HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-02 - Orange Coast Pilot' • LOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES Corona del Mar 2T Marin• 27 Laguna Hiii• 20 Unlver11ty Eatancla La Quinta 0 Laguna Beach 7 Co•t• Me1a ' ' Servlte 19 Sunny Hiiia 12 Crespi •'"' 14 Taft 38 Fountain Vall 7 Ocean View 10 Mater Del 10 Golden We•t 21 ) • • . . . • . • • . DlltHil COAST . . SATURDAY . OCTOBER 2. 1981 O RANGE C OUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS . • ... • . . Coast District teachers OK no~raise contract '"Jh>...PHJL SNEIDERMA N Mthe 0911y Piiot SteH Full-time tcadwrs in thl· Coast Community Collt•gc• IJ1stm·t haVl' approved a 1.·ontral'l that will provide no p<iy raises through next June JO. · Approximately ti50 instrut'lors a t Orange Coast. C...:oldt>n Wl'st and Coastlint' t·ollc~(·s Wl'fl' eligible to l'ast setTl'l ballots on the contract proposal T hursday and Friday. Don Ackley, tn.'as1J.n •r of thl' American Federation uf Te;when. Touch of Scotland in Irvine By GLENN SCOTT Of"fhe D911y Piiot Steff Tom Stokes, sporting a t·oat and a traditional blue tic adorned with· the coat-of-arms from his home town Irvine. Scotland, stood smiling a t the front ga ll' to Irvine's annual Harv<.'Sl Festival at Heritage Park. The three-day festival had only just begun. Stokes and his wife, Irene, hadn't moved from t he gate a fter pa rticipating as guests of honor in th(' ribbon· cutting ceremony. But a lready a country and western trio was harmonizing on a nearby stage and children were bouncing a round the sawdust- covered grounds between the carnival ndes a nd the colorful booths, where workers were· setting up their displays. An October sun sent sort. evening light over the cozy seu ing . It was a fr1t'ndl y atmosphere. For the Stokc.-s, the· sc..-cm• was typical of the way their 12-day trip was turning out ''We did n't k now what to e xpec t ," he s aid 1n thl' mellifluous and clipped a('('c•nt of Scotland. "It's hard lo find word~ to exp:-ess it. Evt'rything 1s V<!ry good. very new.'" Being a guest isn't quite as easy as it might sound With every step there are new hands to shake, smiling fat-cs to grc-et, names to remember and sigh~ to promise not to miss. The Stokes' visit was t1mro 111 occur during th e Harvest Festival. He is a member of th<' Irvine. Scotland Jaycees. an official sister chapter with that in Irvine. Calif. Las t year, 17 members and their families journeyed to Scotland. arriving du ring the centuries -old Merymas Festival there The American visitors were so thrilled with the hospitality they i mmediately invi t e d their Scottish counterparts to come during the Harvest festival. There were 17 of them then to share the a ttention. Tom and Irene are only two. Being a guest of honor required no \ onl y exuberance but perseveranl·e. This is not to say that things h ave not gone w e ll for the visitors because they have turned out extraordinarily well, the Stokes say. Scots are known for their amiability, Stokes noted, and Californians are much the same. "Everyone is desperate to mcct (Sft HARVEST, P•1e At > (AFT) C'haptt.•r rt·pn•senung dtstrkt f!illl -timt• mstrul·tors. su1d :.!98 votcd"m favor of tbl• rnntrat·t, w i th 1:!5 u ppost•d . (S o me add1twn al uncuuntf'd balloti. Wl'rl' rt'\.'t'IV1-d. but not enough to alt<·r th<• o ulmme.) Tht' agrcl'mcnl 1s cXp<'t'll•d Lo g 1.1 to the dis trkt's Board of Tr u s ll'l'S f o r l'unsidt· ration Wl-dnesday. If approved by the board. a m•w insuram:t• program and other non-salary provisions· an the t'Ontrat'l would take effect. "I think the fal'ulty membc·rs W<'rt• frustra lt'<i and resigned to 1t, u no-pay inl·rease contact," said At·kll·y, who st.•rves as a li brarian <it Orange Coast Colk~1· · "l'ht•y Wl'rc frust rated by • l'l'ono m1 c.: cond itions in the mmmunity and were resigned to thl• bl'lil'f that thi;·y couldn't get any-mo re.• mon ey out of the district. They recog nized the district's financial crunc·h." D is tr i,·t o ffi c i a ls h ave maintai n e d tha t becau se of serious cutbacks in state funding for ('OtnlllU/ltl: L'Ulll'f.tl'!.. lh\·rt· was no morn~y 1va1luhlL· C1Jr p<1y raises. Salary sc:oll's !or d1i.lrll't administrators und dai.1>1 ftt•cl (non-t<.'<.ll'h ing) 1:mplt1Yl't'i. a bo are frozL•n durtnJ.!. thl' L'Urrt•ral &·hoot y('ar . Ball Wal'<'htt•r, th1• d1~tnt·t·~ v11·1· c h a nl'e ll or for l·mploy1•1· relations, said his rt•a1.·t1on 1.11 tht· vote was "on<' of great rt•spt'L'l for a fac ulty that rcrngntzt·d thl· finan<.'ial position wc'rt· in and were willing to suck at in a btt o.tr,.... ....... .,, ~ ~eyfle Vice President George Bu h , left a nd Re publican gubernatorial candidate Gf'orge Deukmejian sha re plea entries at Friday nig ht fund-r a iser a t outh Coa t Plaza Hotel. Between the m i · Deukmejian's wife Gloria. and go forward t11 th<· IH.'X l 1•1>11tral'l." Wael·hkr said m;.111 y eulll'ge 11CC1l'1Ub bl•lteve that after the N1Jvt·mber e l e1·t111n . s tat~ lt•gislutors will S(:hcdul<.• u SJX'l'lal s l.•ssion to t·o n s tdcr ways to 1.:hunnel more money into public: l!duc:ution. lf that cx."·urs, he said. money for employee• ralSl'S may h1.· available for the n(·Xl &ehool ytiar. But AFvr spokesman Ackley s.ud many instrut:tors stll l:x:hc·vc di:strtl'l off1C'1als must rcusscss lhc· mannl'r in which lh('y allocate thl· f u n ds they r l'ce1ve He s:ud some tc!a,·hcrs bel1ev«> fat:ulty salaries arc a low priority. "W(•'d at least likl' to have the same sUitus as the e lc-ctric balls," he said • Al'kley als o said man)" 1nstruc:to rs arc talking about lx'coming more active politicall )' and will support district trustee candldat<.--s who am sensitive to faC'ulty <.'O n<:erns. Three Coast d istrict trustees (See COAST, Page A%) 'Duke' Bush, boost GOP • Ill . CM By J EFF ADLER 0 1 lhe Delly Pllol SteH Vil'(' Prcs1dt•nt,..Gcurgc Bush appeared at a $9':>0-pcr-pc•rson fund -r~ser for gubernatbriaJ t·and1datc George Duekmc·jian Friday an Costa Mesa and urged Orange County Republicans to move away from "the pPSSim1st1c policies of the past." About 600 people l'rowded the Ballroom a t t he Sou th Coast P laza Hotel. Bush told them the race for California's governor ts "a contest of those who support new solutions versus those who advol'alt' the programs and polll'lt·s CJf the· pa!>t the· p rograms and pol1l·1es that brought this nation to thl! brink of t~'Onom1c dtSaSter." Turning to Deukmejian, Bush said President Re~gan's claimed ~Uct.'CSS<'S as gov<.'rnor an c-uttmg <.rime. tr1mm1ng the s ize o f govl'rn ml'nt and control ling W<.'lfart> t·o uld be tracl'd to Dc-ukmcJlan's help as a legislator He said 1f OC'u kmeJia n 1s t:lt.'<.'lcd. he would be part ol a s trong new partnership between Washington and California. "In plat'<' of ronfrontallon and 111.•gallvlsm that we now get from J t•rry Brown , w e will h ave helping hands working togetht'C for the d irect benefit of this beauti ful state," Bush said . Touching briefly on what he · called Reagan's ac,-complishment.s in tht-White House. the vice presid en t p o inted to n ew economk. domestic and foreign policy an1tjatives. "Ht' has managed in the course 1>f 20 months to reverse the image o f the, Untted States abroad and ins titute economic po l1 c tes des ign ed t o bring America's prodU<'ttve c.apac1ty up to its enormous potential." Bush said. Deukm c Jtan . repea t ing th<.'mes ht' has s tresse d thr o u~h o ut has l'altlpa ig n , prom1sl'd to get Californians working again and pledged to ISee B SH, Page A2) Huntington studying fees for library cards By ROBERT BARKE R 01 the Delly Piiot Stefl US<.'rs of the Huntington &aC'h city librnry system may soon hav1.• to start paying for a library card m order to check out books. Some don't like the prospect. "If I had to, I'd pay but 1 wouldn't li ke it," said Jeanne Garcia, a student at Golden West Colleg<.'. She ch ecked out four sociology books Friday for a sch ool projel't she said s he needC'd to Ctnish this wcckt•nd Th e pro posa l t o c·harg(' residents a yearly fee of $10 for a ltbrarv card is included in a w1d(•-rangin~ package of proposed (C'cs going b('fore city count'1l mC'mbc-rs Monday. Charges of $4 for youngsters 17 yl'ars of age and under and for senio rs 62 a n d over also are proposc'd . Out-of-town patrons would be ('harged $15 per year. The library card fee is one of two recommendations made by the -elly Community Services De partment as a way to h elp otrset $2 m1ll1o n 1n annual operating costs. An alternative 1s to charge r esident households a $25 UCI to seek funds Private money sought. (or research By JOE L C. DON Of Ille D911y Piiot lleff UC Irvine Chancellor Dani,•! 0 . Aldrich's a nnual "campus state of the union" spet.>ch Friday had the ring of a student's letter home: Send monev. Aldrich told a noonUmt• gathering that UCI 1s about to embark on an ambitious effort of raising $100 million from private sources duripg the next decade. decided to la unch th e private fund.-raising campaign following r ecommenda tio n s from a university -commissioned study conducted by Develo pme nt Management Associates of Long SC'ach. The search for new sources of funding wall be boosted when t he u niversity appoin ts a n ew a ssis t ant c h ancell o r f o r university advancement, h e added. re fundable ch-posit fl't· Thi• deposit fee rould rt•turn th .. l"llY a b o u t $ 4 4 • 0 O fl .1 y (· a r 1 n investm('nt 1nh·rc·st . .:w1.~1rd1ng ln officials. N o o t h e r l' II y 1 n 0 r :.t n g c County -perhaps th1• stall' charges for library l'ard~. offtnab said. The pro po s a I r cc.· 1• 1 v t• d lukewarm response Friday, at best, from patrons v1s1 ttng th1• Central L1brarv at 7111 Talbc•rt Ave. · Ganene Em<'ry. a ~tud<.'nt of an applied design insti tute 1n Newport Bca,·h. stud she bl-ltl'vt'd thl' propo!>C'd ft'<· might proh1b1t a lo t of people Crom using the library "Th<· ft'<' Sl'ems kind o f high." sht• said. Lloyd &'ndl'r, said a $1 or $2 fr<• "wo uldn't be so bad." "But (or $10. I'll take m y library business to Torran,·c" (hts plaCl' of employment.) Bcndt•r, a m<.'lallurg1st. ~1d he was at the> library to fmd a book on the transport of heal "l need to know how long metal C'an sit an thl' op<.'n air before it cools off," h(• said Dr Toni Mulherin said she wouldn't mind pay ing a fee 1f the library Wl'rt.• open mvre hours. An ins tructor at Cal S tate l"ulll•rton, sh<.' s:ud she and her l·hildrC'n have problems 1n fandm~ the library open. Th<.' library opc.·rat1.>s t rom 1 -~ p.m . Mo nday. 9 a m .-9 pm . Tu<' s da y , Wt• d n es day and- Thu rstl a y and !:J a m .-5 p .m . Friday and Snturifay VmCl'nt Moorhouse. the city's Cummun1ty St>rvtl'es Department d1rl'<.'tor. said library ca~~ fee& would rai!W about $200.uuu per" yC'ar The fund -r aising drive 1s necessary. he said, because st.ate a n d federal f unds arc n o t available for special research -----lllDEX-----t facilitk-s planned for the campus. "UCI's primary ob~1ve over th<> next 10 years is improving the q uality of the programs which have contributed to the stulurc o f the institu t ion presently a nd to emerge as one o( the 50 major research campuses In the nation,'' he said. Aldrich praised UCI's academk- achaevement.s since the campus opened 17 years ago. He noted the university ranks among the top 100 research Institutions in the nation. Classified C3-6 Comics 8 12 Comment B8 Cr~word 812 Death Notlte!'I C3 Entertain ment Bl:i-14 Movies ---· .. Bl:J-14 National News A3 PubUc Notices Bfi;C2 Re ligion C 1-2 S. Cal. Focus 88 Sp:>rta Bl -7 Television 810 Theater! 813-14 Trlvla 814 Weath~r · A2 YNlh 89 To reach that s.oal, UC! will first try to ral&(' $15 mJlllon for seven1l/rojc.->c.'L' including pha9e9 two an three of the Blolo&lcol Schmcet Retearch FacUlty, the ~&lmput eventa center, phuo two of the Phyalcal Scienc.u Rettarch F•cfllty, phase o n e of the Unlveralty Conlerenctt Cont.tr. • luer institu~ and cUn~ and \he Gene Rftt•rc:h J'adllty. Aldrleh sald UCI offktal• ' "Our faculty ls comparable m quality to that found at the many great ro1earch lnalltullons In the coun\ry and th.-world," he said. Because revenue sources for expansion are drying up. he noted the unlvcmdty must watch 11.1 pocke tbook as well as search f o r fin a n ci a l m ea n s of malntAln ll'lg UCI11 worldwide academic reputation. "Glv~n the bu~iary al\uatlon of the 1\.1\41 of C.fif omla and the university, the~ objlcUve of lht• Irvine camput durfnc 1882·83 wtU be to maintain ln e'Yf!'t'Y way poeatble th• lnt•1rug ol our fMttucUon •nd roearch ~." t. llllid. Confiscated T.he heriff~ll D IH•rtme nt displays ta h or valuables confiscated from Midway City home thought to be a clearln1hou1e for 11olen 1ood1. Amo111 the heme were mu1ical inllrument1, efectronlc equipment, firearm• and even tome toilet flotation devfoet. Story~ Paae A2. Tom and Irene Stokes stand in front of the Ha rvest Festival booth they r eserve d to display Scottish wares. HARVEST FESTIVAL • • From Page A1 • you. desperate to wek'Ome you ," somi..' of its goods shipped ovt:r he. remarked "That's the thing for their visit: foodstuffs, golf that gets me. People here are so equipment, toys and. of l'OUrsc, friendly ." wh1skc)( Irvine, Scotland, 1s a city of Across the way 1s another 59,000 people. ll is slightly o lder booth, lhis o ne run b y the than its namesake here. ll dates Scottish Lowland Cll:lns & back to the 12 th century. But Fmmlics Society, It was sl'I up, there also arc many similarities. said organizer Wales Wallac·e of astonishing similarities, Stokes South Laguna. after learning of said. the Stokes' visit. First , both c1tic:•s are in the Wallact' also offered a handout south west. lrvm<', Scotland is on from G<'orge Blal'k's "Th<.> the coast 40 miles Crom G lasgow. Surnamc:-s of Scotland." whk·h It sits on th~ Firth of Clyde. It traced the name of Irvine to an also is a "new town ," one of (ive old' parish in Dumfriessh1re . d esignated in Scotland for Black also listed two score• names wholesale rt.-devclopmcnt. from Northern Ireland suC'h as Stok es wo rk s for th e Erwing. lrwy ng. Irvin and government agency in charge of Urwt•n. the redevelopme nt Its name: As one might expect, a key The Irvine Corp difference exists betwee n the McCarthy-Hallett debate lively ti1•ult•11a111 "l(OJ'crnor c~11ndidllte ... t • '''"'"life h arp word i n M t•1u1 Jh Jl':t1f" Am.tm or111e 0.11, "'°t •••" Mur k1•d by II Vt•I y uncl ufh•n Vlll l111lt• t'Xt 1Hlllj(1'1', tlll' f11urlh d t• IJ U t t• h l' I WI' t• II I h I' t W 11 l'Uncl1d11t1·:; (111 l11•ull·n1111t ijUVt•n\111 Wll!\ a l'IJlllljlUUUpll Ill tlu• H(•1'1t•11 u( ull1wki. t•u<·h hw. lnunl'hl·d uguin11t tht· o tht>r'11 lt•l(1r>l11t1vl' rt~·or<l AJI 1rwrnl~·r11 of thv Nt•WJ)l)rt Jfurt)Or C..:hon 1lwr of Cc)lnmerct..· ate• br1•ukfa11t ut tht• South Corult Plaza Hotel f''riduy mornJng. both Dc•mocrut L.t•o Mt·Curthy und Rcpubltt·un Carol Hulll•tl ripf)(.'t.l intu om• anutlwr on subjccti. ranging Crom unemploymt.'nt tll BUSH . • • From Page A1 <.' r (' u l 1• J 11 b s r u t h t' r t h a n roadblo<:ks. In pust appearan<.-es. he hus tm1d rnon· jobs wou1d n>s ull from the n~w partnt•rsh1p lw wtll lurm w11n tht• business mmmurnty 1f dt'\:ll't.I "Our llHlJOr goal 1s to t·rcaLe Jobs. Job:. and mt>rl' jObs," the attorn<.•y Kl'rtl'ral said. Callini,t h1 i. opponent, Los Ang1·l<.•i. Mayor Tom Bradk•y, a "phllosophicul twin" of Gov. Brown, U..•ukmt•Jian t·hurgcd that Rradl1•y would do llllll' more than t·onllnu<· Brown's polic:i(.'S. lllXt·~ t1111lh1hlllt' oil cl11lll11K At l<l'Vl'I j,jl flOlllt i. dur lllH lht• h 0 u I I u it K tit' b l t• ' bu I h 1·utHlailut .. 11 bt'''""'d m111 t • inh·nt 11 II l' )( l 1 ll (' t In H l lfl II w •. r II I 0 quc•t1 t11111ic tlw.v p11x1·d to lhl'lr oµp11n1•111 t lw11 Ill UllNWt•rirlti th11111• lll'llljo( l>Ul to \twm by u purwl of tdt•v 11io11 reportt•r..i Tht• two urt• w1•1l ut..•quuintt•d with t•och tJtht•r &An<l t•LJ,·h ottwr'11 h•lo(ii.l11llvt• 1'11.'urd, huvlnu M.•rvt-d to~t·lht:r lr1 tht' Htutt• AH!ll'nthly during thl• yl'al'i McC1.1rthy wu11 "IH'U k t.'r und ll aJ lt·tt WUM H1·puhlin111 floor h·urll'r Hallc.•U, 44, of Atuscadc·ro, flrt.od tlw opening shot in the shoolinl'( Cyanide c laim seven th vi c tim CHICA<..iO (APJ A 111Utc.'h by awylnK jut., l'rl1111• ~11111 the futlurt• d'f Dt·nw1·1 o l1 1 h·uth-rKhlp un• tht· 1•11mpa1.c11·., kc•y 1'1.8Ul'il s h l' I ll • h l' t.I II u l u t l Ii 1 • Dem 11 <' r u l I J.' • t· o n.i r 11 I I c· d Lt·l(ltil11lur<• •and M<·Curthy for whut Htw lf'rm1'(I fo1lun• lo l'rlUl't lt.•l(l1dallon d1•n1und1•d b y Cnll forniuru. T h e 5 i · y t• 11 r o I cl McCarth y.who rt•111dt•K 111 !->un ~·r1i1ndN(,'O, rCt>ponut•d hy pm11lln1< Lo hl11 11ccomplishm1mti1 du1 mu hht ff in years as Hpcakt·r Ht.• !18ld he authored a Hl711 ht II <•s t ubl i11 h lng th1• OU11·t• of Lpg1slul1vt• lfovit•w, which hos rl..'11ull1'tJ In the l'limimillon of 7, 000 n~><.lk'SS regulat1oni.. He also pointed to bills pas.'W<l when he was s p<-akcr that t·ut lnhcritan<.-e taxes and d1minau·d the business inventory u.ix If cll.--cled, McCarthy 5'l1d he would ltkc lo US<' the• slate's st><.'Ond h1ghc.-st offll-c lo drnw a "blueprint to save .)Obs and cn•att· business." Nonetheless. H allett said McCarthy voted In rlvor uf bu111nt.,,,. only 17 pN't 1•1H uf th«> t 11111· l lolll'll atild hn vote-. huvt· I 11von·d buMnl'118" IJ I pt:l't t·11t o f tlll' llUll' Holli 1·u11didu ll•H UK• t•t •d ttw -ctuh·'i. l•dut·ollonul NYS lt•111 nt•t•dH u r111unnul h1·lp1ng hond. but tl11111j(r'l'l'tl un how th11t 11hl)uld I~· .1t·t·o111plt11lll'd A111l rallwr thu11 l>l •J fHl!>lllf( IJ !t fH't'I f It' J1IU11 10 11·nwrl y 1 ht· prohlt•111 , t·ul·h 1·1111d11lal4· 1>111nh·d t11 lht· otht•r aa the• r1•aisu11 why 1111· fund11'1g pr<1blt·rn hus 1H1l tx ... •n n·solvc·d Ml'Cu1 thy an·ui.t·d llall('ll of waUl1111!t "'' tht• 1!>sut· 11( uHshon: ml d11lllllK. wl11d1 lw HJ1id slw h~s ulll·rnu11vt·l y i.upportc•t.I and oppost·d Saying ht• oppoM.'<.l developing offNhon• s1lt'h, lx•yond 1dt·nt1!ying wht•r<• 011 m1f.(ht ix., Mc<.:arthy i.u1d thc·n· an· m11l1on.., of acres· uni.hort' thal huv1· yt..•t t.o be fully explon'<.l Cur thc:1r 011 potenuul. llallt•ll said sh(' voled in the Lt·g1i.laturt· l o s lo p overall 1·xplorat1on, but favors a review on a lnit·t-by-truct basis. "We shuuld not oix•n tht-cnt.re C'Oasl al Urtl'l'." Shi..' S<JIU . :i5-yt·ar ult.I f11gh1 alli..'rtt.lant f ound d<·a d 1n h<.·1 Ch1t..·ugo apartml'11 t lali..' Fnduy was 11:.tc:d , by pohn.• as tht• Si..'Vt•nth v1l·tim of po1su11111g from t·yanide-lat.'l.'d Extr:.i-Str<.·ngth Tylt•nul , pulrn• said (Ht·lat<.•d st.ofll'S, Pagl• A4.) At a latt··nighl tl'IC'vtst:d news confcrenct', Mayor Janl..' ..Byrnt· and pul1<.·l..' offlt:rals said tht: woman, 1dt·ntiftl'd us P1:1ula Print'('. G oods r~covered i n f e n ci ng arrest Goods valued at betwel•n $200,000 aAd.. $250,000 have' been r('(.'OVerc.><.1 in!a raid on a Midway Ci ty home~ thought to be a clearinghouse !or property stolen in break-ins across the (.'OUnty. Orange County ShcriCC 's ,_.~=r_,,un=ent de uties arrested an occupant of the home in the raid and arc holding him on susp1c1on of re<'C1ving stolen property. The deputies displayed the loot -a col l ection o{ s te r eos, televisions. power tools, ,ewclry. guns and other items that filled a loadiog area al their Santa Am .. h eadquarters -at a press conference Friday. (See Page A I) Arrested Thursdl:ly at his 8692 Madison St. home was Jose Antonio Navarro, 38. Sher iffs dt•puties said tht·v arres li..'d Navarro during the second sale of goods t o jhlm in a "sting" operation developed as part or an investigation leading up to the.· raid. Sgt. Eugene Lutilo, who hPaded the investigation. said that deputies, as of Friday, had not begun a large·scall' effort to lrat.·<· the..· origin ol most of thl' 1<11ud i1. Only f1 vt· r1flt-s rc'{'()vert.>d 1n the nod had lx·en ch1'Ckcod, Lullto said Four wt•re fo und to havt• bc:e n stolen in housebr eaks 1n the M1 ss1on Vtc.'JO·EI Toro area. hl• said. Lu1110 said muc:h o f the propc.'rty had serial numbe rs r l' m o v c· d . m a k 1 n g 1 t m o re d1Cf1t.·ult lo trace owners T h <· 1 n v c· s t 1 g i:I t 1 u n 1 n l o Navarro'" <ilk·gc-d al·llv1llt'S came from an invc-sllgat1un•or cnmc-s m the· Midway Clly area through which deputies developt:d an informunl, LulllCI i.a1d CJt•pullc·i. !.did lh<'y olso have 1·v1d<.·n('<.· which 1nd1c:attos that Navarro rnn an ulleged loan s h a rking opt•rat1on 1n lhE.' n<.•1ghborh ood . Sht•rdf's department s po kc·l>m<'n said . numc•rous uthl'r l'hargt>s also may tX' filPd . The: pa~w-tong list of i te rns re<.·ov<.·rl'd 1n the raid also ... indud<.'<1 tires. rmcro wave ovens. ;Hr t'o nd111 o nc·rs . (·ameras. dothing. 'mus1l'al ins lrUmenls a nd man y t y pe!> o f e lectric appltam·cs COAST CONTRACT • • • Don't forget recreatio n As two c1t1es: the climate The Irvine. Cahf 1s known for its Stokes spent Friday afternoon at parks. the Scottish city IS lhe New port Beach ogl Ing th<· Fe hom e of the Magnum Lt•1surl' wealthy. lying m the sun and Center -probably the: largest lc·arning the mysteries or the indoor recreatio n c·cnter 1n boogie board tive ape A t•t>, u nin.--rnonth-old c himpanzee from I.ion (:o untry . a fa ri, visitt>d tht- (;<>rmu n-owne d Ame rican Zelle r manufat'luring pla nt in Irvine Friday l o cele bra te it o wn Okto berfest. Pre ide nt Gunh'r llue b, a Munic h n a tive, fo und the <·him1, lo ht> as exl'iting as n ba rre l o f. wc·ll, Grrma n heer. From Page A 1 fat-e re-election in November - Ro b e rt Humphreys. W11l1am Kette r and Carol Gandy t'OV(•ril!(C'. addlllCJnJI (undtng for Lt•at·her sabballcal leavt-s, a new n •uremc•nt tn«l•nuve program. a rcyuirc•ment that teachers pay $JO-per S<.'mc'SU:r campus parkmg (N·~. a nd add111onal dis tric t funding to a llow tc•achers lo all<'nd profl-ss1onal dt•velopmc•nt l'onfl•n•nt'-'~ Western Europe. Stokes boasted T o m Stokes n o \e d that He also pointed out the Friday's warmth equalled that of landscape. which he said was one a Scotland summer. Told that ,.....__,,o..,. ~ ftnt"rlr.rractcristics· they ·-tem~erat.u.r~ . .can. g_cl muc h noted upon entering Irvine. As m hotter. he offered hrs usual smile. Scotland. 1t 1s green. "I'll believe il whPn I St..'<' 1t." This_lS &'Otland's year al thl' he said. H arve~l Festival The Stokes S uck around, fnc..nd . s11c-k have reserved a booth to d isplay around. W a r nI d ays (~on.'4 1 <1 I light varl9ble ..,nds nigh! .no mornlnij hours beCom1n9 IOU1h· _, to -• 11 10 14 knot• •I· l«noon South-t twell t to 2 lee1 but loc.i 3 to 5 foal -ouler wat•tt Paint Conc:.pllon 10 San Nloolat ltl.nc:t Fw but Pl1Chy low clouels Ntly mornlnij mlllnly OUI« 11t1e1 -nnem w• ters California South«n Callfornl9 wlll ~ f9ir lhrough Sund•y H~I 90fTle p11chy low Qlouele Ind log .ion; -nh cont rno<nl~. Warmer to<lay. Or•ng• County cen .. peel high• 75 to 113 todey, In 70• Sunday LOW9 In 508. lnl1nel Hiiey• ca11 .. peel high9 78 to a& 1oc:1ay,_ eo to ee Sundty. L-48 to ~ Mount.in. '#Ill hlv• _, lo northwHI wind• 15·20 mph Sundey aflemoon. HlgM et 10 13 IOwt In 40a. SOl,111-4 wYld• 15·25 mph lft nonhafn o.Mrt• 8undey 9'· temoon. Hight 78 to 14, towt 43 10 53. Souill4wr O•H•I hight 84 to 12, lowl &6 to ~ Monhern MCI Cenl1al Clllf0t· nl• can ""9Ct lncraulng low cloud• and log north cout. ~M mostly lair through hn(ley U.S. 1ummary f Extended weather Mond11y -Wednesday Fair ••C•PI aom• l•I• n1grrt and morning low cloud• ne1r 1he COU1 In COHl•I MC{ION. hlghS r.oglnQ :rom UOpe< 601 •1 bea· c'-lo low lo mid 80s w•r,.,., v•ll•y• tows 50 t o 65 In mounttins -Retot1 ....,., "'ljht &2 10 72 l-• mos11y 1n ~ . T enipe ra I.tires NAnotll Amar111o Anehot11ge Alhell•lle A1len11 At1an1c C•v Austin B1111m<>f• Bl1Ung1 Blrmlnghm Bltm.,.ck 8olM Ba.Ion B•ownsvtte Bultato Burling Ion CHpei Chwllln SC Ctlarlttn wv Ctlarttt• NC CMylnna ChleagO Cindnnltt ~ Clmble 8C Columbut Dal-Ft W1h Oeylon o-..t o..~ O..roll Duluth El Pa.a F9itbanll1 F11go F19(1611ft or .. ,, .... H1rtl0td H.i.n. Konotulu Houtlon lndn•oll• 83 47 n 711 74 87 n 54 82 41 63 111 92 &9 10 53 78 78 711 SS 78 83 83 79 81 84 81 &9 112 114 49 81 37 44 &2 47 111 49 15 87 ee eo 33 49 58 JICkSn MS SS 74 Jlcicsnvlle 50 Ju-. 43 K•ns City SS Knoxville 38 LH VagH 4S Lltlle Roct\ S8 • Loulitv1lle 75 Lubl>Ock 54 M9f!lpnl1 50 Miami Mllweut<M ~ Mpt•St P 54 NHhvtlle 5S N9w 0r1Hnl 3' N9w YOttc 58 NorlOlll 52 No Plait• 52 oi.11 Clly 4t Omlhl Orlando : Phil.Opfll• ~~ =~G" Pll•nd. Me ~ Piiand. Or• 37 Pr~ eo R11411gh 32 Rapid City Reno 35 AKhmond 23 Sitt Lake 33 S11n An1on1<> 49 S..llle •O Slit I 11 ~ 72 SIOu• 1tt1 !13 SI Lovlt 90 54 79 72 50 45 82 61 80 55 H 47 84 62 111 55 88 &7 84 81 88 75 89 54 59 50 112 57 94 73 80 112 71 82 51 40 87 83 78 55 H 73 78 81 83 68 71 411 72 4& 71 42 711 57 711 5$ 49 39 63 29 17 65 54 40 17 63 83 48 17 80 59 00 84 12 lllf RIPllT ... ... ... ...... . ..... ~-?um• 2 3 12 SMI• Monie• 2 3 12 ~ 2 • 12 '"' OitoO Cou)nty 2 • 14 0v1roor. '°' hnelay Uttl9 on.nga. • - ........... .... c Dir 2 ew 2 SW I SW a aw St P·hmpa 811 74 SI Sle M1rl• 57 47 TUCll0'1 llO 51 TulH 88 63 wun1no1n 78 55 Wlehlt• 84 &1 CAl.IFO"NIA Apple V•lley 75 35 8•k«•lietd 79 52 Btrllow 7& 50 S..umonl 77 40 81Q 8e•r 8t 20 81ahop 70 32 Blyt"9 85 SS C.tllln• n M CulYet Clly 80 55 Eut ... I 87 47 Fr""° 7& 47 Ull'CUI., 73 37 lQni! &91Ch 82 5$ la. Angetn 11 62 MOf'l(V<i!I 85 •• Monl9bello 82 .57 Monl.,lly 117 35 Ml Wilton 63 42 HMd1M 112 54 OltllltnO 7& 52 Onl.,IO 79 411 P .. m Spring• M 5& PHO Roblel 80 41 RIYwllfila 79 47 A.cs Blu11 71 4& Redwood City eo 50 S.cr-10 71 4& ,Sllllllt 71 47 A•n 8Mn1r<11no 78 4& 11111~ 83 50 S•n OittO 74 N SM ", llll<lt<:O 78 H S•n JOM ,. 41 Senta An• ea 54 Tides TOOAY Plrtl IOw • 3 24 a m 0 3 ,.,,, tllOll 9 37 1 m t..4 Second IOW ' ,. P m 0 5 e.concs high 0 4a I> m 5 4 Sun 11f1 toes•" at I H p m • llMt 611u1<1rt 11 I 4t • m MOOtl ,. ... loc:llY •I I 22 P m . ••lllutd-. 11 l .tl•m Though the new contract 00<.-s not alter the current faculty pay scale. teachers will continue Lo rt..'('('1ve automatic tnl'reaS<.>s baS<.'<i on yea r s of service and educauonal "redit The c.'Ontract proposal calls for some c hanges in in s uran<:c Nt•go t1al1on for nc•xt year's contra<'t arr S<.·ht'Ciull-d tu begin in .January ALL RATTAN ON SALE EVERY SOFA, SO FA SLEEPER, ARMCHAIR, RECLINER, END TABLE, OCCASIONAL TABLE, ETC., ETC. REDUCED .. --- I Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOf /Saturday, October 2, 1882 NATION ·Laguna grad· hero • ID Spending hill OK'd -WASll 1 N(iTON lA PI T ht• I loU"4'. e'llHl'r to udjou1 n for 11 munth of 1·um1x11w11lnt(. f"ridu y u µpruwtl :.!1:111· 1.i:i u t'omprum1111.• 11pl•nd1ng I.Jiii ne•1.•d1•d to pull lhl• fodL•rul 1ovt•r111111•11 t In t n I ht• n .. w ft sl·ul ycnr aftt'f 11 day of \.t.'l'hntt·ol bnnltr u pt<:v. Tht· votl· lll'n\ Chl! t•ott'h ·ull aµt·nding bill tu tht• St-milt'. which upprovl.od lhl· mcusurt' by vok'l' votl'. P r c• 1 I d l' n t lt •· u ~ 11 n ' a "1g110turc• wu11 Ul11urc•c.J ultt·1 \lw White• Hou1w ait'nt GOl' I \•111.h• r11 ll H tot l'OH'n I t ha I d'oelun.>d \hl' bill "11\.~'l'pwbll• us on 1n 11.·rlm 11pc•11d1n14 ml'Utcure'." 'fh1• bill providu11 funding for v1rt uully lhe• L·rH lrl• govt·rnnw111 th rnuuh I.A><:. 17. thl•n•l>y r1-qu lrlng u po11\·L·lul'tlun session of Congre~'i to l'Onsidl!r rl•gul11r spending blll11 and Yl'l un11tlw1 rnterim nwusur.•. Money rise disappoints N E W Y 0 R K T h l' s pending. said lht> unl!XJX.'l'tc"(J im:rcase dampened hop<'S for furth t-r -rclicf from high interest 11tll'S in thl' nl!xt few Wc'l•ks Michael Brady l.UijUlld B&·Ul h llt"h St•huul l(t 11il11,i11· M 11 tu ... 1 H111tly hu" t·111111·d lh•· 11th· 111 lwru ul h •1 .. 11v 11111 11t1· 1111• 11 1 u younl( J,1p.1111 "'" hciy 11d1111 111f \Ill" l'Ol.IWI 111 Ok11111wu f\rud y. u 1 lllW grncl uu 1t·. II• 11 Na vy h 111>fllt1tl e•11rp ic m1111 , ut1:wl11·d 111 th1• :1rd M111 l 111• D1v1s11in ul <..\1111p C:uut tn1•y Ill Ok11111w11 llti. pu1t•11 tK, Chul'l1•1t 111HI Ht·lll'n ·u Urud y. w h 1> llVl' 1n P11r1111'11111 , :rnul l ~w y rt•t•t•11ll y l't•n •IVt•d u lt•llt•1' lr'lll)I tht•lr SOii, 11 I o n ~ w 1 t h 11 I 1· l t 1• r o f ;1ppn·1·111111111 f 111m the p11 IH·,. !>1Upt·111111 •11d 1•11t 111 Kad1•1111 , Ok1111.1w.i In 111:0. a1·1•11111p;m yang ll'lti·r. tht· :lll y1·;o1 11hl 1·111 pi.mun makt•i. hi.;ht ul tlw 1111d Augui.t r<'M"U1• nt·.11 1h1· K ud<·nu i>l·uw:.all 1n K,1d1•t1J V1llug1· But h1!> pau·nb Ml Y lh1.•y un· Vt I y )JlllUU ul llll"ll liOn ·1r .. 4ultt· llfl)Jlllt•lll '"" ll•IV&'(I th1· hoy',, 1111-." Br uly'11 m11lht•1 -.1111 I Tl11· '""'J'~m1111 1<U1d tw und u I 1 w11d hu r&·111t·d 11 rn11111rho11t UllU W«l 1• l'llj11y lt11( t lw hut Ok11111w1111 ,un. wlu•n tlwy Wl'll' "11ld1·11t v 111te·11 l111t1·d 1,y u g111up 11 1 J .11J11111·i1 " :d111u11ng und 1 14111\\lll~ 11ffi1ls11rt• "I lo11k1•d 111·11u11J u11d \41 my 11u1·1111M' tlw1 (! waiJ 'H ltllh· boy lioldt11t( 1111\0 H lw;wh lmll f11111\hll( 11tx1ut ii 111th• lr11111 Khllll'. .. H1 udy w111h• '1'111' I Wll Sl'l'Vl('\•flll •fl qurt'kly 11u1111•11vt·1 t•d tlll'll bout u11d !>IJ1t•d lllWlll d I hl• boy, plUl'klllj.l 111111 I 111111 tlw 111•11 ;111d n ·1urn111g him 111 'ih11u• wh1•n • tht•y Wt'l'l' m1·1 ._,y "1·1 .... lul11 ltx:ub" und Jap.1n1•!>11• J>11ll('I' 01 lll·t•ri. look down lh•· J)(.111 ·., 11a111lo:., ,ind ""-'V•·ral w1'1·k~ lult•1 tlwv "'''" ,.111t•d to th,. rmlh'f· lllUtlUll "Whe•11 WI' l(lll ll1t•1t• lhl')' b111uuh1 u11 uµ lu 1lw lOJJ flow Tiit•• t• we·n· ulJ11lll :w pul l~t· 111111-.•111111 tlw ruum 01w uf th1·m toltl u ' 141 t.uke• orl 1>Ur ,..hll('!I, 1mcl w.tlk UJJ 111 lhl· "''""'" .. Br111ly Wtt•h' t OIWl' ~utt-d, "111J11wl~1dy ye•ll<·d u wurd Ht JaJM lll'M' llml oil tht· nllll'l'te. st1111J uµ Thl•n hl• ydll·d 11111ll ht•r wont 11 n cl th e·y ll ll h11wl'd , lh1•n :tl(Utrl , anul h t•r wul'd, 1111ll tht•y 11 11 hill but:k J11w11 "C 11 m1·ra11 w1·n· ~'""8 orf 1·v •·r yw h l•r't•,'' 1h1· yo unu •• , 1·111·p!!t1;1:111 !llllJ "~. 11hmJt1l nwlU.'<I ~:: 1111111 t')(l'lh'llll'lll ·~ .. Brady h111le. th1·n · m1uht ht• .• · " .... "'lllll' 11ort M Navy t·m1111wndatl11n .. du1• tlw pwr. but. 1{ 11111, "1t'11 nu ;~ ' l.J1~~11•." ht• W IOh• !•, "It Wdl> f>Url ,,f our Jill.JS '1!> ::·· N,1\'Y ('or~nwn ·· ··! • ~TEVE MITCHELL • nation 's mo11l.'y supply rusl' $4 00 mil l1 un 1n latl' September. its eighth lnl'rl'ast· In the last n1n1· wt•eks, llw Fl!dl'ral R eserve: Board r(•por tl'd Friday "The markets did not hkc thl! numbers" su1d Maury Harris, an l'l·~nom1!.l for thi• invl•s tment firm uf Palllt'. Wt·bb<"r, j a<:kson & Curtis lnl·. .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--: Analysts. who had b('cn exp l'ct1 n g a subs tantia l decline an M I, a measure of funds rl'aclily avr11lable for This dog really was 'best friend' Supermarket bills off Supcrma rk1•l bills dt.'t.'hnt'll during Sl•pll'mbN in thl' fourth mon thly drop of 198:.?, a n Assoc1atl'd Pre s s marketbaskc•t survt.>y shows. T he 14-itl:tn survey a lso shows, however, that the inc reases so fa r t his year h e a vily outweig h the d ecreases , t oday's marketbasket bills are a little mun· th<111 4 pl'ITl·nt h1gh1·1· th:m thl'Y Wl'fl' al th1• st:1rt 11f tht· yt•ur. - Th l' 'Sc· pre m lH• r JH I l' l' dl'l'fl•ast•s Wl·rt.• dUl' mamly to lowl•r pnl·es fur thl' two lx•t•f 1tl·m s o n thl' AP lis t - l·hoppcd l·huck, wh1t:h went down at the cht'l'klist stort• in srven cities. and all-b eer frankfurters, which dedtnNJ in SIX l'lltes. Tanker car explodes LIVINGSTON, L a -A t a nk l'a r l oaded with chemit·als exploded into a vast or a n ge-a nd -w hile fireball and mushroom cloud Friday, tout:hing off more fires in the w reck age of a c h emical freight tra in that dera iled Tuesday. officif.lls said. "It was just one of those 43 tk king time bom bs we had b.--en watching all week," said L t. R o nnie J o n es. a sta te polll't' spokt--sman "Wt• hopt• that this at least to some dcgrcc JUSllftcs why Wl' hav<· not let p«>ple back in the area today." About 2.700 o f the· :i.300 people evat'uated havt' had lO r emain away from thei r homes sim ·t· the 43 cars uf a 10 I ·t:ar Illinois Ccntr<1l Gulf t rain derailed , t rigge rin g explosions an d a tenacious fin•. First nuke plant closed PIT T S B U RG H -The Shippingport nuclear power s t a t ion, h a iled as t ht' begin ning or a new age of a t o m i c exploration by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1954. was taken out of opera tion Friday. e r a ," sa id Phil Ga ron, a spokes m a n f or the Dl•partment of Energy BOHtu :c;o SPRINGS tAP) Thl· story bcgrne. with a young man's t•ur plunging 300 kl·t off a dl'Sl'rl rout! in to a rol·k ·stn .. •wn rav11H'. Hc•'s anjun ·d. ht•lplt•ss. without food and wat1.•r. His only n1mpunion to Sl'l' him through tht• o rdl·al is his dog, ··D o ole y," a 2 -ycar -old Queensland hcclc•r, and a whole bunch of l'UClUS, lizards and Other dt•serl crl'atur<:s. T h is is no t a sL·r1 pl f o r a Hollywood movie . It happened on a dark desert night la!!t Sunday near the winter resort commu n it y of Borrego Springs. about 90 miles northeast of San Dtl•go. Brooks Dl'Kock lost con trot of his ~ar on a winding, lreacherous road ;md il went off the side and l'rashL<d over rocks and boulders. But OeKock . a 26 -year -old jalupcno larml•r. is in a San Diego hospital today a nd recovering fro m his injuries. t hauk s to Uuoley. who clam be red over seven miles of rocky terrain back to DcKock 's Ranchita home to deliver a desperate message - htnffi\slcr nP<'dcd help. "If h e h ad been out t here anoth er d ay, h e w ould h a ve died," says OeKock's mother, Bea Cos t a , who w ith De K ock 's f1anct't!, Jan elle Schepe. began a st·arch after Dooley showed up at th<.• house Tuesday nigh t . With Dooley in the back of- thc1r pickup trUCk "the two began drhtl.ng alon g the st~ep a nd winding Montezuma Grade until thl'y caught sigh t o f t he w r 1: l" k a g l' 11 11 W 1: <J n <· i. d a y m urrung "I str.·p1ll·d oul of lh(' trul·k and startt-d scr<•t.1111ing," C.:osWJ suys "I d idn 't Sl't' how anyo1w t'oultl havl' survivetl that d rup." Costa •and St'ht•pt· run down th<' rnvim• and found. DeKock lying on tht' ground ab<iut 30 fel•t from the car. "H e rl'cognazed me," Costa says. "Th<' first \hang he askr.<d for was somt> water. But ht• was pretty im'Ohcrent. He said, 'Mom, I'm not gonna make it.' And I said, 'Yes you are . You're gonna survive.'" "I asked him about Dooley, and he said , 'He 's gon e, he's gone· He didn't know what he J.the dog) did," sh<· said. Meanwhile. S<:ht•p<> scrambled back up thl' craggy ravine and flagged down a passt•rby who callesJ__ituthontws . DeKock was a rr llftcd by a Lift• Flight medical ht!Wl-optcr to Un1vcrs1ty Hosp1wl where he is bt•ing trc<1tcd fo r facial laC'l'rut1ons. and several cracked vertebrae. He's listed In fair con di ti o n . b ut h as a concussion and doc.-s not recall the acddent. It took Dooley "two d ays to reach home seven mllca aw ay, and Cost.a thinks the reason it tooknim thal long was because he hesitated to leave the sid e of his injured masier. ••1 think Dooley la id beside Brooks and kept him warm until he decided to come home," Costa aaya. ''Dooley and Brooks were In separable a nd h e a lways remained by his 1Jde. T his time he left," Dooley, an Austra lia n Qut-en land heele r, is credited with saving the life of his master, Brooks DeKock , a fte r his car plunged 300 fee t into a ravtne. "It's p r ov i ded much technical information to the nuclear industry d"flG e excellent training ground. In that sense. it's the end of an The plant was built during the 1950s as a joint prOJK'l uf Duquesne Light Co. a nd the f e d e ral governmen t t o demonsuate the commercial u se o f nuclear e nergy . Eisenhower participated in the groundbreaking in 1954 and 11 began operat ing 1n 1957 ConsuHJers keep their clout • econoHJ1c WORLD Huge blast in L O NDON A massive bom b blast in downto w n T e hra n Friday n ight destroyed a five-story hotel and th ree passing buses, leaving "hundreds" of dead a nd in jured , Tehran r adio reported early today. The Irania n stat e radio broadcast. monitored here. said most of the passengers aboard th e three passing STATE Tehran buses were krtled or mjurC'd in the blast . It said the other dead and injured w ere guests in the hote ls or people in rcst.cturants a n d ca fes around Imam Square, forme rly known as Sepah Square. Th e report gave n o breakdown of the dead and injured. By JOHN CUNNIFF Alf 811elne11 AMlyet - NEW YORK Somt•l1mcs w h c n y o u I 1 s t e n t o t h t' i r mmplaints you ll'nd to bC'lwvC' that they'vt• been take n m by c c o n om1 s t s , a d ver t iser s, promoters, h ucksters and others who lik1• to ha ve a say an the way people sp<>nd money. It 1s only after rcllt-.:ttng u bit Boy drowns in FV lake Brown unloads on Wilson A 2-y C'ar·o ld O range boy drowm--d Thursday m the lakt> at Mile Square Pa rk rn Fountam Vallc>y, Orange County Sht•nff's OC'parlmcnt o ff1c1als said Wa y ne Th o mas H o m a n appan•ntly wand<.'rcd away from his mother. Deborah Joy Homan. a nd an unidenttfied thrrd p<>rson Thursday afternoon O AKL AND -G 'ov F.dmund Brown Jr. accused San Diego Mayor Pele Wilson on Friday of "the big lil'" of advocating n uclear arms et1ealation wh ile seeming to be fer reducti on. The Democra tic senatorial candidate told reporters tha t h is Re publica n rival last spring "said that the United SWtl'S should not redUt"t.' until it attarns, quote. superiorit y over Russia, and that calls for a nudear escalation . and lhcn, a long time down the road, redut·tion." "Pet~ Wilson is guilty of the big lie. He is ~ot call ing for reductions now. He's not calling for a halt. He's c<1lling for an escalation." Park ran gers and s hc ri ff's deputies, who we r<' callC'd at about 4 p.m .. found t he boy floating In the la ke about om· hour later. Paramedics wer e• unable to revive t h l' c htld . H e-w as pronount'ed d ead at F ounta in Valley Community Hospital. What do you like about lhe Dally Pilot ? What don't you lik.e? call the number at left and your meuage will be recorded. traNCribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour an1werin1 service may be used to record let· tera to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributor• must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No clrculatlon calls. pleast'. Tell us what's on your m ind -=.:;' OAAHGE COAST CIHtlftM •~91nf 714Jl42·1111 All otMt depertfft9nta 142~J21 ... m:lw~ ...._.,,._ lll'OllOO 1noi;-: JM-u::rr ~ = .'::' copy wll tit ..,,., -lundet II iii~~~= .. ..=,,...~ -I Daily Pilat 0 lltenneth N. Gd~•4 Jr. l>lfec1cw ol 0.-otoom MAIN Off1CE •••••8at'M ,c--..,ca -.u.-.. .... , •. , .... -... , .. - I that you realm.' lhc American cons umer isn't the v1<.·t1m h e often portrays himself as being Onl'l' he might have been, but oh how he's grown m kn owlc•dg<' and awar eness . and ma ybC' responsibility t.oo He bought whl'n he l'O uld afford to buy during tht• easy days of thC' 1970s. a time• o r substanti<1l pay raises. low·c·oi.t cre dit and p o l1 t1 c al adm1nis t ra11o n s that almos t guaFa n teed to kct·p r ecession away from thl' k1tcht'r'I door Pcopk took advantage o f mllauon Thl'y bought real estate with relatively tiny down paym ents and low-cos\ money that banks shoveled at lhem, and then lhey sal bat·k to rest and eontemplate their g r o wing fortunt's Re mrmber this when you encounter a typ 1t:al r espo nse from t:onsumc·rs theSl' d<1ys that they wished thl'y had saV<.'d their money during t he good limes so that they'd be bettt-r o ff t.od11y Question such assertions. The fact 1s that a good man y ,·1insumers arE' relatively well o ff today lx'<.·ause durmg the 1970s they spC'nt their money rather than deposi ted ll in banks <At ratC'S t ha t we re then less tha n half the mflallon rate Now they have a ssets tha t would be much more d1fhl·ult to buy at today's high pm-cs. and that includes not just ho~. but automobiles. home appllam·es ;md furnishings. and who knows, t•Vl'n a l"ill'hC' or dehydrate'(! food When interest rates rose in tht· I Yl!Os some of thL'S<.' same peoplt· did indeed savt' th(•ir monc·v. wh1c·h further underscores tht' notion that ordinary pc-opk• loday know a bit more about J>('rson al finam:£'s than was the ("ase 25 vC'ari. as;(O They hnally rC'bt•llt•d agamsl • buying too Wh(·n pm~ inflated bt·yond whal they rnnsid cred rc>asonllblt> they balked. and tht•y rc•m::un m a balking modt'. mu,·h 10 the distress of car makers and rl'ta1k•rc; m gC'nt•ral They've held on lo tht· old car. and they've reststl'd buying other b1g-1JckC'I nems too FURNACE FILTERS SALE PRICED 59~ II\ the lightweight fiberglau furnoct filter that's energy saving if changed regularly once a month Soving energy means sa vings on your hooting bills this winter! ·- -7 Most ,opular Size• - 20"x20" 16"x2.5'' 16"x20" 1.5" x20" l~"x25" l~"x20'' l~"x20" 20''x2.5" more than you expect In a hardware store caow• a .HARDWARE VJSA• ,_ ,... . I ~· Orange Ooaet DAIL y PILOT l8aturd1y. Ootobef 2. 1982 Pain reliever recalled By 'Mlle A11~laltd Pre11 Thouaand1 of drug u o rf\a pullvd lht' nation'• b4..'l l IK'lllnK pain re llevtir off tholr 1hc lvt•11 iand pol11on "or1 lrol cunlt·r• rnaur~ M hurrait• of wurrlt•d callera u wort! Hpread thnt up to nw pt•opli· hud dh'tl uftt•r wklna£ 1·r un1dt•-lmntt•d to;xtru Strunl(th 'I yh•nol "If you httv11 th111 • tu ~all , clun't worry If II W llli t¢Ollll( tu bt• u lc·thul tlu!it". you wouldn't huvt· tmw lu cal I." ww. tht• udvll•t: f rorn Tylenol removed • 1n county s~ores Sev ... ral drug 11 torl!s 1111d supermarkets 1n Orungc C 1unty have removed Tylenol cupsul1•i; fr om thei r shelve11 s in<.'<' Thursday's report that five people in the• Chicago art•a dwd after taking Extra-Strt'n gth Tylenol laced with cyanide. th1·y t'XIX'<'ll-<l· to rl'l'f•lw ofCklul 1nstrut·11ons Lu du i.o . Wo rri e d O r ungt· C o unt y r1.·i.1dl'nti. h:.i v1.· b<:gun t•alhng tht· P11111un Control Center ut tlw UC lrvmt· M1.-dwa l Cl!ntcr m Orung<.• und a sking which spcc:1f11: lut nu mber, _o ( Ty l<'nol cups ulei. wt·n · found lu l'untarn palls )ll(.•t-<l with 1.·yunadt: tlw dll•'i.lllr of S.•ulth·'• ,J>Oll•on m11t1ul t'l•IHt•r , flr Wllllu111 U Hubt•1 tit011 Ont· Int of Ty t.•11111, nuinbt•r M<':?HHO, w u" r1 •rnllt1d In :t4 Nll1t1•i;, uml J ohllbllll & Johni.on, th1• p u 1t·11l t•11mp1111 y nf tlw 111u11ufo1·tUl'l'r, 11n11oum•1'1I II w11ic t l'l'UlllnM u ll Jt:xtru Str1•t\Hth T yll'nol 111 th1· L'hll'UA{O un•u l}('l'llUIW l)flt' ul th\.· Vlt'tin'UI d1t>d r111111 II 1·u1111UI\• (~mu u butd1 11l11rk1 ·ti I U I 0 Ml> Luwrcncc a. F'os ter, VICl' pr1•slcll•rll forJJubllt• rl'luttons for J u hnwon & uhru;on, 11aid ltw C'upsult•11 t·anl(I from two plants In diff1•rt•11I parlll of lht· muntry. RO 11um1•ont· m µill ha vc• put l ht· l'Yll melt• tn th<' t·a p11u It's w h 1 It· th1·y wt•rt· in ttw Chtt·ugo area. I It· su1d th1:n · 1s no ncl'<l tu re'<: a II tht· I U 10 M 0 bu t<:h from l-tort•s t•IS<>whert• in the country. Somt• dot·tors advisc.-d patients aga ins t toking any Extra - S tn·11 gth T y ll'nol until the s1tuut1on tx.'Cuml' clt•arl'r. AP Wlteptw>lo Back to work Atomic bomb l t link d to leukemia SAL/I' I .AK~; t.'l'l'Y (AP) - Till' 11u rnl)l •1 uf h•uk1•11l111 l''-''K'* u m11111i( 10<1llh1•111 w ho Wl•ll twd I 111~7 uto11111 hon1li h .,.t 111 Nc•vacla WUN 'J. 1 I lll lll°" hlli(hl•I thllll Wh[ll 11w 111 il ly would 111· a 11lll'lputt·<t hl.I Vlt u ('1•11ll'I ~ 1111 D1111:111ot C'11nlr11I rt•h(•1111·h1•1 • l>r Cily11 c: (.'1ildw1·ll , wh<f tc·i.ttlltotl 111 US f>is trn't t'uur[, w111> th1· uuthw of a IUliO study on 1111111111' 1 ••d H•ll•m und l1 •ul<t•llllt.1 • 111 · suid :i !1 1·11~"M ol h•ukt'ml&. 11tut111 l1t·ally 1·11uld Ill' 1•Xf)l'l'l1•d anwn~ tlw :i,:t:t4 1;0h.l1ers who w11m•s.'>t'(I th1• Aug :u . 1!157, tt'!St n tl·k n..inH ·d ·' S uwk y " But Culdwt·ll !>;rnl Ltw n · Wt!n · nine rl'J)(lrll'll lt•u k1•mia l'd M'l> a monc t 111' :t,·159 hl:ii.t o h:wrver s {or whun1 thl· CL>(.' hus information. Tho1,1gh there has been no official warning from Tylenol's ar~.a drug represent.atlvl', many store man.agers are being cxlra- ('autious and either refusing lo sell Tylenol, the nation's best- selling pain remedy, or warning customers about t~e deaths. 0"l 'm not selling them tu an yone," said Burma Redd1<.'k , manager of the 7-Eleve n markl•l a t 2150 P lacentia Ave., Costa Mesa . ·Most store man.agers who hadn't re moved the drug said "W1."r<.' gl'ltmg our s harl' ol 1.'ulls." i;:ml Dr. D<tv1d Schapiro. t.hrt·1.·tur of th1.· poison 1.·ontrol n ·n tt•r II 1s staff 1s rcas!lur1ng t·..illcrs thal none of thr• a(focwtl lut numbt·r11 have turn<.-d up in Orang1.· County Tht•y also un• a n s w t•r1ng question s uuuut symptoms of pmsoning. He said he e xpectc~ publ"· n·s ponsc to inc rease a s more peopl e le arne d about tht· poisonings. Drug stor~s quickly pull<'d bottk•s from a rc<:alled batch o f 4.7 m1ll1on capsull's off their , racks as pharmadsts' hot lines buiwd. Tlw drug's manufac turer, McNeil Consumer Produc ts Co. of Fort Washington, Pa., sent 450,000 lelcxcs lo doctors and rctailt•ri;, ullhough some outlets h1-1d nol heard of the 34-s tate rt'<'all by Thursday night. Actre s .Mary Martin mak(•s un u1>pcurum·•· on tht· TV s how uovt·r Easy," her firs t outing "ince being injured three W(•eks ugo in u truffic accident in which actresi; Jarwt Gaynor wus •·riti<'ully hurt . Calllwt·ll Lt•i.11rw<l 1n tht· trial of •• (<-<lt·rnl i.ull f1lt'Cl by 1, 192 n ·i.1dl·nl!> of Ul:ih. N<'vada a nd AritonJ w ho conll·nd fa llout from ulxwt· ground Nl'vada t<'sl8 t·uuM•d t·um·t·r or olh<·r d1..caSt.-s in th1 •mi.1•lvt·i. 11r n·lallVl'll No t·uurl M·i.1:111m Wa'> :.chl.oduled 1-'11da y, g1v1ng allornl'ys thl·lr '" '' hr Vi1k 111 lht· lhn·l·-wt•t•k-old tn:tl T iii' n•lll JUf'Y trial 1s to r1 •-,u 1111· M11n d ~1 v bt·fort• U S . 1>1i.t1 H'l .ludgi· Hru1·t• .Jc•nk1n .. Reagan skidding on slippery sta.tistics .. WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan, who has been faulted before fol' making factual mistakes in public appearances, gave his crjtJcs new grist by com mi ttl ng some economic bloopera at his news conference this week. · In defending an economk program said to hav e th e h i gh es l unemployment rate in 41 1ears, Reaaan said Tuesday ni_ghl that unem=nt has been rising for the put e, particularly during the end of the Carter administration. "And, certainly," he added, "the rate of increase In unemployment in the last six months of 1980 was just about as great as it has been at any time since." In fact, according to o fficial figures i8ued by the Labor Department. the unemployment rate declined in the last six months 1980, from 7.8 percent in July to 7.3 percent in Oc<'Cmber Ther e was a s p ur t 1n unemploy ment during 1980. but it came early in the year, when the jobless rate jumped Crom 6.2 pem.'nt in February to 7 8 percent 1n July - an increa se of 1.4 percent points . Since Reagan has been in office, the .. jobless rate has climbed from 7 4 percent to 9.8 percent -an lnC'rease of 2.4 points. Adding to the confusion was a goof by the White Ho use press office. w hich prepares written transcripts or presidential news confere m:es. T he transcript 'leaves out the word .. last" from Reagan's statement, quoting him as saying ins tead that "~he rat<' of IO('rease in unemployment in thl· six mo~ths of 1980 was just 'abou t as great The press o ff ice conf irmed T hursday tha t it had omitted th<' word "last." On Tuesday night, in answer to a question abou t when tht• long- promised economic recovery would a r rive.. Reagan said : "For fou r quarters we have seen a growth 1n th<' Gross National Product." Reagan's sta tem ent 1s litt•ra lly <.'Orre<:t , since he did not SAY whethe r he meant four consecutive quarters. the last four ca lendar quartNs or mflauon-adjustcd GNP. But eco nomists always adjust G NP figures for infla tion in mt·asuring ec.'Onc>m ic growth. By tha t standard . GNP has shown growth for only lwo straight quarters -the spring and s ummer . During t h e prior t wo quarters, inflallon-adjus tcd G NP dcdined sharply. Whe n inflation is not takl'n m to a{-counl, the GNP grows almost f'very quurlC'r, whic h 1s why eronomlsts make the adjustme nt to dl'lennlne -:real" cconomic growth Reagan al.so declared that "w e have 5(.'<'n for thP first tune in M?veral years an int.·rt>asc..Jn,..£e41) earnings for our JX'Oplc• beca~ of our battle against tnflallon.'' That stat<!m\•nt 1s not ba<:kl'CI up by government figures. One m e asure shows real earnings sull d(·chn1hg, while a d ifferent measure shows real personal ln<.'Ume has bt'f'n rising fo r years. E.T. lunch box due NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -E.T .. the lovable ~xtraterrestrlal who found a home in the hearta of millions of moviegoers while searching for a way back to his own h ome , is going to school. "'Beginning In early Decembl·r. American youngsters who found the short, scaly E.T . Irresistible will be able to take him k> school -on thl.'1r lunch boxes and thermoses. Al addin lndu st rt es, wh 1('h manufactures a variety of children's lunch boxes. said f'riday ll ss cou nting on year-round .ales rathe r than back-to-school sales to spell success for its lat.est kit. "They used to be back-to-school kits," said Richard Corbin, senior vice president of Aladdin Companies. "But what we expect here is the Christmas buy, which will carry us through spring and then ari.oth1.:r joh I rom th back-to-school kit.'' I le said production of the lunch box was held up because the art work had to mret the· approval of S t.even S pielberg , thC' director o f tht· box offK'C' smash. Corbin said the lunch box market 1s l·hanging bccausf', amo ng o ther things. more children are taking lunch to S(.'hOOI. "The me re weight and efft'Ct of infla tion is such that people arc taking a no ther look at the sch ool lunch program," he said . Also diets have·changed and many pa rents a re trying lo exert some contro l ove r their c hildren's nutritiona l habits. And, he said, aa m orc families have both spou ses working. there is an in(-reasc In the number of preschool children starting day care year round. C:OwbOy boot , probably the tirt of a pnabter, adorn statue of Rurydiee, mythleal Creek character, on campus of Portland State Univenlty in Portland, Ore. ----------·- "10 SILES TAX" ... SALE GE lllERIClll GE 13•• o· Color TV • 1•rona1 • c "''" ,,,,, , • p,°'or "1fontror 0 8 S og,.'"'"• ... , ca,,, u • • El •'"ore ectro,,,c' •20 .,,,,,," ""• ltO ..... ' ... , ..... .... . SOllY COLOR _, I - 19" DIAGONAL TAINITAON • Express Tuning • One Gun Picture Tube RCA ti" NllUL WITI H•TI • Colo rTrak • 127 Channel Tuning • Xtended Life chassis ...... - ~Em No TAX SAYE 40°0 ,us .. Tu -----------------------------f-----------------------------~ 23.5 cu. ft. • Rolls out on wheels adjustable glass shelves SAVE 1 10000 l'kl9 No ..... TH • Energy Saved • Pot Scrubber cycle • 12 Cycles • Big Capacity Ir' INST. 40" REBATE YOU SAVE '1911 Get 2 RCA Video Ofeca FRE! w/Purch11t Over 300· rltlH Avelleble 8tereo Avel ltar w .. Now In 1 RCA 8 Hr VCR i Panasonic Microwave nan .. - • 24 Hr. Programmable • Forward Search • Remote Pause Control I • • • • • MIOllOWIYE • Saves valuable c ounterspace-haa 2-speed fan & fight • Cooks b y time or by temperature with Micro-Thermometer control Built-In Dishwasher • Energy Saver • Tuff Tub Interior • High Gloss Black Door ONLY l_ Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturd1y, October 2, 1082 Al \ • I Save Big on every Evans Black carpet of soil, stain . and wear resistant Anso IV® yarns. Check· us out. V' Six Months Free Interest V' Harlbw's Ten Year Guarantee V' Over 51 Years of Service •• ALLIED CORP. NYLON V' Brand Name Products V' Custom Made Draperies . V' Experienced Salespeople V' Quality Installation ,_,9 Convenient Locations Carpet. Paci And Installation For One low Sale Prke! This dense plush will stand up to the everyday wear-and-tear of 'family living. Easy care nylon fiber construction makes this carpet . unmatched for wear and beauty. - A rich, thick, plush crafted from Anso IV~yarns for years of outstanding performance. Many vibrant colors add to the desirability of this long-wearing carpet. The ultimate in a richly fashioned plush styled for your decorating . needs. With so many sumptuous colors, this carpet will retain Its appearance over years of wear. I A vibrant cut and loop and rugged performance all wrapped up in .one beautiful carpet. The Anso IV~yarns assure quality that lasts. One of Harlow's .best values. A luxurious saxony plush, made of " stain and soil resistant 100°/o nylon yarns-today's most durable carpet fiber. Its many fashion colors make it easy to coordinate with your particular decor. fine CtJrpet fe•hton• by ~rm•trong OAlltDEN QlltOVE Cl""ITOI LONG llACH HUNTINGTON llACH 15073 Ooldenwelt 1hf11no Dofl JoM·1 I Coco t i Convenient Cred!t Terma Avallable I 12802 ·Knott Strttt 11.oe South Str•t 340 E. 4th Stree1 •' 9•• !ifo G1•0•" G•O•I' "'*'' 1Ac•<>U llOIT' ,,,. Coen•IOI ..._.., CAc!GM fl'Offt .... t T 141 IH·M57 • (213) lt4·MH (21a 11MGO C11• •·1111 'LACINTIA 127 E Yorba L1nd1 , 1 I•• Wt1I 01 K•H "'•" (714) Ml·IH1 COM>NA DIL MA,. 3831 Eut Cout Highway 1Ac•on llom ,,._ Crow,,• "-tllUtlnll (714) 171-~I (71., '"'''" • (111t .... , LAGUNA MILLI 233&1 Avenlda de la Carlotta ( .. tween El T0t0 I L.lkt l'nr .. t t•lll l (714) 711-7444 ·------ STOAE HOUAS: Mon. thru Sat. 9 am·5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. tlll 9 Garden Grove open Sunday 12·5 Laguna Hiiia' Mon.•..,ru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-5:30 Sun. 12·5 . . . I Tnese QualltV cnairs are d· carefUllV nan crafted In walnut or natural wood f\nish w1tn i~~~~autV cane bacl<S & seats on sturdV cnrome frames. StOP cna1r $29 57q vatuP $39 SOlld Teak Tables Coffee TaOle $7X27x 19 $199 S349val Imported Teak Bookcases TW0for$178 RosewOOd TWO FOR 5249 ' These gooa 1ook1ng flame qrain teak oookcases are.a speclaf direct 1moort ourcnase ""°are an unoeacao1e value crafted of the fin~t teak veneer with ilel1ustao1e shelves Chev measure 76 x 12', x 35 Alsoava11ao1em walnut finish at s11qnuv nigher prices 8¥'111 oanf'I\ A'" rnn'\fru..-r""'1 Nitti rn.Jtcn1f"tlJ P'l/r BUY $99 ONE FOR EACH Match1nq doors S~9 valuf' s29 -- Fly down to your local PH.Jmmer's for fine international design .at low, low warehouse price~! MldtJYdslr Teak Entertainment Center$395 Speclal 1mPOrt purchase on one Of tne most Oeautttu11v designed Dleces In our inventory 80 · x 17Y, x sr H S545 value AvallaOle In walnut '439 II Tet rlflc Teak wortr Table $ 77 tt'S beautttut. compact and perfect fOr tvPl~=or nlzlno. or plannlno. Put It an re In the S14S value home or office.an get a sweet lltt1e woncplaee at a sweet lltt1e prJCet 36 1118" 11 28" Shop and compare! ~ f' SIClebOard design features 4 large center drawers wltn two slldlng Cloor compartments for large Items on eitner side Hutch features glass Sliders tor OeautV and aust·free storage SldebOard 74" 1ongs275 Hutch 74·· long '195 S389 value .. . .. . ... . $279 value ...... . NtQM stand ~drawers i&x 1gv. x21 .,. A va1ue at S99 LOW oresser 4 drawers 29''• )I 16 )Ct s2~ ~ 1nQ! viowfl• Avaiue a , ' -'< ,. Nice for so many occasions In nano some solld natural beechwood. $22 value $14 each. ~wooa S329val unlQue d~IQn oives vou 3 tlbl~ ttlat stack Into one cube or extend or tnree units side by side walnut S23Svat $189 $99 INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE \' ". WllT LOI ANGILll • 8876 Venice BIVd. • C213> 837 ·0138 12 Dtocks east Qf Robertson I SANTA MA. 1540 E. warner. 1714> 557·0611 laetWeen orand' NewPort F~ Exit on over Rd I Sii VAUIY • 12240 Sherman way1 No. HOllVWood • (213> ?65·0401 iaetwH n HOllvWOOd FWV & u uret canvon1 PAIAGINA 180 S. Lilke Avenue• (2151449·6741 tTWo t>locks soum Of cotorado> SOUTH MY. 23855 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance. (2131 3?8·9473 (()ne DIOCk north Of CoaSt HWVI •lllON VltJO • Marguerite Plaza • (7141 495· 3252 tletWffn crown v.1iev1 & Avery Ptcwvl SC VAUIY • 15711 E. Valley BIVd .. City of Industry• (213> 961 ·9809 12 t>tocks eanOf Hactenda e1ve1 1 --· OPIN 10 to I -SUNDAY NOON to S All fumtrurt crafted Of me finest wnten-tNnV lt9mS are uN SHmt>l.a In cartons fOr easy DICk up Pr1Cft and merct\lnCllH SUOjt(t to stock on Nnd ........ ,.. • j I 1 r •. - ,_ ' llllyNlt ""'I SATUROAV,OCT 2. 1982 Mnln''"· i ,.,,., .... 0 COMICS 812 110 q11 h·k t•1ul u ENTERTAINMENT 813 '" . .;t,.ikf•. IJ.'J. TELEVISION 814 , Angels can almost taste champagne Zahn blanks Texas 4-0; they can wrap it up today Tht• Angels' By CURT SEEDEN Of tM D ... l' fltlot Slaff Thl' champagne 11\ the Angel clubhouse aged another Friday. which is fmc. And when starter Qooff Zahn loadl>d, lhe ~'8 In the lop of the nlnth Inning Friday nl~ht, Manager Gene Mauch also aaed. But even that was fane. Mauch let thl' casy·goang left-hander du his stuff against the Texas Rangers. and Zahn responded by pit.chang the Angels to a 4-0 victory, clinching at least a tie for the American League West pennant before 39,558 al Anaheim Stadium. Zahn worked himself out of the comphcatro mess Friday nighl. lhere Is nothing complicated about the Angels' qut.-sl for their 5'.'COnd divisional title ever. They n<'ed only a victory an their next two games, or a Kansas City loss in the Royals' final two with Oakland to claim the title. In short, their magic number is Ont.'. "I feel good right now becauSt' we're one ste p closer to feeling great," noted Maul'h, who is in search o( his first managerial championship in 23 years. "We're not looking for any tie. I like the fact we're controlling our own destiny," MauC'h added. Spt'aklng of co11trol, Zuhn hud it. lk dit.ln 't walk ll bulll'r ond limilt.>tl tht.· t<tH\f(t'r!I lo just r1w hi t:. thn·1• o f tht.•m t'O m lng to lead off the pre<:arious ninth anmng It has bl't.'Omc t.•vld1•11t 1h1~ llt•IJ:>(Jn , now that 160 or the 162 ll(.'heduk't.l g1ul\l•:-t hovt.• bc.·t•n plarl-O, thal a rully by the opposition 1s m·orly uutomoll<' for the Angels And more· tJmt."i> th;rn not, thf• rully has turnt'<i the game around. Sudt wu:. not th(• case Friday On TV today channel 5 at 1 night. Aller allowing conSt-c.·utivt' singles lo the fearj.-'d Make. H1chan.lt and and Wayne Tolleson and a noth<!r to leadoff hitter George Wright, Zahn found hi1J1selr fat.-c-to-fal'C with Bill Sample. who rcpresen(i'd the 1yint( run. "I wanted h im lCJ finish 1he inning," Mauch said later. "h 's hi tters like Tollt.'80n a nd Ril'hardt who givt.· Zahn a little nwrt.• troublt.· So aflC'r a short convl•rsat10n with his pit.<:her, Maut·h dt·purtc•d . Zahn promptly struck out Sample. s truck out dt'S1gnuwd hitter Lamar JBhnson and got 4 Dodger~ still alive SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The Dodgers' Rick Monday. who let the San FrancJSCO Giants down two n ights earlier, broke lhe1 r hearts Friday night with an eighth-inning grand slam homer. "The other night came int.o my mind. I've been seeing that hne drive m my sleep." admitted Monday after powering Jerry Re uss and the Dodgers ':<>an important 4-0 victory over the Giants in their fight for survival an the exciting National League West race. Re uss s topped the Giants with a three-hit performance and said, ''I pitched better tonight than when I threw a no-hitter here two years ago." With twu games remaining, the Dodgers trail the first-place Atlanw Braves, who beat San Diego 4-0 Friday night. by one gamt'. The Giants dropped to third. two games back, with the 1068. "We've just got to keep winning and hope San Diego can beat Atlan ta," said Dodgers Manager Tom Lasorda. "h 's as simple as that." On Wednesday night, the Dodger suffered an eigh th straight Joss, falling 4-3 to the Braves in a 12-inrtlng game. With the bases loaded in the ninth, Monday lined out to se<.'ond base to end the inning. The GianlS, who had beaten the Houston Astros a few minutes earlier, sat around dio an their clubhouse that n ight and rooted fo the Dodgers. They groaned when Monday's liner as caught by All~mta's Glenn Hubbard. Monday caused more disappointment for the Giants Fnday mght when ht> homered on a pit.ch from Fred Breining. "He's been doing that kind or thing for us for several years. hitting the big home runs lo wan games," said Lasorda. recalling Monday blasts such as the one which won last October's final National League playoff game against Montreal. Gian ts starter Fred Breining. 11-6. issued has fourth walk of the game. putting leadoff hitter Steve Sax on fi rst in the eighth Breining then struck out Ken Landreaux but Dusty Baker singled to center and Steve Garvey walked to load the bases. Natlonel League Weet Braves Dodgera Giants W L Pct. G,f3 88 72 .550 87 73 .544 1 86 74 .538 2 Friday'• 1core1 Dodger• 4, San Franclpco 0 Atlanta 4, San Diego er. Today'• gem•• Dodger• (Welch 15-11) at San Francisco (Ma rtin 7-10 or Laskey 10-10). 1 p .m .. Channel 11. Atlanta (Mahler 9-10) a t San Diego (Montefusco 10-10). 7:05 p.m. Game• remaining Atlanta (2) -Away (2): to <fay, Sunday, San Diego. Docfgere (2) -Away (2): today, Sunday, San Francisco. San Francisco (2) -Home (2): todar,i, Sunday, Dodger•. San Fran<:iS<.'O Manager Frank Roblnson went t.o the mound at that point. talked t.o Breining and decided to leave the right-hande r in lo face Monday. who hll his 1 llh homer of ~he season deep into the nghtrwtd scats on a 1-1 pit.ch. The blow stunned the Giant'!' biggest home crowd of the season. 53.281 Reuss. who p1tt.·hed a nu-hiller against the Giants here two years ago, struck out seven a nd walkt.-'d three as ht' improv('(f l'us season record t.o 18-11 with h is fourth shutout or the season . The only hits off the lefthander were a one-<>ut double in the S('(:ond by R<•ggle Smith, a two-out single by Johnnie LeMastcr in the eighth, and a lt>adofC sing)(' by Jim Wohlford in the ninth. Lurry 1'11rnsh to ground 1nt11 u g<.1111l· 1•11cJm~ (111 n · pluy 'Zahn, who 1:. t.lili(hl ly lt·Ns 1111111wlt·d a11d vo<:1frruus thun u 11wt•k llhrttn<111, ww. pa1·twul:11 ly l·hurgl-<l Fmlay 111Khl "Yl'uh, 1t was .1 hN'll<.' lllKht," ht· .1<.J1111ll1·J aftl·rwurtf. "It's ,j lug Wiil rm Ub I was JU\t ~l;1d Ill Ix· out thl'I l'" Adtll-d Muue h on l11s plll'h<'r "Thi· 11\:.111·., kcyl'<i up Stoit.·1sm l·.111 la ... t only so lrmg" At·tuully, tlw Angels got tht· only run i'~1hn nL'l-<led 1n thl· f1rbt inning when 1-'n.U Lynn l'r;ll'kt·d his iot h homt.· run of thl· season ufC T<'x:t!. st.11·tt ·1 John Butt:ht·r (I 5) The• Angt:li. got thl·lr ~"t:und run in tht.• st"t'<ind a!-. Doug D<..Cm<.·c-s sangh.:d. Bobby Grich walkt.'<l, Tim Foh sat-rifwC'd and Boh Hc1C1r1t· linl-d to right, brangmg Dt.{.:1m·t.~ home· An RBI sinj.Clt~ by Rod Can·w and He•ggH· Jackson'11 RBI doubil• duSt•d ciut tht· Angt'I S<'<>nng an tht• sevt.•nth, a nd th<· rest was up to Z<ihn And that, in turn, mt•unt a lot was up to Zahn's 1nfic·ld. Th<' 11low-throwing, smke•r-ball p1lcht•r wus 111 the gn><>Vt'. forcing tht· Ha niwr:. into 1 :~ ground out:. -two for doublt.· pl<1ys. Zahn's rt't·ord 1s now 18-U. ancl h1· was uskt•d tf <See ANGELS, Page 82) . rnagu: nunaht.·1·: American League Weit W L Pct. GB 91 69 .569 89 7 1 .556 Angela Royals F rlday•1 acore1 Angels 4, Texas 0 Kansas City 12, Oakland 7 Today'• geme1 2 . Teic.as (Hough 16-12) at Angels (Forsch 13-11), 1 p.m .. Channel 5 Oakland (Keough 11-18) at Kansas City (Blue 13-12) Game• remaining Angels (2) -Home (2): today. Sunday. Texas. Kansas City (2) Sunday, Taxas . Home (2) to day, Dally Piiot Photo by Cllatle• Start The AAg.-ls· Doug 0f•Cin<'t·s fi•··lds a ball hi1 hy 1tw Rn n~t·1-s· Georgt• W rig ht in tht· fir~I inning. Angels get some help from the Angels Tempers heat up at talks By JOHN SEV ANO oftMDally'11ottuft "Wt.• would hke to win it In front of our Cans.'' said Tomm:y John. "but I remember when I was with the Yankees in 1980 and we won 103 games. Foll cxplaant'<i .sm11l· "As far a!> I'm l'Ofl<.t·rm'fi. Ju!>t o:. lo ng a .. 11·~ d11nc <.jllll'kly. right? WASHINGTON (AP) -A resolutibn of the 11 -d ay old football strike seeme d as rar aw ay as ever Friday after egotiations between the striking players and the league broke off in a surge of heated tempers. The players, insisting that they were being degraded and insul- ted by the owners. announced after four hours that they cot.lid go no furthe r a nd said they would be back today. But Jack Donlan. the ownerR' ch ief negotiat.or, said he wasn't sure If he'd be present and said a mediator was the only 10lution to the impasse. How ever, after tempers cooled a fe w hours late r, both sides agreed to resume talks today. The four-hour seHlon, o nl>' 1 ~ hours of which were spent m face-to-face negotiatJons. was de- voted chiefly to an issue periph· eral to the financial impasse thut caused the strike -access by players to their medical records. But even on that. there was absolutely no agreem ent, a nd ronslderable personal invective. "It's pre tty dl.gUitlng to alt in a room and be lnaulted the way they Insult us," Gene Ups~aw, pr~dent of the players' union. '131d after the M!11Slon. Stan Whlteo , a Oc.>troit L ion11 llncboc:kcr and union negotiator. added. "They don't want players to have a ny right.II at all -the rights to know about their bo- d le s , t o see t.heir m e dica l rccon:l•." Minutes af~r the talks were •haJuid, the usualJy unflapf>'ble Oon!U-could ~· rd behlnd a clOMod aoor cu n1 the pl11ycn1 who had left e room . ., -· If the truth was t.o be known. the Ange ls wouldn 't hovt• wanted it any other way After 160 games. the Angels no longer have to rely on anybody's he lp. They can do it on thl'1r own. One more game. One more victory. That's all Gene Autry's team needs t.o wrap up its St."C<>nd divisiona l t itle in the club's 22-year histor y. "I don 't ca r e what they (Kansas City) do. We're goi ng to do it," proclaimed third baseman Doug DeCinces immediately after the Angels reduced their magic number to "l" with a 4-0 victory over Texas at Anaheim Stdium Friday nlgl'l. "This is a good feeling," addt'd shor~top Tim Foll. "But it's not as good as it's going to. feel if we w in the game tomorrow." Indeed, the Ahgeb had plenty to fret good about. After letting two o ppo rtunities to c linch matters escape them in Kansas City, the Angels made darn certain they weren't going to ma ke the same mistake at home against the Rangers. "We'r e in good sh~pe." Fol1 admitted. "Now all we ave to do is go out and win • b.'ll gamr." "Tonight wu o n e of th<' biggest games o f the seMOn· for us." offered Rod Care w . "We d idn't want K ansas City o r Oakland to win it for us. We wanted to do It out'8elvea.'' For that to happen. thf' Angels would have to jUJJt win one ot their remalnJng two garrlct with t he Rangera. And , aa far as Manager O e n e Mauc h ls concerned. hl''d just as 900n aee thlnp 10 no rurthcr than this afternoon ( 1 o'clock) when Ken Fonch (13-11) t.akf't on Ctu•rllc- Houah oe-12). "There's n o su ch t hing as backing into a pennant.'' c·h1med an Mauch. "Tht.• schedule 1:. set up for a 162 games and wh<>eVl'r wins the most wans 11 .. I'd lovl• lo look up and !>l't' Oakland ll•adang by i:1 hund1 or runs in the fifth inning ·· "Wt• would n•rt;m1ly like· to gt•t 1t uvl•r with tomorrow ," !:"red Lynn agn't-d "Wt· would likl• 10 ht> ablt· 10 t•o ntrol llUr o wn de; tmy <ind w<.• n m do that w11h a win "We won all those games and the Tigers s till had to beat Baltimore on a SaLurday fo r us to win the pennant. Naturally, it would be sweet for us to do it oursc:lves, but the main thing is to win regardless of how w e do it .. The Angels thus figure to do a little scor.,board watching todoy as the Royals-A's conte>sl will start 45 minutes ahead or their affair w ith the R an~er:. Remember. 'a Royals los.'! 1s JUSt as good as an Angels wan "Wc'r f! planning on doing it oursclvt•s , but 1r that doesn 't happen. we'll take 11 any way we• can g<>t it.'' St1id Bob Boone• with ~· Yt·ah. but wouldn't 11 l.1t• nll't' to win It for Gl•ne.• Autry. Gt·iw Mauch and the fans? "To tc•ll vou th(· truth. rm not wo1 nc-c:f uhout (;t''"' Aull v 1'1n not wornt'(f about c;t'IH ' M.1ue·h And I'm not wo1 rll'd .1l>ou1 tlw fans," said Buum· "All I'm worrll'<l about lS gl'lltng 111to thr playoffs ··W1· know wc•'n not gCJmg to ~WI ~iny twlp W1•1t· gmng lo hnve lo tin II h1·rc " l>n1·~ 1h111 nw.H\ 1h1• Angels 1·x 1wt 1 ttw ,·hampJgnc• to be flow111~ ah1•1 today's game•'} A number of Angel teammates l-choc-d John's sentiments. "It doesn 't ma tte r how you wan, just as long as you win," "And bl·li1•v1• 1111" wc"ll c·c •lt>hra ll' JUSt a:-h ;11 d no 111111 t<'r how we• <lo 1l " "\' •·s.'' :.u1d D1·C1nc·<·i. with a gnn ·Th:11 's whot wc"r" rommg 1111 t h1·rr· fur " Corona del Mar comes alive, 23-1 By ROGER CARLSON ~ of Ille D .... Not Staff .. lt wasn't perfect. there was a flaw or two in Corona del Mar High'!! display of Sea View League footbaU Friday night. but it was about as pure an effort as you're going to sec. Estancia High Coach Ed Blanton will bear it out. , "They JUSl outplayed us," said Blanton Collowm g hi11 team 's 23-7 defeat at thl' ha nds o ( the Sea Kings before 3,500 a t Newport Harbor High. "T h <'Y outplayed u s everywhere," t'onllnued the dejected Blanton . The Seo Kings put toge ther an offensive package that included Lance Martln'ti 166 yorcha on 32 carries. Including a 34-ynrd touchdown run In the first quarter. And, \hey comblm>d It whh a new found aeria l package •• quarterbac k Cork y C.rpentcr hooked up with Don Pryor for 123 yard• on four completlom, Including TO ~ of 68 a nd 20 yards. Defe nse? The Sea K ings smothered Eat.ancla'a att.ac:k. limiting t~ l'.lgleA to • mere 3 1 yards on tho around ( 1.2 yards pc.>r ruah) a nd &6 thro\.lgh the .air (49 of those yard• comlna In the final. fruhlftt lour\h quarter for Ettanda). .. "Our game plan was a :1uper .)Ob.'' said Corona dcl Mar Coach Dick Morris "Wl' just pu:ked their defense apart ond it wus on<' or th<' ranc-st gam<'s Corona dcl Mar ha!> played in a long tim<'." Desplle the t otal dommanl'e by the• winners. t h er<> was still some sh aky moment.s for the Sea Kings when a l);1d pitchout rt>sulted in a 2J yttnJ loss wnh t)w Eagle:. taking control 0\ th1• CdM 13. The Sea Kings wt•rf' holding on to a » 0 leod (Martln'11 :i4-yord dash and a ~frty, provided by dc•f('ndt'r Jeff Brown) Then.> was 11tlll 9:30 le ft 1n lhe th ird quortt.1r und on the fl~t play Matt Spll'f> brokt owr the right side for the l :i-yard wuchdown and Gc·rnrdo Borrngan's PAT narrowed the count to 9· 7 "l thought. •My Cod. here we go again," sold Morrls. alluding to hl1 team's 27-"7 loss o wc-ek ago In n o n ·leagu pl"Y when Caplatrano Valley K'Orcd 27 tourth-que rtcr pointa. But whotevcr thouf{ht• the Eagles entertained about u mlracl rally w en • quickly ctashed u C.rpcmtcr. billed a a good 1n4an wl\h a hondoff, showed he t'an go to the air. to<> M11rtm rc·turrll'cl llw k1l·kol I :~:i varcls arid thrc>t· plav:< la1t•1 Cai J>t•t11t·r W(•nt to Pryol' down tlw l<'fl s1dt'hnt· Pryor <:aught 1t over his i.hould<'r 01 th<· Est.inrw :1~ and r~<'Cd th(' n·mu1ning t11stant·c• to t·on1pl1•1t• the ritl v11rd o;c•oring play and the· Sen King~ w1•n · 1111 tlw1r wny "It was JUSt u quick up," ~ud Morns '')I' Just thrt•w 11 ci(•c•p, nothing fancy " A hml l'<'ntt•r ~nup lawr ga~ U.tanc·m th hul l at thl• Cd M 2 4 , hul Hobl'lt S tt•fnno mtPr<'t•ptt•tl to pr1•st•rvc• ttw Hi 7 lc-nd. provult.-<I hy Pryor Thi· S1•;i KlnR~ got on tht> st•orC'lxmrd with fl:03 IC'ft when Corpt•ntt•r Wt'n\ to Pryor aguln. th111 t1mt• rrorn 20 yurd s out on o fourth down ('(fort ~t.onda's J)O!\.~mg gomc was alS<'I hur\ budly by turnoVC'nl as Martin nnd JO<' Pnluck (lwlct') also coml' through with lnt<'rreptlon1t , 'l'h1• dt'!t..nslvc· 11t11rs W<'l'C et C'verv front mu.-ct v1111bly (n>m Tyl<'r John"IOn, Tony Ncsc. Polut·k . Chris Orr, John On~tott, Brown and P11ul Wal.!IOn Wotson'~ collision with Fat4nda r(Wivcr floy Urm.oW>n sent the lo n er to Hoe.g Uosp1t.al <See SEA KI NGS, Pa1e 84 I . _....__ t ft2 Orange Ooa11 DAIL V PILOT /81turd1y, Ootober 2, 1812 ,,-~-:-------------------,----~-------------------------------....------Roy a 11 stay a11ve by beating A's Orioles cut Brewer lead to one game From AP dl1patches BALTIMORE The M1lwuukt"' Ill Brt.'wers generally hvl' by thl' hunwr, but they also die with it wtw n thl'y fa<.,'e the Baltimore Orioles. The Orioles included f1v(.• homl·rK among thl'ir 28 hits as they clubbed the Brt•wt>rs 8·3 and 7-1 to sw('t'p Friday's twinight duublcheudcr and pull lo Wllhm one game or thc Brewers In thl• American L eagu e East with ·two gaml'b DAVll and Jim Dwyer. r't•maining. . F o u 1• o ( t h c r o u n d - tr1ppe 1·s came 1n s up · port of a s ix ·h l t ter by r oo k ie Storm Davis , acc.'OUnting for all but one of Baltimore's runs in the 7-1 night.cap. 4" The first game attack of 15 hits includL'<i a homer by Ke n Singleton, and thret• safeties apiece by Rich Dauer While taking eight of 11 this season from the Brewers, who lead the major leagues with 211 homers. the Orioles have out.homered them 21 ·I I. "Pitching lS 90 pen.-ent of this game," said Baltimore Manager Earl Weaver. "We got two very good pitching performancc.'S, plus a real good reher job from Tippy Martinez. It's not easy to hold this ballclub down." Asked if the Brewers might be getting a bit scared going into the final two games or thl• season. Weaver said: "I don't think so. T hc•y JUSt ran into some good pitching, tonight. When you get good pitching. you're going to look good." Quote of the day Richie He bner, about his feelings ! . during the period in which h e w as designated for assignment by th~troit T iger s before being picked up 'Oy the Pittsburgh Pirates: "h 's like I come to the ballpark and get dressed and don't know if I'm going to be here for the game. It's like a plane circling the airport." ; • f f..___ ____ ----' t Niekro brings Braves a step closer Veteran knuckle baller Pbil Ill • Nleltro hurled a three-hit shutout and j clouted a two-run homer to give the Natio n al L eague West -lead ing ~ Atlanta Braves a 4-0 victory over San Diego ' Friday night. Nie kro, 17 -4. st1'tlck out eight -six f in the first three innings -and walked none in f pitching his second straight shuto ut and 43rd of I his career. He two-hit San Francisco last Monday . . . Elsewhere. "ookie Terry Leac~ blank e d Philadelphia on only one hit for 10 innings in his fi rst st.art I o f the season a nd H•bie Brooks drove In the game's only run w ith a sacrifice {)y to guide New Yo rk past the Phillies. 1-0 Gary Redu scored o n a double t steal and Tom Lawle11 raced • •1u10 t home on a s uicide-squeeze • play as Cincinnati stole six bases and took • advantage of four Nolan Ryan wild pitches to e beat Houston, 4-2 . . . Tim Wallach, a fonner •University High •a nd Saddleback College ! standout, cracked his 27th homer of the season • and Gary Carter stroked a two-run single with , the bases loaded and two outs in the 11th inning ' to help Mon treal to a <:<>me.from·behind 8·5 win t over Pittsburgh. The Expos scored twi("e in the. • top of the ninth to lie 11 and send 1t into extra ~ innirygs. (Unser Jr. tops Riverside field RIVERSIDE -Al Unser Jr . of • Albuquerqul'. N.M .. led the opening ~sessi on of Can·Am qualifying a t 1 Riverside International Raceway Friday m preparation for Sunday's Mcguiar's ~ G rand Prix. t Ual Mrftae hll ~wu·ru11 huuu•r Ill IUl.d 41 bu " luu<lt•<.I trlJ>h· tu JHIWl'I K111111u.-t'1t y tu •• J ~ 7 vklory 11v\1r C>11kl11nJ ~·rntoy 111~ht Ii tlw R11y11la ruul(ht ort 1•hm1t111Uon In thl• Auwrkun l;1•11#{Ut• Wt•"I rm-.• Mdt1w'• C1vt• UUI pu11lwd hht lt•ut(IW ll·1l(ll11.i tuLul tu 1:1:1 <Jeorae Breu 11ln.i1t .. 1 ul ttw Hnct 11ml M.'on·d 11lw1ul 11! Mdt1ll''" :.!7th l11111wr, rur'Hhl o i -:t lie utt1•r Owuynt Murphy'• I w11 11111 hu11wr. "'" :t71h. huct wv1•n Ouk l11 11d t lw 1,.,,J ~~hwwlwt t'. 011 ve S taple ton t1·111l1•d honw tllL' go·uh1·11d ru11 1111d l11t1•1' M'Orttd In tlk I i th iru1111g tu propt•I Soe1ton pu11t N\•W York , :1 :.! r.ary Gueul l11t u twt1-1 u11 doubll•'u11tl Mm1w~o111 111ppt•d C:h u:ugo, :i :l Oave Stieb rt'<'OI t.lt'<I ttll l\1111•111-.111 Lt·UKU•• lt•11J1111( filth llhutout, p1tl·hing u (1J ur l11t1t•r , to ll·ud 'l'w 111ll1• p111<1t St•uttll·. :l 0 Alan Tnunrnell druvl· 111 1 wo runs a nd Rick Leach M'Orl·d twlt't' ax I:Ntro1l won the St't.'tmd gaml' of a douhlt• twndl•r rrom Cleveland, 4·2 Tht• Indians won thl' oix·nl'I, :1 2, as Carmen Custlllo dnllt•d u solo hurnl'r 1n tlw ninth inning. Baseball today On this datl' m l);.l~d.>;111 Ill I !HJll S t Luu1~ at'<' nob Gibson rt•c·urdt·d ti World Scl'll'~ n't·11rd 17 stflkl•out~ a:. tht• C<.1 rtl111als bt·al ~ht• l.X•tm11 Tigl'r~ 4 0 1n tlw Sl•ril-s opt•1wr On 1h1s d.Jtt· in HIJK. Cll•vd<tnd'~ Bob Fclll'f struek uut ,1n AmC'fll'an Lt'ugu1: rt'<.·l1rd 18 T1Kt•rs In u 4 I Indian loss lO Detroit. On this dull' Ill 1920. Tth.· Cincmnull Rl>d)i <ind lhl· P1tlshurgh P1ratt•s partk1patt:d Ill thl' only tnpll'lu·adl·r in mtxlcrn mu.111r IC'agui• history, with thl' Rl·<.b winn1111ot two gumPs and tht> P1ratl•S tukrng one Tucfoy 'x b1rthdHy: Fornll'r DocJgt·r shorU>top M~1ury Wilb 1s 50 -Haas holds lead in Texas Open Jay Haas, who hasn't made a l!I bogey in the golr tournament. shot a solid 3·under·par 67 a nd retained a one-stroke lead a fter the second round of the Texas Open in San Antonio Friday. "I'd like to have been a couple of more under, but I'm very pleased with my play." he said. Considerably less pleaK'd with their e fforts were PGA title-h older R ay Floyd, defending champion Bill Rogers, Lanny Wadklaa a nd Jury Pate. All o1 th.em missed I.he cut for the final r ound ... Sandra Haynie posted a 6-under-par 67 despite bogeying the final two holes to take a one-shot lead over Katby Wbitwortll a fter the second round of the lnamori Classic In San J ose. Haynie's 31 on the front nine set a tournament rl"COrd . Patty Sbeeba n and Pam Gietzen were tied for sea>nd at 139 ... J a pan's Norlo Suzuki, aided by a hole-in-one. s ho t a 4-under·par 68 and moved m to a tic with Terry Gale of Aus tralia in the Gene Sarazen Jun Classic in Tochigi. Japan . McAdoo, Landsberger absent Th e de f c•nding Nati onal • Basketball Assoc:1at1on champion Los Angeles Lakers Opt'ned camp Friday at Loyola Marymount University with 16 players on hand. The only veterans not in camp w ere forwards Bob McAdoo and Ma rk Lands btrger. Nt>1ther player has signed a <'ontract for the 1982·83 season . . Ted Tarner testified at a <'Ourt hearing Friday th:.it 1{ the Atlanta Brav<'S rea("h thl1 Nation:.11 League playoffs. his s t ation. WTBS-TV . has a legal right to televise thl'lr games. Turner k'Stif1ed at a hearing In U.S. Dtslnl·t Court in New York that SC'Cks to bar WfBS from carrying Brav<· playoH gamt'l> on grounds 11 would viola'fe an exclusive t<"let·ast by A BC McADOO Darrell Waltrip ll'CI th<· rirst round or quahfy1ng for the Holly Farm~ 400 NASC AR l'Vcnt, t•dging Bobby Allison ond T erry Labonte by narrow margins at Nurth Wilkesboro Spc:•cdway in North Carolina . Veteran forward Robert Reid, who took an I I ·day leave of absence last season to pondl·r whethl'f his NBA t·arC'C'I' conflicted with his Penta<.'OStal faith. says he• is retiring from the Houston Rockets io devote more lime tn his religion • Pirates play potent Pasadena ~ Sf,ddleback seek s to exte nd streak B!fa1n I LA Southwest t,i:. §Orange Coast College hopes to get its offense in gitonight -a tall order con side ring the o lion is powerful Pasadena CC -when the P • tes host the Lancers in a non -conferen ce f ball contest. & .... :•! And al Saddleback. Coach Ken Swearingen's aftchoe put an 18-game win streak on the line a.nst LA Southwest. Kickoff for both games· is 71!. ·'!