss reported. .. "l have every rcuico n to oolleve. though, thut E.'l'. would s'-'pport mt:," Struult\ added. H l' s a 1 d t h r t' c o f t h t' busln<.-&">mcn w ho appt•ur an th1· politl<:al ad -Wultcr Gt·1·k1•11, Ray Watson and E.Ji. Clurk -· weren 't asked if the>.'. minded uppelirinJC alonf(Side K r "l didn't c heck but I don't think they'll mind," suid S trauss, laui(hing'. T he incumbent ca ndida te. though. sai d h e did gl't perm i ssion fr o m Arnold a ~c kman , th e f o urth businessman in the a d a nd Strauss' boss. "Ht• thought it would brighten up ttw ad and thought It would be neat Qt?lng right up there with E.T.," Strauss said. Hothe ha d a big hand in the making he year's most successful movie. ND IN 'E.T.' MOVIE. • • WA~HlNG'l'ON (AP) 'f'hr fodurul ai11v1•1·nm"m woN run.nlnH on t•mpty to1Juy, t1•1·lankully brokt• ofll•r Cott"rl'"" W<•nt partylna rat.her than sw>'ang w mt1 t u mldnll{hl d1•udltn1· for J)8111'1ng •a L'tllYI JJl'mnl!w Hlupgup money bill. Howt.•ver, Congr t.'11s wus exJX'C.'ted to vuslly 4Approv tht.• omnibus spendtnl{ hill lult'r today und admlnlstru tion oltidohi said thc rC' ltkl'ly wou ld bt• n o lnt(l rruptlon o ( ROVPr nmf'nt St' rv it't'S. liouse and S.•11au• nt'gotlotors rcuc h t•d ag r eem e nt o n u Dad due trial in tot death By JODI CADENHEAD OftMDellyNoteuft Arraignment scheduled lllday of a 28-year-old Costa Mesa man charged with murder and a special circumstance allegation of torture in the death of h is 10-week-old daughter has been postponed u~til Oct. 11. Harvey Mark)Oavi.s, a n une mployed oil we ll worke r, appeare d only briefly be fore Judge Selim Franklin in Harbor Municipal Court. The postponement came after a ttorney J ohn Barnett said he needed more time to evaluate his client's case. Barnett said he was hired today by Davis' relatives. Davis was arrested by Cosl1t Mesa polke homicide detectives Monday night al UC Irvine Medical Center, where he had reporteOly committed himself for psychiatric care. The arrest f ol l o wed investigatio n -of his Infant daughter's death from internal injuries . Followtn~ _Thursday's court ·the. w.ho has appeare d an were shaking and he said. 'Hey. I a ppe aran ce. Dav Is was al tclev1s1on progcams and lake that.' " transferred to Orange County H wood films. said Spielberg "Yt:ah, E.T .'s got DTs," she Jail where he will be h e)d w l ooking f o r a mime to. told the director. without ball. He had been in l ~in a t e the t i nly s tar's And the tremulous finge rs Costa Mesa Jail In Heu of $500.- m ments. portrayed in the film added 000 bail. rnniproml1w l pl·ndrng bill at ubout l.i:ao p.m 'l'hurt1<fol(. but llOUICJ l1•11tlt•r• httd dcddt•d bofort•hanc.J thut tht· vow on ltll' puckuiu would not come until today, wull aftC"r th<' 12:01 a.m. 11wrt ol tht• m•w I hk:ol year Conttn·s11' 1u,1·1ul agt·ndu (or Thunc.Juy night 1ndud t.•d lh1.· O omol'r o t lc )>ort y 's $l ,OOO-per-pc.-r11on fund -r11i11lng dinner t hut many mcmbl'fll v( Congn•11s »tlt•rHfod. And Ul.'t'OHH town, in whul amounted to u Rcpublacun-domlnatl'c.J countc r- ev1mt, Prl'llic.Jcmt Reagan invllC'd lhl• entire Conlo(ress to join him tor a berbol'UC ut tht· Wh1ll' 110L. .... llo un• S pt•uk..r Th11m u11 P O 'Ntd ll Jr .. D·MtH•K, c.J ld n ot mc.>rHlon the aociul funci1o n1 whl•n hl' announcL·<l Thunsduy morninl( thitl rwuollutur11 for lh1· two houMl~I 1•11t1mutcd that nu C.'Omproml.He bill would be rc•ody for noor action untll 11horlly ofter th<.• midnight dcadlini>. "We'll pa11s thut turnorruw (tudoy) KO I don't think them.• will bl' any effect" on f(Ovornm<•nl opcrutloM, he said Joseph R. W rlf(hl, dl•puty d l r cc· t o r o f t h t.' 0 f 11 c <' o f Group for ailing I people to meet "Mukc T oday Count," a support organization for those suffonng long-term illnesses, will mt'cl Tuesday in Laguna Hills. Thl' g r o up attempts t o bring togethe r patie nts, family mt•mbers, and friends •The Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach will hold its monthly g e neral meet ing Monday to hear a talk about arthritis. Dr Jonathan Paine will d iscuss arthritis pr<1blem s •Laguna B e a c h City Council 11>embers have named seven Lagunans to a newly formed e nergy committee. which will explore means of conserving fuel and recycling. lo d iscuss care for the ailing. ·• The mt.-eting w ill be held, ~ginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Glc:ndale Federal Savings a nd Loon Building. 24"221 Calle de la Louisa. For information. call 497-5849. l'ommon lo older people during the meeting, which , b egi n s al l p .m . at the V e t e ra·n s Memori a l Community C e nte r . 384 L<lgion St. Refreshments will be served Na med to the panel were Toni Lfe Flores, James Ward Henry, Susan H. Mas, Joie Lul1 S. Saguinaen, Terry Timmln1, David 8 . Wettel and David Battersby. l'c.·nwnm•I Mun11g1·mt·nt, 11111uc-<l ta 11talt•nw11t lalA• 'rhu~ay 1U.1ylng thtil c.J1'fipltt• ttw dc•luy In pw111ing the> Ho -cu llt.•d tont l nulng rt.'tiOlution, "I want to 1Ulte th.at ull frd1·ral wurkn w a r1• t•xpecwd th rl'porl lo work UJrr1'1rrow , •l I .. 1'.:dwan L Dale, a 11pokt-.man ut th1· Whi tt· ll o uu· Otrlce o f ManagC'mt•11l 11ml Rudgf't, iwld no du;ruptiuns w1•rL· likely. Dale• said If th~ compromitw u p pt•arcc.J t o m e rit H1•ugan'11 opprovul. agcnc1c11 would be· t•ontl n uin~ busant•ss 011 usual tud1.1y. LICENSE • • • From Page A1 lt·at lw1· tup, <autl;wnllL' trunk ancl otlw1· f1•uturt"N. Simmons !WlYS his 54-ycar-old t•11r puL<; thl· odvcnlun· ba<·k m driving "I Clrovt· 11 tu a t'llf show in Burt1ank Ii.Isl Saturday It has on ly orw t:.11l -l1ghl, no turn 1tH.l1talur :.. ;.in d 1t d ol'sn 'l ,ot't't•ll·ralt· vt·ry wc•ll It only goc>S i.lhoul 50 mph "It':. a n·al tamt· warp to drive 11 on thl' frt"Cwa y You really have lo Ix· dl•fl•nstVl'" DOCTOR. • • From Page A1 Kimberly. 6. and Krisll.•n, 3. He told authonll<'S that four drug-crazed h1pp1es broke into his apartment while he was s leeping. killed has wife and childre n and ll'ft him stabbed and beat.en. H e was ampriso nc·d for 11 m o nth s wht•n a f e deral appt•llatc court ordered ham re I ea s c·d b c t a u s c h 1 s c'Onstituuonal n ght to a spec-dy trial had been v1olatc'CI But the U S . Supr«ml• Court overturned the• rultng and he was re tu·rned to Ter minal Isla nd pnson March 31 HOUSING. • • From Page A1 e auditioned with Carlo realism to the s hy crea ture, The murder by torture charge H aldi -the enginc>e ring Rothe insists. filed by the district attorney's lottery cards this weekend at the w who"designed the $1 .5 "Somanyof hissenscswereln-office Wednesday falls into the Alde r s s ales o ff ic e a t 26 m io n r o I y -p o I y ex tra ha.s hands, carefully explonng a special circumstances category G reen held. south of Main S treet t<: trial. and s he landed the new environment on a s trange a nd would r equire a death near West Yale Loop. he said. 1> • planet." penalty determination if Davis is Quake rocks Mo1· ave Applicants do not n eed to be IL·t th d'dn't l--k so good '""ed d . ...:~-... present at the drawing in the "" ings 1 ""' But Rqthe, who is now setting .. • an convH.:\.CU . 1ht}irst day on the set. up mime workshops through the ·Heal.her Davia was found dead sal!"S office to wm fhe day dragged on and the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, says in her crib last ThunKiaY. by her Carlsson said other Irvine ftlV' l'rew didn't get aro und to she hat to aha.re the c.redit for mother Cathy Lee Taylor, 31, RIDGECREST (AP) -A Tt.'Chnology in Pasadena Company homl>S for sale in the shooting the first clo1eups of E.T .'s remarka ble and realistic who sought .help from neighbo1'9 strons earthquake jolted the The jolt tumbled cans and jars community also have begun to E T.'s hands until after 7 p.m. movements. who called paramedics. Mojave Desert today. the third from the shelves of Albertson's sell fas ter a s more lending the long wait did little for The s ix -foot , 2 80-pound hefty temblor since Wednesday Market in Ridgecr es t And institution s announce lo w er Rathe's nerves.Andtwocups of. "If E .T . w e r e g iven a n unemployed oi l well worker is mthc Ridgl'C'r<'St area llOmilcs prompted nume r ou s calls to rates. coCfee d idn't help. either. Academy Award for best actor, also accused of brea king both no rthwt•st o ( Los Ange l es. polil't.' but no reports of sc•nous ~a result. her hands we re 12people wouldhavetowalkup arms of 20-monlh-old Mega n authonl1c'S sa1d . dama g e or 1nJur1es. San "We've had a n encouraging s h.king bene ath the zippered. and accept it." Taylor last J anuary. He was free The quake at 7 .29 a m Bernardino County sheriff's Lt increase an sail's an our lrvane Collr-hngered latex gloves. One of the m , you l'an bet. on $5.000 bail when he was measured 5 2 on the Richter scall· F,dwin Laszka said res1dent1al dcvc>lopmen t ." he ·!Spielberg saw that my hands would be Capncc Rothe arrested on susp1c1on of murder. and was centered about eight ''It was a really sharp JOit. om· S<ltd. "We've sold 40 homes so far · ~-----------------------------.....;. miles northwest of Ridgecrest, of lhL· most severe I've felt an 27 1n September . m ostly an ' ~· w s d said Barbara Reed. seismolog1cal years hvtng in the• deser t," Laszka Un 1vers 1 l y T o wn Center. I , ar~er atur ay -~-·_as_~_n_1 _at_c_a_1._ro_m_•a_1_~_t_it_u_w_o_f __ ~_·1_d ___________ w_ood_b_r_~_g_e _a_~_T_u_rl_k_·~ __ ~_ ... _ ~~ tor u1an1moun111n1 ?i~~~~~~:i~~~r;.~ .. For today, tllowers were :""~~~)~~~~~Jtc;\y.~J:· Felf tooey wnh highs ot 72 to 76 Continued lair IOntQht and Sa1urday OverntQhl lows SS to 63 Highs Seturday 7 ~ to 80 lo1ecu1 1pread1ng acrou th• ~~~;~:~:;:;~:~:1 r---,...--~~-~~---T I A M L I N G ' s Teniperatures El sewhere. l rom Point Conception lo Ille Mexican bo~der 1nd oul 60 m11e1 Non/IWftt winds ot 8 to 16 knoll w1tlf 3 to 5 loot seas todey and S11urday over outer waters Lo~elly, tight variable winds 1011lgllt and S11urday morning we9f to tovth-t 8 to 15 knots w1U. w"' 10 southwest swells ot 1 10 ~ fMt Wlnd waves ot 2 to 3 reet Feir too•r, tJ'd Saturday but atchy tow c ~d• tonight and •Y mo<ntng over '°"1h«n • t hef n C•l•forna. · 1 -•Ille< Id tie l•lf this weellend with temperet1K" W hlgl\1 att lf't the 10. ano eos. tile lon11 WHther Servi~ s,llld y. oe A~ hlghl lhauld tie 78 lowt In 1'141 801 Saturdey. tlliee end high temperatur" 78 to 85 ere ••peeled In tel vttleyt with lowt from 48 NATION AJb•ny 611 Albuque 73 Amef)llo 77 Ancnorege ~6 AlhVllle 7S Atlanta 77 AllantlC City 6-4 Austin 91 Balllmore 67 81lhng1 ~. Birm1ngllam 81 Bltmtrcll 51 BolM 62 Mll'#aul<M Boalon 511 Mpl .. St-P 81ownS'11lle 96 NHflVllle Bulfllo 75 New 0t1Hna Burllnpion 72 N-York c"'* 36 NorlOlll Cllerts1n SC 78 No Platt• Chllrltln WV 77 Ollla Cltv Cllertne NC 76 Omen• Clleyrine 38 Orlenoo Cnleego 85 Phlledph11 Cincinnati 79 f'llOenia COiumbus 75 P11tsburgl'\ 01l·Fl Wiil 90 Plltnd. Me Oayton 76 Plletld 01e Off Momas 80 Provldenc;e 0.llOll 78 Ralelgh elurdey'a mounteln-•r•• ~~!:c, ~~ ::::'City I mey •••ell 72 With IOWI Flltb•nk• 44 Richmond 42 lo •8 <>-• V*'I hlgna Fargo 57 Sall Liii• hd •1111Q9 ,_!:om e5 10 75• 1"' Fltglttll 62 Sen Antonio 1 ., ..,..,..,.. eeya, wtth IOwl Gra•t Falla •3 35 to 45. -• See111e orthern clH•rl hlgh1 mey H9'tlord 65 Shreveport from 72 to 82 with Iowa Helene 45 Sioux F•ll• •" •2 Th In Honotvh.I 89 SI LOUii ., to " • mercury Houtton 8' nern deeen ., ... Wiii hlt top St P-Timpe •• lrom 84 to 92 With IOWI tndenpllt 80 SI St• Miiie 6' to 82, Jaclltn 88 Spokane 111 In the San Fernendo, Sen Jaclltnvllle 78 SyrecuM cl S B di Juneau 58 T ope11e l•I en en ern., no "'•n• c11u ... tflOuld range from 78 to " ' "" Tuteon ...,..9"<1 with lelr tlclM. Knoxville, 80 fulll are •JtPCICled from 48 to M tr.~.::~~ n Weehlnglon .,_ LoultVlllll Wlcll1t1 84 55 64 50 13 56 64 61 83 60 73 65 49 42 86 68 aa se 89 73 87 60 84 6e 73 49 67 47 7' 44 8 1 56 75 58 45 40 55 33 89 eo 57 40 92 71 :J ~ SJ 42 64 .eo 87 71 75 67 61 39 70 48 84 64 118 6~ 80 70 89 84 87 611 eeke11cl hlghe In ereu l.llbbock r, CAL.,0..NIA nm11g 8 11111 8ereber1, Memphis 15 Af)ple-~~ 17~ !01 1u1e Covn1y COH lel, Sent• Mlatnl Bal!., .. ,.... • " i.::::: ... ~~-~llPl.J .. "llrong COIO from tpteecl COOi •ialiiliil•-•---------..: 0,., over the Hort11 c.tltrel T~ W-A"'• tu Thuredey, wllfl rel11 L...eleft A • 1. ....,. ,..,., «ed from tM OcNI 8Min lo Huntington 81uft1 -OOOd H 1g11 PlalN end anow 11111ng Huntlnalon Paer 3·• tllf-oooct ea ..... 111011&. Senti Ant A1wt Jetty 2·2 poor-lair t8 )I lllOWllll GOVered 40ttl I t ~ 24 ftlr N WyClfNng, With up HM 81. ~ t PoOt N ol MOW II Pliltt Of "°°'pile, LIO\lftl 1-3 lllr.,..ocl 17 NellOtlll Peni ~Hollow 1-3 lllr-OOOd 17 ,., ''°'"' 1w1t111110• -· • f~tfootl• 14 •-fOOd 17 •d lor 111r1• ot ... ,.,n 1111 ~·• "ler t-J fOOd M "''"'· arid •'"''' •tOMI frlftloat (T-11 .... , 24 fOOd .. .. ..,, lfl effect '°' ,,,. ol llOtWlern w~, TOITIOl'row. "lofl r1e1e 1.11 a."'. Low Tide a 11 p "'· ..._ *-1IOll ......... -. ...... ee.umont Big BNr Blthop Cllelln• ~City Ev<•• Fresno lenutlet LOflO 8llcn La. Anoei- M onro..!e Monltbe!IO Monterey Mt Wlleon NMdi.t Oellland Ontef\O Palm Sptlng1 PH1den1 Pe.a Robin Red 81ull ~City seer-to S•Hnu Sen eemercllno Sen Oebtlel SM 0teoo Sen Francllco Sen JON S111t1 Alie Sanle Barb1r1 S1111e Crur Senta Mlrlf Senl• Mon!CI Stockton Telloe Veney Tl'lemllll Tort-Yuma PM .....CAN 79 39 57 22 112 38 78 ~ 711 65 es 4& 72 49 70 38 77 56 73 82 79 48 78 5-4 10 50 67 38 71 83 74 541 76 47 82 57 78 et 78 39 11 se 78 54 74 47 78 43 75 411 77 49 74 ff 74 61 75 47 78 62 70 47 7t 50 75 4t 72 55 77 43 ISt 29 87 54 76 62 ... Q Ac:epu!OO 90 7 8 .... let1>t00t 111 n Bermud• .. 78 CurllCllO 9 , 78 ,..~, Ill 70 .48 Oue«1t111t1 • H ea 9::ctWr• " 80 Tides TOOAY , 8econd tow 3 oa 11 m 1.81 Second hloh 9•04 p f'll. 6 IATUM>AY Flfft 10w I 24 '·"' 0,3 Flnt h40h t 37 • m 5 • a-id" 10w 3.JI p 11\. 0 IS a.coftd lllOfl t 42 p m I 4 Su11 Hit IOfly II I U P I'll , , .... S•urdey It t 4t • "' Moon , .... IOClty .. • IJ ,, "' I Mt• l ltlKRy .... ,, • "' • Newport Nursery and Garden Center Recently, Amllngs Reduced Regular Nursery Stock Prices Storewlde an Average of 10% to 15%. GARDENIA Now Save Even More Wlttf'Our New Discount Polley: 10°10 OFF EACH ORDER OF $200 OR MORE 20010 OFF EACH ORDER OF $500 OR MORE .... And the Discount Applies To Everything We Stock or Special Order For You, Except For Items Already on Sale. Free Delivery Too, In All of Newport Beach Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Beach ($25 min.) A $500 order could now aaV. you I0-35% off our old prices: a $.200 order: 20-25% off. Come check us outl -BULB SPECIALS - RANUNCULUI ............................ reg. 3.71/dz. ANIMC>Nml ................................ ! .. reg. IM/dz. ••EnlR rtMll' DAPPODIL reg. Ul/d1. NOW 2.M/oz. NOW 2.31/oz.. NOW 3.41/oz. 1500 1111 co11t llwy • n1wporf l11cll -844-9510-. [-f-)f i=--...a.1 OPEN: MON -SAT 1:30·1:30: SUN 1·5:30 ,,_. NLWDY • Nll«JllAL cHAW• • ' ... ·' .......... lllllJ Piil FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1982 COMICS 9 2 STOCKS BS Whule watcher are triu-klng rurt• righ1 whalelf in the North Atlonlic·, Page IJ6. D U. Cl's own 'Quincy' probes notorious . slayings JOEL C. DON IM D ... r ...... l l•ft ~n Dr. Vincent P . G u lnn's k , convicted mass murd('rl'r J an Corona wasn't responsible ~r the killing and mutilation or '25 m igrant fa rm workers an Northern California. · ' Nevertheless, Corona, a formt•r f+rm labor contracto r , was convicted of all the killings last w eek during a retrial of one of the most grisly crimes in U.S . h •story . Guinn . a pro f essor o r c h e m istry a t UC Irvine, was ~lled to testify on the analysis or !'._yidenc.-e at the Cortina re trial. nut he also decid ed to, review p~her e vide nc·e and testimony from the case and. from has research. concluded there was not enough evidence to conv1t:t Corona. Sporting an Ivy League mien. Guinn seems an unlikely person tQ be enmeshed in the world or I '!}SSS murders a nd other suc:h , cflabolica l crimes. ye t he has t.Javeled throughout the country ~d gone to Canada and South Korea lo give expert testimony at major criminal trials. By his own ~ccounts, he has testified at more P>an 80 criminal trials during the last 13 years. Prosecution and defense attorneys alike h ave rome to respect Guinn as one of o;e foremost forens ic chemists in the world. The c offee table in ha s fifth-floor campus office offers neatly stacked copies of technical idurnals s uch as Scie nce a nd 0-.emical and Engineering News alpngside such publications as the Interna tional Criminal Police R'.eview and Drug Enforcement. 