HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-05 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 CIAIT Ylll llllTlll llllY NPll I lit '.llA 'f t II 1 <>Il l H ·, l '•H.' OHANG f COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA )~C ENTS Mary Schmitz flays Brown's 'sick-mentality' on morals By J EFF' ADLER Of''"' 09111 l"llol • ...,. Calling Gov. Edmund G . of the Christian <.'Ommunily " Spcc1f1cally. Brown has "done cvt-rythmg to permit and makl' abo.rt1 o n s availab l e ," appropriatc.'<i funds for tclcvis1on advf.lrtlscmen t.s thut promote a homosexual lifestyle and said ht.· thl· way Jl'rry tirown 111 J have found John t.o be.· of the highest 1ntl•1:1nty as fur as pol1t1cs are <.'On<.·(·rnt-d !las pl'rsonal hfc as no <.·oncc,rn to me." Silva said. Brown Jr ':. pos1t1on on moral 1ssu<>s a "i.1<.'k mentality." a group of co11servut1v e Orang e County Chnsllans announced they are organizing a statewide campaign lo oppost-tht.• gov~rnor's bid for U.S St.·1iatt.• Schmitz !Wid thl· organization, t'Omposed of rc prescnwlivt.>s from various pro-family, pro-hfc und re ligio us gro ups, inte nds to distribute two m1lhon broc:hurcs to some 3,000 of the stalt''s l"hun·hcs ou t lining Brown's pos1llons on impor t ant mur<1I 1si-.ucs, !!Uch as abortio n S ht.• <•s llmated thl' anti -Bro wn <.·ampa1gn will l"OSl close to $200.· ooo. . will oppose legislation permitting S("houl prayer. Schmitz said. The orguniwr!t also said they bdal·Ve thc.>y wall be sut'(.•t>SSful in their campaign lo c ducatc Chn!tllan voters about Brown's "offe nsive" pc1s1twns because there are "50 lo 60 mill1"n born- agciin adulL'> an thl' United Stat.es, niany of whom vote the party ticke t only be{'a usc they don't understand wht:rl' th(' <.·and1date !.lands on mor a I issues," they SOid "J e rry Brown's record o n abortion, ERA and gay rights fr, simply unu<."<.·t:>pt.abl<> lo millions of Christian voters," explained Mary Schmitz, chairwom&r. lJ: tht• newly formed CahfOrnsans for Moral G overnment, during a morning n C'ws confer e nce Monday. The: Ca l1forn1a group 1s affiliated with Chr1 st1an Vo1t'l', a national organization based sn Was h ington. D C thut h us trans lated its conser va tive , rc•hgion-onentcd pos itions into political action in rt.><.·cnt years. Suc<.·t.-sses cluimt.-d by Christian Vo ice include the dcft•a t of senators George McGovern, D- S ou t h Dakota , and Frank Church. D-ldaho. Schmitz said. D•llr Pffot Pholo by Alc:h.,d Koehlef Mary Schmitz calls Gov. J erry Brown's St:hm1tz. wh o ra n u n s u l' l' l' s s f u I I y f o r t h e Rt>pubhcan nomination in a south county congressional district last J unt.>, 1s the wife of s tate Sen. J ohn Schmitz. R-Corona del Mar, who is allC'gcd to have fatherl'd two c:hildrcn during a long l'Xlra-marital affair with a Tustin woman. "This is a campaign against J<:rry Brown, I'm not promoting a particular candidate." Schmitz <.·ontsnued. "Governor Brown has not come up to the expectations record Hunaccepta ble to Chri t ian voters ." Valley teacher pact OK By PHIL SNEIDERMAN oftND.ilyNotl._, F o unta in Val ley Sch ool District trustees have approved a three-year contract with the district's 350 teache rs. providing instructors with a one-year 7 percent pay raise retroactive to last July l. Salary provisions for the last two years of th~ contract are open to renegotiation. Meeting In a special session Monday night. the school board a pproved all sections of the new contract, except a provision concerning insurance coverage for famili es o f p art -t im e instructors. Expanded insurance benefits for full -time teache rs were approved. however. Previous l9. teac he rs were required to pay an extra charge to obt11in insurance coverage for immcdiat.e family m e mbe rs. Unde r the ne w contract, the district pays all coverage costs for a full-time teacher's dependents. The t rustees a pproved t h e general contract concepts Sept 2 They met Monday to consider the final contract language. The stickler was a provision th a t calls for ext e n sion o f ins uran ce coverage f o r dep e nd e nts o f part -time ins tructors. Cheryl Snowden. the district's director of staff services, said a misunde rstanding occurred during negotiations concerning whethe r part-time employees could qualify for d e pe ndent coverage under the distric t's special group policy. S h e sa id the district has learned it will cost an additional $1 3,000 to extend coverage to the families o f nine part-time teachers Adding to the co nfusion Monday night was the ab.sen~ of schools Superintende nt William Fisher. who negotiated for the district. He was out of town on vacation The trustees vote'1 3· 2 to approve a ll portions o f the contrac t except the muc h - debated insurance provision. Board President Cheryl Norton and Trustee Suumne Moore said they w ished to await clarificauon from the superintendent before v o t ing o n the Ins urance provision. Trustee Roger Belgen (See TE ACHERS, Page,\%) Presents pe t to priest Ann Marie Lewis, 11 , with Thumper Jr. watche a s Father Ignatius Lou blesses the a nima ls of students at St . Joachim's Catholic Churc h in Costa Mesa. Onofre foes gird for federal hearing Opponent.I of two reactors at the San Ono fre Nu c l ear Oeneratlng Station will argue Wednesday in hear1ngs In San Diego. the 1.100 megawatt units are unsafe. Argumenta before the Atomic S.fely and Licensing Appeal• Boerd wltl be heard beginning at 9 a.m. In the San Diego County Admlniatrallon Building. Room 302, 1600 Pacific Cout H l,hway. The Southe rn Call u rn(a r.dlaon Co • major owner of the . . power plant. located three miles south of San Cle mente, was granted full -po wer operating llcenll<!s last month for Units 2 and 3. But foes of t he power plant argue the public heann1 pr<X'l'M that prec~ded the fuO-power licensing approval wu unfair. They malnt.aln the twin unit.II arr unsafe and they contend t he plant's earthqu•ke tl'fcty dCAlan I ~ poor and dluatrr pion• lnad«iuate. And. they. the U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commlaalon "treated the intervenors aa opponent.I," d u ring the h earlns proceaa, Ignoring their argumcntt. EdillOn offlciala, how ever. aay the hurlnca were fair. Op· ponenta' complalnta, they add. are of the "aour gnpn" variety. "Ot courte the tntervenon,are going to think they aot ahort s hri ft," aald Ro bert Deitch. Edl1on '1 vice prealdent for nuclear c nginecr1ns and operations. B ut J ames Hanchett, a 1pokesman for tho NRC aald the d<"Ck 11 111.ack<'d against ''* who h ave llult-In the form o f re«>urce11 to combat the nuclear plant. "A amall aroup of el\tzcna with llmlk'd mlOUrttS and part-tlmt' or volunteer lawyera are probably not aolna to waae u 1tron1 a cue aa the utlllty." he aald . Qut.'!llioned about the propriety of her chairing an organizauon l"alled California n s Cor Moral Govt.•rnmt.•nt a ftl'r the recent r eve lt1tio n s~co nce rn1ng ht•r husband's extra-marital affair, St·hmllz d eclined to answl'r, saying only. "We'rl' not talking about that. I'm chamng this and al has nothing to do with it." Although Schmitz declined to discuss the situat10n involving h e r husba nd , o n e o f th e o rganizers o r the gro up. the California Pro-life Council's Raoul Silva, said h e w ould support Senator Schmitz if ht· were ever to run for office again. "J o hn is n o t a d voca ting whatever he did on everyone else Bl·s1d(·:. ~khm1tz and S ilva . ()lh e r m l'm lJ ers o f th e o rgan1za t1 o n inducJe Carl Ka r<.·h er. prcs1dt:nl of Carl K:.irchcr Ent('rpnses. and Dons Endl·rlt·. president of the Pro- Famaly Coahuon of California. Schmatz said A spok<.·sman for the Brown campaign said tht' governor could not be.· rt'a<:ht.'<i for <."Ommt.•nt on lh<· organiUft1011's formation Huntington nixes plan to charge for library.. cards By ROBERT BARKER of!MD.ily .......... A proposal lo make users of the Huntingto n Beach city library system pay for library cards has been put back on the she tr. City Counc il m e mbe r s unanimously and near!~ without COIT\IT\ent refused to approve the fees Monday night. The city's community services department had recommended a fee of $4 per year for people 17 and younge r ; $4 for senio r citizens 62 and older ; $10 for adult residents of the city, and $15 for non-residents. Library card fees would have raised about $160.000. annually. according to officials . Council members also turned down an alternative library fee plan t o c harge a o n e -time re fundable deposit fee of $25 for ci ty households and $35 for out- of-town households. Officials say the alternative plan would have raised about $44,000 m investment interes t under the firs t year o f the program. In related action. the l'ouncil increased a libra ry enrichment fee o n r esidential building permits from five cents lo 10 <.'ents per square fool of building a rea. The officials also approved a 10-cent per square foot charge on commerc ial and indus trial building pe rmits . These two categories previously were exempt from the fee. The fees are expected lO raise about $200 ,000 for library operations which cost about $2 million annually. Fees imposed o r inc reased Monday also will affect camping at parks and beaches. recreauon c lasses, spo rts teams. accide nt reports. towing permits and the JUnsor lifeguard program Don Shipley, who previously se r ve d 12 Y<>ars on the Huntington Beach City Council a nd was mayor four times. called the Central Library "the jewel of our city a long with the beach" in a rguing agains t the library card ( ('('S. "Nature provided the beach. but man provided the library." he said. Suspect in double slaying faces trial A Huntingto n Beach m a n a{~U!K.>d of killing his estranged wife and her mother wuh a meal cleaver an June has pleaded innocent to murder and othe r charges against him. Defondant Rene Floros Dayco, who could face a death penalty dete rmination if he is convicted o f first -degree murder and special ci rcumstance allegations. was ordered Monday to appear before Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron Brown o n Oct. 22 lo have a trial date set. At has arraignment Monday before Superior Court Judge Luis Cardenas. Dayco t.•ntered inncx·ent pleas to two counts of murder. a rount of burglary and two <."Ounts of robbery He 1s also c harged with multiple ~eath J)<'nally allegauons. Dayco. a slende r mechanic's hclpl'r. is accused of hacking to ' death his l'Sl ranged wife, Shirley ' Dayco. 27, and h e r mo ther. Amelia Harbulak, 65. June 14 in the Sunnycrest Lane home the women sha red with the Dayco couple's thrtoe children. It is allegt.'<l that the dl•fendant • killed his wile because she was seeing another man. ----INDEX--.:.------.. (;oache Bill Workman and Mike Milner take exception to remarks b y Ram player Bill Bain that mo t high chool football players are not prepared academically to go to college. Page DI. At Your Service Erma Boml>N'k Bualness Cavalcade ClaMlfled Comies Ctoesword Death NotlcM F.dltorial Entertainme nt Horotevpc lnterml11lon AS A7 83-4 A7 04-8 87 87 °' A6 86 A7 B6 Ann L.nnders Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Noll~ Sports Or. Stelt'K'rohn Stock Market.a Television Thea ten Weather A7 86 84 A3 C7.0!) 01-4 A7 ~ 88 B6 A2 ., . 'Al s Or 111ng Cooat DAILY f>ll 01 ll u11d1y October 6, 1082 Woman burned; eye drops probed for acid taint HIALTO. <.:u 11r (AP) A w om.111 hu~ bct•n tr<'IHNl ror •v..r1· t'Yl' burns uftcr u111ng <'Yl' drup:f t h ut h er dc1t·lor 11t11d <.'Ont.u11wd l11gh lewis of acid. But authuritll'S tt•st(.'d tht• ljrop~. tod11y ond said they wt>n · ..-pt'rft'<·lly norm:il " "Wt-t hink it was a fal se report." sa id P o lice Chit·f Raymond f unner. who rPporllo<l Uw prl'limmary lest rt.'Sults. Anotht'r o Hic:ia l. Juanita J1,1ronsk1 of the San Bcrniirdmo County t:riminal laboratory, said it, was loo early lo suy 1f thcrt- was some thing wrong with thl• cl reps. hu!!pltal tec hnlc11111M MunJuv revealed a "darige rouli nc1d solution ," but further testing wm1 planm:d to determlnt• the sptJdfav • makt-up uf the <.'Onturl'lin11nl. The re have been similar problems with eye dropi> bought in Southern California over the last 10 months In which several peop le com plain ed thut t h e sohuons made their eyes burn ThC'rc were no serious injurtl.OS. ..... Carol Sam, W . of Rwlto, went to San Bernardino Coun ty Mod1cal Ct•nter's cmcrgem·y room Monday bet:ause her cy~ llt'gan burning from fres h ly uµent .. >d Visinc A.C. drops she had bought at the Stater Bros. stor(• in Rialto. said Dr. Douglas Gruzd who was w orking in th('. t•1•.iergency room. Gruzd said the eye drop:; Sam . brought to him contained "much more a ('i d than we would (•xpcct " He said she was trt•all-d at tht• hospital for burns of both corneas. and patches "".ere plucl..'<l over bo lh eyes and sh e was rC'leaS<'d · Trapped in Utah . h "k d " . . th • "There was more acid than I would ever put in anyonl"s t'yes," lhc doctor said . "HN vision is severely affe<.'tcd. but with any luck she will recover m two to four days." He said he C'Xpcctcd no permanent damage. A jeep a nd a camper stand more t an nee eep m snow '." · t· Mnnti-LaSal moun\ains near Manti, Utah, whe re mo re than f ave Gruzd said a "rough lest" by f t•et of s now that fe ll last week trapped hunters, sheepherdt•rs_ a nd a n t:'Stimated 20,000 sheep. Rescuer have found a ll, they be l:evc, ex<·cpt for a hunter , Max Montanyo, 38, of Sunset , Utah , last st~cn a week ago. The search continued today. Aviation • pioneer succumbs Dunip fees going into effect Monday Thosc•trips to the 11ump you've lx>en used to taking with bags rull or lawn c lippings. tree trimmings or other trash won't be free starting next week. Flu shots offered free • BETH PAGE. N. Y (AP) Leroy R. Grumman. who helped fou nd Grumman Aerospace Corp . and gui d ed i t from aviation's barnstorming era to the spact• agC'. 1s dead at age 87. Grumman. who had been ill for many months when he died Monday. was one of six founders of the c:om pany in 1929. H e sc>rved as its fi rst president. first chairman and was a dirc<:tor until 1972 Grumman s upC'rviscd ht l> l·ompany'l> evolution from a Hi-worker airplane n.•pa1r planl to .a compa n y with annua l rC'venues of $1.95 b1lhon. rankro ninth by dollar value o n lhC' Ocfense Department's hst of top contrac·tors "Leroy Grumman's name and his dt'd1cauon to excellence will t.'OT\ll nuc.• to hvc in the company he founde d ," said company chairman John C. B1crw1rth in a statement Monday Grumman inven ted the flrl>t rt'tractablC' landing gf•ar on a military aircra ft and a uniqul' way of folding airplane wings so mor<' planC'S would flt on aircraft Lero y Grumma n earners J'hc innovations helped his company become the premier builder of air(·rafl for the U.S . Navy V1("(' Adm. John McCain was so impressed b y Grumman's output'during World War II that he ('ommente d. "The n ame Grumman on a plane or part 1s hkc s terling on s1lvcr." Grumman lived in Plandome. N. Y .. and served as presid<'nt of his Long Island-based firm unul 1946. when an aJlerg1c reaction to a penicillin shot pcrmant•ntly bl1ndC'd him A new fee schedule recently a pproved by the Orange County Boord of Supervisors takes effect Monday. Cars and station wagons e nte ring county landfills will be c ha rged $2 each . an d truck s, buses and van s under 4,500 pounds will pay $3 per trip. Trash-hauling trailers also w ill be assessed a fee based on size. Trailers eight feet long or less will pay $3, th()S(' eight to twelve feet in length will pay $8 and th~ over 12 feet ·s12. Trucks, busc.>s and vans from -I .50 I to 6.000 pounds -about the largest used b y private TEACHERS From Page A1 voll•d with them, saying he 1s not in favor of the extended t'ovcrage for part-ume teachers. TrusU.'t'S Jam(.'S Woest and Carl Mohan, who opposed thc• mouon. said they b<'lit·Vl·d thC' dt•p<•ndcnt ('OVt•ragc· should be· extendro to part-lime teachc•rs tf 1l 1s g1v<'n to full-t1mt· lcachC'rs Fair skies seen (:na ... t rr l Low clouds coastal section~ f o0 and IOw clouds elono coast earl y Wednesday morning Otht1r w 1se fa ir through Wednes<lay Local gully ...ndt tn de-1s today and m mountains today and ton10nt A ltllte COOlef today than a ltClle wermer Wednesday Cle$ Moines Oet10tt Duluth El PHO Fargo Flag'1all Great Falls Hartford Helefla Honolulu Hou II on lndnap111 Jackson MS JCIGk1nV1le Kens Cny Knoxvlttti Les vec;iu 1-----------Ullle Roe'< U.S. Sllmn1ary t::::": Memph11 Most ol the nation had typical M1em1 early autumn woether Monday with MllwaukH parity to mostly MJnny skies ove1 M~St P the m11or11y or the country N.,hvme However a tow pressure system New O.teans mow.g lhrOVQh souinern Canada New York treiled a cotcJ front with a law No•h>lk ttiundMShowers 1n10 the no<t~n No Platte Plain•. HUIOfl s 0 got 1 4 Inches Oklll City of rain Oma/la 1101 at ed t hunde• sho wa• a Orlando dumped t 9e inches or ratn at Phlladetph1a Palm Beach, Fla Phe>entk Lighter 1how8's spr1n~ted pan• Plt11bv1gh o t waah1ng1on. ld1ho and Piiand. Me Montane. as well es lhe middle Piiand. Ore Ml1s1sslpp1 VaU8)' and the centtel Prov1denG8 Gull Co111 wllh most amounts Ratetoh undftl 11 quarlftl·tnch Rai>td Ctty Temperatu1 .. around the nation Aeno at noon POT ranged from 40 RIChmOnd deg1ees at Helena and Metm1t1om Safi lake "" Force B11a. Mon1 • to 94 et San Antonio Oallas·Fort Worth, Te•aa ' Seetlle For loday, ac:attered 1t1ower1 Sh1aveport ware for~•• from the northern Sioux Fells Plo1n1 1n10 the no<lhern Rockies St Lou~• H well 111 the norlhern Pecllu; St P-Tampe Co.,t Oevetopmg lhunde<ttorma Sr Ste Marta were lorecaat along the ee1tern SPOkane Gull Cout ena mott of Florld11 Syracuee Topet<a Tucton 1-----------Tutsa T etHpe ratures ::"~;~•n NAT'°" CALWO.-NIA 73 52 Apple Valley • 83 51 Bakenlletd M M 8atatow 71 57 8eeumon1 M 12 Big.,.., 80 1 1 ~•hop 77 57 Blythe 58 4'0 Eurttt• 87 &5 Fratno 68 42 LancHter &1 44 l()nQ ~ 49 42 ~ 81 S3 2e 33 SS 37 75 70 60 60 70 so 65 70 65 62 !>8 61 76 17 69 &6 90 61 67 43 75 42 e9 90 79 119 116 76 83 1111 e7 81 90 es 116 10 1e e2 83 78 78 10 89 76 89 80 93 74 71 63 76 80 13 6o4 19 11 92 62 91 72 Ill 81 83 5e 85 82 ~ 90 80 119 63 --------------------------------------1 ~ It 73 63 60 42 e1 56 10 LOI Angeles MonrOYla Montebello Mont.,ey Ml Wilton Needlel Newpon Buch Oe'<lllNI 59 O<ltano 64 Palm Springs 58• PaNCtena 4 7 PllO ROOlel 60 Rivetakle !le Reel 8lu" S8 Redwood Cit~ 84 Reno 37 Sactamento 57 Seltnaa u San Bernardino 15 S111 Gat>rlot 6' San Otec;io eo SM Francisco 3-4 San JoM 64 Santa An1 74 Sanl1 Bart>ara 35 Samii Crut 42 S1n11 Marta 60 Santa Monica 43 Stockton 55 Tahoe VIiie')' 80 Therm .. 13 Torrence so Am11era1m Athena 80 .. ~ 80 68 Barb•OOe 88 It 8elf\l1 ~ ~ ::t,eoe 90 34 &ogota 93 59 8ru...,• 87 48 ·a ·A1rea 77 52 C11ro 78 61 Cerac:aa U H Copenhagen OLOaAl 75 61 Oul>lin 83 55 Franlllurt e2 58 G.,,.,,a es 51 Havana 87 54 Het11nkl 90 57 Hong Kono 72 e 1 J8'uaalem 88 58 Jo'burg 77 62 Kiev 92 82 Lim• 76 S I Ltst>on 77 47 London 76 62, Madrl<! 1e 55 Mantia 67 SS Mexico Cil~ 64 37 Monlre .. 72 48 Moacow 67 52 NHHU 77 60 New Delhi 83 &6 Nleo1ia 71 65 0110 66 5" Peking 69 46 Rio ~J K ~uen 79 49 Sao Peulo 69 55 Seoul 70 67 Singapore 75 52 StockhOlm 59 42 Sydney 90 59 Ta•pel 75 57 Totoyo 63 50 77 86 90 e1 Toronto Vancouver Vienna 83 41 64· 52 14 45 8e 73 95 48 88 79 82 83 79 54 •II 30 69 e1 10 51 e1 52 77 so 91 75 73 60 14 46 39 37 .. 73 94 ee 86 59 62 &<> 71 S9 78 82 75 57 96 17 67 61 77 59 91 73 e1 4e 77 59 88 73 77 6t 72 5~ 57 45 11 48 88 11 -------,----- 81 14• s :: :: mog 63 46 84 •8 69 59 86 ., ... 64 81 6" Wher1 to oall flOll lrHI tor , .... 1 tmog lnlotm1tton· ~11198 Coun1y: (8001 44&-3828 lot AngelH County: (100) 2"2...022 Alverlllcle Ind Sen ..,NtO!f'O c:ounttee: (8001 3""4710 AOMD IOlaode o.tlt.,: llOOI t.U.·•eee fi fi ii· " llRf REPORT ,, &t • Tides 12 ., ... "">-="illllllillt ... -.................... .. 14 .. , --TOOAY 77 81 ......... __.. ...... hcond low 6:81 p.m. eo e.e lvrl lwf IWf .. .._ _...., ·s.coM lllOh 'ue pm 10 65 ...... "•· ..... ,,__ ••• ..... °"· ., H Zlllfta ~ 3 ,, I 2 aw WIDNHOAY 78 82 1at11a Monie• ~ a 11 1 2 aw '"'' IO'W 5 '° am t 4 17 ~ 8Metl 2 .. ,, I 2 aw FIBI hlgll ll:M am 76 H :lan OltOO County :l • II I & IW S.Cond low 1·81 p m 11 .. ' Out!Ootl '°' Wedneeday Ufll• Cfllnge. 8tcond II d•t• mlMlngl ,.. 0.2 4.3 17 u 0.3 purt1cs -will pay $1'1. per trip. Large r vehicles used mos tly commerciall y will pay anywhere from $1 2 t o $4 6 per tri p . depending on size. ;i Fees w ill be· even large r for the users of inte rmediate trans fer stations. Smaller vehicles will be charges on averag e one dollar more per trip than those of the same sizeo that travel to landfills, w ith fees rising as much as $9 abovC' the landfill ralf' for larger trailers~ The 1ncrl.'as<.'S go hand-in-hand with recently approved h ikes in trash colll'<'Uo n COSL'I (or reside nts in the county's unincorporated arE>as Rates for res1dent1al trash c·ollt.'cllon we re ra ised 95 cents per month The increase also take t.~'<.'l Monday r • • Balloon in fa ta l crash in violation G REENVILLE, S.C. CAP> -The pilot of a hot-air balloon that crash ed into pow er lrnes last wC<'kend. killing two fX'Oplc. was v1olaung federal rcgulauons by having passengers aboard. a fc'CiC'ral official says. Resister released on hail Bach man Pianis t G le nn Gould, 50, conside re d one of the world' fore mos t interpre ters of the works of Bach , died Monday a t Toronto General Hospital. H e ha d never regained consciousnes following a stroke he suffered last Monday. SAN DIEGO CAP) -Dra!l resiste r B e njamin Sasway. temporarily free on bail after spending 39 days behind bars, says his p ending 30-mo nth sentence to a federal work farm "could have been worse." Sasway. the £irst man charged with falling to register with the Selective Service System s ince the Vietnam War. w~nv1cted Aui;t. 26 of failinJt to rt!g\ster for to seniors Flu va(·(·inat1ons for people' over ag<· 55 ;.ind the ('h'ronically tll wtll be availoble at sevt-r <il Orange Coast kx:at1ons frt•<• of c·harge t h rough the e nd o f Novcmbcr. Th<' pla<.'{'S and t1m<.>s arc.-: FOUNTAIN VALLEY: Friday fr o m 9 to II a m . a t the Rec:rca t1 o n C:c·nter. 16-1 00 Brookhurst St HUNTINGTON BEACH. Oct. '1.7 r rom 9 a.ll\ to 3 p.m. at the Sl'mor Center. 1706 Orange· AvC'. IRVINE. Wt·dnt•sday from 8 a.m LO 3 pm al Rege nts Point. 19 191 Howard AvC'. and Oct 16 from 10 a IT! to 2 p.m a t lhc Senior Center. :i Sandburg Way. LA GU N A BEACH : Evl'rv F riday this month a nd every Tuesday in November from noon to 4 p m. at thc Laguna Beach FrCC' Clinic. 460 Oc-ean Ave. NEWPORT BEACH: Oct 22 from 9 to 11.30 a m a t thP Oasis Senior Ct.•nler. HOO MargucnlC SOUTH LAGUNA: Oc·t 19 a nd 26 from 8 lO 11 a.m .. and Ocl 20 and 27 from 3 to 6 pm . at South Coast M<'d 1cal Cl'nt(•r, :31872 Coast Highway. the drah U S 01stnct Judge Gordon Thompson Jr. ordered him Jailed 1mmed1ately pending sentencing, saying he m ight flee to Canada. A t his sentc•nt'mg Monday. Sasway. 21. told Thompson. "The pres1dcmt and Congress madC' a stupid Ja w and saddled you with the responsib1l1ty of en fon·mg It' .. DESIGN -QUALITY -PRI CE There is a c hoice! H.ive you be<>n frustrated, ~carching for l'ngagem€'nl and wedding ring\, and find ing that most of those thar you've w<>n all look the same, in sto re ,1fl<'f 'itOrl'l Arc you al\o concerned ahout quality and price.• whC'n choosint( your diamond and feel you may be mislC'd be' a use cac h store h H a c11rfc•rcn t mctho ci o f compari ng q 11i1li1 ics, Jnd th c•y won't give you a l(llM,rntec> thill you M c paying a fair pr1<.d At Wynciham Leigh you will find ~ truly cxcitlnR colltctio n of unique ri nM ' nah <'d In o ur own workr.h op In 18 k.irat go ld Jnd platinum. WC' tak<.' the time to explain di.imo nd qualities and prices, so you w ill know cxattly wh.11 you arc buying, and that you are pc1ying thr· ti~ht priu•, and then rnbstantt.lll' 1h1s w1 1h ,1 money back Kua rd nt N'. Th NC' Jrl' m.rny f11w wwclry store~ in Orangl' Counry. !Jut only one tha t \p<'nilli7t''> 1n dcs1gninK and creating the unique dnd beautiful engagement ,1nd wedding rlniii~ found at W yndhitm I t>ll(h. fnKG~t.'mCnl ring~ availahl<' from S450 Wt•cfding rings avail.1blc from $175 127 Fashion Island, Ntwport Buch. CA fl2hb0 Ntar BuHocks Wllihttt ~· I NATION Donahue retrial? DENVJi:lt (AP) A rww tm1I rnuy bl• llOUfihl in u $1 11 million luwNult uc~u1li11K tht• prodU('<'rli orPh1I Oonul1m•'ll l c I t• v I i;i o n lll I k ti h o w o f ht•lpm" 1.1 mun who snotl'hl-tl hh1 i.011 Crom h111 t'X w1fl'. "Obvlu~ly I don't Wjlll Lu jus t dro p I\," icuiJ Wallow Lynne Cran'll('t u f Arvadu. Colo .. after thl' J'ury an thL' l'a8c 1ald Mon uy 11 was ho~le&'lly dt•udltx·kt!d 1111<.I n mis trial wa11 dedarl'tl Sht• h1ul KUl-d thl• pruJu1..<t•r!f uf u Do1u1huc• ict•gmunt on tht• "Tuday" shuw, l'Ontcnd111g tlll'y r·dused lo hel p h e r lucutt• twr cx-hu111huncl, who hlld takN1 thc•ir ilO r\ t•v1•n thciutih she had l<'gnl l'U!iluc.ly uf t lw hoy '!'ht• husband wrui u gut·st un. 11 tiegment u( thL· show dl•ullnR with the abducUon of l'hildren by purcnls who do not have legal cu1Jlody Four aliens die in truck· EDINBURG, Texas (AP) -P o li ce found f o ur Salvadoran alie ns dead a nd 12 othe rs suffering from a lac·k of water m the back of an abandoned trac·tor-traik•r tn the Rio Grandl• Vallcy, authonties said today. The locked a1r-l'Ondnion<'d truck had bec:on left on the outskirts of Edinburg Sunday night, but the air t•onditioning fai le d M o nday m o rning. k1l11ng !IOrne of tl'W allt•ns and lt:ovmg uth1•1'8 delirious m tlw morl' than 90-degrcc hc•o t , utf1nals said. Some of tht• pcoµlc in tht• truck had 1.>ct>n takl·n off 1n anot her t ruck l'arry1 n g Sulvudo ran a llt.'ns. a n d an attempt had bee!} made to !let Im· first truck on (1re, With de11d and s uffering a liens still 1nstt.ll', uff1d als S<11d . Radiation data slim SALT LAKE C ITY (AP) Government daw on tht• amou nt o r rad1at1o n that dusted down wind residents during atomic tests in Nevada during the 1950s and 1960s is only "just a little better than nothing," a biophysicist says. Arthur T amplin , who prepared a study that show('CJ high levels of radiation in the thyroids o f southern Uta h sch oolchildre n , testified in WORLD U !::i D1 s t r 1c t Courr 11n M o nday that th<· fotl1•ral govt•rnmcn t ncvl'r• rt.'t'Ot'dec.J ac:tua l fallo ut levt•ls fro m above-g r o u nd a t o m ic l'xplos1ons at the Nevada Test Sitt> H l' said the 1nad<•qua11• gov(·rnment data makl'S 1t 1mposs1blc tu d<.'ltc>rm11w JUSt h o w mul·h rad1a11on downwind r es1dc•nls were ex posed to. Arms hunted in Beirut ' BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -m1lit1amen. The Voice of Lebanon, run y Israel's rightist C hnstian ll1 cs, said th e a rm y nf1scated massive a mounts Judge's ruling flayed By STEVE TKU'OLI Ot Ille Oellr .._lot 81eff Ora nJ(l' C o u n I y'11 tuµ I ow 1·11r111·t·t•1flf'11L or(iduh; huvt· JUuu.U u t:horus uf p1'ulttslt•r11 tn ~hut th<•y t.•crn1:1 1dC'r ovt•r·ty IL·nrt.·nt st.>nll'l1l't•:oi "ivcn two I l u11tl11~t1111 Bt•al'li lirot>wrs t•onvrctt.·d uf 11 urulul kidna p ancJ r11pc ln a ll'llc•r to Sup<.>nor Court Judi<(· Mark Sodc•n, th•· Orangt· County Chtl•fs' of Polan• and Sh(•nrf's As.'l(X'Ul llon t·oncfomncd Sodcn's 1wnlcnt'ing o f Phillip and Hundall Ma ldonado us an uctton that u nd<-·r minl'd thl• e ntire lT1mmal JUsllcc systt•m a nd le ft lh<' v1t.·ttm without JUSllt:e S ndt•n s entt·nl'C'd the two brolht•rs in June to 12 yN.1rs l'al'h 111 sLalt' priwn Tht•y l·o uld have I.wen S(•nknt'lod to as mut·h as 140 yt ·ari1 t.·ueh Thl· M al c..l o n<it.l os wt·rt• l'O nv1ctcd uf a bt.lut:t1ng a 14-ycar-old dt·af-mull• 1<1rl 1n Lus Alamitos 111 1981. lh<•n leading h1·r through a 51 , -huur ordN1l 111 w h ich sht.· was dnvt•n to sc.•vcral 0 r a n g <· C o u n t y I or a l 1 o n s , repeatedly raped and forl'cd lo pe rform oral l'Opu la t1on, a nd offc·rc.>d for sale to other men. Su<l<>n said h e basl'd h is M'lltl·nt•<• on thl· suppos1t10n that thl· 111ddcnl l'On:.t1tult.•d a single at't of aberrant behavior and no t multiple a(·ts, a nd o n th l' brothe rs' pre vious good records. An u n c le o f the brothers convicted of taking part 111 the 1m ·ident r eceived a 44 -year prison tC'rm from another judge• Sodt•n's ;,ic:lton raist>d a st.orm of protest a n d calls for his rl'mova l from the ben c h , in t:luf ing picketing o n t wo ot:casrons outside lhl• county courthouse in Sanw Ana. Tht• c:ounty Distrl('l Attorney's off1l'C 1s appealing the senten<:es. • Orong Coaal OAIL Y Pll 0 T11 uu11day, Octobor 5 1982 S 3 A~ Wlteptlolo Tlw I H-Rlory Williamson Uuilc.ling in downtown Clcvt'lund' com{'" t·ru hing down Sunday morning as a Bultimor(• demolition firm u1H•it in ide ex plos ives to "implode" the s tr uc·ture. T ht• huildin~ wus d estroyed to muke room for th•• m·w S tundarJ Oil <:o. (Ohio ) officf' towt-r. with bang Down • 1n CLF.Vi':LAND (APJ With a mighty roar and rumblt., \wo nld buildings wt•rt• blown down with tons of dynamill' and thuus;,mds of on lookc.Q.:'>, l'ht't.'r('<.1 unul a d11ud o f gr ay c.Jus t bdlowc·d toward their nos trils The doutl dump<.>d dust uµ to ;,i hulf-lnch thick on strl'l'lS in a two-block area and then strl't'l- clt·aning machim•ry m.ovt.•d in . stirring the dust even more "I jus t duc k t'd m y head . t·ovcred my n ose a nd mouth when I saw the cloud coming," said Alan Kickier. a Coast Guard auxiliary member who wettahl-d the blast that madl· Cleveland look for a fleeting momc•nt like Mount St Helens. "I wish we could ronlrol the dust, but there's no way," said Jat•k Lu1zeaux. president o f Cuntrull<·d Dt>mo lition Im· of Ba lt1rnon•, w h ich u:.l·tl its "1mplos11m" tl'(0hnu.1ul· Sund<•Y to ta kc c.l own t h l' :1 8 :. tu r y ANOTHER VIE W, PAGE A5 Wd l1ams on hulld1ng and th<• t•1ght-s tory Cuyahoga bu1ld111g "The older the• building, tht• more dust. Mayl:x· 1f Wt: had a :JO-kno t wind we ('OUld JUSt whisk it all away," Lo12.c·a ux said T hl· llu1ld11rgs W<'rt' th•· last obst at'les o n th e s1 Le of the prnµo~L·d $'.lOO million 4~-story hl•<1dquartcrs for the Standard 011 Co (Ohio). The• slruC'turl'S wcnl down at !j:O:! am. Cleveland A l'l'\'W of I I had workl•<l sine.'(• Tut•Ml<JY ..,..tung mor<.-than l.500 t•xplo:.1vt· t·hargt•:. Wh1·n dt•tol\:1tt•d . tht• l'IN·tr11n1nilly t111wd cxµhr..IVL'!> cut through k1·y :.upp11rb, f11rt·1ng thl· ;JdJC11n11ig bu dding~ lei 1mplodl' and l'fUnlfllC' to tlw ground Thuu~;.and :. 11 ( s pt·< la I ors r•lllllll'd :.tn•t•l.S m•ar thl· Silt• ar1<1 ('OUrtl!•d dtJWO tht• final M'\."Ontb A loud 1 h(·n .. rupu>d al> rumbl1.~ bt·gan Dl'moltt1on t•Xp l·rl S t1•vt· Pt·tllKrt·w. 28, thrust h1:. fist into 1 ht· air in lnumph after th1· bla!.t "I hl•ard we l·r al k<•d nrH' wrn<luw, so 1t WJsn't p<•rfl·ct,'' P1.·t11gn•w said "It wa:. l.x.·:wt1ful I rall· ll a No 10 It was ont• or tht• 111ugher bu1ldm~ I've· ('VC·r had to pn·pare " The Lebanese army mounted a mas s ive se ar c h in downtown west Beirut today for h idde n w eapo ns and ammunition left behind by departe d P a I es ti n i a·n guerrillas a nd for arms caches o ( l e fti s t Leba n ese Sheik passes r ammunition, weapons and jlatary gear found in several est Beirut buildings sin ce e search began. Woolco huff Laguna pet panel disbands • Ill A Saudi Arabian sheik has told F.W. Woolworth Co. he is n o l o nger inte r ested in acquiring its money -losing Woolco discount store chain. Sheik Mohammed al Fass1 had said he wanted to buy the 336-s tore cha in to preserve the 25,000 jobs that w ould be lost w hen Woolworth scraps STATE It next year. But the sheik's lawyer, R ichard Hif'9Ch feld, told Woolworth on Monday that al Fassi had abandoned his plans. Hir sc hf e l d s aid W ool wor th's f in a n c ial advisers conv inced his chent that 1t was in "Woolco's best interest to close the stores " Cop's death trial opens SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -Trial h as begun f or s u s pended C alifo rni a Hig hway Patrol Officer G eorge Gwaltn ey, charged with murdering a 2:J-year-old Las Vegas woman along the Interstate 15 freeway last Jan. 11 Jury sel ectio n b e gan Mond&y rn San Bernardino County Superior Court. Robin Bishop, who also had a residence in Cedar City, Utah. died of a single gunshot to the back o f her head in a desolate area about 32 miles away from Barstow Squid over Big Mac SACRAMENTO (AP) Rela t ives o f two newly arrived Amerasian children a nd their m other w e re n 't quite prepared for their first trip to a Vietnamese marke t. Eleven-year -o ld De nnis Everton. w host' Vie tna mese name is Nguyen Quoc Viet, first pickc•d out a big d ried squid Has aunt, Donna Laffoon. look ed at anothe r aun t , Re becca Cooke , and said , "You made him eat a Big Mac Now you've got to eat the squid." Vendor faces murder rap COVIN A (AP) -A 39-year -old ice cream vendor with a history of sex offenses _1' could face the death penalty If he is convicted on charges that he kidriapped. raped a nd murdered a IO-year-old girl. the prosecutor says. Robert Edward Sta nsbury o f Pomona was charged Monday m her d eath. srud Los Angeles County D e puty Dis tric t Atto rn ey J im Knapp . Authorities said Stansbury was working as an Ice cream ve ndor in violation o f his parole whe n the girl was attac k ed . Stan s bury 's arraignment was continued to today. By STEVE MITCHELL Of'lM o.-, "°' • ..., L aguna Beach's pro-life Pe t Responsibilit y Committee is t.osaing in the towel afte r eight years of volunteer work , saying 1l can no longer cope with what 1t terms a <.'Ontinuing struggle with t:1ty offk1als over o peration of the 1:1ty animal she lter. The· five-member board of the all-volunteer group voted la te last week to discontinue 1ls program at the Laguna sheltt•r Gen McMcnom y, pn'Sidcnt of the o q~an i zat1 o n , s aid "a dl'lertorat1on of thl' relauonsh1p between the PRC. and c·i t y adminis tra tors" It'd tu the board's d~rsion "The l'i t y s taff d oesn 't understand volunteerrsm and c:o mmunny service," she said in a te le p hone interview Monday "Instead of being treated with some k ind or rt•spN·t for the background and cxpt•ncnct• Wl' have. and instead of being asked for our input. we have bC'en ignored." she said. Balloonist set to try world trip ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) -Maxie Anderson, a mC'mbcr of the crews that madl' the first trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific balloon flights. says he's ready for an othe r t ry at a n around- the-world trip. Anderson, 48, of Albuque rque, a nd Don Ida. 49, o f Longmont. Colo., a re aiming at a la t e Oct o be r o r early Novt•mber t akeo ff. But Ande r son said Monday the exact date of the launch near Billings, Mont., will depend on wind pattem11 We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like., Call the number at left and your meuage will be recorded, tranacnbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642•6086 The same Z4·hour answering service may be used lo record tel· lers to lhe editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verHlutlon No clrculatlon calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Themat, ....... ,ubll..._. ond Cho.I f •~vtwe Ott1<., Jane Amerl l~nd Mctd.ean hec1111ve Editor Cont1ollet L Key Schult& Vlc;e ,.,....., Olld Ow'ect0r al ~!Mio ·Kenneth N. 0. ......... Jr. Oio.CIOI ol 0.-otlOM Cla11"1ff •cMHtlltnf 714M2·M7' All oth•r .,.rtfMnta MJ~U1 MAIN MP1CI •wttt .... M.,C..UMew,CA _.... ........... , ... c ... -..., ...... c..,, ....... Or .. C.tt "'*llw..t ,_ ... ~ ...,.._ ,llwltf .................. -., .. .. .,11 .. -tt """"' "'9Y ...... ~-......... _ .. , ..,...,..,...,, .. ,_.,..,.._, The organization. madt• up of about 20 volunteers, wa..-foundc.-d an 1975 with the goal of fmd1ng homes for animals in thl' 1:1ty shelter. Over the years. thousant.ls ul a nima ls h ave beeh "ad o ptc·d out," and during one 20-monlh period, the volunteer s found homes for 640 dogs and t:a ts In add1uon to its adopt-a -pct progr am. the PRC nt•ut<·n •d ur spayed all a nimals. s pon sor<•d rab1<-s clinics. prov1dlod a lost and found service. re>ferrcd v1s1tors to othcr shelters lo find animals. prov1dl'd tcle phonl· t'<>Unsclmg to pet owners, and l'Vt•n c·h1pped in money for t'OStly repairs to the t:lly a nimal facility. The board's decision to dose its operation a t th<' sht•lter c·amc· as a rL'SUlt of tht• city's "1nabd1ty to dC'al fairly wit h volunt1•ers," M<-·Mcnomy said "We fig ured that with the great city counc:1l we now ha vC'. and thl' shelter t>mployPes we now have, that 1( 11 s till t'C1uldn'1 work with that c·oml)1nat1on. then we JUSt fclt 1t was llml' to get out," she said Thl• PR C s p u k rswoma n dt•l'l1 nc•d ll> be s p ecific o n prublc•rns th<it k·cl to thl• boa rd's dt-c1sion Lagunu o ff11:1al!. <·xpressed surprise• at the board's action They have• called for a m~·lmg bt•twt•t•n PRC leadC'r~ and l'llV odm1111:.trators to attrmpt to iron out d1ff Prl'nct•s. Po lice• Lt Jim Spn·uw. whose dc·partmC'n t ovc•rscc·s lht• s hdtC'r op c• r a t 1 o n s. s a 1 d h t• w a s L-ompll'll'ly ca ught off guard hy thl" organ1za110n's dN•1s1on to drop out "All of a sudden I gl'l a lt•ttt•r s a y ing th l:'r e's a lack u f l'Ornmunica llon I w;1s c.•ompll'l('ly surprise.~." S preine s;.i1d Th<' po llc·(• o ff1c·t•r said h<• disagreed wrth Mc Ml•nomy's t•1mtl'nl1ons "She say:. tht•rl•'s a lnl·k of t•ommun 1l·a t1on . Vl'l sant·t· I've l:x>cn in charge, m·~t·r onCT· havt• I be('n inv1 tC'd to om• o f Saks Fifth Avenue is taking inventory tomorrow . morning ... ~ their meetings." Spre1m· ..aid "If .problems would havt l.x.'Cll pointed out, hopefulJy wt• c-oulJ have 1roncd them o ut," ~ll' said S prci!l.e s aid h e hope·~ t o pt•rsuattr.lhc organiwtic•n to <>tay "It's a valuable program." he said "I think tht' PHC has given a lot to the community and our h.o pc· s a r l' t h a t t h e y w 1 I I rl'<.'<lnSldl'r But, he· said, 1( talks provt> frullles~. thl• dt'partmt•nt will c un11nul' its p r o -lift.· aninrnl s y:.t1 •m ·"W t: won 't cha n g<' that," Spr e1n1• !>aid "Wl· havl·n 't mapptod out a strategy y<•t. but wc•'ll trv to l'Onl1nue 111 1h1·1r <PRC> footsteps." A meeting· bcLWl·cn PHC rt•pr1•H •ntal1V<'!> <ind C1 1y ManagN Ken Fra nk and Sµn ·1111• wa!> S<:ht•duled for this Wl'<.•k In the meantime. McMl·nomy ~nd ht•r group will l'Onllnu<' lo find homl~ fur th1· two doH·n or ~' dog~ and l'ats that n •rn;im m tht· '>hC'llN -1 and will be open at noon. See you then! \Ht1lh ( ""' fl/J1,1 1111 Ill" .,/ \11t~·1 ( "''•• \11'\ol ~4 Or111gu Cou1t DAllY PllOl/T11tt1d"Y Ootobor b, 196~ Clinic z I ro • 1n . • On breast cancer t : M Al>lSON . W11i (Al') A llcW lt.>(.'hni4U1• lo cit'h'C'I ht l'llNI C'~nct>r has o<.·htt•vl.J u llll pt•• l'l'llt '*'Cur a c y rut c 1 n t l's t In~ u t Unlvcnnty llOllpital ond l'hnll'?>, SfY8 lt.s d1•vt•h1ix.•r. ~1 Dr. Raul Mutulltm u. tlln .. ·Lor ut e h o s p i t a I ' s 0 11 t: u I us,: 1 t· agn osti<: Radiology U1v1111011. uises u n ew l't1lll p ll tl·ri1,\•cl u)trasound mat·h lnl'. as wl'll us ~ammography, or brl•ast X-ruyi;, exam ining womt•n for th(• sease. ' Com bining tht! two dwgnusUt' tools allows for dc•ll'l'tton uf breast tumors m their l'Urhl·:.t stages, w hen trcatml•nt 1s moi.t d fect ive, he said an an antcrv&l'W 14-'Jt week . · I Each year, he said. 100.000 1*w cases arc d1agnOS(.'(f an tht· yruted Stat.es and 37,000 ckath:. ~ur from the d1:.t•am· T h ere are o nl y ubout 15 l4 I t r a s o u n d m a c h 1 n l' s I 1 k l' U n iver s ity Hos pital 's 111 Lhl· United States, and ttw Mad1sc>n medical cen ter was thl• first tu begin using at las t yl·<ir, said Matallana Thl' mat·huw l'f'l'•Ht::. images by bourwang sound wav1·~ 111 I hocl y tl~'Ul• Mun111111grnphy, um.·<l 111n1.'\· tlw HIOOs. hw. lwen r1•spo1111lhlt• lur ftndlnt( uhout till Jll'rn •nt or ull h rt•tHil llllHUIS nol dlliCOVl'll'd thrnu.ih st'lf t•x11m1nat1on, h1· ).UHi Ultrnsound has two 11tlvun1nut•s uver • rnumnlUl(l'u pliy, Mu Ulllunu :;11111. Nu 1·adwt10n 111 l'nllttc.<J , und 11 1·11n dc>tt'l'l c:ann·r in d<>nst• t1111IUl' thut usuully :shvws u p 1x><>rly 1111 X ruys, hl• 111>11•d But oldl•r ultrasountl much1rn•s wt•n• less soph1st1cftlt'CJ than the• lutt•st dt•vicl:S and t·o uld only t•xaminc single lumps uln ·1.11ly i.pollcd and largr l'nough tu bt.• fl•ll, thl' phys1c:1an said Umvl'rstty Hospital's $145.000 mal·hint• 1s eq uapp<•d with a tt•lt•v1s1on scrt'1..'n which produt't·' four cross~s('(·t1on ptl'tUl'l'S uf a woman's brPast as shl' lac•:. f..it·t• down on un t•xam1twt1un l..iblt· t·onnl'l.'lt.'d to tht' mat·hinc· Tfw brl•a)>l I!> plat•l-<l an a wult'r f1lll>d t·omp<irlmenl uf th<' t.ubll., <tllowang ultrasound wavt·~ t11 :.i:an ll and pruduet· a p1t·tun· •Ill the· :.<:n~·n. "Tht· uhrnsouncl mal·h11w pll'k~ AP Wll' ...... o , Dr. lluul Mata lla no "ivcs u putic nt u brt•us t c·uncer exuminution using u nc w ultra ound d evice a t niver ·ity Hos pita l u nd Clinics in Ma dison , Wis. The process is d .-scribcd us 9B per ce nt a ccura te . up t-c:hoc•s I rom t.hc• ll:.SUl' ll 1s ~t·a nn1n~." M1.1tallu11a said. ''N o rmul brl'a:.t lts s u e is homogc•noui.. so the echo p-.ittC'rn 1s t h e same• Dl•Lcction of cam•1•rous llSSUl' would n .'S ult in a d1fft>rl'nt l'<'ho pattern." Matallanu, w ho has publishL'<i SC'Vt•ral pap<>rs and spoke n at st•manars in thl' United States and abroud on bn·?hit l'ancer detection, Silld the 98 pt•rccnt accuracy rate of h1:. combined technique is better than using any om · of the methods singly. H as a nd o ther s tud ies huvc shown that danical t'Xamana taon is only 30 p<•n ·t•n t accu rate an finding tumora, whale ultrasound alone is 62 pert'Cnt aC'curatc and m<1mmographit's art' 85 pc-rn·nt at>t:urate "T he• kC'y lo curing any type· of canl·l'r 1s early dt'lt·c·tion And ultrasou nd c:oup l t'd with rnummograph y allows us for thl· fu-st lime lo better dl'lt'<:t, lcx:att' and d assify tumors of lc.'iS than a l'entaml'lcr large and ofll'll LOO Ml'1all to be felt," he said VP d di ·ate B e tt y Ford alcohol center HANCllO MIHA(a ; (AP) V1u• Pn.-Hacfo11t ( it'l1rt(1• Hu11h l1·nt \ 11 hand •>n th•• IUHt u( u four day vii.it Co S11uthl'r n (.'(l)JfCJrnrn In clt•dlt.'Llllllt( t ht· IWW R<·lly Jo'ord l\·ntt·r for d r UK :ind ukohul tn•utnwnt ,1 Jo'ormn 1''11111 L udy &tty Furd. 11t't'<1111p111111·d h y hl•I hutiband ut ttw 1·Pn·1rnmy Sunday .. thankt.od ht•r fo1n1l y f111 lhl'11 "t.oul(h lov"" 1n ht·l p tng right h<.•r m ueh · pul>lar1~1·d buttlt· with dru~s und uk11h11I Al!.11 0 11 hand waN co111ctl1an Bob llopl'. He-said too m a n y p4:oµI<• drnnk l'Xl'l'!ISIVl'ly and the m·w l't·ntt-r was nt'l·d ed t.o help "th<· Prl'81t·ys und Bt·luic.has tn the world bdurl' n ':. too late." P1onN'r ang nx:k 'n' roll id ol £lv1& Prc·slt·y dat:d of h eart faalun· in 1977 ut cigc 4 2, and n1urt dm·unwnt:. indicated he U)>t•d drug:. hl•uvtly during h is lai.t yt·urs Comt·daan Joh n Belui.h1'!> dl'ath last March at age :~:J wa)> allnbult'<i lo a n •>verdose of heroin and cocaine Talking to a l"ruwd from the <ifflut•nt dt-M•rt rl-sort m·ar Palm Springs. Bush praised the former first ludy for hc·r strength ~ -~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GS, 80 LUCKY COUPLES Enter today at any 1st Nationwide Savings Office. Now ... New York. Florida and California are closer .together than ever before . Now ... America is linked by the 1st Nationwide Savings· network. offering so many money-saving, money-making services. Wh ether you're in New York. Florida or California -for business. pleasure or retirement -your money is where you are. Over 140 1st Nationwide Savings offices give you a Network Fly Eastern Airlines to New York! Exciting New York-the "81g Apple -1s ,......... -~~Pr(,.... of financial services and convenience coast-to-coast-to-coast. To dramatize this point. we've joined with Eastern Airlines and Sheraton Hotels-who also offer you coast-to-coast-to-coast convenience and service- in bringing you this exciting opportunity to win a glori ous vacation for two. Be sure to enter right away! --- Fly Eastern Airlines to Florida! waiting tor you! And the best way to get thereison Eastern.America's ._......._ EASTE~N Favonte Way To Fly! You'll hke •.. ~ Florida! ... America's Sunshine Play- ground! Eastern flies to more of Florida than any other airline. And what a difference Eastern makes! When it comes to hospitality and great service Eastern's Trans Con service-~ 1t elevates coast-to-coast travel to a higher plane. No wonder for the last three years in a row. more passengers have f I own Eastern than any airline in the free world. What a trip' What a prize! 20 round trips for two! Enter our sweepstakes today! Now, New York, Florida and California are closer than ever to you! Come visit us today! Discover how really close these great states are -when you trust your savings and checking funds to 1st Nationwide Savings with over $ 7 Billion In assets. Our network of financial services is the big difference at 1st Nationwide Savings! Eastern·s Trans Con can't be beat You'll love Florida-and you'll love Eastern. America's favorite way to fly. Don't miss this wonderful prize! 20 round trips for two! Sign up today at your nearest 1st Nationwide Savings office! Over 140 Offices Coast-to-Coast• Over S7 Biiiion in Assets \ But rest of economy shows little progres By Tlae A1socl•ted Preu Th ... long·dti prl'llll'd huu11ing Industry IR i howlnai now 11if!nll o( Ult!, but the rt>llt of thu t'<.'(momy 111 making little progrel'lll towurd rt>covery, a cc.'ordang tu tht• government's latest C'conom k reports. Meanwhile, tht: g11vl'rnmc·11t r e p o rte d n ew o rd e rs f or manufact u red good s Cell an August to the lowest level in two years. and the Federal Reserve Board reported a n unexpected jump In the money supply. The Comme rce Department re ported that builders' spt•ndarig for new construc tion rose 1.6 per<.-ent In August. That was the fifth gain in the past six months · and was further evide nce of housing's slow move out of the doldrums. A day earlier. the government I . had reported sales of new houses rose 2 percent in August. "New home sales are expected to increase during the remaining three months of the yenr as this m arket and the existing -home market begin to benefit from the rt•n•nt dt•l'hllt'll 111 m o rtaiugc• h1l~rl•Kt rut~ ... t1Uid Juck Curl1JOn, chlt•f 1..-conomlst for the· Nullonul Assuclotlon of Rl•altor1 "F'rom now un. hou11ing morkl·l.B should IH· f11llow i11t( u iclow rood to I l't:UVt'ry " ft~ v ,. 11 w 1 t h t h l' r l' c e n t lmµrovl'rncnt, the ll've l of Aug~st t•onstruction spending was 11l1ll 1.5 percent below thl' level for the samt' m!'nth last year The National Assocwuon of Home Builders said this week 118 lalt.~t survey of buildl'rs showl>d "a more positive outlook for the next six months for housing - the moiit optimistic Wl' have seen In more than two years." The stock market staged it.s first sustained rally of the week, but It closed before the Federal Rcservc's money-supply repor t Wa{I released. The bond market gave up all the gaihs it h ad accumula ted during the day as prices tumbled on tht• money supply report. Robert Ortner, chief t..'<:onomist at tht· Commerce Department, icoid tlw n iport ot u :! II 1x·11·1•11l d1•c:ll tw 111 fut·tory onh •rw for Aut(uiil w1111 "disuppointlnij " Ttw d1•<:hrw wuic the• 11lt•1•/>t'lll on t' • 1110 n t h 11 II d 1 • w 1 n l' t• u" t ()(.'tobcr, and tht• tutu! vulut• uf or<kr11 wus tht• lowt•st SllH't' /\uflust 11mo Orclt•rs for tlur11blt· good1i gcrwl'ully th•f1111•d 1,\1('' goods thut lu.'lt long<'r th11n thn•l• yN1rs wc1•t• part1t·ularly wt•ak. ·Tht· fo'edcrul Reserve SI.ltd Lhl' nation's money supply . as rpt•usurC'd by cash rn t·irt·ulauon and monl'y in cht•t·k1ng-ty pt• a<'l'Ounts, rose $400 million in the week t•ndPd Wt.'dnt.'s da y . A co mpu nt o r't r epo rt Huld commercial and indusll'lal bunk loans jumped mort-th an $1.1 billion, the S('(.X.>nd big tnl'rl'iise in as rn.uny wl'eks. ; The 1nl'reas'e in th<' mon<'y s upply was unc><pN:ll•d , a nd cconom1!lts said it r;.11sed fears that th<' Federal ReSt•1vt: would 'no longer accommodate lower inte r l'st rates. Th<: Federal R1..~rve 1s trying to rcstrntn the growtlt of the mont.'y st<X·k m order lO l'urb inflation. I ONE-WEEK VACATIONS! - Couat OAIL Y PILOT /luesduy, October 5, 1982 Al' • I ' ' Pi1<t•ons uncJ spectators ruct• for c•ovc r fro m u <'loud of dust gene ra ted ' wlwn two d owntown (]cvt-lttnd buildings wcrt· dt•molis hed b y t·x ploi,ivt•s . Above th~ cloud is the statue atop ' tht> Soldit•rs and Sailor~ monume nt on lf>ubli<· Square . LS present ••• Stay and Play in Style at Sheraton in New York and Florida! 40" California lucky couples will be treated to a week's vacation at an exciting Sheraton · """~i.f"'":>~·. ~ ~ Hotel in New York and Florida. . -{')~ New York Florida ~~ -'.:" , l1·.._.,~~ ~d The Sheraton Centre Sheraton Bal Harbour 1 jlr, ~ The New York Sheraton Hotel P.G.A. Sheraton Resort. W. Palm Beach J · Sheraton City Squire Sheraton River House. Miami Sheraton-Russell Hotel Sheraton Ocean Inn, Riviera Beach .. St. Regis Sheraton Hotel Sheraton of Boca Raton A Sheraton style vacation means excitement and activity where you want to be. from fabulous resorts with golf. tennis. paols and beaches to outstanding hotels in major cities across the country. A Sheraton style vacation is a vacation with a difference. Don't miss out on your chance to be treated Sheraton-Style! Enter our sweepstakes today' Free Admission Passes! Lucky New York winners Wiii enjoy a wonderful dinner at one of New York's world-famous restaurants and sightseeing m Manhattan via Circle Line Tours. a visit to the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum. a trip to the Free Gift! Sheraton World Cookbook! Drop in to 1st Nationwide Savings. Ask about one of our tax-free or tax-deferred accounts or how to get a VISA with no annual fee. To show you our appreciation fQr your time. we'll give you the big, beautiful. colorful Sheraton :-Vorld Cookbook. Over 300 pages of recipes from North America. Latin America, Europe and the Far East -offered by the best chefs in Sheraton Hotels throughout the world. One to a family while quantities last. Yow VISA Credit Card 1s s11b1£'CI to credo! approv&I Important information about our Sweepstakes •Prize winners will be selected from entnes submitted from 1st Nat1onw1de Savings and Loan Associations 4 Marketing Areas on the following basis. New Yori! AtN Sou!Mm C.llfomla Aree (l ot Anoelel) • 10 Vac11t1<>ns to Southern Cal1forn1i\ • tO Vacaoons to Florida • 6 Vacalions to North-Om CAlilornm • tO Vacations to New York • 5 V1tC&tions to J:IOl'lda Not1hem C.llfomle AtM (San FrancltcO) Ronde ArN (Mleml) • tO Vacatrons to FIOl'rda • 10 Vocallont to Nonhorn Cahlorn111 • 10 Vacations to Now Yol'k • 5 Vacations 10 South rn Cfthlorma • 5 Vacttioos 10 Now York Oflre.il I n!ry f Otl'nt ond IU<lhm °":f'. ...... ,-. •I •M l•I Nlll-odlt &\v!ll\j• U"ot.01 (llhWo ">u•t 0. deOC»1ll!d AO l;ltO< tll•n ncJOfN• t-Of-".,.. Oe'I~ '1 ' No PlltCll.tVI °' ~fll>fl -~ ~--"'*'to·~·· OI c.411(><,.., rl<)ll\1.1 end N-'l\)fk -"Cl 11$ 01 OI"~ 4 IGll "'"?I~ OI -nt - NOil In '°'1f _,.. --111 Nal'°"""odt :,a.""9t w M l'*••d ~•~for"""_,,_ o 14'1411 Ol llO """on II>• • ._..~"'¥-'""" NoOl•'CNM MC-[ .. _IPlllll Dltlll"""'?f •f' ... Ol 111f l,,,,., .,.,,,...,.,..,~. n,...._.1#.l ltl NlllOrwo••S--0. A Federal Savings and Loan Association ,. I 01 u10 Cou•l OAll.V PllOT/lu 1duv. OctotJ r & 1082 1-Zero-percent pay rais reflects s tate econ~niy It ':-i 11 111 t :-..11id l·t1111g to M 't ' i n s t 1 u c· t u r" " I t h 1 • Cu :1 >-' Conm1ur11ty Collq.:l' l>1sln t"l lurn•d to trcx1 p to th l' pulls 111 <•p fH'llVl' ;1 IWW l'IJllll'O ll'I With I H I pay 1•;11:-.1•:-. through tll•Xt .J un1• :m. That hardly fit:-. tlw 1mag1· 111 our Orungl' Co.ts ! arv:.1 w h l•n · u p w ;1 I' d 111 1) b I I 1 l y ~· II d s l' 1 I improvPm\•n I ar1• lop-(lt'tori t v goals for must , hut rt rs 10 lht• t·rcd it ol tht.• instrut·tors th.al tht•v took t•ogn1zan t•c• of th <• t•u rTt·nt toug h tames an<l vott•d mon· than t wo -t u -o n e rn l ;ivor of tht• str mgen t measun .. Tht' t.:llly for Vt>tt•:-. l':1st l<tsl T h ursday a nd 1-'rtday by S<'<:n •t bt1llot turnl•d out tu lx· :.!~8 for approval Vt'rsus I:~!'> vott·s agam i.l th e new contr at·t O f cours<.'. to put tht· mat 11 ·r into contt>Xl, ont.· d o t•s n t•t.•d to n ·aliw that th<.· :.ivt.•r:.ig<' sala ry in th e d istrict as . $:n.:M5 and a bout 5 0 0 d 1s t r I l' l 1 n strut· t o r s h <i v v rt'l't•1vc·d automatrt· tnlTl'<tscs sin t·1· July l , bast.•d o n the n umbt•r uf yt•ars tht•y had tau g h t a n d on tht• amoun t o f educ<1t1on they had . Nc•vt •rtht•lt•ss. lht• 1 ~strut·tors o b v i o u s I y a rt' s ho w 1 n g a willmgnt•ss to dt-~1! wrth ttw rt•<1li ty o f our t1ml's Tht·1r con tract exp1n·d last Jum· :10 and currl'nt negot1auons wllh the d1st n t·t a n d t h c• 1\ m l ' ri ,. a n F C' d C' r a t 1 o n o f Teacht·rs ht1d b<•t•n gorng on s 1nn .. MarTh l't'l'Otlllllt'IHl t•cl (·l :I) t l111t t h1• 1.c·1111t1·u1.:t propus hl he H('t.'t•plt•d , tht· A FT 1·xt•t·u t1vt· t·o111111 1th't· (tht• urg111111.at1011 's ol t lt't•rs ) .tpprovt•d llw propos<d ti-I Sc11111• 11ppo tl\'lll s 111 th1· pr11pos1t11111 prn11t1 ·d 11u1 that tl1t·11· was sorltt• lt•t•ling th1• t11sl11t·t had llll s pl.H·t·d tls fHto11111•s h ~ 1·h:an1H·ltng lu11cb 1nt 11 1111n t'lassroom p roJ<'t'ls. sUl h a:. tlw tt•lt•t·ou r~t· dt·al n ·n·11t ly -.1g11vtl wrth CBS I3llt l~H' b11tt11111 lllll' IS th.ti, Wht•I\ II l':tlllt' t11n1• 1111' tht• 1.111k .m<l -f1lc· 1n st1 U('lCJI :-. ol I ht• <11:-.1111 I to vote'. -1:1:1 uf tht· upprox1m.1t1•ly (i 50 t•lrgrblt· to vutt· s tt·p 1a·d lonva nl und ;1gn•t•u to ltvt· 1111 u nd1angl'd s:il;int'' tor ;111ntht•r 4yt•:JI'. · Tht•n • wrll bl• :-.<Hlll' lil•l\1 •f1t:- nnd 1w r ks du n ng the• y 1 .. 11 , I'll t·oursl'. hut t lw t dot•s not 1111 t1g:1lt· the· l;1rt that. trustrat1'll though thc•y may h11vc· lwt•n , the · l:1c·11lt y nwr'nln•r; w t•n· w alling tu vull· 1111· 1x•:.it•t· t1 l th<' pn<.'t· o l no flllY n11:-.<·s <Jl this tmw But. d1 •-.111 11• the· I 111;11H'ttil lTUn<:h 111 lht• lilllt':'\ :tlld lhl• :-.l;al1 •':-. l ullmg balk 11! sdw.,I I urnb, l'11:1st Co lll•gv 1>1strn·t proh;1bly ~hould 1·xp1 ·t·t so1111· h;ircl b;11 g:1111111g hl·fur .. 1h1• 111•x1 l·11111r:1l'l I!-. approv<·d b y rls fJt•ulty h 's cio uhtlul lhtJW 111-.tr ut·tnr-. would voh' fol' t.l'ro pe •11·e•111 p;1y rn1S<'S for two y1·:11 s 111 a row Inflation fight costly ls rnflatwn truly on thl' w;,i1w or rs tht· lX'onon11e bugaboo uf ttw last dt>c;Jclt• l y ing low, wailing to b<.· rl·-1gn11t·d upon thl• rPtur n uf good trnws" Mon• ;in d nwrc· t o p -I l1gh t t·{·onom1st~ .1n · l'Om1ng around to th<• v 1t·w thut t h1· "bae k ol 111rl<1t1on h;1s bt·<.·11 brok<:n.'· Tht· sW tt'>tlts for lh1s yt•a1 would SPt•m to 1nd1rntl· :.<>. In tht· f11~t qu~irtn. · prt('<'S re>S(' at a 4 :\ pC'fl'(•nt <innual r<Jl<·. wh1lt· the· sel'und qua1 ll·r ratt· w;1s 4 .fl p<.'r<.'t•nt Jnflatron has n't b<.·c•n th<it low in SIX Yl'ctr:-. Th1•y ~rt · t•m ·ouragmg f1g un·:-. :and rC'prc·sc·nt s ub:-.tantral progn·ss Lrom the• cluublt· d1gt1 tl<1~·s ol HJ7!l and IYHO Ho\.\ long will the · good 1ww-. I as t '! Some· < • x pc-l't :-. IH' I 11 • v e • cons um1·rs ;.mci husrnt·~st·s l':tn look forward to mo<lt·r:att· prtt'(' hrkc·s for sE:'vt•ra I y{'IHs But tht.· f utun· t'oursc o f ('<'Onomtt bchuv1or 1s someth ing nu ont· no m~1 tt1·r how h•arnC'd rn thl' "d ismal 8<.wm·t·" t·tin predwt wi t h any Ul•gfl'(' o f t'l'rta1n ty A lthough t'<.'OnPmrt• urcumstann•s are d1ffrrt·nt today, 1t was on ly five· y<:an. go that inflation had slowed to a similar level. after tht· price· t•xplos1oni. of tht· l·arly 1~70s. Shortly :iftt·rward. rnl l.1 t 1w1 lll•l-(;.111 galloping aga1 11 . Wall t lw t·y l'l1· n ·pt•at'' ·h 's hard to S<JY Pl'r hups on1· rt•ason ttw l'Ut 111 inflation has11't n•n•1vl'd dr••m'atw .tltvntwn 1:-. th:1t tlw h:1ttl1· 1:-. he•111).( won with tlw dt-1•p1•:-.I :incl rnc ist prolongc•tl N·onon11t :-.lump :-.11111 · tlw C:rt•at 1Jc·pn·ss1on W1tl1 10 µi ·n·t·111 ''' th1· labor lon·t· 111 tlw -.lt t•l'ls, \\ tlh bu-.11wss l.itlun·s at hrsl11 111· highs. w11h 111:111\ li;1,ll' rndustn1·:-. 111 :-.<·nou-. ta oul1lt .it1d with th1N· l11gh tnlt•n ·st r<1te·-.. rl 1-. p;1s\ Ill Sl'I' IW\\ t hl• h.1d 111'\\ '- OU l WMgh:. 11 H' j!l.Kl(l 1\ncl tlw1e " f..,,, th.it ti lht ~'t•de•r;el H1·'('1\'t• luus1 11-. 11-. 11111t1cil 11\'1•1 the· 111111wy -.uppl\ to push c.111\\ n 111te ·1t·'t ratt·s 1111 .a r e'l'll\ c·r \. rnfl:tllllll \\ti) ht'oll Up .1).(.11;1 , rn·g:itrng progrc·'>s won .1t tc ·r pl1le· ( o:-.t Sonw vccm 11m 1sls f)('l1<·v1· th.it only strut·tural t·hangv:-. rn tht• Amc·n can 1·nmomy w all bnng <• lrU£' l'Un• lur 1n fl:1ll1111 . "lid1 ;a-. rl·form:-. th ;1t w11uld tlll'f'l•;e:-.l llc·x1h1 ltt\ 111 w;egc•s and prtt't·s For ""'..," 111l l.1t1on 1:-. down. a n cl wt• t' an u 11 I y h 11 pl' l h ;e t wh<.•m·vt·r th1• <·<•tmomy l)(•g111s lo l'ISt' ag;1111 . 1nflat1on d tx·sn't lwgan n s 111g v.11h II Reprieve for schools StudcnLs and part•nts in the Ne wport-Mt•sa Un1fwd School D1strtt't r<.'t't•ivt•d somt.• g<><xl new-. last w eek wh~n d rs tnc t truste(•s dcc·1ded not to dos<· any schools next year a nd lo kC't'p C:11l ·four high schools o pl'n until tht· 1987-88 sch ool yl'ar T h<1t dl•t·1s wn l<.11d tu res t rumors and uncNlamly th at h ave been spanning around since• the· Educational Rt•suurcc•s Advisory Com m attE'('. a ~roup of pa re n ts a ncl teach t.•rs. r ct·omrnt·ndt·d CC1rltt·r this year t h lit h igh schools bl· closed wht'n t h c•ir l•n rollnH'nts d ipped bc>low 1,500. This mode• 1t S<'cm li k ely that Coro na d t>I Ma r a nd Estancia H igh Schools would tx• cloS<'<i a nd their st ude nts m oved t o N e wpo rt H a r b o r a n d Costa M esa Hig h Schools. It was not an <'n cou ragi n g p rospect (or studt•nts or t h1•1r pare nts. B u t n o w t r u s t <.•es h a v l' a d o pted o f 1vc·-yt.·a r· studc•n t housing pro8rnm th at will kt•c•p • th<• hrg h st·hools 01x·n 1·v1·n though <'nrnllm,•n ts n t <•Jch .1r( l'>-f.X'l'I e ·d to drop to about 1.:1110 hy I !)117 Thrs wrll <.all f o r s 11mc• s;1t rif1t·t·s. s 111C'<' 111-.tru<.·tors ;ind -.tuclt•nts m ;1v h.1v1· lo travt·I to d1fft•tl•nl :-.lhrwls rn ordt•r tn part1t·1p:111· 111 1·1·1'1~1 111 progr<J111:-. now ofll•n ·d at .di But trusll·t·s probably wc·n· t•orn·c·t rn assun11ng tha t tht'n· art· ;1dv;int11gt·s 1n snmt•what s lll;tl lt·r l11gh sd11111b. notnb l y 1•n:ibl1 n g s 1uch•n 1s to a t t<· n d s d1 o o I 1 n I h £-1 r " w n neighborhood. T hings may not lw ;1s SM 'Ul'I· <ct th t· c· 1 t • mt' n l ;1 r v I 1· V l · I o 11 a lnn g -tc•rm bas rs Nt·>: l -;pr1ng. s tu<IH•s will twg111 011 po!-st hlt• <.'Insur<• of ftv1• t•lt•nwnt,arv S<:hool:- and C' 0 n So I 1 cl .1 I I u ll .Cl ( t W o 1ntermC'diatt· -.c ho1)J, wh<•l l' C'nrollments arl' dt·c·l rnrng Uut thcv too arl' s..1fl· u11 t1l the· s tudrt•s ::in•· t'Om p I Ni •cl Tht• board w:1s w<•l I ;_1dv1:wd lo dt.«1r t he• air and S<'t the• r u n'lo1 s to r~t by puttrn~ tht• l1kt·hhocKI uf more• du~un·~ furtht•r into I h<· futun· Opinions e>epressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views e>e· pressed on tnl s paQe are lhOse of their author s and ar tists. Reader comment Is lnvit ed. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Bo• 1S~, Costa Mesa, CA 92&2&. PhOne 1714) 642·021. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat fhomas '. Haley ~utl·l~l'f Jane Amari l '#ltfv'·•~ hMr.r Barbara Ktelblch lo.00.1111 'nv'" tcr"" Thomas McCann "10..·~"'0 t.1 .... IN Fl ,J\TION KA'fE BUSINESS BANK HU P'J'( 'Y tt/\'rEI ' t I I I I I I ! Reagan 'counterrevolutio11' Wl\SlllNGTON The· 1·tmf1d1•111·1 ~ind lt•l1l.lt•rsh1p uf H1111:c ld H1·ag<i rl fl'<'l'IVl•d an 1mprl':.s1vt• tribute.• l<isl w1•t•k 111' 1-; n·rnakmg Aml'nl'a 111 h t~ uwn image -. ac'l.011rt.ling to the• most silo(n1f1t•t1nl a nalysis Yl't of his first 18 month~ in offtt'I-' "Thl· lfragan Expl'rtmt•nt ," an , . .,.sl·nt1ally 1mp<ert1c1I . 5:w ;>a~w n ·port n·le·asl·d ht·n· by The Urban ln.,lllUll'. 11•1'11gn111·d wh<al tht· HC"agan ad 1l11111~tr;1ll11n's n •;d gm1b an•: T lw nw11 111 pow(•r •in • not sl·t·k1 ng :.hort-tr·rrn e'C·111111111w rc•v1val , lht·y art' afll'r long- ll•f111 ph1losoph1t·:.il d omination THE REAGAN MEN <trl' tdt'Ologuc-s And, 1dt•olog1eally, lhcy have> bN•n t•x1ruord1narily suc'l-essful so far, as the• rt·port dot:ument s with 1ns1gh1ful rc>M•an·h "A (•ountt·rn·vuluuon 1s undt·r way aflt•r a half -t-entury of growing ft•<.h·r:.il t-ff urts to stab1 hz.e the ec.-onom y. 1•ru.un· 1 n d 1 v 1 d u a I s a g·a 1 n s t m 1 s f o rl u n \' , rt'Cltslributt' int'Omt• and opportunity, an d re~pond lo oth1:r pNce1ved national n l' c· d s T h l' n u l' I e u ~ Jo f l h I s l'uuntt•r n•volutrun 1s a p hilosophy of mort• llm1ll'd govt•rnmcnt " The:1l word , "l·ountL·rrL•Volutwn," did not l'l>mc· from w1ld<t·y<'<l Amt"rtL':.tn :.