-At Orange Coast. quarterback Clay Tuck<'r will ~:! Q.s. has 2-0 lead ..• .. , { PERTH. Australia (AP) -Gene Mayer and J•hn Mc~nroe each won singles match Friday to ~e the United States a 2-0 lead in a Davis Cup sr.'lfmal. ; Mayer. playing his first Davis Cup, toppled John tiexa nder 6·4, 3·6. 6· l . 6-2 after McEnroe had en three hours to dispose of Peter Mc Namara 6H. 4·6, 6-4, 6*2. . r~ The McEnroe-McNamara match, pluyt>d at a hlih level of aklll, C'nWrtalned the crowd of 5.000. ~CEnroe. constantly sniping a t lint'3mf'n, was twlcr- .rncd for mi.conduct by Frcrn:h umpire Patrick rops. He a nnoyed both th<' rans and U.S. p~ln Arthur Ashe . A11h<' has conalate ntly c Uclzed McEnroe's o n-court conduct in Davis Cup ay. I "Arthur and I do not agree on the conduct hk'h should b<-shown In Davia' Cup matche!S." c1'~nroe said "He w11 not happy with my havtor. "I wa nted hit tupport. C wu lrrit.oblc In the ~ -little thlnp alway• St"' you down." once again test a broken ankle suffered eight wct.•ks ago. AhN being sacked 12 limes by Saddlcback last week. Tucker was hobbling. but he figures to be back In the starting lineup tonight. "Clay was a bit stiff and sore afler tht> game.'' admittt'<i OCC Coach D1('k Tucker. Clay's father. "He didn't hurt his ankle last weekend. so al should be a bit stronger this week." Tucker is also hoping his oHense is a little "trongc r. The Piratt'S could not run the ball against Saddleback in last week's 21 -0 setback. Tu("ker threw w ell enough when he had th <' <'hant.'e. comple ting 9 of ,23 p;uises for 99 yards . l"lve receptions were hauled in by sophomor<" Mike Gidding11, good for 76 yards. Pasadena CC boasts speedy tailback Lynn Williams a nd quarterback Clinton Covington offensively. Split e nd Mik<.' Sanford ls C.'<.>vington's principle receiver and one of the fast<'8t players on the LarK-ers. OCC's strong point in tht• Sues' first two gumc-s has been its defense>. portlcularly tht• play of linebackers Roger Roelle. F.ctdle Kt-sky and Chnrlw Herbert. In addition. dt•ff'n11ivc bock Biii Grey ha11 two interceptions In two gaml'tl for the 8u('8. At Saddleback. the Gauchos own :. n 29·gamt• home winning 1trl':ak. and thley figure" to mekt' It 30 after tonight's encounter with LA Southwcet. The Coug&rt aro 0·2 this scu80n. Saddlcback handed LA<SOuthwest • 28·3 dc(~Al on<' year ago Quarterback Craig Mlllt'r and running back JlfTl Oletd are the Gauch os' bigge8t offon11lve thrcoUI. Miller hit recelv('r John M•rshall for a 20-yard TD paa8 In last wf'<'k'• victory over OCC • and finished t.he rainy n11ht with • 10-for-24 effon, aood for l r>-4 yards. He WM also lnt.crcept4..>d three time.. however. f Doug DeCince sc'ores early for the Angel on a 'acrifice by Bob Boone as catc he r Jim S undbf"rg awaits u bela ted throw. ANGELS CLOSE TO TITLE • • • From Page B1 he 1s l'nll•rtaming any thoughts o( <• Cy Youn8 award "I havt•n't bt.'<'n thinking about 1t all al all with all the sturr that's been said a~ut our p1td'11ng staff," Zahn responded. "I mL·an. ·tc) sneak up hkt- that and win th<· Cy Young. It JU'>I wouldn't be· right." he added, doing his bl-st lo to k<.o('P a stru1ght face. "Tonight was one of the b1ggt-st wins of tht· season.'' added Carew. "We JUSt have· t<• forget abou( tonight's game. I JUst hope W<' c-Jn win It tomorrow. 1 don't want It to t.'Om(.• dowr1 to th<• last gam£' of the season.'' "h would havl• been Ol<'l' to chnt.·h ll in Au~usl, hut we'll tak<' 1t whl·n w<• can wk<· 1t," n11tt•J DeCmt·es, who fwlded 10 groundNs at third flawll'ssly and 1Knlled two douhl1· plays cm th1· night "Coming orf the Kansas City ~·• ws. we had play<-<l six gaml-i. and won four or tht•m," added Zahn "Wt• felt wt• hud come too rar tu lei thing~ gl't away. "We'll takt• tomorrow very Sl•r1oui.ly" H:.ingcr)i 1s UVl'r ;.i c1rumstan<.'l' soml•llmt·s n ·fl·rrt•tl to as backing mto th<: champ1onsh1p "Thl•rc's no such thing as backmg into a p1mnant," Mauch'sard . "lf you win th<' most games· you huven'l bat·ked into anything. Texa~ Mana~cr Darrell Johnson, meanwhile, - h;uJ word!. o r praise for Zahn: "Pitching likl' that thc·re just isn't mut'h you t'an do. He's got great orf ·Speed pitches and hl• throws thC!m where he wanL'i It's tough lo lime his pitches" The> Angels Will race the same type o1 pitcher today when Tc•x;.is sends knut'kleball thrower Charlw Hough tu the mound, whi<.'h 1s no easy task. "I'll be• sec>mg knuckle balls an my sleep 1on1gh1," adm1tl(-d Can•w "But w'n, going to beat h1rn" * ANGEL NOTES -l(nuckleb•ller Cherlle Hough, who wea ~hecluled 10 OP<ln lhe seues IOf T exu Frldey "'Qhl wllf 11er1 loday 1ns1ead Hough 116-121 Wiii be OPPoMCI by 1(-'°'Kh ( 13· 111 G•.me time IS 1 0~ Chairman ol Intl Board 0.-Autry r-Yed e s1and•ng ova11on p11or 10 the game when he came onlo ine lleld 10 IM:cepl an aworo trom •n El Toro compuler company Former AllQei Frenll Tenen., now potch1ng tor lhe Ra"l)efs exptM..cl his d11pteasu•e ovet Ille •••m $ dec1..an nOI 10 Sl"1 him againai lhe Angels DOlh last wMI< in Te .. s an<I lhlS weellend •• Ana"81m Sltd•um T90"'8. Thi• Angels and Royals both play day gamc-s today, and it'& possible the· Angt•ls can win the· pennant outriJChl bt'fnrt• their ~:lmt' with thl' 49ers edge Titans LONG BEACH CAP) QuartNbat·k Todd Dillon fired an I I-yard lout•hdown pass to wide rLx.oelvC'r Darryl Stokes with 4.15 n •maintng Friday night. giving Long Bt:m:h State a 7 ·:i P<K'lfw Coast Athlct1t· Assoc1at1on football Vll'Wry rwl'r v1Mttng Cal Statt• Fullt'rton ., 18 llllS MHOn own• •• 21 ERA The Range<• opel\9d NCfl ol mo l1r11 five innings ft1d1y n'ijhl wllh g1ound outs 10 Dout DeC-.e et · lhlld The A~la have won all bul OfWI h-1•"4 1101 lhlt aeaaon The one lone homeateno dafeel was edmlnlatwed by the Minnesota Tw1nt ot 1111 team• on Aug 2·5 8y hllllfl9 a llnl-lnnlng ,,_, and • th1td·ln"'°!I d<Nble ,,ed Lynn Ila• now CC>t*ted 33 mult1ple·hll gamff lhlS MHOn Oes(>lta pl.eying with lr.ctured nt>s Lynn h•I 326,dunng September (14·1or-43) More on DeClncet Tiie Ange• lhirO baaeman managed 10 h11 a homer 1n every AmerlCan League ~l1td1um 1h11 season except Cllicago s Com111<ey Park Sevenl_.. ol his 28 homers have Deen hit al Anaheim Stadium Angel llrsl oaseman Aod c .... celebrale<I his 31th Oo<lhday Friday wn.ie Angels c.on111110<11ng coac.n Jlmm ........ •urned 17 A-is app1ren1ly in ll•illly good concM•on r11mse11 Thl' 49crs. l ·O in PCAA play and I '!. owrnll. marched 99 yard~ '" 10 plays following ... rulll·rton punt that was down(>(! al the Long Bc.•ach 1 -y~rd hne for the game's only touchdown St'niors tourney lated Fulll•rton had taken a J .O ll'ad with 3.58 r<'maming m the third quarter on a 35-yard field goal by former Fountain Vaill')' k1c·kN Greg Stc•mke The Titans now have a U-:l n ·c.'o rd in <.'Onre r£'ncr' action and arc 2.:~ ovC'rall Thcrt•'s a nt'W tennis tournamC'nt for St.'n1or t·1uu•ns coming up m OC't.-cmbt.·r at Lt·1sur<' World Tl·nms Complex. lt')i tht• Sup<·r·Senrors lenm)i lournamc•nt sanctioned by tht• U.S . Tennis Association and JOmtly sponsor<..-d by the Laguna H ills Tennis Club with th{· L<.-1sure World Recreation Department Dillon complc>ted 22 or 43 passing altt•mpts for 254 yards. Lenny Montgomery IC'd tht' 49crs in rushing with 65 yards on 15 ("arriL•s The Lournamt'nt Wiii lx· ror men's singles and doubles m the 6~. 70 and 75 year age brackets and for women's singlc•s and doubles in the 55. 60 and 65 age.• brac.ke ts. Mixed doubl<>s mall'hcs pairing women 55 and men 65 will a lso be playt-d. The 49crs gamed 352 yards in tell.ii oHt•n.w to only 175 for the Tit.ans , College football TOOAY'I GAMlll ... , Oregon vs, USC It CollMUm ( 1.30 pm I S•n JoM 8 1 II C•lllornll (Channel 7 at 12 45 pm.) O.egon SI ~tlll!Ofd 5811 Diego 81. t WMlltngton Utlll St a1 F 81 . n Wyomlf\Q at Hewell, n Neved•·lu VegN It PIMllflc;, n Cel POiy (SlO) 11 Porti.nd St • n CS NortMdge et UC Or.M. n Sactamento SI et Cel POiy (Pomon11. n "9cklM UCLA at Coloftdo N1w Me•lco •I Air f"orca (Ch1nn11 2 Al 12 30 pm.) K.,,... St. II ArlZOl\8 SI n Wlbe< SI at ldlhO ldlllo 81. II Montana SI Mont1n1 II Ntwd•·Rtiflo llllnoll SI 11 New Mexleo St BolM SI. II NOtf'*n 4r~on•. n ...... "' TCU 1t Arkin-. n Houtlon It 8~. n Ta•111t Ate.. n Tall11Tech11 TexN ,,...,., n N rex .. SI. •I SMU. " evu ., T ..... e1 PHO, n Wiel'll\a SI at W•t T ... 1. St NW Loult11111 at Eatl reut St • n T1x11 Soulh8fn 1t L1m11 Lov1t1111a Ttcl'I et leHt-A1l~1on, n ..,_, Indian• II M1C114tan Noire Demi 11 ~1Chi9•n 81 "llOOlt •I MlnntlOta, n l'lofld1 St. 11 l.llllO 81. Wl11eonllln II Pu1dli8 Nortn-tem et 10'#9 Oklal\oma at Iowa 81 Tu!M II KllllM Eul Carolina •I Mluourl We11cwn Mlc;l'llgan at Bowilng Gr_, lnd11n1 SI at Oralla Central MIGlllg&n •I Eute•n Mlchlg1n. n Ml1m1 0 It Kent SI Ball SI .. Nor111 .. n llllnOIS n lovtfl Ne«>rUk• al Aul>vm l(en1uc:ky " Clemson N1vy It Duke LSU It Rorlda \/Ml II Futman Mleml, Fla al lOUltvllla n Georgia 11 Mltslstlpj)i SI G.atgl1 Tech 11 N01'1h Cllfolin& MCNIOM SI, al NE LoulSlane. n C1nc1nnall 1t Soulh Car0Un1. n Memphis SI •I Soulh8fn Mlttla.lpj)i, n Southern llllnolt al SW Loultlana, n Withington SI al Tenn-Tulane 11 Vende<bllt. n North C••olln• 81. et Vkglnla W1k1 Forell 11 \llrglnl• tech Alk1nsas St 11 Al1b...,a ~"' Wfll lllrglnla II Pin Hatv.,d II A•my Temple II 8011on College. n Uf1ye111 11 8uc:llM!I 8ot1on u 11 Cor,,.n ColQ•ll a1 Dllttmoulh Deltwtre et l lt\lgh Connec:llcul II New Hll'llpWllll Columblt 11 Penn 81own et P11nceton MH .. Chu .. 11111 AllOOI llla.nd W'"larn ' MlfY II RulQt<I Maryland al SytacuM ~iOIV CrOH II Vale SUNOAV'I GAMI u 01 S•n Diego 11 Occlden1111Cnannel ' 11 11 4~ arn I LINCOLN MEllCURY 26M H ... er llYtl., Cott• MeM ...... JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLI GI ,... ...... ... USC over Oregon * Notre Dome over Mkhlgon Stote * Brigham Young over T exa1·ll Paso * San Jote State , i I \ Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /S11urdoy, October 2. 1982 Colorado hr.acing for UCLA No early-settlement --Malavasi Rams' coach going tl1rough same routine, despite strike BOULOi'~H. Colo IAPJ Tht• lu•\ llmC' Un1vN1ilty of Colurndu Cou~·h Dill M t•Cartnt'y fn<'e•d UCLA wll'8 tht• I 98 l 81u<'bonn\'l &~I. llt• wus dt·f1m111v1· c·oord1 rtawr at M1t:hiH11n amt tht• Wul· 'lerl neiJ won :l3 -I 4. 1 But toduy um't likely lo tx.• 11U euay, McCurtncy admit~. as his Colorado football team h~t.s \m· beater), ninth-ranked UCLA at f'olaom Field "l have thl' film; 1 was there al the Blul'l><mnt·t Bowl ( lhrnk I know lht.>1r istn•ngths. I know On radio today KHJ (930) at 12:30 they don 't h ave ;;a n y wc1&knt·ss~s." s;11d McCaruwy. m h is fi rst year as Colorado ht•ad coach. Thl• Bruins bring an awesome.• offcn.'!IVl' attal·k that hus avcra gl-d 4 1 pornls tn winning th<.·ir rarsl thrt'l' gam<'S. tndudtng lahl week's s tunning come-from behind v1<.·tury over M id1ig;m in Ann Arbor "You spot a wam 21 points at home in fro11t of I 05,000 pc.·oplt• and <.'Ornl' back, and you fc-..·I ltkc· you can do anything ... And Y•JU probably can." MeCarlney saa<l CU, 1-:l, is t'ommg off a d1s:.1p poinung 24-10 loss to Wyoming And the Burrs c.r<' hardly in tht· same league in offl·ns1vP pnxlu<.'- t1on. h aving yet lo gain mon· than 300 yards rn total offc.nst.· an any of th1•1r first thrN• ganws. • I A·:>pllt• Thu11.duy'11 111ur'ulh11n M'h..'>IOll ht·tWl'l'll pluyt·r und llWIWI fl•prt•N4'11lnl1Vl'll, tfotnli < '11ad1 Ho y Muhivu111 dot•i;11't th111k ttw 11trt ls1· 1s K;1l11ij 111 1·1ut 1101111 Suut M11luvu111. "It dot•sn'l lnuk too J(llot1 nght now" • Arid MuluvUt11 Tht· Hum" t•1111l'h htt11 h1·1·11 llJJt't1d111f( hh; doys J(UlnM through hlh 11111·111111 roulln1· of dt•v1ic111J( f(lllflt• plum;. "If Wt• had pluyL-d tht• lu!lt two wc•ckx,' ht· i1uid. rt•ll'rrlng to lust Sunduy's u11d thtK Wt•t·kt'11d's Wlpl'tl out Hlllll', "Wl''d lit.' '}. '}. right 1111w " tr the strakt· dut·1> gH sNtk-d by I h(• mrddh• or m•xl Wc..-t•k, lht< Ha1m1 ltl'l' 5':hedukd to pluy AllunUt "Wt• should h1· :i-2 by tht•n," :.<11d Muluvu~1 bva~fully. • Kvvin Magt-..· updutl'. The.• UC It vllll' two-unw All-An·wrll'an :.c.'Orcd 29 pomls in his f1r1>l n•guln1 St'asu11 uppt•arann· fur Cunha 1n lht• ltulwn Lt·ugut· Magt'l''s team won, loo, ~atang Cantu, Whll'h r1mshl'<J s N··o n d I a s l y <.· a r 1 n l h l' E u r o pc· u n tournament, by St'vcn µoints. • Add Magt•t_•: Thl• ti·ll forward µlayt•d against t•x -Lakt·r Jim Bn•Wl'f and 7-0 <.'t•ntt.·r Walh.1<.'l.' Bryan t from lht· Univt•rs1fy oC San l-'ram·1sco Mug<-..· <.'OV1.·n·d Brt•w1•r during thco. game ;md hl'ld tht• NBA vt•ll'ran lo JUSl I :l pomts. • UPDATE RAMS STRIKE VOTE: Carl Ekern, the' t<.·am's playt•r n·prl·wnlat1Vl', l'ont<•nds tht· playt•rs nt>Vl'I' took an "offat·1ul" ballot t·ount Tht• l'11mm<.•nL was made· an n ·fert.·n<.'l' to rny noll' la!>L Wl:l'k that said tht• Hams' strikt• voll• was 40 :i 111 favor of a walkout. • For lht• rt'l'ortl dt·partrru•nl. OK, Carl, 11 should havl· 1·<.·ad. Th<' Hums' "un11fftnal" strike· vol<· wc..s 40-5 • Adt.I s trike·: M alavas1 has bc>c>n spc·nd1ng his wcekc•nd:. st·out1ng t·ollcgc· football games. La.'>t Suturday ht· v1c w<'d the· fo'rt-sno SU.alt'· Wl'bt:r Swtt• l'Ontl'st, and Friday ht• wateht·d Cal S talt· Fullc•rtun tangle· with Lon~ Bt'a<.·h St~11l· By t'Oll1l'ld<.·nl'l', Malavas1's ytJun(<l·St son Bryn'. a fn•shman, happc.•ns to pl<ty for Frt'snu. It's open season Trojans go Duck hunting today ~ By ROGER CARLSON "Todd's gomg tu go out thtn· and ortt.e DellJ ll'llot a1en play ta1lbo<.'k," Hubanson say:.. while LOS ANGELES -Oregon as on in a pla y fu I mood "Ht•'s heen tap .today at the C.oliseu~ for tht• bugging me about 1l fur u ye·ar now Southern ~al1forn1a Tr~Jans, and ;and I've gollc>n Lin'<.! or It .. a f ter the ir s hu tout v ictory u1 Oregon ente•rs with ont• of tht' mon• Oklahoma last week, at may be ltkc• a unimpressive lists of en-d1·ntrals that date with Miss Piggy after a heuv)" you're going to find a..' c·v1dc·m·<'Cl session w ith Angie DM!l<inson. by its set·ond quarlN:. whl're four But, the football schedule says the• opponents have out.sc•ort.od the Ducks, Ducks are next ·for the Trojans. and 37-0. lt must bl' s tatt·d that those although USC Coach John Robinson four which handlc-d Oregon so easily says h e'd r a ther tangle w ith the are all stiU unbeaten. heavies. it's Oregon w h ich his team· Arrz.ona State and Washington, must deal with tn their Pac-10 optmcr. along with San D1l•go Stall· and San beginning at 1 :30. USC is listed as c. Jose State. rem ain unbt.'atl'n 261h-poinl favorite. "They have som<.> problems up It's the second of what may be the there," says Robinson abou t the Trojan s' most unattractive h o rn<· schedule in d ecades with Oregon State and Cal to follow beforl' th<.• season -ending game with No tre Dame. Ind iana was a 28-7 victim (28-0 al the half) earlie r here. "ll won't be a memorable game·," says Robinson "It L'Ould be> a tough. bitter strugg le. but it w o n 't bt• memorable ... and I'm an Oregon alum. ~- "I like the games where I C'ome out of the tunnel a nd see people s illmg 1n the peristyle end of the Coliseum. "U I see anyone there today it'll Just be a coupl e o f drunks," adds Robinson. USC Is a heavy favorite to hand Oregon its firth straight loss and tn the process up its own record to 3-1 d espite the loss o r tailback Fred Cr utcher, who has been lost for the season after undergoing surgery for torn ligaments. Todd Spen cer, norma lly the Trojans' fullback. takes his place. Newport's Coberly has knee surgery Newport Harbor High's quest for a run at the Sea V iew League football championship received a d amaging blow today with s urgery being performed on tackJe-linebackcr Bud Coberly for t orn knee ligaments following the Sailors' 17. 7 v1t·tor y over El Toro T hursday night. Coberly, a 6-1. 192-pound senior, was also the Sailors' first-line pluce- kicker and is out for the season. The status of 6-4. 231-pound semor Dave Cadigan, who a lso suffered a knee injury, isn't expected to be conflnned until Tuesday. Cadigan is a n offe nalve tackle and defensive end. On radio today KNX (1070) at 1:30 ' Ducks. "but rt's not the• ma<:h (Rich Brooks) or that lht• play«r' drc•n 't trying." South<·rn Cal holds a 24 -9 -2 l>dge an the series. mdud1ng a n t•aght-game unbeaten string and although .the Ducks haven't bc.'(•n ahlt• to win thrs year. soml' µo t1•nt1al rs (•v1d~·nl off drwes of 80. 65 and n yards against No. 1 ranked Was hington Oregon actually led the HuskM. 21-:7. before dropping a 37-2 l Vl'rl.11cl. Among lh<' Orc•gon offense is t.a1lba<.'k Harry Billups, a product of University High in Irvine. Billups is listed as the No 3 tailback b<'hrnd Ladaria Johnson, a 210-pound jumor. Billups threw a 23-yurd halfback pass for a touchdown against Washington. Oregon's offense, which includes quarte rback K evin Lusk. will be .up agains t a Southt'rn Cal defense which swarmt.-d over Oklahoma. allowing 43 yards on 38 rushing plays. The Trojans <'nler with a string of 169 straight games without being shut out and are rank<'d No 16 in the n ation. Sean Salisbury rs expected lo improve on st.allstrc whiC'h show him comple ting 56 percent or has passes (38 for 65) for 479 yards and 4 touc;hdowns. although USC itself is hardly in top shape. Aside from the loss of Crutcher, the Trojans are without defensive tackle John Harvey (knee), offensive tackle Kelly Thomas (ankle) and light end Pal McCool (cervical sprain). Standout linebacker August Curley was lost for the season earlier and safety Merv W illiams is academ ally mellgible A 'lcUttou• •uet11Ha NHte .... eMeftl tlted ...... c.....y a.ti .. .......... ,..,....., .......................... ................... ,.... , .................. ...;, 0 "'' " .... , •• , • Ml'T IE llSLUD ... IEE US Fii lllPEllTIYE PllGES I IUTSTllDlll IEIYIOI! .......... Cllll .... W9el oe,•r•••n• •• '"• DA.LY PILOT fer ..... , ............ . ...... .., ....... 142-4121 ..... D~llY PILOf LIASI 01t IUVI Roy Carver BMW 1540 JAJIBOR.££ RD., NEWPORT CENTER NEWPOR't BEACH, CA. 92660 114-640-6444 OPEN UNDAY &'OHISCOlUMNISf JOHN SEVANO • AdJ Muluvw1i ~'outing rnport. You'll 11t·vc·r gul•ss which pluycr lmprl•11&cd M11luvm1i lhe most in lust Suturduy 11 gaml·'! T hf1t'ic nght ... 11111 own son Bryt't'. "Ht• ~rad<od out vt'ry high." ic.a1d Mnlnvu11I, with tollf.tlll' pluntl'<l firmly in ~heek "l-h•'s a pt11t·11tml No I draft pick from whol l <.'ttn "4'<'" Bryn., m actuality, rs lt!urrung u new poMllcm with thl.' Bulldog:t. Last year tw w,1:-. o ddt.·n1>1v<· end at Edison lligh. This y1·u1 lw's u ~'t'Ond-string strong sufoty. • Updutc Hums stnkt:.! vote: 'l'hl• five playl•rs who did not fuvor a walkout wen• 'guard Bill Butn, tight end Mike &rbt•r, l1m•bat:kl·rs Gl'orge Andrews pnd Mike! tkilly, and ... you ready for the shocker? dc·fconsiv(• lineman J ack Youngblood, a rorml•r lo ngtime supporter of Players Unum Prc~adl'nl Ed Curvey • STEVE GARVEY UPDATE: The Dodgt·r fu'Sl baseman said the other day that nc1 new negotiations will take plaC'e bt·t wt•l'n his agl'nL, Jerry Kapswin, and the tlub until after the season has ended, which rt·portl'dly mdudt'S the playoffs and World SNil'S and whetht.·r the Dodgers are in it or not. s • Add Garvey: Reportedly his own teammates aren't goin g to be upset if Gt1rv<.·y rsn,.t ret.am<.od . • Thursday night mark<.·d tht· ftnal appearance al Dodger S tadium of John Ramsey, who 1s retiring after 25 y1.·ars as th1· ll'am's public acldrl'SS annount-er • Another add strike: Malavasa ft'l•ls thCAl thl' gaml'S that have been lost thus far will rum111n l1Jjjl unu won't l>t-111udt• u11 • M1111y t•xpt•rh; ore· suylng tlaut tlll' Dodgen. "chukt•d" tht· Wc·11krn D1v11oon t1lll' uwuy Chokcod lit uwful i1trontc. lt·t'li say 1n1tt·ud thut thc•y "guggC'd l'loqut•11tly " • THE OWNERS ARE expt'(·kd tu upt·n tlwlr 1·01111>" '1j(uln Monduy in anoth1•r attL•mpt tO ll<'t' If t~wy cun dlv1th· tht• pluyt·r11 untun. Tho1w playl.'1'11 wlich111..i tu curn1• throuuh tt.•um gates will bt· Wt·l<:onw<l wuh opc11 lll'lllll JI unough t·r~. tht• uwrwr11 un• toying with the.· idt•ti or f1ll1nf( tht• rt!mulning VOCUOCICK Willi (11•t• aj(t•nts :ind rnokat'is und n •11umang tht.· ~WMm. • Add ow111•r11 plc1y i''.kt·rn Wll811't liUH· JUSl how till' Ham playt'l''S would rcut'l to 1>UC'h m •ws Tht· pluyt•r rep 1~ ltoµ111g tlw tt·um will 11llly unafwd in tl.S sttHll'\.' tu swy out .. but hc"s not <.'OUnttng un rt. • Expt•f'l'I urc· now prndicttng th<' :.trtkl· wall bt• soJvl'd KOmct1me within tht• next 10 days. Of cour11t•, lhul'!i just about tht• 11um1· time thl' m•l works w ill b<.• slo pping lht•ar paymcnlJt to the ow1wrs. • F'tnul udd strike: Although Maluvas1 says the st•ason l'an n'Sume tn as hllle as two days afll'I' the dispute 1s st·llkd, ht· mmntarns rt will U1ke thl' pluyt·rs al lt•as l two W<.'<.'ks to g<.•l bat·k in sh<ipt.'. • Swvc Garvey traliul.l': Manugc·me·nl 's Slan<.'C during nc>gOlUll lons ii. typical of how owners tht'SC..' days reward loyalty wllh a slap rn the fact'. f<'or six years, Garvl'Y stut·k lo his t:ontract, despitt· the fact ht• wus t11w of the most undc•rratcd supt·r:stars 1n the· l{amc and dt-spit.c the fac·t otht'rs, wllla ll'S.' ability, wen• cl< .. manding to rl•nt•gulliltt' ,1nd gctung more throughout lhl' leugu<.·. "1 s1gn<.-d a contrc.l'l <Jnd I'm going to ltv1· by thut l~Jnlra<.·l until 11 t·xpirt·s." is huw Gurvt'V fl'lt How. aflc·r six yc •ar' o l M·rv1u· that g°ucs bt·yond d1·S<.T1pl11.111, the· duh " lill'rally turning up ll!> nost• J11d l1 ·ll111g Garvey to find Krl"<'l1l'I' pastun·s l'IM·wh1·11• Fur what 11':. wurlh, I'm s1,rry W hl't' h1111 go lllllC ... ,, llllC CAlllLYLI Area player dot USD., Oxy ro t e r s 1-:Al:LE H<X'K Wtw11 lht· Ckt 1d1·t1t<•I '1'1g1·1., h11'>t th<· U111Vl'l!o.llV or Sa11 D11·g11 In •• 11 <.1t1on;illv tt•l1•v1,t•d Nl'AA D1 v ts1011 '11 1 l1111tli.dl gar11t· Sunduy. forr1w1 .11t·u ha~lt ~·huol play1·r11 will tic · mv11lv1·d in th(• ouu·unw (Clt:111111·I 2. 11 .45 u m ) USD's Ton•r u~ wtll t•ntn tlw game with a :~-0 n"·<1rd (Ind will h11v1· four pl<•Y('f'' 1111 tht• fwld from tht• ar 1';1 to 11n1· f11r lhl· Ot.'t'ldt•ntal T11.(t•1s ~rrc· H<.cff of Cur •111.1 dt•I Mar 1s .111 All Anwrw.111 t .111d1d.1tl' at de fcns1 vt · L;ct k It· I 111 t lt1· h"st I T1gt·1:. l 11 1i-;1 M·111111 and th ont· of four 11l.1vt·1i. lrom Orangt· County 1111 tht Ot·l·1cl1•11wl rnslt'r s a n J) I t• g II • a (.' a t h " I 11.: 111st1tut111n lh<1t has four formt·i:-I Mall'r 1.)(:1 playe·rs 1111 tls r·ristt•r, I wall huvc· tlw l11ll11w1ng arN.a I pluyc•rs 1111 lls 111su•1 Tlwv rnduclt· Tcxld &•aman. a t n ·shma11 w1<lt· 1 t·t•1·1v<.·r from ,. fo'uuntam Valle·:-'. Craig Carly lt', a M•ntor <.lt·fl'ns1v1.• baek from Cost.a ! M1·K;J and Mc:1tt•r 1><·1. M1k1· H1~h. ! a JUl111H wtd(· rc·t·e·1ve·r ~r11111 1 llunt111g111n Rt•;J<. h and Matt•1 D1.·1. ;.end Un·g Stt.'111, a '>ophum<1n· • d1·f1·ns1vt· bat·k rwm 1-;ctJ!>(Jf\ l11gh, I 111 H untmgton &·;;a<.·h 25" 111c• ZENITH SYSTEM Ill With REMOTE CONTROL RCA olorTrak 25 " T.-,ANOftAMA WE STOCK All MODELS Of ZDITH TILEVlSION Afl> VIDEO PRODUCTS 4 Speaker Soood CASH DISCOUNT SALE 1% DISCOUIT FOR CASH PLUS : I . '83 I Coblralt , 2000 •Ith I Remote Contnil -~$499 I tlnY!! t.... I i ! ~---­ RCA Colorlrak 19" • 13" .,,_. MMOTE -TtlS WEIK£fll <KY $'>0000 ,,.. lritd To Sl.01! L;J;J--""• s u p [ \ . . t -l ..... ...--FREE EITEIDED WIRRAlln 01 COllSOLES RCA Cok>tTrak 13· " s I I 25" dl99. COLORTRAK 01y11a1 scan 1emo1e mulh·Oard c..;1lJl1.1 111n•nq au1omn1t1.. ~nlor con1101 svsl!'nJ'> Xrnndf'dl•le 1."'"""' and more • 3 YEAR PICTURE TUBE • 1 YEAR PARTS AID SERVICE FllEE DEUYEllY 01 Ill COISILE MODELS "Shopping At ABC I• Like A Ral•• In Pay" - p [ c 1 A L Stff.R SALE ...,-• • W[[l([fl) ·~ PttlCE TtlS ~· ilKWn Otl kl·'-W RCA SELECTAVISION IS LESS AT ABC .. [It. '""· Ill STOCI AU ZDITH TV MD UO raoDUCTS·stI TtlM ALL AT ONCE! "Shwlnt At ABC " Lt• ., , .. , tr ,,, .. i 11111111111111 "CA COlORTRAK 2000 DlltGH M,._1 ~1• I .. ~:i~~2:~ same width as a conventional OM.-019 19" di&gOl\al 1111111~ .. ~ 25" diagonal pic1u1t wilt\ 110• p1e1u1e lube 1nl1ared remote oonrrot, cot>le r .. CIY and m()(G ()-4;:._ II ft ij.!..•= !.-.!. :.,1 1 :_ ;:;f 0 l"!:I W )22Q2214Di!: I 1!!1 -..~ UNITH -- MOdel VR8900 (Slmll•r To llluatr1tlon) Ou•llly L750 T•i>e• Only •e00 With PurchaM Of VCR (Reg 11.99) If " W1sn'I, Why Wtdd SOffY, Who lnnnltcl Botti Sy5tttm, Gin VHS Aw1y7777 • FltONT LOADING • MCl»DS 8£TA 1-1 ' Ill • l'UY$ 8ETA I .. ' I • srm> S£AllCH & FltWE FRAME BY ltlMOTE COfmOl PMCO USS TIWI OST UNITS Mllt Ml:CIWICAl TUNM • MOW Oft T Wiil[ nu LAST C~ NOW 961-3329 25" ..._. ColorTrak CASH SPECIALS!! 1983 REMOTE wtth SWIVEL BASE i,$69~ "*• ........ , .... I.A.I. ....... , . Zen. '13 19" ltemott ZdtlU"C. Zen. 19'' C. TV tttachl 19" lemott ttt1chl VldtCI Rte. CAl..L lll·SS21 FOR PRICll '48 '23 s299 s44 s49 • 11 I 11111• ULD ..... ............. 111111 • '" lllllllf .... 1ICMI IROOKHUlllT (AT OAAFl!LO) HUNTINGTON llACH --~,... --·----- •11 Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT /SatufdlV, OCtobet 2, t912 Neff spa~ks VikeS · Senior "linebacker /\.eys 27-0 • win By ROAD MUNSON ._.. ... to '"-oa111 1111o1 Thl' Mori n o Vlkl11K11 w ill prouubly u1w lhwl.H.H'kl·r G 1 t.·g Nl·H's rlnct hulf In muny of thl·ir hla<hlllllilll Cllms of llllJi Thut'ic Ul'CllUM! Ne ff ployl'<I 1111' ll•udlng ro lt' In the Vtk1ng11' 'J.7 0 nun - leOKUl' vu·tury uvC'1 the: v1111t1ng Lu Qulritu At lt.'<.'11 f'ridoy n1j.1ht al W1'Html111H.N High. The !1-11 iKmior tort• uµurt ttw Lu Quin\ll ofh•n1dv1.· ulluck Uli hl' 1·1·l·11 v1•n •d two fu111 bll'li, hod a 24! yttrd intt•rt•c:pllon return for u tom hcl11w11 , hod 11 4uortt•rbtwk 111wk alcm)( wllh many nunwrow1 tm·k h·"· :.111d m11d<• 11 wvlng wt·klt• 1hut kq.1t tht· Azlt.'t'lt rrom 11t'Ortn)( ull m the: firvt hotr "Crt.•g Nl'fr pluyc·d 1.1 gn·u 1 gonw," n·mtarkc-.1 Murinu Coud1 D11 v1· Thu111pH011. "In fol·t our wholt• dt•fenlk.· playc..'d grl'ot. Our llnc11l<:n rt:ully pl'nctrutl-<l w1•1l, 11nd our ic 1•(•1111dury k1•p t Lu Barons play tough,· hut fall again, 19-7 By t;RAIG RUSSELL 8peclal lo Ille Deity l"llot NOHWALK -Tht• lx•at goes on for M i k e M ilnl•r ttnd his Fountain Val11·y Hig h fuolball tea m. Oncl' again the &runs playt·d one of the best teams m Southern Cahfornm. 0 n c l' a g a i n t h t· B a r o n s pcrformt.'<i well in !>IJOL" and came up with a c..'OuplC' of big.plays. And onct.• again tht.• Barons wert.• close in the fo urlh quarter a nd could have won tht.· game But they didn't and th(• Barons arc· 0-4. Corona de l Ma r's Lance Martin ( 34) looks for running room durin~ 1he. Seu Kings' 23-7 win over Esta nc ia Friday night. This lime, Or&ngl' County's top-runkcd Servitc Friari. did the honors. finally w earing d own Fountain Valley in tht.• fourth quarter for a 19-7 VlC'lor y before 4,500 fans at Cerritos Collt.>ge ~ni staggers Mustangs, I 7 -6 'y ROB HALV AKS ,,-... to ttte oenr ,.... Sen ior Gary Ia nuzzi h ad .,uc.:hdown runs of 79 and 76 rds Friday night to lead the ivers1ty Trojans to a 17-6 win v c r Costa M esa a t Irvine· 1gh It was lhe Sea View ague opener for both learns Ianuzzi got University on the· oreboard first whe n h e mpered 79 yards around left d with 9:01 remaining in the c·o nd qua rter. J o hn Peirano d ed the extra point and a ~d h eld goal to give the ~~ 10-0 lead a t halftime he Costa Mesa offense was d al bay throughout the first tflrce q uarters, but the Mustangs lffgan to move the ball in thC' nal ix·riod. ·Costa Mesa opened the fourth artcr w ith a 71 -yard, 11-play ring drive climaxed by Wally G rant's two-yard run off lef t 1.ackk· with 7:52 to play. University was for<X>d to punt on its nc·xt possession and the Mus~mgs began to march again. A1d(>d by a fake punt with Erik Sparks running 19 yards for a first down , Costa Mesa moved the ball to the Tro,an 25. On fourth down and six, John FaSS<'l. however, came up with the defensive play of the night for Univ('rsily as he batted down a Mustang pass at the line of sc:r1mmage to end the drive. Two plays later Ianuzzi followed his bloc ke rs up the m1ddlt.• .rnd broke through the Costa ~esa secon dar y for a 76-yard TD run Peirano was pt.•rft.·<'l with the conve rsion attempt Whill' Ian uzzi finis hed the night with 170 yards on nine carries, Mike Zald ivar was Un1vers1ty's workhorse with 22 rushes for 93 yards. All this d espite i04 y ards SEA KINGS• passing for Fountain Valley's • Dale Frye. mcluding an I I -yard F P B 1 touchdown toss to Jamie· Crafl on rom age the f1rsl play of the fourth w11h a broken rib. quarter thal tied the game al Martin was the S(.•a kings' No. seven. 1 gun, as usual, and of his 166 But unfortunately for Frye yards 'net , 100 o.f those on a d ozen and the Barons, the 5-9 sl'nior carries came. in Lhl! hrst quarter also threw four mtcn"Cpllorus, all as the Sea K ings controlled the in the second half, all Lo Scrvate's ball Ma rko Vucuravic, and aJI very His fi rst three carrll's were for costly. 14, 11 a nd 16 yards, but a 66-yard His second, third and fourth march fizzled. Johnson fort'Cd an interceplions occurred 1n th(.· Estancia punt with a solid third final stanza and elthC'r stalled a down stop, and the S('a Kings Fountain Va lley drivt-or led proceeded to maf"('h 67 yards on directly to Servitc s<:on.~ eight plays. with Marun taking a On se<:ond-and-12 at his own pitchout around his right side, 10-yard hne, Fry<.' threw one up then l'Ulling through the grain for grabs that Vut·urav1c hauled during the final 15 yards. · in at the 30. That led to a three- Vmcc Ferraro downed a CdM play scoring drive w ith Ted punt at the Estancia 2-yard line Prukop. w h o w ould gain 105 lo set tip the safety, with Brown yards on the n igh t and sC'ore leading a platoon of de fenders in three touchdowns, going 18 yards sacking SCott Dav is in the Eagles' for the 8COre. The extra point try end zone. failed. Estancia"s defense, although On their very next possession. with Its back to the wall most of thl' Barons marched into Servate the lime . nevertheless got some te rritory whe n Vucurav1c eame solid play from Pat Guyot. Brad up with his third interception , Jarvis, J oel Jones. Mall Wolf, this linw at the 5-yard line. Adam S pies and Pal West . His fourth mtcrcl•puon came among others. with JUSl 2:07 left in the game" vards out. "Wt• niadc> a lot of m istakes tonil.(ht," said Servllt.• c.·oal.'h Hon 'Smc·ltu.·r" "But wt• cumt• up with tht• big plays when we nC'l·dc·d ttwm. 1 think WI' fi nally wore thl·m down a bi t in thl· fourth quaru.·r "But tht•y ..(Founta 111 V:.tlll'y ) playt•d Vl•ry hord a nd hung m thC'rt'. Thc•y'rc going to win a lol of ba!.I gamc-s befnrt• this season's ()V(•r Thl• &rons' dc.•fc:nsc, l'Spedally, was tough. Though they gave up :s48 yards 1n t o tal o ffe nse, including W3 yards thruugh the a ir by highly-t out<·d S teven l:X..uc.•rlc m, it wa~ tht• dl'fensc that came up with tht• big plays to kl·cp the Barons dose. Tw1l·(.• the Friars hud lht.· ball ms1d(' f'ountain Valley's 10-yard line and tw1C'e lhl' Bi.Irons' dc:fonse kept them oul of the t•nd wm· The fi rst 11ml.' Servile tried a fake fi eld goal but that was stoppt·d a t the six. ThC' S(.'t'Ond llmt• Prukop tried a sw ct'p (.around rig ht t•nd on fourth down but c:aml' up inches short a t lhc four Tht' I~ snapped a four-ye-dr, f1 v(.•-game winning streak against the Friars, including thl' 1978 C lf" C h am p ion s hip game l''ount.ain Valley won, ;J4-14. * Servlte 19, Founteln Velley 7 kofe bJ OUM1e<• Se•••le O 7 O 12 19 Foun1e1n Velle1 O O o 7 7 S P1ulcop 2 •un (Oev1do•teh kteol) FV Crall 11 pan from F•~• 1Smoo1 ~oGl<I S Prukop 18 run (kick laJl•<ll S-Prultap S nm (klek lelledl A11enda11ce -4,500 (eshmeled) 0-••atlellc• • F "" down a 20 Rulhea-y••d• 37-145 P .. aing y••d• 203 PaaMI 16-27· I Pvnte 6-35 Fum~IOll 0-0 PMalltM·y•<dS &-SO lndlwldWll flualllnt f'V 12 24~60 204 13·26-4 4-25 1·0 2·29 S -Prukop, 22-105. A.non, 1·33. Beurleln 3-8 Andrade. 1·1, Ou&eblon. 3-0 FV SwlQert. 12·23 . Garrell, 4-20. Burris, 3·7. Aktn11. 2-6, Frye. 3.4 ' lftdMdual l'M•lnt S BeurH!•n. 18-27-1, 203 Fl/ Frye 13·26-4, 204 lndl•lduel "--t•lng S Andrade. 7-90. Salerno 4-89. Prult(X: 3· 17 Ktlhan, 2·27 FY lung. S-93 Cr•ll 4 ·S9 Funrmen 3-42 Swig .. 1 1.10 Qu1nu1 I r11111 cuu:hmg th•· ~II." Tht· Viklng11 11tymit'<J tht• Azt.c.<e 11ffl•n1w . muklng them commit 1·1ght lurnowl'll. 1111< in th&+ fl,..t hutr l'~·h llrrw La Quinw rnoved 11llu lk'ut 106' pot11t1on. tht' Vllung dvft'ns l' he ld o r f o rced ~ tUl'nOV(•r ~ for lht• Atl.l"C dl'kllllt", It had 1lJI work L'Ul out Murlna guliwd JitJ!iHtJ~ton m AzlA'<' tA:rr ltory 41(ter oil but two u( t h e Aztec1' 1 urnovcrK, crnd eoc:h o f th f' V1k111gi..· 8':11rcs c.·umt· nfwr ta Lit Quant& turnover Marina wasH•d no l ime in pulling points onto the score hourcl 'rhrc•l' p lay11 after a John Whiu•man fu mbll' rt:<:ovt:ry, qu<Hll·rbul'k Bill Mar}e r hit Cl(•nn Vw1ra with a 25-yard M.•onng strakt-with U:l7 left in tht• f 1 rs1 4uartt.·r "Our offense wasn't pretty, bul we· pul points on the board ," said Thompson. the 1981 Orange County Coa,·h of the Year. "That long drive.· was great." Thompson was re ferring to an 80-~urd march during the"S«ond 4uurtt-r After a Marcel Weise intl'l't.'l•ptwn 10 the Aztec End w 1w , Marina took the ball 80 yardi. an us seven plays. climaxed by Ma rlcr's 11-yard w uchdown p<Jss to Mike· Crowley. And then just 46 seconds later, Nl'ff intc•rt·e pted an Azle<.' !ICreen pass and carried the ba ll into the c·nd w nc, giving the Vikings a 20-0 h11 Hume lead . DC'SpjlC only ronm.•c·tmg on 4 of 1':1 passes ror 78 yard s, Marle r had lhrt.'<' touchdown passes, two b y r l•t·c1ver Viei ra . Vie ira f1nish(:d wilh thn·e catch(.'S for 68 yards '> F'or its final score , Marina uS<.-d a Jim McLaughlin fumble r(.'<.'OVl'rY to the 22-yard hne, and a 22-yard touchdow n pass from Marler to Viei ra. Eric Karman a c,ldt•d tht• extra point for the Vikings, making the score 27-0 Clark Patte rson ran for 71 yards on nme carries, including a SO-yard nm during Ma r ina's 80-y<JrcJ ~'<>ring drive. * Marin• 77, i.. Qulnte 0 kof• by o-1.,. la Outnll 0 0 0 0 -0 Marine 8 14 7 O -27 M·Vle1re 25 pass from Marter (kick lailed) M-Crowley 10 pan from Marie• (Marlar pus 10 Whllemtnl M·N•ll 22 1nterc.ptt0n reiutn (klGk l1ileCI M·Vlett• 22 PHI lrom Metler (K••m•n klCt<) Allend•nc.a·2 000 (esltm.aledl a-•t.tletlc• LO Ill F1nt downs 12 10 Rutnet·ytrd1 3S·89 34· 175 PaH.ng yt1d• 137 91 1> .. tel 12·22·4 S· 14-0 Punll 2-34 6-2S Fumblet-IOll 4-4 2· 1 1 PenallleeJYa~de 3-26 8-.eo Inell ............. LO -All<ecl, 14·51, Reupena, 3·8, Hokant. S-l0<·mlnu• s. Gnu<cti !>-!Ot...,.~ 7 K•~ 5·2!> Whtllek9f. 2·10t·m1nus 3 Gomez. 1-0 M P•1te<1on 9· 71. K•rm1n. 10-42 Marte• 8-42 Pec10< 4-14. Tot><n 2·S Pac.n 1-2. P1ncur• 2-10<-m.nos 1 lndlYldwll "••Int LO Ge>m4U &-9· 1 83. Holtana. 4-9·3. 33. Kr ueget. 1-2 ·0. 11. Church 1· 1·0 10. W1'l111eke1 O· 1-0, 0 M Mar1ef. 4. 13-0. 78 Whlleman 1· 1-0 3 lndlYldu.i ~Ing LO w n111ea.e• 4-31 Holquin 3·28 Kr~ 2-53. FVllllO 1. 10 Ulu I.fl M v ... ,. 3·~ Crowley 1-10 WetM. 1·3 • • aria WIDS "l thought our offense was very potent in the first half and we we re able to dominate time of possession in the firs t two quarters, but it was our defense that pulled us through in the second h a lf," said University l"Oach Rick Curus. But it was the &a Kings' game and again the Friars went 30 -from Start to fmtsh (With the yards for the clinching S(.'OrC' With exception of those bnef sec:onds 43 St~:onds left. Prukop On«' early in tht' third quarter). morl' doing the honors from five> The loss drops the Eagles to .--------~=-------------------------------------------------------------------------. ~ ycle race 2-2 over'all, 0-1 in league play. CdM's victory snaps a four-game losing streak, dating back to last year's CIF playoffs. Mike F aria mad(.• the final "neup for the U.S . Nationals a 'nning effort Friday night by • luring the scratch mam event th e w eekl y speedway • torcycle r aces at Orange unty Fairgrounds before 4,950 s. Faria won over Dubb Ferrell. 'ke Bast and John Cook in the atch m ain . He a lso placed ird in the handicap m;lin hind Keith Chrisco and S hawn nnell for the top individual rfonnance o f the evening. urt Strommer was four19, k fifth and Mike Mau.acane th in the handicap race. n a special mat.ch race, Dave Temple defeated Bob Mel.am become the first allemale for nationals. and y Blevi n s of Ga rde n ove was the th ird division ner w ith Wo.yne Le utz. o{ erslde capturing the second lsion final. . * Unlvef'•lty 17, Coeta Meu I le«• by o-tefll Coste Meu o o o 8 -8 Unt.,..aily 0 10 0 7 -17 U-1~1 79 rvn (Pei<eno klek} U·Pei•eno 22 FG C-G•ant 2 run (kid< lallel U·lanuul 78 run (Pehno klca} Allenc:lenQl-2.000 l•tlfnelecll o.-.......ec. c • Flral clown• 9 Ruahn·yards 33-107 Putlng yerda 70 p._ 7-18·0 Punla 7-211 FumblM·I091 1-0 Penallte.-yerda 4-~s l11df¥11hel ......... u 10 36-272 82 II-13..() 8·26 1-1 &-64 C -G<anl, 111-62; Hegey, 12-24. Spat1ts, 2-21 • U -le nuu l, 9-170. Za ldlver, 22-93; BakllkCIPl. S-9 ~,. ....... C -Hagey, 7-19--0, 70 U -BafdtkCIPI, 9-13-0, 82. lndh'tduel "•calwl119 C -T•oteetiano. 3-34; Cook 2·21: Meteon, I ... Gren!. loS r U -Snffd. 3-23. Zal<llve<, 3·1. lanval, 2· II. Kern, I· 13 * C«ona d9t ..., n , E•teftela 7 ac-by o-1.,. C0tona dei Mar 7 2 7 7-23 Etlencla o O 7 0-7 CdM-Mert1n 34 run (Keating klek} CdM-Safety, Brown tackled Oevt1 tn end zone E-SP'ft 13 run <B•"ao•n kick} CdM-Pryor 89 oase lrom Carpenter (K .. llng klekl CdM-Pryor 20 O•H lrom Carpenter (Keating ltlekl Atlenclanee -3,SOO l•flfnatedl o-M8tettetlca CdM Flrtl d()<llrnl I 8 RUlllff•)'atdl S~ 196 Pautng Y••d• 125 PeHH 5-9·0 Punt• S-37 Fumbl••"IOll 3-1 Penal11ff.yard1 8·55 llldlvtduel .......... R 6 21-31 5e 5-17-4 8-32 0..() 5-20 CdM-Merltn. 32· 188, B•own, 5-2S, Carpent9f, 7-15. Mo11,..,o. 3'4, fe.,aro. 2-2, Colton1. 3-2. Manclar11. 2·2. Bad cent8f snap, minus 18 E-Sptu . 12·33. Oavla, !Ho•-mlnua 8, Send•••. 3-3. Guyot, 1-3 lndMduel ,,_Int CdM-Ce<J)ente<, 6·8·0. 126 E-Oavie. 5-17_., &e. lndMd1191 lllec~lflL CdM-PryOf, 4· 123: Martin, I E-Se ndera. 2·17: Guyot, 1 1·21, Sl)lel, t-0 WEEKEND SPECIAL ONLY COMPARE AND SAVE SS$ 1182 .Peu1•!»t 1182 Peugeot &01 S Turbo 811111 &04 11on Diesel •14 379. t TH a Lz:. #111421 autometlc trenlO'llUlon, A.IC, sun roof. Brown, A/C, 1utometlc tran•rnl11lon. emlfm atereo. f -. ----- --- ------------- .. I .. I I Orange COHt OAIL v PILOT /81turd1y, October 2, 1ge2 B S Hawks paint Artists ·blue, 20- Todd Willia ms Rustlers By J IM ARNt;TT .,..... .. ttle Oelfr ,... A JU•ll uf 11t reuk11 t·umt• lo u li('f'i~'(·hlng huh l''ridlly night ot l~ugunu Bt·1u;h High St•h ool's C iuyn Field. Thi' Lugunll Beac h Ar ll11tK wat,:ht-0 unhllppily us their twu· ganlt' w111 11tr•·11k t•um e t.o on t·nd; wtult• Lat(unu H lll11' H u wkl! e•nthu11lcunkully cdt•brutt'tl tlll' cond usion of a thrt."V·gamt• IOHing skein. Lugunu l11ll:< ri111wd fove)rt•d Logunu &·uch , 20 1, In the: South Coast IA-11gu€' football npNil'r for both S<:hools l"or first -yt·ur Luguna l11lls (.'oa c h Ed Ada ms . 1t w us son1l'th11\~ to 11uvur lt was his l11 11t t'\lt'I Wiii 011 U lwtuJ llllll'h Thuugh t lw ll uwk " w t•rt• 1111111 l'ltNIVI' 11n u f ft·ll~', II W IAK llll' de·h·nM' 111111 wu11 tlu• d1fft·n ·01'C' 111 l h•· u 11 t1·e11111• Fr ld oy n lt(ht l.uKU1111 1111111 llr111t1•d lh1· Art111ts lo 17 l yurdi. Ill 1111.ltl o rft•llM', H:l on llw lo(l'llllllll 111111 HY through the• :cl1 Luxurlh Bt.'lll'h '11 orrl'f\Sive· I.loll w11s u11obh· lo e-r1ll'k the· t•nd zww Ull c•ve•flllll( L.11Ku110 l lllh1' offomit' wus l\'<I hy jun1 u r qu11 r;j (•rhut'k L t•t• PI l·m1• I. Jlll\l t> r 1·u 11 n t "K b ill' k Alliin H11m1)11 , i;t•n lor r unninM htil'k H11·k T11•nto aml 1w11iur t11o(ht 1'1111 To<ld W11lwms P lt•nw l l'01T1p lt·kd ti o f I :J pU:-.M 'h ror I 04 yard ti a nd ll toud uJown, Jtormm I UMhMl ror 42 yurt.hi on 1wve•n t•11 rrlt>111, u nll lk'Ort·cl lw11 L11ud1dow1u , Tn ·nto ruNhe -tl fur :i? y1.11 tlr• on 17 c·urrlt•M, u ruJ l't•tttplt•l t•d I wo h u I flrnck patcM'K 111 l'J llwul 11tu11Llonl! um.I W11llurn11 c·aught flvt· pulllK. .. fur Y7 yurdt1 llnd o lout•hdowtt I .uguuu &u<.:h w u11 ttw l lr11t tu IK'til'l'. turning u I .11wu11u Hllllf liut.l punt 1m up Into u loucht.lown. Th(• bull 1o11l lN I u vt•1 puntt•r Steve Pre·i;ton's ht•lld und into tlll' t•rul :w rw, wht•n · M•k.l· Flynn ft.II on It for un urc111t lt(•ur1 .. Thl' Huwks drove 62 yurds on 10 µlaytc curly in the sl•cond p<•nod for tht· c'(iuallu•r. Roniun tcwk u piH·h fru111 PINnl'I a nd rnt•t-d four yllrc.b 111 uund ll'fl t•nd fcit lht• TD with 8 35 ld l In th1• pt•rlod K (' y p I u y tt 1 n I h l' d r I v L' l11d11d1•d IA 1.7 yard 11111111 frurn Plc•nu•I tu Ch lJl'k P roud o n o t.<<·o nd -und :lO itltuutlon, g1v1ng Oil' I luwk11 lt f1n1t down tel lh•· Lul(unu llt•uch :n. and 11 10-yurd cu1n pleot lon fr111n Plt•mt•I tu W1lllums on ll fuu rth und f1 v<1 ploy, 11t•tting up u fll'st-llnd-gool al th1• ~·vc·n. LllRUl\li Ullhc d1·ovf' UY yurd H on lti. tll'Xt pus11c1111lon , und Sl'Oft.'d with JUSt rune 1w<.-und1> rl'muintnl( in tht• hulf. A 1fi y;1rd p1111.'t from Plt"rrll'I lo John Md)ald guvt• till' Hawk11 u f1rst-1.111d -g11ul ti t th t· f lVl'. und dc·urcd the woy for tht· i;.·on · . \ Uemu111 t•iuk ttw plU.h 11rou tlw h·ft '61dt• on th t• IWXI plt1y t tlw Tl> T h l• ll11wk" nrnl·lu t.l t•d !Wllrl lllo( Wllh l.i 11 1ft y 80 y drive• f111 l• IOUl hduwn lolt' In third fK'rtod Tuk111g JXIKM'll't1011 ut hli. ow" W . Ph-nwl found W&ll llur~ with ti :1 1 y;1nJ 1w1111 u 11 f1 rt1t down .... glvt• l.111.(uim Jl1lli. tlw ball uC \ht ArUllt 4ll : M 1 11 u 1 t· 11 I u t e• r , w 1 t ht third und 10 Ht till' L a f(U Be•u<:h :rn, H11rn1111 <·a ught l Ar t1 11t11 Ii y 11 u1 p ri i; t• w 1 l h :.!4 y11 1u h u lfba1·k pa:o.i. W1lhtm 1', ~1v1ng l hl· lt11wk11o .. first m\tl j(oal at tht• two -• L1191.tn• Hiiia 20, L119une 8"ch 1 • k0<e br Ouatl•t• no Illatch J Monarchs lose lead, lose game Laouna H1ll1 • o •• 6 o ~ l aguna Buch 7 0 0 0 :,."!t LB-Flynn recovered oao 111ap "' enc.I 1 (JOhnaon kick) : , LH·Roman 4 run CP111a1on k•tkl • LH Roman 5 run (Preston lo.ic~.1 • .. • LH Wtlh•m• 11 PllU 1101n Plemel Ck for Taft By RICHARD OllNN lpeclel lo The Del!J Hot Unbeaten Taft Collt·g~ brokl' out to a big first half lead and hung on to beat Golden Wes t College! 38-21, Frida y rug h t al Orange Coast College in a non- conference football game. The Cougars, who have now iK'Ored 124 points in three games. used a n impress1vt? ground gaml' (311 yards rushin g) t6 t'Omp1Nely dominate the Rustlers. Cougar fullback J ohn Br!cr ra m bled for 138 yards on 18 carries a nd danced for two touchdowns to lead the Cougar attack. The Rustlers opened the game with a drivf' tha t took 10 plays. saw the m convert three first d o wns, and c lima x e d o n a 40-yard toss from quarterback Adam Gragna n o t o James McGee. The Rustlers (l-2) scored their second touc hdown with 19 seconds left in the first half on anothe r scoring toss fro m Gragnano , thi s time t o wide receiver Mike Bowles from 8 yards out. "They are a very fine football team, very fast and quick," said Rustler Coach Ray Shackleford. "From looking at the score. it doesn't tell you that we played well. but our kids played great. I'm not discoura~ed at all, we played very well.' Golden West received a Cine performance from Gragnan o, 11-19 for 131 yards, but he found himself in trouble from the Cougar defense throughout the night. * Tett •. Qoldefl w .. t 21 ._...,~ . ren 10 14 1 1 -38 Golden Wett 7 7 0 7 -21 OW-McGw 40-yard p-trom 01-on•no (Or-klckl T-Grlet 2-ywd run (OcleQu«• kldll T-Ooequer• 28 FO T -Wllll1 70-yard p-trom Orlldy (Ooequer• kleltl T-McLMn 10•yard run C()ceqven klc:IO GW-8owte• II-yard PHI from Or•gnano (GrMO klekl T -Ori« 1S-yard run (Ocequer• klelll T-Arrt8g8 1.y.,d run (Ocequeta kick) GW·McGee 29.y.,d PHI trom Ducharme (GrMn kick) Attendaooe-1,000 (•lltNled) ca-1 ....... T First down• 18 R<.o.,,....y.,d1 5$-331 Pasting yarda H p..... 7 Punta S-39 FumblM-tOsl 4-2 Pe<1allleS-yarda 7-97 ...... WI ....... ow 18 4S-1C>e 227 29 8-39 S-3 3-25 T -Oflef. 18-13t,AnlaQ&, 11-&t, Mc~. 5-43; Orlfflng, 4·1t: Pitta. 4-111. MllM, 8-12, 8ruela. \.-t: Otady. 2-1: &or. M : eo-. 1-lor -mil'!Ut 4 Gm -SI~. 2$-102. Johnlon. 2·19. LQn9, 3-9. Ouctwme, 4-41. LMnt>erton. 2-4. Wenztt•tt. 1-3: CampbeH. 2·2. Oraon•no. 8-lor·.,._ 311 ~··al~ T -Oredy • ....a. 97, eow.n, 1-1-0, tor- mlnua 1 GW -Or~. 11-1.-0. 131, Oucflwme, 8-10-0. "· .......... , ........ l -Wllll•. 3-91; MoLHn. 1-8. Ezor. 1-lor-mtnus t. GW -MoOH. 8-121; 8owlH. 4.55 St~k•. 3·28; Pruttl. 1· 12. Campbell. 1·7 E91>1W8na. 1-e; St8111Mber, l-lor~ 2 Cr espi st ays unde f e ated with By TERRY WHITE Special to the Dally PYol EN C INO Crespi l1 1g h Sc h oo l k e pt 1ls r Co"c:o rd unblemished here Friday night, making the Mater De1 Monan:h s th<.•ar fourth v1cum of tht· IYB:l footbull season. Crespi's Celts postl'CI u t'Omc- from-bchind 14-10 W)n m nun leagut• action. The Mo narc·h s sc.:o rc·d f irst with 11 :53 le ft in the.· sP<.·on d quarter whe n Rog er Reynoso comple ted a pass lo Swvc Opnan a t the five-yard line O prra n fumbled the! ball into the end zont· wlw n hit liy :.i Crt•1:>p1 lJt•klcr and Brian l·k gan rC't.·ovt•rt·d for a touchdown T ht• pluy was KCKxi for :rn yards and l'Ulmm at<'d a 4:.1-yard drive m . thr(•t• plays with Miki· Doa n k1l·k1n g the l'Xtra point AJ'll'f' tht• Muna rc:h ddl'nsc• shut down t hl• Celts on the ne xt <:t•n cs, Mater Dc1 movc•d to the C respi 24 be for<' a drive . was stop ped aflc'r 48 yards in st'Ven plays Doan then kick ed a 40-yard f1l'ld goal to put the Munan ·hs 1n front. 10-0, w ith 4:30 l('(t in the hair. Cn-sp1 the n shut thl· Monarc:hs It's Capo, 57-0! Da n a lf ills' prayers no t a n swered By JOE DUOEVOIR lpec:l81 to lhe Dally Piiot Befort! the South Coast Ll'ague opener against Capistrano VallE!y • High go t unde r way Frida y night, Dana Hills head coach Don Do u glass was ask ed wha t it would take to defea t the muc·h larger and highl y -favo r e d Cougars. "We have to execute the best w e can and avo id the bi g mistakes that have hurt us in the first thq?e games," he r eplied "We'll also have to pray -a lot." The Dolphins' prayers must h ave fallen on d e a f ear s as Capistrano Valley buried Dana Hills. 57-0, before mo~ than I . 000 fans at Capo Valley High. On their CirSt po6SeSSion of the night, the Couga rs got all the scoring they would need from fullback Frank Banda. Banda scooped up a fumble at the Dolphins' 35 and raced down the right sideline for the score. The fumble ~urred a fter the Couga rs· Eric Bache caught a 20-yard pass from Burt Call and had the b all s t ri pped . from behind with Banda reach in~ it fi rst. There were several Cougars that f•npycd big games. Qua rte rback Call. opera ting f rom the sec ur ity of his m a mmo th o V e n s i vc line , completed 11 of 20 passes for 279 yards and three touchdowns. Randy Lanham also had a fine game, S<.'Oring three TDs, two on runs covc?ring 51 and eight yards, and the third, a Ji-yard pass from Call. The Cougars came Into league play a strong favorite to f!nish near the top . With Friday's win, Capo Valley evened its r ecord at 2-2. Dana H ills, still searching for its first win , fell to 0-4. * Ceptetr-Vetter 57, Dena Hll• o a-.a,o-wr. Dana Hiii• O 0 0 0 -O Cac>i•lrlll\O Valley 23 14 8 14 57 CV·8amd8. 3$ return wtlh tumble f Ku .. lo.IC:lt) CV·KuH 42 tg CV·Lanham 32 put from C8'1 fKUM klCll) CV-Manaukh1nt 22 pan lrom Cell tlllc;k la•i.dl • CV Bamda 1 run fKUH klCk) CV·Pendleton 2 run (Kull ki4<k) CV Lanham 51 1un (klCk felled> c v .Man1ukhenl 21 pall from Call (Kuu klCll) CV·L•nruim II run (Kull klCI<) Atl8f'laOance-1,000 Cell) Hogan, Peck advance Marty Hogan and Dave P eck, the top seeded stars in the Pro R acque tball Classic a t King's Court m Westminster, advancc>d to today's semifinals along with G ary Hilech er and Bret Ham ett w ith quarte rfina l v ic to ries Friday. H ogan h ad a n othe r tough match in defeating Gregg P eck, the younge r bro the r of No. 1 seeded Dave. in four games, 11 -5. 9-l I. 11-9. 11-3. Thursday Hoga n w e nt lo fi ve games be fo r e d e feating Mark Martino o f Fountain VaUey, who gam ed a s po t in the t ourna m en t in a qualifying round. Dave Peck. a forme r middle l_ine backer at the University of Tt>xas-EI Pa..u. 1s seeded ahead of Hogan m the tournament. He had hllle trol1blc in di!>posing of John Eg<•rman , an alternate from Boise, ldaho, in three straight. Ric h Wagner o f San Diego brokl' a thumb m his match on Thursday and had to forfeit to Gary Hilecher of Encinitas while Bre t Harne tt o f Las Ve gas s t o ppe d M ik e Y elle n c f Southrield, Mit'h in the other quarte rfinal lt will b e H og a n agains t Hilecher at 3 today w ith Peck m eeting H a rne t t a t 5 t o de termine S unday's finalists The title ma tch is set for 2 o 'clock Sunday on TV 1 4 -10 vi c tor y down for the: ba lJrlt'\.' of the nrght and marched 74 yards in four plays to S<.'Ort' on th<' next series Jo hn Callahan went 57 yards on second down wllh 2:15 re maining in the• half and D. B. Hayes 'kicked the t'Onversion point. Afte r an ex.changt' of punL'I in the third period, thl· Celts moved 75 yards in 10 plays with Richard Batiste going over from the one for th«:! winning touc:hdown with Hayes again t'Onvl'rting to bring the final count to 14-10. C Ba111h1 I run fH1ve• ktekl A 2.700 (Hllma1ed> O•ma 8lall1llc• MD F1ra1 oown1 6 Ru1hea·ya101 24 29 Paulng yard a 10 I Pasaea 8 18·0 Punll 6 37 Fuml:>lel·I051 2· 1 Penallle$·y•r01 7.7g Individual Rw1hlne . c 12 3!1 128 102 10·13·0 6-31 3· 1 6 so MO JC?net, 11~0. Purdy, 4-10. Gu1sm1ectl. 3 -5. Reynoso . 3 .101 -m111u1 11 . Locy. 3-tor-mlnu• 15 C Callah1n. 16-120. w ogoner 10-42. P1111. 7-lor-mlnua 37, B•l11le. ::!-3 lndlvldu•I PaH lflG MO-Ray110M>, S-12-0 56 l cx;y. 3 6·0, 45 C-Palrl, 10·13·0, 102 lndhlldu•I Recetvlf1G MO Oo•n. 2·29 Purdy, 2·24 De La Cruz 2-22, Obrian, 1-21, Locy, 1·5 C-Fau11a. 6-73, Fuce. I· I I, Callahan 1·8, B•ousaard 1-5 Salerno 1·5 •••leO) ,• Allendonce-2 000 CHl•meted Oem• ltall•llca LH fllll OOWl'lt 12 Ru1he1-yer • 3 76 Penmo yo• t•9 p..... 8 1!.0 Punra fl 3!1 FumbtH tosi 2 :> P11na111aa v••<i• 11-85 9 .. lndilduel Ru•hlng LH R(lm 7-•2 Tr ol'IO 17-11ti W1ll1am1,8-9, W1 icn • II, Ptemel 6·m1nua 1: leom 1u1h, l·tn1nus 10 LB Drape• 3·30, Baas 6-25. Aral)t\i 6-15 M811no 'l 1•. Kimball 1-rnonus 'l lndlvlduel PH1ln9 LH Pl11m11t 6 13 0. 104, Trento 2·2-0. 4$. LB l<lmboll 4 11 3, 49 Baas. 3.10.0. Individual Aacelvln9 • '. L~e W11t1am' S-97 Proud 2-36. McD*'t 1-16 . f LB McOennon 2·33. Draper 2-2..,; Mo111a•on 1 2!> Ma11no 1·3 Ross 1-2 Callahan, the ·Crl-spi tailback, had runs of 16, 9, 7, 7, 5 and 3 yards d1,1r1ng lhl· driv'c bcfort' Bauste took it into thL· e nd UWf' Ma ter. De1 had one last c·ha ncc to score in thf' fo urth q uartN w hen the Monarchs moved the ball t o the.· Crespi 26 with fourth-and -one. Mike J ones was held for no gain a nd the Crespi offen5'1 took ov(•r to run do w n the clock OCC breezes to volley ball victo r y .. Orangt• Coast Colk·g<' brc-cwd to its third straigh t victory of the• season with a 3-0 victory ov<·r host San Diego Mesa Friday nig h t in community c:o llegc· women's volleyball action. Hrlg<•n dor f's OCC P irate's we!ioQ- Dl·anm· Low at out.std<' htlll'L arjf Kathv Mol lica at setter T~ P1ralc..•s host Santa M o n1 <!& Wc'<.inC'sdesy and M t San Antonio Friday Both malc:h<>s art: at 7 pm ~.f'" Crffpl 14, Meter 0.1 10 k0<• by Ow•rtltf 1 Maier De< 0 10 0 0 10 C1esp1 0 7 7 0-14 Newport Christ ian to ppled visiting Woodcresl C hristian m three games in a non -league high sch ool match. H1ttt.·rs St<·lla &•rk l'brle a oo Debbie Moh ler. a long w1th S{'ttc•i Chris Yearley playc·d we'll fof'- Newport Chr1sl1an MO-Regan fumble 1ecove<y (Doan klek] MO-FO Doan 40 yarOs Play ing w ell for CoaC'h Ja n <.' C -Cellahan !17 run (HayH klCk) ·111 THI IARL'I ( \ • P\UMllNG-Hl.AT..O AllCOMln-'°"" WATWI NIA._ .... _...._ ~ ,, 11101 &w'1ICe T-l lMt• 1t1 YOUf Door te .. ll•cw• __ , y,,..,. 111 .. 1 COSY.A MISA 641-1211 .,,......,,.., ....... .......,.. VllJO 495..()401 2"22 c:...MM Cql I 0 14 4-.... -, . ., Aowy ,._,I CIU.: Pacific coast Boxomce F.om H.....,...,., l!Hth 714/536-8826 I """ ..,...,., """""1-w 714/540-3669 C•ll 642-5671. Put • few words to work tor ou. 4x8x1/a" BIRCH PLYWOOD Beautiful GraJn Ready to Stain reg. 16.95 4X8X1/4 " PECAN PLYWOOD Outstanding Buy reg. 29.95 4x8x5/a " PARTICLE BOARD Great for Many Uses reg. 9.65 4x8x3/a " SHOP PLYWOOD Sanded 1 side Exterior Glue reg. 9.89 ~x3" Net x 6' Cedar GRAPESTAKES Makes a Beautiful Fence reg. 99¢ SALE $995 SALE $1495!! SALE $649 SALE $599 SALE 79c Sports TELEVISION 11: 15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Milwaukee at Baltimore or Oakland at Kansas City. 12:30 P·ITI· (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - New Mexico at Air Force Academy. 12:45 p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - San Jose State ~t California . · 1 p.m. ( 11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at San Francl8co. (5) ..._ BASEBALL -Texas at An"els. . 2 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN - Segments Include mountain climbing in the Teton Range; and an antJque rifle target com~tition Practice makes perfed. 3x_4x8 REDWOOD POSTS Make Excellent Posts · While Keeping Costs Down reg. 4.59 4:30 p.m . (7) -NFl .'S BEST EVER. 5 p .Jl). (2) -RAIDERS PLA YBOOlt '8!. (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Trevor Berbick (21 -2-1). the onJy man ~er to go the dt.tancc with Larry Holmes, v1. Renaldo Snipes (22-2-1) In a scheduled 10-round heavyweight fight taped at Atlantic City, N.J. Alao: the w om en's masters surfln1 charnplonahlp. taped off Sunset Beach m 09hu • 1.1 p.m . (5) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA at Colorado. Taped earlier In the day. RADIO Baeeball -Texu at Angell, l p.m., KMl'C (710): Dodgera at San FrancllCO, l p.m .. KABC (790). Football -NebrMk.a at Auburn. 10:30 a.m., Kl!V (870); UCLA at.Colorado. 12:30 p.ft'.\., KHJ (930); ~,on at USC, 1:30 p.m., KNX (1070); Cal Poly_ Pomona at fAatern Wash ington, 6:4~ p.m .. KWRM (1370); LA Southv·eat at SaddJeback, 7:30 p.m KSBR (88.~ FM). f &&&&&& &&&&GG &G&&G&· WI SllYKI TMIM llTill •<AUSI IMW'S All AU WI SllVKL J 4X8X3/4 ASH PLYWOOD Veneer Core Good 2 Sides SALE reg. 45.95 $2995 __., ... ,. MOUM 14f•J01J ~-:::: Zt6t CIMTUIY 'L C.OITAM ' .. ~i Ocean View falls·, 12-10 ly ED ZINTEL .,_.., I• llM o.llY ,...., , 1 Ol't'un Vlt'W I hgh did u murt.' thu11 udc-qu~l.4-· .1oh l~1~hutlln(J down th1• Sunny llilll'I ufCeOM: ~ rhluy n~\ll ut Huntington Beach. Howe•vl•r m I.he• l'nd. it ~~~the &!ahowk11' own offl•rL,.ive 1111111.akt.•i. thot did "F\n in · ' S unny Hiiis' Tam B y rnt.>s st·ore•cJ tw o hclOwns on run• of 1 and 14 yunJs und pluy\-J u part on deft·~>;e· Lo help the Lun<w·11 t-d"'e· CA.'t!an . 12-10, In o non-leagut• buttlt.' , Byrm'S broke the dt•h•r\.>Ove strugglt< ~arly in t -thlr•d quarter after Qccoan V1uw ll MJk a :i-0 k•Dd.. o 35-yard field gool by lkid Thtbodcuu on the I play of the Cinu half. • ' Byrnes r('(.'Overed u fumble in the S<'ahawks' t>fM<. n e1d early m the third quarter to g•vt: the· L.lnc;crs D Unn and goal at the Ol'Can Vit.'W six-yur·d lint.'. Ocean View lost four fumbles on the night and that was a ke>y fa c t o • 1n tht• o uttomt• Midway through the fourth 4uur ter, onother Seahawk fumble was recovered by Keath JUt.ket.son to kill an Ol-cun View drive <.11 the· Sunny mus· 2J-yard line. Following a 46-yard run by halfback Run twr,s. Byrnl's took it over from the 14 to give S '1lny Hills a l:l-:i lead with 5:28 rC'muining. t,•. However, the &ah,6'ks got right back in it on tls ensuing kickoff as 'P.unes Garton ran the ball bdlik 88 yards for a touchdown. Un the runbal·k. Oartun eluded thrL'l' would-be tacklC'rs, then cut up·thc right sideline and outran two Sunny Hills defenders. · - e.• A Sunny Hills fumble at the Scahawks' Y-yard li6e gave Ck:ean View a last l'hancc with 11 SC:.'<:Onds to go. But two long passes werl' broken up by cornerback Jeff Wackerman to end the Ramt>. ·• Sunny Hills is now 2-2 on the season w hile Ocean View drops to 1-3. ... "We made the kind of mistakes that kill you," said CXcan View head coat•h Stcov<> Colflesh. "We also did not execute well enuugh on offense. The blockin~ was not ver y good .• "But the d C'fcnse did its part. 1t played very well. SuU, l'd say Sunny Hills was bt.'tter tonight. Jtl.s that simple. they were better." r: · On defense. linebackers James Himes. Je rr Alloway and David Savage had good games for Ocean View as did tackles Eric Martin and Dave Drrroll Sunny Hills quarterback Lance Smith was able to complete just two passes for 0 total yards. H owever , Ocean Vi e w quart erbaek C had Pariseau l'Omplcted JUSt three pass<.>s for 31 yards Ocean View was limited to jus t 73 yards on the ground. Pariseau was the leading rushcr with 26 yards. * 9unnJ Hllta 12, Oen View 10 kot•Dy~• Sunny Hille O o o o-12 <Xeen View 0 3 0 7 10 OV-lhlbOdeeu 35 FQ SH-Byrnes I run (klQ. felledl SH-Byrnes 14 run (kK<k llliledl 0V-01r1on 8! kle~ Oii return (Tl\ibOdUU klekl A11endonGe -2.000 SH 9 4S-187 0 2-7-0 ov 4 23-73 31 3. f3.0 Punta 6-29 7-~ Fumbles-lost 2· 1 5.4 Penall~·Y••d• 1·5 5·•5 lndhtlcllMM R ... lll"f SH-Smith, 9· 18. He1111 19·80, Poweu, 10·59, S1ndow 2-S. Byrnes. 6·27 ov-P1r1seeu. 9-26. Peri.er. 7-8 9urnsl0e 2-20. Sudyka. S-19 lndl•~ PaHlllg SH Smith. 2·7-0 0 OV P111-. 3· 13.0 3 1 lftdl'1•• Aeeehlftt SH-Mennla, 2.0 ov-P111ker 2-15. wa1.n I· 18 Lions stumble '· at Compton BJ RANDY TIFT stteclll 10 die°"" Piiot 1, COMPTON Westminster High School's Li'ons traveled out t.o Compton Friday night to d~vcr for themselves how tou~h the Tarbabcs' d~lense really 1s. · .. Nobody has penetrated th.e Compton end w ne al) year And, il was no different for the Lions, who wfire shut out by ihe1r hosts, 7-0. at Ramsaur S\adium. Meanwhile, the Tarbabcs went to the bomb on ofle nse, accumulattng 165 yard s on only five cdtnpletions in the game . Quarterback Brian cQoke's 38-yard pass to James Howard set up the game's only score early tn the second quarter. Qdart.erback Empry Young took it in from 10 yards alia Ray Suarez converted the PAT In the first half, the Lions' deepest penetration w~ to the Compton 34-yard line in the waning 'ments of the half. Ray Berg missed to the left on ng field goal alt.empt. That was as close as the f\S got until the fourth quart.er. With four minutes le ft In th~ game, Lion q'i~terback Tim Hanson took to the air a nd hit receiver Tim Valenzuela !or 21 yards and a key first down. On the next play\ Hanson found Valenzuela again at the 2~-yard line where he broke two tackles a nd r an into the end zone. However , oftensive pass interfere nce was called o n Va1enzuela to nulify the play and bring the ball back to the Lions' J.4 . The Hanson-Valenzuela tandem did not quit, though. They hooked up on the next two pass plays fQjti,gains of 26 anti 12 yards to the Compton 28-yard 11"". Then a holding penalty against Westminster b • ght it back to m1df1eld once again and the ns were forced to go for fou rth and long. 'y didn't make it and Compton ran out the clock ~nd the game. Defensively. the LloM d id a respectable job i mselves. They held the speedy Tarbatx>s to less two yards per carry on the ground. Head h Barry Warers singled out Richard Btown, TamamuuJ, and Steve Washbon on defenae. Was hbon played his best game ever," wd WMers, "He not only played well defensively, but hi ke pt u1 In the game with his punting (he a*raged 36 yards on eight punts)." ~ HeNOn pu8Cd well for his 124 yards, but the WfttmlMter ground game was stopped cold (or a •us 54 yarda on 18 carries, Including seven sack.'I far the swarming Tarbabet' de fense * 0 12 o .n ... .. , .. z WO 2-0' 4-H l•14lh'801' ....... w -"-Omonel, 7-14: k eneon. 9·1or-m 1nu1 76. Goode , 1-7; Cllatron, 1.0. C-Woodard. 12-40; Young, 11-34, MOOfe, 9·12; ltnh, 2-01 c ook, 10 -l or-m lnu• 10: ~crorMlle, Mor~ 3 ..... co, ....... W-Hlf*WI, t •26-<I, lf4 C-COOll, 4-7•0. 134; Young, .. 1.a. a1. • ....,., .... ._. ....... w -vt1entu111, 4·81, l!ddy . t •IS; W•MWI, 141, .,._, 1•7; '>ooda, ,.,_ O-How11d. 3·106; Tueller, 2·IO. ~~--------~------~~ --~------------------~-1-----~~------~~~~•~--~~~~--~------~ MllC NOftC( 1MlJC 11na rt.el.IC NOHCl Plate Nemec . • MUC NOTIC( YOU Mil ~ MPAIA.l Gilii1t A ~~ •teTIJIOUI IUllNIH 'tCTfflOUI .u .... 11 PICTITIOYI IU ... H MIOO'i T*llT DATU Ill&;.:, YOU AM T ~It NAM1 HA........ M4MI IUTIMINT MA* ITAtlMl•Y ""' .... i .... YOU nu •OncMI .. DllD 0 u ' iTID llle lol!Owll'O ptlfMlll .,. dOlflt fh• rot10wlng O••ton It d111no fN IOllOW!nO ,,.,.'°° • .,. ikllfljl to NI0'1CT voua ~ .... • iNtlMI•.. IN-.. bliti,_ .. "MAY .. '°"° .. , .. ~ ... ,. ..... ~ ... 1UIHlf """" co J 120 IAI ICtlllf I IClUO or HAl'f''r ll, ltlUI IJO e ,,.,, ••. ...... _t •• Y O U HID ... ~=~-::,:,~ ..... ,:y·~: 6eHf'IUll• 1)11 •• Cotlt M•H, CA HIA ~l8 , (II K[l Ofll !Cl Cot1eMH1,C• 1Jta7 lllPLAllAftON Of' THI MATURI • ' . 1201 I ICflLll! 8 KOZY IU,Sfl l''I 10006 Hefllllne Mk:.IMl41e Lew. ?~6 I an ()ti '"" ...0011.DCNQ AOA•IT OLO AT A ~IALI." 'IOU OAVIO B UONNILLY 11111• U•v frO'!I, 01lbo• l•l•nd..l CA 07ee~ JOaqllln, LllQUM IMch. Ce t2161 Y~OU ~ CONTACT A ~t .. -: ::,. ..... 'm::or:: Uoodete t1 I ounleln V•iley CA Keu1r McCANl>LL88 10016 ll'llfi•n tf Rhone, 6 Hlgntlll\d LA.eo\-t:i °' \'Mltllll'• ULI AOAINIT YOU.1. YOU •HOUl.D u10: •• o ~AH ANN llNlHlOf H, ui ~ '°"'· llllbO• 111 .. no. CA 112ee:i \liew ltW\t, Cl 927 I& T.I ........ COMlACf A UwYIR. • ) 1:11 R:muae Drive. Co•I• M.... 1111 llll•lf-• I• Ulllcweled by en Th. bl.leltletl II Conduc;lecJ l>Y.,.. NOTICI 18 Hl!All8V 011/[N, m•1 NOTICI O' ""llTll I IAl.I CA 112040 lndlvldulll l<elllt!I MCC:endlete ~.:'~~ci:;r:~=.i:uocl•llon Oilier O!' frldey Oclobet 11, 10H. '' t 00 0 0c;~''O. NO;:·'=~Ytl 1 10 00 11111 butlr,. .. I• conduc;led br 1 fhl• 1111-11 wH flied with lh• Hetmlne M Lew o CIOck • rt1 ot Hid dey. In Ille •OOm " 0 1 1 • • oei111t•I pa11r,..1111g County Cletll ol Or•no• County on lnl• 1lelemer11 wN llle<I with Ille Ml ••IO<I IOf c~uollng lr1Ht•'• 11 cloci. • m 1>n uH dey •I the "-v"' Donn.ily • 1 ..,. l"t'• Coun ,.,_11 ol ,.._ Cou 4••••· wllhln Ille ollk:4N ol AtAL Cn•pme11 Avenue ant•IMlC• 10 Ille fhl• tt•I ""' ~ wea llled w1111 Ille ,.ugue -· " , f1._ &.pt~i;;' 23. · ,o.~ n1v on L8fA11 leCVRITIES Sl!RVICI. Civic Center &ulldlng, )OO EHi Counly c1et-::':: Oranoe County Oii Publl1ned Oren1,1e Co111 Delly ,,_1. loceled •I 2020 Nor1h Broedwey. C nepm•n Ave nut, O tan g•, 8ep1em1>e1 10 1118:1 PilOI, 8ep1 UI. 26. Oct 2, 9, 1912 Publl•h•d 01•11gr C011t Delly 8ulte 2ot. In the Clry ol 81'11• Anej Ca~°('~• I E R N M U l U A l , '101147 4147 92 Pllol S4tc>I 2~. Ocl 2, 11, 18, 19H g:~l~~Y1 :11.~·.:~it' :~•,':fol! <;ORPORAJION, a Celilor nle Put>llahed 01e1111• CoHI Delly ------------4217•82 SECURlflES 8t:.RVICE. • Cellloml• C;orpore11011 , u lrueln. or P1101 Sept II, Ol6. ~· '· 9, tH2 Pta.IC NOllCC PUllUC NOTIC£ oorporellon ... duly eppolnled tul>tlltOled Trutt ... unclet Ille Deed 4089 12 --------------T1u11 .. und41< lllld pureu•nl to 0141 ol ltutl •~teuled by WILl.IAM R .. _IC """TIC[ PICTITIOUI llU ... H eUNM04' CCMMT Of', .. power of HI• c1111ltrr•ll In th•1 WHITe 111\d JACOUliLINllJ. WHITf, ,.._ nu N.AMa ITAThlllNT ITAT9 °" CAUPONMA '°" c.nlln Deed ol Truel ••e<.uteel by hullbe11<1 end wife H )Olnl lenenle. MUNK:llJ'Al. CCMMT OI' fhe lollowhlO P•rton la doing THI COUNTY Of' OAANOI CATHERIN[ A METZ 1111 unm,.rleel herein celled T1u11or. recorded CAl.WONt!A bUlllMl8 •• NO. A1Mell NOmA11 aild C~UOINE A OAUMM Oclot>er 10, tHO 11 INlrumenl No COUNT'I Of1 CNIAM09 BUN 'n' I AARELL, 21 I &2nd OM>9111 TO IHOW CAUM • widow, reciordecl June 6. 1g91, In 18307. Ill 600il 13716, Page 1791 ol WSIT CNIAMOS COCMfTY s11 .. 1. NewpOtl 8e1Ch, CA 928IO '°" CHANOI OI ..... Boo• 140119 ot OllK:l•I A.COldl ot OlllCl81 Reco1111 of 01111109 County. JUDICIAL IMITNCT GEORGE MK IT ARIAN, 2433 In Ille MelllM' o4 ,,,. ~·l()tl Of .. ,0 Counly, 81 page 60 Hec:O<det'I C11ito1n1e. wlll Mii ••r.:titlci llUCillOn IM1 tMll ea Newrldge Or Ive. Aanc;ho Pelol FAANCIBCO BEAENOUER LA8TAA •lltl1Utnefl1 No. 9138, by '"'°" OI • 10 lh• hlQhHI lll<l er IOI CH h. • ......... .., CA~ Verdee, CA ll0 .. 74 and DAISY RUlH l ASl RA IO• OrH Ch O• detaull In peymenl Or p•y•bl• In lewtul mon•1 Of lh• PC..A*TWPI LAMtY TAIAU.. Thi• buMn•H •• conCIUCleel by .,, Chanoe Of Name oertormence of llftl obl~lone Vn<ted Ste1e1 el Ille time 01 Nie, DSPINOANT1 OARY 1PtCHA11. H\dllfkluel WHEREAS , lhe eppllcetlon or tecured lhtreby lncludln ..... hel 11\e lnllM'HI c;onveyecl 10 end now ITIPHINION TlllllY DI Geotge Mkll.,lan FRANCISC0 8ERENGUEAlASTR.A OIH Ch 1)1 d•l•ull Nolle• OI whleh ntlll by Hid T11.1ttH under N ld MAf'TlNO, .... tlAll•, TIMY Tn11 l!elemenl WH llted wllta..lh<t end 0A18V RUTH LASTRA IOI • '1111 record•<! J.;n• 22, tll82, H Oe•d of l rutt In the properly DI MAATINO INMI 11111(1 llAlll, • Coumy CllM'k of Orange C0un1yvn cherige oJ MlnOI oeughl41<'• Neme ~•cord er '• lnalrllmenl No lltueled In Nlld County •nd 81•1• 0-r., .,.,._...., Ae NARI S411)1eMbel 10, 1912 hHl>eetldulyllledwtlhlh<tc;lerkol 12-214354, Will SEL~l PUBLIC deac<lbed ... AUTO CINTUI A.NO &.IA.-0 8lld ,, '1'7111 lhlt Courl. end II appeulno from \VCTION TO THE~IGHE8l Loi 19 of Trec;t No. 10613, .. 00.11 "'""!'.. ............ Publllht d Ore no• County O•llr ~1Uld epp11ce11on lh•I U ld llDOER FOR CASH lawful money anown on • 111ep recorded In Book tUMlildNe ON NIT PHol, 84ft>1. II, If, 25, Oct 2, 1982 1ppllcenU' dta lre 10 h a v e C>I Ille Unlled Slelff: 01 1 CHhler'1 448. PeQH <IS, 4 • end 47 of ~D COW\.AINT 402$-12 JENNIFER LEANN! PJIATHER't cheek drawn on • etate o• nallon•I M11cell1neoue Maps. record• of c ... Ne. ,_, n1me oh•nA•O 10 I,,• P•OPOHd bani. e 1tele or lederel credit Orang• Coun1y, Calltornle NOTICll Ytti MM 1Meft ~. ..,_II' """TIC[ name ol JENNIFER LEANNE union, Ot e 1111e or ledttll NvlflOI The llreel MldrHI e.nd/OI Ol"41r Tiie-' _, ............. ,OU ,..~ nu LASlAA •"d ioan ... aocle llOn domlelled in common d .. lgnellon, II eny, 11 -~ ,_ M1ftt llMr.i ....._. PICmtoUI llUIMet NOW, THEREFORE. II 11 11ereoy lhlt •t•••. ell payeble •• the 11,,,. ol pu1porled 10 be 3118 Klondlk• ,_ r..,....O......,. JO-., •. ..._.. NA .. aTAft .. NT ord•t•d e nd dllecled 111e1 all Hie. all right, 1111• end lnt0fea1 held Avenue. Co111 Meaa, Calll0tnl• Ille lntofmatlen below. per1on1 lnt11Hl•d In th• u10 by It, u Tr ullH, In lhet real Seid Hie wilt be med• Without II yc>u w1an to -" the 11dvkie or bu~~o~~.wlng perion 1• doing melter or chenge ot neme IPi>e•r properly lil tu••• In Nld County end we1ren1y u to lllle P<>tMHIOn Of en euorney In thle me11e1, vou • BANKERS FINANCIAL GROUP belore ebove enllll•d Court. In Stele. deecrlbtd •• loltowe encumbfancet, '°' Ille purpoM ol lllOukl do ao P'DmPllY to 1he1 your 1000 Quell 811 .. , No 160 N-i Oe9•••ment 3 lhe<eol. localed et "EXHIBIT A" P•vtng the ObllQetlOnt MGUfed by w1l11en reepontt. u eny, may b• Beach CA 112aeo• · por 700 Civic Cenier 01 . Sen1e Ane. PARCEL 1 Unit ~. 11 1hown .. 1d.Oee<f ol l ru11, 1nc1ue11no the IN tiled on llme. CV'Rll F I< ERTMAN 2901 Ce on the 201h dey or Oolober. end defined on 111a1 c ertain I nd HpenN Ol ll\e Tiu11 .. ind ol AVltO I Ueted he al do Cerob Street Newpo<l Beeeh CA 1992. •I the hOUr of 10 30 o'c;look Condominium Pian recorded June lh<t 1rui11 creeled by Nld OM<! ot de111an••d•. II lrll>unal •u•tl• 92seo · • A.M .. lhen. and thtt• 10 •how c;.uae. 22. 1979. In book 12727. pagH Trull, edvencea 11\ereunder. with deoWlr COfttre Utl. l6n .... , IOla • Thie buMnea• It conducted Dy an 11 lfly ttt.y heve. llWlly th• eppllHllOn 1837 10 1870 lncluelve of Olllcl•I inl.,Hl H provided l'*<•ln, •nc:t Ille -.,. IHI. r.....-tlefttro lnd lllldueJ tor Change of nerne lhOuld no1 be Record• o r Orange Cou11ty. unpeld prlncipal •nc:t 1n1er .. 1 ol lhe de JO dlM. Lae le~.,. Cyril F K111man Qltlllled Calll0tnle, en<! r•reco<ded Augutl NOlll(ll 1ecu1ed by H id Deed of ....... Thit lletemenl WH llled wllh Ille IT IS FURlHER ORDERED lhe1 e 21, 1978 In bOOk 12809, peges I 174 Trutl, to-wrl $49.922 30. $1 Utled deua 1ollcl1e1 e l Coum Clefk 01 Ore Count on copy ol lhlt 0<der be pubhahed In 10 1207 lnclutlve ol Olflcill Recorde Dated Septembet l3, l992 ounttJO de un ebogedo en eete Sepl yber lO 1982 l1Qll y 1he ORANGE COASl OAIL Y PILOT. ol Orange Counly, c.lllo1nt1. W EST EA N MU TU A l e 1 u n Io . d e b er I a he c er Io m ' ,111117 • newapeper ol gene.al circulaHon, PARCEL 2 An undMed 1144111 CORP lmmed. 1e1emen1e. de "'• m....,a. C....t& 6 KMdaft printed end publlthed In 011nge lnllM'ffl In e.n<I lo Loi 4 or Trect No 700 S Tuelln 5., .. , .., reec>ueet• Metll•. el hay ~a, at1 ...._.. Ceftl., °"" Coun1v, St•t• or Ce1tforn1e, ~ 10 t37 u lhOwn on •Map rec0tded ~!,•noe1 141C:719~~~ puecSe .., reo111re<n 1 tiemPO ..,... aoo · Mell .,.. '°' tour (4) tu<:t .... .,. In book 428. P•gH 48 10 so ol ... 17 I • ~· p11or 10 Ille d•I• •00... Ml Ml1celleneou1 M•P•. ••cords 01 Al IUCh Tru11.. 1· TO THE DEFENDANT A c;MI .,....., CA 11111 for th• hurlno of Mid epplic;ellon Orange Counly, Callll>"tlle, t09ttl\er By V11gln1e Keyt complel111 hH bHn tiled by 1he Publiehed 01eni1 CoHI 01ily Det.O S•l>lember 9 lll92 wllh •II lmprovemenlt lh~on, Trul!M Salee Ollic;et pl•lnllff ~aln1I you II you with 10 Pllol. Sec>I 11, 18, 5, Ocl 2. 1992 FRANK OOMENICHUM ••cec>llng therefrom Conoomlnlum Publl1hed 01eno• CoHt Dally dtlend 1 • lewtUtt. you mutt, within 4029-82 Judge of the Unllt 1 through 44. incluelv•, Pt101, &ep1 19, 25, Oct 2. 1982 H deye •lier 1111a 1ummon1 It SuperlOI' Coun locete<l thereon. 4135-82 Mf"9d on you. Ille wUh thl• coun • NI.IC NOTIC[ Publl•h•d Orenge CoH t Delly PARCEL 3 An •aclutlve rta.IC """TIC[ wrnten.reeponM IO lhe compl•lnl 1'1101 Sepl 25 Oc;I 2 9 18 1982 H--11 tor perking and releted nu un .... iyou do 80• your dtflull wMI flCTITtOUa llUltNlll · ' · · 42~·92 ~ ovet lhel portlOn ol LOI 4 NOTICI Of' TIWaTelt'I eALI! be enier•d on eppllcatlon Of lhe NAMI ITATlMINT ol Mid Traci No 10137. 11 lhown L-Ne. 001·,.,._. plalnllff, end 11111 courl m•y eniet • TM IOllOwlng P«ton• 11• dofno "8IC NOTICE on Eahlbll "A .. to Ille Declet•tton 01 T.a. Ne. ~ Juelgtnenl eglllnel you •or ll\e relief bUtl,,_ aa --..,.,IC __ TITlOU __ ..,..._•_.,... _____ _ Ru1rlcllon1 lor Tne Springe f 0 SERVICE COMPANY Mduly <Semended In the complalnt, ~ PORTAAlf MUS IC , 7379 II Condominium, rec;orded April 21, eppo1n1eo lru•I•• under the could •••ult In gernl•hmeni ot OrengelhO<IHI Aven1>e. Buen• Park, NAME ITATaMINT 11179 In book 126'44, page 920 ol 1011ow1ng described d..O 01 tr1.111 wegn, leklng ot money 0' pr()f)efty CA 90820 Tl\e loflowlno P«ton• ••• doing Olllcle l Reco1d1 end re-recorded Will SEl.l AT PUBLIC AUCTION or other reftel requeeltd In the ABG RECORDING, e Cel.l0tnle bualneM u · complaint C ATLAS PLUMBING CO INC . Mey 3. 1978 In book 128e0. ~ TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR 0.led Aoo'M a, 1912, corporellon, 777 Ouell ucl•, 3024 f e ll l a Pe lme A•enue. 578 ol Offlclel Rec0tdt or Orange CASH (plylble e1 time Of Hie In ----J Wecll Cleffl Anaheim Hiiia, CA 92807 Anehelm, Ca 9290e County, California (heretnalter lawful money ol the United Sl•tfl'I LeeM Pr8ric1e, O..V., flllt bu11ne11 II conducted by • Or~ County AtlH Plumbing ••l•rr•d 10 H "Dec1ar111on"I H 11111ght, 1111• and 1n1ereal conveyed LAW Of Pf Cle ·o, MURRAY c0tpor1tlon Co . tnc C• Celtlornla GOrpore llonl. Catf)Or1 IC>ICe S Seid ••Mmenl It to end now IMlld by II under uld IJ'A.L.m RBG Recording 3024 Eatl l• Pelm• Avenue. further dtllned and dHCrlbed In Deed ol Trutl tn lh• properly ,4120 ._.......,., ..._ 10* Richerd 8 Grlmahaw, Anallelm C 92eoe Ar1leleS II 111\<1 HI of 11\e Oeclwe110n het .. naltllf ~rrbe<I ......... CA _, Prff T . a PAACEL 4• A non·•xclualve TRUSTOA OAVID GONZALES tef, Thll etet-nl wH hied wtth the hie buM.-a ill GOnducflld by 8 (1.,.t IMo-C ,.,_ Cou COfpote.llon. e.-nenl IOf uM end et1joymenl ol JR end IRENE 0 GONZAlES. Put>hthed Ot1n~e COHI Delly ounly -..-k Of Orange nty on Or= Counly Atlu Ille Common Ar .. dellgn•led in the hu1bend •nd wife .,_ n... 82 Sep1emt>er 13 1992 p C C>edereuon. Mid..._,,, 1>en1no BENEFICIARY MONlEBELLO Piiot . ....,i. 11• 111• 5• v..• k2~~92 KRAY a IMfTH C:::oent ~~1:~1 • lurlher CS.lined end de scribed In FEOERAl SAVINGS ANO LOAN C-1 ...... e M Lew Pretident -r11Glet 11 en<l 111 of the Oac:latetton ASSOCIATION.• ~poratton P\llLIC NOTJC[ MOO tlilec.Atttlw MM. luMe • Thi• II••-• wH hied ..,111 lh<t . ... PlCTmOUe __,_ .. MMlllT~~ 'he follcMWltl --~ •• dolnO tlulil\llll.. • u,.,1r10 'HOTO I.All, ,.,, NewOOfl ..... d . ~, '"· ~1 lffcll, C1 1:1"3 ,,.. GnlerprlH 111C II ..... J1reey co1 po1e11on), 20U RI t , Howell, ,.... Hit.., 071J I Thie lxltlneaa II conducl.O by • COfPC)rllllon l'A.111 f NTEAPRl81! WllllMn W JflllO«, VIC:e Prello.tlt TN1 ttel-1 waa filed "'9fl tn• Counly Clerk c;I O.enge Courtly~ s.c>tetnbet ». 1ot2 ,,.1. Publllh•d Orange COHI Oelly PllOI tJec>! 2fl. Oc1 2. 9. 18, 1tl2 ...., 421t-U a..01• .. "'~~~~ AT MVAT9 IAU Ne.A•.-r1 In 111• ~_:r••r Caurl of th• ••••• .. c 111e. * 111e c_,, ol Oran1• hi lh• Meller el the l et.te of Ol.AOYI :r;av11111, Deo•••'· No11cie 1a he reov Olv• lhel lhe 1.tncleftlQnecl wlll N II •I Prlwele ..... to 111• hlQhHI •Hll l>HI bidder. tUDJecl 10 c;onllrmatron or n ld Supetior Coun. on 0< aller Ille 1(1111 d•r o4 Oc;tober 1982 •• 111ct olllc;tr of SCOTT, PERSINGER. MUEHL. 6 l<EBRE, 777 S Mein St . Suu• 212. O••no•. c a1110t111e. (7 141 $·111-74112 Coun.1y o l Oren ge. S ule ol Celllornle, •II 1he rlghl, Ullt and 1nt•rH I 01 H id deceued er lh• time OI dealh end ell 111\. tight, lltle l !'O lnlOfHI tnel lhe .. tatt of H id dec ett•d h•t e c;qu1red by ope1e11on or llw or 0111erw1M 0111" lh•n OI In llddl110n 10 th•I of l aid ~a..O. el Ille lime ol dellh, In •nCI 10 ell the cetllln rMI prope.ly lllueled, In C11y of 0fenge, County ol Or1nge. S111e ol Cellforo1•. par 11eulefly deacrll>ed u follow•. 10 Wll LOI , I lrec;I 1022 ... lllown on Mep 1hereol reco<ded In 90Qll 341 peg •• 20 end 21 o Ml •c •ll•n •OUt M•P• ol ••Id Orenge County, C a lllorn11 Eacepllng lherelrom int W••• IN.SO IMt lhereol. Subfe c l t o-Cove n a n11, cond1llon1, rHlrlc1ton1. 11gh11 of way and t atementa ol record more commonly known u 910 NOl1h Bewley StrHI. 01en9•. Callf0tnle lerm1 ol ••I• cu h In lewlul money of Ille United S1e1 .. on Mil, or pen cash end b•lenc:e evklenced by not• NCure<I by Morlgege 01 T rutt Deed on lhe property to eolCI Ten per cent ot amount btd 10 be depOtlled with bid fMClt or ofterl 10 be IO Wiiiing end we wlll be received •1 lh<t elor...,d olfle• •I eny lime el1er the llral publlc:atlOn hereol and bel0t• date olMle O ated !hi t 2 4111 day OI Sep1embef. 1982 IOWAN>a.~ At1amey .. "- •COT1', HRalNOllll, MUEHL • Kl!eM AtMmey tof I•~ DAY10 ... TON MAY la~utor of Ille l •t• .. of ..... ~. Publlehed Oreno• Cou1 O•lly PllOI~ Qc1 I, 2, 8, 11192 EXCEPT THEREFROM ell 041, Recorded Augutl S, 1980 u 1n11r ..._POt1 9-1\, CA ... COunly Clerk of Orange County on g • t . m I n• r 11 • • n d o I h • r No 4410 In bOOk 13890, pege 25 o4 f~~f .. llU ... al Publlahed Or1nge Cou1 Delly s.pieml>et 23 1982 1-'----------- hyclrOCJatbonl. below• d-Olh ol 500 Oll1c1a1 A«;ordt 111 1"9 olflee ol lhe "* I •Tl....., P1101. Sec>1. 111. 25. Ocl 2, II, 1992 · ,.1 .. ,» rtlll.IC NOTICE 432~·92 fff1, without th• rlg111 ol 1url•c• Recorde1 ol Ore11oe County, H Jd TM foflowlno peraona ••• d<>411Q 4145-92 OONAU> NOMTI1 1------------ entry, 11 r~ in 1ne•1umtt111 ol deed or uu11 cle1c1ibet lh• bualneas u 1------------A,, ........... "-~. record. loflowtng property. INTERCEPT PROGRAM 22762 P\llllC IOTICE 1aoo Ooft • ., ... a-. aoo NOTICE OF DEATH OF The •1•••1 ed C111iu or 01ner liu.T •A" Aapan Plue, Su11e '202. El T0to. CA ------------N9wlJ'Of1 9-tl, ca. meo HARRY SCHREIBER ANO common dulgnellr,n ol 1he •HI TnoM por11on1 of lrec:18524.1n 92630 flCTITlOUe llU ... I• Pullfl ahed Orange Cou l Delly O F p E T I T I O N T 0 ptoperly her .. 'ine,...JYe CIMGrlbe<I It Ille County ol Orenge, Stele of WESlWORLO COMMUNl'fV N.--ITATe•NT Pllol Sepl 25. Qc1 2. 9, 18, 1982 purpo11ed to be 5 SlrH mwOOd. Celll0<n1e. u per rnep recorded In HEAL THCAAE. INC , S tile or fht lollowlng P•••on 11 doing 4287•92 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Irvine, Calttornle bOOI< 263, paoee 38 lo 38 lncluMv•. 1nco1po1e11on. Celllornle, 22762 buein.a u A-1 lUtl. Th• unde 111 gn•d her e by M1tce1leneoueM119t,lnlheolflce ol Aac>an Plen .Su•l•202,EITOfO CA (Al CASH OISCOl.JNT CARO rtalC NOTIC£ T o au heirs, benef kum es, dllclelmt 111 llebll11y lor eny Ille counly r-det of NICI coun1y, 92830 OF ORANGE COUNTY; (B)ACRO Of 1ncorrec1-1n N IO '''"' lddr-deterto.CI in Pwc.le" fol!Ows TN•°"",_ 11 conouci.a by • ORANGE COUNlY. 28392 Peceto flCTITIOUl llU.-a• t'ri?dtto rs and conllngrnt Of ottlet common doelgn•llOn. PARCEL ' LOI 106 o r H id COlf)Ol8llOll 0.1 .... MIUlon ViejO. CA 92891. NAME •TATlmNT l'red1t.ors of Ha rry Sc-hre1lx'r Seid Nie wlll be med• without T1ec1 Wetlworld Comrnun11y GREGORY SCOTT IRWIN, The 1o11ow1ng perton 11 doing and p e rson s who may be w•rr•nly, upreu or implied. PARCEL 2 A non-••clu1lve Heat1hCat•. inc • 20302 Peca10 0.1 .... Mla91on VlejO. ~ ... olherwise lnteretted in lhe ••gerdlng 1111•. po1 .. u1on 01 .......... Olt'ef Ille WfflWly 3 00 EMubelh J CrN•. Co<p CA 92'9 I cc SOFA SHOWCASE. loe31 Will and/or t"St.ale : encu111br•fltH, to ••ll•ly 111• ltMll ot lot 104 Of Uld Tracl, M lhe Se<.ly Tiiie ~ •• condUC1ed l>Y .,.. 8eecf1 81Yd , S1en1011. Ce 90ee0 prl1'Clpel b•lenc• ol the Nol• or ..,,.,. 