'While his colleagues might prize a new piece or laboratory equipme nt s u c h as a g a s chromatograph o r m ass spectrometer. Guinn treasures an a~tog raphed glossy photo o f &Ct.or Jack KJ ugman, star of the TV series "Quincy," a modern- day Sherlock Holmes of forensic pathology. Indeed, minus the melodrama, Guinn's work in some ways is not unlike that of the su p e r · sleuthing efforts of his television hero. Exam ples: -When a special committee of t.he U .S . H ou se o f Represen tatives held hearings in 1977 on the ~!nation of J ohn F. Kennedy. Guinn was asked to ine the-bullets that knted president and injured then- xas Gov. J ohn Connally. The dlemist showed that the bullets ' I from Lee Harvl'y Oswald'11 rlfll' wen.• the only Onl!ll that struck the prt•sade.ntwl motorC'adt.• tha t Novl'mbcr day an Dallas an 1963. G ui n n p r oved that Sym blonf.'se L1bt.•rat1on Army hiadt:r Donald DcF'reew dad not put a bullet through his head durang a s h ootout with L os Angt.•ll>s pohce an 1974. T he scientist showed that a Rivf.'rside County deputy sheriff involved in a .1980 Norco bank ro bbt•r y was not killed by a bulle t from a fellow offiet.'r's gun during that l'rtml' ~ H c m a t l' h e d b u I I c t fragme n ts from the brain of prazl'f1ghle r Oscar Bonavcna with ont.• of two guns used in the g ang l a n d -r e la ted Nevada slaying. thus enabling authorities t o pro pc r>ly c harge the• two assailants an the <.·asc In the bowels of UCI's Physical Scie nces building. Guinn has harncs.'l(.'Ci the a tom to investigate these l'ases and other · notorious even ts out of lht.· a nnals of crime. His m :.11n tool as the campus nudear reactor. much sma lle r tha n t.'<>mmcn:ml units designed to produ<.'l' ele<:lrical energy but p o w C'rful e n o ugh lo h e l p investigators dete rmine the chemical elements that make up just a bout any piece of evidence. Guinn uses a technique called neutron activa tion a nalysis, a process he pioneered in the early 'fiOs whale a st.·1cntist at G ui! G ene ral Atom ic an San Diego. That company manufactured UC I's TRIGA Mark I nuclear reactor, which can put out a maximum~of 250 kilowatts of thermal energy. S imply. very tmy fragments of bullets. hair or othe r pieces of evid encl' are lowered into the core of the research r eactor. a 5 -f oot by 5 -f oo l d ev i ce subme rged in a 23.000-gallon tank of wa1,er. T he sample the n is bo mbarde d w ith n e utro n s e mitte d fro m the specia ll y enriched uranium fuel. The radioactive sample is then placed in a gamma ray detection device, which gives scientists a bar gra ph-Like view o( a u the ele ments present in the sample. Jn bullet-lead ana lysis, the tec hnique is especially handy because several impurities are contained in a batch or "melt" of ammunition lead , and no two melts are alike These impun ucs m ight be i n the f or m o f antimony, used for ha rdening, as well as silver. arsenic. copper or tin. Dr. Vincent P. Guinn holds up a bullet similar to the one tha l killed Preside nt John F . Ke nned y. It's typical of the physical evidence with which he works in UC Irvine's nuclear reactor. "You can analyze and ~mpare known samples recovered l rom a s us pect 's gun and can te l I whether a bullel used an a crime was made from the same melt of lead," Guinn said. Gamma ra ys emitted from each impurity not onl y te ll what e le ments a r e presen t but how much of each is in the sample becaUSt' the rays display intensity peaks that can be measured, he noted. In the Juan Coron a retria l , G umn was asklod to re-exa mine the analysis of a bullet taken from one v ictim -the only person who was not stabbed to death. He also reviewed tesllng of a hair sample thought to be Corona's that was removed from a s hovel found a·t the labor contractor's home. Durin g the f i r s t tri a l. a Treas ury De pa rtment ch~m ist analyzed the bulle t and others found in Corona's 9mm handgun. But Guinn disputed tbose tests during the retrial. asserting the government s<:•cntist's data didn't add up. "He d id the w o rs t. m ost bungled job or activauon analysis I'vt.• ever set.-n," Guinn said . "If I had a begannmg student w ho did an a na lysis lake tha t I'd flunk ham . • "H e di d eve r y thin g conceivable w rong He made more nustakes than I thought were possible to make." Guinn's review of the bullet and hair analysis as well as other evidence a nd testimony left him an doubt of the jury dec1s1on. "I have n o way o f te ll ing whether Juan Corona as guilty or mnOC'ent." he said. ''But what I did was present a lot of evadenc:e in the r ecord a nd I didn't encounter any evid e nce that proved has guilt." Guinn w as more decisive 1whcn government investigators asked him to reanalyze bullet evidence from the Kennedy assassination. The samples -a whole bullet and fragments of ano ther - we re flown to UCI from the National Archives under guard. Most offac1a ls agree three shoL'> were rared at the presidential motorcade One bulle t missed and has never been found. The second h it Kennedy an the back a nd the n s tru ck Co nnall y. eve ntua ll y lodg ing in the governor's thigh. That bullet fell intact onto the a mbulance stre tcher and has since been dubbed the "magic bulle t. .. The third hit the president in the head. killing him and shattering into several small fragments and two main pieces. Guinn's final analysis showed that the two bulle t samples matched an unfired cartridge found in OswaJd's gun. Still. the scientist ackno wle dges that conspiracy theorists still believe o the r s w e r e f i ring at the president that day. "AJI I can say is the only one who hat anybody was Oswald," he said. "There may have been 50 people shooting. But what as clear Is if the re we re other people shooting they didn't hit anybody or anything in the car." Guinn noted that he doesn't <:he misl George Miller s its a t control p~nel of UCl's reactor, core of which is hown in photo at left . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • handl<.' every noquc~ lor sample ana lysis at UCI's nuCTear reactor. Instead , he sele<:t1vely chooses cases tha t tend to be difficult or unusual. r~ther tha n routing. in vest igatio n s th a t c an b e handle d b y othe r fo r e n sic specialists. "The Ivor y Tower te nds to shield you from realaty," he said. "If you're going t.o do research in forensic chemistry you must get involved an criminal cases I'm fortunate that I don 't have P> take every C'ase." :-. Also. he said hts students haQ.e much to learn by watching the1r mentor testify an criminal casea;· But Guinn as pretty sure ~ isn't cut out for a Quin~y-h[re' role on his own l'rtmt.>fighting TV series. "I ma d e two movies some years back as training films for the A tom1c Energy ComrmSiUOn, ". h e said. "Tha 1 e x p e ra e n ce convine«:I me I was hol cut oUl for Ho ll ywood I co uldn.,t remember my lanes that I ha<t originally wr1ltl'n " Securities suit scheduled flP.cP.ivership hearing due for financier Rinaldo's mortgage \ Services private for D.B. Weiiner ,,. . ''' A r eceiversh ip heari n g Is ~heduled for Oct. 13 In Orange 'County Superior Court on a state •Jtiwault which alleges tha t a New port Beach m ortgage mpany mis h a ndled a $53 llllon loan portfolio and sold itlft1r-.otatered BeCUrl Uet. The slate Department o f Corporallona lawsuit, flied Wed~y ln Santa Ana, named enancler John 0 . Rinaldo and American Home Mort1age Corp. la prindpel defendantl. • , ' A.request &o have the company ~l into immediate recelvenhJp wa1 denied by 1uper lor court Judie Judith lly1m . But 1he t eduled further proc:eedln11 Oct. 13 to detennJr\e If Ule mpany 1hould be removed J ' ( fro m R inaldo 's control. A receiver appointed by the judge would then take over. Accordi ng to the state's lawsuit. Rinaldo and oth er American H ome M ortgage offi c ia ls a r e occ u sed o f misleading inve1tor1 and using Investors' money for their own lnvettmenl purpollCS. Rinaldo, whoee firm ill located at 230 Newpor t Center Drive, c ould not b e reac h ed f o r comment Thu.nday. The company told aerond 1ru1 dt.-eds to lnvestont Steph e n G ourley, de puty comml•loner of the Department of Corporation• office In Lo• Angel es, said all e 1ed lrregulariUes by American Home Mortgage i n clude d ce rtain powers o( attorney not being disclose d to Investors. Also. Interest Income wp re-Invested withou t the <.'Onscnt of Investors, ll was claimed. Gourley said state offlclal1 want an o utside receiver appointed to detennlne, amonar other things, If any lnveatora money Is missing. A~ri~n Home Mortgage CQ. ha11 t>een In buslnet1 since 1978, offlciala uld. It w• 1lltfed that Rinaldo Ml up four firm• to manaae lnve1to r 1' funds and then arran~ tor a leef'et lnv•tment contract 10 mo n lH could be trarwferred for hi• own UM ln lnvcatmenta. John G. Rinaldo Private funeral services are pendlng for Darrell B. Weimer, vice ~resident of Mies for the Weal 1 largest beer lmportln1 firm, Wildom Import Salet1 Co. of I•lne. He 1uttumbed to cancer a\ Ml11lon Community Hospital near hJa home In Mt.ion V5ejo. Weimer, ~. had eerved more than 2& yeara In the beer lndu1try ln the United States. Durt"' the put 10 yeel"I, Weimer WM rqk)nal and Mlet tnanatJer for Wie d om p r lo r \o h l1 appointment In 1879 aa vice .,.,,aident. Previoualy Weimer 1trved 16 yeara with Joaeph Schllu Brewl"" Co. In a number of aal" " and merchandillna positions. • · Born In Snohomis h . Wastr:, W eimer wa1 educat e d f'n c h e m ical e ngineer ing at the Colorado Sch ool of Mines and received a bachelor's degree hi marketing from the Unlveralty Q.f, Denver In 1901. Durln1 World War II. he served In the U.8~ Navy. ·• Weimer la survived by his wtr. Gin; hla mother, Mra. Edith Weimer o f Denver; hie 1l1ld( Burnke InauW of PaMIM Canal Zone : hi• dau1hte r Chrlaty OroNeth; and hit '°" Wlyne. The family requ•ll &hat 11\)' C88h remembtancea be made ln WtlmH'• name to the Amemn Cancer Society. l I I . ., l8 Ofang. Coul DAILY PILOT/Ftlday. Oclobtr 1, 1912 T Ht; t 'A,.IL,. CIRCl' by 811 Keane by Brad Anderson "Don't give me that innocent ·1 don't know how it could have happened' look!" Jl'Df;t: P \RKER ~CROSS I Ex·senlOf S Hand tool 9Converses 14 Instrument 1s ··Roast Pig · man -16 'G111" 46Rri 49 Talked glibly 53 Decree. Fr ~Bowed SS Can Con· wvauve 56 C11egory 5 7 $4ltd CO\'tl' 58 S<:llOOI tie THURIOAY'I l'Um.E IOl VED 2 words 17 Styphc 18 -Real 59 Facing a gla· F.f:l~rtiE::f.'o Cltf Out '1111 18 WHttwly 20 A1guiog 22 Bani! • 0 8011 -Muuo- 1.nl 61 Ou.ntlfy .23 Bait tlub DOWN 24 PrtttnM 26 Dt•ktned I PINMd 28 Wauentt 2 Regutele E 11 32 Publlcal!ons 3 "Tiit• men 22 F~tt •2 Pott.goers 33 Stilts In --" 2• Small dogs •3 Oxen 34 Chem ault1• • Clalmtd 25 Imp.Ma •S Oo 10 pieces 35 Bet"'"" 5 Sr1119 10 26 Foor•bagoet 46 Slumps 3f NtmeM• mtmOfY 27 Actpuleo !)al 47 Trentlt allow· 31 MM tte>YllO 6 ForlOfn 28 "lnftfno" tnet 38 AICCMI gttl · 7 Wttbtl mt11 48 PIN'I 38 DilcatAI 8 OltO _. 29 City Ir~ t!Ytr 40 119 liddlt t 9'ltl 30 AofTlln i'ldOt 49 Wflett Lima H OnttrlO 0t 10 Lime Jtcll • 31 --lift It BICi GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) "An .urban cowboy? No. You look mort llkt part of hla hortt.""' Hank Ketchum ~ t0-1 " by Harold k..e Ooux i ~ 'I ' , t by Jim Davis. MV NERVES PON'T LI KE VOO, 0UT WHAT PO T HEV KNOW? .,..,,.... S3 Sof1 mln9rt11 50 Turning• Pr• 0 Lwefl 11 ,oot.... 3e [l(tft fl11 ._,.,_.,_+-+- u-. 1HJttft 37S-dlld<M &10rtlllgod 4$ Ql.-i t3 Afl'!I M11 3t Tlmt ptrlodt 52 Fore. unit ClllleilN -21 lotld9 40 v..-~ flUlly -. P l Nl 'T8 I GVESS I've LIVED WITH FOUR OR FIV~ DIFFERf:NT FAMILIES ... l M NOT SV~E ... SHOE WHAT'S WRONG, NANCY? GORDO HJi.NE:>Jr eeEN . MLJCJ1 CF '/Ol) I A/'.JO 'KX>'RE NOT E:.Af:;r{ 10 Mt~, 5 11JCI! T'MAT &..l'TTL..E. ~ arr~zy-"1 Ac.A~ ':7E:'I/ I ~IZ 1 I0-1 1AANKS fOR i'M<.INU ~it S foR ME. ~I SC\IOO\.. ~'( ~MAN . "'' I WAS Tl-HNKING 01= Tl-lE O LD DAYS WHE:i,N CANDY AND SODAS WERE . C~EADER OC.T· I IOI DB.SMOCK ~ JUS'T" PUSH 1-l'a... Pieces OF RAW Mf!!A'f" il-4RO U'9H 1"Hese AtR HOU!S ANP ti eA1"'5 l DECIOEP IT'S TO l(££p THEIR 8ACk FEET FROM MITTIH6 lHEI FlOHT FEET , by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm11ter by Gus Arriola ---~t.1 ... by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan 00 'fOU ~~i 1"1NK \'M ~AAIO <$ ~ fE.W L\HLE bERM'S 7 .----. -lHe.'/ SOLDIHE CRIB . t i. I The Angels' m agic nu m ber: I American League Weit ' • llllJPllat FRIDAY. OCT \, 1882 ClASSlfllD LB ca Angels · hope to corral title ,_ By CURT SEEOEN Of I ... Delly ,.llol ll•H I • Olll'l' nguin fnt.•l•d With thl' tusk Of l'OOCCntl"Ullnf( on lht•lr own opµcmt-r1 l whllt• kl·•·ping on<' c•yl• on thl.' fl('Ol'<'board. w 1nn1ni;c p1·rC"1·nt11~" IJy u11y Am(·n n rn Lc:agul• pi t.chN. W L Pc t. GB The Ange ls w ill bl•gin du ing a lltllo late• shopping for the Cowboy'~ blrthduy prc.>s(.lnt tonight and who better to supply the· gift than the Texas Rangers'! And thl'y muy Cl.let> ont.• of tlw11 b1!(l(<:1>t challengus tonigh t if the ltungen1 dt.'4..'ldc lo St;art vete ran knucklt·b11llt!.r Charlu· f lough. . In Ka11sui. Ch y, un t•>< Angt•I w:1s doinJ< tlll' mos t dumugt· to tht· Angt.·h.' hot'"" tit un l'f1rly 1'<·lebration, as Willw A1k<·ns hat o grund 1!ll:lm and a thn·t•-run honwr m th1• Hoy:ab' ruut <if Oakland Angela Royals 90 69 .566 88 71 .553 Thuradar'• acor• • Kansas City 11 . Oakland 4 Tonight'• game• 2 You see, thl' Angt.'ls Wl't'1• 11upposc.>d to deliver Chairman of tht• Board Gcnl· Autry's present ifl Kansas City on Wcdnt'Sday the.• day he t.'Cll'bratt.<CJ 'has 75th birthday. But as 1t turned out, Autry was the onJ y onl' ~lcbraung It was just Just Sunday that Hough. tn typ1t.·11l On TV tonight cnannel 5 at 7:30 T hl· vtC"tory shavl•d tlll' An~(t'I!>' lc><1d'to .two gam1·i, with tl)n•t· to play Texas (Hough 16-12) at Ange ls (Zahn 17-8). 7:30 p.m .. Channel 5. S int'<' the Angels l'Ouldn't µut the stubborn Kansas City Hoyal'> away m M1SS0ur1. they'll Q.avc to do at the hard way beginning tonight (7:30) when they host the Rangers ror the final lhrc.'C games of the regular season. knuckler fash ion. allowt-d ftVl' runs on five· hits but wen t the d1 stam'C: fur u 7·'5 victory ovt•r tht· Angels Noted lloyals' n •lat•v1·r Uan Quasc•ntx•rrv. who savl'd the last two guml'S (or t h(• Hoyall' Tuesday and ~<.-dncsday: "I wash ht· t-ould start against them m every game of the sc.·rws. I' know that if l had a knuckle ball as good us his. I would." W11h tht• M'or1• lll'd 2 2 1n thl• Ctfth , A '-:. s Uirlkr Make Nor m._ 7 -1 J. walkc•d G1·orgl· Brt-tl and llal Mc:Hiu• w1 th two 11u L-.. A1 kl•n:. thPn drallc.'<.I h is 15th honll'r, cl1•c·p mto the· nght·fll'ld wetter display. With 11111• out an tht· :.i.:vt·nth, U L Washingt.on singl<'<i and Mol1• SC.'(:1111d .md Brett w<tlkt'Cl Davey Lopes then m1splaye<l a ~roundt·r for an error to load the baS{'S for A1k<·n-., who smashed rel1evc·r Bob Owt·h1nko's Ctn.I 11ff1•1111l( IJVN the CC'nlcr-field fent"<'. Oakland (Kingman 3-11) at Kansas City (Castro 2-2) Gamea r emaining ANGELS (3) -HOME (3): Oct. 1. 2. 3. Texas. KANSAS CITY (3) -HOME (3): Oct. 1, 2. 3 , Oakland. Manager Gc.>ne> Mauch and company rolled into Ontario Airport around midnight Wednesday and had Thursday off to t•<mlemplate their 211'z game lead ovc·r the Roy;,ils The Hoya ls ughtt>nt•d things up Thursday night when they dl'fl'all'<i the Oakland A's, 11-4. Th<.• Angcb, m1•anwhalt:, don't want to knuckle· under lo anybody thl' Hanger"!. throw at thl•m this weekend. Tht· sc.•vt·n RBI (111 A1k1·11s t11·d a Kansas C1ty dub recQl"d first i.N !Jy Jl•r1 y Groh· Ml"Rac and f'r;mk White· alscJ h..id'i..olo homl'rs (or Kan.'>Wi Caty, and Mt·H;w drnVl' an has lcagut·· leading .J 2Hth RBI a douhlC' 111 th1: third It has OC-'('tJmt• apparent that the Angels ar<' Hough, 16-12. wall lx· uppoM'll bv Gmff Zahn, who. with a 17 -8 rt·l·ord. lxmsts the· rourth-hest Dodgers' hearts in San Francisco Newport Ha r bor H igh's Herb Goss ( 40) <·omes down with a clutch ca tc h amidst four El Toro def enders to set up the clinc hing to uc hdown. But eyes in S an Diego I as final series ope n s By JOHN SEV ANO Of !tie 09111 Pllol llafl LOS ANGELES Just whl·n the hnal chapter of the Nauonal League West was about to be written, the Dodgers went o ut Thursday night and messed up the introduction. They've got some nerve But because of it. there's going to be.· a pennant race after all. And. ll . On TV tonight channel 11 at 7:30 looks like it's going to go right down to the nub. The Dodgers dosed within one· game of divtSion-leading Atlanta, a nd snapped a n eight-game losing streak in the proc.