<><'tdl di·rnocTal:-. Thi' Urban l n s tilutt• 1~ l11part1s;111, what tl rt·pn·St·nLo; mon· than .111ylhing 1•IS(• IS ;t COlll'l'ml'<i -and l'lllt• 1•st.Jhl1~h11w1'\l involvl·d 1n publw polr<·} .ind aff<11r1>. Tht· lc•ad ersh1p dt·'><·nbes the· or,.,:an1zat1on : W11l1am D Hu1·kC'lshaus. senior VI('(' pn'Stdenl or lht• Wcv1.·rhaeu s<·r Co a nd a favorite of m11ckratt· and hbNal H(•pubhc·ans. ti> thl' < h<11rman , Katharine Grah am. lh l' chairman or the Washington Post Co , whoH· c1w n bust ness conl>c•rvutts m d ot·i,n't dim h<•r appt·al l u l1bc·ral OC'm<K·rat.s. t:> Vttt.• t hc.1rm<m "The Re_ag:.n E;_xp<-r1mc·nl " wh1t·h will llC' publ t~hl•d <as ;,i book late·!' 111 lh1• 111u11th, wa., pn·pun·d undl·I' till' d11t'l:l11111 of .JlJlill L. PalmN i.And !S<Jtwl V SJwll'll Tht·rr work, sunply. 1s lht' lx•st ovi•rvww t hat we· havL· o f l h t· t•x trcwn.l 111a r y httr>rx•nrnJ.(s in Washington since HJ8 I '!'ht• l'<:nlrnl point of lh<' r<·port -and tlw n ·uson Hcagun would be given an "A" 1f 1t Wl'f'C• a n•port card --ts how ---~ RICHARD RllVIS 1·;_ • C'ffoc tt vt· this adm1n 1stral1on has been in 1L'I attempL-. to chan ge· th<' d irt><:lions. and th<' largl.'r fum·uons. of the fC'dcr &I go,vcrn.mc•n 1 I 1 1s not a questw n o f wht•thcr what Reagan is rioing "wM ks" "wurks" for whom? but th&t he lS su<.·cccd1 ng in p ursuing rather radical ph1losop h1cul goals Th<• Rc·ag.an admin1strat1on. the· r<·port roncludt>s. n ·p1esents a "shift in ~ial philosophy a'> fundamc·nldl as wa1> th<· New Dea l " Su far, the uulhors JUdgl" 111 less th<in l wo years Rcag<m rnll1at1vcs haVl' ro llC'd back fodc·ral pnorit1cs, aid distribution patterns ;m d taxing -each cxprt'SS<•d as a pc•n ·C'nUJg<• of the gross nauonal product t1J t h<· lc•vC'I of the · t·arlv 11nos And. "T hl' Heagan t·ounl<·rrt•volutwn rn :.ol·ral anc.l ccon 11rn 1t p o l1l'y as po tc·ntiall y µrofound but s til l m 1ti. infancy." The most fundame ntal lhrust of the Reagan cxp<•rrmenl. the report stat<'S, 1:-.. o bv1ouslv. thl' dC'c1smn to abandon tOUlllt·n·yC'l 1L al mont·tarv <ind ft M.d st.ab1l1uu1o n policy in l1mci of t.'l·onom1c· troubl<' In othl.'r w ords. Reagan ha1> r ,. Jc l' t <· d gov c· r n mt· n l <'co n om 1 (' I n t {' r v I' n I I 0 n t II m .. I n t .. I n h I J! h 1•mploymt'nl and s ldble pnl'e:;. m favor o f Jfl l't'CHlomic· p o ltc:y gc•ared lo a ohtlosophtt•&I <.'nd. rl'dul'tton of thl· role cif govt:rnnll'nl 1L<1C:•IC "If the· administration muinta ins 1ts ix1ltl'Y of non-int.crvcntron. (businesses and workl•rs) will no longer be a ble to plan un thl· fed eral government being ~ stlt.•nt partner in p roviding Jobs a nd markcLs and thereby limiting ~>Conomic risk:. " The proble m on the practical lt•vt'I ts t h a t thC' Reag an econ omic- cx pl•r 1mc•nt ''supply -side" or "tric·kle-down" theory d oesn't seem lO be.• working. "The ma in result o f tax policy to da te, h owever, has been to enlarge future deficits" So. the authors cond udc., the Reagan ye ars and their economic experiment c·uuld cost the Unil.ed States $1.2 trlllton 1n lost o utp ut -tha t's $15 ,000 pe r hoUS('hold over five or 10 years lO find out whcth<'r trickle -down t heory will help middle -and lo w er-class families any m ore than It did m the I 920s and 1930s. TllE RE IS mon· rnul h. much mu n : rn l h <' pa g e• 1> (1 f "T h l' H c• a g a n Exp1·nm1·n1 " It 1s worth rt·ading as the lwg1nn1 ng u f tht• ev<i lua twn of thc:.c dangl'WU!> or c•xc1ung llmc-s. dt-~nding •Jll cm1··~ IJt'l"'!>J>l'C'tlVt"S. T hi• l'lt'<.'lton of Prc-s1d L•nl Reagan is pn•sl'nll•d <IS an undt·rsta ndable a nd leg111m<it <· r espo nse lo Ame rtc-a n conct·rns about a runaway welfare state. lhs adm1mstrauon, so far, is presen ted as a ha rd -L·hargmg. r ela t1vC'ly effective attempt lo bnng America back lO certain phtlosophtC'al roots. c·ven 1{ that has to be donl· at grt•at risk to the economic S4't'Urily of most Americans Reagan IS a tough guy and a good studl•nt of change who knows w hat he 1s dorng. He ts a lead er The question 1s. do we want to pin the· c-ounterrt•volut1onary army he lS lcadm~" Letters to the editor Na ture lo ver s h ate barbecues To tht' Editor. Rc.'<.'ause IC'ttcr·writing 1s nut my fortl'. 11 has taken me all of this time'. sm«<· you pub lished Bal l H arvey's mock 1n~ r<'Sponse (Sept. 2), lo "Name• W1thhC'ld's · anu-bar becU(' letter or Aug 26. If th<:' saur1cal gentleman were a Pau l Harvey instead of Bill Harvey, h<' would haw applauded "Namt! Withheld" for trying her very darndest to keep Laguna Beach 's atmosphe re and only park wit hout t he unnecessary a nd h ighly toxic pollution that greets one on almost a ny half-ntc<' afternoon or eve. lt 1s be<:ausc of concerned residents hke this lr>VC'ly lady. I'm privilegNI lo k now. that our Art Colony has been able to retain most of 1L<; b<-auty and C'harm. so missing 1n most SoulhC'rn California c1t1cs and towns Even though. she must livC' most frugally on her Social Security m rome. buying most of ht•r wardrobe at thrtlt shops, she helps to promote a nd support not only local c'COlogy orgum r.at1ons bu l ntttwnal ones. as w1•ll. DUE TO OUR mutual lovC' for nature., we uctually met in I lc1slt•r P ark . Unlike• this frail. aging lady. I'm a ruggNI young arltst-crahsman Whenever r hBVl' free ltm('. I hkt· to 1ak1• a ru11 or stroll or cic'S<'rvc'Cl rC'st in my favorite shorefron t pork Many t1mt's tfie J)()l1Ut1on from the foul fum<'S of nt.•arby barbt-<'ucs (not unly 011 the• ral'ks or tabll'S but on thP tender grc'<'n Rrass. as well) had fort'C'd me to deptar1 as fast as my -young fl'qt could car ry me. S ince c h ildren und oldu pC'op le arC' eve n more iwns1t1v(• to oir pollution than my hardy self, I \'an't ht lp but sympathiu• with them. U M r Horwy a nd his t ype th rive• on barbccuC' fu rnf'A , bully for th em! l..et them c npy tht'lr cullnory &rl in thd r own bac·k yard. Let tho1w of UA who prl'fl·r ti nd nct'd C'lc•an a ir to breathe havi' our pre•rognt1Vl' to do so. DAVID TATE Fuzzy thipking To thl' Editor: On your Nlltoriul pnlJt' of Sept. 21, you w rite. "Tht.• good nt'WR ls t hat wome n h Avc rc ul n t·c.1 cc1 ntrol u( th ~l r rC'productiw orRanR for anoth t-r y.-ar." The lint' wo11 in reference t o a nti· abortion lcglRlntlon In th~ ConlJrMS. Wt-It now! VNy few, J w o uld assume, w ou ld bc'.crudl(c a woman to <'XcrdM' t'OnttOI MAILBOX ovt•r hc·r re producttVl' organs. S hl' c<an. and has the right to p n •vcnt ronccpthm uny way sh e chOOSt.'S. It would, howev<'r. apprar to m il lion s o f Ame ricans. enclu dt n ll mvs('lf. th a t t here 1s a d ifference b e t w een "r e productive organs" and a distinct human life inside th e w o mb . The f e tus i s n ot a "reproductive organ." PERHAPS som e o f the fu uy thrnkmg ra mpant in our nation on this ub}C'('t would appear in a clearer light 1f those clamoring for the right to a bortion would ask t hemselves t his s1 m p l<' qut>stron. Suppose the situation were• rC'Vl•rsC'd and I WC'r<' the fetus Would l ~rant my mother lht• right to kilJ me:' ll 1s my conv1ct1on that cla moring for. and tolNallng a bortion s on the basis o f "convcniem·c" an the world today. 1s simply an outgr owth of a gen e ral dis regard for h uman lifl', that a lso m antlcs l~ llsc·lf i n wars, and o thE'r v1ok•ncl• We art• q uick to condemn with shc:x·k, IL~ WC' should . when we hear about mass slaughter rn other parts of the world, but forget that we ourselves as a na tion. have permitted the slaughter of sevC'rol milllon huma n beings by abor tion sint't' the S upremC' Court decision. Tha t 1s more than were killed by the atom ic bomb 1n l1 1ro15h 1ma 1rnd Nagasaki rombinl'd! It's time for tht• pot to stop c·alhng tht• kN t I<' black 1 MH JOliA NN SCHENK R ailroad trike To The Editor: PondC'ring the recent s trike by tfi C' locomotive engineers, we recall that the railroad union• had develo ped their unique fonna of le,allied extortion and feat her bedding w hile t h e pruent leadel'I of the UAW.and Teamattn were atlll In arade tehooll The railroad people reallied w het a powerful thrH t they ooeed over nearly eve ryone and they didn't he1ltate to throw their wel1ht around when ever th Ir demand• wer• prea1td . The" or l1 tn a ted the term ''d e mand• ' ln cld e ntelly. They utlllud the L" ltft tr-r-1 t ett .. I(_ TM 1'41M I•,.....,. i.t· t" \ II hi -· ., fl•l'lllN N llMt I\,_,... i..Hwt .. -,..,., .. 1._t Wiii .. t •vt!I .,tft•tflO All i.lltl, -ti 111 ...... ""''""" ........ 111,. ... "' ..,. _, _, .. wlll\Me• Oft I-ti ti ""fl(IOftt lff .. " tt ~ "9\ty •Ill "•I W ,...,"'"' l..t""'\ -f llllt I....,_. It~ Ntm• .,. .,..... 11..mtt1 or t!M ct11111t11ett-t1 M ti•tfl tt• ~tllll( t U8" __ , "confrontauon" method and were the pioneers. T he operation was conducted th ru the u se of so-called "w ork -rules" This inn0<:e nt-sounding designation actually ronstiluted the subjects to be bargained for. There must be a bookful of work- rules which have become a part of the ra ilroad pe rson s' desir es. A typ ical example has to d o with the busines.'I of taking a train from the G rand Central Station to Sunnyside yard in Brooklyn . A ccording to the condition s o f the "rules" the tram crews would receive a second full-day's pay for the run O n1• of t h t~ <'l'lebr ated c ases was whe n the Diesels su pplanted lhe steam locomotives. The fireman of course had no pnmary functJon but the B.R.T. had n o inte n tion of seein g the fireman d ropped from the crew. There was a lot o f wra ngling and l don 't know how the problem was solved. One idea was to call lhe fire man the "signal verifier " ... who checked reds and greens and called them off. The railroad u n ion s h a ve n e v e r exhibitt'Cl one iota of responsibility to the riding public and they will sh ut down li n e s a t the drop o f a h at. The ir techniques have been i.ealously followed by most pres e nt-d ay unions, even rncludlng the "teachers." Somehow , some time , the nationwide railroad strike must be eliminated. It is simply unthinkable for a small group to bring rommerclal life to a halt. While talking about railroads, a few weeks ago, we noted the pouibility o f buildlng a high -speed bullet train to run from San Diego to Los Angeles. One of the comrnenta on the prftellt strik e was that some 400 people would be affected on the Santa Fe run now operating from San Diego to L.A. Does lhia mean that th e $2 billion cast of the proposed bullet line will be:· t'nt.ered into to accommodate 400 passcng<'rs? We kinda doubt It! GENE PEARSON llllll• Couldn'' atorot Ju1t allahtly r educe overall prlre'i 10 we c:ould all do more '-on. tructlV!.' thlnp wlth our time lhan pl&y around wlth C'OU~nt? TlRED CLIPPER ...... , ... .-. ........... lit ......... .. --·tttt , ......................... , ......... ... ,.. .... 0-, ...... 1,...... . • •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •STAN DELAPLANE , Orange Co111 OAIL y PILOT /Tuoaduv OCl(.IUUr f) 1962 ' Faithful follower offers ·Tantra Yoga theory l)f:AH ANN LANDl'~HS Y1111 Wl'll' Wlllll~ wht•n you ..,.11d a t•ouµh· n1ultl 11111 d11 .111ythl11t( tu , prt'lll'h·rn111w l ht· M'X of tlwtr duld I am a faithful follower of T untru Yo~11 It t:. tht• ~1u1't'1 • 11I all truth Tunlro Yc11;(a tPm lw:o. 1h.1t th1• brl·Uth fluw ul a 1·oupl1• dun11g s1•x uul 1111t•1 t•11u1 :o.t• will dt•ll·rm11w th1· S('X o l tilt' d11ILI 11 1·mw1•pt11111 t.1kt·t1 pl,1t•c· tr tlW rn11IP hn•a tht•li I hrc>ugh tlw Pt-:Nl iA LA t11ght nu:111·1I) aud llw fl'111Ult· hn·;itht·:o. through llJA (ldt nostril). tlw 1·h1ht will he· 111:ih · 'fins 1111•u11s till' mall• mu~t bl' on his 11..•fl stdt• .1ml lht• fl•m.Jlt· 0 11 hPr 11gh1 s1dl· wht•n <.'On<.'1.·puon takt·"' pk11·1· l'h·.1-;1· 11011 · thflt th(• nustrtl rwxt tu the• pillow 11< ,,Jwuys out nf !'t1x·rul101'\ ut this tunt• Thi· t'Orrl"<.'l udvtn• should hJVt' lx'l'll. "(.'lw~:k yuur Sl'll. hah1ts a nti rt·v1·ro;l' 1h1·111 tf y11u w:i11t ;1 ~·litld uf anothl'r g1•ndt·r " HOS to: IN HOS EM .. :AD DEAR ROSIE : Far:, be it from mc to shake, a nyone's faith in Tantra Yoga. but a few questions c ome 10 mind tha t I'm sure m y reade rs mil(ht want Sagittarius: Be confident Wednesday, October 6 ARIES tM-.rc.·h 21 April IYJ You"ll h .. vl· opportunity to display urtgin.JI l'11m·1•pt~ and ahthty to pion1•l·r pro jcl·ts H<· la l1 vt·i:. n 1:1 kl· 11 u nwrous rL'CjUt•sts: maintain b;il;im·t-. sc·rnw of humor and sonll· dcgrl-t' of pnva<:y Mt•mlwr 11( 11pposrt1• ..,,.,_ lwlps you get tu hl·art of rn;1lll'I s TAURUS (Aprtl :W-May :W) follvw through on ftrsl 1mpn .. •ssions: famtly m cna l:x•r who trit·s to tx· hC'lpful could also bt.· m1sinfornw<.J H1•ly upon your own judgmt•nl, 1nlu1t1on Y11u'r1• o n brink of striking a favor:iblt· rinannng arrangl'm<'rlt W.1td1 Aquarius GEMINI (May :.t I June W J: WhCJt huct lx.•en a stormy period 1s transformc.'CI into sunny wt•o ther. C rrcumstant'C.-s twist. turn and you .-1rc Cl'll'brating rath<.>r than t'Ommist•ratmg. Anothc·r G C'mrm and a Sagittarius play s igrnf1t·ant rok-s ~ • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA CANCER (Jun e 2 1-July i:.n . Pt•riod of confinement is tempora ry. ull1ma te ly proves beneficial. Regain stre ngth , get SC't.'Ond w and C hc.oek source material. have rcforcnct>S available A very , Important person is In terested in your work and you'll soon know it. L E 0 ( J u I y :.! :J • A u g . 2 2 > . . B c a w a r C' o f mouvationaJ material. You get thing~ done through powers of persuasion. Individual who 1mtta lly resisted your efforts m uld now bc<.'Ome a valuable.• ally . Gemin i, Virgo. Sagittarius pe rsons play significant roles VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep t. 22): Major dom<.'Sllc change occurs: h ome and professional life• could temporarily clash. Key is diplomacy. w1lhngnt·ss to m&ke intelltgc·nt concessions. Focus o n aspirations. ambitions. incom e pote ntial and possib ility o f tJbtaininK a lucrative t'Ontract. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0c:l. 22): Abstract pranctples t'Omc into sharp, clear focus. S piritual valut-s arc emphasized . d istance and la nguage barriers a re minimized. A void s t'lf-decept ion. s treamline techniques. get rid of superfluous material P lan a head for journey. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ). Be cautious where money d ecis ions are concernt'd Indiv idua l who makes offer may lack authority and fund:.. Dig beneath surface indications -1( persistent, you get to h eart of matters and <.'Ould strike pay dirt Wa tt·h PiS<.'CS. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Ikc 21): You are fortunate enough to have touched upon a universal theme. Be aware. patient and <.'Onftdcnt. Spotlight on legal a ffairs. special rights and permission, publk relations, contractua l arrangements. \.\(atch An<'S. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Ja n. 19). Unorthodox proc.oedure gets job done. You could be asked to explain methods. Focus also on special projects, decisions arrived a t with dep<'ndents, health program and pets. Be direct, independent. w rlhng to pioneer a project. AQU ARIUS (Ja n . 20-f<'<'b . 181: Focu s on s peculatio n . travel. varie t y, ch arismii and cxcit<.>m e n t of a serious flirtation Jmprmt s tyle. regain sense of d1rcct1on, ma ke amends to family m ember for recent error o( judgment. Cant.'t"r and another Aquarian play key rolf'S. PISCES IFeb. 19-March 20). C heck Gemini message for valuable hmt Populnty ltwreascs. your id('as prov<' valid. superior plat·es stamp of approval. 0p<'n lint's uf communiC'ation. outlin<' immedinte nt'<'ds and start using an cxpcnsc at'l'Ount without fc'Clings or guilt .,,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna 8 each . I . . ~' I ~-·· ~ . 4V',;;;.;r. "Oh, we spilt up. He never took m , anywhcn> except tho•t' 'Som c thln 'n 1 Somc!lhing' taura n ta." a ns\\ \'rs lo. t'or cXllmpll': Whul if one or both partner~ huve cold~ und urc brcu1hlng throuKh their mouthlll't I could KO on, but I do wunt your h•Uer lo uppt•llf' In prln. t -und If I itet mud1 mun : t•xplldt. II won't. Thunk you for writing. 1>1':A 1t ANN LANl>t-:HS I krwv. I h,1d t11 w1 tit m v 111 ... 1 l1•l1t·1 111 An11 L.1111h·1s wh1•11 I n •ad lht· om· from th1• we•1•p111~ w11l11w who ll'IH 1wd 11l t1 •r lwr liw.h;1nd d1n l 1h;1t h1· h11d lx·t·n t'ht·<1ttng 1111 lll'r I "·" l1t1µp1l y 111ocr1 !I'd f<Jlo :1:1 y1·an. Two y1·111.., ag11 l dt:>t'llVt•J 1·d thjl lllY hu:.b;.11111 WllS 111vulv1·1I Ill an • .ft,111 th.11 h.1d h1·t;n going on four y1·111·:0. It Jll'arly ktlh·d 1111· I oflc•rt•d him a dtV(Jl"l'I'. hut Ill' u111 tl11w11 011 111, krwt•s urul IK•gged tn1· to ll'l h11n stay . I h· .,;1111 Ill' lov1 ·d nw .. 111d rll'<.'<ll'tl 1111' ;iruJ pr 11nl1""' nw un 1111 ltf1• of Olli grunckhild th.1l ht• would 111·v1·1 ,,.1• Lh\• woman ••M••lll I h·t htn1 1·1111 1111· 111to 1·rnl111l11111g our 11111rn.1g1• :rnd hav1· lt v•·d Ill lwll <'V1•r Sillt"I'. wond<·nng 1f Ill' ts ... 1111 '''t'111g lwt 1'111 .ilmost 11u1t• Ill' 1:1, hut I'm :ifrt11d 111 • .-.k (111 lt•;11 1"11 find out 11·~ It u1· Ma11y 111111·-. I h.1v1 w1,..h1 ·d ht would dro11 cfrud 11( ,1 h«>flrl 1111111 k '" : n1uld li ve· an pe•1w1· Th1·11 I r1·1·I guilty rnr "1 ... t1111g ... ud1 u 1h111g M v h1·ulth ha:. sufC1·r1•d Sonw Llu,vK I thank l'n1 l11,1 11g 111y 11111111 I f•·<'I llk1· a v1cllr11 J11d rt~·nt ii I h.111 li1•111" 111 th1:. JH1o;1t101 1 Wllt'lht·t or not you lw l11·v1• 11. An11, 1gnin·111we 11> IJl1s11. S1Rn nw SOJ!l(Y I KNl':W TOO M UCll IN CALll''ORNIA UEAll K .T .M .: If l'VH I rtcog•lzed • cundidstl' for professional help, you're 11. Run. don't walk, to a counselor and le i II a ll haag out. J>Jo;AH ANN LANDERS: My futher has th111 11d1l'ulou:. lhing about his hu1r. Evl.'ry night he g(){•s 11l111 llll' li.1throom w11h h1:. little St·tssors and diJ)ll, dip .... dtp!> It d rivf·N m ... nuL' wht•n I h1•ar him .., "11p11111g ;1w,1y . 111 :. lrntr II\ Vt•ry s hort but s ttl l h t' finds .... 11rn•th111g t11 trim t·v1•1'y s111glt· nll(ht of his ltft• S11111<· 111g hl:. lll''s at tl for <JS long a:. 45 minutcl\ Wh,11 ·:. tlw ntjllt•r with htm anyw;1y'1 FED UP GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Hoth vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • 843 <:;;i Q652 0 Vold +AK 10 9 3 2 WEST EAST •QJ 5 •J06 ~9 1:7 Jl0873 O KQ1073 O A J 652 +7654 +8 SOUTH •AK 972 <;:;> AK4 0 984 +QJ The bidding: South We1t l • Pa11 2 <;:; Pa11 3 • Pa11 5 + Pita Pase Pa111 North 2. 3 <;:') 4 0 6. EHt Pa11 PHI Pa11 PaH Opening lt>ad: K 1ng of v It is essential to keep con trol at the bridge table. Not just of yourself. but of Lhe hand. North·South did well lo reach slam on their perfectly fitting hands. but their bid ding was slightly orr target. Six clubs was by far the best slam contract-not even a 4·1 spade division would have disturbed that. f ortunately, declar er was technically equipped to navigate the treacherou~ shoals or distribution to land his spade slam. West led the king or diamonds. ruffed in dummy. Obviously, declarer needed a 3·2 trump division to land hit contract . However. he must avoid losing a t rick in diamonds as well. One way to play the hand would be to use a club and a heart entry to the closed hand to ruff two more diamonds. However. declarer would then have to return to haod to draw trumps. and a glance at the diagram shows that. regardlc-;s of whetht•r he tried to cross in hearts or clubs. he would run· into a ratal ruH. IWhen West ruffs a heart. he can give his partner a club r urf.I Another line is to draw two rounds of trumps and then hope that the defender with the third trump also has three clubs. Declarer can then play on clubs and disc"fd both his losing diamonds before the defendt>r ruffs. As the cards lie. this line succeeds, but it ts a VHY low prrcrntage way lo plny'the hand. The best line needs vir· tually only a 3·4! trump break to KCl home. Ueclarer r ufrs the opt'ning diamond a nd im medi11ll'ly leads a low trump from dummy and ducks in his hand! West wan s a trump trick. but thal ii. Lhe only trick for the derense. H West plays a diamond. there is still a trump in dummy lo handle that suit. Declarer can get back to hjs hand with a heart or club Lo draw two more rounds or tr umps. and he can then run the rest or t he tricks. Any other return puts declarer in his hand im· mediately lo draw trumps and claim. How do you ebMM tlte beet opealq load? Charlot Gen11 lla1 tlto u1wor. Fer a •'1 of "WlaaJq 0....-. Lo-41,.. ..... 11.ia te "Gora·Load1," earo of dih aow1papar, P.O. loa llt, Norwood, N.J . 07141. Mako dtock1 paya .. lo .. Now .. paporboeka. Birthday reflecti~ns S AN FHANCISCO ls Autumn really ht•rt,., Days getung shorter and bndgl' hghL-; t•nmtng on t•arltc·r? "A martl111 so early?" s h<' said. '"You know what tht· clot'lor said ·· · '"fh1.1t mumbo Jumbo fe llow in the' hor ror mask?'" l said "It'll bt.• a cold doy lw forc· r lc.•t htm !)(•at his drum.' ovc-r ml· again .. · I said. "h 's later than you 1h1nk Whl·rc··~ tlw ac.tt~·r· Wt• have· a b1rthduy mm1ng up Th<' pus....,.ng yc•ars didn't ftll m t• wtth v.1s<l11m hut I survtvl-d H lot o f foolishm·!\.'> Sh<' said ··What ktnd of c·<tkt• WtJuld you ltk<.•''" "THEY FILL YOU FULL OF ch oh 'Sh•rol," I s.,1d "Ar<.' you trying loshort<'n tht· twilight yC'.m;?" Birthdays are hl'll on womc·n They stare al thl'msdvcs an the bathroom mirror "Look hNe CIO&'ly. ls that a gray hair?" Sob. sob Th<• hc•a hh magazine where' I gN m y !lymptnm" (lat<.-st sympt11rns. fa<.·tory fresh) od vtscs n yc•arly c.·ht'<·kup "Whal 1)4·tll'r llml' to rt>mt•n1ht•r than on your birthday'!" W~ll . I c<in think o f many b1..•tt1.or llmt•s to r emember Ho w about Georg<.· Was hingto n 's birthday? Any day but MY birthday. That's ;1 d ismal timt' t1> gN a chcc·kup. for goodness sake. The doctor puts the c·uff on your arm . Pumps It up. Lis te ns. Says. "Hmmm .. A FEW YEARS AGO I hud u du~·kup Th,·y four'd I had a pcc·ultar sN of k1dn<.•ys Tlw m1'C11t· said pro udly. "Ftht•cn y<'nn; ngo wr didn't kt111w iJbout SUl·h kidneys T h e y te nd 10 produt:t· k1dn1·y stonc·s " I le was happy as l'OU!d lx• Gut out u µlasttc.· mod(') nf <• ktdm·y Pull<'d 1t apart :rnd showt•d mP Out th1 -. gave• me· a h<ippy btrthday"! Not so onyonc• l'ould notic.•c• It ,,_, .. ' • ~: -* STAii DE UIUlll AROUND THE WORLD "Octobc-r's c.·hild u1 born to w01•, "And life's vic:lss1tudl'.S must know ... I saJd: "Where did you put tht• vermou th?" ··Und1·r tht' sank." she sard M y g randfather didn't haw yearly cheekups. lit• went lo a doctor if he foll bad R('()lly bad It was rare when anv of us went to d octors ()(x·tors came to th(' hou5c then They fe lt your pul<;c•. c.vuntmg it o (( as on a vest pnckt.'t watch with a mwr that dtcked open Tht'y said· .. Open your mouth and say 'uh'." THEY LISTENED TO YOUR CHEST. Th<'y pul u hand on your OOl·k and lappc>d it with two fingc•rs. Thl'y said : "It's som<• of th<·sc• pesky gcrmi. going ::.round r ight now Gtv<' htm a dose of castor ml a nd k1..-t•p htm in lx-d a doy or so .. Th<'y d idn't know l had a p<'<"Uhar set of flll<>rs Mrdw;1l &'t<'n<'(' would not disc.:ovc-r me for y<.'ors to l"lln\t•. Happy birthday to me' Shi• sold. "What do y9u wont for ;J µr1•st•nl., .. I 'jflld "LN's jU~t go to a movie and hove• danm•r aftnw;1rd .. <Thl' birthday prC'SCnt l rt'rm•mber Wf1S a Rang«r brkc Arte r that il was oil dow nhill.) l don't thmk that's the• way h will hap pc>n I think I am Ml'tling a new living room rug for n b irthday pr<'sent . We're short one rug. Birthdays nrc· tcll•al t1mC:S to furnish o h01.1M,• "An· th<>r<' a n y olivl•s?" I 11a1d "In thl' lmthLuh."" ~ht• 11n1d "I'm cleaning t~w cupboards " • g ANN UNDflS AT I.> (J>U BlJ~UK IOWl\1 DEAR IOWA: Your futhn is gripped by an ob~l's:.ive compulsion. This psychologkal prob lcm I · cxtrt'mely dlffl<:ull lo ovcrcomt'. ll's dumh to be bugged a bout llOmetblng you cun't do a nything about, so gt·t oH It, Toots. f;1·1·11 11 tlnnk1111: '·' 1111• "111" 1l1111g 111 ("/11\l(/, II 111•1'(/ll 'I <'f"!llH/ l"(llJ <1111 l.t'.11 II lht· l1w11 Ann L.111t/1•r., · 1,.,,,J<Jc'.1, '"Hoo1.1• ,111(/ \'1111 '/'1•1•11 ii#('/",, 011/y .. 81·111/ ,',(/ ('l•fll' .1111/ ,J ,11/t/11•:.""' 1·t1l'1•/11p1 • lo 1\1111 I..u11/1•1\, 1'0 11 !1!1:1. (. 'hw.11:11. fl/ fillli 11 POT SHOTS BY ASH LEIGH BRILLIANT MY BODY IS DUE FOR. EVENTUAL DEM OLIT IO N , e.u-r M Y SOUi... \ Ill/ I r.w '·' Joi1r ""'" /JcJA I~ STILL 1-00KtNG ' F"OR. A NEW H O M E EIMA IOMIECI AT WI T'S END Seeking fun her gallle I've:-mad1• up my mind . rm not ~111ng w pu1:.u1..- a n y sport unlll I ~-c· one wh\•1 t• tht• part1npanL' look happy Hight orr tht· bat. you 1.111 1·1tmanatt-.ioggang. )'£1('h1tng, football, baskt·Llwll. l"ar 1"ow111g basdJ;,ill. Wl•tghl lifting. golf. bowling. hrn wh;.ll'k riding. sk11ng and ll-11111~ I was all prrm<-d t11 :.t;.trt p laymg .1 ltltl(· 1 .. nn1' ug<11n wht•n I watc h1·d thl' US Op1•11 te·11111), 1·ham p1nns h1p a ft·w Wt'l•k:. a~o Thi· g;1nw 1•111kd <And tht· 1·am1•ra follow1·d a lorw frgun• as he• w1p;·d tlw swt•al out of h1:. 1•v1·s. lumh1·n·d 1>Vl'r to wh1•n · 111-. rnt·kt'L' W<.'r<'. µ1tkc-cl 1h1•m 11p and w.ilk1·d -.111\\ h Ofr tht• t'llUrl I LOOKED AT HIS TORTl1RED Lit<· .ind h1-. l'mpty c.•yes lie• looktod ltk<' .1 man\.\ ho h.1ct JU!>I le fl hom1• without ht~ Amr·rw~ul Expn·,i. l.lld And hl· was lht• w1 nn1·r The.· loSC"r vou dtdn"t want to st·f· Oh. sun·. ttwv talk .1bou1 d ru111w1 ·, .. high."" hut ha!-1mvon4'• <•vt-r ·Sf't·n ollt'01 Tlw do-;c..,L I e•vl'r '-1" wa-. .J marathon runnc·r who~·""'" ( ,11111• until d .11 19 malr-s I thoug h• thr· 111,111 w.1.., gi1111g 111 fJtnt lrw1\ 1•xh1lorat1un Sport:. <Ht' supµo:.1•d lo lw fun I n ·ad th.it somewlw n · E.spt.·t·lflll ~ \\ ht•n \ou wrn, hul 1h1·\ don't M'•·m to lw Compt·ttlnm. p11 ·,-.un · and lug bm·ks havt• tvrm·d mn~t .1rt•n;:1:. 111111 .1 third at l u l llamh•l I warH tu parlw1 1~11t• 111 a ~prn I wlwn· you l'<lll stop .1ny11nw .rnd say. "Cuuld \\I' p11 k t his UJ.l i.lg.11n tomorrow:' l'Vl' got to p11·k up 111:-1 It .111ang ht•f1111 th1·vd1~" · I wa nl c1 sport th1.11 t'lin Ix• pl.1yt·d tn ph·a~.11H w1o;1lh1•r. Is that ;iskin!( tno rmwh'' Or d111•.; ti .tlw.iv' h.1v1• tn Ix· '<ltl)kl11g hut ur f1·1>t•1111g 111ld"' HOW ABOltT A SPORT whi·rt· y11u 1-.111 dn-i-' c·uw and kid around with th<.• Spt'<.'Wt11r-." ti gt•t rl•al d<'prPsscd wht•n a tC'nnti:. pluy<'r tum.; 111 ;i Im~· Judg1· am! s.,ys. "Whut'' sci funny" It":. your foult I m tw11 µi11n t-. down '") And tf it's not loo fttud1 troubh'. rd ltkt• Ill pl;1y a ~port thbl cf1)1..•s n'1 hav1• an 1•nwrg1•111·v Vl'h1d1• with a ~-d c.·ross on the• s1d1· .ind bor<·d ::.tn·l~·h,·r-l>t-.111•1' waiting for .;ornl'lhin~ to h.1pp1.•n J,11·1 tht·n · un) sport wht•n • you d on 't gt•I .1 hh:o.tt·r "1111c·wh<•rc·" I'm hegannang to have• Sl'rtllUs douhl~ ahoul h ow Amt•rka p la ys I know y11u :.1•1· a 1111 nl SJJ11rL'>m1·n who luugh ovc•r u m id l':Hl 11f ~usw of1t•1• a gumr'. jump tn the.• lake• nftt·r n :m root pull. h·.1p tht• m•l a(lt'r u c:ross-c·o urt shol, or do a hllll' dun<.'t' 111 llll' c•nd zone'. hul tha t's bt.'t·ausc• at':. all ovt•r Th1•rc> JUS1 shnulcln't bci tha t nllll·h sorro" to l't•l('brnte ' ~o age limit for anti-hypertensive pills DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: And a c hild ahlll lud them? Our youngster, a lawyer aged •O, Is telling US not to take /illl for OUr hlJh blood preuure . ''Too many bl rt1ctlon1 In old people." be says. "flow about you?" we asked. Why do you take antl·br.perttn1lve pills for your preuurt?" "BecaHe I m yoan,," IH! said. The nerve! We're only 15 e~ch Hd bes putt1n1 hit "old" mother and dad out to pu ture. Our question Is this: Are we really too old to take pills for hypertension? Wt didn't think there la an age Umll for the new m edlclnea. Although we know that a low 1odlum diet It 1omulmu effective, we'd feel heller If we were a lso allowed to take the pills. Our doctor 1ays okay, but oar on H)'s NO. -MR. & MRS. 8 . OF.AH Mlt & MNS. B.: Your "child" t~ru.lnly l!I lt•udlnf( you -by your rl'11f)C~·liv1· llOl'K'I. en,~ gut'S.'S. Whom ithould y11u ~ll<•V<'. y(')\Jr 11e>n or your tlol·tor? Be tter inform ~our 1100 thot t-ldl'rly JOUI HIAlTH DA. PETER J. STEINCAOHN hy1x.·rtt•nsivct1 Cttn t.uk c medito.atlon . ,Jo~or cxamph·. Stl'V(•n J . Pclt~mun. M O ond collea1uu of Phllod<'lphla. In o r(.'port ap~r1ng In Th<' Journij/ of Anwrimn CknarrlC' Soc:h>rv wrlll' that t'kk'rly h ypt•rtc nslvu can be trcatiod. cU~•ually with mcdit'attnns. One clink val\)att>d how p11Uenta o f 72 mc.•un ugt• rf'll{'ted t.o trNomc.•nt comparc.>d to• lf'OUP or nwnn •RC 45 or unde r. 'l"h<'N Wat thto Amt' ll'wl or llUl'\.'t'U In t'ach croup. Tht n.-.ttht"n alflO nott>d tha t fotntrl<'llS, dluinH.• and dru• to•6lily went no mor<• <.'Ommon In tht' 1•ldl•rly . Show thlt to your ton. Mr nnd Mrc 8 Pt•rhops,.hl''ll be> willing to lei you join htm 111 taking ontl-hypt•rtNl~w prlls 0£AR DR. STEINC ROllN: Docs morphlnt h ave the u m t effect on youn~e r a nd o lder patlent11? M y daughter had a 5CVH e Injury some month• a110 and require d morphine. An a unt of .. int who aarfen from pain In ('ancer ls ltept comfortable prac tlcall)' a ll day by ont lnjtc tlon. My dauibter needtd several Injections when alle was lahf up. How do you a ccounc ror that? ... MRS. L. UF:AR MHS . L .: Mud1 dcpt>nchc upon thl' 1 lnlt·~sil V ur lh(• pum In f'IK'h pl'lit•nt And tht•n, ~OU I dnn t know ttw d osngc Your uunt may huvt• "'\"'l\'l'Cl IL'I mU<·h In one.• dose n11 ~our dnughtl'r did I In l'l.'Vc.'ral lnje<·tlons. But lt'l'll SUJ>JK>SC' the pain w uic I 1dmllur in l'll<.'h ll'H ofwu trut' thot 1xiin rt'lief dc.1t•<1 huu l1m1itl•r In lht• t'l<h·rly oflc·r µnlll l'Untrolltntt druJ( P"m•nts 70·8~ Vl111t-c have• lunRt•r rl'hi'I mmpott'tl to ntht•r OR<' ~rt)UJ)~ On1• t'XJ'llnmctlon 1s lhut morph111 · 111 t•ltmmnkd fmm tlw i.y11wm mor"t• slowly ltl th,• 1•ldl•rly. _______ .. ·.....,:....,- Oremo CUHI UAll v Pl~OI /luowdoy, Octobu1 !), 1062 .. l>EAU 1n:Al>ft:HS T hl· Bur t•U U 11,I 1<:11·l·L1 c>11H' uud ApµlrurH't! H(·1.u11r hui. a 111111u 11t·t•d u i o duy 11usp1 ·n""" .111d ye·nr prol11H1u11 of lilt' lt·l1•v1i.11111 n •11:11r s h o p n •.l(rstrullun ht•ld lly Nutha11 um Jt•urll'llt• Murst• of Yorbo l.111clo '1'1•ll·v1s1u n ~h·rvu·1·, !Ulili!I Yorbu Landu Blvd , Ynrlm Lindo Tht• burt•uu blanu•d two s hop t•mployt>es, no w ~onl', for tlw probh'mi. l1·odmg to tht• rlrsdplinary ac·tion Undt•rruvc1· 1nv('Sllg~tions h y Stolt• <l.l(l'lllS llldll'lll{•d Ulltll'('t'SlWl'Y parts 1•1•plat'l•rm•1ll, diurg1·s for rl'plttl't•m l'nt parts not msWlll'<i, uml r1•plut't'<.I part..' no t rl'tUrnt'<I 111 the• l'Ui.to11wr lll'I n.oqulrl'<l IJy liJW Tht· burt•uu offt·rl'I tht'S<' prt't<.1ut111n~ f11r t•onsum l'rl't to lak1• wh1•n dt·al1ng with hus1ncssl'S lhJl n•pu1r homt· l'll'l'lrunll' l'tfUlpnwnt or muJOr hmm• applianl'f'!>. G!'l u wnth•n l'!>llmah· uf total l'h argt'l'I bdor<• authonzin~ ;m y re pair S tudy .md kt'l'P th<· d1·tc.11kd 1nvo11·1· thul tlw St.·rv1t·1· dt•ult·r mu~t pruvadt• afl<'r tht· n ·pmrs urt· t'Ompll·tt-<l K <'l'P tht• l'<'pb1·1·u f>'ll'L'> thilt thl· d l•alt•1 as n.·4u1n'l.f lo n •turn (but nott· thut p<1rts sold on an l'Xl'h <.tngl· l);JSIS lll't •d not Ix-rl'lUl'nt'<.i) Thl•n, af you havt· a 4tu-!it1un or complaint about t•lt'<.'tnm1t· 111 :tpplaanl'l' r1·1.n11r. wntt• or call th<· Burt·au uf J<:lt'l·trontl' anu Appham·t· Repair. 909 S ~t . Sal·rurnt·nto 95814 (phom>. (!:JI Ii) 445--1751 ). T hi· µhom • numbt·r in Los /\ngl'll'S IS (2 l:J) fi:l0·4 l:l:l Magazines delayed DEAR PAT: A young man came to a\Jr door Ja n. 12. lie was sell ing magazines to Jet a trip to Europe. I s ubscribed to Cuis ine m agazine and m y $28 check was cashed Jan. 1$. So far, I haven't re<•elved the magazine. nor are my lette rs to Summit Clearing House acknowledged. D.R .• Costa Mesa T ht• Houston Bl'lle r Business Bureau reports that Summit C IC'arrng House 1s going out of bu~llll'SS du<· tu tht• owner's death rn Mny How<•vc•r. a bal·kt•r of lh<' dC'anng house• has formc'<l u Mmtlur l'ompany l'alled S ummit Pu bl as hC'rs Servin'. w h1c h rs a ltC'mpllng to satis fy c1ll non-dt•lavc·ry l'Omplaints fro m unfllll'<l S ummit Cll':mng Huus..· orders. Send the details or your order. includrng proof of payme nt. to the• Hous to n Be tter Business Bureau. P 0 Box 7499. Houston, T exas 77248. The· BBB will fo llo w up o n yo ur complaint :ind cont.at'! you pc..•N>Onally Start Being The \\bman lbu Want to Bel lbke 1-11 IUIOI '°'' tw111~1 11c11nt1 Cill or COiie todir 101 i COJIPh•uliry uatrS11 ind 91oiri11 d1sc111t0n A \'S add' .1 \\1t1tl nl 1 .111111111 1111 .111\1111 .. wla11 'illb:-<•11ht•:o. \11 u 111o1.c1111111• 11 11111 ,1 d1~11 In dtit>I .. 111t·'I>"'""" l'11y1111•11t ,111 n1ld ,,1.,.,,,v, 1 .. by d11't·k niud1· t>ut tu lh1· 1·11111p.e11\. 111ot 1 .. 1111 ~·l'Jo>IJll ... 1·11111.c I ht· 11111u;1111u· N1 ·\'1·1 I'·'" t .e~h ll '" llOl Ulll'ClllllllOll 1111 "l11 11kt·,...·· lo k1·1·p 1·a ... 1i puy1111•11ts 111• l'llhll 1'111·ck1' 111.1d1· 11111 IP 1111 111 :ind 11111 tur·11 111 tlw m 1tJ(t1111w •>rdt•1 S pa brt><•l111rt• u Vll ilu blt• l>l::AH IU :ADJt:H s 'l'lw Slllllh ('11 .... 1 diaµt1 ·1 of Nut11mt1l SJ.JI.I & Poul l11s t11u11· tr .. .... publashl•d a ru·w brndiua 1 • to as. .... st c•1111su1111·,... tn sdt't'llllK a11d making dt't'l'>t1in11 1111 a pool 111 l'lfll.I l:ontn.Jt'lor Thi· brudiun · potntl'I fllH ).411111· uf tht· pr11l1h·rni. an l>t'l'u111111~ ;111 owrwr hu1ld1•1 ;md f.(IV<'l'I a la!>! of qu1•st1unl'I for l'onsu1111·1 >-to ask potl•ntaal t·ont1'i1t'lttr' A f 11•t• t•opy t ;111 I~· rl•quc•stc•d by wntang 111 J udy Du1·hl•,111· ;11 N8 PI. 7Ci0 T uwn untI Country Hu:ul < >1 ;111g1· 9l lit:il:I. ul by ph11111111-{ tt:H H:!l-1 Disabled skie r invite d DEAR P AT: Someone told m e you bad publl1bed the names of a number of ski c lubs for pby1lcally handicapped people. Would you r epeat tbl1 Information for me? P .L., Costa Mesa The fo llowing ski groups fur di11abl<•d persons were liswd in "A<'<'ent on Living" magazin e : H ui O'Leary Winte r Park Recreational Association. P 0 . Box 36, Winter Park, Colo. 80482; Blind Outdoor Leasun· Development, 533 E. Mam S t .. Aspt'n, Colo 81611 ; Kit:k the· Handicap Lc<.irn to S ki. 6832 Marlette Road, M arlC'llt'. Maeh 4845J: 5:l Association, 44 I Lexington AvC' , New York, N .Y. 10017; N a tio nal lnt·on vt>nat•n cc·d Sportsman's Association. 3738 Walnut Aw . Camuchae l, Calif 9~1:108. and UnrtC'd S tates Deaf S kiers Ass0<·1at1on, 159 Davis Ave· .. Hackt•n...ac·k . N J 07ti0 I. • (;ot ;i prulJ/1•m" Th1·11 wr111· 111 • 1 PM I lorow11z Put w1ll l 0UI n'<.l lllJX'. - g('lting th(• .ins w<•t:, ;me/ <Jt'tum _YCJU -fJ(•t•d LO :.ul vt.• 1'1 l'(/Ulllt.'S 1n government ;md bu.-;1111•!>.!>. M.ul yow qut'stwns to Pat Horowitz, At Your Scn·1t't', O.·ang1• Coo.st Datly Pilot, P 0 Bw.. I .'>tiU. Cmt;i M<'s:.1. CA. 92026 . Cal: 101 free 1nlo1111i11on ORANGE COUNTY J TOWN I COUNTRY. ORANGE (714) 547·8228 JERRY LEE ·LEWIS' PIA ''The Killer'' PERS £1iqible CllY & STATE EMPLOYEES: The Choice Is Yours~ \bu c.an IJCl&' for~ aweaage, or )W can JOID FHP. BENEFITS Ho,p1tal Services OfftCe Visits Diagnostic X·ray Laborator y Examinations Outpatient Prescnption Drugs Preventive Dental Care Deductible FHP PL AN PAYS lull cover,19P foe unlirn1tt'd nurnbc•r o f day\ YOU PAY not hing PLAN PAYS 100"• YOU PAY 11othin9 PLAN PAYS 100°0 YOU PAY nothing PlAN PAYS 100°0 YOU PAY nothing PLAN PAYS 100% YOU PAY nothing Pt AN PAYS fo r annual full mouth X rays c1nd e~c1m1nC1 t1om for all members YOU PAY nothing PL AN PAYS fo r clec1ning and toptldl appl1cat ion of fluoride fot member\ undt.'r age 12 YOU PAY no1h1ng Nont- ILUE CROSS/ BLUE SHIELD PLAN PAYS 90°0 of \em1 private room rcHe for fttSI SSOOO, 100°0 thf'rt-alter up to 365 day\ YOU PAY IO"o o f ftr\I SSOOO PLAN PAYS 80°0 .. of c.overed charges YOU PAY 20°0 PLAN PAYS 80"o •• o f covered charges YOU PAY 20°0 PLAN PAYS so• ... o l covered charge\ YOU PAY 20% PLAN PAYS 80"o ·• o 1 covt.'red c hil!ges YOU PAY 20°0 Not prov1d t>d **After S150 per person d educt ible, the plan p<1ys 80°·0 of the fmt S2SOO in covered service\ cJnd 100•,.. therecJ fte1 ecJch calendar year INA PLAN PAYS 80~o o f hosp1t.tl ch.trge\ for f11st 10 ddyS, 100•,. thereafter YOU PAY 20"·• lor f11\t 10 days YOU PAY SS each v1s1t YOU PAY SS each Vt\tl YOU PAY SS each Vl\11 YOU PAY S2 SO charge fo r each prescr1pt1on (up to one month supply) Not provided None ' All PERS El191ble Employee\ 1n Orange County and Southern l .A County I h1Homp•1t\OI\ I\. \urnm .. 1y ol lhf benrl1h o ffered by t!ddl pl•n Comull your 8 C!nt'flh Off•c•• for full dtt••h on other pldn\ c .. 11 f HP dl .ll l 419 24 7) t!•I SOO 01 714 898 H 16 e•C SOO 101 lu rthu 1nform•t1on on ou1 ben11f1u •nd u>rvteel Not only tha t, but your account is serviced absolutely free. You can write as many checks as you like and nl'VN pay a service ch arge. •Appearing Sat., Oct. 16th ot CHINO DOWNS• To celebrote, KU( -'M in ossociotion with COLTON PIANO & ORGAN wont to give everyone o chance to see JERRY LEE ond quolify to win the SCIW:E~4SOJ'l.S piano JERRY LEE will ploy. Huntington Silving-. lo.now~ how to treat a m.•ighbor. We call it No-Strings Checking, because there's no minimum balance required. No service charge. And stiJI you get 51/•% interest compounded dail y o n every dollar. Isn't that the kind of checking accou nt you want, too? \ For yo.K <hone• at FREE TICKETS fil 04/t HH• <~ and moil to: llLLll'S PIAIO, 111-f M • l City llwtl. l•st, 0r .... tJMI Entrlft """'bi. r~wd by Thvr1., Oct. 14th r---, :;;;-,;-w:-•kk•~;: =JaR¥ m TE Wis& :i'nh7.;;;:;-- --, I N~ I I I I Addf•n I I City Stot• Zip I I PhOM I L----~-------------------~ No matter how little vou hav(' in your checking account On any giVl'n day, yo ur money w ill :-till earn 5 1/.ao/o interest. fn HUNTINGTON l.aJ SAVINGS ~~~:.ON .. Tue1d1y, October &, t982 THICIAITUDTHICDINTY BU SINESS ENTERTAINMENT COMICS Guns: Learning how ••• ID case the need • arises By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of ttie De11r ,... ltaff Paul Patrich , a moonlighting junior high sch ool teacher, takes a break from his sandwich to st'll some handgun ammunition to a quartet of customers. On e o f the men 1s L arr ) Crandall, a priyate mvc•stigatur from Founwin Valley. He leaws the gun shop, strides down u walkway and stops at one of 25 firing stations. cond1 tionmg-heotmg t·o mpany supl'rv1sor from Fountain Vallc•y, 1s volunte't'flng his lime to lt'at·h & hunting and fi rearms safe t y class. Tht• California Dc•partmcnt ol Fis h and Game requires firs t t1mt· hunting licen84.' apphcant.8 tu att('nd th•~ l'ight-hour class. In a grassy area outs1dl· tht· dassruom scve•ral m<.•n arc· talking A po pular to pic these· days 1s Propos1t1on 15. a gun control in1t1at1vc that the mt•n t r 1 t 1 c· 1 z e a s u n f a i r a n u unwor kablt•. ---..... ~- 84-5 86 87 Felicia )etf•1· i.~ 011(• of f ot11· ' lr1111ge~ i11 llu.• 11ig l11 ' 011 'Ni~l1twatt·IJ.' ... />agt .. Bil. D ·o Delly Piiot Pfloloe by CIMlrin llerr H e s lips prot ective sound mufflers over his ears and rums h is revolver al a black and whitt· bulls-eye target. Crandall ha!- never had oc-casion to fire on the· job, but he wants to lx• prt'part'C.I At an adjacent firing station. Garde n Grove polic:e o ff1 n·r Glenn Overly is teaching h1!- girlfrie nd how to s hoot. Then · are guns in her hoUSt'. and he would pre fer that she be able tt use them properly, rathe r than be afraid of them. It 1s a n averagt> Sa turday a fternoon at tht• H u ntington B ea<:h P o l1 t·c O ffi cers Association Pis tol and Rifle· Ra n ge· T h e firing ra n ge 1s locall'd off Gothard S treN m·ar Huntmgton Centrnl Park. just around thl' t'Orne•r from the t·1ty'!> central library Guns are kt·1>1 in l.eanne <.:all's houst• a nd sh e wants to h a ndle tht'm prorwrly, not hl' ufraid of them. Around the corner from th« firing sta tions 1s a classroom In side, Dave Nickerson, an air Its p a t ron s r<.ing e lro m firearms sporting enthusiasts to men and women who a r e conce rned about rising crime ratt•s. Th(• facility 1s one of thl• few plac:c:s in Orange County With targe ts 25 yards away, the public firing range attracts 125 patrons per weekend. Emily Wilgu1, Ursula Gries and Abbie F oreater wht·rt' pnvat<• t·1t1w ns can le•gally pr;.ll'lll't' the us..• of handguns and nflt·~. "Wl·'rc· trying to gt•t thl• publw tu come· ht•rl· mstt·ud of going out to shoot in thl• dt·st·rt. wht'rl· they might acc1dcntally hit somront'," explums Huntmgton Beal·h poht't' offit·cr Gil Coerpcr. Th<.· polict: offit ers assodauon osx·m~d the range• in 1972. ll•a!>mg the: property from the city for $1 a year. The rac1 l1ty is opcr<ill'd on a non-profit basis There an• SC'pa rate shooting ar('US for the public and for la~ off1t·<.·rs Memb<>rs or mort' than 40 agc:m:1es. ranging from local po lice o fficers to s ta te game wardt•ns to FBI agents to military polit't!, use the private section for firearms quahf1catlon tests. T he public firing area. with targets positioned 25 yards away, attracts perhaps 125 patrons per weekend, fewer on weekdays. A rE'<:'t!nt slowdown in a ttendance is blamed on preva iling economic problems A $4 chargc permits a patron to shoot all day Gunfire is louder than a "KoJak " viewer migh t expec:t , a nd f1r1 n g rang e customers are rc.oquired to wear protective ear covers (They can be rcnte•d for $1 ) Thc fmng range gun shop sells lC'ss expensive re -lo aded ammunition. (A new projectih· and powder are matched with a previously used brass casmg.J Popular 38-t·alibe r re-loaded ammunition st•lls at $5 50 for 50 rounds. Safe t y rulc·s are s trit'll y enforced , and police associauon ofhdals say there has never been an shooting at·c ide nt on th(' Huntington Beach range. "If someone starts firing fast like a cowboy. we put a stop lCI that quickly." says rangemasler P aul Patrich . Indeed, the people using th(• range this day fi re their w eapons tn a calm, serious manner. No cine h l're is trying to p lay "Dirty Harr"." LR~nne Call. the woman who 1s bt•1ng coached by her bovf11 c nd. off -duty o fC1 cer Ovc·rly, says sh e is not nervous about firing a handgun. She says sht· wouldn't hes1tat<· to fire a t someone w ho w as thrt'a te ning her childre n . but contends she 1s not paranoid t·oncrrning cnmt• Call says th(• main reason she is here 1s that guns a rc kept m her h ouse and she wants to be able lo handh• them safely. Private investigator Crandall says his job sometimes requires that he carry a gun "I do a lot of work on murder· (See GUN RANGE, Page 83) Hoag Sandpipers do it up right By VIDA DEAN Of the D .. 11 _..lot 11•" N o w th a t was the wa y shopping should be. First, the manager gree ted you o n arriva l a nd a tall handsome man in ·a &cfcater costume openc.-d the door for you after the valet service had whilked your car away. Once inside. attract ivel y dreased wome n welcomed you and gave you a list of the Items for aale while the C hapman College Choir sere naded you ; you w ere elK'ortcd to the sale PARTY WRAP area on the lower level where table after table or rood and drink was act up for your plf•asure. That's the way it went at the black lle lund-ral!er. "Tradition of an Engllah Hunt," at.aged by t h e San d p i p ers o f lioag Memorial Hospital Preabyte rlan and BuUbck'a at the South Coast Plaza departmen t store. Proce<'d l from the gila (See HOAG, Pace Bl> After buying or renting gun . a mmunition a nd ear protector" from the range s hop. partici pant~ in hunting a nd c firearm classes hit o r m os tly mi~s the bull s-eye~. Debbie Hosan, Allen Hou er, Jane t Sawyer and "Beefeater" Gary Guthrie Bl , Orange CoBlt OAILY PILOT/Tu 1day. October&, 1982 • • • Sandpipers ·of Hoag Hospital celebrate with f undraiser • .. 'rom f>ul(t' HI 1•v1•11111~ Will go 111\.\ ,11'd 1o llll Ylllt( t'lfUlp llll'l\l W imp111v1· 1lw l'o1111n1· (l'orky) F!lk11ur1 Simulu111r Hoon1 111 thl· H11llt11111111 1·11 .. rnpy (~·ntt•r ul ll1111M Tiii' "suit•" 11t•ll11'1 w 1•1'1• uvtuluhll• 111 11ih·111 011d - llv1..• uuct1uns. 'l'lw 11111g llsl ul llt•1111'1 l'Ullf(l•d I l'Olll gift t'l'f'tl f1l'Hh· for n hair i.ly h· to fobulm1l'I fun1. jt•wclry und vucut1011 ln ps, .. Ne w Sandpipers Miche le Vaughan, left, and Karen Whita ker Dr. Ric ha rd Agnew, wife Katharinf' FASHION CALENDAR Fernando Pena· appearing at Saks SAKS : DesignC'r Fernando Pena will be at the South Coast Plaza stem' through Wednesday from noon to 3 p.m . His fashions w ill be informally modeled NEIM AN-MARCUS: On Friday. JO to 8 p.m . designer Helmut Kleir1 will be in the men's store. F LAM I NGO: LingC>rie a nd loun gew e ar preview, 2721 E. Coast H igh way, Corona q el 'Mar on Wednesday. 11 a .m. to 2 p.m . and Saturd ay, 10 a .m. t.o J p.m . ROBINSON'S: Fall trends w ill be modeled in the Newport Beach Lido Buffet T hursday from 11 a.m. t.o 3 p.m . NORDSTROM: Ralph Lauren Polo fashion s for all ages w il l bC' shown during a 7:30 p.m .. Thursday show in the Sou th Coast Plaza store's Individualist Sportswear Departmen t. On Oct. JO from noon to 2 p.m . Lauren intimate appare l will be modeled. BEDWETnR LET THEM HAVE A DAY BED ~.-. ... -.... , ... -.... ·-----... ·-·· -.-. .. -.. --,.-·----·-......... -tt .... -........... =. ..... · -·--"-"'· .. ----_,_.,..,...._, __ .e. .. ~._ .. _ .... -. ·-...-..... " .. ---~-r..-.... .,..,.,_,., _____ .......,.. "Equ11/y Effectlv11 for Adv/ti" Morl• thu11 :rrn 11111•111h•cl tlw 1•v1•111 pl11111wd liy 1lw :ill-rn1•m bN Su11d pl/ll'r'I, Alll'll ll11wwr, w111r1· mur11.1 6't'r, und C11 ro I tum ph n ·ys. d 1 l'l'l' lor ot' . publkfty •nd fo14 h l1111 Tht· S1indp1pL·r rnmmlth''' 11wlwfrd Cund y J1wkson and 1hc M mt•s. Thumw .. Hah·y. Rodrll'y Morris, David El(glt•sto11, Jomes l logun and Churl1..o:; Wilglls. ------------- A prn·t11111 111 tlw .h·w1·I ('11urt out1ml1• Bull111·k'11 Wll!i rop1•d orr for' d l nl11~ 1uhlc·11 ond l lw Pl•lt•I' I >u1·hl11 O rctw11tr11 wlwrt• gu1•11t.K tciuk 11dvu11Lugt· of tlw dum·1•11 bh• mwd1· hl1d lilt• llVl' 11u1·t11111 1•11ntlt1!'ll'd by IV1t-lvl11 C llh•r 11nd h o• mwtion Mtorr, w hu do11au•d lht·1r tlnw . Among lh mll' a tk ndlng Wt•n · Mr. und Mn; Gl'IJrgt• Hoog, Dr. Hk·hard und Kath11rim• Agnl•w , Ur. und M n1 D1101~ld Whllllktor , the• Churlt·s Vuughn11. t i cUf'Kt' t:lkourl, 1tw P1·t1•r i"un .. •11lc•1i-. U111ulu Or11·11, t lw lw1IJ Suwy1·r11. 1111d Potr ll'111 1>11rnl'll Otht•no lndud1'(.f Q 111d y < '11111pb4·ll, ll11· Rkhurd f~mdhl'irm. M r 1111d Mr11 . .l11h11 l'ut11ll'l1 , Mr. 1111d Mrs Hoy Kovuc'S (l lP'K 1lw 1ww 1111111au1•r of llw N1•wp111•t Marriott ), tlll· M1d11ic·I G1·1·111g1t (he'll prPsidc•n t of Jloug's 55:.! Club). Dr :md Mri. Hi1tx•r 1 S hap1 w und M r und Mrs Ttiom;1s Wli111· ----- Come see the most beautiful Christmas store in all the world Cosmetics Make-Up Facial Skin Care Waxing Consultations Hau Styling Manicures Silkwraps Pedicures 50dCmt?lau OPEN TODAY '•· 10-6 W4r®rigi11al ~riatmn11 ~ore FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Scalp Treatments Electrolysis MaSSlige 3333 Bristol Srrcct Costa Mesa, C..lif. 926 26 (714) 549-JOJO Shop Monday thru Saturday 10 'til 6; Sund~ys 11 'til S C tlltJ •' •t •..O..Oa fOIAC.COCQ Warnin g: Th e Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoki.ng Is Oangerou~ to Your Health. - NOW SOFT PACK FllTfR. MENHtOL I mq "tar". 0.1 mg. nicotine. NOW SOfT PACK rill I A 100\ MLNTHOL IOO's 2 mq . tar" 0 2 mg nicotine, SALEM ULTRA UGH TS. ULTRA llGmS IOO's. 5 mg "tar". 0 4 mq n1co11ne. VANTAGF ULTRA LIGHTS, ULTRA l IGlllS lOO's. ULTRA LIGHTS MEN!ttOl. UURA LIGHTS MENTHOL lOO's 5 mg "tat", O.~ mg. 111co11ne. SAUM SLIM LIGHTS H mq "1ar". U 6 rno nicotine. MORE llGHTS lOO's FIL TEA, MENTHOL 8 mg. "tar", 0.7 mq. nico11ne. CAMEL LIGHTS HARO PACK. SALEM LIGHTS. VANTAGI MENTHOL. rtl HR 1 OO's. MF NTUOL 100's: 9 mg. "1ar", 0.7 mg. nico11ne, SALEM LIGHTS lOO's 10 mq. "tar". 0.8 mg. n1co11ne. CAMf L flllfRS. SALEM KING· 15 mq. "tar". 1.1 mg. mco1me. MORE FILTER. MENTHOL 11 mg. "tar", 1.4 mg nicotine. av oe1 c1qa1e11e by FTC method. OORAL II FILHR, MENT HOL. WINSTON ULTRA LIGHTS, 4 mg. "tar", 0.4 mg nicotine. WINSTON·UlTRA LIGHTS 100's 5 mg "tar". 0.5 mg. mco11ne. CAMEl llGtHS. 8 mo "tar", 0 7 mq nicotrna, VANTAGE rtl TER 9 mg. "1ar", 0 7 mg. nico11ne. WINSTON LIGHTS 11 mg. "tar". 0.9 mg. n1co11ne, CAMI L I IGHTS 100\ WINSTON LIGHTS 100's 17 mg. "tai". 0 9 mg. n1co11ne. WINSTON lOO's 14 mq. "tar", 1.0 mg. nicoune, SALEM 100\ WINSION KING 15 mg "rar", 11 mq. ntco11ne. WINSTON BOX: 16 mg. "1a1".1.1 mg. nico11ne. CAMEL REGULAR· 21 mQ. "tar", 14 mq 111cnt1ne. av. per c1ga1ette. FTC Rc11ort DCC. '81. --, '1.00 {)Fl· A ( t\ n j < )N ( > F \ < > l ' I~ C I H l IC r CH(C~ llOX fOll 811 ... NO Of 10Ull C 1tOtl. I ~~, Sott1Y'IUl1t" l•Of'lh ~ Suttmumnt•O"'' 100, ~I r 5oltm S•m lfOlll• fi I V4Jf\10QI f Hf~I &1 IVan••v• IOCh 63 VO,.IOQt Jrilt~f"O' 6• von•OQt M•••nOt 100 • U I VonlClgt U"ro litn" 64r1von10Q11 llluo litn" IO(h 611 V011I0911 Ulho lli)nH Mtnfnul 68 l'IO"IOQt UlllO l .. ni. Mtnl~OI 100 \ 111 l WiftU611 ho /ll IWrntll)ll •••O l)l IWiftsfOfl IOCh r-----------·······-------~ I ii ._...to: ftAClflC INU .. NATIONM., LTD. _ ~ 311 Ftrtl Strffl i NtkOON, WI ,..._&7 i PAAENTS NAME I AO~US ------------ I I I CITY------8TAlf---l 4'--I AOl -1 l»HONE--------- • l»K•f>e fnfen••f!Oflel, LIO lt?t ,,._ • -8(11 . CM-10 --- --------~---------------- N llA N ;J~ lllJS IN II NTI GT<)N • • • From Page 81 I''"''' lllhl l(U 111111 "111111' 11,111 n 1• 11( h h 111 h 1111 d " " Ii 1· 1 ,. I M>nlt'llO\l"• 1h.•ul with 1111d1·,1111hh' lllld l(Ong llll'llllK•t "j," h1• '-IV' "I i.Jo11't l'V1•11 ltk1• 111 \\ 1·111 t 111 gun But 1•v1•1 y 1111\\' .11111 th•·11. 11 ., llll'l ' tu k11uw 11·, tlw11• 111 1 .... 1· o;orn1•tl1111~ ht1p1x•1"" Nut s11rpn.;111gly. w11tt1111•11t .1t th1• f1n 11u 1 a111<1· t' 1 un111111: ... trungl y ag111n't l 11·111ll •,II 11111 I !'l Th11; llll'Ui>Urt'. 011 1111' Nuv :~ bi11lu1. hns !Jt·l·n dl·~·1 1lwd 11s 1111 · nal111n's touglwi;\ gu11 1·1•1111111 luw. I I 11pp1 ov t•d, d11 • 1111•.is 1111 · w l) u Id l 1 g h l t •II l' u I I I ' 111 g u I\ n•g1strat111n l11wi.. f11•1•11• tht• II u m bl',. II I ha II d g u ll 1' I II Cttl1furn1:a a11d 11111H1s1• n1u1 •· l>l'Vl'r<' pun1sh11H•t1I IHI I h11s1· 1•011v1l't1•d o l hundgu11 v111lat11111s !';1111p11lll II\'''' tlll' l,1\\ \\llUltl 11 •1 ll• I th• ''·"' ... "'l'Ph 111 l1.111dg111 .... 1111l 111t d11\\11 •HI j.!1111 11·l,1h•d ,1111.t••nh "'"' • • 111w Tlw 111'""111 •· " 1,..1111< lt•11J.lli1 11\ ( ',1fi f111111.1'' .. tllll llWlll'I ', Wll h "'flP"'t 1111111 t lw N.1111111.11 H1ll1 J\ '"It 'lol 11411 I . Tiii' """"II \\1'0",I ' '11g.1111-.t ,, " 111.11 1t ', .1 11·,1111 ll\'1· 1 .. w ." .... 1v~ l1l111t111g ,;d 1·ty 11 ... tn11 tot l>11V1 N 11 k1 ·1 •,1111 "A11d 11 ·, 1111t g11111~ 111 du .111 v g1H1d 111 1·ui l1111g t•11111111,1I Ul 11\'lt V Y11u tt-11 nw wh11·h 1•11111111.il 1:. j..111111g 111 1(11 do\\ 11 and I l'j.(l:,lc·r ,, lt;1mlgun th.cl ltt•':. g1111 1g tu llM· 111 huld lip ,, Ii.ink " 1<o lw1 1 l>.1w1'11n . u n ·t111•11 p11ll1·1•n11111 who al~o ll'<ll'hl·s :,.1·11 dl•f1 •ll'4 ' .ii tlw llnn~ 1-.111g1., add, "Tht· liullulll illll' IS that II w11uld ht• Jllllll'tlllll~ l,1\\ .11Jtdll1g l'lll/t'llS It\ t,il<111g il~\11\ 1111 11 ~\Ill' 1111 "' II d1 It 11•.c · 1\' "I" 1.1t111 111 t lt1 I 111111: 1.11 •H• Iii• I l1111llllJ<lllll He oll h 11111111 1111 II • I ' 1\.,'41t 1.ltlllll olflflollt•llll\. I'• IH·l 11111-( 1111 \ 1111t111U • .J 'll 1111 .. 111 11 •11 .,, Ill I 111-.11111 ... 1111 "·II 1lt •l1·11~ .111d ... p111 t111•1 p111 p"'"' Ul IH 1•1 ('111 I fll 'I .,,1y, 1111 •11''111'1,t llllll W1nlld likt• 111 Wiii k "1111111\ 1111111.il., t11 llJIMl.1cl1 · 1tw 1111111! I olll~•'. fWI hHI'°' ;1dd111g ,1 11 •,l.1111.1111 11rnl .1 'k1·1•I ,111d lllllJ :--l>t1H1lllll: olll'.I I h111t111g11111 l\.·111 11 1·11111111u11110., 1' l' I \'I \ t·' d I I I ' I I 11 I' VI 111 1 M11111h11111>1' .... 1y., 111111 1-: 1.111g• 1111 11111v1 ·1111·11h .111tL p11.,.,dd1 I ••J.11.1111111 .111 lw111g 'IUdll'd ,,., p.111 ol .111 II\ 1·1,1JI pl.111 Ill t'XJ•.tlld .11111 d1 Vl'lop ll1111t1 11.!lo11 C't·11t1al 11.11 k I le · ,.1 .~s 111•g1111,1111111' w1tl. lh1• pul11·1· ·"'11~ 1.11111 11 a11 , • •lllllllllllg Tim I la idingt·r· (!.•ft ), ge1wrul parllwr in Nt·w ~'•·~t Vt•nturPI'\, ac•(·c•pb lic·t.•n!'ling cloc·unu•nt for tlw Nt:"w port B(•iwh firm from (;c•orgc• Moll of tht• Fc.'clc·r ul S m a ll Uu!oiiut.·~~ Admini~l rali on . ,, PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY $20 l• 'I t. I I • • ·~ t I • • , 11 I I A 1 ,1 , t • l .1 1 tt I 1 ... it• P•I• l1•t• lh·-I 'I 1 I I •flt i,,I' ti tf I I i·f t , .. , If• r 1 ht l •I• '' 1 , , 1.,, t , t/1 IA' ,. "' .,, I ftt• t t II DAILY PILOf/fu aday Oclohut !I 1082 HI 0•111 ll'tlot ll'tloto by CMttM .,.,, Bn·nl llailt•y of Co,.ta Meito toke aim ul tht- Huntington Beach PoJiC't· Officers Association Pis tol und Rifle Range, one of few place where handg uns can b e f ir ed legally. D•tlr Piiot St•tf Photo · Is your All Savers Cer tificate manrring? ·Investinent firin opens in Newport I I New Wl•st Vl•ntu1v!>, nr,w 01w of thrt..'t' Vl'rHun· capital compa n1t·s 111 Orangl• County. has bt'l'n licensed by lh1• ·fcdl·ral gov1.•rnml'nl to opc.:ratl· out of its Newport &·ach hpadqw1rt1.•rs Listed bv tlw Small Bus1m•s.\> Admin1strnl1on (SBA) a!> <i small bus1nt•ss lllVl'StmC'n t l'Ompany (SBIC). New West was ltl·c·nsl'd uff11.·1;:1llv last wt·l·k whe n Georgl' M o ll. n•g10nal SBA "spe1:ial1st. delivered th1.• dcx:unwnUtllon to tht.· firm's off1n•s al 180 Newport Center Drive in N1.·wpnrt &•ach. Tim Ha1d1ngc·r. th(• c:ompany·!> g<m<·ral p<irt1wr. hailed the 0<.-cas1on with tht• statem1.•n1 that. "Th.is means we can now st.art providing loans and vqu11y investments (of) up to S:l mlilton eal·h to growing businesses·· H e added that thl· Ol'W r1rm wuuld b1..· interested m vC'nturl~ m tht• high U'Chnology art'a "as well as less glcimorow. industries .. H aidmgC'r pomtro out that the new company 's SBIC hrensmg "ml•ans that, b<.>s1d~ mvestmg our own cap1t.al. we l·cin obtain substantial add1uonal funds from the Small Bus1n<":>.'i Adm1nistrauon £or local investment " Partners m the· rnmpany 1ndudc.· Richard B Smith, W1lhcim La ngston, Ki·n and Don Oliphant and Jim Caprl'tz. thc.• taller a<., a r1.·pr(·sentat1w· of Western Interstatl' Bam:orp Ha1dmgt•r said thl· partnN!. nn• mystif1c'Cl by the dearth of mvcstmc•nl mum•y ava1labll· 111 Orange County and northern San D1l'go County, dE~pile what he c·allt•d the· an•a's C'nv1abl<· growth n'<.·ord. "Most of th(' Wt•!.l Coast v1·ntun· l·ap11<1I p<.•oplL· arc in San Fran c1Sl'u ... he said "This arl'a h<is tx·l•n shortchangc.·d a n d wc.· hop1• to eorrcl'l that condition." Moll said thl• SBA rc·g<ird!> thC' an:a to hc- served b y lhl' new firm <is "a !>ln>ng bus1n1''!> community. d1st1nc1 frum Lo-; Angc•lf'!. \Ve· arl' pleased lo be hct'nsmg NC'w Wc~t Ventun-:, to <;c.·rvt· the needs of small busmcl>.'>m<·n m this :-ire<J , .. hC' added I 'Change' seminar slated in Newport "Taking Chargt• of Change>" 1s the· tht•mt.• of an Orange County Chapwr. Public ft<>lations Soc1Ny of America-s ponsored profl•ss1onal dt·velopmcnt workshop planned for Ot·t 141 from 9 a m to 5 p m a t the Sheraton Nl'wporl llotc•I According to workshop s teering comm111cc chairma" Robt-rt Maples. various communic;111ons professionals from throughout Southt'rn California will be fcaturC'd as s pc•a kNs c.i nd roundtabll' discussion leaders at the· upcoming conferem'C. Author and ac.·adem1min Allen CC'nter of San Diego Stat<' University will serve as k£>y no tc luncheon speaker Also addressrng workshop participants wi ll be Peter Dowd of thC' L os Ange les-based public affairs firm of Haley, Kiss and Dowd: Patrick O'Donald. director of stratl'gk planning for Smith Tool. G1g1 &·hwe11wr. research associate at Dec1s1on Maktng Information. an opinion research firm based rn Santa Ana. and Bernice Htrd, manager o f community relations for Hunt-Wesson Foods Topics to be addressed include "Taking Charge of Change." "Stratcg1C· Planning and Budget mg." "Opinion Research ." and "Community Relations " Irvine Company o ff1c1als Tom Wilek. vice president of public affairs. and Martin Brower. d irect.or of public relations. will lead roundtable d iscussions that will serve as concluding conference sessions. Registration for the workshop is open to the public. Costs. which include lunch, arc $45 for Public Relatio ns Society members. $60 for non - members o f the organiwtion and $20 for students. F or additional lnlormauon , intNcstt'.!d persons should <.'Ont.act Don Allcm, workshop registration chaJrman, i•l 953-9667. ells Fargo upst~es the money marKet ds. Now there's the Market Rate Account. H we'd been able to offer it since January 1, you could have enjoyed liquidity and interest comparable to money to'\, market investments -in the ED.l.C. insured safety of Wells Fargo Bank. 11'\, IJ" -,, ll "o • , . ./' I.• J·· ' .. , ' .. , ... , ""','~ I ""'-'-Well' 1-.irgo ,\\,1rkct l{jfl.' .\~·1..oun r Y1dJ. ( hu.111 J\t:l.l)!l' \ldJ 12.71"., with tn!.uranc1..'. •• ..,I "'-. \ n .:1.1gt· Y 1dd . \II Taxahk ,\\,\\ hind,. Owr.111 ,l\·l·r.1J!c \ 1clJ 12. 90" .. wit hour 1m.ur:rnu-. • ~ ,\\'l·r.tgl' Y1dd 111 .\\,\\ ( ;,,, 'r l·und'. l)\'c1.ill .1n-ra~c \1l'IJ 12 '\l" .. \\1th1llll in,uralll'I.'.• ••• •• • • • • ll)",, +-------r---------.---------,---------,.-------~---------.----....., 1/6/82 1/ 3/82 Ir uwd 111 he:. 11 \tlll \\Jilted ~1dJ .111J l1qu1d11\ fur J S.W.lll.10 tn\'C,lmcn1. \llll l1111keJ to J b111 kcr It \llU \l.lftled 11\\llll'tl \.llcl\ anJ (lllWe111en..:c, wu 1111.•keJ 11• J bJnk Nim \\'c:JI, l-.11 lot" pre~­ cnl' J S.?ll.\lll\l 1111111111um 1m·ntml·n1 th.11 tiller' what evc:ri b<lli) \ rcallv bcc:n l1i.1k111i.t lt1r fhc \\'ell' J·Jrl(•• ,\\orkel RJle Au·1111111 Comparahlc earnings and liquidity. < 'omrarc the mtert•\I fi1oturc' J' 111Jic.ucJ on the ~·h.1n Uvcr the f"l'I "' mnnth'>. 1hc 1111 .. ·rc,1 rate lor 1h{ MJrkl'I R.itc i\c..:num \H1uld hJ\'C bcrn l•,mr.ir~lc '" 1h.11 of 1wvcrnmc111 lunJ, anJ nl u1:>.:1bll' mctnc\ mJrkl't lunJ,, Plu,. wllh the M.1rk1.·1 RJll' AH,lllnl. wu 1..111 w11hdm11 lund~ "11h 1u't wwn da1 \ r11111cc. Yuu 1.'0ln J'hllne ell lllJll lll\llUl.11\lll\, Vl\11 lhl' homk, or plu1.c J •IJ11J1111ot 111Jcr. Yuur c11rncd 1111<:rc~t 1• JIWJ)' a\'u1lublc without 111111Cc ·l/7/82 5/5/82 lnrnmparahlc safct} :rnd convenience. \\'hen 111ur m11n1'\ 1, 1n J 1\\Jrkc1 RJ11· An:oum. 11\ inwrl'J "' the hJerJI l>cix,.,11 In ur.tnl·c < 11rf'>rJll1•11 \nd "-"kcJ ''' the·"~'' 111 ,\mcr11.J\ I lth·IJ 11ott''t 1\.111!.. \\'1th more th.an l80 \\'c11' l·J11ot1• nll1lt:' h'l.JteJ thr.•ughuut ( Jhll•rn1J. you lJll Jl'<1 l'lllll\ the wn1cnicmc ''' kccr1nR ull \t1Ur lunJ~ Ill 1m1· Jlll',\11'Jc f)IJl'C 6/2/82 717/82 811/82 I') T he money market investment that works at Wells Fargo Bank. rhc ,\\arkct Rate A.:coun1 wm1'inc' the ~lam- 11ur ol 1rad111onJI moncv markcl 111\c-.tmcnl\ \\1th the 'u~1anl'l' 111 the WC'iti. oldl:'lt R.mk With )t111r mone~ 111\'C,lcd here. you no longer fa c the agonmng chl.>1cc between high )'1ckl and ~cu­ nt)'. h's t~ cl~t thing ~t to a high-yield, h11th-ht1u1d11y, nu n~k 1m·cstmcnt. No \\ondcr the broken arc fcchn1t urM:agcd! Stop at )'Our nt'arellt Wdls r11rao office rod.11>' nd find 11u1 how )'OU C".in mmhinc carninJ', ht1u1d1t). in-.uR'll \Jfcl)' end l'onvt:mcncc m a ~'t:lll> FJrgo Market R:irc Acl,mnt '911Sed on OonoQnuet ~Y Funct RePOtta 10< 1n11 period ··~umos 1n1s .ecoun11 e .. attnce dunno hmtl oerlOd V1eld calcul11tc1 us•no 13 wee11 tr .. sury 8111 R•10. It .. t/4~ comoounded d.ll•lv Penally IO< H!l\t w1lhd•twtl M<tnlC>er F 0 IC THE WELLS FARGO MARKET RATE I I , I 1 if ••• Century old h was mort· th an I 00 years ago (a t 2 p .m . on St· pt. I H. I HH:l. to be exact ) that th .. San Franc·isco to<'k F.xdrnn~.-wa!-1 founclt·cl in the basem e nt o ffic•t> of Wohl and Pollitz (top pho lo). ow C'a llc•cl the P acific . tock Exchangt>, the marke t is hou t-d in the• hui l cl in~ hown in bottom photo. lt'ioi now thf' nation•-. fo1u-,,th l aq~c·!->l ... 1oc·k exch a ngc-. ~~~~~~~~ AP Wlrepholo For Solutions On the 'fAS 0 0 1-!!f. -1 • Go! • Calculate Business, Scientific, Engineering Problems and More • Programmable in Easy-to-Learn Pocket Computer BASIC Language • Use Ready-to-Run Software With Optional Interface and Recorder • 10-Dlglt Numertc Accuracy • Also Functions as a Calculator • Retains Programs and Data Even When Power la Off Low-Cost Pocket Computer Model PC-1 14995 Add a Printer/Cassette l11ttrface for $127.951 ~ SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE . COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER A DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORAT ION PRICES MAY VARY AT INOIVIOUAl STORES ANO DEALERS We're llstenlng • • • Look for the NE·W Piiot TV Log Coming Friday, October 8 Budget, tax Hy f'ETtm Gttrntt TM Cllrltlltn k .. "G• Monllot W1\S lllN< iT< >N H1•1111•111h1·1 tl11· h11lm1H-.1 hudi.w • u1111 •111h111•111·1 TlluuJ<h Klll'KI ol h 1111ui ul u 11111( W llVllll( f'l°l''ild!•lllllJI 1ully Ill .July, llw llll'USUll' 111 1111w r1111«'d 111 t lw J ll)UtK· 11f H1·pn'l'f·nlHllV11l H1•1111•111l11·r th1 · rlut rutt· tux'' 0 111·1· 11 was a11 l11:.h11>1111hlt• Ith uquu 111111lsk 11 I.II Now S 1•11. Huh1•r l l.