11 tl\OWn on EJihlbll A end lor fhlt irl•1-• wH llled woll• ,,,. lndMck.1411 RoberA E11I Adema, 18871 A pelttio n has been f1lt>d olh~. obllgellon aecur1d by u1d Ille pur~ Ml f0tlh lhetetn In County Clerk ol Orange County on Gregoty S. Irwin P•••• Lane, Hunllngton Hert>our , hy F.dwm C Sc-hretber in th~ O..d ol fruit. with lnlerHI •nd lh•I a e rteln Oeclere llon o l September 13, 1992 Thia •l•t-• wM llle<I wtlh 11\e c 92849 S C f o other aum1 u provided 1na1e1n. Ell•bllthmenl ol E•••m•nl F1S710) County Clerll 01 Orange Counly on •Thie bUtinat 11 GOnOUCled by en upenor o urt 0 rang<> plu1 edvancH , 11 eny. under 1ne recotded Augull 2. 1972 111 llooll PuDll•h•d Orange CoH I Oelly Sep1embef I . 11192 lndMdual County requesting that tetrna1Nreofend lf'tt-1 on euon !0254.~112.0ffic:lalAecord•. P1io1 Sec>• 19 25.0ct 2,9 tH2 ,.,.,._ Rol>et1E811Ad•m• Edwin C S c hrtoibt!r be edvencea. and plu1 te.1. ctterg•• of Mid County •148-82 Publlell•d O••no~ CoHI 0 1lly Thllt1•1-1wu flleow11hthe appointed a s per~onal •ncl HpetlMI ol Ille TrualM •nd of YOU Allll • M,AUt..T UMDall A lllP••te Mt\TICf PllOI. Sec>• , 1, 19, 25. Oc1 2. 1982 County Clertl of O••noe Coun1y on reprelientalHfe lO adm1n111ter the tru111 created by uld ONd ol 0110 Of' TlllUtT DAftD JULY 29. ,.._ nu 3941·92 September 23, 1082 h f H Trutt lh• 101•1 emounl of H id 1'80. ~H YOU TAICI ACTlON FICTITIOUI llU-•• ,, .. 140 5 t e est at e o . a r hr Y ot111ge11on. lnc;lud1ng ••Hon•bly TO PlllOftCT YOUll ""°"'""· ./ NAME ITATlmNT P\lllJC NOTICE Publl•h•d Orenge cou t oeuy c: h r e I be r (under t t' u 11me1ed ••••· chergu end IT MAY M IOL.D AT A IJ'UMJC lh<t lollelwlng peraona •t• dotng PiloC Sep1 25. 0c1 2. 9, 18. 111112 Lnde pendent Adrrunistrahon ••peneN ol 11141 Tru•IM. ti !he lime I A L I . I, y 0 u .. 11 D A .. butlneas.. flCN~IT· .. ~· 428$-92 of Estates Ac t) The peuuon of Initial publlcellon of thll No11ce la IXP\.ANATIOM OI' TMS NAT\19'1 -.. ,._,..,, n... $30,059 53 °" , .. "':lolMNO AQAIMIT OCEAN PACIFIC PATIOS, 566 The loltowlng P«tOlll .,. dOlno ·-1c """TIC[ Is set for hearing In .LA-pl Oe1ed· Sep1embet 23. 1992 YOU, YOU CONTACT A :~e2\eon Olive Cott• MeH. CA ~ H ,._ "" No 3 al 700 C1vtc Ctontrr REAL ESTAJE LAWYl9'. TON'!' M YBARRA CONST THE VIDEO OUTPOST. 4981 flCTITlOUI llU..... Drive, W est. 11\ the Cety of SECURITIES SERVICE 57 W1110w TIM l-. ~ CA CO . 588 Slurpeon Drive c0111 l • Pelme Avenue. La Pllme. CA NAMI aT~TI.....,. San ta Ana, California on • c.lrlornl• c:orporeuon. 92715 Meta, CA 92821 90$23. Th•. lollowlng person ta doing Cktobe 27 1982 a l 9 30 3 m M Trull.. "(II e 1trte1 eddr ... Cl' common Thtl buliMH la COf\dUCled by in DONALD L TORBERT, 541 2 t1u1tnet1 at: r ' ECT; By 0 J Morger. dHlgnellon It thown 11>ove. no lnOlvidual Vetner Ofl.,., La Plllme.. CA 90823. OAlA IMAGES. 595 Cily 0r1.,., IF YOU OBJ lo thr- tSEALI tie Pree!Oent werren1y ti given 11 lo Ila Tony M Yt>etra Cont i OONNA F lORBERT. 5412 Sune 203, Orange. CA 9~ granltng of the peULion, you 2020 N Broadwey, Sult• c~·---or eotrec;I_,.. Co "-!>five, La Pllf'na, CA 90423 NO RMA J EANNE BURCH s hould either appear at t he 208, Senla Ana, CA 92706 Tetec>h0n9 (7 14)9&3-6810 Publl1hed Or•nQ• Co111 Delly PllOI, Sec>I 24, Ind Oct 2. 9, 1992 •2•S...82 P\lllJC NOTIC£ auf'CllllCNI COURT Of' CA.UPOlllNIA COUNTY M <NI~ In Ille .,..._ .. tM ANA ... llOC9'1tl1"1-lfl of TAYlOlt JOM>AH l~TlllAM ,.~ c ........ of Nll!M. C.. .... A•114tn OM>llil TO IHOW CAUK '°" CHAMOI M NA* Mr •nd Mra W ILLIAM STRATEMAN h .... tiled e ~itlOn In 11111 courl 101 en orCI•• allowing p<llillon« 10 ch~ hi• n1me Iron> TAYLOR JOAOAN STRATEMAN 10 WYATT JORO"N STRATEMAN II 11 hereby ord•r•O 11111 all .,.,.on1 interHl•CI In lh• me1111 •IOf'eMIO ~ belOle Ihle COUr1 In Oepertmanl No 3 el 700 Clvlc Center Ori•• Well, 8 en1e An•. Cellf«nle on Ocl 20. ltH. •I 10·30 o clQCll • m . eno 1n.n and lhef• lhOw CIUM, It eny IMy 11.t ..... why H IO petlllon lor Chenot or n•m• llllould nol be granled It II fllf'thtf Oldereel fhel 8 copy Of 11111 order 10 1how c e uae b• pub41tNO In Coel• ...... Dally Pllol • tWWIC>IP4I' of oen«•I c11cute1IOl'I, publl•h•d In tllit county 11 ttHI one. • -k IOf lour 11onMCutlv1 wHkl orlor to Ult d•V o f U ICI '-"'O O.ltd Seplemt>er 10, 11112. FrlNI Oomenlc;hlnl, Judge of Ille Suoetlot Coun Publl•h•d Orenge CoHI ·Delly Pllo1, Sec>I 11, 19, U . Ocl 2. 1992 4031-82 P\atC NOTICE n"' t>enellcllt)' under Mid ONd Tony M 'l'belr• Thla ~ 11 conducle<I by • 8491 o.-.ione Clreie. Hun11ng1on h to• r I n g • n d st a t ~ y 0 u r ol l1u11. by reeeon 01 • brMCll °' rt11t 1181- 1 wu filed wiln lh<t general Ptltt'*'INC> Beach, CA 92848 obiet't ions o r file wntle n oetaull 1n lhe oOllQ•llont MC4.I•~ County Clef1' 01 Otinoe Counly dn Donna F. Torbefl Th11 bullnn1 It conducted by 1111 ob· C"tions w i•h the court lhe<tby, he••lolor• ___ ,eel ''"' Augutt 3 I 11182 Thi• 11eternen1 WU ltlecl wtlh Ille i'ldlvldull ~ ' oellvered to lh• unde,.lgned • · '1"'1t CollnlY Clerk of Oranoe County on Norm• J Blltcn b tofor e the hearing. Y uu r wrlner1 o.cter•UOn of Oefault 111\d Publl•h•d Oren~ CoHI Da lly ~ 8. IN2 fhlt 11etemen1 ... ll1ed w1111 Ille appearance may be m pel"IOn ~°'~~ :!i~'fc: :!,': Piiot. Sept 11• 25• 2· 9•1~~2 Publlthed Orenge co!~Y ~~~~7 °'1~~ County on or by your attorney. 1he, underalgntd 10 ••II Hid •------------Pllol. Sept 11, 19, 25, Oct. 2, 11112 ' ''1'1'f74 I F Y 0 U A R E A P•OP«tY to •ll•'Y Mid obilG'llOn•. P\llllC NOTIC£ 4028-92 Pu1>11111ed 0 11noe cont Di lly CREDITOR or a con llngcnt end 1herHil•• tne underelgned Pllol. Sec>• 18, 26. Oc1. 2. II. 1982 creditor of lhe decealt'd. yw ceu..o Mid noflOe a« l>t-11 Ind ol 4 l:JG.82 e1tct1on 10 ..... recMded Jun• 7. NOTICa PUBUC NOTICE ------------· must fiJe your t'la1m whh t.hto ...,. YOU A1i11 .. 09,AIA. T UNOIJt A ------------1 h 1982 u lnt1rNo 92-19'048ofMICI 0110 0, TlllUIT, DATIO FICTITIOU•.,...•• rta.IC NOTIC( court o r presen t It to l e Offlelel Aecclfda. ..., 1 1H1 u 1 •• ......... ITATI_,.,. perso n a I repre1en ta l1 ve S Id I II b d ~ I .tANUA" • . l\IHe J ...._ _.TT'l'lTTTllOUI ---11 .. u:out·~:.,:~.,.,• 0":'•.:;,;~, TAKI ACTION TO IJ'1'0TICT Th• lollowlng P•rton 11 doing ~ ITA~ appoi nte d by the court expr ... or Implied, regarding 1111e. ~ ~":~·~~Yy= IN~O:.ATEO BOOKKEEPING ~o~no peraon It Clolng within four montht from the potMSlllOn, or encumbfetleel, lo ....., ,,.. IXIJLANATIOM OI,... ACC()Ulofl SYSTEMS' SERVICES. FAAS EA HE AL ' H AN 0 date o f first Issuance of pay ,,,. remelnlno Pflndpal eum oC NATUf'I 0, THI PlilOCllDfNO 2083 Preeldtnl Pl-. Colla ~. aE·UTY SE"'VICE 2"7 Ogle-· le ttel'I u provl~ ln Section Ille no•e<•I M<Wred by NICI OMc:t Of Q NIT YOU YOU IHOUl.D CA 92827 ,. " • • ... 700 of the Proba~ Code o f Trutt. wllhlnlerHI u In ..,., no•• ~O:: .. cT A 1.AWvP. DIANN E Mil ET TE, 2093 COtt• M .... c. 92827 Californ ia . The l im e fo r prov1decl, •dvanoee. If eny. under NOTICI Of' TMllTlra •ALI Prffldenl Piece Colle Men. CA Helge Fr H er. 297 Ogle-A. the letm• ot n ld o..o ot Trutt, l • Ne.. i ''"'"" 92'27 CoelAI MeM. Ca 92&27 flUng claims will not expire •-. Clla•O" end •xpenM ot 11141 On C>Giob.r 12: 1912, 81 10 00 Thll bullneu 11 con0UC1ed by 1111 ·-~~l 11 conduc1ed by.,, prio r to four m o nths from lru1t .. en<1of111e 1ru1tt cruted by • T d lndMCluel ""'"""'"' the dale o f ah to h toannu N ld o..o 01 Trutl. o clock e.m • on uu 1v •• th• · Helge Fr.-_ _. • 8111d .... w4ll be '*° on Frldey, C11ap111en AY911ue enlrenoe 10 IM Otenn E Mllen• Thi• •l•t-1 we• liled wllh the n olln:u above. Oc1ober e. 1te2 •t 2!00 p.m . e1111e Civic C•n111 8ulldlng, 300 EHt Thll ll•tement wH tiled with Ille County Clerll ol 0<1"941 County on YOU MAY EXAM INF. Ch--A----tnlnOO lo the Cllepmen Ave • Ore n ge, CA. County Clerk of Orange County on s.p1etnt>ar .... 1H2 the flle k •pt b y ...... -.. -. If _...,_, ·---· W E S T E R N M U T U A l Sec>tembef 17, 1012 ,.-. "' "'" '-""" • Civic Center 8ulldlno. 300 EH i CORPORATION. • Ca111orn1e ,,..,.. '1•141 you are in terto1ted in the Cheprn•n Avtnut . In Ille City of Corpor•llon, u Trull••· or Publithed Oren~ Cou1 Delly Pu bll1neC1 Orange Co111 Delly est.ate, you may Cile a requ~t Or~h ~e1:1,%n!' of I h • In 111 • • tubelltu18d TruttM. uncier the 0..0 Pltot. Sep1 18, 26, t. 2. 9. 11192 Piiot Sec>t 25, Oen. 2, 9. l84~:fe2 with t he t'Ourt lo rect-ive "'•bileellOn ol !Ille "°'~· the 10181 ol nu11 Pec!Uled by WILLIAM R. 413142 ,____________ • p ~ c I • I n 0 t 1 ct' 0 , t h e ,... WHITE tnC1 JACQUELINE J WHITE, 1-------------..,_IC """TICE etn01.tn1of111e unpeld bl~ of the iwao.no 81\d wife .. IOk>t tenenll. •-.,. lllll'ITIC( ,.~ "" ln ven tor y oC en11te as1et.s ObllQl llOn 1ecurlld by '"" l b<Mt I T .. ,.._ "¥ -nc• -d f h •• I duc,lb•d deed 01 lr\let and herein c;1l ed 1u1tor, rec;ofeltu .... ...,.. an o l to ~ut ons.. accounts Hllm•t•d co111, ••PtnMI. nd Jt#'N#V 30, IHl u lnatrument No. '9CTIT10UI .._.. "°"""'~'*1.JTY and r e po rt• dHc r ibed in edvancee 11 $ 103,820.81 3e7 I I, In look 13933, P• 1717 ol N4MI ITATDmNT Nohe• 11 hereby given 111e1 the Sec\ 1 0 n 1 2 0 0 0 t l h e 10 deter min• lh• =n•no Did, Offlci1I Aeciofde of ~County. Th• lollowlno peuon 11 doing '1ndertlgned will not be respontlble T'a)lfo r·ni'a Proba•• Cod•. Cellfomja. ...... ., aucitlOn buw-•: 0 I • n y 0. b II 0 r II• b 111111. .... "" ~ 'l'~~Y S::\!'t!":.7 11192 10 Ille hlghe1I bid •• for GHh, M M M MUSIC CO , 176 W onllecte<I l)y tnyone other then Dooal• ff. lttoltaer, E~ .• '0 SEAi/iCE COMPANY paytl>I• In ltwlu l mone y of lh• '5th 81, ~ 8Mch, c. tn~ ~..,.ti.'"' Of .,,., lhl• d•I• Keltau .. Seflrelber. lat .. Uniltd Sl•f" 11 the t!Mt or ••. Wlll.,d Mt1y. 1106 BolM Wey. D•t•d 1n1t 3rd d•v 01 Mu ch .• 1 .. S 8 rrr; D N •ti •• lelO TruitM. 111t ln141<"' cionveyec1 10 •nd now coet• ~Ca. 92'28 1ee2 • " • eve r., o. • By ROM A. Oarc1•. htld by H id TrutlH unC111 .. 11d Tiile bullMM II oondUC1eel by.,, Olene NoftOft lt'worly HI I , Callforala 4'8111.,,1 Sec:reter; OHCI 01 Trull In lh• p10"911y lndlvtduet .. ,.,. Dt ...... N HU!. Telepltoae: (I IS) One Clly Blvd • W.I, eltuet.cl 111 Nici Coumy tnC1 State Wlllwd May C..te ...... CA ner7 Hl·Hll. Orenge, CA tttea OMcrlbed It Thie ICt *Mfll -llled With IN Publi•h•d Or•n~e Cout Oelly l'uhltahn l Or•n~r l'o~•I n .. 1h let (714) 13$4216 Coun ,..__,.. .... ~ ,,.__ • Publlehed Orange Co•ll Oally Lot 1g or T1ac1 No. 10513, H IY _ .. .,. ..... -._ ....,.,.,iy on P1101 OG1 1. 2. . 1 U l'tlol ou 1. .i. 8 1 2 '10'"10UI 8'.1 .... 11 Piiot. Sf9I. 11, 2., Oc;t. 2. 1"2 1hown on • MICI recorded Ill 800ll &ep«emw u. 1Na. 4330·82 o •i Ill ..,,.. ITATI .... , S4-ta 441. p 1gu 40. 48 end H of ,.1., me tollowlng l)eBOnt ••• e1o1no _. ___________ 4_1 ___ Ml•c•ll•neou• Mep1, reciord1 ol Publlahed O re11oe CoHI 0 1lly ~------.. ----1:---- b4lelnetl .. "8.IC NOTIC£ Orange Counly. Ctllf0tnl• Pllol Sec>• 26. Oc1 2 .•• ,,, IM2 ,._,.. -HK OAL.AY IY8TEMS. INC., 3llOI TM 81'NI <M!Clf ... 11 purponed 4M2·82 ,._ _________ _ Mac;Arlllur 81vd , Sulll 115 , PlCTITIOUI ........ 10 bt 3111 l<IOndltlt A~, eo.1• av--_ .!;1!'!!!,. .. , IT .. ---Newporl e..c11. CA 112te0. .,,_ITA~ .....,, Calltornle. ... IC NOTIC( ....__ .... , ... -.. ,._, C A L I( R 0 8 C H E W S I( I TN fOlloWlrlg penone .,. dOlng ltld .... Wiii be ,,,_ _.,flout Of' • ELECTAONIC O MBH. Heinrich-bUllntM ... w••lnly .. lo .... pOUllllC~ Ot ftCTITIOUe ....... .,...,.._ ...._ ...... c..,..., ......... K1um111·Slr. I . 9050 OllenbeCh, fMHS WO,.LO l'OCK. U7t ~l>ttnOM, tor Ifie """'°" ot ..... ITli'-' -.,._ .. A-, ............ a1a1 w• 0.m.ny. OranoelflOIPt Awenue, lluene Pen., paying Ille 0U ... tol1a a10Ut9C1 I>'( The~ pet'IOftl -doing Yw ....... Da 11111111 11, M1 KAISER • Oft DAMM OM8H, CA IOe20. Mid ONd or TrUll, ~Ille,.. ._._ -Totll Admitted ...... 09'!1.,t•HIM.lplmtnn·Slr 74, 8062 AIO AlCON>iNO, e Cell,_,,nla Ind expenet ol tM TrwtM Ind ol 0 AHO M UHllMl11D, HOI Tot .. M•Ollll ... l 14f,I07,a7& , "" 10t.11a MunlNlln/Mllln. WMl Oen'neny corpor111on. 1?7 011111 c 1101e, IM truN Q!t1'4Ct by .id OeeCI ol Warner, Hun11ne1on IHOh, Ca. IOaoftal pMl·l.19 Ou11enty C8'M· Thll ~ le conducttd l>Y. An.n.tm Hlila, CA tnor. TMI, ICIYlnH• 11\efeund.,, wtth .,.... lal/8tlltvtcwy Oepoelt .. I 8,0U, 114 oorpordoft. Tiiie bu..,_ 111 c;onduettd by a fMtr ... • !It~ ""'91ft, etld "'9 ldwercl ,,.,.,. ~-. 4'!2 jQto8I palcMn Ind oontrlbUl.ct Ciiiey Syal ..... Inc eotpotlllon ~ ~ Md Ir!--Of 1M ClllMWI Cir. 8101, Hunt11191on ~ 5,IOl,N7 Ncllerd A. ,Inn, Stcty. "llO "'9oorellnt Not• MC"'9d i.y MIO Dtff ol T'll*t. ....... Ca t2t4t Lina 111;utd lunde (~I 20.10l,N1 Thi. •llltel'lltlll w .. llleel wtlh the RIClh.,d 8. Orlmllllw, IO•wtt: U5,0f2.3t MICllH t A, 0011, ,.041 Sut'pllle .. ,...,oa ~· ~ . .,...~ Couftty Cieri! of Orange County on Pr.. 0.ted: ~-I). 1H2 ldWWf \JI . Huntlfltlon lelell, C• tnciome tor Ille,.. I0,907.900 hp""""* I, 1H2. Thll llelemenl waa filed 1¥1111 WI~~ ...... ~ lor 1he 'tW 19,tol,ITZ ,,..,_ the l!ounty Cltrll Of Ortntt County ~ftii -·-Ttllll lluairlela 11 eondUC'1eCI by I We ,__ Olftlfy l'* lllt eb0\111 "-.,. In llOOOldelioa • tM MOW'ISA. •~. __,.,. on Sec>tamber ,,, 1N2 "' .. ,_ ... ... .. 1*1,..,,. Mnual ·~for IN,.. eildtf D111"*9r 81, 1111, IMdl IO !flt ..........,. .. &..e Pttnll lOf--. CA_, MldlMC A,~ llllUtanoe ContftleliOMt of IM It ... Of Cellfornll. """"*" 10 ._ .. ee.,. Df. ICAAY A llllTM C7M)..,,,.._ Tiiie lllllemtm wee~ -'111 Ille I'~ OeflllOll P.O ... _, ~·•\Mr A.I_,,.._ ~ CW9I Of Orenet County on Vtoe..,f9llcltl'lt ......,.~CA... ae:=.ru:...-:a=:.-~=--· 1 ..... 7,1MI. ·-u.r-:::, P11t1llelled Ortnte Coael Delly Publl1lltd Ori,,.. CoH f Delly ,..11Dll1hed Or~ c ... 1 O~ l"ul>ll"'" Or~ C4H t 0.lty ........,. ,_..ery ,llDt, ~I. I I, 1•. 2.t, Ool. I, IH2 'llot, a.pt. It, 26, Oc1 J, t , 1 .. 2 rtl04 le9C 11, It, t , Ill!.,. .., Hoc ltCM H . Oc1 • t . lt~~~-fllll>llefltd Ortn11 CO.I D"'Y Not ...... JI, 111 0.. t, t. t 4030•82 4144•11 I 41.,.._ ... .,._.. f • I ~ I I . ' ., .. r · · ... · ·· · .. MAJ°" LUQU. 8'f ANDINO I Amet609n Leea~ WHTlllN DIVIMON ... t W L Pel Ge A~• VI 69 569 KllMH City 89 T I &S6 2 C111e;eg0 8~ r:. 63 t e s .. m. 76 84 47S 1s• 01h1..-11 67 93 4111 14 ,.... 64 96 400 ?1 MlflllHOta 60 100 376 31 EAi flllN OtVlllON Mllw .... i..., 94 GG 64 7 8•lllmo"' 0 I 61 51 t t 8os10t1 If 73 644 7 0.110<1 t I 18 609 17'> U-YOik 79 8 I 41)3 16 C..,..ett•l<I 17 87 494 tO', lo<onto 111 84 416 t8 'lldeJ'• kotM A ..... • 4 l••1t• 0 c .... e111111 3 ' 0.11 °'' 2 4 S.il•mote b 7 M1twauk"" J t T0ton10 2 S<lelllu 0 Bo•ton 3, Nl'W Yo•k 2 I 11 vmmga) M111n.,sotu J Ch ... ll{IU 2 Ken~ns Cuy 12 O'klanll 7 Tod•J'• O.-• Ttu~ HtOUUh lb Ill ti A1>9ele ti O<Kh IJ 111 Cnoc•oo tlomp 9 e 0t t<oo•mon t 1 7) JI M•nnesotn 1v101., 4 YI Oaklllll<l IK .. ouon It 181 ft! 1(4nH, CtlV CBlue 13 121 Seo111e 1:,1o<><lu1<l J 21 •I IO•u1110 1C1a .... y 16·14) Boston tOommun 2 41 el N•lll) '!O•h (AIQl\Cllt 11·01 ~ Oet1011 CPul•y tS 8 nnd Rucke• 4·111 al CM1v81bn0 tAeeo 1 0 und 81unno" 3·21 2 Mtlwoui.co 1Mull1'h 17 131 41 Bnll1moro 1McGr11gor 14 111 Nellonal League WUTEllN OtVlllON Allenta 0od9Cu Stn Frenc11c:o San 0..00 Houston C1nc.1nnat1 W L 88 7'1 87 73 86 74 eo eo 1s es 61 99 lAITEllN OtVlllON •·St lOU'l 91 69 ~8 Ph11aoe1p111a 67 13 s•• 4 Mon11ea1 115 7S !>31 6 PlllSbU<Qh 113 77 C"-1!<> 72 ea St9 8 4SO 19 406 26 New Y0<k 65 9!> •<knell.a ll••••tOtl 111le ,,Ide,'• lcOf•• Oode<H• 4 San Francisco O Mofllreal 8. P111st>urgh 5 111 1nnmo•1 New YOik I Ph1ladelph1a 0 t 10 1nn11'9SI C1nctnne1t 4 HouSlor• 2 .All81118 4 S_,n OteQO 0 Onty oa,,_ te;hecluled Toder'• a-• Ooctee•• tWetch 15. t t I at San Ft anc1uo (Matt•" 7 IU or L&,key 10· 10) SI' lout• jAnou1•r 1~· 10) at Ch1~ayo (Jon~1ns 13-IS) Now York fHOlman 2 11 ~1 Phllull.,lph1a (Bysllom S·&I n Montrtlhl jGulllCktoO 12 IJI " P1!11burgh (AhO<len 1I·14). n C1nc1nnat1 (Solo H 121 <II Houston COt·Ptno 1·21 n A1len1a IMonhu 9 101 •I Son Oieoo CMontmuKo 10· 101. n AMERICAN LEAGUE A"99f• 4, ".,_..,• 0 TElfA8 CALWOflHIA -·"'" ... 11111 Wrognt cl Semple II Jofln-Oh p,.,..,. ,, Sundbe<g c H<Ktellef lb Ste1n 3b Aichafdt 2b TOlllM>'1 H 4 0 I 0 ()own<ng II 4 0 I 0 4 010 ~,,. 0000 4 0 0 0 C.rew lb 4 t t 1 4 000 lynllci 4 t 3 t 3 O O O At Jldl_.. rt 3 0 I I 3 0 0 0 R Oati. II 0 0 0 0 3000 a.r,loron 4000 3 0 I 0 ~ 3b 4 I 2 0 3 0 2 O Goel! 2b ) 0 0 0 foll u ;! I I 0 BooMc 'OOt llOSO Totai. :l0 494 Scoo•or~• T eds 000 000 000 0 Cal~0<n1a 110 000 20• 4 E -lat>n 2. Aic;hardl OP T e•H I Ca11t0tn1a 2 LOB '••as • Celit0<n<a 7 28 Oo..,n1ng Lynn Re J •c •1on OeCmGM HA lyM 1201 s Foh Boone sr eoone Teua· S..tcllerlL 1·51 M1r1bellm Oerwin Motl&ek 801tano IP H 111111ae10 4 •S2 220 '• 0 0 0 0 I 1•1 3 2 2 0 0 ' 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cellf0<nle ZaM (W, 18·8) 9 -2 16 A 39.S58 Ao Jcll'f C••-Oe CtOC41S Lynn Dow111ng ReJ-aon 8erllQve% 8eylot Grich Boone Fot< Ftgu.,, C!arlc W~long Kelelw 8r1etn Scnra AdM1t Pett0$ Tot alt Ano.i evereen eAnlNO Ae II H Hll 11191 ftct. 139 ts 4& 2 19 331 St9 116 t64 3 42 316 571 !14 172 30 97 301 488 8.9 tJG 20 84 '97 617 1M. 172 28 84 21!1 s22 90 142 37 96 2n t114 U 51 3 2S ?63 605 711 1511 24 II• l63 $0 I 7l 130 111 63 259 468 42 1111 7 58 2~ 476 46 1111 3 55 2$0 91 10 111 3 a 235 U 11 Ill 2 8 ?21 180 24 37 I 16 206 47 g 8 0 t 170 45 4 , 0 2 1!>41 t I 0 1 0 2 otl 12 I I 0 0 otl 03 000000 s 4112 8011 492 161 747 173 ftt'TC-0 ... H M 10 W4 El'IA HHJ!et 70'1 55 311 39 2 I 243 l(ISO<I 142 120 44 116 10·5 3 17 Sench«l 1111\ 89 33 SS 7"" 3 31 Stetrer 24'' 13 11 13 t-0 3 33 A-S2 45 23 '° 3·3 3 46 Wiit 177'' 177 47 SJ 8·6 3 80 JOhn 22()(. 237 39 ea 14 12 3 63 Zahn 229'·• 226 65 8 I 18·1 3 73 FOfl(;h 2211'11 221 57 73 13·4 3 711 GOIU 81'' 78 30 43 7-6 4 19 Aenllo t&S 183 s 1 111 11..e 4 47 Moreno 411''1 SS 23 22 3.7 4 74 COf'bett 18 11 35 s1 1-11 s oe ,,.,,, 29'11 39 • 30 2·2 6 76 ~•ht 12 18 3 10 0-1 600 TOl•I• t.44& 1,419 4711 118 9 t-89 3 81 '1fllTGAMe on.. .... _. , MllWeutt.. 010 002 000-3 12 I BettlMOre 03t 102 Oh-I t6 0 V~O¥ten Pori. CSI. btt .. ty "" t.eod (71 111\d Sttnl'nOM. 0 Mwllno . T "'WI"* (71 flf>d Holtn. o.mc-y W-0 M¥11nel 16-12 L-Vuckov1tn. 16 ·1 Hlllt- Mllw111kff. Slmmona C231 Ogthll• C331, 81. 'ltmote SlnCllllOll ( 14) .. COMIO... 0......1,.,_., Mitwauk.. 000 000 t00-1 8 0 8eltunore s10 ooo 30•· 7 13 o C.ldwell. P0<1« (8191\d Y0tt. 0 Oevtt end 0emPMY W 0 Oavle, 9"" L C4lldwell. 11-13 HR1-8•1tlmore. ' MV"I Y 1a21. 81kele 161. 8helll)y C 1) llllpke 11 (211 A.-5t.ee3 .. .,... t. Clllllr"*9 • Sfftlle 000 000 000 0 • 0 T OIOlllO 001 100 00• 2 & 0 r a.Mbt•. V~ll <•I end 1--. &lletl MO I Mttti.-W-l lletl. 17·14 L r t 1n11l•te' 1' 1a Hli-Toronto. l.w1lelCI 111) A II, 171 .. Twtl\a I , WlllM .. , 1 , 000 00(.I 070 l 0 0 j 9 ' • llor••• 1t, A'• 1 O•kler•o '00 OO? ooa 1 ii o t<•n111a Gny 20 t, 043 70• " t6 'I '' K111om1n. T U11dp<wOO<I l41 0 ' A•Qu11lu ICll. Bak11r (01 AllO M HHtll. CHl•O. !uftt 101 Ind Oull ~. Wethan W 1:1t11tu :I ' l J'l1n11me11 3·1' S Tulla 171 llAI Olkl•nd. Mu1phy C271. 8urrough• 1181 1<111•H Cny Mellett (~ 71 Outtk I IJ Mamo (l~I A1kut1~ (171 A lt>.31111 NATIONAL LEA QUE Oocfoert 4, Glentt 0 1.01 AJfOU.E.f ...1AN 'llANCltCO Mrllbl 9brllbl St• 11> 4 t I 0 WOfllh>rO 11 ~ 0 t 0 L•o<1r11U• ..r 4 o o O M1Hg~n ~o 4 o O O Ueke< II 3 II 0 Cta"' 11 l 0 0 0 Olllvey lb 3 I I 0 hont 30 1 0 0 (I Mooday rl 4 1 1 4 A Sin.th 111 4 O 1 O TIW>m•• 11 0 0 0 0 Leonard ~t 2 0 0 0 Cey Jo 3 0 I 0 Brenly ;. 3 0 0 0 SctOl(;ta c 4 0 I 0 L aMat1' H J 0 t 0 Aus~I H 3 0 I 0 Bt"w••IU 1> 2 0 0 0 Aeuu II 1 0 0 0 Hotlilr1d p 0 0 0 0 PtUtl1 ph I 0 0 0 McGUgo p 0 0 0 0 3-0 474 Totals 29030 5COf• by lnn4'19• LOI At'ljele~ 000 000 040 4 S•n F1onosco 000 000 000 O E B1e1111no OP Lus A11ge1u I LOB Los Ang~ 7, S4ll Fral\CIACO 5 2B A S"'''" HA Monduy 11 11 SB LanO•e&u• (31) S AONU 2 Lo• Anv•lee IP " Ill ER •• 10 AttuHCW •8· 111 9 3 0 0 3 1 I an franclaco BIUffll~L 11·6) 7' 1 1 ~ 4 It 6 llollond r ' O 0 O 0 O Mt:GMlhgutt I 0 0 0 0 0 T 'l •I A 53 281 Mel• 1, PllUll .. 0 N-York 000 000 000 I I 2 Pn1ta\lt'l1>h13 000 000 ooo o 0 1 u leach ;1110 Hodg"s Oe<tny A111m11 oi/\O t 101 Ar•<! V11Qtl w Lo&eh 7 I l AlltmttfllO, 4 t " 16072 lllede 4, AeltM 2 C111<.orntah t 10 10 I 000 4 1 0 l<OUtlOf\ 000 001 100 2 9 0 8 Shwley Hay"" 191 P•ot.e (91 uno VltH 00t<1ttr Ryatl Ross t91 on<l Pu~t W B Shttl<ty I 13 L Ryan 16 12 S PrlCle (3) HA HOU>IOtl To1mo11111 " 1317? Eapoe a. Pltalff 5 MO-Wee• 010 101 002 03 ii I 2 0 P11tsbu1gh 100 210 100 00 5 10 t Le.i fom1111 161 Frymen tlll RAtardon l 11 end C~rter -McW1ll1am1 Tnulve (81 E Romo I 101 Tunnell CI II and 0•111 W Frym;m 9·4 L Tunnell I I S Reardon 1261 HA• Montreal. Wollacn C27r P1tUl>uro11 F •Ob<ll ( t) A 4 549 ....... 4, ,lid, .. 0 Alla!ft& 000 001 021 A S 0 San 0.1190 000 000 000 0 3 I P Nte~•o and Beneoict Snow 0.Leon (91 and ltngtey W P N1e~ro. t7 4 l Sh<>w. 10 6 HR-Atlanta P N•ekro 111 A II 193 Top 10 (..._.on410et11Me) A*MCAN l.IAOUI: WWhon, t<C 'l'OUlll, MN c-........ E Mu,,ey. Sal Cooper Mii 0.rcla. Tor McRM, KC RJce. 891\ MolitOf. """ He"""· Cle 0 Aa II H P'ct. 136 680 es 1112 331 ~~ ~~~ I~ ~.! m 1411 543 es 111 31!1 153 64!. 102 202 313 145 5ff .. 183 3 11 164 609 " I" 310 143 5U IS 171 310 151 157 135 200 304 IN 696 100 111 304 ........... G fhomM. Mlw-. 31; Wlntleld. -"°"'· 37 ..... .,..._ ......... 11: OgjMe. MMwevkM. 33. E ,,.,.,,.,., 8elllm0<•. )2, Thornton Oe¥elana. 32 ---· Mc Rae, Kenua Cltr. US. Coopet . --... 1111; "-111on. ~. 111. Younl. ¥11•eultee. 112. 0 Thom•• --.112. ........ (taO.CW-) Petm•r. 8e1trmore , 15·•. \/u1tovtch, Mllwau~-. 11·8. Burne, Cnlcago, 13·$, z..t>.,, A ....... 114; SutcNlle. Clevel6n0. 14·1. Pelry, Oeltott, 15-1, ._,.., ......... 11• <Wlcky. ~ 'l'ont. 14·8 NATIONAL LIAGUE (""°"911 ~· 0-) Olivet MU Ma<!IOC~ Pgl\ Oulham Cl\t Bucknet Cl\t LO Smith SIL Q.,..,.,o.LA He<nondez.S1l Kttnne<!y SO ae11e1.LA Pena Pgn G A8 157 607 152 566 146 S31 159 t>A7 15~ 586 I~ F5 158 HI 1$0 5$0 144 $58 131 4!17 .._llunt " " ea 202 92 180 e1 I~ 97 199 120 178 87 17S 79 171 75 16A 78 ™> S3 1•7 ftcl. 333 319 309 308 305 304 2911 298 191 296 l<1<1gman N-Y0t k 37 Murplly All.tnte 36 Scnm1dl Pn110<1elpn1a 34 ~lorne1 Allont• 32 Gue,,ero, 0od9Cra, 22. "-• .. lted ... Ot1vf!• Mon11111. 109 Murph~. Atlenta 109, Buci<net Cl11Cl1QO 104 HeoclttC' 81 LOUI$ 103. Cta•'· San Franc•.co. t03 Pltelllng (11 Deel ...... ) p N*•O Alllt'flll t(>.4 Aooor• Montie .. 111·8 9'eonong Stn Franosco I l·S. C..Hon Ptt•-pnia 22· 11 Cen<IOl1t18 Pltttl>utgn t2 1 f OfKI> St lo.M. IS-II lottar, San ~ 15·9 Swan N-Y0<k 11 1 .... ,. COMMUMfTY COlLaGa Ooldeft w .. 1 2'1 II C--I Oolden Wnt 5 S 4 110 20 Et Cem1oO 3 I 0 2-II Qoldert west 9COflnQ Otfv•tl• 3, Salyer s. OempH y 1 Kerl 2 Petersen 2. Lund I Wilton 3. St41Pnen•on 2. Or.ii I HIOHac~ le._ .. , __ , , • ._ .. 17. L..-llMcll 4 L8Qulle Beacll> 0 0 0 4 4 Ettancie 5 II 2 4 17 Lagiina 86ech too<lnQ ledger 1. Culp t. Ellr•f 1. G,,.,• 1 (•lencte aeotlng lnadoml II Wick• O Berg 3 F~ 'l. Pittman I 1 ... Cie-le U, E._ t Ed•tOll I I 0 4 II SanC1e111en1e 6 2 2 3 13 [dtton ICOIH\Q Rudd 3. Wadlelgh ) Sen CWMnte IOOf'ln9 WV.00111 2 l.Mtofl 1 H111a1 2 L•lldgr .. n I Sommtr 4 Petf'aOI\ 2. KuM t _.,._ 11. Tr.,• T10y I 0 :I 0 4 ,,..,lnll • J • 4 '-16 M.,111• K<WlllQ Mop•un• 4 $pjlnOY!Cn 3 Oeto••• 2. J Lynch 2 l allatlo.y 2. ~ t Mu1'C I 0.-¥teow .. ,..., • Tt0y OttO' °'"" v-1 o ' 3 11 Ocun .,_ -tOQ Moeller 2 l ecn1m..-1, Clietino' 0t-1c .... ~· ,..,k 11. La Serna 10 U 8et"• 12, Oarctto Oro .. II ,..,. ........ ............. 8 e fl' -lat•nCUI ve Sen Clemente 10 • m -Merine ~• ~ P11k 1 p m -Th<td ot.ce llnelt 2 O m -Cn•mPIOfllfllP oeme v ... ,.,.,,_~ IJT-1', ............. 4 8111'1 Marl no O ~ O ' 4 El f<WO 4 4 2 4-14 II Toro -Intl· ~ t , Wllldolll a. ~ve/'IOa I, KOt6QUtd :I, 0Mj)Ol'8 1. Youn; 1 W~ton 1 II ---~--~~~--.......__ __ • .. d' Dall,, .. , ........ Mile) •MIAY'I MeuLU (ltd el tr•Ny IMfevel*td _..,,., ,ll'llT AAOI I'. fl'lil .. 11111 1>""1111'11><•11 3 llO , 40 , :Iii 1111 .. u••lt• O•wn l51t)tll91 3 UO 2 Ill p, uvlil<ltlllal cCJu•11 •I 4 :10 A"o "~"ll llc11 U'"Q Alunv.. U•~ IJ•u All11yn Sp.,11.0 "4111<. 0..11111 Hege . .i..n1 l'Y Ulaet O.tt N Ma11 L 1ttte lh>••k., lhljh M•n\Uty ltme I 411 4/b llOONO llACI fl tu1toog1 Devlt'a Oeln•rl4 IOIM1•y) 20 40 II Ill II 21.1 0040 Meo IHlwleyl Cl 40 4 00 M•llnt.11 • tllum tPh1t;1y) 4 80 Al•O raud a '"' Ottll. ln•llnl KIHI~ Gltl, TflOle MIM;h, Wltlt t OvOI Amy, 8utttl11fl8 Sta1ellll1t1 Tin>• I og ,,~ ., DA11.Y ooua u 11 •1 pa1a 549 eo TtMO AACE. ti lwl0ttQI 1\10• t PrM)(.e (Vlllll•I ~ 00 :I Cj(I :1 I)() Ovtlte I I O<UI II eo 4 00 Mo1111y Mer1AO .. (McCatto<•I ) 00 Atw 1~ 0Hllanl PUIHa Cllllt Wallt ... WhU•r•llloylhllHy St•nej CorpQ<al Drown °'"'"' 11•~•· B•~•tmg Ac<.•Pl•d IO••· B1.,,1ey V1Ma 1 lime I,.., 'OYflTH llACI. 6 turlO<>Q• Ouge lady IH•"""Yl sf eo t6 00 t 1 60 T1ptopj1411 tM"~1o1guel !I 00 3 90 Loen (ltph•ml 14 20 All() tM..O SOpfll.UUled ll'dy N•U .. Q Fr1tnaty 0 1ta11py Day HOIO Tne Hull M•nn11Ar•1 0 aMff1{1 0 .... 1 Cy~ OI PO'#el C11m.on KtH Stft frOf\ l1m" t tO ,.TH RACE. 8 lurlooo• Ctl~1Tlt)eQM Bid 1S1b1lle) 1 llO Mttl SlrHm CMcCorronl SObtel\utnl>t• 1snoem•~t111 480 300 ~eo 300 ao S.•vOy, Voong Al.a 111Ged Fan1•• C1v1t: Lucie• Seconq Nall••· Cou1 I Two . OttlttOyet l1m41 I 011 4/S M UACTA (7·3) pa1a $139 50 llllTH llACI . 6 lutlOflOI FollulOUI P&lltltl (OM•) s 40 J 00 l1tHltCl'l<)t tMCl<Atgue) 3 80 S•n•Ot Senator (Vel11111ue1111 Al•o ••c11<.1 L• Smllk, Potl•. Puocl'llM. Prune Pie. Etupt1ve fl,.,. t 10 HVINTH llACI . t 11 111 m11et. Wheta Belle 1P1ncey) 7 80 2.60 2 iO B101d1a11 tM,C1rron) 2.20 2.20 Vtlat Force CVai.t11u<11a1 3 40 Atao 1ec.o Tynourt&. 8••aam. N0<therty Olow. Oaultngly, V111ball1e Time I 42 415 t6 UACT A CJ 81 patd $43 50 . U ,.tCI( llll I 1·4· I 1·7·11·31 palO H l.- 102 60 with on;t w1nn1'1Q tlcilel (IOI hor-1 i2 Pick Sta '°".olttion peld $4A4 80 with 32 '"'""'"9 11cketa 111 .. hOfMll EIOHTH llACE. 15•; lurtonQ• on lutl Shegbar~ 1P1ne1r1 3 80 2 80 2 60 Ml>l>O" (t.4H111gue) 4 80 4 00 J 0 Ou1H !Oltvar .. ) 4 80 Alto rtce<I Swllll PtlnGe, Hlll\Claome One, Oenetal Jimmy A..i Flockel. Al"ollng Time t 13 41!> -TH l'IACI. I 1116 ml... ) F•oahton ICUl•ned•I 13 00 3 60 2 IO Ah Nah HMO IS1blllel 2 80 2 20 Oooo a Ledy (Bt!Klll 3 40 Alao raceO Lo P11nCHH. LI V.,ne I Sooata Jaulera. Tu<lorullM Fo•hOle Hustler lime t 43 4/5 '5 lllACTA 18·91 pat<! '67 00 A11en<1ence 17,92 t • Holl~ood 'erll ""OAY'I 1111uua (Hlh of IJ.lllef\I llM""e -ll"t) ,lfllT llACI.. One mile pace l<tnglley l11nove< (Prh•I 5 00 3 60 3 00 i<~ta N (St-man! S 00 4 20 L• Patron N 1si..m1 e 00 ,t.lao raced Armbtoetle Juat Guy A, Ouz UI, Aahley LOfd, 8tQ SP<lllQ, Jtn F"tN .. Time 2 Ot 115 U lllACTA Ct·OI e>..o $4110 M COND llACI. One mile ~ Soc>Nttlcated Ydy (Crhnl II 00 3 :IO Oantu En<!N"°' IOetomerl 2 60 0.-Michelle !Sleeth) AIM> rec.IS l<tnot HvQoe1 Amll>W>U Time 200 )IS THIM> llACI. One mote -r r41d Miii IM-1 3 00 2 llO 2 40 Andya Ch.,ger i8tedlmAnl 15 llO I 00 .....,,let• SlledOw I Pf8'cel 4 20 Atao reced Dering Joe.. L1oy Ltiell• Alldy• AO. Oouble 0 Oet\C41r Moo Amt MejMllC Gogettet Jonn Nancy A~­ f""41 2 00 415 a U ACTA tl'r2) peld S 130 20 'OUl'ITH llACE. 0,,, """' pace Glen Mldl>y IAutMnf e 20 S 00 3 80 Flesnv Frank 10 .. tt.,geonl 8 oo 4 60 Prom1hve St1"k (Caton) 5 IO Alto •teed Marquta R1<1gemarh Paddlebo••d Regan'a I.AO. Laputetl ftme I 59 1/6 ''"H llACI. One mile pace Bubb• Haby (Aublnl 47 60 10 40 II 20 O.en Patnt CGtunc!y) ~ 00 3 40 Htppy V1n.1 (Oayteuj 4 20 Alao ••C•d Andya Hound. Ctn1e1bu•y Line , Howdy Slit. Andy'• lion Bye Bye Vic;tOf, Jibe Ho, ltlah ,edtn ,_ 157 215 U EllACTA 19·81 peld t 182 TO ltXTH llACE. One ""le pace Sl'o ltl (WIHIM1•1 11 40 6 40 4 20 Con11e Ad•o• (K~l 9 oo 4 eo Im C..t9'n t8etM.,~I 6 20 Alto •tee<! O<Hm Time N Annoe Ken Se>u• Unaware. Joy.,.,.. Atmehu•st. Nalt.,.. Joy Wlllll 8e Happy ltme I 64 2/S SS lllACTA C3· 11 paid S 177 00 HVINTI4 llACI. One mile pece e.r-CMt CVllndm) 13 oo 4.40 3 40 T°""1 ol Elegence !Kueblerl 3 20 :I 20 Aeg8I Ou-(Sleeth) 4 20 Alto reced Whlte laug111•• ShlOy HI" Oonna lwent Skip Mau Cllermar. WIM 1-tment. l<•telne. Lollta Ha-TlmA 1!19 • illtACTA (4-1} ~ '97 60 IJGHTM lllACL One mile p- •·HflPPy 8ftcle (Kbtf) 3 80 3 IO U O •·Indian SWWlie CA.,,> 3 60 3 80 2 80 NllOa H-(Longo) 3 IO Alao r•ced Polr•nc•. Raven Citation, Ceteblue, Gentle MIU, In the Wlf\09 Time 156 416 ... Tit llACI. One mlll PllGC ApOllO MllOQHI CBll•onl 7 eo 4 40 3 40 hno•tet (AatcnlOfdl S.40 3 20 Bonntt LH I N 18•ket) 3 20 Alto raced Anoel• K•y. ~Hno• AoH , 8rHkWind. J,J'I ,,..,,,.. •• Ut(te Al()a Annie. No hcuM N f1me. 16414/6 U DACTA C0·21 pelcl $60 llO. 12 Pte:~I (1·9·3•4-1·11) Pel<! 91,791 80 wllh IT wl tlCkell (five llorMll 12 Plall St.< cont uo" paid 129 40 with 3H Winning llCh • "°"' l'I0<-1 T1NTH lllACI. One mite pace Mr H M CSP<IQll•I 29 40 t I 60 $ 00 Tenllfldtllell Cl.4n901 4 oo 'eo Woncle<lllt Sptta CDetolMfl 2 IO AllO I~ Hvtllln OuOe. 5., ~ll, Bleck Aog\18 lltQ OeblMe 80cly Cheek., Mic:hMfl Tiger, A ~ WMll• l ..... I St 21$ II llACTA C2~1 peld $2311 40 A11llftll-. 1,114~ .,.., .• u~'L 'C:!p.."> -JO •notet• a bM•. 1a1 mac ..... t4 rock 11t11. t "'110ln DAVIV'I lOCKlll ("""'"" .._.., -~2 81191911 3 cetlGO b .. t , 41 /Mcltlf ... MO •Oeh "°°' au •OCk 11th, 1 NNI l)Ut, 3 ~ GOd DA•A W..MI, -311 •l'IOW• 17 OllH. 2 111on1to, 123 mac ktftl. I 1ocr. Cltll It "n'__, eu, elAOH -4& UQIUI 21 b11r11euc1a, •• llOflllo 2a cellGO " 41 "'Kll•lf 126 lodi 1'1111, 14 Ufld .,..., :I ~ .. -.. ""' ( ..... , -,. anglett 90 oonfto. t tw11tbill, MO INICll.,.., t M110 ~ 400 ..... CJOllltet 216 ~ fllfl .. I '•llM= lellM A.II I ., 01 130 Je~ llHt C11<h• Sl•IWlf/" .Oto 1)1 0 A Vv"t>tl"tl e7 •• 131 !\ .. Ill l11rgue ·~" t3 I o ••• 1'11111 8& at 1'3 Alie<• Mtllllt ., tl7 134 L tlll y / 18\jlllt llCI 91 tJ4 Tom 1>11111•• 641 .. 134 Hut>ett Cl1H11 01 00 1)0 LllllCC f .,, Or oeck 119 Ile tl& UOb faotwuoo 011 tltl t)I) Oary McCOIO 70-86 13& Pat LutdNy Ile 01 t)I) o-oe c a111., 6'I 811 135 6111 C•llM 1)1 flll 131) Lton11C1 fflOffill'°" °'Ill 1:is Jtm lhU•ll• eo ao 13~ OHi 0.1g1n •• oe 1311 0••• [1c11 .. 1u.ru•• 10 416 136 B•IMI Li.Ilk• 110 111 1:10 !IOCI Cu11 ft &A 136 Stan AltQett "' 00 1311 J011nny M1ll11r 118 70 1311 I H EI00t '0·04) 131) JC Snt•o 10 68 138 C••i $tacit•• "7' 138 S.N 181/llfl 11889 t;H Jim Oatbe< 7HMI 137 Pet., Ootltl llUlt 68 "' 1)1 Tom J9"ktnt 89-68 tJ1 Miik 0 Mtlll .... 9 137 Oen C•9"1h•w 118 7t 137 fuu"t fe11111 70 07 IJ7 Boll Murpl>d 61-10 1)7 Jtm NMIOt 70 07 fil BoOoy W.Okint 10-6' Q.,y Koc.II 11 111 t3e JllCk Newton 69·89 139 lU\dy Mollet 11-81 138 HowatO Twitty 119 119 tJe Mark McCumt:>e< 7 t-87 138 81 .. e Vet18IO 118·10 t38 Mark Hayet et-10 t3e Mtk• MU<"1y 70·08 138 L .. llevino 119·09 t3e J<tll Semien 68·70 138 Al Cltiber(llf 7t II 139 Ch3rltls COO<Jy 67 72 139 Clllretl(;IAOM 70 611 1311 M•I Sutton 61 n 138 Beou B•ugll 70 69 138 Bred Bryant 70·69 139 JOl>n Adame n 67 138 Ed Sl1Ued 70·119 130 ChatlH 'l\tUttkWI n 91 139 Tom Kn• 74·1lS 139 Jim Colbtlll 71 68 139 Ste•• L1elltO• 68 II 139 G•I llAoroan 67 n 139 Miki! McCutlOuQO 73·68 139 D•••<I Orentm 71·68 139 8ruc• O.vto11 68·71 139 Mike UOOtler 72·67 139 Rea Clld-1 69·71 139. M1ha Sultlvan 69·70 138 Pat McGowen 87-72-139 M .... Oon!MO 7 •·68 -1311 OouQ ~· 74·65 1311 Bruce Oouot•u 611 10 139 B1N Btuton 70·10 '"' Wally Arm•t•ono 12-10 140 Aon s1r.-70-70 1(0 Jol\n Melltlley 66·12 1-IO AntonlO C..<11 72·68-140 FrAnl<Con.... 70-10 ,40 G.oroe Ale,,.. 70 10 I'° Skeet., H .. th 7t 69 140 81etne McCan1alet 71 611 140 Tommy Aycoc;k 7:1·61 140 T tm S•mpM)n 71·6!1-140 Atk MHMnglle 72·& 140 J•m Oent 85-7$-140 EO FIOfl 71-611 140 Mike NICOlelle 66-74 140 v a._Hut,,., 12.ee 140 8utCh 8a1<d 1t·tz9-t•O Oen H•ll<IOfM>n 70 111 1-0 Joe Hlget 7t 69 140 Tommy Armour 69-71 140 lnamorl c1 ... 1o , .. ._,,..., Sand•• Hayme 10-&1 137 l<lthy Wrtllw<Wtn 611·09 138 Pally S'-h•n 69-70 1311 Pam 01e11en 11·61 1311 O&th O•n•el 68 12 140 Jeutyn 81111 72-69 141 Bo•.,ly Ktna 7~-66 14' Donna WMo 70-7 I ,. ' lor• Hu•nolo 11 71 142 M..tltin Sl>lf'(. .. Dtvloo ,. 61 142 ~KumHH•k• 70 ,, • 142 y llt1ie 70·72-142 6*~8elt-n .10-142 8elay KtnQ 11·12 143 My<e Ven Ho0w 09.74 143 Sencl< e Pott 77-61 143 Sllvla Barloteccinl 11 72 143 JuayA-in 14·611 143 Oebl>lt Aualln n .11 143 .,.,.., Alcott N ·14 143 M.,., 6-w 13-71-144 Holhl Sttcy '2·72-144 Juloe Pyne 73-71 144 VICI<• Fete:i:, W-7&-144 Belt>era O•neu 73·71-144 Oete Eoge11no 70-74-144 .Judy Elt.5 72.73 145 OebC>Mt Melll.,lln 73 7?-145 A~IOI\ Sl>Ntd 74.7' 14S Lynn Ad.,.,,. 74.7 t t45 SvM Mc.t.M..it< 74.7 t 14S Sendra P al.mtu 73.72 145 C11<1• JOllntOfl 73 72 145 Col'-> Walker 14·72 148 Cilfotyn Hall 73.73 148 Dot Ge<m.,n 73 73 146 LeAnn CH UO•y 72.74 146 HOiiy Ha11~y 72 74 146 Sharon Barr•ll 70·76 146 Patti AtUo 73.73 146 Belh Sotoml)f1 76 10, 1411 Manr O<CkltflO'I ,, n 147 J-1 COIM 72.75 147 Kllt>y McMullen 7!>-72 147 lher-~Mlon 70-77 147 Catnetlne OuggAn 7S 72 147 Jen Fer,.rla TJ-7$ 147 Calhy MOfM 76-71 147 Uurle FliolctH 74.74 148 8e¥9rly Oevj9-Coopet 74 74 148 Catlly Mint 76-72 148 v~v Stnglelon 77·71 U8 WCNMn'e fote.YtNlll COlllllUlllTY COi.UM 0..enge ~ .. I cMf Seti CMgo MeM. tf>.7 IS ... 1'-1 HIGH SCHOOl Newpo rt Chllltll " Oet Woodcre1t Cllrtellen. 1&·4, IS· 13, 16-5 , Croaa country co.MUMTY cou•o• Or-.. c-t ta, C}1Wff• IO I L Temquu (OCC). U $7. 2 MoM111er 1ooc1. u ST: 3 Erlckaon cocc1,2:1·os, 4 Ad•m• tocc1. 21.14. s M.1)!1\111 (C>CO). a> 72. e et.re iocc~ H ;IO. 7. Niii* COCO). 23 54, t Delly OCC). 24 04, 8. U T.,.11ov.1 (OCC). 2' 10; 10 ~COCCI. 24· t6 wo.• °' ..... c.... "c...-. , ....... , I Ol'llllCIPO (Cl, 21 54, 2 CoetaNO !Cl. 22 11. :1 W1111e 1occ1. 22 3t. 4 Mot 1occ1 23 21. 6 Slw•ofl (OCCI. 23 47, 6 t<oetlell (OCCI. 23 61. 7 l""-IOCCI. n M, I SIWll (OCCI. 24 1t; 8 Dec>on1 IOC.CI. 24 23 10. Dube (OCC). 24 32 .,.., .. ......,.. .......... 3 p m Hoven ~ Htlec!\et 5 p m -"1!U "• H11r .. u ............... ~ j) m CllMIP'QntlNO '"'IC t. Oreng• Coatt DAILY PILOT/Seturday, October 2. 1182 COLLaQI Lone .... ._ tt. 1~.....,.. I ........ Cl P\1111111111 0 0 I 0 I L°"\I "-II 81 0 0 0 1-t Cl~ '0 H llt.W.e l I S -ltOll• 11 -t•om Oiiton (C) JOllntOfl ~ICk) A &,0)0 ,_ .......... 0., ..... F111t <10..0o t2 17 rl<1 ...... yetda 40· 72 JO•H Pe•1no yatdt 103 254 ~lurn y1r<1t U aC> P•-• 1)·24· I U-4:1-:1 Punu 9,99 •-'I I umblet •IOtl I· I 0-0 PtHt8ltl .. ya1d1 9 83 , 12 t 10 ln4l•ldMI •tet1e•lll• • RUSHING Fullerton, Ae"d•• 11·50, Lewi• 18 49 lO<>Q tkacl\ Ot , Montoomert 16·8 6, Otllon e .17 PASSINO Full••l on. C a11••1 t3·H · t· t03 lono llHCll 81 . Oiiton 22 43 3·2&• RECEIVING F-ton, ~ 6-11. Yoftl J·42, Smoot 2 13 LOl\Q BNc;h 4t . Long 6 00. F-4·16 MOntooma<Y 4 !>41, Aowe 4·21 HIGH ICHOOL ITANDIN08 ... VlewLMf~ "-OM .. W L W I. lWwPOtt H•tbo< I 0 2 2 SaddteOech 1 0 4 0 COfone <!el Mat t 0 t 3 Unlvet.,ty I 0 2 2 h tatiCt• 0 ' 2 2 CoeteMeM 0 I t 3 El To-o 0 I 2 2 1"""9 0 t ) t 'rtdwf'• ecor .. COfon• c1e1 M., n. l!.lt1111C141 1 \jftlv<1u11y 17, Coate M4tN I ,. ftA 31 ,. " 6' 37 61 56 63 ., n 52 76 ,, ,. llO 112 TllwlldaJ'•O- hlln(ta •• El T OfO •• MIMIOn 11\efo ,,...., .• a- NewpO<t HatbOr YI UolY«911y ti IN\ne Irvine •• Coal• ,,_ at ~I H.,l>Of leMNy'•a- Coron• dtl Mtt "' Sad<!-al Senta Ana Bowl South CoHt Leegue LM9IM 0-elt CIPl"'eno Valley L11g11lla Hiiia Se/'I C'->te MIH IOI\ VlejO t..eoun• 8Hch WOO<lbrldge Olona Hlh W l W L I 0 2 2 I 0 I 3 t 0 3 t 0 0 :i 1 0 I 2 ' 0 I 2 2 0 I 0 4 ,,..,..ace... "',.,. 117 50 40 511 941 31 106 83 30 21 57 41 Ill 14() CAP11treno Vllley 57, Cena Hilla 0 LAguna Hille 20. L8QUN 8Mcl> 7 Mtulon VlelO 3 1, tndto 221~1 ... 111,~•0-. lagune Htat at MIMIOOI ~ WOOCll>tldQe at c.pletrano v~ Hun11n91on Beech et S en Cle mente ~ (ttOtl·IMQ\>81 ... 111 ...... •0- LCQUM 8Mch al l>ene Hiiie (I p m I Othef ecorM ............. Kennedy 2 t. Loe Memlloe 21 Eaper...u 21, El DorlOO 0 c:DfTUllYL.aA_,. C.yon 10. Tuitln 9 FootNll 31. Ville Patil 14 Senta An• v~A~ o Servtle 19, Founleln Valley 7 M.,lna 27, U Ouinla 0 Comptoo 7. w ... m1na1., o 8Uflny Hiits 12, OoMtl Vft 10 Mlulon VlelO 31. tndlo 22 Cteec>I 14, Mete1 Oel 10 Bllhop Amat 21. SI F"ranctt 13 Plue X 20. LB WtlSOfl 12 61. Paul 39. Fontane 10 0 1•den• 4e, S..ra e G11d4n Giove 18. Anaheim 14 R•nc:ho Alemlloe ~. LB Jordlltl 14 MIQnot!a 0. SentlllgO 0 f'u11811on 41, Meylair 6 U Het>te 20. 8' ... 0ltnda 2 Le Mllllda 7, Son«t 0 DPle Cup (-1-.. ftwt"-A.,.lriMM> JOl1n MCEtlrC>e dt'I Pete< MCNam"'a 6 4 4 ·• 6·2 6 ·• Gene May•• oet John Al•unde•. 6 4 3.15 Ii-t 6·2 !U S le•<!• Austra~a. 2.C>I 1-111ne1e al "'-·France) Unn.<~ Noah <!el CIVIS lewis 6 3 6 I 7 S ,.,,.,ry Tlltasne <Jal Rus54tll Simpson 6 l 4 6 7-S 6 2 !France teada Ne"' leoland 2.QI QUALIFYING lllOUNOI (ate-AltMI Gu1llt'•mo VIia. def Hens Beutel. 6-4 6· I, •1 S 1Ar11entme leads West Oermany t·OI (al ..,celonal Buster Mottram def Josi! lopu Meeso 6·2 6-0. 6-2. Andrew J•rr&ll <let ~c•nanoo Luna, !> 7, 2 6, 7.5 6·0. 6·2 1or1131n teodt S1111n 2·01 (•1 ....... 1) Pf!le< BHltOnHn tOenmork1 dBi Aol><lrl Meenan IHvnoet)'I. 4-6, 6-2. 2~. M . s.2. Btleta l atOCly (Hungary) del Mtkel MOtlef\MIO (Oenm.,lll. 6..1. 8·3 &. I (Seriet, lied t ti (et Medco CltJI llt• NHIH41 d•I Frenc.IKO MKltl, 6·4, 2 6 6·4 10·11 (Aomeoia teed• Me•iCO, 1..01 letO.....) Mall Doyle oel HelN Guntl1etcl1 6-0, 6·4 6 O Seen Sore<'IMn Clel Roland S11dle<. &-3. 3·6 8•6. 11-7 (t1eland IN<lt SwotLetltN>d, 2·01 Women'• lndoof ChemplonaNp (M"'tll ..... ) o~....,.._ r, acy Aull"' CU S I def c.m.tte &en11m1n IU SI 6-t 6-4, Wendy Tu<nl>Ult Cot.ustrallal c1et Wendy Wlllle CU S l. 6-2 e-6 6° I PM1 Snt1••• cu s I d•f M1m• J1uto•IG C'l'"909'•• .. I 6·2. 6-4 M9ft'1t~t , ........... , ~·...-. B1orn Borg CSweden) <!el 1( .. 111 Curren tSoutll AlflC•I 6·3 . 8·4. Ivan Lt ndl ICJKhostov1k••I d•I Tim MlyOtl• tU s .. &-4 6-3 SnlOft\O Gl1C1111eo<1 11.,ae11 oet JoM HtQUetU 1Spe1n1. 7-6. 7·6, 1.s Meul Pro Cl•••le ( ................ ) 0-tetfln.S ........ Bttan Teacher CU SI d1T Trey Wallkt iU SI 6-7 6-2. 6· t; Vince Van P11ten IU 8) del Mike Cehlll (US), 1·11. 7 ·6 . 6.Q. B<ed Grtt>ert CU S I d.i .t.ndr"'" P1tt1aon CS.Ulll AlrlC•I 3·6 6·2 8· I JO!ln F1tro••••d tAuttr•kll a.I Jett Bor°""a~ CU SI 6-4, 6-0 Estancia, Vikes gain semifinals I~ 1'.:1tanl'la , San C ltment'c~ Marina and Buen• Park h.av• 111dvom't"d 10 today'• temlflni' the Eatancl• H lah water , ~ 10uma~nt with the third p ' and t:h11mp 1o n •h lp cam I l(•heduled for thi. afternoon. The four teama have NrVlv~ the original l2·«eam entry l~~ , throu6'h two <hty• of pool play.' FA.uinclo ripped Laguna Be~ Friday, 17-4, with David lnado 'i 11COring six goela and Mark Wic ' adding rive. Gordon Bers taJJI 1' three limes u the ~les bolteq., I WATER POLO .... '.· to an 11 --0 lead at halftime. A.U:j four Laguna Beach goal'l wem~: ecorc..od in the final period. Marina h•d an easy time tnil disposing of Troy. 15-4. JeHr. Hopkins had four 1COred goal.t while Steve Spanovich three f~I the Viklnp, who took a 7-1 ie.d:• at halftime. ..,, Buena Park, the nlnth-rankeq11 team in the CIF, edged La Sen».i~ I 1-10, t.o gain a spot in the 11emia while San Clemente defeate011 Edison, 13-6. , •ll Today's schedule ftnui FMt.ancia meeting San Clemen\.e at 9 with Marina faclna Bue.W • Park at 10. The third place game is slated for 1 o'clock while th& championship mat.ch Is at 2. • I• Ocean View defeated Troy: 6 -2, and will play in the consolajion finals at noon today. Mitre Cristino acored three1: goals for the Seahawks with Damn Moeller hitting two am:lr Al.e x Lechtman the other. . 1 In the Villa Park toumame.n1., El Toro defeated S•n Marino, 14-4 and in • non-league pme, Mission Viejo toppled Los Altos, 8-6. '. Rose Bowl drawing • continues .. .. ... Time is running out to enter lhl' RoS<' Bowl ticket drawing, the only public sale of tickets fOl' the New Year's Day football ~ game. Post cards must be postmarked by Friday. Oct 15. The o nly public: sale of tickets t.o tJ1e~ B o wl i s s po n sored by th Pasadena Tour~t of Assoc1at.ion and a total of 3,500 UC'kcts wtll be sold. The opportunity to purchase., two tickets will be offered to i. 750 winners drawn from post l'ard entries from purchasers throughout the United State~.:! The T o u rname nt of Roses Association has been accepting post l·ards s mce Sept. 15. To enter the ticket drawing. I wrik your name and address on a post card and mail iJ t.o Rose Bowl Ticket Drawing. P .O . Box , 1800, Pasadena, 91109. P08t card$ , must be pos tmarked between ~ Sept. 15 and Oct. 15. The 1,750 cards w ilJ bp " randomly selecte d during P.. tkkct-drawing ceremony at the end of October. Winners will bf: mailt.'d an application for tw~ 1983 Rose Bowl tickets, priced al. $30 each. ' Morl' lhan 100,000 entries are cxJX'('tt'd for the drawing. The balance O f the tic kets a r~ I distributed through participating ' universities of the Big Ten and I Pac1f1c-lO conferences. For addiuonal information. call r ci1:i) 449-4100 o r 681-3724. 31-22 victory:i for Diablos t J d1 rNDIO-Roger Brown, Miasion'1' Viejo's 6-l. 180-pound senior;ti r us hed for three touchdowr{slu Friday night i n pacing th\J Oiablos to a 3 1-22 non-leag\J~ ! football victory over the lnd~11 High Rajahs. The winners jumped to a 17 ·9'~! lead with a pair o f 2-yard bun.~'. by Brown and a 29-yard fie~{ goal by David J ohn!IOn. •' Later the Dlablos were ~'1 command by • 31-7 mar1in 11 following Brown's 4-yard TO~ .. and a 10-yard pue from Klaua Lehenbauer 10 Ron Kuykenclallw Indio got on the tcoreboa twl~ In the final quarter with ~, pialr of long paaa play1. · Th<-victory ups Ml11lon'1 non-league record to 3-1. Ind.to, falls to 1-3. * •ll 14 ~-11 0 IS-ft . .• p 0 • .. Orano• Co••• DAU. v PILOT /81turd1y. Oclob t 2. 1992 • Reduce government's· energy management role ly ft. TENNEY JONNSON Rem•rk11 by R. Tenney Joliruwn . pneral cou.nM!l, Doputmtmt of &Wt'l(y, ant roprlntetd from thr• Towt) Hnll Jou.rrW. . Govern.mental support of t:oninw rdal en~eering technologies often t.11!1torts the marke tplace a nd mlaallot"atl'll retlOUrcett. So, governmental regulation of enet"IY can frequently produce result.i opposlte those Intended. The Ccdcral eovernment, of course, cannot b~ remov~ altogether Crom the energy Industry for It fulfills several essential funcUons. I will first discuss the origins and functiona of current federal energy management activities, and then propose aome alterea\lves. Until 1h1· 1·,11 ly '70i.. 11vl·rw1gh1 111 t·nt·q~y prudu(·tlun und dllltr1butlon was p c• I' f Cl r Ill t• d b y 0 f l' W d i 11 t i n (.' l uov.-•rnmcntal unlls, print'q)ully lht• Atomw J<:n1·rKY Cummlli.Klon (AEC) 11nd thl' Nuhonol Sdc•ncc.-!I Founcfollon. In HIN, C.:ungrNs decided to brmg togt•tlwr the vuriou11 l'nergy rt•ll(•ardl und tlcvelopmcnl proKrnms u11d..r n 111nglt• man a gt• mt• n t . Thu K, l h l' E n c r g y H es~arch und Developmt•nt Adm1mstnition (ERDA) WLIB t•rcull'd ms :a sub-cabinet agent"y· within ttw ~:xc..~ul1VC! Branch. The R&D 38JH.'C:l of the old Atomit· Energy Commls.'!1on C(.>ntr1bulc..>d the largest '·ompone nt o f the new agency. However, Congrci>S separated nuclear safety respons1bllitks and placed them under anotht•r inde pe nde nt Party labels make By THOMAS D. ELIAS As next month's election nears and voters see more and more mud-slinging advertl.semenls focusing on the flaws of the a.ndidates. many wiU throw up their h a nds and say, "lt doesn 't matter. anyway. The re's no real difference between Republicans and Democrats." But at least in California, that's JUSt not so. Party labels clearly. d o say something about the candidates who wear them. NOT ONLY ARE there differences between senatorial rivals Jerry Brown and. Pete Wilson on issues like Social Security,• taxes, nuclear weapons and treat.p\e nt of public employees. but Tom r.Allflllll flCUS Bradley and George Deukmejian, the contestants for the governor's office. are split on how to handle the housing crunch. dealing with farm workers and their approach to crime problems. Those kinds of differences a lso separate most other Republican and Democratic candidates at all political levels, Crom the state Assembly up. And a new University of Michigan study demonstrates lhose deep differences are nothing new. "It is not true that the two major parties are as alike as Tweedledum and Tweedledee," concludes Michigan's Center for PoliticaJ Studies. Usi.ni California's delegates to the last three national conventions of each party as ita guinea pigs, the study found that activist Democrata and Republicans have had similar sharp disagreements for at least 10 years. What's more, thcrt· has been a solid. longtime consensus an each party for some positions that are anathema to the other. Among California Republicans, for instance. the prevailing sentiment favors increased defe n se s pe nding. keeping childre n in neighborhood schools and reducing innation. even il il means more unemployment But the state's Democrauc delegates generally £avorcd dec reased defense spending and lower unemployment, even if 1t means more 1nrlat1on Democrats were sharply div1cfed on school busing. but w ere rar more solidly in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment than their GOP counterparts. And while the Democrats' positions haven't chang~ much on most issues ove r the las t 10 yea r s. activis t Republicans have grown more conservative. "One reason for this idc.-ologicaJ s hift to the right may be the types of candidates who have dominated party politics and brought different !ypes of s upporters into the nominating conventions," said Warren E. Miller. who head~ the Michigan study. THE SURVEY ALSO found leaders of the two parties tend to come from vastly different backgrounds. While Democrats often start in labor unions, women's groups. environmental orgamzallons or e thnic interes t gro ups. Republican leaders tend to come from professional organ1 2at1ons and scrv1et• dubs like Rotar y or K1w<1nas • All this suggests that voters who don't know much about individual candidates can't really be faulted for paying attention to party lttbels. Voting Hl(t'll«y, lht• Nudc•u1 HL•t(Ulu101 y (. '11n1111IK.-.11111 Du1 hag IU7:J und IUH, tlw ml t·rnutc l h 1 u it l t h t· Jo' t' d l' r u I I<~ 11 L' r I( y Adm1n1strntlon, (F'l!:A) onto ttw atugc• 1<'1-;A WH8 lhl' offt1prtng of ttu.• ul t t•mburwo of tlw 70s. By thl' t•urly 7011 tht• prwc• uf 1·rudc oil wus uln.'l1dy bc~i nninj( lo lntreruw mcxkrutl'ly. In 01.·l(ll)l·1· 1117:i, t h l' t• m b u r ~ o 1 m p o l4 t• d b y t h c.• Or~111117.uth111 of Arnb Oil Pruduc:ang Countries drumatically took effoct At tlw t111\I.' the embargo was 1mpost>d, thl.' United Stales lo•t access to about 7 percent of Ill total crud~ oil supplies and lhe price or oil quadrupled shortly thereafter. In November 1973, Congress passed the Emerg en cy Petroleum Alloc:ution Acl .. requiring lht• prL•sicfont • to t.11tabll11h a program of bindlng prict· and allocation control• lo buflt>r tht effocta of thti 1hortAsc. The purptltlC' of tht· prugrnrn wos to dt·Vil!IC u llC'lll'mt• thul woultl f!nsurc tht• ISUpply uf furt•lfCll t.•rudc oil st!ll entering tlw United Stutc11. combant.'d with domt-stil' t1uppll<'11, wu:s equitnbly distrlbuk'<l 110 that no undue• htardshlp In tt"rm11 ur hl.clwr prkf> or :.hortage of suµply fell unfairly on a ny given itt>gmcnt of society. Because only domestic oil prices could be directly controlll'tl by r1·.cwn11on, a compensation was t·real.<.-d tor rc:Cincni who had relied upon. or at that time wen.• t'OmmittA.-d to pay for, high·prlt't-d imported c:ru<le 011 Ht:ncc, lh06C refiners e njoying largf' t<tldowment11 of lower-priced domes tic t·rudc oil wen· required to make payments to companies purchasing import e d oi l . This was the "entitlements" program. It w as intended to spread the impal·t of high-priced imported oil at"ros!t-the oil industr y. lowering prices to consumers and assuring the continued existence of refiners dependt.>nl upon fort.>1gn oil. THE IMME DIATE CRISIS of the Arab oil embargo eventuall y passed, and the world pm.'<' of crude oil stabilized at a n ew high level. But while the temporary crisis cryst.alized mto a new, permanent world oil prking order, the temporary regulatory struclure imposed in the nation in 1973 was not removed and replaced by the market mechanism. Lnstead of realisucally t.'Oping with the new order. the federal government continued to "protect" 011 consumers Crom the effects of a new world market by perpetuating the oil price control and entitlements programs. In 1977, Congress established the Department of Energy. T his one-stop federal energy solution included folding in ERDA and FEA: e!ectric pow er marketing agencies and federal land energy functions of the Department of Interior: and bringing in the FPC as an independent sub-agency under a larger umbrella of a single cabinet department. Its purposes were: to execute a vast array of laws passed by Congrel's; to control the consumption of energy: to oversee the complex task of controlling the pncmg and dtstnbution of oil in the n ation , a nd ad min ister ing the entitlements program: to implement new a difference for the party, and not the man. has been common practice in California at all levels below statewide offices. Thar's wh y Republican s have t.'Ontrolled the L.egislature for only two . of the last 20 years, even though they've won almost half t he contests for govcmO( a nd the U.S. Senate over that time For 1t takes a heavy adverlls1ng campaign lo persuad~ many voters to <.·ross party linc>s and vote for an such drives Thal means Democrats wall probably conunue lo control the Legislature and other relauvl'ly unpubHc1z.ed offices so long as they maintain their big edge in voter registration. For the vote r registration figures indicate that even though they lake some GOP candidates, most Cahfomians feel more romfortable w ith DemOl·ratic posltions. And. despite .the cynic1SJT1 inevitably produced by barrages o f negative adverusing, it's clear Democratic ideas about most key i ssu es bear Ii llle resemblance to Republicans' Thomas Elias JS a free-lance columnist based in Sant.a Monica. n mtfr(•Hlonal m1.1nd1.11e1 to fund and ,. u n d u c t d e m o n a l r a t l o n a n d c•ommerclallr.auon pro1rama for 1hort - tcrm alternate energy t«hnologln; to continue r<'Search and dcvelopm~nt in" long·k'rm higher rl1k k."Chnolofilet; t.o 1111 und mairH1>In a 11tra tealc reaerve of petroleum: t-0 conllnuc to support tht> •• national defense through production of I d~fcnsc weapons matcrhtl8; tnd finally. to provldt> a policy overview at the fl>derul level for all· aspecta of cn~rgy management dec1B1ona. LOOKING BACK OVER the events 11int'' Octohn 1973 and before, we are now faced with evaluating our sucoeaes &nd our failures. In retrospet"l, w e find that it WQs likely that the policy of maintaining c.'Ontrol of oil prices and supply created more problems for the United State• than decontrol would have done. First, the entitlemenLS program forced domes tic companies t o s u bsidlte t'Onlinued imports by other companies of higher-priced foreign oil: the sut:Mtld y softened the blow and induced continued reliance upon those imports. At the same time, by penalizing domestic producers. the price contr ols and e n titleme nts program hampered further domestic ~x pl o ra ti on . Co n sumpti o n was <.l.Qcouraged, a nd co n ser va t ion discouraged. • In t'Ontrast to these distortiuns, the l ingenuity and flexibility o! pr ivate commercial relationships lo send a resource where it is most demanded usually perfonns effectively ·We have seen t he functioning of just such a system recently in the increasing network of sales of surplus gas by gas companies to customers whom th e Federal Energy. Regulatory Commission does not regula.rly require gas t'Ompanies to serve. These so-called "off-system" sales have been achieved through a complex but flexible array of financiaJ, t r a n spo rtation and cont r actua l arrangemen ts flowing out of free market dynamics. The lessons we have learned in this area jusufy a shift in public spending for energy-related purposes back to long- term. high-risk ventures. We have found that 1t simply does not make sense for the fed e ral government to conduct commercialjzation and demonstration proje(!ts in a situation where the private market is unwilling to move forward wnh the technology. We are encouraged by what appears to be a growing effort in behalf of private industry to take up the role of research and development o f s hort-term -technologies, where justified. that the government had played previously. Removal of artificial price constraints on o il a nd gas. whic h k ept th ose commodities artificially cheap. will help ma k e the r e turn on develop ing competing fuel sources more attractive cconomicall y. The gove rnment sull has another important duty -that is, to remove the cumbersome and unnecessary economic and regulatory obstacles that can thwart private e fforts to move forward in energy developme nt. The administration is working toward a strategic petroleum reserve .of 750 millio n bar rels uy 1989. W e are attempting to fill the reserve as rapidly as possible, consistent with world market conditions and with the availabiUty of storage capacity. The existence of such a stockpile could. in some instances, deter possible supply interruption. I I DOM ESTICALLY , the federal -l government also needs to have a system of emergency preparedness In the event of Ill) energy supply disruption. Use o{ the government's strategic petroleum reserve can have a stabilizing effect on any undue market dj.stortions that might ;· arl.8e, and It ia import.ant to h ave 01'.1 band the mechanisms for making that re9eJ"Ve available for use in the case of such an emergency. The sh ift of focus away from big government is already beginning to pay off in terms of budgetary considerations. , j Does election system heat best candidates? T hese considerations have led to lhe desire to reorganize the iarge governme ntal struc ture that the Departrpen t of Energy r e presents. Energy should not play a single focus in our na tion's economic planning, but rather is more appropriately balanced when it is brought. ln to coordination with other governmental issues -e&>nomic, international, and environmental. To this end. transferring the core functiona of the existing agency into the Department BJ BILL ISENBERGER The writer'• •dverti•ing agency worked on Ted Bru/ruma 's primary camJ»iltn. If you a o by voter outcome , Ted Bruinsma's June primary campaign for a U.S. Senate eeat wu not a l\MlCle99. He received but 2 percent of Republican voter IUpport. In a much broader 1enae, though, Brubwna la an unqualified S\.IOC!ela. 1n fact th1a candidate hu become tomewhat of a ehlnlna liaht in present day Amntcan poUtb: a man of elncere ldeu and ecdon. Why then, such an outcome? FOR STARTERS, Btu1nama la not a ''houMh old word." Thia graduate of Harvard Law and Bueln e11 achoole, former prtltdent of Lear Jet lndu.i.rlea and del.n of Loyola Law School wu not a failure in h1a btd. lne1eid, he WM a Yic:tlm -vtciJm of our mladirected political/electoral/media proct 11 - ...... he pn111•td every cndential ...: r a ry to mp a "....._,ul election. Dapt for one: name ,.,...,UUon.. In fact;. Pete likOolkeY. • BruJNma rtval. edmowledeed the •tuadon with . ' ....... an ironic book Inscription. "To Ted Brulnsma," he wrote, "the beat candidate In the U.S . Senate race in 1982." McCloekey was not alone in hill view. Other rivals and many political obeervers agl"eed with hlm. Our political/electoral system has become one where media dollars -and their purchaae of public exposure, awarenea and rea>gnltlon -make a candidate'• percelve<t lmafe far more vital than the reallty o h is pollc~ proPolala. ltow doea a c.ndldate a mass thoee predoua dollan? Funcb, of coune. flow toward thoee who already have bll buck• or bl& names. The c lub (1 a priv ate one, entrance quite aelect. 1n a primary where he campaigned against names like McCloakey, Wllaon. Goldwater and Reagan, na mee with clout of varying aorta, .Brulnlma faced odde that would overwhelm eomeone of letter convktJon and abWt)'. Th procu1 s tarll with the ~Ueical IW'Veya. Gau,Sna early ~bllc 'opinion," e urveye e rtclt aupport stat.ementa which naturally reflect l.ma,ge before issue. Survey respondentl tend to support lhoee they already know . . . for the simple reason they already know them. So the "name candidates" take early leach (according to the surveys). And contributors, reading thete tallies, make their donations ~rdingly. W ith money fl o w i ng , heady advertltlng campaign• are affordable. laue1 remain secondary, cloud ed. In fact, rCCOIJ'I Uon becomee the -..e. The news medJa feed style to the public - not llUbst.ance .. The only llauee that 1eem to matter are thoae concernina the matketina of a candldAte. HI.a advtrtJatna budpt. Hll convnetd.ala. Hia purchued medl• tm5)9Ct. Ted Brulnama'• uyle la eolvina problems, not breedlna oontroveny. Hla wheel dldn't aqueak. Con1equently he got Uttle public oil. Other c and l daua had more reoosnltlon, more money, more advertt1ln1 re1uhln1 in more public 1uppon. All candidate Bruhwna h•d waa a eolld bank of q\lallficatJona, poeltlve and definite po1lt1one on important lalues -and a name recalled by few. It wu a beautiful effort that allpped through the glitter. WHEN CANDIDATES Uke Bruimrna are denied, It's lime to consider revietona to the pretent electoral eyatem. Several question• mu1t be asked. of Commerce puts the role the federal government should be playing into proper focus. The Departme nt of Commerce has oversi gh t o f governmental involvement In all sectors of our business econom y o f which energy is but one. albeit Important. Should political advert11ing be ellmlnated? Or, at leut llm.lted to one constant and achievable amount for all candidates? And thm, how can we make our electoral" pl'OCftl one whkh ta bued on tubltance and llauft rather than one hued on the alkk and fleeth\I nuance of purchued 1tyle? . component. For that matter, how can we 1Utnulate ' greater vottng ~rUclpatlon from the electorate? Only ~2 percent of the voten tumed OU\ for theee ,Ubematorlal and aenate prtmartes, Clearly aomethlna It WTOnC· Our vo~bUc la diaMtllflld and It'• time to c . Tht IU)\t p can •till emerp frcM wtd\in our nauon. What wt need le a sys~ that can help u1 Identify and acknowleds• quality. and .1sttn1 It to the helm of I.senhip when It rlahtfUUY belonca. \ OlltANOI COAST Thl' romownl puiz<'ortht' n111h 1•11111 •i•l'I<' to Inform un1I 'llmuluH· fl'Udl''' h~ 1>rHt1nt 1n,i 11 'llrtt-1~ nf ('Ommen111r' n n ltt111r~ of 1nttri'11t 11nd ~•an1flrunt'I· from 1l\formrd 11tl '<'n round ~l>Okrsmrn Thoma& P ltolt>JJ, P11bll.dw1 . ' ~ .... I I i YDUIH ~'' ~,,... ' .,t.-.~~ Apple • bobbing _along Whill' Uncle Len was bobl.Jtng for apples (he has to admit he begins pracl1t·ing early bet-ause he never quite gets the hang of It) thesl' a pple entries wc•rc dropping on his desk. He didn't rt>al12e when hl' chO&e this wet>k's tht'mt• what a tough time he'd have tn mak1n$ his pick of the entry t•rop But Greg Rhodl."li' drnwing had a real "bite" m 11. In fact all that Is left as the t.'Ore. And wha le Unl'lc Lt•n got hungry thmkmg about how JUicy that apple must havt' bt.'Cn, he also saw. what a mc-'SS It IS when anyone litters· a picm<.' area . or any area. So, Undc Le n wants to remind his young fritmds not lo liner. For his tmaginutiVl' drawing, the 11 -ycar-old Corona del Mur student wins the $5 first prizt'. The second prize of $2 gOC's to Molly Hurst, 9 'h . of Fountain Valley. for hl•r fine rendt•nng of Johnnie Applescc•d a nd his harvest. ' .. ,, . " • • • •• Uncle Le n 1s wondl•ring how first: Creg Rhodes, Corona de) Mar much carmel it would take lo cover that giant Cruat Any guesses? Uncle Len also got to thinking how much fun 1t would be Lo sJ1p away to "apple country" to get bushels or the fruit so he and his friends at the omce rould mun<'h away while they work. He's hoping hl' can do that, but .in the meantime he has to t'Omc• up with a contest theme for nc•xt week. Because Columbus Day as dose. he has dccidt.>d it's time to honor the Genoesc navigator who discovered America. You can be very creativt: w ith · this. Besides Columbus, you can draw his "bag" fleet, the Nina, Santa Maria and the Pinta. or maybe the rdltives who greeted -him whe n h e landed at San Salvador. Draw your pictures on 4 by 4-inch paper and mail them to Uncle Len, c/o the Daily Pilot, P. 0 . Box l~. Cost.a Mesa 92626. ........ Be sure to Include your name, age and address, and get your entries to Unc le Len by Wed-':'esday. Second: Molly Hurst, Fountain Valley Saving wildlife her Inission LINCOLN. Neb. (AP) -Carol Odell rises with the sun, d ons blue jeans, an old shirt and a pair of oversized rubber boots and journeys from her tidy country home Into the wilds of her own back yard. There. th e energetic Dog or the week 38-year-old farm wire spends as many as 18 hours a day doing her part to help balance the world's ecosystem. Odell heads the Lincoln-based Wildlife Rescue Team. a small group of volunteers d evoted lo the rescue a nd re turn lo the wild "Jackton," a bl•ck border collie, It looking for• home. He i1 houeebroke n, a gentle pet a nd • 0 mature gentleman," according to olriclale at -the Laguna Beach Anim•I Shelter. You can pick him up •t the 1helter, 20612 Laguna Canyon Road. Phone 497 ·3552. of inJurl'd and orphanl'd animals Formc-d jus t thrl'c years ago, the group handlt·d 867 animals in 1981 and t•xpc<:l.'i to double that ' figure this year. treating ailments from brokl'n limbs to gunshot wouncis. even malnutrition in mammals taken in as pets by wl'll-ml'aning humans. "Most or th<' animals come LO US be C'a USC o r man 's intc>rference," Odell said. H<'r waldlifc resc u e career began with an lnJUrcd bird S(>Ven years ago. and s he began to think tha t working with wildliCc would be a challenge. She began to study animals, taking 1n some in1ured and orphaned over the next rour years until her interest nearly outgr<'W her rural acreage. Om·c• then• was a n injured Great Blue Heron in the shower. a malnourished beaver In the buthtub. a goose• in the k itchen and sleek young orphaned m ink, that delighted in crawling up the pantlcg or visitors. nipping them on tht• b:J1:kside then scurrying lo a drawer in a back porch bureau. It was t h e n that Odel l 's husband. Alfred. built a small . wildlife c•omplex in the back yard and she rounded the rescue team. Patterned after units In other stall's, the small, nonprofit group of 35 aettvc membe~ works with veteri narians and o ther specialists to rescue animals and return them to the wild. Whale its prime conC'ern is emergency <'are for wild animals, one o f the group's major goals Is teaching the public how to let an imals live .. Cagt'li on the Odell farm arc decorated with shrubs, sticks, ll'avcs and tr<'e!I -mockupg of natural habitat. Odell hides bugs, berries. and other natural foods for her charges among the rocks •nd wec-d•. t-eachlng younft anlrnila tho foraging akUlt they' 1 need Jn thf' wild. Odell 11 no "bleeding heart." Her potlcnLll hov<> no nam<.'8. She dlaavows affC'Ctlon. t-vcn for the cuddly rocroons who cllna lo her like toddlers whlle t he g oes about hu chores. "I uted to get attached." 1he aald, porlnJ. over 1napehota of her 1uc.'Cl' . 'For their sakes. they n -d to be wild." Thi~ Galupagos turtle al the San Diego Zoo bears a strong n•st•mblum•(• lo the extraterrcsari·a l ch oract(•r in the hit movie, HE .T.'' And like E.T., the turtle seems irresistible as it charms Lisa Longiu•rc, rt·igning Miss Pac ific B(•ach . Teen 's study a lofty project I LONG BEAl'll 1AP) Evt-11 on a i.pan· flight bi.ting only a ft·w dayi., as trunauti.' bocJu•!-i t'h<'n11l':JllY rl'flt'<'ll't.f lht• l:.it·k of adl'qualc· ·l.'Xl'rt'IS•'. <i1.1·ord1ng lo a st ud y cundut'tL·d bv a 1 holl'Sll•rul and carry 1l tu bl· J 11 Ull 'SS(_'() 1m rt•aMng student interest in i '>t'll'nl•t• 1 rn-vl'ar-old . Amy Kus:-.kt'. ;1 JU1110r <tl W1 Ison H 1gh Seh11o l whos e· pro.Jt'<-'l for tht• lust spat•(• shuttlt• Columbia rtight was ehuM•n for thl' Shuttll' StudPnt lnvolvl.•m1•nt PrujN·t. st11d blood und urine samplC'!-. from astrunauli. Thomas M<1ttingly and lh·nry lhirt'lf1t•ld sh1)wl'd a dl'<-'rt·a!i4_. 1n l1poprott·ins that C'ould have• s1 gnif1t•;_rnt impact on longer rhght.s. "I nollt't'<.i t·hangc•s m tht• ll·vc:ls of It poproteans even l hough 1 l wm. a s hort flight," said Mis:-. Ku s~kl'. whost· projl'ct was l'ondul'lt•J wllh thl.· ass1stant·t· or the· National Aeronaul1c·s and Sµal'<' Adman1slralion and lht· Nallo nal Scie n ce• 'Pc,acht•rs As.'!lx:aa lion. "Wt• an· not producing enough .I s tudc•nts with science literacy for "1 th<· t1.'<·hnan 1I society we live in," -'Ii ht• i.<t 1d "Th<-' numbers o f stuu<·nts studying science has 1 d1·d11wd and I think everyone 1.1 should b<• concerned." l-lowt-'vcr, he said, "When the program began we had 70,000 ! <.Jppl1t·at1on requests. That means ll 70,000 kids around the country wt•rt· thinking. The second year Generally speaking, highe r densities o f llpoprote 1ns arl' assodated with lower risk of heart attacks L1poprolt'1ns, whkh increase an dt'ns1ty as a perso n cxcrcisl!!s. pick up world scope ") thank it's bct·ause all (lhC' exc•rc·1sc) they did on this flight was ubout favt' minutes pc-r day, and I think they s hould do mort•," sht' said. However, she noted that the t·h:mgcs were very slight and the levels quic kly returned to normal. Alan Ludwig, project manager or Shuttll· Stud('nt Involvc·mt.'nt Pro.)t-'<.'t. said the program appc-ars lo be achieving its goal of (10 point• for Hell quHtlon anawered correctly) 1 President Rea11n 1nnounced that U.S. troops would return to Lebanon as a peacekeepins force. Which two European countries did he uy would also send troops therel 2 Pr"ldent Rea11n recently (CHOOSl ONE: endoned, opposed) le1isla1ion that would allow orsanlzed prayer in public schools. w t' g u t 8 6 , 0 0 0 N o w t h a t c•xJX-•r1men\S hav<-' flown (aboard the· shuttll•). we e xpect an even larger number of application reques\S." Miss Kusske has spent two years working on the project cntJtlc-d "The Effect or Exercise, Protein. Diet and Zero Gravity on Lipoprotein ProCiJes." · 3 The 10¥ernment of Iran executed its former Forei1n Minister (CHOOSE ONE: 5'de&h Ghotbzadeh, Hasheml Rafwnjanl), who fell from fa¥or aher opposing spy trials of U.S. hostaa" there. The la1e offldal was accused of trylna to ovenhrow the aovernment of Ayatollah Khomeini. 4 About 1,200 people recently sued the U.S. 1overnment, dalmln1 th;U go¥ernment- 1pOnW>red (CHOOSE ONE: chemic.I waste dumps, nucleu bomb tests) were responsible for ancer and other diseases 1mong residents of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. • news picture S USA Today, 1 natfonal dally newsp1per, recently made Its debut In several cities. The new p1per Is publlshed by .. l .. 1-G1nne1t b-Heant c·Knlght-Ridder newsname (10 polnta If yOu un IMnttfy th .. ,.'"" In Ille newel (10 .-otnta fl you en•-ltlte ~~I Polle~ struaaled with demonstratori who had gathered outside the home of lm1ell Prime Mlnliter Bqln to all for hh resl1n1tlon. Their action came aher hundreds of Palestinlans were kllled In (CHOOSE ONE: W"t, East) Beirut while lltaell forces occupied that predominantly Moslem part of the dty. peoplewa1d1/spor tlgllf (2 point• for HC:h qUfltlOfl Me-red c:-ttrl . .. .. ., ·. 'I hcently, the 13-year-old c01lltlon 9overnment between my Social Oemocr1tlc Piny and the free Democratic Party collapied with the resl1n1tlon of four Cabinet Mlnluers. Who 1 former President Jimmy C1rter delivered his flrit lectures on American national polltia at (CHOOSE ONE: Emory, Duke) University In Atlanta, where he is 1ervln1 as dlstlnsulshed professor. 2 Members of the National football League PlayeB AalOdltion \IOted in favor of the first in·season strike in the NFL's U-yur history. The decision was announced by NFLPA p<esldent .. r .. a-Terry Bradshaw b-Jamet Lofton c-Gene U,,.Nw f. am I, and what country have I led since 197.Cl matchwords 1-deploy !-deity a-Indicate, mean llM<11ter, 1pread out 9'11Ut off, pOl•pone 3 Marvel Comla ls publlshlna a new comic book bated on the life of Pope John Paul II. The Pope said he (CHOOSE ONE: approved, dlwpproved) ol this blesraphy. 4 The late ln1rld Bersman won an 1w1rd at the 34th annual. £mmy Awards for her po11ray1I of former lltHli le.cter •. l •. In 1 ma~e·for·TV movie, S Glortlo Chlnqll1 scored the only '°'' In the "shth aMual NA \A. Socoer8owl to win th4t tide for hh team, the (CH005E ONE: New York Co.mot, Seattle Sou~B). roundtable ,......, ............ ,.. ..... , Fonner World Bink Pmlden• Robert M<N1mer1 .. Id recmntly: ''Shon of nuclear war, popull•lon 1rowth Is the 1r1vett htue tha• the world faces." Do you 11reef Why or why notf .,. ,•, .. .. .. YOUR ICOfll: It le 100 .-.nte -TM ICORll 11 to to Po'l'tt -lteelleftt. 71 10 to ~te -OeM. It .. '9 ,_ .. -''*· L-----------------------------·~v~1~c~·~·nc~·~·•~l~7~·~1J=------------------------------------;J llOWM:) >tJOA Mi)N-9 :JJ.lW ep100·• :p.c'lAo..tdde·c ~:>·z !.<JnW3• t :.LH011J.ll0dS/HlJ. v M31d03d llQM =3\IO~ldSM3N . ---•1 4 a 4 o a s I Orange OoAll OAILV PILOT/Saturday, Ootob9r a. 1912 Chauffeured bureaucrats cost U.S. Sen. William P .. oxmire WA lll NG 'rON lAP) Oovc rnffi(lnl offlcl11t. who \tUVl'I by ehouffcur-drlvun cur11 llr<.• b In" "''Oddlc.'tl und p•mpernd" ul n <<c>et to tmcpuye•r11 of f .t4. million u yt•ur. Sl•ll Wllllnm P roxmire. D-Wl11., (lhur6'•'11 ''Only u hundCul of fl'dt•rol oflfcloht Ure lpt.'<'if1rnlly NIV r\ llW LIUthorlly under l11w tu 1•njoy honw-to-work e·huutrt•ur1nu," Proxmir<' suid "J1ut m y aurVl'Y o f fcdl•rul aut•n1·11·~ dl'moru1trutt•11 thut the kwk of lt>~hl uuthorily hall nut stopped ll<.'Orl'li or fod"rnl 0Cficial11 Crom hopping'"'° the bnck llt'Ut." l'roxmirt•, a phy11lcul fitr11·~~ advOl·at.c who run11 to work every duy, awarded his "Golden Jo'lel'ce" ror $4.!ptember to the 190 federal oHkial:i who use chauffeur-driven cars Tht• award is intended to s1ngk• out wasteful government spending. ThC' list Is headed by P r •sid('nt Electronic hoine data has substantial in~rket NEW YORK (1\P) A two-year experiment by The Associated Press \.and 11 of its member newspapers has shown there is a substantial potential m a rket f o r elcctro n1c home information services, at't'ording to a study released Thursday. The study also s hows. howcvt·i·, that the market is s till a highly spedaliwd one and says more work must be done to 1mprovl• tht• delivery and marketing of the mfommuon and to make it easier to US<.' The report. by RMH Rc-s<•;m:h Im· of Fair Lawn. N.J ., lookt.'<.I at several aspects of an experimt•nt started an July 1980 by the AP an c:onjuneuon with CompuServe, a Columbus, Ohio, company which provides information on a variety ·of s ubjects to subscribers via home computers. Among the key findanl{s: availability ol tow-cost, familiar substitutes to serve the.• same ne<.'ds us such a prqduct would oHcr." The study showed that newspapers played "an important though minor rolt•" in usag<' or CompuSNv<' .. il ruund ncwspapc:rs wert• arnportunt 1n guining aet·t•plant'l' of CompuSt•f'Vl' although aqual usa~l' or thc•m an th1· syste m was rclativt:ly lo w and Consun1er con cerne d about tying up the television .. gt•nt.•rall v dt'<:hm'<.l wath tame. Hc•oaiun Uu1 l'ruxrnln• null•cl tluat the • lm~1ddant Ii lpt'Cj ttNlly ('ntltlrd by uw tu u11t· of o l'httuffc.ur ut ull t1111t·11 Ou1 lw liHILI tht• low hn11t11 u .... •Jf c•hauHt•UI t-tl 1·111 ii fur rnui.t 11the•1., 10 ofll\'lul li111.a111·s., 'l'h11 l iilwultl11 't 111 x ll' 11 Ii f I o rn ('ii I' I tu I IJ 1 11 l O c i1<111 ((\'town 1·u<·h ond 1•v"ry yt.'ur," ht• JWll.i Ut 'fJl'Ul•lllWll \11 On(' or lht• tnllti\ lo1il11111111hli· iwluhhc1rhood 11 111 tlw nutaon'11 1·1111IUJI "'u11 u11nu11J avt,•ragtJ cost of $.'l2, 000 for tl1i p ers onal conve nie11ce ... " l'mxnalrt• 111 Kponlioring n bill to M p 1 • 1· I f I l' IJ 11 y d l ' n y f u n d Ii f o r dHJUfrl·un·d 1.·ur11 for nm1mutl111( purp11-.c·11 '" th•· WCll'Hl otft•rulc•r anduc.Je going bt1l·k und forth to work. Proxmire.• a St'rll•tl. P1 oxm1rc· i.u 1d the· l>t ·l1•11 Kc· 'nt'portnll'nl •~ th1• w11r11 t 111lt•11dc•1, provadluu 011 ufllctulN with c:huuffour s1•rv1t·1·. Tht• f1gu rl• irwlut.lt'ti 4fl who a1 •. J.:l'llntt·d the pl'ivll1•g1· ur 011 1.,wt·pt11mal hasls anl.I 12 mT H n·~ulur has as "At an annuul IJVt•ragl' mM •11 $:n. 11011 for this pt•rsonol ronvt•llll·IWl'. th1· l\mt•rtCiln t.uxp1:1yt•r11 are bt.•mg b1ll1•d l•nough to provadt• lh<'Sl• bun•uut:rnts with ovt'r l'>,000 roundtnp rad<·~ Ila u l ho .idrlt·d thul tht· CIA :.rxmds $2H,· 000 u y c·ur 1n ovl•rtamc· pay tor D11H tor William Cu~l·y'1> <.·huuH<.·ur Th<rt ·~ 111 ac.Jc.J1t1011 to tlw drrvt·r's rt·gular :.alury of $:l0,01111 HDRDICDPI Sunday, October 3 ARIES (Man·h 21 -J\pral HJ): l11tu1uon as honed to razor-shurP.nc11s. Lunar. numl·rwa4 t'Yd<'S point to inlllaUvc, dui\ng, willingnt·:>."i t.u pioAec·r a pro.Jt'-·1 You'll gain glimps<· behind st·1·11c•:-., you'll 11nµrtnt stylC' and dam'«! to your own tum• "' TAURUS (April 20-May 20) What had bt·l·n hidde n, negll'C:t<.'<1 or pusht"<.I u!.idt• will now dl·mand a tte ntion. Fill·s wall h.a vt• tu ht• c:hl'l'k t•d Applic·ations t·an bt· r<'nl·WC'd and rl'nL•gullatt·d You·11 havt· more• n·sponsabilaty and alSt1 ehunl'l' to llllTl'aSt' llll'Ollll' GEMINI (May :.!I ·June· :.!CJ). Wish mnws ll'Ul' af you're· willing to bn•ak from pas t. GN rid ur ~uppoS<.'d "i.t'<:uraty blanket." Mcmhc·r of opposatt· M.'X l·arl·~ v<·ry mul'h and will provt· at You art· on brink o f dascovt·rtng "univt·r~:.il thc•nw ·· Ant.•s f1gun•s 1n s<:cnarau CANCER (June 21 July 2:.!). llaghlaght andc•pendt·nl't• und II "take· eharg<'" attitude·~ Kt•y as lo bt' dt.'<.·1s1vt·. wal Ii ng lo l<lkt· risks 111 nrdl·r to Vl'ri f y v aC'w s. Lt·o. Aquarius, J\raf'yfJt•r suns fagun· prominently GovC'rnmcnt rt•pn·sl•nli.lllvt• SC't•ks u ppointmc•nt and may want t o l'hl·t•k rult•s, fl•gul<1t11Jn.'i Cosmetics Make-Up Facial Skin Care Waxing Consultations Hair Styling Manicures Silkwraps Pedicures Scalp Treatments Electrolysis MaSSJJge .,,,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANDI ol Laguna 8 ach iolllll Coast ?laza 333"3 Brist ol Street Costa Mesa , Calif. 92626 -"About one out or si x of all consumers nationwid<' arL• serious and current prospects for a st-rvice ltkt• CompuServe." H M H f o u n d t h a t w h 1 I l' CompuServe s ul>st·r1bNs gt·rll'rally remain difkrl•nt "°om tht• population as 'a who le. thc·rt• an· signs that at·<:cplanec.· 1~ bt•c:umang murt· Widespread ann hat more rt•t'l•nt subscribers te nd to d1ffrr from t•arly customers. "More rt'<.'C!nt subsni~·r~ arc more· hkely to be female• though most subscribers art' stall malt.-s. Thl·y <ire slightly younger, more hkc·ly to have children who US<.' the scrvic:t• aml s laghtly less upsc·ull' an term~ of ho u sehold incomt• Mor!' rc·t·t·nl subscribers are an oci:upalions that :.in· less lt.>ehnal'al." LEO (July i:J-J\ug ~:l ) L1111k b1•yond the· 1mmc·d1all'. p<•rt'l'IVl' potc·nt1al. gt·t rad of burdt·n whal·h was not yuur own tu c::.irry. an fan.t plaC<:' First 1mpn•ss1ons prtJVl' t'Orrt·c:t F'amaly mt•mbc.•r aads m n·gaanang s<-nsc· of <.11rl'<·t1un . p<•rsonul worth. Wau·h Aquarius' (714) 549--3030 Cf:=::::::::::::::=::=::=::::::=:=::::::=:=:=:~\~ -The potential markt•t 1s grcatc>sl among young males an the high income group with above-average experience with computt•rs, often as a result of their jobs. The test was dcsagnc'<i, an part. to explore the potential for tht' e le<:tronil' delivery of newspapers to the home and the impac·t such dt•hvery would have on conventional readecsh1p habits. It found that an c·urrent form, services like Compu&•rve do not seem to affect readership of newspapers. Nor do they affect radio usage. The services do, however, cauSt.' a decrease Jn television viewing. As currently designed. CompuServe requires the simultaneous u se of a computer terminal. a te levisio n scree n fo r viewing and a telephone to hook up with the central database. There were two mapr groups of participants in the study -reguJar CompuServe·subscribers who paid for the service and a special test panel of approximately 100 people who were given free computer terminals and free use of the service for a limited period. The test panel was selected to represent the oublic at large from among a group of individuals who had indic.ated they accepted the concept of infonnalion delivered to the home e)ectrorUcally; slightly less than one- thlrd of the test panel decided LO continue the service on a paid basis. The participant$ had access to more than 150 databases, including games, electronic editions of the newspapers involved, the AP report, business information. p ersonal computing 1ervlces and shopping materials. The RMB study focused mainly on the use of the information.al portion.a of the tervice. RMB researchers said "the degfre t.o be belt.er infonned, the novelty value . . . and the perceived convenience of electronically delivered information all translate to purchase inter est among consumers.·• They also said, however, that there are barriers to consumer acceptance, Including cost and "the r ead y The study showed several com~·rns among CompuServe users and said resear<:h suggestc'Cl that "cost pc.'r S<' may not be thl• issue,. but rathl•r value." It said there is evidence that "the CompuServe· product as currently configured does not measure up to consumer expectation," and said that rt'S1stance t.o prtt.'<' might decLine "IC the ben efits desir~ by consumers could be identified and ad£'ftuatt'ly addressed by the service." • Atcording to the RMH study. consume rs expres.'i('(f com.•ern about tying up the tele phone and th<' television for use of CompuServe The study also indicated that as t'Onsumers become more soph1st1cated, they want the terminals they use to bl· more sophisticated as weU and they complained about 1n11dequate u11cr instrUctions and mdC'X materials. CompuServe stAbscr1bers paad $5 an hour for being connected to the electronic database. They gaanl'd access to the material available by placing a local telephone call to 6 ne o f CompuServe's more than 140 offices. then identifying themselves to the computer with a password sequence Billing was don<' through bank cards The participating newspapers were. the Los Angel<'s Tames . lht• Washington Post. the Columbus Dispatch, the New York Times, the Norfolk Va. Varganian-Pilo t and Ledger Star, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune. the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, the Middlesex News of Framingham, Mass.. the St. Louis Post-Dispatc h , the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Francisco Examiner. Pre&idential push . VIRGO (J\ug :l:i-Sl'pt 22): Bt.