-css, by postmg a 10-3 dectSion over th<' Brav('S lx-forl' 49.926 at Dodger S tadium and a nother m1l11on - plus who watched on their southland te levision sets So now. it's showdown tame a.o:; the Do dge rs venture to San Francisco for a regular-season closing three-game set w1Lh the Giants (who, ind denta lly, arc only one game out. too). whalt• the Br<tvcs go south for thn·t• with the San Diego Padre:.. "I'm very proud of this team because this was a game that had to be> ... said Manager Tommy Lasorda, the diplomat , who watched his club score> almost as many runs an one rught (1 0) as it had in its prior eight gam1's (16) "This was a game we had to win becauS(' 1t was the difforenc·t· bt•twecn being three out or ont• National League West W L Pct. GB Braves 87 72 .547 Dodgers 86 73 .54 1 1 Giants 86 73 .541 1 Games remaining ATLANTA (3) -AWAY (3): Oct. 1, 2. 3. San Diego. D ODGERS (3) -AWAY (3)· Oct. 1. 2. 3. San Francisco . GIANTS (3) -HOME (3): Oct. 1. 2. 3, Dodgera. out At lt·a~t wt.'rl· still bre<tthmg "Wt11:11 wt· havl· to do nowt.'> go an t() Sun Franc·1sco and t"Onc't•ntrall' on winning the first game. tht·n we'll go from there·· For th()S(• who lake• numbers. th<• Dodgl·n.' t.'t!rtamly don•t look ww>d Although tht•y0 Vl' splat sax prior mt•<'tmg~ at Candlt'S'l1ck this sc·ason. t h<• Dodgers are 7-8 ag<11n!>t th<· Giants overall and havl• lost tht' last five s traight bet Wt'<.'n lht' t WO ThC' BravN.. l'onvc•rsely. arc J -:i with th<· Padrt•s at Jack Murphy Stadium. but hold a Y-li overall c-dg<' 111 tlw1r M·nc-s "I l1k<· o ur s1Lua 11 o n ,"" said Atlanta Man:.1gt•r Joe Torrt:' aflt'r thl• game• "Of t·ourse I would havt· lakt'd It bc·tter 1f we had bec·n thrc'C' up. But we came m hcrt' with o 011C' gamC' lead and WP0rt• ll•avang with a on£• gamf' IN1d. Thut's ;i ll anybody could nsk for "'What wt• havt' to do nuw is go an thprc• irnd du our JOb And if w1· t·;m't go an and wm, then wt• don't d('!>(•rvc· at " Sailors' blue chips • Will the pot, 17-7 Tht• Uodgcrs C'ssent1ally fC'C'I tht• !>am<• w;1y with o ne· eaten th e v kno w· th e y have t o t'O nc;•ntrau• on thC'ar ·t:L"k at hetnd be f o r C' Io o k 1 n g o v l' r th e 1 r ~houldn~ to 1><.'l' what's going on C'IS<'Wht•rc· Interceptions, big plays lead the way in Sea Vi ew L eagu e ope n e r By ROGER CARLSON 0( th9 D.., HClt le.If T hey d idn't exactly clinc h a C IF Cen tral Confere nce playoff be rth Thursda y night -but the re 's little doubt following Newport Harbor H1gh's 17-7 Sea View League footbaU decision over visiting El Toro that the Sailors have re turned to the ways of past endeavors. In short. the Bluejackets are back, an the hunt for the league championship. and an obvious playoff contender. And they did it just like the ir new coach said they would if they were to be championship caliber -with blue chip plays and an unyielding defense. It took a 92-yard return with a n interception by 6-3. 207-pound junior sensation Steve Brazas to get the Sailors on the boards and It took a s terling leaping catch In a crowd by Herb Goss for 21 yards to st'l up the d inching touchdown. "That was the kids' gaml' ... said anr e lated Giddings "They won 1t an spite of me." he continued, a lluding lo a mistake he made somewhere down tht' lane. l t was a n cxp C'n s 1vc triumph , however, with standout linemen Dave Cadigan and Bud Cotx•rly (also the first line place-kicker) going out with knee injuries. ''I'm worried to d<'ath about that,'' continued Giddings "It really takes the luster off 0~1t." El Toro had its tiharc of bumps and bruises. too. with tight e nd BrN Pa ton exiting with a possible brok<.>n left tibia (shin bone). T he Charger"! took the opening kickoff and appeared to be in total command. with gams of 17, 14, 19. 20 and 3 yards putting the ball at the Sailors' 8-yard lanc> m very short order But Brazas stepped fo rwa rd and picked off an El Toro aerial and racr'<i past the El Toro bench on the way to his 92-yard return. ign ited by hca.vy pressure on the El Toro quarterbac-k. forcing an off -baJanct.'d attempt. • "Tha t interception w on the game," offered Giddings. "You'r<.• just starting to see w hat Brazas can do ... El Toro bounced bac k with J err y Eldridge's thr ee-yard touchdown run following h is 54-yard return with an intcr<:eption to the Tars· 6-yard lmC', but the 7.7 standoH d idn.t last long. Harbor marched 55 yards in ninl' plays to lK'l up Coberly's 31-yard field goo! with 3:21 le ft In the h air. with Bill Brown. operating as a tailback in a slngl<' wing offense. leading the way. Brazas ract'd 14 yards with a wlnli(l>tit·k revers<.> and a maJOr pc.•nally got tht• ball to thl' El Toro 10 bef orl' the Saal on. St•ttled for the field goal E l T o r o Coach B ob Johnson ant1c1 patl•d a twist 1n the Satlors' offense, noting Newport had a d1ffcorent J(amc play for each of 1ts thre<' prior foes "They really didn't fool us (smgl<' wing)," said Johnso n . "Th ey just oul~layed us. We've got a lot of work lo do.' Johnson ·ft•lt his team's demise caml' an th<' third qunrtf'I· w hen the Chargers c9uldn't punch It in ofter gaining a first down at the Sailors' 15. Brett Kacura led a defensive charge by Harbor and u 25-yard h eld goal attempt fell short Later the Charge rs turned the ball over at the Sailors' 24 without prt'SSure and although each team fimshcd with four tumnvers. ll was El Toro·s wh1l'h ( et NEWPORT, Page C4> I ··we can't relv on them," said H1l"k Mu ndav ·or the Padres "What we• have• to do as go about ou r busan1·sl> far-.t W<.' have to worry a bout San Franc1sc:'O and h•t lhC' Bravc•s worry about their .1ob Wt• 1·an'1 worry about at for them ·· ··WC' c•a n't Ix• an San Fral"lci&'O and have our minds in San Diego," uddN.l Kt>n Landreaux. ··What WC' have to do is go out and wan thrc<.• gamc-i;. We can't rely on an ything ll•ss." Although winning thr('(' games csp<.'<.'aally at this stage of a season isn't going to be a s nap. thC' Dodgers have had plenty o f proctll'e at al'complashing s uch things . . and their position was much W Ol"S{' than 1l 1s now. Last VC'ar·s e ff o rt s a r e probably ·the best clo<:uments for (See DODGERS. Pa1e C2> NO PROGRESS A T NFL TALKS Oilers drown Bolsa • Ill a sea of points, 54-21 .. WA SHINGTON (AP) ?if early 11 hol..ln of negotiations produced no progress Thursday In the 10-day-old National Foo\ball League players' strike, but both lldes agreed to ret1ume barpinlng talk. today. Meanwhi l e. the atrlke officially claimed It• •c:cond ~-MMOn wMkend. "There w• no pt"Oll"W.. . . • J.ck Donlao. ctuef MfOUltor tor the NFL M&Npmenl Council. aald aft.er the day-lon1 1e11ion e nded at 11 :4! p.m. EDT. I By ED ZINTEL a.-i.1 IO ltM O!llly l"llot There's a ne w w11vc of t•xcltl•m cnt over at Huntington Beach High right now. nnd It has nothing to do with new wave music, or big surfing wavt.'!l. What it ls is a wave of football pride. Whereas the Oilers for the past decade have been the doormat or the S unset League , today. Hunllngton Beach 11 e1ta6ll1hlng itself 85 a viable power in Orange Count~ prep football ranks And now. followrng Thurtlday· nla}\t'i cru1hlng 54·2 l victory Al home ov r previously unb<'ate n Bol .. Crande, Huntlnaton Beach entera next week'• pme aaalnst San Clemente wlth a 4-0 reoord. What's more. tho Oilers. who have not won more than three games In an entire season since 1969, find themselves with what on paper Is the most explosive offcn..<M? In the c:ounty. Thursday night they gained 392 total yards. 177 of those on the running of junior fullbac k Da nny Thompson. ThompAOn rushed for three touchdowns, t.wo ot thOlle In tho (lrtt quarter whe n the Oilers bolted out to an Incredible 34-6 l4?8d. Ac tually. Bolta G rande may have been fortunate to eecape with th • IOM the Matadors did, con1lderlna two Huntington Beach touchdowns were called beck. Th<' Ollen llCOttd \h flnt tJme they . -. touched the ball as qunrtcrback Eric Lawton hooked up with Jafn('S Dunn for a 60-yard 1COr lng pua on the Initial plDy of the game. T w o plays latN. tht• Oilers' Louie Ccrd11 lnter<'eptro n Bolsa Grande pass in Matador territory w put the Oilers at tho 21-yard line. Thompson ran 10 yards for the 111COrc. • AHcr Bolsa Grande 8C.'Ored on o 79- yard pa.Ml play from Sean O'Keete to Mark Moyer. Huntington 84!nct1--ctu1w right back. . lk>b Rehling lnwrcepted a PIM and rctur. ncd It 23 yards for a touchdown. Jutt before th quarter ended, Lewton wa.e at It a,•ln. thll time hitting Jett Lopez with a 31 -yard toU<'hdown pa.~. "The offense plnyc'll extremely well. no quN1Hon ,'" aid H unungton Beach head (·uach Oreg llcn~y. now In his second year. "Donny Thompson wa$ especially brlll111nt. •'1l-'11 nuw running Ilk<' wt~ thought hl' could, where he jutt runs over people." ' He nry ulso prol!u~d the work of Lawton who hit a.of-14 nttcmpts for 20'3 y1trd11 and no lntcl"C\'pl.lons. "We've thrown aoml' new looka Into th o th!mrtvc-f-orm attona. run n i rrg a- 0 e l aw a r <' Wing-T . wllh lou o f mlsdlrectlona and Eric's handlln1 It v~ry w II." aold Henry. ,''We've decided that we c.n't run out of an 1-formatlon Uke Edl•on and some other teamt In our (See OILEftS, P•J• C4) 1 I ' T L.I Or•nr Oout DAIJ., v PIL.OT "rld•t. <>s•obet 1, 1111 1 El Toro High' J erry Eldridge goes hee ls over hands a the Sailors' def en .-1mts the tops on him in a I 7-7 win. NEWPORT. • From Page C1 seemed lO turn th<• t1dt• The Sailors· got the 10 -potnt bulge with 17 S«'Onds left in thc half when Brazas s t.artl'd at wnh an interceptio n and 24 -ya rd return to the El Toro 37 "Tht:re w ere so many bag plays," conceded Giddings, who led his team t o its most significant win in three years. "l jl4St hope we don't let down." Newport tyrbor 17, El Toro 7 lcor• by o-rt•re El Toro e 0 7 0 0-7 N&wporl Harbor 7 10 0 0-17 NH-Brazas 92 •J'tercept1on return (Co!Mlrly klekl • ET-Eldridge 3 run (Williama kick) Nl:l-~berly 31 FO NH-P-5 pass from Well• (lohH klekl Altendence -3.600 !e111m11ee11 a-111tletlca n First downa 11 Rushes-yards 29-~ P1sSing yerds 110 p-8-21·3 Punts 3.39 Fum!>les-loSI 3. I Penllltin·Y•rd1 7-S6 NH ,. 47·1•5 65 8-19-4 2-27 1-0 7-61 lndl'rickiel fllu.hlft9 El -Trock•ll. 5·22. Eldridge I t -•9 Fennell. &-13. Oou91ut. 7 -0 Nti-B<azu, 22·4S, Brown 13·•5 TfUOnil 9-49, Powe<, 1-11. We41s 2·f0<·m1nu1 3 . lndMduel l'Matne ET -0ouo1Ht. 8·21·3 110 NH-Wells. 7-14·2. 57, Goocmeld 1 ·• 2 8 Brown 0-1-0 lndMdull fllec•Mne ET -Mclain •·74. Woods 2·20 P1ler 1-15, Eldridge. 1.1 NH -Brun . •·26. Power. 2.10. Brown 1-8. Gou. •·21 .Speedway racing set The fin a l night of regular-season speedway motorcycle racing is Sf.'t tonight at the O ra nge County Fa irgrounds m Costa Mesa. With only the U S National c hampions hip race remaining lO Costa Mesa on Saturday. Oct. 9, tonight's action will be a final tuneup for the event. -• Gates open at 6.30 with the first hE>at race a t 8. OILERS WIN BIG AGAIN. • From Page C1 league run because we can't match up physically. But this formation gives us a threat in three different directions and we've spread out the op position's defe nse very weU with it." - It's an offense that is indeed balanced and gives Henry lots of options. A minor problem, which deve lo pe d la te in the gaml.' Thursday night, is that the Oilers do tend to get penalized a Jot. Escobedo and tackles John Zehnder and Roger Masangkay. Hunllnolon BeKh 54, llolaa Grende 21 Scot• by OuMtera Hun11ng1on BHCh 34 1 6 7-S. Bolu Gr1nde 6 6 O 7-21 HB-Ounn 60 pass from Lewi on (Kau kiell) HB Thornpaon 11 run (klek f11led) BG Moyer 79 PHI from O'KNfe (kiCk fe11edl HB-Thompson 72 run (Rey pass from O'KeefeJ HB RehhnQ 23 return wllh in1arcep11on (kk:k fe11ee11 HB Lopez 31 peas from Lewton (Kau k•Ckl BG F11her 70 pau trom O'Keafe tl•Frenlare run) The Oilers were tagged 15" HB Thompson 25 ru,, 1Ke12 ktckl · t 1 · 197 d HB Huang t run (kick felled) limes Ota mg yar S. BO-Dewitt 29 pHs trom Coope< (Cuey Huntin gton B each , w hic h kick) 0....,ned the 1969 season with four HB Huono S run (Lawton k1ckl ,..-Alland1nc. 1.800 tesllmetedl straight wins, e n route to a 7-2 Ha llQ season. hai now scored 109 points Ftrtt Downs 37.1~81 35.27121 Las k Rulhes-yeros " m its last two games. twee . Pullng yards 231 228 Huntington Beach scored 55 PuM• 11.19.0 7·22·• points to tie a school r ecord ~~;;,·~s-to1t 5;~~ 5;~ dating back to 1926. PenllHes·y•rO• 15·197 6-75 Jelf Lopez was the leading HB Tho!~~~~-~~·:,'~ewi on, •·5. receiver for the Oilers Thursday TomHtck 5.31 s e1erf1e1d. 9-58. Noble night, gra bbing five passes for S.f0t·mlnu1 5. Hu1ng 3-fi 126 d 90-0KMfe, 5·1•, Kolttng. 17-48. Ftshef Dayard· SH. h . 12·97 LeFranNlfa, 1·3, Noble 1-l0<-m1nus t. v1 uang. w o came in at Caoc>er. 1 o running back late m the game. lndhrlduel Pe .. lnf HB Lewton. 8-14-0 203. Noble 2·3-0. 22 . scored on two s hort runs of one. ·-Grace 1.1.o 8 and h ve yards. BG-0 Keeta 6-20.•. 199, Cooper, 1·2·0 He n:y cred.Hed a bit, part of 29 tndMdull flleceM the win to the -o rrens1ve line Hb M R•y 1-3.0unn 1.eo1.ooez.5·•26. made up of cent.er Corey Walke r, ThOmpaon, 1-1•. Torn""". 2·22. Huang, 1·6 auards Chris-Cooper and Mike BG Moyer. 2·89. F1111er. 1-70. Oew111. ,., 2·50. Hallteld, 2· 19 CIU: LIDO MARINA WER & AILBOAT SHOW Pcicific coast Box Office fe.1turin11 lhl' r.f"lll'lt M'll'C1ion Of \ll'IM'll l'\ll'r Htl'mblf'd in the w.1t t'r o n thl' WHt Coul. From motor yachts to lportflthers, from blul'Wlll'r crulting ullboah to onl' dHign r•«rt. f'Tom li~B<"'h 714/536-8826 A s pecial fo ur-lap match b etween Bobby M c L ai n and Dav e DeTemple will be run to dete rmine which 1s the f irst alte rna t e for the national c hampions hip lineup. fNm Ml"'on Vlr)o/IMIW Lido Marina VIiiage, Newport !leach -'Pl>llS\ION. -'duh•••· I (hlld•tn "''' U 1 Vnd., i frtt Junior s p eed way riders wiU also appear on the program tonight. 714/540-3669 HOVI): Wttlid•v• 11 •.m. to 7 p.m., \.ol. & Sun. 10 •.M. lo 1 p.M r1111uNG: •-1t.. tlan• hnm fn•>I 11 ... •nd N..,.porl ll•d. lu tlw 1,..., P"liln1 Int •nd '""' WEEKEND SPECIAL ONLY COMPARE AND SAVE$$$ 1182 Peu11ot · 1982 Peu1eot &D& S Turbo Diesel &04 1101 Diesel One half nOt enough . Saddleback erupts to top Irvine, 31-7 By JOE DUOEVOIR •~i.i lo It.. Oellr "'8f Thl• Sl'U v lt'W LA•l•f(Ut' UJ)t't\00 Thul"KCJuy night for tw<1 unbealtm tf'umi.. ud Suddlc•back lllah. coming into tht• foot.bull gumt• rankc.>d l'lghth in Ornngt• County, pluyed h011t LCJ Jrv1rw lx·Core 1 .~00 fan1J 4it EddlP Wt:o11t l"ll'ld. &th teams had faahiom.'<J 3·0 non ·leagul' mork1J 4And w en· I o o k i n g t u k t-t• p l h l' i r unblemished lt>dgcrs lnwct. Alter a 7 -7 dC'adloc k at halftlmc, Suddlebuck hung onto the ball und hung a J I· 7 de foal on the Vaqueros of Irvine. who played we ll in the first half but C.'Ould only muster one first down in the second ha tr . Saddleback turned the ball over lour times In the first half, two by hrmbles and two by Interceptions, to keep Crom taking command of the game early. Afte r receiving th(' opening kickoff. Saddleback turned the rems over to the mercurial Kevin Bradley a nd wat<:h e d h im jitt~rbug through the Irvine de fense for 60 or the 80 yards the Roadrunners coverl'd for their first scor e . Bradley also ~'Ompleled a pass Lo w ide rcreiver Todd Cage for 26 yards on a halfback option play. The touchdown, scored by Bradley, came on fourth and goal· at the 11, as Bradley swept left and w e nt in untouch ed . Rod Pesak added the first of his four extra points for a 7-0 lead. Pesak also kicked a 3 1-yard lecldi.back 31, lrvlne 7 kote by Otlettett Irvine 0 7 0 0 7 Slddleback 7 0 3 2 1 3 1 S-8fadley 11 run (P•"" klCkl I-Zorn 3 run (Chlebow1k1 kickl S -Puek 31 FG S-Cage 7 PIU from Peul< (Pealk klCk) S-Btadley 1 Nn (PM&k k1ek) S-Willi.,.,.,a 66 pun! return (Pesall kic;k l Allendenc. -1.500 (ntimated) a.me llatltllc• I I F1ra1 d0Wn1 6 16 RuS11n-yer01 28· 77 43·218 Pualng y11da 1 56 PUNS 1·9·3 5·8·2 Pun11 4-41 1·33 Fumbln·IOll 3· 1 •·3 Pane!Ues·ywd1 8·60 7.95 "'41wlduel fluthlft9 1-S•Wn••. I 1·46. G•rcla, 8·23. Muniz. 2·5. Mandeville. 2-3, Bed canter 1n1p. 1·for·mtnu1 27 S-Bredley, 19· 138: Wllllama. 8·28. Lovelace. •· 12, Rodriguez . •· 12. FlorH, 2· 12 Sti ck, 3·8, Halke11 , •·•, Pesek. l·for-mlnue • lndlrid-1 ..... "'9 I-Zorn. 1·9·3. I S-PeHk. 4-7·2. 30. Bradley, 1· 1-0, 26 lodhlduel fllecelwlne t-HenlQan. 