>ola •, 1"11111111·1• l'w111111l h •1• l'lu 11r11m n , 1Uty:1 Cong1 t'K..'I Ill uultkt•ly ll/ ('(itllHdl•f' II !ll'rll)UK flat rutt.· UIX bill IH·l111'1· 1!111!1 •iolli th1·'11· 1dt·1111 sw1·pt throu"'h Wush111gton l111:-. su1111 11<·r ltke w1rnb from tlw Gn·ut Plmtis. Thi:' Anll'l'I< an J>l>pulut•1· hud l'Xagu1 ·rau•d hopes for thesl· 11',lH'!i, suy SUrlll' Wushlnu1on ous1•rvl'rs hOfX'S Whlt'h 11•f lt•t'l l'd tht• JH.ll>l ll0 °K !llllll<0tlllll'K <·1111trndwt111 y 11 111tuJf'i. t•>Wl1rtb f1·ckr11l sptmdang a11d dt•flnl'> '"'l'l11·y 1111• hotli popuhs t 11111v1•1111·t1L'\,"' says Toni F 11·ld, t•Xt'l'UllVt• d1n·t·t11r o f Tux Nu tl•s "Thi· l1Jlt1111·1·d budgl't um1·ndn1l'nl Is wuy o ut front the r1· lHal tlw flut rHh· tu x dt·:irly s tnkt•!> a <·hord wath 1111' p uhht I If tl wv bt'l.Ullll' lHw) goodm·~ knows t lt1· p u l1l11 wuultl lH· d111a pµo1nl1·d (with lh•· tt·o.,ulLo., )" Both t"lll'h .1r1· f;i1 11 0111 dt•ad 'flw bala nl•t•tl bud gl'\ .mlt'nd nw n t will .ilrno~l t 1·rt;.11nly n ·m a 111 1r.1pp1·d 111 th1· Jucl111.iry '11mmllll·1·l'h a 1rt•d by R.·p 1'1·t1 ·1 H11d 1nu (DI 11f N1·w .JM'st•v until thl· t•nd of thl• !J7th l"onJ(n•ss Rut pruµun~·nts su y IL will be n ·111l1 odun •d m ·xl y1·11r und th(·y ~1y th(•y w all l'•111l1tilll' t11 pro it.1 st:11t· h·g1:-btu n ·s 111 :Jn1·ff11rl t11 l't1ll cl ('l)ll"olllUt1011.1I ('IHIVl 'llllOll on tht· SUb.)l't.'I At l1·ast 10 fl.11 raH· tax hills 1:irl· t·urn,ntlv 1x·111ht1g Ill C:cmgn·s.' I lt·anng~ o n the subjl'<:I lx·g1;1 this Wt·1·k . hut St·nator Doi(· has l'autinnl•d t hat Cungn·s!> ti, u11hk1·ly 111 m11Vl0 4u1l·kly on t he issue. Brnad hasi·<l lTllll"ll>n1 h<is slowl'd thl· progrt·ss o f tht•s1• s w1•1·1H ng t•1·11n111r11e rt•form (•fforts A1111•111·<1n ~ntt·rpns..· l11stllutt• 1'l·1inom1sl Rudolph P1•11nt•1 nu fn·1· ~ix·ndmg hh1:ral hm. s.aad that 1h1· hula11t·1•tl l>udg1·t a nw ndmt'nl w o n 't wurk. b1·c .1usi· 11 s 111\ply n •4u1r1·..., Cungrcs:. to adopt a ba lam·l'd h uJg1·1 1111 paµt•t anc.J nmt<iin~ loophull'S tli.11 w ould u llow a l·tual ~1wnd1ng to eonttnUl' r unning 111 lh1· 11•d T lw flJt-rall· lJX h<1:-y 1·1 111 t1'(·~·1v1• th uruug h 1·on g11·s."olOll<il "o("I u tiny Many 1 '(·1111om1s~ datm th1.· pu hl11 do1•-.n'1 vt•t 1t•:rl111• tha t a pun• fh1t-r;1t•· t;1x OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS IS1 • 1)', ,... . ... ,, •• )J l .. )', 1S'. ,. 11 "'. " .. "\,.· j • ........ 1~ • ,. ; ll ' u • ,,.,, .. ) ,. . ' , •.. , .... t\.e• f /\I I IOI n . n · • 1• • H l'f ·~ ' l • J 1~. "' .. 1l ' 14 1. , .... ·'' . ,,! ' lo 11 , ... ...... ·~ . 11 • ,, • 71 • 11 • 11.11,. n,. 1 .. ~ •"- "'-11 I l .. ) .. ~:::at Pen•Enl Pf"nl'11 \ PeooE•P PttrUe Pe1t1oon PhtllN.AI P•e•t•S~ Ptnkrtn Pt0nH1 \ Pl•,tll'W: Po'''~ P'*'C.M Pr\SI""" Proorp PbS•N( Purt&en PulOCM> Qu .. •OI R•!ll'nC.i> Ravmnd A•f'vtt Ao.aS• RobbMy RovY S..Ollf"t ~l~<O SIH01c.ci StP•vl Script< ' S.•G•1• S...n\.or \ • • ••• Svc/Jiltrtl#-t l' • l • S•tm\t JO )I ' Sn- 1 • I• SJ'twnM \ ) • ~•r•Jh 1• • 14 • 1ll<oru •'°" I !t(•IW1' tt 11 S•l 1!>• IJ 1 1),..,. St.anoyn t'ti. )'O " !tlOMtC:..-o I•.. • !tldRf'Q'\ J~!~ :~ t~ I ~~:-: ~~ . , ... ·~ , ' , .. ........ ideas wane w11uld 111111•1111t• tltr• l111C1·' uf 11 .. ...,. 111.1k1r1u ll·M 1h1111 ··•~•ut $!"111.000 "( '11·,irly. II w11uhl 11w.J11 .1 v1·r y l.Jrgl• tux c·ut 1111ly 1111 tho..,. .• 11 th1· 11111." N:J y11 J11 .... ·ph Pt-<.•hmun, 1\1 011k111~:i. l11°"lll1Jllllll d1r1'\ 11>1 (Jf l't.11111111111' lflUdll"!f M11i.t t't'11t11m111'l1> "'1Y thJl wl11·11 lhl• puhli(· g1•t.'t H 1<"'1d l1 111k .11 1111· fl11l t.J X, ll will Ul!'ddt• o 111 01<r1 ·1>i.1v1· 1>y111t•111 IKn 't •111 lJUd uft1•1 all Support for tlw ltal:1111·C'd IJudgl'l o.11111•11drm·nt, tlwy suy, 11; mul·h 1111111• d1•1•ply 1·111 r1·1u:lwd Lui.I .Jum• u Gallup poll i.hu w1·d tliut 11l111os1 1h1t•1• l•iul'ths of rc·spondc:nu. thou~hl .. ud1 :.111 a1111•11drt11·1H Nlio uld I)(· purl of lht· Crn1 ... 111 u111111 ~ A1wl y nn..: tl11 ' i.uppn r l , u JU ~l rt.•ll•ased < "011gn·i.~1 una I Buc.Jgc·t Off 1t·1· n ·port finds tha l Amton t·a 1.1s' all1tutlc•i. luwurtJ fc•dt·n.11 !>pl'ndang "'hov 1• fo rmt·d u rf"1t1 utk a bl y l"o n s 1s lent, 1( l'Ut111 11d 1l"l111 y, JWlll·rn OVl'I llnw " Thi• ('HO n ·µ111 t s oy'> th1· vu~l m aJortty of A1111·11t·.1110., 11v1·r thl' pa~I 50 yc•jlrs hav e been 1011i,1s tc·ntly tn f:.ivor uf s1J1..nd1ng int-n•aSt.-s in most arc-<1s 1.r g ovc·tnnwnt ill0l1v lly Tht· Gallup poll, wh1<:h found Mrong support for lhl' IJalance d - uuc.Jgl0I an ll'ndml·nt, ab.o fo und hl!'althy mapnties u µpost•c.J tu i.pt·111J1ng t"Ulb in s u<:h aC'l1v 1t1cs as ddt·tlM'. twalth, anti c'{luc·allon This c-ontradll'llon s prings f rom the fact that most U S c·111u..n!> h av(• no 1d1•u of the rC'lattvc c-ost.s o f ftodt·ral progrums and fee l the budgl'l can be bal:1ne1•c.J by s imply gt·tllng rid o r waste and fraud, the· budg t•l orfwt• s;.iys. Sev t•nty·onl' JX'ft t·nt of those responding to a tY7 Y NBC-Asscx·iatc:d Prt'SS poll agr&'CI with the sldll·n1N1t: "1 hc ft'Clnul budgN could Ix· balam't!d jus t b y rt•dut'ing waste and lm ·fficie ncy." L <1sl ycar, the CBO e s timated t h<1l about 4 peorl·c·nt of .tht· budge t ($24 billion for 1981) rl'prt-s<•nt.c·d wus tC' Adm JamPN Nance . director of tht· Pn·s1dt·nt's Pnval(' S ector S urvey on Cost Control. says, t•ven u n his was te-hunting panel. "n o bod y's talking abo ut balancing the federal budget b y cutting wast.c, fraud. and abuse " So p o lit1c 1ans. c aught bl•twt-l·n the ir eonst1lut•n ts' t•xpl•t·tauons and the· r c allues o f govt·rnmg. an• fur<'c>d to "balanC'l' the people'~ inrinttt·ly n uml·r<>u s w an t..., aguinst their no rmal ;.111c.J nulural r c·lucuinc1• lo pay h1ghl·r tax es." th<.• C AO 1·ond udt•!> N EW V'OAtt tA P• ffW tOl.O.•nQ h\.t \t\OW\ IM Ovtr '"* (ounti"t \t.otk\.,,., •• , , •nh th.at n••t oone U(M .... mo\t •no 00111rtn Irle m o\t C•"o on f::'(fnt of tN"'Qlf' •eQoi,-01~\ Of VOhM'ftf ~~o =re-\ ,,.,,nQ bP1ow u .,. 1nc.1 uOtCJ ,.,. .. , •nG pip1c•ni.aot t t\.1"91'' M~ '""' d•fftrent~ belW«"t"rt IN-prev.ou' < ttn..nQ "'4 D<OGe """ M0'10ay ' IUC "'° P'IC9 N•mo Lf5oc,... B<...iP Q FIQ"IOY lnlR"" 1,.rmPr Mol\Alll BIOA\41 w1 '"''m un 8 1lltnQ\ US Mt1mv NI!<> 5oC Tr ...... 1 Un11T•IA NI0.1( ColA6"' Owrmy ~F \ a IC.e•hn llonr•• P<00'9Y J1hlnd ' ,,.....,.. 8->IEI c.-..or"' F•,,(o UPS L .A\t l • , . , .. , .. )'. ••I , .. ... I • ... '° 1'> s •• 10'. , .. " . S•· l l ·'''t UPP<IJO I • I ll Up ]I 1 .. u ••• 'f Up 111 '1 Up 111 1'.,. VP 1S) Up II I '• Up 11 1 <. Up II S • 11 .. Up tt l 1 UP II I '• Up II I • h Up ti I '• UP iO• 1 Up 10 S VD 100 I<. u o '' 1 Up 'tS Up •t '• Up 't I •• . . . > Up I • 1 UP I I I • J • • OOWtiS l •\I n ,,_ Up l l VP I l • UP I l "O P( I tt bOll JO. 11'• 1t.J· 1J'-u•' ,, . . .. ... ,. 1~·. 11 NASDAQ SUMMARY . . l • . ' " l'. ''-o" •s• .. Ott ISO l 1• Ott , ... l Otl ll• .. Ott 1)0 .. ()fl IJ 0 ., ()ft 11 s MUTUAL FUND I/ ti'• 1\l.. H'• '"" , ... .. -... ,,, .o•. '°"' '° 60'• "'• ._..,, 1J1• ll\· Ut. 111.., u~ '''• ) '• )11 I .... ,, .. .,,, • ll'· )I<.,. I I '.-'° 10•. ,, • s• .. ..... ,,,, t/l' •• AdV..,..., O.tllnod Un<MftQIOCI Toi.1 lu.-, N•w 1\1~ ,,. .. ~ .. ,MO ,,,.. J J3I ti 411 l • l'. ~ .. S'-, .. • 1 '" .. ' •'. )'. II '" •• S•• ... I ,., , .. , .. , .. .. ()11 11 s \, ()fl " s .. ()fl ti s '1 Off ti' '• ()ff "1 '• OU 10' •·Ott tOl .. ()fl I0.0 .. Off 100 1 Off 100 1.-. Off 100 ' Oii 100 '-Off 'I ( t Oft ' • .. Off • 1 .. Off • I • .... Ott '' 1,, OU 't ~ 1_. Off ·~ NEW YORK IAPI MonCf> tOO tO•l ...._. ]t .. n JO nv S.1 I lJ I • MIF f uncb -I ''°" NL 1n,,...1 I a ,.._ Tr... IGl-1"9 -NI INS •OI U Mun Bel •SS NL lnvt>v•r Ill "" fund tlO •01 Fund llS Nl OtHn } .. NL le'llOM, _ .... by 1 .•f•<t • .. •• F·-1• IS NL Inv Att" ]I) • 11 "'""" t]I • ,. Inc.om 11) NL Sl•ln Roor Fels IN Nel-A~-1 (•PTNT IO CM NL (ivt 5"!< t Sl NL l•lel 11 JO NL N•llkl •IO ' .. P<u SIP 10 '1 11 4' llel.. 19.17 fOL ti ton ... S.Cllfll~ (•n•-••I c.o H•lnco I., NL ••• FCI tt " NL MulU<tl ... °""""" ""'"""' F""" e.. • .. Nl OUl<'f\ Inc ... Ci•"' , ., I .0 HI VIC) tO II NL JP G•lh 11" I) )I A .... , 10 ,, Nl (.on• I) JI .. .. Cep °" II 11 fOL ..... P"'"' "' -o(n EQ<I• • t• .,, LC -I IO Nl JP INO I OI • II Grw1f\ ... s JI lnl EQ 11 .. IJ,. SloO 16.n Nl ~':.~~ ...,:<"'.;!:;~ '~~r~~-~·~'7'fo ,. ~~::::-1~ r. ~t ~~ .....,.,: .. "' NL 11-:''r.'. : !~ 1i :~ ~ :~ ~ :~: r.~::1!111 i f10 1 .. ~ WMO '""'I ..... , H•-I) )o IJ ., , ,.,,., ,. ,, Nl Bono 1J .... II MllQU<tl tl ,. NL HUlln IS l1 .. ,. Sun<;rth IO lS II JI ••l""I Of bOuQM Nl>ft U 11 IS 0 HdSlld'I tt 70 NL G<wll'I t ... 1013 Mui St'lf 11 11 Nl HI VIC) IS '3 It SJ l Aa M9ll IS,. It .. lv•I..., Oh-' ,.,... T••M llO'i I ll f •OSH•tn tJ61 Nl US""1 IS.•JO NH\\1 Jl .0 NL lftCom •lit tl2 Te0m1-pleton,G¥_.,":'f'll <"••Ol'I MoncMy Cnl !>l'I\ 10 •l Nl Ftn•n<••I Pr09 h • E. • 0. • IS N•I Avie • J1 NL ln•••C • " • ., •• >l ,. ~II Bwy (N•I 'Cl II I• II.. 61ndU\I • t• NL l(•uln'W'\ " NL N•I Ina I] IJ NL ()pin 11 05 I] " Gr-••• '1 ADI• t• J7 Nl Cnp 1)11 IJ /J Nl n<om I 1l NL K•mll"f f"""' N•I !>Ku•IUtt 1 a• E• tt 11 1011 Worlel 11 Jt tt U A<otn J ]] IC Nl {noP\lf'IUI ~ )\ NL f ,., ,,,,.,,.,,, Inc om I 91 I" 8•1"" tO U 11 ... V1\I• t6 0. " .. Trn\ Cal •.1' IO. 10 a ov IS JS Nl (01on14' I uno• eno Ap u .. lo., G•-10 •• II .0 Bono J ]I J ).) VOY'"I tJ OJ IJ u TrnoNew l.U Nl Afulur• 11611 Nl fund tO II II /1 Oi~o 's• tO 4f H• YIO '1'I '.. (irw11'1 7 tJ I ]J Que"" )4.. NL Tr .. EQ • n 10 •1 AIM f ut'<" C.•"'11'1 Ill •• , C.•wll'I "'II I 6J lnllbfct 10 JO II" Pr•IO ...... Aa1now J 01 NL T u d r F d (vYlll 1111 tl •• HI YIO • Ml 111 lntom • JI • .. Mun 8 I .. 1 11 lncom • ,, • IJ AO<l'll • 10 ).) II SI u ., NLTwr • .: GI vr•nw•Y lncom • S8 I" N .. llt\ S •• 6 00 Optn II~ 11 •I Sloe' t 01 •It S.fKO S.Cur I 0 J ] N l HIY ICI • j() 10 II )0 " I n ()pin s"' • "' ~~~m :~ ~! :~ ~~ ~=~A:· ~;; i :~ SIP•ul lnW\I j:~ ~ '! ~ .Ht. •IP"I• I 1~: ·~i 180 I l .. Jl J1~' ri lot.a I It U J Toi Al t11e 1'31 F•lrllo .... ltl l~=::,. :~: :~~ US~A G#-A 8 1'1nl tt J~ 11 04 (OH• v ln II 'I NL ~=~~IQ I~~ IN~ US <i'ol1 I 1' t 10 NEllle Fund SpKI 1117 NL O'r<lrtll 10.l• Nl Amt rlCMl I und\ (.,111'1 All I 70 I JO f 0\IO< 'II S 11 K•y\1-MH• EQuil It 41 ]1.11 !.<.-r F-lnco 10.Jl Nl A 8&1 ~ t1 •• C.wttn (0 '.. 1 IJ Fno Gin • II ~IS (U\ 8 1 .. ,. IS.. Grwtn II ,. It,. Norn SI 11 Cit NL SOii 10.'2 NL Amu1 t l> 6 o. (omp lld I /4 '0 FoundfPn Group Cu\ 81 16 IS II J I lncom 10 JI If Jt Devel '5 90 NL Uni AH\! i.... NL A M\111 11 /I 111. Comp Fd I... 9 •l Grwtl'I /.. NL. (u\ 8" I lO I 01 R•I EG 10 lit n IJ CaoGln Unit MUI t.Jt Nl 8ot'lll 11 IM I) 11 (ot'ltOrct '° 11 Nl ln<om I]" Nl Cu\ Ill l '7 I II T .. E1 6 JI •.. 10 CM Nl Unll.O F-f ct Inv I.. • ] Con~l•<vl c;...1 Mui.. • OJ I lt N11• Kl • co • )I N•uDttQP• e.tn1 lncom 10" Nl Accm 111 I ... (irwtn tO IJ 11 • Funo If i4 11 .. Si»<I "IJ Nl (u\ SI ttO. 17 SS ErttOY 1''7 Nl Jnll fd 1410 NL llot'lll S.JJ Sn 1ncon1 t /1 9 SI lncom t.. I 10 Fr•n-lln C.roup Cu\ SJ •II I 41 GuM'll JO U NL MMB 1 SI Nl lnlGlll 11.'2 U 11 l(A .... ~ Mun Bet ............ AGE ) " J •• (U\ S4 ) 11 j SI ~JIM', l. ~ NL Sl'l«I .......... Con Inc IO.Cll II.CO N "'°" • 1' t I (on\ In• 1111 11 t1 ONT( 1) 01 u Cit lnlo<nl l .. •JI _....., •• Nl S.Clltlly Fund\ Flctuc tJ IO U 1' h •l t 00 t ,. Con\ltl G 11 » Nl Grwll'I I 01 I tSj 1 H~t I '1 I II Par1n t1 .. NL Bond / 1• 1.. HI Inc 11 II IJ ... W\l'I Ml I ... I J' (onl """ • .. Nl °e"on s ,, s tO M•H 10 .. 11 ., !o<l'lu\ .. tO Nl EllVIY • OS • t i biMom • " IO" A~:~ ~~e;J • '' ~~~"&. I; r. ICN~ C I I I :.I I l/1 l•C~~-on r.:. I] ]I =::: ?~ ·; :: =t ::wll ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~.. 6 t°!J t.: Enlp I] 00 tJ II 0.1-••• C.<oup f::~~ . u i 01 GolOICI ) ,. Nl NIU'IOI• II ii NL s.1.:.~:., """"' Veno 11 1$ i.o. HIYIO •It t tt DIK•I 1)8'1S l0 Tu ff •SI •II GN-I ... Nl NE lnTr 10 90 Nl AmSM IS. NL UlGolcl J J3 NL ~:.,11 ~ ~~ ;! t g::~ t~ ~ 1; r; ~-h Cn< ~~:: ,, ~ =t =:.~~I I;~ =t S.~~ c::.!. Nl Ve~UN ,;~ Nl (m\I• 10 U 11 I IA Frt t U • •) ~~~I I... t 11t Lln<ll'lf 1Cl1 NL NY V...i t,. •.. ,..,,., I .. t St Fund U.ts NL E • t ft 0.1.. • SI 10.. • II 10,. Loom" s..... .......... • .,, Nl NmSI\ II " " " ln<om .. v Nl )] H Nl ~Cl Am Ott Cal I n NL Piiot I.. t 0 (ofPll II.. NL ~ It' tl•• NNLl Growtft SM t JO • .l •n¥• GI• t .1l 19 Nl • • ) I 0 I 1 OooC• 91 t1 •S Nl GT Pa II 6' NI MUI IS 1' NL 0... ~ , Inc-• v • Gr-70 51 Nl Oocl<•M .. ,. NL Llfl'lll "Cll l l.or<l"-11 =1""' Fct 111•1111 ll'IU1"1 I0'111 .. H••br II,.,, )0 0-•• 1111' I•.. NL. Ellnll • :M Alflllll 1 11 I J I .. " u .. S.nllNI Gr-lft-1 I) I ,, Peo 2t JI JI 0 1 0..'ftll\ GIP '6$ 11 CM Nl ti"" ... • " 10.. I II I u 11.1... • 11 • L.c •Offlfl •'° ,.10 NN~ Prov1d 41J •St ABnO Uft NL U S LO 10 17 Nl 0.¥GI 1I Ml9 JI HI YICI 171J"·" Bond ·~ ttl ... l[I ~ A 6111~0 , ,. • p.I Oeyl I) ... ,, Wl'I So-< 10 It NL Inc.om ] .. l ... -n n IO ,. u Com s .. n I},.. EVGlll ... • .... A HOrllQ 110 NI l•"Ot llCll 19 76 C,lll 1001 NL l11I,,,,..,.. Bro leletl ltll It.. Gr-11 1' Utl 1 IV T11 11.n 11.7' Amll'I> J U J I• N "1"" 1.. Hl Grill In<! 11 u Nl Fvnct tt M 11 II Ta Fr• 1 01 I J.I S.Q\!Ola 1' tS Nl 08 .. t • U Nl A 11'1#\I I It NI \pl tnc t.. NL GrctP\A II ff 1• U b ncom I .. In AIM I• IS IS .. S.lllr'f It 1J JI O 0._., I &61 NL A Inv In I SJ NL T•• t• 10 St NL H•l'll HOA • ]l • II Munl ... , JI "-• •s • II SMM-,_ E•8' I .,... NL Al'll-t1oe NL lfttct (. i., NL H•rl Gtl'I "' NL V$ Gov 1 .... , ore SK n 11 ,.,, A-. IH J "IJ E•f'Cll ,.., H \, A NIGlll J ... ll C•o• Glh I ... II H•fl Le• ti .. NI. M•n Flrian<I P••-M IO ,. tt JS HlYICI 111• II H f'lctl f ... .a Nl A Nllll< It lJ 11 IS t•fon•-••d ,..,0411 11' 11 Nl MIT 10 >4 tt U jllHWICI I ti HT 111(0'1\ 11) 1)1 kFlll 1 q Jt HI. ,.,.,,.., S.. S.. 9al"1 .,. .... 11 Hor -1t •I Nl MIG II JI I> It PefWI"' 1,11 NI. MMUl'I It II I 11 I 1• S1 II• <1 ~ • • Art l'ICi•l t JO l'I f OU'\ ..,...vall INA ttlY t .. 'to MIO 1$ 0. It 11 ,..,,. -4 II NI. NwOlr IJ 90 UM ) ' • A•• HOuQl'l40l'I 111<0"1 UM•All Mvllllncl 10 _. NL M(O I,. ••I 111111• • 11 t '1 E'm O S t1 NI. v .....-~-. J.nct n • ~ • ,. ln<eo. ......... 11 HullGll\ "11 NI. MEO • 01 .............. CN•• .,,. C.I 11 ,, NL 1.-.1 H Ot Nl 111<001 , 41 '.. $0t laQ utl<l••ll ''' Group MFO 10 JI 11,01 •• ,.. 't t 10 11 fcwno. lnif ~r IS SI HI. SIO(~ '., • "I.. Sloo. -··" C.lwtll • n • t i MFB It u ,, oe C:wl'CI I.,, I•.. r,:., I 0 • n ONMA • .., NL OlC r.1 I • 1• 01 wi1>en1.it (;.foup !ll(l!fTI HO ) .., MM8 H S I "9 Grwtl'I IO iii 11.IO r~t J Ot pH ( ... ti II ti) N\, BLC ff'I( ,, oe 1)20 Nr...m ,,_, 10 rrro"" Ul'I..... MFH .,, .,. ttlYICI .. , ... , '" .. '' ,,· t• IUI Mol'tl •••• Nl i.Al>\IMn< I 41 NL l!nQ'h I Ot I I rnl Sii tO Of 10 '1 1nT18 I~ n 11 I S "oo 9'11> 10 71 lj>e(lel 11 M11H't e I> NL IJ•I>• Ill• 10 ~I NL '"'•~¥ 17 :IO IJ 1nt1u\lry l lO NI. '°';M•,• .... ,11•1,,11 .,. NI. p l'C ~ It.,. · 10 M 11.. Mll$SM 0 11 ~I. It••< Glh II ,. NI linOUlll ,. ,. NI 1n•••t o11PW ~ ""' Ht •fl'I\ ,.1p T ll II u ' ' Mutnl IO'° .. L .. , ttlll ,, t i NL f••o•n ,. ,, NI. ln('f ... 10.U H it I .. II.II l'llO ~· 10.u "'° '... ' ... .... ~~ ~,, N\, ... _ .. , G•tlll! '•I'll •c. It ,, ,, tnVai IO.IO IO.. 11(..,.I lt.to 11.:u M .. t • .., UI Vof\I • "" I" ttj• I I • NI., 11111 fct IJ ~ NL ,_., .. "'''"" NIM!• HO ., l ou 811 '!! 'H! .. =~~wk .. I CM t• •111~ 1u• IUc·· Tt".-c.!1 "·~~ ~t .,.'.Ol~ll ' NL AmUlr •II' •t Iulo t at t1/ m~ ~·;:IOU ·-ltt t •t l l•Or '! t W.11\l !lat Nl -tOfl C.0 11•<11 U II NI. 11'11 lllVll t to IO fr ,_ 1 91 II -~ Ill I) I, lt4 IPI Inc 10 ~II JI HI lfm 1111 1111\ In• ,,,.IC I Jl NI.. 1111 rm IO• IO H 11 Ill< it II IJ _. nlll< • HI.. r"lltl'I I, ~t C•llAll jOf NL l'tnfJ. ""9•ttl 1111r._ tWIO l.IMM , .. '"l"l~lll¥ ll•llte ... ,In lt)lt•ll H~:=. t:Y NI. e..1 Fncl IO,, II " h , ,,. ',, NI. '" ... •''" G-Munwt I iO • fi "'~'" 11 IJ NI. "fie IMnct °'g WMlt "I N• e1111 • ~., c.. us o~ *' Nl 'I' 1111 • '° , n .. ~1.., , • , 191 • ,._ ~ M • Jn v"''ij'" " 11 1' ts~ t M l'IL ~1.r.111 C.•~ I i Olt ) JI ) .. Pac... : _, , rwtll II n NI.. 1"9ft 4 M Wt!I C. t I ., A9lt a II .I NI t.M1 I• ft NL I c;.1 U 00 11 • Ml V414 • tilt-e NL r!!')_. ) I a1 W.111 • !Iii.. 11.,.,~.!:~1 NL t::;, .~ ~ ~t I ~~ ,.~, J :! Mlf AM ... • • 11111 tt NI.. t! ~::: " ,f! =~ Wlte I ) .... • ~110 u,. It B" '"""" 10 OJ NL ...... • ,, • •> -·°"' "St NL .. ,,. u ~· NI. Ii .. , ... Ill ..... ,_, t II t P!'"" 'at 1\¥ Mii t IO IO" MH J'f It" NI.. M *''' I tJ NI. "· .. If.. • !'!LI. IV.. t1• J 1: ~Ill lf 1) NL 0, h Ut i •t ~ llell 11• 11 U h l'rtk e It Ill Mr:=;·~ NI.. ,.._ J.t C1. H 111< lO IJ II )I at • Nl Ill¥ 1411 "1' to ti MftolG"" IO It NI .... W• .. A•• 'ij NL. I'~~ .!. .... • \ TION OUOIAflON•llll(I UOl t•AOl\Olt !Mt ltf llf t 0 •111 ¥10Wl\f ""('"( P'8W 80UOlll DtllOlf AlllO (Ul(ll01U1 UQC' I •(MANOI\ Allb llllf'Olllfl 0 eV fMI NA\0 jUIO I N\llltt I .. Orongu Coo1t OAll V PILOT /Tu 1tl11~ Ot;IOIJ r "1 HHt ~ s ••• ~­.... ~ Sports fans now organized SOU'fll SAN FH ANt'JSl"O Thl' s porta- A l' l 111 n Ci r o I.I p '' r A ml' 1· 1 u 1 I 1w , 1.1 non • p r of 1 t Ill w11uza111111, hai. ht•l(un IJIX'rtllllJn this Wf·t·k with ii.II pr 1111.u·y pur fJOIW lo 111•rv1· th•· .'lporlJ\ ran11 ur Amt•rh.:;1, Tht· four pnnl'lplil" u ( llw i-imup ul'l' Cnlllurnia hu:.1111·h:-11H·n ;inti i.purti. f 11111 Ttwy urt> Jume11 Sha111111n. 111'1·iud1·11t, Dr Poul Ortm·r , vlt'l' prl'lildl•n t: K .. 1111 i-:t1wJr<h. 1wl·r1·tary, und Ci1·oq(1• Strohl, ll'l•Ui.U I l'I' Tht·y h;w1· ·~ul'd 1h1· foll1Jw1ng su.tcnwnt. Ttw n •1: .. 1H Natu.mul Jo'ootb1.1ll L\·i1gut· i;tnkt: was tlll' la!'ll an 1.1 1t•r1t'!I u l t•vL•flL'I whl('h n 1U"4-<l tht· four f11und1•rs 0f this t•9rpc,rut1un tu wkt• ut·tron Our po~1tlon 1~ i;tru1ghtforw1.1rd Ttw NfL lrun\·h1M' t)wnt·rs 1.1nd tht· football pla y1•1:; 1.trt· f 1gh tin~ ovt'r mont•y prov1d1'{! by i.ports • foni; yt>t lhl• fam, haVl' nu nilk'<:t1vt• vmt:t· or 1nrluc·nt.'t' in the 1w~o\1u\,1oru. Thl• Sport!! Al·t111n Group will prov1d(· the· forum lw tht• faru.' Vdtl't' -to n ·ach tlw rnot'l""-'-<lry part1C'l> and \ht• !>t1t•11g1h In numlx.•rs of 1x·oµh· to 1nflut·nl't: the outt·upw l)f 11>SU('b lx·mg 1.1ddrt~'>t-d Stein-Brief relocates The Stt•11)·Bnt·r Group ha!> n •IOl.'ulc'<l its u.icporate lu•ad4u<irt<•r!> tu 29982 Ivy Glenn, Suite 100, Laguna N1guc·l, p ri11t·1pab David S11•111 and Barry B rief annuunn·d Off ll'l'S <1rt-kx•<Jtr·d nt•ar lht· 500 at-res of Laguna N 1gul'I c:oaiit~I t>1·op..rty St<.'m ·Br1l'f rt-cently purchased frn111 Avt·o Com1nun11y Ol·vt•l•JJ~:rs for $80 m1llwn S&Ls to change hands LOS ANGELES Wt•su:rn F1:dcral Savings & Loun Assoc.'1at1on Pn•s1dcml Hol:x·rt 8 Thompson said his assoc1allon has rcat·ht-d ;,in agrc.:ml'nl Lo purchase one California Ft•dl'ral Saving!> branch office. one. Lincoln Savings br1.1nch 0Cf1n· and two Fu-st Federal Savings o f Son la Mon1< 1;1 br<t nch off1c(1S. a l l an Southern C1.1lifornia Thi: u rf1<:e Wt•i.lt•rn Ft•d t•ral 1!> at:4u1nng from C:..l1fi>r111a FcdNal as l0<01l·d 1n tht• Orangl' Mall shu pµmg l'l•nter. while· th(· branch from Lincoln 1s loc:ah"<l in T orrunt'l' and 1h1.1Sl' rrom F1r!>t Fl'<icral are l0t·att'1cl m Costa Mt:sa ;md Ol'\·a n-.1dt· STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS . '"' I'• .. II. ..... , .. DOW JONES AVERAGES ., '"° 20 lrn !~ \f..1 tnou' Tr•n VII•• ., 51~ WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VQAIO IAPI 0.t 4 "O••nto<I o..;11...., UMl\6- t ot•t '"""""' New NQM N •w tow\ Wl'llon,. •wt•("( Too.y •JO -•U l'O) 10 , NtW YOAic tA.,1 00 • ,., .... ... dt .. , 2l1 1» UPS ANO DOWNS Pll \Ip ~. Up 77 l UP 17 • Up 11 • UP 10• VP 10) Up t I Up '• Up t7 Up ti Up It Up t J UI) I • Up •• Up •I Up ., VI> • f UP • • Vo • J Up •I Up \ t Up )7 UP )I VP ) • Up H Vp SS Uo II " • METALS NEW YORK IAP) -· • pr..,.. ... -·~ Spot nonle11oua Copp•• 67 72 ce •Ha • pouno US dHlln•llona l e8d ,. '>·19 cefl" a POUncl Zinc 42 cenla a l)OUnO o.fov9fecl "" S6 2364 Me1a11 w-c;omp09'te lb ._._ 76-77 ~tt a po.,AO NY MelCtHJ $352 00 l)e< naa~ .. lallt1t1m $785·1290 00 troy OUl'IC<I N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTA TIOHS •r T ... AtMCi.-l't-• S.0.Cleel '"°'"' 00'0 "'-....,,,.,..,, l.,..._ 11'\0tft"'Q h•t"il $397 75 VO $0 75 lot1dot1 •lt•11noon '"'"0 '•02 00 up S500 l'etle 111.-noon llolflO SAOI 27 VO U 93 ,,~1 l"lflG M01 00 VO '501 Zwrlch ,,,. ,,. .. noon lhtng S403 75, VO '7 2~ o.o M04 75 asked Mat1dr 6 H••1t1•t1 IOr\ly o a 1ly quo101 S•02 00 up SS 00 l!~d tonly O•lly QUOlol ~02 00. vo s~ oo 1"9•11\ord tonly dally quoit) ta1><~•tOO 142' 10 UP '525 SYMBOLS • L HO 11111111 111~11wtl llAll 'r 1•11<H11 w &1d11v Ot lolJm 1, HHti ' ()V ~r and 0th r trangers' has something th I 01\1 11 I t ' Ot lh• U•lly l'llot 111•11 I.••\• f .11111 ("'"I .• 11.1111-:1 I S ' 1111 I fl'''"'" 1111111•11\ 11\ t.11 1 ...... 1 ''"" \\llt pl.t\ \\ llj•ltl' l<t ·flll' ·1 .. , 1 ..... 1 .. 1 r. , ,.1. 11 .. tt••'''"· , ... """ 11 t1k1 111. \\I' tll11 I II• I ""'"I llllt It .,..,,, d1111'1 h k1 ti \\,11 1 ,, " I 11 It 111. """ t "11 1 i-. "' I 1\• 11111 • l.tl•·tl 1•l.1vl11' \\ 1llt 11111 11111 I"'"' I' •It 1 ••• , .. 1 11 .. ' .tll l,1k.-pl.11 ,. Ill Nt" \'.,ii ""'Lit"''" ·11 .. \ ·""" .1ll 11 ·11lt•1 1111 tlu· :-otiltp t I o1I 11 Ill 1tlt I tll.I \if Wlllj: I tll llt h hkt \\.1h ''"''' "'" t...... ,,, I 11\1 t\1111 I It .all s 1,11 .. I•· I I If\•, 1\I il1t '.-, 111 I It 1111 ltlt I "111111n1t111ly 1'111,•.1lt•(. .1i111l111 11 t1ol l1t•1dl1.1ll pl.1\' 11111 1h1 ·-.t ... lttl ll'' 1l/~01t11 I t 11 I I 1 lHI ill1/0t•,llflj' .t ll1il11k • l '1th\' 1111 1111 .l1oll 1"''11I1i.t11I f'I,. ... 1 111 111 d II\ I l11ugl.1~ tlillllll.111 I • 'lt1j1•t•.1 d llf h11g1 lll\l'll11di;illg 11)111.k:-. I )n·a ru t·u111t•.._ I I'll(' I an·, I l a~11111 11 . tw .. 1 ""u'' 11 ;i .. .I I( I "i11~ ol .. Balla ... ·· p11 .. 1 nl .. :i , • .,,,ho~ liat Co I .... 1. ' \ 1111•· ""'••·1111inµ of Por 1 ... 111••11111. l.11l!l:uul. Tlw 11•a1·l.,.ul pal .. ~ ,frtirn .. aid i i hail lw1·11 n Jo11g--linw .ta 1•:1111 111 1rn•1·I •.f U.' ./ , , ., } f /If I 1/ 'f ,, ' ,,, , f Ji. :y.,11; r -1 I l 'heTes ,,nlyone Fivt-Crowns. 1 h n1• d11111t\; ' . t I .. , INTIRMISSIDN "lCJVtr.R6 AND OTlllA lfllANOCAll A ""' "J f •mtt•tl1t•• ti, ftti•tt·tt I nyho ui11t Jt.1 ,.,,,. f•ol•u1i u11 111111, l••ll IP, l'h11I C10•t1'11ut 111111hJ• liflh '1111ul1t11tt11f f vulyu W•Hlfh It<"' ..... th!JJl(jl1 t1y l>1111ylt1 ~t1A,tlUOll •tlutttl mul 11vtt1u1u l•r Jut I tto1Jt f1m J''''"""'l•tl liy If,,. ',.ar• 4 ht1t1uoh l 1ilfUhut11ly I h•·~h·• "''"' 111101 f•111 l111rn 1111 ""' n-tuv 1t11iJ "\11luntuv ut tt 11 n1 10 1f1H t .1111111 t•1.1~hU11llll • •OI Avt' I 1tlu1llt) \11111 ( .lttmt~flllt h,t ... Ol,'1jfl1Jfl 111/ tl•\t 11 tl1ttn1111 '''" v '.t1 ~If! J11 IH M1.-1~ 111111111, l'f'1hu1 ,.,, lit I H11h111 A11u-11 Pu .• lt.mt.J ll<>h l HIHh f Iii lll1y Von IC.on1uv11 fttll Htu Ir um l>•vllJ fl111\..,IH l u lh•t11t l.uotlhu1 t Jofl11 f1(11'1"t' 11,011;11 .1 I tulfll'.. t'jt11I ttc1t.+<1h1Ut M H"if M1Ht1&11u 1Jow1t •!t t •1u tttldn \.\huh pl t" 111 ,1 g111x l •·H 11111g·, \\Ill k for th11•t• hu~ky ... 1.1gd1.11111' \d111 J.~' l .1 de " I\ nl 1 ur l,1111 l·;ill luc lht•lf 1'11111 h Tiu· p11nll1t 111111 1t ... 1•1f gt•h ht llt 1 ii'> al got·!> al1111j1, • 111111111 1l111i: 111 .1 ""'' 11d ul 'ikt•k h 111volving d111" 1111 < ;11;·dlt.111 .11111 l.11 v M11d1.11111 ·•» .1 tl11nly d1-.g111·wd v 1·1 -.11111 11 1 /\tr lu1· .. 111.i Ed 1t h Bu nkt·r 1'111·11 "'" t I l.111111.1111 1t111I h1~ \.\ 111 · 1K.11hy Vw1 K .1111 111·11) .11 1· "f>ltll111g , .111<1 lhl') 1·11d1.1vur, h;1111h;1111l1-.lh Ill IMll h 1l1111g' llfl Tli1• 1•11111<1Jy ·~ 'h;11 p ;111d '1111J.!•11i'. .111d "l''"•1k'< v11l11111•'' .tbout l.111111\ I llfllllllllllt .1111111 i\1111l li1 1 w1'll ... 1ag 1•d •,1·..:11u·111 l;ckt·~· pl:tn· 111 a 11.11 1111111111 .1~ a 1111ddlt• .1g1•d 111,111 (,Jnlt11 l';lllllll') 11 H'' 111 1'111•1•1 llfl 111 ., d1:-v1111:-.1Jlal l' n11:-.t1 , . ...., (Bai li;1r <i lloll"' w11h '""•tllll1glc·s' plut11udp, Thl· i.1·11ng r~ f1r ... 1 '·"'" 11111 11111 · w11nd1·1~ al>o111 tht· 11N·1•ss1ly 111 li1·111g111g 111 ;1 ~pin.ii d111>1 lw 1111• \1 '1'111 Thi· 111:-.1 ;w1 d111·,11'1 ... 1111 1·1111111 ,,., w1·ll t·1tlw1 111 tlw '' r11111~'. 111 th1 · p.-. l1>1 n1:111n·' Angi·I 1111 kanl dot·" ,111111· 11111 w111 k a' a vou11g l:ich tr v111g to turn • 1 p11 kltp 111111 .1 1111 .111111gl11I 11•l.1t11111sl11p. whtl1· l 'oll•·• 11 l.111 ·dlt.11 1 -.lllV•' h.11d 11111u11~ u play ll"l MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE 1"9 °'4'K1 ... (JI ... 1•""'9t .t IQ'°'•.....- ._._.,... •#}s.AJI ••• .,,., .. ">',., •t ~ ,,,.,.~ ,,., • ·-v • t w..e-'""'"- "'The Chosen' ... ri='l A l •<..I ~ A •Otlrt J One of the year's best!" A.il•t1yhJ'> WC::&FW..0 ono MA.I IV ~ .. ..,.,./t>\111•.t• .. HfSt,ur Tf [) c>ot ,,.,,.,,... .. ,, • .,,1~1'''"1' I Af• 1 , l <l If t ,.,,, •'l A~ f:J J'\i: 41'•~ J\ I 11 '.ill H I ' f tlfl fh[ "ii A;._ -1 A hH U I fl fti l'tot rqHI f <f Of ")f I Af f,1J lt.,ll(t ... EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT "RICHARD GERE IS POWERFUL. DEBRA WINGER IS EXCELLENT AND LOU GOSSETT IS INCREDIBLE." -Joel St..-1, 0000 MOMtlNO AMIRICA MllSIOll YllJO ll(W,OflT llACM OflAllGl WllTMllllTllt (O•""•d· •~'IO T "'"' fO.,lrO\ lle"IWI C~int Cf!\tClome fO.,a<Oi C.,.,,,1 W1t1 8)0 6990 6U 0760 634 1~~3 891 393S -OMJ.U\.C:C..PrlO'Ofl 'Nftf...,.._ttt•t • .tl1uu1 11111111 .tl pulilh , 'l'ltt 11th• 1, Huh l .. t11d1 V 11111 1 ~ 111.1111 IJ.1v1cl l<.1~k111 .11ul V.111 Ku1111w1t .11 1· " ,, 1·1l11 ll\'t ·1,.,11 1111111 1Hrl111111 •• 1111 .. 11r "t.uv .. 1-..1111l<>1l1t1 S11.1111-t1 '' y. 111 Ix 1111 .1·1111 ti Fr 111.tv ,111d S.1tlll d.1)1 .. , th• 1 11111 11111 1·1.1v l11111,, .!O'/. ,\v1• t '.1111 11111. S.111 ( '11•1111 ·11 I•. * IH VI N l':'SlllOB l':H'I' M.1111.111~'11 1111 , Wh4' pl.1y1·d till' 1·1·1111.il 1011• 111 1111 Nt w V111 k p1rnhwl11111 111 "Tl11 l >iv11w1 i.," w1111'1 r 1•1x.,1l l11i. 11111• .11 South l '1111st H1 •1x•11111 y '""'' 111Pn tli. ,,., oi 1gi11.11ly plu11111«l Th" l ~i v<•11r 11ht .11 l.HI , wh11 plt1 y1·d tlw 11ld1·1 hr11tl11 ·1 111 tlw 11111vw "t•: •r ... "'"' cl1opp1·d 1111111 llw 1itsl ;t111'1S('I<1·11uld11't 11t•g1111.1h • tl11• $10,000 lt·1· l111 ... ... , ... , ........ \ '. MGM/UA • .. n ...... ,.,,.. (O NOW PLAYING llllA U 10110 OR&llCl IJA ¥ •" I 14 t1J ••)1 r,, • IJ~O '401 / 11tl I .. ts~O • h, 6' fP • u 111t,t COSTA MISA 1 J" "'' NUllflNOIOll lllACM _-....Jli. l.i,.... .~ 1"'41~ I 1.., .. ,._ '' 11 'I' ~ ,. '1r1 I it ~.CM 0 t/'l"I --LuclAN6 PAVARam A Glorious Uproarious Love Story . ~ NOW PLAYi.SC. Oll&llCI l "<IOf• I t• "•. J A l lllt.~t 'il'I.( IAI U 1,t.I t.C rt.I> 1"111:.AIRf:~ •COS TA Mii& OflAlllGl 10 .. A•O• 1 "' rt~I~• !1141 I' I Alfl• Cit ~t.re• llU ) 6'.J• '4282 .. ""' 3Smm00[,_.....,.;.0) •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perlo1mancu before 5 00 PM fhttpl Spec:tal En9a9em1nrs ano HohOays) "THE LAIT AMERIC AN VIAOIN" 1•1 tlllO, J.-00, t-00. 1:00, .-00, I 1:00 "JEKYLL 6 HYDE TOGETHER AOAIN" 1•1 ,, JO J-lO •• )0 • JO • :JO 10 JO "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 11 o > 11 s·o . •is 100 "I, THE JURY" ,., 11 50 > 10 s JO 7 50 10 10 "PINK FLOYD THE WALL" ··AMITYVILLE II: .. -.,, ouMo 10• THE POSSESSION" ,., l:UO. 2 JI 4 40. t &S. t $$, 11 00 11 H J 05 S ».I 05 tOJS cwt~ ot~•••o-;:;;l __ 213/531·9510 J "PINK FLOYD: THE WALL"f "JEKYLL 6 HYDE ... 1•1 TOQETHER AGAIN",., 17 :JO 2 U &AO t 0 I 50 10 U I 00 J " S JO 11111 10-00 "THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" "TEMPEST" ,.,. ,, :JO, • 40 • .. • •• I 00 400 700 1000 "NIOHT SHIFT" 2 40, I 50 11 ot LAKEWOOD CINTIR SOUTH W&l• IN T "YES GIORGIO' ..,, H O t 15 "A U TH O R I A UT HOR I"' 0 1 I JO I 00, 101$ "THE LAST "MY FAVOR1TE YEAR" AMERICAN VIRGIN" 1•1 ,..,, , oo. , oo. , oo. , oo •••. , , oo I ,, •.• '°· •.•.• ~. , ... ·- ........ o """"' t >t ......... "' ... IM,OllTAICT llOT1Cl 1 CHllOlll M UMOlll 12 Jllll' _..,..,...,..,."""'lri lM '''"" i.. '°'"" CllO(,ll-·-•"<MIWllO•SIOU0 ~.81 • 11!1 ••CM ---AIXUIOI• -__ .. IOll_,,,"44!JIOl"l-l»Olo .. _ A"-AMl 1WI ,., "BLADE RUNNER" ANAHEIM D RIV E IN l'\.UI ,,,-41> "THE ROAD , ,..,Et 1o......,•1011•-1t WARRIOR" i•J ·~.:/<~ t 7f•flt() (o .. I I.Ou ( .. ,.,.':' "T~ MIT UTTl.I _ ,.,FPINK FLOYD: THE WALL" WMOl!fHOU:_'.,."' Tl•AI l'\.UI ••• • "'OflLO ACCOlllOINO TO OA....-1 llANAOU l"J __ .,.--_c_ ... =',..,-"" f"O• .._ c-.. u '°"' I Jf 'f#i PAOI BUENA PARK OllM IN lll"lCcMfll A•• W•tf .. C"'O" 121-4070 l\Jt ,,. .. ~ ""' LINCOLN OQIVI IN hftCO!ft A.-e We tt Of l ftOl1 121·4 070 fOUNfAIM FOUNTAIN VALLE Y DRIVE IH "THE LAIT AMllllCAN •w• VlllOIN" t111 "LITTLE OARLINOI" 1•1 c.,..,_ "ROCKY Ill" '"1 l'\.UI "FAIT TIMll AT "'' RIDOIMONT HIOH" C•"- ...... '" .. LA HABRA rmvt 111 ~.-.......... 111 ......... .,,... ., ..... 2 w-1.•4 ,I "E.T.. '"' THE EXTRA· TERRESTRIAL" ...... OllAOONU AYl!ll 1••1 "I, THE JURY" ,., ,lUI "THE AMATEUR" 1•1 "JEKYLL 6 HYDE . , . TOOE THER AGAIN" 1•1 "UP IN SMOKE" ••• C.lllllt fi \OulllO _., ... so"' J c;o.-i;. ... 1 ........ 191-3693 - "SPLIT IMAGE" 1•1 l'\.UI ··FADE TO BLACK" 101 COi•<- "AMITYVILLE II. THI P018ElllON" 1•1 l'\.UI "DEATH WISH 11" 1•1 c .. "'°""'° '"HK FLOYD· AT THE WALL" !"01 l'\UI "XANADU" ,,., .. "' ........ ~ '* ORANGE 0111\ll IN • , .... c .... ,. 4!.!tr "4-1311 • :. I I . "AMITYVllLI M: THI POtHlllOtffl t•l "-ut "Dl "TH WllH II" 1•1 -· .. . . .. MISSION (llJIVI IN . . ------, .. , ..... ~ "MY P:AVOfUTI '"'"") VIAii" l"t "ON GOLDIN POND" '"' l'\UI e "CONTININT AL DIVIDI" !NI ·• 1111111 11 •111111 d l1v 11.,. 1otult Mrn rwughtwt wall ht· 11 pl.111·d tiv '"' IH ,, .ir 11111 1111111 Jl'fCrt•y t 'mnb ... v. li11 h 11 H·'"' .111 •• d ull 1111d 1u11 .1111'1 It'll hy tlw 11UH1 r uft l ',tflf•11111.i 1 1111 1111l v ,1,t11 · v.1111 .1 luw l1k1• th" "''' l<11IH·1 I ' l.1tl111 , H1 111 1 M .11111111ijht1111 Wt• 11 .11111 il11· ~!""" 11111·1111111" but 11 ' '" 11uld.t11·d .1111J UllJW•I " 1<11 111 11 1-. -.1'111 d11l1 d lu •IJil"'••I 111 two p1·1f11111111m1 ·,11r "C".111111111" at II(' l1 v1 rn•1111 N1Jv <!U .111d '/.7 111 ·11.,. 11111" 111 '1'11111 wl111 h ,t,111t•d l11m on ;1 pr 011·.,,11111.d 1·.111·1·1 111 S• l>.i,l1a11 ·, Wt'i.l l>111twr l'luy ltou\1· l11w Y•'·"' .1gu S 1111·1• 11 "d r nrnn1unrty 11! ... 111•1• pt uduc I 11111. Hob,.1 t ww1'1 IH• pard 1111<! thu11 will n11t lw ;ii I ti'h ·d t,y tlw luto1 luw jii!lijii911-... > • L_ • THt: t'.\~IL ,. CIR('l'S by 8 11 Keane "Con we come in the house yet?" I ~AR'9:\Dl'Kt: --' 11 f}- i I by Brad Anderson "I feel like I'm being X-rayedl" Jl'DGE PARKER JW.~ 10·5 '900~ '9l'LLl~S ACROSS Were • Rleh 1 PantnltS Mtn" S 8eltfy S t Ou111ote. e g 10 China Comb 52 Most IOlid torm se Journey 14 Part ol OED 60 N«M god 15HIYI1111 le* 91 H~ lhrll 19 Exult '""' 17 Md1Uon1 6" Fttttll 19. Owelliog 65 Odin·, reeltn 20 Wrthdrftf at PrepotitlOn 21 Red c!yet• 67 Aeptlle V• 68 AO tlgnf 23 weoe ff Abfttt ~ 26 ~ 8'11· bowN ~ 1 w..rtcor a EllOlllfl com- MONDAY'S f'Uml IOLVED 27 fortfaU. 30Grea,.., 34 8ul'd911 35 Out of "IC-po.-11 Dolt frfOflg 44 LI~ 3 o.e1c1cy 22 '*"' •9 o..crtbtd "" 37 Mourn 3'C0nlllinef 3tCIOMgraup 41 Tlw• M 41 Ullllty .,.~ ... ...... '°" 4$~1tmlr "" 47 Voteft SO "-- I 4 MIAtl.colOfecf l 4 ,_,, Clull., 48 Pierces 8 .. ,.._... -26 llndl 49 PrewYe -you" 27 LP rtcOtd $2 811Uon e ~ llCC.. 21 Diltofd $3 Pecullllt 10· Pott 21 Tht.-Md Prt1111 7 Victor, 31 Corrtc1· $4 "Alo. -" ....... Ip Prttl• 55 o.n.tlogy t Dltlt'IMl9Cf 32 Mor. W1"'1 57 WNl'*COCk 10 "*'-"' 3l 8wlrm1 S8 Mt Kett 11 .... ., 31 Mode 6t Pone. dt - 12 Al_. crty 3t lrrllatt e~ Prtfl• l0t bat t3 It In lfllt 90 40 If en rtg!On 63 Recll ti , . . . by Vtrdtl Partch (V IP) "Evtr notlct how Mother N1turt bulld1 you lower to tht ~round 11 you m1tu,.? So you e1n cOtMr bttttr.' ~TELL Joe y l'iL BC QJf S0CtJ AS I FINI~ R£FUELIN6 .~ by Harold Le Ooux YOU~ NAMc HA5 A FAMILIAP. RINu . e\JT I CAN'T PLACE IT' -·- by Ferd & Tom Johnson NAW-· A CUBSCour COMP.ASS IS FOR DEN MESTING5 ... IT ALWAYS POINTS ;o l'H' REFRES~MHJTS .' 1 2 3 ' ,, Orongu Cootl DAil Y Pll OT I I uu•duy Oc.t11l1m 'J t11M? 117 MARBLES! MY UVtLIAN BROTHER!~AT ARE YOU DOIH6 HERE AT THE FRONT 1 'c·~ SHOE HERE'S ntf U.00.D WAR I FLYIN6 M.E SHOWIN6 Hl5 (MLIAN BROTHER AROUND THE AE~~OME .. CAREFUL! i1:: ~1 I~ IT!? PEEWEE, A PERSON IS SUPPOSED TO WEAR TWO SOCKS I '· .. , I ~' ... ....... ........ __. ........................ l (. T C by Tom K Ry an by Erne Bushm .,, BUT I MADE A M ISTAKE Al'JD P.J ..... T HEM BOTH ON THE SAME FOOT CAN'T ~·' M.NZ...., ~~ 5AID rr ..t'rlst At.JD ,..~A"'f ! CDUL.0 HAV'f ,,.., • u ........ • ' .. , •• \( ~ hy Gus Ar r1013 ::;(..ll<c.' ..!£: \\Llr:tl vl .._. \\>.JJTl:C' 1 ~,~ .... ~ AAJQ 0 A\JF 1 1.:-~.e.~- by Tom Batu ~ t'l'~K ,. "1~9't:RBt:.\' All IHE LEAVE.':> ARE lAL:KING ABOtrf HOW WE'f<"E. All SOPPOSED fO BE DROPPED FROM fHE -WEE I FPANKL(.,> I I'M NOi !HAI l.AJORRtED I ORA BB LE Editor'~ te: We wish w apdoe,ize f oc e recent erra-in our newspaper ?\ ·::~. ~) -~ DR.SMOCK We mconect~ "4U'J'~ our cd\ege president a'l S~I~ re \JaS a "Rusc;\an 5P'J .. What he real\~ $3\d was that he hl(es "pecan pie''. We apclo g1ze ~ a~ entar · ras~ent t\'\\s mai have caused him , -~ ·~: .. ~f\ 11r1 BIJY, I CANtreVEN fflKA StMPU: ·I crue:.sTiON . even th0t.t,l1 1t"• not an r,, h \\\ !Th•m\ i\, " \. \ ~?1 ~~~~ ,, .';r;ft by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston lfS lrlE. SIMPLE ONES 1HA1 Df\IV~ ~e. CRAZY! ~~~ .,, ---~-- .. Orang Caoal DAil Y PILOT /Tue1cJay, October 15, 1G82 'CBS News Nightwatch' can't shake debut jitters 11 'ESl>A 'I' EVEHIHO 5:00 G 11 U SEU U. American League p1ayorrs Miiwaukee B1e-.1Ws al ~el 1to•n1e Angels 8:00 I f5J NEWS CHARLIE"S ANOEi.S 8 EIGHT IS ENOUGH .. M 'A•S•H Sudden symplorns or 111 neu .n Hol Lips 1nd 1n COi Po11or 's lavo11ca mare cause concern 1n 111e 4077111 ti) HAWAII FIVE-0 SI OVER EASY "Hoallh Care" Guest l•lll anGISl'I IRIO QI!) HllMANr1'1ES THROUGH THE ARTS 'Olama Nucleus 0 1 A Sto ClJ CBSNEWS 0J N8CNEWS (C)MOV1E * * • ·~ "l ne Hanging Tree I 19591 Gary COOPlt Meua Schell "' <IOCIOI k•ffS a man wll< .. rescuing I gorl an0 11 atmosc lyncll8d by • dtunkenmob MOVIE * • 'Forev~ Datll"il ( 1956) LUCiiia BaJI 0- Arnaz A young couple 1 m1mage It aaveO by a guet01an 1ngal who resembles the Wife's favor •la movie II•• @MOVIE * • • Looker C 19811 Albe!I Finney Jamn Coburn The mysl4HIOV• daa1hs of a -OM or beau Ulul models •nvOlved 1n • new advar11s1ng project ere blamed on Ille pl&Sll< aurgeon who opera1eo on 111em 'PO' 8:30tD ALICE 811 OICI< CA llETI Guesl Batoneu Cle Roth· achold (P111 21 tRI '1!) OAOWIHO YEARS "Tile L111rn1ng 1nranc'' {l)(ltNEWS ffiJ RACE FOR THE PENNANT Betry T oml* 1n1 and Tim McC81"18' eov« all Ille b8SeS leading 10 1he 1992 World Setoes fO)MOVIE • * .,, "The LUI Days Of Muasol1n1 • t 19771 Rod Sla•ger Henry Fonda NNt Ille end ol Ille sec- ond W()(ld Wit, 11a11an I•• Clll pram• Ben•IO Muuo- 11n1 111amo11 to llM 1111 detHleO country 'PG 7:00 I CBS NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 8 SOAP Tile Major kldnapt a nalQhbof ano Jessica 11111 • vtll1 lrom Cllet I er. I MIC. tall')' • THREE'S COMPANY Tt>e glrla llgh1 over whlCh of them 11 co fOln Jack 011 o -k-lorog crulte I Qt JOKER'S WILD Ii) BUSINESS REPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE An -ot>lc dance class IOI 1111 lo• Anoo!N Rema. 1111 procieu ol pleklng conc- tanll IOf • TV oarna SllOw CB)TEDOV PENOEAORABS IN CONCERT llldeo11Ped " LOll<lon'• C>0eon Hall, Chit perlc•tn- ~ by one ol eoul'• big· gnl "'941'11111 INlur .. many of hit Ml {%)MOVIE By ntt:o ROTH~NHt;RG (._) v t· r II I K Ii l • • Ill II n h H ,. ti Nl';W YOHK (AP> Otw 11111111·d1u11•ly tu hat tlw rll(ht wuntkr11 whut lsrul•li Lubtir t•onihanotlon' ''' 1rrl'v1•11•m•c• 1111t.J l"'urty leudl·r Sh1n1011 J"'1•n·11 !wrtou1ml11111 whl•n tlw pr11Krt1m thought uf th1 · 1ww "(.'BS N1•w11 oppc.·urt'<.I lu111 July N1ghtwutd1" Flvl• 1nlnutl'li Into u Whllt• NB<."11 Lloyd Doby ru1 I 1 v l' 1 11 t l' 1 v 1 t' w . h l' w u i. uncl Llndu l!:llt•rbt•t• w ork wl'll lrllt•rruµl t•d rru m Ul'l'Clll~lh1· lllf(l'tht•r. tht• CBS fourH(Jml' o( Atluntll' by JI U1·r y 1ww11l·u11tc1' Glenn. l>ow, l'\•hl'ltt Jf'l ... r und Chrlstoplwr <.i l••11n for o Kun·n S tum· wt•rt· 11tr1rngcr11 In 1·01T1mt.•rl'iul tht• 11i1o1ht Thu; frunllt', llu11y bd1uv111r Four 1J11t'ho111 silting tiround u ll JOrrulJ{ tad for tht· i fi :1.111 . <.J ... 11k madt.• for TV d u tH·t', p1·rtod wa:1 l'ht1ra1·tt•t'l11lll' uf rcsc·mbhnH the parll'llxt11 from l h t• d (' b u l M II t\ ti 11 y Cl r "Wh1.H's M y Linc•?" "N1ghtwutd\," whal'h 11m·hor · Pairing two und hading th•· llurold Dow said offered "u nr•w u tht'ra each hour would m11kt· rhythm and a nt•w upproach." mort> scmsc. O n thl' first night, It wkt:'s tame for a late-night the woml'n appeared m ore al 11 t• w 1:1 show lo st r 1 k c a t•asc Dow was a terrible news rn111fortable balan<:e of serious rt>adcr, and G lcnn's ban ter ond information, bnght features and self-consl'1ous paper-sh uf!Jang hvt>ly pr<.-sentataon. wert• weak · "N1ghtwatch" has u Ion~ wuy Thl'rc 's also so ml'lhtng Lo ~o By contrast, "NBC Nl•ws rnntnvl•d about Glenn saying. lle nry Winkle r and Field play the leads in Hff eroes," the stor y of a Vi('tna m veteran tha t i~ h a unlecJ by his war experie nces tonight at 8 KTLA. Channel 5. o n 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN F'ealured a v1s11 10 one ol HOiiywood's casll"il aoen- coes. !he 1nven101v ol • Beverly Hiiia pawn s"op· e look 81 how aome lo~ Angeles sltaels weta named II LAVERNE & SHIRLEY I COMPANY The Fonz drops oll • surpllM bundle 11 tile i ,. epanmanc MADAME'S PLACE M 'A'S'H fha ll!)ISler Co4 Flago I/Iowa up al Ille 40771h again. c:onvonc:ad 11111 H1wttaye IS • communist impelhlzat (I) TIC TAC~ MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT m MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING · Spt1rig Scene 1:00 1J (I) BAINO 'EM BACI< ALIVE Frank Buc:;Jc hH an unusual tounlOn wrlh 11•1 IOlmel ceachef and panner II MOVIE • • ,., "Hatoes" 119 77) Henry W1nk1et. Sally Field A young girl on • crost· counl ry bua tourney becomes invOlveO wlln a Vle1nam valet 1n wl\oee butnong detlte is co s1ar1 a worm farm wolh an olO war buddy D EYEONLA Faa1ureO the ll1Slory or I.he bikini, 1 gam~t whO spends as mudl as S30 mllllOn a year. belllnd·l'- IC-9 wolll oton worl<«S u they work on hlgl'H\M buold•ng• . 8 MOVIE • * ''o "Madame Sin' ( t9711 Bella Davis. Robar1 Wagner A lirolsle< lady at>dvcta e CIA agent and compels him IO Per11Ci9ate In • plot to 11eal 1 tubma- rlna • P.M. MAGAZJNE An -able dance clau for the Los Angela Rimi, 1111 pt004tll ot picking oon1n- 1an11 IOI • TV geme llhow. .., MOVIE * * t "The Amazing How- ard Hughes" (Part I) I 1977) Tommy l .. Janet. Ed F'llnd4HI Thi lllgllly votallle end aceenlric mul- llmllllonelre u-wealth and lnlluenc. lo lnOUlge hie otlt>eet ot>Mtlk>na and curlouarages. • NATIONAL OEOOMPHIC SPECIAL "Polat Beer Alert" Tha grfft wt111a polar beat Ind I Manitoba lown'a elfc>tll 10 co-.lllll with 11'1111'1 are tl'la llU bjtc1' ol I docu· rnenlary llOaled by E 0 M4Hlllell and Nlltaled by Jaaon Rot>aldl (R)Q • MYITUl'Y "Or Jeelyll And Mr Hyde" Ot Jekyll bacomu engegeo lo Ann Coootn· 1111111 wtlo ltlal repeetecfty lo Yllllf lt>e doGlor bu1 find• Edw11d lf)lde more raedlty .... lllebla lo hel (Parl 2)(RI ~MOVIE "High toe · {19801 David JanatMI. Tony Muunlt TllrM moun1a.1n cllmbell are reacued ltom •n OblCUta C:lilf U I re8Vll lhe vallanl alforll of • ,,.,.,,n ranger )MOVIE *.'A "l1l1n01 In Tile Slream" ( 10771 Georoe C Sooll. Claire Bloom Baaed on lhe novel by Ernetl Hemingway An llOltled art111 18 IO<Ced lo tevHl hll lloddan amoclona when Ills 111••• a1111nged 1on1 coma 10 vltll him PO' Cl)MOW *',t "H~ II (1981) Jamie l M Curllt, Donald PleuenC4t A hQOaleNly 1n.-rnutOeter conclnun Ills reign ot lal•OI In 1 am•ll1own R' O MOVIE t *\It Tiie Wlld8'1\ffl Famlly, Part 2' (1978) Roba•I Logan, Sun n Oamanla Shaw A rnodetn ~ •arn•I)' •aces a bil· ,., w1n1at rn the Rocky Moun111n1 'G' S: 15 (!I) NEWS 1:308 MOVIE * * * "Kelly'a Hat on" I 1070) Clint EHtwooO. Tai· ly Sl\lalU During World w., 11, an 1mptobable 1Nm Of M>ldlan mallet 8 wlkl dUll ballrnd _,., llnet • 90YOUTHIHKYOU OOT TAOUel.U 9 EHT£ATNHMEHT TONIGHT Aro Interview wtlh Bonnie BeOella CQ)M()YI( *•*\It "Pellam•" ( 1958) VM Hellir'I. Ed Begley B8Md on a drama by Rod SerltlQ A ~ tycoon o-t• caught up 1n 1 111g11- IChelon power •trvoglt (?)MOVIE * t Yo 'Sunday Too Fat Awsy" ( t9751 Jack Thomp-'°"· ..... Cullan t:OO 9 Cl) BAN: ESIENCE A IC)Unky, young glll dev81· ops e ~•lul perfume bvllnat8 to htlCI brl11Q a lallarlng congromarele blcil to financial aclblllly. Genie Francia. Bluca Bo•· lellner, Unda Ev1111 and l .. Oranl 1111 (P•rt 2) G 8MOVIE • • •,; "Hard Country" ( 198 1) Jan-MlcllHt Vin· C4111t, KJm BQlroger. A TaK• H factory worll8' II lorn be""'*" 1111 desire to con- llroue In Iha "good old boy" llf•IY'a and Ille llan- C!M 'I lltlow bu"'-lmbl• tlon•. I MERV OAIFfWf MYITUl'Y "Or Je«yll And Mr Hyde" Or J ekyll bacomaa anglg90 10 Ann Coggen- allall ""'° "* tepMledly 10 vlall the cloctOf but llnOI £dwllfd Hyde more reedlly avalllbla IO lier (Pll't 21 (R) i NOVA 1ng vo1ar1 In the November eiecuon1 QI!) HARO CHOICES "Oeam And Dying" An ••Plorellon of 1111 growing 1n1ere11 In p111en11· righll and medlcll ethic• 11 P<•· 1«1lad (RI (~MOVIE * * * * "La Sltada" . ( 19f>41 AnlhOny Quinn. Olull•ll• Malllna A wind· &ring acrongman ac;eomp1- nlao by the 11mp1e.w111ec1 girl lie bough! lo be 1111 clown 11 goaded lnlo kllllng an llCtOb&I who IHMI nlm ()UMOVIE e * * "Body Heal" ( 19811 w 11111m Hurl, Ka1h1Hn Tutnet A amallllme Floflda lawyet 11 pe<IUIOad by his lovet to muro.< her hu•- t>and 'R' (Q)MOVIE • * "Tile lncredlbl• Stutnk1ng Woman'' ( t980) lily Tomlin, CllarlN Gro- din A hOuMWila llndl II 1181 d 10 cope wtlell Ille tMJOoenty t>egln• 10 shtlnk lrolllza 'PO' ' (I) AOMANCE: STOL.EM LOVE (P ll1 5) O MOVIE • • "lmP<oe>er Channel•' ( 19811 Alen Arklr'I, Marlene H111ll9y A .., ... ol mltun· dara1ano1ng1 cauaN a IOClal work8' 10 tulpect Ille 5-yeer-Old dauglllltf or a 141P1taled couple •• Ille vlCHm or cllllO lbUM 'PG' (l)MOVll! • * * 'Arthur" (19811 Dudley Moor•. LILI Mln- nerll Wllll• hie lamlly 111emp11 10 force him lnlo a pre-a11anged marriage,• drunken l>edonilllC pity· boy 11111 lro IOYI wl11l I poor WOtillng girl PO' 1Ct.30 • INOEP£HOEHT NE:TWOAK HEWS ($)MOVIE. * * •; 'Nr11n11<y 119701 Alan Betet, George Cle la Pena TrllifT!Ph end lt-O-· oy pu11etua1a IN ••ormy ralallon-"'P t>ai-Ille grNI Rua.ian bal .. t atat en<1 n.t Sveno111-1111a maro· R' 11:008118 oa NEWS 8 IATUROAV NIOKT Host Eric Idle Oues1 Alan Prlee 1J IN SEARCH OF ... "Lila Before Birth" • THAT QUIZ S..0W 8TMET'S OIF SAN FAANCM9CO Ot.-,tlon In e lemily l'telpa the p()ljce ca1cll up wlth a geng lhll picks neighbor· hood• apen with rl*'Y kroown Qon game. ID DOCTOR 1H THE HOUIE Dick, Ouncan and Peul help ce141bfala Bingham end MatY't marrlao- 11:.30 • Cl) QUINCY A gunshot ~11m die. from 1 MCOnd wound appatanl· ly a...rloolled by Ille young doelc>t who trHted him at an -gerocy cllfllC; (R) G QI TONIGHT Holl Johnny Ca11on Ou••" Tha Smothert Brothefl. Jon Volglll 8 9 MCNEW& NIGHTlM I YOO AIKEO FOR rT THEMnMON8 Flor-w11nta 10 lorm • Ulllon tor mekla • AAT OF IEINO HUMAN "Tile WonOel Of Form" ID P88 LAT£NIOHT HOii. Oemll8 WllOWf (O)MOVIE. * * "The Ten Glrl•" a MOW • • "Come Heve eon .. Wllll Ua" (t072) Ugo TOQ· nuzl, VelenliM. A mlddle- egeo teii coneol11n1 lor Ille 11111111 g~ro""'11 relo- cal" to a tmall country ta-n wi.a he 1181 ~ mlde hHd or Ille ~- "*'' 1 l:IO CC) MOVIE * * •,; "llllla Der11ng•" (10901 Tatum O'NMI, Krte- ly McNlchol Al sum,,_ ump. two tMl'l·ega glrlt c:otne>sl• 10 -who Wlh be tt>e flnl to IOM her vltglni- 1 •A' 12:00 . lNTeRTAIHMENT TONIOHT An Int.,...._ With 8oM+a Bedell• * * '" "T t>e tnvtllbla Boy" ( IK71 Ph!llp Abtlo11. ~ etd EY9' A muer.. com- puter Qoet1 ewry 1ro It• 1narnp11 to control Itta wot1d bee-It lallt to celCUllle tile power of IMNil\ '*IOI· . ..___ _________ . _________________ _ "The GrHI lllOllll Mye- 1er," Some lllKlntllnO •llafnPll lo untocto Ille eecret of tM ~ ot lht grHI 81tacllYt1rl ¥\ollnl lft ,.,,..led (RIO •M (I) THl MNCW() Of ~TlMlll'T 8 9 FAHTMY lllAHO T •lloo It granted hl9 tavor- 111 lantMy ror hil blrtlldey, '"" • NIMfnllll COUf'tl 1111 c:llYOl'lllf or 1111 weatttly ~(RI CHANNll LISTINGS e KNXT tCISI e l(NIC (NICI • KTLA (Ind.) e KAIC (AIC) • KP'MB ICISI e KHJ•TV (Ind.I • KCtT (AllCI e ttnv 11,..1 •e KCO'-TV (Ind.) • ICCIT CPIJI C'"9t) I .\ (Cl) On·Tll Z·TV !JI) HBO (C) IClrwm••> (J) IWORI NY .. N.V. Ul IWTIS) IUPNI ,.,_.,""' • lpotll9t11 • ICMNe Ntwt Network) . . • 'URtUfT Of' THI MAftVILOUI A eurvey of lhl Surrtal· 111 m ovt man l 11 • aullutal lo1ot th11 1111 1n1111tncto MUCh o! 20th century 1r1, tnm. Ot•m•. tmCI -IN)Nlkll 10:00,. e e NIWI LIACIUI Of' WOMIN ~ OC*IMlllONM. DmATa Promtnent mtrnbeft Of bOtfl "" HcMe Ind ltn- ... dalbMe the ,_,.. '* • MOVll * • ~ "Mllllyn" I 1"31 Doouman111ry Nl!',lllCI by Roell HuOaon lllllm tlCef'pll prOVlde I ptOVOC• lllvt ,,.-11 Ille phtllom• tnOtl 11111 w11 ectr- Merllyn Montot. • MOVll * • * "Pride And Pttfu· dloe" I 1940) Ot-01reon. Ulifence OIMef, A IP!rit• ., ~ olt1 nvnt• '°' 1neman111eio-e Low.~ ITY\.I "LO.. Alld The ltwlt "tit, ltu111lcl," whill' lt1lrt1Ch tc 1111( Uow ul -I :111 111 tht' 11111111111.c ti h·1111 1>11l'l' 1ttl-tl lu 11tl 1111 11rf u pt'l'VIOllh \tw y hy IJI 01Hlll1Wllllo( ttwn· would lw 1u1 mun· wu1tlt1H for "Nll{htw11ld1 " 111• 1h1·11 h11tl to ahc<•pltthly l11ll 11du1·1· J t'Omm<'rciul hll V I o;huw11 lillitl liull 'I( ranul o;tond111g-. ur1d 1nd1v1dultl )(',1dl·ri1 l\nd 11 w11i.11't lllllll nt·urly twu hour" 111to lht• pr0Kra~1 thut th1• l11C1tb11ll 11tt 1k1•, D11111s Cuµ n'llulls .inti Junmy <.'unnorh' vat·tory •JVcr BJ o r 11 Ho r g w t· r 1· l' v 1· 11 1111·11!111111-<I 11hoddy throughout the pruatrli m It ol80 wu1 hurt.I to tt•ll whl'lhf'r somt· 1nh•rv11·w11 w c·rc· live or M1 •n1C.>n•1< Bl!11ldt·11 th1• inlt•rv 11•w with P1•r1•M, "N16(hlw111d1" d1cJ11't advtUll'<' any 1Hu1 lt•ll lt n •1,.>rll'<l on thl· Tylenol lnvt•t1t1Hut1on ul lt'Ullt ()ight timc11. but flf'Vl'r ,.,. dt•urly u is AA<.: Nl•w11 ' "1'hlx Mornlnlo(" or' thl' CBS "Eut•ly Morning New11." both of which lc.-d with lnv~tisut1m1 lc)l>k mK ut "mukontt•nls and ml"flL"" mncmg thl' two down potcnuol suspt-c~ (. · I c· 11 r I y . t h .. r t• w u ~ 11 o t·r ('<llh1ltty uruund HIJ41f'1J1. Th .. ilt'l'und and third h o1Jr1 wc•n• th<.• 1t1onge1t, when a law. night, prt•sum11bly latd -baek audii•m.•t· prl'tiunwbly t'Ould aJnk tls l<H'th lnto lrHt•rvil'ww 41nd fcaturl'S "N lghtwatch" romplct~ly massed thl' boat in 11rorts. A late-night, four-hour program should brooden sportH rt•pclrltt\I>(. Arter Sunday'i. rf>gular ~t·1Js<m fina lt', "N1~ht wate h " i.h<1U Id Dow ('111 ll·d llou11tun p1 lt'hN .11"· Nlt'krn "Nl·ro "Ull•nn 5111d Al Hu mhr y 111·v1·r n111vc•d IHI a Milw11uk1•1• ho1111·1·ut1 wtwn thl• .;1multurwuu11 tupc.• shOW(.'d the Bult1mort• <'l·nu·rftc.•lder ru<:ing w l h 1· w o 11 (:It· n n a> a 1 d th c• M 11 w11uk1·1• -Ca I .rum 111 pluyoff s1•1 tl'11 was 11du•dul1-d to start Monduy night (he later t'OrrL't:led 11 lo Tul·sday night) And a Balt1m11r1· Malwaukt·t-lockt•r roum ~lory h ttd no pla y1·r 1dent1!1cauons. T h l' r 1 • w <• r l' 1 n I t• rt· as l I n R f cat u r t•s on Mari ne dri ll in11trut·tors und night worke rs. althuugh It was a bit self JK•rving for "Nlghtwatch" to do !IO many s torw11 1n what 's happening around lht-world m the middlt! o f tht· night an London , Tokyu. Moscow and Grt.-en.land. In lat't, 1dcntdll'1tlaons wcrt- M1st.a k<11 are bound to happen purt1eularly on the f1h t night but "N1ghtwatc h " 1s a llruadcast dc-'Spcrately searching for an idenuty TUii TDPPIRS KNXT (2) 8 00 "Hrtng 'f;m Buck Alivt•" Frank But·k h:is <in unusu:d n:u naon with his (urmt•1 t<•u('ht•r und partner an this nl'w Sl'l'll'S. K COP ( 13) 8 :00 "The· Amazing Howard Hug hl•s." Tommy Lt.·t.· Jom·s a nd E<l Flanders swr in Part I <1f story 11f ttw h i g I y v o I a t 1 I c· <1 n d t· 1.· <· c-n t r 1 <' mullimilltun ain· KABC (7) 8 ::l0 "Kt'lly's llt.•rot•s" Clin t Eastwood and T e lly Suvala:. an· fentured in story o f a n 1mprob<.1blt· tc.•um of soldwrs who makt• a w ald d ash bt·h1nd l'nt·my lines during World W ar II K OCE (50) 9 :00 "Tlw Gn-<1t Violin Mystery." Som(' fascanaung attc.•mpts to unlock the SCl'f'l•t o f the sound of thl• S trad1var1 violm:. a r t• rcvcul<.'Ci DOii' Hanoey rnOtll IO datperale maasu•M to inSPlta "Q/tl09ily \" Ille girl ectOM Che coorl MOVIE * * '" "Tattoo · t 198 II 8tuce Dern. MIMKI Adema An ObMSMd 111100 111111 kldnepa 1 lat111on model and proc:eeOa lo eo-he< body Wllh hfl handlWOlk 'R' (%1MOVIE * • "Providence" ( 1977) Eller! Buralyn. Jollr> 0 1e1- oud A lilallme of rocollac Ilona ll1tolle1 by In Ille dteama of •n IHderlv. dylllQ man 'R' t2:30 D °'LAT£ NIGHT WrTH OAV10 lETTERMAH Gu•I• comed•an Oeor~ MUl8'. Je<ry L....,1 I COUPl.E.S LOVE. AMEAICAN STYLE "lo ... And Tile a.o Pele< and Barbet a. wt>a -now each ol.ller only •llgtllty. buy1Maamat>ed 12:60 9 MCMILLAN I WIFE Mac and Sally • peautvl ....i.eno 11 1n18'rupled by ,,... dlllM>*etanG• ol 1 oog, • klOnapptng eno • rmotOet (SJMOVIE * * ·~ "Momrnte OeatMI' ( 1981) Feye Oun1w1y. Ota- na SGatwld Forl'*8 him 111r Joan Cfawtord ,.,_ her 1wo a<1op1ed ""1•1dran In a d01TW11t1c atmoapllere lhet varlet from luiwrlOu• comlon to Udl111a dllOI• pMf\e 'PO' 1:00 • M0\111! t t 'It "Bua Rl141)1'1 Back In TOWft" ( 1965) Ann·Mll· gre1, Mlc:hMI Parks A young Navy man talurna 10 f•nd 1h81 Illa gill who tajee1ed him In 1111 pell ...,..,. 10 •11f1 a ,_ rala· tlon8"ip • MOVIE * * * "The Nlltted EdO*" (t98tl Gery Cooper, Oat>or all Kart A lor'IQ· delayed 1at1er c-ll'>e reopening Of I 6-year-old murOet c:ue (Q)MOVIE •• "BoncMllo" .MOVIE t •,; "0..lh Valley' ( 1982) PIUI LaMal. Pet., Bllllngl- 19)1 A New Yorll youngtl., It _,I 10 Atl:tona co v111t ,.._ ruotller and llumblel ec;1ou a win of gn11y murdet'1 'R' 1:108 MOVIE * * ·~ "The Oreel ice Alp- Olf" (19741 lH J Cobb. Gig Young Wiien a gang ol )ewe! thlevet decide to UM I bul a lhelf getlWly c:ar. lhey don't counl on • rellred cop being one ol th• puMl!Oltt t:ao I :::C H£W8 OV'EIMQHT (C)M()YI( * * * "RlllntrM County" (1957) EllUbeth TaylOt. MontQOl'*Y Clift During 1111 CM! Wai, a cac>llttlllng Sov111arn btlll la O.laf • rnlneO co 111\lf mt tnen of lier CflOlce rfOlldleU ol Ille~ 1:10 (B) MOYll * * "Tilt ~Ung" I t980) Grorte GrllNtM. JOhn Cat- rlcllne A novMI rtinlt I MOu6td VictOf~ men- alotl ""'*'9 .,.,. beglt\f l\fV· Ing atr811Qe. erotic drtam• •R' 2:00 8 C88 NEWS HtGHTWATC.. ~= * * • • The lnvlSlble Eloy" ( 1957) Philip Abboll. RICll· erd Eyet A m8UIVI com- pul8' goes awry In 11s allempt• to conltol Ille world bec.eUllO It rar11 lo ca1cu1a11 tha power ol hum1n t>etnga 2:30tD MOVIE • * • ·~ "Tho Diary 0 1 Arone Fronk' 119~91 Joaeph Sclllldkraul, M1llle Perkins A dlery d19GOY· 8fed 1n lhe alllc ol an Amlle<dem lacl()(y per- lr•v• 111e plight or • J_1.,, refugee llmlly wttoch llved 111910 1n llld•ng tor IWO ya are CB NEWS f 01 NtCHOlA8 MCKL£8Y A YOUllO man tr• 10 be1· lat 111mM1r by OO'no co llCnoOI .""°"" * * * "Madame Rola" ( 1978) Strnona S;grootat. Claude Deupt11n A llrOll'l- an 1 pet aonal.rty uncl«goes an .. ,,_ ltarosl0tmacoon when 51\e tnvotves hefM!ll In 8 rornanllC atta11 wtllCl'I brl09M two wtOaly dllfc• i cultural level• 'PG' 2:40 NEWS 2:50 , LAFF-A· THOH A comedian 11081 IAd lour comlC conre11an11 who compare 1galn11 one onotller ere l111ureo 1n till• unoensoteO comedy game .,,_, 3:00 9 MOVIE ***'A-'The Slee! Hal· rntl' 119511 G-Even1. Rot>etl Hutton A United Nellon. palrOI In Korea pa,,.1 Ille way lor •gene<· II co match forward w11h 1111 1roap1 ag1ln11 Ille - 3:10~MOVIE ·~ "Hauo-II" (199t) Jamie LM Out111, OonllO ~ A l\opelellly In-'""'"'*" continues his reigro ol terror tn a small I own 'R' 3:26 rz) MOVIE * * • "Moderro Rornenc:e" (19811 Alball Brooks, Kelllryr'I HarTOICI A folm editor lriaa repeatedly lo win l>adl Itta '-1 ol Iha woman lie~ 'R' 3:3010. ONE GENERATION 3:36 ( MOW ** 'Looker" (1081) Albatl Finney. Jamee Coburn Ttta myslaoous dHlh1 ol • _ ... ol beau· lllul modal• Involved In • new adve11111ng projeel are blamed on Ille p11111<1 tutge<>n who ope11111d on lhem 'PO' 4: 15 8 MOVIE • "Srerc11t111" (19791 M.,. 1oe Go<tn8'. Chtlatophet P1ummt!f' To ptotecl tile kln~om or Ille Emperor. IPKe llarolne Stella Scar 11nd IKl• navigllor A~lon C!omb Ille gal .. y In Mll•C:ll or evll Count Zarth Arn'• hklden lalf. 'PG' •:ao~~ * * • '" "Tha Hanging Tr .. " (1959) Owy ~ Ml/Ill Sdleli A Ooetor k lHA • man """"'-rtlCUlllQ • glt1 MO la llmotl lynchtd t>y a orun11ero moo ~M()Ytl • * '" "Tiie l .. 1 Otye OI MuHOlinl" (t9711 Aod Steiger. Htrory Fnnl1• JOHN DARLING OM. ~Ew. ••• ~'(ANT GUM96L. ...... ~ 'Tl) 00 'fHe 5N/lt. 'fHtNG1 60 AT t-tH/( i 'M IN GOOP COMPAN'f.1 Near Iha end OI Iha Sec· ond WOlld War, llall•n lu- c•sc premier Benno Muno- llno a11omp11 10 nee 1111 detoaced counarv PG Wrdnrsdarf'• Bayt i111r Mol'lr• 5:00 (Z) ••'It "Sunday Too Fer ,.way" ( 19751 Jlllnk fl\ompaon, M81t Cullen 8:00 0 • * * "Silk S1oca1ng1 (1957) Fred Allaita. Cy<! Cll811-An American lllm ptoOucar bacoma'1 1nvOlvad wllh I tamale Russian agen1 In Parle 8:30 O, * * · The l(ld From No1-So-81g" ( 1978) Jen. n11., McA111119f, Rol>e<1 VllllfO A t2-yeet-old girt hnds lle<lalf In and ouc ol lroubla WNla running the lown newspaper CV *** "Modem Romance" (19811 Ate.re BtOOkl. Kalhryn HatrOIO A tltm acJltor ltiel repolet· eOly 10 win back Iha llffr1 of Che wome.n ha loves 'R' 7:30 [$) * * * "The Hunlef · ( 1979) StfiYe McOueon . Ell WallKh Ralph "Pepe" Tho1ton lead• 1 danger· ous Illa 11 a rnod4Hn-<ley l)oonty hunltr 'PG' 8:00 'C * * "Paper Tiger ' I 1976) David Niven, Tot11110 M1lune The lulOI ot 1 Japanese 1mbu•a· dor·a aon lln4• 11e rmill lr\111 up to hit gtHlly ••'Cl· geraled 1.-or llerOltm When Ille boy it kid· nipped (Ii) * * "Lagencl Of The Wiid" ( 1080) 'PG' 01 * •'It 'The Prtvata Eyn" ( t9801 Don Kno111 Tim Conway Two bum· bhng Am«IClro O.lacttvet eta called 1n 10 1n .... 11gata • -• ol murden In 111 Engt1111 cutta ·PG' 0 * *'It · Tile Wlldetne11 Family, Pert 2" (19781 Robe11 Logan. Sunn Dam111ta Shaw A mocletn p~ lamlly lac;es • bit· 18' wlnlat In tna Rooky Mouniatna 'G' IZJ ** "Tiie Siap' (t963) Uno VMIUll. Annie orrat- dOI A gtoup ol young peo. pie on lhe brink of aOull· hood lace e battage OI gtown""'p 1>'0blam1, llact. lions 8t\O dllemmu 8:30 tD ••*'It "David And Bllhshabe" ( t9521 Grago. ry Peck, Susan Hayw11d DeVKI, Ille king ol the Jewt fall• In love wllh Batllttle- be. enotller n11111'1 •11rlt• t-M • * "ProvlOenoa" ( 19771 Ellan 8umyn, JoM OlefiluO A 111a11ma of recOllacllon• ftUl\e9 by tn Itta drHml ol .,, elderly. ~man 'R' tO:OO . * * 'h "Tiie Couch" ( 10821 Otani Wllllama, Shirley Knlgfll An ex-con oommitt psychollc crlmea unbeknowntl lo the PIY· cllla1r111 who 11 11 .. llng him (t) • • •'It "Tiie Ei.c>nanl Man" t 1980) John Hurl, AnlllOr'ly Hoplllnl A dedl· c;atad plly1lcl1n lakH Under 1111 wll"Q 8 ll()(r ibly O.lormed men whoae Ula unlll ther'I had been ~· In cheap treak .. 11lblllon1 'PG' (ft'.)••• "Advarolure101 The WllclernM• Family" ( 19751 Rot>art Logan. &laan Oemenle A eon· acrucclon woncai, dllllnu· a1ontd wllh ally Ille. 111amp11 10 support Illa lamlry by IMng on Ille land ·o· CO")** "Voyage En Douce . (I) * * * "Tiie Llllll Hui'' ( 1057) AYI a.oner. Stew- art OtlllOft 'fwo "*'Ind • -I ..... cMliled axlllaroca whtn lhay ~ lhl9'MICll.CS on enltland • t * "Comt HIYt COi· lee With VI" ( tl121 \JOO T ognlllll, VelentlM A mlddle•eoeel tu ooroeul1· Mii '°' 1ne nallan goyetn-men1 relOcatn 10 • amall couo1ry cown whefa lie hu t>Htl made need of Ille d~atlmenl I U6 (}) e • * .. ~ ...... lall' C 10:19J Dixie Jut>tlH Sing- .,,, Daruet H•yne. A m•n auempll 10 Change nla 1141°9'-<IO·.,...I waya 1n Oto.< to emullla 1111 m0ta IWC· cesalul bfotl\ef, 12100 G * * "Zenobia' ( 1039) Sten Laural, Oliver Hardy Ollla l1nd1 hlmaetl In Ille unuwal po11t1on or being loved by an elephanl wtlO Clln't lorgec • klndnna Ile pat10f med IOf her ct)•* "Tile Great T1t1n Robbery" (1979) Sean Conner;. Oon11d Suthel· land Two al(l)«t cuin-or- llle-Gel'ltury con .,1111s a11emp1 to puM off Ille ~ly k'nl>OUlbla rob-'*" of a locu o aare at>oatd • lasl-m<>Ylng 10co- mo11,,. ·po· • * * "Loo«•" I 19811 Alball Finney. James COf>utn TM mytlafk>ul o.a1na or • ..,_ of beau· lllul model• lnvotveO 1n a "-advan1111ng ptojee1 ata blamed on Ille PIUllC wr~ woo aperaracs on '"*'"'PO' 1:00 (QJ . * * 'Outland' 1t0811 Sean Connety. Parat 8o)'le A apece mar. 11•.i 1nYftliga1n • tlllh or my11a11ou1 deelhl w11111n a mining COiony on one ol Jup11ef'1 moona 'R' t:30 (H.J * *·~"Lion OI The OeWl" (198 1 I Mlllony Quinn. Ol1v91 Reed A hatd·rldlng S.Oou•n leader reaiaaa Italy'• a11empt1 to oceopy Libya for 20 ~· PG' 0 a* Th11 Time ForfiY· at" 11990) C1a11e P1tnp8/e, VlnQet\I Van Pallen A F ten<:h..ca.naoian g111 '"'' In io... with a DtNh A,.,.;. Clll1 cOlleQe lluOtnl •1u0y· ~In M0<1lr ... 'PG' 1:46 (.ll * * Tt>e Sltlp" C 19631 Lino v.,, Ill' a. Annie G1r111 • dot A gr0U9 of young peo- ple on I t>e t>tlnlt of eoutt- hOod IKe a barrage ot gtown-up ptotHeml. dad- &lon• end dilemma 2:00 ~) * • '" .. Anlmall Ar• haulllul P9Q91e' t t97S) Ooc;umen1wy CfHIUf .. of Altle9n WI~ ata _, In t"411r neturat n1t>11a1 'G' 2:30 CS) * • • ·~ .. .....,,,eno .. (1081) Rip Totn. Conoh8'a Ferrall A tanc;h9r end hll houtakaapar race Iha rigor• or rronll« Illa In t 910 Wyoming 'PG' 3:00 (0) * * "The Kid F1om Noc-So.Big" ( 19781 Jen. nllat McAlllalar, Robert Vllleto A 12-yMr-old glrl lindl llerMlf 111 and OUI of llOUbla whlla n.nnlng Ille IOlllrfl"-~ 3:28 CI>*•• "MoO«n Aomence" (198 t I Alt>eirt 8100111. Kathryn Hanotd A film editor lrlea <ac>ee1· edly 10 win bac:k Ille '-1 ol Illa woman lie~ 'R' 3:30 ct * "Starcralfl" I 1979) Matjoe Gor1ner, C111181~ pf'9f Plumnl4W To protect 111a kinQOOm or tile Emcier· or. ~ 11er~ sr ... Star and -~or Alrlon oomb Ille galuy In -ell ol ..,. Count brth Arn'a hidden lelr 'PG' 4:00 CC)** "Papef Tiger" (1978) David Nlvaro. T 09hlro Mlfun. The lutOf of e Jap-ambala-oo,.. '°" rind• .,. mutt II,,. up 10 his QIHlly aag- gar•led ta• of llaroltm wtlen the boy •• llld> NPP90 4:30 CJ>') * • ·~ "The Private l!YM" ( 1990) 0on Knolla, Tim Conwey. Two bum· bll11Q Am«lcan c1etee11- 11a celled In 10 11'1-tlgll• 1 _ ... or ITl\i(def• In 1111 E"Olilh c11Ue 'PO' 1:00 e • • "lmptoc>er c-ian- Mll" I 1981) Alan Arkin, Merlatla Hlll1tey A _... ol ml1undarat1 nOlng1 c-• toe1111 wort.er to au~1 the 6-yew-oto OeucJhl• of a N9W•teO C~ le Ille victim of dlild .OU• 'PG' CZ) * * "Tiie S.. Wolv9" ( 1H0) 0r'90f'( Pd, Aoe- ., M-. During World Wiii II. I 9'C>UC> of 8'1tlefl \Wtl~ lorm e voiun-,_ ,.,_, to "9tr0y 1 °*'""" epy ,..... '" -~OCMn 'PO' I • ... Orang Coaet DAILY PILOT l'tuHday, Octob r 5. 1982 C I Angels show-up the odds and the critics by winning the American League West Championship . . Look inside for photos and stories on their • • w1nn1ng season. ™ ,~=====L.-.__.__, ~----=---=---- ('I Oretngtt Co 111 DAIL V PILOT /Tue day, OctotMr &, t98' Angels wrap it up! By l' rtT SEEDl':N Of lhe Oe!ty ~lel ltllff Qutll' frankly, ll ww1 u typkul Angl•I v1t'lC1ry .ol J\11uhl·11n Swd1um ~uturLluy aCkrnoon · Angl•I slorll'r Ken Forsl'h, u hot und (•old p1l1:hl•r this seuson , was t'Old, n ·lll'v1•r Dav<.• Goltz kl•pt th<' Angl•h. m tht• gum1.· through tlw middle i111ungs , und Luis Sunl'hf'2. fust bullt'<.I th1· upposlt1on I 11 to :.u h tt11!..'it11n It was that t•usy. Right? Wrung. No t only wus at not l'ai.y, hut the ~ pn•ssun• surround111g the Ang1.•ls' fi-4. Anwn can I Lt•ugui• Wl'St title-chnchmg victory over the Texas Rungt•n. wu:; almost untx-arabh.• 1 "Tht•y (the Range rs) made it quite obvious l yt>sh•rt.luy that thPy were 'going'to g1v1.• us wro - uuthmg," s1ghl'CI Manager Gene Mauch as tears of champagnl' t5 1c-kled down his fan.-. (Texas Munager) Darrell (Johnson) man.agc.>d that game llkt• It was the seventh game of the World Series." Luis Suncht•z Hohby Grich trad(•murk of power on Texas s tarter C harlie Hough, wh1)Sl' knucklcr didn't knuckle lik(• it should. Tht• Rangers may have given tht· Angels zero, but Muuch's band of veterans clawed and i;cratched tht•ar w ay to the club's S<,"'Cond championship ever Saturday b<•Cor1.• 33,405 de lirious fans and millions of Southern California lelcvlslon viewers. - "l toought wt• might tx-shurt in some areas. but l hont>Stly believed we Wl'l'l' going lo do it," notro Jackson. "I just believed it was going to bt· the year or the Angels." Puinfully inCormed that the Kansas City Royals had again de feated the Oakland A's, the Angels rallied from a 4-3 de£1cil in thr firth inning wht•n Fr<.'<i Lynn Smacked his 21st horn(· run of the season w11h Rod Carew-aboard. Earlier, Reggie Jackson and Bobby Grich had dubbc.od home runs as the Angels branded their Still to come is lhe Amt•ru:an League champiomh1p series-against Mtl"Waukce beginning today al Anaheim Stadium. but that didn't halt the celebrauon that followed the last out Saturday. R eggit• 1>roved in 198 2 thal he could still hustle with s lidt•s likt• thi"' ut home plate. r------------------~ ADVERTISING r::µ,r ""~"'[)" '9"1 • rnor \ •OIQ"''PO d •Per / • J •t,e. pr<>pef ovdoence • \h•"9 rtlf' ''9!'11 rr-...">d o Nt"Otever rhOy may IX> pronr elecrron<e O·llt)Ol)IOs ~ IOI<?