· awi.lrl' of lt•gal rights, ch1 't·k royalty statemc•nts, outlmC' travt>I plans P11pul a r1t y an t·rc·:.i~c·~. pro f1 tah lc· c·urn·~p•ll1U l'n t·1• c·an bt• 1n1t1.:1tl·d You'll bt• c-., m p l 1 m (• n tt • d o n y o u r c· h o 1 l' c· q f d rt• s s , t•ntc·rt<11nmt·i1t Gt·mm1. Sag1llarau-. pt·rwns pl:.iy kc·y roll's. LIBRA (St·pt :l:~-Oc:t. :.!2). Go slow. mainta~ low prur11<.'. lw posallVl' of lc•gC:tl Coc:L-.. righL<; and p<•rmissaons Somt•onl• wanL-. somt·thang for nothing -you m uld be prime· target Focus on legal affairs. possible partners hip. a rebuilding pr0t·ess and marital status. SCORPIO (Oc·t 23-Nov. 21 ): Changes that occur aCft""<.-t employment, basal· ehort-s, spe<:ial issut.'S and uniqut.• scrvac:l's. Co-workt.-r shares your t'Oncerns. admires you, looks to vou for inlllnimtion SAG ITT ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec 21 ): Surpmc e lement works in your favor -member or opposite.• sc>e becomes ally, presents you wnh "c:>legant .. gift Import.ant domestic adjustment 1s part o( s(.:enano Taurus. Libra, Scorpio persoru. Cagun· prominently CAPRICORN. (l.X>c 22-Jan 19). Empha-m1 on real estate, bask values. security and long-r ang<' prospec1s. Older individual, possibly a family member. lends b1:nl'f1t of C'Xpt'rtt·n<.•t• S tN·r d<•ar of ~-h<•mcs. self -dt't'<•ptaon and stay away from thcJSl• who advocate something for nothing AQUARIUS (J;m 4!0-Fe b 18 ) Wh<it begins as;, nc•bulous proposition lx'l'OmC'S ub1qu1tow.. featuring numerous oppor tunatacs Sl'enarlo highlight~ :.t(·tivity. trap!>, mC'SSagt'S. ab1h ty to c•xprt>SS self in c:reatave, artastw mann<•r P ISCES (Fc•b. 1!:1-Marc:h 20): St•ns.• of taming 1s hl'ightf'n<'d, you 'll be at right pl<ict• at cruc.·ial mumc•nt. Focus on inromt•. ability' tr> l1x·ate needed material and w1lhngnt'SS to J>l'~'Vl•re· What you have lx'l·n S«tking is prac:ticall y handl'<l you on proverbial silvl'r platter Older TVs unsafe for video games .BOS1'0N (AP) Old rotor te ll'v1s1on sets em1l too much rad1at1on to be safely used by children playing with v1dt·o"games and home computers. doc·tors warn. They rccommcnd that people use the deviet.'S only with TV sets that have been built since 1970 · The old TVs arc safe for' normal vaewang, but youngsters sit much closer when operating v1dro games and rould be· exposed to potentially harmful doses of radiation. according to a rl'port by doctors from the Veterans Adminiatration Medical Ccnlcr in Washin gton. Secret 'ervice agenl8 try to pu1h the preside ntial limou lne out ol the mud at Parker Field in Richmond, Va. The limo had be ome tluck alter Pretident Reagan had boarded a helicopter lor Waahington. · \ ' .. , ... , D D Model 4036 HIVE WE &OT GREAT PRICES 01 MIGllVOX TY'S Just look at th111 • • • , MAGNAVOX ,13" Diagonal Color TV • 100% Solid State • 4" S,,.alter • UHF /VHF antenna• I! .. , ->I • fll ... -26995 .. leg. $329.95 NOW MAGNAVOX 25" Diagonal Color Consol• • • • .,,.,. Contr91 • lon4om Aceee1 Tovch Tunin9 • 105 Chonnel C.,.wffty • c:.n •• ......, Styff"' .... $939.tS NOW '779~1 fine filly Janna Cople y, 20, o f E xeter will reign as Miss Grand Na tional at · the 38th annual rodeo, horse ·show and livestock exposition a t San Francisco's Cow Palace Oct. 129. Vegetables guard drinkers' blood BOSTON (AP) -Eating green vegetables helps prevent the anemia that can result from drinking alcohol . a t es t -tube study h as coniirmed. Doctors have long known that alcohol impairs, either directly or indirectly, the functioning of every organ in the body, including the formation of blood ceUs. ! A study published in 1964 showed that folic acid, found in green vegetables, could reverse the inJiibition of red blood ceU formation brought on by alciohol. 1 : That research was based onlo.bserva.tions in pE!Ople, not test-tube samples of ~ue. The latest teats were conducted on mouse and huma.n tissue. ' Drinking alcohol, even in small amounts, will inhilflt the body's production of red blood 't'ells. . 1 In their experiments, doctors from Johns Hoi*ins University School of Medicine found the red~on occurred with concentrations of alcohol that are "easily achieved" in humans. However. the study showed that folic acid wo'¥ reverse the slowdown. .. l'fhe study was published in today's ~ue of the New England Journal of Medicine. It was conducted by drs. Richard C. Mee\gher, Fritz Siefer and Jerry L . Spivak. Physicians also have noticed that anemia does not develop in alcoholics who are well nourished. The Johns Hopkins team note d that ~Jusions based on test-tube results "must always b6 QMl~1with caution, particularly with respect to e~l~cohol." •,They said that individual responses to alcohol "'(ary according to Siefer nutritional status of the s~ject and according to whether exposure tm the drug is acute or chronic." However, they noted that their findings were sifnllar to earlier human tests, and they said 1n9use cells can serve as a modE!I for studying the effects of alcohol on the blood. '" I Newpoff .()rt 2/2 pm Newpor1 Shtt•toft L1pM .. •s.ts ~-81ves . . ~ GH•. ta It • mlr110le drvo? can I~ .. a. "8nda of time? Whet are the fHll? (i,uclc Broee. lnternatlonat expert with over 2' years experience In preventtve medicine. will be giving a1 ~EE l~ure on Gerovltal GH•. the myth• and the facts. lt'1 yoor one chance to get the full story qn Gerovital GH•. ~...,~~~ .. ,.»'"'"*'td 714 > B35·3604 ... C..11 714 835·085 i Musi~ to their eyes cheers deaf listeners C lllCAOO (AP> Clurendu Ouuc.llo John110n i1 on thl' vtirQti of tears. She strotchc• ht•r urrnK und looks longlnl(l)' t11w111'(l Uw htlrbon. .l''or thouu111h uf p1•oplc, 11hc 111 crtlltlnlC a rn.,lody -and lt'H mu1dc to their eyes. Through mime, dunce uruJ sign lunguag{'. Gaudio trun11 llatt•11 u symphony of sounds for those who hear none . She paints an elaborut .. visual picture of music for the deaf.· Gaudio is the "voiceless voc.·alist'' of Silent Sounds lnl'., a special non· profit group of mu11kal a rtists whu marry mwiic, drama and mime with s ign and song for the deaf and hearing-Impaired. Silent Sounds has two bands - Foxfire, a rock group, and Sparro~ AM-FM, a jazz group. "It's a fallacy that deaf ~pie don't understand music," said Gaudio. Silent Sounds' executive dircector. "They do. When you have someone to translate worlds, everyo11e l'tm relate lo it." "Our music," she said "reach.es people in different ways." Gaudio, who has interpreted plays and political speeches, joined Foxfire in 1976 when it was a rock band. "People thought adding a signer to the band was a good idea," said John Magnan. Foxfire's bassist and Silent Sounds' program director. "Deaf people are i.n a world of their own. T h••y don't h1.1vl• the uvt·nu1·11 wt• huvt>." And rw ~ilt•nt ~ou11d1t which hmi about 20 mumht•ni dccidcod to uff1•r thut lf P•'«-·lul UVt'llUl'. Both bnndK iwrnt> nwrnlx.•rs overlap write thl'ir uwn 11ong11. l''oxflrc• ul110 perform11 populur mu11jc, 11uch a.11 the &-a\lt'll. "Sl~ning KOnst is not new," Giiudlo said. ' Wl' put It in with li ve musk and made the inte rpreter an inte gral purl of the bund. That's my lruitrumcnt." A3 the signer, Gaudio isaid she mu.'lt d edde whether the song i;an bo Interpreted and ho.w to physically portray It, rather than vocally. "I don't necessarily follow words," she said. "I ju11t make a picture of what tltc idea is. You cannot be d etailed. You have to blend thlng11 together. It becomes a choreography." Songs with pic tures, such as mountains or trees, are easier to sign, she said. The sky, for example, might be translated with an ope n arms embrace looking upward. Strong ,.tnotions, too, are much easier t o translate, sh e said. A mournful look with tearful eyes, for example, can d e pict sadness and depression. The two bands play to hearing and deaf audiences and that creates a spcdal cha llenge, Gaudio said . "If J can't be of constant interest, I 'm missing the mark." . . I o,ang• Coaet DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 2, 1G82 Bl I AP Wlrephoto The rock group Foxfire spe lls out the ir names in sign la ng uage. Front (from left ) a re John Devlin, Clare nda Gaudio and Jim Dooling; rear, Rickey T rankle, Ke n · Miyake and John Magnan. Low-tar smokers still aren't thwarting cancer WASHINGTON (AP) -Smokers who switch to low-tar, low-nicotine cigarettes are not decreasing their chances of lung cancer because they tend to puff and inhale more, the National Academy of Sciences says. Any health benefits from switching to the reduced tar brands are "doubtful," the academy said in a report Tuesday. because smokers may unconsciously inhale deeper and hold the smoke in their lungs longer to satisfy their craving for nicotine. "Most heavy smokers, regardless of brand, tend to maintain high nit'otine levels," the study said. The report, prepared by a National Research Council commitiee of the academy for the National Institute of Drug Abuse, contra dic ts a similar study r elease d last week by the American Cancer SOciety. · The Cancer Society report, baSed on a study of 1 mmion smokers between 1960 and 1972, concluded that low-tar, low-nicotine smokers have 26 percent lower mortality rates from lung cance r than high tar and nicotine smokers. Both reports noted that the tobacco ind,1..1 s try, with impetus from consumers and the government, has been reducing tar and nico~ine levels in cigare ttes over 25 years. Reduced tar brands a(:munted for 41 percent of all cigarettel\ sold in the United Sta tes in 1979 and fo r 67 perl'enl of cigarette m anufacturers' ad ver tising dollars, according to Federal Trade Commission figures. Meanwhile. the results of a major federal study, released Thursday by the National Heart. Lung and Blood Ins titute, confirmed tha t reducing s1hoking, high blood pressure and cholesterol cut the chance of men dying from heart disease. But the seven -year $115 million study failed t.o prove conclusively how much men can reduce their risk of heart disease by cutting smoking and other risk factors. The academy of sc.:iences committee said it found in its smoking study a "substantial and unexpected" increase of 70 percent in the number of male smoker s dying fro m r espira tory cancer between 1955 and 1975. That jump occurred even though the level of tar and nicotine m cigarettes was l"Ul by half during the period. "We are left with the conclusion that, at least through 1975, cigarettes had not become appreciably less hazardous for men with respect to the aggregate risk of death," the academy researchers said. IS FOR PL NTING Bulb~, Color, Tr8es, & Shrubs SPECIALS . 1 Gallon New Guinea Impatiens Reg. *4.98 special 5350 2 gallon Camellias Reg. $11 .98 special 2 gallon Azaleas Reg. $8.98 5898 5698 BULBS FULL SELECTION OF PREMIUM BULBS Tulips • Daffodils • Iris • Ranunculus Hyacinths • Narcissus • Crocus Freesias • Anemones and many more! BUY NOW FOR BEST SELECTION • FREE SEMINARS • Fell PrepareUon In th• Home Lendscepe Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 2 & 3, 2:00 PM Plentlng Fall Color Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 9 & 10, 2:00 PM PlenUng Fell Bulbs Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 16 & 117, 2:00 PM SPRING BEGINS NOW AT ROGER'S GARDENS Open 9 to & dally Acrou from Fashion ltland In. Newport Beach 640-5800 AMERICA:S MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDEN CENTER lOA San Joaquin Hiiis Road at MacArthur Blvd NUR~ERV • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES -- ---------.., ---------------..•. -.. ............ ~~ l I • l • r. 1 I i I • i I t I I i 1. I I, ''.••• Otenet Cout DAILY PILOT /l1tutdey, Ootobef I, 1HI ,.... ____ __ TMt: t'i\~IL\' CIR('l'M by 811 Keane by Virg il P1rtch (VIP) 10--.. . -"Their mommies ore gonna be .mod. They're ployin' in the mud." , "Witch your no11, 0_1org1. That pl1nt 11t1 m11t." '9 :\ R '9 AD l ' KE by Brad Anderson "We must have had a thunderstorm ~ last night!'' I Gi\Rt'lt:LO M:ROSS 52 Nolway city FRl>A rl 1 1 Sillen 53 Orunll PUZZLE IOt.. VED e ANJy'• rrlend se Bl a duc>e tO ~ 57 Conceit 14 Palate pan eo Fitting 15 CtUIM Cott 82 Typhoid 18 Fltll 8-4 Pot 17 Stldller sweetener J18 New France 85 Candy - 1 1 pernor ee P.-ce del1y 2o Sc«wy 87 &.trier 21 F rtnMd 88 Ptlytlcl unllt t3 Quiet ee Srnllt cnenoe 2• Oepote DOWN Willitirt::Hi1il 25 Ale•en<Mr G 1 Eats 1111 ~lirir 2 Wild cry 28 London 3 Iron oxide 0 11 n1llve • -du Ol.c>le 1 30 Pythlu' pal 5 Fleet ~ Where Lodz 8 Gl¥e 28 Clualcl 45 Baneful 1t 7 Brand 27 Watet whMI 47 Rlllc 35 l1tetll 8 Mouth Preli• 28 Colleet 49 Howt• 37 "1k1Yo1"' Sp 9 Judgll'*ll 19 Hlndtf 5 I blrac1 31 Peflllfbt 10 .. -Otlt••" 31 Miry Tyler 53 Seurel Jt Lill 11 Hawll't leatll 64 Up -- • 1 SMiie 12 --even 32 Stnlof OOod 42 0 SS ""· kMI 33 Sefll• dOwn 55 P~ °"'°' 13 TOUCll M Dullltt 541810C>I* •3 Smell group It OieetlUC ~ lndlan 0. S7 Plaeld "4 ~ metll lflland 5e FtlOw ,.. YtllowWl·rtd 22 Der"" • 1 -Ano 5t Vtln contanlt .. ~· 24 Sad cry 43 us Pftel· • , Cr""'*1 ...._...__...__ ....... Po llttert 2$ CMe11 dint 83 For"*'Y .... .. :tJi> ............ . -------~~- • by Jim Davis ....------NOW FORA 8Al6K 80UT WrTMI~ PEANl'TI MV LIFE HERE IS ~ OF SIMPLE .• I JUST AAN6 MOONO ... Tl: MBlEtlt !EDM °™EN EACH Nl6H't THE ROONO·HEADED KIO MJN(;S MV SOPPER, AND I PANCE UP ANO OOWN LIKE nus ... t'OI, ~PU'TV! Youse SHOUL.m"r l'OS1' ME -PIS IS NA110NAl.. IAKE:·A-1lil~F-1lH.Ul'JOi \M:fKL SHOE " f"'""'I,..... _____ .., SVPPH.TIME ! SllPPEKTIM& ! OH. IT'S SUPPERflME ! --·---.--..-- I by CharlH M. Sch I D<>H4r TMtHK l COULD 00 ™AT ... by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly . . -"' • THAT'S A FINE BUGLE-- I'M SURE YOU'LL AND NOW OOR F~O­ ltAl51N6 O'AIRPERSON. BAINE 8AlDWIN , WILl GIVE. 05 A R£PORi ON HOW THE VARJOU5 FUNOAAl61N6 ~::nvrn~ ~GOING! LIKE IT THE PIZZA Nl&ITT" ~ moN'fONI '5 WAo A ~51N6~AND NE.fit.D US A HUNDRED #WO fwruJE OOUAR5 ! . fOR 8ETTla ea Fea ••alt: ti:ES ~ 8fe/ &.>RE. MAKE 'IOO lAffiT f\.L 1HE 0\..0 To Be A New n Ff:E.UNGS t'OlAEf\ mAIN T C0Me. !W?K. ·- . .. -.... ~ by Ernie Bushm1 ller WHY DIDN'T YOU GET ,RID 01= T~AT BUBBLE GUM l=IRST? c----... by Tom Bat1uk ' Movie rol change for Arnaz ape Arti t ' n111y or 111osul of IJ ilu llOL.LVWOOU (Al') Amon6( thu octo111 Uatt'tl n o nt!W anovh1, 1'Th\I k •i.J.>t• ArU•t." t. nc.1d..ri11 rna1. 0...-.lderlo Arnai? C<>uld It tx• tlw Hacky Hkurdo r "l Love Lucy"? 1'ht• moti\d of L>t•111lu'' Tht• "'4mt• li'rom h111 home m Del Mor, duwnc.:W1t from prllngt• County, Arnur. uxplumt-d. I "For yearw, I've lx'C.'n telling my 50n f>c'lli lhul fne.should gt:it rid or the 'Jr.' Thh1 "l'C'fflt-<f llkt-u good wt.y to do 'It: f tvtdd bt't"Clrfw Oetildcrlu, whwh is my ~l name, and he c.•ould be L>t>sl. Actually, his numt· ,Desiderio Arnaz JV, but In lhl11 t•ountry thut unda pretentious. . · "I don't know why I namc'CJ poc.wDc111 a JUntor. guess I was maJ at my fothcL,Cor giving me his emc, jusl as he was mad. at h is'TIHhct for tne same·· aaon. "Now Desi hus made o big muv1t: in London, d J notk-e that his billing reads '0.."Si Arnaz' with tJr.' in very smaJI letters. l guess h~ hasn't gotten the nerve to drop at yet." - "The Escape Artist" has hud a roc..·k y history. lmed two years ago by Frum:1s Ford Coppola's I trope, lhe movie undcrwcnl much reworking. m er Brothers launt.•ht.'<.'l a few lcsl engagements tfais summer with poor results, und the movie may ' i disappear from the market. That w ou ld be unfortunate, sin<.-c the Calm has I ir\gaging e lements, pun1cularly a wanning drformanc.e by young Llrllfm U 'Ncal and a ilferent one by Arnaz. "I haven't seen the movw and I don't know what the hell as happening to it." Arnaz saad. "I'm afraid Francis is an a bad roll' rili!ht now; we all have _ ....... ll J-......... -•*""'" lOQI E,._•lb S-• Y*t y_.. v .. 1'¥• T•., 112'441 ~I SHO ltUJ31 UI 0066 C:.SYI •U J-T&MI •ALU• ..... (""•CK IHITM ... Jlll . E_.,...., U.•nr...,..,.v-. w-0900....... "•••1C,,.W..,3'(),.,1n 1 S40 ,.4' U9 ISOO SSI OISS ltl l693 I c:elTI MIU l ... -C.-.0 C.--UA C"V 0.-. 134 311 I I "'"" ~--.. '""'"'!•-'!!] th01K1 purloda Whl•n thlnp don'l K" rlt(hl But h<' •• IA &t•nlUI, land tw'll A(lll Mlraighh•awd Out "Francl1 wi" nk'l• ubout tht• billing, und l hud u hall doing lh~· movlu, t·vc•n ltlllut(h I ployed a crookl'Ci m1ayor tr my fotht•1 w111111t1lf 11llvc•, hl''d kill me. llu Wll8 ltw bt•til mayor San1l11go (Cuhu) c•wr hud " Arnni for many Yl'"r" hu.11 llvt-d an IX>l Mnr with his K">COnd wit .. Edith. lit• t•njuy11 the 1CW11tk lire, t'tlpt'Ciully during th<' racing 11e111tOn, and truwl.x to &ju Calltornl11 wht•rl' hl' hos unothcr home nnd bu1dncss anttir1t'8\Ji. Hl11 vhd\8 to Hollywood art.-rurt" and often frustra1ln,:(. "l had u lot of talk" with CBS about doing u . 8J)C(:lul looking back at 'I Lov<.' Lucy,' '' hi• !laid "Lucy (Lucille Ball) wus w1llin~. und 80 was Gory (Morton, Miss Ball's hui1bund and produ<.w). But CBS wanted the sh ow to bl• 'LUl'Y and Ric ky Ricardo 30 Years Luwr.' "I said It wouldn't work bct.·ausc Fred and Ethel (the• lult• Vavaan Vunt.·c and William 1 Frawley) are nol around. How 1:ould we explain it'? Thal lhey had d1l1d? That's no way lo s tart a l'Omt.'<.'ly show "Mv idea was tu huve Lucy and me tell the kids J_young Desi and Luca) what ll was like during the 'I Love Lucy' Vl'IArS. II would be a way of paymg tribute lo F'rc.J and Ethel, the writers and directors, and stars hkl• Muurte'l' Chcvulier, John Wayne and William Holdrn who appearnd on the show for Sl"clle. "CBS wanted mt• lo prepare the special both ways. I said forget ll." IMA ......... ....,. sn sut c:aramua ( ..... c.-..c-•19 ... , .... 1 ...... w-o0go C-SSt06H '--IUCtl u.. ... $M11 eo..i .,. ·~· · c:MTA•U -r.,... ... ,...,.c;... • ., ~ ISi 411• U • 1UJ U J-t .. .,f\ 5-• ~I SH O -..,. fs •war•, .. nereusantl •1t"9Hn• •••• anti I ........ ntl H •• anyene." CHAAUI (HA"l'LIH, LA Tl ... $ It• v-•~J 1 4jA '''''"•lt.Jt-1•'• ~~J'• lmllZDI-"" ; C>... J-l&MIUUll ,.,,,.,, ·--y ..... o. ..... "' , ••• ..... S-(),.,'" nt t llO Gregcm Girl · ExclualH Engagement NOW SHOWING UA CINEMA COSTA MESA• 7141540-0594 0111r I 40 • 1 lll I 10 1S N SOll•llolll 12 • • 2 • • I lD •I lll' I lll I 10 2111 l'W "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!'.' -.-.. l"°"' ~.AAOOa>OIM'l.X IV tf' Or•nge Co11t DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 2, 1882 ••• Boat rocks pianist A M ~ T ~ H lJ A M . T h t• N1•Lhl·rlund• I AP> Ot1l' Munduy, d11s.-c1ml IJllHlll~t 13.Jrblaru Nl11Sm1111 wui. hll 1y u t·ur wh1lt· rlcltng hut liit:yl'll• That ..-rlcluy, llw nu11P Jowt·r1n~ hl·r Slt!lnwuy (.;rn11cl i11tu t•o n n·rt po111 t1o n lillj)pN l , l'I Ul'kt•d Lht• Jllilllll uncl d1•mol111lwd the• pi:rno-rnuvt•r 's nar Wtw11 slw fhuall y mil down to pluy thut night despite tht• bruill(.'tl hm• t'OllC:l'rt grund was rx·r1·h1•d on on Amstcrdum canal bfJl'Rl'. ~wr Muortlighl Sonut.a wus accompnnlC'd by a chorus o r m o t o rboat l'ng1n 'Ii and the ,nlC'll'llnoane-hkt· sound or passing ruwhoulx punc·tuau•d her Chopin P olonuai.c. "The bargl'." shl' said, "wa11 roc:kang back and forth yo. at first, I f1·1l I was n •ally going to gl'l Sll'k " No rcul problem for &rbarn , Nassman. ac'Custorrwd ru. sh1• as lo lhl' minor d1srupt1ons lhut OC.'(:Ur whl'n s hl' brangs the music lO th1· pt'<>pll" whclher the audienct.' as an an iron foundry. a bordello or -must n·c·enlly -along lht.' hanks of one of many c<i nuls ranging this wat<'ry c·aty "I wulk a Cant.' lin<.' bl'lwc•t•n ,,., lcll, 10:11 IAT/IUN. a::.,e:a, 19:11 Mll:llDll PN.1:11 (N) IAT/IUN. 4:18, 1:19 "JEKYLL a HYDE "SPLIT IMAGE" fN.7:11,..-TOG ETHE A AGAIN" t111 IAT/IUM. 1:00, ~11 S:., IM, 10:11 (R) ""·~ IAT/ 1•1 l-1+1o.. AMllYVIUE 0 : THE~ION• _.....,,.__ ............ .. POLTERGEIST-'! ...... eATl-.-.1111!' T~Ot~m ........ eAT/MM.1111, 1111, - .. IPLIT IMAGE" fll> fRL 1:11, l:ill, 10-M IAT/IUM. 1141. 4:00, •11 l:IO. 10'AO --:.":'.... T.~Ot 4111 ....... 1'111 UT/IUN. HO. t:IO. 10:11 "'ROCKY r "'°> ,,., .. 1A4cll.ldl -mt IOT UTT\.f ~l'ITVCAS.flll ·--. .. ,,_..,_ ~ lfUll,,_, __ ... ,,_ ... _ 4 •• ,' , IJt•1111£ u M·r111u• du .. kal planlat u111J 111uylw un t•ntcrtalner. I rl·ully U..•llc•w lh,•rc• ithould be l)O hounclurae• to mualc,'' .. Id t.Ke Phlludc•lphlu nutlvc, 36, who hu ol1110 Lwu{(hl her mu•k to Indian n ·11Nvotlo1111 , prl11on•, factory rnf1·ll'raus ond wurc•hou11t.'l. T lw 4·un<AI t'On<.-..•rl, which drew oliout 1,01111 people, waa• spo1l.llOrl'd hy u l<x:al piano dealer tand the posh Pulitzer H otel, whkh bcirdcrs the PrlnMengracht <.·unul In onl' ur lhl' oldettt IK.'Ctlona ur Ams tordum . "I lt•h lrkt· I Willi silting In my la ving room and making mualc for my frll'nds," said the planilt, whu muanluans apartn'lenta In Amljlndum and New York 11 h(•r EurolX'an und American bale of uf>f•rauons N IS!>man hus dt.'velo ped a lt'<.'lUrC'·<:on corl series for her auda<'n<.'(.'l), many o f whom had 1wvt:r las ll'ncd to music not on the lo~ 40 l·harl.\I. "Thcy'rt• not really ·locked Into u rnnccrt hall s1tuat10.1. They c·oulcl throw rotten tomatoes at me," !>he said. Na!>!>mun quit the artist-in - rcs1den<.•c program an I 980. NTDO'TOOU .. MY FAVORm YEAR".,.. ... 1 ... _ eAT1-.1:t1. •11 •11.1111, "'" ~· ·~ .... ,_...,. THI WALL•,. ............ eATIMM. ...... ......... + ..... eAT._,. • ' .... Or1ngt 00111 D~IL.V PILOTl81turd1y, Oo1obtr i, 1913 Gang grab part o~· Ed's cup, ~rht.•y'v,~ 111·1·11 pl11Vllll( 1\lph11111111· 111111 ( ;llNhHI , ~ 1t•fl!iot'I l~nJ4. 111111 1111w ~:ti ~d1m1•1 h·r 111111 tlw Qv<•r tht• lllll C:1111Jt l'Ull xhur1· 1·qu11lly 111 tlw ll·utlil t' Vlt•tory Jr\ '1'11v1.1 Bowl xxvlt · In A Wt-t•k tliul '1>niv1•<I u11w.uully lUUt(h. th1· Oang ljt,'ttn't.l,11 h1Kh oC i11111• poln lll wh1ll' l<~I 1oo1•1tlt·1I f<1r l:\ght. und l'Ul'h ~111 11 h11111I 1111 tlll' 1 rophy It w.u. r,ht• lin1( trip tel tlw w1111w1 'N l'll'dt• fur tlll' (>v1•1 tlw lllera; whl1•· 1<:.1 1·upturi·d hltt 11th tith• lopi; monil ull trlvlad\)ll'lb Mui.. l-'rul1•y. ulh· uf lull" tank.I ~ht ht'lund w1t.b Ill v1t·tt1111·" I Now comt·:. tllC' XX V lllth runo111g or tht•. (nvtal sWN•p:,tuk1•s, and w1•'1t· hop111g th.11 m111 ,. ficiona~os uf..yit .. mst.'ttu1·nt111 will ho11 on tlw bu11d t. · I· o-th. t1m lll•no Ed Scllmetret 191 t IJlr•leh MllKMlctamp '· ·~CObfa II (II'-') 4. 'Tracy Oodlrey (3) . Tile IBetlr Fac;t1 (<4) Nancy Prior (7) (11)1:13 123 (7)109 IOI 76 74 1 t., 1 ·Tile Group(~) 68 8 Al(.11 WatrlfH 1:1i J I b ·The 01ooysla11• 1 t' •I :it> t I JoM RuH61 f7) 22 • 110 e11lry rf!COll\IGO .. t101f of IHI 8C()rtt 11w11rd&d r t;.ag~n . ~spcl'lally . inv1'11•lj a n · tho-..1· Jur11wr do,ntenders whu'''t.' g1v£'n uµ tl1 i.· ganw · ,· You'rl' ~II W<.'ko.nw Just JOI lluw11 y out . 4Jl!JWCrs ·and s<•nd 'l hl'rn 111. I ht·n wutdt 111 st•t• how . 1~ stack· up qn lht· tnvwl ·toll• bu:1n l I l<·n·'s tlw first 1 0~ . . J. M ichel Shulhouz dt•M·rll"ll lus g1v1•1\ 11.11111· ~ gained fame• as whom'! · .t · ·2: H"9w .ibout lhl• nanw of Uudll•y l>o H1gh1"s l)otse in the TV nirtoon·~ . J.... 3. Identify Barbara Ech-11 '~ d ug. 1111 1h1· JFlt!Vision serws "I OrC'am or J {'Ul\1111' .. ~. · 4. Tht• first prl'sid1•nt1:.1I :11r11l•11w wa:--known a$ w hat? · 5. The lall' Jock Ewing on TV's "Oallas" rcxi\' a horse namt'd w hat?.· . . TRIVIA BY T.l ll Nu11w l Wu 1l\OVlt'1t 111 whu h 11111 vuy Krn 1111111 1 c·11t•ull•uly 1•11r11'\'h ·d nthc•n. 111>out tlw pn111unc·iut1011 o l hli. lllllllt' 7 Dl111lt1•111H SynodlnuN 111111k 11 rta1111• f111' h1111Hc•ll 11111011g sljirl8 Cum; u11 whom'! II M11n:1y lublt'Y l.JJ u 1•hu1•ut·t1·1 from what bl<18l' l~>llll'lly" !I In llw muvlt• "Blow Out," whut wui; (u) till' l'llrl1K111 d11ll'11t.·ltor' m1 John Trov11l111'11 off1n • Juor 1.and (11) till' nlt•knumt• the poliw ~11v1· tlw vlllhlll 111 tht· flll·k"! IO Tht> lll'W HUY Wt.Iii u wushout tn hu. I 11\'tl lmr• l·>..1111 , hut tht• 1wcol\d timt• uround ht• wu:. u ~11111 ... h111f.( sUl'l'\':.s. nnd ht· Wl'nt 1111 tu ht't·onw J rt.·ul lug ... 1101 in wh,11 movil"' Last Week'• Answers A11n ll:inling .(name chu11l(e) :! Floyd and Lloyd (Oswuld's sonll) :i "Thl• Mou~trap" (long<'sl play) ~ 5 ylvurua (blue dot) ~ "'J ohn11y, Gel Angry" (song lyric) U "That 's M y Boy" (Buck.II.' W111so1:k1t•) 7 H.t-l(gll' Jul·kson (strlkl-t>Ul king) Ii '"Ano thl•r Part of lhl' Fores1" Jl._1~try) Y. (a) 50,0011. (b) 4-1 ("V1l'llll y'') · 10. "Kmg Kon~" (movw nddlt') Dow11, (81rd11• (S£•t1d your lllls wt·r-s tt• 'l'U/V/A, ('/IJ tlw 1)111/y 111/111. Bux i :>tiO, Cost;J M1>..;.1 Y:!ti:!li All 1·11tnt·1"o mus r l>1· rt'lt·ived l.Jy WN1nt•s<l;1y, u11lcrw1st• hulf th1• µh1yl'r's las1 .'i<.'Of't' will Ix• aw.irclt'C.l) .)i'iJke .na·me ·keeps cr~~d . (roin. star •· HOLLYWOOD (AP) Tht• 'Easy Rider' key for trivia chaIDp call" s heet for the• ABC :.t·rH·s ';'The FaU Guy" hsted the• gu~t star .as "Beyond Reason" and the character name as'"Burton." BU't a t 20th Ct:n.tury l<'ox Studios when tht' Jietor shuw1•d Up his name was really H1l·hard Burton: Ttle call sht'<'l listing was to keep visitors from ·swarming the sound stage to sl'i-Burton Lee. Majors. star of ."Tlw Fall u y ;" liecam(' friends wi t h ~Jl -.yhen ~th wcrl· mul<mg ifferent rtlovics in Canada. EUHJ-;KA (J\PJ Qu1c·k : How many :><'<'011ds lx·fon• the st.><:rel mc·ssug<• t.a pc rn the television serl<'S, "M iss~on Impossible." S<·lf -ck:--trul'L<i? LI yuu answen·d "five," you might hav1· been "King of the• Moun u11 n." in Eun•k<.i wherl' 25 dc•ta1l·lc1vNs balllc•d to be.> on top or [I htll o f trivrnl bits o f 1·nrurm<iliu11: Unul rad1u station KEKA runs another lrtvia <.'Onl{'Sl. David Carr or Arc:<J la IS the l'hamµum , al IC!as t 111 Eurt·ka. when· trivia fever 1s running high. said HaJph Ml·Carth y. a talk-show host, whosc program draws qul"Stions like, "whul's the smallc•st lake in Eth1op1a'!" · F o r r t.· t r 1 t' v 1 n g b 1 l i. o f information from hu. brain, Carr won a 4-foot·htgi. guld trophy. McCarthy ~aid: "You know , thl' kmd with the lady on top with the laun·I." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ,. IH!lll u ... .,.,. _,.~_ .. , '" o.~~ MIU•flUCI fPwC ti ~ W• *'~ .. ,,,'/) .......... ,. tO•"I' ~Wt\t n1nn ; "° •uac1 °""l;;TloJ fOA Otl O•OAOltil~ POLTERGEIST Ii know.v what scart!syou . ~· ·~-•tt •M~•~ NOW PLAYING COSTA MllA ldw11ds Cll\4"!\i Cen1t1 q19 '1•1 CYNUI lllWlll £Ow11dl •WllTMIHTlll Cyptm Woodt>rll)Qcl C~ ldwlld\ Cinema West eu tUO ~SI 06SS 891 393S . -- "THE KIND OF LOVE STORY FOR WHICR THE PUBLIC'S BEEN THIRmNG." ,. ' I -Gene lf\attt, TODAY IHOW WWf'CMIT IUCM ..._ WHTMIUTll EOw11CI\ Hewpon C-QneClomc fOwllds C-Wn1 644 0760 63• 2SS3 Ht 393S ........ ll(;QJl"'ffO .-. ~,.........,,,. .... ,\ . Wri,ing for Ina e works for .singer SUN C'l'l'Y. Hophuth.11,w.111.1 (AP) Tw1•11ty f1 v1• y1·111 11, 1111111• lh1111 00 1111llc1111 11'1 1111111 111111 ·1:, ulhu11 111 h111·1', 11111~1·1 1'11ul A11ku llUYll tw'" ht·1•11 Hudt u w h•>l>Plll~ llU(.'l t•i.i. ht•l'U USI ' h• • WI I lt'' "f 111 the• l\IUM!t'S " "I urn o pt·o1>l1··, w111,1 ," tu• ·11 w1 .... 1111111· ''" 11111·11, 11¥~ ""''"· .11 1u.1lly," ,,.. H.IJIU "AntJ .o;11ld 11 wllh u lot 11( h11111 ... 1y uml !'llllll'lll Y .. hk1· II lllth· kHI J\11cl ll11·v w1·111 fAit 11 Anywuy, It I Ul lJI' Olli. .111d I w.1" .. t1rt~...i UH • 111· 11'tU1lll"ll t•> Dtu1wo, wh<• Puul /\nku It Uy I> '' J d Cl II ' I WI I t l f 11 I J>lil•Ud11 1111t·ll1-t·tu11b " Auku, who w.11> j>1•rf11n11111~ al t•h l it ~ U I 11 I) Ji 11 j;( I I'S Ill" I 111 I h t • Afr1 u 111 Vl'lcl , .... 11d th:1l li c• ~llfVIVe'll tilt' IH!ilh by WI lllll)t 'I wai; till' ugly kid. 11111 11n1· of tlu· ptt•tty '"'Y' th1·y wc·rc· M·l ll11~ ·· f.1alu11 · ;11 H .. . ~ h1'1 11.111•11Li. 1.111 11·i.tuuranl" Hut Ill' J1d11't 1<lu y lo11u "I rwt•clt•d to j l.(t•I lei N1·w York," he · icatd "lliA 1· f11.,d i.11111·" w .. 11• 1un111n~ u e 1111l1·st 1111 l 'iu11tJbl·ll Soup" Wh1x•v1·1 t •>llt'I h-<I the· nu!'l>l soup 1 . \.\ 1,1ppt•1 s would go to N1•w York Fleetwood Mac sets concert ~t Meadows Thi• popular r ol'k group 1''l1•1•L wtxxJ Mal' hai. st·hl"'<lulc·ll a t.'CJnt'l'l'l Mond<iy, CA-L 18 at lht• lrvuw Mc·adows amph1tfwa1tor Ttw s huw. a Ul•nl'ftl for Ttw C1 ty or llopt" 1:-1 t'><J>t'<.'ll•d to ht.· tlw f11rnl l'Unt.·l·l't or lht· I !Hl:l M'ason al the outdoor tht•utt·•, said spokeswoman lrt•nl• Jal·k O tht•r special guc-sts may <ippt.•ar. she addc.-d. T1l·kc·L-1 will go o n sale at IO a.m . Monday at tlw Mc·adows box office or al Tu:kt•tron lcx·<itions fur thl· bt-n1•f1t :shc said Trckl'l prll'<'S for the bt·nefll wen• not st•l ut press time but are expectro tu be• In the rangl• of $1 5 to $25, s hl· Mi ld THE YEAR THE OOEAMS CAf TRUE NOW PLAYING I Jc• h111., wqll1·11 111111 t• than •1110 SCllt~S. from pop Nlll.JHll('i.. l>lll h "' "ll1:.ma" 11nd "Put Y11u1 111·,1111111 M v Shouldt·r." 111 1111111· 11-t·c·111 hits. sul h .1-.. "V1111'11• ll.1v111g M y B.ilJy," In hallaeb, sud1 J I> "M y W <1y" a11d llit• I hl'llll' tu the· 111ov1l'. "Tltt• Longc·1't Day" Earltt•1 thts yl'ar, 111· 1 l'lt•a:.1 d th1• .11t,u111. "Both S1dt•' ul Lov1·." r1·1111 clc•d 111 N.J:-.h vil ll-111 ·, 1 ur11 ·11tly 1t'l.'11rc.l1111o( .1nulhl'l A 11 k :i w r" t l · r 11 r 1' u l' h t•l!t1·11a111111g g1a11l:. :Cb Frank S1111i1r:1, B:.irbn1 S t1 1·1s:111d . '1'11111 Junc·s. L11u..l a Ho 11 ..,tadt .111cl Buc.ldy llully Anka, a 40-y<·ar-old C:anadwn uf Lt·bitnt~· desn·nt. has t·unw a lung way from thl• J <iys w h1·11 he thumh<-d his 'flay to C:ahlc,rnw to r t' t• 11 r d a t u n (• l' :.i I I c• d "Blauwildeb(·a s tf1111tt•1n," a novt•lly song t1.1kl·n frum th<" name• of an Afrtl·tin town whusc· name· nu·un:. blut· wlldc•bt"t·~t fountuin ··so I got a Joli ut tlw IC.ii\ f1;od -'LOil'' "I I l'IJUld lx• dose.• llJ thl' "'UIJ l'ollli;," ht· 'ollld "And I urn w.111'111111-t 1·v1·r y hody lhJt'." h11v 111g """I'· plu!'> l'rn i.tt·uling 1 lwm UUI '" the· Wurt•hf>UM' A11y w.1y. I w 111 th1· <'111111'!'.l ;Jnd ..cu 111 Nc·\A. Y111 k .. A11k;1 1·1·lur111·d brt<·fly t c> ; l '.1 11.1da and w1 ull' /J sung tibuutl .111 11ldl•1 gu I who b«bysat for his f vou11g1·1 l11 olh1·1 lll•r numc was I >111 11:1, Jlld tl11• :-.ong siild 111on• lli.111 10 1111ll1ull l'llJJIC'S. I h· 11ow l1 V•'I-in Carml'I, Calif., wttli 111 ... wtf1·, Annl" a f1Jrm1·r ' 11111d1·I •• 111d lht'11 f1v1• daughll·f8 111· ... ,11 11d :--Jlx,ut :m Wl·ckb a yl'<tr dmng l'llnt't•rt l.{>Urs on th<' road lits .1pp«:.ir:11ll'l' in thi~ South Afrit«rn tribal hum(·l<ind 14!0 111ill·s n11rt h 1>f Juhannl·sburg, was his firs t trip to southt•rn Afr 1l·:1 H i s family . he.• s aid .' uuclt•rst<tncb h11n "Obv1uu~ly. I 1111....., thl·m. but I hkt• vny mul'h wlwt I'm d1J111g," hl· ~ys. •BARGAIN MATINEES• Mond1y thru S1turd1y Alt Performances before 5:00 PM (bc.e,t S,.ut E1t1111"'"'1 1M HeWlyi) "YES, GIORGIO" '"' 1:1t, ..... "'°· t:AO, 11'91 "JEKYLL 6 HYM ••• TOOETffl" AGAIN" ""1 1a:ae, a:-.-.-.-. - "f'tNK FLOYD: n. WALL" ........ ..,... c .. , 11:11, 1:11, ........ -. Wll "AM Ol'ACIA AND A GENTLRllAW' '"' U>la, artl, -. 1<11, -- "f THE JURY" '"' ...... ,., -. 1-. .,. MU UHM UA Moue IOoutlb~• 990 4017 ~&1 )0 0 OIWIGl .... p_.,"' '°'~ O<·~"' ~ bl• 9361 63• '~~l LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN •ocvlly 01 Col\Clle•ooo 213/531·9NO COITI •U 10..MO\ llUllTl .. l Ol IUCll NO f'Ata<• ACC£1'' LO 'Oii f"ll*IAOUltHl Souln Co.\I f'W• [Ow•lb H<itll.nQl .. C........ ~46 '" t ••• 0319 "RUN-DON! WALK- TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIE HOUSE." A G lorious Uproarious Love Story. .• ;..· ... -~A NOW PLAYING AT Tll£S£ SPECIALLY SELECTED T HEATRES •c:aeTA•U ....... ldw•OSTownCent11(714)1~14tU ClyClr'llet (71 4)6348282 .... ._. . ., '" --00---1 ''fttNI( FLOYD: THE .WALL"! "JEKYLL. a HYDI .•• 1111 TOGETHER AOAIN" c-. 1-.a:ae. ..... .,..,.... , ........ -. ... - "Tlt£ llEIT LITTLE "" • WHOfllHOUH IN TlllAt" "TEMPEar· - ta.a.-. -.. , .... .,.. -''NIOKT WT" Ml,.., n• LAKEWOOD CINTER SOUTH WAl• IN "YEI, 0109'Gt0" INt -.1:11 • "AUTHO"t 0 f.oc"'1Y Al Del Nno A U T H 0 R I ' ' 1 1 ___ 2_1_>1:...•_u. __ ."'2_11 __ -...-__ •:ao.-. .. "TitE LAIT AM£"1CAN Vl'OIN" .,., '""Ml...., r:a. .-. u:ee "MY FAVORITE YEAR" ,AC.,IC IMCAllU oai•E·•• , • ., •Ens f1•nc• ,..,. MA• -•IC• r• "'" " AllAM(J. ~Vl·• llMICNI l lfl OllYf .. 6 ~ Ol .. H ll ... teJ ,..,,,...,,, .... , ,., ........... ,.. ., ...... ,,,..._. --·Q--1 --·-IMrOATHT •OTIC(' CIOlOAl• U•Olll IZ faUl _ ........ """M l•-loCJta.~ l•N ~----.. c:..-·--........ C.tll ___ aca:...,._ ---..i·41l me41---.. - •••• ,, v ANAHEIM 0111VI IN •-tto•1-•• 179-HIO "TtlS ••l l.ITT\.I ~a~• ttur "'1 i "WOM.O ACCOMMMCI fO OAllr' "llAN"'°"' -' C...."IOll'O -t•"- fll I ·~ • I A ... "E.T., .,., ·' j BUENA PARK og1v1 IN ....... LINCOLN OlllVI IN l"'C-............ ..... 121...070 ' . •, FOUNTAIN VALLEY OlliVI IN -0...'-•-<"'I Ml•Hll ' " tjl WAV J~ »•I . ., I ....OCKY r'"' ~ . .iLm'-IAT "'' MONTHIQH" _ ,._ IA HAAR:.. • •' ., Ml ~SIO N 1•111,1 •N . ,· It II : Whl.'NI h' ' I ... --- THE EXT1'A· TIRRfSTitlAL" "I THE JURY" 1111 ' 11\.W ''THI AMA TIUR" "" "JIKYLL a HYDI •.• TOQITHE" AGAIN" • -"Ufl IN IMO« tr" "" c.,.,. _ _,, .... So .. O.._Gt ..... _ 191•U9S "8".rT 9MAOE" t111 11\.U. "fAD4E TO a.ACtt" • _,._ "AMITYVILU It. THI '°IUllf()fr 1111 ll\.U9 .. .,.,.,... WllH .... Ill _ .. _ ..... '1.0YD: AT TitS •AU." -... ..,. ,, i I I I --___ _,'"' i). KNXT tCBS> e KN8C INIK) e kft..A t1no.1 .KAllC IAllCI • t<l'M8 ICHI e teHJ•TV llncl.I • • .1(($-f !A8Cl ,~«NV CllW.I .,_ t e iccOP·TV '"'°. t e ICCIT IN$) • kOCE C1"8SI ~Bill Alexander, the ~•happy painter,~'. d emonstrates how to paint frorn memory using a big brush and without waiting fur the paint to dry in "Magic of Oil Painting" at _11:30 a.m. on KOCE, Channe l so. * • "The Kid From Nol- So-Big" (1978) Jennifer McAltlttet, Robert l/lharo. A 12-yMt--Old girt finds h«Mlf In end out ot trou· ble while rur1nll'g the town ,_apaper. (j)MOVlE * • * ~ "8rl1n·a Song" (1971) James Caan, BHly OM Williama. Two footb1ll pl1yer1 lhare 1 rere frlend- lhlp until cancer ctlima oneofthem. .MOYIE ** "Heertbeepe" (1981) Andy K1ufman, Berna- dette Peters. tn 1 world ol the near future. two com- mercial robots PP«len<le the Vlelatitudel Of first ICMI. 'PG' H>O I LEAVE rT TO BEAVER 9 NCAA FOOT1W.J.. TEDITAU< "Mothers And 08ughter1" • MllltOH: M'Ol8l9l.E I 8'NUT ANGlEV llG M.UE MAMLE FOCUS OH 80CIETY MOVIE * * '/\ "SllOClay Too Far Aw1y" ( t975) J1Gk GllomcMIOn. Max Culen. 9:30 • CJ) OIUJGAN'8 Pl.ANET G QITHEGARY OOl.EMAN SHOW I 0ZZJE AMO HAMIET WILD, WILD WEST HeBH FUTHER "Deep Wiier T..i" S...... c:Nldfen ie.n -""' nutrl- ' tloMI Mblts ttvougfl /,tWM delll' ac:tMtlea ., • IUtMW c:emp. I RX:UI ON 80QETY tO:OO Cl) l"ANDMIONM M a INCMQ8l..E HUU< /AMAZINGI~ I IHANANA IOC Ml.UOM DOU.AA MAN I -JONES TM8 OlD HOU8E Bob VIII glvee pointers on laying 1 no-wax !loot and ofleoka the progrMI of the ~.(R)O !:::o"'d •• "Road0-"(1981) SllGY Keech. Jamie Lee CYnll. Ari etcentrlel truck- .,. • beelltllul hl1Chhlkflf Ind • peyctloplttllcl kNlfll lr!Mlllng the -route p19y ~ of Nte and deelh. 'PO' ®INM>E THE NF\. Cohoel• LAn Dewlofl and Hid& 8uonicontl pr-I hlgNightl of the prl'ilous WMk'1 pro I001ball action and Int.mew. wtth ~· Ind~. CD) NIOHOl.A8 NICKLEBY A young men II trying 10 better hlmtelt u he goes IO'ldlool. (l)MOYIE • *'/\ "Any Wtlld1 Wey YOl.I C.n" ( 1980) Cllnl Eastwood. Sondre Loatl. Bef~e MUiing down with hit girt and pet ~al'gUlln, 1 b•u~litted light• signs up f~ one last, lucralMI meteh. 'PG' .MOYIE • • ''Looker" (19811 Albert Finney. J1mes CObufli. The mytlerlOUI deeths of 1 -• of beau- ttful modelw lnllOM!d In • ,_ ldverlltlng project ere blM'led on the p1 .. t1e eurgeon woo Oj)ll' 1ted on them. 'PG' ~ 8 CJ) MEATBAU.8 & #AOHETTI 1=:NA * * "Not A~ SuiP- clon" ( 19'0) Cl•ylon Moore. Jey &lverfteela •• AOelNHOOO King Alctlerd IHIClkt his eneml11 1lter tecretly -r9'urnlng to England; Ille Blthop'• murderer I• elipOled; Sir Ovy'1 tl•t• fulflll9 • Pf opMcy ( p 11'1 12) e IOUAMFOOT caMDEl•tca (%)MOit!! ••• "Arthur" (1981) Dudley Moofe, LILI Mln- nelll. Whlle hll l1mlly ldtern9C• to lor1>1 him Into 1 pr•arrlllgld menllge, a drunlcen, hedonlltjc l)ley- boy ,.,.. In lo¥9 With • POOr ll'Otlllng git!. 'PG, fO, (),.fV II l TV 'Mt HBO IC, CClntmaio 1 IWORI NV.,N V 0> !WTBSI 11 1 (HPH! ( IJ I Sllowt lrne I ' • lf)Otllgllt e tc:.tll• N_, Ntt..orkl /\ 11:00 I IU08WON..D Q!~8EBAU. Reglon11 coverage of Mllw1ukw Br-1 11 Bal· tlmor• Ofk>IM or 0111111(1<1 at K•n ... en~. I AMENCA'& TOPTEH INCAEDe8LE HUtJ( MOYIE • • '/\ "My Favorite Spy" (t961) Bob Hocle, Hedy L1m1rr. An Amerlc1n en11t11iner lmpenlona1ee 1 apy In ordet to oblllln MCr9I pl-for the U S. • MICROWAVE ~~ (fr}woVIE * * "Carbon Copy" (1981) 0-ge Segel, Susan Saint J-. A llUGClMlfut wfltle bu11ne"m1n discovers that he has • grown 1on ...00 It b!Kk. 'PO' 11:aGI FAT~ GMND PNJC OF AU.· STAM High tchool a1hletee Ind top celebflllee compece for fibulous prliff ., the Grend Prla All-Siar Sport• Center In Calllomla. • MMMCOF<Ml ~~ ill 8flOTUGHT PflEVIEW Hoal Robert O•borne k>Olt• " the movies Ind ~· coming up on Spollighl ~ t2;00 I a.AOCSTM THMESTOOQQ MOYIE * ._. "FllgM Of The LOil mBllloon" ~t= ':::: MOGAH'8 HaOa .. ~ ENn"H AHO MAN "M""*'9: Round Wor1d. Flat Mac>" (C)MOVIE * * ~ "Sliver Beere" ( 1978) MlchHI C1ln1. Cyblll Shepherd. An llC:COUnllng genlul dlvl- •n lnlrlcate pl1n to 1nor.... hll weeltll by miking tome of Ille top Hec:ul~ in lhe world of high flnM>Ce '"' llletlms of an ext1110tdinAry IWlndle. 'PG' (Q)MOYIE ** *'/\ "Top Hat" p935) Fred Mllirl. Glngw Rog. .. ert A m1r1 haS trouble with Ills glrtfrillnd beCluM "" thlnn ,,. •• "*1'ie0 lO her beet friend. (S)MOYIE * * "The Little Dregc.ns" (19811 Sally Boyden. Chrll Pe!flfton A gll'g of kldl tralfled in karlle reecue one of lfleit friends wher'I atle ii kldnepped. 'PG' OMOYIE •••'A "Brien'• Song" (1971) J-c..n. Biiiy OM Wllllams Two f001blll pllyetl lhfll'I a rare lrtend- lhlp unlM caooer Claim• oneolthem. 12:15 (%) CHAAl.E8 CHAMPUN OH ntE f'1lM lcetE 12:30 9 CJ) NCAA FOOTaAU. New Mexico 11 AU F0<~ Academy. I OOOGER DUGOUT GUfTAAWITH fAB:JENC)( NOMI • OF EAATH AHO MAN "Amazonia: GrCHll!fl<KJM Of Gra.i Hell?, (%)MOVE • • • • ''Addlet On The Roof'' (-tl71) Topol, Norme er ..... A~ rnllkmlrl In turn·of-the·cen1ury amlll Aullle trlee to mer- ry off 1141 ellglbte deugMers while trying to hold °"'o ,,.. Jlowllh herltege In the fece °' opprwelon. ·o· 12:.418 (fl AMATl'Uf' IOXltO "U.8.A. V1. Polend" • DOOCM!R flM.QAMI • C°'-llOI POOftAU. Sin JoM St1t1 II Cllll0<nl1 1:ooe 8AIHAU. Te••• Aan9er1 •t C1lllornl1 Angel• (If Alntflcln = Wiii II tllll~I • M8HAU. LOI A"Ofloll Dodgtt9 .. S1111 fr~tc0 0111111 • MOYIE . *... "land Of ""99'1 .. If ff 7) C"'1I Geoll, lidll9Y Poitier. 1:JO. NOYA "LlvlflO M9Ctllntt" TM WOf'k _, "'"*"'*' ... COYttltt Of • new oer-• llOn of DIOIOOllC• Celled n1tur11 MIOll...,. pnim1tt beneflt9 _, ---· ~ tooe...,,....J:i -~ INVMOl._fT ·~ ......... ~·· (tMt) AIM Arttlft, ...,..._ ~.,. ..... of....,.. "'9tend'"°'9 0..... • ------~---------~----~"7"""".::----:---:;-::------~-............ --~-_..,..--1 IOOlel ll!Otkat In WllNGI 1"9 6-pet-OIO ~,.,of I -.111..0 OQlip6e It Ille \llQlll'll Of Cfli6cl abuee 'PO' 1:ooe wuTMN OUTOOOMM.AN • GNULY AOAMI A llfl*f ~rencn balloonlll dr~ 11'1on01luty'1 GWltC> •II• MICI J.ck, alarlled by "" llrl"98 llylng 1lrGr1.ll, "'°°'' It dOWl1. • AMINOA: THE llCOHD CINTlMV C8 OITIZIHI AGAIN8T GUNOOHT..OC IHITIATrvt (C)MC>W • • ... "lkbln Cowboy'. ( 1090) John Tr1vo111. Debt• Wlnglf. A blue-col, lar WOfkll' whO llnOlll hlmHll 1 modern·d•y cowboy 11111 In love with • glfl he mMll In • l)OC)Ullr oounlry·lnd-lern b11 'PG' (Q) NICHOlM ~ A young m1111 11 trylno 10 beller hlmNH u he goee to IChOol. (l )MOVll **'A "Key To The City" ( 19501 Clafk Q1ble, i.oreua Young. A ~mMllnd 11111 In love •t 1 may~•· • convention lletd In S1111 FrtncllCO 2:ao D MOVIE * * * "Edge Of Eterntty" ( 1950) Corne4 WNCle. l/1Cto- rf1 Shew A Ndl•tle mur- Oflfer 11 tr11ekld to the Grind C1111yon lrH by 1n Arizona cMcxily. • • Gll.UOAN'818LANO -~A Ttl.fVl&tOH HISTORY "SI• Counties" Rober1 Kee wrveys the hl•tOfY or the •I• countr" ol Ultter bet-192, Ind 1974. CD AMEA1CA: THE 8ECOHI> CEHTURY a:ool': **'A "A Diie With Jucty" ( 1948) Jene Powell, Elli.I· beth T eylor. D KOJAK • MOVIE • •'h "Them" ( 19541 Jamee Whitmore, Edmund G_,n. The government tlkes ~ an ln11911lg1Uon looking Into 1trenge deltha occurring In the Mojt119 OeMrt. I teWING l"OW8' MARV TYL.fA MOOAE Aflll' Bela writ• • GOmpO- lltlon, Phylllt win .. Mary to UM her lnfluenoe 10 get ®.:::'· . * • "The Nlghl The Llghl1 Went Out In ~gle" (1981) Krlaly MclNldlol. Mn Hamill. A brother- and-llliltlf IOngWfltlf'IO duo have m1ny eclventur11 white trying lo lk• out • IMnO on the ciountry-..t- ern clfcult. 'PO' .MOVIE • • "Looker" (111811 Albert Finney, J1mH Co«>wn. The my9tel'loue deelhe of • --of .,..... tllul modlll ~ In • -_,,.,,lllng pr~ -bl8lned on 1t1e pleatlc -oeon MM> 09er1tec1 on them. 'PG' l leWINGPOWWt -NIWMIWT Bot> -•cti. In -menl a Cetlln ~ a budd1no r-with • ~of ..... (Z)MOVIE * *"" "Sund.y Too Far Aw1y" ( 1976) Jeck Qhompeon, Max Cullen. 4:009 MOVIE • • '/\ "Night G1me1" ( 19741 Barry N-m•n. S-How.,d. An unccn- ven1lorlll l8W)'9t defend• a wealthy woman~ of murder. D NAltMl1.E OH THE MW> I ~MAGAZINE "The Exec:ullonlr" Sonny Chlb1. The J.,._ mef1e la~ dNgl Into the country and the polloe hlfe a group of pr~ klltert to Slop them. • MOVIE • *'I\ "The Boys From Brazil" (1978) Gregory Peck. L8ufenol Ollvler. A determined prolenor ,,.,_. Ill Ingenious doctO< whose genetic upert- ment• P«formed Ming World War II may..,... dll- 11ter for modern-dey IOC.l-a· 04.JE PAIA, U.S.A.? "Evlf)'bod)"'a Doe. 11" o .. men 11 1Uepec;ted of cMellng on • IChool twt. • WNTINO FOft A AEA80N "The P1r19rac>h" 1=nu • •*'I\ "Hot Minion•" (196111 '9lff UtllnOv, Meg- gie Smith. An •~-con mal!M money on comput- •• wttlle hi• wife c:oltect• Ills pocket c:Nnge. a>)OPa-G~Y M-.Cf81 A rllllew of the bizarre Ind significant Nppenlngl of the NFL '1 p11t 40 opening ~lepr-led. Cl) WllOCV WON.A> CW JONATHAN wwnM au.et: 1111 COiby. ~1~ ..a.tYWUNNY A llumofoue look at P'O lootbell le MC 10 Clllllklal l'nlllk:. • HMDOHoca "Boy Of Girt: 8nould The Ctloloe le Curl?" A look i. tlken et --*Oi'lo ... ~ wttcti WOUid llow proepec:tMt I*«"• to onoo-... ctllld'• .... =-A>f'A ··~·· !.:V:~ **"' ,. Adflln'I WOfl'Mlf'I'. (1t72) .... enoo-. JofWI Miii. A wronflly .,...._ oned Mllor' etWllt* to win hll ,...... 1W Nrrylno en ~WOllWI. (I)~ •••lit .. .,..,. .• Icing'' (1t7t) .,.,.. c..., -bee ~ two fooltlell ..,.,. ..... ,.,.. ,..._.. """ ....... ...... .. -..... . f.":,, ..... ,.,, ... Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 2, 1982 -TUii TDPPIRI ----------------------·----------- KTLA (!">) fi :OO "Jvo111h1w .. Hobert Taylor tmcJ 1':llwbcth Toyl« 1r Mtur ln 19~~i movw of u ch ivalrous knl11<h t who lovt.l!i ont• wumun but 1t1 bc..•lhroth1l'd w cmuthl·r KNBC (4) B::JO "Si livt:r Spuor111" 1£dword hireH tht.> mcna•t fog Mr. T. at; Ricky's pt•rsonul bodygu&1r d when hi11 11on rl'turni' from hi11 firHt day 1,1f1«•hool w ith a black t•ye. KNXT Cl) 9:00 "Nt·• t Just Another AfCulr" Vk torit1 Prlnc1pa l and G~J Gerard urt• floatured in s tory 1>( un attorney's lnt<:rt:Rt in u dedicated rmirlnt.' biulug11H who rdw;(:i; to give her J,ovc. --------------------·--------------Andy K1urm1n. Be<n1- Clelt1 Pet••· In • WOtld 01 the near future. two com· mercl1I robot• IJCpe<lence the vlCINlludee of llr•I IOV• 'PG' &:00 G fWOER8 PlAYllOOI< I 0 WU WOALOOF 9PORT& Scheduled. llve cove<age of the Trevor Betblc:k I Renlldo Snl1>11• tO-round , heavyweight boul (lrom All•nllc City, N.J.). CO\llf-aoe OI lhe Women'• Ma .. 16"9 Surllr\jj Champlonahlp llfom Oallu. HIWIH) 8 HAPPY DAV& A~IN l =oow WOOOWNOHrS SHOP "A Bii 01 No9t1lgla" (A) i M'A•&•H NEWS MOVIE * • • ·~ "The Four Sea- llOflt" (19etl Alan Alda, Carol Burnell. Three cou- ples, 111 cloM, tono·lllTll lrlendt, flltlllflence pro- fOIJnd changes In their relallonahlpa when one ·01 lhl m1rr11ga1 dllln- IC&/~PG' •··~"Top Het" (19361 Freel A1tllre, Glnglf Rog- er1. A men llU trouble with hll glrtfrlend becauM llhe lhlnk• he'• married to heir belt 111end. (%)MOYIE * * "PrO\lldence" ( 19771 Eltln 8uf1tyn, JOhn Glel- gu_d. A. lllttkN of r~ tion. ,...,_ by In the dram• of 1n eldef'I)'. dying man,,•R' a:ao I ~ wm< 1H AEV1EW lAV£ANE & SHIALEY &COMf'AHY The glr1I try to reconcile Lenny end Squlggy Iller the OUYI haw 1 lll'rlble l''n. CRllCO KIO A 10-yeat -Old'• coure. geo\11 lltruggle With a akin "'-lhet haS ~ him ~ Cllrtfl .. cloou- "*"41d. (R) • IQUAMFOOT GANJeNNQ 1::::WOIU>Of' ~ ~:-..of the Trevor 8erblck I Renaldo Snlpee to-.round heavyweight bOul (from At11n1lc City, N.J.)! c:over- ege of lhe WorMn'I Mn. tll'I Surfing OhamplOnthlp (Ir~ Ollhu, HIWll4). 1:00 I cm NEWS QIS.CNEWS MOVIE * * * '/\ "Iv*"'-" ( 195:J I Rober1 T~. Eliubet t t Taylor. A c:hlvllfout k n1g1 t t ta In IOve ..tth one -.. ,, . but betrothed to lf!Olhlf 8 IDT OF MfDHfOt4T IPECW. tto.t: OtMa Newlon-.Joll J l. au.ta. CM Aldllwd. Tlft.e Tubel, The Mllllh11t1111, H1ll&01tee. • THAEE'8COMPAH'I' ChrlMy end Jltll1 try 110 convince their l1ndle 11 ·d that their ,_ mill roo tn· m•t•la gly • MOVIE * • "The Greet Smol< ey Roedblock" ( 19781 Her11ry Fond1. Eiieen 8tenn11n. A veter1n long·dl1111111 Je trudter deGldel to mu ke one lln11 c;roe1-cour11fry run, with I d'-'11 gt1 > up of uny CINlnlcterl In 10<.,, ·~~ JOUANAL CJ) ENC HVAAEO CH~ Cl)MOVIE t * ~ "Sphlna" (I 1•811 Fr Ink Laf10llla, L., t ley· Anne Down. A 11,1111 .... Dlec:tc marl(" entlq\; 1tlee ring 11ternptt lo ttot' • '" EOYPtOIOgilt from dll • cov- ering the wtlerellbOull 1 of a prlOMH ICltw llM ...,.. permitted to Ylew. 'PG,· I GMllDB., WN OEL e:tO •Cl> a,,_. MARV TY\.EA MO II OfllE , l~MOTTIAT JUIUJAN) Luciano PllVlllrOttl t #Ofkl wtlh Ofwllltlne "-dmi I n and 8rian Sctle~neyd« whO perie>fm WWII• by I • ucc:trn lllld Verdi. (Al • ININ< M!Ylf'f WI Niii Gabler and J ltllhy LYoft• !Miit an tnfor ' n111w kM* II wMl'I ,_ 11 ttle mcMle.(AI (C)MOW • * • * "Aa1hc1 mon" ( 1HO) M•Ohlto Kyo, TOthirO M"'-. Thi~ )llOfl I ..,.. of """"*~ te. an •tll"°"'IUl'Y JU NIMM •OllC....., ~ti tW1 1lttllOn Of • ,..,.. .. 1'1#. IO I luOdNlt .,,... I' I Ind e ..,..,., 1•• • llNDt Of t ... " .• ,..,_ .. ~MOK • OM LOOAnt ,. ,....:•llllllll<i •• , .... Alllft llldftlon: e 10oei 1t -,... ..... #i11f111;. PfC*I <J4 IOme WI r ~ ~ glr1aj !Mii f II *"" rMHMIW rtOYt I NAHCYOAEW MYSTEAfE8 A min •Ilk• Ille Herdy ::~~~~.:'.~d. °"~h~:'p1~1~ •wlmmer, oould h1v1 drowned. • MEMORIU WrTH lAWAENC£ WEU< • CALIFORNIA OONOAE88IONA1. AUORT QI) U.8. CHAONICl.E "Loll YOl.lth" A N-Yotk atlefl" tor runaways 11 9Hmlned. CJ) J~ AHOEA80N COHF'IOEHTIAI. (II 80 YOO THINK YOO GOT TAOUBL.ES QI THE MUPP£T8 Guest Twiggy ffi)MOVIE *" "CerbonCopy"(l9811 George Seg11, Suaan Saint Jame1. A succeulul wttlle businessman discovers 1h1I he haa • gtown aoo wtlo Is bllci< 'PG' (0)MOVIE * ·~ "Body And Soul" (1981) LIOfl luac Kenne· dy, Jayne Kennedy /\ young bl•cll turns 10 prliellghllng 10 raise the money he needs lor medl- cal achOOI. 'R' (l)MOYIE *** "Arthur" (1981) Dudley Moore, Liu Mln- nelll. Whlle hll l1mlly 1ttemp11 lo l0<ce him l'lto • Pf•atrlnged marrlsge, 1 drunk'en, hedonl1llc play- boy 11111 In lo111 with a poor wo11dng glrl. 'PG' 7:308 DANCEFEYEA Gt.Sf CAMl"8Eil Questa: The Smo1her1 Brothers. I ~ MOTOAWEEK AOHT&Aa< I EYE OH &AN DEGO WEE<EHO MAQAZIHE 1:00 CJ) WAl T Ol8HEY "The Apple Oumpllng GatlQ Rldee Again" A ptlr of Weetern out._. trying lo wllk the ltr alt Ind nit - row are mistaken for bW\11 rot>berl: Tim c-ey and Don Knottl 1tar, (Pwt ~I DQ!OIFnefT STAOKE.8 (8Meon Premiere) At')old II de4emWled to tie.I Wll- lle et hla own Qllll'l9 lll'ld <felhtone him •• local video oame dlemplon. I LAUGHnw< 9 T..J.HOOKEA HO<*er goe1 11111 1 gang of wp«metltet robberl In ~def IO cleat In old ricing buddy . CiJ MOVIE * * "The Conqueror Worm" ( 19881 Vincent Price, lln Ogilvy A 171h- Qlnlury wltoh•huntll' go9I on • mu•der 1pre1. deslrayjng anyooe wtlo wer1 reaembles hla con- ception of • wlteh. • MOVIE ** • "SunMI 8ouleV1rd" (1950) Wllll1m Holden. Gtorlt Sw1nson. A laded moYle ttw pr01/ff lo be the downlllt of • promlllng ~ * • • "fuel" ( 1977) Ernell Borgnlne, I/ere Miies To diYert 111en110n from his ncape pllfl•, • convtcl Ignites 1 blaze th•I IMleorM9 1 raging f0test 1111 thr11tening a smell town In Ofegon. • PAPER CHASE "The Teblel Down At Ernie's" The llucty QrOl.IP flghtt lo ""* their favorite hangout -Emle'I Tlltlm - • from demolttlon due to lhe unillll'llly'I eaplnalon pt- ., THE T A.J MAHAL Indian actor SHld Jaffrey retales the moving loYI •torv 111<1 the c:utturat 111 ... tory wtltclh inaplred I he con11ruc:11on of tile f •I M1hll In lndl1_ (t)MOVIE • *'A "Sliver 8Hr1" (19781 MIGllHI C1ln1, Cybill Shepherd. A n ICOOUllllng genlul ~ en lntrlc"e plen 10 lnct9-hi• weelth by miking IOIM of Ille top , necut'-In the WOtld of hlgtl llMllCI the vtctlme Of In extr-dlnwy -IWlnOle ·PG· Cl) WHA rt Uf' AMERICA! F•luntd: a look 11 Ille gt •fflll IOflll8 In New York City. I viii! With Ille CajuM In 8oflMli .. they c-. bflll Mlrdi Gr1t: eorne of .A"*'ICa't ltvOtha llklnny r-llOIM * ·~ "Tht POllMln Al••Y• Alno• Twiet " ( lff f) JICk NIChOlton, ""'*-UinOe A )'OUng WOll'llll Md lllf io.. plOI tO '"""'8f hlf "'**'<t, , A' l<JO. GI &VD8'00NI toweto ,._ tt1t ~ Int Mr. T. 11 lllldl f I ,_. IOMI Dodyfuard "'*1 I* '°" rllumt i.om nit flrlt ~ .. ediclOI Wltl't • tillCll e 'MOW .... ..,. Of, ........ c llU) °'*"' Dll Alo, Jotl MoetM. A F'~ nwn'1 IO¥t lot • NllM gltt """' .,_.oome ~'• d!MppfO'illl (JI) "'°"" • • • """' MOnd9y Ill O.ow" (IMO w"'*. M•lll'MIU, Jiii C11yt>4Hg11 A "'**' &upr-Court Jue llc;e d tlllel Wllll "" -•1 "*9\ber of the l\ltlOn'• lliOl*I OOUtl, WI Ult,. oon..11111119 woman jUftll 1:4' (Z) CHAN.II OHMl"-IN OH fHI "LM ICl.Nl t .00. 00 MOvtl "Nol Ju•I Another An11r" (Prerniefe) l/1Clorl1 Prlnel1 p11, au 0•11d A hand- -1110tney and llOlll' 111111 11111 111 love Wllll • OedlCllld m1<lne bi<Hogl111 wrio 1elu.. 10 give In 10 hi• romantic wlln. D OJ GIMME A MEAi( (6..,aon Pr1m1.,e1 Ille fettpllOM comp1ny lln41 llNll fl t>lg llOl.lble when II die<:~'*" Nell'• phOne 8 ENTEl'1AINMeHT TH18WUK Rtpor ta on cel1brlly •""'· the ma11rng ol • 1111JeO geme cornmerclll •nd aoep 11ar1 11 «*atlOar pinup•; 1n1erv1ewt wllh 8arb1r1 Mandrell, Bu•I Reynold• and Jlfry R..o 8 9 LOvtBOAT (8e110t1 Premllrt) Ceptaln Stublng. h•• er-and p ... Mngefe.Jlll lo Ille 11.,nel city ot Rome, gla<lous Capri, an<l l/1t1101. Q • ODYSSEY "The Sakuddel " The lndonet4an govemmen1'• 8110fll to d4Mliop pro· grema ror IKlueatlOn, medl- cal care and houlllng lor- lhe S11kuddef1 are •••· mined (R)Q (0 JMOV1l! * * • 'I\ "The Howll"G" ( t98 I) Dee W•ll101, Petrick Macnee A woman repo11er 11 menacea by 1 kllle• whO teems 10 be • werewoll 'A' ($)MOVIE **'A "Any WlllCh Wey You Can" ( 1980) Clint Eutwood. Sondra Locke Belo•• aellllng down wltll hi• girl and pel orangutan. 1 bare-fitted llQllte< signs up for one 11111. lucrative match. 'PG' (%)MOVIE * * "The Sea Wolves" ..t(19801 Gregory Peel<, Rog- e< Moore. During World War II, 1 grOl.lp of Brlllsn businessmen 101m • votun- 1eet 1eglmen1 to <leltroy a German spy nest In lhe Indian OcMn. 'PG' 1:30 a a LOVE. SIDNEY ($41uo<l Prernletel Sidney and Laurie dillGOVlf th&I the woman Clalmlng to be Sldney'a flrtt b&byllll• la really a Charming oon art- 111. 10:00 D Q! THE DEVLIN CONNECTION (Premiere I A lormtr a.tec- ttve Gomes out of rellr• ment when hi• prlvale-eye IOfl la in)eC'tld wtth • deadly vlru1 white trying to protect an eccentric llCien- tlll. ·~ * * * "Raid On Entebbe" ( 1978) Charlll B<onaon. Peter Find!. A band of 1wae11 GOmfnlndOe atagee 1 dllrtng lllffteld raid 10 frw 1 104 1lrllne P•aMn9*'• held holtllgl by Arlb ler. f()riata. I IOU>GOU> 80UN08TAOE The legendary Roger Miiier per1onnl ''Klno Of The Roecl," "Chug· A -Luo." ''Me And~ Mc:Ow.'' D MATINEE AT THE BIJOU FNlured: "Cooking Up Trouble" ( 1945) 11er1lng Biiiy Gllber1 and Shimp How11rd; I 1946 llhor1; a 1945 cartoon: and Chaple• 6 of "Lott City Of The Jun- ~ .. ( UM8). (RI (CJ MOVIE * • • ''l'H Cry Tomorrow" (19561 Susen H1yward, Richard Conte. Aotr-Lii- iian Roth ltrugglee With llcc>hotism Ind I tiding career. .MOYIE • •• "Body ....... (1981) Wllll1m ,Hurt. Kllhleen Tutner. A tmlltllme Florida lllW)'9f II persuaded by tw1 IOYer 10 murder her hul- ti.n<I. 'R' 10: t5 (Jf) MOVIE • * "Onty When I laugh" (1981) Mar1he Muon. Kristy McNIChot. A New York 1etreas return• from • drying-out cllntc del•- mtned 10 renew her cer..,, her romance With 1 play- wright and hef rellllonshlp with her 17-year-old dtlUOlltll'. 'R' 10:30. JAa< ANOEASON OOHf10ENTIAL t0:46. &AT\JADAY SPORTS l"AGE ll:00988(J)9JQI NEWS • COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA 11 Colorado (taped aarllafl • MO\liE **'I\ "Riot" ( 1968) 0- HllGkman. Jtm 8re>wr1 A• e pfOI to GOYll' up 11n escape 11tempt, 1nm1111 In 1 111111 pr11on riot. • MOVIE • * ~ "Victory At Entet>be" ( 1978) Bun Lan· CUlll', Kirk Douglll. A bend of lsrMll comM•n- doa ataoe• • d•rlng a1tt1111<1 reld to free 104 Jewish hoelllget being held In llglnda by Areb l11'ror·111t. (Q)MOYIE "Car Hope" (l)MOYIE • • "Carry On ErnmatlUllle" The beMltl- 1111 wl1• or • govtrnment reprttMnletlve turn• the WOf'ld Of !Ol'eiigo diplonlaCy upelde dOwn wtlh her .... uel llClventurH. 'R' CZ)MOVll * * ._. "Slttl)lng Ooge" ( 1982) Sim Nelli, W•rflfl 01111, 11:aoe THl~'ON> '1l.d AockfOl'd gall ceuoti• In thl mlddi. when two ~ Nods upeet the .,...,_ of power lft the Ul4tl W()l'ld. 8 C8 IATUN)AY NIGHT LMI Hoel' LOU OoeMlt Jr Ow9la! Thi .,.... Miller ._,, I MIONIWt ~~ ..... 1= * *'I' "The Oltl ,.,om ,..,__. ... ( tt74) .... "°'" llf'OOll. ~ H_,,, All AmWIOAll -1'1\lft ift lllllU,_ri Ill IN IV ...... llllt In lo'4 ~ I ~ llllltlld beilltltt1 t1t4\A.1~ • • ... "l ljlCll Ollrtlt .. ( 1t1:l1 1'lfft lrown, ...,. lJndau In In 11._. IO 1Ho¥ide llUPPOfl I« e ,,._ IMlllkl band Of bleoll•. • group of VletNm ,....IN r~ 9Jx>ollll )Olnt 11:00~ "Sir anoe lehe¥tor" '"' 12:06 f.cJ MOVle * * '" "Urban Cowboy'' ( 1980) John T rlYOllAll, Debfe WlnQer. A bk»-ool- let worker whO llllGiet hlmHll • modeLn·d•y cowboy 1111• In IOve~ • girt he mMll In I ~ countrv·•nd--••n lier. 'PG' U!:20 (tf) MOVlf * * * "Str!Oll" I 1981) 8111 M1.11r1y, H1106d RMn1e, A New Yori! cabOle kM*lnf •~ ••Gltemen1 ~ hit belt friend 10 )Oln hllft 1n """"OG 1n the u.8. Atmy.'A' ti:30. MOVlf ( • * Y, "Mur<*tt't "°9'" (!Ne) DMrl Mlttln. AM- M11gr11· A rttlfed 1!PY It celled In to l)fotect 1 lamOtJt eclentl11 lrom I~- ~=·· "Pink ChlmPaone" \t)MOVIE **'Ir "Fade To BllC:k" I 19801 oenn11 Chrtstoptier, Lindi Kll'ridgl. A dfl.. IUlbed young rno¥le 1111'1 r..c;ta to rom1ntla r~ tlon by oommllllng rrMJt- dl<a In Ille gulll Ind II~ of Ilia l1vorlta 1CrMn "11- lllna 'A' 12:46 CZJ MOVIE * • • "Anhui ' ( 1980 Dudley Moore, LIU Mln- nam Whlle h•• l1mlly 111emp1S 10 lore. him Into a P•••rranged marrlege, a drunken, hedonfttle pley- boy falls In love with 1 POOf working girt 'PG' 1:00 8 EVENfNG AT THE IMPAOV G llE8T Of' MIOHIOKT SPECIAL Host: Olivia Newton-John. Guett1: Cllll Richard. The Tubes, The M1nhln-, Hiit& 0 1tes. m MOVIE ••• ~ "HellO, Oofty1" ( 1970) Barbra Strelland, Welter Me1th10. An lrrepresllble malchmtlkflf decldee thll lhl moll IUft- •bla apou11 f~ a cantM· kll'OUS mer"Chanl ii herMlt. .MOVE * * "They S11l9d Hitler'• Br11n" ( 1984) Walter Stoel< er. Audrey Cwt. A handful Of Third Aeidl loy· 1111111 wegee 1 lut-dltc:tt ellort to g11n world M.tprernacy by 1bductlng • prominent American lden- ti•t U par1 of their nefarl- out plot. ... Q!MOV'IE **'I\ "Frogs" p972) Rll\' Milland. Sam Ellk>ll 1:30. MOV1E • * • "Union Pacific" ( 19391 llatblt1 St~, JoelMcetee. 1:A61A8CNIW9 t:OO ... MOYE *'A "Body And Soul" (tD8t) Leon 1..-C I(_,_ Oy, a,M l<ennedy. A younf bllelk IUl'M to ~lnQ to rllM the motl9Y he needl for medl- cal ldtOol. 'R' GMOWE •~ "0...11 v..-.r· (tl82) PIUI L*•t. Peter~ ley. A H9w Yorlc younoftll' 11 ..,,, to Arlzonl 10 .-it hi• mother _, 81"""*8 ICfOM I --of ~ murderl. 'R' 2: to CHl MOYIE •• ~ ··MOinnw o.er.i·· (1N1J FfY9 o..-ey, ~ na Selrwtd. Fonlee lltrn atar Joan Cf..tord ,..._ her two lldoplect Ctllldren In • dom9tlcl ~t thet varlee II'~ luxl#1otla comton to NClllllC dllcf.. pllne. 'PO' 2: 15 (I) MOYE * •1+ "Splllnx" (1981) ~ Langella, L.Mley· Anne Down. A rulhleM blaGk mlfl<ll entlqulllee nng 11tempt1 to atop "' EgyplOIOgill rrom ~­ erlng Ille whereeboull of I prleeleM •••tue the waa pee-milled 10 view 'PG' 2:25 (C) MOYIE . *'If "The Split" ( 19el) Jim 8re>wr1. DilhlM cattol, Alter pultlng off • btQ rob- bery, 1 gll!Q has lroutllll dtvldlhg the money 2:30 CZ'.) MOYIE * * * * "Flddter On The Roof" (1971) Topol, Norww Cr-. A peeeant l'llilllnM In turn-of.the-centUf'r cur111 Rulli• trill to MAr- ry off 1111 ellgible ~ wtolll trying to hOld GI*> hi• Jewlllh heritage In tM fKI 01 oppreeeion. ·o· 2:401 NEWS S:OO NEWS 3:10 MOVIE *•I+ "Bombardier" ( 19431 Pat 0'8<11111. Aln- doll>h S<lolt S:300MO'llE * ** "Body H4Ntt'' (1111) Wlltl•m Hurl, Ktlh'-1 Turner. A tmllltlme Florlde lnyer It~ by hie iov. to muid« '* ...,._ bind. 'R' 4:«>. MOVIE * * * "Thi Tell lie" (1952) PIUI Henr91d. ~ leen Hughes A ~ profweor UllC0¥9rl IOf"9 lllctoull "hazing" pr.me. lnvolvlng Ont ol tlll IChool'• moll popuW .... lll'nltlee • MOW **I+ •turty Teo" (t~I) Sllll'ley T lmpll. AocNll Hu<lton. A ~ ..... ""' lllld her Older lltW ""' Ille helrt lf'tt hOrM Oft A Wllllhy Of'PtllNOI ...... !~ * ''1'he HIPPY Htolls °°" llOl'l-od" (tt1tl Mlwtlnl ........ A-.. w.. The queen oC ....... .... .,.. to .. ""' .. tel to meat."""'-... C&>':M.,....., .• ...... "Tiie ........... CtH1) 0" W•"'"• ............... ,. ........ ,...,., .......... . ,. ...... _ ..... l ....... .... --------------' ...... ---· ----~ ........ ~'"'"""' ·I L • I I I ••• MOSE K . OUZOUNIAN Rug Expert R ]IE / TALRU . EXPE~RT ADV.JCE SAVES MONEY A HEf'RESllING APJ PllOAC/l TO ME RCHANDISI NG O RIENTA t RUG We, dealers, as know lcdgt ~ab/c as we are. to make it easy on ourst: •lve.s, buy ne w oriental rugs by the grade anr:J quality by the square loot. Therefor1 ?, at SHAH 'N SHAH ORIENTAL RUGS, in order to · tnake it easier for the Cl JIENT we ~II our ne w rugs by the squa re loot by the grade and quality listed o •n the rug tag and on your purchase invc 1ice. t -TUE ADVANTAGES OF SQUARE FOOT PRICING BY T HE QUALITY ANIJ GRADE: 1. Standardization/Knowing what you are buy ing a nd acquiring your money's worth. R eputable dealers wiJJ mark the quality of the rug. 2. Faci Ji t a t es easi e r comparison shopping, expecia//y if the siws vary somewhat. . 3. You can comput<• the cost by the grade and quality and per square foot price. 4. Y ou end up with a better rug, or a similar rug, for Jess money. 5. In cases of mis(epresen~tion, where the quality is not correctly marked you have legal recourse for fraud, etc., here or elsewhere. YOUR RIGllT TO KNOW R egardless of where y ou buy your rug it is your right to receive the grade and the quality listed on your invoice. Here we do that without the c:lient asking for it. Buying an oriental rug should be a happy and pleasant experience. We do jus t that for you. And we sell our rugs for Jess. The countrfos that_produce their rugs by ... grade and quality arc as follows: China, India, Pak istan and Rumania. On new Ir~ni an rugs th e quality m ay be determined by the ~not count per square inch . • RllHA "A' l\.4MIA ti h i> 1 l•r Hm11•111•U• lr•rtu•<I <Uft ITlllJt/ng from w PenJial'l.'f Tlw1r story u lhal of the student surpuslfllJ 1he teacher Their f"U/fll all follow the c"-'<' tndiuonal Persun dHJgns with ~tier quality wool. dyes and quallty worlunansh1p. Thf- Bukharesti sample above costs abour ~rd of 116 equ/valenl Iranian rug And yel. 1hey wP1u u long u tlu• l'1•r-.w11 rug .. l'n• 1•11 /,, 1/1;1 "'I ft \/,,,, ... · (l1w/11, l'nl.1•1111" llu•h•n• 1·2·-.11'. rl•r "or.lr<I "'"'' HI these rugs /JI lmporwd from Nt •w ~a/and wheN" the merino 11h('('p produce 1he aoi (test .Uky wool Thi' WNvt' m th~ rup ls eJttretnf'I) flTK' and the rolor and dt!fRgn ra~ 111 8JI vanro 11S lhl' weevers 1ha1 produce rhesc heirloom.• 11124 QuaJ11y 1 "nC'«i by lhe "'I fl t /,,,,, .• ,. '''' ,., -;· 'fht•-... .111• u·11h11u1 ''"ulJI th1• 1uu'I ''"I'""''" 111·."u""' uf n•o,fc u1 ( "huu°""· l11ot1a."il TtH·\ .1n · J1.11ufi 1,,(ft"fl /tl,f'ff l /Ul'f't"' u( fht• flnt"'f fll\l/rlfHJ' \\IWI/ ''""' tlu• •Y•/tl rt1/,!1t11t" uf C'Jun.1 .uul ~.l\ht"t.I '" ,, ... ,,11/1nu \'t Ive I\ 'ht·1 11 Thi 1 t1l11r uncl rlc· ... 11it11 • ,,,,,,.,,,,,I'"'"" 411 t ,,... \ •"" rl i,... t lu ''Z'''· J It ·,~ ''"""I ... tt\ ·''·' 1t1uuc/, .11ul '" 1.111~/,·..; J'r1uvl tn tltt "I (1 (luHl•I • I ;!II /,,,, .. ,,,,,,,.,.,., .. "'" 1·,,,·.· /'luJ.l 11wk111s rrnd1t1ou 111 l11t11.1 111 as old M rhe counr.ry l rae/f. The f"U/fll are on a par to the PersJ•n rugs and in some CA6eS better The mmr mteresung factor IS IM msr. which 16 ~,.bly lf'SS lhM> its Iranian rounterparr No marrer w~f'P a rug u made quabry speaks for 11aelf very loud and C'INr Thi' quallly of the above rug 111 916() pnced by the *1 fr. • Any work of a rt displays t h e spirit tha t made it. The e rugs a re testimo n y to the beautiful people tha t produced •.h e m . CALL FOR A COMPLETE L IST OF OUR VARIOUS QUALITIES & SQ. FT. PRICES SQ. FT. PRICES ARE . LISTED IN OUR WINDOWS AT BOTH LOCATIONS WE TAKE OLD Ri UGS AS TRADE-INS OR BUY THEM FOR CA H COMPLETE SF.R VICE: All wo •rk done on our premises by THIRD GENERATION experts 1. APPRAISALS of new or o. Id rugs' for Jnsuranre by their grades and quality: verbal or written. 2. Cleaning. fringing , binding, pet stain removal. ble<:dlng removal, reweaving, ere .. ecc .. etc. We Also Ca.rry Wall To Wall Q 1rpeting, Ceramic Tile and Hardwood Flooring At Co.st+ 10%. If You Can 1"i 'nd An ything W e Carry For Less Elsf'whert•, Buy It. \1.111• /J1•1•11rl1111•111 .,,,.,,., 111111 IJ1·11 /1·r· ,,,.,. /1 1'11/1111f. .iO' 1 /Ill', tiff 'ufr•. """ lf.1•11111111• 11r1· t/11···· .,1/1·· ~ I 1 ,. 1 "" r1•11 1/1 111·•111iil11i' 11/1.•I 11111 ,,,,. f'•""'I! 1111 ' ''"'I' tlw111 /11·11111· 1/ '11•1r •11/1·• (,,, 11 •111•1 i(i1 111·111 .111d 1/11·11 •111111 111 .. 111 d111·1111f. tl11·1r •11/1•• (01 111111 /""'''"' FREE f:DUCA T /ON: Register for n J r-'ree Sem inar on Oriental lluss given /)y /tfo!lrs K . Ouzounian. Call betwet>n 10 a.m. tend 6 p.m. 7 Day8 A Week for Time and /.,oration. Shah ,. 11 3425 E. COAST H WY. Shah Oriental .Rugs CORONA DEL MAR (BetwHn Marltold & NIU'Cl9tu) 675-4300 I 2030 S. MAtft ST. SANTA ANA\ (Be1ween WMMr & ialhiJrr) 557-1400'\ ·RlllllON Their crises resolved by prayers NEW ORLEANS (AP) Life has its n ossroads. its Sl!uring intervals when a ix·rson m onwnt.nrily isn't surt• whu:h way to go or what lo do, but the s1lUJ1tiun li>mpds 11 l·hmct·. Out o( t•xpcricncing such l'rtM•s. four nult'<.l women !><!Y tht• answ<.•n. l'OllW through I < ClAISlf l'ID Christianity topic of • series MlC IJAl<:t. I< SMYTH~. u proft.'511C>I' ut h1tctory ul lhl• Simon Gn·N1lc.•af Sdux1I of Law in Orcmg .. Count;-. is c:ondul·tlnl( a lt·('llHt· 1wr1t·s on Quf••l•on s fo r l 'hristi1.1n1ty ut Ornnl(l' Coo:st Collt-(<e Tht• iwss1ons urt• sch\•dulc'<.I ot 7::m pm f'nday und on Ot·t 15. l"or 1nfc11 mauon n 1 ll ~5tl-58HO TlNB HAHD~MAN, a m1~1on1.1ry l ur 24 y<'ars, will SJX•llk ut the U and 11 11.m i;t•rvkes Sunday, cc1ndudin g the onnu1.1l m1ss1ons C'Onfl•rence at th(• l!:vunl(t•l1<0ol F'rN.-Chur<.·h of Huntington &ud1 RlllGIDU8 NOTIS 'l'lw Ol·to~rft'lit wl,ll bl•gln wnh tlll' t hurl•h 'i. found1•r , lhl· ltt•v l>r Wllhun1 It Purkl'f', Ol.·1. :i Oth1•1 xpt•ak1·~ will 1,.. th1• Hl·V D1' Pal Alll•n, °':t IU, lhl· H1•v f"t'UJ<Y Basiwll, Ot·t 17; the• Ht•v Dr D11v1d Alkim;, dm•1·lr>r of 1·d lll'i.ll1111111J n ·11lt•f', D1v 1111• Sd1·11~·1• l1111•r11at11111a l Ot·rivt•r. :md Pulnwr Oi1lx1rn, Ct·\. l4, a111 tlw ltt·v nr Margart•l Stc•vt•ns. {k1 :i I lJ 111 M11KN Sunday ut St f'runc·111 By- lht:-St·u Am"r1t·r1n Catholic• Cutltl·drot. L..1ftU1t11 S..·at•h Th111 <'l'ft•1111my 13 thl' lust · Sll'J> lx•(111·1· Hl'v Allt.•n bt.~-om1•11 11 pr}t.'111 nt·l<t yN1r JANE HOLSLAG will lx: mstull(.J &A a i.x1111u nt JJ Uli tor uC the I rv ine l'r1•11l>yt1•rwn C hurch al Ow H·JO am. wrv1l·<· S u11duy Shi• h1u1 bt•1•11 a s taff mt·mul.!r uf thl· First Pn·11 hytt.·r11.1n Church of Colorado S pring:. prayer. I "In Cuith. you tur 11 to llll' sot..IN.-c 1n Umt'S of s tn'Ss and tl)l!n•'ll always lx· d1rt•ct1un." says Con·tla Sc:otl Krng "It nwy nut bt• whul you 'USkL'CI for but il's what Cud wanl.'i you lO do " Core tta King GARY C:OUTUHE. author, l<'<.·tu11·1. t'liut·ator and C'Onsultant, will l'tmdUl'I J s1•m1nur Sunda y, s po n1w1'1'll by tht· L aguna B cut·h C hurch o( flt•l1giou)i &01\!lll"l'. A HT l:il.1\SER. :1 p111it1l·al s1·wrw1 pn1lt•1111or 11l ·Chap1n11n '11ll1•g1•, wi ll l·w 11p..irt• c1u1 hu111ocll 11ghli. v..1lu1•i. with th11 .... t· of Eurnp1·an' and 'l'h1rcl World ('tJllll I l"lt'!\ A SE H1E 8 OF SE H V I CES , t·1·l1•brat1ng Sukko t . is plannt•d al C:halX.td of lrvmt• J e wish Cenlt·r They will bl• held al 10 a m. and 7 pm today :.111tl at 10 am Sunday A i.p1•c1al d11ldr<'n's party .wi ll wke pla<·t· 111 :~ pm. Sunduy. Sht.• says that was thl' Ul'l<•rmm111g foC'ter, after a 195ti f1n.--bombmg uf he r home' wh£•n· shl· and her fi rst child we n • a l1Jrll'. thJ\ furgt·d hN initial. fateful t'<>mm1trm ·n1 to Ow t·1vil righL'I cauSt.• led by ht•r licl<· husb;cntl, Marlin Luther King h us la!{t'S h <.·ld Ill l rar\, and U S. Su pr 1•111t· Court Justll.'l' Saudra Duy 0 '( 'onnw M r:. Ot·hqu111-T :if11 , w1fr o f till' A11glwan b1!>hul' 1n Ira11, told o f h1:-. twi n~ m arkt•ci ro r dl•:tth h y tht' r1 ·v<1lu1wnunt·s th1·n· and o f thn·l' lra111an gunml'n lTashmg into th1·11· lx'<lnx11n laH• om· 111gh1 as they slt•pt: "Ht•-l'valuation of Youi Su pport S y:sll'nu. fur Survival" is lht· top1e of the· program lu lx•gin at I p.m . al thl· St:.•nu1r Citizens Ct•ntl'r. 384 Legion St 111• will :.pl'ak al 10.:10 a 111 Sunday al till' La).(Ulli} Bt•:wh U111l..ir 1.111 U111 Vl01:-.ah:-.1 t \·nh·r BURT HCYfC HK ISS. a uthor of "Have M1ral'lt·s Will Tr&vcl," will pn•sent a l1·adc•r ship tra ining class at :J pm Sunday al tht• C hur<:h o f Rl'l1g1ous S.·n·nt>L' m I luntlngton BeaC'~. A NEW 1-·1 LM SERI ES Jea~urtn~ bcst-Sl'lhng author Joyce Landorf will In· prcs<'ntcd at t he L a k t' Hilb Community C h urch, Lagun a Hill:-, al !I am on·Tuesdays, beginning Oct 5 'rill·: 1u:v 'l'llOMAS ALl.Jo:N. Stlll 111 tilt• ,J,11111•:. T Allc•11:-. 11( L.1gurw N1gut•I w ill 1>1: '" d.011wd 11i. ,. d l'••"'lll 111 tlw 11 Sh<ikcn dire<·tly by thl· dungl!r of 11. "I had to do son1C' dl't'P M1ul scurchmg about my comrmtmNll lu thl• slruggll• I kne w I would h aVl' 10 be a s t.'Omm1ttt'<.I as my husband " Then and therl', in earnest pray1•r. l'radhng ht·r child ouLSidc their blasll'd bt-droom .• she made· her c·omnu tnwnt, "prepan·d for whatever.might t.akl· plac<:." "(.;ud gavl' rnl· th<" power ul thut m•>n1l'lll lo throw mys<'lf uvc•r his hody," sht• su1d Five· shots wen· f1n'll, .111 of lh('m rmi..,mg "In that instant I \.\ ,,., .1wan· of tlw l'Ulll"t.•1·nt-d pray<.•r CJf th11USJnds around lhl· world The serws, l'nlltled "H is Stubuorn Love," addres.'it,'S th<' problems <.'Ommon lo many women who an· trying to balanee marriage, career, childn•n and work, and art' qutl'tly suffering from tht• tonflit-ting dC"mands on their timt· and tlwir idc ntitit-s. Festival due at Knott's "Aft,•:-v:urd, :-ht· said, "WC' rt•al1 Zl'll th.it Gud still had som<.• work for us." An 1n:.J.H1 i1l11111 ;cl mu:.1c (1·i.11val . 'ff'alunng lop l 'hnstwn star:. ;ind group-;, will ht· pr1·:-.1•nt1•d 1-'nday rui,:ht "" s<•v1•r;ol s l;1g1•:-. :1l Knott':-lit·rry Farm Kt•aggy. Walsh and Isaac.: Air Fr<'1ght at 7 .:w. 9:30 and 11 :JO. Cloud 9: tht· Joe English Band. 8: I ~ and 10:45; Patillo, 9:30 and midnight. "It ullimalely did," sht• S<11d of tht• . 1968 assassination o f K1rig She and the othc-r thn•c woml·n appeared on a pane l a t tht• n·cC'nt EpiSt.'Opal Chun·h <·onvc•nuun here. Juslll'l' 0 ' '0111101-'s hour o f dl'<'ISIUll l'Hmt· with tht· orf<•r of tht• Suprc..·111<• Court appmri1n1t·nl "It was like a thund<'rbolt," shl• said If sht-at't'<'plt-d 11 , "I knew 11 would ehangt• m y hft' unaltt·rably u nd tht• lives o f my hus band. m y <.·hlldrcn. purC'nts, n ·l..ill VL'S and fnt·ndi:." TEMPLE lS AIAH of Newport Beach will ccl<'brate the Festival of Simha1 T o rah al 7.~0 p .m . Friday, and on Saturday at 9 a .m Yizkor memorial sc·rv1ccs will be• ht'ld. Pt·r formt·rs tcu I hc· t·vc•nt, l1tll'd "Jul11la1111n ." 1nl"ludt· M1C"hac·I >1nd S t1Jrmll' Omurl1an. Phil Kc·aggy, Sh~tla Walsh. Sw<'t't Comfort, Leon Pat1llo, tht· Joe• 1'~ngh:-.h Band, Lt.-slw Phillips, Sl<'Vt· Art·h1•r , SC'rvant, S tl'Vl' Camp. Mkht•lt• Jl1 llar and Isaa<.-Air Fn•1gh t. F'wst.a P'laza: Servant. 8:30 and 11; An ·ht·r. Y:45 a11d 12.15 S Utrhght P avilion: Pillar. 7 ,30 ~nd 10, Camp, 8:45 and 11:15. Wagon Camp. Swel'l Comfort, B Jlld 10. Th l' o l he r s w <.• r l' M a r g a r l' t Dehqani-Tafti. who wath hc.•r husband was nearly killt-d m Iran and whoM' son was slain thl'n.·; Louisa Kennedy, whosL· husband w:is among U S I lc·r "fi rst, 1mn1l'diatc.· ins tmt·t wus lo pn1y lo God about how to respond." s lw ~1d "Tht· rt'S p<ms.: derived from pruyt•r was th ut we a n· t o use wha11·vt•r tall'nl:. God has given mf'" SPECIAL SPEAKERS will prcsl'11 t program s eat•h Sunday in October at 7 p.m . a t the Community Church by the Bay. Costa Mesa Thl' St:h t'<.lul<.• or µt•rformall(."l'S 1adudt· Good T1nw Thl'att·r· tht· Omarllan. .... i\dvanct·d ltt:kt.·ts a r e $1L 2 5, a nd adrn1ss10n on the day of the· e vent 1s $H.50 F or information call the park at ~52-9400 l. ' L-----O_r_an_g_e _C--.-o _as_t _R_E_L_I_G_I~O_U_S----r_D_I _R_E---:---C-==T===O======R===Y=========] "Yau've Tried thereat. NOW try the BEST!" Rew.Dr.Ete.norC.JeckM>n -Tl'IOugM Clvl9!-fl, ....... NEW THOl.JOHT OW-A ..... e ... Mll .. t 1st CtUCH of.RELIGIOUS SCINCE I Of NEWPORT BEACH Mlm4>er Cllurc~ United Cllulch of Relocrcus Scctnee CRLEBRA TION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. l~, Svndoy SchMl-CNW Care : ~: "SPIRITUAL SUCCESS" "'., ;:' .... Jvtly a.le "Dial-An-Inspiration'' -760-050.. 1011 Camelbad&, Newport leach , ......... a.Ml • MIHC Direct•· Morie lft9Mh 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Traditional Eplecopel) HOLY COMMUNION • Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Preyer -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rn. JamM Hohfeld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOfJAL CHURCH IN COITA MESA lier ltr .. t et Orenge Avenue 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Ho(y Eucharist 10:00 Sunday School ' Nuraery Care the ...... Conrad Nontqutet. Vtcar 541-2237 ST . JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach .. A.II. ,,..,. .... ...., c....""""°" t:OO A.M. Ctwudt lcMot Md Adult lduutlon 1o.GO A.M. ,.,_. ........,, ,,.,., holl ...., C....lftUftlon ""*'• ........... ...., . ..,.,.. .. ""•" t:OO a 10:00 A.II • ......,, C.,. CHANIMATIC MAH ,.,., ........, of .......... -7!00 , .... T....-,-telllA.M.Hoty•ueMrtet .............. ~OftOf ..... n. ""· "°"" '· ~ .. "9ctor -........ fn.4'210. Al M"IUR,""1 ............. ltle .... flfC_,,...... 18°'2 Bush«d, Fountain Volley 963-3801 11¥. t1•1•t W. , ...... llCTOI HOlY COl•tUM90tt •••••••••••.•...••••• , , ••• e:tO A.M. Motl ... NAna.c...,.CH SCHOOl ........ t ill AM. MOtt ... NATotl A SllWO.. .....•.•...••. I I :tO .__.. ..,.. .~~· ... A.M. ....... ._..,...,fl ii AM. Freedom of Wors.hip An American Choice CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES MAHCHEa ""~ ..aTMM ~ nc "1MT ~ CW CHR!eT, ICllHT'leT .. eoeTON. ..... _CHUenTa "UNREALITY" Sunday, October 2, 1112 Cott• ..... -Flret Church tit Chrtat, 8clentlat _ ..... v.-0r .. c..ta ..... CfM'otla--...,--..e-telllA.111. ,....._......,_ ..... V_.Dr. t AM.~ '·Ill. MM.""" IA Wed. 7·7:IO ,,II. -...._ , .... lrvlne -Flret Church of Chrt1t, Sclent11t "8neho a.. .....,... 111 .. rn edit& .. 8ohoof •1 llk:Mstellft (Nw Y•) Cfturdt a --..., --..e -1o.GO A.II. ~ "-· 433011Mfenc41 Pkwy .. lulte 145 lt-'9Ur9t '9au 10 A.M. -• ,,M. Tuee. thru Set. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Thureda, CM<I Ce<• -Suncley ' W'ledneMlrf Huntington Beech -Flret Church of Chrltt, Sclentlet ttft • °""' Hunltngt ... ...,.. Cfturdt a 8uftdaJ .._. -1o.GO A.II.. ........ Roon! -m llelft IL Newport Beech -Flret Church of Chrtet, Sclenlltt S30l Via Udo, Newpor1 hach Church I Sunder khoof -t:oo I 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Via Lido Mon. thru Set. -t A.M.·5 P.M. Tuee. -7-t P.M. CMd Co1e P•o""'ed luMdayt 8 JO.I I 30 AM lor 91..0y lime Newport Beach -8econcl Church of Chrtet, Sclenllet 11oio hctftc Vtew Dr .. C..... det -Churctl I lund9J lchoot -10:GO A.II. .....,. Roon! --"r L eo.t ttwr .. CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - I P.M. ALL CHURCHEI All are cordlally invited 10 1nend I~ church ~lt:e9 and enjoy Ille P<lvlleges ol 1~ ~•ding Aooma Child C•r• ProYlded AT ALL SEAi/iCES Chtld C.e PYowtd1d AT ALL UJIVtCll ~==::--:============================~! '8PORT HARBOR LUTIDAN CtUCH 711 DoYw·Dr. NmWORT •ACH ...... , .....,,, ..... ,.... ca.otee A. ...... ,.... WORSHIP SERVICE ............... : ....... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. :'~~ \v ' I • ...,......, OMll A•MLMLI Wl!LCOMI SEAMON TOPIC: Oct. 2 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. "Herve1t Your Jui' DHHrt•" ctUtCH Of ltDJGIOUs SCDCE Membet of U. Untted CflUrdl Of ......,. ~ SEACU,, VlLLAGI IUfTI 41, HU MAIN ITM.V HUNTINGTON RACH, CA 92641 Aclul1e I Jf. Church 10 I 10:30 A COIDIAL WELCOME FIOMM lllTED CIUCH Of C .. IST fDHIORHOOO CONGIEGA TIONAL CtUCH Miil ....... .. ....,,., u.-•ldl 4M·IM1 ....... na.oS fllMUlll -l£1IQ.OS ..... ltUl -S.U, ... Cllilrdl ~ ' ..._. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dleclplu of Ctwtet) :M01 ...,,.. .. 8ente ..... ....,m1 fllornlnt ..... 10AM. Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYnRIAN CHURCH betbtufl Dr. a ,,.,,.., .. , Newpcwt .._.. ............. fllcOuotd ...... TOftJ WoHe ,...., Aaeootete ..... Rodger Whitten, Music Direct°' Church School & Adult ClellM -9:00 a.m. W«lhlo ~ -10:00 a.m. NurMfY c.,. et 9ottl Hours -f« Info: CeH Mt-1M1 A Cordlel Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CoetaMeea FIRIT UNtTED MRTHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Hirbor Blvd. C~lc:Mot .... ........... Cher1M D. Ciet1t, Mlnleter Coeta ...... North MESA YERDe UNl'RD METHODIST CHURCH WoreNlt a Ctlurdt ...._. ti:to -.. A.Ill. Dr ....... L ..... CHRIST CHURCH Huntington BMch FIRST U~ITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 538-3537 Wontllp hntce 10:11 e.m. --,c-All-...... Chufctl lchoot-t:OO a.m. Huntington 8Mch Nof1h COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH av THE NA Fount.aln Valley 1.oo~~:::lvd. FIRST UNl'RD 873-3806 MITHODllT CHURCH Aev. Robert Sheoard Jr. 18225 Bulhard St. • .,... • QMnh lohool ... .., tell A.II.. Or. Carroll E. Word, Minister n-:., ~lchcMlt Wonhlp :.;"::,t' lohool Jdl A.II.~ ,.... A IST19. ... 0MUM:M .. WORT CINTUl UNITaD •THODllT 191 -.. ,,._Awe.. C.W ..... '44-0741 Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M . ~v. Ken McMiiian You Wiii h Weloomed -AndHelpedl ""'' . CHNITIAN CHURCH ....... Mw, ............ IUNDAYI OIHl 11 W a ... A.IL .................... ,... Thia Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PMUYTENAN CHURCH 800 St. AndfWWS Ro9d • N9Wpcwt a..ct'I • 831-2880 o. .... A. .................. WoraHlp Servfcet-7:30~8:45 & 10: 15 AM A .. A PerMnef Word" C 0. Jeh11 A. H~. ,,_.,.,.. PROO RAMS 7.30 e.m -Infants Thru Kln<Mrgarten. Child Cata 8·45 e.m. -1nrent1 Thru Adult CluMI 10: 15 s.m. -lnfent1 Thru 8th Grade & Adult Clsues A8C ....... ,.. ... 2222 Community PrMbyterten Church 411 fONet An .. L8juM ._.. ... ,.... Rev. Arthur J. Tanlilereley ti R9v. Cratg Wltllame Chrlfllan Education .,:00-10:00 A .M. Worahlp -10: 15 A .M . NUASERY C"°'AE PAOVIOfO OURlllG StRV1C£ PRESBYTERIAN CtlltCH OF 11£ COVENANT -, ...... ~ c:.... ..... -117-IMI llruce A. ll(unte, ,...., Terry McCanne, Director o4 Youth MlnletlM Howard Kllllon, Director of Adutt Mlnl8t11M Don Medd<>x. Director o4 Slngtel MlnletrlM luftcle• ....... -..... A.II. Cttwctl toM0t -C ...... tlwv Adllfte 10:GO A.M. ........, _,. e• Lbtl -11::11 A .. A.II. v ...... -ND,.11. CHURCH OF CHRIST 117 w ...... Coeta ..... ...,,.1 We're A Going -Qlowlng -Growing Church IUNDAY lalMC91 laE ITUOY t A.II.. WOR ... 10 A.II. I I ,,Ill. 10 A.M. -"Ate You Renn Of Calm?" 6 P.M. -"Tht Wortd Became fltsh" 1--Paul T1MMMe, ....... ._ -Doua C-. Yodt ...... S\1!~~~;~ll>T 'rtder ......... 1:1• l'.11. ,.....,..,.. I ' AP t' ,.,.. 'ftMJ .. 11'9 wtfl J':ll , .... Rabbi Bernard P. King Jamtxne & Eutbluft Of. Mulk:: Arte Shlklef Nftpof1 BMch, Cellt . EduoatOf: Nency Le\lln '°'II~ oett .... ,.. NI~~ ~TEMPLE. SHAR9J!_vi'"'-> ¥ Pr....school -Hebrew I Sunday SchoOI Ber/Mltrvah Training Youth Group-&let.mood s.rAcee: ,rtday, 1:18 p.m . Sat. t :1a a.m. SUn. t:30 a.m. 111 WMt Hemlltoft, Coet8 ....,. ., .... m ...... ~ .......... ,.., "'*" -, .. ,..... of ....... -~~. ~· ....... Mull Id .. 'fWlltl car..., • 1111 C..1•1111 ..... ,.rt ............ ., ... . ...... c....._...L,.,..•l• 1n11..._.v • .._.. ., I , .• Or1nge Coa11 OAILV PILOT/81turd1y, Oolober 2, 1982 'l'iMl•lropt• wu llc c•r Ph iU111n• Pc•t h t•urrit•" l'lil Vt'r truwrl in c•c•t·umouie•'t t•t•le•hrulinf( tlw rt•1"1t1mpaiuu or huilclin~ lht• wot'l11')i lut•fC ... ,._l c·uthedrul. I ' • • -· Cathedral • • grows again Nr.W YOHK (AP) r C:oni.truc u n n CHl tl'w ·wurld'11 lurgL'Hl tolhcdrnl rc•i;Utnl'fl uf11·1· 11 111 yt•ar hiatus this wct•k us workt•rs h11d lhl• flr11l of i·l.1100 1uoncs thut will hc~o•nt· ttw lohy wf•11tcr11 toW1'rs of tht· t'utht•dral of St. Jvh11 ttw 01vmt• Ph1lipf.>t' PL·Ut , th<· tight-ropt.· llrlts t. nosst.•d Am111crdam Avcnut• on a wirl' 15 ,;trn·u·s h1uh with 11 silvt'r trowel thut the 1':plsC'op•dw11 IJ111hop of NL·W York USt.->tl to bless tht• cor1w1 stont• lhut wus s1•nt by J en1salcm Mayor Teddy Kollt>k · · l n t h (• no m e of h i in w h o 1 s 1 h 1• eorncn1tont' ... we SC!t this slont'." s<.11<l ttw Rt Rl'v. Paul MoorC' -lf .. who earlier had insistc'C.I that "now h; tht? lime, in t he confusion c>f llw '80s. to huv<.• o nx:k ... that shows that wlwl<.·vt•r lht• tirn<.·s rnay bt•. God is ht•re." - • AP Wlrephoto Exporting • manar planne d "Blrl h ut u Murkt•I" 111 tilt' titll' ul 4.ill t•xpurl rnurkL•llnU 111•mlt1u1· tu Ill• o fft·rt•d Thuri duy o t Urnngt· l'om11 College. 'rhe· 4 ·~·hour t1uis:oun Will be t't,..MpOll!UJl'i'CJ by 0 cc. th(• u s 0 1.'p artm<'n l o f C.:ommcrc1:, und l h t• S ou 1t•w 1·11 C{l 11 fo r11la 0111tr1ct Export Council. The lK!mtnor will run from 10 u m lo i::w p .rn. In Rourn 1 OU of ·OCC'x Adr11inJ11truuon Buildll)g. Rc.1gi1>lration foe is $"l0. T h c.