1.1 S-Cage. ~&e field goal and p lckt-d otf a pau to r<>und out a buay evt"nlng that 1altt0 a.w him play quart4"rbeck Irvine gol 11-ilct1rc> with the aid of o Saddleback turnover,"' pus that was t ipp ed and then grabbed by linebacker Robbie Zangl at tht• Saddleback 46. Eleven playe later, quarterback Mike Zorn went over from the three to draw the Vaqueros within o n e. pan Chlcbowa ki added the point after tlJ knot ll at seven-all. Afte r f umbling away the ir first possession or the secol)d hal(. Saddleback received good field position followh•g a muffed punt atte mpt by th<• 11 vine VagUGroe. StarUng at the lrvlm• 17, tht.' Roadrunn •ra LOOk thl' lrad for good on a field goal by Pt-.uk t.o break on top 10-7 with ~:o:t left In t~ third period. The fourth period was all Saddleback. On the tM..'OOnd play of the quarter, the ROl.ldrunnera tallied •gain. aa Cage ran under a perfectly thr-0wn ball by Pesak on a timing play deep Sn the right t'Om er of the e nd rone. Thia touchdown, like the flNlt, was 11(,"0red on foUTth down but thla one covered seven yards The kick WU good. Tritons grind .out • Warriors • Wln over By TERRY WHITE lpecYI lo lhe OlllJ Not Alt.e1 a 2-1 start, Woodbridge High Coach Gene Nojl finds himself back a t the drawing board today after a 28-3 loss to San Clemente put the Warriors at the bottom of the South Coast League with an O·l mark. W oodbridge never got i ts o rrense in gear Thursday a t Irvine High, failing to ge t closer t han the San Clemente 6-yard Ii n e and th rowing three intl'rl·eptions, all in the second half "When we had opportuniti~ t o score fair ly earl y we got nothing or only a field goal out or 1t," Noji stclt.ed. Neither was NDji pleased with the way his team executed on the field: "We didn't do the basic things (Cundaryientals) that w~ worked on. We did not do well. he said. Howeve r, quarterback Kevin Burke seemed to execute well. completing his first five passes, all to BiU Russell, for 52 yards. For the contest, 11 of Burke's 12 completions went to Russell. W oodbridge was led by Rossell. who caught 11 passes for . 134 yards: a nd llurke, who conn~ted on 12 of 25 passes for 131 yards. Last week against Orange, Rus se l l h ad 10 receptions for 162 yards, giving him an impressive two-week total o f 296 yards. San Clemente. by contrast, did not go to the :fir even once. By' far the Warriors' most productive 1WOring drive came early in the third quarter when Burke completed.. passes of 19 and 15 yards to Russell, e nabling Woodbridge to cash in on Tim Leach's 28-ya rd fie ld goal that narrowed the Trit.ons' margin t.o 14-3 with 8:19 left in the third quarter. San Clemente was led 'by Jim Arno, who had carries or 68 and 51 yards. IMClefMftte21,W~3 iloef• ~ o.-t.e >en Ctemenle 7 7 7 7 -28 NOOdb<idge 0 0 3 0-3 SC-Arno 68 run (M«:ofmaci< ~lci<J SC-Wei-I I run (McCormack klekl W-LNCll 28 FO SC-Amo. 33 run (McCormlCk k1e~1 SC-Gearing 2 run (FOfd klCtt) AllendeOC41 -2.000 (•tlmeledl 0.-lleltetlca ac w Ftrsl down• 14 11 RuaMa-yStdl 47-353 22-79 P1N1ng yerda 0 131 p.._ 0-0-0 12·2~3 PunlS 3·35 5·28 Fumblee·lo•I 2·2 0-0 Pen1.111es-y11d1 ~25 4-45 .... ort ............. SC-Arno. I I· 162; WelMf, 0-83, F1c1<11ng. 12·•4: Amo., J..63: OMrlng, 1().7 W-Flguerot. 12·41, Burke, 5-17, Sieler 6· IS SC-None ~ ....... W-Burke. 12·25·3. 131 llldh'ldYlll fllecelwlft9 SC-None W-Ruuell, 11·134, FlguetOI, 1-for-minu• 3 • 982 October 1, 1 1' o Tue Greatest Sperts l The World Fans n anizauon I)odger org rt you Al\ ot us in thhe u-emendoUS sup~ou have reciate t e -ihiS year dance apP ·ven our \eatn· League atten have g1 \\ -ume Ma\or to ~ow we are set an a d we want you ~ throughout record an uf enthusiastn grateiu\ \or yo \he season· Thank you\ 5'1"\cere\y 1 -f~"~'i I ' . College Dy PIHL SNEIDEFlMAN 01 the O•llr Piiot ltelt Approximtn lt·ly tl511 full 111111• I n s t r u l' t 0 I s I II I h l' c: ti ll ., I Community Cullt•j.(1• D1~tnl t w111·1· schl•duled to 1·111w ludt> v11 t111g today un a m ntrat'I propo~a l that p ro v1dt•s fo r n o pu y 1111 '>1''> Lhrough nt•x t .Jum· JO Bla ming M'Vl'rt· l'U 1 bm k!. Ill stntt• funding , d1i.trit·t o l f1l·1a l!. say tlw rc ti. 110 munt•y to pruv11l1· pay ra1st'!> lo full t1m1• ans trul·to ri. County jobless at peak A rt'<: o r cl 9 ti ..6 0 0 0 r a n g t' County n·~1dt.•nt s wC'rt· out of work 1n August •ind st~~lt• lab<,r analysts pn•dll'l<'d tod ay llHJ I 1982 w o uld l'tHI n n a !.ltrnlar ('t'Onomk low n1111• A I I h o u g h i. 1· h o u I .t n d Chr b tmas-rt.•lalt·d M•asona l Jobs were t-xpt.•<:tc>d to prov1d1· sonw extra c·mploym1•nt uppur1u111t11·s in tht.• ne xt ft•w months. "tlwn•'s n o s1gn1f1car1t 1mprov1·tnC'nl t.'Xpt.'l'IN'..I by th1• <:"net of lht• )'f'<tr," said Alta Y1•t11·r. an analy::.t w llh lhl' s1<1t1· &·1111um1t.· Ot•v('lopull'nt Dcpartml'nl Urangc County's joblt•o.;s rnlt' for August was 7 !J pc•rePnl. tlw state reportt·d . u p from a July rt•ading o f 7 8 pt.•rc·cnt. By companson. thl· n ational un <"mpl oym <>nt rall' t'> 9 8 p c• r c· t' n l • Y c• t t l' r i. a 1 d . tkmo ns t rn 11 ng tha 1 Ora ngl• Count y '~ t'l'On ()mv rt:m a 1ns vaabll· -- Eve n :.u. the• O t'W f ig ures provo ke httlc· o pt1m1s m Last y ear tn Ora nge County , t he jobless rate was only 4.5 pcrt.-cn t. Additio nally, Yetter said today that th e n a ti o n's lt·ad1n g <-conomic rnc..hcaturs have· shown a re<:cnt downturn, meaning an y meaningful improvement in the economy 1s still some t1mC' away According to tht• late-st f1g urc>s for Orange County. pnvat<· and government JUbS have d C"dincd b y a total l I .:.WO positrons The· hardC"sl h 1 t sc•t.·tor of the hx:a I eco n o m y a p p c·a rt·d t o b t.• manufacturing. where 7.400 .)Obs wrrC' lost l ronieallv. Yc•ttl-r said th at even with ·a n·cord n umbc.·r of residents out of w ork, Orcing<' C o u n t v h a s t h e I o w c· s t unemploymt•nt rail' 111 Southl'rn C:"\liforma. And thoug h %.60lJ p1•c1pll' w ere JOble ss in the ar ('CI , the· unemployment rale locally 1s not a record. Thul occurred in Mav 1975. when the· .)OblC'ss ratt• hit 10.6 pt.•rt'f:'nl Yetter S<11d al was diffit ult to predict what would happe n to the local economy by early 1983. The tre nd. sh c said. as not opum1stit· Politics ruled o ·ut for E.T. By .STEVE MARBLE Of the Oellr Pilot 81.tf Don Straus.~ phone E.T Belle r yet , pho ne S t e ven Spielberg's attorney. S trauss. a Newport &ach t.·1ty councilman who is seeking rl'- e lection. railed to phone either befor e p la cing a po lttacal ad bearing a p1l·ture of E.T , thC' famed extraterrestrial. The ad shows a tiny picture of E.T. with the quote "l think Don Strauss is oul of this world " Straus,, said he thought the ad. which also shows pictures of four a rea business executives who arc supporting Strauss. would get a laugh. But the folks at Universal Studios, which hnanced and art! dlstribuling the Spielberg movie. weren't chU<'kllng. Th ey w e r e phoning - phonlnR Don S trauss. J o hn Nuanes . a stu d io au~rney. said h(' got right lo thl' point. with Strauss and told him lO kttp hill matt.I oH E.T "This l a a clear ca11e o f trodt-m a rk lnfri n g mcnt." Nuanc-3 anapJ>f..-d, oddln~ e..iftl y. (See POUTJCS, P11e At> 111111 1:1111 1n11111n111 FRIDAY OCTOB[fll 19112 ORANGE \.OUN TY C AL IF OR NIA 2~ CE NlS teach~rs voting on • no-raise contract .11 ( :oldc·11 We·!lt, (.)1·11111(1• Coast and Cou.lilllllt' <.'Olh.:l(ct>. T lw fJ HY ntll'S for d111 1rtct udm1111 :.t1 utors uncl l'luss1f1t•d (no 11 -t l ' lH ' h 1 n ~) c• mp Io y t• t•:. alr1•Jd y have• h1•t•n 11 0 11·11 through thC' c·tHI of tlw e'Uffl'lll I 1sl'al Y!'flr. T tw' district's l'ontract with thl• A nn •r1c·a n F1·J 1•r at lu11 o f Tt•adwrs. AF'T. t·xµ1n'<.I last Jun1• :m Nl·guuu11ons havt• bt·t·n undc·r wav 'itnt 1• Ma1'l·h . . Thi· A FT 111·~ul1llll lll( tc·am VOlt'd to 1·1·1·ommcnd thl' t·urrc•111 iH.'ttl1•m1·111 propu11ul by u 4.:1 nau1g1 11 Thi· AFT 1•x1•t•ut1vt• I' !1 m Ill I I t l' e• , Ill a d (• U p 11 ( 01'~.llllWllClll offll'l'l'S, 11pp1 llVf'<I lh1• prupclhl!I 111 1.1 6· l yotc• A J•'T ~p11k1 •snHrn E<l Aro11i.un said sonw lnstruclorw who favor l h t• p r o p o s l' d l' o n t r a c l ;n ·knuwll'dgl' tht• d1strl<'t 'a rinan('tal probll'ms ;md hopt• to bargain for & pay imTt'usc when nc.·8ui111uvns lx•g111 in Junuur y 1111' th(• lll'l< I c·on llll'l Sunw OfJJl0111•11 L" ol llll' cu1Tl•nt prOpob'll bdtl'Vl' thl· d11Hfll'I ha:. m111 plot'l·d i ts pr l c.>r1trl·~ 111 c hunn1•lang fu n d :. into non classroom pruJl'l'LS s u1·h ui. tl'll'VISIOn t'OUl'!il'll und u lll'W Cou s tl 1n(• udmin1 :.trat11111 building, he &11d Bill WuL>cht1•r, v1c:1· t•hanl'dlor for (•mploy<·l' n ·luucms, n ull'd I h u l u 11 h0 ugh I h c c ur fl' n I Dun Simmon~ of Hunting ton Bea<'h loving fy polishes his 1928 Mod,· I A Ford a hat "'pul5' adventur(• back in driving.,, µrupo:rnl andudt•:. nu puy 5CUlt· l'hungN;, ahoul 500 d li;tru·t h·<wh1·1 ~ huve• 11-t•1•1Vl'<l ;1utomaut· 1nc·11·aS4.., \llll'(' July I buS<.'ll 011 thl' 11u111l11•1 of yt•t;1i. tlll'y hove.· 1u ugh1 u11d 1 ht· t1 111u u11t o l .. dun 1111111 tl11•y have· hud lit· SJJ 1d t h1·s<· l>u1 l t 111 111c.·n ·u:>(•s h:avt• totalc.·d $!'i?:i,OOO !.1n<•t• J uly I Tht• t·x1~1111g p<1y sc:h1·dul1· for lt·;1chc.·~ prov1d<·s for J 7 "steµ" 1111·n ·a..w:-uv1•r 21 ye.«•~. lw saul (Adn11 111~tra1url> ~ind l'l:.css1fi1·d Delly "llot Photo by "lcherd Koehler ~~:~~~~Renee paA!.~apf~~ ol~~~~:g~'"'~~~ J~:w~'~'~h' Ol tM oeur Piiot Stell bought 1928 i~;se plates which undn ball o n Sc·pt 7 alll)w ing owrll'r!> to ust.· Dan Simmons of Huntington &·al·h has present law h e can u se o nly while ltt•t·ns1• plates o n lhl'lr o ld c Hrr-that gone· lo great ll'ngths to rl'store his 19Ul dis playing his l'ar. Ht: can't drive with l·orrt·s p<incl w1lh th1· yt•ar lhl' car W<tl> mad(• Mocfol A Fo rd thC'm. Bu t 1 h <·rt.• n t· t• cl to b 1· 2 . 0 0 O And h e fN •ls. g osh d arn IL , 1f lhl· Simmons '"lk-..a th1ngs over with R"p .... '-" " appht·altons bv .. Dt.'i. 1. 1984. lx·fon· thl' ball automob1IC''s umn u to ht• authl•nlll , 11 shou ld 0 0 ... -rt Badham R N"'wport 0 -ach wh11 b ., .n ..,., • -"' oc • t.a kl-:-. t'ffcct in order tn n!'lv. 1:omputc•r <.'OSts ..... uuth .. nuc· to th<' las t detail tht• lwcn.'i4.· ~1mm,)ns "'•ys ••a customer at ht's hair ~'"'lt>n .,. .. , ·~ " .:> • "° .., · .,.. to scl up the program pl<11t• in Huntington Beach. "l'vt· spt>nl thrl'<' years fmdtng correc:t B ad ham s ugges t ed c o n tac t 1 n g ports to put my t.·ar togC'ther It's tlw log1cal A ssem b I y man No I an F rt ue 11 e. H - progrt'SS1011 to have proper lll'(.'f\SC platl"l! Huntington Beach. for 1t Friz.zellC' mtroduced leg1s lat1o n . "It's l1kt' th<' bow on the· p;:ll'kage.. supported b y the California Car Club Simmons. 39, sa ys 11 's takt•n thr<'c yc>a rs but he's got th(' four-cylinder. four- door car JUSl about tht• way he wanLs at an old hood omamt•nt. shmv s1d<· p;:11wls, a <See LICENSE, Page AZI 1·mplOYl'l'h rt:'l'l"IVC 1>1m1lu1 "1tlt·p " I rwrt·UM'll. t hou_gh ovl'r a short<'r f.>l.'rtod of yt·ars ) Wut•t·htt•r said th(• av1:ragc Kalary for rull tum· Cl><.tSI dtslrlcl 111i.11 uc ton; h $3:i,34!'>. lie> suld !>llllt• l'Ulb<il'k& fort•t'<.f thl' UllitrtCl to 1.•l1m1nall' uhout 500 jobs held lw.t yt·ur by µart-timt' u:uchcrs. Tht• n.-w t'Un trn<.·t pro~I also inl'ludt·s l'hl,l ngcs an insurance 111vt•raut· :rnJ l'O!>ts cand u nt.•w 1·arly rt·tiri_•mt.·nt program .. Irvine raffles . houses Bv GLENN SCOTT oru •• oe111 Piiot "•" For tht· first time• stnt·(• the s pran g of 1981 , thl·· lrv1 ne Company 1s s tag tng a housing lu11c.•rv in lrv rm· Th£• sal?> s taff of Irvine Pacific on Monda.Y wrll raffll• off nghlS to buy :i :l m odl'fatc-priced t'f>ndomi111ums In Woodbridge T h e y 'vt' alrNidy ren•tved I 0 umps as many upplicat1ons A m mpany spokc'Srrum l>i:ltd the lolll'ry rcfle<:ts new in lt>r<.'Sl m homt•-buyrng and demonstrates that homt< b uying dcmana still t•x1sts when financing packages arc· rcasonablc· "I think the fact that we've had ~J3 l par tws sign thl' lotter y l' a rd s 1 s s 1 g n 1 f 1 C' .an l • " s a 1 d Sp<Jkesman Dan Carlsson. "And thl'St' peopl<' an• not s peculators." OnC'<' upon a time. housing lolle rte'!> wen• almost as cummon as moving vans an Irvine "It used to be the only way homes were sold. especially in Woodbndge," noted Carlsson. But by lhl' summer of 1981. rising intl•rcs t rall·::. had just abo ut c•xt1ngu1s hed thl' hot t·u mp('l1l1o n to b u y a n Irvine home Thu. summer, s l'veral fom11J es camped out at an lrvme Pacaftl' sales 0H1c:e tn Northwood to buy o ne-y ear o p trons for single-family homl's. but there was no lottery T he 32 units in Monday's lolll·ry are the first phase of the Woodbridge• Alders development. Tht· two and three -bedroom umts a·rl' prit•t-d from $87.000 to $103,000 Th<' pnc:es are designed to meet thl' c ity's affordable housing gu1delanes Addiuonally. buyers may try to qualify for the Orange County ~ovt•rnmcnt's m or tgage-bond p rogram that o ffe rs 30-y ear fixe d -r a te mortgages a t 13 p<'rct•nt . No rl'sak· controls are involved. N u o t h t• r I o t t C' r 1 <• s a r e schc-duled until the second phase o f the Aldt.•rs l'o mme n ces . Constructwn has JUSt begun for the· fu'Sl phase. Carlsson noted Interested buyers t·an fall out (. ee HOUSING , Page A21 MacDonald requests high court ruling ~ ...... ~., Nefleld I(~ The hands of Laguna Beach's Caprice Rothe were tho8e of '•E.T ." in movie. Rothe ha been a profe ional mime for 13 years. She had By STEVE MITCHELL 0( the Oelt)' l'ttot lteff a The face proba bl y isn 't familiar lO the millions who saw the movie. but Caprice Rothe of Laguna Beach. played a mnjor r ole I n "E .T . Tf\<' Extra-T erre9trial." Iler hands portrayed those or the mlBShapen alien, grabbing up a trAll o f R eeae'a P iecca, grappling for a s ix-pack of Coora from the refrigerator , and big hand c o n sl ru c t l ng ~ d e lica te communicator so the aawcd-off botanist L'Ould "pho,n hom<i." Rothe, a profe&slonal mime 4-or 13 o r her 34 years, it Jlttcd In tho fi lm crcd l u as "m ovcm t-nt roord lnator." That'• a pretty fancy title for aomconc who wa1 aub~tcd to 1101klnj11 of food and beer aa she uttcmpt<.od to m1mlpulate E.T.'a handl from ht-low \he murwhlna munch kin. 'E.T.' • in "(Director S teven) S pielberg rlaced a video camera near me eo could !lee! w hat 1 was doing," the petite brune tte •ld. But rN•chlng up t o feed an alien from the tloor Is no eaay tuk. "l •pilled beer and wotermelon juice! and teed• all over my fk'e," sho Mid, laughln1. So whoever aafd E.T. h ad good table n\8n~rs? ( ... HAND, P•ie At) Atto rneys for Dr JC>ffrey Mac·Donald have requested the U.S Supreme Court to review the murder conviction of th<' fonnt•r G r~n Beret doctor A p<'lallon was filed with the court Thursday on behalf of the forme r Huntingto n Harbour resident. attorney Ralph Spritwr said today. Spritzer, a Un1vt>rs i t y of Pennsylvania law professor, said the Supreme Court s hould hear the casc because the U.S . Otstract Court judge In Rllleigh. N.C . "wr o n g(u ll y '' exc l ud e d testimony of seven witnesses. including two policemen. Those witnesses._ S pritzer said. wo uld have subs tantiated the s tor y of Hell'na S toeckly who cla1mC'd lo be• presenl at the murder Sl'C'nc during the night of the· crimt• in 1970. according to S pritzer. S tocck ly made the statt.'menta to the w itnesse s out o f court, S pritzer clarmC'd. T h e U.S . Circ uit Court of Appeals in R ichmo nd, Va .. supported the exclusion of the tt•stimony. saying Stoeckly'a mt•mory "was exceroingly poor and that s he was constantly under the influence of drugs." MacDona ld was sente nCt'd to s..•rve three life tenns in 1979 for lhe murders of his pregnant wlf~ Collette, 24. a nd daughters (See DOCTOR, P IRC At) -----lllDEX---- At Your Service Bualn• C.valcade Clualfled Comk:I Cro.word A5 84-& A7 C8-12 82 82 C6 Oetth Notices F.dltorial Entenalnment W G1rdentn1 Hor"<*'Ope lntermJuion A6 ktnder A8 A7 Weekender Ann Landcrs Movies· Mutual Funds National News ·Public Notice. Sports or. S~incrohn Stock M•rkett Television Thute111 Weather A7 Weekender 84 A3 C6-7 C l -:'1 A7 m TV~ Wftkendtr A2 ,,. ·-----~---------------~ ' Poet harvests Ii-vine inemories LITICS NOT FOR E.T. • • " ny wuy. KT. d11c1m'l cndori«· lilll'IUO.'t." Nut1nl'b, who uid ht· h1&.'I put a a p to more than 200 lllt!gal UM."S E.T throughout ltw country, m e d Strauss is tht• firs t n to use the populur little n in a poli,tical ad. told him it was a bipartisan c but that didn't he l p ," uss said of his l'Onversation the a ttorney. trauss said it never dawned o~ him that· he was asking for tl'Oubk by tangling with E.T. A lllily Pl'lol ad reprcscntativt•, at his request, tracked down the pl tun: for him. : "llt· (the attorney) JUSt asked nfo lo stop running the pll'tUrt· af\d I told him that was hne with ~ He said he wuuld take my ~ord." Strauss reported. I "I hravc t•Vl'ry r e·u11 o n lo hchevc, though. 