$ o~ poonr cl p.irrha.e -\ongty or '" combono11on • rt10r con be ottoraeo by A SMALL BUSINESS I I I I I I I I I I vi I I l:ll?COv\e vno11 ~ neeo pro1~11y I prOOJc:f!'d odven6'0g or cTi offordoble pnce I II CO'\ 1 help 'PJ vno11 tMo~' GM? me o coll orc:i tee \ see I Nor1¥01ty mere'\ no Obl>QOI'°" I I I (714) 842·90J2 I -------fl bill lion ! l------~~------J . ' ,. Salomon. The high performance ski boots with a distinct difference: an internal adjustment system that assures you superior heel hold-down with no sacriflce in comfort. Every single Salomon boot offers this same superior heel hold-down advantage. 'bu move. your ski moves. Instantly. Preci~ly. At any level of ability. In total comfort. Come in and experience the difference . ' I Little Store 2500 W. Cont Hwy. Newport lffch 714 131-3277 ~, Su11d11·1 u111111·d h111 fifth 1mv1· 11( 1h1· M•umm l>y hold111w lh1• lt11 n1<1·1i. h1tll'S11 uvc•r th1• flm1l lh1 t'I' lnnlng11, u11J wlwn h1 • Cort.·c•d 'l't·xt11i pinch hlltc•r Lumnr Juhn.1100 to hit u :.harp t'1llfll'h1wk1·r with two out In tht• ninth, \he Vt.'nt•iuc•hrn n•llt•vc•r hurl'ly hmJ U.mc to throw to finl WI hord<.'!I ul Curu1 vaulll'\J over the Cen<.'CH t.o t.•tmgralulatc lhe Ang1·ls Things llkt.• the bases, plu·hmg rublwr uml som1• or tht.• players' upparcl w1:n · amung thl' cu1uultlet1 of tht• onBlought from th1· funK, but 11 hardly matll•rt.•d,to thL• Angels inliiUl' 1lw duuhou~· aft.erwurd. Agclcsli Luis Tiant appolnlt.'d h1.1nsdf N" I c·hampagne pourer. and his ma11{ target was Sam·hl'Z, who JUSl might be the kl•y tu lhl• Angt·ls' sul"l'etiS in the upcoming playoHs. Stall, T1unt had time to jam a full bottle of bubbly down thl' buc:k of Rod Carew's pants while the Angel f11-sl busem&n tried to aMwcr questions. "This is the way w e want<:d to do 11," ofrl•rL·d Carew. "We wun t.ed Kansas City to know Wl' Wl'rl' going to win it ourselves. Now all wt• havl' 111 do 1:-. go out and t.akc a Jillie batting practJcc tomorrow and Monday. "We've ~ot a great band or guys he n · a lo t of old goats," carcw added. Mauch has insisted all season lung thul h1:-. t eam has re quired n o special P"P talk:.. nu mottvat1on . They've been there befor<'. ht· rt•asom'll, and they can handle the pressure And the Angels proved Mau1:h right Saturday, not only on the field, but in thC' dubhuu~· Sure. there was plenty of champagne going around, lot.i. of laughing, hugging and t.·hecormg But abovl· a ll. the Angel veterans formed a n·fk'(.'llvc lot which looked al the Western Division title as a t.owl tt•um effort. "This team had to push every day. h 's a te<.im with a lol o f scars and a lot of bru1sc.>s," nol.(.cJ St,x·onJ baseman Bobby Grich, who turn<.-d in <.i spc.-ct.acular defensive play m lhe eighth inning on a ball hit to his le£l by J ohn Grubb. .. "We won 1t by a nose over Kansas City, so lo speak, and it's a tr ibute to this team's charaNcr (Doug) DeCinet.-s was spectacular al third, Foh at s hortstop is an outstanding. gutsy httll• player," Grich added. Jackson we nt even further an his praise: "It took 35 players to win this thing. MickPy Mahler pitched seven big innings for us in N1.•w York, Hicky Steirer had a big seven innings one game, Daryl Sconiers got a big hit for us last w t.-ck , Angel Moreno won a couple of games for us: Doug Corbell got a couple of saves. "I mean. say what you want to say. but this was a total team effort. Everybody here has helped," Jackson added. For instance, Jackson. himself. smocked h is 38th home run or the season in the first inning -a towering smash to dead center estimated at about 500 feet. Earlier m the same inning, Brian Downing had ope~ with n double and Carew promptly singled him In. Gnch's solo homer in the sec•o nd nn~ Lynn's two-run shot an the fifth propellt'CI thl· Angels to a 5-4 advantage. and Don Baylor's double, follo wed by Tim F~h's RBI single m the eighth gave the Angels their fmal run. It was a typical clut<:h htt by Fo ll. even though the ball JUSl did skip pa">t Texas fu~t baseman Pat Putnam "h 's JUSl (un to play here:· Foll said a fter the game. "I try to roll with the punches. It's fun to play for u guy hkt-Gl'11l' l undl'l 1it1.111d l11m 111111 I ulwoy11 rl'llpt.~·t ham ·"Tlwr l''ll 110 muny lhings hl''ll 1.tJld mt• (Foll play1-.I undt>r Mauch II\ Montreal). but I rl·ml·mtx•r l1<c•l1n~ vt•ry bud onct' when h(• said, 'you'll' nf'vt•r guing t.o be m the Hull of Fame ' It rPally hurt me•," Foll 1·untinUl~ "But I finally rnallu..cJ lhat It dcx'tln't mutter whut ull thl' other guy11 do, I still f1l In to th111 bull dub. Yuu'vt' got to have some Tim Folta to"" ulong w11h thl· 11upcrstars. I'm just really huppy for Gt•nt•. J lt:'s haJ u great year." · lnt.lt•<'C.I, Mauc·h has walled a long taml· 23 y t• u r s lo be c x a c l to ca pt u r c h 1 s C 1 r s t ' l'hJmp111ru1h1p "l'vt• b<•<>n a managl•r for a long lJmt.· und somL· yt-<in. hav<· bt.>cn pretty good. But this yt-ar, Wl· had so many horst-s, l JUSl hitched up for thl· ride," Muut·h su1d "h 's obvious that ll means a lot tu ml'. I mcan th<.it with all my heart," Mauch addc.'<.I. Tht· Angt.'lli could have wrapped up thl.' 11th.· as l'arly us Tut•llduy 111 Kansas City, bul thl• Royals scon·J l'uml··from -behind victories thl· nl•xl two night..; and th<'n kept the Oakland A 's from being spoilt•11' right up until Saturday afternoon Th1•v mov1..cJ mto ftrsl plat'() on S<>pl 19 and thf'11 sw~·pt a threc-gamc series from thl' Royals al Anahl·tm S wd1um "This w as lht· sweetest win, no doubl about 11," :iddt·d Maul'h . "I'm not much or a champalo(nc drankt·r but I'll huvt• a little befort• th1:. d<.iy •~over. I vt• l:>l·t·n known to get sick on t he sturr " Maul·h probably won't mind 1t too mut·h . though Brian u ;.wninµ; hit a cartAt•r-hi~h 2B homt• run~ in 1982. CHECK OUT SUNSHINE LIQUORS GREAT PRICES ON . . . * BEER * George Killian's Miller 12 pk botttes Olympia 12 oz. cans Coors Lite 12 oz. cans S239 St. Pauli Girl German BeerS4 60 • 6 pk. Olympia Gold 12 oz. cans *SCOTCH* J.B. Scotch 1.75 ttre s1999 · J.B. Scotch 150 m1 s1999 1049 . @ Cutty Sark 1.75 ttre 7.50 mt S} 199 *VODKA* Popov Vodka ts liter SJ 99 1 Litre s499 750 ml s399 *CHAMPAGNE* Jacques Bonet 150 m1. S229 1.5 Utre s449 le Domaine 750 ml. s359 *BOURBON* Ten High i.1s Uter $}2~4 1so m1. s5•4 Old Crow 1.75 LHer $} 029 SUNSHINE LIQUOR 724 w. 19th Costa Mesa LHtr S7 39 Lit• S625 10o/o Dlecount by c ... of ... , a lode 15Vo OFF by C••• • of Liquor a Wine Dellver Avellable minimum order ·~ r Oru11go Couat DAIL V PILOT 11 uoaduy. Octol> r Cl. 1982 ('3 I ' J .. Wouldn't that lie a cute na111e? xaxa ' , .1 . I . . . ~ £4 Orengo Co1111 DAIL V Pll Ol /Tu 1doy. October 6, 1$182 A countdown to division title . # 8)'. JOHN SEV ANO 01 IM D.Mr ,._., lleff Th111 om• u1 l'lWtu111ly w\'11 .1K1<1.I Fur MunuMt'r ( ien1· M uul'11. tlw vhllUj((• wait ha:~ 1.>c .. ·11 i:i Yl'Hrt-, un w 11x 1rullt•lt•tl ft•nl 111 hmwludl hh1tory l"or Owm•r Gl'"l' Autry. ll011 o nly ttw s1'('orld llml' llll'l' lhL· 1.:luh'11 hwt•plitm 111 111111 tl1111 h1•'i. lx>t•n obit· to W.'llt• tlw (1 u1b of SUL'l'<'bS For lht• p la y t•n., on ly ftVl' rl'mnin Hod Can·w. 0011 Bu~lor. Brian DowninH. Bobby Grich and Don As,'I<.• from 1111· Western Daviston c·hamp11m1oh1p 1quad o r 1979 So wh11l• many of the newer Caet.>s huVl' l:x'i.'11 m this spot before it's thl•tr rar..l llnw 111 an Angel uniform . And, ll'l's fat'l' 11 , nobody w1thtn the organawl1011 is gc•lltng any younger. , The follow ing ducunwnls tht• Angels' pennant chm·_h1ng day Oct. 2, 1982: 10:~7 -Tht' f1rs l ' ~roup of Angels come out or tht' dugo ut to take batting pra<:lll'l'. 11 :03 -Usually dont• tn groups 'or four. th!.' playt>rs dloeidL• instead to have two lurgt• ·groups of eight. Bobby Clurk, a natural right-hander, takes his fi rst cuts in the cage left-hat'ldt'Cl All th<• reat of th e n on-rt•gulars rollow suit. Obviously the playl'rs an· loose. T hat's a good sign. 11 :11 -T h t· firs t gruup f in is h es taking its s win gs. h ighlighted by Rob W ilfong's h o m e r un to d t•ad L·t•ntt•r hit right-handed (ht·'s a natural lefty). Wilfong's ll'ammatc::. go w ild. 11:14 -Carnw lo Wilfong. "Yo u should have don<' t hat in Kansas City." Adds Baylor: "You ought to do tha t .rnorl' oftt•n . You couldn't d o any worse than you 've done from th<• left sidl' this season ." I 1 : 2 4 -R e g g ll' J a l' k s o n emerges from the dugout and 1s surprised t o rind everyone hitting togetber. "Why didn't a nyone te ll m e?" he asks of no on e in particular. "Why don 't you get with the progra m ," answe rs ('ht t•w "Thi" '" (~·1t1IJ1.•1 I 11111k1• 111v 11w11 r11l1·w." ti. J,"•k1t11n ', t l'ply 11 :<!& .llJl'kt.1111 l.1k1•1o .1 l'UI Ill tlw t'UKt' und till' 111111 ltilM tlw pr11tl'l'tiv1· 1wt ull41Vt• lt1111 1111 Ill' J!llP" ti 11p "Jill ti llllt 11( thl' 1·al(t'." J<ub t 'i11'1·w 11 :27 "No w1111d1•1 v1111'v1· h I I :\ :IO V 0 U I l ' 11 I II l ' ) I f t ', .. 1·11u111t·1' J tll'k,11n. d111lung 11 l>m·k tu t ';111•w "Y1111'v1· cl11111· 1111lh111g hut h1t Ill fl'ollt 111 p1•11plt• likt• (T11n y l Ol1v:.i . (l1111111 1J11) K1l11•hn·w. (1''tl'd) L y 1111 aml Bay lur all your Irk l '1tdwr11 look ul 11111~· ..iuys 1111d lhro\\ you lht• lxtll 11i.:ht down l hl• 11111ldh· ol lhc pl.Ht· All lht·y uo '' tht'>." h1· cl1•m1111!>tratt•::. with .111 und1·rhand m ollwl. "Tht•y t1gu1·1· thl' h1•s t you l'dll do ts hll a 11 ttk g111u11d bu II IO short " 11 :3•1 J ut·k:-011 J1H)k!> out at l'<1<1l·h Bob Clt.•ur, who 111 ptll'hing BP. and savs. "What the hl'll urt• Wt• d1Jtng hlltm~ 1h111 guy wlwn al l wt•'rt· going 10 s t·t· ti\ k 1\ut·kldmlls all cfa v " 11 :3 6 J u1·k !>1111 holdl y pn•dtl·ts lw's g1img lo hll thrt'l' todav "Thrt'l' whut '~" as k s C.ur.1."w Jul'k:wn d ol'sn't g1vt• Cu r t•w tht· :rnt111 fttt•1111n of a l'l'llJ)Ol1M' 11 :40 Ballmg p1.11'lll't• t•nds for Angt·b . 11 :43 f'nmk T;111ana, who wa!> with tht· Angt·ls 111 '7Y :rnd was on thl' rnuund when the ll·am t:ltnl'ht•<l th<· AL West. prnm1st•s Tt·xas wtll give it its bl' :,.t Sh 0 l "Wt" 11 g IV e i l 1•vt•rythmg wc•'v1• got which isn 't mut·h " 11 :50 Addi. But·k y Dent, who's bt.'l·n through this M> many unws b<:forC' a11 a m1·ml><:r of the Nt•w · York Yankl•1·s: "'These gamPs ;1rl' the· toul-(hl·sl to w in ," h 1• says or the Anw·b ' task of bt.•o ttng th<: Rangl'l's. "bl'<.'ause tht•y have· t·vt•ry lhang lo lose·" C o n t 1 n u c s t h l' H a n g e r s • shortstop . "We try to play to win all the timl'. I d on 't like the word s poiler. We play to w in whethe r we're 99 gumcs o ut or one gam e out." I ~:41 Sn1rt•h11111 ti I l.1111 11 .... 111 ,1 '11·1111· 11 11111 1<.1111 .. ,, <'tt v lt11y11b I, t ),1klt111d II, :!11d 11111111~1 12:f>l KC updalt• Oakl11nd :!. H11yul11 I , 'Ith 11111tllH 1>11 pl11y1•r11 w11td1 I Ill' Nl'IJI 1•1111111 d '1 y 1111 ht'l 1 I : l 0 K1·11 1''11r"·li th1 uwi. (11 i.t p11d1 l; 11 Cit•ot g1• W11Hhl l1·.1d' 111 I 1111 tlll' lt<ing1·1' b y g111u11cl111K out 111 ( 'an·w < >m· down. ;!II to g11 1:17 Brum 1.>ow11111H douhl1•i. 111 rq~ht l't'lllt·r lu 11111·11 th1• liolllllll 111 ll11· r ... s t l ::lO Cari·w s1111-:lt·:. h1J1m· I >ow111ng Tht• A ngl'I'> ht·nt h ts up .1ml t'Xl'ttt'<I l ::l:l Would11'1 you know tl, .l;wki.on h ils cmt· .,.; 111µ 11( tht• ~11•1•11 tarp an l't•nlt•r f1t·ld, u n t•'lllliltJlt'd :iuu ft'l'l uwuy Muytx· ht· will htl lhn•t• todov 1 :30 Lurry Pari:t!th lt111111•1'S lo ll'ft lo c:ut thl• Ang1•b' l1•ad to 2 I I :3 1 .Jim Su11cll~:r~ honwr.. 111 l<·ft to makl· 11. 2-2 I : 3 7 H a 1 q~ t• r 11 · i. t' l' on d bast·man Mikt· Rkhan.lt singlc!t h111m• Put P ulnum for tlw lhtrd run in thl' st•t·ond Ang<·I fans sta rt to g1•l rt·sllt'!'..'> 1:37 M aut·h gu1·i. 111 tlw mound and g1vc·s f'or:-.1.'h a <.jUl<:k 'ihowt•r 1:38 Ni DaVl' Goltz walks in fr11m the bullp<-'n, the s tadium puhl11 urtur•·""' .111111111111•1·1 p1 11v 1d1·11 1111 a d vl,..111 v lr11111 K1111i.1111 t '11v Al tl11· 1'1111 ul 1>t•v1·11 11111111w1. 0 1;kl1.111d '1 , Hoyulr; :i 1:45 t:rkh l1t11111 '" tu h•ll lo Ill' tlll' t.l 'Ort' Ul :i ult I :r>:I l\11j.(t•l11 pn11 •1•1·d to loud atw limws with 1111111· 1111t , hul ( 'ha1 l11• I l11u~h w111 kr; uul 111 till' J11111 (I' Cun:w gr11u11di. 11\111 ..i I :.! :1 duuhll-plu v •• nd l,ynn r11ll11wi. Wllh 11 lt111•t11Jt lll shorl 2:12 P1•tt• lYB11a11 h11nwn• to n gllt·t:1•11h•r 1<1 fJUI Hunj.(t•rii on lop~uin, •I :1 At llw s ;11111· 111111· 11 n·porl out 111 KC lws tltt• Huyals w11111111g 5 •I 111 tlw Wlltlltl of lht• lltlt Tht• A11gl•l1o IJI'(• U J)~lrt'tHl y go111g t11 h,1v1· 111 1·11rn llll'tr way tu tht· top 2:19 1"111al from Kan!>W• C'1ty H11yuls 5, A's 4 T1nw for lltt• Ang1•ls t11 bull thl'tr n't'l·k:. and gu , 111 work ' 2:36 C;,in •w wulk11 and L y nn f11llow1o with a ho1111· run inlu th1· M'l'ont.l dt<1.·k 111 right ftl·ld Angt·ls takt· ~>··I lt•ad and tlll' l'r11wd g111.,; l'r<IZY 2:37 Lynn 1·1mw11 out 11f tlw dugout ut tht• f~11· n ·qut·s t 1md lllkt·s a how. 2:4 6 Ang1•ls ann11u1H'l' S<.1turday's attt•n<lann· :11 :n .'105 Too m tiny g ood ganws 11n TV obviously had an dHl't·t on lht• turnout 3:05 Goltz walk!> thl' ftrsl butter to lead off the SL·venth 111111111( Hild M,1l11 h WWltl"\ 1111 llllll' 111 tnM•nu 111 I .u11o S11n1 ht·t 11ut 11f l)ll' IJullJM'll 3: I 0 Sm1d11·1 i.:1·t., W1 tJ.(IH 111 g1 ound 111 t11 u 1111 l·t• pl1J y 111 M'('lltld rill tJ1l' fll lll OU!, Hll'lkt•H llllt W 11y11t· Tollt•MJl1 fol lht· M·t 111111, 1111d Bob U u 1in1· Muni. dow11 W11J.(hl try 1nl( tu l'lt 1·11 I l>l'l •J111l (111 tlll' thud lt'it w1th111 n ·11C'll now 1111d thl' Angt•l"i l'Jll !>lat t to lll!!lt • ti 3:26 Tht· lhingt·ri. go clown 11111• tWll lhfl•t• i11 lht• top of th1• 1·1ghth Tht•tl•'i. a n1•1v 11u s ;111111·1p11\1t)ll Ill lhl' llll :l:;J,I Folt i;1ngll'1> .,er tht• ul11vt• ut l'utnalll al f1rsl to dnvt· h111111 B.J ylw from M't:und haM" wh11 h,1d "0111:1wd lht• inning with a dou hl1· Tht· A ngt·ls g1•t a 111ud1 tll'l«kd 1r1i-,uram'l· run and go 111l11 Llw ninth ft·ad1ng, H-4 'l'h1· l·rowd 11o on 1L-; ft·t·t :t<J!J D1·C1m·1•i. rnakt•s an All·slar µlay on a ground lw ll..,by Sundl>t•rg for the first out. 1'hc l ruwd roar!> its approval and ra11<.'S tn I L'i fl'l•l ag<itn 3:42 Putnan1 grounds to Can·w Two awoy • 3:H Sanl'ht•7. walks Bill Sll'tn The Hangl•rs i.tay ~tl1 vc• bun•ly 3 :45 Ptn<·h htttt•r Lama r J ohn!-.On grounds tht· bull h<.11:k tu tht· mound Sant·hl'Z glov<.'!> 11 and lOSSl':. the ball to lht· UWl.llllng C<Jrew. :.1:4& '1'111': ANW·;Ls AH~; TllE w1-:s·n:HN l>IVISlON t 'I JAM PIONS ' 3:411 Suy!t J ;wk""'· "Thli. hi om· 11f 1 h<· ww<·t•t1·11t 11( ull I'm Kl'lllnM 1Jld1·r n•JW 1'111 :111 That'• 1111t 111 ~· v I'm .in old mu11 by any 111t'dW• Ju11l 1111 oldt·t 1JthlN1• " 3:0 Say'> Allll Y "1'111 glad ll', llVl 'I J'vt• h1·1•11 W.11\llljt ror lhl'i f111 ti lt11tj( tlllll' .. 3:f>O Addi. H1·K..:1t· "Time mw f1·1·li; M••od l>1i.'l!UM' so muny mud w1· c·111Jlcln't win 'l'~wy 1111id wt• d11l11 'l lwv1· c•nough p1 lA:hmg ... wt• d1d11'1 hli Vl' 1·nnunh anyt hing, Wt· Wt•n · JUst too o ld Thut'i. wh<1t mukt·i. tht' all w ·ry ~Wl'l'l " 3 ; 5 :I Sa y s C: r tt· h " W e wanl1•d tu du ti today We· didn 't wunl lo w:.ill tu tht• las t day. We wuntt•d lo do ll now." :1:57 Sbyi. Downing. "Thts is S )JC'l'IUI l>l'C:<1USl' it's b<:f•n lWO Vl'lJ rs s1nl·1· tht· last um· Still, it's tht· UIJl'Omtng playoff!> that n •ally 1·uunt L:.ii.1 umc• 11 was l'nough JUi.t '" win thl· d1v1s11m I'm n ot g oing to makt• thul m1s tt:tke ag<11n " 4:0 I ttHy~ Autry. "Thc.·y've ull dont· good. We.· huv<· ti great bunch or guyi. hl'ft· ThL·y'1c.· 25 good boys And lkggw," ht· says looking at Ja('kson . "I wont lo thank you a l<1l Yo u 'vt: hcc·n wond1·rful Evt·r yom · ha~" 4:02 Bnng o n B:ilt1morl' or Mrlwaukt·c·!!!'!! FREE! r ll&EL'S WORLD SERIES TICKETS OCT. 16th & 17th Call To Register ... 919-8851 h's Furniture ·----_, I Going Into Business? ·As required by law, new buslnesset using a Flctltl out BuslneH Name must register that n•m• I with the County Clerk. t Call the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT i for forms •nd further CALL: Pacific Coast Box Office Ftnn ftur 'r ,"4 -" 8ract1 714/536-8826- Don Bay lor slides into home during o ne of the Angel'"' man y hotly co ntested 1982 ba llgames. I. information. 642-4321 f Ext. 332 714/540-3669 NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS CONGRATULATES THE Is BY OFFERING THE BEST CHECKING ACCOUNT Scenes such as this one with Don Baylor congratulating Doug D eCince a fte r the third basema n blasted a home run were commonplace a t the Big A. EVER WITH: SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS ... ,,,. I AM·tn• -AfflllATH FITllll CflfTPI CWT TO CtAIT .. ftlL _...... UIR• Ulft mT•T9 •at CISTA •u ..... *SS• Nit ftU ~ IUI M1 Wtl• r•T• •UY .U SI. mlll 111t SI '-, .... , .. """""........,.. '""llft 191-1 ~"·• "*'°~ SIATlCllllM "" lw W-(!I,) , ... _.....,.., ,....,..., .. -""' ........ _, ........ ., l•ltUlD ln·f71t ......... .. .. I ... ..,_ ......... ,_... (7 14) ,...., (114) "-·--(114) • .. ... """ Ul·~lt (114) m ·IMI ftl •"3 (114) ..... 1113111 , \ % 11.So/o APR Our new Interest Checking account keeps your money working for you 24 hours a day-365 days a year. Earn high interest on any balance above $2,000 and 51/4 °/o interest on the balance below $2,000, FREE of all service charges unless your b~lance falls below $500. •tnterest Checking rates will fluctuate with market conditions. Call our office for current rates. Your balance over $2,000 is not a savings account or deposit and is not insured by the FSLIC. It is secured by notes or obligations of the U .5. government or government agencies. For individuals, deposits under $2,000 earn S 'I•% interest and are insured by the FSLIC. Commercial deposits under S2,000 earn no interest. ~-Lt ~ ·-· --.. . Westcllff Plaza, 17th and Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach• 714 1645-6505 Corona del Mar, 3021 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar• 714/675-8060 Open: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to S p.m. Friday9•.m. to6p.m. Saturday 9 a .m. to 1 p.m. Ttlese QUalltV ~~~~ft~e hand· cra~edln wa1nutor od natural WO fln\sh wltt\ genuine tV cane heaw ·,dUseats on baCkS sturd'I ctirome tram es. side cnalr $29 579va1ue s39 Arm cna1r 599va1ue sarsto~0' .. LI $A9 24" or " n sssva1ue SOlld Teak Tables Enhance your llVlng room wttn these sturdy tables in vanous sizes DD Imported Teak Bookcases TW0·1or$178 RosewoocJ ... TWO FOR•249 C> => Ttlese ooocJ looklng, flame·oratn teak DoOkcases are a soeclaf direct Import purcnase and are an unbe!atable value Crafted of tl'le finest teak veneer with adJustable sne~ ttlev measure 76" x 12v. .. x 35" Also available In walnut flnlsn at sltantfV nlaner prices 11~0 l)MWI~ ¥f Con\trunfCI W1171 ~tCnlnQ PYC ~~ F01991ACH Man:n1ng doors 5'9 value • s29 Orungu Co ril DAILY Pit Ol /luu11doy, Oclober 5, 1082 ('I.> MldtJydslr Teak Entertainment center$395 • Fly down to your local Plummer's for fine international design at low, low warehot:Jse prices! soec1a1 Import purchase on one of the most beautlfullv designed pieces in our 1nventorv BO"x 17'h • x 57'" H. $545 value Shop and compare! • 78 Sota S509value This t>eautlfully slmp e sofa comes with cushy comfOrtat>le plllows and side t>olsters covered with easv·to·clean, ourable fabric In a natural beige s359 scan Teak Pedestal Dining Table Eleoant 47" tlble tnat extends $ 369 to 69". ooroeous WOOd·gratn· A S559 value now at lnventorv price Whlle tnev last --..-.--~ Massive looking c1ean 11nes fine cra1tsmansh1p 3 spacious drawers plus large hanging ~=--lilY~in file drawer $625 value The Executtve Desir Chair has adjustable height and tilt fOr best working oos1t1on Available in durable fabrics ano has a 2·vear guarantee 5387 val Nice tor so many occasions 1n hano· some solld natural t beeehwOOd $22 value $1• eadl. Available In walnut ... .439 [J' Sldet>oard oes'lgn features 4 large center orawers with two sliding door compartments fOr large items on either side Hutch features 01ass s11oers tor oeautv and oust tree storage Sidet>oard74'·1ong$275 HUtCl'l74' long $195 $389 value $279 value .. ctand ~drawer'> N1qnt ~ 16 lC 19"• lC 21 H A ..,;i1ue at 599 Dresser 4 e1rawer'> lOW SH 29' 1 It \6 'j( 52 \ ,9 ,.,,.1 ,11nv.n A value at " "..,._ '" oak INOW alto ava ff'C)ftttl •"" -9ttt• ~ High dresser 6 drawer' 75 29'1JC\61t40H S A va1ue at S 1e<J I Dresser 8 drawers oouoe 1 09 saic16•2BH S A ..,31ue atS249 Walnut snsva1 $99 • ·"' ~ .. . . .. . . · I .J .. .. ·: ·: ~? INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE WllT LOI AllGILll • 8876 Venice BfVd. • 12131837·013812 blocks east of Robe!rtson1 SANTA ANA• 1540 E. wamer• (714) 55?·0611 IBetweencrano& Newport Fwy Exit on DyerRCJ I • VAUff. 12'l40 Sherman wav. No. HOllVWOOd. (213) 765·0401 18etween HOllVWOOd Fwy & Laurel canyont 'Au.DINA 180 S. Lake Avenue• 1213> 449·6741 crwo 01ocks soutl'l of co1oraao1 IOUTM UY• 23855 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance • C215> 3?8·94731one1>1ock nortt'I of Coan Hwy> MllllON VllJO • Marguertte Plaza • C114> 495· 3252 iaerween crown vJ11ev1 & Averv Pf<WVI IG VAU.IY • 15711 E. Valley Bfvd .. Cltv of lndustrv • (213) 961·9809 12b1ockseastof Hac1enoa Bh10 1 OPIN 10 to I -SUNDAY NOON to 5 All fumlture crJftea Of tne ftne1t veneers m1nv Items are unassemo1eo 1n ~rtons tot easv pick uo Prices ana mercNnd~ suoJeet to stock on hano " I (•• 0 range Oo11t DAILY PllOT I TuHdAy, October ft, 108' Angels' magic number • s O! The Angels exhibit Ha lo h a ppiness (clock wise, above) as Fred Lynn ackno wledges 1he crowd afl~r his fifah-inning ho m er , Rod Carew a nd Ma nager Gene Mauch meet for a congra tula tory hug, and pitch er Geoff Zahn proves tha t even supersta rs like Reggie J ackson can't escape a c ha m pagn e shower in the Angels' clubho use. I n contrast, Texas shortsto p W ayne T olleson is a pict ure of frustra tio n as Carew's line drive escapes him . He's an irregular .regular Angels' Ron Ja ck son has handled the role admirably By CURT SEEDEN ()(the Oatty ~I lteff It's hard to believe that Ron Jackson has actually made it to the plate 142 times this season. After all, the only time Jackson sees any action In the Angel lineup is when a seven-lime American League batting champion falls to answer the call or one of the team RBI leaders is injured But, when either Rod Carew or Doug DeCinces is absent from the lineup, Manager Gene Mauch only has to turn to the other Jackson on his team for help. "I'M NOT TOO worried about how many at- bats I have," Jacksqn says. You have to take the good with the bad. I'm just trying to go out there and do my job." The "good" Jackson refers to is his batting average. It's .331 . It's tops on the club. Even bett~r than Carew. "I just hope I can play enough to maintain that kind ol average," he says. "It doesn't mean .... that much now. but after the season. I can say, 'hey ',, It's been a strange se850n , indeed, for Jackson. He played about five straight games early in the 11euon when Carew had an Injured wrist. He didn't play again until 40 games later. "The tJ.UY• we~ kidding me about 40 days and 40 nigh t., ' Jacluon recalled . It's about the time Carew wu getting his 2~-game hltUn1 atreak. "1 know it'• a long time to wait, but we have eome veterans on thla ball dub and they have to get a rest IOl'ne Urnet," he addt. T HIS JS NOT the first year Jackson has displayed his talents In Anaheim. He was originally signed by the Angels, you might recall, spending tour years In the Angel farm system before commg up to the big club m 1975 for 13 games. He started the '76 S<'ason in Sal~Lake, but 10 games later. he was back with the Ang('ls. And he stayed therE' for two more seasons.; He was traded to tpe Minnesota Twins in 1978 along with Danny Goodwin in exchange for Dan Ford In fact, he enjoyed his best major-league season with the Twins an 1979 when he batted .27 1, hit 14 home runs and knocked in 68 runs. "I likro Minnesota, but wh'-'n you w<'nt to the ball park it was just dead." Jackson recalls. "Here, they've got everything. And we'n• winning. That's the main difference." Jackson spent 1981 divided between the Twins and the Detroit Tigers. He opted for free agency after the '81 season and wound up playing for the Angels' Pacific Coast League farm club in Spokane. He played seven games there before the Angels recalled him, Now he Is a nxture among the Pine Brothers. the label attached to the Angels' reserve pl a yr rs. WHEN HE WAS seeing acllon at third last week. while DeCinces was nursing a M>re back, Jackson owned a mini four-game hitting streak and had hit safely in nine of 10 games for a .~00 averag,. ( l~·for-30). Neither hla hitting no1 his defense h t ve deteriorated becauae ol h is sporadic play, .nd neither doea his mental preparation, partlcul .. rly with a manager like Ma uch calling the shots. "I don't take anything for grante0,0 Jackson says. "You don't know what Gene's thinking. He's such a great mana~er. He's always thinking about three innings ahead of everyone else. You just have to be ready." ·He says he feels more comfortable playing first base these days even though he began his career as a third baseman. · "l'm not reading the ball as well as I should " he ad mi s of his third-base play." ' On his offense: "I could be a good designa~ hitter some day -I'd like that. But I feel rm a good first baseman. I've learned to hit left-handers super well. Most left-handers' pitches tall away from you and I've learned not to try and pull the ball. "You try to kill the ball and you're going to ground out to third,'' Jackaon continuee. "Actualll. m os t of my h ome runs have come o C right-handers." I ''You know (DetroH Mana1er> Sp._rky AnderlOn once told fne he respect. every ball player who pl~y• on a team that's managed by Gene Mauch or (Baltimore Mana1er) Earl Weaver. They're not goln1 to beat themaelvea with mental mistakes," he says. And, It appeara the Angela didn't make a mistake when t hey al~ned Jackson early this season. Like the llgn on the Anaheim Stadium wall reads: · Ron Jacluon -back In action. Playoff ched ul e \11wrii·u.11 l.1·ag111' l'lajolT:-. 011 Hadio & T\' Today \11j.!1·I~ 1 -. \1 1l\\au~1·1· l\\ll'C 710. K\SI·. J l.SIJ Chanrlf'l D IJ S:IS p .111. Wedn esda y :\111?1'1.., \ ..... \JiJ\\ilUhl'I' K\IPL 710. l\\~E 11 ;)11 Chunrwl D IJ Friday ·\nµ1'I"' ':-. \lilwau~et' K\IPC. 7 10. 1-\:"J~E 11 SO Channt>I D IJ '\c 1u11 Ml.IC M>rtCC NIUC NOTICC I u .. I " ' 0 " c 0 ll • ' 0 jil ''3luru• •UIMH NOTICI °' CM.WOMI~ lfATIMl .. 1 YMllTll'I IALI OOUlflY OP oaANOa Ill• IOllowlng l*Mlt'll •t• clOltlQ Lllfl Ne ... ...,..._, 1tt Clv .. o.-.. DttH, Wiit butlMM .. T,I NI. C ...... ... 0...... PAClflC ORlfNINUN1!8, ll!A SIOt r t NA N t.I Al ...... AN, C....,. ll10I lullH A, 11100 8oultl 8unl\ll l COf'IPORAllON •• duly 1pp01ntllll MARRIAQi 0~ GtrNI, 1tnlll\ilm, CA 82900 Tr u 1tH under HI• 1ollow1n11 PEflllOHIR l'HYLLI& COLLIER 0 •Jlt AO\l•rt Corpo11t1on, 1 ~tlbld dffO cit 1ru1t Will 8ll l RllPO NO!NT OEOF,.REV C:1lllo1nl1 COfpotlllOn, 3011 Wiit Ar !'V&llC AUCTION lO THE COLLllR Hueneme Ro1d Clll'l.,lllo, CA HIOHIS'f llDDlA l'OR CASll kWONI l'~y LAWI 13010 IPIYlble 11 tlnM ol Ml• 111 llwlul CAii --. .. 1 D.,. •• lnl• bullll ... I• COOllUC1.cl by • n1oney ol 111• Unllod Sllllll '" NOTICll GOl'POrltlOo 1lgnl, Ull• ind lnt1111t convey.0 10 Yeu lwlwe ~ .-.. The oeutl 0.111a·Rouer• COl'porellon 1nd now ti.Id by It und•t u1d Olll<l _, -... .... , ,... ••~• Rlcntfd ll Roaer• or trvel In tNt Pfoe>«tv 111.e111att .. rour ll•ll!I ll•tt• 11•l•H r•11 Pr..w.tll detc:rlbld ,...-. ...... • .,.. .._. tM TIWI tlllemanl w .. Iii.cl wllh 1111 T AU 8 f 0 R HA RR Y 0 ~ Mllw. County Clerk ol 01•110• County on llANOAORIFF i nd lllAOINIA R N f1U wW1 te Mell IM M9tGe of hp1. t7, 10112 llANOAOAIFF, nuetil rid e11Jj wll11 111 1tl11••r 111 Ull1 111•lllf, JM "9dl. ~II BENE FI CI A AV I I HS f .............. ~MIMIJIW PetltlOf, 0..llttl FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN 1...-., ......... w "''· _, ,,....... AS80CIATION or SANIA tie ltM 1111 .... • A L.IW t.,_.,1tl0fl MONICA, I COf Pofl tlon AvtlOt 7U Wiil ... "' ,.,.., RllCOla.c:I June 2. tOet .. tnlll u ..... hi ....... ended•. IJ lu!W 1to0 No. 2073 In t>OOll "OH. 11•11• 1117 ,,,~ .,.... .... _,,. Ud. Loe A~. CA 90011 01 Ottlclll ll.COfdl In Ille ofllc• OI ''" MMlleMt. 1 -que U4. ,,.,_ 1111 Rtco•d•• ol 011nge County, r.._... 4"Mre • • dtM. L.N i. Publlehed 01e nge CoHt Oi nv Hid dM<I ol t1u11 dHCrlbH 1n11 w.r-klll ... ...-. PllOI &.pt :n, 28. ()(;t $, t2, 198:1 l()llOWlftil ptOpett)' II U•l•d dHH HltOllll el 4 t70·82 PMICEl I Feo 11mp11 1111• to oon11to di 1111 lboOld• 111 "t• Conoomlnlum Unll No O 11n1 e111nlo , deberf1 h1 e erl• PlllllC NOTICE "Unit"), u •hown upon 1n1 ~le, 1M .... "'_., Condominium Pl•n 11111111e<;1 111 ,.._ .. o ~. el her flCTfTIOUI 8UllNIEIS Condominium Plln for lot 1 OI llfllftl, p1114e HI t99lelted1 e NIIMI •TATIMENT l11c:t No 10587"1. (The Pl111"), tlllftpo. 11111 1011ow111g po11on1 ''" 00111g 1eco1d1d on Ju1y 12. t070 H I lO THE RESPON,DENT bu1lneu os Oocum1 n1 NO 15610, 111 book TMl l)lllllOl\tf ""filed. petition CURflS & VACCARO Oil• 132211, P•g .. 16 tnrouon 115 conc•nlno your merr11Q41 If vou 1111 Newpo11 Pl1c1, Sulin tO 10 Poll 1nclul4v1 of 0t11c111 Record• or Hid 10 Ille 1 ••IC)OnM wllhl" al d1ys ol Otllce BO• 8108·618 Nllwport Qfa~ COunty, which pt1n pertain• 1n• dll• 11111 tlll• •ummons II Beech. CA 92660 10 tn11 pr~tv desc:rlbod 1n T1ec:1 ~on you. you1 del11Jll rney be Wllllam M Curll• 43\1 V1•1a No t0687. I" tno Couniy ol Or•noe. p(!Ulfod and tno co~"' m1y enter 1 Sue111, N-po11 Benc11. CA 9:1660 Stall ol C1lllorn11, 11cord1d In ludgmenl c:on111ntno Injunctive 01 S a n ! v 11 cc: 1.1 • o 2 5 8 I book 4 4 9 . p 1 o • • !I 1 n d 6 . ol1141f order• C(¥l(!«nlng d1vl1ton or CrHh lew Drive N11wpo11 Beach. Mleool .. neoue Mepa, 1n Ille ott1ee ol property, 1pounl 1uppor1 . cnlld CA 92663 1no c<ounty recorder ol 111<1 oouniy euelodv. cnnd 1uppo11, t1torn1y Ir w r11 l 'X w 11111 i.. 5 2 9 PARCEL 2 An undivided 00256 1 .. 1. c;o1t1. 1nd suen 01n1< r9'ief u Promo11101y Drive Weal Nowpo11 p1rce nt 1nte1e1t In 1 nd 10 1111 may t>e g11ntod bv 1no cou11 Tno Be~ch, CA 926llO Common A1111 u shown and gernl1hm1nt ol "''gH, ••king or nus bu11net1 11 conductod by • dellnod Of\ tn• Pl1n. money 01 property, or otnot CO\Hl gene•al par1ne<1ll1p EXCEP'f THEREFROM "' Oii, g11. 11.11nor11ea p1oce1chogs mey alto Wiiham M Cums mlnlfll• encl 01n.r hyd•o<:•rbOflt. fMUll This ''"lemtfll WU hleO ""'" lhll below • dll)lll ol 500 IHI. WllllOUI Dlllld July 20. 111&2 County Cletk ot Orono• County on 1n1 rignt 01 1url1c:e entry. 11 l..e A Branch Sept 10. 1982 18Mf'Ved h• lnetrumentl ol roc:ord Cteo., f11717!i PARCEL 3 An exctul4v• rignt 1nd By l M Burnt. PuDlitned Orang• Coast Oao1v •Hemani 10 uee th• P1110 Area Deputy P1101 Sept t4 21, 28. 0c;1 5. 19112 OllSigneled P·O on thO plll\ 11 t>elng WAN A. MNISC* 40511·112 8'>1)Ul1enll\t to thO Unit. .. Town Centw Oftve, PARCEL 4 An •-clu11ve rlghl •nd ....._ IOO D11m11c Mt\TICE e1tement 10 "" tne pa11<1ng 1pac1 c .... Miii, Cllllotftle nae ,-~ ,...., O•tlijneted on thO Pl1n H Perking TW. (7141141·1141 STATDWNT Of' U~NT Spec:e No PS·291. Publlsn1d 011ng• CoHt Diii)' Of' u .. Of' FICTfTIOUI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A PllOt, Sept 21, 28, OC1 5, 12, 1982 •UllNESS NANI DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 26, 4175-112 lhe 1011o w1ng pe11on1 hive 111111 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION -------------1bandoned tt•e use ot 1n1 FlctlliOul TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT PlalC NOTICE Buslness NI/Tiil' MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAl.E ECOLOGY MAINTENANCE IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION flCTfTtoUS IMJSIHHI 'COMPANY, 1637 t BllCh Blvd 0 F TH E NA T U A E 0 F THE NA• 8TATIMENT Suite 100. HunllnQIOt'I Bitch CA PAOCEEOINO AG,t.INST YOU, YOU Tne lollowlng person II do•no g2647 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER bustn•st 11· Tiie Flctlllous Butinen Neme 500 C1gney Line If I It, N1wport l(ARU CLAY. t822'h NewpO<t rele<red to ll>OY• Bucn. CA 921127 Blvd., Suite 263. Coile Mes.. ~ wu tiled 111 Orange County 0t1 July "Of 1 strMt lldd111ss or common 92627 14, 19112 d111gn111on 11 1nown •bove, no Keren Nllllle MllCUI, 275 E' Aon E lu<:e<O. 61121 Fry Clrc:le, WI II Inly II Olven IS to Ill 181n St . Coale Mesa. Ca 92627 Huntington Buen, CA 9211<46 completen1st or c:orrectneas1 " Tho This ous1nns 1s conducted by en John A B1e11 . 490 1 t4 eil btnellcle ry und1 r Uld Deed ol lndlvleluel Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA Trull, by ••HOii ol a b1eech or Klfen Natalle Marcus 92849 deleull In 1no Obl'Oetlons secur4!(1 Th•• stetemenl wu Ille<! wtlh lhe This bu-. was conducted I>)' a the<lby, 11ere1olo•e uecuted and County .Cle<k ol Qfenge County on genorll p1rtne111lip d1llve<ed lo the unde111gned • Sopl 24, 1982 Ron E. lUC:Cll"O wtltlen Oec:1111t1on 01 O.laull and fttaM Tnia 1tatemen1 was ltled wllh 1ne Oem~d lor Siie, ond w11t10n not~ Publlahed Orenge CoHt Dally County Cleflc of Orange County on or b<each e.n<I ot elocltlon 10 cauM PllOI Seo• 28, Oct 5. 12. 111. 1982 Sept 10 10112 the unde111gnod to Hll u ld •233-82 f'tNm f)'opert)' to Mllll)o UICI Ol>llQ•lk>rul, Published Otenge Co est Delly ind th11e1lle1 the undtrslgned Pll01, Sept, 14, 21, 211. ()(;t 5. t982 caused 111<1 nota ol btetcn •nd of 3963-11? elec1lon to be Recorded June 15, POOLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUS 8UllHEH NAMIE 8TA TIMINT Tne lollowlng person Is doing business as P\8l.JC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI 9U ... 18 NAMI! ITATIMINT r no tollowlng persons 8fe doing bullne$S II ONE HOUR MARTINIZING P8f11POI Enterpflstl. I llmlle<I l SO 8 4 Go I den We 11 Av a , per1n1r1'11p, 2686• Dorotnee, we11m1n11"' CA Mlulon Vle,o, C1hforn1t 92681 Victor c Leung. 2112 Pam Pt SUNUTE SOUP CO . 17 10 E.ul 171'1 S11ee1, SUtle "A , Santa Anl. CA Thia butlnes• Is conducted by • \Y COYIM, CA 91192. llmlllld pannertnip. Brenda H Leung 2712 Pam PerMPOf, Enl, Pl , W Covln1, CA 91192 • Nmhed plflnerstup Tn11 bUlllle$S 11 condullted by 1 by Piar-tn1111ne11on11 generll 111nneran1p Enllff)'i-. Inc Vietor LIUOQ • CllllOfn .. cor1>ore1ton Thia $lllemen1 wu 1111<1 wltll 1110 Gttne<• pennet Countv Clerk or O<a.nge County on By Pll"VIZ Amlrelll Sept 10, 10112 Preeldllit F1t7"173 Tiii• lltlernenl WU fltld With the PuDllSh•d Orang• COHl 01lly County Clerk of Orenge Coun1y on P•IOI. Sept t•. 21. 211. OC1 5, t9112 Sept 2•. 1082 ,.,.. 311113-112 Publlshed Orange Co111 01lly PlalC NOTIC£ Piiot. S1191 211, Ocl 5, 12. 19, 19821---.,,.--,,=.,,.....,,..,""""""'"'=~-"293-82 '1CTITtOUI ..,... .. MllC NOTICE NOTICE OI TINITll''I IALI ..._ ...... ,._.I PAATNIU T.S,Me..C ... 15 NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC. 11 duly 1ppOln1e<1 Trvl1M under thl loflowlno dltcrlbed deed ot trust Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH IPtylDle II Orne of a.II In lawtol money 01 1no United St1l•I 111 rlglll, lltle and tntereet conveyed ...-1un•NT The IOllowlno porlOnl ere dOlng l>llllMSI II' I) A·INSURANCE SERVICES OF CALIF 21 SHAW CLAIMS SERVICE. 3) OIAMONO ·o APPRAISAL SERVICE, 1407 E COlltns Ave . Orange. CA 92667 Apsley Ina Service of Calil . Inc., a C1lilorn11 c:orf)Oflllon, 1407 E Cotllns Ave Orange CA 92667 Tn.1 bu-ta ~ed "Y a cor POf 11 ton 1982 u tnsu No 82·204170 of said Ofllctll ~otdl Slld s1le will be m1<1e, bul wllnout cov1 nent 01 w1rrenty. e•l>'"I O< Implied, rttQerdlng lltll. po111ulon, or encumbrencos, lo ply 11'141 <emalning pr lnc1p11 M.tm of lhe nole(•I MCured by 111<1 Olld ol Trull, wttll 1nternl " In Mid note provl<led, edv1nc:e1. ii 1ny, under the lerme ol 111d Deed ol rrull, f-. Chl <Qe• 1n<1 uponeM ol tne Trutl .. 111d OI tno truatt CfHled by 1a1<1 Oeec1 of Trvtl Seid .... ...iH be lleld on Wednesd9)'. Octobef 20, 19112 11 2·00 P M 11 Ille C1>1Pm1n Avenue en1rence to the Civic Center 8ulldlng , 300 Eul C111pmen Avenue 1n thO Clly Of Ot1nge, CA Al tne 11m1 o l the lnl1111 pu~tton DI ltd OOllQI, the 10181 lll'IOUf'll ol lhl unpeid blflr>U ol ,,,. obl!Q1t1on 1ec:ured by lhl •bove de1crlbed d11d ol trull encl 11t1m1ted costs , upenHt, ano 1dv1nc11 " 1110 40• 25 To determine Ille ()j)lel•OQ t>td you m1y ~ (71•) 937-<>H6 Oiied 641Clternber 20, 1982 SEASIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION By T 0 SERVICE CO . Agent Cfn<ly Sctioonover. "-"llant Sec1et11y One Clly Stvd Wiit, 011nge, CA 926e8 (714) 83>82118 Pub1ts11ecs 0<1ng• Co11t Delly Ptlol 5ep1 28. Oc1 s. 12. 19U •2n.92 POOLIC NOTICE Orange OoHt O~IL Y 'PILOT /Tueaday Oclob r 6, Ul82 c:.·1 • MllC NOllCl MUO NOTICE MUC "°"" r:•::~~-~r '':~:.=· K·Ul t"4 NOTlt'I-: <W Ut!ATll OP 1~~~~~~'0 P41'90lle .,. 1104•19 ou~:~o~:wlng P•rton I• 001no VIOl.~T n .VUl!: KO~it. Mlllt 1 lUOfllSCINI CHIMISfliltH I l J ltL.VLR IMPl'ICHIONI VIOLl':T l'. noss ANO Of.' Ill. f44 WHMYln D1y. Co••• Mffa, PHOfOOftAPHY (21 llL.VI~ l' 1<; 1' I T I o N T O C1lltorn11112121 IMPl'IHSIONI. 4U1 l"lnyon Tr• 1<1nooon Lou, 2 teee MIQJllfM l ine, Irvine, CellfOfnll t2710 Al>MINISTl•:R t!STATE NO. L.11/\41, crToro, Clhl1Wnle tH30 l'IOBERT WAl'IOILL Tl'IACV, A· I I UJ7 C1p1t1I Ol1gno1t1c•. 1110 , I 02 I Ptnron TtH Llftl, lrvtn1, Tu 1111 tw1r ... lic·rwfh t11r1c·,., C11tfo 11111 co1po1e t1on. 74 ~ C111torn11 H116 1,.1.,11u11.,. null l'<Hitiuyunl w .. 101n 8•~. Oot11 Mue, Tnt1bu11n ... 11aonc1ucn.1C1oy en C1lllotnl1 llat20 lndlvldu11 t•rt_dllnr,. uf Vlull'l l' )'<lt• rn11 butltlM• 11 cow:l~tllll Dv 1 Rooert t19G)' ltt~. uku VIOlt'I c U11t111 1m.I lilfllled llllllM<•"'P Tiile "'''"*'' ... n1ec1 wltn Ille pt• r 11o11 ... w h 11 mu y b 1· l{tngOOn I.Oii Covnty Cieri\ of OrlllOI CoUnly on utlwt WllW l11h•r1•t1ll'U In t ht• Clfllt•I ()ttgnotttc•. Inc 8-.>leml>IH 11, 11192 RICh•rd A Olpe, P111MO will unil/111 "~lull' llr"ldeul Publl1'11d 01•nQ1 Co11t 01lly A pt'lltt•m lms 1>4'"" t 1h•1cl Tm•'"'-"' wH rll4Nl ... 1111 11141 111101. Sep1 2 t, 28, Oc1 •. 121 tM2 IJy Bunk ul N11wport 111 tlw County Ctetll OI Ot•nee County on 4 11~•2 \! 1 '' f o 8191emw 17, 1 .. 2 ,7111wr or '-uurt 0 rnnl(l' °""VIA CUflftt. VACCARO t'11unly rl'<tUf'lltlll~ lh ul Bunk A ,.,,_•Mp !Mt~ PUBLIC NOTICE u l Nc-wp.1rt 1'4: oppulll\l'<-1 as P'refeHIMll c.,"°'...._ 1>1•1111.mul ri•pr<-1mnt11ttv1• 111 AHorrter• It L.lw .1111111n111 ll•1 I ht• c•i. llll1· ., ( 4J01 MMA.ttNif 8oule1t1t4 'ICTITIOUI 9UIMrH NAMI ITATl•MT flll IOl!Owing l*'_,I 111 OOlllQ DulU ...... V1ul1•1 l'ly1h• Ho:o., t'urnnu :;!;';; =h. CA .-o ct .. I M11r, '111tlur11w (undc•r flttTttt oes1QN ev OEalON, 2091 San Joaquin Hiiia Aoad, NewpOfl 81•c;n, C11llornl1 928GO 1 It 1• I n d 1· p " n d 1• 11 1 Publl1t11d Ortno• Cout 0111y Atl1111nii;trul11111 ot i-: .. 11111·11 Piiot, 69'11 21, 28, Oct 6. 12. 1082 H1rv1y Norm1n M1ye1holl, •210 P•rk Newport, NO ~ tO. N-porl &Ncn, Clltforr\I• 9:lMO S1ev1n 1111n, 14 M1ner1 lr•ll. A• •I Thi• pt•llllu11 1~ :.c·t for 1 __________ •_11_2_.9_2 tw11rlnl( in O.•pl No J u l 700 - l '1v1<' t'1·1111•r D rtvl• Wl'Kl. PllllC ••-Irvine. Cellforn11 U718 :-i.111lu A11u, ('altfurnw ll:l'/01 1111 ( )\:101_,.., 'l7. 11m.i ut !) :111 h Ill W YOll CHl.lf:l"I' to tlw Wllllllll!! of llW pMlllUll, YllU 11h•1uld l'tlht•r up~·ar 111 th1· h 1·u1 lnl( 111\ll iHutt· your ObJl'l'lllll)N Ill '\h• Wrtlll•tl ulJJt'l'ltom. w1tl:i tht• 1·uurt IJ1•fort• t h t h1•f1 ring Y vu r ttppcarum'l' 111av bt.· in i:x·rscm w bv you1 1111111 nt•y I ~· V l > U A It E A Clll!:DITOll or a mntmJ.(••111 l'ft•tlltur •>f llH' dt'<'t'llllt'<I, you 1m.1s l flk yvu1 dumt with tht· 1ourt ur p11·s1•nl 11 tu thl· pc·r~unnl r 1·pr1·i.1•11tJllVl' u ppolnll'<I b y t h o• 1•1111r1 wlth111 f•lur 11w11th:. from tlw datt' Of ftrSI IS!IUUnl'I' of lt•llcri. rui µr11vtdl•d In St'C:tum 700 of tht· PrnbatC' Codi• of California Thr um .. fur Clh11~ chum!> will nol 1•xp1n· pr1t1r l(I fvur munths from th1· clat•· of tlw h1•u1111g nol tt'l'<l a hovr r n11 bu11ne11 11 conc:tvc:le<I by 1 FtCTITIOU8 9U6NIS Q41t1eral Pltlllllfahll) NAME ITATl•NT H N Mtye<hOll Tiii 1011ow1no 1>11ton• .,. OO•no rntt tto111"'41fll w11 flied w11n 1no 1>u11n11s as Countv c111k or Oronoe County on NEW HORIZONS, 111()0 Dove OCIOD4\1 t, 1982 Strttel, Suite 215, Newl)Ort S.ec:n, CA 02860-2458 H111llh Sy1t1m1 lntern111on11, Inc , e N11v1~1 c:orpor1t1on. 1600 Dove SlrHt. Sult• 2 16, Newport BOl<:h, CA 921160·2468, 0111 ol 111corpor1a1on 6/291111. r hll bu11neat 11 tlOOduc11<1 bv • co• por a 1100 Holltn S'f*tems ln11m1111onal, Inc Cne1yl O Oo1don \lice P11tldet1t ,.l'41 Publl9hld Or1nge Co111 D•lly P110t, ()(;t 5 12. 19, 29. 1982 4333-81 PtJBLIC NOTICE 'ICTITtoUS 8U-81 NA•sr11n-.n Tno 1011ow1no pe.eona 1111 doing bul41\1H at TOT Al HEAL TH & BEAUTY, t9 t 1 E Center • 102. ANM!m, CA 02805 1n11 allltam41nt Wll Ille<! Wtlh Ille C0u111y Cl.,k 01 Ora"90 County on Sept 2•. 1982 Joyce A G'-On, 5515 RIVOf, ,,.... Newpor1 SHcll, CA 92M3. J1net1 Plllerlli., 140 t luclncll. Publ11h11t1 Orange Cont Dally Sant• Ana, CA 02705 . P1101. Sepl 28. Oct 5, 12, 19, 11182 Konllentln Sperkuhl, 1281 __________ •_211_2_._11_2 Oceen F1on1, L1gune S.acll. CA • Pta.IC NOTIC£ 02~~1~ DullMU •• oondue"led by • 8TATEMENT Of A•ANDONMINT genetal P•t1ne<eh1p Of u11 °" 'tennoua Joyce A oie.on •USl•IS .. ..._ Thia slllement wu hied wltll 11'141 The 1011ow1ng p111on1 ha v .. County Cletk ot O.enoe Cou11ty on •b•nclofled ,,,. UM ol thO Flcttlloul Sept 2•. 11182 '1112:31 Publ•tlled Oreng• Co111 Di iiy Pilot. Sepl 211, ()(;1 6, 12. 19, 11182 423S-82 Bulll\ll8 N1me IN·STYLE PHOTOGRAPHY, 635 Baker St • II 103. Co111 MHI, c.-. 921126 The FlcllllOus Buslneu Neme 811-1( Mftnrt ''°"noo' ., ..... NA•HAT9 .. Nl "" lollo"'lllO per •On •• 111.1111g DUlll-1 H I RA C S C ARf'C t I nd UPt40L8Tl!AV CUANINO, 317 Poppy StrHI Co10111 del Mtot Ctlilotr111 0202b Leo Jo .. pll t 11u101y J 11 !'oj)py 911HI. Co1on1 del M•• C111fornl1 11211211 Thie t>u11t11111 II condUlll•d lly 111 lndMdu•I Leo J 1"1•c11lo•y 3 t 7 Poppy 81rH I. Co1on1 del Mer c.lil1Wnl1 928211 Thi• 1>11•lne11 11 co11c:1v~1~ lly 11n 1ndMd1.1•I LIO J J'tte•loey NklC '*>Ila 111• IQllow111Q l)etNfta et• t!O.llQ bUlll ...... J A CP lH i.i 111£ll ,t.IJt.Ot;l.t.IUI • I 140111 'lc;1t.• r,1 ·nr lu•t•n CA 11?1110 C1•1Q &1 .... a1n .. 1 )Q3 lu1111M C11tle Coat• M .. 1 CA lo.OU C•lv1n Ono• t!O~ 1 PllU• irn l.llCI• ll1111111111lutl Ue111oh I.A 92647 Ptul 61.llmllt 3•91 1l11v11I• t>• Hunhf>\llOn fi.M;h CA g16AO Hue W.1n ... 1 It ~onOvthHI lit e QN\ttll ""'''•i.11•11 t. w Uon•llm1111 flllt lllllC!tllolll wa• 111110 Wiit\ ltle CiJUnly (.111•~ 01 Or1111011 Cou111y on t.e11t to 1111n Thie •llltmetlt wll lllell wlln lh• County Clefll 01 O•tng• Cw111v on Sep1emblf 24, tH' f1t1t11 Publl1hed Or 111oe C.outl Delly f1"3U 1>1101, Sept 14. 21 211 Oc1 !i 1H2 Publi11t1d 011111111 Cool 01lly 39112·112 P110t. 8•Pt 28. Oct 6 t2, ~9:i~o=~ ----P\8l--IC_NO_Tl_C_E __ _ PUBUC NOTICE fllCTITIOUS llU ... H NAMI ITATIMINT Thi IOllOwing j)e•ton •t dCllllQ but•~·~·p 0 R I B u 's I N E E. s INTERIORS. One Newport p1,.,e Sult• •OO, N1wpon S oacn CA 02860 Jamt!l F1111c" Hogenwalo 111 , 15 01n111 Pfec:e, Corono dftl M•• CA 92825 I n11 bUalneH II COftdu"tlll by ~II 1ndMduel JlmH ,.-Hegenweld Ill fhll llllOmOlll WU l1lt>(J Wtlh lilt! Coun1y C101k Of Ort1111" County I>" Sopt 3 1082 Fl ... 29 Pu1>11a1t11d 01nng11 Coast Da11v P1101 Seo• 14 2 t. 28. Oc1 s. t98:l 4056·112 l'l&..IC NOTICE flCTlllOUI •UllNHI NAME ITATIMINT lne IOllOWtllQ 11••eon1 IHI doing bUllll ..... REAL ESTME INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE SERVICE 2• 11 S1retog11 wev. Coll• Men, CA 926:111 111rg1n1 e M M11ye1 24 t7 Seretog• Wey Co111 Meu CA 1121126 E~erd SonllQ, 2• 17 S1r11oge W1y, Cotta Meae CA 92626 Tn11 bUllne41 11 conducted by a gene<ll p1r1ne11111p V11glnl1 M Mover Thti tttie<nenl wes lllod with the County Clerk ol Of•noe County on Sopl ,, . 11182 f1tne>3 Pub111111d Orengo Co111 Delly Pdot. Sepl 21. 28, Oct 5 12 1982 4129·112 flCTITIOUI 8USINIESS NAME ll AT I MINT I lt11 10110"'"'0 11tirton• aro doing llu111111a1 •• SUNNY HOL l OW CREATIONS, 3'.18111 C1tllfl de Bor•itM• Safi Juon C111)tt1111110 CA 92tl15 l Oii J•no (;r1111 3388 t can .. d• Oo1••nl11 Son Ju11n C:np1a11 a110 CA ll21l75 OoD011t11 K•v Oitven11011 5 (.mlll•< l1v1n11 CA liU 14 Jonioi. C Admn•1.1<• 15!>5 Well llOfdu Do f .IA Coale Mota CA 9:1626 ft\15 buNUIU~J 10 C.Ulldu<.leO lly h gOf\8'111 Pl•lm!lstup OttD0t1Sh Ila~ Clavonpo. I fnia ~•i.1.,mem wn Meo w11n lhl County Cieri\ 01 Or1nge County Ofl Sep1 10 196~ F191150 Puo111t1et1 Or .. rige Coaa1 011ly P1101 Su111 14 2 t 28 Oct 5 1982 398&-H POBLIC NOTICE FICltTIOU8 8UllHESI NAME llATl•NT fhe 1011ow1n9 petliOf•S are domg 00Mr1&n at COMPUl EA OIVISION OF BESCO, 392 l S B11t1ol, S1nte A111, CA 92104 Stephan S Scott 6 Al>SOClllH. Inc a Ca11to•n•a CQrpo"lllOn, A500 Campue O• . 62110 Newport a.ecn, CA 92680 Th•• busmtl's~ " c..onoucted Dy • corpo•a11on S1epnen 5 Sco11 6 Assoc1a1e1 Inc Ma .. an Green1>e1g Secre1ary f1'11s "atem6nl wH 11100 w11t1 lh• County Cle<~ ol Ora11941 Coun1y Orf Sept 10 t982 YOU MAY EXAMI NF. tlh' f11l' kl'IJI IJy till' murt U yuu ar .. 1n1er(•Sl cd in tht· t'l>t.rtk, you muy f1lc:> 8 l'('<jUl'Sl with lht• C'OUrl 10 r('C{'IVl' !HH' l' I u I not ll' t• o f I h C' 111v1•n tory 01( l'Slatt.• assc·ts •• net of 1hc• µ<·tit.ion~. a<.'\:ounts nnd rc•portl> descr1bt•t.l in S 1• l' t 1 u n I 2 0 0 o ( 1 h <' l'111tfumla l'1 ubulc C.:odc• 1el1rr1d 10 e bove w11 hied In ----~----""--'-------Orenge Counry on 5-&-82 -------------Jey 01vld Stallmen. 12711 FICTITIOUI 9U ... H P\&IC NOTICE f197111 Pubhlhrd Orongo Coas1 01tly Pi101, Sept 14, 21. 211. Ocl 5, 19112 3900·112 Meserve , Mumpe r lit Hughes. By: Ern est J . Sebag. Jr. and Robert A. Fo11ter, Esq .• Attorneys at Law, 5190 Campus Drive, P .O. Box 7820, Newport Rueb, California 9t660. 1714) 752-8995 l'ul>h~h•d Orang~ (.'.,••I D•1ly 1•11111, OM ~. II. 12, 1911~ Pt&IC NOTICE Autl1nd Ad , Newport Beech, CA NAME ITATUIQfT 92660 The fOllowlng per_,1 111 dolnll lllllt Miik Y•entcl. 1135 bUllMll Ill" Beller St , 11103. Co111 Miii, CA · ElEGANTE OACHESTAAS, 92628 133 E YIM LOOP. Irvine, CA '.>211' T'111 Duttneaa w11conouc1eaoy1 GllfY JoM T0911, 22629 COii~. getlllfal pertnorthtp MIUIDll 111910. CA 9289 t J1y o Sl1Hm1n John 0 Sftsum. 133 W Y•le Thll 1111-t w .. flled wllh the LOOP. lrvtne, CA 927 14 County Clorlc ol 0t•"99 County on Tni• bullneN le c:ondueted I>)' • Sop1 11, t 11112 gene<.. Pll/'lne<thlp '1-t Gary J T09U • Published 0 <1ng1 CoHt Delly Tn11 11etement w11 Iii.cl With 1n11 PllOt, Sepl 2 t, 28 ()(;t 5. 12, 1982 County Cletk ol Orange County on 4 109-112 Sept ~· 1982 ------------,ttelMO Pta.IC NOTICE Publl1nea 011nge Co11t Diiiy ------------PllOI. Sept 28, ()(;t 5, 12, 19. 1982 FICTITlOUI •UIM'.H 4258-112 NAME ITATl•NT I he 1011ow1ng person II dolng P\aJC MQTIC( bU11ne1111 , ________ ...... ____ _ A 6 Z OOL OEN RI NG 6 '1CTlTIOUI 9U91Mfll l(.011U EARRING. 230 E l11n S1f"1. No NAME ITAft ... NT ,.ICYtTIOUI .u.-11 E 12, C0911 MOM, C1hlornll 112827 r111 tOlloWlng peniona tr• doing ..... ITATl .. NT Ario Y1ld1Zcl1n, 3912 Mtyfteld bUllMU .. flCTITIOUI •USINHS NIIMI ITATIMENl Tne IOltow•no per$00s are doing bu,1~9~ IS PICTURE PERFECT FRAMING, 200112 C11pe Cotlege ln . Huntington 8oec:h. CA !.2646 CarOle Helen<IOJ. 20092 C1pe College ln Hun11nglon BoKh CA 92648 Wetter Hala.ndor 20092 Cope College ln . Hun11ng100 B11oc:11 CA 9:1646 • Th11 bu&1neu IS con<1uet110 Dy nus1>1nd & wife CG<ote Halanele< lnll statement wll liled wllh 11\e COullly Cterll ol Orange County on Sept tO 1982 F19717' PuD11sned Orenge Coesl 0111y PllOI Sept 1• 21 28, Oct S. t982 398S·82 I'\& IC NOTICE PWLIC NOTICE FICITTIOUI 8UllHEH NIIMI ITATl!•NT 1 "' 1011ow1ng oerson• 11• domg bualneea as cuntN'.UP·THE·fOWN, 243$'. Cout Htway. COfonl del Ml< CAP'~. 9262S - Estnflr Gosch11 2 cn111s11eam, Irvine, CA 927 14 Lort11ne Penn1no1on, tSS~ rB57 Mftl Vllf<lil E Cost• Mesa. CA 92626 Thia Dultnest 11 conduc:tlCI Dy .. gen111al pe11ne<sh1p : Either Go1e11e· Tnll l1110rnenl WIS hied Wllh IM County Clerk ol Or1nge COi.iniy Ot'I Seo1 t7 1982 ft'77QI Pub1t1n11d 011ng1 CoH t Dell) PllOI, Sept 21, 28 ()(;1 S. 12, 1118~ •181·8~ Thi IOllOwlng person1 w1 CIOlng Avenue, l1 CtHctnta, Celllornt1 FOX & ASSOCIATES, 2H2 ---,.-ic,..m=,-IOU~l~IMJ~.._:-::-:::::S::S-- bUll,_ ea. 9l2l4 lffwport Blvd • Co•t• M-... Ci NAME ITATl•NT PUBLIC lllOflCE DIC ICE A·WA A MINO TO N Tnia ~II c;onduetld by en t:ze27 '9 PROPERTIES, 3090 Pulltn1n SI lnOlvlOuel 8e1w1r l!nt11p1l111, Inc (I Tiie IOllOWlllQ persona are oo;ng f'ICTITIOUS 8UllNESS Coetl M .... Clllloml• 0:18211 NlO VllCl~CllWI C1lllo rn11 corpo11t1onl, UU bUal~:~;ON ORIGINALS 3301 NAME STATEMENT GllO. Inc , 1 ca1t101n1a Thl11t•t11mentw11llledWltll1i. N-port Blvd . Coll• M•u, Ce H1tl>Ol81¥d Sullelo2.s1niaAna rne 1o11ow1ng person" do111g eotP«•Uon. 10138 w .. 1 Pico, (P 0 County Cle<lt OI Qfenge COUn1)' on 92827 CA 9270• l>IJ1>non iH 80• 11•·7371. lo• Ano•••• Septeml>lt 24 lM2 Tftll ou.i-II c;onduelld by . D••nne Brown 2011 Welle CAEAflVE NETWORK 4 ,S. c.illOfnll 9008A ,._ corpor1tl0n Forest Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 3011> SlfHI Newpo11 Beacll CA Robert p Werm1ng1on, 3090 Publltlled Or1ng1 Co111 Otfty SARWAR ENTE"~"ISES. Rober! MCEiravy , 1722 0 92663 Pullm1n Street, Coll• Meu. P1101, Sept 211. OC1 5, 12, ti, 1N2 INC N•wn<>pe St Suote 223 Founia111 Oen Teckenolf 7!120 Fon11111 Clllforno1 0211211 42M·t 2 Sy· W1rren Fox, lleltey. CA 92708 St Downey CA Tiii• bull,_ •• c;onc:luctld bv I Dll-1c 111\TIW"C p,.~ Thll bUSln«Sll II ConduCled by I Th1S b\151nMS IS 'On<IUCIOO Oy an generll 1>111n1nNp n-"" -Tn11 tlltem.ot ••• flied _,, 1111 09nlfll pannetlhle> 1ndMduel OVO, Inc: • C°'111ty Clet1c of 0.enge Coutll)' on a.an,,. Brown • Calllornll COtPOHllon YOU AM ... Dl'AUL.T UMDSJI A September 2•. IN2. Thll ll•letMf"ll Wll hied With me O•n 1ec1oenoff Gerlld V Dicker 0 11 0 0' T l'I UST DAT ID ,.._, County Cletk ol o,8,,98 County on Hiii st11am0<>1 wot lilt)(! wHll ll•e PrMldlnl Ol!CHHIR 11, , .... UNLl'll Publl•hed 011ng• Coul Dally Sept 10. 1982 Courilv Ctori. Of Orang• County Oil Tnl1 1111-t wu filed wllh lhe YOU TUI ACTION TO NOTICT PtlOt Sopt 28, Oct S, 12, 11, 1982 Ft97141 Sepl 10 19112 Counly Clll'lt ol Orl!IQI eo.tly on YOUR ,lllOPllllTY, IT MAY •I d 34-112 PuDhtneCI Orenge Colll Oerly F197t53 Sept 16, 1182 IOt.D AT A "*.IC SALL .. YOU-------------F>ilOI Sept u 21 28 Oct !i 19112 Publltt111a 0 11nge COHt 0111y UM, Metlt6ne, LICll NllQ AH lll9'l. ..... TIOle OP fHI Pl.a.IC M)TIC£, 3999·112 P11ot Sop1 14 21. 28.. Ocr !>' t982 0....6....._,, NATl)lltl 0' THI NOCHDllllO -----------•-----------396S·82 4MO Meoa\tttMH ~. AOAINIT YOU, YOU SHOULD ,tennouS ..._.. J>lllllC NOTICE twt. IOI CONTACT A LA*YIA. --ncm11c Mt\TICE Newpotl hldl. CA._ MOTIC£ OI ~~·s I.Ali NAME IT.11,.-.. , FICTITlOUI •US&MESS '~ nu Altft: '°9 E. Wedi, I-. T.S. Ne. _, bu~~~ .,.,_,. -doillt NAME STA TIMENT NOTICE Of OtllOLUTION f1t7UI' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tlllt FIRS T WORLD TRAVEL OF The follow1g p1r1on ts doing Of' PARTNERIHIP Published 011ng1 Co11t Diiiy on Wodnud1y. Oc1oblf 20, 19112, NEWPORT CENTER, 202 Nlwj)of't business 15 ',t.f A l(EOA NOl•ce is given puosu8nl lo Piiot, Sept 211. Oci. 5, 12, 111, 1982 11 9 00 o 'CIOClc Im. of Mid dly, in Ceflter Drive, Newpon lelcl'I, CA WE TSUI TS, B) LIOO WETSUITS Cr Sec11on 1 !>035 !> 01 the C1lltorn11 to end now held bv 11 under 111<1 D111d or Truet In 1n1 p1op111y nereln1ller dlecrlbed Apllley Ins S..vice of C1l11 . inc Ch1tles F Donnell Sec:1e1ary 4290-82 the room Ml 111<11 fOf condueling 92880 BALBOA WETSUlfS. DI WEDGE Co1por111ons Code lhll Cerroll SANTA MAf'IOARITA TruslN'I Salee. Within 11'141 olloe;ee cil p 1 R ke t t6 V 1 WETSUITS. El POINT WEfSUITS Cenyon Ce ntre Co • C ahlo11111 •.. TE· otaT-T -------------"E .. l "ST .. T"' SECURIT1ES ••rte . y• mp, I ,. ..,_ n R p .. ·" ..... f'tlll.IC NOTIC( ,., ,. "' ,. ... • W11W1,Newp0tt 8eec;b.J;f4.c92M3. 221 Ma1n .. 1reo1 Hunttngton .... ec c:o1po1111on end tn1 oDert TR USTOA JE N -KE P AATNEAS , 1 Cetl fo rnl • Pa11neren1p 8ENEFICIARV NEWPORT HOME LOAN TRUST NO 189 Rlc«dld Aptll 16, 1982 u ln1tr No. 82· 13211• 01 on1c111 Rec:ord• 1n lhl Dlllce OI the Alcordet ol Of enge Counly, aatd deed ol 1ru11 deearlbll This ata1-t w11 fllod wtlh 1n11 County Clerll ot Orange Coun1y on Sept 10. 1982 f1f71'2 Publl1'1ed Orange COHI O•lly PllOI Sept 14, 21 28, Oc1 S.~982 3!H!"2-82 l'l&.IC NOTICE lhl followlng proper1y. •• ... ..,.11 Loi 5. BIOGI< 22. ol Newport 'ICTITlOUS ..,.,,,_ 8elCl'I TrlC1, u I* mep recorded 1tAME •TATlmlfT In BOOie 3. P1ge 26 ot Mltc:ellaneou• file lollo¥ring persona 11• doing Mapa, In Ille olllc;;e ol Ille County bull'::: :SH E I M 8 U I l 0 I N G Rec:ordll ol S11d County. ASSOCIATES 9930 l elbe t l 22011 W. Oc:e1nf1on1, Newpor1 Avenue, Fountain 11111..,. Calll0<nl1 Beaeh. CA 92708 "(If • .., .. , llddtlU Of common F H p I n c • c I 111 0 111 I. de1lgn11lon II shown 1t1ove, no c:orpar•lton. 9936 Tllbert Avenue. w., 11 n I Y Is g Ive n • • ''?. 11 1 Foun11Jn Viii.-; CeMtornll 92708 comp1e1-.1 or corrlClnes&I ' YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A Tnta l>llsl11411t •• conduclld by • DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 13. llmlled p1nneun1p tN2 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION FHP Inc; TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT ~V"'-PPlnQtei .. -I MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAL.E ..... rn..,,,. .. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION fhls 1111emen1 WH filed .nth thll 0 F T H E NAT u R E 0 F T H E County Clerk ol O••na• County on PROCEEDING .AGAINST YOU, )'OU September 11, 1D82 ,,..,.... SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER The beneflclwy undll' Mid Olld OI Truel. Dy reltOll OI • brllCll Of delllUlt In the obl'91llon1 MCUred th4lr1by. he11tolo<1 ••tculed 1n<1 d•llv11ed to th• undere lgned • Wf111en Oec:tar•llon ol OetlMlll Incl Oem•nd tor Sall. lnCI wrllten notice of brMCl'I Ind ol elecllon 10 ~ the underalgned to .. 11 H id properly 10 Mtlfty Mk! obllglllOnl , end th1r11ller 1111 undenlgned cautld Mid nollc• ol bflldl Ind of election lo be rec:otdld June t8, 1982 aa l111tr No 82·210002 of 111<1 Otllclll Recotd• Publlalled Orenge CoHt 0111y Pllol, Sep1 2 t, 28. Oct 5. 12, 1982 4174-112 rta.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUt .u ..... NAm STAT'EMSNT The IOltowtng l)e<IOnl ere dOlng Dullneet 11; VENTURE PUBLICA"flONS. L TO , 200 1 Eut Flret Sl.rMl, Su1t1 204. S1inl1 Ana. Callloni1 92705 0 ' A Financial Sarvtcee. Inc (A C.lllorn11 COl'poritlOt'I), 2001 eu1 F111t StrNt, Sulle 204~•1111 Ane, Cllll1Wnl1 92705. Thie buelMU .. conc:IUCllCI by I Mmlted per1MfllNI>. 0 & A FlnlnClll Slr"V1Ce1. Se id n l• will bl m1d1. but wllhoul c;oven111t or w1rr1nty, lllllf9I Of lm9fled, regetCllng lltle. poeMMlon, °' .n<:U<"b<-. to pey 1119 remelnlng f)linclOel eum of 1111 no1e(1) NCu<ld by Mid Died ol lno. Trwt, wllh lnt•lll •• In MlCI nol1 Rontld J, H8f•tll prOll\dld, ldv~. II eny, under P~I the termt ot Mid DMd 01 Trust, Tllll ttlllft'ltll WM Iii.cl 11r11n tM i.... cftlrgee end •• ,,.,,_of lhe COunty Cieri\ of O<enoe County on TM!IM end of Ille tf'\1111 cr1111d by Aug. 30. 1H2. Mid DMd of '""'· 8111<1 .... Wiii be ,1...., hllCI on Tuetdl y. Octotl« 28, 1182 Publllh•d Oreno.• Co11I O•lly 11 2:00 o m • 11 th• cn1om111 Piiot S.Ot 21. 2e. Oct s. 12, 1982 A...,. tnlf.,_ to lhl CMo c.M1t 4189·8~ lull<tlng, 300 !Ht Cn1pm111 Alltflill. In Ille Cl1y of er.,., CA, ~ M)TIC( Al "" "'"' •ot th• lnltlll pulllleltlon of lNI notlel, 1111 IOI II ''°TITIOUI ...... ..... ITAT'IMINT NOTICE OF l'U8LIC H£AIUNC SFRVICES. loc:ltld 11 2020 Nortli MICll••• Wtlle'r.'"" 115 VII CA 92&48 Werm•noton Co II C•lllorn1• Nouce 11 tiereby 111veo th•I lhl! K.01191 B10ldw1y, Su111 206, In tn. Cl!)' ol w ,_ ...-... •--~ c .. t 2 ..... " Lott Jeanette Brown 308 corpo1at1on heretolo<e doing f 0 I S I '"'' Santi •na, Coun~ of ""-, 81111 ez,.ra, ·~-.,.,.' _.., " """ C •• C • · .-.. o..a 11 Board o irec1ors o Ind an a ftCTITovvl 9UltNISI ,. .,._.,... T 1 ~led by Robin Hood Ln . Oita ... eu ,. bulineas H partne<t .,....,., ""' rm Margarita Water 0.SlttCI will hold a NAllll« ITATl•NT or C11if0tlll1, GE AGE MAYER, la Ne 1>11~ 1 92627 n1me W1rm1ng1on-Re111 nce public 11earing at 2 00 pm "" The tOllOwlng pet"IOlll .,, do.ng duly IPC)Olnted Truat• unoer l'll'd gen«ll P~ncM ftyekerl'P T1111bul•netl1t conouc1.o Dy •n ven1u11 nave d tuolved 111e11 Mond•y Octot>ef 18 .198:> at tne bua1na• 11 putauant '" lhl j)Ower ol 1111 Tl\la 11e1_,1 w• fWed With lhO 1norvt0ual p111ner1h1p as ol the l11st dlV OI l1e1<1 olflCle olthO Otatrict loc:eted •I WA TERGATE, l TD 4940 conl1<re<1 In thll cer11tn OMd ol c ~ ,.._, I~ Count on LotS J B•own Oclooer 1982 by mv1u11 contllf'll 1"0 E P .... d ••1 ··-C s c Tru•• •·-·1 .... ""J ........ l .... RT oun ..,_,. 0 "'8"09 Y r 11...,. th 1..... t .. d 1 o 2 • • • •• LI IZ nOO .... 1~~· empua Drive. I.Ille Newport --· -., ........ o ,..,,. s t 4 1912 "'* ttlltmenl w•• ""' WI '"" and 1n11 a te• "'" llSO ullon II v1110. Cato•or n•e 10 con••d•• the Beecn, C1 92ee<l & LINDA HART. WflO loCqlllled lltle l!P · 'ttllU Countv Cte<I\ ot Orenge County on peraon hU eu1hor11y 10 1nc:u1 1ny 1dop11on 01 an ord111ance Beverly H1111 Aeelly lid u LINOA G HART, recorded Publlthed Orenge Collt Oilly Sept 10 t082 obllg1t1on1 on behelf o l 11t1bllsll1ng rules end •4t0ulat10n~ Generel Pertntr 41140 C1mpua December 31. t9t0, In 8ook 138M P110t. Sop1. 28. Oc1 s. 12, 11, 19'2 f11711!i W8fm1ng1on-Re1tence Vonlu•• 1~•<11ng 1nou11r111 waste con1r01 Drive. Sutte C. Newport Beech, Ce of Off101I Record• of Mid Counl)'. 424142 PublotheCI Orenge Co111 Diiiy OA TEO Oclobef 1 t982 'tt>e purpote ot tl'llS 0<d11111nce ·~ 92880 11 PIQll 301. Recordll'e tnetrvmentf-------------Pilot St19t 14 21. 211 ()(;t 5, 1982 C,t.RAOLL CANYON to provide 101 Ille mo1mum Tiil• bu11neH 11 cCndUC1ed by 1 No 40108, Dy r11t0n of • bfMCll rta.IC NOTIC£ 3944·82 CENTRE CO , benelictel use 01 the S ontA t1m1tlldp1t1ner1h1p 01 d•l •ul l In p1ym1111 o r---------...... ----------------A C•hl0<n1a corp M11gnr11a W1111 0 1w1c1 lec11111es Beve1ly Hills Aeelly. Lfd pertorm1nca o l lh• obllgetlon~ flCTITIOUI ..,..... Pllll.IC NOT1C£ By Its Vice Pr-ci.n1 1n1011gh 1dequa1e 1e9ut1t1on of 1 Cllif0fn11 u cufld 1n11eby. tnctudlng 1n11 MAm STAYWMIWT Rob•ll P W11m1ng1011 •-•r uH a nd 1ndu11ri11 wesll· Llmll.O P1<1nllftlllp 1>re1c:h Of del1u1t, Nolie:. Qi ~ Th• IOllowtng person le doing PlCTITIOUI 9UlfNlll ..,.,., d1scne1011 and 10 1>1ov1ae Get\llfel P111ner ot wea recoroed June 2•. ttU. 1a, bullness 11 N"* 8TATIMENT Co P•OCedutU 101 comp1y111g w1t11 w1terg11e. Lid R1co1d111 • 1n1trvm1 n1 No ACR AGENCIES. 2 4 30 t Tn1 lollowlno peraon 11 doing 1n dus 11181 w 811 e d llC he rgt! By Slout.<3natlky Inc , a 112·211920, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Enaonld•, MIUlon Viejo, CA 92891 bulll\I .. u By W1lllem J Pm 111 Secrerar~ requ11e1nen11 placed uron Santa C&Ulornl1 corpourlon AUCTION TO fHE HIGHEST F<1nk Ge<>tQI Nuyen•. 24301 LE GAVE WINE IMPORTERS, Mer911118 Water Otstrtc:t by stale G-11 P1r1ner of BIOOE R FOR CASH. lawluf ~ EnlMlld•. M!Mlon Viejo, CA 112891 180 Newport Center Or . Suite 180, Pullhlhed Orange Coest Oe11y P110I ()(;I 5 111112 end leclefll IQtnC141$ !Wlerty Hiii• AMII)' lid ol '"' Ut\1141<1 Stllff, Of • catll'-t'• Tn11 bull-.. ~ .. bv Ill Newpor1 Beech. CA 02680 Tne Ofd1n1nce w111 estebllsh IN By N0tm1n A Nemrow cheek df1wn on • 11111 "' n11ton1 11\dlvlduet. Albl ll Rlch11d leG1ye 335 PUBLIC NOTICE 111110110 mea1mum e111uen1 111 Executive ban~. a 1111• 01 f•d1111 er1011 Frank G Nuyen1 Emer1ld Bey, l 1gun1 Beech, CAi--------.,..-,..-,,-,--- c on c 1111Ir11t 1 on, O I V n 11 Ou a VICI Pre1ld11nl union, O< I 11111 Ot Ot llcllfll Tllll 1111-t wM f\19d wtlh the 112681 FICTITIOUS •Ul lNEIS cons111u11nl• tor all lndus1m11 fhts st1t9m8(lt w11 filed wllh 1ne u vlnga 111d 101n 1uocletlo1 County Clerk of 0r-. C0\11'11)' 0t1 ll'111bu"""'11 condUCtlCI l>y Iii NIIMI ITATEMhtT d •tcht•ges 1n10 1ne San11 MotQ•ll.. County Clelk ol OtellQ" Countv 0t1 domtelleCI 111 tllit 111,.., #I ptrlbll • SIP• 8. •982 11\d1Yt<luel . T ne 1011ow1ng person IS doing Wit•• 0111r•ct •~"""' 1v11em a nd September ts, 1982 tno lime OI ..... Ill rto111. lltle lnC '"*2 Albeft Aicnerd l.Otye bullnlll es 1110 11111 propoud 1p11c1l1c '1'7449 lnter"t l'l4lld by 11, "lrvtlN. In ftle\ Publiahed Ortn91 Ce111 Oelly Tnl.• 1t1t1men1 .... lllod with the OEXCO 433 E ColumD1ne pron1b111ons 101 111dut111el Pu1>111ned Orange Cont 0 1lly real ptoperty lllu•te In Ilk! Coun~ PllOI. Sept 14, 21, U , ae.. I , 1N2 County Cllttt ot Of•no• County on Santa An• Calllorn1192707 dtlCh&rg.. Pilot Sept 28 Ocl 6. 12. 1g, 198a ind Siii•, ci..trib9<1 .. follows. 401M2 S.Ot 17, 1982 FARL DEXTER 801 I SellllOf• Juay I( Fin~ 4'111 ·82 lot 12 o t Block 31 o r Flrt f'91'17 011v1 Newport B11ch ca11101n1a A111111n1 Sec•elt•v Addltton to Newport HllOl'lll In 1no PUBLIC M)TIC( Publl111ee1 Orenge Co111 0 1lly 92663 PubhaheO Orangtl Cnu1 0811y ------------City ot NlwPO<"I hecill 81 per m1P -------------P110t S~t '1, 28, OC1 5, 12, 1982 Tn11 11<111n•11 1s COllCIUCllO Dy I n Piiot, Oclobef 5. 1982 PUBLIC NOTIC( 11eo1dld In Booll 4, p .... 94 of FICnTIOU9 .,_.. • 1118·112 tndlvldu&I 4341-112 --------------Mt~1eneou1 Mept. ..... ITATlmWT 1-------------E1r1 Oe•lf!t NOTICE 0, '"IPARATION Tiie • ., ... 