• ( t· t• i n t' I u d • · s rd n •11hm1 •n lll. l(la h'rit1 lx, und lum:h . MllC NOTICE l'tllllC NOflCt NOflOI INVtflNO 1101 IMltOflfANl NOTICI WJll<,I Ill ltCllfUY OIV[N Chfl 1' YOUlt '"OlllfHY II IN 11101!!0 lllll• w111 1111 r~111vvU II~ lhe •OltlCLOIUltl l lCAVl l YOU Cll\I Cl•t~ ol tilt LIIV ol lrvtr111 A "I I I HI N 0 I N I/ 0 U fl t.r.111u1111• 101 lu11111hm11 ell JllMnl ltAYM INl I If M AY I I IOLO 1111101 1t11rv1CU Mll•ll•I• 10011 WITl40 U T l'N't cou1n ACTION. <1qu111mu111 ll•IJPllH· h•111porla11011 11111.1 you m11y 11•vt O•• 19\11! (IU.ltl 10 ut1111111t 1nC1 111 oth•r ll•m• ~111.t 1>11110 yov1 1tcou11t tn good tt•riC1111g f11~11111u 11•1.••u• v H111tlo1 .. by paying •II of you• 11111 dve 111 1> v 1 ti H o 111 I nu Go n 11 • c I peymenta plul pennllleel c;ott• a1111 11111.u11u11111 lu1 6w1101 C1111en'1 upen••• wlthll' lll1M mornha l1om C11•tlt11 81.111<.• Ao1111oo11 & Kll<ill•n tho d111 1111• notic. al dtltull wn lmprov•111111111. CtP !100-3 t & tKOfCltd fl11• 11moun1 11 $42700 ~60·32 with •PPUlltll)lllt (ll ltwueln .. GI 111101112 I.lid Wiii .11cr11Ho unlll 111 1111c1 11 1.cu•d•nc• with tilt you1uc.countbecom .. Gu1111nt Vou •PttelfM:1111on1 on rne •I lfl• OlllOt of m1y not hh• 10 pov th• onwo th• OUllClOr OI Pvl)llc Work• 11np1ld POlllOn ol you1 11(.(;QUlll OATC Of OP NINO 8108 81dt even though lull p1~m101 wu will bt rtetlVtd II the ollic. of Ult dtmtnotd, l)ut you m1111 1.11y '"' <-ttt Cr.,11 ol lhe City of lrvl~ einounl ttaled 1bov11 IOC:ll•d et t1ll00 Jembo1H Ao•d. Alt•t lll110 rnonlll• 110111 11111 dutt Irvine, C110om11. 027 t3. unlll 2 00 of •tCorc1111on ol Hht 1101.um•11I pm °" 0<;101>e1 20. tH2. at wttlch lwhteh datt of r9'Q1C1111100 11.11vo1a umo and prle• bid• will 1>41 publlCly ntr.on). lll'llt .. the 001ioa11011 n.1011 op11nod and fHO llOUd ltld• 11'1111 fOttCIOMd upon J)flllfllll • 101111111 11• aubmnted In nal•CI 11nVftope1 pe11od. you .t?.•v• Oflty '"• 111()01 t1gh1 rna1k11d on tho out11do, Old• lot 10 •top ct~ IQtKlv•u•o by P"Y"'ll Sun1or C1tt111n • Cente1 Spece the t nll•• 1rnou11t oi,n111ndt1d by A d d I I I 0 n 0 n d K I I c h II n your CltdllO• lf111)10\llmenta. CIP &60 3 1 Ind ro 111\d OUI lhe 1m1ounl yOV mutt bll0·3~1. pny. 01 to a11anutt 101 11eymun1 to C O N S T R U C T I 0 N S I 1 E tlop th• toreclowro or 11 your WA~ K· THROUGH . Tt>e bidder a properly II 1n Cor11clot 111e 101 h"Y w11a101 tr.tlr rop101c111•11v11 ate other r•111on, con111ct P1otvn1cmt11 rlJl.!Ulltd 10 vl111 ond 111v1e"" the Job Commv1111y Me11eot1mont. Clo Allttn ~1111 p11or 10 btddlng To l1cllltote 11 r 1111. UOO MacAtthu• Bouluvurd. 11111 t1nd ou• 10 thv conll11u1no u111 Svrtn l 10. N ewporl Boa er. ul 11111 11•1111110 11101111y, the lollowl11g C1111orma 926GO. lttleptoun11 11umbttr 1111111 u11d 11u1e 11 "'oblltn.d •• trte 1114) 7112 7474 sott1 occu1on upoo which 1uch Ill• If you l1ove •"Y quo.i1011~ you v•s11 will bu eooducted by City $11111. ahould c.ontact u 111wyu1 01 1110 1T1me1 2 00 pm 011 Octobe1 14, govo1nmon1a1 0~~11c;y wh"h 1•1fty 198:.> nave 1n1urod youjllloun LOCATION or rHE WORK Tho "•m emb.,, YOU MAY L'oSE wor~ 10 b<l perlo1ri1od ho•oundor ta LEOAl RIQHT8 IF YOU DO NOT locoCC<l ln tile Ctly ol Irvine. Counly TAI([ PROMPT ACTION. PU8t IC NOUCl "C fl TIOUI 8UltNI 81 • NAMI ll A llMlln r "" 1011vw1110 fltftC)ll It flOHllj 11\11111111 .... M C. UH CfUIAllUI 41 ttol"'"' ~iewpCll• cu.ti• en 1net1 M11~ Cotten . 4 11 011••• N ..... porl OHCll Ce 0,603 llllll OUlll14 .. tr'<.OllUUl.led II~ e11 m0tv1ouel Mui~ Coheo ""' t11tun1t1fll WI .. lllod With Iha C(lunty Cl11rk ol 01111111• County on S•tllOtull., lO 1982 ,1 ... 71 Pu1Jl1111eo 011ri11• <-<>••• Oe11y P1lo1 0<.t 2 II 16. ,.I 19e:I •a t3-e2 PU8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •USINl88 NAMI 8TATIMI NT I .... IOllOwtng P•f •on II d01110 Ou11r"lh 111 VNIYrfHiAl :>[RI/IC( Al Of 14:JJ $uv1111m A•f! 30l Bldg I NttWJl(lfl 61lltl<h (.u !12663 Sl•I'""" I Stutf'l!" t4J3 1$up11110r Av11 \03 ijtdg N11wport Beat h C• 0?6&3 I 11•• l>u1m0n " t<>nlfu<.lud hy tlro 1rod1Vtclu111 Stephen l <,1uett111 T htl ata1i;m1111t wus hl11<1 wttn !1111 t.ounly C1u1• ol 0 1u111w County 01• Ocrno"r I 1982 '1117ot Pubh\hacl Ora11g• Coaat Oatl/ f'1IOI Ou 2 9 16 n . 19112 •348-8:> PU8UC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U91HE88 .. AME STATEMENT Moore had gom· to lht• t:alht'<fral roof tu nu:cl Pe tit, w ho began his walk alup un apurtnwnl building on the olhcr s1dl' o f thl' <1v1 ·nul· As t rumpets hcra ldl•d his ninrl'h a11d hun<ln'ds wtil(:hed from the stre1.'t bt•low. Pt•lll flourlslll'd tht• trowel, tuckt.'fl ll m his belt anJ W<Jlk1-<l lu tlw dark gray Gothic: c·athcdral. Pre -registruuon 111 ret"omme ndcd. Peraons muy rPgister m OCC's Cu m mu n 1 t y Ser v it·" Offlc<" in the col1cgc'11 Adn11ni11truuon Building T h c.· o f ( 1 t' c.· 1 s o p t• n 1-;::==========================1 Mon<lay through Friday S"INT MICH'AEL AND All ANGELS from 8 a .m . to 6 p.m .. and ol 01ut1gb at 3 Sandburg Way NOTICE IS HCnEBV GIVEN lllAI OE6CRIP !ION OF HIE WORK pu1suun1 to Ar h(.ICl IX. SllCl•On 1 or 1 fie wot~ to bo d one con,1111 ine Oectaral1011 o l Covenant• ussorntoolly oC c;or"11vc1ir1g en Co11d1l1ons and Re>lrlCl1ons 11dd1t1on 10 the nx1st1ng Senior 1ecnrd11C1 Ap111 28. 1977 "' Book C1111u11s Ce111t11 with roloteCI ktlchon 12169 Pag11• 209-:.>37 01 Oll1c1a1 1 rn I' 1 ova m" n I ~ .in d 11 t e Rec..ords. Orang11 County, C1t1tlorntro. dttvlllop111t111t 1nc1ud1ng clearing. a breec h 0 1 lhll 01>11gnr1on nt earH1wo1 k, llnCI <11 &rnage. automoclc pay me" I o t a ~ s us• m 11n1 IHH u 119a11011 lly~tems and 1andscape occurred Notice ol s&•d breac•• ortcl p1an111111 µl&nt esl&bl1snmant and lien was hie<! for 1ecor<1 on 6/5/82 ·~ p101ecc maintenance petlod, and Instrument No 82· 155797 01 said such other 11ems not menttoneo mat Ofl1C1dl Records No paym11nl ot t 1111 lullowmg pe1sons Alfl t!Olh~ bV'JlnftSS oa NEPI U NE S TREASURES 8~4' 011ey <.:1 Hunltn\flOn_~&cl) t.a 9?M6 EPISCOPAL CHURC.H Saturdays from 8 a.m . to , GttrdlO S 11.ora!io 854 t O•ley '-fr HUlllHl()IOll Beuth Co 96~C Ltnda L Ko•il&. 854 I Oxley Cr Hu11t11111ton Beac;11. Co 92646 Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a .m . "°T~·1.· k 1.· 1 s ma y b <' Tuesday 7 a .m . Wednesdays 9 :30 a.m . purchasi·d by phone. The high-wire. the lrumP"·t-"> and ballc.11111s w1•r1.· part of an e ffort to turn the drt•ury stn•td1 of Amsterdam Avenue in Manhatwn's Murnings1d1· Heights into a sdting for mL'<llt'val t·ell·br<illon The Reverend John Rogers Davis, Rector u s 1 n g V i i. a ~-r 3233 Pacific View Drive 714/644-0463 Mastemird, b y c alF g Thi~ bus11111ss 15 co11duct11<1 by an •nd1v•dual IHuao;,rod & Wile) Lmdi. L K0<a!o H11~ blistomunt was hied with llil! Corona del Mer 92625 556-5527 _______ 1arc ,,.quirnd by 1r.e con tract paot due amount. ruu occurrell Cou111y Cle1~ 01 01ange Cooney on Sop1omoe• 28. t982 A man in a sorc:crer's outfit did card lnc:ks an<l eS('llPl' rout111cs while an amused minisll•r lookt«l on. Up tht• av1·nuf', Cathedral of St. John thl' 01v1nc• T-shirts, re<:ords, stom•s. bookk·Lo;. aprons. post<·1·s. post cards and book bags were sold. At a servic:e inside th1.• 1·atht•dral, Jam1.·s P arks Morton, dean of the t·ath<-liral, prayed for the· builders and urged his lls tt•1wrs to "invoke the bll'ssmg of the Lord our Go<l upon this work w hi<.:h we undertake in his name." 1 T h c J e r u s a I e m s ton e . w h H ' h <'o n t a i n s inscriptions m Hebrew. Arabit· and F.nghsh . was lh1.• third t-ornerstonc to oc laid ai the cathedral. ThL• first was set down in 1892, wh1.•n cons tru<:tion .began, and the SC'l·ond in 1925, for thl' mive. Construction of St. John's stopl)!.>d when World War II broke out; workers tradNI tools for weapons and building materials wen· donatc'Cl to tht' war effort. ln subscqu£'nt yC'ars church lt·adt•rs deb<it{'d whether to resume work or dl.'votP r£'suurt·1·s to human cuuscs. But when h e bc.'l·ame de<tn 10 yt?ars ago. Morton vowed in his first sermon thal the cathedral would riS<' Alh~lted with Divine Se1ence COMMUNITY CHURCH BY THE BAY where an atmosphere of love. JOY all(J lreedom prevails. in which each person car1 leel sale to be himself and develop his own d1v1ne potenltal ti you are seektrtg a church lam1ty like ll11s. welcome home' Sunday Celebration of life I Speakers Wortishops I Classes I Book Shop Youtll Group I Nursery tare Hollatlc Health Center Sunday 10 a.m.: "Barrier To fhe flow" 7 p.m. Dr. Wil.tm htktr. Gutsl $pe1~11 Call 642-5678. Put • te• words to work tor ou. 0 Got My Act Together, But Forgot When • I Put 11•• Tim TimmOQS, S p eaking For Info: Call 644-1350 The Crystal Cathedral Congregation: A place where people·care about •TIN Sundey, October 3, 1982. Morning Services 1n the Crystal Cathedral at 9 30 a m and 11·15 a m. W1th Dr. Robert Schuller. His morning message-''Become • Poaal- billty Thinker-NOW!" • Cheny Boone O'Netil (daugh· ter of Pat Boone) tS Dr Schuller s 1nte1view guest. She'll snare her vic1ory over ano<exia nervosa - when She nearly starved herself lo death See and hear her a1 boththe930a m and the 1115 a.m seivices • ..~County's Most Beautiful Dining Room -The Arboretum-adiacent to I~ Crystal Cathedral rxesents • Sundev Continent.I Breakfast on the PatJO Every Sunday at 8 00 a m to1f.00a.m • Gloltoua Surmy Bnmch. E-...e<y Sunday a1 10 00 a m 10 200pm • Sunday Sc:ftoot a-: •Chilelren •Youth ·College ·Singles ·Marrieds • SenlOf C.111ens • Sundl!y Ewnlng 8efVtc. 7 :30 p. m. 1n the all ~SS Crystal Cathedral. • VVotld Wtde Communion • Watch the beautt!ul sunse1 people In the coming weeks: • Sunday Morning. October 10 (930and 11.t5am.) Or.Schuller's pulpit guest IS Frankin Glaha'n, son ol Wot1d Evangehst Biby Graham His topc h is recent relef work 1n Lebanon • Sunday Morning. October 17 (930and1115 am ) Dr Schuller's !)I.Apel guest Wiii be United States Senator Robert Dole. For more 1nformat10n call (714) 971-4000. For 1mmed1ate 24 hour hve telephone coun- seling call (714) NEW-HOPE. "A place where people care about people!' l.ocated at the Freeway hub of Or8nge County, On Chapmon Avenue near~ 1uMetion of tho &.nta Ana. Garden Orovo. and Orange Freeway. • P\llLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU8 8U81NE89 NAME STATEMENT rr.e ro11ow1ng persons are doing business aa AVANl I, 33962 Btue Lencetn, Oana Point. CA 92629 MOOE NA CORPORATION, a Calllornla corporeuon. 33962 Stue Lantern, Oana Point. CA 92629 This bullness 11 conducled by a corporation MO<lena Corporation Abdollah Kno1e. Pin This statement was filed with 1ne Courtly Clerk or Orenge County on Septembef 8, t982. F1t7055 coav N. KEl LI!"· Altotney et Lew M5 Town Center Or. No. IOO Coete Meta, CA t292t Pubhsheo Orange Coast 0111ly Pilot, Sept t t. ta, 25. Oct 2. 1982 4032·82 PU8LIC NOTICE oocuments Engineer's estimate 101 Tnerelor11 the Anartc1m Holl& F191454 ING wo1k ta $220.000 00 Planned Community Auoc1at1on COMPLETION OF WORK All dCHl& ne1e1>y el&CI 10 •ell or cauL11 Pulil"lied Oran1111 Coast Oaity 1»101 Oct 2 9 16 23 1982 worl< 1s 10 bu completed within 160 10 be sold ""' lollOwong de5Grtbod 4298•82 conbocu11ve working dlsys lrom tile real p1opc11y 10 ~att!i.fy '"" ------------- ODte spect11ed "' lhtr Notice co ob1tga1tM PU8UC NOTICE P1oco1.1d Lot 24 ot l1a" No 8463 in the -------------AWARD Of' CONfRAC I The CrtyolAnahe1m Coun1y ol01angu Owner 1c5erves trte ttght. alter State ol Cal1lorn1a o~ per map op11nm11 b•ds. 10 r111ec1 any 01 all recorded •n Boo\\ 392 Pages 28 10 ll•d• 10 waive a11y mlo1ma111y 1n a 3 I 1nclusove ol M1scellaneou5 b•d. 10 make uwards 1n the interest M ops 1n the 1ocord• ol Oro11ge oC lt•e Owner and 10 H11ec1 all other County. Cahlorn1~ b•d~ The r .. cord vCilCO ownurs oc Ille PROPOSAL GUARANl EE ANO n1QPet1y more commonly knl)wn as B 0 N 0 S Eac h b t <l sh a II be 703!i Country Club L•n&. Anah111m. accompanied by a cet1ll1ed 01 Calllornla. a•e Klaus Schoodl and ca5h•br s check o• by a corporate Kathleen Sctioodt. husband and su1ety oond on lhe form lurnlsrted wire as Jo1n1 tenants by the Owne1 as e guarantee lhtt Dated Septembe• 21. 1982 lho O•Ode• w111. 11 an aw&td '' made Anehelm Hiiia Planned 10 h•m 111 l!Ccordance woth the terms Community A11oclatlon o l his b•<l. promolly SJcure Linda Weettell W o r k m en s C o m p e n s 111 1 o n A11t. 8ec1etery FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 8TATl!MENT T '"' lollow111g persons are doing tJu!i10e!f~ A& MAX· TRAX 1022 I Slate<. Suite 103 FounlDll'I Valley. Ca 92708 Marvin O Fewell 18 104 Vo&t·m11e Ct Fov111ain Valley. Ca 9?708 Belly J Ftiwell 18104 Yosem11~ <-1 . FOUllldtn Vall"Y Ca 92708 fh,. ou~•1111ss '" co11t1ucled by an lftdlVtdUill Marvin Fewell fh1b 51a11ime111 wa~ hle<I wolh me Countv Clerk ol Orange Countv 011 Septemtie• 28 1982 1nsu1 anc11 and habtltly insurance, ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA1 F1111457 o•ecultt a co111tac1 1n the 18Qulred COUNTY OF ORANGE Pubh!i.he<l OrdnQe Coast Oa•ly Corm and Cu1111sh sa11s1ac10<y bOnds )ss P1101 oc1 2 9 16 23 t982 IOf 1r.e l111thlul perlo1mance ol 1"8 On ~~ptembe• 2 I. 1982. belore 4280-82 conltact-and tur the payment ol me tile unde1s111ned a Notary------------- cla•m$ or materiatmen anti labo1ers Puo11c. '" &nd 101 sa1<1 S tate PU8UC NOTICE 11>ereunC1e1 Said checi. or 1>1dde1's pursonally appe&red L111da \l/esllall bond $hQll be 1n an amount of not known 10 me to be Asst Sec1e1ary FICTITIOUS BUSl .. ESS luH lhlln ten t 101 percent ol cne ol the corporation that e~ecuted 1he NAME &TATEMEN'T amount oc the b•d The Faolhlul w11111n •ns11ument known to me 10 The 1011ow1n1J perr.<>n$ l>le do1;-og Perlo1mi.nt c Bond s11,.11 be not less oe )he person wno e.ecuted the busllle~s as uian one ri11r1drec;1 11001 pe1cen1 of w1thon 1nst1umeri1 on t>ehalf ot tile SOUTH COAST ASSOCIATlS\ me 101111 omount oc the b•d pr1ce corpo1a11on 111eHW1 named and 17102 M11<.hell North trvmll Ca nem•·O in the co1woc1 The LabO< acknowltt<lgeCI 10 me tnat such 92714 ond Matenols Bon<! ~hllll be not len corport11on e•ecuteo the w11h1n Donat<! C McHone 1409 E11st 111an one nundered 1 tOO) pe1c.enl ol instrument p111suan1 10 its By-1..aws Bay Avenue Balboa Ca lhu total umount of the bid pt1ce 0 1 a rusotul oon ot 11S Boa1d ol Lonnoe M OtJnn Jr S Colhn~ n11med in ttoe contract Otr(!(.IOrs B<tlUoa lsla11c;1 Ca 92063 PRE VAIL ING RA TES Of WAGES WITNESS my nano and 0CC1c;1al se<ll Oona Id Rat1dall. 113:! Qv1yua In acco1dance with lhe p1ov1t1ons 01 Juho S Wtll(m'°n hvme Ca <;oc11on t 773 ol the Cahlo1noa LabOt Acct No 028-0846302<17 Tn1s bu~ness is condu<:te<J by u Cooe. tl>e genttrnl preva111119 rates Published Orange Co1s1 Oaoty 11enera1 partnership ol per diem wages and·holtday 1md P~lot. Oct 2. 9. 16. 23 1982 Oonotd C McHone overtime work on 1ne 1oc11111y in 4:)~5·82 Par1ner whlCh the work 15 to l>e petlormeo Th•5 statement was tiled witn cne PUBLIC NOTICE h U Deen obtained from 1ne County Cler• 01 Orange Counly on FICTITIOUS ·BUSINESS Oirec1or of fh" Oep11 11maf}t ol PU8llC NOTICE Seotembe• JO 1982 NAME STATEMENT 1nous111a1 Re1a11on1 a copy ol ~leh F111Mt The Collowihg persona ate do•ng 15 on hie in the olfle4! o lhe City YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNO£R A Publ•,h!!d 01ange Coilst 0•1ly busmen u CIC!tk or 1h11 City oC trvlno and wKI be DEED Of' TRU8T DATED JOH&: 1, Potot Oct ? 9 16 23. t982 RE L 1 AB l E c 0 M p UT ER made available 10 any tntotosted '"'· UMlES8 YOU TAKE ACTION 4340 82 SERVICES CO. 273 12 Cianbrool(e p1111y upon roques1 The contractor TO PROTECT YOUR PROPE"TY, PUBLIC NOTICE O' El Toro Ca 92630 ano any suDGontracto< •nde• him IT MAY 81'. SOLD AT A PUBLIC .__ I d 8 A L E . I F Y 0 U N E E 0 'A N Noel Wang '7312 Cr11nb10oke shall pay nol less tr.an 1"" apeci ie EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE l<..011115 Or Et Tt>•O Ca 92630 pievoihnll rates oc wages to all OF THE P"OCEEDINO AGAINST NOTICE OF DEFAULT A nn H w u W an 0 :> 7 3 1 2 wo<~men emptoye<I '" I tie e•ecu1ton YOU, YOU SHOUlO CONT ACT It RE: 1105 So. 8tendatd Cran011>ok" 01 El To10 Ca 92630 Of lhe conl•ilCI LAWYE". IMPORTANT NOTICE fh1s1>us111es~1sconoucte<l by11n L AB OR RELATION S Trte NOTICEOF IF VOUR PROPEflTY 18 IN 1nd1v1duat contractor sht!ll comply w•lh 311 trte TRUSTEE'S SALE FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU NoutWang 1equiremen~ 011 Sec;t1on 17775 T.S.No.3$501 AR E a E H I NO U t V OUA Ann Wang IOgelllet wit al olher apphCIJllle NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that PAYME .. T&. IT MAY 8E 8 0l0 f '11& Jl3tomen1 WM r1IC!d w1lh thil n~qulfemen1s ol lh!! Catirornla WITHOUT A"'Y COU"T ACTIO"', L11bor COde on Fr1<1ay October 22 1982 at 9 00 ... " Cou1.1y Ctt-rk 01 Or1tnge Counly on 0 RAW 1 N G S AN 0 SPEC . 0 clock am ol seid day "'1r.e room an<! you may have the legal •IQhl 10 September 30 1982 1F1CAT1 0 NS A r u 11 s 01 0 1 set es1de tor conducting T1ustee s t>ring your ac:o11n1 •n gOOd slandmg F11M7t O•nwinns ~nd &pttciflcatoons 15 Sales w1th1n the otltces ol REAL by paying all ol you• pest due Puohtr•<HJ Or11nge Cou1 Oa1ly availabie tor trtSpectoon witnout EST.ATE SECURITY SERVICE pavments ptus petmllled costs and Pilot Oct t' 9 16 n 1982 11 0 localed at 2020 North &oadway e•p1mses w1lfl•n three month5 Item 4353 82 Charge 81 the 0 ice 01 the •rtclOf '"" dale·tr.•S notice ol delaull was ------------·-· ot Public w orks ol !he Coly oc Irvine Suite 206. In the Ctty ol Santi Ana r"cnrde<I Tn•s amount" S:.> 468 00 Complele sets of se•d <1rew1ngs Count y o c Orange. State or P\llllC NOTICE spcc;iloce11oM ind b•d documents Callforrna. SAN MAAINO SAVINGS as ot August 29. 1982 and will ---F-IC_T_l_T-IO_U_t_a_U_S_IN_E_&_S--I m ay be purchased !tom l he ANO lOAN ASSOCIATION . 8 '"'"•asu ""';'.,/our acc1ohun! NAME sT1nEMl .. T Department oc Public W0tka. Ctty of Cellfotnto corpotatlon. u duty O<Komesh<.urietn ou n0•ay no1 ave1 ltvtne, 17200 Jamboree Road, •ppolnced Tru11eo under •nd 10 P•Y t t• "" "" w•pa1 por ion o The t('llow1ng per•on~ are doing Irvine C•lllornio 92713 A non puttuant 10 the powet 01 ••le you< a4co11n1 e•er1 thougn lull bUSmost "5 r11lundable fee oC $25 oo will be conlertlld In that cett•ln Deed oc payment .,8 \ dem~nded but you SHIEL OS ANO COMPANY crierged for each set 01 documents Trull executed by ANTHONV M must pay the amounl slatoo above t 107 Jamt..woe Ad Newpo1t Oi•winns speciltc1t1tons •nd bid EGGEBRECHT,• married man. •nd unleH tile oohgot1on being B111ow C• 92660 <1ocum:n1s woll be m11led upon FRED BALOW. a ma111te1 man, In !Orecloseo upon pe1m1s1s ii tonge• Snoelos H Kr uu scr. 24701 ruce1p1 ol requesto no tater lh110 tO Boolr t4062 ol Offtelal Recoroa ol Pt'"od you rteve th" log11I 11ght to ~;~~~ ClatB Ave . Dana Pooni. Ca calendar days prtoi 10 the date set tetd County 11 page l t 44 5top lhe foreclo~rt' only by pay•ng 101 ""6nm~ bids. for an addtllonal Aecorde<'• lnttrument No 2955, by th~ enlue amount demanded by Detore~ R Krutzsch. 24701 -... -ou -~1~ 1ftn tftr-m~th• cha•ge 01 :.>5 00 reason of a breech oc delaull In Y 1 er~• ~ wi "' " ~~ ~· • San111 Cta1& Ave . Dana Point, Ca SE'CURITV FOR COMPLETION 1 payment 0 , performance 01 the ~Ito• the date or reco1dat100 oc this 11?629 OF WORK The contract <locumenls Obltg1tton1 secu•ed lrtereby. <locument which date' or reco1d1no This l>US•nl!SS •S con<Jucled by an 1 appears he•~on ulOrvlClual call to• monlhly progreu payments Inc ud1ng lhel breech or default • Sn1e1<1a H KrulUCh b11118C! upon tho engineer·• ettlmlt• NotlCO or wtllCh w11 recorded April To fond Out tne amount yo ... mu~l Thrs statement wu Ille" w11r. the o l tne percehtage o c WOf k 22. 1982. H Aeclorder'1 lns1rument pay o• to arrange Cor paymt"'t to " co1T1plete<I Thi! City wHI retein tO No 82-13924 I , Will SElL AT llOP lhl! Corecloture or 11 yOul Coun1y C1e1i. of Orange County on ~icent 01 eacr. Pl""•ess P•""'enl PUBLIC A UCT ION TO THE properly is in loroctosure Co• any Septembe• JO 1982 ;; sec11t11y lot completion ~f .. thll HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. otner <eason. contacl F11N7l na11nce of th<1 wOfk At, .. _ •""'uest lowtuc money ot Iha United States, 0.lgh D. Bord, AtlOfM1 In Publtl hPd Oran~e Cosst Dally '""' .... F~t 1~ Ja-1 F •-1a-.. •I el and er1pensn or the 1ucce1sc111 or • cashler'a check drawn on 1 -~ .. ~ · "--,...,, P1101 Oct ? 9. 16. 3. 1982 IJ10der. the C11y will pay tho omounl 1111e or natlOf\81 banllr • s1a1t or et7 N. 8roedway "0 ", 43S2·82 so retatnl!<I upon compliance with lederal ctedlt union, or • 1teta Of Sent• Ana, CA H701 ------------~ tne requ1remon1s of Govotnmenl ledetal aevlnga and loen auoci1tlon (714) 543-2117 P\llllC NOTICE r.ode Sac11011 14402 and thll oom1Ctl8Cllnlhlss11te,allpeyab1eat ti you have Aroy que51ton1 vou --..,-0-T_l_C_l_T_O_C_"_E_D_l_T_0_,.-8-~ pro v1S1 ons o l 1r.e conuac t the time ol aai.. ell t'lilht, lilte end 5hOuld contact a t11wyer 01 thl' o 0 cum en t s p e 11111n 1 n g 1 0 1ntere1t held by 11. 1, Truttff. In gove1nmen1 aoency wh•Ch may ha•e OF BULK TAANI Fl" Sub&l1lu1ton ol Securities · thlt •HI prope1ty 11tu1te In M id tnsuiOO trte tor1n (lec:i. l l01-t107 U.C.C.) PROJECT ADMINISTRATION All County and Stile . described IS Remembt'• vOU mEY lOSE No tice IS hereby given 10 quutiona relefive IO llHS project fOllOWt l EGAl RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT C•ell1to1s or Jhe w1t111n named pttor to open1nn bids snail be A leasehold in1011111 tn and 10 TAKE PROMPI ACTION transle1or thet a bulk transler • dttecled 10 Harry "K•no. Telephone Lot 6 and the Northerly 6 oo feet ol NOTICE IS HEREBY Gt VEN abou t to be mode on personal No 660•3792 Lot & 1n Block 22 of Tia" No 772. THAT GLEN G BOYD 1s duty properly he1e1nalltlf described BY OROER or lhe City Council of 115 pot m•P 1ecotdod 111 9 0011 23, 1ppo1n1ed Tr11stee unde< 11 Oee<I 01 The r1ames and business adO•OH ll>eClly 01 Irvine p11g11~ 5 and & or M ISc:elloneous Tt utl d&led August 2 t 11160 OI l he 1nlendeO fr&n1fe1or 19 CITY OF l"VfHf Maps, tKOtdl of said County Eae<:ulod by PETER A MADSEN a GE RA LO f' CROWE aka JERRY By: "-tr C. i.-y, City C ... ll EXCEPTING THEREFROM lhe m•me<J man u Truster lo sec:uro CROWE SHELL 3045 81ts101 St . Published Oranne Coast Ot1tly Northerly 2 oo o, c Mid 1..ot 6 ce11 a1n 01>l1oa11ons 1n levo1 ol Costn Melft CA Pilot. Oct 2. 9, t98'2 l he SI reel •ddteU 01 Other JAMES F RAOLANO. et AL 8t Tho loca1ton 111 Ca11rorn111 ot lh• 431)3•82 common dettgnation ol 1r.e 1eal 8 e11el1c1ery. 1ecorded Augusl 29 Chief B•eGullve office or p11nc1p11l1---------------« propeity hereonebove described 11 1980 es 1ns11um1111t 31842 Booi.. bUl tnCU 011100 or ,,,. lnt•nd•d purporle<I lo be 460 -82nd Slrett, 137"2 Pago t839 o c OlllCl81 trensl11ro1 It 304S Bt11101 St , Co111 Nt1wport Beach. Cetilorn11 Records 1n tne OCt •c• 0 1 the Met A, CA Busiinessmen The unde•s•gned he••by Recorde1 Of Oieng t County All 01he1 1>11t1neu nemcu and c. dllc:;latma all lleb•llly ro1 •ny Caltlorma, doa<.11l>ofl9 111nd therein 11ddreues us•d lly 1ne 1n1enoed 1ncoriec1nen In !Miid ll•Mt eddteaa 11 trBnalero• within three years 111$1 I/ y 0 u are d 1 1 n fJ or otMt tommon deslgn11llOf1 LOI 22 Of Tr~I 3"'93 1n Hie City ol put go l ••,e• knowNn 10 lh• bu~ine .~~ u n dtr a Sntd Hie will be mllOI! Without Santa Anti County of Or•nge 1n1ended trana ereo ere one wllrtftnty o~prn•s Of Implied. C1lllOrt'll& pe• Map 1n Book t04. The name an<! business eddrest F1cfrffOUS Busint$!t reo•rding 1,110 pouenion. 0, Pages 30 and 31 01 Mlsc-ellaneoua ol l hll lrtl11nded 1t1nsteree It 'l;'CJmt> !fOU Orf required tllCumtltancos. 10 ut1r.fy the Mapr. 1ocor~ II\ the Olfl()O ol thfl SARGON A OOI. 6322 S •nta p11ncopAI blll1nc• ol th• Note Of County Rec0tdtt O<ange Counly C11011n11, Garden Grove, CA 9264S by law f Business and Otnei ooflgnllon aecuttd by H id C1llforn1a That the property perllnl!n1 ProfeSsllmS Code . Sec ~•a 01 rru•• wllh 11111,111 and Said ob«IQ•l•on• onc111d1ng n note heflto 1a dctcr1bed 1n gnncral u othe• tumt H 111ovidta lhl••ln, 101 the tum ot SH0.000 lhlt • SHELL SERVICE STATION 1nd II 17900 to 1793(}) to file 0 plu• edv111ce•. ,, •ny undtr th• Oteach OI •nd d•l•ult •n. lllt located 81 30411 BrttlOI. Coat• Men , ,. • I c t it I 0 II.,, B IJ s I" es s term• lhl!t80t and 1n1t1ttt on •uCh 001tge11ons '°' wl\leh suer. Oted OI CA "' 1dv1ncot. 11nd plu• ffft , ch•tgff T1ul l Is MCUllh llAI oe.cu1e<1 In th•t Tr.• bUllnor.t ri3me uHd br 1111 ,,ame Stutement and and upon1e1 01 lhe lru•I" •nd or p1ymen1110 not l)Hll mtdt 01 $2. a11d tran11eror at Hid 10011t1on 11 ha tit 11 IJUblrshed for th• lrustt crHte<I by ••Id OMO of oa oo tnle<nt piy1n00 eo11ec11on JERRY CROWE SHELL Trvtt Tho tolal amounl ol .. l<I IN plus U S 00 111e IN. ALL FOR Tn11 Uld bulk ttlllll llt it four CQ1UleCUfll)(! wetk.$, obllglllOn, Including rea1on•l)ly PAVMENf OU( ON AUG\)ST 29. 1111end11d 10 M conr.umm111fld 11 tht WE 01 the [)A I L y utimated fen. ch•<gu .,,0 IOU 11111 by •••ton th.,1101. the OlllCe o f ONT ARIO r SCl10W t~pellltl of the Trustee. et the htl\ll ptb•nl benehc11ty under luCh SERVICE. On11rio. CA 011 O• .... , ,, I t or C0'1 ht>lp w1tl1 OI •l'lllt•l PubllClllOf\ 01Ch11 NOl!Ct.11 o..<I of Trutl ,.., dlll>OIH9d With Octoo.t to 1002 both Call ti LEGAL see 318 62 .. td dllly •PPoll'ltt<l Tr\lltM. ll>l:h lhtt t1u1k t111n11111 •• tullttot to If Oete<I September 21, 1oe~ Oe<!d 01 ''~'' 1nd 111 documenl• C•llfOrnl(I UnllOtm CommetClll D f; p AH 'f M 1-; NT at SAN MARINO SAVlf\IOS •vlde11c1ng Obllg111ons H tu•ed COO• Stctl()n e 100 6 "2 4., 2 J E I 332 I ANO LOAN t~leby 11n<1 t~ 1111<1•rJ1Qn•d do.• l he nem• 11ncJ addru• o r th• 'f •1 L · or ASSOCIATION, 11e1eo)' dtc118•• •II ~uma aecu1ed per1on with Whom 11111m1 ma~ bl f1Jrther mformot1ol1 1 C•hlorl\I• oorp.. th•••br 1mmtd11111y due •nd ftled 11 On11110 E11ao"" 84t<'flc•. 71~ •• Trull"· o•)•ble Md !lot• lle<eby elt<lt 10 N. Euclid Av•. Onllrto, CA 91702 •r· Rl:AL ES TATS CIUHI ti\• lrutl p1openy 10 .,. told and Che 1111 dll'( tor ruing clatm• by SECURlflES SUWIC( II 10 w111r~ tflt 00llg1t1on1 MICllftd any CHdrCOr th•ll b• OCtObtr 18. C•lll0tnla c;orp "' Agtnl 111ereby IH2 which It tnt butlntH dey 8y !SEALI o J Mor~. Oetil<I S•ot~ot1 12. •H 2 DtfOrt tht COt11•un'1rl'lat1011 dllt Its 1)11a1dent tlale tf C.ilf0f11la 9')te1r..a •bdvt 2oao Notth Oroadw•,, c-•r et°'__. c.i.1to Oc1ooer 1. 1092. a11 206 JeMet '·,...... _, ltfton Addf • Santt An• CA 02?C>e 0tteti D, ~ Nit lnten#ll Tr-.ie-.. 642 4321 T ... (71o4)1i163·G9t0 Al~·"'4Mt Publlth•d Orenge Co111 0111y • Plllllllht O Orang• Co .. I 0111 PUbhtlltd 01lt1Qt Co111 O•lly PHol. Oc1 2. 1912 f>tlot Oct 2 O 16. IOU P)IOI. Oct 2, 9, HI. U 1M2 43&7·82 •311:1•12 •36•~u ·~ ' . . i I Some of Washington's homele s people line up at the window of MeKenna's Wagon in Lafayette quarc to receive food. The roving diner has been feeding the capital's home less dail y sinc·c~ Sept. 3. Honieless flock to free meals Volunteers feed hundre ds daily in nation's capital WAS HINGTON (AP) As dusk ralls etcross Bank. a non-profit, private o rtean1 w 1wn whkh COllt-<:lS food donatt!d from arl•U SUp<'rmarket chains. Food, ga~ohnt!, l·ups and sandwich wrap l'OSl just ovt•r $1011 a wt!ek. some ol wht<'h <.·omcs trom dona tions by Washington rt'Stdt:n~. <:hurchc-s and c·ommumty groups arragut Square, thousands of workers pour out cir office buildings two blocks from the White House and head tor home without a glance at the converted ice cream truck and its curious d1entele. Some 30 to 35 men have li~d up. their calloused hands clutching at plas tic bags that contain their belongings. They are waiting for sandwiches, yogurt, potato chips and hot chocolate from McKenna's Wagon. a new volunteer erfort to feed the city's homeless, destitute men and women A lady known as Miss Don s rises from a park bench and follows the men to the wagon for dinner. Miss Doris sleeps in a parking garage and hasn 't eaten a ll day S he takes o n e of two sandwiches and tucks it in her tattered shawl for later. "You're just wonderful people," s he tells the volunteers in the truck. ''I don't know what we'd do without you." M<.°K<.>nna'1> Wagon was namt-d after the late Rev Hora<.'!' B. McKenna. a local Je>sull prics t who worked among the poor It 1s a follow .up project to Martha's Table. which Maz began s1\c months ago lo provide a learning renter, comp.'lntonsh1p and a free meal to childre n from brok<'n or impoverished homes m the city "Many of tht'S(' arc children of the Vl'ry. wry poor," said Maz. "Some• or thl'm hav<.· parents who don't care whether they go to school or not " McKenna's Wagon rolled onto the streets of the nation's capital on Sept. 3, providing d inner seven days a w eek. A dozen voluntt.>ers take turns picking up food and supplies. preparing sandwiches and taking the truck on its ro unds. Each night, the lines have grown longer along the curbside. as more and more needy people hear about the free meal. Martha's Table, locawd at 14th and W stn.-t·L'I, and McKenn a's Wagon, depend tot&lly upon volunteers like Maz who s toppt·d lt·a<.·hing a l Cl.'Orgetown in 1980. Maz says she doc·sn't miss tht· academ1<.· life. <.·)aiming she's "still tc<.1ching peuplt'. It's just a different group or p<.>oplc I'm doing something I think is more meaningful lo mt• personally .. Connie Ridge ls another volunteer who finds time one day a w~k to make 200 sandwil-ht .. s ci nd then rides the truck to d istribute th<>m. Ridge. who helps run the Mount Vernon Center for Homeless Women here. rt.'COgruzes many of the• gaunt fat-es a nd specifically wa tches for "Carlos" at the Washington Circle stop near George Washington University. "We're up to almost 300 each night," said Dr. Veronica Maz, a former Georgetown University sociology professor who started the wagon program. "There must be many more people out there than we realize who are hungry, who are sleeping in parks and alleys.'.' Shelters in the city currently house 467 men and 158 women. There are 193 homeless families in the District of Columbia, a«ordlng to the lat.est Ugures from the city's Departme nt of Human Services. Those families include 424 children. The 70-year-old black man hasn't appeared at the truck ror days. she said .. , know he loves peanut butter and I want to give him an extra sandwich tonight ir I sec him." "Lately we've been seeing mothers and children at a re w of the stops." said Maz. "Some of them are shoeless, and we've found out that some of the mothers and children have been sleeping in the parks. Sometimes they don't come again and we don't know what's happened to them." At a recent gathering at Washington Cm:lc. several men talked of unsu<.'<.-essrul JOb hunting and the cold nights ahead "Have you found a <."Oat ror m<.· by t·hanl'c'.'" asked John. an elderly man w<>armg a cotton shirt and thin sweatt'r. John 1s part of "the bridge• rommunity." who hve> under Kt·y Bndg<.• which spans the Potomac R1vt'r bC'\W('('n tht• District and Virginia. according to R1d~c 13eginning at ~:30 p.m., driver Bob Harris weaves the truck on its daily route to Lafayette Park, Washington Circle , Farragut Square, a triangle at 11th a nd l streets, Northwest, and Dupont Circle ir supplies last that long. Most of the food is purchast.'<i for rive cents a pound from the Capital Area Communi.ty Food The old man's t•yes brightent>d whl·n ci young volunteer handed a icoat out thC' truck window "Thank you, Doug. Thank you a Int," ht· said "You're a lifesaver .'' Training completed Jon B. Acey. son of John B. Acey of 7920 Colorado Springs Drive, Springfield, Va., and Adele J. Schlifke of 4022 Mornings tar Dri ve, Huntingto n Beac h . recen tly completed a U.S. Air Force ROTC fi eld training encampment at Dover Air Force Base, Del. ,_CllM>ntmS SMITHS' MOITUMY 627 Main St Huntington Beach ~ PACMC Y•W ..., ..... , ... Cemetery Mortua~ Ch1pel-Crem1torv 3l500 Pac1f1c View Drove. Newport Beach 644·2700 Mcc:oawlCK MO•TUAl•S Laguna Beach 49'~15 L-oun1 Hills 76&-0933 San J~ C.p11trano •9S-1n& ttu80I UW~llifT. OUYI Mort'*'f • Cem1tery Crematory 162$ G1alflf Ave Cotta Mesa 5'0-S5!>4 ,_CIMOT ... 1 l&LMOA9WAY ...atrTUAaY t 10 B<oadway eo.1.~ &42'-9150 Make s·ure you know na1ne of your drug By LOUISE COOK ot'fhe A-'eled ~ ... The medicines you take to help can wind up making you sicker 1f you're not careful about when you take them and what you swallow them with. ls a sip of water enough or do you need a whole glass? When the label on the bottle says "after meals " does l t mean immediately after or two hours later? What happens if you take vitamins with your prescription drugs - without telling your doctor what you're doing? Interactio ns between different types or drug,<i can cause illness or even death. lf your doctor does not provide detailed Instructions about how to take your drugs -or if you don't follow those instructions -you could experien ce serious side effects or make the medicine worthless A program proposed by the Carter administration would have r-equired pa tie nt pack age inserts. dubbed "PPls," to provide consumers with detailed information about 10 drug classes representing more than 300 indJvidual drug products. The Reagan administration has moved to scrap the p rogram In favor o f voluntary latx-ling by manufacturers. Consumers. meanwhile, will have to take steps to protect themselves. Joseph Graedon, a pharmacologist and autho r o f "Th e People's Pharmacy" a nd "Tht> People'• Pha rmacy -2 ," soys th e r e a r .. sevt-ral things you can do to avoid trouble. Flru. says Cracdon. you shuuld make s ure you know the namt" or your drug and the reason It is being prt!IC:ribc!d. Many drup with similar. aoundlng names -and spellings - tuiv" dlfforr nt UllCll. Ask the doctor to pronouncf' the name ot the on r pretierlbc!d tor you and have him or her 1pell It IO you e1n write it down. Alk cqctly when you should tak your pills. tn gcmeral, the lruitructJon." "take on an t•mpty stomach'' mean at least one hour before meals or two hours afte r. The> phraSt· "with meals" m e an s JU St b e f o re>. during or imme diall•ly a rtcr c>ating And "eating" means a regular meal not JUSt a s nac·k l'hl• most common liquids people use. to wash down their medicines are> fruit juices. milk and water. But fruit Juices can reduce the efrecuveness of some important antibiotics, including penicall in, Craedon says. Milk doesn't mix with iron and interferes with the proper absorption o·r tetracyl'line antib1oti<.'S. Foods can be just as dangvruus as drugs when it comes to mte>ractions. The> FOod and Drug Administration points out, for P><ample, that lk'Once C'x tra c ted from natural sources contains a substance which, when consumed regularly in high amounLc;, can cause blood pressure to rise and could counteract the effec ts o f med1catJon prescribed to lower blood pr~Urt' O n P of t h e m ost hazardous reacllorui. according to the> FDA, 1s thf' one bt•tw<!Cn monoaivine ox1dase or MAO lnhlb1tons 1md a wide range or aged or fermented foods M A 0 I n h I b I t o r s 11 rt• o ( t c n prescribed for depression or high b lood pressure ; they can react ndverscly with things like pickled herring. salami, shnrp or oged checacs, yogurt. sour cream, chlclccn hvcrs. avocados. soy sauce. beer. Chianti w ine and even bananas. Some drugs are particula rly irriuulng tO the dlg~tlvt' tract; many peopl<' ore familiar w ith tM pol(~ntlal dangers of aspirin and already iakc 11ubltJtute medicatlona. 8ut Or•edon say• simila r reactlons AlllO cx'Cur with common arthritia and 118thmo medici ne• which generally work better and are le" likely to cauM> trouble If they arc> takt'n wl\h. during or a ftQr a meal. •. ezc~eda $34,000 a 11.ar Your ad r«tachea C ll I I I., 11 D Medwn hl<'omc o/ Dolly Pflol /amme1 &fie count&(• mu1t o/Jlunsl bu111rio audience ... .. ~••n/l•N•I/ I AHtHlf•HI•/ I ~!! .f.f!.8jf •••. !J.!f /!~.' •• ft!~!!!. .•.. !.~!fl~!.'l .. ff l'-'!I. .... !.'.!! ••••~'!!............ !!~,·~-.I I Crt•ltve tndlv •·~ DI· ~II Cr'"'!' IHAM·21dPM I 1--1 ,__ •Pl •v clettgn ••••• ... on. " "'" •to or ••-H• ...................... FOUND ADS mnom1 Otc1•ee' Ol•Ol•y: Dv•n• 406 I!••• ""' 81 o.. .. 11ult• llH Ulf•ll••••I• I.I# c1 •1 1 0 n 1h0 m • • C M ····~mmli···· ""ii.f•;·,;;;.;~;·· ARE FREE 6415·8&78 oe11very18 1oc11 ru11 • 7 111tlon1, t1U1y, Coit• 790.0M4 111/• WHIH 1100 W•d 1 1 AM -II P M Me .. /NtwPOfl 8ch Itel c • •••'•••••••••••••••••• Tllu" S•t, 2 PM· I !PM A I I ., p m 0 • I I a : AOOltlT&IT s .. Herold O• 011n• 496 714115?..c>e50 . 142·M11 Full energe 2 or 3 OIY• lrltl l'7th flt C M TUXEDO RENTALS Super 0 C l.oc111on Altr•ol 1hop. S 15,000 down o w e (7 1 ) 737-8096, 9911-1420 South County Arcade LOC•llon and mechlnH or loc:1tlon only Cell To m or Sim o n e 6116·2695 i.,,,,.,., •.• ".lr.!!!~!!l .•. !.~!! $4000 net1 YOU 14400 I• avo• 111 y~ 12900 2nd yr, 12600 3rd yr + caatt flow via t•JI w/o white t•x SSS build pr11tlglou1 equllylll Rex, 549-16'4 !~~!r .. '!~~.'!!. .• 1.~~~ $35.000 l\Hded Sec by 2nd TO on prl~ Irvine ptOp 50'/e 10111 10 Yllut 18%, no point•. C•ll 96e·9058 or 760·81116 ""''''"' ,,.,, DH11 SOJS SENIOR CITIZENS . Lookil& tor a Barrain? Look no ••rill'.; lhen our 0111c:oun1 Gulde tor St· nlor ClllHnl publl•h•d HPtCl•lly lor you eacn month In 1hil 09.lly PllOI CIHlllledl Th• nexl Senior Clllzena Oltcounl Gulde wlll bt publl1hed on Wednea. d1y. October 6 w atch ror 111 ·····i:i:aanLii····· 1 Mert1q• O.. IH. l1llr Plltt Lo1t·Cu1e cutterd & whl Cocker type m•I• dog, "Fluffy" L•oun• Och F•mily pet Aew11rd 1200 (213) 701·6234 A1k for Marlon 6l1mt1e. Slue Point -Slue coll•r. An1wer110 NEkO 750·8959 REWARD IUYlll, 2 '' neutered white Perele11 wllh tmOlled grey m.,k. Inga ml11lng In The Sluf· II Aewllrd 760-1100 Loat Golo Money Cllp S•I -Herbor View Dr. COM Keepuke. Ro- w•r<I 640·8-0tlO Grey Striped Female C11t Lost In Cannery VIiiao•. N S Fri, 24th. 673 -374 I 673-4568. 839-9870. Bud Reward Found F· Doberm•n pup· py Chain collar Nr Har· bor & Wilson. 979-3136 Lott Olk & Gray llgor atrl· pe ahort hair lem cal & whl long hair male Sia· meae cat vie Utica & Huntingt on SI .. H.B. 960· 7617 dy1. 968"6860 aves Specl•llilno In 1" & 2nd Ol1111fitll A4t TO'a alnce 1949 142·1111 Found Shellto M•I• Robt. Slltler NH/CM Huntington Bch Call A.E. Broktt' 9d Realtort Wedding• Anyw~re Any· 942.8655 642-2171 1545-0611 limo 2 mlnl11ter1 (213) IU LtHt &t1ll .. lt 431-11595 Rev Ernie F~~n~ ~~~~ey:~"er~~~: ~~. t_ f~d T~Pi!~ro ~~ .. STIO IHllll , ~.~.~~9: •' k • c M your needs Al. 964-71175 Xlnt IOC•I rtll Prol. -------- or 5111-17711 bright. nappy, energetle Found· Silky Terrier F. ----------1 non·smkg l•dy will u 1111 30% discount on S 14.000 you 11 hlkpg, govemeu, TO. Out 36 mo• S&t tie trrenda. parly planning per mo A1klng 191100, Cpreperelserve), cneuf· _84iiiiiti-i44i09iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.:lliiiiiiiiiil leurlng. comp1n10n • .IUlllE 11f..toll ht' hll •••• LtMI I let mortgege(llngledlglt Put your .C-11111ng ,,__ r•t•l 11g1 where the rNdera A·Aeflnanoe Hlgn Nolt ., •. 6-42-68711 B-8111 contolldallon C·Prepare fOf Chrl1tmu D·2nd Balloon coming • due. 15 yr pay term IV•ll • (114) 114-1141 • Aaymand J. Tllu• For Ille. aged 2nd TO on • N.B. home. $31,500 lace • valve. reduced 6K 1n- nuaHy. Best otter or 26K. • 844-8&64 • Clulllfled m•ku 11 u •y Turn your unusables into usable cash. Call Daily Pilot classified 642-5671. Compare before you buy • 642-5e78 --------'=~=· sec\\~~ -0, £z.;s· -i..cu.•• ~ •r=~-~::: ..... ......... _ _.._. I soouor r 1 r 1 .... .... ~ ......... o_R __ c ... u__,s.--11 . 1 . 1 r 1 r . r_T_R_l~6_S _ _.1 7 l You -no• you h•v• pr~ I II r I I blen'I• •hen YoU live n••I 10 the alrl)Olt end Ille Mlghl>o<• ... ,--E-N_Y_K_l._E_....,I c:ompl•ln •bcwl --. ' I I I I I' e ,_ ........ '""'t"' q_.., . . . . . . -~"T . .:.::., ~"1' .::!' A "lNI NUMl!ttO r V lllllU !N R!AllS rr rrrrr1 11 •1111 MUll·LIT11Mwtnlallmlfltatte1llll \ Classified works for you when you want to I Harbor Ridge, N B .. Sept 28, PM. 760-9575 Loal M Siamese cal. blue eyea, flea coll•r. decla· wed. ana to LeRoy. Emerald B9Y. Lag. Sch. 494-5&81, 667-1336 LOST CAT. crH m Per· ttan. Male, REWAADI Bayside OrtCdM are• 759-8033 LOii F tortotM aneu cat wl spht ear ... Turtle ... SA HglS 548·2696 evs LOii Redhead Parrot tr· vine area Herlla¥e Pt PleaM C•ll Jim 85 ·5692 Found • Young BurmtM Cal vie Edinger & Irle. F V 775-7128 Found · 9-26 German Snorl haired pointer. m•le, Yi<: Bolaa Chlc:e & W.,ner H,8, 846-4252 Found vie of 18th & S•nta An• Pomeranl•n male dog 9/211. 6-45-3767 Found Sprn\gtf Span M, nr T•lt>e•t & Busnerd. F v 962-7347 evs Found Thurs 9123 grey malt c:et. Ilea COll•r. VIC Irvine. 652-7500 Found. kev-. on r•mp or Harbor Blv:a\ S1111 Diego Fwy 962-3 ,,,, .. ,,, 5'SI •....•.•.............. UllA I YICll .. PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUT CALL 24 MAS Hl.0201 *** ltl11ti1 Parlor Open 24 hrs e d•y 1 d•ys • weell Jacuu l. S•una. Loc:•ls aa well •s Tou ritts B•nkAmorlcard, Amerl· can Exptess. Diners AU welcome 714/645-3433 2112 Harbor Bl CM Oencert for Bachelor I Bac:holoretle P•rt1e1 738-11538 Of 558-8538 ...... , ..... , ,.. .. converseoon wftn B•rbl MCIVIH 24 hu 638-0701 COEDS -Would love IO party wiyou C•ll Sue or K•tny anytime (213) 63 4 -4571 . (7 1 4 ) 527-71116 lllHUH PllS 645-3646 W•rm & tntelllgent w/m 36. av111 tor comp•· nlonahlp lor 1.•nerous tadtes l(en 40 ·5718 Ol•mond Wanted W iii Buy I c:.,at from prlv•te party, cesn 631 ·9276 ,,,,,.,, S.nitll SJIO ...................... AT YOH lllYIOI Ptraon11. quellfled com· p•nlon drivers tor your day to dey errand• Shoppi ng, doctor's 1pp11. cnurch. etc All need• met By hour or d•y. 494·5857 -ltiHll I ,.,,,atli .. 1IOS .•.................... LEARN HOW THE CO· SMOS WORKS! Ac:cre- dlltd Sc1tnce of Mino CIH• In Coat• Meu Sl•r11 lhur1 Ocl 7·7PM Phone 12131 431-1595 write/Info Box 1614, Coe11 Mela. Ce 92626 ~.f!~!!! •••••••••• Jth WHIH 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Youn;a married men wlll do ~·• llandy. WOtk. Call evt1 & wkendl, 972-9628 Pan lime eec:rt11rlal ~·­tlon wenteO 111 NewpOf't Center 12-3 Oaya wk). , .... I CCUrltt, dtpen• dable. •ln1 baetlground. 142,1321, ppr wHk Oen111I led Elf'C TRO N1C ASSCM gtr, llUll, payroll ll•el, BLEA I vr U Per tn •••o hllVI aonlACI• •IKt•oote IH4Hnbly, In Srn111 bul o•owtnu com-clud. 101derlng, color piny with banellta Send CO<.le a 1c;hem•1tc rH• •Hume 10 Htrnl••l Ty· ding Oood oen41t111. CM POGr11t1h•t1, 18017 Sky trea C1ll 1141&40·4?93 park Chcte. Irvine. Ca 0?714 llHITlllll UlEI Enlry levol po1t11on Mu1t be w•ll groomed People par1on p,.1 college grad C tll Jud y 859·7000 AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR E•per Apply ltvtnt Cl ubh o use , 1PM·4 30PM. Uk for Ju11tn, 764-7500 &ElllltG WHlllT IHTllHTHI Prol expr needed AP· ply 1n ~raon 10·5 dally at Body Bu11ne11. 1777 Newport Blvd Co•ll Mesa .t.n~ Serv Pitnl Off N B PBX awllChbrd eapet only need 1pply 3· 11 &hilt 64 1-55 11 Apl Manager. Handyman & wile ror Coa1a Mel8 complex, over 40, apt lncld 676·0447 ATTENTION GUYS & GALS TRAVEL FEMALE n .n Yll Travel 10 Cabo '31n LUCH & At apulc:o. Me· •ICO. IOr 4 5 moe Spend wtnlor, llve tn my beach 11on1e1 All oxpen1e1 P••d Rtou1remen11 1po•k Sp•nl1h & help dtlve S. • c:ompenton, your own bdrm & bttll No M• or 1nvolvemen1 I am 1 4 5 yr male w / phy11Cll hlndlc.p (•ble 10 c.re tor my.ail) & r• quire eomeone to tr•v•I wltll me l eave bet Ocl 20 & Nov I & return In M aocn M o ri G reen . 645·9 137 FINANCIAL ANALYST For growing lnvealmenr Managflmment Co, Ae· qulr115 relaled COLLEGE d&gr&e(1). 8 yoar1 bu111 noas e:.per wllllng 10 !ravel. nlghly motivated 11111 at a rt er. unusually elrong 1n1e11eci1ual c:urlo- 111y non-smoker Excel· lent Wiiiing ability, willing to make a commllmenl Componu11on 10 $36. 000 and excellent t>ene· loll lor the right person If vou are not 1he 1>es1, please tell your emar1HI Ht-pro hes 1mmtd ope-uncn•llenged Ir land n1ngs lor 20 aharp guy• & about us Reply tn conlt· gals, free to travel coHt dence to Co41tn5 .AS$0C 10 c:OHI S111gle. 18 & 567 San Ntcolas NB over Free 10 star1 1m· 92660 med Wtll be demonalrl· GENERAL OFFICE ting n-producl 2 wk1 pd H•tntng ive1age Hr-Imm Opening •v•ll . nings $300 per wk & up PIT Hrs fleatblt. no e•p C•ll 750-8955 or apply nee wm train Contact 12 192 Chepman Ave Arlene 556-3 1_10 __ _ Garden Grove -IHEUL WFICE IHYSlnH Sh•rp person lor lron1 Need "Nanny .. 10 l>ll>y ofl1ce Typing, llllng & sit 8 mo old parl ttmo lleavy phones~7~ Deya and Nights In my General Ol flco. lyplng, homo appro• 2S h" per light bkkg, M•lure, Opp· wk 548-0614 ly for expanded posl1ton BABYS TTEA I I , Submit resume 10 1011 I in 111 0 Brloso Drive Ste 111 tnlant. luU or part-lime. C M 92627 Mon-Frt 8AM·5 JOPM , own l•ansp. refs req GEN OFFICE lu11.11me, 559-1859 bookkeeping. oung. lite IHYllTTH Frt-Tuea 6 mo & 7 yrs Prefer our home, EIS1de C M $60/wk 63 1-5426. B•nklng PUT /TIME TtWI Expeflenc<ed Of wOlll'\g 10 1ra1n quelllled ondtvlduat with caShlOltng & typing eaper,.nce Con1ac:1 Rey M oaler. 569·4493. for N-port Beach branch Equ•I Opportunity Em· ployer So Calltornla S&L B•nkmg FILL/TIME HUH E1tcellenl oppottun•IY lor exper(enctd person In •llr K llYll S9\ltng• & IOan lmmedtalt opening of· lert 11.,led dull•• Or•nge Coest Savings & Loan. 1700 Ad•ms . Coeta Mo111 Cati Linda. 754-1801 EOE BAA Ba• help needed In the To-rs Restaurant In the Suri and Sand Holel. L B Bartendet, d1y ehlft, Exp prol'd and Cocktail waitress/ waiter. Eap pref'd Appty to Palr>ak Beck 497-4A77 B1hngual 1nstruc11on•I aldn V1t1ous 1a11gu•go· s Temporary. "on cell" baatt, $4 34/ hr Apply Irvine Unified Scl'IOOI Di· slrtct, 2941 Allon, Irvine 556-4900 IHHHPH/nrtST typing , hvy phones 15 50 to st•rt. Cerlllled Appl1•nce 642-0240 GOVERNMENT JOBS M•ny posluona avallebte on U 5 & OverM•S FOf [)jrec:tOf'y (312) 1188-4347 Est E·91 Hot Rooltrs wanled Call B o b or Ne ville •I 642·7222 IHIHPll-LfYE·ll Fun c:h•rge tor NB wa· te<ln nm & Fem mu&t spic Eng own car. rel 642·5001 HOUSEKEEPER Ltve·ln, lor fl tl'ler & 6 yo boy. rm & board + tale· ry Nonsmkr Must drove 675·3793, 523-4920 IHIUll Parson to do 1ron1ng your home Call alter 5 PM & wknds 5411 -2872 or 557-6689 .lt•tlry Sales Ptn•• P•rt lime-lull lime ••CJ Jewelry ··••rttr• 3400 VII Opor1o S·2 Newport B ea c n 1173·5658 llTCIH HLP Only uper need apply On-JJne e•pertenoe AP· ply bet 1-3. The Blue Beat Cele 107 'l 1al Pla- c e Newport Beach 675-3333 Mon·Wed-Frl elternoon· L&gll ~retery s Must be able 10 do E•l>4!f·d needed fOf UIQ payrOll CdM 955-3004 Ben Atty. Pl Plaonllll "••E ior-•T-Crlm1n•I. compe1111ve sa--"--.,. rary (714) 497-1769 Eaper or '"''-· p111me Laguna Beach 497-21110 LltlH CUlll CIEf WllH Mat11rt person. recent tAPt11tnc• preferred French kitchen uper Fulllllmt . nignll. l)etml· C•ll 540-7092 ef1 101m ntnl pos111on Apply In CHILD CARE • Help mo· l)etson alter 3pm 2937 lhet In htf home 2 Chll· E CoHt Hwy, C~ dren (6 mos. 4 yra) wk-L I 0 u 0 R c L E R K I days 9-S 731-0175 Irv bond8t:lle. mature ell· OUSUHll AIMS Subttltult t:ll-ltngual c1a11room aide• (Sp1nl11h) needed by Huntington BHch City SchOOI pt1trlci. S5 67 lhr Written letl to be given Ocl 6 Apply 20451 Cralmtr Lent H B per Cell 963·5115 U&I lfFIOHS Aggressive Newport BHoh firm seeks moll· veted 1ndlvidu111 T errt- 1or1e1 open Mutt have R E Lie HerbOf•Paolflc 955-0073 _964 __ •8_8_8_11 _ --_ Loan Oflleer ::lerk:•I ftHflil f.UtJ Good 1yp1ng 1klll• IO• ••rti~• Ot.,alJ detell oriented work Brokerage firm upe-Looking or 4-6 exper rlenc:e pret·d Call profe11lon•l1 We •P•· 644·9111, ut 202 Of 239 c1e11ie In new l>fOQreme, M-F bel"""n 10 am • t I t GMP/ARM, GEM, 191 & 2nd T0'1 pm CeN JOl'ln Cu~k COOk 964-9000 Night COOk, Con11nen111 AESIOENTIAL cooking Ecper Prtfd, MORTGAGE SERVICE Contact Aich 01 M•rlt . ••ANAGE-;;--T ---momlnQI 497-4441 ,.. " ravel agency PARfNEAS 81$TAO Top ... plut lncen1 Sa· Llgune Beach l>ef ComPlllOlt fOllowlng ---req 'd C all t:ltlore OlllllLHI t 30AM wkoY• W«tnd1 P.ople ,,..Old 10 tr•ln & tYM 7 141974-3038 u CounttlOrt 10 eld MASEUSSES • Good Ot'-• In dl1l1tu or with w orking cond1 Oooo problem• Thll new pay. llAM-12 nOOf1 2112 1tchnlQut r11u1t1 In • Hubor , Coeta Me11. well end h•PPY per1on. (7141145·94!13 All welcome to apply. - Contact: Dlenetl01 Cenl· Mii~ Fem. llvt In com- er. 714-0121 bttwttn pinion hou1tltetf•' t :30 AM Ind 10:30 PM Mutt drive. 721.04 1 Mon lnru '''· Sit ft130 aa...u-ll •--t..a AM4:30~ --· , Ot 0.ll'lllOlclQlll. ti.ell •IZIH ., olfloe • Hper pref'd, P8" tllM, Molt tlWOUQtl N•-.o<t Cefll9'. I Ml Plrt, 11 AM 10 I PM, d•VI W... 14CMI01 =oi.111 c::°"'M.:!0 ao. ~ "" o«1111tled ae1t tor -------· tM .......... '" .,.,.. Ch Ted Ml M1·7•7 l'fttfll tentelll. 142·M71 }. r f I I I C4 Orange Oout OAU.Y PILOT/8aturd1v1 Ootob« a, 1M3 ~'!!!~·-e •••••••••••••• 1 ~~!!~!!1!!~1 .......... 1f!!!'!!~1. ••••••••••••• HAULING QRADINO Mladl• 1ge couple Wiii INTll!l(T PAINTING fmln.flmtm ..... ~<·~ .......... . lOWIQ ~."egee 3 & up, f!!'!!!'!l.~f!!l! ..... jtt!r!!l.l!f!!r. ....... 19!!1.'.-.'!A ........... . o .. ptt11tl Pillo work 1 AT Y• SlllYIGI Ullllllll WUTll f!~!'!~!~I. .......••.•. ,.,,., •••••••••••••••••••••• . er iv Ktll. cM. 66e·3822 ~ 84 P D PIT 'MOIWll, ~ bef ltll "'" detlQn l.o PtlOH P1r1on11, Qutlllled clrl· Mow1110. edging, 11k1ng, Xlnl 1111. (97.7354 ver1 tor your dty 10 day 1w11pfng Free H\lme demolitio n, CIUll·UP hOUIHllJ ,.,. & WALLPAPlRINQ Cbntr•t• & 11• r•mov•I 043·068g Cu11om work ''" 111 Afl Afl PLUMl!INO I H11llng, •PtCIOllllng '" rep11u 6•11· 1881 8t>l11 Contumng, •Ylllfl'll trOVl>I• .hoollOQ. PoOI•. hOt. wit, ap.Ct htllll)Q Nalurll g11, aerll{lultl!On 1e nere Opllrnlll you" ,yalem. elfiellf'ICY Alto ntw 1nt11U1t10111 lie 40!1~44 63 1-?430 al'• ALL you pe~ 'Uttd•y• ' Th11r1oay• 30 f~~·.... Atlllbl• Mother, my C l fll -tttend• 8hopp1no, cir 11• 846·51S7 • !!t!'!.! •••• ~......... •PPI•. Churcn, •IC All Quick "'v 80-71138 llll••tl Att• Steve 647·4281 PAOP SERVICE ••••••• •••••••••••••• HARBOR PAINllNO H Ill 1•1-1121 .. -home, 3 Of 4 yeer Old In ' , ll&e.1114&. l<Uch bttll• 9"1rl9• t1•1d1' met By nou1 01 c:u11om & comm day 494·~8!17 FrM Ml. 640·2'0el FIN~STKINO GAROCNINO CIMn UPI em l•ndecep1t1Q, mon1n1y molnl Nell 64:1·67911 H111ll7 • wrd CIHn up BRICKWORK 8~ll jObl Ouell;r work Fr .. tll. ' ~l)Ofl, Cotta MeM, C '"f" 6 .... OulGk cleen Fr" "' lrvlnt 'A4tla 876•3175 all a 89fn, u ... luv Welt' H .. I., 8pec;l1ll 24 hr plumb« etc ~!!~J!~l~t .......... . lllLY l•ll••• 1-triff1 Pl.IT •••••••••••••••••····· Ci11' C•t1 --!'!~!!! ............. . e73·0!l49 -Cuttom OrlCllC 81one O t riii""PAllTlll HAULING • 1111den1 h•• 91oek·COflC•tlt·Stucco 26 )'fl e~p. Uc 4'03l4 I ' JD Ho1n R•llr,ltl>lllO AnllQUH, kll cebln111. fine p11nt1ng. 645--0684 ~I!!~~!!!! •••••••••••• .... ...ll&ll llMtTHY OP 9uelneu "Oocltor" •••••••••••••••••• •••• Ohlldc1re wkcfyl, CrtO DAYWALl.I ACOUSTIC Rtpllra. aml job 1peo I t yre ••P· Bud 552·0682 MAINT & DCSION Oberlin L1ndac1pe S•rv Wrllten l\greemenl on lg• lruck Low"' rett Aele flree 111. 649.9492 Bonded Ina. R1f1. Color Prompt. Cell 759· 1978. ••Ptfl 983·0911 Diel\ 8 LRVICC & RC.PAIA V•n 0 091111 St•v"t Co 838-46Cll 00 IT NOWI ... .., ..... Your Delly Piiot s.rviot DlrlO'tOfy Bookll 01t1/W01d Proc.ulng IH cher Org1nl1td aoll· vlllOI C M 846-4657. mo maim 644-1246 Well ltKIUIOl•ACOUlllC -, -Tfle~k !ou, John llnl•• CtEAN·UPS. OAAAOES, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-lOLIOAY PAINT TIMEI lt•-'tlJ8• l f1u/1 80 Min on·tllt vttll $60 eJllrl llm. l 26hr (714) 845-6970 Chll<J cm by Hp'd mo- lher, M·F, nr '•lrvtew & Adami, C M. 079-7365 Hing· Tape-Sleet llUd• Olr<lllill\Q, L1naacaplng, Lie 389944 t-63'-~6411 yAtd m1lntenance. ci..n II 1 i I -ups, 11ee trim & remo¥al •• !!'.!!!•••••••••••••• Ftee etllme1e1 ln1urtKJ ELEC f RICIAN Priced G42·4889 ANYTHING! CAl.L •&·1 llftlll• RANDY 642·7847 Top Quality SpeGlal Ctr• 23 yra AllO odO jobl & ••••••••••''~••I'•••••• 1epelt1 Bruce 972--0 I t8 "'' ...•...•.....•......•. Aepr ...... 1.11~ llllllUAMIHI l tOlmonthly 851-1342 c., ... ,, •. ~~~~~~~~~~!···'"·-···'············· .,._.11_ CUSTOM wood pellO co-•• ••••• :":"A••••••..... ,_...,, decks & fence• by Ml·IHI, tat. U2 800t<l<EEPINO SERV. RANDY 641-<>e22 Locel woman w lfl do Ftnllh & rough carpentry. bklepg. '°' your butlnel1 ceblnols, rm addlllona Of penonet, 541-8272 846·1228 ~•11#.J C•Ul••I Remod & Rep11r1 Free ••••••••••••••••.W•••• Mt LO rat ... Oeckl. pa-~ed:~·tt:i' 110 Steve 752-9556 13().. 1800 free M llmet ... C•t•I 1-nitt ........................ j•••l••n Shempoo & steam Clean ._.,,..••••••••••••••••••i Color brlghlonera. wh1 Art-Anttqu.e-Jewelry crpts • 10 min bleach Appt1IM a Llquldtlo Hall. llvl dln rma S Iii, avg MlctlMI Hein 953--0717 room $7 50. couch $10, ~~~ .....•....... chr $5 Guar allm pet odOt Crpl rep1ir Iii yrs exp Do work mysell Rell 63 1--0 10 1 Orlvewlyt, Pltlllng LOI Repajra, Seateoallng. S6S Aaolllt 631·4t99Llc No Steam/No Shampoo Stain Speclallal FHI Den H1llbefg Grading dry Free est 839-1682 a Paving eo Aes1com1. ----loving h0tn41. egtl 2 & up. FIT 01 PIT $40/wk. C M Sandy 64 1·4000 deyt rlgnt, tree ea11m111 on E•po1 Garde11111 & clenn lerge or 11m~ll job1. ups TrM trimming Free Lie 396e2 t 873-0359 t!at Peto 64 I IOGe c .. 1,,c1•11 ,..,,., ···········'·········· 11 • .1. l1ff•• I lff Lie 306888 Remodel, Add'na, C1blne11 646-85861645-4644 AOO'NSIREMODELING Plona Llc·a George Pilmer & Son• 646-7 8 14 Masonry, carpentry, con· crete. 1da'n1. lnlleKt re- mod Llc'd 646-0781 STANBUR INDUSTRIES Gen'! con11 Prop1111y lmprov 097· 1811 (8·51 ELECTRICIAN Sml jobl/Repatra lie 233 t08·C· 10. 548-5203 Llc'D ELECTRICIAN NEEDS WORK( Lie. 4 18968 642·8023 RESIOICOMM'LllNO 20 yra Do my own work Uc 27804 I Al 646-8126 ,.,,,.; .. ········"'············ TIEEI Topped/removed Clean up, lawn r0t1ov 751·3476 IJ!.t.0.1!!!~1. •••• ••••••• TllE lllHI SCEIE CUST MIRROR WORK L1wn·trM·tllrub lnatell Showe• & Wardrobe Tree lrlm/removal aoors. wholesale 10 tho Lawn Maln11Ao1011111ng public by 'Low Bid Free osllmala 548·6065 lnsl allallons" 641·8888 Simmons Garatnlng- ~!.~~(!'!~~ •••••••••••• Corpenlry • Cat>lrllll Plumb • Orlln Cleaning Elec1r1ca1 • Tiie Reis Don 966·0 149 Gen contracl'g, ma1n1 plumb. repair, pelnt'g, moblll home aervrce Jim 536-09571536-3684 JACK OF-All TRADES Call Jack anytime, day or nlgnt 671i-30 t4 llOIE llPllOYEIEIT REPAIR • PLUMBING Carpentry, olec:, tHo Aee OSI Rua 645·2811 ----28 YRS EXP DUNHAM HOME IMPROVEMENT I Remodel·repalra-lenclng 01ec:1r1ca1-p1umblng , 631-8053 anytime ---- F1mlly Of 8 Wiii htlll IWly yov1 Old junk. 1r1mmlng1, 110 '"'· 1lllc .. n1 wo1k, 8'7·3039. ~~!!!!!~~~!!I •••••••• ROBIN'S CLEANING 8erv1Ce -'a lhOI oughty C:l9111 hOUH li40·0857 Joan'• Cleaning Ser~ HOUllli·APIS·Rtnltlt Oflk:H 540-1287 TIRED OF HASSLES? Ouallly cleaning help 11 hOrel Reis 960-7452 HOUSECLEANER Good rels NB & l•v1110 prel Glad~s 541-0702 Bochelor's Haec:leanlng & Laundry Serv Kareh, 540·26 t6/850-0692 HOUSECLEANING Honell & Dependeblt Brenda 962·2690 Expertise HO<Jsekoopong Wo furnish vacuum & supplies Kitty 641-4970 In handllng 26 yr• ••P Compellllve A11e1 No overllmt 730·1353 ·ABC MOVING---- Q11ICk, Careful ServlGe. Low "'"· 552-0410 ST ARV ING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Uc T 124-436 ln1u1td 64 t ·8427 WA rCM US GROWi /rl•lit 1. ...... ••••••....•.......•... CHAMBER MUSIC Lessons 101 lht Novice wl I Or more ytS exp VIOiin ViOlll or cello AllO hm1tod openings tor pvt study, 1nc1 beginning cello Ju1111ard gtac! Reis Cull Su .iin 1 6pm 552-4697 l•i•liH ·······'·············· FllH PAllTlll by Richard Sinor Lie 280644 13 yrs of happy local CUSIOffiflrc. Thank yuu 631·4410 r~~~,~~ ............ . r1rthlng Interior Detlgn HANOINGISTRIPPINO Vl1a-MC Scoll 645·9325 ASR PAPERHANGING 1 yra Ioctl Hp. Ou1r work PrlcH 11111 al 18/roll Alec 75 t· 7027 Paporh1nglng, tlrlpplng, I patntlnp ~Int work. lg or &mall Jobe, ru1on1bl1 rates • Rela Free HI Brendan 968-74t'7 MlTICUUUS llOlfS ..-.HOMC llEJ>AlltS ltCMOOllS ... ult IT lif RVIC£ • C11111nlty • plutnb1111 etltc1rical J 1n11"4d c11ptnlty eclool• •ntold1n11 •ob1ncu ~nt ft11trh to ll'•lt door SOflftll 811 or \mill '"' do 11 Ill , UI tttocotnt W!tVICt ?O ,,, np l1ctm #8357651 9Sl-6067 CUSTOM CERAMIC Tll-E WORK-FrM .. , Chl.rck 675·6100 evff ftH l11rit1 . ..............•...... ....... llll--"Tr• Woril with e Con- I Cllnce" Trlrrtmlno a remove! by Howard Dol- 1011 p 0 . BOK 3•. Cott• Mua. Ca 92627, Ph. 642·1032 $LOW RATES S Jolly C11c11111e11 Prol Tree trlm /remov, claan Wallp&perong & s1tipp111g R 1. ups mowing 554 70 17 00 ••• Many references .Paul • •••••'•• •••••• ••• •• •• , TitOtiH 857·0 118~ Hube.r R.c)otmg·all typos •••••••'•••••••••••••• 0 I , II I New reaove1 deck• I Mu$1 eubjecle, K· 14 1111 ty ••tr H& It& lie "4 I t80:i! 548 9734 011yleve $5 & S tO/ht Suzanne 979 4Sf 5 645 5116 ROOF PROILDI? I Mr Morgan • !!/.~~-~!~~!~!....... Oont rerool repa11 al I Wi1t,OW Cltui•f *•BRYANT'S** lractoon ot lhll cos1 Ca111 •••••••••••••••• ··~·· Lee 857 2890 Let the Sunsnont In Wallcovorong Removal Call Sunshine Window All typos 642 1343 ROOFING REPAIRS I Cleaning, lid 548-8853 P•tio Covtll Small 1ob11 o k tree esll· 20% Monthly Oipcount •• •••••••• ••. •. •••.... 1na1es Call Tom & Chuck Lie 397SO. 842· t7 KURT'S KARPET KARE Ovallly wor11 Reis RESIOENTT'AL:!NTOE· 1 Cln·ups, lewn care. lull SIGNER Furn arrange-comm & roskl m111n1 ment. color schemes Free es1 648-6684 .,,,Wff4 ,, .. ,, ScanainavHln woman loo· OUAUTY WORK neat, k i ng tor housework •eas honest Reis lie exp'd & 1081 li48-6027 · 287 107 Dave 964-1045 CUSTOM wood pollo CO· 542-6392 vo•s. de<.k$ & tenct1s by S RANDY 64 1·0622 CIUltl .••....•.•............ 11111ex1 Res1e11comm'I Free es1 20•1. monthly discount 644-4798 ...................... ~!!!!?!1!••••••••••••• Free est. 49•-1429 AUTO ACCIDENT? Clllfli•t. No recovery • No tee. ·i'f•••• •••••••••••••• ~5•2066 OI 752-0322 1 Landscaping Malnttn•n· D.•tllit I ce, Lewn & ~arden care. •••••••••••••••••••••• clean up Ken Jones. HARDWOOD FLOORS Beaulilully cleaned ana wuod 832-4881 II ybo need a ho;-sekeeper 88 lussy es you ere. coll 673-8890 Xlnl rela Atl'y Kottrulh 848-4375 CHAMPENOISE Fine Celerlng In tho old '4~Jltl•• world tradition 645-9858 •KATRINA'S LIVE-IN 538·1610 ref's. llskprs, dally maid Htv, ------ office cle•n1ng. crpt GARDEN WORLD ~~~!~·"·············· DUMP JOBS Custom H~ Cleaning & CompJ Maid Sorvrce Prof • Bonded • 1n1'a . UNICLEAN SYSTEMS ••• -h ••••••••••••••••• --------- M1ture llcenHd babystt· C••••I ICHtlflf cleaning 835·2 t 16 Full Service Gardening Zoe Be<naJ 646-2922 & Small Moving Jobs Call MIKE 646· t391 ter tor day working mo-. •••••••'•••••••••••••• tllera only. Mon-Fri. In· Cement-Masonry·Bloc:k fant1 lo 3 yr1. $55 wlcly. Walll-Cust wQr11 Loe 842--0728 ,381057 Rob 547·2883 HSKPRS a MAIDS LIVE-IN HRLYIWKLY Viejo Servtctt Agency Llc'd /bondtd 973.9000 of Nwpl Bch 850~ 1200 ClaHllled Ada 842-5678 K&D Landscape Malnt Hauling & yd claan-up ReSld/Comm Cle1n·up Tree 11tmmlng. garage Liie naullng. fi48·2480 clean-up. Bob 850-9844 !•!1..'!.~'!!. ••.• !.~!f ,. .. ,l..'!~J!!. •••• !.l.'!! !.'!1..'!f~.'!!. •••• !.J.f!! blif.HI 1005 11e41111 .......... RMtau,an1 TELIPlllE •••• ••••••••••••••••• ·~ '; ...... ..,=.~~°"" Front office fOf t ph)'ll-Meyerhot's . Pr1m1ry SlllCITHI ORIENTAL FURN I cien omc. Typing bll· Suppli.t or good food to Hutch w1g1u1 aoor•. 11...,, IKl)lftence. wittco-the Irvine Corporalo Work Evon1ng1 In N-· oval coffee 1able'& 2 rna m;RN'I . Full time, eata-Community needs. an port Beach Last WHIC end llbles. All w / ~. • . --e ,~WN~ . ',,, ,--.t•. ry ,...,.,..1_ 840•41i89 atltr llilllualasllO, respon11ble our lop person put In 24 c arvings o f people & · .....-1 1 hours and brougllt homo d r a 0 o n 1 s t o o o 8 emp oyee or counter S395 Call 833-3740 alt-... ~= : .. ~r~;" .. ·t=-~ # . HIH, food prep, ana 1 PM -1·828-3313 •SUY Pfllll dellvertu M -F, 8·3·00 ----- .. ·~ . ·~· '7 l ~ ~ ~ OAltAOI SAU ADS HOW 1 ' ~ ) , \ Full/time Eaperlenced. pm Good drMng record TV COMMERCIAL Ikeda Nur~. C M. Call nec:.ossary IOI dellvtrlff CASTING COMPANY for appl. 645-5782. Call M IF alter 1 pm Interviewing reli able ----------1 557·6232. people tor background, NurSlng I f LVN '°' bulW blek ottlGe RETAIL SALES non-spell~ ng parts. or 1 commorc1111s such as FIT. 557-3242, Ask for E11per vlaeo sales per· p o tato chips, duigner • Joan Smith son, wage. comm & be· 1 pants. sw1mwar1 {gooa lfFIO(/C&Sllll n •I 11 s C •II V •I 1 "o tan) etc No Hperlence 642-1944 required Bw appl onty Wiii haft dlverN duties. ' Including credit opere-l&LEl/C .. •i11ietl 21318-46-8083 nnun11 0 C Magazlnt1 publlthe< seeks o~rator lor Com- pugraph1c Ed1lwr11er Must have production. past&-up sklHs C.n (714) 497 • 1727 for lntervt.w tlon•. bkllg, and direct Unique l1dy'1 clolhlng deellno• wftll the publlc. store seeks energetic: II· bper. not nee., wllllraln. d 1t1 w II h 11 a Ir Io r Full range of company leahlons and modellng 1>enellt1 evell. Contact exper helpful Apply In Mr. M cOe rmoll, et peraon Alexia N1tu111 &«-1380 Futllons 260 For .. 1 St IUWIOl'S .arwnns I Laguna Beech 497-4777 -"11l IPIRATH Pll'I time general ottlee. W.s/Mttfac Brokerage firm has 1m- 1yp1ng 45 wpm, good Earn up 10 S 1500 per med open IOI •-per wire phone manners. Cell mo Part llme Mull be ope<ator. hrs 6·2 30. sa-- 898-9582. mature 559-9043 Leave lary commen1ura10 w/ PUT Tm Menage e111)ef For appl call. He- Plrt Time. Ideal IOf per-SALES Order desk IOI wel I e n M c G I n I e y eon wlftl IChool cnlldren. su11 mfr Accurate typing ~4-644-2292 ---- No h p r. nee Approx a gd phone m1nner a #flt•••'i'* t .11m / 3pm. 8 aakln· must Start Sal al $780 •••••••••••••••••••••• Robbins Ice Cream Slo-Call for lntrvw. 642· 1912 A.lif.••• . IOOS re. N. 8. 87S.t 191 M .. f •••• •••••••• •••••••• • ~11.lJ!!'.~~! •••••• I.~!! CLAIS.,110 H' CITYI ., '· 111 llLOW HARBOR AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE We sell recond . guer 1pphancea 549-3077 C•r••• ''' "" 855 Oa1rell. 9-2 Set only, I •• ' ··PLIU".,I §pec~o~iToo7"J"o8"~n ~~~' ol MISCOllaneoua I "" ~ Spygl111 All amenities. Les _ 957·81~ $1750 mo 759-1015 2078 Pomona CM S111 Westter-Dryer·Relrlg Salesm•n's umples 9-5 South of Ham111on 01shwuher-Freeze< tools 8 equip . plus misc Loll ot goodies Xlnl cond 646-5848 Greonhouae window. Kng waterbed. aquariums Freezer, llko new, chHI CB . luggage. watcl'IH, 100, 55 & 26 gal Incl lllh type S250. speaker• MUCH MORE Table, chaira, Infant· 549-9t47 Oct 2·3 1614 Sanlanet· edull clolhoa knick ta, 9, 1 kn8ci<s toys moac 1399 Ull IEFlll. UIO Shannon 6• 1·O1 •0 9·5 Slde·bY·ald• 548-7044 Mulli·lamlly . moving Sat/Sun M any Items Set-Sun 8-2 t2' Upright lreezer 1100 PM 510 '"' NarCIHUt Piil PTY 6.000 1q II Auna liken-. 546-3375 GARAGE SALE Fn-Sun Collecllon ol Unique & ----Antique furn & decor•· Maytag Bronze w11her Corner Marigold, Sea-IOI Items Ron Otc:k 843 and dryer S275. Good view CdM Allor 101m w 15 1 h s 1 , c M working con_d_760-63 tO please ----S48-0 135 19-5 s11 s Whlrlpool Weal\er, run• g oo d , $6 5 . dys 675·8 170, OV 964·3375 Meytag Gas Dryer, avo- c ado grn S81i. dya 671i-8170. ov 964-3371i Furn wicker sola, p;clu· only) 1 res. toots, misc 272 t 5tn H••li• lo• IHd Ave CdM. Sat/Sun 12·5 •••••• .f ••••••••• ••••• c........ --Clothes, b<>Okl. cc Skit ·••••••••••••••••••••• bo o t s. p otes, m isc llLllAJ 10062 Theseus Or HB Permanent pert time cuhler. counter & 1111 food prep. peraon tor buly family owned sand· wlcf\ Shop near So. C1t Plaza. O to 2 Mon thru Fri. Phone &4 t-8209 ldr appt. ...... IE (off Broolehurst al ln<J••· s.tesc>e<son & C8111141r WESTMINSTER Admiral Dbll Or Frtg l ..... napo4111 Sal/Sun 9.4 No Sundeys, No Nlghlt A8BEY Freezer No !Jelroat, OCT I Hours 9·30 lo 6 ANTIQUE MALL $150 841-1549 llAM . 9PM REINERT'S 11751 Weslmlnatet Ave L&dy Kenmore Wllh4W & Oct 2, 3, 9·5 18 t6 Newport Blvd. CM GARDEN GROVE elec aryer, xlnl cond, Helloween1Thankeg1Ylng 554.et03 S300 87,_5759 Chrlstmu & Easler Jrri•• l&lll · Knit, cloth. crocl'l11 •••••••••••••••••••••• PUBLISHER SEEl<S Dy-Relrloerator wl lcomaker. Items. Bisque decore-GARAGE SALE Fri 10-I nemlc S1lesperaon wl s12S lions. ornamenll, !lo· Ser 10·2. tots of goodHHI' PEST CONTROL opera· h'°'Y p,tione & cto1lng *~'* 964·2794 -·· Tole pe1nting, P0t· 0-.4pm 6 Cornwellla Irv IOf, knowtedot Of pl11nta expr $35K potential Sal allT .. 11 fall te111n dolls. much more a Insect l.d. recfd. Wiii & comm , bonel11s -•"' SIS DllYEll 33022nd S1.Cost1Mt11 llllUIE "••LE train. 1900·11 tOO mo 1136-9692 Antlquea & Coltecilblel Sp on 1 o r o d b y The .. Lloyd a Nu r1ery , FLEA MIDKET s75 96<'·2794 P laste r Sh o p. Coau SAT. llU 10·• &46-7«1 SaleS llmlEIT M Retrtgs. Wuhers. Dryers Mesa Camino Plaza, Walnut & PllTillll IPUY N-·UHd Mlftl'landlso Many 10 chooae from AITltlH I Jiii-Jellrty Clothing, t11111c:t. -•-.... LC>O«lng for 111tr1 lnco-S... hf, J, f·S.. Guar S 100/up 859-0682 antiques lr111ne Church ~·-me? Try Part-Time Salel Los AlamllOI Race track APPLIANCES 3 family~.,~ .. ,. 382 of ChrlSI (EJcterlor) atrong back-al the PENNYSAVER. Info 905-t2341905-n09 Closing warehouae. re-Walnu1 all un 9.3 ~~~~~~~~~ orounct wtttl experience 1680 Plecentle A ve, lr1g1. wasoera. dryer•. all EITATI uu ,,. • I reqW'lld, PCdeelfe 10 obt· Cott• Mesa. Alie 1°' Mrs AM OAK China Ceblnel 11 cost GG. Appl 13t91 Liv rm lurn, newly uphol •• ,.".!~ •••• a.t. ••••••••• etn PCOI A ~-White T I LI . Harbor BI v d G 0 I sola dbl "-d I'" cop· Garage •.•le Tllur• lhru Good benefit• with oro-s-..... rlple bOW g aas. on I • "" • " s F I K wl located 1 -paw 1 I e g 1 s 1 SO O 537 -6333 Open Sun 114 pert one retrlg frost tree un urn lure, lngstze ' lr~n~P'::e•• Cl ~ llPPl'IMllT 840-5443 11·4 2 French Pr 0 011 che1ti bdrm aet. glrf'a bdrm •I doSll w/3 drwra, aasor-p11n11ng1. Clolhet, mite 768-4751. YM llMlll 11ic10tian(71 chairs. 7 Oger Kitchen A•d Otsllw1s/ler1. ltd dlahea plcturea Polled plants & trees Printing WC>fil Pfl, 9 em • 2 pm oak, I w/1tm1, rework-new tac;! demo1. boat plenta, pla~tera. etc' 49•-2522 or 494-2_!60 B<><* pale-up Pfl. Mon. with the Loe Angelea • d . h I g l'I b •ck s moc:IG elS·H Gve over $250 Waid ten k vacuum • I •-" 2 pm lo ..,.,..,0• 8:30 pm, TlmM Cltculetlon T .. m $750/obO 1-628·3313 arden rove Appl Much ~e 2l29 Etd-,,..,_, -•t ........ In ·~ ..... Earn 13191 HarbOI Blvd GG .. ~ ~· ····"················· Tue1, ·t0:30 to approx an hourly wage+ comm. Englllh Vtctorl1n Armorle li3 7 •6333 Open Sun Ave . AP I 2 C M MOVING! 5:30 pm. No ExP«'. Nee, Training provided For wl mlrror. ttllnl1hod, 11•4 845-3387 LOTS OF OOOOIESI Moving Salo 3 Fam11y, 6922 C antS Cr NB, Sat/Sun 9-5PM !!~!!!~!l.tJ!~!~ •...... MOBILE SERVICE Roscroens/New sc1eens NBICM only 642-9552 CRAIG CLEANING CO Res1d1comm I lnl/0111 Screens. m1t1ors Ladder w o rk Owne r o per 646-3089 CUSTOM PAINTING tn1le•I Ros1dlcomm Free 011 Lie 644-4798 15 yr~ exp NBICdM I'm small my prices are small• Ron 673-6'77 EQ'S PLASTERING Neo1 patches. 1nllax1 Resluccos • 645·8258 Wl\al 8 Wondortul World liiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiii of Shopping. right at PLASTER PATCHING your 'tingerllps everyd1yt Restuccos lnllext 30 Dally Piiot Clan1fled yrs Neal Paul 545-2977 Adt To piece your •d. To place your message belore the reading public phone Sell with EASEi II'• a BREEZE Have something to sell? ClaHllled Ad• 642·1i678 Claullled eas ao 11 won. QUEEN OF THE SHOW 6 t H•tl••• Mot:ortacttt _.,,., fty br'Clge. four 1l•l•oam• end ll°'""Y on~ Lovel)' lo iooo. et S.. thlt .-.. .. I ... 1n r"" w.,.., aoe1 t-21111wouon t0-3 uoo Vlfla9e M.,,... Ed Rlctuwdeon H•tterH of C•llfornle Lido VUl-ve t7W711 SHOWCASE \ ........... . YOUR BOAT A Regular Weekly Feature of the Dally Pilot Classifieds CALL Sally Lee 842-5878 call 642-5878 and let 1 Clullfled Ac:l·Vlsor help Da11v Po101 Class111ea. 842·5678 you. H l&h·qu• lty racl'rl eruisl'r' from In an C:omplt'll' redng tnVl'nlOry w/Hood Mila Incl main. 120 & ISO genoas & 51)11\l\akl'r Kenyon 111Slnlments Te;ik d«k & '"'~'nor Fast new ''·ton de1tgn by Eavind Sult. ck'l'!gn4'r of Che f'mnl1r·l', '' ·IOn world rlf't"Ot'd hol~r A n>al '&by Bahl<'· New dHler's demo orten>d II sacnftC'I' prttt Offl'rs & trades C'OtUldeN"d s.~· ,1t l.1tl11 Marm .. litMI Show 1012 &i JU, :1 NORD Y:ACHTS 3700 N.wport etvd .. S••· 303, Newport t.och (7141 673-1 71 CLASSIC WOOD CABIN CIHJSER 1959 Owens 26 •t Gae engine. elngle screw Excellent bright w ork and palnt condition Restored to 100"1. original New upholstery Bollom In top shape Owner needs cash Sacnlice asking $6500. Will consider any cash ofter Call RD Ev.ms 631-8000, 675-8202 ~ P1 "!nysewrc M• t860 d 11a Ii1 c 111 ( 7 1 4 1 com.oletely llned $250 I ' I 10_ MOVING SALEHous;: Fri & Set 0·5: 319 Collon ,._,, • .. ve. · · """' ,,,..,,,1 646-01110 ltlt 11 6 ., St , Newport B11cn .,_,....,~ ••• •••••••••••••• •••• hold 11'"" Appliances, 6•2·4 107 FtH I• FH IOf S f1t•lt•r~ IOSO hnltut 1111 F11•il•tt IOSO P !Tiiie SM Ull.S a.ti~•• st.tw/Salt Ladies J spd European cottec-hbltt. booka. 348 ------•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ltyCNtlncome 8 ..._._, __ for r"""'"t• TodaythruOct 3.lree qu1h1y 1ourlstblke.gooa Cost1Mese S1CM llOllAY F!_.o e I yr o ld L ab **IBUY** Lu11urlousKlng1tze Wtr by dOlng ~ I -....--· ....-d I 1 H 11 1 cond. $40 644-6989 s 1 M hi (h 20392 Bayview S1n 11 n s e brk n /n euterod . 611 brown pleld sofa bed Lile Blue Velvet & ... • bl• enlique shop with aC miaon, un ng on ewng •c ne eavy A H 1 ht (b 1 shota 2t3-204·3313, hld•·•·bed $75 Manie nlle stand S400 Jiit lephon. ...... work on eorne le...........,._ of anti-enter Miii •05 Fwy & Glrl'a Schwinn Pink Pixie duly, gear driven) $100, Mn• e do B• JI wFeen eves 96•-d•• GOOd used Furniture & dining -1. • ch•irs 5"75 beMlf of nellonal com-Q u 11 .·~P-._,,...1 r 1 11m 1 Beaoh Blvd HB ~/flow~ eAst. Like ~ 1 Rocker $20 . TV stand 018 en rlal.,. urn, .... vv.. • 11 0 .. 1 ~ .. 0 851·0994 or 641·5036 --~ ·--to h h ......... d 1 ----,.pp ences-" will ••II Smell white ch1.lds c"-·I ......._ 141'1r ....... + lu S60 833 3222 $5, ell_,,. $25 ••• van c I ... ou-..... m IC LO h I T rtol•A Shell SEl I y ... ~ :;;;;;; bonu9l~~ 6"42·7945 o..atrJ PIH . . sells. hi-beck, swlvel Fri, Set, Sun Oct 1,2,3 ng • r o ~ . or L Of OU of drawers $20 Men'• 10 Wall unit. 6'9" tell 9' I" Bo . Sch Sc 9 5 F o • Lo v ob I 1 4 mo oulTlll AICTIH ,..,. Free Splr11 bike S50 wide An toque •~le. ln-pr09rem1. 3 tlllflt to ~na•y Cupbotrd $626, pine Y • wonn rambler ll5 oe. ubot·Ull $400 • 979 9879 -.,... ' S.... 95•n .,. d 1 I t bl9 •2eo 4 Bl ck ood d S50 · 1••·1111 1••·tl21 2 I w 1 n b o o k c • s e eludes arm0tres I ), dnll ctloOM rC)nl ... rop H a • • 1 · g con • Scow 14 fl Sal/Sun 9-4 Lido Oarag1 Sale-S11 --•• d TV ... 11 •94 2"-22 .l . ._....a1 .....-.... •200 ... JI 633 3222 FREE While Blue-ewed l\eadboard/1001 St5 ea an ..... • • " per. Slf"lf. but wt" treln ...s .. ,..._ ...., ...... airs • • .,,.ua ca • 2033 Republle CM 9AM·3PM 23 1 Via Or· • ' .._ ...... , -~ F-... , 11 mp rep r o 1 2 o ,,.,. "'550 kittens 7'; weeks old I llY FllMRlllE Doub I• b • d S 3 1 Tw n e R s ets, 8 pea ,,. . ..,. ,......_. "' "' · ~111111 Glrl'a 26" Schwinn, ,,,_, ~_.... vl110. N.B Furn. pho to ervtew, call Ma. Kruk 11 ..... ," 559·8300 /ch Id ea ,_ Gd• d S 1 & 1 642-7226 Lea 057-8133 6A2·8954. t092 'h Meyer drears. bk shelves. dak. 5-46-5776 lmmedllle opening for wS 1 3 3,,..,, oon · AT /SUN, 228 Fairway aupp Ill, m IC llnlMS I PIPPlll Piece, C.M no11 OMV c h a t b d S e a rs n 1 w aecretaru ••per. In Altf•H A,.tlr• 45. 83 • 222 Place Or1nge. Mesa Or Garage a~le Set 1012 Unique arllst'a or arahl·l•lliiilllliillilll-----• • 6 00 N 5800 Pu...._.__ ..__.. d _.,. ' .. •• • Pet zoo ·n· Plants Too 1acr1 desk, 9' 1ono. w1 ---• 1 0 w .,...._ -• ryn .... ._ working wllh aubcon-French dHlgn. veneer BOYS 20" CYCLE-PRO cross at Nlegra ... assage 11om 9 10 5 at 2657 Ville 0 1 !Ill Ill 673 3600 aale1 peraon w/heevy trec:ton, contrte11, pur· 11n1111 with mirror S 1~ DIRT BIKE. $75 chr, puth llwn tnowen, Orned1. Bluff• 640·4639 2330 N-port Blvd. CM 1111 dr1we11 & •helves, ntng rm dk . ~rrug • phone & c101tn11 e xp. d1aM orders, IBM Word or bst ofr 407·5085 545•8740 lrtr hlleh, lumbe<, herd-FREE PETS 631-lr.!50 S 125 646-8 tll 1 Iron beee. 0• orml· WANT On llH bolt spring ts6K potenllll. 0r-& Pf~ end mlnlmum ware. mite YARD & ESTATE SALE --------Cl top 6 brwn neugh end ma11res1 Have twin comm. benef111 . .._._0170-PleutMep te Floorlng, 0•11 1•11'1•1 .. ULTl~PT GerT. Sale Furn ,cotortv,bai1tank. l•nllrut 1111 Beaullfut decora10t1p1nel btrr 11 c hra $250 1z (S50)WlHtrade or buy ..... .......,, .,...,.,, _,..,,, Chalra Accordl1n P1 .., .. I h _ .. _ II--" •••••••••••••••••••••• & b•a11 blleer'a reek, 962-7026 .... """""' .._._... Ntld retume with Nlary ' ' • #•1111•11 IOZS Set 8 Sundau -4pm awnmower. ,,..,..,. ... Otlo SllOO a.II I 1325 - -~-~""""'" WIMmll requlrem1nt to AO No perbaclet, Lempa, Col-.................... /·•n••.•••• 2020 Fullerton.' C.M. 15tetm1 'Fu"~'rt'on· '. Sun 9·3. Re111n Furniture 4 ch•• & 640-ot0-4 or Ba~ack Brfts trli:n· Solid oek Cockllll Table 1033 The Delly Pllol: lectlblea. 6732 G11thlll, '"" 2 llblea S 150. _ _ _ med 78 high, 48 wide 1101 Provlnclal S 150. 20 & ewer. 10 work for P.O. Box f580• Cotti HB. 538-3362 811 9AM. • kb C111 780-8310 Co1on1a1 Ortner. Mirror, $250. 5•4·4St6 75".t"06 -si wttnds I r vl n ••• IOU 11 v•. u~-. C• '""'6"6. ftlll&LL ..... RtdWOOd 2x6 decking, MOVING s ·LE . All -·•at .. von. coo OOICs, boll Ch .. I Nil• s 11nd • BA" • 4 ., •• ..._ -..: '" "' ""' h hid 8 I tO 3 BEO· King II, Se11'1 0 · ' " ..., Earthlone SOii, •Int cond, Black Nt1uglh-.,,..-~---II, M.IOltw. Mon-Fr1. Full« ---------4·20' lonO. lltO redwood gol Oak Mo,,11 chair geu. 1 • • p 0._3 ,.._, Freme l800 obo ,~ ...,.._ P9'tltlme. '°' Job Info. 1942, wood leg&, wor111 1eneino Call Jim or Ken Mtallon 04lk delk, Deco ~2 "' ... ~ Ln, W/Clin ecsic 111 1 ~ ....,.,,, 1'+ · 842-7266 m u • 1 1 • • S 1 2 5 • rtcll1* end rOClcer Tt· Olll 1&2·1230. SECRETARY. MIF, Vector e>erlecl (111 ~ l0t2n19-anY11me, nS.-t4111 llble, Pleno bench , Se bol Dinghy w/Olrl ~:w~f.<'no:: $650. GOURMET SERVER for _64_4•4_5_16 ble end Coll .. l1ble Aacipdolli9t Memorit• 2 a 3 word l*S) S350 30-007 R!DWOOO DECKING Wide• ltbtt I 2 cnalr1 S t26 Kenmore Z.lg·Z•o NOW 1200 ~.3013 outdoor entertaining 8ull•llRm Divider. 3 dr, 3 964 194• 4~c1eyt.HOOmo.Typt proceulng, 1horlh1nd ANTIOUEUPRIOHT 2-4'• 33' 2xt,4ttper ~.entlqutttovt & wltce"' $100, tO"co• ----1400 759-1206 evl dwr. l1114h70L. St25 IAll OAIYll llAI 45 word•. Morto•o• rtQ'd , Work wllhoul PLAYER PIANO ' 'tt battltvtl. HIWlfand .on1n1, tored TV s t40 Sony White vtnyt IOOH cualllon Wkndll Wiii ae1 657•0927 bmnlllnO llmt. T~ conatent 1upervlelon Elec. 11660. 057 •. 92f1 8•~11 t95·0Hl2 8•uer cllafltt. MUCH W1lkm111 1100 .. Hully 1' •ofa, 180. C 11 d Wrouphl Iron lbl a 4 chre. Ill Mr e . F • n n 1 • Pref. mature lndlYldual --MOAl!I t7 .. I021 31pd wlchlld .. al"'S100 545-4673 u11om we m ountt w1'0' round gleu top 18 O O 5 6 3 . o 1 7 6 114-54Ht11 IOt -'· with pro11911 tkllltlmany llTl .. RI I a.., IHI 3702 Park Ln 873-41109 HUO"DL E walnut 11a1ned TV/ &tOO 640.6"85 641-015• yrt t 11p1r. QC Airport •~ .................. Otant 01110• Hie, 19441-.iiiillliiiiiiiiiiillll--• Stereo ceb 1 325 . ------- A a 1$ 16otli9t ll'te. 40 hrt wMtc Start llTD• .... Federll AW Co111MM1 11 ~nk ltde wl mlltr•sea 769· 1208 1v/W1Cncl1 OABY CRl8 & MArTREaS Eerly Amer Hutch Top ' .. ,.,.'°"'"'day". Ugtlt lmmedltlelw, No ao•n-UUT mnns 8 8 ' SPECTACtlAR Xlnl s 115 $40-4171 ---... ,. bOllOt'll C.blnet ' • drl· ... _ _. ... _ , S,._lallzl"&!:n C ... ·ntrw "" II a un Full alte BRASS 81!0 •JV ~ oono 1300 l'fPe, • "_. ........ W . cJet plttM, 752·7401 ..-.. vv , --BOtm Corner O'OU9· 2 twn · 9611 795:1 wera • It" t 0 PP t Y Io r turnffurt algnmenlt 2 mo• Old $300 Padded ber wl bactl mlr• LIDO SAL£ btda, co rner llblt & (11nd & fool) $450, --• -860·9 "t:,·~ler", 1700/mo flACH OTH!R8 8·11 hft accepted. CALI, 408122e.8 t61 ror, rnovl• pro,., movie lamp Boleterel covera 7!0·1208 1111/wllnd• Antique Oak Bdrm. atrc1 •••• 140 "180 t • ..... Earn ltOO·ltOO Fr.4N P .. UL"'ON c Clmtrl , , .......... , '"· Ptlo-... ..; 01!81<6 FOD •• , c-IGOO dbl bed 3 drtwtr w11111 Form101 D1nett• ~ • .. , ' • .,, m o , 'no ttlllno nee DUION l ANl~OOES San JoN, A netl'lltt afi;:"';nach .. IOtl ht llHl hlJ ::,~k ~=P~•73~;:a-, DttU and ~~~~hlt1g drtutr w/ml;ror, niht wllh 4 yetlOw Chfl lt60. ~-l80-1M1 301CJt Town Centtt Or., mora 2124 COfvO Piece • -.. ... .......UX"' 1(1~ •1ze "''"' II NCflttc. Pf~ ·~-d-11600 876-00 6 ~~~~ - - --~·--· T........_. Suitt tot8, Leeun• NI· ~"" /Wltf, .. llM ... Of'llV .. , ,, .. ,,,., w~ .. T1R"1•0~& MO .... I " I HO. R101111em1nl AntlQu• wllll• llalltn Tttk Ber. °'*>' 10 II " ,__ _.,....,.. isu t I • 4 t 8 • 2 8 a 0 , '-O'IADle, Ill!~. UKC. " " nc. 1"300 I 1400 H "°"'* ---• ... _. .......... °'" 4040• II 0 " e e b r II 11 . It I YA"D IAll • Couoftea. AnllQu•a, COflKllblet, HSHLD oo• 7 .... .,2 .. 7 coet • AllO Or 0 Prov, 8 r; 9A Ml (Kg a "" ,. .. "' -...., -----d -. ..... , 1·--TV' d I I th __ ., ., •• ., "' painting• CALL DAWN hd....,' I" 5 •41·"".,,, CIH fto·l310 ION..,C: CAlllllR a --''' .,,.... , .. ......., ' -....... a. -oner c 0 "· •POI• 'M ""' .. ., ......... ._.. ... ..,. .......,. O ettreo eq11tp1 m11Cfl ttno OOOdl. Dec:orellvt ~I 0 K Ii R 3 c h r I w I t ·llPm -~ 133·t~-BABY C Al8 , lllee-;t;;'. Oak Clf)l .. l\'t Cl\.W • ,.,.on . ......,.. ~ • • ...., wkly. •II 8trbtr Chair, bed HI, 9HIH•l1U 2 b4k/wtlt, m• more l at 1.;s. 3 10f home~ Furnt111re. I cutfllOl\1, m11c:hlno COi· 0111gner 10 1 & club Simmon• wtlll• wUtl ctl· New flntlh l lO, lft ,_... IMwn ,.._.,., (114) llH-7HI Alk tor aole Iott more & ltm. dlllerent llUera, Werren W1 . CM (Olf 9a· 121 Vie Jue&( IH lbl. OIH• top $76 cllalra. brown leat,.,...•I· n-y 1125 $4o..et87 Call 710-t 3 t0 1-~~ ........ ~$~ .... ~~°'~·~,..~·=±~"~· "~· Dunlev)'~~k==~~=~2:13~·&t~2~-a~t~IO~=t"'~K~C::·~·~"':°'~-~87~5:-·~6t~e.~~k~tr~·~F!•'~'Ylew=~'~=--~~~~~=~~~~84~2·~2~74~~9~-~=:..-Ll"· 146010b0 491·8372 ... _-__ • _:_ __ ..._ ______ ....., --------~--------~~~~~~--------~~--.............................. __ ..................................................................................................... . • Orange Ooa1t OAILV PILOT/8aturda , 04tober 2. UHl2 ~==================::::;;:r:::::::----::::r~~::-;..r:~:=::--=~:-----=:r::::-=.--:':1=-:~-:::::-r.:=i:----:-!P! 1.' J1 /! •••••••• l.~f lf.'1.'!J/,, .... lt ••• HAf !'!.'!Jltr.'!.!! ... l!Je 1rn1 ............. ~r 11111,.ff!t •• , •• ~ A•:!::''"' t''~i 111 ... ~~ ••••••••• .1.~~e t 'I our famous nl"NlfURI Nl!W .... bl -~11en11cin Oecior .. o,.11Nh hu OR Lh .. o A.Pto It' ltoble C•I, ~low w/ .,,, .... f!H!.~!...... '11 1111111 Mvel ialM Ceell I 10 fO' IOt'O, Ht I* II 6 .. ulllul 111rn Of t.illuty 110lflH epealal relNd :::t, 1un1IN U lla L1i.e p II I f I I ..... ~ic.t allf1 II 111 IHI lllY'NN elealr lc 1tou 1 1110 AKO PUPPIH lhOlt 17800 11 ... 1111 -::...1:..::0 ... leoOP~ DIMES·ll·LINE M111rNMt • •OUl'lef ... aunr1.u11 .11111t1 C.r• 113 M13 &31 ot2a ltte Wlfrtr Poll .,;g MO·Hll ve1r CIMll2 1 1l11Ht1tcn•i Twlrt 117 '"'" 1117 80111• M•nv 1 lor lJn. f re11011 L.op llbblt wt Incl Clover. •II 0U11t I OuMn 11~7 King 1187 der 160 00 '01 lnlu CaH ~~~~~ •• ~t16~::~e,'a:06 f>•I*•. blk/wl\lf• nlot tJ equip te~ •70-147& A•lfl /,1 1111 lllLL J AXC:V TOVOTA 8011 0.Ut tlt>7 (3 trl)ttl MllO 1 Fill U31i a 40.