1hut E.T. would surport mt•," StrLIU&'i oddt'll l e s uld thr l'c of th <' bu..'lmf'SSmcn who appear m the political ud Walter Gcrkt·n. Roy Wak'IOn and E.H. Clark - weren't asked If they m inded uppearinJ( alonWJlde E.T. "I didn't check but I don't think they'll mind," said Straw ... '!. laughing .. The• inc umbl'nt c antl1datf', t ho u g h , s a id h <• d t.,d ~ <' t pcrm1 ss1on from Alrno ld B l' t: k rn a n , l h {• f o u r t h buslnl'Slilllan 1n lht• ad und Strauss· boss. "lit• thought It would brighten up the ad and thought 1t would ht! neat being right up there with E.T.," Strauss said. Rotht· had a big hand in the making th~ year's m ost success( ul movie. $AND IN 'E.T.' MOVIE. • • jlothe. who has appcarl.-d in were shaking and he said, 'Hey. I sd¥eral television programs and like that.' " lf4'Jywood him<>. said Sp1c:·lbcrg "Yeah, E.T .'s got DTs," she W..s looking for tt mime t o told the direct.or. coo rdinate the t in y s tar 's And the tremulous fingers rrj\tements. portrayed in the fiJm added ~he auditiom ·d with Carlo realism to t he s h y creature. .RJ;mbald1 -the t·nginee ring Rothe insists. iz who designed tht• $1 .5 "So many of his senses were m rt J 1 i o n r o I y -p o I y ex t Ta his hands. carefully exploring a t estrial. and s hl· landt·d the new environment on a strange jc4, planet." By GLt;NN SC01'T Of Ille Delly Hot llllH l)onnu Smith 1hl11k11 of henK'IC u11 0111• 11( lrv1m·'11 unHlnul kldt. tht· f1r11l gonorulion lo j(rnw uµ In Its playgrountl ut lar1d11cu1,..d nt•lghborhood8 und UJllm fl l•ld11 Ht<r tum1ly 1it'llkd m Irvine from Virgin111 wtll'n •h1· wus ll(•vcm ycor1 old u(t4•r her fothl·r w11 " tr ur111ft•rrt•d to Orungl' <.:ou11 ty . Nuw 18, shi• t«roduult'<..l rrorn UnlVl'n;aty 1 h~h Sc·hool ltL'll J\.lnt•, u 11tu(knt prir~lt'd, 1( not pu l1t1ht•d , In thl· nuu nl'<'ll of poNry. To others, lrvlrw·,. character may nq t seern difft•rl'nl from what ii was a dtoeadL· ago. But to o n<' who grew up with ats opum1st1c·, pionL-crmg spmt, 11ht' says thc•n' as u changl'. u crc•cpin~ maturiuhsm. I rvim· is stil I doi>t•, und i.ht· has 11ss1•mbh•J a buuk to t'l'h·brntt• tht• purl'> sht• wanlS to rtm1t•mbt.>r It is called "Images of Irvine·." and she has managc"Cl to get 500 copies off the press just days before ahe hopes to sell each for Dad due trial in tot death By JQDI CADENHEAD Of !fie 0 ............. Arraignment S(:hcduled today of a 28-ycar-old Costa Mesa man chargl'd with murder and a sJ>et·wl drcumstance allegauon of tortu r e in t he death o f h is 10-wl.-ek·old daughter has been postponl-<l until Oct. 11. Harvl'y M ark Davia, an unemployed oil well wor k er . appeared only briefly before Judge SeUm Franklin in Harbor Municipal Court. T he postponement came after attorney John Barnett said he neecfod more time to evaluate his client's case. Barnett sald he was hiwd today by Davis' relatives. • Davis was arrested by Cost.a Mesa police homicide detectives M o nday night at UC Irvine Medit:al Center, where he had rcporlodly commitlt'd himself Cor psychiatric care. Th e arrest foll o w e d 1nvest1ga tion o f his infant daughtl'r's death from internal IOJUrit.>S . Jo'ullowinj.! Thursday's l'OUrt $3 W at thlll Wt't·kc•nd'1 l larvt.-.t ~· ... uvul f M1tlv.1l C 'halrmon Tim Purkn 'Mild IAU IM111thK huvt• lw1·11 11•11te•c.l 1hh1 yl•t1r, 15 mun.· 1h1m In tlw I IJk I l·vt•n t 1hu1 iln·w u!K1ut :to, (J()(l NIX't'llllOI'!. Ttu• lt•i.tlval lx·J.(111" with Hutt•• UJM•11111i-1 .al fl 10111"h1 a l ll'f loc:al dlf.tllllUI ll'li J(Ulht•f 1111 u 11hbon c·utt1n~ (:,at•"• l'loi.•· 1 "" I arict n1ghl at 11 11111 -. '1'111 · h·HllV.JI rU ll1' lrorrt ll iJ Ill to n1kl111ght :-iuturduy untl I rum W :1.111 to 7 p rn Sunduy Ad1111s.'l11111 1~ $1 lor ndulb, !'i() l'l•nli. fur :wnior 1·1t1lC'll i< und ~~·U1lull:I clj.(t•d l :l lCI llj Ttw .. 1· ugrd 11 or It·~" will IK· od1111111•tl fnw Snuth'1' hoo k 11' dl's1j.1rll'd l11 Jd111 n a coffoc table. It lm·ludc•i. :32 photo~ruphs or the (•ommunily, each puin'<i with her frl1t• Vl'l'S<'. Oftt.m ht>t'S arl' just a flow hnt.os to comme nt 1n the sty le• of Rod Mc:Kul•n on the images. In othl•r cases, she has taken e xcerpts from pn·v10UJ>I) written ~ms. Harvey Mark Davis appcaran t<'. Uav 1s wa s transferrt'd 10 Orange County Jail wht•re he will be held without bail. He had been In Costa Mesa Jail in lieu of $500.· 000 bail Tht· murder by torturl' charge filed by the district attorney's oCCicl· Wc-dnesday falls into the spccwl t·1rcumstanccs l'ategory and would requi r e a dt'ath penalty dcl<'rmma tion If Davis is tried and con victed -~ Uonnn Smith llt·r subjects, c11pt.,.l·d · by photographer Mall Sl'ss, IH't' mostly thl' publl{' plm:t'S thol she sa id ll'ft imprints on ht•r adolescence -a playground . Woodbridge Lake, Turtk• Hock. Iler• I• \ht• op tfrrll1tl c 1wwmun1 on..-might i.'XJX-cl from , tht' fl,..t to grow up in a pla4't' like lrvint• "I lovti h, I really do," 1he lflld In a n .'<'C!nl lntnvlcw. "U1ually, w twn you louk b&c·k , you ii('(• the better thlnwi. ut least I do " Smith wu11 o Wl·ll·d<'l'or111.t·d high ~t10ol poc_·l. Hn workll won th~ grand prlZt! In tht• 11<:hool dlstm.·t's <.:rtral1ve Wriun~ and Mt•dlu 1''01r In both her Junior ond senior yt:urs .• Tht• ldN1 for the Irvine book came uftcr she saw a slmllarl~ s tyled work on San Diego a Mission Buy lit the uporlment of s1stl'r Cathy. then a San Diego Sww studl'nl It lookt'ti t•ru.y to do at the time. It wa1m 't, o f coun;c But loo king b&ck o n the 1·xpc·rumt ..... Donn& said 1t will be a l'ewarding one even if the book doesn't makl" much monE'y i.elhng at thl' festival und at local storl'S .. round town "If not. 1t wai. JU!>l tu11 " Gromyko asks ~lobal ban on nuclear blasts UN ITED NATIONS cAPJ Sovwl Fort.•1gn Ministt•r AnJn·1 (; romyko today propvtwcJ <• w11rldwidc· moratorium on ull nul'l1·:ar t·x plosions. 1ndud111g pl«1n•fu l onl's, lo 1mpl1dl• tht• dl•vl'luprncnl of new Wl'llJXm~ C:r u m y k o t o ld th e· UN G l'nt:r:cil A sse mbl y s ul'h a mo ralonurn should remain 111 t'fft'<.·t uqtil tht' t'Onclusion of an intt·rnational treaty <:omplt'lt'ly banning nuclear weapons ks~ cvl•n lhOSl" underground Aflc•r sharply atlnckmg the dt•ft>nSl' pohctcs or thc Rt•agan administration, Gromyko said It wai-hl.•t·o ming "1ncrt:as1ng lv ur ~1·11l lo i.top nudc·ar wt·:q>on lt'1'11' and to l'rt·t·t o tang1blt• p la v., 1 t· a I b o r r 1 t· r to th c d1·v 1 lopmc·nt of l'Vl•r·nt·W kind~ "f 11 u c l 1· a r wt· a p IJ n ~ a' n ti 11111.,.-t1u1•n!ly lo sl1Jw down llw ;11111'> (oJl t' . Tlw S11Vll'l f1>rl·1~n m1n1~l<·r ;il..,o propoi.t·d that lhl• G1•1ll'r<il A~<i4·mb)y adopt a n ·solutwn th;Jt would l':Jll w1 all nudc•ar powl'rS 111 f1 l'1'7l' thl' produtllnn a11d dl·ploynlt'nt uf nudt·ar WN1pons anu wuuld dt:clan· auac·ki. 1m 1w.111•f ul nUl ll·iJr n ·al·tori. to b<· "tht· gra vt·:.l l·r1m•· <iga1ni.l hu111;in1ty " HOUSING LOTTERY. • • From Page A1 lottery cards this We\!kcnd al lhl' Alde r s s ales o ff 1<·c a t 26 Grecnficld, south of Main Str~t near WC'st Yale L oop, he ~1d Appl1eants do not need to be pn•sc•nt al the drawing an the sall'S off1et· to win LICENSE • • • Carl!.:.On i.a1d olht•r Irvine Comp:an y hQmes for S<tl<· in lht· t·ommun1ty also have begun to sc· I I fa1-tf'r as m ore I Pnd 1 n g 1ns t1 lutions a nnounl'l' lower ratf'S ·But 1hmgs didn't look so good But Rothe, who is now selling the first day on the iwt. up mime wor kshops through lhe 'The day draggc-d on and the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. says fibn crew didn't get around to she has to share the credit for Quake rocks Mojave From Page A1 lc-allwr top, authl•11t1c· 1runk and olhc·1 h•a1ure>s. "Wc•'v(• h&d an e ncouraging intTl'3!.l' 111 sales in our Irv ine rei.1dcnt1al dl'velopmcnt," he s:ud "Wc•'vc· sold -40 h ome!> so far 1 n St· JJ l l' m bf' r " DOCTOR • • • s hooting the first closeups of E.T .'s remarkable and realistic E:J'.'s hands unul after 7 p.m movements. The long wail did little> for Rbthc'snervcs.Andtwocups of ''I f ET. wc·rc• g 1vl'n an cc.ffcc didn't help, ualhcr. At·adc•mv Award for lx-st al·tor. ,As a rt!Sult, he r hands wl.'rc> 12 pcopil' would have to walk up st}aking beneath the zippered. and at't'cpl 1t." fqur-fmgered latex glovC'S. One of· them . y1>u t·an bC't, RIDGECREST (AP) A strong earthquake jolted the Moy1v1• f)(':'>l•rt today. the third hl·fty 1t•111hlor stn<'t' Wc'Clnl'o.;day an tht· H1dg<'t'rl'St an•a 110 m1lt-s nu rt h w 1•s t of Loi. A ngc•lt·s. auth1111 lu·s ~ad. Thi· qua kt• .1 1 7 .i!J ,1 n1 "Spielberg saw that my hands would ~ Ca~ricc Rotht• ~\' ~.()!F~-~~a~~d-r:~un-~;·~---.r. --.~-r-In_e_r_S_a-tu_r_d_a_y---. lorecast spreading across Ille Roell~ •nlo the Plaln1 and th• --TW--T"""------i...----..,. uppe< Great Lllket r9gl0f'I with a tew tllunderslo•ms hngenng on Flot1da F .. r IOO•y With htglls Of 72 lo 78 Continued '•" tonlghl •nd S111u1d•y Overnight tows SS to 83 H1g111 Saturday 7• to 80 • T e"1.pera lures Etaewhere, f rom Potn l Cdnceptton to the Mexlean border and out 80 miles Nonhwest Winds of 8 10 16 knots wtlh 3 to S toot seas loday •l'ld Saturday over ouler wllera Loc1fly hglll v.,1abl• winds tolllghl 1r1d Saturday morning wett 10 eou111wes1 a 10 ts knots wldl -l 10 eouthwes1 swell• or I to 3 IMI Wind ...... of 2 to 3 fett Fair todey and Saturday but p chy tow clouds tonight and S rday mornlrlg ewer toulhefn e<S. Albany AlbuQue AmarotlO Anchorage Astwolle Atlanla Atlanlic Coty Auslln 81t11mo1e 8•1t1ngs 811m1ngham 81smarck Boise Boston Browns••lle Bultalo 8urton91on Cl5')9r Clla•latn SC ,,.., l~lllKH lll'ld high• Cha•lstn WV 111 In the 70. lll'ld 908. lhe Ch•tllte NC lonat WHtlHtf Slrvlc. H id Clleynne • Chicago a. !lng411ff fllghs tnould be 78 Conc1nna11 low1 tn th• 80• S11urd1y COiumbus llcte• •n<I high 19ml)erllures Oai·FI Wtt'I 78 lo 15 are ••pected tn Oayion tlal 11111eys wtlll IOwl lrom 48 Off Mo<nos Oe1ro1t 11urd•y'1 ·rnounl1ln·area a may r••eh 72 wlll\ Iowa 42 10 48 0-.1 Yllley f\lghl Id reno-tr,,,.,, 85 10 ts. the tl\•r MfVIC• uy1. with IOw• 35 10 46. or1111rn dH•rl hlgh1 m1y g• from 72 10 S2 wllh Iowa •2 10 52. Th• mercury In """" deMrt .,_ win 1111 t0«> 11 from 14 to 92 wllh Iowa 54 1012 lgha 11'1 lhe S.... F«nlndo, 811'1 brl•I 1nd Sar1 8•rr1ardlno thOUld tlflge from 78 to '"'' WMkel'ld with ,.,, lk ... .,. •ltl>9C19CI from 41 to 5e .. ., .... •1k1r1d hig h• In •111• 1 r1nlng S•nl • 8ar•bar•. lura County eo11111. Senti I . LOl'IQ 9Nch el'ld 0t IC\QI 1y wlll renge f1om 74 to 80 loW9 frOfl'I 55 to 63 Oululll Et Paso Faorb11ni..1 F1tQO F1ag1t1U G1ea1 Falla H111ford Helena HonOlutu Hou1ton tndano11& Jack1n JKkllW111f! Jutwtau Kini City Knox••lle LHV91111 Ullte Ro<:k l0lll1v1fle Lubbock M•mphis \411m1 NATION 68 73 77 46 7S 77 6'4 91 67 •a 81 SI 82 59 96 7S n 36 111 77 76 38 85 79 75 90 78 • 80 76 82 70 u S7 62 43 6S 48 89 114 so S8 78 S6 ee so 89 •• 80 81 85 113 Mll\118UkH 8• Mpls·Sl·P 64 Nash1111te 83 New 01leans 8• New Yori! 63 Nor1oll< 73 No Plllte •9 i>kl• C•tv 86 Om111a 68 Orlando 89 Pnll&dpfl•• 87 P11oen1• 84 P111sburo11 73 Plleno, Me 87 Piiand Ore 7 I Providence 81 A.alelgh 75 Rf!Pld C11y 45 A.llo 66 RIChmOl'ld 89 Sall Lek• S7 San Al'ltOl\IO 92 ~a111e ~ s ,...,.port 87 Stou, Fat11 !13 St Loul1 II• St P-T1mpa 87 SI Sle M1•te 76 St>Ok-6t SylKUIO 70 Topel\1 114 TuKOfl ea Tulta 89 WH'1111QIOI\ 69 Wlehlll 87 CAl.WO..NIA Appl• Valf.., 72 81ket1fl•ld 74 8111tow 73 SURf REPORT 66 so 66 81 80 65 •2 68 se 73 80 86 40 47 •• 56 S6 40 33 so 40 7 I 43 80 42 80 71 57 39 41 84 85 10 8• 69 40 61 49 8e9Umot1t Big Bear Blsh<>P Ca1a11n11 Culv• C1tv Eure!<• Frffl'O Lal'ICUte• Long 8eKh LOI Angeles MOt'\f'OVI• Monl•bello MOl\terey Mt Wiiton Ntledtes 0 9klend OnlarlO P•tm $ptlnQI PUlden• P llO ROl>les A.cl B1ut1 RedWood C11y Secremt'nto SellnH San 8ern11dtno 8111 G1brlel 8111 Diego San Fr111Gl11CO Stn JON Sania Ana S1n11 Barbar• Sanla Cru1 S1r1t• M11nt1 Sanll Monica Stockton Tl hoe Valley ThMmal ro11•001 Yuma 'AH AMIUUCAN 7Q 39 67 22 82 )8 111 se 78 SS 66 45 72 48 70 31 77 SS 73 82 79 48 16 5't 70 so M 38 11 63 74 68 76 47 82 57 78 81 78 39 77 56 71 54 74 47 78 43 Hi 48 17 49 7• 69 74 81 75 47 78 62 70 '7 7t so 75 41 72 !15 77 43 51 :>O 87 54 76 52 84 83 Aclll)lllCO 90 711 84 811 bl'dOt 89 77 B«mucl• •• 78 C..r11c:.o 91 711 F1eepo<t 89 70 tt Qu1c,.l•l1t• H !WI gyeesioves ae 8(1 Tides TOOAV lteOl'ld 10W 3 03 p m. I.! a.coM hl9h t 04 p m. 111 IATUROA'f """ iow a 2• • m o a rlftt hlG'I t 37 • m 114 t.eorl<f 10W Ut p m 0 II 8econd hlql't t 42 p m O • lun t111 10C1tl' ti • 31 P m • rlMI 8•1utd1y •t o 49 • m MOOll fl ... loelt Y 11 I 2.2 p,m., ... , 81fufd1y 1t I · 11 t m . • m~ured 5.2 on the Rll'htt>r Sl:alc· and was centerl'd about e ight m1ll'i. 11111 thwl•s t o( R1dg1-<·r1·i.t, -..11d R.1rba1 a RN-d, i.c1i.molug1t·al ass1<;t.1111 :il C<1lifornaa l11st1tu1t• of Tt't•hnoloi.ty 1n Pa~c11•na Tlw JOit tumbll'li l'Ml~ anJ J<ll'S froni the !>hl•lvci. of Allx·rL-..in'i. M .11 k1•t 1n R1d g l·c·1 t·\t .ind µrompu·J num<'ro u ' <Jll-. to pnlau· hlll no rt"porL-. of M•noui. _ d D m ,1B1· ..!" 1nJur11• i. Simmons !>ay:. his 54 -yc·ar-old l.tl pu~ the• advl'nturl• back in d1 l\'lllg "I druv1• ll t1 1 a c·•H 'how Ill B 111 bank lai.t S.1lurdav It has 1111l y 111ll' t.111 l1j.!hl , no 1urn 111d II .it ll l'S, a nd 11 d 111•s11 't <H 1 f'l1·r;il1· v1·ry w1•1l It only g11t•i. ,1hout :10 rnph "It'' a 1L·al llmt• W(1rp ICJ drav1· 11 1111 1h1· frPt>way You n ·:illy h,,, 1· t11 Ix· dl'fensavl· .. From Page A1 K1mlx·rly . 6. and Kris ten, 3 Ht• was imprisoned fo r 11 m o nth s wht>n a f ede r a l "Pl)l·lla H• l'OUrt ordl'rt'd him r t• I c· a s t· d b e c a u s t• h 1 s c•cms t1tut1onal right to a Sp<'<>dy trial had been _violated Bui the U S . SupremP Court 11vt•r1urn<'CI the ruling ~~~~8(9.~~~~~ ~AMLING'S I Newport Nursery and Garden Center Recently, Amlings Reduced Regul•r Nursery Stock Prices Storewlde an Average of 10% to 15'!.. Now Save Even More With Our New Discount Polley: GARDENIA 10°10 OFF EACH ORDER OF $200 OR MORE 20°10 OFF EACH ORDER OF $500 OR MORE And the Discount Applies To Everything We Stock or Special Order For You, Except For 11ems Already on Sale. Free Delivery Too, In All of Newport Beach Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Beach ($25 min.) A $500 order could now save you 30-35% oft our old prices; a $200 order: 20-25% oft. Come check us out! -BULB SPECIALS - RANUNCULUS ................••. , ••...... r-eg. 3.71/dz. ANEMONE& •••.•••.•••••.••.••.•••••••••••••• reg. 2.11/dz. NOW 2.11/oz. NOW 2.38/oz. NOW 3.41/oz. 18ETTER TIMES' DAF,ODIL reg. 1.15/d•. 1500 1111 c111t bWy • n1wport b11cb 844-9510 [-£~) OPIN: .... SAT 1:30·6:30: SUN 1·5:30 n.. ORIWllY • NUONAL CHAllM• • College By P HIL SNEIOF.RMAN Of IM Delly ll'tlot llelf Appru>dmlHlC'ly 1150 full llmt· I n ~ t r u l' t o r s 1 11 l h c . C o u s t Community Culll•gc• Dlstrtl'l were schl•duled lo <.'o nt'l uJ(• vo~lng today on a t'Ontra<.'l proposal that provid es for no pa y ru1st•s through next Junt· :iO. Blaming Sl'Vt'rt' cutbaeks in stall' funding. tJ1s tricl off1 t·ial:. suy thl•rc 1s no monl•y to provufo pay ra1St-'S lo full-llmt• instrut·tur.; County jobless at peak A r eco rd !Hl.600 Orun~t· County residt•nts were out of work in August and statt• labor analysts predicll'd today that 1982 would en d on a s imilar t'Cunomic low null.'. A I t h o u g h s·c h o o I a n d Christmas-relatt•d seasonal jobs were expected to provide some extra employment opportunities in the next few months. "the re's no s ignificant improv<'mcnt expected by the end of the year," said Alta Yettl·r. an analyst with the st.ate &-onom1t· Devclupmt•nt Department Urange County's jobless rate lor August was 7.9 percent, thl· state reported, up from a July reading of 7.8 pcrt't.'nt. By comparison. the national unemployment rate 1s 9 .8 p e r ce nt , Y e tt e r s aid , demonstrating that Orang<:• County's economy remains viable. Eve n so, tht• n e w figures provoke lilllc optimis m. Last year in Orange County, the jobless rate was only 4.5 percent. Additionally, Yetter said today that the na t ion 's leading economic indicators have shown a recent downturn. meaning any meaningful improvement in the economy is still some lime away According to the latest figures for Orange County, private and gove rnment jobs have dt'Clined by a total 11.200 positions. The hardest hit sector of th<' local eco n o m y a ppea r e d to be manufacturing, where 7.400 .)Obs were lost. Ironically, Yetter said that even with a r('(.'ord number of residents out of work. Orange Count y h as th e l o west unemployment rate in Southern California. And though 96.600 pt'o ple were jobless in the area . the unemployment rate locally 1s not a record. That occurred in May 1975, when the jobless rate hit 10.6 percent. Ye tter said 1t was difficult to predict wha t wou ld happen to the local economy by early 1983. The trend. she said. 1s n ot optimistic Politics ruled out for E.T. By STEVE MARBLE ofttw Deity f'llot ltalf Don Strauss phone E.T Be tter yet. phone S teven Spielberg's attorney. Strauss, a Newp>rl Beach city councilman who is seeking rc- clecllon,-failed to phone either before placing a political ad ~ar~ng a picture .of E .T., the famed extraterrestnal. The ad shows a tiny picture of E.T . with the quote "1 think Don Strau.s is out of thls world." Strauss said he thought the ad. which also shows pictures of four area business executives who an? supporting S t.raU98, would get a laugh. But the. folks a t Un iversal Studioa. which financed and are diatrtbuting the S pielberg movie, weren't ch uckllng.1 ... They were p h o ning - phoning Don Strau~. Joh n Nuane&, a studio attorney, said he got right to the polnt with Strauu a nd told him to keep hls mitt.a off E.T . ''This Is a c l ear cue o f \r•demark lnfrlnaement," Nuanet •napped, addlnJJ t.)ftly, (8" POLITfCS, Pase AZ) ' 111111 ClllT 1:11111111 lllTill fAIOAY. OC TOBER I. 1982 CH~ANGE COUNTY . C ALI~ OHNIA 2~ CENTS teachers voting • on no-raise contract ..il Guldt•ll Wvst, Oronf(t• Comet and Cua11tl11w l'llllt:Jt•'li The• AFT n cgotluting tenm vott'<l to l'l't'u111rn1•nd tht• r·urrcmt 11ettlemt•nt prclposal by u 4.3 margin The AFT uceC'U!lvc l'Ommittc.