1ddflll or Other th• lollowlng rwtone lfl dOlng Pl&JC NOTIC£ fhll &lllement Wiii lllo<I With'"' Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •U81NEH NAMI ITATUftNT The 10111>w1ng p111on ii doing 1>ua1neu 11 HOUSER ENTERPRISES. 3186 0 Alrwey Ave Coll• Meu CA 11292e Pnlllp M11lln HOuHr. f80211 S1n11 Cieri Clrcl1, Fountetn ll•lloy, C.A 92708 Thia 1>u11nes• It COflduc11d by en lndlvldull Ptilhp M t"lOUMr Thi• 11etetnen1 w11 n1ec1 .-.1m 1111 County c .. rk OI Or1ng1 County on 81p1 24. 19112 '11SM1 Publl•h•d Oreng• co .. t 011ty Piiot. S.Ot 28 Oc1 5, 1~. 19, tH2 •2•8-82 Nil.IC NOTICE Of common dHIQn•tlon of 1111 111f IKnllnllt • 1--------.,.--,-,-,---County Cle<lt 01 Or•na• County on NEOATIYI C>«Cl.ARATION P'oPlll'IY M<'1lllbovl dlterlbe<I It SIDE STREET HAIR 8 ALON, f!M:TITIOUI •ut•to OclOW< 1, 19117 Tne IAVINE RANCH WA TEA purp()r1ed to be 2630 Avon, Sulle 0. N•w11ort NA• ITAn•NT f1_,. DISTRICT II PllP1Hfl9 • NIQtollYI &48 Cltllll'll Ottv•. Newpo11 8llcl'I, Ctlifo<nte tzea fM lotlOWtng l)lrlOnl Ill dotng PuDllalled 0 111nge CoHI Diiiy Oecl•ra11on ro1 t ne P•Ol•Gt aeec:n. C•Hf0<nla 0 1111 T Ptt, 23781 Hot11rt bul4n11111: p1101, Oct 5 t2 111. 26. 11182 dllCllb•d b•low A 'Orelt" rn. u llCl l •tlg rieo h•r•D)' l!l•y. Ltgun• Ntou•I. C111torn11 ENEROY PAOOUCfS DIRECT. 4317·112 NCIQ•llvt o.c111r•1ton It on Ille el tne d lacle•m• •II ll tblllly ror 111y g2fn 1870 61nt1 An1 Avenut, Sulle E. -------':""."-:-:---011111c1 0111ce 18802 8ardHn lnCOfrtell'l•M In MIO itrNI lddf9M Llfl<ll Toby Malone)', 1'60 Pwtl eo.11 ,.._,, Cehfotnte 92$27 P\&IC NOTICE Avenue Irvine C11tlorn11 111d II Of other cornMOn dftlgn1tlon ~· No 3 18. Newpof1 hech, Pecltlc $ollt, tt 70 Stlf'te An• 1v•t1•1>1t IOf Publtc lnlPKllon A Seid .... wtll De mllde wilhovt Cllllornlll 02MO Av1nu•. Suite E, Cotti Men. ---A_,C,_T,-fT::tO-,-U':':l:-:::IU:':':':S:'::IHl~l::'l:"""- Neg1ll11e Oeel11rallon Wiii b l ..,1,,•nty, u preu or lll'lj)llld, Tiiie bue11WU la ClondUCned bv e ClllllOfl'll• 11?027 NA• ITATl•NT c:ontldtrtd lor 1pprov1I OI flQltdlng tllle, po UtHIOn, Or Q4lnltlll pwtMl"llhlp. Thi• blltl""'* •e ConGu<:11d I>)' I n Tn1 lollo.,.1ng p1raon II doing dlupprove l by the Bo1td OI •ncumbt•noH . to utttly 111~ lllld• Mllloney 1ndivldull l>u"lnHI 11 01recto<1 ol lh• Ol1t1lct II "' l)rlnClpel b•l•nc• ol the NOii 0, Tllil ll•t-t -~ wlltl the Cl\efyl l Aleunder cos T A M E 8 A C AR rnee11nQ to be held II the DISTRICT otller obtlQetlon MC:UllO by llkl Cownty CWll Of OfllftOI County on Thie tt1tll'ftlnt wu lllld with tt'MI CUSTOMIZ ING 11168 Superior OFl'tCE on October 21 108' 11 Dffd ot fruil, with lrlttr"t i ncl lePttll'lblt 17, 1Ha Cownty Clerk ol 0rlf'IQll County on Avenut . Co111 M111, C111torn11 8 00 Pm o tner 1um1 11 p1ovtC1.0 lheretn: '""" S.Olemblf 11. 11182 92026 Protect N•m• Mt)IRLANOS plu• 1d111nc ... It tny, under,.,. !Jublltll•O 011"91 COHI Delly ,,..,.... l.UC:ttn l . Bluon. 774 Alllgl\lriy Bl\10 DOMESTIC WATEA MAIN· '""'' thereof "'° lnter991 on swell ""°'· 81111 21, 21. Oct •• 12, 1M2 Publl•h•d Or1ng• COHI 0 1lly Streit. Cotti Miii C•lllornl• SANO CANYON ~VE TO ALTON ldYlllCH , ll\d l)tlll 1-, cllef.. t4*t•t2 ptloc, Sept 21, 2t. OCl 6. 12. tM2 9202t Loclllon City ol lrvlne Cllrl()fnl1 Ind Ill'*'* OI 1f11 TNMel MCI OI 4 17141 Th•• blltlf'ltll re con<1uc1MI 1>y en Thia f)IOjlt;t Wiii be conetrUC'led the trutt• c;r .. ..o by 11111 DMd ot P\a.IC IGTIC( 1nd1vldu•t DIQIMlnQ "*•• lht 1111er11c:llon ol Trutt Tl'lt total emOUlll ol H id ___ -~Ylll•ll· PUBLIC NOTICE LuC!lll L. 81MOn thl L•011n11 'tffW•Y 8 AT 68 I' ObllOlllOn I Cl ding lllllOfll"'I r_,.,_. -..r••--fh1a 1t11•mettt w•• l1lt<I wllll the 1111ro11d """ 11 wlll tn.n prog1... • n u 111 "Y ..... eTA~ 'tCTITtOU• .... ,, eounty Olltll of 0tana1 County on -'OllM~~of1hl ~kin MC:~ "7 thl •bow d11c1tb1d d11d o 1r111t 1nd •lllft111C1 oottt . •~pen111, end 1dunc u 11 J 64,IOl.AO. To --"*" 1111 °""'"° tllCI, )'OU rn-r oell714I N7.otM •. Tiie tollowino ptHeon 11 d oing 'ICTITtoul 9UttNlll .. le: '' -· ~·1 Utlll'lllld ..... 0 ·~·· •n<I , ....... .....-.. --........... .... ITAft-NT " 2 tnr0V9n tgr u Uf .. .,. .. I " ·~ ol I ....... Tn--,,__ ,,. ,,......_.,, .-.--..,.,.,, Octobll t t.,8 ' ..__I f • .,d....... d ,,. •v--. ..... .,., ....... -.............. ... Thi tollowlng 1>11to11 II OOlllO ,,1 ... 40 fUIUfl ........ ~. 0 ""'"'·-~· I ... ""'*°'1Jofl Of ... Nottoe II ---, Ind 1ermln111 al Alton P11llw1y In :u 4s. eo ' DOC 8AVAOl"t ~ tlYl.I butlnt .. II Publlahed 011ng1 CoHI Delly o.aeo ..,,..,,.., "· ••2. NIW'°"'T HOME LOAN, INC. ~ •: ..._ ITAttmlfT AIOl<MAN REINFOACINO Th• ronowtng p111on ,, dOll'lg ITll!l, 2424 G 1tv1y Av•nue , bUsl,,... H AnlNHn, Cellfotl'INI 92804 THE ,.ROLIC, 88118 Wern1r, L.Mry Wllllllll'I Rlcllmen, 2•2• ,0\11\llln Vllley 2.rMt< Awnv., Anll'lelm, Calll0tnl1 MyYon LAI Miiiet, 3201 OetiOll. .,,.t_,,. Cotti Miu. Cllllornla t 2•21 Thlt but6NN II conouclecl bJ .,. Tnll bu11neM le C411duc1ed by en \ndM!MI, Mlvldull, t..eny W Alcllm1n MC,Mlllef Thie ~ltlmlnl WM Ned Wltll 11\1 Thie ttl t -ntect wttl'I the County C... of Orenoe County Oii COunly Cl«tl 01 0rlf'04t County CHI leptember r7. 1112. leolMIOlr 24. IM2 ,..,. ,,.., Pvbt11ned Orel'IQ• Co••t Delly Publl•h•d Ortngt COHI Delly Pnot, lept. 21 , 28, Ocl S. 12. 1112 Piiot, 8epl. 21, ()et &. 12. It, IH 2 4112'412 •Hl<H ' t'11 Irvine lnduatrlal Com1>I•• -Oeted.8epltll'lbet 21.i,..1t11 IAlll·l ·O,Otl. 11lrt$w.e!.00911 LMP -RPt1 !NlllllPAISU. Piiot, Oct 6, 12. 19. 211, 1982 EHi lfO a ..... OelifO!'llllmll 9flU H1 m11ton Av1 . )7 1, 433•·112 rn11 protect will con1111 of 1111 ~ r,'::,r.A'Y "· -'1c-Ill tev.,., '"' W.11 Huntington tletcli. CA U~f t------------con1t1uct1on DI IOPIO•lf'r\1111}1 15,. UY OtM .... ,. Ml ~ tt?Of Lynne M Pellll•. 25,. S.nt• ooo '"' ot , •• 1~11 dOl'llWtlo w111t 1Y• llllAL. A'fl -'oMrl K i1we 101 Oef\111, An• 4ve •>. Coal• M1u CA mlln 1nc1 "• ~..,...,,, lecllltles, llCUf'ITIH 8IAVICI!, Corona del "* ~ tatll 92621 end w1• be :<Jnll•uctlcl troin a.no • Celltornll ~loft. Thie ~· tt ~ "' 1 Th11 bu"llMet 11 c;onducled l>Y 111 Cenyon Avtnut to AllOfl Pllf1cw•y =~=Ip J, MOfOer, fltr*ll pemw.... lndlyjdull M Pel 11ong 1111 •utur• 111onm1n 1 01 lta ,..,Mldfllt llloMr1 K llliie L)'flllt • lllf Mulflandl IJl\cl • iOIO Nof9'\ .,...,,._, Ti. llall!Nllt:... MM Wltfl 1fle fhll 11lllft1411\I w11 llMd llrlth 1111 Slpteftll>er n . lfU &ft -e-ty Qwtl of ar.,.. ~ ... Coun•y Clftlt ol Or•noe COU!llV Oii 9ttfyJ,.,__, a.n~1 ~ CAW?OI ......... If 1• leol tJ, tM2 8"fle.,, r.te g1•1t&J.M10 • ,_,. ,,..,., Publl•ll•CI Or•no• 00111 Dilly Pu"lte•i• ,, ..... Coael Otlt" 'ublltlled O'•~CM9' 0.lly ,u1>111n1d 0 11ng1 CoHt Diiiy " """ 6 "8" " " " " 1 -..,., ...,,,, "'I '"I I ii 1111 l"llol , 14191 14 2'. 21 Oct •. 1982 .-ltot. ""' • '" ' 4323•82 '"°'· &.c>I H . OCI S, 12, ~":',-'2 ..._., _,.. • • • ' ' l t tt-11 40117,a' ' , • Dally Piiot e c1a11tfleds e wortlfor • you.C.H '42·5'71 e for ... c9' e casttulft. ~f:!•----~O~r·~nq~·~C~o~1~t~O~Al~LY~Pl~LO~T~/l~u~e·~d~1y~.£O~Ol~Ob~·~r~~.~,9~e~'-------------------------------------------------------------:-----------------' . 'WHO ELSE WANTS TO LOSE WEIGHT ~ WITHOUT GOING ON A DIEl? New Pilt·--·"F.or Diet FGilures Lets YOu Burn Off .Body Fat 24 ·Hours A Day! Have you heard about the latest discovery in the war against fat? It is absolutely amaz- ing. In fact, it's just about the only thing on the market that lets you lose weight without going on an uncomfortable diet! That's right! Believe it or not, this incredible new discovery lets you eat any kind of food you enjoy (not just starches!) and still lose all the weight you want! It's call- ed Glucomannan or .. Konjac" Mannan and it literally eliminates much of the calories in a// kinds of foods! This fantastic diet tablet is so uniqu·e it has actually been awarded two U.S. Patents. One (#3,973,008) explains how it can help you lose weight incredibly fast. The other (#3,856,945) documents its ability to lower your cholesterol level. Our marketing name for this wonderful new discovery is MANNAN-TRIM. Here's how it works-all you do is take two MANNAN-TRIM tablets with water about 30 minutes before each meat. This will give you a natural feeling of fullness before you even pick up your fork. Not only that, after you start to eat, this remarkable product will sur- round and absorb much of the fat, protein and carbohydrate calories you have eaten and carry them right out of your body! How much can you lose? Frankly, we don't know. The true answer is that it all depends on 'how much excess weight you now have, your metabolism and a number of other factors. How- ever, if you are considerably overweight there is no reason whatsoever why you shou Id not lose 20, 30, 40 , 50, 60 pounds and more! Now, at last, you can do it. You really can. And best of all, th~nks to the miracle of Glucomannan, you can do it and still eat exactly the way you eat right now. There is no need to suffer on a wretched diet; no need to excercise; no need to feel deprived and no need to feel guilty! Also, you should know that Glucomannan is 100°/o safe. It contains no drugs whatsoever .. and it was first checked out by members of the JMA (Japanese Medical Association) and then, later, it was awarded the two aforementioned patents by the United States Patent authorities! But the most amazing thing of all is how fast this product works! It actually gives you the ability to burn away fat: FASTER THAN RUNNING 11 MILES A DAY! and even FASTER THAN ~ 2 HOURS OF SITUPS! and even FASTER THAN A BRUTAL WORKOUT WITH HEAVY WEIGHTS! Think about it! Wouldn't _it be wonderful to stop dieting and start losing weight? Wouldn't it be wonderful to eat like a football player and look like a model? Wouldn't it be great to have your stomach feel like you feasted and your waistline look like you fasted? If you really care about your ap- pearance and your health, please don 't mess around with drugs or diets! Do yourself a great favor and try MANNAN-TRIM . It is probably the only way in the world to lose weight and still enjoy all the foods you love. It is safe, effective and, according to some BEFORE AFTER (ONLY 10 DAYS LATER!) This Is Christi Dean. After using Glucomannan for only 10 days, Christi has secured a Job at a fitness salon and Is acti~ely pursuing a modeling career. You, too, can flt into this picture by using MANNAN· TRIM. -----------------------------------------.-~ .. Before starling any weight loss program, you should consult your physician to be sure you are in normal health. Because of enthusiastic public demand for this new product, and the fact that it is not yet generally avai lable in retail stores in the United States, we have stocked a large supply. We can therefore ·guarantee immediate delivery, by return mail, of all orders postmarked within ten days of the publication of this paper. After that, orders w ill be filled on a "first come first served" basis as long as supplies last. have nothing to lose but your ex-:- cess pounds! ·~ It is easy to order. Just fill out ·· the coupon below and send it to :~ Nutritional Research with your :.1 payment. Or, if you prefer to use ·: your Master Card or Visa, you can .. ., order by phone by simply dialing • 1-714-631-4170 and asking for . operator 33. Either way, your = order will be sent promptly by first class mail. Thank you . So act today ... Don't wait. You Note: If you're in So. California, you may purchase MANNAN-TRIM direct, right over the counter, at The Diet Store, 600 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., in Newport Beach. . -----------------------------------------------F-· Yes, it's true! With amazing MANNAN· TRIM diet tablets you either lose your excess body fat or you get double your money back, and ... <c Nutr itional Research 1982 ··································NO-RISK ORDER FORM·································: • • : (Please flll In and mall today) : ! VITAL NOTE! t: . . . To: NUTRITIONAL RESEARCH Dept. NR-99 177-F Riverside Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Remember-credit cerd orders c1n be h1ndled by phone. 0111 (714) 631 .. 170 ind tell the glr1 who 1n1wera your credit cerd number ind the n1me of thlt piper. Th1t'1 111 there la to It. Your order will be shipped promptly by return melt. Th1nk1 1g1ln. There Are No Exceptions • . . Of course, when you lose a significant amount of excess weight it is also quite natural that you will lose a significant amount of excess inches! Therefore, since MANNAN-TRIM tablets are perfectly safe, why not use this product continuously until your measurements are just what you want them to be? Just Im· aglne. How would you look If you carved away: 6 Inches off your hips t and another 3 Inches off your thighs I and another people, it's just plain magic! As a matter of fact , this product is so effective, it is actually being sold with an iron·clad uncondi- tional DOUBLE your money back guarantee. The guarantee Is sim· pie. Here is the way it works: If you place your order now, and then follow the simple Instruc- tions for a trlal period of 30 days, • you must be 100°/o satisfied or you are entitled to an immediate refund of double your entire pur· chase price! There are no excep- tions. This guarantee is iron-clad regardless of your age or your current weight level. All that Is re - quired Is that you follow the slm· GENTLEMEN: Yes, I want to try MANNAN-T RIM diet tablets .. I understand that if I am not satisfied after using the product as in· structed for a trial period of 30-days, that I may return the empty product container and receive an immediate refund of DOUBLE my entire purchase price. On that basis, here is my order. 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Illy Piiat TUE80AV, OCT 8, 1082 06 ClASSIFllD Power against power tOnight at Big A By CURT SEEDEN Of the Oelly ll'llot lteft W hen the Angels and Mllwuukcl' lkt•wt•rs open t heir bcst-of -Civl' Amt•r1(·an Lt'C1~uc Cham pionship seric.>s at Ana ht•1m Stadium lvn1gh1. the powerful hitters from both ~id<·s will. nv doubt, share the limelight. G uys likt' the AnRels' Hc•gg1(• Jal'k!l4111 , Dou~ Dl'Cim·es a nd Fred Lynn . and thl' Brt.'Wt•rs' Gorman Thomas. Cecil Coop<•r, Bc:m Ogliv1l· and Robin Yount should fet'l prt•lly comfortable. regardless of who's 'pit.chin~. But the Brewers' Mike Ca ldwell, who will bt• on the mound tonight (5:25), 1s 4u11.:k Lo point out that neither l<'am simply homer<.od its way intn the playoffs. "I think 1l's pretty mkresung that twu dubs with suspec·t pitching which didn't do what 11 was suppos<..'<i to do are here," the left-hander noted. And h e's qu ite r ight. The often-n111ligncd Angel pitching staff led tht• American Lt.•aguc m team earned run average most of the season, and left-ha nder Geoff Zahn 1s 1.1 Cy Yuung aw .. rd candidate. Game •I a I/fan<••• Tonight'• gem• A ngels vs . Miiwa ukee Brewers at Anaheim S tadium, 5:25 p.m. TV -Channe ls 5 and 7 a t 5 p.m. Announcers -Channel 5: Bob S ta rr. Ron Falrly and J oe Buttitta; Cha nnel 7: Keith Jackson, Earl Weaver and Jim Palmer. Redlo -K MPC (710) a t 5 p .m . Announcers -Bob S 'arr a nd Ron Fairly. Remaining 1chedule -Wednesday's game: Anaheim S ta d ium. 5: 15 p.m.; Frid ay's game: In Milwaukee, 12:i5 p.m .. Saturday's game, If necessary: In Milwaukee. 10 a.m.: Sund ay's game. II necessary: In Miiwaukee, 1:20 p.m. Like wise'. the Hrewt•ri. bOi.ISt a pol t'nl1al award-winner of tfu•i r own 1n Pc•te Vuckov1l'h ( 18-5) Both pitching staffs haVl' btten IJuoyt:'d by th(• add111on of a t•oupk· of veterans both formt•r DMIJ ll'ltot f'tloto b' ChattM lten Preston Gomez ho pes to give many m or e high fives to Angel playe rs during the American Le ague playoffs as he did he re to Fred Lynn. Gomez is the thi rd base coach. Dodgt•rs lhc· Angl•l)4' 'I umrny John and tlw Brl'Wl'r~· IJon Sulllm Whl•ll ltw hurrw run.., d1d11'1 l'Ornt·. lhl' plld1111~ orkn did. both 111 Anahevn ond Mllwaukt•t•. In short. bolh leunlh bring w1•1l bulatwt-•d i..1lt·nt tnto tht-playoffs. " Notl•d Texa11 M;.inager Oar1·1•ll J ohnson, who.'i(• Rangers droppt•d thl'ir hu;t thrt•t• gamt·i. to tht.· Angt•l!i. induding Suturday's d1n('ht·1 "All I t•un say is tht•re's two power-pack1·d team!! walking up tht.•rt• againsJ. each oth<•r. "T here'll be somt· runs 11<:ort..o<l, you c·an c:ount on that. It'll c'Ome down to pit~:hang." ''I've been p1ll·h1ng for I I years now," nott>d Caldwell (17-l:J). "und you can't worry about who you'rt• p1tt·hing against. You know some of 1h1· playcrs' weakneSSt>S an<l you work on that. If you make' good, quC11ity p1tt·hes, you'rc going Lo t'Omt• uut of 1t OK." If past stat1sl1t·s mean anything and just about everyone involved in the series feels tht•y don't the offensive fire works s h o uld !!till OVl'rshadOW the SUbtleness Of f.lll<'hlng, though "WP have grl'at power. they havt• grl'al powc·r ," oddi. M1lwuukM· Ma11o~t·1 11.H Vt•y Kut•nr1 "Wt· hit rrn UVl·ragt. tlwy 1111 for .1Vt·r;,1g(' T~ll'I 1•'11 gvtnl( tu Ix· ll 1111 of run., ...,·ot l•d " Both team~ r1•i.11·d tht·11 hor11l11•r)I' mu~l'i•·~ Monday, sk1pp111g tli1• usual wu1 kout!I. Manugl'r G1·n1· MaU<·h , in fl.H:t, s:ild wm. gorng llJ i.p<•nd th(' next t•uupk· ul' day1<1 thinking about ;111yth111~ hut btu.c.·bu 11 "I ft•t•l lik1 · l t..i11 JUl>l ~11 hnm1· ~•nd fJll :.pa1 t fur about :Jtl hours," nott"I M<1ud1 f ull11w111~ Sund.1y'i. regulur i.t·usou finale· "Th<'n. I'll 1·1111w out h l•1t• uround noon Tu<·isday It might JllSl bt· th1· bc•i.t lhing for me" Acluillly. Cl ('tlUph· or day:. off Isn't ii bJd rC'wurd for a mwl who wa11t-d i:~ yNir~ fw t11' fir\I managl·riul champ1oni.h1p. But tlw f)l<1y<·1~ w1·11• t>qually m favor of taking Monday of I And Mauch 1i. tht· first to adrn11 ht· d1wi.n '1 1w1·d <1ny addt'd 11mt• off ti> pondt•r th1· B11•w1•rs "l rt·ally didn't hav<: <iny rm·il'rt·m·t" Anybody. anywht•rt• we'll JUSt play 0~1 gamt•," th~ Angt•I sk1pp<·1 admittc-d Tlw BrcweJ'!i f1ni ... ht·d 1111 '>Vi1..,1111 i.t·umd 1n (See POWE R, Pagl' 04 1 Coaches give views Milner, Workman answer Bain By JOHN SEV ANO Of llM DellJ Pllol lt•ff "l ask ed why hl' wasn 'c coming and ht' .'MJ1d . 'You didn't offer me a scholarship. 1'hc·y raid me If 1 went ro your sd1ool J would gee C's and D 's and If l cam<' ro their school I would gl•I A 's and B 's.'" That quote was madt· almost four years ago by Steve.• Miller. who was then the bas ketball coach at Fairfax High. The player involved was Michael Johnson . who bypassed M1lkr's school for Crenshaw. whl're he went on to lead the Cougars to <.·onsecu11vl' Ci ty titles h should be noted that Johnson . who f1n1shl·d with a poor grade -point-average at Crenshaw, spent !fiprond In a .-.Pries one y<:ar at Oxn:trd Community College bctorc completing his playing career at Nevada-Las Vegas last season. J ohnson, incidentally. has not yet graduated. Just how common a pra<'ll<.-c, or how rnu<·h the mfracuon has escalated over t he years is unc.-ertain But, as Rams g uard Bill Sam pointed o ut in a Daily Pilot story Monday, "It's a seed that st.arts m high school and ls continued in t'Ollege.'' UNLIKE CITY COACHES, who a number of years back talked about recruitmg, grade changes and preferential treatment openly. CIF coaches were cautious rt'C'ently in w hat they said. Most, in fact, maintain there's noth ing going on at all. "T he policy here is for the klds to go to das.'> and get good grades.'' explains Mike Milner. head football roach at Fountain Valley High. "We tell the kids. 'If you get in trouble (with grades), it's your own responsibility We're not gomg to help' " Milner poinl'> out that t~ountain Valley does possess an "academic adviser" w ho monitors, on a daily basis, the athlete's activities in the classroom. "Last year we had 76 players on the team and thl'y compiled a llH.5 attendance rigure," says Milner "Of the team's 26 seniors, 14 or 15 re<-e1vro either an academic or athletic college scholarship." Milner also added that the 26 seniors had a <.'Omb1ned 3.4 GPA. Bain said in Monday's story that just a Crat·tion over 15 percent of the athletes who attended St. Hill Workman Mikt-Milnt~r Pau l his senior sc•ason (wh1l'h wai. 1970) were "cmouonally preparl'd" for collt>gl' Bain also t'Xprt'ssl'd hi!! doubts that tht· percentage had changed much through the· yt•an. "NOBODY 'S BIGGER than th<' progrllm That's our selling point." says Milrwr "What Wt.' try to do is teach our players· thmgs hk<' respons1b1l1ty and charac·ter. If they (the athlet<~) art' looking for special favors here. they're not going to get lh<:m " That doesn't m<.'an. however, that Milner 1s blind to what's gomg on around him Are thcrt. schools that purposely bend th<' rulc•s? "Sur<' there• arC'.'' hl• says without batting an eyelash "But I'm not going lo name· them "I'm sure 1t goc-s on I KNOW It gcx-s on But II dOC'Sn't happen hl'fl' ill Fount.am Vallc•y We• pridt' ourselves on the fal't Wl' run a lc•giumate program 8111 Workman. hc·ad football c:oac:h at FA1son High. also took cxct•ptwn tlJ Bam'1' til'('Usallons Bain t.alkC'd about the Churgl'rs 111 thl· ..am<' breath h<· did St Paul "Our kids not only go (lo collf'g<'). but th<'y sL1y and thl'y are graduating." noll'' W<Jrkman "Uui school runs an allendant't' l'ht'<. k and a grad1· cht•<:k every thrtoe wl'Cks "If onC' of our playC'rs isn't IJmng to dass lw 1s sev<'rcly punisht'<l. physic-ally flrM fdurmg football drills) and th<'n d1snussc-d from th<: tc•;1m tht• m ·>.t ttm<' ht• does it "And. we don't care who 11 I!.' Cards prefer Niekro over Dodgers E DISON'S PROGRAM h.i!:i lx.'<'n undr-r a 1111 o( h<'at lately. ThC're was an 11wt:st1g.it1un la~I Yl!ill ror recru1ung viola11ons. but thl' Ch.ir~N:o wcn• exonerated from any wrongdoing St. Louis players feel more comfortable against Braves ST. LOUIS (AP) -K nuckleballer Phil Niekro of Atlanta is on a roll. but the St. Louis Cardinals are gra~ful to be confronting him instead of the Los AnJeles Dodgers. "It's not that the Braves have bad starting pitching," said Infielder Mike Ramsey in sizing up the team for w hich Niekro will pitch In the Wednesd ay opene r to the National League's championship series. "But you've seen w hat kind of trouble Fernando Valenzuela and Jerry Reuss give us." T he 17-4 record of the 43-year-old Nlekro aside, the Cards say they foci more comfortable against Atlan ta's staff head ing into the best-of-five NL playoff. r "I just think we play better against the Braves," said St. Louis outfielder Lonnie Smith. ''Their pitchers are more a mixture of breaking-ball pitchers inst ead of fastball pitchers like the Dodgers.'' Game al 11 1tl11n~e Wedne1dey'• gem• -Atlanta at St. Louis, 12: 15 p.m. TV -ABC (Channel 7) a t noon. Announce rs -Al Michaels. Howard Cosell and Tom Lasorda . Radio -KN X a t n oon . Anno u ncers -Jack Buck and Jerry Coleman. Remaining 1chedule -Thursday's game: In St. Louis, 5:25 p.m .; Friday's game : In Atlanta, 5:25 p.m.: Saturday's ga me, If nece ssary: In Atlanta, 5: 15 p.m.: Sunday's g ame. II necessary: in Atlanta, 5: 15 p .m. permitting Atlan ta only nine earned runs in 27 111 in nings, had a n 0-3 record against the Bravt's. Herzog said he In t.ends to swrt rig ht-ha nder Bob Forsch. 15-9. an Thursday n ight's second gamC' against an Atlanta choice yet to be nam<'tl During th<' regular season, the Braves' 7 .5 edg<' over S t Louis was constructed also in part on v1ctorws by Rick Mahler. 9-10. and Gene Garber, 7-10 Reliever Bruce Sutter. 9-8. won twice for St. Louis and saved a third contest. · Three of the Cards' v ictories were by the margin of a run as Atlanta outscored its opponent 59-53 w11h a hilling barrage which featured Bob Homer's three homers. Horner , h o wever. may not be r eady for Wednesday's con test because of a h ypcrextcnded elbow. If he 1s not. vet.eran utility infielder J erry Royster w ill continue to take his plaee. Tommy Herr and Ken Oberkfell, two surging h1tt<'l's, will bat at the top of the St. Louis lineup aga1n.'>t Nlckro. to be followed by Smith and Keith Hernandez. Likely to be mis.'ling from the Cards batung order ls George He ndrick , who leads the team w ith 104 RBI. His p lace is apt w be 1.akcn by Dane lorg for the opener. Of COUl'S('. thC' focus of attt•nllon the• last muplt• of years has be<.•n on former pn•p All-Aml'rll'Jn Kerwin Bell. who was suspended for thr<'<' gamc•s at the 'JniversitY, of Kansas this season for msuffiC'1ent grades h<' incurred whil<.' m high S(:hool Bell spent only his SC'nior y<'ar at Edison Tht• first thr(.'(' were spent at St. l''r:mc1s High in La Canada Edison school offi('1al'i rc·fuS<· to talk about Bell's problems openly. Privately. though . tht•y'll tell you they mheriwd Bell's hcudachc>s whC'n lw transferred from St Francis. where• his GPA was extremely low. "Kerwin Bell has been draggt'CI through a lot of gutters he doc.-sn't dC'S<'rve." d('ft'nds Workman "When Kerwin was here he did a prC'tty good job acadcm1c:illy. He was only here Lhrt•t• st•mesl<'rs and he (·ame to us from anoth<.'r !>ehool in disastrous s hape " WORKMA N HAS A THEORY. too, as tu why rertaln Individuals are taking 1>hots nt Edison "8cc11usf' wt• won thr CtF <'hompionsh1p und they didn't," hf.' says v(•ry s tri11ghtforward "h's (See COACHES. Page D2) Nlekro. who stood 1-0 this year and 1s 15-17 lifeUme against the Cards will carry a string of 26 V,, Innings w ithout allow ing an earned run into tht> opener. "lt would be nice to pitch around Nl.-k ro and aay we're going to win games two, three and four," Nid St. Louis Manager Whl~y Herwg. "But we don't have the luxury to do that." The Carda, who ended their longeat losing atrMk of the seuon at fou r games with a 5-4 victory Sundey over the Chicago Cubs In 14 Innings, took the day off Monday. Minimum wage demand could be dropped • So did Atlani.. which necdC'd a IOM by Los AflCek-s to nail down the title on the tln4)l day In th~ NL West. It wlll be the Bravl'S' fln t return lO the leape divt.ional playoffs •Ince 1969 and St. Louis' flrtt ev~r •champion of the NL Eut. Whlle NM!kro haa won 10 ol hit 11 dcclalons lllnm the AJl·S'-r br~ak. hla Wednesday opponent on the mound hQ been 8hnoet u torrid . Joequln Andujar. 15-10, the winner ol MVen In e row, will ai.o be out tor a ~aaure of revenge. The hard·thro wlna Card• hurler , alt h o u1 h W A S HINGTON (AP) -Negot iato rs for nrhktng National Football League prayers Indicate they would consider dropping their demand for a minlmum wage scale Ir club owners would at'Cept a maximum wage with lncentJve and performance bonuset. But F,d Garvey, execu tive director of the NFL Playcni Auociallon, lnaialed Monday that talk of the union moving away Crom lta minimum wage should not bt coNt.rutd tu a major break Crom h• last flnanchal proposal. The S pt. 17 fina ncial ~ckagc. c-alllna for tl.6 bllllon 1pread over four yeera, included • min imum w aae 1cale and lnetntlve and performance bonuacs. ''Th il la no t a m ajor bre akthrough. The , • financial package of Sept. 17 .. h u not been removed ,' Garvey .aid. "W e have not retreated from thAI position and are st lll waiting for a r •ply from mMogcment to that offer." Management's last. offer , delivered Sept. 8. w as for a five-year , $1.6-bllllon contract. 1t included cuh bonute!t bawd on longevity In th~ lc.guc. Earll.-r Monday. unlonfrHldent Gilne Upthaw told the Alloclated Prea, .. think we could lf'l th4' mcmlx'rshlp to swallow glvlna up the minimum wage.'' Later. Upshaw Nld , "l don't remember t!Ver aaylna that." O arvey uld he d l1cu11ed the Id ea of a maximum was tcale with Jack Donlan. exttutive dll'C'CtOr of the· NFL Mlln&ig<'mt•nt Count•il. dunng a telephone cr1ll FrldBy night. "Sign a ls Wl'rl' rccl'ived durln~ t hut c..'Onvt'l'M\tion to lc11d us t() bcllc•vl' the owners could bf' agffi\ablt' tO '" annuol cop cm wogc'S," Garvey said. ~epeated e t tort.'I to reach Oonh1n hy tl'll·phon<' were~ unauccesaful In another concllhnory move. Curvey backro off on h is earlier oppo l\lon to some form o f m~lallon. Oorvcy 8'lld the union would co11~ldcr "privatt' mediation" GR a meam of gNling sunw movement In the talk•. P revlou ly. unron otflclol hnvl' rl'jl'ctl'd man•_l(emcnt'• pleas for th1rd·p&l'ty lntcrwntJOn (See NFL, P11e 041 J_ ' $ -AOSC .. ----------·----·- 0 1 Ornng Co&lll DAILY PILOT/Tue1da)l, October 5, 1982 Three tarnished ma·nagers • Ill playoffs fo'rom AP dl1p,atcbt'w Tlwy u11• a.If 1urn1Nlw•I 111 1tw1r wuy vl'nt• Mnud\ ni.1 crn 11111•rm1111uw·r who blt•w 1he big one•, Joe:• Turri• uN u 111111\ 11lwuy1i 111 1lw wrong plut•t· rH lht· w111ng 11nw, llurv1•y Ku1•n11 UK a 11 11\lt•rlm munug1·r. u c:un•t•r i:oat·h who~· lll'11llh c•11ulcl11't Nllll\d tl11y In du;t. pl'l•b.SUl't•. Brave• in th 1>layoff1. 1omuoaw H kcd Torr<' the ritual quHllon: Wua lhi11 h11 grNUHt thrill, 1reaLer than winning o huttln~ tl lll' 1o1nd 11 M1111t VuluulJll• Ptuy1•r award . "Oh MUre," h~ replll'd . "l'v1• nt•vn t•v1•n lx'Cn dOlie . to a World St•rrt'tl ring IJt:fon • 1 want it bad ." w :c_·k• to 1£0 In IU64 Muuch hn• u rcpulutlon u11 a rT11111tt•r 111rou•glt1t. f1rnnNlm es wo rnuch 1111 Ht• WWI 1i111d lO hnvt• tW(.•rmnnogt-d, even ponick<-d, in IU64 . whl'n In tht• 1'6•l 10 d&y• ht· ovc•rworkt'll ut•t• fJ1l.4'ht·r11 Jim Aunnln~ unct Chl'i11 S hort • lnl.'CHant aocrlflcc bun t• a nd tht unorlhodox -ualng Brian Downloai, u 1luw, Iona hull hitter In thc-lcudoff 1pot. If Muul·h Is un ovcrmonugN, ll1o1rvey Kut•nn unt!t•rnuanul(1 ·11 by d('1111Jtn , 111ltln1e b111,:k w wut<'h his Br<•WC'l'H AWOt th1• bsdl ovt.•r American League lcnt~'ll 216 tlmC'!I. 1'h1s Wl'<'k . a lot of men wllh better f('(.'Ords und morl' distanglllshl'd n•putalions wilJ wall'h lht· lhrt't' or 1 lwm munu~e in tho pluyuUs u sll•p uw11y I rnm huti(.•ba ll s World St•l'll'S. -Joe· 'J'orn· had u 1.·un't•r 0otll11g avt•rug(.• or :rn7 and hat 252 huanc runs for the Malwaukt~t· a nd AtlurHu Bruvt's, thl' St Louis Curdanals und tht· Nt•w York Mets. But hl' ncvt.•r playl'd an u World S!'raes or even a champ1on,Sh1p St.·r •t.'S In 1977, Torre bc.'(·omc· rruarua~ur ot th<' Mt·~. Wrong ploloe, wrong lime. Tht.' Ml•t.s' managcnnent hod traded away what talont 11 hud nnd there wos nothing tu rcpla«t.• ii T orre's Meta w ere la11t t wkc anti fl ft h twlc<' The day after he Willi Clred. ht· went to the top of everyone'N managerlnl llsl. Ht· signed w ith Atla nta, n team w it h young players read y to blosaom, won h is fi rst 13 games there and finished an Snn Diego under a champagne shower. Until this ye:1r, In fot:t, that second -ploc..'t.' finish with the Philll~• waa Mauch'• bt.-.t In 22 yc..•oni of blg-lcagut' managing. Ev n with this year. hlll ovcrull major -foaguL' rtJ<lord I& 1,644 wins and 1,608 lossc11. He did w in the Amcrlcon Asaoclatlon playoffs with the Minneapolis Millers in 10~9, but lOllt the Lilli<' World Serles to I lovurw. 4 games tu 3. That's not 01 cosy o li it 1<>und1. Buck Rodgers swrtt'CI the &eason WI the Brewt.'rs' manager. Wh1•n he was fired June 2. the tea m Wali 2:1-24 a nd in fifth plat'e. ~nter Kuenn, Brewer hitting cool·h slnct.· 11n 1 under Dave Bristol. ltoy McM1llan, Pel Cra nda ll, Alex Grummas, George Bamberger and Rodgers. 11111 managerial rt-rord: 1-0 -he• filll'CI in for the final game nt the• 1975 season ofter Crandall was flmd A fow manutt.·!> aftt'r JOl• Morgan's home run had elaman ott•d the Los Angeles Dodgers Sunduy and put has Atlanta Gene Mauch's Ph11lu~s loot the pennant after being 6"'1 games in front with two 6ut h e kept getting jobs. wit h l h l' Phillies, the expansion Montreal l!:xpos. thl• penurious Minn'esota Twins and finally, I run season. to the... Angels. This year. he gu1dc-d his c'Ollection of pre~nt and former Afl -Stars to the Amtmcan Lt!ngue WC'st crown. He did it with the orthodox - Has mL>dical re<.'Ord 1s as long as the list or managers he coachl'd under. Four heart bypasses, litomal·h surgery, compll"lt- kldney failure an d uremic po1sonmg. Two years ugo, his.right leg was amputatt•d below thC' knc.'e because or hear\ poisoning llurve y Kuc nn Happy n ew Sal Dando, a s pecial assistant to the Milwaukee gen eral managt>r, reads a new paper account o( the Brewers' victory in Ba ltimo re a t an Anah e im m o te l. COACHES ANSWER CHARGES • • • From Page 01 human nalurC' lo pick on us because people thank we're a football faCtOTY "Well we're not. We have fun with our kio~. we care about ou r kids a nd they go lO class. We'ri• getting it done acade mica ll y . T h ere ·.re so .. 1e teachers who won·t agret' with that, but those are t he ones that don't wo rk with us." Workman. hk<' Milner. doc'S conc:cde however that violators do exist. "I would admit that it 's probably true. I imagine there are places hke that. I would just hope there wouldn't be." he says. "' Of course, the C IF faces the same problem lhe City dad. and stall docs today an regard lO catching rule breakers Obviously, what off1l·1a ls need in order to bust a v10lator as proof And, quite frankly. who's going to confess the studt'nt who is being recruited. getting the grades or being pampered? The parents or the studrnt? Or how about the violating school itself? "YOU HAVE TO OPERATE on a positive prem ise,' says Ray Plutko, the CrF's Comrmssioner of AthletK'S. "Anything wr'rl' made aware of we investigate . We'r(.• mvt•strgau ng something now dealing with undul' influence. But 1 don't wa nt to me ntion any names." Does that mean the CIF works under the premise that everyone 1s hont.>st? "We have to," says Plutko. "If not, we might as well close up shop." Plutko contends that many schools do their own house cleaning. and 1f any infractions are discovered they're usuall y take n care of even before it reaches the C IF 0U1cc "My job is not to shuffle papers and make kids eligible. I'm here for the kids,'' says Plutko. So are the coachl>s. but sometimes pressure can cloud that fact MARION ANCICH, the former hf>ad coach at St. Paul and a current assist.ant at Northern Arirona University, says no one really has any idea how much stram there is. "T here Is a tremendous amount ot pressure because of the fi nances a school can get from beins 1n t he playofts. esp ecially In the Big Five Conference." he says. "Most of the pressures come from the outa1dc tboostel'I, etc.). l!JO, but you get Wied to It. It's a way of life. "ll you have a season and go 12· I or 1 S. l , people don't appret'lotc at. They want LO know why vou didn't -co 14-0. 1 thlnk ln a pr:lvate achool the Laguna posts victory Laguna Beach High won Ill flrtt wat r polo dt.'dsion of the 1euon Monday afternoon, hondJng 8ollel Gr•nde a 13·12 defeat in the le.er'• pool. O eorae Car e y and Clark C.ed1er each contrlbuUKI thn.-e goala whllf' St.CVe Culp and Scott K.Uchtt had two apiece ln the ArtJa\ Vk\ory. Goalie Mike Minney had ae MVH for lhe AtUtte who yi.lded aev.n In the flnal period to brine BolM Ora~ within one of tyina th~ count. '-·' pressures are much more demanding. But l thmk also that you learn to deal wit h 1t." According to Bain, however, Anc1ch didn't deal with it very well. Bain accused his former coach of emphasizing athletics over academics. "There's a demand for you lO excel, and the n there's the demand you have to pu~ on yOW11elf," says Ancich. "I don't lhmk you have to bend the rule . . . you just have to give up all of your leisure time. Players have to give and C..'Oaches have to give in order to survive in the Big Five ... YES, BUT IS THAT FAIR to the athlete? Are kids, considering their age. subjected to too much pressure! "That would be a Sood question. 1 don't know,'' responds Andch "The budgeting or time is the key. Are you (as a coach) giving the players enough time to study? Somehow it doesn't seem feasible because everybody thinks you're football crazy. "l think winning at the high school level is as demanding now as colleges were five years ago." Can an athlete function under such stress? "I think it's tough to mai ntain week in and week out because when you win you're alw ays a target team,'' says Ancich . "I think a mature bunch of kids. with the right goals and a proper family atmosphere. certainly can, though." And, what about the coaches? Does the pressure of having to win constantly cause some of the m to took for different ways to w in -like recruitJng? "You know. if you work 24 hours a day and go 0-9, nobody will ever accuse you of recruiting,'' says Ancich. "But If you're 9-0. everyone accuses you." And what about helping with grades? "We would go and ask a teacher what a player could do to survfve, but we never asked for a free grade," Ancich persista. "At St. Paul, our players had to maintain a C average to stay there. "We always stressed acade mics. But w ithout football. some players would never have gotten anything." WEDNESDAY: In the third end final part 01 the series. IOftle former area h igh !IChool playen1 give their views. Washington still No. 1 From AP •ttpe&elMt Wuhlntton, Pitt and Penn S tat· held onto the toG three 1pot1 today In Th<' A11octated Prea oo lep foot.ball poll, while Alabama mov<"d back Into fourth place. Jl'lorlda fell from fourth to 14th ond LSU med<' tht top 20 for the first time in three yeart1. Waahlnaton remalntd No. t for the fourth • week In a row. The' Hutklet. who defeated San Dieao State 48-2~. rec:elved 28 flrtt·placo vo\el and t.082 of a pomble 1,140 polntt from a nat.lonwide ~I of &11pona wrti.n and 1port1Cuten. PtU. which *°fed a ll U11 polnte In the lalt l l mlnu• IO ..,... a 13·0 deflct and turn black W•t Vl~ 18-13, ,......wd 15 fll'lt-place votea and 1,- 0$7 polnla. Penn State, Idle lut Wet'kend, recrivtd nJnt fll'l\I and 1.030 polnta wins battle for Sunday audience From AP dl1patcbea NEW YO RK -ABC's telecast of Iii the closing d ay of major league 's baseball's regula r season easi ly outdre w CBS ' Division III college football and NBC'• Canadian Football League game, according to early Nielsen ratings released Monday. In five of the six c1t1es check ed . the Balllmore·Milwaukee game for the American Le~ championship -with cuts to t he Los Angeles-San Francisco and Atlanta-San [Jiego games -outdrew football by margins of from 2-1 to 7-1. The lone exreption was Los Angeles, where the early game between BaJdwin-Wallace and Wittenberg drew a 7.9 rating and a 25 percent share of thc audience to 4.8 and an 11 percent share of the audience· of the Atlanta-San Diego game. However. the Dodger-Giant game in San Francisco was Lelev1S(.'d on a local station. Quote of the day Coa c h Denni s Green . wh ose Northwestern team ended a major college record 34-game losing streak by defeating Northern Illinois 31 -6: "It's li ke a picture I'd ~gined for months. To us, this is not the end, but a beginning." Robinson, Gt.ants plan changes SAN FRANCISCO -The San Iii f'tanci9co Giants• offseason business began with repair wor k on Chili Davis' injured left a nkle a nd the search for some new coaches. Davis, the 22-year~otd center f ielder who had an impressivf' rookie season. came through surgery Monday in fa~ shape a nd will be in a cast about six weeks. He tore llga menlS in the a nkle last Wednesday night, and h is season ended with statistics including a .261 batting average, 19 homers, 76 RBI and 24 stolen bases. 'Pitching coach Don McMAhon learned over the final weekend of lhe waaon that he won't be back. and Jim Davenport learned that he'll no lonser be third base cooch. Davenport, however. is expected to stay with the organiza tion in anoth~r job which may involve part-time coaching . "Th.ere will be some changes. and w e plan to fill some n~,'' Manager Frank Robinson sajd. The Giants finished third, two games behind winner Atlan ta. and Robiryon called it "a sweet season." Cincinnati rehires three coaches The Cincinnati Rt'Cls havC' rehired Iii three t"t?Dt·hes, but hav<• off<•n'CJ roa<.·h Harry Dunlop another job m the organ1zat1on. P lt<:hing coac:h Bill Fischer and c..·oaches R on Plata and George Scherger were signt.'C! w c'Onlrac..·L'I t-overing the t 983 season undt'r Manager Ruas Nixon .. NC'w gene ra l manager Joe Klein took t'ommand or)the Texas Rangers Monday ancf ack nowled ged he faced a major task in rebuilding the team ... Joaquin Andujar or St. Louis has been chOStm pitcher of the month and Claudell Wubln1ton of Atlanta was named player of the month in the Na tional League. Atlanta's PbU Niekro was named player of the week. · Rockets offer Robinson $2.4 million The Hou ston Rocke ts have • offe red free agent forward Cliff Robinson nearly $2.4 m1lhon over rave years, but Cleveland o wner Te d Stepien says he intends to mat.ch the Rockets' offe r and r etain Rob1 nson . Forme r Ughtweight and welter weigh t champion Roberto Duran, ex-lightwei~ht uthst Claude Noel, and Alfredo Escalera wall all be featured on the Nov. 12 card to the WBA junior welterweight title bout between Alexis Arguello and current ch ampio n Aaron Pryor . Wide receiver Stepbone Paige, former Saddleba<·k College st.ar now with Fresno State and linebacker David Howard of Lons Beach State were named PCAA players of the week ... Washington placek1cker Chuck Nelson, who has k1ckl'd 19 straight field goals, a college record , has lx-t•n named Pac-10 offensive player.of the week. F red Williams, a California de fe nsive back, 1s th ... defensive player. Television. radio Following are the top ~por~ (•venL'I on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v ('X(.'Cllent. v v v worth watching; vv fair. v forg<'l 1t e 6 .. s p.m.,Cbannel s, 7 vvvv BASEBALL: Milwaukee at Angels. Annoancert: Channel 5 -Bob Starr. Ron Fairly and J oe Buttrtta. Channel 7 -Keith Jack80n. J im Pa lmer and Earl Wt•aver When the Angels take the• field tonight for the first game of lhe Amen can league playoffs. It will be Tommy John ( 14-12. 4-2 with the Angels) facmg Mike Caldwell (1 7·13) of the Brewers. The two teams meet aam Wednesday night in Anaheim at the same lime before moving to Milwaukee Friday. RADIO Baseball -Milwaukee at Ang.,ls. 5 p.m .. KMPC (7 10). WEONESDA Y'S TELEVISION Baseba ll -National Leagu e playoCCs. Atlan ta at St. Louis, Noon , Channel 7 RADIO Baseball -Atlanta at St. Louis, Noon . KNX ( 1070). Ann oun cers . Jac k Bul·k and J erry Coleman. College football tATIMDArl QAml .... ArW>na at UCLA P.clftc •I Fr-Slit• SI., n S.., JON Slit• II CM Stete Futllf'ton Uteh al .._watt, n Cellfomle at Wlllhlngton Ofegon 8t1t• et W1.ntngton SI T•1111-EI PMO •I Nevlld .. l.M 11.,..., n ._.... ... Navy II Air Foroe Stanford It Artzon1 Sr , n Monten1 It llolM St , n ....,, ..... et Colorldo NortMrn Arl~on• 11 Nevld•·~O BYU ....... Ml•lco. n Tutti et New MexlOo SI., n tdlN> SI It Utah It. Montltll St. It Weber St .. n Sen Diego St 11 Wyoming .......... T .... T.ctl II ArlcMtat SMU •I hytor, n l'fllrie View A&M It lltflop, n Tu• A&M 11 HciuMon, n K-at Ol!laflOnll II OtclatlOIN 11 r .... N. r .... It 11 T .. M-"'11nglon. n Alce 11 TCU, n ..... Onlo U 119e11 It w .. t.,n MlcNoen II Cenlrll Mld!IOM L°"9 IMdt If It ~II P\#ctu.11 --Wlcflfte II •I llllrlOle I t IOwt .. ~ Mlteourt .. K-I I ......_, II It MlctliQM Mleni. Ail 11 Nol,.. Gem. Wllconeln 11 Otllo 81. ldllho 11 Nofttwn 10w1 Allton • EMtem *"'Ole lowllllg Qr.., It MWlte u. Mllw• .... •tNort1•00 ..... n c.Mrll M1M011r1 I t et IW MINOuti II l(tnl ..... IOwe " ~ P~ .. TolNo, 11 Dr•• II W9Mel'll ~ SCMltt. p_. St at Alaba!M tChltnMI 2 ar 10 1 m I 1(41ntuc;lly I I Aut>urn f41n-at LSU. n MIMIMIPPI et 0-gll lncl'-'>1 St. It ~ 0.0.Qla heh II Tu4-. n Florida at YINl«blll. n Cremeon 11 VlrgttM. n Nof'lh C1tOlln1 11 Wale• FO"etlt 01rtrnouth 11 WHllllm a Mery MortlHd St. 11 AU9lln Pffy. n Te•H South«n 11 Aleotn St Albany, 0 1. St. 11 Bethu,.Cookm•n YMI 11 TM Citadel, n lllfVlnla T .ch II Oulcl Richmond 11 e .. t C1tOllN, n Gulllotd et 01vidlon Mlddlt r-.-SI. 11 !Utlfn l(entuc;ky '°"''*" IMlnolt ti Florid• SI , n w .. 1~ C1tOlln1 •t F'urmen T__... SI 11 Gremblltlg St . n Flotld1 AIM at Jlelleon St.. n T 1'1'1919 11 loulevtlle, n ~eclllM SI •t MMINlll n NW loulllan1 11 Mc ....... tt., n 8 Ml..._.1194 It Mltllallppl St , n Alatwnl 81 11 MIHIMlppi Vellty St r .......... Mlflln 11 Mutfey 11., n Hll!'IC>tOll lu•lllute 11 Notti\ catOllN A& T loulel-T.ctl 11 NE l~. n .... JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLIGI ............... Penn Srat• over Alabomo * Oklahoma over Texas * Arizona State ever Stanford * •i1ham Youn1 over New Mexko ~ , Tho~p on t sizzling pace Whl•n you ay1•F11Ml' 17 \l yu1 il<1 pt•1 l'Hrr y. 111cludl111( t111whcluw11 run~ of 7'J., ;.!!) 111\ll 11 y11rd11, l>JX'JI ht•ud111.: you ~ 11•11111 to llb M'\OOd llilrlllHht 60 point l'XJJlu1111111, II dlM'!\11°1 h·.1Vl' rmwh doubl lhol yuu'n • tlw Dully Pilot'" • Playt•r 111 lh1• Wt•t•k, by u lundliltdl· Sud1 ,, 1h1• l'll'l' rm llurlllllHIClll Sc·twh l11gh JU1lau1 Uu1111 y Th omµiu~1 . 11 11 I , l!Hl pound l>lot·kbui.tt•r w Ith ;1 pl' n l' h Un t C IJ I' I UlllHllK •>Vt'I' 1woplt• Thi ou!(h fdur NHllll'S lw h 11' ru,h1·d f111 4 55 v.1rcl, 011 nti t\ll'r It'' · "Mo-<I of 1111"1' v:11d., ( IW .1g1111bl Hol:-..1 lirand1• l.1 :--1 Thur.,ll.t VJ w1·1·1· ga1111·d aftl·t' hi' :.h11u ld hav1• ht•1•11 t;.U'klt·<I." nc>ll'' THOMPSON ·011t·r1> l'rnll'h (.;1·1'~ I l1 •11rv "Th11> II> .the• ru~l tune· that hl• ha ... I llll ltkl· I l'Xpt'<.'lt•d htm tu run, with JJUWl'I, ralhc·r th.111 bt•1ng ,, brl·akaway or fancy ru11n1·1 "'l'h1• first c<iupl1• of gamt·:. h1· w11:-. trying tu run around p<'<.1µ11• This t11Hr-lw µul lw, ht•ad down nnd nm ovrr pc-.>plt· That', wh;il htc> dCll.'1> lx-.s t." Wh1k· Thomp:-.on·, 11m11mg ha:. 1.1kc•11 th1· spotlight, lherl''s CJbo lhl· valuL' of hi:-bh>1·k111g in th1· Oilt•rs' bat•kfu•ld, l1•ad1ng lhl· µowt•r play and hl•lpang prolt~'l th1• quarlt•r hal'k <Ern· Lawson). who h<ii. app<in·ntly hJd c•rmugh ttmc to g1•t the• JOU dnm• Dally Pllol llaH Pholo L~n11,1rn hai. 1'fl•1l plc·t1•cl :l·I or ti l (u1 ~38 yards and fl Vl' l11Ul htlov. ns, with 111J i 11 tcrc•Pptt• ins 118' Da nny Thompson heads through u wi•I•· opt•ning in the Oilf'r line•. Other players of the week Don Pryor, Corona del Mar A 6-2 senior. Pryor l'aught four passrs (or 12:1 yard s including S<.'Onng t•att•ht•S or 68 and 20 yards, and he• h •. 1d o n 'c o f f o ur Sea King interceptions in a 2~J. 7 vwtory over Estanl'i~ His 68 yard payoff broke up a 9-7 S<·ort• 111 the third period. Peter Schurb, Costa Mesa A 185-pou nd offrnsrvl• guard a nd the Mus tungs' place-k1ck('r, Schurb gradl'd out as Mesa's lop o ffC'l1s1vl' lineman in a 17-6 los:-. to U ni v er s 1 l y A I t h o ugh h t• didn't S<:on • as a place-kicker last wet:k. ht· has thrC'f• f1c·ld goals to his c:n.'Clil. Shawn Cardin, El Toro The 6 -2 '"1, 2 15-pound senior intercep ted a pass. caused a Cumbie and had 12 unassisted and fi ve ass1slt>d tackles in the Charg<'n;' 17 . i loss a t NcwporL Harbor Pat Guyot, Estancia A two-w ay s tar, th<.• 5·8. 160-p o und se nior wa s credited with six unassisted and fiv(' as!>1stl'd lat klf'~ against Coro na dcl Mar. in add111on t o a 17 -y ard reception as a receiver 1n a 23-7 loss. Kevin Empting, Fountain Valley A strong s afe t y, th1., 175-pound senior has had the.· h i l -o ( -t h {' · w e e k f o r t h C' Barons thrct> s traight llml•s He bro ke up two S c•r v1 t<• pa$SCS and turned m the bc~t defensive .)Ob of the ev<'mng A week earlier h e was credited with a safety ag<iin!>l St. Paul Brian De Cair, lrviot> Ju:.l 5-11. 170 pounds. U1· C.111 h.1d !>IX ll•ad lul'klt'l> and two a's1sts. 1n .11.Ju1l1un to rt'<.'U\'t•nng CJ fumblt• for tlw VaqUt•ros <ig<iinst Saddld1at·k l1 1gh. tl11· la·s l d1·ft·th1v1• .. rrurt c>f th<' t•vt•nrng for I rvuw Pete Wetzel. Laguna Bea ch A two-wav tm·klt· for tht· t\rt1s l:., Lhc.: ti-0, 22:.!-po und sc·n 111r grad1·d 11u t al YIJ pl rl't'll l <·ff ll'll'nt·y 111 h IS b l ot king i.c·hl'ml·s and a n t h o r 1• d t h c• A r 1 1 s t :-. · dl'fl'n-..v1 · ltm· in u :.!0·7 lt>SI> lo L<11o{una Hills Greg Nerf, Mdrlna Thi· IH5-pound s...nu11 wai. a nm• man wr<'Ckmg c:rcw for Lhc Vikings. rc'{'OVPrmg two fumbl es. running an tnlt•f'l'l'pt1on bal'k 27 yards for a touc hdown. sat·k1ng th(' quartt•rbal'k <ind making I :l Wtkk'l>. tV. ll'C :.avmg TO run ... and virtually all o f 11 WJ' dom• m the first half Bob Page, Ma ter De l "Hl• was the one bright ~pot on a bad night," sav' Matrr Dc·1 CtJ<H.h W avn" Coc·hrun P u lo(l'. a 5 ~·11 . 185· pound JUnior off f'n1>1 V<' gu<ird. had his bc•s t gam1·, with adjustments on blul'king ll nd p1 c k1n1< up lh to> hn<.·b;11.kc·rs on stunts in " 14-10 loss a l Cn-sp1 Gavin Greely, Newport Harbor Tht· unsunK fullbal'k an the• Sailors' 1i ffc·ns<'. th1!> 6-:~. 182-po und <1t·n1or dl•ft·nsrvc· end had six unass1i.tc·d tac:klc·s and thrc·w eight k<'y blot•ks as a fullback His prc•ssure on lht.' El Toro quartt•rha,·k 1gnill·d Stl'Vt· Braz.a,· ~:! v;1rd 1ntl·rc·l·pl1on n •tu111 fc'11 ;1 llllll'hduw11 Jim Garton, Ocean Vie w A Jfi ~ pound :-.1•111 111 ddc•n:.1vt· htwk, hl· n ·turrn·d .1 k1t·koff 118 vards for 0<·'"'" V1t•w's onlv· loUt hdown 111 11 I ~ 10 loss ti> Sunnv ll11ls /\'> ., dc·frnsrvc• h.tt·k. hr; graul'll out J' om• of lht• St·ah<iwks' lop dc·ft•ndl'l's H obby Will ia m s, Saddlebar k A 5-7. l ~Opoundt·r w11l1 4 o six·t·cl in th1· -to. W11l1;m,, n ·turnt'CI a runt fo r Oti yards a n d a t o u c: h d o w n ;1 n <I rntc r cc pt~d a p a•s Uh J cl1•fe n s 1v c· bat·k 11 1· .ol :-.u avc·ragt'd ~ 5 yards pc·1 na1 k on crgh l running Ql a,Ys fur t hi' unhcalcn Roac.lrunnl'rs 111 a :11 -7 victory ov<.•r l rvrn1• Gary lanuul, University The 185-p ound fullbaC'k ba rgN.I for u 19 5 avcr<1gt· on nine• t·urrrC'S, with tout·hdow11 runs of 79 anci 7Ci yards tht• maJOnly of hrs 176 'n<'l y:.1rcls rn a 17-fi v11·tory ov1•r C:11i.t.1 M t• s a I a n u 1 z 1 1 ~ n 11 w av<•raging 10 H yards JH'r < a r r v f o r t h c· s ,. a ' o 11 c:13-for.:i511 y<irds) Al Kabn, Westminster An oul81dc• hncbac:kc·r. this 190-pcJund s.•n1or had srx l<.·<H.l tal'klrs .ind thrt•t• a ... s1,h. s;ic·kmg the· quarll'rbat·k <mc·1· 1t nd c·a u s 1ng two 1m·1Jmph•t1on'> Bill Russell, Woodbridge A thn·t· vc•ar !>tarter for the• Wc.irnors aiid with exp<·nc·nc-t• a' a quarterback , th .... 170-pound Junior caught 11 p;.issC's Cur 134 yards. g1 vtng him 29 rt'<'l•plions f<H 4 I ~ yards ·~ four S(amt'S Gastineau won't play in All-star League game NEW YORK (AP) Citing a pre-stnkt· 111Jury Lo fellow New York J C't.1> defensive hnemdn JOC' Klecko as his mott vallon . Mark Gas tmt•au said Monday night h<' would not play m th<' p1 opi>SNI All-Star League of s triking Na tion al Footba ll League players "I don't think it's worth gt'lting hurt for s:i.000 for lhe wrnne rs and $2,500 for tht> losC'rs." Gastin eau told the New York T1mc·s "But J oe Klecko getting hurt brought 11 home lo m<' It's not the NFL. and anything short o f the NFL isn't g1iod enough for me " Gastineau, an All-Pro dt•fc.•ns1v<.• t•ncJ l<ist season. is one of 12 Jets votc.'Cl by othN players onto the American ConfC'rence East Division team calll'CI . ''Am~rican East" That team 1s scheduled to play "National East" Sunday at Robert F K<•nncdy stadium m Washington. DC Jets quarterbac k Ri c hard T o dd ' was n oncommital o n whelhl·r ht• would play rn thl' iame, the first of a S<..rtes of 20 planned by the NFL layers A~socumon as an alternative to the NFL season. Todd's busmcss manager, Gar y Wichard, said the quarterhack would not play Sunday. But Todd ·~ THI A NIGHT W1TH ' IA•L'I JOE 011111011 · "11 I Ill lllAflNO ... co..omo •1a ~ WAT11 lllAf-AT THE .... ,~...,.._ Rancho Mulon VltJo ,. , .. 11101 ---hM 8..,lt et T(llrt 00ot Sat., Oct. 9th tCel 810te -ete TOUt NM) COffA MISA 641-1289 5:00 P.M. ltU ......... lh4. 925.00 ..... VllJO 495-0401 Uttt C.-.. Cql I a • Tu Otducttblt _ .... .,_, ... ....,....,J Contrl>ution lncWes . Dinntf, Danclnc to live COWttry Wtallfn Band and •• wtth Jot. '( Cell 142-1171. 1 For Tickets Cll llul • f•Jf wordt "'""°" t3l·l 212 lo work for YOY. """ 551·44'21 .... Viejo 131·6450 l1tll\a 8udl 497.3331 . .. I \ satd. "I won't say I'm noL going to pl<ry Whal'<; th<• sc•nSt' of that tf tht• l(amr d<X•!>n't (•vcn get o ff thl· ground? It h a!> to gN ofC tht• ground fi rst ... md now 11's in ('OUrt .. Th<.• main suit c·o."ll'Crnmg the• All-Swr League is b<>tng h('ard an a Washrngton murtroom. wh{•rc a Fc.'Cl<•ral DaslriC't JUcigc· is curn•ntly cons1d<'nng thf' NFLPA rcqu<-s l for an tnJUnc:t1on that would bar th<' NFL Crom mtl'rf Prmg with the· union's plum •. W""Jey Walk<•r , a w1dt• ~·c•1ver for the.• Jl'ts and th<: team's as<11stanl playc•r representattv<·. said. as far as he.· knc>w , only Gastineau, Todd and d<'fC'ns1ve back Darrol Ray on the Jl'ls a ll Wrchard's d1t·nLo; said lht•v wc1uld not play r-- I @ ----------~ I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I ~I) I I I I I I I .. __ COM~IAL C'tOIT C~TION I " CONflCI a.. C'°"'IW'I' I I "''"''' ., (X'C) Mt.I •"'f' ., ...... ,., .. J ... ~ ,,, f"'•f"f"' CO TA Mf.SA. ~'10 F-l '11h S1ttf't • "4S 8'100 IHINTINCTON 8P.Ar.H · 1607~ Cold~ ""', 1. • 947.7771 " MIS ION VIEJO; ' Allrl1 Town Vieu • 770 2651 SANTA ANA: 1224 t:.,t l'11h . I. I $4'7•5871 I I I I I I ----------· Ornngu Co11111 DAILY PILOl / fu•1ttuy. Octob r 6, 1082 DI 92-yarder was biggie Hraza ' i11t erceplion rel11rn l1ig hlig hled play B1.,; play" lWllC' 111 fr stlul:-. la:--1 w t't' k I u 1 .1 r1•u h llo( h !il'l1 uu I flM>lh11JJ plU)'l'I ~ , J1•d hy ll !J ;l )'•JI (i 11111•11·c·pl11111 1'1•1Ul'11 hy Nc·wport I lu1 bu1 '11 S1t•v1• RmYJJS, 11 pluy wh1l'11 tut 1wd lh1· !Hit• 1111 tlw Surl11r1. 111 .1 17 7 up.,t•t v1rt11rv CIVC'I Jo:I '1'11111 Ur11v1•11111y'11 limy lunun1 t.ud lf pu11 ut long l11ud1d11wn ru11s from 7!:1 uml 70 yl1l'd11 11ul And l lu111111~11m B<•J ('h°:. l11gh I ly111~ Oilt•I':-. p11·k1 .. t up :i p.111 ul lu11g l>C'UI 1ng joJUrllll 1111 tlw w;1y 111 tlwir i.ccond 11lru1Hht ~'t'"'111 pl111"1 1·xpl11:u11n, ~t·llinlo( .1 7' y.11 d s ,. II,. j fl~ I' lJ II I I' 0 Ill I :i fl 11 v Tl111111pHon und .1 fiO yard p:is-. pl J V fro m ~UJI t1•1 l1.11·k Er 11 L.11wt11n to J:.imc•i. Dunn The llig Plays ~:l Stt·v1· Bru1 ... -.. (Nl·w111111 Ha rbor ) , !) ~ r 1· t urn w 1 l h 1111t•1-rl'pt111fl for Tl> tJK ,)1111 (;anon (()11•afl Vu·w). k1c·koff 1 t•t urn fo 1 TD 7!) (;ary l:1nun1 tU111v1·rs1ly), TD run 71i G;,ry lanun1 (U111v1·1:-.1ly l. TU l'Ull 72 J);i1111 v Th11111p,11n (llunt1ngton lkti< hi. Tl> 11111 ti8 Don P rv111 t( '11111n.1 dt·I Mar). TD pass I 111111 t"o 1 k y Cai p1·ntt·r ti 6 BI) b 11 v w I I I I ·' Ill :-. (Saddlc·buck). pu.nt rc ·turn 1111 Tl> (l() Jame'!> J>u1111 c I lu11lingt1111 Bt·ath). TD fh t!>S fn11n 1':111· L.1wt1111 54 J1·1 ry Eld11dg1· < ~;1 '1'11111). 111l1'1·1·•·pt11111 n·tur11 50 ('lark I 'at t1•r:-.011 (Manna), I Ull The season'!> big playmakers !I:.! Stt•Vt' B1 ,11,1!> (Nt·wport I h1rb11r), 88 Jim (;anon (01:t•a11 Vll'w). HO Sll'Vt· Opn:.in IMiJlt•r l>c•1 J. 7!-1 H 1di.1rd Agu 1 rrt• (M:ill·r Ol•1 ). G:.trv l a nuz11 ( U n 1vl'r s 1 t v ) . 7 K · V c r non Wall<·rrdl (i:;d1 ... in1. ?ti Cai y lanu1.11 <Un1vt,1-i-11 v), 7'L Danny Thompson (lluntington &'ill·h). till Dun Prvor (Corona d<'I Mar). ()ti Luu1t· ·cl·1d;1 (1lun11ngtun B " ;1 ,. h ) . B 11 b h y W 1 I I t a 111 s (Saddh•b<tC'k). ti:I J ami<' Wc•i.t<m (Un1 v1•ri.1tvJ. ti:.! Bill Marlc•r ( Ma r 1 n a I: J ,,.1 n n y S ;.ii 1 n a~ ( I r v 1 n P ) • M 1 k t· Z a I d 1 v a r ( Un1v1·rs11v1. fl I 8111 Hui.i.c·ll cWoodbndgt•), tiO Jaml'S Dunn (Jluntington &·ac·h). 5Y Gt•rcxJ J o nt•" ( Ed1s11 n l, 5 -\ JC'rry Eldridge• (El 'foroJ, 52 Kt'vin BradlC'y <Saddll•bat·k). Chris Mand<•vrlll' (Irvin<'). 5 1 Dav(· Pattc·r:.on (Coruna dC'I Mar). Stt•vf' Hraza~ ~IJ Ci:11 y l;inuzz1 ( Ufl1v1·r~1t y), t'l&rk Pulh·rson (Marirrn) Las t \H:ck 's statis tical leaden. Rushing I Dann y Th o anp so11 (lluntrngtun BP:.t<'h), H 177, :l l ;;,ry la11uzz1 (Un1vcrs1ty). !J 170, :1 Lann• Marlin <Cnrnrw d1•l M:.ir>. :12 lllti, 4 Kt•v111 Br«Hlll'V CSc.ui dh·hackJ, IY J:IK Passing I U;ilt• Fryl· (f'ount;11n V.~t·y) l:i-:W·ol . 204 Y<1l·ds, I TD, 2 Erw Lawton <llunt1ngtu11 A1«1ch>. ll· 14-0. :.m:1 yard~. 2 Tl>... :1 Kl•v111 Burkl' (Woodbrrdgt·). I ~-2:1 -:1. I :1 I v J 1 ch , Cl T D . -4 Cork v { 'arp1·n1<·r (('1,1011a dt•I Mar), ;, II 0, 125 y<1rcb, :l TDs, 5 1'1111 l l:m i.11n ( Wt•stmmstn). Y-25·0, I .l-1 Vor<h. ti TIJ • Rec•eiving I Btll Hu.,.,c·ll (Wo<idbndg~). I I I :1 4 . :l J c· f f L o p c· z ( llu11ti11gt11n Hl'oc•h), 5-126; 3. (.'Im~ Lung ( Fount<Jin Valll'y ). 5 !-1:1. 4 Todd C;.igt· (Saddll'ba(·k). 5 51i Sc·oring IJc.inn y Thomp su n t l lunl1ng l11n B<·ol'h); 2. David llu;ing (1l unt1ngton Bl'achJ. K<'vrn Brdcllt·y (Sadd lt•bo<•k), IJ1Jn P rvur (C11rona d<:l Mar), (:ar~ Ianuzzi tUn1vn s1ty). Cill·nn V1t·11;, <Mc.inn<.1). I:.! <•at·h Attendance marks set N~W YOHK (AP) A milhun 111111" 1w11plc· than l'V<'r lwfore ttll<'nded maJor lt';,guc· ba~wball g a m c· s d u r 1 n g 1 9 8 2 , t h c• n1mm1ss11in<·r '1> offic·c• announc·1'<i Mond.1\ ~·111;,I un11ff1l'l:.t l m<JJOr l1·agut· att1·nili1nt·l· was put a l H .~IM.94:i It wa.-. lht· ninth tun<.• in 14 yl'ari. that a m•w allcndanc<' rC'<'f>rd was <o<'t •. The :.urge was lt:d by the. Lwo South<·rn Cahfornli:J tt•ams the Lo!> Angeles Dodgl•rs and tht· Angl'ls each o( whom st'l lt•ague marks. Thr Dnd~l'ri.' ;ittt•nd<inec· or :i I> mrlhon was a n<·w maJc>r lc·agut· singk· team inark and till' Angt·ls' 2.8 million w1.1s u nl·W Am1•r1t·an LC'agul· high Sc·vc•n 11.•ams :.<·I allendanc:c rt'<.'Ord!I indudrng all four of thl' t h;.1mµ1onsh1p Sl'rl<'S part1C'1pants t he· Anl(<'ls. Milwauk('('. A1l~111Ul and St. Lours. The· olhl'r thrPc Wl'rl' L os Ang<.•lt•s. Oakland. and Monlrt•al The final thn·<·-day M.'nCS. rn - Balt1mon· bet wc•t•n the Orioles ::ind MilwC.1uk1.·c· drc·w 150.756. the· high thn-t•-day tot.a l of the st•ason • \ .. ... ~ .. Orun Cona1 qAILV PILOl /luu1uoy. Octobor 6, 1082 • . . :· I ... "" t I ., I I. M•IOI' L•eou. i.ect•r• • (~Ml) AMllUCAN~IAQU( BA I l IN(l (4 76 •• 11•1•1 w Woll()fl Ken•M C11y 332. YC>Un1 MllWllUk" 1.1 I Cate•, A,...1 •• .ltt; ( Mu11•r OoJlllllO•• JIG C-~ M:!i~~~~ M~t~~ul""' IJ6 Youn I Milwauk" 1211 D £11an1 ~1on.1u H Hencle•aon Daklano I 111 Oo•nlng. ...,_.., , .. lfo1 &.4RN. Kan1H C1ly 133 Coupe• Mitwauk". 111 lho111IO'\ Chh~wnd 116 Yount M 1iw aukt<1 I 14 G T1to1n•• MtlWauk" 111 HITI) Yount M•lw•ukH 2 10 t..uuiJ"' M11Wauk .. :>O!> MUlllO< M1lw•u•N1 20 I I/II W1laon Ken.as C11y 194 McAa., """""' C•ty. 1811 DOUBLES Vounl Mllwauk<'O 41l M~kAe K1n1as C•tr 46 White Ka11u1 City •~ O.Clncff, A119•I•. 42. Cuwe>M s ... 111.. l9 lAIPLES w Wilson KftnUI Coty ·~ H .. n<lon OelrOll 13 '(uuiif M•lwuuk"9 12 Mumphr)I Now Y0tk 10 MOS411Jy 1010010 9, S..nua10 ChtC80t1 Y Htl!ll Koro1a• C11v 9 HOME RUNS G T11omu Mttwnv•oe 39 1'1•. Jachon. Angel•. 31: W111lovltl N"w Y0tk. 37, Ogllvoe, MtlwUukoo 34 ~ 10<10 Wolll 32 SIOLEN BASES A lh111<l0two11 011"11110 130. Ga1c10. To1on10. 54 J C1u1 ~Hiii" 46. MOlllOt, Mllw8uktt<! 4 I W W1 .. on K'ensH Cny 37 Pt TCHtNG (I 7 011c.151011st Patm1•1 Balt1m0te 15·4 3 IJ Vuko•ICI• Mllw&u.,l'u 18-6. 3 34. Burns Chic.ago t3 !> 4 04 Z.hft, An9el1, 114, 3.13: llanko, Angela. 114, 4M: SulClollo Cleveland 14 I ~ % Guidry, N-York 14 8 3 8 I B St•lll•Y eoa1on 12 1 a 10 SI RIKE OUTS F Banr11tl81 St11tlllt :?09 Batkt< Qevelano 187 R•Qt!ellt New Vo•I. 163. Gu+Oty Nvw Y0tk 161 I uOOt Boston t46 NATIONAL LIAOU( BAT TING (475 al 11•1" OI•-Montt .. , • 33 1 Madlock Plltsburgh 3 Ill Ou•h•m Ch~ 31? Lo Sm11n 51 Le>v<• 307 Buei.ne< cnocaoo J06 RUNS Lo Sm1111 SI U.;u•• 110 Mu1pny Atlanta t 13 Schmidt Pllll~cl&lpn.. •08 Dawson Montreal t07 SenOIW'•O Cn.c;~<- 103 RBI Olivet Mottlt~•I 109 Murpn, Al••nl• t09 l:!uckne1 Ch"•OO 105 Henr..cl. 5'1 Lout' t04 Cl•" S•n Fr1nc1sco 103 HITS Oltvet Morllre•I 204 Bucl.n@• Cllic.go 201 Dawson Mon11u1 1113 J Ray P1ll11>urgh ti:? Lo Sm1111 S• t w•• 112 OOUBLES 01•••• Monlrtoll 4J 1 Kenneay SM O<(IQO 42 Dew.on Monlrttal 37 Kn1gh1 Houston 36 a..c""'" Cn1caoo JS LO Sm11h SI LOUii lS Cedeno C1ncinne11 35 Oan •1. 0odo9ro, 35. TRIPLES lnon. Houflon t9 W11$on N .. .., Yo1k 9. Mo••no P11t11>urg11 9 Punt Houston. 9, a Heel With 8 HOME RUNS K1n<;1man New York 37 Murphy, AllAnla. 36. Scnm1c1t Ph1tncl(!lph1& JS. Home1. Allnrtta 32 Ouerr•ro, Oocto•ro, :n. STOlEN BASES Ra1nf!~ Monlrf'IJI 78 Lo Smllh St lou11 68 Moteno P•lltl>u'O" 60 Wilson New V0t• 56 I . Su , Oodgtro, ... PllCHINC. I,, Oec·~•Ofl11 p N1tl.ro Atlanta 17 4 l 61 ROQ8fi Monlrl!al 19 II 2 40 Carlton Phtlaclelph1a 2 l It 3 10 B•e.nmg San r1li•1C•ICO t 1 6 1 01 Lollar Sen D••oo 16 9 3 IJ t.a11c1e 1a11a P1ll11>Urgll 12 7 2 9• ro•V.h SI Louis 15 9 3 41 lleil11, Dodger., 11·11, l 01 STRIKEOUTS Ca••ton Pruta-Ph•ll 116 Solo Conc1nna11 27• Ryan Houston 7•5 Valenau•I•. Oodgero. ttt. Aoge,. Monl•ul 179 Playoff echedule CHAMl>IOfflHtP IEIUEI Tllftlthl M1i..eui.ee •• A,,..ia 5 15 p m Wadneeda1'• 0- Allanla •t S I LOUll 12 15 pm M1 ... ...,kM al A,..... S I!> p m ThurMley'a 0..- Atlenta at St Lou•• S '5 pm f rlcb1'1 Oemet A,,..io al M•ho>aukee. 1' IS pm SI LOUii •• Atlonla s 25 I> m l aturd•r'• o.,,.., Allll•I• at M11wau•e• 10 -m 111 f'9011••'l1 St Lou•t at At1an10 5 1~ IJ m 111 -Uryl l vnday't <'•moo A119at1 11 M1lwaL1k f!4 I 70 o m 111 -MIY) St Loutt al Allant• ~ 15 pm (•I _..,YI WOllLO 11.lllCI Tllffdap,Ocl.12 Am4trican Leegue al Nattonal League 5 30 pm • ..._.,,Oct. 11 Ame<ocen League ar Na11.,,,.1 l•3Qvt' 5 20 p m f~.Ocl 15 Nehonal Lague at Americ.an LeagUt' S 30 pm l •lurci.1. Oc1 1' Nallonat League et Amerrcen l ••Ou<' 10 ?0 • m 1t1 Ull•eu~ee I ?0 rl Anqel• lunde1, Oct 17 Natoonel l•~ al "'""'><:an l ••11U<' ,,1 _..,.,.I T.....S.y,Ocl II Ame<ocan lnout at NallOflal l e11gue ~ 20 pm fol nee-vi W..sn.Mep, Ocl. 20 American L•llQVe at NattOt\al lf!