<111••. •4--: .. 01" noe 140 t40.70IO eve 8 II 1 8 _ .. 1 h I ••••••••••-•• ... •••••• 19202 Btach Blvc:t Sol•' IOV•tMI $241 Ll"I •• ,L ... \ I .. .. " ..... • HUI u Wwu I • oop. IMPORTANl NOTICf Hnll""ln 8'h 9e2 0620 Dl118118 Wllh 4 Clhrl "' • -UNlVena1rY A lHLl TIC Mini 8cnn•u1er1 ·~It· 30 iq meter. 44'•,.. TO A!AOl?Aa ANO . .,, DISCOUNT 'URNITUAE 8enO IOmtlOl'le you IOv• CLUB MEMO f\StllP tult1 AKC mlllff. lhowl 1111.600 (213) H0·0211 AOVEAflll!AI 11M llflfA IPIAKERS 11ereo p11r 111111. 10tnc 141n I 15 lug gage reak H K1d·1 IY· ptwrlltr $8 8 1erilng W•l•r cooled th condl· llontr S 16 (a 111 Croak r•dlo (H 11) '2 Tube type FIM tulltr at lo 108 MHZ t 10. AM ·~10 radio U • 7 Inch Muffin ••n S7 POrltOI• Q E phono S 20 , wllh record oha noer Rea11111 SA·IOI Solid Sltle t i&· rao empflti.t S20 AM/FM trenalslor r•dlo ff Cal· C\llator wllh pow., IWP ply SO 8 Inch speek., In wall bOx S7 Ovel mirror In woootn holder SS 16 bjW!la on bullneu S 16. •c1ror11c book• $2 each. N-Re•llalla AM Olgl1a1 L.E.O. clock radio $20 Gl&al Y8MI $1 6 Inch speaker S6 pair :1130 Doctors Clrcle. B, COltt Mesa 642· 7S89 HANOINO amply bHhlt O OR.AW R dre11ltf, tolld IS t 10 Po11 I galton to wood 136 M•PI• wood 16 gallon 11·150 lJtwn cabinet with AM/FM •P•et<ler S6 Heavy du1~ 11e1eo end r.cord plty•r, WhlUJf ba1111 $ 10 206 I Seara Sliver Ton• 126 So fowuar, Stnl• An1" 1.aroe ove,.lulf wing &57-14111 chel1, yellow, gOOd aon· 19119 Httl>or Blvd a bHullkll bouquet 01 30 .. oA SAL( $77&/0tJO pe1 $200, up 7G I· 1333 or (71•1 002·l70 I The price of ltem1 td· Ill l'tOllP Coal• M... 031·0609 heflum balloon• P.,1.c1 , .. ., ..,., , 04 .. "'"'3 •'ol bl '"' c ..... a 119<11Md .... vllf\lei. 0..-lor ell OCCHl0t11 OrHI ., • .,.., .,..... C1111ml0g beautll\JI adul1,,." um • .... very ,. n ..,, In lh;7118tliele d aatll-lhl• one 11 e•ltt '1&1n a II• c 0 I a I In 0 Id... 8e11r1 011ane 0001 Ope f c;•I •Ptyed ' deCla wllh new Hond1 0/8. ,,_ .. edu-11.11•0 co1umr11 hH. •h•lf ( 1Yll77731 SOf A SIJT "Pl•YPen " 073•44 IO lie• I l3& ii niOI old wed. 111011, 16 X1t111, •llr avall 14700 ""' ·~ ' v ....... Chanoeabre unit• 11 049 5513• 0411.1307 e4e .. 1544 64b-007:t 080 Ctol 906·12711 doH nol Include any ••• ~ .. Ill 1>1ec.1 O•rk brown, •Int ITllL WHl'lllO• B1bd1 10 11 Hll°ing comp app11CaOle la.JIM, llGenM, • - TllOUSANOS o r UHd me11phy•1c•I book• Sp1111u1I, Chrl•ll•n. In· oleo. StlHltlp Diel onc:t HHllh, Chlldbtrlh, Pro· s1.1er11y, 01e1m1, Rein· c arnailon, Paychology, Parep1ycno1ogy. Phllo- 1ophy Anthropology, A•chaeotogy, le•chlng, Poetry No11elt, Jtwl1ll H11111age, Aalrology, S~1onct llct1011 tnd Fan· 1aay 26c S8 11176 51111 Trek puule S 16 724 • ..., W. llllh ACfOIS hom S1111er Bros behind 11. quor store 548·9S72 o• 979-5027 dlllOll 120 Cr0quel HI $3 School chtlr• 3 lo• SO 206 I So r owner. Santa Ana 557· 1•811 cornforl New 12600, I.I S60 049·9147 New Owlll Tet.ICOP• 1/1•11 I OtfllU IOIO wl o•••. oar lock• New lr•noler IHI, finance WILllWAlll k In II I I 0 0 I 0 8 0 l&Xl 80X pw1 . wl 11ano. •••••••••••• ••••••••• patnl 1375 045-007" cnargff. IMI for elr P<>I· D 640·11655 111 Com Oelet 1olmal dipper, J>IO-$ 3 1 6 6 4 II 5 6 t 3 , YAMAHA GRANO PIANO .. lullon control dtv l6711 S..ch lvO -IHllonel model. •lnl 646 13117 6' w1lnu1 SOIJ00/080 2 1 EA 1 CI( SO N w / cerllllullon1 or dHler 14unlloglon Ueach COCKTAIL TABLES. IWO cond "'' 8'76·7714 013·0:1811 OUIOO•rO OOOd condl· documenl11y O••P•r•· ••2·2IOO Chrome b•H w/glau 000 HUN Chain llnk 5 llon s 14,76o 174 5507 1100 chlfgta unfe11 IWO 6 lug PICkup rime tor 1op 30" • 36" Make ELECT•IO hgh, llwo, 10 tnO S360. Oufd1811Hn Oroan Rl•llo 01111rw11t epecllted by '11 llTlll Chev w11h 9.50K16 5 llre• 1111gan1 H l llng1 New n 642 80211. 042-4402 modll I(, with ••tflri()r ?O' fAIC l(SON SLOOP lh• •dY&fllMr PIOllP S 16 Heh 648·31194 • $300 H 11croflc1f 199 SlllS Swtvel cn•I•. s26. Recliner Lesllo ton• cob lhHler NU 1flp 1v•ll. 111600 BOOKCASe 111x711 $5 HC!h 840-118!1!1111 &pm 17& Cold1po1 Atr condl· a1yle ~6·8706 675·3922 A•lif .. 1/ Vt•y Cl8'nl (1714<401 Foberwerarollal8fl811ke New ma11r1111111• full tr~11~t~1~&!::~1°11 110111r fgo 1126. MOVING MUSI SAC 5'8 Sp1r11 ol A~11CO CATA C1111it1 ISZO 12411 " ... $30 M1hogeny Ira· $8b. Queen $ 105. king 7 14.50 I 6ICIO 545·2741 R11l<fwtn Ottnd Pl•no. t MAAAN. tll'lt fl Al 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• BILL MAXEY TOY OJ A med mirror $45 Frff\Cfl S Hl6 Anc:ty 760-61132 Oecot1tlva wrought lton yr old 675-115 to Mike $600/bll 075·7020 •fL "A"tl 19202 Oe11eh Blvd ~~~~1;c~;~.~~blcr!:.~, l~;nuo~~~"J:;~~uf ,:C,1.•h room dtvtdei 11 11x111 l<tiw111 8 grand piono, l iil)o1t'• IHI Sh11y repllo••· plckup1 a Hn11no1n Bch 962-0829 ' u01111 1-0 750•1 06 ltOO 631·2260 w11rnu1. 1r11d1t1on111 t y1 •••••••••••••••••••••• coupet 4 lo ehoot• llll L T ... ~Old lrtm Cllndy dlth S26 ~~•••••••••••••••••~• • 1tiw 18500 CHh or 81 CUSfOM SAIL80ARO froml (006706f jStk ltY ruo Obbll fur jaCll•I 1 '5 Horse Boa1dlng. ·~ blk 10 uw• YAOl llM 1200 PAJIT I PltAYllt sume lln1nc;1uo PYI ply f•lr• Ull, brand nw A3003).Prle.11111rt no•I AM#CB, umper allell ~.~~:.v!. 'c!.~. ~!~.3 Beaut Baell Bay 11t11ng or bll 01, 548•2489 Al A LESS. G1acu EM I 855·6420 cond S8711 640·7200. llLY 11,Hll 50K mi Clt1n. S2495 1ra111 LOI flghled arena, Model 380 wllh lllvtir 675·5115 OBO In rear S1turO•y anc:t 1100 545•2538 PHL TUU gutlt 50 11 hOae and oxlto AnllQua Or and Plttno 4911·5514 831·407~ THIODORI Sundty 9.4 $250 1140·11922 llP• $3711 84S-7836 Bu1h1c:t w11nu1 cate w/ Po11cht dHlgned Ult· '11 LIY PIOllP DOUBLE bed In llloellenl FOO ltghla on loghl bar lnfatd brau $3500 board, lallHI boord In WINE colotad Vefva1ean condlllon S50 Rug s3s L I I Bl•ll/jf1' ~110f$ INDUSTRIAL RIDER Mu1kral gray coal, lull 645-0768 Iha 11a1e A Steel at ROBINS chair SSO. Molchlng ol· 911•611 balgt, S monlh"I I able. ~'1s~nw S;5 IPO~ COMi{eA,OWSEiO~~·~;: SWEEPER. n1 new, only length 181 Out ~llt IZ 14 " $500 673 4739 toman s·15. AM/FM table new $60 980-6156 wicker rocking chair. kind obi.rte Ever"'hlng 25 llra on Clock. coll $9, 242 Flower. reu C.M. $kii•I ' IOIJ I 1 "JI FORD 10t>O HARllOA ~PIO CO\IA Ml\& Ml 0010 .di $6 14 t6x ,6 Ce ..... •• 0 0 0 s c '"' & 0 0 -0 ••••• •••••••••••••••• •• 11 • ,, ' o • ·~eEOcouch,ex· need• 1epalr $1 5 goe1 M alle o rtet • "·" Selkodl111ngwatch. m11·p,82 0ynamlc VRl7 Ex· O.tkl I Ol O =\,..S:~l=g.:::•~~ cellent condlll9n $40 644•2770 841·1549 1163.0363 ga Fllghl Master waicll, per11 XLNT condlllon •••••••••••••••••••••• '48 Fo1d Deluxe Club CPll bumpei jack S6 2 Ill lln M 0 A whee f s $ 4 0 ONE small leak 1lde Chair Beaulllul wht 2 pc aecuo-Wedgewood Chine, Blue x Int C ht 111m 8 " Ol ll wllh binding a $ 170 Sllpa avail Cc:t~ •re1, RARE FINOt Orig runnlog gtl,voplpe$20 &ft King's 497-6372 (499-47221 wllh arms, and 3 emall nal $400 Brats track Shell pallern, pe1lec1 _551"61218118r~-963·8063 S9/ll call C\rrll! geer. reatored In ·77 walnut freetorm tor mica 676-9510 C~_e __ _ oek side chairs wllh armli llgh.llng, Lrg !acl\/pauo cond S•crlllca S500 Megmftcenl or1en1a1 rug 7 t 4-955· 2413 Wkdy• 1 Look a and 1un1 great ltble 1op $25 6f1 wine KING ma1tress $50. King $15 111ch 646·3llO I carpeting Conlempora-240· l2S3 _ h 10 Kashan design Sr.,1tio1, G•1 10f4 8•5 $5000 obo 957·0607 naugahyda bench top b t $50 Q ----ry bar 11ools. 675-6S95 Woman'• Foa Fur Cool, BI u e med a f 11 On I • ••••• •••••••••••••• 1 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABI E C ox sp1 ng ueen SUN roof S50 Van seat .... ,,~1 ~condition 1800• crenbetry Sac S!IOO Poor Table• • 8'. •ofld 1" Newport Beach 25. 28. 1 ·53 Studebaker h8m1>1on $20 New. door bur;ilar me111ess and box spring S20 Overslufl anUQue 6 ... 4¥0-:--83•7 551.8220 , • 1 0 1 e w / 0 c c 8 8 30. 35. 40. & 45, · C ii 5 pns1 cpe N ice car :1~~';',!2:.2~ewp~~.~~! _s_so_64_1·4963Jane1 1ocker l<10 121 E 181h, JiWlt r 1010 .. 1550/cMh 545.9210 64 2.49~4 from 9.~. S3750 ~1~592-11112 tremes S1·S4 11 41nx8tn MAT TAE.SS and b o x _c._o_a1_a_Mesa 2i~· .. i'fi(·~~;,·Ch;j;•& CALIF. POOL TAIU SCRAM LETS G 0 11 c 1uo1 t L I Mon·Frt • '56 CHEVY 4 OR fire brick SI each 2 lbs spring for double bed. WASHER and d1ye1 $50 nugget. nellly 2 ouncet 7'2"'x45.'. 111 S 1001 • "Conllc:tence w/bog SSS MARCUS CHANNEL atde Paris 01 $400 tor all fire clay $1 2525 Lehigh $3~ both 675-602<1 ~!~~u~~~::nae~hse25 'i~. pp $8SO 031-11276 I Access Incl ~48-0559 ANSWERS ODO Call 673-8840 lie 10 28 "· s1so. 1110 1·628-3313 Wllh 11r cond11101111111 pR031231 Reducec:t lo 12111 Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 Beach Blvc:t Hn1tno111 Bch 91>2-0829 Toyota "76 AM/FM Slit· reo c1ue11 e Small camper shell $21 75 673-6618 '77 Oa11un pick up wtlh shell, 111. 4 ellannel am/ Im can CuSlom whf1 and 11tes. 40 gal gaa lank $3500 768·3276 Place. Costa Mesa A TARI tapes Video Flower Streat Costa John Wayne Tennis Club Odloua _ SGoui GOLF CLUBS Ledlea sode up 10 18 11 $100 '62 Cad Conv Like N-. 979•7736 01ymp81ca50.and Stree01 ra1 • Mesa ' lliHlllHHH 1010 Family Memberah1p. Oriti • K~r''" Wiison w/blue bag & 673-8145 1ntou1 Stored since '77 A•lll W1•ld 1510 LAWNMOWER S3S Roe· car S each " s •••••••••••••••••••••• $900 Incl tranafer lee. YOUR K""'ios' cv1s '85. 673_·8840 Musi Seel S5000 obo •••••••••••••••••••••• king chairs $20 each winter tut coats $2 end LOVE seal SS Hide·&·bec:t Anltque mahogany cabl· Deana 549-4834, K•thy SLIPS AVAIL Hunungion 957-0607 WE pay Toys 2Sc-$1 . c1o1hes $6 Ch1nn1ng bar lor $50 Cross bow S20 Ft· ne1 wllh orig RCA radld Wiison ~4-6900 Yoo know you have pro-GOLF CLUBS Pro Clubs Herb o ur Bay . D a a 60,.13. Paper collaCll· doorw•y $3 Ampe>. reel shtng pole$ l5 Enc:t tab· 1 & tecord ptayet·$75. ba· blem1 when you live ne.tt w/bag, Pino Hunte< S•· 840-5545 846-7766. 6·9 69 OalSun Roaoate•. TOP DOLUR Oles· Catalog's. car In· ta~ SS each Old baby 1es $<1 each Kids desks lhroom ··m.,bfe 1ype·· IAIY IHMI to the alrpo<I and ne.gh· c r 1 I I ce S I 5 0 I o b o P M . 8 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 $2600 Good conc:t elrucllon books, prog-bike saa1 St G111's clo· S6 TV trays 25c Oirec· sink In 1 door & 2 drawe• Ptne colo1 cr i b. 111n1 bors complain about 873-8840 2t3-431-3764 534·2001 Fiil 1111 01111 11ms. books $1·$10 Tlf. thes50c Boy'span1ss1 lor cha1ts SS each cabinet plus malchlno 2 conc:t $1 25, s 1;oree 'YOUR i<rOS Surfboard. 7'. odju5tabla wan1ec:t slip for e1eoen1 8ot4 ltt•H ltt4t4 llll IUllOI ler Circle, Hun11ng1on Games Soc Single Mtrrors S3·S12 Collea door waif ca blnel & •Holler >Ura IHI. Ilka • skag Plastic Fantosllc classic <1S' motor yacht. 1946 Ford w oody w a. Beach. Near Brookhurst bedspread, pink flowers tables $5 each Floor ··marbllt type" wall 1hell, new S3S. Wicker hamper ll11t1lll•HDI $75/obo, 673-8640 T e m p 0 r p e r m ' 3 000 NITIAC/lllAll andlndli1napoll1. enc:t sham $9 6472 waaer. electric $5 81ll01only$100;1em1>11· $15, ALSO woven wool It'. IH 1011 ---646·4005 gon. 1 · 2460HarborBlvd Shawnee. Westm1ns1er L•mps $3 each Old ,... ted glass sho-< doors, area rug S6S 4 )( 6 •••• !.".••••••••••••••• Ruck , 2 man lenl. slove. 1929 ford Model A Town COST A MESA CRIB anc:t mallress S2S 894..0336 cor()s 78 $3 each set like new. only 150 tor 5S9·6300 BUYING baseball cards meas, sleeping bag plus '' • '·311 Edgewater up S 8 0 11 n ' 1 0 0 0 0 1•1·4309 Pl•ypen $12 Walke< $6 --0 8 Aoyal an11Que typewrtter bolh, new car llOOI matt CB $40 King S• wale-r sheel music. pasl catd1: mote Used once SIOO 1 lo 34• pwr or sail 67, .,161 a•i-t •al Backpack S 7 lamps ;usT M made 4 inch s s s ~ 0 67S 6204 673 1943 """ •~ ~• d bl B II II 2 Wood skate board (41-20. new 14 tnc;h llghl blld w/reg mallres• call Dan-De 631·07 5 -• $SOS to. Maple rocker roun la e eaul u y $ B , • S3S. Table and chairs stained 111 brown maho· tops 1· react boos, alloy rim• (BMW s) set 0' mlrrorec:t lop $250 · WANTED DOLL HOUSE $ lo1l1 $,,HI w,·a. ID . •ssO WE llY 125. Twin beds $30 each gany. Finished wllh PO· pfasllc s I French doors 4-$20: IWO new conll· Couch Hide·•· bed, qn Large wooden one for ,,,,,, ••• ,,.,,.,, stl IOIO 1 ••• ':!! ••• !!!!! •• !.... OLUI 01111 Or easer s 18. Collea la tr lyurelhene Use as di· s '0 each p I c I u re nental sleel balled radlal beige & blk $60 Misc' miniatures 644·4201 ,,, IOIS ••••••••• ••••••••••••• 1110 c11-1tLET le $3S End l•bfe $25 nelle. game or p1cn1c rrames, smell 25. large tires 19Sl70 HR 14-StOO 548-3514 -•••••••••••••••••••••• Fun boat 16' Oles1ron. ... ••1 TllOll end lable $15 Couct: S50 Ma1ch1ng round 50c Bike parls 50c-SS &42·0138 Mealctn Pesos Paying S1 Re1a11e11 Plate Glass 100HP Johnson, lllr, •14 LIW PICllP ... S 5 S 642-7647 2134 Nallonal. -Electric Pot1e11 Wheel, pet 100 Showcase w/Shetves 611 $ 1 4 5 4 3 . o 6 5 4 , benches 1 each tK Colla Mesa (Victoria Old Western Movie Set used once. Ilka new 12131430.s211 long. 18 .. deep, 38 high $1400 845-1817 This one has a ehell & •s 9S3-8467, 667-1109 Sided table finished w11h and Placenlta) Saloon Store Front 5350 962•9366 _ Walnut lrtm Gd cond I INll Sllll•• IOIO loaded' t 1493522) C CS nolyurelhene SSC Mtl· • 1 Used for bar. etc? $200 _ ll•lit1l S 1 2 S. 4 9 7 2 9 6 6 • •••••'•••••"'••••••••• OILY 11111 MbE HAN1r1 hydkra5u5101c chingbenchasSIOeacn BLACK fur coal lull 759·0097 LldoGreenhoose.12)(15'. l•llt••••ll IOIJ I •97._6073 __ ORY STORAGE JIMM••110 umper oor iac 1401 W . SI Andrew s length. go lrtek or treal 1n -$7500 ortg, $500 You ~ - C-4 Ford aulo lranamlS· Place. San le Ana. "Class" for Halloween SI• 3s.ooo BTU wall lur-move tmmec:t 675-0695 •••••••••••••••••••••• r•r • ,. YOLUWAIH slon S3S. Recondilloned ,540-1736 party 545. Twin mollress noce, WOl'klng aond $60 . r, at• 11, Monthly boat sto11ge. 18711 Beach Btvc:t 3811 Ponllac heads $50 ---and boX l9tlng $30 Twin ea Four sets kllchen Ari Studen1 s Bargalnl VAMP.HA Base Amp HiFi Sleteo 1011 any size. 24 hr security, ·50 Mercury engine blOck LAROE braided rug S6. frame 110 Pallo webb cabinets base/w all Prof Qual lqckerble Mdl Heac:t wilh a double 15··, ••••••h•••••••••••••• ttee launchlng. Huntington Beach $50 2\11-inch pfashc tear Desk $t0 Chest ol dra-chairs 57 each All 10 painted Good cond $75 K, po11er's kick wheel PV spea.ker cablnel All BEAUTIFUL 25 ·RCA Co-IEWHIT lllEI 1•2-2000 d,op knobs $1 each 10 wars S30 Ponable type-ea 548 594S Perfec t S160 ('"" cost In eace1tent condllton lor TV 2 yr wrnty $148 roollengl hs ol 2 inc;h wroler S 18 Vacuum up-g..o 0 d c 0 n d 1 11 0 n • n e w 1 4 9 7 • 2 9 6 6 . S800obo Free delivery Open Sun 1131 l1e• llJ Ir •• • 75 Jp CJ5 Rglp, p/a, V8. PVC pipe $4 each Pen· roghl $2S latge picture 4-7676 Car paling. high Quallly 497-6073 Ill Olll 1 IPM TV John'• 64&-1786 •••·Ol 10 3 spd. new trans. rr SI & dulum wall clocll $45. S5 Toys 2Sc·S2. ShlrlS LARGE 2 drawer metal atoao. green & whlle S4 -b----• r • AnliQue Zenith TV Model, rSll3b~.O~n,~b:·~dr:~~ds 1139-3050 and blouses S 1 Curtains desk, formlca lop S35 yd 964-2794 Door kno bags Hold MEN'S 10speed bike S25. ;~f.9~;~pes 2Sc-$10 Chrome end fabric arm 9x12 Area Rug, Ok green ~1~!'~~~~gi5;.•,;rjes· O~I~~~~· ~:,2~f,· ~'~.=~·· Hlg· T!!!.'~!Wf!! •.•••••• ~46-0403 • Upholsle1ed arm chaor chair S20. ASn311SQue ahlldl Approa 11• 12 pale yel· ----5<18-337S Comp stereo l"llem. 6 1 C1•,.11, Sil• 72 Jeep Commenc:to. n-f WIN b oak rocker AntlQue low. 135 ea a..8-6806 Upright p1•no 1350. Gut· , I •JZO pa1n1. new brakes. 1011 S2S.EndlableSl5 Baby mattress. OK chllc:t11ideeh•.lr $15.0kl 111 S25 Snow chains OLD GIBSON--cl'ASSIC PC. 120 walls ol pwr . ••I ~ bar and lo m11e1 crib "Bu1y-b o.11 · · J 4 5ap5t1ng and new frame o ak aide ch 1 It SIS l<lng size b80 S50. land· 735·14 CR78· 14 nevet QUIT AR, or1~1n.i S860 '850/obo. 497·&372 8••••c·a·b••0•:e•;••c•a•m••P••.•,• S2500tOBO 552·6236. Seersucker ··snugll" 2 Two twin spreac:ta S .,..,.., p~ 1.,...11 S!I • Sii. Hur-bl""' lood 112. Boys roller skalH Bentwood chair 15 ............. • ..,.. used. 1147-82S8 12131 943.44 5 Panaeonlc reoharg•ble sleeps 4, boot. coiner Lv mnsage .l.cl,jcgrlnd;: wflh llke new 120. M2-7613 UNd erectrlc drlll• s4 88· llghl lbl, .ocketa ~ AC/DC 8 •• bl•Ck and 1ack1 and dolly. Clean ·79 JEEPC:i'S x1,-;t cono. dltc• by W•18'plk $15. TABLES medllerranean each. Ueed router S4 5<49 .. 338 , r~::~~ ~~~.00-TG=~~~;:_h•. 1190 white. AM/FM 1ncl1 •c· S750/b11t ofla1 (7 141 pwr e11ng. pwr b•k1. IOw Children's 811 swimming group Pfale glass IOP· ~:;,:!~': d~8~5. ~ Wiil lllOI C811 «173-11840 84A·5544 ~~orlea Llk• new M5·58118 ml AM/FM cau N u pool with allde S2S ped. 2 enda, hexagon, wlGker rocker 125 10-2 150 984-2794 OVATION sol1c:t boc:ty 676-6204 73 BEAVER CAMPER oversize ll•es. nms. full Johnny Ju:f: Up awing cotlee $50 each. Two Stturd•y Oflly 645--8441 electric tlereo gullar 8'1'1 given 1011 of TLC. ~173c1; ge S 4 5 0 0 · 17.60. St8Ufll po11uJe crulh.i oold velvel"n s250 17141873-9251 Btanc:t new CB rac:t lo $3500 532·1006 COHHRL CHEVROLET "-" 11 ,, r •• , H : ""I\ \H '-' !146-1200 11111 llYEI Top Oollars for Sports Cars Bugs, Campe11 914's. Audi's Ask for U/C MGR JIM MUlll YILHWAIH 18 7 11 S.ec:h Bl1tO HUNTINGTON BEACH U2-2000 WAITED! L11le mooe1 Toyous Volvoa. Ptekupa & Vena Call us 1odayl .,..ealcan wet bar with Grandfetner ctook 15 3 Anllque kerosene 1tove Ollit l f•,.il•ll I 40 Of'lfl Mi6ce 55 1•1381 ~' •••• :.~.~~! •. !' •• !. • •. :.".•••••••••••••••• t-...:.1;;,•,;,•.;;N,;,..-;;;-+..;--.:••·..;i'-.-41 rHt 135. Hand carved recllnert $50 etch ANTIQUE typewfrler J tO LIQUIDATING MUST SEllll Bett olfetll »otot/•-~ •11 .. _1 •i~o ft•""I I Sll' wine reek $50 3702 Pao11 Indicator Wfflher slallon SIS lov-t $50. Con.-c .... ._.. Lane. Newport Beach. s 10 ••aaslve ca•l table sole atereo $30 Other tt.•l-••t IOIS •-·• I M I '11 YEIPA 100 'll TDYITA _ •·•·•>•>., ..... ,.,, 873-4809 tamp 125. Two 151n stereoe • 1 ac:tloa Oesk1. ch1lrs, boollahelf & £, • / .. LHI 114 ,. .. .,, ... ~ ss s o R INVENTORY ... ~.~-. ............ -·• . •r •• S650 5•5.7044 ... • •• • LADIES beach cruiser trlaalal speakers In tuned s 5-s 15· M any lamps couch. $10 to $500 ••• ~!~~~! .......... 2-P-uch Mo_ped_s 1 Seer's Very ctean ( IP38280) bike wtlh lenders $SO bass reflex cabinets SSO 12·S lS Books lc-S I 540-9922 C.•111/ 1010 c:tl• 1 slandard, swap Rodueed 10 o-· "-· each 421n round tor Records S l·S2 Clothes OF r ·wo ..•................... en"lnts 10 ha-e good $3&11 ""'' a ~·wtnn MX bike • $2 Coats SS-$30 Kit· "•sk $60 8 cha s $72 • • I "a dtnelle table $30 ..,... · " INFLATABLE MelzlerAz· running b•ke & spares $30 Car double bike m... chen utenella 5c-SOc. Good oondillOn carrier ss. Cai top carrier Two Oa1sun PU wheels WELL KNOWN lek 9 5· w/Hll kll S600 S 911 1 a k es both BILL MAXEY TOYOTA $7 . vw al1T10ll new and tires S25 each. 120 Four WICker stool'• s2s -569•8300 Susan M·F. 752-7179 <196-2966, 497-6073 19202 Beach Blvd 5 6 0. 1 S 'I,. S 9 . S 0 min casseue blanu 12 Wlck8f and wood rode er DOES IT ALL H 11 1 B h 962 0829 "25 J elru "Sc •,s SEVYLOR boa1 2 oe•son PUCH ••OPED xlnl cond n no 11 c • 341nx 19, .. ln car radiator each Casae11e recor-• · ew ' ' ·• · Vending m11Ch cold aoll "" ,. d Stlurday end Sunday J I & G •I f t • lnflalable bo•I. never $250 low mt. lk new. SPECIAi PlllCUSE $20. 141n end 151n lnnet era. new, Merantz 8•2pm Sl9 1~ NarCIHUI. e w e r y dtlnka. ctndy,.chtps, fg openec:t $30. !73·8840 last 644_4234 Alo lubes S 1 each Olnelle Super1eope 530. Mina-Cofone oat M 8I I u n ch 11 em• S 6 9 S New '82 Jeep CJ'1 10 10 woodlone table $50 lure Crtte<lan S30 New 831·61119 IH111 #1ial••••t• VesP• 100 Smart loolllng chooae from Includes Four matching chairs Emharl burglat alarm TIRES sollc:t and good Stores IBM Sal II krritt HZO 5 mo old w/Wlnd ICfeen winch jamboree pacllaoe $50. 545--3638. $3S 2S25 Lefltgh Place. 1re1d 2·CR70a 14 redi... Like ,_, $850 ••• •••••••••••••• ••••• 111n1 conc:t 1 yr wrnl'(, and much more Co918 Mesa S4S P•lr. 1·07011 14. Marine Electrician 2 700 mt $800 Coll SAVE THOUSANDS s:~~~.i;,e~;a~w~~~ =~g. FRIGIDAIRE eleclllC L78Kl5 $15 HCh New Fine Jewelry 875'7883 Oe$ign/lnstall/Repalr 61S·3231 or 951-3268 ORAHE OIAIT Umbrella sttoller 110 stove. Excellent condlll· jeep ltre 1 15. 145ic 13 Water Cooler/Relrlg o re Olly work 549-2520 Ev ----AMC/JHP/IEUILT ""mper pads ts. Porta on $30. 642-73S5 $10. 8 hOle G M wheel Rare Tiffany Clock Set tlyle w/lnslanl hOI & ••• , .... J #1tort,el11/ "" ,. 9x 16 5 $15 631-3701 cold look• Sh•rp S99. -11 ,.., •• •-1 .-ISO' 2524 Harbor Blvd . CM crib wllh cuitom mal· ENCYCLOPAEDIA Briton· Fine Porcelains 496-29&6 497 ""73 r. . , -30 _,. ,,, 7 549 8023 04S 7170 lress $40. Crib mallreu ntc• 2 volume worlc:t '67 YW Squarebacit parts · . .,.. ..... !!f~~! •••.. ~ .. e;;:;1~~i"~;5·~;,;,~:·k,~~ · · . $30. Dark Jenny llnc:t l•nguage dlellonary 1 S 1·$50. 121 An1werlng including t1Ummels. Gorgeous solid walnut BRANO NE:W '83 Evlnrude dad. elmo1t new cond 'll llTSll WlllY USED CARS & TRUCl<S COME IN OR CALL FOR FIH APPUll &l Corm1er-Del1llo CllEHILn 1821 1 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 141-IOll, ••t-3311 Top Dolar Paid For Your Car• JIHSll I UI liHtl•·MerHry 2fl26 Harbor Blvd Coste Men S40-5630 high chair 130. Oleper volum World Allu. 4 machl1141S $2S. $40 Col· Exec; desk, raise lyptng 4 hi p outboard, never $99Sobo 63 1•0523 or PICllP pall 12. Beddlno tor re-volum Medlcaf llluslrB· em•n camping refrlgeft-Sevres and rare Lladro Statue shell $240 548-0135 used $S26. Oouij Turin 631·1993 HiiJhell casll tmmedlately gular crib $3-$10. Won-lad. 14 volum Yeat 101 $30. 111e3 T-ltlrd Ron Dick 843 W 151h wrk 673-1434, 642-4910 Wllh ullllty body and tow tor your vehicle Do· def horse S8 Maternity Book starling 1955 24 'eleclrlc bucke1 saall $30 never before sold In the U.S. c M Sal hm 78 Yamaha 650 Spec;lll. miles (1S9S47 i1 "'. S 11 c 0 t I 0, e 1 g n ololhes SOc·S5 Toys volum rererence HI eech. 631--0G78 S IBM ELECTRIC typewriter Sml boa-.--. trlr 16 cap S650 Aak for Ron. S42l& S51-6265 --- IOc-13. Car bed S8 $10 etch 2S25 LehlQh TRUNK $40 Umbrella Al Q In worklog order $100. Xlnl cond $250 546-0SS4 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA B.t>y carrlet SS Bottles Plac e. Costa Mesa 11ano S 18 Bookcue Fine Crystal and Silver sets 404-0029 548-3297 YAMAHA SR 2506, ·80, 19202 Batch BIYd A•lll l••tlH 50c Lois 01 babys and 979-7736 S30 Sander S 15 Stw G Id Ch I d C • ---Exllet I, wlndahle4c:t. lug Hnllogln Bch 962-0829 •••••"• .. ,..-......... .. children• ololhlll O·S $10 Orlll S20 •r1 PIC 0 ans an oins ,.,, IOl1 Alcohol stove. Baja luel CIC 1~ 6"0 I -----All• •••H f10S Ye.,. 1"-$1". e•~1r·ica1 BEDDING 50c Towels·~ " • • Etc 1• • ~ new, .. m ~ ' ...... W 1 h $I C ,,,... I lures $1-150 Old wagon • •••••••••••••••••••••• ltller. wooc:t blks por11. $750 548-8798 ·73 Ford pwr·dump 350 •••••••••••••••••••••• sockets. covers 10c-50c. ash c OI I Olnl $27 Cameras S4-$10 RABBIT FOR S ALE ~ etc 642-0602 1-T. ata~e bed, 4 spd, LUSE A 1112 Double bedspread $20 S2·S40 Deak lamp S3. .,,_ $ 0 R M F~ch Lop. ·~ Checile -WANT TO BUY VESPA reblt 1rans. V8 $2900 ALF• llMEI ••11E1t Chrlatmas 1ree arllflcal Jere 2So. Baby bed $20. ~hoot desk 1 · ocker SAT OCT 2 8·JQ p red Giant, $10 845-8468 6 Man 1n1111able rah w/2 Motor•Scooter PY1 ply " - C I S 10 C If SIO Old book• 25c·S2~ •t • -• • • HP motor 1200 OBO '"4.••29 e~s 6S7·~ OOIYHTllU S2. Purses SOc·S4 La· onso • o ee Rollawa~ ...... and mil· II .. L i.. p .,.. <><> •v dl8I clothes s t-$5 Pie· I able $8 Hu.ock S 12. """ I •• ••• 1341 S MOhawk Ot. S A 1uresS3·SS Curtain rods Silver and Ivory antique treu 10. Olc:t doll• $251a 847-2473-(Mohawk & Edinger '711 Honda CX 500 Xlnt ............ '"$50 M llll-$1-$30.Anllqu&~IS INSPECTION7-8 :30P.M . belwnHarbor&Feirv-) Clean $1000 C•ll 50c 4311 Broadway Sat· ,....-.... ry ...,. ea $15. Clothes 2Sc-S3. Collie pups, AKC, 4 mo1, 968-58118, 9&8·2339 utd'1 only. 9·3. oer $30 AnllQue clock Ch.,rt SS. IS Dogwood. also AKC Cocker IMIP•· 8 a.111 11rttr 1040 -. -------- S2S Elecltlc blanket S 1_4 U I ·•t wtls 993.4485 •••••'•••••••••••••••• 60 YAMAHA XT :l50 &LACI< fur coal. lull $10 Bentwood chair• o. ,,,.,.._ nvef.., Y to o G ••1 h 1 J c:t ---------Claulc 18' Lepstttke 1r1111ree1 ood cond length, go trick or treal In $30 291 E 23rd Street, 1'"'1 \~ltond '8 or ·~ Free 4 h••llhy olc:ter kfl· Century bay boot, 4 cyl. S6SO. 968-5686, 908· "Cfau" for ,Halloween Costa Mau Saturday r g an ogwoo DISNEYLAND 1en1 need homes 2 Orey $3500 875-6 t6l _2_3_3_9 ______ _ party S4S. 644-7676 only ~8-2183 (left). SS9~737 HOTEL mtlff. 2 tam 846-46n GOLF clubS •net bag S30 GOLF sets $2S.$3S Irons. THAEE maple plywood SCHIPPERKEE from Bel· S9 Chrl1cral1, outatan-'75 Hond• XL :150. IOOks and run1 greet. must 1811 l500 64&-8082 Two man 1nllettble life pullers. woods 12·$5 panels v.inx38tnd6in EMB•SSY g11n 4 mos. rele. a1n1 dlog cond . 22·. w1oa1t1. bOal with Ille vul 120. Bags end carta SS-$10 Three maple plywood " watch dog 700-8387 nd cHh, muat Mlf $3500 Volvo trtnamlallon older Golf 8C:IUllOfl88. lOG·lt. panel• 3121nlt221n•741n 080. 613•3481 BuflltGO Alllno 360 1rt1fs type 150. Volvo redlalOf 2433 vauar Piece.-all for 130 Storage EAST ROOM Al<C SPRINGER SPANIEL l~~~~~~~~~I bike. $600 Cell eves. $2S. S41l -4 109 or Coal• MHI bool h 99inx.C81n•46in Male. 6 moa. need• lo·I· 646-476S '10 TIYITA SH PIOllP With elr condlllonlog and 11eteo ( 1U74313) Aec:tu· oed to $4075 lllL MUEY TIJITA 111202 Beeel\ Blvd Hun11no1on Beach HJ-0121 $297.79 1>41r monlh plus lax 48 month open enc:t ,_ on 11.pproved creOll Cap C OSl ·S13 150 , Resldual-S4300 & CHh r equtred -$931 es (15S281 IUCI IMNITS 848 Oove Slrett NEWPORT BEACH 112·0100 497.7009 · S36. Commercl•I 1wln· v Ing h om e $ 1!i0 lsfl Wlllr 1l --------------------•BABY bUQ9Y $35. Almml· glng doot wllh •II Iha 4112-8992 -· W/85 HP M8t'C Wooden 79 Y•m•h• 250 Of Endu· '80 FORD PICK UP 6 cyl. A•" 1111 10 SPEED R•l•lgh 241n num wtnOow 4ic4 plus par11 10 fnslall S50 Two cnlr console, m•ny atrts ro. Kini eond • USO. 3 spd, 191< ml, $4200. •••••••••• •••••••••••• $25 3 Speed 26fn Sch-lhullera $25. Bat llOOlt wood louve1 1hut1111 JtW /IY 11101 1,.,.lrr 11'/I /ftlflrw 1111 $6500 ttrm 045--8001 730-6117 IO A•41 IOll T.n. w1nn $25. Olft bike t>oota 17 Eager $20. mal8t'n"y 311nx341n $S Thtte ••••••'••••••••••••••• 'f~••••I••••••••••••••• •••••":'••••••••••••••• 67S-847S rll llZlll 2IO IM 26 000 mllle Mly IOlded size I 120. G.E. coffee clolllel slu 9 end other wood louver •hullers -'11 OHllH PIOll P aunroot, go' cond like m•k•r wl1h llmer $10 Clolhe• 10a-S30 Adding 38inxl 3tn s4 venetl•n 28' Twin Olese4 SklpJeck, Vefy Cll•n & 1111 S425 blta cl .. n wtlh air con-new s 13.400 090 Kitchenware St ·S5 mac hine S l 5 , Shou blind•. different 11z.ea S2 lo•ded O•n 848-1 1851657-~18 I dlllon1ng. ( IZ34130) Pr1-6 4 5 • 6 2 1 1 e v • •. Flgurlnet 25c·t 1• 2116 60c-S1 Small appllanctt each 22 Elden Ave.. F• J I 6S7·4758 _ '73 KAWASAl<I t75 Cllrt Ced to sell 11 857-9H4 days. Pomona. Coal• Mesa. 15 Sunday 10·4. 1100 Cost• Mesa 548·Sl43 1ne ewe ry 25· Apollo 235 OMC cabin bike, needa minor work ELECTRIC gull If HO. Pembroke Lane. New· SET lSJtll Ford truell wttlte crutter wltwln ule trlr. S 150 846-5753 $4388 &ell MOO T•rh KUSlom amp $50. Plloto port Be8Gh •P<>k• wheel• 135 One $13.500 831-8758 Iii,. .. S.lfi Let Int All power, loa· enlarger S1S Portable POWER mower. runt p&1r quartz off ro•d llghl• Au c TI o NI! !i --,-.-Ov-t-sld_e_M_oOr_~-. 1•••1Ul .. ltt"!f11 '1~11 ~8:, :Sh e~·~~2'.= rtlCIOrd J>l•yer with new gooo 1 35. He1lhkll $15 Gabrial tlt·thoc:tla rt ... h SIO • -nMdle S 15. 651·32•!1 oaclllo ............ wOlk• good wllh 11~ 125. •40.2o"n ewpo .... ac . ••• •• •••••• ••••••••• llLl IUJIY TIJITA pru1 111ume IM, mtke .....,...... ·-· " c" 1173·0859 Rani 2&' m otor home, Cl20" Blvd o t f er M u 1 I 1 e I f. NEN'S 281n e.tch CrulMt S25. Woman· a bike tit· ---------- ----11 0 full 1oadac:t I ' Beach . 714 955 3501 k d• t 6 NIGe alfl' 20ln bike aelfent conellllon S40 TWO 10ln, •peaker1 $20. 22 FlberlorM, 1911. W / Pl • . Y · Hun11no1on Be•oh • -w .... · Sctowlnn '20tn 125 Mlll'l'I bike $35 See al 3 l'Ailn •Pffket• $15 1 Uquidaflnt lnvtgJory of Jtwn y and Gift Store Ir 1er:xLNT Cond 8"1 e.tS-8018 (Paul) MJ-1121 ···w 111• &v. , ' • 2....,. SI I • C t Id 9')Miler 15. AM/FM 0 er 870-71'" 1 RV a '"--1 81 S • Ledlet and men• 211n """ t • .. ve, oe • 0 k C:I tello S tO OVER l L MILLION DOLLARS ~ """ orage, 1 Pf" 64 Chev Subufbt n, 8 cyl. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3-epeed blU• 112 eecfl. W... f'oll()w Oek Sir.at. e~a.:se7' r 12 SABOT 8 11 with ifiiP It Cetl Joe Ovdr, ultll Oood '80 320!, take over fM or Peru, 1lre1, wheelt, Home aft8t' lpm. motor No eelllng gear 645·6730 conCI 11250 538.3367 Pu r ch•• e N • n c 'I lrM* 50e·S 10 Broom GOOO quellty Qold carpel, TWO twin wood lramea, lmpor!anl pi.o.t lnetuoe: S210, 963-0272 FOR RENl. 1 t Tioga mini 04 1·116't4 dys, 700· 1113 vacuum se. New lad'" 1111 enllre tr..ciom hom4t hHd and 1001 board• SOK Diamond & Platinum Ring -21' Orasiron, 185 hp 110 motor 11ome. SIP• 5.1. 'll TtmA PllllP • ..,.. ltethefpurae$e.Electrkl S25 room Sew cablnel anached S l!I UQh Pendant Set oen•r•lor •Ir ewnlng Wllhalfcondlllonln"•nd '74 eu w 8•u1rl1, ·~. C>Of1•~ batl>twe S10 6 s26. Color TV SSO. Col· W1toh1 benoh wllh leg Mercrulstr. Daycru111r 64 • • HM • "" • "'' mlttor1 12·$ I O. 8 tHI '" table 125 T'wo end 1811 140. 11 tree:• tape 19K Derk B lue Gent's Star Sapphire Ring with 6K wtcuddy ca1>1n, c111n. ~ °' M2· atarao. PSOH051 AM/FM c111, 1unrt, ~1n1 cMINC with..._ S.20. l8t>* ,15 Mell 20 Dal· pt•y•r work• good 16. Olamonda low hr•. fully equlppeO AIN i.rt1tt 1•m cond 812·7928 evH/ 'A •~ pipe &oc ion eQuerlum compfet 'rwo c•mptno coll Ilk• 7K Emerald Ring with Diamond -4~K Emerald wtcanYH, tandtm trel· I Afttt..di Hfl $3375 wtinds u Old Ftenotl Uyla 135 045-"46 8 new R d lar. ready for 11111ng • ••••••••••••••!!•••••• ·12 IMW 2002 SunrO(;f. pftCIM eao a-trig me-Ing with D lamon llthlng '4950 11111 wtcnct PAINT• llt• l>Octy wor11 emllm r•dlo, 11 11 ct11n1"' c.iMn.t s11. Al· oueeN 11ze bed wllto KITCHEN cabln•1• s to Watches, Pendant1, Pint, Gold Chains. & Some !~32& up 10 ecm on 'I04it ~ '3000. M O·SOM I• hm. IM&-7l15 frame and hlldt>oard H Ch. Double oven S25. C I .,, .... ltl 1111 M4"0332 llLL l&ID TIYITA -....... ..,... ...... ..,...,......,,_.... _ _. , .. ,. Th 1 b,. 1 S1ovetop 126 Hood ss Ona AL40 "ne ~~atel end l'0tctl1.1ln ·10 17fl 8011on Wheltt,, ...... • I""""' ...... ~h 11·..,. ·79 320! er1g111 red AJC. 'H DOOG! Coron ti .ro. 8~-=g efimper;~• Sink U . Garber, di~ ..,., Monltuk, 100 hip l vln. Aulo 9ocfY t Paitltl1,_ H..,';.~i;' llMch am/Im cHHll8 brtal CT't0~ ~1:>G. ~= ~r~~:~nl 1~'::~:0~7'7 ri:r!11·1~oom ~m= DISNEYLAM> HOTEL -Embassy East Room ~~Q..;3• •: n ° 'r I r · ~~::: '=8.;.111 Ml_..tl ~;:i .. :u~K ': ~· 121. CIUlch pertt H ... unllnglon 9Mch. 1111 967·8350 SAT OCT 2 d 8 30 p M .,,., ,_1 -,POfiehe perte. IH1 IC ·eo Toy. Lgbd. 6 ~ elf, ...._*' ~.':~.'~,'~~,l~o'~~~~. Are~ptannlngtmove? 1.L • n -: . . CA•tltr "" ftOnl llrvlt oompl w/ ant!I. l~~r tc>e>ti.l•-,·1ui0i.""iow_m_l_,-w-~-,-.-loo- •1"'29. 5614246 "9 fetl .. 1 drew In tlle C~ ed1 Wiii Poln1 IN8Pi;c;;TlOH 7 P.M . -1:30 p M. 8A7UROAV •••••••••••••••••••••• d ltoa a l>rkt Ce>11vttt fl4llA ~~·· emllm, 4 IPO, ---------4 W11t ..• e O~lly Piiot you In the rlOflt direction I.ow r*'91. I~ quellf. 1 ..,ty Cit 10bettet1>111• a 13 f'alc:On Aan<.htto, IJO()d 11>111.. luroPMn car, '1nd .... , J OU went In Ci.effltd Ad. Cell Todly to llnd lht home you SAILI CAUlll!/PAATY ''" MOte .,.,,., l&OO cond. Mii good. 11.000 no MnOg, Cleen •10.000 ~DlllV~!"°'~~C1~1e1~1~:1tde.~~:.Llt42~~·11~71~.=======:oi~~n~~~-~ ... ~2·~M~7~1~~~J_~~..!..-~~!;;!!:~:;::~;::::!:::;;:!:;:::!=:::S~:::;~:;;::::;:::::::::;;;::,.,._.J.:2=7='=1o=c:a:'===-6~7=5·=1=ff=O::l:l3:::1~==?t~8==:=====:::...J....;64~~~-2~3'=1~::;..tvta~~ ~ 641·~ _ ~- • •• .. I .. £•4 .. •@•Jll!lllllllll•J ................... ~a---._..----.... .-...------------~~---~ ,.. Or no 00111 DAil. y PILOT /Sa•urd• • October 2, 1WtU ~ ... ~~·. !!'!r.!!~." • • • • ~ ... '!!1. '!!l!f.~. • •••• ~.'.f!!,. !'!/!.~'!!_ •••• •• ~,.'f!I. "1'/!'!.'!!. ••••••I ~!,,,1.!f!1!f.'tt . ••••• tlftr ••.•....... .llH f!!m!. .......•. 1.~~I ~~~f~ .......... .1.~U tHtt~.~ •.•...•.• l.~ff Ttr..t'..r ........ !!.U IJAJIH 00 .. TY'I 1\lld 10 11)(7 AM/rJ~ 0 1~ll NllOlll 11 l ovo1e ~ellu Liii OILY AlfTMllltlll 1µd mao .... 11 ... 11 '""· tt4 HtH ~ t. w~w lf>Ol•Y ""'' flh•••• Int•• .01111 c;ona '™' °''* n .. e .. ,1 toyJ cu111J l o m1 611 1&16 0t fllllllll • tll 100 644 0 106 f4 UISMOI llA't 8130 DHLIRIMIPI 70 flf'6 A•onn. 1ownar.10 OILY 11111 1111 ~1111 c.u11u Alt, aulu. Jll ll&lllll , 1112 TOYOTll VtrJ Olt1a SALLllSA·ll~~IVIGI , HI T:l nx:i Weoon, new t87' I O•IK." Otnt II~~~ G 4 ' 1104 VILllWAlll "' 11110, •1111 on wrnly. alnl ttu11111101011 Ueocll Lt• ........ Yt1'l1IH Frt• Ae Ltw A• 81 , 1040 "'tJ .. 11 .. 0 1 u ,, 11 ' 1 J 115 o o o d 10 2poo SHILHACI llW 1100 W·~·· l.u.•I H11>y 'I an.,, 8 6 ei 0110 '· • :1840:1 Margv41f•I• Pkwy N•w1H.1t1 Hu.ell ll!>O 1281 MEISTER MIHIOn Viejo t.4t' ~40!'1 IAvoiv Kit otr 1 ~l • ZS #Ufllll l1JI POlllOME/1111 $4988 O•Mlirin Sundaw1 f11I f 1 •••• • • ••• • •• ••••••••• • ,..v • • •••••••••• t.'........ M11Seflll Nu 4 Po11\i 1363 I Hiii bot Olv<l Salu·Setvltw t 1u101ng 'H UOl'a Are lltrtl N1<:• S«>IK toon• * 76 2002 4 WIJ ~"'" (~ITPVB) • 79 3201. 4 11>0 • 11111 deo• (8 lfl><Olll • 80 5281. auto. IJll/11 (486ZOJI * 80 320.. ~ 'PtJ lo,1 ded' (23 lZYR) * 80 633SCI lr.rnd r•ll (5555346) *FANTASTIC* * FIATS * · ltUG£ SELECTION Pf!£ OWNED FIAT SPIDERS & FIAT X l /9's '77 FIAT Xl9's l O m1, $39.600 Garden Orovt 1 t• 966 8306 OMSC Salt1-ltnlH 1111 la1tJ T tJtf 1 11202 ......... ,. lllltl,,. ,,., 1140 ..••••.••......•..•.•• GOIPAllE·IHOllH Wfl II •how you OVIH 100 New & Ultl<l Mt1cede1 Benz Come 1n & con1I· dar ovr ltHJlt! mrange- ments or long term fi- nancing House of lmpor11. Inc DIAL 213 or 7 1<4 • 837 .2333 Lt1sl•1 11• 111-2113 '66 0 12 Rebullt eng 11- loyt 1e111t 1111111, cteun 673 0014 islte1 8 PM .... , ...... .. 112-0121 5 Corolla Wgn 4 epcl. ale.. em/Im c en nu whlt11t11n. 111111 conCI S2~00fobo 6J I 8842 1975 9 14. Alplna 118160. 1980 I eroel, AIC. AM/f M 100 wt. tkl rack. Euro· peen head & 1111 light•. R11d111ts, )(LNl Corid tog hghta good cond In SH50 ODO 6•6·3808 & out $6500 O BO Dennis 63 I 4765 11979 Toyota Suµr11. nuw '67 912 minor damage 11rt1s, mu11 sell t111s wee- A•l11 1/1# ········••····•···•··· ~ ......... !~r.!!~ ....... ~ ... ~'.~ -~~~ ....... ~ ... ~ ... ~~·. -~~~-.......... fl.'!'!1.V.'!!. •••••••••• Y1l~l!!~rt!'. •.••• ll?f l!.'!!. ••••••••.•• !.~!f f!~~~~'.'.' ....... .l!.~f !t~!~~l ......... !~~!1 ••••••••• f J llult h "•u•' grut 00 {;lotveua. 37& aml blk. '11 lllTAll till VllllWHH 1ta111 t at loolot llt1.11n1 400 ,,.,,, reo n ew Wllll aulomettc Iran• 111111 '700 ,., Dll11 wllul a p11111 u111ng pow.tr 1IMMg and "' lhl1 0111 le eatre <-1111111 Ill RIVI OA L111cltU, ·~ 1148 0311S '4>1\dillbrllng (fCIC!OOI (4!13l001 0 • $40()() /OU Ow1111 111 C•t I/ I 1,IZJ 4111 OILY 12111 l lOUI II• ••II IHl7 8411 I , ••• '1..1/.......... .... Oil l MAXCY TOYOTA Jll IAllH , 78 le 01ron wy"· lo• 19202 Oeoch OlvO YILllWHH c.,111.. '" $ Oii.i. var/. c;IHn ow, .. , •irlfl1191n 6'h 001..08:10 18/ 11 Oe11cn OlvtJ •••••••••••••••••••••• •3900 4~ 611 •8 lh111111101011 euoll TIE UlllllT CttHlll "" 74 Mulling II Ohl• V6. •" Hf-2000 llLIOTlll •••••••••••••••••••••• pOw.er. undw• 601< Miio• ''fl Ott'ltttt ci .. n $11176 1173 1a•6 ul Ill• model, tow mt111e Ve/ve 1712 ge C•1J1ll•c.• 1ro Soutll61n lollded HtlOO '' 1 9623 • • • •• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • CahfOfnl•I See u1 to<Jayl 61 Muet•ng 01 Verl Chien " 1 V.h• ..... , 1111111 1• o, .. ,. 0•11•1•1 OAllLUO saus, IHVIOI AH LHllll OVFRSEAS DELIVGAY EXPtRTS URUllE VOLVO 1980 Hurbor BM.I COSTA MESA 141-1303 140-1417 2000' lla1bO• OlvO COSTA M~8A 140-1810 '65 Cp11 de VIII•. compitte 0 Vtrlltau l , $70b 63 I 8610 '8 t Fllwd Cpo Eleo11nce 17,000 ml VfJ. leMlhll, loaded I 14.500. obo Pvt ply 645·8730 87 1:125, a1111on w11vu11. '80 Etclor1100 dat. mint reco111 61111 wtJrk $1300 cond 26,000 ml, 1nrf, 569· 1832 IO 11d11 O $ I 2 0 Q 0 f!.-..C~! •••••••••• 1.~~! 61 6~17 '69 Cuuo••. IUIO, Pl, Pb. ·10 MUllAllQ, 30? V8, a iclnt tren1pu111t1on apd •lmott compt ••Oii S600 497-3687 mu11 hit i;>:,>g5 ,.,, IHO 750 OM> 11(2 13)693-2255 ••••••••••• ••••••••••• · 10 Mo~u.,,g II Depend a '11 EIOOllT blu. stick, om/Im CHI Vory cteiml (1BOR•t3) Clean S2200 675-2774 3881 cl• ,.,,. .. 780 '100 I 118 Mu110119 Co11ve1110111 Bil L J AXEV TOYOTA at•••P. $8500 19202 Beaoh Blvd 77&· 1561> Hnllngtn Bell 982-0829 '71 FORD Mav8'1<:k GOOd cond 3 new tlrff econ $860 49•-331 ' '12 EIOORT 'TO FAITHCI 30t> V8 20 mpg, good rnec;h cond Mu11 sell '1400101>0 850·0375 NABl~S < :1\I >ll ..l .. 1\(~ CLEARANCE SALE! 1910 CADILLAC SIVILLI (673570) s12,995 1910 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (IAKK082) s9395 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (916XUF) s7995 135-3111 208 w ISi Sunlit Ano Closed Sur>duy CHOICE' INVf NI ORY VOLUME SAL(S 4 sµ, steroo, mags, Only 67 K (659SMR) s3795 1······•••1 front 10 the hlgh811 bid· kend 646-0107 de• Oct • 64•·7••0 '7 I VOL VO 142 011g 72K 9?11 m1 New p111n1. r11dlal1 T!f ~!'!t~.............. elc Aulo. stereo PI P $1975 Ph 548-7838 You can affotit to buy your.M~rcedes Benz from u1. '10 SC C111pt Only 2,000 ml Snrl, 644·6368 198 t_ ~leetwood 8roug- nam 2 dr dsl loaded 20,000 m1, 36136 wrnly. .ttlre luet 10111<. 1500 m1 Wllh only 7 000 m11e1 ( 146tl37) $4388 lllust ltlll 79 Mustang Gh111, lully loaded lo mllet. new tires. amflm c1111se11e Best oll11r 968·8126 1979 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (188WXI) & 1 ·01 10L&REN I llW Sules·Sttrvoce l1>u5111<1 850 N Be<1cr1 6tvo La l1abrt1 &22-5333 Open Svn<lny Ollllt&E COUMTY'S OLDEST & Sall's Service Luas111u IOfCAl~ER I{ l l.S ~})<."Hi.MW "'"' #'& ~· ........... , y 'I NI\..,._ N • " "" .....,.,.,. OfW< ~AYI ll S 76 BNW L'OO :.> Show room cond new '"":.. brakes valve 1ob Asking S6800 Must '>'-'II ASAP 662·2309 1978 BMW 3?01 Mint Concl Sun RI Alloy'>. S8900 obo 640 400\l 673-5743. TylPI f!l.11.. •.•..•... .!.~H I '74 Yellow Capri Ra<llO 11mt lm cass Gd cond Must s e ll Bst 0 11 857-5009 76 Cap11 II Dlaci.. c:at · VG. aor. s1c1001tape Su11rl ommac: $2600 640·00:?0 01 96::1 2023 D1tsan 9120 •••••············••••• '11 DATSUN 210 IRHE Very clean! flATM 15 1) '78 FIAT X-19 4 sp. fact o ry ale, stereo. tape. rack, Jlloys 43 K A Real Beauty ( !BUC707) '79 FIAT X-19 S sp Fac l ory ate. Stereo Cass. Rack , M ags. ( 13090) s5295 '7 5 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 sp. Stereo, Mags. Air, Very Sharp 61 K ( 122NJN) '77 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 sp Dk Green. Mint Cond 111on . Stereo C&f (1ACP57'7) s4995 Al Vellclu ~r111leed ORMG COUNTY'S OC.D£ST f AC I ORY AUTIQllCD flAIHllCIA DUI.CR DICK MILLER MOTORS ; ZO W WJrner Av' S•r.ta An• '>~ 7 21 32 $0 DOWN LEA E cruise. 11/c, P7-S lthf. 1110 TRIUllPll $27 900 Will trade TRl COIVIRTllLE 702-870-7185 PIP Vegu Opttons include air etind '79 91 ISC Targa, I08ded, & AM/FM (lAP0224l 1tlnt. $23.500 o iler OILY 11711 845-8171, 645:_6187 JIJll .... , .. ·19·~ 024. aor BtauP1Jnk1.l VOLUWHH I e a I " er & m o r tt 18711 Beach Blvd $9500/obo 548·6746 Hun1111glon Beach '10 121 I H2-2000 Low moles Lee mt All power. AC, clean. must VolbrtlfH 9710 sen $28,500 080 • • •• • •• • • •••••••••••• 7 14·955-350 I wk dll ,,.,,,,, 1155 ...........•••.•.•.... H HW RHHLTI lo choose from A a low as $4989 (SO• 1380) The all new '83 Ahoonce Is he••' Fuegos. Imme-diate dellvery ORAHE COAST AIC /JEEP/REMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd . C M 549-8023 645· 7770 1110 YOllSWHH llHllT Automallc trans. aor c ooct & lo w mlles1 (9:1606). OILY 14111 Jllll IARlll VOLISWHH 18711 Beach Blvd Huntington Boacn 142·2000 1110 YILISWHH tJOI ~ SI -pan 8ua> lll•l:X).9300 21Jl05()00 l ••••••••• 1 .80 LeCar dtx 11ppy. 11 sunrf. AMlfM cass Lo _ m1 C all C armine 81 380 SL 7000 mi Wire 645-8730 RAlllT IELHE 4 Or 4 speed Hans , sunroof & eatra clean• (913CEO). wheels $38.000tOBO 2 13-832-8979 ~!l!!.~~1.t.' •••••• !.~~~ MB 1982 300 CD-TD Sunrool. S30.900 Call 7 14/492-0890 66 "lo.4erc edes 230SL Cream wf dark tirown so ft rop Hard top. saddle •ntr Good cond s 18,000 673· 7543 78 3000 Mecn sound ne w radials S 14.500/0BO 640·40 19 01 760-0489 70 300 SEL 3 5 Ctass•c N u aor suspension S9500 64!>-0244 74 MBZ 230, 4 dr, amflm, ate. good cond $6250 PI P 5•8 •690 '11 Ill 450 SLC. llaok/ltlaok All extrH. 62,000 m1 $28.500 very llrm 731-5115 83~342 "l DEALER IN U.S.A. IO(. CARVER IO.lS-fOtCE ....... ~,."111'' ••M·'' f•,t1-.. ~~'"'""--.. \of ..... ,........_ CNN ~&YJ ll·S s... 9160 •...•..........•.•..•. 1115 SAAi HU SHH l his one os all 011g1n111• (21739) OILY $2111 Jll IAIUIO VOLISWHH 187 I I 8e11Ch Blvd Huntmgton Beach IU-2000 I~.':'.~ .......... !.~!~ OILY S•lll Jll IARIH VOLISWAIH 1871 l Be1ch Blvd Huntington BOllch H2·2000 '86 Ba)a Buo CleBn Runs gOOd T1a1· ler hitch Stereo Logga- g e rack Xlnt cond S 150010,BO Call eves 548-t1333 --1111 VOLISWAIEI 1 PASSHIH HS 4 te>eed trens & AMIFM stereo lhrs one's In show1oom c ond1t1on 1 (9-225) OILY 11111 JIM IAllll YOLISWAIH '87 I I Beach Blvd Hunongton Beacn 142·2000 $2975 75 Fiat Spider Red w11h BILL MA><EV TOYOTA I worn ••llleels l<lnt cond 80 MBZ 3000 Tan w/ tvory ontr Sunrl. $21.000. 494-9309 Selel-s..-.nc.-LeUlng UllUWI SllAH 131-2040 411-4141 ·1• Bug. oood cond. otlg owner. lla1 been well malnt $2500. 831-9627 19:?02 BeBch Blvd S 1 000 b elo w DOOk 1115 YIUSWAIEI CAMPER Hntrngln Bell 962·0829 I S?~ 760 1996 '71 DATSUll 1 7{1 Fiat 124 Spoc:ler •Inf 1979 280 E Anthracite grey, sunroof. Jtlnt cond $16000 714-553-0335 Eves ----'10 1111111 IL 5 speed coupe. very clean 1•3 tlEAt ThlS one hH been well cared I<>< ( 135221 310 SI COUPE Lorld s3.5oo • Woth arr cond111on1ng and 963 146 1 OILY 1•111 ,,, ........ stereo (534VUAI 76 X 1 ·q a c. alloys Mint M1111 Mint Loot..s & dro· 72 Eu1opiean model diesel 30 mpg n-paint eno $3888 Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 19:102 Beach Blvd HnMgtn Bch 962-0829 VtLISWllH $2975 llLL IUEY TOYOTA 19:?02 Beach Blvd Hunllngton B;iach 112-0121 '78 Datsun B:? 10 good cond $2500 Call Cheryl 891-2910 1982 DATSUNS ~,.~li ke Drand new & u ph Ol S 7 4 9 5 S:-750 548 7245 Ask for 639-0333. 662-2238 Amy Hond• 9721 ..........•..•.••...•• MHDA MHTIH? We can help' Betore you Duy check our unbeata- ble se1ec11on. savings and serv1c:e today• UllYERlln SALES I SERVICE 2850 Harboo Blvd COSTA MESA HE OF ITS llH FOR CILLEOTOll OR IHESTOIUll 67 Cless•c "600' Chauffeur partlllon w/1111 POSSlble options Metal· lie brown w/llghl len plush •elour mt Comp l11cl0fy tebulll & restOftd '!!!!.~'. •••.••••.• !!.~~ 77 Cehce. 5 ape! coui>e xlnt cond many xtr11s $3 600 6 3 1-5874, 6•5-9•42 '10 Cllllll LHIRY HlTitl V~y low mllH Wiii\ 8'J· toma11c trans • power stee11ng. air cond . etc (1BOU230) 187 11 Beach Blvd Hun1111g1on Be11Ch H2-2000 ---'17 S~ltk/CltH Siii New clutch 641-6654 ·74 Super Sfftle. 7 lK ml, runs g<>Od.J nu tires. Int 1 yr olO i2650 O•ya, 7 3 1·9393 evee . 552·79H Very Clt11 11tra Low llliluce Vehicles Fre• As Ltw As 540-1140 I 7 7 ACCORD 5 sp, AMI f M 51lver w/Dlk Inter gd cnncl SJOOO 60 -6610 , lo new car cond Con· veiled lo U S spec. 011g bills for OM 104. 000 on llend -car Pf• sentty stored In Germany but ready for Immediate shopping Selling Pr1ce $75.000 Please onty qu11llllld cash buyers. call $197& BILL MA>CEV TOYOTA 19202 8eacn Blvd Hnllngtn Bch 962..0829 ---- '80 vw Rabbit Converti- ble. d"~rale must NII Beat offer Brwn toade<:l 759-11191 9-5. •94-1993 eves 'll 111 ltHtrtiltlt Better Jhan naw In tto-rage and must t>e _,, • $4988 IHI l111y T •1ot1 11202 lt1cll 11•4. tl1ti•&t• lch 112-0121 ·eo 2oosx Ki nt cond many Aires AC stereo, $5 700folr 848· 770 7 '7• B2 10 new eng. Drks & clulch 8!>.000 m1 $2100 645-2910 --7 9 2 80 ZX tGL N O DOWN• Take over pay- ment a 0 1 re l onance 730-708<1 ·so 280 ZX/Gl $9800 alnl cond Loaded Jt'"' Sliver 553·0506 Or 752 1783 '76 2llO Z. oug pnt 4 spd A tC , A m/F m Cass booster Bra louvres new Clulch. tran1. star ttr, wtr pmp Nice Cond 15800 963-5966 '70 240Z. new paint. me- llllle brown. black 191- tllet IOI, asking S5000 846.0356 1110 IATIH 210ZI IOIPE Thi• 2 plut 2 11 cocoa brown. has 6 1pe9d Iran• & nll the loyal (13&01) llLY 11111 .......... VILllWAlll 181 ti o..eh Blvd Huntltlgton 8each U2-2000 78 CIVIC S2975 3 d• 4 spd 49.000 mo 545.9904 7!> l-loncla CVCC 4 dr wagon •Int cond $2400 Call 6466298 !fl.~~! .••••..•.• !.~~! 78 Jag .CJl;L ht.e nu. 341< whil e w fbl5CUll Int s 10 900 1obo Dy ' 644-9030 evs 64• -430 I (714) 642-0138 n 350SL All orog Magnificent' s 15.800 644-6829 '10 TtJtta Otrtlla 4 speed,_alr, am/Im cas- Hlte. 34.000 miles Xlnt cond S•500 6•5·9779 ev 01 wtcnds IPPI only $8t100 Cell 053·2100 Iv mag II wiff rtn call 80 Ohl Vanagon 21.000 ml. A I end $71150. PYI 82 300 so sunroof. po-'11 OELIOA ply 631-1094, ~2-9807 l"hed wheela, cullom Solver with wire baakel '66 BUG 1nrf all orig. s1r1p1ng champagne whttell ( 159REW) C n r om e r I m . Beige metolllc The lnl-$287& S100010BO 646·8200 ero<>< 1s chocot11te 1800 ml Sold new for $40. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 1110 lolrHH 000. Sec11loce $34.000 t9202 Beacll Blvd Lo miles. Bl•upunkl. air. P/P 891 1588 aft 5 PM 11nt1ngtn Bch 962-0829 5 Spd, alarm. many 1ttru ------- -$6990 5•8-8808 !'.'.~!!'.~J~!~ .. .!!.~tl !!!!!~.' •••••••••• !.~~~ ·:r 5 Short t>ed. Must '87 Bai• Buo 1600cc dual S•450 759.9557 po r I • n a w p e I n I 1174 VOLICSWAHI 7091• ~uns & 1oott .. 1n1 ---s 120010Bo 545-2014 URlllAIUI IMIA ~;"o;:;";~~';~·· pelnt, '11 COllOLU ·n vw Buo engine ell- Hurry on thlS one It'• Very cleanl ( fARZ974) ce11en1 cond • body 1n c.uper c1ea111 ( 109881 ·73•,. 9 l IT T111ga. full S $2111 900d condlllon 12500 01 OILY S•lll eq u 1P • bl k on blk · best offer Cell Answer 19000/otr 498-07:10 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Ad 624 6•2 ·4300. 24 Jll lllHllO 19202 Beach Blvd hre VOLISWACH ·03 356B coupe. mint Hntongtn Beh 982·0829 I 8 7 I 1 B811C:h Bl•d Hunt1ng1on Beach 142-2000 70 ConYt1rl1blo. xlnt cond asking 15:100 COl'ld, tbll eno. reel. ----'80 GAS RABBIT. Xlnl x Ir ll ' •• mu II • e e '77 Coron11 LUK Edll Air, cond 2 IK ml. CHI. btl- 760-8624 PIS tear window defog_. ge W ill Mii fOf wflOIMalt 7-3 ---velour upllol . S2000 book $3850 1080 Porsche 9 l4 parting firm Wotk 673-1434, hm 968-1993:842-40411 out from $25-S 1,000. 642.4010 00ug Turin Call 960·1776 -----'71 CONV Kint ahape. Pele f30;lfU3-2900 '77 9 I IS Tero•. ale. tl&- 60 t<tG 12 000 m1 on rblt reo 1lloy1. mint 54,000 ang Ncls minor body mlle1 S 14,500. Alk for w ork $:?500 f obo Ned 71•1548-7245 'll OELIOA 1000 ct •noine. S4soo. 848·8664 With 11ereo ano cuae1- 1e. very CINI) ( IBUC309) Reduced to ·77 Rat>bll. low·IOw mllee, 4 apd. gorgaoua b1wn body, perfec1 11n lnl b52-66HI '73 914 2 0, AM/FM c: .. 1. $3410 llH'I 1131 xlnt cond. low ml 145011 •••••••••••••••••••••• 675·9S65. 67S.7424 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 19202 9Mch Blvd HnUngln 8ch 962.0829 IUU ~O• TOii• '81 SPECIAL EOITION Tell• over le•M $434 645-11730 855·0lH '79 Cra11ld11. all opoone, ou11111ndlno cond 38. '59 Coupe E1tce1t•nt 000 mile• 180-1142 c:ond No rutt $e600 ot --- btt ofr 9•0-9398 1111 TOYOTIS '77 924 Exc•llent cond lo m1, anrf, new pelnt. $68$0 0 80 8•0·63911 Very Olt11 Ltw Mlltllt Yttlltlts ,,.. At let As Auna IUpetb. n-"'"· $3150 ~11-7:145 ·71 WINOO-WV _A_N...,....1-1-11 $9001080 Cell 111 8. 1148-0769. 'II VW HTOllAOI e .. 1 offer 61~$119 ·79 VW Bug Convertible. A tr d 11 ,000 m t S8 soo1o f1 1a q1 709 -2598 or (7 141 873-3372 bolh eva• '1& Otllun 200SX tlr ~n111•JP•. cond , oood cond ntP IT a .. &00 53&-2142 tfltr 5 - - -"" 142•5770 9 -• '82 Tatge IMtalllc 1>9W1tt, Ian tnl. poll1hed elloy1, Bote tttrao, au opllont, Altlm. 3SQO ml, auutM >•"e plu1 1 1000 494-4521 $3988 '71 vw Buo LOI bl11, am/ Im attrto ca11. 1151· 1494 wtk, 8&7·2029 nm • ---71 ,..,., ·a 1 Ma111ni•. pert c:ond, aup•t dtlu11 t . 181100 "46-1169. 648·11&$3 -e l200Sx--:Aie 5tp • 151501080 MM343 fAClml 1074 Maioa Wagon fl•· d10 heltlf IMllO lrant pVI party M8·2&72 .'71 Tufbo Catrtft, $7000 1nd auvrne I It .000 IHH 111 81136/mo NrN NCT'S. etff.O. fuN .. Ith 1n1r Rich ou.e111 a 532·2865 J 1111 luff Ttrtf1 1tlOl ltH• lh4. ........... · 112-llH Orto pe1nt l!•C9ltenl pop lop 13850 213·692·2110 '7 l luper e .. 11...-ne: paint. clutch Xlnt eno and lfll AM/FM ~I NII t 1960 080 675-07&8 82 Volvo Wagon DL StO 300 C11tl 5!>9·5 199 73 Volvo 164. 4 spd, air, 111un11111g t>lue body 6 1mmac blue 1n1 Never dented Pe• 111c1 cond lhruo ul Runs super IJ $2,650 548-7:?45 '80 GLE. 23,ooo m11ea. load•cl . blue s 12.000tOBO ~46-031!> 445 E Coasi riwy Newport Beacll 673·0900 range $1 3 ,500 <493·•378 76 De Volle Sedan Xlnt cond loaded, $3200 644·0!.54. 640-6220 llLL IUU TOYOTA 19202 Beech Blvd Hurillllgton Beach H2-0l2t C1a110 9111 79 Fresta, Good Cono ·1·o·c~;:;~·5·~;~1~d·;i: AMt FM cass. New r 1res. or1g owner .'great shope 642-2605 '2800 $3000 OBO 673·8481 79 F"lesta new pa1111. Wet, · 4 sp<J, •Int condition ' Cie vrolel llZO 662-2530 all •PM ............•..•••.... SEE Us Fl"ITI '64 F11tcon New •very- thing, rocfl motor S 1500. We hove a good selec-Scott 951-!>513 loon ol NEW & USEO Chevrolet•I '72 Mevertck :? dr 6cyt. runs good $795 C1111 COHMEll CHEVROLET "-"111Mt••' H : < • l' l \ \.! L'. I 960 6035 '68 Falcon. good cond Musi sell 1st $600 taketi II 673-1970 SU-1 200 ·75 L TO 2 dr radio. 111r cond. new tores. 62.000 '11 Ohtvy l•Ylltr ~ xlnt cond $2 100 s2200 2+2 Hatcnbec« 84:?· 1388 A/IC 9915 amflm ceuette PhJ'sh ·e-e Coo11nl. -Int cond~rbl1 • • • ••• • • • • • • • ••• • •• •• • int ctean body. 5 spd, eng, ctean Inside & out -01'1•dile ff SS .•••..•.••.......•••.• 79 Olds Cullan 30.000 m1 Best Oller 6•0 7507 . -76 Cutlass s1a11on wagon Gd cond new brake•. A/C AM/FM cass $2000 080 54 !>-08 17 74 Culloss Sedon. all 011g. AC. 1mmac c11r 631 -5661 r!r~~!'!~ ........ !.~!! '63 V11t1an1, rebll 6 cyl, 5 new ures . .ttlnt body. $650 5•8-4 109 1111 PLYIHTM MORIZH 4 •Mil • 4 speed trans & AM/FM ( lEPR794) Buy 1h1S one 81 whotesotel OILY 11111 Jll lllARIMO VOLllWHH 18711 Beach Blvd HuntlllQlon Beach 142-2000 MILES. ''•.'•?? Ownet 39 mpg 54 1-0777 $750 5•5-2296 Coll 646·4629 I ---Pflllllt HIS Need some rehabte Iran-1971 Maverick. clean, •••••••••••••••••••••• l•itk 9910 sportauon? Buy my 79 runs good. $375 76 Flrebird. $25~:'.i '"~ ••••••••••••••••••• ••• Cheve11e Only 3•.000 642-23'44 mo. tan. mornings onty s9495 1979 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE (013XUP) sio,995 1978 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (540UOTI s5995 1911 CADILLAC COUPE DI Villi D'IUGANCI llBGC305) s12,995 Oller Good Thru Monday 10-4-82 brakes 73K mo. good Call Sandy. 552· 7 t82 #ettlr• 1150 2800 HARBOR B~YO. 75 Skylark nu Illes & m1 new tires. AC auto., 673-1478 cond S 1350 549·3984 ••••••A•••••••••••••• fHI 9914 COSTA MESA Cne¥ '78. Impala. 2 dr. '76 Mercury Bobcat, gd ••'••••••••••••••••••• 81 Century LTO 4 dr, low ate. auto. R/H, 31 M. 6 cond . new tires. runs ·72 Vega. auto m1g1 mo, loaded rn excel cond Cyl 011g Owr> $3100 w •I I S 1 2 0 0 0 B 0 needs moto r $200 BeSl Oflllf G4•-5613 760·1333 871-9331 &46-1321 0oo 540-1860 ~ ... ~0.'1. ~'.'! ...... !.~~ ~ ... ~•!1. ~!.'! •••••• !.~~ ~ ... ~ .... ,. ~~ ...... !.~~ ~ ... !'.11.~ • .'.'! ••••.• !.~'!1 ~ ... ~'.11. ~.'!! •••.•• !.~'!f ClOSEOUTS ON ALL 1982' s HUGE DISCOUNTS $ UP TO ·- ~NES Fof Tueeday through S•turd•y publiaitlons. 5 30 PM the pnwious day. For Sund•Y •nd Monday publicallons, 12 00 noon Saturday ERRORS AdYertiMfS l hOUld Che ck their lld$ d•ily and report llfl'ors lmmedi•lely. The DAILY PILOT -.imts ll•billty for the first incorrect 1nMr11on only. 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All rHl •t8'e 8d\lefttMd In this newts-Pef Is ~to the Federal Fair Housing Ad of 1988 wh1ctl nwkes It lllegail to 8dvertlte "•ny preference. limitation, or dlecnmlnatlon beMd on rem. oo4or. religlon. M•. or nation• origin. or an intention to nw~ W'f IUCh preference, !Imitation, or dllcrimin8tlon " Thia rwwsp~r will not knowingly llCcapl any lidlloer\iling for tMI --which It In vloi.t1on of tN law. ..USFUUU C-ol ·-Mrt ... ._~ ·-.. _,>NM -·-..._..,,. 1191 ( ...... -..... . ... c ......... ., -, .. _. .. .,..,. . .. tt.!"'" ·-.... ,..,.., ... va1w, ... Hwllffllll• k •t• .... '"-.... = ..... •• Htlh ·-....__,.,. .... 1461 •-v .. ,. 1.-t ~ ...... ·---,.,,. _,.._i;.,...,_ ,.,. ....I AM ... _ ..... --'--..... _ ·- __ ... ,. ..... .... ......... _., '* =:;/~~:,,,, .. ·-·-c .. ,...,,,. •.• , r,...,n, ,_ ~.:~'..~t , ... ·-~M ... Jllow-... ·-,_,.,_'1, -,_,, .. ,,.,. .. , ,,. ...... , .. s.lt DllO M•-.tt,...Trlr t-trh Ull ....... °'~" """'°"' ·-°'r.fc('• ..... -:=.,~-=~:.-nlO -llMtliliK .. .,., Gre-P' ,,. ltt.t l.6lll• l.Uh•IW• -............ _ ... -__ ,,.... ,,. •Am in thl1 cetegory mu1t be ~d °'*' 8-5:30, Saturday &·noon (Cloeecl on Sundtiy) 330 W. Bay SI., Cotta M ... , Ca. 92627·91113 5t .... IOITALS --.. -,,. ----... ... -mt -... -... .. Ult -- } f -. 2 -Ornnge County Real E!state/ An Advertising Suppfement to the OAIL 'f PILOT /Saturday, Oct. 2. 1982 • / . 760-8333 PElllSIU NllT Fabulous Bay view. 3 Bc:.'Clrooms and den. Forma l dining. Large spacious rooms, adjacent to swimming beach. 20% down, owe balance at 12%. Reduced to $675.000. 760-8333 IOIT IWIEIS You wall love this Cape Cod Bayfronl with large shp, 2 side tics, and easy access to Jetty. 4 Bedrooms, 2 decks with superb vie ws. A charming home throughout. Priced at $1.395,000. On fee la nd. 760-8333 ... ,J' EITEITlllEll IELllllT Fabulous family room with exciting ocean view, atnum, spa. 3 firepla{-es & 3 Bedrooms. Assume 9% first. OWC large sec..'Ond. P riced a t $585,000. 760-8333 llTlllTll ... , This delightful estate is located on a huge lot overlooking golf courle in prestigious Big Canyon. 5 Bdr, 4 baths, tavern room, study. formal dining, gourmet kitchen, superb custom construction, covered patlo and pool! $2,650,000. 760-8333 • A Dlvlalon of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 111GUYii1um View of golf course and night-lights from extra large custom SIU' cul-de-sac lot. 4 Bedrooms. Formal dining. 3 car garage. S ubmit on fina ncing . Asking $795,000. 760-8333 IOTllll LllE IT A room for every mem ber of the family from a gourmet kitchen for mom to special play rooms for the kids. All done an trad1t1onal design accented by wooden stairways, Fre nch doors. stained and leaded glass windows. 4 Bedrooms, pool, spa and wading pool. $895.000. 760-8333 Ill CllYOI LOT Butld your dream home on thJS fabulous lot an presugaous Big Canyon overlooking private park on quiet cul-de -sac $825,000. 760-8333 • ..... IElTIH - Enjoy the charm of th1a lovely Portofino plan. 4 Bedrooms, 3 'h baths, Cini.shed bonus room. formal din ing, large lot with privacy. $359,500. 760-8333 s JACOBS REAL TY, ·INC. 675-66.70 \ 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92e83 f , 11 l I q I I 1 . I " I Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Oct. 2. 1982 -3 nt:Uw PRC)Pf.RTIES 760-8333 llLF CHllSE YIEW Outstar.ding Monaco w ith terrific location on fairway in Big Canyon. 3 Bclr .. formal dining. Oak paneling. bookcases. Delightfully decorated throughout. 3 car garage. Owner will finance at 13%. $625,000. 760-8333 lllLIEllS ATIEITIOI Lovely 40 ft. lot with Canyon View in Old Corona del Mar. Existing 2 BR. beach cottage, perfe<·t building site, or remodel and add on. $325,000. 760-8333 Yll Wll'T IELIEYE TllS. • • • • • A Brand New home for $469,500 with all the amenities of a m illion $$ house. 4 Large bedrooms, 3 'h baths. formal dining room. wet bar <>Jf family room w/refrigerator & ice maker, Island kitchen with Jenn-Air range & BBQ, Microwave. wanning unit, dishwasher & trash compactor. Central vacuum, spat.tub in master suite, marble front fireplaces & last but not least a "dumbwaiter" from Isl to 3rd floor. The bank and , owner will cooperate. S ubmit your offer on this once in a lifetime buy!! .JllT STEn Tl IUll Private Courtyard entry with waterfall and fish pond. 3 Bedrooms. plus Den, 2 baths and a. HUGE Redwood Sundeck over 2 car garage. Good assumable financing with Bank. A good Newport Beach location for $172,000 . • A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA Ulllll lllllE CISTll 5 Bdr., 6,500 sq . f t. with beautiful taste and quality throughout. Beveled and leaded glass. onyx and marble baths, elevator, wine cellar, pool, spa, sauna, sec:urity system and much more. Offer your trade as down payment. $2,225,000. 760-83:33 OCW llPLEI 4 Bdr., 2 bath home with 2 Bdr. apartment. Extra large master Bedroom with fireplace and large deck. Steps to beach. Great summer-winter re ntal area. Reduced to $359.500 760-8333 TlllPLEI JIST YAlllS FIOI IAY Ill OCUIFIOIT No Rental problems here! Two 2 bedroom units and 1 bedroom unit in prime location on Peninsula with Good Income. Owner a looooow own payment and will earry financing. Start your investments here at $299,500. Submit your Terms!! llEllCEI 140,000. • . • Large Duplex just off the Oceanfront in superb Balboa location. Three bedrooms a nd fi replace in each unit plus 6-car parking! Just like buying 2 homes for the price of one!! Owner says try 10% down and offers this property at $410.000. .r JACOBS REAL TY, INC. 675--6670 / 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92883 . l ------------------------------------· 4 -Orango County Real Estate/An Advert1stng Supplement to the DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 N•wpon •••ch JUST LISTED IN BLUFF AREA Fee land, priced to sell with 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths, spa, patios, security. A real Spanish charmer. $269,900 ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO In the Cove overlooking Balboa. Island with 2 bedrooms + den, 2'h baths, fireplace. private beach. $855,000. • SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FIMANCINGI Seller packing, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and . views flt to kill. $495,000. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay ot\Und& lsie, this 5 bedroom. 4'~ bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious. bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. ql,.llvlng space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat Seller will help finance. $1 ,450,000. LIDO SANDS NEAR BEACH AND POOL Perfect starter with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 patios, fireplace and below market price of $159,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom. 3 bath home has Impressive city and Cat alina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000 LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% down. $225,000, RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. '$235,000. HARBOR VIEW ESTATE One of the larges·t lots in Harbor View Homes with over 'h acre, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond, 6 bedroom. 4 bath home with 2 fireplaces. skylights and French doors. $495,000. Fee. Open daily 1-5. Submit all offers. FAMILY HOME IN BAYSHOAES Charming and spacious on large corner lot, fee land with 3 Bdrms, family room. 3 Baths, wet bar, bay windows and French doors. $495,000. HARBOR VIEW FAMILY HOME Seller will assist buyer in financing this 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with fireplace. use of pool. $310.000. EASTBLUFF RANCH HOME FOR TRADE Owner will trade this lovely 3 bedroom. 3 bath home for a home or condo in Capistrano Beach area. Good terms. privacy. $259.000. Emer•ldS.y OCEAN VIEWS AND COUNTRY CHARM Easy walk to beach, tennis, pool, and park from this 6 bedroom, 6'.1 bath residence with maid's quarters. $790,000. POSSIBLE LEASE/OPTIONI This traditional 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on a corner lot has additional family room. large patio with spa and corner lot location. Low down. $825.000. SPECTACULAR VIEWS OF EMERALD BAY This charming 2 bedroom. 2 bath home with pool has very high, long term assumable financing and seller wlll help, $650,000. Buying or Salling • H•rbor Ridge "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL ''Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft . home with spectacular ocean and night light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms w ith low down. $575,000. "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11. 75% on this 3 bedroom, 2'/t bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODlit 0 WITH TERMS Seller will carry an AITD of $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft .. 3 bedrooms, 31h baths. large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $695,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller will consider trade on this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces. atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocating. $775,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Spectacular ocean and city light views from this 4 Bdrm 2'h Bath home with gated entry courtyard and spa. $525,000. Fully assumable 30 yr. 9l/•% 1st CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. fl. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate;' that will rival all others. Seller must liquidate but will consider a joint-venture agreement. $1,500.000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE! Located on an unusually large lot. this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property or seller will carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths. J5rojection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. $2, 700,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedrooms, family room and 3 '/z baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $550,000. TAY LOW, LOW DOWN •. See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba 2000 sq. ft. home with large redwood deck. fireplace and vaulted ceilings. $231,000 assumable long term financing at 10.38•/o fixed. $379,000. BREATHTAKING PANORAMIC VIEWS Premium location with total privacy plus 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, complete security plus long term financing. S 1,385,000. Exquisite furnishings available. "CASABLANCA" MODEL WITH GREAT VIEWS A former model home, this 4 bedroom, 2'h bath setdom-lived-fn residence features designer upgrades and close proximity to tennis and pool/spa area. $520,000. Oih•rAr••• • TRINIDAD ISLAND HOME W/BOATDOCK Dramatic executive 3 Bdrm home with gourmet kitchen. fam-Uy room, fireplace, and wet bar. $399,950. ARBOR LAKE BRIARCLIFF WITH TEAMS Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo with den, fireplace, dining room, mountain views and complete security. $175,000 FEE. A-FRAME SWISS CHALET DUPLEX Probably one of the original S. Laguna "Olympic VIiiage" houses dating back to 1932. Cozy units with fireplaces. Seller flexible. $210,000. NEWPORT GLEN-OWNEft MUST SELLI Light and airy townhome with 2 bedrooms plus den, many upgrades and amenities plus relaxing recreational facilities. Below market. $120,000. Id Newp•rt Bea·eh? CALL blQIJO 644-7020 .J.O..:.ill!O' ___ ..,,_ ____ ......... ________ - - On the Oeean Newpon •••ch THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISL.ANO with private beech. 2 bedrooms. den. fireplace. wet bai. designer decor. $875,000 Call 6-44· 7020 ON THE BlUFf with incredible vistas of the Harbor and ocean plus excellent terms. Currently has an older house but suitable for condos. $875.000. Call 497 ·3331 LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT with 5 bedrooms. -4'"1 bathe, tr9dltlonal styling, picturesque vi-•. courtyard spa, sllp and aide he for 60' boat. Complete security. $1,-450,000. can 94,..1020 Lagun• •••ch CONTIGUOUS OCEANFRONT HOMES Contemporary Cape Cod style with 3 or 4 bedrooms. private drive through S«Urity gate, two Jacuzzis. ocean view decks. -4 llreplacea In 811, separate guest quarters. $2.100,000 and $2,900,000. Call "497-3331 "LAGUNfTA" ON THE SANO with 5 bedrooms. 6 baths, spa, lull oceanfront ~. Mexican paver•. 3 fireplaces, handpalnted cuatom details, many d«ka and truly elegant Spanllh decor. $2,900,000. Call i97.3331 CM8CENT BAY OCEANFRONT HOME In Nor1h Laguna new Newport Center with 3 bedrooms. 3 baths. beamed ceilings. brick fireplace. seller. llnanclng available. $1,500.000. Seller wlll consider trade for a Laguna r816dence. Call 497 ·3331 South t119un• JUST STE" TO TitE I.ANO from thlt 3 bedroom. 4 bath oceanfront home with den. formal dining, recreation room." 2 flrepl~. a double tot and private drl\19. Extraordinary financing peckage available with 25% down. $2,300,000. can 497.3331 LAGUNA ROYALi OCEANFRONT COWL.EX with three unfta currently available: -Two bedroom. 2 bath, wt\ltewetw view unit with deck, u.. of pool, underground parktno. et.valor to the 18nd, Miier financing. $3215,000. Call -4H-8812 NEWPORT BEACH 644-7020 LAGUNA BEACH 497-JJJ1 • Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 -5 • On the Lake • -Large 3 bedroom, 2 bath end unit with sounds of the ocean right outalde. New paint and carpet, fabulous views $525,000. Call 493-8812 -Dynamite locatlon with seller financing at 12% for 10 years with $50.000 down! $225,000. Call 497 .3331 LAGUNA LIDO OCEAfWRONT COMPLEX with two units curren1ty available: · -Super oceanfront value with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. secluded cove location, elevator to the sand. long term 9 5•;. llnancJno. S2.79.soo. c,i1 497-3331. -Built on the sand with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. long term 9'11% financing. very private. $299.000. Call -497-3331. LOWER THAEE ARCH BAY OCEANFRONT with 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, lamlty room. formal dining, breakfast room. two lots. Jacuzzi. terraced decks and gardens to secluded cove below. $1,400,000. Call 497-3331 LOWEA THREE ARCH BAY OCEANFRONT French 'Normandy villa with breathtaking coastal views. -4 bedrooms. 4 baths, 4 Imported marble llreplac:es. complete secur11r system. formal dining, library, muter tulle with Jacuzz tub and 18una plus much morel owe AITD at 13"!. for so•;. of value tor 4 years! $1,950.000. Call 497-3331 D•n• Point C•pldr•no •••ch ON THE BlUPJI IN DANA ~· cwerlooklng the Harbor with 3 bedroom•. 2 baths, large lot, gazebo on the point, BBQ. With 25% down, OWC at reasonable rate. $800,000. Call 493·8812 ON THE BLUFF IN CAPISTRANO llEACHI A new custom home with 3 bedrooma. 3'11 baths, spectacular ocean views. fireplace. terrarium. wine cellar and spa. $450,000 loan available at 15.59/e, $875.000. Call 498-4950 ENGLISH COUNTRY 18TATI ON THE BLUFF In Capl1trano Beach with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, 2 wet batt. dramatkl ocean views. 3 custom fireplaces. With S50,000 down, financing It avallable at approx. 13'/,, Seller will alto consider trade. $695,000. Call 498·4950 Call Unga auar:.... ·Tit• Co•n•I Commlulon" On the Bluff I Mlulon Viejo · TREI VISTAS ON THE WATIAI Magnificent country French estate boasting 90' of lake frontage, 4+ bedrooms, 3'1t baths, terraced patios. Large spa, BBQ, fish pond, waterfall, lloatlng dock and sandy beach for sunning. Furnishings available. $1,900,000. Call 493·8812 MllSION VIEJO L.AKEFAONT In exclusive Tres Vistas with 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, use of tennis. 3900 sq. ft., featured In Unique Homes Magazine. Terms available. $825,000. Cell 493·8812 VERY PRIVATE LAKEFAONT CONDO with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. contemporary styling. balcony, fireplace plus assumable and seller financing. $1 58,500. Call 493·8812 PRIVATE BOAT DOCK adorns this lakefront tiome with almost 5000 sq. 11 .• 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, wet bar, Jacuzzi tub, hot tub. lkyllgh .. and 13 stained glass windows! owe. $1, 150,000. Call 493-8812 CUSTOM HOME ON THI! WATER In Tres Vistas with 4 bedrooms. 3 bathe, use of private beach and tennis, a spa plua Iota of storage available. Great views. $750.000 Call 493·8812 FOUR PNME OCEANFRONT CONDOI with vistas from Dana Point to the San Clemente pier, these 2 or 2•11 bedroom unlta are Ideally located. Builder 1a offering 1pec1a1 financing at 13.5·~. $279,000·$305.000. Call 498-4950 BlUFP LOT -This top residential homeslte with sweeping . vl8WI from Dana Point to Casa Pacifica 11 avaltable for purchase or trade for commercial. Income property or San Clemente beach house. $499,000. Call 498-4950 DRIFTWOOD CONDO BY THE I EA with labulous whitewater views, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. pool and ape overloOklng the sand, llreplace, patio and formal dining. s220.ooo aaaumabt• at 13't.% and owe. Draatlcally reduced to $350,000. Call 498·-4950 TWO I PANl8H HIDIAWAYI On the baach, these 2 bedt'oom, 2'-+ bath villas ha¥9 French doors, flreplaees, securtfy gate, red tile roots. double garage and around 1500,000 ••oh In aaaumabte financing. Your choice S5e5.000 or SS..5,000. Try t0% downt Call 493·88t 2 DANA POINT 493-8812 SAN CLEMENTE~ 498-4950 } ,, I ' I) ) I ...-' 6 -Orange County R~al Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Oct. 2. 1982 • MACNAB IRVINE REALTY UllT Miii EITITI IU• llUll Hand crafted truly a home of excetlence. Slate roof-brick courtyard entrance -wood floors -leaded windows -walnut carved doors, green house. Ams w/tree top balconies & charm. Formal din rm. 9 BR beach & pier & slip to accommodate 95 foot yacht. $6,000,000 Barbara Aune (Z 11) IPEITlllUI llYflllT Collins Isle -117 ft. of prime panoramic view; turning basin & 4 islands! Slip & floats for 3 large boats. Traditional French Inspired residence, over 5600 sq. ft.; 5 BAS, 8 Baths, game rm, Family rm. 2 staircases & elevator. Offered at $4,300,000 Including land. Cathy Schweickert (Z12) 11 llllMI llfflllT Main bay location on Linda Ille. Speciacular architectural design. dramatic curved staircase, high beamed ceilings, plantation shutters, 6 bedrooms + library. Slip for a boat to 75 ft. $1,650,000 Cathy Schweickert (Z13) EITDTlll • I Miii 1&111 One of Newport's finest resktencee. Years under constructlOn on an unbetievable view lot. Grecian pillars & sparkling pool. The home has high ceilings, detailed heavy crown mouldings. Two formal dining areas, breakfast rm, gracious living rm, paneted study, luxurious marble & onyx baths -Garden bedrooms and servants wing. $1,575,000. Barbara Aune (Z14) Pl• IO' lllFlllT LllATlll Room for two 50' boats plus a bay Boat. Shows like new. 6 rms overlook view of main bay. Lots of guest parking. A newer home on land you own. 4 BR. 3'h BA. Reduced to $1,295,000. George Grupe (Z15) IPYIUIS YIEW . ', Panoramic ocean, bay & city llghts view from this two story "Southport" model. 6 bedrms, formal dining rm, family rm. + a bonus rm professionally decorated In bright colors. Beautiful sparkling pool & spa. $890,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall (Z16) llllllllOMlllW Total security in this beautiful luxurious condominium -Bay & city view, underground security parking, Pool & spa. Magnificent entrance salon w/crystal chandelier. Pool rm & deck area to private boat slips. $759,000. Barbara Aune (Z17) llYEI ... El ELllllT I OUll IEUEI F•AM•I IVIM Ill.I Exciting views of Newport Center and upper bay. Solar heated pool & spa In garden setting. Formal dining and large akyllghted famlly room, plus 4 family bedrooms. $750,000 Incl. land. Larry Oyer (Z18) EmlTllREll llUllT -IEWPllT IOU Marvelous for parties with dance floor & custom bar. Glass roof retracts. 4 BR + den. Private walled yard Includes pool. spa & waterfall. Security· system. $675,000 Including land. Cathy Schweickert (Z19) IHll IF DI I_, -... FllllllM Enjoy beach living and be only minutes from N.B. Ocean aide of highway. 3 or 4 BR home In North Laguna. Large lot with room for expansion. $599,900. Maxine Propp (Z20) •MITDIA•Lllml Super ocean & bay view from thl• apecious slngle story r911denoe. 2 mstr suit ... plu1 2 more lg BR, 4 BA, fam rm, & game rm. Poot In courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godahall (Z21) llYEI llHEI llW DOLISIYE Spacious traditional, lerra cotta tiled family rm w/flreplace. Formal dining rm w/beamed ceiling. 4 BR or 3 + convertible den. Nearly V3 acre w/20 x 40 pool & spa. $465,000 LH Cathy Schweickert (Z22) llYSlllEI llUlm . Gate guarded community. Spacious fmly home on quiet street. Your decorating touch will add much charm to this lovely 3 BR. 3 BA. convertible den home. $449,500 incl. land Dick Halderman (Z23) OllTlllZll Ullll VIEW lllEI "lllElllT" Fabulous financing "below market" Interest rate available for a qualified buyer. 5 BR, formal dlnng rm .• fam rm .. with lots of paneling & French doors and windows. Pool & spa. Great family home. Close to community park & schools. $429,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall (Z24) -t . PlllE lllllTllll •Ill llllUlll VIEW Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR, 2 ~,-dining area home situated on very lg lot -room for expansion & pool. $425,000 Fee land Donna Godshall (Z25) llW PllOI llYlllE MYE The "legend" model one BR. den condo situated within steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire aecond floor. Financing Is excellent on this prestigious home. $4'15,000 Fee Donna Godshall (Z26) PUI J .1&111111 OIEll Beautiful air conditioned 1 story, 3 BR home with loads of priva~y on corner location near pool & spa, brick & concrete patios off master suite & family room -neutral colors throughout. $410,000 Maxine Propp (Z27) WllUWE .. Beautiful In every respect. Gorgeous gardens -lg lot -formal dining rm -garden family room, lg gourmet kitchen w/charmlng breakfast area. Solar heated swimming pool. 3 BR. $395.00 Including land. Barbara Aune (Z28) .11111111 OIHI -IOUR Y1IW1 Prime cul-de-sac VIEW LOCATION. 3 BR single story condo In prestigious Jasmine Creek -Community tennis, pool, security. Just fisted at $390,000 Including land. Martha Macnab (Z29) OAllEI 1111wn VIEW Fantastic panoramic ocean view & within walking distance of the three private beaches. Single story 4 BR, fam rm residence situated In Cameo HiAhlanda. Great potential -close to shopping and ·schools. ONLY $369,900 Including the land. CaH Donna Godshall (Z30) Ill Pllll IEllOTlll This Is a splendid opportunity -new remodel and lovely decor In a great family area. Warm cozy and spacious w/a beautiful view & 4 BR + library. $320,000 Coby Ward (Z31) TIY 011 VIEW M Fii llZEI Water. mountains & llghts and a beauty of a hOuse just newly refurbished. The best of everything In a big 2 story, 3 BR hOme. $310,000 Coby Ward (Z32) IEllOEll IUT YllW Prestigious Seawlnds beat view street! Carmel model done to perfection. Kol Pond In lovely yard on this view site. Seller will coop w/flnanclng. Bring your offer! Wiiow down! $310,000 Jane Paquin (Z33) MIPEUTlll Ill.II Lowest priced home In Harbor View Hiiis. Luak Built Sandpiper model lncludet1 the land. 4 BR. 3 BA, fam rm, 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage. Some TLC and creativity wlll put money In bank. $299,000 Sharon Smith (Z34) · 1444211 C I Orange County Real Estate/An Advertfslng Supplement to the OA~LY PILOT/Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 -7 IRVINE REALTY HARBOR RIDGE LMRllJ Priced for Immediate sale. Assumable 30 yr loan of $278,000 ~ 13%. Owner will carry 2nd TO. $595,000. •1111111 Professionally decorated split level, 2 BR wi den & llbrary. Reduced $100,000 for ityimedlate sale. $450,000. LMllll Spacious 3 BR. Including Master BR Retreat w/flreplace. 3 car garage. Beautiful ocean/bay view. $695.000. IYlllTY Highly upgraded 2 BR w/spa and sauna. Immaculate throughout. Great assumable financing. $465,000. LIOlllll Interior Designer's own home. Elegant throughout. Unobstructed Ocean View. Assum. Fin. $725,000. lllWUI Dramatic 2 BR split level wi den & llbrary. Great location & terms. Ocean/Bay View $580.000. llYNlllll . -Assume existing 30 year $400,opo First at 13.8% fixed. 5 BR w/Bonus Rm & 3 car garage. Ocean View $850,000. LMllU Country French! Gorgeous wood panelled FR w/bullt-in bookcases. Assume long-term financing. Ocean/Bay View $695.000. llUIUI Immediate possession on this spacious 2 BR split level wi den & library. Ocean View. For lease $2,500 month. .llllW Must sell -will consider all offers. Plush beige carpet & wood plank floors. ~anoramlc View. $675,000. Belle Partch of Maureen White "YOUR HARBOR RIDGE SPECIALISTS" DUY• Ill IOUI VIEWS Larger Corona del Mar lot on quiet street, spotless 3 BR, 3 BA including separate guest suite. 2 love1~.P(til,i91t. Seller may help finance 2nd T.D. May be best opportunity In town. Offered at $289,500 incl. land. George Grupe (Z35) llllUIU WllTIUfF + ,.., Warmly decorated famlly home: 3 BR + fam rm w/hlgh beam ceilings -Open kitchen, lovely pool & great landscaplng. Terrific neighborhood. $269,000 Incl. land. Jane Paquin (Z36) TllTLll•lll•-Bren-Montecito model beautifully decorated and highly upgraded. 3 BR. tam rm. 2 fplcs & garden court. Great location on oul-de-sac w/viflw of mountains. Community pool & tennis. Exceflent assumable financing. $267 ,500 Sharon Smith (Z37) ... " Pl.II • l&.lffl • UD•ILT With assumable loan, low maximum rate loan. Upgraded end unit, custom wallpapers, shutters. 3 BR. fam rm, patio, fireplace. beamed ceilings. $265,000 Jan Young (Z38) •PllYIRllU A rare opportunity -This cuatom bullt home. Architect Herb Brownetl -A true one of a kind -High c*llngs -Walnut bookcuea -Flreplac. In muter BR -"Great View -Community pool. $265,000 Barbara Aune (Z39) II ._ NII• mT Ill ••IB fl 18.L Two bedrm, •noJe level home wlgrNt potential. Needs "tender loving c.re" and hM room tor expanalon. Large lot w/room tor pool or epa. Loweet prlOed hOme In lrvtne Terrace Incl. land. 1251,500. Donne Godehalt. (MO) Tllllt Marvelous Eastbluff home. Lusk built 3 BR. + tam rm on parklike grounds. Immaculate w-many skY11tes & upgrades. Desires trade to $500,000 with R/2 zoning beach location. Priced at $239,500 Leasehold or $327 ,200 in Feel Jan~ Paquin (Z41) ILlffl•llllmlLT One story, 3 BA, "Bonita". newly painted, carpeted, shutters. lovely wallpapers. Perfect for small famlly or retired couple. Comm. pool nearby. Excellent financing. FULLY ASSUMABLE! $225.000 Jan Young (Z42) .... WITI PllYITI IPI I • Very sophisticated Bluffs condo only steps to comm. pool. OWner has reduced price and will assist In financing. Assumable 1st. TO. $225.000 Leasehold. Paula Balley (Z43) ._ •• Ulll ... , First Offering! Original Bluffs. Immaculate "Carmelita Plan" on greenbelt near pool. 4 BR. 3 BA -Patio. $198,000 Leasehold. Dick Halderman (Z44) I Tiii Yll.ll • Tll -.