·t•, made up uf organmlllo11 ofhcers, npproved the proposal in o 6-1 vote'. negotllHlons l)(•g1r1 111 Juouary fen lhl' nl'Xt l'OtlUtl't. proposal 1nd ucll•:-i 1111 puy m:a l<' t·hangc•s, ahout ~()IJ dis trict h·1wh1•rs huv .. n<t·('lve'(f uutomauc mcr~ast·' lllOl'l' July I bruwd on the• numbt•r of yt•ars tlwy have l U U U Ii t .e fl d I h l' U In 11 U II t O r t•duc:ut1011 tlwy havt· hod The pay ralf;!S for d istrac t edm1n unrators und dnsslf1NJ ( n o n · t trn t· h i n g ) l' m p I o y c l' 8 a lr e ady have bee n fruu•n through tht• end of the currl.'nt f1sc·al yw1r. Tht· d1i.trict's t•ontract with tht• A in c ri c· a n F e d c r u t i o n o f Tcat.'ht•rs, AFT. t•xpirc-d last June ~lo. Nt>gotmllons huVl' bt'l•n undt•r war :.Int'<' Mart·h AFT spukc•sman Ed Aronson said sonw in11lructon1 who fuvor th e pr o po11cd c ontract :H.·kno wledge the dis tr lct'i; finunC'ial problems and hop<.-to bargain for a puy me-reuse '+'hen Some oppon<'nt.s of the curr<'nt propcr.illl believe tht' dis trict hrut m1splo ccd 1t8 prtur1tl1.•11 1n channeling Cunda in to n on - c lastcrobm projec ts s Ut.'h u!! tt:lcvistun courses tind a nt•w e Coo11 tl lne adm in is trati on building: he said. Bill Waechwr. Vll'l' chanc:cllur for c mployec rt'lul1ons, noted t hat although the c urrt•nt flt: lillid tht•!k.• hu11t in 1twrct1St.'ii huvl· tutalt·d $57:uioo s111t·1· July I 'fht• <'><Isling puy !K'ht•dult· for l<•ac:hcr!> prov1d~ for 17 "Slt.•p" 1m-rt'aSl•!> ov•·r ~I ycuri.. hl• i.aid (Admin1i.tro tur~ a nd dass1f1t•d Dan Simmo ns of Huntington Beach lovingl y polishes his 1928 Model A Ford tha t "put adventu re back in d rivi ng." Persistence pay$ for vintage car owner By ROBERT BARKER Of the Deity l'tlol ltllfl Dan Simmons of Huntington Beach has gont• to great lengths to reston • his 1928 Modc·l A Ford And he feels. gosh darn st. sf the automobile's going t.o be authentll'. ll s hould be authentic to the last detail -thc hcenSC' platt' "I've spent three years finding correct parts to put my car together. It's the logical progrt'SSion tQ have proper license plates for It "It's hke the bow on the package " I At a swap meet for old cars. Simmons bought ~28 license plates which under presen\ law h e can use only whi le displaying his car He can't drive with them. Simmons talked things over with &p Robert &dham. R-Newporl Beach, who S immons says is a customer at his hair saJon in Huntington Beach. Ba dham s uggested contac ting Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle , R - Huntington Beach. Frizzelle introduced Jeg islat1on , s uppor ted by the California Car Club organization Gov. Jl•rry Brown s1gnc-d the bill on Sept. 7 allowing ownl'rs to use li"·t'nsc plates on tht•1r old cars lhat corn.:.s pond with thl' yt•ar the car was made. But ther e nC'ed to b e 2.11 00 applications by Det-I. 1984. before· th<' bill takes effect in order to pay m mputcr l'OSts tO set up the program. Simmons, 39, says It's taken three years but he's got the four-l'ylindc>r. four- door car just about the way h<' want.-. 11 - an old hood ornament. shinv side panels. a IStt LICENSE, Page A2) e·rnployl't.'11 r('<•c•lvt· s1m1lu1 "lil£•p" lmT(,•a!l4:>s, though over a 11horwr J)<'riod of yearH.) W:it·l·htl•r said the uvt•ragc :.alary for full-llmt• Coast district ins tructors 111 $:JJ.:l45 tit· said 'iUltt· cutbat'ks forc't.'<I thl• d1strkt lo <>hmmall' ubout 500 pb!i h(•ld lu11t y<•ar by J.>6rt-time teachc·rs. Thl' rww c'Ontract proposul abio 1ndudt's changc•s in 1nsurunc:e l ovl·ragt· a nti c·osl!! and a nl•W • l'<lrly r<'l1n·nwnt progrnm ' Irvine raffles houses By GLENN SCOTT of the Detty "°4 lteff For thc first llml' si nt:c the s pring o f 1981, the• Irv ine Company is staging a housing lottt·rv in Irvint.•. The sales staff of Irvine Pacific on Monday w ill raffle oH nghlB to buy 32 m oderate -p r iced ('ondominiums in Woodbridge. Tt)cy've alrt•ady received I 0 llmc:-s as many applications. A .c:ompany spokesman smd the lottery re rlects new interl'Sl in home-buying and demonstrat.<.--s that home-buying demand still f'xists when financing pat·kages arc· rcasonabll' · "! think the fact tha t we've had 331 partil-s sign the lottery cards 1s sign1f1cant." sa id s~k£'Sman Dan Carlsson "And th<t,"">C proplc a rc• not speculators .. O nce upon a time. housing lotl.t'hes were ulmost as common as moving vans m Irvine. "It used to be the only way homes were sold, especially in Woodbridge," noted Carlsson. But by the summer of 1981. rising interest rates had just about e xtinguished the hot compct1t1on lo buy an Irvine home. This summe r , several families camped out at an lrvme Pacific sales off1c-c m Northwood to buy on<'-ycar options for single-family homes. bu t there was-ncrluttery. The 32 units in Monday's lott<'ry are the fi rst phase of the Woodbridge Alders development The two and three-bedroom units arc pric.'t.-d Crom $87,000 to $103,000. The prices are designed to m~e t the city's affordable housir'lg guidelines Additionally. buyers may try to qualify for thc Orange County government's mortgage-bond program that offe rs :30 -year r1xe d-rate mo rtgages a t 13 pt.' f'C(' n t No resale m ntrols are involved. Jnwrcsted buyers can fill out lotwry cards this weekend at the Alders s ales o ffi ce at 26 Greenfield, south of Main Street near West Yalt' Loop. he said. Applicants do not need to be presl'nt al tht• drawin~ MacDonald ~equests high court ruling Deir,... ....... _, ............. The hands of Laguna Beach's Caprice Rothe were thole of "E.T.0 in movie. Rothe has been a profe iona l mime fo r 13 years. By STEVE~ITCHELL OflM Delly ~ ...... a The face probably isn 't familiar to the millions who NW th~ movie: but Capl'k-e Rothe of Laguna Bt-ac'h played a m•Jor role i n "E .T . Th e Extra-Terrestrial." Her hands pon.ray~ thoee of the milahapen a.lien, 8J'tlbblng up a trail o f Reue'a Plccca. grapplin.a for a slx·pack of Coon from the re trf1erator, and big hand co n str u c t.Ing a, dt'll ca te communicator ao the sawed-off botanist could "phone home." Rothe. a pro(t'alonal mime for 13 of her 34 ycar:a, ii Uat.ed In the {llm crcdl U it "m ovem e nt roordina tor." That.'1 • pretty tenc~ tllle I.or aomecme who w .. 1ubjected to toeklngt of food and ~r .. 1ho •tt.empt.ci to manlpulatto E.T.'1. handa from below the munchlna munchkin .. • in 'E. T ,' "(Director Steven) Spielberg rlaa!d a vldto camera nur me eo could .ee what i wu doing," tho ~tlte brunette Nld. 8ut reaching up \o feed an •lien from the floor ta no caay task. "l 1pilled beer and w•ten""Mlon juice and tlHda all over n1y face,'' the 111d, 1au1h1na. So w~r Mid E.T . had 8ood table manners? , ... HAND, Paae AU Attorneys for Dr JcCfrey MacDonald have requested th e U.S. Supreme Court to review the murdl'r conviction of thP former Green Beret doctor. A petiLlon was filed with the court Thursday 11n_behalf of the former Huntington Harbour resident. attorney Ralph Spritzer said today. Spritzer, a University o f Pennsylvania law professor. said the Supreme Court should hear the case ~ause the U.S Dlstrk·t Court Judge In Raleigh, N .C .. "wrong fully " excluded testim ony of seven witnesses. including two poll(.'('mcn, Those witnesses, Spritwr said. would have substantiated the story of Helena Stoe<'kly who t'li11med to be present at the murder St-enc during the night of tht• crim<' in ~ 1970, aC'C'Ordi ng lO Sprit wr . Stocc.kly made the statements to thc w1tnessl's out of court, S pritzer daimc>d. The' U S C1n·u1t Court of Appeols 1n R ichmo nd, Va .. supported the' exclusion of the tPs ttmo n y, saying S toeck ly'a mt>mory "wa11 exCC"t.'<ilngly poof' and that she was constantly under the influence of drugs." MacDonald was sentenced lo St-rvc> three life terms In 1979 for the murdC'rs of his pregnant wife <..:ollctte. 24. and daugh tera (See DOCTOR. Paite A2 1 ----lllDEX-----. At Your Scrvkt ~.':te Claaslfl~ Comics Cro11word A~ 84-~ A? C8-12 8 2. 82 C6 Death Notkce Edllorial Eln~rtaJ~l w Gardmlr\8 Hor<JICOP9 lntennilllon A6 kcnd r A8 A7 Weekender Ann Land<>rs Movl Mutual Fundll National Newa Public NoUctt Sport& Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Televilion Th at.en Wc•thcr A7 Wf'ekcnder 84 A3 C6·7 C l-6 A7 85 TV Loa Weekender A2 , OIN Or1nge OoHt DAILV PILOT/Friday. Oolot>9r 1, 1912 LITICS NOT FOR E.T. • • • "•nywuy, K T. d0t•1m 't 1•ndoriw pf Ii l ll'IHllS." 1Nuanea. who mud h1• hmc put a a' p to mon • than 200 tlh•gal u11es o E.T. throughout the l'OUntry. lnwd S trauss Is the firs t .n to use thl' popular liltlt· in a political ud. wld him It wu11 u b1partli;an r bu t t hat d idn't h e lp," Si:uss said of his .t'Onvcrsation the allorncy. auss said it never dawnL-<l ~'tlim that he was asking for t uble by tangling with E.T A tly Pilot ad reprei;cnt.a ll Vl'. ·ut hts request, tracke d down the pj:ture for him. ;''He (the attorrwy) JU.St asked nte lo stop running the p1t·turt• aJ1<l I told him that ww; fine with nr He said he would takt• my ~>rd ." S tra.uss rt•portt>d "I h avt.• e very rtH111on l o lx:ht.•w, though, th41l KT would 11uf port m1•," Strllujll udded. I 1· :c u 1 d t h r e e o f t h 1• liu111nc11smcn who uppcar in the polttk ul ud -Wullt•r !;t·r~·11, Huy Wut.son and E.H. Clark - wt•rc•n't asked IC they minded upf*oring alongside E.T. "I didn't <:heck hut I dvn't think they'll mind," gald StruUB.'i. lou~hlng. T h e inc umbent (;andidu tt', th ough . s a id h e did g e t p e r-m i s s i o n f r o m A r n o I d B ec:km a n , th e f o urth bus i n essm a n in the ad a n<,! Strauss' boss. "He thought it would brighten up the ad and thought it would be neat being right up there w1lh E.T .. " Stra~ said. ' price Ro the ha d a big hand in the making o f the year' most succe sful mo vie. "I HAND IN 'E.T.' MOVIE. • • { ; Nation .'h oke' as WAtitllNG1'0N CAP> Tht• kdt•ral goV<'rntnenl wiu1 runnlna un t•mply lodoy , tN.'hnlcolly liruk1· uft1•r Conap·l'illl we nt J>l'I lylr1fl rulhl'I' tluih 11tuy1ng Lo mcel o m ldnitcht dl•udllrw for pllK!ltnN 11 t•omprum11.l.· stopgop , rnwrwy hill ll u w1•v1•r, C:11 1q(rl'HN w u:i; cxpct.·ted to l'8811y approve the · omnibus 11pcndmg bill lutc r toduy und udml11111trullon uffll'111ls t'uld 1t11•r t' llk1•ly w o uld lJt' no inlt•rruption of g ov<'rnmN1l Ill' rv il't•s. tlOUlll ond Bcnate ncf(Ollatont rt• 'a c h ~ d u M n • o m o n l o n • ~·ornprom ltt(• •P ·ndlns bill at uhoul 6::.tO p tn T huraduy, but Ho Ullf' lundura had d ecided bcfor •hund lh•t the vow on thv put'kll"t' would not c•omc until today. wt.•11 ufk•r tlw 12:01 11.m. start of thl' new fh1cal yl'or Con1<_rt.•u' sociul ugondu for 1'hur11duy n1J1ht 1ndudc•d the D •mu l'r u ti ~ P o rt y's $1 ,000-pc.•r µt.·riwn fund-ruh1lng dlnnur thut muny mt•mbt•r11 of Congrt!ss allc ndt.·d. Anu ucr<>"6 Developer reduc~s Mesa hotel height A 1>pa 1 l'flt ly wo rried by a of tht· San Owgo l"rl'l'Way planning c:ommassion rejt.'<:ttof\ of Caty planne rs who reiecled the hb proposal. a deve loper with earlier h1gh-r1se hotel last month lies to C.J . Scgcrstrom & Sons are scheduled to revie w the new has d<.'<.'1d<.-d to scale down plans plan Ot·t. 11. · for a 12-story C.OSta Mesa hotel • The plan ca 111 ng for the before facing the city counci l. 124-foot h o t e l was r e ject ed Officials for California Pacific bet•ause 11 failed to meet the Properties were scheduled to go standards of the Bristol Street before the council Monday night Specific Plan adopted in May. It with a proposal to construct a increased the height limit from 30 600-room hotel. three se v en · to 85 feet south of the freeway. story office buildings and two said senior city planner Mike one -story buildings on 13.6 acres Robinson. f o r m e r l Jj o c c u p i e d b y The nine-s tory hotel would Montgomery Ward & Co. mc.-ct th~ city's 85-foot limit. One But in a surprise move, Pacific story would be underground. But Properties ·officials walked into planners are c.'Ont't'mt>d about an city hall Wednesday morning additional 14 feet of mechanical with revised plans calllng for a equipment that would sit alop nine-story hotel with 491 rooms half of the 85-foot seven-story at the site on Bristol Street south building, said Robinson. Gromyko asks ~lohal ban on nuclear blasts UNITED NATIONS (AP) -effect until the conclusion of an Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei international treaty completely Gromyko today propose d a banning nuclear weapons tests - worldwide moratorium on all even th<*; underground. ..__ d nuclear e xplosions, ·Including ~the. who has appeare m we re shaking and he said, 'Hey. I peace ful one.. to impede the After ~harply attacking the se~raJ televis ion programs and like that.' .. development of new weapons. defense Policies of the Reagan H~ywood films. said Spielberg "Yeah, E.T .'s got DTs," she Grom)'ko told the U .N . administration. G romyko said it wCS looking f o r a mime t o told the director. . Ge nera l A ss e mbly s u c h a .was becdmlng "increasingly c~rdinat e the tin y star's And the tremulous fingers moratorium should remain in urgent to .stop n uclear tes ts." mbYements. portrayed ln t he film added \ '1'ie auditioned with Carlo realism to t h e s h y creature , LICENSE • R4jnbaldi -the e ngineering Rothe insl.a18. DOCTOR • wtih who designed the $1.5 ''So many of his senses were ln • m~ 1 ion r o 1 y -p o I y e x tr a his hands. carefully exploring a From Page A 1 From Page A 1 te~strial, and s he landed the ne w environment on a strange . ~-planet." leather top, authentic trunk and y;> Kimberly, 61 and Kristen, 3. t things didn't look so good But Rothe. who is now setting other features. He was jmprlsoned ror' l l the first day on the set. up mime worlcahops through the Simmons says his 54-year-old m 0 n t h 8 when a ( e d e r a 1 The day dragged on and the Laguna Moulton .Playhouse. says car puts the adventure back in appellate court ordered h im fibn crew didn't ge l around to she bu to a~ the credit for dr1vin1. r f! I e a• e ~ b e ~ a u • e h I • st\ooting the first cJase4 ps of E.T.'s remarkable and realistic "I drove it to a car show ln nsUtutional ri h E.f.'s hands until after 7 p.m. t Burbank last Saturday. It has co g t to a 8~Y !fhe 0 long wait did little for movements. o nly on e tatl-laght. n o turn trial had been violated. solons party town, ln what amuunlcd to o Rep'UbJlc•n·domlnated count.er· event, President Reapn lnvlted thl.' entire Congrem to join him fo r a barbecue at the While Howe. · I H ouse Speake r Thornaa P. O'Neill Jr., 0 -Maaa, did no t m<'ntlon the 1oc:hal functions wh~n he announced Thursday morning that negotlawnt for the two ho use11 t•atimated that no minpromlse' bitlJ would be ready for fl()Or action until »hortly 11fter tht mldnluht tteadllm• Fairview benefit slated tonight Mock gambling and pm:es will be part of the Las Vegas night in Costa Mesa tonight to bene fit Fairvie w S ta t e Hospital residents. Vat·ationa to Ac·apulco , Palm Desert and Las Vegas a n d $500 in cash wi ll be among the prizes given away •A fre e one-day jazz festival will be held Sunday at EastbluH Park in Newport Beach an<l will feature five bands and a host of soloists. The festival, which runs fcom 2 p.m . to 9 p.m., 1s sponsored by the Newport Beach City Arts Commission and t h e Eastbluff Homeowners' Association. •The business of medicine will be discussed Tuesday dur lns an all day seminar sponsored by lhe Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. J ac k Ham met, administrator at Bristol Park Medical Group, wiU lead the •The public is invited to a pancake break fast Sunday at Mariners Elementary School cafeteria, 2100 Marine r s Drive. Newport Beach. The breakfast. sponsored by lhe Newport-Harbor Atta Kiwanis and the American during the bene fit a l 7::.tO p .m at the Costa M esa Neighborhood Community C<mter, 1845 Park Ave Admission is $7 .50 and includes $300 in play money and a f ree drink and hors d'ocuvres. 