<tgo•~ ~ 20 pm fll-uryl O..p Ma fishing Allrl LANOINO C'"•potl 8Hc:h) -26 1nglef1 0 ball 107 botllto 131 mac;:e-fll 17 rock 11111 3 111eep111 .. c1 3 !ICulptn 1 hill moon . OAYIY'I LOCIClll (Ne•Po<I 8eec:ll) - 3 1 angle11 17 bonito. 22 callco 59· meckerel. 205 rock h1h 3 aend bait I CO'* cod DANA WHAllf -6fl angtor& :1• ban 202 bonllO 155 mac• erel 6 rock hall 4 111Mplf1ff4 llAL IEAC H -59 anglera t I lllHI C:Ucll 9 llOn1IO 3 I ClhCO blll 60 nlliCketel. 165 roci. 11th 1 Hnd blU 8 ICUlpln II~ 4S wnlle 11111 I blue petCll C.., .. , -26 ttngl<o<I 15 bOflllO 100 mackerel. 3 U llcl lllH fl ICUIP•n 700 ml.eel-• Oov1>le1 A.r11 .. ,. • IHHJ)' (CV• IO•t to Ak1u ~~O•fUNl)I 4 6 Oul W rtl•• Wtt•U•ll (, I Oct ( ••wh>td !,ttvnke•• b 0 l.uuU•n Mnthti 1cv1 wort ti I 6·1 ti I N M N MOllMI llnrltll IO•I ~ 1 W<lOI fl 2 (I 0 NFLPA All·t tera NATIONAL EAST Of'flNH Wide llec:elvero At• M011to Wa;.fhngtOt1 Eetnt•t• {•'•'I' N,,._.. ..,,~,.,_ C.au.tnl!l Pat I 1lle't St 1 n.;1• H1uuhJ Cu1rn1c.ha~t Ph1hH.hr•pnu• ll9hl Enda JUht1 ~~iJgnoh1 r•111t11c.Jttlvt11.t '"''" -.tt•r"' Nt'w TOI~ G1.tf1T& '"''Y S•~•mo1 •• Pt11lurtntphi.1 Onoryu ",,t1u.._ti1 Wa,hmyttm h tHtJ011 t<111y N•tw "'''" '••.Ali!\ GM•rd1 1tH,~ ~ll(t'tlt1 $1 ltJu•" M u1k M,,., Wtt~hm91on Shtvo Kaune) PlnltttletCJluae Centere Jolt Bu,11t Wd~hmyton l11ly M urt11 Pn1l'1dtslµflld Ouertetb•C-• Ju•• 1htH?.io1tH11111 W.ush•no1t1n. Nrnl lun1u, ~I lC1•1i') Runnl"9 Becki Jt•h11 n uJ1Jm., WMthmoton () 1 Ano1i+1tt)f\ flt l ~w. W1ll>rnl M•1nlgOrnt!ry P;1111.1d•lµh1M Rnl'(" I N11wth 111•1t1 Ot1ll&t~ DEFENSE Endo Ommb ttJ"'"'''' Ph1lrtde•pn1a CtttHO" M1utu• "h~w v,,,.., G•ort1-C•'I H«Jn•too Pn.1 10tttpn1u TACKLES Ortwf' 0utz Wasn1n9t0t\ Curtla c,,;;,.,, SI I°"" Pn.1 Tollor N-YO<~ Goeni. Ouh lde Unebec:ke r• l '"''"'tt.1 f "':fk)( N,.-. VO#fll G1r..11ll J1 ")' u, tJ r.t>Ofl Pn11,h1fl1Uf'\+& 8tild \41. Pf'lt Nt•""" fflf• t., • .,, .. Mlddko llneback•ro ,,. '"' '"''>On Net1t York (11Auh ruu\to l t•n·a"'~' Pn .. •oetPn•a COfnetbach R<J ,.,.,.. Y •Jung Ptutad•~'O'"' f.tc,y .. r W..-t1tt1 "•I l <AJt\ feu• JMkaon NttW't' Ybt' O••"'' S•latleo A6t1tJy l 11yitf1 Ph1lilcJGltfti141 8e4tllO'f' Rt:'tlf"' Nm• Yt>tk Giants Ken Uteen• St LO<i<' SPECIALISTS Punt at (),,..,.,. Jtmning5 N~ VOf ... C..1wnb. PIK .. klc:kar ,...,.,.,_ Mos~e~ Wa~hmq11n 1Clc:k-ra1ur11e1 M1k .. ,~eHns Wa,&nington AMERICAN EAST OFFENSE Wide llac:•lvert w .. ,, .. ., W o•l"i •• Ncitw Vor~ JttU '41tt M oure M1.1m•. R&'f Butler Ualtimufo 'JIAnl,.~ MtHQd" New E•1gtani1 T'9111 Enda Do'"• HjH!t""'beck NPw £ 11u1J.,HJ n,.,.,,. Ml..CaJJ. B.i.:l•mo•e Teckleo JOI• eotitf't ttdt Buf,~l(I 1r1• (>t ... m lJuU HO E,.c ll\..t"su M1am1 Ouardo JttrH• tt.if•fl•" He--Eno•.inC1 ftlf' l thf h Butt• n Ee Nf'"''"an M a.mi Center• ~"H' f 1Nd~ NeN y,,,,, Jl"''~ hft• JMC'•e.t a .• oatu 0 ..... 1 .. backt R1t.t·erd f odd "-'•• Yor• , .. " Slette t.•llO•" t•-Eftlll•n<I R11~hc:h Jc:-ny N,un•n M1•m1 /indt1o1 ft •"'-"'' M1Amt Cutt•'\ Btown etJ1ta10 Ju~,.men MtN"" -YO,. Jets OEFENiE Endo Doug Bette~. U 1am1 M•rk Oasiineeu .,.. .. York Jet• SMrman w~11e a..11aio Tecklff r1NJ Sm81ll• Bunato AllclutSMaam N.,... YOik Jell Marly Lyont ~ Y()I~ J•t• OVlolde Llnebecken 5&ndf!r\ S~1v.,. Ba1t1m0<e Cn1•1 K••l•rw;J S..llllO 01eg 8utlle Nftw YC)ti. Jal• Mldclle Llnebecke11 Stew• ~~~ ~ J;m ltul<ttl Bvllalo Coo•etbecb Moke Ha,n~ N-En<;1JanO Jelly HOll'llll New fork Jet•. flavm0<1cl Clll~llorn Naw Enotanel •••• u.. o< en Schroy Ne"' Yotk Jal• 8111 Somp11.>n S.1ll•IO NeSby Gla~ Bell.mote IPECIALllTI ,.unlet C.rivc• flamsa~.:~~C::. .181• Pll L.,_,,, "'-Y0tk Jell IClc:ll-relUfllet lOV Pocx.one 9uttato Monday'• trena.ctlona •AMIALL Ametlceft I.e ..... TEXAS RANGERS Named Joe Klt1n o•m1tr•t manager • N•lk>MI Le ..... PITTS8UAGH PIRAl'ES Cul P4vl M4'"'•u and Grant Jackoon. ptld>e<I IAllCETIALL Nelton.I .. allelbllll Ao-i.tton NEW YORI< KNICK S Stgneel Tr,.n1 fucker ou•rd lo. mutll·y-•t ~··ac• ,OOTaALL United lt•IH football ........ USFL -Na,,,..S Cat l9l>Of• aupe< vrtO• 01 OlllClab ltOCICIY NatloMI Keckey L ... ue CDMONfON OILERS Se•t clecl Bob HOllmeyer c1elensem111 lrom In• PM8detpllla Flyert HARfFORO WHALERS S t nl JorOy Ooug4H Hlfl """O 10 ,,.,. Mtnnasola N0<1h S••••. eomp1e11t111 • tr-"'-tiut -lot Kent E"k Anderaon 1on..,c1 •nd Matk JOl\ntOn. eenlf' s.n1 M~htl G••••nteu Ulllef. Dan F1100tft ltll wlllQ, l lld Jttl 8rOWNChldle, ClelenMnltll. 10 Blnglltm•on 01 Ille A....,ICtoll Hockey Lt .. MON TR EAL CANAOIENS A111onec1 Mar-tiOlcl<ln, OOA!ltnO«, 10 NOYa Scott a Of tile AIMrleen Hockey Lugue N(W JERSEY oe1111.s ~led Mv11•y Btum_., Clef-an, lrOM IM Mlnnetola N0t111 81111. Carol Vadn•ll. clelen11men. fro m 111• Ntw YO•k Aano••• and Dave H1teht1on dalenum111 , lrom the Withington C•Pll•••. In lht NH\. w••·•· """ N l'W YOAK AANC'H,118-lalteltd 011tm1 Nteol1on. d•ten111m11n, from Ill• Ntw J e ruy Devitt. e ncl 8111 Btkll, lltltlltem111. 11om ll'lt S I I ou11 flutt AtrurMCI Clllll KonlOI to TMOlllO of IM Onl11tlO tiOcltjJy AMOCJellOn er lQU18 8LIJH -8 tl•Oltcl J•c• Ctf'toon. fOfWWd , from Iha Mlll!IMOll Nolth 8 t1ra, Oovg ~te11yer, lo1werd. from Ill• WlnntP•O Jell, •nd TIM 80(hWlll Oitf-an, tr0<n Illa ~ VOf~ f\enotn IOCCllt ............ ._u.e- Mlll. Mtl'lltd Cl\trfta M 1¥11111111 CllOYIY ~le•Oo11t, tnCI Mldleel MMcMI d#llCIOf Of ~ tnCI PY* ,...,'°"' CHICAGO STIHO-lilerMO OO\i9 Vt<D ,,,....,,, • • Cheek eek.s new contract . with 76ers J>llJl,AJ>t-;LPlllA CAP) Phllud1•lph1u 7fk·r guurd Maurk'C Che<'kl'I , w h o hus 1hunnt.•d lroanlng cu)np lwcuu1u-o ( a c•onlnwl d111pult', t.•an slt out the 8l•a11on, as for UH the gcncrnl mun&gt'r o f tht' N~tionu l Basketbull Alilsoclu tlun l'l ul> ls rom.·e rn t.•d Chtwks, through his agent, LunC'l' J uy Luchnkk of Houston, has informt.-d tht• 76"r!i he wants t o rt'n<.·golialtr his fi ve -year con1nw1 N u wo y. 76ers general managc·r Pat W1 I Ii ams said Mundav "He (Cht.-cks) JUSt dt.-c1ded that hc'i. unhappy with h as contract a nd won 't report. It's no more L'ompht.·au.>d than that," W1lhams l>Uld What d~ Checks want? "( don't know ," said Williams "Hl' has four years left on his contract. We've honored every dt·tatl and will contir.u e W e --(XJ>CCl the same from him." Williams said that h l' had heard from Luchnick a nd that the conversation didn't amount t.o mu,·h. "I madt• the point to him that Maurice had a legal, binding c:ontracl and we expected him to show up. That's it." Wilhams said he didn't care what Cheeks wanted. Bcu·k to t h e ser iou s ide Delly Piiot 81•" Pfloto "lt doesn't matter," said the general manager. ··He llm't going to get any more." Ang.-.1 munugt>r Gene Mauch ta lks ove r strategy with owner Gene Autr y prior l<t t he American Lea~u e p layoffs t h at !'>tart tonight in Anuh•·im. Checks reportedly has a pact that started at $150,000 per year and int.·reascs each year to a maximum of $250.000. It's unique, to' say the least H ickory Hackers D ay at SACC f eatures wood-sh a ft e d clubs Orw of thl· mon· un14Ul• t11urnaml·1t~ uf the· yNir wkt·::. phwl· Wedne:.<lay ut Sant.a Ano Country Club whc·n hl·ad pro l:t·rald llull prt.'Sl'lll~ Hu·kury I l<ickers Day Starting a t I o'l'lcwk, l'tmlpl'lltori. wtll play ntnl' hol<~. U'>mg no m•ll l' than Sl'Vl'n dubs. ;ill uf whtc·h mui;t lw W01xl-shaftt'<l and fosh11>n1 ·d µnor lo 1!130 GOLF HOWARD L. HANDY mcludl' air trans portation via Me x1cana Airlines from Los Angeles, seven nights at the 1 ·: Cid Rc>SOrt Hot.el and unlimited. golf and te nnis, all fo r $399. F o r further informa tion call Chase at 547-0101 Follow mg Llu· 111n1· hulc· •·vent, ;! ! 1vt· hoh· fuursmrn• nw1d1 will ht· playt'tl wtth tht· t·om1x•t1turs dl'll'rm11w<..I by tht• four hi\o\ r\l•t Sl·on ·r.., in the· nint·-holc· compct1t1<J11 Play will bt• govt·rnt'Ci by 1916 Rulc-s of GoH, ai. pruvlCll'<.l by an on gmal l'OPY of tht.: Irvin" Sport..i:; Club with an entry fl'C of$45 wh1t·h mdudes a dinner in the evening. Play 1:. 1n three flig hts including \.'harnpt0nsh1p, hand1('ap ( 13-and-up) and CJJloway In a rc'C'ent tournament a l the Dad Miller Golf Course in Anaheim. four teams tied for fi rst in a partner's better ball even t In cludi n g : T e rry Brennan and Aro n Gottlie b . Joe Jura n ac1c h and Marv Goodwin, Marv Krmsky and Bill Tomey, and Oavl' Hoh with Harold Pitt.en~er • • • USGA rult~ m efft'<'t fur that V<'<tr M(·mbcrs of the· Golf Collt.Clo~ Soc.·1t•tv will pn-st·nt a highly mLen>stmg d1SCusswn and d1-.play of unaqut• playing £'4U1pmn11 of bygone> c>rw. and all pl<iyt•rs a1 t• ur~1od to "d ress up" for th(• Ol'\.0as1on A bt-st c.-ustumt• pnw will bl• awarded Tht· a nnual UC lrv1m· bash 1s a shotgun ~tart at noon at Santa Ana CC with a dinm'r in tht• t·venmg Proct.>c'Cis go to thl' UCI Sports Assoc:1atc•s to hdp with tht· An11•atc•r athl1.•llc program THE COSTA MESA men's d ub wall stage its annual member-member tournament Oct 16-l 7 On Saturd ay (Oct. 16), play ilJ be from the blue tees and scores will be detennm1.>d on one better ball low net and one low gross This 1s ..i fun affair and one' that draws a good galll·ry <'ac·h vt•ar It ·s tht· nm th year for thC' evt•n t Thi~ one (•ostc; S 150 wnh those in chargc promising ovc·r $I 00 tn tl'<• pnws for the first 100 t•ntranls f or more information. l'all 833-5405 • HAVE Y OU THO UGHT about the damag<' you might do to the hp of the cup whrn you use your putter to take a ball out o f th e ho l e? If not, give it some c-ons1dNa uon Sunday's scoring will be o n the two better balls low nc l and one low gross w ith play from lh<' white lees In order to qualify. members must have played JO of their last 20 rounds a t Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club . . . CITY GOLF < h~1mpwns h1ps will bt• dc•t(•rmmc-d m Nt•wporl Beach Friday and lrvm1• (Ot·t 1:i) with tht• annual UC lrvm1· wurnum<•nt O\·t It! at Sant.a Ana Country Club. T h(• Nt•wport &>a<:h affotr 1s a on(•-day shotgun tournC'y at Irvine Coast Country Club and 1s open w residents of the· d ty along with dub m<.'mbers at Big Canyon CC and lrvmt• Coast CC. There will be a men's and womt•n 's championship along with f11ght1> for st·niors as well as hand1c.ip fhghtc; The• f1l'ld 1s limited to 144 applJt~ • .ints and the re 1s a $30 c•ntry fee One golf buff has cv<:>n gone so far as to propose' that thc> USGA invoke a twn. stroke penalty for placing any part of a club 1n th<' cup. Men's club president Steve Yekich sends a reminder Toys Fore Fairview tournament to be st.aged in Dc...ocember. This one is open to the public with players donating a toy to the toy bank for distribution at Fai1 virow St.ale Hospital "' • • • • • The Irvine d1amp1onsh1p 1s open to all golfcors and will be played at Ran'-hlJ San J oaquin Golf Cnursc· It ts sponsored by the THE ORANGE COUNTY G o lfers Asso<.'ia11on. a group that affords players an opportunity lo have a full SCCA handicap among other things. 1s now talking about a trip to Mauillan for a week of golf and tennis Oct 20-27 Dc•nms Chase. president of OCGA, is wkm~ r(.'S('rvauons for the trip that will DANNY BIBB ADDED the Big Canyon Country Club men's championship to his lis t of accomplishments rece ntly. Bibb, a 32-year -old Corona del Mar realtor. won the title by six strokes over former UC Irvine stars Gary Singer and Alan Dropka. Bibb had a score of 302 to 308 for the· runners-up Fin gers may face An gels in relief From AP di11patcbcs Milwaukt.·e ul·<' rc·hev<'r Rolhc f''ang(•rs w1l I be-on th<' Bn·wcrs' i5.play(•r roster in the Am<.>nl'an League Champ1onsh1p SPri<'s although then• is some qu,•st1on concerning the• condition ot;, his pitching ~•rm, Managt.•r Harv<>y Kucnn said Monday. Kucnn hoix-s Fingers will bc- availablc for duty in tonight's first game in the best-of-f1 vt< scries agaln11t the Angels. F i ngers, the 1981 AL Cy Young Award winner :ind Most Valunbll' Player. hasn't pitchl'd sin<'<' Sept 2. when he tore' a muHCle In his right forearm "0bviovsly. Wl''rt> going to hrlnJ( him ulong 11lowly,'' said Ku<'nn ()( Fingers. ··H,• was ready If we nc~Nt htm Sundoy whe n the Brewe r s ctefoa ted &ltimor<' 10·2 to win the AL F..{6!1t rh11mplonxhip hy om· game OV(•r tht' Orlul<'s "Hitt urm wn" u 11 ttlt• light w hen he thr<'w Sun<lny. But he didn't hnw· much pain, He could bt> ready to RO tonight. but w(''rt• ,talking about one or two hhtN•s." Flngcr1. a :i6°yN1r·o ld right- h a nder. hn" op pcar~d In 50 gamc1 this scuon with a ~·6 rl'<.-ord, a '2.60 earned run averng<' a nd 29 Hvca. ln the 1Hrlkt'- 1hortcmt>d UUH IM.'a.80n. F'ingcn had o 6·3 r(.'C()rd, o 1 04 El{A and n ~pr IN•gu ·lc&dlng 28 lollv ~ whll 1ppearlnR In 47 g:im~. I POWER VS. POWER TONI GHT • • • From Page 01 team battm~ with a 279 average (Kansas City's 285 to pped the AL), while 1he Angels finished ticid for third with Boston at .274 The Brc•wers t•asll v o ut-h om ered th e opposition this season. whacking out 216 home rum. Thomas. Oghv1e and Coopt-r hll more than 30, whil e Yount f1n1shed the s easo n with 29 Rl'gg1c Ja<•kson topped the Angels' home run l'hart with 39, whill· DeClnet.'S. Brian Downing, Don Baylor a nd fn•d Lynn each had more than 20. Bobby Grkh finished the season with 19 homers H the Angels do have an advantage, it rnay be in tht' players' pasl experience with post-season act1 v1t1es Grkh, Lynn, Baylor. Do wning and Carew have the 1979 AL Championship series under their belts. while thls year's newcomers like J ackson . DeCmccs and Foll have all lx-en there be Core • The clos<'St the Brewers have romc was last season when th<' players' s trike forced added playoffs between th<' first a nd i>econd-.ha lf d1vis1onnl wmneNI. The New York Yankees ousted M1lwu'-'kec en rouw to lhl'ir Wurld Serles date with thf' Dodgers. And th!! plnyoffs are certainly new to Kuenn. Thl' :; 1-ycar·old Brewers' ski pper had neve r managed on the blg·league level until he was !K'll'<.·l<.'d to replace? Buck Rodgers back June 2. Bu\ hl' shnwc-d he knew what he was doing. When Ku('nn urrlv('d on the accn<'. the Brewers were 23·24 and burl<'d hl fl hh pince In tht' AL East. "Thia la the grcatest-hl\\lng t •i•m I've ev.-r been asso<.'lal<.'d with." admit.a Kucnn. ''Thia team never surprlsca me on bit. Any one of them can e xplode at tlny time." Mauch hrur thoustn no lt'tl of h ll Ana<-la. He has 1teadfa1tly ln1l1«'d all teNOn Ions tbat h(a players have needed no added direction. He has believed that It la their ln1Unct.1 that have gotten thtm os far u \hey are today. "Wt''ve a ll t>H-n there beforo," offN·s Ang<'I catcher Bob Boone. "You haw \0 tako the plAyoffa ju1t llke the •uon one pine at a Ume. ''But thr troubl~ with th pl1yoff1 la that any time you have a best-of-five series. anything can tum It around. We just have to rome out smoking Tuesday." "On the field. we're two power-hitting ball dubs,'' adds DeClnCl"S. ''All the past statistlcs in the world aren't going to help, though." G ame two on Wednesday will pit the Brewers' Vuckovich against Bruce Kison (10-5). Sutton. 4-1 since being acquired from Houston, will start F riday in Milwaukee against Zahn ( 18·8). The two teams split the 12 games they played against each other this season, which means the parallels between the two will be put to the test beginning tonight . NFL STRIKE • • • From Page 01 saying the talks had not progressed to a stage where a mediator could solve their diCferences. As a result of continued opposition to tbe Federal Mediation and Concillatlon Servlce, both aides now admit lnt.crvent!on by a federal mediator Is unlikely. . Ne gotiation! broke off Saturday follow lna three daya of futile bargaining. No new talks have bc'en 1ehedull.'d. The 1trlke, which h aa resulted In the postponement of two weeka of the 16-w~k regular aeason, hu moved Into It.I l~\h day. Meanwhile, union attorneys w ere In federal court Monday ln an tflort t.o head off club a ttorneys ln their effort.a w block players from parUdpatins In the first of a llC'rles of union-1poNOrt'd all·•tar 'games. The flr1t 1amci.p!tt.Jng pla}'~fl from thci ~utem dlvltiona of the AFC and NFC, ll echedu.led for S unday. at Robert F. K t nnt d)' Stadium ln Washington. The union uratd U.S. Diatrict Court Judp John Oarrcn Pen.n \0 lalu a temporary te1tta.lnina order barrtn1 NEL teams from wlthholdlns w lt'rvicet of their pla en Air Donahue effective • JS Bruin coach hatr\ a drea m LOS ANOELI<;S (A.P) Air Oo nuhut· hus bc..,'tln extrcmwy cfk-<:tivu In lhl' first Cour .c1mw11 of the 1982 collcfw football seruion. 'rh•· .rrwntlo n of auch a monlckt•r broul{h\. u 11mll1• w ha namL'!Ulkl• "Sometiml't1 in m y wildest dreams l'vt• had visions of passing the baJI," UCLA Com:h Terry Donahue said Monday al hh1 weekly m1-t•tin~ with re porters . "I'm having o grand tinw as long us quarterback Tom Ramsey kl"('ps the bull owuy from the oppoeill' color shirts.'' Doflahue's six prC'v1ous UCL A ll·.1ms Wl'f't• known for their success rushing th l• bull. Thl' Bru1n1f roat•h has htntl'<i ut umcs this foll that if the tl•om had un ' · l!Xperic m:ed offcmHvl' llrlt' and/ or a tailbac k in th£• i"n.•t•in11n •, Mc.:Nc1l mold, it rnight sttll be depending on the run Rams~y. a sentf>r a nd a three-year starter , ranks first nationally in passing e fhl'iency, completing 73 of 115 throws for 1 , 1 3 7 y a rd s a n d n 1.n e t ouchdow n s whtlc bei n g DONAHW intercepted only thrl'<' umes. Donahue grinned broadly when ht' mcntionL><l the low number of intercepllorn; suffort><l lly his quarterback. "Tom's done a great job with that, I mt.'ntion 1t to him every day," said Donahue. "Hts ab1hty to avoid interceptions has bet?n the No I factor in enabling us lj»Win. He's on a roll, he's hot. He's JUst a much more acc:omplished player now (than hl• was earlie r in his UCLA career)." Although the unbeate n Bruins arc heavily favored to open their Pac1fic-IO Conforence schedule with a win over Arizona Saturday afternoon . Donahue ts ceruiin that the Wildt:ats arc capable of springing_ an upset. "As eve rybody knows, two years ago they upset us when we were u ndefeated, and last year they defeated Southern California when they were undefeated ," h e said. "I w ould classify Arizona as a very dangerous opponent. "They won't come in here in awt'. I think 1t'!> obvious we will be fad ng a team that could beat us. If we beat Arizona, I'll think w e'll have beaten a pretty good footbaJI team .'' The Bruins. who are 4-0. were listed Monday as ltl-poml favorites over Arizona, w hich has a 1-1 Pac-10 record and a 1-2 overall mark. The Wildcats were idle last weekend, meaning they will have had two full weeks to pre pare for UCLA. ln terms of preparation, t he Arizona defense figures to have its ha nds full. The Bruins, who rolled ove r Colorado 34-6 last Saturday. have scort.'d 157 points in their four games. UCLA, which traveled for its last three games, wilJ play five of its final seven games at the• Rose .Bowl, starting this week. All are Pac-10 affairs. llAIH llTICll DERRYBERRY IDA M. DERRYBERRY. resJdent of Fullerton. CA. Palled away OcL 3. S he is aurvived by her 10n Willulm Derryberry, grandchildren Carolyn and navld, sisters Celia Atlas, Myrtle Downey ' and J en ni e Lesse r . Graveside services w ill be hell:S Tues .• Oct. 5, at l lAM al the Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Memor ial Park in Costa Mesa. Cantor Eli H. Cohn officiating of Temple Beth Tikvah, services under the direct ion o f Harbor Lawn -M ou nt Olive Mortuary, 540-5554 .. ISRAEL LEONAR D I S RAEL, M.O. Resident of Santa Ana, ' passed away Oct. 4, he is survived by h is c hildren Leslie and Leonard Israel. Il Adopted 10n Jason 8 . lvael, 1i1ters Marlon Ne wman. Toby Israel. Lillian Rosen . brothers Arthur, Dr. Walter. and Dr. Bernard Israel. He has been in practice since 1943, both ln New York and Orange Co. Prior to h is retirement he had been on the staff of aeveral Orange Co. Med.it-al Centers. He is a .mambe r of the American A ca dem y o f Fam ily Physicia ns. a c harter member of the American Infertility Society and a charter member of T emple Beth Sholom of Orange Co. •' I rACWte YllW ..-..o .. .u, ... Cemetery Mo rtuatY Chapel-Crematory 3600 Pactltc Vt~ Drove NewPOtt Beach 644-2700 .. MtCOllMICll MOllTUAaetS Laouna Beach • '49'4·9.415 La<>una Hills 768--0933 San Juan Capistrano 4~1776 NAMOlt LA W'6-lir'T. Ot.JYI Mortuary • Cemetery Cre!TI9 tory 1625 Gisler A ve CostaMeu 540-555.4 ,_ClllO.,,_S -.a.llOADWAY MOttTUAllY 110 8folldway COIUMesa &42-9150 IALTZ ... OM SMl!N&MMU WllTCl.lllf CHAPIL 427 E 1701 St eo. .. Meta 840371 Graveside serv1res will ~ held Wed. Oct 6. at lPM. at the Harbor L;iwn-Mo unl Olive Memorial Park. Costa Mesa. Rabbis Frank Stern and R o b ert Bergman officiating. Services unde r the dire ction o f Harhor Lawn -M o unt Olive Mortuary. 540-5554 HOLDER T HERESA BEATRIC E HOLDER. resident of El Toro, passed away Oct. 2 at her home. She is survived by her sister Ouida Connally of El Toro. Private Camtly services were conducted by Bain Bergeron-Srrulh and Tuthill Mortuary or Costa Mesa. 646-9371 VEITCH H ELEN H V E ITC H . re11d ent of Costa Mesa P&S3ed away ON 2. She LS survived by her son Vincent o f Costa M esa Private famil y servic es we r e c o ndu cted und e r th e dlr~tion of Harb-Or Lawn Mortuary of Costa Mesa 540-5554 Pt.B.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllMHS NAME ITAT ... NT The lollowtng pe<ton •• oorng bust,_• as FLAMINGO 3622 West 5111 S1t-. Sat1te Aflt. 92703 A<IOllo Acotte . .ieo1 West 6th SffN I, S•nta Ana. Cel1l0tnte 92703 Thia buSlnell I• conducte<I by •n lndMduel AdOllO Acoltl Thia atatemenr was 1111<1 with 1111 Coonty Cleft< ol Or•nge County on Oc1 I, 1982 ""' Ft•717 Publtshad Oreno• Cout 0111y Pilot. Oct 5. 12 19, 26. 11182 4376-82 Pt.B.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI IUSMH NAME ITA~NT The lollowlng Pf'IOM ere OOing Ou*-... oec ASSOCIATES. 1201 w .... \/eta Aven.,., Sult• 600. O•enge, Ca 92"8 William E Olt«mlllet, Jr . 833 Lido Plfk Wey, Unit D-1, fllewpor\ Beech. Ca, 112183 8111 l er 6 CICtfO, lno (a C•llfornte corporatlonl, 2000 Newport BoullYlfd, Co111 M11a. Ce 92127 Thlll bull-•• condvc:11d l>y • gen« .. pen,.,.,lhlp BAXTER l CICERO, INC Henf'f P ttteye<. Genel'el ManlQ« Thia 1191-t wu ftll<I wllh tht County Ci.ot of Orttn9f County on September 14, 1N2 '""" JACKION, ICIDOP a IUCIUJNO -..,.,. CeMer Of,, • t4,4 ....,_, ....... CA .... PublltMcl °'tllOt COH1 Delly Pllol 0c1 6, 12. 19. 2e. 1ee2 437<1-82 rt.a.IC llOTIC£ '9CTIT10Ue --·· NAMI ltATI...,. Tht followlng oerton 11 doing l>Vtllltll -l l.llOANT ENTAIES·WHT, 1112 .IMSe A--. lalbOa ltltnd, CellfOfflla ttel2 LM~, I 12 .lede A"9fl\lt. ---.~111·•-~ lllll ~ .. ~ed l>y.., lndMcMI. Lara .... Thll llMemlftt wM llltd With Ille eounty Cltorll Of Of •not Covn1y on ~1.1tu. '1'1141 1'11tllttled Olano• CoHt Dally Ho\, C>e1 8, 12, 11, M. 1M2 4332·12 PWLIC NOllCl NOTICI INYlllMO liCJ1 No11c• I• h•••by gly .. , thal lhw llott d OI l r u•ta•• 01 th• Co•11 Comm1rn11y OOlltU• Ola1r 101 ol O!lflQ• Oou11ty, 011t1or11I• will ltCllYt IHltd bltU 1111 10 I I 00, fttuoeday, 0clob4tf a I, 10112 •I tt1a l'u"hHlng 01p1111n1111 ot .. ,a ~oll1g1 d1t11 1c;1 loc;alwd wt t 3 70 All"'" AYl nu• Co111 MIU C1111rorn••. •I Wlltc;ll 11"'9 H IO bhfl -MU tit p..btlGly o~ and •Hd '°' Pf\INTINQ ANO 61N0 1NCl 8PAIN0 Cl ASS SCH l>UI [. OOLOCN We&T COLl 1!0£ AN Oi<lt "' 10 bl Ill llCGOfdanC)41 w1111 1111 Bid rOlm ln1truc;t1on• and CO•IOlllO<lt .,.., 61>0CtliClllOfll WlllC.h 111 now In fill trld may IMt HCu•o4 In t™t oHl(.e ol th• Purch1smg Agt111t Of Mid COiiege Oltlrl(I • Eac:h bidder n11,11t 1utirn11 "'"h 1111 btd • c1ahter'1 UhtCk, Clllltled onook, or bid Iler 1 b(lrl<I made PIYll>le 10 tho O<dt< OI 11\11 CODll Community COlltlQe Ot1trl(.t Boo11d ol I 1u11 .. J1 In an amount rlOt 1t11 m1111 love percent 16%1 or 'Wie aum 1>10 ... gu1ten1oe ltlat tho blddlr wi ll enter Into the poopo••o Contract II tho ume II awarded to htrn In tho ovonl oJ la1lure 10 1011r trlfO 1uch conlrllGI, tho proceed• ol me check wtll bo lorlelled. or 10 11111 c• .. 01 a bond, Ille lull wm ttiereot wm be tor llotaa to u10 collelJ" dlllrlCI NO blOOOf ""'Y Wltl\Oraw h•• b•O tor e pertoo 101 lorty llVlt (<15) oay• 111111 tho date llUI !Or the openrn(I lheteol fht Board ol I ruslOCIS reservea the prlvolege or n11ect111g ony and 1111 bldl Ot to werve any orro0ult1rl11os or 1nlorm•lt11111 tn any bid or rn Ille 111001no I~ NORMAN E WATSON Soctelary. • Bo1rd ol T rut•ue• Coast Commu1111v Collt>ge 01tlroct Publlsheo Ordnge Coaat Oaolv Pilot Oct 5. 12 1992 <1380-82 1'18.IC NOTICE IUHRIOR COURT OF THE ITATE OF CALIFOftNIA COUNTY OP ORANOE 700 CMc Conte< Otln WHl ..,, .. Ana. CA 1701 PLAINTIFF LEONARD KLEEGER GUSSIE l<LEEGER. HARRIS GOLDMAN ROBERT FOOTE, JEAN RINGLAND and JOHN SEITZ, TRUSTl;ES FOR SEITZ-ROBISON EMPU:1YEE PROFIT SHARING PLAN , AAYMON O JENSE N , ELIZABETH JEN SEN. PAUl BECKLEY JEAN BECKLEY, llEANON SPtTALEAI MARJORIE SPITALERI, CARTER McOONALO, MARIAN McDONALD on<I JOSEPH GAISAY, TRUSlEE tor GRISAY FAMILY TRUST, versu• DEFEND AN T DONALD M SUTHERLAND, LAWRENCE A LElllNSON, LEON H LElltNSON. PHYLLIS TAYLOR , J AYNE KAVLtCH LIZ SAURWEI N BARBARA lOMPKINS HELEN DEIR, H THOMAS MARSTON TAMBLYN C SMITH, PAUL OE OUATfRO, PATAICl4. 0 NEIL, ALAN GEtSLER, JAMES MOOS, J A WE STHOFr WESTHOFF CORPORATION 1 C1111orn1a corporatoon RAMBLEWOOO. a Cahl0tn1a Lrmlted Plfl<*lhlp, FAA WEST S AlltNGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION, a C1lrl orn1• corpotatoon. and DOES I th<ough SO. rnctua;ve I UMMONI CASENUMaEft~ NOTICEI You hewe bean •ued. The cowt meJ ct.clde ... lnal rou wlthou1 ,_ ""'9 heatd ""'9•• JOU t.apond within 30 dere. ft•ed the lnfotmetlon be6ow. AVISOI U e l ed II• •l d o d•m•ndedo. II 1rtb11n•I p11ed• decldlf contra Ud. •In ~ • -que Ud. raeponde danl<o di to dlee. LN la lnf'tnftlldon que tlfue. II )'OU W\Sh 10 Melt the 1<1voc.e ol an ettornay rn 1n11 melle<. you llhoul<I oo IO promptly ao 11111 your wrillen reapon ... ti any may ba hll<I on time SI Usted daua 1011crtar el conatjo do un ebogedo on este a1un10. Cleber l • hecer lo 1nme<11a1emente. di ••I• mtnafe, ... ·~a MCtite, .. hay elgun•. po...ae -rtglSlred• e tiempo I TO THE OEFENOANT A CIV~ complaint hes betn 11110 by the p11lntllf egalnst you 11 you ..Jan to <lefend thll lawsuit. you mull, within 30 days afler this 1ummon1 11 Mrved on you. 1111 wtlh 11111 court a -111en <9190f\M lo t™t complaint UnllU YoU oo eo. yOUt <lehwll wlll be 1n11<1<1 on eppltcalion of lh• p11onulf. Ind tlld court mey ..,,., • )OOornentegariNl)'OUIO<t~r~~ Oemen<leO In the complllnl. Wl11Ch could reaull In garnishment ol weges, teklng ot money Of p<operly or other relief ••queattd In 1111 CO<nplarnl OA TEO Octobet 20, 11181 LEE A BRANCH Cletti By. SHARON KUPKA Deputy IAU. a HE*"V ftoben IC. hll 25231 ,_ De Allele, l111t1 211 Lee-Hlh, CA t2N3 T.C: (7f4) ..._.. Pubtl&hed Oreno• Coesl D••ty Piiot Oct 5 12 19, 26 1982 4372·82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOVI IUllNHS NAME STATEMENT The lollowtng perton ts oorno t>u•ness H SONYA'S DRESSMAKING t A LTER A TIO N ANO ORY CLEANING 1887 Patk Avenue Cotta Mesa, Cet1f0tn1a 112627 Suna Klremu. 17842 WebsteL Irvine, Calll0tnla 92714 Thll buaU>eu •• conducted by an 1n<11vooual Suna K1ttmlf Thie llllerntnl wa.t folt<I with Int Couroty Cle<k or Oranoe County on OctOOO< '· 1982 Fttlnl Publl1hed Orenoe Coul Oelly Piiot, Oct 5, 12, 19, 28, 11182 <1333·82 NlUC NOTICE FICTI'TIOUI IU ... 11 NANI ITATIMENT Tile lollowlng pettof'll are Oc>lng t>valnest 11. PACIFIC COAST POTTERY, 218'J'r C.011 Street, ~port Beac;h, CeJllQfnle 92183 ..• .,, Di ni Sm•th Oenlllly, 21''' Ceotr St•eet. N1wpo11 Beach Ct lllOfnta t2e&3 Arlhur Witt, 7578 Qlbrallor. Cerlabe<I, Ctlll0tn•• 112008 Scott 1'111ton Oenttlly, 2 t8'J'r Cedar Street. Newpoll e .. cn, C1llf0fnl1 112083 Thia bulllnffl 11 conducted t)y • 1>tf1411•1 par1ne11111p Dana Oentllly TNt 1111-1 WH lllecl with the Co\l(lty C1tt11 or Or ttn9f Counly on Oc10ber I, 1982 FtM711 Publlahed Or1no• COHI Oally Piiot, Oct 6, 12. 10, 2&, 1982 4378·12 PWLIC NOTIC£ '9CTl110UI .,.... .. NAMI IT A .,._NT Th• followlno ptiton 11 doing butlMM•: YUMMl!S, 200-0 Elden Avenue. Cotta MeM CA US27 SuHn Emlll• Plt10 H . 1220 P11k H•wport • 2 I"· Htwoort t.wl. CA t2MO. flllt ~· 11 eonclucttd 1>y 111 lndtvktutl. luun Plttote Thll 1te1emen1 wit llled wllh tilt Count~ CWk ol OltnOt co~mly on e.c>t 10, 1H2. ,,.,,. Put>ll•lltd Oreno• COHI Delly Piiot. ltpt 14, 111, H , C>et 6, 1H2 40A4 ·12 MllC NOTICC MN·lll llt NO'flCE Of' D~ATll 0 ... KATHLEEN HASKINS, all• KATHLEEN DKLAN~Y HA S KIN S ANU OF PETITION TO AOMINIS'rER ESTATE NO. A·llU lt.. Tu 1&11 hl'll a. l>o·nl'ht111m ... t'rt•dllnr nnrl t•o nllnjt•nt ,. rt· rl l tor N u f K 11 I h I"<· n l11uk l11w untl 1Jl'l'lltin11 whu muy IX! Olht•I WIM.• tnlc!f\•lllll'li 111 tht• will 11nrl/or t•11ww. A f.l4•llt11111 hu. IJt>t•n (111-d by Uonnil' S hl•I mun untl l>urut hy S (•taor1•k 111 tht• Su1wr1or Court uf Or nnict· Cnu tH y rc•q u"1ll I nl{ t h u l ll1111111l• .Sh(•1 m11n 11nt.I U or u l h y SI' 111 n rt' k u l' 1q 1po1 n t1·1i UN .H'rll•HHJI n •pr1·M'nwllvl' tu atl1111n.'(h•r l h t• l'!l tut" 11( K o1hlt•1•n H u 11 k 1 n 11 ( ~ n ti 1· r l h l' ln<l1·1x•111h•nt Adrn1r1111t1 u11un o( l':,.tJllc'll At·t) Tht• pt•tltlnn 1s !ll'I fut hct1r1n~ Ill Dt•pt Nu 3 .11 700 <:1vu· C.:1·11h•t Urivt:, W~t. 1n tht• <:11y of Santa Ana, Cuh furnia on Ol:lol.Jt.·r 27, Hlfl2 al 9.30 a.m IF YOU OBJE<.:'I' to thl• grununK of thl• pl'lit1un, yull should "1thl'r a1>1>N11 at 1h1· hcar111g unt.I stat" your ObJCl'tlOIU or file Wl'lllCrl IJlJjl'l'lllJnS Wtth lhl' l'OUfl befon· th" hcanng Your appc•ar lllll'l' muy Ix· in person or by your Ull<>rrwy. Ir YOU AHE /\ CHEDITOH or u l'Ontingt-nt 1n.<J1 Lor of the dec.'t'a.sed, you must file• your claim w1lh ltw l'OUrt or pres1•nt 1l to thl• p•·ri.onal n•pn•1wntauv1· uppotntcd by t he t•o u rt within four months from thl· dutt-of f1rsl 1i.s uann• of INters dS prov1dL'<i m Secuon 700 or the Probate Code of Cullforn ta The· lime for filtng da1ms w ill nol expir" prior to four months from the datl• o l th" h('orin8 nottt•t'tl above YOU Ml\ Y EXAM INF. tht• file· krpt by thl• l"url H you an• 111ll·rc•i:.t1:d tn tht· t'Sllilt'. you may file a request with lhl• t·ourt lo rct'l.'tvc s peeta l nol 1l't' o f the· 1n11l'ntory of t•stat" assets and u ( the pl'llllons. uct'Ounts and n •port:. dei.tribt•d 111 S (' C t I 0 n 1 2 0 0 0 { l h l' Cahfornta Probaw Code Th orpe . S u l l iva n , Workman and Thor/'-'· Allorneys at Law, 00 Wilshire Blvd .• 4\h F loor, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia 90017. ltlll 680·9940 Puhti"h' iJ Or .. t1tie• t'u .... 1 U .. ilv l 'rk11 tJ>.1 , 11 1.t llllll 1~711 11: Ml.IC NOTICE SUPERIOR COUftT OF Tl4E STATE OF CAUFOftNIA FOR THE COUMTY OF OflAMOE Ho. A1t52M ORO£ft TO SHOW CAUSE fOR CHANOf: OF NAME c.c.P. , 12771 In tl>e Mall., of 1111 AppllUtlOfl ot CLAAON RICHARD NELSON ano MELBA LORIE NELSON tor Cfllll\OI ol Neme WHEREt<S. pet1tione1s CLARON AICHARO" NELSON ano MELBA LORIE NELSON heve filed • petition with Int Cltfll Of lhos Court 101 1n ores.< changing pet111oners names lrom CLARON RICHARD NELSON and M ELBA LORIE NELSON to RICHARD CLARON NELSON ano LORI M ELBA NELSON, IT IS OAOEAEO the! •II person• 1nl•raated on th• ebove-enlllleo melt11< 1ppe11 balO<e tt111 Cou'1 11 10 30 A M on No11omb0f 10. 1982 In lhe courffoom ol Deportment No 3. et the Courthouse loceloO •I 700 C1v1C Cenltlf Orrve WHI Senta Ana Calllornla 1n<1 snow cause. 11 any why Ille Pet•t•on For Chenge of Name lh<Julo not bl g< anled. IT IS FURTHER OROEAEO that e copy ot th•s O<Oer to Show CauM 1>e publtshoO 1n the COST A MESA DAILY PILOT, 11 newapap11r ol general c;orcutatron printed on Orllfl98 Coonly C1lll0tn1a, onca • week IO< lour aucce111v1 weeks P•IO< 10 tnt date Mt tor 11111ino on the petotoon OA TEO Octobet I 1982 FRANK OOMENICHINt Juoge 01 the SupetrOI Courl ftOIERT L. IACHMAN Atton1ey et Law P.O. lox C-11621 2't 1 Ctmpv• Ott .. lrvlM, Cetltornla t271' T~ (714) 151·520t Pu1>1ist1eo Or1ng1 Co111 Oatly Pilot Oct 5 t:>. Ill, 26. 11182 "373-82 NlllC NOTICE K-4>1ta IUHAt<>fl COURT OF ntE ITATE Of' CAL•OMtA FO" THI COUNTY Of LOI AHOILH 1 '1 N. Hiii llrHt. LOI Allfe .... CA IOOt2 PLAINTIFF COMMUNIT'V BANK, a Ce11!0tnla CQf POI 11 IOn OEFENOANT JOHN J KULIKOFF Oba J J KULIKOFF COMPANY, an<I OOES 1 th<OUOh 10. 1ne1ut111e IUtlllMONI CASE MUM9E" C'4t117 NOTICll You hHe ~n 1\IH. The oourt me, d9oldl ..._. rou wlltwMll y-beM9 hMrct ""'9M J041 reepond wtttlln M 11er-. RMd the klfofm .. loft below. II )'OU wish 10 teetl Ille ectvtce Of en 1t1o<n1y tn lhla m•lltr. you ll'lould do to prompUy so lhtl your wrlllen rHponto, II 1ny. may lie 1111<1 on 11me AYllOI Utl ad lie tld o dem1nd1do. I I trlbunel p11ede dee.., otntre Ud. eln oMldhMle I -.,e Ud. ,.......-. dertlro • ao dlae. L .. 1e m~ecloft .,_ eloue. ~· Ustod dHH I OllCll•• •I conH IO de un 11bog11do en este 1•11n10. deborl1 heC•rlO 1nmed1111mon1e. d• ell• m1ntr1, tu '"~" tterlt1, Ill hey algun•. po...ae .., reo1•1recs1 • 11empo 1 TO THI! OEFENOANf A t:MI compl11nt htt t>ffn lllad by 1111 plalnllll llQltnat you II you wtll'I 10 a.find lhll lawtuil, you mull, within H d1yt 11111 thlt tummona 11 tttVl<I on you. filed with 11111 ooun 1 wfUltn IHPOflM 10 Ille complaint Unltet you do tO. your delt\111 wtll De t nttftd on eppllc1llOI\ of tile pt•lnlltl. 11\d 11111 t:ollf'1 11'19)' tnl« • Ju<lorn«t1 fQlfflll you lor Ille rtlitf demtncltd r,, 11111 complaint. Wfllcf\ could rttull In g.,nl1hmen1 01 WllQl9, II.king Of money Of pt()j)ttty or olh•r relltl 1equ111eo In 1lie oomplllnt OA TIO: Octoo.t 10, '980 JoM J C0<oor111, County Cltrtl By V. L ltnllll, f'()MN, =~TIU. a OUl"T A,,,, ......... C-..rMlefl ,., c...,, ,.,. .... ~"'?~~ Publ llfteCI Orenot COHI Dally Ptlol, Oc:1 t . 12. 10. ff. IH2 4371·'2 I ' 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Orange Co111t DAii. Y PILOT /luusday, October &. 1982 Q ~ lllllfllD 4.~-.,,,..,.. Cet root W(alN«•o• ..... ,.,_ ,..,...,.,.. ... aor ... a .. -.• Tr•"d' $(1Y1(($ ~~· °''""°'> EllPlOYMlltT l mrUATION IWlOI• tMtrwo• J•wr•..t~· ... ~ .. ,.,. MCICllANllSE (,., • .., s,..,. ~'t:n ~ ..... -::?:.':: ..... , •••• c.-.... (;4 .. ,_ .. °"" ~ ......... ..-~ ,. .. ~v ... --· c ..... a.. .. ---G-• ,,...,..,, t..Y .. 100 .. __ , ........ ~~ ... """"" ....... •"•'"" MVMC:U IMtnt""'ftU °"'" l'ltr•• ~"'' ..... :=t.~e:. ~~°=':__. ••. r.·r ....... ,., *''" IOATS l MAllM£ EIWMOn t I 11111'1 " Ila.I IOM tli)rl '"" llQI II* to.I ..... ICIOO ,., IQl't I .. 1070 11111 1..i IOI' tr• '* 1100 IM l'QI me 14611 l'IOO JIOO IYQO ,...., IOOAL ltOUllHO Ol'POAlUHITY P1tllll1hr'1 lttltt1 All <HI Hiett adveru1e<1 In 1hts newepaper It 1ubjec1 10 1he Federal Fair Housing ACI Of 19&9 which maket 11 Illegal to advorhse "eny prelar8"1· co. llmllallon or dlllCtlml· 11a11on baaed on race. color. r.ellglon. ltlt or netlonal origin. or any 1n111nUon to make any 1uch pteference, llmUa· uon °' dl11Crlmtnt11on Thll n-spaper wlll no1 k now1ngly acc;ept 1ir1y 11dvert1slng lor real ea••· te which I& tn vlolallon ol tile law = ---------•1 rn• ZD UlO ,. UQO UlO -null -Z* EIUIHS1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e di ate 1 y The DAILY PILOT as- ~ su mes liability for !: the first incorrect ...... ,., ,,,, .......••.••••.......• ,,.,,,, • IOIZ C.•11•1 1111 ..............••.•.....••...•.••..•.....•••• Liii llLI 11•11 Prlml• Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 6'~ bath L8ti L.R . 2 be.Hit •Upt $1.~00.000. R.·moch-11-d 3 hdrm, 2 bath .+ !Jtrg~ n!C rm hc•am t't•lling.'l, rurnuchc.'<l. patios. $420,000 PElllllU H•I Ovt•un & Jl'llY view•. M1&rint! room, • bdnn, 3 buth, 3700 "'t fl. $1 ,385,000. Ol.-eanfront. LlllA llLE UYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat ahp. Now $1,000.000 llYlllE PUCE Spectac:ular bayfront dphc 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat spaces. Reduced-$1,500,000 flllllllll UICI New 4 br. 4 '11 ba, <·ust.om French Normandy Elltate I 2 prlml• acre hillwp $1,250,000. &Vllll Fee stmpll' cottage on quiet Descaruo St. (111 FlaUi) $145,000. 011111111 CHI Coronado lllland cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )41 Boy\odf' D• ••. '• B I)/~ ~· ~ = insertion only. ,._ ______ _ ~:---------·BRANO :1Ew "Heart ol ,. = Hl•HI /er S.Je Orange County" Town. llOO •••• •••. • •• •••• ••• •••. homes • Luxury 3 borm = IHI lll•I• homes bt1utllully de· ttt..o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S'Oned qualny built • and rnoi G.all•I JOOZ llnancong now thet you •llYFIHT• lllT SLIP "ll lllU 1·1 o• •••••••••••••••••••••• just won·1 behevel Cell 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm • 2 t:lllh NOW AEOUCEO TO $4811,0001 ~ LlmE IOWI now Brendywyne Pro-!: petlles II, 531-9670. "'' lllYllml := •OYEI YOI II ,..., ,,.. ·~ --Very Nleable home ne11 South Cont Plaza 4 Bdtnr or 3 Bdrm and l0tm11 dining end l1m1ly room Covered patio, apa, 8 '1r% GI. flrtt TO Low down 1nd lhe OWnilr will carry. 0111 548·2313 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For ou1 new reguler weekly feature IOIT SHOW- ClSE -Every Seturday In the O•llr Pllo1 Clualtl.01 ~1 .... 1\11110 .... "'" "'" ----= ------llfll ---· --.., -.., ---- THE REAL ESTATERS I•••· 2100 ~.Ft. ttflct • 1200 ~. Ft. h Let 1201120. UH,000 * MHA YElllE On the 0 011 course Cualom beeutllul 3 Bdrm nome. m any, m eny u · tru $279.500 with IO"A .... oown owner wlll ca1ry 11 : 12'•% 1nteret1 : l•r McCar41e, Rttr. :!1~~~·~4~1~l~l~2·~~ - Wt feel thlt le the bell income propertr t>uy in COfona def Mtf Well lo- caled rental unite lull • It• blot:kt from lht 1>9eeh Correnlly ••ming $1450 per mo.~ will nnence •I 12~~ lnl«MI. Rtductd lo tu11 1229. 000 You don't need •gun 10 IEALTll/twlEl "drew l ul" when you~~·~·l~l~·~l~11~l~·~~ place an ed In the Delly r: Pilot Wenl Adsl Call "°"" Sell Idle Items I 042-5&78 LIDO WATEAFAONT AEDUCEDl owner wlll ..... fCH l:2000 P8f monttl Of ..... 1opt1on °' ... ,tor 1541,000. s.cuntr b1d9 -1!!1 2 bdrm and cMn on OM .. vel Beeutlf11t yi.w. boet allp eveHebM. \.\A Tl RI RO'\ 1 lto"'11 "I '" Ill \I lttll .. 24'."lft ' ·-·· ... , ,,.,_ ........ .. 131-1400 TAR GA'ZEK·~ -'-'""-"-.----91 C.UT J l'OllAN ~ ::-;.~. ::: ~ ~ To d•••IOO m.«009• tof T...ndoy, f.ad~C.Of'f"~""'QtO~ ol """' lod.ot "'"" ...... ,, ............. ..... ...... \olC..•• ,, ..... ·-"""" •C.-· ... ....... ... ., .... . ., .. .... .. ._..,, .-\ .... _ .. .... ..... ...... ...... ' .. ..__ ,, t llli(. ,,. UC>'• ,..,.., .... .. c... .. ...... ,,.....,\ w<.,._.,.,. ... .... .. .,. ... _ .... ... ..... .,,......,,. .,.~ ........... ....... .... ~ 11• 1• ,,_ IJU--.. ,._ .,_ ... _ ,, .... ._., .. _ .... _ •• l !ifit-• 11~ H ft ...~ ~· ... ...... ,, ... ....... ••• .......... .. (,;Nc..,.J '=~=~ sc<:~~~-"£~s· -···QA•.~ ··-·-....... ol.... ........... '°"' .... ~led -o. ... ( • tow 1o '°''" 1-._.. -d• I I WETSOB 11 . I I' I I I . I ( I MET SO , 1 , . 11 I' I I . .... •••• I I 8 U T I C I ! t troed lo ••Pl••n to my I 14 I I ;: youngsttr tt111 hr1wor111 wtre . • . . ,. 11119•1 HI thOuQhl tlllt WH 1mp1otia1>1e ••net we had so I S A 0 8 E E I m•nv ·-. '"-1-... r.-..1-... 1--1-o ;."7.:::: ~~ .. ~ ·= ..___._~_ ........ ....__.___, -.,... ..... ,,_ -.... , ....... • 'llNI N\NIU(O ll 1111$ IN '"!$! soy.ou r r r r r 1 6 VNKU.MIH "'fl011£ tlll(t~ 10 Ofl "'N$WIJ Classified works for you when you I I I I I I want to .. _,. ... l ffl)ufu lot Silt c,.nt111/ I 1002 Real Estate -the Co1T1plete Orange Coast Market Place I !~O.~!!!. ~0.' •. ~'.f.t .... ~I ~o.~~!! .~".' .. ~ .. '.'· ...... j~o.~!!! .~~!~!!~!.~ ... . f!!!~.~!!~ ...... !.~~~ ~"!!f~!!.~!!!~ ... !.~~! ••:oj 3 01 FRUIT lRUS llUFfS IARHll •••• !~.!!~!! ...... .'... 1 .. 11111 "" """ wtlh ,. Ull1t11 l111ylto11t wflJt~ II 1 1 n 11, 1 , '" I\ r "111 Y11u <1w1l Ill• Ito tel I UU\I $4UllO 1110 yrl~ 01 'J01X1 It ·~'"' u • lu ••11t1folly •ct U JUt fllrh 'tu '1 • ~1111tu Avnll IOI I It,"'"" 1 ,1111 ,,.., Teo·""' 111 w11h• <,11•011111)11 ll•IUI J,lt PllOPEllTY I' 111u St tt 111 "f'fllt•t 11•111 IH.1'11 I .tr boluw """'"'I .. alll"E .. EllT S 1 1 '1()<1 • 1111 !I 111 " 110 Sl4 '• 110U Will lwu~u up ''"' • • """ u~. """' o 1.l<1 lll-1ll3 .~l : .. IL/·1lh•11 RIAll Y I INVl llMUNrl HARIOR VIEW Ho.HI U•lu11.J1ll1' H1ui11 U•l•t•l•h' 'AHtl•Hll fi11•/d1'IA•11l•l•l1 fu•/1111, A1t1tl•1•l1 :A111t•1•l1 .•.•......•.....•.•..••••....•...•..•.••••.•• ,-•••••••••••••..•••••• ,-•.•••••••• ,......... U•l•t•JJtd. I ., u I J • ' Co1t1 N 111 3224 £11,11111 l 11e• 3Z4111111101 /du' 3101 N1w111t l11tll 3161 ;.········ ,, ••••••• , •••• '!.~!~.!.! ••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • "''''' 11111 3114 / • r .1~1~11ln l '" I 1111 w .. , ... ,., Dlllltll Qllll & l IK( N(W 3 bl.I ii bl Vil LA BAI BOA Clf'Utllllly •••••••••••••••••••••• Huat ,,,,,. ~ 111, .. ~ to•llt • \'llt~ r11dwooel ') U• :!', Oo lrpl<. Pollo btlQ wlk lfl 111111 C.:.1111<10 2 l>d w1tl-. I E l11d 3140 11111~ tul 11.11 <I llO Aul 11111 rm & 11uay, not tub UC.It S600fn•o ft7~1~!.lllJ 1 u bch pn0 1 '>l1t• • W LUllllY 001111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 I & • P 11 I I 4 0 0 :i 1,, 2 bl / t1omH lr <im 'i~'I H O!> ••• Ph1H Opt•td I IJr ~ blk• trom b9.c;n \/"1.,,;,,1~1 ''1''' c.Jr I••• 1114 /ti H 0066 l'.vH Utty A,,..,, 11ow 611'1<1 mu l ttlgfl :i'bf built "" g Oil All flttr PllH ~"113i::~~ IJ ~:a"•'• 1311> 1;4.' l IJ4 4111 10 70 160 llJl7 • "~" 1111p1 10 '"net Walk tt IC Pl111 ,.. 11111•1 I,.. I ,1•1 '>'lll• l till l L11.ua1 lll1,u1/ JZSZ Nuw J t><J I hu Winier 'n O/yrly or J~OO "'"'' "i hr t t111 ~ Olk• lrom '"' "II hulry •• ••••••• ••••••••••• n II fl ' a I l 0 Ju I y fl '" l;t 13) 4•6 9220 (,• 1.1) I I, pie. 11111011111 r runch btmt n UoPllr 111 C!PI• No , .. ,., h:J I ·~11· ec11 1e1w11, puol. grcl'CI $!1:i:i11110 11 .. 1. Cjtl l'Ult ., 7 4 11 '9 9 (" I 'JI w1111lr1wl1 ill horno llOCll fll!l l $4(1'., Incl u lll• Ml ~.A Vt lllH I 1111 lhJll, 83 I ''03 V111~111llo<1 m1111 1 Ur 011 "''I W1Ulll!r & dryttf Al•o ltv/111 3144 19fi-.'.•1 1 ~.'.'!~.~~!~! ...... !.0J~ -~lmH'lr.~i!S~··--!lll!iiifl~-~:11'~ 111••1·1 I !\It fpf< ytl Shit l'.1y I lll~lll\I CU•h II ,,,u.n• in 4ht wtth 11vt11 •'•II 0110 In 1111g1011lt1" 11111n1ll AIJI tH MA~ "' 'n' W11•111r llt111111t I gr ') 011. 1 1111 ltpt """" Wf!l Vu• y • tn,lfl ~9!,011110 !100 w ••• 1 <.>1-011111 1 ru111. <...1111 1, 1'1 'i011b ur 11\J( ·.107U 2 ldrm House gt1l1t. 3 bd 2 1>11. lff1m11c &:/~ 72,.6 44tl 47!>0 I 111y b<ltflt A 11vo10 ufltls (213)'43<1 81 '48 'I trpl / b11 11111 11urn11 /11/ilioo V/ilo 326l l1/bo1 t1Jurt 1111 ,,11111111, 1111111 1111 t 1>v1 c..lub w/1er11111 ••••••••• ••••••••••••• ""1 w111111 tJIJ Stl~O No •••••••••••"·••••••••• P1ain1u/1 3101 "" 111 It $ '> 4 ,, / rn '' 'Is gym •wtmm1no V1tla•"l•nc.ho Sa11 Jo11 P" "' 5 !r 1 '• O .I ' 111 r OWNllOML :I bd 2 bu • • •• ••• • •• •• •• • •••• • • • ;i 1 316 ij 7 '.I 1 I.I i' 1111 f ~ I""''" I"' uu1s ~ lb11no, ''""' I hll11nfcten. •elftg .•11 '41111 lti';f, Bo~ldft pu11< 11c..110011. W111tor H1111lut J !Jr p, _.111-up •,•JOO lluoultlully detoraloll 1111 t 1o w1a 11o wblhllfl * £XQUl\llf • · ti11 I I 1 ' ', I • lit Id I ,t ~I! h J II) l1v ~IL .l"I Waterfront Hom H Inc. &Jl-1400 lltl 11 •1 OWi '1 'f • flll M 'II' A 4•1f .if Ill Huntington Stub 1040 ········•········•···· CLOSf TO OCUlt ., ' ... , 1 "'""'~ , ; tJtl t I tf V '' I UV\ 'y1l•lf ! lfUt flfl I itl Uhl1pH1 t 1 ''" 11pp1w 1 tlll•ll II fl "" "''' Wt• ,, IV•' '; h 11111 , If )hHd ftud\ fl ~Ult , IM lttlJH t • llll) Huntington Harbour 1042 * REOUCED $14,000• tnlrtll ltu1 fq h l t. .u I" '1 /K '" I J ... low J 11 $IS'• (I (I I) I• II t.!1 ' 1 t 1f Wl..ntJ• "'4'-'tt,-. dft "" fl !!".All I!~ I lllHIO 1 f, t tJ,1 '5lllllht•tf. ti' ' utf ¥uht••fr1Utuot1 I 1\.ll •,•rl ••11111t1'11•, d1;,I tticS1tttJ fH10ll •1l1fl IP fh UWllfH $'Ui 1fOU •• ~,11n1 tlil•• '; UhJr..a I 4. &14'1 ATTN: lltYESTORS th•wp.:Ht .H:tr 21# tht '111 I I ct $7 11 000 tPH.tf'r nl.11k111 .1t $:•~''l OUO P11 V1llt• p.trt)' "'"" tP&.th " " I y 11 b ,l I l tlJ ~Jl1 ll/lld l•llll> TEAR DOWN (H•Wp\ f I MfltQht'l l(trQh li1t 7tlf Pt tC.Hd If' SttU $14/ O<JO JOttl' Wciltu• l.'.l I 126G \fnOtrno GT"I 4.'4 I 11\'>f',llH l 1111 .' 1111 11111 .!l.~'!~.~!.·.~~ ... t.J.~~ P•111I (..Uvur•~tJ ~utto t6 1 S 1, •ut. tlUftltt w 11uuh11t Cl kit nw (.tlJl<t 4hlllf•H ffU tint k t hlk .. lo \lt•,o fltU !,,AS b'JOtJ t • h V'J ft I u t I t!»t •.ICJ'-' :• t>tJ tu1rr1t.t :'11 f'llo {)!J~/ 11 pl \jJI f lll.11 yr\l $/•,u 1uo t S•1<u111y tt•.t 1040 11!0 '""' I )1 ... ,,, VlllW I Hf • '"I 'l"I '1;,iou1r110 "" •'l'I 'iJ(J4 4\l'l 482' t., ,,.,,, ft u1tt Miun Ben ? Ur 11111 t 1111110 111 trop1 • .11ty ldllll""lPOcl lite.lg \OOUf llln 111<;1 ul tl IS '''"•"I t. ~'"· Call alt Jµrfl 497 1;1!26 Ol l ANF HON 1 '} t;t11111 I II .1 t 7 0 0 m o B 1 ti C>111l1<lV Hllr b7'> b 161 1111.1111111,1 nomtt lor Quall rw(J pr'r son~ grttLH.Ju' h 1111111 S'J'oOO mo 15"' f1l'1 l!>JO t 1',1dP I IH '/ llU, very <hi•"' m I'\ uul. big back """ 1'1J yuru. 1ru11 1toos )i.;••, 6 4 ;. 8 1 70 . 11°1(, 1u'T (Mro I uytori ',• llr t H,1 JJ••llO. enct5d 4""'1W 111111.!'<I carpets II 11111111•, Nu pel5 $525 11111~ ~t'(.1111ly 548-5442 flt //(I '·hit.r •' hr t At' w d hook up ll•tr tljlt tOlljllC c;11ly No 11•1'> ~'>'•CJ 675-0097 f .1·•l'>1<J" I llflO lnc.\J yard llrJwttu<l firs 24 l1vfdm •H•~d ril~w \.rpl m ? ~r & ll••ll llH!Je krtcll w1e111rng t ,,,,,,1 S700fmo 1~1 & lust $400 '>t'C. 642-0857 l' Ur I fJ;.r llllilr.hod gorn· y•· !>1111 encl ~rd 1-.Hh OK S'110•n10 G31 J672 '>hUJJ, No pet& oil bl'M Bu I c a 1 110 r 11 U" <.luhllouse & noucn mori. d , y ., , s / ~ o / m 0 !l!i 1 67!>4 $700/mu S111p1 to b11y I 1,;i 10 0<.111111 f • 0111 'JUr from \'4!i5 tnct mosl 548 18116 blk> to oooch JOI ff'I '"w"' •IJJI• 1mmect uc<.11 ul1I• 1011 549 3 42 t HOM[ fOA RCNT gewater :Coronudo Ill 1111111.y 111 Ju1111 I!> \7'.>U lt.4 t Bell! St lhel Sun· J Bd•m $750 Fenced Beylronl) Ro1>111•on mu t21J/ 'J'Jf; 110'J evu ll11w1•1 & M11t Arthor) yard & gor1ge K 1c.11 & Roaltor 548 56"'7 pt1t1 wutc;ome !.45 1000 • 1 16 ~•n~ I Bctrrn 1e111g pa· A t Octtenh ont S c.loau to I > ""·'""' r upl wtnltJr ho 110 POIS .idult' pref, gent no IHI Snioll I II 2 Br Af1I• """" 10 tic.ti l'tun~ !" l'/'4 A Jamus 67J-7787 f!I.".~~.~! ... ~~ •.. !.~!! lagune Ctcll Or, acro1111 lrorr1 Snaw a Cove 2 br p 111 10 ga• s150 626 2149 NflllfOlt l11tb 3261 $350 $750 Yrly A w111lM tlry S'>75 mo 671 6,tJ;,i l'IN( fJLIJff APTS N t. " 3161 ~~;~0;·v,~"w·;;;~~;~-c;; I 67!1-~1oi ~ occANJ RON1 cia"" A / A• ,, FJ .. Child ok. pa-.!."!l~! ••• !!! ••...•••• mot M dl 3 Dr, ft1m11y rm Winier Rental 201.1.1001. I 411161 111". Wllllt!r "11'"1~ Ill• view lrplc. encl gar . NO FEEi Ap1 II Condo Loese S 1150 644·bU77 house 10 bc..h $550 Play... No POii "7'' 4666 ll·•~ ~luvl! d11hw1111ncr., rentals Vtlla Ren1a1a n E 673 1900 Sin Cltmtnlt 3716 'f"'· lndry rm $625/mo ' 675 <19 12 Broker Harbo1 R1dgo loose 4 Br 3 i•yf•OllT ••••••• •••••• ••••••••. ~l'MC 631•6107 Ba, be11u1 decor, 3600 11 " n CJct1111w1ow furn walk lo pool. tennis guard gele 'J Bdrtn. J bt! hplc.. d fw t bi>ncll ~ Br t ', B.i I [ 1S10f• <... M c.111& bachelor S2500fmo Rob '" Dovie elec door opnr UH BOO s•,nuimo ns 1 ,1 Pot<.> ••111 S.40.0imo + S300 Koop A gl AEIMAX polio wigas ,,,6 1111g I mu 617 7918 >••curcty No pets Joyce 759-1221 I S.indy btlilCh w.,.18, · Wutt1t-1.31-1266 ag1 Seo Vtew 3 Ur 2 • Ba S925imo 671 f5'.l8 I Ap11tment1 Nr OC.C. Mesa Verde den l11n11ty "" oct100 41 t;d•m :io1t mtlutlt>s 11 Un/urniilltd 2 Or I Bu gar (.. t t y ' I u h t I v I" w f1tin cJishe!I Cl, rv utlll •• ••••••• ••••• •• •• • • • • 286• HtC..kory Pt B S t550tmo 545 668!. 1105 67:H58b B•lbOI /ll•nd 3806 $49!,fml"J 545·0258 HAnBoR v1Ew HOMCS Coron• dt/ N11 3122 ;·fi, .. ,;JJ·,·~~;;9;·~~·;,;;; Children W1lco1111: J Bdrm tlAJJ•tlldu<l Cor •••••••••••••••••••••• $7501mo 227 , c,r,,,,, 1 & ·1 bdrms $475 10 mel nidl Vltlw Now'''' Otudn view. beau1tlully :?1J/;i&5 1511 't6i'5 5 playgr ound~. 1800 )II S 1200/mo Call 111r11 townhous1o frplc Balboi ,,0.,1 u11d b1tharel tebleb Agl Gentt Hill 642 8079 pool & JJaho S 1095/mo 1mmuel nccupa11cy Cor· LIDO tSLf 4 Br 3 Ba & 673 08~6 Ptnin1u/1 3801 '"'' f 111111111w & Adams dftu. S 1400 2?? Vitt Pa :••••••••••••••••••••• ~~7 4 78!> Ott nrs Mon 1ermo 675 7168 1Co1t• Mtsa 3124 1 2 hll•m :;> ba nPwi;r cJpl~ lhur Sat 9 to 5 Sundays' • •••••• •••• • •••• • ••• • • Y'IY MH1ure nor1 -..m" rs Beach hous11 4' Br gar CASA DE ORO t no pelf> $700 X 3 11 '° '> PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNlRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A total environmen t apartment community on lhe Upper Bay PflvGll; tluohouse and health spa 8 l•>rtnr6 courlS. 1 pools cto~e 10 bu~1neu atrporl Fas111on 1s1a.,C1 Con11e111en1 ~hop:i on s11e UnlurrnsheCI bache· lors 1 & ;> bdrm apis and 1ownhou~es ......................... !~~~~! ........... !.~~! c.;.1nrr<'r y V11t.igo MrJl•tlo ~"""" PA<t.. 2 b1, :;> bu. 1•n<•I ''° i;el~ Clos<' 10 't11qt". X. n •s,taur'-tnts STCJO n1c1 ftly 673 Jb85 1 '• ''i 1b48 1 772· 180 I wr .r f 1 11 1 J 1:i11 3 o .. n• "'' CJ,tr "-~' ooors ~II HI MJ S 1175 tit() t.~4' £.an2 Hunting/on Bt1cb $700'mo 3 Br l B& oar I All UTILITIES PAID .. 13'799-4195 <'57-97'1<' IVILl A M(OERA 2 Br 2ba $895/mo "''0 Fred Te I or 17141 673 3986 r """ lam11y c;ornptex nun• ogt 631 1:?66 Compare t..ufora you t$425 ulll1Jd IBrU 1, 411 0 W gM<1ge Wtrt gu 63t '71 t rent Cusron· dll)1gn E B1t Av .. Balio., tlf 1Jll SS.<'5fmo & $.300 3240 $560 $1000 Several l111chelors anct 1 Bdrm un11s feature f1n11 Cle \1qner lu1nt1ure and accessofles Move 1n to- day Cir reserve for future u5e Smartly lurn•~l'leO mooess ooen oailt CORONA DEL MAR COTTAliE '·'''''' • I I l 111 I I ) " l 1t I• f I •fltl 1f ..,., ... , J' t \' t 11111 I -..u I I t « ~ti' Jhqff,!;. ·J~ t: 601 u TRlrLEX I 179,900 r,p .. ti th •• ~~ I > lfHJf f 0 ''"'J~' "· ' . d .,, !,,..J'f 'J .,, TRADITIONAL REALTY kUP FIT C::SElE-CT -f"" P,ROPER1~5 B1/bD11 1'/1nJ 1006 .......... ( flfd4'4 ' I< I I t•u1 u· Cotontt <Ir-I flf11 1022 JASMIME CflfH f , •••• ,. . , gn.: .. r1r., 1 • ,, , 11)1 • titl ' ! .. ~ P 11 l f'lft(,~ ti<lo\ r ,'I) 1 I Macnab·lnin IH.\IT\ tl•\11'\'' Cost• Mcu I 074 .•.•••..•.•........... Ir O"n'r JBR 71& ,,. 111 I I ~t-I •• I .. ' t1 MEW CONDO NO DOWN •t ASSUMC U h t TD I !l Xt,~..,L/•1JE11 "'ALTY I lllYIUMUOI S 12,000 DOWN $HO MO. !';JJ.tl II •I'• t ~'f .. °? Ji t THC UUS COltDO ASSUMABLE FINAltCIN& 1• I "" ltu .;.,1l+1f t)f'(.t t 1,t·tJ jf t•1Hlf1tCJPl".t Wt1fl 1 itlt•1•, tt1runut M ar1v • • 11 t\. •-\t,'J,lJtl't-' t liff Pflt S•n Juan 3 HH I fl,, '•' "l flH 2 Bu C• i1t11no 1018 "~.~ ,1 1"1'0"1 -"'~ tyi mo •••••/!•••••••••••••••• 7 1, i1(J6 Ot 073·088 1 LIO fOU lO\IE HOn:;rs·i O< 11\Nf f10 N1 No srn<> w._, "••ve ~everJt t1<1n\t''i -.,,.,, no pPt~ 1~t Ohd '"'" lt)M nv:itl1Jt1lf• in lht> llJ'>I cn11.,10 nndJor t P•u,l1Q10u> Hunt CllJt.'1 Chllll Si.;>S mo Wlr {IJ" ilfl·H Tt•l"~•· t.•,\tOnl ,10 c,,., ro .Junfl 1,,1 ' ""''> ""' int rn1111>1n1 C.11;> 1817 (,All 644 70:<>0 LINGO R£Al ESTATE 01btr Rta/ E111tt ftfobi/t Homts Nf>l CREST Condo fl,. 1u11r .,1 JBr vu • woo mo Agr 64!> ons J Housts Unlurairbtd <;1t111i. 2 rm C.OlldO I Sly 111 hllll'> l)OUI $550 mo < 0111 '•40 11 !t8 a~i. lor IJ,IVl tiOMf S FOR RENl 1 & 4 0cJ1m S600 10 Sl!.C> r 1<11cuo y1H<1s & <JIH•HI•"• KtdS & Pel S Wl'll "'"" 545·4'000 1111'"111 110 lllU t. 1J1k-. tu ocean Etl'gan1 ••11.11 I! llftiSS 2 Ar & don l IJ.i Sll<'">1mo Plush '-'f•I" 'i 111.ipes All lhe tJll 111 Jrfl<•ni11es you de '' ... t1••uuhtu1 stained q ,, window m1trowa v•~ It •'>t• c..ornp hydro· THE .LUFFS fo.11utt1) Poot Obq Al'> ; .. , t tsS 'I llAP 2324 Elden Mgr I co11 •I.I garagt' )Uffoun P Apl 1 '\48 4 147 3 Bdrm 2ba spollwsa decJ with plu•h lond~a 1$295 Nice B<ttn1:o<H rt1 STIJNWNG large 1 & 2 Br $1250/mo pmg No POlb l1JOns11>1e '"" ~''" 110 ii.irel•·n avt 710 w 18th t Br Furn $515 1 pels Ul1I~ paid 101.J ~ c,1 2 Bdrm 2bu tieeu11lul adult 111111 $1200frnt> Coll Hul111e111 nen11y 760 86 t6 01 6•4 9152 Close IO t>~ll 8V811 11 • I 3Br 2Ba hH pool 1en nis $875 mo 6•2 7181 544 0140 365 W Wtl90n 642 197 I Bay Apl 9 C . B 3 * 2 H A,t lltwporl Yill111 Apls •1.11t11no tlCll 818 :.oulh Co11a1 Ptoza area Beaut1ru1 land,captJ<l Jr •• ••:•••••••••••• • ••• 1 bdrm w lh palto Gas IOeluA·· Condo 3 bd. 3 ba. Sec 9 e I e $ 4 7 5 8 ,,0 ate: 0010 Lorg' e Poot Rei; Area Alioth 1>46-4667 I w I Gar Af>fs $8~0fmo I recreahon rm 1n1.luCl11$ 5,5 7.,45 lb• r>r 2Ur uvstc111s refs g;;m(ll; i.p .. and puot to rt•qu11od no pets 352 1110 Tennis coutl~ vc1 Coron• dtl fll•r 3822 V1c111"e 64~ 8161 On J11mbort>t1 Ro at San Joequ1n Hills Ro 844-1900 2 bdrm I ba $550/mo yearly Steps 10 O•}acti 11 t6 w Balboa 213 86!1-2547 OCEUFROllT 3 bdr 2 ba gar great 1oc winter Harbor 10C.Poln vu Jbr 2bd 'I 18!> lJq Oc. .. an Vll'W 67') 29f.i7 !.•8 ').t07 leybali court sac.10001 ••••••••• •••••••• ••••• c111 STEPS TO OCEU '~'"'" t8th/Pornon11 1 B• Bachelt • great tot t B, downi.1a11 s dfs ye.irty 557-0075 la•f.11' 4' br 2 ba ""'" tarvnr1 wa1e1 pd I ch1IC1 TSL •in1t U2· 1103 many amen.ties view .. ~ "" fM"I\ $425 Agenl OESPERATION SALE! For S•lt JI 00 c~.,;;;;i · · · · ·····;·2021 ..•..............•.... '"' u lu •ur1ou' mas tr t.,1 1lt1I "' 1 t1vnte gJra q.. hJlly nwmt 111ird No I'"' " ;11111i 1! 5?7 Hllh 'it 'lfiO (i "IJ 1 ,STUW~ING trg 1 Bi lurn I \825 mo Call An triony no IPP %'1 0217 FEELING CRAMPED., 1£WPORT CREST I ap1 S435fmo . 7 t(J w dllt' 642 5757 "'""~ & Ocran view 3 Br 2 , 011 t81h St 645-5!1 JO I wllnCI!> 631 6c.30 M"~" Verd•• 2 b• frplc Xlra large 1 Br steps 10 r wnr (, .•• rf\t•1•••••••••••••••••••••• • • I •• I , ... I •, 1n" OCEAltFRONT •I .ti ,, /I' ul 'l •l/•I Nt<w mob11 .. 1nwr111la1 C.f' " 11 r .\I v cJ ,. l I •I.II r.(Jll ICJt' fr!Jlr Ori pvt •1 It d' • 4 ilu '" r l f',t~llLl•od S,1,rJO 11 , * BEST BUY * ,,,, .. , 1()6 ( 1'> • 144 low Or llo Down I• ' ''4:"'' I f PRICE 1 1 n1 S• • oor ~ '" l6 I\; Dup/txts1 Units for S•lt 1800 ········•········•···• SUPER Tll SHELTER FOR lltVESTOll!!! ,r C.tefTlt>r IP pr":1,. 1-1wr-nr~tl!p ml)<Jffrr Spa II h 5.lylf! 4 Ullll df•I t ·~·· h It+ O<.••.lfi ' 115 :'\ I ~ t..(/U ~#=! .rlAA (.,I(,_. I u'"'rlhirq nlr 3 ,,. . .,~ il(J ~ '.t OW\ ll~P "ft;• New ownt11 c.ri11tCI I i.:•r .. { .. JlJt ·i f:idrrn "} tMlh ,,,.,. ' o c f'tlf1 y,f•>/y •JVI 1t I 1ni ''' •tJtt') \ 1••111 ttu~ 1u ,,, ' ttp1rtm-.·t11,. tru 1fl1.o,,H~ Sell~, will ho•u I '1.JllCP & SAVE D11yf't 1rousand5 ot f'lollor~1 rfOJCEO 5e111ni;i '"'c.'" .I ~lQ'"> 000 00 $ W•IV 6£ l OY.. CuH('nt "ptar"' r tort ost11t Pr1nc1pttl5 OflLt" Ca c,,.ner at 714 new ... deco• Al"CI N " H p,1110 91.1• No pe1s Nice ocean wl d POiio rec rm P<'ls.'642 3490' ~ v I ontingtoa 1 ou1l'I 3Br bonus rm $.!>;>!. q79 4383 $425 675 323 t RENTALS ''°''"Y WAe~ly-Wmll•I ? l .t RcJrms JACO.s REALTY ,,,, •JC1I• r1l.•' Ht '/tt:W I S,1.'Jll 1111 1tunlt1>1JllJ" 'JI PROP 1 "'1r1 111r14 r,61 nn Bticll 3140 $9501mo tse G.irage N•c-2 .,1 1 BA in 4_01". 1 OCEANrROt·H 1 lld~!~~i!,~ t~r~J! Uo;)l ··,·o··u··o··E·s··E·R·v··E··,·T·I· • 1 .. Grer11 loc&11on 759 1243 ',;;,,et~ Or&pfl5 encis"d Large 3Br 2ba S875fmo < l>d I ba gar trpf no riollo No pels s48s,mo Avali turn 673 4483 MANAGEMENT I I trr 1 111 1 car y 11 1 ll" slip "clt lo Bnll:lull l~lano Boau111u1 & par~ hke will• 1 Pe 1 5 s 6 5 o m 0 ,,40 4484 'l40 3773 p,.,,. B.mett Alty l-ook1e 1erraced pool 641 1391 640 0769 1 1r, t ••11c.n (Jr. CJtr1 <;t 875-6173 ! s1,1 " IJ4l <1111ij All1,0n 8•2 5:<>00 *p,.111110 Patios · i: StDE ;;>Br Duple• 2br 2ba bey/ocean view It" ... , .. ,,, 3 "'drm condo •Co•ered P11r~1n11 STEPS TO OCUIC I 1.1'1!> <lq.1<> stove $475 c.oncto pool lll$cuu r se· ~ u-., " 67L .,456 1 cur•l-y b tao 925fmo l 11 , L 1 n d a p 1 3 n *Spacious Apl\ Many amen111es rntlu mo No P"ts re Call Denny 645.2016 or 1 S 1 2 0 0 m 0 1 5 u * D1n1ng Are.i drng vlf'wS lrom dtoc~ 64b S14') 548 5833 Winter Rtnlals Nr ~·oil Cou•~" 30• t.~A lABlE NOW Pro t .L1.1 vo1tml S1'>0 ''' u •lll(jf' trom $WO 10 •ntf •1•f'lnr 840-tS7t ,, 760 1900 6 73 768 t *Wal~ rn Ctosels trptc etc ·~ t•d•m ;> oa tpts drps - •Home ltke K11ct1ens ...-Llrge.2 Br 2 Be $825 1,,0101dcto PGl•O eaiporl ;i Bi 2 ,Ba Concto New t tROO C..ill for oe1111s 1141• Ul 1 2Br 2Ba Condo or Hoag Oct'rnlrc.1111'> 11v111lable COT I AGE. 1n '" Pll'A I r>OOI Clshwtnr no P"'' l•Jfront Unfurn I Oil •·I Or S500 ,,...., + $650 mo 768 7633 2 (!t.Jr n A toll 1ro eAlt·Hon• SSOCi Jf•P New rJ11gt' iFASTBLUH 3 Od 2 08 '"'· •l•OP on fdguv..at"' "'" I .w I l.llil gar W/0 lrpl ava11 f\OW '985 s1;ino11no 11(/(J~ 11r1 lP1SICl11JS OI I 2301 Aral11 759 1914 l 'd I I U f J '' r t rJ " p I ., p ' P I I o S e 11 urn. 11r1.J 4694 '.l b• 2·, bo plu&h condo f •• r.t ·•" • c Io i: 111 'on I nr water or>'s boot slip /f1t1111 I '""tac;p nf!w Supnr N"tlJhborhood' 1 \ 1150/mo htch 1..,rmat d1n1nq O• 'J 110 fum '"' lt1Jlt 67'> 1918 1151 53q4 R11qh1 II uirv $ 1 IOO•mo ,, S;~r mo <l63 7866 W t f f H NPT CREST <..ONDO 3B• I tr ron OllltS v ,,,. ir otl'On w11t~ 10 new p.iu.i $1000 mo 631 · 1400 ' tr111 cu~lom nom" 6-450295 I ,..,. , do·~Ofll4!0 J or B•/bo• lsl•nd 3206 t.,, lf•n<.eCI yd 2 , car BluH6 3 br 2 ba lam rm ~·9;·~·B·.:·-:....·-·,,··0·;;·0·:; th•t,u;.t ftd oorage . Th•s. s12so mo J bf 1 level ,,.. 0 n h 1 n S900 mo 3 b1 S t 200 mo "' r PU s 1100 mo 227 ?mt II\ "vtory ing c _.1 2 13139, 3511 S tOQ, mo 1:;> 111 333 3846 Pools Ag1 60 013'4 lof ~ "' 1') 1 ·11 ')02 1208 1 bit. 10 Huntingt on ..-l arge 3 Br 3 Ba I No pets $590 25151 porl Crest S900.mo Cen1er 11anspo11011on & S 1200 Ore,,ge 645 2199 Call 831-0460 frwys Ca II A n 1 hon y Cl 8 y, 1 R UTILITIES FRU 6~:?·5757 eves & wkncts f dW1t1Cle tterin s1uct10 I YB; Y 2°~e:,n ,.~1:;0: ~~~ 1 Bdrm From s515 , 6J 1-6630 nitw pa111t onct carpel m 0 6 4 4 • 6 1 8 0 0 , 2Bd•m $615 -3 Feonted yet Ulll med 64&-3189 LA QUINTA HERMOSA Coit• /11111 124 $190 1892'~ 0fange •••••••••••••••••••••• A•e Drive by first then Versailles Spacious & 1~ 1~1 ~a::~~"31;,k~ ~lk I I call 7'>2 6499 I hghl 2 Bi 2bo 3rd floor E 8·15· 1 weatiB .. U conoo s61s 1mo 01 d1nqer • • •• #9 [,1"~1Cle nr 17111 sl 2B1 64., 6149 S d APAllTIHTS. opt S475•mo & $300 c · an Y f!l!!~~.!!.'.~~ ... !Z~! Lu>ury studio frt>e HBO pnone me10 ser11 sp1 sno wk 499 3015 ~t.'!r.!!.~!~!! ... !.~~? Beitulitully landscaped garnen ap1s Pool t Spa Pali05'Cll'C~ 5 No Pf'IS Bacheto• S• t0-$4 15 2 Bctrm S!t80 2250 Vanguard 5•0·9626 or 642-4905 'let J(lyCf' Walll Re~i 2Br 1Ba lrplc steps 10 mll• 631 1266 ocn $6~0 mo yrly $;>6<. 2 Room Bachelor Re 1 s 6 " 2 1 0 0 5 trpic pvt entrence ulllj l ·568 4306 p Cl c. Io s e lo b c n Bachelor Apt small no 642 4014 garage or l eunctry 1•251mo oncicti. ut11S 1 Br garden opt stove 646_6189 642.Q138 '•':t°:ia1u/1 3201 !~~~'!! ........•.. !!.~! ...................... New bt!&cnl1ont home 3 BR '4ba $2000 mo Call Bob t<oop II 759 122 I OCEANFRONT 01• 2 4 Br By week o r m on lh 673· 7-873 Winier rentals now 1111allable Cell 1 Bd!m 161 E 18th $470 no Pe Is $ 3 7 0 / mo 642-0856 548 1377 Sp11,1ous 2 Br 1 Ba $425 3 B r 1''1 Ba $4 75 Loundry lac • pool 548·9556 12-7PM L.irge t Br 4 plex 720 C Sno11mar S350fmo 646·26 t3 ;> Br 2 Bl lrom $525 No pe11 Across from New porl Beach Golt Courae 545-4855 '+573 CA'4PU5Dl·!RVll(E SHOW STO,,ER! AMAZING PRICE! AIUZIN5 FHIUCl•G! lntomt Pro fllt 2000 I! liel• 2t 0:· yarct. no pa". •••••••••••l' ••• f ••.••• av.ul 0 I S 1000/mo W111 1r.1dn obi wide mtil>'lll J.R. PROPERTY t.urnr> & or JBr nou~" MAltA&EJUNT Tu~1n lor p3rt1a1 ctwn "' comP pt1,pertv 17141 l 875-6173 ,~ '114 0 ON Tt1F AFACH ;> br lu~ ~ plP> ,.,,.,.c;8 Verf'I• l\P•c.• I COl'IJ c. ean v•PW c;fl(; )lt('o·l•l G•eal IOJI 15'1. l S7'>0 n (.()ll r Oc.t.t1n On B>• 979·•383 I' n n I <, q 1 8 3 8 2 /tlobi/t Homt '"" 2300 .........•.........••. I and & plans for 137 SP M H rental perk, Heme! $8')0 000 lerms. Ow11.-r '' 1'\) 558· 1433 Timt Sll•1t/lnt1rv1/ ..• ~'!!'.~'!.~;!. ...• ~.~ ~~ 8'.18 10'14 il t..I~ \ 10 bf!8Cll. 2 Br 1 Bd •f'lrig & s1011f' yar $615 yfl~ one.I all 11111 No poll Al!i •,44c, Co1on 1 lit/ M11 3222 •.••••..••••..•....... 2 B• :;> Bil Condo. 'l c111 Qu•Bljl' 2 blOCk1 IO oc en" w d rel11gP seqc,1mo 640-5324 LEASES!! :J IJdrm de111ched homo5 tr ,..~oillenl area Ava1l11· I '" .. 1rnmectrat ely $1100 'r>10 on I year lease F1vf' olh•r' lo cnoose lrCom We '" lhP ones 10 c.1111 tor lfloses \\',H,db rlcJcJl' Kc.1l1y ·,~,I :tlHHI t~!u tbr '""*A l'lr.."' Ir' •n• llHTALS 10 4 1>0rm1, s1er1tng al S700 to S 1395 Neor new mooot. 3 Br 3 Ba $900/mo Vac1n1. 751·2"'42 228 N Otd Newport Blvd 3 Br 2'•b8 n 1 n ew $750fmo A v1tl now John M &rshatt agl 63 t-22•2 Laroe 4 Bctrn1 ctose<I 1n I p11110 Steps 10 beach lmmo c A 11 011 now $1200fmo yrly 673-2507 With 40 dock Condo 1n West Newpon 3 BR 2'1be. $1350/mo Call Mrs Long 673· 1190 3 Br. 2 alory townhou•v• 2 b11th1, pwder rm Very pvl com m p oof $900tmo. 673-8856 JACOIS 11£ALTY PllOP IUHEMHT 115-1113 OCEANFRONT lorge mo dem 3 Br 2 Ba No oets Av••t now lo June 1• $900 673-6640 SllOllT T£1111 Furn renlals by week O' montn Ag16758170 WINTER RENTALS now 8VAll8ble J.11. PllOP£11n MAllA&EllHT 115-1113 2 BR I &A OlCI novse no pell. child OK All ulll pd 415 Hamilton $535 64 1 0763 111111 IEW COllDO 2 Br 2 Ba 2 c.111r garage w/opener wood burning hptc. view ol stream & w11erlalls From $785 662·1309 lllSTUT 1111 East51oe $600/mo 2 Br 1'• Bo Townnouse all ouclHns lndry rm. cer- poll yard/balcony small pl!t OK TSl Mgmt 642 1603 «. ndO vacat1ot limn ~""""" bn Hewn11 7 IJ 796 "ii 1 e" N ,,,. 