-.... This great 3 bedrm, 2 story home In a fine famlly area is vacant and ready for you. Spacious & spotlela, a lovely property. $155,900 Coby Ward. (Z45) ·······-Charming "Redwood" model -3 BR, 21n baths, dining area. profnelonally decorated In spring colon. Lg patio -atr conditioned. Community pool, tennis eourt1 & lake. S 155,000. Fee Donna God9halt (Z4e) .. , .... 5.8 Ac,-. Orange County lndu.trtal land. CUrrently In 3 -- approved for apttt Into 17 parc:el1. All er part. 7.50 per eq. ft. lncludk'I offltte tmpnM1inent1. M9ftha M.cnab (Z47) ' II f,t J, f I • l•i J'''' I I '• t 1 1, ,, •'• • ,,,• t . I .i Orange Countv Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 -9 l \ ..... 11111 Slll,000 Best buy in this exclusive guard gated area. Elegant Kensington featuring 4 BR + tam. rm. Lovely upgraded home in pristine conditibn. Fabulous condition, fabulous view. Large assumable loan. Owner will be creative Including lease/option. llYCIHT SllO,IOI Beautiful custom 5 BR Spanish home with formal dining & family rm has a fiesta size patio with pool. spa & tournament area on fee land. Ill CllYll '411,IOO 3 bedroom Monaco model. Freshly painted, new landscaping. Charming country French decor. Lowest priced Monaco in Big Canyon. Priced to sell. Owner will help finance. llWNIT IUOtl S411,tot Warm cozy br ick fireplace & hearth. Large formal dining room w/French doors, large patio, great kitchen w/custom cabinets & eating aea. Master suite w/facuzzl, custom papers. Upgrades throughout. 11av1rw ••n,ooo Security for your family In this guard gated community. Spacious 4 BR executive home on pool size lot. Assoc. pool, spa. tennis. Flexible financing. Call to see this today. IAllll RlllE S421,000 Dynamic Dynasty model 2 BR highly upgraded. Shutters. off-white carpeting, skylights. Understated elegance. Owner will help finance. Sale/lease option/or straight lease. SUYIEW 1415,000 Spacious 4 BR New Bedford model in prime corner location. Formal dining room. family room. vaulted ceilings & community tennis & pool. Owner will assist with financing. Submitl llYCRUT Ull,llO Understated elegance. spacious 4 BA overlooking sparkling pool/spa. Enlarged & remodeled kitchen with Garden eating area. Picture perfect. Assume First & owner will carry lg. 2nd. llYCIEST tl41,000 Best financing & best value. Assume $200,000 fixed 30 YR at 12•1. on this unique open plan 4 BR with oak floors & cabinets, fam & dln'g rm. Large patio & lots of privacy. A custom Ivan Wells. WTILIFF UOl;Dll Sparkling city tights & ocean view from this popular 5 BR or 4 + d e n home. N lcely landscaped w/room for pool. Close to schools & shops. Owner win assist with financing. RESH)ENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES ILIFFS Ult,000 Beautiful backbay view on wide greenbelt. End unit with large wrap patio. Serene gated courtyard entry. 3 BR & kitchen eating area. Best buy on fee land In the Bluffs. ILIFFS Ull,000 Dream away the hours enjoying wonderful views of the Back Bay & city lights from 3 BR "Dolores" plan decorated in earth tones. Seller motivated, has priced well below market! USTILIFF ~ . '211,000 Private cou"1'ard entrance leads to gracious entertaining & views of Newport. Large family rm. breakfast area, 4 BA or 2 den/offices. Owner will help finance. PHllllU '1,100,0GO New Bayfront with outstanding floor plan & exquisitely decorated. All the amenities Including hardwood floors, formal entry & dining room. pier. slip plus sandy beach. llYHOHS '1,li0,000 3 BR, den. tam rm & dining rni "bargain bayfront" & the house 1s free! This outstanding home is priced at the land value. Huge courtyard patio, lg deck over bay & all the harbo( action. Fee. PDllHU SHl,000 Your own savings account plus the fun of living on the bay are yours in this two-bedroom duplex. Pier, slip & a sandy beach plus a 3 car garage are yours just In time tor the summer season. PDllllU U21,000 New, traditional 4 BR just steps to the bay. French doors & windows, cozy brick fireplaces. WTl&.IFF 1211,000 Choice 4 BR pool home In terrific family neighborhood! Excellent condition! Excellent financing! Excellent cul-de-sac location! Lovely entertainment yard with pool & fireplt. .-. & a breakfast room with bay view are a few of YHWLLH UH,000 "' the exceptional amenities featured. Enjoy the comforts of adult living in this 2 BR condo with an ocean view. A gate guarded area with many amenities. Clubhouse. pool & spa. Owner will assist with financing. 11111111 YlfW lllMH 1211,000 Outstanding ··Monaco" o n fee land. Just remodeled with over $25.000 in upgrades. Features 3 BR'S. spectacular country kitchen. cathedral ceilings & a pool sized yard. A great buy I _.. IHlll lltMUllS SlH ,IOO Don't miss this great opportunity to buy In Newport Beach at an excellent price! Well maintained 3 BR with nice floorplan. Private yard with large trees. Owner to cooperate with financing. WTlllFF S112,GIO Great potential & price In desirable community of Eastbluff. Lusk 3 BR, Family Rm w/flreplace & sunny patio, Convenient to shopping & schools. Owner financing available. ILIFFI '111,111 3 BR V Plan with great assumable loan. Beautiful carpets & upgrades. Good location. A mus( to see! •WPllt tUI Sl11,llO An exceptional value In this well located condo. Only 2 years old & shows beautifully. Community pool, fireplace & wet bar. 2 BA each with Its own bath plus powder room. Excellent financing. c.a. ..... ... c:.lll.L CUIG ... Liit llU SIH,oto A perfect combination of prestigious living on Lido Isle + privacy & spaciousness. Custom French style 5 BR home with Lrg yard & spa & corner prime location, Owner financing available IAYSlllllH 1411,000 Stunning, custom 3 BR home in gated. private community with two lrg beaches. The gourmet kit has been featured in a leading magazine. Faultless decor & quality detail throughout. LIM ISU 1421,000 Extra large lqt, extra large home. Fabulous potential. Formal dining room, 5 BR, den & spa. Large sundeck could be beautiful garden room. Owner wlll consider all otters. llTllllH S4ot,OOO Charming 3 BR home. Remodeled kitchen . added skylights, leaded glass windows & large private patio. Owner wlll carry huge second for 20 YRS . Flexible down payment. You own the land. llYllMD U 10,IOO One of the largest lots with 55' and a very special 4 BR & den home. Charming latticed patio, fabulous location. Only steps to beach. Move-In condition. llWPllT Ill.All 1111,IOO Honeymoon cottage on spectacular Newport 19'and. Thll 2 BR home sparkles plus having a lovely patio garden. Setler wlll finance. -KIW ...,_ -UHlllll OMcmmJ UMB__, -----Tmriib ,. ---Lft8~ ----··=----CIDIAM_. -DUY -llfCllll ... --~Dil CMG&1••• _ ... r .... _ .... •GLm lfCY• ---........ .. ,,_ mli*_, ===-u..-JOc.a.-...... ,__ AMERICA'S LARGEST FULL SERVICE REAl ESTATE COMPANY Orang~ Courty Aeal11Est~te/ An Adver}.ls~ng SupP,lement to the OAJ~ V: PIL,QT /Saturday. O~t. 2. 1982 -11 PRICES SLASHED As Much As •so,ooo SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TAKE OVER BANK FIRST TRUST DEED ELEGANT TOWNHOUSE Prire start at 1140.000 (Below Builder's cost) STYLE ONE MILE FROM THE BEACH BREATHTAKING VIEW 2 & 3 BEDROOM• 2 & 2 1/2 BATH I & 2 STORY FLOOR PLAN Pool & Jacuzzi with Sundeck Erwlo:-ed Pri\'ale Piltios \t aulted Ceilings in Natura l CC'dar Plush Carpetin~ S olid Oak Parquet f:ntrie!-i* /ltlicrowa \'e OH•ns -GCJs H a 11{('' , 1w:;* /Ji.o;/JH·a . ..;fwrs & Tra~h <:01111>nr·tor •A ''a if able in some units Sea ridge On The Bluff In Costa Mesa 2175 Pacific A "•nue Co•t• Meu, 92627 (71 4) 642-2151 S..le. Office D,Hn 0.lly 11:00 •.m. till 6:00 p.m. Clo.ed Friday WIE YUi Neat & clean E-side C.M. 2 bdrm home w/lg sunny fam. rm. A. V. access. Only $148,000 . .ltrot Wlfttt 631-1266 ILi CIM So. of hwy, 3 Br. remodel on R-2. lg. 1st T.D. hlia Flaok 631-1266 IPT. ILIFFI IS PETE .llllSOI You own the land on these! Newer 2 Br. spa, view .............. $260,000 Remodel 4 Br near pool .......... $287,500 Call Ptt• .lthu1 at 631 -1266 ·for Information. I . TISTll A real charmer. 3 br. Estate size lot. Apple Pie condi tion. quiet neighborhood. Reduced for quick sale to $199.000. By appointment larry frtltriek 631-1266 MOYE II Tiil Y Steps from sand -cor ner location gorgeous custom home In COM -Call today and find out the special amenities & financing. Tie IHH Ill COWllY'S UllE Wooded 3'/• acres. zoned for horses w/plans for your dream home in Laguna Canyon. $375,000 Terms! bsty l1l1tl1tr 631 -1266 FllEI Newport Heights $152.500. Two houses on large lot with two car garage. Excellent terms. 0.rt a. hrhrts II 631 -1266 PllME WTSllEU 2 GREAT BARGAINS: 8 yrs new 3 br t tam rm only $20K down! REMODELED 2.000 sq. ft. 4 car garage plus OFFICE $25K downl lat le411rs 63 1-1 266 AISILITE STEAL Gorgeous 3 Br. home w/pvt. yard and many extras. Try 10% down or trade. For details call Patrid TtHrt 631-1266 lllTA .._IM L 1m IT. SUllWlll Immaculate 3 Br. 2 ba prof. decorated and landscaped . Excellent financing and priced at only $165,00<1 . Call &111 •• o..a .. 411 631-\266 IEWNIT WCI l ov.ely 3 br. 2'h ba condo with quiet meadow view. Assume exist. $94.000 loans asking $135.000. Call a.11 M1Casl114 631-1266 S 111,000 II IEWPllT IUOll lowest priced 2 bdr. 2 ba. condo near the ocean. $90,000 assumable loan. May lease or lease/option . .lae•I• 1114'••11 631-1266 MESA YEllE Contemporary 4 Bdr. 2'h ba pool & spa. Approx. $147.000 In assumable loans. Reduced t o sell . .luklt l114lt•11 631-1266 • IEMUT•S NWI 3 Bd. 2 ba. cul-de-sac close to schools only $133.000. Financing & terms available. Ask for ltNrt lllH•t1 631 -1266 llW I llTTEI .-rl.EX Possible 10% down 10 minutes from Orange County perfect first time Investor make an offer. Call hit '" .. ., 63 1-1266 W&TEIFIOIT Dock your boat out back to enjoy water front living for only $ 195,000 great terms yours for a low down submit. Call ltll , ..... , 631-1266 Y.l. POOL lllME Quiet cul-de-sac beautiful neighborhood use your V.A. or assume 1st T.0. Make an otter Call hit Yt1 .. tr 631-1266 10 VA 10 tlALIFYlll Corner lot with 4 bd. 1¥. ba $76,000 1st T.D. 10% V.A. no qualifying. Laguna Hiiis. Asking $117.000. Call hit huhr 631-1266 Ullll llME FIEIOI OllTIM Just reduced -$350,000. Must sell. Submit any offer on this 4 br. 5ba. with tam. rm., library, huge master suite. 4 flreolaces. ocean & nite view. Steal at $1,500,000 or submit to hit" htlt 1..,, 759-1221 . . llYEll SIOIES Outstanding location w/vu of all Back Bay .& Fashion Island. 4 BR, 5 BA, fam rm, pool. spa, sec. system. Steal at $685,000 fee Wiii trade local or lease/option. Grt fin. available. h• tr hrie IH,, 759-1221 OAllEI SIMD Fab. Ocean & coastline vy, 3 br. 3 ba. form . d .r ., f .r ., study, lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bchs. $895.000. Fee. hit ., .... .., 75g.1221 IEW OllTIM FIEIOI lllMUIY You must see t o believe all this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 f~. oak cab. beaut. tlle, choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only _.$~88,000' $350,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13'/o. hit er leftt 1..; 759-1221. LIM PEITllllE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. In Newport. Sec. Bldg .. pool, boat dock w/notice. $525,000 .... ., .. ,.. • .., 759-1221. IOUIFlllT -E Just 2 years new, very contemporary, 3 br. 4 ba corner loc. fab view, two kitchens. B est oceanfront buy t o day . Very motivated. $650,000. Submit any otter. seller needs cash fast. hit tr leftt IHf 759-1221 . OOUIFIOIT -IOUIFlllT Convert ex. IQ8 duplex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1et at 11'1 •. 2nd of $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000. hit tr hrie 1.., 759-1221. IEWNIT IElllTI 4 Bdtm 2'h Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor in every room. Over '!. ac. w/jac. Asking $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo. hit er hwle IH• 759-1221. llAlllll llJIE LUii 4 br. 3 ba form. d .r. f.r .. study. beautifully dee. lge decks. fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. hit er hwle I"' 759·1221. HPLU-llM Country antique. different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, highly upgraded kitchen. brick fplc. $295,000. Seller will fin. Must see. Submit any otter. .... , ...... .., 759-1221. H 11n1. 1.1111111 Assumable 8 ~•;, 1st T .O. plus owner fi nancing 12% -Hurry! hit lluta ., .. ., /hHr 759-1221 . TUii IUHE I IVIUM UIOI Trade Orange & Avocado Ranch. 78 ac. val. center, 4 sep. parcels. Sell or trade all or part for home In Npt., Laguna, Mission Viejo, $1 ,200,000. lell tr lttlt It•' 759-1221 •VIII • 4411 UIUIU PIWY. a a HOW DO YOU DECIDE -BETWEEN / (r_, A TURTLEROCK .GREENBELT AND A HARBOR VIEW HILL? H•UllH 111•11 -Architects home! In Seavlew, 3 bdrm. view, dark room. loft and tasty touches throughout. Really special! $425,000 ILlfFI 18 llfT -Exceptional end unit, quiet cul-de-sac, private with subtle colors, good loans, private patio. leasehold. $224,000. PllFllT TIWlll•I -Mint condition In Harbor Ridge, view of lites, lake & mtns. 3 bdrm. den, din. room & lse opt. possible. Asking $475.000 um. lllTA •u -2 bdrm home w1th 1 bdrm Income unit. 6500 sq.ft. lot, assume 1st loan under 10%, excellent rental area (Broadway & Orange) $143,000. MHllll YllW lllAIMNI -Good 4 Bdrm home. good 12% loans. good neighborhood and great value. $420.000 LH or $517 ,000 FEE a Hll IOI. -Immaculate! 3 bdrm 2 bath Irvine Terr .• vacant with pool. shutters, spa and good financing, tasty at $369,000. ... Lin Piil 11•1, "'" U4t,IOO -Bright Carmel. family floor plan, pool & spa. Financing Is reasonable; priced right at $249,500. INCi I OUlllll -Victorian on the Island! 3 bdrms. 3 baths, new and vacant. Beveled glass. rock fireplace and different! At $595.000. IHfUIT, lttl,IOO, 10'-an -Tennis, boat slip. flexible seller. 3 bdrm 3 bath owner may consider a tse. option easy to see. • llPUI llllU Olm -Neat! 12% financing with 20% dn. Rents are steady. Tree tined street convenient to library, shops & beach, $289,500. llAla.I .. I PUS APT. -3 bdrm with sunny kitchen & courtyard. Spacious 1 bdrm apt. 10% loans available with $150.000 down. Realistic at $449,500. lllllEI IATI • lllm -Beautiful 4 bdrm home tn Northwood-Windstream. Mouldlngs. oak floors. French doors & spa. $375,000. .-f Lm ""' -Belt from Irvine Terrace. • bdrms, pool and owner wlll finance. Only $&00,000. Leasehold. E X A ~t P L E S OPEi SIT Large Family Home. Pool & Spa, 5 Bdrms. $349.500 ..... , ................ 2406 Francisco. NB. Architects Home. 3 Bdrm, Loft. in Seav1ew $425,000 1921 Yacht Enchantress. NB. OPEi UT/Sii Balboa Island, Boat Dock. Owner Finance $575.000 ...... . .......... 2 10 Grand Canal. NB 4 Bdrm, Ownr Fin. Fee. Vacant. Anxious $429.000 ................... 2706 Lighthouse. CdM Bayfront. Deluxe Duplex. Show Place on Sand $1 , 195.000 .................. 13 Beacon Bay, NB. Newport. 5 Bdrm. Nlte View. Near School $275,000 . ...... . . . . .......... 2531 Bunya, NB. OPEi Sii Spyglass. 5 Bdrm. View of Bay and Ocean $850,000 . .. . . .. . . . ..... 5 Point Loma. NB. 3 Bdrm Home w/Apt. 10% Loans. Sophisticated $449.500 ....................... 415 Hehotrope, CdM Vacant-Sparkles-Spa & Pool, Clean $369.000 ................. 1315 Santanella Ter. NB. Balboa Isle. New and Vacant With Charm $595.000 ................... 211 Opal. Balboa Island Back Bay Farmhouse, 'h Acre + Pool, Barn $465,000 ............ 445 E. 20th. Off Tustin. CM 5 Bdrms/Bonus Room/Near Bch .• Rusttc, Cozy $450,000 .................. 118 Ruby, Balboa Island IWW Kl ........ MUHi -Harbor View Hiiia. OWner wUI carry $250,000 @ 12% lntereet. No point• for 5 yra. Nr. comm. poof. 4 bdrm 3 bath 1'29,000. Ill OAIJH IC OUll -A 3 bdrm, 2 bath. townhome. security & financing. $259,000. lllll•ET llTCIH IAYFllllT -3 bdrm remodeled In Beacon Bay, large master suite, 1 bdrm apt, must see to believe. Owner will help finance. $1 . 195,000. I IHlll ULHA llUll -Looks cutsie, lives 1u~bo! 2 story near So. Bay beach, 5 bdrm + bonus room. $450.000. HWPHT'S UCITIH HIES _:. This one is a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 fireplaces. unlimited view from Spyglass. Sunny, cozy. exciting. practical. $850,000 includes much of the furniture Owner financing too. Ill FAMILY llttlll 11 llWHIT -Pool, spa, lmmac. decor. over 3500 sq. ft. with 5 bdrms on a quarter acre lot. Sellers flexlble. Harbor Hi District. $349,500 II TH SAii -Duplex, good Income. West Newport location with plans for new home. good financing. Asking $550,000 1111 II DOIWICl1 -3 bdrm in Harbor View Homes. perfect t;Ondltion. good assumable loans. fee title. $219,500 111 OAIYll, LIW HIOI -Dover inside Big Canyon. Priced to sell, light & airy atmosphere 2 bdrms 2 baths with d.,n great patio! Only $350,000. PllUOY All HUI YIEW -Hard to find Broad moor. expanded 4 bdrms, gourmet kitchen. extra large master suite. $429,500. LH UOI UY NIL Ml -4 bdrm. 2'h baths. vacant with 30 yr. loan of $150,000. Anxious. Reduced to $260,000. llUIA ISUll IAIUll -Bay view! Haff block to water, clear shot! 2 story, fireplace. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. Owner finance. Only $339,500. mY Un.ID -Cottage nr. beach, country kitchen, wood floors, 3 bdrma, used brick fireplace, patio. Financing $310,000 Leaseh~d . ._ ur , ... --~ acre lot with adobft home, oak floors, pane windows. Large pool & 2 story barn. A kick! At $485,000. - *HARBOR VIEW HOME* Monaco S1·11-..1111111;al :1111 h 111111• ur1 qUll'l ,tn·1•1 w11h pool s1u'tl y;1r<l 11 :.!a'\'o ·•"u111.1hl1· l1n.11w111g" 1'11n·d ;1l $llli,OOO f1•1· t'.111 7!lY-1501 or 1:1:! 1:11:1 •DOVER SHORES* . This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built w /execuuve e n tertaining in mind. Quality thruout, from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany panelled fmly rm. Some of lhe numeroua features are: sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean. black bottom pool & spa w/outside bar. 3 car garage, complete security system & of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence. call 759-1501 for private showing. $1.500,000 FEE! *WATERFRONT HOME & StlP* S1:n~1t1urial t•Xt'<'Ull Vt! hom1• featuring 4 Br. 1•normous hvang & <linmg 1111in1, :.! lirc·plat·1·s & room for 55' boi.lt' 011ly $550.000 F F:E with w-...;unwbk financing Call 759-1501 or 752-7:i7:J *BAYCRIST* ) 2 ~. financing spadous executlve ranch style home In prestige nrPa. This home features 3 brs .• fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $260,000 Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimmmg pool. bonus rm .. :;kylite. lush private CQurtyard. fpk., & assumable fmancmg. Reduced to $280.QOP fee. For qu1(·k saJe. call 759-1501 or 752-7373 .. . *$1,279 PER MONTH * TURTLIROCK * 1~ .all vou pav whl·n you takC' ovt•r t•Ytstmg Isl T ll .;pat·1ou.; 4 81 l'>-t'< u11v,· cJet.Ji'hl'Ci h11mt• F<·atunn~ fom1al dining mom. fmly 11111m and t1n·pl:.H'l' Only $210.000 FEE Coll 75!J-1501 or 7!i2-7:n:s *153 DOWNi. Bc.«·JUtiful PLAN 1 in"t'C:.:~=R~~~~!IND~~ lcx·a11•cJ at·rt~ !o.trt'\'I frorn LAKE ;: 2 Fc<ilun·~ :j br & forme:rl dtnanl(. Owner ass1:-tl'd finarwrng JI IO",,'" Only $244.900 o n FE!>: LAND 759-1501 or 752-7373 *EASTSIDE COSTA MESA* . Lc.v•·lv '2 ~wry hunw on l'Ul·dl.'-S<.I(' ft•aturm~ :i Br :rnd pool-s1wd yard l'mt•<I 111 $187 ,000 w/owm•r ass1stl'<.I frnanc·mi< ava1li.1bh· Call 7!1Y-150 I or 7=>'2· 7:sn •NORTHWOODS* *ASSU~AILE LOAN* Beautiful executive home on large professionaUy landscaped corner lot. 4 large BR, bonus room & formal dining! Only $249,900!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *BUILDER CLOSEO.UT * * 113 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on thas builder closeout!! Extremely spacious townhome featuring 2 master suites & attached garage. P riced l<> sell ~ at $149,950. Call 759-150 1 or 752· 7373 for details. •COMMERCIAL PROPERTY* 25 Yr. Financing · 2 br house & s tudio wned for :irt studio, g1't shops, anuques, etc .... ! Owner will carry f1nandng for 25 years. brlly $135.000. Call 7511-1501 or 752-7373. ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY!! If you have not owned a home in California in the past three years you may be eligible for Orange County's Revenue Bond Program. Now for a limited time money is being made available ONLY for first time buyers and ONLY in the city of Huntington Beach. The loans are a 30 YEAR . FIXED RATE w ith payments and qualifying based on Al INTEREST RATE AS LOW IS 8.5%!! If you've been considering buying a home but have held back because of high interest rates, don 't let this opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and income restrictions and the total funds available are limited so act now and call us for complete details: 556-7035 or if that line is busy, 963-5671. Here's an example of one of the many properties that qualify under .this program: 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with community pool, spa~ tennis. Bicycle to the ·beach from superb location. Sales price: $95,000. Down payment: $4!95<?. First Y.ear principal & Interest payment Is. a low $700/month. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICf 2870 SOJI Mltuel Drive Newport leach, ~A 12HO (714) 75.1-1501 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service · Ttfings That Service You." HU"TfNGtON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adami Ave. Huntington leach, ~A 12148 (114) 558-7035 • a 2 ' i Orange County Real Estate/An Adverthimg Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 -15 DalebO~ Bay a B8ac,fl Real Estate· REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• ua .... Ill.All •m . . . A masterpiece of elegance and dignity. Five bedroom home on the Bayfront. Pier and float for 48 foot boat. Cheerful view from six rooms. Library and games room. Separate muter suite. Sparkling pool and apa. Home built In 1980 .. $2,350.000 Ill Gan• . . . EJCqulalte home In a luxuriant setting. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room with-wet bar and large built-In televlslon screen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway ... $1,495,000 I IPYIUll 11.l . . . Impressive E.nglish Tudor. Two story t?eamed celling llvlng room. Formal ..:;";;:;;; ;.~~;:-: cornllv room with wet bar Five "'····· '" .... -·· .: .......... , . bedrooms. Spa and wet bar in iiia~~c;~ ~~::~. . Lovely mountain view. Four car garage. Seller extremely motivated. Submit any offer. ......................................................... $1,395,000 . llYlll TUU11 ... If you enjoy an ocean and bay view you should aee this fabulous home. Huge living room. Three spacious bedrooms. Large famlly/bllllard1 room. Tremendous patio with cuatom spa and gazebo ... ... .. ... $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........ 1301 Dolphin Terrace llYH 111111 . . . Exquisite four bedroom home. Fabulous use of Italian fossilized marble, carved wood and black walnut. Huge llvlng room. Family room with wet bar and refrigerator. Sauna In garage. Solar heated pool. Fire ring and seating on view side of home ............................................................ $895,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................... 1244 Polaris Drive Ull llU . . . One of the largeat homes on lido. Bay view and tempting pool. Family fun at the nearby clubhouse, tennis court, beach, boat ramp and park. Seven bedrooms, Five baths. Separate master bedroom suite for your well earned privacy ....... ......... ....... .......... $875,000 llYll ...,, . . . Your own private world!-Two master bedrooms In one ~ng. Third bedroom with own entry and private bath In the other wing. Sit-down view of ocean, upper bay and city l ights. All rooms open to Indoor dehumidified pool. Security system. Seller may . carry 1st trust deed five yeara. 12o/e with $300,000 down. .. .............................. $835,000 IPYIUll ltU . . . This delightful four bedroom home reflects an air of comfort and contentment. The feeling Is accented by the spectacular and evercha.,glng ocean view. This Is the highly desirable Capehorn model :........................................................... $750.000 Ull llU ... Prestigious area. Top location on the widest street on lido. Just steps to private beach. Easy walk to tennis courts. Four spacious bedrooms. Practical floor plan, built around large patio. Decor . . . muted tonea, ample room for seff.expression. The'land alone (three twenty foot lots) worth the asking price ............................................................ $695,000 IPYIUH llLL . . . Exceptional value. This property take• the laurels for amenities and comforts. plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Liberal financing ....................... '825,000 Open Sat-Sun 1·6 ......... 11 Carmel Bay Drive 1 HYll-lliill-. :-. Prestigious hotne iOtaily , upgraded and remodeled. Four bedrooms. I Dining. Room. Den with 10' bar. Kitchen with plankwood floors, new appliances. Skylights. 1 Sparkling pool. Extraordinary financing: With 2s•1o down. owner wlll help buyer obtain a new first trust deed at 101/r•/o, amortized over 30 1 years due In five years ..................... $550,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................... 1700 Galaxy Drive HIT ILlff ... Enjoy the elegance and convenience of a rare Lulk "E" plan home. Superbly designed. Five spacious bedrooms. Large family room with fireplace. Bar and barbeque In the sheltered patio area. Very private backyard with pool and spa. Heat resistant decking. Minimum maintenance. Three car garage ...... .. .. .. .............. ... $389,500 _. IAYllllT ... Attractive four bedroom home. &._1111111 _____ ........ _. .............. .._ .... .-11111111-.-1111111• Large family room with fireplace. Brick driveway, Shingle front. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style". Sparkling pool 111 OAIHI . . . Town home In a prestlgious location overlooking the sixth fairway. Three spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room . Vacant and ready for quick occupancy. A;:~:::!!'!!I assumable financing. Change In family plans has creaiu.j ;~ :;r~!~~ ;v ;el!. lease or lease/option. An excellent buy at $599,000 or lease at $2200 a month • .,. tmAll . . . Fascinating split-level home. Nothln-g monotonous here. Beamed celling. French doors. Shutters and levelora. Three spacious bedrooms. Den and family room Property In top condition. Low maintenance ·yard. Bubbl!_ng black spa. Can be purchaaed $575,000 Fee or $440,000 Leasehold. IHll 111111 . . . Owner will Halat with financing. lmpreasfVe two story home. lovely bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement wtth one downstairs and three up. SparkHng pool In front courtyard. Price reduced S150.000. Will consider lease/option ...................... $550,000 UIMI .... . . . Delightful view of mountains, city lights and man-made lake. Pre>perty shows. like a model, In muted tones. allowing for your own choice of colors. Three bedroom•. family room and three sundecks. Outside entrance to third bedroom and deck. Quick possession ............................................................ $499,500 .., l&ftl . . . Highly deslrable location with a "forever" view of the bay and ocean. Two story three bedroom home with Inviting brick patio PLUS complete guest unit over three car garage .............................................. $499,000 ~ . . . Prestigious four bedroom home. Lavish use of French doors and windows. Extensive built-Ins. Loads of storage Including attic. 90x 132 pool size yard with gazebo and. off-street parking for six cars. llberal flnanclngl ............................................................ $475,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ......... 1118 Somerset Lane IPYIUll -.a. ... Three spacious bedrooms. Family room. Two baths. Two fireplaces. The much sought after "Portsmouth" model. Private courtyard ~th pool and spa. Property highly upgraded throughout ............ $450,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 .............. 8 Monterey Circle Uf 11• . . . Cuatom built three bearo0m three bath home with unobstructed vtew of bay and ocean. Numerous built-Ins. Tremendous potential, OHered by orl~lnal owner. Qutck PQtM181on ......... ..... . . . . ........ ......... .... $395,000 Open Sun 1-5 ...................... 1211 Klnoe Road UfllllT . . . EJCcetlent financing. Attractive four bedroom home. Kitchen and famtty room completely upgraded. Beamed ceUlnge. Wet bar with wine raok and refrigerator. Newly recarpeted and painted .................... S3e0,000 ............................................................ $339,000 WH1'UfF . . . Attractive Cape Cod home on large corner lot. Spacious three bedrooms. family and dining rooms Impeccably decorated iiiici ;:-:~:fi!a~f,;:j_ f re!!!:~ <joors opening to large private garden and covered patio. Seiier'3 program makes the home very available . ........................................................... $316,000 Open Sun 1-5 .............. 1101 Cambridge Lane .... ••• 691 . . . Lovely tree lined street. Tllree spacious bedrooms plus maid's quarters with bath. Formal dining room. Family room. Significant upgrading Including new roof. Price reduced $26,000 ....................... Now $299,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ................ 1530 Anita Lane mu ,_ . . . This sensational four bedroom dwelling has It all. Oversized yard. Pool. Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining. Price just reduced $34,000 Now Gr;~··5~~··;·~5··::::::::::::::::···1944·Fi~~1!J:~~~ •llWMI 11 llYllE ... Spacious three or five · bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs plus bonus room. Just reduced $23,500. . .. Now $230,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........................... 5 Colon la I CAall ltllUllS . . . Never a better time to buy! This three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. Lease/option available ..................... $199,900 Open Sat 1-5 ................... 512 Rockford Place UIMI •IL.Ull . . . Significantly upgraded four bedroom home. Three baths. Gourmet kitchen exceptionally convenient, Including microwave and self-cleaning oven. Sparkling pool. Extensive decking. Luxuriant landscaping . Entire property In Immaculate condition ............................................................ $199,500 llWPMT IMIH . . . High beamed celling In living room. Skyllghted kitchen. Atrium off master bedroom. Two bedrooms and bath plus bonus room upstairs. Walk to beach. Just reduced $20.400 ....................... Now $159,500 Tll HllllLLH .. Luxurious llvlng. One bedroom condo with view of Fountain Court. Gorgeous clubhouse. pool and spa. Security guarded gate. $74,000 loan at 1 t ~w •. Owner wtll carry 2nd ~rust ~eed .................. $115,000 ~ Prime location In Eastllde Cotta Mesa. Nearly a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plans and permits for 28 condos are available. Purchue prlee alto Includes a near new triplex. Excellent terma. Owner will conllder trade. Call Harriet Perry. JUST REDUCED $200,000. .................................................. NOW $950,000 • • I I I I ---.;....- 16 -Orr1nge County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Oct. 2. 1982 The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Fi.rm OCEAN AND JETTY VIEWS -Fabulous Thoryk designed home just 1 block from the beach. Featured in Orange County Home and Garden magazine. Finest craftsmanship. 3 bdrms. and 3 baths. $1 ,350,0PO submit terms. FIXER UPPER -Located on the ocean side of the Hwy. in Corona del Mar. 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with fireplace and beam ceiling. Bring your hammer and make some money. Asking $240,000 with great terms. And, the lot Is R-21 SHOPPING CENTER -Located on busy West 19th St. near the exciting City redevelopment project. Terrific upside potential on this one! Fully occupied. $477,000 L.H. owner wlll finance. (213) 828-2828 80 FEET ON THE BAY -.Large b'1yfront home perfect for an active family. Private-Pier and float, bayside patio all in brick, formal dining rm., den, a complete workshop and 4 bdrms. ProfAii:cti"'""'"· · decor~tAA , ~oo~ ,.,.,,. . . . -. __ ..,,..,, •a11y -. _ • .., .... "'00'1,VVU L .H . CORONA DEL MAR UNITS -Ocean side of the Hwy. just a few blocks from the beach! -A real money maker available with 12112% financing and a reduced $229,000 price. Motivated seller. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING -20,000 sq. ft. tilt up building located on 1.4 acres with lots of off street parking. Prime Costa Mesa location perfect for user or as Investment. Compare the price at just $950,000. (714) 873-4400 Dhrlllan of ......., lnvee•11Mt Co. 3 J rdnge County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to.the DAI LY PILOTtSC1turday Oct 2 1982 17 RE ALTOR" COSTA MESA Ull Ml Al IFFH ••. On 4-bdrm home w/pool & spa. 8'17% VA assumable loan. OWC. It's on a cul-de-sac tool Asking $159,900. UlcmYI .. E ••• Great for entertaining! Over SOK in upgrades. 4 fireplaces. 2 wet bars & Roman tub & spa In master bdrm. Much, much more! $289,500 e1wn TlllH•T ... In this 4-bdrm, 2 bath home. 2400 r sq. ft. with many amenities. Master bdrm has a raised hearth cl<. fireplace. Assumable loans. Only $179,900. 4 IENllMI .•. On a large irreg. lot. Close to shopping. Terrific family home In excellent condition. $159.000. HTllUT10 UIJllUU •.. With this large 5 bdrm. home w/fam. room. Much more Incl. lots of fruit trees in the yard. Just reduced to $147.500. LIW IUllT. JUI , .. With assumable 8'h% VA loan. 4 bdrm & recently refurbished kitchen. Owner will assist w/financing. $127,500. FH/Vl 11111 • • • Ready to move Into! New carpet and paint. See & compare!! Only $94.000 llPLO • . • On a large lot. VA/FHA terms or assume 1st T.D. 2 bdrm. 1 bath ea. Nice income property. Only $140.000. WSE IPTIM ••• $800 per month. Brookview Condo. 3 Bdr, 2 bath. 1600 s/f, Assumable 8'h% VA loan. Built-in security system. Only $140,000 JllT UITEI ••• Cozy 4-bedroom, Fam. Rm. Fireplace & formal Dining room on Easts1de Costa Mesa. $159,900. TUSTIN Ulll ... FMTUU ...... 4 bdrm w/cozy ram . room & bonus room. Close to schools, park & In pri de of o wnership neighborhood . Only $167,900. •mam llU.D •.• 2-bdrm condo in very nice area. Flexible financing! Many amenities. Only $ 145,900. Assumable 1st a. 9•1 •. REAL TY & INVESTMENTS IAMES A JON[S. Mng Gen Ptt DflRDRf O'SUl UVAN. Manager B[llY Bl Rl'.SHIRF PAI COBB SHIRL ([ CORSAR GfRRY CORSO PAT CUMMINGS CLAIN[ OeMORA Y no GR[Y CO Hlll[RMAN BOB HORWlll NANCY IACOBONI H[llN JACOB$ 0••''' ..... .. v1ri LUNU RAYl(N[ MIRACll VIC IOR MOUll ART JUDY RCYl S ROB ROBINSON RON SAY llllA SMllH I ORA SOB[l MAN MIKl WINKL £PUCK NEWPORT BEACH WA.LI Tl IUCI ••• From this bach. condo. Fast escrow. great terms. Only $92,000. UY YllW H• •.. Super sharp 1 bdrm & den Motivated sellers. 15K down. OWC. Full price $239,000. /RV/NE llUT ITUTH ..... 9 yr old w/central air. hardwood floors. Comm. pool ; 8 frurt trees In the yard. Only $127.500. NICI llMll ..• 2 Two story, 5 bdrm home with 3 baths. Well kept 8 yr old. Close to comm. pool shopping. Reduced to $159,900 SANTA ANA II HWI YA ••• Greet 2-bdrm starter home on large lot. $2300 down FHA. Reduced to $79.900. llLIW IUlln .•. 2 bdrm condo in quiet area near park Low down w/essumable loans. $86,500. IUI II. OIAST PLAZA • • • Bachelor condo at convenient location. Great for 1st time buyer. Excellent financing. Neer pool tool $69,500. ASllMI AT 12~'9 ••• $110.000 fixed rate loan. Exclusive South Coast Shores. Large 3 bedroom patio home. 2 master bedrooms. En)oy beautiful lake & security gates. $172,000. OUT OF AREA WALHT llAICll : .• ~8 .;. ;.<;res near Paso Robles. Houses. equipment plus interest in processing plant 1s incl. Much morel Full price $750,000. 22 HIT UT. C•PUI ... Near Lake Havasu Many amenities with super potential Only $700.000 IHIY llll FAlll ..• U-pick berry operation on 26 acres near Paso Robles. 6 acres of berries. 2200 sq. ft. home, 2 grn. houses. Grosses approx. SOK. Full price $495,000, · C&JIYll WE LIT • , , large lrreg lot on the golf course with easy access t o Canyon Lake. $36,000. 1D'-HWI ... 4-bdrm or 3 , den 1n peaceful Alta Loma. Assumable VA u 8't,%. OWC. Full price $115.000. PALI Srtlllll COlll ••. 2 Bdrm, 2 bath on the fairway. Private Cou ntry Cl ub with many amenities including mountain view. Full price $140,000. IHHTIHIT IPICW. .•. 15 unit apt. complex. Excellent condition. 8''' times gross w/29% down. Full price $600,000 3,000 If, FT. Piil l•E •.• 3 bdrm. 2'h bath w/fam. rm. rec. rm. & 3-car garage. OMC w/25% down. $200,000. llLHLWI 11muT •.• 2.4 acres above L.A. w/2,800 sq . ft. home. guest house. po ol & fantastic view. Privacy plus. S 1. 100.000. FAULHS EITATt ••• 6.0oo., sq. ft. home on :$ acres (approx) 1n Benedict Canyon. Tennis cts. riding stable. pool & muc h , much more. $4.000,000. llYHT•IT Pllflln ... Excellent buy. Sharp triplex. Good area. Low down payment $ t 18,000. CIST• Ml ... In Northrldge on 'I• (approx) acre. 4 bedrooms. 2'h bath, formal dining rm. tam. rm. Antique kitchen & a whole lot more. Sacrificed at $450,000. IB 1525 MESA VERDE DRIVE EAST ........................... SUIJ:E 121 REALTOR COSTA MESA REALTY cl INVESTMENTS 979-5370 --~- ' - ' -- 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An .Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Oct. 2. 1982 AR.E YOU PLAYING MORTGAGE ROULETTE? WE WILL HELP STACK THE ODDS IN YOUR FAVOR! REFINANCING? Give us the market value, original terms of sale, and existing loans on your property and we will give you 2 or 3 viable ways to refinance. Know all your options -It will save you time, money, and a lot of headaches. BUYING? Know where you stand BEFORE you start looking. We can pre'pare you for the best buyers market In years and give you the financing "CLOUT'' you'll need to capltallze on today's rock bottom prices. RESIDENTIAL tv10RTGAGE SERVICE (714) 964-9090 IN,ORMATION HOTUN• 8:30 AM -8:00 PM Monday • Frtday 10:00 AM • 2:00 PM Saturday > a Orange County Real €sta1e/Ar'l.1Aov4rt1s1ng Supplemdnt ·to the DAIL Y·'Pll.OT·)Sat~rd_~)'. OC} -~· .~~~? 19 ----------------- Many owners~~re offering sub!inantial price Lower than listed price, if you have cash . reduc tions and lf"rms. Somf> will f"xrhangt" and Call for details and submit your off er ..:. .. -J NEWPORT HEIGHTS EXCHANGE Owner will ••c;henge Ihle corner home with pool In convenient location for Income property In th• area ..• f" or leaMhold. Submit onere. $2M,OOO. OWNER ANXIOUS-NEWPORT CONDO Only S7t,500 for the young profe .. k>nal or retired pereon who went• e MCurlty et-ph«e. Community pool. epa, XLNT tlnenclng. Perlect eterter lnveetment. NEWPORT PENTHOUSE $87,500 Eacellent locatlon with new carpet a paint. 10'4 eHh a owner wlll eeny. COSTA MESA HOME -$114,000 Large lot with 3 bedroom. 2 ba. with new carpet I paint. Call for detalle. · LAKE FOREST -BEAUTIFUL - lmmec:ulale a totally decorated 3 bed. home eloH to psrke a tennl•. Woodsy patio a lawn. Great financing. Price reduello!' S134,500. FURNISHED PENTHOUSE -LOVELY New Hating. Owner wlll conakMf .,I ~ enr terma. 1165 equare f"t In 2 bed. 2 be. Security, privacy a luxury. $172,000. BLUFFS-Wint FINANCING Upgraded 2 atory condo. Four bedr-m•. 2'h bathe, !amity room plue large enclOMd patio. End unit. S190,000. 81l-6to0. IN FORECLOSURE-GREAT STREET Drive by 2MI Peloma, on 20th St. near lntkte Ave •... nexl door to Newpor1. Great potential -laroe lot -room to Hpand thlt 3 bed. 2 ba. A famlly nelghb9thood. Cell ror detalla. Try S1'5,G90. BEACH HOUSE-$50,000 UNDER MARKET Low caah down on thlt Huntington .. aeh home only 5 !>tock• to beach. Elegantly dec:oreled with new carpet, lmpot1ed t~ t •. Two •torr 3 bM. home. Drive by 51 17th SI. I cell for detatt.. S1t1,IOO. OWNER SAYS "NO QUALIFYING" Adorable corner 3 bedroom, 2 bath end patio on corner. Near F .. hlon. lalend and beachee. Owner I• deeperatel Open Sat./Sun. 1531 Serenede Terrace. $230,000. 3 SEPARATE HOUSES-$249,500 Great ln•••lment o pportunity with ••••oned rental record. Each home I• eCNnplat• with fenced yard. Ouallty conetruellon. Near edloott a ehopa. Exchange poulbae. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK Two •torr I bedroom•. 2'h beth• In a quiet location. Greenbelt vlewe end loweet priced In e lltalerfront community with boet dock. Good ... umeble financing. $320.000. . . OPEN HOUSE SAT 1-5 132 S. Bayfront .................................. $1,300,000 320 Seaward ......................................... $475,000 424 Belvue Lane .................................. $409,000 209-215 19th Street ................. FROM $255,000 992 Bay1lde Cove West ...................... $487,000 314 Marigold ......................................... $669,000 205 Topaz .............................................. $295,000 2298 Redlands ...................................... $248,000 2001 King• Rd ...................................... $399,500 104 Via Palermo ................................... $439,000 NEW EXCL.-EXTRAVAGANT BAYFRONT GrandloH 2-elory home with I bedroom• · p6er/lor large yachl • aide tie. Unu•ual cu•lom dealgned reeldence wllh eoarlng wood beamed celllng•. Indoor •pa, formal dining room . unique open & euepended ramlly room/library • gourmel l•land kitchen and breaklaet area. All decorator detail• of French door•. ehuttere, •lalned glen • • . Bedroom• Include Mparate maeter ault• maid• quarter• and Mparale lemlly bedroom• each wllh adfolnlng bathe. A epec:lal rooffop obaenatlon I •unnlng deck with VIEWS of wate• I llghta. $1,195,000 ON FEE LAND. OW help finance and le lnlarHled In Hchanglng ror OCEANFRONT or emaller home In the 'area. APPEALING-VIEW-LOCATION On corner by park with privacy, never obatructed view and beaulltully malntelned-you can move right In. Great appeal from lh• elr"t and ln•lde a epacloue 2·atory home with grand IMng room, family room, huge kitchen, billiard room, 3 IMdr-me ptua mueh more. Cati tor detelle. $12(),000. OW finance. . . VILLA BALBOA-TRUE VIEWt Fabuloue one bed. • den with lorenr VU. Owner wlll c arry llnenclng for 21 yeara , • 10% lntereet. Aedueed 10 m2.ooo. 131.1400. PRICE SLASHEDtt-BALBOA ISLAND 117 Marine Ave. NOW S2~.ooot On 30•15 ft lot. Adorabt9 28r 1 ba w/brlck patio. A SUPER VALUEI BAL IS. CHARMER-Reduced! Clean a cute 3 bed. cottage with patio, beam• I panellng. You can live H le or eventually build new. Plan• tor Cape Cod •r• Included w/aa ... price or a:zts.000. Dr)ve by 205 Topax and cell 173-etOO. BEAUTIFUL GOLF COURSE VU OWNEfl ASSISTED FINANCING on Ihle •unny end unit with Vu from every room. Wrap-eround deck, 2 bed. • 21/t ba. lovely den and luxurloue meeter •Miia. Ci»mmunlty raellllle• or pool, ..,a a taflnle. t295,000. , BAYSHORES-FRESH I FRENCH A perrect tr9dtllonal country French 3 bed, S ba. home wllh lal'ga country kitchen. Brick patio a all emenltlea for outdoor llVtng. OWC n,.t T.D. PfeaM ... and eubmlt. $325,000. . . DEVELOPERS: LEASE/OPTION Drive by 1425 Superior & call tor delallel Hlgheet 6 beet uee: 5 rHldentlal condo• or po11lbl• medical complex. A1klng $359.000. JASMINE CREEK-ELEGANT Oulel cul de H e behind guarded gale•. lmprenlve decor enhaneee 3 bed. den I cu1tom Spa. REDUCED TO $375,000. CLIFFHAVEN-VU , VU-TERMS LeaH/optlon or lrade down lor unll• of •mailer home. VU with two 2 bedroom unit• on large tot. Plane tor home plu• guHI hou.. and pool Included In price. Submit. $399,SOO. Drive by 2001 King• Road, Newport. 631-1400. QUIET PENINSULA PT. Owner wlll lrade thl• 4 bed home on a private lane. Remodeled & move-In decor. $409,000. Walk by 424 Belvue Lene & call. LIDO ISLE-40' LOT New on m•rket with eunny South patio and remodeled and new decor. Hardwood lloore, leaded glan, gourmet • kitchen In thl• 2 bedroom plue den. Priced under market tor quick Hie. A••um•bt• loan• and OW help finance. -$439,500. SHORECLIFFS CORNER-REMODELED Sweeping corner location with complete remodel & redecorated 4 bed home with 3 ba. • 3 car gerage. Seller motivated a wlll i. .. e/optlon or help finance. s .. 320 Seawerd 1·5 P.M. 1475,000. · NEWPORTIS.BAYFRONT An affordable price on the weter with p6er/ellp tor 30' bo•t. Enlor outdoor living With large patio I deck. Adaptable reeldenea can be dup6e11 or home. owe large 2nd T.D. $495,000. F ... LIDO WATERFRONT-REDUCED! Owner will i.••e for S2000. per month or leaH/optlon or .. 11 tor S540,000. Security building with 2 bed. • den on one level. Vu ~ ~at ellp avall. WATERFRONT -B•lboa laland New on the market. Perteet b.ee~h cottage w i th beautllully coordinated decor. Dock tor lwo 11' boat•. Gourmet kltl:hen, beem eelllnge. Owner will eonelder exchange. ~95.000. NEW CAPE COD-EXTRA SPECIAL A brand new two-elory home. Drive by 311 Marlgold . Ju•t •hort btoch to Corona d.t Mar beec:hee. All quality In Ihle 3 bedrm. lamlly room and lorm9' dining room. LARGE VIEW SUNDECK. Call lor llnanoln9 detail ... ·Al9.000. BA YFRONT-ELEGAN'J-FEE .,agnlllcenl cuatom dealgnect 2·atory rHldence wlih beautllwt decor. Formalltr and quellty 'detalllng throughout Ihle 4 bed. with fl-r plan dealgned for enlarlalftfng. Lero-deft. fem. rm. , den. Patio on weler. Pler/•llp. VU ol boetlng activity a nJte llghte. S1,495,000. Include• land. A ma"•r aulte tor the dlaC'rlmlnatlng. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. . . REALTORS " Sales. R~ntals. Property M Mage'!lent 3 15 M arine Ave. ·~436 W. Coast Hwy. N('wp()rt.Beach 63J -1400 Balboa 1.sland 673-6900 .. s~~··l'lf.;, hi~ .. ; •• ~ w•ttt .: .• •r·~-~·et' .. '. •nd r·~· vi.~ .r'••~ft'. J ... . . .. ' ' . . . .. -· . ' .. ----~-· This Weekend ! ··~ fflia "-4J .,._ctory wlttl ,_ Mlia w"41"'4 •• ,_ .. i..... "-it ... A• .... i.e..-, lltt.d Mtew _.. •.c~ llo ,,-tw •tell a., ................. ..._.. llo ... 1., DAil T "LOT WAHT ADS., • .,., .atowi..,.,... hMM• few,.._ w ,_._..,...ct to ltt .-It i.f-'*' It! Mlh c~ Helt S.twdey -ts_.,. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2013 Miramar Of., Balboa Penln. \ 544-1281 $275,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2308 Cliff Or. (Nwpt Hgts), NB 642-5200 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 Lago Sud (Ranch San Joaq) Irv. 644-7020 $159,000 Sal/Sun 2-5 223 33rd St .. Newport Beach 642-6368 S 169.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 56 Chardonnay (Woodbridge) Irv 760-8333 S 149,900 Sat 1-5 314 Marigold. Corona del Mar 631 -1400 $669.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN 1r 19 Curl Or. (Jasmine Crk) vu, CdM 640.-1515/1-728-515 1 Sat/Sun 12-5 1706 Miramar (Balboa Penin Pt) NB 642-5200 $300,000 Sun 1-5 a3 Rue Fontamebleau. Big Cyn. NB 759-9100 $395,000 Sun 1-5 3822 Hendrix. Culverdale. Irv. 675-2666 $121,000 Sun 11 -4 992 Bayside Cove West, N.B. 631-1400 $487,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 104 Via Palermo. Udo Isle. N.B. 631-1400 $439.000 Sat 1-5 * •827 Via Udo Soud. Lido Isl. NB 873-7300 $1.~50.000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plue FAM RM or DEN plue QUEST 221:22nd St. (Eastslde) CM · 842-5200 $139,500 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM ••2233 Heather Ln (Back Bay) NB 548-3684 $360.000 Sat 1-5 34 15 Ocean Blvd .. COt ona de! Mar 7&<>.1900 $1 .250.000 Sun 1--4 * 1843 Gisler Ave .. Costa Mesa 557-4375 $425,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 * 4832 River Ave .. Newpor1 Beach 875-2399 $184,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1 1 Rue Verte. Big Canyon: Npt Bch (213)470-2880 $499,000 Sa/Sn 11 -6 109 Via Ensueno(Marmers Pt)San Clem 759-1900 $.465,000 Sat 1-5 587 W. Bay St .. Westside C.M. 759-9100 S 109.900 Sat 1-4 2000 Yacht Vigilant (Seavlew) N.B. 644-9060 $349,500 Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr(lrv. Teu)CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 31102 Flying Cloud. Laguna Niguel 499-1320 $169.000 Sun 10-4 458 Costa Mesa St .. Costa Mesa 759-1501 $146.500 Sat 1-5 408 10th St .. Huntington Beach 963-6767 S 174,900 Sa 1-5/Su 12-4 14801 Jackson. Midway City 963-6767 $93.500 Sa 11-3/Su 12-4 * * 210 Grand Canal. BalbOa Isl 675-6000 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 11 Opal. Balboa Island 675-6000 $595,000 205 Topaz, Balboa Island 673-6900 $295.000 **6802 W. Oceanfront.NB 645-5430 $625.000 2298 Redlands. Back Bay. NB Sun t-5 Sat t-5 Sun 1-5 631-1400 $248,000 Sall.Sun 1-5 * 204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 · $550,000 Sat 1·4/Sn 2-5 3 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 32 1 Kings Rd . Newport Beach 646-5719 $683,000 Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Dr. (Bayshores) N.B. 645-6218 $269,900-L.H. Sun 1-4 * •2004 Calle del los AlamoS(SanClem) 673-1181 $699,000 Sat. 12:30-5 402 Bucknell Rd. (ColleQe Pk) CM 845-9161 $130.000 Sat. 12·4 25 Mainsail {Jasmn Ck) CdM 840-9592 $349,900 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Bch Sun 1-4 644-1017 $450,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 •4801 Bruce Creecent, N.B. 5.S-6677 $199,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 • * 1472 Galaxy, Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $695.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1525 E. Ocean (Balboa Penln Pl) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 * * 301 N. Star (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $450,000-L/H Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Westcliff) NB 642-5200 $289.500 619 w Bay St, Westside C.M 759-9100 $115.900 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-4 1863 Braemar Way. Newport Beach 759-9100 $365,000 Sat 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $340.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 876 Presidio Or. Mesa del Mar. C.M. 759-1501 $136,000 Sun 1-4 ••748 Via Lido Nord. Udo Isl, NB 644-9060 $ 1 ,650,000 Sun 1-5 218 Via Koron. Lido Isle, N B 644-9060 Sun 1-5 2403 Vis1a Nobteza, Bluffs. N.B. 644-9060 · $280.000-Fee Sun 2-5 155 McKnight Or .. Laguna Beach 644-9060 $359,000 Sun 1-5 1r 17 Monterey Cir. Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 $449,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Key West, Hrbr Vu His, CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 120 Shorecllff Rd .. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495,000-Fee Sat 2-5 1301 Oolphln Terrace, Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1r8 Monterey Cir., Spygls Hill. NB 631-i300 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1211 Kings Road, CllfrHaven, NB 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1100 Cambridge Ln., Westcllff, NB 631-7300 $316,000 Sun 1-5 * 1315 Santanetla (Irv Terr) CdM 875-6000 $369.000' Sun 1-5 1921 Yacht Enchantress, Nwpt Bch 675-6000 $<425,000 Sat 1·6 * 15 14 Ruth Lane, N4twport BMch ·648-7171 $224.900 Set/Sun 1·5 •612 ROQkford Pl(Cameo Hghlnclt)CdM 831-7300 S 199,900 Sat 1-5 --~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!l!!'!~~~~lll!lm ... ~"""!ml~----921111!1 ... ~t .. -. ••45 E. 20th St. (E/Slde) CM 675-6000 S465,000 Sun 1-5 2007 Holiday Road, Newport Beach 631-1266 $275.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Keel(Harbor View Hllla)CdM 631-1266 Sat/Sun 12-6 5 Jasmine Creek, Corona del Mar 552-2000 $405,000 Sun 1-4 55 Jasmine Creek Or., CdM 552-2000 S330,000 Sun 1-4 468 De Sola Ter,.Corona Hghlnds)CdM 675-5930 $375.000 Sat 12,4 3 BA A QUEST 415 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $449,500 Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 936 Cheyenne St., Costa Mesa 968-4458 $125.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2709 Gannet Or. (Mesa Verde) C.M. 979-5099 $182,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 12 Westcllff (Westclltt). NB 642-5200 $255,000 1142 Do<aet, Costa Mesa Sun 1-5 631-7370 $128,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1010 Sandcaa11e. Corona del Mar S4S.2313 $325,000 Sat/Sun 10-5 936 Cheyenne St .. Costa Mesa 963-5383 $125.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 4 M plue FAM AM °' DEN 1007 Tiiier Way (HrbrVuHills) CdM 759-1010 $329,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * :t 1 Trafalgar (Harbor Ridge) NB 644-7020 $1 ,895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3571 Myrtle (College Pk) Irv. 645-9161 $176,000 Sat 12-4 * 1837 Seadrift Or.(lrv.Terr)CdM 640-5560 $478.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 1255 Somerset (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $355,000 Sun 1:30-5 468 Equestrian, Orange Prk Acres, Orange 759-9100 $795,000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 1222 Suuex (Westcllff) N.B. 642-5200 $237,000 Sun 1-5 ••542 Hrbr Ill. Or.(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 S 1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 22 Via Koron (Udo Isle) N.B. 6"2-5200 $795,000 Sun 1-5 18891 Antloc (Turtlerock) Irv. 552-7500 $238,900 ·Sat/Sun 1-5 · 114 Via Enaueno(Marlner'a Pt) SanClem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *"' Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 * 1715 Galatea Tetr(lrv. Terr)CdM 644-9060 $«5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HVH, CdM ~4-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4931 Loriann, Calif. Homes, Irvine 769c.1501 $137.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1630 Anita Ln .. Hrbr Hghlnd1, N8 631·7300 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •5 Colonial. Nor1hwood, lrvtne 631-7300 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1944 Flamingo Dr .. M ... Vetci.. CM 631-7300 $2,.5,000 Sun 1-5 * 1244 Polatil Or., 00. Shtl.1.. NB 931-7300 $895.000 ~un 1-58040 * 11 Carmel Bay Dr, Spygls Hiii. NB 831-7300 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday Oct 2. 1982 2 1 * 1700 Galaxy Or., Dover Shr11, NB 631-7300 $5501000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Ln .. Westcllff, NB 631-7300 $475,000 • Sat/Sun 1-5 2901 Harbor View Or. (HVHls) CdM 673-7761 $650,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $825,000-fee Sun 1-5 2109 E. Balboa Blvd., Penln Pt, NB 760-8333 $675,000 Sat 1-5 1948 Por1 Chelsea. Newport Beach 646-7171 $330.000 Sa 1-5/Su 12-3 4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2048 Port Weybridge, HVH. NB 760-8333 $359,000 Sat 1-5 2706 Lighthouae (HVHla), CdM 675-6000 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis. Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 64~-9060 $575,000 Sun 2-5 320 Seaward, Shorecliffs 631-1400 $475,000 210 Via San Remo. Lido Isle, NB Sat 1-5 675-3048/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 •4626 Roxbury, Cameo Shores, CdM 759-1501 S.50,000 Sun 1-5 21 Bull Run, Northwood, Irvine 759-1501 $249.900 Sun 1-5 20522 Suburbia Ln., Hunt. Beach 673-7300 $169,000 Sat 1-4:30 * 101 Via Florence, Udo Isle. NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass. NB 631-2242 Sat/Sun 2 till dusk 424 Belvue Lane, Peninsula Pt. 631-1400 $409,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl. NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 * •219 Via lido Soud, Lido Isle 760-1900 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 ** 1038 W. Bay Ave(Bal Penln)NB 644-9060 $1 ,050,000 Sun 2-5:30 2912 Carob (Eastbluff) N.B. 644-17 42 $2 .. 9,000:LH Sat/Sun 1-5 * *4028 Channel Pl., Nwpt Isl .. NB 673--0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun t 1-5 5 M plu1 l'AM RM Of DEN * •901 Kings Rd .. Newport Beach 631-1400 Sat/Sun 1-5 •35 Rldgetlne Or., Hrbr Ridge 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sat 1-5/Sn 1-4 **"01 North Star. OoWt' Shfa, NB 642-9914 $1 ,450,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 **618 Hrbr Island Or. Prom. Bay, NB 759-9100 $1 ,350,000 Sun 1-5 * 7 Muir Beach Cr. (Spyglass) CdM 640-e259 Sat/Sun 2-6 1885 Boa Vista Cr. (MeN Verde) CM 540·1161 $239,000 Sun 1-4 * 1800 Jamaica (M ... Verde) CM $45--0303 S.29,900 Sat 10:30-2 2531 Bunya (Eaatblutf) NB 675-6000 $275,000 5 Point Loma (Spygl ... ) CdM Sat/Sun 1-5 675-6000 '850.000 Sun 1-5 35 Golet• Point, Spygl ... , CdM 7804333 $796,000 8.t 1-4 •2406 Fr~ (Back Bay) NB 87MIOOO $349,500 Sat 1·5 118 Ruby, Balboa l1land 675·8000 .. 50.000 Sun 1~5 • 1524 Antigua Way. Newport Bch 646-7 171 $849,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 ***29 Beechwood (Woodbridge) Irv 551-6829 $410.000 Sun 1-5 * it2 Winged Foot Ln .. Big Cyn. NB 673-7300 $699.950 Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 233 Via Genoa. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 2-5 938 Via Ltdo Soud, Lido Isl. N.B. 673-7300 $847,500 Sun 1-4 I llR plua FAM AM ot DEN * 1848 Newport His Or. E.(HVHm)NB 644-7020 $495,000 Dally 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS ...... FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM •300 Cagney Ln "107(Versalllea)NB 673-7300 $117 ,000 Sun 2-5 2 BEDROOM * 1063 Dover Or. Westclifl. NB 673-7300 $139,900 1738 Westclitf. Westcllff, NB 673-7~00 $119,000 I BEDROOM 2607 Vista O,nada, Newport Bch Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 759-1318 Sat/Sun 2-5 4 11 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $300.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 3 BA plua FAM RM °' DEN •2645 Vista Ornada. The Bluffs. NB 6"0-0020 $310,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 2400 Vista Nobleza. The Bluffs, NB 640-0020 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALl: 3 llR plua FAM AM ot DEN 335 Bordeaux (Eaatslde) CM 645-0303 $1~9.900 Sat /Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM 315 Iris. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309.500 Sat 2-5 2 -2 BEDROOM 2001 Kings Road, Cllffhaven. NB 631-1400 $399,500 Sat t -5 311R&1BA **13 Beacon Bay, Nwpt Bch 67s-6000 S 1. 195,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 SMplua28A 411 -411 'h Dahlia, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·4 4BAA18A 132 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island 673-6900 S 1,300,000 Sat 1-5 llR&lllR 509 Acacia (Ooeanlfde of Hwy) CdM $46·7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOME a INCOME FOR SALE I 9R I ITUDtO 415-415~ Nercluus, CdM 673-8494 1229,500 * Pool * '* Waterfront * * * Waterlront & Pool Sun 1-4 { I I I - • I I . . 22 "-T' Qfang~ Cou.,ty Real Estpte/ An Advqr11slnq ~UP,Pl~ment Jo the DAILY PILOT /Saturd,y, Oct. 2. 1 9~2 ._-.,.,, ••...•..••...••••....• ......... ~ .....,,., -......•............... . ......•..• ~ ..... . ,..,,,, '"' •. ,,., '" ............•..•...... . ..................•.. ,__al I Cn11.i . i#I ... .,, /tr J./t ·=;;:.~ -;,;;;;r ........ i.iiz BEST IN BLUFFS •••••••••••••••••••••• lllT llY. Lovely 2000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 Vi fOUM. HOUllNO Of'f'OflTUNITT ,., .. ,, .. ,., htfce: All real u1ete ldYflttlsed 1n "'" newapaper IS sub1ec1 to the Federal Flit HOUS1f19 Act of 1968 whleh makes 11 Illegal to advertise "eny preteren· ce, limitation or discrimi- nation based on race, color. religion. ••• or national origin, or eny intention to meke eny such preference. llm1t1- 11on or d1scr1mina11on ·· T111s newspaper wlll not knowingly accept any adverl111ng tor real eat•· te which Is In vlol11ton ot tile taw Elltllt Adverti- sers should check their ads daily and report err ors im- med I ate ly. The DAILY PILOT as- s~mes liability for the first incorrect insertion only. -.... ,.., knockl of1en wflen you UM retult-~ltlng Delly Pilot ClaHlll•d Ad• to reeeh Ille Orange Coaet mertcet. Phone e.t2-5e71 U•llU-11 lN N Liii -IPll m 1·1 Prime Udo Nord bayfront, 5 bdrm, 5 1h bath. Lge L.R .. 2 boat slips $1.~.ooo. ~led 3 bdrm. 2 both + large rec rm beam ceillnp, furnished, patios. $420,000 PElllllU llME Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 5e1.fl. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. LllU ISLE UYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat aUp. Now $1,000,000. UYlllE PUCE Spectal-ular bayfront dplx 2 br., 2 ba up; 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces!. Reduce<1 • $1.~.ooo. FAllUlll UICI New 4 br. 4'h ba, custom French No~dy F.atate 1.2 prime ac hilltop. $1,250,000. AYILM F~ simple cote.age on quiet Descanso St. (in Flats). $145,000. ClllUllUYI Coragado Ja1and cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/terma. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR . .: .. "' 1· :... , w. •, '3 ~ •. ,.. ~ To plaee YOUI meeeage before Ille reading public:. phOtle Deity Pllol Claullled, &42-5978 For CleMllied Ad ACTION Call a Dally Piiot AO-VISOR 642-5e71 HI n ..... , Uwn.T BOAT ON THE BAY, PL.AV ON THE OCEAN. Spacious, open & aunn~ all view home w/ panoramk: decke, on huge prime Island Point, + docking & prkg galore + you own the land. + owner financing, all lor $985,000. 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island. Newport Beach. 873-0202. Open Sal/Sun 11-5. .......................................... WANTED: PR(ffRTY IN SPYGLASS AREA ~ Betty Kerr Aeetty IOUI ILIFF "H UTHIAJ 2004 Celle de los Alamos SAN CLEMENTE Custom 3 Bdrm home Spectacular white water view from all me1or rooms Adjacent to p11h to while 11nd beache• V·E·A·A·A·Y lavorable assumable financing. $699,000. IU-1111 Cleaalfled Ade M2-5e71 h1tr will tra4t 1111 Wattrfrt1t IHtl1&ft1 I•''"' It•• IM.W N ,.,.., let wftti 120' ~~· N water wittl IO ft ...... YalH4 ............ 11•.-. Please call 714/944-1155 I baths, ram. rm .. wide greenbelt. n.ear t pool. 8J~ $249,000. -.-fll Ull, Will "'111.;lV 1~f pl. 2147 ¥Itta ,.., ... J "· .......... ,. .... 1Mt Ykta-t ..... I k, '6ew ...... 21M Yltta ltre4e I lw 2~ ~• t•S211,10t IOJ Att. O~ 1 hi, 2 lw, ,. UM,IOt un EutMtttt 1r. a 11, .,,,, 11M,10t HELEN B. DOWD IEALTlll, llC. 144-0134 BLUFFS BEAUTIES 3 bdrm, 3 bath, family room. <.•xpansivc view (E Plan). Mint conditio n . Security system . Large assumable loan. Open today 1-5. 2645 Vista Ornada, :J bdrm. 3 bath, family room, pool-side (G Plan). Designer's home. Large loan available. You own the land. Open today 1-5. 2400 Vista Nobleza. $319,000. Spat.·1ou s 3 bdrm + mothl'r-in-law suite Excellent lcx·ettaon on wade greenbelt, full atr Model <.'Ondition. Financing 1n place $232.500. Call for appointment. c~~~~i:1~S ~AL ;;UAH; 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. MO.Q020 I ronwood o Hers two featurt"i not \jsually found at golf-oriented country courses. And both fadllties have their own locker rooms and fuUy stocked pro shops clubs: champion•.hip tennis courts and incredible scenery. The Courtyard Villas start in the low $150.~. For a limited time, we're Thirteen of our 14 courts are lighted for night play, and one is recessed oHering JO-year financing subsidized to 10·¥•% (11% APR) for 5 years on some so that spectators may enjoy exhibitions and tournaments. models. plus substantial discounts to cash buyers. And as literally the h ighest club 1n the desert, we enjoy 1 panorama of Come up to Ironwood to<Uiy. You'll find that we are simply a reflection mountain and valk-y views. ------------------of your own good In fact, thl'Se views an~ so spectacular that we're taste. adding rooftop observation decks to our tennis COME UP 10 IRONWOOD townhomes. These decks plus the private courtyards, 49-200 Manposa Drive. c;pa" and proximity to the courts, make the Courtyard Palm Desert, CA 92260 ...l..J••"" '"'-« Viii.ts one of Ironwood's best values. (714) 346-0551. "", 111 -''' '''" You can also enjoy a challenging game of goH at Sales office open 8:30 Ironwood on one of our two 18-hole, champil•nship a m. to 5:00 p.m The Gub Above The Rest. ~ ... , ... , ...... l .. h• IRONWOOD ----··-... .,. __ ----· ............ --·---- ••••n I« S.11 B•e111 /., S.11 B•••n IH S.11 ...... /# lah BH1n I# S.J1 H•a111 l•t S./1 fl.'.!!!!.{'.'.!iJ!: •.•.•• . .•••••..•..•.••...••.••...........••••.•.••.•.••..•.. , ...................••••••.••• ,.,, ..••••........................ , ........••.. ~ ....... w. ....•.•••.•••.....••.. CIHt•I IHZ .....••............... IJ!.e.'.~~{ ••••••••• }.'!/~ ~.-. .. ~~{ ... ~ ..... } . ..._I IJ!.e.'.~~{ •...••••• !.'!!. ¥!~'!.aJ. ••••••••• !.~fl ~!'.'.~~{ .•....... !."!!! ~!.".'..~~{ •.•••..•• !.'!!. ~.-.~~~{ ......... !."!!~ •IPYIWI BAY & OCEAN VIEWS! 4 bdrm, 2''t baths, ttrepla· ce. 3 car garage plua much morel REDUCED TO $599,5001 *'"'"''* HAT SLIP IPH l&ILY 1-1 38 13ALBOA COVES, 3 bdrm • 2 bath REOU· CEO TO $499,5001 UT lllYllETTI IUlTll/IWlll ••ll·t11l• You don't nMd a gun to "draw fast" when you place en ed In the Dally Pilot Want Ads! Cell now I 6"42·5878. I• .. • 2100 '41. Ft. lttlff • 1210 ... ft. .. Let 12011 io. IJIG,000 * llU YllM On the go l f course Cuatom beauutul 3 Bdrm home. many, many ex· tru $279,500 with 10% down owner will carry at 1211% Interest 1., le0ar41e, lltr. Hl-1721 To pl.ee yo4Jr -eoe before the reeding public. phone Delly Piiot llYllE Foreclosed No. 2 Peters. close to lake 4 Br 3ba, tamlly rm, 2 trplcs Must 1811 $284,500 01101 40 Ac foreal ranch. 15 min from Clllco. Hwy 32 Vineyard In area Will eell Liii& 111.E TRADE Legendary Linda lale bayfronl. 7500 sq II 5 br. 5 ba. 4 trpk:e. 3 ltv rm1. d1n1ng rm. den. sludlo, pool, seuna & llevalor $1,950,000 All trades conaldere<I. or lrade tor O.C proPflf· .. -------1 ty lllmllTll IOI .,., mlle to beach, 1 yr old, 3Br 2ba. comer. secure, calh celllnga. Spanish Lawson R~'lt y Comp,ny 714-675 -4562 stucco 13'1•% 1st • try 1~1111!!~~~~~~~1 10% dn Prlc;e I t89,600 More famlllea .,, getting Agt. 645"9850 the cemplng "bug" this Keep an 'Y9 on prlees the year. If you have 1 cam- easy way-be a regular per that'• not getting -p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.========;1 ola1alfl1d r11dar . UMd. Mii It now wtth a 6"42·5878 Clualtled Ad. DEUIHTfUL HGIE . Located Ill 'a prid~ of ownership low lraff1C· neighborhood of Cost.a Mesa. Shake roofs. tree lined streets and quiet neighbors. Lovely 4 bdrm 2 ba home with new carpeting thr~-out and new vinyl flooring in the kitchen. New water heater and dishwasher also. Mirrored wardrobe in the master suite. Recently re modeled bathrooms. Neatly landscaped backyard with flagstone Patio and bulh m brick bbq. AU of this for only $1 25,000! llHI Est1te ~J McY1r-lr• ... •rst, IH. (71•) Hl-4al •Hite (TH) tll·Hll rttW .. tt Seeing is believing. Open House Sal. & S un. 12-5 936 Cheyenne St., Costa Mesa WATERFRONT ON THE BAY 4 Mr•., l 'h l1tll witll Nit 111,. Fer Sile· er LHH $1,050 ,000 FEE 1100,000 •• 121h4' IPEI llllE UT/Ill 1-1 Ill lapltle If, Prl••i••h ••'1 675-7852 PRICE REDUCTION Now only S 110,00011 Perfect family home near schools and shopping In Disneyland area. The 3-bedroom home Is decorated with great charm and warmth. Ueautllul yard and paho. O~ Is amclous -leaving state! Super financing available. Call J<Yy Holker for detalls RETREAT AT ROAD'S END -Sl1,500 Remodeled two-bedroom home In eecl.uded rural selllng. Tasteful use ol cedar. wallpapers, and paint throughout. Nice deck, woodburnlng stove. and renoveted kitchen. Aasumable 1st T.O., and OWn« will carry 2nd T 0 . Fantastic opPoflunlt for f1r1Hlm1 buyef Less than 15 minutes to Orange. or El Toro. Call Mary Alchard1. "OLD ORANGE" CHARMER Great s taner home. or Investment prc>pefty. Handl()mefy refurbllhect two-bedroom cottage on comer lot for privacy. lcie.I lor either couple or alngle. Only Ste.500, wtth fW1tut1e assumable VA loan. eon·t ml .. thl1 e>p90rtun1ty. Call today. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS TWICE We hi~ two delightful femlly homes now available on a quiet 1trMt In Costa M .... Each home h .. three bedroomt, one and one-half baths. One has a remodeled kitchen. lkyllghta, and numeroue upgredea; the othef leetures a huge family room. apa, and cabana. Priced at $109,900 and $115,900, with lntereatlng llnanclng optlona, t~ are ex'*lent propertlel for llraMlme buyere. Call Donna or Biii Webster. , POOLSIDE SETTING Lovely Newpe>rt BMcn condO with large patio on greenbelt. Xclnt fl'latlcing. Auumabfe IO&n. S 110,000 e 101t.%. 0wll8f Wiii conalder 2nd T.D. & leaM/optlon. A.clucect tO'S 191,500 Call Salty Shipley. OWNER'S DESPERATE PRICE REDUCED UNDER MARKET Huntington Beach $1YY,YOO 2 story 4 Br,:~ Ba. A. .... ..,uim.• $!:1fi,800. $149,900 Singll· story :3 Br. I '< Ba. Pool, spu, udd on fom1ly rm assume $9:l,OOO Fountain Valley $I 93,500 2 story 4 bdrm 2 111 ba spa van11ll. Assum~ $84,700. $:355,00U 4-Pll•x, 20% down. Stanton $94,YO()., 2 ~nory condo. 4 br. 2 ba 10% down $880 P&l. Garden Grove $I :m,YOO 2 story condo 2 br. 2 ba. loft, ale: frpk Can Broker Lou & Ima llEMEMIEll WIEI ... INT EREST RATES WERE REASONABLE? I have 1u11t the financing t o r you 1 0 5 ~ 1nferest you pay only $1 ,08t Pl/MO for lhli lwo or three bedroom lam11v home wtlh boa1 and RV acGess Cuslom cabinets & rock fireplace 1n country kitchen $ t 20. 000 Don I delay. call Olano TODAY' !!~~~7~1~4 /!!!!8~9~7 -~6~11~7~iiii=.I liH1 Piete1,el- 2 .. -~ v •••• ._. • Ft. 1&1.E H LUii ,,._ of CUSTO HOUSE 3Br. 2•..-Ba TERINA MO· 111-..,. Excellent l1nanc1ng DEL IN EAST BLUFF $$539,ooo Hlf CllllE 675 6921 Obi oven. trptc, d9hwShr, -comm pool 833·9 167 FlllTAIE BRANO NEW .. Hearl of dys. 759·1318 e11es. I have a 3br. 2ba home Orange County .. Town· 2807 Vista Ornada ror only '89.900. Aasuma homes • Luxury 3 bdrm Owner/ I 3Y1. v A loan ol appro11 homea beau111u11v de-~~~~~~~~ S76 ooo 11 11 'h'lo Call signed. quality buUI ·and -,.-.. _-11-1 It•• Pete Jonnson tor details, financing now lhat you .,,... -631·t266 1uat won't beli111e1 Call Men Verde 4Br. 3Ba now Brandywyne Pro· super floor plan w/3 car pertles II. 531-9670 garage Well prlCed at Are you planntng a move? Claaaltled edl wlll point you In the right dlrac:tlOn to llnd the home you l\fled. &42·5'78 $224,900 75t·3t91 c::: ' ' -t-" ~ ,J •'• ,. ' j 'I• ACRE -IN TOWN 10 QUALIFY Ill Take over S99K u 4 18'1. and E I ano move into ll'Hs highly upgraded 3 bedroom tam1lv home w1lh odded family room. sparkling po ol & ro- manltc spa Seller 1u5I reouce<I lhe price S9 000 Oon'I delay, ca.II Otano TODAY' liHI Pi•t••,•I· v •••• Ill-MOO For Ad Action Cal a Daiy Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Newe< home In charming "Old Orange ... Three b.oroom. two bath custom home with central air. spa and large cul-de-sac lot. Owner will aSS1st with financing. Cell I~ details NEW ENGLAND REVISITED Outstanding baylront home In Corona det Mar. Character and warmtll rem1nlscen1 ot the East Coast. This superb propeny leatures lour bedrooms. five and-a-hall baths. and o billiards room Outdoors. a P,ivate brtci( and wrought tron trimmed courtyard. plus a line baylide patio. Marvelous view of bay. Pier and slip. Priced at St.700,000, tee. with 111cetlent financing available Cati Ltnila Tagllanetti. TREE LINED STREET BMutlfully ctecorated thr" bedroom home with separate quartera lor teenag«a. mother· ln·law, or gveats. Terraced yard hat patio. kol pond. and waterfall. This home 11 a "must ~" for \he temlly ~hat w1nta the Newport lifMtyle. Call Joy Holker tor a showing. • SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW Unique custom home: multl·level fi~ bedroom, 4'h bath, plus spa D<amatk: entry with 17' fishpond, atrium and skylights. Panoramic oc.ar'I vieW Maid's quarters. Security 1ystem. POMlble,LEASEt OPTION. '865,000. Call Sally Shl.pley IOt funher detall1. REDUCED $70,000ttl E11qul1lt1 cu11om wood and gi. .. home. Quiet cul-d• .. c loc.tion. Featuring three bedrooms, p1u1 a conveftlble 1tudy: apaciou1 lamlly room, beautifully landleaped garden. patio and pool weas. Otf-1trMt RV par-king. l«Q41 anumable loan•. Call Joyce Debolt or Don DeThomas. •WER BAYFRONT :: CHARMING SmMNnQ b~ont contetnpe)fwy wtthYlew the length of PremottlOf)' Bay. Spectawlar wooo Remodeled two·bedroom home acroas private lane from a creetl and nettled under and glua home, With three bedroom9 and con¥9ttlble del'I. Huge femlly room, meny decka, wonderful <*I ~ aycemore trw. F .. tur• twge maai• bedroom. mod9rn kitchen and prtvate docil. PRICE REDUCED TO 11,200,000. , .. TRY CASH FOR 'VATHEA PRICE r~ flrepltce In comfortable IMng room.. Priced to Mii at IM,000 with uaumable loan. Call REDUCTION. Call Marlfyn Twttchelt. Mary Afchardl. f _!) The firm with th• Beverly Hill• /Palm D•••rt connection 759-9100 # 2 Corporate Plaza _ , , 24 -Orange County Real Esta~e/An 'Advertlslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday.pct. 2, 1982 ...... -,.,, •••• ,, ,., i.11 .••......•......•••... ··•·•······•·········· .,,,,,, 1111 ... ,,1 IHI ·······•••······•••··· .•••.•....•........... ot• ....... Ii ~ -1 •• b .. I. ....... ~ '"'•111·1 llPllSTIUTll om snL1 T1W11Ms1 Olde Corona def Mar Charm. new 3 bdrm o4 be townhouse plus family rm Walls of glHS bring outdoor gardens into 111y111 rooms 19' vaulted celllngs , oak lloors. energy elflelent solar hot watet system. ln5'Jlated tinted glass Flei<•bte t9'ma. Olfllfed et $3-40, 000 616 M1t1gold COLI 0. MDPORT MAl.TOM HltLC...-r. c-... -115·55t ' Thinking ol a new h<>me f<>t 1pt1ng? SM the man llsungs 1n today's ciNll· lied columns. ~2-5678 TOWllOIE LMll 11 Ill t>eel. 3 bdrm. 2'~ ba OYblln MO<MI In Univ. Patk Viii I Loc1ted ')f'I quiet greenbelt A110C11- toon pool Incl tennis clo M by $129.SOO. For Ad Action Cal a Daiy PHot AD-VISOR 642-5678 PHHAMIC ICUI YlfW Cameo Shott·:-; So of PC.:H . :i AH t lov\•lv l am rm Sc•t• Catalina. Stllllic;:.iL-; &. -;un~t:L'i Just rt'<hJ{'('() to $fiU!'l.000 F't·t· l<ind' D::irlt'nc· lh•1111a11 i5:l-1414 IHHR lllH HTITH HllHll R educed t o $I 00,000 be> l ow appraisal' Ownl.'r 'K loss as your gain fk;.1uuful "Miramar" plan Wllh (X.'l.'flll & l'llV ht<' Vll'WS 1-; I,. g h n \" c• r II r I Iv t n u & <.·nh't th111111g 2 BH. guurml•l k11dw11 & luxurwu~ mai.tt•r i.u1h• Now 11nly $4~0.000 Amtu 1-inuloeh:iw i :'i:.! 141 I lllYlll TUllACE FU LUI Ch:lnrunJ;t 1mnWl'UIJI(• honw. \•>..tr.1 w1d1· lot Shulkrs Lhru out ll1•:1tl'd 111111 1. St•p.11 ut1• b:ulrn11111111 <·t •'•of lundsc:ttix'<I. -.u1011111l1<.· :o.pr111kh·rs & Multbu ll(t' front & h;u·k WJlk lo Balh11.1 1 .. 1.1nd $:~:'i!l .OOO Huy 0:.iVl\'' ~~,I H700 HHTIFIL UHIA I lunll', O<.'Ntn Vlt'W on lg lot Th IS ru I l y rt"'l<>rt 'C'1 :l lt'Vt•I seas1cle <.'Ollagc n f r <·rs w arm l h & <' h c1 rm w 1"1•11rlv <·ountry" flavor Thl're urc• :l h<'droorn.-;, 2 ' · baths, fom rm. <.'Ountry klt.(:hcm & ~Ul'i'lt qtrs w /:J f1r<>1>lun•s. vaulted bc•am cv1hn~ & F'r1•n1·h wmdow-c Th<.• Jar~t· l11t o f fc•r/il sunc.Jl't·k 11, flulo{.1'lOn<' pm111 w /spa &. rkhly l:inch.c·aµ<•d J(tirdl·n Dun'I mts.'I lht'C lltll' ()fftor<.•d :II $<1:l5.000 Rill Wc-clm11n· :;:;1 H700 LIW llWI II IAl.llA IY Tll IAY Bt·uu11fully d1•{·11r:it<.•d 2 B R l·11ndo hum c· on Balhoo pt•ntn,ula Tot<1I S<'l-Urtly, easy purktnlo(. boy11idl' JX)l>I w/nwner ~ l(ut·a.I boul 11lip. L oons or <' 11~-.umnhlc & st•ller will c:nrry !Jrd. A must til't' at $247,000 BUI W<.-dmort• 55 1-8700. LllU Ill.I PDHOTlll New on Q'\arket: 4 br , 3 'h bath, single stor y home on huge lot. May take up lo 100 foot yacht subject to approvals. Now has dock for 4 boats of 40 ft. Backyard with lawn and lush landscaping. Just rl'moclcled by A.S.l.D. de<."Orator. $99fl,OOO with $175.000 down. 11111111 AllH: HST HY II Ill OAIYll 4 &'<inns. family room & d ining room lmmaculall' throughout. New carp<'L4', d rapes, marble entry & decor. El<.'l·tront<.' S<.>eurity syslt'm. Wet bar. 2 fircpla<.'t.>S, J t•ar garagl'. Artistic pool and spa Prn:ed right al $695.000. Gate guarded are<i. Call 644-4!HO for perm1ss1un t.o enl~r 14 1111111 THE H . IPH HI 1·1 HW EHUll II IALHA llWI 1"1rst t1ml' hsted. Charming nr. nt•w 2 sty, architectural ·gem. 4 bdrms, fam. rm. Quality design and decor throughou 1. Designed for guest quarters. Prit•t-d lo st.'11 $595,000 Seller finance. No loan fee. 2U llAllHI ffll l&T/111 1·1 &CIEi I AOIEI Of Liii IHllHY FH Yllll PlUSlllf-IT II OIST Expansivt.> vacws overlooking plu~h <.·ountry dub grounds maintaint•d by oth' rs at no expense to you Truly a prv&t1gious home lcx:alA"CI on a prime Stle owrlooking Big Canyon Country Cluh. You havc (•arned 1t-Now cnJOy tt CALL FOR COLOR BROCHURE 64-1-4910 llAI• YllW 111.l.1-1111 YUi Quiet, park-hke selling. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdrms. Cam. rm. Call now! 1211 lfY WEIT, O• IPll Ill 1·1 OHllA HL •Al-llPlll FH HY Charmane 3 bc<lroom home with lots of t•xtras. You own the land Great family home. Pnt-c reduced $45.000. Beauuful lurg •comer lot. Walk to the bay. Balboa I sland. and Fashion Island. O wner motlvatecJ, t h1~ could be besl buy tn COM $320,000 FmanC'mg available 1M3 SlllfUIE THUOE, O• l&T/1111·1 2 lllOll TO lfWNllT lllM Charming 4 Br & family room. 2 brick ftrt•placcs. l'OU ntry kt tt•h en. qu1c1 rt>stdt:ntaal or<'a m young dcvelopmC"nl hy Bu<.-rola. I04!/, dn Owner carry lll yrs FAITAITIC SPYIUSI llLL POil ll•E Two-s tory Nantu<.·k e l 4 br with bl'aut1ful Sunset pool surrounded by 14.- 1100 rc•d brtt·ks Tastefully decorated throu ghout with wallpapers and shutters. Shows like• ft modt'l home! M<in y upgrodt•s. Sc•llN w ill finance Submtl down $760.000 mcl land ... 1211,080-YlEW Fifi Earthwnos thruout, 4 br. 21h ba, family rm. dining rm. 2.378 sq.fl. V1l'w of Pavilion. night hgh\5 & C-0U11ina 1211 Sllfllll, OIM IPll UT /QI 1·1 llYlll lllffllm PU• l II D('tuchl•t.I 3 br, 2 11'1 ha. h om e on IJrt'Cnbclt near community tennis and pool. $114.000 In a!Mlum.oble loana and you own the land. $145.000. Liii llLE UYFlllT FANTASTIC TERMS. . .Owner will carry long term 1st Trust Deed. Priced to sell. Near Lido Clubhouse & tennis courts. Wiii accommodate a large yacht. $1,300,000. Liii ISLE Delightfully remodeled & redecorated. 3 bdrm. 2 bath on a 45' lot, large patio. extensive use of tile throughout. Owner wlll assist In financing. $425,000. I Tiii YILIE 11 Liii This 3 bdrm home offers one o f the best street t o s treet l oca ti o n s on the Island . Features a lovely patio perfect for en lertalning. Oen. extra wide lot. 3 car garage, A must 10 see. $495,000. Liii WllE LOT + POOL OPEi UT 1-4; Sii 2·1 204 Yll HILi Walk to Lido Village. 3 bdrms, 3 bath s, Qood a ssumab l e financing. Excellent buy. Price reduced to $550,000. CAMEO SllOllES 'EWEL Complete ocean view from lhis immaculate 3 bdrm. 3 bath home with super large terrace for entertaining, lounging or boat watching. Sheltered pool w ith large deck space for sunning. FEE LANO. Owner financing. $800,000. LISI ISLE UYFIOIT Prestigious Island, fantastic location, you've heard all the good words, now let us show you a waterfront home with 4 bdrms & 4 baths that has all the grace & charm of what you dream about "in old Cape Cod" $2.200.000. IEWNIT OlllT 4 bdrm, 3 baths, family room, largest floor plan. tennis, pool all bltins. tri-level. Assume loan of 12% & seller will help finance balance. Walk to beach. Listed at $195.000. EAIRLIFF This lovely family home has just been painted In & out. Vacant & ready to m ove in. It has 5 bdrms, 3 baths, famlly room on . corner lot, near park for the kiddies. Walk to schools, store & te n n is c lub fantas tic financing. $232,000. 