1 Composer and JUZZ musician Al Maitl a nd w i ll be the mast.er or ceremonies. The line up includes the M 1sslssi ppt M udders, a Dixie land band; K a rr.ima. featuring Lalin-flavor music. Quest.et, featunng Maitland; t h e M a r s h a 1 I 0 t·w e I 1 Quartette, and Sajr For more informauon . call 640-227 1 seminar that begins at 10 a.m a l the H o liday Inn, 313 1 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa. A ssembl y man Nol an F rlnelle will be the featured speaker. Reservations are $20 and include lunch. For more information call 979-0536. Yo uth Soc-cer Organization. will be served from 8:30 a.m . to noon. Adm1ss1on at the door is $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for childre n. T icke ts are a lso available from Kiwams and soc.-cer team members. R_._... And t c f ·•If E .T . w e r e g i v e n a n 1n d1t·ato r s, and 11 d o l's n 't But the U.S Supreme Court r 4"'{~·~ s nerves. WO ups 0 overturned the ru hng and he was • A pancake breakfast A dm1ss1on IS $2 50 for I coffee didn't help. either Academ y Award for best actor. al'(.'l'll•rau· Vl'ry wc•ll It only goes re turned to Termina l Is la nd sponsored by the Ne wport adults a nd $1.50 for children 1's a result. her hands we re 12 people "".o~ld have to walk up about 50 mph Harbor Kiwanis Club and the under 12. Proceeds go to both s haking beneath the zippered . and accept It. "It'~ a n ·al time• warp to drive prison March 31 local Amen can Youth Soccer organiza tions foUr·fingered latex gloves. One o f them, you ca n bet, al on the• freeway You really MacDonald 1s now in a federal Organization will be held 8 The eleme ntary school ts ''Spielberg saw that my hands would be Cap'2~ Rothe have· to be.· defensive." prison in L om poc, aw aiting a.m. Sunday a t Ma rine r s located a t 21 00 Marine rs • • ,_ ___ .,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;i;o.;;;;..--.. ___________________ ,... transfe r to Texas. acrording to ~le m e n tar y S c h oo I in Drive. For more info rmation. ' '"' w s d Br Yan 0, N e a I ' o n c of Newport Beach. call 73 1-1761 or 548-7249. ~ ~~~~~~rmer atur ay ~M_a_c_~_M_l_d_~_a_tto_m_e_y_s ___________________________ _ Coa sta l lorecaat spreading acro11 the Rockies 1r110 tile' Plains and lhe upper GrHI Lakes region, with a --TW--...---...... --.------lew lhunde1t 1orms hngerlng •n FIOrlda Fair IOOay with hight OI 72 10 78. Continued lair tonight f nd Salufday Ova,nlQlll lows 55 to 63 HIQll• S•turday 7 4 to 80 T e mperatures El1awller e . l rom Poin t Conception 10 the M1111can Albany border and oul 60 m tles AlbuqlH! NOftll-1 wtnd• of 8 to 16 knoll Am••~lo with 3 10 5 loot MH today Ind Anchorage S .IUllv•lle aturday over outer w11ar1 Atlanta Locally. llglll verllble winds Allantte Cuy 1on1glll and Sa1urday morning Austin wat1 to southw .. 1 8 10 15 knoll wllll west to southwest awetls of 1 BlltimOfe to 3 feet Wind wives ol 2 10 3 Billing• NATION AMLING'S Newport Nursery and Garden Center Recently, Amllngs Reduced Reguler Nursery Stock Prices Storewtde an Average· of 10% to 15%. feel ,,.., lod•r. and S11urd1y but Bwmingnim patchy 1ow c oud1 tonlQlll and :::•rel! day morning OV9< toulllefn Boston .... •.• ________ Brownsville Buffalo Burll"jlton 8"umonl Ilg 8Mt 8lslloo CataUna Cu,,,., City Euralcl Frnno Ll~lltr LonQ &.Kh LCM AnoMa M<Klfovlii MontalMll<> Monter I)' Ml WllllOn NMdi.1 Oakland On1arlo 19 39 57 22 82 38 71 5e 71 55 e& 45 72 ... 70 38 17 65 73 82 78 48 78 5" 70 50 57 38 71 63 Now Save Even More With Our New Olscount Polley: C•1'>CH Char111n SC Charllln WV Chl•llle NC Chaynne Cllleago Cincinnati Columtxit Dll·FI Wiii 01yton Oet Mo<nos 0.1roll 1turd1y'a moun11ln·1t•• ~~~~ a m1y •Hell 72 with lowe Felrbeni.a 42 10 48. o-n1 Valley high• Firgo ICI reno-from 85 10 t&. Illa thef -vice .. ya, with •ow• Flagstaff 35 to 45 GrNI Falls orlllern daHrt high• may H1rll0fd from 72 to 82 with low• =Iv <12 to 52 Tiie IT\ficury In ·Houlton ltl«n ~ 1r-wl" 1111 lop 1 from U to 92 with low• lndanpllt 64 10 82. J.ellan In Ille San Fernando, S•n Jacllsnvine rial and 81n Bernerdlno ~una~1 .... lflOuld reno-,.om 78 to i n• " weell.wl wtltl lllf 111,.. Kno1wtlle ltt ppected lfOl'll "8 10 541 Lat VeQH ...._ LlttleAock ••ll•nd 111911 1 In •r••• ta::=~ nnlng S1n1a lerao1r1. u ture County coa1111, Santa ~· , Long 8Mcll and OrlnOf wlltr:'f:trom 7410 80 ~"""~~---------....:;;;;.;;.;.;;.. ______ .;.;...;,; ,_.,,u • ttrong COl<I lfont tPtH<I COOi II* over lllt NOl'tll C.ntrll l ei Tllu1•day, w llll rein 1ted lfom the Oreal Selin to H19" Plaint and lllOW llllllnO elllvttloM. 1111r 1nowf11t 0 0111r•d 91~1111tn Wyomtno. with up I lftCNe Of ltlOW ., Wtl Of OM NlltoNI ,erk ,,..., .. ~ ... -'""" ....,. 111d for Plfll of we11e1n omlng, end winter 11orm -• In .nect fOf tl\9 ....... of~~ .............. ( A..,..e , .... •& " .. .. .. 87 17 17 86 .. P•lm Sp11ng1 Puadan1 Puo RoblM Rell Blulf R.Swood Clly S1Uamen10 Sahnu 81111 Bern11dlno Slf\ Oat>rlal 81111 Oleoo 8111 Franc11<:0 81111 JoM Bani• Ana Senti Barbar• 8111ta C1u1 Santi Maile 81nta Monie• Stodlton Tanc>e Valley Thermal Too•~ 'l'uma ,ANAlllMCAH 74 M 75 47 82 57 78 8t 78 38 11 M 78 54 74 47 70 43 75 48 77 49 74 59 74 81 76 47 78 52 70 47 71 50 76 41 12 55 17 <13 &1 29 87 54 78 52 S4 83 Ac;epulc;O 90 78 .O.C BlfttldOI 18 71 Bennudl H 71 CurlCtO tt 71 FtHPQtl It 70 .48 Oulldllljltl Ill M frl"':f?e " 'fl Tides . TODAY ~ low 3:0) pm. -.oond 111911 f (Q4 p "'· IATUROAY flrll IOw 3:14 a.m. hf11 l'llgl't 1:37 1.m. e.cond IOw S.:W p.m. 0 6 ~hit!' t .4tpm 1 4 lllf\ Mi• 1~•r 11 e H p.m .. ti ... 81tUfdey II t ·<lt I m Meofl , .... IOOlly II • U p Ill , .... SafutlMy al 8:11 l.M GARDENIA 10% OFF EACH ORDER OF $200 OR MORE 208/o OFF EACH ORDER OF $500 OR MORE And the Discount Applies To Everything We Stock or Special Ord$r For You, Except For Item• Already on Sale. Free Delivery Too, In AH of Newport Beach Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Beach ($25 min.) A $500 order could now save you I0-85% off our old prices; a $200 order: 20-21% oft. Come check us outl -BULB SPECIALS - RANUNCULUI ............................. reg. a.n/da. ANIMONll ....... ~ ..... -................ reg. 2.11/dz. 1lllTTIR TIMtl' DAPPODL reg. Ul/dL NOW 2.19/oz. NOW 2.39/DZ: NOW 3.41/oz. · 1500 aat c111t bwy • 1ewp1rt ~11cb ~ -.!.~a!:!!J.!. .. ,,30 [u ~ ,,,_, -.wMY • Nll80llA1 CHAWI -f ' 8)' P HIL SNEIDERMAN Ofh~ ........... Approximtatcly 650 full·tinw i ns tructo r s in t h e Coast > Commum~y College District were sch eduled to concludl' votinl( today on a contract proposal that provides f or no pay ra1st•s through next June Jo.-. Blaming severe t·utbacks in state funding, distract 0H1c1als say there as no money to provide pay raist'S to !ull-ta ml• instrut·tors County jobless at peak A r ecord 96,600 Orange County residen ts were ou t of work in August and ~tale labor analysts predicted today that 1982 would end on a similar ('(.'Onomic loW note. A l th o ugh sc h oo l and Christmas-related seasonal jobs were expected to provide some extra employment opportun ities in the next few months, "there's no sign ifacan t improvement expected by the end of the year." said Alta Yetter, an analyst with the state Eco nomic l)('velopment Department. Orange County's jobless rate for August was 7.9 percent, the state reported, up from a J uly reading of 7 .8 percent. By comparison, the national unemploy me nt rate 1s 9 .8 per ce ht , Y et t e r sa id . demons trating tha t Orange County's econ omy re malnS viable. Even so. the n e w figures provoke little opt1m1 sm. Last year in Orange County, the jobless rate was onJy 4.5 percent. Additionally, Yetter said today t h a t t h e n atio n 's le ading economic indicators have shown a recent downturn, meaning any meaningful improvement in the econom y Is still some time away. According t.o the lat.est figures for Orange County, private and governme nt jobs have declined by a tot.al 11,200 positions. The hardest hit sector of the local e conom y appeared t o be manufacturing, where 7,400 jobs were lost. Iron ically, Yetter said \hat even with a record number of residents ou t of work, Orange Cou n ty ha s th e lowe s t unemployme nt rate in Southern California. And though 96,600 peop le were jobless in t he area, the unemployment rate locally is not a record. That occurred in May 1975, when the jobless rate hit 10.6 percent. Yetter said it was difficult to predict what would happen to the local economy by early 1983. T he t r e nd. she said, as n ot optimistic. Politics ruled oUt for ·E.T. By STEVE MARBLE 0( ttle Oely Not lt8'f Don S trauss phone E.T. Be tter yet, p h o n e Steven Spielberg's attorney. Strauss, a Ne wport Beach city coU'ncilman who Is seeking re- e lection, failed to phone either before placing a politica l ad bearing a picture of E.T .. the famed extraterrestrial. The ad shows a tiny picture of E.T. with the q uote "I think Don Strauas is out of th is world." StraWlll said he thought the ad, which alao shows pictures of four area bualrK!IB executJvcs who arc aupporting Strauta. would get a laugh. Bu t the folks at Un iversal Studloe, which flnanced and a re dltt:ributing the Spielberg movie, weren't chuckling.' They w e r e p h o n ing - phoning Don S traUM. John Nua n es, a s tud io attorney, aald he got right to the polnt with Strau.. and told h1m to keep hit mitts oH E.T . "Thi• la a clear cue o ( trad emark lntrln ge rne n t," Nuanes snap~. addlnJ t<>ftly. Cite POLmCS, Pase A!) t: llllllClllT lllPlll llm /fM lllCU HUO AY OC l OUlll I, 1'187 o nANG f COUN TV C A l lfOHNIA 2'> C lNT S • on no-raise contract ut Golden West, Orange (;oust a nd C'um1tllnc t'Ollcgc11. The pay r ates for dl11trlt•t admlnis t rutors and ch1ssltlt>d (non -t eac h ing) c•mployces already h ave bee n fr oit.'n through the end of the ':ummt fiscal year. The district's t'Ontract with the Ameri ca n F e deratlon""of Teachers, AFT, expired last June 30. Negotiations have bl.>en u nder wa"j since March. The AFT negotlau ng team vutt'C I to l'l't'Ommend the c•urre nt settlement p1·oposal by a 4.3 margin . The AFT executive co mmitt ee, made up of organization offl< .. -crs, approved the propo11a l In a 6-1 vote. AFT spokl!smun Ed Aronson said some insu·uctors' who favor th e pr o po sed con tr a c t ack nowledge th e dist r ict's finnnclal problems and hope to bargain for a pay Increase when , negotiatio~ begin In January for the next c-Onwct. Some opponents of the current propo1al believe the district has m l1 place d i ts pd o rl tlea In ch ann e lin g funds into n on· ~·saroom projects such u tcievision courses und a n ew Coast l in e admin is tr ati on building, he said. Bill Waechter, vice challl.-ellor for emrloyee relations. noted tha t a th o ugh the c u r r e nt propo1Jtal includes ftu pay scale C'hanges. about 500 dlatric t teachers have re<-elvt'<.I automatic Increases sin<.'(' July 1 based on the number of years they have t aught l\,n d th e amount o f education they have hod. He said these built-In increases have totak-d $573,000 lllnce July l. The existing pay 11Chedule for teachers provides for 17 "step" inl·reases over 21 ycan1. he said. (Adm inistrators and classifi ed Da n immo n of Huntingto n Beach lovingly polishes his 1928 Mod e l A Ford tha t "puts ad venture back in driving." Persistence pays for vintage car owner By ROBERT BARKER Of the Oely Not lt8'f Dan Simmons of Huntington Beach has gone to great lengths to restore his 1928 Model A Ford. . And he feels, gos h darn it, if t he automobile's going to be authentic. it should be authc>nlic to the last detail -the license plate "I've s pent three years finding correct parts to put my car together. It's the logical progression t.o have proper license plat.es for it. "It's like the bow on the package." At a swap meet for old cars, Simmons bought 1928 license plat.es which under presen t Ja w h e can u se only w h ile d isplaying his car. He can't drive with them. Simmons talked th ings over with Rep. Robert Badham, R-New port Beach, who Sammons says 1s a customer at his hair salon in Huntington Beach . Badh am s ugges t ed con tac t ing Assem bl y m an No l a n Frizzelle, R · Huntington Beach. Frizzelle Introduced leg ialatlon. suppo rted by the Cali fornia Car Club organization Gov. J erry Brown signed the ball on Sept. 7 allowing owners to use llt·e nse pla tes on the ir old cars that correspond with the }Car the car was made. But there need t o be 2.000 applications by Dec. I. 1984, before thl' bill takes effect in order to pay computer rosts to set up the program. Simmons, 39, says it's taken thr~e years but he's got the four-cylinder, four. door car just abOut the way he wants it - an old hood ornament., sh iny side panels, a (See LICENSE, Page Ai) employees receive 11rrular "step" increaaet1, though over u ahert.er period of yean.) \Yacchter said the averuJC salary for full -time Coast d1st.r1ct instr uctors is $33,345. He 1aid state cutback.a for~ the district to eliminate a bout 500 jobs held last year by part-time teachers. Th e new contract proposal al5o include• ch anges in insurance cover age and costli and a new early retireme nt program. Irvine raffles houses By GLENN SCOTT Of llM Oely Not IWI For the first time since t he s p ring of 198 1, t he Irvine Company is staging a housing lottery in lrvine. The sales staff of Irvine Pacific on Monday will raffle off righ ta t o buy 32 m ode ra te · priced condominiums in Woodbridge. T he y've already received 10 times as many applications. A company spokesman said the lottery reflects new interest in home-buying and demonsl.J at.es that home-buying demand stHI exists when financmg packages are reasonable. "I th ink the Cac·t that we've had 331 parties sign the lottery c a r d s is sig nd1c ant," said spokesman Dan Carlsson. "And these people are not spec:u lat.ors." Once upon a ume, hous in g lotteries were almost as common as moving vans in Irvine. "It used to be the only w;.,y homes were sold, especially in Woodbridge," noted Carlsson . But by the summer of 1981, rising interest rates had ju st a bou t extin g-u 1shed ~he hot compet1t1on to buy an Irvine hom e. T h is summer , several families camped out a t an lrvme Pacific sales o m ce in Northwood to buy one-year options for single-fam ily homes, but there was no lottery. The 32 units i n Monday's lottery are the first phase of th e Woodbridge AJders development. T he two and three-bedroom units are priced from $87.000 to $103.000. The prices are designed to meet the city's affordable housing guidelines. Additionally, buyers may try to qualify for the Orange County governme nt's mo rtgage-bond prQgra m tha t oH ers 30-year f ixed-rate mortgages a t 13 percent No resale con trols are involved. Interested buyers can fill out lottery cards this weekend at the A l ders sales office at 26 Greenfield, south of tybin Street near West Yale Loop, he said Applicants do not need to be present at the drawing . MacDonald requests high court ruling ..-,... ..... .., ...._. " ....... T he ha nds or Laguna Beach's Caprice Rothe we re thoee of "E.T ." in movie. Rothe ha s be en a proTessional mime (()r 13 years. By STEVE MITCHELL OfllM O..., .... I..., T he fa ce p robably Isn't familLar to the millions who N W the movie, but Coprlce .Rothe of Laguna Beach played a major r o l e i n "E .T . Th e Extra -Terreatrial " Her hinds portr~ed thoee of the mlaahapen .,Uen, ara bing up a trail o f Reue's P lecet, 11applln1 for a six-peck of Coort from th refrl1erator, and • H big hand c o n s t r u c t.Ing a d e li ca t e communicator 10 the sawed-oft botAnlat could "phone h,ome." Rothe, •rrofl'9aional mime for 13 of her 3 )'t6H'9, ii listed in the film c r e dH1 H ''mov e m e nt coor<llN tor." That's a pretty fancy \Jlle for tomeane who 'f¥U 1ubjeeted to ~klnp of food and bHr N t he attempted to manipulate E.T.'1 tuindl from below the munchJnc munchkln. 