'B• I oa rn f'lpts l '~•nQ rm wlfrplc. sun WlllTH llHTALS 3 6 " Br Ctose 10 waif'< furn & unlurn •eas<>nll· ble all ament11es BrOller 675 4912 OCEANFRONT two 3 BR one 2 BR. avl now From $700 mo Winter Cell 675·437 t rareptece pool. !!•Sh · wasner p111 pa110 X Lg Lge 3Br I Garden 2 Br on Efs1Cle OCEANFRONT 2ba $975/mo f urn 673 540-'3773 A11e11 un S'60 557-28•1 f ·~ Ht ) 1 Walk-In Realty Hl-212 I n•.v'a BAiCh Hh4Ul•tvt Ocf'laf' F •Or•\ <..ondo 3 bd 3 OD /l'l/lO ~Q ,, $350 000 CULVER & ASSOt..lA f!I.~'!~. ~.'.'.~~ .•. !.~~~ OOUltFROllT TES 756·24 76 'I•'#.. r1r,ft1t .. 1mn'1vltH c~ ,. tOllllql' fi11l1. "" l•VI Rt1/ E1t1tt ri c.; 11 l " ' ' e 1 n " d R W•nltll 2900 ~ E ll 0 n r 1 i ' , '' t n t • •. • • ••• • • • • •. • ••••••• r 00< .t'l•r lllte anl 10 buy a hou5n1 . Stulrno ovN? F 11c1ng L•1,un1 N11.utl 1052 tor"(;losu•"' N~ o way • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •••• • C'>u1., Call BM bar a Ot1v1t VILLE DE CERISE IP parly ~II ' JO OF'AIJI I UL C>l(J WORLD 11•? 8~2 ro.vtmO,.,,.C!> R1nt1/1 hv tit)'WtHd Mttrk <..o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• ''''m S1'>9 000 , 4 ,., ,,.4~ u,o.93r,5 Hoa1t1 Fu11111lltd ...........•.•........ lf.'."!l!!!.!!!!~ ••• !.~~¥ ~!!'.~~ .. ~ •.•.•.•.. !.'.~~ 4 4 8 3 a 'v""''"'" 3 bdrm i" h11 ui:.71 C,•wt1ot15 ft.. jDV .,E Ga1.1ge oat•o $1 000 TJ J ""'nl Alll' ""'" mn r,o l '"' (}pa11 Sat I nnd 5"" 64 1"4868 or 3 1111 Ava1tobto Now Gar· 177 n :n I (1111101 No Pe" S930/mo .t Hr 1, B11 r R !.J n A 631 1615 493-7766 vu•w C.omm pi>ol l !lll UNIVfHSITY Pt< 3 BA 2'» O•, SI ~00 rnc1 O wm 7~9 6006 Dtl llv/lom rm 2 Cir gar. oppflt. comm pool. iac. $ I I 'Kl mo 552 89"7 1 t1Cl l 110. twr<lwood S11111 ADI 3210 •••••••••••••••••••••• Oceanfront JBr 2be RE"T TO ow" ~l~l~f7~~%1C:O $850 Play• Near new 2 Bdrm. 2' • bl condo~ From $800 per mo Call 964·617 I Wtsl•ia1t11 3211 ...................... SURFSIDE COLONY 4 bd. " be, tam rm, newly decoreteo. ocean 1ron1 213-592·2385 THE "GOOD LIFE" lloo" lrpt dhl qar S89S W I~ '140 4988 hm t.40 u. 19 AvOll Nttw TURTLE ROCK trt-tevel Coalo•iai••I Y£Afl.ft0UNO FUN: 1ieou1t1u1 mountain 111-. Soctat A c11v111es 2 m11t1er1 lg• pvt pallo U•f•r•i16" 34ZS o t , e c tor • Fr e e Co1t1 M~s• 3224 O~Hdener 3 M o rning •••••••••••••••••••••• Sund• y •••• • • • • • • .... •• • • • • •• Olor) $1350 3 Br Condo near So C Bruoch•BBO s• 3 It• 2 Ba. Gttriy (213)437-3029 Pte.za c1ptng & btHns, Parlles•Plus Ailll (7141f17J 8589 ove<tooks greenbell. I f rptc rnnqt'I, yMd onr11 poote. •PH 1 ctubhoul4! much mOfll II• no pets Pr1v11te CAI Ir HOMES 4 bd, lam ev all Security gale 0 fl IE AT S 785/mo Ill plus aec rm. chlloren 0 11 no pets. $650 Call 979 823 l evH fl f C fl l A l I 0 N : only 648 W 18th SI 646-<178'4 0, 769-1501 a wknde Tenn I I • F' e e 499 16 t 7 LeHon• (pro & pro 1 BR new p s1n1 cpl s ct11•pes d l w no pots $400 mo 2265 Mrner St 85 1·2175 1111. 2H. 3111. Newly decor Gu po oriel gar. dwshr pool bbQ no pets 642·5073 Wefifield FAMILY lPTS B1111uttlut garden •Pl• Pe11ostcteck1 No pets 2 chlldren weleome '2 Bdrm I • Bell"ls $540 2 Bdrm 2 Baths $665 3911 w w 111on 631·5583 Of 6<12-<1905 1 B• S4 25fmo B11chelor S3 60/mo Stu 540·3666 or 497·2338 Nl'O• n"w 3 Br 2'" Ba twnhS" fenc yrd 2166 Minto• $750 8'40·5010 MESA VERDE spacious 2 bo 2 bn new drapes paint very clean $4150 mo 979 1658 Sleps To The Beech 3 1ann111 coufls ecron the ~treet Very c~1n New Carpel $750 mo Vrly rent Call Kate 675-0 124 M on-Fn Jo 673 3596 Sat-Sun 2 Br I'> Ba No p e11 3 bet gar lrpl pa110 $450tmo N11wpo•I Helgh1s are• 5'48-26112 S650 to $800 559.500 1 2 Br 1 Ba yearly 1700 2 br 1 ba ttnct palro II PROPERTY HOUSE single g11r11ge. $475/mo 6<12·3850 642· 1010 Cell 846 7129 :ii Br 1 Bn. onct oar, yrct. kids O K . cfn $450 642 8206 675-637 I OCEAllFllOllT '4 Br 2 Ba 2000 sq ft Like new $1650/mo PROPERTY HOUSE 6'12-3850 6'42-1010 D1111 Poi•t 3126 ---•• •••• • ••• •• •••• ••.... Large sunny 3 b<I. 2 b•lh 1 Br ooroge near ocean. •Pl on Newport Pen1n vf'ry clean S39.0tm o uosra11s in duple~ 1 bit. 2 tJ 402 2657 See 111 lrom beach, close to 24682 C0<doba Or Apl stores $650 mo Agt A 675· 1642 OCfU VIEW Su Clt•Hll 3116 Frorn Dina Po1n1 s most secluctt'd scontc bluff Like new• Only 4 un11s. 2 Br wi den Xlfl lrg private polio No pets From $725tmo Call 661-64'41 or M-F. 9·5. 643-0212 Sluctto apt wlluil kLJ both w alk 10 Marina S350fmo 661-3653 3 Br 2 B• ~.;;;-view ctawshr. elec sppf, lnctry rm $626/mo 4196-4179 2 Bi 2 Bl ept 1n Dana Pl dtt1w11. 11ove. ocean vie w $52~/mo 661 1192 HHli1tflH ,,,,. 3140 ••.•.................. ......••...•.•••..•... 1 Br pY1 deck old world c h orm spectat ul11 oc1111n vu. W&lk IO bllllCh $495 Contact Mgr 11 apt C 332 Encino Ln lllllllY H TlllS OIE tn San Clemente! Nalf NEW 2 Bdrm 8Pl wllll bullHn1. carpeting, dra· pes. laundry lacltily, un- Cltor <oot ca<por11 tor 2 cart publlC let1nl1 eour11 & golf courae right be· hind property only mt· nutea 10 Stele Park & bedCh ctose 10 every- 1 h In g r S<l 75/momtn Avall1ble October 15, one or 1wo peflona only & no peta Call owner 11 (7 ,,., 8'42-0138 ------ flH1wr1otf 1• 11 ~ "" h~n·t~"'"" 1.111 • lfl.1H. ~'"' 111 I •hr IJ•l"'U~ wt Wlflfl Cf•ll1H lu (j,ir ~ r II\ Mu'I ~•·l l A •Al bM, ,r,,qo i•_ .. _____ ..... ,P"EWPOR r Oceanl<ont luge !urn 3 Br yAflfly. tower unit $850fmo ..,LSO lovely •P•Cl0<11 3 Or upper uni! 19')0/mo y<ly Cell Sh111on Jay el Waterfront Homes Inc 673·6900 or 648·0"'78 L1n111 l11cb 3241 EXEC RETREAT 1n N11w· •hop)• 2 He• 11 ti i BR 1 Ba duplex, pvt ••'••••••••••••••••••• por1 Ben I Br penlhou· Ctub1•Seun1• patio. new petnt. $54S 1-IARBOR OCEAN FRONT ae Security, pool. •P•. Hydtome.nao•• Beau1i1u1 2 Br 2 Ba townhouse. rrptc, patio, 1ndry rm g ood ioc $560/mo TSL Mgmt 2 bd•m. 1 b11, minutes from beach Close to trenep end thoP• 1485 720.()8"'4 720·4119 I Wt1t•l•1t11 Jiii PRIVACY GALORU IJ~r" j, ! I Bdrro µCJul h(lf",. , ... "' r'' Ll'' ,.,J P.lt• i. I 1 1 S I" 000 tlttWfl o .,ner mov•"ll I\ 111n $117 500 M 11•11 1111111 Rmk111 3" 0709 IHI YfHI YAOHTSMU'S RETllHT l"H 11 10111 I)•, bonl 1n the 11t.p yOoJ udtn 1n '""'' ol ""~ •p11c1e>u'I condo on lh't Lido IUfOll>O llHln 2 rttlrmt I'. don 2 b11tna pfua ~fl1111ra1e caplotn t 1~·111rtar• W•lt. 10 I 1do Vtllllgt1 P~tl!ti.1 lur cor l>O!•t• mve<11mem \t11r.en1 end ready 4 .,_ __ _.. _____ __, 0111111 l"rt 111(1" IAmlly -roo1m '•mollot11d ltlt th•n 11lt'lly upqr,.ll•d tlt10V\jlt1'<1\ '11111,000, ••2.1200 LI o · ea ty 67J.7300 eve ''"" 111 .. , JI 06 .•..••...........••.•• 1epa to Oay 3 br ' 011 d1r11ng fm rrplc. gllr, 2 palfos $7115 W tnttr OPf N 328 S 1pphlf11 G•U 000'4 Odr 2 Oa cto .. 10 1hopp11lg l>ua. lemlly 01 stud11nt1 $975 wlriler 67:.J 6582. e.o 11 '"' mo 833-8162 Nu 3200' tvx hm on blult gy m . a• 2 1 8 a a SWirnmlflSl•Goll Snorp end clll3n 4Br 2bt, 180 Clag vu of harbor, 646-'4287 OtMng Range Gardl!ner Inc $850fmo aurl mtna. 3br 3bl . M · 2 Br 2 Ba Condo Oena I I A U l I ' U L UITSIH Pn548·9950 ;~i:~Mmo'~~;~0o:011 Pt oc"nvlew we1i.10 A'AflT M INTI : 26r 1Bapoo11IC1•11p1, Owner trenalerred prime beach. weahef, dryer & ~~:•Fu:nl~ tndry rm. bll·ln• No 6•2 6221 8'42· 1603 426 1 BR I B•. pello. tndry '"'· au l>ttna Muat tee . TLS Mgmt . 6'42-1603 oc In awlfv w nn ng "' & Unfurn11hed•No .. & 3 Bdrm IPll Avall ..............•....... 2 Br 1 Bl cerpet. drepea, gareoe 1435/mo 111 & IHI plul 1100 546--0119 111 5PM A1t11t•1•t1 fu•idH ,, ,,,.,. ,,,. .............•........ I ... I I EMERALD BAY 3 br. 2 <tlr•;:• 1e•o1mo "ti• C ell lot •PPI (.e>ndo Cl)mptu , 2br, be 1600"' It l<pt b<tck 402·8 00 P 1 .. o I O $<135 $4!1Cl patio w11n •P• $1800 • e• ... o I• pen l Sl M 1 9,.:i •. 1803 1mmedlete1y I UO 10 IUWlll 2bo 11men111111 LMM °' ?131978·225!1 flfl•il•lll dally t lo 9 gtn $&75 Frpto, dlw, Otrtoe 111ue/opt )(Int lerm• a L ... 2iA 2 Ba 1tudl0, 1575, 1 Of 2 kl<11 Oii No !Miii. YILUll Auum 1011n O wner· 2 B1 1 Ba c;ot1a9e Clllf f11•/1llH 3SIS laWff• cpta, drp1, encl 91r. no w111r P•ld 645·2000. 558 9283 1ec11on. OH ronoe. g•r· s&1r2•br~·;;;,~~;·1;,';,°;:. ..... p•ta 876·9606 Ao-n1. no IM ~:I~ t~&I~ ~:~r: 11B11d~~ 4 Br. 2 ea Me11 001 Mu. dwen•1 1• retrtg Av•1 11 8 1 7 ~8· t>ch On Adema nr .,.,..,... tttn Ill' Pllll br •l)l, o•r•o• N-0-,,.-1-1, from 1540, 2 bdrm from cltRn nomA, qul•t ~1ttt11 11 11 •10 " Brookhurat 979-7829 ~ ...... ,.. " A 1 SU5 C ri· 1 1696. TownhouH from I 8 O O m n 0 w n' 494·01M On hua llnjt -----• Like nu, lg• 1 br •Pll. a va,1 ,n~!'39 • I I. 1886 + poot1, 11nnl1. 7!\0 8006 EMERAlO BAY 3BA D11/u11 0 lrvlne frJ>IC, OW, ger • 1475/VO "• 4 •v• w11ert1ll1. pondel Ou · • 4bll. 3:.JOO aq 11, ltptc , r.,•l•t" 1100 (at 18th) P•tto Of batcon~. Pool & Br, 21~a1. trl>le, Clbl gar. tor cooktno 1 r. .. 11no en & nl(lht 111•w. 4Br. tim p11llo. ~ grdn. torm DA, •••••••••••••••••••••• (7141 845-1104 •P• No r1'1 H50 Mlrlt WIO hOOll•up. M50 mo pe10 'rom Sen Diego l'i1o<J~•83 ~r,:;"'· lg1 kit •LA qu14tt cut· 1-funttngton Beach teer.. ...,.. ..... ,... 5'4t·2"'4 H•·•833. 1·5M-3004 Frwy drtv• North on Whtt.....,1neF1<1 U'IT/1111 s1aoo1mo t13·"'''' :"3s'~"'-:!'!~u~1~y (Oover at 18th~ lmllld<>vOK.8'M'63 Muro~Park,tneltCIOtr. l ••wln o v 111 1ge PETE BARRETI REA LTY Ca(.uli.U 10 Go·<Jlr11 d·UC Oc;een vltwl IOr APl. & Dlkl IO !>Heh, 1100 18th St. 2 bf, I\.\ ba. 610 Joenn St.12 Br I Bl In <l·P;; Nr leach to Mef'tdO.n 10 A -(7 ) a .. 2 5 (714Jlt3-51H oll 'em off tht ma>tcet I bf dP111 lenc.<1 yd. pet 3Br, view, No, End, 1 1000 HQ.9283 14 -• 11 2 8r. Duc>IP, •5311 tclry ·u, pr111 p1t10, r10 _ _ ----==~~~~!!!! •t hOm4t ti I HIY Wllh . Clballled Ad OK •JU Avail now t1IO ··~ 5141 wlt.ndl ol ••Msat/"$-1103 p I I a I'. 5 1 m 0 .... ..,. ~lhlnfl IO ... ., :: ~..:"'...:2:..·.:.H:.:7..:'+=c=e="=N=ow1==._..=2:-:.s=e=7=9::..J .... s_4_•·_1_es ... 5_1_8"_s_-1_30_1 __ J.._•_t1_e_P_M_====:.i.,.°"=""===1 .A.d•-c .. •.".9.•.2 •• 5 ... e_11 1====:::=:=====---)--~ __ 1_2_,_•1_!! I e.ta.0494 ....... _...J..:c=....,==fttd=-•td=-••00-1.;.1.;..-.-. ' I • I, • Or 11g Coo t DAIL v ~ILO T IT ~Uttduv OctulJ1 I ~ l'IHl U 7 lessianal Sm-vir:e Direct ~t~A!'!ou ~J tor• 30 dayed In Ille Mll.Y """ ..... ....,.., 00 IT NOWI w .. , ..... Your OllllV PllO\ St rYl<lo OlrOC1Ql'y Ropr-LatM Ul·Mll, tit. Ill I f!.'11!!'.l!m!r. ..... ............ I 10/"'°'1lllly Ht 1'42 fl!~"~············ Flnlltl & rough Ctl!*llry, c:•~•, rm eddlllon1. ~1·7221 f!~1!!!!1!!,.!!'!f!I! •• .. .............. . Lie 3oeua Remoo .. . Add'ne. C1bltlo1e 848•8M61~8 ... 844 AOO'NSIRlMOO!l.ING Pl1n1. LIO'd Ooorgo Pllmor & Sona 648· 78 t• Aeinod. & Aop11;;:-;;;;; MHonry, c11pen1ty. c:on· oet. Lo '""· O.Ck1. Pl· c:reto. 1dd'n1, Int/ext re tlo. Stew 782-91158 mod. Llc'd 11<18·0761 f~.rr..1.l!!r!f~ ....... . No StMm/No Sh1mpoo 8taln Spoclalltt Fall dry. Free H I 839· t582 SlANBURINOUSTRiES Gen'I con1r P1or1er1y tmprov 997· t8 It (8·11) -----0 8 CONSTRUCTION Shempoo & 1111m clean I Color brlghtonora, wht crpte -tO min blHCh Addttlona • l'ltmO<lOll Homelcommorclal. Ina 1epa1rs tt399032 Jim 548-6103, Don 551·2887 ~~~~~~~~~~! Holl, llv/dln rma S t6, 1110. room $7 50. couch S 10.1 Dft•1'ti•• ~!!~ .......... . BOOKKEEPING SEAV. Loc11 women wlll do bkkpg. tor your bullnHI or poraonal. 541-8272 chr $5, Qulr. ellm pet 1 •• ••••••• , •••••••••••• odor. Crpl rop1lr 16 yra RESIDENTIAL-INT DE· exp. Oo work myHll SIGNER Furn arrange· ~!!.-.~'i!M.ft!!!-.t! ••• Rola 1131-010 t 1 ment. color schemea. 955·2066 or 752·0322 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bullington 1 Do•lllit Appllod. t .. 0P911od. goar .. ln1ured, llc'd. 414891. 730-1000 tree eeUmatos. ownerioperator i:KATRi;.t;..·;.··LtVE:~N Carpet, uphOI, 1188 rug hskprs. dally maid aerv. cloanlng. w ork guer 1 Free Eat 845-177 I 0 1t1ce c leenlng. er pt ctean1ng 835-2 t 16 ~II!.'!!!!!.;:. •••••••• Ar1·Ant!qu91-Juroky ApprelM A Llquldall KURT'S KARPET KARE Quality WOrk Rots Fr" Olt 494 1429 Mleh ... Hein 953.()7 t7 C. i ----------1 .. .'!!.~ .....•........ ~l'!'J!I••••••••••••••• CHAMPENOISE Or1Vewey1, ll'arklng Lot Fino Co1111no In the Old Ropolra, s..lcoellng. world trldltlon. 6-45 9858 S&S Aac>htt ~1-"t99llo C. t l C, Oen Hlllborg Oredlng •• !~., .. ~!!!!! ...•. & PeYlno co. R .. Jcoml. Comont·Muonry-Block Lio 397804 142-1720 Well•Cuel. WOf"k. Lio "381057 Rob 547-2883 ~.·~!'!!~. ... .. . . ... Ciil' c.,, Loving hon"e. eget 3 & up. •••••••••••••• •• • • • ••• FI T $40/wk, + bel 1111. Chlldcero wkdys, cred IChl. CM 556-3622 telCher Organized 8Ctl· Yitlos C M 8<15-4657 ltd care by exp'd mo- ther. M-F. nr Falrv-& Adams. C M 979-7365 I HSKPRS & MAIDS LIVE-IN HAL VIWKL Y Viejo Service. Agency Ltc'd/bonded 973-9000 D1iri•1, S1rrit1 ..••..•..........•••. AT YIH IHYIOI Personal, qualllled dri- ver• for your day to day errands. Shopping, dr appts, church. etc All needs met By hour 01 day 494-5857 !'!T!!!!! ••••••.••••••• DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Repairs sml jOO spec 11 yrs exp Bull 552-9582 Well texturet·Acouatlc Hang-Tape-Sleet etuds Lie 389944 1-532-5549 Mllure ll~nMd blb)'1lt· ter tor day working mo- ther• only Mon-Fri 1n- t1n11 to 3 yrs. $55 wkly. 842-0728 ntent /Pre-1chool, So Make your •hopping 81· Heve aomothlng to NH? Coast Plu1 aret. days & 11er by. ualng lhe Dilly Clualflod ad• do It well. wknda. Call 850· 1711. Pllol Classllled Ada. ,!!f!~'!!.~ ............ ,:~!l.'.".~•-t •.•..•••••.• ~~~!~•..« .............. 1 ~'.~!!!!~~~!!I •..•..•• (I CTRICIAN P11ced 0 11r11en1ng. Len11ecep1ng, PAOI' &rnv1<.C MOUIEWORI rlghl, Ir•• Hllm•t• 011 y11111 m1lntt1111w:., CIHn li•ut1ng y•O clCMlll ur; I ..,(I• or tm•ll IObt upt. llM lrlm & removal Oulek & ctoon r1M 1111 WAITED Uc 39662 1 073~03511 Fr" Hlll'llll" ln~td 073 0548 t:l.fCTRICIAN 642 48tlll HAULING lludont hoa H1ur1 cw1111ty ltoutewor~ Sml job1/Aep11r1 Ll<l !;•per OtrOtner ' CIMll lo• lfuCk lOw .. t ,... l •P«Hh!llCtld dllPt!fUJ~ 233IOl·C·10 648-5203 UPI rr .. lrlmmlng Free Prompt Call 71l9 1918 hit!. hOnHI. lrH•lltggttl 1.IC'O ELECTRICIAN .. t P•tt 6• 1· 10!!........._ Thtnk yO\• Jot1u :"t~~cu~o~ss :ltul~I~. ~ ~'; NEEDS WOAKI Ofu11/ l1t'tlt11 CLEAN-UPS, OAllAOLS (j 13 70 I 'J ollet II .. M Lie. 4 16968 842-8023 • ····················~ AN'l'l HINOI CALL Wutlkd6y8 All cloy Sntur AESIO/COMM'L/INO Ml!RCUA;f~V~g:l!NGER RANDY 642 7647 dny 11ncl $unctuy L201a y2r'1900~1mAylo6w.'!.;"110112k8 Serving the Newport H1ulln11 & yd cloon up Hou111itti111 "" "'v Area Ttet lt1rnm1ng, goragtr '••••••••••• •••••••••• We dOllVOI' Anything" CIHn-up Oob 8f>O 9844 Mlddltl 11ge couplt1 will ---!!~.'.,~I. ••••.••.•••••. ' WOOD FENCES/GA TES Any Whore" 631 0711 F•mlly OI • will hllul Owlly h0Utt1sll. rela 8 --" 543-05 11 H••tlr••• your Old junk. 1rlmm1ng1, ln1talle<1 & Repaired Free HI Gery 499-1724 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••e r •• , tff1(;1t11t work Carpentry • C1b1ne11 667-3939 a " I Plumb -Dfllln Cleaning -.!!.!!!A............ E1ec·11tc.J -Tiie !~~!~!~~'!!~I ....... . TlllES Riii Don "6·0l49 ROBIN'S CLEANING Topped/removed. Clean Oon conlracl 'g, melnt, Service · 8 thoroughly up, lewn reno11. 751-3478 plumb repelr. pelnl'g. clHn house !140-0857 mobUe hOme service. ~Cleaning Ser vice Jim 536-9957 /f>36·3684 Houaea-Apta-Rontals Tiii lllEH SOHi JACK OF ALL TRADES Olllces 540-lll87 Call Jack anytime, TlflEO OF HASSLES? ~~~!~!r •. : •••.••.•••• BRICKWORK Smell 1ob1 Newport Coate Meto Irvine Reis 676-3 t75 Custom 8r1ci.-S1one Block -Concrelo-Stuc;.co Rois Froo OSI 549-0492 CUSTOM OUALllY 1u1y dos1g11·ony motu11al t 1c; 399032 S5 1-:.0867 dey or night 875-3014 Ouallly. cleaning help 1• Stmmon11ni:----lllMl IMPHVlllUT hor•I Refa 960 7"52 /llovillf FrH HI 646--·6684 REPAIR -PLUMBING ~SECLEANER •••• •• •• ••••• • •••• • • • Lawn·lree-ahrub ln11all Tree trim/removal Lawn M111nt/Roto11111ng Free es11ma1e 548-6085 Cerpen1ry. 11oc. Ulo Free Good 1els NB & 1rv1n._, * A-1 IOVllli * Landscaping Malntenan·, l5t Reas 645-2811 prtl Glady• 541.0102 I op qualoly Spec101 caru c11. Lawn & garden care. I in handling 25 y1s u•P cleen up Ken Jones. 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM H OUSECLEANING Competrt1v11 Rates 536· 16 tO refs HOME IMPROVEMENT Honest & Oependeote No overuroe. 730-t353 lllllHllli WUTll Ao;::'t~:~:i~~~~~lng __ e_ron~a 962-2690 Mowing. edging. raking. 631-8530 anytime Expe<llse Housekeeping -ABC MOVING· Quick. Corelul Service We lurnlah vacuum & aweaplng Free estlme· EXPERT HANDYMAN 1upplle11 Kilty 64 1 4970 115 6~737 C.,pentry • Roonng Low tales 552·04 tO S1 ARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO L•C T124·436 Insured 641 -8427 p I 6 60 Custom Home C1een1ng FINESTKINO 1-tumb ng. e1c. 42" 13 & Compl Maid Sorvtce GARDENING Cle11n-up11, H1rt/WHt/ flHll Prof. • Bondoo • lns'd am landscaplng. monthly •••••••••••••••••••••• UNICLEAN SYSl EMS WArCH US GROW1 matnt Nell 642-8795 HARDWOOD FLOORS ol Nwpl Sch 850· 1200 Boautllully CIHnod Hu1it Lt110111 K&O Landscape Macnt Aes1d/Cornm Clean-up Liie haullng 548-2489 ------MAINT & DESIGN Oberlin Landscape Serv Wrotten agreement on mo mamt 644-1246 ---GARDEN WORLD Full Service Gardening Zec Bernal 646-2922 and wue<I 832~881 Quality work with II pet· tonal touch Bachelor Ok CM. Irv HB Bello ...................•.• Piaae/Orc111 Teacher S 10/hr Roch 720· 164~ ~~~!~.( ............. . OUM? JOBS & Sma" Moving Jobs Call Mll(E 11-48-1391 HAULINO·GAAOING demolltton. clean-up. Concrete & tree removal Ouk:k MrY 842·7638 850-0933 -P•i11ti111, More famllles ara getung • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • the camping bug" thos fllE PAllTIH ye.er II you have a cam· by Richard Stnor Ltc per thel'• nol ge111ng 280644 13 yr1 or h8PPV used. sell II now with a local customers CIHtllled Ad Thank you. 631-44 10 -----. fo( your 1tlll99ood refr19eretor DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under 11,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items tor cash. If It doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item • per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-~. lxtra llnff $1.CIO) l•·;~:::t:.r11t/ f~!!J.!.'.".'!~ •••• !.~'!9 '!!!!!!1!.'! •••••••• !.~~~ •••-'•••••••••••••••••• Loll Gold Money Clip Diamond Wanted Wrll l••i•lll Sat • Harbor View Or Buy 1 ca1a1 lrom private ~ I II S-s CdM o<eepseke. Re-party, c11~h 631·9276 , .. , •• l -ward 840-8060 ... f"•······ ...•.•.. ,,,, ,, Wm 1&1.• LOil M Siamese cat blue oa . 7 111110n1. l>uty, Coall •Y•!· flea collarL dRecla· ••• ~'.'.V.'.t·'-'··••••• !.~~g Mesa/~ 8c:h .,.._ weu , ana to fl oy AT Yllll SlllYICI A f I 7 p m c e I I EmorOlll Bay, Lag Bch 714/857-0859 494-se& \, 667. t336 Peraone1 que111000 corn· -, r l ~! ••••••••••• !!!!! ~~~!.!!.!~!!!.!.~'ff ~!~l!!.!!!.~ .... !!.~ff !t!~.~!~ .... !!M , Jbll1EIMl9· ,_ Complete Orange Coalt ..._ Piia '~'---'"""'--------"'rL.,_ __ ., ' ·~ , i r . :~--< ..__ $90 & up wllh kllchen. Fomllle roommii. to.,,.. Single car gar 20th St. SO LAGUNA 3 Arch ea ... weekly. ac.lntront Mo-re fuxurloua 2 bdrm Coate ~eu Storegt 2 SullM ave~ Gd Hwy South County Arcade. LOST CAT. c1t1m Per· lei 675-8740 home on tlle Liiie In $65/mo 631-0921 Vlstblllty 497-2351 Loceuon and IT\Khlnes 111n, Malo. REWAROI panron rjrover s lo• yov1 day 10 oav eirand~ Shopping lloctor s appts, church etc Alf needs met By hou• O• day 494 -585 7 LMllA llAll Woodbridge Security 150/mo. gar ago. 2884 Offlgn, ar1, dralllng •P-or loc111on only. Call ·Beyalde Or l CdM area gate. PrlY beoch end llC. l.aSt lle. Colla Moea. In l""hl. airy Npl Bch Allv T om O r S I m o no 759-8033 91T11 -Full lake prlvllegea. A Cell afl. 5·30. 957-2740. Art-vOltlco. Furn $185 t 586-289e Found ;;;-Mein Sl, r,!!'!!~1 ...•.......... OtJAllfY WORK n .. t "Ill" loo11oet Htil• l K. l'll7 IOT Ouvo 964 t04'> CUf>IOM l'AINllNO lnl/11~1 RnatdltOlrlrll I 188 HI Lie 044 47911 l'i yr'O v•1> NOICdM I 111 umull my pr1ce1 11r11 KtrWlll n()ll 673-6477 fNf/EXT PAINTING .\ WALLPAPERING C,u,tom work rrne 1111 flout Steve 54 7 -42111 HAj;IBOR PAINTING Oualtly work Free est Clllt all 6pm 673-5166 CUSTOM PAllTIH 25 yrs flAP Lie 40394 t Bonded Ins Rola Coto• el!pert 963-09 11 Otck HOLIDAY PAINT TIME' 23 yrs Also Odd 100& & rep1ms Bruce 972·0 t 16 r!~!!!V.~!J.~~'. •••.•.. T!!! ................. . ro·q l"lASffRINO Ill I •• /II t ' N•Hll potC.IWI lfolifl•I A• • o<I R11•1"'' 11\ ll4'J 111•,11 11,,1 fJLASllH .-AlC.tm~t. n ... ,1u11 ua '""••I ~o yr1 Noo1I P11ul 114'.> 7r11 l 1 '"" ~ I I !!~!!~!~I ............. T!!f!. !.'.1.vjf~ •......••• A Tl AS Pl UMIJINC.. & lle1tt11tg op11~111ht111'1 111 r 1111.111r 1 f}~ ~ I 088 ID ILL 141-1125 W0tlt1 Ii""'"' bl11'<.•afl :.0• hr plumlmr t•ll ~!!!~i!~i~I ....... ~ .. . J 0 Hurn flt<ltn1il1111g Antrquca kn '-•'"""""' f111t• P8tnl111Q tl4 '• Oi,)(,4 ~!.0.'!~1. ••••••••..•••• Hubor Aoof1ng-u11 type~ New ret.ovor decks Lie 11411802 548·97:J4 IUPUllOll TRH SERVICE frf1•• Wl1f',. N1U1 H ( ''" f\C.lftrH,.h f11r\Ufll' J .\ r urnuvlll hy It ,,,.,. •l IJ•il lull f• 0 II• , J•l Cll\I·• M~'\.J l ,1 1•1• ;': ''ti /)41' Ir II T.U. '.o.r j ~I. .•..•...•...• Mc,·~1 th1• c' .C lJ1iy' t•'llf t \ I I , M' Mnt11w1 t,4 1 /r Pu11ino noor1NG Rf PAIRS ••'••••A••••••••••••• SrrtaU JOOS o k hou Utiotl (~fJlfllHJ11•t I 11 • t• 'lit.:'\ Farthing lnlertor Oe~tgn milt ea Call Tout A r.t11i(.k llANGINGISTRIPl"INO V•sa MC Scott 645-9325 ~42 6392 ASA PAPERHANGING ROOF PllOILDl1 1 yr!> local e•P Guar Don t re-1001 r"pu1r JI worlt Prices star! 111 lroc.11 on ol r"'' \8/rOll Alec 751·7027 857 :>890 Poperhangmg. stropping Scrttlll po1n1ing JC In I work. lg or •• • • ••• • ••• ••• • • • •• • • • !>mall JObs. reasonable MOHIL( SERVICE '1t l .. tH t J;;j, • S, t(J LI H1r 11 ~.1H It 1 ( ,. t ft1t' 11r1 , I If ' 111 , ' ~-(.11• 111 • Q 111 ;tO tJ "II , I ,,,, ._.,' lt1 islet. • Reis Free esl Rt>~creen&/New scr~~"' Brendan 968-7427 NB/CM univ 642-9!">57 CliAI'• t ti I'• t;r, r o Jully Crtcketers Prof Wnllpaperong & s1r1pp1ng Many references Poul 857-01 t8 0111111, ,.,., .... ,1., Sui anne 979.45f 5 !fl.~~!.~~~~~! ...... . * •BRYANT's• * Wallcovertng Removal All types 642· t343 P•lio Covt11 .....•.•.•............ So/11 ...................... Solar Con~uhlng sy~tem~ 1rouo10 'h11011ng. pool~ t101 wtr spacu hoa1111g Natural ga~ dereglilallnn os tleru Ophmtle yrwr system~ f'lltc1enc;y At~( n!'w 1ns1 .. 11011on~ I 1< 405544 631 2430 !t!!~!!!!! .. ~ •.•..•... I SFRVICE & Af PAtfC Vuro Oppen~ SPrvoce (,o I 818 4666 R11~,d •. 11 n nt • • t <ir r•tf•f1 "'1H1' uJIJ• WfJf lt I>"" 11t µ1 ' li4C. ''*" For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR CUSTOM woo<J palto co 642 5678 vers. <leeks & fences by Sh<il> at hO•Tie 11 ~ eu~y • RANDY 64 t-0622 Wllh c.l11ss1foel1 642 SC.78 --------- DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS 642-56 78 '!.'.'I •• 'f ! !'.'.'.~ •••• !.'. qg 1! • .' JI •• 'If!!'.'.'.~ •.•• !.'. qg I '!. t/ P •• 'If! !'.'.t.~ ...• !.1. q g HH/IH OFFICE •FASHION COUNSHOH MOUSUEEPEA 25.35 hrtwk Ta• Exper S 12/hr Pll 11101es Ap 1 ,.,. " c ~· , ,_. B• , , helpful 631-5115 pare• Bu&•ne~~ 731-4341 '" ,, .. , 1 , 01 535·0496 ,. 1~ 1~1 s...Ll .l!J:. 1'\b CHE HCOHTOll ..E•r>e< or trainee. plllme Laguna Beech 497-2610 CARPEITH $9-S 10/hr Great bene fits Call 837-4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 N 8roslot S A r.mell roe Clllf TllAlllE IJf l(J[ll> 4 • r. l<r1~lO A 1,., FINANCIAL •10lJSF ~ f[PI I< ANAl YST L••l! '" IC)I 1"1' "' .... •' for growing lnvestm"'" t ""1 ,,, ~ t , ~ 1 : , •:~ M;inagemment Co Re '' '' ' \ ' • Qutret reloted COLLEC.£ 1 r degree(s). 8 yeors oust I IRONING ness &Aper wtlt1n9 to p~, 1,1 , ,, , ,, Wkly rental• $95 up step 1bovo the rOlt tor 548 7285 l•n•l•l•I Huntington eoach. white Color TV. Ire• coffee. the right peraon , Bus Ollitl •••l•I 4400 · kilt 960 2963 heated pool & a1epa to 551.3eoe •••••••••••••••••••••• IEWPllT IUCI O•Ntl••ill SOIS ~ -· . ooeen, Kitch'• avail. •llLlll lfFIOll* MllfOAL lllTI •••~"••••••• •••••••• Lost· Man'1 Olamond ring 985 N. Cout Hwy. lalMr 114&• 1 room to 2800 sq. It PREMIER 1.0CATION AllTIALll Or101e 01 or Plocentto Laguna 8eoc:h 494.5294 Luxury condo, Atty. stra . From St.18 1 aq fl Adi Need up 10 s5ooK for Ave. CM Keepsake Re will enare. $550 Air porter Inn & Frwya. Garden Bulldtng aub-dhllelon. bat suburb ward 549·0087 F1ench kitchen e•per f!'!l!!l!'W!! .••.•••••• l C111164~70~11 _1oam Jo)1 W111lftl 1015 1 CHILO CARE -Help mo-•••••••••••••••••••••• I her 1n her home 2 ch•· Young ma11ted man wtll dren (6 mos 4 yrsl wk do general handy work deys 9.5 731·8115 trv Call eves & wkends. travel. highly motivated yCI••' "''"''' 1 ,11 ,11,,1 Sl'll starter. unusually I ~·'·' ~ ..,. ,.,1, • .,, ,11 strong 1n1e11ec1uol cu110 ,1, ·.~1 1 '·~" slly non smoker Excel- lent wr111ng abolny w1lht1g Kennel Alttrid1nt 10 make a comm11ment I Mr>''"' 'l .: , .• Compens1111on 10 S36 000 ond eJtcl"flent bene l t"9 1 " " ' • • Kil prtv, Christian Homo, d 1 1 5 2 • g 4 4 2 , 0 y Call AM e33-3223 900 aq II Amen11ies M 1111ighl . Nr Bch. Lag 840-2434 131·2150 ot Brltbane, high return, FOUND Beaut oaoy ••b· 972-9525 CINICal fits lot 1he ng:ht person [ •l 1" ' • • • O• ' If yov are not thP t>est Be 1 A", I •t 8ch. $325 •99·2286 ---------·I 1617 Weslcllff. N 8 258 MCurod by IOCll R.E. in bit Vic o l 28th St ---------M/F to anr 2 br. t''t O• 1o .-OOOsq 11. 1st noor 2500to5000eqll N•wport alnc o t9•5 O cean F1ont N B S..UUtul -lowntiouse. apl. E/Slde c M Pool. Agenl 5"1·5032 CdM, quiet a serene 873-6336 AM/PM l.OOAM 67 3-7 699 Mature healthy lady X1n1 cook nurse versa11le Sftk5 employ as compa nton local ref1 675-7794 ;1;;;~~;'«UCI Ctll j ac. $257.50 Bob •HUii lfflOEI• work atmosphere En· lf•'o::J.''' .,, ft•ll 875-2570 &46-4011-41972· 1300 trance on Coast Hwy & 1 SOJS Found Blonll/rod 1err1er NICI nelghborhoog Ill lll ... Tt WAITlll From 1 room to 3 room•. Fernleal, great loc Outek •••••••••••••••••••••• mix aml male dog Nr lltl• W••IH 1100 Coll• Me11 -room In -From Sl 16 •sq ft. No icceat to MacArthur I I ••nLlll 20th St. C:M. Eves call •••~•••••••••••••••••• houM. $200/mo. "Pfu• •,o, Milo 25·35. etr1lght, lease require<! Adj. Air· Blvd & Fwy. Ross Pro-, , -646_43,.8 Apt Mgr for New 19 unll utlla. Over 21, non Im<>-non-amoker. to share Porter rnn. 2172 Ouponl. pertlet. 551-6130 Mertcace O.. I••· ___ condos Coste Mesa kor. Al 957·0128 Ilk• new 2 Bdrm, 2 bl. Call AM. 833-3223 Spoctellzlng In let 8 2nll Found· Pr woman's ree l S350 credit toward $715 Cotta Moll hom•. mile San Juen Ceplatrano Airport area • Exec Sul· 4:t·,~ B~r,e~OStp~·~·q~~~ TO'• since 1949 ding 01111:; Back Bey r11n1 642-4907 wl4d1ys student, non amkr, hM ~~. ~~~~!,,!',0~~ tes. From 225-450 '<I ft. Agent 54 1-5032 ~obi SelllOr NH/CM area 833" 4 1 Assist Ht .MHacer prlv. $"225 mo.+ J150 bOach&OeneP!'lntHbr S1 per sq.lt Manyxtras I lffl RE Broiler BdRetllort FOUND 81&ul Small Mature person 10 wo1k clHnlngdop.648-"59 $290/mo.plu•'h utlHllet CaJ1557-7010 Rod~:1.'~!s11 M:: Su· ~17 1 545~11 cblrd. lrY61ne Te9r5''3c9e. With esl•bhshed youth Glfhtrd (714) 83 t-2040 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq 11 0 M 4 4 counsehng llrm Musi bt" Meta Verde. lovely muter or 496-9758. PonthouM Bayfront Sul-blet 1778 IQ ft et 79' h••••t1•1•l1/ 675-3382 sharp outgoing 11111rac1t ~;T.:/!!~·h~'",:o'"::· 'F·---.-,_-......,--... -a-r_o_l>fl_au_· le, parking, petlos Aec1pt . work r o om 1111•••/1/ FOUND Abandoned dar-ve personatrly pleeaant .,..,....,. ~ ., ... 673-1003 llorllQO 675-3882 10·5 • _11 I ••••ti ting 01._ Lab approa 10 phOne vo.ce end 1101toty 545-2095 •11 4 tllul now Tur lltrock 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil -•• " t t 1 $235 Townhomo Master Br. 11 Deluxe 1ulle In We tor •••••••••••••••••••••• wks Nd• good home o mee peop • per El Toro, en house prlvh-1Ul$ fronl bldg. 2012 sq fl A•••••tt•l•ll SI# 548-8258 week when qualrlled Call gos. W/0 , member Sun •di beth ~hare wl1th *llflt * S 1 50laq 11 642•4844 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 o Q pm . 5 3 Op m a SaM club. pool, tonnll young cou.,.v, gr11t or O.C Airport 1ru Prof. Itel II ltuiratfM Found Perrot VIC Wolaon/ 642·4~21 ext 346 E 0 E $280. 111 & IUI. utH. Incl UCI eludont or I acuity. environment. lull ~. Fiii IEIT /OIPIEll 780..o&o4 PllQOnlle area Call D•e- 586-4038 5~8029 l>elor 10PM or no lrl!ls. tndlvldual of· Prime comm'I 1oc:it1on, _ _ ne btwn 2· 1Q 6<1?-4260 TOO YOUNG M /F wanted to •here llcea or desk aptee. 150 n ext 1easee recelvee Muat describe IJ. .. '!J!,.'!!.~! ••• !.~lj beech front apl Non FIQAEftE-73~9 89Ml78tt-t MO. $4500 copier lor entire .1 ·~··' ' • ~Baby black/ wt11te FOR THE IUUll •RL amoker. prof pereon de-'"!!!!!!!!i!!'!!!!!i"!!!!. !!!!!i!!!ll!!!l•!I lerm. no gimmick• Call ~.f Killen vie 92t E BRI· Wkly rontala now avell. ~:1~8 S 3 t 0 mo •~ HSI SPAOI Oltl _!_or detalls. 960-1471 ~ ·~~ ) .. ~~.. _bo_e_ei_vd_6_75·5102 AIRLINES? St05 & up Color TV Attractive rustic upsttlrs WHTMIUTlll "~~,.., SCR·M·lETS Phone• In room 2274 Fem1lo Aoommal • to Mt1lng. we supply dMlt, Ooluxo office or 11ort I ~"" .._1 " HI-pro hlll 1mm11d ope- Newf>or1 BIYd CM. llNlre luxurloua hOtM on ..._ y IC>ICO 1•2801900 IQ fl .., ~ nongs 101 20 sharp guys & 6-48-7«5 lake In Irvine, Hcurlty ~~. co,,.... ou 94.IP. 14304/1200 IQ ft S.ach ANSWERS gals frllil to travel coast t .._ h ta ply phone, & $95 pr mo • hl " S I 18 & gate. pr1v1 • ...... oe . ,.. pr desk Cell 6"4--72l l Bhrd Btwn 2 trwys. CIYIC 'II.' ., ,-, to coast •ng e B E I C H I R E I cun l. full lo61o prlYllegos. Cont• Snapping C.ntor. -~ • '-Bottow • Smote over Free 10 etlllrt Im n " n Call 551·3808 doy1. 2000 sq ft w/500 sq fl prime location 979-8889 ~ ... ~"I 'l Cubit · 0.bllfl med Wtll bi! demonstra· $84/...&. 551·3805 _, atoroge. 0 C Alrporl or 880...0144 'II BOMBS ling new prO<luc1 2 wi.s "" Roommett needed M or are•. S 2 0 0 0 I mo 1----------I tried to e11.pfoln 10 my p<J lta•nrng ave•age eur Reft'lgotator·Mald·POOf ltrm. 28f. 2 ba. pool, IC)I. 851-8928 EXEC euttea HB $275. . youngster th1t fireworks nongs $300 pet wk & up ...._1 8IYd & Wll9on •---1_11 lllllull w/CPA & Atty Sec. Xe-• were llltgll He lhOUghl Call 750-9955 or IPPIV ...... W/0 , gw. MQ.trlt)', c..,.. •n; "' r ox . A e c IP • Y 111 • lhal wH Improbable sin· 12192 Chapm"n Ave COit• Meta 11•8-9755 to bch. Ava" now. Coro-Ex~.Sultn tncl.roeept., 1_e_9_1·_8_99_1______ c:o wo hid eo m1ny G&rden Grove This 11 Pino Knot Motet on Cont nl CS.I Mir. $450/mog sec Y aerva.·conl. rm .. l•llHll 11•1•/ 4450 SENIOR BOMBS ---~01 ~•g!21n4!1 ~:/~n~~k~y19,~~.~0 ~~~~:J!:.:~:o?~~o ~~1o~s'!'v~1 t:•;od~~ b~~: p;,"~;·;v:;r"·c~:;~·H;y~ Found: Kitten. ell bleck, Bao ysltter needed on 845..0440 x209 wt&d)re. nou needt Adi 405 NB loeallon Now 1100 CITIZENS lleo colllf, WHtcillf aroe B11lbo11 ISiand for 7 mo --... ---,-.. --...,--'·w_a_n_tt_d_r._o_o_m_m-1-1-0-10-1 Fwy In F.V lndlY. otca. aq 11 111111 .Can bfl dM· I .&IA:._ .. ..,.. --old Rels roq d 673-t4t8 ,.~ ahlf• new condo, untv. Mo /mo from s32s . doll $2000/mo w1ter· hlNll•I• SJSO -aa111tn111 n•~ ••45 look' f •••••••••••••••••••••• ... Reo1on1blo r1t ... Kit· Town C enter. Ir vino .,.,,. • .,.. · Iron t H o me• Inc Ill Cl F11-Tues 8 mo & 7 yrs c:MM1t•. phOnOO, mold 1425 & ~ ulll Av•ll. Coste Mose l or 2 room 631 ·1400 Liii& t YIOll'I Proler our home EtStde eorvlct . Z channel mo-tO/tll. Call Donni or 1ult11 From S75t rno ---------8 • ? PHOTO MOOf!LS c M $80/wk 831-5426 Yloa. SANDPIPEA MO· J. y . 8 6 1-11260 0 r Utlls ineld 779 w 19th Ofltce & gtrlgO 12851"'° I a artal1 TEL. tte7 ~ BMI,,. 957-8071. St. 851-6928 Nur Belboa Bay Club Look no ltr1~ tflan our ESCORTS/DANCERS BABYS ITTERS AHP CM &4S.9137 1--------,,...--P..---------& Cont Hwy. 648-784 1 Otecount Guldt lor Se-OVTCALL 24 HRS allull . temp agency Fomalo 2 Br 1 Be 1 •HmflL Hl·020l Ch11r1011e·1 s111ers L.11111 llAll block from b11ch. _,. C•••1ttl•I nlor CIU1tn1 publlthtd $300/mo. 875-0513 llWNllT OHTlll I / I 441S Hpec1111y for you eoch 64~-3746 meT• • 1----------1 With uao ol rocopllon. • ••• ~.!.~•••••••••••• month In lh• Dilly PllOt * * * B&nktng Wkly rental• t95 up. Stir lg lux hme wlprot conl. room. kltch, phone. t t60 IQ tt. Eaay Acceu. Clt1alflod1 lfl fl p I PAllT /TllH TILLH Color TV, lrff coll••· peu on. '285. let. IHI. aecrotarlal & word pro· SH di lly. 8·5 $700/mo The M;otl Senior Citizen• •• • Ir or Experienced or Willing to hOlted pool & 1tep1 to ._des> ......... _ ........ ___ 7_9 _____ coating. Miii & m .. 111go 173 1 Superior. C .M. Olecount Guido wlll bo Open 24 hrs• d1y tretn ouetllled lndillldual ~. Kltc:h'e 1vell. F/M al'lr lalboa lallnd "'"· evell. aepar atOly If 6 4 2 • 2 • 3 4 . day• publlthtd on Wtdnll• 7 dtrya 1 Wffk with ooshlerlng & typing 985 N. C-t ~· c:ott•t•· 2 rrna 111111. dHlre<I. C111. Judy. 96"·729• OYOS. d•)'. October O. Wetch Joounl, 81una. Loce11 experience Conlact Ray Lagun• ee.ct., •M· 294 1100 l300. 875.,.200 7141760-0100 Offl<lo or rot1ll loeatl0n W tor It! • ...._ _ _. •• well II Tour1111 Mo111r. 5511-U 93, for Good 1yp1ng s1<1115 lo• detail ortented work Brokerage form expe· rtence pref d Call 6U ~9l t 1, E:oil 20? or 239 M-F ootween 10 am . 1 pm COOK Tne Ra1ergt1 Hiii~ Hosp1 1111 ah;ohOllsm treatment t11c1111y located on New port Beach has 11n cm me<11a1e lull tome opening lot a Cook E•peroence on a hosp11a1 seltlng 1s pre- ferred E •Cellf!nl lronge oenelolS Fo1 an interview call Losa L•COYOll 01 come tn and fill out an app11ca11on 7 t4/6 .. 5-5707 1501 E 16th Slreet Nf'wport Beach EOE MI F DAICE H•CE DAICE Famous Fred Asteore Studio si,ek1ng a11r11Ctl· ve personable men and women over 18 yr$ Earn $7 anll up a5 proress•o· n111 ballroom 1ns1ructor1 No expe1 needed Wiii 1ra1n lree Full or parll time (213) 630-6099 C9·51 pledse tell your smartest C,,...,,. n • I ' unchc11lengod f.,pnoJ I•'• 17 4 :•• 1 ""' &0001 us Reply 1n conl1 L 1 (J , p r 1 , denc.e to Collins Asi.0<. ltN ,,111 , 56 7 S.o1n Noc.oias NB .,._, '··••' •• tt• 9:»660 ,, Full 11mt• Mothers HPipPr w11ntod tor J ""' c.noldren Oct 9 ;>9 on Balboa P1>- nm~u1;i G7'J 7180 Afll'f nnon ontv LOAN OFFICERS A(J) • , "lt Pl B1 lf\.t 'I I ~. ' ' 11 •I• 1 ~ J t 1 f h11. .. • It ,..._.. .~, ' ..... GenPral Olftc;e Per~on lor I f< [ , .. " , t.i ' 1 • 1 girl o tlore C&ll • 1 We11erty Martrie tor '"' ervrew 642 O 146 I• " '" • Fount•1n V1lle7 &HEllJL OFFICE S tOOO mo 1ype 4, wpm 10111 of pr>oph· contact Woll 11a1n Call 835·4•U9 JOBS TODAY 2707 N 8ro11ol $ A smell tee Gencrut 0 1111.<> typrnQ 119111 bkkg M111ure Opo ty lor expondod posotton Suom11 rosume to 10 1 1 Brtoso 011ve Ste t 1 1 C M 92627 General Ollrce Propert) M gmt Co Newport Beach retoel recPpl•<• nost good 1ton1 ot11cr eppearanco 6 proless1n net Blllludfl lypong 5!> WPM required tor vn rtovs projects hrs 10 1 M T po,stble e~pan11on to lull time posot•ori 549-2988 Mortcace Company t t f I I ]1• <'if .... , •''4 P Al ~ ~ \ • I l l tit ' ,,. f;f 1 ~ j I I J1~ 1 Jl If t' 1 f• I M(llf!I ,.l\C .1 II• 1 I MAINTENANCE I &&ROEMER ,., 11' ti \•, 'I-"fl I•' "'oor' ., 111r••n!11•r.11, C!ill ~I' 1 '"'' Oil Jo)[)A' • 7 I< l' SI I t";A '''ti,,., M .1!·1n J ,.,,, 111 rt C•un p111uon t,Ovt.•·~ • ••o••' Mu"I J,.,,.. 7,~o OAth DENT AL OFFICE MNGR Eltlc1en1. Enlhus111S1tc & Halrstyllsl with ro11ow1n11 org anized .. w/bkkpng to work In new 9&1on en e•per 4 dy wk 546-3000 Coron11 aet Mar 111eu called Images 675·5531 t..4.llurn l n111t~h ~I •M~ ong WOUU'H\ In w'•~· Hl tt iJ' ,_.,, ur1r1 i tt,11 I rn, l 11 ,., •• , C Otflll,_. ;_\ hr ti\ d h/ '.111.1~ .. ~ Ori ~' lo ·IQ I t' 4 11 ! • '"~ 7!''' 07'"'4 Dietary Aide . Thi< A~l•IO" Hiii• Hospl· 111 11Coh0llsm lreatrnent laclllty 1oc1ted In New· port Beach. hH an Im• mediate lull t1m1 opening lor o Dietary A1d1 to 11- 1111 lhe Cool! 1n va11ou1 kitchen duties E•~ri.n­ co In a notplt1I Mtllng 11 l)flltrrod HEALTH SPA COUISELOll S1111.•y DOE Wiii train groat 1-:b lor body con ICIOUI people Call 835·4449 JOBS TODAY, 2707 No BrtSIOI s A 'm111 roe HIRING MAH WOHHI OILY l.OCll ltrm nu 36 ope· , nlnga In 5 diller1n1 de p&rtmenta MECHANIC ~ ron1 whN•I ll1Q11m11n1 Owro 1 11\I• Norwf"''' Tt1f' L NllN JOOO f Lf\'4$1 tlwy l n1eo •• d I Mrtr MECHANIC (UP'O) O.il 1 or VW Own 10 11 F iltn•t• 011~.1 f uyOI' 17J1 C\ulif'"'nr C"M 64?·24 14 ledlo1I Assist. ._llb ff A-4M PM EJtecutlvo tultH, lull Mr· Nowl)Orl &eecfl ~o•. ..., .. .., 8enkAmerlcerd, Atntrl-Newport BHC:ll brtncl't ..-r. ••••••• ;m.; ...... CIWlttlen Fall'llle to ..,_ vice, gruuy rodUC*t. no 5SO sq. It. HOO mo to-otanNIH.. CM (11pre11. Dinora All Equ111 0PPOftunlty &m-i 1 080 21 'I' old ,.,.... P'Of _.. _ IWMouM. • bd, INM 754-0274 111 t.c&-88"4 ........ -~ 1 t•t l •S.3433 ployer So C1lll ornl1 2,.., roomm•• 2941 .............-· -•• 211t Harbof Bl CM 83.1. to lhr a moe1 bMYCIM a M;J!!" "°""*'· $326. 2500 1 /l bHIC Ole w/ '"' lltN/ ~ --38r..,... In:= W _,..11a-1t11. ttorl"""". By oc Air..,.,. • .,. .. ,_ O•"c•n tor ••chelo11 oenklng I Pl! Irv __, &. s 1 50 0 / T """• ln1'1 41# to ltlOW Mii ,_,.,, ~ l•ellelorette P utl.. ,,. LL /Tt• TILLlll P MOPll'H STAATINO l!.llceltent lflngt benollta FOf en lnltfYleW call Liu L1Ce ... o11 or coine In al'ld llh ou1 en app11e111on r or Ofltl'rltlll'llOQlll hill .. OlllCfl will lraln Now• por I Cfll'llt" 'J lull tJAy\ Wffk 640 .. ~t ~ ull/ttmo •1,.err1111c.fd lk..0• NurHty C M C-.!1 ror es;pt &4'i ~78' .._ IP9 ,... ~. pwe tnt , SW' m o o m •••••••••••••••••••••• t he We111n1111t9I' Men .,~ °' &S•·•~• l!·c•1•-1 ---1unlly1-71•1•••.1707 h h•trluu 11 !ft() ... --189-H?I, Mllh. UI ... pd. Nr bch, H 1·t928 N 8 . ,1170 Birch 1000 aq '1nt Ar1 Show. Ttlln to , -~ ""'' ........... ~ .. -... .._ Hl-CS10 H8. tno.IM-0794 1 •· flll It, MIA i on•. Agent Su n .. Ool. 94•11 ....... HfMJ '""'" oxperienceo peraon In 1501 E. '6th SlrMt t1•t •O•rt•Hh. Nurting L VN fOf buay b8Ck Olli<;• r IT 557-3'}4'} A~lr. IOI Jo11n Smtih illiiiiiiiiii .. liiiii <Mii, ....... , 12·IO lhr Atty'I , CPA'• ' Prof. 64'·6032. ttS.760t. C°"*"MOOn wltl'I 8trl>I Otlrlctl\18 11Ylng1 & toen N9WPOf1 Beach ,, .. , ...... , .. , •• N C E MCMN t<1 nr1 lmmedltte opening of· EOE HIJ I F• Ad Actian Cal I Olly Plot AD-VIII ff2·5171 3 w. I• .ion llMCt'I. ewpott '""' u o $760 VP 2tt0 It. lnelu· '1#I 11 r--1 ~ t 3e-OTOl fora vet ltd dUllH . M/F • · Hmx.&' , 15' patio. tel. Sultu, tully et1t1ed. 1tr1a1 • omo.. 18901 .._. •uleJ'•utllJ••nffijl Orenoe coui s ivtno• & (? t419&4·5354 OfFIOI CASMIUI l1tt tee . l rltn htlldle Ill your bullneN dondo Ctrclt •M & T -• ••-OOIOS. Would love to L.o•n , HOO Adima, ELECTRONIC ASSEM· C1ll Sil • Wed Noon Will hllve div"' 111111111•11 e , 173-1111 nooda, ln<11V10u11 Offlcee. Huntin gton, 8e•oll. p.1y w/you Cill lue ~ Cotta MHI Ci .II <I.Ind•. llLIA t yr uper. In 1101 Aootere wented c i u lnt luellng rr111111 np11111 Fem tolfVtlf 1 loopl Mo/Mo M4·71H . -••2·2U4. fnllllft IM t<1thy ln'llll'll• (213) 754·t80t tot. elee;lronto ..-nbly. In-B ob or NtYlll• ••' 11on1., bktcg ""'' dtrl'CI w/Mme t houM Iron" Exeo ttJltt w/AC. 600 IQ Ren I MG tOO eq. fl \IUnU ~ •I 3 .. • .. I 'f 1 , ( 11 4 ) -clud I OlderlnQ, COior t42·'7a22 -1 d ahng• with tf\• put11<r. -..c h boo Incl. 11111 It. w/bllh & 01r 1400 '240/mo H44 "•n· ARE FR£E H1-71M IAlnlMI coo• 1 acl'lom•llc ,.,. --1 E•Pf'1 "°' 11°' •111 11 un -• 17• .. .,... t 0 dln9 Oood ~•.CM •IHU"ll ,uH ttno• 01 tom~ n~ .,.et Ker..-"'° . .,.._ d"lph 8 • .M •5. "'""' • lnleffl-t w/m t 80·110 1•1'tlft Woll .~ .. c .... 1 .. ,..... ....... I I ( I t • • .... k I • -, .. --~-• Ive 1n/out From IOO l'l•nt llt 1111111 .on 11c ....__ , ___ .-.. ... , .... , ' 5-81 t H . 1\1111 ICH COITIPI• nown Cir nklny ..... .. M •• 0 11 I -· ,...,,.._ """ • C ...,..,...,.,, ... ~ --.... ... , -k Lowl ... HomttAld r ... c ••mo a -· - _ , --..... .. w ..... ,.0 1 al: 111ot1•t1lp tor generoue b llahmen1 look no tor ,.....,.,_ "" ,...., r-wvtr 644 3..,.. u;.·;;;.1.Mirt-rw; OfflCt ~! ~~ ~~,;. :,:::.~,,.:r ~ 141-1111 ...... !(en ••1411• ~a:,t, ~~i~~..';:111~c:>:~ 1B~;~.,w;~J~ f3~~~tl c Agency I su~Oi·s JlWlUllS WAtfrACTIOM H•bof. Appto• toot tq tq ft,'°' tt ~IC, no Wat11 Ad "91s17 TODAY, 2707 N 8fl•tol, 8&AVICE DIRECTORY ,._ ,,_ Oii ......,i ~Adi l42-et7I ft 114-t4S.7100 pelnt. CM/"8 ~a~ ~~~~=~~~~~14~2~-M1~:•::_ __ .__JL_S~A=am~'"~'-~---1===~'•~•~·~·~bou~tt~=~w~~ld~le~ll~em~1~~~~-~&0~1~e~w~11n~1~A~d~t~C~•~11~fl~4J~-~.,e~1~1 ~-================::::.J-:=:=::::..:::=..:::::;:::;;::::.:.:~ ....... -:::=-:=mioiiii.. ..... .J.:::::::::._..___.._.~ I !'.11 .. 'l!!'.'1!. •••• !.'.ff '!!.'1.!l!l.~~ .••• !.'.ff P111 llm• , .. ,.,., QlllC•, ~ecr•l•ry 1nu Clerloal typing 4 wpm good n•IP n•ell•O 101 1 n•w !)110111 m1111111• Call comp1ny C1ll IHll 1761 &ff.f682 IOr A.uf' 10 6 M r Tllf £!r..~J~'··••••~f /tl'.!!'1. ••••••••• 11.!f f!!f •••••.••••••• l!f. -::~~::,". i.i'J,H ~.'.1!! •• tfttt!l_ ••• IJ.';f ~.'.'!!1.!~r.!.1°!1. •••••• Ulaek Silt Spaol .. / 8hto. MAAOUll·OUl Ol'AL IP• Ollie Jl'IP•, AKC. 4 moa. •••••'•••••• •••• 1.'..,.' T Doi ,,,,,.. t1Jf I.male dOQ. II moe ,,.. proa 10 I 7 mm U C.I •l•o ,t.KC COCktt pupe,. Rtlll H ' motor home.I op ar ·················'···· ~ ... ~·.'.!!'!tt!!~ ....... ~ ... '!!.!."!I!!!~ ...... . !!!!1,.-. •••.••••• 1.~ .• rt1r1 •••••••••••• 1~~~ P•1m1111nt P•• I ""'' JAll XCHA_N_O_e __ _ c;11h111, counllr & 1111 St'CA TAAY, Mir, V.CIOf tooo prep 0111011 tor Mimorll• 2 & 3 word bu1y l1mlly owned 11110 proceu111g thOrlh1no wlW 1h0p n .. r So Cet r 1Q'd work wllhou1 P1111 8 10 2 Mon tnru 1;onilinl tuperv111on Fri Pnone t\41 UOO IOI r>111 m11ur1 1no1vldu11 •POI wtlh proven 1klll1/mtny 10 0000 hoint f42·30M '3M> 10·653' eny Umt wk1 193·4411 llp• a, 11111, toactlcl 3 AOoraiiieiW1-. reecty lll1nll••H•I Ulf PARROT TAME I 140 8 19 IP•u•I Paid AMI~~ D•~= c!:.ti.. 101 1t1om1 ••••••••••••••••••••• Umbrell• C0etketoo RV & loel 8IOllOI I t pet For vour Ct rl 4 ctoor. t owner , a Int 667·08fl ••• ht ... I020 887·7637 It C111 Joe MllH I Ill oonct 14000 t.llSTER PlllM/llM 13'3 I Hwbot ltvd OarOtrl 010¥1 7t Ht WAOON AC, maoa. GMI, IUlhef 1111•. root rec.II. 2 'fr ,., v •o r mnt ~OK m l ll000/080 16'· 10t3 Pit Bull, 1 mo , gentle, I to 20' long, 38' l>4H It SC~itPPl!flKH from Bel 845·0730 llHel•·Mertll'J 042-4338 or Sl1..otl8 good with 01n11 ooo•. 77&· t4G 1 an)'1tme gl111 4 mo•. re11. xlrH 81 r ore rrevlll 33. clH11 "people oog . 988 29H. s AP t h Cl 760 1387 21121 Harbor 81Y ,,,,,,, •llJ U LUO Jl!!t'PI Clrt· we c oO O.d Mutt ... 10 liellev11 COii• MMe 640-5830 •••••••••••••••••1•••• •••·ltnle1 n• ~ii':laaa '14 VOLVO St Wg 4 Cir, 4 or. II lnj . l lr, t lk t llrl 1249& ... 2·6426 1ve1 60111 Many Seit for Un AKC 8PRIN0f!R SPANtfl 17,000 mllet, 08,000 ·~ ""11'1 1 Sui week CUTE SLUE CllH' 160 00 For ltllo Call Malt 8 mot nffdt 10 "9 0 • 4 4 1 II . h o me Htgholl cHh lmmtKll1tlly PEST CONlROL op111• y1 I t•Ptr OC AhpOrl 1or. knowi.ooe or p11n11 1r11 40 hre weoll 6t1r1 & 1n11Ct 1 d req'd Wiii tmm101•11ly No •oen· Hatn 1900·11100 mo c1ee plHM 7~2 7491 EVFO m•I• kllltn (312)03t·1Hlbt2239 ving nom• a rt.· 1St0307 l o• yovr vehlc:le Do· NUUTmlZll 661·3290 I NDUSTRIAL RIOCA 49:1-&g9211111 me1t1 c 0 1 lorel gn flllUI 76 9 t 18. 8tk on ltlk, with AJln, tl1d Sun RI AIC Wllttl •""••••••••••••••••••• ,.,.,,.,. ,,., SWhEl!Pl!H, nr new, only Mini Sc;hnaUJIH'I, 11*)18* rt!!!!!'.t •• ~'.'!!'I.. !.'.~~ ~6 t 8286 IULHlllPI •••••••••••••••••••• -:. 25 r• oo CIOCk GOtl so. Culer AKC m1le1, •howl o~~ ~ lrtller, lllnl IOI A•I•• , ... ,,ff I~ ~ rl"' M' 01 13 '""510 ... .,.J fHJ I u Ofe ,•• •••••••••••••••••••••• 8411·11272 Come tn & ... Newport L I O y d I N u r I • t y , SHOP H[LP 8411·7<141 lrnm op1ntng 101 11gh1 PHTIOlll SPRAY p1t1on Call 64&·0413 IPllATOll HHH g~L T RONIC COAP • * *I BUY* * g:3~30~ II 0 a 5 . 6 0 0 P•I 1:100, up 7!.!.:_1333 &48·42:12 AJ···,.··,"·.·.·,'·.·······-;.,·,·s· ~ . 2 Cotumbl1n Red·hlled ' Oood u111d Furnllurt & Woman • Po• Fut Coet. BOH 4•~· iono I 100 11 A•t• 1•111/t•, l•tll .................... .. Appt1111ee1-0R 1 will Mii perltct condition 1800, 498.fa93 • · I AcHl,.llfl 1400 LHIE l 1112 . -' 'IO to O.•" OrHy 2 ,000 ml 8nrt, crul1t, ale, P7·8 llhr. 1 27,goo Wiii tred1 702-670·7185 PIP Vegte leech'• flnell ae1tc11on of prevloutlV owned Pe»11cn1'1, Audi'• 1nd viifi... 1Ex1111or) t1rong btck-or SELL tor You 1140 8347 -•••••••••••••••••••••• ALFA RIMEi IPIDlll :i 100 w 111 cont Hwy MUTIH HOTIH John Wayne Tennl1 Club 8:1:~~J~gC~u~.~~l~~:'oo0'0 PAINT & Ute boor work. OOIYrRTllLI r Newpo11 Bt"h grouncl with exper11nc;e TEACH OTHERS 8·9 hre requtred, Oulrt 10 Obi· weok. Earn 1000·1900 aln PCOIPCA UoenM• rno. no tellt ng nee Good beneflla with gro· 860· 10~ __ 141-1111 111·1121 Femlly Memb11thlp, t net yodel• $60 up to 60"~ off your body 842·940b I HY FH•ITHI Dt1n• 549·4834, 1(1lhy -• European Mechanic re· • !!!!!~•••••••••••!!.~! 1900 Incl tr1n1111 •••· 898 382S . •hop ••I 8111 964-0332 Sgj 79 '79 g 11sc T11g1, 101cte<1, •Int , 1 23.500 Oller 845·8171, 845·111~7 445 E. C~at Hwy N-pon Stach S73-0900 wing company loceted In Telepnone sollaltora, S•· Ir vine Please call lurdays only, lor malllng Lea 967-8133 Wll1on 1144-6900 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES. p1111 Evrop11n Cflrlf p111 monl plu1 tu 'll FIEST• S2000 ----- -PAPERS SH 0 TS F encn Spk 091 1220 • DESKS FOR SALE Lido Grten houn, 12X 16', $ !<160 Call 531•8025 r 0 <18 month Ol)ltn end lea111 764 1412 '79.,., 924. elr. 8l1upunkt, I t • t h e r & m o r e Alf I! fHS 19500/0bO 548-11748 ••• : •••••••••••••••••• MUST SELL '82 EAGLE 768-47S1 new eppolnlmenta Desks and m1tcntn9 $7500 0110, $500 You John __ _ on approved credit C1p chal" et secrlllce price move tmmed 876·0&915 11 .. ., I t/!t••• IHO A•lfl Ill Sill c o • I • I I 3 • I 15 0 • PIYllOAL TlllllPIST Registered Phy11c11n speclallzlng In pny11c11 medicine & r1n1blt111. llon Pert/time. Ideal lor homemaker E•cellenl working env11i>nm1n1 S1l1ry negollabte New· port Center 640·S610 64 1.0383 TlllPllH ~~s~5i~3o~·~~.~·~~nl Antique mahogany cebl· M·oviNciMUST·s..:c·5~8 .. IMPORTA;;;;;c);ice·· ~:~1~~~~~43~g 3 4 1 c:~h APPT Slmlll palntlnos CALL DAwt nel wllh orig RCA 11010 Baldwin Grand Plano, 1 TO READERS ANO p55281 we need' 5 gooo tel•· 9-5pm M-F 833-8600 ~h;:,~o .P~!~~i!7~YPb•~: yr_or_o_t1_75_·9_s_iO_M_ik_•_ ADVERTISERS IHOll IMPORTS phone repre11nt1tlvet In Couch. 1 yr otd. 7''\ II rull llnk In 1 door & 2 e111-r Kaw~ 6' grand pleno, The price 01 lllm• Id· 848 Dove Street the evenings ror our l•· & blue ttrlpu on tan c1blntt plua matching 2 wllnul. tradlllon11. 1 yr ver:tlMcl by venlctt det· NEWPORT BEACH guna Hiiie olllCe Sei •P· baekground $250 OBO door well c1blnt1 & new $8500 cean or H · lera In the ventcle CIHtt· 112 0100 polntmenlt tor our n-640-6752 "marble ly1>41" well •hell. 1ume financing. Pv1 pty hid edvert111ng column• • energy saving pr0duc11 ell for only S 100. tempe-656·6420 does not Include eny 8 t Alla Sp oer lleloche Printing Salary + Commlulon + 4 Pc llYlng rm set, 1 -k • -appllceble 111111, llcenM , o Y Book pasll·uP PIT Mon. Booue Call eltlf 1 pm, 010 Coat &600 Sell red qran ltlower doora, Skil•t, IHJ 111n1ler te11. llnence nly t 3.ooo mt Xlnt 2 pm to approx 6 30 pm 859-7442 $250 (213) 1·863·7158 llke new. only $SO lor ••••• •••••••••••••••• I cn1rges, lee1 lor air pol-cond $I l ,800, 875·9038 T 0 30 boll\, n-cer floor mate 1 g 8 2 S k I N • u t I q u t lutlon control device A•4i' 1101 uea. 1 10 apprOJI Telephone Siies Bullet/Rm Divide<. 3 Cir, 3 (41-$20. new 1" Inch light "2001" Only 38 noura certlllc1t1on1 or oeeler •••••••••••••••••••••• 5.30 pm No Exper Nee i••• Ill MO•lY dwr, 1h42ll70l. 1125 alloy r1m11 (BMW'a) Mt of Also nave e 1977 For-documenter" prepare· 10 .... 11000 Tllr"'t Apply PennyaaYlf • I~ •n Wiii del 557-0927 •·120. two new c;ontt· mula 110 20 It like ' 1111 • • Ptacenll1 Ave. C M WORll•I '/T nental 11eel bell Id radial N E w 1 C • 1 1 ( 1 1 4 ) 110 n ch 9 ' 0 u u n 11" 26.0CO mues. fully toaded Prlvete workout Instructor $400 5goo wkly Cell Telk Bar, opens to 5 It 11111 195170 HR 14·$ 100 842·2000 & ask for Jim· otherwise ipecllled by sunroof, gd cond Like (71•) 53" 7596 • • I $400 Handmade 5•2 0 3a the adYlfllltr , new S 13,<IOO 080 wanted PIT Income lor " .,. ....s~ or · " • I " my. Jr II out, please , matu11, hHlth minded A H Dunlevy Cell 760-8310 Christmas Collectora leave meesegel A•lit•••/ I 6 " 5 • 8 2 1 1 E v e • ' male or female with phy· y••vEL Oak Captain'• chair lmerl Style porcelaln St • I I c1 ... 1t1 ISZOi 957•959• days slcal lltneu background "" New lintsh $50, p1at11 wl 24K gold trim 0t•, 11 ••11• 1 ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• l1141 1000 T1ut.1 (o help an overwelght gel lllTRUOTDR Cell 760·8310 Limited oller Buy nowl l•t IHS MOHL "l"sl ' Lea Int All pow11r. lo•· gel In shape 11 lntereSled S7 /hr Great 1>enef1ts Rattan Furniture. 4 chra & 111 20 orders receive •••••••9;:;9;;:•••••• Shay repllcaa, plckupa & 1 ded wllh 1111aa Lees than please send dtscrlpllve Ex c 11 1n 0 I 0 b c a I I 2 tables $l50 FREE t8K gold necklece. good cond. s200 coupes. 4 t o choose 1 yr old 6500 ml $2.500 letter o r your bac:k · 935.4449 JOSS TODAY, Call 760-83IO 540-2300 X11 t5 557•6985 froml (006768) (Slk plus auume lee, make ground 10 P 0 Box 2707 N Brlstol, s A ---------Celling 1~111 In box, A3093) Pr1ce11tart1ngat o frer M u a t sell 8708-106. N.8 92600 lm&JI lee DELUXE l(ING-SIZE brlU w/4 tullp 11g111•. rv, 1•41•, tlLY H,Hll 714-955·3501 wk da WATER8ED & MORE 9 .,., I ·-· -f /fl•O 11111 Travel Agent 1 yr min ex· HSHLO GOS. 752-9227 Cosl $2<10, 14111 for 190 u l•tH v• '80 Audi 4000, 1/c, BllV· C I t I Cl 552-0796 ••••••"'••••• •••••••••• pun•t am/Im casr 4 Or, THEODORE Supplement your Income per ompu er ra ne BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-~ • by doing interesting le· N B Cell Merilyn 81 Leaving state. must sell ell Five mirrors, (wallJ lor TV 2 yr wrnty S1<18 24,000 ml, xlnt cond lephone sat11 work on 631·5240 1 u' n It u' e 1 n 1 P 1 12X84", $4 00 each Free delivery Open Sun. 16900 552·3876 beh•ll or n111on11 aom· TV COMMERCIAL _9_•_2_·4_9_o_9______ 548·4222 TV Jonn's 646· 1786 ROBINS FORD panles $4/nr guar + •u· CASTING COMPANY Designer sole & club crellve bonus Incentive Interviewing retlabla chairs. 1>rown leatneret· programs 3 snllll to people lor beckground, te. $450/obo. 497-6372 choose lrom Sales ex. per pre I but wtll 1111n non-speaking p1r11. ror SOFA SET .. Pfeypen .. the right person For lnl-commercials such as Chengeabte units 11 ~. call Me Kruk al pot110 cn1p1. designer PieGeS D11k brown, xlnt 545_5776 pents. swtmwere (good comfort N-$2500. u - Beer Box. Good condition 1200 557-S985 Comp stereo system. 8 pc. 120 w1111 ol pwr, $850/obo 497-6372 UllLS PUY-IFF 25" Magnavox color TV. Tickets. $20 up, grul wooo console, good loe 53S-8826, 640·31169 cond, S 150. 842-9927 I YI 1000 HAUOI Bl VO CO~tA MUA 641 OOtO ~!~'!~.!!!~!'.'. ... !!.'!! '61 Bug·Ey• Has Lota. Needs Uttle Hurry '48 Ford Delu111 Club Cpe 12000 obo 642-1268 AARE FIND! Orig running - - 0•11. reatored In '77 l#W 111Z -look a end run1 gre•t •••••• •••• • ••••••••••• 15000 obO 957-0607 PllLIO lanl etc No expe<ience k 1 n g $ 9 O O I O B O rtqulled By eppl only 640·8855 •II 6pm 2 1318•6-8083 #Hit•/ VIDEO RECORDER/Som ·53 Studebaklf Chemplon l•ltt••••I• IOIJ prof 111e11. VO 1800 5 pan cpe Nice cer REUTIOll -------•COCKTAIL TABLES. two WAITER/ Cnrome base w/glaas •••••••••••••••••••••• 1200 oBo. 494.2905. 13750 2131592.1192 S 1000/mo up DOE Call on companlea end have your own expanse ac- count Interested? Celt 635-4449 JOBS TODAY 2707 N Brlslol. S A amell IM Publisher setkSdynamlC sales person w/heevy phone & closlng np S35K potant101 Drew & c:omm benert11 635-9692 Receptionist WAl'TmlESIEI lop ~6" ,I; 36" M•k• YAMAHA e ... Amp au n eregant settings New S50-S601sn111 Well $300 11 sacrlllctl S"9 Head with• double l5" • PV 1pe1ker M lnet All ~n o wn eatablislled eaGh. 640·8655 alt 6pm restaurant on Orenge Co In ncellent condition ... ,, I #•ti•• 15 loolelng ror lest peced luxurious King size Wtr S&OOobo r. , I per1on Call 835-44"9 bed Lita Blue Velvet & IH·Ollt, 1·1PM ... "';\!~~~! ......... . JOBS TODAY , 2707 N n11e stand $400 Jiii ~~~~~·~~~~!IG•Ht•/ IOIO Brlstol. SA small lee 851 ·0994 or 64 1•5036 Yamehe Atlo Se•. new. •••••••••••••••••••••• W•ITE•/(-SS -Bleck Naugenyde couch. mual sett 1400 Cell 1J Ft l•ft1t1t.l1 ••• • " recllner and rocker Te· 1131-0316 wooden llr brd1 & tran· 01llman's Restaurant 80t Ille and Collee table ----som V bot1om lncredl· E Balboa Blvd Balboa 964_ 1944 Custom PA. 1ys11m, llOI· b•e dell S99S, 875-2742 Apply 6 10 11, Mon thru C4l or the Tn.etre 1pec1. Fr1 3 pc Bdrm set. 11tra long 4 cabinets wl 15" Alteca. 15 llbergleas rowing dory TWI ITHH SPiii $20 bOth. 646-1712 411t days $900 mo TvP• 45 words Mortgage Wl•4tw W11i. Aul dbl bed complete. 2 horn• & power amp wl $500 962·4458 omce. chests ot drawers $200. Cvl, like nu S 1000, 962·6772. nm banking llrm Telephone Clean-cut, hard-working M r s F e n n I e Sltrt $4/hr 645-1392 494-0029 IY mag 498-4614 -------IHfl1 #•i•l••••tt 714·549·0117 ror appt Formica Tabte, 42•52" Wood work (non-smkrJ, ~ addltlonal leaves OVATION solid body •lactrlc stereo gult1r S.rri~• IOZO ...................... RETAIL SALES sanding assembly, sml "l"rooct top In pert c:ond E11pe1 video salea per-shop 645·2355 S35, 960-51144 1250 (714) 673-9251 Merine Etectriclan son. wage. comm & be· neltts C a ll Val1rte 842· 19U RETAIL SALES House Cleaning II you know now 10 clean houMl, JOln us Morning work 63 I ·8223 ~~.'!I! .. ~~!-.~ ........ . lt•••tit t•lt•r 1,.11 Deslgnlln111lll Rep1l• • Olly work 549-2520 Ev tncrecll~ Inlaid custom Ftotellon klngslze w•l11· bed Brand new $450 Call Miik 644-2695 M oum1n w l ceae IH11 l•••t IOfO 497·1800 ·····'················ ---------1---------Clesslc IS' l1p1tr1ke Solabed 6 fl S7S. f Peld AOHITIG llnll Century bey bOet. " cyl. $400) Ru1t blk grey wicae. $90 497_1800 Grey 13500 1175-6181 lle<y gd Cond 840-0394 C111H 4•1 #•r Two Neugahyde recllner AOlllTIO llnAI lsta Wlllr 1 l •••••••••••••••••••••• cna11s, good condition wlc .... $60 497· 1600 W/85 HP MlfC Wooden Spec:1ous " bet 3 be In $45 each 548-4222 cntr conSOle. meny 11tre.s '62 Cad Conv Like N-. In/out Stored since ·77 Mull Seel $5000 obo 957-0607 •• ., ........ 49' 19<16 Foret Woody Wa· gon, $13,000 t929 Ford MOClet A Town S1e11n . 1 10.000 875-8161 'JO M odel A Ford . 5-wlndow cpe, rumble seat, nicely ree1ored 16000 631·S556 4 WU.I Ddn• ISSO .••.•••••..•........•. LARGEST JEEP DEALER In 1n. West deaperelety need• you1 JEEP Hlgheat Dollar Plld Call Gery Gray MUii NUT l.MG/,EEP/IElllLT 2524 Herbo< BNCI , CM 54g.8023 845-7770 llllS·IHVICE LUll•I 631-2040 49!>·4940 SHIUUCI llW 28402 Mergue•ll• Pkwy MIHIOn VtljO (Avery Exit oll 1·5) Open Sundays Sales·Servtce-Leaslng '13 UOl't Are Merel uic.~t1on1 • '16 2002, 4 spd , snlrt (9 t7Pll81 1t 19 3201, 4 spd IOI · dedl (616XDHI '!It '80 5281, auto $11/rf (480ZOJI • 80 320!. 5 •P<l loa dtdl (23 IZYRI • 80 133sco. to1C11C1 (555534111 IH·31l1 208 w 111. S1n1a Ana CtolM!d S Cloy CHOICE tNllENTORY HH4• 1121 •.•.•......•...••..... ..... ••m•11 w e cen helpl Before you buy, check our unbelt•· 1>11 111ect1011, uvlnga and -vice 10C11yl lllYEllITT llUI I HIYIOE 2850 Herbor Blvd COSTA MESA 140-1140 73 HOnde LJ. low mt, smllm stereo tape deck. S 1595 644-1032 evs !!!.~~! •••.•••••• !.~~¥ '76 Jag )(J6L. like nu, 34K, white wlblscull Int S 10 ,900/obo Oya 644·9030, IVI 644-4301 ,., .... ta;, 1134 ..•.•..••.••••........ '70 Convertible. xlnt cood. asklno S5200 Pete (303)443-2900 ... ,. 11JI ..............••.••..• .~·: TU~UI ~-' l'lllf MA104 ' """' • ., ...... 'OOMO •acam1 1m Miii it mu wu1 1111111 1974 Ma.zde Wagon Ra· Clio neallf. auto trans pvt plrty 968-2572 Red '80, RX7. AM/FM. 5 spd, mag wheels, snrl, plush inter xlnt cond $9100 644-0106 'II HI su apor1 peckege, ax Low nillM l tt Int All 1111. only 3000 m1111 • pow11. AC, clean, mull 1 7,500 Owner Cell 1111 128,500 080 148-41129 714·966·360 I wk de -,.-,-,-.-----,-,-,-, 59 Coupe Excellent •••••••••••••••••••••• cond No ru11 l8600 or '81 c.tltury LTD 4 Or. low bit olr 840-8398 mi, loeOtd In excel c:oncl 8111 otter 844-6&13 ·11 924 Eiicellent c:oncl 10 I mt. anrl, new P•lnt '78 RIVIERA . Loeded, $6850 OBO 840·8398 '4900 /OBO OwntH' Ill· -•lou• 10 ... , 857-84S1 Turbo g24 '81, 5 1pd, tl1 --------- •traa. plat/Ian Int. 30,000 CuillM llJS m1te1 mini cono S 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• ooo '495.441 11, l\ome TIE WIEST 661-0301 s1um11 ~!.'!!.~!T.'! •••••• !.~~. •t DEALER IN U.S.A. lCN. CARVER IOJ.S-JVtCE ~JN.411_.I CA1"f~MtC tfrriill&r "#~.Jlf•/l(M '"' """°°"" OfWI ._ft IM ol 1111 model, low mllea· ge Clldlllect In Southern Clllfornlel See us 1oct1yl Ullll OAllLUO 2600 Herbor Blvd COSTA MESA 140-1180 '81 Fttwd C1>41 Elegence 17,000 ml VS, leather, S•d 1111 toeded $14,500. obo. • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• •• Pvt pty 645-8 730 '80 Saab Turbo, 31,000 --------- ml. Bteupunkl am/Im C••411 fll1 casa stereo. ale. tmmac.. .•••• • ••••••• • • • •••• •• • S 10.000 or l6000 & take 80 C1m110 Ber11Mlll over pymla 552-3878 RIT llll SASSY YET CL.ASSVt ll l•Nt• 111Z brown With cuatom Int• •••••••••••••••••••••• t I 17 000 I Sele~~vic,:~:'ng ~~~· 1~~ ~rvlM pwr m!,.~~ --do w 1 & more r ltlAll (1ANCH2) Jual need n 1-2141 411-4141 retlebte petty to make amell ,,_,Inly peymenl• No old con11ac1 to usu· me No back peymeni. due ASK FOR ROSE 14S-9303 lk• T!r..~._ •••••••••• !!.!f OIUOA LtYlll Do you , .. 11y love Cell· c;aa? 11 IO, give me. CI M. Righi now l'vt got e ton or them. lnclucllng ST, GT. and lully toeOtd Su· p1a·1 with T-Top1 Jull need rtll•ble party to make 1m111 monthly payment• No old con· tract 10 auume, no back Ctnnl•I llZO ....••••.............. Ill II FlllTI We n1ve I good Ille<:· llon ol NEW & USED Cllevrol41111 1973 RX3 wagon new paymenls dve ASK FOR eno. stllt on wrnty, xlnt ,_RO_S_E_8_4_6·_93_0_3_1k_• __ c ond $1395 Good '78 Toyoll Celle• Liii· tran1p 855-9991 , back. tllver. sporty. 11lnt 8~9· 128_1 conct Lo m1 831·75115 or #ttt-411 t.u 1140 645·973b COHHRL CHEVROLET )'\,,. j{ •• ,,.,. f' ' ,.. i ' \H ' · ~·~ 1200 '8'4 CORVAIR 4 Cfr"'Ar. •••••••••••••••••••••• '77 C0tona Wagon COMPlH·MEICHll RIT SIU We'll ehow you ov8" 100 N-& Used Metoeclfla· Benz Come tn & conSI· der our lease 111ano•· ments or long term fl. nancong ~ouMl ot lmp0<11, Inc DIAL 213 or 714 637-2333 lmmac~•te lnllcll & oull Automatic Irena . 111 cond & economtc•I 4 cyl add up to 1 grail veluel ( 162R'l'T) Jull need rellable party to make smell monthly payments No old con· 11ect 10 uaum• No beck ptyment1 Out ASK FOR ROSE 846-9303 lkt R&H 11<111111 11150 Ev• nlnga 714·536· 7781 '114 CORVAIR 4 Cir AT, R&H radials $850. Eve· nlng• 714-536· 7781 '65 CheYelle, 37S aml t>lk, 400 Ire na, reel. new upnol & pelnt , 11k1ng l5000 84S-03S6 ·72 81ac:ayne 51111 look• & runs liM isoo obo 842-1288 Major Oepertment Slore Will train Great lor Stu· dents Ou•Ck Cnr1ttm11 money Call 835-4449, JOBS TODAY. 2707 N Bristol S A smell ree Spyglass Alt amen1t111. ---------Ollill f•t•il81f I $6500 firm SlUS/Ce••IHIH 1 1750 mo 759-1015 CRIB CANOPY FRAME r. I IOI 67s-8475 White wood, $25 •• ~!!r.!~~! ••..••• J -.--------Unique l1dy's clotnlng #fld••4ilf 552-2839 All herdwooo deak 8 28 Twin Olesel Sklpjack. store seeks energetic le· ••. • ••• • •••• • • •••••••• F dllwe< s 100 loaded '82 JEEP CJ7 Lid 5 lc>d e•eel cond M111y t•lra-s $11 ,000 obo . 676-2735 f1•tk1 ISIO' •.•.•••...•.....••.... 11ll ln Tru• AM, CB cemper shell SOK mt Cl .. n, $249S OBO 1101 ll&AlES . I You can afford to ·15 coro111 wgn. 4 1pd et c . emllm c111 . nu buy your Mercedes wh111t1111 . xlnt cono Benz from us. S2400tobO 831-aa.2 f~~'!! ......... ~~! '85 Chrysi.r New vor11 ... cJMn body runs Good S&00?/080 &.42·2641. d i es with llal r r or A I ' 1-s urnttvre. re&IO'l•bly prl· 752 7179 557-•758 • 1••11 -cad Cell lor hit & prlcet • tas111ons and modeling ••••'••••••• •••••••••• 549_9675 P P Soai & Outtid• Mooring. exper nelplul Apply tn Ct111fry PIH l•tl IOl1 N-oort Beach S 10 000 person Aleicle Na1ural Cupboerd 1825. pine 611 1>rown plaid sofa h~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 973-0659 ' Ft.anions 260 Forest St drop leaf t1ble $280, 4 a-bed $75, M1ple dinette ••R•f nllllll laovna 8"ch•97-4777 rlne Chllll $200. bran 591, <I Chlll"I' $7 5 . -- SllH. EAT -CHEAT, get Im P r •Pro S 2 0 . 642-8954 PWI r IC h & at 1 m E 11 r n _S_5_9·_83_00 ______ -u-,-.,-.-.. -.-,,-,-.-.-,,-,-,,-, 2 moe. otO. '300 $3000, S n1 • ,, CALl 408122S-8150 mo upv posl· v1c10,lsn (?)chairs. 7 llger •••••••••••••••••••••• Sen JON , CA 74 Gt111ron 25' Ftb1r- gl111 Fly bridge twin V•8'a, Volvo OUI drive, and trailer (71 4 ) 735-11737 17000 lions nail Dick Hardy oak, 1 wlarma r-ork· COME 8AOWSEI One ol I~~~~~~~~~~ 631·2601 ed. htgh beck.a. $650 kind objecta Everyllllng i: '81 Botton Whallf w/lr1r, 1-•es/M•tl•I OBO t-628-3313 o o es M • k e o 11 u . ..... "-' ,.,. 40hp, loaded. very clflAn "' 841·15-49 847-2473 -& wti.od• 151001080 645-5018 Eern up to S 1500 par 01k Obie School Dnk mo Pa'M time Must be Slde-by-alcle, lllp top Claumed Adi, your on• aomethlng to Nit? ,..,, l•il IOIO mature 559·9043 Leave S 195 552 2839 atop lhopptno e«1ltt ~~~fled Id do 11 well •••••'•••••••••••••••• Menage • 1-----~---·--1_:...:•.:..:......:..--'-----· 1S' Hobie Cet, yellow w/ S __ A_L_E_S_O_r_d_e_r -de_s_k_l_o_r _we_I ~11.1}!!~ .. ~ •..... !.~!! :!:!.. ;~~ 11;;~:16~k• tull mfr. Accurate lyplng HARBOR AREA Boat plct e ads pro Id & gel phone manner t APPLIANCE SERI/ICE Ur V e llta W/Trtr mu1t Start Sel at $780 We Mii recond . guar Incl cover, ell otller Celt for lntrvw 642-1912 eppltances 549-3077 h, equip $850 1175-8475 M-F I HY APPU&ICIS c,o\\' 25' Stoop, lleeJ>• ... enGI Salesp&l'son & Caat11or Ln 957-8133 ~ ·~ need. atove & tee box. No Sundays, No Nlghll s new outb0110, wood hull REINERT'$ Oishwasher·Freezer '"'' Houre 9 30 lo 6 Wasner-Oryor-Relrlg Q (213) 598-e527 1818 Newporl Blvd. CM Xlnt cond 646-5848 '·e-'' W B~u~~u1,;::!1.1t14:!