1m1n1111111 IWlllS Charm on a huge lot across the street from Newport Beach. Room fo r horses behind custom ranch home. Good financing. Owner anxious. You will love this onel $299,000. ...... -w. ...... ,., i.11 ..•••••••....••.........................•... c.,. •• ,,1 •• , 1111 C...u ., ., JllJ •.••.•......••.....••. . .................•... !~HM TITILLY lllTYLll, IElllL T I IElllllUI 1nmJn11L11nuom1 WEI TINY 1·1 1Hl IUlllFT •, ...... TllUll", Nm H ere is a marvelous opportunity to acquire a "better than new" home in a lovely prestige commurtity. No waiting for' grase to grow or trees to mature, and no big fancy new house price either! This gorgeous custom masterpiece situated across from a delightful park i.s just 2 long blocks to Balboa Bay awaits your admiration. Ranch style with French flavor: 4 bdrm, fonnal dining rm, skylit ceilings, family rm, hide-away loft & sparkling pool. Offered below r eplacement cost at $478,500 (you own the land), over $250,000 assumable loan at 11~. WOW! 4 .11111111 OllEI PllPEITIEI All ................. 11 ......... ,.., I • 24 hour se<:ur1ty gate • Front yard lndsc:png maant'd by assoc I • Wuo<lbuming &. gas f1r('places • Modt•rn·kiLchcns & wetbars • Puol/spa. tennis & rc"C foCJI mamt'd by 8&90(•. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·4 PM, Joyce Olson Pinn I. $:mo.ooo tx·auufully d<.'(.'Oratcd & seller w /help fmant'l'. Pion 5, $405.000, unuhslruC'tt:d oc~nn view, pvt spa & <'Xcelll'nl 11ssumablt' financing. Plan 6, $410.000, «X'<!an view from family rm & deck. Lovely & light d(l(or. Plan 6. saoo.ooo. fn-shly d('('Orutt-d. nc·w window tr-eatmenlS & qu<Ahty l Jrpc!ung Plus. a. sumable loon CILIWELL llllEl-FHEST E. OLSOI 112-2000 Ctet11/ lllZ ~-111,., lllf ....•.............................•••......• I Hear the Mlstl<>n BellJI lllYlmlOE Almo1t1• See 1 HS Oil• 1111•1 mond 38r ch armer $329.000 Open Sal/Syn Set thll lmmllelllete ••· t -6pm BNehllme Reelt)' mily hOme wtth spKIOUI 673-M 1 t dlnlng/111t1ng ere11 end -- circular .un room Two l1JHI • flreptecH, four bt· '••l•••I• 1111 drooma and a kitchen •••••••••••••••••••••• wltl'I entertelnment In COZV 2 bd l'loute cioee to mind 10 !i% financing bch. 1275.000 Open Oon'I Mil )', cell Diana TODA YI ..... "''''"'' ,, ... ....... ---~ .. a., '"••' '"' CHARMi~crAEMOO:·; ~ Trld9/IMOf)I fOt d\lplell Of unll 873-8515 uw.t•u• 87 ow~r. S~tecuter view. Like new 3000' dup .. 11 or ting .. femlly home On~•l'lore moo· ring U00,000 down. 873-1170 ~,...., .... .,, eu:ii1i .......... . Sal/Sun 1·5 54"4· 1281. •TIE SUI The Peclllc ~an It )'OUI' front yerd wl'len you purchen tl'lls outelen• dln9 "'llue l'lom. F<>Ut bedroom•. two bet1'11, ullllly room, flrepl1c•. overllzAKI 2 car gareoe Oon'I •111. this PfOf*lY wlll NII ~ly. 1st time on mer'et 1875,000. .,, .... ., llRD -·-.... •••Ht,.,,.,, •••lft ., "'' ... Hf let ,.,, •••• ,, ,., hit .... ,, ,., ,.,, ...... ,., '-'• ... Hf ,., ,.,. •..•....•............. .•••........•••.•.......•..•••.••...........••••.........••.•.....................••.............•............ ..•...•. , ............. ··············••'9···· ~.l:!!.~ .. J!!:f ~.~"'1 .. !!!:f ~.!'!!! ...... !.~ ~.~ ...... !~~ ·~ ..........• !.~f i.JNI l..U1flh 1111 ~~~ ........... !.~f ~~~~-~'.~ ... }.~! ....•.......•......... TRADE ••.• your bOflng Income P<O- pertv Of outgrown real· denc;e with large equity for lhit nett rustic and roomv 4 bdrm 3'.\ bath home with 180 dig. ocean 11l1w In walk to blach Corona dll Mar locatiOn. REDUCED TO $475.000 with 11.75% Int. Mt-1211 CAMEO SHORES, by ow- ner. ocean view. " BR. 5 ba, den, pool, jac .. 2 wetban New roof. c:w- pet, drapes $595.000 euyer auume tst at 7¥o'le Dow" payment s 10.000 owe $400. 000 at t~ for 10 yearL 76()..1734 • OCEANFRONT • 400K-best buy on beac:lll Sy owner. 640-7990 IT'S IPIOIUJ Open Sat/Soo OCEAN' BAY & LIGHTS VIEW $550,000 FEE Cu11om, u~raoed, Pf'O-laaalonal decor In HarbOf View HIMt. Huge low Int· erest a11umable loans, Pride of ownerehtp. 4 BR. farnMy rm, ton"al di· nlng. 3 fireplaces Gerry or Chrltta, 673-7761 Of 760-1397 LUii IPTIMU Ortat lamlly home w/ huge fenced yd . oak Frenah dre, butcher block count.,., Jenl'lalr kltctltnll $300,000. TIERRA DELI SOL AL TY 497-1744 ... ... 1 .. South of Hw;. beautiful tmly home + Income unit. on H~ 1011. 313 Hellotrope, $596,000 bkr 646-0296 .... _ 1221,000 1111• Ulll FM L.alefrMt WHArW1• L I t L Thlt 48r hOfM IOcated 6 bf', 3 ba, pool, jac;, tw ltertt •• In Costa Meta. hu bMfl Ow,,.r/agt 551-6829 Cozy EHt·tlde home. tHtalullv decorated. It Lrg Lot, Fruit Tr .... SUN IMtur" ,_ appliances COAST REAL ESTATE, & Ille In the kitchen. At- 631-7090 tume tOV..% loan. Asking MarMyn Coombe p r I c I $ I 4 5 , 9 0 0 . Hitt TIEU 631-7370 Of 549-3548 TlllllltOI Greal family home. tor-mer mdl w/exlra lrg 101 & •P• on C(UHSe-uc acro11 from park. Perteet plan for your lamlly w/48dr. 2.,., Sa, huge l11n11y rm • dining & IMng rms plus plu• a 6 bdrm home with lamlly room: A real showplace. beautifully decOfated, and encloMd patio. See 10 app<ec111e. $147,500, Call 979-6370 TR \Of 110\, \l ~1 .. \1 '' < A/C Owl'ler says "Sell ti" $238,900 0pn Hou· ae Sun 1·5 18891 Ant- ioch Agt. 552·7500. .... rlial 1111 ...................... WllllllllE 1 \ ( ~ 11..11~.':.· 1: 3b1 remodel on R·2. ,__ _______ _ Open Houtie By Owner 9 room custom home . white water view all rooms, lrg Im rm. 2 lrplc. 3 er. den. 2¥• ba Siii. Sun I 1·8 33972 Chula Vitia Corner ol La Cresta or by appl 493. 7222 $276.000 lle- 1dble. SIHhed lo $ 145,000. Owner la desper ata to sell th11 dellghllul War- mlngton condo w/2 huge 8drm1 & Ba Lovely greeribelt locatlon back· ing to grusy park & the 1tnanc1ng 11 a "10" Let UI lllOw )'OU lhtl beauty Agl 552-7500 Must see to belleve Ill t..g. Htumable Ill T.O. Della, Agt. 83 I· 1286 CHI• #IN llZ4 ..••.....•....•.••..•• IWlllWIUUUY un•1 v.a 111 Tl at 8W% on thlt 4 bdrm. 2 bath home with low malnten-yard. Owner will Hiist with financing tool Sae It l'IOw Only $127.500. Call 979-S370 \ f >111 fl F If .......... HHII.11,. lt•et 1041 •••••••.......•....... CltSI Tt ICWI FH 10 Yll/ 1H. UllEL n OllN With 20"/e down you can iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil move Into thlt lovely 4 Fantastic bu)'I 1128.900. Bdrm home, lreshly 2 bd. 2 b•, dulrable l IPllU&. P\.AOI palnled In and out Ter-trel Fut sale agt TlllTUllCI IUI Traftftr ,.,." .... A 1pot1eu 4 Br Glen· neyre plan In 1 great lo- callon • only a 1hort walk 10 pool and tennla Re- duced over $20.000 for last Nie Extstlng '" II auumabla al 10 75·~ NOW ONLY $288,SOO IURn AT THE LAKES. open beams throughout, llra· piece. large kitchen with eaung area Walk In OIO· set, ulllll)' area and big deck. P0011, tennis, prl· vacy atld big trees T er· rlllc financing! $99.000 M2-1200 PETE BARRE TI ... R LTY II FNllL .. EU Once In • lllellme oppty. 10 buy this Northwood "br home, $30.000 below market Cati now 10< de· tails $158.000 559-9400 Ask for Fred or Susie. RE/MAX, 559-9400 OPEi Ill 11-4 Tennla, pool, come< 3822 Hendrlll. Culverda· le 2 8< I'• Ba home dbl gar $ 12 t .000 w l 10% down JuSI nor-th ol 405 Frwy, lakes Ferris oll Culver. R on Wayne, R on Queens Owner/ Agenl 875-2866 1 .. clte IH Jea~•I• Goll course 1oca11on and SlllHE I NIYlTl A perfect deterlptlon or thll lovely 4 bdrm home En1oy lhe gorgeous 1un- se11 & mountain v11ws from th11 h1Htop retreat Pe1lac1 tor a family & cloae to tennis courts Ptloe 10 Mii al $265,000 .,...r ':~~~~ ..... c-_ --•C.911&• 17141494-1177 ClllTllT • I• "' cttr Pastoral "lew ol mtns from lhlS 38r 2ba home. oll Laguua CanVon Rd '. acre on hlllS4de wllols 01 prtvacv S 179.000 with $100,000 aasumable 1st a1 13•1, owe 2nd cau tor IOcatton and otner lerms Dennis Ricketts Realtor 851·0424 f ~I.'!'~. ~it.'!~~ •. !.~H YILLE H CEllllE BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES Sy Howard Mark Co from I 159.000 495-32 .. 4 760-93~5 It's on thl Point, It'• R-2. 11 has 4 Sdrms, ptu1 2 Sdrms. It has 3 car ga· rage. II nas some View ol pa&sJng bOall on bey. II has mucm mcwet And, lt'a onry $334.9001 LMtfy ... ~·H•, rifle looa11on Asking '-lllix5i4i·i&i733iii.iiiiiiiiiiii fa.II .a& ft $147,000 For appoint·'" J , ... , ff -m a n t I o 1 a e , c a 11 MESA VERDE ' No money down, no qua111y1ng o wn vour home on our unique shared 1pprec1a11on fi· nanclng Wt hive 5 homes In Hunt Beach 38R 2'hba, 1600 10 2100 sq It Payments from $1 200 to $1600 mo Call George Brooks M on 14'-1211 v1ew Ground lev1tl San ---·--·---• 142·1211 J PETE BARR E TI . REALTY let, Jnt Ht ~'-el It 540-1151 Open Sat/Sul'I t-5 .... ~.a .... Lars• 2709 GANNET OR ... I L ~ ~ Owne< will cerry tel TO. ----_ •' Oatw·i• 1arwt• low rate. Kini terms 48r. 4 8R t ~ ba twnhse, as· lh1u Fri. 714/891-5556 /Jn -.IG[l UAtL[ Y ~ ASSUC IAT[S Joaquin plan. 2 Bdrm. den condo $185.000 Owner t1nanc1ng Call Mr Reed George Charles Realty 1175-5320 otc °' 759-1206 res ...... sr•at ftf .... w.a.. 2 fty, fOfmal din sume 12 2~. $10.000 trtei ... .t I """'' rm, park Ilk• rHr yd. dwn, total pymla. $008 Tlrtltrffk lll41t _ ...... very clean, lovely neigh· mo CIOse lo tchooll, 2 lr'1•1'1e Pac1llc Plal'I I IHllFIELl'S inJ•lfrttf ....... fer EAITllll ITE.ll. bOfhOod. 1 182,500 Ag1 m110 beh. 968·8753 eves Highly upgraded 28r IEST ::,c:.• :• :::~ I IL Y I 11, 011 ,_9:7:9:·5099iiiiiiii:~iiiiiil leaclt CH•• at O..t ~~o:.-i;2:,~own or La.rge 2 s1ory 4 SR !amity IWI Iii By OWn« • Modal tiomel Open 1 to 5 Sal/Sun tiome wtth custom leatu· IY. hMf.., ....._ Assume VA lot 111 01 IHI Spacious 3 bf. 2·~ ba, 2 27 Sunlight res 10 numefOUI 10 list oe. Mt Ml...... s97 500 1 50., d lrplcs, 2 car gar Some Own/Agt 553-t006 Priced al $212,000 for C111•• ''' lfM llU • at 1 · ,. an NEW LISTING· Eallllde, o wner linanclng a"'" 1911 action GOOd terms •••••••••••••••••••••• "Ulltll Hiii like ovet 2nd or new 50X180' 101. hOUM ind s 179,SOO By appt. It avallabla Ask tor Jim. •FULL OCEAN vu• , ........ ., ,. .. a . lar-OM LoWJI)' 4 Br plus ... ln·l•w quarter•. Elscel· 552-7272 636-5185 HE H •••( llQI 552-7500 12"/oloan Jalmlne Cf'k ~ mlty rm Mini condition lent ~itlol'I $ 139,500 l;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllliil - LAGUNA NIGUEL BEST BUY Ow.-will sell beaul•lul custom 38r home obi&•· ned 1n foreclosure As· krng S 170.000 A ppr It· sed 81 s 100.000 2394 1 S 1111wa1er Ln (213) 323-0792 394-3524 W&llllf ~!.'!r.!!.~~!~ ••• !.~! llYEll SIHEI Owner 99t 640-1515 &"t fttrff ~,.._, Job forces tranefer Call wtth llnaJ>Cing c.i1 Pal ,. Clause m thos tr11ty as· THTUllCI 41, OMI LIT fa•llr rt••, fer•al now to -· DIAN C. Letter. Wiii llT 1-4111 sumable $163.000 loan FH•H llOML 1441 Oa1uy Ottve •M1ill1 , ... , •• ... Ptl.631·12te •••-1200 2012! SIMllll ar i:w. Trade your pr•· Hu~• 4 Bdrm 2'1'iw ba, With 3 Br tV. Ba. lrplc ... .: sent home Low down or 4 Sr Oen. Formal Dining By Owner 64e-8se6 •-yel. w--~ ~-.... fer 011 Broollh1.1r11 & HtfCu· ??? T Al • & spa on elltra large R 2 F 3 nr --• 111 Drive Super lamlly h11 quality home 11 101 Super llnanclng avail oom orepiaces S.INlit Yew lffer HtU ritwhic. Seel• home Only 2 mllet 10 the LOWEST PRICED 'M aki me an offer car 9oraga plua large Home+Gues1+1ncome rltr &•ft, •ttlt I '1lilililillllliiilllllllilllllliiillllllliiiliiiilllii ~~ 4 bO~m, 2'~ bath, ~'t;~'t:c;P~o.~eon~~ Asking $238,900 Opn ~~~i;,r.:~a:d~.~~~ owe ltt . Flt• T.,m1 ••at, •l•I t•••i•'" ---am1y rm, 1n1ng area. $2&5.000 Sat1Sun t-5 18891 Ant-Owner will asst1t 81 It 509 ACINlla CdM nr beh .... ' .. ·---Utility rm Llfgl yero GOLDEN PROPERTIES iOC Call Robin, 552·7500 nanc1n" Only $420.000 SPollen llaeant ~JI ....... .. ... • llUI.. ~~~~~~~~~I Wllh 'covered patio Al-752-1589 or 648·7276 o~ Sal/Sun t..S Huge 6br/3be+3br/3b• I ... • a let ftr 1"' Oeluu owners unit has 3 1FiePOSSE8SION MESA ... k_1n_9_s.,..18,,..9_·000 ____ ...,. WHH--11-IHE Robinson Realtor 44()K own/bkr 645-7048 .. "'· ....,;.,..., Bdrm•. 2 batht, nrepla· VERDE Lg 3 br. 2 ba, -lllPlUTlN UL.El IU.IM7 • Harbor VIWI Hilb • will lltlp tl•••H· ce. and enclosed yard. I 158,000 Lo on Agt ' By o wner G lo me SUllll Tl S 1'1, -------- 4 SR 3 BA.,,,_ Call Slll,110. Dall fer Two 2 Bdfm unit• c;om. 546-7739. HK-lake over pvmta 000 759-1010 ()pen Sat/Sun plete GOmC)4ex. Let your liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 38r 2ba. Walnut Sq Will Owner I• despara1a to SICllln CNN lffllit&1.e tenanu help make pay-Ill, .. lftl ldO 8Q ty conalder any deal sell thll be&ultlul condo Eatale Sale: Cape Cod mentt. Call !Oday 675-t018, 857-4978 Wllh 2 huge bdrm• •M VILLA 8AL80A-NEW dream COlllQI, 2br, 2be. ,,... I. .... , lullw Ma.llU NH •· 67'll7300 bath Lovely greenbelt LISTING 548-31'12. 813-4725 ... llll lll-1111 Sp.ciola 3 Sr+ 21/tSa, oJ" * lllT Ill * location Backs to park I Bdrm Plan 3 w•th v•-. ._ ,. _ __. 1..._.._. redwood patio & spa, In Aanctlo San JoaQUln 111'<1 the tinaocmg 11 a 10 llreolace garao-perking •r• _ .. , .,....., handaom1 brick lrplc. Ou111andlng 3 br. 2 ba Agt 552-7500 and all amon111a of ele· 3 bdrm. 2'"1 ba town· atra lg 2 car gatage w/ B••ll•ii.• ·on gorl COUtM Lge .... ----gant NewpOfl living Low hOuSe. Gated. POOi, ttn• Large custom 3 Sr. 3 Ba wine cellar or darlr. rm sum•ble loan S226.000 IACllFICI II down, a11ume exce41enl nl1, Jae .. Huna. Shop. Sita on top ot Corona Mu• t a e 11 A S AP #"N•I J04Z Sy owrntf, UIV(I•._ pa•w financing $129,000 ~~·~n=· ~2=: Highlands. 1375,000. !~~-~~"~--~~-~-~~~ 11~e.-~e-~seao~~~~~~~····i'i'i•i••t; .. ·· 7ec>-8708/675-2t44 M\ist be~·-· 1 S:~no 142-1211 AHume 12~ loan. By lr""'91:~•'•l•i-•H ... Mll9 ... I: r: 11'-*· IPEOTlllLAll den row11hom1 on th• owner 780-3875 *-a --2 St()()'. 4 Dd, 3 b-. lam 1 ... , .. & tr_,,. 1 pa111 RedlWed 10 an un-j PE TE --•~ rm, office, 2300 1q 11. ....rm. ..... .,..., C8' New 4br cu1tom cont belie"9btl 1115,900 See 0wll9!'/Ao9flt Oupleit. A9-A.-n '°*'· P~. 645-5124, gar. 1 17K 1•t. l)OM. IOw emporary home I n 10 eppreclale 11111 great duced to $250,000 OWC J $139,900. 545-9904 ~.n0 ... ~! 6d 0 0 p h NC>rl hwOOd. Generous OPPollUnity, Mucn better t2'"1 "1. w ith $50,000 MUST SEL.L. MOVING, ._ • .,......, ... .,ndt/wkdys oak. Imported Ille, llel· than renting Make vour d ow n . 875-3063 01 * '7S-5'JO • Ir lwwer 111/IU 1113,500 VA AHume, _•_1t_S_p_m_._, _____ 1 nad glen. M ot111aled ol,., We will try to WOfk 679-94567 :i..1a "'t ""' CrlM Sep. dining, cov'd pa11o. $118.500 ..._price'* UIOTa.JI Hllef w111 ~ All " out Cell Inga IOf di-s 1351<. Hwbor and Ba· Cul de MC. 'Ji ICl'I , 8'>-OFFERS no mauer how II 11 1 , 6 5 2 . 7 5 O O or CONDO. 3000+ aq n. top duplell Owner wlH ker. 1163.~ proK, 3 8R O•nrl egt. Tll-UYIL Cftaltw, Including lraote S52-7891 991 quallty.~n;=· 300K. carry 1st r o Submit on 1--.. ---.... ----631-3213 P(lvate pool 1nd epa, IOf real ntate. 1278,000 ~ •-·-L i~• Owner • price & lnter11t rite. w-.11.y IPllT'"...... 111y to own. A1k lng Didi Meyeraon. RE/MAX ••• -• _., 1324,900 ... A,, 875-5611 II ... '"' -s3•5 oo o e i. "'59·"·"" •• •ltlAlfUIT••••••••••••••••• Sell Idle lttma 642·5'71 ....,, ,.~ ·-F --~.. 4 ... " • • 'o er · " "''""" PllOE "llT IEllCD 1241,111 ...,.,...,try ,.,...,, vurm, 84t-070t CLOSE OUT • FINAL ranatl at~~ .. w/JW1 ltw Ir..... New mobilelmoo.Mt c.- SALE. 2 & a Br. 3 8e.. lull. COu«YltCI. A~· I 174, lnlM JH4 In lrme GrMI ~--dlr cotl999. frple), on pvt ale. All .-ilttea. ...... &00. Owner I ano-...................... bt1 loan 55e-1M7 A,gt b o h L I a I e I I n d door to all tnooolna I thlr. mak• of er. Bllr -Ulll -SIOO/mo. t 1 ~~ tn t. t,,...... 714/831~8056. 648..0709 •-.1111' UITll MS,000 498-3816 OWNeA WIU. CAAf'Y or •mn ..... -..... ••••• • Tll LllD OPIN 2·• Sun. OCEAN 11 ... option EHlllde ~ 3 ._,,. pOOI ·-•••-• Btlt locallofl ""' _,.. V1IW 5 bcl. conlempe>r• ~. M new, 2 bd, hOfft• ntw propoeed BeettUl11I 1 Bcfr"' en41 i.rt911, ..._, 8, s1 tl ,too. ry, prtwte but ,,.., ..,... 2 oa, frpl, fncd. lftOfe. pert(. Try IM.000 doMI. Vftfl on U. ..... Dtoo-10% clown. TOftl Motrft Of· ttl MMctowlerk Dr. Auume Hl,000 wlttl Ownet MOYlnt• Aakln rated Ill...,..,...""" ... 41t-1671, 4'4•1177. ::.:s1~'::eT.ie'!! 1'17,IOO. Mall• offer. llWltert ttlrUOlll, M9ny ODAl.D BAY ' BARRED REALTY -.uel.;;; MILLION I NEIGHBOR· HOOOI Penorama o l ocHn. bay. Catallna • -ay lrom hlgllwty rtol• 11e. yet II•• tlle v11w ad,,•n•i11 Owner wlll eccept ow down end help with financing. $319,500. u ...... IPllllTl • 1·1 Ml-1111 ~ PCTE Corona del Mar -2 BR + den, l 'h baths with room to remodel and expand on R2 lot. Very private back yud with covued patio. Exc•lle nt nela hborhood, community beach. Owner will carry for $ )'Hra •t 12" wft h •35,000 down, °' will pay fees for new financing Very flexible. OUen!d by Sandc•tle Re.lty (714) 764-1141 °""*· ,_.,_.,.;;"""°o::=7'0l=A:i~1 =:.,::,me..::':: '1'9.tOO • I yr *· '8r I l'or 0'1 ••••Ad con9'det c.,tYlfta 2"41 FM>N~"C>WI '~ 2i. oa 1101111 w i den. ~ ~~~';111111·'°°· · :· .. ~~--I~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!' ttptc. 111.000 loan1 -cJ:'..:O. ICl•1~ Ma .. "'9 .._ .... ~ flDI ... WfN .. Ot ~ •107, Ao-~ ...... to. 9'tCDHIM eect to IOI Vllv•. 11, ' BARRETT RLALTY ~0149 or 844-9"4 \ a 000 1v1"1ble •I t3~. ..,..1 ..,....,...,...., ..... 480,000. 'Of Info: Cell 4W, ~~U41, ..,... ......, Mr to Ill MON 4M-ooff Cerof TMuM, 000. ;;-.,,.,.· .... Wint Adi Cll Ml•7t ........ AM1tor M/flMX t -. l l 26 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. Oct. 2. 1982 !~.'!!.~....... !'.'.!!!!.{'!.!~.'.' ....... ~!!!!.{'.'.!~.'.' ....... ~.'.!!!!.{'.'.!.'.~'....... !'!.!!!!.{'.'.~'!.'.'-..... "'!!.!'tl.!!.'!!! ..... ¥!,!!.!~~!!.•.'!!! ..... 9!,!!.!'J.!1!.'!!! ..... !• . .'P.!!.f!!fA .. J.~f ~.-!m~ ... !.~ .. !.'!fffl.~!! .. J.~f ~.-!m! .. J~! .!'.f!r.!!.fm! .. !.fjf #Mll;J•H I I 1>8~11tn/ la o.:., n C~Hl1 ZSSO ------------------IOUIFlllT ... IAIYH.... TRADE-IN .!!! •••• ! ..•....••.......• ~!'!..'!! ••• !!.!.~~ ..•.. ~!~ ••••••••••• NEWPORT tflGHTS BARGAINS By owner. 3 bdrm/2 ba. EXCELLENT your home for down llUlflMT ..... TAI lllLTll s:::~t~~cean Front 1 Br. FIXER $147,000 2 Br. FIXER w /unn $169.000 2 Br. 2 ba Fam RM. $179,000 VJEW lot REDUCED $235,000 4 Bctr, 4 yrs New! $279,000 3 Br. + unit + view $310,000 2 Bctr. View Home $350,000 Flexible sellers! Submit Offer! 11/1&1 W llOMlll 131-1211 STEAL THIS CLIFF DRIVE VIEW REDUCED $130K PRICE SLAS HED lo sell thlS CAPE C:OD BEAUTY with 4 br. FAMILY ROOM. plus POOL. PANO RAMIC VIEWS and FEE LAND. This week to sell $495.000. REMAX RAE RODGERS 631-1266 Ill CllYOI 3 LEYEL Cllll Mutt Mill Over 1600 aq 11 2 bdrm, 2 ba OYetlO<>klrig golf courM In Nwpt Bctt. Fam. rm. w/wet bar & frplc:, din. rm, cathedral c.iungs, patio -+ 2 balconies. Pool. jac, 1enn11, exotic landscape. 2 car gar. Aaaum. 190K mrtg. 25K dn or cars or diamonds. Pric.: 265K -make offer Out of 11ate owMf. Appt 751i1-9051 West Newport. $826.000. OWNER FINANCING payment. Blllff1 "E" plan New moblte/modular c;e-Fii llYll'fllm Condo. 3 bd. 3 ba. 2000 6802 W. Oceanfront I d Th 3 Bdrm 211\ be eplll le· dar C:Ollage. frplc:, on pvt San Clemente pride of *<I ft. S350,000 Open Sun 1-!! S.5-5430 =~~. ~~ ..... ~~·ll'll, ;:r~ vel, Beeutllul back bay be~. LeaMland $800 mo. owner1hlp, modefn Spa-CULVER & ASSOC IA· fUUIT IPT llMI mat dlnlrig, flreplac:e. we1 view 11 h% lnl. S65.ooo . ntall etyle 4 unit apt. TES kit .n I &-499·3816. hOUM with oc:een/hiHI & 75e-2476 I w I tr Fl 11 U I I I bar. large gourmet • .,_ chen wilh parquet ftoo-Owner will c:erry II 12% MteMe ltl laJ• JZIO golf courM view. CloN 12.1% ring. Maeter 11111• with tnt 7 to 10 yr1. Try gr•· •••••A••••••••••••••• to e verything, only 3 i..1tn, T1ra1, " Bdrm 4bl, 3 car gar. cath4tdr81 celllnge, large duated peymente. Priced .,,..Tl111111UI yaa11 old & 1how1 llke Gt.n1 1100 RV acc.u. 2 lrplc:1 Mull drMalrig room and bal-at S3<19,00. Call for lo-11 ac:rei, all ulllltles w/ NEWI N-OW'* could •••••••••••••••••••• •• S..I cony. bcettent comer cation and other tetm• unbelievable view of Ca-occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 beth fllll-FAIM MULLAN RL TV S40·29e-O 1oc:etlon $325.000. 111-1424 nyon Lake. $33,000 with city & ~ "'-apt. If 9 plu1 acrH Murrieta, ASK FOR LOAI 1•2-llOI term• C6-322t) appllceble & r ent the incld• 2,000 1q 11 rarm • ALK TO OCEAN OR other 3 apartment• for ttouM . large barn. gar. Ullll YIEW Pay cloelng eo111 & you •• 1n 4br with over $50,000 In upgred ... Darrell. Agl RE/MA)( 759-1221 HRIUAll Nffllll I lllM • 4 NTI .... , wtll C..IWerTr•s Prlee IMHtfH .. Sl,411,llO e,.1 S1t/S. ... , 1-1 411 Id Star St111rt FIM. lt.at.r 141-2111 142·1114 ei OAY . hom '"" 2 OR • 22 ""'· lo "•"'' '"'°'"'· So<lo< "'' ""'• $15,000down.$16'1.,. beach cottage. Could be growlng Menl .... OWC finance & SAVE buyer mo. Totel price 1175. wtnter/1ummer rental. 12t/o, 10 yre. Adjoining thouund1 of dollars! ooo. 702_.52-17n Loweat priced In tile parcel• 8110 avelllble. REDUCED Mlllng price BIRD area $189,500. Devin C5-358I) ol $295,000.00 le way I••/ lltl,. Real Estate, 642-6368 BELOW current replace-£1t1i1••• UH I HERE THEY ARE: Four menl 0011111 Prlnalpela •••••••••'"'••••••••••• ~. Duplex 4 Br plus 3 Br 1 2,.; acre parcel•. all u... ONL Ylll Cell owner at E.itcttange Equity In YOUR ._.......,. blk beec h A sking bte aloc:ated en County C7 t4) hse or condo for Turtte-$2651< Need last sale ....., olc roc:,k Home Equity H O. NCI NY IWlllH Own« says submit offer. ~~~~:~ 1 1';:,:0 1~ 642-0138 000 Good auumabl• New Orlean• Colonial. panic: Drive by 208 Cot· s 24 .950. Only s3ooo loe,.. 2·11y, 5 BR. 3 Ba. rut ton 840·8206. down. 'S-3580) -------,..,..,,,.,...,..... GOLDEN PROPERTIES formal dine rm, lam rm, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' l tMI ,,.,,..,,, 752-1589 w/ber. guetl 1ulte wlba. Liii iil.i SUPER euv· 2 er 2ba, ·'···.:.;.:=.:-•.::,:•;;•• --------- 2 m1tr 1u11ea, belcony Th11 charming 3 bdrm WOOOheven ttome. Lake Nn,._, _._,. l••I l1t1l1 French doore Pool & beech,_ II In an_.. Elelnore Auumabla By owner. Spectacular W••IH ZfOO •P• 2 g olf couraea cellent location, very loan. O•n•r anxtou1 view. Like new 3000' •••••••••••••••••••••• nearby. Low dwn. 0-CION to Ill• clubhouM (5-3579) duplex or alngte lamlly Want to buy a houael Will carry bel. Speelat a activities, tenn11 & 1wtm· Calllornta Property home Balboa l1tend Starting over? Facing S 195,000. Inquire nowll mlr"' FHIUf" 8 unique e•ctt.,,,,.. 1_558-3962 s 3 o o . o o o d 0 w n . torectotUf'e? Need a way Bkr 71 4-963--0902 or toll ·• ~ -··,.... 673-e870 out? Call Barbara. p(lva• tree. 1-800-525-8910 eict clrcular fireplace. brick .. •" a..-~ !t JJ•O -------:---1 e p ert y. 1 It 5 3 O , 500 patio & lovely •h•d• ••• ,.,.. I 'I Sharp 6 Unlll EHlllde "~2-8902. VERSAILLES CONDO 1 · e1y I ••••••••• •• ••••••• ·' -1 br. t bl, southern ex-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Ir .... Complet prv!,~· ClaUk: Spanleh style. prl-CM OWC Make NON --------- 1 bdrm 6 1 beth up9t ... 1 me locetlon on San Ole-a 1 1 5 % d w n . e k r l••t•ll posure. 1ublerreneen l&LllA ISlAll with outalde,,. entrance. go Bay. beat priced In 979-4383 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~k101•1 :~cdl~~lr~n;:~; HHTIOALU 1111· Prleed at $34 ... soo. area, brand new. ualrig Wiii trade dbl wide mobile c:lut>hM By °"'* Ste. m -M96,000 Call c.tltury home &/or 3Br houee, 900 ueumeble Sendra MIST SILL Tll&YJ 2 1 P • c I fl c R •a I I Y Tuatln lor per«lal Own ln- 642·!! 149 Huge 4Br, 2Be/1Br, 18• 7t4127J..2121. come property C7 141 Gor9eou1 newly tamod Partial So Bay View C...•nlal _5_5_7_-93 __ eo _____ _ ttome In prvt bctl comm-Appraised $600,000 RI-lido 8Q ,,,__ 1111 4-ple• ....... Verde CIPIU ty 3 Br & ram rm Super d lculou11y priced •I •• :.-.~~;(.••••••••••• 1treet1). Grut loan, 15% terms. may trade S189K $4 75,000. Call anytime 673-7300 dn. ~r 97~383 fee converelon Only ~67~5~·~oe~5~2~~~~~~ !~~~~;~~;~~ Un.-r s2&9,900 a.5.112 t8 ..; I~ lfFlll 1L11 • NOTHING DOWN Cameo Highland• e beau· wttl'I tide tie tor 80' beat IDIOll 11,000 H11bor Ri dge 2 bd, ty In fee. CorntW proper-8 year old bulldlng. One Lido Sanda 3 Br, upgra-condo . S"!!0,000 . ty, 3 br & den, o...,aa• of a kind. 5,000 tq. ft. ded. Block to bell. 4832 640-HOS. IOI. Hklng 1360,000. Great term1. ..... r.,.iu• ..•••.•.......•••..... c..,,11 JIOZ ...................... NEWPORT Oceanfront large furn 3 8r yearly, lower unit $850/mo. ALSO IO\l'8ly apedOua 3 Br UPS* unit SHO/ino yny. Cal Sheron J"'f at Waterfront Horne• Inc. 673-6900 or 648-0478 -· .., ... 111 .. 1 ,Lii . .................... . ;;S~23::cl owner llnan ---.. -111l--lff---FiAgilt:.:8:7:6-:5:5~·1~1·==~ii lldll At~mable toan with low .EST H I IAA By o wnr 3Br riome, dn peyrpenl. FM land KWPllT •ST ll"'I ••-U1• ....,. S 199,000 Pool, to llnan Charmtrig 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. -, -a-Stepe to Bay 3 br, 2 b&. dining rm. frplc:. gar. 2 pa1101 1795. Winter O PEN 328 Sapphire 64"-095" -Lge new cuetom ttome Con 11 de r an Y o Ir lge ofc/dan 2 frplci. ..,,"_ vou own the land 2.000 on ,.,.., 1011 Open s.11 645 8841 3 bdrm, 2'h .,.,h, io-t lido R90Hu o un111 toc:eted In Cotta t<I II. 38r, tam rm, 2'i\ Sun 1-5 210 Vie San • ------convenient loc: P'lee In Cf9et. 2 '* 0--"Y Meae, ell 2Br, n~B• ea. wide Greenbelt. near R~ ""---tagt OPEN SUN 1·5 Open Sunday 1-4 rage, lu1tllfY kitchen, for-673-730() •te will\ gw-& pa .... ~ ..,..,_ 2000 v_.... v 1 1337 su ..... L-mal dlntn" area. Po-·. l~:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I uni -..--• pool. Fet below marllef 875-30481873-2556 ...... t '01 '"1 '"· ...... & • u...-......,:::: tlos. 16% down, -1245,000 Wiii leue op---------Lovely 3 bdrm on apa. 645-7408 19'1•-IC)a. ,.,.,.,, -ulltlng flnenclno. 9 x'• lion Bkr. 64.f-0134 11 •• ftl1I c roua POOlllH I01 l n 1·1-5_%_d_n_O_W_C_a_t_12-%-. reble atreet Walk to sroaa, full price $345, ••-SEAVIEW geted comm Huge <tBr. apa. gd cond beach & 1hopplng Prl-1>81l11tn/ 0 0 8 3 1 7 3 7 o 0 r Ill -·-12 6°4 ioog term 80% fl-S386.000 llaKlble. Lori oed •t St75.000. Avalla· IT•lll /11 laJ. 1111 54 ... 3646 . llMlll SEAVIEW • elegant & c:tt1rm1rig Hampton Mo- del, labu!OU• views. de-c01. spa. private comm wt Po<>I & tennl1 fec:llttles. $<150,000. Open HOUN Sat/Sun 12·5 1903 Yacht Coltna &44-1 O 17 a U I MST APT Reduced S20,000 to S 199.toO. Remodeled . pool. beach. 5% down o wc.S4MMln 1,.1 Sat/S.. 11-t nancirig avail 1349.500 876-3455 ble nowt •••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely 3 B(lrm, 2'n battt1 or for leue. Ownr/Agt --------- ttome -.willl many amenl· 769· 1997 lllAll ftlW One ol Ille belt of The Ii••· AHumabl• S235K -1-m--,-11-¥1-IT_ll_I_ 2 er. s1es.oct0 wltll u -Cre11. 2 bdrm~ den Cappro11l al ONL V 12%. NewPOr1 38r 2,it be. Prl· 1umable ltnanclrig. Call plue office. Parl~i ~ Full price $499.500. c ed $76•000 under Agt 831-3513 ring tpn entr!__,_ 1 n ng O w n e r / e k r C e I I area. OOI, 1 .. ..-IPL 2131410-2880 market II $225.000. Prl-lllfn BeKh & ahopplng neer- vate party, prtnctpela Mutt Mft 3Bdrm, 2be. 1 by $189.500 By Owner Immaculate 4 o n I )' 6 6 2 • 1 3 8 7 , level .. LJnda .. plan Only Br. 2'~ Ba The Bluff a:M-0784 -S 12,500 down to lull Condo, slnt achoola. emortlted loen Submit $175,000. Make ofl•r . ...,.rt/l.,.,nf $ t95.000 o w n/Agt 213154 1-3792 3 Br. 2''\ bathe, !amity 553•1ooe rm. pool Buy 176.000 ---------below market 11 S225. FIDI 000 Prlvale party, prln- clpala on1y 882-7387. IEWP•T m. 836-0784 evea. 1112,llO VIEW Latge 3 Bdrm. 3 ba. f .. mlty rm , 2 lrplc1. wlll con1lder 1e11e option. Exe.et. llnanc:lrig. ()pet! Sunday 1·5 321 Klnga Rd. CVlew Side) 848-5719 Of 04&·"50 VERSAIJ.ES PENTHOUIE 1 I r, Fountain Cour1. Low dn. Wiii oontlder leaM w/ option. Pho11a owntr. Wknda 1 ·6 PM 13 l •&OU, M011 •Ftl 71~Htl TWo hOUMe on large IOI with two-car p11ge, ... oellent terme. Curt Her· berta II, 131·12M TUI ... NftJ>Ort He6gtlla, ler18 lot, 2bt. Prloael 10 .... S t-42,000. ~ Waltlle,. '31-121t 3 tKSrm plua retreat. end unit New cerpete, one of • k ind Cuatomlzed thruout. Pool, tennll, IP• & near bMc:tl 2 w oa· r t ?t _,,.. Npt. 81Ylf 'tofMIO wltfl MO.GOO *l!uftJ. a.ti. .. ., ... .., ...... .. ,... ., ......... .... proper•r. Call '••• -r , • • . ~· ~. ii' , ~v. j PETE ' BARRf n REA LTY TR\l>I I 10\ \I l~I \I I ~ .. , ... r .. i. .. 11 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Winier Aent81 L,gt 2 bd. I be. frpl. patio, WID. Very clean. 1950/mo 500 w .. 1 Ooean Front, Call 635-6086 or 997-3970 2 ........ $700/mo. 073-4743 ,.,.., "' .. , ,,,, ...................... Fully IUfnlafled 3 bdrm, 2 bath. "'I09 page. View S 1100 mo . lncludlng gardener & water. Va· cant & r .. dy • • .. . •;9 ~--~----------~~~~~~ Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement lo the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Oct. 2. 1982 -27 ...., hnhMI ...,_ OalU8llW ...,,. r.iu.uw ....., o.iu.uw ., • ., '"'•'-'d" ....,, r.i..i.w .,.,,, fa/uwld" • ...., f"'8ra/.W ••·····•·············· ·••····•·····•···•··•· .•..•...•..•.•...••..• ·······•··•••·•······• ., ..................................................................................... . t!t.m!.~ .. I.~. ~.~•.1-'!e •• IMl ~!~.!~ ...... !.ldf •;!!I,.. "" ••"?:: 1141 ~~~.~!.t .. !.~ !•.'!r.!!.~~ ... !.~! "-'!r.!!.~!~ ... !.~! heuttful hon'9 IOI' ~ 2 8' 2 Bii Condo. 2 eet ...., So. eo.t Pl9l.a 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ................ 3Br. View, No. Enct. 11000 Lovely. Br 2 Ba. crpl, 11• Nothing Fency bul GOUid lied per90ne, grac:lout 11-garege , 2 block• lo condo. 15711/mo. Kid• Shatp 2 BR condo, 1 lty. 2 bdrm Broedm00<Condo mo 494-SMI wltndt ot hlg, 2 c., gar, numerous be wllh a 11111• "TLC" vlng. 12500/mo IH. o cean. wl d , retrlg•. ok, no pell. Agt 8ob, all bltna pool 1650 mo. w/aec:urtty 1895 all 8PM lruil tr•H . 1 blk from 1395 +chg moves youl 87$-15&0 lat5tmo, 640·6324. 846-7434 Call 540•11!1S, H I( tor Agl a.e.2aso Clill Or G1rdener No MET R 0 ·' 7 d a y 1 • · •TEPS TO .. ., .. ,.~ .. •· & Nice 281 t lh t>a In d"'a. '*"'*-"ll•'.._ 2 .... 1 .... Daw . Oule1 No. ~nl Street, P•ta I 1000/mo Av1ll 636-7005 • ~"' -,.... ,.... .._ "" .,. ---------1 fmal 1144 Prtv 2 b<I. 1 I\ be + Oen. Oet lat. 5411-eQllt. -----•Ingle. 213/285-31107, Uvlno rm w/lrptc, tun-Kto.. Ok, pett, 7 $595. HOMES FOR RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 blka to bcl\. Cllermlng 2011 Collon. 3 St 2 Be :seo.~. 817-3610. dec k. ger, 10 ot hwy. Ullll pd. 831-4320 Agl. 3 & 4 8drm, $875 to W11•1t older home with trpi ....... , ...... eeHe. '825/mo. yrty $850t mo. 323'h Lerk-3 er 2 BL ~ 1775 Fenced yard• & 914 ~•n view. btlcll petlos, Lerge entry courtyerd, 11•0·8208 Agent Cannery Vllla1• Mobl.. spur 536-1453 Mldye 187.5/mo. ctpll, .,_. garage a. Kida & pelt 3 Bdrm detllCihed holnM & g1rage Avail Nov 1 °' p I u I w 1tI1 d p e 11 o Btutt1 3 br. 2'" be, lam-;;;:; :::;:-~ns>9ta. ~ ~o Brand apanktno new eve· 142•1334 w elcome. 5•5-2000. In H c.ilenl ., .. Avella-be lore. S 1075/mo Greenbelt aettlng 3 $1250 mo 3 t>r t the• .hop. & r •• l.ur.nt •. a::•.3bdrm,2'h b1, Agent"°'" ble lmmedt1tely . 494-4532 bdrm, 2'" ba, lemlly S900mo 3brSl200mo DUPLEX Eat elde. 2 bd, 1 . . $800/mo Oil 1 year leaH. room bvlll I I 1700/mo yrty. 973-3e85, 1rege P•tlo. S1 ,000 Enc Home nr bell. •Br. Five otllere 10 choo .. U.. /l'I/ 11SO · m11ny • n ••· POOis Agi 6U ·O 134 l-52S-1&4e. 1-772-1801. mo 907 Iris Open S11 ~7 gar, lndfy '"" 1-4"'•• 28a, g8'dnr, on CUI~ from. we·~• the ~ 10 .. ,.'!~~ .•• ' •• !......... lures$ °"12so'cn c;leen Avell. •· C1t .. It 1Z11 ----------1 and Sun 841-411811 or .., 6. ""' ....... ..c. i vall lmmed. $950 call '°'lea'" 3 BR 2 Bl harM, Lagun1 now mo -• •·• WESTCLIFF 3 bd. 3 t>a, 777-2233 Eattllde. L<Mtly 3 bd, 3 mo. 875-7873 HUit , $750 per mo. Cell 644·0350 2•eR•;;;d~~·;·0;:;p•ic;~ near park. ac;hoote, eel'..._ lfj)UL...-..a.. Ch lie 559 9400 •hopping. It 1711 mo. 4 ~2 2'hc Ba. F.R.. D.R., & ~ ~lght &':;, ~-8 B1k1 to ~an. Elegent ~I "'-•rldte ar agl, · HWNIT OIHT :::· :!ba~tepG*' to8:~' M2-eec>2. v-. omm. pool. ten-8 4 2 : 2 t 9 2-,, . oedat & gl ... 2 Br & den, ~... '--•N ., •• ,, JUI O<:ean -· 3 Br. 2'" Ba. , v I ----------1 nit, S 1500 mo. Ownr 71417~249 • 2th Ba. St25tmo. Plush -;:,•••••••'••••••••••• newly de~orated No $750 mo 492· 1619 l 8R 3 Ba or 2 8R 2 8a, 759-tOOO. · . crpts & drapes. All tile SSI·,._ 3 I><. 2 ba, lemlly rm, encl pats. S 1050/mo. yearly. 2 9, 2ba. e acel loc: Block oceanlront, wkly/mo. EASTSIOE a bd, 2 t>a, frpl, bit-In emenllln you de-m. •rr111u l'lr.••.1 .. 1.... etrlum, lge yard Nr gr•· 642·3•90. to bell Bulll lnl'. S7SO, 7112•9499 or 973-088 t Spacious ,_ 2 bf con-pool. ~ed patio, ,.... t ire· beaulllul etatned lllTALI de tchoot Av1ll 10/4 la W C.. 71 418 79-19115 Decorator'• 8ig Canyon do, ll•P• to be1c11 & ~~ kit, nw crp... g1ui window. mtc:fow•· 2 to • bdtma. llartlng II $860/mo 675-2500 1 bdrm". den• cona!. boe 1 OGeantronl C yprua Sno-lownhome, 2 bd, 2 ba. llorat. Only S1000 per _...,mo.~. ve. lralh ~mp. hydro-1700 to $1395. $575 2 bd deluH . Prlv d p 11175/mo blu &49-ott5 mo. •P• I I tou1 mHlf Slip. lldl lo Batbol llland ro gale comm. YI MESA VERDE 3 bd. den, n uaur Ar.. Bell. ape, lennls, Pele 81rre111 Alty. Coolcle beech. • t>r, 3 ba, pano· NPT CREST Condo. leautlt ul 3Br. vu. S 1000/mo. Agt 945-0295 ......... Walker & Lee 2 trpl, 2 ba. gar, giw~ bl. dbl car private 1ar•-493-1131 Allison 642·5200 remte view $11150 mo ner. _.., l)d. 1850. No ge. fully main!. '/8' . No BC I Agl 759-1997 p eta. 5 S 7 -6 O 3 1 o r pets. Inquire •I 527 18th. H tennis. poo · grd "d LIDO ISLE·S825 mo yrty. 213/4H-3&5e. SI 980:6331 glte, 3 bd, 2 be, lmmec. Incl ulil. Empt couple or S.•t• A.• JZIO ~ 831'2327• 831'1293• men prlll 675-2055 •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... Nice 2 br. crpt, drapea. 2br dpla. ocean view, IEIT Tl IWI I&_._ -6'--t• •-• ·-.. range, ger , yard. No 1850. I lt Hunllnoton SI. #J .. i•• VUY 11f1 Eulblutr uec lamll y •r-• -·-,.,,_ 536-31194. 8411-71122 •••••••••••'•••••••••• ..___ w/spa $l500 mo Ne6t ,_ 2 Bdrm, 2V, 1>1 2 bdrm. 2!A beth• on •••••••••••••••••••••• P•ll Older CPI• prel. TOWNHOME 3 bd, 2 ba. ""'"" c:ono F $800 unay bMctl on Lido'*· I If. I IL 1435 5'411-e507 3 br, 1 ba, 1 cer gar. 1 bllt Betide perk. •~hoola, IN Call R11a. 673-115119 m~t. aa:.~8 17 1P1' $2400 month, (AvaMable Frple. range. yard, gara. 2 Bdrm houH. clean . to belch . On 9th St. •llOP•. No pett 111 &PM Tile Blutta· 3 Bdrm c;ondo, -- 10<' 7 monlha). • ge. no pell Private. datllng. FnQd yard & pe-1_SMO __ ._l4_7-4_7_aa ____ '51JCYws~llM!ll 95t -e754. 2 b a LI n d a P 1 an C••'••i•i•., .,..llT llUT ~~:'':a~·:~ T.. !:.0:25j~V:·~ N[v • .;~~~~r;;So3::•3--bd-.-A-.,-.-ble--Now--.-o-.-r-. !~.!ffl~ ... !.~! ~~-21~.'e';'::1aa:' e · .. !.~!~~~ ..... !.~'!! -•K-1817. 1. 64$-~20 Incl grdnr 840-1571 or dener. No P9ta. $930/mo Harbor View Homet. Cat· OPEN SUN 1·5 llWPllT llACI 2 bdrm , 2 '-' bath•. I BR TRAILER. Prlv•1•, Call II llOmel Chttmlng 9•0•1371 1131-1815: •93.n &e mel Mdl 3 Br. lemlly rm 2000 Ytclll Vrgllanl Lu• , bdrm •pt. Prol. beautifully tum. lneludlng yard. no peta. Utlta paid. 38r 28e wt POOLI Ener-COTTAGE In Trl·plex, WOODBRIDGE $1100 ~ $1150 644-et77 Lovely 3 bdrm on *P•· :~c·d b L~n•na. d ltlle:· W/O. Very privet• & $400 /mo + Hcur lty gy au.et. 28'. 1500 mo. + S9ec-• bt. 2'h ba, nicety H .. _.,....,._IN 4 Br 3 clout lot In S EAVIEW U ndg • • •dee; gueLdr eome vtew ot ocaa11 No •M-1817 .mclenl SIPClll. cloee $500 dep New renge, lendacapad. l1m rm, er""' ·-11 glted comm. $1500 mo. n •rgroun ger ry • 00 to -.vthl""I NOW le25 a1n dbl W/O I ...,. 11 L.M pool Ba, beaut.~. 3600 ti, Ownr/Agl 759-19117 rm \)'elk to 8c:h $700 P•1•· .12 mo. Yrly Exe cutive Blult Condo. -·-··· . ..., IM. P t, gar, r,,.... pa oe. •. pool. 1ennl1, n.a rd "II• 89•·8112t .._ M E T R 0 RE A L T Y nook-up. cptatdr1>9, OI-& tennla 8•0 -1327, S Bob-" llWfl TIW · Uk• ,_, ~·a Mo-03&-7005 d • r e o u p I • p r • t • 559-8188. olc: 720· 7373 26001"'°· or Oollle -•E Cn'•i•i••• - del City 11,hu end c""' GUARANTEES RE II""'.......... •----------Koop. Agt, RE/MAX 38r +den. 2Ba. Pool, , &. Ocean View 1200 per •• ,. • ..,....._.. 2 bdrm end unit. new 759-1221 Frple. wHh/dry, blln-lns. U•l•llUl•H 14Z5 mo. SULTSI •.--B-r-. -p-lu_1_b_o_n_u_1_r_o_o_m_ condo. 'A mlle to UCI 2 Br 2t>a luxury condo Nr 2 Pelloa. 2 car garage, ;•9;·c;~;~·=s;·c; 642-31193 5 ROOM HOME plua 2 Be. plu• awlmmlng pool. T•rltio views. $895. Agt beach All amenltlea 8-ttl, Oulet Greenbelt Pta..ra . crptng & bit-Ins. ldo ea ,_2_B_R_1_B_•_du-pl_•_•_._p_v_I ~-=o:~.,~ ':::: W •I k 1 0 11 •a ch · _...._ __ 2'_9_50 ______ Mott l>MutlflJI comc>le• 1950 mo 64<>·2098 overtook a g r eenbelt. petlo. new paint. $545 HOO. BEST Open 7 :e1.~,~~; m 0 Ag 1 n1 Welnul SQ. COndo 2 Br 2 $795/mo. Harry Patel llUP I.I. .... pools. apes & clubhouse 67~7300 mo. 833-8192 daya. Co.I FREE RENT-•---------11y. 2 Ba. petlo,enct gar, 2 13/2 7 8 ·84 0 0 or 3 Bdrm, 3ba. den IOfmll avail Se curity glle AL COUNSELING. HUR-Super Neighborhood! 3 com po ol. $1175/mo 2131870-30011 d ining rm 1 1500/mo $650 Cell979-&231.,,.. RY CALL 53M190 t,·2~~~T~ trple. 84M 253-1Wkna. MOVE IN NOWI Large lu-844-1905 _&_w_knd_s_. ____ _ .... ,___ 1Jlf 140Q HOME. Kid<*. mo-•---------UNIVERSITY Pt< 3 BA 2'~ 11ury condo S6t5. 28R. WATERFRONT lrg 2 8'. 2 EXEC RETREAT In New· ••••••"411""•••••••• dern kitchen, privet• $575 ... THAT'S ITI 38r ba. !Iv/tam rm, 2 ear gar, &traa. 1137-2eee evea. Ba trplc entry 1 Cir port 8<;11. 1 8r penthOu· 11><, din. rm, lfp6c. _..to Eutald• condo, 3 br, 2 P-lrklng, low moving 2 balh home w/jllouull appllc. oomm pool, jac:, HARBOR VIEW HOMES 'gar". ltg petlo. wMlt t>oel se Secunly, pool, apa. Deach. 1950/mo. utlll N . den. lrplc, 2 car~-coat Nice locaUon. NEW S m pet o k . c hg . 11150 mo. $52-8947 3 Bdnn, ex ... ......_. Car-10 15. 111 IHI. HC gym , 6 • 2 -1111811 , lnel. Now ttwu June ·113. rage sa25· S45-e&85. RENTALS OAILY. 8EST , ____ 63_e.._7_oo_5 ___ 1TURTLE ROCK trl-level. mel mat v;;'N;'.. cpl. 1900. 675-22911 846-4287 _(_2_13_)898-__ 2953 _____ Stiarp and dean 48r 2t>a. 539-8190 COST FOR RENT 2 BR. bMutlfU1 moun1aln \OW, 1800 all S1200tmo. Cell WESTCLIFF Condo. Irv new. J BR . ... ,., 11.i.nut• Gardener Inc. l850/mo. Fenced 5 room l'louH. S400 ta• thll wtlll Qa· 2 mHlllfl, lge pvt patio, Agt Gene HIN 842-8079 3 .... 3 ba .......... pit" lurn. appllo llkup, pvl pallo, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ph SAe-9950 ice urMt t terNly atd• • 3 Morning U'f V'V'• 1 &..n.J llft r.~111 •• ~~uk~:~~.r~ c~·~BEST :EALTY &tory.S1~So • bd, 2'-' ~.view, COft\-S1175 mo 142~ :~~:s~~d~~~~;;;: :':~•••••••••••••••••• Nice 2Bt. 18a, lnc:d yd. _. .. ~-.... _, -.-COST "'-~ 80 n -(213'"'"7 """"" munttw pool lennla Q I 8 I ....,. •• • encl patio. new pelnl, gar•~· kld1 all. SSSO. , ___ . _ ..... _ ....... __ 1_• ___ 1 .._ry ,._ ·~u... • · · amourou1 1yr ront 1157-9447 "51111-.. r_,.. 1-u.... '""50 mo.+ ES "'3" .. ""COST ·-. B ES T RE .. LT y Alta (714)873-8589 guarded gale. gttdener. Condo. Appro11 2500 aq ---------....., -""' .,. "....,,..., ,. ---------11500/mo 844-2145 II 2 Br + Oen. 3 Be. 21><. 2ba, bay/~ean view. Yearty·W•ty-Wlnler. 2, MC. 2029 Wall-HM B. nn '"190• C .. LIF HOMES • """ I-S.• Bdnn9. ,..8_2778 EASTSIOE 5 BR. 1475. """""" "' .. "''" _.. Underground perking. pool. l•cuu l, securlly ,_ Fenced ywd J*11 garage. NEAR PERFECT 4 BR rm, etllldfen O.k. no pet.a, BH~h houM, 2 Br. ger MC etevetOf Avl ll Oct bldg $925/mo. Cell ~·-IUL.n 12·-8-r _on __ lo_t_w_l_lh-0-,~--. eeST ~190 COST. llouH , 2 be, carpett. 8411--4784 or 759-1501 $700/mo 3 Br 2 Ba. gar 1 11450/mo _.,... Denny. 6•5-20 16 or double garene, lence<1 $1195/mo.mo Fred Te · •-., 5411 5833 .. huge ye rd . big tronl •BEST REALTY • GUA-I • 1700 UNIVERSITY PARK, 4 BR nore , egt 63t·1268, Schwelci<ert Really • · ...... IT rpooeomp.lefrpo~1· ... da::.Y"o·K~ RANTEE SELECTION. ~~dltk:~·.~!'·BE S T 2'"' ba, lamlly kitchen. 63 1-2711 Catt Oaw&U -9-144 2 Br 2 Ba Cando. Dene ------, NOT A RENTAL AGEN-0 ·id COST Maaler bdrm au1t1 II .. ----------29r 28 Cond H P1 ocean v,._, walk to 11M111 $57 5 87~ CY. *&39-el80• pen 1vt 2nCI 1p1e & pvt l>*ony. W11ertron1 Condo-28 r. • a o nr OIQ, beach. •Hiler. dryet & ---------2 Bf houM S535. All utl-•ONLY $350 HURRY• Lott of ••or•o• H 50 2Ba, ~lfut baytront, pool. dihwshr. no pell re t r lge $850 t m o Wl9ht ..... 1111 .. peld 1001 Reedy for 5 ROOMS 2 BA l400 Spacloua • room 1111. mo. yrty IMM C>OOI. deal. aecurlly bldg. seso mo 7&8-7833 492~700. Now iv•ll•ble. Price• ternlllea on the 1at ot Large •nctoHd garage bull! In appllencee. 111 George Goldbaum. Bkr $1025 mo 873-7205. 3 br. 2·~ bl ptusll condo. range tr om l80Q to Oct. Greet.,... tor '~h•,ca~.lt k~t gr~,'· bllta plkS here! Reedys10 633.9191 831·2482 n,r watet. pots. bolt llip Aum.n11 l•ni,.H SHIOO. OCEANfAONTS DAILY RENTAL mo er I c en. I show lodey. Cell BE T U..aa• a...._a. •lfl Model Townhome near 1150/mo •'"•"•••••••••••••••••• evlilable c .. for detllll&. UPOATES. unit II reedy. COST you 539-8180 COST -;:, ••• :.'!":'!'!.~•••~•••• waler, 3 &. 3 e.. lrt*l. 875·19311 851-839• .. ,,,.. /l/H' J1H will never turn down, $ ..,....../...... 8ES'T 539-8180 COS1" BEST 539-6190 •SS75 MOVES YA• HARBOR OCEAN FRONT upgradH tOO/mo . NPT CREST CONDO 3Br, Li.<t;:e;;:;·t,~;:;·t,~· 2Bdflftl1of1 ln~I •LUXURY & MOREw Mejetllo 3 Br 2 Ba. P·ell Nu 3200' tux hm on l>lutt 75 1·2442 11ew pelnt. $1000 mo. trptc. pello bbq, wtlt 10 •~•tlon on Edgewater wge fenced yatd. warm Eaal·ald• -) bd home. ok Full appllanc:ea, neer 190 deg. vu ot harbor, Harbor Hlgllland• avail 3 84S-0?95 b<lt'I MOO/mo. '76-5383 $1200/mo ffptc. dbl t>alh, big gar•· ~r7p510. g•r. lnScd yr d , beech! BEST 53t·9180 aurf,lmtnt. 3bf, 3t>a, ... BR 2 Ba . dbl c;er gar. DELUXE 3 BA 2'-' ba, 2 3 .... 2 bl, 7 •~ l\'om ...... flt...&. ge. SSOO't . • /mo + ecurlly. COS1" cur l y. n une, a pa. lple:. pello St26. Wlr A I t I 0 l "' ,..,.,_ .. ,, NOT .. 1157-2040 28R w/So Call! QL ... SllOO/mo •N-7009. !!dnr t n ~1 . Elal"a . II)'. ge ron ytr Bay Avall l'l<>'* ·'850 mo Coal• Mffa/Untm. RE· " " v .. Ul)91W I petlo 1at & last, 780-1977. TI REMENT APT. 2Br. RENTAL AGENCY SHOWING TOOAVI 2 MOURI EMERALD BAV 3 br. 2 1-1232 Of 14$-5063 MQHity $1200 per mo --------- • c .. an & quiet loc9tlon. BEST 53M180 COST bedrm Warm .. Sun11t pello.. bl 1800 tq. II. frpl, tinek Cdt.4 Harbor View Hiiia 831·5891 BACHELOR APT $325 "400/mo. W•tllde 3 Bdrm, 1 bl. hOUM In prlfne.,.. 1450 15as p1110, with epa $ 1000. hm. SP9Clou• 5 er wllge T tetull "-" 1...,. 3 Utlle lnc:I No pets. a a..a... hit/._._ F Ila• enc:IOMd Qarage Call + • m c hg MET Ro 213187$-2266. bonue rm Nice a rea. .. Y ..... or a -973-3e91 ..... ........ rple. 099" beam•. Ylfd. Metro Rily ~7005 chg &M-7005 bedrm 2tiettl ~ Fant•tk: location: 2BR, SllS0.631-8092 _________ 12 Ir 1 ea con-oe. Cliff 11600/mo. 7804708 or won•ttaa•••M50+dlf 1 t>Orm. Y9W!)'. 11r..,caoe llreplac:e, new kltctt.n. Owr.-1 .,..._. ed prime Small home for ,.ou/chlld Bll.et'I combel'S ~ w/ MC:lton, 99 range, Ott-'7&-2144 03e..7005 '°' appotn11nt1t Ulll lnd'd 1•25. Avell IOl'mal Olnlng, bright and 1 in'• a d' •1 1 and pet. '3eO +am ctlCI xtratt Now 1435 + 1m <**. t9MQ. A• 10/1. Tll ILlffl ~ro ~, ... reMllt• 97&-4525 My. I I 100/mo oc w r "' nn no M E T R 0 R E A I.,. y c;hg w I ' I • • • • • s • 7 s . _N_--2-b-d.-1-b_•_W_l_n_I.-, Watertr........ e2bono:,,::.~·~~_!l>r. 636-7005 call tor Apc)I. 838-7005 •t4-0t54. On bu. line, :S Bdrm 2ba. epoueaa. R t •· ,_, ..-Of 1_.-........,.=..._-,...,.....--112501mo U..-T -• n I • I t o Ju I y IJ 1· 1• 1 .. 11/opl. )Ont lerme. FRUIT TREES & 980 pft ... tll tMllnO 4 br t ... ba Custom 3 l>t. 2 bl, lfptG. Hewpott'I mOll prwll· $525/mo Reta <Ar POf'I •-•&....• •·•--~ ..-Allum loan Owner , make !Na 3 bedfm ~ par*9d study. IC>adoul OW. 2 blka lo VICtorla 2 Bdrm, aoe. t>uutltlll fllOUI l\lghrlM ..curlty 525-7245 ~.~ ••• f.~ SM-9.213. W()(\llK'~/~ PMMY !,'_!O IMng room w/atone ll'p Bch. Oc .. n vu. Gu · edult unit. S 1200/mo. bldg. f l>Ofml, 2'°' bltlla, W-ln_t_e_r_2_8_r -,-b-e-th-.-.,-, 4 8'. 3 ea. Der! Din.-~ ... , ... 3 BR. 1175, no ..,.. ..._ allOwedf....., lleOllnl ........_..,..._ Avell~Ull0~1144511 c .. HOlei.ln Aeett_y private Huna, comm Soutti Bey. seoo ~ no pets. St100/mo. 227 peta, tel. IH1 a dep. Metro tor 9P9' l3f..7oot lmnd~. todey 1115 Lullury 31• w/lb, N. t..ao. 7to.9818 or ..._9152 pool & ape. Lovely vtew utll OT3-345e Cotal. 21)/~511. 142_... ... -.,. ,,. + •m ch' M(TAO V\I w.11 to bcfl 11500 ot ttt. bey. 12000 mo . lllw •Bdrm. Newpelnt &4 --.,-.-2-.. -,.._--.-_,-----.•••••• -.mJ........... 131-OOI ~nO· 5141 Mlctyt.aft • i ». :L ~.-;:.1~ Yf'>' .... ..,... arpel. Dbl gar . oleer'lhome,.,.....,_, lrlM....... BEACH HQUlllS50t '"'e. nie,M 75mo.M2·77t7,•--------• '-181.JI ,,,1 50/mo. CloM 10 tiey, I 1 o o m 0 . ow n r Dana ,olnt. Walk!:J Lara• 2 brm1 tenoed ooraeo.e H r, oon vu, 544-~h40 Wl~t:;•A;.t;;•;•i;:•t.; 5-1717 7...aool. :-:::.~·:~ klda/pa1l:!..cs Call brand new. l 1to0/mo. HarbortOCMn vu :tbr. la. 1 oar geraa• OOft &night ¥1ew, 48t, I.,, per mo. Mt4100 IOI'~. Ae-7001 dig 4'4•U..l wltelyt aft 9 & 2ba. 11185. Ht Oc;;,\. 1100/mo, 8tepetObey, 2 2~•• "v • •• wtinds. ., 1 e w . 8 1 5 -2 e 11 . Dike to baeotl. 301 l!cJ. "9ut9'1 1111 '1"'000' ,,;,. ,.: ' • = ....... aLD ... Y ...... W. ... ""7 1•••ter (Cotonedo 11 ~·•••••••••--··-1 mo. -1·1... More,.,.,._ .. geet1ng •U ~~ ... _.. ~-t,, Wt THI 11ACH. a tw, M• die _,.,.. .. .._. .... HU 41>e, HOO tq 11, frp!G, ~;~a::11>1nton '°'*' oceert *-· ... ml~ year. ",ou....,. a-. ••• •"--t!'"'ffli r.:· ... grdfl, "'""-°"· 8todl to llMCft, 3 If.~~~;~~;;~~;;~;;;;;:~; 1790 "'°· eoo l. o..n-1 tit .......... ~"' per ....... Mt ....... ~r .... "°""• Hum. ""· & L"· ~ ..... SHOlmo. Contact ~ ~ ft on t , t t?. I 3 I 2, OK. PH. Avell. now. uaed, _. It now "'"" a HuMNI. at••.,:,.•oM · o. OCH" vlewt. Mr Fuent .. IU·0070, ... ~ aa-3094. ..._,......._not Obulfted Ad. ••9 ..... ,.._ ltlOO/mo. ,,,..._.,, ~ & wllftdll,... 1311. a_.. Me M2·M71 ,..,. Mf ... s f I I I I J I I -- 28 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 ~~!!.~~ ~~.'!.&!.-.'.~ ~P..'f.~ ~m::.. ,.,.., ...._, lfMi 1111 i..1t '--u• '" •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~w.:.. "i:i."'Jd. -:-.:::.. l••lllrm JTIT ;-.:-.-.rn, •••••••••••••• ••••••;;-A•••••••••••• t.t. .... 1'M •.•.........•......... ......•............... ......•............... . ..................... . f!!~.!t!! ...... 1!¥. ~.~! •••••• /!.¥. P!.'!11!'!.~ •• H.ff ~!!.'!.!~'!. ••. !l.!f •••••••••••••••••••••• EANFRONT 1et09 mo-Attr•otlve etudlo, empl ••··"··••••••••••••••• oc .. nlront & clot• 10, dern 3 Br. 2 Be. No pe11. lemel~. non ll'llOker. lllTUT •I Smell 1 & 2 Br Apll Avell now lo June 14 Smell combo llV·bed· Eu II leOO 2 S350-$ 87S.5 HOO. 873-8640 dlntm, lher• beth $3215 I de Imo. 150. Yrt-j & wtflter Bt. 1'A Ba. TownhOUM, all EISld• 2 BR 1 Ba, encl 1 2 BR 2 Ba & den. lplc, 1 Bt. pvt deck, old world O* oec;ec 90ec utll pen oceen view encl ~ wl ' charm apecu= PARI< NEWPO RT po: lnd;y rm, SOO. opener. 714°493·1 30 APART MEN TS oceei;i vu, walk 10 102 Older 1 Br, •A bfll to Mild. Rental· 2Br, pool, 1 I $430/mo yrly. 875-5710 Winter l\ouM A E 67 to bell $550. Pteya •11 5 3-1900 l&YFlllT . 2 ba, lrplc. Cltw, 2 Bdrm elec Cl P•llo Sendy S925tm OOf opnr. gu BBQ, w tgas lire ring. beach Winter 0 673-7538 ----garage. t blk from 2 br + beach S600 673-250 Winter rentel 313 E Ba6 Av 2. 675-812 OCEANFRONT, 1wo 3 BR, one 2 BR, avt n<>'*. From $700 mo Winier. C1ll 875-4371 OCEANFRONT Lge 3Br 2t>a S975tmo Avell 11n- I urn 673 -448 3. 540-3773 ---Oceanlront 3Br 2bl. w1n1er ronttl $650 P11y1 RE 673·1900 4 bdrm neo. d lies, 6 -I -. 2ba, 1ncllldes Ii· 2 BR 1 ea, yrly, rea1 of !Shes. cir TV. utHI-oceenlron t. $650 Pro- 13.45e11 I pertv 2:40\lst. 642-3850 VILLA BALBOA Elegantly If lllT I urn Condo 2 bd, well\ t o bch pool, spa lnckldel alt utifltlee, COIOr TV. pttone, emetl prlv.,e kitchen. llnene, dl1ne1, wither/dryer. private entry, walk to be1ch, pool, Jee, aauna, tennis co11r1. gate 011erded & palrolled presuoe ar11. 493-3490. A,.rt•••I• U•l•r•i•.iH .••...........•....... .. , ... , .. , ... ,, 1101 .•........•••......... 2 bdrm. 2 bl newe< dpl11 yrly M11ure non•tm!tt"I. no pe11. S700 )( 3 2131799·4195, 267-9792 or 1714) 673-39116 ------.... 1 BA. yrty. upper bullt-ln1, lndry rm. car· 846-1509 Ive mtg. Studio apt w/11111 kit. & por1, y1rd/b11C<>ny • .,,,.,. pet OK. * •2 br tux condo rw SC bath. w1lk to Marina. TSL Mgmt. &42-1803 Plaza, pool. No pell. S350tmo. 961-3453 $520. 657-4518 Stlldlo 14>t $275 mo. ~ GARDEN RETAEA T 2 Bt. $485 2 Bdrm. refrlg. pa-frig, conv 10 lhopplng IV. Bl. Condo, 0119rl00-tio. no pelt, ldultt pref. 641-1391 lllng pool, IP• & running 724·A Jimes. 673"7787 13 Br. 2 Ba. oceen view. b rook. xlnl cond No pet1.S550tmo.84S·7452 PINE BLUFF APTS I dswshr. etec: appl, lndry ()( 841-2880 2 Br 2 Ba. Child ok. pa· rm S8251mo. 498-4179. 110, view, lrplt, «IOI g1r .. Flrepl1ce, pool. dish-2 BR. 1 ba. gatage. Y1ew washer, Pvt patlO X Lg gH stove, dlshwHher, Nr High School No petl Garden 2 Br on Etslde. IP•. lndry rm S8251mo . 661· 1319. 559· 1247 9VM 1560 551·28-41. SPMC 4531·8 107 and weekends EISlde C M cute bechelor I BA. new p aint. cpll, apl. $400/mo + S300 •••li•il•• ClrlPH. dl w. no p.els. sec11rlty No pe11. Jayce •. , 3140 $400/mo 2265 Miner St Wallie, 631· 1268 l(jt •••........••......••• 851-2175 2 bdrm, 1 be. mlnutH Eastslde CM. t BA, 1375, lrom beech. Cloae to 1r1nsp and lhOps $485 Newly decor Gu pd. 1u1 & dep .. 842-6388 720..()844 720-4691 COUNTRY CLUB LIVINO IN NEWPORT BEACH A 1otal e nvironment apartment community on the Upper Bey Prl111te c l11bhou .. and heellh epa, 8 tennll court•. 7 poolt. ClOM to buslneea. alrpOft. Fashion Island Convenlenl 1hop1 on all• Unfurnllhed t>acn.- lofl. 1 & 2 bdrm apts and townhOll-. 1560 -$1000 Several bachelot'I 800 1 Bdrm un111 fHture tine dHlgntr l11rnllure and eccessorlff, Move In to- dey Of reteNe IOf future uet. Smutly lurnl1hed modtls open dally. $495. Contect Mgr a1 C 332 Enc:ino Ln. IC)t •11•T111• In Sin Clem•ntet Neer ti NEW 2 Bdrm. ept. wit bulll·ln1, Clrpetlng, Or pee, l111ndry flCINty. •· un- 2 Cler rool carport• '°' car1. pObllc 1ennl1 court • & goll courM right be· hind property, only m r· & y· nutu to Stet• Park beach .. cloM to ever thing• 14 75/mom1t1 Av•ll•blt October 1 5. to/ at one or two ~'°"' on & no r>el• Call owner (714) 642..() 138 Wn l•i••Nr " . •......••..•..•..••• " • 2 Br 1 Ba Cl(J>et. Cir &pel. 4rH•,2 .... mo yearly or ICU 2 1e $750 $600 11n11. cH!en & sale, deck 525· 7405 wlchanntl view S515 Larg9"2br bulll-lns & g•· 1 Incl utll Open Sun 1·.5. 111. 2111. H I , 1 2 BR, $475. no pets. 111. encl gar. dw•hr. pool. -2 BR . S390lmo WALK TO BEACH. 2 Br I bbq. no pell 842-5073. 984 ValenCll On Jtmbor" Rd at Sen Joeqllln Hlb Rd garage. $435/mo 111 & 6 IUt. plus S 100. 548-011 mo winter ··-rage. steps 10 sand 3302 MtrCllS 673-1943 .... $900 .... 2~ .... mo winier agt I 11-1811 S8501yrly Of SSOO wlnt· er 1213) 446-9220, (213) !°AV VU 2 BR. 1 t>a. gar 5 7 4 • 8 1 9 9 ( 2 1 3 ) apt WIO Gar sp., $600 4<16·4750 ~73-8276, w 979-6371 er IMN re.t.a Wi•t 2 Belr $1~ Proper ms, den. 2 b•. 10 beech .Coaet lies. 673·5410 -- Magn111cen1 view. 2 br, 2 b•. trplc. tennis cts, Jee. sauna. pool. walk to beach s 11001mo Wiii Sho r I I er m (602)9911-2811 call col-c., ... ,,, ,,,,, 31ZZ lecl ............... , -:-....... view, beaullfully Verullles mini I Br. on Ocean turn t pool & 673·08 ownhouae lrpte, 0011rt an options. near patio $ loS51mo I b e a c h S 5 4 5 I m o 96 2131687 -3292 days. 2131387·5900 c •• ,. "' .!!~ •...•. !!.~! 16210 Oceen Fro;I. 3Br ....... rt Yill A h lo-<!Pl•. 1mmed occu-... • p1ncy 111 June 15 S750 111 ltnelscaped Jr mo (2 13) 596-1709 eve '42511111 pd !Br Opla, 417 E Bey Ave . Balboa No pets 547-1155 --!.+ Blk ·lo l>Ch. 2-t: ~, 1Ba. lrplc. gar~. xtnt. quiet, no pets 6 3-8955 STEPSTo BEACHCute t BR, lge yard and co,,.,.od patio u111 pd. Lea•e 1'11811 $450 673-8699 S295 Nice Btchelor r• spons1ble person, no pets Ullls paid 108 E Bay Apt 9 ---f!I!!!!~~!!. .. ~~!!!! Weal:fleld , .... "" Beaulllul garden epll P111011e1ecu No pe11 2 children welcOMe 2 Bdrm 1 •1. Baths SS40 2 Bdrm 2 B111ns 398 W Wilson $~5 63 t -5583 or 642·4905 1 Br $425/mo Bachelor $360/mo Stu 540-3666 ()( 497-2338 ---------Beau11lul 2 Br 2 B• townhOllH. lrple, patio, lnd1y rm. good loc SS&Olmo, T SL Mgmt 642·6221 642-1603 --WTSlll 2 Bl, 1 Ba pool tide ept, with pallo. Gas ater paid .. .,. ~auto I t bdrm and w recrea games ble Te leyball Call Large lion rm includes apa ano pool ta-THE ·--Deluxe Condo. 3 bd. 3 be, 1 lndry rm. bll-lns No Pool, Rec Ar ... Allech petS C e ll lor eppl Gar. Rel1. S850t mo S43S.S450 nn1s coort5, vol- court. 11ct pool H l-0011 --S375 m 0 Dix moblle home No pell Quiet, secure Blvd 64 1991 Newport 8-8373 ---I r le Cs1 Pt•11 m . den condo I 525-7245 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 "1001 ------c., •••• , llu JllZ 2 BR 2 Ba ltudlo. $575. ep11, drps, encl ger, "° ............•.•••••..• ITIPI Tl 111&1 pets 87S..eeo6 LIFE" Lerge 2 bf 2 ba, lrple, ""' mu Mts YaAA-AOUND PUN: many emenlllee, vjew Like nu. lge t br •Pll, S825tmo Cell Anthony Soclel Actl..,tlles lrplc. ow. g1r . $475/up. deys 642·5757, evet & O l rec tor •F r ee wtcndl 63 1 ·6630 Bacro w /lrplc. pello, S11nd 1J, S4QO Pool & •P• No BrllflCh•B O's• Quie t 3Br, bon11~rm pet a 2650 Herl• I belr POOi. c $150 c de po 675-92 eroort 1450 mo I l••nlngtdam•g• 1 11 1 yr lso 26 Par11e1•Plus much more QRI A T R I CRIA T ION1 S9501mo IH 01r1ge. 549-2447 Greel iocallon 759· 1243 Specious 2 Br 2 Ba new --2 bd, I ba. lrpl, /:d, no pet1. avail now. 5 mo crpll. drlPta, ~ood Etslllde loc; 1'97 tmo. ,,.. I RH Ii• .M • 3141 Tel'ln l a •F r ee Lffsont (pfo & pro 1hop)•2 He11111 559-9265 See M9n&ger 147 E 18th "4",C M. 2 BR 1 B•. convenient. ....... '" ···············I ~bs•Saun•• cozy So or h7 Yrly 2 bf. 1·~ b• 810 Joenn S1. HyOrornuaege• S 8 7 5 7 5 2 -0 6 5 . , Small dog OK 845-8453 IElllYE m Beauttf ul 4 peril Hke with pOOI te Plllos red ParklflQ lovt Apt• Area Ill CIOHIS terreced •Prrve •Cove •Sp.c •Owling •Walk •Home 1 blk Center rrwys Mke Kltcnen1 10 Huntington , transp()ftatlOn & ml m11 n n From &51S S815 INTA HERMOSA t-Bdrm 2 Bdrm LA OU 182 11 w 01 of Ed Parkside Lil. 1 blk Beech, 3 bike S Inger 8A7-S441 ~I.~~ ··~· 3141 .•..•.......••• ludlo. fr .. HBO, Luxury s phone. $13-0 wit mlld Mrv. ape, 499·3015 St11dlo Pv1 an t. p¥1 ba kr Non 1m prof~ M1111re b111 494-0461 -,...,. 1111 ~ ....••.•••..... RONl Diii 2-4 Br ek or month OCEANF By we 873-78 73 Wll'I 1er rent1t1 now 1Yailal)l9 Cell , ..... UA&.n .... ......., • l M1U -SHIT llll Fllfn r month eritell ~,... ()( Agt 67 8170 ~-~ Eut1lde 2 BR I Ba. Swlmml~ Dtlvlng l lA U TlfU l C.,I• #.,. 3114 11p1111re, neer echOOle. A l'A IHM INTI: •••••••••••••••••••••• no p•••· 1450/mo. S l ngtoa. 1 & 2 63Hl155 Bedroomt•F11tl'lllhod llleMiBJlll 2 Br Ouple11, 1535. ' Unf11rnlthed• No APAIMIT1 645·'658918.4M 103. Pele•Model1 Op•n 333 E. 21M St ci.lly 9 to 8 . Beau1111111y lendsceped ........ ~11den epta Poot & 8'>I Nic e 2 Br. I Ba, New alloaldectc1 No pets. r,•lnl. CarJ>e'1 & drec>ee .... Bachelor $4 10.$415 n good cond Yerel. pe. 2 Bdrm S.580 llo. no pe11 1425/mo ........... 61HH6 Of 9114-6-470. ........... , .. 22$0 V•ngullf'd 540·962& or 842-4905 S4t0. 2 BR. 2 ctr ger. 880 lrVtne ---up1te1r1, child OK, no 1 Bdrm $470 (•t 18th) pell Aleo I BR. 1390. (714) '45-1104 HSI E 181h &42..01158 541·15331 -........... , ... Specious 2 Br I 8a. $425. 2 Bdrm. lg upper •pt, 3 B r 11,; Be $4715. 1700 18th St. Leundry 110 •• pool quiet, no pet1, l11111dry ~Dover •t 16th) recll 3 t 1 W Wlleon. $4a..t5sa 12·7PM. $415, 131-2117 71;4) '42-5113 8AV TIMBERS RW Speclou1 1 Br. lrplo, pool Ltmf - • -& more. &48-9883 In ..... ~ I Of 2 BA Apl, frple. MW -...... " ... h ome . o n lhe und. Townhoute 2 Br. t'A Ba. ............. I 1000 or 11200. C111ll frplC. pool, IPI. tllached 875·3703. 83t· 1400, g•rage. No peta Av1U 67&-436e !\OW '825/rno a 1"'4984 FrpJc. •l•ge.nL Fr•nch $9eclou1 28r 9PI. winter, 2 BR 1 8A. old hOuM. no wlndowt. In-home MCUo rlty. bdml a ltucllo unltl 11ec>t to bell Plllng. In· peta. chltd OI< All litll pd, lnof. w..-& dry9f. Aleo dry S&75 mo. 873·1582 4 15 Hem11to11, 1 635. Incl. pvt clul> w1ten• --&4lo0763 OCEANFRONT, G1aM A, 011. o~wlmmlng quiet, toe. wtnter~2 unitt, .... _ PGCMI. ·1. _,.,., No pe11. S75-4tla • 2 If, 2 8e 2 Cllf 99'9 beautl uuy O•c or11ecs .... c..... '"' wlopener. wood bur~ ~ l much mor. ffple, Ylew of atrwem From 1466 Incl. most ...............••..... 11111s, t oo. Ut-3421. 0up1e11, 1eroe t er. recte-wtlef"fella. From 1785 M41 ._. a1 I'* aun-cot111ted. geeraoe, walk 862·1309. to beach 111ops "S4211. flower • M9CArttul, 2131371-3119, a.II !cite 11etM 141-tl7' C......., AOe M 2·7M 7 . ·--'-'-...... ----- 11ove & relr.ge Smell pet alt 5PM 7 54~588 or 556-1233 M4-11M ok $450tmo 536-7979 ..... f 2 Br 1 Ba . gar $425 1 BR 1 Ba. patio, ...., Blook lo beach. 2Br, ..••...........•..... 2864 HICkOfY Pl. B lndry rm. all bltn• Must S90 & 11p with kitchen $495tmo 54~25& brlghl ' •lry suo mo weellly OcNnfront M see T L ") Mg ml . yrty. 968·8263 1e1 67.5·11740 • • 642-1603 a H•re• •"•••a ------2 & 3 odrmi , $47"$ 10 2 & 3 Bdrm •Pit Av111 HWHllT LAllll II.Ml S625, 5 pleygrounds. 1mmed111ety 1550 10 3 bdr. 2 ba gar or .. 1 ., ... Poot end bilHud tables. $575 Frplc. dlw, garage loe Winter lmmed occ11pancy Co<· I °' 2 k1d1 ok No pets. Wkly rentals S95 11p n8' Fllrvl-& Ad•m•. water pal(f 5•5·2000 Blchelor grell loo Color TV. lrff coffH 557-4785 Ole hrs Mon Agenl. no lee. yeerly hetled Po<>I & 1tepe I Tll mcmt 141-1HI ocean 1(1tch"1 avail thur Stl 9 to 5. Sund•ys 2 br apl, garege No peta 985 N Coast Hwy. 1110 5 Av111 now $465. Call alt FEELING CRAMPEO'? '--Oun• Beech 494-529 -• . 0- 0 ---5, 848-5938 XIII large 1 Br 1tep1 to VILLA MEDERA· 2 Br 2ba. ------oce•n wtd. patio. rec rm 1(11 prlv, Chrlsll1n Home E"sodo. lamily complex S570. 2 bf, pool. nr shOPI. $425 87S--3231 M 11rllght, Nr Bc:n. L OIW. g1r1ge Wlfl gas b ch On Adema nr Bch $325 499-2286 Pd S525/mo & 1300 Brootchurst. 979-7829 OCEANFRONT -dep 2324 Elden. Mgr --L1rge 3Br 2ba. $875/mo NB 39th SI. pvt bath Apt 1. 5-48·'9 147 &400 rno 2Br. 1Ba.. 1 ml MtF. non amohr. S250 Av111. lurn 673-4483, Inc utUs 673· 1499. I to bch 2106 Florlde A,,. 540-3773 E .. 111de lrrpfex, 2 bdrm, I 960·6420 ---Bea11t1tul Mw lownhouM be. flrtP!aoo. ger. carpet, 3 BR 2 Be. oceanfront, drapes S5 8 0 mo 3Br. 2'hBa. lrple. dbl ger, 1 mt from UCI Cal 1146-2806 WIO hOOk-up. $850 mo $875 winier, St 150 yrty 714/653-8244 964·4833. 1·526-3004 Property H ou••· - STUNNING lerge ~ 8'2-38SO Nr S1ddleback College if.den ept 7 10 w 18th. Lara•,...,... 2 Br 2 Ba.. gar. 16215/mo pref nurling student. hHkpg & elde In HCh . 2 bdrm. garegei/1110. 11t, 1a11 Deya 831·3473. 1209 Florida St 80 f()( rm & bfd 4g5-o0739 * 2 • .,. Eves & Sun 64S.43e0 213-'993-1655 Lg lllf n room wtth ptlv ba, Soulh Cout Plaza ., ... 2 Br 2 Be. 111 4-plex. Nr 1 bf, 1 ba, utlt1 pd. 'h blll empl'd lam. S200 mo S e cJ ate $4 75 M11rdy Park. enclad QM. 10 beach. $450 . Avall 5"1-2573 Cotti M.a 8-46-4 7 no-. 648-5743 --ldry h·u. prlv plllo. no NWPT HOTS 2B 2B Prel M1111re work ing t br ()t 2br Upttlil"I. refs, p e I I $495 /mo • r • a. mai.. 2 room end beth requlre<I no pels. 352 645-9494. •P•CIOUS, •v•ll 10-1. Ulll pd •nd lurn. VletOfl•, 84S.ll 181. 1700 mo. &45--7400 I $250/mo wtt50 dep, 1 bf, 5 bllta from l>Mctl. 3 bel. 1'~ ba, frpl. pelio, Pvt patio. No pels. $375, 2 Br 2 a.. Condo. N9w· 494--3202 Newport Heigh!• eree (213)434-6148 port Cr .. t, $900/mo. Backbey, N B. Pvl Rm 14150 659-500 I 2 br, 1 ba 5 blk1 horn Call 631--0490. I S185tmo tncl 11111 Y6i. Neat lllth/Pomon•. 1 Br, belctl. Ufipet In dpl~ No YRL V oceen View 2 BR 1 Fe Non-smkr. &48-55 1 Ba. downstelra, 011. pets. S 95 Incl 11llls Ba. 2 '* apecee. 1700 Lg• home 111 Belboa. carport. weter pd. I Ohllel (213)1134-6148 mo 644 ·87110 or cleen. refined F. r•fe. <>61. no peta $425. Agent. &46-3189 s2eo + .,. ulile. 1175-5030 no lee 9f52..()217. WALK TO BEACH Ba· chelor, 11ove & refrige. VerHlllH" Specloue & Attrac11ve lludlo. empl llOht 2 Br, 2ba. 3td f\oOf HQ 2 Br I 9a In 4-J>iex, 111 ut•I• pd S350l mo lem11e, non 1moker c1rpel1, drapee, enoltd 636-7979 condo SS75 /m o . Smell combo. llv~b•d· patio. No pell. $485/mo. 642·6'49 Sandy din rm. 11\ere belh S32& 540-4"84 '"'-• "" Pen, 1 blll to bell, 2 bf 1 IOCludel I/A litllltlee, colof E SIOE·2Br D\15 ·············~········ be •Pt. cerpor 1. ytly TV, pttone, amall prlvete Vlll .. /A1ncho San JOI• 1 Bf, newly relurblthe<I. qutn. 1 bdrm/den. refrlg, '595/mo 552-4853 llltchen, linens. dlehft, w1ther/dryer. prlYlte good erea $400/mo mtcroweve, wetl'ter I Veari oceenlront 2 Br entry. welk to beech, eva11now d ryer 1750 /mo . $87 Imo. ooo•. lac. s.une. t.W• 2 Br twnhH 1pt, belM 54&-7898 Neet oceen 3 ltr courl, gll• ouetded & cell, lrplc, oer. leundr)' ~.~~ ... !!.~ 1 775 /mo Agent petrolled ., .. 4t3-.3490. f1c11 , evall 10110. 8-45-3683 $525/mo. Nice furnl1hed room In B1ch •Pl. evau 10110. l..lgune Cliff Dt • .ctON It. Apt fot r ent y eerty Coate ....._ for "'°'11';'8 lrom sn.w·e Cove. 2 br. 1750/mo. Unf\lm 2 8'. 2 S2851mo No pell In pellO, glr. $750 . Be. Wkc:r: cell 675--0124 person, no1 undtt 3 ti-ept1, IMe.-3420 yea re SU5 /mo 826-2149. eek fof .... Wkndl c4'll 6"8·5804 3 bdrm, 2 be. c:rpta, dt'pe. Studio, 11nf11rnlthed, ~ IJ73-S5M uk tor Jo. Cotti Men nome. m• flrepleee, patlO. c.rpon. block to ~. kltcn.tl. No Pell, UtO. 2516 2Br 181 frplc , 1tep1 10 1tudent, non 9"\kr. hM Ortnge. 845-21" -~·~ ocn . 1150/mo yrll" prlv $225 mo. + 1150 1385/mo 4 3·7137 a ~-~W .• 2 • 1 o o . ClllenlnO dep. $4&-0H• EHl•ld•. cleen etudlo, 4t4-3M2 new pelnt 1ncs carpet. .....,~,ma. Ptef. Coll•ca• 1tudent, Fenced yd. Ulll lnc 'd, 8eohelof Apt. tmall, no room tor rent U301mo UtO. IH2'h Or•nge 417 14 1•rage or leundr)' Ba.H>oa 111. 673-2'41 .. Ave Drive by tlr$t then 1 IR. full be, OCMn """9, 425/mo. lncldt utll1. &4M1H ~.'!1hl!...Y.!f eall 752-t4" pvt dectt•. r.c;· In ,,.. V1t11 Bau1oe. n•w t BO .... ,., .. hOu•e Ava I now. No .......... peta. HOO ,;,o. 1ncrc11 OCMl'I view condo 8ool. •••••••••••••••••••••• Jee., -.curhy. Walk to Wtlty ,.,,, ... "°"' ........ 181'. OW•· MW OOMtl. ut•. lll. !Mt & MC. 10-4 $105 & up Color TV 11ery CIHn. J3to/mo. wltdy9 'P&2 ... , .. , wltnde beech 172 5 mo . PnonH In room. 2274 2 t31402·2H7. s .... 4tt-31$4 631·3"0 New1>of1 81\ld. CM 24182 Corclot>e Or. Apt • ~ ,,., Acfoee from ~ St11-&4e.7445 A Ml ~ dlo apl. Poot, encl ~· ... '!I!'!:.... • ....•.•• ... ft1W NO FHI Apt. • Condo taunor{i, Yeul~ 13 6 • BEACH AR EA From o.na Polnfi moet rent• V• "'"'*· ..0-llO • eeclud•d 1een1c !>luff., 17~t12 lroQt • U~r. t9a, 1 bll to OCMI'\, $14/wk Uk•.,.., Only."""'· 2 W/~klfto I r w/dfln, Xtre trg ,,,.._,. 2 l>elrm, 1 IMl. aa.c>tmo, .. "'°' 113..a10. Atil\'lger9tor·Mald-Pool rtlo. No 1t•t• Fro")' yeietfy 119" to lllleOh. ~ 8llld & w-.on 750/mo ea. 111.-..1 1111 w . ....,_, Haw~to-1 Coat• ...... 541-97&9 Of M•F, .. 5. 1434a12, 21:J..ta-2 .. 2 ~--...... a. .... Ml Ml·1tl7 II ' ______________________________ ._. ................ . Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement t6 ttle OAlL'Y PILOT /Satu·raay. Oct. 2. '1982 -29 !!.'!}!,l!!J!/! ••• !.~'lf 1 l!.".1t.'!.!!.f~f!!.!.~'!f ~!l..'.'.J~.&!!!.~'.f !!'!.'.~!f •... ~!f 1 C..,:.'':/.'' 441S Pine Knot Motel on COMt Female roommate 10 "' .. Colt• M ... ger-oe. $60. llAITlflt. I••••••!••••••••••••••• Hwy, NB. S••P• to re luxurious 2 bdrm S1fe, .. ay ICCeH. 343 1150 tq" Euy A~. ocun . Wkly r1tH. home on the Lake In Clbrlllo. 548-9518. •WPtlT Ollla I s.. c1a11y' 8·5 1700/mo 845-0440 Woodbridge. Security I With UH of tec.t>tloft, 73 s ' 1' c •• te. Priv bMch and JIC. Stng .. Cit git 20th St. c;onf. room. kttch, phone, 1 1 ~ P•; or· · ';' · 1111 I PLAllJ run lake prlvll•g••· A COii• M•H. Storage. MCretltlal .. word pro· ::. 27J4 3 . d • y · 1 Ft111on1ble rltH. Kit· step •tx>Ye the r"t '°' M5tmo 631-0921 I ceaelng. Mall & n-..ge . -.. cheQett ... ptlOnee, meld the right peraon. Bua 150/mo. gu•g•. 2ae• aerv. 1vlll. Nf*•lely If '-'••trial Mrvlce, z Channel mo-551·3&08 L1S1111. Co111 Mau. deloltad. c .. : Judy, ••l.J 4111 vl11. SANDPIPER MO· lerHr .... Cell 1tt. 5:30, 1157·27"60. 714/7to-4100 •••••••••••••••••••••• TEL 111e7 ..__.Blvd t C a po O T ... , --•-•• N.B. 31175 Blreh. 1000 Ml ' ,_...,...., ' Luxurycondo,Atty.ttrl .. An FIT F R REN , ._ .. ..,.,". fl MIA zone Anent CM e..s.e117. will anar.. 1550. w .. tcllH ArM Newl)Ofl 881 eo-Or. Sulla 1"6. M1·5032. • &.Mm 11A11 d 1 7 5 2 ·II 4 4 2 , •e v Beech &45-7170 N e w po r t Be a ch . ---------1 840-243" 831 3f51 1750 up 2180 fl. lndU· mTll • 011n1 Pt. 91ngle ator1g1.1 __ • __ • ____ __. atrlll -Offloe. 18101 "'-- Wkly rent1I• $15 up. Shue newer Sin Ju•n MGU<ed, t1reet entr~. 2500 all b11lc olo w/ dondo Clrcle ir M & T Color TV, frM coltM, condo, pool. j1c. g1r, 340117 Gr•nad1, $80. atorage. By O.C Altpot1. Huntington, Batch. helled pool & 11epa to lem prel'd. $275 & on utH. 873-3313, 4113-0803. S 150 0 Imo . Tom . 842·2634. OCMn. Kltcn't avlil. 2"60-8243 or "6~5g3& *"a ... ~....._...... 11_._ &51-81128 ----------1 985 eo.. Hwy ..... -.. -·----------iFtent MG 600 IQ It. N. t · Fem w1nted to lhare nice ..... $5 · Stor1g1 Of'i/. 1 M. Fiii $240fmo. 2944 Rtn· Laguna Beach. 494·52114 21><1. lb•, 1p1 w/Nme on _7_5_2_·58_2_2_. -----Alty'•. C PA'• a Prof dolph St C .M 115 . V111ti•• lt•llh 41$1 Pen In. 1300 Incle! utlla. Cd M GAR AGE : Lg e N1wport Center Euc 675-5 t 18 •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-11129 K1ten ~ for c&r & 11or11-Suite•. fully 1111ftd, ---------• LK. AFIROWHEA0·211y F t I h NB I ,,. tmo "6"'~332.4 handle .U "OIK bualneet * new 4Br + loft. 2B•. 2 rmm e 0 • r •P · .,... · ...,. Meda, lndl~ otflcee lrplca. 2 b1lconlea, Cl· 39r. 2Ba. 1250 mo. Do-EncloHd •Ingle g1r1ge Mo/Mo 844-7189. thedral Olillng, oolOt TV. die 675-1295 w/ator1ge •hall 310 Slpa 14. North Shore. MIF to ahr 2 br, t 'h bl 01hll1, CdM. $40/mo.1--i.,mwiiNl;&;;T--~ $285/wknd. 1396/wk. apt, E/Side C.M. Pool, 87$-8519 .. UY YllW S5115tmo. 522-ee31 l •c . '257 50 Bob, Olliff ••lti 44,, Ottk:e aulte on Newpot1 Q) PALM DESERT C.C. New 6"6-'40&4l972•1300· •••••••••••••••••••••• H1tb0t. Approx. 1000 1q 28r view home, 1pa, Female 18 to 30 to Sllltl •Ill.ID tfflOll* tt. 71 .. 645-7100 ~~1f~~. rsv wkJWknda :re! ~r0 ~ 1b1 rm~~ .:r~1.t1~ :-:. ~A~J: ~ •••t•I• t• li111 ''" s.&-0987. ~~r~~e~-~2~/rwy1. PMfftt .... ., Plua l;i,"2·a~·2b:·~·c;;~ ~~·~:.~5~=~1. 1817 W"tellff, N.8 256 .i lfWNIT lllTU ~3~~o.8:73~~rlY· non-amoker. to ahare to "6000 Ml· It. tat. floor. We hive 1111llable Im· Shr 3br/2b• CdM, lrplc, $280 + ulHa, s><el. 1011 675-4843. 7~2-1038 llh ,_ 2 Bdrm. 2 bl, AQent 541·5032 medlllely for auble•H Sin Juan C1pt1tr1no •111.m ........ two 1u1t11 on the 8th • •••••4 condo. Ftrepl1Ce, pool, F 1 3 floor with p1nor1mlc IJ • Jecunl. only mtmotet to rOf'l'I room to rooma. vt.w of oce1n. bec:tl bay • ~ & Dina Point Hbr From $ 1. 18 • tq. "· No ,. golf oourw. 00 Luxury ltvlngl MIF to anr S290tmo plus ,,., uHJJt• ..... required. Adj. /IJt. , Park: Nwpt 2 br, 2 ba. Gerhard 17141 831.2040 ponw Inn. 2t72•0uponl. A apacilout 3-room IUlte S360 644· 1617 or •H-11758. Call AM. 833-3223 nnllhed In Wlllllmabutt PllllllT•Y r.T Female only lhara ~ /IJtpon ., .. • fQc:. &.II-1tyle at 12.500 per Lu• 2 bt, 2 be, fll*... tlful new Tuitlerock t ... From 226-450 tq, ft. month LH .. term of 1 menll•••. $342 + •n Townhome ... M .. ,., Br. 11 per eq. N. M1ny nr... 12·24 month•. utlls Non-smoker. 1dj. bllh. Share wllh Call 557-7010 87S·95~. yQUng couple, ll'MI IOf '°°"too PLUS 1400 tq, tt. Fin1nc1a11y iespon•lbl• UCI atudent or flCUlty Pentlloule Bay1ront &11-Female 25·39 yeara to 553-802g belor 10f>M. ta. puking, p1t101. sna1e luxury 2 Bdrni Fun Prof. non-amkr. M/F 10 1"i6i7ii3-iti003iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Promontory Pt. Town· lhr 2br. 2b•. NB. Apt. It AllO I 2.500 tq. n. IUite linllhed to your epecm. c1tlons Allow1nce ol s1e p 1t Ren t at 18252/month Leue term 2·5 year1. • house, overlook• pool. S tt1lght, cl• to bch, •lllTI lllLI• Travel o pportunlt•• 1355/mo. + on ulll• o c A.....,... Pl'-" C•I lnGld Ref'a, bedlOfound 780-6789 . ~,.....' .,... "'· PROPERTY • c A Ad•---------environment, f\111 ~. req d 111 newer or no frllli. Inell~-of-COFIFIESPOHOENTS •74 t. 642_..300 2A rw.. M/F to •hr c;onoo. ooun floet or deek ..,_. 150 atJeo-oefe. °' -"'•' or write • P 0 box 3S-8. , view. 1menlt111. 1375 eq ti -3500 IQ "' 1 MO. 840 Newpor1 Center Ori· Bat boa lsl1nd, C1. mo. Incl u1ilt. 842..teil FREE. 75'-et78 Y'I, Sulle 170. • 92662 1Reap fem1le 25·35 to lhr ~~~~~~~~~I Fem . oceanvlew condo. condo In Irv. 28r + den. .. .... -!~~~~~~~~~ CIPo Sch, rw Frwys. ~ 281. wahr/dryr. 1315 Attf9C11W rultkl ~ F~~~ .... ~1/up Br & 8 a . 2 s> o o I•' mo. + °" utll. Non emllr. Ml ...., W ~ dMk ... _....,, .,.,-..... _,, mo. I $2601mo tncl utll . C•ll Jin wkdyt lw.,,.CO:.., y • Nit.Mrv ............ $60/mo 496•5436 720-4805, ev•ttwknd• ~=c· & ~-tAllP-mo N9wpoft 8eed'l762-4MOI 5$9-0"657 °' e?S-5557 .... , -~ .... M/F .,,, hM, 1180 mo. + !---------Pf . c.. M4-7211. DM6Qn. 111, drafting IPtlOI t;, ulil Non ""°"" onl\I. Fem11e need• lemale to 2000 f I 00 I In llght, llty Nc>t Bch Adv. C.M •rH 8SQ.OI07 ~ ... •hr •P1t on th• aq I w 5 aq t Att Ofttc.. Furn. $165. llef.648 1tor1ge, O.C. Airport 5"44-72t6 Mlle 23·211 to lfW 28t tBI are I . I 2 0 0 0 I m O, -liiiiiiiiii:-;liii:aiil-1 CdM. hte. 1240 mo. + Rmm1te, Ml/F •hr 2Br, 851""2• .. ..., IUll ulll Oc1 HI. 840-2715 :":.:.w~~r= SO. LAGUNA. 3 Atctl Bly. -. 11111 UCLA Grad atudent wtll mo. tMS-1332 2 Sult• 8¥911. Gd. Hwy PREMIEA LOCATION rent mstr bdnn to non-Alnte ltW SBr Wood~ Vialt*lty. "97-2351 Qarden lkll'dlflO trnkr Nr UCI but. UOO. ,._...... .... ~......._ •2~~ft . ._..._trtel ,_,. llOO IQ II AnwlltlM 63 t-55'17 """""'• ••· on • """""'· _, ·-...... na-a. ---------1 lie.9'c. Fum. + ~ Witt\ aq,ft.ofofflce+ ---------! Ftoomma11 wanted Ml utll. Oreo 551·4151, 5000 111.ft. llllPflllt 00\!9-2500 to 5000 aq ti. ttr1lgh1. no-tn*, '250 + 9"1·1130 red I '9nOed yerd. CdM. quiet & Hren• •n urn.~ 842-s.Mt. aft ~--.-Met-ur_e_F-22--30--tfw-•2400 •q·"· lndu11r111 wont •ttnOIPf*•. Int• &pm 642 5&20 3 bf, 2 be llPt on bNotl, unit wlttl too aq.11. of rHt on CoHt Hwy & .M to shr 2 br, 2 b• N.B. N.B. Frplc, 25' patio., ~~~~duetrlal F•nlelf. gr9*1 loo. Quick condo, nr be•ch, 111 1 1265/mo, 111. tut & NO. llnlt wtttl 1500 aq.n. 01 1co111 to M1cArthur amen I 11 • • • c I ea n . req. Brlln 1173-8438 upgr1ded ofllc•. H111e Btvd. & Fwy. AoM Pfo-~01~1~8 k r ' S 2 9 5 +. COAONA DEL MAR IUb-IMM l.,.,,t lor llOO 1_:.Plft_ ... ___.;'-5-5-1-.. -1-30---1 F 25.35 to ahr houH. aq.n. of omc. "'909 " ..001·8 Bird\ St. N.B. "'° Looking '°' F lo lhf 3 bf I 2 5 0 I m 0 N 0 • detlred. aq. tt. I 1.00 per aq tt. N B condo with Ml/F, 72CM>t50 •Motlvat•d owner la Agent 5A1·5032. S300tmo. 875-te.43 IP--A-fU(_NEW __ PORT ___ 2br-/2_be_ ~~1~7~1•.:;~.:: ~ ..... 25 yr old male ptof ..-. le* empl. F nonem6cr AM _..only Redtllll """'ta Mela Su· 2 lam roommatet 21-27 • amenltl•• Incl. tennlt. ' blet 1f7e aq rt at '1tc. 10 shr • mott bMUUful $310/mo. 720o()tM .... ..... Reoept .. wortc room, 38r twnhM In Unfvef9itY Exeo.. ~ Ind. rec.pt., t1«909. 875-3882 10-5 • • • Pt! Irv Pool & IOI. '27& AoofNnete wam.d. 3 bCI MC'y Mrv•. cont, nn •• Oeluu aulte In W1ter :;, ~52~0 7-.:1171• l:,~':c, 1~~uM::; kit., matt llandlg. Ae• front bldg. 2012 IQ It • • ..... , lnC'A.ldel utll a gerOener. 1pon1ive to yO\tr bl.Ill· 11 50llQf\.142.....,... ,. ' Sh11e oc11n view •pt, non·1mkr. 835·1787 n .. 1 n"Clt . Adi. 405 Promontary Polfle, 2 br. d1ys, 838·5575 evet & Fwy In F.V. lftdl't. ofca ......... g] U" 2 ba, n o n amoker. wtcnd• Mo/mo. from 1325. ••••••••••••••••••tt•• •(in lk spen' sivl not 87s.3805. i--------ta eus. Prime w"' eoeat Hwy, hi h . . -----~....,.---,-M/F w1nted to 1h1r• Cotti Mela 1 Of 2 roo-n N8 tocaUon . ._ 1100 g 1D pnce; re890n• LIVE IN PARADIS£ ON bHohlront •Pt. Non ault ... From l7&tmo. ~tt. SlvelllOOO. /~, ~adlvloter· 1b)e Cott; classified Biibo• Penln. Huge 4bCI ""°".,· prof perNfl 0.-..... .. ... <'. l!Orne. AU ,,,. kllMY ac-•Ir a c1 s 3 1 o mo . '*' lndd. 77t W. ttttl f ro n I Ho n'l I• 1 no. 1dvertleing. cornmod1tion.. Penot9· 5A""4141 at. 151-1121 831-1400 rnlc vl•w 1350 mo. l~MiiiiiiiNmili"'diiii;-·j ----------iWhet • Wondlrtuf World 875•9644. F•m••• Roomm1te to MllllWI Ullll OfftQe I Ollr'!:_~51~ of &ttopptno. rig ht •t .....,. l\.IXU(loul hOme on AtcNetcl to "*9 or-.. Laa atot9le 9-....-_.,., your llnllertJpl ~ lak• In lrvlne • ..curtly vlde •P9M w1-.. 91\· .~ ~ 9'IY °""7 ..... 1 Delly tJ11ot Claulllad git .. ptlvate beecfl, I• .,.,_, 0....: 411-1421 ..,..... ,._,. ...._ -AOa. To place y04Jt Id. ttan1 to 1hr y~ home: 111ble, bright, ICttve II' w/Toy Poodl•. Pref. blHh or poof/lenn11. 413-49"7 cuui, fUll lllCI prlvMegee. EJ1eM1ve ....... 9'11 ..,_ HeWI .......... _,.. Oii ...... ,. Ind 191 e c.11 H•·3•o• d•y•. *-· ~ ......... ..., '°..HQL41,>:" ..... i om'fled ACl-Vllor l*P H1-3a ~ ..... -764-027' " ...... 1·11111. I ,,ou. Reach over 86,000 of the · Orange Coast's most affluent adults ... Advertise in the Orange Coast's most successful real estate . magazine . . . . Call 642-5678 to see how little it takes to reach so many. lailyPillt Newport Beach• Costa Mesa Irvine • Huntinqton Beach F ounta.in Valley Laguna Beach =Di) -t::: ~ -=== ---------____.. = • 30 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Oct. 2, 1982 We deal in real estate But our real business PEOPLE . • IS Real estate is not just ''three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 sq. ft, zoned industrial, near railroad siding." It's welcoming a new family to town and helping them feel at home as well as find a home. It's helping someone who wants to start a business find the best location in terms of purpose; place and price. It's working with other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent vandali~m, revitalizing a rundown neigh- borhood or doing whatever else we must. It's ·helpi~g protect the rights of home- owners by becoming politically involved in the issues -.that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and opinions. We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® -an organization with more than 706,000 members nationwide. We're real estate profes- sionals, but our real business is people . A public service anne ..., .... Classlfleds &42-5e78 --- .- ) Your · 'H ? ~-. eater . .. It should be about 130°, unless your laundry includes diapers (they neeq hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands . . -. Besides saving water ancf'energy , you could. also save lives. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. For more energy-saving tips, ask a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® for a free booklet. There's a REAL TOR® near you wherever you live. A public servtce of the ..., ... CIUliftedl 642-5678 REALTOR ® 2.1982 -3 1 ' "BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SET YOUR HEART ON FOR YOU WILL SURELY GET IT" IPUWUH IUlll STYU -Lovely custom built ranch style home on large corner lot In Newport Beach. close to Back Bay. Quiet cul de sac. huge rooms throughout, big, big master suite with atrium, spa off master. Family room includes rustic wood ceilings, used brick fireplace. gourmet kitchen. home has been completely remodeled and decorated In last year. Reduced to $299,000. Call 546-2313 ilYHTtll llLlllT -Large split level 4 Bdrm home on huge R-2 lot In Newport Heights! Seller flexible on terms! Don't miss this one-only $220,000, call today! 646-7171 SlllU ITHY -; Nil, IH,IOO -Fabulous Villa St. Croix! 1 year newt Ocean breezes! Cozy fireplace & sunshine patio! Assume $78,200 loan. $959/mo! Call 963-6767 WATEI, WATEI -Irvi ne Terrace 3 Bdrm 3 bath pool home with ranging views of channel, bay, ocean and city lights! Seller flexible and great assumable financing! Call now for detallsf 646-7171 NUllU 2 II A LIT -Beautiful beach home on A-2 lot! Build a second home on large lot! Assume financing. no qualifying! 963-6767 FIT Ftl A 1111 I tllH -Designed with th& executive in mind. this 2 story, split level 5 Bdrm 4 t bath home offers sparkling pool and spa. 2 living rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 wetbars plus Back Bay views and city lightsl Seller will consider all offers! Lots of Italian marble. Only -$849,900. Call now. 646-7171 HAU IHH IUI TH IUI -Archltectural masterpiece with waterfall +. Kol pond. Assume $83,000 In loans, 10•1.•1. effective rate! $630/mo. Only $129.500. Call 963-6767. a II + POOL, $105,000 -Beautiful home surrounded by stately trees! Prime locatlonl Assume financing; no qualifying; low down! Call 963-6767 ......... ,_ $17,000 1 BR. Huntington Beach Mobile Estate $26,250 ....... 2 BR. Huntington Beas;h.Oel Mar $42,900 .... 2 BR, HB, Huntington By The Sea $49,900 ..................... 2 BA, Bolsa Verde Park $59,000 ............................... 3 BR, 5 Star Park $61 ,900 ........................ 2 BR. Dominguez Hills LtW 1'11011 SHOIAl Beautiful 2 Bdrro condo with security gate, community pool and walking distance to shopping! Try 10% down. Only $65.000! Call today 646-7171 OIUHI PAii IUITY -4 Bdrms 2 baths, very generous sized rooms. move In condition. Located In excellent area of Costa Mesa. A lovely home. d~slgned for family enjoyment. Near schools. shopping. etc. 546-2313 OALIFNllA HIULIW, IH,IOO -Immaculate 3 Bdtm home! Old world charm! Extra large lot! Fruit trees galore! Great FHA financing! Call 963-6767 lllELIHAIU HT THE Just -reduced $10.009, this beautllul 3 Bdrm 3 bath pool home Is ready for you. Upgraded throughout and located In one of Newport 's finest areas. Now only $224.900 and seller wlll carry. Act nowl 646-717 1 Piil --lmmaculate 3 Bdrm home In prime location! Decorated to perfection! Assume $64,000 loan, 9>t.•/o: $564/mo. $136.0001 Call 963-6767 AIHllm flXU -This 3 Bdrm 2 bath home sits In an area of $150.000 to $180,000 homes! It needs TLC and youl Unbelievably priced at $129,500. Call now 646-7171 4 11111111, 111,111 -Th Is price Is unbelievable for this 4 Bdrm home. located on a large corner lot. Freshly painted In and out. Nearly new carpets, good area. Seller Is highly motivated and will help with financing. Won't last. call 546-2313 HHHIH 4 II Piil HIE -Needs work! Excellent starter or investment! No qualifying to assume financing! Call 963-6767 HOUT &H IUIY -Sparkling 4 Bdrm 2 bath with two fireplaces. private spa, wood decking, separate dining and morel Only $142,900, call now! 646-7171 llAIT 4 11•1111 -Located near South Coast Plaza. ·spacious and spotless Is this giant. Huge living room with crackling fireplace. 2'h baths, nearly new carpeting, and a giant bonus room for playroom or just about anything you would want. This lovely home Is priced way below the market and Is the least expensive In the.area. Take advsntage now, 546-2313 SALES: Judy 0 . Hawkins. Whit Plummer DOLLAR VOLUME: Betty Jo Sleva. Whit Plummer LISTINGS: All Zarrlnnegar. Don Pfaff, Whit Plummer '