'E.rr.' • JD "(Director Stev~n) S plelbera rlaced a video CAUT¥?ra WI'. me ao couJd tee what 'i wu doing," tht petite brunette said. But reaching ~p lO feed an alJen from the fltor t1 no e.ay t.uk. "I spilled beer and watermelon julce and Meda all over n1y f ac.," •he •td, iauatlina. So whoever laid E.T. tuid aoocl iable~n? ( ... HAND, Pa~ Al) Attorn eys for Dr. J e ffrey MacDonald have requested the U.S . Supreme Court to review the murde r convktlo{I of the former Green Beret doctor. A petition was filed with the court Thursday on behalf of the forme r Huntingt on H arb our resident. at torney Ralph Spritzer said today. S p r itze r , a U niversity of Pennsylvania law professor, said the Supreme Court should hear the cue becaw.e the U.S. District Court judfe In Raleig h , N.C., "wr o ng ull y" e x c lu ded testimony oC seven w itnesses, Including two policemen. Thoee wltneeees, Spritzer said, wou ld have substantia ted the story of Hele na S toeck ly who claimed to be present at the murder scene during the night of the crime in 1970, aC'COrding to Spritzer. Stoeck ly made the statements to the w itnesses out of court, Spritzer claimed. . T he U.S . Circ uit Court o f A ppeals in R ic h mond, Va ., supported the exclusion of the testimon y. saying S toeckly'1 memory "was exceedingly poor a nd that she was constantly unde r the influence of drup." MacDonald was sentenc:ed to serve three life t.e_rms in 1979 for the murders of hi5 pregnant wife Collette , 24 . an o daughters (See DOCTOR, P ale At> ----lllDEX-----. At Your ~rvlco AS 8ualne9I 94.5 C.valcede A7 cia.tfied C8-12 ComJoa 82 en.word 82 DMth Not.Ices ce Editorial A6 Enter\alnrMn\ \Ytekendtt Oardenlna A8 H.oroecope A 7 lnUtnnlleion w~kender Ann Landers A 7 Movlet Weeke nder Mutual Funds B4 National New• A3 Public NotJcea C6· 7 Sporta C l -5 Dr.St.etncrohn A7 Stoek Markets ~ Televtaion TV Lot Theetert \Yeekender \Yeather A2 . .. ' NYSE OOMPO ITE ~ TRAN ,ACTION OllOTAflOl .. llfCLUDI Ua•Ulll f•t lflW •o••,M tt•Uf, l'A(l•IC ... .., 8otfOlf OIUOlf A"O Cl•ct••6'ttJO<.• •ac"•••U Ht""'"' 8'f ,,.. llA•• '"8 IMtft•lf '°'•• Hel .... , ... 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E ) ..... ,,, ~I RPI J:IS J9 ,.,.. .. MONV 113'1 ... t fo .v. PSvMM ,., .... ))\,,.. -'• Amro t D 10 JS 11_ ~ • ..S....._JIJ \1 1 v, ~•on -I' ,. 0 1::'r Te< 54 ~ 13 i vi; v. ""'°"' 2 • " JJV..• 11' PSvEG 2'1t ·~ ""' • "-ruE•l 4 10 • 100 48"' 1 '• AmHft 1.10 u JOOI U lltt ,,." l • .00 n~ "' ' "' FMC 1.60 • 111'1 ,, ........ 1nfas11 I ' , .. 11 • "· MortM I 04 3 JO ,. .... v. PSEG p11 '40 • 11' •• '. ' E' p4 2., " n-. "• AMAU' .Ml M '"'· MIO pis.JS ti ,,.... 1. FMC pt 1 u s JI .. ' "' lnall<O lb I 154 1s•1 •• '"' ::·::,, 1'!: : ~ ::~. t: P$EG ,,,.:,. t6SO JO• I "• ,:.c;r 2:11 , II• II•· '. 8ekr II 11 + ,,.,.. "'1.JJt tot SJ+. '' Ft btO-.. 1' l'ill II'•, " lnllln• JI 11 It• t 16 Mor Kno I l1 > 7' 20,~ v. PSEG pf4.JO 11100 Jlh' .. THI"" 110b • 11 1•', A8r•nd l.SO us UV. ... lltl-.lllb s 11 IO~o • .,, Feb•'' 31., .. n.... ... lnleQA• • IS) " .. , • PSEG p4S 1t 1110)'1 '· h •IMI J 11 IS.I 9J ' •• ' Dow Jones Final. UP 11.49 CLOllNO 907.7~ Illinois company buys Mesa fir~ Am('ra·uu A1\h•nnu. Div ision o f An11·n Nin l<<·M·111·1 h & fo:ng1net•rlng. Elgin. fl h no1s , rt•l'1·nt ly .111n1Jurwt•d ttw purc·hcuit.• ot Aud1omoti ll1·. Costa Ml'!lit, for $:! 9 m1ll1tm 1U1llart1 Aud111rnub1lt• manufocturl's h 1gh -t•nd amphftcrs ll'<·d Ill l'\01111111 11ulo-11krco 1nstullations ui1uully <'•>t>ting $:.!,000 or more. Aud1omob1le 1s, and h as bt.'f.'n, a 1>r11Jl'1p11l dt•"'1~nn In the tndustry for stereo ampl1fu:1s Cttr otht·r muJCir mmpanics in l hl' U.S. and abn.md A l.1r~w ix1rt1011 ()f tlll' ~·ompany's lnt·om<" ts deravL ... i from rnyult1t•:. ;'llld d('Vt•l11pnwn1 l"ontra<:tg for other OEM 1·11111pan1c•s Hl!using starts down · l3.i.1nk of Amcrtl'U ha~ reported lhat new h u u s m g slat L' m <.'ultfornia 1n August were at a seasonc.lly UUJUs tt•cl :111nual ratt: o f 58,000 unlls. do wn 21 6 l)j'fl'l'lll froni Lhl· niu: in July and down 33.;j pc..•rt•EmL from I ht' i.tlllll' mor1 th last Yl'ilr. . . ' .. '• .·. ·: .·•. .. Aird pl ' IS J ,.... • llmect nt " II 14 ,. .... F~•· .. w • \o l111RF" '·"' 10 JI '"" ..... Mon t s 20 ,, J9 ,, • lilt PSEG,,,, 17 I ,... T .. lm ~ti JJI ...... A.Bro pl 1.'1 J .. " CllNY' ...... •It! )~ .. Felrchd IO I .,. .,... \l\t lll;p~ J 10. .. ''"" ... Morton ~SJ ... l 40'• .... PSEG pl4 llO ''° ... ' 1• hHM• , ,. I 11 /0 Alldc:tt I.AO I 4'° ..... 1"11 llHY Pfl.11 1.) JJI, \!\ F•lrc pt) 60 9J J1'o ~. lt1lttco 1 • 1 Ill 46\\ V. Motrot• llO t• tlO ,, .. 1 J PSE~ .Q I II 1 '• Ta(¥;.. a It ti 11'• During A Ul(UKI 1YH2, 4.791 units Wl!rt· built. This \ 11111pw t•s with August HllH w hc..>n 7 .159 units wen• 1'11111> trUl 'lt•t.J " ABI-I • .. ""' ..... llMY 1111.u.. Sll Sl•1. " Fe.,•DI• 40 14 .. Jl\oo. ... Inter"' , ,, 11 101 MIFutl , ... I Jtl .u~. .... PSE Ii u 110 100 • 1 f •flt< 30 10 J JO<, '. A811•Pd .,. • '" "'''·. \lo CllNY "' »""'·.I F••-" • SI , ....... lftlrl•I , 10 • lOSJ 11 • \. Mu"l•CI "°" • n I)~ PSE 11111 IO 110 M "· T .. 1.1111 , 04 • ll'l'I n• •• AmCon J tO 11 43' JOVI' •• Ve I OI I tl 2H• '• F-" • J"-... lnlrl~ J 60 • 11 1t4t "" MfttO pt 40 I l~o PSEG pll J2 100 SS-. '• lull In 40 J'. • > ACen pt t.IO . 'ylJV<. .... "''"" 1:n 10 1111 » .... FtdlCo t .. • .. ,. • .. '"'"'u Ill • 11 11... M<ln"'(I J "~ PSEG "'' 40 101 ,., • I~ Tu Iron • ., /II >• •• ACntry 10... ., , .... '"" CHWSI J1 -lllo. lilt FCll•P tJ 101/ ""'. l\o llM J '4 11 ,.., ,.~ •• ''"" M .. rfHIC I 1t 1• .. 11"-PSEG ,,,,., ''° 10 >•· Tutr Pl JOI , >• •. I ACyn 1 7S t J0M JI • " Mlw 40 SS .. \>, • "' FOMoo I 1' 9 26 "" '·• lnlFI•• 1 0. 14 t tl 14 • ~. M11rp() 1 S lM JJ ' '-PubUO ' Jh Tho<-I ) , AOT t .. 11 II 43"1 . ... TMMlf ,. ,.~ •• ''· FtdH"' ,. •'IOJ .. ,. ..... lnlHtrV to:JI .... • M\lrry() 1 20 I ., U••· •• Putb40 " ' ).) ... ~. TllrmEI ti 11 11 ...... AEIPw J,2' I 7040 lllilt• .... IPn .40.. 24 12\lt + .. Ftd8 I 20 S IOI 21 lnlHr pl JI I'll Mlll()m 1 41t 16 ""'' ._. A Ctm 1 lit '• Tllmllti t tJ tt 11 .. ._ , " AmEllP 'lO '211> .. • "' lll(F ... I 40 " • ltv .... FCISQnl ' IO It .. tl!>o. "' lntMl(I , 60 ..... ~ .... MYt•M.. 1tj " I~ ~ P-IP "'' ,.. 144,. 1. TllOmln -11 ,. ,, •• Al'9ITlll ,Ill t0 50 """ '• 1.0 1.Stt ti t IJ ... • Ftdl>SI 110 'tlll ., ... • lo lnlMllll I Ill t JO U •, -H Ill -P11rttel' • , .. 10•• • " Tl'lmMO toe • 'I< 1~1 • .. AGllQ 2 JO t !DO 41\t t ~ Cllrlun JS S s~. Forro t 20 10 JI 11 lftlP-J e0 S 1121 :19>• t "° HBO 1 OI 4 " 1''·•' '-Puroll • t Ill I JI ll' • ~ Tl\rt"y .IO a a;i t)•i, • • M>lllcl J.14 .. llVI + .... llfOMe -111 JO t'I .... '• FIOVnt JAG • tJ 1J~, • l. lnlA«1 SW I.. M8l n J) lit lD ' "' Pyro J '1t • TICoro I to • 1 ti "'°"'" 1.-0.. , '"'' .... llryltr 1tO:I ' ..... l'ICIC.t , ,. ti ""' lilt lnlTl , .. 4J041 , ........ NCH .n ,, llt IS•·. "• °"°"° , 9 ........ \, TIOwlr <iO. IU. II • '• Alftrll , .. 9 S llllt• '" Chly... /J J.,, ~• F19111t .. S ,141 19 "" ITT l>IH • 1 1111, t MCHB ·• ) Jiil IS ' "• Oll•ll.50 IO t \111111 \. • "-TIQtrln 110 14. " AHollt ·~ t 147 11\lt, 1"-Cnry't:f' tit 1011• • '• FnCGA • .. '71'3 112S'-• H• ITT pll( • 11 41 H'A l 40 t 1 .. 9 ""'' 1-.. Ou-x .60 t SJ 1' > "o Tlrnel 1 1) •91 lS••, ,, :=. '· .. n nri W0 ; ,:: ~~~ .. 2.J :. 1~~ ~~: :: ~~!.,:, a ,: .. ; ~ :!1\~ J ,~ ! ~~· ~ :u"<' , . .6.~1~ m: ~ °""'1"' _ :_.' ,. ~:m: :::~ ~ l: :J'. AMI' .S11J ,.,, 21h• \lo ClnGE J.t• , !SIM II'\ Flrtlln ·'° lllOJ ., .... L. Intl'"'. )0 l 431/l HVF °" . •11 '"'· • '. R81nd .. JO ,, 10 ... Tl:::eM , n 9' .. .. AMMo! . 1412 • . ClnG pf • ''° ,. , FIA.II". I • 100 """. 1 lnlpjtth '" > 140 JS•to. "" pj•DacB 2.~ • un .... '"" RC.t. .tO 111004 11~ •• 1 l tmkn 3 40 I 111 •••• A"ttR " J S ad? , "' (~Ill t ,U ,, 110 .. ~, • lo> F1Cllfl ID 14• U~1 • '' lnl•P<• t )0 U 1)0 IS Hboc pf) )0 t lCO JI • 1 RCA pl 3j0 1SJO Jt\1 , 11, roosnp 1 17 s l1/ J7"' ,, ASLFlo .::1 :!"". ~ ClnMll .n • 113 ""'. , .. F•IChl< t 20 I ... """ ln•go.e , Mi 9 • Jt\I) N•lco. 1 "IJ 791 ,.... ,.,, RCA "' • I Sii . ~. T8hm )4 I I.. 11-.. 1 i. ::ifd ~I; ~: :i .. :..~ :::~~ \ ~ ,~ m! ~: ·~: ~:~~;· l lO , ·n ~~. ~ :~:1Pw' 1 .. ': ·~ ,:~ ~ =:~Cl· J;. :~ ut m:: .~ =~: = i ~ ~ :i~. ~ 1°:~:·~1: • J~ ~~: :: ASltrll • 16 ,,. I• .... v. CllSvc ...,-)ti .. ~o . ~. FlnUw ,,,. , ,,., ,, .... '• lnPw pt t.29 tlOO 11 .,, Mtrto .. I/ J•• ,... .. llLC n .. ' ... • 0 , ti •• Biflyx sells 3-D rights Btflyx ( N ASDAQ/BlFL) of Irvine. h as recetVL'd 20 pNt·c11t, o r 1.050,000 common shares, o f Design Wt·i.I Im fm tht• l'Xclus1ve manufacturing rights to Bdlyx's thn•t•-d1mt•ns1onaJ television imagery system. Charlt•s W1 I l<'y. B1flyx preside nt, a nnounet'd Thursday. .. . AraStr 1 • .. Uh ... Cllyl .... 110 • ltlO ,, .... ,, FlMlu 2• IO no "''" ... ·-·E• In • .. It~. H•.,,... IO ,, ' '·• RTE 40 I ~ '"'. 1. ,•0.•,Ee:~ "'11113"11 : ., .. •~, 1111 S SI -411..• "" Clyln Ill J U ll • '• FH8oi 11 "1 S 111 Jlh • ''-1-ttG 2 )t t SJ 11•, ' H•ICen 1 6 10 11~1 • \• ltoh_. 7t • 11»1 UU\, •I'• " . An '«I I -'1"-. I~ CINI• 60 !IJ Ml ,.,, F .. SIB J 40 • ,. ,..,, • .... ·-·PS , .. I .,, n "' HCnvSt ., IJ SJ ""'. '"" Romocl IJI s ~::~:ot ::. ·~ .! :::; D<·s1gn Wt•st is re gistering t he s hares for cl1s tnbutio1I to 81flyx s ha reho lders with Biflyx shaH•holdt•n. rC'<.'i.'1v1ng approximately 100 sh;m~s of Dt•sign W t·st t•ommon s tock for ever y S,000 Btflyx l>hUll'S held ·.•. •n -:,-; ,. ,rm;:,~ g:c.~r t =: 10 ,~ ~~ ... rn~:"" ·11 ).~ , t 1:-~· ',r" 'J .. JJ ,~':' "' :::~~ ,, : ! ~ m: · ... ::~ , : 1: ·: :~~ • ~~~:c: . '° , )I~ 't~ ·· A.Weir I'° s JI 11 ClnEt 1 ll t ... II' .... FIUnAI 1 JO I lO ""' v. •••oBk J )t • JI Jll•• ,,_ =;ii~ ~ ~ s >; r::-:. ... ::·y:::.: n .. n 't: ~... . IOKO ~ ,. J 1\>1 ..... t ::::!?!UJ :~so.1~-..; 1.,, g;:.::-': ,'1~ ~ ,, ~:~~!' 1~ !'00: ,:~~:"" llOCp -J-Jn ...... h H•IGYT> ..... "' JJ ••• Romo• ts .. m,, •• row•• .. I IJI JO,,:·.:.: Ame,;; t 110 • J Jllo. .. CIOtO> '17 t ))I II'" '• Flt<hb J S 14' Jt • '° JWl t 4141 1• 11'1 HIHom tn 1'• R•Y1IV'I 1.0 It i.)t "", •• Toy~> )111\1 NSC shows 'slim profit' AmelO .40 ' ™ )I\,. v. ClutllP M I .. 1110 'o "'"'"" 10 , ,. ·~. ,, JMtll' 1tO 11 " Jµo HMOC•• .. ' ,.. ,.. '· R.0081 IO • ,.. "" ••• lrO< \ JO II ~ ~~:---· ·:: Arntt-1 20 IJ •1 11~• "" Cl11tl pf I 1 11 '• l'llFlnG 1 S IMI 11-• Vi JAlw r 40 ' 131 It '" HMO En 40 11 t'l'Jt JO• t • '-RCl8ol pl1 tJ •I I''°" ~ J~~P t ,. 'JJ'IJ ia•:, , , Ami« 1M16 I ni,. .. Coochm 2J t9 IJ~• \lo Fl .. lEn .SJ Jt 90 JJ .. • 11< JAvr p4 S 40 I U H/111"'!> l1 I l• /'11 AllRtt t Oto t t I\\• V. TW W1 M t'• • \, AMPln t 40 tS )00 U~• 1 .. COOll.. .00 31 \10 11 • .. l'lttnnt 11• ' .. ul4"', .. Jem•w tt 2llO 1J-. lilt HP""' )Oo 1 111 JI.,_ A.c"Eq t Ho 'o lW WIA JOO • , '·• -'mpco 60 tt 1 U V• , CO<ttCI 1 411 ti 11'1 It..• '' FIO•IV 10 t• la nh •;. J•r;:F t lit lH ...... \it HS.ml 7111 ""' • v. Rtomn JO 1' ns 16• • • Vo !WC pl 1 ~ JI 11'•, , • "'"'""' " > '"' €:'.!~' .. lt ,:~ ~~~ '" Fl••• 114 .. ,, u '"• . J• P111 , ., • " H"' • ... =l!>vtn ,'° .. • 't~ '•'~ • "• :ee•~ ~ • ,n ~~ twc;"' i... n >•1· • '• AmSlh I t0 S 'IO ''"" Vo 1J " l'lu l p4) IS S 11~ 1'-Jtr~ Ill I ao • ~-'<t~ , l. 'f -, t A:f.•l\C 1S l7'•r frorl\m t )0 ttOOS JO " ::::::: :::1~ J~ m::·:z .~::r.~:-~1~t13~ ""' "'~:!!',~~ 1 •:; l: n~~." ~=~C = ::; l!: ~;~•," H::L~',. ~I 111 ,:,: ,,. A•oAI• .. ~o ?JS H .. '• r~·~1'i':2 "sJ ~ 1~!: '• "'"'""'ti .n n 11) 11.. 'o Al-n I tjO •I•· ... FloEC 10 ,, tJ ,, .... JtrC "' I aso S14". <lot H•tom I 40 s "s 11 .... ,, :•PF~ 1 'IO I• JI:! ~1• :~ "•"><O 1 IO s '" J11) I nlOQ a 1' 111 10 \It ol~• 9 ~ :~:• ,, Fl•PL Jlt t 17' M • "-Jet( pl I • tlOO )0 '• Htlm pf 4 2' Jl'·• • : ... R:f.;',,,,.t ~' t 11:;: '• l•no< Pl JIJ 14 l/ 1, Noltonal S1•01kondu<.·tor Corp. of Sant.a Cl<ira, unc• or th,· large-s t manufaC'lurcrs of electronic.' t•o mputt:r mmp on1•111i., 1llustratc'CI the e Hects of a widt'SprPad U(1Wnturn m California's "$1hcon Valley" by posting a $1i4.1100 pr1Jfll •m S<tlcs of $350.4 m iUto n for the quarkr 1•n1hng S,·pl 19 llOr 1,3' 9 JS 1~ Cot......, l,.00 1-'' ~110eSP1r1o I IDSJ I 2t1t, t11H• ', lie JJttr .. C lllC 11 41tt • 11111 144. • HevPw l t>< • 111 1• • , _.. 1 ttnt<" Cn! S •'-IK-1~ 1.JJ s '• u"', 1 "" 1 1., n• "" • ... ,.. v. Jc 40-. "'••P pf 1.. 1soo 111• , • AHY p1Al -111 SJ•,. "' ••Gr:•~ ,10 60., 1., ndr(; n 10 I 21 11+. ,, OIGol , .. s 10 -..... "•C.-ti ti> ID•·. ,. .Jtwkr 10. '° ... H••P"' 1 ,. t10 1•1'1 'ltPSll ,. .. u TrG 10 J1 tSIO II lk .AO U 730 14'-, .... .,.,bl" 1 1 1ft 11 • \, F-t • JI 10 11 11-. "" J-.Jn 1 .. JlO/J .,,.,,.I ~t~P pl t JO 110 171,,. ..... Atp8~ I .• S 6'6 2t ~ TrG p1 I.. 1so 11 + .. t4'1111JO S4'-•"' MbEn l M S U7 11'-•• ""'"°' IO I ttO ""'•"' ~F 2l Jll 2t\lt •l\lt HEl\ilEI J 1 ,,. ""' ::J:2!.1111~ S H H .• ,1 TrGPptJ)O JO JO .. " .:·~,, :1::•:: twl 1 ;.• !0 : W~' ~ ~=~ l20 1 .1~ W':1~ 1-c",,.1 ~ I ~ :~•~=~;::~/~·I : t!~ ft Atv<O .,. )0 U'> ~ ~~=!~ 180 I ll J~~ .. -t J '°" · II !11.»1 »'-"orMK 1«1 9 ttJ -'-Jani.or> Ill lU ""• "HY~EGJ» t flt""'• l'o ::= , .. Jt..: J~~. '-lr•••••l ... •tM< l1"• ¥1 pell~ WI 'l: I•~ ~~: ~ wE'~ ~ 1 ": w• ~le"o!d:: 11 1!~ ~1: ~J: ri ,; J! ~!.._ "• =~~ = ~~ !1: ..!~ • n r At•hMn 40 1 ll 11'1. ~ :·:~:.\).,• I lo~ ~;.' :: A y1•ar aJ.:o. undcir similar marketing t.'Ondt\lons fc11 till' hu11t.ln•ds of high-technology cumpo111t:s lnt al<:d 'u ulh o f San Franc1 st'o. N ation a l S1•mi('t)ndu1·tor C'ornl>d $1 ,069,000 on sales of $325 6 million m thc i.ame quarter. ~-~ !? 100 ~~ •• ·~ .... EE 111,., t '°, •' ,, ....... '°''-.... ,,. llh ..... JoyMfo 1 40 • Jen ,, ... 1. NY$ plDl.1) ti ,..... ... "*"11.r<I 1 Ol Jt " 11 •• , T~lol~ .oso ,. It •• r r •.., I .,,..... .. ,.,,, FoJ1StP ... I JU tJy, -1(-1( -~wtll 1 / tel' ,.,._ ''o 'lonln 1-llO • IOM ""'• • 1• trt•l't t tt It 11 A#fNll .t:JI ti 201 U"' ~.. CwE of I JI ,_, Ml • \, Fo•Dr l 1 OI I 116 -"" 1(01" 10 1J1 4,-.. •• Hwlltl n tl 1 Jt\I, Aeyln pU 10 I 41 I rttnt• M I 1 s1, ~',f,h.2" ,·.~ •, t~. !,'':' ... Cc•wEE ~ ,,~! ~ 11 ....... F•plMt ..., • IOI u.... "' I(,,..... ... "It JI' .... Newrnl Iii >50 )7 .. ., ... RtyMll 1.IO ti ltl Jl'•. .. Ttlco " I ... • .. ' I . ~ r., ~ "' • -.-,.. • '"" Fr19'rn ... 11• IS\.' .... Kt l>rAt llO 10 u-. "" HWP¥' It • 411 S '• ""yM 1>11 SO 1 It •I Tt1n1, )0 • U 111 .. A•IP pl l.M U J1Y. • ,,. Cw E Ill e.40 1200 .o~. • t '• F"'9hl AO " JO ICel•C. 60 J.O ti' I HleMP 1 ID • ..., IS + "" A<hVcl. I 41 10 1'/ V • '• T llE 10 I• JO tl •. A•-Btt ·~ ll 6"" "11 CwEfs 7,Jol 1!00 SO~> Fuq ... llO H ttt, Keltr'SI 111 JO•,., 14 HloMol l60 11C011tl~rtW1 :::r.~'i: ~lff~ '°.. 1:.C1~19J •:Ill 11 ... ~~:!. '* ~~n ·"' ~~.-:: .te ~; ~ ~!~: ~ :: pf ·~ G;-~,~ ·::: : ~~m:,: : :tl li~ ~ ~ E~:= : ~ =::. :~ ::~:.r : j, ·m ~::: ~r: ~~(·~ '~ : ,~; ::~ · ... Arm~o 110 • 111 ,,,,.,·;,.. COmoor ' t,.utt '\loo \It GAFPI 120 "tl""• '" KCPL pll>l 1 11\'o o \It Hl•/olol SU 1100 • AoOlllw 11 11 47 701•• 1o ~·~~ "°J ~JO Armc pft lO J ll'to ,,. (.,.,pSc 11 11 1) t'\ATX 1.4" 1 tU 71"11 KCSou .• t S61 JI ''"• Nl•MP •. 10 1100 43\1\• .. Aobl\n 1111 I JJ U '• y u-u _ Atmr pt 4 1) 1600 » · Cplvtn 1' 1111'1 Jl'J ol''-GEO .14 J '" II• 1((:$o r 1 t3"0 10 • V. HtMpl 10 eG 111111 MY>-'" =:::z I ;: ~ 1~ IS • '°" UAL to 9't) 1t• • • '1 t~:~,,i~ob ~',,t. ~ ~~ ,~: ~~ n1oo &a"' n~ ''u;'ff~::~ ~=b l~:~ w·: ~ ::~~,.»1,~. ,.u ':t A0<hTl J OI I Ill B~: '· ~g:P' 1':' s "' ~~:: AtoCl to t0 10 13'-1 ... C-E nl IO t ) U ' •o &!i~ J ~ S l~ :;:: • : KMIP\.I l «I I tit U , " NKOA S I ,.. 11..... A0<,wl 1 It 10 tllt "" J J I '..C: ~:. ~3 ~ :~, .. • : ~::;:~~ '10., •,. "•1 ";;,·. ,'• GG:nne1pS1r" ~ '; ::! ;:~: : ~r.\n.,, » ~11 ':>~ ,·· ::~s!'" J ~ ! ~ :: . i, ==~~ 'ao ~ ,:! t~.; "' ~~l~K .,., ' J: L A#vl" I 12 tJ ... 1~ • '-ConECI \ t .. S ,.,, I•'• "' Koly pt 1 4t Ntrhn J 14 l<llt .... A°"' pl J 1l U 1' '· USl'G .J llO 1 6' J7'• '• ~~~~:'· ~ ~ ~t ~: ~~ ~1l 1 I~ ~ .... \~ &!!~ 1 : ~ ~~c1::~ .. ICellllf ,. '1 ........ ~oo'r',!:."'~ •, .~ Jt~· 1" ==·1r!" ... ~u,; .. : ~ UlllMV ., .. s 1) w ... AINOll 1 40 1 J'9 11 ~. c;;, 111 •so 1 " •• C..•to '12 I t2' m~ '"' ~:~.."' 1 : 1 ..; :;.. '• ;; ... ,;.:;. Iii 1 10 ,. • ~ tto1rn<:p " "' JJ"', ~. ~~~ 1 ~ ; ~~ !:!: , A.fllio pf4 50 • M \) °''"" I 60 ,.., .,... ... GtmCo JS ,. •lo l(tl1-I !O IO JI! ,,...., : .. HOAPIW 110 I 1n ..,.. ft A-I ,... u"c°"" l'O IS s '0 " Atl!IO pl)... t'1t J1 Cn\HG t l • '1' 1S Gemln 1.0. I 1"-' "11 Kol!Wd" "tel I 11 IS'\• 1, HE11t011'1 I 7» ""' \It A-r t0 t J IJ '• 1.1•1-c :191 JO •'·• A.MIO'! J 11 JIO "° . , CnG pl 10.. t20 101 GA'"" •.M 1' lt'-:: •-I 10 J .. •'o "6hlUI 1 2' , »t 10... Ror.. " .. ltl 23"-. "' v~ii~ I ... SIS "~ A .. 0 pl 4 IS 1' ~.,.. • •Pw t~ t t (i 11lo c;.r.m0o1 .llOb IS '"' lS~> l(tfllnl .. tO ,.. ,,;,.. • t)I Hindi'!> 1 )0101'.o !fv; • .. A-Oft OI J 417 I '•• '" Un El p1 4 tJOO Jt~, A1'1-1.AO I t II nPw p17 4S tlMO liO ~. Gn8ctll •• 4 II """ '-KyUlll J 10 7 111 ,. .. • "' NOSIPw 11• t n 2'\lt Vt R-en ptJ 44 1'4 11 • '• U"Et pfM 4 IS 211.o , , 4tCJIEI l ·2' t 111 ''"" O.Pw p11:n 1~ St lllo GClnm Ur IO l5' " lttrr<it tM t '3 Uloi , lilt HSPw l>IJ60 tJOO 1t "" AC Got 1 OI t /4 11'> • '• UElpfbl I 1100 M 1 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT '• .... t IC. , ... ~ .. .... ::: .. ~'::.~ !11~ '17!:.t~ Cn~:::u: m~t""t" &~~~ .. ~'Gt~ fi~: 1~ ~=~~~\llO rn~ ii~-:: r:ir.r,:0·11'6fir 1!~:l~ =~,~~.'~1!''r,~:~, \. ~~~:::rn : ;~~ '°' ~l~fl~~S . 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