~J?: Sales M1yt1g Bronze w11her s~' $19,500 (213) 885·5211 RETIRE.' and dryer $275, Good ,p or (714) 552·3701. working cond 760-8310 Looking for Diii lncO· Columbll 22. very clean me? Try Part-Tim• Sales Retrtgs. weaners Dryers " with new Honcle 0 18 . II the PENNYSAVER, M1ny to cnooH from '1/1 XtrH, allp IYlll 14700 1660 Plecanlle AYI, Gull $100/up 859-0682 080 Clll OSG-1278 Coll• Mna. Ask tor Mrs Fedders 18,000 BTU I ll White conditioner, alnt cono llOIO&llY 1u111m11 •llTllOTlll 1mm101111 opening lor aecrttary txper In working with subc;on· tr.ctora. contrecll. pur· ehHt order1, IBM Word Proce11or 1nd minimum typing ol 70 wpm PleaM Mf'lcl rnume With Hlery r9qulttmtnt to Ad No. 1033 lht Dally Piiot, P.O 8 011 1580. Coate M .... C• 9292e 1225. 653·8115 REFRIGERATOR. like new, 2·door, troat·lree. 1165 893-9080 WASHER & ELEC DRYER HI for 175.00 good cono 855·2203 s mo1 010 Almono colored 0el.IS11tltr OH atOYt $360. 494-2905 Kenmore 17 cu. 11. r9frlg/ lrHZIH'. 1500 494.2905 llOW, htrvtlt d, 2 yrl Werdl Mtnu·Mrlc OH 1225 6-49·087 iiillioaiiniiAliiiYi/illiOIPTiiiiii. G E dl1hw11n1r. b1t-1n. HILEVEL TECHNOLOGY Ilk• ,_8!J~o30 Tht IHI-growing lndu· 1----------1 11ry leed« in c:ompytlH' I/min IOIO deveropmtnl 1yt11m1 •••'•••••••••••••••••• llH tmmtdlltt o~tng M.,,1 10 ll)MO ''" t9111t for en expertenoed bike S50 e1ere11ry/ree1pt1on111. 842-1954 Succ;111ful c;endld•I• l•llll•I mutt hi~ pleUlnt IM- onone oereonallty, pro· •111ul1 UZI fee, • profentontl 6maot •••••••••••••••••••••• ' mu11 ~minimum 65 MW 11•/n, wpm Knowle09e of wwd Redwood 2118 dfCklng, procHtlno 119lpful. !"-4-20' tong: lleo r~WOOCI c:tlltnt working tnlllron-lenclng. Call Jim or Ken ment & toP ~11 S•· anytime, 7'15·1491. lary commeneuratt with •--'---------• experience. Send rHU• Rf;OWOOO DlCKIN<J 1M & Hlaty l'lltl()()' 10 ib~'t, 33t , 2)(8, 49t pet •LmL sewn ~s.0122 TfCHNOl.OQY, INC tlt02 a...deen Way IMM, CA t2111 - I I I 28' Erleton Fully 9qulpped crulM, 6 M lt1, UHF. compa11. cover• Perfect condition 118.500 123-4567 Set your course for fHt tales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ad. Each Saturday. the Dally Piiot wtll offer you ad apace that not only deacrlbe• your boat, but plcturet It •• well. The price 11 guaranteed to buoy your aplrlt1 -$4& If we take the picture, and only S.-0 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. For further detall• about how Dally Plk)t boat picture ad• can WOf'k for you and to echedule yout' ad, call 142.&878 and Mk for Setty L~. ... ,., '"'' DHh I010 ...................... Stipe 111111 COM 1111. IOllt. c a ll Ctr r l e 7 1<!-966-2473 Wkdya 8-6 BOAT SLIPS Al/AIL.ABLE: Newport Bt•ch· 25'. 28', 30', 36', 40'. & 46'. Cell 1142-4844 lrom 9·5 , I Mon·Frl MARCUS CHANNEL. aide tit 10 28 It, 1 150. 1110 t ide up to t8 II 1100. 1173-8145 SLIPS AVAIL Hunllng1on Herbour Bey. De 840-51545, 8411-7788. 8-9 P M , 840 ·4 007 , 213-431-37841 ~!!~~!~'.'!~ .•••..• ,,,,.,.,,, .. ; 11#11n 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1'81 Yamane SR 115 CC Slr .. I l lllt . Mint COfld. llOO 846-0490 '75 KAWA8AKI. 400cc. • 1r••t runni ng cond. 4150, 11i-4t1• IH' Honda Xl.1151. lo I rnl, neecte p11111 1780. 112•t7ZI 498-5514 831-46~, Toyot• '711 AM/FM St• reo ce111111e Smell camper entll 1 2 175 673-8616 '73 Ford f)wf-dump 350 l ·T. •l•ke beet. 4 epd, rebtt trens. V8 12900 557-0058 '84 Chev Sul>\lrban, 8 cyt, Ill loLIREl l • •• Sale•·Servlc.e-leaetng 850 N Beacn 8tvd LA Hebre 122-HU Open Sunday HJHI Ollln'S ILllST $ Ovdr. 1xt111 Good S11H-Serv1Ge-Leaalng cond S 1250 531-33S7 ~ '17 Oelaun plek up with NJ I ~R\!ER 11\etl, elf, 4 ohtnnel em/ R:ll.S R.1'1C'E·BMW Im 0111 Cuti om whl1 "'°-»>•,.. .._.,. '""'" 1nd tlr••. 40 gel o•• '# ................ -tank 13600 781-3275 09Wll --..n ,,_._, __ .!.!! ••• !!.••••••••••• t1ghl1. am/Im. 4 1pe1. so DOWN LEA E -- Appltfl 10 ,.._, Wrt '" "OC' On •PPr<W.o er9011 lr!.'!!!!~I!~ ...... !!.?f C11nll• HJZ '76 vw Bug •••••••••••••••••••••• •nT SIU 'll O.n1tt1 SPtFFY \"ET THRIFTY! Loeded $9400 551·9523 C1t1lorn11 Spec111 wllh IJ.il•• ll3S cuetom axterlor 4 cyl • 4 •••"'••••• •••••••••••• 1p11d 1ren1. & AM/FM '78 Dodo• Challengtr. • tape (76SSLC) Jutt etc, tmllm, low mllea. nHd rtll•blt perty 10 good cond $4000 make emall monthly 7141551-3236 p1ymen11. No old con· tract to euumt No be<* peymet1t1 due. ASK FOR ROSE 846-9303 Ike '66 81111k'9. Clean Run• Oood Trel- l« hitch StlH'.a Lugg•· gt ree k Xlnt cond I ISOOI OBO Call tYH 548-4333 '89 Squ111beck. n"d' '-' ,,., ...................•.. '71 FORD Meverlck GOOO c.ond 3 ,_ tires, econ 1850 494-3211 111 Fletta, ,_ paint, tlrn , 4 epd. xlnt condition M2·2S30 111 4PM ·12 Mevenck. 2 or. Scyt. runt good 17115 C•ll 960-&035 bOcly ww11 a 100010Bo. 54Mt95 '17 FORD WAGON PS. A 1 W. '" ISH '79320!,lowml sunrl,IOQ y WE ,I' tlllrtrl blk, Europt1n ctr, no 111'\0Q. ctelln S 10 000, 74 Super 8eetlt. 7 IK ml, TOP IOWll ·1~5~~8: 2002 sunroor. Ailffl• -R'{Lt!t ;:n~~2751~"01:~.~ rune gel, ~· muffler. 1500 7llO..O 111 t Fii 1111 O&ll • m 11 m r • Cl 1 o . 11 IS tlOI ewe SI _,.,,, ._,, 7 3 1 • 9 3 9 3 . • v t • . ·74 Ranc:Mro. PIS, P/B, AIC, llnt cond • camper ahelt 12200 831.a5se WI lllllll l3000. 840-5098 •• 1.·•·m·t:ioo•l'l111~.-•• 1 1-_5_52_-_1_94_1 _____ _ PllTIAl/HUll 79 3201 Brighi reel AIC. '80 VW Rabbit Con.,.,11· '18 Ftlcon Good concl emllm cusetll Grell ble. ctttperett mull ..,. Must Mii 1111500 tlk11 2480 Herbor Blvd. c;ond Mull s11 10 •P· '8 I 380 SL. 7000 ml Wire Bttt otter Brwn. IOIOecl It 673-1790 COSTA MESA prlCltte S&K ml 18000 wneets. $38,000/0BO 759-tll91 9-5. 494-1"3 141-UOO 646-2088 213.932.9979 eves. 141-1411 '711 2002-. -8-5K_m_I_. -pe-,-, '66 Mercedu 230SL '80 DI• Venegon 21,000 WI ." cond , enrl. Bllu AM/FM Creem w/dark brown ml, A 1 end. 17860, Pvt 1tereo, nu 1101111, only 1011 top Hard lop, pty 831·10941, 842-9807 OLIAll OAll I S.595 642-8777 Heidie lntr Good c:ond •• 5 BUG 1 11 1 --118 000 673·7543 " 1nr. • or o. Ill TllOll C1'1.1i 111S ' C h r o m • r I m . •• ••••••••••••••••••• '74 M8Z 230. 4 Or. am/Im, $1000/0BO 84S-8200. CONNHl C HEVROLET .. ~,. I ( 1 • ' • I r 1 \ \4 I ~·~ 1100 '74 Yellow Capri Radio etc. good cono. 16250 1mllm CHI. Gd cond PIP, 548·4S90. '12 vw Bug. Engine IX· M utt • e 11 e 11 o tr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil c•lltnt cond . body In s good condlllon. $2500 or 8 7•5009 •11 Mii 4IO ILO. bell Oller Cell Ane-r 16 Ctprl jj "black ell". llH•l •I... Ad 824, 842-4300, 24 VII, elr 11er101t1p1 All extra•. 82.000 t'l'll i-"-"--------Sunrl, tmmac. '21100 128,800 WtfY firm '71 CONV xlnt 1h1pt, 1140-0020 or 963-2023 731·5115 a38~342 1800 cc engine, 14800. D111.. 11IO .._8_4_8·_eM_4 ___ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• '80 MBZ 300D. Ttn w/ '71 vw 8u9 411 l>lu, em/ I lvorylnlr.Sunrf,121,000. lmiter.aCMt 851-1494 ~ " 494-0309 wrk, 157.2929 Ml. 1979 280 E Anthrtclle '71 Super BHllt, new orey. evnroot. lllnt cond p11n1, clutch. )(Int eno $ Hl,000. 714-553-0335 end Int. AM/FM mvet ... !ves S 1950 080 176-0?N 'IO VW Piek UP UC. OM· 110, xlnt cond. io.ooo '7 1 Ford LTD Counlt'f Squ"'•· 9 PUMf\Olt st•· tlon wegon. 91K. reblt eng, power ""ring ~ breket. elr. very clean. runs grfft 842·89!'.4 £i•Nl• IHS ••.•............••.••. '78 Merk v. oa.ooo mllea Xlnt cono. M•k• oiler 498-4418 !!!f!~!r •••.••••• 1.!~f '78 Mu11ang II ~·­bl•, 1llck, 1mllm Clll c ... n $2000. 1175-2774 di , Ivel 180-1109 ...... , 't9 Mual•oO Ohle, fully 101dtd, lo mll••. new t1r11. emlfrn ca11111e ... , on.r. Me·•12e ou...u. ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Old• Culla11 30,000 rnl. 9ett Of* &4()..1601 MW ITI 1• fM-.UITll Mllftltllm '87 CIUtlC "1 00" mate IHOO 411-4411, ·11 Cut .... etttlOn W900n home 88t.o307. Od cond . new brtllea. WlllY UHD CAAi I TlllUOKS COMl IN OA CALI. P:OA ,.. llfUlll&. Cormier •Otl.lllO lmlll.n 11211 ltACH ILVD HUNTINGTON llACH .. , .... ,, ..... .,, ~ .. ,._.,. '70 240Z. new paint. 1M- 11111c brown, bl1ck ltt· tiler Int, uklng H OOO 848-0356 '79 21on. xrnt cones. ••· Ire• ettrto a lo. 11st5tobo. u2.oe21 llVI '11 Ottewn Truoll, King C1b, 8tMlt lecl, 40,000 ml!H, MOOO. •ff-~ 11. ' Cheulfeut pat11110n wlall 'H lug. ewftrOOI, 15" PONiblt OC>110nL ~II· ,_.orecl, II Otlg., llmOtt he brow11 wlllOIU tan e-Y1"1ng new, atlllng plu1h velour Int. Comp 12800. IS1·H07 tac1()()' re11u111 a , .. torecs rm •11.f 10 new car eond. Con· •••••••••••••••••l'••• verttd to U.S. epeca. M1 , .... h* Orio. bllle tor OM 104, la Ir .___ ooo on neno • cer pre. .... __..,, eently etO'M "1 O«meny - but rMdY for ~· "'"l::.r llNPP"101 .. hlllng Prlw 118,000 11111~. only qvelllled OVl"81.A1 OIUVlfl'l' c..tl ~ cell lXN .. Ta 1714) 142.01M '12 Ml *O t\RO, .vf, poU1hed •"'•· ptttel .... °""' ..,...,., oo.t ne• IH.toO ... _Hltlno Ul,000 ltMMP ...... •• 11t1~1Nd cotTAMUA ........ , -- AIC AMI ™ c: .. 1. 12000 090 64$-()117 Trutl 1111, 1 ctr, 71 II Ottta Cull. Olde, PIW. AIO. rildto, C'lll 8 of A, Mon·IL'rt , IAM·4PM. 711-4M2 ·iO Omega, xtnt cond. •9, 000 mllel ... '°°. 6'1-44&1. r!f!t •••••••••••• ~!! '11 ,..,.o, ""' c:onO. IOt< ml, 11110, 11100/obo. 14t-1'64,lt2·!"4 flt.'111. ••••••••• ~f CMelM. 1110. AIC. ,,,I 191a . New ,,,.,, Goff Cond. 1?00, lt1·141t • Ylll HlllTDll DAllY PIPll I l 11 •,IJ/\ ~ c )( I (Jiii II , l'l/l.' OH ANG COUNT Y C A llf O HNIA 2~ C ENT S Mary Schmitz flays Brown's 'Sick mentality' on morals By J EFF ADLER OftM0.-,"9t •laff Calling Gov. Edmund .G . ·Brown Jr.'s position on moral Issues a "sick mentality," a group of conservative Orange County Christians announced they are organizing a statew ide campaign to oppose the governor's _bid for U.S. Senate. "J e rry Brown 's recol'd on abortion, ERA and gay rights is simply unac..-ceptablc to millions of Christian voters," explained Mary Schmitz, ch airwom an of the newly formed Californians for Moral Government, during a morning n ews conference Monday. Schmitz S<.tltJ lhe organization. t'Ompo5('d of reprC'liCntallv<:>S from various pro-family, pro-lifo and religious group11, inte nds to distribute two million brochures to soml' 3,000 o r the s tate's churches o utl1n1ng Brown's posi tion11 on important m oral Issues, such as abortion. She t'Stima t ed t he anti-Brown campa1gl) will cost <'lose to $200,- 000. Tht• California group ls affiliat<.'<1 with Christian Vmt'C', a national organization based in W ashington, D .C . that h as trans lated its t•onscr vativc, re ligion-oriented positions into poliuc·al action m rt'<.'Cnl yl'ars. Successc..-s cla1mt.>d by Christian Voicl' inc lude tht' deft•at of senator·s Georgt.• MC'Govt•rn. D- So u th Dakota, and Frank Churt·h, D-Idaho, Schmitz said. Delly Pllol Ptlolo by Alc:tlerd Koetllef Mary Schmitz calls Gov. J erry Brown' St.·hm1tz , who ran unsu ccess f u ll y f o r th e Re publican nomination in a south county congressional district last J une. IS the wife or stale Sen. John &·hm1tz, R-Corona del Mar. who is alleged to have fathered t wo c hildren during a lo ng (•xtra-marital aCCair with a Tustin woman. "This 1s a campaign against Jerry Brown. I'm not promoting u particular candidate." Schmitz continued. "Govertmr Brown has not ('Ome up to the expt.>etations record 44unaC'cepta ble to Christian vote rs." Valley teacher pact OK By P HIL SNEIOERMAN Of .... Delly ""°' •• .., Fountai n Va lley School District trustees have approved a t hrec•year contra~ with' llle district's 350 teachers, providing instructors with a one -year 7 percent pay raise retroactive to last July I . Salary prov1s1ons for the la.'lt two years or the contract a re open l-9 .. renegolia.lion. Meeting an a special session Monday night. the school board a pproved all sections or the new contract. except a provision concerning insurance coverage fo r families of part-time instructors. Expanded insu rance benefits for full-time teachers were approved, however Previously. teachers were required to pay an extra charge to obtain insurance coverage for immediate family member s . Under the new contract. the district pays all coverage costs for a full-time teacher's dependents. The trustees approved the general contract con< .. ""epts Sept. 2. They met Monday to consider the final contract language. The stickler was a provision that calls for extension or insu rance coverage for d epe nd e nts o r part -time instructors. Cheryl Snowden, the district's director or stare services. said a mis unde rstanding occurr ed during negotia tions concerning whethe r part-time employees could qualify for dependent coverage under the district's special group policy She said the district has learned it wall cost an additional $1 3.000 to extend coverage to the families o r n in e part -ti m e teachers Adding to the con fusion Monday night was the absence of schools Superintendent Willialn Fisher. w ho negotiated for the district. He was out of town on vacation. The trus tees voted 3-2 to approve a ll portion s of the contract excep t the much - debated insurance provision. Board President Cheryl Norton and Trustee Suzanne Moore said they wished to Await clarif1cation from the superintendent before voling o n the i n s urance provl11io n. Trustee Roger Belgen (See TEACHERS, Page AZ) Presents pe t to priest Ann Marie Le wis, 11 , with Thumper J r. watches as Fattier Ign a tius Lau ble e the a nima ls o ( students a t St . Joachim's Catholic Church in Cotta Mesa. More photos on Page A3. Onofre foes gird for federal hearing Opponents or two reactors at the San Onof r e N u c l ea r Generating Station will argue Wedne.day In hearings In San Diego, the 1.100 megawatt unit.a are unsafe. Argument.a before the Atomic Safety and Licensing AppealJI Board will be heard bealnning at 9 a.m . In the San Dteao County AdmlnlttraUon Building, Room 302, 1600 P.ctflc Cout Hlfhway. The Southern Call "rnfa Edlton Co., major owner of the ·, power plant, located three mlle11 south of San Clemente, was granted full·power ope rating Jicensca last month for Units 2 and 3. . But foes of the power plant argue the publlc heartna pl'OCttll that preceded the fuO-Powcr licensing approval wu unfair. They mafntaln the twin unlta are unaafe and they contend the plant'• earthquake aafety detltn Is p oor and dlaute r plane inadequate. And, they, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commlalon "treated the 1ntervenor1 H opponents," during the hearing p rocess, Ignoring the1r argument.a. EdlllOn offlciat.. however, say the h earln11 were fair. Op- ponent.I' complalnt1, •they add, are of the "10ur grapea" variety. "Of courte the lnt.ervenon are goln, to think they aot ahort ahrl t." uld Robert Deitch , Edilon'a vice president (or • nuc l ear e nglnt'l!r lng a nd operations. But J amc11 Hnnchett, a spokesman for the NRC said the deck ts au.eked against fCX'I. who have lltllt In the form of rnou~ to combeat the nuclear pt.nt. "A t mall group of dtlsena with UmlWd retoum.-a and part-lime or volu nteer lawyers nre probably not golna to wage u 1trong • ~ u the ullllly," he N~. . uf the Chrn1t1an t'Ommun1ty " Spt."C:1flc:ally. Brown has "don(• t·vt•ryth1nt( w JX!rm1t and ma ke· ulJorllons avu1lablt'." upproprialt.'d funds for tdl•v1s10n udvcrtis<•menls that promoll' a homCJS<.•xuul lifestyle and 1>a1d he will opposC' lcgislallon permitting st·houl prayer, Schmitz said. Questioned about the propriety of her chairing an organiu.iuon rnll<·d Californwns for Monti Government uf ll'r the n•('cnt n ·velat1ons conc.·<·rn1ng hl'r husband's extra-marital affair. Sc.·hmitz declined to answer. saying. only, "We're not talking ulJout that. I'm chairing this and 1t has nothing to do with It." Although Schmitz d~"C'lincd to discuss tht.• situation involving h t· r h u s b a n d . u n c o f l h c organ1n•r!> of the group. the California Pro-lift· Count:il 's Haoul Silva. said h e would support St•nator Schmitz 1f he wt•rt· c•vt•r t.o run for office ugam_ "J o hn 1s not c.dvoc.·at1ng whatevt·r ht' did on t·veryom· l'lse th1· way Jl·rry Brown ll> I have: found John to Ix· of tht: h1gh(-Sl 111tt·gr1ly u:. far u:. i.mlit1cs are c.·om·t•rnc.·t.I ll1:s JX!r~mal hfl· 1s no c.·1>11l t·n1 lo me•," S1lv:.i said Tht· orgun1wn. <tl!.o so1d they bdtt~·Vl' thc•y Will bt• SUl'('CSSfUI 10 l h l' 1 r c.· u m p u 1 g n tu c· d u c ;i t e Chri:sllan vntl'r;, ab<JUl Brown's ''off t•n:s1 v1•" pu:s1 lion& bt'causc tlwn: <tfl• "fJlJ to 60 mtlh1•n born; ai'.(atn adulL., 1r1 tht• Unitt.·d Swu.-s, •many of whom vote· the party t1l·kc.•l only bccauSt· they don't undt·rsumt.I whc·rc· th<· candidate stunt.ls 0 11 moral 111sues." they :.u1d B1•s1d1•!> Schmatz <.and Silva, other mcmbt·rs of the organ12at111n 1nl'lude Carl Ku rch c.•r . prc•s 1 de• n l of Carl Karcht·r EntcrpnM·:.. and Doris Endl·rlt•, pn·s1dt·nt of the• Pro- Fam1lv Co:.ilit1on of California. s~:hm1°lZ s:1ul A spokl·i.tnan for the Brvwn c<imµa1g11 :sacd the: governor l·ourd not bt· n ·at·hl'C.l fur t•ommt>nl on 1 lw 11rgun1wt1'm ·~ fcirmat1 on .. Newport land promoter facing fraud charges By STEVE MARHLt: Of tfMDelly .......... A Ne wport Beat.·h land ...R!"Omoter and_ h1i; partner have been indicll.>d by a federal grand jury for their alleged role in a land sales fraud c a se that authorities said may be the largest in state's history. James McGowan. 62. of Ne wpo rt B each and James Farrara. 7 1, of Palm Springs were indicted Monday in Los Ange l es o n o n e count of l.'Onspiracy and 21 co·ints of mail fraud. The two men. who reportedly started their partnt'rship 18 years ago, are accused of defrauding investors out of at least $1 5 million by a l leged l y misrcprc'Senting the value of land in Antelope Valley north of Loo Angeles McGowan could not be reac·hed at his Nt'wport Beach oCfice for reaction. An indictment 1s a formal charge against a person It does not establish guilt or innoct.•nC"C More tha n 3,000 people - from Hawaj1, Utah, Europe and th(' Far k:ast are allegl'C.l to be v1('llms o f th (' s tring of corporations Mt.·Gowa n and Farrara operi~ted , Assistant. U.S. Attorney Gary Fecss said Feess said M cGowan and Farrara formed a firm. Far Mac lnvcslmt'nts, in 1964 to buy up raw acrcag<' in the Antt·lopt> Valley near Lancaster Feess said • the men subsequently subdivided the land a nd marketed at least 5,500 acrt-s. Investors, said Fcess, were told that the Antelope Valley land was the final und('veloped a rea in Los Angeles a nd that the desc-rt land quickly was lx.'C'Oming "the nc.·xt San Fernando Valley" F~ said investors were told th<'y'd Ix-able to double their money within three to five yt.•ars. tfr cla1mro inv<'Stors lost money instead Feess said in n.'<.'t•nl vears the two men had bec>n conc:Cntrau~ their s ales c>ffort 1n W est Germany. Italy and Switzerland McGowan and Farrar have ix'cn ordc·rc'<i to appear in l'OUrt Oct 18 for arraignment. A trial dalt.' will be' set at that t1mt• Library revenue the cards not • Ill By ROBERT BARKER Of the Oelt)' Nol ttaff A proposal to make users of the Huntingto n B each ci ty library system pay for library cards has been put back on the shelf City Cou n cil members unanimously and nearly without t'Omment refused to approve the fres Monday night. The city's community services d<-partment had recommended a fee or $4 per year for people 17 a n d younge r ; $4 for senior citizens 62 and older; $I 0 for adult residents of the city, and $15 for non-residents. Library C'ard ft'<'S would have ra1St.'<f about $160.000 annually, according to officials Council memlx-rs also turned down an alternative library fee plan to char ge a one-time refundable' deposit fC(' of $25 for t1ty households and $35 for out- of-town houschold11. Officials say th<' alternative plan would havt' raised about $44,000 in investment interest under tht' first year of the program In relatc'<i al·tion. the council (See LIBRARY. Page A2) ----INDEX---- Coache Bill Workma n and Mike Milner ta ke exce ption to re marks by Rams player Bill Boin that mo. t high school footba ll players ore not prepa rPd academically to go to college. Page DI . At Your Sc'rvkt' AS Ann Lnnder11 A7 Erma Bomtx>ck A7 Movi~ B6 Business 83·4 Mutuol Funds B4 Cavalcadt' A7 Nationol News A3 ClassHlt'd 04-8 Public Notices C7,D5 Com lea 8 7 Sporu Dl-4 Cro9word 87 Dr. Swinc:rohn A7 Death Notl(.'(.>t 05. Stock Markc•l.'J 86 F.dltorial A6 Tt'levlslon 88 EntertAllnmc nt 86 i'ht•a ters B6 Hol'OIK'Opc A7 Wroth<'r A2 lntcrmlsslon 86 ' H/F Orin 1 Co111 DAILY PILOT /Tu11d1y, October 5, 1982 igh court mulls pc slayer's fate ' The highly publlclr.ed CWIO of a convklcd killer who hud hit' br1rngc County dcitth 11t•nhmce )'ever1ed by the Callfornao Supreme Court 11 now In thc.- jlands or the U.S . Suprt'mc Court The nation's highest l'ourt annourn.'ed Monday it would twur' an appC'al fr o m California aulhoritil>s on the state Supreme Court's decision to overtucn defl'ndant Marcelino Ramos' death sentence f or the excx·utaon-style slaying of a Tat'O Decis ion to test co ns titutionality of j u ry in struc tion ..Bell night manage r from Huntington Beach in 1979 In a ruling handed down last January, state court justac<'s invalidated a portion of a 1978 1nit1ative which had expanded California's death penalty law. That initiative -promoted by former state Sen. John Briggs, lt-Fullerton -had allowed jurit>s to be told that the governor could commute a life sente nce without parole unless a murdPr dc.-fondant was sentenced to death The cont r over sial jury lnstructaon was given not only an ·Ramos· t·ase. but also in. at least 30 other murder Lrlall •W~·wlde. joopardiilni dt•11th 1Wllhmcc11 handt>d down In all lh08e cut't. The ,.late oourl'1 ruling did nol uv1•rturn tht •ctual murder {'onviclion11, o nly tho d4tath ' Sl'llll'nc£•ft, orcic1al1 aald. Soon nftt.1r that ruling. Ramos wuit rc•turnl•d to Orange County tu foc.·c a st.'t:ond penalty trial. It ls pending. In sel•klni M onday'11 U.S . Supreme Court hearing on the matter, the California Attorney Gt>n<'ral's offil.-e said it would use Hamo~ as the key test case lo deter1a,ine the ronstitutlonallty or the jury instruction. Tht> high court could eilhcr uphold the California court's ruling or reinstate Ramos' death sentcnl'C. Thl• Orange County Superior Court j_ury which convkted Hamos in 1979 was told, over. the obJN'tions of defense la w yers. that the 22-year-old Texan rould have hss sentence commutt'd by the governor to permit parole 1r he was not sentenced to die in the ~as chamber at San Quentin. The state Supreme Court said that particular Instruction to jurors was unf ai r to th e• dt•fendant oc>eause the govt•rnor as empowered to commute death St•ntt•nC't>S as well. Harnos was accused of killing Santa Ana Taco Bell night manager Katherine Parrott, 20. during a robbery attt•mpl 1n Junl'. 1979 -- ., - .. "..It .. . .. ;;• . -.. • Council to rule on Thalia projec ~ By STEVE MITCHELL Of'tlle Oettr "'-' tteff h w11w a year ago lrutt aumm<'r that u petition containing 200 signatures killed a plan ror " mini-park at the bale of Thnllu Stn-.·t In Lagurw Beach. But tonight, the city c•ouncll will mOflt likely approve rt•vitK.-d plans for a wood viewing platform, londscap ing and benches overlooking the ocean at that site. Signers of the petition, m<>11t of whom resided near the 'Thulta Street Beach. objected to a lurge vj~wing platform that would JU1. out over the bluHtop ,Opponents said the platform would be "an overwhelrmng st ructure" th at would bC' unsuitable for the location. So city officials, at thl' coum·11'i; behest. went back to thl· drawan~ Lagu na Beach council m embers will con sid er approval tonight o f a $65,000 view platlorm and m ini-park a t op T ha lia Street Beach . board· und, 61 y ·ar la~r. rt-c: 'IVt-'O Ito te endot1wm1•n t for a more• 1caled-down version o f Ill origlmil pluna. The city n"Ct·svl>d Jff0.234 from the state Coastal Con1K•rv.trncy for construction of the mini-park. C1unc:IJ ml·mbcr• will be aakt.od tonight tO nw41rd o c.'On11truc:Uon <-'<>ntract tor the park to a Santa Ana firm. Hondo Compuny. Int· Willi the lowest o f six c:1>mpa n ica submitting bids for the• prOJL~t~ Hondo's bid pm'l' is $47,216. The remnsndcr of the coastal t.'Onservancy funds went toward tfos1gn. gl'Ologlt·al analysis of the blufftop par~l and m1SCellancous expenses. Assistant City Manager Tctrry Brondt said thl' nl!w plans show a two-twrc·d viewing platform that. unlikl' a mini-park two bloc·ks south at Oak Strt.>et, will not hang over the• bluff. Plt.tns t.·all for a wood-decked platfo rm. se vt•rcil benches. exlcns av<.· landscaping , a meandering sad<.•walk and other improvement.!. at tht• street-end park. Among the featun:s of the new park will be .nrnt· large pink melaleuca trl't>s, thl' wh1te- trunked twisted trN•s that are f<'atured in H<'isk·r Park. Brandt said coundl approval Lonaght t'Ould mt·an work would tx•gan Nov 1 on tht-new park. with l"Ompll'laon <.•Xpl'l'lt-d by thl· first of the y<·ar Aid • 1n Anaheini fire rewarded LIBRAR Y · From Page A 1 • • Dump fees going into elf ect Monda y Orange County businesses and r[)edia were honored Monday <.Qong with voluntc.-ers from the Orange County Chapter of th<' American Red Croas for their roles in helping Anaheim <.'Ope with the e ffects of its disastrous April 21 fire double Suspect in Slaying faces trial A Hunti ngton Beach man accused of killing his estranged wire and her molh<'r with a meat cteaver In June ha.; pleaded innocent to murder and other t•harges againat him Defendant Rene Floros Dayt'O, who could face a death penalty ~etermanat1on if he is convicted or first-d egree murder and $p<'Cial circumstance alJegations, ,..as ordered Monday to appear l;x.•forc Orange County Superior Court Judge Myro n Brown on (X·t. 22 to have a trial date set At his arraignment Monday before Superior Court Judi;te Luis Cardenas, Dayco enten•t.I mnoc.~·nt pleas Lo two counts of murder. a ~unt of burglary and two counts of robbery. Rl' i~ also charged with multiple death penalty allegatJons. Dayco. a slender mechanu:'s helper. as accused of hacking lO death his estranged wife, Sharl<'y Dayco, '27, and her mother. Amelia Harbulak, 65, June 14 in the Sunnycrest Lane homC' the women shared with the Dayco <.'Ouple's three children It as alleged that the dt•fl'ndant k11lcd has wife because sht• was s<><'ang another man Citations issued by the tted Cross at its annual Volunteer Recognition awards program centered around the response to the ure. which left more than 1.200 people homeless Red C ross off1c1als lauded what th ey ca ll ed a n unprecedented d 1spla y of community cohesiveness a nd cooperatJon during the fire and ats aftermath. Red Cr<>iS volunteers flooded the fire area. attending to the needs of victims for food, shelter and clothmg, while b1.1.slnesses ranging from hotels to hamburger s t a nds and shoe stores donated space, food and clnthang News orgonrzauons. mduding the Daily Pilot. were c1 tc~d for the role they play<.•d in relaying information on where· vktims could rt'ce1vc• oac.J and for its general n•porttng of th<.' disaster. Red Cross voluntl't•rs with service rangmE( from five to 45 years alc;o wt•rc• honored Jt the program Foggy mornings Co"·"'"' low cloud• cont•I sect1on1 Fog and low clOuds along COHI e1r1y Wedne aday morning Olherw11e lair through Wedt>Mdly Local gusty winds In d-11 IOdly Ind on moun1a1ns lodly Ind lon~t A kllle cooler 1od1y then • lltlle w•rmer Wec:lnftdly U.S. sum mary Mo11 ol Ille nation had typle;al early autumn -•lier Mond•y wOl'I par11y to mollly eunny ailles over Ille m1j0tily ol the country H-, • low preuure sy11em mcNlng through aouther'n C.Nd• tr•ll•d • cold tronl with 1 lew ll'lundefstlowWI into Ille nor1hem Plain•. Huron. S 0 gos I 4 lncha of r11n 11olaled lhunderahowers dumped I 98 1ncht1 ot rain 11 Palm 84111c;h. Fie Light« anow.r1 1prlnkled per11 ol W•ahtngton. ld1ho end Mont•n•, 11 well •• the middle Mlululppl Valley end the cenlrll Gull Cout. with mo11 amounts unde< 1 qu1rte<-lnch. TtfT!peraturH eround the n•llon •t noon POT, renged from •o ~-•I Helena Ind Malmslrom Air fOfC. 8aM, Monl • 10 9• 11 O•Hat-FOt'I WOl'1h, r .... For tOd•y. ac:•ttered ahowera were t0<eca11 lrom 1111 northern Pl•ln• Into Ille nont>ern Roci<'-S, H well H the northern P1c1llc COHI ~ tl'lunaer.tO<mt were IOftealt 11ong the Hllern Gull Coett and ~t of FIO<ld• California Wermt r ttmptteturH are •KPteltd llll~t '°"''*" C•llfornle on Wtd~ey with -log MCI CllolldlneM e60ftt the ooeet end guMy ..... "" "" deHrt1 end mounte ln1. tht I lllgN mey r111gt 1rom Ml 10. M wtth !Owl trOtn 65 lo 86. . Mo•lly 1unny 111111 1lloula ll'...,111 In tile S.. Fernendo and S•n G1br .. I valteya with high• from 71 to 12 and IOwl lfom 54 to 80. 8W'I Bemetdlno v..., t'tlgN may pe•k at 1 4 w i th low llmP«tllHft poalbly reec:Nng 48 T eniperature s NATION HI lo Pep 73 37 83 51 86 &4 41 29 82 64 80 60 78 62 83 69 57 33 12 57 33 12 87 46 82 72 81 59 82 &4 64 37 77 S4 80 60 10 50 74 60 94 69 75 60 77 39 77 60 og 69 49 90 63 36 29 67 36 89 75 90 73 79 59 89 63 86 70 47 43 , .. 78 6.ol 86 82 87 82 81 60 85 60 83 77 33 88 52 76 5• 82 82 113 74 78 58 89 84 78 59 " 73 60 57 93 13 74 57 71 39 83 44 Provtdence 78 Reno 8• Seit ~e 72 S..llte 82 St Louta 11 1 SI P-Tamoa 88 St Sle M•roe 63 Spott.,,. 56 Topel!• 82 Tuc;aon g4 TulM 90 Wulllngln 80 Wl«lll• 9g 49 31 46 07 •5 &4 75 12 43 35 16 84 52 70 65 68 80 •8 60 58 86 81 81 •9 88 30 60 34 93 69 67 44 52 ~ 59 81 55 58 51 !l4 77 78 74 75 83 82 85 :b 67 81 RedWOOd Ctty Re<IO S8CHmento SahnH ~an Beffllfdtno San G•brlel S•n Diego San Fr1nc1aco S8n JOM Sanaa An• Sant• Barber• Sant• Cruz Ssn111 M1rla Santa Monica Stockton Tahoe Volley Tnermel TOfrance C•tg•ry Edmonton MontrNI OllllWI Regino T01on10 Vencouvo• Winnipeg CANADA • 67 55 64 37 72 48 87 52 17 ~ 83 56 71 65 66 53 69 48 71 57 70 53 79 49 89 55 70 57 75 52 59 42 90 69 75 67 0 26 51 30 83 39 81 39 42 3e 83 .. 69 45 55 31 12 68 17 92 78 77 76 11 se __________________ __ 62 , g~ Sm oo o e ~~ Whtre lo oell (loll lrH ) for ltteet tmOG lnlMm•tlon Or1n99 County (IOOI «6-StM lo• Angelu COi.iniy; (100) 242·40'2 IURf RIPIRT RIV«~ ltld Stn llfNl'dlno oounOM. (toO) H7-47t0 AOMD fpltocle Oenttf. (t00) 242·4 ... to T .... 1 Afl/ .... . 2·3 2·3 3 ' 24 1 2·3 2·3 J ·-....,. ~ good good poor ,.., l•-oooct lllt-fOOCI .. " ... Temp. " 68 .. ea " " 67 ,, . . Tides TODAY hcono 10W II 4t p 1" a.tond ftiOtt I 1.M p If\ WIDNllOAY Fifi! low 11 20 1 m Fifi! high.._ 11 3t Im lecond k.w ... , p "' hcond (Clltl l'lllellfltl 02 4a 1.1 u u increased a library enrichment fee on residential building permits rrom fi ve cents to 10 cents per square foot of building area. The 0Cflc1als also approved a 10-cent per square foot charge on commerc ial and industrial building p<:rmits . These two catcgonc-s pn•v1ously were exempt from thl' ft'l' · 'The foc•s arc• t•xpectcd to raise about $200,000 for library operations which C.'OSt about $2 million annually. Fees imposed o r increased Monday also w1JI aftect-camptng a t parks and beaches. recreation c lasses, sports teams, accident reports. towing permits and the JUntOr ltfl•guard program Don Shapley, who previously se r vl'd 12 years o n t h e Hunttngt<Jn Beach Caty Council and was moyor four times, caJIC'd the Central Library "the jewel of our city along with the beach" in t.trguing against the library card fl.C's "'Natur<' provided the beach, but man provided th..? library," he• said T-EACHERS. • From Page A1 voted with them. saying he ls not in favor of lhl' t'Xt<!nded coverage for pnrt·tlm<' t<'achers. Trusle('s James Woest and Carl Mohan. who oppar;ed the motion, satd they b<>hl'Vt-d the dependent c'Overag<' should be ext.ended to part-lime teachers if 1t 1s given to full-taml· teachers. Those trips to the dump you've been used to taking with bags full o f lawn clippings. tree trimmings or other trash won't be free starting next week A new fee schedule recently approvt.>d by the Orange County Board of Supervisors takes cfft"Cl Monday. Cars and station wagons <•ntering county landfills will be charged $2 each. a nd trut.·ks. huscs and vans under 4,500 pounds will pay $3 per trip Trash-hauling lnilers also will be assessed a fee based on size. Trailers eight feet long or less will pay $3. those eight to twelve fcl'l m length will pay $8 and lh()S(• over 12 feet $12. Trucks, buses and vans from 4,501 to 6.000 pounds about thl• largest used b y private parta<.-s will pay $12 p<'r trip Largl·r Vl'h1des used m ostly t'Ommercaally will pay anywhere from $12 t o $46 per trap, dl•p<.>ndang on saw Fe<.'S wall bt• t'Vl•n largl•r for lhl' users of rntc•rmt•d1atC' Irani.fer stations. Smallt·r vch1d<.'S will be charge•:. on uvcragt· on<' dollar murt· pc·r trap than thus.: of the ~nw si:w that truvl•I to landfills. with ft-c-s rising a~ mut·h as $9 ub<wt· tht• landfall mu· for larger trarlers Thf' mc·reases J:(o hand-an-hand wath re<-ently approvl'C.1 hikes an trash collt'l"laon t'OSt.s for rc-sadents an thl· county·~ unincorporated arc•ru.. Rates for re ;adc•ntaal trash collect1on Wf·rl' ra1sl•d 95 t.·<'nls JX'r month. Thl' 1n("reas..• olso take c•ffect Monday S eniors get flu shots Flu vaccinatio n s for people over are 55 and the chronlca11y 111 wil [)ie available at several Orange Coast locations free of c h arge through thl' end of November. The places and times are: 19191 Ho ward Ave . a nd Ot:t 16 from 10 am to 2 pm at the Sensor Cenwr. :J Sandburg Way LAGUNA BEACH Eve rv Friday this month and c vNy Tuesday m .November Crom noon to 4 p.m at thl' Laguna Beoeh Fre<' Clinic. 460 0c."t.'an Aw FOUNT AlN VALLEY: Friday fro m 9 to 11 a .m at the NEWPORT BEACH. Oct 22 R ec reat ion Center. 16400 from 9 to 11:30 am at thP Oasis Brookhu~t St. Senior Centc•r. 800 MargueritC'. HUNTINGTON BEACH: Oct. SOUTH LAGUNA Ot·t 19 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . at the and 26 Crom 8 to 11 a m . and Oct. Senior C.enter. 1706 Orange Ave. 20 and 27 from 3 to 6 pm . at IRVINE: Wednesday from 8 South Coast Ml:'dtt·al C<'ntcr. am. to 3 p.m. at Rege nts Point. 31872 Coast Highway ~~~~~~~~ D ES IG N -QUALITY -PRI C E The re is a c h o ice! Have you been fru~trated, searching for t"ngagcment and wedding rings, ,ind f1nd1ng that most of those that you'v • seen all look the same, in store .iltc·r !ttorcl Are you also concerned .ibout quality and price when choosing your dic1mond .ind feel you may be mi'>lc•d because e a c h s1ort' has a difrc•rl'nt method or comparing qualities, anci they won't give you a g11.11antN' 1h.11 you arc payins a fair pnC'<' l the timt! to explain diamond qu.ili111•' and pritc·~. so you will know t'Xd< tly what you are buyinK, and 1hat you .irt• pay1nf! the• ril(ht pricC', and thc•n sub~1an1iatc this with a mo11cy back guc1rantc'f'. Thet(' M<' m.iny Cinl' jewelr y 'ltorr'I in Oransc County, but only one• that spcc:lal~7C'\ in tk'iigning and Cr<MtinK the unique ;ind bcauriful engagl~mcnt and wedding ring'\ found at Wyndh;"tm lciKh. At Wyndham Leigh you will find a truly x lt ing collection of unique r111K\ u.ift •d in our own workshop in 18 lo.ar.i1 KOld c1nd pl.t11num W e take Engc1gcmcnt rlns~ available from $450 Wedding ring~ .wailabl<' from S175 '2 7 Fashion ls'41nd, N~wpon BHch. CA 9 2'160 Nur •IJllocks Wlfshlrr • ' ' • NATION Donahue retrial? Ut-:NVlm (l\P) A rww tnul 11wy bt• i;ou~ht in u $10 mil hon luw11ul t 111'l.·1.u1l11u th<' procJUl't.'r!i of Phil Dun1iliu1•'11 t t' 1 l• v 1 s I 11 n t u I k 11 h o w 11 ( hl•lµmg u man who s11uu:twd his 8(>n from his 1•x -w1ft· "Obv1uui.ly I dun't wunl to just drop it," 1wld W illow Ly111w Crumlet of Arvada, Colo . aflt•r the Jury 1n thl' l'aSl' sa1<l Monday 1t was hupt•h•ssly dcadluc:kt.'d and a n11str111I w.t., dec:larl'tl. Shi• had 11u1-cl the produc'('rs of 11 Uunuhul• lil'flffi(•n t on thl' "'l'odny" show, contendlnw tlwy n •ru111.·d tu h elp twr ltx'llh· h<•r ex-husband, who hull tokt•n their 11on 1.•ven though sht• hnd legul t·ustody uf ttw boy. Ttw husbund w1.1:1 a guest on a segme nt of the show dC'allng with the ubduction of d11ldrC'n by parents who do not have legal custody. Four aliens die in truck EDINBUltG, Tt•xus (AP) P o lit:t• Cound f o ur Salvadoran aheni. dead and 12 othl·rs suffering from a lack of w;_llt·r· m thl• back of an abandom·d tntl'lor-tra11l•r in the Rio Grandt· Valley, authuritil·s smd today. The 11.x:ked a1r-l'Ond1t1oned trut•k hat.I lwC'n le ft on the outskirts of &1ml>u1·g Sunday night, but tht• air t:ondit1omng fa tlt>d Monda y mnrn1n~. killing soml• of thl• aliens und ll•nvinK otht•rs delirious in the mort• than 90-dt·grt•e ht•al offidals suid ' Some or thl• pt>opll' In th<· truck had bt."t.•n takt•n oU 111 u nulhl'r truc k t:arr ying Salvudoran aliens. and an. attempt had been made to st•t thl' firs t trut:k on C1rc. with dead and suCfer ing aliens still 1ns1dt·. 0Cf1t·1als said Radiation data slim S ALT LAK1': CITY (AP) Govern11H'nl data on the amount ur rndwt1on that dusted downwind rcsid<'nts during atomll' Wsl8 in Nt•vada during thl' 1950s and 1960s is only "Just a httlt~ bt,-ucr than nothing." a b1ophys1c1st S<Jys. Arthur Tamplin. who prcJ)<lrt'<.I u i.tudy that showt"d high kvl'ls of radiation in the thy roids of southe rn Utah schoolchildren, testified in WORLD U .S Di s trit:t Cou rt on M ont.l::i y that lht· fedNal government ncvl'r rt'C·ordcd a ctual fallout levels from abo ve-gro und atomic t•xplt~1oru. at the Nevada T(·st Site. H e· s aid th<' inad<>quatt'' guvC'rnm<'nl data makes 1l 1mpos:;1blc to determine JUSl h o w mu c h radiati o n downwind rcs1dt·nts w er e t•xp<>S(.'d lO. Arms hunted in Beirut BE!R UT. Lebanon (AP) - Tht· L<'bam•sci army mounted a m assive st•a r c h in downtown west Beirut today for hidde n w eapons and ammunition left behind by dep a rt ed Pal es tinian guerrillas and for arms caches of lefti s t L e banes e m1ht1amen. Tht• Voit'l' of Lebanon. run by lsruel's rightist Christian alln·s. sa id th e· army confiscated massive amounts of ammunition, weapons and military gear found in several west Beirut buildings since the S<'arch bega n. Sheik passes on Woo/co A Saudi Arabian sheik has told F. W. Woolworth Co. he is n o longer interested in at·q uiring its monC'y-losing Wooko dlS('(>Unl st.ore chain. Sheik MohammC'd al Fass1 had said he wanted to buy the 336-store chain to preserve the 25,000 .JObs that would be lost when Woolworth scraps STATE it next year. But the sheik's lawyer, Richard Hirschfeld, told Woolworth on Monday that al Fass1 had abandoned his plans. H I r .s c h f e I d s a i d W oolwo rth's financial advisers convinced his chent that it was in "Wo61co's best interest to clOSt' the storC'S." • • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Tuuday, Octobef a, 1882 HS 0 .. ty Piiot Ptloto. by Cll•rlff SI_,, Schoolyard ceremony Lynn Camilo carried E .T., Aha Dawn St. <..:lair toted Snowba ll, lht• rabbit and S hawna Ra ffe rty broug ht Mis~ Kitt y, th<> bird !\O Father Ig natius La u could bless their animals. Cop's death trial opens SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -Trial has bt'gun f o r s u s p e nd e d Cal iC o rni a H ighwa y Patrol Office r George Gwaltney. charged with murdering a 23-year~old Las Vegas woman along the lnterstall' 15 freC'way last Jan 11. Jury selec tion began Monday in San Bernardino County Superior Court. Israelis attack Syrian posts • ID Lebanon ll Robin Bishop, who also had a residence in Cedar City. Utah. died of a single gunshot to the back of her head in a dcsolal(' area about 3:l miles away from Barstow BEIRUT, Le banon (AP) - Israeli warplanes hit a Syrian missile battery and raided Synan and Palestinian outpos ts 1n e a s t e rn Lebanon . whil<' negotiations got under way in Beirut lO form a new Cabim.•t for the war-wearv nation. Squid over Big Mac ThP Israeli· military command said the a ir force knocked out a mob1k• SAM-9 launcher at Dahar cl-Ba1da, about 20 miles c>asl o f Beirut. in a Monday raid. SACRAMENTO +AP> Relatives o f two nl'Wl y arrived ,Amerasian children and their mother we re n't quite prepared for thC'ir first trip to a V1etnamc.'SC market Eleve n -year-old De nnis Everton, whose Vietnamese name is Nguyen Qu<><· V1C't, first picked out a big dried squid His aunt, Donna Laffoon. looked at a nother aunt, Rebecca Cooke. and said. "You made him C'al a Big Mac. Now you've got to cal the squid." Syria's official SANA news agency de nied the less. Vendor faces murder rap lsral'l only reported the raid on thC' Soviet-made missi l e launchC'r, saying It w::is part of its policy not to allow such missiles to be deployC'd in Lebanon. But a Lebanese radio station said tht• Israeli jelS also hit Syrian and Palestinian positions at Ein Dara and Dhour Schwei r 1n the eastern mountains. COV INA (AP) -A 39-ycar-old ice cream• vendor with a history of sex ofk'lSE'S could face the death ~ndlty if he is convicted on charl{t>S that he kidnapped, raped and murdered a 10-year-<>ld girl, the prosecutor says. Robert Edward Stansbury o f Pomona was chargC'd Monday We're Listening ••• 642•6086 in her death. said Los Angeles Count y Deputy District ALtorney Jim Kn app . Authorities said Stansbury wru. working as an ice cream ven dor in viola tion of his parole when the gir l was attacked . Stansbury's arraignment was continued to today. The Tel Aviv command drew no l'Onnection between Monday's raid and an ambush Sunday 10 miles east of Beirut in which Israel said six soldiers were killed and 22 wounded by Palestine Libe ratio n Organizatio n guerrillas who struck through Whal do you like about the Daily Piiot'! Wh at don't you like? Call the number at left ~nd your message wlll be recorded, tranacribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Ma ilbox contributors must include their name a nd telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. CIHe"'9d ........... 714.'M2·M11 ORANGE COAST ~ An ottt.f deportlM"'9 142~)11 Daily Pilat ...... 11 .... MAIN Of'ACS ~.f"rtdlty " "°"' 00 •Wffle..M.,C-.MtM,CA Melt...,._ ..... C-. ..... CA .... r;.,~~ :~n· : l•no yout COP1 ·"' Ot Tt..mo.,.Hotey c-.,,...,. 111t Or.: C.... ~'"""' G.....w • -...ecr l'ublltll.f and Chief h Ku11vli Ollie .. ... ,,.. ........ , ....... ...., ... -.... ..... 11 .. _.. ..... ...., .. ,.., ............ ....... y el)d lundey If _ .. , """' ..... u..,...,.. _ ii 00 "°' ~ "°"' JoMAIMri loytMn4 MeclHn .,,, 1 • ~. Oii llflort teem C141Mrs ...... C.. .. ~ c.i-..... 1 .. ,;.,:;: 'IW' _, ... EaK4111•e fci.tcw Controht ~ ,... . """" .. ,.,, .. , ,,. ,,...,, Me I .. 10 y. ......... L Kay Schulh Mkh..t '· "9rwy ,,. 0r .. =--~ ~"""""' .. c .. u ,, __ Vice ,,...,. O..eeior ol Morlt11ft$ ............. . .. .. ~ , .... ~ ....... _ &CNl!y .....,, Olld OifKIOt Of Acfw•rllfillO tC1<culotlorll ===-,...., fw c.... .... ..... .....~--"....., trwlN, L........ C.. ....... ,....... ---._,, Kenneth N. o ...... _. Jr. ................. ....,....,. -......,. ,,. ~== r.:"'t: r.:-r.:: ....... '• .. -.... .., ....... OittetOI of OCletGtiont o .... c ......... c. .............. ... V~\.. 71, NO. 271 S yrian a rmy lines in C'astern Lebanon. But the air strike. which came after a spC'cial Israeli Cabinet mt*'Ung to discuss the ambush. was seen as a repr1 sa I f o r Sunday's attack . In W ashington. State Department deputy spokesman - Alan Ro mberg indica ted thC' White· llou:.e ha d dra wn Lhe same conclusion a nd said the United States "d eplored" the altat•k "It undcrlim'S the 1mporwncc for all parties lo work togetht>r lO seC'lc rapid withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon ," Saks Fifth Avenue is taking inventory tomorrow . morning ... Romlx'rg said The 111r atwc·ki.. tht• first sint't' m1d -St·ptembC'r. canw ai. U S pres1dt-nllal <•n\·oy Philip C Habib hC'aded to Wa.-ihington for n >nsultauons ::tft(·r a round o( talks 1n lsr a(•I and Svria on getting th l' Ir arm 1<· s · u u t o f Lt•banon . • ' • I •I . • • • • . • • • \ I and.will be open at noon. See you then! ·J \outh ( o.hl l'l.11.1 I I I I n"' ril \111'1'1 C '"'·' \11•,,1 , i Orang• COHI DAIL y PILOT /TUffdly, October 5, 1882 HIF ,,;-------~----..... ~~--~~~~!1!!!1!111'--------------------------...... '-'n Nol w in ,.., ~•••• Nol t..ln Nol w .. , !fol "Ill -tio .. (... "r .... (lo .. ("@ "l llch (lo .. '"' ,. I -(IOW ,... ,. • -, .... '"' Dvlle,. Ir. U tt~, \1 Hl\lefl "11 U I'-• '• M<Dt 1J1 UO 4 1t> 1 "'°'I t JO l\o I ~ J l l>v'• p1 1 '"° '"' 11, "'!I'?!!'• 1.o 1,0 ., >0 ' 11. M<Ero I la 11 ")' I~' 11: ""*' 1 .. I u. •11 • "-.. J l' n' ijt: • ._ piin•r tl•ll f.d U~., '' H •-· l!D >~•·• '• M( ldwl )0 :1 "i It •• I '• ~ 21 1 J ~•, ,.,... ,..,, Ms l ~ • m 1"· P.1f.:y" '; l6 ·m l.:''. \I ~.l 1 \' ' 'f:I ~ "~ ~ a'I' r~ ·: 1.e ~,...: ~ ... I ~. "I "41< Cle .. '"' m A l " !lr :t' lot.\. a:•llYI I o ... -M<OrH 1 •.. ,. ,. II -t 12 I Jiii. .. M.,=1 ·1 1·, •• ; 1,2~;. \e 1 1 f!I• ,.. 1.11) ;1 \ ~l 1"-me(Jpll 10 . )I ff ~ln11 , ~. \'t It n 1iG t 411 tt+. • ~ 0 t )in 110 • ~··. 14. YCOPI 1• • ,,~. m•lk 40 \I lllj I> ••• McN•lf ~ • I V• ~1•11lh< • ~ ho. .... wwn "'' • I ""' h n i''i: ~: ~ yl\Anl ~'-!...,• .. '= ,':.·,,,;I::.~:::::,. J/ 'U .. ~. "',.,~i.z lt 11 '!l 1t~.:: ~~':·,": a·~11;;""; ~ .,.., tit 1144 .. l"o. ~ II o• Jl\10 .. 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I ::.: . : • • ~ ' = . ... ... ... I Employees support movie-TV strike LOS ANGJo:LES (AP) Bt-hlnd ·the·tct•ne• cmploy1•c•11 ot the• movll' a nd te le vision lnduatry overwhelmingly ilUPJK>rl u strike against llCVen majl)r m11vi1· 11tudlos und 250 lndt11H:ndcnt pruduccira, 11t.'Cordlng to rtX.'C!O\ 1nraw votes tit four union localt. Ballots In a Htrlkc authorization vote by the Z4.000-member lnkrnatloni&I AIJlance of Theatrical S tage Employa .. will be count.t'<.I W(-dnetday, union lfpOkesman Mac St. Johna sold. Painters, soundmcn. editors, and cameramen loc·als Informally voled 95 pen.: •n\ in favor of a alrlke that would stop movie and TV production, St. Johns aalcl. The mi.ijc>r dispute la pay. About 7,000 membef'1' of the basic craft unloruJ, 11uch as Teamsters, Laboren and Janitors, already huvt· nuthorlzt'<\.s strike, he said. Low-sodium cereals due BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (AP) -The Kellogg Co .. says It will Introduce low-sodium versions of itt Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Rice Krispics c.-ereals In four test market.a later this month. Packs c.'Ontaining two servings of each cereal .will appear on shelves in the Clevela nd, Pittsburgh. Baltimore· Washington areas and m Florida beginning m m1d.C:Xtobcr. company spokeswoman Debra Kraft !><iid Monday ' The paeks will bear th(· words "No Salt Added" Bl'r<ISS the front. Each 1-ouncc St>rving will contain lesa than 10 mill1grams of sodium, compared with 250 milligrams in the "regular" versions, Ms. Kraft said. Mercury plans revealed: Mercury Savings of Huntington Beach has; announced l'Xpansion and realignm<'nt plans that will· rt:sull m a siuible growth of assets for the Orange County-bas{.-d savings and loan association. According to Leonard Shane, chairman of the board and t•h1c f executive officer of Mercury, the at:quisillon !'If several new local.Jons ts anticipated that will strengthen Mercury's market position. SC Gas Co. trims rate LOS ANGELES -Southern California Gas Co. announces 1t has reduced by approximately $70 million its L'OSt-of-gas rate increase req~t currently pending approval before the state Public Utilities Comrmssion The gas utility had filed for a $743 million annual increase on Sept. 8 lO recover higher costs it must begin paying its suppliers on <kt. l. Gas Compa n y officials attributed the lower request to their successful intervention along with that of the s tate PUC in Fede ral Energy Re gulatory Commission proceedings in WashingtOn. The lowered rate request will lop off about $1.60 per month -an 11 percent decrease -from the impact of the original request on a winter gaa bill of 100 thenna. Bank seminars slated Independent community banks, one segment of the financial community that is growing even as other areas fail to nourish, will be given a boost with a series of seminars. one of which is scheduled for Saturday at the Newport.er. Entitled "How to Start a Community Bank," the one-day progra m is to be sponsored by the University or S outhe rn California College of Continuing F.clucation. Slx experts in the field will participate on a panel. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT BOlD COINS METALS NEW YORK (II.Pl -Spot nonletroua ,,,.If! prlcel Mondey c~ e~-n een11 • P<>UNI. u.s. detlltllllons l.eM 2.4'.t--29 C*llt. pound Z1M 42 eeno • PoUnd, Oellvered nn M 21822 Metalt w .... oomc>oe11e IO A-..'"-7&-77 cef\111 pounO, N.Y 0....1387 50 '* 110y ounce. Hendy & Hlrlnlll only d9ily Quote . lltfff 17 MO I* troy ounc.. Hendy & Harman only d•lly quot•. 811Ht 16.•IO p~o!:>' OUl'Ge. N.Y. C-• epot montll Fri flletcwy 1352.00 '* llMlc .......,_ UU.OO.l2e0.00 troy --. SILVER Hendy 6 Hlrmfn, 17.98 per troy ounce ' \ ~llWPl'1 HI I fllll ITICU I 111 •,lJJ\ V <II I ()flt f( •, l 'IH.' ORANGE COUN 1 Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS M~ry Schmitz flays Brown's 'sick mentality' on moraJs By J EFF ADLER or .... Deir,...,..,. Ca ll in g Gov . Edmu nd G . Brown Jr.'s position on moral Issues a "sick mentality," a group of conservative Orange County Christians an nounced they are organizjng a statewide campaign to oppose the governor's bid for U.S. Senate. "J erry Brown 's record o n abortion, ERA and gay rights Is simply unacc.-eptable to mlllions of Ch ristian voters," explained Mary Schmitz, chairwoman of the newly formed Californians for Moral Government, during a m o r ning n e w s con f e r e nee Monday. Schmitz iw id the organization, composed of representatives from various pro-family, pro-life and re ligio us grou ps, Intends to distribute two million brochurc..'11 to som<' 3,000 of t he s tate's _c hurc hes o utlin ing Brown 's positions on important mora l issu es, suc..·h a s abortion. She es timat e d the anti -Bro wn campaign will t'Ost dose to $200,- 000. The Caldo rnia g r oup I!> aHiliatcd with Christwn Voit'l', a national organization based in Wa s h i n g to n , D.C . t h a t has tr a ns la ted its c..·on ser vativc, religion-oriented positions into political ac..·t1on in r('(.'Cnt years. Successes claimed by Christian Voice indude the..· d e feat o f senators George McG overn. 0 - S o u th Da ko t a , a nd Fra nk Church. D-ldaho, Schmitz said. o.a, "°' ""9to by ltlctlefd "....._ Mary Schmitz ca lls Gov. J erry Brown's S c h mitz , wh o ra n u n s uc<:ess full y f o r th e Re publican nomination in a south <.'OUnly congressional district last J une, is the wife of state Sen . Joh n Schmitz, R-Corona dcl Mar, who is alleg<.'<i to have fathered two ch ildren dur i n g a long extra-marita~ affair with a Tustin woman. "This 1s a campaign against Jc•rry Brown. I'm not prom oting a par ticular candidate," Sc..·hmitz continued. "Governor Brown has not come up to the expectation!> record uunaccepta ble to Christian vote rs." Valley teacher pact OK By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .... DellJ ,... ,..,, F o u n tain Va lle y S c h ool Di.strict trustees have approved a three-year contract w ith the ~i.strict's 350 teachers. providing ins tructors with a one .year 7 percent pay raise re troactive to last July l. Salary provisions for the last two years of the contract are open to renegotiation. Meetin g in a special session Monday night, the school board approved all sections of the ne w co ntract, exce pt a provision concerning insurance coverage f o r fa m il ies o f pa r t -tim e instructors. Expanded insurance bene fits for full-lime teachers were ap proved, however . Previousl y , teac h e rs w e re required to pay an extra charge to obtain insurance coverage for immedia te family m e m be r s . Under the n e w cont ract, the district pays all coverage costs for a full-time teacher's depende nts. The truste es a p proved th e general contract concepts Sept. 2. They met Monday to consider the final contract language. The stickler was a provision th a t calls for extens io n o f i n s uran ce co verag e f o r d e p e nd e nts o f pa rt -t i m e instructors. Cheryl Snowde n, the district's ctirector of staff services. said a m isund e r s tanding occurre d d uring negotiations conce rning whe the r part -time employees could qu alify for d e p endent coverage unde r th e district's special group policy. She said t h e d ist rict h as learned It will cost a n additional $1 3,000 to extend coverage to the f a mi lies of nine pa r t -t ime teachers. • Add ing to t h e co nfusion Monday n ight was the absence of schools Superintendent William Fisher, who negotiated for the district . He was out of town on vacation. The tru stees voted 3-2 to a pprove a ll por tion s o f the contra c t excep t the much - debated Insurance provision. Board President Cheryl Norton and Trustee Suzanne Moore said they wished to await clarification from the superintendent before voting o ca the i n s ura n c e provision. Trustee Roger Belgen (See TEACHERS, Pa1e A%) Presents pet to priest Ann Marie Lewis, 11, with Thumper Jr. watches as Father Ignatius Lau blesses the ·animals of students at St. Joachim' Catholic Church in Cotta Mesa. More photoe on Page A3. Onofre foes gird for f ed~ral hearing . of th<• Christia n community " Spt."<.'1f1call y, Brown has "donl• everyth ing to JX!rm1t and mnk<.· a b o rt io n s avu llubl c," approprlatl'<i funds for te lev1s1on advertisements thut promot<.' a homOSt.•xual lifostyh.• and said hl· will oppc>8C lcg1slat1on permitting S<:houl prayer, Schmitz said. Quc-s tioru.'<i a bout lh<.· propnC'ly of h N chairing an organiu.iuon callt·d California ns for Moral Governmen t afte r tht· n·n •nt revtd allons conc..·c..•rn 1ng h c•r hus band's extra-ma rital a ffair. Sch mi tz declinc..•d to ans wN, saying only. "Wc'rc not talking about that, I'm c..·hainng this ;,ind 1t has not hing to do w ith it" AJthough Schmitz declined to disl'uss th<' situa tion involving h e r h u s b a n d . o n c..• o f t h t' organ1z(•rs of the grou p , Lhl• California Pro-lift• Coum·il'i. Raoul S liva, sa id he w ould s upport St•nutor S<·hmitz if he were l'vc..•r to run for office again "J o hn 1s n ot advoc..·at1 ng w hatl'vt•r hl• did on c·veryone t·lsc· Lht• w01y Jl•rry Hrnwn 1s I havr found John to Ix· of the h1ghc..'St lntt•grity <i!> far us pul1t1t·s arc l.'OIJl'l'flll-<l. Hu; rx·rsona l lift. IS no cum·c..·rn tu ml'." Sliva said Tht· organill'r!> al!>O said they bdwvc• thc•y will b(· SU<'l'l•.sful in thl·lr c·umpu1g n lo c·d ut·a te Ch n!>llan vol1·1 s at:xJut Brown's ··of h ·ns1vt·'" po"1llons bc·cause lht•r1• an · "50 to 60 m11l1C'n born-• ag<t1n udults in th<' Uniw<l Stau.-s, many of whum volt' thl' party l1ckt·I only bN·a u"t' they don't un1.ll-rst.<111d wht•rc..· the ca ndidate. stands un mural issues," they ~Id Bt·sidt·s St·h mllz and S liva . o l h c..· r m e m b <· r s o f t h e o q~ a n 17.a L1 o n 1 n c· 1 u d <• Ca r I K:ir<:hc·r , pr<·!>1dcn t o f Carl Ki:lrth•·r Ent«:rpnw!>, and Dons Endl'rl<.-. pr<•!>1df•nt of t h(· Pro· F;,imll y Cmd1t10n of California , S<.·hn11lz swd A ~pukt.>sman for lht• Brown <:amp:.ugn s.ud tht· governor could nut Ix· rciJ<·hc'<i for l·on'lml'nt on lht· organ1Utt1on''> formation Newport land promoter facing fraud charges By STEVE MARULt; Of .. .,.,,... ..... -A. N e wpo rt B eae-h land promot.cr and h is par tner have been Indicted by a federal grand jury for their alleged role In a lan d sa les f r aud c a se that a utho rities said ma y bl' t he largest in state's history. J a m es Mc G.owan , 6 2, of Ne w po rt Be ac h and J ames Farra ra , 7 1, of Pa lm S prings were indicted Monday in Los An ge les o n o n e count o f conspiracy and 21 counts of mail fraud. The two men, who reportedly star ted their partnership 18 years ago. a re accused of defrauding in vestors out o f a t le ast $1 5 m i lli o n b y a l l e g e dl y misrepresenting the value of land in Antelope Valley north of Los Angeles McGowan could not be reac·hf'd at his Ne w port Beach offit•t• for reaction_ An indictme nt 1s a for mal charge against a person. It does not. establish guilt or inn()('('nct' More th an 3,000 peop lE' from Ha waii, Utah , Europe 11nd thl' Far l!:ast arc alleged to be v 1c ll m s of the s tr ing o f ~or pora\lons McGowan and - Farrara opera ted. A:..-.;istant U.S Attorney Gary F 1.'CSS said Fce~s sa id McGow an a nd Farrara for med a firm, Far Mac Invt-stments. in 1964 to buy up n1w acreage in the Antelope Valley near Lancaster. Feess said the men subsequently sulxhvided the land and marketed at least 5,500 ac..·rcs Investors, said Feess, were told t ha t the Ante lope Valley la nd was the..> fina l undeveloped area in Los Angel<>o; and that the dest>rt land qullkly was be<:'Om1ng "the n<>xl San Fernando Valley·· F't-css said investors wt•re told th<>y'd be abk to double their mon<>y w1thm thr(.'{' to fi ve yl"8rs. Bl' da1mro invC'Stors lost money insh:ad Ft•<..ss said in rc..'t'C'nt years the two mc·n had b<>cn concentrating the ir sal~·s-t>ffo rt 1n Wesl Germany. Italy and Sw1twrlan~. Mc·Gowan and Farrar have been ord<.>red to appear m court Oct. 18 for arraignment. A trial date will be set a t that ume Library revenue the cards not • ID By ROBERT BARKE R ol'tMDellJ ..... ..., A proposal to make users of t h e Huntingto n Beach c i ty librar y system pay for li brary cards has been put back on the shelf Ci t y Cou n c il m emben unanimously and nl'arly w ithout comm<.>nt refused to approve the fees Monday night. The city's community services department had recommended a fee of $4 per year for people 17 a nd younger: $4 for sen ior citizens 62 and olde r: $1 0 for adult r~ldents of the city. and $15 for non-residents Library card f<'<'S would ha ve raised about $160.000 annually. according to officials. Council me mbers also turned down an a ltC'rnat1ve librar y fee pl an to c h a r ge a o ne -time refundable' deposit fee of $25 for city households and $35 for out- of -town households. Officials say the alt<'rnative plan would have ra1sC'd about $44,000 in investme nt inte rest unde r t he fir s t year o f the program In rC'lated action, the council (See LIBRARY. Page A21 • ----INDEX---- Coache Bill Workman and Mike Mi lner take exception to remark by Rams play r Bill Bain tha t mo t high chool football players are not pre pared academi«-ally to go to co llege. Pag D 1. I Oreno• COHl O~IL y PILOT IT u•ld•y, October 5, 1DA2 NB •• ..,.------------------------------------------------------------------ 'I N Y E COMPOSITE TRAN ACTION '~q'2"CNll• HfC:'-UOt taAOU Olt , ....... •O••· MIOWUT' '6C11•1c. ,.., IOUON, OIUOIT ANO ClltCJllliU I noc1 '"" lt41t A .. O •ll'Ol!llO e't' lltl WHO AltD I H"lllllt Dow Jones Final UP 3.58 CLOSING 907.18 Employees support movie-TV strike LOS ANC ELES (AP) -Bchind-thtH~cenc11 employees of the movie and telPvislon Industry overwhelming!)' support a strike against seven major movic studio11 an d 250 independe nt producers, Ol'<'flrding to recent straw vole!I at four union locals. Ballots Jn a · s trike authorization vote by the 24.000-member lnternational Alliance of Theatrical St.age Employees will be counted Wednesday, union spokesman Mac St. Johns said. S C Gas Co. • trims rate LOS ANGELES -Southern California Gas Co. announe<>S it has reduced by approximately $70 mUUon its C'OSt-of-gas rate increase request currently pending approval Ix-fore the st.ate Public Utilities Commission. The gas utility had filed for a $743 million annual in<Tt•ase on Sept. 8 to rec•over higher eosts it must Ix-gin paying its suppliers on Oct. I. Gas Com pan y officials attributed the lo w er request to their succ.-essful intervention along with 0that of the state PUC in Fed eral S nergy Regulatory Commission proceedings in Washington. The lowered rate request will lop off about $1.60 rx·r month -a n 11 percent decrease -Crom the impact of the original requc>St on a winter gas bilJ or 100 therms. Bank seminars slated Independent community banks, one segment of the Ci"'lflcial community that is growing even as other areas fail to flourish, will be given a boost with a series of seminars, one of which is scheduled for Saturday at th<> Newporter. Entitled "How to Start a Community Bank," the one-day program is to be sponsored by the University of Southe rn California College o f Continuing Education Six experts in the field will participate on a panel. STO~ls. !N. THE SPOTLl.GHT UPS AND DOWNS METAl.S NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous ~·~ P<IOn IOday COf1P9t s1~12 oet1t• a PGUnd. u.& destinations lb u.ct 24-29 '*''' • pound. Zinc 41·~2 04"\lt • pourid. ci.llWf'ad. Tin sa.2192 Metals Week ~ta Aluminum 76-77 C4!nts a pourid. N.Y lhfcwy $360.00 per llaMI "'-"-'" nes oo-1290.00 troy ounce. NY SILVER Hendy and Harm111. '8 OS per troy ounc.. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie A9-lal9d ,._ Selected world gOld prlOH tOday: London morning llxt11g l3117.2S. oll S0.26. ~ afternoon fixing $390.26, up S2.75. P•rlt al1ernoo11 11x1no 1390 59, 011 16.02 f''**lurt fixing $36.739. off $6..26 Zllf'lctl late allemoon fixing $391.00. up $3.00 bid. $392.00 UkeO. Handr & Harmaft (only dally quota! $390.25. up $2.75 l,..atlard (only deity quote) $390 2&. up $2.75. llltlelNfd (0111y dally quote) l1b4'luted '4097&. up s2,e& r